V-=S$' e'*\';'P .*..^m :^.' Ull BH T?r>- 5v i??*'^5 •wj ^MiM^i^^^mi 0[ /fir tie ^miAjig eff. Colita, m.1%_ ti^tg^' 'T^LE«¥]MH¥IEI^Sflir¥- Gift of JOHN HOWARD WEBSTER, Y. '68 1929 Progressive jVfen of J^orthern Ohio 5 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER PUBLISHING CO. 1906 PLAIN DEALER PRESS Cn\1.0\\ THE object of the Cleveland Plain Dealer in compiling and circulating "PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO" is to present in permanent form a list of over one thousand men in the northern half of Ohio -who have been successful in their respective communities and in their espe cial lines of usefulness. Much time and care have been expend ed in the compilation of the contents of this volume. The task of gathering photographs and collecting material for more than one thousand sketches has for some months kept a staff of men continually employed. There were delays due to the inability to get por traits at the fixed time and to the hesitancy of some in presenting the short biography necessary to make the work complete. We hope the public to which this book goes will find that the results amply compensate for the time consumed in the preparation. All the leading professions and occu pations are represented. Among them are clergymen, educators, attorneys, physicians, surgeons, dentists, members of the judiciary. United States, state, county and municipal officials, bankers, capitalists, brokers, mer chants, manufacturers^ real estate and insur ance men, coal and oil dealers and operators, contractors, engineers in all the branches, architects, chemists, electric and steam rail road officials, transportation men, iron and steel manufacturers and dealers, automobile interests, lumber men, telephone men, pub lishers and other spheres of industry and learning. The photograph of every man included in the book is accompanied by a short, terse sketch of his life and work. There is no attempt made to laud any one or to notice one man above another. The biographies will be found to be of uniform size, and confined closely to a brief outline of the things accomplished by the subject of the sketch. There has never been a publication of this character in the country. It has been the intention to secure representation in the volume from every town in the northern half of the state. In a large measure, this has been done. Every newspaper feels the need of a large collection of photographs of men distinguished in their particular lines of ac tivity. It, at the same time, needs a short outline of the lives of the same men. In making this collection of photographs and sketches, the Plain Dealer has put in permanent shape these two require ments. The "PROGRESSIVE MEN" will be found in almost daily use in the newspaper offices of the country and in the public libraries and public institutions. The boards of trade and the chambers of commerce in this country and Canada will have copies in their executive offices, easy of access, and a copy will be in the home of every subscriber. We believe a work along the lines we have endeavored to follow will be of great benefit to this section, showing as it will, the very best of our citizenship. The work has been thoroughly done. Nothing has been omitted that would make it the most complete record ever attempted. None but progressive and representative men have been accepted — men who have been, or are, identified with the growth and develop ment of Northern Ohio. Respectfully yours, THE PLAIN DEALER PUBLISHING CO. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 11 STATESMEN WILLIAM McKINLEY MARCUS ALONZO HANNA William McKinley. Deceased. Statesman and Lawyer. Born Niles, Trumble County, Ohio, Jan. 29, 1843. Served in the Civil war Union Army, attaining the rank of Major. Prosecut ing Attorney of Stark County, Ohio 1869-71. Republican Mem ber of Congress from Ohio 1877-91. Author of the McKinley Bill. Chairman of the Platform Committee in the Republican National Convention 1884 and 18S8. Chairman of the Com mittee on Ways and Means in Congress 1889-91 and elected Governor of Ohio 1891, re-elected 1893, elected President of the United States 1896, re-elected 1900. Assassinated September 6th, 1901 at Buffalo, New York. Marcus Alonzo Hanna. Deceased. Late U. S. Senator from Ohio. Born Lisbon, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1837. Came to Cleveland 1852. Educated common schools and Western Reserve College. Degree of LL- D. Kenyon College 1900. Became employee and later partner in wholesale grocery business until 1867. I.ater became head of M. A. Hanna & Co., coal. Was an officer, direc tor and interested in numerous corporations. Directed campaign which secured nomination and election of Wm. McKinley as President of the United States. Chairman National Republican Committee 1896-1903. Elected U. S. Senator 1897 and served until his death 1903. JOHN M. PATTISON John M. Pattison. Deceased. Governor of Ohio. Born 58 years ago on a farm in Clermont County. At the age of sixteen en listed in the Union Army and served the last days of the war. Returning home he attended Ohio Wesleyan College, he then took up the writing of insurance for the Union Central Life Insurance Co., of which he afterwards- became the executive head; while engaged in this business he studied law and was admitted to the bar. Was a member of the Ohio State Legislature. Ten years later he was elected State Senator. Was inaugurated as the fifth Democratic Governor in the last fifty years January the Sth, 1906. Was a Knight Templar and connected with the Busi ness Men's and Commercial Club, Cincinnati. Died June 18th, 1906. MYRON T. HERRICK Myron T. Herrick, Ex-Governor of Ohio. Capitalist. Born Huntington, Ohio, October 9, 1854. Educated the common schools, Oberlin College and Ohio Wesleyan University; ad mitted to the bar in Cleveland 1878, retired from law practice in 1886 to become secretary and treasurer of the Society for Savings; President since 1894. Chairman of Board V\^eeling & Lake Erie R. R- Director Trust .Company of America. Offi cer and Director in numerous other Railway and financial en terprises. Vice-president of American Banking Association. Trustee and Treasurer of the McKinley National Memorial As sociation. Member of the Republican National Committee. Governor of Ohio 1903-05. Politically a Republican. 12 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO STATESMEN CHARLES DICK Charles Dick, Akron. U. S. Senator, Ohio. Born in Akron, Nov. 3, 1S58. Educated public schools. Started business with Chipman & Barnes, Akron. Two years later bookkeeper Citizens Savings & Loan Association. Then bookkeeper Empire Mower & Reaper Co. Later with L. C. Miles, produce and grain. Firm subsequently changed to Dick & Peterson. Admitted to bar 1894. Served two terms as Auditor of Summit County. Three times Chairman Republican Countv Committee. Republican National Com. 1897, 1900 and 1905. Chairman State Rep. Ex. Committee 1893-93-94-99 and 1900. Sec. Chicago headquarters Republican National Committee 1896. Lieutenant Colonel Sth Regiment O. N. G. Elected Brigadier General and was Major General with regiment in Cuba, Spanish-American War. Elected M. C. 1896- 98-1900. Elected U. S. Senator 1903. THEODORE E. BURTON Theodore E. Burton, Cleveland. Member Congress 21st Dis trict, and lawyer. Born in Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Dec. 20, 1851. Educated at Grand River Institute, Austinburg, O., Iowa College, Grinnell, Iowa, and Oberlin College, O. Graduated from the latter in 1872. Admitted to the bar in 1875 and began the practice of law. in Cleveland. Author of a work on Finan cial Crisis and Periods of Commercial Depression, which was published in 1902. Member of Congress 1888, 1894-96-98-1900, 1902 and re-elected 1904. Unanimously elected chairman Rivers and Harbors Committee over ranking member of that committee. Still serving in that capacity. Politically a Republican. J.\COB ATLEE BEIDLER Jacob Atlee Bcidler, Willoughby. Member Congress 20th Dis trict, and coal operator. Born near Valley Forge, Chester Co., Pa., Nov. 2, 1852. Educated in the common schools in that vicinity and Locke's Seminary, Norristown, Pa. Moved to Ohio and started in the coal business, in which he has been actively engaged since 1873. Elected to Congress 1900-1903, and re-elected 1004. Politically a Republican. TOM LOFTIN JOHNSON Tom Loftin Johnson, Cleveland. Mayor. Born Georgetown, Ky., July 18, 1854. Went to Indiana in boyhood and educated there. First clerked in a St. R. R. office, Louisville, Ky. In vented several street railway devices. Bought St. R. R. Indian apolis, later acquired large St. R. R. interests in Cleveland, De troit and Brooklyn. Iron manufacturing, Cleveland. Democratic Member Congress 1891-95. Prominent advocate of the single tax theories of the late Henry George. Retired from business. De votes entire time to tax questions. Elected Mayor 1901. Re elected 1903 and 1905. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 13 PUBLIC MEN JOHN CULLEN WELTY John Cullen Welty, Canton. Lawyer. Born Tuscarawas Co., O., Sept. 10, 1853. Educated in the common schools of Tuscara was County, and a special course at Bethany College, W. Va. Then took Classical course at Mt. Union College, Canton, graduating in 1873. Read Law in the office ot Judge Seraphim Meyer. Admitted to the bar 1875 and engaged in general prac tice. Elected City Solicitor three terms. Elected and served two terms as Prosecuting Attorney for County. Engaged in General Practice, President People's Savings Bank. Canton, for past fifteen years. Director Diebold Safe & Lock Co. Canton- Akron Railway. Member Lakeside Country Club. Politically a Democrat. MARTIN L. SMYSER Martin L. Smyser, Wooster. Lawyer. Born Wayne county, Ohio, April 3, 1851. Educated in the common schools and graduated from Wittenberg college, Springfield, O. Was elected Prosecuting attorney of Wayne county at the age of twenty- one. A member of the 51st Congress, then Judge on the Circuit bench by appointment and elected to the Fifty-ninth Con gress. Director of Citizens National Bank, Wooster, O., and Millersburg, Wooster and Orrville Telephone Co. For many years chairman of the County Executive committee. Delegate to the state conventions a number of times, and three times a delegate to the National conventions. ROBERT WALKER TAYLER Robert Walker Tayler, Youngstown. Judge United States District Court, Northern, 0. Born Youngstown, C, Nov. 26, 1853. Graduated from Western Reserve College in June 1872. Taught in High school at Lisbon, O., becoming Superintendent of Schools 1873-74. From 1875 to 1876 edited Buckeye State Newspaper at Lisbon, O. Admitted to bar and engaged in practice 1877. Prosecuting Attorney, Columbiana Co. 1880-8'6. Member of Congress 1895-1903, 18th Ohio District. Republican Chairman Committee on Elections No. 1, 55th, 56th and 57th Congress. Chairman Special Committee case of Brigham H. Roberts, 56th Congress. Was nominated for 58th Congress, but declined. Appointed Judge U. S. District Court 1905 still serving. CHARLES BURLEIGH GALBREATH Charles Burleigh Galbreath, Columbus. State Librarian of Ohio. Born in Columbiana County, Ohio. Early life was spent on a farm. At age of seventeen he began teaching in the rural schools. Graduated from New Lisbon High School, and .later from Mt. Union College, degree of A. M. Was Superintendent of schools, Wilmot, O., and East Palestine, O. For a short time was President of Mt. Hope College. Edited The Reveille while in East Palestine. Was County School Examiner and holds a life certificate from Slate board of examiners. The Library Commission in 1896, elected him State Librarian of Ohio, which position he has since held. Member Ohio Library Assn., Ameri can Library Assn., and The Association of State Libraries. President of the latter in 1900. Has written a number of mono graphs and articles, and is author "The Song Writers of Ohio." 14 PROGRESSIVE MEIST OF NORTHERN OHIO PUBLIC MEN JARED AUGUSTINE SMITH GEN. JOSEPH WHEELER Jared Augustine Smith, Cleveland. Brigadier general United States army, retired. Born Wilton, Maine, July 6, 1840. Edu cated public schools. Graduate West Point 1862. Commissioned second lieutenant corps engineers. Assigned army of northern Virginia. Breveted first lieutenant 1S62. First lieutenant 1863. Captain 1864. Brev. major 1865. Major 1?74 . Lieutenant colonel 18S8. Colonel 1807. Brigadier general 1903. After war had charge construction lighthouses, fortifications, surveys, etc., of northwest lakes and various points on Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf coasts. In charge river and harbor improvements at Cleve land and points on Lake Erie, and lighthouses, Detroit to St. Lawrence river 1891-1900. Since retirement, 1903, consulting engineer. Member Union club, Loyal Legion and other military orders. Gen. Joseph Wheeler. Deceased. Brig. Gen. U. S. A. Re tired, Statesman and Author. Born Augusta, Ga,, September 10, 1836. Graduate West Point 1859. Degree of LL- D. Georgetown, 1899. Second Lieut. U. S. Cavalry 1859-61. Con federate Artillery, First Lieut. Col. Inf. Brig. Gen. Cavalry. Maj. Gen. Corps Commander. Lieut. Gen. Confederate service. After war lawyer and planter. Member Congress 1881-99; re elected 56th Congress, but resigned. Appointed Maj. Gen. of Volunteers U. S. A. Army of Santiago. Member Society Co lonial Wars, Sons American Revolution, War of 1813, Society of Santiago, Naval and Military Order, Spanish-American War. Assigned to command of Cavalry Division. Served throughout the Spanish-American war with a distinction. Author of many histories a-nd books on military tactics. Died 1905. M. F. BRAMLEY M. F. Bramley, Cleveland. General contractor. Born Cuya hoga county, O., Jan. 4, 1868. Educated common schools. Member Court House and City Hall commissions. President The Land Title Abstract Co., Cleveland-Massillon Co., Cleve land Trinidad Paving Co., and director The Euclid Avenue Trust Co., Newburgh Reduction Co., and Cleveland Automatic Cleaning Co. Member lower house Legislature 1895-99. Mem ber of K. of P., Elks, and National Union. CARLOS M. STONE Carlos M. Stone, Cleveland. Attorney. Born at Strongsville, Cuyahoga county, O. in 1846. Educated in the district schools and at Oberlin College. Studied law, graduating from the Ohio State and Union Law College in 1869. In 1871 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Cleveland, serving two years. In 1879 he was chosen to fill a similar position for Cuyahoga . county, being re-elected in 1881 for a period of three years. In 1885 he was elevated to the common pleas bench, which' position he held continuously until January 1, 1906. Politically he is a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN. OF NORTHERN OHIO 15 PRESIDENTS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE -PAST AND PRESENT FRANCIS FLEUR/Y P'REINTISS AMBROSE SWASEY Francis Fleury Prentiss, Cleveland. President The Cleveland Twist Drill Co. Born Montpeiier, Vermont, August 23, 1858. Educated in the common schools. Clerk in a bank for three years. Teller and assistant cashier at the age of nineteen. Moved to Cleveland in 1S79, and was associated with, and partner in the firm of Davies and Prentiss, Lock Manufacturers. In August 1880 formed partnership with J. D. Cox Jr„ firm became Cox & Prentiss, Manufacturers of twist drills. This firm dis solved Dec. 31, 1904, and was succeeded by The Cleveland Twist Drill Co. Incoroorated with F. F. Prentiss president and general manager. Member Union, Country, Euclid, Rowfant, Cleveland Yacht and Chamber of Commerce clubs. Member Masons. Preside'Ut Cleveland Chamber of Commerce 1906-07. Ambrose Swasey, Vice-President and Treasurer Warner Swasey & Co., Cleveland, O. Is a native of New England and was born in Exeter, N, H. He attended the common schools and at 18 became an apprentice to the machinist's trade. In 1870 he entered the employ of Pratt & Whitney Co., at Hart ford, Conn., and while there invented and perfected the Epi- cycloidal Milling Machine for the production of the true theo retical teeth of gears. In 1880 he resigned his position and with Mr. Warner established the Warner Swasey Co. Mr. Swasey is a past president of the Civil Engineers Club of Cleveland. Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and has the title o£ Chevalier of the Legion of Honor conferred by the French government. President Cleveland Chamber of Com merce 1905-06. RUDOLPH AUDON BARTLEY AMOS B. McNAIRY Rudolph Audon Bartley, Toledo. Wholesale grocer and pres- ; ideht Toledo Chamber of Commerce. Born Germany, May 9, 1851. Came to United States with parents in 1853, locating ' Perrysburg, O. ^Educated in district schools. Came to Toledo in 1868. Started in retail grocery business in 1873 until 1883, [then ?"etail and wholesale until 1887. Since then strictly whole- ' sale. ,Only house in the state that has a profit-sharing system, which was started in 1903, distributing over $38,000.00. Vice president Central Savings Bank. Director National Bank of ;; Commerce. Member School Board since 1904. Interested in " othej' corporations. Elected president Chamber of Commerce in 11904; re-elected in 1905. Member Toledo Yacht club, Toledo club, Lincoln club. Politically a Republican. Member Baptist church. Amos B. McNairy, Cleveland. Manufacturer, Born Columbus, O., May 4, 1854. Educated in the common schools and grad* uated from Cornell University in 1877, Degree of B. M. E. President Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 1904-05. Member Union and Country Clubs, and President Little Mountain Club. Member Association of Mechanical Engineers. Politically a Republican and a member of the Presbyterian Church. 16 progress: VE M E N OF NORTHERN OHIO CAPITALISTS CHARLES. FRANCIS BRUSH Charles Francis Brush, Cleveland. Inventor of modern arc electric lighting. Born Euclid, 0., March 17, 1849. Graduated University of Michigan 1S69. Degree M. E- Degree M, S. 1899. Degree Ph. D. 18S0 and LL- D. 1900 Western Reserve University. Degree LL- D. Kenyon 1903. Founder Brush Electric Co. President Cleveland Arcade Co. Trustee Univer sity School, Western Reserve University, Lake View Cemetery Association and Cleveland School of Art. Fellow American Association Adv. of Science and life member British Associa tion. Decorated by French government 1881 for achievements in electrical science. Received Romford medal 1899. Member Union, University, Euclid and Coiuitry clubs, Cleveland, BENJAMIN ROSE. - Benjamin Rose, Cleveland. Financieir and capitalist. Born in England. Came to the United States in 1848. and located in Cleveland in 1851. Organized the Rose and Bros, provision business, later the firm changed to Rose & Prentiss, and in 1877 merged into The Cleveland Provision Co. Elected its President, and ' still serving. Built and is sole owner of the great Rose - Bu'ilding in 1900, largest office building in Ohio. Director and interested in numerous corporations. Trustee Case School of' Applied "Science. Member Colonial Club and St. Paul's Episcopal Church. ALFRED I-L WICK Alfred li. Wick, Cleveland. Retired. Born Youngstown, Ohio, January 1, ]838. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Was with H. B. & H. \\'ick & Co., Bankers. Henry Wick & Co., Bankers. The Wick Banking & Trust Co. Presi dent of the Wick Investment Co., Cleveland. President The Fox Furnace Co., Elyria, Ohio. Retired from active business in 1878. Member the Euclid Club. Politically a Republican. Member Second Presbyterian Church. JAMES J. TRACY James J. Tracy, Cleveland. Capitalist. Born Lansingburgh, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1819. Educated in private schools and State Academy, Utica, N. Y. Came to Cleveland in 1836, and be came connected with the Bank of Cleveland. Remained with this bank for fifteen years, and since then has had a great diversity of interests, being connected with many large enter prises of Cleveland. Trustee and one of the original incor porators of Case School of Applied Science. Director Society for Savings and University School. Has been a member of the Union Club since its organization. Politically a Republican, and a member of the Second Presbyterian Church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 17 CAPITALISTS FRANK ROCKEFELI^ER Frank Rockefeller, Cleveland. Capitalist. Born at Richford, Tiogo county, New York state in 1845, where he lived for several years until his father and brothers removed to Cleveland. For sonie years he followed various occupations until he became interested with his brother, John D. Rockefeller, in the oil busi ness finally becoming one of the principal promoters of the Standard Oil Co. About 1895 he retired from active business interestSf He has a summer home at Wycliffe, O. and a big r^nph in Kansas. He is a member of the Union, Columbia and I^o^(lside c'ubs and of the Ohio Society ot New York. Politically lip is an Independent Republican. CHARLES G. HICKOX Charles G. Hickox. Cleveland. Born Cleveland, Jan. 14, 1846. Educated in the public schools and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, class of 1867. Secretary and treasurer Cleveland Milling Co. 1867-1890. Then retired from active business. Vice pres ident Toledo & Ohio Central R. R. Co., Adams-Bagnall Electric Co., Lake View Cemetery Association, Gardner Electric Drill & Machinery Co., Director Hocking Valley R. R. Co., Kanawha & Michigan R. R. Co., Cleveland & Mahoning R. R. Co., and in terested in other corporations. Member of the Union, Euclid, Koadside and Country clubs. Politically a Republican. MARVIN .KJiNT . PETER M. HITCHCOCK Marvin Kent, Kent. Capitalist. Born Ravenna, O., Sept. 21, 18'16. Educated in the common schools and T'allmadge and Clafidon - Academies. 1837 became associated- irf the mercantile business with, his father. 1838 made manage^, of a tannery until 1344^ when he returned to the mercantile and flour mill business. 1850 devised, planned and projected the Atlai^tic & Great West ern R. ~R. connecting the Erie and Ohio '&¦' Mississippi R. R., forming ^% uniform gauge trunk line from New York to St. Louis. Became its first president, and when- the road was com pleted in 18^4 had the honor of driving the last spike. Presi dent Kent NafitHial Bank, 1865, upon the death of his father. Elected State Senator, 26th District, 1875.. .Interested in vari- ons corporations and enterprises that have built up that, section of the State. Peter M. Hitchcock, deceased, Cleveland. Capitalist. Born Painegville, O., April 27, 1839. Educated in common schools and Western Reserve College, Hudson, O. With Brown, Bonnell & Co., Youngstown, 0., 1859-61. Then entered the 19th and 80th Ohio Regiments, and served three and one-half years as quartermaster. Came to Cleveland 1864 and was one of the organizers and partner in firm Cleveland, Brown & Co., 1864-93. Orgarii?ed Moon Run Coal Co. and was Manager, 1890-99. Trustee Society for Savings, Y. M. C. A., W. R. Historical So ciety, University School,' Lake Erie College, Painesville. Man ager and owner Lincoln Electric Mfg. Co. Director and inter ested in numerous corporations. Member Union, Euclid, Coun try and Ottowa Shooting Clubs. Trustee First Presbyterian Church. Died 1906. 18 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CAPITALISTS CYRUS W. FISHER J. CRAIG SMITH Cyrus W. Fisher, Bucyrus. Retired. Born Waynesville, O., Sept. 22, 1835. Educated common schools and Lebanum Acad emy. Read law in office of Hon. Ben Stanton, Bellefontaine. Admitted to bar 1864. Went to war in 1861 as Lieut. Co. F. Appointed Adjt. 23rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry by Gov. Denni- son. Promoted to Major 54th O. V. I. Was with Gen. Sher man on march to the sea. Mustered out with rank of Lieut. Col. 54th O. V. T. in 1863. Went to Iowa and became editor of Oskaloosa Herald for four years. Then went to Denver as Supt. Denver Pacific; Kansas Pacific and Union Pacific Rail roads respectively. Returned to Ohio in 1889. Dir. Fairbanks Steam Shovel Co., Marion. Pres. Whale Mining & Development Co. _K. T. Mason, Scottish Rite. K. of P. Pres. Bucyrus Pub lic Library Board. Politically a Republican. .1. Craig Smith, Youngstown, Ohio, Born in New York City, N. Y. Educated common schools, and Richfield Academy, Sum mit County, Ohio. Began career in the coal and iron business in 1864. Manager and president of the Moselle Iron Co., of Mis souri for ten years. Interested largely and the manager in the development of several coal mines near Reynoldsville, building the Soldier Run and Falls Creek Railroads in Jefferson County, Pa., now owned by the B. R. & P. R. R. Co. Director Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown, O, Interested in oil and mining for many years in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri and other states; now interested largely in real estate in the west. Member of Rayen Club, Elks Club, 32d degree Mason, Knight Templar, Mystic Shriner, trustee in Methodist Episcopal Church. Politi cally a Republican. AUGUSTUS BEYER THADDEUS F. WOODMAN Augustus Beyer, New Philadelphia. Capitalist. Born Tus carawas County, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1828. Educated in common schools and entered Kenyon College in 1846, taking special scientific course three years. Went into rolling mill business, having second rolling mill installed in Ohio. At New Philadel phia for forty years, then at Cambridge, Ohio, ten years, selling interests to U. S- Steel Co, in 1890. Then organized Beyer Electric Light & Power Co., New Philadelphia, Ypsilanti, Mich., Electric Light Co. President Ypsilanti Savings Bank Co. Owns large farm lands in Michigan. Politically a Republican. Thaddeus F. Woodman, Youngstown. Retired. Born Yates, Orleans County, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1847. Educated in the public schools at Ashtabula, O. Engaged in the mercantile business in Youngstown from 1869-89. Secretary, Treasurer and President The Lakeside Nail Co., Chicago, III., 18^0-1903. Then retired from active business and returned to Youngstown. Director Mahoning National Bank, Youngstown, O. Director Ohio Iron & Steel Co. Interested in other local enterprises. Member Youngstown Club, Mahoning Country Club. Politically a Re publican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 19 CAPITALISTS GEORGE TOD George Tod, son of Goveinor David T'od, Youngstown. Cap italist. Born Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, October 8, 1840. Educated in the common schools of Warren and Poland Semi nary, Poland, Ohio. Enlisted in the Civil War 1861 at the first call, then returned and learned the Iron and Steel business. President Brier Hill Iron & Coal Company. Director Mahoning National Bank, Youngstown Steel Company, Brier Hill Coal Company and Republic Rubber Company. Interested in other corporations and manager of the David Tod estate. Member of the Youngstown, Elks and Rayne Clubs. Republican in politics. HARLEY BARNES Harley Barnes, Painesville. Investments. Born Chester, Geauga county, O., March 6, 1859. Educated in district schools and Chester Seminary. Brought up on a farm. Spent several years in newspaper work. Read law in Painesville and admit ted to practice in 1884. Appointed Recorder of Lake county 1891. Founded local abstract business. Engaged in real estate, banking and investment enterprises. Served in many trust capacities. Life member Ohio Arch. & Historical Society. Vice president "Old Northwest" Geneological Society. Interested in church and Sunday school work. THEOPHILUS P. BROWN Theophilus P. Brown, Toledo. Railroad Builder and Operator. Born Whately, Franklin County, Mass., Jan. 5, 1835. Educated in District schools and Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Mass. Came to Toledo in 1858 and engaged in Insurance and Real Estate business. President Chamber of Commerce Building Co., Toledo. Builder of Toledo, Columbus & Southern R. R. and was President of that company, now the Western Division of the Ohio Central R. R. Has built several Steam and Electric Rail roads in and around Toledo. Member of Ohio State Senate from Toledo District in 1876 and 1877. Republican in politics. BASCOM LITTLE Bascom Little, Cleveland. Born Cleveland, O., April 24, 1879. Educated in University School and graduated from Cornell Uni versity in 1901, degree of A. B. Director Baker Motor Vehicle Co., The Citizens' Savings & Trust Co., and American Ball Bearing Co., and interested in a number of other corporations. Member of the Union, Euclid, Country, University, and Tavern clubs, Cleveland, and Alpha Delta Phi club. New York. Polit ically a Republican and ^ member of the Unity church. , 20 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO BANKERS AND FINANCIERS HARRISON R. NEWCOMB JEPTHA H. WADE Harrison R. Newcomb, Cleveland. President The Citizens Savings & Trust Co. Born Parkman, Geauga county, O., March 3, 1842. Educated in district schools, Chardon schools and Hiram College. Came to Cleveland in 1863 and became cashier for Truscott (i Inghan. Then superintendent of the West Side Street Ry. until 1870, when he engaged in the lumber business, in which he was actively engaged for thirteen years. One of the organizers of the Savings and Trust Co. in 1883, and became its first secretary and treasurer. Elected president 1903. Upon the formation of The Citizens' Savings & Trust Co., February, 1904, elected president. Interested in various corporations, K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Republican in politics. Jeptha H. Wade, New York. Born in Cleveland Oct. 15, 1857, but has been a resident of New York for the past eighteen years. Educated in the Cleveland schools. Received degree A. M. from Western Reserve University. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Citizens Savings and Trust Co. Vice- President of the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co., and interested in many banking, manufacturing and mining enterprises. Also a large holder of Cleveland real estate. CHARLES LATHROP FACK EBEN H. BOURNE Charles Lathrop Pack removed to Lakewood, N. J., but still maintains an office in Cleveland. Banker and dealer in standing pine timber. Born Mich., May 7, 1857. Educated in the public schools and studied forestry in Germany. Began career as mem ber of the firm Pack-Woods Co. Chairman Finance Committee Cleveland Trust Co. Forestry Expert. Director Seaboard Na tional Bank, N. Y. City. Trustee Western Reserve University, and Second Presbyterian church and Lakewood, N. J., Y. M. C. A. President Lakewood, New Jersey, Library. Member Union League club. New York, and Country club of Lakewood, N. J. Member Union and Country clubs, Cleveland. Eben H. Bourne, Cleveland. President Union National Bank. Born Wareham, Mass. Oct. 22, 1840. Educated common schools and Pierce Academy, Middleborough, Mass. Came to Cleveland 1866, engaged in the manufacturing business firm of Bourne, Damon & Knowles. In 1871 firm changed to Bourne & Knowles. 1881 to the Bourne & Knowles Mfg. Co. Elected President, still serving. President the Cleveland Spring Co. 1868- 88. President Columbia Spring Co. 1888-93. Elected cashier of Union National Bank 1884 upon its formation. Elected president 1904. City treasurer two and one half years. Director of the Bourne-Fuller Co. and the Guardian Trust Co. Interested in a number of other corporations. Republican in politics and a member of the Unity church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERNOHIO 21 BANKERS AND FINANCIERS GEORGE ARMSTRONG GARRETSON GEORGE SHELLEY RUSSELL George Armstrong Garretson, Cleveland. President Bank of Commerce, National Association., Born Columbiana Co., O., Jan. 30, 1844. Educated public schools and private school Cornwall- on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Enlisted in Co. E, O. V. I., 1862. Grad uate West Point Military Academy 1867. Appointed Second Lieut. 4th U. S. Artillery. Served 1867-68-69. Appointed Sig nal Officer, Staff Maj. Gen. John Pope; resigned 1870, returned to Cleveland. Until 1875 engaged in mercantile business with Second National Bank. Elected Cashier 1880. Elected Cashier National Bank of Commerce 1883. Elected Vice-Pres. 1885, later Pres. Interested in various corporations. Member of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. Appointed Brig. Gen. of Volunteers, Span ish-American War, 1898. Assigned Second Brig., First Div., Second Army Corps. George Shelley Russell, Cleveland. Cashier Bank of Commerce, National Association. Born in Cleveland, Ohio. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Clerk in National City Bank, Teller in Second National Bank, Assistant treasurer and treasur er of Cleveland, Columbus. Cincinnati and Indianapolis Ry. Co. and Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Ry. Co. to 1893. Cashier of Western Reserve National Bank to 1899. Treasurer Cleveland Electric Ry. Co. Director American Fork and Hoe Co. Politically a Republican. H. R. HATCH H. R. Hatch. Cleveland. Retired Merchant. Born Grand Island, N'ermont, 1830. Came to Cleveland in 185i. Entered the Mencantile business and continued in same for fifty years. Retirinir at the end of that time to become more closely con nected with the banking business. Director The First National Bank. Member Advisory Board Citizens Savings & Trust Co. Director Society for Savings, and Cleveland Museum of Art. President Lake View Cemetery Association. Vice president Cleveland Arcade Co. Vice president Humane Society. Trus tee Lakeside Hospital, Western Reserve University, " Y. M. C. A., Children's Aid Society and New England Society. THOMAS W. HILL Thomas W. Hill, Cleveland. Cashier Cleveland National Bank. Born Wisbeach. Eng., May 30, 1847. Came to America with his parents at the age of three. Located in Flint, Mich. Enlisted December, 1863, in 6th Michigan Cavalry (Custer's Brigade), (Sheridan's Cavalry Corps), served until close of the war. With W. U. Tel. Co., Toledo, O., until 1869. With same company at Detroit as bookkeeper until 1877. Cashier until 1885, when he was transferred to Cleveland as manager Cleveland oifice. Elected cashier Cleveland National Bank 1892. Appointed member and elected president City Hall Commission 1898. An officer and interested in a number of Cleveland corporations. Secretary Oriental Masonic Lodge, Detroit, 1873 to 1877 and 1880 to 1885 (ten years), and of Tyrion Masonic Lodge, Cleveland, 1886 to 1902 (16 years). Member Colonial and Masonic clubs. 22 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO BANKERS AND FINANCIERS CHARLES ASA POST Charles Asa Post. Cleveland. President The Dime Savings & Banking Co. Born East Cleveland, 0. Educated in the puiy- lic schools. Bookkeeper and teller 1870-1883. Then moved to New York City and engaged in the Electrical Apparatus & Supply business until 1887. Returned to Cleveland, and was one of the organizers of East End Savings Bank Co. Elected secretary and treasurer of same 1897. Elected vice president and general man ager until 1903, when the bank consolidated with Cleveland Trust Co. Elected president Dime Savings & Banking Co. 1903. President general Cartage & Storage Co. Treasurer Dow Chemical Co. Interested in other corporations. Treasurer Euclid club and Chamber of Commerce. President Rowfant club. Member Union and Colonial clubs. K. T. Mason. FRANK H. TOWNSEND Frank H. Townsend, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer of the Dime Savings & Banking Co. Born near Salem, Ohio, May 14, 18G2. Educated in public schools of Alliance. Began career in First National Bank of Alliance in 1881-91. Then came to Cleveland and became identified with the Dime Savings & Bank ing Co. as bookkeeper. Filled various positions until 1896 when elected Asst. Sec. and Treas. Elected Sec. and Treas. in 1900. Elected Director in 1905. An officer and director in various corporations. Member Century and Colonial Clubs, Politically a Republican. JOSEPH R. NUTT Joseph R, Nutt, Cleveland. Secretary The Citizens' Savings & Trust Co. Born Uniontown, Pa., March 9, 1869. Educated in public schools and Madson College, Uniontown. With J. M. Schoonmaker Coke Co., afterwards H. C. Frick Coke Co., 1888- 93. In the jewelry business at Akron until 1897, when he organ ized the Central Savings Bank, Akron, and was treasurer until 1900. Came to Cleveland and elected secretary and treasurer the Savings & Trust Co. Upon formation of present company elected secretary. Director American Cereal Co. and Union Na tional Bank. Treasurer Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co. Interested in other companies. SStid degree K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member Union, Country, Euclid and Roadside clubs. Republican and member of Congregational church. HOWARD WHITE Howard White, Cleveland. Banker and Manufacturer. Born Phillipston, Franklin county, Mass., Dec. 5, 1850. Educated in the public schools of Portland, Maine. Vice president and treas urer The White Sewing Machine Co. from organization until ! 1900. Vice president Cleveland Machine Screw Co., 1897-1900. President Guarantee, Title and Trust Co. 1894-1900. Member Executive Board and director Guarantee, Title & Trust Co. Director Cleveland Machine Screw Co. Director Cleveland Realty Co. Director Eastern Ohio T'ractiort Co. Interested in various other corporations. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 23 BANKERS AND FINANCIERS ADAM GRAHAM LUTHER ALLEN Adam Graham, Cleveland. Florist. Born Scotland, April 17, 1840. Educated in the common schools of Scotland and Phila delphia, Pa. Came to Cleveland in 1863 to lay off the Wade Grounds and has been engaged in the florist business ever since. Ex-president Society of American Florists. Vice president The Reserve Trust Co. from 1903 to Sept., 1905, since then president. President East Cleveland Savings & Loan Co. until its consoli dation. Treasurer of St. Andrews Benevolent Society. Member of the Masons. Vice president of the Adams Bag Co. Luther Allen, Deceased, Cleveland. President The Reserve Trust Co. Born Gowanda, N. Y., July 80, 1846. Educated public schools, Gowanda, Milwaukee, Cleveland and Toledo. At seventeen clerk in office Chicago & Milwaukee R. R. two years. Then Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana until 1869. Traveling Auditor L. S. & M, S. Ry. 1869-72. Auditor Northern Pacific short time. Then Auditor Toledo, Wabash & Western 18/3-74. Accountant Soc. for Sav. 1874-82. Supt., General Freight and Pass. Agt. Michigan & Ohio Ry. Sec. and Treas. Soc. for Sav. 1884-86. Sec. and Treas. Globe Iron Works Co., now part American Ship Building Co. Pres. and Treas. Toledo & Western R. R. Pres. Adams Bag Co. Member Executive Committee American Ship Building Co. Pres. Chamber of Com merce one year. Died Sept. 23, 1905. WILLIAM N. PERRIN William N. Perrin, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Reserve Trust Co. Born at Norwalk, O., May 18, 1870. Edu cated in Norwalk public schools and attended Case School of Ap- oliej Science 1888-90. Published the atlas of Huron county 1890. Secretary of the Ohio Savings, Loan & Investment Co., Nor walk, 189S-189S. Came to Cleveland, organized, and was made secretary and treasurer the East Cleveland Savings & Loan Co. until 1903. Was one of the organizers of the Reserve Trust Co. Elected secretary in 1903, then elected secretary and treasurer. Politically a Republican and a member of the Episcopal church JEREMIAH JAY SULLIVAN Jeremiah Jay Sullivan, Cleveland. Pres. Central National Bank and Superior Savings & Trust Co. Born Nov. 16, 1844, near Fulton, Stark Co., Ohio. Educated village schools. En listed 3rd Ohio Battery 1862. Mustered out as Captain 1865. Moved to Millersburg 1866. Engaged in general merchandise business until 1878. In 1879 elected State Senator by Demo cratic party. Served two terms. 1883 established general hard ware business at Millersburg. In 1885 again elected State Sen ator. National Bank Examiner, State of Ohio, 1887-1890. Came to Cleveland in 1889. Organized the Central National Bank, chosen 'Treasurer, served successively as Cashier, Vice-Pres., elected Pres. 1900, still serving. Pres. Chamber of Commerce 1893. Mem. Union, Country, Colonial, Roadside and Euclid Heights Clubs. 24 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO BANKERS AND FINANCIERS WILLIAM H. CRAFTS RICHARD SANFORD THOMAS ¦William H. Crafts, Cleveland, President Euclid Avenue Trust Co. Born in Auburn, Geauga Co., O., Dec. 9, 1849. Educated Public Schools, Hillsdale and Hiram Colleges. In early life started in the hide business and eventually became the largest individual dealer in hides and woo] in Ohio. Organized Crafts, Hine & Co., Baniters at Mantua, O., in 1SS5; firm consolidated with the First National Bank. Mantua, O.. 1905; remains a di rector and closely identified with same. Came to Cleveland 1903; one of the organizers of the Euclid Avenue Trust Co.; elected president and re-elected 1905. Identified with several local banks and interested in a number of corporations. Member House of Representatives 1900-1902-1904. Chairman Finance Committee two terms. Member Mantua School Board 18 years. Royal Arch Mason and I. O. O.' F, Politically a Republican. Member M.E. Church. Richard San ford Thomas, Cleveland, Secretary and Treas urer. IJuclid Avenue Trust Co. Born Stanford, N. Y., March 8, 1856. Educated in the public schools, Albany State Normal School and Madison University, now Colgate University. Post Graduate course Illinois Wesleyan University, Degree Ph. D. Principphenevus Academy 1882-1885. Superintendent of Schools Jefferson, O., 18S5-1893. Superintendent of schools, Warren, O., ']892-98. Superintendent of Akron schools 1898-1901. Secretary and Treasurer Guardian Savings Bank 1901-tf3. Cani^to Cleve land 1902 and was one of ihe organizers of the Kuclid Avenue Trust Co. Elected Secretary and Treasurer. Vice president Kentucky Lumber and Veneer Co. Director Glenville Banking Co. Member Chamber of Commerce. K. T. Mason. Member Congregational Churcli. O. M. STAFFORD O. M. Stafford, Cleveland. Sec. and Treas. of the Woodland Ave, Savings & Loan Co. and the Broadway Savings & Loan Co. Born Cleveland, Feb. 7th, 1851. Graduated from Humis- ton's Institute 1868. Taught school for three years at Wyoming, la. Returned to Cleveland 1853 and organized the insurance firm now known as O. M. Stafford, Goos & Co., one, of the of the organizers of the Woodland Ave. Savings & Loan Co. organizers of the Broadway Savings & Loan Co., 1883, and one 1887; has been secretary and treasurer of both banks since their organization. President of the Turner Worsted Mills and has other large business interests. Is a successful Sunday-school teacher and worker. HARRIS CRF.E-CH Harris Creech, Cleveland. Sec. and Treas. Garfield Savings Bank Co. Born Cleveland. O., Feb. 26, 1874. Educated in public schools. With Garfield Savings Bank Co. 1892, upon or ganization of same, as messenger. Appointed Cashier Glenville branch 1896-1899. Elected Asst. Sec. and Treas. 1899-1900. Then elected Sec. and Treas. Treas. The Ajax Mfg. Co. T'reas. Marcus A. Hanna Memorial Chair Assn. Member of firm Creech-Oswald & Co., Fire Insurance. Member of the Hermit Club. Independent in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO BANKERS AND FINANCIERS 25 DAVID E. McLEAN David E. McLean. Cleveland. President Pearl St. Savings & Trust Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. S5, 18.56. Educated in Cleveland public schools and Spencerian Business College. President and Treasurer The Herman-McLean Co. Director The United Banking & Savings Co. Trustee The Riverside Cemetery .'\ssn 'rrustee The Jones Homq for Friendless Chil dren. Stockholder in the Pearl St. Savings & Irust Co., The United Banking & Savings Co., Forest City Savings Bank Co., Citizens Savings & Trust Co., The Theurer-Norton Co., The Fanner Mfg. Co., The Greif Bros. Co., The Stark County Elec tric Co., The VVestern Reserve Ins. Co. and The Cleveland Stock Yard Co. Member 'Ihe Clifton Club Co. J. M. HIRT J. M. Hirt, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Lincoln Savings & Banking Co. Born Bavaria, Germany, Aug. 15, 1849. Came to United States 1851. Educated in the common schools and business college. Clerk in a general store Gardenville, N. Y., 1868-71. Came to Cleveland in 1871 and clerked in a store until 1877. 'I hen engaged in the grocery business from 1877 until 1903. Upon the organization of The Lincoln Savings & Banking Co. in 1 903 was elected to present position. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Mason and Odd Fellow. IILNKV W. STECUl'lR Henry \V. Stecher, Cleveland. Sec. and Treas. The Pearl St. Savings & Trust Co. Born Huntington, Ind., July 29, 1856. Educated in the common schools of Sheboygan, NVis. Graduated from the Universitv of Michigan as Pharmaceutical Chemist in 1878. Practiced pharmacy at Minneapolis, Minn., 1878-82. Practiced pharmacy, Cleveland, 1882-1895. In 1895 elected Sec. and Treas. The Pearl St. Savings & Trust Co. Sec. and Treas. The Farmers Chemical & Fertilizer Co., Treas. The O^tumwa Telegraph & Electric Co., Director Rocky River Savings & Banking Co., The Theurer-Norton Provision Co. Member Ma sons. Chamber of Commerce and Clifton Club. Politically a Republican. EDWARD J. L. WIEBENSON Edward J. L. Wiebenson, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer The United Banking & Savings Co. since 1890. Born in Ger many, August 19, 1859. Educated in the public schools, Daven port, Iowa, Private school Heide, Germany and special course in chemistry at Rush Medical College, Chicago. Druggist 1876- 1885. Fraer, Iowa, Chicago, 111. and Gladbrook, Iowa. Private Banker Gladbrook, Iowa, Teller The Savings & Trust Co. 1888- 1890. Director The Beckman Co. Vice-President The Cleve land Pneumatic Tool Co. 'Ireasurer Stark Electric R. R. Co. Trustee Library Sinking Fund. Mason, Holyrood Commandery. Politically a Republican. 26 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF N O R T 1 1 R R N' O 11 I O BANKERS AND FINANCIERS GEORGE A. TINNERMAN. George A. Tinnerman, Cleveland. President Lorain Street bavings Bank Co. Born Hessen, Germany, April 10^ 1845. Em- migrated with parents to the United States in 1847, locating in Brooklyn, O. Later at Lindale. Three years later removed to Cleveland, where he has since resided. Educated common schools of the city. Learned tinner's trade and engaged in the hardware and stove business on Lorain Street. President Lorain Street Savings Bank Co. Owner linnerman Steel Range Works. Manufacturing Ohio Steel Ranges and other business interests. Politically Republican. JOSJvI'Il A. MEI.CIIICK Joseph A. Melchcr, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Lorain Street Savings Hank Co. Born Cleveland, August 26, 1859. Educated in the public and (".erman schools, With his father in the, grocery business for three years. With Chas. Hickox & Co., flour, one year. With the Second National Bank for twelve years, resigning to bcciniie secretary and treasurer of the Lorain Street Savings Bank Co, which position he still holds. \'ice president Willson Avenue Lumber Co. and the Krauss- Gynn Lumber C<>. Treasurer the Cleveland City Lumber Co. Republican in politics and a member of tliu German Lutheran Science Church, JOHN M. SHERMAN John M. Sherman, Fremont. Cashier First National Bank of Fremont, O. Born Wakcman, Huron County, Ohio, July 29, 1860. Educated in district schools, Wakeman High school and Oberlin, O. Entered First National Batik, New London, O,, as clerk Jan, 1, 1881. Jan, 1884 elected Cashier, served seven years. Accepted position in First National Bank of Fremont, O., Feb. 1, 1891, Assistant cashier for eleven years. Cashier since Tan. 13, 1903, Interested in Real Estate, Oil producing and coal mining. K. T, Mason, Fremont Commandery No. 50, Toledo Consistory S, P. R. S S3nd degree. Politically a Re- Dublican. CHARLES 11. EIClIilOKN Charles II. Eichhorn, Cleveland. Sec, Brooklyn Building & Loan Assn, Horn Racine, Wis., Jan. 17, 1859. Came to Cleve land in IKiJI at the age of six years and educated in the public schools and graduated from West High School 1879. Went to Delray, Mich,, where he taught school from 1879 to 1882. Re turned to Cleveland and taught school from 188S to 1886. Was Sec. to Supt, L. W, Day of Cleveland Public Schools from ] 886-1893. Became Sec, Brooklyn Building & Loan Assn, in 1893, still serving. Mason and politically a Republican. I ' R O G R E S S I V E M h: N O 1' N O R T 1 1 IC R N OHIO BANKERS AND FINANCIERS 27 \VII,1,I.\M 11. O.'MNM'; William II. CaiiU', Cleveland. Vici' prosidcnl of the South Cleveland Hanking Co. lUini Clcvcliiiid, O., Dec. Ift, 1837. Eau- calcil in the common schools ami Ili-yaiU & Sli'atUm Mercantile Colk'Kc. I'lilgJlged as a f.-iriiu'r iiiilil l,S(il. In 1801 liecainc clerk in the Ck'vcl.'nul knlliMg .Mill t'i)iiip;niv's stni-i- and ollicc. ICnlcreil the slA\ii> iiAKi'S'i'i';!'; David Harpster, Toledo. President Tlie Commercial Savings Bank Qo, , Born Fremont, O.,- May 6, 1837. Educated in the common schools. Graduated Findlay Normal School 1857. In the dry goods business at Carey, O., lS60-Cii. Then in the drug and wall paper business 1865-85. Came to Toledo and continued in same business to present time. One of organizers of Commer cial Savings Bank Co. in 1899. Elected president in 1902, still serving. Interested in other corporations. Mayor of Carey, O., 1865-69. Justice of Peace 1868-78. 32nd degree K T. Mason, Scottisli Rite, joining the Masons in 1869. Scottish Rite since 1881. Republican in politics. CAREV B. CLOSE Carey B. Close, Toledo. Cashier and Director Commercial Savings Bank Co. Born Carey, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1859. Educated in the public schools. Began ciireer in banking business in 1874 with the Peoples Bank, Carey, ()., remained until 1879. Resigned as Assistant Cashier. -Appointed Acting Assistant Secretary The Columbia Fire Insurance Co., Dayton, O. Served a number of years. With Southern , Building & Loan Assn., Huntsville, Ala., 1888-91. Then with Alabama Home Savings Bank, Birmingham, Al;i., 1891-98. Came to Toledo in 1899 and founded the Commercial Savings Bank. Elected Cashier and still serving. Sec. and Treas. Federal Plate Glass Co. In terested in other corporations. Author the School Savings Sys tem used in Toledo public schqols. Republican in politics and Member M. E. Cliurch. JOHN KEIM John Keim, Louisville. Banker and manufacturer. Born Tus carawas county, O., Sept. 28, 1851. Educated in the common schools of Stark county. Afterwards took commercial course at Iron City Business College, Pittsburg, Pa. Associated with his father in the hardware business in lH7n. Entered the firm of Keim & Sons in 1872, remaining until 1881. Organized the Louisville Deposit Bank in 1H81 and became sole owtier of bank ing and hardware business in 1893, and organized Louisville Brick & Tile Co., and in 1904 the Keim Brick & Tile Co. President Empire Clay Co,, Louisville. Politically a Republican. MAUI, ON J. KKli\ Mahlon J. Keim, Louisville, O. Horn June 29, 1874. Edu cated at the public schools in Louisvilk- and a special course at Eastmans Busniess College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1892 en tered the Louisville Deposit ,Bank as clerk, afterwards becoming cashier. This is a private bank owned by John Keim & Sort, of which Mahlon J. is a member of the firm'. He is also a member of the firm of John Keim & Son, hardware dealers, and sccre- .tary and treasurer and , ajso partner of tbc following firms: The Louisville Bnck & Tile Co';, The Keim Brick & Tile Co.. and The Empire Clay Co.,. all doing "business at Louisville, 0. He was the first Republican treasurer of Louisville, O., elected in 1903. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO as BANKERS AND FINANCIERS N. E. FRENCH N. E. French, Jefferson, Ashtabula, Ohio. President of the First National Bank. Born Lennox. Ohio, January 4th, 1824. Educated in the common schools. In early life was a tanner and a stock raiser. Now devotes his whole time looking after his numerous investments in public enterprises. Politically a Re publican. ... ¦' /' ~ NATHAN TUCKER Nathan Tucker, Mt. Gilead. Capitalist and physician. Born Washington county, N. Y., August 28, 1838. Educated in the common schools and two terms at Fort Liberty Institute. Studied medicine in oifice of Dr. Geo. Allen & Son, Salem, N. Y. Was graduated in medicine after taking two courses at Bellevue Hos pital, New York City, 1866, and engaged in genera] practice. Came to Mt. Gilead in 1889. Director Morrow County Bank. Vice president Mt. Gilead National Bank. Director People's Savings Bank. Interested in real estate at Mt. Gilead. Polit ically a Republican. WM. T. ROBINSON Wm. T. Robinson, Forest. Cashier First National Bknk. Born Hardin county, O., May 18, 1869. Educated in the com- . mon .schools and Forest High School. Gra'duated from Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, 0-. 1892, degree of A. B. En- gage'd in the banking business with Hardin County Bank, a pri vate- institution of his home town for eight, yeai^s. Then cashier of First National Bank of Newcomerstown, O., for three years. Organized and became cashier -First National Bank of Forest, December, 1904. Member of the firm of ^Carlisle & Grimes Hardware Co., of Cambridge, O. Knight Templar Ma son, Cambridge Commandery. Politically _a_Regublican. MARK COOK Mark Cook, Mt. Gilead. Banker. Born on a farm in Mor row county, O., March 14, 1851. Educated in the common ' schools. * Worked on a farm until 1880. Owned and operated -a country store- until 1892. Then cashier and later president ot the Centerburg Bank, Knox county. President Commercial Savings Bank Co., Galion, O. ^ Vice president of The Mt. Gileaci National Bank. Director Farmers' & Merchants' National Bank, Mt. Vernon," O. President Water, Light, Heat & Power Co., Mt. -Gilead. President Galion Telephone Co., Galion, O. Sec retary and treasurer Morrow County Telephone Co. Member K. of P. Lodge. Politically a Republican. 34 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO BANKERS AND FINANCIERS EMERY R. HIETT Emery R. Hiett, Toledo. Director and Manager The People's SavinRS, I^oan & Building Co. Born Sugar Grove, Ind., Nov. 14, 1852. Educated in common schools and De Pauw University, Green Castle, Ind. Admitted to the bar in Indiana 1877. and in Ohio in 1884. Began practice at LaFayette, Ind. and after ward formed law partnership of Thomas & Hiett, Toledo. In company with Judge Winters codified the Building Association I^aw of the State of Ohio which has since ^ been used as a model for other states. Secretary the Ohio Building Association Ivcague, 1889-95, when he was made President until 1902. Mason. Member Inverness Club. Politically a Republican. On official board of St. Paul's M. E. Church for twenty years. JAMES DORMER McDONEL James Dormer McDonel, Eostoria. Cashier Commercial Bank & Savings Co. Born Fostoria, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1863. Educated in the common schools of Fostoria and attended high school two years. Worked in hardware store of N. Portz & Co., until 1892. I^ater purchasing Portz Hardware Co., and Alcott Stove Co., forming Alcott Hardware Co. Sold out hardware interests in 1898. Elected Treasurer of Seneca County in 1898-02. Organ ized the Commercial Bank & Savings Co., and became Cashier in 1903. Member firm McDonel Bros., Clothing Co., Fostoria. Member Order of Hoo Hoo's, Knights of Columbus, Fostoria. Treasurer Fostoria Board of Trade. Politically Democratic. CLAUDE MEEKER Claude Meeker, Columbus. Meeker, Gray & Co., brokers. Born Columbus, O., Dec. 20, 1861. Educated ' in the public schools. Engaged in journalism and was for a number of years on the editorial staff of the Cincinnati Enquirer. Became sec retary to the Governor of Ohio during administration of Gov. James E. Campbell, and during second term of President Cleve land was the U. S. Consul at Bradford, England. Member of stock brokerage firm of Meeker, Gray & Co. Member of Masons and Elks. Politically a Democrat. EUGENE GRAY , Eugene Gray, Columbus. Meeker, Gray' & Co., brokers. Born Columbus, O., Sept. 24, 1876. Graduated from Princeton College. Previous to entering the brokerage business was teller at The Hayden-Clinton National Bank of Columbus. Member of firm of Meeker, Gray & Co., stock brokers and .holders of securities in various corporations. Republican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 35 FINANCIAL BROKERS CHAS. A. OTIS, JR. Chas. A. Otis, Jr., Cleveland. Otis & Hough, bankers and brokers. Born Cleveland, July 9, ^ 1868^ Educated at Brooks Military Academy, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and grad uated from Yale University ]890, degree Ph. B. One year at Columbia Law School. In the cattle business in the West 1891- 94. Returned to Cleveland 1895 and formed firm of Otis-Hough & Co., agents, irori and steel, and in 1898 changed firm to pres ent bu.siness. President Finance Publishing Co. Director Stan dard Sewing Machine Co. Member Advisory Board, Citizens' Savings & Trust Co. Member New York Stock Exchange. Mem ber Cleveland Stock Exchange. ADDISON HILES HOUGH Addison Hills Hough, Cleveland. Otis and Hough and Otis, Bonnell & Co.- Born Cleveland, Ohio, May 23, -1869. Educated at Brooks Military Academy. Graduate of Yale University 1890, degree of A. B. Started with Brush Electric Co., 1890. Later assistant treasurer, secretary and purchasing agent. Resigned 1895, then founded iron and steel firrri of Otis, Hough & Co. Firm changed to Otis, Bonnell & Co., 1899, when the present firm of Otis & Hough was formed. President Cleveland Stock Exchange. Member Chicago Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade and the New York Cotton Exchange, An officer and director in a' number of industrial corporations. Member of the Union, Country, Roadside, Tavern, and Hermit clubs, Cleve land. Pittsburg club, Yale and City Midday Club of New York. Republican in politics. ROGER C. ENWRlGIiT HARRY E. HAYES Roger C. Enwright, Cleveland. - Of the firm of R. C. Enwright ; & Co., investment brokers. Born in Bellevue, O., and educated . in the schools of that city. Mr. Enwright was formerly con nected with the Mcintosh-Huntington Co., wholesale hardware merchants, in the capacity of treasurer and credit man. He left Cleveland in 1896 to engage as manufacturers' agent in New York City and Reading, Pa., returning to Cleveland in 1900 to engage in the brokerage business. Mr. Enwright is a member of the Cleveland Stock Exchange, of which he is a member of the Board of Governors ; also a member of the Chamber of Commerce, Euclid, Century and Hermit clubs. Politically inde pendent. Harry E. Hayes, Cleveland. W. J. Hayes & Sons, banking and bonds. Born Cleveland, O., June 6, 1860. Was at one time with the Cleveland Rolling Mill Co. Then started in the bond business in 1882, firm of W. J. Hayes & Sons. Chairman Board of Directors. Mo. Riv. & N. W. Ry. Co. Also interested in various trolley railways, gas and electric companies. Member of the Union, Euclid, Country and Roadside clubs, Cleveland. Trustee of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Vice president Na tional Arts club, New York. Member of the Ohio Society of New York and Sons of American Revolution. Politically a Re publican. 36 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO FINANCIAL BROKERS SAMPSON W. PARSONS Sampson W. Parsons, Cleveland. Parsons, Snyder & Co., Brokers & Bankers. Born Warrensville, Ohio, Dec. 23, 1866. Edpcated in the public schools. With Thos. Axworthy 1884-87. Tlien with Britton Iron & Steel Co. 1887-1887. With Cleveland Stone Co. until 1890. Then in the brokerage business, firm Parsons & Son, 1890-1894. In business for himself until 1904, when firm of Fuller, Parsons & Snyder was formed. This com pany was succeeded by present firm in 1905. Interested in other corporations. Member of the Masons and of the Century and Cricket clubs. WILLIAM SHERWOOD SNYDER William Sherwood Snyder, Cleveland. Parsons, Snyder & Co., Bankers & Brokers. Born Brimfield, O., Aug. 9, 1865. Educated in the public schools of Brimfield and Ravenna, O. Served four years as Chief Deputy Sheriff, Cuyahoga Co., and four years as Deoutv U. S. Marshall for the Northern Dist. of Ohio, under Cleveland's administration. Member of the Jury Commission of Cuyahoga Co. during year 1903. Member of firm of Parsons, Snyder & Co. which was formed in 1904, and succeeded by the present firm in 1905. Supreme Auditor Pathfinders, and member of the National Union & Modern Brotherhood. WILLIAM V. COONS William V. Coons, Cleveland. Broker and banker. Born at Findlay, O., in 1870. Educated in the public schools of Findlay and graduated from the Findlay College. Commenced life as a water works and paving contractor, but studied law and fol lowed that profession for several years. Came to Cleveland in 1901 and became a stock broker and banker, which occupation he has followed with great success. Is a member of the Euclid, Century and Colonial clubs. Politically he is a Repub lican. ROLAND T. MEACHAM Roland T. Meacham, Cleveland. R. T. Meacham & Co., bank ers and brokers. Born Parma, O., July 31, 1875. Educated in the public and high schools of Cleveland. Graduated from West ern Reserve University 1809, degree of A. B. Began career with the Bourne-Fuller Co., in the iron and steel business, and in 1905 organized the firm of Boudinot & Meacham. R. T. Meacham & Co. succeeded to the latter firm in 1906, in which Mr. Meacham is the sole partner. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 37 FINANCIAL BROKERS FRED S. BORLON Fred S. Borton, Cleveland. ,Secretary Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. Co. Born Plymouth, Ind., Oct. 25, 1861. Edu cated in public schools. Came to Cleveland in 1881, and with Geo, Cooper & Co. until 1884. Then with the American Wire Co., 1884-1891. With the Dime Savings & Banking Co. as assistant treasurer. Elected secretary Cleveland Electric R. R. and the A. B. & C. R. R. Co. llien in various capacities with the Everett-Moore syndicate. In April, 1906, severed his con nection with Herrick, Parmelee & Crawford, with which firm he was closely associated during 1904 and 1905, and together with his brother, T. E. Borton, established the firm of F. S. and T. E. Borton. Member Union, Euclid and Hermit clubs. Polit ically a Republican, T. E. BORTON T. E. Borton, Cleveland. Borton & Borton, bankers and brokers. Born Plymouth, Ind., December 14, 1868. Educated in the common and high schools, Plymouth, and Wabash Col lege, Crawfordsville. Ind. Taught country school in Dakota three years. Ten years with Dime Savings & Banking Co., Cleveland. Later assistant secretary Western Reserve Trust Co. Then secretary and treasurer Prudential Trust Co. Assistant cashier Cleveland National Bank. Treasurer Shaker Heights Improvement Co. Member Chamber of Commerce, Euclid club. Hermit club and veteran of Troop A. NATHAN M. BERK CLARENCE A. WILEIAMS Nathan M. Berk, Akron, Ohio. Private Banking. Born in Mozar, Zemplin County, Austria-Hungary, January 1, 1870. Educated in public schools of Mozar. Worked on his father's farm until 1884, when he came to America, located in Philadel phia, where he was engaged as Clerk with Ihe Philadelphia Cloak & Suit Company until 1886, when he resigned his posi tion to move to Akron, to accept a position in a Wholesale .& Retail Cigar Establishment, in 1890 purchasing the business, and in 1893 he disposed of his interest, then started a Private Bank, which he is now conducting successfully. Politically, Republican. Clarence A. Williams, Akron. Broker. Born Cromwell, Conn., Aug. 27, 1873. Educated in the common schools of Cromwell and graduate from preparatory course at Wesleyan Academy, Wilberham, Mass. Was bookkeeper in his father's office in the Coffin Hardware business at Rocky Hill, Conn. Moved to Akron in 1889 and was engaged as bookkeeper Akron Silver Plate Co., for five years. Assistant Superintendent Akron Silver Plate Co. for one year. Established himself in the brokerage business in Akron in 1897. Member B. P. O. E. No. 363, Akron. Member Akron Gun Club. Politically a Republican. 38 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CLERGYMEN RT. REV. WILLIAM ANDREW LEONARD, D. D. Rt. Rev. William Andrew Leonard, D. D., Cleveland. Bishop of Ohio. Born Southport, Conn., July 15, 1848. Educated in Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., St. Stephen's College, An- nandale, N. Y., and Berkely Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. Ordained May 31, 1871. Degrees of D. D. from St. Stephen's College and Washington and Lee University, Virginia. Rector of the Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1872-80; St. John's Parish, Washington, D. C., 1880-89. Consecrated Bishop of Ohio, Oct. 12, 1889. In charge of the American Episcopal churches on the Continent of Europe 1897-1906. One of the founders of the LTniversity Club. Chaplain Ohio Society of New York. President Board of Trustees Kenyon College. Trustee University School. Member General Board Civic Federation of Cleveland, Ohio, and the Society of Sons of Colonial Wars. RT. REV. CHAS. D. WILLIAMS Rt. Rev. Chas. D. Williams, Detroit, Mich., formerly dean Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, now bishop of the diocese of Michigan. Born Bellevue, O., July SO, 1860. Educated at Ken yon College and Theological Seminary, Gambler, O. Degrees of A. B., A. M. and D. D., Kenyon College. Rector of the Church of the Redeemer at Fern Bank O., 1884-89. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Stubenville, O., 1889-93. Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Cleveland, 1893-1906. President Hiram House and was president of the Cleveland Library Board. Trustee of Goodrich House and Kenyon College. Member Board of Mis sions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, general convention of Protestant Episcopal Churches, and the Commission on Labor and Capital. REV. HIRAM COLLINS HAYDN Rev. Hiram Collins Haydn, Cleveland. Pastor emeritus The First Presbyterian church. Born Pompey, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1831. Graduated from Amherst College 1856. Received degree of D. D. from Wooster 1878; LL. D. from Amherst and Marietta colleges 1888. Graduate Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1859. Preached over a year at Montville, Conn. Pastor First Congregational church, Meriden, Conn., 1862-66; Painesville, O., First Congregational church 1866-71. For twenty-five years pas tor of First Presbyterian church, Cleveland. Since May, 1903, pastor emeritus. Secretary A. B. C. F. M. 1880-84 in New York. President Western Reserve University three years and founder of the Cleveland College for Women. Author of "From Hudson to Cleveland, 1878-1890," being a history of the grOwth of the university. Vice president of the university and professor Hudson to Cleveland, 1878-1890." Author of several other works. REV. AUGUSTUS BYINGTON CHURCH Rev. Augustus Byington Church, Akron. Pres. Buchtel Col lege, Akron, O. Born North Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1858. Preparatory course at Clinton Liberal Institute, Ft. Plain,- N. Y. Graduate Classical and Theological course St. Lawrence Uni versity, Canton, N. Y., 1888. Degree A. M. Buchtel College 1899. D. D. 1902 St. Lawrence University, June, 1905. Degree L. L. D. conferred by Tufts College, Boston, Mass. Pastor Universalist Church, South Berwick, Me., 1888-1890. Universal- ist Church, North Adams, Mass., seven years. Universalist Church, Akron, four years. Instructor of Philosophy at Buchtel College two years. Acting president 1901 and president Buchtel College since 1903. Member Association of College Presidents and Deans, National Religious Educational Association, Michigan Political Science Association, Blue Lodge Masons. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 39 CLERGYMEN RT. REV. IGNATIUS F. I-IORSTMANN RT. REV. MSGR. GEORGE F. HOUCK Rt. Rev. Ignatius F. Horstmann, Cleveland. Bishop of Cleve land, Roman Catholic diocese. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 16, 1840. Educated for priesthood and ordained at Rome, Italy, June 10, 1865, degree D. D. Ordained priest June 10, 1865. Profes sor at St. Charles Seminary, Philadelphia, 1S66-77. Pastor St. Mary's church, Philadelphia, 1877-85. Chancellor diocese Phil adelphia 1885-92. Consecrated Bishop of Cleveland Feb. 25, 1892. Director Catholic Universe Publishing Co. and a member of the General Board, Civic Federation of Cleveland, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George F. Houck, Cleveland, Chancellor of the Diocese of Cleveland and secretary to the Bishop. Born Tiffin, O., July 9, 1847. Educated in St. Joseph's parochial school. Two years at Heidelburg College, Tiffin. Entered St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati to prepare for the priesthood, 1867. Called to St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland by Bishop Gilmour, 1874. Ordained. priest July 4, 1875, Pastor of St. Joseph's, Crestline, 1875-77. Appointed secretary to Bishop Gilmour, and Chancellor at Diocese, July, 1877, Chaplain, Cleveland Workhouse, 1877-94. Chaplain St. Vincent's Charity Hospital 1877-1905. Author of- "The life of Bishop Rappe" and "History of the Church in Northern Ohio and Diocese of Cleveland." Appointed a domestic prelate, with title of Monsignor, July 85, 1905, by Pope Pius X. REV. WILLIAM McMAHON THE RT. REV. MSGR. THOMAS P. THORPE Rev. William McMahon, editor and manager the Catholic Universe. Born in Wicklow, Ireland, Feb. 9, 1847. Parents moved to America in 1850. Settled in Cleveland. Educated in private schools in Homestead and Cleveland. Graduate St. Louis College, Louisvillej O.* 1869. St. Mary's Seminary, 1872. Fol lowed missionary work in Ottawa, Sandusky and Wood counties. Returned to Cleveland in 1874 and was appointed assistant pastoi' St. John's Cathedral. Pastor St. Bridget's Church since 1876. Appointed editor and manager Catholic Universe by Archbishop Elder in .189X. Sent around the world in 1898 by his congrega tion on his silver jubilee of ordination. Published "Journey witn the Sun Around the World," National Treasurer of the Catholic Total Abstinance Union, 1888-1889. Member Advisory Board of Cleveland Boys' Farm School. " The Rt. Rev, Msgr. Thomas P.. Thorpe, was born near Dublin, Ireland, February 26, 1838, After finishing his preparatory edu cation, entered All Hallows College. Came to ¦ Cleveland in 1859. Two years later emerged as priest from Cleveland Dio cesan Seminary. His first charge was in Toledo, 1861-2. As sistant pastor Cathedral 1862-4, Pastor St. Mary's, . Norwalk^ 1864-8. Appointed pastor of the Immaculate,, Conception Church, Cleveland, in 1870. Member of Bishop's Council; for 27 years; also Infirm Priests' Board. Pope Leo- XIII created him Came- riero in 1891. Founder of the "Catholic Universe." Was editor for. three years. - — ~ 40 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CLERGYMEN REV. JAMES P. McCLOSKEY Rev. James P. McCloskey, Toledo. Clergyman. Born Phil adelphia, Pa., Jan. 9, 1868. Educated in the parochial schools of Philadelphia, St. Bonaventure's College, Allegheny, N, Y., and St. Mary's Theological Seminary, Cleveland, O. Ordained to the priesthood from St. Mary's Theological Seminary April 8, 1893. Member Ancient Order of Hibernians and Knights of Columbus. Appointed rector of St. Patrick's church, Toledo, March 17, 1903. REV. GEO. J. VAHEY Rev. Geo. J. Vahey, Cleveland. Pastor St. Columbkill's Church, R. C. Born Chelsea, Mass., June 24, 1863. Educated at Boston High School, St, Michael's College, Toronto, Canada, and St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland. Ordained priest 1887. Pastor at Wellington and Missions nine months. Next assistant pastor St. John's Cathedral, Cleveland. Later became pastor of same cathedral. For past nine years has had charge of his present parish. Present new edifice built under his direction 1902-03, seating capacity twelve hundred. THE REV. PATRICK FARRELL, D. D. The Rev. Patrick Farrell, D. D., Cleveland. Born East Liver pool, O., Oct. 28, 1862. Was graduated from the high school of his native town in May, 1879. Entered St. Charles College, Md., 1881, and finished with highest honors, 188S. Went to Rome, Italy, 1886, to enter the American College for the course of higher ecclesiastical studies. 1887 took degree of Ph. D. Ordained to the priesthood by Cardinal Parrochi in the Church of St. AppoUinaris, July 27, 1890. Degree of D. D. was taken 1891. Appointed Curate at St. John's Cathedral, in which ca pacity he continued until 1900, when he took charge of the parish as administrator and afterwards as pastor. His pastorate has been very successful. During various school terms he was acting-professor of Scripture and History in St. Mary's Semi nary. REV. C. V. CHEVRAUX Rev. C. V. Chevraux, Toledo. Pastor of Church of Immacu late Conception. Born Mandeure, France, Jan. 22, 1848. Edu cated at Louisville College, Louisville, O. and St. Mary's Sem inary, Cleveland, O. Ordained in 1874 by Bishop Gilmour in St. Mary's Academy, South Bend, Ind. 1874-1885 Assistant St. John's Cathedral, Cleveland, O. 1885-1897 Pastor St. Mary's Church at Norwalk. O. 1897-1900 Pastor St. Anne's Church at Fremont, O. Since 1900 pastor ' Church of Immaculate Con ception at Toledo. Member C. M. B. A. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 41 CLERGYMEN REV. THOMAS W. LANE, D. D. REV. WILLIAM GASTON, D. D. Rev. Thomas V/. Lane, D. D., Cleveland. Presiding elder Cleveland District East Ohio Conference. Born Georgeville, Pa., Sept. 30, 1856. . Educated in the public schools and graduated from Mt. Union College 1876, degree of A. B., and '79 degree of A. M. Degree of D. D. from Dickenson College 1894. First pastorate at Freeport, O., and since has occupied various impor. tant pulpits until 1900, when he came to Cleveland as presiding elder. Managed building of churches at Bellaire and Alliance. Represented East Ohio Annual Conference at General Confer ence at Chicago and Los Angeles. Trustee Mt. Union College. President Alumni Association Mt. Union College. President City Missionary and Church Extension Society of M. E. church, Cleveland, O., for five years. President Board Trustees Cleve land Deaconess Home 1901-05. Rev. William Gaston, D. D., Cleveland. Pastor North Pres byterian Church. Born Columbiana county, O., April 19, 1835. Educated in public schools of East Liverpool, O. Graduated from Washington & Jefferson College, 1858, degree of A. B. Graduated from Western Theological Seminary 1861. Later received degrees of D. D. and LL. D. in 1896. Pastor Pres byterian Church, Smith's Ferry, Pa., 1860-65; First Church at Bellaire, O., 1865-80. Then came to Cleveland and has since been pastor of the North Presbyterian Church. Trustee Wooster University. Chaplain St. Andrew's Society, 1887-97. Chaplain Scott's Guards for five years. During the Civil War was in the service of the U. S. Christian Commission in the army. REV. W. H. G. TEMPLE, D. D. Rev. W. H. G. Temple, D. D., Cleveland. Pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church. Born in Fredericton, N. B., Canada. Graduated from Mount Allison University, Sackville, N. B. at 18, as B. A. Took M. A. three years later. Entered business life in St. John, N. B., and continued in such relations some years there and in Yarmouth, N. S. In 1885 gave up busi ness to enter the ministry. His parishes have been, Sheffield, Mass., (1885-1888); Phillips Church, Boston, Mass. (1888-1895); Seattle, Wash. (1895-1905). He came to Cleveland, March, 1905. In 1898 Whitman College, of Walla Walla, Wash., con ferred on him the degree of D. D. WORTHINGTON BRIGHTON SLUTZ; Worthington Brighton Slutz, Cleveland. Pastor Franklin Ave. Methodist church. Born Stark county, Ohio, July 19, 1866. Edu cated district schools and graduated from Mt. Union college, receiving degree of B. Ph. and A. M. Received honorary de gree of D. D. from Baker University. Has traveled extensively in Egypt, Palestine and Continental Europe. Engaged in News paper business for a year prior to graduation from college. En tered Ministry 1881, Indiana. Transferred to Middle West 1893; serving two pastorates in eight years. Located in Pittsburg, Pa., at the Lincoln Ave. church. Transferred to present pastorate in 1904. Reserve delegate to General Conference of his church 1896. Lecturer and speaker for special occasions. K. T. Mason. 42 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CLERGYMEN RE\'. HERBERT F. STILWELL Rev. Herbert F. Stilwell, Cleveland. Pastor of the First Bap tist Church. Born near Asbury, N. J., Sept. 1, 1856. Graduated from Bucknell university 1881. Degree of A. M. Received degree of D. D. 1902. Graduated from Crozer Theological Sem inary, Chester, Pa., 1884. Received degree of D. D. McAllister college, St. Paul, Minn., 1901. First pastorate with George Dana Boardman for three years. At Freehold, N. J., 1884-95. Then to Calvary Baptist Church, St. Paul, Minn., 1895-98. First chui-ch of St. Paul 1898-03. Since then pastor of First Baptist church Cleveland. Trustee Denison university. Member Advisory "Board of one hundred" of Chicago univer sity.. REV. CASPER WISTAR I-IIATT Rev. Casper Wistar Hiatt, Cleveland. Pastor Euclid Ave Congregational church. Born Westfield, Ind., July 11, 1868. Graduated from Wheaton College, 111., and Oberlin Theological Seminary. Degree of A. M. Received degree of D. D. Knox College. Has held pastorates in Columbus, O., Kalamazoo, Mich.', Peoria, 111., and since 1897 in present field. From 1889-1892 district secretary American Missionary Association. In 1901 published a volume of sermons entitled "Life." In 1905, a serial story entitled "Amalgam; A Study in Black and White." Has lectured extensively throughout the United States on literary and historic subjects. Corporate member of the American Board. REV. CHARLES AUBREY EATON Rev. Charles Aubrey Eaton, Cleveland. Clergyman. Born Nova Scotia, March 29, 1S08. Educated at Amherst Academy, Nova Scotia. Received degree of B. A. from Acadia College, Nova Scotia, 1890. Graduated Newton Theological Institution, Mass., 1893. Degree of M. A. from Acadia 1893. Degree of M. A. from McMaster University, Toronto, 1896. Degree of D. D. from Baylor University, Texas, 1900. First pastorate at Natick, Mass., 1893-95. Bloor Street Baptist church, Toronto, 1895-1901. Came to Cleveland 1901 and has since been pastor of the Euclid Avenue Baptist church. Governor McMaster University four years. Trustee Denison University, O. Secretary Baptist Na tional Convention, Canada, 1900. Editorial writer Toronto Globe. Associate editor Westminister Monthly, Toronto. Member Cleve land Chamber of Commerce. REV. WILLIAM B. I-IARTZOG Rev. William B. Hartzog, Ph. D., Cleveland. Pastor of The Immanuel Baptist church. Born near Willshire, VanWert county, O., May 29, 1863. Educated in the district schools. Northern Ohio University, Ada, 0.; Union Biblical Seminary, Dayton, O.; Central University, Indianapolis, Ind. In addition to his pastoral duties is a popular lecturer, lectures being "The Light of the Nations" and "Sunshine and Sense." Is the author of "Sancti- fication, or a Study of the Higher Life," and "Ancient Masters and Jesus." Has had charge of pastorates at Martin's Ferry, 0., Columbus, O., and Cleveland, O. Member of F. & A. M., Bed ford, No. 376; I. O. O. F., Doan, No. S62; Forest City Tent, No. 457, K. O. T'. M. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF N O R T H E R N' O H I O 4.3 CLERGYMEN REV. WILLIAM JOHN HYDE Rev. William John Hyde, Berea, O. Pastor of the Berea Methodist Episcopal Church. Born Belleville, Ontario, March 9, 1863. Graduated from Albert University, Belleville, Ontario. Was home missionary in Dakota for eight years. Engaged ir. pioneer work and helped to lay the foundation of Methodism in the Dakotas. Came to present pastorate in September, 1904. DR. HOMER J. SMITH Homer J. Smith, Delaware. Clergyman and Lecturer. Born Fayette Co., Pa., Aug 31, 1846. Educated common schools of W. Va. and Pa., later at the Acadamy of Science, Pittsburg and Mt. Union College. Graduated from Illinois Wesleyan Uni versity, degree of M. A. 1883. Degree of Ph. D. 1884. Degree of D. D. from Scio College 1890. Then took charge of the oarishes of Glendale, Pa., Brownville, Pa., Woodsfield, O., Irwin, Pa., Idianna, Pa., Kittanning, Pa., Butler, Pa., Blairsville, Pa. Then at the Scovill Avenue Church, Cleveland, four years. Town Street Church, Columbus, five years. Second Street Church, Zanesville four years. Spencer Church, fronton, five years. Then to St. Paul's Church,- Delaware, O., his present charge. Was acting Chaplain of the House during Gov. McKin- ley's administration. V. P. Ohio State Sabbath Association. GLEZEN ASBURY REEDER, D. D. Glezen Asbury Reeder, D. D. Presiding Elder of Cleveland District, North Ohio Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church. Descendant from Old New England families since 1636. Great grandfather settled in Western Reserve 1798. Glezen A. Reeder, Sr., and Nathaniel Reeder (father and grandfather) were hon ored ministers. Within 100 years thirty relatives have either been Methodist ministers or their wives. Born in Cleveland and preached his first sermon here. Educated in public schools, grad uated from Baldwin and- Boston Universities. Joined the North Ohio Conference 1882. Professional life has been spent in his Conference as Pastor, Presiding Elder and Chancellor of Bald- win University. Delegate to General Conference 1904. SAMUEL ROBINSON FRAZIER Samuel Robinson Frazier, Ph. D., D. D., Youngstown. Born St. Clairsville, Belmont county, 0^ Feb. 23, 1846. Educated common schools St. Clairsville. Graduated Franklin College 1862; United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny, Pa., 1865. Licensed to preach 1865. Ordained June, 1867. Pastor at Monroe, O., 1867 to 1872; Third church, Pittsburg, 1872 to 1879. Act. secy, legation, professor of English literature Imperial University, Tokio. Came to Youngstown as pastor of Tabernacle church 1884. Received degree Ph. D., Curry University, 1893. Degree of D. D. Westminister College, 1899. Franklin D. D. 1901. President Youngstown Humane Society. President Board Trustees Children's Home. Director Board Crittenden Home. Trustee Westminister College. 