YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Miss.T -Van Naae BARON GROS'S EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN In 1857-58. ¦'¦&-.- .- bT ielfce'JT.es v . u tt k 3 cnXi d.i?n ^- -Tb '= -A1^ 2 ' RJ" T?7aTC1Fu ("iTL.' TjTE iOSBASSA'DOK-S AT TItVK-TS i.N RECOLLECTIONS OF BARON GROS'S EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN In 1857-58. By The MAEQUIS DE MOGES, ATTACHE TO THE MISSION. [AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION.] WITH COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. gwmbmt anb lik-jjoto : EICHAED GEIFFIN AND COMPANY, Publishers to the University of Glasgow. I860. LONDON : PRINTED BY TV. CLOWES AND SONS, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS. CONTENTS. CHAPTEE I. Decision come to by the French Government to send an Embassy to China — -'Persons selected for the Mission — Their departure from Toulon — The Straits of Gibraltar — The Canary Islands — Delay at Santa Cruz — The Island of Ascension — Passage thence to the Cape Page 1 CHAPTEE II. Arrival of the ' Audacieuse ' at Simon's Bay — Departure for Cape Town — Cape Town — Table Bay — Table Mountain — Sir George Grey, the Governor of the Colony — The English Colony of the Cape of Good Hope— The Caffres— The Boers — The French Villages in the interior — The small Republics of the Orange Kiver — ¦ Wynberg, the paradise of the Cape — The Moun tains of Constantia and the Cloete family — Contrast of Civiliza tion and Barbarism at Cape Town — Mildness of the Climate — Dearness of everything — Our stay at the Masonic Hotel . . 22 CHAPTEE III. We leave Simon's Bay — The Aiguilhas Bank — The Indian Ocean — The Island of Amsterdam — We re-enter the Trades — The Island of Java — The Straits of Sunda — The Straits of Banca — Arrival at Singapore — ¦ The English Colony of Singapore — Diversity of Races, Religions, and Costumes — Great freedom of Trade — The European, Chinese, and Hindoo Towns — Arrival of the ' Audacieuse ' in Canton River — Beception of the Ambas sador by the French squadron and the English authorities in China —The Earl of Elgin, Sir Michael Seymour, Admiral Bigault de Genouilly, M. de Bourboulon, Count Poutiatine, Mr. Eeed, and Sir John Bowring — The Island of Hong Kong and Castle Peak Bay ** •• 45 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTEE IV. The Portuguese Colony of Macao — The Garden of Camoens — The Pagoda of the Rocks - The Parsee Cemetery — The Dechne of Macao — The French and English Squadrons re-ascend the Canton River— Bocca Tigris, or the Bogue — The Anchorage at Whamboa — The last pacific attempt to negociate with Commis sioner [Yeh — Delivery of Baron Gros' Ultimatum — Absolute Refusil of Yeh to come to terms on any of the points — The Ambassadors delegate their powers to the Admirals — The com mencement of military operations Page 90 CHAPTEE V. The Bombardment and Capture of Canton — Visit of the two Ambassadors to Head-Quarters on the 1st of January — Insolent Letter from the Mandarins — Descent into the Town and Capture of Yeh, Muh, and Pih-kwe — Yeh sent on board the ' Inflexible ' as a Prisoner — Pih-kwe maintained in his position as Governor of Canton by the Allies — Ceremony of the 9th of January — The European Commission — The Anglo-French Camp — The Town of Canton, its Yamouns and1 Pagodas — The Western Suburb — The Tartar Quarter — The Departure of Yeh for Calcutta 107 CHAPTEE VI. A curious Document found in the depositories of Yeh — New Year's Day in China — Three Attache's to the French Embassy attacked by Pirates in the River — The arrival of two Sepoy Regiments at Canton — The Blockade is raised — European Consuls installed at Canton — Visit of Mr. Reed and Count Pontiatine to the Ambassadors — Arrangement between the four Plenipotentiaries, and despatch of a Joint Note to the Court of Pekin Mission intrusted to M. de Contades and Mr. Oliphant The return of Baron Gros on board the ' Audacieuse ' — Small Garrison left at Canton — The Disembarkation Corps return to the Ships, which re-ascend the River — The French Embassy quit Hong-Kono- for Shang-hai — Hopes of Peace disappointed — Navigation of°the China Sea with a contrary Monsoon — Amoy, the Straits of For mosa, the Saddle Islands, the Yang-tse-Kiang, or Blue River The arrival of Baron Gros at Shang-hai . . . . -^3 CONTENTS. vii CHAPTEE VII. Shang-hai : the European Town, the Chinese Town — The Tea- Garden — M. de Montigny and the French Concession — The Dinner givon by the Tao-tai — The Tigers of the Tartar Colonel — The Chinese Campaign — The Mission of Kiang-nan — The College of Zi-ka-wei — The Cathedral of Tong-ka-tou — The Sainte En- fance in Kiang-nan — Commercial activity of Shang-hai — Reply of the Court of Pekin to the Joint Note of the Ambassadors Page 178 CHAPTEE VIII. Departure of the * Audacieuse ' for the Gulf of Pecheli — Cape Chantoung — -The Forts of Ta-kou and the mouth of the Pei-ho — Conferences with the Imperial Commissioners sent by the Court of Pekin — The Son of Heaven refuses to open his Capital to the foreign Ministers — The Bombardment and Capture of the Forts of Ta-kou — The Admirals ascend the Pei-ho to the City of Tien tsin — The four Embassies take up then- quarters in this Town — Arrival of Kouei-Liang and of Houa-Cha-Na, the new Imperial Commissioners — Their Interview with the French Ambassador — Opening of the Conferences — M. de Contades is appointed by Baron Gros to take part in them — Signature of the Treaty of Tien-tsin — ¦ Evacuation of the Town by the Allied Fleets — Excursion to the Great Wall of China — Return to Shang-hai — The ' Audacieuse ' springs a leak — Six Weeks spent at Shang-hai during the Dog-days 198 CHAPTEE IX. The Manners, Customs, and Government of China 259 CHAPTEE X. Departure for Japan — Van Diemen's Straits — Detention at Simoda — The Bazaar — We lunch with Nemorano-Nedan- wano-Kami — The Bay of Yedo — Death of the Civil Emperor — The Embassy takes up its quarters in a Bonze-house — The Official Town — The Business Town — The Palace of the Taicoon — What we saw in the Streets of Yedo — Our Hundred Iacounin — Conferences at Yedo — Signature of the Treaty — The Town of Nangasaki — The Dutch Factory of Dccima — Attempts of the Japanese Government to create a War Fleet — The Chinese Factory — Return to Shang-hai 300 Vlll CONTENTS. CHAPTEE XI. Manners, Customs, and Government of Japan . ¦ • • Page 331 CHAPTEE XII. Typhoon in the Chinese Seas — Stay of Konei-Liang and Houa- Cha,-Na at Shang-hai — Revision of the Commercial Tariffs — Lord Elgin ascends the Yang-tse-Kiang, or Blue River — Ship wreck of the ' Laplace ' — The Author brings home the Treaty of Yedo to France — Return of the Embassy — Conclusion 358 LIST OF TINTED LITHOGEAPHS. The Residence of the Ambassadors at Tien-tsin, after a water- colour Drawing by the Marquis de Trevise . . . . Frontispiece. The Custom-house at Shang-hai, after a water-colour Drawing by the Marquis de Trevise 96 View of Fusi Yama, with rice-fields and a group of labourers in the foreground 308 Japanese Wrestlers 322 The two last Lithographs are copied from native tinted engravings contained in a series of volumes said to he school-books, lent by the: Earl of Elgin to the South Kensington Museum. EECOLLECTIONS OF AN EMBASSY TO CHMA AND JAPAN, IN 1857 AND 1858. CHAPTEE I. Decision come to by the French Government to send an Embassy to China. — Persons selected for the Mission. — Then* departure from Toulon. — The Straits of Gibraltar. — The Canary Islands. — Delay at Santa Cruz. — The Island of Ascension. — Passage thence to the Cape. Towards the end of the year 1S56, events of the highest importance occurred in China. Between Great Britain and the Celestial Empire there had long been differences and disputes, which, increasing in importance from day to day, at last terminated in a sudden rupture. The famous case of the lorcha ' Arrow ' was a mere pretext in the hands of Sir John Bowring, the Governor of Hong Kong. Important consequences had immediately followed upon it The populace of Canton had burned the factories of the foreign merchants, the inadequate force under the command of Sir Michael Seymour had bom- B 2 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. barded this town, and blockaded the river on which it stands; a price had been set on the heads of Europeans, more than one murder had been com mitted, ancl a general fermentation had ensued in the native population. In England, the Palmerston Ministry had indorsed, with their entire approval, the energetic measures taken by the English officials in Southern China, and had expressed their resolu tion to send out to the spot, without delay, a force large enough to preserve in all its integrity the high prestige of England in Eastern Asia. A numerous fleet was forthwith despatched with several regiments of the Queen's troops, from the seaports of England and India. At the same time, Lord Elgin, the able ex-govemor of Canada, was appointed Special High Commissioner of Her Britannic Majesty to China, and invested with full authority over the function aries of England, settled along the coasts of the China seas. These important disputes, which had taken place in the middle empire or kingdom of China, and the announcement of a new Chinese war, excited the deepest public interest all over Europe. The French could not remain inactive while events of such magnitude were taking place in the far East. It was proper and necessary that they should take a part both in the diplomatic and mili tary proceedings. They had, besides, on their own LOED ELGIN. 3 account, insults to avenge and just causes of com plaint for which to demand redress. The continued refusal on the part of the Chinese government to give suitable satisfaction for the barbarous murder of Pere Chapdelaine, put to death by the authorities at Si-lin-hien, the impertinent and arrogant attitude assumed by Commissioner Yeh, the governor-general of the two Kwangs, towards the French Minister at Macao, the bad faith of this official, and the serious injuries sustained by our countrymen and persons under our protection during the destruction by fire of factories at Canton, afforded, independent of other considerations, ample ground for the interference of France in the struggle about to take place. Lord Elgin set out for China in the beginning of May. On the 7th of the same month, the following note was published in the Moniteur : — ' Baron Gros has been appointed by His Majesty the Emperor, . to proceed to China, in the capacity of Special High Commissioner. Lord Elgin has re ceived from Her Britannic Majesty a like mission, with the same title ; and the two plenipotentiaries are instructed to give each other mutual assist ance in the negociations intrusted to them, which, should they be successful, will doubtless open a new field to Christian civilization and commercial enter prize. 4 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ' Baron Gros will very soon take his departure in the frigate "Audacieuse." He will be accompanied by M. du Chesne de BeUecourt, a first class secre tary, the Vicomte de Contades, a third class secre tary, the Marquis de Moges, and Count de la Tour Maubourg, attaches to the special mission.' A few days afterwards the names of the Marquis de Trevise and the Vicomte de Flavigny were added to the list of the members of the embassy and com pleted it. Lastly, M. de Besplas, a lieutenant in the navy, who had served in the Crimean campaign, and had been with Prince Napoleon in his expedition to the polar seas, was, at the special request of Baron Gros, added as a supernumerary to the naval officers of the frigate. A semi-official newspaper in the following para graph, summed up the services which had been ren dered to the state by the new ambassador during his long official career. ' Baron Gros,' it said, ' who now is about to pro ceed to China, with the title of Special High Com missioner, is one of those public men who have had the largest experience in the diplomatic service. He has belonged to it since 1823. Long charge d'af faires at Bogota, he afterwards was intrusted with several important missions, more especially with one to the republic of La Plata, and with another to BARON GEOS. 5 England, whither he went on the occasion of the ex pedition to Kome. It may be recollected, moreover, that he was sent on a mission to Athens as Commis sioner of Mediation and Minister Plenipotentiary of France, in the settlement of the dispute pending at the time between the kingdom of Greece and England. ' Baron Gros has been since then our plenipoten tiary in the settlement and demarcation of the fron tier between France and Spain. This important negociation resulted in a treaty signed at Bayonne, on the 2nd of December last (1856). This treaty now lies before the Spanish Cortes for their ap proval, and it has by its stipulations formally put an end to difficulties which have awaited solution for centuries.' Both the Eussian and American governments had important political, as well as commercial interests to protect in Eastern Asia, and they had also redress to seek for serious injuries sustained at the hands of the Chinese government. They were therefore in vited courteously, by the Cabinets of Paris and Lon don, to combine in the demonstration about to be made by the maritime powers, so that their weight might be added to the pressure necessary to bring the obstinate Son of Heaven to a due sense of his real position in this world. But they refused to take 6 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. any part in the coalition however desirable its object might be. They could not share, they said, in any measures destined to coerce the Chinese govern ment. In point of fact the Eussians had in the Pacific at the time only one vessel of war, and that a very small one, stationed at the mouth of the Amour. Those in command of the fleet of Petropaulowski, chased about from place to place by the enemy's cruisers, were glad to leave the Pacific. They had re turned to the European seas, where, by the way, while en route for the Baltic, they had met with a good- natured welcome on the Channel and Atlantic sea ports of France. The Eussian navy had been well nigh destroyed by the Crimean war ; nor could ships be built and sent from Cronstadt by a long and circui tous route down the Baltic and round the Cape in time to take a part in the meditated demonstration. The Cabinet of Saint Petersburg therefore simply appointed Vice- Admiral Count Poutiatine its Envoy Extraordi nary and Minister Plenipotentiary in China, prohibit ing him from taking any coercive measures, but giving him distinct instructions so far as it lay in his power to make common cause in his negociations with the ambassadors of the allied powers. The American government had quite a different motive for non-interference. The ' Mississippi,' the ME. EEED. 7 ' Powhatan,' the ¦ San Jacinto,' all fine war-vessels, were already in the China seas. But President Buchanan explained in reply to the communication from the Ministers of France and England, that it was an in variable principle of policy adopted by the United States, never to become bound by treaty with a European power, and always to maintain an entirely separate and independent position. On this ground he positively refused to combine with the allies. He stated, however, that a distinguished citizen of the republic, entrusted with a pacific mission to the Court of Pekin, would leave shortly for Hong Kong ; and accordingly Mr. Eeed, one of the members of the American senate, chosen by the legislature of Vir ginia, soon afterwards set out from New York for the scene of action. The French Embassy now hastened their departure. On Wednesday the 27th of May, at 7 o'clock in the morning, his excellency Baron Gros, accompanied by his suite, went on board the 'Audacieuse,' then lying in the harbour of Toulon. Two hours afterwards the frigate, under all her power, steamed in gallant style into the blue waters of the Mediterranean. It was a day of bright sunshine. The sea was calm. The coast of France soon disappeared on the horizon. We set out for these distant China seas, full of pleasant expectations, not unmingled however with an o AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. anticipation of the pleasure we should feel in descry* ing once more at our return the dim coast line which had just before faded in the distance. The ' Audacieuse ' was now to be our home for some time to come. She was a large screw frigate, which had been built not long before by the celebrated engi neer M. Dupuy de Lhome. She had a crew of 550 men, carried 56 guns, and Was propelled by a steam engine of 800-horse power. Her rigging was a perfect model of grace and simplicity, but she was too broad over the bow, and this want of a tapering shape diminished her speed, and indeed almost stopped her progress in bad weather. The commanding officer was M. d'Abeville who previously had been captain of the ' Napoleon.' He was an excellent seaman, and most agreeable man. The chaplain on board was the Abbe Fournier, a clergyman long connected with the military hos pital of Therapia. His devotedness to the sick, and his reserved and gentlemanly bearing at once pre possessed us in his favour. He reads prayers twice a day to the whole ship's company assembled uncovered on deck. Every Sunday afternoon after inspection, mass is said on the lower deck. A commander, six lieutenants, three surgeons, a paymaster, and ten midshipmen form the equipment of officers belonging to the frigate. There is besides a Norwegian officer THE 'AUDACIEUSE.' 9 on board, lieutenant Petersen. Why he should make his appearance among the officers of a French ship of war is explained by the fact, that it is the practice of the three Scandinavian kingdoms to send a certain number of their officers to serve in the French navy, with the view of completing their education and of gaining experience in distant seas not much fre quented by their own ships of war. Our accommodation on board was not quite up to the mark. In the hurry of our departure there had been no time to fit up a poop. Into each cabin are packed two of us, and a thirty-pounder to boot. The ambassador is cooped up in the same quarters With the commander, and to j console us they also enjoy the society of a piece of ordnance. We cleared the Isles d'Hyeres, coasted along the Balearic Islands, and then came in sight of the Spanish coast, with the mountains of Granada and Malaga, the gigantic snow-clad chain of the Sierra Nevada. It was cold, it rained, it blew fresh and the sea began to heave. The embassy felt slightly indis posed. Under these circumstances Baron Gros, whose six-and-thirtieth voyage this was, stood out with his imposing stature and firm tread, a marked man among subordinates, who it must be confessed had lost somewhat of the spirit and fire with which they had embarked at Toulon. With a stiff breeze in our 10 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. favour we cleared the Straits of Gibraltar through a crowd of ships entering and leaving the Mediterra nean. Some were tearing along under a fair wind, while others were beating up patiently through the narrow channel with a high breeze right ahead. Our commander was every now and then forced to slacken speed, lest he should run right into one of these ships. On the third of June we entered the trade winds ; the fiery clouds far overhead, the flying fish, and indeed every aspect of the sea and sky told us of the torrid zone. At a distance of thirty-six leagues we came in sight of the famous Peak of Teneriffe. Making a circuit of the island, we cast anchor in the harbour of Santa Cruz. While we awaited the permit of the medical board of the place to go on shore, we amused ourselves in scanning the scene before us through our spy-glasses. We could see the town stuck down coquettishly on the water's edge, its whitewashed houses with their green verandahs glittering in the sun. We could see the palace of the Captain-General of the Canary Islands, the Franciscan convent, the dusky flanks of the mountain with a small fortifica tion projecting from them like a crag ; the last but not the least interesting object in the view, we could see long files of camels drawn up along the coast. There was not much delay. We had scarcely set A BALL ON BOARD OFF TENEEIFFE. 11 foot on shore when we were surrounded by a crowd of beggars, wearing cloaks and smoking cigarettes, a characteristic product of the Spanish colonies in their decline. Behind the window-blinds we could catch a glimpse of the graceful mantillas and black eyes of charming sefioritas. It was not long before our midshipmen found a way to get into animated talk with the pretty damsels. We were invited to balls and evening parties, and every Frenchman in Tene riffe considered it a bounden duty to entertain us while we stayed. We wished on our side to make some suitable return for all this kindness, and accord ingly we decided to give a ball on board. Now the roadstead of Santa Cruz is exposed to squalls. It is imperfectly sheltered. The swell is as much felt in it as in the open Atlantic. Hence the people of Santa Cruz don't care much about venturing to sea. We engaged our fiddlers beforehand, but when the time came we found that they refused to come on board. They would not run the risk of a tempest. But what obstacle will deter a Spanish girl when a dancing party is in the wind ? Our fair guests did not disappoint us, they made their appearance punc tually at the hour appointed. We improvised an orchestra. The deck was cleared, and with waltzes and polkas in quick succession, we danced, and danced with spirit too, until darkness fell. There were among 12 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the Spaniards present two gentlemen of the name of Bethencourt, descendants of Jehan de Bethencourt, the Norman knight who conquered these islands for the king of Spain in 1402, and who returned to die at Granville, his native place, in France. His de scendants still reside in Teneriffe. The Canary group is composed of seven islands- The largest is Teneriffe, the next is Grand Canary; another is Ferro, through which used to pass the meridian from which the French and other nations formerly estimated their longitude. The Spaniards, in conquering this archipelago, have completely destroyed the indigenous race, the famous Guanches, who are said by tradition to have been descendants of the Carthaginians or Phoenicians, to whom these islands in ancient times belonged. Sad to say, the Fortunate Islands — the Fortunatse Insulse — have wofully fallen from their by-gone splendour. Every where the canary weed supersedes the grape. We saw the inhabitants rooting up the vines to make way for the prickly pear. What little activity remains to the colony, is concentrated at Santa Cruz and along the coast. Laguna, the capital of the island, is now deserted and lifeless. Grass, which is scarcely to be met with in country places, grows luxuriantly in the streets, where groups of camels kneel lazily basking in the sun. Here and there the visitor may perceive,. THE FUNDA GUEEIN. 13 on the ruinous houses, sculptured on stones black with age, the shields of the old knights who con quered the islands. The Marquis de Trevise, Petersen, and I took a long ride one day along the road leading to the Peak. We stopped to breakfast about ten or eleven miles from Santa Cruz, at the way-side inn, or posada of Sauzal. From the upper part of the house where we sat down to look about us, we had an admirable view of the famous Peak — the Pit of Hell, as the Guanches called it ; we could see the lava streams ; the summit, which was still covered with snow ; and the small town of Orotava, nearly hid among the fig- trees, cactuses, and bananas, which grow in rich lux uriance along the skirts of the mountains. We re turned to dine on board of the frigate, after having, in the early part of the day, crossed Teneriffe in its whole width, and seen the open sea and the two Canaries from the crest of the island. Every day, in spite of the heat, we took an excur sion into the environs of the town, to escape for a time the monotony of the ship. The funda Guerin, where we could get an ice made of snow from the Peak, at this time played a most important part in our daily life. But alas ! the country was pleasant only while the sun shone. At night it swarmed with creeping things ; some of us, having made an attempt 14 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. to sleep on the ground, were well nigh devoured— literally devoured — by the insects. After a delay of four days, we bade adieu to Santa Cruz. On the 10th of June, under a lowering sky, at 11 o'clock in the morning, we crossed the tropic of Capricorn; and on the 20th of June, at one o'clock, we passed the line, with due regard to all the burlesque ceremonies appropriate to the occasion. Thursday, June 25. Petrels, sea-swallows, and a flock of large sea-fowl of various kinds, from an early hour this morning hovered round the ship. They indicated our approach to land. Accordingly, about eleven o'clock, the watch gave notice of a shore a-head ; and at two o'clock, after having coasted along the island of Ascension, we dropped anchor in Sandy Bay. In the same anchorage-ground there were already four English vessels of war. Among them was the steam-trans port, the ' Assistance,' which had seen service in the Crimea, and which was now conveying to China the 82nd Eegiment of the line, eight hundred strong. We anchored alongside of her. The band on board, by way of salute, struck up ' Partant pour la Syrie ;' and during the whole evening we could hear the fife and drum playing to the tars and red coats, who kept up a boisterous jig on deck. THE GOVEENOR OF ASCENSION. 15 In Bouillet's dictionary, Ascension is described as having ' a frightful aspect, and a sterile and volcanic soil.' In fact, it scarcely does exhibit the smallest trace of vegetation. Nothing is to be seen but vol canic masses heaped upon each other, and sand-hills. The island is eight miles long, by six in width. There is not one stream in it. The inhabitants derive all their water from cisterns. There is no population engaged in agricultural of mercantile pursuits. It is inhabited exclusively by soldiers, and the officials of the English government. It is to all intents and purposes a military establishment. On our arrival, Baron Gros and the commander made an attempt to go on shore, but the surf was so high, and the landing-place so bad, that they were compelled to return without being able to effect a landing. Next day they were more successful. They got on shore, and the governor showed them all the atten tion possible in his Httle colony, which is treated by the English Admiralty as a vessel at anchor in the ocean. He presented the commander with some pintado eggs and two sea-turtles. There are, some of the fowls, called pintados, and some wild goats among the rocks ; but the great curiosity of the island is its turtle-bed on the beach. These turtles are of enormous size ; each weighs 300 pounds, is worth 21. 10s. on the spot, and will make a meal for 35 men. Twelve 16 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. are killed every week for the use of the garrison, The English government makes a monopoly of them. Neither fruit nor vegetables grow on the island; nothing meets the eye in any part of it but lava, and pumice, and volcanic dust. The unfortunate defenders of their country who are compelled to take Up their abode for three years on this rock, in the absence of other excitement, betake themselves to strong drink to wile the time away. Accordingly, wherever the visitor goes, be it into the streets, to the crags, or down within the very crater of the Peak, he is sure to find broken bottles. No one seems to call •in question the propriety of getting drunk at Ascen-, •' sion. Habitual intoxication is legalized and recog nised. A narrow and rugged island not being a safe place for persons in liquor, parapets have been judi ciously built at intervals along the foot-paths to the fort ; and whitewashed, so as to guide in safety when intoxicated her Majesty's privates of the line in their uncertain course over the crumbling lava. Ascension is the first in the long string of the mili tary posts of England, lying along the route to her Indian possessions. In one direction, are Gibraltar, Malta, the Ionian Islands, Perim, Aden, and Ceylon ; in the other, Ascension, Saint Helena, the Cape, the Mauritius, Paulo-Penang, Singapore, and Hong Kong. As we proceed, we shall touch at several of these places. LANDING THROUGH THE SUEF. 17 We abandoned all intention of using coal, in con sequence of the badness of the landing-place. It would have been necessary to take off our fuel in lighters ; and we were anchored at a mile and a-half from the shore. When we landed, we ran the risk of getting our boat staved in, seeing that she struck twice violently against the ground. We were obliged to get out by means of ropes thrown to us from the beach. The long-boat, which came to take us back at three o'clock, was thrown by the breakers far up along the rock. We thought at first that our six teen men were drowned in the surf. Nothing of the sort, however, had happened ; and although the long boat was none the better for the shock she had got, two hours afterwards we all went back to our ship, safe and sound, drenched to the skin, but glad to be quit of this most inhospitable spot. We left at six o'clock. Saturday, July 4. We could neither get out of the trades, nor enter the zone of the variable winds which were to carry us to the Cape. We were nearer the South American than the African coast; and yet, it was nine days since we had left Ascension ! The waves began to swell, their crests became broader, and their troughs deeper. The fore-topsail yard, strained 18 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. by the blast, snapped. This was the first accident we had met with since our departure from Toulon. To the intense heat a fresh gale had succeeded, and so cold had it become that we had to muffle up in our top coats, and put on our cravats as we would have done at Paris in midwinter. Wednesday, July 8. At last we quitted the zone of the trades and entered the region of the variable winds. A smart. gale from the south-west favoured our course to the Cape. It rained, hailed, and blew, the sea all the while getting rougher and more stormy. The 'Audacieuse' outrode the storm gallantly. It was pleasant to see our little «frigate, with not a bit of canvas spread but her main and fore topsail, breast ing the foam-crested waves, and plunging down fearlessly into the yawning hollows. When we walked about on deck, we saw the huge waves rolling past us mountains high. On every side of the ship there rose a wall of water, bounding the horizon a few yards off. A number of large sea fowls, among which we noted the albatross and spotted petrel, fol lowed the ship. We were advancing in the right course at the rate on an average of ten knots an hour. But alas ! we regretted already the pleasant trade winds!. A STORM AT SEA. 19 Our engineer ascertained our larboard roll to be 57°, while our starboard was 20°, the mean being from 30° to 35°. The larger waves were from eighteen to twenty feet, the smaller ones about nine feet in depth. The frightful rolling and pitching of the vessel prevented us from either working or walking about on deck. We were fully occupied in preventing ourselves from being tripped or thrown down. When on deck we held fast by ropes in passing from place to place. The chairs were upset, everything was turned topsy-turvy. It was no easy matter to breakfast and dine. One of the sailors, jerked from his hold by the roll of the vessel, fell and broke his collar bone. Every seam creaked incessantly. All the port-holes were closed below as well as above ; which, however, did not prevent the water from penetrating into our berths, arid the waves from lashing over the deck. All was damp, dark, and dreary. But it was not till the night of the 6th or 7th, that the pitching began in all its glory. Nobody was prepared for it. ' About two o'clock in the morn ing there was heard a frightful din of tumbling chairs, broken crockery, and of trunks pitching hither and thither in all directions. Every one in the darkness, and at the risk of being precipitated he knew not where, strove to make fast his chattels, and prevent their being tossed about upon the floor. That night 20 AN EMBASSY TO CHLNA AND JAPAN. not one of us closed an eye. In short, for two days we were at the mercy of a fierce gale of wind. We made upwards of two hundred miles in twenty-four hours, with scarcely a sail spread ! Monday, July 12. For the last three days we have had calm weather again. It has been cold, it has often rained, but there has not been a breath of wind stirring. Our crew, which consists chiefly of young Bretons, were in very low spirits when we left Toulon, but now they have begun to exhibit a little more animation, Groups will gather on deck round a loquacious mess mate, to hear his yarns, while in the evening the men on watch favour us with a song or two in chorus. To encourage this good humour the commander dis tributes rations of wine among the principal per formers. We are now little more than six hundred miles from the Cape. The lamps are lit at five o'clock. The evenings after dinner hang rather heavily upon our hands. To wile away the time, however, and vary the monotony of the long night, every passenger on board has agreed to give an account of his travels. M. Eiche has described La Plata and the government of Eosas ; M. Domzon gave us an account of Otaheite and Queen Pomare ; M. Lespes of the fortifications AGREEABLE SOCIETY. 21 of Sebastopol; M. de Labarriere of the court of Soulouque, the West Indies, and our back going colonies in that part of the world. M. de Vautre gave us a narrative of his sojourn at the Sandwich Islands and Lima, and M. de Besplas recounted his voyage to the Polar seas, where he had been, as I stated, with Prince Napoleon, while the doctor told us what he had witnessed in his time on board a cruiser long stationed off the coast of Senegal. Pleasantly the time passed, and when we had flavoured our tea with a drop of rum, sipped a cup of the exhilarating beverage, and eaten a ship biscuit, we popped into our berths very well contented with ourselves and all about us. 22 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. CHAPTEE II. Arrival of the ' Audacieuse' at Simon's Bay. — Departure for Cape Town.— Cape Town. — Table Bay. — Table Mountain. — Sir George Grey, the Governor of the Colony. — The English Colony of the Cape of Good Hope.— The Caffi-es.— The Boers.— The French Villages in the interior. — The small Republics of the Orange River. — Wynberg, the paradise of the Cape. — The Mountains of Constantia, and the Cloete family. — Contrast of Civilization and Barbarism at Cape Town. — Mildness of the Climate. — Dearness of everything. — Our stay at the Masonic Hotel. Simon's Bay, Tuesday, July 21. At last we have doubled the Cape of Good Hope. The first part of our voyage is over. We have taken fifty-six days to make a passage of 2,500 leagues, which is our distance from Toulon, and twenty-five days in coming from Ascension to Simon's Bay. Simon's Bay, which is sheltered from the north-west winds, is the winter anchorage in this colony ; while Table Bay, which is sheltered from the south-east winds, is the anchorage in summer. These two roads are about twenty miles from each other. At all times, but more especially in winter, it is no easy THE CAPE. 23 matter to double the Cape ; for us, it so happened that there was no difficulty or danger. In place of the dense fog which at times surrounds the Cape of Storms, we had a bright sun and clear atmosphere. Albatrosses and cormorants winged their flight play fully in flocks over the waves ; the cold weather of the last few days had given place to a more genial "temperature ; the sea was smooth as a lake ; not a breath of wind stirred. With all our steam up we moved on at the rate of twelve knots an hour. The Table Mountain, the Lion's Head, and the Lion's Eump stood out beautifully against the cloudless horizon ; and of course we were all in extasies with a mountain top which is altogether unlike anything of the kind to be seen elsewhere. We deserved this luck. Good fortune had de serted us at Ascension. At this last-named and detestable place, we had got neither coals nor provi sions, and since we left it, excepting during the ter rific gale of the 9th, we had been at the mercy of contrary winds, which had drifted us towards the American coast. For some days back most unex pectedly the breeze from the south-east had freshened into a gale coming in sudden gusts, so that we could neither advance by steam or wind, and as the ship laboured a good deal the commander decided to put in at the Cape. We had been there then for some 24 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. days within sight of land, pitching and rolling about, and every now and then catching a gale of wind without being able to tell when this state of matters was to come to an end. On the morning of the 21st, the wind having fallen suddenly, the commander, without losing time, ordered our eight boilers to be fired, in order that we might escape from this fatiguing and most tiresome situation. Eight hours after wards, we cast anchor in Simon's Bay. An English transport-ship, covered with red coats, was alongside of us ; we were at first afraid that it was the ' Assistance,' our neighbour at Ascension, but it turned out to be the ' Adventure,' another British war steamer, which was conveying to China the 23rd regiment. The band was not playing, and there was no dancing on board. Sad news, no doubt, had been received from India ; the Sepoy insurrection had broken out in Bengal, and a minor calamity, the total shipwreck of an English frigate at Macao. In the roadstead an English war frigate lay at anchor, displaying the colours of rear-admiral Sir Frederick Grey. Farther off we could see a charming little screw yacht of six guns, named the ' Emperor,' on its way to the Emperor of Japan as a present from Queen Victoria. Strange it seemed to us that such a tiny bark could survive these terrible seas ! Only one French ship is in the roads, the ' Bayadere,' belonging to Nantes, homeward A MORNING DRIVE. 25 bound from India, having on board the master and mates of the ' Duroc,' which was shipwrecked last year on Mellish Island. We fired a salute in respect of the English fort and the admiral's flag, and in reply the English frigate hoisted French colours at the mainmast, and acknowledged by the customary dis charge the presence of the ambassador on board the ' Audacieuse.' We went on shore after admiring Simon's Town, which is prettily situated at the foot of the lofty hills which surround the bay, delighted to have escaped the roll and pitch of the ship. We soon retired to our apartments to make arrangements for leaving next day for the chief town in the colony. Cape Town, July 29. Next day, at six o'clock in the morning, we were on our way to Cape Town. We had two convey ances. In one were La Tour Maubourg and Flavigny, in the other Trevise and myself. The ambassador and Messrs. Bellecourt and Contades were to join us in the evening. The route was rather dreary at first, although very picturesque. We kept close by the water's edge over a smooth clean beach ; we forded several brooks, and at times kept so close to the sea-margin, that the sheet of a wave would rush up to us, and beyond the horses' feet and carriage wheels. To the right we saw the vessels riding at 26 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. anchor in Simon's Bay ; to the left the landscape was closed by a long chain of lofty and precipitous hills. We saw cormorants plunging into the water as we approached, herons busy catching fish, and in great numbers a kind of bird with a hawk's beak and a white ring round its neck, which is called in the colony, the ' Cape Crow.' Whales are not uncom mon on these coasts, and indeed it is one of the occu pations of the inhabitants to capture them. We passed through a whaling village. Huge ribs with one end stuck into the ground as mark stones and mark fences, and by way of decoration in the garden, were everywhere. The gigantic bones thus brought into juxtaposition with man and his habitations, recal vividly to the mind the immense size of the larger cetacese. Such is the thought suggested by day. By the pale moonlight a visitor might be puzzled by more than one fantastic apparition. We stopped half way to breakfast on country fare by way of re action from the regimen on board ship. Milk, eggs, bread and butter composed the repast, of which we partook with overflowing spirits. We soon afterwards left the beach and its marshy brooks for a well culti vated plain. The road, at the sides of which run Australian poplars, and old oaks planted in the Dutch times, led us through a number of charming villages. Indeed, from the inn where we put up to THE MUSEUM AT CAPE TOWN. 27 Cape Town, the whole road is one long street dotted with pretty cottages, with verandahs, white-washed walls, and green outside shutters. There is an air of elegance about the smallest cot. It is English tidiness engrafted on Dutch cleanliness. Few houses are roofed with slates, but the thatch is admirable. Nowhere do we see the work left in the rough style of our villages. The thatch is not only laid down in a business-like way, but it is carefully attended to afterwards. Not a straw is to be seen out of its place, not one spot or cushion of moss catches the eye on the roof. A bright sward overshadowed by lofty trees surrounds each house. Among them are planted all the fruit trees of Europe, excepting cherries, which do not succeed in the climate of Southern Africa. We met on our way the large- tailed sheep of the colony, high spirited little English horses, and herds of Dutch cows with black and white skins. We passed through Mobury, Wynberg the paradise of the colony, and at last arrived in the capital. Cape Town is now a town of thirty thousand inhabitants, built at the foot of the Table Mountain with Table Bay for its roadstead. All the streets run at right angles or parallel to the sea. The museum is the chief sight. There, are exhibited all the animals of Southern Africa, lions, tigers, leopards, hyenas, and venomous serpents innumerable. These 28 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. animals once abounded near Cape Town, but they have been pushed farther and farther into the wilder ness by advancing civilization, until it is now neces sary to advance far into the interior before reaching the territories where they still roam at large. Among the curiosities we observed a portion of a stone cross brought from Portugal by Bartholomew Diaz, and put up on the land which he discovered, and named with such propriety the Cape of Storms. A pair of big boots form part of the collection. They are de scribed on a ticket underneath, as 'the boots of a French postilion.' We felt puzzled to know what entitled these boots to their position in a South African museum, whether they really had some interest for the inhabitants of these parts, or whether the whole thing was a joke at somebody's expense. From the museum we took a stroll to the quay. Fourteen vessels had been driven on shore there by the great blast of the 6th of July, which had over taken us while at sea. Seven wrecks still lay high and dry near the houses. They were all English trading vessels. We went next to the Dutch Botanic Garden, where twice a week all the fashionable so ciety of the town assemble to hear the regimental band. One of the aides-de-camps of the governor, Major Bates, took us to see some Caffre prisoners confined in the fort. They had killed cattle be- A CAFFEE PEOPHET. 29 longing to the colonists, and committed other out rages on the frontier, on account of which they had been deprived for a year or two of their freedom to range the wilderness. Among them there was a near relation of one of the chiefs. These Caffres whom we saw were superb blacks, with athletic forms; they had all beautiful white teeth, a feature, which, unimportant as it was, strikes one on seeing them, from the contrast with their dark skins. Their prison fare was that of sailors on board ship, but they were not at all contented with it, and declared that they could not make a meal on less than a leg of mutton a piece. Last year a prophet made his appearance among the Caffres, and wandered all over Caffraria preaching that if the inhabitants would only cease to cultivate their fields, and kill their cattle, their dead forefathers would come back again, and they them selves would grow stronger and be able to chase the white men into the sea. Of course fools were found among them to believe this rubbish, who did not sow their corn, who slaughtered their oxen, and who now, as might have been expected, are starving of hunger. It is a singular fact, that there are few English missionaries among the Caffres, although there are among them several French Protestant clergymen, sent out by the Eeformed Church of Paris. Two of 30 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. them, M. Arbousset and M. Pelissier, who claims kin with the Duke of Malakoff, called upon the ambas sador. They have been settled for five and twenty years in the country, and reside among those very tribes which some years ago were engaged in deadly struggle with General Cathcart. One of the Caffre chiefs can bring into the field as many as six thousand warriors. Besides their long spears, which they throw with a sure hand and good eye, they make use of gunpowder, which they obtain, no one can tell how. At present all is quiet among them. But, just as with us in Algeria, war is at all times ready to break forth, and the mother country is compelled to keep up an army of ten thousand men to protect the colony from invasion. Among these is in cluded the German legion which after the Crimean war was sent to the Cape. These Germans are barracked at a distance of five hundred miles in the interior. The government has set apart land for them. They are still bound to three years of military service, after which they are to be considered as colonists. The Protestant clergymen to whom we referred, are not however the only Frenchmen settled in the colony. At a few miles from Cape Town there are several villages, such as Fransche-Hoeck and la Paarl, which were formerly exclusively inhabited by French- THE HEEOES OF THE HENRIADE. 31 men who emigrated at the Eevocation of the Edict of Nantes. These men of French blood have however been completely metamorphosed into Dutchmen. In a few generations they forgot their native tongue and lost all recollection of their native habits. French family names however still abound. We meet with Hugos, Eousseaus, Malherbes and De Villiers. There is one old gentleman who bears the name of Du- Plessis-Mornay, whom it is said the great Napoleon wished to bring back to France, but who refused the imperial offer, preferring a farm and the quiet life of a husbandman to the country of his forefathers, and the position which would have been open in France to the descendant of one of the heroes of the Henriade. It was these French emigrants who introduced into the country the cultivation of the vine. Almost all the young plants are still brought from France. Cape wine is excellent, and like that produced on the Canaries it takes in commerce the name of Madeira. The only wine produced at the Cape which derives its name from the place where it is made is Constantia, which enjoys a well merited reputation all over the globe. One fine morning we made arrangements to pay the customary visit to Groot Constantia. Mr. Cloete and his family gave us a hearty welcome. They invited us to lunch. By 32 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. way of expressing our sense of the hospitality shown' us, Besplas, who had his photographic apparatus with him, took a sun picture of the Villa with the Cloete: family in the foreground. The work done, he pre-^ nented the photographs to old Mr. Cloete. This, gentleman was very attentive to former French visi tors and more especially to the suite of M. de Lagrene. After passing an hour in the drawing- room in pleasant conversation with Mrs. and the Misses Cloete, we descended into the cellars. We tasted four kinds of wine — Frontignac, Pontac, white Constantia and red Constantia. From the cellars we went to the vineyard. The whole extent of the ground which produces Constantia is only thirty acres. Mr. Cloete is not at all satisfied with the black labourers whom he employs. He thinks of bringing vine dressers from France. Although the house has externally a very unostentatious appear ance it is surrounded by long lines of noble oaks. Behind rises the mountain or hill of Constantia, which the ambassador, who is an enthusiastic admirer of natural scenery, considered to be almost as pic turesque as the Table Mountain. From the terrace we could see the ocean and the roadstead of Simon's Bay. Mr. Cloete is not the only producer of Constantia, Mr. Van Eeynet and Mr. Collins share his good OUR ARTIST SKETCHES TABLE MOUNTAIN. 33 luck in owning part of the soil which produces the right grape. But Mr. Cloete, who is obliging, and partial to the French, gets the custom of everybody connected with our navy and diplomatic service. Each of us on this occasion laid in a little store from his cellars, which we took on board with us. From Constantia one can ride on horseback to the very' summit of the Table Mountain. Contades and Maubourg, who did not know the fact, set out one day on foot early in the morning from Cape Town, with a Malay guide, hoping to kill a few monkeys before getting to the top. They had walked about two hours when they were caught in a dense fog and obliged to retrace their steps, for the summit became hid in clouds, — or, to use the phrase of the country, ' the tablecloth was laid.' From sea this mountain has a picturesque appearance. It astonishes the beholder by its immense bulk and massiveness. The town, situated upon its lower slopes, seems to rise in terraces, and has consequently a fine effect from the sea. Trevise, who sketches better than any of us, went off one day into the bay to make a drawing of it. We find ourselves very comfortably put up at the Masonic hotel, which is the best place of the kind in the town ; and we cannot complain, considering where we are, of being exorbitantly overcharged. Every thing is dear at Cape Town. The ambassador was D 34 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. asked a pound for the hire of the conveyance which brought him from Simon's Bay to the capital. One of us paid half-a-crown for getting his hat ironed. It takes a fortune to live at Cape Town, even in the style of a private citizen, so dear are all the articles of pri mary necessity. An ordinary hen' s egg costs twopence- halfpenny, and everything else is charged for on the same scale. Here production does not meet the'con- sumption. There is a ready market, but there is a want of labour to supply it. The Cape supplies with food Saint Helena, Ascension, the Mauritius, and the English Station in Western Africa. It is neces sarily the victualling place of all ships going to and coming from India. Hence the efforts made by the colony to attract the current of European civilization by funds voted and set apart by the legislature to assist emigrants. At this moment the tide has set towards California, the United States, and Australia ; towards the latter more especially, Table Bay being. now deserted for Melbourne and Sidney. Yet the climate of the Cape is delightful ; endemic diseases, such as cholera and yellow fever, are unknown. The forest trees and the fruits of Europe flourish luxu riantly, as well as the productions of the tropics. The. atmosphere is so transparent, that Herschel fixed upon it as the most suitable region in the southern hemisphere for his astronomical observations. It is DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. 35 now the depth of winter, yet so genial is the weather that were the trees not bare and leafless, we might fancy ourselves in the heart of a European summer. Some persons predict that the colony of the Cape will one day throw off its connexion with England. In my opinion that day is far distant. The colony is now no doubt in a great measure independent. The inhabitants elect their own parliament. They have their lower and upper chambers, and all the machinery of a separate government. The local legislature authorise or prohibit the construction of railways. They do many other independent acts. But the colony is deficient in population and capital, and cannot subsist without direct assistance from Great Britain. If the English regiments were withdrawn, it would fall a prey to the black population of the interior. The direct loss to England by a declara tion of independence would be small, as, notwith standing an extensive trade in wool, the colony costs the mother country more than it brings. But what England wished to secure in annexing the Cape to her colonial empire, and what she will spare no effort to preserve, are the roadsteads at Table Bay and Simon's Bay, maritime stations of the very highest value, which during a time of peace protect her trade, and during a time of war establish for her an over powering preponderance in this part of the world. 36 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. How can the French cope with England while they have no possession in these seas save the little island of Bourbon, which has neither harbour, anchorage ground, or sheltered shore to serve as a refuge for vessels ? The Masonic hotel, at which, as we said, we had put up, overlooks the Parade, a large square en closure, surrounded by a triple row of fir trees. We amused ourselves in looking down from the windows of our apartment on the crowd passing in the streets below. There could be no scene more picturesque or curious for a stranger to contemplate than the population of Cape Town, as seen in this way. There are Dutchmen, Englishmen, Malays, Negroes, Hottentots, Coolies, and an incredible mixture of all these races. For one white person there are ten blacks or tawny persons in the crowd. Tawny is however the dominant complexion. The Malay wo men are ugly ; they dress frightfully, being fond of gaudy colours, and besmearing their hair till it drips with oil. The most refined civilization is, at the Cape, brought into close contact with barbarism or a society in the earliest stage of infancy. In the after noon, equipages which might grace Hyde Park are met with in the streets. In the morning lions are sold by auction in the market-place. There are cab stands at the street corners as in a European city, MALAY COACHMEN. 