Yale University Litirary 39002013463816 ACQUIRED BY EXCHANGE ARNOLD'S POINT "The schooner. Royal Savage, was beached at Arnold's Point on Valcour Island and abandoned on October ii, 1776. In the evening she was boarded by the British and burned. Her hull was dragged out by subse quent storms and may be seen to this day a short distance from the shore through the ice in winter or when the water is cakn in summer." THREE CENTURIES IN CHAMPLAIN VALLEY A COLLECTION OF HISTORICAL FACTS AND INCIDENTS Tercentenary Edition Compiled and Edited by Mrs. GEORGE FULLER "TUTTLE Regent of Saranac Chapter Published by SARANAC CHAPTER, D. A. R. PLATTSBUR&H, N. Y. 1909 Copyright, 1909 By Mes. Gboegb Fulleb Tuttle <^ I'EBSS OF bjijndow pkintixo company Ak: ant. N. Y. INTRODUCTION " Three Centuries in Champlain Valley " has been sug gested by the Tercentenary celebration, by the history and literature of the valley and by frequent inquiries in regard to the same. In response to such inquiries reference can be made to many sources of information but these are often inaccessible to the public or scattered through so many books as to make an examination by the stranger or sojourner im possible. Even among otir own people there is far too little knowledge in regard to local history, and each year sees the obliteration of many old landmarks and loss of valuable records. For the preservation of these memorials Saranac Chapter is endeavoring to place them in a permanent form accessible to the general reader. Relying upon the principle that no section is so remote from the general government or so insignificant that its history is not dependent to a great extent upon the laws and methods of that government, this book has been constructed upon a framework of general, well-authenticated history, filled in and, it is hoped, illuminated by the " Home aspect of history," Biography and Genealogy, especially as it pertains to the settlers and dwellers in this valley. Webster said, " There is a moral and philosophical respect for our ancestors which elevates the character and improves the heart." Then, shaH we not consider these things.? The work, in year book form, may be used by the general reader as a daily reminder of historical anniversaries; this form also renders typographical errors in important dates less frequent. The tourist, by means of the calendar arrangement and subject index, may easily inform himself in regard to the history of any particular point. The student, employing the subject index carefully with reference to the works quoted, will be able to collect information in regard to special subjects. To the thoughtful reader, coincidence of date, similarity of 4 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley name, and proximity of location often reveal unsuspected historical truths. By following successive dates, expeditions and journeys may be traced and information gained from a number of witnesses. The same is true as to the development of certain phases of social economy. " Three Centuries " is not intended to supersede or take the place of an5rthing hitherto published. It is hoped rather that it will be regarded as an appreciation of the work done by those who have either wrought or fought in this incom parable valley. Naturally emphasis has been placed on the Champlain period and the Revolutionary and Pioneer history. Webster also said " Those who do not look upon them selves as a link, connecting the past with the future, do not perform their duty to the world." To perform that duty Saranac Chapter is endeavoring to establish that Unk between the brave pioneers who settled this valley and its present inhabitants. All quotations are from the works of natives of the Cham plain valley or in some way connected with it. Extracts have been freely made from the Journal of Will GilUland found in Watson's Pioneer History of Champlain Valley, the original document being still treasured in a family of descendants; a daughter of which, was during her lifetime, a useful and beloved member of our Chapter. To the student of colonial history and of human nature to follow this earliest settler of the Champlain valley, Gilliland, in his daily life and observa tions, cannot be wholly without interest. His notes on the weather lead us to believe that the climate has not greatly changed in the lapse of a century and a half. It may be interesting, also, to hear personally from different officers who accompanied Burgoyne's army and from travellers through our lake in the long ago. The poems of the precocious Davidson sisters, whom such authors as Washington Irving, the poet Southey and equaUy competent judges deHghted to honor, should not be forgotten — the few poems that remain of their talented brother Levi P. Davidson, an officer in the regular army, and their most remark- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 5 able mother, Mrs. Margaret Miller Davidson, are worthy of note. Nor have those more recent authors, Buckham, Peck, Robinson, Stetson, Saxe and others been omitted. Information has been sought from widely different sources, from standard histories, fiction, newspaper files, pamphlets, scrapbooks, carefully compiled by the one interested member usually found in every family; from family records both pub lished and in manuscript; early town records, and whatnot. Among the historians consulted, Bancroft, Colby, Palmer, Park- man, Scribner, Watson and Windsor, may be mentioned ; also, the Documentary History of New York, Thompson's Vermont, Hemenway's Vermont Historical Gazeteer, County and Town Histories and biographical sketches. It would be impossible to mention the individuals to whom the compiler is indebted and with thanks to one and all she would say in the words of Burlington's poet, James Buckham, " Good-night to the world, and may God bless you all." Quotations from "A Wayside Altar," The Heritage of Life," etc. by James Buckham are made through the courtesy of Jennings and Graham, Publishers THREE CENTURIES IN CHAMPLAIN VALLEY JANUARY 1 All hail to the new-bom year! To the child of hope and fear! He comes on his car of state. And weaves our web of fate. And he opens his robe to receive us all, And we Uve or die, and we rise or fall. In the arms of the new-bom year. — Margaret Miller Davidson, Plattsburgh, 1823 — Saratoga, 1838. 1766 — the severe cold obliged us to quit the road this day at Eliza point and come home. Journal of WiU. Gilliland. Caddy, near Armagh, Ireland, abt. 1734 — ^Willsboro, 1796. 1767 Willsboro, — This day we had a shooting match at John Chism's. I won 2 matches, Mr. James Thompson won i, and John McElrea, won i match. — Idem. 1801 On New Year's day of the opening year of the nineteenth century, at the Miller homestead, head of Broad street, Dr. John Miller, pioneer physician, gave the hand of Eliza Hunting, his eldest daughter, to Levi Piatt in marriage. 5 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1806 Gen. Benj. Mooers, his home being then on Cum.berland Head near the mouth of Dead Creek, gave as a New Year's gift to his negro girl " Ann " her freedom. 1809 Occurred the marriage of Smith Mead, who came to this country in 1807, to Hannah, daughter of John Roberts of So. Plattsburgh, a soldier of the Revolution, who, with his father, John Sr., and his brothers, Peter, Benjamin, Christopher and William, with his brother-in-law, Nathan Beman, participated in the battles of Hubbardton, Ben nington and Saratoga; was also at the taking of Ti. 1814 To " Squire " John G. and his wife Margaret O. Savage Freligh, was bom a daughter, Margaret Anne, destined to become the wife of Hon. Moss Kent Piatt. 1818 Theodorus Bailey, son of Judge Wm. Bailey of Chateaugay and Plattsburgh, entered the navy as midshipman. 1860 At her home, present site of County Clerk's office, died Helen Hascall, daughter of Ralph and Mary Sterne Hascall, of Essex, and wife of Judge Lemuel Stetson. The Stetson Memorial Chapel pre sented to Trinity church by her only surviving son, Francis Lynde Stetson of New York, perpetuates her memory. 1864 In the evening, at his home on Cumberland avenue, at the age of 82, died Wilham Swetland, by general consent " the greatest lawyer in Northern New York." Disabled by paralysis for many years, symp toms of congestion of the lungs appeared on New Year's morning. To his physician, hastily sum moned, he said " Doctor, this is all of earth, I am content! " Three Centuries in Champlain Valley .9' 1869 "The BurHngton Times," a morning daily, merged in " The Free Press." 1894 In Albany, died Hon. Wm. Piatt Mooers of Plattsburgh, oldest and only surviving son of Dr. Benj. J. Mooers and grandson of both John Mooers, brother of Gen. Benj., and of Elder William Pitt Piatt, all pioneers. JANUARY 2 1766 — from this time to the 15th, employed the men cutting logs, firewood, etc. — Gilliland. 1767 — very cold weather; this evening Ireland and David (colored) came home from the south meadow, were both frost bit. — Idem. 1787 Second of January the snow was aU gone, — Charles Piatt to his brother Zephaniah. 1792 Charter of the town of Johnson, Vermont, bear ing name of grantee, Samuel William Johnson, issued by Gov. Chittenden. 1840 Mrs. Timothy Balch was to be prayed for by aU the other members of the First Presbyterian Church, according to a custom then prevailing. 1846 On College Street, Burlington, was burned Howard's, afterwards Gould's Hotel, where General Lafayette was banqueted June 29, 1825. Elkanah Watson of Port Kent was a guest at the time. 1854 The Rev. David Dobie, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, dedicated to his people " Dis courses Doctrinal and Practical." lO Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JANUARY 3 Lo! these unrisen days. What shall they bring to thee, to me? — James Buckham, Burlington, 1858 — Melrose, Mass., 1908. 1749 Benning Wentworth, Governor of New Hamp shire, made a grant of a township six miles square which he called Bennington. — they found themselves on a high ridge, slop ing to the north, with the matchless reach of the Walloomsac valley on every side. Eastward, the long dark range of mountains blue with changing shadows ; northward, the rolUng meadows, — west ward, Mount Anthony, emerald against the blue; and southward, the town founded by Benning Went worth, the Bennington of Stark and Ethan AUen. — Theodora Peck — Hester of the Grants, Burlington. 1776 The remains of Montgomery, respected and beloved by friend and foe, were buried near the ramparts of Quebec, there to remain until July, 181 8, when, on board the Phoenix, with flags at half-mast and draped with the emblems of mourning and insignia of the state, they were borne through the lake to their final resting place in St. Paul's churchyard, New York City. 1908 Incorporation of Clinton County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children by Hon. W. J. McCaffrey, Mrs. Wm. Levy, Mrs. D. K. Gilbert, Mrs. Geo. S. Weed, B. S. Ramsey, J. H. LaRocque. For animals, Misses Smith, McCaffrey and Farley, Messrs. McCaffrey, Elmore, Kempner and Davis. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley ii JANUARY 4 1767 4th to the 12th, warm good weather, built part of our clay chimney in the new kitchen. — Gilliland. 1796 At a town-meeting held in Champlain this date, Nat. Douglass, PHny Moore and Zerah Curtis were chosen the first school trustees. The same day in WaUingford, Vt., was born Sally Clark, whose father, in 1803, removed with his family to Peru, where she became the wife of John Loderick Hackstaff. 1812 At Albany by the Rev. Mr. Neill, the Rev. William R. Weeks of Plattsburgh to Miss Hannah Randell, daughter of Mr. John Randell, of the town of Colonic. 1839 On this day, Friday, a Church Fast had been appointed by the session of the First Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh and it had been resolved " that the Elders visit the Church at least once before taking up the subject we have just been considering (the dismissal of the Rev. Benj. Ball Newton) and especially in view of the near approach of our Com munion." 1886 Death of Caroline Standish Weed, daughter of Col. Matthew Matthew and Phebe Miller Standish and wife of Hon. Smith Mead Weed. 12 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley SIR GEORGE PREVOST I767-1816 JANUARY 5 1816 Death of Sir George Prevost, son of Augustine Prevost (a British general of the Revolution), defeated by Macomb at Plattsburgh, 1814. 1830 The first Baptist Society of BurHngton formed. 1846 John Syng Dorsey Taylor, a graduate of the University of Vermont in 1840 in the class with Henry J. Raymond, afterwards editor of the New York Times; Henry Hale of Elizabethtown and James R. Spaulding, editor of the Courier and En quirer of New York, was appointed principal of Plattsburgh Academy and retained that position nearly all the time until i860. An apt scholar and efficient teacher, a friend as well as an instructor, a noble hearted, pure-minded man he left the impress of his own character on all who came under his influence. He built the house, now owned by Mrs. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 13 Myron G. Baker and made it his home. Disappointed in his efforts to inaugurate a system of graded schools here, in connection with his brother Joseph W., who had been head of the school in 1857-8, he opened a school in St. Albans which they conducted success fully many years. 1838 The men interested in the formation of an Episcopal church at Rouse's Point, met in the stone sdiool house built in 1824 and organized " Christ's Church." 1882 EUjah Root, for half a century chief engineer of the Champlain Transportation Co., on accoimt of faiHng health resigned that position. JANUARY 6 1729 Governor Thomas Chittenden was born in Guil ford, Conn. Early in the spring of 1774, having purchased a tract of land on the Winooski, or Onion river, in the township of Williston, he removed his family to the New Hampshire Grants as Vermont was then called. But in June, 1776, on the approach of the British army he was obliged to remove them to Arlington for safety. For him Chittenden County, Vt., was named. 1800 George Marsh, who, in 1791, with his wife, Polly Buel, his brother Charles and his sister Catherine, all from Litchfield, Conn., settled in Plattsburgh, became second Major in Lieut. Col. Commandant Benj. Mooer's regiment. The same day, his brother Charles Marsh was second Lieut, of a troop of horse in Brig. Gen. Melancton L. Woolsey's brigade of light infantry. 14 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1808 The executors of Zephaniah Piatt manumitted Cato. WiUiam Bailey, also, on that day manumitted his man Pete. In Londonderry, Ireland was bom Margaret, daughter of James Sanders, who, in 1833 became the wife of Josiah Corbin of Champlain, N. Y. 1845 Ethan Voltaire Allen, son of Gen. Ethan and Fanny Buchanan AUen, died in Norfolk county, Virginia. JANUARY 7 TOBOGGANING With tip curled like a withered leaf Down sliding when the days are chill. My light toboggan skims the snow. That crusts the forest-bordered hill. — James Buckham,. 1746 On the receipt of various information by Indians coming from New England, that the EngHsh propose attacking Fort St. Frederic, the General has just ordered the fitting out at Montreal of a new detach ment, consisting of 150 men, both French and Indians, under the command of M de St. Luc la Come, to join Mr. de St. Pierre's party, and to protect Fort St. Frederic. — Paris Documents New York Colonial Manuscripts. 1814 In Philadelphia in poverty died Gen. Ira AUen, a brother of Ethan Allen and Vermont's founder and great diplomat during the trying years of the Revo lution. His remains were deposited in pubHc grounds and his grave remains unmarked. The wrongs and misfortunes of Ira Allen, on the eastern side of the lake, and of William GilHland, on Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1 5 the shore directly opposite, are the direst I ever read of inflicted on deserving man, under form of law, in a civilized community. —W. H. H. Murray. Guilford, Conn., 1840 — Guilford, 1904. JANUARY 8 Sometimes in January, oftener toward the close of February, there comes to our winter-bound Northern States a day or two, perhaps a week, of balmy, springHke weather, that uncovers the brown earth and sets the streams a-brawling, and makes one think that verily old winter's fetters have been broken. — James Buckham. 1771 Memorial of William GillUand for a grant of 7,350 acres of land, near Lake Champlain, together with part of a creek on which he has erected some miUs. — Land Papers, Vol. 40, page 56. 1812 The Rev. WUlard Preston settled as pastor of the Congregational church at St. Albans, Vt., where he remained until September 181 5 when his health compeUed him to seek a nulder climate to the sor row of his people who twice afterwards soHcited his return. 1814 A detachment of infantry from Chateaugay Four Comers ordered to Plattsburgh by Gen. WU- kinson, reached there after a forced march of forty miles that day. — Peter Sailly Palmer. Hampton, Washington, Co., 1814 — Plattsburgh, 1890. a6 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JANUARY 9 1666 M. de CourceUes started from Quebec with 300 men from the regiment of Carignan-SaHeres and 200 volunteers, habitants, using sledges drawn by mastiff dogs, for Fort St. Theresa, nine imles above the present village of Chambly, The weather was so severe that the soldiers nearly perished from cold. :1768 Samuel Deall, a wealthy merchant of New York City wrote to Mrs. Ruth Stoughton, the widow of his partner in trade, Lt. John Stoughton, who had been drowned in Lake George, " at the Carrying Place, at Ticonderoga Landing." — "I hope you do not think of leaving the Landing or Neglect your improvements as I intend if please God to be up next Spring to begin buUding a Saw MiU and other improvements which wUl be to the advantage of both yours and my Lands. I have the Land from the Fort to the Mountain." .1807 Samuel Flint Vilas, the future millionaire of Plattsburgh, bom in Sterling, Vt. 1817 Was dedicated the Church built in 181 6 at the cost of $23,000 for the " First Congregational Society" (Unitarian) of Burlington. It was furnished with a bell, clock and organ. The dedicatory hymn was written by Deacon Jacob Williams; the prayer was offered by John Foster, D. D. ; whUe the sermon from the text " Holiness becometh thy house O Lord forever," was preached by the Rev. John Pierce, afterwards of Brooldine, Mass. i908 J;l'''^'^-''At his home in Melrose, Mass., died James Buckham, one of the sweetest poets of the Cham plain VaUey. Of " The Meaning of Death " he said, Three Centuries in Cil^mplain Valley 17 " Blessed is the soul that interprets the death of loved ones, not as a taking away, but as a taking up, a setting forward, a transfiguration, an exalta tion! They have simply gone to be with God and Christ our Redeemer in the beautiful city whither we are all bound, and whither the longest life wiU bring us sooner than we realize." JANUARY 10 1633 — the cold was very severe. I see daylight a great part of the winter only through ice. The crusts of ice gather upon the windows of my cell, or Httle room, and faU like a lozenge, or a piece of glass, when the cold relaxes. It is through this crystal that the sun sends us his light. — Paul Le Jeune among the Montagnais. 1791 In Highgate, Vt., of cancer in the breast died Catherine Weaver, beloved wife of John Sax (Sachs). She was 47 years old and left eight young sons and a four-year-old daughter, all of whom bore well their part in the settlement and development of the vaUey. The sixth son, Peter, remained on the homestead and became the father of John Godfrey Saxe (Sax), the poet. At Bennington, the same day, the convention called for that purpose, adopted the constitution of the United States. 1792 The survey of the tract known as Macomb's Purchase, being completed and security for the pay ment of the southern half deposited, letters patent were issued to Alexander Macomb. The same year " Macomb became involved with others in an attempt to establish a bank in opposition to the Bank of New York, and was compelled to assign his interest in the above lands to his creditors." l8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1814 Other detachments of troops having arrived Wilkinson repaired to Plattsburgh in person whUe the camp at French Mills was broken up and aU magazines and provisions forwarded to Lake Cham plain. JANUARY 11 1769 The English government issued a mandamus for 30,000 acres of land, lying on the west side of Lake Champlain, to be surveyed to Cotmt Charles de Fredenburgh, a German nobleman who had been a captain in the British army. Thy verdant banks, thy lucid stream. Lit by the sun's resplendent beam, Reflect each bending tree so light Upon thy bounding bosom bright. — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1812 Married : By the Rev. Mr. Halsey, Samuel BueU, Esq., CoUector for the District of Vermont to Mrs.' Julia Piatt, daughter of Peter SaUly, Esq. 1867 The Rev. Benj. BaU Newton, from 1836-1839, pastor of the Plattsburgh Presbjrterian Church, took deacon's orders in the Protestant Episcopal Church in Brooklyn. 1887 A second explosion occurred at the factory above Maine MiU of the CHnton Powder Co., organized Dec, 1884, Works removed soon afterwards. 1894 Pleasure seekers skated across the bay to Cum berland Head and the next day the ice in the entire bay was broken by wind. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 19 JANUARY 12 Old Winter. And a mighty strong way he has withal. And he drives a smart business too. For he'll bridge the old lake from St. Johns to Whitehall, Without charter from Gentile or Jew. — John Chatterton of Beekm.antown, a student. Plattsburgh Academy (1846-1850). 1762 Birth of Benjamin Harwood, son of Peter Har- wood, the first male child born in Bennington. In 1848 his picture was taken in a group with David Robinson (a brother of Gov. Moses Robinson), Abisha Kingsley, Aaron Robinson, Samuel Fay, and Samuel Safford (the first man to scale the Tory breast, works) all six the last survivors of the battle of Bennington. 1865 The Rev. Henry E. Butler, a graduate of Prince ton Theological Seminary, was ordained by the Champlain Presb5rtery, the Rev. J. R. Herrick of Malone preaching the sermon. The young man ministered to the KeesevUle Presbyterian Church, receiving a formal call the following September. 1887 At the age of nearly 92, Benjamin Calkin, EHza- bethtown's last survivor of the battle of Plattsburgh, died and was buried in the Calkin cemetery, Pleasant VaUey (EHzabethtown). JANUARY 13 1767 13th and 14th, soft weather, with a good deal of rain, the river (Boquet) open to foot of the rapids. Killed the calf of the swelled headed cow. Being about 6 weeks old, it weighed 88 lbs. of good veal, which at 6d per lb. with the taUow of fall and skin came to £j,. — Gilliland. 20 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1788 In Barnard, Vt. was born Asa Aikens, son of Solomon and Betsey (Smith) Aikens. A cadet at West Point; graduate of Middlebury College, class of 1808; practicing lawyer in Windsor until his removal to Westport; captain of the 31st regiment, U. S. A. war of 181 2; member of Vermont Legisla ture, Judge of Supreme Court, President of CouncU of Censors, editor of Supreme Court Reports and editor of two law books, " Practical Forms " and " Tables," the latter published in 1846 after his settlement in Westport, Judge Aikens led a busy professional life. While on a visit to Hackensack, N. J., he died in 1863. 1802 Anne Treadwell became the bride of Isaac C. Piatt whose sister, Margaret Piatt, had for several MARGARET PLATT TREADWELL NATHANIEL H. TREADWELL years been the wife of her brother Nathaniel Hazard Treadwell Then- father Judge Thomas TreadweU with his family and about forty slaves had come in Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 21 1793 from Smithtown, L. I., to the site on Bay St. Armand, as known to the French, which had been selected by Nathaniel, then a young surveyor, the year before. But Nathaniel and his wife pushed on to Canada and settled in the Seigniory L'Orignal, a township of some fifty-four square miles which he opened to settlers in 1794. JANUARY 14 1814 The " Centinel " published in Burlington, became the " Northern Sentinel " and so continued until 1830 when it became the " Burlington Sentinel " and so remained until its removal to Providence, R. I., in 1872. From 185 1 to 1855 while under the control of John G. Saxe, the poet, a daily edition was issued. 1824 Lucretia Matilda Moore, daughter of Judge PHny and Martha Corbin Moore, became the wife of the Rev, Abraham D. Brinkerhoff. 1829 Zephaniah C. Piatt, son of Isaac C. Piatt and Ann Elizabeth MUler, daughter of Col. Thos. and EHzabeth (Conklin) Miller, were made man and wife. All wonders else in earth explain. But set no laws to love's rare pain. — Buckham.. 1887 The Strong buUding in Burlington, occupied by the Y. M. C. A. destroyed by fire. JANUARY 15 1766 WUl. Gilliland sent hands to complete the road to Eliza meadow which was effected in two days. Snow 2 feet deep. 22 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1778 WiUiam GillUand in a letter written from Albany Fort and addressed to the committee of safety of Albany complains bitterly of his treat ment at the hands of Gen. Gates, reciting how his remaining slaves were encouraged to desert his service and harbored at the general's own house; his feather bed carried off and his ceUar robbed of upwards of four hundred pounds value of liquor, sugar, etc., and when this was made known to Gen. Gates no attention was paid to the matter but GUH- land was arrested and imprisoned under false charges of disloyalty to the American cause. 1811 Clinton County Medical Society met at the house of Edward Hunter (now 25 Broad street), inn holder in Plattsburgh when it was decided to send a delegate to the State Society and five members were fined $1 each for non-attendance. 1817 The old homestead at Basin Harbor was burned and with its burning came memories of its buUder, Piatt Rogers, the famous road-maker and one of the patriarchs of Plattsburgh; of his Dutch bride, Eyda Wiltse of Dutchess county, who came here in 1789; of the day, ten years later when the remains of her husband were brought home from Plattsburgh to be laid in the family plot; of their daughter, Ida and her husband, John Winans, buUder in 1808 of the first steamboat on the lake and second in the world; memories of the birth of the first grand-child, Piatt Rogers Halstead; of frequent visits and enter tainment of Macdonough, and his officers and men, among them Joseph Barron; and lastly, that last visit of WiUiam GillUand and its fatal termination. 1872 The long earthly Hfe of " Uncle " Isaac C. Piatt, son of the first settler Judge Charles Piatt, came to Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 23 a close in his home built on land which had fallen to his father's share in the original division of lots. This old home, in 1814, the military hospital of the enemy was, in times of peace, always a place of good cheer. When his father, early in the century gave up the position of County Judge, Isaac, on accoimt of his deafness, declined the office but he served as Sheriff of the County in 1 804, 1 809 and 1 8 1 1 , Honor able and just, the never faiHng friend of the poor and destitute was he. JANUARY 16 1714 Capt. John Stoddard, son of the Rev. Solomon Stoddard, second minister of Northampton, and the Rev. Mr. Williams, father of Eunice, who had been taken captive by the Indians, in their descent upon Deerfield, arrived at Quebec. They had made the journey from Massachusetts on horseback by way of Westfield and Kinderhook, and on snowshoes and in canoes by way of Saratoga and Crown Point. 1745 In Cornwall, Ct., was bom Levi Allen, brother of Ethan, " by his own acknowledgment a very obstinate and wayward boy," the only tory in the famUy for which his large landed estate in Vermont, on complaint of his brothers Ethan and Ira, was confiscated and sold. He lived afterwards in Canada and England but finaUy returned to BurHngton where he died in 1801, though he called himself a citizen of the world. 1798 Jay was formed from Willsborough. 1812 In the east room of the Delord house by the Rev. Frederick Halsey, Maria Ketchum AverUl, eldest daughter of Nathan, Jr., and his wife Polly 24 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Ketchum AveriU and a niece of Madam Delord, and Reuben Hyde Walworth, a young and promising lawyer (afterwards, the last ChanceUor of the State) were made man and wife. 1817 Clinton County Medical Society met at Holt's, innkeeper, in the town of Plattsburgh. Dr. Jas. Wood joined the society and was elected President, B. J. Mooers, Vice-President; Oliver Davidson, Secretary. At this meeting the first action was taken in regard to irregtUar practice. 1876 "The Glory of Children are Their Fathers" Prov. xvii:6. Text displayed on the occasion of the Semi-Centennial of the Sabbath School of the First Presbyterian Church, Plattsburgh. 1900 Died in Troy, N. Y., Brig. Gen. Alonzo Alden whose distinguished services in the Civil War are a part of the history of his country. " A man of inflexible integrity; high aspirations, strong mind, and the soul of honor." — Tribute of Joseph Cook. JANUARY 17 1714 Stoddard and his party presented their cre dentials to DeVaudreuil, the governor, hoping to effect the release of the prisoners, among them Eunice ; but their hopes were only partially realized. 1766 — Sent hands to finish the road to EHza point which was completed by the 24th Jan., which made it clear from the Mills to Eliza meadow. — Gilliland. 1809 At Wadham's Mills was born EHzabeth Whitney Fairchild, daughter of John and EHzabeth Safford Whitney and wife of Benj. Smith FairchUd. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 25. B^~ ATTENTION „^ 1812 The Officers belonging to Major Thomas Miller's Regiment, wUl Rendezvous at the Union Coffee- House, in the ViUage of Plattsburgh, on the seven teenth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. By order Major Thos. Miller, Commandant. Isaac C. Piatt, Adjutant. Plattsburgh Republican, Dec. 27, 181 1. 1815 Clinton County Medical Society, met at Gold smith's, innholder in Plattsburgh. Dr. Nathan Car ver and Francis Parker admitted members. Nathan Carver was elected President; Benjamin Mooers, Vice-President; and B. J. Mooers, Secretary. 1826 The Medical Society met at McCreedy's. The president. Dr. O. Davidson, read a dissertation on phthisis pulmonalis. Drs. Kane and D. C. Stone were admitted to membership. Drs. Miller, Carver, and Davidson were chosen a committee to draft a petition to be presented to the Legislature in regard to the law proposed by the State Medical Society for the suppression of quackery. 1875 Died in Brooklyn, N. Y., the Rev. Benjamin BaU Newton assistant rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity. " A man of many gifts, bright and versatile in all." JANUARY 18 1783 The first deed recorded in Grand Isle is one from William WiUiams to Capt. Jedidiah Hyde of Nor wich, Conn., of a lot of land. The first surveys were made in that year and the first settlers were Col. Ebenezer Allen, Lambertin AUen and Alexander Gordon about the same time. 26 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1823 Post-office established in the old Thurber store at Rouse's Point with Calvin K. AveriU as post master. 1825 Clinton Co. Medical Society met at J. McCreedy's, The president. Dr. J. B. Mooers, read a dissertation on scrofula; Drs. Patchen, and Forsyth joined the society and Dr. R. P. AUen presented a bUl for $26.11 for expenses whUe attending the State Medical Society. 1849 Dedication of the new brick edifice of the Congre gational Presbyterian Church in Champlain, the. sermon being preached by the Rev. John Mattocks of KeeseviUe and the dedicatory prayer offered by the Rev. David Dobie of Plattsburgh. JANUARY 19 1795 In Shoreham, Vt., was born William Treadway, son of the Revolutionary soldier Jonathan Treadway, whose father William journeyed from Salem, Conn. to Shoreham, at the age of loi seated in a rocking chair in a double wagon to attend the christening of his grandson and namesake WiUiam. The aged man died the next day and was buried in the old Ben Bissell place in Shoreham. The grandson set tled in Chazy and buUt and operated the woolen mills stiU standing at Suckertown in Chazy. 1809 The annual meeting of the Clinton County Medi cal Society was at the house of Israel Green. Dr. Waterhouse of Malone read a surgical dissertation; Dr. Reuben Jones was admitted a member; thanks and $18.80 for expenses were voted to Dr. Horatio Powell of Malone for attendance at the meeting of the State society; and Drs. Man, Waterhouse, Taylor and Thorndike were permitted to withdraw from the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 27 1813 1820 society, probably for the purpose of forming a similar one in Franklin county. " It takes a gentleman to keep a country inn and Friend Green is the very man for it." The Medical Society's annual meeting was held with Dr. Benj. Moore, Pres.; S. Goodrich, Vice-Pres.; Dr. Benj. J. Mooers, Sec. The Medical Society met at the house formerly occupied by Simon Newcomb, innholder. After DR. SAMUEL BEAUMONT organizing Drs. Samuel Beaumont, Baruck Beck with, and Harmon Howe, presented their credentials and were admitted to membership. 1821 The Society met at the house of John L. Fouquet and paid $1 for use of room. The expenses of Dr. B. J. Mooers, delegate to State Society, amounting to $20.25 were ordered paid and Dr. Luther Ransom, on account of age and infirmity permitted to with draw from the Society. 28 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1832 In Plattsburgh to Winslow C. and Susan Skin ner Watson was born a son, Winslow C. Watson, Jr. The lad received his academic training at KeesevUle Academy, graduated from the U. V. M. in 1850, took the Master's degree and deHvered the oration in 1857. He then studied law in the office of Hon. George A. Saunders at KeesevUle and was admitted to the bar in 1861. 1884 New County Building ordered by Supervisors, for Clinton County Clerk, Surrogate and Supervisors offices. 1885 Miss Sarah C. Hagar appointed librarian of Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, which position she retained until her death in 1908. JANUARY 20 1746 The detachment under Mr St. Luc la Come for the protection of Fort St. Frederic left Montreal between the 20th and 25th. — Colonial History. 1767 — 15th, to 20th, very good working weather and good sleighing, the snow about 6 inches deep, can bring a load of hay every day from EHza meadow, with 4 oxen in the team, this day broke our sleigh in attempting to haul logs with it and set about making a flat log sleigh of the Canadian form. — Gilliland. Whoso toils truly, surely shall he reap. — Buckham, 1776 Nathan Spalding of Penton enlisted and left home. The foUowing May he died of smaUpox at Quebec while being carried in a cart with the retreat ing army. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 29 1865 Died at his home known as the General Mooers' house. Col. Amasa Corbin Moore, son of Judge Pliny Moore of Champlain. Jan. 18, 1826 he had married Charlotte Elizabeth Mooers, daughter of Gen. Mooers. They had ten children. He was a lawyer in Platts burgh and in 1843, o"^ the occasion of the celebration of the anniversary of the battle of Plattsburgh, Col. Moore delivered the patriotic address to the large audience assembled in the park in front of the court house. JANUARY 21 1666 CourceUes' party started up the lake. Arriving at Bulwagga Bay (opposite Addison) they took the route across to the headwaters of the Hudson. The expedition proved very disastrous and on the way back they stopped two days at Chimney Point wait ing for stragglers to come up. 1739 Ethan AUen, the oldest of the six brothers, was bom in Litchfield, Conn., (Town Records Jan. 10 O. S) ; came to the Grants about 1769 but his family did not come untU 1778 just before his return from captivity in England. About July, 1787 he removed to BurHngton but lived at Mr. CoUins' at the Bay until after the birth of his son Hannibal, Nov. 24, 1787. 1767 — clear weather, very cold. — Gilliland. 1826 At a covenant meeting held at Rouse's Point " Deacon 'Squire Ferris made a confession to the church for having attended and taken part in a shooting match, which is by the church considered gambUng; after his confession he was received by the church." 1882 At his home (No. 10 Broad street) died Elder Lewis W. Pierce, ordained elder in the Presb3rterian 3° Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Church in 1855; special customs inspector under Oliver D. Peabody 1851-1853. 1758 JANUARY 22 Birth in Plymouth, Mass. of Elkanah Watson, the future originator of County Fairs and Agricul- YCSTU^SKlf S^trf ELKANAH WATSON tural Societies; one of the projectors of the New York State canal system; projector of the contem plated St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain raUroad and similar enterprises. In 1909, a great-grandson, bearing the Watson name, is engaged as civil engineer in the construction of the Charnplain canal. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 31 1767 — but not so cold (as yesterday), this day the lake froze half across, on the east side it appears open. — Gilliland. 1787 Martha Corbin, daughter of Capt. John and Abigail (Cabot) Corbin of Kinderhook, N. Y., became the wife of PHny Moore, of Bennington, Vt., son of Noadiah and Anna (Loomis) Moore. Their first chUd, Noadiah, named for his paternal grandfather, was bom at Kinderhook, but was not baptised until 1802 when a missionary of the Cong'l Pres. denomina tion, named Miller, visited Champlain and admin istered the rite of baptism. 1814 The death of Letitia Piatt, daughter of Judge Charles Piatt and first wife of the Rev. Frederick Halsey, occurred. 1818 At her home Cumberland Head, EHzabeth Addams, daughter of Major John Addams and second wife of Gen. Benj. Mooers, died. She was one of the original members of the pioneer Church of Northern New York. 1864 I have answer that the execution of Henry C. FuUer is suspended. — A. Lincoln to Congressman Orlando Kellogg of Elizabethtown. 1879 " Mary Fletcher Hospital " of BurHngton, the gift of Miss Mary M. Fletcher who endowed it with a fund of nearly $330,000, dedicated. JANUARY 23 1767 — cold weather. — Gilliland. 1840 At Quebec died WiUiam Saxe, second son of John, the pioneer of Highgate, Vt. 22 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1844 Acceptance of the caU to the First Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. David Dobie of Huntingdon, Lower Canada, "a young Scotchman, in his thirty- third year, who appeared to be the right man to bring the people out of the unfortunate troubles, which had come upon them,— the dUigent and delightful Dobie." JANUARY 24 1666 Sieurs de la ForriUe, Maximin and Lobiac, Captains of the Carignan regiment, joined the army with sixty men and some habitants but their ranks were so depleted before they reached St. Theresa that four companies had to be taken from the forts on the Richelieu to supply the vacancies. And many loyal hearts and true, Who sailed across the ocean blue. Who came its mysteries to explore. Sleep now along its rocky shore : Unmarked their graves — unknown the spot Yet not by kindly Heaven forgot. Marion Stetson Palmer. Champlain, 1837 — Plattsburgh, 1885. 1786 The snow is now about twelve inches deep. I do not perceive it any colder here than it usuaUy is at Poughkeepsie at this season of the year. — Charles Piatt in letter to his brother Zephaniah. 1804 Death of Lieut. Peter Roberts (a descendant of Gov. Thos. Mayhew of Nantucket) who located in Plattsburgh, coming from Manchester and Dorset, Vt., as early as 1800. He built his home on Lot No. I, near the foot of Boynton avenue. In 1768 he was in the militia of Dutchess county, where he married his wife, Jane Baker. He was with Ethan Allen at the taking of Ti ; with Warner in 1775-76 on his Canadian expedition and at Bennington, etc. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 33 1817 "A large portion of the inhabitants are much distressed for want of bread, whilst the poorer and laboring class are absolutely destitute of the means of obtaining it at the high price it sells for." • — Peter Sailly to the Secretary of the Treasury. 1883 Died — Judge George Mather Beckwith, son of Dr. Baruch Beckwith from Lyme, Conn., who settled in Beekmantown in 1810, the first physician there, A descendant of Gen. Beckwith who came with Lords Say and Brook and settled in Saybrook, opposite Lyme; also, of Increase Mather it was natural that Judge Beckwith should be identified with the Presbyterian Church, in which he was ordained an elder in 1855. ' ' A sober, earnest man, scrupulous with his fellow- man, a warm hearted citizen, and a constant friend." JANUARY 25 1767 A strong north wind opened the lake, broke the ice in bitts. — Gilliland. 1802 At Isle La Motte died Samuel Fisk, son of the Rev. Ichabod and Eleanor Roberts Fisk who came from Poultney, Vt., to the Island in 1788. Samuel Fisk married Polly Scott and built the stone house — ¦ the Fisk homestead — now on the Island. JANUARY 26 1767 — clear warm weather, began to haul logs for sawing. — Gilliland. 1782 In Kinderhook, Columbia County, on a farm afterwards the home of ex-President Martin Van Buren, was born CorneHus Peter Van Ness, son of Peter Van Ness. At fifteen, not caring to study law as his older brother had done, he gave up a coUege course, but later, he entered the office of his brother WiUiam P., at New York as a law student and there had for a companion Martin Van Buren. From his 34 1787 1859 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley admission to the bar in 1804 until his removal to Vermont in 1806 he practiced law in his native place. Certificate of location granted to Zaccheus New comb and others of Vancour's Island, in Lake Cham plain, 700 acres. He was an uncle of Cyrenius, Kinner and Simon who located in Plattsburgh; a farmer and MiUer. He died about 1790 near Kinder hook whUe on a visit to his daughter. At his home TreadweU's Bay died Elder Thomas TreadweU, son of Judge Thomas Treadwell (1748- HON. THOMAS TREADWELL 1832) . Before coming here as a pioneer, none had at tained greater eminence than the father, participating as he did in the formation of the new government as a member of both Provincial and Continental Congresses, Committee of Safety, etc. As one of the founders of the Presbj^terian Church it was Elder Treadwell who opened the correspondence with the Rev. Frederick Halsey, which resulted in the latter's coming here as its first pastor. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 35 The same day died Mary Hay, daughter of the Scotchman William Hay, the first settler in Peru, and " relict " of Lott Elmore. JANUARY 27 1768 Warrant of survey issued at Fort George, New York to Count Charles de Fredenburg with nineteen associates for grant of 20,000 acres of land at the west of Lake Champlain. 1787 Occurred the first marriage in North Hero — that of John Brunson and Miss Elizabeth Bates. 1798 Saturday, Charles Z. Piatt, fourth son of Judge Zephaniah, arrived in Plattsburgh. He says in a letter dated Feb. 12, " Found all well. The mills have done a great deal of business, but the colliers, wood-choppers, carpenters, blacksmiths, millers, andall the Lazy folks in this town have eat all the Toal up." 1812 On this date, JuHus C. HubbeU, having in 1808 hired a room in a house in Chazy and begun the practice of law, later hired the whole house and married Ann Moore, daughter of Judge Pliny Moore of Champlain. He brought his bride to the home he had prepared on horseback on a PiUion and there their first three chUdren were bom. 1835 The " Macdonough " owned by the " Champlain Ferry Co.," and the " Water Witch " and " Win ooski," owned by the " St. Albans Steamboat Co.," were purchased by " The Champlain Transportation Co.," the company thus becoming owner of all the lake steamers. 1886 Major Robert W. Livingston calmly " crossed the bar " and his remains were laid in Riverside cemetery. — Pleasant Valley History. 1905 Dedication of new Armory Building, BurHngton. 36 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JANUARY 28 1766 WiU. GiUiland sent 2 men with a team of oxen for hay and they did not retum to ist Febmary. This was the first hay sent for. — Journal. 1787 Jacob Ferris, owner of the saw-miU and grist- mUl on the east side of the river, writing from Platts burgh, says that the dam is likely to stand weU but " the mills Dus but very Little business this winter." 1819 At Trenton, Oneida County, N. Y., died Gen. Melancton Lloyd Woolsey of Plattsburgh. An officer during the Revolutionary war and an early settler on Cumberland Head, his home the place now known as " The Old Homestead," he was appointed first coUector of customs for the district of Champlain. He was clerk of the county, 1788; one of the first board of trustees of the Presbyterian Church (1803); in 1 81 6 ordained an elder; the same year director in the Clinton County Bible Society and one of the committee for the sale of pews in the new church edifice. As a military exempt he assisted in buUd ing the redoubt ordered by Gen. Izard on Cumber land Head. His wife and seven chUdren survived him. " He died a Christian " said the United Patriot ;i,t the time. — God's helpers, whether great or smaU, In the result are neither low nor high ; For each hath used his gift of brain or hand. And God, the Master Builder, wrought through all. — James Buckham. JANUARY 29 1756 Robert Rogers " started to look into Crown Point." 1717 Jeffrey Amherst was born in Kent and entered the army at the early age of fourteen years. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 37 1787 The saw-mill has not turned since you left us, the grist-miU has done but little and is now still, tho' I think both might, with care, go most of the winter if there was anything to grind. — Chas. Piatt to his brother Zephaniah. 1817 Lake Champlain closed by ice. 1868 Died in Champlain, " lamented by all who knew him " Jonathan Douglas, son of the Revolutionary soldier and pioneer in 1793 in Chazy, Capt. John Douglas and grandson of Maj. Asa Douglas of Stephen- town, N. Y. He spent most of his life on a farm in Chazy, was a mUler by trade and served in the American army during the war of 181 2 to 15. He married a cousin Lucy Douglas of Pittstown and had twelve children. JANUARY 30 1666 De CourceUes marched out of Fort St. Theresa at the head of 500 men, and passing the lake on the ice, crossed the country towards the Mohawk villages. 1743 In New Ipswich, N. H., was bom Josiah Brown, a pioneer of Essex Co., first in Willsborough, after wards at Lewis about 1805. In 1775 he responded to the Lexington Alarm, fought at Bunker HUl and was with the Continental Army at Ticonderoga dur ing the summer 1777. 1767 — a snowy day, this night the snow 12 inches deep. — Gilliland. 1814 Noadiah Moore of Champlain married Maria CaroHne Mattocks of Middlebury, Vt. 38 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1846 On Friday evening the Methodist Church on Court Street was burned, the fire catching from a stove pipe in the basement. " Uncle " Robert Piatt who, while living at Valcour, had contributed so generously to the buUding of that church was one of the largest subscribers towards the re-building of this. 1858 Death of Hiram Walworth who, as a boy of fourteen fought in Capt. Aikens' company of volun teers. The Walworth homestead is now No. 17 Broad Street. JANUARY 31 1746 Captain Desabrevois has been detached with Chevalier de Niverville, ensign, and 53 Iroquois to the South river in Lake Champlain, on occasion of an alarm. — Colonial Manuscripts. 1767 — close warm weather, this day some of our settlers went to see James Logan, whether alive or dead, they crossed the lake in a small birch canoe. — Gilliland. 1828 The Champlain Transportation Company held its first annual meeting for the election of officers at BurHngton with WiUiam A. Griswold, Pres. 1868 A public meeting of citizens of Plattsburgh village held at the Court House to consider the sub ject of supplying the viUage with pure and wholesome water. 1908 Death, at the advanced age of ninety-four years and one month, of Margaret Anne FreHgh Piatt, daughter of John G. and Margaret O. Savage FreHgh and widow of Hon. Moss Kent Piatt. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 39 FEBRUARY 1 Then, suddenly, my pneumatic messenger comes to the window with a fresh bit of news, or at least the likeliest of rumors. The February wind ceases to moan and cry. Nature has felt a strange, involuntary stirring in her prisoned members, and suddenly the air becomes full of questioning. — James Buckham in A Pneumatic Calendar. 1766 AU the cattle were brought to MiUtown (GiUi- land's settlement on the Boquet) from Wm. Luckey's. — Gilliland. 1767 — warm weather. — Idem. 1870 The Rev Archdeacon George C. PenneU, S. T. D. began his charge with St. John's and Christ's churches in Champlain and on the same date Clinton County Associate Mission was formed, including the six Episcopal churches existing in Chateaugay, EUen- burgh, CentrevUle, Chazy, Champlain and Rouse's Point, aU these parishes occupying a territory forty- five by nine mUes in extent. 1889 Free postal deUvery system went into opera tion in Plattsburgh. 1896 A gavel donated to Saranac Chapter, D. A. R. by Mr. John Henry Myers. This gavel, made from wood taken from the "Royal Savage," Gen. Arnold's flagship in the battle of Valcour, is trimmed with bands of sUver made from a spoon that once belonged to Mrs. Lawrence Myers, mother of the donor, the bands exquisitely engraved with the name of Chaptef and giver. 40 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley FEBRUARY 2 1796 Near the northern base of Coon mountain in what was then EHzabethtown but is now a part of Westport, whUe returning upon the ice from a visit to his friend Piatt Rogers at Basin Harbor, William GillUand, the pioneer of Champlain Valley, perished. His remains were interred in the Essex village ceme tery but in 1900 were removed to Lakeview cemetery in the town of Willsboro under the supervision of his descendant, John Bleecker Cuyler of WUlsboro. "The former lord of a vast domain, the generous patron and tender father, the dispenser of munificent hospitalities, the associate and counsellor of vice- royalty, died far away from human care, of cold and famine, with no voice of love to soothe his sufferings, and no kind hand to close his dying eyes." — Winslow C. Watson. In "Pioneer History of Champlain Valley." 1797 Charles Piatt, the first settler of Plattsburgh, appointed judge in the Court of Common Pleas. 1874 Mrs. Mary L. Fletcher and her daughter Miss Mary M. Fletcher gave to a Board of Trustees of the Fletcher Free Library of Burlington, the sum of $10,000 for the purchase of books and a further sum of $10,000, the income of which was to be used in increasing the Library. 1880 The Rev. Joseph Gamble unanimously called to the pastorate of the First Presbyterian church. FEBRUARY 3 The February wind is distinctly interrogative. Its voice has a rising inflection. It brings you a rumor, yet with an accent of conviction. — James Buckham. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 41 FEBRUARY 4 1667 The officers of the Carignan Regiment gave a ball at Quebec — the first given in Canada, sixty years after the founding of the colony. After the coming of the Carignan Regiment. there was a decline in the standard of morals. — Colby. FEBRUARY 5 1767 — colder than yesterday, and sharp small snow, lake all frozen. — Gilliland. 1785 The twelve patriarchs, Zephaniah Piatt, Peter Tappan, Zaccheus Newcomb, Nathaniel Piatt, Piatt Rogers, Charles Piatt, Thomas TredweU, Simon R. Reeves, Melancthon Smith, Jonathan Lawrence, Israel Smith, John Addams, accepted a proposition made at a meeting of the proprietors in New York City, to give to such of the associates as should within two years buUd a dam and mill on the Saranac, the exclusive title to the Fredenburgh Falls mUl lot of fifty acres, and also one hundred acres on the north side of the river at its mouth. 1800 Thomas Macdonough, the future hero of Lake Champlain, warranted midshipman in the U. S. navy. FEBRUARY 6 1767 — very cold nay colder than yesterday, but clear. — Gilliland. 1785 The title to the 100 acres and to the Freden burgh Falls mUl-lot vested by deed in the twelve associates who met at Judge Piatt's house Dec. 30 of the previous year. 42 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1840 Death of Hon. Kinner Newcomb at the age of eighty-four. He was born at Nine Partners, Aug. 17, 1756; served with Col. Melancton Smith's Rangers and in other branches of the service untU 1782, after wards drawing 600 acres of land for his services. In Plattsburgh lot number 5, containing 81 acres lying west of Catherine Street and adjoining the mill-lot, was given to him and on this he buUt his house, his son Piatt, being the first male child bom within the limits of the new town. For many years Kinner Newcomb was a judge of the county courts ; twice represented his county in the Legislature and in the War of 181 2 was at the head of a company of " Silver Greys " ready to turn out at a moment's warning. 1 849 In her home on Margaret Street corner of ComeHa died Eliza Miller, daughter of Dr. John MUler and wife of Judge Levi Piatt. She was the mother of eight sons and four daughters, a model mother and amiable hostess. FEBRUARY 7 1767 — " snowey day, not so cold as the preceding; this evening we compute the snow to be 15 inches deep on a level." — GiUiland. 1837 The widow (Mary Townsend Addams, then 86 years old,) of Major John Addams of Cumberland Head applied for pension. Her claim was aUowed for the services of her husband as a Superintendent of Mechanics for the period of two years. 1874 The Y. M. C. A. of BurHngton presented its library to the Fletcher Free Library. HON. PETER SAILLY 1754-1826 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 43 FEBRUARY 8 1759 Marriage of William GillUand and EHzabeth Phagan, daughter of Mr. Phagan of the island of Jamaica but then residing in New York for the pur pose of educating his children. Her marriage dowry was fifteen hundred pounds. 1801 By the " Reverend Mr. Halsey, Minister of Plattsburgh " Lodema, daughter of John Ransom and his wife Rhoda Pratt, and John Craig a native of Scotland who had settled in Canada, were mar ried. They made their home on a farm of 500 acres on the lake shore in Peru where John Craig built the first and only dock (Peru landing) between Essex and Cumberland Head. 1809 Peter SaUly appointed collector of customs under Jefferson for the district of Champlain. 1878 At his EHzabethtown home, died Judge Augustus C. Hand. " As a lawyer — a model for imitation. As a citizen and neighbor — the embodiment of man hood's ideal, kind, liberal, tmthful, upright." — Tribute of George Levi Brown. 