44 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CLERGYMEN REV. JOHN J, SHINGLER Rev. John J. Shingler, Berea. Pastor the Congregational Church. Born London, England, May 8, 1864. Educated at Richmond Institute, London, England, and McDornorsville Insti tute, Teumpee, U. S. A. Received the degrees of Ph. D. and A. M. Is now pastor the Congregational Church at Berea, O. Has been preaching ever since he was sixteen years of age. REV. EDWARD A. KIRBY, D. D. Rev. Edward A. Kirby, D. D., Berea. Pastor of the Roman Catholic church at Berea. Born County Kerry, Ireland, Feb. 22, 1880. Educated at Laval University. Won the title of D. D. on June 27, 1902. By special dispensation from the late Pope Leo, ordained to the priesthood in Cleveland at the age of twenty-two, by the Rt. Rev. I. F. Horstmann, D. D., being the youngest doctor and priest of the church in America. Is the fourth member of his family who has made the priesthood his life work. REV. C. I. BROWN, A. M., D. D. Rev. C. I. Brown, A. M., D. D., Findlay. President of Findlay College. Born Woodbury, Pa., December 11, 1861. Educated in the district school, Woodbury Academy and Dick inson Seminary. Received Masters degree and degree of D. D. from Findlay College. Taught district school. Entered the ministry of Churches of God in 1888 and remained in active active ministry until 1905. In June, 1905, was elected president of Findlay College. REV. EDMUND MEEVILLE WYLIE. Rev. Edmund Melville Wylie, Cleveland. Pastor Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church. Born Coulterville, 111., July 23, 1877. Educated in the public schools of Alexandria, Minn., and Drayton, North Dakota. University of Hamline, St. Paul, Minn., and graduated from University of Denver, College of Liberal Arts, in 1898 degree of A. B. School of Oratory in 1899. Graduated from Boston University School of Theology, 1902, degree of S. T. B. One and one half years post graduate work in Philosophy, Sociology and Economics at Boston Univer- city. Ordained to the Ministry in 1901. First pastorate Second Congregational church, Beverly, Mass., four years. Came to present charge in November, 1904. Politically Independent. ' PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTH-ERN OHIO 45 EDUCATORS CHARLES FRANKLIN THWING, D. D. LL. D. Charles Franklin Thwing, D. D. LL. D., Cleveland. Presi dent Western Reserve University and Adelbert College. Born New Sharon, Me., Nov. 9, 1863. Educated Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Graduate Harvard University 1876. Andover Theological Seminary, 1879, degrees of D. D. and LL. D. Pastor North Avenue Congregational Church, Cambridge, Mass. 1879-86, of Plymouth Church, Minneapolis, Minn., 18S6-1890. Author of numerous religious works. Educator and at present in executive work. Director Garfield Savings Bank Co. Mem ber of Ohio Society of New York, and General Board, Civic Federation of Cleveland. Secretary of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. CHARLES SUMNER HOWE Charles Sumner Howe, Ph. D. Cleveland. President Case School of Applied Science. Born Nashua, N. H., Sept. 29, 1858. Educated in the public schools of Boston and Franklin, Mass. Graduate Mass. Agricultural College and Boston University, de gree B. S. from both, 1878. Principal High School, Long Meadow, Mass., and Albuquerque, N. M., Academy, 1879-1881. Graduate student Johns Hopkins University 1882-83. Professor mathematics and astronomy Buchtel College, Akron, O., 1883-89. Degree of Ph. D. from Wooster University 1887. Professor of mathematics Case School ot Applied Science 1889-1892. Acting president of same 1902-03. Since then president. Member American Mathematical Society, A. A. A. S., F. R. A. S., etc. EDWIN FRANKLIN MOULTON Edwin Franklin Moulton, superintendent ot Cleveland schools. Born at Moulton Hill, banks of St. Francis river, Canada. His parents, however, were from New England. He came to Wis consin while yet a boy. Early education in district schools. Took preparatory course at Grand River Institute, Austinsburg, O. Entered Antioch College 1860. Finished his course at Oberlin College in 1S85. Was principal of the New England Christian Institute, Wolfboro, N. H., two years. Returned to Ohio and was superintendent of Glendale schools one year. Then superintendent of Oberlin public schools seven years. In 1876 superintendent of Warren schools. Came to Cleveland in 1888 as supervisor of schools, later assistant superintendent, and in 1902 elected superintendent of instruction, still serving. GEORGE BLAKE ROGERS George Blake Rogers, Berea, Ohio. President of Baldwin University. Born Oshkosh, Wis., April 5, 1864. Educated Cam bridge, Mass., High School, Boston University, Drew Tbeo- logical Seminary and Post Graduate Department Boston Univer sity. Has received the following degrees; A. M., Ph. D., B, D., and A. B. Director in the Equity Savings & Loan Co., The Babbitt & Crummel Co., The Brilliant Electric Co. and The Melody Publishing Co., all of Cleveland. Has devoted his en tire life to educational work. Member Masons, Royal Arch Chapter, Knight Templar and Odd Fellows. Politically a Re publican. 46 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO EDUCATORS SAMUEIv P. ORTH Samuel P. Orth, Cleveland. Lawyer. President Board of Ed ucation, Assistant United States Attorney. Born Capac, Mich., Aug. 1, 1873, Educated in public schools. Graduated Oberlin College 1896, degree of A. B. Law course University of Mich igan, Graduated Political and Social Science Departmetit, Colum bia University, degree. Ph. D. Professor political and social science Buchtel College 1898-1902. Honorary fellow in adminis tration, Columbia University; 1902-03. Began law practice in Cleveland 1903. Botanist Cook Arctic Expedition, West Coast Greenland, 1894. Member American Political Science Associa tion, Arctic club of America. Author works on political science and administration. Contributor to magazines and lecturer on political and economic subjects. Lecturer on international law, Western Reserve University, 1905. Republican. CHARI.es. ^Sr.ORR Charles S. Orr, Cleveland. Director of schools of Cleveland. Born Cedarville, 0,, Jan. 8, 1858, Educated in the grammar and high schools of Xenia, O. ' Engaged in book business in 1876 at Xenia. Later went to New York and was connected with Brentano's. Came to Cleveland in 1888 and was connected for several years with Taylor, Austin &. Co. Appointed librarian of Case Library of Cleveland in 1890. Elected director of schools in 1905, Member of the State Library Commission- American Library Association, American Historical Association, and Rowfant club. Has published "History of the Pequot War," an edition of Richard De Bury's "Philobiblon," and Merry- weather's "Biblomania in the Middle Ages." Politically a Re- oublican. SAMUEL WOLFENSTEIN Samuel Wolfenstein, Cleveland. Superintendent, the Jewish Orphan Asylum. Born in Austria, December 10, 1841. Edu cated in the High School in Bruenn, Moravia, Austria, and the Universities of Vienna and Prague. Was a Minister from 1863 to 1878, in Insterburg, Prussia, and St. Louis, Mo. Since 1878 has been Superintendent of the Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asy lum. Member of the Independent Order of B'nai Brith and Free Mason. GEORGE D. PETTEE George D. Pettee, Cleveland. Principal University School. Born Sharon, Mass., July 24, 3 864. Educated in local high school and Phillips Academy, Andover, and Yale University. Has been principal University School since 1900, coming from Phillips Andover Academy, where he had been for thirteen years as registrar and assistant to the principal. Spent the year 1887-88 in France and Germany studying economics and transportation problems. Has published a text book on geometry and numerous educational monographs. An Independent Repub lican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 47 EDUCATORS GUSTAVE A. RUETENIK. Gustavo A. Ruetenik, Cleveland. Principal of South High School,' Cleveland. Born Tiffin, Ohio, August 9, 1857. Edu cated Calvin College, Cleveland, and Gymnasia of Freienwalde and Schneidemuehl, Prussia. Received Degree of A. M. from Calvin College. Taught at Calvin College for four years. Then at Central High School four years, and West High School eight years. Has been Principal of South High since 1894. ' Was twice' elected 'Vice president the Schoolmasters' Club of Cleve land. WILSON A. PUTT Wilson A. Putt, Cleveland. Supervisor of music in Cleveland public schools. Born Inland, Summit county, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1871. Educated in district schools and Akron public schools. Gradua ted from Buchtel College, degree of B. S. 1895. Taught music m public schools of Rockport and Lakewood, 1896-97. Warren and Niles, O., ' 1898-1903. Assumed duties of supervisor of higher elementary grades in Cleveland 1903. Member Akron Lodge No. 363 B._ P. O. , E. Old Erie No. 3 F. & A. M., Warren, O. Mahoning Chapter' No. 66. R. A. M. Warren, O. Warren Council No.' 58, 'Warren Commandery No. 39. GEORGE W. IvHLER JOHN E. McGILVREV George W. Ehler, Cleveland. Supervisor, of physical training, hygiene and school sanitation, Cleveland public schools.. Born Cincinnati, O., Dec. 23, 1865. Educated in public schools, Cin cinnati and Penn. Military College, degree of C. E., 1885. Taught at East Greenwich, R. I., 1885-86, at Penn. Military College, 1886-87. Physical director Y. M. C. A. at Detroit, 1887-91, and at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1891-93; at Chicago, 1892-1904. Then came to Cleveland and took present position. Principal physical department Y. M. C. A. Training School 1893-99. Con nected with national organization Y. M. C. A. Athletic League and Amateur Athletic Union. Member Board of Directors Central Y. M. C. A., Cleveland. 'Vice president Public School Physical Training Society. John E. McGilvrey, Cleveland. Principal of Cleveland Normal Training School. Born liollandsburg, Ind., Feb. 8, 1867. Ed ucated in district schools of Indiana. Graduate Indiana State Normal School 1890. Graduated from Indiana University 1895, degree of A. B. Taught district schools in Indiana 1883-86. Assistant, Department of Literature, Indiana State Normal, 1891. Principal of Paris, 111., High School, 1891-94. Principal of Free- port, 111., High School, 1895-96. Assistant professor of peda gogy. University of Illinois, and State High School Inspector 1896-99; Came to Cleveland in 1899, and has since occupied his present position. Member University club and the N. E. A. 48 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO EDUCATORS CHARLES P. LYNCH Charles .P. Lynch, Cleveland. Principal West High School, Cleveland public schools. Born Meadville, Pa., July 29, 1858. Educated in the public schools of Ohio. Grad. Allegheny College 1886, Deg. A. B.; in 1889, Deg. A. M. ; in 1897, Post Graduate Deg. Ph. D. Phi Beta Kappa, 1898. Taught in public schools '^'oungstown, O., 1876-81. Principal Warren High School 1886-91. Taught Latin at Central High School 1891-1902. Ap pointed Asst. . Supt. of Instruction 1902^ Appointed Principal West High School 1906. Mem. Phi Delta Theta Frat. Member National Educational Assn. and Ohio State Teachers' Assn. HIRAM H.. CULLY Hiram H. Cully, Cleveland. Principal of Glenville high sc'hool. Born Dalton, O., June 3, 1861. Educated in the public schools. Graduated from Mount Union College 1887, degree of A. B. Degree of A. M.' in 1890. Taught in ungraded schools, Wayne and Stark Counties. Taught school in Dalton, 1887-1890.' Then went to Burton, O., 1890-1895. Then to Glenville, 1895-1905. Unon the annexation of Glenville to Cleveland, 1905, was appoint ed principal of the high school. ¦ A Mason, member of Wo'od- ward Lodge. Republican in politics and a member of the Meth odist church..' Holds membership in the Ohio Teachers' Asso ciation and in the National Teachers' Association. FRANKLIN H. KENDALL Franklin H. Kendall, Painesville. Superintendent of schools. Born Steubenville, O., Jan. 15, 1863. Educated in Steubenville public schools and the Ohio Wesleyan University, graduating in 1887, degree of A. B. Principal of schools in Steubenville 1888- 91. Principal of Painesville High School 1891-1902. Superin tendent of Painesville schools since 1903. Has been School Examiner for Lake county for last seven years. President Painesville Library Association. Politically a Republican. J. POWELL JONES J. Powell Jones, Cleveland. Supervisor of music in the Cleve land high schools. Born South Wales, June 38, 1853. Educated in Ihe University College of Wales and the Tonic Sol Fa Col lege, London, England. Supervisor of music in the Painesville, Warren and Ravenna public schools. During the past four years has been supervisor of music in the Cleveland high schools. Director of The Harmonic Club and choirmaster Epworth- Me morial church, Cleveland. Director of the Painesville Vocal So ciety and choirmaster of St. James Episcopal church; Member of B. P. O. E. and F. A. M. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 49 EDUCATORS CHARLES E. CAREY Charles E. Carey, Warren, Superintendent of Schools, Warren, O. Born Stanfordsville, N. Y., Oct. 30th, 1860. Educated in the common schools and Caszenva Seminary. Wesleyan University of Illinois, degree of A. M. Special course at University of Chicago. Taught district schools in Morris township, N. Y., in 1878. Garrettsville, N. Y., 1879, and Masonville, N. Y., 1884. Came to Conneaut, O., in 1885, and in 1897 moved to Warren, where he has been since that time. Knight Templar Mason. Member National Education As sociation, Ohio State Teachers Association. Politically a Re publican, and a member Presbyterian Church, FREDERICK E. OSTRANDER Frederick E. Ostrander, Warren. Principal Warren'. City High School. Born Masonville, N. Y., June 12, 1868. Educated in Masonville Union School. Delaware Institute and Mount Union College, degree of A. B. Post graduate course with Ohio Wes leyan University. Principal of schools at Otego, N. Y. ; East High School. Hartford, Conn. Came to Warren in 1893 as prin cipal of the high school. Member of faculty at Wooster Summer School for four years. Member Ohio State Educational Asso ciation, Northeastern Ohio Educational Association. Politically a Reoublican and member of the Methodist church. JAMES A. POLLOCK -James A. Pollock, Sylvania. Superintendent Public Schools of Sylvania. Boi'n" Providence township, Lucas County, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1876. -Educated in district schools and Waterville high ^chool. Summer school at Ada, Wooster, and Cornell Uni- Jiversity; and, Ohio State University. Holds teacher's life certificate for Ohio. Worked on father's farm several years. Taught dis trict school -five 'years. Principal of the Miami School, Maumee, one year. Past five years Superintendent Sylvania Public Schools. P,resident Lucas County Teachers' Association, two terms, and now serving second term as member Lucas County Board of School Examiners. Member Lincoln Club, Toledo. Grand Rapids, Ohio, Lodge No. 389 F. & A. M., Fort Meigs Chapter No. 39 R. A. M. Toledo Commandery No. 7, Knights Templars. ERNEST E. MERVILLE Ernest E. Merville, Cleveland. President of the Spencerian Commercial School, founded in 1848. Born New York, Sept. 24, 1869. Educated in the public and private schools of New York. Held several business positions until 1893, when he became associated with the Bryant & Stratton Business College of Buffalo as teacher. Continued with this institution for nine years, during which time he also practiced as a public accountant and auditor. In 1902 became associated with the Spencerian as secretary and was elected president in 1904. Politically a Re publican and a member of the Methodist Church. 50 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO EDUCATORS, CLERGYMEN, CAPITALISTS HENRY C. MUCKI.EY FRANKLIN PAUL GEIGER Henry C, Muckley, Cleveland. Assistant superintendent of in struction Cleveland public schools. Born Tuscarawas county, O., Sept. 28, 1850. E-ducated in public schools and Oberlin College. Received degree of A. M. from Hiram College 1896. Taught school in Tuscarawas and Stark counties until 1875. Then in the village school at Mt. Union one year.- Moved to Youngs town and was principal of grammar schools until 1884. Then in Rayen High School one year. Came to Cleveland in 1885 and taught physics in Central High School eight years. In 1893 appointed supervisor of schools for Cleveland. Appointed second assistant superintendent schools 1901, and first assistant 1902. Member State and National Educational associations. Politically a Republican, and member Cedar Ave. Disciple church. Franklin Paul Geiger, Canal Dover. Supt. schools, Canal Dover, O. Born Malvern, - O., ^Jan 25, 1870. ¦ Educated in dis trict schools Carroll Co., Mt. Union College, Normal, Commer cial and Classical courses, taking degree of, A. B., 1894. Princi pal High School, Carrollton for one year. Then Asst. Principal Lancaster High School one year. Came to Canal Dov^r in 1897 and was Principal of High School for five years. Theri appointed Supt. of Schools, which position was held, for past four years. Holds Life Certificate from State for Common and High Schools. Has twelve year Diploma frorh Ohio Teachers' Reading Circle. School examiner. Member Exec. Com. County Institute. Pres. Eastern Ohio Teachers' Assn. -Mason, Chapter, and 'Comman dery. K. of P., and Tribe of Ben Hur. Politically a Repub lican, REV. ANDREW J. SUPLICKI C. N. SCHMICK Rev. Andrew J. SupHcki, Toledo. Pastor St. Anthony's Polish Catholic Church. Born Province of Posen, Poland, 'Oct. 17, 1869, Educated common schools Poland, St. Stanislaus, Cleveland, O., St. Mary's Institute, Dayton, O. Graduated from Resurrec- tioral College of Berlin, Province of Ontario, Canada, in 1888. In 1888 entered St. Mary's Theological Seminary, Cleveland, and was ordained in 1893. In 1894 appointed Asst, Pastor St. An thony's Church, Toledo. In 1894 Pastor St. Adalbert's Church, Berea. In 1901 pastor St. Anthony's Church, Toledo. Pres. Kuryor Ohioski Pub. Co. Vice Pres. for Ohio Polish Catholic Union. Vice Pres. Ex. Com. Polish Congress held in 1904. C. N. Schmick, Cleveland. Capitalist. Born Green town ship, Mahoning Co., Ohio, Feb. 36, 1841. Educated in the common schools and Mahoning Academy. Engaged in gen eral merchandise business, Canfield, Ohio 1860-70. Then Treas urer the Cherry Valley Iron Works, Latonia, O., for ten years. Came to Cleveland in 18S6, and has been engaged in banking and real estate. Stockholder the Union National Bank, Pres. First National Bank, Leetonia, O., Eeetonia Store Co., Colon ial Drug Co., Cleveland. Treas. Colonial Realty Co. and Royal Realty Co. Treas. Warren Realty Co. and Cleveland Invest ment Co. 32nd degree Mason, Al Koran Temple, Mystic Shrine. Member of the Union Club and Chamber of Commerce. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 51 JUDGES HENRY CtAY WHITE Henry Clay White, Dec'd. Cleveland. Probate Judge 1887 until death Jan. 15, 1905. Born Newburgh, O., Feb. 23, 1838. Educated Newburgh schools, Hiram College. Graduate, Law Department, University of Mich. 1863, degree LL. B. degree A. M. I-Iiram College 1891. Started practice, Cleveland, 1862. Elected Probate Judge six times. Noted authority on Arctic Explorations. Possessed most complete private library on Arctic subjects in America. Professor Testamentary Law, W. R. University and Medical Jurisprudence, Cleveland Homeo pathic College, 1893 to death. Trustee in many public and char itable institutions. Chairman, Bd. Trustees Garfield Memorial. President for Ohio, Medico-Legal Society, Archeological Socie ty of America. K. T, Mason, K. P. and member Rowfant and Colonial Clubs. Republican. ALEXANDER HADDEN Alexander Hadden, Cleveland. Probate Judge Cuyahoga county. Born Wheeling, \V. Va., July 2, 1850. Educated in district schools, Euclid, O.; high school. East Cleveland, O., and graduate Oberlin College 1S73. Read law with Spalding & Dickman of Cleveland. Admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland ]875. Assistant Prosecuting Attorney 1882-85. Pros ecuting Attorney 1885-91. Formed partnership with Sheldon Parks 1891, firm name Hadden & Parks. In 1903 firm changed to Wilcox, Collister, Hadden & Parks, and in 1904 to Collister, Hadden & Griswoid. Appointed Probate Judge by Gov. Herrick 1905, and elected to that office Nov. 7, 1905. Member faculty law deriartment Western Reserve University, as professor of criminal law and law of damages. Politically a Republican. SIMPSON S. FORD THEODORE L- STRIMPLE Simpson S. Ford, Cleveland. Judge Court of Common Pleas, Cuyahoga county. Born Jefferson County, O., Oct, 7, 1854. Graduate Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., 1881. Read law and was admitted to bar in 1884. Commenced practice and con tinued same until 1892, when he was elected first president Board of Education under Federal plan; served four years; president two terms. Then entered law department, city of Cleveland, as Second Assistant Corporation Counsel. Two years later pro moted to First Assistant. In 1899 elected Common Pleas Judge. Re-elected in 1904 and still serving. Member Tippecanoe, Union League and Colonial clubs; Board of Trustees Allegheny College; Phi Beta Kappa Society. Theodore L. Strimple, Cleveland. Judge common pleas court, Cuyahoga Co. Born Richland county, Ohio, April 25, 1859, Graduated Baldwin university 1884, degree Ph. B, Admitted to bar in 1886. Taught school prior to this time. County school examiner 1889-91. Formed law partnership with Frank N. Wil cox, now deceased, until appointed assistant prosecuting attorney 1891. Served until 1895. Appointed prosecuting attorney in 1895. Elected 1896. Served until 1898, when he was elected to the bench. Member of the Chamber of Commerce and Colonial clubsi 52 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO JUDGES HARVEY R. KEELER Harvey R. Keeler, Cleveland. Judge Common Pleas Court, Cuyahoga county. Born Harlem, Delaware county, O., July 1, 1858. Educated in the district schools and graduated from Granville College 1880, degree A. B. Came to Cleveland 1881. Read law and admitted to bar 1889. Started practice here and continued same until appointed Prosecuting Attorney by the Judges in 1899. Elected Prosecuting Attorney 1899. Re-elected in 1902. Elected to the bench 1904. Elected trustee of Gran ville College 1900 and still serving. K. of P. and member of Tip pecanoe club and several fraternal societies. Politically a Re publican and member of the Baptist church and Chamber of Commerce. WM. A. BABCOCK Wm. A. Babcock, Cleveland. Judge Common Pleas Court. Born Shalersville, O., Jan. 9, 1851. Educated district schools of Portage County, Ohio. Graduated Hiram College in 1873, and Cleveland Law College in 1875 with degree of LL. B. Com menced general practice of law in Cleveland in 1876. Appointed Director of Law for City of Cleveland in 1900. Elected Judge of Court of Common Pleas in 1901. Politically a Democrat. GEORGE H. SCHWAN George H. Schwan, Cleveland. Judge Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga Co. Born Cleveland, 0., March 27, 1860. Educated in the Schools of Cleveland. Graduated from Concordia College, Ft. Wayne 1879. Took Post Graduate course Concordia Univer sity, St. Louis, Mo. Read Law and admitted to bar in 1882. Began practice in Cleveland and continued same until elected to the Bench in 1904. Appointed by Gov. Nash to Police Court in 1901 to fill out an unexpired term. Member of a number of political organizations. Politically a Republican and member of German Lutheran Church. DUANE H. TILDEN Duane H. Tilden, Cleveland. Judge Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. Born in Nelson, Portage County, Ohio. May 15, 1861. Graduated from Hiram College in 1884, Degree Ph. B. Read Law with Sherwood & Denison, of Cleveland and admitted to the bar 1887. Started practice in Cleveland and continued same until his election to the Bench in 1902. Mem ber of the University club. A Mason. Politically a Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 53 JUDGES GEOKGii STAN'XUN ADDAMS George Stanton Addams, Cleveland. Juvenile and Insolvency Judges Born in Harrison county, O. and attended the public schools at Salem, O., and then the Oberlin College. He graduated in law at the Cincinnati Law School and came to Cleveland where he has practiced law for many years. On December 1, 1905 he was elected to the position of juvenile and insolvency judge for Cuyahoga county. Politically he is a Democrat. THOMAS H. BUSHNELL Thomas H. Bushnell, East Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Bur ton, Geauga county, 0., Aug. 17, 1856. Educated at Western Reserve college, finishing in the last year of college at Hudson. Received degree of B. A. from Adelbert college in 1882, and degree of M. A. in 1885. Read law with Williamson, Beach & Gushing, Cleveland. Admitted to the bar in 1885. Began prac tice in Cleveland, then in Wisconsin for ten years, returning to Cleveland in 1896. Appointed Judge of Insolvency and Juvenile Court, Cuyahoga county, in 1904, by Gov. Herrick. Politically a Republican. NICHOLAS P. WHELAN Nicholas P. Whelan, Cleveland. Police Judge. Born 1859 at Utica, N. Y. Received his education in the district schools near that city and at the Whitestown Academy from which he graduated. He graduated also from the Niagara Y University and from the law department of the University of Michigan in 1888. Was admitted to the bar at Columbus in the same year, settling in Cleveland to practice law. For a number of years he practiced general law and in 1903 was elected police court judge. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. Politically a Democrat. DAVID LADD" ROCKWELL David Ladd Rockwell, Ravenna. Judge Probate Court. Born Akron, 0., Aug. 11, 1877. Educated in Common schools, Ra venna, and graduated from Western Reserve Academy 1897. Took an Academic course at Kenyon College. Elected mayor of Kent, O. in 1900. and served two terms. Elected probate judge of Portage county in 1902, re-elected in 1905. Still serving. Vice president City Banking Co., Kent. Member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. Member Masons, K. of P., I. O. 0. F., B. P. O. E. and Royal Arcanum. Member Ohio Democratic State Central Committee. 54 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO EX-JUDGES HENRY CLAY RANNEY Henry Clay Ranney, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Freedom, O., June 1, 1829. Educated public and private schools. Admitted to bar at Warren, O., 1852. Practiced there until 1855, then moved to Ravenna. Came to Cleveland about 1878 and continued prac tice until , 1902, when he retired. Trustee John Huntington Benevolent Trust, Art and Polytechnic Trust and Society for Savings. Member State Board of Charities. Dir. Guardian Trust Co., Cleveland Stone Co., Continental Sugar Co., Citizens Savings & Loan Ass'n, Buckeye Fish Co., C. & P. University and National Clubs. Member National, State and City Bar Ass'n. 32d degree Mason. Senior Warden St. Paul's Church. Pres. Trustees, Diocese of Ohio. Politically a Democrat. HENRY W. SENEY Henry W. Seney, Toledo, Lawyer and Ex-Circuit Judge of Ohio. Born Tiffin, O., May 23, 1847. Educated at Heidelberg College, Tiffin, O., and Notre Dame university, South Bend, Ind. Read law at Ada, O., and admitted to the bar in 1873. Began practice at Kenton, O., same year. Practiced until 1884, when elected Circuit Judge of Ohio. Re-elected in 1890, served eleven years and six months, then resigned. Came to Toledo in 18'96. Formed firm of H. W. & Allen J. Seney in 1906. Presi dent American Tri-Motor Co. Interested in other corporations. Delegate National Democratic Conventions at Cincinnati in 1876, and St. Louis in 1888, GEORGE B. SOLDERS JOHN C. HUTCI-IINS Geo. B. Solders, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Detroit, Mich., July 1, 1850. Left an orphan at two, robbed of his inheritance and thrown upon the world at ten, his education was secured during his struggles for existence. Served as telegraph and Associated Press operator. Appointed train despatcher B. & M. R. R. 1872. Came to Cleveland 1873 and compiled the first ab stract books. Admitted to bar 1875. Police Judge 1883-84. Judge Common Pleas 1889-94. Pres. Baldwin Hotel Co., German Theater Co., Type Telegraph Co. and other corporations. Mem ber Cleveland Gesangverein, Altenheim and other German' so cieties. Member Masons, I, O. O. F. and charter member Cen tury Club. John C. I-Iutchjns, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Warren, 0., May 7, 1840. Educated in public schools of Warren and Oberlin College. Graduated Albany Law School 1866. Enlisted 2nd Ohio Cavalry 1861, being elected Second Lieutenant, afterwards First. Resigned 1863 account injuries. Began practice at Youngstown. Came to Cleveland 1868, entered firm Hutchins & Ingersoll, com posed of his father, Hon. John Hutchins, and J, E- I-ngersoll. 1873 became member firm Hutchins, Campbell & Johnson. Elected Prosecuting Attorney 1877 of Cuyahoga county, one term. Elected Police Judge 1883, two terms. Elected Judge Common Pleas 1892. Appointed Postmaster Cleveland 1895. Member Cleveland Public Library Board' 13 years, president 7 years. Member Euclid club. Member First Class Loyal Legion. Vice president Cleveland Civic Federation. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 55 LAWYERS JAMES HUMPHREY HOYT James Humphrey Hoyt, Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley, lawyers. Born Cleveland, Nov. 10, 1862. Graduate Brown Uni versity 1874, degree A. B., and Harvard Law School, 1877, de gree LL. B. Admitted to bar 1877. Started practice Cleveland, firm Sherman & Hoyt; 1878, firm of Willey, Sherman & Hoyt; 1881, firm of Sherman & Hoyt; 1885, firm Sherman, Hoyt & Dustin; 1894, present firm opened. An officer and interested in a number of corporations. Member Union, Tavern, Euclid, Country, Roadside and University clubs, Cleveland, and Metro politan, Century, New York Yacht and University clubs. New York. Politically a Republican. HERMAN ALFRED KELLEY Herman Alfred Kelley, Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley, lawyers. Born Kelley's Island, O., May 15, 1859. Graduate Buchtel College 1879, degree B. S. and A. B. in 1880. Har vard Law School and Goettingen University, Germany. Admit ted to bar in Michigan in 1882. After one year's practice in Detroit, came to Cleveland and admitted to bar in Ohio in 1883. Member firm Stearns & Kelley 1885-92. First Assistant Corpo ration Counsel City of Cleveland 1892-94. Member firm Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley since 1894. Secretary, treasurer and trustee Cleveland Museum of Art. Has made a specialty of admiralty law. General admiralty counsel Pittsburgh Steamship Co., Great Lakes Towing Co. and others. Member Union, University, Country and Euclid clubs. Politically a Republican. HOMER H. McKEEHAN H. CLARK FORD Homer H. McKeehan, Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley, lawyers. Born Hillsboro, O., June 27, 1870. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Ohio Wesleyan Ufiiversity 1892. Read law with Sherman, Hoyt & Dustin, Cleveland. Ad mitted to the bar and commenced practice in Cleveland in 1894 with the firm of Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley, and became a member of the firm in 1902. Member of the Union, Euclid, University and Hermit clubs. Politically a Republican. H. Clark Ford, Cleveland. Ford & Snyder, lawyers. Born Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853. Educated in the public schools Graduated from the University of Michigan in 1875. Admitted to the bar in Ohio 1878. President The Garfield Savings Bank Co. President The Williamson Co. Member of the Executive Committee The Cleveland Trust Co. Trustee Oberlin College. Member of the Union club. Politically a Republican. 56 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS ANDREW SQUIRE Andrew Squire, Cleveland. Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, At torneys at Law. Bom Mantua, Portage Co., Ohio, Oct. 21, 1850. Educated public schools and graduated from Hiram college 1872, Degree of A. M. Degree of LL. D. from Hiram and Kenyon colleges. Read law with Cadwell & Marvin. Admitted to bar 1873 and commenced practice in Cleveland. Director Citizens Savings & Trust Co., Bank of Commerce, National Association, Cleveland Stone Co., Cleveland & Pittsburg Railway Co., and various other corporations. 32nd degree Mason and a member of Union' and other clubs in Cleveland and elsewhere. Politically a Republican. WM. B, SA.XDEKS Wm. B. Sanders, Cleveland. Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, Lawyers. Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 31, 1854. Educated in the schools of Jacksonville, 111. Graduated from Illinois College in 1873. Graduated from Albany Law School in 1875, and shortly after was admitted to the New York bar. Came to Cleveland and became member firm of Burke, Ingersoll & Sanders. In 1888 appointed Judge of Common Pleas Court of Cuyahoga Co. to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Judge McKinney. At the next election was elected to the same position, and in 1890 resigned and resumed practice of law as a member of present firm. FREDERICK LYMAN GEDDES Frederick Lyman Geddes, Toledo. Brown, Geddcs, Schmettau & Williams, Lawyers. Born Adrian, Mich., Nov. 10, 1850. Graduated from Adrian High School and University of Michi gan, A. B. 1873., A. M., 1875. Engaged in practice of law, (Barton) Smith & Geddes, 1876-81. (Clarence) Brown & Geddes since 1882. Now member of above firm. During re cent years exclusively engaged in corporate legal business. Di rector and officer in many corporations. 38rd degree Mason. Grand Commander of Knights Templars of Ohio. Politically a Republican. H.\RVEY D. GOULDER Harvey D. Goulder, Cleveland. Goulder, Holding & Masten, lawyers. Born Cleveland, March 7, 1853. Educated public schools. Read law with John E. Gary and admitted to the bar 18'i'6. Started practice alone and in 1892 formed firm of Goulder & Holding. Firm changed to Goulder, Holding & Masten- 1896. Still actively engaged. General Counsel for the Lake Carriers' A.SS n since its organization 1891. Counsel for a large number of transportation companies. Pres. Bankers' Surety Co. and Dir. in a number of other corporations. Member Union, Euclid, Colonial, Country, Roadside, Rowfant, Cleveland Yacht, Con gregational and Gentlemen's Driving Clubs, Cleveland; Detroit Club, Detroit, and ElUcott and Transportation Clubs, Buffalo. Politically a Republican and member of the Congregational Church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 57 LAWYERS JAMES WADE James Wade, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born at Niskayuna, New York, Januarj 28, 1824. Educated at Schenectady Lyceum, Jonesville Academy and graduated with degree of Civil Engineer from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1842. Came to Cleveland 1843. Read law with Wade & Hurlbut; and Payne, Woilson & Wade. Admitted to bar 1845. Formed partnership with Hon. H. B. Payne in 1848, known as Payne & Wade. Dissolved in 1850, when entered firm of Willson, Wade & Wade, composed of Hiram V. Willson, Edward Wade and James Wade. Dissolved in 1854, when formed partnership with Robert F. Payne. Dissolved in 1866. Since practiced alone. ALFRED GEORGE CARPENTER Alfred George Carpenter, Cleveland. Carpenter, Young & Stocker, lawyers. Bom Newville, Richland County, Ohio, Sept. 25, 3 849. Educated public schools, Mansfield, O. Graduate Ohio Wesleyan University, 1873, degree A. B., degree A. M. 1876. Graduate Law Department University of Michigan, 1876, degree LL. B. Admitted to the bar 1875. Commenced practice 1876 and is still actively engaged. Elected Professor of Bills and Notes, Western Reserve Law School, 1896. Professor of Con tracts, 1899, and since 1902 Professor of Pleadings and Practice. Director Horsburg & Scott Co., Ohio Sash- & Door Co. and the Hart Mfg. Co. Member Colonial Club, Chamber of Commerce and the Euclid Ave. M. E. Church. Politically a Republican. WASHINGTON WALLACE BOYNION JAY P. DAWLEY Washington Wallace Boynton, Cleveland. Attorney. Born in Lorain county, Ohio, in 1833. Educated in the common and select schools. Appointed a school examiner at Lorain at the age of 22 years. He was admitted to the bar in 1856. In 1859 he was appointed prosecuting attorney of Lorain, later being elected two terms to that position. In 1876 he was elected to the supreme court of the state, resigning in 1881 to continue the practice of law in Cleveland. In 1892 Mr. Boynton was elected judge of the circuit court for Cuyahoga county. Mr. Bo>nton confines himself to special classes of business. Judge Boynton spends much of his time at his home at Ridgeville, Ohio, Jay P. Dawley, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Ravenna, O., March 7, 1847. Educated public schools Ravenna and Western Reserve College (now university). Read law with Judge Jas. M, Jones, Cleveland, and commenced practice in 1872. Formed partnership with Silas M. Stone, and 1880 with Judge Herd, and later Martin A. Foran. Since the dissolution of this firm has practiced by himself. Identified with nearly every noted criminal case in Cleveland as well as many throughout the state, besides caring for a large civil practice. Retained by Consol idated Street Ry. Co. to defend its damage suits. Member Board Education 1882-84, Library Board 1882-85. Director Webb C. Ball Co. and Baldwin Hotel Co, Member Masonic order. Po litically Republican. 58 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS lOHN M. HENDERSON John M. Henderson, East Cleveland. Henderson, Quail & Sid- dal. Lawyers. Born Newville, Richland County, Ohio, April 14, 1840. Educated at Kenyon College and Miami University. Trust Officer of The Cleveland Trust Company. President of The Sheriff Street Market and Storage Company. President of Board of Trustees of Case School of Applied Science. Director in several banking and business corporations. FRANK ADGATE QU.ML Frank Adgate Quail, Cleveland. Henderson, ^juail & Siddall, Lawyers. Born Canonsburg, Pa., June 18, 1865. Educated in public schools Canonsburg and graduated Washburn College, Topeka, Kansas; 1887, degree A. B. University of Michigan 1889, degree LL. B. Admitted to bar in Ohio 1889. Began practice in Cleveland same year. Jan. 1895 entered firm of Henderson & Quail, with T. M. Henderson. Firm changed to Henderson, Quail & Siddall in 1904, G. B. Siddall being added. Director in a number of corporations doing business in N. Ohio. Member Union, Euclid, University and Colonial clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Democrat. THOMAS II. HOGSETT' Thomas H. Hogsett, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio, May 17, 1858. Educated in public and private schools of Hillsboro. Graduate Cincinnati Law bchool, 1882, degree LL. B. Began practice at Hillsboro 1884, in partnership with Albert G. Mathews. 1888, formed partner ship with S. F. Steele, and remained with him until 1895, then came to Cleveland and formed partnership with Judge George B. Solders. Appointed city law director 1899, two terms. 1891 en tered the firm M. B. & H. I-l. Johnson. Director Lorain Street R. R. Co. Member Union and Euclid clubs. Politically a Demo crat. GEORGE BENNETT SIDDALL George Bennett Siddall, Cleveland. Henderson, Quail & Sid dall, Lawyers. Born Oberlin, O., Dec. 13, 1866. Educated in public schools at Oberlin, and graduated from Oberlin College, Degree A. B. 1891, and Western Reserve Law School. Ad mitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland, 1896. With firm of Henderson & Quail until 1904, when he became a member of firm. Secretary Lorain & Southern R. R. Co. Director Peerless Motor Car Co., Ohio Quarries Co., New England Co. and various other corporations. Member University, Hermit & Clifton Clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Repub lican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS CHARLES RUSSELL MILLER ALBERT H. WEED Charles Russell Miller, Cleveland. Weed, Miller & Nason, lawyers. Born Canton, Q., Oct. 1, 1858. Educated in Canton High School and Canton Academy. Admitted to the bar of Ohio on Dec. 3, 1879. Presidential elector in 1896. President Com mercial League in 1899. Major and Assistant Adjutant General 1898-99. Judge Advocate General Spanish War Veterans 1900- 1901. Commander-in-chief United Spanish War Veterans 1905- 1906, Formed present partnership in 1905. Member Loyal Le gion. Member Union club, Cleveland Army and Navy club, Washington. Politically a Republican. Author of Law of Con ditional Sales. Albert H. Weed, Cleveland. Weed, Miller & Nason, Lawyers. Born Patterson, N. J., Oct. 28, 1848. Graduated from Oberlin College, Class of 3 872, Degree B. A. and afterwards A. M. Attended Law School at Ann Arbor, Mich. 1873-74. Admitted to bar in spring of 1875, and began practice in Cleveland. President Halliwell Copper Co. Secretary The R. F. Mackenzie Co. Senior member of the above firm. Was President Com mercial Law League 1902-03. Member of Forest City Lodge Masons, Cleveland Chapter, Holyrood Commandery. Politically Independent. MILLARD H. NASON Millard H. Nason, Cleveland. Attorney-at-law, Born Frank lin. Mass., June 26. 1858. Member of the firm of Weed, Miller & NasDTi, attorneys-at-law. Director and general counsel Euclid Ave. Trust Co-j and the Equity Savings & Loan Co. Vice presi dent Brilliant Electric Co. Vice president The National Asso ciation of Incandescent Lamp Manufacturers. President The Park Realty Co. President The Euclid Land Co. Vice president The Ohio Fire Clay & Coal Co. Director of the Colonial club. Republican in politics. WM. H. BEAVIS Wm, H. Beavis, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Brooklyn Tp., now City of Cleveland, Oct. 18. 1859. Educated in Cleveland schools and graduated from Law Dept. of Cincinnati College in 1883. Commenced practice in Cleveland, entering the firm of Beavis & Beavis and later the firm of Beavis & Johnson. Has always taken a part in German-American affairs. Dir. German- American Savings Bank, German Press & Plate Co., German Consolidated Newspaj^er Co., Wingate-Nusbaum Co., The Hall & Holmes Co., and is attorney, executor and administrator of various estates. Member of the Century club, German-American social club and Cleveland Gesangverein. Politically a Repub lican. 60 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS WILLIAM FINLEY CARR William F. Carr, Cleveland. Attorney. Born Stark county, O., and at an early age removed with his parents to Mendola, 111., where he received his education in the public schools and academy of that town. Graduated in law and removed to Cleve land in 1876. He has since followed his calling in Cleveland with great success. Mr. Carr is a member of the Union Club and a Republican. ARTHUR A. STEARNS Arthur A. Stearns, Cleveland. Carr, Stearns & Chamberlain, Lawyers. Born Olmsted, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, July 18, 1858. Graduated from Buchtel college in 1879, Degree of A. B. and Harvard Law school in 1882, Degree LL. B. Received degree of A. M. from Buchtel college in 1883. Admitted to the bar and began practice in Cleveland in 188'3. Practiced alone until 1886, then firm of Stearns & Kelley 1885 to 1890, and again alone until 1902, when firm Stearns & Chamberlain was formed, and in 1904 present firm was formed. Lecturer in Western Re serve Law School since 1893. Member Union and Colonial clubs. Politically a Republican. WILLIAM ROWLAND HOPKINS William Rowland Hopkins. Attorney-at-Iaw. Born at Johns town, Pa., 1869, of Welsh parents, who removed to Alliance, O., 1871 and to Cleveland in 1S74. Attended Cleveland public schools 1875-1881. Employed by Cleveland Rolling Mill Co. in wire mill 1881-84, and in offices 1884-91. Graduated from Western Reserve Academj; in 1892; from Adelbert College of Western Reserve University in 1896, and from Backus Law School of Western Reserve University in 1899. Admitted to Ohio bar 1899. Author of "The Street Railway Problem m Cleveland," published by The American Economic Association. Member of the Cleveland City Council 1897-99. Chairman Re publican County Committee 1902-03. Married to Ellen Louise Cozad 1903. Member of law firm of Hopkins, Bole, Cobb & Newcomb, Cleveland. CHARLES T. BROOKS Charles T. Brooks, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Salem, Ohio, March 29, 1867. Educated Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass. Graduated Yale University, 1889, Degree A. B. Graduated from Law Department of Harvard University in 1894, degree of LL. B. Admitted to the bar in Ohio in 1894 and began practice in Cleveland same year. Member Union, Tavern, University and Country Clubs, Cleveland, and University Club, New York City. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 61 LAWYERS FRANCIS CALVIN McMILLIN Francis Calvin McMillin, Cleveland. McMillin & Ingersoll, lawyers. Educated in public schools and one year at Hiram College, Hiram, O., and four years at Bethany College, W. Va., graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Director To ledo & Western Ry. Co. Director and general counsel The Chi cago, Lake Shore & South Bend Ry. Co. Director The Mayell & Hopp Co. Director-president The Electric Adding Machine Co. Director Tlie Schmitz-Horning Lithograph Co. Director The Scientific Apparatus Co. Member of the Masons and Knight Templar. Member the Electro-Chemical Society of the United States and Europe. Member The Union and Euclid clubs. ALVAN F. INGERSOLL Alvan F. Ingersoll, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Cleveland, O., April 5, 1S59. Educated in Cleveland Central High School and Western Reserve College. Read law with Burke, Ingersoll & Sanders and admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland in 1885. Entered the firm of Burke & Ingersoll 1890. Gave up general practice to act as attorney for Cleveland Electric Ry. Co., 1901-02. Then entered into partnership with F. C. McMillin, firm of McMillin & Ingersoll. Politically a Republican. ROBERT ERASTUS McKISSON FREDEKiLK L. TAFT Robert Erastus McKisson. Cleveland. McKisson & Minshall, lawyers. Born Northfield, 6., Jan. 30, 1863. Educated in pub lic schools LaGrange, Cleveland, and Oberlin College. Read law with Webster & Angell. Admitted to bar and began prac tice in Qeveland in 1889. Entered firm Webster, Angell & McKisson 1898. Admitted to U. S. courts 1892. Served in City Council 1894. Elected Mayor of Cleveland 1895. Re elected 1897. Resumed practice of law 1899 and continued to date. Connected with various corporations. Member Cleveland Board Park Commissioners 1895-99. Established City Hall project and appointed Commissioners 1897. Established and built part intercepting sewer system, new waterworks tunnel, river, lake front and other large improvements. 32nd degree Mason and Shriner and other prominent orders. Frederick L. Taft, Cleveland. Smith, Taft & Arter (Law yers). Born Braceville, Ohio, Dec. 1, 1870. Graduated, Newton High School in 1886, and in 1889 from Mount Union College. Attended Cincinnati Law School. Admitted to bar Dec. 1, 1801. being then twenty-one years of age, and became associated with Hon. Harry C. Mason, under the firm name of Mason & T'aft. May, 1898, was appointed Assistant County Solicitor and held this office until Oct. 1, 1901, when he resigned to become associated with J. A. Smith, and the firm is now known as Smith, Taft & Arter. Chairman 21st Congressional Committee 1896, and of Republican Executive Committee 1897. Member State Central Com. 1900. 32nd Degree Mason, Knight Templar and a Shriner. Married Mary Alice Arter Oct. 28, 1901. Has two sons Kingsley Arter and Charles Newton Taft. 62 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS WALT'ER D. MEALS CLIFFORD W. FULLER .Walter D. Meals, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Mill Creek, Pa., Jan. 4, 1872. Educated in the public schools of Lewistown and ilarrisburg, Pa., Jnniata College of Huntington, Pa. Graduated from Keystone State Normal School 1888. Taught school in Min nesota two years. Graduated law department. University of Mich igan 1892, degree of LL. B. Admitted to the bar and began practice in Lewiston, Pa. Came to Cleveland in March, 1894, and has practiced here since that time. Member Iris Lodge Masons, Criterion Lodge, K. of P., and B. P. O. E-, No. 18. Chairman Cuyahoga County Republican Executive Committee 1898. 1899. 1900 and 1901. Clifford W. Fuller, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Garretsville, O., Feb. 6, 1864. Educated Garretsville public schools. Grad uated Allegheny College 1S86. Received degrees A, M. and Ph. D. pro merito after post graduate course of study. Superin tendent schools of Chardon, O., 1887-91. Admitted to bar Octo ber, 1890. Came to Cleveland in 1891 and commenced practice of law. Member of Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery for several years, from which he resigned to join the Naval Reserves. In 1898 was commissioned Captain of Co. I, 10th O. V. I., and served in the Spanish- American War. Member of University, Century, Hermit and Rowfant clubs. Member Masons and Mil itary Order of Foreign Wars. ERWIN G. GUTHERY Erwin G. Guthery, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born at LaRue, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1878. Educated in the public and high schools of LaRue. Graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University in 1900, degree of A. M. One year in law department of Ohio Wesleyan University. Came to Cleveland in 1900 and read law (clerkship and student) with Brewer, Cook & McGowan, lawyers. Admitted to the bar and began practice in Cleveland in 1902. Has made corporation law a specialty. Resident vice president and counsel, The American Fidelity Company of Montpeiier, Vt., and identified with various corporations. Republican in politics and member of the Methodist church. JOHN H. PRICE John H. Price, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Youngstown, O.. July 31, 1878. Educated public schools, Rayen high school, Youngstown; Mt Union College; Ohio State University and Western Reserve Law School. Editor-in-Chief Mt. Union College monthly and W. R. U. Law School annual. With Eighth Ohio Volunteers at Santiago in 1898. Lieutenant of engineers, O. N. G. 1902-03. Engaged in newspaper work before admission to bar and traveled in Europe as newspaper correspondent, 1900. Edited history of O. N. G. and Ohio Volunteers; Director Factory Mutual Insurance Co. General Counsel Associated Factory Mutual Insurance Co., New England, The Baker-Burwell Electrolytic Co. 32nd degree K. T., Mason, Shriner, Elk, and member Sigma Alpha Epsilon. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 63 LAWYERS CHARLES F. MORGAN Charles F. Morgan, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Oberlin, O., Aug. 3, 1851 Graduated from Oberlin College in 1872. Ad- mitted to the bar in 1874, and still continues practice of la w in Cleveland at 628-9 Citizens' building. EDWARD P. HATFIELD Edward P. Hatfield, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Aurora, Por tage county, O., Feb. 28, 1843. Educated in district schools and Kingsville Academy. Studied law at Warren and was admitted to the bar at Canfield, O., 1866. Began practice in Hubbard same year. Soon returned to Warren, and after practicing there a few months moved to Ravenna, O., and formed partnership with Henry C. Ranney. Elected Mayor of Ravenna 1882, re signing same year. September, 1882, he came to Cleveland. Politically a Democrat. EVAN HENRY HOPKINS CONRAD L. HOTZE Evan Henry Hopkins, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 4, 1864. Educated Cleveland public schools, Western Reserve Academy and graduate Adelbert College 1889, degree A. B. Harvard Law School 1892, degree LL. B. Began practice of law in Cleveland 1892. Sec'y Cleveland Public Library Board 1892-98. Member Board Park Commissioners 1900-01. Chosen Registrar and Professor Western Reserve Law School 1892, and Dean 1895. Still serving as both. Formed partnership with Frank R. Herrick, firm name Herrick & Hopkins, 1893. Member University Club and Knights of Pythias. Politically a Republican. Conrad L. Hotze, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Mayence-on-thc- Rhine, Sept. 1, 1839. Educated in public and private schools of Germany, Austria and France. Soon after coming to the United States in 1860 he took a position as teacher in Cincinnati High School, and 1867-78 was teacher in Cleveland High Schools. Admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland 1878. With firm of Adams & Hotze until 1895. Since then practiced alone. In 1871-72 published works on elementary physiology and physics for use in grammar schools. Member French club. Attorney for Imperial German Consulate and also for Imperial Austrian Consulate. Politically an independent Democrat. 64 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS VERNON H. BURKE Vernon H. Burke, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born in Saybrook, O., Dec. 23, 1866, educated in district schools of Saybrook, Bry ant and Stratton Business College, Cannisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., and graduate 1886, University of Notre Dame, "South Bend, Ind., Degree L.L.B., B.S., B.A. & C.E. Commenced practice in Cleveland, later entering firm of Burke & Hoskins. Has been active in politics, serving as State Senator 1897-99. Trustee Ohio Republican League, 1898-1900. Dir. United States Mineral Co., F. L. Raymond Co., Cleveland Heating Co., National Bread Co., (N. Y.), National Bread Co., (Cleveland), Buckeye Boiler Skimmer Co. (Toledo), Cleveland Salt Co., Tr, Cleveland Automobile club, Dir. Ohio Automobile Asso ciation. Possesses one of the most complete private libraries in Cleveland. CLIFFORD U. HASKINS Clifford B. Haskins, Cleveland. Attorney-at-Iaw. Born Cleve land, Jan, 13, 1876. Educated in the public schools. Graduate Western Reserve University 1897, and graduate of the law de partment of VVestern Reserve University 1899, degree of LL. B. Admitted to bar in 1899 and commenced practice, which he still continues. Interested in a number of corporations. Polit ically rt Republican. BENJAMIN F. HOPKINS Benjamin F. Hopkins, Cleveland. Railroad promoter and builder. Born at Cleveland, 1876. Educated in the public and high schools of Cleveland, at Western Reserve academy and Adelbert College of Western Reserve University. One ' of the promoters of the "Belt line" and connected with various other railroads and construction enterprises. Is secretary and director of the Cleveland Short Line Railway Co., and of The Belt and Terminal Realty Co. Mr. Hopkins is an Elk and a Mason, being a Knight Templar and a Shriner. SAMUEL C. BLAKE Samuel C. Blake, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Euclid, O., Dec. 29, 1855. Educated in public schools of Euclid, Shaw Academy and Oberlin College. Graduated University of Michigan with class of 1883, degree of LL. B. was president of class during senior year. Began practice in Cleveland, 1883, continuing to present time. Served as Clerk of Euclid township 1880-81. Directoi- Garfield Savings Bank, and interested in other corpora tions. Member Oriental Commandery, Knights Templar. Polit ically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 65 LAWYERS ANDREW R. ODELL Andrew R. Odell, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Garrettsville, O. , April 1, 1850. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Hiram College in 1873, degree of B. S. Read law at War ren, O., with Hutchins & Tuttle. Admitted to the bar and began practice at Chagrin Falls, O., 1878. Came to Cleveland in 1894 and has practiced here since that time. Member Knights of Pythias. Politically a Republican and a member of the Euclid Christian church. FRANK L. KUHN Frank L. Kubn, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Northfield, Ohio, Nov. 9, 1863. Educated in public schools of Northfield, and a graduate of Western Reserve Academy 1883, and Adelbert Col lege 1887, degree B. A., and in 1894 M. A. Read law with Judge W. C. Ong. Admitted to bar in Dakota City, Neb., 1889. Practiced three- years in T'acoma, Wash., and in 1893 came to Cleveland, practicing alone. Mayor of Bedford, O., 1894-96. Mem.ber K. of P. Politically a Republican. FRANK EVERETT DELLENBAUGH Frank Everett Dellenbaugh, Cleveland, Ohio. Dellenbaugh, Newman & Hintz, Lawyers. Boi'n North Georgetown, Columbi ana county, Ohio, October 2, 1866. Educated public schools. Western Reserve College, University of Pennsylvania and Union Law College formerly of Cleveland. Admitted to the bar in 1877. Practiced law continuously as a member of the law firm of Everett, Dellenbaugh & Weed until appointed common pleas judge of the Third Judicial District of Ohio in April, 1905, by William McKinley, then governor of Ohio. Elected to same office in November, 1896. Member of the Masons and K. of P. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Yacht club and Real Estate Board, Masonic club, and director in a number of corporations. Politically a staunch and stalwart Republican. ADOLPH I. NEWMAN Adolph I. Newman, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Vandsburg, Germany, Feb. 7, 1874. Came to the United States in early youth, parents locating in Cleveland. Educated in -public schools and Adelbert College. Read law at Western Reserve Law School. Admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland 1897. Started practicing by himself, but is now a member of the law firm of Dellenbaugh, Newman & Hintz. Vice president Grabler Mfg. Co. ¦ Director in several corporations. 32nd degree Mason and member of the Excelsior and .Tippecanoe clubs.. Politically a Republican. 66 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS HYMAN D. DAVIS Hyman D. Davis, Cleveland. State fire marshal and lawyer. Born Youngsville, O., Oct. 11, 1860. Educated in the public schools and afterwards private tutor. Taught school and read law with Stone, Newby & Morrow, Hillsboro, O. Admitted to bar and began practice in Hillsboro. Served six years as Mayor of Hillsboro. Came to Cleveland 1898. With firm Holden & Davis, in 1899 firm Vessey & Davis. Appointed City Prosecutor 1900-1903. Then in firm Vessey, Davis & Manak to present time. Appointed State Fire Marshal 1894. Chairman Cuyahoga County Republican Executive Committee. Member Odd Fellows, K. of P., Maccabees, S. of V., B. P. O. E., and F. O. E. Politically a Republican. FRANK C. MANAK Frank C. Manak, Cleveland. Vessy, Davis & Manak, lawyers. Born Milevsko, Bohemia, Jan. 11, 1872. Came to Cleveland in 1875. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland and Western Reserve Law School. Admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland 1891. With Benjamin C. Starr until 1901. Assistant Police Prosecutor until 1903, when he entered the present firm. Appointed Chief Assistant Stats Fire Marshal. Organized The Vcela Building & Loan Association in 1896, and it now has a subscribed capital stock of over $1,500,000. Member B. P. 0. E. and Knight of Pythias. Politically a Republican. CHARLES HIGLEY Charles Higley, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born South Bend, Ind., Oct. 11, 1866. Educated in the public and high schools of Cleve land, and Case School of Applied Science. Graduated from law department University of Michigan in 1890 with the degree ot LL. B. Admitted to the bar in June, 1890, and has practiced in Cleveland continuously since. Member of the firm of Higley & Maurer, which was formed in 1899. W. F. MAURER W. F. Maurer, Lakewood. Lawyer. Born Cleveland, O., May. 21, 1873. Educated in Cleveland public and high schools, and graduated from law school. Harvard University, in 1895, with the degree of LL. B. Admitted to the bar in October, 1895, and has practiced in Cleveland ever since. Member of the firm of Higley & Maurer, which was formed in 1899. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 67 LAWYERS ROBERT B. NEWCOMB JOHN ;R. McQUIGG Robert B. Newcomb, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born in New York City, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1872. Graduated from Western Reserve Medical College in 1S93. Graduated from Baldwin University in 1897 and Western Reserve Law School in 1899. Member of the law firm of Hopkins, Bole, Cobb & Newcomb. John R. McQuigg, East Cleveland. Lawyer. Borri Wayne county, O., Dec. 5, 1865. Educated in public schools -of Wayne county and Wooster University. Student law department (Cor nell University one year. Entered senior class of National Law School at Washington, 1). C, graduating in 1890. Immediately admitted to bar of Ohio. Came to Cleveland in 1890 and formed partnership with Geo. B. Riley, under firm name of Rdey & McQuigg, which firm has continued without change to the present time. Member of Cleveland Grays 1892 to 1898. May 1898, commissioned Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, O. N. G. July, 1898, entered U. S. service as Captain 10th Ohio Infantry, serving until close of war with Spain. June, 1899, com missioned Major, Corps of Engineers, O. N. G., which position he still holds. jVIember Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. FRANK F. GENTSCH WILLIAM H. BOYD Frank F. Gentsch, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born New Philadel phia, Ohio, July 22, 1874. Educated at New Philadelphia High School, three years' special course Georgetown University, Wash ington, D. C, languages and literature. Bachelor and Masters degree, Columbian University Law School. Three years in Law Division, U. S. Pension Bureau, and two years in field as Special Examiner, located at Columbus, O., and Lawrenceburg, Ind. Came to (Cleveland in 1898 and went into law ofiice of L. A. Russell, and in 1901 formed partnership with Hon. L. Q. Rawson, which still exists. Interested in several farms and business property. Member National Union and Vice Pres. Cuyahoga County Cabi net, that order. Appointed as one of Democratic members Board of Deputy State Supervisors and Inspectors of Elections for Cuyahoga County, for four years and was elected President. William H. Boyd, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Guernsey County, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1865. Educated in public and high schools of Barnesville, O. Read law with Albert Lawrence, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Admitted to bar at St. Clairsville, 1887. Came to Cleve land 1890, and began practice. Asst. Director of Law, 1897-99. Director and Attorney in numerous corporations. Member Tip pecanoe, Union, League and other clubs. Member of the Masons, K. of P.'s and Elks. Politically a Republican. 68 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS CLYDE H. JUDKINS. Clyde H. Judkins, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Flushing, Belmont Countv. Ohio, Dec. 24, 1869. Educated public schools and Scio College, Monmouth College and Ohio State University. Received degree of LL. B. from Ohio State University in 1897. Admitted to bar in 1896. Practiced Law at St. Clairville, Ohio, three years. Came to Cleveland in 1900. Member banking firm of Judkins "& Co. Interested in Real Estate, Coal lands and Mining enterprises. Member of the Masons and Phi Delta Phi fraternity. CARL DAUTELL Carl Dautell, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born at Cleveland, Ohio, April 10, 1877. Educated in Cleveland Public Schools, Univer sity School, Cleveland, Case School of Applied Science, and grad uated from Cornell University in 1901, degree of LL. B. Ad mitted to bar and commenced practice in Cleveland with Gilbert, Hills and Van Der Veer in 1901, and has been with them to the present time. Member of the University Club and the Zeta Psi and Phi Delta Phi societies. Politically .i Republican. CLYDE M. WHITE Clyde M. White, Cleveland. Closse & White, Lawyers. Born Richmond, Jefferson County, Ohio, Feb. 17, 1876. . Educated in the public schools and graduated from Richmond College in 1896, degree of A. B. Came to Cleveland in 1896. Read law and admitted to the bar in 189S. Then commenced practice. Formed partnership with A. H. Hammond in 1902. Formed present partnership in 1905. Interested in several corporations. Corporation Counsel, Glenville, Ohio, from 1900 until same was annexed to Cleveland. Politically a Republican. .TAMES B. RUHL Janies B. Ruhl, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born on a farm near Lisbon ()hio. May 21, 1864. Started life for himself at fifteen by clerking m village store, and then taught in rural schools. From his savings was enabled to obtain higher education, and graduated B. S. '88, and L L. B. '91, in cursu, Ohio North ern University, later took M. S. and L. L. M., pro merito. Super intendent schools, McComb, Ohio, 1888-89, and instructor in his Alma Matfer 1889-91. Admitted to bar of Ohio 1891, U. S. Courts 1894 and U. S. Supreme Court 1901. Has practiced in Cleveland since 1891. Member State Board of Examiners for admission to bar. Knight Templar, 32nd degree Mason and member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Politically Republican PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 69 LAWYERS DORR E. WARNER Dorr E. Warner, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Unionville, O., Dec. 6, 1873. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Princeton University, degree of A. B. in 1896. Graduated from the Law Department Western Reserve University 1899, degree of L. L. B. Admitted to the bar and began practice at Cleveland 1899. Formed partnership with O. C. Pinny in 1902, under firm name of Pinny & Warner. Dissolved part nership in 1904 and has been practicing alone since then. Director Glenville Banking & Trust Co. Member Phi Delta Phi Society. Member of American Whig Society. Member Masons. Politically a Democrat. HARRY A. TILDEN Harry A. Tilden, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Rocky River Bank, ancestors settled in Cuyahoga County 1797. Educated in public and private schools. Read Law with R. T. Morrow. Admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland 1894. Mem ber of Ohio Legislature 1900-02, and was instrumental in secur ing several advantages for Cleveland parks and schools. Identi fied with many manufacturing interests. Member Knights of Pythias and Holyrood Commandery Knights Templars. Politic ally a Republican and member Second Presbyterian Church. PETER D. QUIGLEY Peter D. Quigley. Born 1878. Educated public schools and Western Reserve University, received the degree -of LL. B. from Western Reserve University LaM' School 1899. Admitted to Cleveland bar in same .year. Since pursued practice- of law. Now associated with Jay P. Dawley under firm name of Dawley & Quigley. Interested in various enterprises. THOMAS F. QUIGLEY Thomas F. Quigley, Cleveland. Wing, Dawley & Quigley, law yers. Born Cleveland, Ohio, May 28, 1877. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland, St. Ignatius College and Leland Stanford Jr. University. Graduated from Western Reserve Law School with the degree LL. B. Was admitted to the bar and began practice in 1898. Started in partnership with A. B. Strimple under firm name of Strimple & Quigley. In 1905 be came a member of the present firm. Wing, Dawley & Quigley. Politically a Republican. 70 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS EDWIX L. THURSTON ALBERT H. BATES Edwin L, Thurston, Cleveland. Thurston & Woodward, patent lawyers. Born Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Oct. 3, 1857. Edu cated in common schools and graduated from Brown University, Providence, R. I. Read Law in Chicago, 111., and was admitted to the bar of Illinois in 1884. Came to Cleveland in 1887 and be gan practice as a Patent Lawyer and Solicitor of Patents, as a member of firm of ^^^atson & Thurston. For the past ten years senior member of firm of Thurston & Bates, and since Feb. 1, 1906, of the firm of Thurston & Woodward, Patent Lawyers and Solicitors of United States and foreign patents. Politically a Republican. Albert H. Bates, Cleveland. Bates, Fonts & Hull, Patent Lawyers. Born Cincinnati, O., Jan. 34, 1869. Educated at Kenyon Military Academy, Gambier, O., Brooks Military Acad emy, Cleveland, and graduated from Lehigh University 1889, Deg. of M. E. Graduated Ohio University 1892, Deg. of LL- B. Admitted to Bar and entered the Legal Dept. Brush Electric Co. in 1893. In 1893 went to Chicago and practiced Patent Law with R. H. Parkin.t;on. Returned to Cleveland 1897 and formed partnership with 3-!). L. Thurston under the name of Thurston & Bates, that partnership continuing until the formation of the present partnership, Feb, 1, 1906. Member Century Club, Cham ber of Commerce, Loyal Legion, American Society Mechanical Engineers, Electric Club. Politically a Republican. JESSE M. WOODWARD Jesse M. Woodward was born in Harrison county, Mo., July 10, 1873. Educated in the public schools of Kentucky, Central University, Richmond, Ky., and the Johns Hopkins University, BjttltJmore, Md. Was chemist for the Consolidated Gas Com pany, Baltimore, for a brief period after leaving the Johns Hopkins University and entered the Examining Corps of the United States Patent Office in 1895, attended law lectures at Columbian and Georgetown Universities and was admitted to the bar in 3 90L After ten years* experience in various departments of the Patent Office, he resigned from the Examining Corps. Became a member of the firm of Thurston & Woodward, Patent lawyers, in 1906. Member of the Euclid, Century and Civil Engineers clubs and member of the Phi Delta Theta and Phi Delta Phi fraternities. OSCAR J. HORN Oscar J. Horn, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 24, 1872. Educated in Cleveland public schools and grad uated from Adelbert College in 1895, degree of A. B. Grad uated from law department Western Reserve University 1899. Began practice in Cleveland in 1899, and has continued in practice alone ever since. Member of Masons, Mystic Shriner. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 71 LAWYERS GEORGE A. GASTON George A. Gaston, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born East Liverpool, Ohio, Aug. 23, 1875. Educated at Wooster University, Wash ington-Jefferson College, and Western Reserve Law School, de gree of LL. B. in 1901. President The Fairmount Heights Realty Co. President The Fairmount-Woodland Realty Co. Sec'y and Treas. The Avenue Apartment Co. Sec'y and Treas. The Hotel Del Prado Co. Director in other companies. WILLIAM E. PATT'ERSON. William E- Patterson, Cleveland, O. Born in Hunter, Bel mont Co., Ohio, Feb. 5, 1873. Graduated from Mount Union College 1893, and from Law Department West Virginia Uni versity 1895. Professor of Mathematics in Mt. Union College 1893-4. Practiced law in Wheeling, W. Va., 1895-97. Re moved to Cleveland 1897 and has continued in law practice ever since, devoting himself largely to corporation, commercial and probate practice. Director in Lincoln Savings & Banking Co., American Savings Bank, and several industrial companies. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Tippecanoe club. Century club. Knights of Pythias, D. O. K. K. and Masonic order. JOSEPH L. STERN Joseph L. Stern, Cleveland. McGrath & Stern, Lawyers. Born Toledo, O., Sept. 24, 1882. Educated in the Cleveland public schools. Read law in the office of L. F. McGrath of Cleveland. Admitted to bar and began practice in Cleveland 1903. S-ine year formed partnership with L. F. McGrath under firm name of McGrath & Stern, which continues to present time. Vice president Shield Bnck, Sand & Clay Co. Secretary Cleveland-West Virginia Coal Co. July 1905, appointed solicitor for the Village of Nottingham, Ohio. Member Knights of Pythias and several other fraternal orders. Politically a Republican. JOSEPH J. KLEIN Joseph J. Klein, Cleveland. Klein & Harris, lawyers. Born Austria Hungary, Nov\ 3, 1877. Parents came to America when he was a small child, located in Cleveland. While attending school earned his own living and supported parents, as newsboy and bootblack. Grad. Rockwell Public School at twelve and en gaged as clerk in cigar store. Appointed Deputy SherifE at age of twenty, by Sheriff McConnel and rose to position of cashier. While serving as deputy attended night school, Law Department Baldwin University. Grad. 1903, degree of LL. B. Admitted to bar and began practice with Hon. Harold Remington, six months later formed present firm. Sec'y Faust Mfg. Co. Dir. Louis Klein Cigar Co. Member Elks, L. A. B. B. and the Temple. Republican in politics. 72 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS FREDERICK W. LANGIN Frederick W. Langiii, Cleveland. Sullivan & Langin, lawyers. Born Cleveland, O., June 5, 1873. Educated in the Cleveland public schools. Read law with Judge Moses R. Dickey of Cleve land. Admitted to the bar and began practice at Cleveland in 1898, and is now in partnership with John T. Sullivan, under firm name of Sullivan & Langin. Was City Solicitor for South Brooklyn 1899-1903. An officer and director in several corpora tions. Member the Tippecanoe club, and Republican in politics. HUBERT BRUCE FULLER Hubert Bruce Fuller, Cleveland. Associated in the practice of law with Wm. S. FitzGerald. Born in Derby, Conn. Edu cated in the public schools of Washington, D. C., and graduated from Yale College 1901, with degree of A. B. Graduated from the Columbian University Law School at Washington, D. C, 1903, with the degrees of LL. B. and LL. M. Admitted to bar and began practice with Goulder, Holding & Masten, 1903. Formed present firm in 1904. In 1904 was awarded degree of A. M. and F^gleston prize in American history by Yale bni- versity. Also awarded Cobden medal by the Cobden club of England for monograph on "Alexander Hamilton as a Political Economist." Author of "The Florida Purchase — Its History and Diplomacy," published in 1900. Member of the Colonial club. Politically Republican. SAMUEL E. FOUTS Samuel E. Fonts, Cleveland. Bates, Fonts & Hull, patent attorneys. Born West l^oint, Ind., Dec. 13, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Indiana. Graduate in engineering at Pur due University, Lafayette, Ind. Graduate in law at Columbian University (now George Washington University), Washington, D. C. Taught school 1886-88. Student in engineering 1888-92. Instructor in manual training at Toledo, 0., 1892-93. Examiner in U. S. Patent Office 1894-99. Studied law 1895-96 and admit ted to the bar in 1896. Patent attorney 1899 to the present time. Member Sigma* Nu Fraternity. JOHN B. HULL John B. Hull, Cleveland. Bates, Fouts & Hull, patent attor neys. Born Arlington, Va., Oct. 31, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Virginia and Washington, D. C. ; Cadet School, U. S. Revenue Cutter Service. Graduated in general science at Columbian University (now George Washington Un .ersity), Washington, D. C, 1896, degree of Bachelor of Science. Grad uated in law at National University in 1901, and admitted to the bar the same year. Cadet and Lieutenant U. S. Revenue Cutter Service 1885-95. Examiner in U. S. Patent Office 1895- 1903. Patent attorney since then. Member Masonic order. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 73 LAWYERS JOHN HARDY DOYLE CH.ARLES T. LEWIS John Hardy Doyle, Toledo. Lawyer. Born Monday Creek, Perry county, O., April 33, 1844. Educated in common schools of Lucas county. Afterwards took special course at Granville, O. Read law in office of Edward Bissell. Admitted to the bar in 1865 and entered firm of Bissell & Gorril in 1865, which partnership continued until 1879. Elected Common Pleas Judge in 1879 and appointed Justice of Supreme Court to succeed Judge Longworth in January, 1883. Retired from the bench in 1884 and organized firm of Doyle & Lewis, which still exists. President National Bar Association 1889-90. President Ohio Bar Association 1893. Member Lawyers' club. New York; Union club, Cleveland; Toledo club. Country club and Toledo Yacht club and Lincoln club. Politically a Republican. Charl es T. Lewis, Toledo Lawye -, Born Marietta, 0., Oct. 9, 1856 Ed ucated in the Marietta c Jllege. Admitted to the bar in Noble Co., 1877 Came to Toledo 1882, and has been continuously engaged in the practice of law as a member o: the firm of Doyle & Lewis. JOHN W. SCHAUFELBERGER John W. Schaufelberger, Toledo. Attorney at Law. Born at Fostoria, Ohio. . Educated in common schools and graduated at Heidelberg University at Tiffin in 1875 with degree of A. B. Admitted to the bar in 1877. Practiced law at Fostoria from 1878 to 1883. then removed to Tiffin and became associated with Hon. George E. Seney under the name of Seney & Schaufel berger Elected Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 10th District of Ohio, in 1893. Reelected in 1897, Resigned in 1902 to enter the office of Doyle & Lewis at Toledo, and became a member of that firm under the name of Doyle, Lewis & Schaufel- bereer in 1905. Member of all Masonic bodies at Toledo, and ot Middle Bass, Toledo, and Country Clubs. WILLIAM H. HARRIS William H. Harris, Toledo. Lawyer. Born at Zanesville, Ohio, January 1, 1845. Educated in the schools of Muskingum County, Ohio. Engaged in mercantile business from 1866 until 1878, when he was admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of law in Toledo, Ohio, where he has since resided and continued in practice. Has given special attention to the laws relating to Municipal Corporations and Municipal Securities and to the examination and collection of such securities for in vestors and is the author of a recently published work on the law of Municipal Bonds. 74 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS E. C. JOHNSON HALE C. JOHNSON E. G. Johnson, senior member of the firm of E. G. & Hale C. Johnson, attorneys-at-law, Elyria, O. Hale C. Johnson, junior member of the firm of E. G. & Hale C. Johnson, attorneys-at-IaW; Elyria, O. ALVIN C. WHITE Alvin C, White, Jefferson Lawyer. Born Parkman, Geauga County, Ohio, Aug. 9, 1850. Educated in the Parkman public schools and graduated from Hiram College in 1873. Graduated from the Law Department, University of Michigan, 1878. Mayor of Jefferson 1892-94 and 1902-1906. President and Manager of the Citizen's Library Association, a free public library, which he was instrumental in establishing, and to which he has given his time and labor for twenty years without compensation. Director of the First National Bank of Jefferson. Member Knights of Pythias and Sons of American Revolution, Politically Republican. CHARLES LAWYER Charles Lawyer, Jefferson. Lawyer, Born Pennline, Pa., Dec. 7, 1857. Educated in the common schools, Jefferson Edu cational Institute and Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich. Engaged in the practice of law. Was Prosecuting Attorney for Ashtabula County 1890-97. Member of Upper House of 77th General Assembly. Elected in 1905. Director and owner of a street railway. Member of the Elks, Knights of Pythias and I. O. O. F. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 75 LAWYERS THOM.AS MORRISON SLOANE Thomas Morrison Sloane, Sandusky. Lawyer. Born Sandusky, Ohio, July 28, 1864. Prepared for college at the Episcopal Academy, Cheshire, Conn., and Phillips Exeter Academy. Grad uated from Harvard college 1877, Degree A. B. Studied law one year in Sandusky, then entered I. aw School university of_ Michi gan, and graduated in 1880. Was admitted to the bar in May 1880, and at once formed partnership with Hon. E. B. King, .Sandusky. Was president of the City Council of Sandusky two years. Was a member of the Board of Education of Sandusky. Is the Probate Judge of Erie county. Is President of The Sloane Real Estate Company. Is President and a member of the Board of Directors of the Sandusky Chamber of Com merce. Is a Director Firelands Historical Society. L. R. CRITCHFIELD. L. R. Critchfield, Wooster. Lawyer. Born Danville, Knox county, Ohio, May 22, 1831. Graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, in 1852. Read law with Hon. George E. Pugh, of Cincinnati, in the Attorney General's office at Columbus, O. Admitted to the bar by the supreme court in 1853. Attorney General of Ohio 1868-1865. Member of the senate in 1865. After admission to the bar resided in Millers burg, Holmes county. Practiced law in Cleveland 1872-1878, and has been practicing at Wooster since 1890. Was a Master and Royal Arch Mason. Always belonged to the Democratic party. CLIFFORD JULIUS KING CHARLES A WILMOT Clifford Julius King, Ashtabula, 0. Lawyer. Born Warren, O., Oct. 22, 1865. Educated in public and private schools. Now engaged in the general practice of law at Ashtabula, O. Auditor , Julius King Optical Co. of New York, Cleveland and Chicago. Secretary and treasurer Cleveland-Arizona Mining Co. Member School Examining Board, Ashtabula. Member Rowfant and Hermit clubs, Cleveland. Member Lenawawe and Lake Shore clubs, Ashtabula, and Masonic Order, and EJks, and Sons of the American Revolution. Politically a Republican. Charles A. Wilmot, Chardon. Lawyer. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 22, 1875. Educated in the district schools of Chardon, Burton and Chardon High Schools and Ohio State University Law College. Engaged in farming until admitted to the bar. Was admitted to the bar of Ohio in Dec., 1900. Partner in Poultry Farm at Claridon, Ohio. Stockholder in the Chardon Savings Bank. Member of Chardon Lodge No. 731, Knights of Pythias and Uniform Rank of Knights of Pythias. Politically a Republican. 