Yale University Library YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A FULL AND CORRECT ACCOUNT OP THE MILITARY OCCURRENCES OF THE LATE WAR BETWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; WITH AN APPENDIX, AND PLATES. By WILLIAM JAMES, AUTHOR OF " A FULL AND CORRECT ACCOUNT OP THE CHIEF NAVAL OCCURRENCES, &C." Alterum alterius auxilio eget, Sallust. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. IL Honlian : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR: AND SOLD BT BLACK, KINGSBURY, PARBURY, AND ALLEN, LEADENHALL-STREET ; JA-HES M. RICHARDSON, CORNHILL ; JOHN BOOTp, DUKE-STREET, PORTLAND PLACE; ANDALLpTHEU Bo'oKSELLERS, 1818. tritUtd bUiJoi/ce Gold, 103, Slive-lane, London, MILITARY OCCURRENCES, CHAPTER XL British force on the Niagara in October, 1813 — Attack upon the piquets — Effects ofthe surrender of the right division — Major-general Vincent's^ retreat to Burlington - — His orders from ihe cominander-in-chief to retire upon Kingstoji-— Fortunate contravention of those orders — General Harrison's arrival at, and departure from Fort- George — 'Association of some Upper Canada militia after being disembodied — Their gallant attack upon, and capture of , a band of plunder ing traitors— General McClure's shameful con- d'uct towards the Canadian inhabitants — Colonel Murray's gallant behaviour — Its effect upon general M'- Clure— 'A Canadian winter — Night- conflagration of Newark by the A'mericani — M'-C lure's abandonment of Fort-George, and flight across the river — Arrival of lieutenant- general Drummond — Assault upon, and capture &f Fort-Niagara— Canadiak prisoners fourid there — Retaliatory destriietion of Lewistown, VOL. II. B ¦2 MlfelTARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Youngstown,Manchester, and Tuscarora — Attadc upon Buffaloe and Black Rock, and destruction of those villages — American resentment against general M'Clure — Remarks upon the campaign; also upon the burning of Newark, and the measures pursued in retaliation. Having brought the campaign of 1813 to a close upon the northern, and north-western, Canadian frontiers, the operations along both shores of the Niagara come, next, to be detailed. Major-general Vincent, who again commanded, in the absence of general De Rottenburg, the centre-division, had received, since the middle of September, a reinforcement of the 100th regiment; in order to counter-balance the reduction his force would sustain in the departure of the 49th and 104th regiments, already noticed.* The general's head-quarters were at the Cross Roads; and the piquets of his advanced corps, which was commanded by colonel Murray, occasionally showed themselves in the town of Newark. From the American accounts only we learn, that, on the 6th of October, "about 500 militia- vol unteers and about 150 Indians commanded by colonel Chapin," attacked the piquet-guard of the British ; and, " after an hour and a half s hard-fighting," drove it upon the main-hody ; when " the whole British army * Sec Vol. I. p. 261. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 3 con.sisting of 1100 men, with the great general Vincent, at their head, fled into the woods.'* The British are declared to have sustained a loss of 32 in killed only, and the Americans of four killed and wounded. * This is the way the *' literary gentlemen" of the United States contrive to fill their " histories." Colonel, or doctor Chapin (for he professes, and is equally mischievous in, both characters) had lately escaped from the British, f and, for that exploit, been promoted ; probably by the secretary at wav himself, as he was known to have been in the neighbourhood of the Niagara, while the Mont real expedition was preparing. On the Qth of October intelligence of the disaster that had befallen the right division, reached the head^quarters of the centre-division ; and caused general Vincent, after destroying considerable quantities of stores, provisions, and Indian goods, to retreat, with his troops, towards Burlington Heights : where colonel Proctor joined him with the small remnant of his division. As soon as general Vincent and his troops had got well on their way to Burlington, major-general M'Clure, with the whole of his force, numbering 2700 men, be-^ sides Indians, marched a few miles along the road, and back. This was not without an object ; for we were afterwards told, that * Hist, of IhQ War, p. 168. + See Vol. I. p. 2V8. B 2 4 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN " general M'Clure, with the New York militia^ voliinteers, and Indians, succeeded in driving the British army from the vicinity of Fort- George, and pursued them as far as the Twelve- mile Creek."* Major-general Proctor's discomfiture reached the head quarters ofthe commander in chief about the middle of October ; and orders were instantly forwarded to major-general Vincent, directing him to commence upon his retreat without delay, and to evacuate all the British posts beyond Kingston. Some delay did for tunately take place, owing chiefly to counter- orders, not from head-quarters; and a council of war, summoned at Burlington Heights, came to the noble resolution of not moving a step to "the rear, in the present conjuncture of aflfairs on the peninsula. Fatal, indeed, would have been the retreat. There was still a consider able number of sick, both at Burlington Heights and at York ; and, considering the season of the year, and the state of the roads, the whole of them must have been left to the protection of the enemy. Nor, for the same reason, could the ordnance, ordnance-stores, baggage, and provisions, have followed the army; andyet the garrison of Kingston, upon which place the troops were directed to retire bad, at this time, scarcely a week's provision in . - * History of the-War, p. 1S8. , GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. * store. This abandonment of territory so soon following up the affair at the Moravian village, what would the Indians have thought of us?^— In short, it will not bear reflection. Towards the end of October, among other sacrifices caused by the dread of general Harrison's zeal and promptitude, two companies of the 100th regiment, which had been stationed at Charlotteville, in the London district of Upper Canada, were ordered to evacuate that post, and join the main body of tke centre-^ division of the army at Burlington, distant 60 miles. Orders were at the same time issued, to disembody and disarm the militia. The ofiicer who had this duty to perform, having ascertained that a large body of traitors and Americans had been plundering the houses of the inhabitants, while the latter were away in the service of their country, left a supply of arms and ammunition with some of the militia oflScers and privates. These, in number 45, immediately formed them selves into an association; and marched,with lieu tenant-colonel Bostwick, of the Oxford militia, at their head, against the marauders; whom they fortunately fell in with on the Lake Erie shore, about nine miles from Dover. An engage ment ensued; in which several of the gang were killed and wounded, and 18 taken prisoners. These 18 were afterwards tried at Ancaster for high treason; and all, exc6pt three, convicted. 6 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Eight of the 15, so convicted, underwent the penalty of the law. The remaining seven were respited, to await the prince regent's final deci sion ; and have since been transported. How highly, and yet how justly, this well-planned and well-executed enterprise was appreciated by the president of Upper Canada, will be seen in the general orders which he caused to be issued upon the occasion.* About the 1st of November general Harrison arrived at Fort-George, with about 1700 of his troops ; who, agreeably to Mr. Secretary Armstrong's orders, were immediately quar tered upon the inhabitants of Newark. In the course of November, both general Harrison and colonel Scott, with their respective corps, embarked on board commodore Chauncey's fleet for Sackett's Harbor ; leaving general M'Clure, with his 2700 militia, and a few regular troops, in charge of Fort-George. General M'Clure, now having the entire com mand to himself, and being disappointed, notwithstanding all the intrigues of his friend Wilcocks, in his endeavours " to secure the friendship and co-operation of the inhabitants " began sending the most obstinate of the latter across to the American side, and then set about pillaging and destroying the farm-houses and barns in the neighbourhood of Fort-George * App. No. 1. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 7 These atrocities were represented to major- general Vincent, and he was strongly urged to allow a small regular and Indian force to be marched against general M'Clure. Colonel Murray finally gained his point ; and, taking with him 379 rank and file of the 100th regi ment, about 20 volunteers, and 70 ofthe western Indians, led by colonel Elliot, moved forward on the road towards the Forty-mile Creek ; beyond which point he had been ordered not to proceed. The advance of this small detachment soon reached the ears of general M'Clure, who had taken post at the Twenty-mile Creek, and who now retreated, in haste, to a position somewhat nearer to Fort-George. Colonel Murray obtained - fresh permission to extend his mairch to the Twenty-mile Creek, and subsequently to the Twelve-mile Creek. These movements had driven the American general and his men to Fort-George ; and then commenced a scene of devastation and horror, of which no adequate idea can be forraed, except by such as had the misery to be spectators. How, then, shall we hope to succeed in describing it ? The winter of 1813, according to general Wilkinson, set in earlier than usual. Lambert, in his account of the climate of Lower Canada, says that Fahrenheit's thermometer is sometimes 36 degrees below 0, and that the mean of the 8 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN cold in winter is about 6.* The climate of Upper, is certainly not quite so rigorous as that of Lower Canada ; but yet the mildest winter of the former, bears no comparison whatever to the severest winter of this country. For several days previous to the 10th of December, the weather in Upper Canada had been unusually severe, and a deep snow lay on the ground. Towards night-fall on that day, general M'Clure gave about half an hour's notice to the inhabitants of Newark, that he should burn down their village. Few of the poor people believed that the wretch wos in earnest. Soon, however, came round the tnerciless firemen. Out of the 150 houses of which Neviavk had consisted, 149 were levelled to the dust,! Such articles of furniture and other valuables as the incendiaries could not, and the iababitants had neglected or been unable to, carry away, shared the general fate. Of counsellor Dickson's library, which had cost him between 6 and 600^. sterling, scarcely a book escaped the ravages of the devouring element. Mr. Dickson was, at this time, a prisoner in the enemy's territory ; aud his wife lay on a siqk bed. The villains — rhow shall we proceed ?-— took up the poor lad}', bed and all, and placed her upon the snow before her own door ; where, shivering' with cold, she beheld, if she could see at all ? Lambert's Travels, Vol. I. p. io7. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 9 her house and all that was in it consumed to ashes. Upwards of 400 helpless women and children, without provisions, and in some instances with scarcely cloaths upon their backs,. were thus compelled, after being the mournful spectators ofthe destruction of their habitations, to seek shelter at a distance ; and that in such a night, too ! — The reader's imagination must supply the rest. In what way will the American historian, or will he at all, describe the conflagration of Newark? Not one word about it appears in doctor Smith's book. Mr. Thomson says briefly :. " General M'Clure determined on destroying the town of Newark."* It is Mr. O'Connor whom we have to thank, for being explicit upon this point. " As a measure deemed necessary to the safety of the troops, the town of Newark was burned. ' Thijs act,' said general M'Clure, (proceeds Mr. O'Connor) ' however distressing to the inhabitants and my feelings, was by order (f the secretary of war, and I believe, at the same time, proper.' The inhabitants, (continues Mr. O'Connor,) had 12 hours' notice to remove their eff'ects, and such as chose to cross the river were provided with all the necessaries of life."t With the knowledge that Mr. Secretary Arm strong had recently been in the neighbourhood of, if not. at Fort-George, we can readily sup- * Sketches of the War, p. 188. t Hist of the War, p. 1 58. 10 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN pose general M'Clure acted, as he says, by the former's orders. This confers additional atro city upon the oflfence ; but, on that head, we shall forbear comments. *' Distressing to my feelings :" — was not some such language used by captain David Porter, of the American navy, after he and his crew had been massacring the natives ofthe small island of Nooaheevah, which he had unfortunately visited during his cela- brated cruize to the Pacific?* As to the *' twelve hours' notice," the liberty to " cross the river," and the promise that the poor people should be " provided with all the necessaries of life," we give Mr. O'Connor himself credit for the whole ; and can only attribute his not having come forward with a better excuse, to a sudden qualm of conscience, or perhaps to a momentary torpor in those inventive faculties, on most other occasions so .serviceable to him. The nearer colonel Murraj^ approached to the neigbourhood of Fort-George, the louder were the complaints of the people against the " law less banditti" by whom they had been oppressed. That active oflicer immediately wrote to general Vincent ; and, anticipating the answer he should receive, dashed forward to Fort-George. Gene ral M'Clure's scouts gave him timely intelli- ' gence of the approach of the British ; and the cowardly wretch, with the whole ofhis minions * Quart. RcTiew, Vol. XIIL p. 364.T-9. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 11 abandoned Fort George, and fled across the river. Not the slightest opposition did he make ; although the fortifications had been so much strengthened, since the capture of the fort in the preceding May, that the American commander, with only half the force he possessed, might have maintained a regular siege. He was in too much haste to destroy the whole of his magazines, or even to remove his tents; of which a sufficiency forlSOO men were left standing. Colonel Murray, in his first letter, states that general M'Clure had passed over his cannon, as well as stores.* But, in a second letter, he mentions that one 18,' four 12, and several 9-pounders, together with alarge supply of shot, were found in the ditch. Even the destruction of the new barracks, which we had recently erected on the Niagara, was not deemed, by Mr. Armstrong and general M'Clure, so " necessary in the military operations there," as Mr. Munro has since declared the burning of Newark to have been : consequently, the former were allowed to remain untouched. The indignant feelings of the soldiers, as they beheld the smoking ruins of what was once, as acknow ledged by all, a beautiful and flourishing village, would have burst with a heavy vengeance upon the heads ofthe American general and his troops, had they not followed up their atrocious conduct by a precipitate flight. ? App. No. II. 12 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Mr. O'Connor informs us that " a council of war," that fatal damper of American military ardor, decided that Fort-George " was not tenable." Of the guns, or the fortifications, he says nothing. Mr. Thomson concurs in opinion that the post was " untenable;" and gives as a reason, that the British force outside consisted of 1500 regulars, and at least 700 Indians ;" calls general M'Clure's troops " the remnant of an army ;" and then informs us, that the Ameri can general '' determined on destroying the batteries ;"* leaving to doctor Smith to advance the next step ; who, as if to confirm his pre decessor's discernment, saj's roundly : " Fort- George was soon afterwards abandoned, and blown up, by general M 'Clure." f Early in November lieutenant-general Drum mond and major-general Rial had arrived from England ; the former to relieve major-general JDe Rottenburg, in the military command and presidency of the upper province. The.se offi cers had been detained below, to see the end of general Wilkinson's expedition. That business concluded, they moved on to Kingston and York ; at which latter place general Drummond was sworn into office ; and then, along with major-general Rial, hastened to join the centre division of the army. Both generals arrived at St. David's, major-general Vincent's present * Sketches of the War, p. 188. + History of the War, p. 265, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 13 head-quarters, soon after the capture bf Fort- George; and at a time when colonel Murray's prompt and decisive measures had given a new aspect to aflPairs, This oflicer contemplated a retaliatory attack upon the opposite lines; to which plan general Drummond yielded, not only his approbation, but, rightly judging that the delay of waiting for permission from the commander-in-chief, then at Quebec,* might recover the enemy from his panic, and thus defeat the object, — his imme diate sanction. No more than two batteaux were on the Niagara shore, the remainder were in Burlington Bay. Captain Kerby, an active militia-officer, under the orders of captain Elliott, the deputy assistant-quarter-master-ge neral, contrived, notwithstanding the incle mency of the weather, and the badness of the roads, to eflfect the carriage, by land, of a suffi ciency of batteaux for the enterprise. Every thing being prepared by the evening ofthe 18th, the troops destined for the assault, consisting of a small detachment of royal artil lery, the grenadiers of the royal Scots, the flank companies ofthe 41st:f', andthe eflfective men of the IQOth regiment, amounting, altdgether, to fewer than 550 rank and file, and commanded by colonel Murray, crossed the river on that night, and landed at the Five-mile Meadow,s, about * Distant 530 miles. ¦ ' •'• + 2d Battalioa which had recently arrived frem Europe. 14 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN three miles above Fort-Niagara. At about four o'clock the troops commenced their march ; and the advance, consisting of the grenadiers of the 100th regiment, and a small party of the royal artillery, succeeded in cutting oflf two of the enemy's piquets ; as well as in surprising the sen tries on the glacis, and at the gatcj by which means the watch -word was obtained, and the entrance into the fort greatly facilitated. While three companies of the 100th, under captain Martin, stormed the eastern demi-bastion, five companies of the same regiment, under colonel Murray in person, assisted by lieutenant-colonel Hamilton of the 100th, entered the fort by the main gate, which had been left open for the return of the guard from relieving sentries. The American main guard now rushed out of the south-east block-house, and fired a volley or two; and some musketry was fired from another stone building within the fort ; but the bayonet overpowered all resistance, and the British union in a few seconds more, waived triumphantly upon the stone-tower of Fort-Niagara. The number of pri.soners taken, including two oflicers and 12 rank and file wounded amounted to one captain, nine lieutenants, two ensigns, one surgeon, one commissary, 12 Ser jeants, and 318 rank and file. Add to this number 65 in killed, * and " about 20 that eff'ected their escape," and we have 429 for the * Appendix, No. 3. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 15 garrison of Fort-Niagara. Upon the diflferent defences were mounted no fewer than 27 pieces of ordnance; and, amongthem, some 32-pound carronades. The arsenal contained upwards of 3000 stands of arms, and many rifles. The ordnance and commissariat stores were im mense ; and so was the quantity of army- clothing and camp^equipage. A portion ofthe articles consisted, no doubt, of such as general M'Clure, in his flight, had brought across from Fort-George. Had the garrison aflforded an oppor tunity for a greater display of gallantry on the part of the assailants, the capture of Fort-Niagara, a post by far the strongest of any on the inland frontiers, would have been a still more bril liant achievement : it Was no slight consolation, however, that we managed the business with the trifling loss of six men killed, and five wounded ; including the gallant projector and commander of the enterprize, colonel Murray, severely in the wrist. Nor is it without feelings of exulta tion, that we compare the number of British sent against Fort-Niagara, with the number of Ame ricans, — covered too by the fire from a fleet of ships, and from that same fort,— ^sent against Fort-George,* so much its inferior in point of strength and armament. The deputy incendiary M'Clure, with well- grounded apprehension of British vengealice, had, since the very day of his crossing from Fort- » Sec Vol. I. p. 153. 16 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN George, ordered the commandant of Fort-Niagara to prepare to defend the post, and be ready with " a proportion of hand-grenades in the diflferent block-houses."* Hedid not consider the dis aster as "attributable to any want of troops, but to gross neglect in the commanding oflicer of the fort, captain Leonard, in not preparing, being ready, and looking out for, the expected attack." t General M'Clure describes the British that captured Fort-Niagara, as of" great force," and as consisting of regulars and " In dians ;" although not an Indian was at the attack ; for even the " Indian chief," Norton, who was present, is a Scotchman. The oflicial letter then states that, on entering the fort, we " commenced a most horrid slaughter," This is utterly false, as respects the implication intended. The piquets and sentries, as in all cases of assavilt or surprise, were bayonetted ; and so were those within the fort who made any resistance. The fort was entered in darknessj and a formidable opposition expected ; particu larly as general M'Clure had himself been boasting, that the block-houses and defences within^side, aided by the 32-pounder and other carronades, which were so mounted as, if neces sary, to be fired inwards, would enable a small garrison to drive out or destroy 1500 British. No muAket whatever was discharged by the latter ; aor, from the inomtnt that the soldiers could he * App. No. S. + Ibid, No. 4. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 17 certain of all resistance having ceased, was a single bayonet employed. Mr. O'Connor describes the as.saulting party as " regulars, militia, and Indians^ to the num ber, by the mostprobable account, of 1.500 men," who,. he says, entered the fort while the mert were nearly all asleep " killing, witbout mercy or discrimination, those who came in their way."* Doctor Smith considers the capture of Fort- Niagara to be a sore subject ; therefore merely states that, in the month of January, it " was- surprised and captured." Mr. Thomson begins* his , account by stating, that the fort was " garrisoned by 324 sick and eflfective men"; although we took, as prisoners, 20 more than that number, exclusive of those that had escaped and been killed. He proceeds ¦: " At 4 o'clock on the morning of the 19th, the enemy, 400 in number, crossed the Niagara, under colonel Murray, and approached the principal gate which was then open." — We find no " Errata" referred to in Mr. Thomson's book, but must consider that the printer has made " 400" of what was intended for " 1400." — This editor, caught by the word " Indians" in the officia] letter, then says : " Accompanied by his Indian warriors, he rushed furiously in upon the garrLson," " On entering the garrison," continues Mr. Thomson, " colonel Murray ¦^ * History of the W.ir, p. 159, VOL. II. C 18 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN received a wound in the arm ; after which he yielded the command to colonel Hamilton, — under whose superintendance, the women of the garrison were stripped of their clothing, and many of them killed, and the persons of the dead ofiicers treated with shocking indignity."* — Never was so base a falsehood ! But who, out of the United States, will believe this petti fogging scribbler's storj' ? and as to those in the United States who may do so, they are too insignificant, we are sure, to give the gallant colonel the slightest uneasiness. Among the valuables found in Fort-Niagara, were eight respectable Canadian inhabitants; who, in direct violation of civilized warfare, had been taken from their peaceful dwellings to be immured within the walls of a prison. That no doubt may remain of the fact, we here present the reader with the names of six out ofthe eight individuals, who were thus so happily released from bondage. The names are : Thomas Dickon, Samuel Street, and J. M. Cawdle, esquires ; Messrs. John Tompson, John Macfarlane, and Peter M'Micking ; the latter 80 years of age. On the same morning on which Fort-Niagara was carried, major-general Rial, taking with him detachments from the royal Scots and 41st regiments, amounting to about 500 rank and file, crossed over to Lewistown. About 500 * Sketches of the War, p. 180; and third edition! GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 19 Indian warriors had preceded this force, and had a skirmish with, and completely routed, a detachment of American militia, under a major Bennett; in which aflfair the latter lost eight men killed. No sooner had the Americans aban doned Lewistown, than the Indians commenced setting fire to it. Major-general Rial, who found no enemy to contend with, took possession of a 12 and 6-pounder gun, with travelling carriages, and every thing complete ; also a considerable quantity of small arms, some ammu nition, nine barrels of powder, and about 200 barrels of flour. The small viUages of Youngs* town, Manchester, and the Indian Tuscarora, as soon as the inhabitants had deserted them, shared the fate of Lewistown. There is no doubt that the Indians committed many enormities ; but who could have told Mr. M'Clure, — himself the origin of all that hap pened, — that the savages were " headed by British officers painted." ? Mr. O'Connor is the oply one of our three editors who has repeated this story. Major-general Rial and his troops passed on to Fort-Schlosser;* which place they destroyed : they then proceeded as far as Tone- wanto Creek,* which is within 10 miles of Buflfaloe ; but, finding the bridge broken, re- turnedi and cro,ssed over to Queenstown. The exposed state of the American Niagara- * See Plate I. c 2 20 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN frontier began to excite serious alarm ; and general M'Clure, too dastardly to meet in the field the avengers of the conflagration of Newark, had requested major-general Hall to take the command of the regulars and militia, then assembling from all parts, to repel any further encroachments. On the morning of the 23d tbe major-general fixed his head-quarters at Batavia, a village about 40 miles from Buflfaloe. On the morning of the 29th we find him at Buflfaloe, reviewing his troops ; which then amounted to 2011 men, but were afterwards, it appears, considerably reduced by desertion,* On the 28th lieutenant-general Drummond took up his head-quarters at Chippeway ; and, on the ne.xt day, within two miles of Fort- Erie, Having reconnoitred the enemy's po sition at Black Rock^ the lieutenant-general determined to attack him. Accordingly, on the night of the SOth, major-general Rial, having under his command four companies of the Sth, 2.50 men of the 41st, the light company of the 89th, and the grenadiers of the 100th, regiments, numbering, vvith 50 volunteer-miiitia,. about 590 rank and file, also a body of Indian warriors, not exceeding I'JO, crossed the Niagara, aud landed, without opposition, about two miles below Black Rock. The light-company of the 89th advanced along the road, and secured an * Hist, of the War, p. 3 61. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 21 American piquet, as well as the bridge over the Conjuichity,* or Schojeoquady,f the boards of which had already been loosened, preparatory to their removal. The 250 men of the 41st, and the grenadiers of the 100th, were joined to the light-company of the 89th ; and the whole, amounting to about 400 rank and file, in order to secure the passage of the bridge, took up a position, a short distance beyond it, at a place called the Sailor's battery. In the course ofthe night several attempts were made by general Hall's militia to dislodge the British from their position ; but, " owing to the darkness of the night, and the confusion into which the militia were thrown by the enemy's fire,"* every attempt failed. At day-dawn on the 31st, the royal Scots, about 800 strong, along with a detachment of the 19th dragoons, the whole commanded by lieutenant-colonel Gordon, ofthe royals, crossed over to land above Black Rock, for the purpose of turning the enemy's position, while major- general Rial's force should attack him from below. Unfortunately, owing to some error in the pilots, several of the boats grounded ; and became, in consequence, exposed to a heavy and destructive fire from one 6, one 24, and two 12-pounders, at the Black Rock battery, and from about 600 menj dravvn up on the beach, *App. No. 6. + See Plate I. + Ilist. of theWar, p. 161. 22 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN flanked by a number of Indians. The gallant royals, thus sitting in their grounded boats, to be shot at like targets, lost 13 rank and file, killed, and three serjeants, and 29 rank and file wounded. Fortunately, a few well-directed shots from five field-pieces stationed on the opposite shore, and the near approach of major- general Rial's force upon the enemy's right, caused a favorable diversion. By this time a considerable force of militia, certainly not fewer than 1500, had assembled in the town ; but, after a short resistance, the Americans abandoned Black Rock and its bat teries, and fled towards Buffaloe, about 2|^ miles distant. To this town they vvere followed, in close pursuit ; and, although protected by a field-piece posted on a height that commanded the road, made but a slight resistance, ere they fled in all directions to the neighbouring woods. The British captured at these two posts eight pieces of ordnance, including a 21 and 18-poan- der. For want of adequate means of conveyance the public stores, consistingofconsiderablequan- tities of clothing, spirits, and flour, were obliged to be destroyed. All the inhabitants having left Black Rock and Buffaloe, the two villages .shared the fate of Newark. The United States' vessels Chippeway, Little Belt, and Trippe, were found aground near Buffaloe Creek ; and, along with their stores, were also committed to tbe flames. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 23 This fact is scarcely noticed by the American editors ; although the smallest of these three vessels, when captured from us a short time previous,* was, with the utmost gravity, styled, — " His Britannic majesty's schooner Chippe- waj."-\ The British loss on this occasion, including that of the royal Scots already given, amounted to 31 killed, 72 wounded, and nine missing. The American loss does not appear ; except where general Hall states, that " many valuables were lost. ^ Owing to the nimbleness of the American militia, and the contiguity of the woods, only 130 prisoners were made; among whom was the notorious colonel, or doctor Chapin. Major-general Hall himself, with nearly 300 of the most pursy of his soldiers, brought up at the Eleven-mile Creek, about three miles from Buflfaloe. The nine missing of our troops were some careless fellows who had strayed to the margin of the village, and were captured on the 1st of January, by an American scouting party, headed by a captain Stone. Two officers of this de tachment were surprised, while on horseback, by a patrole of the 19th light dragoons, and one, " lieutenant Totman, of the Canadian volun teers," was shot. Mr. Thomson declars, that * James's Naval Occurrences, p. 286. + Nav. Hist, of the United States, Vol. II. p. 242. i App. No. 7. 24 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN lieutenants Riddle and Totman " would have given themselves up, but for the treatment which other piisoners on the Niagara had re cently received."* These American editors are never at a loss. The fact is, Mr. Totman was like his friend Mr. Wilcocks, an Irishman, and an inhabitant of Upper Canada, where he had resided many years. With a halter thus before his eyes, he had a much more powerful induce ment than is alleged by Mr. Thomson, for not delivering himself up to the British. Mr. Thomson is very loud in his complaints against the " timid militia," asseimbled at Buf faloe and Black Rock. Nor is he so without reason ; for, in proof of the numerous popula- tion in and around those villages, we find it stated by a writer from Batavia, under date of December the 23d, that 5000 men could be assembled in 24 hours: nay, Mr. O'Connor him self fixes the number of sufferers, by the confla gration, alone, at -' 12000 persons."-|" Nor does this number include such as resided even a short distance beyond the narrow slip of land, which was the scene of the British incursion. It was not a week after the pusillanimous behaviour ofthe American militia upon this frontier, that Mr. Wright, member of congress for Maryland^ in a speech which was to prove, that the army of * Sketches of the War, p. 192. t Hi->t. of the War, p. 104. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 25 the United States had " been marvellously suc cessful," said thus : " There was no evidence against the courage or conduct of our army ; which had displayed, not Roman but American valor: so conspicuous, indeed, had been the courage displayed, by both our army and navy, that he hoped whoever should hereafter speak of Roman valor, on this floor, would be considered as speaking of the second degree, and not of the first."* As far as any thing appears on the minutes of this day's debates, Mr, Wright's language caused no unusual sensation in the house. After the American Niagara frontier had thus suflfered a just retribution for the conduct of the American government along the shores of Upper Canada, t'he British troops, under major- general Rial, evacuated the whole of the terri tory of the United States, except Fort-Niagara^ at which a small garrison was stationed ; and the centre-division ofthe army of Upper Canada, consisting now of about 2500 rank and file, retired into peaceable winter-quarters at Fort- Niagara, St. David's, Burlington Heights, and York, Mr. O'Connor, after declaring that our proceedings had been marked " with the fero city of the tiger, and the all-desolating ruin of the locust," adds: " On the 4th of January the robbers retired into their own woods ; not daring * Proceedings of Congress, January 6, 1814. 26 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN to wait the chastisement that was preparing for them." He next furnishes us with a piece of useful information. " The enemy," says he, " having declared their conduct on the Niagara frontier to have been committed in retaliation for excesses said to have been committed by the American armies in Canada, the censure, or rather indignation, of the suflfering inhabitants was turned against general M'Clure, who had the command. The general, previous to retiring from command, published an address to the public, in justification of his own conduct, in which he seems to have been pretty succes.sful."* His success did not, at all events, reach to the security of his person ; for he was compelled, for a long while, to have a strong guard of regular troops stationed before his door, in order to restrain the justly enraged population from treating him as he deserved. In the harbor at Erie,-]- distant 91 miles from BnfTaloe, were lying the ships, brigs, and larger schooners ofthe American fleet ; nor could they seek safety upon the lake, on account of the ice that surrounded them. The Americans, bavins: good reason to fear an attack upon, had, by collecting troops and cutting away the ice from the sides of the vessels, made every arrangement for the security of, this important depot. After the incompetency of the American militia to * History of the War, p. 164. -i- Sec p. 49. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 27 defend the post, had, however, been so well proved, we presume it was the known unbear able state of the ice, and not any special orders from Quebec, that restrained major-general Rial from attempting to carry into eflfect so desirable an object. Having now brought to a clo.se the campaign of 1813, against the British provinces ; we will borrow an American editor's remarks upon the subject. " Though," says Mr, Thomson, " the American arms had attained a high degree of reputation, no one advantage was obtained, to atone for the blood and treasure which had already been exhausted. The capital of Upper Canada had been taken. It was scarcely cap tured, before it was abandoned. The bulwark of the province, Fort-George, had been gal lantly carried ; but an inferior force was suffered to escape, after being beaten ; and the conque rors were soon after confined to the works of the garrison, and closely invested upwards of six months. The long contemplated attack upon Montreal was frustrated : Kingston still remained a safe and advantageous harbor, in the hands of the enemy ; and a fortress,* which might have been long, and obstinately, and eflfectually defended, was yielded, with scarcely a struggle, and under circumstances mj^sterious in the extreme, to the retaliating invaders of the * Fort-Niagara. 28 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN American Niagara frontier. In the course of the summer of 1813, the American army possessed every position between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, on both sides of the Niagara. In the winter of the same year, after having gradually lost their possessions on the British side of that stream, they were deprived of their possessions on their own,"* If we may be allowed to leave out " gallantly" ; to substitute " without any" for " with scarcely a"; and t© bestow a smile upon the " high degree of reputation which the American arms had attained," we see no objection to Mr. Thomson's recapitulatory observations. The circumstances that caused the surprising changes which he so naturally deplores, seera to have escaped his notice. " Had " the long contemplated attack upon Montreal" not been attempted, a comparatively large regular army of the United States could still have occupied the peninsula of Upper Canada ; and a M'Clure not, been wanted, to prove himself the willing tool of Mr. Secretary Armstrong's atrocious purposes. Had not Newark been set on fire, remorse would not have made cowards of M'Clure and his myrmidons; nor would a just indigna tion have stimulated a small band of British to pursue and punish those guilty wretches ; many of whose dwellings happily shared the fate ofthe * Sketches ofthe War, p. 193. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA,; 29 town which they had destroyed. Yet — mark the difference. The destruction along the American frontier was the work of an assaulting foe, glowing with wrath at the commission of injuries, unauthorized by the laws of war. It was an event which the inhabitants themselves had, for the last eight days, been expecting ; an event, therefore, which they, by removing their pro perty, and, in many instances, themselves, from the spot, did but partially feel. The burning of Newark, on the other hand, was the delibe rate act of an enemy, who had been six months in quiet possession of the country ; and who had received no provocation whatever from the inha bitants, — " the innocent, unfortunate, and dis tressed inhabitants," as M'Clure himself had styled them ; and that too in the very procla mation, wherein he pledged himself to protect them. Warning the poor people had none ; unless half an hour or so rnay be called by that name : nor even day-light, to enable them to see to collect their little cloaths and property, and to seek another habitation, in the room of that they had for ever lost. Poor Mrs. Dickson, too ! — Who, then, will deny that the wanton confla gration of Newark still remains unatoned for ? 30 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN CHAPTER XII. Operations in Chesapeak Bay — Arrival qf rear- admiral Cockburn— Preparations for attacking the United States' frigate Constellation in James's River — Her retreat to a safer position — Wanton flring from the shore upon the British boats — Death of two men in consequence — Arrival of admiral Warren — Gallant affair at the mouth of the Rappahannock — Rear-admiral Cockburn's detached command to the head of the bay — Ad vance upon French-town— Heavy flre upon the boats from a battery — Landing of the British — Flight of the American militia — Destruction of cannon, public stores, and vessels — Admiral Cock burn'' s system of operations — American misrepre sentations corrected — Purchase of stock at Ttirkey Point and Specucie Island — Display of colours andflring of cannon, at Havre de Grace — Attack ¦upon this place — Its short but spirited resistance — Disrespect shown to a flag of truce — Conse quent proceedings by the British—Destruction ofa valuable cannon-foundry — Gross mis-state ment of the American editors — Ridiculous beha viour of a prisoner named O'Neil, and ludicrous threat in case of his detention — Advance upon George-town and Frederick-town — Previous naming to the inhabitants — Their violent pro- GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 31 ceedings, and destructive flre upon the British —•Destruction of houses in consequence — Visit of the British to another town— Civil deportment of the inhabitants, and its salutary effects — Remarks on the American militia-system — Im positions of the American farmers — Capture of the United States' schooner Surveyor — Noble conduct of lieutenant Cririe of the Narcissus — Arrival of troops in the Chesapeake — Affair between Il.M.S. Junon and 15 American gun boats — Open preparations for attacking Craney Island — Correspondent preparations on the part of the Americans — Landing of a division of British at Pig-Point — Advance of another divi sion towards Craney Island — Unexpected ground ing of the boats close under ihe American battery — Impossibility io reach the shore— Destructive flre upon the boats, as well as upon the struggling crews in the water- — Remarks upon ihe attempt io capture Craney Island — Attack upon, and capture qf Hampton — Ex cesses committed there by a part of the British force — American strictures on the occasion — Departure from ihe coast of ihe corps that committed the excesses — Landing of the British at Ocracoke and Portsmouth, and capture of two flne letters of marque — American mis-state ments corrected. A THREATENING atritude upon the Atlanric frontier ofthe United States, in the neighbour. 32 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN hood of the capital especially, being considered likely to weaken the eflforts of the American government, now so openly and earnestly directed against our Canadian possessions, rear- admiral Cockburn, in the Marlborough 74, with some frigates and smaller vessels, entered the Chesapeake bay on the 4th of March,' 1813, The United State.s' frigate Constellation, lying in James's river, near Norfolk, became the first object of attack ; but the preparatory movements of the British squadron drove her to a safe position, higher up the river. The rear-admiral afterwards advanced up the bay, sounding and reconnoitring. During the passage of the boats along the shore, in the execution of this service, the Americans frequently fired at them, and, in one instance, killed two raen, besides wounding several others ; although not a musket had been, on any occasion, discharged from the boats. About the end of March, admiral Warren, from Bermuda, bringing with him the San Domingo 74, and some other ships, arrived in the Chesapeake. In his way up the bay, the admiral detached a force to attack four armed schooners, lying at the mouth of the Rappa hannock river. The breeze failing, the capture of the whole four was effected by five British boats, under the orders of lieutenant (now cap tain) James Polkinghorne, ofthe St. Domino-o * ' ® '' «t For the full particulars of this gallant exploit, see James's Narsl Occurrences, p. 367. * GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 33 Ina week or two after a junction had heen formed between admiral Warren and rear- admiral Cockburn, the latter was directed, with a squadron of small vessels, including two of the captured schooners, to penetrate the rivers at the head ofthe bav, and endeavour to cut off" the enemy's supplies ; as well as to destroy his foundries, stores, and public works ; particu larly a depdt of flour, military and other stores, ascertained, by the information of some Ameri cans, to be at a place called French-toWn, situate at a considerable distance up the river Elk. Accordingly, the rear-admiral, with H.M. brigs Fantome and Mohawk, and the Dolphin, Racer, and Highflyer, tenders, on the evening of the 28th of April, moved towards the river. Having moored the brigs and schooners as far within the entrance as could be effected after dark, the rear-admiral took with him, in the boats of his little squadron, 150 marines, under captains Wy bourn and Carter, and five ar tillery-men, under lieutenant Robertson, of that corps, and proceeded to execute hia orders.* The boats, owing to ignorance of the way, having entered the Bohemia instep of keeping in the Elk river, did not re&ch the destined place till late on the following morning. This delay enabled the inhabitants of French -town to • App. No. 8. YOL. II. D 34 MILITARY, OCCURRENCES BETVYEEN make arrangements for the defence of the stores and town ; for. the security of which a six-gun battery had lately been directed.: As:sK)onas the boats approached within gun-shot of it, i) heavy fire was opened upon them. Disregarding this, however, the marines quickly landed ; and the American militia fled from the battery to the adjoining woods. The inhabitants of the town, situate at aboiit a mile distant, having, as far as could be ascer: tained, taken no part in the contest, were not in the slightest degree molested ; but a consi derable quantity of flour, of army-clothing, saddles, bridles, and other equipments for cavalry ; also various articles of merchandj^^e^ and the two stores in which they had been contained ; together with five vessels, lying near the place, were entirely consumed. The guns of the battery, being too heavy to. be carried away, were disabled ; and the boatS; departed, with no other loss than one seaman wounded in the arm by a grape-shot. The Americans lost one man killed by a rocket, but none wounded. „ The rear-adipiral's system, and which hehad taken care to , impart to all the Americans captured by, or voluntarily coming on boardji the squadron, was — to land without oflferiogj molestation to the unopposing ir^habitaofS) either in their persons or properties ; to capture GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 35 or destroy all articles of merchandize and munitions of war ; to be allowed to take oflf, upon paying the full market price, all such cattle and supplies as the British squadron might require : but, should resistance be offered, or menaces held out, to consider the town as a fortified post, and the male inhabitants as soldiers ; the one to be destroyed, the other, with their cattle and stock, to be captured. Both the editor of the " Sketches of the War" and of the " History of the War" confine the conflagration at French-town, to thei two store houses and their contents ; and so does a writer in a respectable American periodical publication, of very recent date, subjoining to his account of the burning of the warehouses,— x" but no private dwellings, as has erroneously b^en stated."* Yet is the editor of the " History of the United States" so totally disregardful of truth, as to accuse the British of having plun dered and destroyed the whole village.^ Mr. Thomson finds it convenient to describe the contents of the store-houses as goods belonging to merchants of Baltimore and Philadelphia,- and to be totally silent about any military stores; but general Wilkinson expressly says : — "By the defective arrangements of the war^department, he (rear-admiral Cockburn) • North American Review, Vol. V. p. 158. t Hist, of the United States, Vol. III. p. 283. V 2 36 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN succeeded in destroying the military equipments and munitions found there ; of which, I appre- hend, the public never received any correct account,"* As the boats, in their way down the Elk, were rounding Turkey Point, they came in sight of a large estate, surrounded by cattle. The rear-admiral landed ; and directing the bailiff, or overseer, to pick out as many oxen, sheep, and other stock, as were deemed sufficient for the present use of the squadron, paid for them to the full amount of what the bailiff alleged was the market price. Not the slightest injury was done ; or, doubtless, one of our industrious historians would have recorded the fact. Having learnt that cattle and provisions, in considerable quantity, were at Specucie Island, the rear-admiral, with the brigs and tenderU, proceeded to that place. In his way thither it became necessary to pass in sight of Havre de Grace, a village of about 60 houses, situate on the west-side of the Susquehanna, a short distance above the confluence of that river with the Chesapeake. Although the British were a long way out of gun-shot, the Americans at Havre de Grace must needs fire at them frora 8 six-gun battery, and display to their view, as a further mark of defiance, a large American » Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 732. GREAT BUITAIN AND AMERICA. 37 ensign. This determined the rear-admiral to raake that battery and town the next object of attack. In the meanwhile, he anchored his squadron off Specucie Island. Here a part of the boats landed, and obtained cattle upon the same terms as before. A complaint having been made, that some of the subordinate officers had destroyed a number of turkies, the rear-admiral paid the value ofthem out of his own pocket. The Americans, as they were driving the cattle to the boats, jeered the men, saying, — " Why do you come here ? Why don't you go to Havre de Grace ? There you'll have something to do." About this time a deserter gave the people at Havre de Grace, who had already been in preparation, notice ofthe intended attack. After quitting Specucie Island, the rear- admiral bent his course towards Havre de Grace; but the shallowness of the water admitting the passage of boats only, the 150 marines and the five artillery men embarked at midnight on the 2d of May, and proceeded up the river.* The Dolphin and Highflyer tenders attempted to follow in support of the boats, but shoal water compelled them to anchor at the distance of six miles from the point of attack. By day light, the boats succeeded in getting opposite to the battery ; which mounted six guns, 12 and 6-pounders, and opened a smart fire upon » App. No. 9. 38 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the British, The marines instantly landed to the left ; which was a signal to the Americans to withdraw from their battery. Lieutenant G, A. Westphall, having, in the mean time, stationed his rocket-boat close to the battery, now landed with his boat's crew, turned the guns upon the American militia, and drove them to the extremity of the town. The inhabitants still keeping up a fire from behind the houses, walls, and trees, lieutenant We.stphall, by the admiral's orders, "held out a flag of truce, and called upon them to desist. Itistead of so doing, these " unoffending citizens" fired at the British lieutenant, and actually shot him through the very hand that was bearing the flag of truce. After this, who could wonder if the British seamen and marines turned to the right and left, and demolished every thing in their :way ? — The townspeople themselves had constructed the battery ; and yet not a house in which an inhabitant remained was injured. Several of the inhabitants, principally wonito, who had fled at first, came again into the town, and got back such articles as had been taken. Some of the women actually proceeded to the boats ; and, upon identifying their property, had it restored to them. Many of ;, the inhabitants; who had remained peaceably in their houses, as a proof that they were iiell informed ofthe principle upon which Sir George GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 39 Cockburn acted, frequently exclaimed to him : — " Ah, sir, I told them what Would be the consequence of their conduct. It is a great pity so many should suflfer for a head-strong few. Those who were the most determined to fire upon you the other day, saying it was impossible you could take the place, were now the first to run atvay." Several of the houses that were not burnt did, in truth, belong to the chief agents in those violent measures that caused such severity on our part ; and the very towns-people themselves pointed out the houses. Lieutenant Westphall, with his remaining hand, pursued and took prisoner an American captain of militia ; and others of the party brought in an ensign and several privates, including an old Irishman, named O'Neill. After embarking the six guns from the battery, and taking or destroying about 130 standi of small-arms, the British departed from Havre de Grace. One division of boats, headed by the rear- admiral, then proceeded to the northward, in search of a cannon-foundry, of vvhich some of the inhabitants of Havre de Grace had given information. This was found, and instantly destroyed ; together with five long 24-pounders, stationed in a battery for its protection ; 28 long 32-pounders, ready for sending away ; and eight long guns, and four carronades, in the boring-bouse and foundry. Another division 40 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN of boats was sent up the Susquehanna; and returned, after destroying five vessels and a large store of flour. No event of the war has been more grossly exaggerated than the proceedings of the British at Havre de Grace, Happily, so much incon. sistency and contradiction prevail in the American accounts, that we shall have no great difficulty in exposing the authors to the merited indignation of the disinterested reader. One editor says : — " From Frenchtown they (the British) proceeded down the Elk, ascended the river Susquehanna, and attacked, plundered, and burnt the neat and flourishing, but unpro tected village of Havre de Grace ; for which outrage no provocation had been given, nor could excuse be assigned."* Another says: — '^ In expectation of an attack from the enemy, the.; people of Havre de Grace had made preparations for the defence of the place ; and a battery had been erected, of two 6-pounders, ajid one iiine."f Six long 13 and 6Tpouriders, the reader will recollect, were taken hy us from that very battery. The same editor admits, that a fire was kept up from the battery till the British commenced their debarkation ; " when all," says he, " except O'Neill, an old citizen of Havre de Grace, abandoned their posts ; and, * Hist, of the U. S. Vol. Ill, p. 283, t Sketches of the War, p. 209. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 41 following the militia, who had fled with shame ful precipitation, left the women and children of the place to the mercy of the invaders."* A third editor says : — " A small party of militia were stationed at Havre de Grace ; who, on the approach ofthe enemy, made a slight resistance, and then retreated. An Irishman," (this is more intelligible than Mr. Thompson's designation,) named O'Neill, with a courage amounting to rashness, and an enthusiasm not confined by cold loyalty, opposed his .single arm to the British host, and was taken prisoner and carried on board the fleet, but afterwards released."t Another American account says: — "Tbe inhabitants of Havre de Grace had, for three weeks previous to this period, been making- preparations for defence ; and several companies of militia were called in to their aid." — " The militia, amounting to about 250, were kept to their arms all night ; patroles were stationed in every place where they could possibly be of any service ; the volunteers at the battery were at their guns, and a general determination seemed to prevail of giving the enemy a warm recep tion. "J What, then, becomes of doctor Smith's assertion, that Havre de Grace was " unprotected ;" or that " no excuse could be * Sketches of the War, p. 209, + Hist, of the War, p. 170, i North American Reyiew, Vol. V. p. 160. 42 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN assigned" for attacking it? — Perhaps this gentleiiian grounded his statement upon Mr. Munro's official communication to sir Alexander Cochrane ; wherein, as a matter of state-convenience, and in the very teeth ofthe British official account, announcing the capture of six pieces of cannon, and 130 stands of arms, the American secretary chose to describe the inhabitants of Havre de Grace as " unarmed." In the same spirit of rancor, doctor Smith declares, that " the whole of this little town, house after house, was consigned to the flames."* Mr, Thomson is not explicit upon this point ; but Mr, O'Connor expressly says : — " Twenty- four of the best houses in the town were burned ;"f and the Boston reviewer says: — " It has been said, in a respectable history of the times," (can this mean doctor Smith's M^orki*) '' that one house only escaped the flames; but this is a mistake. Havre de Grace consisted of about 60 houses, and of these not more than 40 were burnt."J As, according to the same account, several of the houses were, when the British landed, " already in flames," from the " tremendous discharge of balls, rockets, and shells," we may consider Mr. O'Connor's estimate as alluding exclusively to those destroyed bythe British while on shore. It is not a little extra- * Hist, of the United States, Vol. III. p. 283. + Hist, of the War, p. 170. + N. Amer. Rev. Vol. V, p. 160; GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 43 ordinary, that the same writer who dwells so upon; the state of " preparation" in which the inhabitants were, should say: " It is not easj' to assign any cause, other than the caprice of its projector, for this violent attack on a defence less and unoffending village. No reasons of a public nature could have induced it. No public property was deposited there, nor were any of its inhabitants engaged in aiding the prosecution of the war."* Although it would be idle to question the zeal and industry of any one of our three histo rians, Mr. Thomson alone has declared that the British " cut open the bedding of the citizens to augment the flames ; destroyed the public stages ; maimed the horses ; cut to pieces the private baggage of the passengers ; tore the cloathing of some of the inhabitants from their backs; and left to others those only which they wore; in short, robbing private travellers on the highway of their money and apparel." Mr, Thomson next affirms that, " when several ladies of the first distinction" had taken refuge *' in a spacious and elegant private mansion," a British officer " was entreated to suffer this house, at least, to escape the general conflagra tion ; but, as he was obeying the orders of admiral Cockburn, the most he could do was to suspend his purpose, until those unprotected * North American Review, Vol. V. p. 162. 44 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN women could prevail upon the admiral to coun termand them."* Tbat the latter part of this statement is utterly false, appears by the testi mony ofone of the suflferers ; one who dates his letter frora the spot ; who complains that the destruction of Havre de Grace has " ruined" him ; and who, therefore, must write with highly irritated feelings against the British. He says : " The inhabitants fled at the approach of the sailors, and the women took shelter in the house of Mr. Mark Pringle ; which a party was proceeding to destroy, when Mr. Pringle, with a flag, met them, and they very readily desisted."! One would suppose that the destruction, by an enemy, of 45 pieces of cannon, chiefly long 32 and 24-pounders, would have appeared of sufficient national importance, to engage the attention of such as profess to detail the events of a war. But it was necessary to cast every possible odiura upon the British, and therefore highly irapolitic to admit that they performed a single act of legitimate warfare. Mr. Thomson is the only editor who deplores the loss " of 50 pieces of elegant cannon;" but he makes amends for bis unguarded acknowledgment, by declaring, that the furnace which was battered down, was " private property," and that the * Sketches of the War, p. 210, + Philadelphia Gazette, May 4, 1813. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA, 45 British, *' as the last act of atrocity with which this expedition was destined to be marked, tore up a small bridge, constructed over a deep, though narrow creek, and over which travellers of every description were obliged to pass, or venture through a wider channel, at the immi nent hazard of their lives."* So that a small party, on shore in an enemy's country, atid ex pecting to be attacked by an enraged popula tion, coUecring from all points, are to leave standing a bridge, by which alone, probably, their position can be assailed ; because, forsooth, the destruction of that bridge would compel the inhabitants to " venture through a wider chan nel, at the imminent hazard of their lives." This is such a refinement in warfare, as we did not expect to hear broached by an American. Doctor Smith and Mr. O'Connor, although they have added to the list of enorraities committed bythe British, that of burning " Mr. Hughes's foundery," have rejected the story of the bridge, as too ridiculous even for them to publish. Mr. O'Connor, with a fellow-feeling, perhaps, extols highly the courage and enthusiasm of his friend O'Neill. This conteraptible old wretch, when taken on board the rear-admiral's ship, cried bitterly ; exclaiming every now and then, "God bless kingGeorge — 1 detest the Americans, — will do all 1 can to save the British," &c. &c.' * Sketches of the War, p. 211. 46 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Next day his daughter, an interesting young woman, came on board, and begged hard for his discharge ; urging that he had a large family dependant on him for support. Her tears pre vailed, and she carried her father on shore. In a week or ten days afterwards, rear-admiral Cockburn had occasion to go on board the San Domingo, when, to his great surprise, admiral Warren showed him a letter he had just received from the American secretary of state, declaring, if a hair of O'Neil's head was hurt, what his government would do, &c. This ludicrous application was replied to in a proper inanner, and the affair ended. On the night of the Sth of May, the same party of British marines and artillery-men again embarked in the boats, and proceeded up the river Sassafras, separating the counties of Kent and Cecil, towards the villages of George-town and Frederick-town, situate on opposite sides of the river, nearly facing each other. Having- intercepted a small boat with two of the inha bitants, rear-admiral Cockburn halted the de tachment, about two miles from the town ; and then sent forward the two Americans in their boat, to warn their countrymen against acting in the same rash manner as the people of Havre de Grace had done ; assuring them that, if they did, their towns would inevitably meet with a similar fate ; but that, on the contrary, if they GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 47 did not attempt, resistance, no injury should be done to them. or their towns; that vessels and public property only, would be seized ; that the strictest discipline would be maintained; andthat whatever provision or other property of individuals the rear-admiral might require for the use of the squadron, would be instantly paid for in its fullest value.* The two Amerir cans agreed in the propriety of this ; said there was no battery at either of the towns ; thatthey would willingly deliver the message, and; had no doubt the inhabitants would be peaceably disposed. After waiting a considerable time, the rear- admiral advanced higher up ; and, when within about a mile from the towns, and between two projecting points of land which compelled the boats to proceed in close order, a heavy fire was opened upon them from one field^piece, and, as conjectured, 3 or 400 militia, divided and entrenched on the opposite sides of the river. The fire was promptly returned, and the rear- admiral pushed on shore with the marines; but, the instant the American militia observed them fix their bayonets, they fled to the woods, and were neither seen nor heard of afterwards. All thehouses, excepting those m hose owners had continued peaceably in them, and taken no part in the attack, were forthwith destroyed; as were * App. No. 10. 48 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN four vessels lying in the river, together with some stores of sugar, of lumber, of leather, and other merchandize. On this occasion, five of the British were wounded. One of the Ameri cans who entreated to have his property saved, wore military gaiters ; and had, no doubt, as sisted at the firing upon the British. Agreeably to his request, however, his property was left untouched. Mr. Thomson says : " The invaders were gal lantly ressisted more than half an hour, when they eflfected a landing ; and, marching towards the town, compelled the militia to retire. Co lonel Veazy effected his retreat in excellent order."* To prove that this was a gallant affair, Mr. Thomson has made the American force "about 80 militia, and one small cannon," and the British force " 18 barges, each carrying one great gun, and manned altogether by 600 men."* Mr, O'Connor contents himself with accusing us of burning the unprotected villages of Frederick and George-town, On his way down the river, the rear-admiral visited a town situated on a branch ofit. Here a part of the inhabitants actually pulled off to him ; and, requesting to shake hands, declared he should experience no opposition whatever. The rear-admiral accordingly landed, with the ^officers, and, chiefly out of respect to his rank a * Sketches of the War, p. 212, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 49. small personal guard. Among those that came to greet him, on his landing, were observed two inhabitants of George-town. These meUj as well as an inhabitant of the place who had been to George-town to see what was going on, had succeeded in persuading the people to adopt, as their best security, a peaceable demeanor. Having ascertained that there were no public property nor warlike stores, and obtained, upon payment of the full value, such articles as were wanted, the rear-admiral and his party re-em barked. Soon afterwards, a deputation was sent from Charlestown, on the north-east river, to assure the rear-admiral, that the place was con sidered as at his mercy ; and, similar assurances coming from other places in the upper part of the Chesapeake, the rear-admiral and his light squadron retired from that quarter. None of the American historians notice the lenient conduct observed towards the inhabit tants of the two last-mentioned towns ; unless we are to consider Mr. Thomson as glancing at the subject, when he complains of " the treachery of some citizens of the republic." These editors find relief for their rancorous spirit either way. If the inhabitants preserve their towns by not opposing us, they are " traitors, tories, or British agents :" if they mkke resistr ance; and their towns, sharing the fate of other VOL. 11. £• 50 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN atormed places, are burnt, we are " vile incen diaries, unprincipled marauders." Much is said by American editors, about robbing the inhabitants of their cattle and live stock ; but the truth is, the farmers themselves, considered the British, squadron in the Chesa peake as their best market. Not contented, however, with getting the highest prices for their stock,^ small as well as large ; their eggs,, butter, milk, cheese, garden-stuflf, &c, they fre quently practised upon their liberal purchasers the grossest impositions. One writer, doctor Smith, alluding to the proceedings in the Chesapeake, expresses him self thus: " History blushes to recapitulate the depredations and conflagrations which were here perpetrated. The pen of the historian cannot record one solitary exploit of honorable warfare, worthy the arms of an heroic nation. The outrages of their sailors and marines were to, the last degree shocking and indefeiu sible. They committed indiscriminate havoc upon every species of private property along the shores; of the bay, and on the margin of its inlets."* This is tbe very language that was used by the " National Intelligencer," " National Advocate," " Democratic Press," and other Araerican newspapers, " known to be friendlv * History of the United States, Vol. MI. p, 282; GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 51' to the war," for tbe double purpose of preju dicing the British character in the eyes of the other narions of Europe, and of filUng the ranks of the American array from among, the western, or Kentucky patriots. Ame rican citijjens of the first con^quence, in Bal timore, Annapolis, and Washington, wh»jn they have gone on board the British Chesiapeake ^uadron, as they frequently did, with flags, to obtain passports, or a&k other favors, and theste inflammatory paragraphs were shown to theWj never failed to declare, with apparent $hame, that they had been penned without the slightest regard to truth, but merely to instigate their ferocious countrymen in the western states to r^ly round the American standard- Yet doesthe sober historian ofthe United States not '' blush" to record as truth these party-serving lies. Such statements soil the historic page ; and, by their influence op the passions, may tendj at some future day, to rekindle the flanjes of w ar between the two nations. Fortunately, we have American testinoony to aid us in repelling the principal charge advaijeed against the British by this nest of calumniators, « They (the British) were always," ^ays the writer in the Jieview, " desirous of making a fair purchase, and of paying the full value of what they received ; and, it is no more than E 2 52 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN justice to the eneiny to state that, in some instances, monej^ was left behind, in a conspi cuous place, to the full amount of what had been taken away."* We in England may find it difficult to consi der, as soldiers, men neither embodied nor drest in regimentals. That circumstance has not es caped the keen discernraent of the American governraent : hence we are so often charged, in proclaraatlons and other state-papers, with attacking the "inoffensive citizens ofthe repub lic." The fact is, every man in the United States, under 45 years of age, is a militia-man ; and, during the war, attended in his turn, to be drilled, or " trained." He had always in his pos session either a musket or a rifled-barrel piece; knew its use from his infancy ; and with it, therefore, could do as much execution in a smock frock or plain coat, as ifhe wore the most splendid uniform. These soldiers in citizens' dresses were the men whom rear-admiral Cock burn so frequently attacked and routed ; and who, when they had really acted up to the character of " non-combatants," were invariably spared, both in their persons and properties. The rear-admiral wished them, for their own sak,es only, to remain neutral; but general Hull, in his famous proclamation, prepared * North American RctIcw, Vol. V. p. 158, ' GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 53 with SO much care at Washington, invited the Canadian people to become open traitors to their country ; and visited upon them that refused, all " the horrors and calamities of war,"* On the 12th of June the boats ofthe Narcissus 42, containing about 40 raen, under the com mand of lieutenant Cririe, first of that ship, and of lieutenant P. Savage, of the marines, were despatched up York river, in the Chesapeake, to cut out the United States' .schooner Surveyor, mounting six 12-pound carronades. , Captain S, Travis, her commander, had furnished eacli of his men with tvvo muskets. They held, their fire until the British were within pistol-shot ; but the latter pushed on, and finally carried the vessel by boarding, with the loss of three men killed, and six wounded. Captain Travis had five men wounded. His crew amounted to 16;'}" and so gallant was their Conduct, as v^ell as that of their commander, in the opinion of lieutenant Cririe, that that officer returned captain Travers his sword, accompanied by a letter, not less complimentary to him than creditable, to the writer.^ Mr. Thomson has added, " a tender" to the boats of the frigate; and declares that the force of the British was " nine times superior"§ to that on board the purveyor, Lieutenant Cririe's letter would * Vol. I. App. No. 4. + American Nav, Mon. p. 219 J App. No. 10. ^ Sketches of the War, p. 213. 54 MlLtTARY OCCCRRENCtlS BETWEEN have set this matter vight, and confefl*d am htrtior upon the British coimntanding officer: •either of which reasons would suffice to preV'C'Bt its appearance in the pages ofthe " Siketches of the War." None of the other historians have noticed the a'Ct'ioi*^. Admiral V\'arren, who had left tbe Chesapeake. for Bermuda, retumted to his command early -in June ; bringing with him, according to newspaper-account, a detachment of battalion inarines, 1800 strong; SOOof the 102d regiment; 250 of the Independent Foreigners, or Canadian chasseurs ; and 300 of fche royal marine-artillery : total 2650 men. On the 18th of June H.M.S. Junon, of 46 guns, anchored in Hampton roads; and captain Sanders despatdbed his boats to capture or destroy any Vessels that might be found at the entrance of James's river, Coramodore John >Gassin,tbe naval command ing-offioer at Norfolk, -eibserving this, directed the 15 gun-boats at that station to be manned with an additional nunj- iber of seamen and marines from the Constella tion frigate, then moored at the navy -yard, also with 50 infantry from Craney Island ; and, under the command of captain Tarbin, to attempt the capture or destruction of the Junon. -It was not till about 4P.M. on the 20th, that this formidable flotilla, armed with upwards of gp guns, half of which were long 32 aftd 24- GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 53 jsounders, and manned with, at least, 500 men, commenced its attack upon the Junon, then lying ibecalmed. Captain Sanders warraly returned th^ir fire with his long eighteens ; hoping that they would soon venture to approach within reach of hi* carronades. This the gun boats carefully avoided ; and, between thera and the frigate, a distant cannonade, very slightly injurious to eitber party, was maintained for about three quarteris of an hour, A breeze now sprang up; which enabled the Barrosa, of 42, and tte Laurestinus, of 28 guns, lying about five miks oflf, to get under weigh, in the hope to have a share in the amusement. The Junon, also, was at this time under sail, using her best efforts to give a more serious complexion to the contest ; but commodore Cassin, wbo, as he assures us, was in his boat during the whole ofthe action, considering that the flotilla had done enough to entitle him to display both his fighting, and his literary qualifications, in an official letter, very prudently ordered the 15 gun-boats to make the best of their way back to Norfolk. Commodore Cassin's letter* will afford a richer treat, when it is known, that the Junon, so " severely bandied" as to be placed " upon a deep careen, with a number of boats and stages round her,"receivedonly one or two sllot^ in her hull, and sustained no other loss than one * App. No. 12. 56 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN man killed. Three of the gun-boats are stated to have received damage; one man is also acknowledged to have been killed, and two men wounded. The Barrosa, a 42-gun frigate, is under 950, >' a razee" from 1640 to 1700 tons ;* yet the American commodore could discover no diflference between those two classes of ships. Mr. Thomson is the only editor vvho has recorded this gun-boat exploit. He declares the Junon was "much shattered;" that " the Americans had 15 guns, the British, 150 and upwards;" that " captain Tarbell's conduct, as well as that of lieutenants Gardner, Henly, and others, received the fullest approbation of the sur rounding garrisons, and of the citizens of Nor* foik."t The appearance of the two frigates and sloop in Hampton roads soon brougbt to Norfolk and its vicinity as many as 10000 militia ; and the v^orks, recently constructed there, were all manned, ready for defending that important post. At Hampton, also, a militia force had assembled ; and batteries were erecting, in case that town should prove the object of attack. On the 20th of June, 13 sail of British ships, consisting of three 74s, a 64 armee en flute, four frigates, and five sloops, transports, and tenders, lay at anchor ; the nearest within seven, the furthest ofT within thirteen, miles * James's Nat. Occurr. p. 3t. Sketches of the War, p. 214. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 57 of Craney Island, An assemblage of boats at the sterns of several of the ships, on the afternoon of that day, gave no very unequivocal notice to the people on shore, that sorae expe dition was on foot. Accordingly, " Craney Island being rather weakly manned,"* the com manding officer at Norfolk sent 150 of the Constellation's seamen and marines, to a bat tery of 18-pounders on the north-west, and about 480 Virginia militia,']' exclusive of officers, to reinforce a detachment of artillery, stationed with two '24 and four 6-pounders on the west, side of the island. Captain Tarbell's 15 gun boats were also moored in the best position for contributing to the defence o,f the post. After two days' parade of boats and bustle among the British ships, a division of 17 or 18 boats, at day-light on the morning ofthe 22d, departed with about 800 men, under major- general Beckwith, round the point of Nan semond river, and landed them at a place called Pig's point, near to the narrow inlet separating the main from Craney Island. Owing to some error in the arrangements, unexpected obstacles presented themselves. An attack from that quarter being therefore considered hopeless, and the position itself not tenable, the troops, in the course of the day, re-embarked, and returned to the squadron. * App. No. 12. t Sketches of the War, p. 213. 58 MILITARY OtJCUKREA'CES BETWEEN A second division of boats, 15 in number, containing a detachment of 500 men, from the 102d regiment, Canadian chasseurs, and batta lion-marines, and about 200 seamen, the whole under the command of captain Pechell, of the St. Domingo, arrived, at about 11 o'clock in the forenoon, oflf the north-west side of the island, directly in front ofthe battery manned by the Constellation's men. Great diflerence of opinion prevailed among the officers engaged in the expedition, about the propriety of making the attack at that time of tide, it being then the ebb. Captains Hanchett, Maude, and Romilly of the engineers, were decidedly against it; captain Pechell was fbr it ; and he, being the senior officer, of course carried his point. Captain Hanchett then volunteered to lead the boats to the attack ; which he was permitted to do. Captain Hanchett's boat was the Diadem's launch, carrying a 24-pound carronade, the only boat so armed in the division. He had taken his station about 60 yards a-head of the other boats ; and was pulling, under a very heavy and long-continued fire from the batteries, directly in front ofthem, when his boat unfor tunately took the ground, at the distance of about 100 yards frora the muzzles of the enemy's guns. Captain Hanchett, who had been pre viously standing up in his boat, animating his men to hasten forward, now wrapped round his nst»n>t ¦©¦ne of lie seamen, having plunged his boat- hook over the side, found three or ifbwr foet of *14my mod at the bottom. A check thus 'ofFec- tnally given to a daring ent'Crprise, in whicli all were so ready to join, captain Hanchett waved his hat for the boats a-stern to keep a-float. In the hurry >of poaiLling and ardor of the men, this warning was disregaaided ; and one or two of th« boats grounded. Two others, owing to their baving received soane diot tbat had passed ¦through the sailsof the Diadejn's launch, sank. In the meanwhiile, the Americans atthe battery, wdW aware of the shoal, had anftioipated what happened; and, feeling their own security, poured in their grape and canister with en tbat wei'e struggiiing in the water, in consequence ©f tbeir boat haviug been sunk, a Jaogridge shot entered his left rthdgh^ This gal lant offfi a newspaper F 2 68 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN published just at the verge of Washington-city, and whose editor has the happy priviledge of remaining untainted amid.st a corrupted atmo sphere, contains the following account : — ^" The statement of the women of Hampton being violated by the British, turns out to be false. A correspondence upon that subject and the pillage said to have been committed there, has ¦taken place between general Taylor and admiral Warren. Some plunder appears to have been committed, but it was confined to the French troops emploj^ed. Admiral Warren complains, on his part, of the Americans, having continued to fire upon the struggling crews of the barges, after they were sunk."* It will be scarcely necessary to mention, that, so far from the above statement, or any thing -at all resembling it, appearing in the American ¦histories from which, we occasionally extract, — ¦the most violent paragraphs out of the. most violent journals, have alone thg,t high honor assigned to them. One author, the reverend doctor Smith, has, unfortunately, — heedless how he prostituted his superior talents, — dressed up these calumnies in far more elegant language than either of his contemporaries. Alraost immediately after the affair at Hamp ton, captain Smith; who commanded the two companies of Canadian chasseurs, waited upou * See p. 60. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 69 the commander-in-chief, and informed him that, having remonstrated with his men for their behaviour at Hamjptoh, they, one and all, declared, that they would show no quarter to any Arnerican whatever, in consequence of their comrades having been so basely fired at, when without arms, in the water, before the batteries at Craney Island. Upon captain Smith's ex pressing himself convinced that these foreigners would act up to their deterraination, sir John Warren ordered the two companies away from' the American coast; and, although troops were subsequently much wanted in that quarter, the Canadian chasseurs, or Independent foreigners, were never again employed in the British service. On the llth of July, sir John Warren detached rear-admiral Cockburn, with the Sceptre 74, (into which ship he had now shifted his flag,) the Romulus, Fox, and Nemesis, all arm^e en flute, the Conflict gun-brig, and Highflyer and Cockchafer tenders ; having on' board the 103d regiment, of about 500 rank and file,* and a small detachment of artillery, to Ocracoke harbor, situate on the North-Carolina coast; for the purpose of putting an end to the commerce carried on from that port, by means of inland riavigatioh, and of destroying any vessels that might be found there. During the night of the * Afterwards sent to the Canadas. 70 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN 12th, the squadron arrived oflf Ocracoke bar; and, at two o'clock on the following morning, the troops were embarked in their boats ; which, accompanied by the Conflict and tenders, pulled in three divisions, towards the shore. Owing to the great distance and heavy swell, the advanced division, commanded by lieutenant Westphall, first of the Sceptre, did not reach the shoal-point of the harbor, behind which two large armed vessels were seen at anchor, till considerably after day-light : consequently, the enerny was fully prepared for resistance. The instant the boats doubled the point, they were fired upon by the two vessels ; but lieutenant Westphall, under cover of some rockets, pulled directly for them ; and, had just got to the brig's hows, when her crew cut the cables and aban doned her. The schooner's colours were hauled down hj the enemy ?ibout the same time. The latter vessel proved to be the Atlas, letter of marque, of Philadelphia, mounting 10 guns, and ineasuring 240 tons : the former, the Anaconda, letter of marque, of New York, mounting 18 long 9-pQunders, and measuring 387 tons, In the course of the morning the troops were landed, and took po.ssession of Ocracoke and the town of Portsmouth, without the slightest opposition. The inhabitants behaved with civility, J^nd their property was, in consequence, not molested ; although both ]Mr. Thompson GREAT BRITA,IN AND AMERICA. 