37 and there are heavy waggons suggestive of primitive life, constantly pouring in from the interior, drawn by fourteen, sixteen, or even eighteen long-horned oxen. These lumbering machines are always accom panied by two drivers, one of whom holds the reins while the other carries in his hand a long lash or whip of bamboo, with wliich he can urge on the first horse as readily as the sixteenth. Sometimes these waggons are drawn by horses or mules, and then the smallest team consists at least of six of these animals. No one who wishes to be considered a personage of importance should be seen driving less than four horses at Cape Town. The governor offered to give Baron Gros a drive in his travelling waggon into the environs after the fashion of the country, that is to say with a team of eight horses, which he said he would increase to fourteen if the ambassador wished it — just to show how travelling is conducted in South Africa. Flavigny and I, satisfied with a humbler equipage, one fine day took a charming drive to Constantia in an open carriage, to which we had yoked four spirited little English horses. To make amends for the smallness of our equipage, La Tour Maubourg, Tre vise, and Contades returned to Simon's Town quite in crack style six in hand. The thing, however, at Cape Town is to have on the coach-box a Malay coachman in national costume. We observed that 38 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. almost all the private carriages were driven by men belonging to this foreign population. But what gives its particular and special stamp to the colony are these lumbering waggons of which I have just spoken, wliich are met with in all the roads, and which, crossing through loose sands and fording streams, convey far into the interior of the continent the products of Great Britain. These oxen, different in every respect from the English Durhams, are of Dutch origin, and have horns which in length far ex ceed those of any European breed. We made the acquaintance of our Consul at the Cape, M. de Castelnau, the celebrated South Ame rican traveller. He is a remarkable man. Setting out from Eio Janeiro, this gentleman crossed the whole South American continent, and in two years reached Lima. He was accompanied by a few French seamen and Brazilian soldiers, He returned, again crossing the Andes, the great table-lands and wild tracts inhabited by the Indians; and descend ing the Amazon through the Brazilian forests. In this great scientific journey he lost two of his compa nions, one being drowned in crossing a river which was flooded at the time, while the other was mur dered by the Indians, who wished to get possession of the instruments through which they had seen him looking at the sun. The son of M. de Castelnau is THE BOERS. 39 ambitious of following > in his father's footsteps. He has just made a seven months' journey from the Cape to Port Natal, a distance of seven hundred miles, accompanied by a Hottentot guide, and driving a small caravan of three horses. He crossed the desert, chasing the herds of antelopes before him, fording the rivers and proceeding in this way from one Boer farm to another. The habits of these Boers, who have lapsed from a state of civilization to a condition little better than that of savages, might furnish a novelist with a few good scenes. They live in the midst of extensive farms, in houses miles from each other, alone with their wives and children, servants and herds. They have large families, the ordinary num ber of children being from fifteen to eighteen. They have enormous herds. The Caffres sometimes carry off their cattle. Then the Boers mount on horse back, load their guns, and start at once in pursuit of the robbers. They are such excellent marksmen, and their skill in this respect is so well known to the natives, that the latter run off the moment they come in sight, leaving their booty behind them. It is a remarkable fact that these wild herdsmen, living far in the wilderness and altogether beyond the pale of civilization, had all heard of the Crimean war. In the evenings, when the day's work was done, nothing pleased them better than to hear about the war from 40 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. M. Ludovic de Castelnau. They know absolutely nothing. of polities. They hear little of what is going - on in the world. They read their Bibles and abuse the English. Eound these two pivots turn all their thoughts. Dutch to the core, in all their feelings, hatred of the English, constitutes their nationality. It was this feeling which led them to emigrate to the outskirt of the colony and caused the exodus from Port Natal, a phenomenon full of interest in the history of humanity. This event has been recounted by one of themselves in the style of the historical books of the Old Testament. There is another remarkable fact connected with those Boers ; and that is the recent formation in the north of the colony of two small independent Dutch republics. Till very recently Cape Colony extended much further to the north. But the English Govern ment, finding it useless to penetrate so far into the interior, and preferring a well-marked geographical boundary to an uncertain line nowhere distinctly marked in nature, and always exposed to the inva sions of barbarous tribes, abandoned a whole region which had previously been annexed, and fixed the Orange Eiver as the northern frontier of the colony. It was within the limits of the territory so deserted and left without any government, that the two small communities to which I refer above were formed, SIE GEOEGE GEEY. 41 They have their own government, and are entirely seltdependent. The King of the Netherlands has opened a correspondence with them recently, and has expressed the interest he takes in their welfare. The origin of these states is as yet quite recent; and their resources are very uncertain. Lying far in the interior, they have no harbour ; and in consequence, the inhabitants are obliged to dispose of their pro ducts, and purchase the European articles they re quire, at Cape Town. If these small states prosper, the fact will be a curious one in the history of African colonization. No one can fail to take a deep interest in this white population of Dutch origin, which, settled on the frontiers between African barbarism and English innovation, strives, by dint of patient toil, to re-construct in the wilderness a shadow of nationality. The present governor of the Cape is Sir George Grey, who has the reputation of being an able ad ministrator. He was previously in New Zealand ; and he still suffers from a wound which he received there from a spear thrown at him by a native, in the course of an expedition into the interior. He invited the whole embassy to an official dinner, to wliich were asked all the leading people of the colony. The Government House dates from the Dutch times, and has more the look of a gentleman's seat than a public 42 AN EMBASSY TO CHLNA AND JAPAN. building. The oaks in the garden are magnificent. Gazelles, antelopes, and ostriches roam about within its enclosure, and remind the visitor that he is in Africa. During our stay in Cape Town, we everywhere, met with the kindest reception. We went to a ball, given by the colony, which came off in a large room belonging to the Bank. The doors were hung with French and English flags. ' Crinoline ' had not found its way to Cape Town ; but to make amends, the ' Galop ' was in high favour. Between dances, the gentlemen walked arm-in-arm round the ball-room with their partners. Nearly every day we spent the evening at the house of Madame Mozenthal, the wife of the Austrian Consul, where, besides the family,, we met with very pleasant people — among whom there were always a number of pretty young English women. And in this agreeable society we enjoyed ourselves very much. In the walks we took about the neighbourhood to Constantia and to Green Point, on the road to the interior, we were struck with the variety of the vege tation. There were an infinity of different shrubs. There were proteas, finer than our rhododendrons ; silver trees, geraniums (those of European flower pots), growing wild ; aloes, with long bare stems, and beautiful heaths, bright with rose-coloured blossoms. WESLEYAN METHODISTS. 43 Excepting two or three species, it is remarkable that all the heaths are indigenous to the Cape. They abound everywhere in this country. The utmost religious liberty, of course, exists in the colony. There are at Cape Town ten different sects, and ten churches or chapels. Unfortunately the Wesleyan Methodists predominate — whereby a puritam'c character is given to the town. They approve of neither theatre nor cafe ; and Sunday is kept as strictly as it possibly can be in any place in the United Kingdom. There are two thousand Catholics and a bishop at Cape Town. The church, which is a modern Gothic building, is a very handsome one, although rather bare in the interior. Irish priests officiate. At Simon's Town, which contains five hun dred souls, there are no fewer than four churches — one English Episcopal, another Dutch Calvinist, a third Wesleyan Methodist, and a fourth Eoman Catholic. There are only four Eoman Catholic families in the place, numbering in all thirty persons ; and accord ingly the church is very small. It is nicely situated half-way to the beach. It overlooks the roadstead ; and from the deck of the 'Audacieuse,' its white washed walls, as they glitter in the sun, have a very fine effect in the landscape. While we were spending the time pleasantly at Cape Town, our sailors were profitably employed in 44 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ' casting their nets. They brought on board daily great quantities of fish. Among these was a small animal which distends itself at will, which is common in the bay, and which discharges a mortal poison. The English, in respect of its venom, call it the toad- fish ; we can see them, constantly swimming close to the vessel. The doctor has had one brought to him for examination. He intends to make it the subject of a scientific dissertation. WE LEAVE THE CAPE. 45 CHAPTEE III. We leave Simon's Bay.— The Aiguilhas Bank. — The Indian Ocean. — The Island of Amsterdam. — We re-enter the Trades. — The Island of Java. — The Straits of Sunda. — The Straits of Banca. — Arrival at Singapore. — The English colony of Singapore. — Diversity of Races, Religions, and Costumes.— Great Freedom of Trade. — The European, Chinese, and Hindoo towns. — Arrival of the ' Audacieuse ' in Canton river. — Reception of the Ambassa dor by the French squadron and the English authorities in China. — The Earl of Elgin, Sir Michael Seymour, Admiral Rigault de Genouilly, M. de Bourboulon, Count Poutiatine, Mr. Reed, and Sir John Bowring. — The Island of Hong Kong and Castle Peak Bay. At Sea, August 13. In spite of the heavy swell which had sprung up, and the inconvenient distance at which we lay from Cape Town, we had managed to lay in our stores of fuel and provisions. We had on board 12 oxen and 50 sheep. It was high time to depart, for in place of a week we had remained more than a fortnight at Simon's Bay. On Saturday the 8th August we made preparations for getting under weigh at four o'clock in the afternoon. Two days before we had 46 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. seen the East India Company's transport ship the ' Madras ' arrive in the harbour. She had come with the news of the general spread of the mutiny among the Sepoy troops and the massacre of the English officers. She had hurried to the Cape under her whole steam power to ask immediate assistance. She had taken only sixteen days to come from Ceylon. The governor Was to despatch two regiments and a company of artillery-men. He is afraid to go farther, lest he should expose his own frontier to the Caffres. Similar transport ships had been sent to Mauritius, Ceylon, Singapore and Australia. All the troops on their way to China will now be diverted from their route to India. It is very fortunate indeed for the English that these events have occurred at a time when preparations have been made for a great war in the Easli. The assistance required in India is already on its way to the spot. We left the Cape under the painful impressions produced by this unexpected intelligence, which in all probability would exercise a very untoward influence on our own mission. What are we to do if the English, preoccupied with their own concerns, should delay to a future occasion the settlement of their disputes with the Middle Empire. Certainly the Chinese question no longer possesses the same importance. Are we to be recalled, or is the business of the mission to be THE EMPEEOE'S HOLIDAY. 47 restricted to a treaty with Japan ? Such were the reflections which passed through my mind in leaving the Cape of Good Hope, and entering on the long voyage which, with favourable winds, was to bring us in six weeks to Singapore. At Sea, Tuesday, August 18. Before setting sail the 'commander hoisted on board all the small craft belonging to the ship, fastened tight the masts and tackle, closed the port holes, and made all ready for the heavy seas and sudden squalls of these latitudes. We hate now cleared, without accident, the redoubtable Aiguilhas bank, and the swell, subsiding opportunely, has permitted us to keep the 15th of August. At sea, the Emperor's holiday of course cannot be celebrated in the way customary among vessels lying at anchor in a roadstead, with banners fluttering from every mast-head, and salvoes of artillery booming from dawn to dusk. In the morning, however, mass was said on the lower deck; and in the evening the commander entertained us to dinner. Double rations were given out to the crew, and the national colours were displayed from the masts. Next day the swell returned. For three days the sea, heaving under a strong breeze, beat violently against the ship, while the wind whistled fiercely through the rigging. The 48 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ' Audacieuse ' rolled and pitched more unaccount ably than ever. It was impossible to write or sleep; and barely possible to read and eat by holding fast to the table. Days spent so cannot be said to belong- to one's existence. Under such circumstances a man does not live, he vegetates. Happily every event in this life has its good side ; and during these three days we sped onwards, thanks to an ill wind, at the rate of 74 leagues on an average, and in the right direction, which carried us far from the entrance to the channel of Mozambique and the stormy meridian of Madagascar. Saturday, August 22. Yesterday at noon we had left a fourth part of our route behind us. We are now within a few hundred miles of the island of Amsterdam. These seas, in winter, are decidedly uninviting and of difficult navi gation. We passed suddenly from a dead calm into the heart of a gale. The breeze would freshen, the sea would heave, and then down would come a blast which swept all before it. All our sails were now reefed. The jib, foresail, and main-topsail only were hoisted ; each of the latter being taken in by a double reef. Notwithstanding all this we made ten knots an hour. At last a rain came in torrents. With it the wind fell and a calm succeeded. But the calm FUNERAL AT SEA. 49 did not yet reach our length. The ship, no longer lying-to under the wind, was at the mercy of the swell, which continued to roll long after it had ceased to blow. We were tossed about from wave to wave, and everything was again turned topsy turvy on board. We amused ourselves in calculating the number of times the vessel rolled. We counted 16 oscillations in a minute, or 15,600 oscillations in 20 hours. The process is trying .both to ship and passengers. On the 29th of August, in the evening, after a day worse than any which had preceded it, we were alarmed by a noise which startled every one on board. It seemed as if the frigate had burst in two, or had struck when at full speed against a rock. The commander called for lanterns, and looked over the whole ship. He found nothing wrong. Two huge waves had broken at once upon the frigate as she lay over under the swell to her larboard side. Some days before we had sprung a leak, but it was of little moment. One of our sailors, who had been suffering from a chest complaint, died yesterday in the sick room. This is the first death on board since we left France. He had been consoled with the hope of recruiting when we got into a warmer climate, and deaih had just anticipated the change of air. This morning, after the burial-service had been read by the chaplain, and his old messmates had taken their 50 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. last farewell, the corpse, wound in a sheet of sail cloth, with a cannon-ball at the feet, was lowered into the sea. There is a sadness in the ceremony which all the consolations of religion cannot remove. 'Exitio est avidum mare nautis.' The hungry sea receives the mariner at last. Tuesday, September 1. We passed yesterday within* a hundred leagues to the north of the island of Amsterdam. Since we left the Aiguilhas bank, we have been buffeted by the blasts from every point of the compass, north, south, east and west. The word tempest is not used at sea. But for the last three weeks entries such as the following appear in every page of the log-book- Foul weather, high sea, fresh breeze, squalls, very heavy swell, rain in torrents, a heavy gale of wind ! and so on ; now all these expressions, in nautical parlance, mean what we landsmen, in a somewhat homely and inexperienced way, would call a tempest We were left in darkness, everything was wet. Both' rain water and salt water trickled and ran everywhere. The lower deck, where the crew slept and messed,' was converted into a lake. We spent the day drearily, closely fastened to our chairs, and yet condemned to a perpetual see-saw. From time to time a great wave would break over the deck and shake every beam JAVA. 51 and spar of the vessel. A strong swell setting in from the south impeded our progress. The wind is excessively cold. We are anxious to get into the monsoons, which will waft us from the Indian Ocean to the Straits of Sunda. Wednesday, September 16. Yesterday at noon we crossed the tropic of Capri corn in the 127th deg. 27 min. of French longitude. We are more than two hundred and forty leagues from the Straits of Sunda. We are within two hundred leagues of New Holland. The hot weather which we had left behind us at Ascension is return ing. The rough weather and its tiresome accompa niments with which we started on our passage has given place to a clear sky and calm seas. We have now been thirty-nine days at sea without seeing the smallest island, without catching so much as a glimpse of the land, and time begins to fall rather heavily on our hands. For five days back .a merchant ship has been in sight. She is a quick sailer, and it awakens a little interest in our monotonous life to see if we have gained upon her or been gained upon by her during the night. We have entered the monsoons and all our canvas is spread. On Monday the 21st day of September, after a passage of fifty-five days, we came in sight of Java, and entered the Straits of Sunda under all our can- 52 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. vas and steam power. At sunset we dropped anchor near the Isle of Gulls, and we scanned with dehght the long denied spectacle of mother earth, and the rocky coasts of Java. The shore is covered to the water's edge with a luxuriant network of lianes and gigantic trees. A dense cloud of smoke ascending from the interior of the forest, was all that betokened the presence of man. With a favourabje wind blowing, eight ships, all bearing different flags, and some of them war vessels, passed near us. Among these was the 'Assistance,' which had left Simon's Bay a week before us. She had encountered a heavy gale, and had a part of her rigging carried away. We sent the English officers the newspap§4 we had brought from the Cape, full of heart-rending details of the Indian insurrection. They had not yet heard the bad news. The soldiers in their red coats clustered on the gunwales and crowded the deck. The band welcomed us with its liveliest tunes, and the gloomy recesses of the primeval woods rang till night came, with the latest European waltzes and polkas. Next day we set out again by dawn, anchoring as before, in the evening, and this process we repeated from day to day. Great precaution was necessary, owing to the size of the vessel, in its passage through narrow channels, in which for miles we had only a few feet of water under the keel. We kept sounding cautiously as we went. The sight of SUMATRA. 53 the dismantled hull of the ' Transit,' a large English transport ship, laden with troops for China, which had been shipwrecked a few weeks before on a coral reef close by which we passed, justified the prudence and confirmed us in our good opinion of our worthy commander's seamanship. We never lost sight of land. On one side was the coast of Java, its wild luxuriance subdued by advancing civilization, and replaced by cultivated fields, in which were grown the sugar cane, the coffee shrub, and the pepper plant, while on the other side lay Sumatra in all its un tamed beauty of a virgin forest sweeping to the water's edge. We passed Anjer, a small port or calling place on the way to Batavia. We then came to Banca, which is celebrated for its tin mines, after wards to Lucepara, and the Two Brothers, which are situated midway in the strait, their rocks hid under a dense tangle of tropical vegetation. The sea is smooth and transparent, resembling in its colour and unruffled surface, a vast sheet of oil or some yellow liquid harder to stir than water. We continued for several hours to pass through immense shoals of spawn destined to people the ocean with its finny tribes. As far as the eye could reach, this sea had a bright yellow hue. It was in fact saffron coloured. The Malay proas, with their curiously shaped sails, were to be seen in every creek along the coast. 54 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. -Several of these vessels hailed the frigate and brought us cocoa-nuts, chickens, bananas, and sweet potatoes. There is something wild and stern in the look of these natives. They have quite the appearance we should expect to meet in a race of hardy and relentless pirates. The heat continued to increase as we ap proached the equator. From eight o'clock in the morning the thermometer stood at 88Q Fahrenheit in the shade ; but at daybreak when we opened our port-holes, the breeze was deliciously fresh and cool. Gradually we passed beyond Java, then Sumatra and Banda, the three richest possessions of the Dutch, and re-entered the open sea. Java is after Cuba the finest colony within the tropics. The revenue of this island fills half the budget of the mother country. On the Malay archipelago, the prosperity of the Netherlands depends. Having allowed the Dutch to take possession of the Straits of Sunda, the English took good care to retain in their own hands the key to the Straits of Malacca. To strengthen their po sition, they have founded Paulo-Penang, and Singa pore. We arrived at the last named town on Monday, the 28th of September, at six o'clock in the evening. We had scarcely time to drop anchor, when the frigate was surrounded by sampans or Malay boats, laden with eggs, vegetables, and fruits. There were live birds too on board for sale, and in SINGAPORE. 55 such numbers, that one might have thought that the whole feathered population of parrots, paroquets, and cockatoos all over the globe had made our ship their rendezvous for the day. The white parrots with a tuft on their heads obtained the preference among us in respect of their plumage, for with regard to their voices, they all chattered alike noisily. We had not much time to look at them. Under some pretext or other, the whole noisy mob of Malays, Hindoos, and Chinese, clambered over the side of the ship and jumped upon deck. One would wash our clothes, another had articles to sell, a third was a ship chandler, and so on. The commander called the master to the rescue, and it was with the greatest difficulty that the latter could clear our decks of the invaders, who were however compelled' at last to retreat into their boats. A person named Salomon, our daubachi, a good-looking fellow, a mussulman, who wore a turban and a long white muslin dress, and who looked wonderfully demure, serious, self- possessed, and unconcerned, remained on deck alone of all the crowd, as our only recognised purveyor. Letters from home, which had been addressed to Singapore, were brought us, with the first direct intelli gence we had received from Europe for four months. We soon afterwards landed, and saw the town. In walk ing through the streets one cannot fail to be impressed 56 AN EMEASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. with the magnificent results of English colonial enter prise. In this place there are a hundred thousand persons, consisting of Chinese, Hindoos, and Malays, all emigrants who have come from neighbouring countries, in the hope of making their fortunes, and with the purpose of exchanging Asiatic tyranny for com mercial and religious freedom, and who live together in harmony under the restraint imposed upon them by a few Sepoy troops, who are as black and as little akin to their European masters as the rest of the population. Six hundred Europeans, chiefly English officials of the government, merchants, and capitalists, move about in the motley crowd, apparently quite unconscious of the fact, that if these immense multi tudes were to combine for an instant, the ruling caste might be exterminated without an effort. Happily for the Europeans, all these races mutually detest each other. The Chinese despise the Hindoos, and by their persevering industry destroy all their chances in the labour market. The Hindoos accordingly have an instinctive hatred of the Chinese. The Malays, again, live with both races without coming in any way into collision with either. There are eighty thousand inhabitants of the Celestial Empire at Singapore, nearly all of whom have come from the southern provinces of China. They could of them selves, if they thought fit, overpower the other races, THE RAJAH OF SARAWAK. 57 massacre the Europeans, and take possession of the island. But, although there has been an occasional outbreak on a small scale, their own interest, which they perfectly understand, has always sufficed to keep them within the bounds of duty. They are overawed by the dread that the English government would take signal vengeance of a temporary success. They fear that it might resort to the expedient em ployed by Sir James Brooke, the Eajah of Sarawak, in the neighbouring island of Borneo. The reader may recollect that this enterprising Englishman, attacked by the Chinese working at his mines, escaped with his life only by swimming, while his niece was taken prisoner by the insurgents, and subjected to the most detestable outrages. The Eajah then invited the Malays to join in a foray against the Chinese, and this invitation was so well responded to, that six thousand of the insurgents perished in one day. The residence of the governor is built upon an eminence which overlooks the roadstead. This offi cial only lives there for nine months in the year ; during the remaining three months he resides at _ Penang and Malacca. The European town of Singa pore, separated from the Chinese and Hindoo towns by a small river, is composed of elegant mansions and villas. Each house is surrounded by a garden, 58 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. and no precaution is neglected to catch as much fresh air as possible. A large verandah surrounds the lower story, and a punka kept constantly in mo tion by a Hindoo servant, keeps up a constant cur rent of air through the large apartments, while overhead bread-fruit trees, bananas, and palms serve further to protect the inmates under their cool shade. The Chinese and Hindoo town is neither so spacious nor so open to the fresh air, and it has the entire monopoly of the noise and tumult of business. Broad macadamised streets, straight as an arrow, enable the police to see from end to end and keep order in the crowd, while they enable, at the same time, the small dealers to expose their wares along the footpaths. With regard to the Malay popula tion, wherever there is a bit of coast midway between sea and land left dry at ebb tide, wherever there is A bank of mud along the beach uncovered at low water with its pools and streamlets of brine, thither the race of the islands' rush enthusiastically to build their huts, which are stuck down upon the top of piles driven into the ground. These abodes are generally sheltered by the spreading top of a cocoa- palm. The owner has his highly-prized sampan drawn up under the shelter of his elevated dwelling, while his little family puddle about contented and happy in the surrounding mud. THE MALAY PIRATES AND FEEETEADE. 59 The utmost religious and commercial liberty pre vails at Singapore. Pagodas and mosques are seen in immediate proximity to Christian churches and chapels. Protestants and Catholics, Budhists and Mahometans, meet with the same protection in the celebration of their religious observances. Thanks in a great measure to the zeal of Pere Beurel of the French foreign mission, who has lived in Singapore for twenty years, there are three thousand Catholic converts in the town. A fine church has been re cently built in lieu of the original chapel, and nuns of the order of St. Maur and brethren of the Doctrine Chretienne, educate the Chinese and Hindoo youth connected with the congregation, Accompanied by Pere Beurel, we visited the church and schools, and were delighted to have France recalled so vividly in all respects, at such a distance from home. Trade is no less free than religion ; cannons are to be seen for sale on the quay of Singapore ; they are sold by weight like any other article of merchandize, and the Malay pirates daily purchase from English merchants gunpowder and ammunition, to be used in attacking British ships. No one has a right to pre vent a trader from selling guns and gunpowder, if he finds a customer for them who will give him a remu nerative price. It will be afterwards shown that the pirates of the Canton river purchase their fire-arms 60 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN at Hong-Kong, that is to say, are supplied by, the English themselves with the means of fighting against their own troops. Frenchmen are naturally, at first, astonished at this process, considering it, of course, from their own point of view. What would we think of one of our own countrymen who should sell muskets to the highlanders of Algeria ? But it seems we Frenchmen are, as yet, mere children in all that concerns political economy ! There is another spectacle less warlike, but no less worthy of interest, to attract the attention of the inquiring traveller at Singapore. We refer to Chinese emigration. Here is a young Chinaman now, who came to the colony yesterday, blessed with no other property than a few tchen or coppers. He has taken to the sale of slices of sugar-cane in the streets, and moves about accosting the passers by, and in a per suasive voice asking them to buy a bit of cane. To day he has made a hundred coppers, to-morrow he will make two hundred more, and so on until he has scraped together a good round sum, and is able to return to the land of flowers. It is seldom indeed that the shrewdness and perseverance of a Chinaman fail of success. Perhaps like Whampou the cele brated banker, this same penniless boy may become a capitalist and a power in the colony. We «visited this successful financier. He is from Canton, and PREDILECTION OF TIGERS FOR CHINAMEN. 61 although still a young man has made an enormous fortune. We found him dressed in the simplest Chinese costume, busy counting money at a desk. But for all this he has English clerks in his employ ment. He drives out in a handsome English carriage, and gives grand balls to the European residents. His eldest son has been sent to England for his educa tion, and he purposes to go there himself in a few years to bring the young man home, passing through France on his way. The Chinese of the middle empire are very successful as bankers and small traders, but at Singapore their success in every enterprise connected with the cultivation of the soil is still more remarkable. They are hard working labourers, and every day, thanks to their exertions, cultivation is extending farther and farther into the primeval forest round Singapore, and on the main land of Malacca. The beasts of the wilderness seem to be their chief enemies. Every other day a China man falls a prey to the tigers. These dangerous animals cannot be destroyed on the island. They cross when the tide is back from the continent where they abound. The English at Singapore will have it, that the tigers make it a rule to kill one Chinaman a-day, that is to say of course 365 per annum. The brute has such a predilection for Chinamen, that one Euro pean in company with two celestials, is perfectly 62 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. safe. Whether it is that the sight of a naked body whets its appetite, or that the pungent smell of the Asiatic skin determines its choice ; certain it is, that a tiger under such circumstances, without hesitation and at a bound, will pounce upon his habitual prey, without casting even one look at the European, who stands by. Strange as this statement is, the accident has happened more than once, and in the colony there is no doubt whatever about the universality of the rule. Without tempting fortune, by joining a tiger hunt into the interior of the island, one may enjoy many delightful walks in the neighbourhood of the town. Everywhere there are fine macadamised roads bordered with cocoa-nut palms, leading past a delightful country, covered with pepper and gambier plantations, cloves, nutmegs, and coffee shrubs. The road wliich led to the bungalow of the French Con sul, M. Lagorce, was beautifully verdant and well shaded, but that running along the sea-coast lead ing to New Harbourg, the recently founded esta blishment of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Na vigation Company, is still more picturesque. Here in the midst of a garden, laid out in the English style, among beds of flowers and clumps of bananas, rises a black mountain of coal, so nicely built and so symme trically shaped, that it might pass for a work of art. HINDOOS AND CHINAMEN. 63 Captain Marshall, who is the very perfection of a thorough-bred English seaman, has the whole manage ment of the Company's affairs here. He superin tends a whole army of Coolies, who are constantly employed in preparing the supplies for the numerous vessels belonging to the Company touching at this place. At Singapore the visitor is less struck by the bustle in the streets than by the novelty and variety bf the costumes. All Asia is represented here. The three races placed in juxta-position, but never blend ing, exhibit at once before us the superstitions of India, the wild habits of the Malay archipelago, and the old rites of the Chinese worship. Sometimes another figure enters the scene. This is the Parsee, the descendant of the ancient Persians. He is a fire- worshipper, of the creed of Zoroaster, and rejoices most likely in the name of Artaxerxes. Here we see the black Hindoo, in his jaunty turban and his graceful garment of white muslin, bustling past a heavy Chinaman, with his shaven head, trudging along in his wide silk gown, with a big umbrella in one hand, and an equally capacious fan in the other. Then comes the European, rattling along in his palanquin, drawn by a high-mettled Javanese pony. The plaintive cries of the Indian dancing girls ring through the streets, while the air smells of the joss sticks which the Chinese burn assiduously 64 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. before the images of their ancestors, or the idol of the god Fo. Having taken up our quarters on shore, we had been enjoying this change of scene for some days, when the ambassador, anxious to join his English colleague who had come out over land, gave us notice to return on board the frigate. The north-east mon soon had not yet set in, and it was desirable to catch the last breezes of the south-western winds in order to reach the coast of China. We left Singapore on the 3rd October, and fired a salute in passing at Pedra-Branca, and Paulo-Condore. We had some fear of encountering a typhoon, but we escaped this misfortune, and we arrived without accident in sight of the Chinese coast on the 13th October. We passed a whole fleet of junks drawn up in a row, and each pulling a broad net after it. The whole horizon, indeed, was covered by these vessels, we could count them in hundreds. Nothing on the coast of France can give the smallest idea of the sight which met our eyes. We passed through the midst of them, taking great care not to run them down. We sometimes saw a whole family stowed into one of these tiny vessels. It was their whole property ; their work shop by day, their sleeping-place by night. As there is a great population living on board these junks, the fisheries are one great nursery of hardy and excellent THE CANTON RIVER. 65 seamen. We dropped anchor at sunset at the mouth of the Canton river, near the island of Lema. Next day we ascended the river, wliich in this place is about fifty miles broad, and we sailed through the groups of islands which are situated at its mouth. We soon reached Castle Peak Bay ; and thus, after a voyage of four months and a half, the ' Audacieuse ' at last dropped anchor in Chinese waters, in the midst of the French squadron. Hong Kong, October 27. 'The frigate "Audacieuse," which conveys the special embassy from France to China, entered the Canton river on the 14th of this month. She cast anchor in Castle Peak Bay, a small harbour situated between Macao and Hong Kong, in the midst of Admiral Eigault de Genouilly's squadron. The arrival of the ambassador extraordinary of the Emperor was proclaimed by a salute of nineteen guns from the " Nemesis," the admiral's frigate. The sailors * • belonging to the other ships, in full dress, manning the yards, received him with five good cheers for the Emperor. Next day all the commanders, meeting on board the "Nemesis," were presented to the ambas sador. ' Baron Gros, accompanied by the admiral, set out the same day to Macao to visit the French minister, F 66 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. M. de Bourboulon. This visit has no official character. Nevertheless, the governor gave orders that a salute should be fired on the arrival of the special envoy of France within Portugese territory. In the evening M. de Bourboulon entertained to dinner the embassy, the commander of the " Audacieuse," and the mem bers of the French legation. ' Next day, the 17th October, Baron Gros proceeded to Hong Kong, where he received a warm welcome from the English authorities. The "Audacieuse" had no sooner cast anchor than the ambassador received a salute of twenty-nine rounds from Admiral Seymour, as well as from an English frigate, an American and a Dutch sloop of war. Baron Gros repaired on board the " Ava," distinguished by the English ambassador's colours, and he remained for several hours in conference with his honourable colleague. During the day Lord Elgin and Admiral Sir Michael Seymour came on board to visit the am bassador, as well as all the commanders of vessels in the roads, and the foreign consuls residing at Hong Kong. * When Baron Gros went on shore to visit the governor, he found Sir John Bowring already await ing him in his carriage at the landing-place. * All the troops of the garrison were under arms, both along the road by which he proceeded, and in the HONG KONG. 67 courtyard of Government Hduse. At the same time a salute of nineteen guns was fired from the fort on the amval of the ambassador. Next day Sir John Bowring and General Ashburnham came on board the " Audacieuse " to return officially the visit they had received the night before. ' Before leaving Hong Kong, Baron Gros was present at a dinner given in his honour by the governor of the colony. Among the guests was the special commissioner of Her Britannic Majesty in China and the whole of the English embassy, the commander-in-chief of the English troops, the lieutenant-governor, the French commanders, Mr. Parkes, English vice-consul at Canton, and the lead-= ing men belonging to the city. Sir John Bowring proposed the health of the Emperor, and Baron Gros replied to the toast by drinking the health of the Queen of England. ' After remaining five days in the roads at Hong Kong, Baron Gros returned to Castle Peak Bay to rejoin the French squadron.' Such was the notice of our first movements in China which appeared in the columns of the ' Moniteur.' We went occasionally, either alone or in company with the ambassador, to pass a few days at Hong Kong, and made a descent into every part of this 68 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. admirable English arsenal. The island of Hong Kong was ceded to Great Britain by the treaty of Nankin. It was, till 1842, a bare rock inhabited by a few fishermen ; now it is overspread with the houses of a great city, and inhabited by a population of seventy thousand inhabitants. On the very spot where a few miserable junks used timidly to anchor, in terror lest they should be set upon by pirates, now there is a forest of ships of war and merchant men belonging to every nation under the sun. Where a few half-starved fishermen were glad to scrape together a few coppers in the course of the year, the incessant rattling of money-bags may now be heard. In fifteen years the English, by dint of their won derful faculty for colonization, have converted a place before then quite unknown into the best frequented port in these seas. Docks, hospitals, stores for the army and navy have been erected, a fine Gothic church has been built, and all the rich European merchants in China have made it a point of honour to fix their abode here, and build a palace on this English island. Now there is a wide street, mac adamised, planted with trees, and bordered by foot paths, wliich runs along the harbour for a distance of three miles, with two uninterrupted lines of European and Chinese houses ; a great amount of capital is employed in new buildings, which are rapidly A DINNER AT SIR JOHN BOWRING'S. 69 going forward. All that part of the town which adjoins the quay is occupied by stores and ware houses, and visitors are obliged to ascend to the high ground to reach their quarters. Government House is situated above the town. From the promenade which surrounds it you look down on the roads, where at all times something is going forward; a steamer or two plying, a merchant ship casting anchor, or a man-of-war firing a salute, or something else to attract the notice of saunterers. A dinner, to which Sir John Bowring entertained us on the day after our arrival, was possessed of interest in many ways. We left the ship at seven o'clock, and found eight palanquins waiting for us at the landing-place. Baron Gros, borne by five Chinamen, went first. Then came Commander Aboville ancl the other members of the mission. The Coolies of the French consul, holding Chinese lanterns, lighted up the way over the hill. Contades, who by bad luck had fallen into the hands of short-winded porters, was obliged to urge them to get on as he best could. Sir John received us with the utmost courtesy ; introduced us to his family, to the colonial authorities, and to the leading English merchants. It is a custom at Hong Kong for any one who is invited out to take his ' boy ' with him. Those who, like us, are not provided 70 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. with this article in the shape of a young Chinese, with a fresh-shaven head, an elegantly-plaited tail, and a long white dress, run the risk of starving at a table groaning with good things. On this occasion we were not compelled by this dire necessity into a breach of good manners, as our neighbours were kind enough to accommodate us with their boys — a little amused doubtless at our embarrassment and inex perience in Anglo-Chinese etiquette. We stayed till twelve o'clock at night. On leaving we had some difficulty in finding our chairs and Coolies in the midst of sixty palanquins mixed at random, and 150 Chinamen calling at the top of their voices for the guest they were to convey home. While on our way back we talked over what seemed most remarkable in what we had witnessed, to wit, that the English live in the midst of Hindoo and Chinese servants, and employ no others, although they are at war with their countrymen. We had seen Sir John Bowring, with a price set on his head by the Chinese government, quite unconcerned and at his ease, although in the midst of Chinamen. Lord Elgin, too, with whom it lies to decide on the steps to be taken against the Chinese, had returned on board in the evening without an escort in a palanquin carried by four Coolies. Such things are certainly only to PERSONNEL OF THE ENGLISH EMBASSY. 71 be seen in the far East, and they are of a kind to surprise persons newly arrived from France. Lord Elgin did not come on shore. He has his quarters on board a charming steamer furnished him by the East India Company. On hearing of the insurrection he sent the Governor-General of India his frigate, the 'Shannon,' with its gunners and cannon, and the Company gave him in exchange the packet 'Ava,' which it hires out at 2001. a-day at Calcutta. This was certainly a good revenue from such a source, and, not to abuse the generosity of the Company, his Excellency means to remove imme diately with his suite into the 'Furious,' a steam frigate which has recently arrived, and which is now undergoing preparations for his reception. We now made the acquaintance of our colleagues of the English embassy, Messrs. Bruce, Cameron, Oliphant, Fitzroy, Locke, and Morrison, and a cordial intimacy soon sprung up between us. We visited together the shops kept by the dealers in curiosities, and the ateliers of the principal native painters. We were present at a sing-song or theatrical representa tion, given gratuitously to their fellow-citizens by some rich Chinese merchants, who had hired the company of comedians, and erected a great bamboo shed for their accommodation. From a reserved seat which was somewhat elevated we could see the 72 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. great mass of heads swaying to and fro. People were coming and leaving constantly; for the play commences at eight o'clock in the morning and continues without interruption till six o'clock in the evening, the stage never being altogether deserted by the players during the whole of this period. Gods, and heroes, and mythological personages of divers sorts make their appearance in the pieces performed, and do battle with each other after a fashion alto gether preternatural. For pantomime the Chinese actors are unequalled, and nothing can surpass the richness of their costumes, which literally glitter in silk and gold. Women never make their appearance on the stage in the Middle Empire ; they are pre vented from doing so by religious precepts, and consequently the female parts are taken by young men. The tone of voice of the actors is so sharp and grating, and the music is so deafening, that the patience of a European spectator who understands nothing of what he sees never outlasts half-an-hour, when he is heartily glad to make his bow and retire. There are four thousand Catholics at Hong Kong. They have a fine church, in which the officiating clergymen are Italians. Near the town is situated the procure, or chief station of the Catholic missions in China. We went there more than once, with both pleasure and profit, to see Pere Libois, the Procureuri ROUTE FROM CANTON TO THIBET. 73 General, who has lived in China for twenty-two years, and who for some years back has left Macao to take up his abode at Hong Kong ; Pere Eousseille, who came out more recently ; Pere Mermet, who is to go with us to Japan ; Pere Deluc, and many others, who have all been tried by long years of privation and suffering, and yet with unabated zeal are ready to throw themselves into undertakings from which good is likely to result. Their memories are stored with a thousand curious facts regarding China and the Chinese, and their conversation ac cordingly is not only most pleasant and agreeable, but gives us an insight into the singular habits and character of the natives of the Middle Empire. We were present at the procure when three Chinese couriers took their departure for the northern pro vinces, and one to the frontier of Thibet. They will be three months on the journey ; in the course of which, however, they seldom require to leave the rivers and canals. Not long after leaving Canton, there is an enormous mountain-chain to be crossed. All goods conveyed over it are carried on men's backs — there being a well-arranged system of halting houses for the accommodation, both of porters and travellers. Some idea of the immense traffic lying along this route may be formed, when we consider that all the chief manufactures of Canton, destined 74 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. for exportation to other parts of the empire, pass along it. Beyond the mountains lie the great rivers of China, flowing through wide and populous plains. With the money which is to be taken to the mis sions, the couriers purchase cloth and other articles of merchandise likely to sell in the interior, in which they pack up carefully the European and devotional objects which they are to convey to the Christian settlements. After arriving at their destination they sell the goods they have bought at Canton, hand the money to the priests at the mission, and retain any balance left to themselves as their own legiti mate profit. It is in this way that Pere Libois sends once a-year money received from France to the mis sionary stations. The poor priests, shut up in the heart of Asia, have only once a-year tidings sent them of what is going on in Europe and the civilized world. What a frightful life of isolation it must be! With what anxiety they must long for the day when the merchant is to come with his bales. It must be recorded, to the credit of the Chinese, that there is scarcely any example of a courier disappearing with the money. Yet the sums sent in this way are not small ; they amount occasionally to a thousand pounds and upwards at a time. With Pere Eousseille we one day took a Chinese boat, and went up the bay to visit the missionary JARDINE, MATHESON, AND CO. 75 college. We landed at the Jardine pier — Jardine being the name of a leading Hong Kong merchant. The same gentleman has built a charming villa on a height ; and beneath it the warehouses and counting- houses of the firm. They form a magnificent build ing of freestone, which might well be taken for some important public edifice. Mr, Jardine has a private guard for his protection, composed of Sepoys of his own, whom he is allowed to hire of the government, on paying for their services. He has cannons and a flag too — the flag of the great mercantile house of Jardine, Matheson, & Co. We saw one, gorgeously yet tastefully blazoned ; and were a good, deal sur prised to observe that it bore the sun and fleurs-de-lis of Louis XIV. What chance has thrown the device of the Grand Monarque in the way of this grand financier ? Mr. Jardine deals in everything ; and turns over millions of pounds annually. He has a dockyard of his own; where he repairs the fleet of vessels employed by him to barter opium for tea and silk in all parts of China. The fortune of this great firm, like that of all the other great mercantile houses at Hong Kong, has been made in the opium trade. Clambering up the hill, we proceeded to the missionary college, which lies in a sequestered up land. The poverty of the priests protects them from the pirates who infest the coast. However, eight of 76 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. these desperadoes once made their appearance at the college ; but finding nothing to take, they went away, not, however, without threatening to stab one of the missionaries. The reverend fathers are now armed with pistols and guns, and protected by large dogs, which keep constant watch. We received an affec tionate welcome from them. We met here with our old friends Pere Leturdu and Pere Fontaine, who had come on board the frigate. We drank tea with them. The biscuits we ate had been brought from Canton. After tea we went into the school room, where we found a number of young Chinamen, in long blue gowns, busy learning Latin as well as their own language. These lads do not belong to Hong Kong, but are brought from all parts of the diocese of Canton, which includes the provinces of Kwangtong, of Kwang-si, and the island of Hainan. They will, after their education is completed, return to the missions as native priests and catechists. Mon seigneur Guillemin, the Bishop of Canton, is now in Europe, about some matters connected with his dio cese. We caused the pupils to write our names in Chinese ; and went for a little into the class-room of the native master, in which all the pupils repeat their lesson at once. The noise is discordant, but the system is practised in conformity with the ' rites ' or general directions of the ecclesiastical authority. On leaving CHINESE NOTIONS OF THE DEVIL. 