76 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS BENJAMIN F. WIRT FRANK L. BALDWIN Benjamin F. Wirt, Youngstown. Lawyer. Born West Middle sex, Pa., March 26, 1852. Educated in public schools at Youngs town and graduated from Raynor school in 1871. Engaged as a carpenter for a short time, then entered the law office of Maj. L. D. Woodworth and read law. Admitted to the bar 1874. After Maj. Wooaworth was elected to congress took charge of the office and continued alone until 1877, when he formed part nership with Maj. Woodworth and continued with film until 1882. In 1889 elected to State Senate and served until 1893. Is now engaged in general practice. Member B. P. O. Elks and Elks Club. Politically a Republican. Frank L. Baldwin, Youngstown. Lawyer. Bom Youngstown, O., June 9, 1863. Educated in public schools, Youngstown, and graduated from Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, 1883. Adelbert College, Cleveland, in 1877, degree of A. B., and in 1890, degree of A. M. Admitted to bar of Ohio 1889. In 1890 moved to Leadville, Col. Returned to Youngstown in 1898 and began practice of law. Member Masons, Blue Lodge Chapter, St. John's Commandery, Al Koran Temple A, A. O. N. M. S. at Cleveland. An Odd Fellow, Elk, Knight of Pythias, and member Elks club and Youngstown club. Elected Mayor of Youngstown, O. Nov. 7th, 1905; took ofiice Jan. 1st, 1906. EDMOND H. MOORE Edmond H. Moore, Youngstown. Moore & Carver, lawyers. Born Mahoning County, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1862. Educated in the common schools and graduated from high school in 1879. Ad mitted to the bar June, 1884. Is now engaged in active practice of law in partnership with Alvin W. Carver. Mayor of Youngs town, 1896-1900. Committee at large at National Convention. Member of the Elks, Knight of Pythias. Politically a Democrat. JAMES E. NEVIN James E. Nevin, Youngstown. Lawyer. Born Columbiana County, Ohio, May 38, 1858. Educated in the public schools, Mount Union College, Alliance, O., National School of Elocution and Oratory, Philadelphia, Pa., and Washington University of St. Louis. Mo. Principal for three years of the schools in Co lumbiana County. Interested in a number of mining and pro ducing combines, operating in coal, oil and other minerals. Member Phi Delta Phi. Politically a conservative Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 77 LAWYERS CHARLES FILLIUS Charles Fillius, Warren. Lawyer. Born Hudson, O., July 30, 1852. Graduated from Hiram College in June, 1875. Superin tendent of schools at Canfield, Mahoning county, O., from 1875 to 1878. Read law at Akron and was admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of Ohio, November 5, 1878. Began practice at Cuyahoga Falls. O., in 1879, and in 1882 removed to Warren, where he has since been engaged in tlie active practice of his profession. Director and vice president of The Western Reserve National Bank of Warren. Mason and member of Warren Com mandery Knight Templar. Politically a Democrat. EMERSON B. LEO.NARD Emerson B. Leonard, Warren, Ohio. Born at Penn Line, Crawford county. Pa., October 37, 1864, and was educated in the common schools and Kingsville Academy, and afterward read law, and having been admitted to the bar, began practice, and in 1876 was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Ashtabula County, Ohio, and re-elected to the same office in 1878. Pie has not been active in politics, but is a Republican of pronounced and advanced ideas, and not at all bigoted in his notions of others who disagree with him. Mr. Leonard stands high in his profession, and is widely known as an advocate of extraordinary power. He has been Grand Regent of the Royal Arcanum for Ohio, and a repre sentative to the Supreme Council in 1906. CHARLES M. WILKINS Charles M. Wilkins, Warren. Prosecuting Attorney, Trum bull county. Born Warren, O., Feb. 14, 1865. Educated in the common and high schools of Warren. Class of 1888, Lehigh University. Was engaged as newspaper reporter on the St. Paul News, and did special work for the Warren Daily Chronicle. Adm.itted to the bar in 1891. Elected city solicitor for two terms and resigned Jan. 1, 1903 to become Prosecuting Attorney for Trumbull county and is still serving. Mason, Knight Tem plar, Mystic Shriner. Member of the Elks and Knight of Pythias. Masonic District Lecturer of 25th District. Was Delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1904, repre senting the 19th Congressional District. WILLIAM T. GIBSON William T. Gibson, Youngstown. Lawyer and mayor of Youngstown. Born Youngstown, O., Dec. 20, 1850. Educated in the public schools. Graduated from Western Reserve College 1876. Admitted to the bar at Youngstown 1878, and began practice same year. Elected city solicitor and held ofiice three years, resigned to take office of Prosecuting Attorney for Mahon ing county, serving three years. In 1902 elected Mayor of Youngstown. Served one term. Member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and the Elks club. President Youngstown Savings & Banking Co. Trustee of free library since organization. Presi dent Anti-T'uberculosis Association. 78 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS HARRY BARTLETT STEWART Harry Bartlett Stewart, Canton. Lawyer. Born JNew Phil adelphia, O., Dec. 23, 1865. Educated in Common and High schools New Philadelphia. Read Law in ofiice of Judge Taylor, Canton, O. Admitted to bar 1895. Took position of General Passenger Agent, Cleveland, Canton & Soutliern Railway, four years. Engaged in general practice of law Jn 1900 under firm name of Taylor & Stewart. Director and counsel Canton Sav ings & T'rust Co., Canton. Director and Vice president Capitol Savings & Trust Co., Columbus. Director Queen City Savings & Trust Co., and The Conneaut Mutual Loan & Trust Co. President Climax Stock Guard Co., and The Miller-Tyson Co., Canton. Member Canton Lodge Masons, Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner. Member Country and Congress Lake clubs. Canton and Union club. Cleveland. Politically a Republican. J.AMES J. GRANT James J. Grant, Canton. Atlorney-at-law. Born Navarre, 0., Jan. 23, 1851. Educated in the public schools at Navarre and graduated from Savannah Academy at Ashland in 1873. Then entered the Columbia Law School, New York City. Admitted lo the bar of Ohio in 1S82. Moved to Canton in 1883 and began practice of law and has continued at same since that time. Politically a Republican. FREDERICK W. BOND Frederick W. Bond, Canton. Lawyer. Born Edinburg, Por tage County, Ohio, Sept. 19, 1850. Graduated from high school at Canfield, O. Read law with Van Hyning & Johnson at Can- field. Admitted to the bar 1876 and practiced law at Canfield until 1877, when he moved to Canton, where he still continues practice, making a specialty of Patent Law. Justice of the Peace 1880-83. Republican in politics. LUTI-IER M. BARRICK Luther M. Barrick, Canton. Lawyer. Born Carroll county, O., Jan. 2, 1840. Educated in the district schools and New Hagerstown academy. Taught school in Carroll and Tuscan rawas counties 1857-62. Enlisted in Co. F., 126th Ohio Volun teer Infantry. Later discharged for physical disability. Then engaged in general mercantile business. Justice of Peace in Sherrodville 1869-81. Then elected auditor of Carroll county, which position he held for six years by the suffrages of the people and 10 months by appointment. Moved to Canton 1888, and was Tax Inquisitor 1888-95. Elected Justice of Peace for Canton 1904, still serving. Mason and Odd Fellow. Member " _ . - -- (5. A. ~ - McKinley Post, No. 25, R. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 79 LAWYERS GEO. W.,ALVORD Geo. W. Alvord, Painesville. Lawyer. Born Concord, Ohio, IS'56. Educated Painesville union school and Western Reserve College. Admitted to practice in 1880 and has practiced law continuously since that time in Painesville, devoting his whole time to his profession. Now ti member of law firm of Alvord & Reynolds of Painesville. Was, the first Democratic Mayor of Painesville since the war. Mason, Knight Templar, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias and Elk. ARLINGTON G. REYNOLDS Arlington G. Reynolds, Painesville. Alvord & Reynolds, Law yers. Born Mentor, C, Nov. 24, 1849. Educated at Willoughby and Oberlin. O. Worked on farm summers and taught school winters for a number of years. Read law in office of Tuttle & Tuttle. Painesville and was admitted to the bar in 1882. Clerked in store, Des Moines, Iowa, one year. Began practice of law in Painesville in 1884. Formed partnership with Hon. Perry Bosworth 1890. Elected Probate Judge Lake county 1891, re elected 1893. Elected Mayor of Painesville 1896; re-elected 1898. Elected to Legislature 1897, re-elected 1899. Was Speaker of the House of the 74th General Assembly. Since which time has been engaged in practice of law at Painesville, and is now associ ated with Hon. G. W. Alvord. ELBERT F. BLAKELY Elbert F. Blakely, Painesville, O. Attorney-at-law. Born Madison, 0., Oct. 29, 1875. Educated in the public schools and high school at Madison, 0. Graduated from the law depart ment of the University of Michigan in 1896. Corporal Co. M, 5th Regiment, O. V. L, Spanish-American war. Captain Co. M, 5th Regiment, O. N. G., 1900-1902. Elected Prosecuting Attor ney of Lake county in 1903. WILLIAM J. PIERO William J. Piero, Canton. Lawyer. Born Canton, O-, Sept. 8, 1852. Educated in the public schools of Canton. On leaving school obtained a position as office boy with Judge Seraphim Meyer, and read law. Was admitted to the bar in Sept. 1874, and began practice of law in native city, where he has since continued. In April, 1875, was elected Justice of the Peace on Democratic ticket, serving three years. In April, 1881, was elected mayor of Canton on Democratic ticket, and re-elected in 1883, serving until 1885, since which time has practiced law. Has always been an active member of Canton Board of Trade, and was also engaged in manufacturing. 80 PROGRESSIVE MEN OFNORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS' JOHN M." BRODRICK John M. Brodrick, Marysville. Lawyer and ex-judge of Pro bate Court, Union county. Born Union county, O., May 19, 1854. Educated in district schools and the schools of . North Lewisburg. Taught school three years. Read law and admitted to the bar 1875. Elected Prosecuting Attorney, Union county, 1881. Re-elected 1884. Elected Probate Judge, Union county, 1899, and re-elected 1903. Has been Corporation Clerk ot Marysville and a member of the City Council for one term. Became member of Odd Fellows 1875. 1886 elected representa tive to the Grand Lodge. 1894-95 served as Grand Master of Ohio. 1898 elected Grand Representative, Sovereign Grand Lodge. Re-elected in. 1900. Member F. & A. M. Knight Tem plar and Mystic Shriner. Member K. of P. . Member and presi- dent Board of Trustees, First Methodist Episcopal Church. C. WESLEY MERRILL C. Wesley Merrill, Toledo. Lawyer. Born Newark, C, September 13, 1874. Educated in the Newark' public schools, Doane Academy, Granville, 0. Graduate Denison University 1896, Degree of A. B. Graduate Ohio State University 1898, Degree of LL- B. Admitted to the bar 1898. ¦ Was a news paper correspondent for four years before practicing law which he commenced in 1898. Now makes corporation "law a specialty. Organized and heavily interested in several coal mining com panies. Director in several mercantile and "manufacturing con cerns, and largely interested in banks. Is a York Rite Mason and member of the Sons of the American Revolution. Politically a Democrat. Member Toledo Yacht Club. CHARLES W. OWEN Charles W. Owen, Toledo. Member of firm of Owen & Owen, Patent Attorneys, Nicholas Building. Born Lansing, Mich., June 29, 1877. Educated in common and high schools of Cold- water, Mich. Received degrees of LL, B., LL. M. and Master of Patent Laws from George Washington U-niversity, formerly Co lumbian University, Washington, D. C. Admitted to bar of the Supreme Court of the D. C. and to Court of Appeals of the C. C. in 1900; and to Ohio bar in 1902. Make a specialty of patent, trade-mark and copyright laws. Member Phi Sigma Kappa. In dependent in politics. -WILBER A. OWEN Wilber A.. Owen,. Toledo. Member .firm, of .Owen _& Owen, Patent Attorneys," Nicholas Building.' Born Detroit, Mich., June 30, 1873. Educated in the common schools of Lansing and Coldwater, Mich. Took a full law course in Columbian Univer sity, Washington, D.' C, 1894-97, graduating at head of class of over one hundred for degrees of Bachelor and Master of Laws. Located in Toledo in 1897 and began practice of' law. During first. year of practice wrote and published Owen's Law puizzer on twenty-five Legal Subjects. Second edition published in 1900 by West Publishing Co. Member Masonic Orders, Toledo Club and Inverness Golf Club. Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. In dependent in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 81 LAWYERS OLIVER WISE W. Oliver Wise, Akron. Lawyer. Born East Liberty, O., Sept. S, 1875. Graduated from Akron High School, Duff's Col lege of Pittsburg, Pa. ; Cincinnati Law School and a post graduate from Law Department of Columbian University. In June 1905 received an honorary degree from The George Wash ington University, Washington, D. C. Passed the Ohio Bar examination at the age of twenty and was admitted to said bar on his twenty-first birthday. Is also a member of the U. S Supreme Court Bar, being admitted at the age of twenty-four, at that time the youngest member of this bar in the U. S. Member Akron Commandery, K. T'. Masons, Elks, Eagles, and Ohio State Bar Association. H. E. BELL H. E. Bell, Mansfield. Lawyer. Born Mansfield, O., June 30, 1857. Educated in the common schools and a Normal course at N. W. O. University. Spent early life on a farm. Then engaged as country school teacher until admitted to the bar in June, 1881, and has been in practice ever since. Prosecuting Attorney from 1883 to 1899. Postmaster at Mansfield from 1893 to 1897. Politically a Democrat, and a member of the Lutheran church. OLIVER D. EVERHARD Oliver. D. Everhard, Barberton, O. Attorney-at-law. Born Wadsworth, O., May 24, 1S72. Educated in the common schools of Wadsworth, graduated from Wadsworth high school and afterward graduated from Cincinnati Law School in 1895. Com menced practice of law at Barberton, O., in 1895. Was ap pointed City Solicitor of Barberton for one term. Member of the National Lodge No. 568 F. & A. M. Member Akron Com mandery, Knights Templars, and Barberton Lodge I. O. O. F No. 863. Politically a Democrat. H. G. REDINGTON H. G. Redington, North Amherst, O. Attorney at law. Born at Amherst, Lorain county, Ohio, July 10, 1S5S. Educated in the district schools and at Oberlin College. Was mayor of North Amherst from 1885-93. Has been president of the bank at North Amherst for the last fifteen years. Is a director in several cor porations. Member of the Masons, Odd Fellows, Order of Elks, and a Maccabee. Politically a Democrat. 82 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS DAVID F. ANDERSON David F. Anderson, Youngstown. Lawyer. Born West Aus- tintown, Mahoning County, Ohio, June 3, 1864. Educated in the common schools and took special course in Mathematics and Science. Admitted to the bar June 4, 1891. Admitted to U. S. District Court at Cleveland and Pittsburg. U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals at Cincinnati and Philadelphia, and U. S. Supreme Court. Politically a Republican! GEORGE F. WELLS George F. Wells, Toledo, Huntsberger & Wells, Lawyers. Born Garner, Iowa, May' 33, 1872. Educated public schools; Carlton College, Northfield, Minn.; Oberlin, Ohio, College; and University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Mich., gradu ating in 1895, degree of LL. B. Did newspaper work during college course and for several years prior thereto. Admitted to the bar 1896, located in Toledo, O., and began practice. In 1906 formed a partnership with I. N. Huntsberger, firm name of Huntsberger & Wells; special attention given to corporation and admiralty law. Republican in politics. HARRY C. ADAMS Harry C. Adams, I'oledo. Lawyer. Born Monroeville, Ohio, Dec. 34, 1860. Educated in the common schools and Ohio Uni versity, degree of M. A. Principal of Toledo High School 18S6 to 1896. Admitted to the bar in 1895. From 1897 until Decem ber 1905 was a member of Law Firm of Masters & Adams. Stockholder and Director in a number of corporations. Politi cally a Republican. DANIEL PL JAMES Daniel H. James, Toledo. Lawyer. Born Genoa, Ottawa County, Ohio, in 1867. Graduated from Law Department Uni versity of Michigan and came to Toledo in 1890. Spent several months in law office of W. H. A. Read, then began practice of ^•^ u "t.,'""?^^'*-. •'^'¦'"" 1*^5 *° 1S99 was councilman from the fifth Ward, being instrumental in securing several important improvements for the East Side. Organized the Toledo, Port Clinton & Lakeside Railway Company. Organized and is now President, Toledo & Columbus Electric line. Also incorporated the East Side Heating & Lighting Co., Wilks Foundry Co. and several other prominent concerns. Organized the Ford Post Cadets and also the first company of the Ohio Signal Corps. Retired, by request at end of ten years service, as Captain. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 83 LAWYERS WILLIAM L. DAVID William L- David, Findlay, Ohio. Prosecuting Attorney of Hancock County. Bom Titusville, Pennsylvania, February 29, 1872. Educated in the common schools. Graduated from the Law Department of the Ohio State University and admitted to the practice of law in Ohio in 1896. Elected Prosecuting At torney of Hancock County in 1902 and reelected in 1905. He is the Junior member of the firm of Phelps & David, having formed a partnership with George H. Phelps in 1899. Has for a number of years been an active worker in the Ohio National Guard, at the present time holding a commission as Major and Brigade Ordnance Officer of the First Brigade, O. N. G. GEORGE H. PHELPS George H. Phelps, Findlay. Lawyer. Born Hinsdale, Cat- taragus County, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1854. Educated in the com mon schools. Read law in the office of Champlin, Armstrong & Russell in Cuba, N. Y., 1874-75. In the office of Lovridge & Swift, Cuba, N. Y. 1875-76. Admitted to the bar in Roches ter, N. Y., 1877. Practiced law there until 1888, at which time he came to Findlay and has practiced law there since that time. In 1899 formed partnership with W. L. David. 1)A\1S IIAW'LEV. JR. Davis Hawley, Jr., Cleveland, Lawyer. Born Cleveland, Ohio, October 5, 1878. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Gradu ated from University School, of Cleveland in 1896. Graduated from Cornell University in 1900, degree of B. S. Admitted to the bar of Ohio in 1901. Commenced practice in Cleveland same year. An officer and director in various corporations. Member Colonial and University Clubs. Politically n Republican. FREDERICK E. GUTHERY Frederick E. Guthery, Marion. Lawyer. Born Marion Coun tv, Ohio, Jan. 13, 1868. Educated in the common schools of Marion County. Graduated from Ohio Normal University, Ada. Ohio, July 22, 1888, degree of A. B. Read law in office of McNeal and Wolford, ivlarion, Ohio. Attended Cincinnati Law School and graduated in 1891. Admitted to bar same year. Organized and is President of Marion County Telephone Com pany. Director of Campbell National Bank of La Rue, Ohio. Member of the law firm of Crissinger and Guthery. prosecutinij attorney of Marion County, 1898-1905. Member of Masonic Bodies, Knight Templar, Mystic Shriner and Scottish Rite Mason. With others" instrumental in erecting Masonic Temple at Marion. Knight of Pythias. Member of Kappa Sigma College Fraternity. Member of Marion Commercial Club. Trustee of Y. M. C. A. 84 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS WILLIS J. BECKLEY Willis J. Beckley, Ravenna. Lawyer. Born at Ravenna, O. Oct. 6, 1866. Educated in common schools of Ravenna and graduated from high school. Graduate literary course at Uni versity of Michigan, 1889. Read law in office of John Porter, Ravenna, and admitted to the bar in June, 1891. Elected Pros- ecuting Attorney for Portage county, 1898, serving two terms. Member Zeta Psi Fraternity, Ann Arbor. B. P. O. E., No. 395, Warren, O. Mason Lodge and Chapter, Ravenna, Akron Com. mandery, K. T. Politically a Republican. HENRY H. HARLAN Henry H. Harlan, Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Lawyer. Born Noble county, March 22, 1861. Came to Morrow county, 1857. Edu cated in the common schools and Mt. Gilead High School. Grad uated from commercial college, Delaware, 0. Read law with Gen. J. S. Jones, and admitted to the bar in 1885. Formed law partnership of Harlan & Wood in 1890. Is president of The Mt. Gilead National Bank. Elected Democratic Representative Mor row county, 1905, and was the father of the Harlan bill, to prohibit double fees by abolishing the one per cent paid to county auditors from school funds. H. H. GREER CHAS. R. GARY H. H. Greer, Mt. Vernon. Lawyer. Born Knox County, Ohio, July 22, 1837. Educated in the common schools, attended Millwood Academy conducted by Rev. Burns; a short time at Hayesville Academy. Read law in office of Delano, Sapp & Smith, Mt. Vernon. Admitted to the bar in May, 1860. Elected County Treasurer 1860-1864. President First National Bank, Mt. Vernon. Secretary and Treasurer Knox County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Trustee Columbus State Hospital, President Board of Trustees for past ten years. Member firm of H. H. & R. M. Greer. Politically a Republican. Chas. R. Cary, Millersburg. Lawyer. Born Millersburg, O., April 12, 1876. Educated in the common schools of Holmes county. Graduated Millersburg High School, 1894. Attended Ohio Wesleyan University for three years, afterward Ohio State University two years taking degree of LL. B. in 1900. Admitted to the bar in 1900 and entered general practice at Millefsburg. Genl. Mgr. Millersburg Electric Light Co. Attorney for the Millersburg, Wooster & Orrville Telephone Co., The J. & G. Adams Bank, Millersburg, and Citizens Bank, Fredericksburg, O. Blue Lodge Mason, K. of P., K. O. T. M., and member Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS MAX E. MEISEL Max E. Meisel, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Cleveland, O., Aug. 13, 1877. Educated Cleveland public schools. Graduated Adelbert College in 1897, and Law Department, Western Reserve University in 1900. Admitted to bar and began practice same year, in Cleveland. Served, Ohio State Legislature 1900-1903. Secretary Ruble Co., The Telagirl System Co. Director Klein Specialty Co., International Ignition Co., Royal Amusement Co., Shields-Werthcim Co., 'Ihe American Savings Bank Co., The H. P. Davies Advertising Co. Member Chamber of Commerce. Chairman Cleveland Democratic Executive Committee 1899-1900. President Cleveland Lodge No. 16, Independent Order Bnai Brith. H. LINDALE SMITH H. Lindale Smith, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., January 33, 1873. Educated in the common schools, and graduated from Mount Union College, Alliance, Ohio. In 1895 began practice of law in Cleveland and has been engaged in practice since that time. Member of the Masons and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. Politically a Republican. CIIAS. C. BENXER JAMES MATHERS Chas. C. Benner, Akron. Lawyer. Born Manchester, Summit County, Ohio, March 27, 1870; educated in the public schools and Copley and Norton Township high schools; read law at Northern Ohio University, Ada, O., and in the office of Baird & Voris, Akron, O. ; admitted to bar June 8, 1893, and engaged in practice at Akron, 0. Served as police prosecutor, Akron, O.- 1897-1901 ; member of Adoniram Lodge 517 F. & A. M. Washington Chapter R. A. M. Akron Commandery No. 25 Akron, O. Lake Erie Consistory A, A. & S. R. Cleveland, O. Member Knights of Pythias and Past Exalted Ruler Akron Lodge of Elks; Capt. Co. B. Sth regiment O. W. G. from 1894 to 1897. Politically Independent Democrat. James Mathers, Cleveland. Lawyer. Born Bellwood, Pa., Sept. 4, 1868. Educated at Mifflintown Academy. Graduated Princeton University 1890, degree of A. B. ; Cincinnati Law School 1893, degree LL. B. Admitted to bar and commenced practice in U. S. Attorney's office at Pittsburg 1893. Came to Cleveland 1894 as attorney for Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Ry. Formed partnership with Senator H. W. Wolcott, continuing until Wolcott was made general manager Kan. City & Lev. Ry. T'hen with Berkeley Pearce, firm name Mathers & Pearce. Mem ber Century, Euclid and Hermit clubs. Politically Independent. 86 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LAWYERS ROBERT P. KENNEDY CHARLES A. THATCHER Robert P. Kennedy, Bellefontaine. Lawyer. Read law with Judge William H. West and admitted to the bar 1866. Enlisted during the Civil War in the 33rd Ohio Reg. (the regiment of Hayes and McKinley) as a 3nd Lieut. Later appointed 1st Lieut. 1S61 appointed Asst. Adj. Gen. of the 1st Brigade of the Kenawha Div. Later was Adj. Gen. and in 1864 appointed Major and in November same year Brev. Lieut. Col., and later appointed Colonel 196th O. V. I. Breveted Brig. Gen. for gallant and meritorious service. Elected Lieut. Gov. of Ohio 1885. Member of the 50th and 51st Congress. Appointed Pres. of the Insular Commission by President McKinley. Charles A. Thatcher, loledo. O. Lawyer. Born in North Fairfield, O. Educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University, Dela- ware, 0. Republican in politics anc a member of the National Union. DAVID A. HEFFNER EDWARD C. SEIKEL David A. Heffner, Clyde. Heffner & Bacon, Lawyers. Born Union county, Ohio, May 20, 1849. Educated in the common schools, Sandusky county, Hillsdale College, Mich., one year. Graduate National Normal School, Lebanon, O., degree of M. A and A. B. Graduate Baldwin University, degree of M. A Member Pioneer graduating class C. L. S. C. 1882. Admitted to the bar in 1879. Engaged in general practice at Clyde, Ohio, in firm of Richards & Heffner from that date until 1905. Now practicing under firm name of Heffner & Bacon. Director and Attorney for First National Bank, Clyde. Largely interested in Highland Nursery & Orchard Co., Clyde, O. Member Sandusky Co. Bar Association. Ohio State Bar Association. Attorney for Citizens* Building & Loan Co. of Clyde, Ohio. Member Blue Lodge and Chapter Masons. Edward C. Seikel, Canal Dover. Lawyer. Born in Tuscara was County, Ohio, June 2, 1872. Educated in common and normal schools. Read law in the law office of Meyer & Piero, at Canton, Ohio, for two years beginning September, 1895, after which he entered and completed a special law course at the Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio, with class of '95-'96, and was admitted to the Bar of Ohio by the Supreme Court in June, 1896, having received the highest grade of the applicants from the State University, at the State examination, of appli cants for admission to the Bar, and at once entered upon the general practice of law at New Philadelphia and Canal Dover, Ohio, making a specialty of Commercial, Bankruptcy and Cor poration practice. Is a member of the Commercial Law League of America and B. P. O. E-, Dover Lodge, No. 975. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 87 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS JOSEPH FRANKLIN I-IOBSON CHARLES B. PARKER Joseph Franklin Hobson, M. D. Physician. Born Flushing, Belmont County, Ohio, Aug. 30, 1861. Educated in the public schools and Friends School, Barnesville, O. Graduated from W. R. U., Medical Dept., 1886, degree of M. D. House Sur geon Lakeside Hospital, 1886-88. Has been in active practice in Cleveland since 1886. except one year study in Germany. Professor Principles of Surgery, Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons. 1893 to date. Chief of Staff and Visiting Physi cian, Cleveland General Hospital. Consulting Surgeon St. John's and City Hospitals. I'aught Anatomy and Surgeon W. R. U., ]8'87-93. Member Cleveland Academy of Medicine, Ohio State Medical Society, American Medical Assn. Member Union and Clifton Clubs. Medical Advisor Brotherhood Railroad Trainmen. Surgeon Lake Shore R. R. and Pennsylvania R. R. Charles B. Parker, M. D., Cleveland. Born New York City, Nov. 33, 1852. Came lo Cleveland 1866. Educated in public schools. Grad. Rochester University 1874, degree A. B. Grad. Wooster Medical College 1S77, degree M. D., M. R. C. S. Member Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1880. Began practice same year. Prof. Wooster College 1880-81. Prof of Diseases of Women at W. R. U, 1881-93. Dean Cleveland Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons 1808-1903. Now Prof. Clinical Surgery. Surgeon Cleveland General, St. John's and City Hos pitals. Member Union and Clifton Clubs. Member of the Medi cal Societies. JOHN EATON DARBY John Eaton Darby, Cleveland. Physician. Bom in South Williamstown, Mass., Aug.. SO, 1836. Graduated Williams Col lege, 1868; Cleveland Medical College, now Medical College of Western Reserve University, 1861. Married first, April 11, 1861, Julia Frances Wright (died May 3, 1867); second, May 1, 1872, Emma Maybell ¦ Cox (died June 2, 1888). . Dem. of Anatomy, Medical College of Western Reserve University, 1861-63. Sur geon in Civil War 1862-66. ' Surgeon Cleveland & Pittsburg R. R. 1867-1887. - Visiting- physician to Wilson Street Hospital, now Lakeside Hospital, 1867-1887. Prof. Materia Medica and Thera peutics. Medical College of "Western Reserve University, 1866- 1906. Mem. of Med. Bd. Cleveland City Hospital, Am. Med. Assn., Cleveland ¦ Academy of Med., Buffalo Soc. of Natural Sciences and Nat. Geographic Soc. WILLIAM H. HERRICK, M. D. William H. Herrick, M. D., Cleveland. Physician. Born Trumbull County, Ohio. July 23, 1844. Educated in public schools Trumbull County, Western Reserve Seminary, Uni versity of Michigan Medical Department, and graduated from Western Reserve University, Medical Department in 1866, Degree of M. D., Began practice in Cleveland. Removed to Parkman in 1867. Then to Wayne County 1868. Returned to Cleveland 1887 and has been in general practice here since that time. Enlisted in the army in 1863 and was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry and paroled. Member American Medical Society and State and Local societies. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS JOHN B. McGEE, M. D. John B. McGee, M. D., Cleveland. Physician. Born Boston, Mass., July 3, 18.'33. Educated in the public schools of Boston. engaged as a pharmacist in Cleveland for five years. Graduated from Western Reserve University 1878, degree of M. D., and has practiced continuously in Cleveland since that time. Professor of therapeutics and secretary of faculty of Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons. Member American Medical Associ ation, Ohio State Medical Society and Cleveland Academy of Medicine. Politically a Republican. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Anthropological Association. ROLAND E. SKEEL, M. D. Roland E. Skeel, M. D., Cleveland. Physician and Surgeon. Born Oswego, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1869. Educated in the public schools and graduated from University of Michigan in 1890, de gree of M. D. Began practice in Cleveland in 1890 and has continued at same to the present time. Dean and Professor of Obstetrics Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons. Mem ber American Medical Association. American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and state and local societies. An Independent Republican in politics. HARLAN POMEROY Harlan Pomeroy, Cleveland. Physician. Born Strongsville, O., 1853. Educated public schools and Oberlin College. Graduate Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, 1879, degree of M. D. In 1880 took a post graduate course at Bellevue Hospital College, New York. Attending Physician to Good Samaritan Dispensary, 1881- 84. Professor of Physiology, Hygiene and Sanitary Science, 1884-91. Professor Obstetrics, 1891-94. In 1905 elected president Board of '^F'rustees. Dean of Training School for Nurses since 1894. Secretary Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital Society since 1880. Consulting Obstetrician to Maternity Home, of which he was one of the founders in ]891. Member American Institute of Homeopathy; Ohio State and Cleveland Medical Societies; K. T., Mason, and Union and Century clubs. Director in C. & S. W. Tr. Co. ALBERT C. BUELL Albert C. Buell, M. D., Cleveland. Physician. Born North- field, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1851. Educated in the public schools. Spent twelve years of early life in the school room as teacher. Grad uated from the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College, 1880, degree of M. D. After graduation began practice in Cleveland and has been engaged in same to present time. Member of State Homeopathic Medical Society. President The Chippewa Club Co. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS JOHN C. SANDERS John C. Sanders, Cleveland. Physician. Born Peru, O., July 2, 1826. Primary education at Lima Academy, Peru, and Milan Academy, Milan, O. Graduate Medical Department Hudson College. Degree M. D. Graduate Yale College 1854. Degree A. B. and A. M. as a Medical Practitioner at Norwalk, O., 1854. Came to Cleveland 1857. Elected to Chair of Obstetricy and Gynecology, Cleveland Homeopathic College, Chair later divided. Dr. Sanders being retained in chair of Obstetricy. Retired from College after 34 years of service. President 1860-1868. Dean for several years. Degree LL. D. by Jacksonville College 111., 1894. IJlected to State Homeopathic Association 1863. Treasurer 1873-84. President 1885-86. Senior member American Institute of Homeopathy and its President 1882-83. GAIUS J. JONES, M. D. Gaius J. Jones, M. D., Cleveland. Born Remsen, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1843. Educated public schools, Prospect Academy and Homeopathic College of Cleveland. Enlisted in army 1861, discharged for disabilities 1862. Began practice at Liverpool, O. 1865. Moved to Grafton, O., 1871, and to Cleveland 1874. Ap pointed lecturer on anatomy. Homeopathic Hospital College, Qeveland, 1872. Professor of anatomy 1873-1878. Appointed professor of theory and practice of medicine, which position he holds at present time. Dean and member board of trustees since 1890, excepting two years. President Ohio State Medical Society. President National Safe & Lock Co. 32nd degree Mason and veteran of Oriental Commandery, K. of T. Senior member American Institute of Homeopathy, and member other medical societies. HAMILTON F. BIGGAR WILLIAM H. PHILLIPS Hamilton F. Biggar, Cleveland. Physician and surgeon. Born Oakville, Canada. Educated in the public schools of Can ada. Graduated from Victoria university in 1863, degree of B. A. In 1891 received degree of M. A. same institution, and in 1893 degree of LL. D. Graduated from Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery in 1866, degree of M. D. Began prac tice in Cleveland in 1866. Member staff of Huron Street Hospital 1870-96. Dean of Training School of Nurses from its forma tion to 1895. Member American Institute of Homeopathy, Ohio State Homeopathic Medical Society and Cleveland Academy of Medicine. Honorary member of New York State Medical Society. William H. Phillips, Cleveland. Eye, Ear, Nose and fbroat Surgeon. Born Chagrin Falls, O., April 5, 1871. Educated in Cleveland public and high schools, Cleveland Medical College and Chicago, New York and European clinics. Professor of Diseases of Nose and Throat, Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College. Eye and Ear Surgeon to the Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital, Cleveland City Hospital and Maternity Home. Presi dent of the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical Society for 1905. Member North Eastern Ohio and Ohio State Homeopathic Socie ties, and the American Institute of Homeopathy and the Ameri can Eye, Ear and Throat Homeopathic Society. 90 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS" GLUKGE UPS( tN George D. Upson, Cleveland. Physician and Surgeon. Born Tallmadge, Summit county, Ohio, July 23, 1866. Graduated from Central High school in 1885. Case School, Chemistry, 1886. Adelbert, Chemistry, 1887. Graduated from the Medical Department, Western Reserve University, degree of M. D., 1889. Surgeon Cleveland City Hospital. Member Cleveland Medical Library Association. Academy of Medicine, Ohio State and American Medical Associations. Member Zeta Psi Fraternity Case School, 1886. Union and Euclid clubs. Politically a Republican. CHARLES J. ALDRICH Charles J. Aldrich, Cleveland. Physician. Born Spencer. 0., Oct. 13, 1861. Educated common schools, Spencer High School, Wellington. O., and Baldwin University. Attended Medical Lectures W. R. Med. College, 1881. Received degree M. D. 1882 from Wooster University. Appointed House Physician Charity Hospital, resigned after one year and went to Indiana, remaining seven years. Returned to Cleveland and elected to staff of the Cleveland General Hospital, and Lecturer on Nervous Diseases, Wooster University. Pres. Cuyahoga Med. Soc. 190] . Pres. of the Medico Legal Soc, 1902. Pres. Cleveland Academy of Medicine 1905. Attended special course lectures London, Eng., 1896 and 1906. Prof, of Neurology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, University of Delaware, 1905, and Mental and Nervous Diseases 1906. Gl'UKGE W. SPENCKK George VV. Spencer, Cleveland. Physician. Born Portage County, Ohio, Dec. S, 1850. Educated in the public schools, I-Iiram and Oberlin Colleges. Graduated from Medical Dept., Michigan University, 1878, degree of M, D. Post Graduate course Physiological Dept., Columbia University, 1897. Post Graduate work at St. Louis Hospital, Paris, and the London Skin Hospital, 1902. Professor Physiology and Dermatology, Cleve land Homeopathic Medical College. On the staff of Huron Street and City Hospitals. Author of "Care of the Hair and Scalp," now in preparation. Member American Institute of Homeopathy, Ohio State Medical Society and Cleveland Medical Society. Member of the Odd Fellows. Politically a Republican. Charter member National Fraternity, Alpha Chapter, Michigan University^^ ^ _^____ JOSEPH M. LEWIS, M. D. Joseph M. Lewis, M. D., Cleveland. Physician. Born Lima, O., Jan. 20, 1840. Educated in public schools and academy. Graduated from medical department College of Physicians and Surgeons 1865, degree of M. D. Received degree of A. M., Hiram College, 1901. Appointed assistant superintendent Cleve land State I-Iospital, 1866. Appointed superintendent 1868, served until 1874, then began general practice, and in 18S3 formed partnership with J. H. Salisbury^ confining their prac tice to nervous and chronic diseases. Dissolved partnership in 1893, and continued in same line of practice to present time. Member Cleveland Medical Association, Ohio State and American Medical Associations, American Medico-Psychological Association. Member Union club. 32nd degree Mason and politically a Re publican. PROGRESSIVE. MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 91 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS I-IALBERT J. BURDICK Halbert J. Burdick, M. D., Cleveland. Physician and Surgeon. Born Edgerton, Wis. Sept. 4, 1864. Graduated from high school, Brookfield, N. Y., 1883, from Regents- of State of New York, 1883, and from University of City of New York, Medical Dept., 1888. Practiced medicine in Cleveland continuously since 1888. Member of local and State Medical Societies and of American Medical Association. CARL A. I-IAMANN, M. D. Carl A. Hamann, M. D., Cleveland- Surgeon. Born Daven port, Iowa, Jan. S6, 1868. Educated in the public schools and graduated from University of Pennsylvania, Medical Department, 1890. Degree of M. D. Started practice in Philadelphia 1890-93. Then located in Cleveland and has since practiced here. Pro fessor of Anatomy, medical department. Western Reserve Uni versity. Visiting surgeon Charity, Mt. Sinai and City Hospitals. Member University club. Politically a Republican. HENRY C. LUCK Henry C. Luck, Cleveland. Physician. Born Cleveland, O., March 16, 1870. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Cleveland School of Pharmacy in 1887, degree of Ph. C. Graduated from Medical Department, University of Wooster, Cleveland, O., in 1894, degree of M. D. District Physician, Cleveland, 1894-95. Special course in diseases of Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, General Hospital at Vienna, Austria, 1895-96. Re sumed practice in Cleveland in 1897, confining his practice to diseases of Stom.ach, Liver and Kidneys. Member American Medical Assn., Ohio State Medical Society and Medical Academy of Cleveland. Member B. P. O. E-, Lake Erie Consistory, 32nd degree Mason. MARTIN FRIEDRICH, M. D. Martin Friedrich. M. D. Born Bavaria, May 11, 1855. Edu cated in Latin school and gymnasium, Passau; University Munich, languages and literature. From 1879 to 1882 in Paris, Bibliotheque Nationale. Since 1882 in United States. Gradu ated in medicine and surgery in 1894, Western Reserve Medical College. Next year in City Hospital as interne. From June, 1895, to January, 1898, in Europe to complete medical education: In Vienna, AUgemeines Krankenhaus; in Berlin, Augusta Hos pital; Charite, Frauenklinik; in Paris, Hospice St. Louis, La Salpetriere, etc. Professor Medical College Physicians and Sur geons. Member Academy of Medicine. Member American Association. Member National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. 92 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS JOHN L. GARTLAND John L. Gartland, M. D., Cleveland. Physician and Surgeon. Born Norwalk, Conn., April 19, 1871. Educated in the public schools. Graduated from Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1891, degree of M. D. Post graduate work at Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 1891, degree of L. M. Also post graduate work in London and Paris, 1891-92. Assistant Surgeon St. Alexis Hospital. Member American, Ohio State, and Cleveland Medical Societies. NATI-JANIEL M. JONES Nathaniel M. Jones, M, D., Cleveland. Physician and surgeon. Born Cleveland, Ohio. December ], 1877. Educated in University School, Adelbert College and Western Reserve Medical College. Post graduate work at Berli-n, Germany. Now engaged in the practice of his profession. JOHN R. SMITH John R. Smith, M. D., Cleveland. Physician. Born Wayne County, Ohio, Feb. 9, 1854. Educated in the public schools of Crestline, O., and Classical Institute. Medical education at Western Reserve. Finished course in Medical College in 1879. Was appointed assistant and House Physician, Lakeside Hospital three years. Appointed to Chair of Physiology, College of Phy sicians and Surgeons, then Medical Dept. University of Wooster in 1881. Elected to Chair of Materia and Therapeutics, same college, 1882. Resigned in 3 893. Since then has devoted all his time to practice. JOHN H. QUAYLE John H. Quayle, Cleveland. Physician and Surgeon. Born Madison, Ohio, June 25, 3 874. Educated in District schools and New Lyme Institute. Graduated from Cleveland Univer sity of "Medicine and Surgery in 1895. Practiced in Madison, O,, 8 years. New York Post Graduate College, 1903. Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1904. Post Graduate Vienna, 1905. Member Masons, Halcyon Lodge, Thatcher Chapter, Forest City Commandery and Al Koran Temple of the Mystic Shrine. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 93 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS WILLIAM H. McGRANAGHAN WILLIAM H. BUECIINER William H. McGranaghan, M. D., Youngstown. Physician and Surgeon. Born Maysville, Ky., Dec. 14, 1854. Educated in private school, Maysville Seminary and Center College, Danville, Ky. Pulle College, Cincinnati, O. New York Homeopathic Med ical College and Hahnamann College, Philadelphia, Pa. Is now engaged in active practice at Youngstown, O., where lie has practiced since 1878. Member American Institute of Home opathy, Ohio State Homeopathic Society. Eastern Ohio Home opathic Medical Society. Member Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, B. P. O. Elks, and F. B. O. Eagles. Politically a Demo crat. William H. Buechner, M. D., Youngstown. Born Youngstown, O, May S3, 1864. Educated in the common schools, graduated from Rayen high school 1882, and Western Reserve Medical Dept., degree of M. D. in 1885. Post graduate course Uni versity of Pa., 1886. Post graduate work at Berlin, Germany; Vienna, Austria and London, England. Assistant surgeon University hospital, Halle, Germany, three years. Member American Medical Association. International Association of Railway Surgeons. Association of Erie Railroad Surgeons. Ohio State Medical Society, Mahoning County Medical Society. Sur geon Youngstown City Hospital. Member Rayen club, Youngs town club, Elks, 32nd degree Mason, Knight Templar. Politi cally independent. DELIjERT E- HOOX'ER, M. U. HOWARD B. HILLS, .M. D. Delbert E- Hoover, M. D., Warren. Physician and surgeon. Born North Benton, Ohio, Aug. 7, 1871. Educated in the common schools and Mt. Union College. Graduated from Western Reserve University. Degree of M. D. 1895. Engaged in the City Hospital at Cleveland one year and a half. Then located, at Warren, O. Surgeon for the B. & O. and Erie Railroads. Health officer of Warren, 1899-1904. County Coroner 1900-1904. Physician to the County jail 1898-1904. Went to Europe" 1904 and 1905 and took special work at Vienna, Austria and Freiburg, Germany, Knight Templar Mason. Member Trumbull Co, Medical Association, Cleveland Academy of Medicine and Ohio State Medical Association. Politically a Re publican. Howard B. Hills, M. D., Youngstown. Physician and surgeon. Born Cincinnati, Ohio, June 29, 1849. Educated in the common schools, Cincinnati College, Cincinnati University and Pults Medi cal College Three years special course in diseases of the eye, ear. nose and throat at Cincinnati. President of staff of Mahon ing Valley Hospital. Nose, throat, eye and ear surgeon to the Mahoning Valley Hospital. Expert examiner United States Pension Board. Member Mahoning County Medical Society. Ohio State Medical Association, National Association U. S. Pen sion Examining Surgeons, American Institute of Homeopathy. Ohio State Homeopathic Medical Society and various othir medical societies. Member of the Elks Lodge, No. 55. Polit ically a Republican. Member American Medical Association. 94 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS JOHN M. FRIEND John M. Friend, Cleveland. Physician and surgeon. Born Covington, Ky., Jan. 28, 1864. Educated in the public schools Seville, O., Graduated Medical Department Western Reserve University 1889, degree M. D. House physician City Hos pital 1889.-91. Began general practice in Cleveland 1891. Post graduate courses in Munich, Frankfort, Germany and Zurich, Switzerland, 1893-94. Visiting surgeon St. Johns Hospital 1904- 1905. Physician and surgeon in charge Training Home for Friendless Girls 1900 to present time. Vice-president Lincoln Savings & Banking Co. President Economy Real Estate & Building Co. Director Forest City Woolen Mills Co. Member Cleveland Academy of Medicine, State Medical Society, and American Medical Association. JOHN J. THOMAS, M. D. John J. Ihomas, M. D., Cleveland. Physician. Born Cleve land, O., Nov. 18, 1868. Educated in the public schools. Grad uated from Adelbert College, 1891, degree of A. B., in 1896, degree of A. M. Graduated from Medical Department, Western Reserve University, 1893, degree of M. D. House Physician Cleveland City Hospital 1893-94. General Medical course in Frankfort and Strassburg, Germany, and Vienna, Austria 1894-95. Began general practice in Cleveland 1895 making a specialty of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children. Member Ohio State Medical Association. Ohio State Pediatric Society and American Medical Association. Assistant Obstetrician and demonstrator children's diseases W. R. U. Visiting Physician St. Ann's Infant Asylum and Maternity Hospital. Visiting Physician Maternity Home. Pediatrist City Hospital. JAMES E. COGAN James E- Cogan. Cleveland. Physician. Born Merriltan, Unt., Dec. 15, 1870. Educated in public schools, Ontario, Collegiate Institute, St. Catharine, Ont. Graduated Jefferson Medical Col lege. Philadelphia, 1896, degree M. D. House Physician St. Mary's Hospital, Philadelphiti, 1896-97. In 1897 began general practice in Cleveland Assistant Surgeon St. Alexis Hospital, 1893-OL Medical Chief St. Alexis Hospital 1901-03. In 1903 took post graduate course on Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat in London and Edinburgh, and now confines his practice to same. Eye and Ear specialist, St. Alexis Ilospital, and Assistant Oph thalmologist at Lakeside Ilospital Dispensary. Assistant Demon strator diseases of the Eye, W. R. U. Pres. St. Alexis Alumni Assn. Member American Medical Assn., Cleveland Academy of Medicine, Century Club and B. P. O. E. ADOLPH B. SCHNEIDER Adolph B. Schneider, Cleveland. Physician. Born Dunkirk, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Dun kirk. Graduated from Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College 1894, degree of M. D. Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy 1894-96. Demonstrator of Anatomy 1896-98. Prof, of Anatomy 1898-1901. Prof. Clinical Medicine and Physical Diagnosis, Registrar of the Cleveland Homeopathic Medical college 1901-03. Post graduate work in New York City 1902. Post Graduate study in Berlin and Vienna, 1904. Now Prof. Theory_ and Practice of Medicine, Physical Diagnosis and Clinical Medicine, Cleveland Homeopathic Medical college. Visiting Physician Homeopathic Hospital and City Hospital. Member American Institute of Homeopathy, Homeopathic Medical Society of Ohio and Cleveland Medical Society. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 95 PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS C. S. CARR C. S. Carr, M. D,, Columbus. Editor of "Medical Talk for the Home."-. Born' Herricksville, Pa., in 1860. Reared on a farm Educated -in common schools. Taught school and music several years. Entered preparatory school in 1872, Tonawanda, Pa. In 1874 matriculated in Medical Department, University of the City of New York. Graduated Chicago Homeopathic Medical College in 1877. Practiced medicine at Elmira, N. Y., until 1884. Retired- account ill health. . Member New York M. E. Con ference five years. In -1890 came to Columbus as advertising manager.. In. 1900 became- editor of "Medical Talk for the Home." Director Columbus Humane Society. Member Franklin County Visiting Board. ' Director' Florence Crittenden Home. President the American Medical Union. ANTHONY- PAUL-B-RADY - . Anthony Paul Brady,. M.. D., Painesville. • Physician and sur geon. ..Born Cooperstown, N. Y., April 16, 1872. Educated in the public schools at Cooperstown, N. Y. State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Graduated from Mills Training School for Nurses in 1892. Nursed at_ Bellevue Hospital for two years. .Entered the Old .N.. Y. University Medical .College in 1894, spent two years. In 1898 entered Johns Hopkins Medical Col lege, graduated in 1898. From 1898 to 1899 in Maryland Gen eral Hospital, Md. 1899-1900 Bellevue Hospital, New York City. 1900-1906 practiced medicine and surgery at Paines ville. City surgeon of Painesville. B. & O, R. R, surgeon. Member Painesville Board of Health. Member Ohio State and Painesville Medical Societies. HENRY J. POOL Henry J. Pool, Port Clinton. Physician and Surgeon. Born Toledo, Ohio, August 4, 1875. Educated in the parochial and public schools of Toledo, supplemented by private instructions. Received degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1902, from The Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, Medical Depart ment of Ohio Wesleyan University. Jeweler and optician eleven years. Has practiced medicine in Port Clinton for four years with private hospital in connection for the past year. Health officer from 1902 to 1905. Member Masons. WILLIAM E. WHEATLEY, M. D. William E. Wheatley, M. D., Lorain. Surgeon. Born Glou cester, England, July 13, 1871. Educated in Cleveland public schools and graduated from Western Reserve University in 1894. Engaged as surgeon to the National Tube Co., Lorain, U., since March, 1900. Member Chamber of Commerce. 32nd de gree Mason, Woodward Lodge, Marshal Chapter, Holyrood Commandery, Lake Erie Consistory. Member Knights of Pythias Criterion. 96 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN O H.I O PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS AUGUSTE RHU WILLIAM T. GEMMILL, M. D. Auguste Rhu, Marion, Ohio. Specialty Surgery and Gynecol ogy. Born Seneca County, Ohio, April 5, 1849. Educated in High school, Dayton, Ohio, Notre Dame University. Western Reserve University, Medical Department, Cleveland, O., degree of M. D. in 1885. Graduated Chicago Ophthalmic College, 1887. Post Graduate Course in New York City, Chicago and Baltimore. Began practice at Marion in 1885. Author of numerous articles, essays, etc., on surgery and medicine. Surgeon to Big Four Railway Co., Penn. Railway Co., President U. S. Pension Board, Mariorii O., 1894. Member American Medical Association, Ohio State Medical Society, Mississippi Valley Medical Association, Ex-President of Marion County Medical Association, and numer ous other medical societies. Scottish Rite and Consistory 32, Mason. Fast E- R. of Marion Lodge 33, B. P. O. E. William T. Gemmill, M. D., Forest, Hardin, Co., Ohio. Phy sician and Surgeon. Born York Co., Pa., Oct 23, 1849. Edu cated high school Mt. Blanchard, O. Graduate Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, O. Bellevue Medical College, ; New York City. Post Graduate course at the Polyclinic, Chicago, 111. President of the First National Bank, Forest, Hardin Co., 0. Knight Templar, 32nd degree Mason. Member of the I. O. O. F. and the K. of P. Republican in politics. J. A. CHESNEY, M. D. GEORGE R. LOVE J. A. Che.sney, M. D., Bucyrus, Ohio. George R. Love, loledo. Physician and Surgeon. Born Plainfield, O., January 31, 1869. Educated in the Ohio State University. Graduate of the Starling Medical College 1897, Degree of M. D. Started practice of medicine at Dayton, O. Serving as House Physician and Surgeon, Miami Valley Hospi tal. Served for six years on Medical StafE of Toledo State Hospital. Appointed Superintendent of the Toledo State Hospi tal for the Insane, Feb. 19, 1906, still serving. Member Phi Kappa Psi, College Fraternity. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 97 PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND DENTISTS EDWARD C. LEWIS Edward C. Lewis, Canal Dover. Physician. Born Berlin, O., Dec. S6, 1842. Educated in the common schools of Holmes county. Graduated Fredericksburg Academy, then took literary course at Princeton. Four years at Starling Medical College, Columbus, O. Two years under Dr. Pancoast, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. Graduate Jefferson Medical College, 1862. General practice at New Philadelphia for six years. Canal Dover since that time. Dir. and stockholder in Canton & Akron Electric Ry. Co. one of the organizers, stockholder and director Canton & New Philadelphia and in Tuscarawas Traction Co. Vice president First National Bank, Canal Dover. Served as Representative 1875-76. Served as Senator 1877-78. Blue Lodge Mason; Member Sons American Revolution. Politically a Dem ocrat. A. K. FRIEND A. K. Friend, D. D. S., Cleveland. Born "Poe City,' Medina county, O., April 16, 1866. Educated in the pub lic schools and Seville high school. Received degree of D. D. S. from Western Reserve University. Now engaged in active prac tice of his profession. Secretary and manager The Economy Real Estate & Building Co. RICHARD HENRY LINDHORST Richard Henry Lindhorst, Cleveland. Dental Surgeon. Born Cleveland, Ohio, June 7, 1877. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Graduated from Western Reserve University. Actively engaged in the practice of his profession. One of the owners of the Lindhorst Buildings. Politically a Republican. FRANK NOVILLE Frank Noville, Cleveland. Dental Surgeon. Born Cleveland, May 6, 1869. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland and graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, Philadelphia, Pa., 1890 with degree of D. D. S. Returned to Cleveland and commenced practice in the Kendall building, now the Colonial Arcade where he is still located. Member of the Northern Ohio Dental Society and the Garrettsonion Society of Philadelphia. PROGRESSIVEMEN OF NORTHERN OHIO U. S. OFFICIALS CHARLES C. DEWSTOE WILLIAM H. TUCKER Charles C. Dewstoe, Cleveland. Postmaster. Born West Bloomfield, N. Y., May 10, 1841. Educated in the common schools of Flint, Mich., and Eastman's Business Col lege, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Teacher in public schools of Genesee county Mich., 1860-61. . Enlisted in Co. F, 2nd Michigan Infan try, May 20, 1861. Discharged as sergeant U. S. Signal Corps Aug. 24, 1864. Employed in Quartermaster's Dept. at Little Rock, Ark., until 1865. From December, 1865, to March, 1866, at Eastman's Business College. Member Cleveland Board of Health 1881-85. Elected Sheriff of Cuyahoga county 1884, served two years. Appointed Postmaster July 15, 1899, and reappointed Jan. 16, 1905. President of The Dewstoe & Brainard Co. Post Commander G. A. R. one term in 1893. Politically a Repub lican. William H. Tucker, Toledo. Lawyer and Postmaster. Born Laporte, Lorain County, Ohio, Oct. 6, 1849. Educated in the public schools. Grad. Baldwin University, Berea, 1875, d_egree of A. B. Also attended Cornell University. Came to Toledo in 1874. Read law in the office of Haynes & Potter. Admitted to the bar in 1S76. Commenced practice at T'oledo. Appointed Postmaster in 1898. Reappointed 1902,' still' serving. . Inter ested in several corporations. K. T. Mason, and K." of P. Re publican in politics. Chairman Lucas Co. Execiitive Committee three times. On the committees for twenty years. Chairman Cong. Committee four times. Delegate National Convention, 1892. Has a "Roosevelt" family. JOHN J. SULLIVAN CHARLES SUMNER PUTNAM John J. Sullivan, Cleveland. United States District Attorney. Born New York City, Oct. 26, 1860. Educated in common schools and Gustavus Academy, Trumbull Co. Read law with Hon. John M. Stull. Admitted to bar in 1886. Started practice Warren, O. Continued until 1895, when elected Prosecuting Attorney Trumbull Co. Resigned and elected to State Senate, serving two terms. Appointed U. S. District Attorney 1899; still serving. Pres. Ohio Republican League 1897-98. Nomi nated Messrs. Hanna and Forakcr for U. S. Senate. Vice-Pres. and Dir. First National Bank, Girard, O. Interested in a num ber of corporations. Member Union and Century Clubs. Po litically a Republican. Charles Sumner Putnam, Conneaut. Postmaster. Born Cen- tralia, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., May 27, 1859. Educated- in' the district school, Jamestown, N. Y., Union High School and James town Commercial School. Entered apprentice in_ printing busi ness at Conneaut, 1876. Continued in printing business until 1890, during this period. being part owner and puLlisher of three weekly newspapers in Ashtabula county. Engaged in the furni ture business in Conneaut 1892-99. Lake Erie Fish Warden under Ohio State Fish and Game Commission 1887-88. Special agent in eleventh census of U. S. 1890-92. Postmastei of Conneaut since July 1, 1899. Member Masons, Elks, Royal Arcanum and National Union. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COUNTY OFFICIALS 99 GEORGE G. MULHERN George G. Mulhern, Cleveland. Sheriff of Cuyahoga county. Born in Canada, Feb. 9, 1843. Educated in the public schools of Canada. Came to Cleveland in 1861. Clerked in grocery store until 1863, then entered the street railway business, and has occupied every position from laborer to superintendent. Super intendent Rocky River Steam R. R. 1S70-78. Superintendent of the West Side lines for a number of years, and until his election as Sheriff in 1904 was actively engaged in the street railway business. Member of Clifton and Gentlemens' Driving clubs. Politically a Republican. ALBERT KINGSLEY SPENCER Albert Kingsley Spencer, Cleveland. Treasurer, Cuyahoga county. Born Cleveland, Sept. 21, 1865. Educated public schools of Cleveland and Yale college, New Haven, Conn. En tered the brokerage business 1889 to 1892. Then in the insur ance business until 1894. when iie was appointed Assistant County Treasurer by Dr. R. S. Hubbard, county treasurer. Re appointed by County Treasurer M. A. Lander. Elected Treas urer, Cuyahoga county, 1903, still serving. Director of the Tippecanoe club and a Republican in politics. Member of the Masonic Order, F. O. E- No. 135 and the Presbyterian church. ROBERT C. \\'RIGHT Robert C. Wright, Cleveland. Auditor Cuyahoga County. Born in Scotland in 1861. Educated in the common schools. Came to Cleveland in 1881. Worked as laborer, clerk and Sta tion Agent for the L- S. & M. S. Railway Co. Was twice elected clerk, and twice Mayor of Glenville, Ohio. Elected Auditor of Cuyahoga County in 1901 and re-elected in 1904. Politically a Democrat. CHARLES P. SALEN Charles P. Salen, Cleveland. Clerk Court of Common Fleas, Cuyahoga Co. Born Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 5, 1860. Came to Cleveland 1867. Educated in public schools and Concordia Col lege. With West Side Sentinel and other papers 1878-81. City Clerk 1883-85, and 1887-89. Then returned to newspaper work and in 1890 appointed Secy. Board of Elections. Served until 1893. Resigned and entered the pork packing business until 1899. Then appointed City Auditor by Mayor Farley. In 1901 appointed Dir, of Public Works, served until 1903. Opened the parks to the people. Elected County Clerk 1903, first Democrat ever elected to this office. Re-elected in 1905. 1904 elected Del. at Large, National Convention. Del. twice before. Chair. Ex. Bd. Cuyhoga' Democracy. Interested in a number of corpora tions, and in Winter and Summer sports. 100 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COUNTY OFFICIALS RICHARD J. MACKENZIE Richard J. Mackenzie, Cleveland. Cuyahoga County Com missioner. Born Edinburgh, Scotland. Educated in the public schools of Bedford, O., and graduated from Bissell's University of Twinsburg, O., 1878. Came to Newburg, Cuyahoga county, in 1878, and engaged in the wholesale butcher and live stock business, which he continued until elected County Commissioner in 1902. Director for the schools for Newburg Village from 1888-1895. President County Buildings Commission. Member of Algonquin club. Knight of Honor and 32nd degree Mason. Po litically a Democrat. WILLIAM F. EIRICK William F. Eirick, Cleveland. Commissioner of Cuyahoga county. Born Albany, N. Y., May 12, 1872. Educated in Albany and New York City public schools. With an export commission house, Wall street, N. Y., a few years. Came to Cleveland in 1890 and entered the live stock business. Elected this position in this county. Member Tippecanoe club and County Commissioner in 1903, the youngest man ever elected to Union League. Member B. P. O. E-, No. 18. Treasurer F. 0 E., No. 135, 1902-1903. Politically Republican and a member of the Lutheran church. JOHN G. FISCIiER John G. Fischer, West Park, 0. Commissioner Cuyahoga county. Born Parma township, Cuyahoga county, O., Jan. 1, 1861. Educated in the public schools. Started in the live stock business in 1876 and continued in same until 1895. Then act ively engaged in farming. Trustee Rockport township 1890-96. Member* Board of Education 1890-1899, Clerk of the Board 1899-1904. Deputy State Supervisor of Elections 1899-1901. Elected secretary Republican Executive Committee 1903-1903. Elected Representative Cuyahoga county, 76th General Assem bly, 1903-04. Elected County Commissioner 1904, still serving. Member I. O. O. F., North Camp and Tippecanoe clubs. JOHN VEVERA John Vevera, Cleveland. County Commissioner. Cuyahoga county. Born in Kucev, Bohemia, Nov. 28, 1858. Educated in private schools of Bohemia and night schools of Cleveland. Came to Cleveland from Austria in May 1872. With The Cleveland Window Glass Co., sixteen years. Then with Kees & Co. (Insurance), continuing with them to the present time. Elected County Commissioner, 1898 and reelected 1902. In terested in several companies. Member County Buildings' Cora- mission. _ In 1895 was one of four survivors of the Elbra wrecked in North Sea, 800 passengers lost. Member, Bohemian Catholic Union, C. M. B. A., Knight of St. John, Knight of Columbus. Politically a Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 101 COUNTY OFFICIALS HERMAN C. BAEHR Herman C. Baehr, . Cleveland. Recorder Cuyahoga county. Born Keokuk, la., March 16, 1866. Educated in public schools of Cleveland and Lehman's Scientific Academy, Worms-on-the- Rhine, degree of M. B. Graduate of first Scientific Station, N. Y., 1887. Took charge of the Baehr Brewing Co. as general manager, afterwards consolidated with the Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing Co. Elected secretary and treasurer, still serving. Elected County Recorder 1904, still serving. Director Forest City Savings & Trust Co., Member Chamber of Commerce. Member Cleveland Gesengverein, Star Turner Society, and active in other German societies. 32nd degrfe Mason, Shriner, Past Chancellor K. of P., B. P. O. E. Politically a Republican. WILLIAM H. EVERS William H. Evers, Cleveland. County Engineer. Born Cleve land, Nov. 18, 1871. Educated in the public schools with schol arship to Case School of Applied Science. Appointed County Surveyor 1899. Elected County Surveyor 1899. Re-elected 1904. Appointed County Engineer 190.^1. President The Wm. H. Evers Engineering Co., municipal and landscape engineers. Director The Euclid Avenue Trust Co. Politically a Republican. WILLIAM AGNEW William Agnew, Cleveland. Chief deputy clerk Cuyahoga county. Born Glasgow, Scotland, May 30, 1870. Educated Cleveland public schools and Cleveland Law school. Clerk in Cleveland postoffice July, 1887, to July, 1903. Secretary National Association of Postoffice Clerks Sept., 1896, to Sept., 1899. President 1900 to 1901. Secretary Cuyahoga county Democratic Executive Committee. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner and K. of P. LOUIS E. SIEGELSTEIN Louis E. Siegelstein, Cleveland. Physician and Surgeon. Born, Yassy, Romania, February 33, 1S73. Educated at home under tuition of his father and later University Medical col lege of New York City, 1894. Certificate of Regents University of the State of N. Y., 1890-94. Elected Coroner of Cuyahoga county, Cleveland, in 1904. 33nd degree Scottish Rite Mason. Knight of Pythias. Woodmen of the World. Knight of the Maccabees, Bnai Brith, Homeless 36. H. B. & S. U. F. O. E. Independent Aid. Politically a Republican. 102 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COUNTY OFFICIALS D. T. DAVIES, JR. D. T. . Davies, Jr., Toledo. Auditor Lucas county. • Born Brookfield, O., May 3, 1868. Educated in the schools of Youngs town, O. From 1888 to 1896 engaged in a rolling mill-guide mill roller. Clerk of City Court 1898-93. Director Toledo Transfer Co. and Toledo & Columbus Ry. Co. Member of Masons and Knights of Pythias. Member of Toledo club, Lin coln club, McKinley club, and Inverness club. JOSEPH J. ROWE Joseph J. Rowe, Cleveland. Assistant Treasurer Cuyahoga county and Mayor of Lakewood. Born Cleveland, O., October 3, 1873. Educated in the Common and High schools of Cleveland, and the Spencerian Business college. In 1889 entered the ser vice of the L. S. & M. S. Railway as clerk. In 1892 entered employ of the Empire Line as clerk, and was appointed Chief Clerk and Cashier in 1894, and traveling Freight Agent 1897. Served in that capacity until 1904, when he was appointed Assis tant County Treasurer. Elected Mayor of Lakewood in 1901 and reelected in 1902 for term of three years. Member Trans portation Club, Elks, K. of P. and several other orders. , Politi cally a Republican. WARREN PL KALE Warren PL Kale, Berlin Center. Commissioner Mahoning county. Born Berlin Center, O., Sept. 29, 1859. Educated in the common schools of Berlin Center, Engaged as farmer and lumber dealer. Interested in faiming and lumber. Now serv ing as County Commissioner and re-elected for second term. Member Odd Fellows. Member Foraker Republican club. THOMAS L. LEWIS Thomas L- Lewis, Cleveland. Chief Probation Officer, Juve nile Court of Cuyahoga County. Born in Cleveland, April 20, 1871. Attended public schools until 15 -years old, worked in steel mills for 15 years and later was pastor's assistant at North Presbyterian Church. Secured an education by studying; nights. Made a special study of sociological and economic problems and devoted much of his time to the assisting of the so-called criminal element. Was called to his present office without any solicitation on his part. Secretary of the Board ofl Trustees of the North Presbyterian Church. Member of the Foresters of America. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 103 COUNTY AND CITY OFFICIALS FRANK A SARSTEDT Frank A. Sarstedt, Cleveland. President The Board of Re view. Born, Medina county, O., Aug. 37, 1864. Educated in public schools of Cleveland. In the Dry Goods business 1878- 81. With C. C. C. & St. L. R. R. 1881-93. General Manager Barrett & Columbia Brewing Co. 189.3-99. Deputy County Auditor, 1899-1901. Appointed on Board of Review by the State Board of Assessors and Appraisers 1901. Elected Presi dent 1904. Interested in several local corporations. Scottish Rite and K. T. Mason. Cleveland Commercial Travelers "Na tional Union" B. P. O. Elk No. IS F. O. E. No. 135 and Ger man-American club. Politically a Republican. W. J. SPRINGBORN W. J. Springborn, Cleveland. President Board of Public Service. Born in Mechlinberg, Germany, November 37, 1866. Educated in the common schools and Spencerian Business Col lege of Cleveland. Employed six years as shipping clerk with Bowman Bros., Wholesale Crockery; afterwards for thirteen years with The O. M. Stafford, Goss & Co., Fire Insurance. Was twice elected to the City Council as a Republican, and while serving in said capacity was elected on the Democratic ticket to the Board of Public Service, which ofiice he assumed on May 4, 1903, and was re-elected in November, 190.5. PETER WITT Peter Witt, Cleveland. City Clerk of City of Cleveland. Born, Cleveland, O., July 34, 1869. Educated in the public. schools. Apprenticed to moulders trade in 1884. Worked as moulder until 1896. Engaged in Newspaper work. Insurance and published two books on Taxation. Appointed by Mayor John son in charge of the Tax investigation, 1901-03. Elected City Clerk in 1903. Re-elected in 1906. Member Crank Klub. In dependent Democrat in politics. WILLIAM J. CARTER William J. Carter, Cleveland. City Engineer. Born Clevleand, O., March 1.5, 1870. Educated in the public schools and gradu ated from Case School of Applied Science 1891. Degree B. S. and in 1901 C. E. With the Pennsylvania lines west of Pitts burgh as civil engineer 1893-93. With F. C. Osborn, Cleveland, 1893-1804. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. 1894-1895. Brown Hoisting Co. 1895-1897. Osborn Engineering Co. 1897- 1S98. With Cleveland Electric Railway 1898-1899. In charge sewer department 1899-1900. Appointed by U. S. Government Quartermaster's Department. Superintendent of Construction, Portland, Me., 1900-1901. Returned to Cleveland and appointed city engineer. K. T. Mason and Mystic Shriner. Politically a Democrat. 104 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CITY OFFICIALS HUNTINGTON BROWN Huntington Brown, Mansfield. Mayor of Mansfield. Born North Bloomfield, O., Dec. 30, 1849. Educated in the public schools, graduated from high school at Massillon. Formerly Supt. The Aultman & Taylor Co. Was Vice Pres. of The West ern Straw Board Co. and the Mansfield Electric Street Railway Co., being the first electric railway operated and built in Ohio. During his first term as Mayor of Mansfield, 1899-1903, together witla other citizens, was largely instrumental in establishing Mansfield's modern Sanitary Sewerage Disposal Works. Member of Mansfield Lodge F. A. M. No. 35, Mansfield Chapter No. 28, Mansfield Commandery No. 21, Knights Templar, and was C.rand Commander of the State of Ohio in 1892. Honorary member Supreme Council A. R. R. 33rd degree. Politically a Republican. J. U. DOUGLASS J. U, Douglass, Massillon. City Auditor of Massillon. Born near Dalton, O., Nov. 15, 1865. Educated in the common schools and Ohio Normal University, Ada, O. Taught school six years. Then followed building contracting for six years. Served three years as Justice of Peace in Tuscarawas Tp., Stark county. Elected to present position April 7, 1903. Stockholder in the American Silica Co., of Warwick, O. Member of K. of P. and K. O. T. M. Politically a Democrat. J. B. WALKER J. B. Walker, Findlay, Mayor. Born Mercer County, .Pa., Nov. 7, 1840. Learned printers' trade on the Warren Ledger and the Erie City Dispatch, Pennsylvania. Went to Titusville, Pa., and worked on the first paper published there called Titus ville Herald. Enlisted in the Civil War with the Raftsman's Guard, 1801, at Warren, Pa. Went to Pittsburg and Harris- hurg. Pa., where the company was assigned to Colonel Canes, Pa., Bucktail Regiment, In a number of battles, wounded four times and mustered out May 38, 1864. Returned to Tidiout, Pa., and went into the otl business. Moved to Findlay, O., dur ing the Ohio oil excitement and engaged with the Jarecki Mfg. Co., selling oil well supplies; also largely interested in the oil production. Elected Mayor of Findlay on the Democratic ticket 1905, overcoming a large Republican majority. '.R.:J, COACI-I R. J. Coach, Cleveland. President and general manager of the R. J. Coach Secret Service Co. Born Galveston, Texas, July 23, 1860. Engaged in secret service work in 1877. Estab lished the R. J. Coach . Detective Service in 1884, and incor porated in 1904. lie has established offices throughout the United States and in all the principal cities of the world. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 105 MANUFACTURERS ALEXANDER W. D. B. Alexander, Cleveland. Pres. National Screw & Tack Co. Born Cleveland, O., Aug 31, 1858. Educated in the public schools. Began career as telegraph operator 1876-79. Ac countant Union Steel Screw Co. until 1889. Organized the Na tional Screw & Tack Co. 1889, elected Pres., still serving. Pres.. National Acme Mfg. Co., Adams-Bagnall Electric Co., Gardner Electric Drill & Machinery Co. and Cleveland Bolt & Mfg. Co., and interested in a number of other corporations. Member Union and Gentlemen's Driving, and Pres. Euclid Club. Polit ically a Republican. FAYETTE BROWN Fayette Brown, Cleveland. President Brown Hoisting Ma chinery Co. Born North Bloomfield, O., Dec. 17, 1833. Edu cated in the common schools and course at Gambier, O., and Jelferson College, Pa. Clerk in dry goods store for his brother at age of eighteen, until 1845, when he became a member of the firm until 1851. Member firm Mygott & Brown, bankers, of Cleveland, 1851-57. Alone 1857-61. Paymaster U. S. A. 1861- 63. General manager Jackson Iron Co. 1863-87. President Union Steel Screw Co., Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. and National Chemical Co. Chairman Stewart Iron Co., Ltd. Mem ber firm H. H. Urown & Co. (iron ore). Member Union, Golf, Country, Castalia, Winos Shooting and other clubs. W/VSHINGTON S. TYLFIR Washington S. Tyler, Cleveland. President The W. S. Tyler Company. Born Ohio City, April 13, 1835. Educated district schools and Bacon Academy, Colchester, Ct. Began career in mercantile business Hartford, Ct., 18S0. Returned to Cleveland iS53 with E. I. Baldwin & Co., as Salesman and partner until 1872. Organized the Cleveland Wire Works 1873. Incorporated as The W. S. Tyler Wire Works Co., 1884. 1899 name changed The W. S. Tyler Company. Elected President, Director, Trus tee, ami interested in numerous corporations. Trustee W. R. University and Adelbert College. Director National Commercial Bank. Trustee Lakeside Hospital, Children's Aid Society, and other .-haritable institutions. Member Union, Country, Roadside and Clifton Clubs. Politically a Republican. Trustee First Presbyterian Church. . JOHN HOWARD WEBSTER John Howard Webster, Cleveland. Assignee The \'ariety Iron Works Co. Born Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. S, 1846. Came to Cleveland in 1850, and educated in the public schools. Grad uated Yale College, degree of A. B. 1868. Graduated Union Law College, degree LL. B. 1870. Received degree of M. A., Y'ale College, 1871. Engaged in practice of Law in Cleveland until 1891, when he was appointed Assignee, the Variety Iron Works Co., still serving. President Chamberlin Cartridge and Target Co., Buckeye Milling Co. Vice president I*enton Publish ing Co., and interested in other corporations. Member Union, University and Rowfant clubs, Cleveland and University Club, New Haven, Ct. Member Japan Society of London, En gland. 106 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS LYMAN H. TREADWAY AUGUSTINE R. TREADWAY Lyman H. Treadway, Cleveland. Manager The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. Born New Haven, Conn., March 37, 1862. Edu cated in the public schools of New Haven. Began career in the mercantile business at New ITaven in 1879. Came to Cleve land in 1880 and engaged with the present firm. Elected Asst. Manager in 1901, and Manager 1905. Vice Pres. Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Director The Superior Savings & Trust Co., The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co., The Peerless Motor Car Co. Member of General Board Civic Federation of Cleveland. Presi dent of the Euclid Club. Vice President Masonic Temple Asso ciation. Vice President Argo Steamship Co. Member of New England Society of Ohio. Member Union, Euclid, Roadside and Colonial Clubs. 33rd degree Mason and Life Member of Lake Erie Consistory Scottish Rite Masons. Augustine R. Treadway, Cleveland. President The Peck, Stowe & Wilccx Co. Bern New Haven, Conn. Educated in the public and private schools. Began career as a dealer in fur naces, ranges, stoves and heating appliances, New Plaven, Conn. Later Treasurer and general manager Aetna Nut Co., Southing- ton, Conn. Came to Cleveland in 1879, as one of firm of Wil cox, Treadway & Co., which firm erected and started present jilant, now owned by The Peck, Stowe & Wilcox Co., with which corporation they consolidated in 1880. lias been identified with firm continuously since 1880. Vice president and president for last 14 years. Vice president Union Rolling M'll Co. Director Cleveland National Bank, and State Banking & Trust Co. NATHANIEL D. CHAPIN Nathaniel D. Chapin, Cleveland. President and treasurer The Pillings-Chapin Co. Born Cleveland, O., Oct. 1861. Educated in Cleveland and Boston. Began business with the First National Bank of Cleveland, and after two years banking experience, ac cepted a position with Billings, Taylor & Co. Later became their secretary, and in 1899 elected president and treasurer, and name of firm was changed to The Billings-Chapin Co. In 1903 was elected president of the National Association of Paint Man ufacturers. Member of the Union club and politically a Repub lican, DR. SAMUEL N. McCLEAN Dr. Samuel N. McClean, Cleveland. Gen. Mgr. and Treas. TkeMcClean Arms & Ordpance Co. Born in Iowa, Jan. 7, 1857. Educated in district schools and Washington Academy. Grad uated Iowa State University 1885, degree M. D. Practiced med icine at Washington, Iowa, until 1894. Invented the McClean system of automatic and non-recoiling arms and ordnance. Or ganized the McClean Anns and Ordnance Co., and established the factory in Cleveland 1903. Elected Gen. Mgr. arid Treas., still serving. Has introduced this system of arms in the U. S. and various other foreign governments. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 107 MANUFACTURERS FREDERICK SHERWOOD KRETSINGER Frederick Sherwood Kretsinger, Cleveland. President Amer ican Fork & Hoe Co. Born near Rockford, 111., Aug. 33, 1844. Educated in oublic schools of Chicago. With his father, W. H. Kretsinger & Sons, wholesale hardware, Chicago, 1866, and in 1872 went into manufacturing hand farming tools, and soon in- coroorated The Iowa Farming Tool Co., elected secretary and treasurer, and 189'3 elected president, still serving. Came to Cleveland in 1903 and was one of the organizers of the Amer ican Fork & Hoe Co., elected vice president, and 1903 elected president. President National Handle Co. Vice president Na tional Association of Manufacturers. President American Hard ware Manufacturers' Association. An officer and interested in other corporations. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member Euclid, Union and Colonial clubs and Chamber of Commerce. WARREN H. COWDERY Warren H. Cowdery, Cleveland. First vice president American Fork & Hoe Co. Born Perry, Lake county, 0., May 21,' 1853. Educated in the public schools and Geneva Normal School. Started with the Geneva Tool Co. 1874. Elected secretary 1875-1880. One of the organizeis of the Ashtabula Tool Co. in 1880. Elected secretary and treasurer and served^ until 1902. Then came to Cleveland and became first vice president of the present company and is still ser/ing. General superintendent of the manufacturing department. Director National Handle Co. Organized Ashtabula Greenhouse Co. 1897. Interested in a number of other corporations. Independent in politics and a member Euclid Avenue Disciple church. GEORGE B. DURELL George B. Durell, Cleveland. Treasurer American Fork & Hoe Co. Born in New Jersey, Sept. 26, 1861. Educated in the pub lic schools and graduated from Princeton University, class of 1885, degree of A. B.' Received the degree of A. M. 1888. Went South and engaged as secretary and treasurer Chattanooga Too! Co. 1886. Appointed general manager in 1887 and continued until 1890. Organized the Harriman Tool Co., Harriman, Tenn., and served as president and manager until 1903, when he came to Cleveland as treasurer of present company, still serv ing. Vice president, treasurer, and manager National Handle Co. President Manufacturers' National Bank, Harriman, Tenn., and interested in other corporations. Member Euclid club and politically a Republican. BID\\'ELL J. A. Bidwell, Cleveland. Ex-Supt. Union Steel Screw Co. Retired. Born LandafE, N. H., Dec. 17, 1830. Edu cated ' district schools and Academy of E. & T. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1843, became apprentice at the E. & T. Fairbanks Scale Works to learn the blacksmith trade. First effort made blank out of which wood screws were formed, all by hand. 1851 became M. E. at Franconia Iron Works, Franconia, N. H. In 1853 went to Providence with Eagle Screw Co. In 1854 went to Hartford, Ct., with Samuel Colt Arms Co., Machinery. Employed 1863 by Spencer Repeating Arms Co., Boston. In 1865 with American Screw Co. as M. E. Came to Cleveland 1873. Erected buildings and machinery of the Union Steel Screw Co. Ap pointed superintendent and chief engineer, served 34 years and retired 1906. K. T. Mason. Member Engineers' club. 108 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS GEORGE H. WORTI-IINGTON EDWARD ALFORD MERRITT George H. Worthington, Cleveland. Born Toronto, Canada, February 13, 1850. Educated at Upper Canada College; began business with wholesale grocery house in Toronto, ^ later be came interested with his father in contract for building the Southern Central R. R. of N. Y., now part of the Lehigh Valley System. 1886 organized, is president of The Cleveland Stone Co., President Springsteen Medicine Co., The Underwrit ers Land Co., vice president American Chicle Co., director Union National Bank, Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Ihe Chamberlain Cartridge & Target Co., The American Washboard Co., The Interurban Ry. & Terminal Co. of Cincinnati. Commodore Cleveland Yacht Club and member of the New York Yacht Club; a Knight Templar, 32nd degree Mason, member Union; Euclid and Roadside clubs. ' Edward Alford Merritt, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer Cleveland Stone Co. Born Marquette, Mich., Feb. 12, 186S. Graduated from Racine College, Racine, Wis., 1879. ' Secretary Iron Bay Mfg. Co., with his father Daniel H. Merritt, Mar quette, 1880-87. Came to Cleveland 1888. With Cleveland Stone Co., as auditor. 3ilected secretary and treasurer 1896 and still serving. Interested in a number of other corporations. Member Union, Euclid, Country, Roadside and Rowfant clubs. Polit ically a Republican and a member o.f the First Church of Christ Scientist. A. FCHJ.ER HERBERT C. BOURNE H. A. Fuller, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer Union Roll ing Mill Co. Born Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864. Educated in pub- lie schools and Western Reserve College. With Condit, Fuller & Co., wholesale iron, 1883-88. Then with Union Rolling Mill Co. as assistant treasurer and assistant general manager until 1891. Then elected secretary, treasurer and director, still serving. Vice president Bourne-Fuller Co. Director Central National Bank and Sheriff Street Market & Storage Co. Interested in a number of other corporations. Member Union, Country, Euclid, Colonial clubs, and the Presbyterian church. Politically a Re publican. Herbert C. Bourne, Cleveland. Treasurer of the Bourne-Fuller Co. Born Hyannis, Mass., Dec. 16, 1863. Came to Cleveland in early youth and educated in the public schools and Central High school. Graduated from Harvard University in 1887, degree of A. B. Started with Condit-FuUer Co. in 1887. Elected secretary in 1892, sales manager Bassett, Presley & Train 1893-95. Upon the incorporation of the Bourne-Fuller Co, in 1896 was elected Secretary, served until 1900, when he was elected treasurer. Member Union, Euclid and University clubs. Trustee Unity church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 109 MANUFACTURERS JOHN A. KLING John A. Kling, Cleveland. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Cleveland Builders' Supply Co. Born Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 30, 1864. Edu cated in the schools of Pittsburg. In the oil and gas business, firm of Davis & Kling, 1886-89. Then in the builders' supply business at Pittsburg, 1889-90. Came to Cleveland in 1891 and organized The East End Supply Co., and in 1897 consolidated with Clements Bros., The Wood-Hanna Co. and Wood Bros. Elected Gen. Mgr. and in 1900 Pres., still serving. Vice Pres. Reserve Trust Co., Bulger Coal Co. Pres. Darlington Brick & Mining Co. Dir. Ohio Mutual Savings & Loan Co. and in terested in other corporations. 33nd degree K. T. Mason, Mystic Shrmer. Member Clifton Park Club. Politically Republican and merober Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM H. HUNT William H. Hunt, Cleveland. Gen. Mgr. Cleveland Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Born Trumbull County, Ohio, Jan. SO, 1868. Educated public schools. Started with the First National Bank of Akron, O., 1881-91 (was teller when he resigned). Organized the present company 1S94. Elected Manager, still serving. President Cleveland Builders' Exchange 1901-04. Vice President Civic Federation of Cleveland. President National Brick Manu facturers' Association of America, 1901, and still a director and member _ of the executive council. Interested in a number of corporations. Member Union and Euclid Clubs and board of directors Chamber of Commerce 1901-03. Politically a Repub lican, and a member of the Episcopal Church. HENRY T. LATTY SAMUEL D. LATTY Henry T. Latty, Cleveland. Vice Pres. and Gen. Supt. Kirk- Latty Co. Born Boston, Mass., Aug. 18, 1857. Educated in' public schools. Began career in the tack business with A. Fields & Son, Taunton, Mass., 1875-85. Organized various plants throughout the country. TTien came to Cleveland as Supt. Tack Dept., National Screw & Tack Co., 1885-95. One of the organ izers of Kirk, Latty & Latty in 1895, company incorporated in 1898 and elected Vice Pres. and Supt. Still serving. Proprietor Globe Shoe & Shank Co. Interested in other corporations. 33nd degree Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member Century Club. Politi cally a Republican. Samuel D. Latty, Cleveland. Sec. and Gen. Mgr. Kirk-Latty Mfg. Co. Born Boston, Mass., Sept. 13, 1864. Educated in the public schools. Began career in the tack business with A. Fields & Son, Taunton, Mass., 1881-83. Then in charge of Parker Carriage Goods Co., Tack Dept., Cincinnati, O., 1883-85. Came to Cleveland and with the W. Bingham Co. 1885-87. Took charge of the Sales Dept., National Screw & Tack Co. 1887-95. Was one of the organizers of Kirk-Latty Mfg. Co. and upon incorporation of the Kirk-Latty Mfg. Co. elected Sec. and Gen. Mgr.. Still serving. Pres. Buckeye Box Co. and interested in other corporations. Member Chamber of Commerce^ and Century, Euclid and Bedford Glens Country Clubs. Politically a Re publican. 110 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS MARTIN SNIDER GEORGE BARTOL Martin Snider, Cleveland. President The Interstate Cooperage Co. Born Dayton, O., Aug. 16, 18i6. Educated public schools. Started in the cooperage business at Dayton, O., with his father, A. Snider, 1866. Came to Cleveland 1871, and continued the business until ]878. Then with the Standard Oil Co. as manager of the cooperage department. Elected President of the Inter state Cooperage Co. 1904, still serving. President Snider-Hughes Co., Guarantee Title & Trust Co., Treasurer Riverside Cemetery Ass'n., Director Cleveland Trust Co. Interested in a number of othtr corporations. Member Union, Euclid and Roadside Clubs, and Ohio Society of N. Y. Politically a Republican. George Bartol, Cleveland. General manager The Otis Steel Company, Limited. Born Lancaster, Mass., May 16, 1857. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1877 with the degree of B. S. Began career with The Otis Steel Co. in 1879 as chemist. Elected general manager in 1S9S, still serving. President Colonial Realty Co., Warner Realty Co. Director First National Bank and interested in other corporations. Member Union, University and Civil Engineers clubs. Politically a Republican. JAMES H. \'AN DORX James H. Van Dorn, Cleveland. President The Van Dorn Iron Works Co. Born Medina County, Ohio, Dec. 4, 184:i Raised on a farm at Columbia, Lorain County, Ohio. Appren ticed to the blacksmith trade at age of eighteen years. Engaged in blacksmith work at the forge for ten years for Aultman, Miller & Co., Akron, O. Is President of the Van Dorn Iron Works Co., manufacturers of structural and house iron work. This company has been established thirty years in present loca tion. President The Van Dorn & Dutton Co.. and The Van Dorn & Elliott Co. ANDREW S. UPSON Andrew S. Upson, Cleveland. President The Upson Nut Co. Born Burlington, Conn., June 16, 1835. Educated public schools, Burlington. Began career as traveling salesman. Formed firm of Upson & Dunham, Unionville, Conn., 1860. Mr. Dunham re tired 1865 and later firm was incorporated as The Upson. Nut Co. Business established in Cleveland 1871. Came to Clevela'nd 1889. President of company si-nce incorporation, President The Union Rolling Mill Co. Advisory Board, Citizens Savings & Trust Co. Director Market National Bank, The State Banking & I'rust Co. Western Reserve Insurance Co., Bankers Surety Co., McClean Arms & Ordnance Co. Member House of Representa tives, Connecticut, 1869-71. Senate, Connecticut, 1879-81. Mason and a Republican. Member Union and Colonial clubs and Trustee New England Society. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 111 MANUFACTURERS WILLIAM PRESCOTT FREDERICK WILLIAM SEARS William Prescoct, Cleveland, Local Manager The American Agricultural Chemical Co. Born Somersetsl.ire, England, March 1, 1850. Came to Cleveland in early youth. Educated oublic schools and Humiston's Institute. Vice President The Cleveland Dryer Co. from the incorporation of same in 1874-1899. Upon the formation of present company, elected a director and local manager. President The Brooklyn Savings & Loan Associa tion. Mayor Brooklyn Village four years. Member Board of Education three years. Member Cleveland Cit}^ Council 1895-96. Member Century and Masonic clubs. SSnd degree K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. Frederick William Sears, Cleveland. Local Treasurer Ameri can Agricultural Chemical Co. Born Brooklyn, (now Cleveland) O.. Dec. 37, 1863. Educated in the public schools. With Bene dict & Co. Then with Cleveland Dryer Co. Elected Secretary and treasurer in 1901. Upon formation of present company was appointed -¦local treasurer, still serving. President Wood, Paint & Glass Co. 32nd Degree K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Mem ber Colonial, Century and Dover Bay Country Clubs. Politically a Republican. JOHN BECKER John Becker. Cleveland. Heating engineer. Born Cleveland, O., June 22, 1857. Educated in common schools of Cleveland. Associated with Worswick Mfg. Co. ten years. Became iden tified with Chafer & Becker Co. in 1882. Vice President and treasurer Chafer & Becker Co. Director Woodland Avenue Sav ings & Trust Co., Franke Steel Range Co.. President Kaufman Typewriter Co. Member Cleveland City Lodge Webb Chapter, Lake Erie Consistory, Scottish Rite Masons, Knight Templar, Oriental Comm-andery, Al Koran Mystic Shriners, Knights of Pythias, Builders' Exchange, Chamber of Commerce, and Ger man-American Social club. Politically a Republican. JOI-IN EDMONDSON CHAFER John Edmoiidson Chafer, Cleveland. President Chafer & Becker Co. Born Lawrence, Mass., April 17, 1844. Educated in the common schools of England. Apprenticed as machinist andj en gineer in England at the age of fourteen years. Came to Amer ica in 1870 and entered the pipe fitting business in Buffalo, N. Y, Came to Cleveland in 1872, worked for the Cleveland City Water Works as first assistant engineer, moved the Corliss engines from the Division street pumping station to Fairmount street station. Organized Chafer, Buck & Doughty Co. 1878. Chafer & Becker, reorganized April 1, 1905. Pres. Western Realty Co. Dir. Rating & Collecting Co. Mem. Bigelow Lodge, No. 243, F. & A M.; Erie Lodge, No. 27, L O. O. F.; Royal Arcanum : Uhamber of Commerce; Builders' Exchanjie. and Electric eluh. 112 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS HARVEY E. HACKENBERG CHARLES T. RICHMOND Harvey E- Hackenberg, Cleveland. Treasurer. National Carbon Co. Born Northumberland, Pa., March 8, 1864. Educated in public schools. Came to Cleveland in 1881 and with T'uttle-Mas- ters & Co., iron ore, until 1883. With Masters & Co. 1883-84. The Boulton Carbon Co. 1884-86. Name of company changed to National Carbon Co., and with same until 1888. Secretary Na tional Carbon Co. 1888-99. In 1899 elected to present position. One of the organizers of the Lakewood Savings I &. Banking Co. Elected president and served until 1905, when same, was. sold to Cleveland Trust Co. Director First National ^B^nk. President Iroquois PortlaTid Cement Co. Secretary- Dow-' Chemical Co. Interested in other corporations. Member. Union, and Century clubs. Politically a Republican. Charles T. Richmond, Cleveland. Superintendent National Carbon Co. Born Johnsonville, N. Y., June 13, 1856. Educated Graylock Institute and graduated from Yale University 1878, degree Ph. B. with -Burleigh & Co., Mineville, N. Y.. 1879-83. Then Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, lOtn Dist., Mass. until 3 884. Organized the Richmond Carbon Co., North Adams, Mass, 1884. Sold to Thompson-Houston Electric Co. in 1888, and was with them until 1893 as President and Manager Thompson-Hous ton Carbon Co., Fremont, O. After consolidation with the Na tional Carbon Co. came to Cleveland and accepted present posi tion. Treasurer Iroquois Portland Cement, Co. and interested in other corporations. Member Century and Associated Tech. clubs. Politically a Republican. WILLIAM FULLER William Fuller, Cleveland. General Manager and Treasurer The Cleveland Elevator Bucket Co. Born Paris, Oxford County, Maine, Feb. 9, 1833. Educated in the common schools. Went to Portland, Me., in 1852 and began career in locomotive en gineering. In 1866 was promoted to Superintendent of Motive Power and designing, building and operating locomotives. Went to Colorado in 1886 and became Superintendent of Machinery for the Colorado & Midland R. R. Came to Cleveland in 1883 as agent of the English Trustees of the N. Y. P. & O. R. R., which was under lease to the Erie R. R. until 1894. In 1898 became Gen. Mgr. and Treasurer- of the present company. F. W. BRUCH F. W. Bruch, Cleveland. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. After leaving school learned the machinist trade. Started the Acme Machinery Co. in 1880, of which he- is now president. Also president of the Kraus Furniture Co. and director of The Cleveland Machinery Co. and The State Bank ing & Trust Co. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 11.3 MANUFACTURERS F. H. GI,IDDEN F. H. Glidden, Cleveland. President Glidden Varnish Co. Born New Castle, Maine, May, 1833. Educated in the common schools and academy of his native village. Came to Cleveland in 1863 and has since been closely identified with the varnish business. In 1875, in company with Levi C. Brackett, established the nucleus of the present plant, under firm name of Glidden, Brackett & Co. In 1883 incorporated as the Glidden & Joy Varnish Co., and after retirement of Wm. F. Joy, name changed to the Glidden Varnish Co. FREDERICK A. GLIDDEN Frederick A. Glidden, Cleveland, O. Vice president of the Glidden Varnish Company. Born Mobile, Ala. January 38, 1863. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Represented Ihe Glidden Varnish Company in 1883 in their southwestern territory, with headquarters in Cincinnati. Married Miss Julia Hayes, daughter of Mr. Thomas Hayes, in Indianapolis, January 33, 1889. Returned to Cleveland in 1893 to take charge of sales department in above company, and in 1898 originated their famous specialty "JAP-A-EAC." Member Union, Euclid and Century clubs. Politically a Republican. WILLIAM J. GLIDDEN William J. Glidden, Cleveland. Treasurer the Glidden Var nish Co. Born New Castle, Me., Sept. 4, 1866. Educated in the public and parochial schools of Cleveland. Started with the Glidden Varnish Co. in 1890 in the factory, and in 1895 was appointed assistant superintendent. In 1898 appointed assistant secretary, and in 1900 elected treasurer, which position he now holds. Member Century club. Member Cleveland Grays since 1888. Member Knights of Columbus. FRANCIS K. GLIDDEN Francis K. Glidden, Cleveland. Secretary The Glidden Var nish Co. Born New Castle, Me., Aug. 34, 1855. Educated in Cleveland public schools and Central high school. Began as bookkeeper with the Union Steel Screw Co., of Cleveland, 1874. Left there in 1879 to engage in the varnish business with the firm of Glidden & Joy. Helped to organize The Glidden Var nish Co. in 1883, and has been secretary of same since that time. Member of the Union and Euclid clubs. Politically a Republican. 114 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHE-RN OHIO MANUFACTURERS THEODORE M. WARNER Theodore M. Warner, Cleveland. Vice president The Atlas Bolt & Screw Co. Born Cleveland, 0., Feb. 10, 1844.^ Educated in the public schools. Engaged in the Crockery business 1858- 1863. Enlisted in Co. E- S4th Ohio 1863. With Quarter masters Department. Department of the Gulf 1863-64. Then with Geo. Sprague & Co. 1864-69. Formed firm of Lowrey & Warner 1873-75. Then with The Society for Savings, and now Chief Accountant for same. Elected Vice president Atlas Bolt & Screw Co., 1896, and still serving. Member K. of P., Royal Arcanum and National Union. Politically a Republican and a member of the Episcopal church. CHARLES R. HARBAUGH Charles R. Harbaugh, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Atlas Bolt & Screw Co. and proprietor The Atlas Car & Mfg. Co. Born Cleveland, O., Aug. 17, 1874. Educated in public schools and Brooks Military Academy.- With The A. G. Har baugh Co. until 1896, when he came to the present company. Elected secretary and treasurer 1900 and still serving. Elected secretary and treasurer The A. G. Harbaugh Co. 1897, still serv ing. Secretary and treasurer The Grant Automatic Machine Co Interested in other companies. Member of the Colonial club. SAMSON D. WRIGHT Samson D. Wright, Cleveland. Manager Atlas Car & Manu facturing Co. Born Ballyshannon, Ireland, July, 1866. Edu cated in schools abroad and public schools of Cleveland. Presi dent Atlas Engineering Co. Director of the Atlas Bolt & Screw Co. Formerly president of the Arctic Ice Machine Co. Interested in various Industrial, Railroad and Mining enterprises. Has invented and patented a number of useful and labor saving devices used in manufacturing and railroad work. Politically a Republican. J. F. HARRISON J. F. Harrison, Cleveland. Manager of The Atlas Bolt & Screw Co. Born al Springfield, 0., April 7, 1859. Educated in the public schools.. Mechanical Engineer by profession. Has served in various responsible positions, in machinery designing and construction. During 1889 located in Cleveland. In 1896 organized The Atlas Bolt & Screw Co., is a Director and Manager of this company. Also a Director -and interested in other companies. Politically a. Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 115 MANUFACTURERS HARVEY A. BIGGINS. Harvev A. Higgins, Cleveland. General Manager and Direc tor of The Standard Tool Company. Born near Chicago, 111., May 3, 1866. Educated in the public schools. Came to Cleveland in 1900. Formerly engaged in the wire business with the Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Co. Later with the American Steel & Wire Co., at Chicago. Member Union, Cen tury and Colonial Clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Reoublican. JOHN H. O'BRIEN John H. O'Brien, Cleveland. Secretary and general manager Cleveland Co-operative Stove Co. Born Wellington, Ohio, April 21, 1865. Educated in the public schools of Wellington, Ohio. Be gan career in the shipping department with the above company in 1881. and has been with them since that time, rising to the present position. Member Knights of Columbus, Cleveland Council. FREDERICK W. SMIES Frederick W. Smies, Cleveland. Secretary The Billings-Chapin Co. Born Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 1, 1861. Came to Cleveland in early youth and educated in the public schools. Appointed cadet U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., 1877, graduated in ]881. Served in the South and North Pacific Squadron 1881-83, and after passing examination for promotion in 1883 was honor ably discharged by special act of Congress. With the National Flour Mills Co. 188'3-88. Avery Stamping Co. 1888-90. Since then with the present firm. Elected Secretary in 1900. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican and a member of the EpiscopaL church. ALBERT J. WEATHERHEAD Albert J. Weatherhead, Cleveland. Vice President of the Cleveland Faucet Co. Born Cleveland, Jan. 19, 1859. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Was the founder of the Cleveland Faucet Co. in 1883 and has taken an active interest in the company since that time. Connected with and interested in several successful companies in Cleveland. Republican in politics. 116 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS JOHN R. BLAKESLEE GEORGE S. WARD John R. Blakeslee, Cleveland. Born Winsted, Conn., Sept. 22, 1843. Educated in public schools of Connecticut. Served m 19th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, until the close of the war. Learned trade of machinist and nut and bolt maker. Came West in 1868, setting up machines. With The Lamson & Sessions Co., 1870-73. Started to make machines on his own patents, 1872. Organized the Ajax Man ufacturing Co. 1896, of which he was president and treasurer. Later organized the following and is president and treasurer of them at this time: The Blakeslee Foundry Co., The Blakeslee Forging Co. and The Electric Auto Co, Interested in many other successful enterprises and a very heavy real estate owner. Mayor of Glenville 1903-03. Member of Roadside Club, Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., and Cleveland Chapter. George S. Ward, President The Ohio Baking Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Born in Allegheny City, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868. Educated in public schools and Duff's Business College, Pittsburg, Pa. Suc ceeded his father, Hugh Ward, in the bread business, 1885-90. Engaged in partnership with his brother, Robert B. Ward, trad ing as R. B. Ward & Co., .bread business, until 1897, then or ganized Ward-Mackey Co., Vice Pres. and Gen'l Mgr. Vice Pres. of Ward-Corby Co., Bakeries in Chicago, St. Paul, Provi dence and Boston. Pres. The Franklin Savings & Trust Co. Dir. Bair & Gazzam Co., Mfg. Machinists, Pittsburg, Pa. Bair Co., yeast manufacturers, Washington, D. C. K. T. 32 Heg. Mason, Shriner. Mem. Duquesne and Monongahela Clubs and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and the Union Club. WM. S. GORTON O. N. McCLINTOCK Wm. S. Gorton, Cleveland. General manager The Standard Welding Co. Born Waterford, Conn., Feb. 12, 1859. Educated in the common schools of New London, Conn. Learned the trade of machinist. Served four years in the Marine Depart ment of the United States Coast Survey. Then assistant engi neer on cable railroad construction. Traveling man and mechan ical and electrical expert for the Thomsen Electric Welding Co. of Lynn, Mass. Manager Standard Tool Co. 1897-99. Wifh -the Standard Welding Co. since it was organized July 1, 1899. Member of the Union club. O. N. McClintock, Cleveland. President and general man ager The Bellamy Vestlctte Mfg. Co. Born Solon, , Cuyahoga county, O., Oct. 6, 1842. Educated at Chagrin Falls, O., and Bainbridge district schools. Enlisted in the Buckeye Rifle Guards, Cleveland, April, 1861, for three months. Afterwards in the 42nd O. V. I. for three years. Was discharged for dis ability in 1863. Has since been a salesman and insurance agent. Organized The Bellamy Vestlette Mfg. Co. in 1902, and is now at the head of the company. Interested in several other corpo rations. Member G. A, R., I. O. O. F. and Masons. Politically Independent. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS 117 WILLIAM GREIF William Greif, Cleveland, O. President the Greif Bros. Co Born Cleveland, August 16, 1855. Educated in the public schools. President the Fanner Mfg. Co., California Red Wood Lumber Co., The Knergine Co., Detroit Ga? Light & CoVe Co., vice president Cleveland and Arizona Mining Co.. The Beckman Co., The Star Drilling Machine Co., Akron, The Ohio Floral Co., The Brunk Machine & Forging Co., Lorain. Director Indiana Cooperage Co., Indianapolis Buckeye Fish Co., Ohio Savings & Loan Co., Forest City Savings and Trust Co., United Banking and Savings Co., Dime Savings & Bank Co., Stark Electric Rail way Co., Northern Ohio Blanket Mills Co., Edson Reduction and Machinery Co. Interested in other corporations. JOSEPH I-L CHAMP Joesph H. Champ, Cleveland. Vice President and Gen, Mgr. The Bishop & Babcock Co. Born Cleveland, O., Oct. 1, 1857. Educated in the public schools. Learned the plumbing trade and followed same 1873-83. Then with Bishop & Babcock, Then became a member of the company and was elected to present position in 1395. President The Julier Baking Co. 1902. Presi dent Board of Trustees St, Clair Hospital. Organized Cleveland Savings Bank Co. and President one year, then sold out, Dir. Standard Welding Co. and interested in a number of corpora tions. K. T'. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member Century, Colo nial and Euclid Clubs. Rushmere Club, St. Clair Flats. Politi cally a Republican. HENRY H. HODELL Henry H. Hodell, Cleveland. President and General Manager The Cleveland Galvanizing Works Co. Born, France, May 28, 1849. Vice President The Van Dorn Dutton Co. Director Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co. Equity Savings & Loan. Also a director in several prominent manufacturing concerns. 33nd degree Mason, Scottish Rite and Mystic Shriner. N. I. DRYFOOS N. I. Dryfoos, Cleveland. President The National Woolen Co. Born Fremont, O., Oct. 11, 1860. Educated in the common schools and Spencerian Business College. Member firm of Dry foos Bros., Fremont, 1881-85. Came to Cleveland in 1885 and organized the Malto Mfg. Co. and was president of same. In 1892 organized the Duplex Hanger Co., president of same. In 1895 became president of F. Mulhauser Co., woolen manufac turers. In 1896 was one of the builders of Milwaukee, Racine & Kenoshia Ry. In 1900 organized the Wolf Envelope Co., vice president and treasurer of same. In 1902 organized tiie National Woolen Co., and the Springfield-Zenia Telephone Co., president of this company. Director United Banking & Savings Co. and American Mine Door Co. Member of City Hall Commission. 118 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS THEODOR KUNDTZ Theodor Kundtz, Cleveland. Manufacturer of sewing machine cabinets. Born Unter Nietz Enseifen, Hungary. July 1, 1852. Educated in public schools of native town. Has been engaged in cabinet making all his life. In Cleveland thirty-three years. With the Cleveland Cabinet Co. 1875-78. Since 1878 has been alone, manufacturing sewing machine furniture and automobile bodies. Operates two saw mills. Vice president Forest City Bank and the United Banking & Savings Co. President Edge- water Bathing Beach Co., Detroit Street Investment Co. Mem ber Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. Member St, Rose church. SAMUEL F- HASEROT Samuel F, Hascrot, Cleveland, President The Haserot Can neries Co. Born Cleveland, O., June 13, 1857. Educated In Cleveland public and high schools. Was engaged as clerk, book keeper and salesman 1875 to 1885. Member firm W. J. Hayes & Co. 1885-1888. Member firm S. F. & F, H. Haserot & Co. 1S8S- 1894. President Haserot Co. 1894-1903. President The Haserot Canneries since 1893. Served as president Prudential Trust Co. and member Executive Committee trust company section Amer ican Bankers' Association. Term as president Ohio Wholesale Grocers' Association. Term as vice president Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Director in various enterprises. Trustee National Association of Canners, Cleveland Humane Society, and Com^ mercial Travelers tlospital Fund Association. Politically a Re publican. N. C. COTABISH N. C. Cotabish, Cleveland. Sales manager The National Car bon Co. Born Cleveland, O., Nov, 5, 1867, Educated in the common schools. Engaged as laborer in Otis Steel Co., 1882-83. With the Tyler Wire Works, 1883-1885. With the Variety Iron Works Co. as stenographer 1885-1886. In 1886 stenographer with the Otis Steel Co. With the Standard Carbon Co as chief clerk 1887-1890, Since 1890 has occupied present position of sales manager National Carbon Co, Director National Carbon Co., Iroquois Portland Cement Co. Stockholder Dow Chemical Co. Also interested in Lakewood real estate. Councilman at Lakewood, Member Lakewood Yacht club. Politically a Republican. SYLVESTER S. WEST Sylvester S. West, Cleveland. Vice president The Abrier Royce Co., Manufacturing Chemists. Born Leavittsyille, Ohio, July 5, 1840, Educated m LeesviUe common and high schools. Graduated from Baldwin University degrees of Ph. G. and M. B. In the drug business 1865-85, One _ of incorporators of Ohio State Pharmaceutical Association, being President 1884. One of the founders of The Bruce & West Manufacturing Co. In 1901 took charge of Manufacturing Department The Abner Royce Co. 1861 enlisted in 80th O. V. I„ retiring as First Lieutenant 1864. Past Master Forest' City Lodge No. 388 F. & A. M. Member Webb Chapter No. 14, Cleveland Council No, 36, Past Commander Oriental Commandery No, 12 K. T- Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite and Al Koran Temple, Politi cally a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 119 MANUFACTURERS THOMAS H. BROOKS Thomas H. Brooks, Cleveland. T. H. Brooks & Co. Born in Indiana, Oct. 10, 1846. Came to Cleveland in early childhood. Attended the public schools. Graduated from Williams College in 1870, degree of A. B. Started T. H. Brooks, foundry and structural iron business in 1875. Formed firm of T. H. Brooks & Co. in 1890. One of the organizers of the East End Banking & Trust Co. in 1890, president for a number of years. Director The Qeveland Trust Co. Member Adv. Council Guardian Trust Co. Interested in other corporations. Member Union, Univer sity, Country and Euclid clubs. Politically a Republican. Trus tee Second Presbyterian church. THOMAS WINSTON BURNHAM Thomas Winston Burnham, Cleveland. Manufacturer and banker. Born Cleveland, O., January 22, 1844. Educated in the public schools and a graduate of Union University, Schenec tady, N. Y., class of 1864, degree of A. B. Proprietor of Erie Grain Elevators, 1865 to 1875, and of Star Elevator & Mills until incorporation of same in 1899 as the Star Elevator Co., when he became president. Vice president National City Bank. Director Cleveland Burial Case Co. Director and member of Executive Committee Citizens Savings & Trust Co. President Union club 1899-1900. Member Union, Country, EucHd and University clubs. Politically a Republican and member of the Episcopal Church. EDWARD YOUNG MOORE FRANK W. HUBBY Edward Young Moore, Cleveland. Vice president The Chis holm & Moore Mfg. Co. Born Bowery Bay, Long Island, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1847. Educated at Flushing Institute, Flushing, N. Y. Member of firm of S. H. Moore & Son, New York, 1868- 1872; S. H. & E. Y. Moore, Chicago, 1873-1888. President Moore Mfg. & Foundry Co., Milwaukee, Wis., 1888-1896. Vice President The Chisholm & Moore Mfg. Co. since 1897. Member of the Union and Euclid clubs and Cleveland Chamber of Com merce. Frank W. Hubby, Ojai Valley, California. Born in Cleveland, Dec. 23, 1841. Educated Cleveland grammar and high schools and Kenyon College, graduating at latter with "philosophical" honor. Treasurer Jamestown & Franklin R. R. Co. and Gen. Accountant Mercer Iron & Coal Co., 1865-1866. Then engaged in manufacture of axes and edge tools as treasurer and manager of Powel Tool Co., from its founding till it was merged with the American Axe & Tool Co. Still retains interests in various manufacturing enterprises of Cleveland and elsewhere. Joined with "Squirrel Hunters" Campaign in defense of Capitol at Washington. Member of Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa fraternities,, the Winon's Point Shooting club and other clubs, and member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Republican for many years; now independent. 120 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS GEORGE P. COMEY George P, Comey, Cleveland. The Comey & Johnson Co., Manufacturers of straw goods and hats. Born Brooklyn, N. Y. April 21, 185S. Educated in the common schools and Poly technic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. Engaged in the manufacture of ladies' straw and felt hats in Cleveland since 1880. With Pettee & Co. for five years. In 1885 formed the firm of Comey & Johnson. Director of the First National Bank. Member the Euclid club and the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. A L. JOHNSON A. L- Johnson, Cleveland. Comey & Johnson. Born Grafton, Mass., Aug. 20, 1858. Educated in the public schools of Massa chusetts. Engaged in the hat business at Upton, Mass. In 1883 went to Boston and in 1884 came to Cleveland as super intendent of the J. G. Pettee Co. In 1885 formed the firm of Comey & Johnson. Killed at Mentor, 0., June 21, 1905, in the wreck of the 20th Century Limited. HARRY C. GAMMETER Harry C. Gammeter, Cleveland. Mechanical expert American MuUigraph Co. Bora Akron, O., Feb. 27, 1870. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Buchtel College 1893, degree of A. B, Graduated from Case School of Applied Science. With Shoemaker & Gammeter, teas and coffees, 1887-1890. Mechanical engineer and draftsman American Car & Foundry Co. 1896-98. Then with United Typewriter Supplies Co. 1898- 1901. Inventor of The Gammeter MuUigraph. One of the organizers of the American MuUigraph Co. in 1903; was elected factory manager. Member Civil Engineers' club. Politically a Republican and. member of the Episcopal church. HENRY ClilSI-IOLM OSBORN Henry Chisholm Osborn, Cleveland. President The American MuUigraph Co. Born Cleveland, O,, May 10, 1879. Educated in public schools. University School and Case School of Applied Science. Organized The American MuUigraph Co. in 1902, and was elected president. Interested in other corporations. Mem ber Union, Hermit, and East End Tennis clubs, and Chamber of Commerce. Politically u Republican, and a member of the Bap tist church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 121 MANUFACTURERS CLARENCE A. DIELHENN Clarence A. Dielhenn, Cleveland. President The C. A. Diel- henn Co., power machinery dealers and contractors. Born Mas sillon, O., July 13, 1878. Educated in Massillon public and Cleveland private schools. Began career with The Russell En gine Co., Massillon. Came to Cleveland 1897 and in short time became manager Cleveland branch Medart Patent Pulley Co., which position he still holds. Vice president The Dielhenn Mfg. Co., Massillon. President the Cleveland Ad club. Vice presi dent the Singers' club. Member the Hermit and Country clubs. COL. JOHN W. GIBBONS Col. John W. Gibbons, Cleveland. Manager The Springsteen Medicine Co. Born Cleveland, O., June 9, 1844. Educated Cleveland public schools. Engaged in the wholesale grain busi ness twenty-five years. Is a soldier of the War of The Rebel lion. Past Colonel Sth Regiment, 0. N. G. Ex-president Officers' Association, O. N. G. Vice president 150th Regiment, Ohio Veterans' Association. Ex-vice president Cleveland Cham ber of Commerce. One of the Guards of Honor, President Lin coln's obsequies. Commanded Sth Regiment Infantry, dedication of President Garfield's tomb. Marshal Cleveland Chamber of Commerce members at burial of President McKinley. Ex-Direc tor of Police. Past Commander, Oriental Commandery, K. T. JOHN E. MANNEN John E. Mannen, Cleveland. The Mannen & Esterly Co., sheet metal manufacturers. Born Cleveland, O., June 7, 1862. Educated in the common schools. Engaged as an apprentice in the sheet metal manufacturing works from 1876 until 1891. Then engaged in sheet metal manufacturing business alone until 1901, when he entered partnership with W. M. Esterly, firm of Man nen & Esterly. Incorporated in December, 1904 as Tlie Mannen & Esterly Co. WILLIS M. ESTERLY Willis M. Esterly, Cleveland. The Mannen & Easterly Co., sheet and metal goods manufacturers. Born New Springfield, O., Jan. 10, 1867. Educated in the common schools and Nor mal school at Canfield, O. Engaged as a teacher in the public schools 1883 to 1888. Came to Cleveland in 188S and entered the Spencerian Business College for one term. Entered the employ of Myers & Osborn Co. as bookkeeper. Later with the J. M. & L. A. Osborn Co. Engaged in the manufacture of sheet metal goods with J, E. Mannen, on Sept. 1, 1901, firm of Mannen & Esterly. Incorporated in 1904 as the Mannen & Es,:erly Co. 122 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS GEORGK D. S1I1-;HI- George D. Sheer, Cleveland, O. Born Sept. 9, 1864. His parents came to United States when he was only two years old and settled in Lorain County. Attended the public schools of Olmstead Falls, O. In 1890 he came to Cleveland and engaged in the manufacture of iron and wire work at his present loca tion, 1812 Pearl St. For many years he was publisher of the Cuyahoga News and at present is a stock holder; is also inter ested in oil wells at Spencerville. Mr. Sheer is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Builders' Exchange. Politically a Republican. ANDREW DUTY Andrew Duty, Cleveland. Duty & Co., brick manufacturers. Born East Cleveland, O., Oct. 31, 1862. Educated in the public schools. Started to learn brick manufacturing with his father, A. W. Duty, in 1868. This firm, A. W. Duty & Co., were the pioneei brick makers in Cleveland, having started the business in 1834. Purchased an interest in A. W. Duty & Co. in 1882. His father died in 1885, and he continued the business with his brother Daniel until 1900, when he bought out his interest and continued the business as at present. GEORGE F. THESMACHER George F. Thesmacher, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer of the Ricster & Thesmacher Co., Sheet Metal Manufacturers. Born Oldenburg, Germany, Sept. 22, 1873. Educated in the Dublic schools of native town. In 1888 engaged as an ap prentice in Sheet Metal Work, Cleveland. In 1900 established firm of Riester & Thesmacher, and in 1904 present firm was in corporated. Member of Executive Board of Building Trades Employers. Past Commander Order of Maccabees. AUGUST E. RIESTER August E. Riester, Cleveland. President of The Riester & Thesmacher Co. Born August 29, 1873, Cleveland, 0. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. In lS85 engaged as an ap- orentice in sheet metal work in Cleveland. Established the firm of Riester & Thesmacher in 1900, and in 1904 same was incor porated as The Riester & Thesmacher Co. Member of the Builders' Exchange. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 123 MANUFACTURERS WILLARD GRANT ABORN Willard Grant Aborn, Cleveland. General Mgr. The J. C. Pearson Co., of Boston. Born Wakefield, Mass., Sept. 23, 1870. Educated in Wakefield public schools and Monson Academy, Monson, Mass., and graduated from Dartmouth College, 1893, Deg. A. B. and Deg. A. M., 1895. Civil engineer with Percy M. Blake, Boston, 1893-95. Then with J. C. Pearson Co. in various positions until 1900, when he came to Cleveland in present posi tion. Pres. Single Stave Barrel Co. Pres. Grant Nail & Supply Co., Boston; Pres. Lake Erie Nail & Supply Co., Cleveland; Pres. Clifton Nail & Supply Co., St. Louis; Vice pres. Western Reserve Audit. Co.; Director Marshall Mfg. Co., Boston. K. T. Mason and member of the Chamber of Commerce, Century club, and Automobile club, Cleveland, Missouri Athletic club, St. Louis. DA\-ID T. CROXTO.N David T. Croxton, Cleveland. President Cleveland Furnace Co. Born Canal Dover, O., Feb. 17, 1873. Educated in the schools of Cleveland and Case School of Applied Science. Re ceived degree of Engineer of Mines in 1900. Chemist of Penn. Iron & Coal Co., Canal Dover, in 1896. Supt. to 1902. Assisted in the organization and directed construction of the Cleveland Furnace Co. in 1902 and remained as general manager until May 2, 1906,- elected president. Is also director in the Mas sillon Iron & Steel Co. and The Penn, Iron & Coal Co. WILLIS E. BONESTEEL HOWARD P. EELLS Willis E. Bonesteel, secretary The Worden Tool Co. Born Northampton, Summit county, O., Oct. 7, 1862. Educated in public schools of Cleveland. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Century club. Knight Templar, 32nd degree Mason, Mystic Shrine, and Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo. Howard P. Eells, Cleveland. Manufacturer. Born Cleveland. O., June 16, 1855. Graduated from Hamilton College, degree of A. B., 1876, Harvard in 1877. President The Bucyrus Co., of South Milwaukee, Wis., manufacturers of excavating machinery. The Atchison & Eastern Bridge Co., of Atchison, Kas. , The New Castle Coal & Mineral Land Co., Colorado, and The Chicago Drop Forge & Foundry Co., Kensington, Ills. Director Superior Savings & Trust Co., Cleveland. Director United Oil Co., Den ver, Col. Trustee and treasurer University School, Cleveland; Cleveland Protestant Orphan Asylum, and Cleveland Humane Society. Member of the Union, University, Rowfant, Roadside and Country clubs, Cleveland, University and Alpha Delta Phi clubs. New York. Milwaukee club, Milwaukee. 124 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS C. H. MILLER C. H. Miller, Cleveland. President and general manager The Champion Steel Range Co. Born Cleveland, O., Jan. 23, 186C. Educated in the common schools. Engaged as a teamster in Independence township from 1873 to 1880. Engaged in farming 1880 to 1887. Traveling salesman for the Cleveland Chaplet Co. 1887-1893, Established the Champion Steel Range Co. in 1892. In 1903 was incorporated as The Champion Steel Range Co. and was elected president and general manager. Vice president The Home Savings & Banking Co. Member of the Masons and I. O. O. F. Politically a Republican. ALBERT W, HAWKINS Albert W. Hawkins, Cleveland, President of the Born Steel Range Co. Born Westernville, N. Y., September, 1848. Edu cated at Whitestown Seminary, N. Y. Was engaged in the bank ing business in Oneida county. New York State, for ten years. Since 1880 has been engaged in manufacturing in Cleveland. Has been president of The Born Steel Range Co, since 1894. FRANK C. CAINE Frank C. Caine, Cleveland. President and treasurer The National Concrete Fireproofing Co. Born Cleveland, 0., June 15, 1863. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. With the Geo. Worthington Hardware Co. for ten years, and later with the Standard Steel Range Co. of Cleveland. Organized The National Concrete Fireproofing Co, in 1898, and was elected sec retary and treasurer. Is president and treasurer of Tlie National Concrete Fireproofing Co., to which office he was elected in 1902. Also president of The American Concrete Stone Co., and a direc tor of the Cuyahoga Concrete Stone Co. CURTIS PERRY GREEN Curtis Perry Green, Cleveland. Manager and treasurer of The Acme Woolen Mill Co. Born Cleveland, O., March 19, 1871. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Treasurer of the Acme Grease & Oil Manufacturing Co. Treasurer of the Na tional Adding Machine Co. An officer and interested in other Cleveland corporations. 32nd degree Mason, Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner. Member of I. O. O. F. Politically a Re publican. Member of the M. E- church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 125 MANUFACTURERS WILLIAM E. TELLING William E- Telling, Cleveland. President The Telling Bros. Co. Born South Euclid, O., Oct. 30, 1869. Educated in the public schools. Engaged in the milk business 1891-93. Then formed partnership with his brother at Lake View. Incorporated in 1895 as The Telling Bros. Ice Cream Co., and elected presi dent. Present firm was incorporated in 1905. Elected Presi dent, President Cable Trace Co. Director Righter Manufactur ing Co. Director Sandusky, Norwalk & Mansfield R. R, Co., and interested in other commercial enterprises. Member Cleve land, Automobile Club and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. JOHN E. ASHMAN John E. Ashman, Cleveland. Treasurer The Telling Bros. Co. Born Plartley, Ont, Aug. 23, 1869. Educated in the public and high schools of Ontario Canada. Came to Cleveland in 1885. With Heyse & Weisgerber, caterers, 1885-93, Then with the Pullman Co. 1893-95. Then with T'^ling Bros. Ice Cream Co. as Secretary and Manager the catering department. Elected Treasurer in 1903, and upon re-organization of the company in 1905 was again elected Treasurer and is still serving. Interested in other commercial enterprises. Politically a Republican and a member of the Episcopal Church. ALBERT F. GLEIM Albert F. Gleim, Cleveland. Vice president The Telling Bros. Co. Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 4, 1870. Educated in the public schools. Began career as proprietor The Aetna Bottling Works 1893 to 1895. Then became identified with The Telling Bros. Ice Cream Co., and upon incorporation of the company under the present name was elected vice president. Member Knights of Pythias, Politically a Republican. FRANKLYN BREED TABuR Franklyn Breed Tabor, Cleveland. Secretary The Telling Bros. Co. Born T'itusville, Pa., Feb. 23, 1868. Educated in the public schools of Painesville, O. Superintendent of the Paines ville Water Works Co., 1893-98. Upon purchase of the com pany by the city was elected Secretary, served until 1899, when he moved to Cleveland. Auditor The Telling Bros. Ice Cream Co., 1900-1903. Upon the reorganization of the company in 1904 elected Secretary and still serving. Secretary and treasurer Cable Trace Co., and interested in other business enterprises. Re publican in politics. 126 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS JOHN D. NICHOLS JAMES H. COOLIDGE, JR. John D. Nichols, Cleveland. Assistant general manager The Belle Vernon-Mapes Dairy Co. Born North Eaton, Lorain county, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1863. Began career in the dairy business in 1879. Moved to Garrettsville in 1883 and continued in the creamery and dairy business. Came to Cleveland in 1897 and was elected secretary of The Belle Vernon Farms Dairy Co., and upon the consolidation of the business in 1903 was elected to present position. Elected president Ohio State Dairyman's Association 1904. Re-elected in 1905, also 1906. Elected president Cottage Co., Jan. 1906. Director Wellington Dairy Co. North Eaton Creamery Co. Underbill Creamery Co. Telling Lros. Co. Broc Carriage & Wagon Co. Politically a Republican. Member I. O. O. F. James H. Coolidge, Jr., Cleveland. Vice president and general manager The Belle Vernon-Mapes Dairy Co. Born Quincy, 111., Oct. 14, 1866. Educated in public and private schools. Engaged as a farmer until 1897, when he came to Cleveland and was elected vice president and general manager The Belle Vernon Farms Dairy Co. Upon reorganization in 1903 as present firm was elected vice president and general manager. Vice president The Telling Bros. Co. Director Broc Carriage & Wagon Co. Inter ested in real estate. Member of the Masons. Member Century club and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican and member Baptist church. JOHN P. MAPES John P. Mapes, Cleveland. Secretary The Belle Vernon- Mapes Dairy Co. Born Orange, O., Jan. 15, 1859. Educated in the public schools and Austenbcrg Academy. Began career by teaching school during winter seasons and work on the farm in summer 1878-87. Formed partnership of Mapes Bros., dairymen, in 1890, and continued same until 1903, when same was con solidated under present name. Elected secretary and still serv ing. Director The Telling Bros, Co. and interested in real estate and farming lands. Member Masons. Politically a Re publican and member and trustee Baptist church. PERRY E. MAPES Perry E. Mapes, Cleveland. Treasurer The Belle Vernon- Mapes Co. Born Cuyahoga county, O., Aug. 4, 1857. Educated in the public schools and Grand River Institute. Engaged in farming until 1890, when he formed partnership with his brother as the Mapes Bros., dairy products. Consolidated with the Belle Vernon Farms Co. in 1903 under the present name. Elected treasurer and is still serving. Interested in farming and other enterprises. Director The Telling Bros. Co. Member of the Masons. Politically a Republican and a member of the Baptist church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 127 MANUFACTURERS TOHN H. SCHINDLER John H. Schindler, Cleveland. General manager The Telling Bros. Co. Born Tuscarawas County, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1866. Edu cated in the oublic schools. Came to Cleveland in 1888. Began career in the U. S. Mail Service 1891-1898. Then organized the Standard Ice Cream Co., being sole proprietor. Consolidated with the Telling Bros. Ice Cream Co. in 1901, and became secre tary of that company. Upon the re-organization of the company in 1905 was elected general manager. Interested in other enter prises. 'Member K.' of P. and C. T. "A. Politically a Republican. DAVID G. SliARP David G. Sharp, Cleveland. President The United Cooperage Co. Born Logan county, O., Dec. 25, 1856. Educated in the public schools. Engaged in the Lumber & Cooperage business. Began the manufacturing of Cooperage stock in 1880, Came to Cleveland June 1, 1904, from Hicksville, O., and organized the present company Nov. 17, 1904, This company is operating two factories in Defiance county, one in Auglaize county, one at Shelby and one at Wellington, O. Director Defiance City Bank, Defiance. O. Member of the Masons and Knight of Pythias, CHARLES F. PHILLIPS Charles- F. Phillips, Cleveland", O. Born Chagrin Falls, O., Sept. 2, 1849. Educated in common schools. Chagrin Falls High School and Hiram Normal, His early life was spent in agricultural pursuits. Came to Cleveland in 1904 and together with Mr. Lander organized and incorporated the Lander, Phillips Dairy Co., comprising seven branches. Elected Secretary and Vice President, Knight Templar, Mason and Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. HOWARD W. LANDER Howard W. Lander, Cleveland. President and treasurer of The Lander-Phillips Dairy Co. Born Orange township, Cuyahoga county, O., Feb. 8, 1867. Educated in the district schools and Chagrin Falls High School. Taught school from 1884 to 1885. Engaged in farming in Orange township 1885-1891. Milk dealer in Cleveland 1891 to the present time. President and treasurer The L. R. Dairymen's Supply Co. Member Knights of Pythias. Politically a Republican. 128 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS ORION P. FISHER PAUL J. BROWN Orion P. Fisher, Cleveland. President The Broc Carriage & Wagon Co. Born Ohioville, Pa., Nov. 4, 1867. Educated in public schools, Wellsville, O. Assistant storekeeper The Penn sylvania R. R. Co. at Wellsville, O., 1882-86. Then in the mas ter mechanic's ofiice until 1886. Tlien took a course at East Liverpool Business College. Came to ' Cleveland in 1888, and with the First National Bank ten years. Resigned when receiv ing teller. Elected secretary and treasurer Garfield Savings Bank 1898-1901. Upon incorporation of The Broc Carriage Co. in 1903 was elected president. President and treasurer Superior Mfg. Co. Member Royal League. Politically a . Republican. Member Christian Science church. Paul J. Brown, Cleveland. Vice president and general man ager The Broc Carriage and Wagon Co. Born' Zanesville, O., Nov. 10, 1864. Educated in the public schools. Started with the Jacob Smith Carriage & Wagon Co., 1875-79. Then went to Pittsburgh, and with various carriage shops. Came to Cleve land in 1890. Foreman for The Jacob Hoffman Wagon Co., 1890-98. Then went to Cincinnati. O., with The O. Armleder Co., until 1901, when he returned to Cleveland and formed partner ship firm of Broc Carriage & Wagon Co. Upon incorporation of business in 1903 elected vice president and general manager. Member I. O. O. F. Independent in politics. Interested in church work, is deacon and assistant superintendent of Disciple church. GAY SMITH CLAMPITT Gay Smith Clampitt, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Broc Carriage & Wagon Co. Born Lakewood, O., Dec. 5, 1874. Moved to Cleveland 1888. Educated in the public schools and Ohio Business College. Then with the L. S. & M. S. Ry. 1892- 1897. Then in the carriage business as a salesman, and in 190] formed partnership as Broc Carriage & Wagon Co. Upon the incorporation of the business in 1903 was elected secretary and treasurer. Member of the Royal League. HENRY E. FRITZSCHE Henry E. Fritzsche, Cleveland. Contracting engineer with the General Fire Extinguisher Co. Born Cleveland, July 3, 1873. Educated in Cleveland schools. Identified with the General Fire Extinguisher Co. 1S96-1901. Inspector and engineer for the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Go's. 1901-1902. Chief supervising engineer for the American Tobacco Co. 1902-1903. Then returned to the General Fire Extinguisher Co. in present capacity. Member Masons, Cleveland Grays and the Old Guard of New York, Sons of Veterans and identified with National Guard affairs for a number of years. Member Fort Henry Club Wheeling, and identified with other social organizations. Repub lican in politics and a member of the Presbyterian Church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ]29 MANUFACTURERS M. I. BLANCHARD M. I. Blanchard, Cleveland. Vice president and managiiif^ director The Mechanical Rubber Co. Born Rochester, Pa., Oct, 28, 1857. Educated in the common schools. Employed as tel egraph operator with the Pennsylvania R, R. Co, until 1882, when he came to Cleveland and became identified with the Cleveland Rubber Co., which company was merged into The Mechanical Rubber Co. in 1892. Member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and the Colonial club. ROBERT S. PIERCE Robert S. Pierce, Cleveland. General Sales Manager of the Mechanical Rubber Co. Born Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1857. Educated in the Cleveland public schools. Commenced newspaper work on the Plain Dealer in 1875. Later City Editor of the Leader. Became secretary of the Cleveland Rubber Co. in 1888, and when that company was absorbed by the Mechanical Rubber Co. in 1892 was appointed to present position. Member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and a director of the Colonial club. FRANKLIN G. SMIIII Franklin G, Smith, Cleveland. President and Gen, Mgr. The Osborn Mfg. Co. Born Bellevue, O., Oct. 23, 1866. Educated in the public schools. With W. Bingham & Co. 1886-1890. In corporated the Osborn Mfg. Co., 1892, and was elected Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Elected to present position in 1896, Factory force consisted in 1893 of a foreman and' seven em ployes, now own their own buildings and employ over_ one hun dred. Member Advisory Committee Cleveland Trust Co. In terested in various other enterprises. Member of the Union Club. Politically a Republican and member of Baptist Church. JOPIN C. FASSETT John C. Fassett, Cleveland. President The Cleveland Desk Co. Born Medina county, O., Jan. 35, 1855. Educated in the public schools and Medina high school. Came to Cleveland in 1876 and entered the employ of The Northern Transportation Co., and was afterwards connected with the Big Four Ry. Co. In 1889 became interested in The Cleveland Desk Co. in the manufacture of commercial furniture. Member of the Cham ber of Commerce and Century club. Politically a Republican. 130 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS STEPHEN LAWRENCE PIERCE WILLIAM W. CHAMBERLAIN Stephen Lawrence Pierce, Cleveland. S. L. Pierce & Co., manufacturers of shoes. Born Birmingham, O., Nov. 4, 1852. Educated in the public schools of Oberlin and Oberlin College. Came to Cleveland in 1872 and became connected with Childs, Groff & Co., Wholesale Shoe Dealers. In 1884 in the manufac turing of shoes, under the firm name of Allen & Pierce. In 1889 formed the present firm of S. L. Pierce & Co. Dir. First National Bank, Guardian Savings & Trust Co., Clifton Club and Clifton Land & Improvement Co. Treas Merchants' and Manu facturers' Board of the Chamber of Commerce. Member Union, Roadside, Euclid, Colonial and Clifton clubs. Politically a Re publican. William W. Chamberlain, Cleveland. Member of firm of S. L. Pierce & Co., Shoe Manufacturers. Born Cleveland, O. April 19, 1858. Educated in the common and high schools of Cleveland. Began career with Childs, Groff & Co., 1879-1886, Then went to Pittsburgh, Pa. and became connected with the W. E. $chmertz & Co., shoe manufacturers, with whom he re mained for about a year. He returned to Cleveland and en tered the firm of S. L. Pierce & Co. Member Cleveland Cham bcr of Commerce and the Colonial club. Politically a Republican. FREDERICK W. STECHER WILLIAM STRANGWARD Frederick W. Stecher, Cleveland. Manufacturer. Born at Sheboygan, Wis., Nov. 25, 1866. Educated in the public schools at Oshkosh, Wis. Graduate of Wisconsin State. University, Madi son, Class '87. Engaged as Pharmacist until 1902. Proprietor of Pompeian Manufacturing Co., also engaged in the Cutlery & Barbers' Supply business. Vice president American MuUigraph Co. Vice president Farmers Chemical and Fertilizer Co. Presi dent Barbers' Supply Dealers Association of America. Member Masonic Order, I. O. O. F. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and the Century club. Member Y. M. C. A. William Slrangward, Cleveland. President and Gen. Mgr. The Forest City Foundry & Mfg. Co. Born Nassington, Nortli- ampshire, England, Feb. 5, 1848. Educated in the Pay schools of Nassington. Came to the United States in 1854, locating in Cleveland. President and Gen. Mgr. The Walworth Run Foun dry Co. Member Masons. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 131 MANUFACTURERS FRANK I-I. CHAMBERLAIN FREDERICK A. COLEMAN Frank H. Chamberlain, Cleveland. President J. D. Smith Foundry Supply Co. Born Cleveland, O. July 29, 1870. Edu cated in Cleveland public schools and Case School of Applied Science, graduating in 1892 with degree of B. S. He was en gaged in the Engineering Department Variety Iron Works for two years, after which he established the Cleveland Facing Mill, of_ which he was proprietor for six years. He then ac cepted his present position as president and manager of the J. D. Smith Foundry Supply Co. President The Colonial Paint Co., and the Iron Clad Paint Co. Member University club and Cleve land Chamber of Commerce. Frederick A. Coleman, Cleveland. Manager equipment depart. ment and foundry engineer The J. D. Smith Foundry Supply Co. Born Oconto, Wis., Feb. 26, 1869. Educated in the public schools of Wisconsin and Cleveland. Graduated from Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa., 1892, degree of C. E. En gaged as hydraulic and sanitary engineer, with headquarters at Rome, N. Y., 1892-97. City Engineer of Rome, 1897-1900. General Superintendent Belington & Northern Ry. and Gen. Supt. Valley Coal and Coke Co., 1900-1904, Belington W. Va. Director Chagrin River Land Co. Member University club. Civil Engineers club and Chamber of Commerce. American So ciety Civil Engineers, Zeta Psi Fraternity and Mason. ALFRED FRITZSCHE RAYMOND H. COLEMAN Alfred Fritzsche, Cleveland. Department agent General Fire Extinguisher Co. Born Cleveland, O., May 21, 1869. Was engaged as compositor on the Cleveland Press from 1884 to 1891. Member Knights of Columbus, Chamber of Commerce, Euclid club and German-American club. Politically a Republican. . Raymond H. Coleman, Cleveland. Secretary and sales manager The Colonial Paint Co. Born Oconto, Wis., July 5, 1876. Edu cated in the public schools and Virginia Polytechnical Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Began career as stock and time-keeper for Williams Electric Co., 1898-99. Then with the Brown Hoisting Machinery Co. electrical department. Then went to Columbus as vice president and superintendent National Sand Co. Re turned to Cleveland in 1902 as manager the Iron Clad Paint Co., and upon the organization of the present company was elected secretary and later secretary and sales manager. Resigned in October, 1905. Has gone into merchandise brokerage business under own name. Interested in other corporations. Politically a Democrat and member the Episcopal church. 132 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS LUCIUS E. COCHRAN CHAUNCEY A. COCHRAN Lucius E. Cochran, Youngstown. Pres. The Youngstown Iron & Steel Roofing Co. Born Delaware county O., June 12, 1842. Educated in the common schools and Duff Commercial College, Pittsburg, Pa. In 1862 came to Youngstown and took a position as bookkeeper for Andrews & Hitchcock. In 1880 became a mem ber of the firm Andrews Bros, Co. Then Pres. and Genl. Mgr. Andrews Bros. Co. until sold to the Republic Iron & Steel Co. in 1899. Pres. Edwin Bell Co. Pres. Youngstown Pressed Steel Co. Pres G. M. McKelvey Co. Vice Pres. Commercial Nat. Bank. Mem. Youngstown Club; Duquesne Club, Pittsburg, Pa.; Union Club, Cleveland, O. Ohio Society of New York. Scot tish Rite Mason, Knight Templar, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. Elder Memorial Presbyterian Church. Chauncey A. Cochran, Youngstown. Secretary Youngstown Iron and Steel Roofing Co. Born Youngstown, O., Aug. 27, 1873. Educated in the common schools and Peekskill Military Academy. Special course in electrical engineering. Began career with the G. M. McKelvey Co., Youngstown. Then with the Youngstown Iron and Steel Roofing Co. Secretary Youngstown Pressed Steel Co. Member of the Elks, Youngstown club and Mahoning Golf club. Politically a Republican. Member of the Presby terian church. ROBERT BENTLEY Robert Bentley, Youngstown. President The Ohio Iron & Steel Co. Born Youngstown, O., Aug. 30, 1854. Educated in the common schools and Rayen high school, graduating in 1573. With the First National Bank for seven years. Then with The Ohio Iron & Steel Co., at Lowelville, O., in 1880. Was -secre tary and general manager of that company for twenty-five years and is now serving as president. President of The - Carbon Lime Stone Co, Politically a Republican. JOHN O. PEW John O. Pew, Youngstown. Vice president and general mana ger The Youngstown Iron & Steel Roofing Co. Born Brookfield, TVumbull county. Ohio, Sept. 7, 1854, Began career in sheet iron works in 1874. Then in the hardware business for five years. With The McCormick Harvesting Machinery Co. eight years. Then came to Youngstown in 1894 and was one of the incorporators of the Youngstown Iron & Steel Roofing Co. Direc tor and general manager the Youngstown Pressed Steel Co. Di rector Mahoning Foundrv & Machine Co, 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member Elks and Youngstown club. Vice president a^nd trustee Y. M. C. A. Politically a Re publican. Trustee Methodist Episcopal church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 133 MANUFACTURERS HARRY J. STAMBAUGH Harry J. Stambaugh, Youngstown. Secretary and treasurer The William Tod Company. Born Girard, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Nov. 9, 1861. Educated in the public schools of Youngstown, O. From Dec. 1881 to March 1887 in charge of Lake View Coal Company's mines near Akron, O. March 1887 to March 1905 as secretary, and afterwards vice president The Falls Rivet & Machine Co., Cuyahoga Falls, O. Since March 1905 in present position. Politically a Republican. FREllF.RICK II. WICK. Frederick H. Wick, Youngstown. Treasurer of The Ohio Iron & Steel Company. Born at Youngstown, Ohio, March 19, 1865. Educated in common schools. Began career in the cattle business in Indian Territory. Was one of the organizers of the First State Bank of Kiowa Kiowa, Kansas, and made Assistant Cashier. Later went with the Trumbull Iron Com pany at Girard, Ohio. Then with The Ohio Iron & Steel Company at Lowellville, Ohio, for the last nineteen years. Direc tor of the Wick National Bank, Youngstown, Ohio. Politically a Republican. P. H. .Mc.VULIFFE P. H. McAulifte, Cleveland. General Superintendent Union Steel Screw Co. Born Mill River, Berkshire County, Mass., Dec. 24, 1868. Educated at South Berkshire Institute, New Marlborough, Mass. Began career as shipping clerk with Wal lace & Sons, Brass Manufacturers, Ansonia, Conn., in 1887. In 1889 was promoted to Assistant Superintendent. In 1893 with the Russell & Erwin Manufacturing Co., New Britton, Conn., as Superintendent of Screw & Bolt Department. Came to Cleveland in 1900 as Superintendent of Cold Process Depart ment of the Lake Erie Iron Co. In 1906, succeeded Mr. J. A. Bidwell as General Superintendent of the Union Steel Screw Co. Interested in real estate and buildings of this city. Member Elks and Knights of Columbus. JOHN STAMBAUGH John Stambaugh, Youngstown. Secretary & Treasurer The Youngstown Steel Co. Born Girard, Ohio, February 15, 1862. Educated in Youngstown public schools and Greylock Institute. Graduated from Cornell University in 1884. Chemist for The Youngstown Steel Co. Then manager the William T'od Co. until 1900. Since 1900 with The Youngstown Steel Co. President The William Tod Co. Vice president The Tod-Stambaugh Co., of Cleveland. Director The Dollar Savings & Trust Co. Member of the Youngstown Club, Duquesne Club, Pittsburg, and the Union Club, Cleveland. Politically a Republican. 134 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS JOHN C. DUEBER I-ION. M. H. LEVAGOOD John C. Dueber, Canton. Manufacturer. Born Prussia, Jan. 25th, 1841. Educated in the parish schools of Germany, then emigrated to U. S- in 1852 and completed his education in the common schools of Cincinnati. Worked in a candy factory as a boy, and then learned watch case making with F. Doll of Cincinnati for seven and one half years. Engaged in the watch case business in Cincinnati in 1864. In 1876 built first factory at Newport, Ky. Moved to Canton after absorbing The Hampden Watch Co., Springfield, Mass. President Dueber Watch Case Mfg. Co., Hampden Watch Co., Canton Repository. Originated a bill which was passed by Congress in 1904 prevent ing the fraudulent stamping of watch cases. Member Union club, Cleveland. Politically a Republican, Hon. M. H. Levagood, Elyria. Manufacturer. Born Wilmot, Ont., Feb. 2, 1845. Educated in the schools of Canada and De troit, Mich., and Detroit Business University. For thirty-three years was administrative officer The Western Automatic Machine Screw Co. and its predecessors. Retired April 30, 1905. Mayor of Elyria 1895 to 1899. Director National Bank. Banking and real estate interests. Member of Masons, Mystic Shriner, Knights of Ilonor, and 1900-1904 was Grand Dictator Knights of Honor of Ohio, and its representative to the Supreme Lodge of the United States. Member Royal Arcanum and Order of East ern Star. Trustee Congregational Summer Assembly, Frank fort, Mich. Politically a Republican. WALTER D. FOSS WILLIAM A. DONALDSON Walter D. Foss, Wooster, O. ' Banker and manufacturer. Born Wooster, Sept. 11, 1856. Educated in public schools. February, 1876, succeeded his father as a manufacturer of brushes, and is now at the head of the firm, Wooster Brush Works. March 30, 1905, elected president Citizens' National Bank. Vice president and chairman Executive Committee of Board of Trustees of Wooster University. President Wooster Board of Trade. Was president of the Cleveland Paint, Oil & Varnish Manufacturers' club dur ing the year 1900, and still a member of the Executive Commit tee. Trustee of the Lutheran church. Past Eminent Com mander Knights Templar; Master Emeth Council, P. of J., at Canton, O.; 32nd degree Mason and Shriner. William A. Donaldson, Lorain, O. Treasurer The Johnson Company. Born Mapleton, Pa., September 28, 1852. Educated in the schools of Mapleton and Pittsburg, Pa, Secretary and treasurer The Sheffield Land & Improvement Co.; The Brown- Cochran Co.; The Thew Automatic Shovel Co. President The City Bank Co, and an officer in other corporations. Member ot Masonic and other orders. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 135 MANUFACTURERS RICHARD THEW Richard Thew, Lorain. Vice president The Thew Automatic Shovel Co. Born on farm near Caledonia, Marion county, O., October 22, 1846. Educated in the common schools. Remained on farm until 1866. Engaged in sale of hardware and agricultural machinery 10 years. Became interested in question of handling iron ore, coal and other materials of this class. Designed and patented a line of steam shovels. Organized the Thew Automatic Shovel Co., 1S99. Elected Vice president and manager, still serving. Visited Alaska in 1901 and became interested in mining in the district adjoining the Behring Sea. FRANK A. SMYTHE Frank A. Smythe, Elyria. President The Thew Automatic Shovel Co., Lorain. Born Worcester, Mass., July 29, 1868. Educated in the Public Schools of Somerville, Mass. Course in Civil Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of T'echnology. One year after leaving college on the Engineering Staff of the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City R. R. In 1890 appointed Chief Draftsman of The Johnson Company, Johnstown, Pa. Removed to Lorain in 1895. Treasurer of the Sheffield Land Co., for two years. In 1897 became President The Lorain Foundry Co. President The Thew Automatic Shovel Co., 1899 to date. PHILIP A. MYERS Philip A. Myers, Ashland. F. E. Myers & Bro,, manufac turers. Born Perry township, Ashland county, O. Educated in common schools, Smithville Academy and Adrian, Mich. Worked on farm, then in implement store for his brother. Formed part nership of F. it. Myers & Bro., now superintendent and general manager of works. Inventor of many improvements in pumps, etc. Junior member F. E. Myers & Bro. President Chase Mfg, & Foundry Co., Columbus, O, Director First National Bank, Ashland, O, Chairman Committee on Patents, National Asso ciation of Implement & Vehicle Manufacturers. President Ash land School iSoard and Cemetery Association. Chief of Ashland Fire Department for twenty-five years. K. T, Mason, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Democrat. F. E. MYERS F. E- Myers, Ashland. F. E. Myers & Bro., manufacturers of pumps. Born Ashland county, 0., March 16, 1849. Educated in district schools. Engaged on farm until 3S71. Entered the employ of the Ashland Clover Huller Works as salesman. Sub sequently engaged in the retail implement business from which the present firm was started in 1S76, and which is now one of the largest of its kind in the country. In 1S76 was employed by the Butcher & Gibbs Plow Co. as general salesman, growing up with them to the presidency of that company. Director Ash land & Western R. R. and Cleveland & Southwestern Traction Co, For several years president and chairman Executive Com mittee National Association of Implement Manufacturers. Trus tee Wittenberg College, Springfield, O. Vice president First National Bank, Ashland, O, 136 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS SOLON O. RICHARDSON JOHN FRANKLIN ZAHM Solon O. Richardson, Jr., Toledo. Vice president and gen eral manager Libbey Glass Co. Born Wakefield, Mass., April 11, 1864. Educated in the common and high schools of Wakefield. Afterwards took course at Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Boston. Entered employ New England Glass Co. as invoice clerk in 1881; with them in different capacities until firm changed to Libbey Glass Co., when he came to Toledo as secre tary of that company. Appointed general manager 1892. Direc tor National Bank of Commerce. Member Advisory Board, Se curity Savings Bank & Trust Co. Member National Unioq, Toledo club. Country club, Castalia club, Toledo and New York Yacht clubs. Electric club of New York. Commodore I. L- Y. A. 18'97. Chairman Yacht Racing Union of Great Lakes. Repub lican in politics. John Franklin Zahm, T'oledo. President J. F. Zahm Tobacco Co., J. F. Zahm & Co., Grain. Born LaPorte, Ind., March 30, 1856. Educated in the common schools of Tiffin, O. Worked as messenger boy for Western Union Telegraph Co. for one year. Then entered the employ of Williams & Haldeman in the grain business, 1886-98. Organized J. F. Zahm Tobacco Co, in 1898. For several years operated branch ofiice in Detroit of the J. F. Zahm Co, Stockholder Link Wire Co. Director Toledo Metal Wire Co. Member Toledo Club, Politically a Republican. D. D. HALDEMAN H. M. CHAPMAN D. D. I-Ialdeman, Cleveland. Born Minerva, O., 3 849. Edu cated in the common schools. Engaged in the oil business at Oil City, Pa., until 1873. Has been in the stone business since 1S73. Opened quarries in Amherst, O., Tippecanoe and Inde pendence, Pa, First one to operate and use steam drills. Re publican in politics. H. M. Chapman, Toledo. Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager Toledo Pharmacal Co. Born Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1864. Educated in the public schools. Engaged in clerical posi tion for Empire Line. Present business was inaugurated five years ago. Was a commercial traveler previous to that time. Member of Toledo Traveling Men's Association. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 137 MANUFACTURERS NICHOLAS W. RASSEL Nicholas W. Eassel, Toledo. Vice Pres. Union Stock Yards Co. and senior member N. Rassel's Sons. Born Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. S8, 1867. Educated at St. Mary's parochial schools, Indianapolis. Associated with his father in the rendering and tallow business. In 1896 firm changed to N. Rassel & Sons, and Jan. 1, 1906, N. Rassel retired and firm became N. Rassel's Sons. One of the organizers of the Union Stock Yards Co. in 1905. and was elected Vice President, still serving. Interested in other corporations. Member B. P. O. E. No. 63 and St. Mary's Church. FRANK E. HUMPHREY Frank E. Humphrey, Toledo. President Toledo Union Stock Yards Co. Born in New York, July 29, 1858. Educated in the public schools. Came West in 1880. Engaged in various busi ness enterprises. A resident of Detroit, Mich., for many yeara For the last sixteen years in the live stock business, and up to two years ago representing J. P. Squire & Co., Boston, Mass., as general Western agent, with offices at Chicago, Ills. At one time president of the Inter-state Stock Yards, Indianapolis, Ind. Also interested in other corporations. J. MARTIN BECK FREDERICK H. WEEKS J. Martin Beck, Akron. Vice president and treasurer Akron Varnish Co. Born Bavaria, Germany, Oct. 14, 1843. Educated in the parish schools of Germany. Came to America at the age of eighteen years and entered the em.ploy of M. W. Henry & Co., dry goods merchants, and was with them six years. Re turned to Europe in 1869. Came back to Akron in 1S70 and organized dry goods firm of Wolf, Church & Beck. Sold out in 1878 and entered partnership of Kubler & Beck, later Akron Varnish Co. President of The Home Building & Loan Associa tion, Akron, O. Director Baker-McMillan Co. and German- American Co. Member B. P. O. E., Akron Lodge, No. 363. I. O. O. F., Akron Lodge. Treasurer Deutsche club, Akron. Politically a Republican. Frederick H. Weeks, Akron. Wholesale and retail lumber. Born Summit County, Ohio, May 15, 1858. Educated in com mon schools of Summit County. Started in the pottery business at an early age, afterward becoming identified with firm of Weeks, Cook & Weeks, Akron, which firm later became The F. H. Weeks Pottery Co. Pres., Treas. and Gen. Mgr. the Hawkeye Lumber Co. Pres. National Blank Book & Supply Co. Vice Pres. Employers' Exchange. Ex-Pres. State Builders' Ex change and Akron Builders' Exchange. Member Blue Lodge Masons, B. P. O. E. No. 363, Akron, and Portage Country Club. Independent in politics. 138 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS WlLLl.VM William T. Cawrse, Cleveland, Ohio. Born Cornwall, Eng land, February 8, 1866. Was educated in the common schools of England. Came to United States at the age of twenty and located on a farm near Cleveland, when he established a dairy farm and was one of the largest producers in the state. In 1896 formed a partnership with Mr. C. C. Wise under the name of Cloverdale Dairy Co., and has been president since the com pany was organized. Mr. Cawrse is a member of the Masonic Lodge. Republican in politics. CLIFFORD C. WISE Clifford C. Wise, Cleveland, Ohio. Born April 18, 1871, at Shiloh, Ohio. Attended the common schools and Lakewood High School. His early life was devoted to agriculture. In 1896 he was one of the organizers of the Cloverdale Dairy Co., holding the position of Secretary. Mr. Wise is a member of the Ma sonic Lodge and the K. of P. In politics he is a Republican. OTTO F. SCI I M i l)T Otto F. Schmidt, Cleveland. Knitted goods manufacturer. Born at Apolda, Germany in 1870 and educated in the public schools of that city which is the greatest knitted goods center in Europe. At an early age he took up that business and be came a workman and finally foreman in a big factory in Berlin and Leipsic. In 1891 he came to America, working in New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland and Chicago. In 1901 he re turned to Cleveland and started a knitting goods factory on Erie street. In 1903 he moved to the Superior Viaduct near Pearl street where he built up one of the finest factories in America. He is a member of a number of prominent German clubs and societies. Politically he is an Independent. JOHN L. STADLER John L. Stadler, Cleveland. Born Cleveland, April 25, 1863. Educated public schools. Continued business of father L. E Stadler organized 1854. At L. E. Stadler's death 1884 the firm of J. L. & H. Stadler continued the business. Upon the death of H. Stadler, 1899, J. L. Stadler purchased his interest and continues the business under the name of J. L. & H. Stadler Rendering and Fertilizer Co. Proprietor Farmers Supply Store, South Brooklyn, one of the largest Implement, Buggy and Hardware stores in Ohio. Proprietor Strongs ville Implement & Buggy Co. Pres. Forest City Prov. Co. Director Blumenstock & Reed Provision Co. Vice President Ohio Nut & Bolt Works. V. P. Cleveland Sheep & Stock Co. Director Farmers & Merchants Banking Co., Farmers Chemical & Fertilizer Co. Member K. of P., Ottawa Shooting Club. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHI O 139 MANUFACTURERS LLOYD E. SPEELM-\.\' Lloyd E- Speelman, Canton. Proprietor the Stark Book Bind ery Co. Born Middlebranch, Stark County, Ohio, Nov. 2, 1873. Educated at Philomathin Hall School and took a special course at Canton Business College. Engaged as advertising solicitor and collector for the News-Democrat of Canton, which position he held until 1901, when he went into the book binding business for himself under the firm name of the Stark Book Bindery, successors to Canton Bindery Co. Politically a Republican. JOHN EDWARD RICHARDSON John Edward Richardson, Ravenna. Manufacturer. Born Liv erpool, Eng., Aug. 6, 1863. Educated in the common schools of England. Apprenticed to Chemical & Dye Works at Yorkshire for three years. Then went to Germany as superintendent of Dye Works at Vienna, Austria, three years. Supt. of factory at Tourcoing, France, one year. Came to United States and located at Providence, R. I., for five years. Then to West Troy, N. Y. Came to Ravenna 1898. Director Seneca Chain Works, Kent. Vice president Ravenna Worsted Mills Co. Ravenna Gear Works. Supt. of Dyeing, Cleveland Worsted Mills Co. Member Ravenna City Council. 32nd degree Mason, Mystic Shriner. K. of P. and B. P. O. E. Warren Lodge. Politically a Republican. EDWARD S. WALTON Edward S. Walton, Youngstown. Manager The Youngstown Ice Co. Born Osnaburg, Stark County, Ohio, March 16, 1862. Educated in the common schools. Member of the Elks, Royal Arcanum and the National Union. Member of the Youngstown Club, Elks Club and Rayen Club. Also a member of Odd Fel lows. Politically a Democrat. HENRY W.VRNER RIDDLES Henry Warner Riddles, Ravenna. Coach and Hearse Manufac turer. Born Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 8, 1838. Educated in the public schools of Allegheny. Carriage maker by trade. In 1860 firm of Wertz & Riddle engaged in manufacturing Coaches, etc. Mr. Wertz retired about fifteen years ago. Stockholder and director of the Ravenna National Bank. Director Ravenna Gas & Elec tric Light Co. Interested in various other companies. Member of the Masons. Politically a Democrat. 140 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS U S. G. STOKE U, S. G. Sioke, Cleveland. Manager The Lindsay Fence Co. Born Tyrone, Pa., May 9, 1865. Educated in the common schools and Central Institute. In 1875 began career as apprentice in a planing mill and carpenter work at Altoona, Pa. From 1883 to 18S6 was engaged in same kind of work at Pittsburg, Pa. In 1886 came to Cleveland and worked in planing mill until 1901. Then became interested in Lindsay Fence Co. and was appointed Manager. Member of the Builders' Exchange. Re cording Secretary of National Union. Politically a Republican. GEORGE N. PIFER George N. Pifer, Cleveland, Manufacturer. Born Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Columbus. Apprenticed in the photographic business in early life. Came to Cleveland in 1890 and began the photographic business with the firm of Pifer & Becker. Since 1900 has devoted his time to the invention of an automatic photograph machine, the taking of photographs without negatives and other photographic processes requiring laboratory experiments. Engaged in the manufacture of Positype, a new photographic paper capable of producing posi tive pictures by direct exposure in camera and without negative. Member Civil Engineers Society. Politically a Republican. FRED S. CRANE Fred S, Crane, Mantua, O. Born in Hamilton, Hancock county, Ills., July 15, 1874. Educated in public schools at Man tua. Attended college at Hiram, O. A member of Oriental Commandery, Knights T'emplar. Received the 32nd degree in Masonry and the Shrine in 1905. 