71 and Mr. O'Connor have stated diflferently. One says : — " About 3000 men were landed at Portsmouth ; where they destroyed the private property of the inhabitants, and treated the place with no more forbearance than they had shewn at Georgetown and Fredericktown."* Mr, O'Connor makes the attacking party amount to no more than " between 7 and 800 ;" de clares that " the country was pillaged and laid waste by the enemy for several miles ;"'j" and, having found out that some women died, and •others were taken ill, in the neighbourhood, ithout the time of the attack, supposes that it all arose from " apprehensions of being treated like the unfortunate females at Hampton-^'-jr — After remaining on shore for two days, rear- admiral Cockburn, with his troops and seamen, re-embarked ; not, it would appear, because he ^had performed the service entrusted to him, but — on account of his " not feeling himself competent to the attack on Newborn, now that its citizens were preparing to receive him."* No sooner had the British departed, than the American militia flocked to the post ; thus presenting us with a new system of military defence. • « Sketches of the W^r, p. 224. + History of the War, p. 178. 72 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN CHAPTER XIII. Commencement of the campaign o/*1814 — Spirited capture, by militia, of a superior detachment of American regulars, on the Thames, U. C. — - Unsuc cessful assault upon an American log-redoubt-^ Contemplated re-capture of Fort-Niagara, and attack upon Kingston' — Major-general Brown's mistake — His arrival at Buffaloe — General Wilkinson's plan of obstructing the Richelieu — American incursion into Lower Canada — Assem blage of general Wilkinson's army at Champlain -^ His advance to, and attack upon. La CoUe mill — Intrepid behaviour of the garrison- Repulse of the Americans, and their departure from the province — American defensive prepara tions at Vergennes-^British flotilla on Lake Champlain — 'Ineffectual attack upon an Ameri can battery at Otter Creek — Assault upou, and capture qf Fort^Oswego —Public property found there — American incursion into the village qf Dover, at Long Paint ; and destruction of all the dwelling-houses and other buildings there-r—' Remarks on ihat proceeding, Jb ROM the languid climate of the Chesapeake, we are agaiii suddenly called to the bracing regions of the Canadas, against whose towns and GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 73 inhabitants the United States' troops were still marching, with augmented numbers and reno vated hopes. General Harrison's victory had placed the western district of Upper Canada, at the mercy of every pettydetachmentwbich major- general ; Cass might send from the garrison of Detroit. Early in Deceraber the proceedings of a foraging party of 44 of general Cass's regulars, under lieutenant Larwell, reached the ears of Mr. Henry Medcalf, a young man residing near Long Point. Although the depredators were traversing the banks of the river Tharaes, full 1'20 miles off, and the Canadian militia at this time disembodied,* lieutenant Medcalf as sembled three serjeants and seven rank and file pf his own, the Norfolk militia; and, on the 16th of the month, commenced his inarch, hoping to gain an accession of volun teerji on his route. At Eort-Talbot, distant 65 miles, he was joined by one lieutenant, one ensign, one ser jeant, and seven rank and file of the Middlesex U)ilitia ; also, bya serjeant and six rank and file of captain Coleman's provincial dragoons; Thus reinforced, lieutenant Medcalf advanced to Chatham, about 50 miles further; where he was joined by alieutenant and eight rank and file of the Kent militia ; making his total num-^ ber, including officers, 37. While at Chatham, the commanding officer of this little expedition' * See p.' 5. 74 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN ascertained, that the objects of his search were at a house belonging to one Macrae, situate on the river-side. Owing to the length and^ rapidity of the march, eight of the men were quite worn out with fatigue. Leaving these, therefore, as a guard over the dragoon horses, lieutenant Medcalf hastened to Macrae's, with the remaining 28 of his party. On arriving near the house, the door was found closed, and the 45 American regulars had posted themselves inside ; as if intending to make a desperate resistance. Serjeant James M'Queen, of the 2d Norfolk militia, took a very ready method of gaining admittance : he burst open the door with the but-end of his musket. The 29 Canadian militia-men immediately entered ; and, after a short scuffle, in which two of the Americans were killed, and three made their es cape, took as prisoners lieutenants Larwell, Fisk, and Davies, two serjeants, two corporals and 33 rank and file, of the United States' regular army, total 40; with their arms in their hands. As soon as this affair was made known at the head quarters of the right division, lieutenant-ge neral Drummond promoted lieutenant Med calf; and otherwise testified his approbation of the judgment and gallantry which that officer had so successfully displayed. One of the pri vates, Reuben Alwood, present at the attack, was still in a weak state of health, owing to a GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. T5 severe wound he had received in resisting the attack upon the Red House, in November, 1812.* A sailor's boarding-pike was then thrust into his left eye, and actually passed out at the back of his ear ! If 50 American regulars, headed by a captain, succeed in capturing seven or eight Canadian militia, headed by a corporal, the event finds a place in the pages of an Americaii " his tory." Yet we have searched in vain for any American account of the capture of lieutenant Larwell, and 39 Araerican regulars, by lieutenant Medcalf and 28 Canadian militia. The re-possession of the Niagara frontier had enabled lieutenant-general Drummond, early in February, to detach a sraall force of regulars, to check the further inroads of the Americans, along the-Detroit and Lake-Erie shores. Apart of this force, consisting ofthe two flank compa nies of the Royal Scots, the light company of the 89th, and a detachment of rangers and Kent militia, under captain Caldwell, in all 196 rank and file,f was stationed at Delaware-town, an Indian village on the banks of the Thames about 34 miles above the Moravian village, Late on the night ofthe 3d of Miirch informa tion arrived, that an American foraging party was at Longwood, about 15 miles along the Moravian-town road. Accordingly at daylight the next morning, Captain Basden, ofthe SQth) * See Vol. I. p. 111. -f App. No. 16, 76 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN moved forward, with the three flank companies and the militia ; also about 50 Indians, under colonel Elliot, ofthe Indian departraent. The Araerican party consisted of a detach ment of rangers and mounted infantry, of the 24th and 28th regiments, amounting to 160 rank and file, under captain A. H. Holraes, of the 24th ;* which detachment had been sent from Detroit, since the 21st of February, by lieutenant-colonel Butler, who, in tbe absence of major-general Cass, was now the command ing officer. Captain Holmes, having gained in telligence of the approach of the British, fell back five miles, to the Twenty-mile Creek; where there was a wide and deep ravine, bounded on each side by a lofty height. On the western height captain Holmes established an encamp ment, in the form of a hollow square ; covering it on three sides with a redoubt, or breastwork, of felled trees. Here, confiding in the strength of his position, the American commander awaited the attack of the British. On the morning of the 4th of March, captain Basden, with his detachment, appeared on the height facing that on which the enemy was posted. The snow was, at this time, abont 15 inches deep, with a strong crust on the . top ; thus rendering the approach' to the enemy's enti'enchment still more difficult. Those, pre- * App. No. 16.' , GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 77 sent, who were well acquainted with the country, oflfered to lead the troops, by a circuitous route, to the rear of the enemy ; but captain Basden preferred a direct attack, not only, as more con sonant to his own gallant spirit, but, in order to shew a good example to the militia, and make, as he thought, a lasting impression upon the American troops. Captain Basden, having directed the militia to make a flank movement to the right, and the Indians to do the same to the left, dashed,, with his regulars, down one height, across the ravine, and up the other height, to within about three yards of the log- entrenchment. Here they were received by, a quick succession of heavy and destructive volleys from the sheltered Americans; and, after several vain but gallant eflforts to carry the work, were compelled to retire, with the loss ofone captain, one lieutenant, and 12 rank and file, killed; and one captain, (captain Basden,) one lieutenant, five serjeants, and 42 rank and file, wounded; also, one volunteer wounded and taken prisoner, and one bugleman missing ; total, 65. The loss of the Americans, as a proof how completely they were sheltered,, amounted to no more than four killed, and four wounded. The British, however, were allowed to retire without any pursuit ; and captain Holmes soon afterwards abandoned his position. Colonel Butler, in his letter, does credit to the gallantry of the British ; 78 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN but Mr. Thomson, the only editor who appears to have noticed the afifair, claims, as usual, the whole for his countrymen. The Upper Canada peninsula was intended to be the first point of serious attack^ in the campaign of 1814. The object, as explained in Mr. Secretary Armstrong's letter, of date the 20th of January, was to compel us to abandon our frontier posts on that line, including Fort- Niagara; and to prevent our sending detach ments westward, against Amberstburg and De troit, or against the American shipping at Erie and Put-in bay.* For this service, 2400 regulars, militia, and Indians, were to be placed under the command of colonel Scott. -j" The recapture of Fort-Niagara, which was the principal objects was considered to be no difficult task, with 2400 men ; because it was known to be " gar^ risoned with only from 250 to 300 men," and that the British " kept no guards outside the fort. "J But general Wilkinson, a portion of whose troops was to assist in making up this force, desirous to monopolize all the glory of invading the Canadas, threw obstacles in the way, and defeated the plan. The Canadian snows were allowed to reraaitt untrodden by hostile steps, except now and then a predatory incursion, for one month longer ; * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 614. + See p. 236. 1 Ibid. J. 618. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 79 when the American secretary at war, under date of February 21st, says to major-general Brown, at Sackett's harbor :— " You will imrtiediately consult with commodore Chauncey, about the readiness of the fleet for a descent on Kingston, the moment the ice leaves the lake. Ifhe deems it practicable, and you think you have trodps enough to carry it, you will attempt the expe dition. In such an event, you will use the enclosed as a ruse de guerre," The " enclosed" was as follows: — " Public sentiment will no longer tolerate the possession of Fort-Niagara by the enemy. You will, therefore, move the divi sion which you brought from French Mills, and invest that post. Governor Tompkins will co-operate with you with 5000 militia ; and colonel Scott, who is to be made a brigadier, will join you. You will receive your instruc tions at Onondaga Hollow."*— Having to wait two months, at least, ere commodore Chauncey's fleet could move on the lake, general Brown was the more easily led to mistake the fictitious, for the real, point of attack ; and accordingly^ marched, through snow and wafer, to Onondaga Hollow ; a village so named, distant about 70 miles from Sackett's harbor. Immediately on his arrival, a brother-officer pointed out to him his error ; and back to Sackett's harbor waded the general and his 2000 men : where we vvill * Wilkinson's Memoirs, Vol, I. p. 642. 80 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN leaive them to recover from their fatigue ; whUe we take a view of operations going on in general Wilkinson's neighbourhood. Captain Pring's two sloops and gun-boats, or, as Mr. Thorason prefers calling them, " the British fleet destined to operate . upon Lake Champlain," had been laid up for the winter at St. John's, situate about 40 miles down the Richelieu. To prevent this " fleet" from prac tising the same annoyance which it had done in the preceding summer,* general Wilkinson, who, with his array, was still at Plattsburg, sent an officer of engineers, on the 4th of March, to reconnoitre, with the view , of fortifying. Rouse's point, on the Richelieu, distant about 26 miles from St. John's ; and close to which point is the ship-channel into the lake. Sorae delay occurred in commencing upon, and the early breaking up of the ice defeated altogether, this most eligible plan. The uncommon forwardness of the season kept no pace with general Wilkinson's warlike spirit. He longed to be at the Canadians ;. if only to punish them for treating him so scurvily, on his way down the St. Lawrence. Thus bent on revenge, the general, on the 19th, of March, advanced, with his army, from Plattsburg to Chazee, on the road to Champlain, a village, distant about three miles from the boundary-line ; * See Vol. I. p. 242. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 81 and then detached brigadier-general Macomb, with a corps of riflemen, and a brigade of in fantry, in sleighs, across the ice, to Isle la Motte ; and thence to Swanton, Vermont, near to Mis- sisqui bay, on Lake Champlain. On the 22d this corps cro.ssed the line of separation between the United States and Lower Canada, and took possession of Phillipsburg, a village of 60 or 70 houses, situate on the edge of the bay, about one mile within the lines. On the next day some cannon followed the detachment ; but, on the 26th, to the great joy ofthe suflfering inhabitants, the American troops,with their artilleiy, suddenly re-crossed the lake to Champlain ; whither the general had since advanced, with the main body of the army. Onthe 29th of March, we find the general at the head of " 3999," or as, for the reader's ease, we shall .say, 4000, " combatants, including 100 cavalry, and 304 artillerists, with 11 pieces of artillery,"* Against 1800 British regulars, and 500 militia, which the general assures a council summoned on the occasion, are stationed at LaColle mill, distant eight miles from Champlain, and seven, in an opposite direc tion, from Isle aux Noix, it is deterrained that the army shall iraraediately proceed. The prepar^^- tory " general order"f is very full and explicit. It is there fixed, that the troops shall " return victorious;" nor are they to "give ground" * App. No. 17. + Ibid, No, 18. VOL. II. G 82 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN against " double the force of the enemy," To provide, also, against any accidental defection ; and, by way of operating as an additional sti mulus to glory, on the part of the troop.s, " a tried serjeant will form a supernumerary rank, and instantly put to death any man who goes back."* The Araerican array coraraenced its short march at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 30th ; and, while the troops are trudging, ancle-deep in snow and water, to eflfect the fourth invasion of Canada, we will exhibit our account of the Brirish force in the vicinity of the lines. At St. John's, distant about 14 miles from Isle aux Noix, and 21 from the mouth of La Colle river, were stationed, under the command of lieuten ant-colonel Sir William Williams, of the 13th regiment, six battalion-companies of that regi-. ment, and a battalion of Canadian militia ; num bering, altogether, about 750 rank and file. At Isle aux Noix, where lieutenant-colonel Richard Williams, of the royal marines, commanded, were stationed the chief part of a battalion of that corps, and the two flank companies of the 13th regiraent ; in all about 550 rank and file. The garrison of La Colle mill, at which major Handcock, of the 13th regiraent coramanded, consisted of about 70 of the marine-corps, one corporal, and three marine-artillerymen, captain Brake's company of the 13th regiment, and a * App. No. 18. GREAT ERiTAlN AND AMERICA. 83 small detachment of frontier light infantry, under captain Ritter ; the whole not exceeding 180 rank and file. At Whitman's, on the left bank of the Richelieu, distant about two miles from the mill, and communicating with Isle aux Noix, was the remaining battalion-company of the 13th. The grenadier-company of the Canadian fencibles, under captain Cartwright, and a battalion-com pany of voltigeurs, were stationed at Biirtonville, distant two miles up La Colle river, and where there had been a bridge, by which the direct road into the province passed. Thus the whole British force stationed within 22 miles of La Colle mill, and 30 of general Wilkinson's head quarters, amounted, in regulars, to about 1000, and, in militia, to about 430, rank and file. Yet the general's detailed estimate, upon which that presented to the councilVas founded, places, at Isle aux Noix and La Colle mill, exclusively, 2550 men, and designates the whole, excepting two companies, as regular troops ; including, among the " regiments," the voltigeurs, 49th, and De Meuron's,* although not one of these corps, except a company of the first, was sta tioned to the southward of St. John's. The mill at La Colle was built of stone, with walls about 18 inches thick, having a wooden, or shingled roof, and consisting of two stories. It was in size about 36 feet by 50, and situate on * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. III. p. 226. G 2 82 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN against " double the force of the enemy." To provide, also, against any accidental defection ; and, by way of operating as an additional sti mulus to glory, on the part of the troop.s, " a tried serjeant will form a supernumerary rank, and instantly put to death any raan who goes back."* The Araerican array coraraenced its short march at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 30th ; and, while the troops are trudging, ancle-deep in snow and water, to eflfect the fourth invasion of Canada, we will exhibit our account of the Brirish force in the vicinity of the lines. At St. John's, distant about 14 miles from Isle aux Noix, and 21 from the mouth of La Colle river, were stationed, under the command of lieuten- ant-.colonel Sir William Williams, of the 13th regiment, six battalion-companies of that regi ment, and a battalion of Canadian militia ; num bering, altogether, about 750 rank and file. At isle aux Noix, where lieutenant-colonel Richard Williams, of the royal marines, commanded, were stationed the chief part of a battalion of that corps, and the two flank companies of the 13th regiment ; in all about 550 rank and file. The garrison of La Colle mill, at which major Handcock, of the 13th regiment coramanded, consisted of about 70 of the marine-corps, one corporal, and three marine-artillerymen, captain Brake's company of the 13th regiment, and a * App. No. 18. GRfiAt amtAlN AND AMERICA. 83 small detachraent of frontier light infantry, under captain Ritter ; the whole not exceeding 180 rank and file. At Whitman's, on the left bank df the Richelieu, distant about two miles from the mill, and communicating with Isle aux Noix, was the remaining battalion-company of the 13th. The grenadier-company of the Canadian fencibles, under captain Cartwright, and a battalion-com pany of voltigeurs, were stationed at Burtonville, distant two miles up La Colle river, and wbere there had been a bridge, by which the direct road into the province passed. Thus the whole British force stationed within 22 miles of La Colle mill, and 30 of general Wilkinson's head quarters, amounted, in regulars, to about 1000, and, in militia, to about 430, rank and file. Yet the general's detailed estimate, upon which that presented to the council^vas founded, places, at Isle aux Noix and La Colle mill, exclusively, 2550 men, and designates the whole, excepting two companies, as regular troops ; including, among the " regiments," the voltigeurs, 49th, ahd De Meuron's,* although not one of these corps, except a company of the first, was sta tioned to the southward of St, John's. The raill at La Colle was built of stone, with walls about 18 inches thick, having a wooden, or shingled roof, and consisting of two stories. It was in size about 36 feet by 50, and situate on * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. III. p. 226. G 2 S4 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the south bank of La Colle river ; which was frozen over nearly to its raouth, or junction with the Richelieu, from which the mill was about three-quarters of a mile distant. The raill had been placed in a state of defence, by filling up the windows with logs, leaving horizontal inter vals to fire through. On the north-bank of th« river, a little to the right of the mill, and with which it communicated by a wooden bridge, was a small house, not originally intended for, but, on this occasion, converted into, a block- bouse, by being surrounded with a breastwork of logs. In the rear of this teraporary block house was a large barn, to which nothing had been done, and which was not even musket- proof. The breadth of the cleared ground, to the southward of the mill, was about 200, and that to the northward, about 100 yards ; but,, on the flanks^ the >voods were much nearer. There was, at this time, about a foot of snow on the ground, and that rapidly dissolving. The American troops, owing to the blunder of their guide, took the road to Burtonville, and did not discover their mistake till they had fired upon, and driven in, a small piquet of captain Cartwright's. They then counter-marched; and, after a second mistake ofthe road entered the main road near Odell-town, distant about three railes from the mill. This road had been purposely obstructed by felled trees; whicb, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 85 before the army could proceed, the Araerican axemen were obliged to cut up or remove. In the course ofthe march, colonel Bissell's brigade, consisting of the 14th, 20th, and 23d infantry regiments, encountered a piquet, composed of a subaltern and 20 men, sent forward by major Handcock. This piquet was reinforced, and opened a smart fire upon the Americans ; in which they killed and wounded one officer and 12 men of colonel Bissell's brigade,* Tbe first intelligence of the enemy's advance reached the garrison at about half-past 10 in the forenoon ; but, owing to the delay they had experienced, the Araerican troops did not arrive before the mill, till half-past one o'clock in the afternoon. The general, in a very masterly manner, now drew up his 4000 Americans, so as completely to invest this great mill-fortress, garrisoned by 180 British, As it was naturally expected, that the latter would soon try to eflfect their escape, 600 men, under colonel Miller, were detached across the river, to the rear of the mill, in order to cut them oflf. The firing commenced on the part of the little garrison ; and was directed against that part of the enemy's column, which was stationed at the verge of the wood in front of the mill. This continued for about half an hour, when the Americans, after breaking the carriage of an 18, and being compelled to leave on the * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol, III. p. 244. 86 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN road a 12-pounder, succeeded in bringing to a good position, within about 250 yards of the front of the mill, a 12 and 6-pounder, also a 5^ inch howitzer. An incessant cannonade was now kept up from the artillery, and rer turned by the musketry of the besieged. The firing from the howitzer, was, however, pre sently discontinued, chiefly on account of the thickness of the wood,* Soon after the attack had coraraenced, a message from major Handcock, brought to the block-house, from Isle aux Noix, the two flank companies ofthe 13th, comraanded b}^ captains EUard and Holgate, The suddeu rise of water, occasioned by the melting of the snow, had compelled the men to wade nearly, up to their waists in mud and water. Major Handcock, not being apprized of the whole amount of the force opposed to hira, ordered: these two companies to charge the eneuiy's guns. This was instantly done, in the most resolute' manner ; but the overpowering numbers of the enemy, and the destruction caused by the flank ing fire of his infantry and rifleraen stationed in the woods, rendered the eflforts of the gallant fellows unavailing, and they retired across the. river to their block-house. About this time captain Cartwright's company of the Canadian fencibles, and the company of voltigeurs, eluded the enemy, and came down from Burtonville * Wilkinson's Mem, Vol, III. p, 322, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 8? through the woods bordering on the river. The grenadiers of the Canadian fencibles were novv joined to the remnant of the two 13th flank- companies, and a second charge was ordered to be made upon the guns. Captain EUard, of the 13th, having been severely wounded in the first, captain Blake volunteered to head the grenadiers in the second charge. This charge was made and persisted in, with even more gallantry and reso lution than the first. The men advanced within a very few yards of the guns ; which, in conse quence of the vigorous assaults made upon them, were abandoned by the artillerymen, and only fiescued from capture by the repeated volleys of the American infantry. The Americans were, in a manner, astounded at the valor of their opponents on this occasion. Lieutenant-colonel M'Pherson, who commanded the American artillery before the mill, deposed, at general Wilkinson's court-martial, as follows : "The ground was disputed inch by inch, in our advance to the mill; and the conduct ofthe enemy, that day, was distinguished by desperate bravery. As an instance, one company made a charge on our artillery, and, at the same instaht, received its fire, and that of two bri gades of infantry."* Lieutenant-colonel Totten, of the American engineers, present in the same action, also deposes thus : — " Judging from the * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. III. p. 328. 88 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN force of the enemy's charges, it was certainly prudent that a large force should be in the neighbourhood of the arrillery, and nothing else saved them."* Brigadier-general Bissell, on the same occasion, says : " There were two desperate sorties made, in which the artillery was left without a man ; the piece was regained by the infantry, and the enemy repulsed : men were supplied from my brigade to work the gun."t Any further attempt at the guns would have been a waste of lives ; and therefore major Handcock and his men now acted solely on the defensive. The American artillery still conti nued the cannonade. Several shots struck the mill, and a l2Tpounder passed through the wall near tbe chimney, where it v^as weakest. One man of the 13th was killed by a grape-shot, that entered the aperture between the logs in the windows. During the action, captain Pring's sloops, and two or three gun-boats, arrived at the mouth of the creek ; which was as near as the ice, had the river been otherwise navigable, would have permitted them to approach. Yet general Wilkinson, by way of augmenting the; force he had to contend with, has, in hisdiagram of the action, actually placed two gun-boats on the river La Colle, directly at the back of the mill ; when he ought to have known that, were. * Wilkinson's Mrm. Vol- III. p. 238. + Ibid. p. 245. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 89 there no ice at all, the river was not navigable evSn for canoes.* Lieutenant-colonel Williams was quite misinformed, as to any destruction caused to the enemy by the fire of tlie gun-boats.-j" Not an American officer present in the ac tion, who was examined at general Wilkinson's court-martial, states anything ofthe kind. On the contrary, lieutenant-colonel Totten swears positively, that " the enemy fired no artillery, except from their gun-boats, which- opened a useless fire, 50 or 100 feet above our heads ;":j; the natural consequence, not only of the dis tance, but ofthe thick intervening woods. The spirited and long-continued fire kept up by theBritish had exhausted their ammunition; and two privates, who had been despatched to Isle aux Noix for a fresh supply, were captured by an American piquet. A third private, belong ing to the marines, succeeded in reaching the island. By this time the Araerican artillery had been cannonading the raill, without the slightest apparent effect, for about two hours and a half; and now ceased altogether. The cessation of firing on the part of the besieged occasioned the American troops to advance nearer to the mill ; but no attempt was made to carry even the block-house. Just at dusk the Araerican troops * Bonchette's Top. Dese. of Lower Canada, p. 179. + Appendix, No. 17. + Wilkinson's-Memoirs, Vol. III. p. 235. 90 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN retired from the field ; and retraced their steps out of the province, to the great joy of the inha bitants of Odell-town, whom they had pillaged unmercifully. ' They had been slightly annoyed at the first of their retreat, by a small party of Indians, It was natural for major Handcock to consider this retreat of so numerous a force as inerely a feint, to draw him away from the mill. He therefore remained at his post during the night; in the course of which two 18-pound carronades had been brought up from the gun boats, and posted at the block-house ; but, as there was now no enemy to be seen, they were not used. The British loss, in this brilliant affair, could not be otherwise than severe. It amounted, altogether, to 11 rank and file killed ; one cap tain, one subaltern, one serjeant, 43 rank and file, wounded ; and four rank and file missing ; exclusive of onelndian killed, and one wounded,* in the skirmishing, on the enemy's retreat ; total 64. The American loss before La Colle mill, amounted to 13 killed, 128 wounded, and 13 missing :t total 154. Among the wounded were lieutenant-colonel M'Pherson, lieutenants Lar rabee, Green, and Parker, of the artillery. So destructive, indeed, was the fire from the mill upon the men at the guns, that out of 18 men * App. No. 18. -}¦ Burdick's Hist, and Pol. Register, p. 266. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 91 stationed at the 12-pounder, only two remained to work it. The reader is, no doubt, anxious to see how the American editors have handled a subject which, undoubtedly, gives the finest scope tp their well-known talents. Mr. Thomson, after stating that the enemy " was condensing a force of 2500 men at La Colle mill ;" that general Wilkinson determined on attacking, and " forced back a paa-t of the enemy" in his approach to it, says : " He then resumed his march to La Colle mill, a large and lofty fortified stone-house, measuring 60 feet by 40, and, at that time, in comraand of major Hancock, and a strong corps pf British regulars, — "* or 180 rank and file. After having nearly committed himself, by enumerating nine regiments as composing the American infantry, Mr. Thomson recovers him self thus : " All these regiments were mere ske letons consolidated."* Nor does he any where divulge the actual force of general Wilkinson's array; although, in the published proceedings of that officer's trial, lieutenant-colonel Totten refers to " the statement made to the council of war,"! forthe " effective force at La Colle." J Consequently, the whole force present must have exceeded '^ 39S9 combatants.' f Doctor Smith gives no numbers on either side ; and raakes his * Sketches of the War, p. 257. + App, No. 1. + Wilkinson's Mera. Vol. III. p. 234. 92 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN account as brief, as if he were writing a chro nological table instead of a " History," Mr. O'Connor it is, to whom general Wilkinson owes such obligations. We must give his account nearly at length : '* The issue of this expedition," says Mr. O'Connor, " was unfortunate, although in its progress, it did honor to the Americans engaged. The enemy claimed a victory, only because he was not vanquished ; and pretended to gather laurels, while circumstances concurred to render it nearly impossible to attack or drive him from his cowardly strong holds. General Wilkinson, at the head of his division, marched from Cham plain, with the intention of reducing the enemy's fortress at the river La Colle. About 11 o'clock he fell in with the eneray at Odell-town, three miles from La Colle, and six* from St. John's. An attack was coraraenced by the enemy on the advance of the array under colonel Clerk and major Forsyth. Colonel Bissel came up with spirit, and the enemy was forced to retire with loss. General Wilkinson took part in this action, and bravely advanced into the most dangerous position, declining frequently the advice of his officers, to retire from imminent danger. The enemy having used his Congreve rockets, without producing any eflfect, retired to La CoUe, whither he was pursued. At this * It ought to be 26 OREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 93; place an action was expected ; but the enemy, whose force when increased by a reinforcement from the Isle aux Noix, amounted to at least 2500 men, mostly regulars, declined meeting th^ American force, although much inferior in numbers and raeans of warfare," — " Several sorties were made by the eneray, but they were resisted with bravery and success." — " The conduct of every individual attached to the American comraand, was marked by that pa triotism and prowess, which has so often con quered the boasted discipline, long experience, and military tactics of an enemy, who dared not to exppse his ' invincibles' to the disgrace of being defeated by a less numerous force of Yankee woodsmen." * That general Wilkinson himself does not con sider that Mr. O'Connor has, by.his remarks, conferred any additional ridicule upon the busi ness of La Colle mill, we gather, not only from the general's official account,^ but from his eflforts, long subsequently, though vainly made, to save his character from reproach. The glaring impracticability of crararaing " 2500 men" in a building " 60 feet by 40," as well as the positive testimony of one of his own officers, that " 400 raen" only" could act with * History of the War. p. 219. + Not published in this -work, but the substance fully gir ea in the last qtiotation. 96 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN a strong British force asserabled at Isle aux Noix and St. John's. This very naturally alarmed commodore Macdonough, at Vergennes, Ver mont ; where he was superintending the con struction of a large ship and brig, destined for Lake Champlain. Vergennes stands upon Otter creek ; about eight miles from its mouth, or junction with the lake; and, considering the importance of the object, it required no extra ordinary penetration to conclude that a com petent British force would, the instant the Richelieu was free from ice, embark on board captain Pring's flotilla, now augmented by a new 16-gun brig and sorae gallies, and proceed to Otter creek ; there disembark, and march up to destroy the naval depot and the ships at Vergennes. To defeat this conjectural plan, a battery of seven guns was erected on a com manding position at the mouth of the creek ; a suitable detachment of regular artillery, sent from general Izard's division at Burlington; a reserve of 500 inlantry, ordered up from Platts burg; and arrangements made with the governor of Vermont, for assembling the militia, the instant the first cannon should be fired. ^ About the middle of April commodore Mac donough succet^ded in launching his vessels; but being unprovided vvitit a sufficiency of guns and stores, was too prudent to vtnture on the lake. On the 9ih of May the Lreakiitg up of the ice GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 97 enabled captain Pring, with his flotilla, on board of which was a detachment of marines, to com mence ascending the Richelieu, Contrary winds prevented the vessels from reaching the lake till the 13th, No sooner, however, did the British shew themselves off Burlington, than the inha- tants, fearing an immediate descent, began leaving the town, with their property. On the same evening, a bomb-vessel and eight gallies of the flotilla arrived, and took a station, off Otter creek; and, on the next morning, the bomb-vessel commenced a cannonade upon the battery ; and continued it for about two hours, without doing any other injury, it appears, than dismounting one of the guns, and wounding two men. The state of preparation in which the enemy was, and the want of troops wherewith to attack him on shore, compelled the vessels to withdraw, and finally, to return to Isle aux Noix. A most important object was here overlooked by the commander-in-chief. A corps of 8 or 900 men, so easily to have been spared, would have saved the lives of Downie, and his brave comrades, iu the September following ; and have averted all those attendant circumstances, still so pain ful to reflect upon.* When we had scarcely a vessel on the lake, an Everard sailed triumphant * James's Naval Occarrences, p. 404 — 25. VOL, II. H 98 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN over it, and a Murray landed at all the towns upon its shores, undismayed, and unopposed, by the fourfold American force assembled in the neighbourhood.* Here was a reverse ! — And yet no blame rested with captain Pring, nor with the officers commanding posts at which the British troops were stationed ; and from whieh they ought to have been supplied. The active operations going on upon Lake Ontario now claim our attention. Although, about the middle of January, not above 800 troops were at Sackett's Harbor, the reasonable supposition that, with the hourly increasing force of the British, the latter would make some attempt to destroy in the bud the immense naval armament there fitting out, to main tain, during the ensuing sumraer, the ascen dancy on the lake, had, by the end of March, brought to the post 5500 troops, including 1500 to be employed as marines on board commodore Chauncey's squadron. The oppor tunity of destroying' this important depot a .second time lost, sir George Prevost, early in May, was induced to consent to a proposition made by sir Gordon Drummond and sir James Lucas Yeo, to employ the new ships that had been so rapidly equipped, in a combined attack upon the fort and town of Oswego ; at which * See Vol, I. p. 242. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 99 place it was supposed, that a large quantity of naval stores for the new ships at Sackett's Har bor had been deposited, Oswego is situate on the river of the same name, near its confluence with Lake Ontario ; and is distant from Sackett's Harbor about 60 miles. At the mouth of the river there i« a safe harbor, with tw^o fathoms water ; the channel to which is completely commanded by a well- bniltfort, although not in the best repair, stand ing, along with the state-warehoUses, barracks, and a few houses, upon the eastern shore of the river; having its front towards the lake. The fort is a three-sided figure, with bastions and ramparts ; and contains, within its ditches, up wards of three acres of ground. The site is ele vated about 50 feet above the level of the lake ; thus rendering the position a very formidable one. On the western bank of the river stands the town, consisting of about 30 houses. This river affords the only water-communication be tween New York and Sacketfs • Harbor. The course is up the Hudson and Mohawk rivers ; then across a short portage, to a small stream leading into Lake-Oneida ; thence down the Oswego into (subject to a slight interruption by the Onondaga falls, distant about 13 miles from) Lake-Ontario. This readily accounts for the accumulation of naval stores in the warehouses H 2 100 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN of Oswego ; and gives to that post an importance which it would not otherwise possess. On the evening of the 3d of May, a detach ment of troops, consisting of six. corapanies of De Watteville's regiment, including two newly- raised flank-companies, * the light corapany of the Glengarry's, the whole of the second batta lion of marines, a detachment of artillery, with two field-pieces ; also small detachments of rocketeers, and sappers and miners: numbering, altogether, 1080 rank and file, embarked in the vessels of sir James Yeo's fleet, lying- at Kingston. Early on the following morning lieutenant- general Drummond went on board the Prince Regent, as commander of the troops. The fleet immediately stood out of the harbor ; but, on account of light and variable winds, did not arrive oflf Oswego till noon on the following day.f Either suspicion, ov direct information, ofthe attack had led to preparations on the part of the Americans. Since the 30th of April lieu tenant-colonel Mitchell had arrived from Sack ett's Harbor, with 300 heavy and light artillery, and several engineer and artillery officers. The batteries were repaired and fresh picketed, and new platforms laid for the guns; which were four in number, 24, 12, and 6-pounders ; besides * See Vol. I. p. 281. + App. No. 20, 21, and 23, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 101 a 12-pounder, planted en barbette close to the lake-shore. The United States' schooner Grow ler, of three guns, lieutenant Pierce, was lying in the harbor, preparing, under the superin tendance of captain Woolsey, to conduct to Sackett's Harbor a division of batteaux, laden with stores. Arrangements had, also, been made for assembling the militia of the dis trict, and no sooner did the fleet shew itself, at six o'clock on the morning of the Sth, than alarm-guns were fired ; which soon brought to the post upwards of 200 militia : thus making a total force of, at least, 540 men. By way, also, of making this force appear treble what it was, in the hope, thereby, to daunt the British, and prevent them from attempting to land, the Americans pitched all their tents upon the opposite, or town-side of the river, while they themselves remained in their barracks. The exact force in guns, men, and size, of eyery ship in the rival fleets upon this lake, not only at the attack on Oswego, but at several other important periods, during the continuance of hostilities, will be found clearly exhibited in our naval volume.* At three o'clock in the afternoon, the ships lay-to, within long range of the shore; and the gun-boats, 11 in number, were sent in, under the orders of captain Collier, to induce the enemy to shew the number and position of his guns. At four, by which time * James's Naval Occurrences, p. 3S4— 401. 10? MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the gun-boats had got within point-blank range, the Americans opened their fire ; and a mutual cannonade was kept up till about half- past five, when captain Collier, having eflfected his object, stood back to the fleet. Preparations were now made for disembarking the troops on that even ing ; but, about sunset, a heavy gale from the north-vvest compelled the ships to gain an offing ; in which eflfort, four of the boats, their crews being first taken out, were obliged to be cut adrift. As soon as the weather moderated, the fleet cast anchor, about 10 miles to the north ward of the fort. The direction and violence ofthe wind occa sioned one ofthe four boats ta drift on shore. This circumstance, added to the afternoon's cannonade, and the retiring of the British gun boats, became a fruitful subject in the hands of American historians. They all concur in de claring, that the British, on the afternoon of the 5th, were most gallantly repulsed ; and one (Mr, O'Connor says, " some") of their boats captured. Nor did the gun-boats only can nonade the fort : the " enemy's principal ship, and the other frig ates and smaller vessels," opened a heavy fire upon it; and " 15 large boats crowded with troops," approached the shore.* It is fortunate, that we have to oppose to all this the stfitements contained in an " extract from a letter of a United States' officer, " (who Sketches of the War, p. 262, and Hist, of the War, p. 220. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 103 was in the action,) •« dated Oswego-falls,May 7;" which was published in all the principal Ame rican newspapers of the day. This officer wit*- nessed the cutting adrift of the boats, and assigned for it the true cause. On the morning of the 6th, the ships having returned, and every thing being ready, the two flank-companies of De Watteville's regiment, under captain De Bersey, the light company of the Glengarry's, under captain M'Millan, the battalion of inarines, under lieutenant-colonel Malcolm, and 200 seamen, armed with pikes, under captain Mulcaster ; the whole under the immediate comraand of lieutenant-colonel Fischer, of De Watteville's ; and araounting to about 770 rank and file, embarked in the boats : leaving the four reraaining companies of De Watteville's, and the detachments of artillery, rocketeers, and sappers and miners, as a corps of reserve. Owing to the shoal ness of the water oflf the harbor, the two largest ships could not approach near enough, to cannonade the battery with any effect. This service was most gallantly per formed by the Montreal and Niagara, under a heavy discharge of red-hot shot, which set the former on fire three times. The Magnet took her station in front of the town, on the opposite side of the river ; while the Star and Charwell towed in, and covered, the boats, containing the troops. The wind was atthis time nearly a-head . 104 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN and the cpnsequent tardiness in the approach of the boats exposed the men to a heavy and destructive fire from the enemy's batteries, and from upwards of 500 regulars and militia, drawn up on the brow of the hill. The British, never theless, eflfected their landing, and instantly formed on the beach. Having to ascend a steep and long hill, the troops suffered extremely from the enemy's fire ; no sooner, however, had they reached the summit, than the 300 American regu lars retired to the rear of the fort, and the 200 American militia fled, helter-skelter, into the wpods. In ten minutes from the time that the British had gained the height, the fort was in our possession. Lieutenant James Laurie, of the ma rines, was the first man who entered it ; and lieu tenant Hewett,of the samecorps,climbed the flag staff, under a heavy fire, and struck the American colours, which had been nailed to the mast; more, as it would seem, to give trouble to the British, than to evince a determination, on the part of. the Araericans, of defending the post with any unusual obstinacy. The British loss in the affair of Oswego was rather severe. It araounted to one captain, (captain Holtoway,) and 14 non-commissioned officers and privates, of the royal marines and De Watteville's regiment, and three seamen, killed ; one captain, and one subaltern, (since dead,) of De Watteville's ; two captains, one lieutenant, and one master of the navy, 51 non- GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 105 commissioned officers and privates, of the royal marines and De Watteville's, and seven seamen, wounded; total, 18 killed, and 64 wounded. All three of our American editors, one copying from the other, haVe declared the British loss to have been, " in killed, 70 ; in wounded, drowned, and missing, 165 ; in all, 235."* Their own loss the Americans state, at a lieutenant and five men killed, 38 wounded, and 25 missing. We captured 60 prisoners. Adraitting this number to include the wounded, it is no proof that the American commander retired quite so leizureh^, or in so "good order," as the American writers would have us believe. The Araericans have pursued their usual exaggerating system, as respects the relative numbers in the attack upon Fort-Oswdgo. General Brown declares that the British force, " by land and water, exceeded 3000 ;"f but he is not explicit enough to tell us, what portion of this force came on shore and captured the fort. This we gain from other sources. Mr. Thorason says we landed 1700 ;* Mr, O'Connor, '2000, + and doctor Smith, " between 2 and 3000"§ men ; but the American officer, who writes from Oswego, states the nuraber that landed, at 1200 ; which is but a moderate increase upon 770. In estimating their own force at Oswego, the * Sketches of the War, p. 263. + App. No. 24, i History of the War, p. 220. % History of the United States, Vol, III. p. 308. 106 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN American writers, not excepting general Brown himself, pursue quite an opposite course. With us, every man within sight or hearing of the place is to be estimated : with them, it is only such as were bold enough to fight. Therefore, l>ecause the American militia thought best to run, without firing a shot, they are not to be reckoned as part of the numerical force, whose duty it was to oppose the landing ofthe British. The behaviour ofthe militia is well explained in the Araerican officer's letter: — "The militia, at this time," says he, " thought best to leave us : I do not think they fired a gun." Considering the commanding position of the batteries, the length of time during which, owing to the shoal- iiess of the water ahd state of the wind, the troops a-float were exposed to hot and cold shot and rausket-bullets, and, after they did effect a landing, the difficulty of ascending the hill, under the fire from the cannon, and from a body of troops, well-posted upon its summit, it would not have been extraordi nary, if 500 men had succeeded in keeping oflf an enemy " for nearly two days,"* instead of scarcely as many hours; nor would general Brown's " General Order," in which he thought fit to boast, that the Araericans at Oswego had " established for themselves a name in arms, worthy of the gallant nation in whose cause * App. No. 24' GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 107 they fight," have had quite so much the air of a lampoon. Although the chief part of the /stores, for the capture of which the expedition had been under taken, was removed to Onondago falls, about 13 railes from Oswego, a considerable quantity still remained. Among the captured ordnance and ordnance stores, were three long 32, and four long 24-pounders, besides guns of smaller caliber ; and several 42 and 32-pounder round, grape, and canister shots. We also captured, and carried away, upwards of 1000 (one official account says 2400*) barrels of provisions,-^ 70 coils of rope and cordage, a quantity of blocks, two or three schooners, and several boats. Among the property destroyed by us were, eight barrels of gun-powder, all the shot of small caliber, the platform and works at the fort ; also the barracks, both there and in the town. We have no very accurate account of what the Americans them selves destroyed. They mention having scut tled and sunk the Growler, United States' schooner, with three long 32-pounders, and a quantity of ordnance-stores, on board. The federal, or opposition papers of the day, com plained much against the government, for con cealing the amount of the loss sustained at Oswego. How trifling that loss was made, ir. clearly shewn, by the statements of our three * App. No. 22. t App. No. 23. 108 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN historians upon the subject. Mr, Thomson says : " The enemy took possession of the fort and barracks, but for the little booty which he obtained, consisting of a few barrels of provi sions and whiskey, he paid much more than an equivalent."* Doctor Smith declares, that we captured nothing but " a naked fort."j" Mr, O'Connor, however, is candid enough to admit, that " eight pieces of cannon, and some stores, worth about 100 dollars, fell into the enemy's hands." J On the other hand, an American writer from Onondago, values the public pro perty, destroyed or taken away by the British, at " about 40000 dollars." It was highly cre ditable to the troops, raarines, and seamen, that, although the loading ofthe prizes wilh the ord nance and other captured property, necessarily detained them in the town for one whole night, not a murraur of coraplaint, that we can find, has been uttered against them. Every thing being accomplished by four o'clock on the mom ing of the 7th, the ships and other vessels got under weigh, and departed from Oswego. A serious business, in which a party of British officers and seamen, on the 30th of May, impelled by their usual gallantry, pursued a flotilla of American boats, up a narrow creek, * Sketches ofthe War, p. 263, + History of the United States, Vol. III. p. 3D8. J History of the War, p. 221. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 109 till they got ambushed and outnumbered, and yitere, at last, compelled, after sustaining a heavy loss in killed and wounded, to surrender, will be found detailed in our naval volume.* An occurrence on the shores of Lake-Erie now requires our notice. Long- Point in the district of London is notoriously one ofthe most fertile spots in Upper Canada. The ample supply of wheat and other bread-corn which it aflforded during the war, rendered the preservation of its re sources by one party, and their destruction by the other, a matter of equal importance. On another account, also, was Long-Point a post that ought to be guarded. It was only a day's march thence to Burlington, the grand dep6t of the British army upon the Niagara line ; and the enemy's entire coramand of Lake-Erie gave him the facility of bringing troops towards, and land ing them upon, the Canadian shore, unseen and unopposed. Lieutenant-general Drummond, therefore, did right in detaching to the village of Dover on Long-Point, early in March, a troop of the 19th light dragoons, under major Lisle. There being no barracks or public buildings at the place, major Lisle and his men took posses sion of some private buildings, and, among them, of the dwelling-house, saw-mill, and dis tillery, of Robert Nichol, esquire, a lieutenant- colonel and quarter-master-general of the Cana- * James's Nav. Occur, p. 398, 110 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN dian militia, and then absent from home on service,**^ The British capture of Buflfaloe and Black Rock, and the dreaded attack upon Erie, where the fleet lay, had occasioned, since early in the year, the assemblage of a force of regulars at the latter place. Aware of the small detachment stationed at Long-Point, colonel Campbell, of thel9th United States' infantry,with 500 troops,^ landed there from Erie, on the 15th of May, The dragoons and the few militia that happened to be at Dover, retired; and the Araericans in stantly " destroyed the flour-mills, distilleries, and all the houses occupied by the soldiers, as well as raany others belonging to the peaceable inhabitants of the village." •{• Mr. Thomson proceeds in his account thus : " A squadron of British dragoons, stationed at that place, fled at the approach of colonel Campbell's detach ment ; and abandoned the women and children, who experienced humane treatment from the Americans. Colonel Campbell undertook the expedition without orders ; and, as his conduct was generally reprobated, a court of inquiry was instituted, to examine into his proceedings, of which general Scott was president. This court declared, that the destruction of the raills * And who proved himself, during the 'whole of the war, an acfiTe, intelligent, and highly useful officer. + Sketches of the War, p. 268. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. Ill and distilleries was according to the usages of war, but that, in burning the houses ofthe inha bitants, colonel Campbell had greatly erred. This error they attributed to the recollection of the scenes of the Raisin and the Miami, in the western territories, to the army of which colonel Carapbell was at that tirae attached, and of the recent devastation ofthe Niagara frontier."* Adraitting the destruction of the buildings which had been occupied by the dragoons, to have been a sanctioned military raeasure, was it only an " error" in the American comraander, to have burnt the houses " belonging to the peace able inhabitants ofthe village" ? The court did not lessen its dignity in allowing itself to be swayed by the fabricated stuflf in every news paper " known to be friendly to the war ;" nor in forgetting what it was that had caused " the recent devastation on the Niagara fron tier," so painful to the sensitive " recollection" of the American colonel ? The date of this in dulgent court of inquiry does not appear ; but, referring to the public letter, in which Mr. Munroe, at a day long subsequent, rerainds us, that colonel Carapbell's " conduct was subjected to a military tribunal," we can readily conceive, that the court sat for no other purpose than to excuse him, and to exculpate the American go vernment, for the commission of an act, which, ? Sketches of the War, p. 268. 112 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN as Mr. Thomson says, was so " generally repro bated." This editor is not satisfied with having, as he supposes, freed colonel Campbell from blame : in order to enable him to expatiate upon that sickening subject, American huraanity, he must reproach us. To high-minded Americans it could not fail to appear as a very dastardly act, for 70 or 80 dragoons to retreat before 500 infan try. The British having, however, " abandoned the women and children," we shall now present a specimen of the " humane treatment," which the latter " experienced from the Americans." Not only did colonel Campbell, and his 500 re gulars, lay waste as much of the surrounding country as carae within their reach, and pilfer^ and carry oflf as much private property as was easilj'^ portable, but they set fire to the whole of the little village of Dover, comprizing the following 46 buildings : one saw-mill, one tan- house^ three distilleries, six stores, 13 barns, three grist-mills, and 19 dwelling-houses ; thus utterly ruining 25 *' peaceable" families. Yet was all this no more than an " error" on the part of the American comraander by whose orders it had been perpetrated. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 113 CHAPTER XIV. Serious preparations for the flfth invasion of the Canadas — American force on the Niagara fron tier — British force in ihe same neighbourhood — Disembarkation of major-general Brown's army — Capture of Fort-Erie, together with its small garrison— British force at Chippeway ' — Aflvance of the American, army — Battle of Chippeway, or Street's creejc— Retreat qf major* general Riall— 'Return of the Americans to their Camp — Fresh movement against the British at Chippeway— Further, retreat of the latier to Fort-George— -Adijance qf the^ Americans, to Queenstown-r-Spirited behctviour of a Br^ti^tf, patrolling parly — General Brown's plans deve-? loped — General Riall- s departure from Fort- George io the Twenty, .and Fifteen-mile, creeks — American reconnoissance before Fort-George — Wanton conflagration ., ,of the village of St. David — Investment of porirGeorge — Re treat of' the Americans to .Queenstown — De struction of their baggage, andfwther retreat to Chippeway — Corresponding advance of major- general Riall's light troops — Re-advance of the Americans towards Queenstown — Skirmishing between the adverse piquets— Arrival of lieute nant-general Drummond with a reinforcement — Detachment sent across to Lewistown — General VOL, II. I 114 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Drummond's junction with general Rtall — Battle of Niagara, or Lundy's lane — Retreat of the Americans to Chippeway and Street's creek -^Their destruction of Street's mills, and of their own baggage, camp-equipage and stores — Their further retreat to Fort-Erie — Various American accounts of ihese operations — -Their gross mis statements corrected. JDjARLY in April major-general Brown, with a strong force in regulars, inarched, a second time, from Sackett's Harbor to Batavia ; and thence to Buflfaloe, where he fixed his head-quarters. Here he remained drilling his troops, and re ceiving occasional reinforcements, till the raiddle of June ; when he received orders, " to carry Fort-Erie, and beat up the enemy's quarters at Chippeway ; but/' adds the American secretary at war, " in case his fleet gets the control of Lake Ontario, you are immediately to re-cross the strait."* This late commencement of the campaign arose, no doubt, from the back wardness of commodore Chauncey to decide the ascendancy upon Lake Ontario ; without which the objects of the American government could be only partially fulfilled. It took major-general Brown from the 15th of June to the 2d of July, lo prepare hiraself for crossing the Niagara ; which, according to the "General Order" f issued upon the occasion, he « WilkiQson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 641. f App. Noi 25. GHteAT SniTAiN ANn America. 115 Was then about to do, with two brigades of infan-^ try, a corps of artillery ^ and a body of volunteers. As far as we can gather from the American ac- counts, one brigade consisted of the Oth, llth, 22d, and 25th regiments, under brigadier-gene ral Scott;, the other, of the 17th, 19th, 21st, and 23d regiraentSj under brigadier-general Ripley ; the two united brigades numbering 2580 rank and file^ The corps of artillery con sisted of upwards of 400 men, having in charge eight field-pieces, and one or two howitzers ; including, among the former, several 18 and 12'- pounders. There was, also, a squadron of dragoons, under captain Harris ; which we may estimate at 70 tnen. To this regular force of 3050 rank and file, were added from 8 to 1 100 (say 900) New York, Pennsylvania, and" Cana* dian" (or traitor) volunteers ; and about 150 Indians : tnaking a total force of 4100 rank and file. Besides this force, there were, at diflferent posts between Erie and Lewistown, the 1st regiment of infantry, a regular rifle corps, and from 2 to 300 volunteers, under a colonel Swift ; making an aggregate of, at least, 5000 men. But even this nuraber does not include the militia of the district, who, in case of invasion, could assemble to the amount of '2 or 3000 ; nor 3 or 4000 regulars, whora commodore Chauncey, if disposed to be bold, might bring down from Sackett'sharbor. So that the command pf Lake i2 116 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Ontario could very speedily augraent the Ameri can force upon the Niagara to 10000 raen. The British force upon the sarae frontier was, at this tirae, under the coraraand of raajor-gene ral Riall, and consisted of the royal Scots, (1st bat.) lOOth, and 103d regiraents, a ti;oop of the 19th light dragoons, and a detachment of artil lery; numbering, altogether, about 1780 rank and file. But out of this force were garri soned the forts Erie, George, Mississaga, and Niagara; (the latter on the American side of the strait;) also the post upon Burlington Heights ; comprehending an extent of frontier of full 70 iniles. On the morning of the 3d of July, general Brown's army crossed the strait, in two divisions; one division landing about a mile and a half below, the other about the same distance above, Fort-Erie ; against which the American troops iramediately marched. Having planted a bat tery of 18-pounders in a good position in front of the fort, and fired, and received in return, a few shots; by which a loss was sustained, on our part, ofone man killed, and, on the part of the Americans, of four men of the 25th regiment wounded, raajor-general Brown summoned the fort to surrender. Fort-Erie was, at this tirae, garrisoned by two companies of the Sth and 100th regiments, and a small detachment, of artillery, under major Buck, pf the 8th j and. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 11? in respect to armament or means of resistance, was, as an American general says, " in a defence less condition."* The fort, consequently, sur rendered. The prisoners, 170, including officers of all ranks, were taken across the river, tobe marched into the interior of New York ; and a small detachment of American artillery, under lieutenant Macdonough, placed as a garrison within the captured fort : in front of which, on the lake, vvere stationed, as a further security, three armed schooners, under the orders of lieu tenant-commandant Kennedy, of the United States' navy. The British force at Chippeway was under the immediate cmnmand of lieutenant-colonel Pear son; and consisted of 230 of the royal Scots, 450 of the 100th regiment, a troop»of light dragoons, and a small detachment of artillery, amounting, in all, to 760 rank and file; exclusive of 300 seden tary militia, just assembled at the rendezvous, and about the same number of Indians, The first intelligence of the landing of the invading army reached major-gCneral Riall at Chippe way, at about eight o'clock on the same morn ing ; and he immediately ordered that post to be reinforced by five companies of the rOyal: Scots; but even then, his inferiority of force forbad any other movement, than for the pui*pose of 'reconnoitring the enemy's position * Wilkinson's Mem, Vol. I, p. 647, 118 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN and numbers, This service was gallantly performed by lieutenantrcolpnel Pearson, at the head of the flank companies of the 100th regi). inent, and a few militia and Indians ; and the Americans were seen })Osted on an eminence, near the ferry at Bertie.* Major-general Hiall would have commenced the attack on that eveur ing, had he been joined by the 8th regiment, then hourly expected from York. On the morning of the 4th, general SePtt's brigade, with a company of artillery, advanced, by the main rpad alpqg the margin of the river, towards Chippeway ; and was soon afterwards followed by general Ripley's brigade, and the field and park artillery, under major Hindman ; also by general Porter and his volunteers. •j' On its approach to. Street's creek, the first bri gade encountered the Bvitish advance, now con-i sistiqg of the light companies of the royal Scots an4 ippih regiments, and a subaltern's detach, raent ofthe 19th light dragoons. General Scott immedic^tely detached in front captain Towson's corapany pf artillery, (100 strong,) with three 18-pounders ; and, at the s^me time, directed a fl^pk compapy of the 9th regiraient Pf infantry to mardi out to the left of the brigade, and cross the creek above the bridge ; so as to Ussail the right of the British advance. The heavy firing of the enemy's 18-pouhders, and * See Vol. I. p. 50. + Sketches of the War, p. 274. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 119 the close approach ofhis main body, corapelled colonel Pearson and his small party, to retreat; but " not until they had intrepidly destroyed the bridge over which the advancing column would be obliged to pass."* Captain Crooker's company of the 9th regiment came suddenly upon the detachment of drttgoons, under lieu tenant Horton, while the latter was covering colonel Pearson's retreat. A skirmish ensued, and the American detachment, which had re-, treated to a house, would have certainly been captured, but for the arrival of a strong rein^ forcement, under captains Hull and Harrison, and lieutenant Randolph. Out of this skirraish, in which four of the dragoons, andeight of their horses, were wounded, Mr. Thorason has woven a fine story ; concluding it with the declaration ofone ofthe American generals, that, " in pai> tizan war, he had witnessed nothing more gal lant than the conduct of captain Crooker and his company"* The Araerican pioneers having repaired the bridge, the array crossed; and, at about 11 o'clock on that night, encamped on the right bank of Street's creek ; the first brigade facing the creek and the bridge; the second brigade forming the second linje ; and the volun teers, the third. The pa.rk of artillery was^ sta tioned on the right of the encampment, re^sting QU some buildings and an orchard, close to tl^ei * Sketches of the War, p. 274. 12Q MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN river Niagara; and tbe light ti^oops, or riflemen, together with the Indians, were posted within the sarae space, on the left, resting on the woods. The American army, thus encamped, will only differ in numbers from that which crossed the strait,* in the absence of the small garrison, say 50 raen, left at Fort-Erie, under lieutenant Macdonough. Consequently, raajor-general Brown had, under his immediate command at Street's creek, 3000 regulars, (including 70 dra goons,) 900 New York, Pennsylvania, and Cana dian volunteers, and 150 Indians; total, 4050 men ; along with nine field-pieces and howitzers, including some 12, and three 18-pounders. Major-general Riall had stationed himself on the left bank of the Chippeway, distant about l-l miles from the American encampment; and, having been joined, on the morning of the -Sth, by 480 rank and file of the 8th regiment, determined to attack the Americans on that afternoon. His force now consisted of 1530 regulars, (including about 70 dragoons,) 300 sedentary militia,j" and about the same number pf Indians ; total, 2130 men ; along with two 24-pounders, and a 6^ inch howitzer. At the appointed hour the British crossed tbe Chippeway, and marched to ' the attack ; the Indians, and a part of the militia, advancing * Seep. 116. f Only partially armed. CREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 121 through the woods on the right, which were skirted by the remainder of the militia^ and by tlie light companies ofthe royalScotsand 100th regiments, under lieutenant-colonel Pearson. The approach of the Indians being discovered by the Americans, general Porter, with the whole of his volunteers and Indians, supported by a detachment of 80 men from the second brigade, under captain W. Macdonald, was ordered to advance from the rear, and drive them back.^ About 220 of our Indians, led by Norton, had kept too rauch to the right, and were wholly out of the action. The reraaining 80, consisting chiefly of Wyandots, led by captain Kerr, on being encountered by general Porter's brigade, fell back, first, upon the militia, ahd then, along with the latter, upon colonel Pearson's! detachment of regulars. A spirited action now ensued; but a few well-directed volleys from the British presently reversed the order of things ; and general Porter's .brigade of volunteers and Indians gave way, and " fled in every direction." So said general Brown.* But general Porter hiinself says : — " The action of Chippeway, in which the volunteers took so conspicuous a part, will ever be remembered, to the honor of the '^American arms. It was commenced by 800 Pennsylvania volunteers and Indian warriors, who met about the same number of British * WilJiinson's Mem. Vol, I. p. 65^. 122 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN militia a'tid Indians, overthrew and drove them behind the main line of the British army ; destroying, at least, 1.50, and annihilating, it is believed, this description of the enemy's force."* The reader may well conceive, what a para graph can be made out of this modest eulo gium, by an American editor ; and who so able as Mr. Thomson ? — Thus, then, says the latter:-—" General Porter met, attacked, and, after a short but severe contest, drove, the ene my's right before him. His route to Chippeway was intercepted by the whole British column, arrayed in order of battle; and against this powerful force the volunteers desperately main^ tained their ground; until they were over powered by the superiority of discipline and numbers."! Not Pnly does major-general Riall's despatch shew, clearly, that Mr, Thomson's " whole British column" consisted of " thelisht troops,"J under colonel Pearson ; but general Wilkinson hipiself is compelled to admit, that his friend, general Porter, " surprised a body of Indians,^who. appeared to be in consultation, and immediately gave way ; but, keeping up a brisk skirmish, retreated to where they were strongly reinforced by the enemy's troops,'' (called " irre gulars" in the very next paragraph,) " who, in, * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 658. + Sketches of the War, p. 277. + App. No. 26, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 123 turn, forced Porter to retreat."* In this way do we expose a " general Porter," as corapletely as, we trust, we forraerly did a " commodore" or captain, of the same name,! and, it seems likely, of the same fiimily too. Colonel Pearson, with his light troops, mi litia, and Indians, pursued generfil Porter's brigade of volunteers and Indians, and captain Macdonald's 80 regulars ; till the arrival of a strong reinforcement from general Ripley's brigade, including tbe whole of the 25th regi ment, obliged the British advance to fall back, in its turn. W hile this skirmishing vvas going on upon the right of the British line, major-f general Riall had drawn up his troops before the enemy's position ; placing the 8th regiraent, and the two light 24-pounders and howitzer, upon the left, and the royal Scots and 100th regiments, directly in front. The enemy had posted his artillery upontherightof hisline; which consisted of theist, or general Scott's brigade, andaportion of the 2d, or general Ripley's brigade: another portion had been detached in- support; of the 3d, or general Porter's brigade of volunteers. The royal ScPts and 100th regiments were ordered to charge the enemy's column. The ground over which they had to pass was uneven, and covered with long grass, ; which greatly impeded their progress. It was npt, however^, » Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 651, T James's Nav. Occur, p. 305—20, 124 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN till the enemy's musketry, and a flanking fire from four pieces of his artillery, had caused a serious loss of killed and wounded in the ranks of these brave regiments, that the attempt was given up. Any further contest with a force so superior in numbers being considered as unavailing, the British troops were directed td retire upon Chippeway. This they did in the most perfect order; bringing away, among their guns, a piece that had been disabled, and losing in prisoners none but the wounded. So gallantly was the retreat covered by the 8th regi- ttlent and colonel Pearson's light detachment, that the Americans were deterred from advancing with sufficient promptitude, to hinder the British from destroying the bridge across the Chippe way ; on the left bank of which, major-general Riall again encaraped. This the Araerican gene ral calls being "closely pressed."* The British loss in the battle of Street's creek was very severe. The killed amounted to three captains, three subalterns, seven ser jeants, and 133 rank and file; the wounded, to three field-officers, (including the coraraanding officers of the royal Scots and 100th regiments,) five captains, 18 subalterns, 18 serjeants, and 277 rank and file; and the missing, to one subaltern, one serjeant, and 44 rank and file ; total, 148 killed; 321 wounded; and 46 miss ing : grand total, (including 433 of the two * App. No. 28. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. l25 before-mentioned regiments,) 515.* The royal Scots were now reduced, in effective strength, to 275, the 100th, to 245, and general Riall's whole force, of regulars, militia, and Indians, to under 1520, rank and file. The loss of the Americans, in the same battle, amounted to twd serjeants, and 58 rank and file, killed ; one colonel, three captains, seven subalterns, 14 ser jeants, and 210 rank and file, wounded ; and one lieutenant-colonel, one raajor^ one captain, (all of militia,) two serjeants, and '22 rank file, missing ; total, 60 killed ; 235 wounded ; and 27 missing; grand total, 322:* thus leaving general Brown a force of full 3730 raen. Considering that the firing, between the main bodies of the two armies did not continue be yond an hoiir and a half, and that the 8th regi ment, frora the nature of its position, partici pated very slightly in the engagement, the loss on both sides is a proof of the spirit with which it was contested. It is rather extraor dinary, that not one of our three historians should have thought fit to state numbers on either side; yet do they all concur in declaring,, that the numerical superiority was in our favor. Mr. O'Connor's account not less for its conciseness than its gross extravagance, is worthy of insertion. " The American troops," says this writer, " on no occasion behaved .with more gallantry than on the present. The British * App. No. 27. i App, No. 20. 126 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN regulars suffered defeat from a number of men, principally volunteers and militia, — inferior in every thing but courage to the vanquished enemy."* — This is the raan whose title-page has the words : " Carefully corapiled from official documents ;" and yet, who pretends to be igno rant, that the "official" returns on his own side, particularize five regiments of regular infantry and a corps of artillery, as having suffered a loss in the action. Even general Wilkinson, so cautious in these matters, states the effective strength of general Scott's brigade, alone, at 1100 regular infantry, •]• and the force that crossed the strait under general Brown, at about 3500 raen, J including about 2700 regulars. § We vvill readily admit that, in this battle, the Americans fought with more bravery and determination, than they had done since the war Commenced. No opportunity, however, occurred, of employing the bayonet to any advantage; and our troops had to resort to mus ketry ; "in which," says general Wilkinson, " the American soldier, from habits of early life, will always excel," || The general adds r " Com paring small with great things, here, as at Minden, the fate of the day was settled by the artillery; and the American Towson may de servedly be ranked with the British Philips, * Hist, ofthe War, p. 254.' + Wilkinson's Mem. Vol.1, p. 651. . J Ibid. p. 646, fibid. 668. || Ibid, 632 GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 12T Drummond, arid Foy." * Poor general Wil kinson's comparisons are the most amusing part of his book. Without elevating " the American Towson" to quite so lofty a station, we may observe, that the Araericans deserve great credit for the attention they pay to their artillery; which is, in general, fully as well served as our own, and, excepting the accidental circum stance of our having two 24-pounders in this action, of much heavier caliber. The readiness of the Americans to engage, at the battle of Street's creek, appears to have ori ginated in mis-information. From the prisoners taken at Fort-Erie general Brown learned, that major-general Riall's regular force at Chippeway consisted solely of th© first battalion of the royal Scots, and the 100th regiment ; and consequently, of not more than 11 or 1200 men. The Araerican coramander, therefore, with his 3000 " accom plished troops,"f advanced boldly to the attack. This is confirmed by Mr. Thorason ; who, not only mentions no other than the above two regi ments as present, but states, that lieutenant- general Drummond ordered up " the Sth or king's regiraent from York,'^ in consequence of *' the defeat of major-general Riall. ":|; On the other hand, intelligence reached the British, — probably through emissaries^ or * Wilkinson's Memoirs, Vol. I. p; 652. + App. No. 28. + Sketches of the War, p. 280.- 128 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Spies, purposely sent from the American camp, — that general Brown's force exceeded 5000 men ; and major-general Riall himself, from the report of the American militia-officers, taken prisoners at the commencement of the action, considered the eneray's force to araount to " 6000 men, with a very numerous train of artillery.''^ We here see a striking difference in the impression respecting his adversary's strength, under which each of the generals led his troops into battle. During the 6th and 7th of July, general Brown remained quiet at his encampment on the bank of Street's creek ; but, on the raorning of the 8th, he determined upon an attempt to dislodge major-general Riall, who was still stationed at Chippeway. To eflfect this object, general Ripley proceeded, with bis brigade and the artillery, to a. point on the right bank of the Chippeway, three miles above the British camp, in order to open a road of communication, and to construct a bridge across the river, or creek, for the passage of the troops. After the Americans had planted their artillery on the bank, a detachment of general Riall's artillery arrived in front ; but the latter, having now in charge two pieces only, was obliged, after a slight cannonade, to withdraw. The bridge was soon afterwards completed ; and the whole of the * App. No. 26. GREAT BBltAiN AND AMERICAi ISO Avrterican force crossed over; In the mean while^ major-general Riall had broken up his encamp ment, and retired towards Queenstown and FortJ George ; at which latter place he arrived on that evening. During the same night, general Browrt occupied Chippeway ; and, on the following morning, advanced to Queenstown ; where he again encaraped; On the 12th, while the Auiericans were at QueenstowUj brigadier-general Swift was de-i tached, with 120 (one American account says 200) of general Porter's volunteers,** to recon* noitre general Riall's position at FPrt-Georges On arriving near the fort^ general Swift, with his detachment, carae suddenly upon a corporal arid flve inen, belonging to a patrolling party of 32 rank and file from the light corapany of the 8thj under major Evans of that regiriient. One of the flve privates levelled his piece at the Araerican general ,' andj after mortally wound ing him, was bimself shot dead. His five cPm~ rades nPW fell back upon the remaining 26 men of their detachment ; wliP, on the report of the first musket^ had, with major Evans at their head, marched forward to the spot* The 81 British were instantly surrounded by their ISSO opponents } but the former,- by their skill and promptitude,' extricated themselves^ without further loss, from their perilous situation. Mr, * Sketches ofthe War, p. 2S1. VOL. Hi K 130 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Thomson, who is the only editor that notices the affair, magnifies our force to 60 men ; and then pretends that the man, after he had sur rendered, shot general Swift. The truth is, from the hour that the Araericans landed near Fort- Erie, those inhabitants who ^' behaved peace ably, and followed their private ocupations,"* instead of being, as was promised by general Brown, in his proclaraation to the Canadians, " treated as friends," were plundered of their property, and, in many instances, sent as pri soners to the American side. By way, therefore, of palliating the enormities known to have been committed by the American army in its progress through the country, Mr. Thomson prepares this account of general Swift's death ; adding: — "The whole volunteer brigade to which the general was attached, solicited an op portunity to avenge the fallof their brave officer ; and an opportunity was not long wanted."*^ While at his encampment at Queenstown ^ general Brown writes commodore Chauncey, under date of the 13th July, to the following effect : — " All accounts agree that the force of the enemy in Kingston is very lighlv Meet me on the lake- shore, north of Fort -George, witb your fleet ; and we will be able, I have no doubt, to settle a plan of operation that will break the power of the enemy in Upper Canada, and that in the course^f a short time. At all events, let * App. No. 25. f Skftches of the War, p. 282. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 131 me hear from you; I have looked for your fleet with the greatest anxiety, since the 10th. 1 do not doubt my ability to meet the enemy in the field, and to march in any direction over his country ; your fleet carrying for me the necessary supplies. We can threaten forts George and Niagara, and carry Burlington- Heights and York ; and proceed direct to Ring- -ston, and carry that place. For God's sake let me see you. Sir James will not flght. Two of his vessels are now in Niagara river. If you conclude to meet me at the head of the lake, and that immediately, have the goodness to bring the guns and troops that I have ordered from Sackett's Harbor.* Commodore Chauncey, knowing better than that sir James would not- fight, was lying^ at Sackett's Harbor, awaiting the equipment of his second frigate, the Mohawk ; " to main tain," says an American editor, " the existing equality ;" but, in reality, to acquire that one- rtiVe? superiority, wiihout which it would not be prudent to appear on the lake.f On the morning of the 9th, major-general Riall, leaving at the forts George and Mississaga, in lieu ofthe 330 rank and file of the Glerigarry regiment, andof the 300 militia, J by w'hom hehad * Wilkinson's Memoirs, Vol. I, p. 666. •I- James's Naval Occurrences, p. 399. j- Both recently arrived from York, K 2 132 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN there been joined, detachments ofthe royal Scbts^ and Sth, and the remaining 245 ofthe 100th, regi- mentsj proceeded, with a fot-ce in regulars and militiaj amounting to about 1360 rank and filej towards Burlington heights ; where he expected to meet the 103d regiment, and the flank corapa nies ofthe 104th, the latter of which had recently arrived there. This junction was fortunately effected at the Twenty-mile creek ; whence the major-generalj with his force, now augmented to about 2000 regulars and militia, marched back to, and took post at, the Fifteen-mile creek, distant about 13 miles frora the American campii Intelligence of this movement on the part of major-general Riall, unaccompanied, however, by any account of his having been joined by the 103d regiment, reached general Brown on the 14th, the day after he had called for commo dore Chauncey's co-operation. The British force, thus assembled, was stated to consist of one wing of the royal Scots, the 100th regi ment, and the Glengarry light infantry ; amount ing, in all, to 1250 raen, besides 800 incorporated militia and Indians ; making a total of 2050 inen.