77 we came down the hill, making a circuit to see the Happy Valley, where the English have staked off a drive and race-course through a superb meadow. The turf is rolled down regularly, as in the English parks. The name of Happy Valley, given to this place, comes from the cemeteries which surround it. There are three of them. One belongs to the Church of England ; another is Eoman Catholic ; and a third Parsee, or Zoroastrian. In the latter the bodies are burned. On the opposite side, scattered over the slope of the hill, in the midst of fir-trees and rocks, there are a number of Chinese tombs, marked by an upright block of granite, mentioning the name of the deceased, and the year and day of his death. All round is a circular bench, put up by the relations of the departed, on which the spirit may rest when .so disposed. All along the road we found strewed bits of silvered paper. These are intended to keep the devil employed, and prevent him from devouring the soul of the deceased, when a . body is about to be deposited in its last resting-place. The devil is de ceived by these glittering slips of paper ; he mistakes them for coins, and keeps stooping to pick them up. In this way the evil spirit has his attention diverted until the body is fairly placed in the tomb. It appears that the Chinese, not content with their suc cess in hoodwinking the barbarians, venture on the 78 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. same game with the powers below ; and really and truly I believe, that their cunning, their roguery, and their subtlety are such that they may not in all cases come off worst ! On our Way home by water we stopped half-way to visit the sisters of St. Paul de Chartres, sent out to Hong Kong to do the good work of the Sainte Enfance. These poor nuns give themselves up to their duties with rare devotion and self-sacrifice ; they have almost succeeded in putting an end to in fanticide in the colony. Daily, infants are brought to them, whom they receive, and, in this Way, pre serve from certain and immediate death. Unhap pily it is not possible to save them all; they are brought to them often in such a state from starvation and exposure that a large proportion dio in spite of all the care taken of them. We were shown into the workshop, where we saw a number of little Chinese girls, who were decently clad, and who spoke to us in French, busily engaged in making flannel jackets for the sailors of the squadron. Sir John Bowring is the third Governor of Hong Kong. Under him the colony has made an immense stride in advance ; new streets have been opened, districts entirely new have been built, and the popu lation of the island has more than doubled in num bers; there are now at Hong Kong six thousand HIGHWAY ROBBERY AT HONG KONG. 79 Europeans and sixty thousand Chinese. Unfortu nately, Sir John places quantity above quality, and the English colony has, under this system, become a rendezvous for all the pirates of the Canton river ; fearlessly they enter the port to provision their ships, and the Governor confessed to us that in the course of the year there had been sold to these pirates and owners of junks in the river no less than four thousand small cannons and swivels. The white and coloured police at Hong Kong night and day perambulate the streets with muskets over their shoulders ; yet they have great difficulty in prevent ing thefts. An adventure, which last year befel the commander of the ' Catinat,' is characteristic ; he had no faith in the honesty of the Hong Kong people, and never went on shore without putting a pair of pistols in his pocket* One day, when he had been to town and was returning in broad day at two o'clock in the afternoon, within a few paces of his small boat, four stout fellows sprung upon him and caught him by the arms from behind; then a mite of a Chinese boy came coolly up, took his purse quietly out of his waistcoat-pocket, and re lieved him of his watch and watch-chain. This done, he was pitched violently to the ground, which com pleted the operation. The Chinese standing about stared, grinned, and smiled, not a soul of them came 80 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. to the rescue, and the robbers disappeared in the crowd. What can the authorities do in the midst of a population such as this, which exhibits no sym pathy with the cause of order and good government ? Midway between Europeans and Chinese we must place the Parsees, or fire-worshippers ; who are nume rous both; at Hong Kong and Macao. They come from India, most of them from Bombay, and are rich opium-dealers. They are a distinct race, the descendants of an old Persian population who immi grated into Hindostan. In all respects they are superior to the Chinese and Hindoos ; they are very fine-looking, and wear a long white flowing Eastern dress, with a black cap of a singular shape, which bears some resemblance to that of the modern Persians! They form the most pleasing feature in the crowds which throng the walks about Hong Kong and Macao ; their liberality, and their good faith and honesty in business transactions, are highly spoken of. Besides numerous frigates and gunboats carrying the English flag, there are at present in the roads at Hong Kong three English vessels of the line, the ' Calcutta,' the ' Belle-Isle,' and ' Sanspareil.' Their triple row of bristling cannon infused an element into the landscape not without its moral influence upon the spectators, but these huge floating towers are very ill adapted to the navigation of these seas, COMMISSIONER YEH. 81 Light ships, which can float in shallow waters, are at all times more useful. The 'Primauguet' and the 'Phlegeton,' two steam-sloops forming part of our squadron, appear to our officers to be, in all respects,, just what is required. At Macao the ' Audacieuse ' is obliged to ride at anchor five miles from the shore, while the gunboats can come within a mile of the water's edge ', the immense superiority of the latter is apparent where military operations must constantly be performed in the shallow waters of rivers. Among the ships which crowd in the road of Hong Kong, we observe vessels of war which be long to the king of Siam, They are entirely of European build, and hoist colours with a white elephant as a device. Baron Gros, after much serious deliberation, and long and anxious conferences with the French and English authorities in China, resolved on going to war. The north-east monsoon and the ice on the northern coasts prevented, in the mean time, the war from being carried on in the Gulf of Pecheli, but the winter months could be employed in an attack on Canton, and in revenging the special grievances of the French government upon the haughty and stub born Commissioner Yeh, the governor of the two Kwangs. In the spring the belligerents would pro ceed to the north, to compel the Chinese govern- G 82 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ment into some redress for those injuries inflicted upon the French, for which the government of Pekin was responsible. If the capture of Canton had the effect of bringing the Manchoo dynasty into a less hostile attitude towards Europeans, then the ambas sadors might consent to enter into negociations ; if not, more immediate pressure would be directed against the Court of Pekin, by ascending the waters of the Pei-ho towards the Chinese capital ; where our vessels might float the banners of the allies, and by the pageantry of European warfare spread terror in the very heart of the enemy's country. This plan of the French ambassador was also that of his colleague the High Commissioner of England. The preparations for war were accordingly continued with renewed activity at Hong Kong and Castle Peak Bay ; the two admirals endeavouring to make up for the smallness of the force at their disposal by using every means, in their power to inspire with pluck and determination those under their command. Hong Kong, November 14. Five hundred of the Eoyal Marines who had come out from Portsmouth by the ' Imperador ' arrived at Hong Kong in the commencement of this month. The ' Imperatrice ' arrived a few days afterwards, with another five hundred men belonging to the GENERAL ASHBURNHAM. 83 same body of troops. Another ship is expected shortly with one thousand men. All these are ordered, as they arrive, to proceed up the Canton river, and to take up their quarters in the forts which have been captured from the Chinese. There is a talk of the departure of Admiral Seymour for Whampoa. Forty-five English war vessels are already employed in the blockade of the river ; and besides the ' Calcutta,' an 80-gun ship, on board which he is himself, the admiral proposes to take with him the remainder of the gunboats which are lying at anchor in the roads at Hong Kong. Two hundred English soldiers, a few companies of Sepoys, and one war sloop, will then alone remain at this place to protect the town, and overawe the Chinese population. This rapid concentration of the English forces in the river, and the preparations making at Castle Peak Bay, began to spread great alarm among the inhabitants of Canton. It is said that they have already begun to pad and put bags against their principal buildings, to make them proof against shot ; several villages have been deserted by their in habitants, and six hundred women and children have sought refuge at Macao. General Ashburnham, having no command corre sponding to his rank in the service, in consequence of 84 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the departure for India of the troops wliich were to have been sent to China, was recalled to Calcutta. He will leave with his staff by the next mail. General Straubenzee, the officer next in rank, will take the command of the land forces. During his stay at Castle Peak Bay, Baron Gros received a visit from Vice- Admiral Count Poutiatine, the aide-de-camp in chief of the Eussian emperor, and the special envoy and minister plenipotentiary of Eussia to China. He had come from the river Amour in a small steam boat named the 'America.' While we had come out by sea round the Cape and across the Indian Ocean, the Count, who had been in Paris shortly before our departure, joined us again in China, after having made a journey overland through the whole width of Northern Asia. We learned that the interest of the journey bears no adequate proportion ,to the fatigue it entails. The vast plain of Siberia soon palls upon the traveller, with its boundless, un- diversified snow-fields. The . posting-houses on the way are admirably managed qua posting-houses; but the fare is miserable. There is literally nothing to be had but tea and salt fish. By night and day the traveller, driven on in his roomy carriage, lies stretched at full length as in bed ; for sitting upright and looking out he could not undergo the fatigue of the journey. After remaining more than a month THE RUSSIAN EMBASSY. 85 in Kiachta, partly to recruit, partly to see the town, which is the great mart between China and Eussia, and partly to await the melting of the snow, the admiral descended the Amour in a small boat through the midst of the great forests bounding its course, and in this way reached the town of Nicolaief in the Gulf of Tartary. It was this same Count Poutiatine who throughout the whole Crimean war, moving from place to place and never seen, managed so cleverly to baffle all the skill of the Anglo-French squadrons in the Pacific. His name is indissolubly connected with the Eussian colonization in the basin of the Amour, that magnificent route for an extended commercial inter course between Siberia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Japan, and China. The Amour takes its rise at a spot situated about one hundred miles from Kiachta. In summer it is an immense navigable river ; in winter a long sheet of smooth ice, forming an admirable highway for sledges drawn by dogs. Wood, iron, and coal abound in this scarcely-explored territory. The appearance of the Eussians as colonists in this region sufficed to alarm the colonial press of Hong Kong. Attached to the mission of Count Poutiatine were two persons who belonged to the famous Eussian College at Pekin, and who had lived there ten years to learn the language. One is the papa or 86 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. priest ; the other the medical officer of the mission. They liked their life at Pekin very well. Dressed as Chinese, they were allowed to extend their ex cursions as far as the mountains in the neighbourhood of the capital. In summer they had a pleasant life in a large country house, situate close by the Great Wall. Every one to his taste. The study of Chinese literature may be a pleasant occupation enough, and interesting it may be to have a close view of the working of the Chinese government ; nevertheless ten years so spent seems neither more nor less than a ten years' transportation and banishment from European society. Mr. Eeed, the special envoy and minister plenipo tentiary of the United States in China, arrived in the roads at Hong Kong in the steam frigate ' Minnesota,' which is propelled by engines of one thousand horse power, and carries fifty guns. It had taken 115 days to make the voyage from New York to the Canton river. On the southern shores of the China Sea she had encountered a violent typhoon, which obliged her to put in at Anjer in Java. Expressions of the most cordial sympathy have passed between the French embassy and the American minister. Baron Gros could not have desired a colleague who had his interests more sincerely at heart, or who could have exhibited greater courtesy. THE AMERICAN SQUADRON. 87 But this was all it amounted to. The government of the Union had instructed their envoy to remain a simple spectator of the struggle ; to be present at the operations against the Chinese, but to take no part in them — in the mean time at least ; indeed until the Americans could, without expense to themselves, reap a share of the advantages won by Anglo-French shot and shell. This position of the American squadron will explain why there was no good will lost between them and the allied fleets. Whilst the seamen of England and France were risking their lives in the cause of civilization, four American ships of war, manned to their full complement, and bristling with cannon, were riding tranquilly at anchor in the roads at Hong Kong. We remained at Castle Peak Bay amid constant firing of cannon. The ' Audacieuse ' lias just been tested. She discharges 150 balls a day, and the admiral, who was present, has expressed his satisfaction with the proficiency of the gunners. The other vessels have since been put through their practice, and the little rock selected as the mark is cut up in all direc tions by the balls. Every one is busy on board in casting balls and making cartridges. Every day the disembarkation companies go on shore for exercise, and to get used again to the fatigue of long marches and the drill on land. At 88 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. noon a gunboat puts on her steam to go and fetch them, and tug back the long file of small craft by which they are conveyed to and from the shore. In coming near the anchorage all these small boats let go their hold, and an amusing race takes place between them to get first on board. On high days and holidays there is a reception on board the ' Nemesis,' and the theatrical company of the ship treat the visitors to a performance. The stage, lit up with Chinese lanterns, is ornamented tastefully with reeds and branches. The verses are well conned, and trip readily from the players ; they are delivered indeed with fire and spirit, and the spectator is shocked neither by the big hands nor the shaven chins of the female performers. The costumes are brilliant, although one can see at a glance that they are not the productions of a first-class dressmaker. The skirts of the female performers are stretched out to fashionable dimensions upon lef-toff crinolines picked up second-hand at Macao. The whole crew, perched upon the shrouds and rope ladders, look down upon the scene in a high state of glee and excite ment, and give the performers all the encouragement of hearty laughter. We have had various plays, among others the ' Double-Bedded Eoom,' the ' Bear and the Bashaw,' the '•Corporal and his Country Cousin ' ('la Chambre a deux Lits,' 'l'Ours etle Pacha/ THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES ON BOARD SHIP. 89 ' le Caporal et sa Payse'), and indeed the whole budget of Levassor of the ' Nemesis.' The ' Audacieuse,' not to be outdone, has resolved to start an opposition company of theatricals. Our fair performers cannot pretend to cope with those of the ' Nemesis ' in the matter of petticoats, but they bid fair to excel them in emulating the sweet and gentle voice of woman. We stand in need of a little amusement while stationed at Castle Peak Bay, for there are few places more likely to fill the mind with gloomy and melan choly impressions. On every side we see nothing but bare crags, without one tree to throw a refreshing shadow over the sun-scorched soil. Indeed, excepting at the watering place, where there are the huts of a few fishermen, all the islands about are quite unin habited. For this reason they are well adapted to rifle-shooting and gun practice : but no other attrac tions have they ; and the admiral, wisely considering how important it is to keep up the spirits of the men, and to allow the officers a little solacement before entering on the serious work of the expedition, has ordered the squadron to leave Castle Peak Bay for the road of Macao. 90 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. CHAPTEE IV. The Portuguese Colony of Macao. — The Garden of Camoens. — The Pagoda of the Rocks. — The Parsee Cemetery. — The Decline of Macao. — The French and English Squadrons re-ascend the Can ton river. — Bocca Tigris, or the Bogue. — The Anchorage at Whampoa. — The last pacific attempt to negociate with Com missioner Yeh. — Delivery of Baron Gros' Ultimatum. — Absolute refusal of Yeh to come to terms on any of the points. — The Am bassadors delegate their powers to the Admirals. — The com mencement of military operations, Hong Kong represents future and present com mercial activity. Macao is a quiet town which belongs to the past. The time was when the bold seamen of Portugal were the masters of the China seas. Their degenerate offspring are now reduced for bare sub sistence to seek employment from the great English and American houses. The palmy state of Portugal has passed away, and fickle fortune bestows her favours on another race. The colony never prospers. It had the good luck to be placed under the adminis tration of Amaral, a man of genius, but he was assas sinated by emissaries of the mandarins. Then the MACAO. 91 court of Lisbon, with the view of revenging this out rage, armed, and at great expense sent out its finest, it may be its only war frigate; but scarcely had this vessel anchored in the road, when it was blown to pieces by an infuriated gunner who had been pun ished for some fault by the commander, and who, to wreak his vengeance on the man who had injured him, did not hesitate to send to destruction three hundred of his countrymen ! The neighbourhood of Hong Kong deprives Macao of all the importance it at one time enjoyed as a free port. Besides, its harbour is gradually being silted up with mud, like all the right bank of the Canton river. Large vessels are obliged to anchor three miles from the shore, and small gunboats alone can approach the quay of the Praya-Grande. Nevertheless Macao is not altogether destitute of attraction. It has the charm of interesting associations. This town was for a long while the only spot on the coast through which intercourse was permitted with the Chinese empire. Saint Francis Xavier, Camoens, and other distinguished men besides, have died within its pre cincts. Its noble churches, convents, and other public buildings, discoloured by time, are silent witnesses to a splendour which has long since fled. Macao has another advantage over Hong Kong — the climate is better. While the latter, lying under the lee of 92 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Victoria Hill, scarcely benefits by the wholesome- breath of the north-east monsoon, Macao, exposed to the sea, receives these fresh winds without obstruc tion. The consequence is, that the Hong Kong people frequent the Portuguese town for a change of air during the hottest weeks in summer. For the same reason the French government erected an hospital at Macao at the opening of the campaign. At this moment the preparations for war give un wonted animation to the old Portuguese town. Every day a crowd of small boats come on shore with officers and sailors of the French Squadron, glad to escape from the dust of Castle Peak Bay, and to see some thing else than a bare Uninhabited rock. We have been very hospitably received by the French minis ter and Madame de Bourboulon. We spent an evening very pleasantly at the Legation. It is very amusing to walk out after dark into the streets, which are lit up with Chinese lanterns, and to wander about among the gambling-houses, opium-smoking saloons and sing-songs — 'this name being given to all those noisy concerts of which the Chinese are fond, and which are often patronised by wealthy native merchants. Macao in ordinary times only contains five thousand Europeans and thirty thousand Chinese. At this moment, in consequence of what is going for ward at Canton, and the emigration which has taken THE LUSIAD. 93 place thence, the Chinese population is increased to seventy thousand. When the sea is smooth the visitor may go by tanka to the pagoda of the Eocks, and come home on foot by the highway. This temple is badly kept ; it had not the rich and imposing appearance of the great pagoda of Singapore, but its situation is very picturesque. Beneath it lies the inner harbour, with its fleet of junks and tankas ; above it rise bare rocks of granite, and giant forest trees, which strike their roots firmly into fissures of the crags. Half way up are kiosks and chapels dedicated to the minor divini ties, for the principal god receives the homage of the faithful at the threshold of the temple. He is, it appeal's, the patron of mariners, and accordingly there is above the entrance a large junk painted red, with a Chinese inscription on the rock at its side. The garden of Camoens is now private property. It belongs to M. Marques, a Portuguese, but it is thrown open to strangers. Here we sauntered about for a long time in the cool shade of its leafy bowers, a pleasure not often to be had in China. We saw the grotto of Camoens and the place to which this great man retired from the world to write the ' Lusiad.' We read several quotations from the poet, which were inlaid upon the marble, and also a few credit able French verses, which we perused with as much 94 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. pleasure, composed by some one who admired the garden, as well as the man to whom it had belonged. We had a delightful view, from a low terrace, of the interior harbour, seen in the last rays of the setting sun. We heard the cries of the tanka boatwomen, the measured stroke of oars from boats crossing the water, and loud above all the horrible row the Chinese seamen made on board a junk about to set sail. They were invoking, we understood, the god of the pagoda, by the sound of gongs, to protect them from the evil spirits of the vasty deep; The Parsee cemetery, which rises in terraces above the sea ; the small Portuguese forts, built like eagles' nests among the crags ; Green Island, and the narrow neck of land which connects Macao with the Celestial Empire, were each visited by us in turn. We spent a good deal of our time in lounging over the balcony of Duddel Hotel, watching what was going forward in the roadstead, and enjoying the delightful fresh ness of the north wind. At length, on the 11th December, the whole French squadron left the road of Macao, to ascend the Canton river. We left at daybreak, towing the ' Nemesis' up after us, and about two o'clock we cast anchor at Bocca Tigris, in the very heart of the English squadron. As far up as the Bogue we met with no object of interest. The width of the estuary shows WE ASCEND THE CANTON RIVER. 95 that it belongs to the sea up to this point ; but here it becomes rapidly narrowed into a river, and we pass up between the two banks bristling with small Chinese forts. Some years ago these had a threaten ing appearance, but the English cannon have battered them into little more than heaps of rubbish. The Union Jack now floats over their ruins, and red coats mount guard on their dismantled ramparts. During the whole of this day the English have displayed French colours from their mast-head, while we in reply have hung out British colours. Next day, taking advantage of high tide, we crossed without accident the first bar on the river. There was one critical moment when we had no more water than was absolutely necessary to float us, although we had wheeled the artillery into the fore part of the ship, and unloaded our coal into lorchas. We have cast anchor at the extremity of Danes Island, and within sight of French Island, where we will await the great tide of the 19th of December, to ascend to Whampoa. We were surrounded by a crowd of old boats filled with wretched-looking people, — men, women, and children. The poor children, putting their hands to their stomachs and then to their mouths, made a sign to us that they were dying of hunger. By means of a net fastened to the end of a bamboo cane, 96 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. like a naturalist's apparatus for catching butterflies, these poor creatures gathered the bits of bread, biscuits, and orange-skins which floated along the side of the vessel. They ate greedily what they got in this way. It is impossible to imagine greater wretchedness. Flocks of geese and wild ducks were every now and then flying past the vessel. The English soldiers amused themselves in firing upon them with small shot, and they never failed to bring down some of them ; but Admiral Seymour soon put an end to this fun. The country is pleasing. Villages surrounded with trees make their appear ance everywhere in the midst of extensive rice- fields. A great number of canals open into the river, and bear junks, only the sails of which are seen, in the midst of the country. Where the water of the canal is not visible, they have a very singular appearance. The English gunboats go and come constantly from Bocca Tigris to Fort Macao in front of Canton, to keep the course of the river clear. Our compradors, or purveyors, pass from one side of the river to the other, purchasing without any great difficulty provisions for us in the villages. The captain of an English gunboat at anchor near Blenheim Eeach resolved for a brag in a foolhardy way to capture the mandarin of a neighbouring village. He set out on the expedition. He did not I -¦ M .3 1%- :S#^' WE CROSS THE SECOND BAR. 97 find the dignitary himself at home, but he found his cap of office, which he carried away in triumph. On their march home, however, the captain and his men found their way intercepted by a strong party of Chinese soldiers ; a struggle ensued, and it was with difficulty that they got to the small boat on the river. Five of the crew were killed, and six wounded. The captain himself received two gun-shot wounds, one in each leg. It was a Chinese who had put it into Ids head to catch the mandarin, telling him that the latter was generally detested by his countrymen. The English concluded that the whole affair had been got up to entrap the party. Two hundred men, therefore, from the ' Nankin,' a sloop of war at anchor in the same channel, disembarked and burned the village, after a brisk fire between them and the Chinese soldiery. It was observed that the Chinese had cut off the heads of the seamen who had been killed. The conduct of the commander of the English gun boat was very severely censured by his superior officers, and he stands a chance of being punished for his temerity by the withdrawal of his commission as well as the loss of his limbs. On the 19th of December we put on our steam in order to change our anchorage ground, the whole of the ships belonging to the squadron being attached, so as to tug each other. We crossed the second bar, H 98 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. thanks to the Chinese pilot of Admiral Seymour, whom we had on board. To work such a heavy hulk as the ' Audacieuse ' within such a narrow space, in the midst of a channel which changed in its character and direction continually, was no easy matter. The pilot acquitted himself admirably, and we soon ex changed the anchorage of Blenheim Eeach for that of American Eeach. We cast anchor at Jardine's Point, opposite Danes Island and French Island, close to Whampoa. In the foreground is a village built on piles, wliich is completely deserted by its inhabitants. Beyond are fields of sugar-cane and the two pagodas of Whampoa Island, whence are seen the forts of Canton. Bounding the horizon is a chain of hills which form the first spurs of the moun tains of the White Cloud. Behind us stretches French Eiver and its picturesque banks, which are so graceful in their outline that they seem the con ception of a landscape painter, and a steep hill cut down into terraces, with a whole city of tombs built upon it. We are fifty miles from Macao and nine miles from Canton. The population seem to be quite indifferent as to the results of the war, and manifest no hostility to us. We meet often with a hearty welcome when we go to the villages, where the inhabitants offer us tea and bananas. Curiosity and fear seem to be the two LAST ATTEMPTS AT NEGOCIATION. 99 feelings with which our appearance is greeted. The children generally run away screaming when they see us, and the women slam the doors in our faces ; but in Whampoa it is different; there, the whole population come into the streets to have a good stare at us. The town is surrounded by a deep canal, but all the bridges over it, excepting one, have been cut down to protect the inhabitants from the barbarians. The mandarins and soldiers have withdrawn to Can ton ; and a Chinaman has just told us that the people will not allow them to return, lest their presence should involve the town in a quarrel with the foreigners. In spite of the pacific disposition of the population, the Admiral would only allow us to go on shore in large numbers at a time, and well armed. In front of each ship there, was placed a- large triangle of bamboo, to keep off fire-rafts. Ships' boats, armed to the teeth, are passing to and fro on the road from morning till night. Sentinels are placed on watch, in front, behind, and to the right and left of each ship. There is something solemn now in the watch man's call, heard in the silence of the night. We have laid in provisions for a month, and in the lower deck the men are busy preparing cartridges in thousands as rapidly as possible. Meanwhile, the am bassadors are making a last attempt to obtain satis- 100 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. faction, without declaring war against the haughty governor of the two Kwangs. ' It is my duty to acquaint your Excellency,' wrote Baron Gros, 'that the time for wavering is past. Nearly two years of patience and moderation should suffice to convince the Chinese nation that they may depend upon the good will and friendship of France. However, for the honour of this power, it is necessary that the present state of things should now imme diately cease, and that just reparation for grievances should be granted. I earnestly beg that the noble governor of the two Kwangs will reflect maturely on the present situation of European affairs in China. They are about to enter upon a new phase, the im portance of which will certainly not escape the pene trating mind of your Excellency. ' The government of the Emperor has a right to demand satisfaction for the grievances which French subjects have suffered in China. The government of Her Britannic Majesty is in a similar position. A reparation is then legitimately due to these two powers, which are at one as to the means to be em ployed in obtaining it. ' France and England ask nothing which is not equitable — nothing which is not founded on their rights ; and when this is the case, a reparation frankly made, so far from humbling him who makes.it, on BARON GROS' ULTIMATUM. 101 the contrary should exalt and aggrandize his im portance in tlie eyes of his countrymen. ' Let the noble governor yield to evidence ; let him, with a good grace, grant to France and Eng land what he will be obliged afterwards to concede to them, and peace and prosperity will soon reappear among the populations entrusted to his care. If, on the contrary, he neglects the course which a wise policy dictates to him, misfortune, perhaps irrepar able, may arise from a Violent situation which he had it in his power to prevent, and whicii he might bring to an end by a single word.' Then the ambassador asked various concessions in the name of the French government : he insisted on the degradation and exile of the magistrate guilty of the murder of Pere Chapdelaine ; the in sertion in the official Gazette of the punishment suf fered by this magistrate, and the reason of its being so inflicted ; and the insertion on the same day, and in the same journal, of an article intended to acquaint all public functionaries that they would incur a like risk if ill advised enough to follow the example of this mandarin. The ambassador farther asked an indemnity for Frenchmen and persons under French protection, equivalent to the losses sustained by them through the destruction of the factories by the dis orderly mob of Canton. Lastlv, he claimed the full 102 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. and complete execution of Article Second of the treaty of Whampoa. Under it, Frenchmen were to be admitted to Canton, and protected by the local authorities, with the same good faith as in the other four ports opened to foreign commerce; although, hitherto, they had not been allowed to enter the gates of the town ; while all their demands had been met by an unendurable system of delay and equivo cation. The delivery of the ultimatum of Baron Gros took place on the 12th of December, at noon ; when the ' Dragonne,' with Lieutenant Eibourt, the aide-de camp of the admiral, and an English gunboat, with Mr. Wade, the interpreter to the English mission, made thejr appearance before Canton. There was an immense crowd assembled, shouting and making signs to them to keep back. A mandarin's junk pushed off, and, with all sails spread, came up to the vessel. The delivery of the two Notes, French and English, took place on board the junk ; and the dele gate immediately returned to his master, glad, no doubt, to get back in safety from his interview with the barbarians. On both sides there was a certain display of force as a precaution against a surprise. The reply of the Imperial Commissioner was not long in coming. It was addressed, on the 14th of December, to Baron Gros. It was equivocal, and FACETIOUS REPLY FROM YEH. 103 betrayed bad faith. It was, besides, couched in a tone of levity quite unsuited to the occasion. Yeh replied, by a formal refusal of the demands made upon him by the French ambassador, in a playful way, as if there was no serious stake at issue, and without attempting to answer the arguments in the well-reasoned note of his opponent. The reply made to Lord Elgin was conceived in a still more original style, and was throughout characterized by contemptuous irony and persiflage. ' Peace is signed for ten thousand years, why then would you renew the treaty ? You have not yet been able to erect warehouses in the island of Honan, close by Canton ; how then can you quarter troops there ? Profit by the example of your predecessors. One of them, Sir John Davis, was insolent towards the Chinese. He went home disgraced and branded by his country men. Another, Sir John Bonham, was peacefully disposed. Honours were heaped upon bim by his Sovereign. He was raised to the rank of baronet, and received the most brilliant marks of distinction. You see then,' concluded the facetious Commissioner, ' that it is for your interest to imitate Bonham and not Davis.' This despatch of Yeh is composed throughout in a language quite new in diplomatic correspondence. In reply to the communication he had received, 104: AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Baron Gros despatched the following note : ' The reply of the Governor-General, not being serious, and containing merely evasive words, without an attempt to do justice to the demands of France, must be held, equivalent to a formal refusal ; and therefore the duty of the undersigned is to inform the Governor- General of the two Kwangs, that henceforth the solution of the present question is placed in the hands of the Commanders-in-Chief of the allied forces of France and England, who are empowered, so soon as they think fit, to employ rigorous mea sures to obtain by force the just reparation which, in his blindness, the noble Governor-General has been unwilling to make to the Allied Powers, whilst they addressed him in conciliatory and amicable language.' On Monday the 21st of September a council of war was held on board the 'Audacieuse.' Baron Gros, Lord Elgin, Admiral Eigault de Genouilly, Sir Michael Seymour, and General Straubenzee took part in it. The plenipotentiaries now formally de clared that their attempts to negociate with Yeh had failed, and that they handed over their power to the admirals to obtain by force what they could not obtain by peaceful negociation. The business on hand now was to take Canton, and afterwards to retain it in our possession as a means of coercion MILITARY MANDARINS SUMMONED TO EVACUATE. 105 while endeavouring to treatwith the Chinese govern ment. Ten days now had been allowed to Yeh. They were nearly up. The allies might commence tie attack on the morning oi the 23rd December. Out of mercy to the inhabitants, however, a new delay of forty-eight hours was granted to the civil and military authorities of Canton. The Tartar and Chinese generals were summoned to evacuate the town with their soldiers. If the authorities and troops retire, our troops are to take possession of the places which they desert, and fortify them, keeping up close communication with the river, without causing any injury to the town or its inhabitants. If they do not retire, the allies will bombard Canton and take by force the positions which they wish to occupy. The Chinese military authorities have replied by a disdainful silence to the summons of the Commanders- in-Chief. Thenceforward the bombardment is decided upon. Admiral Eigault de Genouilly, in a stirring order of the day, made known to the seamen that the campaign had commenced. All the light ships as cended to Canton or its immediate neighbourhood. The ' Audacieuse,' the ' Nemesis,' the ' Meurthe,' and the ' Capricieuse ' only remained in the anchorage at Whampoa, but their disembarkation corps left them immediately. When the ' Marceau ' passed up, tug- 106 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ging the small boats, they were loudly cheered from the vessels left behind. Our men, with their linen gaiters and their knapsacks strapped on their backs, and carrying five days' provisions with them, besides their arms, had a fine martial appearance. Captain Collier is at the head of the disembarkation corps. Commander d'Aboville has under his orders the six French vessels moored before Canton. The members of the embassy have now been separated into two parties, between the ' Primauguet ' and the ' Durance,' lying before Barrier Fort, two miles from Canton, the ' Audacieuse ' being too far from the scene of events. THE BOMBARDMENT OF CANTON. 107 CHAPTEE V. The Bombardment and Capture of Canton. — Visit of the two Ambas sadors to Head-quarters, on the 1st of January. — Insolent Letter from the Mandarins. — Descent into the Town, and capture of Yeh, Muh, and Pih-kwe. — Yeh sent on board the ' Inflexible ' as a prisoner. — Pih-kwe maintained in his position as Governor of Canton by the Allies. — Ceremony of the 9th of January .—The European Commission. — The Anglo-French Camp.— The Town of Canton, its Yamouns and Pagodas. — The Western Suburb. — The Tartar Quarter. — The Departure of Yeh for Calcutta. On Monday, the 28th December, 1857, at half-past six o'clock in the morning, our preparations were completed, and the military mandarins not having rephed to the summons to evacuate the town, the order to open the bombardment was given. Our four gunboats, the ' Dragonne,' the ' Avalanche,' the ' Mitraille,' the ' Fusee,' the corvette the ' Phlegeton,' and the advice-boat the ' Marceau,' with a whole fleet of English sloops and gunboats, opened fire upon the town. Each piece should discharge forty shots in twenty-four hours. The English battery erected on Dutch Folly acquitted itself admirably. A shower 108 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. of balls, rockets, and shells kept thundering down on Canton during a whole day and night. The cone and sphere balls discharged by the gunboatd were sent as far as Fort Gough, some miles from the river. Two great columns of smoke rose from the burning town. At intervals the roar of the cannonade would cease, but only to recommence again. The white smoke of the cannons mingled in the air with the black clouds rising from the burning houses. Our fire was concentrated on the eastern side ,of the town, where the assault was to take place, with the double purpose of battering down the wall and clearing it of its defenders. A sailor perched upon the topmast of each ship gave information when a shot told, and noticed what effect was produced by the rockets. Two balls ¦ only discharged by the Chinese artillerymen found their way as far as our gunboats. One fell near the ' Fusee,' on board which was Commander d'Aboville, and made a splash of water over the ship. During the whole morning of the 28th, as on the preceding days, a compact crowd of frightened citizens covered the banks of the river all along the line where the vessels were moored. Seeing an un wonted bustle, from some cause, on board the gun boats, several Chinamen clambered up on the roofs to see what was the cause. Our men hallooed and CHINESE MODE OF FIGHTING. 109 made signs to them to keep out of the way, but not one would stir. It was not till a cannon-ball had chopped off the head of one of them that the crowd dispersed. In the mean time the disembarkation of the sailors and soldiers was taking place. Without any diffi culties beyond those presented by the nature of the ground, it was effected at a distance of about a mile from the town, half way between Barrier Fort and French Folly. Overnight six hundred Englishmen had taken possession of this point. Our men advanced but slowly, on account of the rice-fields and the narrow footpaths. They soon met the Chinese army, or rather bodies of Chinese soldiers. Not an officer or, leader was to be seen among them. Hid in the thickets and behind the tombs, these Chinamen surprised our troops with a quick discharge of musketry, after which came pouring in upon them a perfect shower of bullets and arrows. Several of our party were wounded, among others a young sailor belonging to the ' Audacieuse,' who was struck with a ball right in the chest. It was remarked that this was the first time that Chinese soldiers had ventured to cope with Europeans in the open country: the bombardment of the city, from wliich they were glad to escape, may account for it. The Chinese have a singular mode of fighting. They wave red or yellow 110 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. flags, partly to defy the enemy and provoke him to an assault, and partly to stir up and keep up their own courage. They use matchlocks and enormous carabines or gin-galls of seven feet and a half long, which they place in a battery Or work in pairs, one holding the barrel over his shoulder, and the other taking aim and applying the match to the touchhole. They besides discharge arrows and arrow-rockets, which, by the peculiar whistle they make in passing through the air, frightened our men a little at first. The French troops met with annoyance in a village. The admiral ordered it to be set on fire. General Straubenzee, coming up, objected to this being, done. An hour afterwards an aide-de-camp of this same general, Lieutenant Hackett, passing through the same village, accompanied by an orderly bearing a message to the river bank, was attacked by thirty Chinamen. He shot two of them with his revolver, but a blow from a bludgeon levelled him to the ground ; immediately afterwards a Chinese severed his head from his body with a sword. His companion killed four of his assailants and escaped. The English soldiers were infuriated ; they returned to the village and set fire to it. The murderer was recognised ; he was dragged by the tail right in front of the Chinese army, and hanged from the bough of a tree. It was A BAYONET CHARGE. Ill frightful to see the look of this man while he was pulled along to the place of execution by the soldiers. The Imperial troops continued to retire. The allies arrived before Lin's Fort. The English and French gunners placed themselves in line. They saw from a distance heaps of moveables thrown out of the fort by the Chinese, who feared the fire of the shells might set them a-blaze. Some time after wards, Martin des Pallieres, a French serjeant of marines, who had been sent out with his men as sharpshooters, observed that there was no fire re turned from the embrasures of the fort. He resolved to enter it. He did so. He found that the door was open, and the fort deserted. It was he who first planted the tricolor upon the wall. The 59th English regiment, which had just gained the position, came up cheering. The ' Durance ' struck her colours by way of salute to the conquerors, and Lord Elgin, who was on board of the ' Furious ' at the time, com plimented Baron Gros on the achievement. An English detachment was for a moment driven back by a great body of the Chinese troops, who kept pouring upon them a shower of arrows and arrow- rockets. The English were not long repulsed. They charged with the bayonet this body of Chinese troops, which was repulsed and dispersed, and did not reappear in the struggle. There were fifteen thou- 112 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. sand Chinese spectators of the combat standing on the surrounding hills, who remained neutral so long as the allies were in the ascendant, but who would certainly be ready to fall upon the Europeans in the event of their meeting with a check. The English discharged their muskets upon them, and dispersed them by a bayonet charge. Then a shower of arrow-rockets came plumping down from a thicket of bamboos. The admiral ordered a few shells to be dropped upon the spot from which they pro ceeded, and the demonstration was at once silenced. The day's work was over. The troops bivouacked on the position they had won at Lin's Fort. It was a moonlight night-r-cold, but clear. They were not disturbed. All night the bombardment was 6ontinued on the side of the eastern gate. From daybreak the gun ners of the disembarkation corps had been battering a breach in the wall. English riflemen, placed be hind the enclosures of the rice-field, shot the enemy's artillerymen as soon as they appeared upon the "ram parts, Captain Bates, of the ' Actaeon,' while making a recognisance to place the scaling-ladders, received a ball in the chest. A young midshipman, about fourteen or fifteen years of age, belonging to the English ship the ' Sanspareil,' was mortally wounded by an arrow in the heart. M. Maduron, of the THE FIVE-STORY PAGODA. 113 'Durance,' was mortally wounded in the shoulder, He was the only one of our officers who was injured. At length the breach was made, the rampart was battered down, and the order was given to bring the ladders. The assaulting column drew up in order of battle, behind the rampart of a small village ; went on by a narrow passage between the houses ; crossed a stream, and reached the wall. Unluckily, a French shell dropped just at this spot. It burst ; and hiding the men in a cloud of smoke, it severely wounded a marine, who was carried into a thicket where he died. The scaling-ladders were then applied to the walls, and found to be too short ; so bits of ladder had to be added to them. One of them broke down with an English officer, who was severely injured. A quartermaster of the ' Capricieuse * first gained the wall. The Chinese soldiers were chased all round the ramparts. The seamen belonging to both fleets pursued the Chinamen before them till they were quite out of breath ; and then they passed the great red pagoda, which is five stories high, and overlooks Canton, and they did not stop till they reached the northern gate. The first French battalion, under Captain Collier, was placed at the northern gate ; Commander Vrignaud, with the second battalion and the English, took possession of the pagoda. Accom modation for the camp-hospital and powder was found I 114 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. in a little pagoda situated half-way up. We found that the mandarin of the place had hanged himself above the door, as he had not desired to survive his defeat. The two admirals and General Straubenzee fixed their head-quarters on the top of the eminence called the City Hill by the English, in a Joss-house, or Buddhist temple, defended by a small fort. On each battlement of this fort are painted the heads of tigers, and other savage beasts, intended to strike terror into the enemy. The position, in a military point of view, was unassailable. The view from it was exceedingly beautiful and picturesque : from our head-quarters, which were in the midst of very fine old trees, you looked down upon the whole town, stretching as far as the river; you could see the long line of the French and English gunboats, the island of Honan with its celebrated pagoda, and all the bends and creeks of Pearl Eiver. At the lower part of the encampment there was a small Bonze- house, a little damaged by balls, where a detachment of English marines were quartered. The English, besides, occupied the east gate, as well the north-east gate, with their artillery, sepoys, and marines. Vautre, who sat next me at mess on board the ' Audacieuse,' was sent with twenty-five men to reconnoitre, and plumped, at the turn of a street, right into the midst of a Tartar drill-court — full of soldiers. It was ' ALL STRONG POSITIONS TAKEN. 115 i impossible to draw back. He charged with the bayonet ; several of his men were killed ; he stabbed a soldier through the body himself. Then the Tartars, of whom there were about a hundred, gave way and abandoned their position. This was one of the most glorious episodes of the day. The English, meanwhile, followed the outer wall, and reached Gough's Fort, which crowns the ridge. They found it completely deserted. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Gough's Fort, Blue Jacket Fort, and the Fort of the Marines were blown up, and the Tricolor and Union Jack planted over the ruined walls. In all quarters were found great stores of gunpowder, which were blown up by the English. These explosions, seen from the ship, had a singular effect. At two o'clock in the afternoon of the 29th the whole affair was at an end. The allies were in pos session of all the positions commanding the town. There was no longer any body of Chinese soldiers to offer them resistance. From the summit of the battlements were seen, at a distance in the plain, the scattered remains of the Chinese army, composed of from ten to fifteen thousand men, encamped in scat tered bodies along the rivers. They were beyond the range of the cannon, and too far off to be pur sued. They were not meddled with. All that clay 116 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. their red flags could be descried fluttering in the wind. Next morning they had disappeared ; and they were not seen again. They had either retired into the interior, or, being a mere militia, had aban doned the sword for the plough, and returned to their habitual occupations as husbandmen. The famous braves of the ninety-six villages, who were so long the terror of Europeans and the hope of Chinese, were nowhere to be seen. The Tartar soldiers, amounting to six or eight thousand men, are Chinese by female descent ; and, having been settled for six or seven generations at Canton, they have exchanged the courage and vigour of their ancestors, for that want of firmness, and promptness to turn and run, which characterizes the Imperial troops of China. Moreover, there is nothing to dis tinguish them from the Chinese soldiers ; they carry the same arms, which belong to primitive times, and recall the period of Genghis Khan and Timour. They wear a round hat, a breastplate, a cartridge-box, after the Circassian fashion, at their belts, a long musket, arrows, and a flag, which they wave about to rouse their courage. Some trace, however, of their Tartar descent they do preserve. They are stronger, bigger, more broad-shouldered, and not so dark in the complexion as the ordinary Chinese. The day following the capture of the town we went THE HALL OF EXAMINATION. 117 to spend a couple of days at the camp. I stopped at the spot where the assault had taken place, and still saw the bamboo scaling ladders lying at the foot of the rampart. In various places fresh lime, and newly laid bricks, showed that the military authorities had carefully repaired the wall within a recent period. I was told that this had been done within the last three years, since the time indeed when the rebels had made their attack on the city. I passed the Hall of Examination, where I saw the cells of the literati. Wide avenues planted with trees, and elegant porticoes, give a very handsome and even noble appearance to this building. But this establish ment, like everything else which we see, is only another proof of the present decline of China from its former prosperity and splendour. Literature is certainly not now held in high esteem, nor can it be considered to flourish if we are to judge by the nettles and parasitical plants which grow in un- weeded luxuriance in this sanctuary of the muses. We counted the number of cells. There was accom modation for seven thousand students. If the great soul of Confucius could revisit this sublunary sphere, with what sadness would that spirit contemplate the manners of this degenerate age ! The children of the Land of Flowers now worship mammon. They are absorbed in the race after material wealth. To the 118 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. computation of filthy coppers, they have turned from the contemplative studyof the sacred Book of Changes. In China there is a general break up of the old system ; the great administrative machine is getting daily more and more out of gear. It is kept going merely in virtue of old habits and prejudices. All its wheels are worn down. It is gold now, and not knowledge, which obtains the diploma necessary to preferment. Why then should a man now shut himself up in a hole four feet square to write his thesis ? It is more to the purpose to insinuate a handsome bribe into the pocket of a rapacious and powerful mandarini General Straubenzee turned these cells to account in accommodating the English military train, which was formed of Chinamen. The Hong-Kong Coolies commit depredations on their countrymen at Canton; but in other respects they do their work with the greatest regularity. We met constantly with long bands of them, between the river and the camp, carry ing powder and shot, provisions and huge joints of beef over their shoulders. Our French military train not having come up, a hundred men belonging to the ' Nemesis,' and one hundred and thirty belonging to the 'Audacieuse,' under the command of Messrs. Mallet and Lespes, at first performed the duties of Coolies to the French troops. They were put up in sampans or boats, as well as the troops, under the command of VISIT TO THE BATTLEMENTS. 