1896 MUl of the High Falls Pulp Company of Chateau gay commenced running. FEBRUARY 9 1761 The marriage of Capt. John Corbin, Jr., son of John, Sr., to AbigaU Cabot, daughter of Rev. Marston and Mary (Dwight) Cabot, took place. They first made their home at Killingly, Conn., where their chUdren Charity, Martha and Royal were bom. Then they went to Kinderhook and afterwards to 44 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Albany, where Capt. Corbin owned a Hudson River sloop. He was a captain in the Revolution and was present at the battle of Bemis Heights and Burgoyne's surrender. Investing his means in Continental money he lost his property. His wife died June 26, 1777. 1767 — close warm weather, covered our coal kill; this day we had a very thick small soft snow which continued all day. — Gilliland. 1893 The CathoHc Summer School received an abso lute charter from the Regents of the University of the State of New York. 1895 Incorporation of Plattsburgh Institute, the ob ject of which is to cultivate a more general interest in the history of Plattsburgh and vicinity, and to perpetuate the memory of many important historic events of the Champlain Valley. Pres., Dr. D. S. KeUogg; Sec. and Treas., Hiram Walworth; Trustees: George F. Bixby, George E. Pond, David S. KeUogg, Elmer F. Botsford, Hiram Walworth. 1899 In the historic house buUt by Capt. Sidney Smith, U. S. N., died Joseph Romeo Emerson, son of Joseph and Sarah Malvina (Tabor) Emerson. Mr. Emerson was one of the last survivors remember ing the battle of Plattsburgh. As a boy of five from his home North Island City he saw the smoke of the battle, heard the guns and next day witnessed the return of the Vermont militia. In 1666, the very year that the French were making such incursions into the Mohawk country, Thomas Emerson, from Durham, Durham county, Eng., the first of the name in America, came to Ipswich, Mass. ¦j^ 1901 The Adirondack Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, was organized at Malone, N. Y. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 45 FEBRUARY 10 1763 By the treaty of peace signed in Paris, France formally ceded to Great Britain the Province of Canada. — No more, thank God! the cannon thunders forth. Or sabre flashes in the smoke and gloom. Peace, Peace ! — for snowy mantled Peace make room And Love, that in the heart of God had birth. — Bttckham. 1767 — snow continued until 4 in the afternoon, then stop'd, we now compute the snow to be 20 inches deep on a level. — Gilliland. 1789 Ethan Allen, being short of hay on account of a partial faUure of crops the preceding summer, with his ox-sled and pair of horses and his black man for a driver, crossed the ice to Allen's point, South Hero, to the house of his friend. Col. Ebenezer AUen, who had promised him a supply. His host having invited a number of old acquaintances to spend the afternoon and evening Allen was induced to remain untU morning although the hay was already loaded. 1877 Died in Washington, D. C, Rear Admiral Theodorus BaUey, son of Judge Wm. BaUey and COMMODORE BAILEY 46 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley grandson of Capt. Nathaniel Piatt of Plattsburgh. In the expedition against New Orleans Bailey, then a Heutenant, was sent by Farragut with Lieut. Per kins, to demand the surrender of the city. Abreast, unguarded and alone, the two young officers walked through the street while the mob shouted " Shoot them! KiU them! Hang them! " 1888 At his home 27 Broad Street, died Joseph Willard Tuttle, descendant of Samuel Tuttle Senior and Junior, Revolutionary soldiers of Littleton, Mass. From infancy his life was spent in the Champlain Valley ; his education acquired in the common schools and academy at Burlington and his knowledge of the printing business to which his life was devoted, in a regular apprenticeship in the office of Chauncey Goodrich. His acquaintance with men and knowl edge of the newspaper business was obtained through connection as editor or publisher with the follow ing publications : — the Watervliet Advocate, the Frank lin Republican of Sheldon. Vt., Burlington Free Press, Clinton County Whig, American Sentinel, and Sentinel but the faUure of his eyesight in i860 put an end to all editorial work and the great fire of 1867 brought to the front the indomitable pluck and courage of the man. It was during his ownership of the Clinton County Whig that through his advocacy the interest of the people was aroused in the setting out of the shade trees which to-day adorn our streets. 1895 Plattsburgh Normal School places a bronze tab let upon Bridge Street Bridge in " Commemoration of the Gallant and Successful Resistance of the American Troops to the Repeated Attempts of the British Army to cross the bridge over the Saranac River at this Point, September 5-1 1, 1814." Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 47 FEBRUARY 11 1767 — a pleasant day, laid the hearth in our room, this day. G. Belton's man came on the ice from home to Chism's Point, good walking. — Gilliland. The first premonition of spring is a subtle tone of the wind — perhaps the most subtle of any; yet a trained and attentive ear can hardly miss or mis take it. I find that I have a different mood, at once, when the February wind begins to blow. — James Buckham. 1789 This morning Gen. Allen got upon the load of hay and his black man drove towards home, the Indian Rock farm. Several times he called back to his master and though receiving no answer thought nothing of it until his arrival when the General was found to be unconscious in a fit of apoplexy. 1811 Daniel Wright who had fought at Bunker Hill, Ticonderoga, and Saratoga and under Stark, Reed and St. Clair, was commissioned Brigadier-General; Luman Wadhams, Captain; and Daniel B. McNeil, Adjutant of the 37th regiment. FEBRUARY 12 1666 De CourceUes, having rested his men after their incursion into the Mohawk coimtry, suddenly broke camp and hastUy retraced his steps to Lake Cham plain and thence to Canada. 1767 — deHghtful weather, the sun warm. — Gilliland. 1789 Gen. Ethan Allen died at his farm near " Indian Rock," BurHngton. 48 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1809 Arrival in Burlington of the notorious John Henry, sent as an emissary among the FederaHsts of New England by Sir John Craig, Gov. of Canada. 1895 Saranac Chapter, D. A. R. organized with twenty- three charter members. Mrs. Pauline C. Stoddard, Mrs. Julia R. Nichols, Mrs. Jeannette A. Corbin, Mrs. Frances R. Weed, Mrs. Mary S. Warren, Mrs. Caroline W. Famsworth, Mrs. Martha B. Wolff, Mrs. Katherine M. Piatt, Mrs. Lucy B. Sowles, Mrs. Sarah P. FuUer, Mrs. Susan A. Kellogg, Miss Theodora Kyle, Miss Helen M. Palmer, Miss Helen D. Wood ward, Miss Erminia HaU, Miss Margaret S. Beckwith, Mrs. Alice S. Whittelsey, Miss EHzabeth Ross, Mrs, Jeannette B. Tuttle, Mrs. Augusta W. Cady, Mrs, Julia Russell Myers, Vice Regent, Mrs. Mary McGiU Gamble, Historian, Mrs. Margaret P. Myers, Cor responding Secretary. FEBRUARY 13 1766 — AU the stock of sugar and molasses (at MiUtown) quite expended. — Gilliland. 1798 At Fairfax, Vt., was bom Hiram Bellows, youngest child of Col. James and Trypena (Chandler) BeUows, who were married at Hartford, Conn., 1780. FEBRUARY 14 1823 An act was passed authorizing the Judges of the CHnton Common Pleas to erect " a toUgate " at or near the dwelling house of Benj. H. Mooers, eighteen miles west of Plattsburgh village. 1860 Died in Washington, Capt. Horace Bucklin Sawyer of Plattsburgh, who had served under Lieut. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 49 Sidney Smith, had enduted a year's captivity at Halifax; served on the Constitution in the engage ment and capture of the Cyane and Levant ; had been stationed at Boston; sailed before the mast in an India ship, served in the South American squadron, in the West Indies, in the Mediterranean and on mUitary duty on Canadian frontier. In his travels he had met Capt. Douglass, the Duke of Wellington, Sir Edward Codrington, Admiral Sir Michael Sey mour, Sir Astley Cooper, Gen. Lafayette and many others. For many years, previous to 1850, Capt. Sawyer lived in the wooden house, built about 1820, No. 268 Main Street, Burlington, but after his mar riage to Miss Wadworth, a sister of Mrs. Cornelius Halsey of Plattsburgh, he removed to that place Hving at No. 40 Cornelia Street. His wife and several chUdren survived him. FEBRUARY 15 1766 AU the 8 bbl. pork and 3 carcasses of beef being finished J. W. set out for Crown Point for sweetening which he sent home the 20th. — Gilliland. 1767 warm, duU weather. — Idem. 1782 Wm. Irish, Leonard Owen, Amos Mansfield, Absalom Taylor and Thos. Dewey commenced the settlement of the township of Milton. They were soon joined by Gideon Hoxsie, Zebadiah Dewey, Enoch and EHsha Ashley with others. In Stephentown, N. Y., to Capt. John Douglas, patriot, and Hannah Brown his wife, was born a daughter, AbigaU. With her parents she removed to Chazy in 1793 and, about 1801, became the wife of John Louis Fouquet who, in 1798 had opened a smaU boarding house in Plattsburgh, near the site 50 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley of the present Fouquet house. This first buUding was burned during the battle of Plattsburgh by hot balls from the fort and the next year (1815) a second house was built which was destroyed by fire in 1864. This couple had four chUdren, Douglas Louis, Merrit Louis, Hannah Louise and Amherst Douglas. 1834 Birth of Frank Palmer (afterwards Colonel) son of William Palmer who came to Plattsburgh from Hoosick, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., about 1840. WUHam Palmer combined the occupations of farmer, mer chant and manufacturer of cotton and woolen cloths. He buUt the first mills on the sites now occupied by the Lake Champlain Pulp and Paper Company; also, the woolen mills on Bridge street. FEBRUARY 16 1767 — got our hay and the Bateaux brought by oxen across Eliza Bay to Eliza Point and hailed up on the bank, went with R. McAuley, to WUlson and Goodrich's house in Burton to take an acct. of their effects in the hands of their manager Wm. HtUme, which we did, they having broke up their settlement and discharged their said Steward. We took 2 sleighs loaded with the most valuable goods to the Messrs. McAuley's house, the sleighs being drawn by Hukne's men. This day began a survey of the edge of the lake from the eastern extremity of the sandy beach on Pine point to the Cloven Rock. — Gilliland. 1789 Gen. Allen's remains were interred with the honors of war in the grave yard at Winooski falls, (Green Mount Cemetery) his military friends from Bennington and all the surrounding country assem- bHng to do him honor. Ira Allen, his youngest Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 51 brother, arrived in Burlington on the day of Ethan's death and wrote of it to their brother Levi, then in London. Upon Winooski's pleasant shore Brave Allen sleeps And there beneath the murmuring pine Is freedom's consecrated shrine. —Mary Hunton of Hyde Park. 1847 A ladies' fair was held in the lower room of the Academy which netted about $600 and the sum augmented by private contributions and money voted by the Trustees enabled the latter to add a third story and buUd up the angle then included between the north and west wings, painting the whole. These repairs were completed by Septem ber I, 1850. 1891 Public meeting for discussing the matter of raising funds for purchase of necessary lands for Plattsburgh MUitary Post Extension. Committee appointed on purchase of land, finances, and reso lutions. FEBRUARY 17 I said in my doubting heart, " Our lives are set oceans apart." Then Love took his measuring wand. And lo! neither sea was nor land! — James Buckham.. 1814 Benjamin Hazen Mooers, son of Gen. Benj. Mooers was married to Margaret Piatt, daughter of Dr. John and EHzabeth (Smith) MUler. 1857 Died in St. Albans, the Rev. David Dobie, pastor of the Presbyterian Chtirch in Plattsburgh 1 844-1 85 5. Of his father he often said, " I would rather have the memory of my father's piety and 52 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley my interest in his prayers than the best wordly estate that was ever left a child." FEBRUARY 18 1767 — this morning observed the bearing of Logan's point from G. Belton's and foimd it to be N. 38° E. — then R. McAiUey's, W. McAuley's, and G. Belton went with me on a straight Hne, over the ice to Logan's; at the west end of Logan's point took an observation of the bearing of McAuley's house which found to be S. 75° W. on which course chained across and found the distance to be 355 i chains, from McAuley's door to the end of Pine Sandy point, or rather the east end of the easternmost log lying on Sd point, and found it to be N. 11° E. Distance, on that line (which we chained) 71 chains. — this day our people were girdHng trees on Camp Island.-^^illiland. FEBRUARY 19 1767 — this day I came home; the weather has been rather sharp these 3 days, this however was the warmest, though a strong wind, but it was southerly. —Gilliland. 1807 Pliny Moore was appointed judge in the Court of Common Pleas. 1814 " Your company is requested on " Thursday evening, the twenty-fourth " instant, at a BaU, to be given " at Israel Green's Hotel. " Major Lomax, ] " Capt. Rees, " John Bleecker, h^anagers. " R. H. Walworth, J FROM AN OIL PORTRAIT NOW OWNED BY A DESCENDANT IN CHICAGO GENERAL BENJAMIN MOOERS 1758-1838 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 53 This invitation was printed in old EngHsh text, on the reverse side of an ordinary playing card, the Queen of Diamonds. 1839 Zephaniah Palmer surveyed what is now called Lyon Street, west of Port Jackson. 1844 Died in the house on Water Street, built by him in 1796, the first of brick in Burlington, Dr. John Pomeroy aged nearly 79 years. For forty years he had been a leading physician and surgeon, occupying at first a log cabin which stood in what is now Pearl Street. At sixteen he was a soldier in the patriot army but afterwards studied Physic. " He was a unitarian of the most thorough kind." FEBRUARY 20 1767 — a warm south wind produces a great thaw (together with a little rain) the snow was reduced to about a foot or less. — Gilliland. Almost any one may notice, I am sure, a difference between the sounds of the two winter winds — ^for there are two, as I have indicated. The first wind is painfully sharp and strained and seems pitched in a minor key. The second is rounder and fuller and more resonant, with a certain robust quality, and rings out plainly in a major key. — James Buckham in A Pneumatic Calendar. 1802 Chesterfield taken from Willsborough. 1838 At his home, comer of Pern and Bridge Streets, died Gen. Benjamin Mooers, a soldier of the Revolu tion and early settler of CHnton coimty of which he was the first sheriff and, for 42 consecutive years, from 1 788-1 830, county treasurer, besides holding many other important offices. 54 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley In the war of 1812 as Major General of the State militia, he was placed in command of the Northern division, the State being divided into two grand divisions — north and south. His command did picket duty and resisted the enemy's advance from beyond Culver's HUl to Plattsburg, guarding every point along the Saranac with great vigUance. 1853 Died in Plattsburgh, Mary Daggett, wife of Robert Piatt and the last survivor of her father's famUy. Her father, the Rev. Naptha Daggett of New Haven was President of Yale CoUege from 1766 to 1777, and his daughter "inherited the Puritan faith and the Puritan integrity and simplicity of character in a marked degree." In 1833 her hus band gave the land upon which the M. E. Church at Valcour stands, paid for the mason work and doubt less contributed towards its erection. Shortly after, during a series of revival services held in it Robert Piatt made a profession of his faith and united with that church. FEBRUARY 21 1767 ¦ — last night it began to freeze, and this day it froze very hard, with a cold north wind; yesterday we broke the tongue of our log sleigh, and this day procured another one which is this evening almost made. Find our coal kiln not J burnt, owing we suppose to the want of sod in covering it, the sods we put on being only lumps of sandy loam frozen, which when thawed run down between the biUets of wood and choked the kiln. — GiUiland. 1784 At Westminster Gen. Ethan AUen was married to Mrs. Fanny Buchanan, " a lady possessing in an eminent degree, every graceful qualification requisite Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 55 to render the hymeneal bonds feHcitous." From this union there were three children, Ethan Voltaire, Hannibal and Fanny, who became a nun and died in the Hotel Dieu in Montreal. Fanny Allen Hos pital in Burlington perpetuates her name. FEBRUARY 22 1797 Was bom Horace Bucklin Sawyer, third son of Col. James Sawyer who removed from Brandon to BurHngton in 1786, his father, Col. Ephraim Sawyer of Lancaster, Mass., with his numerous family emigrating the same year to Grand Isle county, Vt. 1826 The Rev. Moses Chase ordained and installed pastor of the First Presbyterian church. " A man of stalwart frame, strong mind and noble bearing. * * * He spoke with authority, and not as the scribe ; and his speech was effective. Strong men and aged sinners were bowed and brought to repentance by it ; and this work was proved to be of God. * * * He was bold and fearless in reproof and warning, and set against profanity. Sabbath breaking and rum drinking, rife in the community." The Rev. Alanson D. Barber (Beekmantown, 1818 — Willis- ton, Vt. 1902) m sermon on "The Pastors of the Church" — Cen tennial Anniversary — Oct. 1897. 1833 The Champlain Transportation Company be came owner of the real estate at Shelburn Harbor, together with both the old " Champlain Steamboat Company's " boats, the " Phoenix " and the " Con gress." " Nothing is clearer to my view than that politics and the temperance reformation should never be blended. " — Jonas Piatt. 56 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1834 Died at his home in Pem near Port Jackson, to which he had come in 1829 on the invitation of his brother Robert who gave him half of his own pro ductive acres, Judge Jonas Piatt, " one of the most distinguished men in the State — wise, upright and patriotic, as weU as learned, eloquent and able." The public offices and positions of trust held by him are almost too numerous to mention, but his last years were spent quietly overlooking Lake Cham plain " winning the friendship of all who knew him and doing good as he found opportunity." 1908 In celebration of Washington's birthday Saranac Chapter, D. A. R. held a reception at the home of Mrs. A. M. Warren, granddaughter of Peter SaUly in whose honor the flag of France was displayed with that of America. In the ancestral home which stood on the same site and a part of which is used in the present structure, John Jacob Astor, Eleazer WiUiams, (thought by many to be Louis XVII heir to the throne of France), and such army officers as chanced to be stationed at the Barracks, were often entertained during the long period when Mr. SaiUy was coUector of customs. It was here that desperate smugglers intent upon the recovery of goods that had been seized made a night attack but without success. Family heirlooms, among them an arm chair once the property of Washington were displayed. FEBRUARY 23 1767 — moderate weather, from this day to ist March, were employed in cutting fencing stuff, and white oak, black birch, elm, beech, maple, and ash, for sawing, being the best season for cutting timber for last. — Gilliland. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 57 1781 Alburgh, Vt., received its charter. Its first set tlers were from St. Johns in Lower Canada who had fled there as loyalists from the states during the Revolution. 1805 First Calvinistic Congregational Society of Bur lington organized. In 1905, celebrated its centennial. 1820 Birth in Monkton, Addison Co., Vt., of Daniel Dodge, who revolutionized the making of horse-shoe nails. The first of this branch of the Dodge family in America, came from England and was a hoe- maker by trade. By accident while pursuing that occupation he discovered a simpler method of making nails than the one then used and this knowledge was passed from father to son. Jordan Dodge, grand father of Daniel, an itinerant Baptist minister, removed from Connecticut to Granville, Vt., where he worked at his trade during the week and the Rev. John A., father of Daniel, also learned the trade. 1865 A portion of the town of Burlington, about one mUe and a half in width and extending along the shore of the lake from the Winooski river, its northern boundary, to a line about six miles south, was char tered as a city. FEBRUARY 24 1767 — set out for Great Sandy Point in order to survey from thence to the north end of John Fris- weU's patent; arrived at the south end of high sandy cHffs (Ausable Point) at dark where we encamped and had a cold uncomfortable night's lodging on the snow, firewood being scarce there. — Gilliland. 1854 Died in Burlington, John Howard, for thirty- five years proprietor of Howard's Hotel and father 58 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley of Sion Earl, Daniel Dyer and John Purple (better known as John P.) Howard, late of the Irving House, New York, and Hannah Louisa and Catherine Maria, wife of Amos C. Spear. He was also survived by his wife Hannah Earl through marriage with whom in 1797 their children are lineal descendants not only of Roger Williams, but of Philip Sherman, and Dyer and Earl, his associates. EHzabeth C. Piatt, daughter of Hon. Moss K. Piatt and wife of John L. Stetson, died. 1876 The greenhouses of Wm. H. Bailey, a grandson of Judge Wm. Bailey, were burned. 1879 Howard Opera House, built on the site of the old Bank of Burlington by John P. Howard, was opened to the public. For twenty-five years it was used as an opera house and was one of the best audience rooms in New England but business require ments demanded its reconstruction for store and office purposes. 1909 From the bottom of the lake at Ticonderoga was raised a British war sloop, one of three, burned and sunk in 1777 by Col. Brown of Massachusetts after his re-capture of the fort. The sloop is ninety feet in length with two large cannon baUs imbedded in the bow. FEBRUARY 25 1767 — a warm pleasant day, proceeded to the south branch of Au Sable river, at the south side whereof began to survey northerly along Lake Champlain. — Gilliland. 1820 Beekmantown formed from Plattsburgh and named from WiUiam Beekman, the patentee of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 59 Beekman Patent. It was then a strip of land about four mUes wide and extending from East to West, across the county. 1 850 The Plattsburgh and Montreal railroad organized. 1858 Died John Freligh Piatt, only son of Moss Kent Piatt, aged 20 years. 1898 Suddenly, at her home on Cumberland avenue, Fanny C. Bentley Wever, a member of Saranac Chapter and descendant of the patriot and pioneer, Capt. John Douglas of Chazy. And are they not then nearer, whom we see With eyes no longer blind ? — James Buckham. FEBRUARY 26 1767 — a close, dark, warm day; in the forenoon windy, in the afternoon some rain; it thawed fast; proceeded on the survey northerly. — the next course to this is N. 83° W., but the ice being covered with water we proceeded no further; supposed the dist. on this course to be about 8 ch. to S. end of the bay. The ist considerable point from the end of course, N. 75° bears N. 8° W. ; the 2d point bears north, the 3d point N. 2° E. being the point this side of Fredenbourgh, I think the S. east end of Cumber land Head bears N. 52° 30' E., the N. W. end Island St. Michael bears N. 58° E., south end of Island St. Michael N. 77° E., south end of Grand Isle S. 55° E. Returned this night to Hulme's, where I stayed aU night. — Gilliland. 1797 Moses Hazen Mooers, nephew of Gen. Benj. Mooers, set out with his famUy from " HavershUl " to " Plats Bourgh." 1881 New grist mill commenced on Flat. 6o Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1909 The Lake Champlain Association of New York city held its first annual reunion at Delmonico's. At the dinner over which JuHus Seymour presided, short addresses were made by the president of the association, Hon. Francis Lynde Stetson and Gover nor Hughes. FEBRUARY 27 1766 This day J. W. returned from Crown Point hav ing brought I bbl. rum, i bbl. molasses, a i bbl. pork from thence to Sloop island, whence it was brought by a sleigh and pair from C. Point which was obHged to insure at £50. Ayers and King had been for several days absent, some thought they were himting, others thought they ran off. — ¦Gilliland. 1767 — I came home this morning, this day my ;^io heifer calved, moderate warm weather, thaws fast. — GiUiland. 1782 Grant of township formerly caUed Brownington to Samuel William Johnson and his associates. 1866 The edifice of the third Congregational Society of Burlington, erected on the southwest corner of College and South Union streets, dedicated. It is of Gothic architecture and cost $50,000, its fine organ and beautiful stained-glass windows being memorial gifts from Mrs. H. P. Hickok, Mr. George Morton and Mr. J. H. Converse. 1877 Rouses Point incorporated as a village. FEBRUARY 28 1766 — this day Luckey, Hicks and Taylor, — but word being come up that Ayers and King were returned, those 3 went to them. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 6l *^^^ , — the cattle were aU brought home, having finished the hay in the far meadows. Memorandum, that in December last, Mr. James Thompson deputy surveyor, and I performed a survey of part of the river Boquet, beginning at the head of MUltown FaUs, 32 Hnks distant from the edge of the river.— Gilliland. 1779 WUHam Hay, the first settler in what is now Pem, died. He Hved on Stewart's Patent, on the farm now owned by Capt. Johnson and is said to have witnessed the naval engagement between Benedict Arnold and the British, known as the battle of Valcour. 1787 Patents were granted to Zephaniah Piatt for the " Little Location," of 6,600 acres and for Isle St. Michael (Crab Island). 1844 The Rev. David Dobie became pastor of the First Presb)rterian church, "a young Scotchman, in his thirty-third year " who labored diligently and indefatigably among the people of this parish until faUing health compeUed his resignation. FEBRUARY 29 1756 — Agreeable to orders from Col. Glasier, (then commanding at Fort William Henry) I this day marched with a party of fifty-six men down the west side of Lake George. We continued our route north ward tUl the fifth of March. — Rogers the Ranger. 1793 It was in the month of Febmary, while Congress was enacting the laws by which Vermont was to become a member of the Union, that Prince Edward, 62 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley the fourth son of George the third, then a young man of twenty-four, afterwards Duke of Kent and father of Queen Victoria, passed through the Champlain vaUey. He had been in command of a regiment at Quebec and was now on his way to Boston. Arriving at Chazy with a large party, he crossed in thirteen carryalls and sleighs on the ice to Grand Isle and thence to BurHngton, remaining untU the third day. At that time there were but seven frame houses in the town and that of Phineas Loomis (site south-west corner of William Street), a large oak framed two story dwelHng house just completed and surrounded by the original forest was the only one at which the Prince and his suite could be enter tained. At BurHngton the teamsters were dismissed to retum to Canada and others engaged to take the Prince to Boston. The lady accompanying him, with whom he always conversed in French, started for New York, the two to meet, it was understood, in the West Indies. Before parting the Prince saw that the fur robes were tucked snugly about the traveller while a large dog lay at her feet. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 63 MARCH 1 The March wind, we might say, is the answer to the February wind's hopeful question, the absolute and jubilant conflrmation of its rumor. — James Buckham. 1763 Discontent and rebellion among the settlers of MiUtown, put down by the wisdom and energy of Watson, a half-brother of WiUiam GiUiland, whom he had left as steward of his property. The fugitives from the settlement with their stolen property were overtaken at Perue Bay. Most of them ultimately returned to their allegiance. 1767 — soft thawing weather. — Gilliland. 1799 Essex County formed from Clinton. 1809 Mr. SaiUy received his appointment as CoUector of Customs and within four weeks from that date he had personaUy visited the frontier from Rouses Point to the French MiUs. He appointed as deputies Marinus Francis Durand, Cumberland Head; Horace Olds, WhitehaU; Samuel Hicks, Champlain ViUage; Benjamin Graves, Chazy; Johns Hunsden, French MUls. 1830 The First Baptist church of Westport legally incorporated with the following trustees: Gideon Hammond, Piatt R. Halstead, Ira Henderson, George B. Reynolds, Dr. Dan S. Wright, Horace Holcomb and John Kingsley. 1876 At his home on Macdonough street died Hon. Moss Kent Piatt. He had been a State Senator, a Republican Presidential Elector in 1868, in '72 Inspector of State Prisons and since 1841 a raling elder of the First Presbyterian church. 64 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MARCH 2 The March wind is the most positive of all winds in the pneumatic calendar, and no one questions his ability to identify it, no matter under what circumstances it may be heard. — James Buckham. 1767 — soft, thawing weather, killed the 2 sows, this afternoon Wm. Bogert of Albany left 7 hhds. of rum with me not being able to proceed down the lake, the ice being bad. — Gilliland. 1814 About the first of the month Maj. Forsyth, with 300 Riflemen and Dragoons had been sent to the lines near Champlain to protect the frontier and break up an ilHcit intercourse which had been carried on with the enemy during the winter, whUe Gen. Macomb and Col. Clark had been sent to the Vermont frontier for a similar purpose. The British becom ing alarmed had occupied LacoUe and strengthened the forts at St. Johns and Isle Aux Noix. 1819 Caleb Luther of Chazy became Sheriff of Clinton county, which office he held untU Dec. 31, 1824. 1826 In the " yellow school house " Mr. Ebenezer Mott from Crown Point was ordained pastor of the Baptist church of KeesevUle, the Revs. Samuel ChurchiU of Elizabethtown, Ephraim Smith of Chat eaugay, Jeremy H. Dyer of Westport, and Stephen Wise of Jay assisting. 1860 FeU asleep in Christ at Champlain the Rev. Abraham D. Brinkerhoff, for twelve years the faith ful and beloved pastor of the Congregational Presby terian church at that place. Thirteen clergymen acted as pall bearers at his funeral. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 65 MARCH 3 1763 _ He (Watson) then set off privately for Crown Point. — Gilliland' s Journal. *767 — a snow storm, thaw continues; wrote by Mr. McKay, to Thos. Shipbog, Isaac Mann, Mr. Todd, wheelwright, etc. 1789 The inhabitants of Clinton county decide to build a block-house at Plattsburgh to be used as a jaU. This block-house on the lake shore was after wards enlarged and used as a court house, school house and place of worship. 1815 The VUlage of Plattsburgh incorporated. The first trustees were: Wm. Bailey, Jonathan Griffin, John Palmer, Reuben H. Walworth, Levi Piatt, Sam'l Moore. 1833 At her home in Plattsburgh died Mary BaUey Hughes, third wife of Gen. Benj. Mooers. She was a daughter of Col. John Bailey of Dutchess county and sister of Judge Wm. BaUey of Plattsburgh. Her first husband was General Hughes of Revolu tionary fame. 1879 The resignation of the Rev. Edwin A. BuMey, D.D., pastor of the First Presbyterian church, took effect. MARCH 4 1763 On the night of the 4th returned with 6 soldiers, lay aU night at George Belton's, there he got intel ligence that all were gone off. — Gilliland. 1767 — frosty morning, sent to the meadows for hay. Mr. Dean arrived here and agreed to become a settler 66 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley on the lot df land I formerly granted to Wm. Luckey, to which Luckey has consented and I have agreed. — Gilliland. 1791 Vermont admitted into the Union as a separate and independent state. Vermont! thou art a glorious State, Though small in acres and in skies; But 'tis not leng^th that make one great. Nor breadth that gives a nation size. Thy mountains and thy mountain air Have reared a noble race of men. And women, fairest of the fair. Their labors and their love to share. Where shall we see their like again? I love them all, which most I shan't advise. Thy mountains, maidens or thy pumpkin pies. — A Vermonter in Clinton County Whig, Aug., 1851. 1813 Col. Pike's regiment left Plattsburgh. 1875 Died Charlotte Mooers Moore, daughter of Gen. Benj. Mooers and widow of Col. Amasa C. Moore. MARCH 5 1756 We continued our route northward * * * and then steered east to Lake Champlain, about six mUes north of Crown Point where by the inteUigence we had from the Indians we expected to find some inhabited vUlages. We then attempted to cross the lake, but found the ice too weak. — Robert Rogers, the Ranger. Dunbarton, N. H., 1727— England, abt. 1800. Every man did that which was right in his own eyes. — Judges, 17, 6. 1763 Set out from G. Belton's for MUltown, found G. Hicks' house locked up. At Ayers found aU their Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 67 cattle ready shod, brought all the cattle home and marked them W. G., leaving a guard over Ayers' house least Mrs. Ayers or Mrs. Hicks should run away with intelHgence after the fellows, who were but a little way off. Made immediate pursuit after the fellows from Ayers' to Bay Perrow; we soon came up with a large chest; about half way from the river to the bay found the ox sleigh well loaded, proceeded to within •^ mile of the bay, where found Mr. Ayer and George Hicks, returning, after sending the others off; here discovered Hicks, proceeded to the bay, but could not see any of the others, they made quite off; then returned and brought all the goods home this night. — Gilliland. 1767 — drew our coal kiU, the weather warm and clear. — Gilliland. 1785 Charles Piatt " set out " or, in other words began his journey from Dutchess county, in this state. At this time the snow was very deep and he traveled with horse and sleds all the way, coming on the ice through the lake. I see the sparkling snow ; I view the mountain tops; I mark the frozen lake below. Or the dark rugged rocks. — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1816 In -an upper room of the Academy buUding The Clinton County Bible Society was organized with PHny Moore of Champlain, as President; Dr. John MUler as Vice-President; Azariah Flagg, as Treas.; Wm. Swetland, Sec. Directors. The Rev, J. Byington and Roswell Ransom of Chazy, David Savage of Champlain, The Rev. 68 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Nathaniel Hewitt, Wm. Pitt Piatt, James Trow bridge and Gen. Melancton L. Woolsey, of Platts burgh. 1880 The Rev. Joseph Gamble, pastor-elect of the First Presbyterian church began his labors. 1909 After more than two years' service in Cuba, the Fifth Infantry, including forty-two officers, band, machine gun platoon and 520 enHsted men, under command of Col. C. D. Cowles, returns to Platts burgh Barracks. MARCH 6 1763 — 6th, 7th, 8th March, the soldiers being storm- staid, set them to clear the ice from the trough and saw mUl. — Gilliland. 1767 — the weather warm and clear. — Idem. 1783 Capt. Twiss is directed by " R. M." in a letter written from Quebec to purchase horses and sleds from the Loyalists who have arrived with them at the Loyal Block House and cannot return on account of bad ice.— Ganadian Archives. 1806 Uriah Palmer was elected deacon of the Baptist church at KeesevUle. 1811 Among the subscribers who agree to pay ten dollars for each share subscribed by them towards defraying the expense of building a school house in the village of Plattsburgh, we find Charles Marsh, I share; George Marsh, 3 shares; GUead Sperry and Swetland, 5 shares; GUead Sperry i share. George Marsh was one of the first trustees. JUDGE PLINY MOORE First White Settler of Champlain 1759-1822 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 69 1838 Essex County Academy at Westport received a charter from the Regents. The first tmstees were Aaron B. Mack, Judge Charies Hatch, Charles B. Hatch, George B. Reynolds, Ira Henderson, Norris McKinney, Barnabas Myrick, Caleb P. Cole and Joseph Cole. For twenty years this was one of the important schools in the valley, receiving pupUs from New York and Montreal, from Vermont and all the towns of the county. The buUding was burned about 1874. MARCH 7 1767 — executed leases for Mr. Dean, and let him and Luckey have sundrys for their settlement on their farm, the snow almost off the ground, especially where it has been cleared, the sun having much power, our wheat appears well, only the tops of the blades are withered.— Gilliland. Yet winter has some beauties left, Which cheer my heart forlorn. — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1788 Clinton county erected from Washington and comprising four sub-divisions, viz., Champlain, Platts burgh, WiUsborough, and Crown Point, Lieut. Benj. Mooers commissioned First Sheriff of Clinton county. Champlain, one of the original towns of the county, formed. The first settlers were Scotch refugees and the lands were surveyed by Lieut. Mooers, while the first surveyor of the " Moorfield Patent " was Pliny Moore, afterwards Judge Moore. The first house was erected by the refugee Louis Goseline as early as 1784. He was also the first mason. 1854 Edward Bingham Chamberlain examined and approved by Suffolk South Association in Boston at the house of Dr. Lyman Beecher. _ ^ ; •JO Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1862 The 96th Regiment organized at Plattsburgh, during the winter of 1 861-2, under the command of Col. James Fairman, was mustered into the service of the United States and ready for " marching orders." MARCH 8 1767 — went on the river ice to the lake, slopy walking the sun thawing fast, went to Mr. Auley's and stayed aU night. — Gilliland. 1814 The commission of John Larkins, son of Loren Larkin, as Lieutenant of a Company in the 36th Regiment of Infantry, Thomas MiUer Lieutenant- Colonel Commandant, passed the Secretary's Office, J. Ruten Van Rensselaer, Sec. MARCH 9 1763 — J. W. set out with the soldiers for Crown Point, where he was detained 4 days, during which time he bought from Mr. Benzel the time of David Phleming, and from Capt. Brown's man 2 sows — and was then obliged to pay ;^5 or £,(> for mending soldier's guns, which were broke falling on the ice. — Gilliland. 1767 — all hands went to make a yard for our hay, on my own lot on Eliza point, when we determined to bring aU the hay remaining at Eliza meadow, and there to feed our dry cattle, here I have agreed with Thos. Burke to clear twenty acres of land for, — Gilliland. MARCH 10 1767 — engaged George Reynold for — month at :i£i6 per ann. and John Davi for — months at £10 per 1767 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 71 ann. This was a pleasant warm day, sent over cattle to Eliza point; yesterday during our absence George Hick's cow having gone into the ox stable was kUled by one of the oxen. — Gilliland. MARCH 11 — a bitter cold day, freezes hard. — this day I made a survey of the south shore of Encamping island, beginning at the north east corner thereof. — Gilliland. 1818 InstaUation of the Rev. Samuel W. Whelpley over the First Presbyterian church of Plattsburgh and the Rev. Stephen Kinsley over the daughter of this church, the Presbyterian Church of Beekman town. The sermon on this occasion on the text Ezk. iu:i7, " The Spiritual Watchman " was preached by the Rev. Daniel Haskell, pastor of the Congre gational church of Burlington, Vermont and the charge to the people was given by President Austin of the University of Vermont. Mr. Whelpley, originally from New England and a Baptist had, while principal of Morristown Academy, N. J., united with the Presbyterian Church, publishing his reasons for a change of views in a " Discourse delivered in the First Church." He was already an author of note when he came to Plattsburgh, having the previous year published " The Triangle " in which the leaders and views of the " Old School Theology " had been keenly criticised. This work created a sensation and undoubtedly hastened the division in the Presbyterian Church into Old and New School. MARCH 12 1767 — a very cold day, as cold as at New Year's day. Messrs. McCracken, Rice, and Price, this day arrived from Montreal, on their journey for New York. — Gilliland. 72 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1772 Albany County divided, the new county includ ing both sides of Lake Champlain and taking its name from Charlotte, daughter of WiUiam GUlUand and wife of the first clerk of Essex county, Stephen Cuyler. 1785 Charles Piatt arrived in Plattsburgh from Dutchess county. How truly grand the scene! The giant trees are bare. No fertile meadows intervene, No hillocks fresh and fair. — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1789 Vergennes elected Enoch Woodbridge, its first mayor, subsequently chief justice of the Supreme Court. 1805 Reuben Baker received of EHsha Arnold ten doUars Town Bounty for having kiUed a wolf in the Town of Peru. 1813 Lake Champlain Steamboat Company chartered by New York. 1856 The Rev. Edward B. Chamberlain ordained and installed pastor of the Presbyterian church in Platts burgh, President Pease of the U. V. M., his Alma Mater, preaching the sermon. MARCH 13 1767 — almost as cold as yesterday and small snow, conveyed the above gen^i to Eliza point, where I have two men clearing land. — Gilliland. 1804 Birth in Champlain of Lemuel, second son of Reuben and Lois (Smedley) Stetson. Lemuel Stetson became a law student in the office of Judge JuHus C. HubbeU of Chazy and later in that of Judge Lynde Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 75 of Plattsburgh. After his admission to the bar he removed to KeesevUle where he was "one of the lights of the KeeseviUe bar " untU the spring of 1848. 1808 In Highgate (Saxe's Mills), Vt., died John Sax, the pioneer and ancestor of all of that name in the vaUey. Bom in 1732 in Langen, Saltzo in Hanover (now Pmssia), bereft of father at fourteen he made his way to Amsterdam and from there, with a com panion, came to the " British province of Pennsyl vania in America." Later he settled in the Province of New York remaining loyal to the king. Here (Rhinebeck) he was suspected of giving aid and comfort to the enemy, was arrested and thrown into prison at Esopus (now Kingston). Though threat ened with death, he, conscious of his integrity, declared defiantly " There is not a rope in Esopus strong enough to hang me." After many months he was released there being no evidence against him. He then disposed of his property and, in June, 1786 sought the Champlain VaUey. Soon after coming to America he had applied himself with aU diligence to mastering the English language but all his Hfe enjoyed reading his German Bible and the services of the Lutheran church were held at his home where gathered all his German neighbors of the same faith. He was particularly anxious for the welfare and education of his children and it was his grandson,. John G. Saxe, the poet who wrote: Is learning your ambition..' There is no royal road ; Alike the peer and peasant Must climb to her abode ; Who feels the thirst of knowledge, In Helicon may slake it If he has still the Roman will, " I'll find a way, or makejit! " — John G. Saxe. 74 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley The pioneer's remains rest in the cemetery at PhiHpsburg, Canada. 1890 The S. F. VUas Home for Aged and Infirm Women formaUy opened. MARCH 14 1767 — " very cold clear weather," It was on this day that the carcass, hide and taUow of George Hicks' cow mentioned before, was disposed of at pubHc auction, the net proceeds being £z 15 2. " This was a very cold clear day." — Gilliland. 1786 Hearing before the Commissioners of the Land office of the State of New York, at Mr. Heyers in the City of New York, of the claims of WUHam GilHland to several locations made by him under certain rights of sundry officers and privates of the Two Regiments raised for the defence of the State, which locations were subsequently set aside by this Board for the Canadian and Nova Scotia Refugees. 1909 Col. C. D. Cowles receives through the War Department, his commission as a brigade commander in the inaugural parade at Washington on March 4. His brigade, the third, was composed of the Cuban Army of Pacification and included the Fifth Infantry (Organized 1798, one hundred and eleven years old. Campaign War, 181 2; Black Hawk and Seminole Indian Wars; Mexican and Civil Wars; Frontier Indian Wars; service in Cuba; PhiHppine Insurrec tion; Cuban Pacification) Major W. O. Clark, com manding. MARCH 15 1760 In Dutchess county was born Dr. John MiUer who came to Plattsburgh in 1795 with the family of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 75 Judge Zephaniah Piatt and the AveriUs. He built the house at the head of Broad street, now known as the HartweU place and resided there for more than forty years. His farm extended from the Saranac river on the south to the Capt. Nathaniel dr. JOHN MILLER Piatt estate on the north and the Edward Viel Allen place on the west. Dr. MUler was the pioneer physician of Plattsburgh, making his caUs on horse back with the saddle-bags slung across the saddle. 1767 Guy (?) weather begins to thaw. 1790 Zepha Piatt gave Melancton Smith " rect. and discharge in full." 1793 Capt. John Douglas, son of Asa, from Stephen- town, N. Y., landed with his wife and seven chUdren at the lake shore of Chazy. His was the first EngHsh famUy that settled in the town and he became a man of great influence as the settlement increased. 1834 Lake Champlain is now free from ice. — Platts burgh Republican. "jd Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MARCH 16 1757 While the lake was still frozen and the snow lay in heavy drifts along its shores, a party of i,ioo French and 400 Canadian Indians under Vaudreuil and the Chevalier Longueuil having marched from Ticonderoga lay all night upon the snow behind Long Point. 1776 Birth in Rhinebeck, N. Y., of Matthew, fourth son of John and Catherine (Weaver) Sax. Matthew became a pioneer of Chazy and from him and his brothers Saxe's Landing took its name. 1813 The 6th regiment left Plattsburgh. 1826 In his home on Cumberland Avenue, died Hon. Peter SaiUy, Collector of Customs for this district from 1809 until his death. 1874 The association for a united, systematic effort in behalf of homeless waifs and strays of the street and county house, organized by Margaret F. Piatt, Sarah S. Williams, Catherine Frederica Buckley, Joanne W. Clark, Deborah T. S. Bixby, Mary M. Foot, Margaret E. Edwards, Margaret S. Palmer, Hannah S. Lansing, Welthy H. Orvis, Francis D. L. HaU, Charlotte M. Norton, Margaret P. Myers. MARCH 17 In Cumberland Bay fair Undine to-day Lies bound in the fetters of sleep. But her lover, the Sun, soon northward will come To waken his bride of the deep. — Marion Stetson Palmer. I Champlain, 1837 — Plattsburgh, 1885. 1756 We returned and marched round by the bay to the west of Crown Point, and at night got into the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley jy cleared land among their houses and barns. Here we formed an ambush, expecting their labourers out to tend their cattle and clean their grain, of which there were several barns full. We continued there that night, and next day tiU dark; when discovering none of the enemy, we set fire to the houses and barns, and marched off. — Rogers the Ranger. — the only scout of fame, who after Lexington loved the King of England better than his country. — W. H. H. Murray. 1757 The French, early the next morning, suddenly appeared before Fort WUHam Henry, but John Stark with his rangers, forced the assaUants back although they succeeded in burning several sloops, a large number of bateaux, and some store houses which stood beyond the reach of the fort. 1767 — laid out a piece of land on my mother's lot to be cleared by Jno. Smith and Thos. Burke, begin ning at N. Smith's marked tree, on the bank of the lake, etc. — Gilliland. 1775 The inhabitants of WUlsboro agreed upon regu lations concerning roads, fences, bridges and hogs, declaring these "to be binding on us respectively by every Tie of honor and honesty for the space of twelve months from this date." The signers were: WiU Gilliland, Thomas Day, Martin Armstrong, Ebenezer White, George Bremmers, George Belton, WUHam Wykes, Nathaniel Blood, Jonathan Flint, Thomas Day, WiUiam Cammeron, Jotham Gardner, Jacob Gardner. 1783 Death of Major James Armstrong Wilson of the Cumberland vaUey who was captured by a party of observation under Frazier and Scott in July, 1777 but was afterwards exchanged. 78 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1788 In Lanesboro, Berkshire county, Mass., was bom Julius C. HubbeU who removed to Champlain in 1805 and entered the law office of his brother SUas as a student at the age of seventeen. 1834 The steam ferry (Winooski, Capt. Dan Lyon) commenced her trips between Plattsburgh, Port Kent and Burlington. MARCH 18 1767 Birth of Christiana Cutler, who became the wife of " Loren " Larkin and mother of his ten chUdren, bearing her full share of the hardships of pioneer life in Clinton county whither they came in 1804. She died in 1 845 " a very rehgious woman of the Universa list connection but not of the pronounced views of that sect." 1767 Wm. GilHland ran the Hne between Robert and John McAuley's, marking the trees back f of a mUe to a very large white oak. The same day James Logan came over on the ice to offer GilHland his choice of a horse and mare he had brought from Canada on the i6th. GUliland chose the mare and Robert McAuley went after her. 1807 At Chateaugay was born John W. BaUey, son of Judge Wm. and Phebe Piatt BaUey and grandson of Capt. Nathaniel Piatt of Plattsburgh and Col. John Bailey of Dutchess county, both active patriots in the Revolution. 1825 On the Arsenal lot, Broad street, took place the pubHc execution of Peggy Facto, convicted of mur dering her infant child. Gen. Benj. Mooers, in whose famUy the unfortunate woman had once been a Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 79 servant, always believed her innocent. On the day of her execution many people came on the ice from Grand Isle to witness the sad scene, but all were obHged to return by boat. 1854 The fine brick residence of Moss Kent Piatt on the comer of Macdonough and Macomb streets was burned. The house with its furnishings was a bridal gift to Mrs. Piatt from her husband's uncle, the Hon, Moss Kent. At the time of the fire, a high wind was blowing and only the walls were left standing; the mahogany doors and mantel pieces of Italian marble were, however, saved and placed in the new house constructed later on the opposite corner. MARCH 19 1763 J. W. set out from Crown Point for Willsborough. — Gilliland. 1765 Powder horn of Judge Zephaniah Piatt made at " Poughkeapsy " by Samvel More. It is now in the possession of John St. Denis of Plattsburgh. 1767 — this forenoon he (Robert. McAuley) came with the mare, and Mr. Logan on his horse. Yester day and to-day we had pleasant weather, fine sleigh ing across the lake ; this afternoon we went down the river and round Chism's point to R. McAuley's on the ice. This day the McAuleys begun to draw logs for themselves to the saw miU, and this day Smith and Burke began to clear on my mother's lot. — GiUiland. MARCH 20 1767 — a warm pleasant day. — Gilliland. 1778 I was appointed ensign in a Regiment com manded by Col. Moses Hazen, which was organized So Three Centuries in Champlain Valley on a different plan from any other regiment in the Revolutionary war, viz: Colonel, Lieut. Colonel, four Majors, twenty companies with a Captain, Lieut, and ensign to each company, which consisted of three Sergeants, three Corporals, Fifer, Drummer, and forty-two Privates. Recollections of Benjamin Mooers, gathered and compiled by him self in Ms. at Plattsburgh in 1822. 1804 Chazy and Mooers were set off from Champlain. The name of the former was from Chasy, an officer of the Carignan regiment, and that of the latter, from Lieut. Benj. Mooers, first permanent settler of the county. Sieur de Chasy was stationed at the new fort of St. Anne when, in June, 1666, ambassa dors from the Mohawks and Oneidas, stopped there, bound on a peaceful mission to Quebec. The out look was so favorable that the French officers relaxed somewhat their usual vigUance, and Chasy, with some of his brother officers and men, went on a hunting and fishing trip in the neighborhood. Here, they were met by a group of " Iroquois of the Agniers tribe " and Chasy, who was a nephew of M. de Tracy, the viceroy with whom the Indian deputies were then conferring, was killed with de Travesy, whUe the rest were made prisoners. The news of this tragedy, reaching Quebec, put an end to all negotia tions and resulted in the expedition of M. de Sorel against the Mohawk villages. The same date, Schroon, named from the Duchess of Scharon, and Ticonderoga (Brawling Water) were organized. 1807 First Congregational church in Mooers organized by thirteen members and the Rev. Benjamin Wooster and the Rev. Amos PettingUl. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 8i 1859 Death of Hannah Saxe ScoveU, ninth child and only daughter of John Saxe, the pioneer and wife of Josiah B. ScoveU. 1907 First Presbyterian church in Mooers celebrated its looth anniversary. MARCH 21 1767 — a close thick snow this morning, it appeared to have feU 2 inches last night. About sun setting, James Logan set out from EHza sandy point, with his horse and a sleigh load of hay, to go home over the ice; he got safe to within ^ mUe of his house» when his horse fell into a wide crack and was drowned; Logan returned to McAuley's ; the latter part of this day was constant sleet and rain, the wind southerly, the forenoon being a wet snow. — Gilliland. 1838 At Malone Susan Maria Man, daughter of Albon Man, M. D., and his wife Maria (Piatt) Man, became the bride of the Hon. Hugh McCuUoch, secretary of the treasury under Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. The bride's grandfather on her father's side was Dr. Ebenezer Man, brigade surgeon at the battles of Monmouth and Yorktown; and on her mother's side, the fearless Capt. Nathaniel Piatt. 1842 At the early age of thirty-five, in her home comer of Margaret and Cornelia streets, died EHza Piatt, wife of Henry Ketchum AverUl and daughter of Wm. Pitt Piatt. Her uncle, Chancellor Kent says of her in writing to her mother (his sister): " She was a woman of strong mind, and of strong feelings, and of great energy and decision of char acter." 