* We have here the total, though not the details, of the British force, as aiccurately stated as need be. Had the junction of the 103d regiment been known, we may well suppose that major-general Riall's force would have been * Wilkinson's Memoirs, Vol. I. p. 669. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 138 swelled out to 3000 men ; but, although consi dered to be a third below that amount, np attack was to be made, vvithout the sanction ofa council of war. General Brown's force, on this occasion, -'was estimated at 2700 regulars, and 1000 volunteers, militia, and Indians ;"* which amounts, within 30 men, to what we stated to have been that officer's force, after the battle of Street's creek. At this council the minority was for attacking major-generfil Riall ; the majority, for investing Fort-George. Accordr ingly, on the 15th, genferal Ripley's brigade of regulars, and general Porter's brigade of volun teers, accorapanied by a detachraent of regular artillery, with a 6-pounder and a 5~ inch how itzer, the wholfj purabering about 2200 rank and file, advanced to the neighbourhood of the British fort. While this §tro^g body pf Ameri can troops was reconnoitring the fortifications, lieutenant-colonel Tucker, with the detachment of the Sth regiment, and two 6-pounder field- pieces, moved out from Fort-Mississaga ; and, being joined by the few royals from FOrt-George, and aided by the guns of that fort, corapelled the Araericans, in spite of their great superiority of numbers, to retire to a more respectable dis tance. Not a casualty occurred on our part. Several slight skirmishes afterwards tookplace between the adverse piquets, in which the Ame ricans were alraost the only sufferers. The fur-^ * Wilkinson's Memoirs, Vol. I. p. 66 GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 181 sir George's letters, though somewhat obscurely expressed, sufficient to account for the " hesita tion" and " consternation" of the right column. In one letter, he says, alluding to De Watteville's regiment : " I am told they were deprived of their flints." In the other, he says : " It is to be inferred, from lieutenant-colonel Fischer's report, and your stateinent, that the right column was not sufficiently prepared for the obstacles it had to surmount, in attaining the point of attack." — What can this mean, but that the scaling-ladders were too short ? And yet neither general Drum mond's, nor colonel Fischer's, official report contains a word about scaling-ladders ; nor, indeed, in the present slmpe of those letters, any thing from which an inference can be drawn, " that the right coluran was not sufficiently pre pared for the obstacles it had to surmount." Had the British right possessed the means of scaling the works, the eneray's right would not have been so strongly reinforced, nor colonel Drummond's column been delayed at the fatal bastion ; and, consequently, the assault upon Fort-Erie, although " performed in the dark," would have been crowned with success. The Americans will not allow us to give an uninterrupted detail of open and honorable warfare. Among several petty outrages upon private property, one that occurred on Lake Erie is too heinous to pass unnoticed. On the 16th of August, a party of about 100 Americans 182 MitlTARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN and Indians landed at Port-Talbot on that lake ; and robbed 50 heads of families of all their horses, and of every article of household furni ture, and wearing apparel, belonging to thera. The nuraber of individuals who were thus thrown naked and destitute upon the world, amounted to 49 raen, 37 women, — three of the latter, and two of the forraer, nearly 70 years of age, — and 148 children. A great raany of the raore respectable inhabitants were not only robbed, but carried off as prisoners : among them, a member of the house of assembly, Mr. Barnwell, though ill ofthe fever and ague. An authenticated account of this most atrocious proceeding, delivered in by colonel Talbot, the owner of the settlement, stands upon the records of the " Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada;" yet not a whisper on the subject has escaped any one Araerican historian. Early in the spring of 1814, when general Winder left Quebec for the United States, on his parole, he was understood to be the bearer, from sir George Prevost, of another propPsition for an armistice. The Araerican governraent very gladly published the fact ; if only to show to the world, who was the flrst to cry out. At the sarae tirae, the annoyance felt frora the British fleet in the Chesapeake, which was not, like the river St. Lawrence, shut up during the winter months, rendered desirable, a cessation of hostilities by water, as well as land. A flag of OREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 183 truce was, therefore, despatched to the British admiral, to know if he had authority to extend the armistice in the manner required. Sir Alexander Cochrane very readily answered,- — that he had been sent out to fight, not to nego tiate ; and thus the afKiir ended. Previous to general Winder's departure from Quebec, a convention was entered into between him and colonel Baynes, the adjutant-general ofthe Canadas, and, on the 15th of April, con firmed by sir George Prevost ; stipulating^ that all prisoners of war, except the hostages then in detention, should be mutually exchanged and delivered up, with all convenient expedition, so as to be ableto serve, and carry arras, on the 15th of the ensuing May. In immediate fulfllment of our part ofthe agreement, all American prisoners in Canada and Nova Scotia were released from conflnement; and many of the officers were actu ally engaged in the battles of July and August, upon the Niagara-frontier. This agreement for a mutual hank .'of the Sa ranac. " But," says Mr. Thompson, " riot all the gallies, aided by the armament of the whole flotilla, which then lay opposite Plattsburg, under commodore Macdonough, could have pre vented the capture of Macomb's army, after its passage of the Saranac, had sir George Prevost pushed his whole force upon the margin of that stream. Like general Drummond, at Erie, he made a pause, in full view of the unfiniished works of the Americans, and consumed five days in erecting batteries, and throwing up. breast- * App. No. 42. VOL. II. P 210 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Works, for the protection of his approaches. Of this interval the American general did not fail to avail himself; and kept his troops constantly employed in flnishing his line of redoubts."* The reader need scarcely to be reminded, that this is the sarae Plattsburg, at which colonel Murray, with 1000 troops, landed ; the river on which it stands, the same Saranac, up which the colonel ascended, three railes, to burn the enemy's hart- racks; andthat those barracks were burnt, while an American regular army, more than twice as strong as general Macomb's, lay encamped in the neighbourhood. 'f tfnfortunately, a service which one brigade of the left division, had it been allowed to raake the attempt, would have most promptly and com pletely executed, was to be deferred, till a ship, which had been launched only 11 days, was armed, manned, and equipped ; and, with her puny companions, ready to fight a much supe rior fleet of the eneray. There is no doubt that orders were sent from home, for this ship to be laid on the stocks, so that she might be ready to co-operate in the Plattsburg expedition. Six days only after the Conflance had been launched, and nine days before a crew arrived to man her, vvas sir George's array already in the eneray's territory. If sir George's orders were so impe- * Sketches of tbe War, p. 319. + See Vol. I. p. 242—5. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 211 rative as to a naval co-operation, why did he not wait quietly at his camp at Chambly, till the new ship was fltted ; and then commence his three days' march to Plattsburg? A gentleman, residing near the scene of action, has, under the signature of " Veritas," so ably descanted upon the merits of the Plattsburg failure, that we cannot do better, than make an extract from his interesting pamphlet ; * first, however, calling the reader's attention to our statement of the action fought between the rival fleets ; wherein will be seen defailed some of the many difficulties under which poor cap tain Downie laboured, -f So much of that state ment as respects the relative force ofthe British and Araerican squadrons, cannot well be dis pensed with ; and is therefore here transcribed : " Comparative force of the tzoo squadrons. British. American. Broadside-metal f Long guns, 507 in pounds (. Carronades, 258 765 Complements of men and boys, 537 Size in tons, 1426 " In order," says the writer of ' Veritas,* " to convey an accurate idea upon the subject of the e]^pedition to Plattsburg, by reasoning upon sir Geprge's official letter, I extract from it, that, on the 3d of September, our army seized * Published at Montreal, Upper Canada. + James's Nav. Occur, p. 405—35. P 2 588 606 1134 950 2510: 212 military occurrences between the enemy's entrenched camp at Champlain- town (vvhat a feat !) after it was abandoned by them ; that, on the 5th, the army halted within 8 miles of Plattsburg; and, on the 6th, entered Plattsburg, after reversing the position of the eneray at Dead creek, which they abandoned and left to be defended by the gun-boats. Sir George then describes the position ofthe enemy as upon an elevated ridge south of the Saranac, with redoubts, &c. armed with heavy ordnance, with their flotilla, the Saratoga, Surprise, Thun derer, Preble, and 10 gun-boats, (which gun- hoats, please to remark, reader, were, a moment before, said to be at Dead creek,) ' at anchor out of gun-shot from the shore.' He adds, that he immediately coraraunicated this circurastance to captain Downie, who had the ' Conflance, Linnet, Broke, and Shannon,' (captain Pring calls the latter the Chub and Finch,) ' and 12 gun-boats,' and requested his co-operation ; (mark that ;) and, in the mean lime, batteries were constructed. On the morning of the 1 Ith qur flotilla was seen over the i.sthmus of land ; (it seeins he would not trust to his ears, in respect to the scaling of the guns for a signal as agreed upon ;) when, immediately, certain brigades were ordered to advance to force the ford of the Saranac, and escalade the enemy's works upon the heights ; but, sarcely had the troops forced a passage and ascended those heights, vvhen he heard the shout of victory (hei'e his ears appear GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 213 to have been pretty, sharp) from the eneray's works, in consequence of the flags of the Con- fiance and Linnet being struck, (they did not strike within 15 rainutes of each other,) and the gun-boats flying. Finally, he adds, ' this uu- looked for event, depriving me of the co-opera tion of the fleet,' (but, in the name of honor and good faith, why did you not co-operate before ?) ' without which, the further prosecution of the service was becorae impracticable, I did not hesitate to arrest the course of the troops advanc ing to the attack, because the most coraplete success would have been unavailing, and the possession of the enemy's works offered no ad vantage to compensate for the loss we must have sustained in acquiring possession of them.' " Now, would it not be supposed, that all this was done in the time that sir George was turning himself round from looking at the fleet, to look at his troops, and vice versa I but, what must the astonishraent be, when it is found, that the Conflance resisted two hours and a half, and the Linnet 15 minutes longer ! Surely the troops, whose comraander was so irapatient to see the fleet come up, ought to have been ready to enter the enemy's works the moment they did appear. Had they so entered, it is unques tionable that our fleet would have been victori ous ; or, had they been perraitted to enter, even when recalled, it is alraost demonstrable that the enemy's fleet must have surrendered, or ours 314 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN at lea.st, have been retaken. There may be some truth in sir George's official narrative, but much is concealed. A letter was sent to captain Downie, strongly urging him to corae on, as the army hadbeen long waiting for his co-operation, (stating, as a proof of it, that it had been under arms frora day-light the day before, in expecta- tion of the fleet,) and closing with a hope, that nothing but the state of the wind, prevented the fleet frora coraing up. This last insinuation con veyed more meaning than raeets the ear, as if hint ing that artiflcial delays were made. The brave Downie replied, that he required no urging to do his duty ; that he should be up the flrst shift of wind, and make the signal of his approach by scaling his guns. He was as good as his word : the guns were scaled when he got under weigh ; upon hearing which, sir George issued an order for the troops to cook, instead of that of in.stant co-operation. At length, when he saw the fleet, a raovement was ordered, but ofcourse too late, as so little previous arrangeraent bad been made for being ready to come into imraediate contact with the enemy, that the troops put in motion, had a circuit of iniles to raake ; and then, when at length close in with their object, were re called the moment that the fleet fell. As to captain Downie's being urged by sir Georg* to go into action, the whole chain of circurastances corroborate the fact, and the indiscretion of major Coore in furnishing living evidence of GREAT BlilTAIN AND AMERICA. 215 what the hero, now no more, -said, is not more fortunate for the cause of truth than conclusive thereon. Besides this, every professional man knows, that no naval officer, in his senses, would, from choice, (if left to the guidance of his own judgment,) have gone into action with a new ship and raw crew, immediately after her equip ment, without a week or ten days to discipline that crew, and accustom them to their stations •and quarters. Much stress is laid by sir George and his friends upon the allegation that the enemy's fleet was out of gun-shot from the shore ; which is not true. But why not have entered the enemy's works, and given practical proof of the range of shot against their fleet, instead of making conjectural assertions ? Had that beeu done, widely different would have been the issue. So thoroughly did captain Downie depend upon co-operation by land, that he harangued his men when going into action, to this effect: — ' My lads, we shall be iraraediately assisted by the army a-shore — Let us show thera, that our part ofthe duty is well done.' Poor fellow, how he was mistaken ! In 10 minutes afterwards he fell ; and left sir George to tell his own story. This speech proved to have a pernicious effect upon the crew, when the promises it conveyed, were seen not to be fulfilled on shore. " It is a fact, that the American commodore was so impressed with the idea that their works on shore would still be carried, that he did not 216 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN take possession of our vessels for a long time after the action terminated ; he being employed in getting his own out of reach from the shore, apprehending that their own batteries would be turned against them. In the evening he ex- pres.sed an expectation that, next morning, the, British colours would be seen ffying upon the Araerican works ; and, when genenal Macomb came off at day -light, to say that our army had retreated in the night of the llth, leaving their sick and wounded behiud, and destroying quan tities of stores and provisions, coramodore Mac donough would not credit the fact ; but, when it was persisted in, cautioned Macomb to beware of a ruse de guerre, as the British army would either return next night, or was then proceeding by forced raarches to Sackett's Harbor. It is known that Macomb, notwithstanding all his puffs about our defeat, was actually sitting in glooray despair upon a gun, whilst our troops were advancing on the llth ; and was ready to sur render, the moraent that the first British soldier appeared upon the parapet. And when he was notified, that they had suddenly halted, and were then on the retreat, he started up, alraost frantic with joy, and could hardly believe the evidence of his senses. He had only with him about 1500 of the refuse of the American troops on the Plattsburg duty, the effectives having previously marched off for Sackett's Harbor, under general Izard. To this may be added, perhaps, 3000 GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 217 militia, chiefly collected after sir George halted on the 6th, at Plattsburg, and on which da he might have entered their works, almost without opposition, had our troops not been kept back for a grand coup, and behold its finale ! " As to saving of men by the retreat, after the loss of our fleet, it is well known that twice the number were lost by desertion, vvhich an assault would have cost us ; and this sir George knew at the time he wrote, ' that the possession of the enemy's works offered no advantage to com pensate for the loss we must have sustained in acquiiing possession of thera.' Did sir George really believe, that we had lost the use of our reasoning faculties ? Was the ground upon vvhich the raen, artillery, and stores at Saranac stood, the. object of capture? or was it not (assuredly it was) ihe men, artillery, and stores, standing upon that ground ; and if so, why were they suffered to escape ? Surely the raili tary character of the gallant army committed to his charge, and the manes ofthe gallant Downie, who perished under such circunistances, re quired some sacrifices. 1 wonder in what school sir George learnt the humiliating doctrine, that a British soldier's life is raore valuable to him than his military honor ; and yet to justify such a retreat, that principle must be assuraed. Did not the loss of our fleet require a railitary set off? and did not that loss absolutely irapose it 218 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN upon sir George, as an imperious duty, to furni$)h that set-off, by capturing the enemy s army, to prevent the effect which a retreat, under such circuinstances, must produce, ornamented, as he well knew it would be, by Araerican gasconade? The mischievous moral eftect of the Plattsburg business, has been, and will be, incalculable, both in America and in Europe ; for that will be heard of in many countries and places, where it- will not be known, that the coramander alone was to blame, and the army, under hira indig nant on the occasion. Were the events of sir George's coramand, and especially the expedi tions to Sackett's Harbor and Plattsburg to become examples for the British army to follow ; from possessing the hearts of lions, they would soon be reduced to the timidity of lambs; and the future inquiries of military men would be, not who had nobly done his duty, but who had avoided a battle, or who had contrived to escape unhurt, " It bas been said, that his General Orders and official letters were often composed with a view to deceive at a distance ; and his Platts burg letter furnishes direct proof of this accusa tion's being correct. It is dated there, the llth of September, 1814, as if written on the spot, im mediately after the naval battle, and before the degrading retreat commenced ; whereas, it is well known, that the letter did not go from Canada GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 219 until it was carried by Mr. Secretary Brenton, who sailed from Brandy Pots on the 9th of Octo ber ; consequently, it was written in Montreal long after the date it bears. In proof of this, read the following paragraph of that letter, ' As the troops concentrated and approached the line of separation between this province,' (is Platts burgh then in Canada?) 'and the United States, the American armv, &c.' W hat a sad slip of the pen, or memory, is here ! But if for ' Plattsburg, llth September,' be substituted ' Montreal, 21st September,' or any subsequent day, then the blunder will be explained. It is true, such was the celerity of his person'dl re treat, that on the 13th, he issued an order, dated at Odell-town ; but I strongly suspect that, on the llth, after the action, he was not in a state to write letters any where. Another proof of the official letter's having been written at Mon treal, and not at Plattsburg, is, that in the first General Order issued afterwards, the gun-boats were, in a manner, coraraended for effecting their retreat in safety ; (probably from a sym pathetic feeling pf the moment ;) whereas, in the revision of that order, they are left out, although they had been mentioned in this false dated letter as flying; because, upon reflection, their not having done their duty, might lead people aside from the consideration, that he had not done his own. But why was the letter dated at 220 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Plattsburg ? Truly, just to deceive John Bull, and prevent the necessity of then letting hira know, how many raen were lost by desertion in that memorable retreat, and what quantity of provisions and stores were destroyed in it, or during the expedition." In addition to sir George's, we have copied into the Appendix sir James Yeo's letter.* Captain Pring's, which details the naval battle, will be found in its proper place.-f Sorae parts of the American official account require an ex planation. It is by that intended to be under stood, that the whole British army vvas, on the morning ofthe llth, drawn up on the banks of the Saranac: whereas, but four battalions were there stationed ; the remainder of the troops being at some distance in the rear, W here did general Macomb learn, that our troops were three tiraes " repulsed," in their efforts to cross the river ? The fact is, major-general Brisbane, with a portion of his brigade, not only crossed the Saranac, but brought away sorae prisoners. This was accomplished to shew the practica bility of the thing, and not as anj' part of the general attack about to be com menced. Had general Brisbane been permitted to advance, he vvould soon have raade the "brave volunteers and militia" skip along as nirably as, according *App. No. 43. + James's Naval Occurrences, his Appendix, No. 90. GREAT. BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 221 to general Macomb himself, they had already done upon the Beckman-town road. " The gallant conduct of captain M'Glassin," who, on the night ofthe Oth, " with 50 men, drove offa working-party, consisting of 150, and defeated a covering-party of the same number, killing one officer and six men in the charge, and wounding many,"* vvas a feat worthy to be per formed by Americans. Let us take a view of it., in its unadorned state. The battery mounted two guns, and had suffered so rauch from the enemy's fire, as to need considerable repairs. These were best performed -at night ; and the men had actually their coats and accoutrements off, when this " gallant" party surprised them. Such as were not instantly disabled or raade prisoners soon picked up their muskets, and drove the Americans back to their works, with the utmo.st precipitancy. General Macomb, vvell knowing that captain M'Glassin had not time even to spike the two guns, leaves that to be inferred. Mr. Thomson, while, in stating the routed fpe as only one " guard of 1.50 men," he appears to consider general Macomb's " co vering party" as the same raen covered whh their cloaths, understands what is expected froih him, as to the other part of the account ; and there fore unblushingly says: " Being now in posses sion ofa work, which would have incalculably * App. No. 44. ' 222 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN annoyed the batteries at Fort-Brown, captain M'Glassin destroyed it with all possible haste, and returned to the American works with the loss of three raen missing."* The only prisoners taken by the Americans, near the river, were sorae of the light infantry company of the 76th regiment, and a few stragglers from other corps, who, having, when the order came for a general retreat, lost their way in the woods, got cut off from general Brisbane's brigade. General Macomb assigns a better rea son for the discontinuance of the bombardment by the British, thus : " Every battery of the enemy being silenced by the superiority of our fire."'!' So wide is this from the truth, that general Brisbane silenced, and drove away the men from, every one of the American guns on the banks of the river, preparatory to the lodgment which he had intended to have made with his bri gade, had not the attack been countermanded. The rear-guard was coramanded by this offi cer, who waited till the bridge at Dead creek was completely destroyed, and left nothing behind, except what the badness of the roads prevented being reraoved. One of these articles was the broken carriage ofa 24-pounder, which a Burlington journalist immediately magnified into " 90 pieces of cannon." General Macomb, in his first letter, says : " The light troops and * Sketches of the War, p. 321. + App. No. 44. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 223 militia are in full pursuit of the enemy, and making prisoners in all directions." In his second letter, he baulks the expectations he had raised in the minds of his countrymen, by enu merating only " five dragoons of the 19th regi ment, and several others of the rear-guard." This " pursuing" enemy, however, knew better than even to shew himself to *' the rear-guard." The "prisoners" consisted chiefly of deserters ; of whom there were, from first to last, — such an effect had the retreat upon the minds of the men, — more than 800. In killed and wounded our loss was corapa ratively small ; amounting to two captains, one ensign, four serjeants, 30 rank and file, of the former ; and of the latter, one general staff, one captain, six lieutenants, seven serjeants, and 135 rank and file. The missing amounted to four lieutenants, two serjeants, one drummer, and 48 rank and file ; making a total of 37 killed ; 150 wounded ; and 55 raissing : grand total, 235.* As this trifling loss would show, at once,what a sraall portion of theBritish troops came into action ; and that it could not have been the prowess of their opponents that com pelled them to retire, general Macomb, to whose numerical accuracy we are no strangers, -)¦ says : " The loss of the enemy, in killed, wounded, prisoners, and deserters, since his first appear ance, cannot fall short of 2500."$ This nuraber » App. No, 42. i See Vol. 1. p. 318. + App. No. 44, 224 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN satisfies Mr. O'Connor, but not doctor Smith ; the latter, therefore, with his ready pen, makes it " 3050."* Mr. Thomson pretends to more accuracy. He states the number of deserters that surrendered on the first day, at 400 ; add ing : — "Besides these, sir George lost 75 pri soners; and, as nearly as could be ascertained, about 1500 killed and wounded ; among them several officers of rank."'j' The Americans state their own loss, in regulars, at one subaltern, pne serjeant, one musician, and 34 privates, killed ; two subalternSjOne serjeant-major,foiir serjeants, two corporals, four musicians, and 49 privates wounded; total, 37 killed, and 62 wounded: grand tot-al 119. -(- The nuraber of raissing among the regulars, or the general return of loss among the volunteers and militia, no where appears. None of the American editors have magnified the British force beyond 14000 raen ; and Mr. O'Connor states general Macomb's force at 1500 regulars, and 2500 militia and volunteers; total 4000 men. J This is exclusive of 3000 railitia that joined during the night pf the llth ; and there were, besides, according to an Araerican editor, " many thousands more on the road in full and willing march." The reacler is, no doubt, prepared for a budget of boasting, on the * History of the United States, Vol. III. p. 319. + Sketches of the War, p. 324. J History of the War, p. 273. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 2'25 part of the Americans; and, without charac terizing it as a " splendid engagePient,"* had they not reason ? We shall only notice alarge *' Painting;" of whichwe have the "Key," now before us. Among the British officers repre sented as close to the bank, are major-generals De Rottenburg, Robinson, Brisbane, and Baynes ; and a horseman, in full speed from one of the contiguous houses, is styled, — " Aide de camp from general Prevost." The British encamp ment is, by the painter's magic, brought full into view. We are not a little surprised to see — " Colonel Wellington, (Willington,) of the Buffs, encouraging and giving an example to his men;" when Mr. Thomson had, with raore accuracy than usual, " killed" that officer, at the head of these same " Buffs," while raarching to Plattsburg, on the 6th.-)" By vvay of shewing that the " State-dragoons of New York," with their " red coats," had ceased to " give alarm to the militia,"J some of the foriuer appear among the fierce groupe on the south-side of the Sara nac. As the picture, by all accounts, gave, at " 25 cents § each," every satisfaction to the citizens, two important objects were attained: the proprietor filled his pockets, and the national vanity became raised to the highest pitch. In all cases where the troops of the United ¦» Sketches of the War, p. 324. + Ibid, p, 318. + App. No. 44. § About Is. Ijd, VOL. II. Q 226 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN States have ti-aversed the Canadian territory, their progress has, to borrow an American phrase, been " marked with the all-desolating ruin of the locust." Quite opposite, in its effects, was the retreat of the British along the shores of Cham plain ; they may be said to have ' shed manna' as they went. Not an inhabitant of the place but was fed and enriched by the Plattsburg expedition ; which is all that remains to console us for its unsuccessful result. In the reraarks which it has been our duty to make, in order to illustrate tliis memorable historical event, we hope the reader will understand, that the two services were as willing to co-operate, as, for the glory of their country, they ought always to be. That the fleet did all that could rationally be expected from its means, our naval volurae will shew : that the array, had it been allowed to act, would have done the sarae, with less trouble, and not many raore casualties, than usually attend one of its field-days, has, we trust, already appeared in these pages. The individual, who, undoubtedly, caused all this, has since paid the debt of nature.* While, against him and his raeraory, we disclaim all feelings of a .personal nature, we as firmly deny, that the principle — ' De mortuis nil nisi bonum' can be extended to a public character. The indiscreet impatience of the Quebec * James's Nav, Occur, p. 425. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 227 journalists led them to announce, in a pompous and boastful manner, every movement of thp left division, after its departure from Odell-town. Unfortunately, just as they had done favoring the public with " the highly gratifying intelli gence, that our brave troops entered Plattsburg, with little opposition," the mail closed for England. So that, in one month after pur discomfiture, the whole United Kingdom rang with the "¦ Invasion of New York, and taking OF Pl.attsburg." The same wind that con veyed home, so quickly, this cheering piece of news, brougbt accounts, also, of the capture of Penobscot. The editor of a London evening journal, ofter announcing, first, that the " dis trict of Maine" had been captured, and then, that " Plattsburg had been victoriously entered by our troops," says : — " By a glance at the map, it will be seen that, by this invasion, our army had already advanced in the interior to about 50 miles further south than the Penobscot, where the coast-operations were carrying on ; leaving, pf course, the whole interraediate coun try between Lake Champlain and the sea, as it were cut off from the United States." Much ofthe ridicule incurred from hundreds of para graphs like these, would have been saved, had the troops from Europe been accompanie4 by a commander-in-chief, competent to lead thera; and he directed to govern hjs movements by Q2 228 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN circumstances as they might exist at the timeof his arrival, and not peremptorily to obey orders, issued at 4000 miles distance ; orders, which could not be put in execution, till a six month's fluctuation of events had, in all probability, destroyed their expediency. After the British army, on its return from Platt.sburg, had re-encamped at Champlain, the road to Sackett's Harbor lay open to sir George. Instead of directing his views that way, he marched, with the array, across the lines, to Odell-town ; and then set off for Montreal. After his departure, the principal part of the troops were distributed between Isle aux Noix, St. John's, Charably, and La Prarie ; where we will leave thera, and attend to the operations of the right division. No sooner had the British retired to their en carapment, after, their unsuccessful assault upon Fort- Erie,* than the Americans set about to repair the bastion which had been injured by the explosion ; as well as to coraplete the new works that were constructing, when the attack commenced. In a Httle while, the defences were all entire, and " garnished with heavy cannon ;" nurabering, according to Mr. Thora son's plan of the fort, 27 pieces. On the 2d of September, general Brown, having recovered from his wounds, resumed the * Sec p. 178. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 229 command of the garrison ; which had, in the mean time, been reinforced by new levies of militia.* On the 3d, came about 320 regulars, in the St. Lawrence brig, from Lake Huron, and a corapany of rifleraen, 80 strong, from Sandusky. Sraall detachments of regulars, whose numbers cannot be ascertained, also crossed the strait, from Batavia and Sackett's Harbor. Notwithstanding, therefore, the loss sustained on the 15th of August, and by re peated desertions since, the Araerican army still mustered about 3400 men, who, instead of the two captured schooners to protect their flanks, had now, the St, Lawrence, Niagara, Lady Prevost, and Caledonia brigs, and Porcupine schooner; mounting, between thera, 58 guns. Well might Mr. Thorason boast that Fort-Erie was rendered " impregnable to the attacks of any other than a vastly superior force."']' The British right division, although it had been reinforced by the 6th and 82d regiraents, of, united, about 1040 rank and file, was, on account of its recent loss, and the departure of six companies of the 41st for Fort-George, and of the small reranant of the 103d for Burlington, no stronger in numbers than previously to the assault; but, in effective strength, it was much weaker ; for the heavy and constant rains, operating upon the swampy nature of the ground * Sketches of the War, p, 328. + Ibid, p. 325. 230 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN upon which the troops were obliged to be en caraped, and the severe privations, for want of provisions and other necessaries, under which they laboured, spread sickness among them. A supply, either of provisions or of men, could not well be forwarded, while the American squadron retained the comraand of the lake. Several iraraaterial affairs of piquets occurred, till general Brown, enspirited by the business at Plattsburg, and encouraged by information of general Drumraond's intention to retreat to a healthier position, resolved, by a sortie, to gain the credit of having compelled this raoveraent. To render the enterprise less hazardous, he invited across a reinforcement of ' seven-day men,' or men hired to act for thPt term only. Of this fact there is no doubt ; but we are willing to concede every advantage, in point of num bers, that was derived from it, and to estimate general Brown's force at no raore than 3400 men, of whom upwards of two-thirds were regu lars. The British had commenced upon a new battery, intended to enfilade the western ram parts of the American works ; but, being on the eve of retreating, and having as yet got up no additional guns,* the work had not been per severed in. Two small wooden buildings, de nominated, though not worthy the name of, block-houses, one upon the right flank, the * Seep. 168.. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 231 other near the centre, of the British lines, had recently been constructed. The British en campment was distant a mile and a half from the works, which were situate in the jnidst of a thick wood. Until it is adraitted that the mere throwing of a red coat upon a man's back can endow him with all the well-known qualities ofthe British soldier, no one can be surprised that general Brown should have deferred his sortie till he had ascertained, that De Watteville's regi ment, (which, without disparagement to the brave officers in it, was composed of foreigners of all nations and principles,) joined by the few numbers ofthe 8th, was doing duty at the .bat teries. It vvas at about two o'clock on the afternoon of the 17th of Septeniber, when the rain was pouring in torrents, that the Americans sallied from the fort. " Lieutenants Riddle and Frazer, of the 15th infantry," sayS Mr. Thom son, " had already opened a road from the southern angle of the. garrison, to a point within pistol-shot ofthe enemy's right wing, and with such secrecy, that it was not discovered till the actual assault commenced." * We here gain a piece of important information ; and, it is our duty to add, that part of De Watteville's regiment coraposed that " right wing." The Americans, at about three o'clock in the after- * Sketches of the War, p. 325. 232 MILITARY 0CCI;rRENCES BETWEEN noon, advanced, in two columns, under a heavy iire from their batteries; one column passing through the woods, so as to flank the outer British battery, or No. 8 ; the piquets belonging to vvhich were completely surprised. The other, emerging from a deep ravine, in which it had been concealed, penetrated the British lines, in front, a little to the right of No. 2, or the centre battery; then, turning short to the left, sur rounded the British right, and got almost irarae diate possession of No. 3 battery, ils magazine, and, but not without a struggle, the block house upon its right, garrisoned by a few men of the Sth regiment. While a party was securing the prisoners, de stroying the three 24-pounders at No. 3 batteiy, and blowing up the magazine, a strong coluran turned to the right; and, after meeting with a gallant resistance from the piquets, composed of a part of the Sth, and De Watteville's regi ments, succeeded in gaining possession of the remaining block-house and of No. 2 battery. General Miller, at the head of the Oth, llth, and 19th infantry regiments, joined by the 21st regiment, forraing the reserve under general Ripley, inclined towards the river, in order to assail the British battery. No. 1. By this time, the remnants of the first battalion of the royal Scots, of the second battalion of the 89th, and GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 283 the Glengarry light infantry; also three com panies ofthe 6th, and seven companies ofthe 82d regiment, had arrived from the British carap. The royal Scots, and 89th, under lieutenant-colonel Gordon, of the former regiment, advanced by the road leading to the block-house, upon the right ; and soon drove general Porter and his volun teers, in number 1000,* along with the regu lars supporting them, from the block-house, and the battery. No. 3. The recovery of No. 2, and the defence of No. 1 batteries, were entrusted to the three companies of the 6th, under major Taylor, and theseven companies of the 82d, under major Proctor ; amounting, together, to about 560 rank and file. These detachments, after a free use of the bayonet, drove the Oth, llth, 21st, and part of the 19th, United States' regi ments, numbering, at the very lowest estimate, 1000 rank and file, from the battery No. 2, before they had effected its entire destruction, or that of the two guns in it, and then across the British entrenchments, nearly to the glacis of Fort-Erie ; making several prisoners in the pursuit. In the raean while, the Glengarry light infantry, under the immediate command eflieo tenant-colonel Battersby, and accompanied by lieutenant-colonel Pearson, had recovered the possession of the nevv intrenchment, or * Hist, of the War, p. 263. 234 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN *' unfinished battery No. 4."* By five o'clock the works were all re-occupied, and the line of piquets re-established. 'f ' The British loss was very severe. It amounted to 115 killed, 178 wounded, and 316 missing; total, 609 : | a very large proportion, when we reflect, that the reserve, composed of raajor Lisle's troop of the 19th light dragoons, the seven reinaining companies of the 6th, and the two flank companies of the 41st regiments, along with a sraall body of incorporated militia, was not at all in the action. What a contrast, in reference to the numbers of the respective armies, between the returns of casualties at the foot of major-general De Watteville's, and sir George Prevost's, official letters ! § The Ame ricans acknowledge a loss of 10 officers and 70 men, killed ; 24 officers and 190 men, wounded ; and lOofficers and 206 men, missing ; total, 510 :* nor does this return appear to include the militia or volunteers. We are only favored with the sight of a short extract from general Brown's official report. It is, however, quite enough to satisfy us of the spirit of the whole. "Within 30 rainutes after the flrst gun was flred," says the general, " bat teries, Nos. 3 and 2, the enemy's line of entrench- * Sketches of the War, p. 326. + App. No. 46. + App, No. 47, § Ibid, No. 43. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 235 ments, and his two block-houses, were in our possession. Soon after, battery No. 1, was aban doned by the British. The guns in each were spiked by us, or otherwise destroyed."* With this falsehood set abroad, one cannot be sur prised that general Brown's sortie should have been proclaimed throughout the republic a " splendid achievement," as he himself, in a private letter to general Gaines, has the raodesty to call it; nor at all the bombast to be found in the different Araerican histories. The reader has had enough of this already ; we will, there fore, endeavour to be brief. General Brown we disraiss, with a very short extract frora aletter written by the American " general Varnum," and dated " Buffaloe, September 18." " Our gal lant little array," says this general " has again signalized itself, by gaining a splendid victory over a part of the eneray's forces, near Fort-Erie. Tvvo ofthe enemy's batteries were carried, the guns spiked, trunnions broken off, and their magazines blown up." Mr. Thomson, after he has done stating, that the Americans had cap tured the two British block-houses, and all four of the batteries, and had succeeded in spiking the guns, (represented, upon his diagram as 12 in number,) and demolishing the captured works, very naturally tells us, that " the opera tions ceased, with the accomplishment of all * History of the War, p. 262. 236 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the objects of the sortie."* There is one pa:rf of Mr. Thorason's account, however, that we do not rightly understand. He declares that the impediments, — describing them fully, — which the American regulars, under general Miller, ex perienced in their approaches to No. 1 battery, " produced sorae confusion in the coluran, and made constant appeals to the bayonet neces sary." -I- An eneray's " bayonet," in such a case, would, one might suppose, produce still greater " confusion in the column." To what else, then, can Mr. Thorason allude, as so "ne cessary," but the " constant appeals to the bayonet," made by one of general Wilkinson's '• tried serjeants," J " Just in the place where honor's lodg'd" ? And, no sooner had the troops, thus doubly beset, faced about, than a still more forcible " appeal" au derriSre, acting by sympathy upon their heels, continued its potent stimulus, till the Americans reached the very walls of their " impregnable" fortress. The still unfavorable state of the weather, the increasing sickness of the troops, the loss of three out of six of the battering cannon, and the now very much reduced numbers of general Drumraond's array, caused him, at eight o'clock on the evening of the 21st, to * Sketches of the War, p. 327. t Ibid, 326. i See p. 82. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 237 remove his remaining guns and stores ; and retire to the neighbourhood of Black creek, about a mile and a half distant. Here the men bi vouacked for the night, under torrents of rain. On the morning of the 22d, the Americans dis covered this movement, but offered no molesta tion ; although general Drummond waited till two o'clock on that day, ere he proceeded further downwards. On the 24th, after destroy ing the bridge across Frenchman's creek, and placing there a small cavalry piquet, the right division arrived, and encamped, in compara tively comfortable quarters, at Chippeway. As the naval ascendancy of the Americans upon Lake Ontario dismissed any present fears of an attack upon Sackett's Harbor, general Izard's army would, it was considered, be raore profitr ably eraployed in strengthening the left division, at the head of the lake. Instead, however, of being carried to the British Twelve-piile creek, where a landing would have effectually cut off general Druraraond's rauch inferior force, or to the neighbPurhood of Fort-Niagara, so as to have assaulted and tried to recover that fortress, general Izard suffered himself and his army to bp disembarked on the south side of the lake ; and then stole, by a back route, to Lewistown ; where he arrived about the Sth of October, with, according to Araerican accounts, 2400 infantry, artillery, and dragoons, of the regular ariny. 238 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Why did he not, then, cross instantly to Queens town, and place general Druraraond between two fires ? — No ; — he preferred keeping on the safe side of the river till, arriving at Black Rock, on the 10th, he crossed over to Fort-Erie, and superseded general Brown ; vvdio, on the 6th, had received a reinforceraent of 700 regulars frora Detroit and Erie. As a proof that we have such authority as an American cannot dispute, for stating the American force upon this frontier at a much higher amount than we have hitherto fixed it, we here subjoin an article taken from the " Ontario Repository, of October 11," an American newspaper published on the spot. — " From Buffaloe, October llth, we learn, that general Izard's array crossed at Black Rock only on that morning, and was to move down the Ca nada shore on the following day, with 8000 regular troops,'' May we, then, be allowed to say, that general Izard's army at Fort-Erie con sisted of 6000 regular troops? Against such a force the British right division, reduced as it now was in numbers, had no chance of success. General Drummond, therefore, broke up his cantonments at Chippeway, and retired upon Fort-George and Burlington, On the morning of the 19th, a skirmish took place near Cook's mills, at Lyon's creek, between a brigade of American regulars, under general Bissell and detachments from the 82d, 100th, and Glen- GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 239 garry regiments, amounting to about 650 rank and file, under colonel Murray. The thickness of the woods gave great advantage to the Ameri can riflemen ; and, although, with the addition of the reserve, we flnd the 5th, 14th, 15th, and 16th regiraents naraed, besides a company of riflemen, under captain Irvine, making a total force of at least 1500 rank and file, the American " corps d' elite," as Mr. Thomson boastfully calls it, would not risk an encounter, with evidently inferior numbers, upon the open ground. After what may be terraed, a drawn battle, each party retired ; the British, with the loss of 19 killed and wounded ; the Araericans, according to Mr. Thomson, of 67 killed, wounded, and missing.* This editor has magnifled our force to 1200 men ; and made the " marquis of Twee- dale," in spite of the severe wound he was still labouring under at Kingston, the commander of the British party. The British ship St. Lawrence having been launched on the 2d of October, commodore Chauncey, on the llth, when he had ascertained that sir James would be on the lake in a few days, retired to Sackett's Harbor, and began raooring his ships head and stern, to prepare for an attack. Sir Jaraes sailed on the 17thj and, on the 19th, landed at the head of the lake, flve companies of the 90th regiment, and a quantity * Sketches of the War, p. 329, 340 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN of provisions ; of which the right division was in great need. The fleet returned to Kingston on the ¦23d; and, on the 1st of November, sailed again to the head of the lake, with the 37th, and recruits for the 6th, and 82d regiraents, and a brigade of artillery ; all of which, on the even ing of the 2d, disembarked near Fort-George. The arrival of the flrst reinforcement, trifling as it was, and although it would not have aug mented general Druraraond's force rauch beyond half the amount of general Izard's, was made an excuse for the retreat of the latter to Fort-Erie. On tbe22d of October the American volunteers crossed the strait, to be discharged ; and general Brown, with 2000 regulars, pushed forward to the relief of Sackett's Harbor, The arrival of the second Britith reinforcement produced a correspondent effect upon the remnant of the American force. Having, by the aid of their fleet, removed the guns, and cornpletely des troyed the fortifications, the invaders, on the 5th of Noveipber, crossed frora FortrErie to their own shore ; " after," says Mr. Thorason, — forgetting in whose possession Fort-Niagara was,—" a vigorous and brilliant campaign."* The greater part of the American trpops were distributed into quarters at Black Rock, Buffa loe and Batavia; the remainder, marched to Sackett's Harbor, to assist in repelling an attack * Sketches of tbe War, p. 330. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 241 which no one could doubt would be made. The fighting being over upon the Niagara, lieu tenant-general Drummond and suite, alPng with the 41st regiment, and a nuraber of convales cents, departed from the head of the lake, .on board the St. Lawrence, and arrived at Kingston on the loth of Noveraber ; having left the right division, distributed along the Niagara-frontier', in corafortable winter quarters. The still defenceless state of the western dis trict of Upper Canada, had exposed the inhabi tants to all the horrors of a second Araerican visitation* On the 20th of September a bartd of depredators issued from the garrison of De troit ; and, crossing the stream, spread fire and pillage through a whole settlement ; thereby reducing to misery no fewer than 27 Canadian families. The plunder obtained in this excur- tion, and the impunity with which the actors in it had got back to their homes, stimulated a more numerous, and better organized body of Americans, having, as their chief, " brigadier- general M'Arthur, of the United States' army," The proceedings of this military officer and his detachment having been thought worthy of a place in one of the Araerican histories, we cannot do better than transcribe ihe account. " On the 22d of the following raonth, (October,) brigadier-general M'Arthur, having collected * See p. 73. ' VOL. II. R 242 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN 720 effective regulars and militia, proceeded on a secret expedition, along the western shore of Lake St. Clair, and passed into the Canadian territory, at the mouth of that water. He pene trated 200 miles in the enemy's country ; des troyed more than that number of muskets ; attacked a large body of militia and Indians, encamped on favorable ground ; made about 150 prisoners ; and dispersed all the detachments to be found at the Thames, Oxford, or Grand River. During the march, he principally sub sisted on the enemy, and fired several of the mills, from which the British troops in Upper Canada were supplied with food. Having gained intelligence of the evacuation of Fort-Erie, he abandoned his intention of proceeding to Bur lington Heights, and returned to Detroit on the 17th of November. By this rapid expedition, the enemy's hostile intentions were diverted from another quarter, and his means of attacking Detroit entirely crippled ; the destruction of his supplies rendering such an attempt altogether i mpracticable . " * Mr. Thomson has here, by the usual arts of bis trade, attempted to convert into a mili tary exploit, what much more reserabled the inroad of banditti. That general M'Arthur got possession of some rauskets, is yery probable; because, as the reader recollects, a few had * Sketchesof the War, p. 331. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA, 243 been left in the hands of some of the inha bitants, by the coramanding officer of the district. * No militia were, at this time, embodied ; therefore, none could have been " encamped." The " 150 prisoners" consisted of peaceable inhabitants, both old and young, and drunken Indians and their squaws. Had there been any " detachments" within even a day's march of the scene of general M'Arthur's exploits, he would not bave been so bold. The instant it was ascertained that a detachment of the 103d regiraent, numbering less than half *' 720eftective regulars and militia," had moved from Burlington Heights, the general and his gang " dispersed ;" and so " rapid" was their flight, that the British regulars did not get withiu eight miles of them. If Mr. Thomson can acknowledge, that the American troops " subsisted on the enemy, and fired several of the mills," we may well conceive, what must have been the devastation and ruin that marked the track of general M'Arthur and his mounted Kentuckians. * See p. 5, r2 244 MILITARY OCCURRENCES "BETWEEN CHAPTER XVIII. Capture of Moose Island, in Passamaquoddy Bay — Expedition against Penobscot and Castine— Its success — Destruction of ihe United States ship A dains — Capture and Destruction of several other vessels, also of a great quantity of ordnance — American militia — Chesapeake Bay — Com modore Barney's flotilla — Its progress against a part ofthe British force, commanded by captain Barrie, [of ihe Dragon — Landing of ihe Bri tish at Benedict, on the Patuxent — Loss of flve straggling marines from ihe St. Lawrence schooner-^ American account of ihe behaviour and death of the serjeant, commanding the . party — Barbarous circumstances under which : his life was taken— Landing of ihe British at Lower Marlborough — Intention ofthe American government to destroy commodore Barney's flotilla, in St. Leonard's Creek — Its prevention by a military enterprise — Repulse of the force blockading the flotilla — Letters of commodore Barney and one of his officers — Arrival in ihe Potomac of rear-admiral Cockburn — His ope rations upon the shores of that, and other rivers GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 245 in the Chesapeake — Reception on board ihe British ships of American refugee-slaves-^— Ame rican ¦misrepresentation on the subject-~Bounty to British deserters. X HE first military event we have to notice, after quitting the Canadas, is the occupation,' on the llth of July, 1814, by lieutenant-colonel Pilkington and captain sir Thoraas Hardy, with a detachment of troops from Nova Scotia, of Moo.se island, near the mouth of Kobbeskook river, opposite to thp province of New Bruns wick, and on the western side of Passamaquoddy bay. The whole of this bay, as well as the island of Grand Manan in the bay of Fundy, wasadjudged to be within the boundary of the British North- A merican provinces. The cere mony of taking possession of the town of East- port, and of Fort-Sullivan, on Moose island; and every other particular connected with the expedition, will be found amply detailed in the British official accounts.* The American accounts offer nothing worthy notice ; except that they raake the British force 2000, instead of about 600 troops. As connected with the capture of Passama< quoddy, we pass, at once, to an expedition fitted out at Halifax, Nova Scotia, against that part of the district of Maine, in the United States, * App. Nos. 48. 49. 50. 51. and 52. 246 5IILITARV OCCURRENCES BETWEEN lying to the eastward of the Penobscot river ; and which contains about 40 villages, and up wards of 30000 inhabitants. As to the probable object of taking possession of this tract of country, we cannot better instruct tbe reader, than by referring him to a work published by Mr. Nathaniel Atcheson, in 1808, entitled : — " American Encroachments on British Rights." Our business is merely with the conduct of the expedition; which, consisting of a 74, bearing the flag of rear-admiral Griffith, two frigates, a sloop of war, aud 10 transports, having on board a company of royal artillery, two rifle-compa nies of the 60th, and the 29th, 62d, and 98th regiraents, in all, about 1750 rank and file, under thiP command of lieutenant-general sir Jobn Coape Sherbrooke, governor pf Nova Scotia, sailed from Halifax on the 26th of August. The arrival of the expedition off the point of des tination, its junction with other ships of war, and itis further proceedings, resulting in the capture of Castine, Belfast, and Machias, the capture or destruction of 22 ships, brigs, and schooners, including the United States' frigate Adaras ; also of (including those at Machias) 52 pieces of ordnance, will be found most fully detailed in the several official documents sent home upon the occasion.* The Adams had been a 32-gun frigdte, but * App. Nos. 53. 54. 55. 56. 67. 58. 59. 60. and 61. CREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 247 was afterwards lengthened, so as to rate a 36 ; and then, on account of some defect in her cori struction, cut down to a corvette: in which latter state she measured 725 tons Aittericaii, or 783 English. She sailed upon her last cruize, with an armament of four long 18-pounders, 20 Columbiad, or short long-guns, * of the same Caliber, and two long- 12-pounders ; total 26 guns ; and ^ith a complement, according- td a prisoner who was some weeks on board of her, of 248 picked searaen ; chiefly raasters and mates of merchantmen. The Adams was, therefore, one of the most forraidable corvettes that cruized on the ocean. While in the Irish channel, to wards the end of July, she was chased by the Tigris, of 42 guns, captain Henderson ; and would probably have been caught, had nPt captain Morris thrown overboard his " quarter- guns." As the Adams was not to fight a frigate, and was an over-match for the heaviest sloop of warin the British havy, we cannot cdncCive what " glory" the Airierican gpvernment expected to derive, from sending such a ship to sea ? Al though the enfire destruction of this flne ship^ and.the capture pf 23 pf her guns, were effected by the combined forces detached up the river fbr that purpose, yet Mr. Thomson concludes his account of our " blowing her up," with stating, that the British were " disappointed in * James's N^v. Qcciir. p. 5, 248 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the object of their expedition,"* He does not, however, attempt to conceal the behaviour of the American militia ; who, he says, notwith standing captain Morris's judicious arrange ments, could not be brought to oppose an " in ferior number of British regulars," and fled precipitately.* Captain Barrie's accountof the very people who had stood up, though for a few* ininutes only, as militia, at Hamden, appearing (Fith, it may be supposed, scarcely breath to speak, after their well-run race) " as magistrates, select men, &c,"'|" at Bangor, affords a tolerable specimen of the real character of Mr. Munro's " unarmed inhabitants." J The operations in the Chesapeake, during the sumraer of 1814, now claim our attention. The Araerican editors have, as usual, by their happy talent for ampliflcation, given importance to many events that occurred in the rivere and creeks of that capacious bay, which we shpuld otherwise, have deemed too insignificant to notice. The chief of these consist of the daring exploits and hair-breadth escapes of commodore Barney, (an Irishman), and his flotilla of gun boats. The commodore himself, we must dp hira the justice to say, isa truly brave raan ; and, no doubt, feels highly indignant at the nuraer ous ridiculous tales that have been told of him, * Sketches of the War, p. 235. + App. No. 59, + App. No, 69, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 249 by even the most moderate of the American editors. Previous to our entering upon any of the operations of the flotilla, it becomes us to apprize the reader of what its force consisted. The first account we have of the flotilla is, that " a number of boats, carrying heavy metal, were constructed in March, 1814, on the eastern shore of Maryland, for the protection of the bay ; and the command of them was given to that intrepid officer, commodore Barney." * Doctor Smith tells us that " a flotilla of small schoo ners and barges, was fitted out at Baltimore, to scour the bay, and protect its shores^j numerous creeks and inlets, from the eneray." 'f Mn Thomson says : — " At that period," (end of May, 1814,) " a flotilla, consisting of a cutter, two gun-boats, a galley, and nine large barges, sailed from Baltimore." J Another American account numbers the barges,, when subsequently blown up, at 13 ; and a Boston newspaper augments cominodore Barney's flptilla, when it left Balti more, to "36 gun-boats, and 10 or 15 barges." The commodore's cutter or sloop was the Scor pion, mounting eight carronades, and a heavy long-gun upon a traversing carriage ; and two of the gun-boats, we find, were Nos. 137 and 13,8.* Whether commodore Barney's flotilla con- * Hist, of the War, p. 224. + Hist, of the United States, Vol. III. p. 285. J Sketches of the War, p. 332i 250 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN sisted of gun-boats, gallies, "small schooners," or " large barges," it indisputably carried "heavy metal ;" as, indeed, it well might, considering that it was expressly fitted out " to scour the bay and protect its shores from the enemy." Rear- admiral Cockburn says, each Vessel had a long- gun in the bow, and a carronade in the stern ; the calibers of the guns, and the number of the crew, in each, varying, in proportion to the size ofthe boat, from 32-pounders and 60 men, to 18-pounders and 40 men.* It appears, also, from the American accounts, that most, if not all, of the vessels had on board furnaces for heating shot. In his estimate of the crews the rear-adrairal cannot be much out of the w.ay ; for, although he raentions having taken sorae of the flotilla- men as prisoners, an American work states the number of seamen and marines that accom panied commodore Bai-ney to the fleld at Bladensburg, after the loss of his flotilla, at 600. ¦\ Upon adding to this] number, such as may not have chosen to follow the commodore) and such as were taken prisoners by lieutenant Scott,* the Americans surely will not charge us ytith over-rating, if we estimate cominodore Barney's original command at 700 raen. A floti^a, so armed, manned, and equipped, cruiz ing in waters known only to itself, and able, * James's Nav. Odcurr. his App. No. 81. + Hist, of the United States, Vol. III. p. 297. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 251 almost at any time, to seek protection under batteries and formidable positions on shore, within gun-shot of which nothing larger thari a boat could approach, was able to cope with any force that two 74-gun ships, or four 46-gun frigates, could send against it. The first sight gained of this flotilla, by the British, was on the 1st of June, when it was pro ceeding from Baltimore, past the moutli of the river Patuxent, " to scour the bay." The British vessels consisted of the St. Lawrence schoonerj of 13 guns, and 55 men, and the boats, in number seven, of the Albion and Dragon 74s, under the coraraand of captain Barrie of the latter ship. The Americans had the honor of seeing this trifling force retreat before them to the Dragon, then at anchor off Smith's-point. 1 hat ship got under weigh, and, along with the schooner and the boats, proceeded in chase ; but the shallowness of the water shortly com pelled her again to anchor. In the meantime, the flotilla had run for shelter into the Patuxent, Captain Barrie, by way of inducing commodore Barney to separate his force, detached two boats to cut offa schooner under Cove-poirit ; but the commodore, not considering that his ordters to give " protection" warranted such a risk, allowed her to be burnt in his sight. One American account of this affair says : " The cominodore discovered two schooners, one of 252 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN which carried 18 guns, and he immediately gave chase."* Here, evidently, Mr. Thomson has, by mistake, included the American schooner burnt uuder Cove-point. Mr. O'Connor has fallen into the same error ; or rather, he declares there were " three schooners." Not a word appears any where about the schooner that was burnt. One editor says : — " Barney was obliged to take refuge in the mouth of the Patuxent."! Another says : — " This bold ex ploit did great honor to Barney and his crews :" j; and all agree, that he fired " hot shot at the pnemy." On the 6th the flotilla retreated higher up the Patuxent; and captain Barrie, being joined on the day following by the Loire 46, and Jasseur brig, proceeded up the river with those two ves.sels, the St. Lawrence, and the boats of the Albion and Dragon. The flotilla retreated about two railes up St. Leonard's creek, where it could be reached by boats only ; but the force of the latter was not equal to the attack. Captain Barrie endeavoured, however, by a discharge of rockets and carronades from the boats, to pro voke the, American vessels, which were moored in a line a-breast, across the channel, to come down within reach ofthe guns of the ship, brig, * Sketches of the War, p. 332. t Hist, of the United States, Vol. III. p. 287. J Hist, of the War, p. 225. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA;' ^SS and schoonei'j at anchor near the mouth of the creek. At one tirae the flotilla, or, as Mr. O'Connor Sfiys, " the 13 barges" got under weigh, and chased the boats to a short distance, and then returned to their moorings. With a view to force the flotilla to quit its station, de tachments of searaen 'and raarines were landed on both sides of the river, and the Araerican militia, estimated at 3 or 400, retreated before them to the woods. The marines destroyed two tobacco-stores, and several houses that formed military posts ; but still the flotilla remained at its moorings. Fear is certainly a great magnifler of objects. To that may we ascribe the frequent appearance' of razees, in nearly all the rivers of the Chesa peake. The name, once received as applicable to a ship of extraordinary size and force, is in the mouth of every terrified inhabitant of the coast, the moraent he descries an enemy's vessel with' three masts. The reader may perhaps knovv, that a razee is a cut-down 74. Three British ships only were fitted in this way ; and, although all were sent upon the North Araerican station, only one of the three entered the Chesapeake,? and that not till the 25th of August, 1814, The very editors who have just done telling us thaf the British cannot send their 74s up'the rivers,- because of their heavy draught of water, raake' no scruple in placing a :cut-down ^74 at the 254 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN mouth of every creek near to which a British frigate had cast anchor. These are the gentle men, too, who boast that their " authentic" accounts have passed through so many editions. As another proof of Mr. Thomson's love of the " authentic," he concludes his account of the affair in St. Leonard's creek thus : " The comraodore iramediately moved upon them," (the British boats,) " and after a smart fire, drove the barges down to the 18-gun vessel, which, in atterapting to beat out, was so severely handled, that her crew ran her a-ground, and abandoned her."* This is the very vessel, the St. Lawrence, whose capture by the Chasseur, the Araericans so joyfully announced, seven months after she was thus " run a-ground and abandoned." In justice to Mr. Thomson's con temporaries, we must say, that he is the only editor who has favored the public with this *' authenlic" piece ofinformation. On the loth of June, the Narcissus, of 42 guns, joined the little squadron; and captain Barrie, taking with him 12 boats, containing 180 marines, and 30 of the black colonial corps, proceeded up the river to Benedict. 'f Here the men disembarked, and drove into the woods, without a struggle, a number of militia, who left behind a part of their muskets and carap- equipage, as well as a 6-pounder field-piece. * Sketches of the War, p. 333. + See Plate V. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 255 After spiking the latfer, and destroying a store containing tobacco, the Brirish again took to their boats, except five or six men who had pro bably strayed too far into the woods. The circumstances attending the capture of these men have been fully detailed in an Alex andria newspaper, ofthe 25th of June, and are too interesting in their nature not to be given entire to the reader. The party, it appears, consisted of a portion of the St. Lawrence's marines, commanded by serjeant Mayeaux, a Frenchman,, who had been seventeen years in the British service, and who bore a most excel lent character. The Alexandria paper, first assigning as a reason for giving so particular an account of the " late affair at Benedict," that some of the citizens " bore a distinguished part in it," proceeds as follows: — '* The cavalry of the district arrived on Tuesday evening, about five o'clock, and at the moment general Stewart vvas preparing to attack the enemy, who were in possession of Benedict. At this moment a small detachment of the eneray presented themselves at the foot of the hill, not far distant from the place where the cavalry were posted. The order was iramediately given to charge, and intercept their retreat, which was done with so much haste and impetuosity, as to break the ranks, which, considering the nature of the ground, was not injudicious. Five of the enemy vvere S56 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN taken prisoners. The serjeant of the guard, having been separated frora his raen, and endea vouring to make his escape, was pursued. — Araong the first who overtook him, was Mr. Alexander Wise, of the Alexandria dragoons, who made a bold but unsuccessful assault upon him, and being unable to check his horse, passed ten or fifteen paces beyond him. On turning his horse, he received the fire of the serjeant, and fell dead. At this inoment Mr. Alexander Hunter, a young gentleman of this town, (who had volunteered his services for the occasion with the cavalry, and whose conduct has already been the subject of much and well-merited commendation,) came up, when the seijeant faced upon him and received the fire of his pistol, which seeraed to take effect. Mr< Hun ter's horse being alarmed at the report, ran some distance from the spot. When Mr. Hunter re turned, he found general Stewart engaged vvith this intrepid soldier. He immediately advanced to the general's relief; upon which the serjeant having had his bayonet unshipped, dropped his musket, and, mounting an adjoining fence, fell upon the other side, upon his back. Mr, Hun ter dismounted, and, unarmed, irainediateH' followed and engaged hira, demanding of several horsemen who advanced, to aid in securing hira'. Two of whora presented their pistols, and, after caUing upon Mr. Hunter to disengage himself GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 257 from his antagonist, disch-arged their pistols without effect. This brave marine then retreated, unpursued, to an adjoining swamp. His escape appearing certain, unless immediately pursued, Mr. Hunter begged the loan of a sword, which was presented to him by the general ; and with which he alone pursued, and soon overtook him, when a conflict ensued between thera, the brave enemy endeavouring by many and vigorous efforts to get possession of the sword, and refus ing, though repeatedly urged, to surrender, except with his life, which a fortunate stroke soon after terminated." As the writer of this article, — which, be it remembered, is extracted from an American newspaper, — alludes to some " erroneous irapres sions" caused by " the variety of verbal accounts received," we have a right to conclude, that the account he has published is as ranch raoUifled as circumstances would admit ; particularly, as the gallant Frenchman had not been permitted to live to tell his own story. When we reflect, too, upon the notorious partiality of the southern Americans towards the French, and their equally notorious hatred towards the British, the very fact (the knowledge of which the same account admits) that the poor sufferer was a Fenchman, may have contributed to alter the features of this, even in its present shape, heart- rending stoiy. After this wounded marine had " dropped his VOL. II. S 358 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN musket," and, in climbing the fence, fallen (from weakness, no doubt) " upon his back," was it manly in the two American horsemen to " discharge their pistols" at him ? or did Mr. Hunter's conduct in stepping aside to allow them to do so, entitle him to " much and well-merited commendation"? Was it not a cowardly act in Mr. Hunter to borrow, and in general Stewart to lend, a sword to attack an unarmed, already wounded man ? — And then, " a fortunate stroke" terminated the poor wretch's existence ! — We envy not the feelings ofthe " young gentleraan" who coraraitted, or of the general and his party of cavalry and volunteers who abetted, this foul murder : — for, what else can we call it ? No truly brave man but M'ould have set a higher value upon the gallant Serjeant's life, for the deterraination he evinced not to surrender. Why not have permitted him to remain in the swamp to which he had fled : what dire raischief could have happened to the republic by the presence of this unarmed individual ? A day or two's residence in the woods might have lowered his lofty spirit ; and he would then, perhaps, have freely surren dered to a tenth part of those whom he so long kept at bay ; and frora whom he would, no doubt, bave ultiraately escaped, had he possessed another musket, or perhaps another load, even, for that which he had. Acquitting the American com manding officer of those accordant feelings which GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 259 would have prompted him to grant so brave a man his liberty, no alternative remains to ac count for the general's hot pursuit of him, but that he must have felt piqued, because May- eaux's conduct was so opposite to that of the American captain of militia, who, in the same neighbourhood, and about a twelvemonth pre vious, suffered himself to be taken prisoner by a one-handed British lieutenant of the navy.'* In vain do we search through the different American works for any account of the capture of serjeant Mayeaux and his party ; although the capture of a single individual has, on other occasions, been exultingly recorded by the whole of our three obsequious historians. It must be the wish of every staunch Araerican, that the editor of the Alexandria newspaper had not been so officious : be it our task to give a yet more permanent form to the account of the intrepid behaviour, and the dastardly murder, of Serjeant Mayeaux. After quitting Benedict, captain Barri« as cended the river to Lower Marlborough, a town about 28 railes frora the capital of the United States. f The party landed, and took possession of the place ; the railitia, as well as the inha bitants, flying into the woods. A schooner, belonging to a captain David, was captured, and loaded with tobacco : after which, having burnt, * Sec p. 39. + See Plate V. s 2 260 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BBTWEfiN" at Lower Marlborough, and at Magruders,* on the opposite side of the river, tobacco-stores, containing 2800 hogsheads, and loaded the boats with stock, the detachment re-embarked. The Americans collected a force, estimated at about 350 regulars, besides militia, on Holland's clifts;* but some marines, being landed, traversed the skirts of the heights, and re-embarked without molestation; the American troops not again shewing themselves, till the boats were out of gun-shot. The blockade of comraodore Barney's flotilla, and the depredations on the coasts of the Pa« tuxent, by captain Barrie's squadron, caused great inquietude at Washington. At length, an order reached the American commodore, directing him to destroy the flotilla ; in the hopes that the British, having no longer such a temptation in their way, would retire from a position so con tiguous to the capital. The order was suspended, owing to a proposal of colonel Wadsworth, of the engineers; who, with two 18-pounders, upon travelling-carriages, protected by a detachment of marines and regular troops, engaged to driye away the two frigates frora the raouth of the creek. The colonel established his battery behind an elevated ridge, which sheltered hini and his men ; and, on the morning of the 26th of June, a simidtaneous attack of the gun-boat^ * See Plate 5. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 261 and battery was made upon the two frigates, Loire and Narcissus.* What with hot shot, the position chosen by the colonel not being com manded by the fire frora either frigate, and captain Brown, the commanding officer's, having no force which he could land to carry the bat- tery,f the Loire and Narcissus retired to a station near Point Patience ; and the American flotilla, with the exception of one barge, which put back, apparently disabled by the shot from the frigates, moved out of the creek, and ascended the Patuxent, The frigates sustained no loss on this occasion ; but commodore Barney adraits a loss of a midshipman and three men killed, and seven men wounded. We have here a fine opportunity of contrast ing the difference in style, between a letter written by an adopted, and one written by a native American, upon the same subject. Com modore Barney writes : " This morning, at 4 A.M. a corabined attack of the artillery, marine corps, and flotilla, was made upon the enemy's tvvo frigates, at the mouth of the creek. After tvvo hours' engagement, they got under weigh, and made sail down the river. They are now warping round Point Patience, and I am raov ing up the Patuxent with my flotilla." ^ An officer on board the flotilla, writes thus : ? Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 739. + Ibid, p. 740. i Ilist. of the War, p. 2261 262 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN "We moved down with the florilla, and joined in the chorus with the artillery. Our flre was terrible. At six o'clock tbey began to move, and made sail down the river, leaving us masters ofthe fleld. Thus we have again beat thera and their rockets, which they did not spare. First, we beat off a few boats ; then, they increased the number; then, they added schoo ners ; and now, behold the two frigates : all have shared the same fate. We next expect ships of the line. No matter, we will do our duty." * On the 4th of July, the Severn, of 50 guns, having joined the Loire and Narcissus, captain Nourse, of the first-named ship, despatched captain Brown, with the marines ofthe three ships, (150 in number,) up St. Leonard's creek. Here two of commodore Barney's barges were found scuttled, owing to the damage they had received in the action with the frigates. The barges, and several other vessels, were burnt, and a large tobacco-stpre destroyed, Soon after this, the British quitted the Patuxent. On the 19th of July, rear-admiral Cockburn, in the Marlborough 74, having been joined by a battalion of inarines, and a detachment of ma rine artillery, proceeded up the river Potomac, for the purpose of attacking Leonard's-town, the capital of St. Mary's county, where the ¦36th * Naval Monument, p. 240. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 263 Upited States' regiment was stationed. The marines, under major Lewis, were landed, whilst the boats pulled up in front of the town ; but, on discovering the marines, the enemy's armed force quitted the place, and suffered the British to take quiet possession. A quantity of stores, belonging to the 36th regiment, and a number of arms of different descriptions, were found there, and destroyed ; a quantity of tobacco, flour, provisions, and other articles, were brought away in the boats, and in a schooner, which was lying off the town. Not a musket being flred, nor an armed enemy seen, the town was spared. The Araericans having collected sorae Virginia militia, at a place called Nominy-ferry, in Vir ginia, a considerable ,way up Nominy-river, rear-admiral Cockburn, on the 21st, proceeded 'Miither, with the boats and marines ; the latter commanded by captain Robyns, during the illness of major Lewis. The eneray's position was on a very commanding eminence, prpjecting into the water ; but sorae raarines having been landed on its flank, and they being seen getting up the craggy side of the raountain, while the main body landed at the ferry, the enemy fell back, and, though pursued several miles, till the approach of night, escaped with the loss of a few prisoners. They had withdrawn their fleld-artillery, and hid it in the woods ; fearing that, if they kept it to use against theBritish, 264 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN they would not be able to retreat with it quyck enough to save it from capture. After taking on board all the tobacco, and other stores found in the place, with a quantity of cattle, and destroying all the storehouses and buildings, the rear-admiral re-embarked ; and, dropping down to another point of the Nominy river, observed some raovements on shore, upon which he again landed with the marines. The Americans flred a volley, but, on the advance of the marines, fled into the woods. Every thing in the neighbourhood was therefore destroyed or brought off; and, after visiting the country in several other directions, covering the escape ofthe negroes who were anxious to join him, the rear-admiral quitted. the river, and returned to the ships with 135 refugee negroes, two cap tured schooners, a large quantity of tobacco, dry goods, and cattle, and a few prisoners. Far from considering tobacco, packed up in hogsheads, ready for shipping, as " good prize, by the maritirae law of nations," as he did the north-west company's goods,* Mr, O'Conner calls it ^' plundered property," and the seizure or destruction ofit the " petty and wanton act of an unprincipled and mean enemy." ']• On the 24th of July, the rear-admiral went up St. Clement's creek, in St. Mary's county, with the boats and marines, to examine the ^ Sec p. 193. + Hist, of the War, p. 237, GREAT BRITAIN AND A3IERICA. 