119 M. Martineau des Chenetz, who defended the shore. The escorts were no longer disturbed, and passed quietly by the wall. An earthen mound was con structed by which to ascend and descend, and the rubbish of the fallen houses was pitched into the river, in order that there might be a low-water quay at which a landing might be effected at all times of the tide, for the latter affects the stream as high up as Canton. The oflicers of the various ships received us at the camp, and spared no pains to make us understand what had taken place on the two preceding days. While we sauntered over the northern rampart, and along the grey old wall which had been erected in the best days of China, treading upon the grass which grows upon it, we could scarcely fail to be deeply impressed by the fact that before our time no barbarian had ever passed within this sacred enclosure, had ever clambered over these battle ments, or, from this eyrie polluted with his glance the holy city of Canton. I saw a dozen corpses of Tartars still lying about, who had been precipitated at the point of the bayonet over the edge of the rampart, or who had fallen from it in their flight. Their arms were lying on the ground near them. They had been tall, stout, dark-complexioned men. They were frightfully mutilated; one was half- 120 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. consumed by a shell which had burst near him. We were accommodated separately in the different pagodas during the night, some sleeping on tables, others on the floor, rolled up in a blanket, and all surrounded, like saints in a picture, with a glory, formed in our case of mosquitoes, which effectually drove sleep away. There was the greatest stillness in the town. Although the terror was general, the authorities in their impenetrable pride would as yet give no acknowledgment of their defeat. We heard only from time to time the distant howling of the Tartar dogs, the sputtering of some smouldering fire which had gone a-blaze again, the call of the sentries, and the occasional discharge of musketry from the distant outposts. The appearance of the camp was very picturesque, and such only as an Asiatic war can exhibit. Long spears, arrows, red and yellow banners were lying about on every side. The wardrobe of the mandarins had been well ran sacked by our seamen, and with what result was everywhere apparent. The altars had been converted into sleeping berths, while the cloaks of the Chinese ladies supplied night-gowns. Everywhere there were gilded Buddhas dragged from their niches, by one to be employed as a pillow, and by another to be used as a lampstand. The abdomens both of the human figures and the horses had been broken open, THE MILITARY PROFESSION IN CHINA. 121 the English soldiers recollecting that in the first war large sums of money were found in this way. Every one eat and drank out of China ware, but, as the only dishes in use in the country were cups and saucers, soup, beef, and cheese were eaten off them. Propped against a fierce-looking dragon, or seated upon a moral maxim, we laid into the good cheer of the mandarins. In everything there was an indescribable mixture of the comic and grotesque. Near the great five-story pagoda, which is said to be twelve centuries old, there is a small interior fort5 the walls of which are whitewashed, and which ap pears to have been constructed in anticipation of the present attack in order to command the route by which the English descended upon Gough's Fort in 1841. The Chinese never for a moment doubted that the barbarians would enter the city precisely by the road they took on the former occasion : in point of fact they came in precisely at the opposite extremity of the town. The artillery along the walls is wretched. The carriages are not even moveable, so that the enemy to be shot must take up his position right in front of the mouth of the cannon ; and of course the barbarians are infamous enough to come in behind the forts, and make their attack before the Chinamen have time to turn round their clumsy machinery. In China the military profession is not held in 122 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. honour. No one attempts to introduce improvements on the present system. A distinguished wit says, in speaking of gunpowder, that, if the Chinese disco vered it, they have not yet discovered the use of it. As for the Minie rifle, that is out of the question. They seem to depend for success in war on various fantasia — to runs they make forward, and runs back ward, and loud shouts of defiance. They flourish their double-handed swords, they wave their flags, they shoot their rockets and arrows into the ranks of the enemy, but never do they come to close quarters with cold steel. Two regiments of Chasseurs and two regiments of Zouaves would suffice to conquer China. There is not a corps in the empire who could stand fast under a bayonet charge. The sight of a body of men marching coolly and resolutely up to them is so alien to their nature, so utterly incompre hensible and terrible, that all courage deserts them, and it is ten to one if they do not immediately take to their heels. Formerly t the Chinese, up to a certain point, were a warlike people. The business of a soldier was in no degree repugnant to their national manners. But the Tartars introduced a change. They found that their number after the conquest was very small when compared to that of the Chinese people ; there were only a million of new comers to three hundred and sixty millions of the RESULTS OF BOMBARDMENT. 123 old inhabitants. As a means of self-protection, therefore, they set themselves with perseverance to the task of extinguishing in the people all taste for military display and love of warlike adven ture. They converted China into an immense hive of labourers. The country became a great workshop, in which all the arts of peace flourished, and the whole national activity was concentrated upon the great struggle in which man is engaged with nature. What was to be feared of a man who would spend twelve or fifteen years of his life in polishing a bit of jadestone ? But then again, what could be expected of him in the hour of danger, when the country re quired his services as a defender against a foreign foe ? The result of the Mantchoo policy has been that six thousand energetic Europeans have taken posses sion in two days of a town of a million and a half of inhabitants, surrounded with lofty walls and defended by one of the most numerous garrisons in the empire. The English, in the capture of Canton, had a hundred men killed and wounded. The French had thirty men wounded, of whom three died. In two days our men used sixty thousand cartridges. One hundred and thirty pieces of ordnance, without counting mortars, for four-and-twenty hours, con tinued to spread conflagration through the town. 124 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. In this way the conceit, the pride, and the blind ness of the Cantonese and their imperious governor have met with their fitting punishment. On the evening before the attack the people of the city had stopped, in passing the proclamation of the allied forces, to take their laugh and sneer at what they considered the impudent threats of the barbarians to take possession of Canton, the impregnable city, which, never since the foundation of the Mantchoo dynasty, had opened its gates to an enemy. Two days afterwards, these same barbarians, having made themselves masters of its fortifications, gates, and walls, planted their victorious flag in the Hall of State, and made the hills about ring with their shouts of triumph. January 1, 1858. New-year's day on board the ' Durance,' opposite Barrier Fort and Kuper Island, was not kept with much gaiety. Indeed it almost passed unnoticed. What a difference was there from the mirth and bustle of Paris on the same day ! We had the usual service on deck. A man wounded on board of the ' Audacieuse ' had died, and was buried under the wall of the fort. Mass was said on deck ; the service was conducted by a missionary and a Chinese Chris tian. In the country there were straggling parties of Chinese going towards the town or leaving it ; THE AMBASSADORS LAND. 125 some carrying their valuable effects with them, others bearing off stolen goods. There were groups of men with their wives on their backs, the latter being unable to walk from the tenderness of their small feet ; and women by themselves, helping each other to limp along painfully as they best could. In the ninety-six villages the braves were doubting what course to take, and whether or not they should buckle on their fighting gear and proceed to assist the Imperial army. On the river, gunboats were plying up and down the stream, carrying the wounded to a place of safety, and conveying ammu nition and food to the troops. At noon the two ambassadors, preceded by mili tary bands, and followed by a numerous escort of officers and sailors, proceeded to the camp to hold a conference with the admirals. When they set foot on shore, all the ships in the road hoisted their colours and discharged a volley of twenty-one guns. The staff replied with a loud hurrah. The Chinamen thought a new bombardment was at hand, and scampered off in every direction. A tremendous explosion, shaking the very earth, took place at sunset, to celebrate the return of the ambassadors on board. The English had heaped together large quantities of Chinese gunpowder under the dis mantled walls of Fort Gough ; and by way of 126 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. jubilant demonstration, had blown up what remained of that stronghold. The 2nd of the month came, yet no mandarin made his appearance. No submission was tendered on behalf of the people. The town was sad and silent, but no admission was made by its inhabitants that they were conquered. The Tartar quarter remained hostile. Yeh continued his rule, and by way of pub lishing and proving that he did so, the report ran that he had beheaded four hundred persons in one day. The admirals recommended a second bombardment of twenty-four hours. Lord Elgin objected to this, on grounds of humanity. The two admirals and General Straubenzee, with two thousand men, made a reconnoissance all along the wall, from the northern gate as far as the river. They found the wall free and deserted, and returned without having fired a shot. The western gate was occupied by five hundred Frenchmen and gunners, and all communication between the town and suburbs was intercepted. On the 3rd the leading men and principal mer chants of the city came to head-quarters to make their submission, with Howqua, the millionnaire, at their head, the son of the celebrated Hong. Numerous petitions were presented to the ambassadors, begging them to establish some government which would put an end to plunder and keep order in the town. The CAPTURE OF YEH. 127 inhabitants were in consternation, many of them had died of hunger, and there was now nobody who spoke of fighting any more, at least so said these petitioners. On the 4th the ambassadors received a despatch from the Tartar general and the Governor of Can ton, proposing to treat and to settle amicably the various questions in dispute. But this mission was still arrogant in its tone,, and the style and forms of expression used were those of a superior towards functionaries of inferior rank, so ridiculously blinded by self-conceit and pride were these petty despots. The reply of the High Commissioners was soon made. On the 5th of January, at daybreak, a column of three thousand men descended the heights of City Hill, and entered, with their cannon, the streets of the town. Not a single shot was fired ; some of the people had run to hide themselves, the remainder offered no opposition. The palace of the mandarins was invested ;. they were all caught at once as in a trap. Commissioner Yeh, the Tartar_ general Muh, Pih-Kwe the Governor of Canton, and a host of petty mandarins and subaltern functionaries, were taken prisoners to the camp in their sedan-chairs, through the midst of the chapfallen population. The papers belonging to Yeh were removed immediately to head-quarters, as well as the exchequer strong box, and the seals of the high dignitaries. 128 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Yeh was in the midst of a group of mandarins when the doors of the yamoun where he had sought refuge were broken open. The captors were puzzled to know which was the right man ; but Mr. Parkes, long the British Consul at Canton, recognised him by his corpulency, and pointed him out to the English soldiers. The latter put him into a sedan- chair, and when the door was shut upon him they made the Coolies trot with him to the camp, running after them, and giving them an occasional nudge with the butts of their muskets, to make them hurry along. When Yeh passed by the English military train, composed, as we have said, of Chinamen from Hong Kong, these patriots had a joke or two at his expense ; they grinned and made signs to him that he was going to have his head chopped off. Yeh turned an angry scowl upon them : he must have felt this re verse of fortune keenly. What a trial for a man to have been only the night before at the very summit of power and fortune, the favourite minister of the court of Pekin, and now to be the scoff and jeer of a mob of miserable Coolies ! With what relish would he have ordered them to the executioner, like some hundreds of rebels a" few years before ! The Com missioner was at first frightened and downcast, but he soon recovered his old perverse spirit, and even con ducted himself with arrogance and hauteur towards GENERAL MUH. 129 the admirals, when he saw that he was in no danger of his life. On being asked what had become of some English merchants who had recently disap peared, he replied, with a contemptuous smile, that they might be quite at ease on that head, as he had given them decent burial. In spite of his expostu lations he was sent as a prisoner on board the 'Inflexible,' which immediately put on her steam and left for Bocca Tigris ; and so the haughty Com missioner was removed, quivering with fresh fear, from the scene of his political importance. The Tartar general, Muh, was arrested in a large apartment of his house by a French detachment, under the command of Captain Collier, of the navy. He is a magnificent fellow, nearly six feet high, and about sixty years old ; and so dreadfully corpulent that it is no easy task for him to stand upright. Quite taken aback, he allowed himself to be put into a chair without resistance, and was hurried off to head-quarters. He seemed to have been selected more on account of his stature than for any other quality. He is a most insignificant personage, and a perfect nonentity in all that relates to political arrangements. He had only been in Canton since February last. If the court of Pekin chose him in anticipation of the events, it must be admitted that Muh has quite come up to the expectations formed 130 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. of him by his sovereign. What steps did he take to resist the attack of the Europeans ? What was he about while the battle was going on under the walls of Canton ? There is not a doubt that, surrounded by his boon companions, he was tranquilly smoking opium and sipping tea, leaving it to the gods who watch over China to defend their holy city against the barbarians. We took a good stare at bim when at head-quarters in the room assigned him. He seemed quite absorbed in some gloomy train -of thought ; saying a few words now and then to the literati who surrounded him, and twisting about mechanically, with his long fingers, his elegant collar of first-class mandarin. As regards Pih-Kwe, he is a Mongol of the yellow banner, brought up at Pekin; accustomed to the polished manners and choice language of the court. He is a very intelligent man, with an ener getic and unflinching look. The admirals saw at once how superior he was, in all respects, to the, military mandarin ; and, in the absence of any other high dignitary, they resolved to make use of his ser vices at Canton. On the 7th of January, after a long conference between the admirals on the one hand and Pih-Kwe on the other, the latter was continued in his functions as governor of Canton. He undertook the administration of the Chinese GOVERNOR PIH-KWE. 131 town, and the maintenance of proper order. It would have been too heavy a task for the allies to have governed the city by themselves, ignorant as they necessarily were of Chinese habits and juris prudence. This arrangement relieved them of a great difficulty. They declared that they would continue the military occupation, and retain Canton as a pledge, until the conclusion of peace with the court of Pekin ; but that they would allow and sup port Pih-Kwe in full power, so far as the manage ment and administration of the city were concerned. A commission was appointed to regulate the inter course between Europeans and Chinese, and to form the only competent tribunal in any dispute or cause to which a European should be a party. Colonel Holloway, Consul Parkes, and Commander Martineau des Chenetz were named the members of this commission ; which two days afterwards com menced its sittings in one of the yamouns of the old town, and opened proceedings under the protection of four hundred men. On the 9th of January Pih-Kwe was solemnly installed as governor of Canton by the two High Commissioners of the Allied Powers. At two o'clock in the afternoon we left on board the ' Lily ' steamer, the gunboat of Lord Elgin preceding us. We were in full dress ; the ambassadors alone were in black, 132 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. with a ribbon merely. This nuance was highly ap preciated by the English colony of Hong Kong, We found the troops of the escort drawn up at the landing-place. We got into sedan-chairs, which had been prepared for us, and set out, accompanied by a brilliant crowd of officers, and preceded by bands of music. The day was very fine. For a time we followed the line of the wall. At the eastern gate we entered the town. We proceeded down the street, between a line of French seamen and English soldiers. It was narrow and winding, obstructed everywhere with projecting doors and signboards. Our chairs occupied nearly its whole width. The Chinese crowd was silent and down cast. We arrived at the yamoun, where the ad miral received us at the head of the four hundred men set apart as a guard for the European Commis sion. We penetrated as far as the hall of the governor, where the ceremony is to take place. After waiting for nearly an hour we were surprised that the two high dignitaries did not make their appear ance. We learned that the English sentry had refused to allow Muh and Pih-Kwe to pass without a written order from General Straubenzee, such being his instructions. The necessary signature was at Once obtained, and three guns were fired — this being the Chinese salute to announce that the cap- INSTALLATION OF PIH-KWE. 133 tives had been restored to liberty, and were on their way to be reinvested in their honours. M. de Belle- court and Mr. Bruce, the two chief secretaries, went to receive them at the door of the hall. They entered, accompanied by a numerous escort of ser vants and petty mandarins, and saluted us with many tchin-tchin and obeisances. The two ambassadors placed themselves in the middle of the raised floor, and the two high dignitaries at the extremities, — Pih-Kwe at the side of Baron Gros, and Muh at the side of Lord Elgin. His Lordship enumerated, with a severe tone, all the grievances of the Europeans against the Cantonese and their governors ; and de clared that such a state of things must thenceforth cease. Baron Gros reminded Pih-Kwe of his engage ment to conduct the administration of the town with good faith, and to do nothing, directly or indirectly, which would interfere with the military operations of the allies ; adding, that if he so conducted himself, he would do the highest service to his fellow-citizens. Mr. Wade and M. Marques translated alternately these addresses, and the replies of the high Chinese dignitaries. The two embassies were placed behind their chiefs. It so happened that I was placed close by Pih-Kwe. My eyes fell upon the swan which ornamented his back, the peacock's feather and the red button which surmounted his blue hat, and I could 134 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. note the amount of artistic care expended in eking out his scanty locks into the dimensions of a tail. These little things were all new to me. A salvo of one-and-twenty guns proclaimed the conclusion of the ceremony and the departure of the cortege. At six o'clock we returned on board of the ' Primaguet ' and the ' Durance.' On the next and the following days we peram bulated the town, dropping into the few shops which were open, and endeavouring to ascertain what really were the feelings of the inhabitants towards us. Con fidence is not yet restored. People are still moving out of the town. Opposite the Treasury there is a fine street filled with elegant shops ; not one of these was open. At intervals along this street there are triumphal arches in stone, ornamented with sculptures in good taste, and intended to perpetuate the memory of rich or distinguished citizens. We passed these monuments. Further on we came to a vast space which had been completely destroyed and burnt by our shot and shell. It was strewed with the rubbish of the fallen houses. I saw several corpses of China men lying about, who had been killed by the ex ploding bombs lying on the ground. We then came in sight of Baron Gros, with an escort of officers, pro ceeding along the wall. We joined him, and went to visit Yeh's palace. Fuit Ilium et ingens gloria Teu- THE STREETS OF CANTON. 135 crorum. Of the yamoun there is not one fragment left. The mandarin poles have been smashed by the shot ; the porches are demolished and the trees burned ; the very shape of the building cannot now be traced. There is nothing left but a great irregular heap of bricks and rubbish. It was on the morning of the 28th that the 'Mitraille' and the 'Fusee' opened fire on that part of the town. From six o'clock till eleven in the forenoon the torrent of bombs and balls never ceased. By mid-day not one brick or beam of the Commissioner's abode was left standing upon another. Chinese insolence had been taught a lesson. Yeh, at an earlier period in his career, was less hostile to the Europeans. But his father, a superstitious old Chinaman, who spent his whole time in the society of priests, encouraged him tb resistance, because, forsooth, a number of good omens had foretold that he would have good luck. Yeh knows now what truth there was in these pre dictions. On board of the ' Inflexible ' he may brood at leisure over the folly of his faith in his father's friends and their predictions. We re-entered the old town by the south-west gate, and returned by the eastern street. The streets of the Chinese towns form such a labyrinth that one cannot leave the one or two principal thorough fares without getting confused. Indeed it is necesr 136 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. sary in some parts of them to make use of a compass in crossing from one place to another. We met at the corner of a street three young Chinese ladies, bedaubed with rouge, very elegant in their ap pearance, but having their feet so much compressed that they limped along with difficulty. When they saw us they screamed aloud, and rushed up against the wall, hiding their faces in their hands, and turn ing their backs towards us in the most contemptuous manner possible. The attitude was so ridiculous to us " foreign devils," that we could not help bursting into a hearty laugh. We returned to dine on board, passing before Dutch Folly, the ruins of the factories, and Eed Fort on the island of Honan. Eed Fort belongs to the allies. The factories, as before stated, were burned a year ago by the people of the town. Dutch Folly is a pretty little island, or rather rock, planted with trees, and situated in the middle of the river opposite the town. Through the foliage gleams the wall of an English battery, which has taken the place of the old Chinese fortification. From it a sentry carefully watched during the bombardment the course taken by the shells, and the effect produced by the balls. Every day we make it our first business to visit the camp. From the northern gate we went into the town one day with commanders Vrignaud, Eay- THE YAMOUNS. 137 naud, and Le'veque. We can go anywhere now in perfect safety. The shops are not yet opened, many streets are still deserted, and many houses shut up, but in the great artery which, running from one end of the town to the other, terminates at the western gate, and which is now opened again, there is consi derable traffic and bustle. The Chinese begin to recover confidence, and collect in crowds to stare at the foreigners. Now, however, instead of caning them as they used to do, they make way for them, and silently unroll their tails to the barbarians as they pass — a mark of respect which is quite novel, and which dates from the shells. None of the fine shops are yet opened, but the stalls already display their manifold nicknacks and grotesque ornaments. We visited successively the palace of the Tartar general, that of the governor of Canton, the pagoda of the five hundred gods, the temple of Confucius, the house of the criminal judge, the Treasury, and various other public buildings and pagodas. All these edifices are spacious and imposing. They each form an immense assemblage of yards, avenues, porches, pas sages, waiting-rooms, court-rooms, and halls of justice. Before each there is an open court-yard, in which stand two lofty masts or poles painted red. This distinguishes the residence of a mandarin. A gigan tic dragon is represented in black or red upon the 138 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. wall, by way of scaring the multitude. On each fold of the doors an enormous mandarin is painted, with a swan upon his breast if he belong to the civil service, or a lion if he belong to the military service. Stretching away in front there is a paved avenue planted with banyan-trees of ancient growth. At the sides there are numerous porches and inner courts. Behind there are open meadows, in which graze Tartar horses, or fields planted with bamboos and forest trees. Nowhere is there any trace of the watch ful hand of a gardener ; whatever grows is allowed to grow, so the weeds flourish luxuriantly. There are no flower-beds ; a few pomegranate and orange plants, bamboos, camelias, and even palms and elms, all of the tiniest size, are displayed in vases or flower-pots, and exhibit that stunted and microscopic leafage which is held in so much esteem by the Chinese. Gold fish spirt about in the basins, but everything is in decay, neglected and uncared for. A great part of the yamoun of the Tartar general has been abandoned to the bats. They have mul tiplied in this retreat, and they flutter about and squeak incessantly in the principal apartment, where a thick coating of guano on the floor proclaims the fact that there they have had their abode for years. The bat and the toad are honoured in China. The only placse which are truly elegant, well-fur. THE WESTERN SUBURB. 139 nished, and comfortable in these dwellings, are the female apartments, situated in the most distant part of the house, and the hall which adjoins them, where the magistrate receives his friends. Muh's house was sumptuously furnished. There were time-pieces and clocks innumerable, halberds, lances, and all those •weapons for show and not for use which the Chinese are so fond of parading, as if they would thereby coax themselves into the belief that they are a warlike people. Just as in Paris the whole life and activity of the town lies to the right of the Seine, so at Canton the heart of excitement and commercial bustle is the western suburb. It is this quarter of the city only which can give trouble to the allies. It is the centre of moral resistance. For this reason columns of troops are sent to march through the streets. The rattle of the heavy ordnance over the pavement pro duces a wholesome effect. The eastern suburb is •neither so populous nor so extensive. The small pox district, the hospitals, and the various charitable institutions are situated there. The Mantchoo or Tartar quarter, situated between the northern street and the wall, intersected by the eastern street, and exposed to the fire of the western gate, gives little cause for alarm. This is the case also with the whole of the old town, which, with its temples, yamouns, 140 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. and numerous open spaces, is completely overlooked by the batteries at head-quarters. The new town contains a denser population, but it, too, is under the fire of our gunboats. The 'same may be said of the suburb along the river, — neither the gate of Eternal Joy, nor the gate of Eternal Purity, could protect it on the occasion of the insurrection. It was clear then that it was only the western suburb, with its swarming population and unwalled streets, which called for watchful attention on the part of the commanders-in-chief. I have spent a couple of days more than once at the yamoun of the Tartar general with Commander Martineau des Chenetz. The European Commission conducts its proceedings with great order and re gularity. Every day, from ten o'clock in the forenoon until one in the afternoon, it sits on the bench, hearing the complaints of the Chinese, and giving judgment upon them. It is now assiduously engaged in consolidating our occupation, and establishing a European and Chinese police. I saw a great many mandarins who came to pay their respects to the Com missioners. Seventeen Chinese junks of war, com manded by a naval mandarin, were placed at the disposal of Admiral Seymour, to assist him in putting down piracy on the river. The Tartar soldiers were disarmed, and came to surrender their arms at ABSURD POMP OF THE MANDARINS. 141 the house of the lieutenant-general. There were, according to the admission of Muh, nearly eight thousand Tartar soldiers in the town, or at least ap pearing in the official lists. But as the Tartar general draws the pay, and as his income is augmented in proportion to the smallness of the number of men really serving under his banners, it may be reason ably concluded that this number is purely fictitious. Up to this time no European has had such a good opportunity as we have had of closely studying the manners and springs of action of the old Chinese society. It is laid bare to us. It is curious to hear in the streets, of an evening, the thundering din of the military bands of the English and French troops. The Chinese are surprised to see our soldiers keeping step ; and seem to have no idea whatever of such re gularity in military drill. A body of Chinese troops is a mere herd, thrown together pellmell, without regard to order of any kind. The easy familiarity and sim plicity of our authorities, who walk about in the streets and go into the shops, gives them unfeigned astonish ment, they never having seen their mandarins except when borne in stately palanquins, preceded by satel lites, attendants, bands of music, and executioners, and followed by a numerous suite. Never once during the last four thousand years has a Chinese mandarin deigned to walk down a street like an ordinary citizen. 142 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Yeh remains at Bocca-Tigris on board the 'In flexible.' His pride and irritability have been wounded by the neglect with which he has been treated by Lord Elgin and Baron Gros, who have not yet visited him. There is a talk of sending him soon to Calcutta. His friends have been trying to bribe the English sailors to let him escape ; besides his presence in the neighbourhood of Canton is a disadvantage. Several leading citizens and man darins, dreading his vengeance, will not yet venture to come forward and countenance the new order of things. Various places, such as the Cape, Mauritius, and Singapore, have been spoken of as his future residence, but Calcutta has been at last selected in preference to any of these. THE AECHIVES OF YEH. 143 CHAPTEE VI. A curious Document found in the depositories of Yeh. — New Year's Day in China.- — Three Attaches to the French Embassy attacked by Pirates in the river. — The arrival of two Sepoy regiments at Canton. — The blockade is raised. — European Consuls installed at Canton. — Visit of Mr. Reed and Count Poutiatine to the Am bassadors. — Arrangement between the four Plenipotentiaries, and despatch of a Joint Note to the Court of Pekin. — Mission entrusted to M. de Contades and Mr. Oliphant. — The return of Baron Gros on board the 'Audacieuse.' — Small Garrison left at Canton. — The Disembarkation Corps return to the Ships, which re-ascend the River. — The French Embassy quit Hong Kong for Shang-hai. — Hopes of Peace disappointed. — Navigation of the China Sea with a contrary Monsoon. — Amoy, the Straits of Formosa, the Saddle Islands, the Yang-tse-Kiang, or Blue River. — The arri val of Baron Gros at Shang-hai. It will be recollected that the allies, a few days after the capture of Canton, had very fortunately got possession of the correspondence and official do cuments belonging to Yeh, hid in a yamoun near his own. These numerous documents were carefully removed to a sampan anchored half way between the 'Furious' and 'Primauguet,' nicknamed the Foreign Office. There they were assiduously per used by Mr. Wade and M. Marques, the interpreters 144 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. to the two missions. Few of these papers related to barbarian affairs, Yeh doubtless having had time to burn his correspondence on this subject. Most of the despatches related to the administration of the province; among them, however, were discovered the principal of the five treaties entered into be tween China and the Western Powers. M. Marques brought us the ratification of the treaty concluded by M. de Legrene, under the reign of the Emperor Tao- Kouang. It bore the seal of Louis Philippe and the signature of M. Guizot. The title of king in China implying the idea of vassalage, the King of the French had, on this occasion, assumed the title of Emperor of the French. Several persons have concluded from this discovery that the treaty had never been made known at Pekin ; but this is quite a mistake, and the fact is that our missionaries, when apprehended in the interior of the empire, are brought back to the nearest port with special attention, under the stipulations of the Legrene treaty. The management of barbarian affairs having been entirely delegated to Yeh, to whom authority had been given to centralize them, and all intercourse between foreigners and the court of Pekin having hitherto taken place through Canton, it was natural that the documents which regulated this intercourse should be found lying in this city. A curious document found among the diplomatic A SUPPLEMENTARY MEMORIAL. 145 papers is worthy of a place in this narrative. It pur ports to be a memorandum, addressed, in 1845, to the Emperor Tao-Kouang by Ky-Ing, the governor of Canton, who signed the five treaties. It is en titled ' Supplementary Memorial, detailing parti culars concerning the reception of the Envoys of different Barbarian Nations.' It is authenticated by the autograph of the Emperor in vermilion. It runs as follows : — 'Your slave Ky-Ing, humbly kneeling, lays this Supplementary Memorial at the feet of your Majesty. 'The details of the administration with which your slave has been entrusted in treating with the barbarians, and the intercourse which he has had with their envoys when they have come to this country, have already been the subject of several memorials drawn up by your slave. Having also negotiated with the barbarians several supplementary conditions re specting commerce, he has had the honour of placing the articles containing them under the sacred eyes of your Majesty ; who has authorized the Committee of Finance to examine those articles and report upon them. ' He has the honour now of reminding your Majesty that it was on the 27th moon of the 22nd year (August 1842) that the English barbarians were pacified. The Americans and the French arrived, 146 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. after each other, in the summer and autumn of the present year (1845), and during this period of three years our position towards the barbarians has undergone a great change ; and to an extent corresponding to this change it has become necessary to modify our conduct towards them, as well as the means to be employed to preserve peace, and keep them in a respectful attitude towards us. 'Although it is no doubt useful to act towards them by employing fair and straightforward mea sures, it is much more prudent to lead them by wile. In some cases they must be made aware of the mo tives which dictate our conduct, but in others their susceptibility is such that it can only be soothed down by acts of a kind calculated to drive away their suspicions. ' It is sometimes a good plan to try to please them and make them grateful by treating them as equals ; : and in some cases, before aiming at the results which it is possible to attain, one must pretend not to see their roguery, and it is useful not to push too far the just appreciation of their acts. ' Born and brought up within the bounds of dis tant countries, there are many tilings in the manners and customs of the Celestial Empire which the bar barians cannot fully understand ; and they are con tinually making observations on things, the full KY-ING'S CONDESCENSION. 147 bearing of which it is impossible to explain to them. For instance, it is the duty of the members of the Great Council to prepare decrees ; well, the bar barians treat these decrees as if they proceeded from the hand of the Emperor himself ; and if they are told that these decrees are not the production of your Majesty, instead of respecting them they do not attach any importance to their terms. ' The repast which the barbarians take in common is called the ta-tsan, or dinner. They are very fond of meeting with each other at this time in large numbers, and eating and drinking together. ' When your slave did them the honour of asking them to dine with him at the Bogue or at Macao, ten, twenty, or even thirty of their chiefs and lead ing men accepted his invitation. When afterwards your slave has had occasion to go to their residences, or on board of their ships, the barbarians came and sat down round him and vied with each other in being the first to offer him food ancl wine. To get their good-will your slave could not do otherwise than make use of their glasses and spoons. • ' Another thing : It is the custom with the bar barians to be proud of their wives. If the person who pays them a visit belongs to the upper classes, the wife of the barbarian to whom the visit is paid never fails to come out and meet the visitor. When the 148 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. American barbarian Parker and the French barbarian Lagrene were here, for instance, they brought out their wives in their ships with them ; and accordingly, when your slave went to their houses on business, he had no sooner entered than these foreign women made their appearance and saluted him. Your slave was quite abashed by this custom, and felt very awkward ; while the barbarian women, on the other hand, were quite delighted with the respect your slave paid them. ' All these facts go to prove that it is not possible to regulate the customs of western nations by those of China. If we attempt to force the barbarians to adopt our usages, we shall gain nothing by teaching them, but shall on the contrary stir up their sus picions and draw down upon us their ill will. ' At the time when there was friendly intercourse between foreigners and China, several barbarians were received by us on the footing of a certain equality ; but now that these relations have ceased to exist, it is more than ever our duty to repel the barbarians and keep them at a distance. With this view, every time that your slave has had a treaty to negociate with a barbarian state, he has sent Kwang- Hang-Tung, the commissary of finance, to let the barbarian envoy know beforehand that a high digni tary of the empire, charged with the administration CHINESE NOTIONS OF EUROPEAN AFFAIRS. 149 of foreign affairs, was never free to give or receive on his own account, and that if he was offered presents he would be obliged peremptorily to refuse them ; that, if he accepted them secretly, the ordinances of the celestial dynasty were very severe on the subject ; and that, besides loss of dignity to the functionary who should so act, the guilty party would be unable to escape from the penalties enforced by law. The barbarian envoys have had the good sense to conform to this usage, but in their interviews with your slave they have often offered him some of their foreign wine, perfumery, and other things of the same kind and of little value. Whatever their intentions were, whether good or bad, in so acting, your slave could not openly reject their presents ; and he gave them in exchange snuff-boxes, scented purses, and those other small objects which are carried about the person, always putting in practice the Chinese prin ciple which says, Give much but receive little. Besides, with respect to the Italians {Portuguese), English, Americans, and French, your slave offered them a copy of his insignificant portrait. ' As regards their government, they have at their head sometimes men, sometimes women, who retain power either for life or for a stated time. Among the English barbarians, for instance, the sovereign is a woman ; among the French and Americans the 150 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. sovereign is a man. Among the English and French the head ruler is appointed for life ; while among the Americans he is elected by his fellow-citizens, and only for four years, at the expiry of which time he quits the throne, and becomes again a simple citizen, belonging to the non-official class. Each of these states has a different name for its head ruler. In general they adopt (literally they steal) Chinese names. They affect, pompously, a style of speech which they have no right to employ ; and they all seem to desire to pass themselves off as having great power. When their purpose in doing so is to honour their rulers, it is not our business to take notice of this. But it is my belief that, if they were asked to submit to the rules adopted by the countries tributary to China, they would refuse to obey, for they have not even adopted our way of reckoning time ; and they will not recognise the royal investiture which your Majesty has bestowed upon them, whereby they were placed in the same rank with Loo-Choo and Cochin China. ' With races so little civilized as they are, so stupid and unintelligent in their style and language, and so obstinately attached to forms of words in their official correspondence that they will persist in placing the superior last and the inferior first, it is the best course to disregard their customs, and not to CHINESE PIRACY. 151 take any notice of all this (literally to slit the tongue and sear the lips), for if we do otherwise, not only all personal intercourse, but all official communication must cease, to the great injury of the all-important question of peace. Instead, then, of entering into discussions about the use of terms, whicii really have no practical value, we have preferred to neglect insignificant details for a great and useful policy. ' Such are the expedients which, after a serious study of barbarian affairs, a mature examination of the exigencies of the moment, and the important character of the question now before us, it seems quite necessary to adopt ; whether the difficulties are merely to be staved off in the mean time or finally settled. ' Your slave has not thought it necessary to submit these details separately to the appreciation of your Majesty, because they have no importance in them selves, and because time does not permit him to do so. Our disputes with the barbarians being now completely terminated, your slave has thrown to gether all these statements into one long despatch, which he respectfully presents to your Majesty.' To return to our narrative : — acts of piracy in a small way, for some days back, have become more frequent on the river ; junks commit depre dations on sampans; sampans pillage tankas; and 152 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. tankas waylay small fishing craft. This process indicates that the Chinese new year is approaching. The same thing occurs regularly at the same season. It is the time when every one puts his affairs in order, makes up his books, collects his accounts, and pays his debts. A man who finds on striking his balance, at the end of the commercial year, that his debts exceed his assets, makes no scruple to put his hand into his neighbour's pocket to obtain the wherewithal to pay what he owes. According to Chinese notions, he does not cease to be an honest man by stealing from his neighbour, but he ceases to be such if he fail to pay his debts. At Hong Kong several watch-dogs were recently poisoned to facilitate these thefts, while eight houses were broken into in one night. Without exaggeration it may then be said that, at this period in the year, Chinese society is divided into two classes, the rob bers and the robbed. On the morning of the 13th February squibs and crackers, sing-songs, and boats decorated with flowers, gave us due notice that the Chinese new year had come, and that the amusements of the season had begun. These were to last for more than fifteen days. It was the first day of the first moon of the eighth year of Hien-Foung. It rained, the weather was shockingly bad ; the land of flowers was a land of DEATH OF COMMANDER COLLIER. 153 mists. It thundered in the morning, which, in the eyes of superstitious Chinamen, is a bad augury, and presages no good for the empire. The shops were almost all shut or decked with garlands of artificial flowers. Numerous chairs belonging to mandarins passed through the crowd, for this is a great day for official visits. Every good Chinaman, at this time of year, indulges in the pleasures of sam-chou, opium, sing-song, and squib-firing. While these rejoicings were going forward in the Chinese city, we had, in the French encampment, to lament the death of a good seaman and excellent man, Commander Collier, who fell a victim to dysen tery, after a three months' illness. This is a great loss for the navy in general, and a greater loss still for that part of it now on service here. The Admiral de cided that the ' Marceau ' should convey his remains to Hong Kong, in order that they should be buried in that town. At one o'clock we assembled at the land ing-place. We saw the cortege arrive, and we accom panied the body in ship's boats as far as the ' Marceau.' The ' Avalanche ' fired six guns : all the small craft, English and French, ranged round the ' Marceau,' shipped their oars ; then the body was hoisted on board, and the whole assemblage departed. All day the French ships had their colours hoisted and the sails slung on the yards. When the body passed at 154 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Barrier Fort, the ' Capricieuse ' which was the sloop of war which he had commanded in the campaigns of Siam, Cochin China, and China, discharged a fare well salute of seven guns. Another event, which might have terminated fatally, caused about this time no small emotion among the members of the embassy. Trevise, Mau- bourg, and Flavigny, accompanied by their servant, left one afternoon in two tankas from Barrier Fort, for American Eeach, in order to pass the evening on board the ' Audacieuse.' They had not laid their account with the strong current which was running, and were overtaken by night setting in. Where the stream passes the great pagoda of Whampoa, they saw three large boats leaving the shore, and pulling hard towards them. The tanka boatwomen dropped their oars and roared murder ; Maubourg, whose tanka went first, sprung from under the gun wale, and fired upon the boats as they came along side ; Trevise and Flavigny were a good way behind and could only see what was going on indistinctly. They also fired upon the pirates. The latter, who thought they had attacked persons who were unarmed or asleep, took to their oars again on meeting with this warm reception, not, however, until their party numbered three less than it did when they made the attack. There might be five or six in each boat, so ARRIVAL OF TWO SEPOY REGIMENTS. 155 that there could not be less than from fifteen to eighteen pirates. The following day an English officer, proceeding in broad daylight from his ship to the camp, happened to fall asleep in his tanka, and woke out of a comfortable nap just in time to antici pate some fellows who were preparing to tie his hands and pitch him into the river. In consequence of these occurrences, an order of the day was ex pressly promulgated among the officers of both nations, forbidding them in future to make use of Chinese boats. The English gunboats brought this week to Can ton two regiments of Sepoys, who have recently come from India. They have been barracked in the temple of Confucius, which has given a deal of dis satisfaction in the town. We have already alluded to the antipathy of the black-skinned Hindoos to the yellow-skinned subjects of the Son of Heaven ; the Sepoys abhor the Chinese, and vice versa. The feel ing is embittered in Canton by certain recollections of the war of 1841, in which the Sepoys committed many thefts and cruelties, but it is universal wher ever the two races come in contact, as at Penang and Singapore, — its general and real cause being the cer tain fate which awaits the Hindoos of being done out of house and home, and utterly ruined, by the greater acuteness, perseverance, and greed of the Chinese. 156 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. A great difference in the character of the two races also serves to account for their mutual antipathy. The grave and dignified Hindoos cannot endure the loquacity and obsequiousness of the Chinamen. These regiments had shown symptoms of a mutinous spirit in Hindostan, and as a precaution had been disarmed. It was an act of wisdom to send them to China, where they could do no harm, and where they might, on the contrary, in venting their own wrath, do infinite service to the allies. Their dress and ap pearance when on duty are superb, and their accoutre ments are all that could be desired. The remainder of their time they spend basking in the sun under a white cotton sheet, stretching out their long and lank limbs into the sun. They belong to various castes, and, for this reason, each one prepares his own meal. If by accident any of us happen to touch their food, they throw it away, and break the dish polluted by contact with us. Our military occupation now appearing to be per fectly consolidated in Canton, and the new govern ment being recognised by the population of the town and suburbs, the blockade of the river was raised. The junks began again to move about on the river, and European steamers made their appearance off the city. The question of the factories was settled; they are to stand, as before, in the suburb, on the THE FACTORY QUESTION. 157 banks of the river, but a little more to the east, opposite Dutch Folly. In order firmly to establish the right of inhabiting the town of Canton, and to break down ancient prejudices, the ambassadors were anxious that the Europeans should take up their abode within the town, but the foreign merchants objected to this themselves, and insisted, as a sine quel non, that they should not be shut up in the town, but should have their establishments on the banks of the river, as near as possible to their ships. It was, of course, necessary to yield to the commercial inte rest. Within the space allotted for the French fac tory a consulate and a church are to be built, with a sum which it is proposed to set aside, in the first in stance, from the expenses of the war, which the Chinese are to be compelled to pay, by way of indemnity. M. de Trenqualye has been named Consul of France at Canton, and was solemnly installed in office on the 17th of February, at Whampoa, where he will in the mean time take up his abode, as well as the other agents of the foreign powers. The disembarkation corps now came on board again. Besides the Eng lish, there were left at Canton five hundred French seamen, under the command of M. d'Aboville, who was replaced on board of the ' Audacieuse ' by Commander Vrignaud. The ' Capricieuse,' the ' Marceau,' and the ' Catinat,' also remained before 158 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Canton ; all the other ships taking their course down the stream towards the sea. Important political events, however, occurred about this time. After a visit paid by Mr. Eeed and Count Poutiatine to Baron Gros and Lord Elgin, the four plenipoten tiaries agreed to address a collective note to the court of Pekin, requesting that there should be sent to Shang-hai, on the 31st of March at latest, Impe rial commissioners, duly authorized to treat with the ambassadors of the Allied Powers regarding all the pending difficulties. In default of this request being acceded to, it was arranged that the ambassadors should proceed to the north and approach the capital with all their forces, in order to bring a stronger pressure to bear on the authorities at Pekin. In order to demonstrate to the Chinese government the glaring bad faith of the high commissioner Yeh, and to give it an opportunity of throwing upon his obsti nacy the whole blame of the war, a copy of the cor respondence between him and the plenipotentiaries was also transmitted to the capital. M. de Contades and Mr. Oliphant left immediately for Shang-hai, in the packet, as the bearers of these diplomatic docu ments to the tao-tai of that town. Duplicates were entrusted to Pih-Kwe, who undertook to get them transmitted overland to Pekin. The Chinese ques tion had again entered a pacific phasis. A FEARFUL ACCIDENT. 