82 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MARCH 22 1767 — the wind about S. W., continued rain last night to lo o'clock this day; very sloppy and bad walking; Logan durst not venture to cross the lake, the snow and water concealing the most dangerous places. — Gilliland. 1772 John Munro and others from Albany effected the capture of Remember Baker in his home in ArHngton but he was rescued by Warner and others before the Hudson river was reached at the place where Troy now stands. 1785 Peter SaUly, accompanied by his wife and three of his children, Charles, Bernadine and JuHa, (EmeHa, the baby, remaining with her aunts at La RocheUe until her twentieth year) embarked at L'Orient, France for America. They had a pleasant voyage of thirty-eight days. 1800 Judge Zephaniah Piatt wrote from Plattsburgh to his friend George CHnton that he had never had a law suit, nor was he ever sued. 1814 Clinton county records show that 8o rods of land, corner Bridge and Peru streets were deeded to Gen. Benj. Mooers. The house, a wooden one painted yellow was buUt and occupied by Thomas Green. Many years later it was bricked up. 1822 Name of " DansviUe " changed to Wihnington. Rueben Sanford, an early pioneer from Poultney, Vt., was the Hfe of the place for half a century starting a potashery, opening a hotel and engaging in other enterprises previous to 1 812. A devout Methodist, when the flood of February, 1830 had washed his Three Cknturies in Champlain Valley 83 miUs away, in open meeting he said, " I thank God for the reHgion of Jesus Christ which the fire cannot bum nor the floods wash away." 1843 Died at Chazy Landing Benjamin Graves, one of the early settlers of Clinton county, residing in the towns of Plattsburgh, Altona, Champlain and Chazy. In the Revolution he served for over three years as a body servant to Gen. Washington and was in the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Elizabeth- town, Conn., Farms and Yorktown. 1895 An ordinance was approved which estabUshed a paid Fire Department in BurHngton. MARCH 23 1763 Birth in Po'keepsie of Theodorus Piatt, eldest of the sons of Judge Zephaniah and Mary Van Wyke Piatt. Theodorus was one of the earHest settlers of Plattsburgh; was a justice of the peace and first surrogate of the county. His smaU office stood near a deep ravine on Margaret street near the southeast corner of Protection avenue, 1767 — began to freeze a Httle at 10 last night, and continued to this morning, when a slender cmst dried the snow a Httle. Logan ventured across the lake, and in aU appearance got home safe; this is a soft, thawing day; the McAuley's hatU home 9 logs however, from the white pinery. — Gilliland. 1802 Uriah Pahner and Waterman Eels, Commis sioners of Highways of the town of Pem, laid out a road described thus " And a road tumed from George 84 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Shavers E., Hne thence threw the Bald Plane Near Ferris MiUs to the Great River as it is now cut out." 1811 William Sowles, aged 72, died in Alburgh, Vt., where he had settled soon after the Revolution, supposing himself in British territory. As WiUiam Soule, he had served in the EngHsh navy and, at the battle of Saratoga, fought on the side of Bur- , goyne. After the confiscation of his property, he started northward, intending to go to Canada. Tradition says he was the owner of the Astor House property on lower Broadway, New York city, which he leased for 99 years to the first John Jacob Astor, the lease expiring in 1900. 1834 On the arsenal lot on Broad street for the mur der of Leander Shaw, his son-in-law, Alexander Larabee, maintaining his innocence to the last, was hung. The Rev. Father Rafferty read a declaration to that effect from the scaffold. MARCH 24 To do what gracious thing I may Belongeth only to this day. — James Buckham. 1767 — this evening my large young red ox with a white face, died at Belton's; on opening him it ap peared he had been hurt at the So meadow by two of the cattle that attacked him (one being Martin Taylor's ox) and this occasioned his death; the weather warm. — Gilliland. 1800 Birth on South Island, Lake Champlain of Benajah Phelps, Jr., whose father, an early settler of Grand Isle, reared a family of 18 sons and daughters. Benajah, Jr., at the age of loi was the only surviving eye witness of the battle of Platts burgh. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 85 The same day was recorded the laying out of " a pubHck road four rods wide," (Bridge street) east from the Bridge by Jno. Roberts 3d and John Stephenson, commissioners. This road taking vari ous directions corresponded in a general way to a portion of the present Peru, Macdonough, Hamilton (near the lake) streets. 1811 On Sunday, by the Rev. Mr. Halsey, Mr. Bela Edgerton and Miss Phebe Ketchum, both of this vUlage, were married. — Plattsburgh Republican. 1815 Northwest Bay became Westport. 1886 In New York city, at the Grand Union Hotel on his way from the south died Samuel Flint Vilas of Plattsburgh. MARCH 25 1767 — this afternoon ended with a thick heavy faU of snow. — Gilliland. 1785 The house of Charles Piatt, 18x20 feet, was finished and moved into. Yes! this is home! — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1793 John Mooers of Haverhill, Mass., late from Corinth, N. H., with his wife and chUd Benjamin John, then six years old, crossed Lake Champlain from Grand Isle on foot over broken and breaking ice to the northeast part of Plattsburgh, now East Beekmantown, where he engaged in business for his brother, Lieut. Benj. Mooers. Three years later he left Point Au Roche and went with his brother to Cumberland Head where he continued in his employ untU his death in August, 1803, leaving his wife and sixteen-year-old son in dependent circumstances. 86 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MARCH 26 1690 Capt. Jacob d'Warm ordered by the authorities at Albany to proceed to Crown Point with 17 EngHsh and 20 Indians and there watch the movements of i the enemy (the French and Indians). At this time he buUt a smaU stone fort at what is now Chimney Point in the town of Addison. 1767 — this was a very pleasant clear day and not cold, the maple trees run fast the middle of the day. — Gilliland. 1806 In Burlington, whither he had removed about 1800, died Col. Ebenezer AUen, the first settler of South Hero, after the grant of the " Two Heroes " in 1779. Col. Allen was a third cousin of Gen. Ethan AUen, an early settler in the New Hampshire Graijts at Bennington and Poultney, and a Revolutionary soldier under Allen, Warner, Herrick and Gates. 1814 Wm. Baker, a sergeant of the British Army (103d regiment of Infantry), was executed as a spy on the sand ridge between Court and Brinckerhoff streets, now site of Mount Assumption Institute. 1823 In the Davidson homestead, overlooking Cum berland Bay, was born Margaret MiUer Davidson, the younger and equally talented sister of Lucretia. She began to write poetry when but six years old. On the Birth op a Sister, Sweet babe, I cannot hope thou wilt be freed From woes, to all, since earliest time, decreed; But mayest thou be with resignation blessed To bear each evil, howsoe'er distressed, — Written by Lucretia in her fifteenth year. 1909 At Plattsburgh was organized the Nathan Beman Society, Children of the American Revolution, with Mrs. C. J. Vert, President. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 87 1881 At MorrisonvUle died Henry Ketchum AverUl, son of Nathan AveriU, Jr., and PoUy Ketchum, his wife. For nine years he served as postmaster. At the time those holding that office furnished the buUd ing and the building then used and standing on Margaret street near No. 33 is now the dwelling No. 54 Oak street. Mr. AveriU and Mr. SaUly were then partners in the iron business, owning the ore-bed at what is now Dannemora with a forge at CadyviUe. MARCH 27 1767 — a fine moderate day, Logan crossed the lake this morning and went home in the afternoon, having got G. McAuley to assist him to get his mare out of the lake and the skin taken off her, the ice pretty good. FarreU of StUlwater returned home a few days ago say 25th, on the ice. — Gilliland. 1792 At a town meeting in North Hero John Hutchins, Benj. Butler and John Martin were appointed a committee to raise money for building a canal across the " Carrying Place " but were unsuccessful. 1811 Died " Mr. Zenas AUen, Esquire " who had just removed to this viUage from Vermont and become estabhshed in a prosperous business. He was a Revolutionary soldier and was buried with masonic honors. 1821 " DansviUe " (now Wilmington) set off from Jay. 1860 At her home in Peru died Catherine Robinson, wife of Samuel Keese and a regular preacher of the Society of Friends. Previous to her marriage for twenty years a popular teacher in Philadelphia and elsewhere, after that event she was recognized as 88 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley called to the ministry and from " the fourth month, 1849 " she preached with force and eloquence not only in the Quaker meeting house at the Union, but in Friends' meetings in Philadelphia, Canada, west Central New York and Saratoga; also, on several occasions at Clinton Prison. MARCH 28 He is a messenger, this March wind, who rides bareback and standing a string of a hundred horses, and sweeps more marvelously around the ring of the world than any spangled equestrian around his circle of sawdust. The roar of his passage and his hearty, re-assuring shout make the house rock, — and when he is ofE again you can hear him telling his good news in the next town. — James Buckham. 1767 — fine, clear, pleasant weather; froze smartly last night. — Gilliland' s Journal. 1819 Birth of Matthew Davidson, brother of the sisters Lucretia and Margaret. 1820 Midshipman Charles Theodorus Piatt promoted to Heutenant, U. S. N. 1828 Zephaniah Palmer surveyed and described the road which now runs to Harkness to the bridge at what he caUs " the forks of Peru " (probably Ausable Forks). MARCH 29 1767 — a soft day with sleet and rain, and some snow. — Gilliland. 1784 Bridport organized with John N. Bennet first town clerk; constable, M. Smith; selectmen, John Barber, Moses Johnson, Daniel Hoskins, Isaac Bar- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 89 rows, and Marshall Smith (the same who had escaped from Quebec in 1779), 1804 Saranac, formed from Plattsburgh. 1814 4,000 men were collected at Champlain, of whom 100 were cavalry and 304 artUlerists, having II pieces of cannon of small calibre. With this force Wilkinson planned an attack against Major Hancock of the 13th who, with 600 men, occupied a stone grist-mill on the banks of the LacoUe river about five mUes north of the lines. 1825 Died: — Judge Henry Delord, aged 61 years. He was a native of Nismes, France, and came from the island of Martinique to Peru where he kept a store and was post-master. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Phebe Ketchum, and in 1810, removed to Plattsburgh purchasing from James Kent, the house on Bellevue (Cumberland) avenue, buUt by Nathan Averill, Sr., the hospitaHty of which became proverbial. 1839 Ausable and Black Brook, formed from Peru. MARCH 30 1690 Capt. Abram Schuyler was sent with nine men and a party of Mohawks under Lawrence, to Otter Creek to watch the enemy; whUe there he led a scout of eight Indians as far as Chumbly, where he encountered a smaU party of French, of whom he kUled two and took one prisoner. — whUe from the western shore the land, after a gentle rise for a short distance, faUs off rapidly toward the Otter, leaving the broad and extensive vaUey of that stream open to the vision, which now wanders to the westem borders of Lake Champlain^ 90 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley where the long chain of mountains that rise immedi ately beyond, lies sleeping in the blue distance, and bounds the view of this magnificent scene. — Judge D. P Thompson in " The Green Mountain Boys." 1766 — this day river thawed, and the sawmiU was set agoing. — Gilliland. 1767 — a bright, warm day. — Gilliland. 1811 In Plattsburgh, died Thomas AUen, a soldier of the Revolution and a first settler of the town. In 1785, of the " gift lots," twelve in number, he received number three, containing 100 acres and adjoining on the south that of Charles Piatt whUe on the west it extended to the farm of Capt. Nathaniel Piatt. 1814 In the morning the American army marched out of Champlain upon the OdeUtown road now nearly impassable for artUlery, obstructed as it was by fallen trees and heavy snow drifts. Major Forsyth and his Rifles led the advance, foUowed by the 30th and 31st and part of the nth under Col. Clark; two corps of infantry under BisseU and Smith and a reserve of 800 men under Macomb brought up the rear. The attack on the stone miU ended disastrously for the Americans, their loss amounting to 104 kiUed and wounded, among them several brave officers while the British loss reported was but 10 kUled and 46 wounded. At simdown the whole army retired to OdeUtown. MARCH 31 1767 — the sun very hot, froze none last night; this day rode my mare on the river to the lake, the ice good on both river and lake. — GilUland. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1812 1814 1849 91 In Plattsburgh town records was recorded the laying out by Smith and David BroadweU, com missioners of highways, of HamUton, Jay and Wash ington streets. Gen.^ Wilkinson returned with his army to Champlain and from there Macomb was sent to Burlington while the main army fell back upon Chazy and Plattsburgh, to protect the mUitary stores at the latter places. In the evening WiUiam Piatt, son of Judge Levi, foimd his father dying from apoplexy in his arm chair but seven weeks after the sudden death of his JUDGE LEVI PLATT wife. Their next-door neighbor. Dr. Benj. J. Mooers, was hastUy summoned from his accustomed place in the prayer-meeting of the Presbyterian church, but without avaU. Of Judge Piatt it was said: " He was a poUshed gentleman in his manners, always affable and courteous. He possessed much 92 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley public spirit, and was a friend of everything which promised to be useful to the community. He was particularly distinguished for kindness and hospital ity. His home was, for many years, the general resort of strangers visiting in the place." 1884 In St. Louis, far from her native place, Platts burgh, died " Aunt Margaret," widow of Col. Benj. Hazen Mooers and daughter of Dr. John and EHza beth (Smith) MiUer. 1887 In Albany, N. Y., died John Godfrey Saxe, a poet of the Champlain valley, journaHst and lecturer. His best known humorous poems include " Rhjrme of the RaU," " The Proud Miss McBride," etc. He pubhshed " Progress," Humorous and Satirical Poems," " The Money King and Other Poems," " Fables and Legends," " Leisure-Day RhjTmes," etc. " O, terribly proud was Miss Mac- Bride The very personification of Pride, As she minced along in Fashion's tide, Adown Broadway, — on the proper side, — ¦; Mr. Saxe was the unsuccessful Democratic candidate for governor of Vermont in 1859 and i860. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 93 APRIL 1 Where's the heart that can answer nay To the whispered " Come! " of an April day? — Buckham. 1690 Capt. Abraham Schuyler was ordered to the mouth of Otter Creek with 9 men there " to watch day and night for one month, and daily communicate with Capt. D'Warm, concerning Lawrence, the Mohawk chief, and his party of Indians." At the same time D'Warm's orders were changed to select some other place at the Pass which he did, building a Httle stone fort at Chimney Point in Addison, the first possession or occupation by civiHzed men in Vermont. 1758 Was bom in HaverhUl, Mass., Benjamin Mooers, son of Benjamin and Abigal (Hazen) Mooers. The father was a native of Newbury, Mass. and was a tanner by trade. From 1783 to 1786 Benjamin, Jr. spent his summers on the borders of the Lake and winters in HaverhUl. 1767 — " the ice on the lake looked very black yester day evening," wrote GiUiland. He then says that when they arose about 6 o'clock f of the ice appeared to be sunk as it did not freeze during the night and the wind was blowing from the south. The wind continuing high and southerly with some rain dur ing the day the lake appeared all open except the bays and on their return from the woods at 3 in the afternoon the creeks were very high and " in the swamps the ice very rotten." In the forenoon they had continued to run lines at Mrs. Jane GiUiland's south but the wetness of the afternoon hurried him home to MiUtown to secure his trough lest the river shotUd break up and the flood injure it. On arriving 94 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley he found " a considerable flood " in the Boquet and the snow almost all off the cleared land. Pioneer History of the Champlain Valley. — Watson. APRIL 2 1767 — a soft, thawing, growing day; the river rose much last night, and continued to rise aU this day; I got my trough well loaded with large stone which completely secured it. — Gilliland. 1793 At Town Meeting held at the Court House, Plattsburgh, the following Town Officers were elected: For Supervisor, Nathaniel Piatt; Town Clerk, Chas. Piatt; Assessors, Mel L. Woolsey, Benj'n Moores, Jacob Ferris; Commissioners of Highways, John Stephenson, Charles Piatt, Samuel Beeman ; Overseers of the Poor, WiUiam Coe, Nathan AveriU, Benj'n Graves; Constables, Benj'n Graves, George Marsh; Treasurer, Charles Piatt; Fence Viewers, John Ran som, Wm. Pitt Piatt, Jonas Allen; Poundkeeper, Benj'n Graves, etc. 1804 At Peru Landing, died John Craig, Sr., a Scotch man who had first settled in Canada. In i8oi, he had married Lodema Ransom, daughter of John of Cumberland Head. Their only chUd, John Craig, Jr., was then but a few months old. 1897 Bellevue Chapter, (named for BeUevue moun tain) D. A. R. of St. Albans, Vt., orgamzed. APRIL 3 April brings another voice to my window — a feminine voice now, with the child-tone lingering in it. — James Buckham. 1767 — soft weather continues; raised the fence out of our yard; the flood rather lower than yesterday Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 95 evening; last night it was at the highest, having thrown up large cakes of ice on and broke down my fence on the S. E. corner of Camp island; the water almost surrounded the flat at the lower landing. — Gilliland. 1786 On Tuesday, the second town meeting was held and Charles Piatt, elected Supervisor; Kinner New comb, John Ransom, and Jacob Ferris, Assessors; John Ransom, Town Clerk; Darick Webb, Jonas Allen and Jacob Ferris, Overseers of the Poor; Samuel Beeman, Cyrenus Newcomb, etc. The westem boundary of CHnton County was extended to the St. Lawrence River and embraced a large portion of the present cotmty of St. Lawrence. 1842 The first church building of the first Baptist Society of BurHngton, situated on the south-west comer of Church and Main streets, was dedicated. APRIL 4 1767 — last night we had a Httle snow and some frost, but which was gone by g o'clock; this day was soft and not cold, good growing weather; the snow quite gone off the cleared land and off the wood land too that inclines toward the south. Our cattle finding the wood feed good yesterday, did not come home last night, even old spark (the weakest of them all) stayed out. — Gilliland. 1784 Peter SaiUy from the Province of Lorraine in France reached America on his first visit — one of investigation. 1785 The two tracts of land obtained by Zephaniah Piatt and associates were incorporated into a town called PLATTSBURGH, by a special act of the 96 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley legislature. At that time it embraced aU of Platts burgh Old Patent, FrizweU's Patent, and Cumberland Head Patent, " At the close of the war I had purchased a few class rights of the soldiers and having coUected a little something, set out for the woods, and after viewing several places, I set down on the west side of Lake Champlain, an entirely new country and wUderness and called the town Plattsburgh." Charles Piatt in letter to Dr. Samuel Jenner of Northfield, Mass. 1805 The biU for the building of the Great Northern Turnpike became a law. The commissioners were: Theodosius Fowler, Elkanah Watson, Charles D. Cooper, Theodorus Ross, Benjamin Mooers, Charles R. Webster, Robert GUchrist, James Rogers, PHny Moore, Micajah Petit. Also, the towns of Lewis and Essex were " set off " from WiUsborough, the former, named in honor of Governor Morgan Lewis, who owned land there purchased from General Philip Schuyler; the latter as well as the county Essex, being named for Essex, England. 1812 The Trustees of the Presbyterian Church, Platts burgh, made an agreement with Ichabod Fitch, to frame and raise the building for $500. 1848 Schuyler Falls formed from Plattsburgh. Ezra Turner, one of the original thirteen settlers in the town of Plattsburgh, made the first settlement in the Town about 1794 when he married Amy Beman daughter of Nathan Beman, then only sixteen years old. Their home in the woods was seven miles from the Httle settlement on the Lake. 1866 "The Jewish Congregation of Plattsburgh" purchased from the trustees of the First Universahst Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 97 Church, their lot and church building on Oak Street, and fitted it up as a place of public worship. 1883 Y. M. C. A, of Burlington incorporated. 1 888 The S. F, VUas Home for Aged and Infirm Women incorporated by the gift of Mrs. Harriet Hunt VUas, widow of the late S. F. VUas of Plattsburgh. 1909 At Galena, lU, died Ann EHzabeth Felt, widow of B. F. Felt and daughter of Zephaniah C. Piatt. Her aunt CaroHne Adriance Piatt Diell died a few years since in Adriance, Virginia, in the 94th year of her age. She was the widow of the Rev. John Diell, eight years Seaman's Chaplain at HonoliUu, Sand wich Islands, who died at sea in 1841, when home ward bound. APRIL 5 Daybreak! daybreak! bright grows the east at last; Bells ringing, birds singing, sun in the dew- drop glassed. — James Buckham,. 1769 WiUiam KeUey, in behalf of Lord Viscount Townsend and twenty-four associates, petitioned for a grant of 25,000 acres, bounded east by Cumberland Bay and extending west on both sides of the Saranac River, including the land covered by the warrant of survey of Jan. 27, 1768. 1796 It was voted " that ten dollars be paid by the inhabitants of Peru for every wolf kiUed within the town of Peru in the present year, said wolf to be a full Grone wolf and fresh kiUed." At the regular town meeting in the Court House (Plattsburgh) it was "voted to raise twenty-five pounds by tax on the Freeholders and inhabitants 98 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley of the Town of Plattsburgh this year to finish the Court House." 1878 Death of Capt. Wm. H. Bailey, grandson of Judge Wm. Bailey. APRIL 6 1767 ¦ — a lovely day, the sun hot, though the wind keeps nor'ly. Froze pretty hard last night, set saw mill agoing to-day. — this day set my 3 hands to clear from the barn to the lower landing. — Gilliland. 1790 At the regular Town Meeting this year the Path Masters chosen were: Charles Piatt, Gideon Rugar, John Fontfleyd, Lucius Reynolds, Robert Morris, Moses Soper, Benjamin Mooers, Point-au-Roches, John Cochran, South side River, Isaac Finch, Edward Everitt, Sable. 1814 Com. Macdonough wrote to Peter SaUly, Col lector of Customs: " I have rec'd only this morning your favr of 29th ultimo, owing to the impractibility of crossing the Lake." He then gives the informa tion that the " B. flotiUa has been at Rouses point since a few Days," and that their ship wiU soon be ready to " display the English CoUours." He speaks of the great danger lest the enemy seize the boats and sink them loaded with stones at the mouths of rivers and creeks, telHng Mr. SaiUy that he wiU know best as to the advisabiHty of placing strong batteries at the mouth of the Saranac, and closing with: " It will do no good to growl ; but I may observe that we are going to be in a desperate situation on the shores of this lake as long as the British can navigate it. Stop all Communication and pltmder our Shores." The letter is written with evident haste, with several erasures and changes. An inventory of military stores such as boxes of candles, soap, pounds of beef, pork, etc. occupies the margin and the commander signs himself Yrs. Ths McDonough. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 99 1821 Death of Henrietta Julia Kirtland, who became the wife of WUHam Swetland, Esq., in 1811. Her monument erected by her husband was the first in Riverside cemetery. 1862 Was kUled in battle Capt. Edward Saxe, grand son of the pioneer John Saxe and son of Jacob who first engaged in business in Sheldon, Vt., and after wards with his brothers Matthew and Peter at West Chazy. At the beginning of the war of 181 2, Jacob removed his merchandise to the storehouse at Chazy Landing, and on the approach of a large force of British, took the same on batteaux to Orwell, Vt., where the only sister of the Saxe brothers cared for them. The war over, there was a short period spent in Chazy before removal to the mouth of the Salmon river (Port GiUiland) where he buUt a blast furnace, sawmUl, dams, charcoal Idlns, etc., employing forty men. The freshet of 1830 swept all these buildings and dams into the lake, but the stone dwelHng which he built stiU stands. He spent the closing years of his Hfe in Sheldon to which his wife had gone during the British invasion and where she plainly heard the booming of cannon during the battle of Plattsburgh. APRIL 7 There's a smile above, and a smile below. In the clouds that roll, and the waves that flow. Is the heart unchain'd by sorrow's thrall. There's a smile of joy and of peace in all! — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1763 GUes Hocquart deeded to M. Michel, Chartier De Lotbiniere, aU of his seigniory lying north of Hospital Creek (Addison). Lotbiniere petitioned the British Govemment from time to time to be re instated in his lands and was finaUy, in 1776, given a seigniory on the St. Lawrence river. lOO Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1795 The Town Meeting was held " at the house of Mess Ketchum by adjournment from the Court House." It was voted that "the Pound be buUt near B. Graves'," that the sum of forty pounds be raised by tax for the completion of the Court House and twenty-six pounds for the benefit of schools. 1896 Celebration of the centennial of the organiza tion of the Baptist Church of Pleasant Valley, (EHzabethtown) . 1909 Wednesday, a disastrous gale, from the south and southwest, swept through the Champlain Valley and extended into Canada, attaining a speed of more than 6o miles an hour, clearing the lake of ice, up rooting trees and blowing down buUdings and wires. Glens Falls, Ticonderoga and Port Henry suffered especiaUy. In Plattsburgh, just north of historic Halsey's Corners, a brother and sister, Warren and Alida Eldred of West Chazy, driving homeward, were crushed and instantly killed beneath a falling Lom- bardy poplar, one of an ancient row that has stood opposite the Isaac and Zephaniah C. Piatt home steads for more than a century. Lombardy poplars have been a distinguishing feature of all old Piatt homesteads whether on the Hudson or in the Cham plain Valley. APRIL 8 At dawn, as I lay half waking and longing to sleep again. Because, as my eyeUds lifted, there in the dusk sat Pain, There came from the orchard floating the first flute-tone of the spring — The robin's song, I had missed so long The song with the cheery ring! — James Buckham. 1767 — we were plagued with lumps of ice coming down through the trough. — Gilliland. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley ioi 1808 The name of Malone was changed to " Ezraville," from Ezra L'Hommedieu of Suffolk Co., L. I., but in 1 812 the former name was resumed. L'Hommedieu was also one of the proprietors of Plattsburgh. 1822 At the house of Chauncey Stoddard, in Peru vUlage, was organized by the Rev. Stephen Kinsley the First Congregational Church with 11 members, who were set off from the church at Chesterfield. They were Rueben Arthur, George Morell, Peter Steams, Arthur H. Merrill, Chauncey Stoddard, Eunice Steams, Asineth Stearns, Louisa Wells, Hannah Hutchins and Sarah Hutchins. Peter Steams was appointed moderator and Chauncey Stoddard, clerk. Two tankards brought by PoUy (Miller) SherriU from her father's house in East Hampton, L. I., and used by this church for many years as communion cups are still treasured by a descendant. 1859 At Yonkers, N. Y., died Helen Livingston Piatt, widow of Hon Jonas Piatt, aged 93 years. 1869 At her home (No. loi Margaret Street) died Mrs. Mary Piatt Mooers, daughter of Wm. Pitt Piatt and wife of Dr. Benj. J, Mooers. " A lady of marked abihty and cultured taste." " Beautiful visions of home-land and sea! I yield to the magic that binds me to thee. I gaze with emotion as hither I'm led. To thy rocky-bound banks. Old Cumberland Head! It is here treasured scenes of my childhood are laid. It is here I now linger in memory's shade. And I think of the years that so quickly have flown, To a region we know not — a home of their own. Thy nooks are all sacred, thy rocks are still dear, As when in my childhood, I oft hngered there, And visioned the future in innocent joy. And fancied that happiness held no alloy. 102 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Thine air is perfumed with flowers of love, Which strengthen and purify, oft as I rove. O'er thy green-sloping fields, thy rocks, and thy shore. And Unk thy blue waters with stories of yore. Thy beauty will not fade, nor glory depart, In spirit I'm with thee, and beatings of heart. Tell me truly, I ween, that the tears I now shed, Are for thee, thee alone, dear Cumberland Head." Written for Mrs. Mooers by her cousin, L. M. Kent. APRIL 9 1790 At Champlain was born Ann (baptised Anna), the eldest of the three daughters, Ann, Sophia and MatUda, of Judge PHny Moore. Their mother, n^e Martha Corbin, was a woman of wonderful energy and very ambitious for her daughters, so she sent them to a convent in Montreal to learn French and the needlework embroidery of the times. On their return, having no carpet for her drawing room, (no carpets having been brought so far north in those days), she set them to work to embroider one. An adopted cousin, Harriett Hicks, assisted. The room for which the carpet was designed was about twenty feet square. This wonderful carpet, made from crewels of wool, sheared from the home flock, dyed with stuffs at hand, embroidered on material obtained in Mon treal, with a lining woven on the kitchen loom, was begun in i8o8 and completed in 1812. The designs, sea-shell border and all were the work of Ann. The carpet became indeed a " magic carpet " for around its frame gathered the young law-students JuHus HubbeU, Thomas Whiteside and several army officers The carpet (1909) is well preserved. 1818 A site adjacent to the Friends' burying ground was deeded by SUas Macomber for ten. dollars to Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 103 Warren Corbin and Seth Griffith for a Friends' meet ing house at Grand Isle. 1853 Died in Champlain, the Hon. Abiajah North of Scottish Ancestry and a native of Shoreham, where he was bom in 1772. He came a pioneer to Cham plain in 1799, and his brother Lemeul came in 1800. The two brothers worked together, acquiring several hundred acres of the best farming land of the section. They were successful farmers and Abiajah was widely known as a breeder of fine horses and cattle. His son Lemuel at one time owned the celebrated stallion known as " The Sherman Black Hawk " or North Horse. Some of his horses have sold as high as $7,500 each. Father and son were of the Democratic Party and have held many public offices. 1855 In Plattsburgh died EHza Walker Dobie, a native of St. Helen's, England and wife of the Rev. David Dobie. Nearer and dearer are the blessed dead Than we are wont to think. — James Buckham. 1876 EHzabeth Mooers, daughter of Col. Benjamin H. Mooers, and wife of Judge George M. Beckwith, died. Of the First Presbyterian Church she was a consistent member forty-three years. APRIL 10 1690 One of the observing parties on Lake Champlain sent in word that they had discovered the track of twelve French and Indians, proceeding in the direc tion of Albany. Warnings were sent out, but those who neglected to heed were attacked and killed. 1772 Was bom at New Preston, Conn., just over the line from Dutchess county, the home of the Platts, Millers, Newcombs, etc., Nathan AveriU, Jr., who I04 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley came a pioneer to Plattsburgh with his father's family and the Platts ; married Polly, eldest daughter of Joseph and Phebe (Moore) Ketchum of Peru and kept the first hotel in Peru, at the Union, then the business and commercial centre of the town. To Nathan AveriU and his wife were bom six sons and three daughters, the four eldest children in Peru. 1810 Daniel Haskel settled over the Calvinistic Con gregational church in Burlington where he remained until 1 82 1 when he was caUed to the Presidency of the University of Vermont. 1821 The annual meeting of the " Censors of the Clinton Agricultural Society " was held at the home of Lester Sampson in Chazy and the following officers chosen: Allen R. Moore, president; Robert Piatt, Isaac C. Piatt and James Crook, vice-presidents; Alexander Scott, treasurer, and Noadiah Moore, " principal secretary." 1859 Died at the age of eighty, Phebe Piatt BaUey, wife of Judge William Bailey and a daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Piatt. 1899 The Twenty-first U. S. Infantry, under Colonel Jacob Kline, left Plattsburgh Barracks, pursuant to General Orders No. 35, A. G. O., 1899 and Special Orders No. 63 D. E., 1899. APRIL 11 AMERICA. And this was once the realm of nature, where Wild as the wind, tho' exquisitely fair, She breath 'd the mountain breeze, or bow'd to kiss The dimpling waters with unbounded bliss. Here in this Paradise of earth, where first Wild mountain Liberty began to burst, Once Nature's temple rose in simple grace, The hill her throne, the world her dwelling-place. — Lucretia Maria Davidson. (Written in her seventeenth year.) Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 105 1775 Resolutions were adopted at Westminster, Vt., foreshadowing plans for the erection of a new royal province combining the disputed territory (New Hampshire Grants) and adjacent New York lands west to Lake Ontario, with Skenesborough as capital. Such men as Col. Allen, Bird and Col. Skene were interested but the outbreak of the Revolution put an end to all such plans. 1777 Dr. Thomas Young of Philadelphia, wrote a letter, addressed " To the inhabitants of Vermont," exhorting them to take a decided stand, organize a govemment, and adopt a constitution. 1785 Peter Tappen, one of the proprietors of Platts burgh, was one of a committee of three appointed to re-construct the Dutchess county building of court house and jail which had been destroyed by fire. 1814 The Saratoga, destined to be Macdonough's flag ship, was launched at Vergennes, only forty days from the tree in the forest to the vessel on the lake. Her equipment had not yet arrived and the roads were impassable for the heavily loaded wagons which were to draw the naval stores from Troy. 1831, 1839, and 1840 " Lineboats " commenced mnning on Lake Champlain. APRIL 12 Beyond to-day — ah! that should most concern us; Not pain or pleasure now, what irks, what suits. How are we living for the long to-morrows? What are we sowing of eternal fruits ? O, idler, trifler, pleasure-seeker, stay! What of that endless life, beyond to-day? — James Buckham. 1805 In Chateaugay, N. Y., was born Theodoms Bailey, son of Judge Wm. Bailey and grandson of the io6 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley redoubtable Capt. Nathaniel Piatt. Theodorus en tered the navy in 1818 and became a rear-admiral in 1866. His home in Plattsburgh was the stone house built by St. John B. L. Skinner No. 22 Macomb street. 1850 Amasa C. Moore elected President, Gustavus V. Edwards, Treasurer, and John J. Haile, Secretary of the newly organized Plattsburgh and Montreal Railroad. RHYME OP THE RAIL. Singing through the forests, RattUng over ridges. Shooting under arches. Rumbling over bridges, Whizzing through the mountains, Buzzing o'er the vale, — Bless me! this is pleasant. Riding on the RaU! — John G. Saxe. APRIL 13 1782 Birth at Detroit, Mich., of Alexander Macomb, the future American major-general who defeated the British under Prevost at Plattsburgh, Sept. 1814. general MACOMB, 1782-1841 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 107 1811 The first number of the "Republican" issued. The principal movers and stockholders in the enter prise were: Peter Sailly, Col. Melancton Smith, Judge Kinner Newcomb, Judge Charles Piatt, Isaac C. Piatt, Caleb Nichols, Dr. John MiUer, Thomas Treadwell, Benjamin Mooers, John Dominey, Elias Woodmff, Thomas MiUer, Ezra Thurber, Judge Carew of Chazy, and Judge Hicks of Champlain, Col. Melancton Smith was the first editor. APRIL 14 No wind in all the calendar is quite so soft as the April wind — when it is soft. — James Buckham. 1755 The Governors of the several Provinces met in conference in Virginia, and determined upon the plan of a campaign, by which to repel the encroachments of the French upon the northern frontier. — Palmer's History. 1759 Pliny Moore, the first English settler in the town of Champlain, was bom in Sheffield, Mass. WhUe a drummer boy in the patriot army he was first attracted to the lands where he afterwards settled. 1766 The first house erected upon the Gilliland lots for Robert McAuley, on the north bank of Bachellor's Creek. 1816 Melancton L. Woolsey and John G. FreHgh were ordained Elders of the First Presbyterian Church under the new pastor the Rev, Nathaniel Hewitt, At that time the house of worship, begun in 181 2, had not been finished and the Elders, one and all, gave liberally of their time and substance to the furtherance of the work. Elder William Pitt Piatt, whose sister Mrs. Abraham Brinckerhoff, had given the site for the buUding, gave without stint even mortgaging his home for the cause. ,, lo8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley APRIL 15 RENEWAL. Earth-smell from plow and from harrow. The love-cadenced song of the sparrow, Life sunned to the core and the marrow — Ah! infinite sweetness of spring. — James Buckham. 1766 — sent to Crown Point for provs., and got 4 barrels fiour, and 5 firkins butter — aU condemned. Mr. Chism stayed behind; the others ret'd the 19th, at this time the run away settlers came for their- wives, and our red cow with the white face died, having loss'd an old white cow the 23rd March. — GiUiland. 1767 — sowed tobacco, cabbage, lettuce, tong grass, tumeps, parsley and spinach seeds in burnt brush hearths, also a few peas. — Idem. 1784 Gov. Chittenden wrote from Arlington to Gen. Haldimand asking him, since Peace had been estab lished and the Loyal Block House would be evacuated as a British Post, to direct the Commanding Officer there to inform the governor of the time of evacuation " that an Officer from this State may take Possession thereof." — Canadian Archives. 1797 At South Hero Island, were married William Slosson, son of Eleazer and Lucy Slosson, and Susan nah Stark, a relative of Gen. Stark. They settled on a farm south of Chazy village, in 1807, On the advance of the British, WUHam Slosson with his team was pressed into service to carry baggage to Plattsburgh. On the retreat of the enemy our mihtia captured five British soldiers and six horses whUe the British " gobbled up " Mr. Slosson and held him prisoner over one night. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 109 APRIL 16 Utterly was I lightened, one instant of all my pain. When robin sang, When the silence rang. When the spring came back again. — James Buckham. 1755 The date of Sir William Johnson's Commission reciting that the troops are placed under his com mand "to be employed in an attempt to erect a strong Fortress before an eminence near the French Fort at Crown Point, and removing the encroach ments of the French on his Majesty's land there." 1808 At his home on Rugar street, died Gideon Rugar, a soldier of the Revolution, of the Albany County mUitia, Fourteenth Regiment, and an early settler of Plattsburgh. 1861 News of President Lincoln's proclamation of April 15th, reaches Plattsburgh. A meeting for the evening of the 17th was called, 1881 ConsoHdation with Chateaugay Ore and Iron Company, of iron forge property at Clayburgh, Russia and Plattsburgh, Weed and Williams selling their iron interests to Chateaugay Ore and Iron Company, APRIL 17 " ON SPRING." I have seen the fair Spring, I have heard her sweet song. As she passed in her lightness and freshness along ; The blue wave rolled deeper, the moss-crest looked bright, As she breathed o'er the regions of darkness and night, — Lucretia Maria Davidson. 1782 Birth in Po'keepsie of a seventh son, Levi, to Judge Zephaniah Piatt and Mary Van Wyck, his wife. no Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1830 EUenburgh, named in compliment to Ellen, daughter of John R. Murray of New York, the princi pal proprietor of Township, No. 5 of the Mihtary Tract, was formed from Mooers. The first per manent settler was Abner Pomeroy about 1800 and an early pioneer was Joseph R. Emerson. 1861 At the meeting held at the court house for the j^l purpose of raising a company of men to assist in putting down the Rebellion, thirty-five signed at once as willing to enlist and these elected from their number Frank Palmer, Captain; Royal Corbin, Lieutenant; PHny Moore, Ensign, all descendants of Revolutionary soldiers and early pioneers. 1899 Arrival at San Francisco and embarkation on the transport " Hancock " of the Twenty-first U. S, Infantry, 32 officers and 1,335 enlisted men strong. APRIL 19 1799 Charles Barnard, son of Joseph and Margaret (Moore) Barnard, bom on Cumberland Head in a house on the Benjamin Mooers property. As a boy of fifteen, he witnessed the battle of Plattsburgh and during the engagement a cannon ball passed through his home. After the battle Gen, Mooers took him, a barefoot boy, on board one of the American vessels where the blood upon the deck spattered upon his feet, 1810 On Thursday, the people of Burlington, favor able to liberal sentiments in religion, assembled in the Court House (a wooden stmcture, built in 1802, afterwards bumed) " to induct into office the man they had chosen for their christian teacher and guide, Mr, Sam'l Clark," Here, " only 9 days before the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley III Calvinistic party of seceders had with eager haste ordained another minister, (Mr, Daniel Haskel)." 1817 In the Republican was offered a reward of $ioo for the apprehension of ten deserters from the canton ment, and the commandant of the post gave notice that he would prosecute any person who " may procure or entice any person to desert " and that desertions would thereafter be announced by three discharges of cannon in quick succession from Fort Moreau, 1832 At Wadhams MiUs, to which he gave a name, in the fiftieth year of his age died Gen, Luman Wadhams, a native of Goshen, Conn., and early pioneer in Charlotte, Vt,, and in Lewis, Essex Co,, N, Y, He finaUy, in 1822, settled at Westport, An officer at the battle of Plattsburgh, he afterwards became a general of militia. In the cemetery at Wadhams MiUs he was buried where, many years after, the remains of his aged widow were placed beside him. APRIL 20 It rains, but on a dripping bough A little bird sings clear and sweet, — I think he knows not why nor how. Except that with his slender feet He feels dear nature's pulses beat. — James Buckham. 1743 Hocquart (Intendant of New France) was granted by the King of France, a seigniory of four leagues front on the lake, by five leagues deep, and the south Hne half a mUe south of the south line of what is now Addisons, and the north line near Adams Ferry in Panton. The following October his deed was registered in Quebec. 112 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1754 Born in Province of Lorraine, France, Pierre Sailly, a future pioneer of Plattsburgh. He became a member of a corps forming a body-guard for Louis XVI and from that monarch received his passport (still preserved in the family) to emigrate to America. 1 77 1 WiUiam Pitt Piatt, son of Judge Zephaniah Piatt, born at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1836 Daniel Piatt, a Revolutionary soldier and half brother to the Piatt brothers. Founders of Platts burgh, died. 1909 Early in the morning the Lincoln Pond storage dam near Elizabethtown, having a capacity of 3,000,000 cubic feet, broke sending a wall of water twenty feet down Black Brook and sweeping away bridges, mills and lumber. One house was swept from its foundations and the family were rescued from the barn in boats. The property damaged was $250,000, but there was no loss of life. APRIL 21 1766 — this day Thomas Brady helped C. Belton at his house, — Gilliland. brotherhood. Mark well this fact — not often urged, indeed — That one's own business, if he mind it best, Concerns the common welfare, take due heed How self, the unit, stands toward all the rest. — James Buckham. 1767 — a dark windy day with some rain; went to repair my bateau, — Gilliland. 1798 Henry Ketchum AveriU, son of Nathan, Jr, and Polly (Ketchum) AveriU, his wife, was born at Pera. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 113 1816 James Trowbridge was made an Elder of the First Presbyterian Church, 1828 " Plattsburgh Academy " incorporated. FIRST BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Benjamin Mooers, John Lynde, WUHam Swet land, Jonathan Griffin, Frederick Halsey, Frederick L, C. SaiUy, Heman Cady, Ephraim Buck, William F. HaUe, George Marsh, John Palmer, Henry K. AverUl. 1909 The water of Lake Champlain reached a point nine feet and six inches above the extreme low water mark of 1908 and but nineteen inches below the extreme high water mark of 1869, Several docks are submerged and during the gale of the evening the Rouses Point drawbridge was badly damaged and two mUes of track on the Rutland Railroad between South Hero and Colchester washed away. APRIL 22 1791 Bom at WUliamstown, Mass., Josiah Corbin, son of Joseph Corbin, a Revolutionary soldier of KUlingly, Conn, and WUliamstown, Mass, Josiah served in the War of 181 2, from Champlain and in 1 81 9 was appointed by Gov. Clinton as cornet of a troop in the 15th Regiment N, Y, Cavalry, 1829 In Burlington died Mark Rice, a native of Massa chusetts and founder of the Unitarian Fund of the First Congregational Society from which a substanial income is annuaUy derived. An humble, unlettered mechanic, he so made his chairs and built his charac ter that the first have withstood the ravages of time and the second wiU grow brighter and brighter. 114 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley service. The broom or the spade or the shuttle, that plies Its own honest task in its own honest way. Serves heaven not less than a star in the skies — What more could the Pleiades do than obey? — James Buckham. APRIL 24 Thou pretty wee flower, humble thing. Thou brightest jewel of the heath. Which waves at zephyr's lightest wing. And trembles at the softest breath. Thou lovely bud of Scotia's land. Thou pretty fragrant bumie gem. By whisp'ring breezes thou art fann'd. And greenest leaves entwine thy stem. — Lucretia Maria Davidson. (Written in her fourteenth year.) 1776 The three Commissioners, Benj. Franklin, Samuel Chase and Charles Carroll of CarroUton, sent by Congress to Canada, accompanied by John Carroll, a Jesuit priest and afterwards the first Roman CathoHc Archbishop in the United States, in their passage through the lake, stopped at Ti. ; at Crown Point to examine the works, and at Ferris' (now Arnold's Bay) where they spent the night. This Ferris was an ancestor of Hiram Ferris, pilot on the first " Ver mont," 1791 Lieut, Benj, Mooers was married to Hannah, daughter of Capt, Nathaniel Piatt who had moved into Plattsburgh about a year previous. They had ten children, six of whom grew to maturity, 1864 " Col, Stephen Moffitt of the 96th regiment was made a prisoner of war and confined in prison at Plymouth, N. C, for four months. He was one of the fifty officers of highest rank placed by the rebels Three Centuries in Champlain Valley II 5 in front of their works during the bombardment of the city of Charleston, S. C. APRIL 25 1821 Daniel Baker certified before St. J. B. L. Skinner, J. P., that Sampson Soper, a colored man, described as about five feet, seven inches high, rather light complexion, aged about forty-two years old and bom in Manchester, Vt., was bom free and had never been enslaved to his knowledge or beHef. This proof of Freedom was acknowleged by Caleb Nichols, a Judge of CHnton County Court of Pleas. The same date before Judge Nichols, J. Bailey, Town Clerk, GUead Sperry certified to the free birth of Martin Tankard, " a Black or Mulatto Person " about 22 years of age, whose family he had known in Vermont. — Plattsburgh Town Records. 1829 WestviUe (Franklin Co.) was taken from the old town of Constable (named for Wm. Constable, agent and part proprietor). It was owned by the Constable family and for many years Judge Wm. Bailey of Chateaugay and Dr. Albon Man, brothers- in-law, were agents. 1861 The first company raised in Plattsburgh, now numbering one htmdred enHsted men, was mustered into the State service by Col. Putnam Lawrence, of the 32d New York State Militia, who had been appointed to that duty. 1881 Saranac River Wood Pulp MiU at Wood's Falls, CadyviUe, commenced running, built by B. S. W. Clark and J. O. Smith. Ii6 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley APRIL 26 April is distinctively the month of waking and activity with the fishes, just as it is with the birds. — James Buckham. 1766 — Threw out the fishing seine for the first time in 1766, got only 8 suckers. — Gilliland. 1775 Edward Mott of Preston, Conn., was appointed Captain of the 7th Company, in the 6th Conn. Rgt., commanded by Col. Samuel Holden Parsons. 1812 " After sermon, Jonathan Scribner, Seth Rice, (from the Congregational Church in Westford, Vt.) William Pitt Piatt, and Thomas TreadweU, Jr., were ordained ruling Elders and Benjamin J, Mooers Deacon in this Church according to the forms of the Presbyterian Church," — Church Records. Though Elders Hubbard, Stratton, Treadwell, and Scribner, lived north of Plattsburgh in Beek mantown the records show their faithful attendance at meetings of the session, 1823 We have received no mail from the South for several days. We understand that for the future it wiU come but once a week. Judge John Lynde in Plattsburgh Republican. The postage on a letter was than 25 cents. 1825 Corner stone of North College, University of Vermont, laid by Governor C, P, Van Ness, 1861 Departure of the first company raised in Platts burgh, (Company C) of the i6th New York, for Albany, About a week later a second company (Company E) of volunteers was formed and ready to go forward with John S. Stetson, Captain; Ransom M, Pierce, Lieutenant; Charles H, Bentley, Ensign. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 117 Before leaving they were presented with a beautiful stand of colors by the ladies of Plattsburgh, APRIL 27 1775 Col. Parsons, of Connecticut, was on his way from Oxford to Hartford when he fell in with Capt, Benedict Arnold, hurrying from New Haven to Watertown, intending to obtain a commission from the Provincial Congress assembled there. Arrived at Hartford, Parsons consulted with five other gentle men and securing ;£3oo they sent off two men, Ro mans and Noah Phelps of Simsbury, on their way to the grants. 1777 At Ridgefield fell mortally wotmded Maj, -Gen '1 Wooster, the same man who, as Col, Wooster of New York, had been threatened in 1773 with the " Bpech Seal " by the Addison men, 1785 Zephaniah Piatt as agent for the company formed in Poughkeepsie went to New York city for necessary supplies. Six and a half days were re quired to go up the Hudson with batteaux to Port Edward and from there seventeen loads of supplies were driven by oxen to Lake George, where boats were again used. After four miles of cartage to Lake Champlain, the supplies were floated to their destination, the total expense of the trip being ;£i4o and 7 shUling, APRIL 28 — Shall the flower of the valley burst forth to the light. And man in his beauty lie buried in night ! A voice on the waters, a voice in the sky, A voice from beneath, and a voice from on high. Proclaims that he shall not, — that Spring, in her light. Shall waken thy spirit from darkness and night, ¦,i^ — Lucretia Maria Davidson. Il8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1775 Edward Mott arrived at Hartford and was at once invited to become one of the committee in charge of the expedition against Ticonderoga and Crown Point, which had been set on foot by Gentle men connected with the General Assembly. David Wooster, SUas Deane and Noah Phelps were also members. Mott took 15 men from Connecticut, raised 39 in western Massachusetts and set out for Bennington. There Capt, Mott was made chairman of the committee which made Allen mUitary com mander of the expedition. 1892 At Burlington, was organized Green Mountain Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. APRIL 29 1766 J. W. and two other hands went to Crown Point for peas, and retd May 2d, with 4 bbls. condemned, and Wm. Ferris and his wife, — was taken Ul on board the Albany sloop. — Gilliland. 1776 The Commission reaches Montreal and is re ceived by Gen, Benedict Arnold, then in command, with much courtsey. 1792 Birth of Anna Green, daughter of Friend Israel and Sarah (Deane) Green of Dutchess county. Anna went from her father's hospitable house ("Israel Green's Inn ") on Bridge street to preside over the mansion on the corner of Margaret and Brinkerhoff streets (now Custom House square) — the second wife; of Col. Melancton Smith. Her sister Deborah married Dr. WUHam Beaumont, surgeon, U. S. A., whUe the younger of two brothers, Piatt Rogers Green, became a Heutenant in the regular army joining the forces at Sackett's Harbor. Anna (Green) Smith, early widowed, died in 1879. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1 19 APRIL 30 1737 A grant of land (embracing the territory now known as Colchester), adjoining the grant to Capt. de la Pierre in 1734, was made to Lieut. Gen. Pierre Raimbault, which grant was later conveyed by his heirs to Benjamin Price, Daniel Robertson and John Livingston. 1771 Birth of Wm. Pitt Piatt, third son of Judge Zephaniah. He settled on lot No. 9 Cumberland Head conveyed to him by his father. From 181 2 he was a RuHng Elder in the Presbyterian Church. 