265 country. The militia shewed themselves occa sionally, but always retreated when pursued ; and the boats returned to the ships without any casualty, having captured four schooners, and destroyed one. The inhabitants remaining peaceably in their houses, the rear-admiral did not suffer any injury to be done to them, excepting at one farm, from which two musket- sbots had been fired at the admiral's gig, and where the property was, therefore, destroyed. bn the 26th of July, the rear-admiral pro ceeded to the head of the Machodic river, in Virginia, where he burnt six schooners, whilst the marines inarched, without opposition, over the country on the banks of that river ; and, there not remaining any other place pn the Virginia or St. Mary's side of his last anchorage, that the rear-admiral had not visited, he, on the 28th, caused the ships to move above Blackstone's Island ; and, on the 29th, proceeded, with the boats and marines, up the Wicoraoco river. He landed at Hamburgh and Chaptico ; from which latter place he shipped a considerable quantity of tobacco, and visited several houses in differ ent parts of the country ; the owners of which living quietly with their families, and seeming to consider themselves and the neighbourhood to be at his disposal, he caused no farther incon venience to them, than obliging them to furnish 266 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN supplies of cattle and stock for the use of his forces ; for which they were liberally paid. On the 2d of August, the squadron dropped down the Potomac, near to the entrance of the Yocoraoco river, which the rear-adrairal en tered on the following day, with the boats and marines, and landed with the latter. The eneray had here collected in great force, and made more resistance than usual, but the ardor and determination ofthe rear-admiral's gallant little band, carried all before it ; and, after forcing the enemy to give way, the marines fol lowed him 10 miles up the country, captured a field-piece, and burnt several houses, which had been converted into dep6ts for militia-arms, &c. Learning, afterwards, that general Hun gerford had rallied his men at Kinsale, the rear- adrairal proceeded thither ; and, though the eneray's position was extremely strong, he had only tirae to give the British an ineffectual volley before the latter gained the height, when he again retired with precipitation ; and did not re-appear. The stores found at Kinsale were then shipped without raPlestation ; and, hav ing burnt the store-houses and other places, with two old schoonerSj and destroyed two bat teries, the rear-admiral re-embarked, bringing away five prize-schooners, a large quantity of tpbacce, flour, &c. a fleld-piece, and a few pri- GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 267 soners. The American general Taylor was wounded and unhorsed, and escaped only through the thickness of the wpod and bushes, into which he ran. The British had three men killed, and as many wounded. Thus 500 Bri tish marines penetrated 10 miles into the enemy's country, and skirmished, on their way back, surrounded by woods, in the face of the whole collected militia of Virginia, under generals Hungerford and Taylor ; and yet, after this long raarch, carried the heights of Kinsale in the most gallant manner, Coan river, a few miles below Yocomoco, being the only inlet on the Virginia side of the Potoraac, that the rear-adrairal had not visited, he proceeded on the 7th to attack it, with the boats and marines. After a tolerably quick fire on the boats, the enemy went off precipitately, with the guns : the battery was destroyed, and the river ascended, in which three schooners were captured, and some tobacco brought off. On the 12th, the rear-admiral proceeded up St. Mary's creek, and landed in various parts of the country about that extensive inlet ; but without seeing a single armed person, though militia had formerly been stationed at St, Mary's factory for its defence ; the inhabitants of the state appearing to consider it wiser to submit, than to atterapt opposition. On the 15th of August, the rear^iadmiial again landed within 268 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN St. Mary's creek; but found, in the different parts of the country, the same quiet and sub missive conduct on the part of the inhabitants, as in the places visited on the 12th. The ac count of the preceding operations on the coasts of the Chesapeake, with a battalion of marines, a detachment of marine-artillery andof seamen, in all, under 700 men, is extracted exclusively, from rear-admiral Cockburn's official report of his proceedings : the truth of which is tacitly adraitted by the silence of the Araerican his torians on the subject ; although the British accounts had long previously come to their hands. While the British men-of-war were lying in the rivers of the Chesapeake, the negroes from the neighbouring plantations were continually flocking to the banks ; entreating, by the most piteous signs, to be rescued from a life of slavery. Could such appeals be made in vain ? — They were taken off, by hundreds; and obtained from an enemy that liberty, which their own free country denied to them. It was in vain that the Araerican government, by asserting, through the medium of the prints " known to be friendly to the war," that the British, after receiving the negroes, "shipped the wretches to the West Indies, vvhere they were sold as slaves, for the benefit of British officers,"* attempted to check * History of the War. p. 183. OREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 269 the flow of slave-emigration. This plan failing, the editor of the " Norfolk Herald" was in structed or induced to say: — " To take cattlp or other stock, would be consistent with the usage of civilized warfare ; but to take negroes, who are human beings ; to tear them for ever from their kindred and connexions, is what we should never expect from a Christian nation, especially one that has done so much to abolish the slave-trade. There are negroes in Virginia, and, we believe, in all the southern states, who have tbeir interests and affections as strongly engrafted in their hearts, as the whites, and who feel the sacred ties of fllial, parental, and con jugal affection, equally strong, and who are warmly attached to their owners, and the scenes of their nativity. • To those, no inducement which the enemy could offer, would be sufficient to tempt them away. To drag thera away, then, by force, would be the greatest cruelty. Yet, it is reserved for England, who boats of her reli gipn and love of huraanity, to practice this piece of cruelty, so repugnant to the dictates of Christianity and civilization."* Whether this article was penned at Washing ton, or on board of one of the British ships in the bay, it is the happiest piece of satire, that has appeared in an American newspaper. It commences with an unqualified admission, that, » History of the War, p. 185, 270 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN " to take cattle or other stock" is '' consistent with the usage of civilized warfare ;" whereas, in all the American histories, not excepting that even from which the extract is made, the British are accused of "plundering large quantities of cattle." As, however, theBritish comraanders, whenever the owners could be found, invariably paid for what they did take, the admission is of little use. But are not thost^ " human beings, who have their interests and affections as strongly engrafted in their hearts as the whites," part, and a valuable part too, of the " stock" «f an Araerican planter ? — The reader has only to take up a Charlestown, a Washington, a Richmond, or even a " Norfolk" newspaper, and a whole side of advertisements, will presently assure him of the degrading fact. Let it not be concealed either, that the treatment of the slaves in, and who form so great a portion of the southern population of, the United States, is ten-times more horrid and disgusting than any thing that occurs araong a similar class of " human beings" in the British West Indies. In addition to tbe accounts published in the Araerican newspapers, and the description given, and marks shown by, the refugee-slaves themselves, it is only neces sary, in order to substantiate the fact, to refer to the code of laws by which the American, in comparison with that by which the British, negroes are governed. We freely -ddmit that, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 271 " to drag away, by force," those slaves who (if any such are to be found in the United States) are " warraly attached to their owners and to the place of their nativity," would be " the greatest cruelty." But who has done so ? The British in the Chesapeake, as the Americans themselves inform us, were frequently straitened for pro visions ; how ridiculous, then, is the charge, that the captains of ships, by way of encreasing the consumption on board, and without any corres ponding benefit, should send parties on shore, first to catch, — in which they raust have been tolerably active, — and then to " drag away," the slaves of the Araerican planters. If, for receiving on board such as voluntarily offered theraselves, the British officers required any other sanction than " the dictates of Christianity and civilization," they might find it in the following resolution, submitted to the consideration of the house of representatives of the United States, by Mr, Fisk, of Vermont : — " Resolved, that the committee on public lands be instructed to enquire into the expediency of giving to each deserter from the British army, during the pre sent war, 100 acres of the public lands, such deserter actually settling the same,"* We have here a fine specimen ofthe " national honor" of the United States, about vvhich so much has been said and written ! * National Intelligencer, Sept. 28th, 1814. 272 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN CHAPTER XIX. Early intimation of the attack upon Washington — Defensive preparations in consequence — Arrival at Bermuda of troops from France — Departure of general Ross in the Tonnant for the Chesa peake — Reconnoissance on shore by the latier and rear-admiral Cockburn — Meditated attack upon Washington — Arrival of ihe troops from, Ber muda — Different routes io Washington — Captain Gordon's affair in ihe Potomac — Disembarca- iion of the troops at Benedict in the Patuxent — - Pursuit, by the combined forces, of commodore Barney's flotilla — Its destruction — March of the British troops — Tlieir arrival at Upper Marl borough — Rear-admiral Cockburn's junction wilh ihem — Advance of the British towards Washington — Correct American account of their number — Retreat of ihe American army by Bla densburg to Washington — Further advance of the British — American account of general Win der's force — Re-advance io Bladensburg — Ap pearance on the fleld of the president of ihe United Slates-^ American account of ihe battle ¦qf Bladensburg — Flight of the Americans — Mutual loss — Behaviour of Mr. Madison — Hi^ narrow escape from capture — American plans safety, upon the unfortunate " plans which had been concerted previous to the departure of tho Iphigenia,"* On the 6th of September Came a flag of truce from Baltimore ; and instantly all • was bustle and alacrity on board' the British squadron. The Royal Oak and troop-ships stood out ofthe Patuxent; and vice-admiral Cochrane quitting his anchorage off Tangier island, proceeded with the remainder of the fleet,- up the bay to North-point, near the entrance" of the Patapsco river. On the 10th and llth, the fleet anchored ; and, by 12 o'clock at noon on the 12th, the whole of the troops and seamen had disembarked at North-point, in order to proceed to the iraraediate attack upon Baltiraore, by land ; while sorae frigates and sloops, the Erebus, rocket-ship, and flve bombs, ascended • the Patapsco, to threaten and bombard Fort- M'Henry, and the other contiguous batteries, * App. No. 73. ' ' GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 313 The amount of the British force that landed has been variously, and, in every instance, erroneously, stated by the American historians. None of these gentlemen estimated the British loss at Bladensburg and Washington, below 400 men ; Mr. Thomson, indeed, declared it amounted to "^1000 :"* nor is it pretended, that any reinforceraent of British troops subsequently arrived in the Chesapeake. Yet every oneof our three historians, instead of deducting his own estim-ate of our loss, adds 2 or 3000 men to hiis own estiraate of our force, at Bladensburg and Washington. For instance, doctor Smith, who stated our force at Bladensburg at " 4000,":]: states, without assigning any reason for thp, augmentation, that we brought to Baltiraore "5000 land troops." || Mr. Thomson, in like manner, makes his " 6000 regulars, sailors, and marines," II 8000 soldiers, sailors and marines;"! and Mr. O'Connor, his " 5000,"|| " between 8 and 9000 men."^ The British troops that landed, under the coramand of major-general Koss, at North-point, consisted of detachments of royal, and marine-artillery, the remnants of the 1st battalions of the 4th, 21st, and 44th regiments, and the * Sketches ofthe War, p. 388. " f Ibid. p. 339. + See p. 282. § Hist, ofthe United States, Vol. III. p. 302. jj See p. 278. f Hist, of the War, p. 232. 314 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN 85th regiment, the 1st and 2d (or Colonial) battalions of marines, detachments of marines from the ships, and a body of 600 seamen, under captain Edward Crofton ; the whole numbering about 3270 rank and file. Immediately after landing, the British moved forward to the city. On arriving at a line of intrenchraents and abattis, thrown up between Black river and Humphries's creek on tb© Patapsco, and distant about three miles frora the point of landing, sOme opposition was expected ; but the American dragoons and riflemen, sta rioned there, fled without flring a shot. At this time major-general Ross and rear-admiral Cock burn, along with a guard of 50 or 60 men, were walking together, considerably a-head of the advanced or light corapanies ; in order to recon noitre the enemy. At about 10 o'clock, after having proceeded about two miles from the intrenchment, and some distance along a road flanked by thick woods, they encountered a division of the enemy, consisting, as we may gather from Mr. Thorason, of " two corapanies from the 5th infantry, 150 in number, under captains Levering and Howard, about 70 rifle men, under captain Ai.squith, the cavalry," under colonel Biays, the amount of which not being stated, we shall fix at 140, " and 10 artillerists, vvith a 4-pounder coramanded by GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 31.5 lieutenant Stiles;"* in all 370 men, A short skirmish ensued, and the Americans fell back ; most of thera taking to the woods. Major- general Ross, after saying to rear-admiral Cock burn, — " I'll return and order up the light- companies," — proceeded to execute his purpPise, In his way back, alone, by the same road along which he and his party had just passed, the major-general received a musket-bullet through his right arm into his breast, and fell, mortally wounded. The firing had, at this time, wholly ceased ; and the expiring general lay on the road, unheeded, because unseen, either by friend or foe, till the arrival at the spot of the light-com panies, who had hastened forward upon hearing' the musketry. Leaving sorae attendants in charge Of" the lamented chief, the officer com manding rushed on ; and it was then that adrai ral Cockburn learned the loss which the array and the country had sustained. In a few minutes he was by the side of his friend : what passed on that trying occasion, is best given in the words of the rear-admiral hiraself. f The death of major-general Ross Was a fatal blow to the expedition against Baltimore. Previously to our relating the succeeding events of that day, we are called aside to correct Ame rican misrepresentation. Doctor Smith says : — » Sketches of the War, p. 311. f App. No. 74. 316 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN " General Ross put himself at the head of his troops to force general Strieker out of the road to the city," In attempting which he states him to have been shot,* Mr. Thomson, after having given the details of the American advanced force, as already extracted, says: — " This detachment, having proceeded half a mile, was met by, and instantly engaged, the enemy's"^— not "advanced guard," but — " main body. The situation of the ground would not admit of the co-operation of the artillery and cavalry; and the infantry and riflemen sustained the whole action, with great gallantry; pouring in a rapid and effec tive flre upon the British column, killing major- geperal Ross, aud several other officers, and impeding the advance of the British army. Having performed the duty required of them by. geueral Strieker, the whole detachraent with a trifling loss, fell back, in excellent order, upon the American line."']' This false and highly bombastical account is best answered by a short extract from the American official account, as quoted in another American work ; and that work the scrupulous Mr, O'Connors. After stating that general Strieker had sent forward, " an advanced corps, under the command of major Heath, of the 5th regiment;"* Mr. * Hist, of the United States, Vol. III. p. 302. + Sketches of the War, p. 341 i + Hist, of the War, p. 233. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 317 O'Connor, taking the words of general Smyth's official letter, says : — " ' This advance met the enemy, and, after some skirmishing, returned to the line ; the main body of the enemy being at a short distance in the rear of their advance.' " * ¦This, as we have seen, was the fact ; except that the nearest British force was not the " raain body," but. the advance or light-companies, Mr. O'Connor does not state, when or how gene ral Ross met his death, raerely, when he comes to tbe enumeration of our loss, saying :— " Ge neral Ross, the destroyer of Washington, was killed," The truth is, the citizens of Baltimore were not aware, till our accounts reached thera, vvhat a benefit they had derived from the chance-shot ofone of their skirmishers. « As soon as the British main body, now under the command of colonel Brooke, of the 44th regiment, closed upon the advance, the whole moved forward ; and, at about two miles further, and about five from the city, came in sight of the American army, drawn up, with .six pieces of artillery, and a body of cavalry. The exact amount of this force we have" no raeans of ascer taining. Mr. Thomson, referring to the " detach ment" sent forward, on the night of. the llth, under general Strieker, designates it as composed >of ." part of his brigade; a light corps of rifle men, and artillery, from general Stansbury's * App. No, 77. 318 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN brigade, under major Randal, and several com panies ofthe Pennsylvania volunteers; amount ing to 3185 effective men."* This is exclusive of " 1000 raen stationed at the forts and batte ries;" and " along the breast-works, about four times that number ;" * or, upwards of 8000 men, in the whole. The prisoners estimated their own force dravvn up, under general Strieker, at 6000 men ¦,-f and Vir. Thomson, by his extracts frora the British official accounts, has evidently .seen, although he has not contradicted, these statements. We may, therefore, safely estimate the American force, now close in front of a British force Of 3270 infantry, with two light fleld-pieces and a howitzer, at 4500 infantry and cavalry, with six pieces of artillery ; backed as they were, in case of a retreat, by at least 8000 troops, and those hourly augraenting ; and by heavy batteries in all directions. The details of the short battle that ensued are fully given in colonel Brooke's and rear- admiral Cockburn's letters. A few extracts from Mr. Thomson's, will tend to corroborate the British account. '' The 51st," says he, " which was ordered to open upon the enemy in his atterapt to turn the rest of the line, delivered a loose flre, immediately broke, fled precipitately froin its ground, and in such confusion, that * Sketches of the War, p. 340. f App. Nos. 71. 73. 74. and 75. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 319 every effort to rally it proved ineffectual. The 2d battalion of the 39th, was thrown into dis order, by the flight of the 51st, and some of its companies also gave way. The remainder and the 1st battalion stood firm. Thus 'abandoried by the retreat of the 51st, general Strieker made new arrangements for the reception of the enemy, and opened a general fire upon him, from the right, left, and centre. The artillery sent fortb a destructive torrent of canister against the British left coluran, then atterapting to gain the cover ofa sraall log-house, in front of the 5th regiment. Captain Sadtler, with his yagers from that regiment, who were posted in the house when the British 4th regiment was advancing, had, however, taken the precaution to set fire to it, and the intention of the enemy was, therefore, defeated. The 6th regiraent then opened its fire, and the whole line entered irito an aniraated contest, which continued, with a severe loss to the enemy, until 15 minutes before 4 o'clock. ' At that hour, general Strieker, having inflicted as rauch injury upon the in vaders as could possibly be expected, frora a line now about 1400 strong, against a force amount ing, notwithstanding its losses, to at least 7000 men, ordered his brigade to retire upon the reserve regiraent ; an order which was well executed by the whole line, which in a few minutes rallied upon lieutenant-colonel M'Do- 320 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN nald.. From the point occupied by this regi ment, general Strieker, in order to refresh his troops, and prepare them for a second raove ment of the eneray, retired to a position half a mile in advance of the left of major-general Smith's entrenchments. Here he was joined by general Winder, who, with general Douglass's Virginia brigade, and theUpited States' dragoons, under captain Bird, took post upon his left."* This editor is famous for spinning out a battle ; nor, is he ever staggered by improba bilities, how gross soever they may be. After stating that his gallant countrymen ran away by whole regiraents, he has the impudence to contrast the remaining number, or the " line, now but 1400 strong," with " at least 7000" British. By his owu account, the Araerican troops retired four miles and a half, or, "to a position half a mile in advance," — and, conse quently, within full range, — "ofthe left of major- general Smith's intrenchments," before they could be bronght to a stand, or had any stomach to "refresh" themselves, against "a second moveraent ofthe enemy." Not a word is there of any charge bythe bayonet, which settled the business so quickly ; nor of the loss of any pieces of artillery or prisoners. The British occupied the ground of which the Americans had been dispossessed ; but were too * Sketches of the War, p, 342. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 321 much fatigued to follovv up their victory on that evening. The British loss amounted lo one general-staff, one subaltern, two serjeants, and 35 rank and file, killed ; seven captains, four subalterns, 11 serjeants, and 229 rank and file, wounded ; of the army.* The navy lost one petty-officer, three searaen, and three marines, killed ; one officer, six petty-officers, 22 seameri, and 15 marines, wounded, f Thus, the total British loss on shore, was 46 killed, and 273 wounded. The great disproportion of wourided arose from the eraployraent, by the eneiny, of buck-shot ; J and the magnitude of the loss, altogether, to the enemy's sheltered position. The loss of the Americans upon the field, Mr. Thoriison estimates at 150 ; which is particu larized, by Mr. O'Connor, as " 20 killed, 90 wounded, and 47 missing." § The last item is evidently erroneous ; as colonel Brooke carried away with hira " about 200 prisoners, being piersons of the best families in the city ;" || and which number might have been considerably augmented, did not the immense inferiority of numbers render the effectiveness of the men for action a paramount consideration. Early on the morning of the 13th, colonel Brooke, leaving a small guard at a meeting house, from which the enemy had been driven, * App. No. 72. + Ibid. p. 76. t See p. 147. § History of the War, p. 237. 1| App. No. 71 . VOL, II. Y 322 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN to protect the wounded, moved forward with the army ; and, at 10 o'clock, occupied a favorable position, to the eastward of, and distant about two miles frora, Baltiraore. Frora this point, the strong defences in and around the city were plainly to be seen ; and arrangements were made for storming, during the ensuing night, with the co-operation ofthe fleet, the American entrenched camp; at which lay general Strieker and his army, novv reinforced by Douglas's brigade of Virginia militia, under general Winder, and the Uniied States' dragoons, under captain Bird,* In their way up the Patapsco, several of fhe frigates and other vessels grounded ; and one or two of the former did riot get off till the next day. At about nine o'clock on the morning of the 13th, the Meteor, ,^tna. Terror, Volcano, and Devastation, bombs, and the Erebus, rocketf ship, came to anchor in a position, from which they could act upon the enemy's fort and bat teries ; the frigates having already taken their stations, outside of all. At day-light on the morning of the 13th, the bombardment com menced upon, and was returned by, Fort- M'llenry, theStar-Fort, and the water- batteries on both sides of the entrance. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the four bomb-vesseh and rocket-ship weighed, and stood further in ; the latter, to give effect to her rockets, much * App. No. 77, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 323 nearer than the others. The forts, which had discontinued their fire on account of the vessels being out of range, now re-commenced a brisk cannonade ; but which, although persevered in for some hours, did not injure a man on board any of the vessels: two of the bombs only were slightly strack. The close position of the Erebus led the comraander-in-chief, whose ship, the Surprise, was, with the other frigates, at anchor in the river, to imagine that captain Bartholomew could nPt maintain his position. He therefore sent a division of boats to tow out the Erebus. On seeing the rocket -ship and bombs withdraw to a greater distance, the Americans in the batteries were perfectly jus tified in supposing, that they had " compelled" the British to retire. " This noisy play," as Mr. O'Connor calls it, continued, with short intervals, fill day-light the next morning. The Araerican official account states, that two or three rocket-vessels, and barges, suc ceeded in getting up the Ferry branch, but that they were soon corapelled to retire, by the forts in that quarter ; commanded by lieutenant Newcornb,of the navy, and lieutenant Webster, of the flotilla. " These forts also destroyed," says the general, " one of the barges, with all on board," * Mr, Thorason says : — " Under cover of the night, the British coramanders despatched a * App. No. 77, Y 2 324 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN a fleet of barges to attack and storra Fort- Covington. The atterapt was repulsed, how ever, and the assailants refi red, with an immense loss to their bomb-vessels." * Mr, O'Connor tells the story thus:' — "Favored by a dark night, one or two of the enemy's bomb-vessels, and several barges, with 1200 chosen men, passed the fort at about one o'clock in the morning of the 14th, and proceeded up the Patapsco, to attack the town in the rear, and, probably, with a view to efiect a landing, Frora their new station they commenced a very warra throwing of bombs and rockets, but were repaid with such vigor and effect, that the screams of their wounded could be heard in the midst of a roar of arras, that made the houses in the city shake for nearly an hoUr and a half."t Let us novv see how this story will read in our way of relating it. In the raiddle of the niglit of the 13th, a division of 20 boats was detached up the Ferry branch, to cause a diversion favorable to the intended assault upon the enemy's entrenched carap, at the opposite side of the city. The rain poured in torrents, and the night was so extremely dark, that 11 ofthe boats pulled, by mistake, directly for the har bor. Fortunately, the lights of the city disco- * Sketches of the War, p. 344. + Hist, of the War, p. 236. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 325 vered to the crews their perilous situation, time enough for them to get back in safety to their ships. The remaining nine boats, consisting ofone rocket-boat, five launches, two pinnaces, and one gig, containing, not " 1200," but — 128 officers, seamen, and marines, under the com mand of captain Napier, passed up the Ferry branch, to a considerable distance above Fort- M'Henry, and opened a heavy fire of rockets and shotupon the shore; at seve ral parts of which they could have landed, with ease, had the whole of their force been together. After having, by drawing down a considerable nuraber of troops to the beach, effected their object, the British stood back with their boats. When just oppo site to Fort-M'Henry, one of the officers caused a rocket to be fired : the consequence was, an immediate discharge of round, grape, and canister, from the fort and water- batteries below ; by which one of the boats was slightly struck, and a raan raortally wounded. Not another casualty occurred. It appears that, on the evening of the 13th, after the boats had been ordered upon this service, vice-admiral Cochrane sent a messenger to acquaint colonel Brooke, that, as the entrance to Baltiraore by sea was entirely obstructed by a barrier of vessels, sunk at the mouth of the harbor, defended inside by gun-boats,* a * App. No. 73, 326 MlJLITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN naval co-operation against the city and en trenched camp, was found impracticable. The heavy rain at this tirae falling greatly increased the difflculty of ascending the .steep hill, upon which the camp was situated ; and both com manders concurred in the propriety of imme diately withdrawing the troops and ships. Af about half- past one on the raorning of the 14th, the British troops coraraenced retiring, and halted at three miles distance. In the course pf the evening they retired three miles further, and encaraped for the night. Late on the morning of the 15th, they moved down to North-point; and, in the course of that day, rfe-embarked, without having experienced, during their slow and deliberate retreat, the slightest molestation from the enemy. At seven o'clock on the raorning ofthe 14th, the rocket-ship and bomb-vessels were called off from the American batteries ; which are stated to have lost, by the long continued bombardment, only four raen killed and 24 wounded. In the course of the day, the ships stood down the river, and joined the remainder of the squadron at anchor off North-point. The American official account is moderate enough; except in the stateinent respecting the barges, and which statement general Smith coul4 only have obtained from the commanding office^ of the forts ou the Patapsco. Not a word is said GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 327 about any pursuit of the British. That would be encroaching upon the duties, and, seemingly, pleasing ones, too, of the American historian. '* The excessivefatigueof the troops, all ofwhorn had been three days and nights under arms, in the most inclement weather, prevented their annoyivig the eneray's rear with much effect, and they made prisoners of none but stragglers from his army." * If, as sir George Cockburn says, the Americans " did not venture to look at " the British upon their retreat, f the former did not certainly annoy their rear " with much, effect." Colonel Brooke declares, that not a man was left behind. J So much, theii, for the " stragglers" taken. Mr. Thomson's account has vastiy improved, by passing through the hands of the ' inventor and sole patentee' of thp- screaming story. For instance: — "It was im possible for veterans, or the most, experienced troops, to act with more firm discipline or cool courage, than the citizens of Baltiraore, and the troops engaged, did, on this occasion, with the exception already raentioned, A pursuit of the enemy was attempted, without, however, doing him much injury. Thetroops were so exhausted, with three days and nights' fatigue, that they could do little more than pick up a few strag glers, A l^ne of defences thrown up bj^ the * Sketches of the War, p. 343. + App. No. 74. + :App. No, 71. 328 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN Americans from Black river to Humphries's creek, on the Patapsco, were used by the enemy to protect their embarkation."* These are the stories that carrj;^ off so many editions among the people of the United States. Having done with the American accounts ofthe celebrated Baltimore " demonstration," we have vet to offer upon it a few remarksofour own. No Briton but must regret, that any plan of " ulte rior operations" should have obtruded itself, to check the progress ofthe attack. With respect to naval co-operation, it is well knovvn, that the gallant commanders of the Severn, Euryalus, Havannah, and Hebrus, frigates, volunteered to lighten their ships, and lay them close along side Fort-M'Henry. The possession of this fort would have enabled us to silence the batteries on the opposite side of the bay ; and, indeed, have placed the city completely at our mercy. The very advance of the British frigates to their stations would, probably, have led to the des truction of the Java frigate, and the Erie and Ontario sloops ; and then we might have retired, "holding in view the ulterior operations of the troops," with something more to boast of than, not merely an empty, but, considering what we lost by it, a highly disastrous " demonstration." The troops on shore might, and, no doubt, would, have succeeded in carrying the enemy's * Hist, of the War, p. 235. GRBAT BRIT.UN AND AMERICA. 329i intrenched carap ; but they could not expect to succeed further, without a simultaneous attack by the fleet. Even the nine boats, and their 128 men, caused a considerable diversion of the enemy's forces : we raay well conceive, then, what might have been effected, had no " ulte rior" plan been allowed to interfere. We cannot dismiss the business at Baltimore, without bestowing a few words upon an officer, whose untimely fate has been so universally deplored. His public services are thus briefly enuraerated, by the mover, in the house of commons, for a monuraent to his raeraory. " General Ross, when raajor Ross, served in the expedition to Holland, in 1799. He was then in the 28th regiment, and signalized himself in repulsing the attacks raade on the lines of sir Ralph Abercrpmby. Here, displaying the greatest gallantry, he received a severe wound, which deprived his country of his services for a time. In the autumn of 1800, having recovered from the effects of his wound, he accompanied his regiment to the Mediterranean, and, shortly afterwards, served in the expedition to Calabria: here, in the raeraorable battle of Maida, which so greatly raised the fame of the British arras, and particularly by the use raade of the bayonet, major Ross made himself conspicuous ; and, by wheeling on the enemy's line, contributed, perhaps, more than any other circumstance, to 330 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the route of the eneray on that day. Nothing more occurred to bring him into notice, till he served in the array*- led by general sir John Moore, in 1807; and, under that gallant and laraented commander at the battle of Corunna, he again shone with no common lustre. In 1812, sailing from Ireland, he joined the army in the peninsula, and, under the command of lord Wellington, so distinguished hirnselfin the battle of Vittoria, that his lordship gave hira the command of a separate brigade. Now that a more extended fleld of service lav before him, in the flrst great battle of the Pyrennees, where the firmness of the English was most conspicuously displayed, where the French fought with the most determined obstinacy, his valor contributed so much to the glory of that day, that lord Wellington, in his despatch, stated his brigade ' to have distinguished themselyes beyond all former precedent; they made four separate charges with the bayonet, and general Ross had three horses killed under him.' At the passage ofthe Nieve, and the battle of Orthes, he dis played the same undaunted bravery." Another meraber, who had been intimate with him, said: — " He possessed the happy skill of conciliating by his disposition, apd instructing by his exaraple : he possessed, indeed, all those private and distinguished qujalifications, by which alone a commander could acquire the full confidence GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 331 of his men. His military knowledge was great and complete : for it had been the result of practice and constant experience; while his foresight and example in the fleld were such as to excite the enthusiasm and reverence of those whom he led to victory." General Ross, it appears, was but 40 when he fell. Comparing fhe advantages we derived from the " yictory" at Baltiraore, with the loss of such a general, we cannot but regret, that the attack was undertaken at all ; if not raeant to be persevered in, till either the ostensible object was gained, or the British troops had been fairly beaten out of it. On the 19th of Septeraber, sir Alexander Cochrane, with the Tonnant and Surprise, sailed for Halifax, to hasten the construction of the flat-bottomed boats, intended to be eraployed in the great expedition on foot ; and on the sarae day, the Albion, rear-adrairal Cockburn, sailed for Bermuda, leaving the Royal Oak, rear-admi ral Malcolm, with sorae frigates and smaller vessels, and the ships containing the troops, at anchor in the river Patuxent. On the 27th the rear-admiral removed to the Potomac ; where, on the 3d of October, the troops were placed into boats, and sent up Coan river. In their way up, tvvo soldiers were wounded, and captain Kenah, of the Jitna bomb, killed, by musketry from the shore. Against so powerful a force, when' once landed, the few militia coiUd not be 332 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN expected to stand : they fired a volley and fled ; and the troops advanced, past Northumberland court-house, five railes into the interior. After taking and scuttling two or three worthless schooners ; and, according to the American edi tors, plundering the inhabitants, the troops re- embarked, and stood down the river to their ships. The latter, soon afterwards, descended the Potoraac ; and, on the 14th, rear-admiral Malcolm, taking with him, the Royal Oak, Asia, and Ramillies 74s, one or two frigates, and all the troop-ships and bombs, quitted the Chesapeake, for the rendezvous at Negril bay, Jamaica. The officer now left in command at the Che sapeake, was captaiii Barrie, of the Dragon 74, recently from Penobscot. He had with him the Hebrus and Havannah frigates, two armies en fliite, and the Dauntless and Dotterel sloops. The land-troops, if worthy the name, at his dis posal, consisted of about 200 colonial marines, or refugee-slaves, in barracks, upon the sinall island of Tangier, lying off the mouth of the Potoraac; and which had, since early in the suraraer, been taken possession of by sir George Cockburn, as a depot for receiving and organ izing the refugees. The unhealthiness of Tan gier, and the badness of its harbor, induced captain Barrie to seize Tilghman's island, a rauch more eligible spot, and distant onlv 60 GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 333 miles from Baltimore. On the 30th of Novem ber, a boat-expedition, with about 500 seamen and marines, ascended the river Rappahannock, as high as the town of Tappahannock, which they entered without rauch opposition, although three tiines their number of militia were in the neighbourhood. The editor of the American " National Intelligencer," of Deceraber 9, after having magnified captain Barrie's force to " 2500 troops," says : " The purpose of the eneiny seems to be, as heretofore, to steal negroes, stock, tobacco, &c. plunder the houses within their reach, and burn what they cannot carry off." Charges of this description we have already fully answered. We need only repeat here, that the " negroes" come off voluntarily ; the " stock" is amply paid for ; and the '' tobacco" " good prize, by the maritime law of nations."! As much of the latter, as the British could not " carry off," it was right for thera to " burn:" the charge of " plunder" we can only hope is groundless. Had that active and enterprising officer, captain Barrie, really had "2500 troops," he would have corapelled Mr. Gales to fill his colurans with raatter fifty tiraes more important than the capture of Tappahannock. . Early in December, rear-admiral Cockburn, in the Albion, from Bermuda, bringing with him the Orlando frigate, and some smaller ves- * Seo p. 192. 3.?4 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN isels, arrived in the Chesapeake, but raerely to carry away the colonial marines ; with whom, op the 14th, he proceeded towards Amelia Island, in East Florida : having left orders for captain Barrie to follow, with fhe Dragon, Hebrus, and Regulusi Accordingly, captain Barrie departed soon afterwards, leaving a few frigates and sloops in the Chesapeake; and, on the 10th of January, arrived off Cumberland Island, the southern-most of the chain along the coast of Georgia, and separated by Cumberland Sound from Amelia Island. Rear-admiral Cockburn not having yet arrived, captain SomerviUe of the Rota, as the senior officer, deterrained upon eraploying the two companies ofthe 2d West India regiment, and the detach ments of royal marines which had recently arrived on that coast, in a combined attack upon the frontier-town of the state of Georgia, St. Mary's, situated a few miles up the river of that name, dividing the United States and East Florida, On the 13fh an attack, with about 700 troops, marines, and seamen, under the command of captain Barrie, was made on the fbtt, or key to the entrance of the riv. r, at Point Petre. This fort mounted two 24, tvvo 18, one 0, and two brass 6-pounders ; trOin which, how- fever, scarcely a single discharge was made, ere the garrison abandoned the post, and fled to the woods in the rear. On the 14th, the combined .. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA'. 335 forces, accompanied by the Terror and Devasta tion bombs, ascended the river to St. Mary'.s. Contrary to expectation, here, also, no resist ance was made ; and the town, the shipping in the harbor, and the merchandize in the stores, were taken quiet possession of. Soon afterwards an expedition of boats, went a considerable dis tance further up the river, and brought down the Countess of Harcourt East Indiaman, which had been captured and carried in there by a Charlestown privateer ; also a beautiful gun boat, named the Scorpion, a present from the town of St. Mary's to the United States, On the 15th of January, rear-admiral Cock burn, who had been blown off the coast by strong north-west gales, arrived and took the coraraand ; and Oil the 22d, the British, after reraoving the guns, and destroying the fort and barracks, at Point Petre, descended the river to Cumberland Island ; of vvhich imraediate possession was taken. The troops and marines were encamped ; and the rear-admiral established his head-quar ters at a very large house, built of tabby;* sur rounding it with the ordnance brought from Point Petre. On the 22d of February, eight launches, two pinnaces, and one gig, containing 186 officers, seamen, and marines, under the comraand of captain Phillott, of the Primrose brig, ascended the St. Mary's river, without * Oyslcr-shuilsj and their cement. 336 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN opposition, 120 miles ; when a heavy fire of musketry, opening upon them frora each .side, compelled a retreat. While day-light lasted, a spirited fire was kept up by the boats ; but, unfortunately, after dark, the men could not be restrained from firing, by which they exposed themselves to the view of their enemy. The river was, in some parts, so narrow, that a couple of stout trees, many of which were on the banks, felled and thrown across, would have corapletely cut off the retreat ofthe boats. That not having been done, the boats got back to the island, with four killed, and 25 wounded. One of the objects in assembling troops upon this part of the coast was, to as.sist in a corabined attack upon the town of Savannah, in Georgia ; a naval station of no raean importance. The town stands upon a flat sandy cliff, elevated about 50 feet above the level of the Savannah river; is distant frora the sea about 17 railes; and from St. Mary's, 95 miles. The number of its inhabitants is about 7000 ; and the quota of railitia which, by the secretary of war's order of July the 4th, * the state of Georgia was required to hold in readiness, amounted to 350 artillery, and 3150 infantry ; total, 3500 men. The British, since their flrst arrival at Cum berland island, had been waiting for a rein forcement, under general Power; but whose * Seep. 274. -GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 337 destination, unknown to thera, had been altered. Without this additional force, it would have been iraprudent to make the attack. Some other operations, in which a body of Indians and Negroes frora the interior of West Florida, was to co-operate, had also been in agitation. But the intended junction had been prevented by the machinations of some o£ those crafty Americans, who, as " British subjects," living under our own governraentjWere .so actively eraployed against us, during the whole of the late war. Consequently 7 or 800 British troops, and 12 ships of war, including two 74s and three or four frigates, were allowed to reraain, for several weeks, in a state of perfect inactivity ; at a tirae, too, when an iraportant, well-struck blow would have pro duced so healing an effect. Had it not been for a coramunication, opened, through the Spa niards on Amelia Island, with East Florida, both array and navy would have had their idle hours still further embittered by a want of sub sistence. VOL. II. 338 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN CHAPTER XXI. Expedition io New Orleans^Briiish at Pensacola, and Barataria — Trick played by the Baratarian commandant — Secret act of the American con gress to take possession of West Florida — Posses sion taken of Mobile — Erection of Fort-Bowyer — Attack upon it by four British sloops of war — Loss of the Hermes — -Brief description of Louisiana and New Orleans — Arrival of ihe British fleet off Chandeleur island — Capture of flve American gun-boats near Lake Bor gne— Proclamation of martial law by general Jackson —Scheming flag of truce— Its ohject defeated — Disembarkation of the flrst division of British troops-'— Description of the ground qf operations —Arrival of British advance at VillerS's — Ge neral Wilkinson's strictures upon the route chosen by the British — Deception as to ihe strength of Petite Coquille fort— Accidental low estimate of the British force at Villeri's — Prompt advance of major-general Jackson — U. S, schooner Car O" lina — Battle of ihe 23d of December — Destruc tion of ihe Carolina by hot shot — Escape of the U. S. ship Louisiana — Arrival of sir Edward Pa kenham — Strength of ihe British forces — Pro posed attack in the rear of New Orleans — lis non-adoption — Description of general Jackson's lines of defence — Demonstration of the 2Sth of De cember— Destructive flre of the Louisiana — Ame rican batteries on the opposite side of ihe river — Arrival of ship-guns, and et eclion of battery by ihe British — Continued cannonade — Mutual rein- GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 339 forcements^ General Morgan's lines on the oppo site bank— British and American forcesr— Battle of the Sih of January — Fatal neglect to bring up the fascines and ladders — Death of major-gene rals Pakenham and Gibbs — Misbehaviour of two regiments — Gallant behaviour of a division of th§ left brigade — Repulse of the British — Strictures upon the attack, by American officers — Launch ing of the boats into the Mississippi — Successful attack upon ihe American intrenchments on the right bank — Fatal dfference of opinion respect ing the possibility of holding that position-r-^Its immediate evacuation — Short suspension of hosti lities — Bombardment of Fort St. Philip- — Retreat qfthe British from before New Orleans-— The total loss on both sides— -American bombast-r-rPrench general Humbert — Some particulars relative to general Jackson — His honorable conduct — De parture of the British fleet — Surrender of Fort- Bowyer without a shot's being flred ai ii — Treaty of peace — Canadian preparations for ihe ensuing campaign — Brief remarks on the treaty, and on the advantages which the Americans have gained by the war. Jb ROM the paragraphs that appeared in several ofthe London prints of May and June, 1814, there is no doubt that the conquest of Louisiana had been submitted to the British government, as a measure of no difficult attainment. It was thought, perhaps, that the Louisianians, consisting chiefly of French and Spaniards, were disaffected towards the government of the z 2 340 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN United States, and would rather aid, than oppose the landing of a British array. This hazardous, and, as it proved, fallacious conjecture, was suffered to over-balance all apprehension of danger from the thousands of armed inhabitants of the west and north-western territories, that could descend the Mississippi, and prevent any thing like a permanent occupation of the ca pital of Louisiana. There were not, it is true, any American 74s, or 60-gun frigates, building or lying blockaded at New Orleans ; but those who suggested the expedition well knew that, as the cotton crops of Louisiana, and of the Missis.sippi territory, had been for some years in accumulation, the city-warehouses contained merchandize to an immense amount. Indeed, considering that New Orleans vvas the emporium of the annually increasing productions of a great portion of the western states, the enormous sura of 3000000/. was, perhaps, not an over-estiraate of what, in the event of even a temporary pos session of that city, would have been shared by the captors. Scarcely had the people of New Orleans read, in the pages of their newspapers, admiral Coch rane's threatening letter and its reply, and been assured by their governor, that the British had expressed a determination " of wresting Loui siana from the hands of the United States, and restoring it to Spain," than accounts arrived, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 341 that the British were exciting the Indians, and, by proclamations dated from Pensacola, in West Florida, endeavouring to persuade the inhabi tants of Louisiana and Kentucky, to shake off their allegiance, and join the Britis.h standard. Alraost at the same instant they received accounts that sorae British officers had been trying to gain over the Baratarian freebooters, upwards of 200 in nuraber ; not only as pilots for that intricate coast, but as active allies in the contemplated invasion. Mr. Laffite, the commandant, played a deep garae with the British officers. He received, with seeming acquiescence, all their communi cations on the subject, and then forwarded them to the govemor of Louisiana. He had, at that tirae, in the gaol of New Orleans, loaded with irons, a brother ; whose liberation he, no doubt, hoped to effect. In short, Mr. Laffite not only betrayed the British, but offered the services of bimself and his hardy band, in defending the important point of the state of which they had taken possession. These men fulfilled the pledge given by their commandant lo governor Clai borne ; and, along with Mr. Laffite's brother, received, in the end, a full pardon from the president of the United States, It is necessary now to mention, that a secret law passed the congress of the United States, as eariy asthe 12th of February, 18J3, authorizing t.je president "to occupy and hold all that 342 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN tract of couritrj^i called West Florida, which lies v^'est of the Perdido, not now in the posses- siPn of the United States." * On the 14th of March, the order to take possession reached major-general Wilkinson, then the commanding officer of the United States' troops within th6 territories of NeW Orleans and the Mississippi; and, on the 15th of April, taking with him a strong naval and military force, the general possessed himself^ without opposition, but not without remonstrance, of Fort-Charlotte, near the town of Mobile. General Wilkinsoori, soon afterwards, constructed a fort upPn Mobile- point, forming the extremity of a peninsula, whieh is joined to the continent by an isthmus, four miles wide, dividing the river and bay of BonSecours frora the bay of Perdido. This fort, named Fort-Bowyer, raountedj ill September^ 1814, says an American editor, two 24, six 12, eight 9, and four 4-pounders ; and contained a garrison of only 130 men ;f yet, lyhen we took possession of Fort-Bowyer, in Febi'liary, 1815, up to which date no reinforce- irient of guns appeal's to have been sent to it, the fort raounted, exclusive of one long 24, and two 9-pound'ers outside, three 32, eight ^4, si.\ 12, five 9, "hnd one 4-pounder; also one 8-inch mortar, and one 5|-inch howitiPr ; total « Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. Ill, p. 340, t Jjatour's War in Louisiana, p. 34. -GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 343 28 guns. Its garrison, under the same comman der too, consisted, at this time, of 375 officers and soldiers,* On the morning of thel2tb, M.M.S. Hermes, of 22, Carron, of 20, and Sophie and Childers, of 18 guns each, under the orders of captain W, H. Percy, of the first-named ship, anchored on the coast, about six miles to the eastward of Fort-Bowyer; which this officer had unadvisedly determined to attack. The ships, with great difficulty, owing to the narrowness ofthe chan nel, and the numerous shoals, arrived, on the afternoon of the 15th, in the neighbourhood of the fort. The Hermes, at last, gained a station within musket-shot distance ; the Sophie, Carron, and Childers, anchoring in a line a-Stern of her. Previously to this, a detachment of, not " 120"']" but 60 marines, and not " 600"t but 120 In dians, with a 5|-inch howitzer, but no " 12- pounder," under the orders of major Nicolls, of the marines, had disembarked on the peninsula. Sixty of the Indians, under lieutenant Castle, had been detached to secure the pass of Bonse- cours, 27 railes to the eastward of the fort ; so that major Nicolls had, under his comraand, not 730, -f but 120 marines and Indians. The great distance at which the Carron and Childers had unavoidably anchored, confined tbe effective cannonade, on the part of the British, to * Appendix, No, 112, ^ Latour's War in Lonisiaiiii, p. 40. 344 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the Hermes and Sophie ; nor was the latter's fire of much use, as, owing to the rottenness of her timbers, and her defective equipment, her car ronades drew or turned over at every fire. The Hermes, before she had fired many broadsides, '•' having her cable cut, was carried away by the current, and presented her head to the fort. In that position she remained from 15 to 20 minutes, whilst the raking fire from the fort swept, fore and aft, alraost every thing on deck."* Soon afterwards the Hermes grounded, directly in front of the fort. Every means to get her off having failed, captain Percy, taking out of her the whole of his wounded, set her on fire. He had but one boat left, and that with only three oars. As a proof of the American ca})t.ain Lawrence's " characteristic humanity," the fort, on this " memorable day for the garri son," fired round and. grape at the boat, till she got out of gun-shot. The Hermes and Sophie were the only vessels that sustained any injury. The loss of the one vvas 25 men killed, and 24 wounded ; of the other, six killed, and 16 wounded ; total, with one ma rine killed on shore, 32 killed, and 40 wounded : while the American editors, major Latour inclu sive, have made fftie British loss before Fort- Bowyer, 162 killed, and 70 wounded. f The Americans acknowledge a loss of four killed, and fonr wounded, -f No event of the war has been * I^atour's War in Loi^isiana, p., 38 + ^id. p. 40. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 345 made more of than the indiscreet attack upon Fort-Bovv.yer.. Major Latour, raisnaraing one vessel, and converting into frigate-built ships the corvettes Hermes and Carron, gives each of the latter " twenty eight 32-pound carronades,"* and crews in proportion. He, then, states the whole " effective British force at 92 guns, and 1330 men ;"* which he modestly opposes to eight guns, (all that he says would bear,) and 130 raen. Where did this writer learn, that both broad sides of a ship can act together, upon a single object? Major Latour, palpably ridiculous as his statements are, has, however, no criticisra to dread in the United States of Araerica. The attack upon- EortTBowyer unmasking, at once, the designs of the British upon Louisiana, major-general Jackson, of the United States? army, who, having superseded general Wilkin son, was at this time at Mobile, began raaking defensive arrangeraents ; and, araong thera, adopted the extraordinary resolution of taking possession, " vvithout waiting for the authority of his government," ¦]• of the Spanish post of Pensacola, and the contiguous forts. Having assembled 4000 troops, he was enabled, through the treachery of the Spanish governor, to effect his object, on the 7th and Sth of November, without bloodshed. Leaving garrisons in the captured forts, the major-general, with the * Latour'sWar in Louis, p. 40. + Sketches of theWar, p. 346. 346 MILITARY OCCtTRRENCES BETWEEN remainder of his troops, departed for New Or leans ; where he arrived on the 2d of Decem ber. Since the lOtli of the preceding month, the governor of Louisiana had inforraed the le gislature, that the British were about to attack the state, with from 12 to 15000 men ; and that he was in daily expectation of considerable re inforceraents frora Kentucky and Tennessee. Without a brief description of Louisiana, and particularly of the line of raaritime invasion to which New Orleans is exposed, the important Operations about to be detailed, will not be so readily understood. The boundaries of Loui siana may be seen upon any map of the North American continent : it is only necessary here to state, that this great expanse of territory has a frontier, with the Spanish internal provinces of 1900 miles; a line of sea-coast, on the Pacific Ocean, of 500 miles ; a frontier with the British dominions of 1700 miles ; thence, following the Mississippi, by comparative course, 1400 miles; and along the gulf of Mexico 700 miles : from the mouth ofthe Perdido to the 31'' N. latitude, 40 miles ; along the latter parallel, 240 miles ; having an outline of 6480 miles, and 1352860 square miles of surface.* The parish of New Orleans is bounded north by Lake Pontchartrain and the Rigolets, east by lake Borgne and the parish of Plaquemines, south-east by the gulf * JDarby's Louisian?, p. 12. GREAT BRITAIN AND AM£HICA> 347 of Mexico, and west by the parishes of St. Ber nard and the intiirior of Lefourche ; possessing an area of 1300 square miles. The city of New Or leans, the capital of the parish, and of the state of Louisiana, stands upon the left bank of the Mississippi, 105 railes, following the streara, and 90 railes, in a direct line, from its raouth. The present population of the city is estimated at 23242 persons. * The line pf maritime invasion extends from Lake Pontchartrain, on the east, to the river Tesche, on the west, intersected by several bays, inlets, and rivers, which furnish avenues of approach to thfe metropolis. But the flatness of the coast is every where unfavorable for the debarkation Pf trPopS; and the bays and inlets being all obstructed by shoals or bars, no landing can be effected, but by boats, except up the Mississippi; and that has a bar at its mouth, which shoals to 13 or 14 feet water. On the 7th of December, commodore Patter son, the naval commander at New Orleans, re ceived a letter from Pensacola, dated on the 5th, stating that a British fleet of 60 sail, having on board a large body of troops, had arrived off the bar, and were destined fbr New Orleans. The commodore immediately ordered the gun-boats at the station to proceed to the paSsCs Mariana and Christiana, leading into lake Borgne ; by which, and lake PPntchartrain, it wks thought * Darby's Lauisiana, p, lg). 348 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the British would make their approaches. As an additional protection, the Rigolets, forming the communication between lakes Borgne and Pontchartrain, were defended by a small work, naraed Petite Coquille fort. Detachraents of troops had also been sent out, to fell tiraber across every small bayou or creek, leading from the lakes ; and through which a pa.ssage for boats could be afforded. The precaution vvas even taken, in some of the bayous, to sink large frames, and then fill thera w ith earth. To prevent any approach by the Mississippi, general Jack son went hiraself to superintend the direction of the defences at Fort St. Philip, situated on the left bank of the river, about 40 miles from the Balize. Besides increasing the strength of this fort, the general ordered the immediate construc tion of two batteries on the opposite side of the river. It is now time to attend to the progress ofthe expedition. On the Sth of December, vice-admiral Coch rane, in the Tonnant, along with several other ships, arrived and anchored off the Chandeleur islands. On the same day, two of the Araerican gun-boats fired at the Armide as she, along with the Seahorse and Sophie, w as passing down, within the chain of small islands that runs parallel to the shore, from Mobile towards Lake Borgne. Three other gun-boats vvere presently discovered cruizing in the lake. On the 10th, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 349 llth, and 12th, the reinainder of the men-of-war and troop-ships arrived ; the 74s anchoring off Chandeleur island; the frigates and sraaller ves sels between Cat island and the main, not far from the entrance to Lake Borgne. The commander bf the American gun-boats, fearing an attack, had, since the llth, put his boats in the best possible condition.* The bayou Catalan, or Bienvenu, at the head of Lake Borgne being the con templated point of disembarkation, the distance from the anchorage at Cat island to the bayou 6-2 miles, and the principal means of transport open boats, it became impossible that any move ment of the troops could take place, until these gun-boats were destroyed. It was also an object to get possession of them in a service able state, that they might assist, as well in transporting the troops, as in the attack of any of the enemy's forts in the route; therefore, 42 launches, armed with 24, 18, and 12-pound carronades, and three unarmed gigs, carrying, altogether, about 980 seamen and marines, placed under the orders of captain Lockyer, of the Sophie, left the ships op the night of the 12th. For the details of the short battle, ending in the capture of five gun-boats, and an arraed sloop, the reader is referred to the British and American official accounts ; -^ upon the latter of vvhich we shall proceed to raake a few observations. *¦ Latour's War in Louisiana, p 69. + App. Nos. 78. 79. 80. 81. and 82. 330 MILITARY OCPURRENCBS BETWEEN It does not appear, by ^ptain Lockyer^s letter, than any attack was made upon the Sea*- hpi'se. Her destruction, therefore, by her com mander, could only have been from a dread that she would be attacked ; or, if she was attacked, no difficulty, and no casualties beyond her destruc tion, occurred on either side. This is confirmed, as well by the Araerican return of loss, as by the proceedings ofthe court of inquiry, held upon captain Jones and his officers ; in which neither the Seahorse nor Mr. Johnson, her comraander, js at all named, Capta;in Jones seems to have mistaken the hour at which captain Roberts was detached to take the Alligator, for the time of her capture ; from which service the division of boats did not return, till the capture of gun boat No, 1^6 had been effected. The " delibe rate fire" from one long 32, and four long 24s, did, owing to the tardy approach of the boats against " the force of the current," produce " much effect ;" and, till the latter came within range of their carronades, could not be re turned. It is singular that a viriter, who gives captain Jones's letter in his Appendix, should describe the latter's " objects of so sraall a size,'' as " barges alraost as large as the gup-boats theraselves."* Captain Jones says, " two boats sank." We can assure him, that no other boat sank than the Tonuant's launch ; and * Latour's War in Lonisiaaa, p. 61. GREAT BB1TA4N AND AMERICA. 831 every man in her was saved. The court of inquiry has preferred " several barges"* to " twp boats," Major Latour himself thinks " a great number of barges and launches" f better thau either. Captain Jones's account of the duration ofthe action must include the time during which, for the reasons already given, he had the firing all to himself. In less than 20 ininutes after the British got alongside of the flag gun-boat, the whole five vessels were in their possession. The defence of the coraraodore's gun-boat did credit to all on board ; nor could the others, wheu she was captured, have possibly withstood the force operating against thera. It is captain Jones'^ commentators with whom we have more parti cularly to do. This officer raust excuse us for remarking, that his " correct statement" would better have deserved the name, had he contrasted the nature and caliber, as well as the number, of his own, with the number and caliber of his enemy's guns. Why omit to notice the 13 swivels, or half-pounders, or the two 5§ inch howitzers, which were captured among his guns? We will not dispute the numbers of his "eflfective^' crews; yet, according to major Latour^ tlte effective crew of gun-boat No. 65, which bad been left to assist in guarding the Mississippi, amounted to 40 raen. J This gentleman's zeaJ * Latour'sWar in Lonisiana, p. cxxsiit. t Ihid. 61. J Ibid. p. 191. 352 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN has carried him rather too far. Out ofthe state ment in captain Jones's letter, that his vessels; at 2 P.M. on the 13th, " were in 12 or 1 8 inches less water than their draught," the major has made out that, in the action on the 14th, " it was impossible forthe gun-boats to manoeuvre," because " several of thera were sunk 18 inches in the mud;"* and this, in spite of captain Jones's statement :" At 3, 30, (on the 13th,) the flood-tide had commenced ; got under weigh, making the best of my way towards the Petite Coquille." § Captain Jones, in his estiraate of our loss, rather over-rated the prowess of his men, as will be seen by the British returns. J Major Latour, as a proof how much he is influ enced by " the duty of impartiality" and a " due regard to truth," scruples not to account for nearly two-thirds of this loss, by, what he calls, the "plain fact," — that "180 raen went down in one of the barges which were sunk." ¦]• After having already stated that no barge was sunk, nor men drowned, we have only to add, that the largest number of raen in any one of the barges was 31. If we seera to pass over our old friends Messieurs Thomson, O'Connor, and Sraith, it is not be cause their statements are less extravagant than those of our two new acquaintances, but because the latter enter more largely into the events of * Latour's Warin Louisiana, p. 61. + Ibid p. 235. X App. No. 79, § App. No, 80. Men, Gnns. 1200 43 182 23 GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 353 the Louisiana war. Mr, John Henry Eaton, the biographist of general JacksonJ taking the hint from major Latour, about the Araerican gun boats and. British barges being nearly of the same size, presents his readers with the follow-. ing statement : — Boats, " The British had 43 The Americans, 5 38 1018 '20"* ¦ Nothing could happen better ; because it gives us an opportunity of exhibiting a statement also. Supposing Mr, Eaton not to have knovvn, that the sraallest of his " boats" was 75 tons burthen, the History of the Tripolitan W^ar would have informed hira, that two or three of thera hdd crossed the Atlantic and back in safety. Now for our stateraent : — United States' " boat" " His Britannic Majesty's No. 23. brig Hunter." + Broadside-metal f long guns, 50 16 in pounds, \ carronades, 9 12 59 28 Complement, 41 39 Size in tons, 112 74 And did not the American comraodore Mac donough, in an official letter, designate two British vessels, the largest of which was two tons sraaller than Mr, Eaton's " boat," as " two sloops of war"?:]; We need only add to what has already appeared respecting the state of * Eaton's Life of Jackson, p. 261. + Nav. Hist, of the United States, Vol. I. p. 24fl + James'sNav. Occur, p; 420. VOL. II. A A 354 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN equipment of American gun-boats, * that thosP taken by captain Lockyer had polished mahogany traversing gun-carriages, and were lavishly sup plied with ordnance-stores of every descrip tion. The capture of the gun-boats having thus left open the entrance by the lakes, great consterna tion prevailed at New Orleans. General Jack son, with a promptitude highly fo his credit, redoubled his exertions ; and, with what, in our despotic country, would be considered a stretch of power, proclaimed martial law. By way of sounding the British as to the route they meant to take, coramodore Patterson, on the 15th of December, sent a purser and doctor of the navy, with a flag, under pretence " of obtaining correct inforraation as to the situatioQ of the officers and crews made prisoners ou board the gun-boats, and of endeavouring to obtain their being suffered to return to town on parole."f Adrairal Cochrane very properly told them, " that their visit was unseasonable, and that he could not permit thera to return, until the intended attack was made, and the fate of New Orleans decided.''^ This was construed into a " wanton outrage OP propriety," and all sorts of abuse lavished upon the British character. On the 16th the first division of troops, con sisting of the 85th regiment, landed at Isle aux Poix, a small swampy spot, at the raouth of • See p. 200. + Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 75. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 355 the Pearl river ; about 30 miles frora the anchor age, and nearly the same distance from the bayou Catalan, or Bienvenu, intended as the point of disembarkation. Various causes, as detailed in admiral Cochrane's letter,* delayed the arrival ofthe boats at the fishermen's village, near the entrance ofthe bayou, till midnight on the 22d ; when, immediately, the advance, con sisting of 760 rank and file of the 4th, 402 rank and file of the 85th, and 396 rank and file ofthe 95th regiments, also 100 sapperSj miners, and artillery men, with two 3-pounders, and 30 rocketeers, in all 1688 raen, under the coramand of colonel Thornton of the 85th, coraraenced ascending the bayou Mazant, or principal branch of the Bienvenu ; and, at four o'clock on the following morning, landed at the extre mity of Villere's canal, running from the bayou Mazant, towards the Mississippi. As the country around New Orleans possesses very peculiar features, a slight digression may be necessary. The bayou Bienvenu is the creek through which all the waters of a large basin, or swarap, about 80 miles in extent, bounded on the north by the Mississippi, on the west by New Orieans, on the north-west, by bayou Sau vage, or Chef-raenteur, and on the east by Lake Borgne, into which it empties. It receives the streams of several other bayous, forined by the * App. No. 99, A A 2 356 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN waters of the surrounding cypress swaraps and prairies, as well as of innumerable little streams fromthe low grounds along the river. It is naviga ble for vessels of 100 tons, 12 miles from its mouth. Its breadth is from 110 to 150 yards, and it has six feet Water on the bar, at common tides, and nine feet at spring tides. Its principal branch is that which is called bayou Mazant, which runs towards the south-west, and receives the waters ofthe canals ofthe plantations of Viller6, Lacoste, and Laronde, upon which the British afterwards established their principal encarap ment. The level ofthe great basin, on the bank ofthe principal bayou, is usually 12 feet below the banks of the Mississippi, The overflowing of the waters of all those bayous and canals, occasioned by the tide of the sea, or by the winds raising the waters inthe lake, forras, on all their banks, deposits of slirae, w hich are continually raising thera above the rest of the .soil ; so that the interval between two bayous is below the level of their banks, and the soil is generally covered with water and mud, in which aquatic plants, or large reeds, of the height of frora six to eight feet, grow in abundance. It sometiraes happens that the rains, or the filtrated waters, collected in these intervals, or basins, not finding a vent, forra vvhat are called trembling prairi^; which are at all times irapassable to raen and doraestic aniraals. The land in Lower Louisiana slopes in the inverse direction of the soil of other r.REAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 357 countries, being most elevated on the sides of the rivers, and sinking as it recedes from them. The Mississippi, at New Orleans, periodically swells 14 or 1.5 feet ; and is then from three to four feet above the level of its banks. To con fine its waters within its bed, dikes or ramparts, called in Louisiana levies, have been raised on its banks, frora the highlands towards its moiith, a little above the level of the highest swPlls ; without which precaution, the lands would be entirely overflovyed, from four to five months ih the year. The reader will novv be better able to appreciate the difficulties our troops and seamen had to encounter, in transporting them selves, their baggage, provisions, and ai-tillery, to the scene of operations on the left bank ofthe Mississippi. The spot at which the British, advance had landed, was about a mile frora a cypress wood, or swarap, of nearly a raile and a half in depth, running parallel to the Mississippi; between which and the border of the wood, is a slip of land, frora 15 to 1700 yards wide, inter sected by strong horizontal railings, and seve ral wet ditches, or canals, and principally planted with sugar canes. Several large houses, with their out-offices and negro-huts, are scattered, at irregular distances, over this tract ; along which passes, near to the lev^e, or bank of the river, the high road to New Orleans, 858 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN At about noon on the 23d, the piquets of the British advanced division arrived at M. Villere's house, .standing upon the road-side, at the dis tance of about six miles from the city. Here a company of the 3d regiraent of militia was surprised and captured. Soon afterwards, colonel Thornton, with the remainder of his division, arrived, and bivouacked upon the higher ground of the plantation, or that nearest to the river. This point had been reconnoitered, eince the night of the 18th, by the honorable captain Spencer, ofthe Carron, and lieutenant Peddie, of the quarter-master-general's depart ment. These officers, with a smuggler as their guide, had pulled up the bayou in a canoe, and advanced to the high road, without seeing any persons, or preparations. After general Wilkinson, whose local know ledge in this quarter no one will dispute, has stated, that lieutenant Jones, ofthe late Araeri can flotilla, in answer to the particular enquiries put to hira respecting the strength of Foft- Coquille, defending the entrance to Lake Pont- chartraine, reported it to raount, instead of eight, "40 pieces of artilley," and to be garrisoned by, not 50, — but " 500 raen," and that, in con sequence of the supposed strength of that posi tion, the British deterrained to advance by the bayou Bienvenu, he says : — '? To this direcUon of the invaders, and their halt after they had GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 359 reached the bank ofthe Mi.s^issippi, may, under God, be ascribed the salvation of New Orleans, and general Jackson's merited farae. By this approach, the eneray placed the American army in their front, leaving its rear open to every species of resource, and its flanks perfectly secured by the river and the cypress swamps ; a situation the most desirable to a military dhief, because it enables him to condense his force, and disembarrass his mind of every care and every concern, but that of marshalling his men and preparing for battle. Yet, as the enemy had, unperceived, got within two hours' march of the city, if they had proceeded directly for.- ward, the advantages of general Jackson's posi>> tion, which aftervvards becarae all impprtant, could not have availed him ; because the enemy would have carried surprise with them, would have found the American corps dispersed, * without concert, and unprepared for combat ; and, making the attack with a superior nume rical force of disciplined troops, against a body composed chiefly of irregulars : under such cir cumstances, no soldier of experience will pause for a conclusion. The most heroic bravery would have proved unavailing, and the capital ef Louisiana, with its millions of property. Would have been lost. But, blinded by con fidence, beguiled by calculations injurious to ? App. No. 85. 360 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN the honor of the high-mettled patriot-sons of Louisiana, and considering the game safe, they gave themselves up to security, took repose, and waited for reinforcements." * Why the British did not approach by tbe'way of Lake Pontchartrain, and take the city of New Orleans in the rear, the general has himself, partly explained, in the ruse de guerre of lieuten ant Jones, or, rather, of Mr. Shields, cPrampdore Patterson's purser. We say, partly explained, because we know this route was suggested by several experienced British officers. Had general Wilkinson been aware that, instead of " 4980," major-general Keane, even when his reinforce ment came up at 10 o'clock on the night of the 23d, had only 2050 men ; and had the generpi reflected, what labour and fatigue these men had undergone since their departure from Isle aux Poix, on the morning of the preceding day, he would not have conderaned the British for taking repose on their arrival at Viller6's ; raore especially, when, instead of *' 3000," or, as major Letour says, " 5000," the British had been informed by Mr. Ducros, and several other prisoners-, (who, the night previous, had, settled their plans,) that there were from " 13 to 14000" troops in the city, and from" 3 to 4000" at, a fort at the "English turn," | a bend of the * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 537. ¦ ' t Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 104. % Ibid. p. 86, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 361 river, pbout 10 railes below the British encarapment. . . ' General Jackson received intelligence ofthe ar rival ofthe British at Viller6's farm,, at abput two o'clock P.M- on the 23d ; and raajor Letour, who was the reconnoitring officer, "judged that their number must araount to 16 or 1800." * Not satisfled with this account, raajor-general Jackr son sent forward " colonel Haynes, inspector general of the division ;" but, says majpr Latour, " he had noppportunity to form a correct estiraate of their nuraber, whichhe raade to araount tp no raore than 200 men." Here we have an imr portant^fact ; accounting for general Jack.son's ready advance to the attack ; and affording an answer to the loads of bombastical stuff, so characteristic of American accounts. Major Latour gives a detailed estimate of general Jackson's force, on this occasion, making it amount to " 2131 men." 'f The Ca^ rolina^ schooner, vvhich combined in the attack, mounted tw.elve 12-pound carrpnades, and two long gunspf the same ca,liber, vvith a crew of about 90 men. When she opened her , fire, several British soldierSj taking her to be an unarmed vessel, were actually standing upon the lev^e, looking at her. The Caroline had not, ,at this time, any other vessel in company ,t The reinforcement that reached colonel Thorn,- ;fJiatour'sWarinLou|s.p. 88. fib. p. 105. t App. No. 83, S6'2 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN ton on the night of the attack araounted, not to " 2900 raen," but to only 230 rank and file of the 21st, and 140 rank and file of the 9Sd regi ments; total 370 raen: making the aggregate British force, just at the close of the attack, 2050 men. With these explanatory particulars before him, the reader can take the details of the battle from the official accounts on both sides.* The American commentators, particu larly our two new historians, have indulged themselves in such a rhapsody of falsehoods and contradictions, that we shall leave their "faithful histories" to work their own effect. On the morning of the 24th, the United States' ship Louisiana, of sixteen long 12-pounders, and a crew of upwards of 130 men, joined the Caro lina. The loss of the British, on the 23d and 24th, the details of which are given in the official return,"]" amounted to 46 killed, 167 wounded, and 6'2 missing : total 275. The Americans, who, as the British 3-pounders were not brought into use, had only musketry to contend with, sustained a loss, on the 23d, as particularized ^h their return,;}: of 24 killed, 115 wounded, and 74 missing ; total 213. The enemy's ship and schooner continuing a heavy pnd destructive cannonade upon the British trpops, a battery of, not as major Latour says, " several 12 and 18-pounders," but of five *App. No. 83, 85, and 87. +App. No.8l. | App. No. 86. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 363 9 and 6-pounders, the heaviest artillery which had then been got up, was, by day-light on the morning ofthe 27th, in readiness to act. The second hot shot lodged in the schooner's main- hold, under her cables, and presently set her on fire. Soon afterwards, her crew, with the loss of one killed and six wounded, took to their boats, and reached the shore. By some gross mismanagement on our part, the artillery, instead of being, immediately that the Carolina was seen to be on fire, directed against the powerful ship Louisiana, whose *' powder- magazine was above water,"* continued to play upon the flaming wreck. When the latter exploded, which was not till an hour after the commencement of the flring, the British guns were directed against the ship ; but her commander, aware of the danger to which the situation of his magazine exposed him, had wisely employed " 100 men of his crew," * in towing the Louisiana out of gun-shot. Since the evening of the 25th, major-general sir Edward Pakenham, and major-general Gibbs, had arrived at head-quarters ; the former to take command of the array, now augraeuted, by fresh arrivals frora the anchorage, to about,— r^not, as major Latour says, " 9 or 10000,"t but — 504Q rank and flie. The prevailing frosts had greatly improved the road from the landing place ; and * Latour's War jn Louisiana, p. 118. + |bi4. p. l?l. 364 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN rendered a passage across the swaraps, in most directions, less difficult than usual. At this time the real strength of Fort-Coquille was gene rally known in camp; and sorae one proposed forthe army to be moved back, by a route pointed out, to Lake Poptchartrain ; and thence, after taking the forts Coquille and St. John, (in which there would be no difficulty,) to proceed down bayou St. John, to the rear of New Orleans. The attack in front, with such an army, was, however, thought to be the readiest, as it cer tainly was the boldest mode. There is no means of judging ofthe strength of the Araerican position, but by a full description. Fortunately, we are enabled to give that in the very words of the engineer who superintended the construction ofthe lines. By way of still further elucidation, we have made use of major Latour's plan or sketch;* which, although it has reference to the operations ofa subsequent day, represents, except as to some of the guns, the same lines which were now about to be attacked. — " Jackson's lines, within flve miles ofthe city of New Orleans, and running along the liraits of RPdriguez's and Chalraette's plantations, were but one of those antient raill- races so coraraon in Louisiana, extending frora the bank of the river to the cypress swamp. It has already been seen, frora my description of the form of the soil • See P,lato y II. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 365 in Lower Louisiana, and from its shelving froni the river towards the swamps, that, when the Mississippi is swelled to its greatest height, the 'level of the surface of its waters is sPrae feet above that of the contiguous soil, and frora 12 to 15 feet above that of the praries and bayous, which, at those periods, receive the waters flovv- ing from the Mississippi. To add to the mass and the force of the water, the planters dig canals a few feet deep, throwing the earth o: both sides, so as to afford a raass of water from eight to eleven feet deep ; and, at the head of these canalsj vvhich are commonly 25 feet wide, are constructed saw-mills. The canal on which Jackson's lines were formed, had long been abandoned, having no longer any raill to turn; so that its banks had fallen in, and raised its bottora, which was covered with grass, present ing, rather, the appearance of an old draining ditch, than ofa canal. On the 2ith of Decem ber, general Jackson had taken this position; and, that it was well chosen, will sufficiently appear, on an inspection of the map. 1 will only observe, that those lines leave the least possible space between the river and the wood, and that from the lines to Viller6's canal, the depth ofthe high land continually increases, and is at Laronde's plantation nearly three times as great as at the lines. As soon as this position was chosen, the troopa begari to raise a parapet, 366 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN leaving the ditch as it was, except that, by cutting the road, it was laid under water, as there was then a temporary rise of the river. Earth was fetched from the rear of the line, and thrown carelessly ou the left (or inner) bank ; where the earth had been thrown when the bank was ori ginally dug. The bank on the right (or outer) side, being but little elevated above the soil, forraed a kind of glacis. All the pales of the fences in the vicinity were taken to line the parapet, and prevent the earth frora falling into the canal. All this was done at various inter vals, and by difterent corps, owing to the fre quent mutations in the disposition ofthe troops. This circumstance, added to the cold, and to incessant rain, rendered it impossible to observe any regularity as to the thickness and height of the parapet ; which, in some places, was as much as 20 feet thick at the top, though hardly five feet high ; whilst, in otherplaces, the eneray's balls went through it at the base. On the 1st of January, there was but a very sraall proportion of the line able to withstand the balls ; but, on the Sth of January, the whole extent, as far as the wood, was proof against the enemy's cannon. The length of the line vvas about a mile, some what more than half of which ran from the river to the wood, the remainder extending into the wood, tf'here the line took a direction to wards the left, which rested on a cypress swamp GREAT BRITAIN AND AMEKICA. 