159 Baron Gros left the ' Primauguet,' and took up his quarters again, on the 20th February, on board the ' Audacieuse.' On returning on board we were grieved by a very sad piece of news. A frightful accident had happened during the day. A number of our shells, which had not exploded, had been picked up in the streets of Canton. The admiral had ordered them to be emptied that they might be made use of again. This is a very delicate operation, and must be conducted with great caution. The men had been supplied with copper tools, to ensure them as much as possible against accident. The work went on at Jardine' s Point, within sight of the ship. A hundred shells had been cleared out by one o'clock in the afternoon : when after dinner the crew went back singing to their work. All at once a frightful explosion was heard. On contact with the air merely, a shell had burst while one of the sailors had it between his legs. Of nine persons who were at work, all of whom were picked men, seven were severely wounded. The tent also took fire, and tliere was a risk that the other shells would explode. The commander, the chaplain, and the surgeon, M. Combe, proceeded immediately to the spot. The shells remaining were thrown into the water. The poor man who had the ball on his knees was literally torn to pieces. The person who had been 160 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. sitting at work immediately opposite to him had lost his hands and feet, and had his face horribly dis figured. He expired before he could be conveyed on board. The five others were wounded and burned frightfully, and their hands and other parts of the person were lying in the mud. This accident had cost us more men than the capture of Canton. Two days have been appointed for the funerals of these unfortunate sufferers. All the commanders of ships of war at anchor in American Eeach have been in vited to attend, with a few of the officers belonging to each, and a long procession of boats will pay a last tribute to these unfortunate men who perished so miserably in the performance of their duty. The vessels began to move down the stream. We left the neighbourhood of Whampoa, and proceeded to Bocca Tigris, followed by the ' Phlegeton,' the ' Nemesis,' and the ' Meurthe.' We crossed the two bars without accident, thanks to the Chinese boats placed as buoys the evening before to point out the passes. This time we crossed the Bogue alone ; over night the ' Audacieuse ' cast anchor in the road of Hong Kong. On board the 'Audacieuse,' March 12, 1858. Our short stay at Hong Kong is over. We have exchanged the splendours of the club-house for our little cabins on board ship. We have had a good HOPES OF PEACE. 161 deal of rain, wind, and a high sea, for some days, the equinoctial gales blowing at present. Baron Gros has, however, given intimation that we are to start for the North, — the three other plenipotentiaries having already left the Canton river a week ago. Our delay is of little importance, as Mr. Eeed has to go in the first instance to Manilla, and Lord Elgin has to call at the intermediate ports of Amoy, Ningpo, and Fou-tchou-fou, whilst we are to proceed directly to Shang-hai. We towed after us the ' Fusee' gun boat, which had been placed at the disposal of the ambassador. We left in the hope that the differences between China and the Western Powers would now be terminated without farther difficulty, and in a pacific manner. Eecent facts all went to prove that the court of Pekin was assuming a more conci liatory and peaceful attitude. The first of these was the formal degradation of Yeh, and the continuance of Pih-Kwe in his office until the arrival of the new governor Houang-tzung-han ; then there was the ap pointment and despatch of old Ky-Ing, who had been long disgraced, as plenipotentiary to Shang-hai, or at least the rumour that he had been appointed among the Chinese population ; and, lastly, there was the favourable reception which M. de Contades and Mr. Oliphant had met with among the great mandarins of Sou-tchou-fou. M 162 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Here are the two Imperial edicts, brought in twenty -nine days to Canton by a courier from Pekin. FIRST IMPERIAL EDICT. ' The despatch annexed, which has been addressed to us by Muh-Kih-Tih-Na and Pih-Kwe, informs us of the capture of the provincial city of Canton by the barbarians. ' Yeh-Ming-Ching, as Imperial Commissioner in trusted with the management of foreign affairs, evi dently should have found some means of eluding the demands of the barbarians, if they were so unreason able that he could not comply with them ; he should at the same time have arranged with the Tartar general, the governor, and the other officers, to take those steps necessary for the preservation of peace. ' The barbarians have twice transmitted commu nications to the Tartar general, to the governor- general, and the lieutenant-general. Yeh has not informed his colleagues of the contents of these com munications. He refused to come to an explanation with them about the matters in dispute, and post poned their solution from day to day ; and the result has been that he exasperated the barbarians, till at last they made a sudden attack upon the provincial city and took possession of it. TWO IMPERIAL EDICTS. 163 ' By this stubbornness and bad administration Yeh has shown himself to be altogether unworthy of the high functions with which he was entrusted, con sequently we ordain that he shall be immediately deprived of his office. ' Muh-Kih-Tih-Na, the Tartar general ; Pih-Kwe, the governor ; the lieutenants-generals Shwang-Hi and Shwang-Lingj Hang-Ke, the commissioner of customs ; Kiang-Kwo-Lin, the commissioner of finance ; and Chow-Ya-Ping, the provincial judge, are all culpable of negligence and want of spirit in de fending the town. However, as the governor-general had not admitted them to his councils, there is some excuse for them. Taking then into consideration their request to be severely punished, we have seen fit to show them indulgence, and to instruct the Office of Punishments to pass lightly over their offences. Eespect this !' SECOND IMPERIAL EDICT. ' We appoint Houang-Tsing-Han to be governor- general of the two Kwangs, and order him to proceed forthwith to his post. We have conferred upon him the seal of the Imperial Commission and the manage ment of the foreign affairs of the empire. ' While awaiting his arrival, Pih-Kwe will be pro visionally entrusted with the functions of Imperial 164 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Commissioner and governor-general of the two Kwangs. Eespect this !' In the official part of the ' Pekin Gazette ' it is stated, moreover, that the Emperor Hien-Foung is so much enraged against Yeh, that he has given orders to get new seals prepared for the governor of the two Kwangs, this being the greatest indignity which can be put upon any functionary. Commissioner Yeh had been, up till now, the per son third in importance in China. He added the title of guardian of the heir presumptive to the throne, to those of governor-general of the two Kwangs and Imperial commissioner entrusted with the manage ment of the foreign affairs of the empire. His iron yoke weighed upon forty-six millions of Chinese (twenty -five millions of whom were in Kwang Toung and twenty-one in Kwang-Si) ; and it was with no small pride that he owned he had in the course of his administration caused to be beheaded no less than seventy thousand persons. Now in disgrace with his sovereign, deprived of his honours, and a prisoner of these same barbarians whom he had so cordially hated, he is under weigh for Calcutta, on board an English ship. There is a report, which is something more than a mere passing rumour, in circulation among the Chinese at Hong Kong, which is very significant if LTN AND KY-ING. 165 true. It is, as we have already said, to the effect that Ky-Ing has been nominated plenipotentiary to Shang-hai. We know that this personage, who was governor of Canton at the time of the war on the opium question and the mission of M. de Lagrene, signed the treaties then concluded by the em peror Tao-Kouang with England, France, and the United States, and, after having occupied the highest position of imperial favour, was all at once thrown into disgrace, when the governing class and people of China lapsed once more into the old policy of opposi tion to the Western Powers. Since then he had acted as a mere clerk in an office at Pekin, being reduced to this humble position for having been guilty of the crime of allowing the barbarians to enter the Celestial Empire. His name, however, had served for the last fifteen years as a watchword to the party who, without having any liking for the Europeans (and who in China entertains any such feeling?), think that intercourse with them should be encouraged. Commissioner Lin, on the contrary, and his partisans, would hear of nothing but war to the knife, and the total extermination of the bar barians. Lin and Ky-Ing are, then, the chiefs of the two great parties. China must surely be sadly deficient in statesmen, for the same persons are constantly making their appearance in all negocia- 166 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. tions with the Western Powers. We may be excused, since the discovery of the curious document found in the archives of Yeh, if we place a very limited confidence in the good faith even of Ky-Ing him self. What serves, however, to confirm us more in our hopes of a pacific settlement is the successful result of the mission entrusted to M. de Contades, and the officious and friendly reception given him by the fou-tai of Sou-tchou-fou, in which it was easy to detect the influence of fear. The reader may recollect that this gentleman had been entrusted, along with Mr. Oliphant and two Eussian and American officers, to convey to the governor of Shang-hai the commu nications of the four plenipotentiaries to the prime minister Yeh, with the request that they should be transmitted with the least possible delay to Pekin. These communications related to the immediate despatch of the Chinese plenipotentiaries to Shang hai. M. de Contades and his colleagues, not finding the governor of Shang-hai at home, determined to take their despatches to the chief town of the province, and put them into the hands of the governor himself. This was a courageous act Nothing of the kind had ever been ventured on previously, China having hitherto been jealously closed against the barbarians. The little squadron, EXPEDITION TO SOU-TCHOU-FOU. 167 consisting of eighteen junks, set out from Shang-hai on the 24th February, and in three days proceeded by the rivers and lakes to Sou-tchou-fou, a city alike celebrated, according to Chinese writers, for its places of amusement, wealth, and elegance. There was one boat set apart to carry the provisions, another served as a saloon, a third as a dining-room. Each evening the party assembled to dinner at the sound of the gong; and the whole twenty-eight junks anchored close by each other as a precaution against pirates. A careful watch was kept up during the night. M. de Montigny, the French consul at Shang-hai, whose experience in China and with Chinese officials was very great, undertook to answer for the success of the enterprise. On the 26th the party arrived, without any accident, under the walls of Sou-tchou-fou, and they entered the town by one of the water-gates of the rampart opening upon the canal, and without any other difficulty than a few hot words with the boatmen and the men who kept watch over vessels entering the canal. ' The news of our arrival,' says M. de Contades, in his report of this expedition, ' had rapidly spread in the city, and it was through the midst of an enormous crowd, drawn up on both sides of the canal, that we made our entrance into Sou-tchou-fou. From all this multitude there did not proceed one cry, there was 168 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. none of that noise which is customary among the Chinese. There was the deepest silence, as if the people made an effort not to stir, which with them is the sign of respect and fear. Such was the stillness that we could catch the sound of a few timid whispers. It was easy to perceive, in every upturned face of the dense crowd which pressed and was packed as close as it could stand around us, the expression of feelings anything but hostile to us ; but more easy still to read astonishment and stupefaction in every countenance. ' A salute of six cannons was fired on our arrival at the yamoun, at the door of which the fou-tai received us surrounded by his officers. When we had gone into the court-room, where we were received by the governor with graceful courtesy, we were placed on two chairs on the estrade at the bottom of the audience-hall, so that the governor, seated in one of the arm-chairs at the side, was able, in compliance with Chinese etiquette, to have both of us on his left The consuls and their interpreters had seats ranged -. along the sides. After the customary compliments were over, I spoke a few words to the fou-tai, which the interpreter to the French consulate interpreted as I proceeded. I said that I was about to have the honour of placing officially in his hands a despatch wliich was directed to him, as well as to his Excel lency the Governor of the two Kwangs, by the High M. DE CONTADES AND MR. OLIPHANT. 169 Commissioner of His Majesty the Emperor of the French ; that this despatch contained another to His Excellency the principal Secretary-of-State at Pekin, which was of great importance, and which I begged the fou-tai to transmit by the most rapid means of conveyance, and to see that it reached its destination without the occurrence of any delay whereby he might incur responsibility. ' The governor replied that he would willingly undertake the commission ; whereupon I handed him the despatches. The fou-tai then opened the outer envelope, which bore his address, and read what it contained, while all the officers and secretaries, stooping behind him, perused it over his shoulder. It is asserted that there were present high dignitaries and emissaries of the governor of the two Kiangs among these personages. ' Mr. Oliphant then said a few words to the same purport with mine, after which the fou-tai offered us a slight repast, during which a rather animated conversation sprung up between us. The governor asked me if order had been restored at Canton, and if trade was now going on again as usual. I replied that the ambassadors had done all that lay in their power to attain this end, and that they were glad to think they had been successful. "What are you 170 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. going to do with Yeh ?" then inquired the fou-tai. A gentleman present replied that he had left for Calcutta. "Will you put him to death?" asked Tchao, with some indifference. I replied that his Excellency was ill-informed respecting the generosity of the ambassadors and their governments if he supposed them capable of inflicting such a punish ment on a conquered enemy. He then asked us when the ambassadors were coming to Shang-hai. Without stating any definite time, we thought it best to reply that they would be there shortly. During the whole of this interview the fou-tai con ducted himself with a politeness and well-bred reserve which delighted us. His physiognomy, which is almost European as far as features go, is delicate and intelligent. His manners are those of a man accus tomed to the best society. In short, it was impossible to receive a more polite or more friendly reception than that he gave us. , 'The fou-tai reconducted us to our chairs with the ceremonial observed on our arrival, and after many compliments and much shaking of hands he told us that on the following morning he would re turn our visit to the communal palace, called Kon- Kouan, situated without the town, where the highest Chinese authorities are habitually received on their arrival at Sou-tchou-fou. It was in this yamoun that AN OPIUM SMUGGLER. , 171 we, in fact, received, on the 27th of February at midday, the visit of the fou-tai.' Thursday, March 18. I must £now return to my own narrative. We intended to have proceeded directly to Shang-hai, but we had not taken into account the gusty wea ther we were destined to encounter. Three times already we' were obliged to stop after leaving. On one occasion the mist prevented us from distin guishing the coast and breakers. On another, the ' Fusee ' shipped a heavy sea, and, while labouring hard, snapped her moorings. On a third occasion we were retarded by an English steamer, which fired a couple of guns just as we passed her. Thinking she had run aground, and taking this cannon for a signal of distress, we altered our course to come to her assistance. It turned out to be an opium smuggler, which had fired the guns as a signal for the junks engaged in the same contraband trade to come off to her. In spite of our six hundred horse power we could no longer make way against wind and current ; we therefore sought an anchorage to leeward of the Eee islands, where we determined to await a change of weather. M. de Carpegna, commander of the ' Fusee,' was making an attempt to come on board the 'Audacieuse.' He missed bis hold of us, and was 172 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. drifted by the current about three miles to sea ward. We immediately lowered a whaling-boat with all the rope we had on board. It could give no assistance, however, and was drawn by the men on board of her by the rope back to the ship. Happily the current ceased to run so hard, and M. de Carpegna got on shore. A small boat with sixteen men was lowered to tow him out and take provisions to him. It reached him, but the wind was so strong that it was found impossible to pull against it and draw along the vessel at the same time. We sent another ship's boat to see what could be done, with arms, clothes, water, and food. It was equally un successful in its attempt to make way against the terrible current which was running. The three small vessels then sought refuge in a little creek, which prevented us from seeing them any longer even with our spy-glasses. The evening, night, and morning . passed without a sign from them. The commander, fearing that something had happened, discharged one shot, then a second, and a third, as a signal to them to make an attempt to get back, the current being favourable and the wind lower. All eyes were fixed in the direction in which they were expected, but no sail made its appearance for a long while- At last, however, they emerged from behind the rock, breasting the broad-crested waves as they made A NARROW ESCAPE. 173 towards, us. An hour afterwards our thirty men came on board, benumbed, famishing with hunger, wet to the skin, but very well content to have escaped the danger they had been in. They told us what had befallen them. They found three hundred Chinamen collected upon the coast, armed with bows, arrows, lances, and matchlocks. They were obliged to cast anchor, their boats all the while shipping water, plunging under the waves, threaten ing to capsize, dragging their anchors, and kept from getting among the breakers only by hard work at the oars. They had attempted to come out of the creek to sea again, but the violence of the squall had forced them to get back as quickly as possible. Our signal let them know that they should again attempt to pull out to sea, and had rescued them from their frightful position. It was in the midst of exciting incidents such as these that our time passed. It was bitterly cold and wet ; a hurricane swept fiercely down upon us, straining our anchors, making every timber creak, and pitching us about unmercifully under the darkness of closed portholes. Pleasant truly is it to navigate the China seas during the wrong monsoon ! March 23. Our coal having nearly run down, and the wind having fallen a little, we made for Amoy, the best 174 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. sheltered spot in the Straits of Formosa. This bay, surrounded by bare mountains, is completely closed against the open sea, and the largest ships can an chor in it close upon the land. The town is dirty and irregularly built, its crooked streets being nar rower than even those of Canton. Neither sunshine nor fresh air can enter them, and accordingly small-pox and fever break out every year with great virulence. However, it was very pleasant to walk about among the shops decked out with Chinese lanterns, and the sing-songs, which we have already described. The latter were very interesting. Large junks, crowded with people, were employed as omnibuses between the two sides of the roadstead. The scene around us has, however, an impress of its own. We are now in the capital of Fo-Kien, a mountainous and maritime province, which differs in many of its most important characteristics from the rest of China. The Fo-Kinese have all over the empire a great reputation for boldness, indepen dence, and pride, and the court of Pekin always treats them with deference and attention as a com munity who should not be irritated. They wear roomy garments and head-dresses in the form of a turban, which gives them something of the look of Turks. They have a more masculine, and at the same time a handsomer appearance than the Cantonese. CHINESE EMIGRATION FROM FO-KIEN. 175 To look at them one would say they belonged to a dif ferent race. The dialect of Fo-Kien, too, which is very different from the mandarin language and the idiom of the Canton river, is altogether unintelligible to the inhabitants of the other provinces of China. M. Mar ques, our interpreter, could neither understand nor make himself understood by the Fo-Kinese pilot who came on board ; he was obliged to write out what he wanted to say on paper, the written Chinese language being the same all over the empire. This circum stance of a different dialect in Fo-Kien is often turned to account by our young missionaries when they have pushed far into the interior of China. When they have exhausted their little stock of Chinese, and run the risk of being discovered to be foreigners by their ignorance of the language, they pass themselves off as inhabitants of Fo-Kien, in this way accounting for their bad pronunciation. At Shang-hai, at Canton, everywhere else in China, the only European language spoken by the natives is English. But at Amoy, Spanish is to some extent understood among the inhabitants. There is frequent intercourse between the Philippine Islands and this port ; and the greater number of the Chinese emigrants who are now settled in Cuba are natives of the coast of Fo-Kien. The European colony is com posed of about sixty persons, nearly all of whom are 176 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. English. There is not one Frenchman among them; and there are few Americans. Each merchant has a room set apart in his house as an armoury ; and small cannons placed at his door, to be used in time of danger. They live on very good terms with the inhabitants of the country, and are permitted, with out annoyance, to leave the town and visit the en virons. Amoy is the only place in China where the English ladies visit the Chinese ladies, and receive calls from them in return. We loaded some Formosa coal to complete our stores. It is said to be better than that of Borneo, which we tried at Singapore. But it certainly had one great fault; it threw off so many sparks that the com mander was afraid for some time that it would set the ship on fire. We found, on leaving Amoy, that the fine weather had returned ; and we passed in safety through the Straits of Formosa, or Fo-Kien Channel. At the Saddle Islands we left the ' Auda cieuse,' and went on board the ' Fusee.' Our luggage covered the deck. We passed through the midst of numerous islands, which we could scarcely see through a dense fog. A Chinese pilot directed our course to the mouth of the Yang-tse-Kiang, occa sionally known in Europe as the Blue Eiver, which is the greatest stream on the surface of the globe, after the Amazon. It is the great artery towards SHANG-HAI. 177 which the Chinese rivers flow, and, indeed, the chief thoroughfare of central China. The entrance to this stream is difficult, more especially for ships without steam. There are numerous sand-banks at its mouth ; and the shores are so low that no good chart can be made, as land-marks are almost wanting on both sides. Fortunately for the inhabitants, however, the Blue Eiver is not subject to inundations, like the neigh bouring Yellow Eiver, which is constantly bursting its dikes and sweeping all before it. At Woo-sung we left the Yang-tse-Kiang, and entered the Whampou, the river of Shang-hai. The bed of the river was encumbered with a great fleet of junks, laden with provisions and rice, which were awaiting a favourable wind to proceed to the north, as far as Tien-tsin. We had considerable difficulty in threading our way through the crowd of large junks lying at anchor in the still waters of the river, or floating gently down stream. In spite of all the care we took, we ran against one, smashing its helm and masts. At last we got clear of this labyrinth ; and after receiving a salute from the English, American, and Eussian ships, we cast anchor alongside of the quay at Shang-hai. 178 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. CHAPTEE VII. Shang-hai : the European Town, the Chinese Town.— The Tea- garden. — M. de Montigny and the French Concession. — The Dinner given by the Tao-tai. — The Tigers of the Tartar Colonel. — The Chinese Campaign. — The Mission of Kiang-nan.— The College of Zi-ka-wei— The Cathedral of Tong-ka-tou.yThe Sainte Enfance in Kiang-nan. — Commercial activity of Shang-hai. — Reply of the Court of Pekin to the Joint Note of the Ambassa dors. We had scarcely cast anchor when we received a visit from Contades, whom we had not seen since his expedition to Sou-tchou-fou ; and a visit also from M. Montingy, accompanied by the gentlemen belong ing to the French consulate. M. de Montigny asked the ambassador to take up his quarters at his house- The members of the embassy put up at the Com mercial Hotel, which is kept by M. Barraud, the old steward of the ' Constantine.' We crossed the French grant, wliich, although less built upon than the others, is the best situated of the three. It was startling to meet, in a distant country like this, with policemen carrying the baton tricolor e ; and to read the names of THE CUSTOM-HOUSE AT SHANG-HAI. 179 the streets in French at the corners. The junks are drawn up together opposite to the Chinese town. More than one hundred merchantmen are at anchor before the European quarter, where an imposing line of fine houses runs along the bend of the river. We were struck with the custom-house, which is a choice bit of Chinese architecture. It was amusing to watch the perfect regularity with which the thousands of Coolies employed on the quays carried the bales of tea and silk on board. All over the harbour our ears rung with their sharp, sing-song ciy, which is given out by one, and taken up and repeated by the others. This noise, of course, stops at night ; but it begins again next morning by daybreak. We dined with M. de Montigny, who introduced us to his family. His conversation abounded with most interesting in formation regarding China, where he has been settled for fifteen years. Shang-hai holds no higher rank than a town of the third order in the province of Kiang-nan. It holds a very unimportant place in the hierarchy of the Chinese towns, and owes its recent importance entirely to the opening of its port to foreign commerce. The inhabitants of Kiang- nan are gentle, and well-disposed in their dealings with foreigners. At Canton, Europeans dare not pass the walls without running the risk of being murdered ; but it is not so at Shang-hai, where the 180 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. merchants are in perfect safety within a radius of several miles all round the town. They are great sportsmen — hares, snipes, and pheasants being plenti ful in this part of the country. During the warmest days in summer it is the custom to go ' to the hills,' which are situated about thirty miles from Shang-hai, where the air is more bracing and the country is sheltered by trees. Each family has its junk, and lives on the river. Great lakes spread out beyond this place. It is here that the cormorant is employed in fishing. The sight is a strange one for a Euro pean. Each fisherman has several of these birds in bis boat ; they dive under water to catch their prey: but a ring is put round their necks, which : prevents them from swallowing the fish so caught. Finding that they can do no better, they bring their ; spoil to the fishermen. The soil round Shang-hai is extremely fertile ; two or three crops are reaped every year on the same surface. But for all this, the country is very monotonous. On all sides extends to the horizon a vast expanse of rice and cotton fields, without one clump of trees to rest the eyes upon. Small canals, tributaries of the river, cross the country in all directions, by means of which the _ rice, straw, ancl cotton are gathered and housed. Over the whole of this part of China, that is to say, over a great part of the empire, there are no cross- \ A MUTINY AND MURDER. 181 roads. Everything is moved from place to place in vessels and along canals. Buffaloes are the only animals employed in agriculture, and in working the plough in the rice-fields. In the towns open to Europeans, the natives employ the female buffalo in lieu of the common milch cow, of which there are none. The Chinese do not drink milk ; they say that it is white blood, and the only use they make of it is as a cure for dysentery. They never put it in tea, which they take without either cream or sugar. The people of these great plains, which form the most populous and most important part of the empire, are peaceful in their character, and entirely devoted to agriculture and commerce. Among them the inha bitants of Canton are noted for their arrogant and quarrelsome disposition. Throughout all the north they have a bad reputation; and whenever a murder or a theft is committed, it is almost invariably discovered that the perpetrator is from Canton. While we were staying at Shang-hai, an English brig, manned by Chinamen, going to Bankok with a large sum in ingots on board, to make purchases at that place, was robbed and found deserted at the entrance of the Yang-tse-Kiang. The seamen belonged to Canton, and had concerted to murder the captain and his two mates. After doing so, they took pos session of the ingots, and let the vessel go adrift. 182 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Coming as we did from the Canton river, we observed the great difference between the populations of the north and south, which was all to the advantage of the north. At Hong Kong, and at Macao, Europeans live in China without ever seeing a Chinese dignitary. At Shang-hai, on the contrary, the consuls have frequent intercourse with the mandarins. Every now and then you hear the sound of a gong in the European town ; this is a functionary proceeding with a numerous escort to see a consul or an admiral. The governor and other authorities of Shang-hai, having expressed a wish to visit the ambassador, the ren dezvous was fixed at one o'clock. As soon as we saw these distinguished persons coming, we put our hats on as a mark of respect, and went forward to the flight of steps at the door to receive them. There was a great deal of compliment and a tremendous shaking of hands, and then each one sat down ac cording to his rank. Baron Gros insisted on the tao-tai, or governor, taking his seat on the left side of the sofa, which, according to Chinese etiquette, is the place of honour. Tea was brought, the mandarins took a few puffs of their pipes, and conversation began. The subjects were the lofty stature of Baron Gros, the shape of his ear, which boded good luck and prosperity, the superiority of European weapons A VISIT FROM THE CHINESE GOVERNOR. 183 to Chinese weapons, and the wonderful distance which separates Europe and China. The party afterwards walked in ceremonious order into the dining-room, where luncheon had been spread. The ambassador placed at bis left the tao-tai, and the Tartar colonel at his right. M. de Bellecourt placed the two other mandarins near him. Each person heaped sugar-plums, cakes, and almond-biscuits into bis neighbour's plate. We drank champagne, drain ing our glasses and interchanging enthusiastically good wishes for health and prosperity. The conver sation maundered on much in the same foolish and insignificant way as before. Coffee was brought, and tea of course — indispensable tea — and then our guests rose, which was the signal for departure. Before going, however, the Tartar colonel, with the tact of true courtesy, proposed to Baron Gros to put his tigers through their drill or manoeuvres, his tigers being the soldiers who accompanied him, and who are picked men from the Imperial army. The pro posal was enthusiastically received on both sides. Each warrior, thereupon, insinuated himself into a yellow coat, on which were represented the black stroke which runs down a tiger's back, as well as the eyes and the ears of the brute after which they are named. Then commenced the drill. For the best part of an hour they kept flinging themselves into 184 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the most fantastic positions. They kept jumping ai'id stampmg, and calling to each other to come on, threatening every moment to plunge into a deaidlf! struggle, which never came however, and in this way they spent an amount of breath and muscular activity which perfectly bewildered us. The military man darin, seeing that the desired effect had been pro duced, ordered his tigers to withdraw and return to their places in his suite, and we then took leave of our visitors, promising shortly to go and see them at their yamouns. In point of fact, a few days afterwards we accepted of an invitation to dinner from the tao-tai, and we proceeded in chairs to his house, which is situated in the heart of the Chinese town. We were welcomed with a salute of three guns, the governor, surrounded by his functionaries and subalterns, receiving us at the entrance to the court-room. He treated us to a very choice and delicate dinner, at least so said the consul and chancellor, who were of course better judges than any of our party on such a point. To us it seemed altogether frightful. There were swallows' nests, sharks' fins, ^ea-worms, lapwings' eggs, luke warm Chinese wine, and rice-brandy. It is the custom to eat fruit towards the middle of the meal, and to wind up with soup. The want of water and bread also makes a difference, and perh THE CLIMATE. 185 helped to mar our full appreciation of that infinite variety of fish and fowl thrust upon us with such hospitality. The tao-tai is excellent company, and he did the honours of his yamoun to perfection. The climate of Shang-hai, like that of the whole of China, is unwholesome. It is subject to miasma, arising from the marshes, and to very sudden changes of temperature. During the south-west monsoon the heat is excessive. During the north-east monsoon, on the contrary, it is as cold as it is in winter in the north of France, and the river frequently freezes in spite of the rapidity of its course. From the 1st November to the 1st April the Europeans put on fires in their houses. I do not speak of the Chinese with regard to their custom in this respect, for they do not use fires for mere purposes of comfort. When the cold increases they put on, dresses with thicker wadding and more fur. There has been no frost this year, and the foreign residents at Shang-hai have freighted a ship to bring ice from Kamtschatka. In spite of the confusion and crowded state of the streets, we go occasionally for a saunter into the Chinese town. We dropped into the shops and purchased a few of those trifles, infinite in variety, which in all parts of the Celestial Empire are exhibited to attract the attention of foreigners. We walked all round the battlements of the city wall. 186 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. We visited the well into which the young children are thrown who are doomed to perish under the unnatural custom of infanticide. More than once we stepped into the tea-gardens, whither the Chinese repair to drink tea, to smoke opium, and to hear musical performances. There they enjoy their fa-. vourite amusements ; and it is in these places that we may observe what is most peculiar in the appear ance and habits of the people. An artificial mountain with rocks heaped one above the other, a small river with little bridges in zigzag, upturned eaves, and flags flying from them, form the principal ornaments of this garden, in which the fortune-tellers, jugglers, and dramatic performers have their head-quarters. However, the Chinese do not bestow much of their time on amusement ; they are completely absorbed in business, and at Shang-hai their commercial activity is still farther promoted by the presence of foreigners. The Chinese merchants of Shang-hai are generally brokers or middlemen between the great European and American houses and the provinces of the interior. They travel into the agricultural and manufacturing districts to make their purchases of tea and silk. I must quote here a few figures to give an idea of the immense business done at Shang-hai. They are taken from an official source, viz. the Custom-house TRADE OF SHANG-HAI. 187 reports ; and they exhibit the extraordinary increase in the commerce of this, place, which was only opened to foreign vessels about fifteen years ago. During the year from June 1855 to June 1856, the total importation amounted in value to 8,325,772?., which may be divided between the following heads, viz. :— £m Piastres or silver ingots . . . 2,298,817 Opium 3,889,907 Miscellaneous articles of merchandise . 2,137,048 The value of the exports was . . 7,711,458 The total value, then, of the exports and imports was— 16,037,230?. From June 1856 to June 1857, the exports amounted to 10,857,554?., divided as follows : — £. Piastres or silver ingots . . . 2,435,204 Opium 4,390,691 Miscellaneous articles of merchandise . 4,031,659 The exports amounted to . . 11,467,456 The total value of exports and imports was — 22,325,010?. If it had not been for the great Anglo-American commercial crisis of last year, the commercial activity of Shang-hai would have reached a height still more remarkable, as we may see from the following figures : — From the 1st July 1857, to the 31st December 188 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. 1857, that is to say, during the first half of the year 1857-58, the imports amounted to 8,768,642?., which may be divided as follows, viz. : — £ Piastres 2,789,692 Tchin or copper money . . . 342,784 Opium 2,872,084 General merchandise .... 2,764,082 The exportation amounted to . . 7,277,625 The total value of exports and imports was —16,046,267?. The amount of business, it appears, then has dou bled in less than two years, and there are now few commercial towns in the world, not to speak of China, which can vie in importance with Shang-hai. Canton has now sunk to the third rank, Fou-tchou-fou is ahead of it as a tea exporting town ; but as regards Amoy and Ning-po, these two ports are quite ruined by their proximity to this city. During our stay at Shang-hai we counted as many as one hundred and seven merchantmen lying at anchor at one time in the waters of the Whampou, and there was scarcely room for a ship's boat over the whole length of the beach fronting the European territory, from the en trance of the Chinese town to the extremity of the American factory. The surface of the grant is sold by the square yard, like building ground in the busi ness or fashionable quarters of a European city. A small house, with the accommodation barely necessary THE COLLEGE OF ZI-KA-WEI. 189 for one family, and a bit of garden ground, has been known to fetch the enormous rent of 400?. a year. From the 1st of July 1855, to the 1st of January 1858, there was brought to China, not again to leave it, by Shang-hai alone, 7,521,193?., in piastres and ingots of silver, and this process is going on increas ing : each year the amount advances in more rapid progression. The first year the importation amounted to 2,280,000?., the next to 2,400,000?, and the third to 2,760,000?. There is in all this a subject for the serious study of European economists. It is long since silver set in this way from the West to Asia, but it is only in recent times that the phenomenon has assumed gigantic proportions, of which the effects are felt even in the most distant villages of France. One of the most pleasant rides one can take in the neighbourhood of Shang-hai is to the College of Zi-ka-wei, situate about five miles from the town. This college is under the direction of the Jesuits. Is it not a remarkable proof of the peaceful disposition of the inhabitants that such an establishment as this can exist in the midst of the country far from all European protection? In approaching it we saw the gilded vane of a church steeple glittering in the sun, and instead of the sound of gongs, to which our ears had become accustomed, we heard the ringing of church bells. The College of Zi-ka-wei has been 190 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. in existence only for seven years, and it already numbers a' hundred pupils. It is placed under the care of Pere Zottoli, the principal, and under the distinguished surveillance of Pere Lemaitre, the su perior of the mission. There are nine Chinese pro fessors, who undertake literary instruction only, for without literature nothing can be done in the Middle Empire,** and the missionaries have it in view to turn out pupils who shall become, in China, the leading men of villages, respectable merchants, and influential citizens. They are educated not with a view to Europe, but to China. There is only one hour of recreation a day, and thirteen hours of work. This is quite in keeping with Chinese custom, a whole life barely sufficing to acquire a knowledge of the language and literature of the country. At the Chinese new year the pupils have a fortnight of vaca tion, and holidays for a month in [August. They study French for half an hour every week, this lesson being considered as a reward. We saw the different classes at work, the schoolrooms, sleeping apartments, and refectories, and were delighted with the order and excellent condition in which every thing is kept. The little Chinamen are not allowed at first to write upon the walls and tables; it is not till they advance in their studies that they are allowed to make use of the brush or pencil, PROFICIENCY OF CHINESE PUPILS. 191 and then slowly they cover every bench and seat with a coating of varnish, whicii makes them quite resplendent. The children of Kiang-nan succeed in everything they attempt. They are sin gularly apt pupils. In spite of the short time devoted to the accessory studies, such as singing, drawing, and music, and in spite of the limited resources at their disposal for obtaining instruction, they attain to wonderful proficiency. Mandarins have visited the college frequently, and have asked permission to examine the pupils. They appear to have been very well satisfied with the answers they received. A blue-button mandarin even took with him a few of the compositions of some of the farthest advanced pupils, and sent them to Pekin to a mem ber of the Imperial Academy, who sent them back with corrections and very encouraging remarks. The College of Zi-ka-wei, as an example of what can be effected by the Chinese race when influenced by Christian precept and directed by Europeans, should attract the deepest interest. The mission of Kiang-nan, or diocese of Nankin, is one of the most flourishing in China. It numbers forty missionaries and nearly forty thousand Chris tians, fifteen thousand more than there were at the time of M. de Legrene's mission. In 1857 the seminary of Tong-Ka-tou contained twenty-eight 192 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. young Chinese who were studying theology. There were three hundred and sixty-four schools in full operation, and five thousand children were educated in them by Christian teachers. The girls had separate schools ; eighty-nine female teachers gave instruction to twelve hundred and sixty young women, some of whom were preparing to become teachers them selves. The Sainte-Enfance has been established for some time back in the neighbourhood of Shang-hai, and has already met with remarkable success, thanks to funds supplied from France. Four thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven children were saved from infanticide in 1857. There remained two thousand of these adopted in 1856. They are put out in the country into Christian families, who undertake to bring them up for a very small allowance, and who after wards send them to school with their own children. On the 1st of January 1858 there were in the Orphan Hospitals and in the houses of the Christians together nearly three thousand of these unfortunate little creatures, all of whom were expected to live. At the Orphan Hospital of Tsa-ka-wei, situated in the environs of Shang-hai, there were 190 boys, who were taught the various trades of tailors, shoemakers,* . ] stonecutters, printers, carpenters, and labourers. There were, besides, two hospitals for the little girls,: CAN A CHRISTIAN BECOME A MANDARIN? 193 where they were taught sewing, spinning, and em broidery. The blessed work of the Sainte-Enfance, it appears then, has been attended with the greatest success in this part of China, and even begins to extend a beneficent action over a vast area. Can a Christian become a mandarin ? This is the question which is suggested on seeing the efforts made by the missionaries to educate the Chinese youth. In principle there is nothing to stand in the way, but it is a very difficult matter in practice. For instance, a Christian could not conscientiously trans mit a valuable present with his composition to the examiner. In the next place, there are certain pagan superstitions connected with the Emperor which he could not consent to recognise as consist ent with his convictions. There is, however, in the Imperial camp before Nankin, a military mandarin who openly professes Christianity. After a good deal of recrimination, he has been allowed to pray for the Emperor at church instead of the ancestral temple. But I do not believe that it is possible to mention another case. The cathedral of Tong-ka-tou, where the Eoman Catholic service is conducted by Jesuit priests, stands in the middle of the Chinese town, between the wall and the river. We went there on Easter Day to hear the music at high mass, and found the service o 194 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. as solemn and impressive as anywhere in Europe; there is, of course a difference. The organ, is of bamboo, the sermon is in Chinese, the young chorisi ters have tails and upturned shoes, and the officiating clergymen wear a hat borrowed from the ancient dynasties, it being indispensable to remain covered while showing reverence or respect in China. The Lazarists have, for some years back, removed their procure from Macao to Shang-hai. Their esta blishment covers a large space within the French grant. Their mission extends over the neighbouring provinces of Tche-kiang, Honan, Kiang-si, and Tcheli. Pekin lies within their jurisdiction. They are besides entrusted with the charge of all mission ary undertakings in Mongolia. The great wall pre sents a serious difficulty to missionaries proceeding into this region of Central Asia from the Chinese coast, or returning from it. The gates are watched; and persons entering or leaving the empire are care fully searched. In the capital, where the police is too active to permit of European missionaries re maining undetected, there are only native priests. If Europeans were to intrude they would soon be brought under the notice of the mandarins. Mon seigneur Mouly, the Vicar Apostolic of Tcheli, has fixed his abode at a place some miles from Pekin. Monseigneur Daguin, the Bishop of Mongolia, lives a THE FRENCH CONSUL AT SHANG-HAI. 195 hundred miles away from the great wall. The La- zarists have founded a college or seminary at Ning- po, and the Sisters of Charity have an establishment there for the education of young women. Thus has been realized the wish of Saint Vincent de Paul, who foresaw that his order would one day extend as far as China. In the distant regions of the far East the Lazarists exhibit that self-denial, that spirit of self- sacrifice and humility inculcated by their founder, of which they have long given proof in the old towns of the Levant and Asia Minor, more especially en trusted to their care. In consequence of proximity to Hong Kong, France plays a very subordinate part on the Canton river. It is otherwise at Shang-hai ; there, thanks to the energy and activity of the French consul, ably assisted by M. Edan, the chancellor, and by M. Lemaire, the interpreter to the consulate, we are quite able to maintain a position of perfect equality with England and the United States. The number of our vessels no doubt cannot be compared to that of those two great maritime powers, but the French flag floats over an equal extent of ceded territory, and the French nation has an equal importance in the estimation of the Chinese authorities. This import ant result is due to M. de Montigny. This gentleman understands China and Chinese affairs better than 196 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. any one with whom we have ever come in contact. He knows exactly what may be ventured, and he makes the venture accordingly. If a missionary is persecuted in the interior of Kiang-nan, he orders his junk or his sedan-chair, and travels night and day until he descends upon the double-dealing magistrate. Sometimes by sheer force of argument, sometimes by intimidation, he obtains satisfaction for what has been done, and extorts a promise from the authorities not to give annoyance in future to the Christians of the district. He goes every year by land from Shang-hai to Ningpo, giving notice before hand to the authorities along his route that he will hold them responsible for whatever may befall him. He heard some time ago that a French whaler had been lost upon the coast of Corea, and that the crew, numbering fifteen hands, had been reduced to slavery. He had no French ships of war at his command (our squadron being occupied elsewhere) ; he took a Portuguese lorcha, and set off with his interpreter. He encountered severe weather, and was nearly shipwrecked; but nothing could deter him. He landed, in spite of the authorities, in Corea, and proceeded into the interior without having any pre cise information to guide him. He at last found where the prisoners were, and overtook them just ae they were about to be marched off to the mines. He REPLY FROM THE COURT OF PEKIN. 197 rescued them from the miserable fate in store for them, and brought them all back to Shang-hai — a success due exclusively to his energy and courage. It was M. de Montigny who introduced the yak or long-haired ox from Thibet, and sorgum, or Indian millet, into France, the latter having now become so completely acclimatised that the seed employed all over North America is exported from Paris. We hoped to find Chinese plenipotentiaries at Shang-hai; but we had been too sanguine. The grudge against the Western Powers still subsisted at Pekin. Yu, without deigning to reply to#the ambas sadors, appealed to the customs of the empire as freeing him from this duty, and deputed it to the governor of Sou-tchou-fou, whom he requested to make known the purposes of the Chinese govern ment. The Eussians are requested to proceed to the mouth of the Black Dragon, on the Amour, and a great Tartar mandarin is to be sent there to negociate with them. With regard to the representatives of the three other powers, their only course now is to return to Canton, where Houang, the new governor, wiU soon arrive with fuH powers to treat with them. Such is the answer of the court of Pekin to the joint note of the ambassadors. Our departure for the North was, on the receipt of this reply, immediately determined upon. 198 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. CHAPTEE VIII. Departure of the ' Audacieuse ' for the Gulf of Pecheli. — Cape Chantoung. — The Forts of Takou and the mouth of the Peiho.— Conferences with three Imperial Commissioners sent by the Court of Pekin. — The Son of Heaven refuses to open his Capital to the foreign Ministers. — The Bombardment and Capture of the Forts of Ta-kou. — The Admirals ascend the Pei-ho to the city of Tien tsin. — The four Embassies take up their quarters in this Town. ' — Arrival of Kouei-Liang and of Houa-Cha-Na, the new Imperial Commissioners. — Their Interview with the French Ambassador,— Opening of the Conferences. — M. de Contades is appointed by Baron Gros to take part in them. — Signature of the Treaty of Tien-tsin. — Evacuation of the town by the Allied Fleets.— Ex cursion to the Great Wall of China. — Return to Shang-hai.— The 'Audacieuse' springs aleak. — Six Weeks spent*! at Shang-hai during the Dog-days. On Wednesday the 15th of April, at seven o'clock in the morning, Commander Vrignaud gave orders to make ready ; and, in the midst of foggy and wet weather, we set sail for the Gulf of Pecheli. A dense mist completely hid the land ; and the yellow waves of the Yang-tse-Kiang even disappeared under the fog. In leaving the stream we encountered a stormy sea and a fresh breeze. We thought that the bad luck of our debut in the Atlantic had returned again/ THE GULF OF PECHELI. 199 But next day the sea fell, the good weather returned, and we made, without difficulty, nine or ten knots an hour under steam. We passed close to the place where, in 1847, the frigate ' La Gloire ' and the war- sloop ' La Victorieuse ' were lost at the same time. Admiral Lapierre commanded the ' Gloire ;' and M. Rignault de Genouilly, who is now the admiral, the 'Victorieuse.' The crews were saved by the energy of the commander of the ' Victorieuse ' and the intre pidity of Lieutenant Poidloue and Lieutenant Lape- lin, who made a voyage of five hundred miles in a long-boat to get assistance from Shang-hai. We have very imperfect information about the geography of these waters ; the soundings and reefs are not known, and the charts are defective. At all events, a very Hmited confidence can be placed in them. After a four- days' passage, under a brilliant sun, but a bitterly-cold air, we doubled Cape Chan-toung,or Cape Macartney, and entered the Gulf of Pecheli. On the 20th of April, at three o'clock in the afternoon, we came in sight of the ' Minnesota,' the ' Furious,' and the ' America ;' and we cast anchor as near them as the size of the ship permitted. Baron Gros immediately entered into communication with his colleagues. Three Imperial Commissioners, entrusted with a verbal mission from the Emperor to treat with the Western Nations, have given notice of their arrival. 200 AN EMBASSY TO CHTNA AND JAPAN. One of them is Tan, the president of the War-office, and governor-general of the province of Tcheli and its dependencies. The two others are Tsoung, the superintendent general of the pubHc granaries and salt-pans of the empire ; and Ou, minister of the council of the interior. The selection of a super intendent of public granaries and salt-pans, as a diplomatist, at first produced a little astonishment among the European envoys. It had been intimated to Yu, the prime-minister of the emperor Hien-Foung, that full powers, by written document, would be expected from the mandarins appointed to treat with us. Now Tan, Tsoung, and Ou produced none. They were therefore informed that they must comply with what was expected in this respect before the foreign ambassadors could consent to receive them. The governor of Tcheli, in the name of his coUeagues and in his own name, protested that the court of Pekin was in perfect good faith, and asserted that it is not in conformity with Chinese custom to confer • such powers. Ky-Ing and I-Li-Pou no doubt had, on the occasion of the first treaties, produced such depu tations ; but they had fabricated them themselves, and were degraded for this very reason. With re gard to their own case,' they had been instructed by the Celestial Emperor to go and meet the envoys of the Western Nations, and had proceeded imme- THE IMPERIAL COMMISSIONERS. 