1775 Mott overtook Romans and Phelps at Salisbury and the party, consisting of sixteen men, held on together northward. At Sheffield, they sent two men, Halsey and Stephens, to Albany to discover the temper of the people there. They reached Pitts- field the next day and lodged at Col. Easton's. — Scribner' s History. 1813 Asa Aikens, afterwards of Westport, received his commission as Captain of the 31st regiment, U. S. A. (recruited in Vermont) ; while Piatt Rogers Halstead received his as 3d Lieutenant, 29th Infantry, U. S. A. The Colonel of the 29th (mostly from Dutchess county) was Col. Melancton Smith of Plattsburgh, son of the late Judge of the same name of New York. 1898 WiUiam Mooers Piatt, a member of the Nathan Beman Society Children of the American Revolution, died. 1900 Entered into rest, Kate Louise (McCaffrey) Bur roughs of Champlain, member of Saranac Chapter and great-grand-daughter of Ensign Jonas Morgan I20 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley of the First Company, Col. Samuel McLellan's regi ment of volunteers ; also descendant of Capt. Edward Mott of New Preston, Conn., Chairman of the Com mittee in charge of the expedition against Ticon deroga and Crown Point. Ensign Morgan, after the Revolution, became proprietor of the patents in the Black river country (Champlain VaUey) which bear his name and erected the first forge which was after wards known as Brainard's Forge. He married Sarah Mott, daughter of the patriot Capt. Edward Mott. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 121 MAY 1 The first and second weeks in May are the great "home weeks" for the birds. Then it is that the welcome tide of song and bright plumage comes surging back over our North Atlantic States in one mighty wave. — James Buckham. 1690 An agreement was concluded between the prov inces of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York by which each was to furnish its quota of troops for an expedition against Canada. 1776 Gen. Thomas arrived and took command of the troops which, since the death of Montgomery, had remained encamped about three miles up the river. SmaUpox soon devastated the ranks which now numbered 3,000 but only 900 fit for duty. Gen. Thomas soon returned to the mouth of the RicheHeu. 1809 Work on the Arsenal (site No. 37 Broad street) commenced. The buUding was finished August, 1810. 1834 Essex County Academy established in Westport with Asahel Lyon, Piatt Rogers Halstead and Bena jah P. Douglass as incorporators. 1836 At a meeting of the Catholic congregation at their regular place of worship — ^the " red store," on Cumberland avenue, the church was incorporated under the name of First Roman CathoHc Church of the town of Plattsburgh. 1845 Was completed the labor of stockading twelve acres, at Clinton Prison, commenced in snow five feet. deep tmder the direction of the first agent, Ransom Cook of Saratoga Springs, a son-in-law of Robert Ayers. 122 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1882 BiU introduced in Congress by Gen. John Ham mond providing for the removal of Plattsburgh Bar racks to Rouses Point. Exchange of the Northem N. Y. Telephone Co. in operation with 25 subscribers. 1898 At the battle of ManUa Bay, Captain George B. Ransom, U. S. N. (son of Capt. Harry Sawyer Ran som, severely wounded at Drury's Bluff, in 1864) was Chief Engineer of the U. S. S. "Concord" and for his " eminent and conspicuous conduct " in that battle was given a medal by Congress. MAY 2 Oh! fallen is the valiant arm. The mighty son of war is low! — Mrs. Margaret {MiUer) Davidson. 1777 At Danbury, Conn., Major General David Woos ter of the Connecticut militia, who was mortaUy wounded in the defence of Danbury against Tryon, passed away. In 1775, Allen Smith, a settler in Plattsburgh as early as 1786, with his foster-brother, Reuben Sanborn, Jr., enHsted at Waterbury in Wooster's regiment, serving with it in the Canadian campaign and being discharged at Montreal the next year. 1807 Elijah Root was born in the town of Georgia, Vt. Compelled to depend entirely upon himself, he early learned the ship carpenter's trade and later, became engineer of the "Phoenix," on which boat in 1832 (the year of the cholera) while at Whitehall, occurred the first death in this country from that dreadful disease. It was due chiefly to Mr. Root's example and fiinnness that the panic stricken crew were kept together. During forty-three years (1838 to 1881) Mr. Root held the govemment office of Inspector of boilers and Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 123 machinery on all vessels propeUed in whole or in part by steam. He died at Shelburne, Vt., in 1883. 1815 At " The Ark," a hotel kept by David Douglass at the foot of River street, the first election of viUage officers was held. The tmstees chosen were: WU Ham BaUey, Jonathan Griffin, John Palmer, Reuben H. Walworth, Levi Piatt, Samuel Moore, Eleazer MUler, Clerk, GUead Sperry. 1897 The funeral services of the late Horace L. Jewett, colonel of the 21st Infantry, U. S. A. and command ing officer at Plattsburgh Barracks, were held. The interment was with military honors in the Post cemetery. Colonel Jewett was a veteran of the Civil War and member of the Order of the Cincinnati. MAY 3 Why Nature is so sweet, Sufficient and complete. Grows plainer day by day To him who learns her way. — James Buckham. 1766 — arrived at Albany, where I was confined to my room, sometimes to my bed, until Saturday. — Gilliland. 1785 Mr. GUHland will please to confine his pro posals for the lands at Ticonderoga to those com prehended by the Hmits foUowing to wit: bounded southerly and easterly by the waters of Lake Cham plain; northerly and westerly by patented lands, as the commissioners cannot have any other land there, and of course are not authorized to receive proposals for any other least it might hereafter be subject to controversy. Mr. GiUiland will please to retum this letter with his proposals. — George Clinton. Land Papers, v. 38, p. 109. 124 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1793 Joseph Ketchum bought the interests of Peter Tappan and Israel Smith, in the mill company, but the next year he died suddenly while away on a business trip and subsequently many changes oc curred in the ownership of the nulls, the whole property at one time coming into the hands of Judge Levi Piatt and later into the hands of the Bank of Plattsburgh, when it was divided and sold piece meal. 1815 The trustees of Plattsburgh vUlage elect Levi Piatt, as their first president and GUead Sperry, clerk. 1854 Providence Orphan Asylum of BurHngton foimd- ed by Bishop DeGoesbriand. MAY 4 And Nature's way is this : In naught to be remiss; To build a tree, a weed, As if with God agreed ; — James Buckham. 1822 At an examination held in the Academy Theo- phelus A. O. Bruneau of Montreal, took the first prize in languages; Wm. C. Bacon of Plattsburgh, first in mathematics and composition; John P, HaU, first in declamation; John Ransom in geog raphy; Miss Lucretia M, Davidson in composition and history; EHzabeth S. Freligh In arithmetic; Deha A, Griffin in geography and Mary E. Walworth the second prize in the same subject. A Week Before Examinations. One has a headache, one a cold. One has her neck in flannel rolled; Ask the complaint, and you are told 'Next week's examination.' Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 125 One frets and scolds, and laughs and cries. Another hopes, despairs, and sighs ; Ask but the cause and each replies, 'Next week's examination.' One bans her books, then grasps them tight, And studies morning, noon, and night. As though she took some strange delight 'In these examinations.' The books are marked, defaced, and thumbed. The brains with midnight tasks benumbed. Still all in that account is summed, 'Next week's examination.' — Lucretia Maria Davidson. 1848 Mary Ferris, widow of Gideon Rugar, died at her home on Rugar street, aged 95 years. MAY 5 With the breaking forth of the buds in spring there is a certain primitive and inextinguishable passion that breaks forth in men. It is the well-nigh universal desire to go a-fishing, — James Buckham. 1767 John and James Young, James GilHland and his wife and Anne Hussey arrived this day from N, York. — Gilliland. 1786 In England died Gen. Augustine Prevost, a British officer of the Revolution, and father of Sir George Prevost. 1872 At the Albany Cathedral, amid a throng of spectators many of whom were old friends and had come from a distance, the Rev. Edgar P. Wadhams was consecrated bishop by Archbishop McClosky (the assistant consecrators being Bishops DeGoes briand, of Burlington, and WilHams, of Boston). 126 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley " Go forth, then, man of Ciod, where God and duty caU thee : Be thou the Apostle of the American Highlands, and of that broad and noble plain whose borders are a majestic lake, a mighty river, an inland ocean, and the primeval mountains." — Extract from sermon on that occasion. MAY 6 1777 Gen'l Burgoyne arrived at Quebec from Eng land, — no Ships ever arrived sooner, the Passage up the River be'g obstructed by the Ice. Prepara tions were now made for an Expedition under his Command, against Tyconderoga. Contracts for Horses were made and Carriages purchased, the Batteaux' s were put in repair and the New Ship caUed the Royal George was launched and fitted up to carry 24 Guns, 12 P'rs. Some of the Rebel Vessels taken last year, were also put in condition to act offensively and went thro' several alterations. — Lieut. Hodden's Journal. — Harpenden, Oct. 28, 181 7. 1778 Ethan AUen, prisoner of war in England, ex changed for Lieut. John CampbeU. 1873 The Methodist Episcopal church in Champlain was consumed by fire, only the furniture of the parsonage and a few movable things in the church being saved. Most discouraging was the outlook for the new pastor, S. D. EUdn's, to find the house of worship and parsonage in ashes, but the Presby terians offered the use of their vestry and through the energy of the new pastor, supported by this homeless flock, in two years another church was dedicated. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 127 MAY 7 Ah! happy is the man Who follows Nature's plan, — Pretends not ; is too great To seem or imitate; — James Buckham. 1767 — ^went with the Youngs to view land; they like the tract much. — Gilliland, 1775 Ethan AUen with a band of two hundred and seventy men and Benedict Arnold with a Colonel's commission from the Committee of Safety of Mas sachusetts, authorizing him to raise a regiment of fovir hundred men, met at Castleton, Vt. to lead an expedition to the surprise of Ticonderoga. 1824 Bom in Chazy, Harry Sawyer Ransom, youngest son of Roswell and Ruth (Kingsley) Ransom. He went west — first to Missouri and then California, but returning to his native place, enlisted in his country's service. He was brevetted Major, U. S. Vols, for eminent and conspicuous conduct in battle while commanding Company I, 11 8th Regiment, N. Y. Vols., at the battle of Drury's Bluff, Va., when he was severely wounded. 1837 A pubhc meeting at St. Ours on the RicheHeu to protest against Lord John RusseU's measure depriving the Canadian Assembly of aU control over revenues, etc. The real leader of the insurrection was Dr. Wolfred Nelson, a physician of St. Denis, and the crowning act of the assembly was the choice of Louis Joseph Papineau as chief. Dr. Nelson was, after the failure of the insurrection, exiled to Ber muda but escaping, came to Plattsburgh, where his skiU as a physician and surgeon won him a large 128 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley practice. His son. Dr. Horace Nelson, a distinguished surgeon and publisher, married a daughter of Col. David B. McNeU, MAY 8 1642 Maisonneuve and his company, now numbering forty men and four women, left Quebec where they had spent the winter, and set out for the island of Montreal. 1765 — sowed the first of our garden seed. — Gilliland. 1766 The birthday of Liberty Newton, son of Marshall Newton of Shrewsbury, Mass, Afterwards, both father and son were pioneers of Shoreham, Vt,, and the latter, a soldier of the Revolution, later settled at Ticonderoga, where, in i8oi, he built the first iron forge in Champlain VaUey. 1775 Main body of troops under Allen and Arnold left Castleton, to proceed by land to a point opposite Ticonderoga. At the same time, Capt. Herrick was sent to seize the smaU fort at Skeenesborough, take the vessels coUected there, and meet AUen and transport his party across the lake. 1805 Roads were laid out " Leading from the West Road so Call'd untill it Intersects Delong's Road leading to Chattagway;" "from Baitmantown untill it Intersects a Road Leading to Wood's Saw MiU;" " from Baitmantown to Chattagway;" " from a Road that Leads to Chattagway to David King's;" and one " from the State Road by RosweU Graves' towards Plattsburgh." 1856 Samuel Moore, son of Andrew and EHzabeth (Dorland) Moore of Flushing, L. I. and grandson of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 129 Dr. WiUiam Moore from Antrim, Ireland, who settled in Stonington, Ct. died aged 86 years. He had sur vived his wife, Elizabeth Pitcher, 2 1 years. As early as 181 1, he was a prominent merchant of the place and was chosen a member of the first board of tms tees; also, of the committee to raise money by vol untary subscriptions to purchase a lot for the Acad emy; and, of the building committee. MAY 9 The limpid lake lies languidly at rest, So chaste, so cool, so calm: — Grace Pearl Macomber. 1775 AUen's party reached the shore of the lake opposite Ticonderoga early in the evening, and Herrick, not having arrived, had to procure a supply of boats in the neighborhood. A large oar boat belonging to Major Skene, was seized by James WUcox and Joseph Tyler, while other boats were procured from other quarters. In the meantime, Capt. Herrick captured young Major Skene, twelve negroes and about fifty dependents or tenants without firing a gun; took a large schooner and several smaU boats, afterwards joining Allen at Ticonderoga. 1790 Birth in Essex, Essex county, of Henry H. Ross, son of Judge Daniel and Elizabeth (GilHland) Ross, early pioneers in Champlain vaUey. General Ross became one of the able lawyers of this region and was first Judge of the County under the new constitution, as his father had been under the old. In poHtics a Whig, on the dissolution of that party, he joined the northem wing of the Democracy and supported Douglass in i860. His homestead, built in 1820, is an interesting landmark. 130 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1812 Catherine Kilbum Marsh, daughter of George and Polly (Buel) Marsh, formerly from Litchfield, Conn, and GUead Sperry from Manchester, Vt., were married by the Rev, Frederick Halsey, Catharine street was so named in honor of Mrs, Sperry, because her husband gave to the village that portion of the street which ran through his property. 1814 Capt. Daniel Pring entered the lake with the brig Linnet, five sloops, and thirteen galleys. Sev eral of the enemy's vessels had been anchored near Rouses Point since the second of April when the northem end of the lake was free from ice. 1841 Henry Buck, son of Ephraim and Mary Buck, a young man of twenty-one was drowned in Lake Champlain, This is but one of many instances where families in the valley gave a child to the waters of the lake. The Thurbers of Rouses Point and Judge Levi Piatt's family may be mentioned as examples, MAY 10 1752 All the land along the lake shore in the north part of the County having been granted in Seig niories by the French Govemment, and the grantees having failed to make any permanent improvement, aU these grants were declared forfeited. 1765 Wm. GUliland, a prosperous merchant with assorted supplies embarked at New York for the Champlain VaUey, where he fiirst located between the Boquet river and SpHt Rock. With him were the Rev. George Henry, a minister; John Chislm and Robert Maclane, millwrights; George Melson, a carpenter; John Mattoon, a clerk; and James Storkner, Robert and John McAuley and George Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 131 Belton, weavers. Besides these there were Mrs. Belton, and Mrs, Chislm with Catherine Shepherd, hired to keep house, and Mary Craig, indentured for four years. 1766 The Gilliland family set out with the Rev. Mr. Henry of Quebec and his family in separate bateaux. Mrs, Henry invited Httle Jane GilHland, six years old, to accompany her. At Half Moon the bateau in which were the Henrys, was upset by a projecting tree and the strong current of the river, and little Jane and the two youngest sons of Mr, Henry "went adrift down with the current," Jane floated about half a mUe; one boy, a mile, but was saved by a scrap of bark under his head, which kept his back above water. The body of the second youngest son was recovered five miles below Albany, 12 days after. 1775 As day began to dawn, but 83 of Allen's men had crossed the lake and the commander of the Green Mottntain Boys resolved to wait no longer. WhUe the boats were sent back for the rear divisions, under the guidance of young Nathan Beman, whose home was on the opposite shore at Shoreham, the intrepid party entered the fort by a covered way, and the surrender of the surprised garrison restUted in a few minutes, about four o'clock in the morning. The prisoners were the first of the Revolution and the cannon captured, drawn by ox-teams to Boston, enabled General Washington to make good his works on Dorchester Heights. Later, Warner arrived with the remaining troops, and was dispatched with a detachment of men to take Crown Point, but strong head winds drove back the boats and all returned the same evening. It was after the surprise of Ti that the altercations, accord- 132 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley ing to Nathan Beman, occurred between Arnold and Allen, during which the latter became so enraged that he stmck Arnold's hat from his head, and the sight of it, gay with tinsel and roUing in the mud, was never forgotten by the boy eye-witness. Dr. Jonas Fay of Bennington was there that day as surgeon and he continued in that position after the arrival of Col. Elmore's Connecticut regiment. 1803 In Shelburne, Vt, the boy afterwards known as "Captain Dan Lyon" was bom, A lad of five when the steamboat Vermont was launched at BurHng ton in 1808, he could remember the first steamboat on the lake and her quaint captain, John Winans. When Dan Lyon grew up he, too, became a " captain " and commanded successively the General Green, Phoenix No. 2, Winooski, and Whitehall, retiring about 1844, and spending his latter years in Bur Hngton. 1814 Pring anchored his fleet near Providence Island; Gen, Izard at Plattsburgh notified Macomb at Burlington of the approach of the enemy and late that night the latter sent the news to Vergennes and Capt. Thornton with 50 light artiUerymen in wagons to man the battery. All night the selectmen of the lake towns worked running bullets for the approaching confHct, 1850 Died at Bridport, at the age of 98, Gen. David Whitney, Revolutionary soldier and early settler of Addison on the north bank of Ward's Creek. Gen. Whitney was a member of the Constitutional Conven tions of 1793, 1814, '36, and '43, and represented Addison for many years. 1892 TreadweU's Mills Pulp and Paper Company incorporated. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 133 MAY 11 1766 — set the first of our potatoes. — ^this day my daughter (Jane) was taken up at or close by the place she sank.— Gilliland. 1775 Crown Point, now garrisoned by a sergeant and twelve men only, captured by Warner and Capt. Remember Baker, The latter with his company had been summoned from the Winooski River set tlement by AUen, and on the way had met and cap tured two boats bound for St. John's with news of the capture of Ticonderoga. 1776 Dr. Franklin left Montreal to-day to go to St. Johns and from thence to Congress. The doctor's declining state of health and the bad prospect of our affairs in Canada, made him take this resolution. — Charles Carroll of CarroUton in his Diary. 1816 Death of Capt. Nathaniel Piatt, a brother of Judges Zephaniah and Charles Piatt, and one of the founders of Plattsburgh, to whom that city owes the extra width of Broad street and the tract com prising the older portion of Riverside Cemetery. Captain Piatt is credited with having raised the first company of troops on Long Island. 1909 A horse, in the swollen waters of the Ausable, made a most heroic fight for life, being carried nearly a mUe downstream, from above Murray's mill dam, over that structure past the "deep hole," shooting rapids, and into a whirlpool, until rescued by one of the many men, who had watched with anxiety and admiration the hairbreadth escapes and wonderful courage of the noble animal. 134 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MAY 12 1766 — removed her (Jane's) corpse to Coleman's, in StiUwater by his desire and request, who having laid out his family biuying ground near his house, our daughter was decently interred there on Tuesday. — Gilliland. 1777 Gen. Burgoyne proceeded to Montreal, using every possible exertion to coUect and forward the troops and stores to Lake Champlain. 1779 Capt, John Douglass, a soldier of the Revolution, was married to Hannah, daughter of Judge and Hannah (Douglass) Brown of Pittstown, They at first settled in Stephentown, but afterwards in Chazy, landing on the shore March 15, 1793, with his wife and seven children, the first English famUy to settle in the town. His brother Nathaniel, who had married his wife's sister Prudence, also settled in Chazy on land granted to their father, Asa, the Revolutionary soldier, who had led a company of thirty " Silver Grays " at the battle of Bennington. 1868 Death of Judge Lemuel Stetson, a man of decided talent, who occupied a leading position at the bar. He had held the positions of district attorney, member of Assembly, member of Congress, County judge, member of the Constitutional Convention of 1846, was a candidate for comptroller for the Democratic ticket in 1855. The Stetson house, built by James Savage, from whom Savage's Island was named, was removed to make room for the County Clerk's office. Its architecture bears a close resemblance to that of the Dr. Benj. J, Mooers house, next door north; to the Gen. Benj, Mooers house before the addition; to the FreHgh house, next to the latter; Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 135 the Morgan house, on Macomb street, and several others buUt in the early part of the nineteenth century, 1886 Plattsburgh celebrated its first Arbor Day. MAY 13 1765 WUHam GilHland reached Albany where he purchased and coUected cattle, procuring boats from Schenectady and transporting them across the plains by wagons to the Hudson, the ascent of that river occupying eight days, 1779 About midnight, eight of the prisoners captured by Major Carleton, the previous year in his descent from Canada, made their escape but four were re captured opposite Quebec, three of them. Ward of Addison, and Nathan and Marshall Smith of Brid port, again effected an escape, and after twenty days of incredible hardships, arrived at Bridport, 1810 Piatt Newcomb, the first male child born in Plattsburgh, married Ruth Scribner, 1814 Friday, the British flotiUa consisting of a brig (the Linnet, with 20 guns, commanded by Capt, Dan'l Pring), 6 sloops and schooners and 10 row- gaUies passed up the lake from Rouses Point, and in the afternoon appeared off the village of Essex. The soldiers of one row-galley, after giving chase to a smaU row boat which escaped up the Boquet, landed on the north side of that river and plundered a farm house. The fleet anchored for the night off SpHt Rock, whUe the militia officers at Vergennes spent the night running bullets and Capt. Winans made preparations for blowing up his vessel, the steamer 136 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Vermont, rather than permit her falling into the hands of the enemy. 1832 The Rev. Joseph Howland Coit began his labors in the newly organized parish of Trinity Church, at that time " consisting of only a few families, worship ping in the Court House. This was the only point from Whitehall to Rouses Point, a distance of one hundred and twenty miles along the shore of Lake Champlain, where the Church had a foothold; while westward, one was compelled to traverse Clinton and Franklin cotmties entirely, and as far as Potsdam in St. Lawrence, before a single congregation could be met in that direction." MAY 14 1765 Isaac Bush and William Barnes, drovers, arrived at Albany, with 20 oxen, 20 cows, i buU, and a number of calves for me. — Gilliland. 1775 Arnold embarked at Crown Point with fifty men on board the schooner captured at Skenes borough, since fitted out and armed. 1811 The committee appointed for the purpose, consisting of Samuel Moore, Jonathan Griffin, and Louis Ransom, purchased for ;^ioo from Abraham Brinckerhoff, Jr., of the City of New York, a lot extending four rods on Oak street and ten rods back, bounded on the south by "a contemplated street (now Brinckerhoff) to be laid out between the land of Melancton Smith and lot seven." The buUding was begun at once and by fall was ready for occupancy, the first principal being Bela Edgerton with Benjamin Oilman from Gilmanton, N. H., as assistant. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 137 1814 Early Saturday morning, the British flotilla sailed from Split Rock and attempted to enter Otter Creek to force their way to Vergennes to destroy the shipping, but were prevented by the fire from the works at the entrance, commanded by Capt. Thornton of the artiUery and Lieut. Cassin of the navy. "The leetle fort, Fort Cassin, they called it, fur the Leftenant commandin' on't, gin em as good as they sent, an' the cannem thunderin' an' the echoes rumbHn' an' baoundin' back an' tu, made a n'ise Hke twenty Fo'th o' Julys rolled into one — an' bimeby we seen the gunboats a-crawlin off, clean Hcked aout, tu where the ol' he boat was stan'in off juUuk a henhawk sailin' over a barnyard, an' then they aU put off down the lake 'n' aout o' sight." — Rowland Evans Robinson, Ferrisburgh, May 14, 1833; Oct. 15, 1900. 1834 Great snow storm prevailed and the Rev. Moses Chase wrote in the Session book of the Presbyterian church of Plattsburgh: — "In consequence of ill health, I have obtained permission to be absent from my charge one year." The Rev. A. D. Brinck erhoff was engaged to supply the Church during his absence. 1845 Clinton, formed from EUenburgh. The earHest settlement was along the Old MUitary Turnpike, the settlers at this point coming mostly from Vermont, around by the older town of Chateaugay. 1862 The comer-stone of St. Patrick's chapel on St. Paul street in BurHngton, laid and blessed. The chapel, a fine specimen of Gothic architecture, is built of white and purple sandstone. 138 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MAY 15 I believe we shall never know, until it is revealed to us in the other life, how much the birds — ^the innocent, pure singers of the air — have done to lift humanity above its baser instincts, and make men more worthy to be called the sons of God. — James Buckham. 1814 Macdonough's squadron sailed out of Otter Creek into the Narrows, and away to the north, cruising all summer about the lake, and drilling for the engagement that was deemed inevitable. 1815 When the Constitution went out of commis sion, H. B. Sawyer was transferred to the Independ ence, Flag ship of Commodore Bainbridge in the Mediterranean and there remained from 181 6-1 7. In 1 81 8 he was promoted to Lieutenant and ordered to the Alert (the first British Man-of- War captured during the war of 181 2 -14). 1887 Died Wendell Lansing, founder in 1839 at Keesville, N, Y., of the Essex County Republican. Not being able conscientiously to publish the Repub lican on a radica:l anti-slavery basis, his poHtical principles being in advance of his party, he sold out. But in 1854 he returned to newspaper work and started the Northern Standard which, after the election of Lincoln, was merged with the Republican. A descendant of the Lansings of HoUand and Holdens of England, all patriots, forty-two members of the two families serving in the Revolution, WendeU Lansing on the breaking out of the Civil War, raised a company of volunteers from the Au Sable VaUey, and served in the campaign before Richmond. Sick ness sent him home from the front. In 1864, he purchased the Plattsburgh Sentinel, then edited by Joseph W. Tuttle. The next year, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1 39 he formed a co-partnership with his son Abram W., just honorably discharged from the army, and later, after the re-purchase of the Essex County Repub lican, the papers were run together until the son's death in 1896, MAY 16 1808 The birthday of Andrew Witherspoon, D, D. " one of nature's noblemen," Bom in Leith, Scot land, he came with his father's family to Mooers, N. Y, and spent the greater part of his life in the Troy Conference. At KeeseviUe, before a session of that body, being called to answer the charge of writ ing articles for the press arraigning the Church for countenancing American slavery, although no proof of his authorship could be produced, he arose and said: " But there is another tribunal before which we all stand, and to which all hearts are open," and with upHfted hand, he turned to Bishop Morris, adding, " Before God I dare not say that I am not the author of those articles." Then followed a masterly defense of his anti-slavery principles, and he Hved to see them vindicated, 1814 The steamboat Vermont, the first on the lake, on her trip between BurHngton and Platts burgh, escaped capture by three gunboats from the British fleet under Captain Pring, in ambush under the shore of Providence Island, opposite Cumberland Head, through the discovery and revelation of the plot by Duncan McGregor of Alburg, Vt, 1822 Was bumed the homestead buUt by Capt. Nathaniel Piatt, in 1796, from timber hewn and prepared in Poughkeepsie, and brought to Platts burgh in bateaux. From this house Capt, Piatt 140 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley refused to go at the time of the British invasion 1 814, although aU the family had fled to Pem, and he did not hesitate to express himself freely to a young officer who addressed him insolently. Doors from the original building are said to be in use in the present structure on the same site, the stone house built for Judge WUHam Bailey, Cornelia Street. 1838 At Irasburgh, at the home of her son Ira H,, died Jerusha (Enos) Allen, daughter of Gen, Roger Enos and widow of Gen, Ira AUen, She was 74 years old, 1858 At his home (now Custom House Square) died " Uncle Robert " Piatt, whose wife, Mary Daggett Piatt, had died five years before. In 1843, Robert Piatt had removed from Valcour where, in 1798, his father, Judge Zephaniah, had given him a fine, large farm of several hundred acres on Lake Cham plain in Peru, Suddenly out of the woods there broke A line of cavalry, gray as smoke. A troop — a regiment — a brigade! God ! what a rush and roar they made. — James Buckham. 1864 Of the men of the 11 8th at Drury's Bluff, there were wounded Lieut, Col, Geo. F, Nichols, Adj. John M, Carter, Capts, Livingston and Ransom, Lieuts, Treadway and Sherman, while Capt. Dennis Stone, who before entering the army had been pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Au Sable Forks, and James H, Pierce were taken prisoners, Lieut, W, H, Stevenson was killed while carrying his wounded captain, Robert W. Livingston, to a place of safety. Of him his captain said: "No more gaUant and generous spirit was offered among the victims of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 141 the war. No praise of Lieutenant Stevenson — his gaUant ardor — ^his dash — his generous friendship, can be misplaced." Stevenson's assistants, George MiUer and William Huff were wounded, captured, and died in Southern prisons. It was here that Lieut. Henry J. Adams of Elizabethtown seized a standard and shouted " Rally round the flag boys! " In the morning of this disastrous day, Capt. Benedict, a young and gallant officer of the 96th, capt WALTER H, BENEDICT. was kiUed with two of his men by a shell. He was descended from two patriot famihes, the Halsey s and Benedicts, living on Long Island during the Revolution and afterwards early settlers of Platts burgh. Walter H. Benedict Post, G. A. R. per petuates his memory, MAY 17 1642 Ascending the St, Lawrence, after nine days, Maisonneuve and his little company, reached the 142 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley island of Montreal, where they erected an altar near the river. This was decorated by MUe. Mance and Mme. de la Peltrie: the Jesuit Father Vimont celebrated High Mass, while the entire band bowed before him. Thus was Villemarie (Montreal) foimded. 1775 At six o'clock Thursday morning, Arnold and his men, after a night of hard rowing in two small bateaux, reached St. Johns. The smaU garrison was soon taken with arms and stores, the King's sloop ELIZA H. MILLER PLATT 1788 with crew of seven men, two brass six-pounders, and four bateaux, while five were destroyed, leaving no boat for pursuit. Two hours later, the daring band started for Ticonderoga, on the captured sloop, re-christened the Enterprise. Their own vessel, the schooner captured at Skenesborough, they had left becalmed thirty miles above St, Johns. At Po'keepsie, to Dr. John MiUer and his wife, Margaret Smith, was bom a daughter, EHza Hunting, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 143 At four years of age, the little EHza was left mother less, but the one chosen to fUl the vacant place was her mother's sister. Aunt Elizabeth, and the household was a weU-ordered one. At fifteen, the eldest daughter left it for a home of her own. 1820 On his mother's birthday, Jonas Piatt, the eighth chUd of Judge Levi Piatt, was bom. He was named for his paternal uncle. Judge Jonas Piatt, Young Jonas went to Louisiana and had numerous descendants. 1827 Capt. Sidney Smith, U, S. N., died in the 45th year of his age. He left a widow (who afterwards married Asa HaskeU of Malone and lived to old age) and children, WiUiam Sidney, Margaret, and Cathe rine, During the siege of Plattsburgh, Captain Smith was a prisoner of war at Quebec, In his home hung an oU portrait of himself, painted when a very young man. Through this a British officer thrust a sword, making a hole in the neck. The mutilated Hkeness is stiU treasured by a granddaughter, MAY 18 It is when this temperate zone of ours, and those rugged landscapes to which most of us are accustomed, are all pink and white and fragrant with blossoms of orchards, that angling time is at its height. — James Buckham. 1765 Embarked in four bateaux, to proceed to Fort Edward, having to the amount of eighty barrels of stores and aU the people on board; being detained until now for two bateaux, ordered from Schenec tady, — Gilliland. 1775 Arnold and his party reached Crown Point on the King's sloop captured at St, Johns, and now 144 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley called the Enterprise. On the way they had met Allen's party going north, 1805 A road was laid out " Leading from John M. Grant's (Chazy) to Amos Ingraham's," MAY 19 1765 — ^arrived at Half Moon, where we were joined the 2oth, by WUHam Luckey, cooper and farmer, to get 40 s p month, — Gilliland. 1766 — This day J. W. set out for to meet me, which he did at Stillwater and finding me sick and unable to travel, he returned with Nehemiah Smith, his wife, son and daughter, Archd McLaughlin, black smith, Catharine Welch and Betsy WUliams. who aU arrived at Willsborough, 4 June. — Idem. 1767 — Birth at New York of Sir George Prevost, son of Augustine Prevost, a British general of the Revo lution, who was born at Geneva, Switzerland, about 1725- 1775 — English troops at St, Johns fired upon AUen's party with six field pieces and two hundred smaU arms. This fire AUen returned but, reahzing the superior numbers of the enemy, hastily re-embarked for Crown Point. 1790 — Death of General Israel Putnam, a Ranger with Rogers and an officer in the Revolution, at Bunker Hill, Long Island, New Jersey and West Point. 1855 In Columbus, Ohio, died Major Reuben Sanford, a pioneer of Wilmington and commander at the battle of Plattsburgh of " Sanford's BattaHon.'' Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 145 It was he who built the brick church, store and old red school house at Wilmington. After the retreat from Culver's Hill and Halsey's Comers on Sept. 6, while engaged in cutting the stringers to destroy the upper bridge over the Saranac, his axe was hit by a buUet and stuck in the " Scarf " of the wood he was chopping, but the Major kept on, only remarking " It's too bad to spoil such a good ax." 1873 — The musical qualities of the organ in the Presbyterian Church, the gift of S, F, Vilas, exhibited by Professors Moore and Reed, MAY 20 1784 SaiUy reached Poughkeepsie, the home of the Platts, 1841 Plattsburgh Lyceum incorporated with Hon. J, Douglas Woodward, as president, 1844 The remains of Lieut, Kingsbury of the 3d Buffs (who died at the farmhouse of Isaac C, Piatt, Esq., after the engagement at Halsey's Comers, Sept. 6, 1 814) removed from Mr, Piatt's garden where they had been interred, to Riverside cemetery by Capt, C, A. Waite, then commander at Platts burgh Barracks, 1845 At Port GillUand, Anna Maria Staats, wife of WUHam GiUiland, Jr., died. Although the burying ground, just north of their home, was the gift of her husband to the neighborhood, and was known as Gilliland cemetery, she was buried in Riverside cemetery. Their barn was often used for the services of the M. E. church until the building of the church at Port Jackson. 146 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1869 Dr. Benjamin John Mooers, only son of John Mooers, a pioneer in the valley in 1793, passed away in his sleep, but six weeks after the loss of his wife. Dr, Mooers had practiced medicine in Plattsburgh through a long life, acting as surgeon at the battle in 1 8 14. For years he was oftener called in con sultation than any other physician in the county. He was a " careful, judicious, and successful prac titioner, well calculated for the famUy physician — an honest man and christian gentleman." WhUe pursuing his professional studies at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York, he counted among his friends, the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. It was during his journeys through the lake to New York that he first made the acquaintance of Capt. John Boynton, whose daughter became the wife of his eldest son. 1874 " Home for the Friendless in Northem New York " incorporated by act of legislative power. MAY 21 1775 Allen's party reached Ticonderoga in the evening and found Arnold's party had arrived two days before. 1817 In the town of Lewis, Essex County, N. Y., was bom Edgar P., the sixth and youngest chUd of Gen. Luman Wadhams and his wife, Lucy Prindle (n^e Bostwick). At an academy in Shoreham, Vt., the future first bishop of Ogdensburgh prepared for Middlebury CoUege from which he was graduated with honors in 1838 and from which coUege he re ceived the degree of LL.D. a short time before his death. 1842 Died at Rouses Point, Ezra Thurber, son of Edward Thurber, Sr. (pioneer in the town of Cham- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 147 plain, 1799) and his wife, Abigail Thurber. Gen. Ezra Thurber, in 1823, gave and laid out the old burying ground at Rouses Point; was admitted to the fellowship of " The Second Baptist Church of Chazy " in 1824, and became a prominent member, resigning its clerkship just one week before his death. 1886 Birthday of William Mooers Piatt, member of the Nathan Beman Society, Children of the American Revolution. He died April 30, 1898. Dear my friend, grieve not o'ermuch For the vanished voice and touch; ****** Nay, ah nay! Bide thou a while In thy place, nor weep, but smile. Some day — sweet day! — ^thou shalt rise. Pass the curtain, meet his eyes! — James Buckham. MAY 22 1773 The marriage license of Charles Piatt of Pough keepsie and Caroline Adriance of Fishkill was re corded at Albany. The bride was born in Holland, a coimtry which her husband had visited some years previous during an extensive tour embracing the West Indies, Mosquito Coast, Charlestown, S. C, England, Holland and Madeira, returning to New York after an absence of ten years and six months. Mrs. Piatt always read her Dutch Bible. She was a notably handsome woman even in advanced years, having rosy cheeks and a dignified mien and wearing a cap with daintily crimped border. The three daughters and five sons were: Margaret, married N. H. TreadweU; Letitia, first wife of Rev, Frederick Halsey ; Hannah, wife of Eleazer MiUer ; and Zephaniah, Isaac C, Charles C, Nathaniel, and Nathaniel 2nd. 1784 SaiUy left Poughkeepsie for Albany. 148 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1864 Henry S. Johnson died of consumption at his home in Plattsburgh. Though young, only 38, he had successfuUy overcome the many obstacles which beset his path, when barely fourteen carrying his own compass in the work of surveying, teaching school at sixteen, and at eighteen studying law in the office of Swetland and Beckwith, ultimately becoming an able lawyer in the threefold character of attorney, counsel and advocate. As a citizen, neighbor and friend, he was without reproach. Say not that his course is run. Heaven is older than the sun, Heaven saw his task begun. — James Buckham. MAY 23 1775 Birth at Hartford, Conn., of Ann, daughter of John and Ann (Skinner) Whitman. This day, be it sacred: Ye spirits of air: Who guarded the couch of the infant so fair — — Mrs. Margaret M. Davidson. Ann Whitman became the wife of Timothy Balch of the same place, who, about 1802 settled at Platts burgh (now West Plattsburgh) . Both were members of the First Presbyterian church, 1784 — arrived at Albany which is 84 mUes from Poughkeepsie, 168 miles or French agues from New York. — Sailly. 1796 Zadock Thompson, the second son of Capt, Barnabas Thompson of Bridgewater, Vt,, was bom, A long convalescence from a severe wotmd which nearly cost his Hfe, gave him opportunity for study and he graduated from the U, V. M, with honor in 1823. From his labors, we have a vast amount of in- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 149 formation regarding Vermont, obtainable from no other source. His chief work is "Natural, Civil and Statistical History of Vermont " published in 1843 and written while the author was engaged in teaching in the Vermont Episcopal Institute. His death in 1856 was occasioned by ossification of the heart. Is learning your ambition? There is no royal road; Alike the peer and peasant Must climb to her abode : — Saxe. 1861 At Fort Warren in Boston Harbor as the " re cruits " were marching around the mess room in single fUe, one James E, Greenleaf started the line " Glory, Glory, Hallelujah." One of their number was a John Brown and someone added " John Brown's body lies amouldering," The men caught the inspiration of the moment and line after line was added to the song, the men singing the chorus as they fUed out upon the parade ground. That very night, the bandmaster, P, S, Gilmore, arranged the music for his full band. MAY 24 1765 — Arrived at Fort Miller.— Gilliland. 1810 General Mooers took for a second wife, Elizabeth Addoms, daughter of his neighbor on Cumberland Head, Major John Addoms, 1812 The Union Academy was opened in Peru under the direction of Chauncey Stoddard and Mary Rogers, for the instruction of pupils in the usual branches. Tuition was $2 per quarter, but for those studying grammar, the price was $2.50, Board in re spectable famihes could be obtained for |i .20 per week. 150 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1861 " John Brown's Body " was played at dress parade for the first time by the band at Fort Warren. 1873 The Bible and Hymn Book was presented to the First Presbyterian Church by Mrs. C. E. M. Edwards. Both are from the Cambridge University Press, the print of perfect clearness with red capitals and border Hnes, while the binding, done in Boston, is the heaviest Levant morocco of a dark blue with deep embossing. 1894 Chief-engineer John W, Moore, U, S. N,, retired with the rank of rear-admiral, having reached the age of 62, after 42 years of active service. He was in the first Atlantic-cable expedition, and with Farragut, and has been a member of the Society of the Cincinnati 33 years, having taken the place of his maternal grandfather. Gen. Benj. Mooers. MAY 25 Pursue the path our fathers trod, Be thou, my son, what they have been: — {Mrs.) Margaret M. Davidson. 1775 Nehemiah Hobart was born. In 1795 he married Lydia Randall, aunt of Postmaster-general Randall and in 1801 they became pioneers in Peru. At the battle of Plattsburgh he served as a mihtiaman: a worthy son of his sire, Daniel Hobart, the first martyr of the Revolution from Ashbumham, Mass, 1792 At Panton, Vt,, Hiram Ferriss was bom. He was the first steamboat pilot on the lake, taking the helm of the old Vermont when she was launched in 1809 and serving as steamboat pilot untU 1859, just half a century. During that period he served as pilot on every boat of the Champlain Transporta- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 151 tion Company without encountering a single serious accident. The rocky reef opposite Port Kent was discovered by him and bears his name. Between 1825 and 1830, he settled in Chazy and that was his home until 1874 when he went to Wisconsin. 1861 "John Brown's Body " was first simg in Boston as the men marched up State street from garrison duty. 1909 The Ticonderoga Historical Society with its guests celebrated Field day, placing temporary markers at the " landing place of the most powerful armed force (Army of Abercrombie and Lord Howe) that ever came within our borders," Rigaud's Camp, the crossing by the Military Road of Main Street and of the River above the Falls; also, the spot where Lord Howe's bones were found, Mt. Hope or MUl Heights, and The French Lines. MAY 26 1826 Congress passed a resolution of thanks to Mid shipman SUes Dtmcan of the .Saratoga, for his gallant conduct under the severe fire of the enemy (then marching on the beach near Dead Creek). Duncan went alone in a gig to order the return of the galleys, lying in Cumberland bay. Congress, the same month, also authorized the President to cause to be delivered to the members of the company of "Aiken's Volunteers," the rifle promised each by Gen. Macomb, for their patriotic services during the siege of Plattsburgh. The mem bers of this company, mere boys, none of them old enough for military service, were: — Martin J. Aiken, Azariah C. Flagg, Ira A. Wood, Gustavus A. Bird, James Trowbridge, Hazen Mooers, Henry K. AveriU, St. John B. L. Skinner, Frederick P. AUen, Hiram 152 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Walworth, Ethan Everest, Amos Soper, James Patten, Bartemus Brooks, Smith Bateman, Melancton W. Travis, and Flavius Williams. The presentation was made the next year by Gen, Mooers, ' then living in the house to which these boys marched, to tender their services to Gen. Macomb. 1861 On Sabbath morning, Lois (Barnes) Durand, daughter of Joseph and Lucretia Barnes, and wife of Calvin Durand, " entered into rest." Her remains are resting in her native place, Charlotte, Vt,, where she was born in 1799, and where, March 3, 1819, she married a grandson of Francis Joseph Durand, of Besancon, France, After a few years, the young couple removed to ClintonvUle, N. Y,, where their children were reared. The younger generation located in Milwaukee and Chicago, and there her son, Henry C. Durand, gave to Lake Forest College, in memory of his mother, Lois Durand Hall. Mrs. Durand was a granddaughter of the Revolutionary officer, Col, Asa Barnes, and his wife, Lois Yale, a descendant of the founder of Yale College, 1862 On the Williamsburgh road, in Virginia, leading the reserve pickets. Major John E. Kelly of the 96th, fell, struck by four bullets. His remains, in charge of Capt. Sweeney, were taken to his stricken family at Plattsburgh, One more captain on God's field Armed with mightier sword and shield Than of yore his arms could wield. — Buckham. MAY 27 1735 Judge Zephaniah Piatt, " The Patroon " and one of the original settlers of Plattsburgh was born at Huntington, Long Island. He was a son of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 153 Zephaniah who, when 74 years old, was with many of his neighbors, taken prisoner by the British and driven into New York where he was confined in the old prison ship. FaiHng ill with smallpox, he was released at the earnest entreaty of his daughter Dorothea, by Sir Henry Clinton but four days before his death. 1765 Joined by Martin Taylor, farmer, at 45s p month, — Gilliland. 1813 Mid, Horace BuckHn Sawyer was directed by Com. Macdonough to take one of the gun boats to Plattsburgh. On entering the bay, however, she was struck by a gust of wind and thrown on her beam end and it was several hours before her crew were rescued more dead than alive from their im mersion in nearly ice-cold water and taken on board the Eagle. 1824 The first coUege building in BurHngton, begun in 1801 and completed in 1807 at a cost of $40,000, was destroyed by fire. It was of brick, four stories high, 160 feet long, 75 feet wide in the center, and 45 feet in the wings and had been taken by the U, S. govemment for an arsenal in 1813 and leased for barracks ini8i4. Ini8i5, after it had been repaired, the college sessions were resumed, 1831 Died in Plattsburgh, Joel Buck and his wife Hulda Bostwick, each aged 73 years. They were bom and died on the same date, and a double blue marble stone marks their graves. They had come from New Milford, Conn., about 1810-1812 with their children BelUni, Philander, David, Ephraim, and Hulda who married Daniel Beckwith, a farmer of West Plattsburgh, Their son Ephraim, who was president of the vUlage in 1835, went west in 1840, 154 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1869 The Roman CathoHc Church re-incorporated under the name of " St, John the Baptist's Church of Plattsburgh," with the Right Rev, John J, Con- roy. Bishop of the Diocese of Albany, the Very Rev, Edgar P. Wadhams, Vicar-General of the diocese, and Richard J. Maloney, Pastor of the Church, and two laymen as tmstees, the first two appointed were Bemard McKeever and Patrick K. Delaney. MAY 28 Blossoms In Age. Yon is an apple-tree. Joints all shrunk like an old man's knee. Gaping tnmk half eaten away, Crumbling visibly day by day; Branches dead, or dying fast. Topmost limb like a splintered mast. Yet behold, in the prime of May, How it blooms in the sweet old way! — James Buckham. 1806 John Ransom who, with his sons for many years kept hotel near the first steamboat landing at Cumberland Head, died. It was at his wharf " Ran som's Landing " that the early boats, the Vermont and Phoenix stopped; here also, John Jacob Astor on his way to buy furs in Canada, was a guest once an entire week. 1889 At Crown Point, his native place, died Gen. John Hammond, a son of Charles F. Hammond who settled there early in the century, and was for more than fifty years the leading business man in the iron and lumber industries. Gen, Hammond did most gallant service in the war and was twice wounded. After peace was restored he devoted himself to the iron manufacturing and railroad interests of the region. He was a member of the 46th and 47th Congress, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 155 MAY 29 1765 — arrived at Fort George, with all the people, cattle, bateaux and goods, — Gilliland. 1795 Isaac Smith of Dutchess county died at the age of 72. His daughter Phebe, the wife of Dr, Mat thias Burnet MiUer of Brooklyn, was the mother of Mrs. Davidson, a poetess herself like her son and two of her daughters. Isaac Smith's daughters Margaret and EHzabeth were the first and second wives of Dr. John MiUer, a brother of Dr. Burnet, both sons of Burnet MiUer, a Revolutionary soldier, who died in Plattsburgh in 1797. 1814 Macdonough brought his fleet out of Otter Creek and cast anchor that same evening off Plattsburgh, 1821 Judge Charles Piatt, the first actual and perma nent settler of Plattsburgh, passed away. He was always addressed as "Judge " and held that office for Clinton county untU sixty years old. His " ruf fled shirt-front, stately appearance, ruddy complexion and pleasant countenance " greatly impressed the younger generation. It was Judge Piatt who, when in London in 1761 copied the description of the Piatt coat of arms. For several years he was the only settler with a knowledge of medicine and this he put to good use, doctoring the poor gratuitously and giving treatment to the Indians for " a beaver skin, the usual fee for bleeding," 1824 Elizabeth Piatt went from her home on Cum berland Head the bride of Henry Ketchum AveriU, Sr. To her, the youngest daughter of his only sister Hannah, the Hon, Moss Kent gave the house on Margaret street, corner of Cornelia, next door north of her sister, the wife of Dr, Mooers, It was in this house that Moss Kent first met the little girl, Lucretia 156 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Davidson, whose benefactor he became. Here, the young mother, Mrs. Averill, died at 35, leaving three chUdren. The Plattsburgh Republican of this date reads, " we are gratified to learn that the Post Master here has received from the Post-Master General instructions to contract for bringing the mails from Whitehall to this place twice a week by the steam boat. This is as it should be, " 1872 Lucretia, wife of Zephaniah Pitt Piatt died aged 72 years. She and her sister Ann Eliza, daughters of Col, Thomas MiUer were married on the same day (Jan. 14, 1829), the one to Zephaniah P. and the other to Zephaniah C, Piatt, his cousin. The presence of " hundreds " of guests made the wedding what is known among the Germans as a " high time," MAY 30 1838 Long years before this day had been set apart in memory of our patriotic dead, the Hon, Moss Kent died at his home with his nephew and name sake, the Hon. Moss Kent Piatt. Moss Kent, son of Moss Kent, Esq. and brother of the Chancellor, was a practising lawyer, and held many important political civil offices. His betrothed, a sister of J. Fenimore Cooper, having been killed while horse-back riding, he never married, but his kindness and generosity to those about him was unbounded. To him, her benefactor, Lucretia Davidson, owed her superior advantages of education and to several of his nieces he gave homes. The golden age of peace has come on earth : Lo, in the blood-stained fields, the lilies bloom. And softly on the alien soldier's tomb Is laid the wreath that owns his manly worth. — Buckham. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 157 1898 Saranac Chapter sent to the State Regent, D. A. R., $20 to be used in equipping hospitals, and the Society of the Sons of the American Revolution marked the site of the Battery of 1813-14 by the gift of a flagstaff and flag. 1899 Saranac Chapter, D. A. R., placed bronze markers on the graves in Riverside Cemetery of the foUowing soldiers of the Revolution: Thomas Allen, — 181 1. Capt. Nathaniel Piatt, — 1741- Zenas AUen, — 1763 — 1811. 1816. Loring Larkin, — 1755-1845. Judge Zepheniah Piatt, — 1735— [Interred on Larkin Place.] 1807. Gideon Rugar, — 1808- Bumet Miller, — 1797- Lieut. Peter Roberts, — 1804. Gen. Benj. Mooers, — 1758- Allen Smith. — 1759-1847. 1838. Judge Melancton Smith, — 1744- Adoniram Parrott. 1798. Judge Chas. Piatt, — 1744- Judge Thomas Treadwell, — 1742- 1821. 1832. Daniel Piatt, — 1756-1836. Jonathan Winchell. The Society of the War of 181 2 also placed markers on the graves of eleven of the eighty veterans of that war known to be buried in this cemetery. Henry K. AveriU ; Sheldon Durkee ; Jeremiah Graves ; Smith Mead; Dr. B. J. Mooers; John Nichols; Judge Levi Piatt; Zeph. Pitt Piatt; Capt. Sidney Smith; Matthew M. Standish; Hiram Walworth. The Children of the American Revolution dec orated the grave of Samuel Beman, father of Nathan Beman for whom their chapter is named. The exercises were closed by the singing of the " Star Spangled Banner." 1905 The Vermont branch of the Society of the United States Daughters of 181 2 placed a marker on the grave in Elmwood Cemetery, Burlington, of Joseph Barron, pilot of Macdonough's flagship, the Saratoga during the battle of Plattsburgh. 158 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley MAY 31 ETHAN ALLEN, 1778 Ethan Allen, on his arrival in this country, waited on Gen, Washington at VaUey Forge and then returned to Vermont, where he was received with great joy. " Three cannons were fired that evening, and the next morning Col, Herrick gave orders and fourteen more were discharged " welcoming him to Bennington; "thirteen for the United States and one for young Vermont," 1817 Miss Susan Cook who had, as a pupU at the examination the previous faU, distinguished herself " in all the branches pursued " thereby winning first prize (Doddridge's Rise and Progress of ReH gion in the Soul) and had drawn the " best map of the United States and the best two of the whole " now became instructor of the young ladies of the Academy in the " various useful and ornamental branches," Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 159 1828 Capt, and Mrs. Charies T. Piatt lost their Kttle son Benjamin Walworth and he was laid to rest in the viUage cemetery beside his baby sister Caroline who had died three years before. From 1826 to '29 Capt. Piatt leased the white house with bright green door and jet black knocker, standing, gable end to the east side of Peru street, just north of the down grade of Charlotte. In this neighborhood, the short, stout, jolly-spirited cap tain with his bronzed face, curHng black hair and piercing eyes, home from a short cruise, was a familiar figure. His wife (a sister of ChanceUor Walworth) was as unlike her sailor husband as possible, for she was taU and angiUar, with fair hair and complexion and eyes of dark blue looking out from a face almost classic in its symmetry. l6o Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 1 May and June have the same, sweet, constant, gentle, unvarying winds — feminine voices, but no longer childish, queru lous, nor uncertain; voices that hint of the ripeness, the poise, and stability of womanhood. — Buckham. 1765 — arrived at Ticonderoga landing, — Gilliland. 1767 — planted peas which being old did not grow. — Idem. 1776 Received orders to disembark (the wind stUl against us or rather calm), and march up on shore towards the enemy. We were about 500 men — and more, we hoped, not far in our rear — aU in great spirits on leaving the ships. Our camp equipage and other baggage were left on board, to come up when the wind would serve, — Lieut. Digby's Journal. William Hay, who lived in a house near the shore of the lake opposite Valcour Island, on a tract of land granted in 1765 to Lieut. FrisweU, went to Montreal to purchase a supply of flour and while there, was arrested and thrown into prison by order of Gen. Carleton. After several days, at the soHcita- tion of merchants of that city, he was released. On his retum he went to Crown Point and gave to the American commander there information regarding the strength and plans of the Indians that was con sidered of much value at the time. 1894 New Barracks of Plattsburgh Military Post occupied for the first time by Companies D, F and G 2 ist Infantry, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley l6l JUNE 2 These winds make low, even sounds about your casement, and in your trees, and over the grass, all day long. They express nature's utter contentment and peace. They bring me news of God's love for his world and his ever-reminding presence in it. — James Buckham. Si 1765 — ^busy getting the goods and bateaux acrost the landing. — Gilliland. 1766 — ^arrived at fort George on that day, in the evn'g. My Ulness continuing, detained us all at fort George for 9 days from the 2d, to Wednesday. — Idem. 1767 — ^planted the foUowing: muskmelons, shaped 20th July; radishes, lettuce, tong grass, parsley, savory, celeri, late cabbages, mustard, leeks, onions; they aU came up short owing I beheve to dry weather. — Idem. 1795 At a town-meeting in Plattsburgh, a tax of £2$ was voted for the benefit of schools. 1800 Calvin K. AverUl, son of Nathan AverUl, Jr. and his wife PoUy Ketchum, was bom at Peru, 1813 Lieut, Sidney Smith, U, S, N, with two sloops of war, the Growler and Eagle, chased some British boats over the Hne into Canada, The same day, the town of Peru was first divided into school districts by Benjamin Sherman, WiUiam Keese, and Robert Piatt, Commissioners, l62 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 3 Oh! the summer moms and evenings, when the lazy, lowing cows Let you dream your boyish day-dreams, while they idly stopped to browse. — James Buckham. 1813 At three o'clock in the morning Lieut. Smith found himself at Ash Island while the enemy's row- galleys had taken refuge under the guns and forti fications of Isle aux Noix. Retreat against the current of the lake and in the face of a strong south wind, was impossible and in the four-hour engagement that followed the Americans were forced to surrender. The officers, among whom were Lieut. Smith, Loomis, sailing master of the Eagle; Sawyer, midshipman, and Capt. Herrick, were sent first to Montreal and then to Halifax where they were confined in one of H. M. ships of war, commanded by Hon. Capt. Douglas " who treated them with great kindness although his govemment had proposed to deal with them as with traitors until assured by our govem ment that for everyone so dealt with, two EngHsh- men should receive simUar treatment." After an exchange had been effected. Mid. Sawyer was ordered to the Constitution. 1816 At Highgate, Vt,, was born John Godfrey Saxe, second son of Peter and Elizabeth (Jewett) Sax, his wife, Godfrey Sachs, the great-grandfather, died in Pmssia when his son John, the emigrant, was but fourteen. The name, anglicized to Sax had the e added during the last half century. John Godfrey Saxe, was an American poet, journalist, and lecturer, best known, however, for his humorous poems. In 1859 and i860 he was the unsuccessful candidate for governor of Vermont. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 163 1824 James Savage, Esq., died " at his seat in Platts burgh," aged 84 years. He was buried beside his wife, Anne, in Elmwood cemetery, BurHngton, 1875 At his home, four miles from the viUage of Platts burgh on the old turnpike leading to Malone, died Elder Chester Balch for more than 30 years a ruHng elder of the First Presbyterian church — a man of the old puritanical stamp. He was a son of Timothy Balch of Hartford, Conn,, who had located about 1802 on a farm a short distance from that of his brother Ebenezer. JUNE 4 We had God's sunshine for our drink. And all the things of earth were sweet — — Buckham. 1646 Father Isaac Jogues with Sieur Bourdon, royal engineer, and some Indians arrived at Fort Orange, where he had formerly been so hospitably received and sheltered for six weeks after his escape from his Mohawk captors, 1690 A smaU party of French and Indians of the Sault and Mountains returning from an expedition against the EngHsh in canoes, " being arrived at noon at Salmon river which falls into Lake Champlain " whUe at evening prayer were discovered by a war party of Algonquins and Abenakis, Paris Documents, Colonial History. 1760 Major Rogers, who had left Crown Point with 200 Rangers and 25 light infantry in bateaux in October, landed his men on the west shore of the lake, twelve miles south of Isle aux Noix (Rouses 164 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Point), the rest of his party remaining on board the sloop which, under the command of Capt. Grant, had been sent back to Isle la Motte. 1765 — proceeded to Crown Point. — Gilliland. 1 777 — ^being the King's Birthday the Town (Montreal) was illuminated. — Hodden. 1796 Capt. Nath'l Douglass of Chazy, and Lucy Con verse were married. They moved to Isle la Motte, Vt,, but, in 1 81 1, emigrated to the township of Sherrington, Canada, where Douglass had taken up a tract the year before, felled trees, buUt a hut, and now, was to become a first settler. His father, Nathaniel, Sr., and his brothers, James and Jonathan, soon joining him from Chazy, the settlement was caUed Douglassville, In 181 2, Capt, Douglass was appointed by the British government, captain of militia and held the office till his death, 1804 Birth in Granville, Washington county, N. Y., of J. Douglass Woodward, son of WUHam Woodward, a captain in the Revolution with Washington at VaUey Forge. At the early age of nine, dependent upon his own energies for success, he came to Platts burgh to attend the old Academy. There, he attracted the attention of Reuben H. Walworth, who could well appreciate the efforts of the studious lad to make the most of his opportunities. In the law office of Judge John Lynde and afterwards, through life the untiring energy and industry of the man was displayed and his pure life and practical efforts in behalf of Plattsburgh (especially in the lajdng out and improvement of streets) should not be forgotten. From his son and daughter, WUHam and Helen streets were named. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 165 1808 Casper Otto with his family, refugees from Ham burg, arrived at Baltimore in the last ship saUing from Toningen and reaching the United States before the famous Embargo Act went into operation. This ship was the Perseverance, Fisher, master, of Martha's Vineyard. Caspar Otto had been a prosperous mer chant, but when Napoleon's army, 18,000 strong, tmder Davoust, was quartered upon the peaceful citizens and the Bank of Hamburg seized, only financial disaster could come to the Otto family and they determined to emigrate to America. — Life of Bishop Hopkins. 1812 Horace Bucklin Sawyer of Burlington entered the navy of the United States as a midshipman and was at once ordered to the Eagle (Lieut. Sidney Smith), which cruised in company with the Growler (saiHng master Jairus Loomis) protecting American interests on Lake Champlain. JUNE 5 1690 At sunrise the next morning the Algonquins and Abenakis attacked the returning party, killing two and wounding ten, which was much regretted by the French, since those who were defeated and taken were " our most faithful aUies," among them the Great Mohawk. — Paris Documents, Colonial History. THE DEAD BRAVE. Bow and arrows by his side, Soft and tawny panther's hide. Food for journey to the bound Of the Happy Hunting Ground, So they laid him in his grave, Stern, bronze, silent Indian brave. — James Buckham. 1765 Arrived (at Crown Point) having left the whole of the cattle there under the care of WUHam Luckey, i66 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley (except 4 oxen left at Ticonderoga with Martin Tay- ler and my negro man Ireland, to haul logs to the saw mill in lieu of 120 boards got there, and which were rafted down to Crown Point by E. Ayres and J. Watson), we proceeded. — Gilliland. 1777 I crossed the St. Lawrence (here near two miles wide) and arrived at Longeiul on the opposite shore, with the Detachment of Artillery destined for the expedition, — Hadden. 1894 Plattsburgh PubHc Library chartered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York. I love vast libraries; yet there is a doubt If one be better with them or without, — Unless he use them wisely, and, indeed. Knows the high art of what and how to read. — Saxe. JUNE 6 1760 Rogers was attacked while encamped near place of landing by 350 French troops, sent from fort at Isle Aux Noix under command of M. Le Force and, after a short but severe engagement, defeated the French who returned to Isle Aux Noix, while he retired to Isle La Motte. 1816 On Thursday, the atmosphere at Plattsburgh was fUled with particles of snow and it was uncom fortable out of doors without a great-coat, while in Vermont " the snow fell rapidly, but melted as it feU." 1830 At her home on BeUevue (now Cumberland) avenue, Marianne Adelaide GreUier, widow of the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 167 late Hon. Peter Sailly, died. She was a native of Alsace and mother of three chUdren : Eleanor Maria, Charlotte Theresa and Frederick Louis Charles Sailly. 1848 WUHam GilHland, Jr. (bom in 1768) died at Port GilHland, originally named Janesboro. It was he who secured the paper giving information to the enemy, dropped by Col, Murray during his raid, while Col, Durand and Mr. GiUiland were interceding for the protection of the private property of citizens. 1864 The Fouquet House, built in 181 5 by John Louis Fouquet and then named the Macdonough House, was bumed. At the time and subsequently, many valuable historical reHcs were lost, among them the original key to Fort Ticonderoga, given to the proprietor by Gen, Nathaniel Lyon. This far-famed hostelry was of wood, painted white, its swinging sign, on one side adorned with a portrait (painted by a Mr. Stevens, a local artist) of the owner's close friend, the Commodore; on the other, a picture of a ship. From its high pillared verandas, Scott, Wool, Bonneville, Worth, Magruder, " Stonewall " Jackson, Hooker, Kearney, Ricketts and other army officers had looked out across the bay where Macdonough had vanquished the British Lion. Gen. Scott was an annual visitor and two children of Capt. Magruder (afterward a confederate general), while their-father was in command at the Barracks, in charge of their colored " mammy " had good times in the beautiful garden with the little Fouquets. 1865 The new Fouquet House was opened to the pubHc. 1 68 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 7 New skies and blue skies — cheer heart! another day Lights on the changing world. Up! strive! whilst strive thou may. — James Buckham. 1763 BurHngton and Colchester each received its charter. The former township was originaUy 36 square miles, measuring 10 miles in a right Hne along the Winooski river and 6 miles from north to south on the eastern boundary. Among the grantees of Colchester there were ten by the name of BurHng and it is supposed that the name BurHngton was given by mistake to the adjoining town on the south. 1765 We proceeded from Crown Point to WiUsboro, the boards having overtaken us that morning at Crown Point, — Gilliland. 1775 Allen wrote to congress: " I would lay my life on it, that with fifteen hundred men I could take Montreal," 1777 Sunday we proceeded to St. Johns, 18 miles, by the road on which Gen'l Gordon was kiUed. — Hadden. 1860 At " Rock Point," a large Gothic stone buUding, designed for a boys' school and seminary, was com pleted and consecrated. Early in June, 1809, there was great excitement in BurHngton and other towns on the lakeshore for was not the boat that since last year, the brothers Winans had been a-building under the " Oak Tree " at the foot of King street and which had been launched sideways into the water, about to make her first trip? John Winans, her captain, had been on board Three Centuries in Champlain ValLEy 169 the Clermont when she made her first trip and had been deeply interested. The first Vermont resembled little her namesake of 1909. She was built without guards, with flush decks and no pilot house, being steered by a tiller. Only a smokestack showed above the deck for her second-hand, 20 horse-power horizontal engine, bought in Albany, was below. The Vermont was larger than the Clermont. Her length was 120 feet with one room about 25x18 feet, fitted with berths and serving also as a dining room. But she was the first vessel propelled by steam on Lake Champlain the first steamboat. and the second in the whole world and as such was a wonder. Her round trip from WhitehaU to St. Johns consumed about a week and her appearance was eagerly awaited in the quiet settlements along the shore. In October, 181 5 the first Vermont had her last break-down near Ash Island and her owners Messrs, James and John Winans took out her engine and boilers and sold them to the Lake Champlain Steam boat Company, During the war of 181 2 the Vermont had done good service in the transportation of govern ment stores and troops. Her captain, John Winans, Hved afterwards at 'Ticonderoga but was buried at Poughkeepsie. J70 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 8 1763 MUton, Vt., was chartered and contained 27,616 acres. 1765 WUHam GilHland and his colony reached the Boquet after a laborious and perilous journey of thirty days from New York. 1777 As morning dawned on Montreal the roU of drums and clamor of bugles roused the sleeping inhabitants and called together Burgoyne's army, consisting of 3,724 British, 3,016 German soldiers of the Hne, 473 artillery men and 250 Canadians, ready to embark on the expedition to Fort Ticonderoga. 1789 The first marriage in Plattsburgh, that of Peter SaiUy and Marianne Adelaide Grielle, a native of Alsace who had been a friend and companion of the first Mrs. SaiUy, was performed by Theodorus Piatt, J-P- CUPID'S BOWER. Am I in fairyland? or tell me, pray. To what love-lighted bower I've found my way? Such luckless wight was never more beguiled In woodland maze, or closely tangled wild. — Lucretia Maria Davidson. (Written in her fifteenth year.) 1801 Death of Sarah Mott, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Kinne) Mott and wife of Jonas Morgan. JUNE 9 1760 Rogers, after the severe engagement on the 6th, having retired to Isle La Motte, landed at the mouth of the Great Chazy river, passed arotmd Isle Aux Noix, attacked and destroyed a small stockade fort Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 171 below St, John's and returned to the lake with twenty-five prisoners, 1765 Robert Mclane and Elialdm Ayres arrived at the river Boquet with the raft of boards, having been assisted by Moses Dickson, tailor, who joined us the 7th instant, at Crown Point, at 40s per mo, and to be found. Proceeded in company with Robert Mclane immediately to the falls, who having carefully viewed their situation, gave it as his opinion, that several miUs might be erected there with much ease and smaU expense — ^which opinion was afterwards found to be well founded. We then returned to the river's mouth well satisfied, and having thrown out our fishing seine, we hauled in 60 large fish, being mostly masquenonge, bass and pickerel, — Gilliland. 1789 CHnton County govemment organized, Mel ancton L, Woolsey administered the oath of office to Judge Charles Piatt, who in turn " swore in " Mr, Woolsey as County Clerk, 1816 There was a heavy fall of snow and sleighing was good from " the city " (Saxe's Landing) to the five Nations (East Chazy), Seth Graves came out with his big covered sleigh, drawn by four horses, and with Rev. Mr, Byington, Deacon Wells, Deacon Ransom and others, reined up to Francis Chantonette's Inn, in grand style." — Old Chazy. 1898 Died suddenly, at her home on Court street, Augusta (Wood) Cady, a charter member of Saranac Chapter, D, A, R, and descendant of Jonathan Wood of Massachusetts, the patriot who marched from Box- ford at the Lexington alarm in Capt. William Perley's company. Col, James Frye's regiment and served subsequently under the same command. 172 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley DEATH. Strange, how we think of Death, The angel beloved of God, With his face like an asphodel flower. And his feet with nepenthe shod; Strange, how we turn and flee When he comes by the sunset way. Out of the Valley of Rest, Down through the purpling day : — Buckham. 1905 Dr. George F, Bixby, editor and owner of the Plattsburgh Republican, laid aside his pen. Since his first connection (May 24, 1873) with that his toric paper, he had proved himself a worthy successor of a line of able writers, maintaining always a reputa tion for reliability, the Historical Department es pecially furnishing invaluable records of Champlain VaUey history, Dr, Bixby was particularly interested in everything pertaining to the welfare of the Valley and its early history, spending years in studying and ably defending the claims of Crown Point as the site of Champlain's first battle with the Iroquois. Bixby's Grotto, Ausable Chasm, bears his name, JUNE 10 1765 — proceeded with the goods towards the Falls, and landed them in Camp Island, Wages commenced this day for all, except William Luckey and Martin Taylor, whose wages commenced at the time of their separation from us on their respective employ ments, — Gilliland. 1767 J, Watson set out again for Ticonderoga, where he met me, and returned to Willsborough, the 15th, with stores, &c. — Idem. 1775 Jonathan Lynde of Westfield, Mass,, enHsted in the Continental Army — the first of three separate Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 173 enHstments, He married MolHe Franklin, a niece of Doctor FrankHn and removed to WUlsboro where he died. His son John Lynde, bom in 1788, Hved in Plattsburgh, was admitted to the bar in 181 2 and made first judge of the county in 1827, holding the office untU his death in 1831. The Lynde home stead was next to that of Judge Charles Piatt on Broad street (now No. 14). 1777 Received orders to embark except the above 1200 under the command of brigadier-general Frazier, who had not then taken command of the advanced corps but was expected hourly. — Lieut. Digby's Journal. 1784 Mr. SaiUy arrived at Albany after a side trip into the Mohawk vaUey. 1810 A " quarterly meeting ' ' was held at ' ' Burdick's ' ' pa-obably at Beekmantown, near the stone church. 1878 Grading begun on Dannemora railroad. JUNE 11 1765 — cleared a road to the faUs from our encamp ment. — Gilliland. 1766 — put aU my stores and embarked on board of Wm. Stoughton's schooner, and having a fair wind arrived this evening at Ticonderoga landing. — Idem. 1776 In SaHsbury, Conn,, was born PoUy, eldest daughter of Joseph and Phebe Ketchum, Her mar riage to Nathan AveriU, Jr,, another pioneer from Connecticut, resulted in a family of six sons and three daughters. Inheriting the strongest New Eng- 174 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley land traits developed by pioneer life in Champlain Valley, " Aunt Polly " became a marked character. For her, soldiers replaced the planks on the upper bridge over the Saranac as the enemy approached, that she and her children might cross. She was one of the original members of the KeesevUle Baptist church founded in 1791 and, at the time of her death in 1862, lived in the old house under the big wiUows that was removed to make room for the present Baptist church of Plattsburgh, 1777 Gen 'Is Burgoyne and Reidesel (came to St, John's). — Hadden. 1784 Mr. Sailly met " Mr. GilHland who owns land on Lake Champlain " and they talked over the iron business in which Mr. Sailly had been engaged in France and its prospects in the Champlain VaUey. 1798 At the court house was held the last meeting of the proprietors of the town of Burlington at which time were chosen: Gideon Ormsby, chairman; Wm. C. Harrington, clerk; Zacheus Peaslee (who had been one of the young men who had attempted to pay their respects to Prince Edward five years before) treasurer; and Stephen Pearl, from whom Pearl street takes its name, coUector. 1814 A Hght brigade, under command of Gen. Smith, Forsyth's regiment of riflemen and two companies of artillery, were encamped near the mouth of Dead Creek. 1818 John Palmer appointed District Attorney. He was a native of Hoosick but after his admission to the bar, removed in 181 o to Plattsburgh, to which his fellow-townsman, Reuben H. Walworth had come the preceding year. The two formed a partnership which Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 175 continued until 1820. Mr. Palmer married Charlotte, the youngest daughter of Hon. Peter Sailly. They were the parents of the Hon. Peter Sailly Palmer, whose years of labor spent on the history of Lake Champlain, should not be forgotten. 1867 In BurHngton, was bumed the old " Howard House," on the comer of Main and St. Paul streets, present site of Van Ness House. JUNE 12 1765 WUl. GiUUand and his men continued clearing a road to the falls. 1766 — embarked the next day on board the sloop Musquenunge, and in a passage of if hours arrived at Crown Point. — Gilliland. 1777 Carlton had come to St. John's to bid his old comrades in arms a god-speed while Burgoyne, Riedesel, Acland, Eraser, Phillips, Balcarres and others of Hke bravery gathered with him around the social board in joyous good-feUowship previous to embarkation. JUNE 13 1765 — cut down logs to build a dwelling house. — Gilliland. 1 766 Friday arrived at Crown Point, here my disorders returning, I was confined by my room, often to bed to Saturday. — Idem. •. ] 1777 The Standard of England was hoisted on board the Radeau, and saluted by the rest of the Shipping and Forts. * * * The Army was now advanced with J 76 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley part of the Shipping to Isle ou Noix and Point a Fer. The Barracks and Dock Yard at St. Johns were now complete for every necessary purpose, and the Works in a state of defense. — Hadden. About one in the morning, his exceUency, general Carlton, came up and immediately ordered the fleet to get under way. * * * about 9 in the evening, reached the shore (fort Sorrel) under the command of brigadier general Nesbit, Heutenant colonel of the 47th regiment. — We found the enemy had deserted their Hnes and about 10 o'clock the troops took post and lay aU night on their arms, — Digby. 1813 A Battery of thirteen guns, the sole defense of BurHngton and the U. S. army encamped there dur ing the War of 181 2, repulsed an attack of three British gunboats. 1908 Saturday afternoon, Saranac Chapter, D. A. R. celebrated Flag Day by taking an Historic Drive over the route taken by the two wings of the British army in their approach to and retreat from Platts burgh during the invasion of September, 1814. The route had previously been marked by flags and aU spots of special interest were noted and examined. JUNE 14 1760 Brigadier Murray saUed from Quebec with a veteran army of 2,450 men who had conquered under Wolfe, to co-operate with Amherst and HavUand. 1765 — cut down logs to buUd a dwelHng house. —Gilliland. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 177 1775 Wm, Hay engages 100 acres of land to the south ward of his present lot, Nathan Nichols engages 300 acres for himself to the southward and adjoining to Wm, Hay's land. Also engages all the land between the farms of Henry Cross and John Byantum. Henry Cross engages 100 acres of land for himself to the southward of his present lot; Wm. Gilliland reserves for his daughter 200 acres of land to the southward of Henry Cooper's lot. John Byantum has engaged 200 acres at Monty's Chantier. — Idem. 1801 Benedict Arnold, the traitor, died in London. 1815 Catherine Green, widow of Caleb Green, died in Peru. She was a native of Bermuda. They came as early settlers from Nine Partners with their sons Henry, Rodman, John, James, and daughters, Hannah and Mary. The first married Robert Cochran and lived south of Salmon River; the other became the wife of Daniel Jackson, Sr, Their son, Daniel Jack son, Jr., was the author of " Alonzo and Melissa," 1894 Near Fredenburgh Falls, workmen found a skeleton, supposed from its location to be that of Count de Fredenburgh from whom the Falls received its name, De Fredenburgh, coming here during the Revolution to look after his property, mysteriously disappeared while his house and mill were destroyed by fire, JUNE 15 1765 Operations had by this time been commenced by Wm, GUlUand's colony for opening a road to the faUs (of the Bouquet), ground had been cleared, logs cut and the erection of a house, 44 feet by 22 feet, begun. This, the first dwelling buUt by civilized 178 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley man between Crown Point and the Hne of Canada, was occupied by Burgoyne's troops at the time of the invasion, 1777 The Loyal Convert, Washington and Lee Cutter took out their Guns and were laden with Artillery, Stores and Provisions, it being known the Enemy had no Fleet sufficient to oppose us; — This day Gen'ls Burgoyne & Reidesil set off for the Army. — Hadden. 1837 Governor-General, Lord Gosford, because of the assembly at St, Ours, issued a proclamation against seditious meetings and ordered magistrates and militia officers to prevent them from being held or disperse them when held, 1838 The date of the completion by contract of the Cumberland Head lighthouse, built by Peter Com- stock according to his bid of $3,325, The old build ing was separated from the dweUing and stood nearer the shore. The first keeper of the new Hght was " Deacon " Samuel Emery whose posey-loving house keeper tumed the government grounds into one vast flower garden. JUNE 16 1646 Departure of Father Jogues and his party from Oneugiowre (Caughnawaga) the first castle of the Mohawks, whither they had gone after their visit to Fort Orange. Presents had been exchanged and the French had received every assurance of future welcome. 1776 — ^this day John McElrea, Israel Dibble and Martin Dudley arrived at WiUsborough, the former Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 179 commenced this day week at ;^i8 p ann., and the 2 latter this day at 45s p mo. — Gilliland 1777 Burgoyne's army encamped on Cumberland Head and his fleet was anchored in the bay. Here a scene of indescribable sublimity burst upon us. Before us lay the waters of Lake Champlain, a sheet of un ruffled glass, stretching away some ninety miles to the south, ¦widening and straitening as rocks and cliffs projected in the most fantastic shapes into its channel. On each side is a thick and uninhabited wilderness, now rising up into mountains, now falling into glens, while a noble background is presented toward the east by the Green Mountains, whose summits appear even to pierce the clouds. On the west mountains still more gigantic in loftiness, pride and dignity. I cannot by any powers of lan guage do justice to such a scene. — R. G. Gleig, a member of Gen. Eraser's staff. 1785 The legal birthday of Plattsburgh when the first town meeting was held at the house of Judge Charles Piatt, brother of Judge Zephaniah Piatt. The first officers then elected were Charles Piatt, supervisor, and Zaccheus Newcomb, Nathaniel Piatt Rogers, commissioners of highways, who very soon laid out several public highways which remain the principal roads to this day. Zepha Piatt Graham " assisted Squire FreHgh fiU up Deeds for land sold." 1909 Workmen, employed in excavating an under ground room at the north end of the West Barracks at Fort Ticonderoga, uncovered one of the old gar rison weUs. This one, rectangular in shape, fifteen feet deep and cut in soHd rock, was fed by roof drainage and the inlets and outlets are intact. l8o Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 17 1775 Birth of Jonathan Griffin, who settled in Platts burgh where, in May, 1802, with Silas HubbeU he was admitted to the Clinton county bar. His home (now 17 Broad street), became the home of his daughter, Deha A. and her husband, Hiram Wal worth, Sr. At the siege of Plattsburgh, both his store and dwelHng house were bumed by hot shot from the forts. He was prominent in town affairs until his death July 25, 1841. 1776 At St. Johns the retreating Americans, after burning the fortifications, embarked for Isle aux Noix, the last man to leave being Arnold who, with the enemy already in sight, shot his horse in the head and pushed off. 1784 Mr. SaUly at noon reached Fort George and sending back their wagon, prepared to embark. 1785 Zepha Piatt Graham "ran " a number of lots which had been sold (Nos, i, 78, 79), 1814 The troops at Dead Creek advanced as far as Chazy, 1862 In Virginia, occurred the death of Capt. Darius A. Parsons of the 96th N. Y. V. He was a lawyer by profession and left a widow (who survived until August, 1909) and two young children. His parents were Capt. David R. and LiUis M. (Mason) Parsons of Beekmantown; his grand-parents, David Parsons, pioneer from Long Island and Aaron Mason, an early settler at West Plattsburgh, The remains of Capt. Parsons were the first brought to the home Three Centuries in Champlain Valley l8l town and his funeral is said by an eye-witness, to have been the largest within memory. 1890 Hotel Champlain formaUy opened. 1909 On Monday, the Bennington battle monument was first lighted by electricity. Previous to this the use of lanterns was necessary in making the ascent, JUNE 18 1609 Champlain left Quebec on board a pinnace accompanied by a small party of followers, and ascended the St. Lawrence as far as the mouth of the Richelieu, passed up that stream to the foot of the rapids near Chambly. During the winter he had learned from some Indians who had visited his encampment, that they intended an inroad into the country of their enemy in the course of the approaching summer and he had determined to accompany them, and by that means, not only explore a river and large lake through which the war party would pass, but by his powerful assistance strengthen the friendship which then existed between French and the neighboring Indians. At Chambly a war party of sixty Algonquins and Hurons joined him, and commenced preparations for the incursion, — Palm-er's History. 1776 At Isle aux Noix, their last foothold in Canada, were gathered 8,ooo officers and men, " the renmant of as fine an army as ever marched into Canada." Crowded together, half the number sick with small pox, their only food, raw pork, often rancid, un bolted flour and for drinking water only the unwhole some water from the lake, they spent eight days of misery. 1 82 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1777 The head of the column of Burgoyne's army reached the left bank of Bouquet, having performed the march of ninety miles in ten days, Wednesday, We proceeded to the River LaCole, 9 miles, — Hadden. 1784 Sunday, Mr. Sailly caught two flsh of fiine flavor caUed by the English "blackfish." He also visited the ruins of Fort William Henry seeing only the remains of the old ramparts of earth covered with wild cherry trees, the fruit smaller and more tart than those at home and some " very smaU birds resembhng in every particular the Httle thrush of France." 1785 Zepha Piatt Graham " helpt Raise the flews of the Grist MiU." 1812 Charles Theodorus Piatt, son of Judge Theodorus Piatt, was appointed a midshipman, U. S. N, and in accordance with the general orders of this date the 8th Regiment, New York Detached MUitia was raised in the counties of Clinton and Essex for the service of the United States, The 8th was commanded by Lieut. Col, Thos, MiUer of Plattsburgh, Staff officers : Melancton Smith of Plattsburgh, ist Major; Ransom Noble, of Essex, 2d Major; Levi Piatt of Plattsburgh, Adjutant ; Richard S, Mooers, of Platts burgh, Quartermaster; John Palmer of Plattsburgh, Paymaster; Benjamin J, Mooers, of Plattsburgh, Surgeon; Henry Waterhouse, of Plattsburgh, Sur geon's Mate; Frederick Halsey, of Plattsburgh, Chaplain; Jeremiah Graves, of Plattsburgh, Sergeant Major, 1845 At Crown Point died Judith Livingston, wife of AUen Breed, who settled there in 1808 or 1809. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 183 She was the mother of nine chUdren, Allen, Lucena, Foster, MeHnda, Charlotte, Tryphena, William, Amanda, and Benjamin, Her father, Isaac Living ston, a Revolutionary soldier of N, H,, died at Crown Pouit. JUNE 19 1776 The days (at Isle Aux Noix) were intensely hot with heavy dews at night and a camp disorder broke out, from which from 20 to 60 in a regiment succumbed each day. 1777 Early this morning we sailed with a very fair wind, passed Point au Fer where a Post of 4 Com panies was again established for a Depot, (9 Miles) we passed Isle au Mot, and I made a sketch of a Range of Mountains, seen from that part of the Lake. We also passed the Army encamped on Cummerland head; passed Valcour Island, Point au Sable, Schuy ler's Island and some other small Islands called the four Brothers, and in the afternoon came to an anchor at Bouquet Ferry where the Elite of the Army under Brig'r Gen'l Frazer had taken post. — Hadden. 1785 Zepha Piatt Graham spent " mapping and Dividing Cumberland head," 1789 Plattsburgh — began at a stake marked on the E, & S, sides standing by a butnut stump in the south Hne of Charles Platts' land. Busy surveying till July 4, 1789. — Captain Piatt Roger's field notes. 1818 Companies of the Sixth regiment of U, S, regu lars, stationed at Plattsburgh Barracks, detached to work on Fort Montgomery at Island Point, a smaU sand island between Rouse's Point and Pro vince Point. 184 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 20 1776 " At noon, Thtirsday, they began to move the sick to Crown Point in shallow boats, hastily con structed in the spring and now leaky and without awnings. This weary suffering journey from Isle aux Noix to Crown Point occupied five days and nights." A portion of the troops crossed the site of the present town of Champlain, fording its stream. Among the troops was a drummer boy of seventeen, PHny Moore, who, attracted by the advantages of the location, resolved, when peace should be restored, to settle there, which plan he was later able to carry out, becoming the first American pioneer and set tler of Champlain. 1777 Gen'l Burgoyne came up in the Maria, This day I visited a detached post of the Hght infantry, two Miles up the River at Galinels (GiUiland's) Farm, this is situate at the foot of a small Water FaU, where a great number of small Salmon were caught. The River is not above 150 yards wide, the Troops at this and the main post of this Corps on the edge of the Lake, were encamped on separate sides of the Bouquet River. I did not learn from what cause this upper Post was taken, but the mouth of this River is sometimes called Bouquet Ferry, pos sibly the above Farm may have communication with the Country & a Ferry across the Lake has been formerly kept here. The soil tho. sandy seems fer tile. It may not be improper to remark that there are but few settlements on the Lake (not 20) and those only single Houses. — Hadden. Burgoyne had summoned the Indians tribes to meet him at the falls of the Bouquet. They obeyed his caU in numbers that startled his humanity and appalled his judgment. — he assembled the chiefs Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 185 in a redoubt, which he caused to be constructed about half a mile below the mansion of GiUiland. There Burgojme addressed them, and claimed their services to the British king. — Watson's Champlain Valley. 1785 Zepha Piatt Graham " made a New Map of Cumberland head." 1909 Sunday night, aU the wooden parts of the half- century-old stone Hne store between Mooers and Hemingford was burned, with the stock of goods. JUNE 21 1759 Amherst reached the head of Lake George with an army of 6,000 men, where he remained a month waiting for the remainder of the troops to come up, 1 766 — left Crown Point and the wind being favorable arrived the evening of this day, pretty late at George Belten's, where we staid all night. Whilst at Crown Point I accidentaUy met with Wm. Lucky, who I had taken on my warrant for debt and brought him prisoner to Willsborough (Robt. McAuley, constable) , when after reflecting how much he was in my power he agreed to serve me for the amount of his debt and commenced in my employ on the — June, 1766, at 45s per mo, or £2^ per annum being — days after I arrived here. — Gilliland. 1777 The Gun Boats joined the rest of the Fleet at Split Rock (6 mUes). — Hadden. 1859 Abram MiUer, a Ruling Elder of the First Presby terian church, where a memorial window perpetuates i86 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley his memory, entered the church triumphant. He was a son of Sylvanus S. and Fanny (Miller) MiUer, pioneers in 1806 from East Hampton, L. I. They chose a farm on the State road, three miles from the present city of Plattsburgh, in preference to the " Boynton farm " which was offered them, because the latter had only a log house and some of the land was under water. Besides, the future business center seemed likely to be Cumberland Head. JUNE 22 1766 Sunday, proceeded on our journey, and arrived in MiUtown in Willsboro. Miss EHza GUHland my spouse being the first lady of our famUy that landed in Willsborough, — about i o'clock this day, I WiUiam Gilliland, with my wife, Mrs. EHza GiUiland, my mother Mrs. Jane Gilliland, my sister Miss Charity Gilliland, my brother, Mr. James GillUand, my daughter, Miss Eliza GUliland, my niece Miss EHza Hamilton, my servant girl Rachel McFardin, and my negro man Ireland, aU arrived at MiUtown, in Willsborough, with 2 Bateau loads of stores, having left New York with 22 wagon loads of stores, furni ture, &c,, on the 28th of April last, — Gilliland. 1776 Melancton Smith was appointed captain com mandant of three companies of militia raised in Dutchess county and Westchester, and the next year was placed on commission to " prevent and subdue insurrections and dissatisfaction in those cotmties," the same year being appointed the first sheriff of Dutchess county, holding the office four years, 1785 On Monday, the frame of the saw-miU planned by twelve of the associates was raised on the west Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 187 side of the Saranac and as the last pin was driven home, CorneHus Haight, one of the workmen, pro claimed the miU " the glory of the Saranac," See that majestic river wind its way. Mingling its waters in yon noble bay! — Margaret M. Davidson. JUNE 23 1760 Maj. Rogers reached Crown Point with 25 prisoners. 1766 • — from this time I continued in an indifferent state of health, sometimes better, sometimes worse to Aug. — , Employed my hands, some making a fence round the garden, some going to Crown Point for prova, some enclosing a yard in front of the house, one 'tother side of the trough, making a bum proof, &c,, &c, — Gilliland. 1777 The Fleet wrapt up to Otter Creek (3 mUes) on the Westem shore of the Lake, This Creek is here about 100 y'ds wide, and runs up the Country more than a hundred and fifty Miles toward New England. — Hadden. 1785 Tuesday, Zepha Piatt Graham " draw'd for the Township of Plattsburgh and Point O'Rush." 1891 Plattsburgh State Normal School held its first commencement exercises in the M. E. church. 1909 Contract awarded for the completion of Cham plain VaUey Hospital and announcement made of the gift of $2,500 from Hon. W. C. and Mrs. Wither- bee for a bed in memory of their son Gauthier; also, the same sum from Hon. Smith M. Weed. l88 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JUNE 24 1762 Charlotte, Vt. was chartered and the first attempt to settle the town was made in March, 1776 by Derick Webb who soon left to retum again for a short time the next year. In 1784, in company with Elijah Woolcut and others he succeeded in effecting a permanent settlement. John McNeil, lately from Bennington was the first town clerk and representa tive to the Legislature. In 1790 he located on the lakeshore and established " McNeil's ferry " from that point to Essex. 1775 Arnold resigned his commission and Col. Hinman with a thousand men took possession of Ti. 1776 A scouting party, composed chiefly of Indians fell upon a small party of the 6th Penn. reg't whUe " fishing and diverting themselves " and kUled and scalped four while six were taken prisoners, A rescue party from the American camp interred the bodies of their murdered comrades at Isle aux Noix, erecting a rude stone bearing this inscription: " Beneath this humble sod lie Captain Adams, Lieutenant Culbertson, and two Privates of the Sixth Pennsylvania Regi ment. Not hirelings but Patriots. They fell not in battle but unarmed. They were basely murdered and inhumanly scalped by the barbarous emissaries of the once just, but now aban doned — ^kingdom of Britain.' " 1777 Tuesday, a large detachment of Savages and Rangers (i.e., British Marksmen) were sent up Otter Creek to bring in Forage. The Fleet proceeded to Crown Point (about 20 mUes) where we came to an Anchor. — Hadden. 1814 Lieut.-Col. Forsyth with 70 of his rifiemen penetrated Canada as far as Odletown where he was Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 189 attacked by a detachment of 250 British light troops. He returned to Champlain with the loss of one killed and five wounded, A few days later he was ordered forward again for the same purpose when, as his men retreated closely pursued by 150 Canadians and Indians, he was shot down by an Indian. For syth's riflemen instantly fired upon the enemy who now retreated leaving 17 dead upon the field. 1908 In BurHngton, died Miss Sarah C. Hagar, who had faithfuUy and ably performed the duties of librarian in its Public Library since her appointment in 1885. 1909 Hotel Fort WUHam Henry at CaldweU on Lake George was completely destroyed by fire at three o'clock in the morning on this — ^the day scheduled for its formal opening. The loss will reach half a miUion. JUNE 25 1777 Gen'l Frazer came up with his Brigade and, encamp'd at Crown Point, — Hadden. 1785 The saw-miU erected on the West bank of the Saranac, between what is now Durkee street and the river, was leased to Jonas Allen as soon as finished. It was 32x40 feet. The forge was put in charge of Joseph Ketchum, the ore being brought from a place about two and a half miles north of Port Henry. 1808 The revenue cutter was stolen from under the eyes of the govemment officers who were guarding WindmUl Point. Judge Hicks, deputy of Champlain, was waylaid while in the performance of his duties and told to prepare for death. A large bateau called 190 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley the Black Snake with a crew of desperate men engaged in smuggHng, gave a great deal of trouble. 1809 " A quarterly meeting pro tempore " was held at Plattsburgh at Townsend Addams'. 1849 At the Phoenix Hotel in Plattsburgh, a White haU and Plattsburgh railroad meeting was held, of which WUHam Sv/etland was chairman, and Ahaz Hayes, of Ausable, secretary. Benjamin Ketchum, Col. McNiel, and others discussed the question and a committee was appointed to correspond with other town committees to the southward. All hope of a bridge across to Grand Isle and BurHngton had been given up and eyes were now tumed in the direction of WhitehaU. JUNE 26 1777 Gen'ls Burgoyne, PhiUips and Reidesel came up with the army. * * * Thursday — upon the arrival of the rest of the Army Gen'l Frazer 's Corps moved towards Tyconderoga and landing at Putnam Creek, 7 miles higher up on the Westem side were joined by the Savages &c., who went up Otter Creek and made this Tour under Captain Frazer. — Hadden. 1812 You will proceed with the military stores and articles direct to Whitehall on Lake Champlain, from whence you wiU transport them, together with the cannon baU belonging to the State, lying at Whitehall, to Plattsburgh and Essex arsenals. If an immediate conveyance by water cannot be ob tained, you will proceed by land with the articles for Plattsburgh through Vermont to BurHngton, and from thence send for Gun Boats and other vessels from Plattsburgh, or employ them at BurHngton, to transport the articles to Plattsburgh, and from Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 191 the proper point on Vermont shore send across those for Elizabethtown, Essex county. Orders of Gov. Tompkins from Albany, to Maj. John MiUs, Washington county. JUNE 27 1777 Americans held Crown Point (old French Fort Frederick) until Burgoyne with 7,000 troops invested it, when the Americans abandoned it and retired to Ticonderoga. At Crown Point the invading army remained eight days enjoying the evening parties given by the Baroness Reidesel, Lady Harriet Achland and other ladies, who accompanied the army. 1814 Smith's brigade, fourteen hundred strong, oc cupied Champlain while Col. Pierce of the 13th was at Chazy with 800 men and about 1,200 men oc cupied the works at Cumberland Head at Dead Creek. Macdonough's fleet lay at anchor in King's Bay whUe the British held LaCoUe with a force of 3,600 and had strong garrisons at Isle aux Noix and St. Johns and forces at L'Acadie and Chambly. JUNE 28 Oh say not the wide world is lonely and dreary! Oh say not that life is a wilderness waste! There's ever some comfort in store for the weary. And there's ever some hope for the sorrowful heart. — Lucretia Maria Davidson. (Written in her sixteenth year.) 1815 At White HaU on Lake Champlain the sloops President, Montgomery, Preble, Chub, Finch, and ten gun boats, also, the boats, cutters, etc., belonging to the squadron on said lake offered by Geo. Beale, 192 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Jun. at PubHc Sale by the authority of the Honorable, the Secretary of the Navy. 1825 General Lafayette and his suite, having par ticipated on the 17th inst. in the celebration at Boston of the battle of Bunker HiU, entered the State of Vermont at Windsor where he was met by the Governor's staff, and welcomed by addresses and enthusiastic Revolutionary soldiers of the section. At Windsor, Woodstock, Royalton, Randolph, Mont- pelier, and Burlington large crowds assembled to do him honor. 1896 The first car of the Plattsburgh troUey system passed over the Hne to Bluff Point. 1909 Hotel Champlain opened for the season. JUNE 29 Oh June! how resplendent thy flowers shall appear. The loveliest, the sweetest which bloom in the year: — Margaret Davidson. 1812 Capt. Sanford of Wilmington, then Jay, was selected " as an officer of approved merit and capac ity " to command a company in the 8th regiment, detached mUitia, which served six months on the Canadian frontier at Chateaugay and French MiUs. 1825 . In the afternoon the corner stone of South Col lege of the University of Vermont, was laid by General LaFayette, and in the evening a brilliant reception was given in honor of the General by Gov. Van Ness at his home on Main street, then considered the most elegant private residence in BurHngton. The place is now known as " Grass Mount," a name bestowed by Mr, Heman AUen during his ownership. FROM PORTRAIT BY TRUMBULL NOW IN CAPITOL AT ALBANY JUDGE JONAS PLATT 1769-1834 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 193 It was originally built by Capt. Thaddeus Tuttle, a prominent merchant in 1804. In 1895 the Uni versity purchased the property, and it has since been used as a girls' dormitory. JUNE 30 " How beautiful is Nature!" Every soul. Beating with warm and gentle feeling, Must repeat with me these heartfelt words, " How beautiful is Nature!" — Margaret Davidson. 1769 Jonas Piatt, second son of Judge Zephaniah Piatt and Mary VanWyck, was bom in Poughkeepsie. His preparatory studies were taken at a French Academy in Montreal and his legal training was under Richard Varick of New York. Soon after his admission to the bar, in 1790, he married Helen Livingston, the youngest daughter of his feUow- townsman Henry Livingston, The active life of Judge Piatt was spent in the Mohawk vaUey where he held many high offices, including that of Judge of the Supreme Court, He was also General of Cavalry in the State mihtia. After the loss of his judicial position through the amended provisions of the State Constitution, he opened a law office with his oldest sun, Zephaniah, at Utica, In three or four years, he returned to the practice of his pro fession in New York but advancing years led him to retire in 1829, to his farm in Peru, seven miles from Plattsburgh, where he spent his remaining days, 1777 B, Gen'l Frazer 's Brigade moved forward and disembarked on a point of Land on the Westem Shore Three MUes from Tyconderoga from which circumstance 'tis caUed Three Mile Point. The Army Received Provisions to the 8th July inclusive. G. O. 194 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley The Army embarks tomorrow, to approach the Enemy. — Hadden. 1794 Francis Culver, Jr. was bom. On the day of the British advance, the Culver family were at home. Gen. Wool feU back to Culver hill and the enemy foUowed closely. On the brow of the hill Col. WeUing- ton was killed and his remains hastily buried on the side hill on the Culver farm. Partridge of the Essex county mihtia was killed just south of their bam. In 1 815, the year after the battle, the present house was built and October 10, his wedding day, Francis Jr. received from his father the large family Bible. 1873 Plattsburgh's town clock struck the hours for the first time. It was manufactured by Howard & Company of Boston, and paid for by subscriptions varying from $100, (Messrs. Loring ElHs, A. WUHams, S. F. Vilas, S. P. Bowen, and E. S. Winslow con tributing that amount) to smaUer subscriptions ranging from $25 to $2.00. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 195 JULY 1 July and August are almost windless months. You must listen closely for your pneumatic news-bringer then, save when stormbreeding heats goad him to fury. He has little news now, save to whisper across your open casement that all is well with the fruitbearing earth. — James Buckham. 1609 On the first we reached St, Croix, 15 leagues from, Quebec, with a shaUop equipped with all I needed. — Samuel Champlain. Brouage, abt. 1567 — Quebec, Dec, 25, 1635. 1758 Engagement at South Bay between Capt, Israel Putnam with only 68 men and 300 to 400 French and Indians before which superior force Putnam was obHged to retreat, — Journal of Rufus Putnam. John de Rogers, only son of Eunice WiUiams, was kUled in this campaign, 1781 J. Sherwood writes from Dutchman's Farm to Capt, Matthews with reference to the location and erection of the Block House (afterwards known as the Loyal Block House). He states that there are with him " 23 men including old men. Boys, and unincorporated Loyalists." — Canadian Archives. 1784 Judge Zephaniah Piatt started from Pough keepsie and went to Plattsburgh, Oh! dear pleasant home, must I bid you adieu. And all the loved objects so dear to my heart ? — Mrs. Margaret {Miller) Davidson. 