367 almost impassable. Enormous holes in the sPil, made impassable by their being full of water from the canal, rendered a bend in the line* unavoidable."']- The manner in which the artillery was after wards distributed, and the nuraber and caliber of the pieces, appear on theplan. It is only neces sary to state here, that they consisted of one 32, three .24, one 18, three 12, and two 6-pounder long-guns, and one 9j and one 6-inch howitzer ; total 12 guns: but not above half of thera were mounted on the 28th of Deceraber. In case of being d riven from thisstrong line, general Jackson had caused to be constructed tvvo other lines in his rear ; the nearest, or Dupr^'s line, at the dis tance ofa mile and a half, and the third, or Mon- treuil line, at the distance oftwo miles and a quar ter, from his outer, or main line. Nor had the opposite, or right bank of the river, which even exceeded the left in capability of defence, been neglected. Boisgervais' canal, at the distance of three miles frora the city, had been selected ; and the labour of 150 negroes, for six days, com pleted the parapet along the whole length ofthe canal, and levelled the earth to form a glacis on theopposite side. There was, also, opposite to the city, on the bank of the river, a strong redoubt, formed by a brick-kiln ; surrounded by a ditch, 35 feet wide, with a glacis and parapet. A palisade extended along its whole length on the * See Plate VII. t Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 149. 31^8 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN inside. The redoubt was furnished with a powder-magazine, and mounted with two 24- pounders ; which commanded both the road and the river. * The British commander deterrained to make a demonstation upon the enemy's fortified line on the left bank. Accordingly, at day-light on the morning of the 28th, the troops raoved for ward in two columns; driving in the whole of the enemy's line of out-posts. During the advance of the British, the ship which had been so unfortunately spared, opened a heavy enfilad ing fire upon them ; and continued it during the whole ofthe forenoon.']' Her fire, and that from the enemy's heavy pieces at his works, did considerable execution. On the SOth commodore Patterson planted behind the lev^e on the right banka 24-pounder, and on the next day, tvvo 12- pounders ; with which he threw shot quite into the British camp. Our loss between the 25th and 31st, as detailed in the return, amounted to 16 killed, 38 wounded, and two rais.sing ; total 56. J The Americans acknowledge a loss of nine killed ; and eight wounded, § on shore, ahd of one wounded on board the ship ; total 18. By. the evening of the 31st, after considerable difficulty, ten ship 18-pounders, and four 24- pound carronades were brought up the canal, in boats, and four of the forraer were placed in * Latour's Warin Louisiana, p. 125. + "App. Nos. 89 and 90. + App. No. 94. . % App. No. 91. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 369 a battery, formed with hogsheads of sugar, on the main road, to fire upon the ship, if she dropped down the river. Some other batteries were, in the mean time, constructed. The fir.st of January was ushered in with a very thick fog, which did not begin to disperse till towards eight o'clock. As soon as the horizon cleared up, the British opened their batteries upon the American line. " Our batteries," says major Latour, " were the principal objects against which the eneray's fire vvas directed ; but we were not less intent in demolishing his ; for, in about an hour's tirae, our balls dismounted several of his guns ; and, when the firing ceased, the greater part of his artillery was unfit for service. Justice obliges us to acknowledge, that the fire of the British was, for a long time, vigoi- rously kept up, and well-directed."* All this while, commodore Patterson's guns, on the oppo site bank, shared in the engagement.']' A sud den change now took place in the weather ; and, so deep was the soil, that it required the greatest exertions of the whole army, aided by the sea men, at this time serving with it, to retire the remaining guns a short distance, before day light the next raorning. Failing to make any impression upon the enemy's parapet, and unable to approach his flanks; on his right, owing to-the river, and on * Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 133. + App. No. 92. VOL. II. B B 370 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN his ;left, owing to the impassable swamp hy which it was so well secured, the British com mander-in-chief determined to wait for the ex pected reinforcements, under major-general Lambei't. W^e raay observe, in this place, what great advantage vvould have been derived from the 2 or 3000 Choctaw Indians and Negroes, who were ready, and might have been brought from West Florida. During the 2d and 3d of January commodore Patterson, having landed four more 12-pounders, and erected a furnace fbr heating shot, caused, till the evening of the 5th, considerable destruction in the British camp. Our loss, as detailed in the returns,* amounted to 32 killed, 44 wounded, and two missing ; total 78 : that of the Americans, on the 1st of January, 11 killed, and 23 wounded; total 34.']- On the four succeeding day.s, the cannonade, owing to the ruinous state of the British batteries, was wholly on the side of the Americans. " Our artiUery," says major Latour, " continued to flre on the enemy ; and, whenever a group of four or five raen shewed themselves, they were instantly dispersed by our balls or shells. The advantage we derived from that alraost incessant cannonading, on both banks of the Missis.sippi, was, that we exercised our gunners, annoyed the enemy to such a degree, that he could npt work at any fortifica- « App. No;*&5. + App. No. 93. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 371 tion ; nor, indeed, come within the reach of our cannon by day, and was deprived of all repose during the night."* On the 4th of January general Jackson re ceived the long-expected reinforcement of 2250 Kentuckians ;•]• and, on the 6th, the British re ceived their expected reinforcement of the 7th and 43d regiments. On that very day a. deser ter informed general Jackson of the intended attack ; as well as that the British were digging out Villere's canal, and extending it, in order to get their boats into the river, ready for a simul taneous attack on the opposite side. In the meanwhile major-general Morgan had thrown up two fresh lines, in advance of his vvorks at Boisgervais' canal. Upon, these, and comrao dore Patterson's battery on the river-side, J were raounted 16 guns. The last-named officer ac tually sdw, and reported, contrary to the belief of sir Alexander Cochrane, § the operations on Viller^'S canal ^|| in short, the Americans were fully apprized, that their works on both sides ofthe river would be attacked on the raorning of the Sth. "In our carap," says raajor La tour, " all was coraposure ; the pfficers were ordered to direct their subalterns to be ready on the first signal. Half the troops passed the * Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 143. + Eaton's Life- of Jaeksori, p. 332. + See Plate VII. § App. No. 99. II App. No. 102. B B 2 372 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN" night behind the breastwork; relieving each other occasionally. Eyery one waited for day with anxiety and impatience, but with calm intrepidity ; expecting to be vigorously attacked, and knowing thaf the enemy had then from 12 to 15,000 bayonets to bring into action, besides 2000 sailors, and some marines."* This preli minary puff might pass, but for the statement about the strength of the British forces. We will first point out where the major contradicts himself. His " list of the several corps com posing the British army, at the time of its land ing on the shores of the Mississippi, with an estiraate of theirrespective force," — wherein wp iind the " 40th regiment," and a '* detachment of the 62d regiment," that did not land till the llth of January, stated, together, at " 1360 men," the " rocket-brigade, artillery, drivers, engineers, sappers and miners," at " 1500," and the " royal marines, and sailors taken from the fleet," as high as "^3500,"— makes a total of only " 14450 ;"t less, by 2000 and upwards, than the araount which he had previously told us was " ready for action." Again ; the numbers upon the major's diagram, or plap of the battle of the 8th, run thus: " Main attack of the British, supposed tp be between 8 and 9000 strong ;" — " Left column of the Brirish, * Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 154, + Ibid, his Appendix, No. 44. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 373 supposed 1200 strong." Add lo this nuraber the 800 stated as the British force upon the right bank ; and we have, as the total upon both sides of the river, 12500, instead of " from 12 to 15000, besides 2000 sailors, and some marines." This is the enemy's, now for the British, accountof our force. Previously to the attack on the morning of the 8th, we had, includ ing fatigue-parties and piquets, and every description of force on shore, the following rank and flie : 14th light dragoons, "295 ; royal artillery, 570 ; sappers and miners, 98 ; staff corps, 57 ; 4th foot, 747 ; Tth, 750 ; 21st, 800 ; 43d, 820; 44th, 427; 85th, 298; 93d, 775; 95th, 276 ; and 1st and Sth West India regi ments, (blacks,) 1040; total, 6953 men; just 2643 less than major Latour's estimated .strength of those 14 corps. By adding 1200^ for the seamen and raarines from the fleet, we have 8153 for the total amount of the British oh shore. Deducting 853 [men for the fatigue- parties, piquets, guards at the hospitals, &c. leaves 7300 raen for the British force, " ready for action," on both sides of the river, at or before day-light, on the morning of the 8th of January. To this force was added a battery, hastily throwh up, of six 18-pounders ; besid^^s a brigade of 9, 6, and 3-poundei's, and one howitzer. With the details of the force at general Jackson's lines, we have nothing to do. The following extract from Mr. O'Connor's 374 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN book will suffice. " From an official account," says he, " it appeared, that the numberPf men under command of general Jackson, and actu ally engaged against the enemy, on the 8th of January, amounted to 4698."* This was on the left bank : on the right bank, we have 400 raen, sent across, on the morning of the 8th, under the celebrated French general, Humbert, and 1500, f already on that side, under major- general Morgan and commodore Patterson ; raaking a total force, on both sides of the river, of 6198 raen. The Araerican artillery, including the batteries on the opposite bank, and only half, the guns of the Louisiana, consisted of upwards of 30 ,^pieces. For the order of attack, and the disposition of the different corps, we must refer the reader to major-general Lambert's letter. :|: An unavoid able delay had occurred in getting the boats into the Mississippi; where they were required to carry across troops, in order to attack general Morgan's lines : and then a circumstance, vvhich happened at the very onset, gave a fatal turn to the flrst misfortune. The 44th regiment, owing chiefly to the negligence of its coraman der, failed to be in readiness with the fascines and ladders. These had been placed in a redoubt, 1200 yards frora the enemy's lines ; by which * Hist, of theWar, p. 291. + Eaton's Life of Jackson, p. 330j vide Erratum. X App. No. 96. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 375 redoubt the 44th, in its way frora camp to its station, passed, till it arrived -at the advanced battery, about 500 yards nearer to the enemy's line. The misunderstanding, for such it was, being now, for the first tirae, cleared up, the cora manding officer of the 44th, lieutenant-colonel Mullins, (only a captain in the regiraent,) sent back 300 men , under lieutentant-colonel Debbeig, to bring up the fascines and ladders. Before the 44th retiu'ned, the firing had coraraenced ; and raany ofthe men threw down their " heavy" loads, and took to their muskets. There was not one ladder placed;* althongh some were thrown in the ditch. What followed we capnot describe better, than in the sworn depositions of two dis tinguished officers, examined at colonel Mullins's court-martial. Major sir John Tylden, of the 43d regiment, says: — " On the morning ofthe Sth of January, I was in the field, as senior officer on the adj utant-general's department. I accom panied sir E. Pakenhara, shortly after four o'clock, to the house of raajor-general Gibbs. Iraraediately on bis arrival, general Gibbs re ported to sir E. Pakenhara, in ray presence, that colonel Mullins had neglected to obey the order given him the evening before, in not having his regiment at the head of the column, with the fascines and ladders, but that he had iramedi ately, on finding it out, sent an officer to the regiment to hurry them on ; that the mistake , '^ Court-martial on lieutenant-cplonel Mullins, p. 26. 376 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN might be rectified, and that he -was in momen tary expectation of a report from that regiment. Sir E, Pakenham then ordered me to find out the 44th regiment, and to know if they had got the fascines and ladders, ahd to ascertain (the probability) of their getting up in their situation in column. I did so, and found the 44th regiraept moving off at the redoubt, just before day, in a raost irregular and unsoldierlike man ner, with the fascines and ladders. 1 then re turned, after sonde time, to sir E, Pakenham, and repp^-ted the circumstance to hira ; stating that, by the time which had elapsed since 1 left thera, they must have arrived in their situation in coluran, Shortly after the signal of attack was given, I rode with sir E. Pakenhara toward the column, lp passing towards the head of the column, we saw several parties of the 44th yegiment straggling about the ground with their fascines and ladders ; and some ofthem had, even then, comiuenced firing. On arriving at the cblumn, a check and confusion had tak^en place, and the fifipg was becoming general throughout the whole of the column. General Gibbs came Up to sir Edward Pakenhara, and said, in my hearing, ' I am sorry to have to report to you, the trpops will not obey rae ; they vvill not follow me.' At this moraent there certainly Was great confusion prevailing in the column. Sir E, Pakenham pulled off his hat,jand rode to the head pf tlie cplnmn, and cheered the men op, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 377 and in that act fell. At this time, I had just returned from the other flank of the column, and having been at both flanks, and at the head ofthe column, I can positively assert, there was not a single raan of the 44th regiraent in front. I then rode to the rear, to report the death of sir Edward Pakenhara. In going to the rear, I saw several parties of the 21.st and 44th regi ments running to the rear, and flring in all directions, in the most disorderly manner 1 ever witnessed. I also saw,scattered in several parts of the fleld, several of the fascines and ladders. 1 reported the substance of ray testiraony to major-general sir John Larabert." *—. Major M'Dougal, of the 85th regiment, says thus : — " I was aide de carap to major-general Paken ham, and, on the signal of attack being given on the morning of the Sth January, I accom panied hira to the front. He expressed^himself in the strongest terms, relative to the 44th regiment. The column of attack appeared to be moving in a regular manner; and he expressed his confidence on the event ofthe attack : how ever, a firing coraraenced ; and, presently after- vyards, I saw raany individuals ofthe 44th regi ment, as vvell as a group of three or four, scattered over the field, some of them running to the rear with the fascines on their shoulders. Sir Edwar4 Pakenhara said, — ' For shame, recollect you are * Cpnrtrm^rtial qn Ueutenant-colonel Mullins, p. 10. 378 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN British soldiers ; this is the road you ought to take ; ' but with little avail. On getting up to the columns the firing had extended to the rear, and the whole column was a raass of firing and confusion, and the head of the column had checked. Sir Edward Pakenham placed himself in front; and,, by his exertions, got the firing very nearly to cea.se, although not altogether; and the column which he led in person began to move forward. When he had conducted them about 30 or 40 yards, he re ceived a woitnd, and his horse at the same moment was shot under him ; and, almost immediately aftervvards, when he had mounted the second horse, he received another shot, which deprived him of life, and, by the fall of their leader, deprived the column of its best chance of recovering success. On his fall, the firing recommenced with all its fury; and, beyond the spot where the general led them, the head ofthe column did not advance. The ground presented no obstacle to the advance of the column, or any thing that should have occasioned .straggling in a corps regularly formed and duly attended to, had the regiment originally been properly formed. At no period in the field did 1 see any part of the 44th regiment in a body; there were some at the head of the column, many at the flanks and rear of the column: I particularly remarked several of the soldiers of that regiment GREAt BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 379 throwing down the fascines and ladders to com mence firing. It is my opinion, that the whole confusion of the column proceeded frora the original defective formation of the 44th ; the fall of sir Edward Pakenham deprived the ColuUin of its best chance of success ; and, had the column moved forward according to order, the enemy's lines would have been carried with little loss. When the fire from our coluran commenced, the fire from the eneray's was but mere spit of fire, nothing to check a raoving column." * We may here notice a slight error in major-general Lambert's despatch. It was brigade-major Wilkinson, and not majorrgeneral sir Edward Pakenham, who fell on the glacis of the enemy's line. The latter fell near the spot marked on the diagram. -}" i Had it not been forthe raisbebaviour of the 44th regiment, sir Edward Pakenham's life might have been spared; and, with such an officer to comraand in chief, the day must have been ours. The two officers, the best able to succeed hira, fell also ; one raortally, the other severely wounded. It is idle to accuse the 44th and 21st, (part of which regiraent equally misbehaved,) of cowardice. To refute suoh a charge, it is sufficient to state, that the men of those regiments were chiefly Irishmen. The 21st * Court-martial on lieutenant-colonel Mullins, p. 8. T See Plate VII. 380 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN and 44th were not, however, as major Latour jeeringly calls thera, " Wellington's heroes :" they carae from the Mediterranean, — from Tar ragona ; and were, certainly, the two worst dis ciplined corps upon the field at New Orleans. The second battalion of the 44th had gained repute under the duke of Wellington, and been always in a high state of discipline : it was at this time in Europe. Where was the proper coraraanding officer of the first battalion of the 44th ? We are sorry to be corapelled to say, that colonel Brooke was present, but not at the head ofhis regiment; owing, it would seem, to some pique or misunderstanding. Comparing his competency with the notorious incompetency of lieutenant-colonel Mullins, colonel Brooke has much to answer for. Major Latour having heard, as he could not fail to do, ihat the check in the advance ofthe right British column arose from the want of the fascines and ladders, describes the men as " shouldering their muskets, and all carrying fascines, and some with lad ders."* Here he is outdone by Mr. O'Connor ; who, in bis representation of the action, has actually placed a ladder, and a long one tdif, directly against the parapet. Colonel Rennie, of the engineers, at the hea^ of a division of the British left brigade, under major-general Keane, was directed, as we gather * Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 154. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 381 from the American accounts, (for the British official letter contains no details,) to storm an unfinishedredoubt upon the enemy 'sright. "The detachment ordered against this place," says general Jackson's biographist, " formed the left of general Keane's command. Rennie executed his orders with great bravery ; and, urging for ward, arrived at the ditch. His advance was greatly annoyed by commodore Patterson's bat tery on the left bank, and the cannon mounted on the redoubt ; but, reaching our works, and passing the ditch, Rennie, sword in hand, leaped on the wall, and, calling to his troops, bade them to follow : he had scarcely spoken, when he fell, by the fatal aim of our rifleraen^i Pressed by the irapetuosity of superior numbers who were mounting the wall, and entering at the embrasures, our troops had retired to the line, in rear of the redoubt. A momentary pause ensued, but only to be interrupted with increased horrors. Captain Beal, with the city riflemen, cool and self possessed, perceiving the enemy in his front, opened upon them, and, at every discharge, brought the object to the ground. To advance, or maintain the point gained, was equally irapracticable for the enemy : to retreat or surrender was the only alternative ; for they already perceived the divi sion on the right thrown into confusion, and hastily leaving the field."* The situation of 382 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN these brave fellows, thus abandoned, may be easily conceived : they were, nearly all, killed or taken prisoners. The fire from the musketry ceased at about half-past eight ; that from the artillery, not till half-past two in the afternoon. The British loss, on both banks, amounted to 290 killed; 1262 wounded ; and 484 missing ;•[ total, not, as the Americaii accounts say, " about 2600," but 2036. As a proof what little op portunity there was, on the part of general Jack son's troops, for displaying any other qualities than skill in the use of the rifle and' great guns, theAtnerican loss, on the left bank, amounted to no more than seven killed and six wounded ; and, on both banks, to only 13 killed, 39 wounded, and 19 missing : total 71. J We shall conclude our account of the battle on the left bank ofthe Mississippi, with the opinions of two American, or rather ofone French and one American military officer, upon the quality and behaviourof the British troops; as well as upon the merits of the plan of attack, in which they so unfortunately failed. " It is well known," says major Latour, " that agility is not the distinc tive quality of British trooj)s. Their movement is, in general, sluggish and difficult ; steady, but too precise ; or, at least, more suitable for a pitched battle, or behind intrenchments, than * Eaton's Life of Jackson, p. 342. • + App. No. 100. -+ App. No. 103,' GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 323 for an assault. The British soldiers showed, on this occasion, that it is not without reason that they are said to be deficient in agility. The enorraous load they had to carry contributed, indeed, not a little to the difficulty of their raovement: besides their knapsacks, usually weighing nearly 30 pounds, and their muskets, too heavy by, at least, one-third; alraost all of thera had to carry a fascine, frora nine. to 10 inches in diaraeter, and four feet long, made of sugar-canes, perfectly ripe, and consequently very heavy, or a ladder frora 10 to 12 feet long,"* " Instead of " almost all," only 300 of the British troops had to carry fasci nes and ladders ; and these were, in truth, so heavy, especially when to be carried, in haste, nearly three quarters of a mile, that raost of the men threw down their loads long before they reached the ditch. As there was an abundance of dry cane on the spot, it is rather surprising that the ripe or green .should have been selected; particularly for the fascines. Owing to the rain that had been falling, as well as to general Jackson's having, by cutting down the levees, flooded the countrj', the ground over which the troops had to march, vvas not the best calculated for displaying their " agility." Major Latour proceeds : — " The duty of impartiality, incumbent on him whp relates military events, obliges rae to observe; * Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 161. 384 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN that the attack raade on Jackson's lines, by the British, on the Sth of January, must have been determined on by their generals, without any consideration of the ground, the weather, or the difficulties to be surraounted, before they could storra lines, defended by militia indeed, but hy militia whose valor they had already witnessed, with soldiers bending under the weight of their loads ; when a man, unincumbered, would, that day, have found it difficult to mount our breast works, at leizure, and with circuraspection, so extreraely slippery vvas the soil. Yet those officers had had tirae, and abundant opportunity, to observe the ground, on which the troops were to act. Since their arrival on the banks of the Mississippi, they had sufficiently seen the effects of rainy weather, to forra a just idea ofthe diffi culty their troops must have experienced, iu clirabing up our intrenchraents, even had the coluran been allowed to advance, without oppo sition, as far as the ditch. But they were blinded by their pride,"* Major-general Wilkinson, on the same subject, says : — " On this memorable day, sir Edward Pakenham, disdaining to avail himself of local circumstances, or to profit by professional skill, determined to carry New Orleans at the point of the bayonet, in the face of day, exposing himself to showers of canister, and triple ranks of infantry and riflemen. Hk * Latour's War in Louisiana, p, 161, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 385 was slaughtered, and repulsed; and, as the whole Operations vvere confined to the perpen dicular raarch of colurans against a straight line, defended by stationary batteries and battalions,' the subject requires no further elucidation, thaa that the passive resolution of the. American citizen vanquished the active courage of the British veteran."* In justice to sir Edward Pakenham's memory, it is right to state, :that the attack was intended to be made before day light, could the difficult and arduous service pf tracking the boats to the Mississippi have beep executed in time. ')" ' i At last, 50 barges, launches, and pinnaces were launched ; and 298 of the 85th regiment, along with about 200 seamen and marine^, under the command of colonel Thornton, were crossed Pver. Three of the boats, armed with carronades, called by that officer "gun-boats":]: co-ppe- rated in the attack. The American force on this side was, as already stated, 1500 men. The progress and successful result of the expedition will be .found, fully detailed, in the Brirish and[ American official accounts. § By the returns of loss on the Sth, only tvvo of the 85th were killed ; 41 wounded ; and one missing. The seamen and marines (supposing none tp have fallen^pa the left bank) lost four killed and 35 wounded ; ' * Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 541. + App. N6. 96. i App. No. 97. § App. Nos. 97, 98, 101, and J02. \OL. II. C C 386 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN total six killed, 76 wounded, (an unusual pro portion,) and one missing; grand total 83. Coraraodore Patterson's guns, and not the rifles of the flying Kentuckians, " the raeritorious conquerors of Tecumseh," occasioned the chief of colonel Thornton's loss. The American loss is not distinctly specified in the returns, but was very trifling. The behaviour of the Ameri can troops on the 'right, shews what we should have had to fear from the '* valor" of those on the left. bank, had only half of sir Edward's army got behind their works. Colonel Thorn ton, at the end of his letter, is very positive, that lieutenant -colonel Gubbins, whom, on crossing over to have his wound dressed, he had left, with a force that, including the rein forcement of seamen and marines, did not exceed 700 men, would retain possession ofthe captured Hues, But colonel Dickson, of the artillery, «' did not think it could be held vrith security by a smaller corps than 2000 men." * The con sequence of this unfortunate report was, that major-general Lambert, now the commanding officer, ordered the right bauk of the river to be instantly evacuated. " I need not tell you," says general Jackson, " with how much eager ness, 1 immediately regained possession of the position he-had thus happily quitted,"-|- Major- general Lambert had previously applied to * App.No. 9S. + App. No. 101. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 387 general Jackson for a suspension of hostilities ; in granting which the latter considers, and, appa^ rently, with reason, that he completely out witted the British general. Of the six vessels ordered up the Mississippi to bombard Fort-St. Philip, the Herald, two bombs, and Thistle and Pigmy only, could ascend the river. The fort mounted twenty-nine 24- pounders, one 6-pounder, a 13-inch mortar, an 8 anda 5^-inch howitzer; and, in the covert-way, two long 32-pounders, mounted on a level with the water; and was garrisoned by 366 men.* The particulars of the bombardment are given in the American official account : •\ we have no British account to compare it with, or from which to state our loss on the occasion. It appears that the garrison lost only two men killed, and seven wounded. On the llth the 40th regiment arrived ; but no movement took place in consequence. On the morning of the I5th, a British deserter informed general Jack son that major-general Lambert would retreat in a few days,+ On the night of the 18th the retreat took place ; and the army remained in bivouac, near its first point of disembarkation, unmolested, till the 27th; when the whole re- einbarked. Our loss between the 9th and 26th of January, owing to the enemy's cannonade, * Latour's War in^Louis. p. 191. + App. Nos. 107andJlQ8. + Ihid. p. 179. c c 2 388 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN amounted to one killed, and five wounded, including lieutenant D'Arcy, of the 43d ;* who, according to the Araerican accounts, had both his legs carried off by a shell, at the moraent when, after having been on guard for several days in succession, he was taking sOme repose,' stretched on the ground, at the entrance of his bivouac. This niakes the lo.ss sustained by the British, from first lo last, in this ill-fated expe dition, 385 killed ; 1516 w ounded ; and, includ ing the two officers and 37 dragoons taken on the night ofthe 25th, 591 missing; total, not as general Jackson supposed " 4000,"']' but 2492: while the American loss, in the sarae expedition, araounted to 55 killed; 185^ wounded; and 93 missing; total 333. J Major Latour says: — " The number pf sick and wounded in the fleet is estiraated at 2000." § Where could he have obtained this fact? Both the army and navy employed on the expedition were, from first to last, healthy beyond exaraple. Supposing all the British wounded to have been disabled, there would still be 5400 troops remaining; enough, surely, if properly employed, to have taken New Orleans : an object of ten-fold more importance now, than when the expedition was first thought of. As at Baltimore, so at New Orleans the premature fall of a British general saved an American city. * App. No. 106. + App. No. 104. + App, No, IO3. h Latour's War in Louisiana, p, 226. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 889 Instead of attributing their good fortune, in this their " Waterloo"* battie, to a succession of blunders and accidents on our part, the Ame ricans boasted, that it was their " superior valor" that had driven away the invaders. If valor did any thing, it was the valor of Frenchmen, Spaniards, natives of New Orleans, " people of colour frora St. Doraingo," arid Irish emigrants, but not,-^as the affair on the right bank proved, — of " brave but indiscreet Kentuckians." Among the several names of French generals, we find " Humbert," the" hero of Castlebar," the general ** to whora the French government had formerly confided the command of that ex pedition to Ireland, which will ever be recorded in the glorious pages of hisfory ;" •\ and the same who was authorized by general Jackson, after the battle at New Orleans, to " form a legion, and to enrol in it all the English deserters who were willing to enter tbe service." J The " Mexican field-marshal, Don Juan De Anaya," also fought against us at New Orleans, Generals Coffee and Carroll were both Irishmen, or of Irish extraction. As to general Jackson ; hewas not quite an Irishman. Both his parents, it ap pears, emigrated in 1765 ; and he was born on the 15th of March, 1767, at a place called the Waxsaw settleraent, near Caraden, in South-Carolina. * Marengo, AnsterVifz, he'ipsiz. New Orleans, andAVaterloo« Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p, 654, + Latour's War in Louisiana, p ,176. J Ibid. 227, 390 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN His mother was " an exemplary woman ;" and, says Mr, Eaton, " to the lessons she inculcated on the youthful minds of her sons, was, no doubt, owing, in a great measure, that fixed opposition to British tyranny and oppression, which afterwards so much distinguished them,"* We can now account for general Jackson's calling England " the common enemy of man kind, the highway robber of the world." f However, he proved hiraself at New Orleans, not only an able general, for the description of country in which he had fo operate, but, i^ all bis transactions with the British officers, both an honorable, and a courteous enemy. In his official despatches, too, he has left an exaraple of modesty, worthy of imitation by the generality of Araerican commanders, naval as well as military. Every American history that we have seen, and, probably, every one that has been published since the war, charges the British commander at New Orleans, with having given out, on the morning ofthe Sth of January, for the parole and countersign, the words — ' IJooty and Beauty.' The excellent moral character of the late sir Edward Pakenham renders this improbable; and we aver,without fear of contradiction, that, agree ably to the custom of our armies on the peninsula, no parole and countersign was given out at Nevy Orleans, The same sentiment, but expresssed in » Eaton's Life of Jackson, p. 9, f Ibjd. p, 282, GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 391 less refined language, may, however, have been uttered by, or in the hearing of, some soldier of sailor, who afterwards deserted to the enemy. The bad state of the weather delayed thfe departure of the fleet and troops till the Sth of February ; on which day they sailed, audi on the 7th, arrived off Dauphine island. Th« troops here disembarked, and encamped ; except the skelettras of the 4th, 21st, and 44th regi ments, which, under the orders of lieutenant- colonel Debbeig, of the 44th, were despatched in boats, to attack Fort-Bowyer. These 600, or, as major Latour will have it, *' 5000,'* * troops landed, early on the morning of the Sth, about three miles in the rear of the fort. Th6 full details of the surrender of Fort-Bowyer, on the " memorable " 12th of February, without a shot having been flred at it, are given in the British and American official accounts, f By the flre opened upon the working parties at thP intrenchnients, the British lost 13 killed and 18 wounded. Mr, O'Connor cunningly says:— ^ "There were but few lives lost on either side.";|: Major Latour has given a plan of the attack t upon which we count 60 ships and other vessels; and between Dauphine island and the Mobile peninsula, no fewer than 8050 British troppbi * Latour's War in Louisiana, p. 209, + App. Nos, 109, 110. IU. 112. 113. 114. and 115. J History of ths War, p. 296. 392 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN For the major's puffing remarks we have no room. They will be read with interest by those to whom the.y are more iraraediately addressed. But it is doctor Smith, that is entitled to the thanks of llis brother-citizens. " The array of 60 sail,'' says he, "and the parade of 16000 Britons before ;Fort-Bowyer was a most extraprdinary military spectacle."* Extraordinary', indeed ! He flnds fault with theBritish, too, for particularizing, among the articles surrendered, " one triangle gin coraplete," and " 500 flints." ^ How hap pened doctor Smith not to know, that generpl Wilkinson, when he obtained possession of this same fort from the Spaniards, inserted in his ''inventory of ordnance and munitions of war," ' — "one wooden spetula," " two tarpaulips," and " one pair of washer-hooks" ? J Had the American generals that took the forts George and Erie been so precise, particularly as tP the " women and children," doctor Smith and his brother historians woUld have been content vvith shorter paragraphs in announcing thpse " bril liant achievements" to . the world. About the middle of March, along with major-general Power, § and ope or two reinforcements of troops, arrived the official notification of the treaty of peace; and, agreeably to the first article in it, || Fort-Bowyer was restored. * Hist of the United States, Vol. III. p. 355. +" App. No. no. + Wilkinson's Mem. Vol. I. p. 515. § See p. 336. |1 App, No. U6. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 393 Leaving the British troops at Mobile and Cumberland island to find their way home, we shall pass at once to the Canadas. Here addi tional reinforcements had been arriving, and, along with thera, what had been so long vainly hoped for, a competent commander-in-chief. Sir George Murray, however, had scarcely ar rived, ere the peace sent him home again. The captured American schooners on Lake Huron had conveyed reinforceraents to Michiliraacinac ; and aBritish fleet, for the service of that lake, was in rapid progress. A 74 and a new frigate had been launched at Kingston ; and two or three frigates and sloops were building for Lake Champlain. The Americans still re tained Sackett's Harbor ; and we, the forts Niagara and Michilimacinac. The peace de prived us pf the two latter ; and, considering how the campaign of 1815, as soon as it could ,be oppnedj was likely to be conducted on our part, we may say, of the forraer also. A full discussion upon the raerits of the treaty would, of itself, fill a yolume. We cannot, how ever, read over the ninth article, without point ing to the recent proceedings of the Araerican general Gaipes with the Seminole Indians. It is the interest of the LTnited States to destroy, .and they will in time destroy, either by the sword or debauchery, every Indian upon the American continent. The United States declared 394 MILITARY OCCURRENCES BETWEEN war ; invaded Canada ; could not take it ; and got a peace, — by which they lost their former privileges. How ludicrous now appears the fol lowing rhapsody of an American government- editor : — ""Canada must be conquered, or we shall stand disgraced in the eyes of the world. It is ' a rod held over our heads ;' a fortress which haughtily frowns upon our country, and from which are disserainated throughout the land, the seed of disaffection, sedition, and treason. The national safety and honor and glory are lost, if we do not win this splendid prize." There are some Americans, however, who will find consolation in the concluding words of Mr. Thomson's book. " The operations of the American armies," says he, " were, at the commencement of the war, not quite so suc cessful. Defeat, disgrace, and disaster, in many instances, followed their movements ; but the struggle was eventually closed by a succession of achievements, which reflected the highest degree of lustre upon the American name, and ranked the United States among the first and most independent nations of the earth." As the reader has already had detailed to him the " succession of achieveraents," by which the United States have acquired so high renown, it is unnecessary for us to comment upon this climax of American gasconade. GREAT BRITAIN AND AMERICA. 39A APPENDIX. No. 1. District general order. District head.quarters, Kingston, 25th November, 1813. J. IIE major-general commanding, and president, having received from major-general Vincent a report of the very gallant and patriotic conduct of lieutenant-colonel Bostwick, and an association of 45 officers and men of the militia of the county of Norfolk, in capturing and destroying a band of traitors, who, in violation of their allegiance, and of every principle of honor and honesty, had leagued themselves with the enemies of their country, to plunder and make pri soners the peaceable and well disposed inhabitants of tha province, major-general De Rottenburg requests that colonel Bostwick, and every individual of the association, will accept his best thanks for their zeal and loyalty in planning, and gallantry in carrying into execution, this most useful and public spirited enterprise. The major-general and president hopes, that so striking an instance of the beneficial effects of unanimity and exertion in the cause of their country, will not fail of producing a due effect on the militia of this province. He calls upon them to observe how quickly the energetic conduct of 45 individuals has succeeded in freeing theinhabitants of an extensive district from a numerous and well armed banditti, who would soon have left them neither liberty nor property. He rerainds them that, if so much can bc effected by so small a number, what may pot be expected from the unanimeus exertions of the wholei population, guided and assisted by a spirit of subordination and aided by his majesty's troops, against an enemy who comes for no other purpose than to enslave, plunder, and destroy. By order, H. N, MOORSOM, lieutenant A, D. A. G. 38C APPENDIX, No, 2. From colonel Murray to major-general Vincent. Sir, > Fort-George, Dec. 12, 181.1. Having obtained inforraation that the enemy had determined on driving the country between Fort-George and the advance, and was carrying off the loyal part of the inhabitants, not withstanding the inclemency of the season, I deemed it my duty to make a rapid and forced march towards him with the light troops under my command, which not only frustrated his designs, but compelled hira to evacuate Fort-George, by precipitately crossing the river, and abandoning the whole of the Niagara frontier. On learning our approach, he laid the town of Newark in ashes, passed over his cannon and stores, but failed in an attempt to destroy the fortifications, which are evidently so much -strengthened whilst in his possession, as might have enabled general M'Clure (the coramanding officer) to have maintained a regular siege ; but such was the apparent panic, that he left the whole of his tents standing. I trust the indefatigable exertions of this handful of men have rendered an essential service to the country, by rescuing from a merciless enemy the inhabitants of an extensive and highly cultivated tract of land, stored with cattle, grain, and provisions, of every description ; and it must be an exultation to thefti to find themselves delivered from the oppression of a lawless' banditti, composed of the disaffected of the couniry, organised undef the direct influence of the American govern.. ment, who carried terror and dismay into every family. ' I have tlie honor to be, &c. J. MURJRAY, colonel, To major-general Vincent, &c. No. 3. From the same to lieuten,at-general Drummond. Sir, Fort-Niagara, Dec. 19, 1813, In obedience to yonr honor's commands, directing me to attack Fort-Niagara, with the advance of the army of the right, I resolved upon attemptinga surprise. The embarkation commenced on the 18th, at night, and the whole .of the troops were landed three miles from tht fort early, on the followine morning, in the following order of attack : — Advanced guard one subaltern and 20 rank and file ; grenadiers 100th regiment • APPENDIX, 397 royal artillery, wilh grenadiers ; five companies 100th regi ment, under lieutenant-colonel Hamilton, to assault the main gate, and escalade the works adjacent ; three companies of the 100th regiment, under captain Martin, to storm the eastern demi-bastion : captain Bailey, with the grenadiers royal Scots, ¦was directed to attack the salient angle of the fortification ; and, the flank companies of the 41st regiment were ordered to support the principal attack. — Each party was provided with scaling ladders and axes. I have gjeat satisfaction in acquaint ing your honor, that the fortress was carried by assault in the most resolute and gallant manner, after a short but sp.rited resistance. The highly gratifying but difiicult duty remains, of endea vouring to do justice to fhe bravery, intrepidity, and devotion of the 100th regiment to the service of their country, under that gallant officer lieutenant-colonel Hamilton, to vvhom I feel highly indebted for his cordial assistance. Captain Martin, lOOth regiment, who executed the task allotted to him in the must intrepid inanner, merits the greatest praise; I have to express my admiraticm of the valour of the royals, grenadiers, under captain Bailey, whose zeal and gallantry were vCry conspicuous. The just tribute of my applause is equally due to the flank companies of the 41st regiment, under lieutenant Bullock, who advanced to the attack with great spirit. The royal artillery, under lieutenant Charlton, deserve my particular notice. To captain Elliot, deputy-assistant-quarter-master- general, who conducted one of the columns of attack, and superintended the embarkation, I feel highly obliged, I cannot pass over the brilliant services of lieutenant Dawson and captain Fawcett, lOOth, in command of the advance and grenadiers, who gallantly executed the orders entrusted to them, by entirely cutting off two of the enemy's piquets, and surpris ing the sentries on the glacis and at the gate, by which means the watch-word was obtained, and the entrance into the fort greatly facilitated, to which may be attributed in a great degree our trifling loss. I beg leaye to recommend these meritorious officers to your honor's protection. The scientiflc knowledge of lieutenant Gengruben,- royal engineers, in suggesting arrangements previous to the attack, and for securing the fort afterwards, I cannot too highly appreciate. The unwearied exertions of acting quarter-master Pilkington, 100th regiment, in bringing forward the materials requisite for the attack, demand my acknowledgements. Captain Kirby, lieutenants Ball, Scroos, and Hamilton, of the different provincial corps, deserve my thanks. My staff-adjutant, Mr. Brampton, will have the honor of presenting this despatch, and the standard of the American garrison ; tohis intelligenoe, valor, and friendly 398 APPENDIX. assistance, not only on this trying occasion, but on many former, I feel most grateful. Our force consisted of about 500 rank and file. Annexed is a return of our casualties, and the enemy's loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners. The ordnance and commissariat stores are so immense, that it is totally out of my power to forward to you a correct statement for some days, but 27 pieces of cannon, of different calibres, are on the works, and upwards of 3000 stand of arms and many rifles in the arsenal. The store-houses are full of eloathing and camp equipage of every description. J, MUttkAY, colonel. His honor lieutenant-gen. Drummond, &c. &c. &c. Return of killed and wounded in an assault of Fort-Niagara, at day break, on the morning of ihe 19th of December, ]813. General staff; — 1 officer, wounded. Royul artiUery ; — 1 staff, wounded. ^ist foot; — 1 rank and file, wounded. 100th foot ; — 1 lieutenant, 5 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file, wounded. Naraes of officers killed and wounded. Killed — 1 ooth foot ; —Lieutenant Nowlan. Wounded; — Col. Murray, commanding, severely (not dangerously). Royal artilleTy ; — Assistant-surgeon OgiUie, slightly. J. HARVEY, lieut,-col,, and deputy-assistant-gen. Return of the enemy's loss in killed, wounded, and prisoners, who fell into our hands, in an assault on Fort-Niagara, on the morning of the 19th of December, 1813. Killed;— 65. Wounded; — liieutenant, I assistant-surgeon, 12 rank and file. PriMners ; — 1 captain, 9 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 surgeon, 1 com missary, 12 Serjeants, 318 rank and file. J. HARVEY, lieut.-col., and dep.-adjt.-gen. E. BARNES, adj.-gen. North America. No, 4. From brigadier-general M'-Clure to the American secretary ut war. Head-quarters, Buffaloe, Sir, Dec, 22, 1813. I regret to be under the necessity of announcing to you the mortif) ing 4ntelligencti of the loss of Fort-Niagara. Onthe morning of the 19th instant, about four o'clock, the enemy crossed the river at the Five mile Meadows in great forcfei APPENDIX. 399 consisting of regulars and Indians, who made their way undis. covered to the garrison, which, from the most correct informa tion I can collect, was completely surprised. Our men were nearly all asleep in their tents; the enemy rushed in, and com menced a most horrid slaughter. Such as escaped the fury of tha first contest, retired to the old mess-house, where they kept up a destructive fire on the enemy until a want of ammunition compelled them to surrender. Although our force was very inferior, and comparatively small indeed, I am induced to think that the disaster is not attributable to any want of troops, but to gross neglect in the commanding officer of the fort, captaia Leonard, in not preparing, being ready, and looking out for, the expected attack. I have not been able to ascertain correctly the number of killed and wounded. About 20 regulars have escaped out of the fort, some badly wounded. Lieutenant Beck, 24th regi. ment, is killed, and it is said three others. You will perceive. Sir, by the enclosed general orders, that I apprehended an attack, and made the necessary arrano-ement to meet it; but have reason to believe, from information received by those who have made their escape, that the com. mandant did not in any respect comply with those orders. On the same morning a detachment of militia, under major Bennett, stationed at Lewistown Heights, was attacked I)y a party of savages; but the major and his little corps, by making a desperate charge, eflfected their retreat, after being surrounded by several hundreds, with the loss of six or eight, who doubtless were killed ; among whom were two sons of captain Jones, Indian interpreter. The villages of Youngstown, Lewistown, Manchester, and the Indian Tuscarora village, were reduced to ashes, and the inoffensive inhabitants who could not escape were, without regard to age or sex, inhumanly butchered, by savages headed by British oflficers painted. A British officer who is taken prisoner, avows that many small children were murdered by their Indians. Major Mallory, who was stationed at Schlosser, with about 40 Canadian volunteers, advanced to Lewistown Heights, and compelled the advanced guard of the enemy to fall back to tbe foot of the mountain. The major is a meritorious officer • he fought the enemy two days, and contested every inch of ground to the Tantawanty Creek. In these actions lieutenant Lowe 23d regiment of the United States army, and eight of the Canadian volunteers, were killed. I had myself, three days previous to the attack on the Niagara, left it with a view of providing for the defence of this place, Black Rock, and the ather villages on this frontier. 400 APPENDIX. I came here with the troops, and have called out the militiit of Gennessee, Niagara, and Chatauqua counties, en masse. This place was then thought to be in imminent danger, as well as the shipping, but 1 have no doubt is now perfectly secure. Volunteers are coming in great numbers; they are, however, a species of troops that cannot be expected to continue in the service for a long time. In a few days 1000 detached militia, lately drafted, will be on. I have the honor to be, &c. G. M'CLURE, brig.-gen. com. Hon. J. Armstrong, secretary at war. No. 5. First American general order. Head.quarters, Fort-Niagara, December 12, 1813, Captain Leonard will, as soon as possible, have a proportion of hand-grenades in the different block. houses, and give directions to the officers of the infantry where they should be posted with their men, in case of an attack ; and should Ihcy not be able to maintain the out-works, to repair to the block and mess-honses, and have every thing arranged in such a manner as though he expected an immediate attack. Much is expected from captain Leonard, from his long experience and knowledge of duty ; and the general feels confident he will be well supported by captain Lomas, of the artillery, as well as the officers of the infantry. By order of brig.-gen. M'Clure, DONALD FRASER, lieutenant 15 U. S. inf., and vol. aid de camp. No. 6. From major-general Riall to lieutenant-general Drummond, Niagara frontier, near Fort-Erie, Sin, Jan. 1, 1814. 1 have the honor to report to you, that, agreeably to the instructions contained in yonr letter of the 29th uit., and your general order of that day, to pass the river Niagara, for the purpose of attacking the enemy's force, collected at Black Rock and Buffalo; and earring into execution the other objects therein mentioned, 1 crossed the liver in the following nio-ht APPENDIX. 401 wifh four companies of the king's regiment, and the light corapany of the 89th, under lieutenant-colonel Ogilvie ; 250 men of the 41st regiment, and the grenadiers of the 100th, under major. Friend ; together' with about HO militia volunteers and a body of Indian warriors. The troops completed their landing about 12 o'clock, nearly two miles below Black Rock ; the light infantry of the 89th being in advance, Surprised and cap. tured the greater part of a piquet of the enemy, and secured the bridge over the Conguichity Creek, the boards of which had been loosened, and were ready to be carried oflf had there been time given .for it. I immediately established fhe 41st and 100th grenadiers in position beyond the bridge, for the pnrpose of perfectly securing ils passage : the enemy made some attempts during the night upon this advanced position, but were repulsed with loss. At day-break I moved forward, the king's regiment and light company of the 89th leading, the 41st and grenadiers of the 100th being in reserve. The enemy had by this time opened a very heavy fire of cannon and musketry on the Royal Scots, under lieutenant-colonel Gordon, who were destined to land above Black Rock, for the purpose of turning his positiort, while he should be attacked in front by the troops who landed below ; several of the boats having grounded, I am sorry to say this regiment suflfered some loss, and was not able to effect its landing in sufficient time to fully accomplish the object in'- tended, though covered by the whole of our field-guns, undeV captain Bridge, which were placed on the opposite bank of the river. The king's and 89th, having in fhe meantimegained the town, commenced a very spirited attack upon the enemy, who were in -great force, and very strongly posted. The reserve being arrived on the ground, the whole were shortly engaged. Th;e «nemy maintained his position with very considerable obstinacy for some time ; bnt such was the spirited and determined ad- vance of our troops, that he lyas at length compelled to give way, was driven through his batteries, in vvhich were a 24^ pounder, three 12-pounders, and one 9-pounder, and pursued to the town of Buffalo, about two miles distant; he here shewed a large body of infantry and cavalry, and attempted to oppose our advance by the fire of a field piece, posted on the height, which comraanded the road ; but finding this ineffectual, he flied in all directions, and betaking himselfto the woods, further pursuit was useless. He left behind him one 6-poundcr brass •field. piece, and one iron 18 and one iron 6-ponndcr, which fell into our hands. I then proceeded to execute the ulterior object of thccxpedifion, and detached captain Robinson, of the king's, with two companies, to destroy the two schooners and sloop, VOL. II. U D 402 APPENDIX, (part of the enemy's late squadron,) that were on shore a little below the town, with the stores they had on board, which he effectually corapleted. The town itself, (the inhabitants having previously left it,) and the whole of the public stores, contain. ing considerable quantities of cloathing, spirits, and flour, which I had not the means of conveying away, were then set" on fire, and totally consumed ; as was also the village of Black Rock, on the evening it was evacuated. In obedience to your further instructions, I have directed lieutenant-colonel Gordon fomove down the riverto Fort-Niagara, with a party of the 19th light dragoons, under major Lisle, a detachment of the royal Scots, and the 89th light company, and destroy the remaining cover of the enemy upon his frontier, which he has reported to have been effectually done. From every account I have been able fo collect, the enemy's force opposed to us was not less than from 2000 to 2500 men ; their loss in killed and wounded, I should iraagine from 3 to 400; but from thenature of the country, being mostly covered with wood, it is difficult to ascer- tain it precisely ; the same reason will account for our not having been able to make a greater number of prisoners than 130. I have great satisfaction in stating to you the good conduct of the whole of the regular troops and volunteer militia ; but I must particularly mention the steadiness and bravery ofthe king's regiment, and 89th light infantry. They were most gallantly led to the attack by lieutenant.colonel Ogilvie, of the king's, ¦who, Iam sorry tosay, received a severe wound, which will for a time deprive the service of a very brave and intelligent officer. After lieutenant.colonel Ogilvie was woniided, the command of the regiment devolved on captain Robinson, who, by a very judicious movement to his right, with the three battalion com. panics, madea considerable impression on the left of the enemy's- position. I have every reason to be satisfied with lieutenant. colonel Gordon, in the command of the royal Scots, and have much to regret, that the accidental grounding of his boats deprived me of the full benefit of his services ; and I have also to mention try approbation of the conduct of major Frend, "commanding the 41st, as well as thatof captain Fawcett, of the 100th grenadiers, who was unfortunately wounded. Captain Barden, of the RQth, and captain Brunter, of the king's light infantry compimics, conducted themselves in the most exem. plary manner. Lieutenant.colonel Elliott, in this, as well as on other occasions, is entitled to my highest commendations, for his steal and activity as superintendant of the Indian depart ment ; and I am happy to add, that, through his exertions, and that of his officers, no act of cruelty, as far as I could learn, was committed by the Indians towards any of their prisoners. APPENDIX. 403 I cannot close this report without mentioning, in terms of the warmest praise, the good conduct of my aide.de.camp, captain Holland, from whom I received the most able assistance through. out the whole of these operations. Nor can I omit mentioning my obligations to you for acceding to the request of your aide. de.camp, captain Jervoise, to accompany me. He was extremely active and zealous, and rendered me very essential service. I enclose a return of the killed, wounded, and missing, and of the ordnance captured at Black Rock and Buffalo. P. RIALL, major.general. Lieutenant-general Drummond, commanding the forces. Upper Canada. Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the troops of the right division, under the command of major-general Rial, inthe attack on Black Rock and Buffalo, on the 30th of December, 1813. Killed — royal Scots; — 13 rank and file. King's regiment ; — 7 rank and file. 4:1st foot ;^— 2 rank and file. 89th light infantry ; — 3 rank and file. Volunteer militia; — 3 rank and file. Indiarl warriors ; — 3 rank and file. Wounded— royal Scots ; — 3 seijeants, 29 rank and file. King's regiment ; — 2 officers, 14 rank and tile. 4,1st foot ;— 5 rank and file. 89th foot ; {light infantry ;)-— 5 rank and file. 100th. foot; (grenadiers ;) — 1 ofEcer, 4 rank and file. Volunteer militia; — 1 officer, 5 rank and file. Indian warriors ; — 3 rank and fiie. Missing — royal Scots ; — 6 rank nnd file. 4lstfoot ;— 3 rank and file. Names of officers wounded. King's regiment; — Lieutenent-colonel Ogilvie, severely; (not danger ously;) iieutenant Young, slightly. lOOthfoot; (grenadiers;) — Capt. Fawcett, severely; not dangerously. Volunteer militia ; — Captain Scroos, slightly. J. HARVEY, Lieut.-colonel, and deputy-adjutant.general. Return of ordnance captured at Black Rock and Buffalo, on the SOth of December, J813. One brass 6-pounder field-piece, with carriage, complete ; one iroii 24- pounder, one iron 18-pounder, one iron 12-pounder, one 9-pounder, one iron 6-pounder. C. BRIDGE, captain, R. A. D s 2 404 APPENDIX. No. 7. Extract of a letter from major-general Hall ta governor Tompkins ; dated head-quarters, Niagara frontier, Dee. soth, 1812, 7 o'clock, P,M. I have only fime to acknowledge the receipt of yonr letter of the 25th inst., and to add, that this frontier is wholly deso late. The British crossed over, supported by a strong party of Indians, a little before day this morning, near Black Rock j they were met by the militia under my command with spirit ; but, overpowered by the numbers and discipline of the enemy, the militia gave way, and fled on every side ; every attempt to rally them was ineffectual. The enemy's purpose was obtained, and the flourishing vil. lage of Buffalo is laid in ruins. The Niagara frontier now lira open and naked to our enemies. Yonr judgment will direct you what is most proper in this emergency. I am exhausted with fatigue, and must defer particulars till to.morrow. Many valuable lives are lost. ^^.r***,»*****r** No, 8. From rear-admiral Cockburn to admiral Warren. His majesty's sloop Fantome, in the Elk River, Sir, 20th April, 1813, I have the honor to acquaint you, that, having yesterday gained information of the depot of flour (alluded to in your note to me of the 23d inst.) being, with some military and other stores, situated at a place called French.Town, a conside rable distance up the river Elk, I caused his majesty's brigs, Fantome, and Mohawk, and the Dolphin, Racer, and Highftygr tenders, to be moored, yesterday evening, as far within the en trance of this river as could be prudently effected after dark ; and at 11 o'clock last night, the detachment of marines now in the advanced squadron, consisting of about 150 raen, under captains Wybourn and Carter, of that corps, with five artillery. men, under first-lieutenant Robertson of the artillery, (who eagerly volunteered his valuable assistance on this occasion,) proceeded in the boats of the squadron, the whole being under the immediate direction of lieutenant G. A. Westph.ill, first-of the Marlborough, to take and destroy the aforesaid stores : the Highflyer tender, under the comraand of lieutenant T. Lewis being directed to follow, for the support and protection of the boats, as far and as closely as he niight find it practicable. APPENDIX, 405 Bietng ignorant of the way, the boats were unfortunately led up the Bohemia Rirer, instead of keeping in the Elk; and, it being daylight before this error was rectified, they did not reach the dfcstined place till between 8 and 9 o'clock this morning, which occasioned the enemy to have fnll warning ¦of their approach, and gave him time to collect his force, and make his arrangements for the defence of his stores and town ; for the security of which, a 6^gun battery had la,tely been erected, and from whence a heavy fire was opened upon our boats the moment they approached within its reach ; but the launches, with their carronades, underthe orders of lientc- Nicholas Alexander, first of the Dragon, pulling resolutely up to the work, keeping up at the same time a constant and well- directed fire on it; and the marines being in the act of disem barking on the right, the Americans judged it ])rudent to quit their battery, and to retreat precipitately into the country, abandoning to their fate French-Town and its depots of stores ; the whole of the latter, therefore, consisting of much flour, a large quantity of army-cloaf hing, of saddles, bridles, and other equipments for cavalry, &c. &c., together with various articles -of merchandise, were immediately set fire to, and entirely con sumed, as were five vessels lying near the place ; and the guns of the battery being too heavy fo bring away,, were disabled as jeffecfually as possible by lieutenant Robertson and his artillery men ; after which, my orders being completely fulfilled, the ¦boats returned down the river without molestation ; and I am happy to add, that one seamen^ of the Maidstone, ivounded in the arm by a grape-shot, is the oniy casualty we have sus- tained. To lieutenant G. A. Westphall, who has so gallantly con. ducted, and so ably executed, this service, my highest encomiums and best acknowledgements are due ; and 1 trust, sir, you will deem him to have also thereby merited your favor.iblc conside- :rationand notice. It is likewise my pleasing duty to acquaint you, that he speaks in the highest terms of tha y.cal and good conduct of every officer and man employed with him on this occasion ; but particularly of the very great assistance he de rived from lieutenant Robertson, of the artillery; lieutenant Alexander, of the Dragon ; lieutenant Lewis, of the Highflyer ; and captains Wybourn and Carter of the royal marines. I have now anchored the above-mentioned brigs and tenders rear a farm, ou the right bank of this river, where there appears to be a considerable quantity of cattle, which I intend embark ing for fhe use of the fleet under your command ; and if I meet with no resistance or impediment in so doing, I shall give the .owner bills on the victualling.office for the fair value of whatsq. «Viec is so taken; but should resistance be made, I shall consider 406 APPENDIX/ them as prize of war, which I trust will meet yonr approbation ; and 1 purpose taking on boa^-d a further supply for the fleet to. morrow, on similar terms, from Specucie Island, which lies a little below Havre-de.Grace, and which I have been informed is also well stocked. I have the honor to be, &c. G. COCKBURN, rear-admiral. To the right hon. admiral Sir J. B. Warren, bart. K. B. &c. No, 9, From same to same. His majesty's ship Maidstone, Tuesday. night, 3d of May, 1813, at anchor oflf Sin, Turkey Point. I have the honor to inform you, that, whilst anchoring the brigs and tenders off Specucie Island, agreeably to my intentions notified to you in my official reportof the 29th ultimo. No. 10, I ohserved guns fired, and American colours hoisted, ata battery lately erected at Havre-de-grace, at the entrance of Susque- hanna River. This, ofcourse, immediately gave to the place an imporfance which I had not before attached to it, and I there. fore determined on attacking it after fhe completion of our operations at the island; consequently, having sounded in the direction towards if, and found that the shallowness of the •water wonld only admit of its being approached by boats, I directed their assembling under Iieutenant Westphall, (first of the Marlborough,) last night at 12 o'clock, alongside the Fan. tome: when our detachments of marines, consisting of about 150 men, (as before,) under captains Wybourn and Carter, with a small party of artillerymen, under lieutenant Robinson, of the artillery, embarked in them ; and the whole being under the immediate direction of captain Lawrence, of the Fan tome, (who, with much zeal and readiness, took upon himself, at my request, the conducting of this service,) proceeded to. ward Havre.de-Grace, to take up, nnder cover of the night, the necessary position for commencing the attack at the dawn of day. Ihe Do phm and Highflyer tenders, commanded by lrlT;:\"."l':'"'V^° V"'^ ^f ^y-' followed for the support o^f cater prevented their g . . ^ , . - 1 r >^aptain Lawrence, however having got un w th thp hn,.*., „„.i u„..: .T' '"^yevtr, a the boats but the shoalness of the water prevented their gettine within s.x miles of the place. Captain Lawrence,Tov.eve7 having got up w.th the boats, and having very ablv and tudi PIOUS y placed them duringthe dark, a wafra firLas opened on* the placea day.light from our launches and rocket-boaU which lyas smartly returned frpm the battery for a short time but APPENDIX. 407: the launches constantly closing with it, and their fire rather increasing than decreasing, that from the battery soon began to slacken ; and captain Lawrence observing this, very judiciously directed the landing of the marines on the left ; which move- ment, added to the hot fire they were nnder, induced the Ame. ricans to commence withdrawing from the battery, to take shelter in the town. Lieutenant G. A. Westphall, who had taken his station in the rocket-boat close to the batteiy, therefore now judg ing the moment to be favourable, pulled directly up under the work, and landing with his boat's crew, got imme. diate possession of it, turned their own guns on them, and thereby soon obliged tbem to retreat, with their whole force, to the farthest extremity of the town, whither, (the marines having by this time landed,) they were pursued closely ; and no longer feeling themselves equal to an open and manly resistance, they commenced a teazing and irritating fire from > behind the houses, walls, trees, &c. : from which, I am sorry to say, my gallant first-lieutenant received a shot through his hand whilst leading the pursuing party ; he, however, conti nued to head the advance, with which he soon succeeded in dislodging the whole of the enemy from their lurking-places, and driving them for shelter to the neighbouring woods ; and whilst performing which service, he had the satisfaction to overtake, and with his remaining hand to make prisoner and bring in a captain of their militia. We also took an ensign and somo armed individuals ; but the rest of the force, wbich had been opposed to us, having penetrated into the woods, I did not judge it prudent to allow of their being further followed with our small numbers ; therefore, after setting fire to some of the houses, to cause the proprietors, (who had deserted them, and formed part of the militia who had fled to the woods,) to understand, and feel, what they were liable to bring upon themselves, by building batteries, and acling towards us wilh so much useless rancour, I embarked in the boats the guns from the battery, and having also taken and destroyed about 130 stand of small arms, I detached a smull division of boats up the Susquehanna, to take and destroy whatever they might raeet with in it, and proceeded myself with the remaining boats under captain Lawrence, in search of a cannon foundry, which I had gained intelligence of, whilst on shore at Havre. de.Grace, as being situated about ihree or four miles to the northward, where we found it accordingly ; and getting pos- , session of it without difficulty, commenced instantly its destruc. tion, and that of the guns and other materials we found there, to complete which, occupied us during the remainder of the day, an there were several buildings, and much complicated heavy 403 APPENDIX. machinery, attached to it; it was known by the name of Cecil, or Principio foundry, and was one of the most valu able works of the kind in America; the destruction of it, therefore, at this moment, will, 1 frust, prove of much nati. onal importance. In the margin* I have stated the ordnance taken and dis abled by onr small division this daj, during the whole of which we have been on shore in the cenfre ofthe enemy's country, and on his high road between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Theboats which I sent up the Susquehanna, returned after destroying five vessels on it, and a large store of flour ; when every thing bping completed to my utmost wishes, the whole division re-embarked and returned to the ships, where we arrived at 10 o'clock, after having been 22 hours in constant exertion, without nourishment of any kind ; and, I have much pleasure in being able to add, that, excepting lieutenant Westphall's wound, we have not suffered any casualty whatever. The judicious dispositions made by captain Lawrence, of the Fantome, during the preceding nighf, and the able manner in which he conducted the attack of Havre in the morniiig, added to the gallantry, zeal, and attention, shewn by him during this whole day, most justly eniitle him to my highest er.cominms and acknowledgements, and will, I trust, ensure to him yonr approbation ; and I have the (ileasure to add, that he speaks in the roost favorable nianner of the good conduct of all the officers and men employed in the boats nnder his immediate orders, particularly of lieutenants Alexander and Reed, of the Dragon and Fantome, who each commanded a division; of lieutenant G.A. Westphall, whose exemplary and gallant conduct it has been necessary for me already to notice in detailing to you the operations of the day. I shall only now add that, from a thorough knowledge of his merits, (he having served many years with meas first lieutenant,) I always, on similar occa. sions, expected much from him, but this day he even out stripped those expectations; and though in considerable pain from his wound, he insisted on continuirg to assist me to the last moment with his able exertions. ] therefore, sir, cannot but entertain a confiden-' hope that his services of to-day, an,d the wound he has rtceived, added to what he so successfully exe cuted at Frenchtown, (as detailed in my letter to yon of the 29th ultimo,) wil! obtain for him your favorable consideration » Trikcnfrom the battery al Havre-de-Grace-6 guns, 12 and 6-noHn- dcis. *^ Disabled, inb,iUery for protection of foundry— 5 gmis. Sipounders Disabled, rejidy for sending away frnm foundry-2S guns, 32-poundei-= Disabled, in boring-hoiise and foundry-S guus and 4 carronades 'of dinerent calibres. Total— 61 guns, and ISO stand of Email arms. ATPENDIX. 400 and notice, and fhat of my lords commissioners of the admiralty, I should be wanting in justice did I not also mention to you, particularly, the able assistance again afforded meby lieutenant Robertson, of the artillery, who is ever a volunteer where ser. vice is to be performed, and always foremost in performing such service, being equally conspicuous for his gallantry antl ability ; and he also obliged me by superintending the destruction of the ordnance taken af the foundry. To captains Wyborn .and Carter, who commanded the marines, and shewed much skill in the management of them, every praise is likewise due, as are my acknowledgraents to lieutenant Lewis, of the Highflyer, who, not being able to bring his vessel near enough to render assistance, came himself with his usual aciive zeal to offer his personal services. And it is ray pleasing duty to have to report to you, in addition, that all the other officers and raen seemed to vie with each other in the cheerful and zealous discharge of their duty, and I have, therefore, the satisfaction of recom. mending their general good conduct, on this occasion, to your notice accordingly. I have the honor to be, &c. G. COCKBURN, rear-adm. To, the right hon. admiral sir J. B. Warren, bart. and K.B. &c. No. 10, From same to same. H.M.S. Maidstone, off the Sassafras river, Stu, May 6th, 1813. I have the honor to acquaint you, that understanding Georgetown and Frederickstown, situated up the Sassafras river, were places of some trade and importance, and the Sassafras being the only river or place of shelter for vessels at this upper extremity of the Chesapeake, which I had not examined and cleared, I directed, last night, theassembling ofthe boats along. side the Mohawk, from whence with the marines, as before, under captains Wybourn and Carter, with my friend lieutenant Robertson, of the artillery, and his small party, they proceeded up this river, being placed by me for this operation, under the immediate directions of captain Byng of the .\Iohawk. I intended that fhey should arrive before the above-mentioned towns by dawn of day, but in this I was frustrated by the intri- cacy of the river, our total want of local knowledge in it, the darkness of the night, and fhe great distance the towns lay up it ; it, therefore, unavoidably became late in the morning before 410 APPENDIX. we approached them, when, having intercepted a small boat with two of the inhabitants, I directed captain Byng to halt our boats about two miles below the town, and I sent forward the two Americans in their boat to warn their countrymen against acting in the same rash manner the people of Havre.de-Grace had done ; assuring them, if they did, fhat their towns would enevitably meet with a similar fate ; but, on the contrary, if they did not attempt resistance, no injury should be done to them or their towns; that vessels and public property only would be' seized ; fhat the strictest discipline would be maintained ; and that, whatever provisions or other property of individuals I might require for the use of the squadron, should be instantly paid for in its fullest value. After having allowed sufficient time for this message to be digested, and their resolution taken thereon, 1 directed the boats to advance, and I am sorry to say, I soon found fhe more unwise alternative was adopted; for on our reaching within about a mile of the town, between two projecting elevated points of the river, a most heavy fire of musketry was opened on us from about 400 men, divided iind entrenched on the two opposite banks, aided by one long gun. The launches and rocket-boats smartly returned this fire with good effect, and with the other boats and the marines I pushed a-shore immediately above the enemy's position, thereby ensuring the capture of the towns or the bringing him to a de cided action. He determined, however, not to risk the latter ; for the moment he discerned we had gained the shore, and that the marines had fixed their bayonets, he fled with his whole force to the woods, and was neither seen nor heard of after wards, though sevcralpartics were sent out to ascertain whether he had taken up any new position, or what had becorae of him. I gave hiin, however, the mortification of seeing, frora where- ever hehad hid himself, that 1 was keeping my word With respect to the towns, which (excepting the houses of those who had con- tinned peaceably in them, and had taken no part in the attack made on us) were forthwith destroyed, as were four vessels laying in the river, and some stores of sugar, of lumber, of leather, and of other merchandize. I then directed the re. embarkation of our small force, and we proceeded down the river again, to a town 1 had observed, situated in a branch of it, about half way up, and here I had the satisfaction to find, that what had passed at Havre, Georgetown, and Fredericks. town, had its eflect, and led these people to understand, that they had moro to hope for from our generosify, than frora erecting batteries, and opposing us by raeans within their power ; the inhabitants of this place having met me at landing, to say that they had not permitted either guns or militia to be statined there, and that whilst there I should not meet with any APPENDIX. 411 opposition whatever. I therefore landed with the ofiicers and a small guard only, and having ascertained that fhere was nd public property of any kind, or warlike stores, and having allowed of such articles as we stood in need of being embarked in the boats on payment to the owner of their full value, I again re-embarked, leaving the people of this place well pleased with fhe wisdom of their determination on their mode of receiv. ing us. I also had a deputation from Charlestown, in the north-east river, to assure me that that place is considered by them at your mercy, and that neither guns nor militia-men shall be suffered there ; and us I am assured that all the places in the upper part of the Chesapeake have adopted similar resolutions, and that there is now neither public property, vessels, nor war. like stores remaining in this neighbourhood, I propose return. 4ng to you with the light squadron to.morrow morning. I am sorry to say the hot fire we were under this morning cost us five meo wounded, one only, however, severely ; and I have much satisfaction in being able to bear testimony to you of the zeal, gallantry, and good conduct of the different officers and men serving in this division. To captain Byng, of the Mohawk, who conducted the various arrangements, on this occasion, with equal skill and bravery, every possible praise is most justly due, as well as to captains Wybourn and Carter, lieutenant Robertson, of fhe artillery, and lieutenant Lewis, of the Hipflyer ; lieutenant Alexander, ofthe Dragon, the senior officer under captain Byng, in command of the boats, deserves also that 1 should particularly notice him to you for his sfeadi. ness, correctness, and the great ability with which he q,lways executes whatever service is entrusted to him ; and Imusfbegper^ mission of seizing this opportunity of stating f o you how much I have been indebted, since on this service, to captain Burdett, of this ship, who was good enough to receive me on board thp Maidstone when I found it impracticable to advance higher in the Marlborough, and has invariably accompanied me on every occasion whilst directing these various operations, and rendered me always the most able, prompt, and efficacious assistance. 1 have the honor fo be, &c. G. COCKBURN, rear-adm, Tp the right hon. adpiiral sir J. B. Witrren, Bart. K.B. &c. No. 11, From lieutenant Crerie to captain Travis, Sir, His raajesty's ship Narcissus, June 13, 1813. Your gallant and desperate attempt to defend your vessel against more thap double your number, on the night of the 412 APPENDIX. 12th instant, excited such admiration on the part of your opponents, as I have seldom witnessed, and induced me fo return you the sword you had so nobly used, in testimony of mine. Our poor fellows have severely suffered, occasioned chiefly, if not solely, by the precaution you had taken to pre. vent surprise; in short, I am at a loss which to admire most, the previous engagement on board the Surveyor, or the deter- mined mauner by which her deck was disputed, inch by inch. I am, sir, with much respect, &c. JOHN CRERIE. Capt. S. Travis, U. S. cutter, Surveyor, .»¦* »:M:^»^r.^** *¦ No. 12. From commodore Cassin to the American secretary of the navy. (Letter I.) Sir, Navy yard, Gosport, June 21, 1813. On Saturday, at 1 1 P. M. captain Tarbell moved with the flotilla under his command, consisting of 15 gun-boats, in two divisions, lieutenant John M. Gardner 1st division, and lieute nant Robert Henley the 2d, manned from Iho frigate, and 50 musketeers, ordered from Craney island by general Taylor, and proceeded down the riifer; but adverse winds and squalls prevented his approaching the eneiny until Sunday morning at four, when the flotilla commenced a heavy galling fire on a frigate, at about three quarters of a mile distance, lying well up the roads, two other frigates lying in sight. At half past fonr, a breeze sprung up from E.N.E. which enabled the two frigates to get under way — one a razee or very heavy ship, and the other a frigate — and to come nearer into action. The boats, JU consequence of their approach, hauled off, though keeping np a well directed fire on the razee and the other ship, which gave us several broadsides. The frigate first engaged, supposevl to be the Junon, was certainly severely handled — had fhe calm continued one half hour, that frigate must have fallen into our hands, or been desfroyed. She must have alipped her mooring so as to drop nearer the razee, who had all sail set, coming up to her with the other frigate. The action continued one hour and a half with three ships. Shortly affer the action, the razee got alongside of the ship, and had her upon a deep careen in a little time, wilh a number of boats and stages round her. I am satisfied considerable damage was done to her, for she was silenced some time, unfil the razee opened her fire, wheo she APPENDIX. 