1903 became Cleveland dis trict sales manager for the Burroughs Adding Machine Co. of Detroit, Mich., which position he occupies. BENJAMIN F. I'VI.E Benjamin F. Pyle, Cleveland. Vice president anJ general mana ger The R. & W. Jenkinson Co., of Cleveland. Born Greene Co., Pa., August 3, 1865. Educated in the district schools of Greene county. Pa. Was formerly connected with the R. & W. Jenkin- son Co., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Came to Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1900, and organized The R. & VV. Jenkinson Co. of Cleveland; waj elected vice president. Is treasurer of Euclid Cigar Co. and Vice President of Macdonald Ticket and Ticket Box Co. Politi cally a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 141 MANUFACTURERS M. OTIS HOWER L. W. LOOMIS M. Otis Hower, Akron, Ohio. Born Doylestown, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1859. Educated in the public schools of Akron and took business course at Buchtel College, Akron, O. President of The Akron-Selle Co., Akron, O. Vice president of The Cen tral Savings & Trust Co., Akron, O. President of The Akron Wood Working Co., Akron, O. Director of the Akron Gas Co., Akron, O. President of the Replogle Governor Works, Akron, O. President of the Hower Building Co., Akron, O. Director of the Home Building & Loan Association, Akron, O. Was formerly vice president and General Manager of The American Cereal Co., Manufacturers of Quaker Oats, head quarters, Chicago, 111. Politically a Republican. L- W. Loomis, Cuyahoga Falls. Manager and Treasurer of The L. W. Loomis Hardware Co. Born Lennox, Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. 11, 1836: Educated in district schools. Early life on father's farm. Pike, Wyoming Co., N. Y. 1836 enlisted in the 13th New York Infantry mustered out in 1863.' In 1864 came to Cuyahoga Falls and started in the hardware business under the name of L- W. Loomis & Co. Continued in same until 1895, when he organized and became Manager and Treas urer ' of present company. Charter member and President of The Falls Savings & Loan Assn., since it started in 1888. Pro prietor of Hotel Loomis, Cuyahoga Falls, O. Dir. Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank. Member I. O. O. F. Politically a Re publican. CHARLES W. SEIBERLING Charles W. Seiberling, Akron. Secretary. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Born Western Star, 0., Jan. 26, 1861. Educated in the common schools of Akron and took a special two years' course at Oberlin College. Associated with his father in the Empire Mower & Reaper Works, then with The J. F. Seiberling Co., as superintendent until 1896, when he became secretary of The In dia Rubber Co. until 1898, Then elected to his present position. Member of B. P., O. E., Akron Lodge No. 363. Member Portage Golf club and politically a Republican. ANDREW B. RINEHART Andrew B. Rinehart, Akron. President The Akron Belting Co. Bom Allen Co., Ind., Nov. 14, 1862. Educated in the common schools of Allen Co., Ind, Lived on a farm until he was twenty- one. Came to Ohio in 1883 and worked as telegraph operatoi 1883-1887. Then with Akron Iron Co. as shipping clerk and telegraph operator until 1888. From 1888-93 salesman for same concern. Then became general manager Akron Belting Co. Or ganized advertising, credit and sales departments The Whitman & Barnes Mfg. Co. President The Crown Drilling Machine Co. Director The Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co., Second National Bank, Akron. Member Blue Lodge Masons, K. T. No. 25, Akron Commandery & Portage Golf, JPortage, Country, Masonic and Kirkwood clubs. Politically a Republican. u:^ P R O G R E S S 1 \^ E MEN OF X O R T 1 1 R R X OHIO MANUFACTURERS j0U-\ m nil \ui W. S. King, Ashtabula, riiysician. Born Winona. Minn.. Sept. fi. IS.'i'.'. GradnatcJ from .\sbtabnla lliiib School, then at tended Allojibcny ColUiic. Tlircc \ cars' course at Western Re serve l^iiversity Me^lical ne|it.. dei;ice of M. 0, ISS;. Course at the Tost Graduate School oT Medicine. Ciuca.yo, ISOS. New York Post Graduate School. \W{\. IMuladelplua Post taavlnatc School in 1901. tlri;ani/ed and is I'l esident the Ash I aim) a Couul\ r.uiUling ^^ Sa\ injis Co, President and Pir. The Harris- King Fence Machine Co. \ice Pres. the PncUeye bVnce Machine Co. Mem. K, of P.. P. I'. O, IC.. Royal .\reanum and Modern Woodmen. Politically a Ueiuihlican. John Uubbavd, Ashtabiila. Secietavy and treasmvr of The Harris-Kini; bViiee Co. IUmu in .\sbtabnla. O.. Oct. 7, is:*s. I'Mucated in piiNate schools and PouHn^ton i.\>llewv. X, J.. Hud l.ebijili Tniversitx, Peihlcbem, Pa., class oT VS, City Clcrk of .\sh tabula ISSI- ISStl. 'I'ravelinj; salesman in teiritovy west o{ Missouri for ril'teen > eai >. Pi ouioter. \\ easurer and tliivclor ot" The Puckeyc Kence .Machine *.'o.. .\shtabola. Orjiaoimer, direc tor, secretary and treasiner ot' The ll.uiisKin^ I'Vuce Machine Co, and I larrisKiny (''ence Co.. manut'actm in^ heavy t'encr niacbines and wire lence c\cinsi\ely. \i. 1. UI ) r rsi ii.M.k M. J. t'.ottsclialk. Ashtabula. Maiiiiractnrer of cnn|HTai;c stock. 'l!t»rn Wells cuinly, Indiana. April T. IS.'.a. Ivlucaled in the district schools of u'ells counlj'. I tu liana. Was cngaKcd as a farmer in Wells county, huliaiia. until (be a^e of twentv-seven. 'Mien went into llie mercantile business at Geneva, Ind. Wliile in this business InnU op I lie inaiui facluriiig of cooperage stock and found it ptolilable. Gave up the inercaiitile business and has up to this lime iueieaseil the coo|uTaKe business to four of the best enuipi'ed plauls. ,\lso deals largely in lumber and real estate. Ilnlils Iar|.;e interests in Iwn Pi)i-|laiiil cement plants and is a director in each. In ItidO was iiistigattir of the LaRue Telephone Co.. L,aRne, Marion Co., Ohio, of which he is stockholder and ilireclor. S. V\ MACllON.M.n S. I\ MacDonald, .\slilabula, Ohio. President and neneval luaoaner .\slilabula Hide .S; Leather Co. Iturn Whileluill. Mich.. .\pril P.', I srii. I'Muealeil in pulilic schools, l."ase School of .Applied Science ami Wesleru Reserve University. I J i reel or Na- timial Bank of .\sbtabula, Moniher (.'itv Council, Ashtabula. O. Member Society of LMieiuical ImluHtry, Society of Arts, ^i em ber of The .\eadeuiy of Polilical ami Social Science, National C.eourapliic Society and associate uieniber of the American Insti tute *>f I'lJectrical EoKinecrs, ami olber foreinn scienlltic sncieties. Republican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 143 MANUFACTURERS LOUIS W. PENFIELD A. I. ROOT Louis W. Penfield, \\'iriougbbv. Manager The American Clay Machinery Co. Born Willou-^hby township, Ohio, July 31. 1857. Educated at Willoughby College. Willoughby. O. Taught school for live years prior to ISSL since which time he has been identi fied with the firm of J. W. Penfield & Son. and American Clay Macbintr\- Co. as manager. \'ice president the American Clay Machinery Co. President Willoughby Telephone Co. itayor of Willoughby lS9i-4. President Board of Education for eighteen years. Masonic Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery. Has held all the principal offices in Blue Lodge and Commandery. Politically a Republican. A. L Root, Medina. Pres. of The A. I. Root Co. Born .Me dina. Medina Co., O.. Dec. 9, 1S:>9. Educated in the schools at Medina and \\'ellsville. (,>. Originally a manufacturing jeweler. but for thirty-five years past manufacturer of Bee-Keeper's sup plies and publisher of Gleanings in Bee Culture. Also publisher of .Agricultural Gardening, Horticultural and Bee-Keeping books. Was brought up on a farm near Medina, and has always taken a deep interest in Agriculture. Gardening, Fruit-growing, Garden ing under Glass, etc. Interested in ilechanics. Electricity. Chemistry, etc. At age of eighteen was giving lectures over tbe country in school liouses on Chemistry and Electricity, and showing a working model of an Electric motor of own invention and manufacture. X'lce Pres. The Savings Deposit Co., Medina. .\n Independent Republican. CHARLES B. LOVELESS Al.FKi:n R. HUGH I Charles B. Loveless. Warren. Secretary, treasurer and gen eral manager The \\'arren Mfg. Co, Born Warren. O., Jan. 14. 1864. Educated in the Warren public schools. Clerked in S. \\'. Parks & Co. hardware store from 1SS3 to 1SS6. Farmed one year in Illinois. Returned to Warren and entered the employ of 'Ihe Warren-Packard Lumber Co. 18SS. Later elected director and secretary. In ISO? formed partnership with C. L. Wood in the lumber business. In 1S99 consolidated with the Warren- Packard Co. and organized Western Reserve Lumber Co.. serv ing as secretary and superintendent. In 1901 purchased interest in The Warren Mfg. Co. and was elected to present position. Director in the Savings Bank Co. of Warren. Interested in other enterprises. Member Old Erie Lodge, No, S, F. & A. ~M., and Mahoning, No. 39. I. O. O. F. Politically a Republican. Alfred R, Hughes. Warren. Manager the Warren City Boiler Works. Born Coalbrookdale, England, July H-i, 18ti'2. Educated in the common schools Manchester. l*"nQ. Graduated from Higl; School. Niles. O. Clerk in drug store at Niles for two years. Then in dry goods store for eight years. With the Erie R. R. as billing clerk and telegraph ovierator two years. With Reeves Bros., boilerraakers. Niles, O.. eight years. Then came to ^^'a^- ren and reorganized and formed the \\ arren City Boiler \^'orks, being senior member of tbe firm and general manager of the company. Mason. Knight Templar. Member B. P. O. Elks. Politically a Republican. 144 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS WM. F. KELLER Wm. V. Keller, Cuyahoga Falls, O. Secretary and Treasurer the Keller Brick Co. Born in Germany, Dec. 7, 1861. Edu cated in the public schools at Wooster, O. After leaving school was engaged in various positions and in the mining business in the West for some time. Came to Akron in 1880 and became connected with the Bartges Brick Co., and then with the Cooper Brick Co. Moved to , Cuyahoga Falls in 1890 and formed firm of Keller Bros., brick mfrs. In 1901 firm was incorporated as the Keller Brick Co., and he was elected to present position. Modern Woodman of .\merica. Politically h Republican. CORNELIUS M. WALSH Cornelius M. Walsh, Cuyahoga Falls. Born Cuyahoga Falls, O., June 15, 1864. Educated in the public schools of Cuyahoga Falls and Hammels Business College, Akron, Ohio. Began career as bookkeeper for Howe & Co., 1887 engaged in operating Flour Mill and Rolling Mill. Has been identified with the above lines and Planing Mill, Lumber and Paper Manufacturing business to the present time. President and General Manager, Walsh Milling Co. President and General Manager of Falls Hollow Staybolt Co. President, Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank, President, The Walsh Paper Co. Member of Akron Council, Knights of Columbus. Politically a Democrat. J. L. CLARK J. L. Clark, Ashland. Manufacturer and Banker. Born Ash land County, Ohio, Sept. 18, 1869. Educated in the public schools and Ashland College. Began career selling farm ma chinery. .^fterwards salesman of F. E. Myers & Bro. In 1894 in company with Dr. Hess organized the firm of Dr. Hess & Clark; manufacturing stock food, which concern is one of the largest of its kind in the world. President The Farmers Bank. Member Ashland Board of Education. President Y. M. C. A. ALBERT FOYER Albert Foyer, Painesville. Secretary and Treasurer of The Foyer Steel Stamping Co. Born Cleveland, O., Dec. 9, 1877. Educated in the Cleveland public schools. Was first engaged as newsboy, then traveling salesman. Representative in Europe for several New York manufacturers. Organized The Foyer Steel Stamping Co. in 1903. Elected Secretary, and Treasurer of that company in 1904. Independent in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHI MANUFACTURERS O 145 C. E. SHELDON C. E. Sheldon, Akron, O. President of the Whitman & Barnes M^-nufacturing Co. Born Fitchburg, Mass., July 18, 1850. Educated in the district, grammar and high schools of Fitchburg, Mass. Civil engineer at Fitchburg, 1866-1870. Since that tjirne has been with the Whitman & Barnes Manufacturing Qo. and its predecessors, occupying positions through the fac tory E^ndpffice until 1902, when elected president. Interested in various corporations. Member ot the Masons and Odd Fellows. Politically a Republican. NICK CHAM3ERLAIN Nick Chamberlain, Akron, O. Manufacturer of Fruit Cola. Born in Athens, Greece, May 25, 1868, and educated in the public schools at Athens, Greece. Served as apprentice on Gov ernment war vessel between ages 19 and 21. Engaged in dry goods business for himself until the age of twenty-eight when he came to New York. Moved to Akron in 1896 and engaged in confectionery business from 1897-1904, establishing a number of confectionery stores in different cities, among them the famous Crystal Maizo. In 1904 he entered into' the manufactory of the favorite beverage, Fruit Cola, sold everywhere. He is a Republican and 32nd degree Mason, Blue Lodge to Consistory. GUS H. MEIER EDWIN SEEDHOUSE Gvjs H. Meier, Akron. Manager Printing & Paper Co. Born Akron, 0., November 1, 1872. Ediicafed in public schools at Akron. After leaving school in 1886 was carrier for the Akron Daily Beacon, afterward taking a position as stock clerk of the Akron Printing §t Publishing Co; Then took charge of the sales department. In 1896 secretary of The Capron & Curtico Co. In 1903, after the reorganization of the company, was made treasurer of the Akron Printing Co., and in 1904, when firm was changed to the. Akron Printing & Paper Co., was made manager. Member Akron Lodge Masons, Masonic club, and Washington Chapter, No. 35, R. A. M. Politically a Repub lican. Edwin Seedhouse, Akron, O. President Falls Rivet & Machine Co. Born Birmingham, England, April 4, 1864. Educated in common schools of Wadsworth, O. Graduate of Wadsworth High School. Operator and station master for the Erie R. R. four years. Then employed as shipping clerk and contracting agent for Akron Iron Co, for four years. Afterwards promoted to general Eastern manager for Falls Rivet & Machine Co., with offices at New York for six years. Then took position of president Falls Rivet & Machine Co., still serving. Vice presi dent Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank Co. Politically a Republican. 146 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS D. O. SUMMERS D. O. Summers, Cleveland, O. Born in Ashland county, O., June 14, 1860. Educated in public schools. Associated with Sterling, Welch & Co. from 1883 to 1887. Started in carpet cleaning business in 1887. Manufacture of Rugs in 1896, Dry Cleaning and Lace Cleaning in 1903. His business was incor porated in 1905, as The D. O. Summers Cleaning Company of which he is president and manager. He is vice president of the Big Lake Land Lumber Company; Director of the Hough Avenue Savings and Banking Co.; a member of the Hough Avenue Con gregational church; Knight Templars and Mystic Shrine. CHARLES S. BROOKINS Charles S. Brookins, Cleveland. Vice president The Morreau Gas Fixture Mfg. Co. Born Kirtland, O., February 12, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Kirtland and Painesville, O. Early training on a farm. Engaged in the hardware business in Painesville in 1885. Came to Oeveland in 1888 and entered employ of Davis, Hunt & Co. In 1889 engaged as traveling salesman for the Morreau Gas Fixture Mfg. Co. In 1896 took charge of the retail department, and upon the incorporation of the company in 1900. took an interest in it and was made vice president and manager retail department. Director Villa Beach club. Member Century and Colonial clubs. 32nd degree Mason, Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. ARTHUR H. CLIMO Arthur IT. Climo, Cleveland, O. Secretary and treasurer The Lino Paint Co. Born Cleveland, O., December 13, 1880. Edu cated at University School and Cornell College. Member of Union club and Euclid club. PHILIP FRANKEL Philip Frankel, Cleveland. Secretary Manufacturers' Associa tion of Cleveland and Employers' Association of Cleveland. Born Cleveland, O., Feb. 27, 1882. Educated in public schools of Cleveland, and business college. Began career with manufac turing concern and was connected with them until 1901. Then became connected with Manufacturers' Association of Cleveland. Was elected secretary of this association in 1905. Since then formed large Employers' Association, of which he is also sec retary. Is very much interested in the labor question. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 147 MANUFACTURERS JOPIN C. LOWE W. J. BARR John C. Lowe, Cleveland. Manufacturer of umbrellas. Born Cleveland, O., February 5, 1865. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Engaged as cash boy in dry goods store of Hower & Higbee, 1878-86. From 1886 until 1889 with O. D. Myer, dry goods. In 1890 engaged in the business of manufac turing umbrellas and has been in same business ever since. President American Realty Co. Member Cleveland Commercial Travelers Association, Utica Travelers Association, and the Royal League. Member of Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. W. J. Barr, Cleveland. President the W. J. Barr Electric Mfg. Co. Born Barrow-in-Furness, Lancashire, England, Jan. 14, 1&70. Educated in private schools; came to U. S. 1891, locating at Alliance, O. Came to Cleveland, 1893, with Gobelle Pattern Co. at Grottoes, Va. 1895-98. Returned to Cleveland as man ager 189.3-95. General manager the American Hardwood Mfg. Co. Williams-Abbott Electric Co., 1898-1900. Organized the present firm 1900. Incorporated as the W. J. Barr Mfg. Co., 1903. Elected president. Re-organized and incorporated under present name 1905, elected president. Republican in politics. GEORGE O. GROLL WILLIAM I~L SNYDER. George O. Groll, Cleveland. General Manager The Commer cial Milling Co. Born Detroit, Mich., Dec. 23, 1869. Educated in the public schools of Detroit. At the age of 30 accepted a position as bookkeeper with a grain commission house advancing in a short time to the position of Chief Clerk and a member of the Detroit Board of Trade. Became connected with the Com mercial Milling Co., Detroit as Assistant Manager, 1895. Came to Cleveland 1903 in present office. President Cleveland Grain Dealers' Association. President of the Wholesalers Protective Association. Secretary of the Ohio Automatic Window Screen Co. Member Chamber of Commerce. Knight Templar Mason. William H, Snyder, Carey. Lumber and Manufacturer, Born Lancaster county, Ohio, June 19, 1856. Educated in the com mon schools. Tobacco farmer until seventeen years of age. Then worked as carpenter three years. Moved to Carey and worked at his trade two years. Then carpenter contractor for three years. Organized Kelley-Snyder Lumber Co. and two years later bought out Kelley. Proprietor Snyder Milling Co., which exported 15,000 barrels flour to Scotland in 1905. Owns cement block plant, monument factory and proprietor Snyder Coal & Ice Co. Operates elevator, lumber yard and coal yard at Vaulue, O., also elevators and coal yards at Berwick, O. and Adrian, O. Masonic Order, Knight Templar, Scottish Rite and Mystic Shriner. Member K. of P. and I. O. O. F. 148 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS WILLIAM G. SHARP William G. Sharp. Elyria. Manufacturer and Capitalist. Born Mt. Gilead, O., March 14, 1859. Educated in Elyria High School and University of Michigan. Practiced law for about ten years. Then became a manufacturer. Interested in Pig Iron, Furnaces, Chemical Products and Iron Mines in Michigan and Wisconsin. Member of Masonic, I. O. O. F. and other lodges. Democratic in politics. WILLIAM A, DONALDSON William A. Donaldson, Lorain, O. Treasurer The Johnson Co. Born Mapleton, Pa., Sept. 28, 1852. Educated in the schools of Mapleton and Pittsburg, Pa. Secretary and Treasurer The Sheffield Land & Improvement Co.; The Brown-Cochran Co.; The Thew Automatic Shovel Co. President The South Lorain Savings Co. and an officer in other corporations. Member of Masonic and other orders. Politically a Republican. THOMAS C. LEITER Thomas C. Leiter, Wadsworth. Secretary and treasurer The Wadsworth Salt Co. Born on a farm at Navarre, Stark county, O., March 19, 1859. In 1868 moved with his father, the late Rev. S. B. Leiter, D. D., to Wadsworth, where he took a course in the high school. Then entered the University of^ Michigan and graduated from the dental department in 1880. Engaged in the practice of his profession at Monroe, Mich., and Wadsworth, O. In 1884 assisted in organizing the Wadsworth .Milling Co., and was one of the principal stockholders in same. In 1891 assisted in organizing The Wadsworth Salt Co. and has served as secretary and treasurer of same since that time. Assisted in organizing First National Bank of Wadsworth and director in same. Interested in other concerns. Politically a Democrat and lias been elected to numerous offices. CARL CAREY ANDERSON Carl Carey Anderson, Fostoria, O^ Secretary and General Manager C. C. Anderson Mfg. Co. Born Bluffton, O., Dec. H, 1877; educated in the common schools at Fremont, 0.; started life as newspaper vender, afterward becoming clerk in L. S. & M. S. R. R. Co. office, then cashier and agent L. E. & W. R. R. Co., Fremont, O., for several years. Then traveling salesman for A. H. Jackson Mfg. Co. Started the C. C. Anderson Mfg. Co. in 1904, with plants at Fostoria and Findlay, O., making a specialty of ladies' muslin and flannelette underwear. Director of Seneca Wire & Nail Co., President Fostoria Board of Trade. Elected Mayor of Fostoria, O., in 1906 and now serving. Mem ber of B. P. O. E., K. of P., Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner, Commercial Club, Fostoria, O., Halcyon Club, Fremont, O., and a Democrat in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 149 MANUFACTURERS HARLOW C. STAHL Harlow C. Stahl, Bellevue. President and Treasurer of The Ohio Cultivator C'D. Bom on a farm south of Fremont, O., Feb. 12, 1849. Educated in the common schools of Fremont and a special course in business college at Oberlin, O. Was a farmer until thirty years of age when he invented and commenced to build cultivators. Organized The Ohio Cultivator Co. in 1883 and has always been President and Treasurer of the compa^ny. President of the Bellevue Savings Bank Co, President of the Harrah State Bank, Indian Territory, and interested in other other corporations. Also large land owner. He is a self-made man in every respect. He is a Mason and politically a Repub lican. ALONZO J. WILDER Alonzo J. Wilder, Clyde, O. Born Granger, Medina county. O., January 14th, 18 il. Educated in common school and Acad emy at Grangerburg and high school at Clyde. Farmer until twenty-six years of age, then engaged in grocery and produce business at Clyde from 1868 to 1895. Started cabbage growing industry in Sandusky county in 1876. Organized Clyde Kraut Co. in 1890. Incorporated in 1900, and became its president. Politically a Republican. WILL E. HUGHES FRANKLIN OSCAR SCHOEDINGER Will E. Hughes, Clyde. Pres. The Hughes Granite & Marble Co. Born Sandusky Co., Ohio, June 20, 1863. Educated in the common schools. Graduate Clyde High School. Special course at Spencerian College, Cleveland, in 1881. Engaged in mer cantile business, Chicago, two years. Returned to Clyde and started in monument business, 1884. In 1898 incorporated the present compa^ny and became President. The Battlefield Me morials at Andersonville, Shiloh, Vicksburg and Antietam and the Wm. H. Gibson Memorial were made by this concern. Di rector Peoples Bank, Clyde. Life Member B. P. O. E- Member St. Nicholas Lodge, No. 93, Aberdeen, Scotland, Masons, K. of P., I. O. O. F. and U. C. T., West Huron Sporting Club. Po litically a Republican. _ Franklin Oscar Schoedinger, Columbus. Manufacturer of Ar chitectural Sheet Metal. Born Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 7, 1872. Educated in the common and high schools of Columbus. Member Schoedingei, Fearn & Co., Hardware dealers. Director National Bank of Commerce. President Columbus Aseptic Furniture Co. Director Iroquois Hotel Co. Director Ohio Club. Trustee of the Children's Hospital. President National Conductor Pipe Association. Ex-president of State Association of Builders Exchanges. Knight Templar, 33nd degree Mason. Past Em. Commander, Mt. Vernon Commandery No. 1. 150 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS JAMES N. McCONNELL James N. McConnell, Upper Sandusky, O. Proprietor Stoll Casket Company. Born Upper Sandusky, O., November 27, 1882. Educated in the common schools of Wyandot county and a special course at Davis Business College, Toledo, O. Started work as stenographer for six months, then took position as traveling salesman for Stoll Casket Works for two years. Afterward buying out the plant and becoming sole proprietor. Royal Arch Mason, Member B. P. O. E., No. 83. Politically a Republican. W. D. McCAUGHEY W. D. McCaughey, Findlay. Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Manager, The Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co. Born Hancock County, Ohio, June 26, 1846. Educated in the common schools. Engaged in farming in Hancock County until 1878. From 1881 to 1887 operated Granite & MaAle Works in Findlay. From 1887 to 1905 engaged in administering estates and receiver for a number of other industries. Took charge, of the Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co., in Jan., 1905. Member Board of Public Service, 1903-1906. Politically a Republican. CHAS. R. McMURRAY n. J. T.WLOR Chas. R. McMurray, Marion. Vice pr'tsident and general manager McMurray Sulky Co. Born Marion, Ohio, Dec. 28, 1874. Educated in the common schools of Marion. Attended high school one 3'ear. Graduated from the Peekskill Military Academy at Peekskill, N. Y. Started work in trimming depart ment of McMurray Sulky Co. Promoted to Shipping Clerk and Assistant Superintendent. Became active Manager of the com pany in March, 1906. Member B. P. O. E. No. 32, Marion. F. O. E. No. 337, Marion. Marion Commercial Club. Politically a Democrat. The McMurray Sulky Co. are the largest builders of track vehicles in the world. Their foreign trade is extensive. B. J. T'aylor, Toledo. Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. The Toledo Stove & Range Co. Born Belleville, 111., Oct. 13, 1872. Edu cated in the public schools. Began career as a molder in the Belleville Stove Works at the age of fourteen years. He was ejnployed there eight years, then took a position with the Union City Foundry & Machine Co., Union City, 111., as Manager.. Iwo years later became Manager the Eclipse Foundry, Belleville, 111., where he remained four years, then became Supt. and Gen. Mgr. the W. G. Willard Stove & Range Co., St. Louis, Mo. In 1903 came to Toledo as Supt. and Mgr. the Toledo Stove & Range Co., and in January, 1906, was elected to present position. Has patented several new features on ranges and has also placed a new heater on the market, which is very successful PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 151 MANUFACTURERS KNAPP W. J. Knapp, Cleveland. Vice president The Ohio Varnish Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, May 8, 1866. Educated in the common schools and St. Joseph's College. Engaged in the general mercantile business from 1886 to 1891. Then came to Cleveland and engaged in the varnish business. In 1881 The Ohio Varnish Co. was established and in 1901 was incorporated with F. M. Clapp, President and W. J. Knapp, Vice president. Treasurer of Newburg City, 1889-1903. Mayor of Newburg City, since 1905. Knight of Pythias. Politically a Democrat. HOWARD W. HAUPT Howard W- Haupt, Akron. Superintendent The Klages Coal & Ice Co. Born Loyal Oak, Summit Co., O., June 37, 1870. Attended the country school until 16 years of age. Three years course at the Wadsworth Normal School, then a special commercial course at the Spencerian College, Cleveland, graduating 1890. Came to Akron, May 1890 and accepted a position with the Klages Coal & Ice Co. and has since been gradually promoted to present position. Member I. O, O. F. Summit Lodge No. 50. Modern Woodmen and Knights of Pythias. ARTHUR L. GASSETT Arthur L. Gassett, Cleveland. Secretary of Economy Stove Co. Born Joliet, 111., Jan. 19, 1867. Educated in the schools of Cedar Rapids, la., and Cleveland, O. He in company with his partner, Mr. F. A. Nieberding, organized the Economy Stove Co. in 1899, starting in business in Detroit, Mich. Moved from Detroit to their present location in March, 1904. FRANK A. NIEBERDING Frank A. Z>Iieberding, Cleveland. Manager Economy Stove Co., manufacturers of gas stoves. Born in Germany, Aug. 17, 1865. Came to the United States when an infant. Was edu cated in the schools of Cleveland. He, in company with Mr. A. L. Gassett, organized the above named concern in Detroit, Mich., starting in business April 1, 1899. Moved to their present location in March. 1904. 152 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MANUFACTURERS CHAS. T. JOI-INSON Chas. T. Johnson, Canal Dover. President and Manager Dover Manufacturing Co. Born Stoughton, Wis., July 28, 1864. Educated in the common schools and attended Beloit College two years. Engaged in Dry Goods business at Stoughton for eight een years. In 1895 organized Asbestos Sad Iron Co. and oper ated same at Stoughton for five years, then moved to Canal Dover and organized the present company, becoming President and Manager. Make a specialty of Asbestos Sad Irons, doing a large export business. Interested in Stoughton Wagon Co. Member Hardware Club of New York. Chairman Freight Com mittee American Hardware Association. Independent in politics. THOMAS J. HALEY Thomas J. Haley, Canal Dover. District manager American Sheet & Tin Plate Co. Born Tuscarawas county, Ohio, March 6, 1866. Educated in the common schools and special course at Duff's Commercial College, Pittsburg. Started in steel business when a boy going into the office of Reeves Iron Co., Canal Dover for twelve years. Then took position as manager Ameri can Sheet Steel Co., Canal Dover, later promoted to position of assistant division superintendent and division superintendent and in January, 1904 became district manager in charge of plants at Canton, O., Dresden, O., Canal Dover, O., New Philadelphia, O. and Coal Mines at Stillwater, O. Mason, Knight Templar, Mystic Shriner and 1. O. 0. F. Republican in politics. ALBERT AMMERMAN Albert Ammerman, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland Office Co lumbia Lubricants Co, of New York. Born Brooklyn, N. Y., July 34, 1883. Educated public schools and Erasmus Hall High school, Brooklyn, N. Y. Started with the Manhattan Oil Co., N. Y., in 1900 as salesman and came to Cleveland in 1905 as Manager of the Columbia Lubricants Co. of New York, Manu facturers of Monogram Oils and Greases for Lubrication of Automobiles. P. L. liUSSEY P. L. Hussey. Cleveland. Manager of The Hussey Drop Forge & Mfg. Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, March 10, 1869. Educated in the common schools of Cleveland. 1885-88 with Brush Electric Light Co., serving apprenticeship. 1888-91 with the Phoenix Iron Co. 1891-93 with Winton Bicycle Co. 1893-93 with the Peerless Bicycle Co. lSi)4-1900 with Davis Sewing Machine Co. 1900-1903 with the Snell Cycle Fittings Co. 1903-1906 manager of the Hussey Drop Forge & Mfg. Company. Designed the Queen and Cadillac automobiles. Inventor of the Dayton Bicycle, the Hussey handle bar, the universal joint, tire detacher, several steering wheels, and an adjustable lamp bracket. Member of the Elks and Cleveland automobile club. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 153 AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS EDWIN H. PARKHURST Edwin H. Parkhurst, Cleveland. Vice president Peerless Motor Car Co. Born in Vermont state, April 10, 1872. Educated in the public schools. With The New York Belting & Packing Co. 1891, and was elected secretary in 1898, served until 1903, when he came to Cleveland and was elected secretary and director of the Peerless Motor Car Co. Elected vice president in 1906. Inter ested in other corporations. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Mem ber Euclid- club, Cleveland Automobile club and the Crescent Athletic Club, Brooklyn, N. Y. Politically a Republican. LEWIS H. KITTREDGE Eewis H. Kittredge, Cleveland. President, treasurer and gen eral manager Peerless Motor Car Co. Born New Hampshire, June 18, 1871. Educated at Keene High School and New Hamp shire State College. Graduated in 1896, degree of B. S. With the New York Belting & Packing Co., Passaic, N. J., 1896-97. Came to Cleveland with the Peerless Mfg. Co. in 1897. Was made secretary and general manager in 1899. Secretary, treas urer and general manager 1901. Firm name changed to the Peerless Motor Car Co. in 1903. Elected vice president of this company in 1904 and president in 1906. President Peerless Motor Car Co. of New York. Secretary Association Eicensed Automobiles Manufacturers. Interested in other corporations. Member Euclid, Clifton and Automobile clubs, and Automobile club of America, N. Y. Member Unity church. WILSON HEATH KIRKPATRICK Wilson Heath Kirkpatrick, Cleveland. Manager of sales de partment of Peerless Motor Car Co. Born Newark, N. J., March 7, 1869. Educated in public schools of Newark. With McKee & Harrington, bicycle manufacturers. New York, N. Y., 1887. Special representative of American Dunlop Tire Co., New York N. Y., 1889. Sales manager of the Peerless Motor Car Co. since 1903. Is a member of the Masons and member of Chatham Field and Game club of Chatham, N. J. CHARLES SCHMIDT Charles Schmidt, Cleveland. Chief Engineer, Peerless Motor Car Co. Born Paris, France, Aug. 18, 1869. Graduated from Ecole des Arts A Metiers d'Angers 1889. With Schmidt & Co., Paris, 1889-91. Then in the automobile business in Paris until 1898. With Fernandez & Co. Automobile manufacturers until 1900. Then with the Morse Company until 1901, when he came to the United States, and with the Packard Co. at Warren, O. and Detroit, Mich., until 1905, when he was appointed to present position. 154 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS ALEXANDER WINTON GEORGE H. BROWN Alexander \\'inton, Cleveland. President The Winton Motor Carriage Co. Born in Scotland June 20, 1860. Educated in the common schools of Scotland. Began career in the Clyde Ship Yards 1873. Came to U. S. 1878 locating in New York City. Came to Cleveland 1885 as Supt. Phoenix Iron Works. Three years later formed partnership with Thos. Henderson in the mfg. of bicycles. Organized the Winton Bicycle Co. and a direc tor in same. Organized present company and still serves as President. Life Member Boston Yacht Club. Mem. Lakewood Yacht, Clifton, Civil Engineers, Chicago Automobile and Cleve land Automobile Ass'n. Mem. Congregational Church. George H. Brown, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer The U'inton Motor Carriage Co. Born Conneautville, Pa.. Decem ber 6, 1855. Educated in the common schools. Came to Cleve land 1878. One of the organizers of the Winton Bicycle Co. 1893, elected Sec. and Treas. One of the organizers of the Winton Motor Carriage Co. 1897, elected Sec. and Treas., still serving. Sec. and Treas. The Cleveland Cap Screw Co., and interested in other corporations. Member of the Cleveland Automobile Club and the Lakewood M. E. Church. CHARLES B. SHANKS Charles B. Shanks, 'Cleveland. General Sales and Advertising Manager The Winton Motor Carriage Co. Born Chambersburg, Pa., March 19, 1873. Educated in the public schools. Began career in the newspaper business at Canton, Ohio. Came to Cleveland and was on the Reportorial Staff of the Cleveland Plain Dealer ] 891-99. 'I hen with The Winton Motor Carriage Co. as Adv. Mgr. 1899-04. Manager of the Cleveland Branch in connection with his advertising duties 1903-04. Appointed General Sales and Advertising Manager 1905, still serving. Member Cleveland Autcmobile, Century, Clifton, Dover Bay and Cleveland Press Clubs, Cleveland. Member Jefferson Square Club, San Francisco, Cal., and the Bay State Automobile Assn. THOMAS HENDERSON Thomas Henderson, Cleveland. Vice Pres. The Winton Motor Carriage Co. Born Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 28, lS49. Educated in the common schools. Learned the machinesmith trade in Scotland. Came to the U. S. 1879; followed trade in New York City. Moved to Cleveland 1881 and started business for himself. 1890 formed partnership with Alexander Winton, firm name of Winton & Henderson, mfrs. bicycles sundries. One of the or ganizers of the Winton Bicycle Co. 1893 its first president. 1893, when new capital was invested, elected a director. Organized the Winton Motor Carriage Co. 1897 elected Vice Pres. Vice Pres. Cleveland Cap Screw Co. and interested in other corpora tions. Member Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Automobile Club and Congregational Church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHI O 155 AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS E. D. SHURMER E. D. Shurmer, Cleveland. President Royal Motor Car Co. Born, Cleveland, O., March 3, 1869. Educated in Cleveland pub lic schools. Brooks Military Academy and Phillips Andover Acad emy. Member Halcyon Lodge No. 498 F. & A. M., Thatcher Chapter No. 101, R. A. M. Spanish War Veterans Gen. Geo. Garretson Command No. 55. Ohio Commanding Military Order Foreign Wars. Was enrolled as Captain Co. K. 10th Ohio Volun teer Infantry June S5th, 1898. Mustered out with regiment March 23, 1899. DANIEL SHURMER Daniel Shurmer, Cleveland. Retired. Born Malmesbury, Eng land, November 17, 1828. Educated in the schools of Malmesbury, Eng. Arrived in New York, November 5, 1S53, coming direct to Cleveland. Vice President The Royal Motor Car Co. Vice President Broadway Savings & T'rust Co. Director the Woodland Ave. Savings & Trust Co. Director the Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Was connected with oil firm of Schofield, Shutmer & Teagle from 1875-1901. ARCHIBALD D. McLACHLAN Archibald D. McLachlan, Cleveland. Treasurer The Royal Motor Car Co. Born London, Canada, September 18, 1871. Ed ucated in the public schools of Canada. Went to Detroit Mich., in 1884. With the D. & C. Navigation Co. 1884-88. Then came to Cleveland with the C, & B. Transit Co. 1888-1903. One of the organizers of the Royal Motor Car Co. in 1903 and was elected treasurer, still serving. Organized the Hyslop Body Co. in 1905 and elected treasurer. K. T. 32nd degree Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member of the Century and Cleveland Automobile clubs. Politically a Republican. ROBERT JARDINE Robert Jardine, Cleveland. Superintendent of the Royal Motor Car Co. Born Cleveland, O., October 18, 1876. Educated in the oublic schools of Cleveland and technical schools of Bir mingham, England, and Paris, France. Mechanical engineer and superintendent of the Royal Motor Car Co. Director The Hys lop Body Co. Member of Knights of the Maccabees. Metnber the Centurv club and the Cleveland Automobile club. Politically a Republican. 156 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS ROLLIN C. WHITE Rollin C. White. Cleveland. President Baker Motor Vehicle Co. Born in Vermont, June 3, 1S87. Educated common schools and Leland & Gray Seminary, Townsend, Vt. Farmer until twenty-two years of age. Then in Chair factory 1859-61. Then in the Sewing Machine business and in 1865 came to Cleveland and started in the manufacturing of Sewing Ma chines. One of the organizers of White Sewing Machine Co. 1876, elected Vice president. Sold out in 1901. President Cleveland Machine Screw Co., 1896-01, when he sold out. One of organizers of Baker Motor Vehicle Co., in 1900. Elected President and still serving. Director American Ball Bearing Co. Member Union and Ottawa Shooting clubs. Politically Republican. Director McAllister Ball Co. Director and Treasurer Caxton Bldg. Co. FRED K. \\T-iiri-; Fred R. White. Cleveland. Treasurer Baker Motor Vehicle Co. Born Cleveland, O., February 17, 1873. Educated in the ptiblic sc'hools and graduated from Cornell University in 1895, degree LL. B. After graduation assumed control of his. father, Rollin C. White's, affairs. Vice president American Ball Bear- iner Co. Director Locke Steel Bolt Co. Bridgeport Ct. Inter ested ill a number of other corporations. Member Union, Uni- versitVt Euclid, Roadside, Country, Knowlwood Country club, White Plains. N. Y., and Ottowa Shooting clubs. Republican in politics. WALTER C. BAKER Walter C. Baker, Cleveland. Vice president and mechanical engineer Baker Motor Vehicle Co. Born Hinsdale, N. H., June 27, 1868. Came to Cleveland in early youth. Educated in the public schools and special course in mechanical and electrical engineering at Case School of Applied Science. Organized the American Ball Bearing Co. in 1894 and was elected president and mechanical engineer, still serving. Organized the present company in 1900 and elected vice president, still serving. Inter ested in various other corporations. Member Union, Euclid, Clifton Park and Engineers' clubs. Politically a Republican. F. PHILIP DORN F, Philip Dorn, Cleveland. Secretary and general manager The American Ball Bearing Co. Born Cleveland, 0., Jan. 10, 1862. Educated in the public schools. Began career with The White Sewing Machine Co. 1877-91. Then with The Standard Sewing Machine Co. as manager the retail department 1891-98. One of the organizers of The American Ball Bearing Co. in 1894, and was elected secretary. Became active in 1898 and was elected general manager. Interested in other corporations. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 157 AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS GEORGE S. WAITE George S. Waite, Cleveland. Secretary and General Manager The Standard Automobile Co. Born Leicester, Mass., Jan, 12, 1866. Educated in the public schools and Oberlin College. With White Sewing Machine Co., 1S91-1905, as Manager the Retail Sewing Machine and Automobile Department. Accepted present position in 1906. Member Hermit Club, Cleveland Com mercial Travelers and Cleveland Automobile Club. Republican in politics. CLARENCE M- BROCKVVAV Clarence M. Brockway, Cleveland. Manager city sales depart ment Winton Motor Carriage Co. Born Boston, Mass., June 11, ]87?. Educated in the public schools Worcester Academy and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Taught in Massachu setts Institute of Technology 1893-94. Then came to Cleveland and taught in the jmblic schools until 1902. Since then with the Winton Motor Carriage Co., in present capacity. Member Masons and Cleveland Automobile club. Politically a Repub lican. HOBART M. ADAMS Plobart M. Adams, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland Retail Au tomobile Department of the White Sewing Machine Co. Bom Euclid, O., Feb. 2, 1872. Educated in public schools. With the Lake Erie Iron Co. 1888-93. Asst. purchasing agent Grasseli Chemical Co., 1803-1900. Since, with the White Sewing Machine Co. in the Automobile Department. Was made manager of this department in 1905. Interested in several corporations. Repub lican in politics. WILLIAM L. COLT William L. Colt, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland Motor Car Co. Born Toledo. O., July 27, 1371. Educated in Chicago public schools and Chicago JManual Training school. Graduated Sibley College of Engineering, Cornell University, 1894. Came to Cleveland in J 895. Formerly secretary Cleveland Machine Screw Co. and general sales manager The Federal ^Manufacturing Co. Now manager Cleveland Motor Car Co., manufacturers of the "Cleveland" .^Vutomobile. Member Union, Country, Euclid, Tavern, Hermit a.iid Automobile clubs. Member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. Politically a Republican. 158 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS RICHARD IT. MAGOON Richard H. Magoon, Cleveland. Proprietor R. H. Magoon Motor Car Co. Born Willoughby, O., Feb. 3, 1877. Educated in public schools and graduated from Willoughby High School 1897. With the Oldsmobile Co. 1899-1901. Office man Euclid club 1901-1902. One of the organizers of the Ohio Motor Co. 1902-1903. Elected general manager. Organized present busi ness in 1903. Member Cleveland Automobile Club, American Motor Eeague, American Automobile Association, and Cleveland Automobile Dealers Association. Member Disciple Christian church. GEORGE FORD RUSSELE George Ford Russell, Cleveland. Secretary The Ohio Motor Car Co. Born Toledo, O., January 8, 1876. Graduated from Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, O., 1895; Adelbert College, Cleveland, in 1899. Credit man with the Ohio Rubber Co. 1899- 1902. In 1902 was made secretary of The Ohio Motor Car Co. Member of the Cleveland Automobile Co. Politically a Repub lican. EDWARD A. KIRK Edward A. Kirk, Toledo. Manager The Kirk Bros., Auto Co. Born Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1867. Educated in the public schools of Toledo. Engaged in the hardware business, 1884-96. Bicycle manufacturer, 1896-98. Bicycle dealer, 1898-1902. Automobile dealer 1903 to date. Member American Motor League and Toledo Automobile Club. 32nd degree Mason and Noble of the Mystic Shrine. RAEPH R. OWEN Ralph R. Owen, Cleveland. President and general manager The Ohio Oldsmobile Co. Born Kent O., October 2, 1869. Ed ucated in the public schools. Began career in grocery store 1884-86. Then came to Cleveland and learned the machinist's trade. Superintendent for F. E. Stearns & Co. 1897-1900. Then organized the Ohio Oldsmobile Co. Elected president and gen eral manager. Agent for the Oldsmobile Co. in Ohio. North eastern agent for the Franklin and Thomas Flyer. Member Cleveland Yacht and Cleveland Automobile clubs. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 159 AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS J. V. THOMAS J. V. Thomas, Toledo. Manager The Weed Garage. Born New Orfeans, La., May 1, 1870. Educated in the common and high schools of Titusville, Pa. Foreman with G. H. & L. C. Van Vleck in Toledo, 1895-98. Contractor and producer of petroleum, 1898-1905. On September 1 appointed general man ager of The Weed Garage, which had purchased the Kirk Hall Company's business. A. A. -AT WOOD A. A. Atwood, Toledo. Manager The Atwood Automobile Co. Born Orangeport, Niagara county, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1867. Business College education, Buffalo, N. Y. Bookkeeper three years. In grocery business three years. Bicycle business four years. Traveling salesman three years and last five years identified with automobile business. Stockholder and general manager The Atwood Automobile Co. MARSHALL B. LIGHTHALL Marshall B. Lighthall, Cleveland. Proprietor of the Auto Garage. Born Pulaski, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1879. Educated in the Oswego State Normal School, N. Y. Began career with the Ames Arms Works, Oswego, N. Y., 1900, as mechanical draughts man. Came to Cleveland 1903 to assist Andrew Duty in his brick manufacturing business. Started the present business in 1905, handling and storing automobiles. CHARLES F. GILMOUR Charles F. Gilmour, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland branch Reo Motor Car Co. Born Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1877. Educated in the common and high schools of Buffalo. Clerk for W. C. Boak, wholesale bicycle supplies and' sundries, 1897- 98, Buffalo, N. Y. Salesman Compound Cy. Co., Buffalo, 1.898-99. Salesman for Fisk Rubber Co., Buffalo branch, 1899-1900. Man ager Buffalo branch Fisk Rubber Co.. 1901-02. In 1903 sales manager J. A. Cramer Automobile Agency, Buffalo. In 1904 traveling representative Olds Motor Works, Detroit, Mich. In 1905 came to Cleveland as manager of the Ohio branch at Cleve land of the Reo Motor Car Co. 160 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS H. L. CUNNINGHAM H L. Cunningham. Cleveland. Manager The Ford Motor Car Co. Born Shelby, O., January 30, 1883: Educated in the ¦ dis trict schools. Started to learn the machinist's trade in the Ideal Bicycle factory, Shelby. O., in ¦ 189.5. ,Came to Cleveland in 1899 to accept position with .The,AVinton Motor Carriage Co. as tool maker. Went to Mansfiel'd,- O.,*' in-1'900 and took a position in the fire engine department .of, Th^. Mansfield Machine Works. Went to Geneva in 1901 as'foreman of "the assembling and test ing department The Geneva Auto Co. In -1902 went' to Detroit with W. E. Metzeer to look after the . Winton interests, 1904 manaeer The Detroit Automobile ¦ Co; Came tO'Cleveland as manaizer The Ford Motor Co. branch in fall of- 1905. Member Cleveland .\utomobile club. H. S. MOORE H. S. Moore, Cleveland. Retail automobiles. Born Wil loughby, O., July 10, 1872. Educated in the common schools. Came to Cleveland in 1891 and took up the wholesale hardware business. In 1895 went on the road as traveling salesman. In 1897 entered the bicycle business with a partner under firm name of li. S. Moore & Co. Bought out his partner in 1900 and took up the retailing of automobiles, being third retail agency estab lished in Cleveland. Is now the oldest retail automobile dealer in the citv. Member Cleveland Automobile Dealers Co., Cleve land Automobile club, American Automobile Association and American Motor League. ALVIN HUGH SMITH ARTHUR Bl-:RN.\Ri) WEIL, Alvin Hugh Smith, Cleveland. Manager Studebaker Automo bile Co. Sales Agency. Born Cleveland, Ohio, April 17, 1875. Educated in Cleveland public schools and the Forest City Busi ness College. Salesman for Euclid Ave Bicycle Co., 1894-95. Engineer and inspector for Board of Park Commissioners, 1895- 97. Confidential clerk The Standard Contracting Co. and W. A. McGillis & Co., 1897-1903. Manager Vault Department The Pru dential Trust Co. and Manager The American Motor Carriage Co. for which The Prudential Trust Co. was receiver, 1903-04. Assistant to the Superintendent The Standard Contracting Co. , 1904-05. Secretary and Treasurer The Central Automobile Co., ]905 to date. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Au tomobile Club and Y. M. C. A. Politically Independent. Arthur Bernard Weil, E. E., M. E., Cleveland. Associate man ager Studebaker Automobile Company sales agency. Born Pa- ducah, Ky., September 24, 1877. Educated in the public schools of Paducah and Cleveland, Case School of Applied Science, Ohio State University and Columbia University. Pharmacist, 1895-97. Superintendent Cleveland Brazed Fork & Tubing Co., .1897-98. Electrician Lorain Steel Co., branch of U. S. Steel Co., 1902. Electrician for Electric Storage Battery Co., Phil adelphia, Pa., 1903-04. Automobile manufacturing 1904-05. Superintendent The Central Automobile Co., 1905. Present position since January, 1906. Member Excelsior club. Inde pendent in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 161 AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS WILBUR S. TALBOT Wilbur S. Talbot, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland Branch, The B. F. Goodrich Co. Born Belmont County, Ohio, June 5, ] 878. Educated in the public schools of Belmont County and Ohio Northern University at Ada, Ohio. Classical course at Scio College. Began career as a teacher in the public schools 189G. Then with the B. F. Goodrich Co.. at Akron, O., as trav eling Salesman. Came to Cleveland in 1905 in present position Member of the Cleveland Automobile Club. Member of the Masons. Politically a Republican and member the Methodist Church. E. T. Horsey, Cleveland, Ohio. Manager Cleveland branch of the Continental Caoutchouc Company, New York City. Born in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 6, 1871. Educated in the public schools and Baltimore City College. Studied architecture and electrical engineering. Became interested with Chicago Edison Co. in 1893. During the past ten years with the Georgia E-lectric Light & Power Co., Atlanta, Ga., D. A. Tompkins Co., Char lotte, N. C, Mt. Lower Electric R. R.. Pasadena, Cal., Chicago Telephone Co,, American Telephone & Telegraph Co., N. Y. Engaged with the Continental Caoutchouc Company, N-'W York City in 1904, and came to Cleveland in 1905. Member of the Cleveland Automobile and Century clubs. Member of the Episcopal church. CLAUD H. FOSTER Claud IL Foster, Cleveland. President and general manager the Gabriel Horn Mfg. Co. Born Cleveland, O., December 25, 1873. Educated in the public schools. Worked on his father's (George H. Foster) farm in Brooklyn O., until 1891. Engaged iin the automobile business, doing experimental work for eleven years. Then with the Winton Motor Carriage Co. until 1904. Invented the Gabriel horn in 1904, and formed present com pany in 1905, and was elected president. Interested in other enterprises. Member of the Masons. LOUIS P. DOERING Louis P. Doering, Cleveland. Automobile trimming. Born Reading, Pa., Oct. 9, 1852. Apprenticed to Beckhaus & Algier, carriage builders, Philadelphia, Pa., in 1864, and served full apprenticeship at carriage trimming. Came to Cleveland in 1883 employed by Geo. J. Warden, carriage builders. Started in busi ness where the Rose building stands in 1893. Was given charge of the automobile trimming of the White Sewing Machine Co., and since then has been keeping abreast with their success in the manufacture of the White Steam T'ouring Car. 162 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO AUTOMOBILE INTERESTS THOMAS W. MULER ANDREW H. NOAH Thomas W. Miller, Akron. Treasurer and manager Faultless Rubber Co. Born Summit county, O., Feb. 12, 1874. Educated in common schools of Summit county. Engaged as traveling salesman for Akron Silver Plate Co. three years. Organized the Union Rubber Co., dealers in wholesale and retail rubber goods, at Akron, and was with them two years. Then organized Fault less Mfg. Co., afterward the Faultless Rubber Co., taking posi tion of treasurer and geneial manager of both Ashland and Akron plants. Member B. P. O. E., No. 363. Member Portage Golf and Akron clubs. Politically a Republican. Andrew H. Noah, Akron. T'reasurcr The Diamond Rubber Co. Born Summit county, O., Feb. IS, 1858. Educated in common schools, Summit county and took special course at Oberlin College. Taught country schools for two years. Then traveled in the South as General Agent Dayton Hedge Co. five years. Came to Akron in 18S5 and formed partnership of Wilcox & Noah, Abstracters of Title, Real Estate and Insurance. Organizc.d and served as secretary Akron Building & Loan Association for several years. In 1897 took present position. V. P. Bruner, Goodhue Cook Co. Secretary Buffalo Mill Supply Co. Member Blue Lodge, Knight Templars, Scottish Kite and Mystic Shriner Masons and Past Grand I. O. O. F. Akron Lodge. Treasurer The International Process Co. Politically a Republican. GEORGE J. BRADLEY JAMES A. SWINEHART George J. Bradley, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland branch The Diamond Rubber Co. Born Oswego, N. Y., August 23, 1877. Educated in the public schools of Chicago, 111. Manager bicycle department at Chicago of Henry Sears Co., 1893-96. Purchas ing agent March, Davies Cycle Mfg. Co., 1896-1900. Theri with The Diamond Rubber Co. at New York City. Came to Cleve land in 1904 as manager of this branch. Member of the Masons. Member Cleveland and Pittsburg Automobile clubs. Politically an Independent. James A. Swinehart, Akron. President Swinehart Clincher Tire & Rubber Co. Born Suffield, O., Dec. 12. 1866. Educated in the common schools of Summit county, O. Taught school for seven years, then engaged in millwrighting, contracting and building business, Akron for fifteen years. Invented the Fire stone Tire in 1897 and associated with the Firestone Tire & Rub ber Co., as Vice president,, for three years, and introduced the manufacture of rubber tires of his invention into all the lead ing factories of Europe. Then engaged in the manufacture of the Swinehart Clincher Tire as President of the company, mak ing a specialty of Trusk and Auto tires. V. P. Colonial Tire & Rubber So., operating in Europe. At the time of this pub lication It IS estimated that 95 per cent of all solid auto tires used in the world are of his invention. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 163 AUTOMOBILE AND SHIPBUILDING INTERESTS GEO. W. MORSE Geo. W. Morse, Cleveland. Vice president and manager The Parish & Bingham Co. Born Wallingford, Conn., April 16, 1856. Educated in the common schools and Highland Military Acad emy, Worcester, Mass. Manager Virginia Lumber Mill Co. 1878-80. Deputy Sheriff, New Haven county. Conn., 1882-86. Went to Pittsburg in 1888 and became sales manager of the firm of J. & H. Phillips until 1898. President and manager H. W. French Co., Allegheny, Pa., from 1898 to the present time. Came to Cleveland in 1903 as vice president and general manager The Parish & Bingham Co. Member Elks' club and Cleveland Automobile club. CHARLES BRADLEY CALDER Charles Bradley Calder, general manager The Toledo Ship building Co. Born Antwerp, Jefferson county, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1853. Educated in the public schools. Marine engineer for eighteen years. Superintendent engineers for M. A. Hanna & Co. 1890 to 1893. Superintendent of the Dry Dock & Engine Works, Detroit, Mich., from 1893 to consolidation as The t)etroit Shipbuilding Co. in 1899. Was elected general superintendent of the ship yards and shops. One of the organizers of The Toledo Shipbuilding Co. and elected general manager and direc tor. Interested in other corporations. Associate member of the Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Member of the Amer ican Society of Mechanical Engineers. Knight Templar. 32nd degree Mason. Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. THEODORE C. WHITCOMB COL. JAS. H. SPRAGUE Theodore C. Whitcomb, Cleveland. Automobile dealer. Born 1861 at Louisburg, Ark. and in 1865 moved to Mitchell, Ind. and in 1871 to Indianapolis, Ind. where he secured his education in the public schools of that city. In 1880 Mr. Whitcomb entered the fire insurance business continuing until 1897 when he became interested in the automobile industry. From that year until 1902 he traveled for the National Motor Vehicle Co. of Indianapolis. In 1902 he started into the automobile busi ness on his own account in Cleveland and was rewarded with great success. Politically he is a Republican. Col. Jas. H. Sprague, Norwalk, president The Sprague Um brella Co. Born Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1847. Educated at Watertown University and Pulaski Academy and Red Creek Academy, N. Y. Officer in the Union Army 1861-65. Officer in the Regular Army 1865-67. Started the Sprague Umbrella Co. in 1885. Chief of Staff of Gov. Chas. Foster four years. Past Eminent Commander, Norwalk Commandery No. 18. Past Com mander Alkoran Temple Mystic Shrine. G. A. R. Member Council of Administration G. A. R. Loyal Legion, Odd Fellows and Royal Arcanum. National Union, Red Men, United Com mercial Travelers. Past Exalted Ruler Norwalk B. P. O. E- Member New York Press Club. Author of "My Dear Ohio Home," "The Great White Throne." Politically a Republican. 164 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO SHIPBUILDING INTERESTS JOHN CRAIG John Craig, Toledo. Born in New York City 1838. Educated in the public schools and graduated from the College of New York in 1855- During the Civil War had charge of fitting out schooners and steamers from merchantmen to gun boats. Located at Gibralter, Mich., 1865, and became member of firm of Linn & Craig, ship builders. Moved to Trenton, Mich., 1882, and continued the business under firm name of John Craig & Son. Came to Toledo in 1889 and organized the Craig Ship building Company. Elected president and served until 1905, when the business was sold to the Toledo Shipbuilding Com pany. Interested in many corporations. Member of the T'oledo and other clubs. JOHN F. CRAIG John F. Craig, Toledo. V. P. and T'reas. Craig Ship building Co. Born Gibralter, Mich., May 18, 1868. Educated in the public schools. State Normal School at Ypsilanti, Mich. Began career with John Craig & Sons, shipbuilders, I'renton, Mich., 1887-89. Came to Toledo and merged the company into the Craig Shipbuilding Co. Elected secretary. In 1900 elected secretary and treasurer. Fleeted to present position in 1905. Director Commercial Savings Bank. Dir. and Sec'y, Adams Transportation Co. and Monroe Transportation Co. Treas. and Dir. Toledo Steamship Co. Mgr., Treas. and Dir. Portage Transit Co. Ireas. and Dir. Craig Foundry Co. Commodore Toledo Yacht Club. Commodore Interlake Yachting Association. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. Mem ber M. E- church. GEORGE L- CRAIG George L. Craig, Toledo. Born New York City May 11, 1804. Educated in public schools. Served apprenticeship as a wood and ship carpenter with his father, John Craig, at Gibralter, Mich. With Frank Kirby as a draftsman at Detroit, Mich., three years. With his father organized the firm of John Craig & Son, ship builders, at Trenton, Mich., 1882. Came to Toledo in 1889 and one of the organizers of the Craig Shipbuilding Company. Elected general manager and consulting engineer. Served until 1905, when the entire plant was sold. Interested in a number of corporations. Member of the Toledo and Toledo Yacht clubs. Engineers club of New York and the Society of Naval Architects and Engineers. ALFRED H. MERRILL Alfred H. Merrill, Toledo. Secretary Craig Ship Building Co. Born near Jackson, Mich,, Oct. 10, 1868. Came to Toledo in early youth. Educated in public and high schools of Toledo. Organized the Merrill Press Co., printers and book publishers, 1889-1902, when he sold out and became identified with the Craig Ship Building Co. as secretary, which position he now holds. Secretary and director T'oledo Steamship Co. Secretary and director Portage Transit Co. Secretary and director Craig Foun dry Co. Member Masons. Politically a Republican. Member M. E. church. PROG R ESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 165 LAKE TRANSPORTATION JOHN' MITCHELL ALFRED MITCHELL John Mitchell, Cleveland. Mitchell & Co. Born Clinton Co., N. Y., Oct. 8, 1850. Educated in the common schools. Sailed before the mast on the lakes 1866-68, then in 1868 in company with his brother Alfred and Wm. Rowel bought the scow "Ever green" and began carrying business on the lakes. In 1880 be came interested in Gratwick, Smith & Fryer Lumber Co., Tona wanda, N. Y. In 1887 retired from active service on the water and became interested in various transportation and boat build ing companies and in 1890, in company with A. Mitchell and J^. F. Wedow, organized firm of Mitchell & Co. Pres. Marine City Salt & Brick Works, Lake View Land Co., Lancashire Syn dicate and interested in various corporations. SSnd degree K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner. Alfred Mitchell, Cleveland. Vessel interests. Born Franklin, Lower Canada, Dec. 80, 1852. Educated in the common schools. At fourteen years of age began as a sailor and continued same until 1891, when he became a member of firm of Mitchell & Co. and partner in all their interests. Holds gold medal from U. S. Government for rescuing thirteen of crew of "Annie L. Young" while burning in a gale of wind. Also gold watch and chain with inscribed testimonial from Erie & Western R. R. for same act. Member K. of C. and Century and Dover Bay clubs. Po litically a Republican. ABRAM W. COLTON LAFAYETTE S. SULLIVAN. Abram W. Colton, T'oledo. President and general manager Lake Erie Transportation Co. Born Huron County, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1834. Educated in the public schools. Came to Toledo in early youth. Identified with the shipping interests for fifty years. Organized the Lake Erie Transportation Co. in 1881. Elected president and general manager and still serving. Director White Star Line, Detroit, Mich. Interested in other corporations. Owner of the Colton Building. Member Toledo club. Politi cally a Republican. Trustee First Congregational church. Lafayette S. Sullivan, Toledo. Vessel owner. Born Lucas County, Ohio, May 16, 1858. Educated in public schools. Be gan career with iirm of John Stevens & Co., Vessel Agents, 1872-80. Then started in the vessel business for himself. Now interested in twelve different vessels. Was interested in the Craig Ship Building Co., until 1906, when same was sold to the Toledo Ship Building Co. Second Vice president and direr- tor Dime Savings Bank Co. General manager for Toledo Great Lakes Towing Co. Interested in other corporations. K. T. 32nd degree Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member of M. E. Church. 166 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO RAILROAD INTERESTS WILLIAM HENRY CANNIFF ALBERT W. JOHNSTON William Henry Canniff, Cleveland. Born Litchfield, Mich., Oct. 22, 1847. , 1863 night watchman Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad, Ossea, Mich. 1865-68 agent same road at Trenton, Mich. 1868-72 joint agent Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana and Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Rail ways at Salem Crossing. 1872-79 trackmaster Kendallville di vision L. S. & M. S. Ry. 1879-80 trackmaster Chicago division 1880-88 Superintendent Lansing Division, including Detroit, Hills dale & Southwestern and Ft. Wayne and Jackson Roads, 1888-92 Assistant General Superintendent. 1892-96 General Su perintendent. 1896-98 General Manager; all on the L. S. & M. S. Railway. Since May 18, 1898 President N. Y. C. & St L- R. R. Member Union, Euclid, Roadside, Clifton and Row fant Clubs, Cleveland and Chicago Club, Chicago. Albert W. Johnston, Cleveland. General manager N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R- Born Boston, Mass., March 4, 1853. Educated in the public schools of Boston and Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, graduated 1873. Engaged in railroad construction and engineering until 1875, when he entered the employ of the "Pan Handle" road in ollice of general superintendent. Appointed assistant engineer 1878. In 1882 went to Kansas as superin tendent construction Topeka & Southwestern. In 1884 came to Cleveland as engineer East division N. Y. C. & St. L- R- R. In 1889 became division superintendent, and in 1906 general manager. Member Union club, Cleveland, and Transportation club. New York; American Society of Civil Engineers, American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association and other societies. EDWIN R. PERKINS CHAS. H. MILLER Edwin R. Perkins. Cleveland. President Cleveland & Ma honing Valley Ry. Co. Born Tamworth, N. H., February 20, 1833. Educated Phillips Exeter Academy and graduated Dart mouth College 1857, degree A. B. Graduated Ohio State and Union Law College 1863, degree LL. B. Came to Cleveland 1857. Became assistant cashier Commercial National Bank 1865. In 1870 organized private banking house Chamberlain, Gorham & Perkins- 1878 became cashier Merchants National Bank. Or ganized Mercantile National Bank 1884, became vice president and general manager, and in 1890 president. Reorganized C, L. W. R. R. Co., and was president 1890-93. Director various railroad, mining and other corporations. Member Union, Uni versity and other clubs. Elder Presbyterian Church. Chas. H. Miller, Crestline. Retired Railroad Officer. Born New York City, Jan. 29, 1829. Educated in common schools ot Carroll county, O. Deputy clerk of Carroll county three years. Then elected Recorder of Carroll county, but did not serve. Then took position as conductor 'on Cleveland & Pittsburgh Ry. Then with Geo. P. Smith & Co., wholesale dry goods, Pittsburgh, Then with P., Ft. W. & Chicago Ry. 1857-60. Appointed train dispatcher of same road with headquarters at Crestline until 1868. Promoted to position of general livestock agent of Penn sylvania System ui^til retired by the company in Dec. 31, 1900. Member Masons. Politically a Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 167 RAILROAD INTERESTS WALDO I-I. MARSHALL Waldo H. Marshall. Cleveland. President American Locomo tive Co. Born East Boston, Mass., June 7, 1864. EJducated in the public schools. With the Rhode Island Locomotive Works, Providence, R. I., 1880-88. In mechanical engineering business one year at New York. Went to Chicago in 1889, engaged in mechanical engineering and connected railroad technical papers until 1896. In 1897 engaged by the Chicago & Northwestern R. R. as assistant superintendent of motive power. In 1899 came to Cleveland as superintendent motive power L. S. & M. S. Ry. General superintendent 1902. General manager 1903 of L. E. & W., L. E. A. & W., and Indiana, Illinois & Iowa railroads. Resigned 1906 to become president of American Locomotive Co., New York. Member Union, Euclid and Colonial clubs. EDWARD A. HANDY Edward A. Handy, Cleveland. General manager L. S. & M. S. Ry. and leased and operated lines. Born Barnstable, Mass., April 4, 1855. Educated in the public schools and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1875. De gree of B. S. Followed general engineering until 1878, when he was engaged with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and chief engineer the Mexican National R. R. 1882-1888. Then engaged as an engineer the L. S. & M. S. Railway and was made chief engineer in 1891. Made assistant general manager in 1905 and general manager in 1906. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Cleveland Society of Civil Engineers and the Euclid, University and Union clubs. Member Mayflower Society Sons of American Revolution. Politically a Republican. HENRY STANTON STORRS Henry Stanton Storrs, deceased, Cleveland. General superin tendent L. S. & M. S. Ry. Born Russia, N. Y., Feb. 22, 184S. Worketl on farm as a boy. Messenger for American Express Co. in 1863. Went to St. Louis in 1870 for Baltimore Bridge Co. in charge of construction work. Passenger conductor on Q. M. & P. Ry., 1871. Construction work for C. B. & Q. railway in Iowa, 1877. Later became yard master. In 1881 went to Minne apolis as yard master for Great Northern Ry. Returned to C. B. & Q. Ry. in 1882 as trainmaster. Appointed Div. Supt. in 1885 and Supt. in 1900. In 1901 came to Indiana as Assistant gener al superintendent L. E. & W. Ry. Made assistant general sup- intendent L. S. & M. S. Ry. and leased and operated lines in 1901. General Superintendent in 1903. Held this position until his death, Oct. 25, 1905. 32° Mason, K. T. and Mystic Shrine. SAMUEL ROCKWELL Samuel Rockwell, Cleveland, Chief engineer L. S. & M. S. Railway. Born Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1847. Educated in private schools. Went to sea at sixteen, and was first oificer of a ship before he was twenty-one. Graduated Yale S. S. S. 1873, Engineer Hoboken tunnel, D. L. & W. R. R. 1873-77. Con tractor 1877-81. Asst. City Engineer, Kansas City, 1881-82, Asst. Engineer St. Paul Water Works, 1882-84. Engineer St. P. M. & M. Railway, and A. F. F. & P. and Eastern Minnesota, 1884-90. Chief Engineer Santa Fe, California extension, 1890. Chief engineer, Duluth & Winnipeg, 1891. Engineer M. S. Division, L. S. & M. S. Railway. 1891. Asst. Chief Engineer, 1904. Present position 1905. Member American Society Civil Engineers. Member Century Club and Masons. Republican. 168 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO RAILROAD INTERESTS HENRY BROMLEY Henry Bromley, Cleveland. General ore and coal agent L. S. & M. S. Ry. Born Deerham, England, Aug. 12, 1841. Removed to America with his mother and settled in New York State. Educated in public schools of New York and Michigan. Engaged as telegraph operator and agent for the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee R. R. In 1873 moved to Ft. Wayne, Ind., as agent for Ft. W.. J. & S. Ry. and the Ft. W-, M. & C. In 1877 moved to Jackson as general freight and passenger agent Ft. W., J. & S. Ry. In 1882 was appointed general agent for the L. S. & M. S. Ry. in charge of the lumber and salt interests. In 3 889 came to Cleveland in charge of the coal and coke department, and in 1895 took charge also of the ore interests. Member Roadside and Transportation clubs. Mason and polit ically a Republican. FRANK J. JEROME Frank J. Jerome, Cleveland. General attorney L. S. & M. S. Ry. Born Painesville, O., Nov. 2, 1855. Educated in the pub lic schools of Painesville and law department University of Michigan, Admitted to the bar and began practice at Paines ville in 1877. In partnership with Hon. J. B. Burrows under firm name of Burrows & Jerome from 1884 to 1893. Latter year was appointed attorney for the L. S. & M. S. Ry., with headquarters at Cleveland. In May, 1902, was appointed general attorney. President Pioneer Trust Co., Painesville, and trustee Lake Erie College. Member Union club. Republican in politics ROBERT O. ROTE. Robert O. Rote, Cleveland. Principal Assistant Engineer L. S. & M. S. Railway. Born Geneva, O., March 22, 1871. Edu cated in the public schools and graduated from Geneva Normal School. Subsequently acquired an Engineering education by private study. Engaged with the Michigan Central R. R. as rodman in 1889, and was with that road as instrument man and draftsman until 1892, when he became draftsman for the L. S. & M. S. Railway. In 1893 was made Chief draftsman and in 1899 was made 3nd Assistant engineer. In 1905 he was pro moted to his present position. Member of the Engineers Club, American Railway Engineers and M. of W. Association. FRANCIS H. GREENE Francis H. Greene, Cleveland. Purchasing agent L. S. & M. S. Ry., L- E. & W., I. I. & I., L. E. A. & W. and D. A. V. & P. R. R. Born London, Ont., April 3, 1868. Educated in the public schools London, Can. Entered the purchasing department Grand Trunk R. R. in 1886. With the Northwestern R. R. in accounting, storage and mechanical departments, headquarters at Chicago, in 1889. In 1900 was appointed purchasing agent for the L- S. & M. S. Ry., and is still serving. Member Euclid* Hermit, Union and Transportation clubs. Cleveland, and Engi neers' club. New York. Member of the Masons, Royal League. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 169 RAILROAD Interests HERMAN F. BALL Herman F. Ball, Cleveland. Superintendent of motive power L. S. & M. S. Ry. Born Altoona, Pa., Dec. 17, 1867. Educated in the public and private schools of Altoona. Entered the em ploy of the Pennsylvania R. R. in 1884 as apprentice in shop and mechanical engineers' office. In 1890 engaged by the L. S. & M. S. Ry. as chief draftsman, and subsequently served as general foreman car shops, mechanical engineer and in his pres ent capacity, superintendent of motive power. President Amer ican Railway Master Mechanics' Assn. Member Civil Engi neers' club, and Century and Euclid clubs, Cleveland; Western R. R. club, Chicago; Central R. R. club, Buffalo. Politically Republican. JAMES WEBSTER James Webster, Cleveland. General Freight Agent, New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. Born near Owen Sound, Ontario. Dec. 14, 1866. After serving two years as telegraph messenger, entered railway service as telegraph operator in 1874. Began service with New York, Chicago & St. Louis R. R. upon the opening of the road in 1882 and h_as filled successively posi tions of rate clerk, chief clerk, commercial agent, Chicago, and assistant general freight agent until July 1, 1904, when he was made general freight agent. DENNIS T. MURRAY Dennis T. Murray, Youngstown. Superintendent the L. S. & M. S. Ry. at Youngstown, O. Born Ripley, N. Y., November 13, 1854. Educated in the public schools of Harbor Creek, Pa. Began career as a trackman, then successively switch tender, yard brakeman, telegraph operator, train dispatcher, chief train dispatcher, train master and now superintendent. Member of the Elks. Politically an Independent. HARRY A. COCHRAN Harry A. Cochran, Cleveland. Assistant Coal and Coke Agent B. & O. R. R. Born Clarinda, Iowa, Jan. 14, 1871. Educated in the public schools of Union Co., O. T'aught school two years, and in 1892 was engaged as stenographer in the Big Four R. R. office at Columbus, O. In 1895 became stenographer to the general freight agent of the Ohio Southern. In 1897 entered the general freight department of the B. & O. at Pittsburgh and in 1898 was transferred to the Coal and Coke department as chief clerk, and January, 1905, was appointed assistant coal and coke agent with headquarters at Cleveland. Member Transportation and Coal clubs. Politically a Republican. 170 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO RAILROAD AND LAKE TRANSPORTATION JAY Cor.LN'ER D. Jay Collver, Cleveland. City passenger and ticket agent Big Four railroad. Born Stanhope, Sussex county, N. J., Au gust 20, 1846. Educated in the public schools, Clyde, O. En gaged in the dry goods business at Clyde, O. Then came to Cleveland about 1875, and entered the services of the old Bee Line R. R., now part of the Big Four system, of the New York Central lines. Is the originator of long distance excursions and high-class tours in the United States, which business has been remarkably developed in the last few years. ALLYN F. HARVEY Allyn F. Harvey, Cleveland. Assistant General Manager Pitts burg Steamship Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, February 3, 1871. Educated in Cleveland public schools and four years at Yale, graduating in 1893 with degree of A. B. Started with Pickands, Mather & Co., in spring of 1894, and occupied various positions with them until spring of 1901. Then took a position with Steel Corporation under A. B. Wolvin, General Manager of Pitts- bure Steamship Co. Remained three years in Duluth with him. Appointed to present position in 1902, coming to Cleveland when the offices were moved here in 1904. USCAK .\. C(JNb'l.\XS Oscar A. Constans, Cleveland. Division freight agent, Bal timore & Ohio R. R. Born Nov. 23, 1862. Educated at the grammar and high schools at Columbus, O. Entered railway service 1882 as clerk for the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. at Columbus, O., since which time he has been consecutively: secretary to C. S. Wight, assistant general freight agent at Columbus, 1882- ]89]; chief clerk general freight office at Pittsburgh, Pa., 1891- 1895 ; division freight agent at Pittsburg 1895-97 ; division freight agent at Columbus 1897-1903; division freight agent at Cleveland since 1902. Entire service with the Baltimore & Ohio R. R. LeGRAND PARISH LeGrand Parish, Cleveland. Assistant Supt. Motive Power the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. Born Friendship, N. Y., April 13, 1860. Educated in the common schools. Clerk in Adrian shops L. S. & M. S. Ry. in 1891. Chief clerk car de partment L. S. & M. S. Ry., Chicago, 1894. General Foreman, Chicago, 1899. Master Car Builder, Chicago, 1899. Assistant Superintendent of Motive Power in Cleveland since 1904. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 171 ELECTRIC R. R. INTERESTS HENRY A. EVERETT Henry A. Everett, Willoughby. Capitalist, Born Cleveland, 0., Oct. 16, 1866. Educated in the public and private schools of Cleveland. President Toledo Railways & Light Co., Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., London Street Ry., London, Canada. Chairman of board Detroit United Ry. Interested in numerous traction, telephone and other corporations. Member of the Union, Euclid, Century, Colonial and Electric clubs. EDWARD W. MOORE Edward W. Moore, Cleveland. Born Ohio, July 3, 1864. Edu cated in public schools. Commenced career with Everett, Wed- dell & Co., bankers, 1880-83. With construction company that built the N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Later in Treasury Depart ment 1883-88. With East End Savings & Banking Co., 1888-90. One of the organizers of the Dime Savings & Banking Co., first treasurer, 1891-99. Then vice president until 1901 One of the organizers of the VVestern Reserve Trust Co. Director in numer ous electric traction and telephone companies, being one of the organizers of these various companies, and now devotes his whole time to looking after his large financial interests. Member Union, Century and Euclid clubs, Cleveland; Transportation club. New York, and Detroit club, Detroit, Mich. LOUIS E. BEILSTEIN Louis E. Beilstein, Toledo. Vice president and general man ager Toledo Ry. & Light Co. Born Cleveland, O., Aug. 9, 1869. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Started career with East Cleveland Ry. Co. in the office of Mr. Everett. Then with Cleveland Electric Co. Then went to Detroit to take posi tion of general superintendent Detroit Ry. Co. Later returned to Cleveland and became identified with Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern Ry. and the A. B. & C. Co. at Akron, and other lines of the Northern Ohio Traction Co. Came to Toledo in 1901 and accepted present position. Blue Lodge Mason, Knight Templar and Scottish Rite. K. of P. and B. P. O. E. Member Cen tury club, Cleveland; Toledo club and Toledo Yacht club. Inde pendent in politics. CHARLES WILLIAM WASON Charles William Wason, Cleveland. President and general manager Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. Co. Born Cleveland, O., April 30, 1854. Graduate of Cornell University, 1876, degree M. E. With East Cleveland R. R. Co. 1887-1892, purchasing agent and electrical engineer. One of the organ izers of the Cleveland, Painesville & Eastern R. R. In 1896 elected president and director Northern Ohio Traction & Light Co., Detroit United R. R. Co., London St. R. R., Canada, U. S. Telephone, Cuyahoga and Federal Telephone companies, and in terested in a number cf other corporations. Member Union, Euclid, Electric and Rowfant clubs. Politically a Republican. 