1848 ChanceUor Walworth closed his judicial labors, leaving, of aU the numerous cases argued before hiin and submitted to him for decision, but eight undecided, " Never perhaps, were so many decisions made where so few were inaccurate as to facts, or erroneous as to law. If it was 196 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley destined that the Court of Chancery should fall under a reform which apparently designs to obliterate the history as weU as the legal systems of the past, it is a consolation to reflect that it fell without imputation on its purity or usefulness, and that no court was ever under the guidance of a judge purer in character or more gifted in talent than the last Chancellor of New York." — Prof. Dane of Harvard. 1890 Incorporation of Plattsburgh Land Company and shortly afterwards the laying out of streets named Palmer, Lynde and Stetson, thus preserving the names of three old and aUied famihes. 1904 Ray Brook State Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis opened. JULY 2 1609 I left these rapids of the Iroquois River. All the savages began to carry their canoes, arms and baggage by land about half a league, in order to get by the swiftness and force of the rapids. — Then they put them all in the water. — Champlain. 1749 Arrival at Fort St. Frederic of Prof, Peter Kalm, the Swedish traveUer, who had recently had a narrow escape from a band of Indians, The French com mandant, M, Lusignan, received him cordiaUy and Kalm had a chance to examine the fort and the com fortable homes of retired soldiers, which had sprung up around it. He found the vegetation withered or greatly retarded in growth by a severe drouth, as no rain had faUen since spring, 1758 I went on a guard to escort Teams to the Lake, — — Rufus Putnam. Sutton, Mass., 1738 — ^Marietta, Ohio, 1824, The same day, Francis Culver, Sr., was bom in Connecticut. He bought a farm of 400 acres, includ ing the present Culver hiU. The first homestead Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 197 stood some rods south of the present structure on the brow of the hiU, for which the stone was already hauled at the time of the British invasion. 1777 Burg05me with his troops reached the top of a ridge two miles west of the fort and caUed it Mount Hope, because he hoped to capture CariUon soon. At Crown Point, "for something more than a week " the greater part of the army enjoyed social enter tainments and evening parties given by the Baroness Riedesel, Lady Harriet Ackland and others in their marquees, 1813 Far from his own family, Capt. John Schenck, aged 29, died in his country's service and was buried on Cumberland Head. He, no doubt, belonged to the troops stationed at the fortification, which Gen. Woolsey, Major Addams, and other military exempts helped to throw up. 1906 The comer-stone of the City Hospital (name afterwards changed to Champlain Valley Hospital) was laid by Hon. Francis Ljmde Stetson and Mrs. S. B. Watkins with appropriate ceremonies. Hon. J. B. RUey presided. 1909 Burning, in the early morning, of the Ruis- seaumont at Lake Placid, the twenty-five guests escaping with difficulty. At 9 o'clock, the cavalry troops from Fort Ethan Allen, at WiUsboro broke camp and marched 10 miles to KeeseviUe where they had dinner, reaching Plattsburgh late in the after noon. JULY 3 1609 I left St. Croix — with all the savages, and we passed Trois Rivieres, which is a very beautiful country, covered with a great many beautiful trees. — Champlain. 198 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1756 Rogers the Ranger arrived at South Bay. 1776 The troops which had marched to Point au Fer, now fortified by order of General Sullivan, arrived at Crown Point with the baggage from Isle aux Noix, Gen. Gates at once commenced the building of his fleet, whUe the settlers of Addison worked with zeal in getting out timber and other material, 1777 — During the day they kUled a few of our men, and some balls went through our tents, their ground commanding ours, — Digby. On the same day Phoebe Moore, daughter of Capt. Samuel and Rachel (Landon) Moore of SaHs bury, Conn., was married to Joseph Ketchum of Oblong, Dutchess county. They Hved at Red Hook or Nine Partners and afterwards at Plattsburgh (Pem), 1798 Dear Father: — I arrived here about a fortnight ago and found all friends well. We brought on all our things. We began at Peru last week, and have made a small beginning. I find laborers are not to be had for either love or money. We have made our head-quarters at Roberts, and his wife cooks and washes for us. Brother Pitt let me have a cow which supplies us with milk and butter. The transportation of our things took all the money I had, and it is impossible to get any here. I can't find anybody to chop by the job for less than five dollars per acre, and I have not agreed with any yet. I remain your ever dutiful son, Robert Piatt. 1813 Date of following entry in War Journal of Eleazer WilHams, commanding Secret Corps of Observation, for which service he received from the United States $10,000 but which, through lack of financial ability, he would have lost, had it not been " for the friendly exertions of ChanceUor Kent, Gov, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 199 Taylor, the Hon, Nathan WilHams, and Morris S, MiUer, of Utica," "Plattsburgh, — A heavy cannonading is heard from the north about 10 o'clock this morning, Lieut. Sidney Smith, with two armed schooners (the Growler and Eagle) , went yester day to the lines — ^he is undoubtedly attacked." JULY 4 1609 The next day we entered the lake, which is of great extent, perhaps 50 or 60 leagues long. There I saw four beautiful islands (Isle la Motte, Long Island, Grand Isle, and Valcour) which formerly had been inhabited by savages, — Champlain. The lake is calm, the sun is low. The whippoorwill is chaunting slow, :{; :f: ^ 4: 4: 4: :ic But hark! approaching paddles break The stillness of that azure lake! — Margaret Miller Davidson. 1756 Rogers and his fifty men in five whale boats passed by Ticonderoga and Crown Point undis covered and concealed their boats about ten miles distant from the latter place. 1777 Burgoyne with cannon chained to the rocks and troops in readiness on the summit of Sugar Loaf changes the name to Mount Defiance, 1789 Rained the night past and the fore noon. After noon sat out and began surveying again. Rainy, put up and built a hut. 5 rained till 10 o'clock and then set out and continued our course. — Piatt Rogers' field notes. 1826 In the Presbyterian church, Chazy, in celebra tion of Independence Day, the Declaration of Inde- 200 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley pendence was read by Bela Edgerton, a brother of FiUmon. Bela Edgerton was Member of Assembly in 1827, '28 and '29, wj HON. BELA EDGERTON 1788-1874 1873 In Green Mount Cemetery, Burlington, was unveiled the spirited statue of Ethan AUen, the leader of the Green Moimtain Boys, The statue, eight feet in height, modeUed by Peter Stephenson and cut in Carrara, Italy, is mounted on a Tuscan shaft forty-two feet high and overlooks a view of mountains and river-valley tmsurpassed, 1895 Tablet, placed by Saranac Chapter, D. A. R. upon the Gen. Benj, Mooers house, unveUed with appropriate exercises. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 201 1906 Black Watch Memorial Tablet, in memory of the bravery of that famous highland regiment in 1758, unveiled in Black Watch Memorial Library at Ticon deroga by Major D, L, Wilson Farquarson of Scot land, senior major of the regiment, and a detach ment ot the 5th Royal Scots of Montreal, 1907 At Champlain, N, Y,, was unveiled the only monument in the United States in honor of the great French explorer and discoverer of the lake which bears his name — Champlain. 1909 Sunday, throughout the Champlain VaUey was celebrated with appropriate religious services the Tercentenary of the discovery of this incomparable lake. At the First Presbyterian church, Plattsburgh, the pioneer church of Northem New York, Saranac Chapter, D, A, R,, and visiting daughters, with the Nathan Beman Society, C, A. R., attended the ser vice in a body. The pastor, the Rev, John Bailey KeUy, preached from the text Psalm 90:16 on the subject " Three Centuries of Divine Providence in Champlain Valley, ' ' Bishop Nelson of Albany deHvered the sermon at Trinity Episcopal church, the first church of that faith in this region; while, at Cliff Haven, under the blue canopy of heaven, in a " forest cathedral " Pontifical High Mass was celebrated, His Eminence, Cardinal Gibbons, honoring the occasion by his presence. The altar with its fur nishings, was built entirely of white birch against a backgroimd of native cedars. On Isle La Motte, also, High Mass was celebrated in the open air chapel, erected at the shrine of St. Anne, built 1666. Thus, with prayer and thanksgiving on a beautiful Sabbath day, was inaugurated the tercentenary celebration. In the evening, Govemor and Mrs. Hughes arrived at Hotel Champlain from their camp at Saranac Inn in anticipation of Monday's celebration. 202 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JULY 5 1758 Abercrombie with his whole army reached Sab bath-day Point, and landed there to rest and refresh. 1777 St, Clair evacuates Carillon and retreats to Mount Independence, pursued by Burgoyne to Skeenesborough. Daniel Wright from Gilsum, N. H., who settled in Westport between 1791 and 1798 was in this fleeing army and Maj. Asa Douglas, Jr., brother of Nathaniel and Capt. John who were pioneers of Chazy, was obliged to flee from his farm at Canaan, N. Y., where he raised large numbers of horses, and, on the aproach of Burgoyne's army, secreted himself in the forest for several weeks as a reward had been offered for his apprehension. 1815 The Rev. Nathaniel Hewitt, D.D,, a graduate of Yale in 1808 and licensed by the New London Congregational Association in September, 181 1, was ordained pastor of the first Presb)rterian Church by the Presbytery of Champlain, During his pastorate of two years the house of worship whose foundations were laid under Pastor Weeks in 181 2, was finished and dedicated, " No man in our country did more to brand indelibly with stigma of merited disgrace the traffic in ardent spirits and their use as a beverage, than Nathaniel Hewitt, the Apostle of Temperance." 1909 Crown Point was the principal place of interest. Here guarded by the ramparts stand The walls which in their pride The summer's heat, the winds that beat — A century have defied; Now silence falls upon these walls Where Amherst's forces centered From which they went on capture bent When Canada they entered. — Mrs. Palmer. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 203 Gov. and Mrs. Hughes with the Governor's military secretary, were taken on the yacht Valcour belonging to Hon. Joseph Sibley, from Bluflf Point to Port Henry. Here, the party with the speakers of the day and members of the commission were entertained at luncheon by Hon. W. C, Witherbee. Later, the party crossed to the Point where crowds awaited the opening of the exercises. The noontide heat around us beat As on the sands we moored our fleet. The scorching sands rose up to meet And drown our weary feet. As we advance out darts the lance From wary thorn-plum trees Which stout woodbine did over-twine And hide beneath her leaves; — Mrs. Palmer. Hon, Seth Low of New York was the principal speaker, foUowing the incisive opening address of the Govemor, Judge A, C, Barnes of Chicago, a native of Chimney Point opposite, weU fitted by his knowledge of local history and legal training, made an able defence of Crown Point as the probable site of Champlain's first battle with the Iroquois, The Indian Pageant was here first enacted in the Valley. MeanwhUe, at Plattsburgh Fraternal Day was cele brated by a parade in which Labor organizations and Granges were a feature, the latter, representing by a display of farming implements in historical sequence and floats the agricultural interests of the VaUey from the days of the pioneer to the present. " The enduring lesson of such a gathering as this is that the plough g^ves a securer title to the land than the rifle. ' ' — Hon. Seth Low, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1850, in address at Crown Point, 204 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley In the evening President Taft and party arrived at Bluff Point station where they were met by Col, Cowles and other officers of the Fifth U, S, Infantry and visiting regiments. Troop H of the Fifteenth U, S. Cavalry acted as escort to the President and the British and French Ambassadors, At the hotel the guests gave the President a most cordial reception, after which he was entertained at dinner on the house boat of Hon. W. C, Witherbee, where the President's son and daughter with their cousins, were the guests of Mrs, Witherbee and the younger members of that family, JULY 6 1734 A grant was made to Sieur de La Perriere, an officer stationed at the castle of Quebec and after wards govemor of Montreal, of one league above and one below the River Ouinouski (Winooski), 1758 At a little cove (Howe's Landing), Gen, Aber crombie landed from his flotilla of batteaux, rafts and boats his army of 9,000 provincial troops and 7,000 British veterans. As the van guard pushed through the dense woods they encountered the van of the French army, Hke themselves uncertain as to the way. Near Trout Brook, Putnam said to Lord Howe who was leading his 1,500 veterans, " Keep back, keep back, my lord, you are the idol and soul of the army, and my life is worth but Httle," " Putnam " answered Howe, " your life is as dear to you as mine is to me, I am determined to go." At the first fire, Howe feU with another officer and several privates while Stark, Putnam, and Rogers with their rangers fought Indian fashion. Soon, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 205 with spirit broken, after great loss, with their beloved leader dead, the army marched back to their place of landing to bivouac untU the next day. LORD HOWE 1777 At the first dawn of light, 3 deserters came in and informed that the enemy were retreating the other side of mount Independent. — Digby. 1789 Took our things and returned to the Lake at Esq. McCauley's where we tarried tiU the 13, then set out for Lake George, log'd at betsburgh. — Piatt Rogers. 1806 The birthday of Anson H. Allen of Palatine, N. Y. He was known as " The Old Settler " and located in Essex county where he became a printer and pubHsher. He pubhshed in turn the KeeseviUe 206 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Herald, the Essex County Times at Westport and, at KeeseviUe he started The Old Settler which gave him his sobriquet. In 1840, while traveUing through the wilds of Keene, engaged in takkig the census, he had encountered a she bear with her cubs. After a hard fight, often recounted by him, he succeeded in kilUng the mother, which event was later recorded by a local poet in a humorous poem ending : Let old men talk of courage bold. Of battles fought in days of old. Ten times as bad, but none I ween. Can match a bear fight up in Keene, 1875 At 12.20 a. m., the steamer Champlain, on her passage from Ticonderoga to Rouses Point, ran ashore on the mountains about three mUes north of Westport and became a total wreck. There was no loss of Hfe, baggage or freight. The same day in Burlington the Fletcher Free Library was first opened to the pubhc with 9,000 volumes all catalogued. TICONDEROGA These ragged, crumbling walls. O'er which the sunset falls — How strange and far away they seem: Landmarks from history's page. Ghosts of a bygone age, Phantoms of half forgotten dream. Here stood that daring band — Brave sons of freedom's land — In great Jehovah's name and might. Here Allen, stem as fate. Towered by the postern-gate. His unsheathed sword-blade gleaming bright, — Buckham. 1909 At Ticonderoga where fell, one hundred and fifty-one years ago this day, brave Lord Howe of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 207 cherished memory, the principal celebration took place. The Presidential party were received at the " Pavilion," the old PeU mansion on the lake shore, and at the Fort were shown the West Barracks, lately restored through the munificence of Col, Robert M, Thompson, father of Mrs. Stephen H. P. Pell. Addresses were made on the great plain below the fort by Governors Hughes and Prouty, followed by President Taft, The historical address was by HamUton W, Mabie, JULY 7 1734 Sieur Contrecour, Jr., ensign of Infantry, re ceived a grant for a tract of land " beginning at the mouth of the Riviere Aux Loutres (Otter Creek)," which grant extended " two leagues in front by three in depth, together with so much of said river as is found included therein with three islets which are in front of said concession and depend thereon." 1756 In the morning Capt. Rogers, out on a scout with 50 men and 5 whale boats (for 2,000 French had been employed all the season in building the fort afterwards caUed Carillon), secreted his party on the east side of the lake about 25 miles north of Crown Point, They had drawn their boats over the mountain and passed Ticonderoga in the night. WhUe lying there Rogers counted 30 boats passing towards Canada. 1758 In the morning Abercrombie added to the de pression of his troops by withdrawing the whole army to the protection of the works at the landing. At noon Col. Bradstreet advanced to the French sawmUls at the lower faUs which the French had abandoned. In the meantime the French toiled aU day directed by Dupont Le Roy, a distinguished 2o8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley engineer, in constructing a parapet and an abattis. By evening the French were made glad by the arrival of 400 veterans. 1761 Richard, son of John and EHzabeth Jackson (Titus) Keese, formerly of Flushing, L, I,, was bom at Nine Partners, With his father and brothers, Richard located at the " Union " in Peru, where he married Anna Hallock.only daughter of Peter and Anna (Green) HaUock, Her husband, having died at Nine Partners before 1793, Mrs, HaUock Hved with her daughter until her death in 1832, three days previous to her hundredth birthday, 1777 After marching 4 or 5 miles we came up with above 2,000 of the enemy strongly posted on the top of a high hill, with breast works before them, and great trees cut across to prevent our approach; but they had no effect on the ardor always shewn by British troops, — Digby. 1909 Wednesday, Tercentenary week, interest centered at Plattsburg, Here, President Taft with representa tives of France, Great Britain and Canada, the states of Vermont and New York and other distin guished guests, after a reception at CHff Haven and luncheon at the home of Hon, Smith M, Weed, pro ceeded to Plattsburgh Barracks, There, the presi dential salute of twenty-one guns announced the arrival of the Nation's Ruler, With the blue of lake, mountains and sky for a backgroimd, from a review ing stand, holding thousands, the President viewed the marching columns of the " boys in blue " of the regular army, the Governor General's Foot Guards of Canada in scarlet, the picturesque Highlanders, companies of our State National Guard in khaki, veterans of '61, organizations, civic and fraternal, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 209 with floats and pageants, the whole commanded by Col, C. D. Cowles. After the parade, Hon. H. W. Knapp introduced the speakers, of whom Grov. Hughes was the first, foUowed by President Taft, Ambassadors Jusserand and Bryce, Postmaster General Lemieux and Senator Root. The latter gave an able address on " The Iroquois and the Struggle for America." Hon. Daniel W. Cady of New York read an original poem. FoUowing the speaking, the President reviewed the assembled troops in a brigade parade and the Presidential party returned to Hotel Champlain, where, in the evening, a banquet was served to five hundred guests of the Govemor and New York State Commission. In the meantime, at the mouth of the Saranac, the performance of the Indian pageant and fireworks closed the eventful day. JULY 8 1756 " Two Hghters, manned with twelve men and loaded with wheat, flour, rice, wine and brandy for the French forts, were captured and sunk, and four of the men kiUed " by Rogers and his men. 1758 De Levis, who had been recalled by Vaudreuil from an expedition undertaken against the Mohawk valley, arrived at Ticonderoga at five o'clock in the morning, accompanied by De Senezergues, destined to die with Montcalm on the plains of Abraham. At about the same hour at the EngHsh camp three or four hundred Mohawks arrived. The attack began soon after noon and the con- ffict raged aU that long hot July aftemoon. Regi ment after regiment was ordered forward until the crystal waters of Lake Horicon were red with blood. At last the hardy veterans, panic-stricken, fled in 2IO Three Centuries in Champlain Valley confusion, their retreat being covered by the pro vincials. — And the timid moon looked down with a smile On the blood-stained battle ground. And the groans of the wounded rose up the while With a sad heart-rending sound. — — Lucretia Maria Davidson. 1777 From Skeenesboro the Hne of Burgoyne's inarch formed a circle comprehending Castleton, Bennington and Mt. Pittsford. 1818 In St. Paul's church. New York city, near the monument erected to his memory by order of Con gress, Jan. 25, 1776, were deposited the remains of Major-General Richard Montgomery. Col, Richard Piatt, nephew of the Plattsburgh pioneer brothers, in whose arms the revered Montgomery is said to have expired, was the venerable marshal on that day, 1873 Tuesday, dedication of the First Presbyterian church at Plattsburgh, The structure commenced in the fall of '67, is built in early EngHsh pointed Gothic style, of dark blue native Hmestone laid in courses of rough ashler with trimmings of grey hammered limestone. The interior finish is black ash. The chapel which has been in use since October, 1869, is entered from Marion street, recently laid out by Weed & Mooers and named in honor of the latter's wife, 1909 BurHngton celebrated the coming of Champlain. President Taft was escorted by the First Regiment of Vermont National Guards to the stand in front of City Hall, where Bishop Hall of the Episcopal diocese of Vermont offered the invocation. Ad dresses of welcome from Govemor Prouty and Mayor Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 211 Btu-ke were responded to by Governor Hughes, Ambassadors Jusserand and Bryce. President Taft, the last speaker, emphasized the fact that " the gathering here in amity, in peace and in a union that cannot be torn apart of three great powers, England, France and the United States, and with England, her first daughter, the Dominion of Can ada " was a feature unequaUed in the annals of the world. The mUitary parade was reviewed from another grand stand across the square, after which the Presi dent witnessed the exhibition of the Indian pageants. A direct descendant of Httle Eunice Williams, the Deerfield captive, caUed by her father's parishioners, " the Lost Child of Zion," was with the Iroquois Indians of Caughnawaga, participating in the pageant. A drive about the city was taken by the President and party, previous to the dinner, commemorative of the occasion, given at the University gymnasium, which closed the President's visit to the " Queen City." He returned to Washington on the evening train. JULY 9 1691 Major Peter Schuyler wrote in his Journal: — "Came Gerrard Luykasse and Herman Vedder with two Mohawks, from a party of 80 Mohawks at a Lake right over Saraghtoga, who went by the way of Lake St. Sackraman and promised to meet us in six days at Chinandroga." * * " — Lieut. (Abraham Schuy ler) went out with 50 men and finished Canoesjenough for the Christians." 1758 Early in the morning the British troops embarked and by evening reached their old camp at the southern 212 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley end of Lake George, while the wounded were conveyed to Fort Edward and Albany, to which the ammunition and artiUery were also sent. — We reached a charming spot To other mortals known as Isle La Motte, But we, who gaily sailed o'er smiling seas Deemed it the land of the Hesperides. Can you not see the shining beach that ran Along the peaceful lake to Fort St. Anne? The steep ascent? — the path across the hill Beneath the trees? — ^The spreading oak tree Is all that's left of that which used to be Except the grass grown mounds of Fort St. Anne Where once were wooden wall and barbican. — Mrs. Palmer. 1909 At Isle La Motte the celebration was brought to a fitting close by religious and patriotic services. Regular troops visited the island for the first time and at the Shrine of St, Anne, near the spot where first, in 1665, religious services were held, solemn high mass was celebrated by Bishop Burke of Albany with sixty members of the clergy in attendance, the priests of the diocese singing a plain chant mass and the Rev. P. J. Barrett of St, Mary's Cathedral, BurHngton, preaching the sermon. The Hterary exercises were opened with prayer offered by the Rev, John M, Thomas, D,D,, president of Middlebury CoUege. Senator Henry W. HiU of Buffalo, a native of Isle La Motte,the first speaker, was foUowed by Gov, Prouty, Lieut, d'Azy (representing the repubhc of France), Gov, Hughes and "Vermont's peerless orator," Judge WendaU P, Stafford, now of Washington, D, C, who, as orator of the day, held 3,000 people enthralled while he eloquently told the story of the three centuries in the vaUey since Cham- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 213 plain, " brave, able, ambitious, devoted, grasping for king and church, at the best the new world had to offer," first saw this lovely island. At the close of the ceremonies at the shrine the entire assemblage, headed by the band and escorted by Company M, First Vermont Infantry and two troops of the Fifteenth U. S. cavalry, marched to the crest of the hill where the boulder, in memory of Seth Warner and Remember Baker, the gift of the Patri otic Societies of Vermont Women, was to be dedicated, Mrs. Edward Curtis Smith of St. Albans presided and the St. Albans Choral Union rendered " To Thee, O Country" and " Star Spangled Banner" in which all joined. The address of welcome was delivered by Mrs, F. Stewart Stranahan, State Regent of the Ver mont Colonial Dames and the presentation to the State, made by Mrs. Clayton N, North of Shoreham, State| Regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, The tablet on the face of the boulder was unveiled by Miss Dorothea Smith, daughter of ex-Gov, and Mrs. Edward Curtis Smith, and Harry Hill, son of Senator and Mrs. Hill of Buffalo, In behalf of the State, Gov, Prouty accepted the monument and Dr, Thomas made the dedicatory address. In memory of the first white men who founded Christian homes upon this fair island, and in this ancient pathway of war sought to establish homes of peace, and in honor of Seth Warner and Remember Baker, intrejMd heroes of the Green Mountains, lovers of liberty for their children, for whose freedom they gave their lives, who encamped while on perilous service for their country, and in commemoration of General Montgomery and his intrepid army, we place this boulder as a token of our gratitude for their mighty deeds and our veneration for their self-annulling devotion. — Dr. Thomas. Mrs. Elvira Sarah (Warner) Parker of St. Johns, P Q., great granddaughter of Seth Warner laid a laurel wreath upon the monument. 214 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley JULY 10 Pray that God may keep, and in due time deliver us. Letter of Ebenezer and Abiah Hill, captives in Quebec, 1705 to their relatives in Wells. 1712 Lieut, Samuel Williams, then twenty-three years old, a son of Rev. John WiUiams, left Deerfield for Canada with French prisoners to effect an exchange of captives. He reached Boston in September with nine New England captives, but his Httle sister Eunice was not among them, 1758 At daybreak De Levis, foUowing the track of Abercrombie, found only " vestiges of a stricken and routed army; the wounded and supplies abandoned, and clothing scattered through the woods." 1765 — Our four carpenters began to cut and square timber for the miU, the other hands being employed cutting wood for coal, clearing land, &c. AU the cattle having been brought safe from Crown Point some time ago, by four of our people, who having swam them across the lake at Crown Point, drove them through the woods on the east side to the cloven foot, from thence we ferried them to the cloven rock in a scow, hired from New England men, and drove them from thence through the woods to MiUtown, having now given that name to the land at the falls. — Gilliland. 1813 I have information from the Deputy Quarter Master, at Albany, that Gen, Wade Hampton is to assume the command of the Northern Army, Strange that the govemment should appoint southern men to such responsible stations at the north. Gen, Mooers ought to have this appointment, Montreal would be in his possession in a month. He is a brave, judicious, and pmdent officer, and, withal, extremely popular with his fellow-citizens. They would follow him with the greatest cheerfulness. — Journal of Eleazer Williams. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 215 1846 A grand railroad convention held in Malone, at which 1,000 delegates were present. Stock was sub scribed freely, fifty thousand dollars worth of which was taken in Plattsburgh. 1909 Saturday, at Rouses Point, the week's festivities ended with sports on the lake. Champlain's ship " Don de Dieu " which had accompanied the Indian Pageants from Ticonderoga to each place of celebra tion, was anchored in the harbor. Motor boat races and canoe races, including a war canoe race with four competing teams, were run over a course poHced by the torpedo boat Manley and two navy launches. The evening was illuminated by fireworks. JULY 11 1691 Major Schuyler with a party of " our Christians," having " sett out from Albany " in June on an expe dition into Canada, and been " joyned " by 60 River Indians and 15 " Mohawkes, " had by June 28th, reached the last "carrying place." Here, they encamped and constructed canoes while scouts and parties were sent out to secure allies and provisions. Major Schuyler writes in his Journal: — " In the morning they (" 22 Christians and 4. Indians ' sent for food) returned from the carrying place with the bread and of 77ilb sent me by Mr. Livingstone, I received no more than 800 bisketts their canoe being oversett, and all their pease wett." 1710 Capt. James Plaisted and his wife Mary (Rish- worth) Plaisted, who had been carried captive (with three children by a former husband) to Canada in February, 1692, but redeemed in 1695, deed ^^•A 294 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley The veterans from Trafalgar Declared thai naught but mimic war Compared with this, which left no spar " But splints for matches;" naught but rags For proudly waving battle flags. One out of seven, who fought that day Dying, or dead, or wounded lay, Stansbury, Carter, Banks, of ours And Gamble fell, wrecked by the showers Of iron hail; and there all pale Lay Downie, Jackson, Gimn and Paul And Anderson; brave foeman all. — Mrs. Palmer. Macdonough wrote to the Hon, W. Jones, Sec. of the Navy, — " The Almighty has been pleased to grant us a signal victory on Lake Champlain in the capture of one frigate, one brig and two sloops of war of the enemy," At the beginning of the battle on the bay, the enemy had opened his batteries on our forts and the fighting continued in different quarters nearly aU day. But as night fell no time was lost by the van quished foe in making their escape as best they could over the muddy and nearly impassable roads north ward. 1843 The Anniversary of the battle of Plattsburgh was celebrated in an appropriate manner by the Clin ton County Military Association and the citizens of Plattsburgh and vicinity. General Wool and suite, with others who were in the Battle were present by special invitation. At lo o'clock the procession formed at Fouquet's hotel with Gen, C. Halsey, as Chief Marshal, assisted by Messrs, C, S, Mooers, G, W, Palmer, and R. G, Stone, escorted by the U. S. Troops then at this post, under command of Capt, C. A. Waite, and moved to the Park in front of the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 295 Court House, where Col. A, C, Moore deHvered a patriotic address. At the cemetery, the Troops and Military Associ ation formed a square around the unmarked graves of those who fell in the battle. After prayer by Dr, Witherspoon and an address by Gen, Skinner, Col. McNeU, the president of the day, introduced in turn Gen. Wool, Judge Wm. Haile, Colonels Miller and Manly, Maj, Gen, Skinner, and Piatt R. Halstead and Springer, both late Heutenants of the U. S. Army, each of whom erected at the graves assigned to them, the marble monuments provided by the Association, Dr, Witherspoon dismissed the assembly with a benediction and the procession retumed to the hotel, where dinner was served, followed by speeches and toasts. Brig.-general Wool, U, S. Army, — The Hero of Beekman town as well as Queenstown — " His laurels are green, though his locks are gray." — Toast offered by General Skinner. 1874 On the anniversary of the battle of Plattsburgh, in which he had participated, the Hon. Bela Edger ton, died at the home of his eldest son, the Hon, Alfred P, Edgerton of Fort Wayne, Ind. He had Hved through the administrations of the Presidents from Washington to Grant surviving the wife of his youth thirty years, Joseph K, Edgerton of Fort Wayne and Lycurgus Edgerton of New York city were their sons and the late Mrs, Phebe Barnes of Plattsburgh, widow of Dr, M. A. Barnes of Schuyler FaUs, their daughter, 1909 Saranac Chapter was entertained at luncheon by Mrs, George Smith of KeeseviUe, To this same house which he had just built, Reuben Hayes brought his bride, Elsie Fuller (daughter of the Revolutionary soldier, Ignatius Fuller of Salem, Mass,) in 1828. 296 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley This too, was the home of Judge Fisk, where Presi dent Van Buren was given a reception, and later, Daniel Dodge made it his home. After the luncheon, anecdotes of the battle connected with their ancestors were told by members of the chapter. SEPTEMBER 12 Ho for the bending sheaves. Ho for the crimson leaves Flaming in splendor! — Buckham. 1756 We have learned that a party of English Indians, having been discovered at Point Sque8onton (Cum berland Head), in Lake Champlain, was pursued; two Englishmen had been taken and conveyed to Carillon; the others escaped. — Paris Documents. 1 765 — this day with all the above mentioned (mowers, haymakers and road clearers) retumed from the meadows, having finished the making of the com pany's hay, it being put up in tramp cocks. — GiUiland. 1766 — went to River La Cole, and settled with Eliakim Ayers, George Hicks, John King, Moses Dixon and Martin Taylor, who acknowledge their account, by me exhibited in the presence of their overseer, Mr. Alvis. — Idem. 1792 Sophia Moore, daughter of Judge Moore, was born in Champlain. Her sister Anna, two years older, was the first child born of American parents in the town. For his daughters. Judge Moore, in 1810 or 1 81 1, bought the first piano — in the form of a harpsichord, Sophia married Thomas Whiteside, Supervisor, 181 7-1 820; 182 2-1 631, It was to visit Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 297 Mrs, Whiteside that Margaret O, Savage, daughter of James Savage of Chatham, first came to Lake Champlain, 1807 Judge Zephaniah Piatt, the patroon of Platts burgh, died in his homestead overlooking the lake. His remains were placed in the family burial ground near by, whence, on the laying out of Jay street in 1 81 1 , they were removed to the village cemetery. As a landowner. Judge Piatt was pre-eminent, having large holdings in Dutchess, Herkimer, Tioga, Oneida, Warren, Essex, Franklin and Clinton counties, one purchase alone in Tioga amounting to 5,000 acres and his property in CHnton county aggregating 117,760 acres, AU this was scrupulously divided among his surviving children, " Through the course of a long and active life, which I can truly say has had the welfare of my country and my children for its chief object, I have had my eyes fixed on the mutability to which ever)rthing is subject." — Judge Zephaniah Piatt to his oldest son. 1814 Commodore Macdonough caused the wounded to be removed to his own hospital on Crab Island and there, south of the hospital tents, the dead of both armies were buried in trenches together. The same day the Vermont volunteers returned home, SEPTEMBER 13 1 766 — finding the weather continue rainy and cloudy and that there was no likelihood of the latitude being soon determined, and Mrs, Gilliland being past her reckoning, took my leave of the Governor, who promised me his friendship, and that he would visit us on his retum, and pushed off for Cragen river where arrived late this night, raised all the men to hang a 298 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley door on the house, and fasten, which they did, and thereby finished it. — Gilliland. 1814 The New York militia were disbanded and the most severely wounded of the enemy were paroled and sent to the English hospital at Isle aux Noix. This day the body of Lieut, Stansbury, who mysteri ously disappeared from the Ticonderoga during the action, rose to the surface of the water, and was found to have been " cut in two with a round shot." He was a son of Gen, T, E, Stansbury. 1842 At KeeseviUe, under the weight and measured tread of a company of soldiers attending a " general muster " of a battalion of the State militia, the new suspension bridge, nearly finished, gave way precipi tating spectators and soldiers into the raging waters beneath. Nine persons lost their lives, among them, two little friends, eight-year-old sons of Martin Pope and Richard Peabody. The bodies were found the next spring near the lake and were laid in one grave. ONLY A STEP, Only a step between life and death — Length of a heartbeat, span of a breath: Think of it, soul — ^but an instant's flight From here and now to the judgment light : — Buckham. 1888 Death of the Hon. Ira HiU of Isle La Motte, who had lived in the administration of every President of the United States to that of McKinley, As a very young man he had witnessed the murder of his father and had himself barely escaped at the hands of a band of desperadoes from the American fleet who afterwards fled the country. A few days before the battle he was apprehended and brought before Capt, Pring who tried to induce him to sign a paper of al- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 299 legiance to His Majesty and also to reveal the place of concealment of some munitions of war belonging to Vermont miUtia but HiU, by playing the fool and being very youthful in appearance, escaped. He afterwards crossed the lake and made his way three miles back, securing intelligence from the enemy for his Col, (Mix), SEPTEMBER 14 1766 Mr. GiUUand arrived at Willsborough in the aftemoon with a birch canoe found on Cumberland Head, 1814 The remains of the lamented Gamble, Stansbury, Carter and Barron were placed in separate boats, manned by crews from their respective vessels. The sad procession then moved to the Confiance, where the British officers joined them with their dead. At the lakeshore the funeral party was met by a large concourse of soldiers and civilians and, as the proces sion slowly wended its way to the vUlage cemetery, minute guns were fired from the fort. In the centre of that peaceful spot, friend and foe were laid to rest, the flags for which each had fought, furnishing a pall. SEPTEMBER 15 1756 " Our 6 regiments are at present arrived at Caril lon with 1,000 to 1,200 Colonial troops, 300 Canadians and nearly 700 Indians, and should the enemy set out to attack us, 2,000 Regulars and Canadians will, on the first signal, be commanded to repair to St. John, where bateaux wiU be in readiness to transport them. * * From Fort Chambly the portage is made with carts about 30 arpents, and thence in bateaux to St. John— * * Fort Carillon 300 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley is completed; it is represented as a great affair and capable of being rendered bomb-proof; 'tis provided with 30 pieces of cannon and a year's provisions for a garrison of 1,000 men. — Paris Doc. 1757 Birth of Nathan Beman, son of Samuel Beman of or Simsbury, Conn. He removed with his father's family '59 to Shoreham, Vt. and after the war Hved in Ferris burgh for a time before coming to Chateaugay. 1 775 WUHam A. Griswold was bom at New Marlboro, Mass. whence, at the age of ten he removed with his father's family to Bennington. After graduation from Dartmouth College, he established himself as a lawyer at Danville, Vt. and soon acquired a large practice. In 1807 he was elected to the legislature and warmly supported the bill for the establishment of a state prison, urging the abandonment of the branding iron, pillory and whipping post. He was also an active supporter of the war (1813 and 1814), In 1 841, he was elected to the legislature from Bur lington to which he had removed and where he re mained until his death in 1846. 1814 The English prisoners who were able, left Platts burgh for Greenbush, N. Y. by steamboat in charge of Capt. White Youngs. 1898 Return to Plattsburgh Barracks of the remnant of the gaUant 21st U. S. infantry and arrival of a large number of convalescents from other regiments. For the first the citizens furnished a dinner on their arrival and, with the help of individuals and other chapters and societies, Saranac Chapter for the sick provided soup, delicacies, home made bread, and the services of a trained nurse in the weeks that foUowed. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 301 SEPTEMBER 16 1775 General Schuyler still suffering from the results of a bUious fever and rheumatism, was obliged to give up all thought of leading the invasion into Canada and in a covered boat set out for Ticonderoga, about an hour from Isle aux Noix, meeting with Warner and 170 Green Moimtain Boys, 1810 Death, at the residence of Col, Hawkins, agent for Indian Affairs in the Creek department, Crawford county, Greorgia, of the Rev, Ichabod Ebenezer Fisk of Isle La Motte. He was buried on the east side of the Flint river near the old agency. OriginaUy from MUford, Conn, and a graduate of Yale, 1770, Mr. Fisk went from Poultney, Vt. to Isle La Motte in 1788 as a yotmg surveyor. For his services he re ceived 100 acres of land still in the hands of his descendants. He taught the first school on the Island before 1802, was ordained a minister in the P. E. church and was the author of an English grammar in verse. His wife, Eleanor (Roberts) Fisk died the preceding year and was buried on the Island, 1812 Macdonough, after a four days' joumey on horseback, attended only by a boy who was to return the horse, arrived at Burlington, Eleazer WiUiams returns to Plattsburgh after a trip to Chateaugay, Turner's Inn and French Mills (where he had a secret conference with the Indian chiefs whom he harangued and to whom he gave money, obtaining promises of adherence to the Ameri can cause). On his retum he despatched a confiden tial messenger to Sault St. Louis and had a conference with Gen. Bloomfield in which " we agreed that if we can bring them (the British Indians) over to the American side, it is proper and justifiable," 302 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1865 Paul Marshall, a native of Hinesburgh, Vt., died at Plattsburgh, where he had carried on a large mercantile business for many years. His old home on Cornelia street, of cut limestone and several busi ness blocks of the same stone, still stand, reminding one of his extensive real estate holdings. WhUe young, he settled in Beekmantown with his father and there engaged in the tanning business, continu ing the same after his removal to Plattsburgh. TRUMAN DE FORRIS, M. D. 1877 Death of Dr. Tmman DeForris at the age of 76, one of the oldest and best beloved physicians of Plattsburgh. He was largely instmmental in the formation of the Northern New York Medical Associa tion, at one time serving as President. He was also a member of the CHnton County Medical Society. The saddle-bags used by him in the early days of his practice are still preserved and contain medicines Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 303 compounded more than eighty years ago. The M. E, church at South Plattsburgh was organized as a result of the Sunday-school which he started there and he never aUowed his large practice to interfere with his church obligations, . From his wedding day he was strictly a total abstinence man. SEPTEMBER 17 The leaves along the path are strewn. Or through the still air flicker down. — Buckham. 1755 " At evening," Rogers " discovered the wheat- fields, and four houses, about two miles south of Crown Point Fort," He went into the intrench- ments where he remained concealed until morning, when he cHmbed the mountain, a mile west of the fort , from which he could see the fort and everything con nected with it, among other sights, a windmUl and tents; also, the exercising of about 600 soldiers, 1768 Birth in Preston, Conn,, of Benjamin, son of Joseph and Rachel (Killam) Boardman, Benjamin, seeing from the increased immigration to the Cham plain VaUey that a necessity for better boats would arise, in 1788 came from Norwich, Conn,, bringing with him a skiUed boat-buUder, Daniel Wilcox by name. The boats built by Wilcox were of a superior model and his services were at once in great demand. Boardman's wife was Sabra Brown and they had twelve chUdren. The father died in Colchester, Vt. in 1823 and his widow, some years later. 1862 The battle of Antietam. In the moming, as Lieut.-Col. John Stetson of the 5 9th New York (formerly captain of Company E, i6th N. Y.) with his regiment was leaving the field in obedience to 304 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley the orders of Gen. Sumner, he was shot through the body, his remains being left in the hands of the enemy until the 19th, when they were found and buried by Maj. Frank Palmer, his fellow townsman and friend. "Rally on your colors." — The last words of Col. Stetson. 1863 At Burlington, " in the home which he had buUt, under the shadow of the trees which his own hand had reared" within sight of the University where the main work of his life had been done, "and directly facing that magnificent scenery of lake, mountain and sky " so dear to him, Calvin Pease, D.D. " died as a good man dies, thinking of his personal relations to his Savior, of his family, and of the precious souls committed to his charge as pastor." 1909 Vermont Fish and Game League held their annual meeting and banquet at Hotel Champlain, Vice-President Sherman and United States Supreme Court Justice Brewer being special guests of honor, SEPTEMBER 18 Nature has already begun her marvelous frescoing and tesse- lating process in the leaves of the trees and the herbage of meadow and marshes. — Buckham. 1765 — employed Wm, Lawson, mason, to build a double chimney in my house at MUltown. — Gilliland. 1766 — ^brought a cock of hay from south meadow, the first this season; this day G, Belton moved to his house at Cloven Rock, — Idem. 1775 Montgomery had a slight skirmish with the enemy and later, " formed an entrenched camp at the junction of the roads leading from Montreal and Chambly," Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 305 1810 Death of Corneha Haring, wife of Col, Mel ancton Smith and daughter of Dr, Gardner Jones of New York, For his young wife Col, Smith had named the new street running west from Margaret, Cornelia, and Elizabeth street for his sister EHzabeth. SEPTEMBER 19 Take a single autumn leaf — the first red oriflamme of this maple, for instance — and study the texture of the coloring — — Buckham. 1677 Quentin StockweU, while re-building his house bumed by Indians the year before, was seized and carried, with 17 others, captive to Canada, At Chambly, they were kindly treated by the French who gave them hasty-pudding and milk with brandy and bathed their frozen Hmbs, From Sorel they were scattered among the Indians but the next year, aU but three were redeemed, StockweU, in 1679, re- removed from Hatfield to Suffield, Conn. 1765 — set out on a survey, and layed out the follow ing lots of land between the Bouquet river, and Cloven rock, and adjoining the lake. — Gilliland. 1776 Arnold removed his fleet from Isle La Motte to Bay St. Amand, WhUe on the way, the schooner Liberty was hailed by a Canadian on the shore who asked to be taken aboard, Capt, Premier, fearing aU was not right, ordered his men to go with a boat but to keep her swivels pointed and matches'ready to fire if necessary. The man faiHng to decoy the boat's crew, made a signal which brought from concealment some 300 Canadians and Indians, who fired upon the crew and wounded three. The fire was returned from boat and schooner, apparently with effect as the party retreated. 306 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1811 Sloop Essex, Anthony Rock, Abraham Walters, Joseph Barron, Levy Nichols, masters, made her sixth and last trip for the season, 1816 Mr, Young of Albany opened a Lancasterian school in the Academy in addition to the one com menced the preceding July by Mr, Spencer WaU, for whom Wall street is named. The trustees that year were Nathan Hewitt, M, L, Woolsey, Wm. Swetland, J, Lynde, E, Miller, S, Moore, and John MUler, The same day the remains of Lieut. George W. Runk, so severely wounded during the siege of Plattsburgh, while passing Macomb's headquarters, that he died the next day (Sept. 8), were removed from Crab Island, their first burial place, to the viUage cemetery. 1888 At "Rock Point," a handsome stone building for a girls' school was consecrated and continued in use until June, 1899 when it was closed for want of funds to maintain it properly. — The eye along this shore. May gaze entranced, nor covet more; — Charles Louis Heyde, poet-artist of Burlington. SEPTEMBER 20 So, I think, we shall be justified in leaving our notebooks at home in September, ajid just abandoning ourselves to the infiuence of nature upon the spirit, — Buckham. 1766 — ^this day Sr, Henry Moore, Col, Reid, PhiHp Schuyler, Robert Harper and Adolphus Benzel, Esq's, caUed and drank tea, &c,, with us on their retum from Astronomer's Island, having completed their observation to satisfaction, and fixed the Hne about 3 miles to the northward of Wind Mill Point. This day George Belton sowed his first wheat. — Gilliland. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 307 1814 At Hampton, Washington Co., whither his father's family had moved because of the anticipated invasion, was born Peter SaUly Palmer, named for his maternal grandfather. The home in Plattsburgh stood just west of a ravine, through which the railroad now passes (No, 2 Cornelia street). Young Palmer received his education at Plattsburgh Academy, studied law with Judge WiUiam F. Haile and in the office of McKown and John Van Buren of Albany, and was admitted to the Supreme Court and Court of Chancery in 1 83 6, With the exception of a few years ' absence in Michigan, his Hfe work was done in Platts burgh, to the interests of which he was ever faithful, 1868 While performing the duty of a surgeon in an expedition against the Indians under Col. Forsythe, John Henry Mooers, M.D. was killed. His father, Dr, Benj, J, Mooers, was engaged in the same work at the battle of Plattsburgh, 1877 Capt. John Boynton died in Plattsburgh, where he had settled about 1820. As early as 1806 he was engaged in sailing on the lake and later was the buUder and owner of many vessels, some of which played a very important part in the war of 181 2. At the commencement of hostilities Capt. Boynton had one vessel afloat and a second just finished, both of which were "seized" and purchased by the govemment, afterwards equipped and added to Macdonough's fleet. SEPTEMBER 21 Fly on, aerial Fancy! fly Back, back through many an age. To scenes which long have glided by. Untold on history's page. — Margaret Davidson. 1714 Arrival at Boston of Capt. Thomas Baker and Christine (formerly Margaret Otis) Le Bue, who, as a 3o8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley baby had been taken captive with her mother Grizel (Warren) Otis, when Cocheco (Dover) was attacked by Indians, 1750 (0,S,) Sarah Keese, daughter of John Keese of Flushing, L, I, and later of Nine Partners meeting was born. She married Joseph Thorne, 1755 Isaac, son of Benjamin and Comfort (Thompson) Kellogg, was bom at Canaan, Conn. As a prisoner of War at Quebec, he escaped in the dead of winter through a trackless wildemess to BurHngton, After the war he became an early settler in that part of Crown Point which is now Ticonderoga, serving as first State Senator (from Essex County) of the then Eastern District of the State, From 1802 to 1818 he' was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Essex County and was also a Captain of MUitia. At his death, Sept. 7, 1827, his wrists stiU bore the scars caused by the irons placed there by his British captors. His three children died young, 1766 Jane WUlsborough GUHland, was bom this even ing between 8 and 9 o'clock; * * Capt. Wharton being then here — Gilliland. 1776 Arnold wrote to Gates of the affair at Bay St. Amand. SEPTEMBER 22 And all the fields were golden. And all the woods were gold, For Gk)d hath scattered treasures From riches manifold. — Minnie E. Hayes, Mooers Forks, '1814 The paroled British prisoners arrived at Green- bush. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 309 1894 Dedication at Culver HUl of the first monument erected as a memorial of the British invasion of 1814, After the removal of the U, S, flag with which the shaft was draped by Miss Helen D, Woodward of Platts burgh and Miss JuHa G, Howe of Beekmantown, both descendants of men who fought in the battle of Platts burgh, Dr, D. S, Kellogg, President of the Platts burgh Institute, the society erecting the memorial, introduced the Hon, G. C, Benedict of Burlington, the orator of the day. " As Culver HUl skirmish was only a forerunner of the great and decisive battle five days later, so Culver Hill monument is only an outline of the grand shaft which this great and rich Govemment will surely raise in due time at Plattsburgh, on the shore of Lake Champlain, less than five miles from the Battle of Valcour, Oct. 11, 1776, and less than two mUes from the Battle.of Plattsburgh, Sept. 11, 1814 — the first and last battles of the United States with the " Mother Country." — — Speech of Mr. Benedict on that occasion. SEPTEMBER 23 But some things. Brothers, little change: That silver lake is all the same. And lofty mountain range Unaltered since the white man came And shared its solitude With Indian rude. — Rev. O. G. Wheeler. ni6 Arnold, having found the anchorage of the chan nel between Valcour Island and the main land " ex ceedingly fine and secure," moved his fleet there and was, in a few days, joined by Capt, Warner of the gal ley Trumbull. 