414 commenced again. Our loss is very trifling. Mr. Allison, master's mate, on board 139, was killed earlyanthe action, by an IS-pound ball, which passed through him and lodged in the mast. No. 154 had a shot between wind and water. No. 67 had her franklin shot away, and several of them had some of their sweeps and their stancheons shot away — but two men slightly injured from the sweeps. On the flood tide several ships of the line and frigates came into the roads, and we did expect an attack last night. There are now in the roads .13 ships of the line and frigates, one brig and several tenders, I cannot say too much for the officers and crews on this occa. sion ; for every man appeared to go into action with so much cheerfulness, apparently to do their duty, resolved to conquer. J had a better opportunity of discovering their actions than any one else, being in my boat the whole of the action. I have the honor to be, &c. Hon. W. Jones, &c, JOHN CASSIN. (Letter II.) Sir, Navy yard, Gosport, June 23, 1813, I have the honor to inform you, that on the 20th the enemy got nnder way, in all 13 sail, and dropped up to the mouth ot James' river, one ship bearing a flag at the mizen. At 5 P.M. they were discovered raaking great preparation with troops for landing, having a number of boats for the pnrpose. Finding Craney island rather weakly manned, captain Tarbell directed lieutenants Neal, Shubrick, and Sanders, with 100 seamen, on shore, at 11 P.M. to a small battery on the N. W. side of the island. Tuesday 22d, at dawn, the enemy were discovered landing round the point of Nansemond river ; at 8 A.M. the barges attempted to land in front of the island, out of reach ofthe shot from the gun-boats, when lieutenants Neal, Shnbrick, and Sanders with the sailors, and lieutenant Breckenbridge with the marines ofthe Constellation, 150 in nnmber, opened the fire, which was so well directed, that the enemy were glad to get off, after sinking three of their largest boats. One of them, called the Centepede, admiral Warren's boat, 50 feet in length, carried 76 men, the greater part of whom wore lost by her sinking. Twenty soldiers and sailors were saved, and the boat hauled np. The officers of the Constellation fired their 18-pounder more like riflemen than artillerists, 1 never saw such shooting, and seriously believe they saved the island, I have the honor io be, &c. Hon. W. Jones, &c, JOHN CASSIN, The number of the enemy engaged in the attack .was nearly 3000. 414 APPENDIX. No. 13, From admiral Warren to Mr. Croker. San Domingo, Hampton-road*, Sir, Chesapeake, June 24, 1813. I request you will inform their lordships, that, from the in. formation received of the enemy's fortifying Craney Island, and it being'necessary to obtain possession of fhat place, to enable the light ships and vessels to proceed up the narrow channel towards Norfolk, to transport the troops over on that side for them to attack fhe new fort and lines, in the rear of which the Constellation frigate was anchored, I directed the troops under sir Sydney Beckwith to be landed upon the continent within the nearest point to that place, and a reinforcement of seamen and marines from the ships ; but upon approaching the island, from the extreme shoalness of fhe water on the sea side, and the difficulty of getting across from the land, as well as the Island itself being fortified with a nnmber of guns and men from the frigate and militia, and flanked by 15gun.boats, I considered, in consequence of the representation of the officer commanding the troops, of the difficulty of their passing over from the land, that the persevering in the attempt would cost more men than the number with us would permit, as the other forts must have been stormed before the frigate and dock.yard could have been destroyed ; I therefore ordered the troops to be re-embarked. I am happy to say, the loss in the above affair (returns of which are enclosed) has not been considerable, and only two boats sunk. I have to regret, that captain Hanshett, of his majesty's ship Diadem, who volunteered his services, and led the division of boats with great gallantry, was severely wounded by a ball in the thigh. The officers and men behaved with much bravery, and if it had been possible to have got at the enemy, 1 ara persuaded would have soon gained the place. I have the honor to be, &c. J. W, Croker, esq. J, B, WARREN, A return of o^Jicers, seamen, and marines, belonging to his majesty's ships, killed, wounded, and missing, in the attack on Craney island, June 22d. Killed; — None. Wounded ;— I officer and 7 seamen. Missing! — 10 seamen. Name of the officer wounded. Captain Hanchett, of his majesty's ship Diadem, severely, but not dangerously. J. B. WARREN. APPENDIX, 413 A return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the officers, non commissioned officers, drummers, aud rank and file, in the affair with the enemy near Craney island, June aSd. 1st battalion royal mariiies and rocket artillery; — 1 rank and file wounded. Sd battalion royal marines ;^S rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 4 rank file, wounded ; 7 rank and file, missing. 102ayinaster, 1 quarter-master, 5 subalterns, 7 Serjeants, 74 rank and file, wounded; one subaltern, 3 Serjeants, 11 rank and file, missing. \lth regiment ; — ;1 captain, 2 Serjeants, 25 rank and file, killed ; 1 major, 1 captain, 5 subalterns, 9 serjeants, 1 musician, 85 rank and file, wounded ; 1 subaltern, 2 rank and file, missing. Sist regiment \ — 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 12 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 5 tnhiilterns, 1 Serjeant, 63 rank and file, wounded; 19 rank and file, inis-iing. SSd regiment; — 2 Serjeants, 34 rank and file, killed; 1 colonel, 2 captains, 4 subalterns, 9 seijeants, 1 musician, 73 lank and file, wiiuiided ; 3 subalterns, 2 serjeants, 12 rank and file, missing. 23d regiment ; — f major, 2 serjeants, 7 rank and file, killed ; f cap tain, 6 subiilterns, 1 seijeant, 44 rank and file, wounded; 3 serjeants, 24 rank and file, mi^'in^;. 25'A regiment; — 1 captain, t subaltern, 26 rank and file, killed ; 1 major, 1 adjutatit, 1 quarter-master, 1 subaltern, 6 serjeants, 56 rank and file, wounded ; 1 serjeant, 14 rank and file, missing. Canadian voluntceis; — 1 rank and file, killed; 2 rank and file, wounded ; 8 rank and file, missing. Pennsylvania regimint; — 1 adjutant, 1 serjeant, 9 rank and file,.. killed; 1 ln^jor, 1 quarter-master, 1 subaltern, 21 rank and file, wounded ; 1 captain, missing. New York mitili'i; — 1 captain, 3 rank and file, killed; 1 llentenant- colonel, 1 subaltern, S serjeants, 10 rank and file, wounded; 1 subal tern, missini;. Tolal — Killed, 1 major, 5 captain*, 1 adjutant, 4 subalterns, 10 serjeants, 150 rank and file. Wounded, 1 major-general, 1 brigadier-general, U aides de camp, 1 brigade-major, 1 coloJiel, I lieutenant-colonel, 4 majors, 7 captains, 1 adjutant, I pay master, 3 quarter-iii:isters, 32 subalterns, 36 Serjeants, S musi cians, 478 rank ar.d file. Missing, 1 brigade-major, 1 captaiu, .6 subalterns, 9 serjeants, 93 rank and file. APPENDIX. 449 No. J54. From lieutenant Conkling to captain Kennedy. Fort-George, Upper Canada, Sik, Aug. 16, 1814. With extreme regret I have to make known to you the cir cumstances attending the capture of the Ohio and Somers. On the night of fhe 12th, between the hours of 11 and 12, the boats were seen a short distance a-head of the Somers, and were hailed from that vessel: fhey answered "provision- boats," which deceived the officer of the deck, as our army. boats had been in the habit of passing and repassing throughout the night, and enabled them to drift athwart his hawse, and cut his cables J at the same time pouring in a heavy fire, before he discovered who they were. Instantaneously they were along. side of me, and notwithstanding my exertions, aided by Mr. M'Cally, acting sailing-master, (who was soOn disabled,) I was unable to repulse them, but for a moment. I maintained the quarter-deck until my sword fell, in consequence of a shot in the shoulder, , and nearly all on deck either wounded or sur. rounded with bayonets. As their force was an overwhelming one, I thought farther resistance vain, apd gave up the vessel, with the satisfaction of having performed my duty, antl defended my vessel to the last. List of killed and wounded. Olao; — Killed, 1 ; wounded, 6. Somers; — Wounded, 2. The enemy's loss in killed and wounded is much more consi. derable ; among the killed is the commanding officer of the Netley, (lying here,) captain Ratcliffe ; he fell in attempting to come over my quarter. Notwithstanding the number of muskets and pistols which were fired, and the bustle inseparable from enterprises of the kind, neither the fort nor the Porcupine attempted to fire, as we drifted past them ; nor did we receive a shot until past Black Rock, though they might have destroyed us with ease. Respectfully, your obedient servant, A. M. CONKLING, We expect to be sent to Montreal, and perhaps to Quebec directly, Edward P. Kennedy, esq. coramanding the United States naval force on Lake Erie, VOL, II. G G 450 APPENDIXi No. 35. Frotn lieutenant general Drummond to sir George Prevost. Sir, Camp before Fort.Erie, August 15, 1814, Having reason to believe that a sufficient impression had been produced on the works of the eneray's fort, by the fire of the battery which I had opened on it on the morning of the 13th, and by which the stone building was much injured, and the general outline of the parapet and embrazures very much altered, I was determined on assaulting the place; and accordingly raade fhe necessary arrangeraents for attacking it, by a heavy column directed to the entrenchments on the side of Snak-hill, and by two columns to advance frora the battery, and assault the fort and entrenchments on this side. The troops destined to attack by Snake-hill, (which con sisted of the king's regiment and that of De Watteville's, with the flank companies of the 89th and 100th regiments, under lieutenant.colonel Fischer, of the regiment of De Watteville,) marched at four o'clock yesterday afternoon, in order to gain the vicinity of the point of attack in sufficient time. It is with the deepest regret I have to report fhe failure of both attacks, which were raade two hours before day.light this morning. A copy of lieutenant.colonel Fischer's report, here. with enclosed, will enable your excellency to form a tolerable correct judgment of the cause of the failure of that attack; had the head of the column, which had entered the place with. out difficulty or opposition, been supported, the enemy must have fled from his works, (which were all taken, as was con. templated in the instructions, in reverse,) or have surrendered. The attack on the fort and entrenchments leading from it to fhe lake, was made at thesame moment by two columns, one under lieutenant.colonel Druraraond, 104th regiraent, consisting of the flank companies 41st and 104th regiments, and a body of seamen and marines, under captain Dobbs, of the royal navy, on the fort ; the other under colonel Scott, 103d, con. sisting of the lG3d regiment, supported by two companies of the royals,' was destined to attack fhe entrenchments. These columns advanced to the attack as soon as the firing upon colonel Fischer's column was hoard, and succeeded after a di'sperate resistanci?, in making a lodgement in the fort through the embrazures of the demi-bastion, the guns of which tbey had actually turned against iho enemy, who still maintained the stone building, wlien, most iinfortuiiafely, some ammunition, which had been i)laeed under the platform, caught fire from the firing of the guns in the rear, and a most freitieiidous explosion followed, hy which almost all fhe troops which had entered APPENDIX. 451 the place were dreadfully mangled. Panic was instantly com. igunicated to the troops, who could not bc persuaded that the explosion was accidental, and the eneiny, at the same time, pressing forward, and commencing a heavy fire of musketry, the fort was abandoned, and our troops retreated towards the battery, I immediately pushed out the 1st battalion royals, to support and cover fhe retreat, a service which that valuable corps executed with great steadiness. Our loss has beeu severe in killed and wounded: and I .am sorry to add that almost all thoso returned "missing," may be considered as wounded or killed by the explosion, and left iri the hands of the enemy. The failure of these most important attacks has been occa sioned by circumstances which may be considered as almost justifying the momentary panic which they produced, and which introduced a degree of confusion into the columns which, in the darkness of the night, the utmost exertions of the officers were ineffectual in reraoving. The officers appear invariably to have behaved with the raost perfect coolness and bravery; nor could any thing exceed the steadiness and order with which the advance of lieutenant- colonel Fischer's brigade was raade, until emerging from a thick wood, it found itself suddenly stopped by an abattis, and within a heavy fire of musketry and guns from behind a for-, midable entrenchment. With regard to the cenfre and left columns, under colonel Scoft and lieutenant-colonel Drummond, the persevering gallantry of buth officers and men, unfil the unfortunate explosion, could notba surpassed. Colonel Scott, 103d, and lieutenant-colonel Druraraond, 104th regiments^ who commanded the centre and left attacks, were unfortu. nately killed, and your excellency vvill perceive that almost every officer of those columns waS cither killed or wounded by the enemy's fire, or by the explosion. My'thanks are due to the under mentioned officers ; viz. to lieutenant-colouol Fischer, who commanded the right attack ;' to major Coore, aide de camp to your excellency, who accom. panied that column ; raajor Evans, of the king's, commanding the advance; major Villatic, Do Watteville's; captain Basden, light company 89th ; lieutenant Murray, light company 100th; 1 also beg to add tho name of captaiii Powell, of the Glengarry light infantry, employed on the staff as deputy-assistant in the quarter-mastcr-geiurai's department, wlio conducted lieutonant- colonel Fischer's column, and first entered the enemj's entrench. ments, and by his coolness and gallantry particularly distin guished himself; major Villattc, of De Watteville's regiment; who led the column of attack and en'ered the entrenchments i as did lit'iitenaiit Yuiing oi tbe king's, regiment, ivith about 5t> 452 APPENDIX, men of the light companies of the king's and Dc Watteville's regiments : captain Powell reports that serjeant Powell, of the 19th dragoons, who was perfectly acquainted with the ground, volunteered to act as a guide, and precceded the leading sub division in fhe most intrepid style. In fhe cenfre and left columns, the exertions of major Smelt, 103d regiment, who succeeded to the command of the left column, on the death of colonel Scott; captains Leonard and Shore, of the 104fh flank companies ; captains Glew, Bullock, and O'Keefe, 41st flank companies ; captain Dobbs, royal navy, commanding a party of volunteer seamen and marines, are entitled to my acknow ledgments (they are all wounded). Nor can I omit mentioning, in the strongest terms of approbation, the active, zealous, and useful exertions of captain Eliot, of fhe 103d regiment, de puty assisfant-quarter-masfer-general, who was unfortunately wounded and taken prisoner ; and captain Barney, of the 89th regiment, who had volunteered his services as a temporary assist. ant in the engineer department, and conducted the centre column to the attack, in which he received two dangerous wounds. To major Phillot, commanding the royal artillery, and cap tain Sabine, who commanded the battery as well as fhe field. guns, and to the officers and raen of that valuable branch of the service, serving under them, I have to express my entire approbation of their skill and exertions. Lieutenant Charlton, royal artillery, entered the fort wifh the centre column, fired several rounds upon fhe enemy from his own guns, and was wounded by the explosion. The ability and exertions of lieu. tenant Philpot, royal engineers, and the officers and men of that department, claim my best acknowledgments. To lieutenant-colonel Tucker, who commanded the reserve, and to lieufcnauf.colonel Pearson, inspecting field. officer, and lieutenant-colonel Battersby, Glengarry light infantry, and captain Walker, incorporated militia, I am greatly indebted for their active and unremitted attention to the security of the out.posts. To the deputy adjutant.general, and deputy quarfer.master. general, lieutenant-colonel Harvey, and lieutenant-colonel Myers, and to the officers of their departments, respectively, as well as to captain Foster, my military secretary, and the officers of my personal staff, I am under the greatest obliga. tions for the assistance tbey have afforded me. My acknow. ledgraents are due to captain D'Alson, of, the 90th regiment, brigade-major to the right division, and to lieutenant-colonel Nichol, quarter-master.general of militia, the exertions of deputy commissioner.general Turquand, and the officers of that department, for the supply of the troops; and the care and attention of staff.surgeon O'Maly, and the medical officers APPENDIX. 463 of the division, to the sick and wounded, also claim my thanks. I have the honor to be, &c. GORDON DRUMMOND, lieutenant.general. His excellency sir George Prevost, bart. &c. No, 36, From lieutenant-Colonel Fischer to lieutenant-general sir Gordon Drummond. Siu, Camp, August 15, 1814, I have the honour to report to you, for the imformation of lieutenant-general Drummond, that, in compliance with the instructions I received, the brigade under my command, con. sisting of the Sth and De Watteville's regiment, the light companies of the 89th and 100th, with a detachment of artillery, attacked this morning, at 2 o'clock, the position of the enemy on Snake.hill, and, to my great concern, ' failed in its attempt. The flank companies of the brigade, who were formed under the orders of major Evans, of the king's regiment, for the purpose of turning the position between Snake.hill and the lake, met with a, check at the abattis, which was found im penetrable, and was prevented by it to support major De Villatte, of De Watteville's, and captain Powell of the quar. ter-master.general's department, who, actually with a few men, had turned the enemy's battery. The column of support, consisting of the remainder of De Watteville's and the king's regiment, forming the reserve, in msrching too near the lake, found themselves entangled be tween the rocks and the water, and, by the retreat of the flank companies, were thrown into such confusion, as to render it impossible to give them any kind of formation during the dark ness of the night, at which time they were exposed to a most galling fire of the enemy's battery, and the numerous parties in the abattis ; and I am perfectly convinced that the great num ber of missing, are men killed or severely wounded, at that time, when it was impossible to give them any assistance. After day.break' the troops forraed, and retired to the camp. J enclose a return of casualties. J. FISCHER, Lieutenant.colonel De Watteville's regt. 454 APPENDIX, No. 37. Return of killed, wounded, and missing, of the right division, in ihe assault of Fort-Erie, the Ibih of AuguU, 1814. Killed — Royal arlillcry ; — 1 rank and file. Royal marine artilleiy ; — 1 rank and file. ist, cr royal Scots ; 1 captain. 8//i, or king's o-wn; — 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 15 rank and file. &9th light compiiny ; — 1 rank and (ilo. \03d regiment ; — 1 lieuteniint-cnlonel. 104(/! regiment ; — 1 lieutenantrolonol. Watteville's regimeni ; — 1 drummer, 33 rank and file. Wounded — Geneml staff; — 1 deputy-assistant-quarter-master- general, Royal artdkry ; — 1 rank and file. Royal nary; — 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 inaster, IS seamen. Royal marines ; — 10 rank and file. \st, or royal Scots; — 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 16 rank and file. Sth, or kins^'s ozcn ; — I lieutenant, 14 rank nr.d file. 4ilst flank companies; — 2 captains, 1 lieutenant, 1 eii.sign, 2 seijeants, 33 rank and file. 89iA Ught company; — 1 captain, 1 rank and file. lOli/A Ught company ; — 2 rank and file. lOSd re<.iment; — 1 m.ijor, 2 captains, 6 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 10 serjeant'^, 1 drummer, 120 r.iiik and file. 104//( regiment; — 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 seijeants, 2 drummers, 23 rank and file. Watteville's regiment; — 1 seijeant, 26 rank and file. Glengarry light infantry ; — 1 rank and file. Missing — Oen end staff; — 1 deputy-assistant- qutirter-master-gencral. Royal artillery; — 2~ruiik and file. Rot/nl navy ; — 1 midshipman, 7 seamen. , Royal murines ; — H Serjeants, 11 rank and file. 1st, or royul S< ots; — 49 rar:k and file. Sth, or king's oan; — 1 serjeant, 15 rank and file. 4 ist flank companies ; — 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 3 Serjeants, SI rank and file. S9th Ui^ht compony : — .9 rank and file. \00th light coi;.puny — 1 licuiennnt, 2 Serjeants, 6 rank and file. l(.:3;l regiment; I captain, 1 lic-ntcnant, 1 ensign, 1 adjutant, 30 seijeants, 3 drumnicis, 240 rani, and file. The number returned mis^ini', the greater part supposed killed by the explosion of a magazine. i04lh regiment; 1 serjeant, 23 rank and file. Watteville's regiaient -. — X serjeant, 82 rank and file. Incorporated milit iu; — 1 rank and file. Tcttil — Killed; — 2 lieutenant-colonels, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant 1 ser jeant, I Drumiuer, 51 rank and file, APPENDIX. 455 Wounded; — 1 deputy-assistant-quarter-master-gcneral, 1 major, 8 captains, 11 lieutenants, 2ensigns, 1 master, ISseamen, 20 ser. jeants, 3 drummers, 250 rank and file. Missing; — 1 deputy-assistantquarter-master-general, 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 midshipman, 1 adjutant, 7 seamen, 41 Serjeants, 3 drummers, 4T9 rank and file. Naraes of officers, killed, wounded, and raissing. Killed — Is/, or royal Scots; — Captain Torrens. Sth regiment; — Lieutenant Noel. 103d regiment ; — Colonel Scott. lOith regiment; — Lieutenant-colonel Drummond. .Wounded— General staff"; — Captain Powell, deputy-assistant-quartcr- master-general, slight contusion. Royal navy ; — Captain Dobbs, lieutenant Stevenson, slightly; Mr. Harris, master, severelv. Isf, 0/' rqyaZ ScoiJ;— Captain Rowan severely ; lieutenant Vaughan, slightly. Sth regiment ; — Lieutenant Young, slightly. 4\st flank companies; — Captains Glew and Bullock, severely ; lieute nant Hailes, slightly ; ensign Townshend, severely. 89th regiment ; — Captain Barney, severely. 100(/j regiment; — Volunteer Fraser, severely. 103d regiment; — Major Smolt, severely; captain Gardiner, severely ; captain Coleclough, severely, and prisoner ; lieutenant Fallon, be- verely ; lieutenant Charlton, severely, and prisoner; lieutenant Coppage, jun. dangerously; lieutenant Meagher, slightly; lieute nants Burrows and Hazin, severely; ensign Nash, severely. 104th flank companies ; — Captain Leonard, iieutenant M'Laugblan, severely , Missing — General staff; — Captain Elliot, deputy-assistaiit-quarter- master-gcneral. Royal Navy; — Mr. Hyde, midshipman. 4\ st flunk companies ; — Lieutenant Garner, ensign Hall. 100 at the fort, I had only a disposable force of 140 to meet thera, which I determined to do, in order as much as possible to encourage the Indians, and having the fullest confidence in the little detachment of the Newfoundland regiment. The position I took up was excellent, but at an unavoidable and too great a distance from the forts, in each of which I was only able to leave 25 militiamen. There were likewise roads upon my flanks, every inch of which was known to the enemy, by means of the people formerly residents of this island, which were with them. 1 could not afford to detach a man to guard thein. My position was rather too extensive for such a handful of men. The ground was commanding, and, in front, clear as I could wish it. On both our flanks and rear, a thick wood. My utmost wi>ih was, that the Indians would only prevent t'ue enemy from gaining the woods upon : I'lUKi, 18 guns: Broke, 10 gnns; Shannon, iOginis; 12 i;un- boats, lo^uiis. APPENDIX, 46, steering for Plattsburg Bay. I immediately ordered that part of the brigade under major-general Robinson, which had been brought forward, consisting of our light infantry companies, third battalion 27th and 76th regiments, and major.general Power's brigade, consisting of the third, fifth, and the first bat talion of the 27fh and 58th regiments, to force the fords of the Saranac, and advance, provided with scaling-ladders, to escalade the enemy's works upon theheights; this force was placed under the command of major-general Robinson. The batteries opened their fire the instant the ships engaged. It is now with deep concern I inform your lordship, that not. withstanding the intrepid valor with which captain Downie led his flotilla into action, roy raost sanguinary hopes of com. plete success were, not long afterwards, blasted, by a com. bination, as appeared to us, of unfortunate events, to which naval warfare is peculiarly exposed Scarcely had his majesty's troops forced a passage across the Saranac, and ascended the height on which stand the eneray's works, when I had the extrerae raortiflcation to hear the shout of victory from the enemy's works, in consetjuence of the British flag being lowered on board the Conflance and Linnet, and to see our gun. boats seeking their safety in flight. This unlooked.for event de prived me of the co.operation of the fleet, without which the further prosecution of tho service was become impracticable, I did not hesitate .to arrest the course of the troops advancing to. the atfack, because the raost complete success would havebeen unavailing, and the possession of the eneray's works offered no advantage to corapensate for the loss we must have sustained in acquiring possession of them. I have ordered the batteries to be dismantled, the guns with. drawn, and the baggage, with tho wounded men who can be removed, to be sont to the rear, in order fhat the troops may return to Chazy to-morrow, and on the following day to Champlain, where I propose to halt until I have ascertained the use the enemy propose making of the naval ascendancy they have acquired on Lake Champlain. I have the honor to transmit herewith returns of the loss , sustained by the left division of this army in its advance tj Plattsburg, and in forcing a passage across the river Saranac. * I have the the honor, &c. GEORGE PilEVOST. Earl Bathurst, &c. 464 APPENDIX. No. 43. Return of killed, wounded, and missing, of the left division, under the command of major-general De Rottenburg, in action with the enemy from the 6th to ihe 14th of September, inclusive. General staff ; — 1 general staff, wounded. 19th light dragoons ; 1 rank and file, 2 horses, wounded ; 5 rank and file, 6 horses, missing. Royal artillery; 1 serjeant, 1 rank and file, 1 horse, killed ; 3 rank and .file, wounded. 3d foot; — 1 captain, I ensign, killed; 4 lieutenants,! serjeant, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 2 rank and file missing. bth foot ; — 1 rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file, wounded. 8th foot. Sd battalion ; — 1 rank and file, wounded. 13th fool ;— 2 rank and file, wounded. Sith foot, Isl battalion ; — 3 rank and file, killed ; 1 serjeant, 13 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing. Slih foot, 3d battalion; — 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file, killed; 3 ser jeants, 1 1 rank and file, wounded ; 4 rank and file, missing. 49th foot ; — 3 rank and file, wounded, bSthfout ; 4 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 serjeant, 29 rank and file, wounded. 76th foot ; — 1 captain, 1 Serjeant, 10 rank and file, killed : 3 rank and file, wounded; 3 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 20 rank and file, missing. 88th foot ; — 9 rank and file, wounded. De Meuron's regiment; — I serjeant, 5 rank and file, killed ; I serjeant, 14 rank and file, wounded ; 9 rank and file, missing. Canadian chasseurs ;— 4 rank and file, killed; 10 rank and file, wound ed ; 1 lieutenant, 7 rank and file, missing. ¦39th foot ; — 1 rank and file, wounded. Total;— 2 captains, 1 ensign, 4 serjeants, 30 rank and file, 1 horse, killed ; 1 general staff, 1 captain, 6 lieutenants, T ser jeants, 135 rank and file, 2 horses, wounded; 4 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 48 rank and file, 6 horses, missing. Names of officers, killed, wounded, and missing. Killed— Sdfoot ; — Captain (brevet lieutenant-colonel) I. Willington, ensign J. Chapman. 76th foot ; — Captain J. Purchase. Wounded— General staff ;— Captain T. Crosse, aide de camp to ma- jor-general De Rottenburg, slightly. 3d foot ;— Lieutenant R. Kingsbury, severely; (since dead ;) lifeute- iiaiit J. West, severely ; lieutenants G. Benson, and J. Ilorne, slightly, 58(A /ooi ;— Captain L. Westropp, severely; lieutenant C. Brokier, slightly; lieutenant and adjutant ¦ Lewis, slightly. Missing— 76th foot;— L\euten;\nts G. Hutch, G. Ogilvie, aod E. Mnrcbington. Canadian chasseurs; — Lieutenant E. Vigneau. EDWARD B.\YNES, Adjutant-scncral North America. APPENDIX. 46& No. 44. From sir James l/ucas Yeo to Mr. Croker, H. M. S. St. Lawrence, Kingston, Sir, September 24, 1814. I have the honor to transmit, for the information of the lords commissioners of the admiralty, a copy of a letter from captain Pring, late commander of his majesty's brig Linnet. It appears to me, and I have good reason to believe, that captain Downie was urged, and his ship hurried into action, before she was in a fit state to meet the enemy. I am also of opinion, that there was not the least necessity for our squadron giving the eneray such decided advantages, by going into their bay to engage them. Even had. they been successful, it would not in the least have assisted the troops in storming the batteries ; whereas, had our troops taken their batteries first, it would have obliged the enemy's squadron to quit the bay, and give ours a fair chance. I have the honor, to be, &c. JAMES LUCAS YEO, Commmodore ^nd commander in chief. J, W, Croker, esq. &c. &c, &c. No. 45. From major-general Macombe to ihe American secretary at war. Sir, Plattsburg, Sept, 15, 1814, The governor.general of the Canadas, sir George Prevost, having collected all the disposable force in Lower Canada, with a view of conquering the country as far as Crown Point, and Ticonderago, entered the territories of the United States on the 1st ofthe month, and occupied the village of Champlain: there he avowed his intentions, and issued orders and proclama. tioiis, tending to dissuade the people from their allegiance, and inviting thera to furnish his army with provisions. He immedi ately began to impress the waggons and .earns in the vicinity^ and loatied them with his heavy baggage and stores. From thi^ 1 was persuaded he intended to attack this place. 1 had but just returned from the lines, whore I had commanded a fine brigade, which was broken up to form the division under major.general Izard, and ordered to the westvvard, fteiug Vol,. II H H 46B APPENDIX, senior officer, he left me in command ; .ind, except the four companies of the 6th regiment. I had not an organized batta. lion among those remaining. The garrison was composed of convalescents and recruits of the new regiments, all in the greatest confusion, as well as the ordnance and stores, and the works in no state of defence. To create an emulation and zeal among the officers and men in completing theworks, I divided them into detachments, and placed them near the several forts ; declaring in orders, that each detachment was the garrison of Its own work, and bound to defend it to the last extremity. The enemy advanced cautiously and by short marches, and our soldiers worked day and night, so that by the time he raade his appearance before the place we were prepared to receive him. General Izard ni-imed the principal work Fort-Moreau ; and, to reraind flie troops of the actions of their brave countrymen, I called the redoubt on the right Fort-Brown, and fhat on the left Fort.Scott. Besides these three works, we had two block. houses strongly fortified. Finding, on examining the returns of the garrison, that our force did not exceed 1600 effective men for duty, and well informed that the enemy had as many thousands, I called on general Mooers, of the New York militia, and arranged with him plans for bringing forth the militia en masse. The inhabitants of the village fled with their families and effects, except a few worthy citizens and some boys, who formed themselves info a party, received rifles, and were exceedingly useful. By the 4th of the month, general Mooers collected about 700 militia, and advanced seven railes on the Beckman.town road, to watch the raotions of the enemy, and to skirmish with him as he advanced; also to obstruct the roads with fallen trees, and to break up the bridges. On the lake. road, at Dead creek bridge, I posted 200 men, under captain Sproul, of the 13th regiment, with orders to abattis the woods, to place obstructions in the road, and to fortify hiraself : to this party I added two field. pieces. In advance of that posi. tion was lieutenant-colonel Appling, with 1 10 riflemen, watch ing the movements of the enemy, and procuring intelligence. It was ascertained, that before day-light on the 6th, the enemy ¦would advance in two columns, on the two roads before men tioned, dividing at Sampson's a little below Chazy village. The column on the Beckman-town road proceeded most rapidly ; the militia skirmished with his advanced parties, and except a iDw brave men, fell back most precipitately in the greatest disorder, notwithstanding the British troops did not deign fo fire on them, except by their flankers and advanced patroles. The night previous, 1 ordered major Wool to advance with a detachlnent of 250 men to support the militia, and set them an example of firmness ; also captain Leouard, of fhe ligUt-artiU APPENDIX, 467 lery, was directed to proceed with two pieces fo be on the ground before day; yet he did not make his appearance until eight o'clock, when the enemy had approached within two miles of the village. With his conduct, therefore, I am not well pleased. Major Wool, with his party, disputed the road with great obstinacy, but the militia could not be prevailed on to stand, notwithstanding the exertions of their general and staff-officers; although tlie fields were divided by strong stone walls, and they were told that the enemy could not possibly cut them off. The state dragoons of New York wear red coats ; and they being on the heights to watch the enemy, gave constant alarm to the militia, who mistook them for the euemy, and feared his getting in their rear Finding the enemy's columns had penetrated within a mile of Plattsburg, I despatched my aidede camp, lieutenant Root, to bring off the detachment at Dead creek, and to inform lieute. naHt-colonel Appling that I wished him to fall on the enemy's right flank. The colonel fortunately arrived just in time to save his retreat, and to fall in with the head of a column de. bouching from the woods. Here he poured in a destructive fire from his riflemen at rest, and continued to annoy the enemy until he formed a junction with major Wool. The field. pieces did considerable execution among the enemy's columns. So undaunted, however, was the enemy, that he never deployed in his whole march, always pressing on in column. Finding that every road was full of troops, crowdin"- on us on all sides, I prderetl the field- pieces to retire across the bridge, and form a battery for its protection, and to cover the retreat of the infantry, which was accordingly done, and the parties of Appling and Wool, as well as that of Sproul, retired, alternately keeping up a brisk fire unfil they got under cover of the works. The enemy's light troops occupied the houses near the bridge, and kept up a constant firing from the windows and balconies, and annoyed us much. I oidered them to be driven ont with hotshot, which soon put the houses in flames, and obliged those sharp-shooters to retire. The whole day, unfil it was too late to see, the eiaeiny's light troops endeai. voured to drive our guards from the bridge, but they suffered dearly for their perseverance. An attempt was also made tp cross the upper bridge, where the railitia handsomely drove them back. The column which raarched by the lake-road was much impeded by the obstructions, and the removal of the bridge at Dead creek; and, as it passed the creek and beach, the gallies kept up a lively and galling fire. Our troops being now all on the south side of the Saranac, I directed the planks to be taken off the bridges and piled up in the form of breast. works, to cover our parties intended for disputing the passage, ii II 2 468 APPENDIX. which afterwards enabled ns to hold the bridges against very superior nurabers. From the 7th to the 14th, the enemy was employed in getting on his battering-train, and erecting his batteries and approaches, and constantly skirmishing at the bridges and fords. By this time the militia of New York and the volunteers of Vermont were pouring in from all quarters, I advised general Mooers to keep his force along the Saranac to prevent the enemy's crossing the river, and to send a strong body in his rear to harass him day and night, and keep him in continual alarm. The militia behaved with great spirit after the first day, and the volunteers of Vermont were exceedingly serviceable. Our regular troops, notwithstanding the constant skirmishing, and repeated endeavours of the enemy to cross the river, kept at their work day and night, strengthening the defences, and evinced a determination to hold out to the last extremity. It was reported that the enemy only waited the arrival of his flotilla to make a general attack. About eight in the morning of the llth, as was expected, the flotilla appeared in sight round Cumberland Head, and at nine bore down and engaged at anchor in the bay off fhe fown. At the same instant the batteries were opened on ns, and continued throwing bomb- shells, shrapnells, balls, and Congreve rockets, until sun.set, when the bombardment ceased, every battery of thCj enemy being silenced by the superiority of onr fire. The naval en. gageraent lasted but two hours, in full view of both armies. Three efforts were made by fhe enemy to pass fhe river at the commencement of the cannonade and bombardment, with a view of assaulting the works, and they had prepared for fhat purpose an immense number of scaling.ladders. One attempt to cross was made at the village bridge, another at the upper bridge, and a third at a ford about three miles from the works. At th& two first he was repulsed by the regulars — at the ford by the brave volunteers and militia, where he suffered severely in killed, wounded, and prisoners : a considerable body crossed the stream, but were either killed, taken, or driven back. The woods at this jilace were very favorable to the operations of the militia. A whole company of the 76th regiment was here destroyed, t' e three lieutenants and 27 men prisoners, the captain and the rest killed. I cannot forego the pleasure of here stating the gallant conduct of captain M'Glassin, of the 15th regiment, who was ordered to ford the river, and attack a party constFuctinga battery on the right of the enemy's line, within 500 yards of Fort-Brown, which he handsomely executed at midnight, with 50 men ; drove off the working party, consisting of 150, and defeated a covering parfy ofthe sarae number, killing one officer and six raen in the charge, and wounding many. At dusk the enemy withdrew his artillery APPENDIX. 469 from the batteries, and raised the siege ; and at nine, under cover of the night, sent off, in a great hurry, all the baggage he could find transport for, and also his artillery. At two the next morning the whole army precipitately retreated, leaving the sick and wounded to our generosity ; and the governor left a note with a surgeon, requesting the humane attention of the commanding-general. Vast quantities of provision were left behind and destroyed; also an immense quantity of bomb-shells, cannon-balls, grape- shot, aramunition, flints, &c. entrenching tools of all sorts, also tents and marquees, A great deal has been found con cealed in ponds and creeks, and buried in the ground, and a vast quantity carried off by the inhabitants. Such was the precipi tance of his retreat, that he arrived at Chazy, a distance of eight miles, before we discovered he had gone. The light troops, volunteers, and militia, pursued immediately ou learn ing of his flight, and some of the mounted men made prisoners tive dragoons of the 19th regiment, and several others of the rear.guard. A continual fall of rain and a violent storm pre. vented further pursuit. Upwards of 300 deserters have come in, and many are hourly arriving. We have buried the British officers of the army and navy with the honors of war, and shewn every attention and kindness to those who have fallen into our hands. The conduct of the officers, non.commissioned officers, and soldiers of my comraand, duriug the trying occa. sion, cannot be represented iu too high terms. ALEX. MACOMB. The loss of the enemy in killed, wounded, prisoners, and deserters, since his first appearance, cannot fall short of 2500, Hon. I. Armstrong, No. 46. From major-general De Watteville, to lieutenant-general Drummond. Camp before Fort.Erie, Sir, Sept. 19, 1814. I have the honor to report io yon, that the enemy attacked, on the 17th in the afternoon at three o'clock, our position before Fort-Erie, the 2d brigade, under colonel Fischer, com. posed of the Sth and de Watteville's regiments, being on duty. Under cover of a heavy fire of his artillery from Fort.Erie, and much favored by the nature of the ground, and also by the State of the weather, the rain falling in torrents at the moment ofhis approach, the enemy succeeded in turning the right of 470 APPENDIX. our line of piquets, without being perceived, and with a very considerable force, attacked both tbe piquets and support, in their flank and rear ; at the same time, another of the enemy's columns attacked, in front, the piquets between No. 2 and No, 3 batteries, and, having succeeded in penetrating by No. 4 piquet, part of his force turned to his left, and thereby sur. rounded our right, and got alraost immediate possession of No. 3 battery. The enemy then directed his attacks, with a very superior force, towards No. 2 battery ; but the obstinate resistance made by the piquets, under every possible disadvan. tage, delayed considerably his getting possession of No. 2 bat tery ; in which, however, he at last succeeded. As soon as the alarm was given, the 1st brigade, being next for support, composed of the royal Scots, the 82d and 89th regiments, under lieutenant-colonel Gordon, received orders to march forward; and also the light demi.brigade under lieute. nant-colonel Pearson : the 6th regiment remaining in reserve, under lieutenant.colonel Campbell. From the Concession. road, the royal Scots, with the 89th as support, moved by the new road, and met the enemy near the block.house, on the right of No. 3 battery ; whom they engaged, and, by their steady and intrepid conduct, checked his further progress. The 82d regiment, and three corapanies of the 6th regiment. Were detached to the left, in order to support Nos. 1 aod 2 batteries. The enemy having, at fhat tipie, possession of No. 2 battery, and still pushing forward, seven companies of the 82d, under major Proctor, and the three companies of the 6th, under major Taylor, received directions to oppose the eneray's forces, and immediatrly charged them with tha most intredid bravery, driving them back across our entrenchments ; and also from No. 2 battery, thereby preventing their destroying it, or da. maging its guns in a considerable degree. Lieutenant-colonel Pearson, with the Glengarry light infantry, under lieutenant. colonel Battersby, pushed forward by the cenfie-road, and attacked, and carried, with great gallantry, the new entrench. ment, then in fnll possession of the enemy. The enemy, being thus repulsed at every point, was forced to retire with precipitation to their works, leaving several prisoners, and a number pf their wounded in our hands. By five o'clock the entrenchments were again occupied, and the line of piquets established, ai it had been previous to the enemy's attack. I have the honor to enclose a return of casualties, and the 1-eport of the officer commanding the royal artillery, respecting the damage done to the ordnance and the batteries, during the time they were in the enemy's possession. I have the honor to be, &c. L. DE WATTEVILLE, major.gen, peut-rgeneral Drummond, ^c, APPENDIX. 471 No. 47. Return of casualties ofthe right division ofthe army, in actio.n with the enemy ; camp before Forf-.Erie, Sept. 17, 1814. Royal artillery ; — 9 rank and file, missing. Additional gunners, De Watteville's regiment; — 1 rank and file, wounded ; 10 rank and file, missing, 1st, or royal Scots; — 8 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 30 rank and file, wounded; 2 serjeants, 15 rank and file, missing. 6th foot; — 1 captain, 1 serjeant, 13 rank and filei, killed; 1 lieute. nant, 1 serjeant, 25 rank and file, wounded ; 1 serjeant, 10 rank and file, missing. 8lhfoot ; — 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 12 rank and file, killed; 1 lieute. nant, 12 rank and file, wounded ; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 8 Serjeants, 63 rank and file, missing. 82dfoot ; — 2 Serjeants, 10 rank and file, killed ; 5 captains, 4 lieu tenants, 1 ensign, 5 serjeants, 33 rank and file, wounded; 8 rank and file, missing. 89th foot ; — 1 rank and file, killed ; 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file, wounded ; 1 serjeant, 19 rank and file, missing. De Watteville's regiment ; — 1 lieutenant, 3 serjeants, 58 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 captain, 3 lieutenants, 4 serjeants, 1 drummer, 26 rank and file, wounded ; 2 majors, 3 captains, 2 lieute. nants, 1 adjutant, 1 assistant-surgeon, 9 serjeants, 2 drummers, 146 rank and file, missing. Glengarry light infantry; — 3 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, 18 rank and file, wounded. . Grand total — 1 captain, 9 lieutenants, 7 seijeants, 105 rauk and file, killed; 3 lieutenant-colonels, 3 captains, 10 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 13 Serjeants, 1 drummer, 147 rank and file, wounded ; 2 majors, 4 cap. tains, 3 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 1 adjutant, 1 assistant-surgeon, 21 ser. jeants, 2 drummers, 280 rank and file, missing. Names of officers. Killed. 6th fo9t ;— Captain R. D. Patterson. 8th foot ; — Lieutenant Barston. De Watteville's regiment ; — Lieutenant Pelliehody. Wounded. Royal Scois;— Lieutenant-colonel J. Gordon, severely; lieutenant G, Ratledge-, since dead. 6th foot; — Lieutenant Andrews, severely. 8th foot; — Lieutenant Lowry, severely. 82dfoot; — Captain I. M. Wright, since dead; captain E.^Marshall, slightly ; lieutenant H. Pigott, W. Mason, and Robert LiTtbam, se. verely; lieutenant G. Harman, shghtly; ensign C. Langford, since dead. ¦ • De Watteville'i regimen* ;— Lieutenant-colonel Fischer, severely; 472 APPENDIX. captain Mittelholzer, severely ; lieutenant Gingins, severely; lieutenant Steiger, sliohtlv ; lieutenant La Pierre, severely. S^a^^-Lieiitenant-colonel Thomas Pearson, inspecting field-officer, severely. Missing— Sthfoot ;— Captain Bradbridge, lieutenant M'Nair, ensign Matthewson. De WattevilU^s regiment ;— Major De' Villatte, major Winter, wounded; captain Zehender, Hecken, and Steiger; lieutenant De Berry, lieutenant Hecken, wounded; adjutant Tbermet; assistant-sur geon Gorbea. ****** f******** No, 48. From lieutenant-colonel Pilkington to lieutenant-general sir John C, Sherbrooke. Moose Island, Passamaquaddy Bay, Sih, July 12, 1814. Having sailed from Halifax on the 5th instant, accorapanied by lieutenant-colonel Nicolls, of the royal engineers, and a de tachment of the royal artillery, under the command of captain Dunn, I have the honour to acquaint your excellency, that we arrived at Shelburne, the place of rendezvous, on the even. ing of the 7th instant, where 1 found captain SirThomas Hardy, in his majesty's ship Ramillies, with two transports, having on board the 102d regiment, under the comraand of lieutenant. colonel Herries, which had arrived the day before. 1 did not fail to lay before Sir Thomas Hardy my instructions, and to consult with him the best means of carrying them into exe cution. As we concurred in opinion that the success of the enterprise, ¦with which we were entrusted, would very materially depend upon our reaching the point of attack previous to the enemy being apprised of our intentions, that officer, with his asccus- tomed alacrity and decision, directed the ships of war and transports to get under weigh early on the following morning ; and we yesterday, about 3 o'clock P.M., anchored near to the town of Eastport. On our approach to this island, lieutenant Oats (your excel. lency's aide de ca' p, whom you had permitted to accompany me on this service) was detached in a boat, bearing a, flag of truce, with a summons, (copy of which is transmitted,) ad. dressed to the officer commanding, requiring that Moose Island should be surrendered to his Britannic majesty. This proposal was not accepted; in consequence of which, the troops, which were already in the boats, pulled off under the superintendance of captain Senhouse, of theroyalnavy, whose arrangeraents were so judicious, as to insure a successful issue. But, previous to APPENDIX. 473 reaching the shore, the colours of the enemy on Fort-Sullivan were hauled down : and on our landing, the capitulation was agreed to, of which the copy is inclosed. We found in fhe fort a detachment of the 40th regiment of American infantry, consisting of six officers and about 80 men, under the command of major Putman, who surrendered them. selves prisoners of war. This fort is situated on an eminence commanding the enfrance to the anchorage, and within it is a block.house, and also four long 18-pounders, one 18-pQund carronade, and four field. pieces. The extent of the island is about four miles in length and two in breadth, and in a great state of cultivation. The militia amount to about 250, and the population is calculated at 1500. We have also occupied Allen's and Frederick Island, so that the whole of the islands in this bay. are now subject to the British flag. It is very satisfactory to me to add, that this service has been effected, without any loss or casually among the troops em ployed in it. To captain sir Thomas Hardy, I consider myself underthe greatest obligations ; haviug experienced every possible co-ope. ration, with an offer to disembark, from his squadrom, any proportion of seamen or marines which I considered necessary. I beg to acknowledge my thanks to you in allowing your aide de camp, lieutenant Oats, to accompany me upon this service. He has been agreat assistant to me, and will have the honor of delivering this despatch. He has also in his possession the colours and standard found in Fort.Snllivan, I have the honor to be, &c, A, PILKINGTON, lieut.-col, Lieut.-general deputy.adjutant-general. Sir J, C. Sherbrook, K. B, No. 49. From captain Hardy, R. N., and lieutenant-colonel Pilkington, to the American commander at Moose Island. On board of his majesty's ship Ramillies, off Sie, Moose Islatid, July 11, 1814, As we are perfectly apprised of the weakness of the fort and garrison under your command, and your inability to defend Moose Island against the ships and troops of his Britannic majesty placed under our directions, we arc induced, from the huraane consideration of avoiding the effusion of blood, and from a re- 474 APPENDIX. gard to you and the inhabitants of the island, to prevent, if in our power, the distresses and calamities which will befall them io case of resistance. We, therefore, allow yon five minutes, from the time this suraraons is delivered, to decide upon an ^inswer. In the event of your not agreeing to capitulate on liberal terms, we shall deeply lament being corapelled to resort to those coercive measures, which may cause destruction to the town of Eastport, but which will ultimately assure us possession of the island. T. M. HARDY, captain of H.M.S Ramillies, A. PILKINGTON, lieut..col. coramanding. To the officers commanding the United States' troops on Moose Island. No. 50. From major Putman to captain Hardy, and lieutenant- colonel Pilkington. Gentlemen, Fort Sullivan, Jnlyll, 1814. Conformably to your demand, I have surrendered Fort-Sul. livan wifh all the public properfy. This I have done to stop the effusion of blood and in consideration of your superior forces. I am, gentlemen, i^c, P. PUTMAN, major, comraanding, P. S. I hope, gentlemen, every respect will be paid to the defenceless inhabitants of this island, and the private property of tho officers. P. P. ¦00 0000000^ 00000 No. 51, Articles of capitulation. Article I, The officers and troops of the United States, at present on Moose island, are to surrender themselves prisoners of war, and are to deliver up the forts, buildings, arms, ammu- nifion, stores, and effects, with exact inventories thereof, belonging to the American government; and they are thereby trunsferred to his Britannic majesty, in the same manner and possession, as has been held heretofore by the American government. Art. II. The garrison of the island shall be prisoners of war, until regularly exchanged ; they will march out of the APPENDIX. 475 fort with the honors of war, and pile their arms at such place as will be appointed for that purpose ; the officers will be per mitted to proceed to the United States on their parole. No, 52. Return of ordnance and stores found in Fort-Sullivan, surrendered to his majesty's forces under the command of lieutenant.colonel Pilkington, . Iron guns ; — four 18-pounders, with standing carriages, side arms ; two unserviceable 9-pounders, two 12-pounder carronades without carriages. Brass guns; — two serviceable and two unserviceable light S-pounders, witb travelling carriages, side arms, &c. Forty-two paper cartridges, filled with six pounds of powder, 5 flannel ditto, ditto; 3176 unserviceable musket-ball cartridges. Four hundred and fifty-two loose round 18-pounder shot; fifty-five 18-pounder grape shot, three hundred and eighty-nine loose round 6-poundcr, ninety-five 6-pounder case shot. Six barrels of horned powder, containing one hundred pounds each ; 100 muskets, with bayonets, belts, slings, and complete swords, with belts, scabbards, &c. Seventy-two incomplete tents, one United States' ensign. W. DUNN, capt. royal artillery company. No. 53. From lieutenant-general sir I, C. Sherbrooke to e,arl Bathurst. Castine at the entrance of the Penobscot, My Lord, Sept. 18, 1814. I have now the honor to inform your lordship, • that affer closing my despatch of the 25th uit. in which I mentioned my intention of proceeding to the Penobscot, rear-admiral Grif. fiths and myself lost no time in sailing from Halifax, with such a naval force as he deemed necessary, and the troops as per margin, (viz. 1st company of royal artillery, two rifle compa nies of the 7th battalion 60th regiraent, 29th, 62d, and 98th regiments,) to accompany the object we had in view. Very eariy in the morning of the SOth wo fell in with the Rifleman sloop of war, when captain Pearse informed us, that the United States' frigate, the Adams, had got into the Penob. scot, but from the apprehension of being attacked by our cruizers, if she remained at the entrance of the river, she bad 476 APPENDIX. run up as high as Hampden^ where she had landed her guns, and mounted them on shore for her protection. On leaving Halifax it was my original intention to have taken possession of Machias, on our way hither, but on receiving this intelligence, the admiral and myself were of opinion that no time should be lost in proceeding to our destination, and we arrived here very early on the morning of the 1st instant. The fort of Castine, which is situated upon a peninsula of the eastern side of the Penobscot, near the entrance of that river, was summoned a little after sun-rise, but the American officer refused to surrender it, and immediately opened a fire frora four 24. pounders upon a sraall schooner that had been sent with lieutenant-colonel Nichols (coramanding royal engi. neers) to reconnoitre the work. Arrangements were immediately made for disembarking the troops, but before a landing could be effected, the enemy blew up the magazine, and escaped up the Majetaquadous river, car rying offin the boats with them two field.picces. As we had no means of ascertaining what force the Ameri. cans had on this peninsula, I landed a detachraent of the royal artillery, with two rifle.companics of the 60th and 98th regi. ments, under colonel Douglas, in the rear of it, with orders to secure the isthmus, and to take possession of the heights which command the town ; but 1 soon learned there were no regulars at Castine, except the party which had blown up the magazine and escaped, and that the militia, which were assembled there, had dispersed imniediately upon our landing. Rear-adrairal Griffith and myself next turned our attention fo obtaining possession of the Adams, or if fhat could not be done, destroying her. The arrangement for this service having been made, the rear.admiral entrusted the execution of it to captain Barrie, royal navy, and as the co.operation of a land force was necessary, I directed lieutenant.colonel John, with a detachment of artillery, the flank companies of the 29th, 62d, and 98th regiments, and one rifle company of the 60th, to ac company and co.o perate with captain Barrie on this occasion; but as Hampden is 27 miles above Castine, it appeared to me a necessary measure of precaution first to occupy a post on the western bank, which might afford support, if necessary, to the force going up the river, and at the same time prevent the armed population, which is very nuraerous to the southward and to the westward, from annoying the British in their opera. tions against fhg Adams. Upon inquiry, I found that Belfast, which is upon the high road leading from Hampden to Boston, and which perfectly commands the bridge, was likely to answer both these pur poses, and I consequently directed major-general Gosselin to APPENDIX, 477 occupy that place with the 29th regiment, and maintain it till further orders. As soon as this was accomplished, and the tide served, rear- admiral Griffith directed captain Barrie to proceed to his desti. nation, and the remainder of the troops were landed that evening at Castine. Understanding that a strong parly of militia from the neigh. bouring township had assembled at about four miles from Cas tine, on the road leading to Blue-hill, I sent out a strong patrole on the morning of the 2d, before day-break; on arriv. ing at the place, I was informed that the militia of the county was assembled there on the alarn»*guiis being fired at the fort at Castincj upon our first appearance; but that the main body had since dispersed, and went to their respective homes. Some stragglers were however left, who fired upon our advanced guard, and then took to the woods ; a few of them were made prisoners. No intelligence having reached us from captain Barrie, on Saturday night, I marched with about 700 men and two light field.picces, upon Buckstown, at three o'clock, on Sunday morning, the 4th instant, for the pnrpose of learning what progress he had made, and of affording him assistance if required. This place is about 18 miles higher up the Ponob. scot than Castine, and on the eastern bank of the river. Rear- admiral Griffith accorapanied me on this occasion, and we had reason to believe that the light guns which had been taken from Castine were secreted in the neighbourhood of Buckstown. We threatened to destroy the town unless they were given up, and the two brass 3-pounders on travelling-carriages were in consequence brought to us in the course of the day, and are now in our possession. At Buckstown, we received very satisfactory accounts of the success which had attended the force employed up the river. We learned that captain Barrie had proceeded from Ifarapton up to Bangor ; and the admiral sent an officer in a boat from Buckstown to communicate with him : when, finding there was no necessity for the troops remaining longer at Buckstown, they marched back to Castine the next day. Having ascertained that the object of the expedition up the Penobseot had been obtained, it was no longer necessary for me to occupy Belfast. I, therefore, on the evening of the 6th, directed major.general Gosselin to embark the troops, and to join me here. Machias being the only place now remaining where the enemy had a post between the Penobscot and Passamaquaddy bay, I ordered lieutenant-colonel Pilkington to proceed with a detachment of royal artillery and the 29th regiment to occupy it; aud as naval assistance was required, rear.admiral Griffith 478 AtPENDI^t. directed captaia Parker, of the Tenedos, to Co.operate ¦Witi lieutenant.colonel Pilkington upon this occasion. On the morning of the 9th, captain Barrie, with lieutenant. colonel John, and the troops which had been employed with him up the Penobscot, returned to Castine. It seeras, the eneray blew up the Adams, on his strong position at Hampden being attacked ; but all his artillery, two stands of colours, and a standard, with several merchant vessels, fell into our hands. This, I am happy to say, was accomplished with very little loss on our part; and your lordship will perceivej by the return sent herewith, that the only officer wounded in this affair, is captain Gall, of th%29th grenadiers. Herewith I have the honor to transmit a copy of the report, made to me by lieutenant.colonel John on this occasion, in which yonr lordship will be pleased to observe, that the lieute. nant-colonel speaks very highly of the gallantry and good con. duct displayed by the troops upon this expedition, under very trying circumstances. And I beg to call your lordship's atten. tion to the names of those officers upon whom lieutenant.colo nel John particularly bestows praise. The enterprise and in. trepidity manifested by lieutenant.colonel John, and the disci. pline and gallantry displayed by the troops under him, reflect great honor upon thera, and demand my warmest acknowledg. ments ; and I have fo request your lordship will take a favourable opportunity of bringing the meritorious and suc cessful services, performed by the troops employed on this occa. sion, under the view of his royal highness the prince regent. As roar-adrairal Griffith will, no doubt, raake a detailed report of the naval operations on this occasion, I forbear touching upon this subject, further than to solicit your lord. ship's attention to that part of colonel John's report, in which he "attributes tbe success of this enterprise to the masterly- arrangements of captain Barrie, royal navy, who conducted it." J have mnch pleasure in reporting to your lordship, that the most perfect unanimity and good understanding has prevailed between the naval and military branches of the service, during tho whole progress of this expedition. I feel it my dufy to express, in the strongest terms, the great obligations I am undor to rear-admiral Griffith, for his judi- cions advice, and ready co-operation, on every occasion. And roy thanks are likewise due to all the captains of the ships em. ployed, for the assistance they have so willingly afforded the troops, and from which the happiest results have been expe. rienced. I have reason to be well satisfied with the gallantry and good conduct of the troops, and have to offer my thanks to major- general Gosselin, colonel Douglas, and the commanding officers APPENDIX. 479 of corps, for the alacrity shown by them, and stri»t discipline Vhich has been maintained. To the heads of departments, and to the officers of the ge. neral and of my personal staff, I ara much indebted for the zealous manner in which they have discharged their respective dnties. Major Addison, my military secretary, will have the honor of delivering this despatch. He has been with me during the whole of these operations, and is well enabled to afford your lordship any information you may require. I have entrusted the colours and standard taken from the enemy to major Addison, who will receive your lordship's c»m. mands respecting the further disposal of them ; and I take the liberty of recommending him as a deserving officer to your lordship's protection. I have, &c. J. C. SHERBROOKE. N. B. The returns of killed, wounded, and missing, and of artillery, and of ordnance stores taken, are inclosed, *************** No, 54, From lieutenant-colonel John to lieutenanf-general sir J, C. Sherbrooke. Bangor, on the Penobscot river, Sir, Sept; 3, 1814. In compliance with your excellency's orders of the 1st in. stant, I sailed frora Castine with the detachraent of royal artil. lery, the flank companies of the 29th, 62d, and 98fh regiments, and one rifle company of the 7th battalion 60th regiraent, which composed the force your excellency did me the honor to place undermy command, for the purpose of co-operating with captain Barrie, of the royal navy, 'in an expedition up this river. On fhe morning of the 2d, having proceeded above the town of Frankfort, we discovered some of the enemy on their march towards Hamden, by the eastern shore, which induced me to ordei- brevet-major Crosdaile, wifh a detachment of the 08th, and some riflemen of the 60th regiment, under lieutenant W^lace, to land and intercept them, which was accomplished ; and that detachraent of the enemy (as I have since learned) were prevented from joining the main body assembled at Hara. den. On this ocgasion the cnomy had one man killed, and some wounded. Major Crosdaile re.embarked without any loss. We arrived off Bald Head co^vc, three miles disfatit 480 APPENDIX. from Hamden, about five o'clock that evening, whert Captain Barrio agreed with mein determining to land the troops imme. diately. Having discbvered that the eneray's piquets were ad. vantageously posted on the north side of the cove, 1 directed brevet-major Kiddle, wifh the grenadiers of the 62d, and cap tain Ward, with the rifle company of the 60th, to dislodge them, and take np that ground, which duty was performed under major Riddle's directions, in a most complete and satis- factory raanner, by about seven o'clock; and before ten at night, the whole of the troops, including 80 marines under captain Carter, (whora captain Barrie had done me the honor to attach to my command,) were landed and bivouacked forthe night, during which it rained incessantly. We got under arms at five o'clock this morning, the rifle-company forming the advance under captain Ward; brevet-major Keith, with the light company of the 62d, bringing up the rear, and the detach. ment of marines, under captain Carter, moving upon my flanks, while captain Barrie, with the ships and gun.boats under his command, advanced at the same time up the river, on my right, towards Hamden. In addition to the detachment of royal artillery under lieutenant Garston, captain Barrie had landed one 6. pounder, a 5j-inch-howitzer, and a rocket appa. rates, with a detachment of sailors under lieutenants Symonds, Botely, and Slade, and Mr. Sparling, master of his majesty's ship Bulwark. The fog was so thick", it was impossible fo form a correct idea of the features of the country, or to reconnoitre the enemy, whose number were reported to be 1400, under the command of briga. dier. general Blake. Between seven and eight o'clock, our skirmishers in advance were so sharply engaged with the enemy, as to induce me to send forward one-half of the light company ofthe 29th regiment, under captain Coaker, to their support. The column had not advanced much further, before I disco- vered the enemy drawn out in line, occupying a very strong and advantageous position in front of the town of Hamden, his left flanked by a high hill commanding the road and river, on which were mounted several heavy pieces of cannon ; his right extend. ing considerably beyond our left, resting upon a strong point d'appui, wifh an IS.poiindcr and some light field-pieces in advance of his centre, so pointed as coinpletely to rake the road, and a narrow bridge at the foot of a hill, by which we were obliged to advance upon his position. As soon as he per- ceived our column approaching, he opened a very heavy and continued fire of grape and rausquetry upon us; we however soon crossed the bridge, deployed, and charged up the hill to get possession of his guns, one of which we found had already fallen into the hands of captain Ward's riflemen in advance. APPENDIX. 481 The enemy's fire now began to slacken, and we pushed on rapidly, and succeeded in driving hitn at all points from his position ; while captain Coaker, with the light company of the 29th, had gained possession of the hill on the left, from whenca it was discovered that the Adaras frigate was on fire, and that the enemy had deserted the battery which defended her. We were now in complete possession of the eneray's position above, and captain Barrie with the gun.boats had secured that below the hill. Upon this occasion 20 pieces of cannon fell into our hands, of the naval and military force, the return of ¦which I enclose; after which captain Barrie and rayself deter mined on pursuing fhe enemy towards Bangor, which place we reached without opposition ; and here two brass 3.pounders, and three stands of colours, fell into our possession. Briga dier.general Blake, also in this town, surrendered himself pri. soner ; and, wifh other prisoners to the amount of 121 , weje admitted to their paroles. Eighty prisoners taken at Hamden are in our custody. The loss sustained by the enemy I have not had it in my power correctly to ascertain , report states it to be from 30 to 40 in killed, wonnded, and missing. Our own loss, I am happy to add, is but small ; viz. 1 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 7 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank and file, missing. Captain Gell, of the 29th, was wounded when leading the column, which deprived me of his active and useful assistance ; but, I am happy to add, he is recovering, I cannot close this despatch ¦without mentioning, in the highest terms, all the troops placed under my coramand. They have merited my highest praise for their zeal and gallantry, which were conspicuous in the extreme. I feel most particu larly indebted to brevet.major Riddall, of the 62d regiment, second in command ; to brevet.major Keith, of the same regi ment; brevet-major Croasdaile and captain M'Pherson, of the 98th ; captains Gell and Coaker, of the 29th ; and captaia Ward, of the 7th battalion 60th regiment. The royal artillery- was directed ih the most judicious manner by lieutenant Gars. ton, from whom I derived fhe ablest support. I cannot speak too highly of captain Carter and the officers and marines under his directions. He moved them in the ablest manner to the annoyance of the enemy, and so as to meet my fullest approval. Nothing conld exceed the zeal and perseverance of lieute. nants Symonds, Botely, and Slade, and Mr. Sparling, of theroyal navy, with the detachment of seamen under their command. From captain Barrie I have received the ablest assistance and support ; and it is to his masterly arrangement of the plan fhat I feel indebted for its success. Nothing could be more cordial than the Co-operation of the naval and military forces on this service in every instance* VOL. IJ. I I 482 APPENDIX. Captain Carnagie, of the royal navy, who most handsomely volunteered his services with this expedition, was in action with the troops at Haraden ; and I feel most particularly indebted to him for his exertions and the assistance he afforded me on thii occasion. I am also greatly indebted to lieutenant Du Chate- let, of the 7th battalion, 60th regiment, who acted as major of brigade to the troops, in which capacity he rendered me very •ssential service. I have the honor, &c. HENRY JOHN, lieut..col. 0-00000000000000 No. .55. Return of ordnance and stores taken. Castine, Sept. 10, 1814. Guns; — 4 iron 24-pounders, 27 iron (ship) 18-puunders, 4 12-poun. >ders, 4 brass 3-pounders. Carriages; — 4 traversing 24-pounders, 8 standing 18-pounders, S travelling 12-pounder3 with limbers, 4 travelhng S-pounders with limbers. Sponges ; — 8 24-pounder9, 20 IS-pounders, 2 12-pounders, 4 S-poua- ders. Ladles; — 2 24-pounder9, 3 12-pounders, 1 3-pounder. Wadhooks: — '2 S4-pnvinders, 3 12-pounder9, 1 8-pounder. Shot; — 236 round 24-pounders, 500 round 18-pounders. 1 ammu nition-waggon, 1 ammunition-cart. 12 common handspikes. 40 bar rels of powder. Wads: — 20 24-pounders, 70 18-pounders. N. B. — The magazine in fort Castine was blown up by the enemy.. The vessel on board of which tbe powder was, ran on shore, and th« whole destroyed. Eleven of the IS-pounders were destroyed by order of lieutenant* colonel John, not having time to bring tbem off. GEORGE CRAWFORD, major, Lieut..gen. Sir J. C. Sherbrooke. commanding royal artiL No. 56. Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, in the aff'air at Hamden, on the 3d of September, 1814, with the force under the command of lieutenant.colonel John, 60th regi ment.Killed, — S9th regiment ; — 1 ranW and file. Wounded — S9th regiment ; — 1 captain, 2 rank and file. CSd regiment ; — 1 rank and file. 98th regiment; — 4 rank and file. Missing — 6Sd regiment; — 1 rank and file. Name qf officer wounded— S9lh regimeraf;— Captain Gell, severely (not dangerously], A. PILKINGTON, Dep,.adj..gen, APPENDIX. 485 No. 57. From lieutenant.colonel Pilkington to lieutenant-general sir J, C. Sherbrooke. Sir, Machias, Sept. 14, 1814. I have the honor to acquaint your excellency, that I sailed from Penobscot bay, with the brigade you was pleased to place under my command, consisting of a detachment of royal artil lery, with a howitzer, the battalion companies of ihe 29th regi ment, and a parfy of the 7th battalion cf the 60th foot, onthe morning of the 9th instant; and arrived at Buck's harbor, about 10 miles from this place, on the following evening. As the enemy fired several alarm guns on our approaching the shore, it was evident he was apprehensive of au attack: I therefore deemed it expedient to disembark the troops with as little delay as possible ; and captain Hyde Parker, command. ing the naval force, appointed captain Stanfell to superintend this duty,' and it was executed by that officer with the utmost promptitude and decision. Upon reaching the shore, I ascertained that there was only a pathway through the woods by which we could advance and take Fort O'Brien and the battery in reverse; and as the guns of these woiks commanded the p.assage of the river, upon which the town is situated, I decided upon possessing ourselves of them, if practicable, during fhe night. We moved forward at ten o'clock P. M. and, affer a most tedious and harassing march, only arrived near to the fort at break of day, although the distance does not exceed five miles. The advanced guard, which consisted of two companies of the 29th regiment, and a detachment of riflemen of the 60th regi ment, under major Tod, of the former corps, immediately drove in the enemy's piquets, and upon pursuing him closely, found the fort had been evacuated, leaving their colours, about five minutes before we entered it. Within it, and the battery, there are two 24-pounders, three 18-pounders, several dis mounted guns, and a block.house. The party which escaped amounted to about 70 men of the 40fh regiment of American infantry, and 30 of the erabodied militia ; the retreat was so rapid that I was not enabled to take any prisoners, I unde. » stand thero were a few wounded, but they secreted themselves in the wood. Having secured the fort, we lost no time in advancing upotf Machias, which was taken without any resistance; and also two field.picces. The boats of the sqftadron, under the coramand of lieutenant Bouchier, of the. royal navy, and the royal marines, under I I 2 484 APPENDIX. lieutenant Welchman, were detached to the eastern side of the river, and were of essential service in taking t^wo field.pieces in that quarter. Notwithstanding that the militia were not assembled to any extent in the vicinity of the town, I was making the necessary arrangements to advance into the interior of the country, when 1 received a letter from brigadier.general Brewer, commanding the district, wherein he engages that the militia forces within the county of Washington shall not bear arms, or in any way serve against his Britannic majesty during the present war. A sirailar offer having been made by the civil officers and princi. pal citizens of the county, a cessation of arras was agreed upon,. and the county of Washington has passed under the dominion of his Britannic majesty. I beg leave to congratulate you upon the importance of thi« accession of territory which has been wrested from the enemy; it embraces about 100 miles of sea.coast, and inclndes that intermediate tract of country which separates the province of New Brunswick from Lower Canada. We have taken 26 pieces of ordnance, (serviceable and un* serviceable,) with a proportion of arms and ammunition, returns of which are enclosed ; and I have the pleasing satisfaction to «dd, that this service has been effected without the loss of a, man on our part. I cannot refrain from expressing, in the strongest manner, the admirable steadiness and good conduct of the 29th regiment, under major Hodge, The advance, ufeder major Tod, are also entitled to my warmest thanks, A detachment of 30 seamen from his majesty's ship Bacchante, under Mr. Bruce, master's mate, were attached to the royal artillery, under the coraraand of lieutenant Daniel, of that corps, for the purpose of dragging the howitzer, as no other means could be procured , to bring it forward ; and to their unwearied exertions, and the judicious arrangement of lieute nant Daniel, I am indebted for having a 5^ inch howitzer conveyed through a country the most difficult of access I ever witnessed. To captain Parker, of his majesty's ship Tenedos, who commanded the squadron, I feel every obligation ; and I can assure you the most cordial understanding has subsisted betweea tbe two branches of the service. 1 have the honor to be, &c. A, PILKINGTON, lieut.-col, dep, adj, .gen. To lieut..gen. Sir J. C. Sherbrooke, K. B. Ste. APPENDIX. 481 Return of ordnance, arms, aramunition, &c. taken at Machias by tha troops underthe command of lieutenant-colonel Pilkington, 11 tb September, 1814. Ordnance — Fort O'Brien; — 2 18-pounder5, mounted on garrispn car riages, complete; 1 18-pounder carronade, mounted on garrison car riage, complete; 1 serviceable dismounted 24-pounder ; 1 dismounted serviceable 18-pounder carronade. Point Battery; — 2 94-pounders, mounted on garrison carriages, complete. Mast Machias ; — 2 brass 4-pounders, mounted, and harness, complete. Machias s — 2 iron 4-pounders, on travelling carriages, complete; i S4-pounders, 10 18-pounders, rendered partly unserviceable by th« enemy, and completely destroyed by us. Total— 26. Arms; — 164 muskets, 99 bayonets, 100 pouches, 41 belt, 2 drums. Ammunition ; — 20 barrels of serviceable gunpowder. 75 paper cartridges filled for 18 and 24-pounders. 2938 musket-ball cartridges. 3 barrels of grape and case-shot. 653 round shot for 18 and 34-pounders. 6 kegs of gunpowder, 25lbs each. 23 paper cartridges filled for 4-pounders. J. DANIEL, lieut. royal artiL No. 58. From rear.admiral Griffith to vice-admiral Cochrane. H.M.S.' Endymion, off Castine, entrance of the SiK, Penobscot river, September 9, 1814. My letter of the 23d of August from Halifax, by the Rover, will have made you acquainted with my intention of accora. panying the expedition, then about to proceed under the command of his excellency sir John Coape Sherbrooke, K.B. for this place. I have now the honor to inform you, that I put to sea on the 26th ultimo, with the ships and sloop naraed in the margin,* and ten sail of transports, having the troops on board, and ar. rived off the Metinicus Islands on the morning of the 31st, where I was joined by the Bulwark, Tenedos, Rifleman, Peruvian, .and Picton, From captain Pearce, of the Rifleman, 1 learned that the United States' frigate Adams had, a few days before, got into Penobscot; but not considering herself in safety there, Jiad gone on to Hamden, a place 27 railes higher up the riyer, where ber guns had been landed, and the position was fortify. ing for her protection. Towards evening, the wind being fair and the w eafhei" * Dragon, Endymion, Bacchante, and Sylph, 486 APPENDIX. favorable, the fleet made sail up the Penobscot Bay, captain Parker in the Tenedos leading. We passed between the Meti. nicus and Green islands about midnight; and steering through the channel formed by the Fox's islands and Owl's head, ran up to fhe eastward of Long island, and found ourselves at day light in the morning in sight of the fort and town of Castine.. As we approached, somo shew of resistance was made, and a few shots were fired; but the fort was soon after abandoned and' blown up. At about 8 A.M. the raen of war and transports were anchored a litfle to the northward of the peninsula of Castine, and the sraaller vessels taking a station nearer in for covering the landing, the troops were put on shore, and- took possession of the town and works without opposition. The general wishing to occupy a post at Belfast, on the ¦western side of the bay, (through which the high road from Boston runs,) for the purpose of cutting off all communication with that side of the country, the Bacchante and, Rifleman were de. tached with the troops destined for this service, and quiet possession was taken, and held, of that town, as long as was thought necessary. Arrangements were immediately made for attacking the fri. gate at Hamden, and the general having, proffered every military assistance, 600 picked men, under fhe command of lieutenant. colonel John, of fhe 60th regiment, were embarked the same afternoon, on board his majesty's sloops Peruvian and Sylph, and a small transport. To this force were added fhe marines of the Dragon, and as many armed boats frora the squadron as was thought necessary for diserabarking the troops and covering their landing, and the whole placed under the coraraand of captain Barrie, of the Dragon ; and the lieutenant-colonel made sail up the river at 6 o'clock that evening, I have the honour to enclose captain Barrie's account of his proceedings; and, taking into consideration the enemy's force, and the formidable strength of his position, too much praise cannot be given him, and the officers and men under his com. mand, for the judgment, decision, and gallantry, with which this little enterprise has been achieved. So soon as accounts were received from captain Barrie, that the Adams was destroyed, and the force assembled for her pro tection dispersed, the troops stationed at Belfast were embarked, and arrangements made for sending them to take possession of Machias, the only place occupied by the enemy's troops, between this and Passamaquaddy bay. I directed captain Par ker, of H.M.S. Tenedos, to receive on board lieutenant-colonel Pilkington, depnty-adjutant-general, who is appointed to com. mand, and a small detachment of artillery and riflemen, andto take under his command the Bacchante, Rifleman, and Picfou APPENDIX. 487 schooner, and proceed to the attack of that place. He sailed on the 6th instant, and most likely, by this time, the troops are in possession of it. After destroying the defences, they are directed to return here. The inhabitants of several townships east of this, have sent de putations here to tender their submission to the British autho. rity : and such of them as could give reasonable security, that their arms would be used only for the protection of their per sons and property, have been allowed to retain thera. This indulgence was absolntely necessary, in order to secure the quiet and unoffending against violence and outrage from their less peaceable neighbours, and for the maintenance of the peace and tranquillity of the country. All property on shore, bona Jide belonging to the inhabitants of the country in our posses. sion, has been respected. All public property, and all property a.float, have been confiscated. Sir John Sherbrooke, conceiving it to be of iraportance that the government should be informed, without delay, of our sue. cesses here, has requested that a vessel of war may take his despatches to England. I havein compliance with his wishes, appropriated the Martin for that service, and captain Senhouse will take a copy of thig letter to the secretary of the admiralty. I have honor to be, &c, EDWARD GRIFFITH. To vice.admiral the hon. (ir Alexander Cochrane, K.B., &c. *************** No. 59. From captain Barrie to rear-admiral Griffith, H.M, sloop Sylph, off Bangor, in the Penobscot, Sir, September 3, 1814. Having received on board the ships named, in the margin,* a detachment of 20 men of the royal artillery, with one 5i-inch howitzer, comraanded by lieutenant Garsten ; a party of 80 marines commanded by captain Carter, of the dragon; the flank companies of fhe 29th, 62d, and 98th regiments, under the command of captains Gell and Caker ; majors Riddall, Keith, and Croasdaile, and captain Macpherson ; also, a rifle company of the 7th battalion of the 60th regiment, commanded by captain Ward ; and the whole under the orders of lieHtenant- • H. M, S. Peruvian and Sylph, Dragon tender, and the Harmony transport. 