172 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ELECTRIC R. R. INTERESTS FRED TILLINGHAST' POMEROY ALBERT E. AKINS Fred Tillinghast Pomeroy, Cleveland. President Cleveland & Southwestern Traction Co. Born Strongsville, O., Sept. 8, 1861. Educated public schools and graduate Baldwin University, Berea, O., 1881. Commenced career as bookkeeper National City Bank, Cleveland, 1882-83. Bookkeeper Cleveland Stone Co. 1884. Ap pointed First assistant treasurer, Cuyahoga county 1884, held same position until 1894. One of the organizers of the Cleveland & Berea Street Ry. Co. 1894. Elected treasurer and general manager. Upon consolidation several traction lines into the Cleve land & Southwestern Traction Co. elected president. Still serv ing. President Ohio Central Traction Co., and interested in a number of traction properties and other corporations. Member Masons and K. of P. Member Century and Colonial clubs. Albert E. Akins, Cleveland. Vice president The Cleveland & Southwestern Traction Co. Born Royalton Township, Cuyahoga county, O., March 1, 1847. Educated in the public schools and Baldwin University. Taught school in winter and engaged in farming during the summer for a period of eighteen years. In 1880 took position as deputy in County Treasurer's office, held this position for nine years. Then elected County Auditor in 1889 on the Republican ticket. Again elected to same position in 1895 for one term. President Western Ohio Ry. Co. Pres ident Electric Depot Co. Director Union SavinffS & Loan Co. Interested in various other corporations. Master Mason. Mem ber K. of P. Member Century club and the Tippecanoe club for a number of years. Politically a Republican and member of the M. E. Church. J.\Y E. LATIMER WARREN BICKNELL Jay E. Latimer, Cleveland. Electric railways, light and power. Born at Cleveland, O., Dec. 31, 1863. Was engaged extensively in the real estate business until 1893, at which time he entered into the promotion and development of electric, railway and lighting enterprises, forming companies and building and oper ating the Cleveland & Chagrin Falls R. R. in 1893-94; the Co lumbus, Delaware & Marion R. R. in 1896; the Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula R. R. in 1900, and the Buffalo, Dun kirk & Western R. R. in 1903. In 1906 purchased the Geneva Electric Illuminating Co. at Geneva, O., and in 1906 the Com mercial Electric Co. at Painesville, O., both of which companies he is president and director. Is president Fireproof Storage Co., Cleveland, O., and other corporations. • Republican in politics. Warren Bicknell, Cleveland. Born Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1868. Educated in public schools and Massillon high school, Graduated Adelbert College 1890, degree of A. B. Auditor the Southern Ohio Traction Co., Hamilton, O., 1899-1901. Gen eral manager Aurora, Elgin & Chicago R. R. Co., Chicago, 1901- 1902. President Lake Shore Electric R. R. Co., Cleveland, 1902- 1906. Feb. 1, 1906, became president of The Cleveland Con struction Co. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 17.3 ELECTRIC R. R. INTERESTS GEORGE T. BISHOP WILL CHRISTY George T. Bishop, Cleveland. Electric Railway Interests. Born Ravenna. Portage county, Ohio, October 11, 1864. Edu cated district schools, Northfield, Ohio. Now devotes his whole time to financing, building and operating electric railways. Is an officer, director and owner of a number of electric and steam railway lines. Director of the Cleveland Trust Company and interested in a number of other corporations. Will Christy, Akron. Electric railway interests. Born Akron, O., Dec. 7, 1859. Educated in common schools of Akron. 'Took a position as bookkeeper with Jas. Christy & Sons at age of eighteen. Was secretary Akron Street Ry. and Herdic Co. for three years. Commenced construction of electric railroads in 1888. In 1889 organized The Cleveland Construction Co. En gaged in promoting and building electric railways ever since. President Central Savings & Trust Co., Akron. Vice presid ent Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. President Hamilton Bldg. Co., Akron People's Telephone Co. Interested in other corporations. Member Union, Euclid and Country clubs, and Chamber of Com merce, Cleveland. President Portage Country club, Akron. CHARLES F. FRANKLIN Charles F. Franklin, Toledo. General manager and assistant treasurer Toledo & Western R. R. Co. Born Locust Valley, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1859. Educated in the public schools of Locust Valley, N. Y. With D. L. & W. R. R. as messenger boy 1874- 75. Then general superintendent Newburgh & Walden R. R. Co., Newburgh, N. Y., 1895-98. General superintendent Ohio South ern R. R. at Springfield, O., 1898-1900. Then general superin tendent Clover Leaf Route at Toledo, 1900-1902. Then with Toledo & Western R. R. Co. as general manager. Elected direc tor in 1906. Interested in other corporations. Mason. I. O. O. F. Member Presbyterian church. FR,\XK E. SEAC.R.W]-; Frank E. Seagrave, Toledo. Secy. Toledo & Western Ry. Co. Born Bellingham, Mass., Nov, 5, 1843, Educated at Andover Academy, Grad. Yale College, 1868, degree of A. B. Sent by the faculty of Yale College to Florida to organize part of the public schools of that State. Came to Toledo in 1868. Ap pointed Principal of the High School, served three years. Then in banking business firm Raymer, Seagrave & Co., afterwards Seagrave Bros. Identified with Street R. R. company in Toledo from 1875-1890. Organized and built the Toledo & Western R. R. Co. in 1899. Elected Secy, and Genl. Mgr. Upon reorgani zation in 1903 elected to present position. Organized Toledo & Chicago Interurban Ry. Co. in 1903, elected Pres. Interested in other corporations. Republican in politics. St. Paul's M. E. Church. 174 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ELECTRIC R. R. INTERESTS MELVIN E. McCASKEY J. H. RUHLMAN Melvin E. McCaskey, Youngstown, Second vice president and general manager Pennsylvania & Mahoning Valley Ry. Co. Born Butler county, Pa., November 3, 1861. Educated in the district schools. Began career with the Citizens Passenger Ry, Co., Pittsburg, 1882. Took an active part in reconstruction of street railway lines of "Smoky City." In 1890 took part in con struction of street railway lines in Rochester and Buffalo, N. Y. At one time assistant superintendent Pittsburgh-Birmingham Traction Co. Was superintendent McKeesport line of United Traction Co. and also Pittsburg & Greensburg Ry. Co. In 1902 became superintendent Penn. & Mahoning Valley Ry. Co. 3t New Castle, Pa. In 1904 was elected to present position. Mem ber Masons, Elks and Woodmen. Politically a Republican. J. H. Ruhlman, Youngstown. Connected with Youngstown & Southern R. R. Born North Lima, Ohio, June 10, 1856. Edu cated at North Lima Academy and public schools of Lima. En- traeed in the mercantile business 1873-93. Elected Clerk of Courts in Mahoning County, 1894-1900. General manager _ of Publishing house, 1900-1902. Assisted in organizing and build ing the Youngstown & Southern R. R. during 1903-4-5 and was Secretary and Treasurer during these years. Member K. of P., and Elks, 32nd degree Mason, Mystic Shriner, Al Koran Temple, Lake Erie Consistory, Cleveland, Ohio. Has always been a staunch Republican and has held many minor offices. President local Montgomery Club for years. Now President and Treasurer of Tlie Las Tumas Citras Fruit Co. Victoria DeLas Tunas, Cuba. GEORGE A. STANLEY George A. Stanley, Cleveland. Purchasing Agent, The Cleveland Electric Railway Co. , Born Cleveland, O., Jan. 21, 1870. Educated in the public schools and Brooks Military Academy. Began career with the Broadway and Newburgh Street R. R, Co., 1885. Upon the consolidation of tKe various traction lines became Purchasing Agent. President The East Cleveland Savings & Loan Co., 1898-1'900. President New York & Long Island Traction Co., 1903-1905. Interested in numerous other corporations. President Youngstown & Ohio River R. R. Co. FRANK DeHASS ROBISON Frank DeHass Robison, Cleveland. Born Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 16, 1851. Educated public schools, Dubuque, Iowa. Start ed in business at age of 18. Came to Cleveland 1874, entered into partnership with his father-in-law, Chas. Hathaway, firm of Hathaway & Robison, Street Railway Contractors and Build ers. Built over 100 street railways in U. S. and Canada, among them being the Broadway and Newburg, St. Clair St, Superior^ St., Kinsman St., and Payne Ave. lines. Later be came principal owner of the Superior St., Payne Ave., and St. Clair St. lines. Built and was principal owner of the Cleveland City Cable Railway. Owned the entire system of electric railways at Fort Wayne, Ind. for a number of years. President of the National League Base Ball Co., Cleveland, twelve years and St. Louis Base Ball Club seven years. PROGRESSIVE ]\IEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 175 ELECTRIC R. R. INTERESTS JOHN FRANCIS COLLINS I John Francis Collins, Toledo. Superintendent Toledo Railway & Light Co. Born Hendricks county, Ind., May 31, 1865. Edu cated in the common schools of Hendricks county. Took busi ness course at Union CoUpge, Indianapolis. Special courses in electrical branches under private tutors. Started as a horse car driver with Indianapolis Street Railway and filled all intermediate positions up to assistant superintendent of same company. Came to Toledo and accepted present 'position. Member of the Lin coin club. Politically ^ Republican. HEMAN SEDGWICK SWIFT Hemari Sedgwick Swift, Toledo, Secretary and Auditor Toledo Railway & Light Co. Born Bennington, Vt., Sept. 26, 1865. Educated in the common schools, Fenton, Mich. Taught school three years then became clerk for the Black Hardware Co., Detroit. Then teller in Corn Exchange National Bank, Sioux City, la. Afterward became Secretary Northwestern Elevator Co., of Port Huron, Mich. Then auditor of Rapid Railway System of Detroit. In July 1903 came to Toledo and accepted present position, with Toledo Railway & Light Co. Member of Toledo Yacht club. Politically a Republican. ERNEST BECHTEL JOSEPPt SHELDON YOUNG Ernest Bechtelj ¦ Toled-o. ¦ Electrical engineer. Born Des Moinesi la.,- Oct. 26, 1870. : Educated in the public schools of Des Moines. With the Hess Electric Co. for three years. Then with Des Moines Street Ry. Co. one year. Then with Citizens' Street Ry. Co., Indianapolis, three years. Came to Toledo and accepted, position as electrical engineer and superintendent lighting department Toledo Railway & Ligbt Co. Vice president Mau mee Valley ' Ry. & Light Co. Member Toledo club, Toledo Yacht club, T'oledo Society of Engineers, American Institute of Electrical- Engineers,' and' of Executive Committee of Ohio Elec tric Light Association. Politically a Republican. Joseph Sheldon Young, Toledo. General Passenger Agent, Toledo Railways & Light Co. Born Mt. Hope, Ohio, May 26, 1877. Educated in common schools of Canton, Ohio. First employed by Akron Street Railway Co., in 1899. Afterward accepted position as paymaster Northern Ohio Traction Co. Came to Toledo to accept position' as assistant superintendent Toledo Railways & Light Co. in 190L Then went to Chattanooga, Tenn., as Auditor United Railways Light & Water Co. of Phila delphia, Pa. Coming from there to take present position. Member Lincoln Club, Toledo Transportation Club, Y. M. C. A. Repub lican in politics. 176 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ELECTRIC R. R. INTERESTS AND CONSULTING ENGINEERS HENRY F. GRAVES FRED W. ADAMS Plenry F. Graves, Carey. President Peoples Bank Co. Born Xenia, Ohio, May 21, ] 852. Educated in common schools of Findlay. Started as clerk in hardware store, Findlay, for five years. Moved to Carev and clerked in hardware store, 1874-81. Then took nosition as Assistant Cashier Peoples Bank of Carey until 1895. Took an interest in the bank in 1900 and became President and Proprietor. Incorporated as Peoples Bank of Carey in 1902. Director First National Bank of Upper Sandusky. Built and installed Carey Telephone Co., and Carey Water Co. Knight Templar Mason, Scottish Rite, member Toledo Consis tory. Politically a Republican. Fred W. Adams, Fostoria. Vice president and General Man ager Toledo, Fostoria & Findlay Railway Co. Born Monroe ville, Ohio, April 10, 1867. Graduated Monroeville High School, 1884. Entered railway service immediately on leaving school, and has been continuously in railway operation and construction, steam and electric, to date. , Has been in present position since 1903. Considered an expert on Electric Railway Traffic and was on committee of Ohio Interurban Railway Association, which introduced through tickets to compete with steam lines. Senior member of the Transportation Committee of the Central Elec tric Railway Association. Member Masonic Orders, W. S. ROGERS FRED W. I-IAGLOCH W. S. Rogers, Cleveland. Consulting Engineer. Born Nobles- ville, Ind., Nov. 28, 1843. Educated in the common schools and Oberli'n College. Enlisted iri Co. E-, 60th Ohio and served throughout the war. Previous to his residence in Cleveland was a member of the Illinois Legislature. For four years was Colonel on Governor Oglesby's staff. In 1882 engaged in government service in improving the Mississippi river. Has organized several large electrical companies throughout the United States. Con nected with the Biush Electric Co. fourteen years. Interested in several other companies. President United Veterans League. President The Cleveland Mine Operating Co., operating mines in Gunnison county, Colo. Commander of Memorial Post G. A. R. No. 141 Dept. of Ohio. Fred W. Hagloch, Cleveland, Consulting engineer. Born Bolivar, O., 1871. Educated in the public schools and North western (Missouri) College, also St. Louis Technical School. U consulting engineer in the erection of many large concrete con struction works in the United States and Canada. Author of Art Stone and editor of Art Stone Monthly. Secretary The Art Stone Co., manager of The Cement Stone Co., and is on the editorial staff of numerous building and engineering journals. Member of Modern Woodmen of America and Independent in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 177 RAILWAY CONTRACTORS L. E. STURM L. E- Sturm, Columbus. Railroad contractor. Born on a fjirm near Clarksburg, Harrison county, W. Va., Jan. 28, 1860. Educated in the public schools. Contractor for construction of Railroads and other public works. In 1884 assisted in con struction of the Fairmont, Morgantown & Pittsburg Division of the B. & O. R. R. In 1886 the Ohio River R. R. In 1889 the Monongahela River R. R. Since 1898 in construction work on The Norfolk & Western Railway. Secretary and treasurer The Lone Cedar Stone Co., Parkersburg, W. Va. Mercantile inter ests in Clarksburg, W. Va. JOHN T.- ADAMS John T. Adams, Columbus, O. Railroad contractor. Born Coopersville, O., February 9, 1858. Educated in the district and high schools. Merchant in a general store, 1879-89. Elected County Auditor of Pike county 1889, served two terms. Since then has been doing railway construction work, building many miles of both steam and electric railways. Equipped with a most modern plant. Member of the Masonic Order. Member of the Ohio club, Columbus, and a Democrat in politics. ISAAC DEXTER TUTTLE Isaac Dexter Tuttle, Kent, 0., Railroad Contractor. Born Palmyra, Ohio, Oct. 1, 1849. Educated in Common Schools, of Palmyra, O. Started as stone cutter at age of twenty-two years, worked at that trade until 1883, then entered contracting business. Succeeded firm of Fisher & Fisher in 1899. Making a specialty of Railroad Masonry. Member Knights Templars Akron Com mandery and Al Koran, Cleveland. Politically a Republican. CHARLES J. CLOSE Charles J. Close, Columbus. General contractor. Born Buffalo, N. Y., March 14, 1855. Educated in the common schools. Commenced career as a carpenter, and began as n contractor in 1886. Built the Electricity Building and Power House at the Pan American Exposition in 1901, and has also built various other buildings, churches and machine shops. Stockholder City National Bank, Columbus, O. Interested in other enterprises. 32nd degree Mason, Buffalo Consistory, Ismallia Shrine, Buffalo, N. Y. Member Ohio club, Columbus, O., Acacia club, Buffalo, N. Y. Politically a Republican. 178 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO TELEPHONE INTERESTS JOHN KNOX JOHNSTON FRANK A. KNAPP John Knox Johnston, New Philadelphia. Vice Pres. and Gcn'l Manager Tuscarawas County Telephone Co. Born Rushylvaiiia, O., May 19, 1868. Educated in the common schools and special course at North wood College. Worked as stone-cutter three years. Then in contracting business in Logan county four years. Traveling salesman two years. Then started building telephone lines in Logan Co. Special agent Central Union Telephone Co., Columbus four years. Manager Port Clinton, O., exchange two years. Manager Portsmouth, O., exchange for 18 months. Gen'l Manager for Barber & Brailey, at Lexington, Ky., Hot Springs, Ark., and Elkhart, Ind. Came to New Philadelphia in 1905 to take present position, Gen'l Mgr. Peoples Telephone Co. Mem. Independent Telephone Assn. Organized Northern Indiana and Southern Mich. Toll Line Assn. Politically a Republican. Frank A. Knapp, Bellevue. President Bellevue Ilome Tele phone Co. Born Germany, March 29, 1865. Educated in com mon schools, Bellevue. Clerk in dry goods store at age of thir teen. Afterward became member firm of Wolfram & Knapp. In dry goods business eighteen years. Organised Bellevue Home Telephone Co., 1887. Director and secretary of that company until 1905, when he became president. Organized New Wash ington Telephone Co. Later purchased Huron County Telephone Co. and Norwalk Telephone Co. and merged them into the Local Telephone Co. of Norwalk, O. Appointed postmaster of Belle vue 1902 and reappointed in 1906. Secretary Crestline Tele phone Co. Director First National Bank, Bellevue. Direct '".r and treasurer Y. M. C. A. Interested in other companies. K. T Mason, K. of P. Politically a Republican. GEORGE G. KING NE\\TON E. LIGETT George G. King, Youngstown. General manager The Youngs town Telephone Co. Born West Moreland county, Pa., Dec. 22, 1868. Educated in the district schools of Mount Pleasant town ship. Pa. After leaving school was with the Southwest Coal St Coke Co., Mt. Pleasant, in various capacities until 1896, when he moved to Youngstown and started in to learn the telephone business in all branches. In 1902 was made superintendent of construction for this district, and in 1904 was appointed to pres ent position. Mason, Western Star Lodge, No. 21; Blue Lodge and Chapter, No. 93, Youngstown. Member B. P. O. Elks and Elk club. Politically a Republican. Newton E. Ligett, Marysville. President and manager of the Union Co. Telephone Co. Born Union Co., Ohio, June 21, 1857. Educated in the common schools of Union .Co. Apprenticed in the drug business for five years. Clerked in drug stores in Marysville and Columbus for five years. Returned to Marys ville 1890 and opened up a new drug store. Started in the tele phone business 1894 and the company was incorporated as the Union Co. Telephone Co. 1906 elected president and manager, still serving. Member B. P. O. Elks No. 76, K. of P., A. K. T, Mason and a Mystic Shriner, and a member of the Ohio Inde pendent Telephone Association. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 179 TELEPHONE INTERESTS AND HEADING ENGINEERS E. B. BARTLETT WM. F. LAUBACH E. B. Bartlett, Cleveland. President and general manager The Bartlett Bros. Co., heating, ventilating and sanitary engineers. Born in Owego, Tioga county, N. Y,, June 9, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Owego, N. Y. Spent seven years of early life in the drug business. Later superintendent of con struction for a number of years, preparatory to entering heat ing and ventilating business with his brother, which partnership was organized in 189'2 under the firm name of Bartlett Bros. Co. Was made president and general manager of the company when incorporated in 1902, still serving. Wm. F. Laubach, Akron. Manager and treasurer The Akron People's Telephone Co. Born Allentown, Pa., Feb. 9, 1863. Educated in the public schools at Loyal Oak and Akron Com mercial School. 1878-83 learned the jewelry trade with Foltz & Frank, Akron. With them until ISO], when he became a mem ber of the firm then known as Frank, Laubach & Nutt Co. In 1901 retired from the jewelry business to take position as man ager The Akron People's Telephone Co., and is now manager and treasurer of that corporation. Blue Lodge Mason; Lake Erie Consistory, Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. IlENKV IJ. l'RATIl]'";i< FRED S. VIALL ' Henry B. Prather, Cleveland. President Prather Engineering Co., lighting, heating and ventilating engineers and contractors. Born Indianapolis, Ind., September 14, 1867. Educated in the public schools and Cornell University. Practical training in shops and ten years' experience in installation work. Until last year located in Buffalo, Pittsburg and Cleveland. Recently equipped the entire lighting, heating and ventilating plants in the Rockefeller building, Hollenden Hotel, Central Armory, Friedman-Blay-Farber Co., and are now consulting engineers for considerable public work in Cleveland. Member American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers, Century club, K. T. Masons, Elks. Politically a Republican. Fred S. Viall, Akron. Plumbing and Pleating. Born near Akron, Summit county, O., March IS, 1873. Educated in district schools at Brimfield, Portage cotinty, O., and at Boston, Summit county, O. Finished school in 1891 and started as an apprentice in the plumbing business with Kraus & Oberlin at Akron, O., where he remained for nearly five years, then moved to Benning ton, Vermont, to work at his trade. Returned to Akron in 1897 and took a position with Kraus & Kern. With them until 1900, when he became a member of The Akron Plumbing & Pleating Co., of which he is now the head. Politically a Republican. 180 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COAL INTERESTS J. PRESCOTT BURTON JOHN J. PHILLIPS J. Prescott Burton, Cleveland. President The Burton, Beidler & Phillips Co. Born Massillon, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1876. Educated University School Cleveland. Graduate Yale University 1896, Degree Ph. B. Civil Engineering Department Ridgeway-Burton Co. 1896-98. Was one of the organizers of the Burton, Beidler & Phillips Co. In 1898 elected Secretary and Assistant Treas urer. 1900 elected president and still serving. President Ridge- way, Burton & Co. The Kennon Coal & Mining Co. Trevorton Coal Land Co., and interested in a number of other corporations. Member Union, Euclid, Tavern and Country Clubs. Politically n Republican. John J. Phillips, Cleveland. Treasurer and general manager The Burton, Beidler & Phillips Co. Born Danville, Pa., De cember 21, 1858. Educated in public schools. Proprietor of a general store at Youngstown, Ohio, 1878-1883. Established a chain of general stores in Stark county, O. Came to Cleveland 1883 and entered the coal business with the Albright Co. In 1888 organized, with J. P. Burton and T. F. Beidler, Sr., The Burton, Beidler & Phillips Co. Elected treasurer and general manager and still serves. President Eastern Ohio Coal Co. Pan Handle Coal Co. Vice president Trevorton Colliery Co. (an thracite). Director Euclid Avenue T rust Co. Vice president and director Glenville Banking & Trust Co. Member Century and Coal clubs. Republican. W. R. HIER W, R. Hier, Cleveland. Assistant treasurer Burton, Beidler & Phillips Co. Born Mineral Ridge, O., May 31, 1866. Educated in the common schools of Ohio. Engaged in mining coal 1879- 82. Clerk in Anthony Owens' general store, Pigeon Run, O., 1882-84. Clerk with J. J. Phillips & Co., Justus, O., 1885-1895. In January, 1895, came to Cleveland as bookkeeper for the Glen- wood Coal Co. In 1897 with Burton, Beidler & Phillips Co. as car accountant, and in 1899 appointed assistant treasurer same company. Secretary Kennon Coal & Mining Co., Eastern Ohio Coal Co. Treasurer Pan Handle Coal Co, Ohio Valley Coal Co. President Flushing Building Co. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner and member K. of P. Politically a Republican. EVAN J. EVANS Evan J. Evans, Cleveland. Vice Pres. and Treas. The Eastern Ohio Coal Co. Born Wales, Oct. 25, 1841. Educated in the common schools. Was a railroad engineer in Wales until 1861, when he came to America, locating in Cleveland. Ran a general store in connection with coal business in Youngstown, 0., 1869- 1880. Engaged in coal business Massillon, O. General Supt, Howells Coal Co. and Howells- Mining Co. until 1901, when he returned to Cleveland. Was one of the organizers of the present company, elected Vice Pres! and Treas. and still serving. Pres. Glenville Banking & Trust Co. Glenville Coal & Ice Co. Dir. Cleveland Slate Co. Politically a Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 181 COAL INTERESTS ARNOLD C. SAUNDERS EMMET A. UPSTILL Arnold C. Saunders-, Cleveland. President Lorain Coal & Dock Co. Born in Rome, Ashtabula, county, O., May 29, 1852. Edu cated in public schools of Lisbon and Akron. Came to Cleve land in 1868. With Rhodes & Co. 1868-85, and later a mem ber of firm. Member firm of M. A. Hanna & Co. 1885-93. Organized firm of A. C. Saunders & Co., 1893, and The Lorain Coal & Dock Co., 1900, was elected president and is still serving. Vice president and director Johnson Coal & Mining Co. and interested in other corporations. Member Uni versity School Corporation and Union, Roadside, Country, Euclid, Tavern & Coal clubs. Politically a Republican and member the Presbyterian church. Emmet A. Upstill, Cleveland. E. A. Upstill & Co. Born Pittsburg, Pa., June 5, 1858. Educated in the public schools of Pittsburg. With the B. & O. R. R. 1876-1881. Then with H. C. Frick Coke Co. as Superintendent, until 1886. Then went into business for himself. Came to Cleveland in 1890 and formed the Walsh-Upstill Coal Co., sold out to the Pitts burg Coal Co. in 1900 and formed the present company. Vice president Hitchman Coal & Coke Co. President Byesville Coal Co, Vice president Cleveland Brick & Clay Co. Secretary American Mine Door "Co., K. T. 33d Degree Mason, Mystic Shriner and member Cleveland Coal, Clifton and Automobile clubs. Politically Republican and member Presbyterian church. HENRY D. MARBLE WILLIAM IT. WARNER Henry D. Marble, Cleveland. Secretary, treasurer and gen eral manager The Hutson Coal Co. Born Newburgh, O., June 26, 1853. Educated in public schools. Interested in a general store in Newburgh 1869-1883. With Union Rolling Mill Co. 18'83-85. Then organized the Hutson Coal Co. Elected sec retary, treasurer and general manager, still serving. President The Atlas Bolt & Screw Co., The Deerfield Water Co., The National Adding Machine Co.,. The Grant Automatic Machine Co. Vice i>resident Euclid Ave. Trust Co., and interested in other corporations. Member Chamber of Commerce, Century and Coal clubs. Politically a Republican and a member of the Presbyterian church. William IL Warner, Cleveland. W. H. Warner & Co., Pro ducers, Miners & Shippers of Coal. Born Youngstown, O., Oct. 12, 1849. Educated in the public schools of Youngstown, Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., and Amherst College, Mass. Began career with the Youngstown Savings & Loan Association, 1871-73. Associated with his father at Mineral Ridge, O., in the Iron & Coal business, 1873-77. Then in the Coal business for himself and has since operated a number of companies. Came to Cleveland in 1893. Treasurer and Manager The Sterling Mining Co. An officer and director in a number of corporations. K. T. Mason. Member Euclid, and Century Clubs. Elder Calvary Presbyterian Church. 182 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COAL INTERESTS ALNRTIX .MUl.LEN CHARLES W. SOMERS Martin Mullen, Cleveland. With M. A. Hanna & Co. Born at Cleveland, O., Aug. 22, 1852. Educated in the Christian Brothers school of Cleveland. Commenced business career tally ing coal for his father, John Mullen. In 1873 went to Amherst- burg. Can. In the coal business for his brother six years. Re turned to Cleveland and was with Rhodes & Co. two years. Then with Massillon Fuel Co. six years. Also with other companies. In 1887 in business for himself, and in 1890 became a partner in the Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co. In 1899 sold interest to the Pitts burgh Coal Co. With M. A. Hanna & Co. since January, 1905. President Interstate Foundry' Co. Largely interested in vessel and transportation companies. Member Century and Clifton clubs. Politically a Republican. Charles W. Somers, Cleveland'. Wholesale Coal Dealer. Born at Newark, O., in 1869. Educated in the public and high schools of Columbus, O. His first business interest was in coal min ing, he acting as manager at an Ohio mine. Later he came to Cleveland where he soon became the main figure in a number of industries. Mr. Somers is President of the J. F. Somers' Coal Co., President of the Roby Coal Co., President of the Somers Mining Co., President of the Massillon Elm Run Coal Co., President of the Somers Cambridge Coal Co., Vice-Presi dent of the American Baseball League and Vice-President of the Cleveland Baseball Club. He is a member of the Euclid, liermit and Colonial Clubs, and is also affiliated with a number of the branches of the Masonic fraternity. FRANK M. KIRK Frank M. Kirk, Cleveland. Kirk-Woods Coal Co. Born Tackson. Mahoning county, O., November 3, 1863. Educated in public schools and Mt. Union and Meadville Colleges. Inter ested in the Young & liarrington Coal Co. until 1895. Then in the coal business alone until 1898, when he formed partnership with J. H. Wood under present name. President and treasurer The Kirk-Latty Mfg. Co. Treasurer Hazel Kirk Gas Coal Co. President the Ohio Tonopah Mining Co. Vice president ABC Lead & Zinc Co. Director Mud Lake Lumber Co. 32nd degree K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner, B. P. O. E-, No. 18, and K. of P. Member Union, Euclid, Clifton Park, Cleveland Gun clubs, Gen tlemen's Driving Association and Duquesne club, Pittsburg Rush- mere club, St. Clair Flats. Republican. JAMES H. WOODS James IT. Woods, Cleveland, O. City Sales Manager for Pittsburg Coal Co. Born Warren, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1870. Edu cated in the public schools. Came to Cleveland 1891 and con nected with Burgess & Ross. Afterward with Young & Harring ton Coal Co. Formed the Kirk-Woods Coal Co. and was Secretary of Hazel Kirk Gas Coal Co. Was interested in various Coal lands. Is 32nd degree Mason and Mystic Shriner, Member Century and Coal clubs. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 183 COAL INTERESTS JOHN M. DRAKE John IVI. Drake, Cleveland. President The Drake Coal Co. Born Gross Isle, near Detroit, Mich., April 16, 1838. Educated in the common schools. Followed farming until 1858. Then fol lowed the lakes for several years, coming to Cleveland in 1860. Started in the coal business 1869. Organized The Drake Coal Co. 1887, and was vice president until elected president 1895, and still serving. K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner and a member of the Coal club. Politically a Republican. CHARLES ZUTTLEMEYER Charles Zettlemeyer, Cleveland. President The Zettlemeyer Coal Co. Born Rahway, N. J., June 1, 1863. Educated in the oublic schools of Cleveland, O. In early life a newsboy, then a general carpenter and later employed as ship carpenter. En tered the coal business in 1883 in a small way. Organized the Zettlemeyer Coal Co. in 1893. Elected president, still serving. Director in the" Drake Coal Co. and the Coshocton Coal Co. Secretary the Tuscarawas Coal Co. Independent in politics. JOHN A. DONALDSON John A. Donaldson, Cleveland. General agent Pittsburgh Coal Co. Born Candor, Washington county, Pa., Sept. 26, 1865. Educated McDonald Academy and Iron City Business College, Pa. Engaged in the general merchandise business, Midway, Pa., three years. Then for sixteen years with Francis L. Robbins in the coal business. In 190S vice president and general manager Midland Coal Co. and National Dock & Fuel Co. Since spring of 1903 has held present position. Interested in other corpora tions. Scottish Rite Mason and Mystic Shriner. Member Cen tury and Clifton Park clubs. Politically a Democrat. RICHARD T. PRICE Richard T. Price, Cleveland. General manager Eastern Ohio Coal Co. Born Hyde Park, Pa., Dec. 4, 1870. Educated in the common schools of Stark county, Ohio, and Massillon Business Col lege. Engaged in coal mining 1883-18S6. In 1886 became clerk in J. J. Phillips & Co. Store, Justus, Ohio, with them two years. In 1888 appointed general manager branch store for J. J. Phillips at East Greenville, Ohio. In 1898 came to Cleveland as general manager of Eastern Ohio Coal Co. and Kennon Coal and Mining Co. Director Glenville Banking & Trust Co. Director Cleveland Slate Co. President Goodman Supply Co. Vice president Flush ing Building Co. President the R. P. Price Coal Co. Director Republic Coal & Coke Co. Member Knights of Pythias and Royal League. Politically a Republican. 184 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COAL INTERESTS GEORGE SI-IERMAN BECKWITH George Sherman Beckwith, Cleveland. Beckwith & McGrath, dealing in and developing Coal and Timber Lands. Born Hartsgrove, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Jan. 23, 1874. Educated in public schools. Taught school in Ashtabula County 1894-97. In mercantile business 1897-1902. Came to Cleveland 1902 and began the development of Coal Lands in West Virginia, later becoming interested in various Timber and Railroad enterprises. One of the organizers of several companies in which he holds official positions. Pres. Mohawk Smokeless Coal Co., Cecil Coal & Coke Co., Valley Fork Coal Co. and Director in other com panies owning coal, timber and railroad properties. Member Masons and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. LORENZO F. McGRATH Lorenzo F. McGrath, Cleveland. Beckwith & McGrath. Born Big Island Township, Marion Co., Ohio, Nov. 28, 1871. Teacher in public schools from 1888 to 1891. Admitted to the Bar June, 1894. Began the practice of law in Cleveland same year and later in the firm of McGrath & Stern. Assisted in the organiza tion of and became interested in several coal and railroad en terprises in West Virginia. President of Cleveland & West Virginia Coal Co.; Director The Cecil Coal & Coke Co.; Di rector The Valley Fork Coal Co.; Director The S- W. Bur rows Co. ; Vice-President The West Virginia Securities Co. ; Member the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce; Member Clifton Club. SAMUEL HENRY NEEDS. W. J. KRAUSE Samuel Henry Needs, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer Ohio & Pennsylvania Coal Co. Born Tiverton, Devonshire, Eng land, Sept. 30. 1859. Educated in the common schools of Eng land, With, the L- S. & M. S. Ry. Co. five years. Since then has been engaged as a coal operator. President Enterprise Print ing Co. Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy G. A. R., Past Grand Treasurer B. P. O. Elks, Master Mason, Iris Lodge, Webb Chapter. Member of Al Sirat Grotto No. 17. Politically a Republican, Member Oriental Commandery, Knights Templars, and Al Koran Shrine. W. J. Krause, Cleveland. President thfe Prospect Coal Co. Born of pure Saxon parentage, Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 26, 1859. Educated in the common schools and business college. Engaged in the wholesale millinery business 1878-88, Then went to Kansas and became agent of Wells Fargo Express Co., 1888-92. Returned to Cleveland in 1892 and again entered the wholesale business. In 1903 purchased the Prospect Coal Co,, and is now President of this company. Is largely interested in real estate, including property in the group plan district of public buildings. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 185 GOAL INTERESTS HARRY OLMSTED Harry Olmsted. Columbus. President The Middle States Coal & Coke Co. Born Columbus, O., May 21, 1867. Educated in the common schools. Traveling salesman for Isaac Eberly & Co.. wholesale grocers. 1882-96. Then went into the coal business. President The Equitable Coal Co., and The Isaac Eberly Co. Interested in various other companies. Member of the Colum bus and Country clubs. Politically a Republican. JOHN H. WINDER John H. Winder, Columbus. President The Sunday Creek Co. Born Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 23, 1862. Educated in the common schools and Virginia Military Institute. With the Sea Board Air Line R. R. 1880-1897, in various positions, and finally general manager. Came to Columbus in 1898 and became vice president and manager the Buckeye Coal & R. R. Co. Then manager Sunday Creek Coal Co. Kanawha Hocking Coal & Coke Co. St. Paul & Western Coal Co. Boston Coal Dock & Wharf Co. In July, 1905, these companies consolidated with the Continental Coal Co. under title Sunday Creek Co. and he was made president. Member Columbus Country club, Ar lington Country club and the Detroit club. Politically a Repub lican. N. L. C. KACHELMACHER FRANK ABEL PRENDERGAST N. L. C. Kachelmacher, Columbus: President of The Colum bus & Hocking Coal & Iron Co., a New York Stock Ex change corporation owning extensive clay lands, operating many coal mines, iron furnaces, etc., in Ohio, and now erecting one ol the largest plants in the world for the manufacture of face, paving and fancy building brick. Mr. Kachelmacher was born in Tonsberg, Norway, Aug. 7, 1860. Came to New York in 1881 and entered the importing and exporting business. Was elected president of the above company in 1902. Through technicali ties this election was thrown into the courts, but he was re elected president in 1904 without opposition. Member of the New York Produce Exchange and the New York Mercantili Exchange. Member of the Columbus club. Independent in pol itics. Frank Abel Prendergast, Columbus, Ohio, president and general ma,nager The Baltimore & Ohio Coal Co. Born Ripley, N. Y"., August 15, 1858. Educated in common schools, Westfield, N. Y., and Eastman's Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Came to Ohio in 1879, entered coal business with the Laurel Hill Coal Co., Columbus, O., 1879-83, then Guild Prendergast & Co., 1883-86, General manager The Reybould Coal Co. 1890-94, general mana ger The Baltimore & Ohio Coal Co. 1897-1902, president since 1902; also vice president The Neff Coal Mining Co. Member The Columbus club, and the Coal club of Columbus. Politically a Republican. 1S6 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO COAL INTERESTS FRANK F. TAGGART T. E. YOUNG Frank F. Taggart, Massillon. Coal operator. Born Canal Ful ton, Ohio, Aug. 22, 1S73. Graduated from Massillon High School, 189 J. Began career with Wheeling & Lake Erie Coal Co. as sales agent. In 1894 became special sales agent for the Mid- vale Goshen Coal Co. In 1899 organized the Pigeon Run Coal Co., known in the district as "Taggart" No. 1. Organized the South Massillon Coal Co., known as "Taggart" No. 2. Sec'y and Manager of the respective companies. In 1904 organized Clendennin Coal Co. in West Virginia and is owner of same. President of the City Ice & Coal Co., Massillon, O. Politically a Republican. T. E. Young, Cleveland. Born Brownsville. Educated in public schools of Ohio and Michigan, and Normal School at Comma, Michigan, Commercial School at Pittsburgh. Chairman Executive Committee of The Glens Run Coal Co' Chairman Executive Committee of The Wabash Coal Co. President oi The Young-Maurer Co. President £nd treasurer of The Overland Mining Co. President of The Iromville Dock & Coal Co. Chairman of The Clarkson Coal & Dock Co. Director of the Massillon Coal Mining Co. Director of the American Savings Bank Co. Director of The Orangeville Savings Bank Co. Di rector of The First National Bank, Dillonvale, Ohio. Member of Union, Euclid, Plermit, Tavern, Roadside and Country clubs. President of the Cleveland Coal Club and president Pittsburgh \'ein Operators of Ohio. 32nd degree Mason and Mystic Shriner, geor(;e h. mornickel LUELLEN 1). LAMPMAN George H. Hornickel, Massillon, General Superintendent of The Massillon Coal Mining Co. Born in Brookfield, Trumbull County, Ohio, Oct. 2L 1870. Educated in the public schools of Vienna, O. At the age of 21 was Engineer for The Yough- iogheny Gas Coal Co. Then with various other Coal Companies, as Electrician. With 'I'be Morgan Gardner Co., installing elec trical mining machinery, was also with The Bunola Mining Co., f\s an lectrician, and with The Millers Run Mining Co.. as Superintendent until 1899 when he accepted a position as Gen eral Superintendent of Ihe Wheeling & Lake Erie Coal Mining Co., at Dillonvale, O. Transferred m 1908 to Massillon, O., as (ieneral Superintendent of The Massillon Coal Mining Co., which is his present position. 32nd Degree Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner, member of B. P. O. Elks No. 144, and a Republican. Luellen D. Lampman, Columbus. President The Hocking Coal Exchange Co. Born Cleveland, Minn., Dec, 8, 1859. Edu cated in the common schools and University of Minnesota and C. C. Curtiss Business College, Minneapolis. Engaged as book keeper for ten months, then went on, a ranch in Colorado. Re turned home and managed a general store for his father until 1882, In 1884 bought a third interest in Juniper Bros. & Myers Bros,, firm name Juniper Bros. & Lampman. In 1892 began operations in the Sunday Creek Valley District, and in corporated their interest as the York Clay & Mining Co. Vice President and secretary The York Clay & Mining Co. Presi dent The Nelsonville Oil & Gas Co. Director Security Savings Bank Co. Member of the Ohio club and Columbus Riding club, and Elks. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 187 IRON ORE INTERESTS HENRY S. PICKANDS Henry S. Pickands, Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co., pig iron and iron ore. Born Marquette, Mich. Oct. 4, 1875. Educated at University School, Cleveland, and Yale College, graduating in 1897. Commenced business career with Pickands, Mather & Co., being son of the late James Pickands, senior member of the firm. In charge department of ore docks. Pres ent mayor of Euclid. Is a member of the Union, Country, and University clubs. Politically a Republican. JAY M. PICKANDS Jay M. Pickands. Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co. Born Marquette, Mich., Feb. 21, 1880. Educated University School and Yale College, graduating with class of 1902. Has since been with Pickands, Mather & Co., and is son of the late James Pickands. cne of the founders of the concern. Is salesman for the pig iron department. Member Union, Country and Tavern clubs. Director Ingersoll's Amusement Co. Vice president Vin son & Korner Co. Secretary Cleveland branch of Red Cross Society. Politically Republican. WM. McLAUCHLAN J.\S1'UR 11. SIli;.\ULE Wm. McLauchlan, Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co. Born Cleveland, O., Oct. 20, 1850. Educated in the schools of Cleve land. Began his business career thirty years ago in the iron and iron ore business, in which he has since continued, first with Cleveland Iron Mining Co , and since 1883 with Pickands, Mather & Co. in the pig iron and ore department. Director Columbia Sav ings & Loan Association, Hemlock River Mining Co., and Toledo Furnace Co. President Financial Review, and Audit Co. Inter ested in a number of local corporations. Member Union, Road side, Euclid and Tavern clubs. Scottish Rite Mason and, veteran of old Cleveland Light Artillery. Politically a Republican. Jasper H. Sheadle, Cleveland. Secretary, The Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Bom New Bedford, Penn. Educated in the public schools and Hiram college. Was teller of the Girard, O., Savings Bank. Assistant cashier of the Second National Bank of Youngs town. Then located in New York City with the Standard Gas Light Co. Returned to Youngstown as Secretary and executive officer of the Mahoning Valley Iron Manufacturers' Association, which position he held for two years. In 1890 came to Cleveland as Secretary of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co., in charge of Sales and Lake Transportation, which affiliation he still maintains. Is Vice President Lake Carriers' Association. Member Advisory Board Citizens Savings & Trust Co. Member Union and Euclid clubs, Cleveland; Youngstown club, Youngstown. Member Ship Masters' Association. 188 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO IRON ORE AND OIL INTERESTS FRANKLIN B. RICHARDS. WILLIAM P. MURRAY Franklin B. Richards, Cleveland. At the head of the Ore, Coke and Pig Iron Departments, M. A. Hanna & Co. Born Andover, Mass., Nov. 12, 1862. Educated in the public schools of Somerville, Mass.. and graduated at "Boston Technical" in 1884. Chemist and Metallurgist at Cooper smelter. Afterwards Chemist in Steel works. Then Manager of Blast furnaces, both in Ohio and Virginia. Vice president and director of The Pennsylvania Iron & Coal Co., The Buffalo Union Furnace Co., and the Detroit Iron & Steel Co. Member of Union, Country, Tavern, Roadside and Euclid Clubs. Politically a Republican. William P. Murray, Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co, Born Mentor, O., July 12, 1854. Educated in district schools and graduate of Mentor High School at the age of fourteen years. With E. B. Hill & Co, three years. With the Merchants Bank nine years. Cleveland Furnace Co. two years. Tod-Stambaugh' Co. four years, and with Pickands, Mathers & Co. since 1888. Director Huron Barge Co., Interlake Co., and Ashtabula Steam ship Co. Member Tyrian Lodge Masons, Holy Rood Commandery and Mystic Shrine. Member Union, Tavern, Euclid, Roadside, Century and Hermit clubs. Politically a Republican. EDWARD PAYSON WILLIAMS Edward Payson Williams, Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co. Born Conneaut, O., June 5, 1838. Educated in public schools. Commenced business career as an employe of Adams and United States Express companies, Savannah, Ga., and New York City. Enlisted Sept., 1862, in 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Mustered out June, 1865. Same year came to Cleveland and en gaged in the iron business with Cleveland, Brown & Co. Then at Marquette, Mich., in the same line seven years. With Pick ands, Mather & Co., since 1891. Ofiice Manager and Creditman. Secretary Toledo Furnace Co., Messaba Steamship Co., Ashtabula Dock Co., Minnesota Dock Co., Ashtabula Steamship Co., and other corporations. Member Memorial Post G. A. R. Member Union, Euclid and Roadside clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican, FREDERICK B, SENTER Frederick B, Senter, Bedford. Treasurer and manager The Franklin Oil and Gas Co. Born Bedford, O., April 6, 1863. Educated in the public schools of Bedford and graduated from the Spencerian Business College, Oeveland. Has been in the Oil business all his life, being connected with independent oil companies since 1884. Organized the Franklin Oil & Gas Co. in 1903 and is now treasurer and manager of same. Member Knights of Pythias and a Republican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 189 OIL INTERESTS MALCOLM GORHAM VILAS Malcolm Gorham Vilas, Cleveland. Treasurer and Auditor Standard Oil Co., of Ohio. Born Cleveland, March 18, 1857. ¦ Educated in the Cleveland public schools. With A. Stephen's Sons, Wholesale Teas 1874-76. With Short & Foreman, Pub lishers 1876-73. Entered the employ of the Standard Oil Co.. December, 1878. Appointed Auditor and Assistant Treasurer 1896. Elected treasurer 1899, still serving. CHARLES GRANDY TAPLIN Charles Grandy Taplin, Cleveland. Manager Refined Oil and Naptha Department, Standard Oil Co. of Ohio. Born, Akron, O., July 19, 1848. Educated public schools of Akron and Humiston's Institute Cleveland. With Taplin-Rice & Co., Foundrymen, Akron, 1864-73. Came to Cleveland 1873 and entered the employ of the Standard Oil Co., Sales Department accountant until 1887 when he was transferred to the Oil and Naptha Department as assistant manager. Appointed manager 1900. Member Century club. Politically a Republican. THOMAS A. I-IEWARD Thomas A. Heward, Cleveland. Manager lubricating depart ment Standard Oil Co. of Ohio. Born Cleveland, March 19, 1850. Educated in Cleveland public schools and Oberlin Col lege, Oberlin, O. Entered the employ of The Standard Oil Co. in 1878 as a bookkeeper. Member of The Colonial Club and polit- ically a Republican. SAMUEL T. CURTIS Samuel T. Curtis, Cleveland. Manager Cleveland station Standard Oil Co. of Ohio. Born Cleveland, O., February 22, 1860. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Associated with Alexander Forbes 1878-79, M. M. Murphy & Co. 1879-81, when he entered the employ of The Standard Oil Co. at Youngstown, O.. until 1884. Then bookkeeper and assistant manager at South Bend, Ind. Afterwards in charge of the business at Jackson, Mich., South Bend, Ind., and Toledo, O. Transferred to Cleve land 1901, in charge of Cleveland station, still serving. Member Masons, and politically a Republican. 190 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO OIL INTERESTS JOHN TEAGLE John Teagle, Cleveland. Formerly Scofield, Shurmer & Tea gle. Born Seagry, England, April 17. 1848. Educated in the private schools of England. In the grocery business in England till he came to the United States in 3 871, locating in Cleveland. With Alexander Scofield & Co., 1871-73. Then in business for himself, firm Squire & Teagle. In 1875 firm changed to Sco field, Squire & Teagle, and afterwards became Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle, going out of business in 1901. President Union Ele vator Co. Director Cleveland Paper Mfg. Co., SherifE Street Market & Storage Co. Member University School Corporation. Member Euclid and Colonial clubs and the Episcopal Church. H. A. ANDERSON H. A. Anderson, Toledo. Manager Standard Oil Co. at To ledo. Born Fort Wayne, Ind., September 21, 1857. Educated in the public schools of Fort Wayne. Started as shipping clerk for the Standard Oil Co.. Fort Wayne, 1886. I^ter had charge of the local business until 1892. Traveling salesman for the same company in Northeastern Indiana 1892-97, Northwestern Ohio 1897-99. Assistant manager in same field 1899-01. Ap pointed to present position in 1901, still serving. Member Ma sons, Rubicon Lodge, Ft. Meigs Chapter, and Toledo Council. Member United Commercial Travelers and Toledo Traveling Men's Associations. AL J. MILLNS Al J. Millns, Cleveland. Manager specialty department Stan dard Oil Co. of Ohio. Born Mattersea, England, May 2, 1869. Came to America with his father in early youth, located in Cleve land and educated there. With Standard Oil Co. 1884-1887 as clerk, then on the road as traveling salesman, and in 1900 ap pointed manager this department, still serving. Past member Cleveland Grays. Member M. E. church. Politically a Re publican. CHARLES A. SHERWOOD Charles A. Sherwood, Cleveland. Purchasing agent Standard Oil Co. of Ohio, Born Cleveland, O., October 18, 3 868. Edu cated in Cleveland public schools. Started with The Standard Oil Co. 1883. Clerk until 1891, when he was made assistant to the purchasing agent, and 1893 appointed purchasing agent, still serving. Veteran member Troop A, O. N. G. President Lake- wood Men's League. Politically a Republican, PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 191 OIL INTERESTS J. I. LAMPRECHT J. I. Lamprecht, Cleveland. President National Refining Co. Born Cardington, Ohio, July 14, 1853. For a number of years Cashier of the First National Bank, removing to Cleveland in 1880 since which time has been identified with the oil business. Has been -dentified with oil business all his life. Chairman of Board Northern Oil Co. Vice president National Pipe Line Co. Director Globe Oil Co., and Atlas Oil Co. Member Euclid, Colonial and Union Clubs. Politically a Republican, FRANK B. FRETTER Frank B. Frettsr, Cleveland. Secretary National Refining Co. Born Cleveland, O., Oct. 2, 1864. Educated at common schools of Cleveland, tias been identified with the oil business all his life. President National Pipe Line Co. Treasurer Northern Oil Co. Director Atlas Oil Co. and Globe Oil Co. Member Euclid and Century clubs. Independent in politics. P. J. McMYLER P. J. McMyler, Cleveland. Treasurer National Refining Co, Born Cleveland, Ohio, March 4, 1854. Educated common schools Cleveland, afterwards took a special course at Commer cial College, Cleveland. Interested in coal business with firm of Foltz, McMyler & Co. until 1884, since then has been inter ested in Oil. Director and vice president Northern Oil Co., Globe Oil Co., Plomo Specialty Mfg. Co., Atlas Oil Co. Mem ber Board Trustees, Riverside, Cemetery Association. Member Clifton club and Chamber of Commerce. Independent in politics. B. W. BROWNE B. W. Browne, Cleveland. President and treasurer The Great Western Oil Co. Born in England, Dec. 2, 1863. Educated in the grammar schools, Thornton in Lonsdale, and Business College. Came to Cleveland in June, 1883, and became private secretary to Scofield, Shurmer & Teagle, and was with them until they sold out. Incorporated The Great Western Oil Co, in 1901. President and treasurer of same. Secretary and treasurer of The Sterling Oil Works, refinery at Marietta, Ohio. An oflScer and director in several other oil companies. Member Elks lodge No. 18. 192 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO OIL INTERESTS WILLIAM' E. WALL Mr. William E. Wall. President of the Fred G. Clark Company. Was born at Chatham, Ont, Can., August 23, 1868. Educated at common school and a graduate of Chatham High School and Collegiate Institute. Came to Cleveland 1890, en gaged in the oil business. Identified with the Fred G. Clark Co. for the past sixteen years. Elected President of the National Petroleum Association 1903. President of the Tiona Refining Co., Indianapolis, Treasurer of the Conewango Refining Co., Warren, Pa., Director of the Monitor Oil Co., Great Western Oil Co., and Manufacturers Oil Co. Elected secretary of the Cleve land Petroleum Association 1904 and a member of the Euclid, Hermit and Clifton Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland. A member of the Conewango Club at Warren, Pa., and the Venango Club, at Oil City, Pa. FRANK L HARDING Frank I. Harding, Cleveland. Secretary The Fred G. Clark Co. Born Canfield, O., Feb. 24, 1872. Educated in common schools at Canfield and afterwards took course in Northeastern Normal College, Canfield. Associated with Tbe Fred G. Clark Co. since 1891. Member Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery, Hermit club, Euclid club, Cleveland Automobile club and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Independent in politics. JOHN W. McARDLE John W. McArdle, Cleveland. Manager Lubricating De partment of the Fred G. Clark Co. Born Cleveland, October 7, 1872. Educated in the public schools. Began career with the Merriam & Morgan Paraffine Co., 1890-1896. Then with the Fred G. Clark Co., as traveling salesman. Elected Director and Manager of the Lubricating Department, 1904, still serving. Interested in other corporations. Politically an Independent Democrat. Member of the Chamber of Commerce. WALTER L RICH Walter J. Rich, Cleveland. Proprietor Climax Refining Co. Born Rodbourne, Eng., Feb, 12, 1869. Educated at a boarding schcol, Bristol, Eng. Came to Cleveland, April 1, 1885. Associ ated with Cleveland Refining Co., of which concern he was secre tary and treasurer seven years. Organized the Climax Refining Co. 1897. President Climax Refining Co. of Minneapolis. Pro prietor the Rex Oil & Grease Co, Member Euclid, Roadside clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN, OF NORTHERN OHIO 193 OIL INTERESTS GEORGE E. HARBAUGH George E. Harbaugh, Cleveland. President The A. G. Har- baueh Co. Born Cleveland, O., March 20, 1871. Educated oublic schools. Entered the oil business with his father, A. G. Harbaugh, in 1889. Upon the incorporation of the present com pany elected Secretary and Treasurer. Elected President 1897, still serving. Director Atlas Bolt & Screw Co. and interested in other corporations. Member Euclid Congregational Church. JAY E. TAYLOR Jay E. Taylor, Cleveland. General manager The A. G. Har baugh Co, Born Solon, Cuyahoga county, O., May 30, 1858. Educated in public schools and Hiram College. Read law with Judge Andrews and admitted to the bar in 1880. Deputy Cuy ahoga County Clerk 1880-81. Then with The Standard Oil Co. 188L93. Then with A. G. Harbaugh & Co., and upon incor porations of The A, G. Harbaugh Co. in 1894 elected general manager and director, still serving. Politically a Republican. ¦JERRY T'.-MURPILY Jerry T. Murphy, Cleveland. President and treasurer of the Phoenix Oil Co. Was born in Cleveland, O., May 10, 1858, Was educated in the common schools of Cleveland, O., also took commercial course in Cleveland. Has been identified in oil business all his life. GEO. R. CANFIELD Geo. R. Canfield, Cleveland. President The Canfield Oil Co. Born Mantua, Portage Co., Ohio, Dec. 1, 1857. Educated in the country schools and Cleveland public schools. Came to Cleveland at age of fourteen years. Began career as shipping clerk with The Republic Refining Co. in 1878, later becoming superintendent of their works, until they sold to the Standard Oil Co. in 1883. Then became Superintendent of the Standard Oil Co. Lubricating Works. In 1887 organized The Canfield Oil Co. Director Columbia Savings and Loan Co. Mason and Knight Templar, 194 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO OIL INTERESTS ROBERT C. PEW Robert C. Pew, Toledo. Vice president and general manager The Sun Oil Co. Born Mercer, Pa., July 3, 1862. Educated in the public schools. Began career in the oil and gas business at Bradford, Pa., 1880-82. Then moved to Pittsburgh and with The Penn Fuel Co. Later vice president People's Natural Gas Co., 1882-89. Then came to Toledo and was one of the organ izers of the Sun Oil Co. in 1890 and elected vice president and general manager. President The United States Malleable Iron Co. Vice president and general manager The Bay Terminal R. R. Co. Vice president and general manager The Sun Oil Line Co. Interested in other corporations. Member Toledo and Country clubs, Toledo. Member First Congregational Church. PRES SLY TAYLOR CRAIG Pressly Taylor Craig, Toledo. Secretary and treasurer Craig Oil Co. Born Allegheny, Pa., July 29, 1870. Educated in the common schools of Allegheny. First connected with the West ern & Atlantic Pipe Line Co. as bookkeeper for three ' 5*ea?s'. ' Came to Toledo and became identified with Craig Oil Co. .as secretary and treasurer in 1890. First vice president United States Malleable Iron Co. Director Ohio Savings & T'ruS'f Co Director Toledo Yacht Club. Member Country Club and Toledji, Yacht club. Politically a Republican. M. T'. HEARLEY M. T. Hearley, Cleveland. Secretary The Great Western Oil Co. Born Elmore, O., Feb. 25, 1876. Graduated from Elmore High School. Came to Cleveland in 1892 and took a course at the Spencerian Business College. Engaged as stenographer for Schaber Eeinthal & Co. 1892-95. Credit man for the Cleveland Refining Co. 1895-1900. Secretary of the Great Western Oil Co. since 1900. Member firm of Bliven, Dyson & Co., machinists. Interested in copper mining. Member Y. M. C. A. 1892-97. Member Western Reserve Bowling club and other clubs. Mem ber Lake Superior Mining Institute. JOHN M. BACHERT John M. Bachert, Cleveland. Manager The Reliance Oil & Grease Co. Born Cleveland, O., July 9, 1857. Educated in public schools of Canton and Canton Academy. In 1874 engaged in paper manufacturing at Canton, and later in banking at Leadville, Colo. Came to Cleveland in 1879 and entered the lubricating oil business, and since 1888 has been managing owner of The Reliance Oil & Grease Co., doing an export and domestic business. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 195 GAS INTERESTS J. O. JOHNSTON MALCOLM S. GREENOUGH J. O. Johnston, Columbus. President The Columbus Gas & Fuel Co. Born Allegheny county, N. Y., May 17, 1853. Edu cated in the schools of Oswayo, Pa., and Wellsville, N. Y. In terested in gas, oil, marble and manufacturing. Member of the Masons'. ' Politically » Republican. Malcolm S. Greenough, Cleveland. President Cleveland Gas Light & Coke Co. Born Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 31, 1848. Educated in the Boston Latin School, graduated from Harvard College, degree of A. B. Special student at Institute of Tech nology. Was in the employ of the Boston Gas Light Co. from 1868 to 1892, finally holdiiig the position of engineer, since then in Cleveland. Trustee Cleveland Trust Co. Director First National Bank. Director Adams-Bagnall Electric Co. Member for six years of the Boston City Council, as councilman and alderman. Member of a large number of Technical societies in this country and abroad. Member of Union, Euclid, Uni versity and Country clubs and Somerset club, Boston. Politi cally a Republican. WILLIAM YOUNG CARTWRIGHT I-IOYT VOLNEY SHULTERS William Young' Cartwright, Cleveland. Superintendent The East Ohio Gas Co. Born Bradey's Bend, Pa., September 13, 1872. Educated in public schools of Youngstown, O. With The Mahoning Gas Fuel Co. 1887-1897. Then with the East Ohio Gas Co. at Dennison, O., as agent until 1899. Agent for same company at Canton, O., until 1904. Then came to Cleve land and was appointed superintendent, still serving. Politically a Republican. Hoyt Volney Shulters, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The East Ohio Gas Co. Born Ellington, Chautauqua county, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1868. Educated Ellington Academy and Roches ter Business University, graduating from both. Was Accountant 'and Cashier, Phillips & Thomas Milling Co., 1886-87. Chief Clerk Tiffin Natural Gas Co., Tiffin, O., 1887-1891. Then at Toledo with North Western Ohio Natural Gas Co., 1891, as General Bookkeener, was made Assistant Secretary and Treasurer in 1895. Held this position until 1902, when he came to Cleve land. Elected Secretary and Treasurer, The East Ohio Gas Co., still serving. Member Gentlemen's Driving Qub and The Union Club of Cleveland. Politically a Republican. 196 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO GAS AND OIL INTERESTS WALTER K. SLADDEN GEO. H. TAYLER Walter K. Sladden, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer Peoples Gas Light Co. Born Massillon, O., June 39, 1869. Educated in common and high schools of Massillon. Commenced career with his father, Frank Sladden. in the Railroad business, as clerk for C. L. & W. R. R. Came to Cleveland and in employ of Big Four R. R. 1889-1891. Then entered employ Peoples Gas Light Co. Elected Secretary 1899 and in 1900 Secretary and Treasurer. Scottish Kite Mason, K. T'. Mystic Shriner' and member of the Tippecanoe Club. Geo. H. Tayler, Warren. Secretary and Treasurer The War ren Gas Light Co. Born Warren, O., May 5, 1847. Edu cated in schools of Warren and Allegheny -College, Meadville, Pa. Clerked a few months then went West in 1870 and engaged with engineering corps in construction of M. K._ & T'. R. R. Returned to Warren in 1874 and began clerking in shoe store. In 1879 went West as Assistant Engineer on Kansas Branch of the U. P. R. R., later on the C. M. & St. P. R. R. in Wisconsin. In 18S0 returned to Warren. In 1881 became Sec retary, Treasurer and Superintendent of the Warren Gas Light Co. Director Union National Bank. Secretary and Treasurer Warren Opera House Co. President Oakwood Cemetery Asso ciation. In 1864 enlisted in Co. A 171st Reg. O., N. Q. 33rd degree Mason. Politically Republican. S. N. E. PRIDDY S. N. E. Priddy, Findlay. President Van Buren Oil Co. Born Van Wert county, O., February 21, 1844. Educated in the common schools. Engaged in farming in Van Wert county until 1861. September, 1861, enlisted in 15th Ohio Infantry. Mus tered out November, 1864, as a non-commissioned officer. 1865 to 1870 engaged in buying and selling railroad ties. 1870-72 improving land in Van Wert county. 1872-80 operating a saw mill. 1882 built and operated a grist mill until 1886, when he engaged in oil business at Lima and has continued in same business since that time. Sunk the fifth well that was drilled in the Trenton rock. In 1887 drilled one of the largest wells ever sunk in that section. In 1893 drilled first deep well ever drilled in oil bearing rock. President Buckeye Traction Ditcher Co. Member Twentieth Century club. Member M. E. Church. HENRY C. WEINLE. Henry C. Weinle, Grafton. Stone Quarry Operator. Born at North Amherst, Ohio, May 24, 1877. Educated in the public schools at Elyria and at Oberlin (College). Began career in 1893 as an oflice boy for W. L. Fay of Elyria, O. In 1894 he became timekeeper and paymaster for the Elyria Stone Co., at Grafton, and served in that capacity until 1901, when he was made Superintendent of the Elyria Stone Co. Repub lican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 197 LUMBER INTERESTS ARTHUR LEE STONE. Arthur Lee Stone, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer The Nicola, Stone & Meyers Co., Cleveland and Cincinnati. Born Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 10, 1861. Came to Cleveland in early youth and educated in public schools. With Fletcher, Pack & Co., Alpena, Mich., in the lumber business. One of the or ganizers of the present company in 1887. Secretary and treasurer Lakewood Lumber Co. Vice president Clifton Park Land & Improvement Co. Interested m other corporations. Member rhe Union club and Vice president the Euclid club. Politically a Republican. L. DEAN HOLDEN L. Dean Holden, Cleveland. President the Cleveland Saw Mill & Lumber Co. Born Cleveland, O., Feb. 7 1869. Vice President The Hollenden Hotel Company, 3nd Vice Pres. The Plain Dealer Publishing Co., President The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Ltd. and Vice Pres. The Detroit Hotel Co. Member Union, Tavern, Country, Euclid and Roadside Clubs and was Presi dent Cleveland Four-in-Hand Club. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Died February 14, 1906. CHARLES A. NICOLA Charles A. Nicola, Cleveland. Pres. Nicola, Stone & Myers Co; Born Cleveland, O., August 31, 1855. Educated in the public schools. Entered the lumber business in Chicago in 1880, later ' in Pittsburg. Returned to Cleveland in 1893 and was one of the organizers of the present company in 1887. Elected presi dent and has served since that time. Pres. Lakewood Lumber Co, and interested in other corporations. Member Union, Euclid and Clifton clubs. MAX MYERS Max Myers, Cleveland. Vice president The Nicola, Stone & Myers Co., lumber dealers. Born Germany, April 10, 1866. Educated in the schools of Youngstown, O., and graduate or Youngstown Business College 1881. From 1884 to 1890 with the Youngstown Lumber Co. Traveling salesman for The Nicola & Stone Lumber Co. 1890 to 1898. Vice president The Lakewood Lumber Co. 198 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO LUMBER INTERESTS ROBERT H. JENKS HENRY C. CHRISTY Robert H. Jenks, Cleveland. Manufacturer and Wholesaler of Lumber. Born Crown Point, N. Y., July 26, 1864. Edu cated in the common schools of Michigan. President of the Robert H. Jenks Lumber Co., the Cuyahoga Lumber Co., the Lake Erie Lumber Co., of Cleveland, and the Tremont Lumber Co.. of Tremont. La., and Tremont & Gulf Railway. Director of the Union National Bank, of Cleveland. Came to Cleveland when sixteen years old and entered employ oi Woods, Perry & Co. Remained with them in various capacities until admitted to firm which then became Woods, Jenks .& Co. Woods, Jenks & Co.. dissolved in 1893, Mr. Jenks retiring to establish the Robert H. Jenks Lumber Co. Henry C. Christy, Cleveland. General Manager The Advance Lumber Co. Born Trumbull Co., O., March 17, 1846. Educated in the common schools. Began career in the hardware business, firm of Kirk & Christy, 1865. Later the hardware business was incorporated as the Warren Hardware Co. In 1867 the firm of Kirk & Christy began their lumber operations in the vicinity of Warren. This branch of their business moved to Cleveland 1893 and incorporated 1895 as the Kirk-Christy Co. One of the organizers of the Advance Lumber Co. 1902. Pres. Warren Hardware Co., Empire Lumber Co., Buffalo, McCart-Christy Co., Standard Brick Co. Vice Pres. Union National Bank and in terested in various other corporations. Hon. Member Order of Hoo Hoo. Member Euclid Ave. Christian Church. FREDERICK T. PEITCH EDWIN B. SMITH Frederick T'. Peitch, Cleveland, O. Assistant general manager The Advance Lumber Company Born in Buifalo, N, Y. in 1S69. Educated in the public schools of that city. Had a thorough training in the Hardwood Lumber Business. For seventeen years in the employ of one of the largest concerns in that line. Came to Cleveland as one of the organizers of The Advance Lumber Company early in 1902, and is in charge of the large Hardwood interests of this concern. Also president The Worden Lumber & Manufacturing Co., Cleveland, 0. Also director in and sales manager The West Virginia Timber Co. of Charlestown, W. Va. Is 32nd degree Mason, Knight Templar and Shriner. Edwin B. Smith, Cleveland. Secretary 'Ihe Advance Lumber Co. Born Huron County, Ohio, May 13, 1859. Educated in the public schools of Ohio. Began career with the Engineering corps on the Nickel Plate R. R. With Davis & Hunt two years, then the Bell, Cartwright & Co., for eight years. With Albert Pack, Wholesale Lumber merchant, Detroit, four years until he went out of business, then came to Cleveland and with the Kirk-Christy Co., in which he is now a Director and Stock holder. Became Secretary of The Advance Lumber Co., upon its organization in 1903 and Vice president of The Worden Lum ber and Manufacturing Co., upon its organization in 1906. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 199 LUMBER INTERESTS ARCH C. KLUMPH Arch C. Klumph, Cleveland. General Manager of the Cuya hoga Lumber Company. - Born at Conneautville, Pa., June 6, 1869. Educated in the public schools of Conneautville. Came to Cleveland, 188fi. Became Gen'l Manager of the Cuyahoga Lum ber Co., Oct. 1899. Interested in the Colonial Realty Co. and member of the firm of Lynn & Klumph, Real Estate. Is an old member and prominent officer of the Cleveland Grays. Also an active member in the Hermit Club. FRANK A. BROWN Frank A. Brown, Massillon, O. Secretary, treasurer and gen eral manager The Brown Lumber Co. Born Reading, Mass., Aug. 13, 1849. Moved to Cleveland with his parents in 1853. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland and Massillon. After leaving school went into the works of the Brown-Seiber- ling Co., Massillon. Then associated with his father, M. A. Brown, in branch lumber yard of Purdy & McNeil, of Cleveland, about ten years. Then bought out the firm and went in with his father as partner, firm name of M. A. Brown & Son, con tinued in same until death of father in 1902, when he incor porated present company. Mason, Clinton Lodge, No. 47, Hiram Chapter, No. 18, Massillon Commandery, No. 4, Al Koran Tem ple Shriner. Politically a Republican. HORATIO C. CREITH Horatio C. Creith, Columbus. H. C. Creith & Co., wholesale lumber. Born Imlay City, Mich., Nov. 4, 1871. Educated in the public schools at Evart, Mich. Clerk in The Lumberman's Bank at Evart, Mich., 1887-1891. Worked in lumber woods and saw mills in Kentucky and West Virginia, 1891-1895. Traveling salesman selling lumber, 1895-1903. Since 1903 engaged in the wholesale lumber business at Columbus, O. Member Knights of Pythias, Elks and Masonic orders. Politically a Republican. JOHN R. GOBEY John R. Gobey, Columbus. Wholesale Lumber. Born Meth- uen. Mass., Oct. 20, 1869. Educated in schools of Columbus. After leaving school learned the jewelry business. In 1892 entered the lumber business as traveling salesman for a Columbus firm. Established the firm of Powell & Gobey in Jan uary, 1899, and upon dissolution of that partnership in 1903 he established the present business, Jno. R. Gobey & Co., Whole sale Lumber, Columbus, Ohio. Also instrumental in organizing the Throop-Martin Co., Wholesale Sash, Doors & Glass, in 1904, and is still a partner in that firm. Interested in Marvin Wood working Co., Manufacturers of Bank and Ofiice fixtures. 200 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS JOHN HARRIS McBRIDE John Harris McBride, Cleveland. Vice president and treasurer The Root-McBride Co. Born Mahoning county, O., Jan. 30, 1843. Educated in common schools. Served in the Union army summers of '6;i and '63. Commenced mercantile life in Cleve land in 1864. President Cleveland-Akron Bag Co. and Detroit Bag Co. Vice president Superior Trust Co. and Cleveland Storage Co. Director Bank of Commerce, National Association, and _ a number of industrial, mining and railroad companies. President University School and trustee of several educational and charitable institutions of Cleveland. Member Board of Park Commissioners that established the park system of Cleve land and four years its president. Member of Union, Country, Winous Point Shooting, Castalia Fishing club and other clubs of Cleveland. LEE McBRIDE Lee McBride, Cleveland. President The Root & McBride Co. Born Lowellville, Mahoning county, O., Dec. 18, 1837. Educated in the common schools and Westminster College. Came to Cleve land in 1857, and with Morgan, Root & Co. Admitted to the firm in 1861. Firm changed to Root-McBricle Bros. 1884. In corporated in 1894 and elected president, still serving. President Cleveland Plardware Co. Vice president Union National Bank. President for many years Lakeside ITospital ; largely interested in the building. Interested in other corporations. President first Board of Aldermen. Member Union, Euclid, Country, Colonial, Roadside and Castalia Sporting clubs. Politically a Republican, Member Presbyterian church. FREDERICK P. ROOT. Frederick P. Root, Cleveland. Vice president The Root & McBride Co. Born Cleveland, O., Aug. 28, 1865. Educated in the public schools. Started with the Root-McBride Bros, in 1884 and upon the incorporation of the company in 1894 was made Vice president, still serving. Member of the Union, Euclid, Country and Roadside Clubs. Republican in politics. GEORGE W. CADY George W. Cady, Cleveland, Ohio, Summer Home Wickliffe. Born Dudley, Mass., February 2, 1840. Educated at Nichols Academy, Dudley. From school he came to Cleveland and en tered the Wholesale Boot and Shoe and Rubber business, form ing the firm of Cady-Ivison Shoe Co., 118 Water St., being continuously at same number for 48 years. Mr. Cady is a member of the Union, Roadside, Clifton and Yacht Club, and is politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 201 MERCHANTS CI-IARLES WILLIAM BURROWS STEPITEN E. BROOKS Charles William Burrows, Cleveland. President The Burrows Brothers Co., publishers and booksellers. Born Hollis, York county, Me., December 21, 1849. Educated in common and high schools of Saco, Me. Graduate U. S. Military Academy, 1870. Served as Second Lieutenant, Third Regiment, Light Artillery, two years. Resigned commission October, 1873. Started No vember, 1873, firm of Burrows Brothers (now the Burrows Brothers Co. ). President The Burrows Publishing Co. In 1886 induced Dr. Elroy M. Avery to devote rest of his life to labor of preparing his History of tbe United States and Its People. Member Association of Graduates of United States Military Academy, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and Union and Euclid clubs. Elected January, 1906, for current year first vice president The National Board of Trade. Stephen E. Brooks, Cleveland. President The Brooks Com pany, manufacturing stationers, printers and binders. Born in Elyria, O., Dec. 13, 1850. He came with his father to Cleve land in 1861. Educated in the public schools of Elyria and Cleveland, tie left the latter in 1865 and entered the employ of Cobb-Andrews & Co., booksellers and stationers. Six years later, in 1871, at the age of twenty-one, he started in the same line of business for himself, and in 1885 the same was incor porated under the present name. Vice president and member Finance Committee of Forest City Savings & Trust Co. Direc tor People's Savings Bank Co., North Electric Co., and Land Title & Abstract Co. Member Euclid club and Cleveland Cham ber of Commerce. WILLIAM I. KEETCIT William I. Keetch, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer of the Wm. Taylor Co. Born Bristol, England, Dec. 7, 1865. Came to the United States 1881, locating in Cleveland. Started with Taylor, Kilpatrick & Co., 18S1, and has been identified with the firm to the present time. WEBB C. BALL Webb C. Ball, Cleveland. Watch manufacturer and jeweler. Native of Knox county, Ohio, and educated in its schools. Entered the watch business in 1869. Established the present jewelry business in 1879. Associated with the Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Pa. as vice president, director, and mechanical expert 1894-5-6. Charter member Cleveland Chamber of Com merce. Director of the Cleveland Convention Board five years and its president in 1902. President the Webb C. Ball Watch Co. Organized and established his time-service and watch in spection system on the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. in 1891. This service has since been extended to include the New York Central and all other Vanderbilt lines, the Illinois C:entral R. R., The Rock Island-Frisco Systems, the Union Pacific Ry.. the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway. 202 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS J. E, GREENE J. E- Greene, Cleveland. President The W. Bingham Co, Born Vergennes, Vt., June 23, 1837. Educated at B. B. Allen's Classic School. Began career in general store in Vergennes, 1853-56. Came to Cleveland in April 1856, and entered the em ployment of W. Bingham & Co. At that time the members of the firm were W. Bingham, IT. C. Blossom and H. K. WelLs. Later the two senior members bought the interest of H. K. Wells, and in 1865 J. E. Greene became a member of the firm. Later the sons of both senior members were taken into the firm, the firm's name continuing as established in 1841. In 1888 it was incorporated as The W. Bingham Co., Mr, Greene being elected vice president, which office he held until after death of founder, Hon. Wm. Bingham, 1904, when he was elected president. J. Q. RIDDLE J. Q. Riddle, Cleveland. Vice president The Lockwood-Taylor Hardware Co. Born Ripley Tp., Holmes Co., Ohio. Educated in the common schools and Oak Grove Academy. In hardware business, Waseon, Ohio, 1865-84. Came to Cleveland and became partner in the Lockwood-Taylor Hardware Co, and elected vice president, still serving. In 1893 appointed assignee Backus Wire Nail Co., conducting same three years. One of the- organizers of the Colonial National Bank, now merged with the Union National Bank. Director and member Executive Committee Euclid Ave. Trust Co. Dir. Continental Sugar Co, Dir, Commonwealth Steam Ship Co. Vice president Milwaukee Steam Ship Co. 32nd degree Mason, Oriental Commandery Knights Templars. Fellow of Rowfant Club. Member Century and Colonial Clubs. Politically a Republican, HENRY M. BRAINARD Henry M. Brainard, Cleveland. President The H. M. Brain ard Co. Born Cleveland, O., October 30, 1844. Educated in the public and private schools. Enlisted in the army in the Civil War, 1863-65. After the war engaged in the piano and music business with his father, firm of S. Brainard & Son. On the death of his father firm changed to S, Brainard's Sons, and in 1884 to H. M. Brainard & Co. Present firm was incorporated in 1889. Director Cleveland School of Music and the Cushman Land & Investment Co. Member of the Union club since its incorporation in 1873. K. T. Mason and politically a Republican. JOI-IN C. PIENRY John C. Henry, Cleveland, Secretary of The Lockwood-Taylor Hardware Co. Born Cleveland, O., July 16, 1858. Educated in Cleveland parochial schools and St. John's College, Utica, N. Y. Has been with the present company since 1873, Is a director and stockholder in a number of local corporations. Member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and the Chamber of Com' merce club. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 203 MERCHANTS J. W. FENNER STILES C. SMITH J. W. Fenner, Cleveland. Secretary and director of The W. Bingham Co. Born Oxford, England, Jan. 31, 1850. Educated in the public schools, Cleveland, and Howard Academy, Eng land. Started with The W. Bingham Co. on Oct. 15, 1867, to learn the hardware business, and has been with W. Bingham & Co. and present corporation continuously. Member of the Cen tury, Masonic and Castalia Trout clubs, and Chamber of Com merce. Stiles C. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio. S. C. Smith & Co., Whole sale Teas, Coffees and Spices. Born South Britain, Conn., March 20. 1831. Educated in Private Academy at South Britain, Conn. Came to Cleveland in 1857 and has been engaged in above busi ness ever since. Director First National Bank; The Cleveland Malleable Iron Co.; The National Malleable Castings Co.; The Eberhard Mfg. Co.. and Cleveland and Southwestern Traction Co. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Trustee Associ ated Charities; Children's Fresh Air Camp; Jones Home; Huron Street Hospital and Western Seamens' Friend Society. Treasurer New England Society. Member Masons and politically a Repub lican. CHARLES M. BASSETT LUCIEN B. HALL Charles M. Bassett, Cleveland. A. L. Bassett & Co., whole sale hats. Born Barrington, Yates county, N. Y., May 2, 1848. Educated in the common schools and Starkey Seminary, Yates county, N. Y. Taught school in his native State three years, and in 1876 came to Oeveland and engaged in the hat business with his brother. Member of firm of A. L. Bassett & Co. Mem ber Cleveland Commercial T'ravelers' Association and Toledo Commercial Travelers' Association. Member of firm of John Kline & Co., Wickliffe, O., manufacturers of paving brick. Mem ber of East Congregational Church. Lucien B. Hall, Cleveland. Benton, Hall & Co., wholesale druggists. Born Brimfield township. Portage county, O., Feb. 18, 1848. Educated in the public schools and Western Reserve Preparatory Schools. Came to Cleveland and accepted position in a retail drug store, and in 1870 became a traveling salesman for the firm of Benton, Myers & Canfield. In 1876 was admit ted to the firm as a partner, the name being changed to Benton, Myers & Co. In 1904 firm name became Benton, Hall & Co. Elected president The National Wholesale Druggists' Association in 1905. Second vice president, a member of the Executive Committee and a director of the Cleveland Chamber of Com merce. Trustee Cleveland Associated Charities. Member Exec utive Board Cleveland Y. M. C. A. Member Union, Euclid and Clifton clubs. 204 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS F. H. H.VSEROT F. H. Haserot, Oeveland. President The Haserot Co. Born Cleveland, O., Dec. 19, 1860. Educated in the German Lutheran and public schools of Cleveland. Was a merchandise broker from 1881-83. Member firm of W. J. Hayes & Co., wholesale gro cers, 1S83-86. Member firm of S. F. & F. H. Plaserot & Co. 1886-94. Vice president The Haserot Co. 1894-1903. President The Haserot Co. since 1903. Officer and director in The Haserot Canneries Co., 'The Mercantile Warehouse Co., The Hough Ave, Savings & Banking Co., and The First National Bank. Member Cleveland Board of Education for term 1905-07. Director Cleve land Chamber of Commerce for two terms. Member from 21st district Ohio Republican State Central Committee 1903-06. CLARENCE L. BARTSHE Clarence L. Bartshe, Cleveland. Wholesale , grocer. Born , Litchfield, Ohio, March 7, 1872. Graduated public schools, Kent, O. From 1889 to 1891 engaged as clerk with S. F. & F. H. Haserot & Company, 1891 to 1893 as salesman. Department manager The Haserot Company 1893-1901. Vice president The Haserot Company 1901-1906. Member of Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Lodge B. P. O. Elks, and Cleveland Commercial Travelers Association. Politically a Republican. CHARLES BABCOCK Charles Babcock, Cleveland. Babcock, Hurd & Co., wholesale grocers. Born Aurora, Portage county, O., Jan. 28, 1853. Edu cated in the common schools and Cornell University. Began career with Babcock, Hurd & Co. in 1873 and became a mem ber of the firm in 1876. Director Union Steel Screw Co., Bank ers' Surety Co., and interested in a number of other corporations. Member of the Union, Colonial and Euclid clubs, Ohio Society of New York and Winon's Point Shooting club. ARTI-IUK A. WENIIAM Arthur A. Wenham, Cleveland. A. J. Wenham's Sons, Whole sale Grocers. Born Cleveland, Ohio. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland, and a graduate of West High School. Is senior member of firm of A. J. Wenham's Sons, and is also interested in copper mining, rubber and match manufacturing industries. Member of the Union, Euclid and Bedford Hunt and Country clubs, and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican and at one time was a member of Committee of fifteen, which dictated the local policy of that party. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTH &RN OHIO 205 MERCHANTS EDWARD W. PALMER Edward W. Palmer, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer Cleve land Window Glass Co. Born Cleveland, O., Nov. 21, 1863. Educated in the public schools. Started in the present business 1879 in the glazing department. Has since been in every de partment. Secretary and treasurer for the last twenty years, still serving. Director and treasurer Builders Exchange 1890- 1904. Member Chamber of Commerce and Builders Exchange. Member Cleveland Art club and treasurer for five years. Po litically a Republican. FREDERICK HERBERT PALMER Frederick Herbert Palmer, Cleveland. \'ice president Cleve land Window Glass Co, Born Cleveland, O., May 2, 1865. Edu cated in the public schools of Cleveland. Started in the Cleve land Window Glass Co. in 1884. Elected vice president in 1895, still serving. One of the organizers and former president of The Cleveland Business Men's Convention League. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and Builders Exchange. Politi cally a Republican and a member of the Episcopal church. ABRAHAM TEACHOUT' Abraham Teachout, Cleveland. President A. Teachout Co. Born Manchester, Ontario county, N. Y., August 17, 1817. Edu cated in the district schools. Early life on his father's farm. Then boating on the Ohio canal. Built steam sawmill iri Royal- ton. Mercantile and milling business Madison, O. Built flour mill at Painesville, O. Went south at close of Civil War and entered the lumber business. Started present business 1873 Vice president the 'Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Co., Columbus, Ohio. Director Penn. Door & Sash Co. Treasurer Ohio Chris tian Missionary Society. Member Old Settlers' Association of the Western Reserve. Member Franklin Avenue Christian Church. ALBERT R. TEACHOUT Albert R. Teachout, Cleveland. Merchant. Born Royalton, Cuyahoga county, O., June 12, 1852. Educated in Painesville high school and Hiram College. Has been engaged in the same business for the past thirty-two years. Vice president and treas urer the A. Teachout Co. President the Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Co., Columbus, 0. President the Teachout Realty Co. Trustee Ohio Christian Missionary Society. Treasurer trust funds of O. C. M. Society. Politically Independent. Elder in Franklin Circle Christian Church. 206 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS WILLIAM C. RUDD William C. Rudd, Cleveland. President The Chandler & Rudd Co. Born Cleveland, O., July 22, 1845. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Was a partner with Mr. Chandler under the name of Chandler & Rudd, 1870. The firm being incorpo rated in 1889 as The Chandler & Rudd Co., and was made Presi dent. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Member of the Tippecanoe Club. Politically a Republican, Member Euclid Ave. Baptist Church. GEORGE A. RUDD George A. Rudd, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer The Chandler & Rudd Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 2, 1852. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Started as bookkeeper with Chandler & Rudd in 1870. Upon the incorporation of the firm in 1889 was made Secretary and later was made Secretary and Treasurer. Member Chamber of Commerce, President Re-. tail Merchant's Board of Cleveland, Politically a Republican. Member East End Baptist Church. LOUIS A. OSBORN Louis A. Osborn, Cleveland. President The J. M. & L. A. Osborn Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, May 27, 1865. Educated in the public schools. Started in the shipping department of Myers, Osborn & Co. in 1881. In 1888 he formed a partnership with his father, J. M. Osborn, which continued in the tin plate business of Mvers. Osborn & Co. Member of the Cleveland Chamber of Com merce. Politically a Republican. Member of the First Baptist church. GEORGE W. AVERY George W. Avery, Cleveland, O. Manager wholesale depart ment 'Ilie W. Bingham Corp'n. Educated in Cleveland public schools. With the above corporation 33 years. Director in The W. Bingham Hardware Corp'n. Director in the Standard Tool Co. Director in Standard Welding Co. Director in Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co. Vestryman in Trinity P. and E. Cathedral. Member of Union club, Cleveland. Member of Roadside club, Cleveland. Member of Church club, Cleveland. Member of Ohio Society of New York. Politically a Repub lican. Takes lively interest in national, state, local, civic and religious affairs. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 207 MERCHANTS RUSSELL K. PELTON Russell K. Pelton, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Scott Dry Goods Co., and manager of the Rose Building. Born Cleveland, O., Nov. 8, 1856. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Cashier county treasurer's ofiice 1875-1880. Cashier Erie Railroad Co. 1880-1887. Division freight agent Erie R. R. 1887-1803. Engaged in the wholesale coal business 1893-1897. Abroad in 1897-1900. Then took the management of the Rose Building. One of the organizers of The Scott Dry Goods Co. in 1901. Elected its secretary and treasurer and. still .serving. Interested in other corporations. Member Cleveland Public Library Board 1896-1901. Member Glen Valley club. . Mason, and politically a Republican. WILLIAM B. WHIPPLE William B. Whipple, Cleveland. Vice President The Scott Dry Goods Co. Born Lynn, Mass., June 17, 1863, Educated in public schools. Started in the Dry Goods business at Woon- socket, Rhode Island 1878-1884. Then came to Cleveland and was with Crow & Whitmarsh 1884-1901. Was one of the organizers of The Scott Dry Goods Co., in 1901. Elected Vice president and still serving. JAMES ADAMS ROBINSON James Adams Robinson, Cleveland. Born Ashland, Ohio, Nov. 1, 1851. Educated the Ashland schools and Vermillion Insti tute, Hayesville, Ohio. Entered the employ of Wm. Bing ham & Co, in 1871. Elected Assistant Treasurer of The W. Bingham Co., after its incorporation. Elected Secretary and Assistant Treasurer in 1903, and on the death of Hon. William Binghamj became Treasurer of the company. Treasurer, Board of Trustees of The Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Member of the Century Club. Member Chamber of Commerce Trustee of The Presbyterian Union. Veteran of Troop A. STEPHEN BUHRER Stephen Buhrer, Cleveland. Ex-Mayor and merchant. Born near Zoar, O., Dec. 35, 1825. Educated in schools of Zoar, working at same time in woolen factory; also attended sheep. At age of twelve was placed in a cooper shop, also worked in a brewery and slaughter house, and in the fields. At different times drove horses on the canal. Was discouraged at eighteen. Came to Cleveland in 1844. Worked as journeyman cooper. Opened cooper shop in 1850, and engaged in the rectifying busi ness 1853, and is still actively engaged. Served in the Cleve land City Council eight years. Elected Mayor of Cleveland jS67. Re-elected 1869. Politically a Democrat and a 32nd de gree Mason. 208 PROGRESSIVE 1\IEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS WILLIAM H. FOURNIER William H. Fournier, Cleveland. Member firm of the Strauss Brothers Co. Born Cleveland, May 24, 1862. Educated in the common schools. Began career with present firm as stock boy and has been salesman, buyer and is now the manager. Inter ested in street railways and various other enterprises. Member Chamber of Commerce, St. Mary's Church, Knights of Colum bus and the C. M. B. A. , MOSES GOODMAN Moses Goodman, Cleveland. Vice president The Strauss Bros Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, May 13, 1864.- Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Began career as an errand boy in 1878. Then salesman and buyer, and is now vice president The Strauss Bros. Co. E. M'. FOLSOM K. M. Folsom, Cleveland. Merchant. Born Ohio City, O., Jan. 20, 1851. Educated in the common schools. From 1868 to 1870 clerk in the jewelry store of Chas. Gilman at Youngstown, O. Came to Cleveland in 1870 and entered the employ of S. H. Sheldon & Co., lumber dealers, as salesman, until 1877. In 1878 started in the feed business, and has continued at same since that time. Director People's Savings Bank Co. Organizer and director of the West Cleveland Banking Co. Member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and also of the Old Board of Trade. Politically a Republican and a member of the Congregational church. LOUIS BLACK. Louis Black Cleveland. Treasurer of the liailey Co. Born Hungary. Member of the firm of Bailey & Co. and the Levi Cloak Co. Manufacturers of Cloaks. Director Central National Bank, Superior Trust & Savings Co., Acme Foundry Co., Mutu al Building & Investment Co., Vice President Tuscaloosa Cotton Co. Was the first Director of Fire under the Federal ¦ Plan, under Mayor Rose. Member of the City Council two years from the first ward. Colonel Second Regiment Knights of Pythias. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 209 MERCHANTS EDGAR I. BURRIDGE Edgar I. Burridge, Cleveland. Vice president and general manager The T'. L. Brundage Co., wholesale butter and eggs. Born Skaneateles, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1858'. Educated in the gram mar schools of Auburn, N. Y. Has been identified with the dairy interests of the country all his life. Founded, published and edited for eight years "The American Creamery," the first creamery paper published in the country. Recognized as an expert judge of butter. Politically an Independent Republican. ROBERT F. MACKENZIE Robert F, Mackenzie, Cleveland. President and general man ager Robert F, Mackenzie Co. Born in Scotland, July 4, 1860. Educated in common schools of Kirriemuir, Scotland. Came to Cleveland in 1892. Was interested in the sugar business in the Windward Islands for four years. With Wuest-Mackenzie Co., manufacturing confectioners of Cleveland, for eight years. Mem ber Masonic "Airlie Lodge," Kirriemuir, Scotland, a^nd Knights of Pythias, Washington Lodge, No. Ki, Cleveland, O. Inde pendent in politics. CALVIN R. SCOULLER Calvin R. Scouller, Cleveland. Secretary and sales-manager, The J. B, Pearce Co. Born North East, Pa., Sept. 20, 1875, Educated in the common and high schools of North East and Erie Academy. Began business in a wall paper factory at Newark, N. J, Then traveling salesman for two Wall Paper firms for six years. Upon the organization of the J.B. Pearce Co. in 1901 became secretary, sales-manager and a director of the T. B. Pearce Co. Member Masons. JAY B, PEARCE Jay B. Pearce, Cleveland, President and treasurer The J. B. Pearce Company, Wholesale Wall I'aper Merchants. Born Trumbull county, Ohio, in 1859. E-ducated in the public schools. For a number of years operated a department store in Niles, Ohio, retiring from which in 3 903, located in Cleveland, and organized the above company. Member CleveBand Chamber of Commerce, Knight Templar Mason, and servts on the official board of the Euclid Avenue Christian church. Politically a Republican. 210 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIQ MERCHANTS ROBERT F. WILLIAMS Robert F. Williams, Cleveland. Williams Bros. Co., Whole sale Grocers. Born London, Canada, Dec. 31, 1856. Educated in the public schools and Business College, Detroit, Mich. Came to Cleveland in 18*82 and organized the present company, from which time he has conducted the same as sole proprietor. Also Director of Market National Bank. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Commercial Travelers. Is a K. T. Mason, Mystic Shriner and Knight of Pythias. NEWTON CASSIUS BOSWORTH Newton Cassius Bosworth, Cleveland. President Bosworth Hardware Co. Born Solon, O., July 11, 1850. Educated in district and high schools. Clerk for Parmely- & Collins, gen eral store, Solon, O., 1S67-70. Bookkeeper E. C. Blackman ¦& Co. 1870-71. With Lockwood, VanDorn & Miller, now The Lockwood-Taylor Hdw. Co., 1871-83. , Purchased Mr. Moore's interest in Burrows & Moore Hdw. Co. in 1883 and firm changed to Burrows & Bosworth. In 1889 same was incorporated under name of Burrows-Bosworth Hdw. Co., and was made secretary and treasurer. President since 1894. Incorporated as the Bos worth Hdw. Co. in 1904, and elected president.- President The Big Lake Land & Lumber Co. Member Masons. Politically a Republican. ISAAC REDER Isaac Reder, Akron, O. \Vholesale grocer. Born Austria- Hungary, April 4, 1859. Educated in the public schools abroad, and came to this country at the age of fourteen and completed his education. Engaged in the wholesale grocery business. Mem ber Cleveland Commercial Travelers, U. C. T'. No. 87, Akron. Member Masons, Akron Lodge, No. 83, F. & A. M.. Polit ically a Republican. BERNARD MILLER Bernard Miller, Mayor of Lakewood, O. Born in Allegheny, Pa., Oct. 6, 1864. Educated in district and high schools of Alle gheny, Pa. Came to Cleveland from Allegheny in 1891 and became engaged in the wholesale bakers and confectioners sup ply business under the name of Bernard Miller Co. In 1901 consolidated with Schorndorfer & Eberhard under the name of The Schorndorfer & Eberhard Co., of which he is the vice pres ident and manager. Also interested in other minor enterprises. Elected Councilman of Lakewood, O., in 1904 on the Repub lican ticket, and elected Mayor of I,akewood, O., in 1905 on the Republican ticket. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 211 MERCHANTS JUHX C. McWATTEKS CHARLES A. DOLAN John C, McWatters, Cleveland. President The McWatters- Dolan Co. Born Newtonville, Canada, Sept. 17, 1853. Educated in the grammar schools. With D. S. & B. Adams, haberdashers, Toronto, Canada, 1863-1873. Then came to Cleveland, and with Mably & Hull 1874-75. Firm changed to E. R. Hull & Co. and became partner, and in 1892 firm again changed to the E. R. Hull & Dutton Co. General manager for same until 1899, when he organized Ihe McWatters-Dolan Co. Elected president and- stiU serving. Interested in other corporations.' Royal Arch Mason, B. P. O. E., No. 18. Member Chamber of Commerce and Congregational church. Charles A. Dolan, Cleveland. V. P. The McWatters-Dolan Co. Born Ravenna, O., June 39, 1865. Educated St. Malachi parochial schools and Spencerian Business College. With Jacob Steinfield at age of thirteen as errand boy, stock boy and sales man. ]n 1882 with the Cleveland Clothing Co., until 1885 as manager men's furnishing goods department. Firm then ab sorbed by E. R. Hull & Co. Manager men's furnishing department when firm changed to The E. R. Hull & Dutton Co., became in addition manager ladies' department. He had a general working interest in the firm until 1899, when he was one of the organizers of the present company. Member K. of C. club, Cleveland Auto mobile club. Chamber of Commerce, Ancient -Order of Hibernians, Knights of Equity, K. of C, Catholic Order of Foresters, and P. H. C, CLAYTON A. TURNER EDWARD S. ROGERS Clayton A. Turner, Cleveland. Manager Browning, King & Go's, Cleveland store. Born Schuyler Falls, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1860. Educated in the District schools -and Academy at Kees- ville, N. Y. After finishing school in 1876, taught school one year at Norristown, N. Y. Then entered employ of The Boston Clothing Store, Keesville as Salesman and Bookkeeper, re mained with them until 1881. General Agent The Crown Sew ing Machine, Wisconsin, for one year. Resigned to accept posi tion with Browning, King & Co., Milwaukee, Wis., as salesman. After five years in that capacity promoted to Manager Men's Furnishing Dept., and in 1894 was promoted to present position. Miember Knights of Pythias, Royal Arcanum and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. Edward S. Rogers, Cleveland. Pres. and Treas. of the English Woolen Mills Co. Born Springfield, 111., Dec. 15, 1874. Edu cated in the public schools. Organized the English Woolen Mills Co. 1896. Incorporated 1902. Elected Pres. and Treas. Still serving. Operates the largest retail tailoring business in the country and has stores and agencies throughout the United States. Pres. and Treas. of the Edward S- Rogers Co. Vice pres. of the Eastern Division of the English Woolen Mills, Co., of New York. Interested in numerous other corporations. Thirty-second degree Mason, Mystic Shriner. Member of the Colonial Club, Cleveland, and the Detroit Club, of Detroit, Mich. Member of the Chamber of Commerce. Politically ^ Republican and member of the Presbyterian Church. 212 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS LOUIS BUSCHMAN WILLIAM C. BUSCHMAN Louis Buschman, Cleveland. Senior member firm of W. Buschman & Co. Born Germany, December 14, 1844. Educated in Germany. Served the required time in the German army. Came to the United States in 1867, locating in Cleveland. En tered manufacturing firm and remained twenty-eight years, twenty-six of which he was traveling salesman. Organized pres ent firm, which succeeded J. Kraus & Co. in 1895. President Forest City Upholstering Co. Interested in other corporations. Member Knights of Pythias and C. T. A., being one of first members. Member German-American club and Cleveland Gesang- Verein. Trustee Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church for a number of years, and now a member of the Second Presbyterian Church. William C. puschman , Cleveland. W. Buschman & Co. Bom Cleveland 0., June 3, 1868. Educated in the public schools. Began in the furniture business with J. Krauss & Co., 1885-95. Firm of r. Krauss & Co. succeeded by present firm in 1896. Vice Pres Forest City Upholstering Co. and interested in other corporations. Membe Cleveland Gesangverein and German American Club. MILTON R. SLOCUM Milton R. Slocum, Cleveland. President The M, R. Slocum Co. Born Lyndonville, Orleans Co., N. Y., August 4, 1859. Ed ucated in the public schools. Traveling salesman for piano and organ manufacturers for about fifteen years. In 1897 opened a retail piano store, and in 1905 organized a stock company of which he is president. Member of the Elks, Commercial Travel ers, Tippecanoe Club, Independent Order oi Odd Fellows and various other organizations. R. W. OAMMEL R. W, Gammel, Cleveland. Manufacturing furrier. Born Prussia, Germany, March 31, 1850. Educated in the common schools of Germany until he was ten years of age, when his parents moved to this country and settled in Utica, N. _Y. Entered the common schools of Utica, and after completing the course there, attended business college. Apprenticed to Jarrett, Dobey & Carpenter, furriers and hatters, where he learned the fur trade, and in 1873 entered business for himself. . Came to Cleveland 1874, and associated with Fuller, Atwood &' ;| Easterbrook, later with Fuller, Bassett & Gammel. Retired froni;^! this firm, 1890, and entered business for himself. 33nd degree Mason and member Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Repub lican. Member M. E. church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 213 MERCHANTS WILLIAM G. PHILLIPS WILLIAM J. HENLEY William G. Phillips, Cleveland. Phillips & Henley, Haberdash ers. Born Euclid, O., March 9, 1864. Educated in the public schools. With the C, C, C. & St. L. R. R. 1884-1891. Then went to Denver, Colorado, and became hat salesman until 1893, Returned to Cleveland 1893. Identified with the hat and gents' furnishing trade for a number of years. Formed present firm of Phillips & Henley 1901. Member Knights of Columbus No. 310. William J. Henley, Cleveland. Member of firm of Phillips & Henley, haberdashers and hatters. Born Knox county, Ohio. Educated in public and parochial schools. Began career with the Western Union Telegraph Co., at Mt. Vernon, O., 1885. Took charge of B. & O. telegraph ofiice at that point until its absorp tion by the Western Union. Then with C. A. & C. Ry. in Motive Power department until 1887. Came to Cleveland with the Western Union Telegraph Co. Traveling salesman for the Winton Bicycle Co. and Standard Lighting Co., 1893-1900. Formed present firm in April, 1901. Charter member of Gilmour Council No. 310 Knights of Columbus. Member B. P. O. E- No. 18 since 1888. Member Cleveland Grays. ERANIOUS RICE HORACE G. WELTY Eranious Rice, Cleveland. Proprietor The Rice Bottling Co. Bom Butler county. Pa., August 13, 1852. Educated in common schools of native county. Commenced career as grocery clerk in Rochester, Pa., where he remained three years. Came to Cleve land in 1881 and has since been engaged in bottling business. President and treasurer Forest City Laundry Co. Vice president Lorain Street Savings Bank Co. Vice president Fischel Brew ing Co. Knight of Pythias and member of German-American club. Horace G, Welty, Cleveland. Seedsman and florist. Born Tuscarawas county, O., October 33, 1849. Educated in New Philadelphia high school and Columbian University. Taught school twenty-four years. Civil engineer ten years. Contractor ten years. In present business three years. Superintendent of schools, Urichsville, O., 1873-75; Marion, O., 1876-81. In 1882 locating engineer on Mexican National and Texas Mexican Ry. 1893-97 professor physics and engineering Maryland Agricultural College. 1898-1904 instructor of physics and chemistry Cleve land high schools. Owns greenhouses and store for sale of flowers, plants, trees, etc. Expert in diseases of plant life and destruction of tree insects. Politically a Republican. 214 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS EDWARD E. LAWRENCE Edward E. Lawrence, Fairport Harbor, O. Marine supplies. Born Weston-Super-Mare, England, Feb. 14, 1865. Educated at Clarence School, Weston-Super-Mare. At the age of seven teen entered into business for himself in his native town. Came to America in May, 1887, and clerked in a store for three years. Then started in business for himself and eventually pur- chased The Marine Supply Co., Fairport Harbor. Chairman Township Trustees. President Fairport Board of Education. Director Painesville Chamber of Commerce. Member Masons, Odd Fellows and Knight of Pythias. Major 3rd Battalion Uni form Rank, K. of P. Politically a Democrat. ll.VRR'i' DECKER Harry Decker, Cleveland. Dry goods merchant. Born Cleve land, O., Feb. 14, 1864. Educated in the public schools. Began career in the dry goods business in 1880, and for seven years was employed by others. In 1887 started in for himself at his present location in <\ small way, and gradually increased the busi ness to its present proportions. Treasurer Economy Real Estate & Building Co. Director Lincoln Savings & Banking Co. Mem ber Knights of Pythias. FRED BIEBER Fred Bieber, Cleveland. President The Bieber Furniture Co. Born Germany, Aug. 13, 1863. Educated In the common schools. Came to America in 1870, and engaged as upholsterer with Vincent, Sturm & Co., 1870-75. From 1875 to 1880 with John Colby & Son, Chicago, In 1881 returned to Cleveland and entered the furniture business for himself. In 1900 The Bieber Furniture Co. Opened a branch store in Glenville. Member of Advisory Board of the Woodland Avenue Savings & Trust Co. Director German Baptist Publishing House. Politically a Re publican. Deacon and Trustee of the perman Baptist Church. R. H. FETTERMA.\ R. H. Fetterman, Cleveland. Shoe Dealer. Born in Cleve land and educated in its public schools. At the age of twenty- one he entered the shoe business and has continued in it since. His first place of business was on Superior ave. From there he moved to Euclid ave,, having stores in two different places. He finally moved to E. 6th St., where he has conducted a flour ishing boot and shoe business for some years. Mr. Fetterman is a member of a numbei of German societies and a Republican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 215 MERCHANTS HENRY ACKERMAN GEORGE LINCOLN FORDVCE Henry Ackerman, Marion. Merchant. Born in Germany, Feb, 3. 1845, Educated in the schools of Germany. Two years in German Army, came to America in 1868, settled in Crestline, Ohio, came to Marion 1869. Worked as barber at Marion for seven years, then entered the Musical Instrument business, has branch stores at Mansfield and Galion, Ohio. President Cen tral Ohio Lime & Stone Co., President Moline Stone, Lime & Cement Co., President Home Building & Loan Co,, President Ackerman Oil & Gas Co. Director Marion County Bank Co. Charter Member of B. P. O. E. and K. of P. Canby Lodge. Member I. O. O. F. Supreme representative of United States for state of Ohio. Order of Druids. Member of Commercial Club. Politically a Democrat. George Lincoln Fordyce, Youngstown. jMerchant. Born Scipio, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1860. Educated in the district schools. Clerk in country store at Scipio at the age of fourteen. Then in gro cery store. Auburn, N. Y. Cuyahoga County National Bank. Au burn, N. Y. Began dry goods business in 1883 at present loca tion. Stockholder in many local industrial enterprises. Director in the First National Bank, The Dollar Savings & Trust Co., The Ohio Leather Co. President Apartment House Co. An out-of-door advocate and well posted on birds of Eastern Ohio from personal observation in the field. Chairman of Republican County Executive Committee 1894. Served in City Council. LOUIS HAUSHEER Louis Hausheer, Deceased, Cleveland. Born May 18, 1832. Before engaging in business for himself worked side by side with Thomas Maytham and a close personal friend of old-time vessel owners like Alva Bradley, Philipp Mincb and R. K. Wins low. Started in business for himself as a ship chandler at the present location of the firm of Hausheer & Son in 1854, and later the firm grew and changed to the present name. Active in politics, serving six years as police commissioner under Mayors Nathan Payne, W. G, Rose and R. R. Herrick. Mr. Hausheer also held large vessel interests and was a director in the Richardson Transportation Co., the Norton Transportation Co. and a number of others. He married Miss Ottilie Rauch in 1858, widow still survives him, also three children, two sons, Louis Jr. and George W., a daughter, Mrs. Philip Minch. BLOOM F. MURDOCK Bloom F. Murdock, Columbus. Wholesale fruit and produce. Born Roxbury, Morgan county, O., March 9, 1869. Educated in the common schools and three years at Beverly College, Bev erly, O. Taught school in the villages of Watertown and Barlow, O. for four years. In 1884 engaged in the purchase and sale of farm produce of all kinds. Interested in farming and oil producing. Member Masonic orders and Elks. Politically a Republican. 216 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO MERCHANTS AND PROMOTERS CHARLES T. INMAN HARRY H. SMITH Charles T. Inman, Akron. Merchant. Born Mesopotamia, O., September 21, 1859. Was graduated from Akron High School in 1877, and then took a four years' course at Cleveland College of Pharmacy, graduating in 1887. Came to Akron and engaged in the general merchandise business under the firm name of Inman Bros. President The Akron Hardware & Supply Co., Akron Wall Plaster Co. and the Harmony Coal Co. of Utah. Director Lake Erie Terminal Railroad. Member of Akron Lodge Masons. Politically a Republican. Harry H. Smith, Elyria, Harry H. Smith & Co. Wholesale and retail furniture, Carpets and house furnishings. Born Elyria, 0. Nov. 19, 1874. Educated in the public schools of Elyria. Start ed the present business in 1893, firm name Martin & Smith. Pur chased Mr. Martin's interest in January, 1894. Later sold an ih- terest to his brothers, Wm. F. Smith and Frank R. Smith. Be gan the erection of a new Arcade' store November 1905, one of the longest of its kind in the country. Member K. O. T. M., U. R. K. of P. and F. O. E. Politically a Republican. RICHARD L. PALMER Richard L. Palmer, Cleveland. President Callinan Construction Co. Born Cleveland, 0., Aug. 26, 1863. Educated common schools of Cleveland, and took a course at Spencerian Busi ness College. Was connected with the "Big Four" Ry. Co. in different capacities for twelve years. Deputy county treasurer for two years. Appointed director of fire, under R. E. McKisson. Promoted Cleveland and Chagrin Falls Electric Ry., also Chagrin Falls & Eastern Electric Ry. Secretary Home Gas & Oil Co. Vice president Baldwin Improvement Co. Member Owatano Lodge K. of P., B. P. 0. E. No. 18, and Union League club. Politically a Republican. MORRIS M. GLEICHMAN Morris M. Gleichman, Cleveland. Architect. Born in Austria, April 10, 1866. Educated in the common schools of Cleveland. Is engaged in the general practice of architecture. Identified with stone quarries and South American Concessions. Is a member of the Forest City Blue Lodge Masons, Webb Chapter. Scottish rite degree, DeWitt Clinton lodge, Grand Rapids, Mich. Is a 32nd degree Mason. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 217 ARCHITECTS BENJAMIN S. HUBBELL Benjamin S. Hubbell, Cleveland. Architect. Born Leaven worth, Kas., July 11, 1867. Educated Cornell University. In senior year won scholarship in architecture and was elected a member of the Sigma XI. Took degree of M. S. in architecture 1S94. Now practicing architecture under the firm name of Hub- bell & Benes, which firm are architects for the Wade Memorial, Citizens' building, Cleveland School of Art and other important structures. Member Masons, Colonial club. Chamber of Com merce and American Institute of Architects. W. DOMINICK BENES W. Dominick Benes, Cleveland. Architect. Born Prague, Austria, June 14, 1857. Attended schools at Prague, Cleveland public schools and Oberlin high school. Engaged in general practice of architecture, firm name Hubbell & Benes. In 1873 entered into three year contract to study architecture with A. Mitermiler. Was connected with Coburn & Barnum, architects. about twenty years, and a member of this firm two years. Member of American Institute of Architects, The Cleveland Architectural club and Chamber of Commerce. EDWARD ANSON RICHARDSON FRANK L. PACKARD Edward Anson Richardson, Cleveland. Architect and En gineer. Born Cleveland, O., Jan. 28, 1874. Educated common and High schools of Cleveland, Spencerian Business College and Case School of Applied Science. With J. N. Richardson from 1897-99. General Superintendent Sewer ConSTructlon Cleveland, 1900-01. Since then has been engaged in General Practice of Architecture and Engineering. Commissioned officer Corps of Engineers. O. N. G. 1900-05. Well known among Yachtsmen of Lake Erie and Athletic circles. Senior member firm of Richard son & Watts, Architects & Engineers. Member Ellsworth Blue Lodge Masons; Hillman Chapter; Cleveland Council; Oriental Commandery; Al Koran Temple Mystic Shrine. Cleveland Chapter American Institute of Architects; Y. M. C. A. Business Men's Cli4b. Frank L. Packard, Columbus. Architect. Born Delaware, O., June 11, 1866. Educated public schools. Studied architecture with F. A. Gartner. Took special course in Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ohio State University. Course of Architecture at the Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. Studied with firm of Babb, Cook & Willard, Architects, New York City, until 1887. Then returned to Columbus and began practice. Formed partnership with J. W. Yost 1892, firm name of Yost & Packard. Purchased Mr. Yost's interest 1898 and now continues the prac tice. Interested in a number of corporations. Makes a specialty of public and institutional buildings. Member Columbus Club, Ohio Club, Columbus Country Club and Arlington Country Clubs, Columbus. Member Chi Phi, College Fraternity. 218 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ARCHITECTS J. MILTON DYER J, Milton Dyer, Cleveland. Architect. Born Middletown, Pa., April 22, 1870. Educated in common, high and manual train ing schools, Cleveland. Case School of Applied Science. Re ceived diploma from French Government at Ecole des Beaux Arts. Spent six years in Paris and one at Berlin HocH Schule. With Brown Hoisting Co. as engineer two years. Professor of mathematics University School. Member University, Union, Euclid, Tavern and Hermit clubs. Member Chamber of Com merce. FRANK SEYMOUR BARNUM Frank Seymour Barnum, Cleveland. Architect. Born Nor walk, O., Nov. 25, 1850. Educated in common and high schoola of Norwalk. Assistant engineer with The Morris Run Coal Co., Pennsylvania. Came to Cleveland in 1871. Engaged in the office of Joseph Ireland for four years. Opened an office and began general practice of architecture in Cleveland, Feb., 1876. Appointed Superintendent of Buildings Board of Education, 1895. Charter member Cleveland Chapter American Institute of Architects. Member American Institute of Architects, Cleve land Civil Engineers' club, Chamber of Commerce, Rowfant club and Tippecanoe club. Politically a Republican. FRANK B. MEADE Frank B. Meade, Cleveland. Architect. Born Cleveland, O., January 6, 1867. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Grad uate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1888. Has been engaged in general practice of architecture since 1891. Po litically a Republican. Member Sigma Chi. Member Cleveland Chapter, American Institute of Architects. President Hermit club. Director Century club. Member Euclid and Roadside clubs. Adjutant Gattling Gun Battery. ROLLIN GERMAIN HUBBY Rollin Germain Hubby, Cleveland. Architect. Born Cleve land, O., Feb. 21, 1870. Graduated from Trinity Military Insti tute, N. Y., class of '88. Two years at Lehigh University, elec trical engineering course, and continued course one year at Cor nell University. Course of assaying and mining State School of Mines, Colo. Changed to course of architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Engaged in general practice at Buffalo two years. Then took course of architecture at Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1895-1900. Engaged in gen eral practice architecture in Cleveland since 1901. Member Delta Phi and Theta Nu Epsilon, Country club. Camera and Cleveland Architectural clubs. Chapter American Institute Archi tects, Sons of American Revolution Society, Societie de Golf de Paris, Buffalo Society of Artists. Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 219 ARCHITECTS WILLIAM MARSI-IALL SCOFIELD William Marshall Scofield. Born Cleveland, Ohio, June 5th, 1868. Educated in public and private schools of Cleveland. Commenced practice as Architect with Levi T. Scofield in 1890. Captain First Ohio Volunteer Cavalry in the war with Spain. Captain Thirty-first United States Volunteer Infantry in the Philippine Insurrection. Engineer Officer, Dept. of Mindinao and Jolo, on Staff of Brig. Gen. Kobbe. Captain Troop A, Ohio National Guard. LEVI TUCKER SCOFIELD Levi Tucker Scofield, Cleveland. Architect, Sculptor and En gineer. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, November 9, 1842. Educated in common and high schools. Enlisted in Battery D, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, April 15, 1861. Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant 103rd O. V. I., in June, 1862, promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Captain. Engineer 3rd Div. 23rd Army Corps, 1865. Com menced practice of architecture in Cleveland 1866. Athens In sane Asylum 1867, Columbus Insane Asylum 1869, Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Asylum, Xenia, North Carolina Penitentiary 1870, Cleveland Post Office 1880, Ohio Reformatory 1884, Cuya hoga County Soldiers and Sailors Monument as Architect and Sculptor 1886, Ohio Monument 1892. Organized firm of Sco field, Architects, 1895. Fellow Institute of Architects 1870. Member of Loyal Legion and Army & Navy Post G. A. R. SliERMAN WRIGHT SCOFIELD Sherman Wright Scofield, Architect. Born Cleveland, Ohio, March 26, 1876. Educated in public schools of Cleveland, Uni versity School, Case School of Applied Science and University of Pennsylvania. Member of Troop A, 1st Ohio Volunteer Cav alry, Spanish-American War» 1898. Member of Spanish War VeteranSj Zeta Psi fraternity, Plermit Club. Practicing Archi tecture with Scofield, Architects, since 1899. DONALD CLEVELAND SCOFIELD Donald Cleveland Scofield, Cleveland. Architect. Born Cleve land, Ohio, May 9, 1874. Educated in common schools, gradu ated from High School 1891, Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology 1896. Entered firm of Scofield, Architects, 1896. Mem ber of Co. B, 10th O. V. I., Spanish-American War. Adjutant Engineer Battalion 1899. 1st Lieutenant Co. D, 1903. Killed in railroad' wreck at Clifton Station, Pa., March 3, 1905, while enroute with Engineer Battalion to the President's inaugura tion. Member of Delta Upsilon fraternity and Spanish War Veterans. 220 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ARCHITECTS CLARENCE E. RICHARDS Clarence E. Richards, Columbus. Richards, McCarty & Bulford. Architects. Born Jackson, Mich., Feb. i2, 1865. Educated in the common and normal schools of El Dorado, Kansas. Taught school in the common schools in Butler county 1883-87. Served as engineer in charge of construction of buildings and bridges for the South Western division of the Missouri Pacific R. R. 1887-88. Came to Ohio 1889 and to Columbus 1892. Became a member of present firm 1898. Interested in several corpora tions but devotes his entire time to his profession. J. E. Mccarty J. E. McCarty, Columbus. Riahards, McCarty & Bulford Architects. Born Macomb, Illinois, December 9, 1856. Educated in the public schools of Iowa and the' Iowa State Normal School at Cedar Falls. Taught in the common and graded schools of Iowa for three years. Came to Columbus in 1883 and has been connected with the Architectural profession since that time. Be came a member of the present firm 1898 and devotes his entiic time to the practice of his profession. W.M. W. HODGES Wm. W. Hodges, Cleveland. Architect. Born Geauga Co., June 30 1867. Educated common schools of Geauga Co., high school, Hart, Mich., and two years at Hiram College. Has been engaged in general practice of A ¦chitecture for the last ten years. Member Knights of Columbus and Catholic Knights of Ohio. Politically a Republican. GEORGE 11. na^FORD George H. Bulford, Columbus. Richards, McCarty & Bul ford, Architects. Born Worcester, England, January 19, 1870. Educated in the common and Cathedral schools of Worcester, England. Came to Columbus, O., 1886. Studied Architecture with Mr. J. W. Yost until 1898, when he became a member of the nresent firm, devoting his entire time to his profession. Member of the Columbus Board of Trade and an associate mem' ber of the American Institute of Architects. Member of the Masonic Order. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 221 ARCHITECTS FREDERIC WM. STRIEBINGER Frederic Wm. Striebinger, Cleveland. Architect. Born Cleveland, Ohio, April 2S, 1870. Educated Columbia College, New York, and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Engaged in practice of Architecture. Member of American Institute of Architects, Cleveland Arhitectural Club, Cleveland Art Club, Water Color Society, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Oriental Commandery Knights Templars, Lake Erie Consistory of Scottish Rite Masons, and a number of clubs of Cleveland, O. JOHN C. SPENCER John C. Spencer, Cleveland Architectural Engineer. Born Clinton, Iowa, Aug. 26, 1869. Educated common and high schools, Clinton, Iowa. Graduated 1891 State University of Iowa, degree of Civil Engineer. Engineer for Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Chicago, 111. Portland Bridge and Building Co., Portland, Oregon, Clinton Bridge and Iron Co., Clinton, Iowa; Keystone Bridge Works, Pittsburg, Pa. ; and American Bridge Co., New York and later Pittsburg office. Designing and Con sulting Engineer upon Hot Metal Bridge, Rankin, Pa., between Carie furnaces and Homestead Steel Works, Rockefeller Build ing, Cleveland, Candler Building, Atlanta, Ga., Louisville (Ky.), Armory. Member American Society of Civil Engineers; Ohio Engineering Society, and Cleveland Lodge of Elks No. 18. Politically a Republican. ARTHUR N. OVIATT Arthur N. Oviatt, Cleveland. Architect. Born at North Dover, 0., 1866. Educated in the district schools of North Dover and Lakewood, O. Graduated from the Lakewood high school and then took a course at Laurel Institute in .the same city. Mr. Oviatt then commenced the study of architecture in several offices in Cleveland. In 1886 he went to Boston and New York, where he remained until 1890 studying details of his profession. In that year he settled permanently in Cleveland and has met with great success in his chosen career. He makes a specialty of residential and county architectural work. He is a member of several clubs and politically an Independent Republican. WILLIAM S. LONGEE William S. Longee, Cleveland. Asst. building inspector. Born Buckfield, Me., January 29, 1867. Educated in Boston, Mass. Studied architecture with Tristram Griffin, Boston, eight years. Came to Cleveland, 1890. Associated with John Eisenmann, 1890-1900. Assistant Architect Board of Education until 1905 when appointed to present position. 222 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS FRANZ CHILDS WARNER Franz Childs Warner, Cleveland. Architect. Born Paines ville, Ohio, September 6, 1876. Educated in common and high schools of Painesville and Case School of Applied Science. Has been engaged in the general practice of Architecture since 1898. Has traveled extensively taking a deep interest in Art and En gineering questions. Member of various clubs and fraternities. GEORGti A. GRIEBLE George A. Grieble, Cleveland. Architect. Born at Delaware, O., September 27, 1874. Educated in common and high schools at Delaware, Ohio. Graduate of I. C. Teck, '98. Appointed State Superintendent of Construction '98 and served three years. Organized the Manual Training School at the Ohio State Re formatory at Mansfield, Ohio, 1901, superintending same until 1903. Entered the architectural field in the fall 1903. Is an active member of the leading secret societies. Served with dis tinction in The Ohio National Guard and Spanish-American ser- CHARLES H. UTHE Charles H. Uthe, Cleveland. Architect. Born North Amherst, O., April 17, 1878. Educated in public schools of Cleveland and private course. Began career with Granger & Meade, with them five years. Then with Meade & Garfield four years. With W. R. Watterson two years, and with J. A. Reaugh & Son one year. Last two years has been -alone. Member Cleveland Archi tects club. Politically a Republican. Member First Congrega tional Church. JOSHUA D. VARNEY Joshua D. Varney, Cleveland. Surveyor and engineer. Born Erie county, N. Y., August 4, 1833. Educated in common schools of Erie county. One term at Westfield Academy. Worked in tannery until 17 years old. Commenced surveying in 1865. Surveyor Cuyahoga county from 1882-S8. Engaged in general practice of surveying from 1876 to present time. Politically a Republican. Honorary member Civil Engineers club. Member Unitarian Church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 223 CIVIL ENGINEERS FRANK C. OSBORN Frank C. Osborn, Cleveland. Civil engineer. Born Green land, Mich., Dec. 18, 18.')7. Graduated from high school at Cal umet, Mich., and civil engineering course at Rensselaer Poly technic Institute in 1880. Five years with Louisville Bridge & Iron Co. from 1885 to 1887 with Keystone Bridge Co., as prin cipal assistant engineer. From 1887 to 1889 with G. W. C. Ferris & Co., of Pittsburgh, and from 1889 to 1892 chief engineei- King Bridge Co. President Ohio Litholite Co., and Osborn Engineer ing Co. Secretary and treasurer Chippewa Co. Vice president Cuyahoga Concrete Stone Co. Director Lake Shore Banking & Trust Co. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Institu tion of Civil Engineers, ! Great ¦Britain;' Civil Engineers' club. Century club, Cleveland Art club, and Chamber of Commerce. 32nd degree Mason and a Republican. CHARLES HENRY STRONG Charles Henry Stion.g, Cleveland. Civil Engineer and Con tractor. Born Cleveland, O., March 1, 1831. Educated district schools and Shaw Academy for two years. Was City Engineer of Cleveland for nine years. Engaged in General practice of Engineering. Head of firm C. H. Strong & Son. Member Civil Engineers, Chamber of Commerce and Old Settlers clubs. Member Builders Exchange. Politically a Republican and a member St. Paul's Episcopal Church, East Cleveland, O. JAY F, BROWN Jay F. Brown, Cleveland. Surveyor and civil engineer. Born Lansing, N. Y., September 11, 1851. Educated at , St. Ithaca Academy and Cornell University. Has had a mixed practice of surveying and engineering work in Northern Ohio since 1873, making a specialty of good roads construction. Was County Surveyor of Cuyahoga county from 1888 to 1894. Member of Woodward Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 508; Webb Chapter. R. A. Helped frame the first good roads law for Cuyahoga county and had charge of building first roads under it as county engineer. JOHN PHILO COWING John Philo Cowing, Cleveland. Civil and mechanical engineer. Born Seneca Falls, N. Y., March 3, 1867. Educated in common schools and Central High School, Cleveland. With King Bridge Co. fifteen years. President The Cowing Engineering Co. Direc tor Euclid Ave. Trust Co., The Cleveland Hippodrome Co., Detroit Gas & Coke Co., Euclid Ave. Garden Theatre. ' Member Cleveland Chapter Woodward Lodge Masons. Knight Templar. Scottish Rite Lake Erie Consistory. 32nd Degree Mason. Member Al Koran Temple, Century Club and Clifton Club. Member Society of Mayflower Descendants of Massachusetts. The Western Reserve Society Sons of the American Revolution. Politically a Republican. 224 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CIVIL ENGINEERS MYRON B. VORCE CLARENCE H. BURGESS Myron B. Vorce, Cleveland. Civil and Landscape Engineer. Born Cleveland, 0., August 14, 1871. Educated Cleveland com mon and high schools, also special course in Engineering in Tennessee. Was for several years associated with E- W. Bow- ditch, Landscape Engineer, Boston, Mass. Engaged in land de velopment work in Tennessee over a year. With Park Board, Cleveland, as Asst. Engineer three years. In charge of _ sewer maintenance department, Cleveland, for three years until pro moted to position of Paving Engineer in 1904. Appointed In spector of Buildings in April, 1905, and reorganized the building department. Commodore of Lakewood Yacht Club, 1902. Mem ber of Lakewood Yacht Club and Cleveland Yacht Club. Cleve land Automobile Club. Delegate to Yacht Racing Union of the Great Lakes, 1904-5-6. ._ Clarence H. Burgess, Cleveland. Civil Engineer. Born Elling ton, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1852. Educated in common schools of Northern Ohio. Afterwards took a civil engineering course at Ann Arbor, class of ]873. Was county surveyor from 1876 to 1882. Member of staff Cleveland Grays for twenty-five years. Prominent in organization of City Engineers' club and in organi zation of Ohio State Society of Civil Engineers. Politically a Republican. CHARLES PARMELEE CORLETT' Charles Parmelee Corlett. Civil engineer and architect. Born in Warren, Ohio, March 25, 1869; has lived in Cleveland since 1870. His father. Rev. Thomas Corlett, was one of the pioneer rectors of St. Paul's and Trinity Episcopal Churches, of this city. His mother was Mary Parmelee, daughter of Elisha De Saterlee Parmelee, one of the pioneer bankers and merchants of Northern Ohio. Mr. Corlett was educated in the common schools of Cleveland, East Cleveland high school and Case School of Applied Science. Is president of the Corlett Engineering Co., who have built some of the largest power plants and factories in Ohio and other states. Politically a Republican. ALBERT MARK ALLEN Albert Mark Allen, Cleveland. Consulting mechanical and electrical engineer. Born Akron, O., Aug. 26, 1877. Educated at Hiram College (two years), afterwards took degree of M. E. at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. With Geo. Hill, New York City, as assistant engineer. Later mechanical engineer with General Building & Construction Co., New York City. Engaged in the general practice of engineering since 1904. Member Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Institute of Electrical Engineers, University club. Electric club. Politically a Repub lican. * « PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 225 CIVIL ENGINEERS WILLIAM GEORGE CLARK William George Clark, Toledo. Civil Engineer. Born Watts- burg, Pa., Dec. 22, 1858. Educated in the common schools and Ann Arbor high school. Graduated Michigan University Civil Engineering course in 1884, degree of B. S. (C. E.). In structor and acting professor School of Mines & Metallurgy, Kolla, Mo., three years. Assistant City Engineer Toledo 1887- 92. General practice for three years. City Engineer two and one half years. Chief Engineer American Sanitary Engineering Co., Detroit, Mich., three years. Since 1900 private practice Built first Electric Railway in Indian Territory. Member To ledo _ Society of Engineers. Junior Member American Society of Civil Engineers. R. A. and Blue Lodge Mason. Republican in politics. ' WALTER JUSTIN SHERMAN Walter Justin Sherman, Toledo, Civil E-ngineer. Born Flor ence, Huron Co., O., Oct. 16, 1854. Educated in Norwalk public schools. Graduate Cornell University Engineering De partment ] 877, taking advanced degrees of C. E- 1885. First position as assistant engineer Lake Erie & Western Ry. Then chief engineer Clover Leaf until 1881. Chief engineer Louis ville & St. Louis Air Line until 1884. Then chief engineer Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fc Ry. General Manager Construction Co. wliich built the Galveston Jetties, chief engineer Wheeling & Lake Erie until 1S-&6. Entered firm of Riggs & Sherman now the Riggs & Sherman Co. and engaged in general practice of engineering. President Toledo Society of Engineers 1905. Member Michigan Society of Engineers. Past President Dallas Society of Engineers. Member Toledo Club. JOHN W. PAINE F. A. PEASE John W. Paine, Akron. Civil Engineer. Born at Port Clinton, O., Feb. 21, 1857. Educated in the common schools at Port Clinton. Afterward took a special course at Baldwin University 1875-76. Graduated from Ann Arbor University, civil engineering course, with the degree of B. S. Was engaged with the Engineering Corps, U. S. A., working for four years on the Mississippi and M-ssouri River Division. Removed to Akron and engaged in th^; «fry goods business until 1892, when he was appointed assistant city engineer of Akron. In 1899 was ap pointed chief engineer, Akron, which position he still holds. Member I. O. O. F., Pathfinders, B. P. O. E- No. 363, Ohio Engineering Society of which he was president 1904-1905, and Alumni Association, Ann Arbor. Politically a Republican. F. A. Pease. Civil and Consulting Engineer. Born in Kings ville, Ohio, July 17, 1873. Graduate from Kingsville high school in 1890, immediately after removing to Cleveland. Eni* ployed two years on construction work at Cleveland, St. Paul, Indianapolis, and Toronto. Engaged in general practice of civil engineering until 1898 when appointed First Deputy County Surveyor and so engaged until 1900. Afterwards taking up the practice of Engineering. Vice president and General Manager of The F. A. Pease Engineering Company. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Grays, and Civil Engineers Club. 226 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS JOHN McGEORGE HAROLD McGEORGE John McGeorge, Cleveland. Pres. The McGeorge jNIfg. Co. Born Manchester Eng., May 2, 1852. Educated in public schools of England, Owen's College (now X^ictory University). Appren tice at the machinist trade seven years. Draftsman for several manufacturing firms and taught evening classes in Mechanics at .^Jottingham University. Came to America 1884. Designed and constructed special machinery for manfacturing ^lason jars, Bel laire, O. Later designed and built a number of glass works and machinery. Chief engineer for the Pittsburg Iron & Steel En gineer until 1889. Chief and consulting engineer of the Well- raan-Seaver Morgan Engineering Co. until 1904, becoming senior partner of McGeorge & Sons Engineers and 190.5 of McGeorge Mfg. Co. K. of P. Member of M. E. ana the C. S. of C. E. Harold McGeorge, Cleveland. Vice Pres. and Mgr. McGeorge Mfg. Co. Born Manchester, Eng., Dec. 22, 1874, came to U. S. 1884. Educated public and high schools. Apprentice machinist 1888. Took up stone carving for three years. Connected with the Wellman Steel & Iron Co., 1894-95. Asst. to chief engineer of power of the Edison Ore Concentrating Wks. 1895. Engineer of Physical tests with the Wellman Iron & Steel Co., 1895-96. Machinist with Cleveland Punch & Sheer Co., 1896-97. With Variety Iron Wks. 1897 one of the organizers of the Electric Controlling and Supply Co., general Mgr of same 1897-1905. Organized the McGeorge Mfg. Co. 1905. Became junior partner of McGeorge & Sons, engineers, 1904. Assoc, member A. S. M. E. — A. I. E. E. Member Cleveland Society Civil Engrs. Mem- ber Masonic Club. Knight Templar. CHARLES II. GIESSEN Charles H. Giessen, Cleveland. Civil engineer and surveyor. Born Cleveland, O., June 30, 1805. Educated in the common and high schools of Cleveland. Land surveyor and civil engi neering. For eleven years in the City Engineer's office. En gaged one year on B. & M. R. Ry. Was Deputy County Sur veyor from 1896 to 1900. Since then engaged in general prac tice alone. Politically a Republican. EDWIN G. STROUD Edwin G. Stroud, Cleveland. Mechanical Engineer. Born Bonfield, Kankakee county. 111., Jan. 31, 1878.' Educated in public schools of Illinois. Graduated from Purdue university m Mechanical Engineering in 1899. Assistant in Engineering Department of National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio. Draftsman and Engineer with Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co., at Stamford, Conn. Draftsman and Engineer with Westing- house Electric & Manufacturing Co., at Cleveland, Ohio. Estab lished 1902, the Cleveland Engineering Agency, the purpose of which is to secure Technical help for Engineering positions. Organized 1906, E. G. Stroud & Company, Engineers, Contrac tors, Land Improvements. Member lola Lodge R. of P. Dayton, Ohio. Jr. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 227 PUBLIC MEN EDWIN D. BARRY Edwin D. Barry, Cleveland. Born in Cleveland, 18G9, and educated in the public tchools. ITis first venture was in the ticket brokerage business. He took up politics and was appointed as clerk of the markets. In 1897 he was appointed a deputy sheriff and in 1900 elected to the position of sheriff of Cuyahoga county, taking office January 6, 1901. lie was re-elected in 1903 and served until 1905. He is a member of the Elks, National Union, K. 0. T. M. and several clubs. Politically he is a Re publican. ADAMS B. HOWARD Adams B. Ploward, Cleveland. Superintendent Cleveland State Hospital. Born Boston, Mass., January, 1860. Educated in pub lic schools of Boston. Came to Cleveland 1882 and engaged in office of the Nickel Plate R. R. Entered Wooster Medical Col lege 1888. Graduated 1892, degree M. D. Began general prac tice in Cleveland. 1892 appointed assistant physician Cleveland State Hospital. Resigned 1894 and established a private institu tion for insane, known as Fair Oaks Villa, Cuyahoga Falls, O. Appointed trustee Massillon State Hospital 1898. Appointed superintendent Cleveland State Hospital 1899 and severed con nection with institution at Fair Oaks Villa. Member Cleveland Council Sociology. Clinical lecturer on mental diseases College Physicians and Surgeons. Member various medical societies. 32nd degree Mason. Mystic Shriner. WM. W. Ri^ED Wm. W. Reed, Postmaster at Kent, O. Born Kent, O., Nov. 21, 1867. Educated in the common and high schools of Kent. Graduated from Ohio College of Dental Surgery 1887, Deg. D. D. S. Practiced Dentistry at Kent 1887 to 1905. Appointed Postmaster in Feb. 1905. General Fire Insurance Agency, Kent. Organizer, Dir. & Sec'y Home Building & Loan Association. Corporation and Township Clerk. Sec'y & Treas. County Ex ecutive Committee. Blue Lodge Mason, Akron Commandary. B. P. O. E- No. 353 and Mem. Royal Arcanum, Sec'y Local Lodge. Politically a Republican. HENRY APTPIORP Henry Apthorp, Ashtabula, Ohio. Born at MayReld, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Feb. 9, 1841. Educated in the common schools. Engaged as builder of telegraph lines and repairer and contrac tor. Commissioner of Railroads of Ohio from 1885 to 1887. Is an editor and author. 228 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PUBLIC MEN M. A. FANNING M. A. Fanning, Cleveland. State agent Barber Asphalt Pav ing Co. Born Cleveland, O., Aug. S6, 1857. Educated in parochial schools. Newspaper reporter in St. Louis 1880-1885. Secretary to Mayor David R. Francis 1886-89. Secretary to Governor of Missouri 1S89-93. Came to Cleveland in 1894, and was in the advertising business until 1898. Secretary Munic ipal Association 1898-1900. Since then with The Barber Asphalt Paving Co. President Forest City Ry. Co., Cleveland Short Line R. R. Co., Standard Paving Co., and Forest City "Construc tion Co., and interested in other corporations. Member Public Library Board. Politically a Democrat. J. A. LEONARD J. A. Leonard, Mansfield. Superintendent Ohio State Reform atory. Born Sept. 13, 1854, on a farm in Huntington county, Pa. Educated in the public schools. Received the degree of A. M. from Jit. Union College. Became a resident of Youngs town, O., when twenty-one years of age, and engaged in educa tional work. During the I-Iarrison administration was a special inspector in the Interior Department, his time being largely de voted to the establishment of Indian schools. On leaving service of the United States, he returned to public school work, in which he was engaged when he received his present appoint ment, which position he has occupied for live years past. C. W. EDDY C. W. Eddy, Cleveland. Veterinary surgeon. Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 12, 1871. Educated in the common and high schools. Graduated from Veterinary College, Ohio State University, in 1900 as doctor of veterinary medicine. Engaged as street car conductor in Cleveland 1890-62. Engaged in general con tracting 189S-95. With the Peerless Mfg. Co. as timekeeper and stock clerk 1895. Then with the Union Rolling Mill Co. In 1900 became associated with Dr. Cooley until 1905, when he was appointed chief veterinarian of the Health Department. In August, 1905, appointed chief of inspection division of the Pub lic Health Department. JOSEPH V. McGORRAY Joseph y. McGorray, Cleveland. McGorray Brothers, funeral directors. Born Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1866. Educated in the parochial schools and business college. Began career with his father in the undertaking business when quite small. The present business is the successor of his father's business. Mem ber Advisory Board United Banking & Savings Co. Director Ohio Floral Co. Past Exalted Ruler B. P. O. E. 1901-02. Mem ber Knights of Columbus. Member of City Council 1893-95. Cleveland Aerie, No. 135, F. O. E., Greater Cleveland Camp W. O. W. Politically a Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 229 CHEMISTS— LECTURERS WILLIAM PATE, JR. William Pate, Jr., Cleveland. Analytical chemist. Born Cleve land, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1873. Educated in the public schools, Cleveland, Kenyon Military Academy, Kenyon College 1892. Case School of Applied Science, 189S', degree of B. S. Chemist American Steel and Wire Co. Blast I'urnace one year. Chemist engineering department. City of Cleveland, lS'99-1904. Appointed city chemist in March, 1904, still seiving. Member Associated Technical clubs and Century club. Politically a Democrat. FRANCIS LOUIS SPERRY Francis Louis Sperry, Tallmadge. Chemist and metallurgist. Born Tallmadge, O., October 22, 1861. Educated in common schools of 1 allmadge Graduated from Tallmadge Pligh School and attended Western Reserve College one year. Then took a scientific course at Yale College, degree of Ph. B., 1886. Asso ciated with Wm. J. Rattle, chemist, at Cleveland. Then en gaged as chemist and metallurgist with Canadian Copper Co., Sudburg, Ontario, for five years, resigned and spent two years in France, England and Germany. Returned and engaged as traveling expert Canadian Copper Co. for two years. Located in New York City two years, and now engaged in practice at Akron. Politicallv a Republican and member Congregational Church. FRANK L. CROBAUGH Frank L. Crobaugh, Cleveland Analytical Chemist and Metal lurgist. Born Cleveland, Aug. 7, 1866. Graduated Central high school 1885, Case School of Applied Science (chemistry course) 3 889, degree B. S. I,ater degree M. S. Assistant chemist with J. H. Cremer, one year. Then chief chemist Stewart Iron Co., Ltd., Sharo'U, Pa., four years. Established himself as analytical chemist 1894 at No. 3 S. Water St., where he still remains. About same date elected professor of chemistry, Cleve land Homeopathic College. Resigned 1905. Has contributed much to technical papers. Author of "Methods of Chemical Analysis and Foundry Chemistry," two editions. Politically a Republican. Member Universalist church. W. T. SHERMAN GULP. W. T. Sherman Gulp, Ph. D., D. D., born at Richmond, O., May 16, 1866. Educated at district school, Richmond College and Mount Union College, Alliance, O. Prominent Methodist clergyman, educator and lecturer on the lyceum platform. Ex tensive business interests, First president Federal Casket Co., Bellaire, O. Director in other industries. Royal Arch Mason, I. O. O. F. K. of P. 230 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PUBLISHERS LIBERTY EMERY HOLDEN ROBINSON LOaCE Liberty Emery Holden, Cleveland. Owner and publisher The Cleveland Plain Dealer. Born Maine, June 20, 1833. Grad, University of Michigan, 1858, deg. A. B. ; deg. A. M., 1861. Admitted to the bar and came to Cleveland 1862. !Moved to East Cleve. 1866. Manager Pittsburg & Lake Angeline Mines, 1872. Interested in silver mines, Utah, 1876-93. Proprietor The PIol- lenden Hotel. Pres, Western Reserve Plistorical Society, \'ice Pres, New England Society of Cleve. and Western Reserve. Trustee Cleve. School of Art, Lake View Cemetery Association, Cleveland Museum of Art, Western Reserve University and Adelbert College. Mem. National Municipal Association, Muni cipal Association of Cleveland, Union, Rowfant, University and Country clubs. Chair. Bldg. Com. Cleve. Museum of Art. Pres. Union club. Robinson Locke, Toledo. President The Toledo Blade Co. Born Plymouth, O., March 15, 18.5G. Educated in the public schools of Toledo. Afterwards took special courses at Paris. France, and Zurich, Switzerland, 1882-83. Started to work for his father on the Toledo "Blade and worked up to his present position. Appointed U. S. Consul to Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng land, in 1883, by President Arthur. Returned to United States in 1885 and assumed management of Toledo "Blade." Director Northern National Bank. Blue Lodge Mason, Knight Templar, Mystic Shriner, Scottish Rite Mason, taking 33rd degree in l&OO. Member Toledoi club, Country club, Rowfant club, Cleve land; Bibliophile Society, Boston; Middle Bass club and Lincoln club. Politically a Republican. JOHN A. PENTON lilRAM P. GROUSE John A. Penton, Cleveland. Pres. Penton Publishing Co. Born Paris, Ontario, May 12, 1862. Educated at Sarnia, On tario. Learned the trade of iron molder 1879 to 1883. After wards President of a National Iron Molders organization from 1883 to 1892 with headquarters at Detroit, Mich, In 1892 started a trade journal which was successful from the firsts known as "The Foundry." 1897-98 took active interest in forming National Founders' Association. Had charge of its affairs first as Secretary and later as Commissioner, 1898-1903. Resigned and came to Cleveland in February, 1903 and became Pres. Pen- ton Publishing Co., publishers of Iron Trade Review, Marine Re view, The Foundry, Boating, and Blue Book of American Ship ping, etc. Hiram P. Grouse, Toledo. President and general manager Press Publishing Co. Born Wayne county, O., July 29, 1862. Educated common schools and graduated. Classical course Fos toria Academy, 1883. Became city editor Findlay Republican in 1882 and editor-in-chief in 1888-1900. Came to Toledo and pur chased the Commercial, making the Times of it. Afterward bought the Toledo News and, when in 1903 his newspaper prop erties were merged with the T'oledo Bee, under the name of the Toledo Newspaper Co., he became vice president and general man ager of that company until his retirement in October, 1905. Es tablished the Toledo Press in December, 1905. President Lar- month Health Home Co. Director Toledo Transfer Co. Member K. of P., Findlay Lodge, No. 85; B. P. O. E., Findlay Lodge; Toledo club and Lincoln club. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 231 PUBLISHERS ELBEKT H. BAKICR KIbert H. Baker, Cleveland. Business manager Cleveland Plain Dealer. Born Norwalk, O., July 24, 1864. Educated in the public schools. Began career in the newspaper business in Cleveland with the Cleveland Herald 187T-S1. Adv. manager of the Cleveland Leader lSS2-!)8. Manager of the Plain Dealer since 1S9S. Member Board of Directors of the Cleveland Cham ber of Commerce 190.5-06-07. Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Committee on renumbering streets for the last four years and past President of the Convention Board. Mem ber of the Century and Colonial Clubs and the Euclid Ave. Con gregational Church. CI-IARLES E. KENNEDY Charles E. Kennedy, Cleveland. Editorial JNIanager Cleveland Plain Dealer. Born West Farmington, Trumbull county, O., May IG, 1856. Educated in the district schools and Western Reserve Seminary. Began career as nieht clerk on the Cleveland Leadtr 1870. Reporter 1879-80. City Editor Cleveland Herald 1880-8.3. Adv. Manager Cleveland Herald and Cleveland Plain Dealer, which succeeded the Herald 188:i-91. Gen'l Manager Cleveland Plain Dealer 1892-97. Manager St. Louis Post Dispatch 1897-08. In 1898 together with Mr. E. H. Baker took the management of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Member Colonial Club, Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Library Board. Member of the Unity Churcli. IIEN'RV CLAY VORTRIEDE Henry Clay Vortriede, Toledo. Publisher "Daily Toledo Ex press."" President Express Printing & Publishing Co. Born BuJTalo, N. v., Oct. 19, 1860. Educated in the common and high schools of Toledo. Began career as bookkeeper for Wm. Peters Lumber Co. for four years. Appointed Deputy Collector for Internal Revenue. Then served as Deputy County Treasurer for two years. Then associated with his father in tlie Express Co. as secretary and treasurer. Was proprietor Toledo Com mercial for five years. On death of father succeeded him as president Express Pub. & Ptg. Co. Secretary and director Com monwealth Building Co. Interested in other Toledo companies. Blue Lodge Mason, Mvstic Shriner. Member Toledo B. P. O. E. President Toledo Club. Member Toledo Yacht club and Country club. I'olitically Republican. JAMES G. GIBBS James G. Gibbs, Norwalk. Editor, banker and manufacturer. Born Norwalk, O., August 7, 1852. Educated at Norwalk High School and Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Editor and proprie tor Norwalk Reflector from 1873. Secretary and treasurer Nor walk Steel & Iron Company. President Ohio Trust Company. Vice President Laning Company. Stockholder in other com panies and largely interested in real estate in Norwalk and Cleveland. Republican, but has never sought or held office, ex cept as member Norwalk City Board of Education. 232 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PUBLISHERS -BROKERS CHAS. W. MAEDJE Chas. \V. Maedje, Cleveland. Manager and president German Consolidated Newspaper Co. Born Cleveland, O., July 30, 1856. Educated in the Cleveland common and high schools. Began career in 1874 as an entry clerk. 187.5-1883 bookkeeper. 1883-89 advertising solicitor. 1889 manager Waechter and Anzeiger. Since 1892 president and manager German Consolidated News paper Co. Director German Press & Plate Co. Director State Banking & Trust Co. ]\Ieniber Cleveland Gesangverein, Ger- mania Turnverein, German-American club, Harmonic club and other clubs. An independent Democrat in politics. JOHN P. BRENNAN John P. Brennan, Akron. Blank book manufacturer. Born Toronto, Canada, March 29, 1855. Educated in parochial schools of Toronto, and public schools at Maitland, Greenville county, Canada. Moved to Cleveland, O., in 1899, and started in as an apprentice in the bookbinding business with Wolff & Sons, and then with Geo. S. Newcomb. In 1878 moved to Akron and took a position with The Beacon Publishing Co., where he remained for seventeen years. In 1895 organized and became president of the Commercial Printing Co. In 1903 sold out his interest and started in the book binding and blank book manufacturing business which he is now conducting. Politically a Democrat. EDWARD S. MERRIFIELD Edward S. Merrifield, Cleveland. Manager for Northern Ohio and Michigan, Otto Eiserlohr & Bros., of Philadelphia. Born New London, O., October 25, 1868. Educated in the pub lic schools. Appointed to present position in 1895. Interested in several corporations. 32nd degree Mason. Member of the Century club and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. J. C. HIPP J. C. Hipp, Cleveland. Owner of Hipp's Parcel Delivery. Born Cleveland, O., April 7, 1859. Educated in Cleveland pub lic schools. Traveling salesman for A. J. Wenham & Son, whole sale grocers, 1878-85. In the retail grocery business 1886-92. V/holesale produce and commission business 1895-1900. Presi dent the Hipp, Reitz & Hall Automobile Co. President of the French Delicacy Co., 1891-97. Their representative in New York City, 1892-95. 32nd degree Mason, Mystic Shriner. Polit ically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 233 REAL ESTATE JOHN G. W. COWLES DANIEL R. TAYLOR John G. W. Cov/les, Cleveland. Real estate and loans. Born in Oberlin, 0., March 14. 1886. Educated Oberlin College, graduated 1856, from the Theological Seminary 1859, degree of LL. D., 1808. Trustee of college from 1874 to date. Minister Congregational Cliurch, Bellevue and Mansfield, O., and East Saginaw, Mich., 1859-71. Chaplain 66th Regiment, O. V. I., 1861-62. Editor Cleveland Leader 1871-73. President Cleve land Trust Co. 1895-1908. President Cleveland Chamber of Commerce 1896-97. President Cleveland Board of Park Com missioners 1901-02. President Park Investment Co., owning the Park building. Trustee Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland School of Art, Y. M. C. A., and Maple Leaf Land Co. Presi dent Board of Alta House Social Settlement. Member Union, University- and 'Euclid clubs. Politically a Republican. Daniel K. Taylor, Cleveland (Euclid I-leights). Real Estate Owner and Agent. Born Twinsburg, O., March 28, 1838. Edu cated Chagrin Falls in Public and Private schools and Academy. In early life entered the Real Estate business with his father. Royal Taylor, who represented the State of Connecticut, Yale College, the Heirs of Gen. Henry Champion and other large owners of land in Ohio and the Western States. Entered the Real Estate business in Cleveland, Nov., 1867, and in recent years devotes much time to purchasing land for himself and others. Interested in several manufacturing and business enter prises, in some of which he is a director. Was Ohio Military Agent at Louisville, and Nashvile 1863-64-65. First President Cleveland Real Estate Board. Member of the Union and Euclid clubs, and politically a Republican. MORRIS A. BRADLEY Morris A. Bradley, Cleveland. Real estate. Born Cleveland, 0., Aug. 25, 1859. Educated in the public schools and Hiram College. - With his father, Alva Bradley, until 1885, and at his death took charge of the estate. President, treasurer and man ager The Bradley Transportation Co. President Cleveland & • Buffalo Transit Co., Ohio Transit Co. Vice president United States Coal Co. Director People's Gas Light & Coke Co. and a number of other corporations. Member Union, Euclid and Roadside clubs. Politically a Republican. SAMUEL ATWATER RAYMOND Samuel Atwater Raymond, Cleveland. Born Cleveland, O. Educated in public and private schools, Cleveland, and gradu ated from Yale College in 1870, degree A. B. In the dry goods business until 1879, firm Raymond, Lowe & Co., established by his father in 1837. Then private secretary to Mr. Amasa Stone, aiid at his death in 1883 continued in the office of his estate and in the real estate business to the present time. Secretary and treasurer Children's Aid Society. Director University School. Member Union, Euclid, University and Rowfant clubs. Member Presbyterian Church. 234 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO REAL ESTATE J. MILTON CURTISS J. Milton Curtiss, Cleveland. President The Curtiss-Ambler Realty Co. Born Harrisville, Medina county, O., February 26, 1840. Educated in the district and city schools, Brooklyn Acad emy and Cleveland Institute University Heights, now Lincoln Heights. Taught district school one year. Engaged in the nur sery business twenty years. Founder of Forest City Nursery. Plelped organize and one of the lirst trustees of Brooklyn Vil lage. Moved to Cleveland in 1868. Member of the City Coun cil from 1876 to 1883. Appointed Park Commissioner by Mayor Herrick, served two years. Superintendent of Riverside ceme tery for five years. President of Riverside Cemetery Association. WILLIAM E. AMBLER William E. Ambler, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Cu'rtiss-Ambkr Realty Co. Born Medina, O., Dec. 18, 1845. Graduated from Albion College 1865, B. G., Adrian College 1867, A. B., Albany Law School 1807, LL. B., Adrian 1870, A. M., Hillsdale College 1875, A. M. Practiced law at Penwater, Mich., twenty years. Judge Probate Court Oceana Co., Mich. Elected State Senator 1878, member of Judiciary Committee. Re-elected 1880. Elected president pro tern of the Senate and chairman of Com. of Appropriation and Finance. Chosen trustee Hillsdale College 1878, and for the last four years has been chairman of Board of Trustees. Came to Cleveland and engaged in real estate business 1891. Vice president Cuyahoga Bldg. & Loan Association. DAN O. CASWELL Dan 0. Caswell, deceased, Cleveland. Land owner. Born in Cleveland, 1857. Educated at the Lodi Normal School. Entered the real estate business in 1875 with Dr. N. H. Ambler and later in business alone. Gave to the city of Cleveland Ambler Park, containing thirty-six acres, and was one of the three to secure the Shaker Heights Park for the city. Elected to the City Coun cil and served the last year of Mayor Rose's term and through Mayor Blee's term of office. Member of the Gatlin Gun Bat tery for sixteen years and twice elected Captain of the organ ization. Member the Roadside and Tippecanoe clubs and B. 1?. O. Elks, No. 18. Politically a Republican. Died 1905. DAVID MORRISON David Morrison, Cleveland. Real estate. Born in Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1848. Educated in public schools, Cleveland. Real estate and banking business all his life. President Lincoln Sav ings & Banking Co. Vice president Stark Electric Co. and De troit Gas Light & Coke Co. President Morrison Realty Co. and Dime Savings & Banking Co. Ex-President of the Cleveland City Council. Member State Senate of Ohio from 1887 to 1891. Member of Mayor Rose's cabinet 1891 to 1893. Interested in other corporations. K. T. Mason. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 235 REAL ESTATE JOHN W. TAYLOR John W. Taylor, Cleveland. Real Estate and Counselor At Law. Was born in Mecca, Trumbull Co., Ohio, November 10, 1851. Attended- Farmington Seminary and other institutions of learning, graduating from the Law Department of Michigan Uni versity in 187S. Entered and remained In practice of law in Warren, Ohio, seven years. Removed to Cleveland in 1894, and engaged in the Law and Real Estate and Financial Trusts. Organized the Taylor Realty & Investment corporation in 1893 and The Taylor Land & Improvement Company i-n 1903 of which companies he is President, Treasurer and the con trolling stockholder. Has been a member of the Old Board of Trade and the Chamber of Commerce ever since he came to Cleveland, twenty-two years. Member of the Century and Country clubs and the Ohio Society of New York. ARTHUR G. FRISBIE Arthur G. Frisbie, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Frisbie Co. Born Munson, O., Aug. 15, 1866. Educated in the public schools Mentor, O. Graduated from the Spencerian Busi ness College at age of eighteen. T'aught music in public schools at Painesville and Mentor, O. With The Cleveland Dry Goods Co. one year. Then with The George M. Hicks Realty Co., and in 1890 went into the real estate business, firm name A. G. Frisbie, then Ford & Frisbie, and in ]896 formed the present firm, The Frisbie Co. Vice president Maple Leaf Land Co. Secretary and treasurer of The Howe Realty Co. Secretary and treasurer F. A. Pease Engineering Co. Member Chamber ot Commerce. Mason, Webb Chapter. Politically Republican and first reader Second Church of Christ, Scientist. J. W. HAMBY J. W. Hamby, Cleveland. President The Hamby Realty Co. Born Cohortin, O. Educated in public schools of Akron. Was graduated from Buchtel College in 1889. Came to Cleveland in 1890. Started in real estate and contracting builder business in 1896. Has been in the real estate business since that time. Promoted a number of allotments in Cleveland. President Tei"- race Investment Co. Member Builders' Exchange and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican. JNO. H. BLOOD Jno. H. Blood, Cleveland General real estate and insurance. Born Springfield, 111., Sept. 1, 1859. In early life was engaged in newspaper business and studied law. Later embarked in the real estate business, which he has followed for twenty years, ten years of which has been spent in Cleveland. Came to Cleveland in 1895. Manages a number of prominent estates and several of Cleveland's largest O'ffice -buildings. Conducts a general real estate and insurance business. Represents Eastern financial in terests in Ohio. Director in a number of Cleveland corpora tions. Member of the principal clubs and president of the Cleve land Real Estate Board. Member Cleveland Chamber of Com merce and active in civic enterprises pertaining to the interest and growth of Cleveland. 