201 diately to the mouth of the Pei-ho to receive their communications and transmit them to the court of Pekin. A slight difference of opinion now occurred between the four plenipotentiaries. Count Pouti atine and Mr. Reed declared that they were quite satisfied, and ready to enter into a conference. Lord Elgin and Baron Gros persisted in their first resolu tion, and refused to receive the Imperial Commis sioners. Tan requested to be informed what were the concessions demanded by the foreign envoys, in order that he might be able to explain to the court of Pekin what they were, in compliance with the instructions he had received from his government. The establishment of European legations at Pekin, or at least the privilege to the representatives of foreign powers of going, at certain periods in the year, to the capital, at once provoked a warm protest and a positive refusal from Tan. He also rejected the proposal to open the great rivers and markets of the interior of China. These points were quite inadmis sible, and wiU not even be discussed. They would concede to the foreign ministers the right of cor responding directly, and on a footing of equality, with one of the CouncHs. The laws against Chris tianity would be revised. Four or five new ports, of small importance, would be opened, including Swa- tow and Chapoo. The indemnity for the burning of 202 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the factories, and for the expenses of the war, would be one of the articles discussed ; but it was probable that nothing would be obtained. Such, in short, was the situation. The taking of Canton, it was evident, had produced little effect ; and the Cabinet of Pekin Still maintained its haughty and arrogant tone. The two High Commissioners of France and England, not finding the Mantchoo Tartar dynasty ready to treat, resolved, after a councH of war had been held on board the ' Audacieuse,' to proceed into the country and strike another severe blow in the imme-* diate neighbourhood of the capital. But in the absence of the gunboats, which were kept back by currents and contrary winds, all along the China Sea from Cape Chantoung to Hong-Kong, they sought to temporize ; and entering into a correspondence with the Imperial Commissioners, they endeavoured, but in vain, to persuade these personages by reasoning to accede to their demands. The result was a more firm conviction that force alone has any weight with them. May 1, 1858. There is no sweet breath of returning summer for us. There is nothing to prompt us, with Bemi BeUeau, to chant the praises of spring, and cele brate — TCHEN, THE MANTCHOO COLONEL. 203 ' Avril, l'honneur et des bois Et des mois.' For us, alas ! there are neither leaves, flowers, buds, nor singing-birds. There is a rough sea, a high wind, and a fog, with minute, blinding dust floating about in it. When the horizon is clear, which hap pens once in eight days, we can see, far in the dis tance, five black spots on a level with the water, which are said to be the forts at the mouth of the Pei-ho. There is no great scope for amusement. Trevise sketches; Maubourg and Contades shoot gulls; the disembarkation corps go through their exercises on deck ; the gunners handle their pieces, and the seamen hoist and lower alternately the fop- masts of the ships. We are anchored at nine miles from the coast; and the shores are so low that we cannot even see them through a glass. We have no compradors, nor any communication with the Chinese villages. We Hve entirely on the ship's stores, as if we were at sea ; and we begin to feel the want of fruit and vegetables. From time to time we perceived the large sail of a junk, bear ing down upon us, hoisting a flag of truce. Then two or three white and blue button mandarins would come on board. We received them at the stern of the ship ; and took them to M. Marques, our inter preter. Then we entertained them to lunch. The 204 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. leader on these occasions was Tchen, the Mantchqo colonel, who brought with him a communication from the governor of Tcheli. M. Marques examined carefully the external form and title of the despatch ; for there is always reason to fear some ruse on the part of the Chinese authorities, who attach so much importance to mere form, and who are always de sirous of exalting themselves in the eyes of their own foUowers. The first day, the enumeration of the titles of the high Chinese functionary occupied more than half of the address ; while those of Baron Gros were passed over in silence — the letters used in all that referred to him implying inferiority on the part of the representative of France. The ambassador refused to receive the despatch, and sent it back without opening it. Next day the communication was returned ; this time as reverential in its terms as it had been haughty before. The letters employed were unexceptionable. The whole blame was thrown upon the shoulders of an inexperienced clerk, who knew nothing of diplomatic forms, and who had, of course, been disgraced for his blunder. The weather, which for some days had been cold, dark, and foggy, graduaUy became more serene, the sun broke through the mists, and the waves fell, so that the plenipotentiaries had it in their power to communicate with each other several times a-day. WAR AGAIN. 205 It was pleasant to see the ships' boats skimming along, now darting off from the ' Furious ' to the 'Audacieuse,' now from the 'Minnesota' to the ' America.' It often happened that a thought came into the mind of the two High Commissioners at the same time ; the whaling-boat of Lord Elgin and the long-boat of Baron Gros would put off from both the boats and meet half-way. Then a contest de politesse foUowed as to which was to proceed. The two boats, on these occasions, shipped their oars, and slowly sank and rose with the swell till an explanation was come to. The swarthy Eussians, the ruddy English, and the sallow Yankees, often met on the deck of the ' Audacieuse.' In spite of the intercourse maintained with the mandarins, everything is assuming a more warlike appearance. The ' Fusee ' went to anchor near the land, in order to show the French flag. Besplas, with smaU boats belonging to the 'Audacieuse,' received orders to set buoys over the bar and to examine the passes at the opening of the Pei-ho. This bar is nearly a mile long ; at full tide it is from nine to ten feet deep, and two feet at low water. Hence even long-boats are sometimes stranded on it. When Besplas, with his men, approached a little closer to the forts, they could see the cannons pointed upon them and wheeled about as they moved from 206 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. place to place. The very matches were lighted, Yet the Chinese went no farther ; they continued on the defensive. Mandarins caHed out at the top of their voices, and made signs to them to keep farther off. The admirals made several reconnoissances in order to select a proper place of disembarkation. A country more parched, desolate, and miserable, it is impossible to imagine. Nothing is to be seen but mud, slime, salt-pans, and a few sand-hills. Not a trace .of vegeta tion meets the eye. As the vessels successively arrived they cast anchor alongside of the 'FuseV The four gunboats, under the command of Besplas, succeeded the same day in crossing the bar without accident. Fifteen EngHsh gunboats joined them next day. A gflt-button mandarin thereupon came off to inform the commanders that they must retire, threatening them, if they disobeyed, with the wrath of the grand mandarin and the Emperor. They replied that they were grieved to vex the Celestial Emperor, but that they would not quit the anchorage,. The decisive moment seemed at hand. The Chinese made a great many preparations; they constructed batteries, placed sand-bags, and diminished the size of their embrasures, and con nected different parts of their batteries, Cannons were sent them from Tien-tsin and Pekin. Troops of picked men arrived daily, as well as bodies of PALLADIUS, THE ARCHIMANDRITE. 207 horsemen with banners, who pitched their tents upon the banks. Heaps of powder and ball were coUected on the ramparts. Before resorting to force, the High Commissioners of the allies made a last attempt at conciliation by addressing an ultimatum to the court of Pekin. The Son of Heaven sent a reply in the shape of a distinct refusal to open his capital to the foreign ministers. The permanent or temporary residence of representatives of the Western Powers at Pekin was a sine quci non of the treaty, so all chances of a pacific arrangement again fell to the ground and left no course open but war. The 20th of May was fixed for the attack. PaUadius, the Archimandrite or Superior of the Eussian CoUege of Pekin, had obtained permission to visit Count Poutiatine with one of his pupils. He had only taken forty-eight hours to come from Pekin and get on board the ' America,' and he gave us very interesting information regarding the capital. The Emperor, who had been long sick, was better, but more irritable than ever. No mandarin would dare to speak to him about foreign affairs, far less advise him to treat with the barbarians. There was con siderable excitement in the town; provisions were very dear, and the arrival of the junks laden with rice was anxiously expected. The Son of Heaven was occupied, in the great gardens or pleasure-grounds 208 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA ANDJTAPAN. which surround the palace, in riding about with his wives for the benefit of their health. He had some thoughts, perhaps, of a flight into Tartary ! Palladius had seen nothing in the course of his journey' but what it was intended that he should see, having been shut up in a closed conveyance. He calculates that there are about ten thousand men forming the various bodies of troops between Pekin and Tien-tsin, and he counted seventy-two villages. The river is obstructed in several places by junks and chains, but these im pediments are not of any great moment. After having remained for a short time on board ship, the Archimandrite set out on his return to Pekin, Count Poutiatine desiring that he should be at the head of his community in the event of any outbreak in the capital. Admiral Poutiatine and Mr. Eeed had several inter views on the shore with the Imperial Commissioners. One day the admiral urged them to give a fair hearing, at least, to the just complaint of the foreign powers ; insisting on the bootless spiUing of blood that would follow an Hi-advised and stubborn course, He referred to the approaching bombardment of the forts. ' Oh !' said Tsoung, who is probably a Mantchoo, ' ' it is of no great moment, they are merely Chinese f This is the first time that we had heard any allusion made to the two races who people China — to the BOMBARDMENT OF THE TA-KOU FORTS. 209 conquering and the conquered race — or detected any evidence of the separate existence of the two peoples. Is the fusion of the two races less complete than is generally supposed, or was this a mere blustering talk of the envoy of the noble Mantchoo dynasty ? On Thursday the 20th May, at eight minutes past ten, the bombardment of the forts and batteries which protect the mouth of the Pei-ho began. As soon as the ebb permitted the gunboats to keep their position in the middle of the stream, the order to advance was given. Scarcely had the first English gunboat, the ' Cormorant,' made all ready, than the Chinese, contrary to their usual custom, opened fire upon her. Captain Saumarez, without answering, con tinued, amid a shower of baUs, to push about until he had attained his position, and then he gave them a broadside. The ' Fusee ' followed, and then the ' MitraiHe.' The latter, having got her screw en tangled in a fishing-net, remained for a quarter of an hour exposed to the fire of the enemy. She was completely riddled with bullets. Eleven men were killed on board. M. Bideau, a young ensign of twenty, had his head swept off by a ball. The com missary fell stunned by a baH, which, passing right through the ship just above bis head, whipped off his cap without injuring him. The 'Avalanche' was uninjured. Onboard the 'Dragonne' a midshipman, 210 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. M. Baratier, was cut right in two and knocked over into the sea, his sword falling upon the deck. The mate of the ' Fusee,' M. Porquet, was also killed. M. Eegnault, who from the yards commanded the riflemen, was wounded by a ball in the cheek. In aU we had four officers killed and thirty sailors wounded. In about an hour the fire of the Chinamen slackened. Almost aU their pieces were dismounted. The admiral then ordered the disembarkation corps to jump into the mud. They found the forts evacu ated, and those who had defended them in flight. Although the Chinese, who are in this respect similar to the Turks, show a considerable amount of courage behind stone walls, they rush in terror and confusion from the point of the bayonet It was estimated that about a hundred of the enemy had been killed. The sailors, as usual, displayed great pluck and vigour. The fire of the Chinese surprised every one by its obstinacy and precision. The force was composed undoubtedly of picked men, for aU the soldiers who were killed wore the otter's taH and crow's feather. The Chinese thought they would be attacked at full tide, accordingly they had pointed all their guns too high ; the balls passed, in fact, above the rigging. This explains the great loss of officers, and, relatively, the smaU number of sailors wounded. Their pieces were of enormous calibre. Several of EXPLOSION OF POWDER MAGAZINE. 211 them had been cast in Europe. One bore the mark of the seventh year of the French Eepublic ; it was one of those which did most mischief. Others were of bronze and of great value. In all there were a hundred and fifty pieces on the battery. Higher up the river than the forts, a wide estacade of junks supporting cannon prevented the gunboats from proceeding farther. It was neces sary to destroy them by battering them with cannon- ball to make way for a reconnoissance. During the action about fifty fire-boats or burning junks were pushed off towards the ships. Luckily, a contrary wind stranded them on the mud at the bend in the river. Besides the cannon there was also a gingall battery. A frightful accident marred our pleasure at the success of the attack. Just as the disembarkation corps and the pioneers entered into one of the forts, a Chinese powder magazine exploded, blowing into the air fifty of our men, among whom were several officers. Some were killed on the spot; most of them were horribly burned. I saw them carried on board the ' Durance ;' it was dreadful to see so many burned hands and faces. Nine in all had been killed. After a short prayer from the chaplain, they were dropped into the sea, deep into the mud of the Gulf of Pecheli. We had the misfortune to lose in this 212 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. way M. de Gardanne, the grandson of the celebrated Persian ambassador, who was one of our midshipmen on board the ' Audacieuse.' Brought on board, he was affectionately tended by his messmates, but he died after much suffering in a few hours. The two detachments of the aHies took possession of the deserted fortifications, and placed howitzers at each extremity of the encampment, as a precaution against a sudden attack. A sHght resistance was attempted in the large vHlage of Ta-kou, where batteries and earthworks had been hastily thrown up. But the grapeshot of the gunboats and the Minie" rifles, which brought down the Chinamen a thousand yards off, soon drove them from this defence, and the English and French gunboats, meeting with no farther obstacle, proceeded onwards to Tien-tsin, under the command of the admirals. I took advantage of an invitation from Lieutenant BaUly, of the ' Phlegeton,' and M. Besplas, to share their tent with them for a day or two. Four great mats, firmly fixed to bamboos, protected us alter nately from the heat of the sun and the chill of the night air. A sailor did our cooking, and we inter cepted Chinamen on the way, who, on payments readily supplied us with provisions. AH our copper money went in this way, and then we had recourse to barter. We exchanged a bottle for a hen, a well- SUICIDE OF TCHEN, THE MANTCHOO COLONEL. 213 worn pocket-handkerchief for a bunch of white ra dishes. With a little dexterity it is possible to secure a dozen of eggs for a bit of ship biscuit, and a very good salad for an empty buUyflask. The water we are using is brought from the ships. That of the Pei-ho, mixed with mud and animal and vegetable substances in a state of decomposition, it would be certain death to drink. A long line of sentries be longing to the allies were placed on watch over the entrances to the camp, and kept a sharp look-out over the plain. At four o'clock in the morning the bugle was sounded ; every one, stiff with a hard bed on the hard ground, was glad to be up and to return to duty. There was a certain amount of poetry in the scene at daybreak. The rising sun, the taU waving reeds, the noisy flight of the guHs and sea-fowl, pro duced an impression altogether new. We explored aU parts of the camp. There were lying about frag ments of broken bows, arrows, gunpowder soaked in water, gingaUs, matchlocks, cannons, banners, tents, heaps of balls, case-shot, and arms of every kind. It was evident that the commander of the fort had spared no precautions. Poor man! he lay himself stark and stiff among the ruins. When he saw that his men had ceased to fire, and that the foreign sea men were clambering over the ramparts, he could not survive his defeat. He threw himself on his knees at 214 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the brink of the ditch, and, with his long sword, cut a fatal gash right across his throat, before our sailors had the presence of mind to rush in and prevent him. He died immediately. This was Tchen, the Mant- choo colonel, whom we had received on board, and to whom we would have been delighted to have given a warm and friendly reception. We took a walk several times towards the village of Ta-kou. The space which separates the town from the camp was literally covered with conical hats, which the Chinese warriors had dropped in the hurry of their flight. We saw the corpses of two or three Chinese soldiers with their heads cut open and their hands tied be hind their backs, whom the mandarins had caused to be executed while they remained themselves at their posts, for having run off a little sooner than their commanders. The most of the streets are deserted, and the appearance of the viUage is miserable in the extreme. All the houses are bunt of mud. A pagoda rises in the midst. Flocks of pigeons have built their nests in the lofty trees which surround it. When a gun is fired they fly off in a great cloud, but they soon return. The English and French officers come here to have a little pigeon-shooting of a novel kind, and also to add, to a small extent at least, to our limited supply of fresh food. The view was dreary. In one direction, as far as the eye could WE ASCEND THE PEI-HO. 215 reach, there extended a vast plain, covered with salt marshes. Small earthen tumuli, said to be burial- places, alone broke the monotony of the landscape. In another direction was the sea. On the horizon we couldvdiscern the long Une of the European ships, Ht up faintly in the setting sun, and anchored so far from land that the mandarins and their soldiers must have thought themselves perfectly safe from attack. Meantime the admirals continued their progress to Tien-tsin, and reached that place without having met with any resistance. The inhabitants, who were still under the influence of the terror produced by the cannon of Ta-kou, tendered their submission in every direction. The mandarins kept out of the way. The leading inhabitants brought provisions in abundance to the gunboats. The ambassadors, in formed of aU this, hastened on to Tien-tsin, in order to judge for themselves of the influence produced upon the Chinese authorities by this new defeat. Baron Gros had no sooner arrived than he sent us instructions to join him. On the 1st of June, at six o'clock in the evening, we left the camp of Ta-kou, and went on board the English gunboat, ' No. 84,' which carried stores to the ships. Flavigny, suffering at the time from fever, remained at the mouth of the Pei-ho. With our backs resting upon a cannon, we spent the night 216 ' AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. under the starUt sky, on the crowded deck of the little steamer. The bands of the 'Nemesis' and ' Calcutta ' were on board. One hundred English foot soldiers were also on deck, on their way to act as a guard to Lord Elgin. Our voyage was easily accomplished. Just as day broke we came in sight of an old tower with battlements, which had at one time been fortified, although now in ruins. It stands at the entrance to Tien-tsin. Two incidents only occurred to break the monotony of the passage. At the place where the current is strongest we cut right through a Chinese vessel, those on board, hav ing no conception of the speed with which we ad vanced, not clearing away in time from before us. The twelve seamen were sent sprawUng into the mud, where they roared lustily, and puddled round the gunboat, which drew up with a ' stop her,' to pick them up. The river, however, was not wide at this part, and they all managed to gain the bank in some way or other without our assistance. The other incident might have suppUed Shakspeare with a picture. At a bend in the Pei-ho, on the bank left bare by the receding tide, the corpse of a Chinaman lay in the mud. Two large buH-dogs, with their fore- paws upon the chest of the dead body, tearing at each other unmercifuUy, disputed which should have the prey. It made one shudder to look at the heads TIEN-TSIN. 217 of the ferocious brutes, and the mutilated remains of the man, as they stood out in the morning sun. It is twenty-five miles from Ta-kou to Tien-tsin by land, but more than twice as far by the river. The Pei-ho has many windings, and some of its turns are so rapid that the gunboats had the greatest difficulty in getting over them. The ' Fusee ' ran aground forty-two times, the ' Cormorant ' thirty-two times. When the English and French gunboats stuck in the mud, they threw a rope to the Chinamen on shore, who foUowed our progress in erowds, wonder-stricken at the sight of the strange monsters which were snorting and puffing up their rivers. They willingly lent a hand to puU us up. These poor creatures would take no money from us, being afraid of the mandarins, but they were highly satisfied with the ship's biscuits which the seamen gave them. They seemed to be a great deHcacy for them. Steam navigation was something quite new to the people of these parts, and completely over turned aU their ideas in navigation. They seemed lost in astonishment when they saw these vessels going on against wind and tide, and never stopping. The junks which go up to Tien-tsin only ascend with the tide, and cast anchor at ebb. In this way they lose twelve hours out of the twenty-four, and spend four days over a journey which European ships can ac- 218 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. complish in one. The country is verdant and ad mirably cultivated, but its flatness and monotony make it pall terribly upon one. The farm-houses and villages are built of baked earth, like stables and cow-houses in Normandy. The horses are small and ugly, the asses and mules are superb. In the villages, there are troops of dogs running about nearly in a wild state, which snarl and show their teeth at foreigners. All along the banks of the river the inhabitants, who were collected in long crowds to see us pass, betrayed in their looks an odd mixture of curiosity and fear. Our gunboats are the first European vessels which have crossed the bar of the Pei-ho, and broken in upon the old barriers of China. Lord Macartney in 1793, and Lord Amherst in 1816, went up to Pekin in the character of tributaries, and in mandarin junks. About nine o'clock in the morning we arrived before Tien-tsin. Immense stores of salt, rice, and grain, covered with mats, were heaped upon the left bank of the stream. The suburbs extend along the right bank, and at the termination of each street a crowd was collected to see our gunboats pass. The roofs were covered with spectators. Junks moored to the shore, and bridges of boats, frequently interrupted our course. At last, however, we dropped anchor at a spot pointed out to us by Admiral Seymour, where the Grand Canal abuts into the Pei-ho. RESIDENCE OF THE AMBASSADORS. 219 Here was the yamoun which the two ambassadors had fixed upon as their residence. Lord Elgin occu pied the left side of the building, and Baron Gros the right side. This yamoun, which has somewhat faUen from its high estate, was built by the Emperor Kien- Loung, one of the ancestors of the present monarch, its founder having made it his summer residence, as is proved by various inscriptions which are still legible. It has been selected as the head-quarters of the ambassadors, in consequence of its proximity to the gunboats. Behind there is an extensive cemetery, from which fetid exhalations arise ; then there is a smaU village, and beyond it is the open plain stretch ing away tiU lost in the distance. The Pei-ho makes a great bend in this place before proceeding again towards Pekin. Two EngUsh and French detachments were entrusted with the defence of the yamoun, and by night the caU of the European sentries woke the echoes of the old abode of the Chinese monarchs. During the first days of the occupation there were only 594 French men and 2000 Englishmen in this town of many hundred thousand souls. The two forces made but a small army. But gradually reinforcements arrived from PecheU and Canton, and our small army was in creased to five thousand men, a number which enabled us to bid defiance to all the attacks of our enemies. We had no sooner disembarked than we took possession 220 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. of the tent which had been set aside for our accom modation. We found nothing but the bare waUs,' We had hard-wood tables brought into it, on which we placed our beds. Then Sin, the intendant of the yamoun, brought us a collection of benches, chairs, and Chinese tables. We spread mats upon the floor, and covered the waUs with painted papers re presenting gods and heroes. We were surrounded on all sides with bloodthirsty dragons and fantastic monsters of every shape, but they did not in the least interfere with sleep in our new quarters, which were very comfortable when contrasted with the accommodation to which for some time we had been accustomed. Two grey-bearded Tartar veterans were appointed to wait upon us. But the duties of old Ming-Tian-Na and his coUeague were Ught. They had to keep our cups constantly full of tea, to drive away the flies, and to bring us from time to time great lumps of ice, which in the veriest excess and extravagance of luxury we made them set down in the middle of the tent to melt, thereby to cool the sultry air. When not so engaged, these worthies were always to be found smoking their pipes uncon cernedly, sipping tea out of small teacups, and chewing melon-seeds, or else lying sound asleep across the threshold. Admiral Poutiatine and Mr. Eeed took up theif A RIDE ON THE PEKIN ROAD. 221 quarters on the other side of the stream. The Chinaman whose property they had selected as their abode, not caring much to accommodate barbarians, and fearing the animosity of the mandarins, offered jthem six thousand piastres, or nearly 1500?., if they would agree to go somewhere else. There is some thing very Chinese in the idea of a landlord proposing to pay a person 1500?. not to become his tenant ! The Great Council has written officially to the ambassadors to inform them that two high Imperial Commissioners have been chosen to confer with them, from among the highest personages of the empire. WhHe awaiting their arrival, we em ployed our leisure in visiting the town and its environs. In the morning, before daybreak, we rode out along the Pekin road, a sort of wide causeway, which is raised to some height above the level of the plain. We stopped at the marble bridge which has been buHt upon the Pei-ho, and which is nearly two miles from our flag-staff. To venture farther would have been imprudent, for there were Chinese soldiers and small encampments of Tartar horsemen scattered over the country. We explored the town in every direction, but could find nothing in it worth looking at. Like aU the Chinese towns, it is surrounded by bigh walls. It differed however from Shang-hai and Canton, in 222 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. having wider streets, greater width being necessary to permit of the passage of the heavy waggons of the country, which are drawn by mules and oxen. In the south of China aU the traffic is carried on by men, who act as beasts of burden, the goods being strapped on their backs. In the north of China, on the other hand, there are roads and carriages. The whole com mercial activity of the town of Tien-tsin seems to be confined to the suburbs, and chiefly to that which adjoins the Great Canal. In this extensive quarter are the shops in which the furs, paper-hangings, fans, and antiquities are displayed. We observed several European products among the wares exhibited for sale, including light bright-coloured Eussian wooHen cloths, Manchester cottons, and lucifer matches of German manufacture. We saw several caricatures at our expense, which the Chinamen, when they saw us coming, picked up hurriedly and pushed out of the way. At least they did so at first, but, when they found that we were quite amused with them, they showed them to us, and aUowed us to take them away. One represented a European accoutred after the most outrageous fashion, buying a hedge hog, working himself into a state of excitement to drive a hard bargain, but at last making the pur chase with a big bag of money. Another represented an English officer on horseback, holding his white WE ARE CARICATURED AT TIEN-TSIN. 223 umbrella in one hand, and the reins in the other, with a cigar projecting from his mouth, and a hat stuck on after a fashion as impossible as the attitude of the rider. We gave them some European drawings, wliich they showed great anxiety to obtain, and next day we saw copies of them, which however had already acquired a grotesque appearance, for the Chinese have no idea of art free from exaggeration or carica ture. The beau ideal, the beautiful of the ancient sculptors, has no existence for the Chinese mind. Among us an expansive forehead is generally looked upon as an indication of inteUectual power ; but in China this is not the case. The Chinese are of opinion that the stomach is the seat of the mind, and the consequence is that the extent of a man's mental capacity is measured by the amplitude of his ab domen. Now, I would ask, what chances the fine arts have among a people entertaining such an opinion ? They will never, of course, produce any thing akin to the Apollo Belvidere, but will manu facture no end of Poussahs and Bouddhas, and other monstrosities of a like kind. Their productions by their quaintness may amuse or provoke a laugh from those who examine them, but can never waken any of those higher faculties in human nature, which it is the true object of art to gratify and foster. Long-boats, weU armed, were sent to take sound- 224 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ings in the Great Imperial Canal at a distance of several miles from the ships. The canal is not navigable in consequence of the locks, certain parts of it being often left dry. The junks are drawn over the mud in these places, but this could not be done with the gunboats, in consequence of the screw. The Chinese are delighted with the American flag, which they call the banner of flowers. It displays, as is weU known, stars and stripes. There are thirteen stripes, in commemoration of the thirteen States of the confederation, and as many stars as there are States at the time. The number of stars varies in consequence of this. Several of us went to see the Hotel of the Four Felicities, wliich is the Hotel du Louvre, the great hotel of the place. A shabby affair it certainly is. Lord Elgin was quite struck with the absence of all luxurious habits, and even of ordinary comforts, wliich was apparent everywhere in China. In India, diamonds, jewels, precious stones, rich embroidered stuffs in gold and silver, are displayed with Oriental magnificence in the great towns, but here there is nothing of the kind. It is not possible to conceive human abodes more comfort less than the yamouns where we are quartered ; the occupants must freeze in them during the winter. From what we have seen we are inclined to think that Canton is the finest and most interesting town in BERNARD PEI-HO. 225 China. The population of Tien-tsin is a mere popu lation of Coolies, and it possesses no industry. The town owes its importance entirely to its position at the junction of the Great Imperial Canal, of the Pei-ho, and the road to Pekin, which makes it the entrepot of the capital. If this port is opened in future to the commerce of the West, Tien-tsin will become a great mart for the manufactures of Great Britain, which are destined, no doubt, ultimately to clothe the hordes of Tartary. There will spring up at this place an immense traffic in European pro ducts. The province of PecheU is poor, and produces nothing. Its inhabitants are almost naked. It could only give furs in exchange, but these furs are good, cheap, and abundant. But, as we have said, it is its position wliich gives importance to Tien-tsin. On going on board the ' Avalanche ' we made the acquamtance of a countryman whom we had not seen before. This was young Bernard Pei-ho, a little ¦Chinaman of five years of age, who had been found alive among the ruins of the forts, and whom the admiral had adopted, christening him in the fashion above set forth. His tail had been docked ; he had been equipped as a cabin-boy ; and now M. Bernard Pei-ho, made much of by the sailors, talked French, and indignantly pushed away every Chinaman who, came on board lest he should be taken home again. 226 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. When the disembarkation corps of the ' Avalanche ' mounted guard at the yamoun, young Pei-ho came on shore with them and joined in the military salute. A few clays after hearing from the Great Council the two Imperial Commissioners arrived at Tien-tsin. The attaches of the English embassy were riding in the country as they came up, and the latter were terribly scandalized when they saw these barbarians treading with impunity on the domain of the Son of Heaven. They could not help showing their indig nation. The suite seemed equally surprised. That evening the two noble Commissioners sent, according to Chinese custom, their red visiting cards to the Ambassadors. The following day, having been as certained to be a lucky day, was fixed upon for the first interview with Lord Elgin. It was arranged that the parties should meet in a pagoda situated without the town, at some distance from the waU. Bellecourt, Trevise, and I went, out of curiosity, to the spot, and on our way home had to pass through a dense crowd of Chinamen for nearly an hour, without any weapon of defence saving our silk umbrellas, and without any other escort than two seamen. There was not one trace of ill-will to be observed on any one of the faces turned upon us, but a very great amount of wonder and curiosity. Some of them were clad in long white or blue dresses, others in nankeen — a stuff INTERVIEW WITH IMPERIAL COMMISSIONERS. 227 better known of old than now in France. All along the road there were small shops and stalls, where they were selling apples and apricots and drinking iced tea. Ice is much used at Tien-tsin, and is pre served in large pieces with great skill and care. Next day we proceeded in turn, with aU due pomp, to our interview with the Imperial Commis sioners. I will quote the account of it which was given in the official journal. ' Tien-tsin, June 7. ' Yesterday afternoon the official interview took place between the plenipotentiaries of France and the two high Chinese dignitaries who have recently arrived from Pekin. At three o'clock the cortege left the yamoun where the two ambassadors of France and England have fixed their residence, and drew out on the banks of the river. The seamen of the disembarkation corps of the "Dragonne," in full dress, went first, foUowed by the band of the " Nemesis " and a compact body of soldiers and marines. The ambassador followed in his palanquin, carried by eight Coolies in gray silk dresses fringed with red, the national colours being trimmed round their hats. The chairs of the secretaries and attaches of the mission, and those of the officers of the gunboats, were carried behind that of his Excellency. The 228 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. commander of the " Audacieuse," on horseback, com manded the escort. A body of foot- soldiers and marines belonging to the "Avalanche," closed the procession. The cortege crossed the Grand Imperial Canal over a bridge of boats, and proceeded along the suburb which adjoins the city wall. The high Chinese functionaries, on the other hand, proceeded to the interview with the customary attendance of sateUites, heralds, and servants. From the starting- point to the place of meeting, that is to say, for a distance of two miles and upwards, the French am bassador passed through a double line of Chinamen, crowding on each side of the way, quiet, amazed, staring in wonder, or pushing about keenly past each other to have a glance into the palanquins. The number of the spectators, without exaggeration, might be estimated at more than a hundred thou sand. The procession afterwards entered a small ' plain, in the midst of which, upon a hiUock, stood a Buddhist pagoda or temple, where the interview was to take place. This temple is only two hundred ;! years old, and is therefore, in China, without any - prestige from its antiquity ; but it forms a rather , complete specimen of Chinese architecture, display ing, as it does, that assemblage of courts, porticoes, and gardens; which give this style of architecture a very striking and lively appearance. The plain aU round ' MILITARY MUSIC. 229 is parched and treeless, giving one a very poor idea of the vegetation of the country. To the right rises the wall of the town, with its battlements. It still bears traces of the attack of the rebels three years ago. It is fortified, and still shows a few cannons, although the best had been removed to Ta-kou, and are now on board our vessels. Here and there a heavy waggon, which might have dated from the days of Attila, is seen crossing the plain, with huge wheels painted red, drawn along by oxen or mules. Far away in the distance a small Chinese camp, with tents and banners, stands out against the horizon. ' The farther they advanced the more compact became the crowd. The Chinese police had the greatest difficulty in keeping it back from the en trance to the pagoda. The ambassador approached while the Chinese band was playing. Its feeble strains were soon drowned in the din of our mflitary music. He entered, and was received by the two dignitaries, who stood in the midst of a crowd of mandarins of aU the buttons. After the usual com pliments were over, and the various members of the embassy and officers of the squadron had been presented to the great men, every one sat down, and tea was introduced and passed round. Baron Gros took his seat between the two Chinese Commissioners. 230 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. One of them, Kouei-Liang, is allied to the Imperial family. He is, besides, minister of the Eastern Palace and director-general of the affairs of the Council of Justice. The other, Houa-Cha-Na, is president of the CouncH of Finance, general of the Chinese Tartar army and of the blue-bordered banner. The full powers were exchanged. Those which expressed the wHl of the august Emperor and Son of Heaven were folded in a fine tissue of yellow silk, — yellow being the colour and badge of the Imperial famHy. Those of our ambassador, although not expressing all his honours after the pompous Oriental style, are no less precise in essential matters of detaH. The representatives of the court of Pekin examined long, and with much attention, the signature of the sovereign of the great empire of France ; and having done so they protested that it was their anxious wish to re-establish peace and harmony between our country and China. After some firm and energetic words from Baron Gros on this subject the conference broke up, and each party quitted the place of meeting in opposite directions, the French saHors openly shouldering their bayonets, the Chinese soldiers doing their best to hide their long swords from the strangers.' Such was the account of the interview given in the 'Moniteur.' The full powers of the Chinese plenipotentiaries THE CONFERENCES. 231 having now been admitted to be complete, the con ference for peace immediately opened. Mr. Bruce, a brother of Lord Elgin, assisted by Mr. Wade, the in terpreter, appeared on behaK of England. Contades, accompanied by M. Marques, represented France in the absence of M. de BeUecourt,the premier secretary. who was suffering from a violent attack of dysentery. It is the custom for the High Imperial Commissioners of China not to enter into discussion themselves, but to negociate through their subordinates. On this occasion they said that they desired to meet with the noble ambassadors on occasions of ceremony merely. They would be grieved, they said, to appear before them when in anger or heated by the fire of discussion. Contades, foUowed by M. Marques, passed through the town daily, in his sedan-chair, on his way to the conferences. In the morning he received the instructions of Baron Gros concerning the part of the treaty which was to be discussed. In the evening he gave him an account of what had been attained, and of the squabbles that had taken place before each point was conceded. The duplicity, bad faith, and subtlety of the Chinese diplomatists are proverbial ; but they were met by the ability and self-possession of our young colleague, who, although inexperienced in such a trust, acquitted himself, throughout this delicate mission, to the entire satis- 232 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. faction of Baron Gros ; and indeed so efficiently as to receive the congratulations of the English am bassador. The four powers having combined in a joint application to the Chinese government, every concession obtained by one was of course for the benefit of all the others. After a discussion more animated than any which had preceded it, Contades it was who secured the opening of Nankin to European commerce. ' A man might be asked,' said the.Imperial Commissioners in talking of opening the Yang-tse-Kiang, ' to cut off his arm or his leg, but he could not possibly be asked to cut open his body.' The Chinese commissioners, however, changed their minds, and consented to this process of suicide for the advantage of the Western Nations. A third Chinese plenipotentiary joined the others during the confer ences. This was old Ky-Ing, who, after being so long . disgraced by the court of Pekin, had been dragged from his obscurity and raised to the honourable position indicated by the title of Imperial Com missioner. There was some mystery connected with his arrival. There could be no doubt that he was making mischief underhand. He had scarcely set foot in the town of Tien-tsin when the feeUngs of the inhabitants underwent a change towards us. Sir Michael Seymour was insulted in the suburbs, several English officers were stoned, and there was every SAD FATE OF KY-ING. 233 appearance of an impending row. The EngUsh thought they could detect, in these demonstrations of the mob, a return to the old policy of China which had been largely turned to account at Canton. ' You must see,' the mandarins of the south were wont to say, ' that we are most anxious to throw open our cities, but how can we control the people ? You see what they are ! Just look at them,— they won't allow you to enter!' The English felt so thoroughly convinced that the old Cantonese game had been repeated, that they resolved to use strong measures to put an end to all annoyance from this quarter. Accordingly Ky-Ing was sent for. The report found at Canton was shown him ; about its meaning and purport there could be no mistake; there was no room for doubt this time. The poor old man was frightened, and quite lost his presence of mind. Feeling that the barbarians could have no more confidence in him, he hurriedly left Tien-tsin to return to the capital. As had been expected, the population of the town showed no farther symptoms of hostility. A few days afterwards we learned from the Pekin Gazette the painful news that Ky-Ing had been con demned to death for having left his post without permission. He had not been successful, and, ac cording to Chinese custom, suffered for his failure irrespective of merit or demerit on his part. As the 234 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. irresolution of old age was dreaded in Ky-Ing, four Mongol princes were sent to him by the Emperor to advise him to strangle himself in prison. They perhaps may have assisted him in the deed, which was at all events accompUshed. Thus perished a man whose name was long familiar to Europeans in the negociations between them and the Celestial Empire, and who, after having held a position of the very highest distinction, had at the close of his life been reduced to the lowest depth of human misery and degradation. The conferences threatened to be continued longer than was at first expected, in consequence of the stubbornness of the delegates of the Chinese Com missioners, who were only forced step by step to yield their ground, and who were constantly attempt ing to come back upon concessions already granted. The open and impetuous character of the French was matched against Chinese cunning and subtlety. There was, however, one thing in our favour, viz. the high price of provisions, which was beginning to irritate the population and to cause alarm to the Chinese government. There are no more junks arriving at Tien-tsin. The measure of rice, which sold at forty coppers before the recent events, now sells at one hundred and forty. Accordingly, at each fresh demand made by the Europeans, the reply of the SIGNATURE OF THE TREATY. 235 Chinese authorities invariably was, ' If we admit it, will you go away?' and we were obliged to disappoint them by adding, ' There is one item more.' At last the day for signing the treaty came, and of the ceremony attending it the description foUows : — ' Tien-tsin, June 28. ' The 27th of June, 1858, will hereafter be ac counted one of the most solemn and memorable days in the history of the relations between France and the Celestial Empire. After a discussion which lasted for fifteen days with the two high dignitaries sent from Pekin, the negociations were at last brought to a close, and the French nation having obtained all the satisfaction to which they were legitimately entitled, the treaty of peace, commerce, and naviga tion was signed last night. At half-past five o'clock Baron Gros left his yamoun to proceed to the pagoda of Hai Kouang, where the Imperial Commis sioners awaited him. When he appeared upon the quay the ships anchored in the Grand Canal and in the Pei-ho slung up their colours ; while the sailors manning the yards gave five good cheers for the Emperor, to which the English added an enthusiastic hurrah. An immense crowd covered the river banks. Admiral Eigault de Genouilly, on horseback and in full dress, followed by all the commanders of the 236 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. French ships of war, also on horseback and in Ml dress, headed the procession. The escort followed. It was composed of detachments of the disembarka tion corps, of the artHlery, engineers, and marines of the French section of that little army which, by the vigour of its blows, the ability of its leaders, and the boldness of its enterprises, in six months' time had forced to submit to the will of France and Eng land an empire which has four hundred millions of inhabitants, and boasts of possessing an army of eight hundred thousand men. The national flag was car ried by a non-commissioned officer of marines in front of the ambassador. Two officers on horseback, Messrs. Besplas and d'OzouvHle, escorted Baron Gros. His chair was followed by those of Messrs. Du Chesne de Bellecourt, de Contades, de Moges, de La Tour Maubourg, de Trevise, and de Flavigny, the secre taries and attaches to the mission. The interpreter, M. Marques, preceded the ambassador, and twenty chairs with the officers of the squadron, who had come up from the Gulf of Pecheli' to be present at the ceremony, followed the representative of France. On his arrival in the interior court of the pagoda Baron Gros was received by the two High Commis sioners, who stood in the midst of a crowd of manda rins with buttons of all the colours. They then sat down and drank tea, and congratulated each other MUTUAL FELICITATIONS. 237 on the peace and mutual good understanding so happUy re-established. The ambassador requested the Imperial Commissioners to sign first under the Chinese text, reserving the right for himseK to sign first under the French text. Kouei-Liang and Houa- Cha-Na, accordingly took their brushes and drew or wrote, one after the other, the letters of their names upon the different copies of the treaty. Py-Hen, their secretary, who had made himseH very busy during the conference, stamped the treaty with a great seal which had recently arrived from Pekin. When Baron Gros had attached his name to the French treaty, the troops mustered in the courts of the pagoda presented arms and gave three cheers for the Emperor. His Excellency then requested Kouei- Liang to fix upon the copy which was to be sent to Pekin ; when he had made bis selection he handed it to him, after having folded it in a rich cover of blue sHk, bound with gold, which had been brought from Paris. Then turning towards the Commis sioners, Baron Gros expressed the anxious interest he took in the welfare and prosperity of China, and, on concluding his short speech, drank to the health of the emperor Hien-Foung. The two high digni taries rephed in a few words of courtesy to the ambassador, and filling their porcelain cups with Chinese wine, heated and sweetened after the custom 238 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. of the country, they drank to the health of the .sovereign of the great French empire, turning them , upside down to show that they had left nothing at the bottom. Then tea and fruit, and all the delicacies of a Chinese dinner, were brought, great preparation having been made for the occasion. After the repast Baron Gros took leave of the two High Com missioners, and the cortege set out in the order in which it had come. When darkness came, torches were lighted, the glare of which feH upon the long lines of spectators who crowded the streets, and sparkled upon the waters of the canal and Pei-ho. The effect was magnificent. The men on board the English gunboats, and the English troops ranged along the quay, kept cheering every now and then. The French gunboats discharged fireworks, which lit up their masts and rigging, while Bengal fires, set ablaze at the arrival of the ambassador in the court of the yamoun, brought into strong reUef the quaint gables of the Chinese houses. Their upturned eaves and fantastic images in the torchlight lost all traces of the decay to which they fast were hastening, and they seemed to acquire new life from their contact with western civilization. ' I forgot to say that after the signature of the treaty the ambassador of France asked Kouei- Liang to give him the identical brush which he had RATIFICATION OF THE TREATY. 