488 APPENDIX. scolonel John, of the 60th regiment ; I proceeded, agreeably la your order, with the utmost despath, np the Penobscot, Light variable winds, a most intricate channel, of which we were perfectly ignorant, and thick foggy weather, prevented my ar^ riving off Frankfort before 2 P^M. of the 2d instant. Here colonel John and myself thought it advisable to send a message to the inhabitants ; and, having received their answer, we pushed on towards Haraden, where we received intelligence that the enemy had strongly fortified himself. On our way up, se. ¦veral troops were observed on the east side ofthe river, making for Brewer : these were driven into the woods, without any loss on our side, by a party under the orders of major Croasdaile, and the guns from the boats. The enemy had one killed, and several wounded. At 5 P.M. of the 2d instant, we arrived off Ball's.head cove, distant three miles from Haraden. Colonel John and myself landed on the soulh side of the cove to reconnoitre the ground, and obtain intelligence. Having gained the hills, we discovered the enemy's piquets advantageously posted near the highway leading to Hamden, on the north side of the cove. We immediately determined to land 160 men, under major Riddall, to drive in the piquets, and take up their ground. This object was obtained by 7 o'clock ; and, notwithstanding every difficulty, the whole of the troops were landed on the north side of the cove by 10 o'clock ; but it was found impossi ble fo land the artillery at the same place. The troops bivou. acked on the ground taken possession of by major Ritldall. It rained incessantly during the night. At day.break this morn. ing, the fog cleared away for about a quarter of an hour, which enabk-d me to reconnoitre the enemy by water ; and 1 found a landing-place for the artillery about two-thirds of a mile from Ball'd-head. Off this place the troops halted, till the artillery were monnted ; and, by 6, the w hole advanced towards Haraden, The boats under the immediate command of lieutenant Ped. ler, the first of the Dragon, agreeably to a previous arrange. nient with colonel John, advanced in line with the right flank of the army. Tho Peruvian, Sylph, Dragon's tender, and Harmony transport, were kept a little in the rear in reserve. Our information staled the enemy's force at 1400 men, and he had chosen a most excellent position on a high hill. About a quarter of a mile to fhe southward of the Adams' frigate, he had mounted eight 18-pounders. This fort was calculated to command botb the highway, by which our troops had to ad. vance, and fhe river. On a wharf close to the Adams, he had mounted fifteen 18-pounders, which corapletely commanded the river, which, at this place, is not above three cables' lengtli^ wide, and the land on each side is high and well wooded. APPENDIX. 489 A rocket.boat, under my iramediate direction, but ma. aceuvred by Mr. Ginton, gunner, and Mr. Small, midshipman, of the Dragon, was advanced about a quarter of a mile a.head of the line of boats. So soon as the boats got within gun-shot, the enemy opened his fire upon them from the hill and wharf, which was warmly returned. Our rockets were generally well-directed, and evi dently threw the enumy into confusion. Meantime, our troops stormed the hill with the utmost gallantry. Before the boats got within good grape-shot distance of the wharf-bittery, the enemy set fire to the Adaras, and he run from his guns the moraent our troops carried the hill. I joined the army about ten minutes after this event. Colonel John andmyself immediately determined to leave a sufficient force in possession of the hill, and to pursue the enemy, who was then in sight on the Bangor road, flying at full speed. The boats and ships pushed up the river, preserving their original position with the army. The enemy was too nimble for us, and most of them escaped into the woods on our left. On approaching Bingor, the inhabitants, who had opposed us at Hamden, threw off their military character ; and, as magi. strates, select men, &c. made an unconditional surrender of the town. Here, the pursuit stopped. About two hours after. wards, brigadier.general Blake came into the town to deliver himself as a prisoner ; the general, and other prisoners, amount ing to 191, were admitted to their parole. Enclosed, I have the honor to forward you lists ofthe vessels we have captured or destroyed, and other necessary reports. I ara happy to inform you, our loss consists only of one seaman, belonging to the Dragon, killed; captain Gell, of the 29th, and seven privates, wounded ; one rank and file, missing. I cannot close my report, without expressing my highest ad miration of the very gallant conduct of colonel John, and the officers and soldiers under his command ; for, exclusive of the battery before-mentioned, they had difficulties to contend wifh on their left, which did not fall undor my observation, as the enemy's field.pieces in that direction were raasked. The utmost cordiality existed between the two services; and I shall ever feel obliged to colonel John for his ready co-opera. tion in every thing that was proposed. The officer and men bore the privations, inseperable from our confined means of accommodation, with a cheerfulness that entitles them to my warmest thanks. Though "the enemy abandoned his batteries before the ships" bebrought to act against them, yet I am not less obliged to captains Kippen and Dickens, of the Peruvian and Sylph; ftctingrlieutenant Pearson, who commanded the Dragon's ten- 490 APPENDIX. . der ; lieutenant Woodin, of the Dragon ; and Mr. Barnett, master of the Harmony ; their zeal and indefatigable exertiona in bringing up their vessels, through the most intricate naviga. tion, were eminently conspicuous. Colonel John speaks highly in praise of captain Carter, and the detachment of royal ma rines under his orders ; and also' of the seamen attached to ths artillery, under the command of lieutenants Simraonds, Mot. ley, L. State, and Mr. Spurling, master of the Bulwark. I have, on other occasions of service, found it a pleasing part of my duty to commend the services of lieutenant Pedler, first of the Dragon ; in this instance, he commanded the boat. part of the expedition most fully to my satisfaction ; he was ably seconded by lieutenants Perceval, of the Tenedos, and Or. mond, of the Endymion ; and Mr. Ansel, master's mate of the Dragon ; this last gentleman has passed his examination nearly five years, and is an active officer, well worthy of your patron age ; but, in particularising him, I do not mean to detract from the other petty.officers and seaman employed in the boats ; for they all most zealously performed their duty, and are equally entitled to my warmest acknowledgments, I am also most particularly indebted to the active and zealous exertion of lieute. nant Carnegie, who was a volunteer on this occasion. I can form no estimate of the enemy's absolute loss. From different stragglers I learn, that, exclusive of killed and mis. ling, upwards of 30 lay wounded in the woods. I have the honor to be, &c. ROBERT BARRIE, capt of H.M.S. Dragon. No. 60. CAPITULATION. To captain Hyde Parker, commanding the naval force, and lieutenant-colonel Andrew Pilkington, commanding the land fofce of his Britannic majesty, now at Machias. Gentlemen, The forces under your command having captured the forts in the neighbourhood of Machias, and taken possession of the territory adjacent within the county of Washington, and the situation of the county being such between the Penobscot river and the Passamaquaddy bay, as fo preclude the hope that an adequate force can be furnished by the United States for its protection, we propose a capitulation, and offer for ourselves, and in b«half of the officers and soldiers of the brigade withix APPENDIX. 491 the county of Washington, to give our parole of honor, that we will not, directly, or indirectly, bear arms, or in any way serve, against his Britannic majesty, king George the Third, king of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, his sussessors and allies, during the present war between Great Britain and the United States, upon condition we have your assurance, that, while we remain in this situation, and con- sider ourselves under the British government until furlher orders, we shall have the safe and full enjoyraent of our private pro. perty, and be protected in the exercise of our usual occu. pations. JOHN BREWER, brigadier.general 2d brigade, 10th division, for the officers and soldiers of the 3d regiment in the said brig.ide. JAMES CAMPBELL, lieutenant.colonel, comraanding 1st regiment, 2d brigade, 10th division, for himself, officers, and soldiers, in the said regiment. These terms have been granted and approved of by us, HYDE PARKER, capt. H.M.S. TenedOs. A. PILKINGTON, lieutenant,.colonel, commanding. Machias, Sept. 13, 1814. 000000000000000 No. 61. List of vessels captured and destroyed in the Penobscot, and of those left on the stocks, as near as I am able to ascertain. Captured and brought away ; — 2 ships, 1 brig, 6 schooners, 3 sloops. Destroyed at Hamden; — The Adams frigate, of 26 guns, 18-pouuders, and two ships, one of tbem armed ; burnt by the enemy. Destroyed ut Bangor; — 1 ship, 1 brig, 3 schooners, and 1 sloop ; burnt by us. Lost since in our. possession ; — A copper-bottomed brig, pierced for 18 guns, and tbe Decatur privateer, pierced for 16 guns. Note. — The powder aud wine captured at Hamden were put on board those vessels. Left on the stocks at Bangor; — 2 ships, 2 brigs, and 2 schooners. At lireioer; — 1 ship, 1 brig, and 1 schooner. At Arrinuton; — 1 ship, one schooner, on the stocks. Left at Hamden; — 1 ship, 1 Hermaphrodite brig, and 2 schooners; also, 1 brig and 1 schooner on tbe stocks. Left at Fremford on the stocks; — 1 schoaner and some small craft. To rear.admiral Griffith. R. BARRIE. 492 APPENDIX. Keturn of ordnance taken from the enemy on the 3d of Sept. 1814 Taken at Hamden ; — 23 iron 18-pounders, 2 iron 12-pounders; 41 18-pounders destroyed, 14 brought away. Taken at Bangor, and brought away ; — 2 3-pounder brass guns, I iron 3-pounder. Total brought away — 17. Embarked; — 1 ammunition cart, 500 18-pound shot, about 40 barreli •f powder, and a quantity of wads, &o. &c. ROBERT GASTEN, lieut. royal artillery. Robert Barrie, Return of small arms not collected, supposed about 100. EDWARD GRIFFITH, No, 62. Front rear.admiral Cockburn to vice-admiral Cochrane. H. M. sloop Manly, off Nottingham, Sir, Patuxent, Aug. 27, 1814, I have the honor to inform you, that, agreeably to the inten. tions I notified to you in my letter of the 22d instant,* I pro. ceeded by land, on the morning of the 23d, to Upper Marl borough, to meet and confer with major.general Ross, as to our further operations against the enemy ; and as we were not long in agreeing on the propriety of making an immediate attempt on the city of Washington. In conformity, therefore, with the wishes of the general, I instantly sent orders for our marine and naval forces, at Pig. point, to be forthwith moved over to Mount Calvert, and for the marine-artillery, and a proportion of the seamen, to be there landed, and with the utmost possible expedition to join the army, which I also most readily agreed to accorapany. The maior-gcneral then made his dispositions, and arranged that captain Robyns, with fhe marines of the ships, should retain possession of Upper Marlborough, and that the marine. artillery and seamen should follow the army to the grouud it was to occupy for the night. The army then moved on, and bivouacked before dark about five miles nearer Washington, In the night, captain Palmer of the Hebrus, and captain Money of the Traave, joined us with the seamen and with the marine.artillery, under Captain Harrison, Captain Wain wright of the Tonnant, had accorapanied me the day before, as had also lieutenant James Scott, acting first lieuteuant (rf- the Albion. • James's Nav. Occurr. App. No. 81, APPENDIX. 493 At day.light, on the morning of the 24th, .the major.general again put the army in motion, directing his nfarch upott Bladensburg ; on reaching which place, with the advanced brigade, the enemy was observed drawn up in force on a rising ground beyond the town ; and by the fire he soon opened on us as we entered the place, gave us to understand he was well pro tected by artillery. General Ross, however, did not hesitate in immsdiately advancing to attack him ; although our troops were almost exhausted with the fatigue of the inarch they had just made, and but a small proportion of our little army had yet got up. This dashing measure was, however, I am happy to add, crowned with the success it merited ; for, in spite of the galling fire of the enemy, our troops advanced steadily oa both his flanks, and in his front; and, as soon as they arrived on even ground with him, he flsd in every direction, leaving iehind him 10 pieces of cannon, and a considerable number of killed and wounded ; amongst the latter comraodore Barney, and several other officers. Some other prisoners were also taken, though not many, owing to the swiftness with which the enemy went off, and the fatigue our army had previously Hndergone. It would, sir, be deemed presumption in me to attempt to give you particular details respecting the nature of this battle ; I shally therefore, only reraark generally, that the eneray, 8000 strong, on ground he had chosen as best adapted fpr him to defend, where he had time to erect his batteries, and concert all his measures, was dislodged, as soon as reached, and a vic tory gained over him, bjr a division of the British army, not amounting to more than 1500 men, headed by our gallant general, whose brilliant achievements of this day it is beyond my power to do jtistice to, and indeed no possible comment could enhance. The seamen, with the guns, were, to their great mortifica tion, with the rear-division, during this short, but decisive action. Those, however, attached to the rocket-brigade, were in thebattle; and I remarked, with much pleasure, the pre cision with which the rockets were thrown by them, under the direction of first-lieutenant Lawrence, of the marine-artillery. Mr. Jeremiah M'Daniel, master's mate of the Tonnant, a very fine young raan, who was attached to this party, being severely wounded, I beg perinission to recommend him to your favorable consideration. The company of marines I have on so many occasions had cause to mention to you, commanded by first.lieu- tenant Stephens, was also in the action, as were the colonial marines, under the temporary command of captain Reed, of the 6th West India regiment, (these companes being attached to the light brigade,) and they respectively behaved with their 4$4 APPENDIX. accustomed zeal and bravery. None other of the naval depart ment were fortunate enough to arrive up in time to take their share in this battle, excepting captain Palmer, of the Hebrus, with his aide de camp, Mr. Arthur Wakefield, midshipman of that ship, and lieutenant James Scott, first of the Albion, who acted as my aide de carap, and remained with me during the whole time. The contest being completely ended, and the enemy having retired from the field, the general gave the array about two hours rest, when he again moved forward on Washington. It was, however, dark before we reached that city ; and, on the gene ral, myself, and sorae officers advancing a short way past the first houses of the town, without being accompanied by the troops, the enemy opened upon us a heavy fire of musketry, from the capitol and two other houses; these were therefore alraost immediately storraed by our people, taken possession of, and set on fire ; after which the town submitted without further resistance. The enemy himself, on our entering the town, set fire to the navy-yard, (filled with naval stores,) a frigate of the largest class almost ready for launching, and a sloop of war lying off it; as he did also the fort which protected the sea-approach to Washington. On taking possession of the city, we also set fire to the president's palace, the treasury, and the war.office; and, in the morning, captain Wainwright went with a party to see that the destruction in the navy.yard was complete; when he destroyed whatever stores and buildings had escaped the flames of the preceding night. A large quantity of aramunition and ordnance stores were likewise destroyed by us in the arsenal ; as were about 200 pieces of artillery of different calibres, as well as a vast quantity of small-arras. Two rope.walks of a very extensive nature, full of tar-rope, &c. situated at a consi. derable distance from the yard, w-ere likewise set fire to and consumed. In short, sir, 1 do not believe a vestige of public property, or a store of any kind, which could'be converted to the use of the government, escaped destruction : the bridges across the Eastern Branch and the Potomac were likewise destroyed. This general devastation being completed during the day of the 25th, we marched again, at nine that night, on our return, by Bladensburg, to Upper Marlborough. We arrived yesterday evening at the latfer, without moles tation of any sort, indeed without a single musket having been fired; and this morning we moved on to this place, 'where I have found his majesty's sloop Manly, the tenders, find the boats, aud 1 have hoisted my flag, pro tempore, in the former.. APPENDIX. 49S The troops will probably march to.morrow, or the next day at farthest, to Benedict for re-embarkation, and this> flotilla will of course join you at the same time. In closing, sir, my statement to you, of the arduous and highly important operations of this last week, I have a most pleasing duty to perform, in assuring you of the good .conduct of the officers and men who have been serving under me. I have been particularly indebted, whilst on this service, to cap tain Wainwright of the Tonnant, for the assistance he has invariably afforded me; and to captains Palmer and Money, for their exertions during the march to and frora Washington, To capfain Nourse, who has commanded the flotilla during my absence, my acknowledgments are also most justly due, as well as to captains Sullivan, Badcock, SomerviUe, Ramsay, and Bruce, who have acted in it under him. Lieutenant James Scott, now first of the Albion, has, on this occasion, rendered me essential services; and as I have had reason so often of late to mention to you the gallant and meri- torious conduct of this officer, I trust you will permit me to jeize this opportunity of recommending him particularly to your favorable notice and consideration. Captain Robins, (the senior officer of marines with the fleet,) who has had, during these operations, the marines of the ships united under his orders, has executed ably and zealously the several services with which he has been entrusted, and is entitled to my best acknowledgments accordingly ; as is also captain Harrison of the marine.artillery,, who, with the officers and meu attached to him, accompanied the army to and from Washington, Mr. Dobie, surgeon of the Melpomene, volunteered hif professional services on this occasion, and rendered much assistance to the wounded on the field of battle, as well as to many of the men taken ill on the line of march. One colonial marine killed, 1 master's mate, 2 serjeants, and 3 colonial marines wounded, are the casualties sustained by the naval department ; a general list of the killed and wounded of the whole army will, of course, -accompany the report bf the major.general. I have the honor to be, &c. G. COCKBURN, rear.admiral, Vice.admiral the hon. Sir A Cochrane, K. B. &c. P.S, Two long 6-pounder guns, intended for a battery at Nottingham, were taken off, and pnt on board the Brune, and one taken at Upper Marlborough was destroj^ed. 496 APPENDIX. No. 63 From major.general Ross to earl Bathurst. Tonnant, in the Patuxent, My Lord, Aug. 30, 1814. I have the honor to communicate to your lordship, that on the 24th instant, after defeating the army of the United States on that day, the troops under my coramand entered and took possession of the city of Washington. It was determined between sir Alexander Cochrane and myself, to disembark the army at the village of Benedict, on the right bank of the Patuxent, with the intention of co-operating with rear-adrairal Cockburn, in an attack upon a flotilla of the enemy's gun-boats, under the command of commodore Barney. On the 20th instant, the army commenced its march, having landed the previous day without opposition : on the 21st it reached Nottingham, and on the 22d moved on to Upper Marlborough, a few miles distant from Pig point, on fhe , Patuxent, where adrairal Cockburn fell in with, and defeated the flotilla, taking and destroying the whole. Having advanced within 16 railes of Washington, and ascert.iined the force of the enemy to be such as might authorize an attempt at carrying his capital, I determined to raake it, and accordingly put the troops in moveraent on the evening of the 23d. A corps of about 1200 men appeared to oppose us, but retired after firing a few shots. On the 24th, the troops resuraed fheir march, and reached Bladensburg, a village situate on the left bank of the eastern branch of the Potomac, about five miles from Wash. ington. On the opposite side of that river, the enemy was discovered strongly posted on very comraanding heights, formed in two lines, his advance occupying a fortified house, which, with artillery, covered the bridge over the eastern branch, which the British had to pass. A broad and straight road leading frora the bridge to Washington, ran through the enemy's position, which was carefully defended by artillery and riflemen. The disposition for the attack being n^ade, it was comraenc.d with so much impetuosity by the light brigade, consisting of the 85th light infantry, and the light infantry companies of the army under fhe command of colonel Thornton, that the fortified liouse was shortly carried, the eneray retiring to the higher grounds. In support of the light brigade, I ordered up a brigade under the comraand of colonel Brooke, who, with the 44th regiraent, attacked the eneray's left, the 4th regiraent pressing his right with Kuch effect, as to cause him to abandon his guns. His APPENDIX. 497 first line giving way, was driven onthe second, which, yield ing to the irresistible attack of the bayonet, and the well.di- directed discharge of rockets, got info confusion and fled, leaving the British masters of the field. The rapid flight of the enemy, and his knowledge of the country, precluded the po?. sibility of mauy prisoners being taken, more particularly asthe troops had, during the day, undergone considerable fatigue. The enemy's army, amounting to 8 or 9000 men, with 3 or 400 cavalry, was under the comraand of general Winder, being formed of troops drawn from Baltimore and Pennsylvania, His artillery, 10 pieces of which foil into our hands, was com. manded by comraodore Barney, who was wounded and taken prisoner. The artillery I directed to be destroyed. Having halted the army for a short time, I determined to march upon Washington, and reached that city af eight o'clock that night. Judging it of consequence to complete the destruc tion of fhe public buildings with the least possible delay, so that the army might retire without loss of time, the following build ings were set fire to and consuraed, — the capitol, including the Senate-house and House of Representation, the Arsenal, the Dock-j'ard, Treasury, War-office, President's Palace, Rope. walk, and the great bridge across the Potomac: in the dock. yard a frigate nearly ready to be launched, and a sloop of war, were consumed. The two bridges leading to Washington over the eastern branch had been destroyed by the enemy, who apprehended an attack from that quarter. The object of the expedition being accomplished, 1 determined, before any greater force of the enemy could be assembled, to withdraw the troops, aud accordingly commenced retiring on the night of the 25th, On the evening of the 29th we reached Benedict, and re-em barked the following day. In the performance of the opera. tion I have detailed, it is with the utmost satisfaction 1 observe to your lordship, that cheerfulness in undergoing 'fatigue, and anxiety for the accomplishment of the object, were conspicuous in all ranks. To sir A. Cochrane ray thanks are due, for his ready com. pliance with every wish connected with the welfare of the troops aud the success of the expedition. Tq rear-admiral Cockburn, who suggested the attack upon Washington, and who accorapa. nied the army, I confess the greatest obligation for his cordial co-operation and advice. Colonel Thornton, who led fhe attack, is entitled fo every praise for the noble example he set, which was so well followed by lieutenant-colonel Wood andthe 85th light infantry, and by major Jones, of the 4th foot, with the light corapanies attached te the light brigade; 1 have to express my approbation of the spirited conduct of colonel Brooke, and of his brigade: the VOL. II, K K 498 APPENDIX. 44th regiment, which he led, distinguished itself under the com mand of lieutenant.colonel Mullens; the gallantry of the 4th foot, uuder the command of major Faunce, being equally conspicuous. The exertions of captain Mitchell, of the royal artillery, in bringing the guns into action, were unremitting ; to him, and to the detachment under his command, including captain Dea. con's rocket brigade, and the marine rocket corps, I feel every obligation. Captain Lempriere, of the royal artillery, mounted a small detachment of the artillery drivers, which proved of great utility. The assistance afforded'' by captain Blanchard, of the royal engineers, in the duties of his department, was of great advantage. To the zealous exertions of captains Wainwright, Palmer, and Money, of the royal navy, and to those of the officers and seamen who landed with them, the service is highly indebted : the latter, captain Money, had charge of the sea- men attached to the marine artillery. To captain M'Dougall, of the 85th foot, who acted as my aidede camp, in consequence of the indisposition of ray aide de carap captain Falls, and to the officers of ray staff, I feel much indebted. I must beg leave to call your lordship's attention to the zeal and indefatigable exertions of lieutenant Evans, acting deputy quarter.master-general. The intelligence displayed by that oflicer, in circumstances of considerable difficulty, induces me to hope he will meet with some distinguished mark of approba. tion. I have reason to be satisfied with the arrangements of assisfant.commissary.general Lawrence. An attack upon an enemy so strongly posted, could not be effected without loss. I have to lament that the wounds received by colonel Thornton, and the other officers and soldiers left at Bladensburg, were such as prevented th_eir removal. As many of the wounded as could be brought off were removed, the others being left with medical care and attendants. The arrangements made by staff surgeon Baxter for their accommo dation, have been as satisfactory as circumstances would admit of. The agent for British prisoners of war very fortunately residing at Bladensburg, I have recomraended the wounded officers and men to his parficular attention, and trust to his being able to effect their exchange when sufficiently recovered. Captain Smith, assistant adjutant-general to the troops, who will have the honor to deliver this despatch, I beg leave to recoraraend to your lordship's protection, as an officer of rauch merit and great promise, and capable of affording any further information that may be requisite. Sanguine in hoping for the approbation of his royal highness the prince regent, and of his wajesty's governraent, as to the conduct of the troops under my coraraand, I have, &c. R, ROSS, maj. .gen. 1 beg leave to enclose herewith a return of the killed, wounded. APPENDIX. 499 and missing in the action of the 24th instant, together with a statement of the ordnance, ammunition, and ordnance stores taken from the enemy between the 19th and •25th of August, and likewise sketches of fhe scene of action and of the line of march. No. 64. Return of killed, wounded, and missing, ofthe troops underthe command of major.general Ross, in action with the enemy on the^4thAug. 1814, on the heights obove Bladensburg. Washington, Aug. 25, 1814, General staff ; — 4 horses, killed. Royal artillery ; — 4 horses; killed ; 6 rank and file, 8 horses, wounded. Royal marines ortillery ; — 1 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, wounded. Royal sappers and miners; — 1 serjeant, 1 rank and file, killed. ith regiment; — 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 21 rank and file, 1 horse, killed; i lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 6 serjeants, 50 rank and file, wounded. Sist regiment; — 2 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 11 rank and file, wounded. 44th regiment ; — 1 serjeant, 13 rank and file, killed ; S5 rank and file, wounded. 2d battalion royal marines; — 5 rank and file, killed. S5th light irifantry; — 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 12 rank and file, 1 horse, killed; 2 Heutenant-colonels, 1 major, 8 lieutenants, S Serjeants, 51 rank and file, wounded. Colonial company ; — 1 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and file, wounded, 6th West India regiment; — 1 serjeant, wounded. Total — 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 5 Serjeants, 56 rank and file, 10 horses, kifled; 2 lieutenant-colonels, 1 major, 1 captain, 14 lieutenants, 8 ensigns, JO serjeants, 155 rank and file, 8 horses, wounded. Names of officers killed and wounded. Killed — 8ath light infantry; — Captain D. S. Hamilton, lieutenant G. P. R. Codd. 4th, or king's own; — Lieutenant Thomas Woodward. Wounded — Sith light infantry; — Colonel William Thornton, se verely; left at Bladensburg;) lieutenant-Colonel William Thornton, se- verely; (left at Bladensburg;) lieutenant-colonel William Wood, se verely; (left at Bladensburg;) major George Brown, severely (left at Bladensburj:). 21. !th of December, 1814. Killed — General Coffee's brigade, 1 private; New Orleans volunteer company, 1 private ; general Carroll's divisioii of Tennesse militia, 1 colonel, 1 serjeant, 5 privates. Total— 9. Wounded; — Marines, 1 major; New Orleans volunteer company, 3 privates; general Carroll's division, 1 lieuteuant, 3 ptiv-iles. Total wounded — 8. Total killed, wounded, and missing, on this day — 17. APPENDIX. 541 No. 92. From commodore Patterson to the American secretary of ihe navy. Marine batteries, five miles below New Orleans, Sir, January 2, 1815. Finding the advantageous effect which resulted from the flanking fire of the enemy from the Louisiana, as detailed in my letter of the 29th ultimo, I that night had brought down from the navy yard, and mounted in silence, a 24.pounder on shore, in a position where it could most annoy the enemy when throwing up works on the levee or in the field. On the 30th opened upon the enemy with the 24-pounder, which drove them from their works, the ship firing at the sarae tirae npon their advance, which retired frora the levee, and sheltered itself behind houses, &c. The great effect produced by the gun on shore, induced me on the 31st to land from the Louisiana two 12.pounders, which I mounted behind the levee in the most advantageous position, to harass the flank of the enemy in his approaches to our lines, and to aid our right. At four A. M. the eneray opened a fire upon the left of our line with artillery and musketry, which was returned most spiritedly with artillery and musketry. At two P, M, the enemy having retired, the firing ceased. On the first instant, at 10 A.M. affer a very thick fog, the enemy commenced a heavy cannonading upon general Jackson's lines and my battery, from batteries they had thrown up during the preceding night on fhe levee ; which was returned from our lines and roy battery, and terrainated, after a most incessant fire from both parties of nearly five hours, in the enemy being silenced and driven from their works; many of their shells went immediately over ray battery, and their shot passed through my breast-work and embrazures, without injuring a man. On this, as on the 28th, I am happy to say, that my officers and men behaved to my entire satisfaction ; but I beg leave particularly to name acting lieutenant Ciimpbell, acting sailing-master John Gates, a'^ting midshipman Philip Philibert, of the Louisiana, and sailing-master Haller, of the late schooner Carolina. I did not drop the Louisiana down within the.range of their shot, having learnt from deserters that a furnace of shot was kept in constant readiness at each of their batteries, to burn her ; and the guns being of much greater effect on shore, her men were drawn to man them, and I was particularly desirous' to preserve her from the hot shot, as I deemed her of incalculable service to cover the army in the event of general Jackson retiring from his present line to those which he had thrown up in his rear. I have the honor to be, &c. ^ DANIEL T. PATTERSON. 542 APPENDIXi No. 93. Return of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the army under the command of major-general Andrew Jackson,' in the action of the Isi of January, 1814. Killed; — Artillery, navy, and volunteers, at batteries, 8 privates; 44th ditto, 1 private ; ueneral Coffee's brigade, 1 serjeant; general Carroll's division, 1 private. Total— 11. Wourided ; — Artillery, navy, and volunteers at batteries, 8 ; 7th United States' infantry, 1 private ; 44th ditto, 3; general Coffee's bri gade, 2; New Orleans' volunteers, 3 privates; general Carroll's divi sion, t seigeant, 2 privates; volunteers of colour, 1 heutenant, I ser jeant, 1 private. Total— 23. Total of killed, wounded, and missing tbis day — 34. *************** No.. 94. Return of casaalties between the '25th and 31st Dee. 1814. Royal artillery ; — 4 rank and file, killed; liieutenant, 5 rank and file, wounded. Roycd engineers, sappers and miners; — 1 rank and file, wounded. 4th foot ; — 4 rank and file, wounded. 21sJ fool ; — 1 rank and file, killed ; 1 rank and file, wounded. 44th foot ; — 2 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing. 8Slh foot ; — 1 diummer, 3 rank and file, killed; 2 ensigns, 11 rank and file, wouiif'-ed. 93d foul ; — 2 rank and file, killed; 5 rank and file, wounded. 9Sth foot; — 3 rank and file, killed; 1 serjeant, 3 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing. 1st West India regiment; — 1 captain, kifled. 5th ditto; — 1 rank and file, killed ; 2 rank and lile, wounded. Total — 1 captain, 1 drummer, 14 rank aud file, killed ; 1 lieute- nant, 2 ensigns, 1 serjeant, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 2 rank and file, missing. , Names of officers kifled and wounded. Killed. 1st West India regiinent ; — Captain Francis Collings. Wounded. Royal artillery ; — Lientenant B. L. Poynter, slightly. 851 h foot ;— Ensign sir Frederick Eden, bart. severely; (since dead;) ensisn Thoraas Ormsby, slightly, FRED STOVIN, lieut..col. dep. adj.. gen. APPENDIX. 643 No. 95, Return of casualties between ihe Island Bth January, 1815, Reyal artillery ;—l Itemenant, 1 serjeant, 9 rank and file, killed; 18 rank and file, wounded. Royal engineers, sappers, and miners;—! lieutenan t, killed. Sist foot;—l rank and file, kdled; 1 lieutenant, 4 rank and file, wounded. athfoot;—! lieutenant, 1 rank and file, killed; 3 rank and file, wounded. Sbth foot; — 2 rank aod file, killed; 2 lieutenants, 4 rank and file, wounded. i 93d foot; — 1 serjeant, 8 rank and file, kifled; liieutenant, 10 rank and file, wounded. ' .95th foot; — 1 rank and file, killed; 2 rank and file, missing. Sih West India regiment;— 4 rank and file, killed; S rank and file, wounded. Total — 3 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 27 rank and file, killed; j4 lieu. tenants, 40 rank and file, wounded; 2 rank and file, missing. Names of officers killed and wounded, Killed. Royal artillery ; — Lieutenant Alexander Ramsay. Royal engineers ; — Lieutenant Peter Wright. nth foot ; — Lieutenant John Blakeney. Wounded. Sist foot; — Lieutenant Jobn Leavock, slightly. Solhfoot; — Lieutenant Robert Charlton, severely; lieutenant J.W. Boys, slightly. 93d foot ; — Lieutenant Andrew Phaup, severely (since dead). FRED. STOVIN, leut..col, dep. .adj. -gen. No. 96. From major-general Lambert to earl Bathurst. Camp, in front of the enemy's lines, below My lord, New Orleans, Jan. 10, 1815. It becomes my dutyto lay before your lordship, the proceed. iiigs of the force lately employed on the coast of Louisiana, under the command of major.general the honourable Sir E. M. Pakenham, K.B. and acting in concert with vice.admiral tha honorable sir A, Cochrane, K.B. The report which I enclose frora major.general Keane, will put your lordship in possession of the occurrences which took place until the arrival of major-general the honorable £ir 544 APPENDIX. E Parkenham to assume the command ; from that period I send an extract of the journal of major Forrest, assistant-quarter. master.general, up to the time of the joining of the troops, (which sailed on the 26th of October last undefray command,) and which was on the (5th January; and from that period, I shall detail, as well as I am able, the subsequent events, I found the array in position, in a flat country, wilh the Mississippi on its left, and a thick extensive wood on its right, and open to its front, from which the enemy's line was quite distinguishable. It seems sir E. Pakenham had waited for the arrival of the fusiliers and 43d regiment, in order to make a general attack upon the enemy's line ; and on the 8th, the army was formed for that object. I-O order to give your lordship as clear a view as I can, I shall state the position of the enemy. On the left bank of the river it was simply a straight line of about a front of 1000 yards with a parapet, the right resting on the river, and the left on a wood which had been made impracticable for any body of troops to pass. This line was strengthened by flank works,-^and had a canal of about four feet deep generally, but not altogether of an equal width ; it was supposed to narrow towards their left : about eight heavy guns were in positiou on this line. The Mississippi is here about 800 yards across ; and they had ou the right bank a heavy battery of 12 guns, which enfilaiied the whole front ofthe position on tbe left bank. Preparations were made on our side, by very considerable labor, to clear out and widen a canal that communicated with a stream by which the boats had passed up to the place of dis. embarkation, to open it info the Mississippi, by which means troops could be got over to the right bank, and the co. opera. tion of arraed boats could be secured. The disposition for the attack was as follows : — a corps, consisting of fhe 85th light infantry, 200 seamen, and 400 marines, the Sth VV^est India regiment, and four pieces of artiU lery, under the command of colonel Thornton, of the 85th, was fo pass over during the night, and move along the right bank towards New Orleans, clearing its front until it reached the flanking battery of the enemy on that side, which it had orders to carry, The assailing of the eneray's line in front of us, was to be made by the brigade composed of the 4fh, 21st, and 44lh regiments, with three companies of fhe })5fh, under raajor. general Gibbs, and by the 3d brigade, consisting of fhe 93d, two corapanies of the 95th, and two companies of the fusileers, and 43d, under major.general Keane ; some black troops were destined to skirmish in the wood on the right; the principal APPENDIX. Hi attack was to be made by major.general Gibbs; the 1st bri gade, consisting of the fusileers and 43d, formed the reserve ; the attacking columns were to be provided with fascines, scal ing-ladders, and rafts ; the whole to be at their stations before daylight. An advanced battery in our front, of six Ut.pounders, was thrown up during the night, about 800 yards from the enemy's line. The atlack was to be made at the earliest hour. Unlooked-for difficultie,<-, increased by the falling of the river, occasioned considerable delay in the entrance of the armed boats, and those destined to land colonel Thiyrnton's corps, by which four or five hours were lost, and it was not until past five in the morning, that the 1st division, consisting of 500 men, were over. The ensemble of the general movement was lost, and in a point which was of the last importance to the attack on the left bank of the river, although colonel Thornton, as your lordship will see in bis report, which 1 enclose, ably executed in every particular his instructions, and fully justified the con fidence the commander of the forces placed in his abilities. The delay attending that corps occasioned some on the left bank, and the attack did not take place until the columns were discernible from the enemy's lines at more than 200 yards distance; as they advanced, a continued and most galling fire was opened from every part of their line, and from the battery on the right bank. The brave commander of the forces, who never in his life could refrain from being at the post of honor, and sharing the dangers to whiclj the troops were exposed, as soon as from his station he had made the signal for the troops to advance, gal. loped on to the front to animate them by his presence, and he was seen, with his hat off, encouraging them on the crest of the glacis ; it was there (almost at the same time) he received two wounds, one in his knee, and another, which was almost instantly fatal, in his body; he fell in the arms of major M'Dougall, his aide de camp. The effect of this in the..sight of thetroops, together with major.general Gibbs and major-gene. ral Keane being both borne off wounded at the sarae time, with many other commanding officers,' and further, the preparations to aid in crossing the ditch not being so forward as they ought to have been, from, perhaps, the men being wounded who were carrying them, caused a wavering in the column, which in such a situation became irreparable; and as I advanced with the reserve, at about 250 yards from the line, I had the mortifica tion to observe the whole falling back upon rae in the greatest confusion. In this situation, finding that no impression had been made, that though many men had reached the ditch, and were either drowned or obliged to surrender, and that it was impossible t^ VOL. II. N N 546 APPENDIX. restore order in the regiments where they were, I placed the reserve in position, until I could obtain such information as to determine me how to act to the best of my judgment, and whether or not I should resume the attack, and if so, I felt it could be done only by the reserve. The confldence I have in the corps composing it would have encouraged me greatly, though not without loss, which might have made the attempt of serious consequence, as I know it was the opinion of the late distinguished commander of the forces, that the carrying of the first line would not be the least arduous service. After making the best reflections I was capable of, I kept the ground the troops then held, and went to meet vice-adrairal sir Alex. ander Cochrane, and to tell him, that under all the circum. stances I did not think it prndent to renew the attack that day. At about 10 o'clock, I learnt of the success of colonel Thorn ton's corps on the right bank. I sent the commanding officer of the artillery, colonel Dickson, to examine the situation of the battery, and to report if it ¦was tenable ; but informing rae that he did not think it could be held with security by a sraaller corps than 2000 men, I consequently ordered lieutenant-colonel Gubbins, on whomthe command had devolved, (colonel Thorn ton being wounded,) to retire. The army remained in position until night, in order to gain time to destroy the 18-pounder battery we had constructed the preceding night in advance. I then gave orders for the troops resuming the ground they occupied previous to the attack. Our loss has been very severe, but I trust it will not be con sidered, notwithstanding the failure, that this array has suffered the railitary character to be tarnished, I am satisfied, had I thought it right to renew the attack, that the troops would have advanced with cheerfulness. The services of both army .and navy, since their landing on this coast, have been arduous beyond any thing I have ever witnessed, and difficulties have been got over with an assiduity and perseverance beyond all example by all ranks, and the most hearty co-operation has existed between the two services. It is not necessary for me to expatiate to you upon the loss the array has sustained in major.general the honorable sir E, Pakenham, commander-in. chief of this force, nor could I in adequate terms. His services and raerits are so well known, that I have only, in coramon wifh the whole army, to express my sincere regret, and which may bo supposed at this moment to come particularly home to me. Major-general Gibbs, who died of his wounds the follo'.ving day, and major-general Keane, who were both carricdioff the field within 20 yards of the glacis, at fhe head of their brigades, sufficiently speak at such a moment how they were conducting APPENDIX. 547 themselves. I am happy to say major-general Keane is doing well. Captain Wylly, of the fusileers, military secretary to the late coraraander of theforces, will have the honor of delivering to your lordship these despatches. Knowing how much he en. joyed his esteem, and was in his confidence from a long expe rience of his talents, I feel I cannot do less than pay this tribute to what I conceive would be the wishes of his late general, and to recommend him strongly to your lordship's protection. I have, &c. JOHN LAMBERT, Major.general, commanding. No. 97. From colonel Thornton to major-general the honorable sir Edward Pakenham. Redoubt, on the right bank of tha SIR, Mississippi, Jan. 8, 1815. I lose no time in reporting to you the success of the troop which you were yesterday pleased to place under my orders, with the view of attacking the enemy's redoubt and position on this side of the river. It is within your own knowledge, that the difficulty had been found so extremely great of dragging the boats through the canal which had been lately cut with so much labor to the Mississippi, that, notwithstanding every possible exertion for the purpose, we were unable to proceed across the river until eight hours after the time appointed, and even then, with only a third part of the force which you had allotted for the service. The current was so strong, and the difficulty, in consequence, of keeping the boats together, so great, that we only reached this side of the river at day-break, and, by the time the troops were disembarked, which was effected without any molestation frora tho eneray, 1 perceived by the flashes of the guns, that your attack had already commenced. This circumstance made me extremely anxious to move for ward, to prevent the destructive enfilading fire, which would, of course, be opened on your columns from the enemy's bat teries on this side ; and I proceeded with the greatest possible expedition, strengthened and secnred on my right flank by three gun-boats, under captain Roberts of the navy, whose zeal and exertions on this occasion were as unremitted as his arrangements in embarking the troops, and in keeping the boats together in crossing the river, were excellent. N » 2 «48 APPENDIX. The eneiny made no opposition to our advance, until we reached a piquet, posted behind a bridge, at about 500 paces from the house in the Orange grove, and secured by a small work, apparently just thrown up. This piquet was very soon forced and driven in by a division of the 85th regiment, under captain Schaw, of that regiment, forming the advanced guard, and whose mode of attack for tlje purpose was prompt and judicious to a degree. Upon my arrival at the Orange Grove, I had an oppor. tunity of reconnoitring, at about 700 yards, the enemy's posi tion, which I found to be a very formidable redoubt ou the bank of the river, with the right flank secured by an entrench. ment extending back to a thick wood, and its line protected by an incessant fire of grape. Under such circumstances it seemed to me to afford the best prospect of success, to endea vour to turn his right at the wood; and I accordingly detached two divisions of the 85th, under brevet lieutenant-colonel Gubbins, to effect that object, which he accomplished with his usual zeal and judgment, whilst 100 sailors, under captain Money, of the royal navy, who, I am sorry to say, was severely wounded, but whose conduct was particularly distin. guished on the occasion, threatened the enemy's left, supported by the division of the 85th regiment, under captain Schaw, When these divisions had gained their proper position, I deployed the column composed of two divisions of the 85th regiment, under major Deshon, whose conduct I cannot suffi. ciently commend, and about 100 men of the royal marines, under major Adair, also deserving of much comraendation, and moved forward in line, to the attack of the centre of the intrenchment. At first, the enemy, confident in his own security, shewed a, good countenance, and kept up a heavy fire, but the determi nation of the troops which I had the honour to coramand, to overcome all difficulties, compelled him to a rapid and disorderly fiight, leaving in our possession his redoubts, batteries, and position, with 16 pieces of ordnance, and the colors of the New Orleans regiment of tnilitia, Ofthe ordnance taken, I enclose the specific return of major Mitchell, of the royal artillery, who accompanied and afforded me much assistance, by his able directions of the firing" of some rockets, it not having been found practicable, in the first instance, to bring over the artillery attached to his command, I shall have the honor of sending you a return of the casualties that have occurred, as soon as it is possible to collect them, but I am happy to say they are extremely inconsiderable when the strength ofthe position and the number of the enemy are con. APPENDIX. S49 jidered, which our prisoners, (about 30 in number) agree in stating from 1500 to 2000 men, commanded by general Morgan. I should he extremely wanting both in justice and in grati. tude, were I not to request yonr particular notice of the officers whose names I have mentioned, as well as of major Blanchard, ofthe royal engineers, and lieutenant Peddie, of the 27th regi. ment, deputy.assistant.quarter.master.general, whose zeal and intelligence I found of the greatest service. The wounded men are meeting with every degree of attention and humanity by the medical iffrangements of staff-surgeon Baxter. The enemy's camp is supplied with a great abandancc of provisions, anda very large store of all sorts of ammunition. On moving to the attack, I received a wound, which shortly after my reaching the redoubt, occasioned me such pain and stiffness, that I have been obliged tO' give over the command of the troops on this side to lieutenant.colonel Gubbins, of the 85th light infantry; but, as he has obtained some reinforce. ment, since the attack, of sailors and marines, and has taken the best jirecautions to cover and secure his position, I will be answerable, from my knowledge of his judgment and expe rience, that he will retain it, until your pleasure and further orders shall be communicated to him. I have the honor to be, &c. "W, THORNTON, colonel. To major-gen, the hon, sir E. M, lieut.-col. 85th reg, Pakenham, K.B, &c. 000000000000000 No, 98. Return efthe ordnance taken from the enemy by a detachment of the army acting on the Right Bank of the Mississippi, under the command of colonel Thornton. Redoubt, Right Bank of the Mississippi, January 8, 1815. I brass 10-inch howitzer, 2 brass 4-pounder field-pieces, 3 24-pound. €rs, 3 12-poHnders, 6 9-ponnders, 1 12-pounder carronade, not mounted. On the howitzer is inscribed, " Taken at the surrender of York Town, 1781," J. MITCHELL, maj. capt. reyal-artil. 550 APPENDIX, No. 99. From vice-admiral Cochrane to Mr. Croker. Sir, Armide, off Isle au Chat, January 18, 1815. An unsuccessful attempt to gain possession of fhe enemy's lines near New Orleans, on the Sth instant, having left me to deplore the fall of major-general the honorable sir Edward Pakenham, and major-general Gibbs; and deprived the service of the present assistance of major-general Keane, who is severely wonnded, I send the Plantagenet to England, to convejr a despatch from major-general Lambert, upon whom the com. mand of the army has devolved, and to inforra ray lords coramis sioners of the Admiralty of the operations of the combined forces since my ardval upon this coast. The accorapanying letters, Nos. 163 and 169, of the 7th and 16th ultirao, will acquaint their lordships of the proceedings of the squadron to fhe 15th of December. The great distance from the anchorage of the frigates and troop ships to the bayou Catalan, which, frora the best infor. mation we could gain, appeared to offer the most secure, and was, indeed, the only unprotected spot whereat to effect a dis. embarkation, and our raeans, even with the addition of the captured enemy's gun-vessels, only affording us transport for half the army, exclusive of fhe supplies that were required, it became necessary, in order to have support for the division tha,(; would first land, to assemble the whole at some intermediate position, from whence the second division could be re-embarked in vessels brought light into the lake, as near the bayou as might be practicable, and remain there until the boats could land the first division and return. Upon the 16th, therefore, the advance, coramanded hy colonel Thornton, of the 85th regimtut, was put into the gun-vessels and boats, and captain Gordon, of the Seahorse, proceeded with thom, and took ppst upon the Isle aux Poix, a sraall swampy spot at the mouth of the Pearl river, about 30 miles from the anchorage, and nearly fhe same distance from the bayou, where major-general Keane, rear-admiral Codrington, and rayself joined them on the following day ; raeeting the gun-vessels and boats returning to the shipping for troops, and supplies of stores and provisions. The honorable captain Spencer, of the Carron, and lieute nant Peddy, of the qnarter-master-general's department, who were sent to reconnoitre the bayou Catalan, now returned with a favorable report of its position for disembarking the army ; having, with their guide, pulled up in a canoe to the head o.f APPENDIX. 651 the bayou, a distance of eight miles, and landed within a mile and a half of the high road to, and about six miles below New Orleans, where they crossed the road without meeting with any interruption, or perceiving the least preparation on the part of the enemy. The severe changes of the weather, from rain to fresh gales and hard frost, retarding the boats in their repeated passages to and from the shipping, it was not until the 21st that (leaving on board the greater part of the two black regiments, and the dragoons) we could assemble troops and supplies sufficient to admit of our proceeding ; and, on that day, we commenced the embarkation of the second division in the gun-ve-isols, such ofthe hirt'd craft as could be brought into the lakes, and the Anaconda, which, by the greatest exertions, had been got over the shoal passages. On tho ii2d, these vessels being filled with about 2400 men, the advance, consisting of about 1600 mon, got into tho boats, and, at eleven o'clock, the whole started, with a fair wind, to cross Lm Borgne We had not, however, proceeded above two miles when the Anaconda grounded, and the hired craft and gun-vessels taking the ground in succession before they had got within ton miles of the bayou ; the advance pushed on, and at about midnight reached the entrance. A piquet, which the eneiny had taken the precaution to place thero, being surprised and cut off, major.general Keane, with rear-ai!rairal Malcolm and the advance, moved up the bayou, and haviug effected a landing at day-break, in the course of the day was enabled to take up a position across fhe main road to New Orleans, between the river Mississippi and the bayou. In this situation, about an hour after sun-set, and before the boats could return with the second division, an enemy's schoo ner of 14 guns, and an armed ship of 16-guns, having dropped down the Mississippi, the forraer commenced a brisk cannon. ading, wbich was followed up by an attack of tho whole of fhe American army. Their troops were, however, beaten back, and obliged to retire with considerable loss, and major-general Keane advanced soraewhat beyond his forraer position. As soon as the second division was brought up, the gun-vessels and boats returned for the remainder of the troops, the small-armed seamen and marines of the squadron, and such supplies as were required. On the 25th, major-general sir E. Pakenham and raajor, general Gibbs arrived at head-quarters, when the forraer took command of the array. The schooner which had continued at intervals to annoy the, troops having been burnt, on the 27th, by hot shot from our 562 APPENDIX. artillery, and the ship having warped farther up the river, the following day the general moved forward to within gun.shot of an entrenchment which the enemy had newly thrown up, extending across the cultivated ground frora the Mississippi to an impassable swampy wood on his left, a distance of about 1000 yards. It being thought necessary to bring heavy artillery against this work, and also against the ship which had cannonaded the army, when advancing, guns were brought up from the shipping, and on the 1st instant batteries were opened ; but our fire not having the desired effect, the attack was defered until the arrival of the troops under major.general Lambert, which were daily expected. Major.general Lambert, in the Vengeur, with a convoy of transports, having on board the 7th and 43d regiments, reached the outer anchorage on the 1st, and this reinforcement was all brought up to the advance on the 6th iiistant, while prepara. tions were making for a second attack, in the proposed plan for which, it was decided to throw a body of men across the river to gain possession of the enemy's guns on the right bank, For-this purpose the canal by which we were enabled to conduct provisions and stores towards the camp, was widened and extended to the river, and about 60 barges, pinnaces, and cutters, having, in the day.time of the 7th, been tracked under cover and unperceived, close up to the bank, at night the whole were dragged into the Mississippi, and placed under the command of capfain Roberts of the Meteor. The boats having grounded in the~canal, a diftance of SSO yards frora the river, and the bank being composed of wet clay thrown out of the canal, it was not until nearly day-light that with the utmost possible exertions, fhis service was completed. The 85th regiment, with a division of seamen under captain Money, and a division of marines under major Adair, the whole amounting to about 600 men, comraanded by colonel Thornton, of the 85th regiraent, were embarked and landed on the right bank of the river without opposition, just after day.light; and the armed boats moving up the river as the troops advanced, this part of the operations succeeded perfectly ; the enemy having been driven from every position, leaving behind him 17 pieces of cannon. The great loss, however, sustained by the principal attack having Induced general Lambert to send orders to colonel Thornton to retire, after spiking fhe guns and destroying the carriages, the whole were re-embarked and brought back, arid the boats by a similar process of hard labor were again dragged jnto the canal, and from thence to the bayou, conveying at APPENDIX. 553 the same time such of the wounded as it was thouglit requisito to send off to the ships, Major.general Lambert having determined to withdraw the army, measures were taken to re.embark the whole of the sick and wounded, thatit was possible to move, and the stores, ammunition, ordnance, &c. with such detachments of the army, seamen, and marines, as were not immediately wanted ; in order that the remainder of the army may retire unincumbered, and the last division be furnished with sufficient raeans of transport. This arrangement being in a forward state of execution, I quitted heacd.quarters on the 14th instant, leaving rear-admiral Malcolm to conduct the naval part of the operations in that quarter, and I arrived at this anchorage on the 16th, where I am arranging for the reception of the army, and preparing the fleet for further operations, I must, in common with the nation, lament fhe loss which the service has sustained by the death of major-general the honor- able sir Edward Pakenham, and major.general Gibbs. Their great miUtary qualities were justly estiraated while living, and their zealous devodon to our country's welfare, will be cherished as an example to future generations. In justice to the officers and men of the squadron under my command, who have been employed upon this expedition, I cannot omit to call the attention of my lords commissioners of the Admiralty to the laborious exertions and great privations which have been willingly and cheerfully borne, by every class, for a period of nearly six weeks. From the 12th of December, when the boats proceeded to the attack of the enemy's gun-vessels, to the present time, but very few of tho officers or men have ever slept one night on board their ships. The whole of the army, with the principal part of its provi. sions, its stores, artillery, ammunition, and the nuraerous neces. sary appendages, havebeen all transported from the shipping to the head of the bayon, a distance of 70 miles, chiefly in open boats, and are now re-embarking by the same process. The hardships, therefore, which the boats' crews have u.3dergone, from their being kept day and night continually passing and repassing in the most changeable and severe weather, have rarely been equalled; and it has been highly honorable to both services, and most gratifying to myself, to observe the emula. tion and unanimity which has pervaded the whole. Rear-admiral Malcolm superintended the disembarkation of the array, and the various services performed by the boats; and it is a duty that 1 fulfil with much pleasure, assuring their lord. ships that his zeal and exertions upon every occasion could not 564 APPENDIX. be surpassed by any one. I beg leave also to offer my testi. mony to the unwearied and cheerful assistance afforded to the rear-admiral by captains sir Thomas M. Hardy, Dashwood, and Gordon, and the several captains and olher officers. Rear. admiral Codrington 'accompanied rae throughout this service; and I feel niuch indebted for his able advice and assistance. Captain sir Thomas Troubridge, and the officers and seamen attached undor his command to the army, have conducted themselves much to fhe satisl'acfion of the generals coramanding. Sir Thomas Troubridge speaks in the highest terms of the cap. tains and other officers employed undor him, as named in his letter, (a copy of which is enclosed,) reporting their services. He particularly mentions captain Money, of the Trav?, who, I am much concerned to say, had both bones of his leg broken by a musket-shot, advancing under a heavy firo to the attack of a battery that was afterwards carried. Tbe conduct of captain Money at Washington, and near Baltimore, where he was eraployed with the army, having before occasioned my noticing him to their lordships, 1 beg leave now to recommend him most strongly to their protection. The wound that he has received not afi'ording him any probability of his being able to return to his duty for a considerable time, I have given hira leave of absence to go to England; and shall intrust to him my des. patches. I have not yet received any official report from the captain of the Nymphe, which ship, with the vessels nan ed in the margin,* were sent into the Mississippi, to create a diversion in that quarter. The bombs have been for sorae days past throwing shells into fort Placquemain, but 1 fear without much effect. — 1 have sent to recall such of thera as are not required for the blockade of fhe river. I have the honor to be, &c. ALEXANDER COCHRANE, vice-admiral, and comraander in chief. J. Wilson Croker, esq. &c. 00 000000 0 000000 No. 100. Return of casualties on the Sth of January, 1815, General staff ; — 1 major-general, 1 capt/iin, killed; 2 major-gene. rais, 1 captain, 1 lieuteuant, wounded. ' Royal artiUe?-y; — 5 rank and file, killed ; 10 rank and file, wounded. Royal engineers, sappers, and miners; — 3 rank and file, wounded. * Nymphe, Herald, jEtna, Meteor, Thistle, Pigmy, ^ APPENDIX. 555 ith foot ;—l ens\gn, 2 serjeants, 39 rank and file, killed; 1 lieute nant-colonel, 1 major, 5 captains, 11 lieutenants, 4 ensigns, 1 staff, 9 Serjeants, 222 rank and file, wounded; 1 lieutenant, 1 serjeant, 53 rank and file, missing. 7thfoot;—l major, 1 captaia, 1 serjeant, 38 rank and file, killed ; 2 captains, 2 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 47 rank and and file, woumled. Sist foot; — 1 major, 1 captain, 1 lieutenant, 2 Serjeants, 65 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 major, 2 lieutenants, 6 serjeants, 1 drummer, 144 rank and file, wounded ;' 2 captains, 7 lieutenants, 8 ser- jeants, 2 drummers, 21T rank and filej missing, 43rf/oof;-— 2 Serjeants, 1 drummer, 8 rank and file, killed ; 2 lieute nants, 3 serjeants, 3 drummers, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 1 captain, 5 rank and file, missing. nth foot ; — 1 lieutenant, 1 ensign, 1 serjeant, 32 rank and file, killed ; 1 captain, 5 lieutenants, 3 ensigns, 5 serjeants, 149 rank and file, wounded ; 1 lieutenant, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 76 rank and file, missing. 85th foot ; — 2 rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant-colonel, 1 lieute nant, 3 serjeants, 2 drummers, 34 rank and file, wounded ; 1 rank and file, missing. 93d foot ;^-l lieutenant-colonel, 2 captains, 2 serjeants, 58 rank and file, killed; 4 captains, 5 lieutenants, 17 serjeants, 3 drummers, 348 rank and file, wounded; 3 lieutenants, 2 serjeants, 1 drummer, 99 rank and file, missing. 9Sthfoot; — I Serjeant, 10 rank anrt file, killed; 2 captains, 5 lieute nants, S Serjeants, 89 rank and lile, wounded. Royalmarines; — 2 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 Serjeant, 12 rank and tile, wonnded. Royal navy ^—S seamen, killed; 1 captain, 18 seamen, wounded. Iij/ West JHA'a regime^j*;— 5 rank and file, killed; 1 captain, 2 lieti- lenants, 2 ensigns, 2 serjeants, 16 rank and file, wounded; 1 rank and file, missing. Sth West India regiment ; — 1 serjeant, wounded. Total loss— 1 major-general, 1 lieutenant-colonel, 2 majors, 5 cap tains, 2 lieutenants, 2 ensigns, 11 serjeants, 1 drummer, 266 rank and rile, killed ; 2 miijor-generals, 3 lieutenant-colonels, 2 majors, I8captains,38 lieutenants, Oensigns, 1 staff, 3 4serjeants, 9 drummers, 1126 rank and file, wounded; 3 captains, 12 lieu tenants, 13 serjeants, 4 drummers, 452 rank and file, missing. Names of the officers killed, wounded, and missing. Killed. Genera/ s/ajf;— Major-general tbe honorable sir Edward Pakenham, K. B. conimandtT of the forces; captain Tbomas Wilkinson, 85tb regir raent, major of brigade. ith foot ; — Ensign William Crowe. r soon as possible, with a view to carry into effect the other objects of the force employed upon this coast; from the 9fh instant it was determined that fhe army should retreat, and 1 have the satisfaction of informing your lordship that it was effected on the night of the 18th instant, and ground was taken up on t'^e morning of the 19fh, on both sides of tbe bayou, or creek, which thetroops had entered on their disembarkation, 14 miles from their position before the enemy's line, covering Now Orleans, on the left bank of the Mississippi, and one mile from the entrance into Lac Borgue: the army remained in bivouac until the 27th instant, when the whole were re-embarkcd. In stating the circumstances of this retreat to your lordship, I shall confidently trust that you will seo that good order and discipline ever existed in this army, and that zeal for the service, and attention was ever conspicuous in officers of all ranks. Your lordship is already acquainted with tho position the array occupied, its advanced post close up to tho enemy's line, and the greater part of the array were exposed to the fire of his batte- ries, which was unreraitting day and night since the 1st of Janu. ary, when the position in advance was taken up ; the retreat was effected without being harassed in any degree by the enemy ; all the sick and wounded, (with the exception of 80 whom it was considered dangerous to remove,) field artillery, ammuni tion, hospital and other stores of every do-cription, which had been landed on a very large scale, were brought away, and nothing fell into the enemy's hands, excepting .-ix iron 18-poun. ders, mounted on sea- carriages, and two carronades which were in position on the left bank of the Mississippi ; to bring them off at the raoment the army was retiring was impossible, and to have done it previously would have exposed the whole force to any fire the enemy might have sent down the river. 666 APPENDIX, These batteries were of course destroyed, and the guns rendered perfectly unserviceable ; only four men were reported absent next morning, and these, I suppose, must have been left be. hind, and have fallen into the hands of the enemy ; but when it is considered the troops were in perfect ignorance of the move. ment until a fixed hour during the night, that the battalions were drawn off in succession, and that the piquets did not move off till half past three o'clock in the morning, and that the whole had to retire through the most difficult new made road, cut in marshy ground, impassable for a horse, and where, in many places, the men could only go in single files, and that the absence of men might be accounted for in so many ways, it would be rather a matter of surprise the number was so few. An exchange of prisoners has been effected with the enemy upon very fair terms, and their attention to the brave prisoners and wounded that have fallen into their hands has been kind and humane, I have every reason to believe. However unsuccessful the terraination of the late service the army and navy have been employed upon, has turned ouf, it would be injustice not to point out how much praise is due to their exertions, ever since fhe 13th of Deceraber, when the army began to move from the ships, the fatigue of disembarking and bringing up artillery and supplies from such a distance has been incessant, and I must add, that owing to the exertions of the navy, the army has never wanted provisions. The labor and fatigue of the searaen and soldiers were particularly con. spicuous on the night of the 7th instant, when 50 boats were dragged through a canal into the Mississippi, in which there were only 18 inches of water, and I am confident that vice. admiral sir Alexander Cochrane, who suggested the possibility of this operation, will be equally ready to admit this, as well as the hearty co-operation of the troops on all occasions. From what has come under my own observation since I joined this array, and from official reports that have been made to mo, 1 beg to call your lordship's attention to individuals, who frora their station have rendered themselves peculiarly conspiruous : major Forrest, at the head of the quarter. master-general's departraent, I cannot say too rauch of; lieu. tenants Evans and Peddie, of fhe same, have been remarkable for their exeitions and indefatigability : sir John Tylden, who has acted in the field as assistant adjutant.general with me, (lieutenant-colonel Stovin having been wounded on the 23(1 ulf. though doing well, nof as yet being permitted to take active service,) has been very useful ; on the night of the 7th, previous to the attack, rear-admiral Malcolm reports the great assist ance he received from him, in forwarding the boats into the APPENDIX. 567 Mississippi. Captain Wood, of the 4th regiment, deputy assistant adjutant.general, has filled that situtation since the first disembarkation of the troops with zeal and attention. During the action of the Sth instant the command of the 2d brigade devolved upon lieutenant.colonel Brooke, 4fh regi. ment; that of the 3d upon colonel Hamilton. Sth West India regiment; and the reserve upon colonel Blakeney, royal fusi. leers; to all these officers 1 feel much indebted for their services. Lieutenant.colonel Dickson, royal artillery, has displayed his usual abilities and assiduity ; he reports to me his general satis. faction of all the officers under his coraraand, especially major Munro, senior officer of the royal artillery, previous to his arrival, andof the officers coraraanding corapanies. Lieutenant.colonel Burgoyne, royal engineers, afforded rae every assistance that could be expected from his known talents and experience; that service lost a very valuable and much esteemed officer in lieutenant Wright, who was killed when re. connoitring on tho evening of the 31st ultimo. Lieutenant-colonel Mein, of the 43d, and lieutenant-colonel Gubbins, 85th regiments, field-officers of the piquets on the 18th, have great credit for the mannor in which they withdrew the out-posts on the morning of the 19th, under the direction x>f colonel Blakeney, royal fusileers. I request, in a particular manner, to express how rauch this army is indebted to the attention and diligence of Mr. Robb, deputy inspector of hospitals; he met the embarrassraents of crowded hospitals, and their imraediate removal, with such excellent arrangeraents, that the wounded was all brought off with every favorable circurastance, except such cases as would have rendered their removal dangerous. • Captain sir Thomas Troubridge, royal navy, who com. manded a battalion of searaen, and who was attached to act with the troops, rendered the greatest service by his exertions in whatever way they were required; colonel Dickson, royal artillery, particularly mentions how much he was indebted to him. The conduct of the two squadrons of the 14th light dra goons, latterly under the comraand of lieutenant.colonelv Baker, previously of major Mills, has been the admiration of every one, by the cheerfulness wifh which they have performed all descriptions of service, i must also mention the exertions of the royal staff corps under major Todd, so reported by the deputy quarter.master-general. Permit me to add the obligations I am under to my personal staff, lieutenant the honorable Edward Curzon, of the royal navy, who was selected as naval aide do camp to the command- ing oflicer of the troops on their first disembarkation, each of 568 APPENDIX. whom have expressed the satisfaction they had in his appoint ment, to which I confidently add my own. Major Sraith, of the 95th regiraent, now as acting military secretary, is so well known for his zeal and talents, that I can with great truth say that I think he possesses every qualification to render him hereafter one of the brightest ornaments of his profession. I cannot conclude without expressing how raucb indebted the army is to rear.admiral Malcolra, who had thi iraraediate charge of landing and re-embarking the troops ; he remained on shore to the last, and by his abilities and activity smoothed every difficulty. 1 have the honor to be, &C- JOHN LAMBERT, Right hon. earl Bathurst, &c. major.gentral command. P. S. I regret to have to report, that during the night of the 25th, in very bad weather, a boat containing two officers, viz. lieutenant Brydges and cornet Hammond, with 37 of the 14th light dragoons, unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy, off the raouth of the Regolets : I have not been able to ascertain correctly the particular circumstances. No. 106. Return of casualties between the 9th and Wth January, 1815. 43d foot; — 1 rank and file, killed; liieutenant, 1 serjeant, 2 rank and file, wounded. SSthf'ot ; — 1 rank and file, wounded. Total — 1 rank and file, killed; liieutenant, 1 seijeant, 3 rank and file, wounded. Officer wounded. iSdfoot; — Lieutenant D'Arcy, severelv (both legs amputated). FRED. STOVIN, lieut.-col. dep. adj.-gen. 000 000 00 00000 0 0 No. 107. From major Overton to major-general Jackson. Sir, Fort St. Philip, January 19, 1815. On the 1st of the present month, 1 received information that the enemy intended passing this fort, to co-operate with their land forces, in tho sulijugation of Louisiana, and the destruc. tion of the city of New Orleans. To effect this with raore fa. cility, they were first with their heavy borab.vessels to borabard this place into compliance. On the grounds of this informa-^ tion, I turned my attention to the security of my coraraand : I erected small magazines in different parts of the garrison, that if APPENDIX. 569 one blew up I could resort to another; built covers for my men, to secure thera frora the explosion of the shells, and removed the combustible matter without the work. Early in the day of the Sth instant, I was advised of their approach, and on the 9th, at a quarter past 10 A. M. hove in sight two borab.vessels, one sloop, one brig, and one schooner, they anchored two and a quarter railes below. At half past f l. and at half past 12, they advanced two barges, apparently for the purpose of sounding within one and a half mile of the fort ; at this raoraent 1 ordered my water battery, under the command of lieutenant Cunningham, of the navy, to open upon them. Its 'well-directed shot caused a precipitate retreat. At half past three o'clock P. M. the enemy's borab.vessels opened tbeir fire from four sea-mortars, two of 13 inches, two of 10, and to my great mortification I found they wero without the effective range of my shot, as many subsequent experiments proved; they continued their fire witb littlo interraission duringthe 10th, llth, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th. I occasionally opened my batteries on them with great vivacity, particularly when they showed a disposition to change their position. On the 17th in the evening, our heavy mortar was said to be in readiness. I ordered that excellent officer captain Wolstone. croft, of the artillerists, who previously had charge of it, to open a fire, which was done with great efi'ect, as the enemy from that moraent becarae disordered, and at day-light on the 18th coraraenced their retreat, after having thrown upwards of 1000 heavy shells, besides sraall shells, from howitzers, round shot, and grape, which he discharged from boats under cover of the night. Our loss in this affair has been uncomraonly sraall, owing entirely to the great pains that was taken by the different officers to keep their raon under cover; as the enemy left scarcely 10 feet of this garrison untouched. The officers and soldiers through this whole affair, although nine days and nights under arms in the difierent batteries, the consequent fatigue and loss of sleep, have manifested the greatest firmness and the most zealous warmth to bo at the enemy. To distinguish individuals would be a delicate task, as merit was conspicuous every where. Lieutenant Cunningham, of the navy, who comraanded my water battery, with his brave crew, evinced the most determined bravery and uncommon activity throughout; and, in fact, sir, the only thing to be regretted is, that the enemy was too tiraid to give us an oppor- tunity of dstroying him. I herewith enclose you a list of the killed and wounded. I am, sir, very respectfully, W. H. OVERTON. 570 APPENDIX. No. 108. A list of the killed and wounded during the bombardment of fort St, PhiUp, commencing on the Qth, and ending on the ISth of Janury, 1815. Captain Woolstonecioft's artillerv — Wounded, 3. Captain Murry's artillery — Killed, 2 ; wounded, 1. Captain Bronten's infantry — Wounded, 1. Captain Wade's infantry — Wounded, 2. , Total killed, 2; wounded, 7. No. 109, From major-general Lambert to earl Bathurst. Head.quarters, Isle Dauphine, Feb. 14, 1815, My lord, My despatch, dated January 29th, will have informed your lordship of there-embarkation of this force, which was com. pleted on the SOth ; the weather came on so bad on that night, and continued so until the 5th of February, that no communii cation could be held with the ships at the inner anchorage, a distance of about 17 miles. It being agreed between vice-admiral sir Alexander Cochrane and myself that operations should be carried towards Mobile, it was decided that a force should be sent against Fort.Bowyer, situated on the eastern point of the entrance of the bay, and from every information that could be obtained, it was considered a brigade would be enfficient for^this object, wifh a respectable force of artillery. I ordered fhe 2d brigade, composed of the 4th, 21st, and 44th regiments, for this service, together with such means in the engineer and artillery departments as the chief and coramanding officer of the royal artillery might think expedient. The remaiider of the force h'ad orders to disembark on Isle Dauphine, and encamp ; and major.general Keane, whom 1 am truly happy to say has returned to his duty, super. intended their arrangement. The weather being favorable on the 7th for fhe landing to the eastward of Mobile point, the ships destined fo move on that service sailed under the command of captain Ricketts, of the Vengeur, but did not arrive in sufficient tirae that evening to do more than determine the place of disembarkation, which was about three railes from Fort.Bowyer. At day-light the next morning the troops got into the boats, and 600 men were landed under lieutenant-colonel Debbeig of the 44th, without opposition, who immediately threw out the light companies under lieutenant Bennett, of the 4th regiment. APPENDIX, 671 to cover the landing of the brigade. Upon the whole being disembarked, a disposition was made to move on towards the fort, covered by the light companies. The enemy was not seen nntil about 1000 yards in front of their works ; they gradually fell back, and no firing took place until the whole had retired into the fort, and our advance had pushed on nearly to within 300 yards. Having reconnoitred the forts with lieutenant. colonels Burgoyne and Dickson, we were decidedly of opinion, that the work was forraidable only against an assault; that batteries being once established, it must speedily fall. Every exertion "Vas made by the navy to land provisions, and the necessary equipment of the battering train and engineer stores. We broke ground on the night of the Sth, and advanced a firing party to within 100 yards of the fort during, the night. The posi. tion of the batteries being decided upon the next day, they were ready to receive their guns on the night of the 10th, and on the morning of the llth the fire of a battery of four 18. pounders on the left, and two S-inch howitzers on the right, each about 100 yards distance, two 6-pounders, at about 300 yards, and eight sraall cohorns advantageously placed on the right, wifh intervals between of 100 and 200 yards, all furnished to keep up an incessant fire for two days, were prepared to open. Preparatory to commencing, I summoned the fort, allowing the commauding officer half an hour for dcision upon such terms as were proposed. Finding he was inclined to consider them, I prolongdl the period, at his request, and at three o'clock the fort was given up to a British guard, and British colours hoisted ; the terms being signed by major Smith, mili. tary secretary, and captain Ricketts, R. N. and finally approved of by the vice.admiral and myself, which I have the honor to enclose. I am happy to say our loss was not very great; and we are indebted for this, in a great measure, to the efficient means attached to- this' force. Had we been obliged to resort to any other mode of attack, the fall could not have been looked for under such favorable circumstances. We have certain information of a force having been sent from Mobile, and disembarked about 12 miles off, in the night of the 10th, to attempt its relief; two schooners with provi. sions, and an intercepted letter, fell into our bauds, taken by captain Price, R. N. stationed in the bay. I cannot close this despatch without naming to your lord. ship again, lieutenant-colonel Dickson, royal artillery, and Burgoyne, royal engineers, who displayed their usual zeal and abilities; and lieutenant Bennett, of the 4th, who comraanded the light companies, and pushed up close to the eneray's works. Captain the honorable R. Spencer, R. N. ^who had been placed with a detachraent of seamen under my orders, greatly facilitated the service in eyery way by his exertions. 572 APPENDIX, From captain Ricketts, of the R. N. who was charged with the landing and the disposition of the naval force, I received every assistance, I have the honor to be, &c. JOHN LAMBERT, Right hon. earl Bathurst, &c. Major-general command. No. 110. Return of ordnance, ammunition, and stores, captured from ihe enemy in this place, on the l%th instant. Fort-Bowyer, Feb. 14, 1815. Guns. 1 24-pounder, 2 9-pounders, outside tbe fort. Iron — 3 32-pounders, 8 24-pounders, 6 12-pouiiders, 5 9-pounders. Brass— 1 4-poundei-. Mortar — 1 8-inch. Howitzer — 1 SJ inch. Shot. 3S-pounder — 856 round, 64 grape, 1 1 case. Si-poundei — 851 round, 176 bar, 286 grape, 84 case. IS-ponndei — .^35 round, 74 urape, 439 case. 9-pounder — 781 round, 208 grape, 429 case. 6-pounder — 15 round, 75 bar, 13 case. 4-pounder — 2S1 loiiiid, 38 grape, 147 case. SheUs— Sb 8-inch 74 5J inch. 183 hand-grenades. 5,519 pounds powder. 1 triangle gin, complete. 16,976 musket ball-cariritlges. 500 flints. 351 muskets, complete, with accoutrements. JAS. PERCIVAL, ass. .com. royal artil. A. DICKSON, lieut.col. com. royal artil. No. 111. Return of casualties in the army under the command of major- general Lambert, employed before Fort-Bowyer, between the Qth and llth of February, 1815. Royal sappers, and miners; — I rank and file, wounded. 4th foot ; — 8 rank and file, killed ; 2 seijeants, 13 rank and file, wounded. '.ilst fool; — 2 serjeants, 2 rank and file, killed; 1 rank and file, wounded. 40th foot; — 1 rank and file, kilUd; 1 rank and file, wounded. Total— 13 kiUcd; 18 wounded. F. STOVEN, D. A. G, APPENDIX. 573 No. 112. Return of the American garrison of Fort-Buyer, ziihich sur- rendered to the force under major-general Lambert, llth of February, 1815. 