236 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO REAL ESTATE CHARLES FLIEDNER Charles Fliedner, Cleveland. Real Estate. Born Mainz-on-the- Rhine, Germany, Oct. 15, 1833. Educated in public and high schools of Germany. Came to United States 1849, locating in New York City. Came to Cleveland 1854 and engaged in the merchandise business 1854-1867. Then engaged in the coal and ice business, firm of Chas. Fliedner & Sons, until 1889. Has been engaged in the real estate business for 44 years. Member City Council 1883-1885-1887. Politically an independent. B. W. JACKSON B. W. Jackson, Cleveland. Member of firm The Bingham- Jackson Co., real estate. Born Eaton township, Lorain county, O., Dec. 8, 1861. Educated in the common schools. In 1884 came to Cleveland and started the Jackson Barns, doing a whole sale business in hay and grain. Member of the City Council from the First District 1889-96. In November, 1897, was ap pointed Internal Revenue Agent for Ohio, Indiana, Lower Mich- igan and the Sixth District of Kentucky. -Resigned on March 1, 1901. In April, 1902, entered the real estate business with Dr. C. A. Bingham, firm The Bingham-Jackson Co. Member of the Odd Fellows. Politically a Republican. HUGH C. QUIGLEY Hugh C. Quigley, Cleveland. Born Queen's Co., Ireland, July 4. 1844. Came to Ohio with parents 1848. Educated district schools. With father and brothers manufactured stoneware in Middlebury, Summit Co. Came to Cleveland 1880 and engaged in coal business. Appointed Special Agent U. S. Land Office in California bv President Cleveland. Remained until 1889, then returned to Cleveland and engaged in mining business, promoting some of the largest properties in California and S. Dakota, as sociated in same with late President McKinley and Col. Conger, Akron. Last few years has given his entire attention to N. O. real estate. CHAS. E. BOWMAN Charles E. Bowman, Cleveland. Charles E. Bowman & Co. Born St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 20, 1857. Educated in public schools at Lisbon. Started in printing trade on the Herald April 1868, President, treasurer and secretary Typographical Uiiion, No. 5.^, for eight terms. Member of 73fd General Assembly, 1898. Aud itor Cleveland postoffice 1899-01. District superintendent Inde pendent Order of Foresters, covering thirty-four counties. Past Grand Officer I. 0. O. F. Member Masonic order, K. of P., National Union, Maccabees, Tippecanoe club. Union League and Scotch-American. Also president Ohio Accident & Health Agency Co. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 237 REAL ESTATE PL B. PUMPHREY H. B. Pumphrey, Cleveland. President and general manager The Pumphrey Realty Co. Born Piedmont, Harrison Co., O., Sept. 14, ]8G3. Educated in the public schools at Piedmont and Moorfield private high school. Engaged in railroad work as agent and telegraph operator for eight years. Came to Cleve land in 1891 and entered The Spencerian Business College. En gaged in clerical work in real estate and insurance office until 1895 when he began business for himself, and continued at same until the Pumphrey Realty Co. was formed, in 1902, when he was made president and manager. Politically a Republican. JOSIAI-I C. LOWER Josiah C. Lower, Cleveland. Lawyer and real estate. Born Mahoning county, O., Feb. 19, 1860. Educated in district schools of Mahoning county and Poland Seminary. Graduated Witten- burg College, Springfield, O., October, 1885, and Cincinnati Law School in 1888. Began practice in Cleveland 1889. In 189.3 he was given charge of large real estate interests on the West Side, and he then began operations in real estate, both as owner and agent. In 1900 he purchased and platted Rich mond Park Sub-division in Lakewood. Member Century club, Clifton club, and Chamber of Commerce. Past Exalted Ruler B. P. O. Elks, No. 18. Politically a Republican. FRANK H. IJLWORTHY CHARLES D. HULING Frank H. Elworthy, Cleveland. Secretary The Hamby Realty Co. Born Cleveland, O-, Dec. 26, 1875. Educated in the pub lic schools. Entered the present firm in 1897. Secretary The Mutual Drug Co. Director The Delaware Mfg. Co. Director The Glenville Lumber Co. Politically a Republican. Charles S. Huling, Cleveland, O. Born Cleveland, Sept. 20, 1870. Oldest son of the late Bruce ITuHng, druggist, and grand son of Charles L. Shepard, pioneer furniture manufacturer of Cleveland. Educated in public schools and received commercial training. Engaged in business in early life on account of his father's decease, and has had the handling of large real estate interests since he was eighteen years of age. Identified with a number of prominent enterprises, is a successful broker, and dealer in real estate and investments and insurance. A member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and a staunch Repub lican, 238 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OPTIO REAL ESTATE SAMUEL G. MORRIS Samuel G. Morris, Cleveland. Real estate. Born at Welling ton, O., Feb. 14, 1863. Educated in the public schools of Wel lington and a high school graduate. Was connected with various transportation companies in difi-'crent positions for sixteen years. With The L- S. & M. S. Ry. Co. for eleven years. Then engaged in real estate business with the Taylor Realty Co. two years. Since then has been engaged in real estate business alone. Mem ber of the National Union, and politically a Republican. BENSON MclLRATIT Benson McTlralh, Cleveland. Benson, Mcllrath is: Co., real estate. Born Erie, Pa., April 26, 1K77. Educated in the public schools of Collinwood and Cleveland, Caton Business College and Baldwin University. Is now actively engaged in the real estate business in Cleveland, with branch office at Collinwood, and one at Hudson, Mich. Has no political interests, having no time for same. Has been a resident of Cleveland and vicinity for the last twenty-five years. FRED W. GOAKES Fred W. Coakes, Cleveland, Real estate dealer. Born in Oneida, N, Y., 1868, Moved to Cleveland, O., at the age of nine years where he was educated in the public schools, finishing with a course in a business college. Pie at once entered the real estate business and has followed it with signal success, having engineered some of the big deals in the history of the city. Politically he is a Republican. FREDERICK E. DOWNING Frederick E- Downing, Cleveland. Real estate. Born Can ada, December 4, 1864. Educated in the public schools at Chagrin Falls, O. Clerk in drug store of O. F. Frazer, Chagrin Falls, 1876-79. Moved to Chicago and engaged in mercantile business until 1886, when he came to Cleveland and entered the real estate business with his father, Geo. Downing, and three years later engaged in the same line of business for himself. Member of Bigelow Lodge Masons, Cleveland Chapter Royal Arch Masons and Cleveland Council Al Sirat Grotto, No. 17. Politically a Republican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 239 REAL ESTATE WILLIS B. HALE Willis P>. Hale, Banker, retired. Born Decatur, 111., June 17, 1847. Came to Cleveland in early youth and educated in the public schools. Graduate of the Union College, Schnectady, N. Y. 1870, Deg. A. B., Deg. A. M. 1873. Started in the banking house of E. B. Hale & Co. 1874, father being Edwin Butler Hale. Admitted to firm 1879. Firm later changed to the Marine Bank Co. Elected Cashier and later elected Vice- Prts. Sometime afier the death of E. B. Plale in 1891 the bank went out of business. Is interested in various enterprises and actively interested in a number of corporations. Mem ber L'nion, Euclid and Middle Bass Clubs. JAMES CARR Janies Carr, Cleveland. Real Estate. Came to Cleveland from Brooklyn, N. Y., ISTl. Engaged in the grocery business for ten years and in the real estate business since 1890. Republican in politics and a member of the R. C. Church. GEORGE W. GRIDLEY George W. Gridley, Akron, Ohio. Real Estate and Insurance business. Born at Caton, Steuben Co., N. Y., June 16, 1863. Educated in district school at Scottsville, N. Y., came to Akron in 1878 and entered Buchtel College, took course at Rochester Business College, clerked in various lines of business, prin cipally hardware and furniture until 1892, when he entered the Real Estate business for himself. He is a member of the fol lowing orders: Ben Hur, Pathfinders and Knights and Ladies of Honor. Politically a Republican. GEO. A. BINGHAM Geo. A. Bingham, Cleveland. Real estate. Born Eaton, O., Nov. 24, 1872. Educated public schools of Elyria, O. Came to Cleveland in the dry goods business 1888-89. Started in the grocery and meat business in 1890 and still identified with the same business; engaged in the real estate business 1904 and still continues same. Member K. of P. Republican in poli tics and member of the Methodist church. 240 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO REAL ESTATE ELMER E. ACKER TI-IEADORE A. HOCKWALT Elmer E. Acker, Akron. Real estate. Born near Akron, O., January 23, 1866. Graduated from public schools at Green- town, O., 1883. Taught district school at Manchester and Mid dlebranch, O. Then took a four years' course at Mt. Union College. After leaving the college he entered the foundry busi ness under the name of Shanafelt & Acker. Sold out his in terest and took up farming at Kent, O., and in 1897 started in the real estate business at Akron under firm name of Acker & Meyers. In 1905 organized and was made president of The Standard Clay Co., located near Canton, O. Politically a Dem ocrat. fheadore A. Hockwalt, Akron. Real estate. Born Canton, Stark county, O., March 4, 1873. Educated in the public schools at Canton. Woiked on his father's farm until the age of six teen, when he started in with the Canton Steam Pump Co. to learn the machinist's trade. Moved with the firm to Dixon, 111,, in 1892, and in 1893 returned to Canton and continued at his trade until 1S98, when he took the position of mechanical engineer for May & Fiebeger. Was agent for the Cleveland Indemnity Co. for some lime. In 1903 organized firm of T. A. Hockwalt & Co. and 1904 took the business under the name of T. A. Hockwalt, real estate. Independent in politics. J. A. WIGMORE J. A. Wigmore, Cleveland. Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. Born in Canada, Dec. 31, 1874. Educated in the public schools and Sarnia College. Came to Cleveland in 1899 and engaged in the Real Estate business, which he has followed with success. Now owning two apartment houses and agent for several others. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. In terested in several banks. Politically a Republican. WM. F. COOK Wm. F. Cook, Canton. Real Estate. Born jeffersonville, N. Y.. May 11, 1868. Educated in the public schools at Canton, O.. and took a special course at Worley Business College, Canton. In 1885 started in the grocery business for himself and con tinued at same until 1894, when he organized The Cook Coal Co.. and engaged in the Mining and Wholesale Coal business until 1897. Engaged in the Men's Furnishing business 1897- 1901. then started in the Real Estate .business making a spe cialty of allotments. Member of the Pathfinders Beneficial Order and a Democrat in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 241 INSURANCE GEORGE H. OLMSTED JEROME CUYLER TRASK Geo. H. Olmsted, Cleveland. Geo. H. Olmsted & Co. and Olmsted Bros. & Co., insurance. Born LaGrange, O., Sept. SI, 184i. Educated in the district schools and high school at Elvria. Graduated from commercial school at Poughkeei>sie, N. Y., 1865. Taught school in Ohio and Wisconsin. Went into the insurance business in Cleveland in 1867, and has been in the business ever since. State agent National Life Insurance Co. of Vermont since 1879. Has one of the largest and oldest fire agencies in the city. Director and treasurer National Safe & Lock Co. Director Central National Bank. President Cleveland Life Underwriters' Exchange. Director Woodland Ave. Savings & T'rust Co. Vice president Bankers' Surety Co. Director Land Title Abstract Co. Member Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Reoublican. Jerome Cuyler Trask, Cleveland. General Agent The North western Mutual Life Insurance Co. Born Farmington, Wayne county, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1854. Educated Grand River Institute, Austinburg, Ohio, and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Read Law and admitted to bar 1882. Practiced Law until 1886, when he came to Cleveland as General Agent The North western Mutual Life Insurance Co., which position he still holds. Treasurer American Mine Door Co., Cleveland Brick & Clay Co., Secretary and treasurer National By-Products Co. Director First National Bank, Farmers' Chemical & Fertilizer Co., Brilliant Electric Co. Member Union and Automobile Clubs. Politically Republican. FREDERICK' A. KENDALL Frederick A. Kendall, Cleveland. Major United States Army, Retired. General agent Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia. Born Concord, N. H., Aug. 28, 1838. Educated in Kimball Union Academy 1853; Dartmouth College 1856-57; Bowdoin College :i 858-60, degree M. A. at Bowdoin. Professor military science and tactics Brooks Military Academy, Cleveland, 1876-79, and 1884-85 Colonel and Aide-de-Camp on staff of Gov. Young and Bishop 1877-1880. Member School Council 1897-1901, serving as president of the Board 1898-99. Senior vice com mander of Ohio Commandery, Military Order Loyal Legion of the U. S. Member Union and University clubs. CHARLES L. DOUGLASS Charles L. Douglass, Cleveland, General Insurance. Born Hanover, N. H., Oct. 2, 1843. Graduated from Dartmouth Col lege in 1862. Entered First New tiampshire Regiment as a pri vate 1861. Came to Cleveland in 1868, and with the banking firm of Everett, Weddell and Co. for two years. Then entered the insurance business under firm name of Everett & Douglass in 1870. In 1884 formed the firm of Bingham & Douglass and stiil continues under that name. President Reliance Gauge Column Co. Director Chandler & Price Co., New Lisbon Gas Co. and Ohio Cement Co. Member Chamber of Commerce and Holyrood Commandery Masons. Politically a Republican. 242 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO INSURANCE WILLIAM B. POST William B. Post, Cleveland. Insurance. Born Cleveland, O., March 30, 1865. Educated in the common and high schools. Was assistant secretary Board of Equalization for Cleveland three years. Assistant chief clerk freight and ticket accounting department C, C, C. & St. L. Ry. three years. Was paymaster the Brush Electric Co. Custodian safety deposit vault Ihe East End Banking & Trust Co. for two years. Then had charge of insurance of Chas. .\. Post until 1905, when he started in the general insurance business for himself. Director Stranahan Co. Member Commercial Travelers and politically a Republican. WALTER R. GILBERT Walter R. Gilbert, Cleveland. Manager Northeastern Ohio for The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. Born Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1872. Educated in private schools. New York City. Was first employed at the Home Office of the Mutual Life, then for four years as general agent for same company for the state of Connecticut. Appointed to present position in January, 1903. Director in several corporations. Member Union, Euclid and Church clubs, Sons of the American Revolu tion and Masonic Fraternity of Connecticut. GEORGE P. RUST George P. Rust, Cleveland. Associate General Agent North western Mutual Life Ins. Co. i^orn Wellington, O., Jan. 21, 1864. Educated in public schools. Entered the life insurance business 1889 as solicitor. Appointed to present position 1898. Vice President the Lorain, Ashland and Southern R. R. Co. and interested in other corporations. Member Union club and Elyria Country club. Republican in politics. JAMES . W.'.WILSON James W. Wilson, Cleveland. General Manager Prudential Insurance Co., of America, North ., Eastern Ohio. Born in Pennsylvania, April 11, 1873. ' Educated in' the Kittanning High school and private schools. In the U. .S. Mail service 1881 to 1900. Started with the Prudential Insurance Co., at Kittan ning, Pa., 1900. Then transferred to Youngstown, O., and be came General Agent for the company. Came to Cleveland in 1904 in present capacity. Member of M. E. Church, B. P. 0. Elks and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 243 INSURANCE S. S. SAFFOLD MORGAN WOOD S. S. SafEold, Cleveland. General agent. Provident Life & Trust Co. of Philadelphia. Born Mobile, Ala., March 15, 185?. Educated in private schools, and at Graylock and Emerson Insti tutes. Special and general agent for above company for twenty- five years. President Los Cerros Copper Co. Secretary, treas urer and director Chippewa Co., also of the Gold Bug Mining Co., and is a director in three other corporations. Is a Mason, member of the Euclid and Masonic clubs, Cleveland Chamber of Com.nierce and an officer in several business and social business oreanizations. Morgan Wood, Cleveland. Preacher, lecturer and Insurance Manager, Cleveland. Born at Freeport, Pa., 1867, his father be ing a Methodist preacher. Moved to Pittsburg 1877, where he at tended the public and high schools. Entered Yale College, gradu ating in 1888. Attended Boston Theological College, graduating 1890. ITeld pastorate at Salem, Mass., for one year and then went to New Orleans, where after six months he was stricken with yel low fever. Removed to Bloomington, 111., for nine months and then to Detroit, where he remained for seven years. Removed to Toronto in 1896 remaining until 1900 when he came to Cleve land as pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church. In 1905 he entered the insurance business. He is a Mason and a Knight ot Pythias. Politically he is a Republican. HENRY M. STOWE Henry M. Stowe, Cleveland. General Insurance. Born Cleve land, Sept. 10, 1854. Educated public schools. With the Cleve land Plain Dealer 1870-77. With the Worswick- Mfg. Co., learn ing the steam fitting business, 1877-1880. Organized the Union Machine Works 1880. Gen. Mgr. of same until 1883- Salesman for Mcintosh-Huntington & Co. 1883-1886. With Continental Tube Works, Pittsburg, 1886-1889. Pittsburg Tube Co. until 1893. Organized firm of Cunningham & Stowe, Marion, O., 1890. Sold out 1897. Then went to Alaska prospecting, return ing to Cleveland 1899. With Forest City Electric 1899-1903. Organized the present business 1903. Secretary B. P. O. Elks No. 18. Secretary Bass Lake Club Co. H. C. FRENCH H. C. French, Cleveland. Resident manager of The Philadel phia Casualty Co. Born Barnesville, O., Jan. 28, 1867. Edu cated in the public schools. Was engaged in tbe furniture busi ness at Columbus, O., 1886-89. Removed to Cleveland, and there engaged in the furniture business 1890-97. In 1898 became connected with the Fidelity & Casualty Co.'s Cleveland office as special agent. In March, 1902, assumed the resident manager ship of The Philadelphia Casualty of Philadelphia for Northern Ohio. Politically a Republican. 244 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO INSURANCE , THOMAS F. HUGGINS THOMAS COUGHLIN Thomas F. Huggins, Cleveland. Manager U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. of Baltimore. Born Cincinnati, O., Jan. 10, 1855. Educated in East Cleveland public and high schools. Clerk for A. T. Stewart of New York for one year. Came to Cleve land and engaged in railroad business. In 1884 entered the fruit and orange packing business in State of Florida until caught in the freeze of 1895. Then returned to Cleveland and took agency for the National Surety Co. of New York. Resigned after nine years to take present agency. Member of National Union, Tribe of Ben Hur, Chamber of Commerce, Builders' Exchange, and ex-honoraiy member Cleveland Grays. Politically a Republican. Thomas Coughlin, Cleveland. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, June 21, 1876. Educated in parochial schools, and graduated from St. Mary's Institute, Dayton, O., in 1893. Engaged in the general insurance business in 1 898 and for the past six years has been Northern Ohio Manager for the American Bonding Company of Baltimore, for which he does a large surety business. Served in city council from 1898-1900, and member of the Ohio legislature from 1902 to 1903. LEE D. MOON Lee D. Moon, Cleveland. Instructor New York Life Insur ance Co. Born Jeffersonville, O., Oct. 4, 1874. Graduated from high school at Jeffersonville 1891. Taught school one year, and in 1893 came to Cleveland and took a special course at Caton's Business College graduating in 1894. Engaged in business col lege work in Salem and Cleveland for four years. In 1898 took position as traveling salesman for the Hammond Typewriter Co., and was afterwards made manager of the Baltimore branch. Returned to Cleveland in 1901. took a position with the New York Life Insurance Co., and in 1905 was promoted to present position. Politically a Republican. ERNEST P. LENIHAN Ernest 1 . Lenihan, Cleveland. Average adjuster and marine insurance. Born Saginaw, Mich., Oct. 6, 1873. Educated in the public and private schools. In 1890 took a position with the Equitable Insurance Co. of New York at Denver, Colo. In 1896 started in the average adjusting business for himself at Chi cago, and subsequently became associated with Chas. E. & W. F. Peck of New York and London as average adjuster at Chicago and New York. Came to Cleveland in 1901 in interest of Chas. E. & W. F. Peck, and as the Ohio general agent for the Federal Insurance Co., Columbia Insurance Co., Union Marine Insurance Co., and Sea Insurance Co. Member Chicago Athletic club and Union, Country, and Hermit clubs, Cleveland, and Chamber of Commerce. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO INSURANCE 245 PATRICK J. DOLAN Patrick J. Dolan, Cleveland. Born March 17 (St. Patrick's Day), 1855, in County Leibim, Ireland. Came to the United States June 1, 1870, locating in Worcester, Mass. With the Warren Thread Co., Worcester, Mass., fourteen years, eight of which was superintendent and general manager. Came to Cleve land 1890, with Frank L. Ford as solicitor. Later took the State agency for the Vermont Life Ins. Co. until the manage ment changed hands. In 1900 took the management of the Home Life Ins. Co. for Northern Ohio. Office in the Garfield Building since it was built. ELMER W. SNYDER Elmer W. .Snyder, Cleveland. General Agent The Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co. Born Franklin township. Pa., June 15, 1871. Educated in the public schools, Sclines Grove, Pa. In 1886 took position as office boy in his father, W. H. Snyder's office, in the Fire Insurance business. In 1892 succeeded his father in the business until 1902 when he came to Cleveland and took a position as special agent for J. C. Irask until 1903, when he took the general agency of the present company. Member Cleveland Gun Club. Politically ^ Democrat and member General Counsel Lutheran Church. FRANCIS M. COOKE Francis M. Cooke, Akron. Real estate and insurance. Born Middlepoint, 0., Aug. 29, 1869. Graduated from Bluffton high 1886, and Buchtel College 1891. Moved to Cleveland and entered the insurance business. Cam.e to Akron 1892 and took a position as clerk with Wilcox & Noah, real estate and insurance business. In 1898 firm became The Burner, Goodhue, Cooke Co., with Mr. Cooke as secretary. Secretary Akron Building & Loan Associ ation. Secretary and treasurer Barberton Agency Co. Elected president Ohio Association of Agents 1905. 32nd degree Mason, Past Master Adoniram Lodge, No. 571, Akron. Politically a Republican, O'lTO W. CARPENTER Otto W. Carpenter, Cleveland. General agent for N. E. Ohio the Union Central Life Insurance Co. Born Mansfield, 0., Nov. 12, 1870. Educated in the public schools and graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, degree of A. B. in 1894. Read law in Mansfield, 1894-1896. Appointed chief examiner Ohio Insurance Department, Columbus, O. 1896-1900. Appointed gen eral agent Union Central Life Insurance Co. and came to Cleveland in 1900. Member Royal Arch Masons and Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Republican and a member of the M. E. church. 246 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO INSURANCE THOMAS H. GEER FRED P. THOMAS Thomas H. Geer, Cleveland. President of The Thomas H. Geer Company, general insurance. Born Ledyard, New London Co., Conn., Sept. 3, 1840. Educated in the common schools of Led yard. Graduated from Irving Institute, Tarrytown, N. Y., and State Normal School, Mass. Principal grammar and high schools, West Gloucester and Rockport, Mass. Headmaster Burlington Academy, N. J. In 1866 opened general insurance offices in Cleveland. I'rustee of I. Kelley estate. Director Reserve Trust Co. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and vestryman of Trinity cathedral. Fred P. Thomas, Cleveland. Fred P. Thomas & Co., Insur ance. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1866. Educated in public schools. Commenced his business life at the age of fourteen as a junior clerk in the Insurance office of J. P. Stanard; six years afterward was admitted to partnership under name of Stanard & Thomas, and has worked his own way forward to the present eminent position which he occupies in the business community of Cleveland. He is senior member of the firm of Fred P. Thomas & Co., this firm being the largest Fire and Casualty Insurance Agency in the State of Ohio; also member of Oriental Commandery K. T., Chamber of Commerce, Union and Euclid clubs. D. J. BARRY D. J. Barry, Cleveland, O. D. J. Barry & Co., general insur ance. Born in Cleveland, O., July 16, 1877. Educated in Cleveland public schools. Began career as office boy for the insurance firm of Bingham, Douglass & Squire in 1891. On the dissolution of that firm went with C. B. Squire, afterwards appointed manager of the local department of the insurance firm of Squire, Hahn & App until Nov., 1901. With the insur ance firm of The Tremaine Draper Co. from Nov., 1901, to Sept., 1902. On Oct. 1, 1902, organized the insurance firm of Barry, Lermann & Buerkle. Oct. 1, 1905, succeeded to the busi ness of Barry, Lermann & Buerkle under the firm name of D. J. Barry & Co. Secretary and treasurer of The Buckeye Milling Co. Director of The Bass Lake Club Co., and inter ested m other corporations. Politically a Republican. MARS E. WAGAR Mars E. Wager, Cleveland. President of the Western Reserve Insurance Company. Born Lakewood, Ohio, June 24, 1858. Educated in Cleveland High School. Graduate Harvard College 1881, degree A. B. and degree A. M. 1901. Paris, Leipsic and Zurich. Teacher at Central High School in 1882. Member of public library board six years. Has traveled ex tensively. President of The Mars Wagar Realty Co. Secretary of the Sheriff Street Market & Storage Co. Member Rowfant and Roadside clubs. Member Clifton Club. Trustee New Church of Lakewood. Director Century Club. President Har vard club. Politically Independent Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 247 INSURANCE WM. B. MAXSON Wm. B. MaxsoUi Cleveland. Wm. B. Maxson & Co., under- writeis. Born Andover, N. Y., March 23, 1865. Educated in Cleveland public schools. With Mercantile Insurance Co. 1885- 1890. Formed firm of Gill, Foote & Maxson, which succeeded the Mercantile Insurance Co., changed in 1900 to Wm. B. Max son & Co. Vice president Cleveland Fire Insurance Exchange. Director Union Elevator Co. Member Union, Roadside, Euclid and Hermit clubs and Chamber of Commerce. Was Lieutenant in 5th Regiment, Lieutenant in Naval Reserves, Captain Co. I, 10th regiment, O. V. L, Adjutant of Gatling Gun Battery and retired mem.ber of 1st Cleveland Troop. Politically a Republican. ROBER'L H. PERDUE Robert H. Perdue, Cleveland. W. B. Maxson & Co., Fire Insurance. Born Cleveland, O., Nov. 11, 1874. Educated in pub lic schools. Graduate University School 1893, Yale University in 1896. degree Ph. B. Entered newspaper business in 1896, advertising manager Cleveland Leader for two years. Entered firm of W. B. Maxson & Co. 1902. Knight Templar Mason. Member of the Union and University clubs, secretary of the latter. Member of Troop A, O. N. G. Republican in politics. GEORGE W. PHYPERS George W. Phypers, Cleveland. Phypers Bros. & Co., General Insurance. Born Cleveland, O., April 8, 1873. Educated in the public schools. With the Postal Telegraph Co. 1887-1889. With the L. S. & M. S. R. R. Co. 1889-1893. With Olmsted-Thomas & Co. Later F. P. Thomas & Co. 1893-1900. Formed the firm of Phypers Bros. & Co. 1900. Manager also of Hopkinson, Parsons & Co. since Jan. 1, 1905. Member of the Masons. Politically a Republican and a member of the Baptist church. CHARLES J. PHYPERS Charles J. Phypers, Cleveland. Phypers Bros. & Co. Born Cleveland, O., Oct. 32, 1875. Educated in the public schools Was with the Postal Telegraph Co. 1889-90. With the L. S. & M. S. R. R. Co. 1890-9-2. Then with The Sherwin-Williams Co. until 1898, when he entered the insurance business, and in 1900 entered into partnership with his brother, firm name Phypers Bros. & Co. President Northern Ohio Squab Co. Politically a Republican, and a member of the Baptist church. 248 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO INSURANCE PHILIP BUERKLE AE. C. EERMANN Philip Buerkle, Sandusky. Born Bergen county, N. J., March 7, 1855. Educated in the public schools of Sandusky. After finishing school, learned the printer's trade and continued at same until 1891, when he was elected Mayor of Sandusky on the Democratic ticket. Served two terms, and in 1895 entered the insurance business, afterwards forming the firm of Buerkle & Lermann. In 1901 formed firm Buerkle, Lermann & Co., at same time establishing an insurance ofiice at Cleveland under name Barry, Lermann & Buerkle. President Demokrat Publish ing Co., Sandusky, O. Member B. P. O. E-, No. 285; Red Men, No. 151. Al. C. Lermann, Sandusky. General insurance. Born San dusky, O., March 14, 1868. Educated in the common schools of Sandusky. Engaged as salesman in dry goods store until 1894. Assistant Postmaster until 1898. Park Commissioner of San dusky for three years. Was identified with Barry, Lermann & Buerkle, Cleveland, O., and with Buerkle, Lermann & Co,, Sandusky, O., and now with Buerkle & Lermann, Sandusky, 0. Secretary and treasurer of Tbe Demokrat Publishing Co., San dusky, O. Member of the Elks, - Catholic Order of Foresters, and Knights of Columbus. Politically a Democrat. JOHN ]¦;. JOHNS JOHN H. LEHMAN John E. Johns, Massillon. Secretary Ihe People's Building & Loan Co. Born Allegheny county, Maryland, March 3, 1860. Educated in district schools of Allegheny county. Then worked his way through Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., grad uating with degree of B. S. Moved to Youngstown, O., in 1886 and started in the insurance business for The Mutual Life In surance Co. In 1887 moved to Massillon and took the agency of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., and a little later purchased the present agency. In 1893 with others incor porated The Peojjle's Building & Loan Co., and was elected sec retary. Partner in the Johns Realty Co. Member Junior Order United American Mechanics. Mason, Clinton Lodge, No. 47. Politically a Republican. John H. Lehman, Canton. Insurance. Born Lancaster, Pa., May 17, 1846. Educated in public schools of Lancaster county and Canton Pligh School. Taught school in vicinity of Canton five years. Then was elected principal of ward school in Can ton, which position he held for six years. Elected superintendent of Canton schools in 1876. Served in this capacity for twelve years. District agent for the John Plancock Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of Boston since 1890. Also is agent for the Standard Life & Accident Insurance Co. of Detroit, Mich. Owns and manaicea several farms near Canton. Secretary of the Stark County Agricultural Society and president of the Board of Edu cation, Canton. Politically a Republican. Member of Lutheran church. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 249 INSURANCE CHARLES A. WIGHTMAN DAVID KING PAIGE Charles A. Wightman, Akron, O. Life insurance. Born Bedford, O., August 5, 1852. Educated in the common schools of Bedford. Worked on a farm until he was seventeen years of age, then in the boot and shoe business with different firms in Cleveland until 1880. Came to Akron and was associated with M. F. Cutter shoe dealer for five years. Then in the boot and shoe business for himself until 1893 when he went into the in surance business taking the general agency of the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. for Summit and adjacent counties, in which field he has been very successful. Member Akron Lodge, Uniform Rank, I. O. O. F., B. P. 0. E., No. 363, and Portage Golf club. Politically a Republican. David King Paige, Akron. General Insurance Born Akron, O., May 20, 1872. Grandson of Bettie Washington Steele King, grandniece of George Washington. Educated in common schools of Akron, five years at Courtland Academy, Lakewood, N. J. Two years Ann Arbor University. Began career with the Akron Varnish Co. Then with Whitman-Barnes Co. seven years. Entered the general insurance business in 1899. District agent Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, and the Maryland Casualty Co. Married to Gertrude M. Wagner 1900. One child. Assistant treasurer Western Reserve Society, Sons of American Revolution. Member: Blue Lodge Masons, B. P. O. Elks No. 363, Delta Kappa Epsilon Society. Politically an Independent Dem ocrat. CAPTAIN HERMAN O. FEEDERLE Captain Herman O. Feederle, Akron. General insurance. Born Akron, O., May 15, 1866. Attended public schools, 1893, became general agent for the New York Life Insurance Co. and afterwards organized the insurance firm of Feederle & Myers, which has since become the present firm of Feederle & Patton. Elected Capt. of Co. B, Sth Reg., O. N. G., 1897. Mustered in U. S. service "War with Spain," May 13, 1898, as Capt. Co. B, Sth 0. V. I., served in the Cuban campaign and surrender of Santiago De Cuba, July 17, 189S. Mustered out U. S. service November, 1898. On reorganization of the 8th Regiment, O. N. G., appointed Capt. and Quartermaster on Col. Charles Dick's staff. Resigned 1901. Mem. of the Order Society of Santiago, The Loyal Legion, Scottish and York Rite Mason, K. of P., Odd Fellow. Politically a Republican. ^_ W. A. BENDALL \V. A. Bendall, Cleveland. With The Union Salt Co. Born Elyria, O., September 6, 1878. Educated in Cleveland public schools, Michigan Military Academy and Professor Day's School of Shorthand. Engaged as stenographer with the Fred G. Clark Co. Then with the Plain Dealer in the same capacity. Then with The Nicola Bros. Co. Then stenographer with the Gary Iron & Steel Co. Head city salesman for the Oliver Type writer Co. in Cleveland. Then with The Federal Life Insuranf-e Co. Promoted to district manager of Northeastern Ohio, same company in March, 1905. Since April, 1906, with present con- any. Stockholder Ihe Western Reserve Land Co, The Union )il, Gas & Refining Co. Member Union League Club. Polit ically a Republican. h] 250 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO GENERAL CONTRACTORS HENRY G. SLATMEYER Henry G. Slatmeyer, Cleveland. General contractor. Born Cleveland, O., July 28, 1S4S. Educated in the common schools of Cleveland. Entered the contracting business in 1872, and has been engaged in the same line of business ever since. Erected the Perry-Payne building. Director National Woolen Mills Co., and the Pearl Street Savings & Loan Co. Member German- American club, the Chamber of Commerce and the Builders Ex change. Independent in politics. EPllK.M.M Ephraim H. Towson, Cleveland. Born Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 14, 1839. Educated in the common schools. Engaged in farm ing 1853-1855. Then Journeyman and slate roofer until 1864. In 1864 went into business with 'I'. J. Towson, slate roofers, Cleveland. In 1S89 firm changed to Towson & Gimbert. Dis solved partnership in 1S91, and since has conducted a slate, tile and Sheet Metal business. Incorporated in April 1906 as The E. H. Towson Co., of which he is President and Treasurer. At the organization of Cleveland Builders Exchange was first President and elected four terms in succession, and several terms on Board of Directors. Masonic Order. Past Comman der Holyrood Commandery No. 32 Knights Templars. President 1905-6 Western Reserve Club and member Chamber of Com merce. Politically a Republican. ARTHUR BRADLEY Arthur Bradley, Cleveland. General insurance and real estate. Born Philadelphia, Pa., January 18, 1856. Was graduated from Swartheimer College in 1876 degree of A. B. Admitted to Phil adelphia bar in 1881. Came to Cleveland in 1894 as agent of Warren-Scharf Asphalt Paving Co. President of Builders* Ex change in 1898 and 1899, during which period Exchange was moved to present quarters. Engaged in real estate and insurance since 1900. At present special a^ent Employers' Liability Assur ance Corporation of London, England. Past Master Franklin Lodge, No. 134, Philadelphia, Pa. Member of Masons club. University club and Chamber of Commerce. Politically an In dependent Republican. GEORGE GAUNTER George Gaunter, Cleveland. General contractor. Born Devon shire, England, February 21, 1849. Educated in the common schools and Ashburton Boarding School, England. Engaged in carpenter work, 1864-71. Came to Cleveland in 1871 and went into the contracting business in 1873. Continued at same until 1899, when he took in son, J. I-Iarold Gaunter, under firm name of Geo. Gaunter & Son, and has continued to date. Ex-pres ident of Cleveland Builders' Exchange. Interested in real estate. Member Royal Arcanum, Cleveland Council. Politically a Re publican. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 251 GENERAL CONTRACTORS ERNEST W. REAUGH Ernest W. Reaugh, Cleveland. General contractor. Born .Tamestown, Pa., Jan. 7, 1870. Educated common schools and one year at high school. Graduate Spencerian Business College, Cleveland. Member firm J. A. Reaugh & Son. Secretary and treasurer Reaugh Construction Co. President Building Code Commission. President Mason Contractors Association, Carpenter Contractors Association. Vice president Pelton Apartment House Co. Member Century Club and Cleveland Driving Park Asso ciation. Politically Independent. HUGH HUNTINGTON Plugh Pluntington, Cleveland. Hugh Huntington & Son, gen eral contractors. Born Preston, Lancashire county, England, Aug. 19, 1840. Educated in the common schools of England. Engaged in twine spinning in Preston until 1854. Then in card ing department of cotton spinning department until 1864. Came to America and settled in Cleveland 1864. Engaged in slate and gravel roofing with John Huntington until 1867, when he ac quired control of the business, and in 1888 took in his son John as partner, firm of Hugh Huntington & Son. In January, 1904, Hugh Huntington, grandson, became a member of firm. Presi dent of Black River Land Co. 32nd degree Mason, Knight Templar and Mystic Shriner. Politically a Republican. GEORGE B. McMillan George B. McMillan, Cleveland. General contractor. Born Woodham, Ontario, March 16, 1867. Educated in the common schools. Began career as a journeyman carpenter in 1884 at St. Mary's, Ont. Remained there until 1887. Then went to To ronto, Canada, continuing in the carpenter business. Came to Cleveland in 1893 and has since been engaged as a general con tractor. Member of the Masonic Order, K. of P. and B. P. O. Elks. Director Cleveland Builders' Exchange. Member Cham ber of Commerce. Independent in politics. B. SCHATZINGER B. Schatzinger, Cleveland. Builder. Born on the Rhine, Ger many, Jan. 21, 1860. Educated in the German public and pri vate schools. Learned the building business in Germany. Came to the United States 1881 locating in Cleveland. Entered the building and real estate business, in which he is still actively engaged. Was the active member of the firm of Schatzinger & Tremaine for 15 years. Organized the Schatzinger Consol idated Realty Co., the largest of the kind in Northern Ohio. Elected President and still serving. 252 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO GENERAL CONTRACTORS JOHN PAUL John Paul, Barberton, O. Paul & Henry, general contractors. Born Akron, O., February G, 1852. Educated in district schools at North Hills, near Ak'-on, O. After leaving school worked on the Ohio canal until 1872, when he purchased a canal boat and continued canal traffic and lumber business until 1891. Then moved to Barberton and engaged in coal and livery business. In 1893 started in general contracting business. In 1900 organized firm of Paul & Henry. In 3 904 incorporated the Paul & Henry Construction Co. and v/as made president. One of the first councilmen elected in Barberton. Royal Arch Mason and polit ically a Democrat. JOHN H. LIBBY John H. Libby, Cleveland. Cement contractor. Born in Ger many, June 14, 1853. Came to the United States and educated in the public schools of Euclid. Was engaged as clerk in a hard- vi^arc store. Then started in the cement contracting business in 1888, under the firm name of Mathews & Libby. Assumed sole charge of the business about four years ago. Is vice president of the National Concrete Fireproofing Co. President of the Cuyahoga Concrete Stone Co. FORD P. BEERS Ford P. Beers, Cleveland. General contractor. Born Cleve land, O., December 3, 1860. Educated in the common schools of Cleveland and attended Shaw Academy three years. With engineering department Nickel Plate Ry. and with Michigan & Ohio Ry. engineering department 1878-79. Entered the general contracting business 1880. Member of firm of Beers & Doo- little for the last four years. Director Garfield Savings Bank Co- Member Lake Erie Consistory Scottish Rite Masons, Knight Templars, Al Koran Mystic Shriner, 32nd degree Mason. Mem ber B. P. 0. E", No. 18, and charter member Tippecanoe club. Politically a Republican. JOHN F. BRENNAN John F. Brennan, Cleveland. Paving contractor. Born Cleve land, O., November 7, 1860. Educated in parochial and common schools of Cleveland. Entered contracting business with his father under firm name of L. & J. F. Brennan in 1883. Engaged ¦in general contracting business ever since, making a specialty of city street paving work. Served as member Board of Education, city of Cleveland, for seven years. Member Knights of Colum bus and Chamber of Commerce. Politically a Democrat. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 253 GENERAL CONTRACTORS GEORGE A. RUTHERFORD C. F., MINNICK George A. Rutherford, Cleveland. President The Geo A. Rutherford Co Born at Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 18, 1871. Edu- cated in the ;ommon and high schools of Cleveland. Is en- gaged in the Building Contracting business. President and treasurer Land & Building Co. C. F. Minnick, Cleveland. Secretary and treasurer The Geo. A. Rutherford Co., general contractors. Born Pierceton, Ind., Dec. 1, 1871. Educated in the public schools and graduated from high school at Goshen, Ind. Elected secretary and treas urer of the Geo. A. Rutherford Co. upon its incorporation in January, 190.5. Secretary Land & Building Co. Politically a Republican. FRANK T. ANDREWS Frank T. Andrews, Cleveland. General contractor. Born Fremont, Q., June 12, 1872. Educated in the common schools of Fremont, and Otterbine University, classical course and business course two years. Was a stone cutter about six years. Engaged in the general contracting business at Toledo three years. Then came to Cleveland. Is making a specialty of church, school and public buildings. Director Fremont Sand-Lime Press Brick Co. Member Builders' Exchange, B. P. O. E., No. 169, Fremont, K. of C, No. 592, Fremont. Politically a Democrat. BURTON P. FARAGHER Burton P. Faragher, Cleveland. Civil Engineer & Con tractor. Born Salina, Kansas, Nov. 3, 1872. Educated common schools of Cleveland. With John Cully as Landscape Engineer three years. Assistant Engineer City of Cleveland four years in Park Department. In charge Tunnel work Waterworks De partment three years. Engaged in Contracting business last four years. President Faragher Engineering Co. Member Halcyon Lodge Masons, Civil Engineers Club and Ohio Engineering So ciety. Politically Independent. 254 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO EXPERT ACCOUNTANTS MELVIN T. WILLIAMS EDWARD F. WEBER Melvin T. Williams, Cleveland. President of Ihe State Audit Co. Born Shelby county, O., January 29, 1878. Educated in the district schools. High School of Sidney, O. and one year in the Buckeye Business College. Began career as a bookkeeper 1896. Taught one term in the district schools. Instructor in the busi ness department of the Youngstown Institute for one year. Be gan practice as a public accountant 1900. One of the organizers of the State Audit Co. 1905. Elected president. Still serving. Politically a Democrat, ilember of Disciple church. Edward F. Weber, Cleveland. Manager of the State Audit Co. Born Cleveland, January 10, 1875. Educated in the German Lutheran Parochial Schools. Started in business as a bookkeeper 1894. Engaged in the practice of a public accountant 1900. Appointed manager of the State Audit Co. 1906. Member Lutheran Church and politically a Republican. THEODORE C. ERNST Theodore C. Ernst, Cleveland. Ernst & Ernst, accountants. Born Cleveland, O., Sept. 2:,. 1869. Educated in the Cleveland public schools. After graduating from high school took up the study of bookkeeping and commercial law at Spencerian College. From there went to work for the Nickel Plate R. R., entering the auditor's office, subsequently rising to the position of chief clerk of disbursements, which position he resigned to engage in pres ent business. Member of firm of Ernst & Ernst, public account ants and auditors. Member the Tippecanoe club. Politically a Republican. F. Hohlfelder, Jr., Cleveland. Expert Accountant. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 10, 1866. Educated in the Cleveland pub lic schools and Spencerian Business College. In 1899 organized the first Audit Company incorporated in the State of Ohio, and has since been its manager. For about seven years prior to en gaging in the accounting business was associated with the iron mining interests at Cleveland and Northern Michigan in employ of Republic Iron Co. Devotes all his spare time to church and Sunday school work. Member Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 255 BROKERS— DAIRY INTERESTS ELIJAH EATERS Elijah Bates, Cleveland, Treasurer of The Cleveland Sales Company, born Homeworth, Columbiana County, Ohio, Sept. 17, 1877. Educated in the Alliance public schools and Mount Union College. During the first three years of his career he taught in both district and city schools. After four years' service with the United States Government he entered the employ of Hap- goods. Brain Brokers, as clerk, rising in 1903 to position of Manager of their Cleveland office, which position he held until 1906. In addition to his regular duties he had special charge of their Investment Department. He then assisted in organizing The Cleveland Sales Co., which has already had much to do with furthering the industrial interests of Northern Ohio. He is also financially interested in a number of growing enterprises in Cleveland. JAMES. M GEE James M Gee, Cleveland. President The Cleveland Sales Co Born Kingsville, O., Dec. 2i, 1875. Educated in Kingsville High School and Allegheny College. Western Reserve Law School. Law office student Ashtabula firm of Hoyt & Munsell. Was for three years selling various lines on road. Located in Conneaut 1901 as Dist. Representative of a life insurance company. Came to Cleveland in 1902 and followed same business. 1905-06 Mgr. Technical and Sales Dept Hapgoods, Inc. Employment Experts. Having in the meantime connected with several business men in stock and bond brokerage business incorporated as The Cleve land Sales Company. Vice Pres. and Dir. Colonial Auto Co. Mem. Phi Delta Theta. K. of P. Unity, Ashtabula No. 133. Politically Republican. H. A. PAGE H. A. Page, T'oledo. President and General Manager The Ohio Dairy Co. Born Chippenham, England, Nov. 3, 1879. Educated in the public schools of Dixon, 111. Has been in actiial business since the age of sixteen, in the Milk and Condensed Milk business. Elected President of The Ohio Dairy Co., in 1905. Mason and Odd Fellow. DON G. NEARPASS Don G. Nearpass, Cleveland. General Brokerage. Local Securities. Born Whitehall, Mich., April 24, 1877. Educated in Kingsville common and high schools, Ohio Wesleyan University. Engaged in newspaper work as correspondent and editor from boyhood. After leaving college taught school and was for several years principal of various schools in North Eastern Ohio towns. Entered business life in Cleveland in 1904 in Insurance field, assuming position of Asst. Mgr. of one of larger companies in city. Identified with several commercial enterprises. Secy. and Mgr. The Cleveland Sales Co., Dir. and Treas. The Colonial Aolomobile Co. Member Temple 28, Painesville F. & A. M., Knights of Pythias and several other orders. Politically a Re publican. 256 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO BREWERY INTERESTS ERNST W. MUELLER Ernst W. Mueller, Cleveland. Brewer. Born in Bavaria, 1851. Moved to Cleveland in 1856 and was educated in the public schools of the city. Left school to take up the malt business in which his father was engaged. In 1887 he entered the beer manufacturing industry. Purchasing the old Schmidt & Hoffman Brewing Co. he formed the Cleveland Brewing Co., which he managed until that concern was consolidated in 1898 with the Cleveland & Sandusky Brewing Co. He was made vice president of the merger and in 1899 became president of the concern. He is a member of numerous German clubs and singing societies. Politically he is Independent. OTTO I. . LEISY Otto I. Leisy, Cleveland. Proprietor and manager of the I. Leisy Brewing Co. Born Keokuk, Iowa, May 1, 1863. Edu cated in the schools of New York. Interested in the Ashtabula Worsted Mills and the National Woolen Mills Co. X'ice presi dent Pearl St. Savings & I,oan Co, Director Lincoln Savings & Banking Co. LEONARD SCHLATIIER Leonard Schlather, Cleveland. Retired. Born Germany and came to the United States in 1853, locating in Cleveland. Started in the brewery business. Started in same business for himself in 1857 and continued in same until 1902, when he sold lo the Cleveland-Sandusky Brewing Co. Director People's Sav ings Bank. Director Union National Bank, The Society for Savings and German-American club. GEO. F. GUND Geo. F. Gund, president and treasurer The Gund Brewing Company. Born at LaCrosse, Wis., April 6, 1855. Educated at the public schools at I.aCrosse. Engaged in banking from 1871 to 1876. In December, 1895, to March, 1897, was president of the Seattle Brewing & iNIalting Co., Seattle, Wash., Came to Cleveland and purchased the Jacob Mall Brew ing Co., on April 1, 1897, which firm name was changed Jan. 1, 1900 to Ihe Gund Brewing Company of whiqh he is the president and treasurer. Director of The Broadway Savings & Trust Co. Trustee of the United States Brewers Association. Secretary of the Cleveland Brewers Board of Trade. Member Ins Lodge, Webb Chapter, Oriental Commandery, Al Koran Temple, and Lake Erie Consistory. Member Elks. ¦ Independent in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 257 BREWERY INTERESTS— BROKERS GEORGE J. RENNER, JR. George J. Renner, Jr., Youngstown. Manager the City Brewery. Born Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1856. Educated in the common schools and Business College, Covington, Ky. At the age of fifteen started to learn the brewery business with his father in the Bavarian Brewing Co., Covington, Ky. Moved to Wooster, Ohio, in 1882 and in the brewery business there for three years. Then came to Youngstown and started the City Brewery, which he still runs. Member of the Elks club and Rayne club. Independent in politics. C, G, THOMA C. G. Thoma, Cleveland, Ohio, Manager The Pabst Brew ing Co. Born Cleveland, Ohio, March 28, 1861, Educated in St, Joseph school and public schools of Cleveland. Manager and General Agent for various brewing interests for twenty- two years. Vice President and Director W. D. Jones Co.. Youngstown, Ohio. President The Cleveland Bottlers Co. GEORGE PL BLUIM George H. Bluim, Cleveland. President The Bluim-Ingalls Co., Position Brokers. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1876. Edu cated in the public schools. Began career with the N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. Co., 1892-98. One of the organizers of the Superior Ice Co. and the Consumers Coal Co., 1898. Elected Secretary and Treasurer The Superior Ice Co. and partner in the Consumers Coal Co. 1898-1903. One of the organizers of The Bluim-Ingalls Co. 1903. Vice president and Director The Superior Ice Co. and interested in other corporations. Repub lican in politics. FRED S. INGALLS Fred S. Ingalls, Cleveland. Secretary and Treasurer The Bluim-Ingalls Co., Position Brokers. Born Geneva, Ohio, Jan. 17, 1876. Educated in the public schools. Came to Cleveland in 1894. With the Standard Sewing Machine Co., 1894-1905, being paymaster when he resigned. One of the organizers of the Bluim-Ingalls Co. in 1903. Became actively engaged in the company in 1905. Interested in The Superior Ice Co. and other corporations. Independent in politics. 258 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS— MERCHANDISE BROKERS FRED C. WERK Fred C. Werk, Cleveland. Electrical Engineer and Contrac tor. Born Cleveland, O., March 15, 1866. Educated in com mon schools, Cleveland, and graduated from West High School. Associated with Edison Electric Co., Chicago, 1884. With Brush Electric Co., Chicago, as Construction Supt., for four years. Then with Thompson-Huston Electric Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, for four years. Supt. Construction for W. R. Caulkins, Cleveland, three years. Engaged in Electrical Engineering and Contracting, Cleveland, since 1898, making a specialty of Elec tric Lighting and Power Plants. Member B. P. O. E., No. 18, Quinby Lodge K. of P., Cynthiana, Ky., Chamber of Commerce, Electric Club and Builders' Exchange. Pres. -National Electrical Contractors' Assn. of Ohio and Cleveland Electrical Contractors' Assn. E. W. COLLINS E. W. Collins, Cleveland. Superintendent the Postal Telegraph Co. Born in Canada, Dec. 35, 1852. Educated in the public schools of Cleveland. Has been engaged in telegraphy for the last thirty years. Past Chancellor Com., Knights of Pythias. Member of Telegraphers' Mutual Benefit Association, Chamber of Commerce and the Colonial club. ABRAM K. ACKERMAN Abram K. Ackerman, Cleveland. Manufacturers' agent. Born Patersqn, N. J., June 23, 1855. Educated public schools and Moore's Business College, Atlanta, Ga. In early youth parents moved to Georgia. Began career by devoting three years to printer's trade in a country newspaper. Bookkeeper in a bank six years. In the General Merchandise business several years. Merchandise broker in Atlanta ten years, finally locating in Cleve land in 1898 in same business and is senior member firm A, K. Ackerman & Co., representing some of the largest wholesale grocery lines. Member Empire Lodge, K. of P., No. 47, At lanta, Ga. Royal Arcanum and Y. M. C. A., Cleveland. Politi cally independent. [P.AUL E..KKOEJiLE Paul E. Kroehle, Cleveland, O. Manufacturers agent..' Born at Cleveland, 0., December 5, 1878. Educated in the; public schools and Cleveland West High School and Adelbert College of Western Reserve University. Member of the firm of A. IC Ackerman & Co. Is a 32nd degree Mason and Republican in politics. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 259 HOTEL MEN, ETC. JAMES I-I. THOMPSON James li. Thompson, Cleveland. Thompson & Fox, managers of the Hollenden Hotel. Born Middlefield, O., October 1, 1869. Educated in the .public schools and Hiram College. Came to Cleveland in 1S88. Came to the Hollenden Hotel as clerk in 1889-1898. Then in the Stillman Hotel as one of the proprietors. Returned to the Hollenden I-Iotel as manager in 1901, and is still serving. ' Politically a Democrat and a member of the Methodist Church. MORTIMER G. FOX Mortimer G. Fox, Cleveland. Thompson & Fox, Managers of Ihe Hollenden Hotel. Born Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 4, 187.3. Educated in the public and high schools. Private Secretary to L. E. Holden, 1898-99. Then appointed bookkeeper of The Hollenden Hotel 1899-1900. Then Assistant Manager, and in 1903 appointed to present position. Director I-Iub Transfer & Carriage Co., and interested in other enterprises. Treasurer Cleveland Hotel Keepers' -Vssn. Republican in politics. GEORGE ALBERT BAKER. George Albert Baker. Born jMarion, Ohio, Sept. 5th, 1848. Educated Common Schools. With School till 1885. Came to Tod House 1885. Was Chief Dispatcher and General Freight Agent on Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Railroad. Thir ty-second Degree Mason, Elk, Mystic Legion. Member Youngs town Club. Politically a Republican. . RALPH H. LODGE Ralph I-I. Lodge, Silver Lake Park, Stow Tp., Summit county, O. President and treasurer The Silver Lake Park Co. Manager summer resort. Born Monroe Falls, O., Aug. S, 1830. Educated in common schools of Monroe Falls and Cleveland. Employed by C. & P. Ry. as fireman and machinist three years. Then went into business as market gardner on Willson avenue, Cleveland. Conducted a grocery and meat market at Cleveland for twenty years. In 1870 moved to Silver Lake Park, O., where he has developed a tract of 400 acres, representing an investment of $200,000, and is also engaged in the gardening and farm produce business upon a large scale. Member Pioneers' Society of Sum mit and Portage counties and Summit County Horticultural Society. Politically a Republican. 260 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO FUNERAL DIRECTORS GEORGE W. BILLOW George W. Billow, Akron. Billow & Sons, undertakers. Born Akron, O., May J 3, 1866. Educated in the public schools of Akron. After leaving school was clerk and cashier for hrm of Wolf & Church. Bookkeeper for J. Koch & .Co. for a number of years. Then kept books for his father, Geo! Billow, until 1891, when he organized firm of Billow & Lenhart. With Whitman & Barnes for eight years. Went into the oil business in 1900. at the same time was junior member of The Paige-Billow Co insurance. In 1904 became one of firm of Billow & Sons. Gen erai manager Billow Bros. Oil Co. Member Akron Camp, No. 27, Sons of Veterans. Politically a Republican. Senior Warden and treasurer Church of our Saviour. GEORGE BILLOW George Billow, Akron. Billow & Sons, undertakers. Born Hessen, Darmstadt, Germany, April 3, 1833. Educated in com mon schools at Hessen. Came to the United States in 1844 and settled in Sandusky Co., O. At the age of 16 apprenticed to learn wagonmaker's trade. Learned English at night school at Fremont, O. Continued in carriage business and established himself in Middlebury, O. Captain Co. I, lOTth O. V. I. Took part in battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, and in 1865 returned to Akron and engaged in commercial business. In 1875 established undertaking business in which he still continues. 33rd degree Mason and an Odd Fellow. Past Commander Buckley Post, G. A. R. Politically a Republican. EDWIN L. BILLOW. Edwin L. Billow, Akron. Billow & Sons, undertakers. Born Akron, O., Dec. 22, 1875. Educated in the public schools of Akron. With The Diamond Rubber Co. as clerk and traveling salesman for a number of years. In 1895 went to Indianapolis, Ind., and took a course in scientific embalming, graduating with high honors. Returned to Akron and became partner in firm '3f Billow & Sons. >Iember of firm Billow Bros. Oil Co. Knight Templar Mason. CHARLES F. BILLOW Charles F. Billow, Akron. Billow & Sons, undertakers. Born Akron, O., Nov. 1, 1867. Educated in the public schools of Akron. After leaving school was engaged as clerk for the Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. With this company seven years. In 1888 entered partnership with his father as general man ager the present firm. Member of firm of Billow Bros. Oil Co. Adj utant 1 Sth Ohio Regiment, Uniform Rank, K^nights of Pythias. Politically a Republican. Member of the Episcopal church. Member Akron Camp, No. 27, Sons of Veterans. PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 261 inde:x PAGE A Aborn, Willard Grant 123 Acker, Elmer E 240 Ackerman, Abram K 258 A^Prman, Henry 215 Adams, Asael E 30 Adams, Fred W 176 Adams, Hobart M 157 Adams, John T 177 Adams, Harry C 83 Addams, George Stanton 53 Agnew, William 101 Akins, Albert E 172 Aldrich, Charles J 90 Alexander, W. D. B 105 Allen, Albert Mark 224 Allen, Eugene Wilbur 31 Allen, Luther 23 Alvord, Geo. W 79 Ambler, William E 234 Ammerman, Albert 153 Anderson, David F 82 Anderson, Carl Carey 148 Anderson, H. A 190 Andrews, Frank T 253 Apthorp, Henry 227 Ashman, John E 125 Atwood, A. A 159 Avery, George W 206 B Babcock, Charles 204 Babcock, Wm. A 52 Bachert, John M 194 Baehr, Herman C 101 Baker, Elbert H 231 Baker, George Albert 259 Baker, Walter C 156 Baldwin, Frank L 76 Ball, Herman F 169 Ball, Webb C 201 Barkwill, C. G 27 Barnes, Harley 19 Barnum, Frank Seymour 218 Barr, W. J 147 Barrick, Luther M 78 Barry, D. J 246 Barry, Edwin D 227 Bartlett, E. B 179 Bartley, Rudolph Audon 15 Bartol, George 110 Bartshe, Clarence L 204 Bassett, Charles M 203 Bates, Albert H 70 Bates, Elijah , 255 Beavis, Wm. H 59 Bechtel, Ernest 175 Beck, J. Martin 137 Becker, John Ill Beckley, Willis J 84 Beckwith, George Sherman 184 Beers, Ford P 252 Beidler, Jacob Atlee i 13 Beilstein, Louis E 171 Bell, H. E 81 Bendall, W. A •. 249 Benes, W. Dominick 217 Benner, Chas. C 85 Benner, Joseph S ¦ 31 Bentley, Robert 132 Berk, Nathan M 37 B,eyer, Augustus IS Bicknell, Warren 172 - Bidwell, J. A 107 Bieber, Fred 214 Biggar, Hamilton F 89 Billow, Charles F 260 Billow, Edwin L 360 Billow, George 260 Billow, George W 360 Bingham, Geo. A '. 239 PAGE Bishop, George T 173 Black, Louis 208 Blake, Samuel C 64 Blakely, Elbert F 79 Blakeslee, John R 116 Blanchard, M. 1 129 Blood, Jno. I-I 235 Bluim, George H 257 Bond, Frederick W 78 Bonesteel, Willis E 123 Bonnell, William Scott 30 Borton, Fred S 37 Borton, T. E 37 Bosworth, Newton Cassius 210 Bourne, Eben H 20 Bourne, Herbert C 108 Bowman, Chas. E 236 Boyd, William H 67 Boynton, Washington Wallace 57 Bradley, Arthur 250 Bradley, George J 162 Bradley, Morris A 333 Brady, Anthony Paul 95 Brainard, Henry M 303 Bramley, M. F 14 Brennan, John J^ 353 Brennan, John P 232 Brockway, Clarence M 157 Brodrick, John M 80 Bromley, Henry 168 Brookins, Charles S 146 Brooks, Charles T 60 Brooks, Stephen E 201 Brooks, Thomas H 119 Brown, Rev. C. 1 44 Brown, Fayette 105 Brown, Frank A 199 Brown, George H 154 Brown, G. M 30 Brown, Huntington 104 Brown, Jay F 223 Brown, Paul J 128 Brown, Theophilus P 19 Browne, B. W I5i Biuch, F. W 112 Brush, Charles Francis 16 Buechner, William H 93 Buell, Albert C 88 Buerkle, Philip 348 Buhrer, Stephen 207 Bulford, George H 220 Burdick, Halbert J 91 Burgess, Clarence PI 234 Burke, Vernon H 64 Burnham, Thomas Winston 119 Burridge, Edgar 1 209 Burrows, Charles William 201 Burton, J. Prescott 180 Burton, Theodore E 12 Buschman, Louis 213 Buschman, William C 213 Bushnell, Thomas H 53 C Cady, George W 200 Caine, William H 27 Caine, Frank C 124 Calder, Charles Bradley 163 Canfield, Geo. R 193 Canniff, William Henry 166 Carey, Charles E 49 Carpenter, Otto W 345 Carpenter, Alfred George 57 Carr, C. S 95 Carr, James 339 Carr, William Finley 60 Carter, William J 103 Cartwright, William Young 195 Cary, Chas. R 84 Caswell, Dan 0 234 Gaunter, George 350 PAGE Cawrse, William T 138 Chafer, John Edmondsoii Ill Chamberlain, Frank H 131 Chamberlain, Nick 145 Chamberlain, William W 130 Champ, Joseph H 117 Chapin, Nathaniel D 106 Chapman, II. M 136 Chesney, J. A., M. D 96 Chevrau.x, Rev. C. V 40 Christy, Henry C 198 Christy, Will 173 Church, Rev. Augustus Byington 38 Clampitt, Gay Smith 128 Clark, J. L 144 Clark, William George 235 Climo, Arthur H 146 Close, Charles J 177 Close, Carey B 33 Coach, R. J 104 Cochran, Plarry A 169 Cochran, Chauncey A 132 Cochran, Lucius E 133 Coen, Edward L 38 Cogan, James E 94 Coleman, Frederick A 131 Coleman, Raymond H 131 Collins, John Francis 175 Collins, E. W 258 Collver, D. Jay 170 Colt, William L 157 Colton, Abram W 165 Comey, George P 120 Constans, Oscar A 170 Cook, Mark 33 Cook, Wm. F 240 Cooke, Francis M., Jr 2i5 Coolidge, James I-I 126 Coons, William V 36 Corlett, Charles Parmelee 224 Cotabish, N. C us Coughlin, Thomas 244 Cowdery, Warren H 107 Cowing, John Philo 223 Cowles, John G. W 233 Crafts, William H 24 Craig, George L 164 Craig, John 164 Craig, John F 164 Craig, Pressly Taylor 194 Crane, Fred S 140 Creech, Harris 34 Creith, Horatio C 199 Critchfield, L. R 75 Crobaugh, Frank L 229 Grouse, Hiram P 330 Croxton, David T 123 Cully, Hiram H 48 Gulp, W. T. S 329 Cunningham, H. L 160 Curtis Samuel T 189 Curtiss, J. Milton 234 D Darby, John Eaton 87 Dautell, Carl 68 David, William L S3 Davies, D. T., Jr 102 Davis, Hyman D &fj Dawley, Jay P 57 Decker, Harry 314 Dellenbaugh, Frank Everett 65 Dewstoe, Charles C 98 Dick, Charles 13 Dielhenn, Clarence A 121 Doering, Louis P 161 Dolan, Charles A 311 Dolan, Patrick J 345 Donaldson, John A 183 Donaldson, William A .• 134 Donaldson, William A 148 262 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PAGE Dorn, F. Philip 156 Douglass, Charles L 241 Douglass J. U 104 Downing, Frederick E 238 Doyle, John Hardy 73 Drake, John M 183 Dryfoos, N. 1 117 Dueber, John C 134 Dunbar, William R 27 Durell, George B 107 Duly, Andrew 122 Dyer, J. Milton 218 E Eaton, Rev. Charles Aubrey 42 Eddy, C. W 328 EelLs, Howard P 123 Ehler, George W 47 Eichhorn, . Charles H 36 Eirick, William F 100 Elworthy, Frank H 287 Enwright, Roger C 35 Ernst, Theodore C 354 Esterly, Willis M 121 Evans, Evan J 180 Evans, Wm. H 31 Evans, Wm. H., Jr 31 Everett, Henry A 171 Everhard, Oliver D 81 Evers, William II . 101 r Fanning, M. A 228 Faragher, Burton P 253 Farrell, Rev. Patrick, D. D 40 Fassett, John C 139 Feederle, Plerman O., Capt 249 Fcnncr, J. W 303 Fetterman, R. H 314 Fillius, Charles 77 Fischer, John G 100 Fisher, Orion P 128 Fisher, Cyrus W 18 Fliedner, Charles 336 Folsom, E. M 308 Ford, PI. Clark 65 Ford, Simpson S , 51 Fordyce, George Lincoln 215 Foss, Walter D 184 Foster, Claud H 161 Fournier, William H 208 Fouts, Samuel E. 72 Fox, Mortimer G 259 Foyer, Albert 144 Frankel, Philip 146 Franklin, Charles F 173 Frazier, Samuel Robinson Ph. D 43 French, H. C 243 Fiench, N. E 83 Fretter, Frank B 191 Friedrich, Martin, M. D 91 Friend, A. K 97 Friend, John M 94 Frisbie, Arthur G 235 Fritzchc, Henry E 128 F.-itzchc, Alfred 181 Fuller, Clifford W 62 Fuller, H. A 108 Fuller, I-Iubert Bruce 72 Fuller, William 112 G Galbreath, Charles Burleigh 13 Gammel, R. W 212 Gammeter, Harry C 120 Garretson, George Armstrong 21 Gartland, John L 92 Gassett, Arthur L 151 Gaston, George A 71 Gaston, Rev. William, D. D 41 Geddes. Frederick Lyman 56 Geer, Thomas H 246 Geiger, Daniel A 29 Geiger, Franklin Paul 50 Gemmill, William T., M. D 96 Gentsch, Frank F 67 Gibbons, John W 121 Gibbs, James G . 231 INDE:X— Continued PAGE Gibson, William T 77 Giessen, Charles H 226 Gilbert, Walter R 243 Gilmour, Charles F 159 Gleichman, Morris M 316 Gleim, Albert ¥ 125 Glidden, Frederick A 113 Glidden, F. I-I us Glidden, Francis K 113 Glidden, William J 113 Goakes, Fred W 238 Gobey, John R 199 Goodman, Moses 308 Gorton, Wm. S no Gottschalk, M. J 142 Goulder, Harvey D 68 Graham, Adam 23 Grant, James J 78 Graves, Henry F 176 Gray, Eugene 34 Green. Curtis Perry 124 Greene, Francis H 168 Greene J. E 203 Greenough, Malcolm £ 195 Greer, H. H 84 Greif, William 117 Gridley, George W 239 Grieble, George A 322 Groll, George 0 147 Gund, Geo. F 256 Guthery, Erwin G 62 Guthery, Frederick E 83 H Hackenberg, I-Iarvey E- . ¦ 112 Pladden, Alexander 51 Hagloch, Fred W 176 Haldeman, D. D 136 Hale, Willis B 239 Plaley, Thomas J 153 Hall, Lucien B 303 Hamann, Carl A,, M. D 91 Hamby, J. W 235 Handy, Edward A 167 Hanna, Marcus Alonzo 11 I-Iarbaugh, Geo. E 193 Harbaugh, Charles R 114 Harding, Frank 1 193 Harlan, Henry H 84 Harrison, J. F 114 Harpster, David 32 Harrington, Charles A 29 Harris, William H 73 Hartzog, William B., Rev 42 Harvey, Allyn F 170 Haserot, F. H 204 Haserot, Samuel F 118 Haskins, Clifford B 64 Hatch, H. R 21 Hatfield, Edward P 63 Haupt, Howard W 161 Hausheer, Louis 215 Hawkins, Albert W 124 Hawley, Davis 28 Hawley, Davis, Jr 83 Haydn, Alexander 51 Haydn, Hiram Collins, Rev 38 Hayes, I-Iarry E 35 Hearley, M. T 194 Heffner, David A.... 86 Henderson, Thomas 154 Henderson, John M 58 Henley, William J 213 Henry, John C 203 Herrick, Myron T 11 Herrick, William PL, M. D 87 Heward Thos. IT 189 Hiatt, Casper Wistar, Rev 42 Hickox, Charles 17 Hier, W. R 180 HieLt, Emery R 84 Higgins, Harvey A 115 Higley, Charles , . . . ; 66 Hill, Thomas W 21 Hills, Howard B., M. D 93 PAGE Hipp, J. C 333 Hirt, J. M 25 Hitchcock, Peter 17 Hobson, Joseph Franklin 87 Hockwalt, Theodore A 340 Hodell, Henry H H7 Hodges, Wm. W 220 Hogsett, Thomas N 58 Hohlfelder, F., Jr 364 Holden, L. Dean 197 Holden, Liberty Emery 330 Hoover, Delbert E., M. D 93 Hopkins, Benjamin F , 64 Hopkins, Evan Henry 63 Hopkins, W. Rowland 60 Horn, Oscar J 70 Hornickel, Geo. H ; . . . . 186 Horsey, E. T I6I Horstmann, Ignatius F., Rev 39 Hotze, Conrad L 63 I-Iouck, Ceo. F., Rt. Rev. Msgr 39 Hough, Addison Hills 36 Howard, Adams B . . . . , 227 Howe, Charles Sumner 45 Hower, Otis M 141 Hoyt, Janies Humphrey 55 I-Iubbard, John 142 Hubbell, Benjamin S. 217 Hubby, Frank W 119 Plubby, Rollin Germain gi8 Pluggins, Thomas F 244 Hughes, Alfred R 143 Hughes, Will E 149 I-Iuling, Chas. S 237 Hull, Jno. B 73 Humphrey, Frank E 187 Hunt, William PI 109 Huntington, tlugh 251 Hussey, P. L 152 I-Jutchins, John C 54 I-Iyde, William John, Rev 43 I Ingalls, Fred S 257 Ingersoll, Alvan F 61 Inman, Charles T 216 J Jackson, B. W 336 James, Daniel H 83 Jardine, Robert 165 Jenks, Robert PI 198 Jerome, Frank J 168 Johns, John E 248 Johnson, A. L 120 Johnson, Chas. T 153 Johnson, Hale C 74 Johnson, E. G 74 Johnson, Tom Loftin 12 Johnston, Albert W 166 Johnston, J. 0 195 Johnston, John Knox 178 Jones, Gaius J., M. D 89 Jones, J. Powell * 48 Jones, Nathaniel M 92 Judkins, Clyde li 68 K. Kachelmacher, N. L- C '. . . 185 Kale, Warren H 103 Keeler, Harvey R 52 Keetch, William I : . 201 Keim, John 32 Keim, Mahlon J 32 Keller, Wm. F 144 Kelley, Herman Alfred 55 Kendall, Franklin H 48 Kendall, Frederick A 341 Kennedy, Charles E 331 Kennedy, Robert P 86 Kent, Marvin 17 King, Clifford Julius 75 King, George G 178 King, W. S 143 Kirby, Rev. Edward A., D. D 44 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO 263 PAGE Kirk, Edward .\ 158 Kirk, Frank M 182 Kirkpatrick, Wilson Heath 153 Kittredge, Lewis H 153 Klein, Joseph J 71 Kling, John A 109 Klumph, Arch C 199 fpiapp. Frank A 178 napp, W. J 151 Krause, W. J 184 Kretsinger, Frederick Sherwood 107 Kroehle, Paul E 268 Kuhn, Frank L 65 Kundtz, Theo'ior 118 L Lampman, Luellen D 186 Lamprecht, J. 1 191 Lander, Howard W 127 Lane, Rev. Thomas W., D. D 41 Langin, F. W 72 Latimer, Jay E 172 Latty, Henry T 109 Latty, Samuel D 109 Laubach, Wm. F 179 Lawrence, Edward E 214 Lawyer, Charles 74 Lehman, John H 248 Leisy, Otto 1 256 Leiter, Thomas C 148 Lenihan, Ernest P 244 Leonard, Emerson B 77 Leonard, J. A 228 Leonard, Rt. Rev. William Andrew, D. D. 38 Lermann, Al. C 348 Levagood, Hon. M. PI 134 Lewis, Charles T 73 Lewis, Edward C 97 Lewis, Joseph M., M. D 90 Lewis, Thomas L 102 Libby, John H 352 Ligett, Newton E 178 Lighthall, Marshall B 159 Lindhorst, Richard I-Ienry 97 Little, Bascom 19 Locke, Robinson 230 Lodge, Ralph H 259 Longee, William S 221 Loomis, L. W 141 Love, George R 96 Loveless, Charles B 143 Lowe. John C 147 Lower, Josiah C 337 Luck, I-Ienry C 91 Lynch, Charles P 48 M McArdle, John W 193 McAuliffe, P. II 133 McBride, John Harris 300 McBride, Lee 300 McCarty, J. E 320 McCaskey, Melvin E 17* McCaughey, W. D 150 McClean, Dr. Samuel N 106 McClintock, O. N 116 McQoskey, Rev. James P 40 McConnell, James N 150 McDonel, James Dormer 34 McGee, James 356 McGee, John B., M. D 88 McGeorge, Harold 226 McGeorge, John 226 McGilvrey, John E 47 McGorray, Joseph V 228 McGranaghan, Wm. H 93 McGrath, Lorenzo F 184 Mcllrath, Benson 238 McKeehan, Homer H 55 McKinley, William 11 McKisson, Robert Erastus 61 McLachlan, Archibald D 155 McLauchlan, Wm 187 McLean; David E ¦ ; ¦ • • 35 McMahon, Rev. William . 39 M'cMillan, George B 251 McMillin, Francis Calvin 61 INDEX— Continued PAGE McMurray, Chas. R 150 McMyler, P. J 191 McNairy, Amos B 15 McQuigg, John R 67 McWatters, John C 211 MacDonald, S. F 142 Mackenzie, Richard J 100 Mackenzie, Robert F 309 Maedje, Chas. W 233 Magoon, Richard PI 158 Manak, Frank C 66 Mannen, John E 131 Mapes, John P 126 Mapes, Perry E 126 Marble, Henry D 181 Marshall, Waldo H 107 Mathers, James 85 Maurer, W. F 66 Maxson, Wm. B 247 Meacham, Roland T 36 Meade, Frank B 218 Meals, Walter D 62 Meeker, Claude 34 Meier, Gus H 145 Meisel, Max E 85 Melcher, Joseph A 26 Merrifield, Edward S 333 Merrill, Alfred H 164 Merrill, C. Wesley 80 Merritt, Edward Alford 108 Merville, Ernest E 49 Miller, Chas. PI 166 Miller, Charles Russell 59 Miller, C. H 124 Miller, Bernard 310 Miller, Thomas W 163 Millns, Al. J 190 Minnick, C. F 353 Mitchell, Alfred 165 Mitchell, John 165 Moon, Lee D 244 Moore, Edmond I-I 76 Moore, Edward W 171 Moore, Edward Young 119 Moore, li. S 160 Morgan, Charles F 63 Morris, Samuel G 238 Morrison, David 234 Morse, Geo. W 163 Moulton, Edwin Franklin 45 Muckley, Henry C 50 Mueller, Ernst W 256 Mulhern, George G 99 Mullen, Martin 183 Murdock, Bloom F 215 Murphy, Jerry T 193 Murray, Dennis T 169 Murray, William P 188 Murrill, Alfred H 164 Myers, F. E. 135 Myers, Max 197 Myers, Philip A 135 N Nason, Millard H 59 Nearpass, Don G 255 Needs, Samuel Henry 184 Nevin, James E 76 Newcomb, Harrison R 20 Newcomb, Robert B 67 Newman, Adolph 1 65 Nichols, John D 126 Nicola, Charles A 197 Nieberding, Frank A 161 Noah, Andrew H 162 Noville, Frank : 97 Nutt, Joseph R 32 O ©'Brien, Jolin H 115 Odell, Andrew R 65 Olmsted, George H 341 Olmsted, Harry 185 Orr, Charles S 46 Orth, Samuel P 46 Osborn, Frank C 333 PAGE Osborn, Henry Chisholm 130 Osborn, Louis A 306 Ostrander, Frederick E 49 Otis, Chas. A. Jr 35 Oviatt, Arthur N 221 Owen, Charles W 80 Owen, Ralph R 168 Owen, Wilber A 80 P Pack, Charles Lathrop 20 Packard, Frank L 217 Page, H. A 255 Paige, David King 249 Paine, John W 225 Palmer, Edward W 205 Palmer, Frederick Herbert 205 Palmer, Richard L 216 Parish, Le Grand 170 Park, Servetus W 29 Parker, Charles B 87 Parkhurst, Edwin H 153 Parsons, Sampson W 36 Pate, William Jr 229 Patterson, William E 71 Pattison, John M 11 Paul, John 252 Pearce, Jay B 209 Pease, F. A 225 Peitch, Frederick T 198 Pelton, Russell K 207 Penfield, Louis W.. 143 Penton, John A 330 Perdue, Robert li 247 Perkins, Edwin R 166 Perrin, William N 23 Pettee, George D 46 Pew, John 0 133 Pew, Robert C 194 Phelps, George H 83 Phillips, Charles F 127 Phillips, John J 180 Phillips, William G 213 Phillips, William H 89 Phypers, Charles J 247 Phypers, George W 347 Pickands, Henry S 187 Pickands, Jay M 187 Pierce, Stephen Lawrence 130 Pierce, Robert S 129 Piero, William J 79 Pifer, George N 140 Pollock, James A 49 Pomeroy, Fred Tillinghast 173 Pomeroy, Harlan 88 Pool, Henry J 96 Post, Charles Asa 23 Post, William B 343 Prather, Henry B.- 179 Prendergast, Frank Abel 185 Prentiss, Francis Fleury 15 Prescott, William Ill Price, Richard T 183 Price, John H 63 Priddy, S. N. E 196 Pumphrey, PL B 237 Putnam, Charles Sumner 98 Putt, Wilson A 47 Pyle, Benjamin F 140 Q Quail, Frank Adgate 58 Quayle, John H 92 Quigley, liugh C 236 Quigley, Peter D 69 Quigley, Thomas F ' 69 R Ranney, Henry Clay 54 Rassel, Nicholas W 137 Raymond, Samuel Atwater 233 Reaugh, Ernest W 351 Rcder, Isaac 310 Redington, H. G 81 Reed, Wm. W 327 Reeder, Glezen Asbury, D. D 43 Renner, George J., Jr ". 357 264 PROGRESSIVE MEN OF NORTHERN OHIO PAGE Reynolds, Arlington^ G 79 Rhu, Auguste 96 Rice, Eranious 313 Rich, Walter J 192 Richards, Clarence E 330 Richards, Franklin B 188 Richardson, Edward Anson 217 Richardson, John Edward 139 Richardson, Solon 0 136 Richmond, Charles T 113 Ricks, Wm. F 29 Riddle, J. Q 203 Riddles, Henry Warner 139 Riester, August E 132 Rinehart, Andrew B 141 Robinson, James Adams 207 Robinson, Wm. T 33 Robison, Frank DeHass 174 Rockefeller, Frank 17 Rockwell, David Ladd 63 Rockwell, Samuel 167 Rogers, Edward S 211 Rogers, George Blake 46 Rogers, W. S 176 Root, A. 1 143 Root, Frederick P 200 Rose, Benjamin 16 Rote, Robert 0 168 Rowe, Joseph J 103 Rudd, George A 206 Rudd, William C 206 Ruetenik, Gustave A 47 Ruhl, James B 68 Ruhlman, J. H 174 Russell, George Ford 158 Russell, George Shelley 31 Rust, George P 342 Rutherford, George A 263 S Saffold, S. S 243 Salen, Charles P 99 Sanders, John C 89 Sanders, Wm. B 66 Sarstedt, Frank A 103 Saunders, Arnold C 181 Schatzinger, E 351 Schaufelberger, John W 73 Schindler, John H 137 Schlather, Leonard 256 Schmick, C. N 60 Schmidt, Charles 163 Schmidt, Otto F 138 Schneider, Adolph B 94 Schoedinger, Franklin Oscar 149 Schwan, George H 53 Scofield, Donald Cleveland 219 Scofield, Levi Tucker 219 Scofield, Sherman Wright 319 Scofield, Wm. Marshall 219 Scouller, Calvin R 209 Seagrave, Frank E 173 Sears, Frederick Wm Ill Seedhouse, Edwin 145 Seiberling, Charles W 141 Seikel, Edward C 86 Scuey, Henry W 54 Senter, Frederick B 188 Shanks, Chas. B 154 Sharp, David G 127 Sharp, William G 148 Sheadle, Jasper H 187 Sheer, George D 133 Sheldon, C. E 145 Sherman, John M 36 Sherman, Walter Justin 225 Sherwood, Charles A l90 Shingler, Rev. John J 44 Shulters, Hoyt Volney 195 Shurmer, Daniel 155 Shurmer, E. D 165 Siddal, George Bennett 58 Siegelstein, Louis E 101 Skeel, Roland E., M. D 88 Sladden, Walter K 196 Slatmeyer, Henry G 350 Sloane, Thomas Morrison 75 INDEX— Continued PAGE Slocum, Milton R 212 Slutz, Worthington Brighton 41 Smies, Frederick W 115 Smith, Alvin Hugh 160 Smith, Dr. Homer J 43 Smith, Edwin B 198 Smith, Franklin G 129 Smith, Harry H 216 Smith, H. Lindale 85 Smith, Jared Augustine 14 Smith, J. Craig 18 Smith, John R 92 Smith, Stiles C 203 Smyser, Martin L 13 Smythe, Frank A 135 Snider, Martin 110 Snyder, Elmer W 246 Snyder, William H 147 Snyder, Wm. Sherwood 36 Solders, George B 54 Somers, Charles W 182 Speelman, Lloyd E 139 Spencer, Albert Kingsley 99 Spencer, George W 90 Spencer, John C 231 Sperry, Francis Louis 229 Sprague, Col. Jas. H. . 163 Springborn, W. J 103 Squire, Andrew 56 Stadler, John L 138 Stafford, O. M 24 Stahl, Harlow C 149 Stambaugh, I-Iarry J 133 Stambaugh, John 133 Stanley, George A 174 Stearns, Arthur A 60 Stecher, Frederick W 130 Stecher, Henry W 35 Stern, Joseph L 71 Stewart, Harry Bartlett 78 Stilwell, Rev. Herbert F 42 Stoke, U. S. G 140 Stone, Arthur Lee 197 Stone, Carlos M 14 Storrs, Henry Stanton 167 Stowe, Henry M 243 Strangward, William 130 Striebinger, Frederic Wm 221 Strimple, Theodore L 51 Strong, Chas. Henry 223 Stroud, Edwin G 226 Sturm, L. E 177 Sullivan, Jeremiah Jay 23 Sullivan, John J 98 Sullivan, Lafayette S 165 Summers, D. 0 146 Suplicki, Rev. Andrew J 50 Swasey, Ambrose 15 Swift, Heman Sedgwick 175 Swinehart, James A 162 T Tabor, Franklyn Breed 125 Taft, Frederick L 61 Taggart, Frank F 186 Talbot, Wilbur S 161 Taplin, Charles Grandy 189 Tayler, Robert Walker 13 Tayler, Geo. H 196 Taylor, B. J 150 Taylor, Daniel R 233 Taylor, T. E 193 Taylor, John W 335 Teachout, Abraham 305 Teachout, Albert R 205 Teagle, John 190 Telling, Wm. E 125 Temple, Rev., W. H. G 41 Thatcher, Charles A 86 Thesmacher, George F 133 Thew, Richard 135 Thoma, C. G 357 Thomas, Fred P 346 Thomas, J. V 159 Thomas, John J., M. D 94 Thomas, Richard Sanford 24 Thompson, James H 259 Thorpe, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas P 39 Thurston, Edwin L 70 Thwing, Charles Franklin, D. D., L. L. D. 45 PAGE Tilden, Duane H 52 Tilden, Harry A 69 Tinnerman, George A 36 Tod, George 19 Townsend, Frank H 32 Towson, Ephraim H 250 Tracy, James J 16 Trask, Jerome Cuyler ..." 241 Treadway, Augustine R 10(> Treadway, Lyman H 106 Tucker, Nathan 33 Tucker, William H 98 Turner, Clayton A 311 Tuttle, Isaac Dexter 177 Tyler, Washington S 105 U Upson, Andrew S 110 Upson, George D 90 Upstill, Emmet A 181 Uthe, Charles H ' 232 V ¦ .1 '. 40 . 110 22? , 100179 . 189324231 Vahey, Rev. George J Van Dorn, James H Varney, Joshua D ........ . Vevera, John Viall, Fred S Vilas, Malcolm Gorham Vorce, Myron B ^'. Vortriede, Henry Clay w Wade, James 57 Wade, Jeptha li 30 Wagar, Mars E 346 Waite, George S 157 Walker, J. B 104 Walker, Ulysses G 37 Wall, William E 192 Walsh, Cornelius M 144 Walton, Edward S 139 Ward, George S 116 Warner, Dorr E 69 Warner, Franz Childs 222 Warner, Theodore M 114 Warner, William H 181 Wason, Charles William 171 Weatherhead, Albert J 115 Weber, Edward F 254 Webster, James ' 169 Webster, John Howard 105 Weed, Albert H 59 Weeks, Frederick H 137 Weil, Arthur Bernard, E. E. M. E 160 Weinle, Henry C. . 196 Wells, George F 82 Welty, Horace G 213 Welty, John Cullin 13 Wenham, Arthur A ' 204 Werk, Fred C 258 West, Sylvester S 118 Wheatley, William E., M. 1 , 95 Wheeler, Gen. Joseph ... 14 Whelan, Nicholas P '. 53 Whipple, William B. ... ' 207 Whitcomb, Theodore C. ; . 163 White, Alvin C 74 White, Clyde M 68 White, Fred R J 156 White, Henry Clay 51 White, Howard , 23 White, Rollin C 156 Wick, Alfred H 16 Wick, E. Mason 30 Wick, Frederick H 133 Wick, I-Ienry C ' 38 Wiebenson, Edward J. L. 26 Wightman, Charles A. . . . 249 Wigmore, J. A 240 Wilder, Alonzo J 149 Wilkins, Charles M 77 Williams, Clarence A. . . . 37 Williams, Edward Paysor 188 Williams, Rev. Chas. D. 38 Williams Robert F 210 Williams, Melvin T 354 Wilmot, Charles A ." 75 Wilson, James W 243 Winder, John H '. 185 Winn, D. E , 28 Winton, Alexander 154 Wirt, Benjamin F 76 Wise, Clifford C : 138 Wise, Oliver 81 Witt, Peter ¦ 103 Wolfenstein, Samuel 46 Wood, Morgan ' 343 Woodman, Thaddeus F 18 Woods, James H 183 Woodward, Jesse M 70 Worthington, George H 108 Wright, Robert C 99 Wright, Samson D 114 Wylie, Rev. Edmund Melville 44 Young, Joseph Sheldon 175 Young, T. E 186 Zahm, John Franklin 136 Zettlemeyer, Charles 183 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01346 0135