239 used in writing his name, and that Kouei-Liang, handing it to him, had requested to obtain in return the pen with which the ambassador had signed the treaty of Tien-tsin. ' From this day a new era will begin for China. The great and difficult problem of opening the Chinese empire has been solved. Stepping forth from an isolation which has lasted for four thousand years, she is about to enter into the general life of the world, and to be brought in contact with the activity, intelligence, science, and commercial enterprise of the Western nations. The first act of the French ambassador, after the signature of the treaty, was to ask the two High Commissioners for the immediate liberation of the Christians who had been detained for a long series of years in the interior of the em pire. He mentioned the names of some of them, and obtained a promise that an order would be despatched from Pekin .ordering their immediate release.' Such was the account given in the official paper of what took place on the occasion of the sig nature of the treaty at Tien-tsin. Although the treaties had been signed, the plenipotentiaries re solved not to leave the town until they were ratified, unconditionally and in toto, by the Emperor Hien- Foung. This step was adopted under the advice of 240 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. those who had the most profound acquaintance with Chinese policy. It was in vain for the Commis sioners to protest that what was asked was quite contrary to Chinese custom ; that the very proposal would expose them — the Chinese Commissioners — to have their heads cut off by order of the Emperor. The ambassadors insisted on accomplishing their object; and Kouei-Liang and Houa-Cha-Na, very much against their will, were obliged at last to trans mit to Pekin this fresh demand of the barbarians. In the mean time we were obHged to remain pretty close in our quarters at the yamoun, having various duties connected with the mission to attend to. We breakfasted of a morning in our rooms, with some of our friends from the squadron. In the evening we dined with Baron Gros ; and then, taking a seat under the kiosk of the yamoun, we would listen to the lively notes of the English and French bands, Which roused the sleeping echoes of Tien-tsin. The subjects of the Middle Empire did not appear to be at all taken with European music. Neither 'God save the Queen,' nor 'Partant pour la Syrie' eUcited the faintest spark of approbation. One tune only seemed to please them, and ,that was ' La Cas- quette du Pere Bugeaud.' When it was played, they kept time with their feet, and laughed and grinned to each other. Every Sunday military mass was THE PEI-HO. 241 said in a pagoda situated behind our yamoun. An aged banyan-tree sheltered the congregation from the rays of a scorching sun; whHe in the midst1 of the court an altar was constructed, tastefully decked with branches and banners, by Captain Labbe, of the Engineers. The heat was overpowering, and accom panied almost daily with a north wind, in which floated a thick brown dust, which fiUed the air, and found its way, in spite of all precautions, into the apart ments. Violent typhoons and storms of dust occurred. In a terrific tempest of this kind, during which the sky was completely hid, the gunboats were blown from their moorings, and nearly stranded ; while the temperature suddenly fell from 101° Fahrenheit to 65° or 68°. From this occurring in one afternoon, it may be concluded that the climate of Tien-tsin, although infinitely preferable to that of Shang-hai, is still very unhealthy for Europeans. The bed of the Pei-ho is the great drain and sewer of northern China. The waters of the river are so very offensive, that the saHors were not aHowed free permission to bathe in them. The little Chinese children seemed to be under no similar prohibition ; they were constantly puddHng about in the stream, going and coming from the shore to the boats ; wading out with eggs in one hand and apricots in the other, and trudging back through the mud in triumphant 242 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. glee when they got a copper or two in exchange for their eatables. Nothing could be more amusing than to see this crowd of youngsters in full chace after a bottle floating down the stream, and to witness the dexterity they displayed in getting hold of an article which could possess no great value for them. Empty bottles were thrown overboard to amuse the men on watch, and to the infinite delight of the little China men. It was amusing to watch the scramble. To punish a man who had thrown stones at the soldiers, we put him into the cangue, or Chinese stocks, a sort of heavy collar fastened round the neck, and made him squat, under his burden, at the door of our yamoun ; but the punishment was too light, for the rascal smoked his pipe and drank his tea as uncon cernedly as if he had been sitting by his own doorpost. Trevise one day plumped, horse and all, into the Great Canal ; but he managed to get out again without serious injury. We have heard a good deal of thunder in the direction of Pekin— as if the tempest raging in the heart of the Emperor had been taken up and repeated by the heavens. At length we received the unconditional ratifica tion of the four treaties, signed by the Emperor ; and, after a short visit to the Imperial Commissioners, we prepared to leave. The gunboats with the troops began to redescend the stream ; and the long-boats OUR GUNBOAT RUNS AGROUND. 243 followed laden with provisions, and manned by sailors, who made the banks ring with their oars. M. BeHecourt and Mr. Bruce, who were appointed to take to Paris and London the French and English treaties, immediately left for Shang-hai. Count Pou tiatine, preferring the route by land, despatched a courier, who, crossing China and Mongolia on horse back, was to join the Eussian mail from Irkoutsk to Saint Petersburg. On Wednesday, the 7th of July, at eight o'clock in the evening, Baron Gros left the yamoun, to sleep on board the ' Dragonne,' and leave next morning by daybreak. I took up my quarters with M. Marques in a small junk, to be towed by a gunboat. An enormous crowd covered the quays. The yamoun was packed with leading citizens, in their long white dresses, who had come out of curiosity to see the residence which the bar barians had just left. At our departure the weather was moist and rainy. During the first part of the voyage, the gun boat, being carried along by a strong current, and not being sufficiently under command, ran aground twice in the course of an hour. The first time we thrust our bowsprit right into a dwelling-house, the next time we plumped against a bank, upon which we might have jumped from the deck. Each time that the tug went aground our junk came thundering up against 244 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. her, and was nearly shaken to pieces by the collision. We were obUged, of course, to shift our quarters to the poop of the ' Dragonne.' We observed that all along the route the junks had hung out white flags as a sign of peace and neutrality. We passed near the junk of M. Delorisse, the naval officer, who, having charge of the transport service between Tien-tsin and Pecheli, had been for some time living with a few European saHors in the midst of the enemy's country. We learned to our surprise that he had hanged two Chinamen the night before. Two of his saHors had gone on shore in the usual way to buy provisions, and had been attacked at the corner of a street. One of them had received six deadly wounds from a spear. M. Delorisse armed his twelve Europeans, gave his junk in charge to the Chinese crew, and set out in pursuit of the mandarins of the village. He told them that, H they did not deliver up the perpetrators, their own heads would suffer for it. They brought the guilty parties without delay. One was already dead from wounds he had received. The two others were alive. They were hanged from the mast of the junk. A very curious incident, illustra tive of Chinese manners, imparted a touch of the ridiculous to this fatal occurrence. Three old men came on board. They had been sent by the relations to offer themselves as substitutes for the prisoners. SUBSTITUTES FOR CONDEMNED FELONS. 245 They were wfiling, they said, to be hanged in lieu of those who had committed the offence. They were very much surprised when their offer was refused by the commander, and indeed, on leaving, any one seeing them would have said that they had been badly used by him. Had their proposal been ac cepted, they would have obtained a large sum in return for their Uves, which would have enriched their relations for years. They had missed a good bargain in consequence of the childish scruples of the French officer. These extraordinary transac tions are not uncommon in the history of the Chinese empire, and indeed they are closely inter woven with Chinese manners. The English have often been deceived in this way on the Canton river when they have endeavoured to obtain justice from the mandarins for attacks upon their countrymen. In such cases, poor creatures, who had voluntarily taken the place of the murderers, and who were per fectly innocent of the crime, have been executed with great solemnity in presence of the persons ap pointed by the European authorities to see that the punishment was actuaUy inflicted. We arrived at Ta-kou at five o'clock in the after noon, too late to pass the bar. It was necessary to anchor opposite to the dismantled forts to await next day's tide. On the 9th of July, at mid-day, we 246 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. crossed the mouth of the Pei-ho without accident, and, after an absence of six weeks, we once more took up our old quarters on board the ' Audacieuse.' We have been blamed by various organs of public opinion in Europe, and blamed pretty strongly too, for not having gone to Pekin to conduct negociations there, when we were so close upon it. A slight consideration of the obstacles we should have had to encounter wiU suffice to justify the conduct of the ambassadors. In the first place, H we had proceeded to Pekin as peaceful visitors, we must needs have gone through the ignominious ceremony of Ko-teo, which is too Asiatic by half to be submitted to by European ambassadors, consisting as it does in three prostrations and nine genuflexions, not only before the Emperor himself, but before the emblems of Imperial power, — as, for instance, the throne. Lord Elgin and Baron Gros learned from a reliable source that, rather than make an exception in our favour by exempting us from this formality, the Son of Heaven was prepared to leave his capital, and proceed into the wastes of Tartary with his whole court. It was on account of Lord Amherst's refusal to submit to the ko-teo that, in 1816, he left Pekin without having obtained an audience with the Emperor. In the second place, if the ambassadors had resolved to proceed to Pekin as enemies, undeterred by the un certain and hazardous character of the enterprise, WHY WE DID NOT GO TO PEKIN. 247 they would have exposed themselves to very great difficulties and perils. Let us see what would have happened. Out of our five thousand men, it would have been necessary to leave a thousand at Tien-tsin, whicii it wfil be recollected is an important town, of many hundred thousands of inhabitants, in order to pro tect it as the base of operations. Then it would have been necessary to establish another thousand in de tachments on the way, between the army and Tien tsin, to protect the escorts bringing up provisions and ammunition, and removing the sick and wounded, the Pei-ho not being navigable above Tien-tsin even for gunboats. Three thousand men would have remained. With them it would have been necessary to attack the Mongol prince Sang-Ko-Lin-Sin,who, ensconced in a fortified camp, intercepted our route to Pekin with thirty thousand men. After scattering this army we might have thundered down no doubt upon the capital. There is nothing, I verily beUeve, impossible to the soldiers and seamen of France and England under leaders of such experience and energy as Admiral Eigault de Genouilly and Sir Michael Sey mour. But let us suppose that aU this had been effected. What could we have done on reaching our destination, with the court in flight, the man darins away, the authorities dispersed, and with no native party to back us ? How could we have 248 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. restrained, punished, and governed two millions of men wrapped in pride and prejudice ? In a few days we should have found ourselves alone and helpless under a systematic isolation, and have been under . the necessity of retiring in the dread of an insur rection of immense multitudes, without advantages to compensate for the cost in human Ufe of its suppression. For these reasons our ambassadors and admirals, who wiU not, I suppose, be reproached with timidity, did not provoke a gigantic struggle al together out of proportion with the means at their command, and holding out no higher consummation or results than those so ably and pacifically obtained by the treaty of Tien-tsin. Not having had the gratification of seeing Pekin, we resolved, at all events, to visit the Great Wall se parating China, properly so caUed, from Mantchooria and Mongolia, which at one time was an important defence, but which now is a mere historical monu ment — a Mantchoo Tartar dynasty having reigned for two centuries over the Middle Empire. Shang-hai, August 2, 1858. ' The treaties of Tien-tsin having been ratified by the Emperor Hien-Foung, on the 3rd day of July, 1858, the four plenipotentiaries, with the troops and gunboats of the allies, immediately evacuated, the VISIT TO THE GREAT WALL. 249 town and returned to their ships. Before finaUy leaving the Gulf of Pecheli, Baron Gros resolved to take the opportunity of visiting the Great Wall of China. He thought he would ascertain H the state ment is correct, according to which it commences at the sea-coast near the entrance to the Gulf of Leo- toung. On the 11th of July, at seven in the morn ing, the ambassador, his secretaries and attaches, embarked on board the " Pregent," an elegant little steamer (to be used as an advice-boat), which had just arrived from France. The place where the " Audacieuse " was anchored was supposed to be from ninety to one hundred miles from the spot where the Wall was said to reach the sea. We did not reach our destination the first day. Towards evening the wea ther was rather dull, and we could barely see the shore far in the distance. It was necessary to cast anchor at a considerable distance from land. On the foUowing morning by daybreak we weighed an chor, put on our steam again, and soon came in sight of the WaU. It had the appearance of a long range of buildings of uniform height, crowned with battle ments, and forming a barrier across the plain from the sea to a chain of mountains running parallel to the shore, at a distance of about two mfles inland. An hour afterwards it became perfectly visible in its most minute details. We had before us the most interest- 250 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ing and most picturesque scene in China. Along the coast lay a spacious plain, covered with rich meadows, and dotted here and there with villages buried in the midst of trees. Farther in the dis tance the landscape was bounded by lofty mountains, some of which were abrupt and rocky, while others were wooded and green to their very summits. The general effect was magnificent, and perhaps only to be equaHed among the Alpine valleys of Switzerland. The Great Wall gave it an additional charm. Ter minating in the sea, covered with bastions and pagodas, and clambering over the wildest and most precipitous crags, it imparted a character to the whole landscape calculated to stir even the most sluggish imagination. ' At the foot of the WaU, on the Chinese side, we could see the white tents of two Tartar encampments, the horses belonging to which were wandering at large in the surrounding pastures. The landscape, in the golden light of the dawn, was charming. It was a gUmpse of the pastoral Ufe of the Mongol hordes, and it gave us, on a smaU scale, a very good idea of the land of pastures described so well by the Abbe Hue. ' Seen from the Chinese side, the Great Wall re sembled a huge earthen mound crowned with battle ments built of brick. Everywhere it had an old and WE LAND TO SEE THE GREAT WALL. 251 dHapidated appearance. In some places it had been altogether destroyed. On the Mantchoorian side, on the other hand, the Great Wall seemed con structed of bricks resting upon a basement of stone. It is flanked by square towers throughout its whole length. These are placed at the distance of about two bow-shots, in order that the enemy may be everywhere within range. It descends into the sea in two paraUel piers or jetties, which slope so gently that one can ascend to the top from the water flow ing between them. The largest ships may approach within two mHes of the WaU, and, indeed, it is the very place at which visitors should in future dis embark. ' Unfortunately we did not know this at the time, and cast anchor on the Chinese side of the waU. The beach at this place is level, but a heavy surf made it difficult to land, and prevented the ship's boats from approaching without the risk of being stranded upon the sand. The beach was covered with Chinamen, who had come trooping down from the neighbouring vHlages. M. Marques, the inter preter to the mission, and Count d'Ozery, the com mander of the " Pregent," got first on shore to talk with the authorities, and to ascertain if they would have any objection to our landing. A mandarin, riding a white horse, and foUowed by two other personages 252 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. also mounted, had come from the camp to ask who we were and what we wanted, and to ascertain from what quarter of the heavens we had dropped. On his being assured by our interpreter that our inten tions were pacific, he declared that there was no objection to our coming on shore. ' We disembarked in consequence of this informa tion ; the process was not the least amusing part of the expedition. The boats in approaching the shore ran the risk of being capsized. They, however, escaped this danger. Baron Gros went on shore first, carried shoulder high by three stout saHors, who had stripped to the skin on purpose. The Vicomte de Contades, as weH as the attaches to the embassy, and several officers of the " Audacieuse " and of the " Pregent," foUowed him, carried in much the same manner either by one or a couple of seamen. Not a few unlucky members of the exploring party, borne aloft in this fashion, were caught by a huge wave and hurled headlong with their bearers into the brine. At last, after a quarter of an hour spent in coming on shore, we aU met, some dry, some dripping, upon the beach. We then set off into the interior with an escort of a dozen soldiers, their bayonets having been carefuHy protected from the water. We proceeded straight to the WaU. At first we had to cross several smaU water-courses, which run into the sea ; then we INTERVIEW WITH THE TARTARS. 253 went to some distance inland to get clear of the marshy tract which adjoins the shore. The closer we approached the WaU, this promised land which we were not destined to reach, the greater became the stir among the Tartars, who, mounted on horseback, pointed and gesticulated, and showed in every way that they were thrown into a state of high excitement by our proceedings. They soon after divided into three bodies. One of these remained on horseback before the camp, thus intercepting our route in the direct line to the Great Wall. The others came riding up to our left, and jumped off their horses among the taU herbaceous plants which covered the plain. The third party, composed of mandarins of the white and gilt buttons, came cantering up to meet us. They asked us whence we came and whither we were going, and told us that they could not allow us to proceed farther along our present road. Their chief they said was absent, and they could not take it upon them, without his permission, to aUow us to go on, We expostulated, but in vain. They made amends for bad logic by an immense deal of tchin-tchin. What was our astonishment when we found that these people, encamped almost at the gates of the capital, were not even aware of the fact that their govern ment had been at war with France and England ! The capture of Canton, the bombardment of Ta-kou, 254 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the peace concluded at Tien-tsin, were all aUke events unknown to them. After a long parley a fresh ne gociation seemed to have succeeded. They allowed us to advance a little way. But, as Hl-luck would have it, three or four hundred yards further on another body of horsemen rode up, who requested us to halt. ' With an escort' of twelve bayonets and a revolver apiece we could easily have kept at bay three hun dred Tartar horsemen, and have climbed up to the Wall in defiance of them ; but the ambassador was of course anxious to avoid an encounter, or indeed a dispute of any kind, whereby he might compromise his position whHe on a mere excursion of pleasure and curiosity. After taking a sketch or two, and buying a few fans of the Tartar horsemen, we deUghted the Chinamen who gathered round us with a glass of brandy. We showed them our watches, and gave them a peep through our spy-glasses, all to their great wonder and satisfaction. We then returned to the boats, to which several among us swam out ; in this , way avoiding the risk of having our clothes drenched again. ' These Tartar horsemen, instead of having bows and arrows, were armed with matchlocks slung to a shoulder-belt. Their powder seemed very coarse, while their cartridge-boxes contained smaU bits of WE RETURN TO THE PREGENT. 255 lead besides shot. Their horses were smaU, and gene- raUy white or piebald, and belonged to a breed which seemed essentiaUy primitive. The horsemen carry their principal pipe and a fan in their big boots. They aU had a ring of jade-stone to be used in tying their bows. ' Before leaving these shores we went with the " Pregent " to make for land on the other side of the Great Wall, off the plains of Mantchooria. The plains rolled away before us in aU that rich brilUancy of verdure characterizing countries which, covered with snow during a long winter, are vivified by the return of a hot sun. The Great WaU, with its black tiers of masonry, stood out from the dank and bright sward. We saw it where it first appeared springing out of the waters and lying against its huge buttresses. We could track it with the eye as it clambered to the very summit of the mountains, and we could foUow it farther, in imagination, along the course of the same range to a distance of a thousand miles into Central Asia, through those half-civilized countries wliich extend to the confines of Mongolia and the Kou-kou-noor. ' After having contemplated this magnificent spec tacle for a long while, Baron Gros gave the signal for departure, and the " Pregent " steered for the Tolri Islands, where the frigate awaited our return. Next morning,. after a passage of fifteen hours, we were 256 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. again on board, having brought back with us the recoUection of a charming trip to the most picturesque and grandest scenes in China. We regretted that the officers of the " Audacieuse " had not participated in the excursion, as they might have done, for we found that everywhere the soundings were such that vessels of the largest size might, in perfect safety, ascend the Gulf of Pecheti as far as Leo-toung.' — Moniteur. On the afternoon of the 17th July we left the ' Audacieuse ' at Woosung, where the Yang-tse-Kiang joins the Whampou, and proceeded to Shang-hai on board the 'Pregent.' We had scarcely left the frigate when the leak which she had sprung during the storms off the Cape suddenly increased to an alarm ing extent. The water in the hold, instead of rising about an inch in an hour, gained nearly a foot in the same time. In the course of twenty-four hours there poured into the frigate 194 tons, or in weight nearly 400,000 lbs. of water. With such a serious injury it was impossible to put to sea. It was neces sary to get out of this difficulty. At first we attempted to have the frigate repaired upon the spot; but there was no dock or basin large enough for the purpose. The proprietor of one dock offered to enlarge his ac commodation so as to enable her to get into it, but he asked a delay of three months, and 4000?. In con- THE EXPEDITION TO COCHrN CHINA. 257 sequence, aU thoughts of this were abandoned, and it was decided that the docks of Whampoa, in the Canton river, should be resorted to without a mo ment's delay. With a pilot belonging to the mer cantile house of Dent, who was thoroughly acquainted with every place of refuge along the coast, and accompanied by a large American steam merchant man hired for the purpose, we put on aU our steam for Hong Kong, and arrived there in four days without any accident. We fortunately escaped, in this rapid passage, the typhoons which are so frequent at this period of the year. The leak is near the axis of the screw, close by the rope-press. The system of screws without a cylinder is shown, I think, to be a bad one by the experience of our ship. It was cal culated that, in crossing from France to China, the helix had made 6,300,000 turns which were quite useless in propelUng the vessel. The admiral, who arrived a few days after us, soon left with the whole French squadron, he having received orders to place himself at the head of the expedition to Cochin China, where he was to command both the French and Spanish sea and land forces. The ' Laplace ' and the ' Pregent ' alone remained behind to accompany the ' Audacieuse ' to Japan. The general rendezvous for the other ships was fixed for the island of Hainan in the Gulf of s 258 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Tonkin. As we had no connection whatever with this expedition, we remained at Shang-hai six weeks. The season was a bad one for a residence at this place. The thermometer stood at 104° Fahrenheit, and cholera, fever, and dysentery, which accompany the hot season in this part of China, were prevalent and deadly. Violent storms and frequent typhoons alone broke the monotony of our existence, and it wiU not be wondered at if we cast a longing gaze towards the island of Japan, situated within a three days' sail from Shang-hai, where we had still to perform the second part of the mission entrusted to us. THE MIDDLE EMPIRE. 259 CHAPTEE IX. The Manners, Customs, and Government of China. We have coUected, in this chapter, various facts and novel pieces of information concerning the Middle Empire, which could not be introduced with propriety in any other part of the book. They are set down here just as they occur to the author, without atten tion either to the order of the subjects, or to that which they came under his notice. China, properly so called, is divided into eighteen provinces ; but Europeans are only acquainted with six of these, which adjoin the coast, viz., Kwang-toung, Fo-kien, Tche-kiang, Kiang-sou, Chan-toung, and Pecheli. Formerly aU political events interesting to Europeans were concentrated upon the banks of the Canton river in Kwang-toung ; now, the scene of action has slutted to the north to Pecheli, and at no distant day Tien-tsin and Ta-kou may be expected to take the place once held by Bocca-Tigris and Macao. The three central provinces of Kwang-si, Hou-nan, 260 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. and Houpe are the principal theatre of the great in surrection. Kan-sou, Chen-si, and Chan-si reach the Great Wall to the north. Su-tchouan and Yun-nan adjoin. Thibet, Kouei-tcheou, Kiang-si, Ngan-hoei, and Honan complete our enumeration of the pro vinces of China. The Middle Empire is composed, besides, of several countries or tributary kingdoms, viz., Mongolia, Mantchooria, and Corea, the Loo-choo Islands, Thibet, Tonkin, Cambodia, and Cochin China. The Loo-choo Islands and Corea send a tribute to Pekin every year. Some other countries do so every three years, and others again at intervals less frequent, as for instance every ten years. With regard to European countries separated by the great ocean from the countries under the dominion of the Son of Heaven, they render him homage only at fixed intervals, varying in duration. This interesting information is drawn from the Book of Eites. China, during a period extending back for four thousand years, has been governed by twenty-eight dynasties. The three last of these were the Mongol dynasty, the national dynasty of Ming, and the Ta-Tsing, or Tartar Mantchoo dynasty. The last Emperor was caUed Tao-Kouang, or Shining Wisdom. His son, Hien-Foung, succeeded him in 1850, at the very height, of the great insurrection. His reign THE GREAT FLEET OF RICE JUNKS. 261 has been marked, hitherto, by a long series of national calamities. The Emperor, in the machinery of the Chinese government, is a mere name or emblem represent ing the nation. In the CouncH resides the supreme power. The Emperor is the index or wheel of the machine which is exposed. Everything is done in his name, but without his direct co-operation. There is a thorough centralisation and an admirable ad ministrative organisation extending over the whole empire. The institutions are exceUent ; but there is a lack of the right men to work these institutions. The district of Nankin is rich ; that of Pekin is poor and sterile. The central government, accord ingly, raises a tax in kind over the fertile provinces which lie along the course of the Yang-tse-Kiang. Every year thousands of junks, laden with rice and despatched by the local mandarins, leave for Tien-tsin at the commencement of the south-west monsoon. This is a tax or burden imposed upon aU the possessors of junks. They have no right to any remuneration by way of freight, but they have the privilege, on their return home, of carrying on commerce on their own account, and they sell besides in central China the first fruits and products of Leo- tong. The seven provinces after named used formerly to 262 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. send their tribute of rice to the city of Pekin, by the Grand Imperial Canal, in more than twelve thousand junks. The junks employed in this service were divided between the provinces in the foUowing way : Kiang-sou . . . 3,000 Ngan-hoei . 1,500 Tche-kiang . 2,000 Kiang-si . . 1,500 Hou-pe . . 1,000 Hou-nan . . 1,000 Chan-tong . 2,000 Total 12,000 In recent times the inundations of the Yellow Eiver have been a dreadful source of misery in China. They have completely destroyed and rendered im practicable the Great Imperial Canal, and aU this immense inland navigation above referred to has accordingly been destroyed. The Chinese tribute junks are now obliged to take the route by the Gulf of PecheU and the Pei-ho, which places their whole revenue within reach of European war vessels. A few gunboats have only to come on the 1st of April each year, to cruise about Cape Chan-tong or Cape Macartney, and they wiU effectuaUy interrupt all intercourse between the wealthy provinces and the capital, intercept the junks, and secure their stores. TRIBUTE JUNKS AT MERCY OF EUROPEANS. 263 In a few weeks famine will make its appearance at Pekin, and the Tartars will be put on short commons of miHet porridge. In finding out the course taken by the junks, we have found out the weak side of the giant, and England wiU not forget to profit by this discovery. According to Sir John Bowring, Yeh during the last two or three years has beheaded seventy thousand rebels. From the 1st of January to the 1st of August, 1855, the executioners were hard at work. From two hundred to six hundred rebels had their heads chopped off daUy. The ' Hong Kong Journal ' mentions another locality, a dependency of the two Kwangs, in which Yeh executed, towards the same period, thirty thousand persons. This brings up the number of executions to a hundred thousand. It must however be said for the governor-general, that he would not own to more than seventy thousand. The remainder he declared to be a matter of pure invention on the part of his enemies. The name of the present Emperor is Hang-Foung or Hien-Foung, according to the different dialects. It signifies Universal Abundance. The symbol which serves to express this name in the Chinese character is a mountain between two kings. Superstitious Chinamen discovered a bad omen in this conjunction of objects. What is meant, they asked, by a moun- 264 AN- EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. tain between two kings ? Clearly enough it indicated, for the future, division, anarchy, and civil war. Now is this not precisely what is taking place at present ? Of his three capitals, Hien-Foung now possesses only one. Nankin is in the hands of the rebels, while Canton is occupied by the barbarians ; and so a great part of the empire is in a state of rebellion against the present dynasty. The prediction has been ful- fiUed. Every mountain and hill in China is covered with tombs. The hills we have described near Macao are a striking example of this, and so is the mountain of the Blue Cloud at Canton. AU the elevations on Danes Island and French Island, and on the Pearl Eiver at Canton, behind Gough's Fort, exhibit the same appearance; and, indeed, such is the extent of ground covered by these tombs that China might be described as one great cemetery. A mandarin is never aUowed to exercise his func tions in the province where he was born. To secure impartiaUty he must always be a stranger to the country in which his jurisdiction lies. If he be a mHitary mandarin he is not allowed to take his mother with him to the scene of action, as her pre sence might soften him and restrain his warlike im petuosity on the day of battle. If he be a civil man darin he is not aUowed to take his father with him. CHINAMEN WHO LIVE UNDER WATER. 265 The latter might differ from him in opinion on some case in which he had to give judgment, and, if under such circumstances he were to stand out, he would then oppose the dictates of filial respect and piety, which command us to yield obedience to parents. It was as a mark of special favour from the Emperor that Yeh obtained permission to live with his father at Canton. The Chinese, even when they come in contact with Europeans, always preserve some share of anti quated and foolish prejudice, and, to an incredible extent, the ridiculous notion that their race is supe rior to aU others in knowledge, ability, and wisdom' and possessed of qualities enjoyed by no other people on the face of the globe. Pere Deluc was talking in my presence with his Chinese secretary, on the deck of the 'Durance,' about the news of the day, and more particularly about the approaching bombard ment of Canton. The EngUsh and French gunboats were already placed in line, and the other ships were anchored in the deep places of the river. ' I do not un derstand,' said the secretary, 'why the mandarins don't send a few Chinamen underneath the ships to bore a hole or two up through them, and sink them in that way.' ' But,' replied the Pere, ' you don't suppose they would be allowed to do this ? How would they get at the ships ?' ' Why,' answered the secretary, nothing 266 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. daunted, ' don't you know that there are Chinamen who can Uve for a whole day under water ? It would have been a much more serious affair for us had the Chinese set on fire aU the junks and sampans lying in the upper part of the river, and aUowed them in one vast blazing spluttering mass to float down the current upon our vessels. In the midst of the confu sion produced in this way, many ships would cer-# tainly have been destroyed in spite of the fireguards attached to them. A single sampan with gunpowder on board, which took fire, caused a vast deal of alarm. There was no way to get at it or direct its course ; and, indeed, the ' Phlegeton ' escaped by a miracle from getting entangled with it. Fortunately it was burned almost upon the spot where the fire broke out. The most preposterous accounts of barbarian folly find currency in China. Here is the way in wliich the people in the interior of the empire interpreted the retreat of the EngUsh and Admiral Seymour, on the occasion of the lorcha 'Arrow' case, which occurred, it wiU be recoHected, towards the end of 1856. The Chinese admiral had resorted, it appears, to a most ingenious device. One night when the ebb had set in he threw a great quantity of large turnips into the river. The red barbarians, hearing the turnips bumping up constantly against the ships' THE BANYAN TREES. 267 timbers, got up in alarm to look out, thinking they were attacked. They rushed wUdly to their guns, and kept up a constant fire into the darkness upon imaginary enemies. The Chinese admiral waited tHl they had foolishly spent the best part of their powder and shot, and then, opening a real attack, as a matter of course he took and destroyed all their vessels. In this way history is written in China ! The governor- general of Tcheli had recourse in his official report to a similar stretch of fancy in order to explain our victory on the Pei-ho to his countrymen. Just as we made our appearance in these seas, a high tide, he said, of the most unprecedented kind, had suddenly come surging in from the ocean, overturning the forts of Ta-kou, rendering useless the bravery of its de fenders, and enabling the foreign devils, who rode unharmed upon the waters, to force the entrance to the river and to ascend through channels at other times completely closed against them. The pagoda, or banyan-tree, the ficus religiosa of botanists, is an imposing tree, which has, in point of fact, a religious and solemn appearance. It is met with everywhere in China, resting against the waUs of the pagodas and shading the courts of the yamouns. In country places, round the trunk there are smaU altars, with joss-sticks burning, and a few Buddhist images resting upon the roots. 268 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. It is the finest of the Chinese trees. Its foliage, is luxuriant and always fresh and green. From Macao to Shang-hai, from Tien-tsin to the Great Wall, everywhere we met with the banyan-tree, which is the necessary appendage of every ya moun and Buddhist temple, sheltering aUke under its dense leafage the squalid bonze and rapacious mandarin. It is nothing uncommon in China for a pirate leader to become a mandarin. Among other in stances of this, may be quoted that of the famous Apak, who, not many years ago, had seven hundred pirate junks under his command. He has retired from active service, and leads a life of quiet and honoured ease at Ning-po. He enjoys all the prero gatives attached to the blue button. The Chinese government, finding they could not put him down, entered into treaty with him and made him a naval mandarin. In China the compass is not made to point to the north, but to the south. It has five, not four cardinal points. The left, not the right side, is the place of honour. White, not black, is the suit of woe. Eti quette ordains that we should not take off the hat, but put it on, in presence of a superior, or of any one • whom we wish to honour. Books are printed and read, not from left to right, after our fashion, but A CHINESE PROCLAMATION. 269 from right to left. At dinner, fruit comes first, and soup last. As children learn their lessons aloud, aU saying them over at the same time, it is the object of a Chinese schoolmaster not to keep a quiet school, but to make his little congregation as noisy as possible ; and silence is punished as a proof of idle ness. When a man is ennobled for a service done the state, honours so acquired do not descend, as with us, to his posterity, but, strange to say, ascend to his ancestors and ennoble them. They all become, by a retrospective action, dukes and barons, and so forth, while the children and descendants of the new-made noble remain undistinguished in the common herd. Pages might be filled with similar contrasts between the habits of Europeans and Chinamen. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have never shown any great liking or esteem for the Europeans who have settled, in spite of all opposition, upon their seaboard. To give some idea of the style in which it has been their wont, even in our days, to speak of us, we have but to read the foUowing proclamation, which was placarded over the waUs of a Chinese town in July 1851. ' The faithful soldiers and chiefs at the right heart of the whole people of the empire of the great dynasty of the Tsings publish the present order for the infor mation of the detestable barbarians. 270 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. ' Detestable barbarians ! disgusting barbarians ! Try to see your images in a glass ! Look at yourselves there. You are Uttle better than brutes and beasts. You differ from them only in your faculty of speech. Our people speak words of reason to you ; but you lay down laws. You are blindly and obstinately stupid. You won't understand — so there is only one way of dealing with you, and that is to strangle and murder every one of your hateful race. Ever since you came to the land of the Middle Empire to trade, you have acted in the most brutal manner, without one thought to the consequences of your conduct. Your opium has shortened the lives of our people — it has undermined their health; your vessels have taken violent possession of our trade and profits. Hungry as whales, always ready to devour, and per tinacious as the silkworm which blights the mul berry-leaf, you steadily continue your encroachments. AUow you to take one step forward, and you take two. 'You have usurped our lands, impoverished us by force. You have destroyed our tombs. You have built in the town innumerable houses dedicated to the devil ; and now, forsooth, you want ground for a course to race your horses on ; you want, there is not a doubt of it, to go as far as Sou-Kiang to build one of your churches there. ' Your offences, numerous as they are, wiU be more A CONVERSATION WITH PIH-KWE. 271 numerous stiU. Your crimes already reach the sky ; but highest Heaven is now in anger with you, and we, the people, are ordained to destroy you with the artHlery of the gods. ' You think that in acting according to set plans you will gain your ends ; you are preparing to play the part of the wolf and tiger among the brutes. But you little know your position. Do you know that our people look upon you as birds shut up in a cage, as fish caught in a net, as dogs trapped in a snare, as sheep pent in a fold ? Some fine day the fury of the people will burst forth spontaneous and sudden ; they will rush upon you ; they wfll cut your throats ; they will leave in the land not one trace of your existence. The present edict is published for your information.' The foUowing conversation, which has been often quoted before, took place in October 1849, at Pekin, between the Emperor Tao-Kouang and Pih-Kwe, then criminal judge of the province of Kwang-toung. It is equally characteristic of Chinese conceit and igno rance. I do not know how the document came into the possession of the European consuls who pubUshed it, but there is no doubt as to its authenticity. The Emperor opens the conversation. 'Emperor. Then Seu-Kwang-Tsin did not continue to employ any of the persons who had been in office 272 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. under Ky-Ing. Of late years Ky-Ing has been almost frightened to death by these barbarian affairs. The people whom he employed in the administration of these matters greatly exaggerated their importance, so that Ky-Ing was always in a state of alarm ; in consequence of his giving credit to aU they told him, he has only thereby helped to magnify the great renown of the barbarians. You have put all this to lights. It appears to me that the barbarians have not the means of existence H driven from Kwang- toung. 'Pih-Kwe. The people of Kwang-toung become more and more convinced every day that the bar barians have no means of existence without this province. ' Emperor. That is quite the case. Who are the agents employed in the administration of barbarian affairs ? ' Pih-Kwe. Commissioners Heu-Tsang-Kwang and Howqua. ' Emperor. Have the English barbarians been re cently brought under subjection or not ? 'Pih-Kwe. They appear to have been to some extent subdued. 'Emperor. Does the garrison at Hong Kong not number from three to four thousand men ? ' Pih-Kwe. Not more than from two to three thou- THE EMPEROR MORALIZES. 273 sand men, the greater part of whom only exist on paper ; more than half of the green soldiers (the Ceylon Fusiliers) have left in consequence of the insufficiency of the funds appropriated to their sup port. Trade is not in a good state either at Ning- po or in any of the other free ports. ' Emperor. I have heard it said that it is in a bad state at Ning-po, Amoy, and Shang-hai. This proves that prosperity is always followed by decay. ' Pih-Kwe. The English barbarians were in a very precarious condition last year in their own country, where they were visited by an epidemic ; and at Hong Kong last year more than a thousand persons perished in consequence of the hot exhalations. ' Emperor. Prosperity is always succeeded by decay ! What avails the power of man ? ' Pih-Kwe. Divine favour for your Majesty is doubt less the cause of the humiliation of the English bar barians. ' Emperor. You are a man belonging to the banners, born and brought up at Pekin. You must know this saying of the old women — "a thousand, nay, ten thousand schemes of man, are not worth one scheme of God!' Do you think that the EngUsh barbarians, or any of the other barbarian nations, wHl cause fresh trouble in the south ? ' Pih-Kwe. No. Even the English have nothing new T 274 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. to gain by causing strife. When these barbarians revolted in 1841, they depended entirely upon other nations which subsidised them with the purpose of opening up commerce. In the present year the countries subjected to English rule are ready to rise in rebelUon. ' Emperor. It is evident from this that these barba rians make commerce their principal occupation, and strive incessantly to get new territories. ' Pih-Kwe. Quite so. They belong, in short, to the same class with brutes, dogs, and horses. They are utterly incapable of entertaining any elevated idea. ' Emperor. They are sometimes ruled by a woman, sometimes by a man. It is evident that they are quite unworthy of serious attention. Do they fix a certain term of office, Uke us, for their authorities, in the case of Bonham* for instance ? ' Pih-Kwe. Some of their officers are changed every two years, others every three years; and although it is their king, nominally, who sends them, they are in reaUty dependent upon the corporation of their merchants (the East India Company).' The Chinese now speak of Europeans with a Uttle less disdain. The name of barbarians has been dropped from their official language in respect of the treaties of Tien-tsin, but I suspect that it will be * Sir George Bonham, Governor of Hong Kong. CHINA OVERPEOPLED. 275 long before international poUteness banish from their conversation and every-day life the harsh ignominious expressions stiU used in talking of us. In the eyes of the Chinese we must continue, for years to come, to be considered a people more powerful than they are in war, and in possession of more deadly weapons of destruction, but far inferior to themselves in all that relates to a peaceful and civdized life. In short, we now appear to them as pirates on a great scale. Instead of striving to open up China, European diplomacy might endeavour to prevent all egress from it. The empire swarms with population. Every where the Chinese people are spreading beyond the natural limits of the country. To the north they are gradually advancing into the Land of Meadows, pushing slowly before them the Mongol Tartars. In Mantchooria the Emperor in vain essays to guard the frontier of his paternal kingdom from his southern subjects, in order to preserve a place of refuge, should he, in the course of events, be driven from the Chinese throne. The inhabitants of the empire give little heed to Imperial decrees where the means of existence are concerned, and the Mantchoo civUization is disappearing piecemeal before the gradual and peaceful progress of the neighbouring people. From southern China there is a constant stream of popu lation flowing. Thousands are embarking daily on 276 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. board the emigrant ships. Everywhere round the shores of the Pacific, Chinamen are now settled as colonists. There are great Chinese communities in CaUfomia, Australia, Java, Manilla, Pulo-Penang, Singapore, and Hong-Kong. Wherever they go they form the most industrious section of the popula tion, and often by their skill and patient industry they are a source of prosperity to all the places where they settle, but they are at the same time the most turbulent and dangerous subjects a government can have, as they hang close together and form every where secret societies, which are formidable to the legitimate authorities. It is not long since they were very near taking the Philippine Islands from the Spaniards. They gave the Dutch some time ago the most serious grounds for alarm in Batavia. They require to be placed under the surveiUance of a very vigilant police at Singapore and Hong-Kong. In the colonies of the Pacific the result of aU this is that a dread of the Chinese begins to make its appearance, and their immigration in large numbers is now every where discouraged. In the colony of Victoria the local legislature have passed a law entitled the ' Chinese Emigration Act,' specially intended to diminish the importation of Chinese colonists. Under its terms, ships are not allowed to take on board more than one emigrant for every ten tons of the ship's COOLIE EMIGRATION. 27, burthen, and the captain or person in command is liable to a fine of ten pounds sterling for every pas senger above the statutory number. At San Fran cisco, on the other hand, a tax of fifty dollars a head is levied from aU Chinamen who land as emigrants, and Chinamen settling there are besides compelled to pay a monthly tax of six dollars a head, paid by no other class of foreigners. From New Zealand they are completely excluded. At a public meeting in that colony, a resolution was passed to the effect that any one assisting to introduce Chinese CooUes should be declared a pubUc enemy. The last news we have, however, on the subject of Coolie emigration is from California. No regulation hitherto put in force having diminished the influx of the Chinese popula tion towards the gold-fields, and the yellow race threatening in a few years to exceed in numbers and wealth the whole population of European descent settled along the coasts of the Pacific, the legislature of California have, it is reported, formally prohibited the introduction of CooUes into that country. By dint of extraordinary sobriety, wonderfully laborious habits, and great aptitude for business, these emigrants in a very few years contrive to scrape together a considerable capital, with which they return to the Land of Flowers, impoverishing the colony to the extent of their fortune. They do not 278 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. even allow their dead to remain on foreign soil, and accordingly we find large American clippers con stantly engaged in conveying from San Francisco to Hong Kong the red coffins of Chinamen who before their decease have expressed a wish to be interred near the tombs of their forefathers. The fecundity of the Chinese race is prodigious. In this respect there is no other to be compared with it. Wherever the traveller goes, whether it be on board the junks, among the fishing-boats, or through the streets, the number of chHdren always attracts his attention. Everywhere there are crowds bf little ones. The prevalence of infanticide, the wholesale butchery of the rebels, and the constant stream of emigration from the southern seaports produce no effect in diminishing the population. The last census it is said fixes the Chinese population at 415,000,000. Chinese civilization has lasted for the last four thousand years. Seven hundred years before the birth of Christ there was a Chinese Uterature. Several of the principal literary monuments of China belong to this early period. The national existence of our European states must appear to the Chinese a thing of yesterday when contrasted with the duration of their own empire. The mandarin language is that used by the learned; Cantonese, Fokinese, and various other dialects, are spoken by the people in THE TURKS INFLUENCED BY THE CHINESE. 279 different parts of the empire. The mandarin dialect is to some extent in the countries of the far East what Latin is in Europe. Knowing mandarin, a person can make himself understood throughout the whole empire, and even in Corea, Tonkin, Cochin-China, and Siam. At Pekin the people speak pure man darin. I hear our officers who served in the Crimean cam paign constantly making the remark, that the archi tecture of China reminds them very much of that of the Turks. The Chinese village which stood right in face of us at Whampoa, consisting of houses built upon piles, with painted balconies, and places set aside under each for the reception of the tankas, reminded them involuntarily of the shores of the Bosphorus. The tankas recalled the caiques, while the minarets seemed copied from the same pattern with the pagodas, which we saw in the distance. The narrow streets were as tortuous as those of the Turkish towns. The very appearance of the writing bore an outward resemblance at least to that in use among the Moslem. But H there are between the two races traits of resemblance, pointing to a com mon origin, they now differ most essentially in cha racter. The Turks are grave, reserved, and taciturn, while the Chinamen are noisy, talkative, and undig nified. There may be something venerable in a long 280 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Turkish beard, but I wHl defy any one to look at a. Chinaman's tail and keep his countenance. There is a whole population in China which is not entitled to inhabit the land, and which Uves entirely on the rivers and canals. This is an inferior race, a conquered people, kept in this state in respect of a dim historical reminiscence which goes back to the earUest age of Chinese civHization. This outcast population explains the crowd of boats, junks, sampans, and hovels buHt on pHes along the streams, which at tracted our notice when we arrived in China, as they rose and feU, or were washed by the waves thrown up by the steamers. All the compradors who supply the ships with provisions belong to this class of boatmen. Some of them are very rich, and indeed possess on the waters of the Canton river magnificent houses, which are elegantly and sumptuously furnished ; but such is the force of tradition and prejudice in China, that they are not allowed to settle or acquire property on land. In some parts of China wheelbarrows with sails attached to them are in use. When a good breeze blows from behind, or from one side, human labour is very much Ughtened by this means. This fact may at first appear a traveUer's tale, but it is not such. These barrows are largely used in China for purposes of locomotion. The missionaries, for the sake of eco- THE CHINESE REBELS. 281 nomy, often prefer them to any other vehicle, in spite of the fatigue of managing them. Often while we stayed at Shang-hai and Tien-tsin we saw these sin gular conveyances arrive from off a journey. The wheel is placed in the middle of the machine. The traveUer sits on one side, and his luggage is placed opposite to him by way of counterpoise. The great Chinese insurrection has now diminished very much in importance. It has lost its leaders, the kings of the four cardinal points. The famous King of the East, the ablest of the four, the very soul of the insurrection, who aspired to universal dominion, has been assassinated by the others, who were jealous of his influence. Besides, the rebels have been de feated in Nankin. Disputes among themselves, how ever, have committed greater ravages in their ranks than the artillery of the mandarins. Tsien-Kiang, the celebrated Canton demagogue, is still the chief judge in their camp, but their ablest general has for saken their cause for that of the Imperialists, in con sequence of a tragical event which we must record, as it has been set forth by veracious testimony. This ambitious general was displeased, it appears, at not being appointed king of the fifth cardinal point. He had received, however, from the leaders of the insur rection the promise of being exalted to this sublime rank, if he could only gain for the rebels one great 282 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. victory over the Imperialists. When this promise of advancement had been made to him he resorted to every expedient to attain the end in view. He pre tended to abandon the rebel cause, and went over to the camp of the enemy with the object of course of betraying the latter. The old general of the Emperor, however, was not to be taken in. He had not grown grey among soldiers without some experience in Chinese roguery. He at once took alarm at this case of sudden conversion. Suspecting its true cause and object, he received the rebel soldier enthusiastically. He solemnly adopted bim as his son, and heaped favours upon him. Then, underhand, he lost no time in spreading the rumour through the rebel camp that the general had reaUy gone over to the mandarins. It was well known that he was dissatisfied, and that he had long looked upon himself as an Hl-used man. The news of the reception he had met with in the rebel camp gave strength to the suspicion against him. The rebel chiefs, too, gave credence to the rumours in circulation. Chinese justice soon followed: His father, mother, wife, and children were appre hended. They were taken to the front of the camp, and there, amid parade and the music of the pipe and tomtom, they were cruelly beheaded. The general was driven to distraction. He swore that he would exact a signal vengeance for this barbarous deed, and DEVASTATION OF THE COUNTRY. 