1 field-officer, 3 captains, 10 subalterns, 2 staff, 16 serjeants, 16 drummers, 327 rank and file, 20 women, 16 children, 3 servants not soldiers. F. STOVEN, D. A. G. No. 113. Articles of capitulation agreed upon between lieutenant-colonel Lawrence and major.general Lambert for the surrender of Fort-Bowyer, on the Mobile point, llth February, 1815. Art. I. That the fort sball be surrendered to the arms ofhis Bri. tannic majesty in its existing state as to the works, ordnance, ammuni tion, and every species of military stores. II. That the garrison shall be considered as prisoners of war, the troops marching out with their colours flyin? and druras beating, and ground their arms on the glacis — the officers retaining their swords, and the whole to be embarked in sucb ships as the British naval commander- in-chief shall appoint. III. All private property to he respected. IV. That a coinmnnication shall be made immediately of the same to the commanding officer of the 7th military district of the United States, and every endeavour made to effect an early exchange of prisoners. V. That the garrison of the United States remain in ihe fort until twelve O'clock to-morrow, a British guard being put in possession ofthe inner gate at three o'clock to-day, tbe body of the guard remaining on tbe glacis, and that tbe British flag be hoisted at the same time — tm officer of each service remaining at tbe bead quarters of each com mander until the fufilment of these articles. H. C. SMITH, maj. and mil. sec. Agreed on the part of tbe royal navy, T. H. RICKTiTTS,capt. H.M.S. Vengeur. R. CHAMBERL.MN, 2d reg. U. S. infantry. WM. LAWRENCE, It.-col. 2d inf'y com'g'. Approved, A. COCHRANE, com.-in-chlcf II.M. shipp. JOHN L.\MBEllT, raajor-gen. commanding. Test, JOHN REID, aide-de-camp. 674 APPENDIX. No. 114. Letter from lieutenant.colonel Lawrence io general Jackson^ Siu, Fort Bowyer, February 12, 1815. Iraperious necessity has compelled me to enter into articles of capitulation wifh major.general John Lambert, commanding his Britannic majesty's forces in front of Fort Bowyer, a copy of which I forward you for the purpose of effecting an imme diate exchange of prisoners. Nothing but the want of provi. sions, and finding myself corapletely surrounded by thousands- batteries ereeted on the sand-mounds, which completely cora manded the fort — and the eneray having advanced, by regular approaches, within 30 yards of the ditches, and the utter im- possibility of getting any assistance or supplies, would have- induced me to adopt tbis measure. Feeling confident, and it being the unaniraous opinion of the officers, that we could not retain the post, and that the lives of many valuable officers and soldiers would have been uselessly sacrificed, I thought it most desirable to adopt this plan. A full and correct statement will be furnished you as early as possible. Captain Chamberlin, who bears this to E. Livingston, Esq. will relate to him every particular, which will, I hope, be satisfactory. I am, with respect, &c. W. LAWRENCE, lieut.col. com. No. 11.5. From general Jackson io the American secretary at war, Head-quarters, lih military district. Sir, New Orleans, 24th February, 1815, The flag-vessel which I sent to the enemy's fleet returned a few days ago, with assurances from adniiral Cc'hrane, that the American prisoners taken in the gun.boats and sent to Jaraaica, shall be returned as soon as practicable. The Nyraphe has been despatched for them. Through the sarae channel I received the sad intelligence of the surrender of Fort-Bowyer : this is an event which 1 little expected to happen, but after the most gallant resistance ; that it should have taken place, without even a fire from the enemy's bafteries, is as astonishing as it is mortifying. In consequence of this unfortunate afiair, nn addition of 366 has been made to fhe list of American prisoners ; to redeem these and the seamen, I have, in conformity with propositions holdout by admiral Cochrane, forwarded to the mouth ofthe Mississippi upwards of 400 British prisoners ; others will be APPENDIX, 57S sent, to complete the exchange, as soon as they arrive from Natchez, to which place I had found it expedient to order them. Major Blue, who had been ordered by general 'Winchester to the relief of Fort-Bowyer, succeeded in carrying one of the enemy's piquets, con,5isting of 17, but was too late to effect the whole purpose for which he had been detached — the fort having capitulated twenty.four hours befere his arrival. I learn from the bearer of ray last despatches to the eneray's fleet, who was detained during the operations against Fort-Bowyer, that his loss on that occasion, by the fire from the garrison was between 20 and 40. I have the honor to be, &c. A. JACKSON, 0000 0000000 000,^ No. 116. Treaty of Peace and Amity between his Britannic Majesty and ihe United States of America, H is Britannic Majesty and the United States of Araerica, desirous of terminating the war which has unhappily subsisteti between the two countries, and of restoring, upon principles of perfect reciprocity, peace, friendship, and good understand ing between them, have, for that purpose, appointed their respective plenipotentiaries, that is to say : his Britannic majesty, on his part, has appointed the right honorable James lord Gambler, late admiral of the white, now admirai of the red squadron of his majesty's fleet, Henry Gonlbourn, esq. member of the iraperial parliament, and under .secretary of state, and William Adams, esq. doctor of civil laws : — and the president of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the senate thereof, has appointed John Quincy Adams, James A. Bayard, Henry Clay, Jonathan RusseU, and Albert Gallatin, citizens of the United States, who, after a reciprocal communication of their respective full powers, have agreed upou the following articles : Art. I. — There shall be a firm and universal peace between his Britannic majesty and the United States, and between their respective countries, territories, cities, towns, and people, of every degree, without exception of places or persons. All hostilities, both by sea and land, shall cease as soon as this treaty has been ratified by both parties, as hereinafter men. tioned. All territories, places, and possessions whatsoever, taken from either party by the other, during the war, or which may be taken after the signing of this treaty, excepting only the islands hereinafter mentioned, shall be restored without 376 APPENDIX. delay, and without causing any destruction, or carrying away any ofthe artillery or other public properfy originally captured in the said forts or places, and which shall remain therein, npon the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, or any slaves, or other private property, and all archives, records, deeds, and papers, either of a public nature, or belonging to private jiersons, which, in the course of the war, may have fallen into the hands of the officers of either party, shall be, as far as may be practicable, forthwith restored and delivered to the proper authorities and persons to whom they respectively belong. Such of the islands in fhe bay of Passamaquoddy as are claimed by both parties, shall remain in tho possession of the party in whose occupation they may be at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty, until the decision Tespecting the title to the said islands shall have been made, in cont'orniity with the fourth article of this treaty. No disposi. tion raade by this treaty, as to such possession of the islands and territories claimed by both parties, shall, in any raanner whatever, be construed to affect the right of either. Art. II. — Immediately aftex the ratification of this treaty by both parties, as hereinafter mentioned, orders shall be sent to the armies, squadrons, officers, subjects, and citizens of the two powers to cease from all hostilities : and to prevent all causes of complaint which might arise on account of the prizes which may bi: taken at sea after the ratifications of this treaty, it is reciprocally agreed, that all vessels and effects which may be taken after the space of tvvelve days frora tbe said ratifications, upon all parts of tho coast of North Araerica, frora the latitude of twenty. three degrees north, to the latitude of fifty degrees north, as far eastward in the Atlantic Ocean as the thirty-sixth degree of west longitude from the meridian of Greenwich, shall be restored on each side : that the time shall be thirty days in all other parts of the Atlantic ocean, north of the equi. noxial lino or equator, and the same timo for fhe British and Irish channels, for the gulf of Mexico, and all parts of the West Indies : forty days for the North Seas, for the Baltic, and for all parts of the Mediterranean. Sixty days for the Atlantic ocean south of the equator as far as tho latitude of the Cape of Good Hop?: ninety days for every part of the world sonth of the equator : and one hundred aud twenty days for all other parts of the world, without exception. Aut. 111. — All prisoners of war taken on either side, as well by land as sea, shall be restored as soon as practicable after the ratification of this treaty, as hereinafter mentioned, on their paying the debts which they may have contracted during their captivity. The two contracting parties respectively engage to discharge, in specie, the advances which may have APPENDIX, 577 been made by the other, for the sustenance and maintenance of such prisoners. Art, IV. — Whereas it was stipulated by the second article in the treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty three, between his Britannic majesty and the United States of America, that the boundary of the United States should com. prehend all islands within twenty leagues of any part of the shores of the United States, and lying between lines to be drawn due east from, the points where the aforesaid boundaries between Nova-Scotia, on the one part, and East Florida on the other, shall respectively touch the bay of Fundy, and the Atlantic ocean, excepting such islands as now are, or heretofore have been within the limits of Nova-Scotia : and whereas the several islands in the bay of Passamaquoddy, which is part of the bay of Fundy, and the island of Grand Menan, in the said bay of Fundy, ire claimed by the United States as being com. prehended within their aforesaid boundaries, which said islands are claimed as belonging to his Britannic majesty, as having been at the time of, and previous to, the aforesaid treaty of one thousand seven hundred and eighty.three, within the limits of the province of Nova Scotia: in order, therefore, finally to decide upon'these claims, it is agreed that they shall be referred to two commissioners, to be appointed in the following raanner; viz. One commissioner shall be appointed by his Britannic majesty, and one by the president of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the senate thereof, and the said two comraissioners so appointed shall be sworn impar. tially to examine and decide upon the said claims, according to such evidence as shall be laid before them, on the part of his Britannic majesty and of the United States respectively. The said commissioners shall meet at St. Andrews, in the province of New Brunswick, and shall have power to adjourn to such other place or places as they shall think fit. The said com missioners shall, by a declaration or report under their bauds and seals, decide to which of the two contracting parties the several islands aforesaid do respectively belong, in conformity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty.three. And if the said commis. sioners shall agree in their decision, both parties shall consider such decision as final and conclusive. It is further agreed, that in the event of the two commissioners differing upon all or any of the matters so referred to thera, or in the event of both or cither of the said commissioners refusing or declining, or wilfully omitting, to act as such, they shall raake, jointly or separately, a report or reports, as well to the governraent of his Britannic majesty, as to that of the United States, stat. ing in detail the points on which they differ, and the grounds VOL. II. P^P 678 APPENDIX. upon which their respective opimons have been formed, or the grounds upon which they, or either of them, have so refused, declined, or omitted to act. And his Britannic ma jesty, and the government of the United States, hereby agree to refer the report or reports of the said commissioners, to some friendly sovereign or state, to be then named for that purpose, and who shall be requested to decide on the differences which may be stated in the said report or reports, or upon the report of one comraissioner, together with the grounds upon which the other coramissioner shall have refused, declined, or omitted to act, as the case may be. And if the commissioner so refusing, declining, or omitting to act, shall also wilfully omit to state the grounds upon which he has so done, in such manner that the said stateraent raay be referred to such friendly sovereign or state, together with the report of such other commissioner, then such sovereign or state shall decide exparte upon the said report alone. And his Britannic majesty and the government of the United States engage to consider the decision of some friendly sovereign or state to be final and conclusive, on all the matters so referred. Art. V. — Whereas neither that point of the high lands lying due north from the source of the river St. Croix, and designated in the former treaty of peace between the two powers as the north.west angle of Nova Scotia, nor the north.westernmost head of Connecticut river, has yet been ascertained ; and whereas that part of the boundary line be tween the dominion of the two powers which extends from the source of the river St. Croix directly north to the above mentioned north.west angle of Nova Scotia, thence along the said high lands which divide those rivers that empty themselves into the river St. Lawrence from those which fall into the Atlantic ocean, to fhe north.westernmost head of Connecticut river, thence down along the middle of that river to the forty- fifth degree of north latitude : thence by a line due west on said latitude until it strikes the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, has not yet been surveyed : it is agreed, that for these several / purposes, two commissioners shall be appointed, sworn, and authorized, to act exactly in the manner directed with respect to those mentioned in the next preceding article, unless other wise specified in the present article. The said commissioners shall meet at St. Andrews, in the province of New Brunswick and shall have power to adjourn to such other place or places as they shall think fit. The said commissioners shall have power to ascertain and determine the points above mentioned in conformity with the provisions of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, and shall cause APt^ENDlX. 579 the boundary aforesaid, from the source of the river St. Croix, to the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, to be surveyed and inarked according to the said provisions. The said commis sioners shall make a map of the said boundary, and annex it to a declaration under their hands and seals, certifying it to be the true map of the said boundary, and parficulariiing the latitude and longitude of the north-west angle of Nova Scotia, of the north.westernmost head of Connecticut river, and of such other points of the said boundary as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such map and declaration as finally and conclusively fixing the said boundary. And in the event of the said two comraissioners differing or both, or either of them, refusing or declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statemients, shall be made by them, or either of theni, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state, shall be made, in all respects as in the latter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as fnll a manner as if the same was herein repeated. Art. VI. — Whereas by the former treaty of peace, that portion of theboundary ofthe United States frora the point where the fortyJifth degree of north latitude strikes the river Iroquois or Cataraguy to the lake Superior, was declared to be " along the middle of said river into lake Ontario, through the middle of said lake until it strikes the communtcation by water be. tween that lake and lake Erie, thence along the middle of said communication into lake Erie, through the middle of said lake until it arrives at the water communication into the lake Huron, thence through the middle of said lake to the water communication between that lake and lake Superior." And whereas doubts have arisen what was the middle of said river, lakes, and water communications, and whether certain islands lying in the same were within the dominions of his Britannic Inajesty or of the United States : in order, therefore, finally fo decide these doubts, they shall be referred to two commisioners, to be appointed, sworn, and authorized to act exactly in the manner directed with respect to those mentioned in the next preceding article, unless otherwise speeified in this present article. The said commissioners shall meet, in fhe first in stance, at Albany, in tho state of Now York, and shall hare power to adjourn to such other place or places as fhey shall think fit. The said commissioners shall, by a report or decla. ration, under their hands and seals, designate fhe boundary through the said river, lakes, or water communications, and decide to which of the two contracting p.arties the several islands lying within the said river, lakes, and water communi. cations, do respectively belong, in conformity with the true' intent of fhe said treaty of one thousand seven huudred and 580 APPENDIX. eighty.three. And both parties agree to consider such desig. nation and decision as final and conclusive. And in the event of the said two coramissioners differing, or both, or either of them, refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting to act, such reports, declarations, or statements, shall be made by them, or either of them ; and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state shall be made in all respects as in the lattter part of the fourth article is contained, and in as full a manner as if the same was herein repeated. Art. VII. — It is further agreed that the said two last men. tioned commissioners, after they shall have executed the duties assigned to them in the prececding article, shall be, and they are hereby authorized, upon their oaths, impartially to fix and determine, according fo the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, that part of the boundary between the dorainions of the two powers, which extends frora the water coraraunication between lake Huron and lake Superior, to the raost north-western point of the lake ofthe Woods, to decide to which of the two parties the several islands lying in the lakes, water coraraunications and rivers, forming the said boundary, do respectively belong, in con. formity with the true intent of the said treaty of peace of one thousand seven hundred and eighty.three; and to cause such parts of the said boundary, as require it, to be surveyed and marked. The said commissioners shall, by a report or decla. ration under their hands and seals, designate the boundary Hue aforesaid, state their decisions on the points thus referred to them, and particularize the latitude and longitude of the most north-western point of the lake of the Woods, and of such other parts of the said boundary, as they may deem proper. And both parties agree to consider such designation and decision as final and conclusive. And, in the event of the said two commissioners differing, or both, or either of thera, refusing, declining, or wilfully omitting toact, such reports, declarations, or stateraents, shall be raade by thera, or either of thera, and such reference to a friendly sovereign or state, shall be made in all respects, as in the latter part of the fourth article is con. tained, and in as full a raanner as if the same was herein repeated. Art. VIIL — The several boards of two comraissioners men. tioned in the four preceding articles, shall respectively have power to appoint a secretary, and to employ such surveyors or other persons as they shall judge necessary. Duplicates of all their respective reports, declarations, statements, and decisions and of their accounts, apd of the journal of their proceedino-s shall be delivered by them to the agents of his Britannic raajesty jnd to the agents of the United States, who may be respectively APPENDIX. 581 Q/ppointed and authorized to manage the business on behalf of their respective governraents. The said commissioners shall be respectively paid in such manner as shall be agreed between the two contracting parties, such agreement being to be settled at the time of the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty ; and all other expenses attending said commissioners shall be defrayed equally by the two parties. And, in case of death, sickness, resignation, or necessary absence, the place of every such commissioner respectively shall be supplied in the same manner as such commisssoner was first appointed, and the new commissioner shall take the sarae oath or affirraatlon, and do the same duties. It is further agreed between the two con tracting parties, that in case any of the islands raentioned in any of the preceding articles, which were in the possession of one of the parties prior to the commencement of the present war between the countries, should, by the decision of any of the boards of commissioners aforesaid, or of the sovereign or state so referred to, as in the four next preceding articles con tained, fall within the dominions of the other party, all grants of land made previous to the comraenceraent of the war, by the party having had such possession, shall be as valid as if such island or islands had, by such decision or decisions, been adjudged to be within the dominions of the party having such possession. Art. IX. — The United Slates of Araerica engage to put an end, iramediately after the ratification of the present treaty, to hostilities with all the tribes or nations of Indians, with whom they may be at war at the time of such ratification ; and forth with to restore to such tribes or nations, respectively, all the possessions, rights, and privileges, which they may have enjoyed or been entitled to in one thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities : Provided always, that such tribes or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against the United States of America, their citizens and subjects, upon the ratification of the present treaty being notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accordingly. And his Britannic majesty engages, on his part, to put an end immediately after the ratification of the present treaty, to hostilities wifh all the tribes or nations of Indians with whom he may be at war at the timeof such ratification, and forthwith to restore to such tribes or nations respectively, all the possessions, rights, and privi- leges, which they may have enjoyed, or been entitled to, in one thousand eight hundred and eleven, previous to such hostilities : Provided always, that such tribes or nations shall agree to desist from all hostilities against his Britannic majesty, and his subjects, upon the ratification of the present freaty being notified to such tribes or nations, and shall so desist accord ingly. 582 . APPENDIX. Art, X. — Whereas the traffic in slaves is irrecoiicHable with the principles of huinanity and justice, and whereas both his Britannic majesty and' the United States are desirous of con tinuing their efforts to' promote its entire abolition, it is hereby agreed that both tho contracting parties shall use their best endeavors to accoraplish so desirable an object. Art. XI. — This treaty, when the same shall have been rafi. fied on both sides, without alteration by either of the contract. ing parties and the ratifications mutually exchanged, shall be binding on both parties, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington, in the space of four months from this day, or sooner, if practicable. In faith whereof, we the respective plenipotentiaries, have signed this treaty, and have thereunto affixed our seals. Done, in triplicate, at Ghent, the twenty.fourth day of December, one thousand dght hundred and fourteen, GAMBIER, HENRy GOULBOURN, WILLIAM ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, J. A. BAYARD, H. CLAY, JONATHAN RUSSELL, ALBERT GALLATIN. Now, therefore, to the end that the said treaty of peace and amity may be observed with good faith, on the part ofthe United States, I, Jaraes Madison, president as aforesaid, have caused the preraises to be made public : and I do hereby enjoin all persons bearing office, civil or military, within the United States, and all others, citizens or inhabitants thereof, or being within the same, faithfully to observe and fulfil the said treaty and every clatuse and article thereof. In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents, and signed the same with my hand. Done at fhe city of Washington, this eighteenth day of Febri-fary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundced and fifteen, and of the sovereignty and inde. pendijnce of the United Slates the thirty-ninth. JAMES MADISON, By the president, JAMES MONROE. INDEX. A A. DJMS, United States* brig, her capture, Vol. I. 81. 366. Her recapture, 81— 3. -ship, lier size, armament, and deatruciion, Vol. II. 2-16 — 3, 475. AlesaTidrim newspaper, quotation, from. Vol. II. 2b3— 9. . city, capture of. Vol. II. 276. AUsQod, Reuben, his desperate wound. Vol. II. 70. Amherstbitrg, viUage of, its size and situation. Vol. 1. 48. Amconda, United States* letter of marque, capture of the, Vol. II. 70. Annual Register, its historical inaccuracy. Vol. II. 305. Armistice proposed at the tirst of the war, refusal of the president to ratify, Vol. 1. S5. Firs! one proposed by sir George Prevost, 73. Its ill effects, ib. and i8i. Rt-fusal nf the president to ratify, 80. General Sheaffe's, 100. Its terminaiion, 107. Another pmpostd by sirGeorge Pretest, 18!. Armstrong, Mr. Secretary, his plan of operations against Upper Canada, Vol. I. 132. Changes his plan toan attack upon Montreal, 302—3. llis orders to major-general Hampton, 305, The like to general M'Clure, respecting the burning of Newark, Vol. II. 9. His plan forthe 1814 campaign, 78 — 79. Army, for the defence of Washington-city, its organization. Vol. II. 274. Its strength at Bla densburg, 284. Its defeat, 28G— 8. Ketreat through Washington, 389. Encamps at George town heights, 296. Its strength and inactive state, ib. — ¦ for the defence of Baltimore, its organization and strength, 311—18, Is defeated, and retreats to the entrenchments in front ofthe city, 3ifi— 20. Atlas, United States' letter of marque, capture of the, Vol. II. 70. Jux CanardSf river of, skirmish at. Vol. I. 69. B. Baltijiwref described. Vol. TI. 310, Attack upon, 31^—27. 506—93. IU effects of its not liaving been persevered in, 328 — 9. 331. Barclay, captain, R.N. on his way to Lake Erie, joins the centre-division of the army. Vol T. 163. Compelled to await the equipment of the ship Detroit, 269. Sails out with her in a half-fitted state, and is captured, 270— i. Neglect shown to him, 286. Barney, commodore, his fhDtilla described. Vol. II. 248. Its retreat up the Patuxent to St. Leonard's creek, SS9. Skirmishes with it, 253 — 4, Is blockaded, 260. With the aid of a land-batter>' raises the blockade, and proceeds higher up the Patuxent, 26 1. His oificial letter, ib. Flotrlla destroyed at Pig-point, 277—8. 'Joins general Winder's army, 280. Is wounded and taken prisoner at Bladensburg, 289. Barratarian freebooters, invited to aid in the invasion of Louisiana, Vol. II. 341. Trick played lipon the British by their commandant, ib. Join in defending the state, and are pardoned by the president, ib, Barrie, captain K.N. his official account of the capture of the United States' ship Adams, Vol. JI. 487. Commands in the Chesapeake, 332. His proceedings tliere, ib. Departs for St. Mary's river, 334. Basden, captain, his repulse from i log-entrenchment, at Twenty-mile creek, VoJ. IT. 76 — 8.417, Baubee, major, his imprisonment along with convicts, in Frankfort Penitentiary, Vol I. 299- 461. Baynes, adjutant-general, his official letter. Vol. I. 4l3. Remarks thereon, 175. 3ifi. Beckwith, sir Sydney, his official account of the loss in the attack upon Craney island. Vol. II. 415. Ditto of the attack upon Hampton, ib.and4l7- o Benedict, in the Patuxent, proceedings at. Vol, II. 254—9. 277- SOO. Bennet, captain, W. P. United States' army, his trial and acquittal. Vol. 1. 43, Biddle, captain, United States' army, differs materially in his stateraents from colonel Macomb, Vol. T.318-— ly. Bienvenu creek described, Vol. II. 355. Sisshopp, lieutenant-colonel, his arrival at Frenchman*s creek, Vol. T. 115. Reply to general Smyth's summons to surrender Fort-Erie, 11 8. 389. His official account of the repulse of the Americans near Fort-Erie, 386 Crnsges the Niagr.ra, and captures the batteries at Black Rock, 228—9. Receives a mortal wound, 229. His character, 230, Siaael, colonel, United States' army, lands on an island in the St. Lawrence,, and frightens some females, Vol. I. 321. Black Rock, village of, its situation. Vol. I. 50. -. batteries, their fire upon Fort-Erie, Vui. T. \0b.. Capture by the Briti.sh, 238— jij^ 441. Destroyed, Vol. U. 22. Unsuccessful attack upon, by <;'oIonel Tucker, I6ii— 4. VOL. U. Q Q INDEX. Black-hird, the Indian Cbief, his enterprise, Vol. T. 226. Jiladensburg, battle of. Vol. II. 284—91. 492—502- _Boa£, an American one, compared in force wilh aBritish man-of-war bris, Vol. II. 3.W. BcerstleT, colonel, United States' armv, supposed elTect of his ' Stentorian voice,' Vol. T. II4. Skirmish with captain Kerr's Indians, 215. Surrenders, with his detachment, to a small British party, 2iri— 3. 436—7. Boxtwick, lieutenant-colonel, captures a gang of American depredators and traitors, Vol. If. b. Opinion entertained ofthe exploit by the presideut of Upper Canada, 395- Boundary line, where it injures the Canadians, Vol. I. 238. Bntoyer fort, its construction by general Wilkinson, Vol. II. 342. Strength, ib. Is attacked by four sloops of war, 313. Cuts the cable of the Hermes, and drives her nn shore, 34'1— 6. Its capture by major general Lambert, 391 — 2. 570 — 5. Bo7/(l, major-general, United States' arm\', succeeds to the command at Fort-fieorge, Vol. T- 219. His misrepresentation, 234. Proceeds with the army of the centre to the attack of Montreal, 2.H9. Lands near Chry^tler's Farm, 32i, Attacks colonel Monison, 329. Is de feated, 330 — 1, His gross misrepresentations, 333— ,'i. Retires to the boats, 338. Breaking parole, authorized by the American government, Vol. I. 23-J — fi. Brishaiie, major-general, crosses the Saranac with his brigade, Vol. II. 220. Silences and drives the Americans from ther batteries, 222. Brnck, major-general, his promptiturle on hearing of tbe war. Vol. I. ."in. Hi-^ proc lamation to the Canadians, 353. Its salulary eifect. 64. Arrival at Amlierstbiirp and Sandwich, 68. Sum mons to Fort- Detroit, fig. Capture of the fort, garrison, and Michigan territory, fif; — 73- 362. Proclamation to the Michigan people, 70. 368. Intention of reducing Fort- Wayne prevented by sir George Prevost's armistice, 181. Return to Fort-George, 78. Arrival thenrc at Queens town, 88. Advance against a superior body of Americans, 89. Death 90. lis immediate ill consequences, 100. Character, 103 — 4. Brooke, colonel, succeeds to the command of theBritish troops opposite to Baltimore, Vol. II. 317. Defeats the American armv, 3IS. His official account, 508. Re-cmbarks at North- point, 32G. In the field at New Orleans, but not at the head of his regimtnt, 380. Brown, major-geneial, United Slates' army, his cnrious stratagem to deceive sir George Prevost at Sackett's Harhor.Vnl. I. I7i. Lands near Chrystler's farm, 320. Skirmishes wilh, and is delayed in his march by, a small force under brevet- major Dennis, 321 — 2. Rejoins the expedition at Barnliart's. 33^. Proceeds io Sackett's Harbor, 351. Mistakes his orders, and marches for Onondago hollow and back. Vol. 11, 79. His exaggerated accnunt of the busi ness at Oswego, 105. 430. Proceeds to Batavia, 114. Is ordered to rrobs the Niagara, ib. Is.^ues a general order, ib. 430, His forre, 1 is. Crosses the strait, and takes Fort-Erie, 1 16, Defeats major-general Riall, 1 18—25, His force after the battle, 12.^. Advances to Chippe way and Queenstown, 129. Detaches general Swift to reconnoitre Fort-George, ib, Wanls commodore Chauncey to co-operate in an attack upon Kingston, 130. Calls a council, 133. Detaches a strong force to invest Fort- George, ib. Advances upon Fort -George, 137. Re-enters Queenstown, and recrosses the Chippeway, where he encamps, 138. Engages, and is defeated by lieutenat-gencral Druminond. at Lundy's Lane, 139—49. His official letter, 149. 443. 1? wounded, and crosses t-o Buffaloe, 150. His force in the battle, 154 — 5. Resigns the command to major-general Ripley, 446. Resumes the command, and i^ reinforced, 229. Re solves upon d softie, 230. Hi=. official account, 234. Falsehood in it, 235. Is superseded by • general Izard, 238. Repairs to Sackett's Harbor, 240. Browmtown, village of, its situation, Vol. I. 49. Skirmish at, 61. Scalps taken by the Ameri cans at, 66. Buffaloe creek, its situation, \<\\. T. 50. Ill effects of not destroying the schooners fitting at, ¦ 285. Destruction of three small ones, in 1813, Vol. 11.22. • village, its situation, Vol. I. 50- Attacked and destroyed, Vol. II. 22. 400 — 4. BuJtrcr, lieutenant, his successful enterprise ae:ainst the United States' schooners. Tigress and Scorpion, 197. 201. His official account, 400. Burdick''s Political and Historical Register, extracts from. Vol. I. 43. 287. 291. 294. 296. Vol. II. 90. Burlington, American troops at, in 1813, Vol, I. 245. Bvtirr, colonel, United States' army, his official account of captain Basden's repulse. Vol. I. 417. c. Cnlcdonia, N. W. company's brig, her capture, Vol. I. 81—3. C«7?i;iai^n, Canadian, of I8t2, its commencement. Vol. I. 56. Termination, 130. - of ISIS, its commencement and progress. Vol. 1. 131. to Vol. II. ag, of 1614, its commencement and progress. Vol. TT. 72 — 243. Campbell, colonel, U. S. army, lands at Dover, in Upper Canada, and burns the houses and mills of the inhabitants, Vol, II. 109—11. Slight censure passed upon him by a court of inquiry, ib. CaTfCit/^m lakes, brieflv described, Vol. T. 4G — 54. militia, their deficiency of arms. Vol. T. 74. Good behaviour, 155.313. Caimda, Upper, general Hull's invasion of. Vol. I. 58—77. General Van Rensselaer's ditto^, 83—102. General Smith's ditto, HI — 20. General Dearborn's ditto, 143—164. 202—33. General Harrison's ditto, 274—267. ¦ 1 Lower, general Hampton's invasion of, 306 — 17. See Expedition. Capitol, at Washington-city, a shot fro-nthe, kills onesoldier and general Ross's horse. Vol. If. 293. Is destroyed, ib. Capable of being made a citadel, 294. Contamed other public buildings, or rooms, ib. Ca/roiiva, U. S. schooner, her force and destructive fire at New Orleans, Vol. II. 361. Is des troyed by hot shot, 363. INDEX. Cai'r, lieutenant, U. S. array, his honorable conduct, Vol. I.23e, Cassin, commodore, his bombastical letters, Vol. 11.55.411. Account of the attack on Crtuiey island, 57. 412. .Catalan. See Bienvenu. Cataract, the Niagara, its height, Vol. I. 51. Cawdle, Mr. released from American imprisonment. Vol. II. IS. Centre-division of the British Canadian army, repulses the enemy at Queenstown, Vol. T. 87— 102. The like near Fort-Erie, uo — 18. Detachment driven from York, 142 — 9. Another de tachment, after a gallant resistance, retires from Fort-George tow.ards Burlington Heights. 160 — Go. A third detachment attacks and retreats from Sackett's Harbor, 164—77. Critital situation of the detachment at Buriington Heights, 203. Its gallant and successful effort, 204-13. Several partial successes, 214 — CO. 228—30. Its advance to St. David's, 252. Its total numbers, 253. Makes a demonstration upon Fort-George, 254. Encreased sickness, 357. Effective strength, in September 1813, 258. Retreats to Burlington, Vol. II. 3. Is ordered to, but does not, retire upon Kingston, 4. Pursues general M'Clure, 7. Enters Fort-George, 11. Carries Fort-Niagara, 14 — IS. Enters Lewistown, Black Rock and Buf faloe, 18 — 25. Goes into winter-quarters, 27. (Now called right-division.) Defeated at Steets' creek, 1-20 — 8. 431. — 6. Defeats general Brown's army at Lundy's lane, 143 — 5o. 436 — 48. Encamps near Fort-Erie, 161. Fails in an assault upon the works, 169 — 77. 450. Its strength in Septeimer, 1814, 229. Its advance attacked bythe garrison from Fort-Erie, 2,31. 'Drives the Americans to their fort, 233. Its encreased sickness, 236. Retires to Chippeway, 237, Affair with a detachment at Lyon's creek, ^9. Is re-inforccd, 240. -Regains possession of the Niagara-frontier, and goes into winter-quarters, 241. , American Canadian army of the, its organization and strength, Vol.1. 80. Repulse near Fort-Erie. tlO- 18. Success at York, 142—9; and at Fort-George, 150—66. Advance towards Burlington Heights, 203. Defeat at Stoney creek, 204—12. Retreat to Fort-George, 213—14. Partial losses, 214—20,230. Strengthjin July, 1813,253. In September, 869. Loses the opportunity of capturing the British centre-division, ib. Departs to join the northern army, in an expedition against Montreal, 259. Its subsequent proceedings, 300—52. Isre-organizedat Batavia, Vol. II. 114. Takes Fort-Erie, lis. Defeats geueialRiall,-120-.-7. Advances to Queenstown and Fort-George, 129. 137. Retires to Queenstown and Chippeway, 137.:.8 Is defeated at Lundy's lane, 142—7. Retreats to Fort- Erie, 168. Repels an assault upon the works, 170— 7. Makes a sortie upon the British batteries, 231— 6. Is re-intorced by general Izard's army, 238. Evacuates the Canadian territory. 240. Cliambers, captain, his imprisonment along with convirts in Frankfort Penitentiary, Vol. I. 299. 461. Champlain, lake, its situation and extent. Vol, I. 237. Belongs wholly to the Americans, 238. Proceedings upon, in 1813, 239—248. town entered by the British, in 1813, Vol. I. 244. Cftajid7.er, brigadier-general, U.S. army, his Capture by the British, Vol, 1. 206. Cda™ maior, 0. S. militia, identified as the head of a gang of depredators. Vol. 7. 218. His inhuman treatment of some vjounded British prisoners, 227. His vaunting account of an affair with a British piquet. Vol. It. 2. Cttaptico, proceedings al. Vol. U. 265. Charges, of unparalleled gallantry. Vol. 11.86— 7. Charlestown, in the Chesapeake, proceedings at, Vol II. 49. Chateaugay river, battle ofthe, Vol. I. 306—17. British official account of, 462. Cluiimcey commodore, his arrival at Sackett's Harbor, Vol, I. 121. Commences equipping a fleet lb Attackunon York, O. C. 141—9.404. Sounds the approach to Fort-George, 150. Bombards that fort and Newark, 152. Returns to Sackett's Harbor to await the equipment of the Pike, 212. Sails in her to the head of the lake, 931. Lands troops and seamen near Burlington Heights, ib. Overrates the British forces and re-embaiks the troops, ib. Carries awav as prisoners, some infirm inhabitants, ib. Proceeds to Yoik, and lands troops uuder lieutenant-colonel Scott, 232. Empties the gaols, and plunders the inhi|bitants, 230. His correspondence with general Wilkinson, 302. Cheeves, Mr. his speech to congress, Vol. I. 2S7. ¦ Chesapeake bay, operations in the, Vol. 11. 30—69. 248—333. Chicago packet, her capture, Vol. 1. 59. - fort, its abandonment, Vol. I. 67. Chippeway river, its situation. Vol. 1. 5i. . fort, ditto, ib. village, ditto, ib. U. S. schooner, her destruction. Vol. II. 23. Citizms, American, Mi'. Madison's charge of impressing "thousands " of them, Vol. I. 3. Actua'l number impressed, 42. , native and naturalized, pretended equality of rights, ib. Civilisation, Indian, how promoted hy the American government, 180—3. Clark colonel Thomas, libel upon refuted. Vol. I. 162. Contributes to the capture of colonel Bosrstler. 216. His attack upon Fort-Schlosser, 219. His account of colonel Bisshopp's suc cessful enterprise against ElACk Rock, 441— 3. ^ Clarke Eliiali, an expatriated American citizen, case of, Vol. 1.43. His acquittal by a court- martial, ib. Clay, the honorable Henry, his war-speech. Vol. I. 77. Subsequent apnslacy. Vol. 11. SM. Clark, brigade-major, his shameful treatment, while iu a wounded state, by the AincriCuis, 207. Climate ol the Canadas, its severity. Vol. II. 7, 8. Coan liver, ploceedings at, Vol. II, 267. <2 « "^ INDEX, Corhrant, vice-admiral, refuses his consent to one of sir George PreTOSt*« arraintices. Vol. W. 182. Arrivesin the Chesapeake with major-general Ross, 275. His ill-advised letter to Mr. Wunroe, S02. 50S. Proceeds to attack Baltimore, 319. Hisofficial account, 514. Departs for Hahfax, 33 1. Effectof his threatening letter at New Orleans, 940, Arrives oif the Chandeleur islands, 34S. Detaches a force against the American gun-boats, 349. His official account of the New Orleans proceedings, 5bO. Cockburn, rear-admiral, arrives in the Chesapeake, Vol. 11.32. Proceeds to the head of the bay, 33. Approaches Frenchtown, 34. Ts fired upon from a battery,, ib. Lands the marines, ib. Destroys some stores and vessels, ib. Hia principle of acting developed, 35. Purchases stock at Turkey point, and Specucie island, 36. Is fired ai and menaced from Havre de Grace, 36 — 7. Proceeds to attack the place, 37. Is fired upon by the inhabitants, who wound the bearer of a flag of truce, 38. Lands, ib. Destroys several abandoned houses, ib Also a^t^nnon foundry, 39. Detaches a forceup the Susquehanna, 40. Pro ceeds to Georgetown and Fredericktown, 46. Sends two Americans to wam the inhabitant* ^ against making resistance, 47- Is fired upon, and lands, ih. Destroys the abandoned houses, vessels, and stores, ib. Lands at a town near the Sassafras, and is well received, 43 — 9. The like at Charlestown in the neighbourhood, 49. Retires frnm the head of the bay, rtj. Hig account of his proceedings, 404— ii. Proceeds to Ocracoke harbor, G9. Capture* two fine letters of marque, 70. Lands at Ocracoke and Portsmouth, ib. Lands at Leonard's town in St. Mary's, 263. AtNominy ferry, ib. At Hamburgh and Chaptico, 2e&. Up the Yeocomico, atifi. At Kinsale, ib. Takes'a battery on the banks of the Coan river, 267- Proceeds up St. Mary's creek. Goes on shore to reconnoitre the route to Washington, S75. His idan to prevent surpiise, ib. Suggests an attack on Washington, 276. Proceeds to the attack of commodore Barney's flotilla, 277. Joins major-general Robs at Upper Marlborough, aud decides on immediately attackini? Washington, 981. Advances towards Washington, 283. His account of the batlle of Bladensburg, 492. Is near capturing Mr. Madison, jgi. Approaches Washington, 293. Advances with the light-compahies on general Ross's being fired a^, ib. Enters the president's palace, 294. Its destruciion, 295. Was blamed by his coramanding officer for not having acted more rigorously, 301. His official accnunt of the business at Washington, 492. Reconnoitres the enemy at Baltimore, 314. His concern at general Ross's death, 3i5. Oflicial account of the Baltimore demon* etratlon, 517. Sails for Bermuda, 33i. Returns to the Chesapeake, 333. Sails tp Amelia island, S34. Arrives at, and takes possession of, Cumberland island, 335. Colonial Journal, extract from. Vol. I. 353. Columinan Centinel, extract from. Vol. II. 297. Congress, secret law oF, to take possession of West Florida, Vol. IT. 341. Convicts, listof, in Fankfort Penitentiary, Vol. 1.461. Cownci/, of war, American, its despatch. Vol. I. 211.313. Fortunate decision, S3fl, Ditto, Vol. II. 12. British, its firmness. Vol. I. 120. Ditto, Vol. II. 4. Court-martial upon lieutenant-colonel Mullins, extracts from. Vol. 11,375. 377.379. Craney island, unsuccessful attack upon. Vol. II. 56—63. 414—7. Badly managed, sk. Cririe, lieutenant, R.N. his noble behaviour. Vol. II. 53. 4U. Cumberland island, taken possession of by the British, Vol. II. 335. CoBrt of inquiry upon colonel Campbell, its indulgent proceedings. Vol. II. ill. D. JDarfij's Louisiana, extracts from, Vol. II. 346—7, Dearborn, major-general, U. S. army, appointed to command the army of the north. Vol. 1- 128. Marches to Champlain, I29. Detaches a skirmishing party, ib. Returns to Plattsburg and Burlington, 130. Places his army into winter-quarters, ib. Proceeds to the attack of York, U. C. 141. Arrives there, 143. Captures the place, 146. 400. Proceeds lo Niagara, 150. His account of the capture of Fort-Ge(»rge, 157. 412. Detaches a strong force Ia pursuit of general Vincent, and to take Fort-Erie, 163. Effects the latter, 164. Detaches two brigadier-generals to capture or destroy the British at Burlington Heights, 203. Cap ture of the former, and retreat of the Americans to Fort-George, 204—13. His strange account. 209- His defensive preparations, and alarm, at Fort-George, 214—15. Detaches a force against lieutenant-colonel Bisshopp atthe Beaver dam, 215. Its entire capture, 216 — 18. His official accountof the affair, 439. His resignation of the command, 410. Pebaftzch, captain, his interview wilh general Hampton, Vol, 1,313, Deceptions, military, curious divulgement respecting, Vol. I. 162. Delateare-town, affair at. Vol, II. 75 — 7.417. Dennis, brevet-tnajor, his skilful arrangements and gallant behaviour at Hoop-pole creek Vol. I. 321—2. His sudden promotion by the Americans, 322, De Rottenburg, major-general, succeeds major-general Sheaffe, as president of Upper Canada, vol. 1.219- His departure for Kingston, 261. De Saluberry, lieutenant-colonel, his force near Chateaugay, Vol. I. 307. Hears of the approach of general Hampton, ib. His judicious arrangement to check his advance. 307—9. Defeats him, 309—17. ' Deserters, partial decision respecting, Vol. 1.43. How considered by Mr. Madison, 44. ' , British, number from colonel Scott, Vol. I. 351. Ditto, from sir Geortre Prevost in the Plattsburg expedition. Vol. II. 293, Bounty offered to, 271, Detroit, river, described. Vol. I. 43. — ¦- ¦¦¦-, town, ditto, ib. -.fort, ditto, ib. Summoned to surrender, 69. Attack upon, ib. Tts easy surrender, 1^~'^^^'''^~'^^/. British and American force present at, 71—4. Ordnance stores fonnd at. 73. Effects of Its aurrender upon the cabinet at Washington, 76. See Michigan,. -* , bfig, Oatc Adams,) her recapture, >'oi. I. S)**S. INDEX. Dt tVatteviile, major-gencral, his official actpunt of the sortie from Tort-Erie, Vol. II. 4W. ^kkson, Mrs. inhuman treatment of her, when ill in bed at Newark, Vol, II. 8. ¦¦ ¦ '¦» counsellor, destruction of his library by the Americans, ib, ¦* Mr. Thomas, released from an American prison, Ib. "^-- , colonel, differs with colonel Thornton as to the force required to hold geneial Morgan's lines. Vol. II. 386. 546. 549. Dobbs, captain, R.N., conveys five boats over lapd to Lake Erie, and captures, ina gallant manner, the U. S. schooners Somers and Ohio, Val. II. 166—8. 449. DonJjutnDe ^naya, the Mexican field-marshal, assisted jn defendingNew Orleans, Vol. Il.Sflfi. Hon Quixote, quotation from, Vol. II. 95. Dover, on Lake Erie, attack upon. Vol. II, 109. Destrayed under the orders of co)onel Campbell, U.S. army, UO— IB. Downnie, captain, R.N., his co-operation requested by sirGeorge Prevost, Vol. II. 212. Urged by a letter, 214. Harrangues his men, 213. Dies, ib. Doyle, his celebrated wife. Vol. I. 108. Drummond, lieutenant-general, his arrival from England, Vol. II. 12, Is sworn in as president of Upper Canada, ib. Joins the centre-division at St, David's, ib. Permits colonel Murray to pursue his plans of annoyance, ib. Advances to Chippeway, 20, Detaches major-general Riall to Butfaloe and Black Rock, 20 — 1. Places his army into comfortable winter-quarter:--, 25. Detaches a force towards the Detroit, 75. Arrives at the Niagara from York, 141, Detaches a force to Lewistown, ib. Arrives at Lundy's lane, 142. Defeats general Brown, - 143 — 39- His official account, 456. Arrives opposite to Fort-Erie, ifil. Detaches lieutenant- colonel Tucker to attack Black Rock, 163. His failure, 163, Opens his batteries on Fort- Erie, IC8. Fails in a storming attack, 169 — 77- His official account, 450. Blamed by sir George Prevost for making the attack ' in the dark', lao. .-, major, offers to put sir George Prevost in possession of Sackett's Harbor, 171, (Lieutenant-colonel.) His heroic behaviour and death al the assault of Fort-Erie, Vol, II. 173—5. Ducross, Mr. deceive the British commanders al New Orleans, Vol. II. 360. Dudley, colonel, U. S, army, his defeat ajid death. Vol. I. 198. Duke qf Gloucester, brig, her capture. Vol. 1. H8. v:. Eagle, U. S. cutler, her capture, along with her companion, by three Canadian gun-buats, Vol.1. •2-10.445—7. Her armament, 240—1. 447. £arle, commodore, not an officer of the royal navy, Vol. I. I2i. His incompetency, ib. Eaton's Hfe of Jackson, extracts from. Vol. II. 0^3^371.374.332. Effective, its unsettled meaning. Vol. I. 71. Eldridge, lieutenant, U, S. army, misrepresented story about. Vol. I. Q23— 6. Elizabeth-tottm, now Brockville, incursion into, by the Americans, Vol, I. ia4. Erie, lake, its extent and situation. Vol. I. 49, — — , town, its situation, ib. — — , fort, its situation, Vel. I. 50. Fires upon tiie fort at Black Rock, 105. Its garrieon, in November, 1812, IIO. Abandoned, 158. Entered by the Americans, 164. Repossessed by the British, Vol. II. 20. Its defenceless condition, 116. Taken by the Americans, 117. Enlarged and strengthened, I61. Is assaulted by general Drummond, 108. Terrible ex.plo- eion of one of the bastions, 177. Repulse of the British, ib. Repaired and fresh mounted, 228. Strength of the garrison, 229. Sortie from, upon the British batteries, 23 1 . J ts partial success, 232 — 3, Is destroyed and evacuated by the American troops, 2-10. Evans, major, his imprisonment along with convicts in Frankfort Penitenliarv, Vol. I. 299. 461. ^Everard, captain, leaves his brig, the Wasp, at Quebec, and volunteers his services on Lake- Champlain, Vol. 1. 242, Takes troops under colonel Murray, and lands them at Phitrsburg, ib. Re-embarks them, *nd proceeds to Swanton, Vermont, 243. Then to Champlain- town and Burlington, 2i4 — 5. 449. Tries, in vain, to provoke commodore Macdonough to come out, 246. 449. Rt-turns to Quebec, 247. Eftstis, doctor, his war-speech, Vol. I. 77, Exchange of prisonem, agreed upon between general Winder and colonel Baynes, Vol. II. IS3. Its shameful violation on the part of the Americans, 183 — 4. Expedition, the WilkHispnian, its object. Vol. I. 255. Sets out from Fort-George, 260. Is driven back, ih. Starts asecond time, ib. After suffering by wtather, arrives at Henderson's bay and Sacket's Harbor, 2GI, Its rendezvous at Grenadier island, 301. Its exact strength, ib. Proceeds to French creek, 303, Is attack-ed by British gun-boats, ib. To be joined by general Hampton, 304. Arrives at Hoag's, near AiornsviUe, 317. Alter landing the troups and ammunition, passes Prescot, 3i8. Halts opposite to Matilda, 319- Arrives at WU liamsburg, 320. lis strength at this time, ib. Detachments from it, ib. Affair at Hoop- pole creek, 322. Defeat of general Boyd, 323—38, Progress of the expedition to Corn wall. Hence to French mills, 340. Its total failure, 341, __L to recover Michilimacinac, its proceedings and failure, Vol. II. 190 — 301, ' Explosion, its fatal effects, at York, U, C. Vol. I. 145, At Fort-Erie, Vol. il. 177. F. Pield'O0eers, British 'and Canadian, their firmness, in council, Vol. T, 12'^. ^fitcher, lieutenant-colonel, his official account of the attack on Oswegi, 426. (Colonel) \t tacks the American entrenchments at Snake-hill, with inefficient acaling-Udders ifio il yepuUed, 170. Hib official nccount, 453, ' " INDEX. Fi.^k, Mr! of Vefmont, his resolut-ion about British deserters; Vol. II. 27I. Fitzgiiibun, lieutenant, his capture of colonel Bcerstler and his detachment, Vol. I. -516— 8. 43(>~8. Flag of truce, scheming one, sent by the American commodore, al New Orleans, Vol. II. 554. Fleet, Bntish, on Lake-Ontario, its state in October, I8I2, Vol. I. 121. Fors'jthe, captain, U. S. army, his incursion into Gananoque, Vol. I. 122. Olher predatory attacks, 133—4. His boastful behaviour to a British flag of truce, 135. Fort, v.'hat so called, in the Canadas, Vol.1. 50. Fomdery, cannon, destroyed near Havre-de-Grace, Vol. II. 39- 44. 407. Frankfort Penitentianj, list of convicts in, Vol. I. 401. Fraser, serjeant, his capture of the American general Winder, Vol. I. 206. Frederick-town, Chesapeake -bay, proceedings at. Vol. II. 46 — 8. French-town, Michigan, battle of, ^'ol. I. ia4— 5. — : -, in the Chesapeake, proceeding= at. Vol. II. 33—5. French-creek, its situation, Vol. I. 303. Cannonadeof the American encampment at, ib- Fngate, American, destroyed at Washington, Vol. II. 29?. Gaines, major-general, U. S, army, relieves general Ripley at Fort-Erie, Vol. II. 164. His mis-stated account of the assaultupon theworks, 179. 455. Gales, the editor of the National IntelUgencer, a British subject, Vol. II. 295. His atrocious behaviour, ib. Gananogwe, a Canadian settlement, described, Vol.1. 126. Midnight incursion into, ib. George-town paper, extract fiom,Vol. II. 300. George, f OTt, its situation and strength, inJune, 1812, Vol. T. 52. Cannonade between it and Fort-Niagara, 102. 1O8. Its !:;ifengUi in May, 1813, 151. Altack upon, 13-2. Want of am munition, jb. Possession taken ot it by ilie Americans, 159.407. 4i2. Loss in dei'ending it, 159. 410, American luss in llie attack, l6i.' 413. Is abandoned by general M'Clure, and en tered by colonel Murray, Vol. II, 11. town, Chesapeake-bay, proceedings at. Vol. II. 46 — 8. Gibbs, major-general, his arrival before New Orleans, Vol. II. 363. Complaint against lieute nant-colonel Mullins, 375. The like of ihe disobecheiice nf the troops, 376. Is mortally wonnded, 379. Gibraltar point, its situation, Vol. I, 53. Goat'island, its situation, Vol. I. 51. Goose-a-etk/^HnW at, Vol. I. 250—2. Government, the AmencixTi, piakes allies of (he Indian-;, yet blames us for fmploying thcm^ Vol.1, 180,220—1. Us friendly modcratiofi, 132. Orders Ub officers to break lii eir parole, 23y. Greenleaf 's -point, serio\iss.cc\dentixX, Vol. II, 296. Grenadier island, its situation, \'nl. 1. 30!. Growler, U. S. cutter, her capture, along with her cninpaninn, by three Canadian gun-boats. Vol. I. 240.445—7. Her armament, yio-— 1. 44?. . , U. S. schooner, her destruction, Vol. 11. 107. Gun boat-i, American, near Lake-Borgne, their caj)lure, \o\. II. 348—53. Curious sVaiement rcEpeciing, 3j3. Their excellent equipment, ib. H. Hamilton, lieutenant-colonel, gross libel upon him refuted. Vol. 11. 18. . ;—. village, entered by the British, Vol. 1.340 — I. -165-6. Hampton, village of, attacked and canied by the British, Vol. 11. 6-1— S. 415—17. Shameful pro- tcedings at, 66. Gioss exaggerations of the American editors, f.7— 3. , major-general, U.S, army, commands the American northern army, Vol.1. 245. Is ordered to join general U'ilkiiisoii, 304. Advances to effect thai object, 305. 307. En- coiintersa small force under culonel De Saluberry, and is repulsi.'d, 30S — 17. Retreats to Four- cnruers, and thence to PlatLsburg, 317. His consolatory assurance to general Wilkinson, 339. Hatiiburg, Chesapeake, proceedings at. Vol. II. 265. Hanchett, captain, R. N. His severe wounds and gallant efforts at Craney island, Vol, II. 59. Handcock, major, his gallant defence of LaColle mill, Vol. H, 83—9. 421. Hi-inks, lieutenant, V. S. army, his official leitei. Vol. 1. 355. Remarks thereon, 57. Harrison, ipajor-general, U, S. army, takes the command of the right wing of the American north-western army, \ ol. I. 179. His relief of Fort-U^ayne, and cruelties against the In dians, isi — C. Determines to winter in a Canadian garrison, 1&4. Separation bf the wings, ¦v-iih orders to re-unite a.tPresqu'isle,ib. Ill consequencesto him of the loss of the left wing, 194, ConstructsFort-Meigs, find another fort at Upper Sandusky, 194. His ' indulgencies' against thelndians, 195. ^ Is attacked at Fprt-Meigs, 196. Receives a strong rQinlprceme.ni, 197. Di-taches a force to storm the British batteries, while a sortie is made in the rear, ib. Suc ceeds at flrst> but is afterwards repulsed, 198.201. Is strongly reinfdrced, 272. Abandorvs fulls Meigs and Stephenson, ib. -Lands at Amherstburg, S73. Amount of his force, 274. t^Lirsucs major-general Proctor, 275. Skirmishes in the route, 277 — 8. Draws up his force, 'itio. Attaclis and defeats major-general Proctor, 231-8. Destroys the Moravian-townj 28^0 INDEX. His official letter, 453, Gasconading accounts of his victory, 286, Detains a flag of »ruce, u \t-^^'"^°'^"* '^"^""^"^ general Vincent, ib. Discharges his volumeers, and repairs to the Niagara, 298. Arrives at Fort-George, and afterwards at Sackett's Harbor, Vol. II. 6. ff°T^fy> lieutenant-colonel, reconnoitres the American entrenched camp, near Stoney creek. Vol. 1. 204. Suggests a midnight attack upon it, ib. Leads the advance, 205, Succeeds in the enterprise, capturing part, and driving, away the remainder, ofthe American force, 206—12. Important consequences of ihc viclory,12i5. His services at the battle of Chiyst- lefs, 468. At Oswego, Vol. II. 425. At the battle of Lundy's lane, 439. At Fort-Erie, 452. J » » Havre-^ Grace, village of, its situation and size. Vol. II. 36. Treatment of a flag of truce at, 38. Fires upon the British, 37—8. Is entered, and partly destroyed, 38-44. American calumnies respecting, refuted, 40 6. fleald, Mrs. lier wounds, and reception by captain Rqberts, Vol. I. 67. Henley, captain, U. S. navy, his account of the loss of tli? Csroljna, Vol.11. 537. Hermes, H.M.S. has her cable cut at Fort-Bowyer, Vol. II. 344. Drifts on shore Vvithin gun-' shot, and is blown up by her commander, ib. History of the War, an American publication, extracts from. Vol. I. 57, 63. 76. 97. 1^8. 145. 156—7. 162. 193. 220. 225. 231—3. 243—7. 267. 314. 316. 334. 337. 339. 344. Vol. 11. 3. 4. 9, 12. 17. 20—1. 24. S(i. 41—:. 62. 71. 93. 102—5. 108. 126. 158. 164. 179—80. 192. 201. 224. 233. 235. 249. 252. 264. 265-9. 3!3. 321. 324. 328. 374. 391. Vnited States, an American publication. Vol. I. 57. 81. 96—7. 102. 113. ur. 184. 186. 193. 220—1. Vol. II. 35.40. 42. 50. 60. 105. 108. 152. 154. l?ii— 80. 224,249—50. 252. 282— 5, -jgO. 293-4. 299. 300—1. 313. 316. 392. Historians, American, their mistatements exposed. Vol. I. 57. 62. 65—6. 74. 81. 92—3. 97. 99.- 101-6. IDS. 115—17. 123—6. 128. 130. 134. 139. 144— S. 155. 160—3. 182, 184. 187. 189. igu. 193. , 199. 20S~I 1. 216. 2iS. 220—6. 241—4. 249. 258. 264. 267. 277- 286. 29O. 313—15, 325—8. 3.T4, 336—8. 351. VoL. II. 3. 9. 12. 16. 18.23- 35. 42—6. 49—50. 61—3. 67- 91—3. 94. 102. 105. 108. 112. 119. 122. 125. 130. 150—9. lC5. 178— 9. 200—2, 521. 224. 235. 240. 247. 252— 4.'J78 3U0, 309.' 313. 316. 320. 324, 927. 343—5. 351— ?: 360. 372. 389. 390—2. 394. Holmes, major, U. S. army, his brutal proceedings at St. Joseph's, Vol. II. 191 — 2. Hoop-pole creek, skirmish al. Vol, I. 321 — a. Hopkins, a Canadian traitor, conveys information to the enemy. Vol. I. 257. Is hung, 298. Hudibras, extracts from, Vol, I. 336. 333. Vol.II, 236. Hull, general, U. S, army, Vol. I. 57. His arrival at Detroit, 58. Proclamation to the Cana dians, lb. and 355. Capture of Sandwich, 58, Inactivity, 59. His behaviour to the Cana dians, 63. His return, across the river I)etri>it, to the fort, 64. His answer to general Brock'ssummons, 69- Retreat tothefoit, 70. His tame surrender, ib. Ollicial letters, 369. His trial, and sentence, 75 — 6. Humbert, the celebrated French general, assisted in defending New Orleans, Vol. Il, 389, Hunter, Mr, of Alexandria, his cowardly and cruel behaviour. Vol. II. 258. , H.B.M. brig, compared in force with an American ' boat,' Vol. II. 353. Huron, lake, ils extent and situation, Vol.i. 47. Operations upon, Vol.II, 185—202. Jackson, major-general, U. S. army, succeeds general Wilkinson in the command at New Orleans, Vol. II. 345. Takes possession of Pensacola, ib. Airives at New Orleans, 3-j6. Places the city under martial law, 354. Sends to reconnoitre the British advanced division, 36t. Attacks Hand retires, 362. 533. His lines in front of New Orleans, 364 — 7. Receives a reinforcement, 371. Is attacked by the British 374—85. His othcial accounts of their re pulse, 538. 557, Quick re-occupation of the abandoned right bank, 3!a6. 559. Considers he outwitted the British general, 387. Kis official account ol the departure ot the British, 363, Some particularis ofhis family, 389. His designation of England, 39u. His honorable conduct at New Orleans, ib. Accountof the loss of fort-Bowyer, 574. Jenkins, captain, his dreadful wounds, and heroic behaviour. Vol. 1. 138. Some accountof hi? family, 140. Independent foreigners, a corps so named, fired upon, when struggling in the water. Vol. IL 60. Enormities commiited by that corps at Hampton, 66. Placed under a guard by tlie British officers, 67, Sent away from the Chesapeake, and not employed ag.iin, 69. Their sallant behaviour at Fort-Meigs, i97— 20i. Called in aid by the United states on the Niagara 220. Curious reasons given in support of the measure, 220—1. Then- dislike to at tack fortified places, 267. Accumulated numbers at Detroit, 269. M Plattsburg and back, 207—27. Retires to wmter-qiiarters, 22«. Leonard's town, Potomac, proceedings at, Vol. ll. 262, Lewistown, village of, its situation and size, Vol. I. 51. Shares the fate of Newark, Vol. II. 1P> Lines, general Jackson's, on the left bank ofthe Mississippi, described, Vol, II. 364— 7. First unsuccessful attack upon, 363. 529—36. Second ditto, 37-1 — 85. 5.18-43. Major Latour's, and major-general Wilkinson's, opinions respecting the attack, 3S2 — 5, , major general Morgan's, on the right bank of the same river. Vol. II. 367. 371. As. saulted and carried, 385 — 6.^ Little Belt, U. S. schooner, her destruction, Vol. II. 22. Lockyer, captain, R. N. der-arts in boats to altack five American gun-boats. Vol. II, 349. His officia account of their capture, SaO. 523. Logan, the Indian chief, hisalliance with the United States, Vol. l.'iSO. tendon editor.'!, their premature i-ejiiicinp,s. Vol. il. 227. 1 heir erroneous statements respectins the proceedint^sat Washington, 294. 3U-5. Long point, American expedition against. Vol. H. i(9 — 12. Xoss, Brilishand American, at Brown's town. Vol. I. 65. At Qneen's-town, 97. At forts Georte and ^ewark, 108. Near to Fort-Eiie, 117.390. Ogdensburg, 139.396. At York, 146—7 398. 403. 40fi. At Frcncli-to«n, 135. At the river Raisin, i90, 420. 40S. At Fort-Meigs 200-1. 430. At Stoiiey-creek, 2U7. 4:34. At R lack Rock, 229-30. 442. In capturing the Growler .uid Eagle on Lake Champlam, 240. 447. At Goose-creek, 25 1, At Port-Stei.hen«on 206-7. At the Thames. U. C. 28'.;-3. Al Chateaugay, 312. 464. At Honp.pole creek! .¦^21— 2. At Chrystlers, 332— 3. 409, 475. At Fort Niagara, Vol.11. 14— 5 398 Al Black Rock and Buffaloe, 23.403-4, At Havre de-Grace, 35. 405. At Geoige-town, 45. 4H. At Cvaney-islarid, 61.4 14— 16. At Hamson, 65. 417. At the Twentv-miie creek, 77. -1 18. At ]a Colle mill, 90.422. At Oswego, 105.427.429. At Strtet's-t reek. W4_is, ib. Cannonades tue afmed gun-boats, 325. Mitilins, lieutenant colonel, of the 44th regiment, his fatal misunderstanding respecting the facines and ladders. Vol. II. 375, His reported neglect, ib. Extracts from the court-martial- , upon him, 375 — y. Munro, Mr. approves of the, burning of Newark, Vol. II. 11. His convenient designation of the inhabitants of Havre-de- Grace, 42. 505. Clumsy excuse for the burning of St. David's, 136. His reply to Admiral Cochrane's letter, 302 — 3. 504. Murray, colonel, embarks al Isl'e-aux-Noix, apd lands at Plattsburg^, Vol. I. 242. Destroys the arsenal and barracks up tlie river Sgranac, ib. Re-embarks, bringing away a quantity of naval- stores, 943, 448. Marches against general M'Clure, VoL 11.7- Enters Fort-George, 11. 396, Crosses to the attack of Fort-Niagara, 13. Storms and carries the fort in a few minutes, 14—18.396—8. ' . - ¦ ¦¦' ¦,-sir George, his arrival in the Canadas, Vol. II. 393. Invmediale rettim on account of the peace, ib. N. National Intelligencer, extracts from, Vol. II. 19S. 271. 296. 333. Is^ative, and adopted American officer, their letters compared, Vol. 11,261, Naval Monument, an American publication, extracts from. Vol. I. 249. Vol. II. 53. 240. . Occuirences, James's, refened to. Vol. I. 122. 174. 209. 231. 240—1. 247. 252. 260; 271—4. Vol.II. 23. 32. 56. 97- IOI. 4-09. 123. 131. 167. 190. 200. 211. 220, 226. 247. 250, 276—7.302.353. ¦— History of the United States, extracts from. Vol. I- 247—9. Vol. II. 23. 353. Negroes, in the Chesapeake, mistatements respecting, Vol. II. 268 — 71.333. Newark, village of, its situation and size. Vol. I. 52. Injury received by shot from Fort-* Niagara, tC8, Entered by the Americans, 159. Burnt by the Americans, Vol. II. 8—11, New Orleans, city of, its richness. Vol. II. 340. Menaced with an attack, ib. Its line of maritime invasion, 346. its extent and population, 347. Defensive preparations at, 348, Consternation of the inhabitants at the loss of the gun-boats, 354. Placed under martial law, ib. Description of the surrounding country, 355 — 7. New York, plan of the city described, Vol, U. 292. ' Niagara river, its situation. Vol. I. 50^53. .: falls, their height. Vol. I. 5i. . fort, its situation and strength. Vol. I. 52, Vol. 11,15. Cannonade between itand Fort-George, Vo]. 1. 102. 1O8. Bonibaids Fort-Geof'ge, 152. Is stormed, and carried by ¦colonel Murray, Vol. II. 13-18.306.400. Its recovery contemplated, 73. Restored at the peace, 393. ' . frontier, British, its regular force in September, 1812, Vol. 1. 80. — '¦ • '. American, alarm caused by its exposed state in December, 1813, Vol, I. 19. Nichol, lieutenant-colonel, of the U, C. militia, his dwelling-house, distillery, and othei^ buildings, destlroyed by the Americans, Vol. H. 109—12, Points out a route for the carriage of captain Dobbs's boat to Lake Erie, I67. Nominy ferry, proceedings at. Vol. II. 263. Norfolk Herald, newspaper, curious extract from the. Vol. 11,269. J^D?-tft, U. S. army of the, its stationand strength in 18)2, Vol. I. 128. Advances towartis the boundary line, 129. Retreat into winter-quarters, 130, Re-advance in October, 1813, to join general Wilkinson, 305, Its strength, ib. Attacks a sinall British force at Chateaugay, and is driven bapk to Four Corners, 806—17. Retreats to PlaiiEburg, ib. Advance wn^ei;; INDEX, general Wilk,iijs(ni,.VpL II. «i. Is repulsed at La Colic mill, sr— 95. "Retreats to Cham- pl&in, 95, Pi-incipal part carried to Sackett's Harbor byvgeneral. Izard,. £0S. Remainderi. • nnder major-general Macomb, retires to Plattsburg, 207. Us extraordinary good-fortune , 2.'9— 98. . ¦ ^ o , - ' North-west, U. S...armyof the. its first proceedings. Vol. I. 58. Surrender to the British, . 70. Renewal, 178. Us division into two wings, 179. Proceedings against the Indians, 182.' Number of tomahawks supplied to it, 183. Its great augmentation, 363. 272. Lands at Amherstburg,. 273. Us strength, 274. Defeats the British rigl>t-di vision, 281^8. Is' dis membered, 298. ... Norton, the 'Indian .chief,' ^Scotchman, Vol.II. 16. O. Ocracoke harbor, .proceedings of the British at, Vol. II. 69—71. Officers, bTitish, 'fcheii- imprisonment among convicts, Vol. I. 298—9. 461. Pgdeiisburg, an American village, its situation and size,' VoL I. 13^. Unsuccessful attack upon by colonel Lethbridge, 138. Attaclied and carried by major Macdonnell, 137»— 40, Enteredagain by the British, 341. Ogilvie, major> his gallant b,ebaviour at Fort-George, Vol. I. 157, Ditto, at Stoney creek, , 206. Ohio, U.S. schooner, her capture, Vol.II. 167,449. ,0*Neill, M'r. taken at Havre de Grace, his contemptible behaviour. Vol. II. 45, Ludicrous thVeat respecting his detenjEioi), 46,, , Ontano, la.ke, its situation and extend. Vol. I. 53. Opei-ations on in 1813, 252. Orders in council, their revocation, Vol.1. 15. Oswego, fort and river, their de,sicription. Vol. IT. 99. Attack upon the fort, 100—8.422—30.. 0 Her creek, Lake Champlain, unsuccessful atlack upon, Vol. II. 9^7. Ill consequences of- with-holding troops from, 97. ¦ > , Overton, major, U. S. army, his official account qf the bombapdmejit of Fort St. Philip, Vol. II. 568. ' ¦ ' P. Painting^ an American, of the Plattsburg batlle. Vol. II. 22k. Pakenham, major-general, his arrival on the left bank of llje Mississippi, Vol. IT. 363. Amount of his force, ib. Determines to attack the American lines in front, ib. Makes an unsuccessful demonstration, 368 — 9, Is cannonaded by commodore Patterson's guns on Ihe right bank, Sfig. Receives a reinforcement, 371. His esf^ct force, 373. Attempts tp carry general Jackson's lines, 374. His death, 376—8. Esjact spot where he fell, 378. The chief causeof it, 379* His good iporal character, 39O. 'Palace, the president's, at Washington, a guard 'of soldiers stationed al. Vol, II. 394. Aban-. doned, ib. Its destruction justified, 29."». 30i. f^arker, captain, R.N., his gallantry and death. Vol. II, 308— i/. Parliamentary proceedings, extracts from. Vol. II. 305. • Parole, fonn ofone, \'ul. I.234. Duties imposed by, 235. How considered by the American government, 234 — 5. , -^ and countersign, none used at New Orleans, Vol. II. 390. Pdroling the Canadians, American method of. Vol, I. 160, Flirty -spiri!,. its occasional use, Vpl. I, 182. Its hpight in America, Vol. II. Patent-office, at Washington, not 4estroyed, Vol. IJ. ,304. ' Fatterson, commodore, orders out his gun-boats to defend the passes into Lake Borgne, Vol. . II. 347. ' Sends a purser and jdoctor to pump admiral Cochrane, 354. H is official accounts of the co-operation of his ship and' schooner, S36. 539, Sol, Constructs a battery on the opposite barik, and fires upon the ISritish, 369-^70, His official account of colonel Thornton's exploit on the right. bank ofthe Mississippi, 559. ¦Peace, treaty pf, Vol. II. 575. . So^ne rejnarks upon it, 393. Pensaicola, taken possession of by the U.S. troops. Vol. H. 345. Percy, W. H. captain, R.N, his attack upon, and repulse at Fort-Bowyer, Vol. II, 343 — 6. 'Perry, commodore, his appearance on Lake Erie, Vol. 1,269. Defeat of the British flotilla, 271. Effects of his victory on the rival armies, 271 — 2. Accompanies major-goneral , . .Harrison^up the Thames, 376. Petite- Coquille fort, British deceived as to its defences. Vol. II. 358, Real strength known, 364. Philadelphia Gazette, , extract from, VoLH- 44. Phillipsburg, -Lower Canada, incursions into by the Aipericans, Vol. II- 81 . ^ike, Ueutenant-colonel, U- S- army, is detached against a British piquet, VoL I. 129. His men wound each other; 130. Returns unsuccessful, ib. (Major-general.) His action at York, 143. His death by an explosion, 145. - — , U. S. ship, seton fireby the.Atnericans at Sfipkett'? Harbbr, Vol, I. 170. Fire extin guished, 172. Her appearance on the lake, 230. '^Pilkington, Ueutenant-colonel, his official account of the capture of Moose island. Vol. II. v^—^- . ' ¦ ,. ., ... Plattsburg, village of, er^tered by colonel Murray, Vol. II. 242. Its situation and size, 209. ' Details of the unsuccessful expedition against, 207— 28. 461— 9. Plenderleath, lieutenant-colonel, his gallant conduct at Stoney creek, .Vol. I. 206, At Chryst? .'. lei'»s,.,4€». Did not report his woutid, 333. ¦ > focket'handkerchi^, cpnverted into .island of colours, Vol, If 106. - INDEX. SiniTnoMds, Mr. Wm. his testimony respecting Wfiahfngton,V6I.IiI. 291— 5, ,,¦ . A-:r ¦ ,, . - Sinclair, catpain, United States' navy, altacWs, and is repulsed at, Fort-Michilipiacin?ic, V^l, 11/ 293—5. Captures the Nancy schooner, 197- His.bombastic designation ot his prize, ib. « Six Nations* of Indians, their pretended declaration of war. Vol. I. 223. ^. Sketcheso! the War, an American publication, extracts from, Vol. I. 60— i. 64. 66,71—5. fii. 89. 93—5.97—9. 101-2. 108— 9. 111—12. 115. 117—18. 123, 125. 13S. 134. 139. 143—5. 147-8. 152—3. 155 159—60. I69. 172—3. 177. 179—80. 182- 184. 188—9. 192. 195—6. 198 200. 208. 210— IU 213. 217. 220. 224. 231, 247. 253—4, 264. 267. 272. 274—5. 276, 382—4. 290. 297. 299. 308. 313. 330—1. 352. Vol. IL 9. 12. 18. 24- 40—1. 44—5. 48. 53. 57- 61. 63.^65-6. 71. 91. l'02. 105. 108. 110—11. 118— 19. 122, 127.- 129— 30. 158. 146. 152. 153. 154. 159- Ifil. 163. 165—6. 168. 171. 177—8. 195. 201. 208. 222. 224—5. 229- 231. 234. 236. 239—40. 242. 248—9. 152. 254. 279. 299. 301. 304. 309. 313. 315—16. 318. 320. 324. 327- 345. Smith, general, United States' army, his official account of the battle of Baltimore, Vol- II. 316. 521. Smyth, general. United States' army, his appointment to the command nf the American army ofthe centre. Vol. 1. 107. Cunning way of giving liotice of the termination of gereral Sheaffe's armistice, ib. Rroclamation for volunteers, log". 391. Amount of his force, 109. His pre parations for the second invasion, ib. Crosses trver the advanced division, 1 10. Strength of the latter, ill. Progress on the Canadian shore, .M2— 14. Fails in his expedition, ii5. Sendsa summons to Fort-Erie, 118. 393. The answer he obtained, lis. 389. Intends a fresh attack, 119. Trifles with his troops, ib. Abandons the invasion, ib. Hia reasons, ib, Belra- viour o^ the troops, ib. Nick-name given to him, 120. Solffiers in citizpns' dresses, remarks upon. Vol, Ii. 52. Somers, United States* schooner, her capture. Vol. II. 167. 449. Specucie island, proceedings ofthe Britiah at, Vol, IL 36. . State paper, American, Vol. I. 132. St. Clair, lake, its situation and exteht, Vol. I; 48, — — , river, its situation andextent, ib. St. David*s, village of, its situation, Vol.,.!, 55. Burnt by the Amfricans, Vol. II. n4— 5. Stephenson, or Sandusky, fort, its construction, Vol. 1. igi. 263, Unsuccessful assault upon, 265—7. Stewart, general. United States* militia, his shameful behaviour to a BrUish serjeant of marines. Vol. II. 258. St, George, colonel, h\s, capture ofthe Chicagopacket; Vol. I. 59. St, John*s, Lower Canada, its situation. Vol. I. 239. St. Joseph's, islandof, captured, Vol. I, 47. Shameful proceedings ofthe Americans at. Vol. II. 191—2. St. Lawrence, river, when open for navigation, Vol. I. 133. St. Mary^s, river of, in Upper Canada, its situation, Vol. I. 47. ¦ , in Georgia, its situation. Vol. II. 335. Expedition up, ib. - town, ¦ , captured, Vol. II. 335. Stone, Mrs. her shameful treatment by the Americans, and heroic bebavinur. Vol. f. 125. — , lieutenant-colonel. United States' armv, how treated for burning St, David's, Vol. If. 135—6, , ' ' Stoney creek, battle of. Vol. I, 204—11.431—6, Mutual loss at, 207. 434—5. St. Philip, fort, unsuccessful bombardment of, 387. 568. St. Regis, village of, its situation. Vol. I. 55- Street, Mr. Samuel, released from Aineyican 'imprisonment, Vol. IT. IR. Street*s creek, battle of, Vol.IL 120—8. 431—6. Superior, lake, its situation and extent. Vol. I.' 47. Surveyor, United States' schoom^r, her capture, Vol. II. 53, Swanton, village of, barracks destroyed at. Vol. I, 243. Swift, brigadier-general, United States' army, hisdeath, Vol. If. 129. T. Tappahannock river, entered by the British, Vol. II. 333. Tarbin, captain, United States' navy, his attack upon the Junon, 54—6. l*ayln-r, major, his capture of the Growler and Eagle cutters. Vol. I. 240—1 . 445. Tecumseh, the Indian Cbief, his action at Aux Canards; Vol. T. 61. Advances upon Delroi>, 69. His fidelity at Fort-Meigs, 201. Kills-one of his warriors for massacring an American pri soner, lb. His bravery at the battle of the Thames. a82. Is-killed by colonel Johnson, 287 His person and character, ib. Skill as a diplomatist, 2SR. Plainness in dress, ib. Tempe rance, 289. Warlike qualities, ib. Hatred to the Americans. 2go, Their libels upon him ib. His forbearance to ill-treat them, ib. Judgment in the field, Q91. Travels, ib'. Talents as a draftsman, 292. Mbdesty, ib. Compared with his son. 295 ' His majestic feature's after dedth, 294, His scalp taken, and skin 'flayed, 295. His death not mentioned bv general Harrison, 296, Probable reason, ib. .TViames. river, UpperCanada, it.s situation. Vol. I. 48. Battle of the, 278'^99v British official account of the, 461. American ditto, 453, ThermopyltB, curiously compared. Vol. II. I57. Thompson, "^w John, released from American imprisonment. Vol. II. IS. Thc^nton, colonel, leads the left wing at the battle of Bladensburg, Vol- IT. 286. Drivel the enemy before him, 2^7—9, Lands wiih the advance at Villere's canal. New Orleans, 355, EivuuacKs near the banks ofthe Mississippi, 358, Cr6sses the Mississippi, and carries gene- rai Morgan's lihea, and conimodore Patterson's batteries, 3^5—6". 5'5a. Hi's official account, .347, Returnato have his wound dressed, leaving lietttenant-colonel Gubbins in charge of the captured works, 38S. His opinion about ,the possibility of retaining them, 386. 549. Tomahawks, number furnished lo the American north-western army. Vol. I.ias- ToMen, lieutenant-colonel,- United States' army, hisopinionof the British charges at ta' Colle mill, VoL n.-8S. J» f B > Tredrntry-ofUce, at Washington, its destruction justified. Vol. II. 304. Trippe, United States* sloop, her destruction. Vol. II. 22. Tucker, lieutenant-colonel, crosses to Lewistown, Vol. II. 1424 His unsuccessful attack upon Black Rock, 162—4. ¦ TuTkey'point, proceedings of the British at. Vol. IT. 36. TmcartM-a, Indian village, shares the fateofNewark, Vol. 11. 19. Tylden, major sir John, his evidence at colonel Mullins's coHrt-martial, Vol. II. 375. U. Underhill, his forcible seisure as a deserter, and death, Vol. I. 43. Volor, American, superior to Homan, Vol. 1. 25. Van Rensselaer, general. United States' army, his commandof the American army of the centre, VoL I. 80. Intended plan of invasion, S3. How defeate^,'S5. Crosses the strait to encamp there, 91. Official account of the Queenstown battle, 379. Secession from the command, 107. Vamam, general, United States' army, his letter about the sortie at Fort-Brie, Vol, II. 235. ' Veritas,* his remarks' upon the PlattisbuTg expedition, Vol. IT. 211—20. foliage, whatso named by the American editors. Vol. I. 126. ¦ ,., Vircent, major-general, his defence of Fort-George, Vol. 1. 153—8. Retreats to the Beaver dam, lag. Is joined by a small reinforcemeht, 163. Destroys part of his stores, ib. His want of ammunition, and retreat to Burlington Heights, 164. His critical situation, 203. American force sent against him, ib. Its near encanipment, ib. Listens to the suggestion of lieute nant-colonel Harvey, and proceeds witha detachment, headed by that officer, to storm the American camp, 204. Success of the enterprise, 204 — 9. His'ofTTcial Utter, 43i. Gives up the command of the centre-division to major-general De Rottenburg, 219. Resunijes it, 261. Retreats to Burlington Heights, Vol.-II. 3. Returns to St. David's, arid is superseded by general Drummond, i^. ', ' ' Voyageurs, Canadian, capture ofa party of, by the Americans, Vol. ,1. 106. W. War, American, origin of the, Vol. I. l. Declaration of, 15. Time of its anivat at Queens- stuwn, Montreal, and Quebec, .55, Also in England, 15. Early preparations for, bythe Ame- can government, 57. Warburton, major, his imprisonment along with convicts, in Frankfort Penitentiary, Vol. I. 299. 461. Warren, admiral, arrives in the Chesapeake, Vol. II. 32, Detaches a force up the Rappahan nock, ib. Orders rear-dmiral Cockburn to tbe head of the bay, 33. Sends a force against Craney island and Hampton, 57 — 61, His official letters, 414 — 6. Washingt(m vMy, an attack upon anticipated by the American government Vol. II. 974. Army prepared for its defence, ib. Different routes tp, 276. Filled with defiles, 280. Its size and population, 292- Is entered by a small party of British, 293 — 4. Proceedings there fully detailed, 293— 306r492— 303. See Army. - gazette, extract from. Vol. ] Wayne fort, its reduction prevented by sirGeorge Prevost, Vol. I, isi. Ts relieved by major- general Harrison, ib. ' W^esiera militia, the Americaii, how equipped for service. Vol. I. 183. Their dexterity in the use of the tomahawk and scalping-Knife, ib. West Florida, secret act of Congress lo take possession of, Vol. II. 342. Is taken possesfaLon of by United States' troops, 342. Westphall, captain, R.N. is wounded while bearing a flag of truce, Vol. II. 38. Captures, with his remaining hand^ an American captain of militia, 38. 407. Wilcocks,; coXoneX, his character. Vol. I. 258. Wiikinso-a, general James, United States' army, appointed lo command the American northern frontier. Vol. I. 255. Directed to attack Kingbton, ib. Determines, by the advice of a council, to attack Montreal, ib. . Prepares fur the expedition, 256. Arrives at Fort-George, ib. Depafls for Sackett's Haibor with tile chief part of the army of the centre, 260. Corresponds with comntodore Chauncey, 302. Proceeds wilh the expedition, 303. Issues a proclamation to the Cunadians, si?. 46'6. Detaches colonel Macomb to take Fort-Matilda, 318. Calls a council of wai', 519, Stales his own and the enemy's forces, ib. Detaches colo nel Bissel to reconnoitre an island, 3«o. Also major-generals Boyd and Brown, lo protect the expedition, 321./ Complains of being 'sciatched,*325. His various accounts of the Hritish force, S-25— 6. Sends a rcinforccinciit to general Bnyd, i2d. His exaggerated account of co- lone! Morrison's loss, 333. His inconsistencies. 334". 473—6. His designation of temerity,' 335. Summons another council,, 339- His arrival at Frencji MiUs, utid account of the expe dition, 340. 470—6. Despati-hes the dragoons lo Utica. .-and Commences, upon defeuovve measures, J-il; Why he'did not succeed in the expedition, J43— i. Projects an expudi- FNDEX, ti»n ag&inst Isl? &ix^ Noix, &c. 346^7. Also against Kingston and Prescplt, 948— 9i* Burns his water-craft, huts, &:c. and, after detaching ^ force to Sackett's Harbor, re treats to Plattsburg and Burlington, 351. Reconnoitres Rouse's point. Vol. II. 80. Ill-will towards the Canadians, ib. Detaches a force to Phillipsburg, 81. Advances to Champlain, ib. Calls a council, and states his force, ib, and 418- Determines to attacly the British at La Colle mill, 81. 419. Marches to the attack, 82. Attacks the mill, andis repulsed, 85 — 95.' His curious simile, 94. Retreats tn Champlain and Plattsburg, 95. (rompared'''wiih Don Quixote, ib. Turns historian, 155. While commander at New Orleans, took possession of West Florida, 342. Erected Fort-Bowyer, ib. Was superseded by major-general Jackson, 345. Hisopinionof the route to New Orieans selected by the British, 358. Alsooi the attack upon general Jackson's lines, 384, Williams, lieutenant-colonel, his official account ofthe defence of La Colle mille. Vol. IT. 421. Winchester, major-general, United States' army, takes the command of the left wing of tht; American north-western army, Vol. I. 179. Detaches a force-agamst a few Hritish and In dians, at Frenchtown, 184. The latter are repulsed, 185. Joins with the main body, 186. Is attacked at the river Raisin, and .defeated by colonel Proctor, 187 — 94. His capture by an Indian Chief, and deUvery in safety to the British Commander^ 188. Winder, brigadier-general. United States' army, his capture by theBritish, Vol. I. Q')6. Bears a proposal for an armistice from sir George Prevnst, Vol. II." 1S2. Agrees with colonel Baynes for an exchange of prisoners, 1*13. His account of the battle of Bladensburg, 500. Winter, Canadian, of 1813, its early setting in, Vol, TI. 7 — 8. Wool, captain. United States' army, his official letter. Vol. I. 384. Remarks thereon, 90, Worseley, lieutenant, K.N. his escape frcim Nattawassaga, Vol. II. 197. Successful enterprise against the United States' schooners. Tigress and Scorpion, 197 — 201. 46!. Wright, Mr. of Maryland, his compaiieon between Roman and American valor, Vol. II. 24. Y. Yeo, sir James Lncas, bis arrival at Kingston, and immediate active service. Vol. I. 164. Sails out with his fleet, having on board sir George Prevost and troops, for Sackett's Haibor, 16», Arrives off, and stands in trt reconnoitre the port, ib. Embarks rhe troops in the boats, ib. Is ordered to re-embark them, and to stand back for Kingston, ib. Accidental cause of his return off Sackett's Harbor, 166, His capture of some American dragoons, ib. Inability to approach the shore, owing to a change ot wind, ib. Re-embarks the troops in the boats, ib. Lands them, '68. Had taken on board ship^vrighls to launch.lhe Pike, 172. Returns to Kingston with the troops, 173. Sails, out to cO-operate with major-general Vincent, 212. Drives the Americans from their camp at the Forty-mile creek, capturing part nf their camp- equipage, 213. Lands a detachment of troops at tlie Forty-mile creek, 214. Sails with troops to Oswego, Vol. II, 100. Lands them, 104. Hisofficial account of the capture of the pl^e, 428. Ditto of the loss of the Lake Champlain fleet, 465. Veocomico, river, proceedings at. Vol. II. 266. York, city of, Upper Canada, its situation and size. Vol. I. 53. Strength in i^ii^s, H2. Attack upon, 143. Explosion at, 145. Capitulation of, 146. 400. British official account of action at, 397. 400. American ditto, 143. 402. 404- British and American loss at, i4(i— 7. Desiruc- .tion ofthe public buildings at, 148. Evacuation of, 149. Second attack upon, 212. Defence-. leas state, owing to the militia being still under parole, ib. Plunder ol the inhabitants, and departure of thi! expedition, 233. Youngstown, American village, destroyed. Vol. IT. 19. FiiMS. ERRATA. Vol. 1. 1>. 54, Inst line, affer II. read HI. and IV. 303, last Une, Jete and III. — ^ 344, lasts from bottom, for 175 rend 304, Vol. II. 292, last Hne, for 4 riad 5. = 993, line 1, for less read not many morP. *. 347, 2, for Lefourciie read Lafourche, Printed by Joyce Gold, IO*), Shoe Lone, Fleet -.'truft, Lvr'd'.n. Yale University Library