283 thenceforth he became one of the mainstays of the Imperial throne. Strange to say, this rebel chief has been appointed since this tinie commander-in-chief of the Imperial army. It was he who invented the new system of warfare now followed by the Imperialists. He burns and lays waste the whole tract over wiiich he passes, so as to place the rebels in the midst of a desert. In this way he succeeds in starving them, and in point of fact he has put a limit to their success and progress towards the northern provinces. Numerous battles have been fought in the neighbourhood of Yang-Tcheou, the key to the Imperial Canal ; and the result has been that this place remains in the hands of the mandarins. The insurrection has been stopped in its advance towards the capital for several years, and the Imperial authorities re-occupy several provinces to which the rebels had extended their rule. They stiU possess Nankin, the capital of the national dy nasty of the Ming ; but Pekin continues to be the residence of the Mantchoo Tartar dynasty, and the Emperor Hien-Foung has the support of the popula tion generally, a frightful confusion having every where resulted from the overturn of his government Unfortunately there is no revenue. The court is in desperation for money, and unable to supply the soldiers with the means of existence'; the latter make depredations everywhere. The Emperor cannot call in 284 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. to his assistance the Tartar hordes. This would be a useless expedient, or one at all events to be resorted to only under very desperate circumstances. The Mongols would be scattered under the hot sun of the plains. The Mantchoos could give little assistance, They are miserable tribes, scanty in numbers, and with no arms but bows and spears. The two powers, the rebels and Imperialists, remain then in a state of hos- tiHty and in presence of each other, living at the expense of provinces which successive governments have done their utmost to ruin and depopulate for ages. From time to time news is brought to the European ports that cannon have been heard on the shores of the Yang-tse-Kiang. The cannon have been fired, but it is aU a device of the mandarins. They require to get up an occasional victory, in order that they may send a high-sounding bulletin to the court of Pekin, to support a fresh demand for money. The military authorities take good care not to crush the insurrection entirely. This would be kilUng the hen that lays the golden eggs. In point of fact, all the money which is sent by the government to pay the troops finds its way into the purses of the mandarins, and very little ever goes farther. It would evidently be a great mistake in the excess of zeal to put an end to a business so profitable to themselves. We may explain the religious and Christian character of the THE CHRISTIANITY OF THE REBELS. 285 rebellion, at its origin, in the following manner." The great Chinese national insurrection took place on the confines of Kwang-toung and Kwang-si, among the mountains of the Miao-Tze, independent tribes whom the Chinese government has never succeeded in bringing under subjection. Now there were for merly among the Miao-Tze many Christians who had sought refuge in the mountains. They had fled from Tartar rule, and remained supporters to the last of the cause of the son of the latest emperor of the dynasty of the Ming. The general of the Pretender's army in Kwang-si was a Christian. The Pretender himself was a Christian as well as his family. He was defeated and killed by treason in Kouei-lin, the capital of the province. There were confused and vague recollections or traditions of these events, and hence the vague sort of Christianity which charac terized the insurrection at first, but which was soon combined with polygamy under the sway of the King of the East. There is a considerable traffic in cattle between Mongolia and China, properly so called. By the gate of the Great WaU nearest to Pekin there enter annuaHy twenty-five millions of sheep. The whole number of sheep entering the Celestial Empire annually may be estimated at sixty or seventy-five milUons. In the northern provinces, near the great 286 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. pasture-lands, sheep may be had at a wonderfully low price, while south of Shang-hai and Ning-po they are not to be purchased for any sum. The southern provinces, covered with' rice-fields, are destitute of grass-lands where sheep can feed. The family of Confucius is still extant. It inhabits the province of Chan-toung, and possesses great privUeges. It forms the only hereditary nobility in China. Koung-Fou-Tseu, its founder, died in the year 479 before Christ. This family is certainly an old one, but it has degenerated, not having for a long period produced any man of the smaUest conse quence. On attaining the age of eighty, Chinamen are en titled to wear yeUow attire, this being the colour of the Imperial family. This is an honour conferred on old age by law. Corea is a kingdom which is tributary to China. Every year it sends an embassy to Pekin. But the authority of the Chinese over this people is purely nominal and honorary. No Chinese has any right to reside in Corea, nor has any Corean a right to reside in Chinese territory. There is so little connection between the two governments that Admiral Poutia tine on one occasion saved the crew of a Chinese junk who had been shipwrecked, and who were about to be massacred by the Coreans without opposition on the CORRUPTION IN CHINA. 287: part of the native authorities. The natives of Corea call their country Kerai. It is a gold region. There are three mines known to exist in it, of wliich two only have been explored. They are defended by evil genii according to the mandarins, who, being as yet far behind inpoUtical economy, dread an over supply of the precious metal, and get up this legend to scare the people. The Eussians made themselves masters a year ago of the course of the Ousouri and Soungari, tributaries of the Amour. They have come into close proximity with Corea, and the independence of this country is thereby seriously menaced. AU the yamouns in China belong to the Emperor. They cannot be sold, nor does any prescription affect property in them. The mandarins, only retaining office for three years, think more of making money than of adorning their official abodes, and hence the state of disrepair into which aU the public buHdings of China have faUen. Corruption is universal in China ; by dint of money and bribery everything may be effected, everything found out in aU parts of the empire, and in every sphere of Chinese life. It is aU a matter of calcula tion. The rich merchants of Sou-tchou-fou had bought up the secretaries of the High Imperial Commissioners from Pekin, and they knew as weU as we did what was going on at Tien-tsin. Before we 288 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. returned from PecheU the tao-tai of Shang-hai had procured the Chinese text of the English treaty, and imparted its contents to M. de Montigny. With the crowd of Uterati and petty mandarins who always flutter about the Chinese authorities, it is quite im possible to keep a state secret. There is still at Pekin a church standing, which is of larger dimensions than the cathedral of Tong-ka- tou. Taken in former times from the missionaries, the edifice has since been devoted to no particula-r purpose. A cross surmounted the dome till within the last five or six years, when it was taken down under the pretext that the symbol was unlucky, and might attract the rebels. If the court of Peidn would consent to restore this church to our missionaries, they would thereby give us a striking proof of their good faith and sincerity, in the abandonment of the old anti-European policy. There are in China rich mines of gold, silver, and quicksilver ; but the government prohibit them from being worked under pain of death, alleging that it would be removing hands from agricultural labour. In a country like the Celestial Empire, which has an immense population to support on a Umited area, everything, they hold should, be sacrificed to the cul tivation of the soil and the production of food and clothing. There is another motive for this prohibi- CHINESE FUNERALS. 289 tion. The Chinese government conceded some time ago the right of working the mines to certain parties specified in the contract. The persons concerned in this joint adventure had no sooner made a little money than they were attacked by a band of armed men, who attempted to rob them of it. ' The mining ad venturers resisted, and the consequences were high way robberies, assaults, fights, and pitched battles in infinite succession. This sort of thing could not continue long, so the court of Pekin, to bring the disorders to a close, completely prohibited the working of mines over the whole empire. What mining is stiU carried on is consequently fraudulent, and concealed from the authorities. At Ning-po, however, a CooUe has made a fortune by secret min ing, his operations having been conducted with great skiU and boldness, in defiance of legal ordinances. There are a great number of coal-mines in the neighbourhood of Pekin, but they are worked after the fashion of the patriarchal ages, without regard to the future. The mines of Formosa, in the hands of Chinese companies, now supply coal to the European steamers. In the country places, all over the Chinese empire, the traveUer may see everywhere red coffins standing in the middle of the fields. These are dead bodies which await burial. The family to which they belong, u 290 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. not being rich enough to purchase a suitable place of interment and to bear the expense of a solemn fune ral, delays until some others of its members die, when one ceremony will suffice for aU of them. If the father dies, then the family waits till the mother expires, and indeed often until the death of the eldest son ; for a solemn funeral is a ruinous affair, often swallowing up the best part of the savings of a life time. The European coasting-trade has of late increased very much. Whenever a European vessel takes to this traffic, fifteen junks at least are driven from the field. There are several reasons for this ; the chief of which are, that European ships are roomy, can go to sea at aU seasons, and can be insured. Junks, on the other hand, have a very small tonnage. They must wait for the monsoons, and are not protected from risk by the system of marine insurance, which is altogether unknown to the Chinese. The coasting- trade is that in which the French would be most likely to succeed in China. M. de Montigny has already organised a whole service of Chinese barks, carrying the French flag, and having each a French sailor in command. They ply between Shang-hai and Ning-po. These barks convey letters, passengers, and goods, and have secured the confidence of the Chinese to such an extent that 'they are more trusted HIGH HONOUR OF CHINESE MERCHANTS. 291 than any other vessels of the same kind, whether under Chinese or Portuguese colours. The French flag is held in high respect in the Chinese waters. All Europeans settled in the free ports of China willingly bear testimony to the honourable manner in which business on a great scale is conducted by Chinese merchants. They even admit that the great Chinese banking-houses are often safer than the great European houses. But this is far from . being the case with retaH trade. In Mongolia there are from eight to ten thousand Christians, but they are all Chinamen. The Mongols are receding graduaUy before the peaceful invasion of Chinese immigrants. The Chinese settle now beyond the Great WaU, buy land there, and till it. The Mongolians, unwHling to abandon their wandering life for settled occupations, are receding farther and farther before the agricultural communities into the north of the Land of Pastures ; exhibiting in this respect some resemblance to the Indians of North America, who are gradually receding and disappearing before the tide of civilization. The Mantchoos have been influenced in a different way by the Chinese. Indeed they have become Chinese in all respects, and in dress and language there is nothing to distinguish them from the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. In passing through Moukden, the capital of Mantchooria, 292 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. we might imagine ourselves to be in a town of the two Kiangs or of the two Kwangs. The missionaries often spoke to us of the frightful ravages caused by the use of opium in China, and of the rapid progress which this deleterious practice is making every year in the empire. Opium was at first exclusively used by the mandarins, to beget a certain energy of manner, and as a stimulant better fitting them either for toH or pleasure. At first they offered it to those who caUed upon them, as a rare and curious delicacy. It was brought out as a mark of respect, and the visitors were accordingly obUged to partake of it. Gradually this habit spread among the wealthy classes, the Uterati, the nobility, and all persons who by then* position were brought into contact with the mandarins. Opium even found its way to the people under the name of polite tobacco, and was smoked at first from motives of vanity, and then from love for the thing itself. Now there is not one district in China which is not infected by the habit. It has found its way aUke into princes' palaces and poor men's cottages. The Chinese government attempts in vain to remedy the evil — every one is practically opposed to interference. In vain has the punishment of death been decreed against aU who smoke the drug. The wives of the Emperor violate the law within the very walls of the palace. It is a fertile OPIUM SMOKING. 293 source of revenue to the mandarins, and hence the futility of all attempts to suppress it. In fact, the persons who keep divans, or houses for opium -smoking, manage to protect themselves from justice by making handsome presents to the authorities, who wink hard in consequence. It is asserted that the tao-tai of Shang-hai makes nearly forty thousand pounds a year in this way. The craving for opium is irresistible when the habit of using it has once been acquired. To abandon it a man must possess a character of no common energy ; and indeed the habit can only be cured at the risk of life, for the stomach when de prived of this sustenance contracts, thereby causing the most acute agony. The Chinese begin when about twenty years of age to smoke a pipe a day. Great smokers get the length of as many as eight pipes, but then they faU victims to the habit within five or six years. Those who smoke from two to four pipes a day, however, may live for twenty or even for thirty years. Opium is smoked in a pipe about nine inches long, perforated at its extremity with a smaU hole into which the bit of opium is introduced, mixed with essence of roses. The smoke is inhaled in four or five long draughts. Each pipe produces at first a sort of headache, and then, it appears, a delight ful state of extacy. The smokers, after they have reached this stage, are removed to a great sleeping- 294 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. room and laid down upon mats side by side, and on their backs. The sleep so induced continues for four or five hours, after which the smoker remains for two or three hours in a state of utter weakness and prostration. Opium tends to brutaUse those who use it habitually. They can be recognised by their be sotted look, and by their lean and haggard faces. At first opium is smoked on the sly, unknown to the relations and family of the smoker. To escape notice, the victim repairs to smoking saloons, places gene rally kept by females of doubtful virtue. When he has had his draught and sleep, he goes home discon tented and peevish to his wife and children, and conducts himself towards them in the most vicious manner. This for a while is aU the harm done. Very soon, however, he becomes quite unfit for shopkeeping or labour, and can think of nothing but his new passion for opium. Buin soon stares him in the face. His lands are mortgaged, his furniture and dwelling sold, and then his wife and his children are dis posed of; often much to their satisfaction, as it is hard to endure the perpetual brawl which this habit introduces into a household. When with the help of pawnbrokers and money-lenders aU his means have been eaten up, the unhappy victim enUsts into the army, gets employment from a secret society, or joins some band of freebooters or insurgents. This THE OPIUM TRADE. 295 is the frightful evil which now gnaws at the prosperity of China, and demoralizes her people. It is humani tarian England, so noisy, vigilant, and susceptible about the negro slave-trade, which unscrupulously causes aU this misery. One cannot pass Woosung, and see those great ' receiving ships,' sinking to the water's edge under their freight of opium and bristling with cannon, without a feeUng of indignation. Here right is reconcUed with the interest of the strong ; the shame less and unprincipled love of gain is triumphant ! In defence of the traffic a few figures have been quoted which teU their own tale. According to Mr. Alcock, the Consul-General of Great Britain at Canton, the EngUsh import into China, and distribute among the Chinese, seventy thousand boxes of opium annually. Now one box of opium was worth, in August 1858, at Shang-hai, 480 taels. Taking the value of the tael at six and sixpence, we have the enor mous sum of 10,920,000?. Now this commodity is only exchanged for silver ingots. Opium, then, withdraws from China more than ten mHlions of pounds of sterling money annuaUy, which are immediately restored to the general commerce of the world. This traffic makes the Chinese yield up a part of the treasures which they are constantly absorbing and secreting in useless hoards. In exchange for silk and tea, the Chinese only receive a very smaU proportion 296 AN EMBASSY TO CHTNA AND JAPAN. of our products, indeed a portion imperceptible in its influence on the general trade. They won't have our goods, they will take only money. Opium, in this way, suppUes the means of maintaining an equHibrium in business, and prevents commerce with the Middle Empire from becoming to an injurious extent dis advantageous to Europe. The opium traffic has, then, its economical advantages. This is argued in self-defence, on commercial principles of undoubted soundness, by the heads of aU the great business houses in China, which owe their splendour to the existing system. Besides, the Chinese, it is added, are themselves to blame. They have it in their power to give up using opium. No one can force them to buy it. PoUtical economists, may discover some strength in these arguments, but we rejoice to think that France takes no part in this traffic, and owes no share of the prosperity she enjoys to the demoraUzation and degradation of a whole people. A man of Lord Elgin's noble and elevated character could not fa,H to express warmly his detestation of this evH. But what efforts of an individual wiU avail against commercial habits which have acquired tenacity and have proved a source of so much wealth ? Not being able to put down this trade, however, he has attempted to render it less criminal. Henceforth, trade in opium is subjected to customs duties, and, SECRET SOCIETIES. 297 after these have been settled, boxes are not to be considered contraband. It will now be imported and sold in all open ports. Uniformity in profits will thereby be restored among the foreign merchants, hitherto those engaged in legitimate trade only having paid duties, while the others paid none. Secret societies have existed for centuries back in China ; they are stiU numerous and formidable. The leading ones are those of the White Lily, the Eed Nuphar, Heavenly Wisdom, the Triad (the heavens, earth, and man), and the White Cloud. Kwang-toung, Kwang-si, and Fo-kien are infested with them. They are also numerous at Hong-Kong, ManHla, Singapore, and Macao. Tien-tsin is situated at a distance of about fifty mUes from the capital city of Pekin, which stands in the midst of a dreary and sandy plain. The winters are bitterly cold ; the summers are very hot, the weather being rendered more oppressive by the dust which fiUs the air. The climate is very trying to the lungs, and on this ground the Eussians who belong to the coUege have requested that they should only stay six instead of ten years at the Chinese capital. There are neither tankas nor tanka-women in northern China. They are entirely confined to the Canton river. No son of a boat-woman can become a mandarin ; and if, concealing this prohibition, any 298 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. of them should pass the examination and in this way obtain a button, he wHl be degraded so soon as the truth comes out. The ordinary rapidity of Chinese couriers is about three hundred Us, or about thirty leagues a-day ; when the despatches are urgent, or ' despatches of fire,' as they are caUed, the couriers who convey them should make five hundred Us, or fifty leagues a-day. There is much ado made in France about the extent to which aU the Uberal professions are overstocked. The same thing exists to an incomparably greater extent, however, in the Middle Empire. In 1821 there were thirty-two thousand unemployed doctors or licentiates — a dangerous fuel for the secret societies and insurrections. The number of unemployed pro fessional men must have increased since. There are occasional earthquakes at Shang-hai, in an aUuvial district formed of mud and sand ; a curious fact, which, even admitting the truth that the volcanic region of Japan is close at hand, is not satisfactorily explained. The Chinese army is composed of six hundred thousand men, who are scattered over the surface of the empire : a very smaU number of troops for a country of such extent. The Mantchoo army is com-' posed of two hundred thousand men, of whom one hundred thousand are organised in the capital and in THE MANTCHOO ARMY. 299 the northern towns. The Chinese Tartar troops, however, do not form a regular army Uke those of Europe. They are rather a mHitia, intended to support the provincial authorities and to maintain order in the empire. The soldiers are not lodged in barracks. Each lives in his own house, and they only meet on certain occasions under an order from their chief. As they are very badly paid, they generally add some other occupation to that of soldier. Most frequently they are day-labourers. 300 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. CHAPTEE X. Departure for Japan. — Van Diemen's Straits. — Detention at Si- moda. — The Bazaar. — We lunch -with Nemorano-Nedaawano- Kami. — The Bay of Yedo. — Death of the Civil Emperor. — The Embassy takes up its quarters in a Bonze-house. — The Official Town. — The Business Town. — The Palace of the Taicoon. — What we saw in the Streets of Yedo. — Our Hundred Iacounin. — Confer ences at Yedo. — Signature of the Treaty. — The Town of Nanga- saki. — The Dutch Factory of Deeima. — Attempts of the Japan ese Government to create a War Fleet. — The Chinese Factory.— Return to Shang-hai. All hope of the speedy return of the ' Audacieuse ' having been abandoned, and the bad season ap proaching rapidly, Baron Gros decided, in the begin ning of September, to leave Shang-hai and set sail for Japan, in order to accomplish the second part of his mission. He had at his disposal only two vessels of the Imperial navy, the sloop of war the ' Laplace,' the advice-boat the 'Pregent,' and a small trading steamer, hired for the same purpose, named the ' Eemi.' The remainder of the French fleet had received orders to join the admiral in Cochin China. The ambassador, M. de Contades, M. de Chassiron, DEPARTURE FOR JAPAN. 301 and the Abbe Mermet, our new interpreter, took up their quarters on board the 'Laplace.' We were accommodated in the ' Eemi.' We had on board with us an iuteUigent and intrepid traveUer, M. Casimir Leconte, who had explored in succession every country under the sun. During forty years he had travelled about incessantly, and yet he had never met with either storms or accidents of an alarming kind. He had never been sick. He had broken every limb and sprained every joint on the causeways of Paris ; but he had never met with a mischance of the kind far from home. We put our trust in his star in adven turing with him upon the stormy seas of Japan ; and we expected, not without reason, that his pleasant conversation would serve to relieve the tedium of the voyage, which it certainly did. On Monday, the 6th of September, at ten o'clock in the morning, with fine weather, a clear blue, sky, and a gentle wind from the north, we left the shores of the Whampoa. We were all well pleased to exchange the suffocating and unwholesome atmos phere of Shang-hai for the fresh sea-breeze. The captain of the ' Eemi,' his two mates, and the men who are in charge of the engine, are Europeans ; the remainder of the crew is composed of Malays, Hindoos, negroes, and Chinamen. We were struck with the measured and melancholy singsong with which the 302 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Malays accompany the tug and strain of their muscles as they haul in the anchor or hoist the saHs. Our ship belongs to the house of Eemi, Schmidt, and Company. It is let at the rate of 5500 piastres a-month, or more than 40?. a-day, no uncommon sum for such service in these seas. Our cabins are small but clean, and the saloon is well ventilated. But the ship has, unfortunately, other inhabitants, in the shape of rats, white ants, red ants, and cancrelas, which night and day give themselves up to all sorts of pranks and antics, to our supreme discomfort. A large vessel belonging to Jardine's firm, going directly to London with a cargo of tea, left the yeUow waters of the Yang-tse at the same time with us. Our engine is weak ; the ' Laplace,' not to let us fall behind, gave us a tug for some time. However, they found it inconvenient. They dropped us in a few days ; and leaving with the ' Pregent,' they fixed Simoda as the rendezvous. Slowly but steadily we advanced over the ocean. We had a head-wind, no doubt, but the weather was fine. It was Uke the beginning cf October in France. The sky was clear, the horizon serene. A strong swell from the north east, which set in against us, stopped our progress. However, we passed Van Diemen's Straits in safety, through the numerous islands which stud these seas ; SIMODA. 303 and on the 9th of September we quitted the China Sea for the open ocean. On the 14th, at ten o'clock, after a passage of nine days, we cast anchor at Simoda. The 'Laplace' and the 'Pregent' had arrived the night before. The port of Simoda is small and narrow : it would scarcely hold more than five or six ships at once ; but it is safe and weU sheltered, excepting to the south west, where it is a little open. The town is a mere village, protected from high tides by a dyke. The country is beautifully picturesque, exhibiting an ad mirable variety of hill and dale. Bounded knolls are covered with a luxuriant vegetation descending to the water's edge ; firs spring from the rocks ; and, amid wild and picturesque scenery, rich rice-fields, ranged in terraces, run along the hills. There were delight ful dells with brooks rushing down their hoHows ; and abrupt slopes and crags of volcanic rocks catch ing the sunshine at every angle, and giving wonder ful variety to the scene. We were deUghted with the country. Everywhere we met working people who had a gay and happy appearance ; and saw beauti fully clean houses, with a look about them of the utmost comfort and prosperity. If cleanliness is to be taken as a criterion of happi ness in a people or in an individual, then the Japanese should be happy. They are very cheerful ; and seem 304 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. pleased when we make up to them. The women do not run off as they do in China when they see a European. There is no crowd of ragged CooUes standing about. The costume of the men of the poorer classes is very simple, consisting of a wide dress with a belt, every part of it being exquisitely clean. The reader may guess what the effect of all this was, on persons who had just arrived from a six weeks' sojourn in the midst of that hideous human ant-hiU, a Chinese town, and from the flat and tame banks of the Whampoa. At the bottom of the roadstead floated the American flag, over the residence of Mr. Townsend Harris, the consul-general of the United States, settled in Japan in virtue of the treaty of Kanagawa. In spite of all the noise that was made about it, Commodore Perry's expedition has not struck very deep roots in the country. The name of Admiral Poutiatine is much more popular. It was in the road of Simoda that the celebrated shipwreck of the Eussian frigate, the ' Diana,' took place. It is the only case on record of a ship perishing by the effect of an earthquake. The land rose and fell on this occasion. At one mo ment the ship had six*?y feet of water under her, and the next, those on board saw her anchors lying high and dry on the upraised bed of the ocean. An im mense wave suddenly sprung up to seaward, and came WE LUNCH WITH THE GOVERNOR. 305 pouring into the roads. It overwhelmed the town, and inundated the whole vaUey. The admiral and his men jumped into the sea and swam ashore. Four teen only were drowned. The shipwrecked carpenters, when all was over and things had returned to their usual state, set about constructing a small vessel in which the crew might return to the banks of the Amour. But a large American ship, which was sent out shortly afterwards from Shang-hai, furnished them with a safer mode of conveyance — and the smaU Eussian schooner was presented to the Japan ese, and still forms a graceful ornament where it rides at anchor in the road of Simoda. During our stay in this port we received the warm est and most cordial reception from the Japanese. The governor of Simoda, his Excellency Nemorano- Nedanwano-Kami, came on the first day of our arri val on board the ' Laplace,' to visit the ambassador. At noon, on the third day we had been in Japan, we went on shore to pay him in turn our official visit. He came forward to meet us at the entrance to his house, and received us with perfect grace, sur rounded by his principal officers. A splendid luncheon was spread in the large reception-room. We took our places to the left side, on seats ; and the governor and his six officers sat down on their heels, after the custom of the country, on the side opposite to us. x 306 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. The Japanese interpreter, on his knees, transmitted the words of Abbe Mermet to the governor. Tea and saki, hot rice-brandy, fish, pork, and eggs in forty different forms, were served in plates and cups of red, brown, and black lacquer. Japanese cookery appeared to us, in a general way, to resemble Chinese cookery, but to be infinitely superior to the latter in the tempt ing appearance and cleanUness of the dishes, as well as in the way in which they were served up. Those who waited upon us carried two swords ; and at each new course we were struck by some .little refinement of luxury and elegance which we had not seen prac tised at the dinner of the Chinese mandarins. First, there were dwarf trees, cut into the shape of flowers and animals ; then there was a large fish in a dish of water, imitating a pool of salt water, with seaweed floating in it ; and lastly, there came superb flowers, constructed out of lobster-flesh and sliced turnips. The governor told us, with evident satisfaction, that these flowers were the work of his officers; which certainly gave us a high idea of the neat handiness of these gentlemen, although it somewhat lowered our opinion of the importance and serious character of tbfeir occupations. That the principal functionaries of the state are free to spend their time in making artificial flowers out of carrots and turnips and lob ster-flesh, proves that the social machine is well THE BAZAAR. 307 ordered, and works smoothly without watchful super vision. In the midst of all these nouveautes, it was a surprise to stumble upon a real gateau de SaiJoie, in slices cut to perfection, and unexceptionable in flavour. This importation dates from the Spaniards— that is to say, it is two centuries old ; and it continues to retain its Spanish name. The official ^receptions over, we turned our whole attention to the bazaar of Simoda, which is deserving of special mention in this place. The reader is aware that, down to our own times, it was an offence pun ishable with death in a Japanese to sell anything to foreigners. This was a monopoly reserved by the government. Warned, beforehand, of the arrival of the ships of war belonging to the four nations, the Japanese authorities had accordingly collected, in- an immense tent, all the products of the country which were likely to interest foreigners. There were dis played Japanese lacquer, employed in every way ; long rows of inkstands, boxes, and tables, of all colours and sizes. The price of each object in itchi- bous, the coin of the country, was written in Arabic numerals underneath ; and a small wooden box, made expressly for each article, enabled the purchaser to pack it on the spot, and remove it on board. The Parisian ladies would have waxed enthusiastic over so many marvels of taste and elegance. The ambas- 308 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. sador, his secretaries and attaches, the officers, the very saUors were delighted with the exhibition. All day long there was nothing but going and coming from the shore to the ships ; and when we left, it was calculated that there had been, spent about 1200?. on purchases of lacquered articles at Simoda. Our intercourse with the inhabitants was very famHiar. We went on shore forenoon, afternoon, and evening, at any hour. We were frankly re ceived everywhere. We visited the pagodas, which are very curious and weU worth seeing ; and while sauntering about, would drop into the houses of en-' tertainment, to get a cup of tea. In the evening we joined those who sang and danced in honour of the moon ; and really enjoyed the amusements of the people. They showed every anxiety to please us, and often supplied us with boats gratuitously to get back to our vessel. Our entertainers said to us, laughingly, that we would not meet with the same attention at Yedo, the people there being of a more serious turn of mind. We afterwards had an oppor tunity of appreciating the truth of this remark. After staying five, days in this charming country, the ambassador gave us the signal for departure. Up to the last moment the deck was crowded with Japanese, who came on board to get a glass of cham pagne or liqueur, and then visit the engine and other ti) P. THE MOUNTAIN OF FUSI-YAMA. 309 parts of the ship. On these occasions they took long notes on their fans of what they saw. In all this their conduct was very different from that of the Chinese. During my whole stay in the Celestial Empire I never saw a single Chinaman come on board except to sell goods. The Japanese are anxious to get instruction. The Chinese disdain whatever does not belong to the customs and literature of their own race. On the night of the 19th of September we left the Bay of Simoda, in order to proceed to Kanagawa and Yedo. The evening before the governor had sent two of his officers in fuU dress to the ambassador, to an nounce to him officially the death of the civil Emperor of Japan. This important news had arrived that very morning from the capital. AU the day we had our flags hoisted on account of the death of the taicoun. I do not know whether the Japanese have noticed this demonstration on our part, which of course they won't understand until it is explained to them. At the entrance to the Bay of Yedo we were overtaken by the ' Laplace ' and ' Pregent,' which did not leave for four hours after us. We saw from deck a crowd of barks, junks, villages, and towns, above which rose, in all its majesty, Fusi-yama — the mountain, par excellence, of the Japanese. A bright sun irradi ated the hill sides. At three o'clock we cast anchor 310 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. four miles from the extremity of the bay where the town is situated. Before that part of the town which is called Sinagawa we perceived five ships of war of European construction, of which two were steamers; one being a gift from the Dutch, the other a gift from the English. The civil Emperor died twenty days ago of gout in the stomach ; he was only thirty-five years of age. The government considered it prudent to conceal his death, in this adopting the traditional policy of the court of Yedo. His successor, who is Ms adopted son, is only thirteen years of age, and is not yet recognised. It is a councH of regency which governs. For forty days the Japanese must allow their beards to grow, as a sign of mourning. It is whispered that the new taicoun is rather of a blood thirsty disposition ; he has just begun his higher studies, but Confucius and his commentators are not much to his mind. The laws compel him, however, to study under a master, who, although addressing his pupil on his bended knees, does not for all that require to mince matters with the royal youth when scholastic discipline is to be enforced. ' The ' Laplace ' was besieged for eight-and-forty hours by a crowd of Japanese officers dressed in rich silks, with attendants wearing two swords apiece, going, coming, and moving about through the ship. Seven governors of Yedo came at one time on board ; THE CITY OF YEDO. 311 but the cold poUteness of these distinguished officials made us regret the frank good nature of the inha bitants of Simoda. The firm resolution come to by Baron Gros, to go on shore, to live in the city of Yedo, and to negociate his treaty there, excited the strongest opposition on the part of these functionaries, and gave rise to interminable discussions. The death of the Emperor would prevent, they said, the French embassy from being received with all the distinction which the court of Yedo would have liked to confer upon it, had it not arrived at a time of mourning. If they wished honour done them, they must, according to Japanese custom, wait forty days. Baron Gros said that he would dispense with anything of the kind. Our presence in the town, they said, would cause trouble ; it would collect crowds who might do us some harm. The ambassador said it seemed to him to be the duty of the Japanese authorities to prevent anything of this kind from happening. Cholera was then raging at Yedo ; three thousand persons had died, and three hundred were dying every day :— why should we expose our lives by coming into the town at such a time ? Baron Gros replied that we were acquainted with cholera, that it also existed in France, and that we were not at all frightened about it. Such were the principal arguments of the Japanese. The ambassador was 312 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. obliged to enter into all this miserable cavilling, Lord Elgin and Count Poutiatine having already gone through the same process. At length, after three days of tiresome delay, we were permitted to disem bark at the city of Yedo. At noon on the 23rd, Contades, M. Mermet, and Flavigny went on shore to see the house which the Japanese authorities had set apart for us, near the palace of the Emperor. They found it clean and spacious, in a suitable quarter, not far from the sea, and we fixed the 26th as the day for coming on shore. As the funeral of the taicoon takes place on the 24th, we consented to delay for two days taking possession of our new abode, which was a bonze-house or convent. On Sunday, the 26th of September, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, we met on board the 'Laplace,' and put off in three ship's-boats to take up our quar ters at last in the capital of Japan. As the ambassa dor left the ' Laplace ' and passed in front of the ' Pregent,' the saHors, manning the yards, gave three cheers for the Emperor. No cannon were then fired, as a mark of respect for the taicoon. The day was ¦close and hot. It took us an hour to get to land. We passed under five forts buHt on pHes, and con structed after the European fashion according to plans supplied by the Portuguese. They are in very good repair, and their defenders seemed nume- THE NORIMONS. 313 rous. Our luggage had been despatched in the morning from the ships on board junks supplied by the Japanese authorities. We approached the land with difficulty. The tide was beginning to recede, and our boats could not reach the landing-place. The ambassador was obliged to get into a fishing- boat to reach the shore, and then he had to climb up a ladder after leaving it to reach the level on which the city stands. In this act he did not badly repre sent western civilization mounting the breach into the antique civilization of Japan. We were in a fortified enclosure, in which were drawn up a hundred men wearing two sabres, who were to escort us. At the door of this enclosure we found the ambassador's chair, now an object of historical interest, and our chairs or norimons awaiting us, and carried by Japa nese porters. We declined to squat in these elegant lacquered boxes, and, in order to have a look about us, walked after the chair of Baron Gros. For some time we passed through streets which were very much crowded, but the celebrated canabo mohi, or triangle-bearers, preceded us and opened a way. These functionaries, who are peculiar to Japan, stopped at each door, that is to say, at every hundred paces. Their gowns, chequered with yeUow, green, black, or red patches, gave them a most fantastic appearance. They carried a large iron triangle, to which were 314 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. attached at the top iron rings, which jingled when it was struck upon the ground. It terminated below in a sharp point, which they let fall upon the feet of the mob to keep them back. The crowd on seeing them approach drew back and aUowed us to pass. We soon arrived at the official town, or the quarter set apart for the lesser bounio, their famflies and suites, during their stay of twelve months in Yedo. There is something of the sadness, severity, and gloom of monastic estabUshments about this quarter of the town'. The houses, although their architecture is more highly ornamented, have the look of prisons. They have immense oaken doors with large iron locks, which are always kept closed and bolted. Behind the grated windows we could see a whole population of men, women, and girls, staring at us with no small curiosity. On one side of the street live the bounio and their family, on the other their domestics. In nothing did what we saw resemble China. The streets are wide, clean, and well ventilated. They are even macadamised and bounded on each side with a stream of limpid water. The houses are not heaped one above the other as in the Chinese towns. Everywhere traces are apparent of the supervision of an active and vigilant board of health. After walking half an hour we came to our house, which was situated at the foot of a wooded hiH, on which GARDENS AND PARKS AT YEDO. 315 there was a Buddhist temple which overlooked the bay and the whole town. Scarcely had we arrived when the six great functionaries, appointed pleni potentiaries, came to the convent on a visit of compliment to the ambassador. Then followed a dinner sent by the taicoon, a sumptuous and solid repast, similar to that at Simoda ; of which, however, we were obliged to partake while the interview was going on. The taicoon at the same time sent us a few baskets of pears, chestnuts, grapes, and other fruits, with a message that he would provide the same quantity every morning while we continued to stay in the .city. The capital of Japan covers a space of one hun dred square mUes, and contains two millions and a half of inhabitants. There are in Yedo a number of small wooded heights covered with joss-houses, whence there is a fine view over the remainder of the town. Everywhere in the town we came to the edge of large gardens and parks, in which the Ja panese authorities sauntered about with their fami- Ues, ;for they never go into the streets except on business. In Japan, as in China, the authorities sel dom make their appearance among the people, and when they do so it is in full dress, and accompanied by a cortege. Accordingly the Japanese could scarcely beUeve us when we told them that the Emperor 316 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. Napoleon HI. went out every day in a phaeton with out any attendants, driving the conveyance himself ; that he rode through the streets on horseback at tended only by an aide-de-camp ; and that he spent his time in attending to pubUc business. The idea of a prince moving about famiUarly among his sub jects was altogether at variance with their prejudices, but the fact of a sovereign being hard worked in the administration of state affairs seemed to them to be altogether absurd. They remarked ingenuously that it must be more tiresome than pleasant to be tai coon of the French. The taicoon of Japan leads quite another life. When he goes abroad aU the streets must be cleared ; then every one must go within doors, and motion must cease, and every sound be hushed in the town ; the few persons who witness the scene must remain still, their heads bowed to the ground, and the slightest infraction of this posture is punished with death. The inhabitants of Yedo, however, are seldom troubled by the presence of their sovereign. He does not leave the enclosure of his palace more than five or six times a year, in a norimon or Ja panese palanquin, for the purpose of worshiping the images of his ancestors in a temple situated two or three miles from the town. He is so completely hedged round by etiquette, his life is so much bound THE PALACE OF THE EMPEROR. 317 up with the rites, that at last he has become a sort of demi-god, hid from men, and by far too loftily exalted to take any interest in the affairs of this world. The gotairo, who is his prime minister, and the councils accordingly govern the state. The taicoon, who has been caUed the temporal Emperor of Japan, is the lieutenant of the mikado, or ecclesiastical Emperor. Originally appointed to relieve the mikado from the burden of business, he has.thrown it in turn upon his prime minister. In our times the taicoon is gradually becoming a second mikado. At six o'clock in the morning the day after we took up our abode at Yedo, M. Mermet, Maubourg, and I set out on a long walk towards the palace of the Emperor. We found that the way to get to it was to go in the direction directly opposite to that pointed out by our guides. We crossed two great enclosures with broad ditches or moats full of run ning water, and lofty embankments, which were kept in very good order, covered with greensward and shaded by dark green trees, the branches of which drooped to the ground. Storks with beautifully clean plumage stalked about over the grass. We passed every now and then, as we proceeded, guard houses, lacquered inside, and occupied by men with two swords, who sat upon their heels. The silence of these spacious official streets was only broken at times 318 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. when a group of daimio, or Japanese princes, passed on horseback, or to an interview with the taicoon, all in f uU dress and escorted by a numerous cortege. Before each, twenty men with two swords marched pompously down the middle of the street. Then came the daimio, with a lacquer hat of many colours and a pearl-gray dress, mounted on his horse of state. The trappings of these animals were quite feudal, and carried the mind back to the middle ages. In Japan horses are never shod ; their hoofs are covered with straw, like the feet of the men. They are much larger and much stronger than those of the Chinese •breed; they are fed exclusively on rice-straw, and resemble a good deal our old Limousin stock, which has been stupidly allowred to die out. Horses are not used for draught purposes; they are employed solely for the saddle. The carts at Yedo are drawn by bulls, aud in all Niphon there is not a single carriage. It is not every one wdio is aUowed to ride on horseback in the capital of the taicoon ; it is a privilege reserved for the great functionaries of state. To return to the cortege of the daimio : these personages are followed by the same number of men with two swords as that which precedes them ; then come several Coolies, who carry large boxes of black wood stuck at the end of a stick of bamboo. The higher the daimio is, the greater is the number of A BREACH OF PROPRIETY. 319 boxes. 1 was told that dresses for all occasions and all weathers — for heat, for cold, for sunshine, and for rain — were stowed away in them, and that the daimio make it a rule to have part of their wardrobe borne in state behind them. Whether this is the case or not, the Coolies form a singular part of the cortege. We followed a procession of this kind for some time. We were just entering the third en closure of the palace, when our three guides sud denly barred the way, and made us understand by signs that, if they allowed us to proceed further, they themselves would be subject to the unpleasant process of decapitation. We had no fear for their heads, but we knew that the Japanese government is very severe on those who infringe the rites, and we did not wish them to be reprimanded on our account, so we reluctantly consented to retire. The evening before, in the historical chair which had figured at Tien-tsin, Baron Gros had made his entrance into the town, carried by eight Japanese Coolies decked out as Chinamen. Now it appears that it is a tiling quite unknown in Japan for a native to appear in Chinese garments ; it is an enor mity — a violation of all propriety. It is more — it is a crime. On this occasion the unfortunate Coolies were not considered the only guilty parties. Six hundred Japanese officials, who had not prevented 320 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. the offence, were sentenced to a hundred days' imprisonment ! Here, then, was a total of sixty thousand days' imprisonment, aU on account of this unlucky palanquin. The ambassador was much an noyed when he heard of this proceeding, and took care to get the prisoners immediately liberated. But if a wholesome respect for Japanese legislation had been taught the two hundred officers sent by the taicoon to guard and watch us, they had also been alarmed to an extent painful to us, lest we should be found wanting in respect for those rites to which the go vernment attached so much importance, without their having it in their power to keep us right. Yedo is divided into two distinct districts ; that which surrounds the palace is the official quarter. It is, as we said, sad, calm, and solemn. The other is fuU of life and bustle. One can scarcely imagine them to form part of the same place. They look like two towns separated a hundred mHes from each other. The official town is fiHed with the fami lies of the daimio, the bounio, the governors, those functionaries retained as hostages by the govern ment, and those who are spending their alternate year in Yedo. It was dull enough to saunter through the wide and sHent streets. What a dif ference there was in this respect when we went into the business quarter ! The moment we set foot in it JAPANESE HOUSES. 321 there was a general hubbub. The children shouted, and the fuU-grown men and women came racing up from every quarter of the compass, as if their lives depended on their celerity in making a ring round us ; there was a noisy crowd formed at our heels be fore we could escape, and we never proceeded along the street without the attendance of a clamorous mob of not less than five hundred persons. This sort of thing was not much to our liking, and, after spending an hour or two in being stared at in this way, we were always glad to abandon our exploration and escape to our residence. Our quarters are not very comfortable. We are separated from the outer air by mere partitions of rice paper, and during the night it is bitterly cold. The Japanese with whom we come in contact are very goodnatured; after having ministered to our wants, they do their very best to make themselves agreeable. In this attempt they expend a great deal of ingenuity. Many of them can already bid us good day, and good night, in French, and can count with our numerals as high as a hundred. To gratify their anxious desire for knowledge,, we have converted the joss-house into a sort of school-room, and have opened classes for the alphabet ; our pupHs do us credit. If we were to stay a month longer at Yedo French would be the only language spoken at this bonze-house. 322 AN EMBASSY TO CHINA AND JAPAN. The evenings are rather dull. At eight or nine* o'clock all the gates which separate the various, quarters of Yedo are shut, and the movement in the streets is stopped till next day. We then get out on the roof of the bonze-house, to breathe the fresh air, look about us, and see the comet ; after this we Tetire to a hand at whist with Commanders Kerjegu and D'Ozery, and in this way we contrive to spend the time. There are five hundred wrestlers at Yedo, men of herculean proportions, who let themselves out on hire to exhibit their feats of strength. We thoug'it at first of engaging them for an evening, but it after wards occurred to us that the diversion was rather undignified, and we therefore abandoned our inten tion. The conferences were conducted with great des patch. Baron Gros having been good enough to appoint me secretary, I attended them with his Excellency and the interpreter, the *abbe Mermet. The ambassador presided, and the six Japanese am bassadors sat before him, round the table, in the order of their rank. Each of the latter entered into* the discussion with arguments of his own, and we had more than once occasion to admire the acuteness and. ability they displayed. I must give their names, which, although they may be elegant in Japan, sound ¦ Up. -% Wiz ¦AM 4 .-.<., ,KS, ;¦:¦ ; ft.. " * •> ; - E-t co