1814 At three o'clock p, m,, a naval dinner at Green's hotel was tendered Commodore Macdonough by the grateful citizens of Plattsburgh, The Commodore, ac companied by Generals Macomb and Mooers, and 3IO Three Centuries in Champlain Valley officers of the army and navy then present, was escorted from Macomb's quarters to the hotel by the president and vice-president of the day (Peter SaiUy, Esq, and the Hon, William BaUey) ; the Hon, Henry Delord, and John Warford, Lewis Ransom and WU Ham Swetland, Esqrs., the committee of arrange ments ; the judge and sheriff of the county and other prominent citizens. On the way a national salute was given and after the cloth was removed, many toasts were drunk amid the booming of cannon and strains of martial music furnished by Macomb's band. "OUR COUNTRY — May she be the first and greatest ob ject of our concern — for her sake let honor be given to her heroes and defenders" — First toast of the hour. 1816 I ' Nicholas Barker, a Friend of Peru, before Reuben H, Walworth, J, P,, claimed damages for the impress ment of one sleigh and harness, while he was attend ing church in Peru " some time in March, 1813." 1826 Elder John G, FreHgh died at his home on the east side of Peru street, next the Mooers house and opposite the old home of Dr, Herrick. This FreHgh house was built and first occupied by Noah Broad weU, In 181 7, " Squire " Freligh kept a store in the building (now standing) at the comer of Bridge and s Pem streets. There Gustavus Vasa Edwards from So, Plattsburgh, grandson of the veteran John Roberts, went to work when a boy of 13, beginning, what proved to be a long and successful mercantile Hfe. SEPTEMBER 24 How strange the structure of the human heart, Which springs anew 'neath sorrow's quivering dart ; — Margaret Davidson. 1809 At New Haven, Addison Co., Vt., Esther Bacon, wife of Capt, Preserved Wheeler, died leaving two Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 31 i daughters and six sons, the youngest an infant. This was a crowning sorrow to three years of unprece dented hardship, during which his cattle had died from hoof disease, fever had stricken several members of his family, a broken leg had kept him confined one summer, fire had consumed his shop and a thousand doUars worth of leather ready for market, all seriously crippHng him financiaUy, but " he persevered with aU diligence to retrieve his fortune " andfdied in 1856, leaving sons and daughters who, "having the habits and spirits of their parents " have prospered in aU ways. Preserved Wheeler was a son of Peter, kiUed July 3, 1778, in the Wyoming valley massacre. Only nine years old at the time, with mother and brothers he wandered 300 miles before reachingjtheir former home. His name should have been^Perse- verance ! 1878 Jacob H. Holt proposed that the goverment should lay out a public Park, of 20,000 acres or more between the viUage of Plattsburgh and the U. S. barracks, enclosing and beautifying the same and erecting a monument which should bear on the west side the name of Macomb and on the east, that of Macdonough, the several sides to be inscribed with the names of those who had distinguished themselves in the defence of Plattsburgh. SEPTEMBER 25 I love our Autumn's bright array, Its swiftly changing views: The birches yellow, the beeches gray. The maple's crimson hues. — Rev. OrviUe Gould Wheeler, Charlotte, 18 — South Hero, 1892. 1775 At Ticonderoga the troops were crowded in vile barracks and, though provisions, fresh and salt, and 312 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley spruce beer were plentiful, tents and hospital stores were lacking, and 726 men had been discharged since July 20 on account of illness. The same day AUen, rashly attempting the capture of Montreal with a handful of Canadian recruits, was captured and sent to England in irons, 1776 The adjourned convention met again at Dorset and " resolved unanimously ' to take suitable meas ures, as soon as may be, to declare the New Hamp shire grants a free and separate district," In January following there was a meeting at West minster and a declaration and petition to Congress drawn up and signed. This was presented to Con gress by Jonas Fay, Thomas Chittenden, Heman AUen and Reuben Jones, " four of the most respectable members of the convention." 1783 Daniel Robinson and Thankful Sage of Middle- town, Conn, were married, June 12th the groom had been honorably discharged from the Continental army, in which he had enlisted on his eighteenth birthday (May 19, 1775), He was the youngest of the eight children of Benjamin (great-grandson of Elder John Robinson of Leyden) and Jerasha (Bing ham) Robinson, The young couple settled in Platts burgh near the south end of Margaret street. The river then teemed with salmon trout and Mr, Robin son became an adept at spearing them from the bridge. When the bridge erected about 1797, was car ried away by a freshet, Robinson, who was helping remove the machinery, was caught and carried down stream as far as Mr. SaiUey's ashery, as he said, "on the mUlstone," which was indeed found where he was rescued. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 313 1837 Marion Stetson, daughter of John Smedley and Cynthia (Beach) Stetson, was bom at Champlain, Her poems were ever a delight to her friends and are treasured by them, 1842 The " First Roman Catholic Church of the town of Plattsburgh " was dedicated by the Right Rev. Bishop Hughes. This building stood on a lot pur chased of Judge Palmer on the comer of ComeHa and River streets, the " red store " on Cumberland avenue, fitted up as a chapel, having served for pur poses of worship untU that time. SEPTEMBER 26 1776 We had a violent storm of rain, thunder, and great flashes of lightning during the night. I often thought the tent would take fire. Next moming I mounted advance guard four miles above the Island, the storm stUl continuing, and passed a most dis agreeable day and night with scarce any shelter from the constant heavy rain. We could there hear their evening gun very plainly, and it was proposed in a few days to move * * * seven miles nearer them. — Digby. SEPTEMBER 27 1776 Had the pleasure of seeing two of our schooners, the Maria and Carlton, come up to us from St. Johns. Captain Pringle was appointed Commodore of the Lake Champlain and to command on board the Maria, so called after Lady Maria Carlton. — Digby. 314 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley TO A STAR. Thou brightly glittering star of even. Thou gem upon the brow of heaven, O! were this fluttering spirit free. How quick 'twould spreads its wings to thee. How calmly, brightly dost thou shine. Like the pure lamp in Virtue's shrine: Sure the fair world which thou mayst boast Was never ransomed, never lost. There, beings pure as heaven's own air, Their hopes, their joys, together share; While hovering angels touch the string. And seraphs spread the sheltering wing. There cloudless days and brilliant nights. Illumined by heaven's refulgent lights; There season's, years, unnoticed roll. And unregretted by the soul. Thou little sparkling star of even. Thou gem upon an azure heaven. How swiftly will I soar to thee. When this imprisoned soul is free: — Lucretia Davidson. 1808 Birth of Lucretia Davidson in the " smaU, neat cottage," with old-fashioned piazza, " shaded with vines and honeysuckle " that stood on the banks of the Saranac, in the little village of Plattsburgh. Lucretia attended the Academy with its cupola " representing the Temple of Science surmounted by a weather vane, representing an angel blowing the trumpet of fame, which was the conception and crea tion of her versatile but eccentric father, Dr. Oliver Davidson." This cupola suggested to his eleven-year- old daughter the " Allegory of Alphonse in search of Learning." Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 315 SEPTEMBER 28 How gently floats the leaflet down. How soft its rustling sound. — Wheeler. 1658 Dominie Megapolensis wrote to the Classis of Amsterdam from New Amsterdam where he was then settled of the persecution and death of Father Jogues during his pastorate at Rensselaerwyck and stated that the Mohawks gave to him the Missal, Breviary and clothing of the murdered missionary, 1666 In and about Fort St, Anne were collected 600 veterans of the famous Carignan-SaHeres regi ment, whUe on the mainland an equal number of volunteers, habitants of New France and 100 naked and painted savages, Huron and Algonquin warriors, were encamped, the savages making night hideous with war songs and dances. All were ready to start on a punitive expedition under de Tracy, against the Mohawks who had broken the treaty made in July at Quebec, 1787 The year and month of the adoption of the Constitution, Bela Edgerton, third son of Col, EHsha Edgerton, was bom at Franklin, New London county. Conn, The Rev, Samuel Knott of Union College, New York, prepared him for Middlebury College, Vt,, from which he was graduated in 1809, After teach ing at Vergennes, he became the first principal of Plattsburgh Academy, among his pupils present at the opening, were his eldest nephew, Henry K, AveriU, Sr,, then a boy of thirteen, and Thomes Miller, After the war he taught at Schuyler Falls, Chazy and in the basement of the old Methodist church, Plattsburgh. He was also a practicing lawyer and magistrate. 3i6 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1895 Green Mountain Chapter, D, A. R. BurHngton, placed a bronze tablet on a boulder near the site of Ethan AUen's last home, near " Indian Rock," SEPTEMBER 29 Yet some bright, sunny peaks there are In memory's landscape, which shall peer Above the drowning tide, and wear Their living light through many a year. — Byron Sunderlin, Principal of Port Henry Academy, 1840, 1827 Birth, at Wilmington, Essex county, N, Y., of Van Buren Miller, son of John Jay and AbigaU MiUer, His grandfather, Pliny MiUer, had gone from Albany coimty during the War ofi8i2,asa captain under Col. Young, and was for a time stationed at French MiUs, A few years after the war, Capt, MUler retumed to the wilderness and purchasing 300 acres in what is now the center of Saranac viUage, built a dam and saw mill and, at the time of Van Buren's birth was con structing the first bridge across the stream. The grandson, in 1858, followed father and grandfather into this new country and there he remained untU his death, June 17, 1894, sought by all whether rich or poor, for the transaction of any kind of legal business, 1842 A County Educational Convention was held in the Court House, Plattsburgh, At the same place a meeting of citizens had been held in June to take into consideration the financial condition of the Academy. The failure of the CHnton County Bank in July had caused general embarrassment and business of every kind was much depressed. At the meeting, Andrew Moore was appointed Chairman and George W. Palmer Secretary, while George Moore, Dr. T. De Forris, R. A. Oilman, Judge HaUe and Dr, Kane formed a Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 317 committee to consider and report on the best remedy for the situation. In July, a boarding and day school for young ladies was opened by Miss C. P. Clark, assisted by Miss Harriet A Wright, "in a room tendered her by Mr, Swetland in his own residence," but the summer term of the Academy opened under the supervision of Rev, R, T. Conant, the foUowing May. SEPTEMBER 30 1776 Lieut. Digby, who had been ill and dehrious since the evening of the 27th, recovered his senses but had to be left on the island (Isle au Noix) while his corps moved up " Riviere-la-Cole. " 1821 An Episcopal Society was informally organized in the viUage of Plattsburgh, but there was no regular service of the Church until March, 1822, when the Rev. Joel Clapp was called to the rectorship of the parish. By this time many of the proprietors and original settlers had been gathered to their fathers, among them Judge Zephaniah and Capt, Nathaniel Piatt, Piatt Rogers, Col, Melancton Smith and his father, the Judge, Gideon Rugar and Zopher Halsey, 1859 On Friday evening, was bumed the old Hotel Building, once the VUlage House, kept by John Nichols, on the present site of the Witherill House, It was a clap-boarded building, painted white, two and a half stories high with gables on the north and south ends. John Nichols, a native of Massachusetts, came to Plattsburgh from Vermont and was interested in the buUding up of the vUlage and an active par ticipant in the war of 181 2, just previous to which his brother Levi had come from Waltham, Mass. and had settled at Salmon River, where he died in i860 in his ninety-third year. 3x8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley OCTOBER 1 From now until the last of October we shall dwell in the finest art-gallery that was ever opened under the sky. No human brush could possibly create, or even imitate, the splendor of these autumn colors. — Buckham. 1666 M, de CourceUes, at the head of four of the six hundred veterans of the Carignan-SaHeres, the habi tants, and Huron and Algonquin warriors, encamped at Fort St. Anne, set out on his expedition against the Indian villages on the Mohawk, 1776 Carleton was prepared to appear upon the lake with a formidable fleet of thirty-one vessels, ranging in their armament from one to eighteen guns, navi gated by 700 veteran seamen, and armed in addition by an efficient corps of artillery. — Watson. 1780 Gen. Benj, Mooers as adjutant was present and saw the execution of Major Andre — a most affecting sight, while Major John Addoms, his future father- in-law, as well as neighbor on Cumberland Head, was detailed to hold the hat of the unfortunate officer. 1797 The Lord's Supper was for the first time admin istered to the recently organized Presbyterian Church, the pioneer church of this section. The members were : — Ezekiel Hubbard, John Stratton, Abner Pom- roy, William and Mrs. Badlam, Moses Corbin, EHza beth Addams, Catherine Hegeman, Catherine Marsh, Lucretia MUler, Phebe Piatt, Esther Stratton, Mary Addams, Stephen and Mrs, Mix, Martha Coe, WUHam Pitt Piatt and John Culver, 1866 In the evening at Trinity Church rectory, Joseph Howland Coit, S, T. D. , feU asleep in Christ. " Great is thy faithfulness — Glory, Glory to God in the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 319 highest." " His last look of recognition was for her who was ' faithful unto death,' and to whom he was tme to the last." 1907 Presentation to the town of Upper Jay, Essex county, N. Y., by Jean (Wells) Smith of Saginaw, Mich., of the WeUs Memorial Library. OCTOBER 2 There is something sort of cozy when the leaves begin to rustle. As the boys go tramping through them in the hollows of the street. — Buckham. 1677 Benoni Stebbins, sent by his captors with two squaws and a mare to pick huckleberries, escaped on the mare and retumed to Deerfield. Poor man! only to be slain whUe defending his own house when nejct the savages came. His widow married in 1709 Dea. Thos. French, whose wife, Mary CatHn, had been kiUed March 9 on the retreat to Canada. 1712 Esther Wheelwright began her novitiate as an UrsuHne nun, taking the white veil the January foUowing. In 1714 she was invested with the black robe and veU and became Mother Esther Marie Joseph of the Infant Jesus. 1801 CaroHne Piatt, oldest chUd of the Rev. Frederick and Letitia (Piatt) Halsey, was bom. March 16, 1820, she married James Bailey, who, in 1798, in connection with WUHam BaUey, had built a store near the present site of CHnton Block at the head of Bridge street. James BaUey's famUy first lived on ComeHa street (No, 32), but later, when the children of Eleazer MiUer had sought homes of their own and 320 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley the BaUey chUdren were stUl young, an exchange was made. The Millers took the BaUey house and there spent their remaining days, and the Baileys removed to the large yellow frame house originally built by Nathan Averill, Sr,, past which Margaret street was, years afterwards, continued north. The house was, a few years later, bricked up and ftnaUy, in 1909, taken down, 1816 At his own request, Capt, John KJnight, of the 2d Company, 2d Regiment, was honorably discharged from the service by John Oaks, Brigadier General, His commission, given in Council Chamber, Mont- pelier, Vt,, September 20, 1810, and signed by Gov, Jonas Galusha, is stUl preserved, Capt, Knight was bom November 11, 1787, on the island of North Hero, where his parents, John, Sr,, and AbigaU (Towne) Knight had settled in 1785. He died at the old homestead March 16, 1878. OCTOBER 3 1666 The main body of the army at Fort St. Anne, led by the aged, but determined, M. de Tracy, moved off. 1 763 3d and 4th — ^These two days sowed and harrowed our wheat, — Gilliland. No serf in the field but is sowing God's seed — — Buckham. 1838 Joseph Corbin, a pioneer in 1798, died at Cham plain, He was a soldier of the Revolution, enUsting at KiUingly, Conn., his native place, September 17, '76, and at WilHamstown, Mass., to which he had removed in the fall of 1778, He also responded to the Saratoga alarm, October 11-22, 1781, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 321 1842 The old Revolutionary soldier, John Roberts, died at So, Plattsburgh, aged 83 years, 1866 " In the soft splendor of an autumn aftemoon, which seemed a kind of natural token of the Resurrec tion," after the remains of Dr, Coit had been com mitted to the earth, each child of the Sunday school dropped a floral tribute upon the casket and the venerable Canon Townsend of Canada dismissed the assembly with the Apostolic Benediction, 1889 Discovery, near Trout Brook, in Ticonderoga, by a workman digging a trench, of the remains of Lord Howe, kiUed July 6, 1758, together with a stone of hard Hmestone, weighing twenty or twenty-five pounds and bearing the inscription: Mem of Lo HoweKUled Trout Brook. 1897 The First Presbyterian Church celebrated the Centennial Anniversary of its organization, October ist and 3d, It is the serene and solemn thought of centennials that they who see one shall not see another. — Joseph Cook. OCTOBER 4 The woods are never so full of interest and fascination as when the first frosts have touched the leaves. — Buckham. 1759 From this date until May 25, 1761, rations were issued by the commissary of the conquering army (EngHsh), under Gen. Murray to the Community at Quebec, the biU for which ($1,352) the nuns were unable to pay, but the Mother Superior (formerly Esther Wheelwright) placed at Gen, Murray's disposal some of the Community's lands. The same day Rogers and his party, sent by Gen, Amherst to punish the St, Francis Indians, reached 322 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley the neighborhood of their village and reconnoitering, found the natives engaged in a dance and festivities which lasted tmtU four o'clock the next moming. This date also, in Pleasant VaUey, Dutchess county, to John Roberts, a soldier in this war, and his wife, Susannah Mayhew, was born a son, John, Jr., who was to serve as a drummer boy while father and uncles bore the part df men, when the now loyal colonists should be driven to revolution. 1796 Wm. Henry Morgan, son of Jonas and Sarah (Mott) Morgan, was born at Lansingburgh. As a lad he used to run along the river bank beside Fulton's Clermont as she made her trips up and down the Hud son, flowing past his home town. At sixteen, accom panied by his father, whose business interests took him as far as Westport, the lad set out for Plattsburgh with but four doUars and a letter of introduction to Mr. John Freligh. The letter, however, he had no occasion to use, but found employment at once and so prospered that in 1 814, in company with his oldest brother Jonas, he was keeping a general store at the corner of Bridge and Charlotte streets. During the engagement the brothers sought safety in the bushes growing on the island at the river's mouth, on their way rescuing six children who had become separated from their parents and were huddled in terror on the river bank. The parents were found after the battle at Fort Moreau, nearly distracted at the disappearance of their little ones, 1908 The Rev, John Bailey KeUy, caUed to the pastorate of the first Presbyterian Church August 2, began his mim'stry , preaching from the text, Zech, 4 :6 : " The Dynamics of the Kingdom of God," Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 323 OCTOBER 5 1759 A Httle before dawn Rogers attacked and bumed the Indian viUage and in the ensuing fight more than 200 warriors perished, besides women and children. Waiting but an hour the avenging party started back, taking five English captives which were set free, 1780 Benjamin Oilman was bom in GUmanton, N. H., He settled in Plattsburgh, where he became assistant principal in the Academy on its opening in 181 1, He remained in the town of his adoption through life, dying April 10, 1853, 1800 At Unity, N, H., AUen Breed and Judith Living ston were married. She was the daughter of Isaac Livingston, a sergeant in the Revolution under ColUer Wood of New Hampshire. This was the birthday of Josiah, son of Joseph and Sarah (Eells) Everest of Addison, Vt, With the six-months-old baby, the parents removed to Peru, where he grew to manhood. During the siege of Plattsburgh, as a boy he carried messages and comforts daily to his older brothers, who were aiding in the defence of the town. He served the town of Peru in various civil offices; was Justice of Peace sixteen consecutive years, one of the three county judges then elected, was a member of the State legislature in 1855 and subsequently one of the three inspectors of State's prisons, 1830 Chester Alan Arthur was bom at Fairfield, Vt. ; attended BurHngton Academy, where his father was then principal, and subsequently graduated at Union CoUege. 1905 The comer stone of the Black Watch Memorial Library was laid at Ticonderoga, Masons from that 324 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley part of the state, a battaHon of the Fifth U, S, Infantry then stationed at Plattsburgh, with full regimental band, and the bagpipe regiment of the Fifth Royal Scots of Montreal and several local organizations participating, OCTOBER 6 1763 Monday — Went in a bateau to visit my tract of land at Cumberland bay, in company with John Chislm, Eliakim Ayres, John Waltron and James Stocker, on our passage, went ashore on the 2 most westem of the 4 Islands, found the most eastward of those being largest of the 4 to contain 4 or 5 acres of choice land, and the westward one is rich, but aU covered with brush, it may be about 3 acres, then passed close by Schyler's Island, or Isle Chapon, which looks at a distance but stony light ground, little worth. About six in the evening, arrived at the high sandy cHffs (now Port Kent), and encamped there. Between there is a grass swamp containing, I think, about 150 acres without any trees, but is deep cov ered with water, — Gilliland. 1776 On the arrival of Brig. Gen, Waterbury with the gaUeys Washington, Capt, Thacher, and Congress, Capt. Arnold, the entire naval force of the Americans, save an eight-gun gaUey then receiving her armament at Ticonderoga and the schooner Liberty, which had been sent to Crown Point for suppHes, was now at Valcour Island. 1794 The first marriage in Grand Isle — ^that of WiUard Gordon (a great grandson of Alexander, the immi grant from Scotland), and Clarissa, daughter of Libean Armstrong of Bennington, took place, WiUard Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 325 (bom in Salem, Mass., August 2, 1770, the twelfth child of his father and the second which had been bom to Hannah Stanley of Beverly, his father's second wife) came from North Salem, N. H., in 1788, about five years later than his father, from whom Gordon's Landing takes its name, WUlard had 12 children, among them Ira, Phoebe, Samuel, Norman, Benjamin, Ameha, Lucretia, Thomas and Seth, 1807 The physicians and surgeons of Clinton county met at " the house of Israel Green, innholder, in Plattsburgh," to organize a medical society. There were present Dr, Albon Man (from the present town of WestviUe), Dr, Henry S, Waterhouse from Malone, and Drs, John MiUer, Silas Goodrich, Nicholas Handley, Oliver Davidson, Rapel Vaughn and Benja min Moore, the last from Champlain.. 1 884 A bear hunt in Plattsbui^h ! — Monday, the f amUy of Alexander Weir, living on the " Tom Miller place," early awakened by the loud barking of the house dog, discovered a huge bear in the yard. Bruin, after receiving the contents of a shot gun, trotted off appar ently unharmed, but another bear was soon seen in the fork of a large ash opposite the front door and this bear, a son of the famUy after running some buUets over the kitchen fire, brought down with a rifle. The game proved to be a cub, weighing about 80 pounds, and furnished a feast for friends and neighbors, A hunt was organized for the mother and about 50 sportsmen started in pursuit " While shoulder to shoulder the streaming dogs go. All hot on the scent, with their wrinkled necks bent And their dewlaps, a-swing, and their ears sweeping low," untU about four o'clock in the aftemoon, when the big brute, comered on an adjoinmg farm and ready to fight, was laid low. 326 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley OCTOBER 7 1666 The rear guard under Sieurs de Chambly and Berthier left St. Anne, The progress of the army was slow, since they dragged two smaU pieces of cannon and 300 bateaux or bark canoes, 1743 The grants made to Hocquart by the king in AprU were registered at Quebec. 1763 Grants of land within the bounds of Addison were made by the govemor of New York to Col. Wooster and Col, Charles Forbes, and beyond the Hmits of the township on the north, to Lieut. Ramsey. East of the grants of Forbes and Ramsey was a grant to J. W. Hogarty, and east of Wooster, grants to Sir John Sinclair and Mr, Wilkins, On the other side of the lake that morning, Mr. GiUiland and his exploring and survejdng party set out from his encampment for the mouth of the Au Sable river, which he ascends to discover its faUs and their distance from the lake. He describes the river as about 60 yards wide and more than twice as large as the Boquet, Pursuing his ascent he discov ers the now famous Au Sable Chasm and thus de scribes it: " In this place the river formed into a most curious canal; this is a prodigious rock. It is a most admirable sight, appear ing on each side like a regular built wall, somewhat ruinated, and one would think that this prodigious cleft was occasioned by an earthquake, their height on each side is from 40 to 100 feet in the different places; we saw about half a mile of it, and by its appearance when we stopped, it may continue many miles further." 1812 A brilHant entertainment was given in Albany to Eleazer WUHams, who had just retumed from a successful mission north, bringing with him two Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 327 Indian chiefs to be presented to Gen, Dearborn, who was much pleased with the success of WUHams in securmg the aid of the Sault St, Louis Indians and others, 1884 The bear kiUed yesterday weighed two hundred pounds or more, and was sold and shipped to New York, OCTOBER 8 The scant brook murmurs through the croft. And seems to sing of other days. — Buckham. 1703 In the golden haze of the aftemoon, John Nims and Zebediah WiUiams looking for their cows on the Deerfield meadows, were captured by Indians and carried to Canada, whence John escaped, ^'But Zebediah " died at Quebec, firm in thejProtestant faith," 1761 Shoreham, the final rendezvous (at Hand's Cove) of AUen's party, was chartered (through the agency of Col, Eph, DooHttle, a captain under Amherst) to 64 grantees. Its charter was the earliest granted west of the Green Mountains and north of Castleton. DooHttle served at the capture of both Ti and Crown Point, and with many of his men buUt the military road from Crown Point to Charleston, N, H,, which passed from Chimney Point in Addison, through Bridport and Shoreham, in each of which towns the colonel became proprietor of six rights. Nine men of Shoreham are known to have been with Allen at Ti, among them EHas Kellogg, Samuel Woolcott and son, and Daniel Newton, 1763 Mr. GiUUand, setting out from his encampment on River Au Sable northerly, found and named Duck Creek. 328 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1825 Doctor and Mrs, WiUiam Beaumont lost then- eighteen-months-old son, WUHam, Dr. Beaumont, bom in Connecticut in 1786, after practicing two years in Burlington and one in Champlain with Dr. Chandler, went to Plattsburgh early in the century, where he married Deborah Green. In 1812, he was appointed surgeon in the U, S, Army, a position which he held 25 years, during which time he made the remarkable experiments (in which he was assisted by his cousin. Dr. Samuel Beaumont) with Alexis St, Martin, which gave the doctor a world-wide reputation and made his book " Experiments and Observations on the Gastric Juice and the Physiology of Digestion," acknowledged authority. OCTOBER 9 — The softly rippling stream, The rising mountain, and the leafy wood. Combine their charms to grace the splendid scene: — Margaret Davidson. 1735 Capt. Samuel Moore and Rachel Landon were married in Litchfield, Conn., and began housekeeping in Salisbury. 1763 GiUUand reached " a considerable creek of stiU water, which, from the number of trees we saw cut by beavers, we caU Beaver river " (now the Little Au Sable). He continued to Cragen river (Salmon river), of which he says: " Went up this river about 100 yards to a 10- feet falls, by carr)dng the water 45 yards; this is a noble situation for a saw miU, as a dam can be made by a few hands in a day. Here is water for two mUls and dead water to the foot of the falls," He describes the " Savaniac " river (Saranac) and " that Peninsula " (Cumberland Head). Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 329 OCTOBER 10 Can thought present A tint more light, and yet more gorgeous. Hues more sweetly mingled, one dim shadow, Blending in grace more lovely with another! — Margaret Davidson. 1725 PhiHppe de Rigaud, Marquis de VaudreuU, before whom so many of our captives had stood and from whom our commissioners had sought satisfaction, died at Quebec. 1734 The Marquis de Beauhamois reported to the home govemment that he had taken all necessary measures for the construction of the "Redoubt, a machicouhs at Crown Point, in Lake Champlain," having sent workmen thither to be ready to commence operations in the Spring. Meanwhile, he has ordered the Commandant at Crown Point to be on his guard with his garrison of thirty men. — Paris Documents. 1759 The new brig reached Amherst from Ticon deroga "with eighteen guns; seventy seamen, ^and sixty soldiers embarked as marines, "j 1761 Bridport, a post town of 42 square miles, char tered to 64 proprietors, mostly from Massachusetts, of whom Col. DooHttle and Benj, Raymond were most active in making a settlement, 1776 WhUe Arnold was writing a despatch asking for a supply of shoes, watchcoats, blankets, hats or caps for his men and saying, "We cannot, at present, determine how long it wiU be requisite to remain here. It may depend on the intelligence we receive, ^ if. ^ ^ * * I jiave received no late news from the northward. The loss of two smaU canoes (all we had) has prevented my sending out small parties," the British fleet, having passed out of the Richelieu, was 330 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley saUing up the lake and anchored that night between Grand Isle and North Hero. 1864 Three strangers arrived at St, Albans from St, Johns in Canada and " put up "at the Tremont hotel, and later in the day, two others came to theAmerican hotel. 1866 Rear- Admiral Theodoms Bailey was placed on the retired list. On his first cruise, in 1 820-1, on the Cyane, several slavers were captured on the African coast. In 1846, on the breaking out of the Mexican war, while in charge of the store ship Lexington, he conveyed to California, by way of Cape Horn, an artiUery company and several officers, among them, Henry W, HaUeck, WUHam T, Sherman and E. O. C, Ord, The part taken by him in the conquest of Cahfomia, in connection with the riots at Panama, and in restoring friendly relations with the Fiji islands, all previous to the Civil War, are noteworthy. As commander of the Eastern Gulf blockading squad ron, he is said to have taken over 150 blockade-runners in eighteen months, " In the U. S. S. Cayuga he led the fleet of Admiral D. G. Farragut through the fire of Forts Jackson and St, Philip, and opposing vessels, April 24, 1862. It was a contest between iron hearts in wooden vessels and ironclads with iron beaks and the iron hearts won." — From Inscription on Loving Cup of the BaUey. OCTOBER 11 Already the bleak autumnal winds were sweeping over the lake; the nights fell dark and chill; the dreary winter approached, when no zeal or courage could avail an invading force. — Warburton. 1759 The raft, the brig from Ticonderoga and the new sloop (just buUt by the English) were ready for action. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 331 1763 (Friday) — from the bottom of Cumberland we proceeded homeward and arrived that night, on our passage viewing the Islands Saint Michael, Valcour and Chapon or Schuyler Island, all of which we found ordinary, light rocky, stony land, and Ul timbered. — Gilliland. 1776 On Friday the battle of Valcour was fought. At eight o'clock the EngHsh fleet commanded by Capt. Thomas Pringle, of the Lord Howe, was discovered \ benedict ARNOLD passing Cumberland Head with a strong north or northwest wind, and bearing in the direction of Crown Point, the supposed location of Arnold. Gen. Water bury at once advised fighting the enemy on the retreat in the broad lake, but Arnold declined. At half-past twelve the Carlton and gunboats were within musket- shot and the action became general, continuing with out cessation untU about five in the aftemoon. Early in the action, the Royal Savage, Arnold's flagship, poorly managed by her crew of landsmen, was dis- 332 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley abled and run aground on the southwest point of Valcour Island, her crew escaping in safety, Arnold now transferred his flag to the Congress and fought that vessel " Hke a lion at bay, pointing almost every gun with his own hands, and cheering his men with voice and gesture," "Waterbury fought bravely on the quarter deck of his vessel (the Washington) and towards the close of the action was the only active officer on board," 1790 WiUiam Pitt Piatt and Hannah Kent of FishkiU were married and at once set out on their wedding joumey up the Hudson and through the lake in a batteau to their new home. The bride is said to have been much impressed with the beautiful scenery. Three weeks later, on a Sunday moming, accompanied by a colored servant, she stepped ashore on Cumber land Head. 1864 Three more strangers appeared in St. Albans. OCTOBER 12 1708 Jean Baptiste, fourth child of Sergeant Jacques and Abigail (Stebbins) de Noyon of Boucherville, was bom. Oh! thou hast seen the setting sun Slowly retire behind his cloud. Night gathering round the mountain's brow While autumn's blast roared long and loud; — — Mrs. Davidson. 1759 The batteaux, containing a wing of the 42d Regiment under Major Reid, went astray among the sloops of the enemy, but succeeded in running the gauntlet of the French guns in safety with the loss of but one boat containing a lieutenant and 20 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 333 men. Towards evening, the wind increasing, the waters were lashed to fury and Amherst was compelled to seek the shelter of a bay on the westem shore, 1776 Early in the morning Arnold's fleet reached Schuyler Island, nine miles distant, the vessels having passed in single file quietly out from the strait between Valcour Island and the mainland during the previous evening, bearing around the north end of Valcour and so passing outside the British line, which extended from Garden Island to the York shore. From Schuyler Island, Arnold wrote to Gates, giving an account of the engagement, and there, on examination, finding two of the gondolas too badly injured to repair, Arnold sunk them and, with the remainder, fitted out as best he could, again set sail for Crown Point, — " Was awoke very early in the moming by a confused noise about my tent * ¦* made the greatest haste to the shore side, where a boat had just arrived with our wounded men from the fleet. The accounts were ¦" * that the Royal Savage engaged her (the Carlton) and at last was obliged to strike to the Carlton, but, against all the rules of war, after strik ing, they ran her on shore, blew her up and escaped in the wood," — Digby. OCTOBER 13 1759 Captain Loring of Amherst's army pursued a French schooner and three sloops under the shelter of Valcour, where one of the sloops was grounded by her commander and two others sunk, while M, de Bolabarras and his men escaped through the woods. The storm prevented Loring from knowing this. 1 763 Retumed home and employed my time from now to 31st Oct,, in laying out lots, filling leases and settling accounts with the people, — Gilliland. To the following leases were given : John Chism, Robt. McLane, Robt. McAwley, John King and G. 334 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Hicks, George WUson, George Belton, WUHam Luckey, Mires Dixon, Martin Tayler, EHakim Ayres. 1776 Early in the moming the American fleet was off the Bouquet and the EngHsh lay a Httle above Schuyler Island favored by a fresh northeast wind, blowing in the broader part of the lake, while a south wind retarded Arnold's escape. Soon after Arnold had passed Split Rock, Capt. Pringle, leading in person on the Maria followed by the Inflexible and Carleton, attacked the Washington gaUey, which was too much injured to keep up with the rest. This gaUey struck after receiving a few shots and her brave commander was made a prisoner of war. The three other vessels then concentrated their fire upon the Congress, which warmly returned the same, Arnold keeping up a run ning fight until within ten miles of Crown Point, when he ran the Congress and four gondolas into a smaU bay in Panton and, having saved the smaU arms, bumed the vessels to the water's edge, escaping with his party through the woods. Thus ended the naval engagements off Valcour's and Schuyler's Islands, in which the American loss was about 90, In the mean time the sloop Enterprise, the schooner Revenge and the gaUey Trumbull, with one gondola, had reached Crown Point in safety while the gaUey Lee, Captain Davis, had been run into a bay on the east shore above SpHt Rock and blown up. The galley Washington and gondola Jersey were in the hands of the enemy, 1812 The new commander of the lake fleet, after consultation with Gen, Dearborn at Plattsburgh, went to Whitehall, where he began to flt out two gunboats and prepare for service the sloops Hunter and Bull Dog. These were remodeled to carry eleven guns in place of seven and their names changed to Growler and Eagle. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 335 1813 Birth of Frances Henrietta, only child of Judge and Mrs, Henry Delord, A few months preceding her birth, Murray's raid upon Plattsburgh had oc curred and her father with many others had suffered serious losses. On the approach of the British, Mrs, Delord, hastily buiying the fine sUver service in the garden, had sought refuge with her baby in her arms in Peru, the former home of the family. The British fled, Mrs. Delord retumed to find much of her furni ture and many household treasures injured or de stroyed. The enemy had, however, in the haste of departure left an officer's mess chest and, inadver- ently, a sUver pepper box, salt spoon and sugar tongs, stUl preserved in the old house. Margaret Davidson and Frances Delord were next-door neighbors, play mates and life-long friends. On the latter's death in early married Hfe, leaving a baby daughter, Margaret wrote a poem " On the Death of Mrs. F. H. Webb," referring to their chUdhood thus: But memory still can paint the scenes Of past, but ne'er forgotten joy, When we have sported wild and free. No sorrow pleasure's tide to cloy. Thy form as it was wont to be, StUl mingles with each thought of home; My earliest sports were join'd by thee, When graced by beauty's brightest bloom. and of her personal appearance — " Again I view that hazel eye. With life and pleasure beaming; Again I view that fair, white Vsrow, Those dark locks o'er it streaming. and of her mind — "Oh, 'twas unsullied and refined As is this spotless page. 336 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley and lastly of the little one left motherless — " But the spirit we mourn has ascended on high, And there it will watch o'er its little one's fate; In whispers her voice will be heard from the sky, With a mother's affection which ne'er can abate. 1834 P Prances Montezuma, wife of Dr. Jabez Penniman, died, aged 74 years. She was formerly the wife of Gen. Ethan Allen, as her monument in Elmwood cemetery, BurHngton, states. 1841 The date of the earHest existing known copy of Westport 's first newspaper, "The Essex County Times and Westport Herald." Anson H. AUen was the editor, but associated with Allen from the first was David Turner, an EngHshman from Hull, who had come to Essex county in 1837 and begun work in a KeeseviUe printing office. From 1841-49 he Hved in Westport and there, in June, 1847, his son, Ross Sterling Turner of Salem and Boston, one of the best known American painters, was bom. Other sons, Byron Pond, Jasper C. and Louis M., were bom at Rouses Point, Elizabethtown and Alexandria, Va,, respectively. Their father died in Washington in 1 900, OCTOBER 14 The sky is dim and dreamful soft, The hills are gray with veiling haze, — Buckham. 1759 After a stormy night, as day dawned, Loring perceived the abandoned vessels and left Lieut. Grant with the sloop to try to save the stranded vessel with her equipment, himself putting out into the lake in pursuit of any hostile saU, 1761 On account of a bend in the lake, the proprietors of Addison procured from Gov. Benning Wentworth a grant of that township. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 337 1776 At four o'clock in the moming Arnold and his men reached Crown Point in safety, having halted and been refreshed at the hospitable home of Zadock Everest in Addison, about four miles from the scene of action. Later in the day, on the approach of the enemy, the smaU force at Crown Point withdrew and Gen. Carleton took possession without opposition. 1819 The " Fu-st Cattle Show and Fair " of Clinton county was held at Champlain. After a declaration of premiums by Silas HubbeU, one of the censors, and a short address, the procession moved to the district school house, where the Rev, Mr. Byington opened the exercises with prayer and Allen C, Moore gave an address on agriculture and manufactures. The officers of the society and of music then ascended a car, decorated with " articles of domestic manu facture and agricultural products, surmounted with a flag and bearing an appropriate motto, elevated upwards of thirty feet, drawn by 100 yoke of oxen," This conveyed them to the grounds, where the animals were offered for inspection. All members of the society wore wheat cockades. A special feature was the half acre plowing match, won by Henry Ladd of Chazy, who finished in twenty-four minutes and a few seconds. But Col. Thurber, vice-president of the society, was awarded the premium for best driving. There mark the realms of plenty smiling now; There the full sheaf of Ceres richly glows, And Plenty's fountain blesses as it flows ; — Lucretia Davidson. OCTOBER 15 1750 Birth of John Steams of New Hampshire, who served under Amold, Stark and Wamer and partici pated in the battle of Bennington. He died in 338 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Monkton, Vt,, in 1823, Mary, the daughter of his son Calvin, became the wife of Eleazer WiUiams Robinson, 1759 The storm continued and Gen. Amherst was forced to remain quiet, 1 766 George Belton sowed his last wheat, — Gilliland. Nay, nay! Let the blade of grain — One more in the crowded sod. Yet nourished by sun and rain — Speak a truer thought of God, — Buckham. 1809 Mr, Samuel Southby Bridge, an English merchant engaged in the exportation of Turpentine, in an account of his joumey through the Champlain vaUey, says that his party " arrived at the line at half-past five, over which no vessel is permitted to pass, the Non-Intercourse (Act) being now in force," They landed at Rouses Point and walked half a mile to the smaU hut or inn, kept by Jacob Rouse, a captain of militia, where the night was passed. — The November Munsey, 1908. 1812 Marriage of Lewis Samuel Robinson and Hannah Eldred. They owned a farm (lot No. 95 DuerviUe Pat.) and kept a hotel in Chazy on the Mihtary turn pike. It was near this place, by a little brook, that a coUation was served to President Monroe which delayed for a year the purchase of a fire engine for Plattsburgh, Robinson's Tavern was buUt of logs with a " bar-room " in one end, an open shed for wood and carriages in the middle, and a kitchen and dining room in the other. AU the floors were of earth and the huge back logs were hauled for the immense fire-places by a horse. In 1823, this first building was superseded by a large stone house with all the conveniences of that time. 1815 The Vermont resumed her trips to St. John's. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 339 1900 Rowland Evans Robinson, the well-known author, died at his old home at Ferrisburgh. "On our way, (from Easton to Coeyman's Patent) we fell in with a little preacher by the name of Rowland Robinson who kept our company for several weeks." — Journal of the Life of Joseph Hoag. OCTOBER 16 — For the pleasure of the eye give me a fall moming, after the first sharp frost. — Buckham. 1759 Frost came and still Amherst had to remain inactive. 1779 Joseph Everest and Sarah Eells were married. The groom was still lame from his jump in the dark ness into the snow in escaping from his imprisonment at Quebec in the winter of '77 and the bride's heart was sad when she remembered her father's home leaving on the moming of the Bennington battle, from which he came not back. But they made their home in Addison where, on his mother's twenty-fifth birthday (July 26), the next year, their son Joseph was bom. Calvin and Luther were born at Ticon deroga, where the Everests lived during the Revo lution, and where they entertained Washington during his visit, and Baron Steuben, many times. 1780 Royalton, Vt., burned by Indians, Two men were kUled and twenty-six prisoners taken, among them, Sheldon Durkee, a boy of nine, who afterwards settled in Plattsburgh and from whom Durkee street takes its name. His brothers, Andrew and Adan, were also captured, the latter dying a captive ui Montreal, The father, Timothy Durkee, was absent on a scout, and as the family fled from home, Sheldon went back for the youngest. Escaping to the bushes. 340 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley he was seen by an Indian who hurled a tomahawk, which hit him on the back of the head. It was through the brave and persistent endeavors of Mrs, Hendee that Sheldon was released with other boys. The savages took thirty horses and kUled all the cattle, sheep and swine they could find, 1909 In the Brighton Beach twenty-four hour endur ance race, the Lozier automobiles, manufactured in Plattsburgh, finish first and second and establish a new world's record. OCTOBER 17 I must confess that I like the October wind least of all. It is too petulant, too rebellious, too fitful. — Buckham. 1646 Father Jogues, on his retum to the Mohawk country, was set upon by the savages who believed him responsible for the faUure of their crops and sickness of their tribe; was stripped of his clothing and beaten with heavy clubs, 1759 A contrary wind arising, Amherst, though he had heard through a hostile chief, by flags of truce and letters of ceremony, that a British fleet lay before Quebec and battles had been fought, stUl lay helpless with his mighty army on the banks of the stormy lake, 1763 Swanton, Vt., was chartered, containing 23,040 acres. Previous to the English conquest of. Canada there had been a settlement at Swanton FaUs of about 50 huts, a church and saw mill, belonging to French and Indians who remained until the begmning of the Revolution, John HUliker, a Ger man, with his family, settled here about 1787. Other German settlers were Conrad Barr, John Hogle, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 341 Abram and Joseph Rykard, John Sax, John Shelters, Peter Wagner, and others, Jeremiah Brewster and Thomas Butterfield were also prominent early settlers. 1780 A deep snow covered the ground and the Indian raiders of Royalton, pursued by whites, killed two prisoners and sent back a third with the message that they would kill all if molested. Passing through Randolph they captured Zadock Steele, whose accoimt of his captivity is well known. The savages then made for Canada by way of the Winooski River and Lake Champlain. 1809 " Rose at six. After taking some rum and milk to keep out the lake fever, which is frequently taken by strangers, went to see Mr, Glennie's land, about three and a half miles. About one mile on our way we had to pass an unfinished bridge, hardly worthy the name, about twenty foot high and sixty yards over, composed of large single logs, at a distance from each other, a little flattened on the top with an ax." — Samuel Bridge's Diary. On this bridge the traveller relates that he crawled on all fours and was then taken in a canoe " up the Little Chauze," The party retumed by a different route " to Chandonet's about eleven to breakfast." Mr. Bridge had intended to go to Plattsburgh that night but was unable to get a conveyance, 1903 Dedication of Bronze Tablet, placed upon the Custom House by Saranac Chapter, D, A, R, in commemoration of the Battle of Plattsburgh, The presentation to the City of Plattsburgh in behalf of the Chapter, was made by the Regent, Mrs. Gamble, and accepted by Mayor Sharron. As Mrs. Stoddard, founder of the Chapter and Ex-Regent, 342 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley and Mrs. Sowles, both descendants of pioneers who participated in the battle, unveiled the tablet, it was saluted by three voUeys fired by Co. C, Fifth Infantry, On account of unfavorable weather, the literary exercises were held in the auditorium of the Presbyterian church, where a patriotic address was made by Hon. Charles Halsey Moore, the Fifth Infantry band furnishing music. OCTOBER 18 1646 The martyrdom of Father Jogues was completed. As he was entering a wigwam for supper, he was treacherously felled with an axe, his head cut off and stuck on the palisades while his body was flung into the river, 1755 Rogers, the ranger, arrived at the mountain west of Crown Point, where he lay with his men aU night and the next day observing the enemy. He also detected ambuscades built about " 30 rodsS.W, of the fort," 1759 The storm subsided and a gentle south wind arose. Amherst now hurried his troops on board bateaux and in a few hours reached the bay where the French vessels had a few days before been driven ashore, but the winds changed and a storm approached from the north. 1775 The Americans have already fortified Isle aux Noix and now Fort Chambly is taken by a detach ment under Majors Brown and Livingston, Carleton, also, is repulsed by Col, Seth Warner and his Green Mountain Boys, while trying to land at Longueil to raise the siege of St. Johns which is being invested by Montgomery. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 343 1864 Two more strangers took breakfast at the Tremont in St, Albans and were joined by four others at dinner, " The greater part of these men were afterwards identified as those who had been boarding at the hotels in St, Johns, in Canada, for some days previous." 1865 At the Stetson homestead, Champlain, the Rev. Dr. Coit of Plattsburg officiating, was celebrated the double wedding of Eleazer J. Larkin and Helen E. Stetson and Franklin Palmer and Marion E. Stetson. Thus, on the same day, two daughters of John Smedley and Cynthia (Beach) Stetson left the parental roof for homes of their own. OCTOBER 19 1755 Rogers went in the evening to the houses south of the fort and on the lake. Finding a barn well fUled with wheat, he left 3 men there and took one with him " to make further discoveries near the fort." About 60 rods distant, finding a good place to ambush, he lay there with the men left at the bam until next morning. 1809 Mr, Bridge, having been detained by his business imtil the dinner hour at the home of Gen. Mooers on Cumberland Head, accepts the General's hos pitality and writes thus in his diary: — " Dined on pig and plum sauce, and also partook of some home made wine — very good. General Moore appears to be a very hospitable gentleman. He has a large famUy — ^nine children," 1 864 The day of the St, Alban's raid. At the American House, five strangers took dinner and there were six more at the St, Alban's House, The afternoon was cloudy, threatening rain, and the streets un- 344 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley usually quiet, since about forty of the principal men of the place were in Montpelier and Burlington, attending the session of the legislature at the first place and Supreme Court, at the second. Just after the town clock had struck the hour of three, simul taneously the banks were entered by armed men, with drawn revolvers, who proceeded to take pos session of bank bills, treasury notes, and United States bonds. Any chance caller at either bank was robbed at once. But little sUver was taken, being " too heavy," and they found no gold. The robbery occupied some twelve minutes, and in the haste both gold and bank notes were overlooked. Outside, in the streets, other raiders intimidated the citizens, ordering chance passers to the green, shooting any who resisted, throwing Greek fire upon the wooden buUdings, and seizing horses for flight. Bennett H. Young, the leader, rode about the streets giving orders to his men. They declared themselves Confederate soldiers come to rob and burn the town. In a few minutes, the raiders jumped upon their horses and, taking the Sheldon road, made all haste to escape. In a half hour, an armed party from St. Albans was in pursuit. The robbers succeeded in getting across the line into Canada, but thirteen were arrested there and held for trial. During the raid the news reached Burlington by telegram. Bells were rung, hundreds of citizens gathered in the banks and a large body of armed men started by train for St. Albans, Offers of assist ance came from outside towns. At four o'clock a telegram reached Plattsburgh and every man made ready to defend his native town. On a street corner, that evening, the forming of a military company was suggested and to Benj. M. Beckwith, just returned from the seat of war, was intrusted the making out of a Hst of prominent citizens. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 345 OCTOBER 20 1755 At ten o'clock in the morning a man who came out of Fort St. Frederic without his gun, refusing " to take quarter " was killed and scalped " in plain sight of the fort " where there were 500 men. Rogers and his companion escaped after running "in plain view, about 20 rods." In the province of Maine, EHsha Bradford, the youngest son of EHsha, Sr. was born that day. His mother and only sister were killed by Indians, two brothers carried into captivity, from which they were after wards released, and EHsha escaped only by hiding under the bed. He afterwards lived with an uncle and joined the American army, after the war settling in Litchfield, Conn., whence he came a pioneer to Plattsburgh and remained through life. 1759 After driving back the enemy by "fifteen or twenty barges," the enemy's intrenchments were reconnoitred at Isle aux Noix. 18^ Arrival at 6 o'clock in the morning of the two U. S. Invalid Veteran Corps ordered out by the Govemor of Vermont. A company of infantry Home-Guards and one of cavalry were organized and streets patroled during most of the ensuing winter. In Plattsburgh resolutions were drawn up and signed by Benj. M. Beckwith, in regard to the organization of the " Home Guards " and more than a hundred added their names to that of Mr, Beckwith, OCTOBER 21 1759 Winter approaching, Amherst fell back upon Crown Point and tumed his attention to the com pletion of the defences, buUding roads and bridges 346 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley and nursing the sick among the Provincials, Capt, John Stark was sent with 200 rangers to cut a road through to Charlestown, N, H, This followed to a great extent the largest eastern branch of the Otter Creek and the Black River, and was finished the next year, 1766 — paid off Jabez Rudd and discharged him. — Gilliland. 1788 The two Heroes was divided into North and South Hero, In 1783, Enos Wood from Bennington and Soloman Wood, with his wife and one chUd,from Norwich, Conn,, came to North Hero in mid-winter and commenced a settlement, suffering much priva tion and hardship. The town was organized in 1789, with Nathan Hutchins, who Hved to the age of ninety, as town clerk. The garrison in the block house which the British had buUt at Dutchman's Point, was not withdrawn until 1796, In 1799, the bihous fever was very mortal and the next year, Solomon Wood and his son-in-law, WUHam Lawrence, removed to Chazy Landing, In 1810, Wood again removed, this time to Hemmingford, Canada, retum ing to the United States on the outbreak of the war. His property was confiscated by the British government and his son Amasa served with con scription papers, but succeeded in escaping before being mustered into service, 1806 Mary Sheldon, daughter of Arunah Sheldon, was bom at Odletown, Canada, but her parents, within a few months removed to a farm near the Creek, where they lived within sight of both Amer ican and British forces at the time of the invasion. The names of Arunah, Naomi, and Mrs, A, Sheldon appear among the list of charter members of the Methodist Church, Plattsburgh, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 347 1821 The Legislature of Vermont granted to Charles McNeU, of Charlotte, Vt, and H, H, Ross, of Essex, N, Y, a charter for a ferry between those places. The ferry boats were propelled by horse-power and were a great convenience for carrjdng cattle, sheep, horses and teams. 1860 Death of WUHam F. Haile at the age of 69. He was a veteran of Lundy's Lane where he had been severely wounded. As a lawyer he had a rep utation for "honor, integrity and sound judgment." For several years he was in partnership with his brother-in-law, WUHam Swetland; was judge of the county and fifth collector of customs for the district of Champlain. ^ 18^ Friday evening the first meeting for the organiza tion of the " Home Guards " was held in the Court House, with 19 present, Mr. Beckwith was caUed to the chair and speeches were made by S, Wright Holcomb, Geo, Henry Beckwith, H, A, Wood and others. The election of officers was as follows: — Captain, B, M, Beckwith; ist Lieut,, Peter Fa- fountain; 2nd Lieut., S, N, Howe; ist Sergt., Fred H, Cramer; 2nd Sergt,, E, C, MiUer; 3rd Sergt., E, Brown; 4th Sergt,, H, A, Wood; 5th Sergt,, H, A, Woodmff; ist Corp,, S, Wright Holcomb; 2nd Corp,, E, G, Moore; 3rd Corp,, Freeman M, Vilas; 4th Corp,, G, E, Barber; 5th Corp,, N, B, Barker; 6th Corp,, Jas, S. Higby; 7th Corp., M. Sowles; Sth Corp., Chas, S. DeForris, In St, Albans, Mr, Elinus J, Morrison, a contractor engaged on the brick work of the Welden House, who had been shot during the raid, died at his lodgings at the American House, His remains were taken to his home in Manchester, N, H, for inter ment. 348 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1892 Columbus Day was celebrated in Plattsburgh by a procession of 1,400 children, an oration by Royal Corbin, Esq., and other exercises. What must have been the feelings of Christopher Columbus when, for the first time, he knelt and clasped his hands, in grati tude, upon the shores of his newly-discovered world, ¦* * At that moment, his name was stamped upon the records of history for ever; at that moment, doubt, fear, and anxiety fled, for his foot had pressed upon the threshold of the promised land. — Lucretia Davidson, written in her sixteenth year. OCTOBER 22 1774 Phelix PoweU, the first settler to come into BurHngton, bought of Samuel Averill of Litchfield, Conn., in consideration of £,2,0, the grant made to Averill by Gov, Wentworth, This tract included village lots, the whole of Appletree point and land running northerly to Onion river, and was considered in " county of Charlotte, and Province of New York." 1775 Gen, Wooster's regiment of 335 men sailed from Ticonderoga to join Montgomery, 1801 George Sherman (of the firm of Lee, Sherman & Witherbee of Port Henry) was bom at Clarendon, Vt., the son of Nathan and Polly (Carpenter) Sherman, Seventy years of his active life were spent in the town of Moriah on the opposite side of the lake. Here associated with such men as Silas H, Witherbee, Hke himself a native of Vermont, and John A, Lee, one of the founders of the great mining industry of Essex county, he, and after him his son, George R, Sherman, were prominent in the development of the lumber and mining industries of that section. The firm names of Lee, Sherman & Witherbee and later of Witherbee, Sherman & Co, wUl ever be associated with Port Henry, Sherman Academy (now Sherman CoUegiate Institute) founded by George Sherman was Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 349 after his death aided by his son. The father died in Saratoga, September 7, 1877; Mr, Lee at the same place in 1888; and Mr. Witherbee in New York City the next year. GEORGE SHERMAN J 180I-1877 186e Saturday evening the first regular detail of guard ' was chosen. This was: Officer of the guard, F, H, Cramer; sergeant of guard, E. Brown; corporals, S. W. Holcomb, E. G. Moore and G, E, Barber; privates, E, W. Pierce, H, H, Sherman, O, C, Gregg, Frank McCadden, J, KUock, F, Lafave, J, K, Myers, E. C, Baker, WUHam Manning, M, F. Parkhurst, P, J, Tormey, H, Griffin, J. MontviUe, H. L. Isham, F. E. Booth, James Delaney, H. C. Sanborn, F. San- bom, C. Cottril, J. Q. Edwards, Wm, H, Chandler, A. Guibord. OCTOBER 23 1759 After several days delay from adverse winds,the British fleet retired up the lake and any idea of attack ing the frontier was abandoned for that season. In 350 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley the meantime, Amherst attempted to communicate with Wolfe at Quebec by way of the country of the Abenakis, but his messengers were intercepted by the French, 1766 Nehemiah Smith sowed his wheat, — Gilliland. 1783 Nicholas Barker and Clarinda Folger were married. She was descended from John Folger and Tristram Coffin, both founders of Nantucket, The Barkers settled in Pem in 1785, where their eldest daughter, Hannah, in 1799 with the approval of the Society of Friends, to which the contracting parties belonged, married Cyrus, son of Aaron and EHzabeth (Knowles) Benedict, who had come to Peru in 1795, 'The marriage " was in a good degree orderly accom plished " in the log meeting house after the estabhsh ment of the Pem Monthly Meeting, This first meet ing house was buUt entirely of split logs, floor, benches, and all — not a nail or board used in the structure. Such was the first rehgious ediflce erected in this county. Vergennes at the head of navigation on Otter creek, was " incorporated with city privileges, being 480 by 400 rods in extent," Donald M'Intosh, a veteran of CuUoden, who had come to this country with Wolfe in 1766, made the first settlement within the present city limits, M'Intosh died July 14, 1803, aged 84 years, A U. S, Arsenal was built here in 1828 and from this arms were taken South before the Civil War. 1852 Sarah (Burchard) Balch, widow of Ebenezer, older brother of Timothy, died at West Plattsburgh. She was a daughter of James and AbigaU (King) Burchard of Becket, Mass., and was married about 1790, in 1800 coming here with the four chUdren then bom, to a hard life in the wUdemess. AU their six Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 351 chUdren, Ebenezer, Sarah, Alvah Burchard, Betsey, Clarissa and Horatio James grew to maturity. The remains of Mrs. Balch and her husband were removed to Riverside cemetery in 1891 and placed beside those of their son, Alvah, who died in 1871. OCTOBER 24 Season of ripened gold. Plenty in crib and fold. Skies w^th a depth untold. Liquid and tender. — Buckham. 1845 At the home of his son, Elam, the old Revo lutionary soldier, Loren Nehemiah Larkin, at the age of ninety, was "gathered to his fathers." He had served with Capt. Ebenezer AUen, had marched to Skeensboro, sailed to Ti, and retreated with the army to Mt. Independence, later retuming to Man chester, Vt., his home during the Revolution. In 1777, he joined Col. Herrick's regiment of Rangers and did guard and scout duty at Pawlet, Castleton, and Pittsford. He served other enHstments and responded to several alarms, after the war settling at SaHsbury, Addison county. But, in 1804, he bought 300 acres of land on the Mihtary Turnpike in Beefanantown (near present Methodist Church) and there buUt the homestead, stiU standing, though unoccupied. He is said to have resembled Andrew Jackson in appearance, usually wearing a blue coat with brass buttons and having long, white hair. His remains and those of his wife lie side by side in the private cemetery south of the old home. A double marble slab marks both graves and on his is a marker placed by Saranac Chapter, D. A. R. f 186(ir The first regular driU of the " Home Guards " was held Monday aftemoon on the public square. The 352 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Orderly Sergt. reported 6i privates present and to them W. A. Fuller, Lieut.-Col. commanding 37th Regt. District, N. Y, dealt out 20 old army muskets, that " would kiU at either end," Only 4 proved serviceable but nearly every man was furnished a pistol and some had their own rifles. OCTOBER 25 1780 Captain William Chambers wrote from Crown Point on board the Maria of the arrival, the day previous, of " the families that were detained at Point au Ffer " and that another party, sent for refugees on the eastern shore, was fired upon; adding, that the season was so far advanced that he did not think it " safe for a vessel to remain at Crown Point " for any more refugees. 1892 At Chase's, in the Adirondacks, Caroline Scott Harrison, wife of President Harrison and President General of the Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, passed from earth, mindful to the last of other sufferers. OCTOBER 26 — ^it is because you have heard them (the birds) singing all summer long that you can be pleased with October's silence. — Buckham. 1768 Timothy, son of Ebenezer and Lois (Belden) Balch, was born in Hartford, Conn, His father was a goldsmith and clock-maker, and from him, the older son, Ebenezer, Jr,, learned the trade, which, however, he did not follow but, removing to Plattsburgh two years before Timothy, devoted his energies to lumbering, building and farming. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 353 As early as 1806, Ebenezer buUt a frame barn and, in 1 81 2, a frame house, considered in those days " very fine." All the nails used in its construction, he made himself. He also assisted in the buUding of the Presbyterian church, of which both himself and wife were members. 1789 Reuben Hyde Walworth, son of Benjamin and Apphia (Hyde) Cardell-Walworth, was born at Bozrah, Conn. Being injured by the overturning of a load of hay, whUe at work upon his father's farm in Hoosick, N. Y. to which the family had removed, Reuben was obHged to give up such labor and was induced to study law. At the age of twenty he was admitted to the bar and settled in Platts burgh, where he was associated with John Palmer, also from Hoosick. " AFTERWARDS." God laid a burden on me when I came To man's estate. At first I took it sore. And grieved because my freedom was no more. And wrought unwillingly. Ah, me! the shame. The blindness of it 1 Afterwards I saw The blessedness, the crown, of duty's law. — Buckham. 1809 A great snow storm, in which two men, named Stone and Skeele, were frozen to death, while at work in the town of Mooers, blazing trees for a road to some miUs (afterwards caUed Tripp's). 1826 Organization by charter of the Champlain Transportation Company. Its first steamer, the Franklin, was landed at St. Alban's Bay and made her fu-st trip, Oct. loth of the next year. The first captain of the new company, Jehaziel Sherman, was her captain. 354 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1909 Major-General Oliver Otis Howard, the last of the Civil War commanders of armies, died at his home in Burlington of angina pectoris. As educator, soldier, author or peacemaker, he was a devoted Christian always, and to the last "the unselfish and untiring servant of a people" — the Freedmen — whose highest good was his heart's desire. OCTOBER 27 1776 Monday moming the British fleet approached Ticonderoga and landed from five large transports a detachment at Three Mile Point and another party were sent into a bay four miles below the works. Gen, Gates ordered the main garrison to be strength ened with the three regiments from Mount Inde pendence and the defences manned. After two armed boats of the enemy had been fired upon by a row gaUey, Carleton, e\'idently deciding the post capable of defence, about four o'clock in the after noon, withdrew to Crown Point, where he prepared to retire to Canada for the winter. 1779 Grand Isle, the two Heroes (named for Ethan and Ira AUen) and Vineyard (Isle La Motte) were chartered to Ethan Allen, Samuel Herrick, and other soldiers of the Revolution. In March, 1783, Capt. Ebenezer Allen, Alexander Gordon and Enos Wood visited the township to locate their respective claims. By agreement they were to choose in the order of Wood, Gordon and AUen. Wood chose the south end of the north island; Gordon, the north end of the south island, and Allen, the south end. Within two years fourteen pioneers, most of them with large families, came. The Aliens were aU natives of Massachusetts. Col, Ebenezer AUen, a first settler of Poultney, and officer under Herrick, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 355 had led the defence, in Sept,, 1777, against the British post on Mount Defiance and on the retreat of Burgojme's army, had captured fifty of the rear guard, among them a slave woman, named Dinah, to whom he gave her freedom, Lamberton and Samuel AUen, sons of Samuel, Sr., killed by Indians at Deerfield, in August, 1746, and the family of their deceased brother, Enoch, (except the youngest son, Heman, afterwards of Milton, Vt.) came early. Samuel had escaped from Indian captivity and later served in the Continental army, 1821 Caroline Adriance, widow of Judge Charles Piatt, died at her home on Broad street, surviving her husband but a few months. They had grown old, — together old. They had not marked the slow decay, Or noticed on their loving way. The change that time and care had told. — Rev. O. G. Wheeler. Mrs. Piatt, a native of Holland, was accustomed to read her Dutch, as did John Sax over at High- gate, his Lutheran Bible, OCTOBER 28 1766 — this day N, Smith put up his logs and W, McAuley arrived. — Gilliland. 1776 At the battle of White Plains, Daniel Hobart of Asbumham, Mass, was wounded in the thigh and left upon the field. As the enemy approached, his retiring companions saw him. beaten to death with clubbed muskets. Shortly before, while Wash ington was encouraging his troops, he dropped his hat which was picked up and retumed to him by 356 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Sergeant Joseph Spalding of Plainfield, Conn., who later removed to Vermont where he died in Middle- town in 1840, 1780 Esther Wheelwright, for nearly seventy years a sister of the UrsuHnes of Quebec, died at the age of eighty-four years and eight months. From 1713 to 1780 she was one of the "finest ornaments and firmest supports " of that house. It was she and her nuns who ministered to the wounded and dying soldiers after the faU of Quebec. 1814 The MiiUer family with their household rehcs saved from happier days, including silver, two pianos, and Melusina's harp and guitar, began their joumey from Baltimore to Harmony, Pa. Only the month before, the daughters of the house, with their friends, the Loneys, during the night of the bom bardment of Fort McHenry, had lain upon the ground in a log cabin, twelve miles distant from the city, " hearing and feeling " every explosion, Melusina little dreaming that, as the wife of Bishop Hopkins, her life was to be spent near the scene of that twin engagement, the battle of Plattsburgh. OCTOBER 29 — the wUd berries are the flowers of the fall, many of them as brilliant in color and beautiful in arrangement as the spring and summer blossoms whose children they are. — Buckham. 1793 " This day we compleat the Bridg here (Platts burgh) ready to Raise; to morow we proceed to Great Sable on where we expect to compleat the brid in a few days," — Letter from Nathaniel Piatt. This was the bridge built by the State where the State road crossed the Ausable River, and was the first bridging of the stream. The road then ran Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 357 by way of Schroon, EHzabethtown, Poke O 'Moon shine to Plattsburgh, That day Samuel Keese, son of Stephen and Ruth (HuU) Keese, was bom in Dutchess county and the foUowing year, with his brothers, WUHam and Richard, was brought to Peru, Samuel became one of the most prominent of the " Quaker " preach ers and, as early as the winter of 1835-36, he attended a meeting of the Society of Friends, held in New York, and labored with a few others to induce the Society to strive for the promulgation of the doctrine of immediate emancipation as the only means of preventing future bloodshed. His sister, Elizabeth, became the wife of Benjamin Smith, 1899 Mrs, Harriet (Hunt) VUas, widow of Samuel F. VUas, finished a long and unselfish Christian Hfe of nearly 89 years. Mrs. VUas came a bride to Plattsburgh in 1836 and her early married life was spent in the large white house with green blinds, standing on the corner of Margaret and Brinckerhoff streets. This was bumed in the Great Fire of '49. The Vilas Home, erected by Mrs, Vilas in memory of her husband and an object of her solicitude to the end, stands as a lasting memorial to her Chris tian charity. OCTOBER 30 1706 On a petition for naturalization of this date, C. AHce Baker, author of " Tme Stories of New England Captives," found the names of the fol lowing: — ^Louis Marie Strafton (Charles Trafton of York), Mathias Claude Famet (Matthew Famsworth of Groton, Mass.), Pierre Augustin Litrefield (Aaron Littlefield of Wells, Me,), Madeline Ouare (Grizel Warren of Dover, N, H.), Christine Otesse (Margaret Otis of Dover), Thomas Hust (Thomas Hurst), 358 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley EHzabet Price (EHzabeth Price), EHzabeth Casse (Elizabeth Corse), Marie Francoise French (Freedom French), Therese Steben (Thankful Stebbins), aU of Deerfield, 1785 Petition of WUHam GilHland for a grant of i,ooo acres of land on the west side of Lake Cham plain, — Calendar of Land Papers. OCTOBER 31 An enchanted place is the October wood. — Buckham. 1794 Rebecca Leflin, daughter of James ahd Experi ence (WiUiams) Leflin, was born in Georgia, Vt, Her mother, a daughter of the Rev. Warham WU Hams, brother of Eunice, was in that way related to the Rev, Eleazer WUliams, if he were not the Dauphin. During the summer of 1814, Rebecca was teaching school on Rugar street, living in the famUy of her half-brother, Nathan Perry, but at the time of the invasion, she was with her mother in Champlain, sickness in the family, requiring her assistance. She married David Leeke, a pioneer from Long Island, whose sisters, Phoebe and Abigail, married David Parsons and EHas Woodruff, respectively. Rebecca's mother's family left Connecticut on account of the witchcraft delusion and settled in Rutland, where her mother's uncle. Judge Samuel WiUiams, became Veitnont's historian. The Leekes lived at Point au Roche, where Mr. Leeke died in middle Hfe. His widow lived quietly on the old place, attaining the age of 93 years, 6 months and 4 days. 1818 Saturday, the house of James Mix, Beekman town, was bumed. The next day his neighbors went into the woods and by nightfaU had hewn the timbers, and made and raised the frame for a new house. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 359 20 X 25 feet, which they completed on Monday and Tuesday so that the family moved in, 1832 On Wednesday, in St. Paul's Chapel, New York, the Rev, John Henry Hopkins was consecrated Bishop of the new Diocese of Vermont, by Bishop White, assisted by Bishop Griswold of the Eastem Diocese and Bishop Bowen of South Carolina, Bishop H, U, Onderdonk preached the sermon. Within three weeks the new Bishop had resigned as Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, Boston; had made two trips to Vermont; bought a house in Burlington with thirteen acres of ground attached, and moved a famUy of fifteen souls there. 1853 AUen Breed, pioneer, died at Crown Point. He had settled there with his young famUy about 1808 or '09, purchasing land now occupied by the vUlage of Crown Point on the lake drive. He was an extensive lumber dealer and built many of the houses in the village, his old home having but recently tmdergone modem changes. 1857 At West Chazy, Capt, William Atwood, a native of Plymouth county, Mass., died. He had settled in Chazy in 1801 and on the invasion of our frontier by the British, Atwood raised a company, two mem bers of which, Daniel and Gardner Goodspeed, were wounded on Sept, 6th and Jonathan Clifford, Caleb Douglass and Hezekiah Fay, taken prisoners. 360 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley NOVEMBER 1 With November comes a braver and saner wind, whose sound I like right well. — Buckham. 1752 A seigniory along the lake and including Chazy River was granted to Sieur Bedue, John La From- boise is said to have settled on this seigniory and to have remained through life, being the first per manent settler in the county. Some of his des cendants are still residents in the vicinity. On the accession of the English, the claims of aU these seigniories were refused, and on the retreat of the French army to Canada, all the French settlements on the lake, except that of La Frombois, were abandoned. 1785 The first boy was bom in Plattsburgh. He was a son of the Hon. Kinner and Lucretia (Banker) Newcomb, and was named Piatt. To this chUd fifty acres of land was given on which descendants still live. Piatt Newcomb graduated from Union College in 1808, In the War of 181 2, he served as orderly under Capt, Seth Sherry, Col. MUler's regi ment, was in skirmish at Beekmantown and helped tear up the bridge at Plattsburgh. He was also adjutant on Gen, Mooers' staff, and was a member of the Legislature of the State, He died in West Plattsburgh in August, 1871, The first chUd bom in the new settlement was Ida Ostrander, bom September 7th preceding, 1802 The name of Isle La Motte was changed to Vineyard, This year Caleb Hill of Granville came to the island and at once began fitting tracts of wild land for market, estabhshing highways and buUding schoolhouses. He ran the first ferry from Isle La Motte to Alburgh, receiving a grant from the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 361 Vermont Legislature in the winter of 1805-6 for the operation of the same. This remained in the hands of his descendants and was used until the building of the bridge in 1882, Mr, Hill was captain of a com pany of Vermont State Militia which helped guard the frontier during the war. The members of his company were: — Isaac Ayslin, Isaac Barber, David Bassett, Orlin Blanchard, Charles Carron, Bethuel Clark, John Clark, Jesse Clark, Jacob Darby, Conrad Denio, George Dennis, lona Dixon, John Durham, Claudius Fiske, Eben Fiske, Ira Fiske, Solomon Fiske, Lewis Gordon, Ehhu HaU, Nathaniel HaU, Ira HaU, Minard HiUiard, Amos Holcomb, Jesse Holcomb, Carmi Holcomb, Ephraim Holcomb, Ches ter Holdridge, Ezra Knapp, Ezra Pike, James Racy, Enoch Sherman, Amaziah Smith, Henry Scott, John Scott, Luther Strong, Nathan Strong, Joseph Sumer- icks, Cyrus Wait, Gardner Wait, Harry Wait, Solomon Wait and WUHam Wait. 1805 I have been to the Roman CathoHc church to-day, the annual festival, of the dead. — E. Williams in Diary. 1820 Gov, Richard Skinner appointed WiUiam H. White, son of WUHam White of Vergennes, who had contributed generously to the building of Mac donough's fleet. Aide de Camp to the Brigadier General of the First Brigade in the third Division Vermont Mihtia. 1881 Samuel Keese, the Quaker abolitionist of Peru, died at Great Neck, L. I. While the fugitive slave law was in force, his home, Hke that of Benjamin Smith, who had married his sister, Elizabeth Keese, was a station of the Underground Railroad, where fugitives were fed and clothed and helped on to the next station at Champlain. 362 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley NOVEMBER 2 1761 Middlebury, Vt. was chartered and Col. John Chipman began the first clearing in 1766, at a time when there was not a dwelling-house in the section west of the mountains and north of Manchester which was 60 miles away. The prospect was so discouraging that Chipman returned to Connecticut and did not visit his clearing for seven years. He then came with the Hon. Gamahel Painter, who located near an ancient encampment, where many fine Indian relics have since been found. In 1820, a large pot, made of sand and clay and holding about 20 quarts, was dug up nearly entire. After the war the settlers returned to their abandoned farms and by Nov, 1, 1800, Middlebury CoUege was incorporated, 1775 The fort at St, John's was surrendered by Major Preston to Montgomery, The prisoners, among them John Andre, were taken to Lancaster, Reading and York, Pa, 1805 — I have been to La Prairie to-day, and I attended the Mass, Rev, Mr, Boucher preached, a Roman Catholic clergjnnan. I think he is the most eloquent orator I ever heard in my life, and has the most graceful gestures. After meeting I went to Mr. Perault's, and dined there — and there I saw Mr. Thomas — to be remembered, &c., &c., &c. Yester day several men came to see me, &c,, &c. " If I am honest I will speak the truth." — E. Williams. 1858 The Hon. Joseph T. Everest was appointed Inspector of Prisons. His second son, Aaron Sibley, after reading law with his father, went west in Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 363 1856. Having served with distinction throughout the Civil War, Col. Everest began the practice of law in 1 87 1 at Atchison, Kansas, becoming one of the ablest civil, criminal and raUroad lawyers of the west. For him the town of Everest was named. He was first vice-president of the Missouri Pacific railroad for some time and the entire Kansas system is largely the result of his labors. Col. A. C. Everest was one of the few Democrats honored by election to the State Senate. How oft I've sat in melancholy mood. Where mad Missouri rolls his reckless flood, To watch the mighty stream ¦With wolid'ring eye, Bom of a mountain spring to swell the sea. And to man's life compare the aspiring wave, — " Is bom, is great," then thunders to the grave. — Longings for the West by Lieut. Levi P. Davidson. Plattsburgh, 1816 — Saratoga, 1842, NOVEMBER 3 Meanwhile the clouds were gath'ring drear, — Lucretia Davidson. 1761 SaHsbury (Vt,) was chartered. The first settler, Amos Story was killed by a falling tree, but his widow came with her large family of children and did the work of a man, iii feUing trees, rolling logs and clearing the land. During the Revolution, she had a place of refuge in a cave in the bank of Otter Creek, A monument on the site of the home of that bravest of pioneer mothers, Ann Story, was dedicated July 27, 1905. 1764 Panton (Vt.) was chartered. Among the first settlers were Joseph Pangbom, Odle Squire, Timothy Spaulding and others from Comwall, Conn, Peter Ferris came from Nine Partners and the death of 364 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley his wife before the Revolution is said to have been the first in town. 1776 The rear guard of the British army left Crown Point, and it was immediately occupied by the Americans. 1791 Incorporation of the University of Vermont, for which Ira Allen had given a site of fifty acres covered with valuable pine trees and 4,000 pounds in money. The president's house was completed in 1799, its officers appointed in 1800, and the coUege buUding begun in 1801. 1794 Joseph Ketchum, the Revolutionary soldier from Dutchess county, who settled at Plattsburgh, died in New York City while on a business trip. He was buried in Trinity churchyard. In September, 1797, his widow, Phebe, lived on lot number five, north of the present court house. She later married Caleb Nichols, a young lawyer of the period. 1813 — Went to Cumberland Head and attended a councU of war led by General Bloomfield. An order given by the Council to repair boats and wagons for transportation and be in readiness for a winter's campaign. — E. Williams. 1880 Miss Helena Augustin opened a kindergarten (the first in Plattsburgh) with nine pupils in the stone building on the comer of Oak street and Protection avenue. This old building, which had been spared from the ravages of the fire of '67, was demolished to make room for the block known as "Clinton Court," A primary department was soon added to the kinder garten and here hundreds of Plattsburgh children began their school Hfe, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 365 NOVEMBER 4 Chill snows the mountain summits crown; The harvest field is pale. — Rev. O. G. Wheeler. 1763 This day I gave possession to the lessees (?), Ayers, Taylor, Dixon, Chism, McLane, McAwley, WUson, Belton and Luckey, I proceeded to Crown Point, where I engaged prov. for my settlement until summer next and then continued my joumey to New York, where I arrived the 20th November. — GilUland. 1 79 1 Birth of WiUiam F. HaUe, In 1 8 1 1 , at the early age of twenty-one he entered the United States army as ensign; was promoted to captain for gaUant con duct and remained in the army several years after the war, when he resigned to practice law. His home in Plattsburgh was on Broad street, the Judge Charles Piatt house, which the Judge's son Nathaniel had moved back and enlarged by an addition in front. 1819 Sophia Solace, daughter of Judge Solace of Brid port, Vt., was bom. September 9, 1841, she became the bride of the poet, John G. Saxe, and after a com panionship of forty years, her husband said he re garded her as the most unselfish person he had ever known. To her he dedicated one edition of his poems in these words: To my best friend (a diamond edition of a woman) I in scribe this I)iamond Edition of the poems of her husband. — /, G. S. What! Fifty years? I never could have guessed it By any token writ upon your brow, Or other test of Time — had you not now. Just to surprise me, foolishly confessed it ; Well, on your word, of course, I must receive it; Although (to say the truth) it is, indeed. As proselytes sometimes accept a creed. While in their hearts they really don't believe it : 366 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley While all around is changed, no change appears My darling Sophie, to these eyes of mine. In aught of thee, that I have deemed divine. To mark the number of the vanished years — The kindly years, that on that face of thine Have spent their life, and, " dying, made no sign." — Sonnet to his wife on her fiftieth birthday. 1826 The "St. Alban's Steamboat Company" was chartered. NOVEMBER 5 1785 Moorefield, a tract of land lying along the northern boundary of the county and named for Pliny Moore, one of the proprietors, was granted to Mark Graves and Levi Smith and then took the name of Smith and Graves Patent, 1810 The name of Middle Hero changed to Grand Isle. An early settler was Stephen Pearl, who had been unsuccessful as a merchant in Pawlet, Vt. But, in 1794, he removed to Burlington, occupying the house, built by Frederick Saxton in 1789 and standing at head of the street afterwards named Pearl, It was the first frame house in the place and is still standing. Pearl was made sheriff of Chittenden County of which Grand Isle was then a part and held that office many years. The Friends had much to do with shaping the early history of Grand Isle, The first to come and remain was Jonathan Griffith of Po'keepsie, about 1784, With him came his son Seth, who became prominent in the Society and affairs of the town, teaching in the school which the Friends maintained. His maternal uncle, Ephraim Dual, made early surveys but preferred Hving at Missisquoi Bay on the Canadian side, " under his king, ' ' A frame house built and occupied by Jonathan Griffith is still in use, Seth built a large house on the rise of ground one-half mile from the lake and Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 367 opposite Cumberland Head, He was a nursery man and many of the apple, pear and other fruit trees of the Valley were grown from the seed (and grafted) in his nursery, 1817 The Northem Canal connecting the waters of Lake Champlain with the Hudson was commenced this day. 1840 The Rev. O, G, Wheeler was ordained and instaUed pastor of the church of South Hero and Grand Isle, beginning, what proved to be, the longest continuous pastorate of any minister in the Congre gational Sociey of Vermont. The church had been organized by the Rev. Asa Lyon, in 1795, with a membership of seven, Mr. Lyon, though not installed, ministered to the church he had formed until 1840. He was the first representative of the town and was chosen in 1810, The first post-office was estabhshed that year, the entire receipts being $14,71. Mr. Wheeler, a native of Charlotte and graduate of the U, V, M., succeeded the venerable Mr. Lyon and for nearly forty-seven years, with scarcely a vacation, preached in the two towns, usually one sermon each Sabbath in each. He was senator from Grand Isle county in i860 and 1861, and represented the town of South Hero in the House of Representatives in 1864, He loved his work and his people and all mankind as weU, being prominent in the anti- slavery movement. In i860 he published a volume of poems from which the foUowing is selected from a " Semi-Centennial " poem deHvered before the associated Alumni of his Alma Mater, Aug. i, 1854. And truth, though old. Grows never gray; The ages fold The young to-day 368 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley With unresisted arms. But lend no brighter charms To that which perfect came from old Eternity, And never while Jehovah is, can changed be. 1850 Henry G. Hewitt, bom in Peru Oct, 6, 181 1, was elected assemblyman from Clinton county for the 74th session, 1851, He conducted a dry goods business in Cooksackie, Redford and Plattsburgh, in the latter place, both wholesale and retail dry goods and groceries. His father, Jeptha Hewitt, bom in Tinmouth, Vt., 1780, was a fifer in Capt. Septa FUlmore's company in 1813, Henry died in MUwaukee, While in Plattsburgh Mr. Hewitt was a member of the firm of Hewitt, Stoddard and Piatt (Moss K.) and lived in the home built by Ephraim Buck, which he changed materiaUy. 1909 Elizabethtown celebrated the retum of the County Seat, " after a perUous joumey of five years," with ringing of bells, songs, speeches and fireworks. NOVEMBER 6 1712 EHzabeth Corse (Casse), at the age of sixteen, married Jean Dumontel of St. Lambert. Her first child, she named Mary for her aunt, the wife of Dea. French, who had been kUled with her baby boy, John, on the retreat from Deerfield. 1837 The Sons of Liberty (the club of the insurrec tionists) and the Doric club (the opposing club of the English), after many altercations, came into coUision, Dr. Nelson carried everjrthing before him by his impassionate oratory, and thirteen resolutions, declaring the rights of man, were passed. 1901 Chazy Public Library organized. The building for the library was given by Julius C, HubbeU of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 369 EUenburgh, Wash,, and the books, by Edmund Seymour of New York, both grandsons of " Squire " HubbeU, who built the substantial stone stmcture opposite his home in 181 1 -12 and used it as a law office more than sixty-seven years. For a week, in 1 81 3, Gen, Wade Hampton made the office his head quarters, receiving here the disastrous news of his Chateaugay expedition, which so wrought upon the temper of that irascible officer as to occasion remark, whereupon his son, who was aide to his father, replied: "Yes, he's so crabbed you can't touch him with a rod pole." British officers spent one night here on the retreat from Plattsburgh and the old door was tarred and feathered three times by the enemy, NOVEMBER 7 1763 This evening the 3 Batteaux retumed from Crown Point loaded with provisions, — Gilliland. 1766 Paid off Isaac Williams and John Smith, who went away, — Idem, 1798 South Hero was a second time divided and the northem part named Middle Hero, Timothy Pearl, Jedidiah Hyde and Daniel Samson, all from Con necticut, came soon after 1785, Then Wesson Macomber, Daniel Hoag and James Tobias came from Dutchess county, N, Y, Macomber and Hoag cleared the land, sowed winter wheat, built log houses and retumed to their old homes for the winter. In the spring of 1787, they brought their famUies by boat, Ezra Kinney arrived from Connecticut when but two houses had been built. Grinday Reynolds brought a family of ten children. By 1801, the Friends on the island had organized a meeting and a 370 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley log meeting house was built on the shore near the Mosher Hoag (now Vantine) place, and this was also used for a school. At the time of the battle on Cum berland bay, the Friends, at the regular hour, gath ered in this buUding to hold "first day services," apparently oblivious to the roar of battle from three to six miles away, since their faith prevented any participation in the conflict, 1813 Evening of the 7th, The first artiUery train arrived, when Gens, Bloomfield and Mooers discussed with me the plans of coming engagements. Orders sent out in various directions to the Rangers, and in formation to the Indians, — Williams. 1835 The Young Men's Association for Mutual Im provement was formed in Plattsburgh, The officers were: George Moore, President; John H, Sanborn, Vice-President; I, W, R, Bromley, Corresponding Secretary; R, G, Stone, Recording Secretary; T, P, Cady, Treasurer; Lucius Boardman, L, D, Brock and ! Caleb Nichols, Executive Committee; Ways and Means, etc., Bela Edgerton, Dr. Edward Kane and H. Boardman; Constitution and By-Laws, I. W. R. Bromley, Horace Boardman and R. G. Stone. NOVEMBER 8 1775 A committee consisting of Robert R.Livingston Robert Treat Paine and J. Langdon was sent by the Continental Congress to Ticonderoga to consiUt with Gen. Schuyler as to the condition of the fortifications and reinforcements needed for Canada. 1813 WiUiams "started for Albany, arriving there on the loth, dined with the Commander-in-Chief , received his instructions." He wrote in his diary, "St. Regis Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 371 is taken, prisoners secured and the first flag captured from the British." 1864 Orrel Town, Sheriff of Clinton county, ordered from Capt, B, M. Beckwith of Co, A, Home Guard, a detail for patrol duty "of thirty men, good and true, to patrol the streets within the corporation of the town of Plattsburgh, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock P, M. till sunrise of the moming of the ninth of November, under the following orders, that no guns or pistols shall be fired during that time unless imperative necessity requires it," That elec tion night was one of the quietest ever known in Plattsburg for, after 9 o'clock not a person other than the guards was to be seen upon the streets. The guard that night was F. H. Cramer, officer of the guard; H, A, Woodmff and E, C, MUler, ser geants; E, G, Moore and G, E. Barber, corporals; privates, M, F, Parkhurst, Henry C, Sanborn, F. Hoag, James A, Hagar, Julius D. Beckwith, C, H, CottrUl, J, H, Towne, T, S, Rogers, F, E, Booth, George W. Watson, W. E. Reed, James Delany, H, M, WitheriU, E. Crosby, O. C. Gregg, H. W. Cady, Thomas Shields, T. E, Derochers, Peter J, Tormey, Fred E, Sanbom, J. K, Myers, William Myers, W,H, Griffin, C. Gunn, W, H, Durkee, G. H, Webb, H. W, Brown, E, W, Pierce, H. Walworth, John McCadden, E. S, Ames, GUes MorriU, NOVEMBER 9 1713 Capt, John Stoddard and the Rev, John Wil Hams reached Northampton, having left Boston the 5th, and were joined by Capt, Thomas Baker and Martin KeUogg, who had been captured with Eunice but had succeeded in escaping. There were two others in the party as they set out for Albany on their Canadian mission. 372 Three Centuries in Champlain VallEy 1785 Charles Piatt wrote from Crown Point to his brother, Zephaniah, " Dutchess county," sajring: — " I left home the 5th Inst, all well have got all the Logs on the Crib and mostly filled with dirt and finished according to Directions, have called on Mr. Ferris for the wheat, tis not yet delivered and I think tis not likely that any of it will be. I shall get that at Col. Strong's to-day and retum as soon as possible. I have purchased some wheat, as much as I shall want for the winter and more. Mr. Wait bro't me about 3 Barrels of Beef and some potatoes, the steer here shall kill and take home and shall husband everything to best advantage, the Bearer hereof Mr. BaU has been to Plattsburgh to view the Country and likes it well, there has been Nttmbers of People to view and purchase since you left it but I had no direction, nor no plan of the Town. I could give little satisfaction more than shall give all encouragement Possible. I called at Willsboro and learn that a Certain W Pope & Co have taken Ross Mills and fixing them to Run this fall and have actually got a Charter for a City and laid it out by the name of Clinton, and are going do Great Business they say. So that hope you will forward Matters as early in the spring as possible that we may vie with them." 1864 Death of Maria D. (Kirtland) Myers, wife of Lawrence Myers and daughter of John and Lucy (Burbank) Kirtland of GranviUe, Memorial windows in the First Presbyterian Church perpetuate the memory of Mr. Myers and his wife and in memory of their son, John Henry Myers, his widow, has, in 1909, given the equipment of the new Y, M. C. A. Gymnasium. 1868 Henry LobdeU from Danby, Vt,, one of the original settlers of Schuyler Falls, died at the age of 86, respected by aU who knew him. He was a son of Darius, Jr, (born at 9 Partners) and Angeleek Secor, daughter of a French soldier accompanying Lafayette, A farmer as well as blacksmith, Henry LobdeU, found a market for the produce from his 500 acres in Albany, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 373 1894 Reception in the Normal school building by the citizens of Plattsburgh to the officers of the Twenty- first Infantry, NOVEMBER 10 Nature will be found as busy in November as in April — perhaps more so, if we could count all her shifts and stitches. — Buckham. 1787 In a " frame house low on the ground " at BurHngton, John Boynton, one of a family of nine, seven boys and two girls, was bom. His father had come a pioneer, about 1780, from New Hamp shire through an almost unbroken wUderness, bring ing his famUy on horseback. The father and all the sons were among the first engaged in navigation on Lake Champlain for the transportation of merchan dise and passengers, 1792 A public meeting was held at the Block House in Plattsburgh for the purpose of choosing trustees to take in charge the temporalities of the congrega tion of the town, and to form a corporation by the name and style of the Tmstees of the Presbyterian Church and Congregation of Plattsburgh and to call a minister. The trustees chosen were : — ^John Addoms, Charles Piatt, Nathaniel Piatt, Melancton L. Woolsey, John Ransom, Nathan Averill. 1815 Vermont granted to John Winans, A, W, Bow man, C, P, Van Ness, and E, D. Woodbridge the sole and exclusive right of building and navigating vessels on the Vermont waters of Lake Champlain " by the force of steam " for a period of twenty- three years. 1819 A dark day throughout the Champlain Valley, " from about 2 o'clock p. m. candles were necessary in transacting business within doors." 374 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1825 Commodore Thomas Macdonough, the hero of Lake Champlain, died at sea, 1836 The wedding day of David R., son of David Parsons and LilHs M, Mason, daughter of Aaron and Margaret (Hodgkins) Mason, whose home was on one of the roads leading into the Mihtary Turn pike, The bride's pioneer mother, (bom on Long Island, about 1790) while alone with her children, commodorb macdonough, 1783-1825 was awakened by the sound of some large animal clambering down the kitchen chimney. With quick wit, Mrs, Mason kindled a brisk fire and vanquished the intruder, which proved to be a panther (Cana dian lynx) , 1851 Mary E. White, wife of George Moore, died aged 44 years. Twenty years before she had gone forth a bride from her father's house (now Home of the Friendless) on Broad street. This house (later known as the Benjamin Ketchum house) young Matthew Standish built for his step-father, Elijah White of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 375 Granville, George Moore was a son of Samuel, who, with his brother Andrew, settled in Plattsburgh. Another brother, AUen, located in Champlain and afterwards in Granville, 1 869 Major-General John EUis Wool died at Troy, N, Y, 1871 On Friday evening, the old Academy building was bumed. No more would its scarred and bat tered waUs, pitted with shot tell of the siege of Plattsburgh, nor the " Angel Gabriel " blow his trumpet in the winds of Heaven. NOVEMBER 11 1763 ^-dispatched 3 Batteaux to Crown Point for some of the provisions and they retumed loaded the 14th. — Gilliland. 1766 John Smith retumed to my employ, and to con tinue at 45s. per mo. to ist April next, then to take a farm. — Idem. 1813 Retumed north — and in the aftemoon heard heavy cannonading in direction of the lines. Troops were sent out from many ways to this point, and before going myself issued orders to the whole Corps of Observation. — Williams. 1857 Isaac Smith, son of Allen Smith, patriot and pioneer from Connecticut, died at the home of his birth. He, with his brother, Harvey, and the chUdren of the neighboring McCrady, Piatt and MiUer famihes, attended the early school taught by Mr, Halsey in the frame building in his front yard. As early as 1785 or 1786 a school had been kept by one Samuel Young and, about 1805-6, a Mr Taylor kept a school in " Judge Piatt's old Dutch bam," 376 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley which StiU stands at the end of Oak street, where it was moved by Capt. Boynton from its original site west of the Boynton house. To Mr. Halsey's school, Benjamin J. Mooers used to trudge all the way from his uncle's home on the Head. 1908 Installation of the Rev, John Bailey Kelly as the fourteenth pastor of the First Presbjrterian Church, This solemn service was conducted by the Presbytery of Champlain, the Rev, John A, Macintosh of Malone, Moderator of Presbjrtery, presiding and preaching the sermon. The impressive Charge to the Pastor was given by the Rev, Joseph T. Kelly, D, D,, of Washington, D. C, father of the pastor-elect, and the Rev, W, C. Taylor of KeesevUle gave the Charge to the People, NOVEMBER 12 1687 A formidable part)'^ of Iroquois attacked the stone fort at Chambly and though the garrison made a successful resistance, the flourishing settlement that had sprung up around it was ravaged and several captives taken. Soon the whole country between the St. Lawrence and Richelieu swarmed with savages, "like the leaves of the forest in number and stronger than the mighty oak," and the govemor, M, de DenonviUe, was compelled to make peace, which the savages hesitated not to break within a twelfth month, 1772 Birth, at Spencertown, N. Y,, of Benjamin, youngest son of Noadiah Moore, He was named for his grandfather, Benjamin Moore, of Poquonock, Conn,, who was in the Louisburgh expedition and died at Cape Breton in 1746, Young Benjamin married Martha, daughter of Joseph Corbin, In 1797 he settled in Champlain and was the first physician to reniain there and for fifteen years the only one. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 377 1892 J, Gregory Smith, Vermont's war governor, died at his home in St, Albans, his native place. A prac tical farmer and representative of the agricultural interests of the Green Mountain state and a gradu ate of its university, he was also widely known as a railroad pioneer and manager in Champlain Valley for a third of a century. Just previous to the St. Alban's raid, Bennett Young, who proved to be the leader, caUedat the governor's and poHtely asked per mission to inspect the grounds and stables. This was readily accorded him. The raiders made their escape on stolen horses. Little Dorothy Smith, a grand daughter of the governor, was chosen with Master Harry HUl of Buffalo, a great-grandson of Caleb HUl, a martyr of the War of 181 2, at Isle La Motte to tmveU the boulder erected on that island in 1909. The stately organ pipes, o'erlaid with gold, Look down on reverent worshipers. — Bufikham. 1909 Inaugural organ recital given in the First Pres byterian church by J, Warren Andrews, organist of the Church of the Divine Patemity, New York City, assisted by Miss Grace Bullock, soprano, of Boston. The new organ was built by the Estey Organ com pany of Brattleboro, Vt., and has pneuqiatic action throughout. NOVEMBER 13 1773 Birth of Joseph Israel Green, son of Israel (bom in Westchester county, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1743- 4) and Sarah (Deane) Green of Nine Partners, Israel Green was associated with the Platts in Dutchess county and, like them, settled in Plattsburgh, All were originaUy from Long Island, The people of Nine Partners were life tenants of the patentees and had no fee simple title as had those who had settled on the " Oblong Strip," Here a clear title 378 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley could be obtained after the adjustment of the bound ary Hne between New York and Connecticut had been concluded and to this came many famUies from Rhode Island, among them Friend Barlow Green of Warwick, whose son, Israel (bom Jan. 26, 1726), is easily confused with Israel of Nine Partners, 1775 General Prescott surrenders, not only his fleet, but a large part of the garrison of Montreal and many persons of civil and mihtary prominence who had sought safety on the vessels, to Montgomery who now enters the city, 1909 Wesleyan University honors President Matthew H, Buckham, D, D,, of the University of Vermont, one of the foremost educators and thinkers of New England as well as of Champlain VaUey, with the degree of LL, D, Though of EngHsh birth and Scotch-English parentage. President Buckham has spent most of his Hfe in Burlington and is a graduate of its University, with which he has been connected either as a professor or president for more than half a century. Since 1871, when he was caUed to the presidency, the University has shown a steady growth and the gathering, at its Centennial in July, 1904 of college presidents and delegates with representa tives of the United States Supreme Court and of the Army, Navy and States Courts, was a notable one, NOVEMBER 14 And there's never a bird on bough or spray, Alas, how dreary : — Buckham. 1869 In the white house, buUt for a boarding house for the Academy on the hill straight up from the dock at Westport, but the home for many years of John Hatch Low, " Squire Low," as he was famU- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 379 iarly called, was gathered to his fathers. He was bom Sept. 17, 1799, in Brookfield, town of Wills boro, whither his father, Wilson Low (a dmmmer boy under Washington at Valley Forge) had come with his brother-in-law, Charles Hatch, both pioneers from Connecticut. In 1801 they moved to Bessboro, now Westport, and there from 1823, John Hatch Low, the youngest of his father's family, engaged in mercantUe business and held various town offices. He was postmaster many years when that office was kept in the stone building owned by the Lows but bumed in the 70s, His wife, Eliza Rising, was a daughter of Asahel Rising, a custom house official under Peter SaiUy, and Hannah Perkins (of the Massachusetts family famous in the settlement of Cleve land, Ohio), Of their ten chUdren but two survive, 1884 This week the new County Building, ordered by the Supervisors of CHnton county, was occupied for the first time. 1909 At Sunnyside, Plainfield, N, J., Letitia M., beloved wife of the late Lawrence Myers, Esq., passed to the Hfe beyond. She was the daughter of the Rev. Frederick Halsey and the last of his family. Her young womanhood was spent in beautiful devo tion to her aged parents and to the church of which he was the first pastor. Here she gave her services as organist many years and to the end retained an affectionate interest in its welfare. The new organ in the Presbyterian Church dedicated and used in divine service for the first time. Where Time's great organ stands in spaces dim, God sets some lives to shine and some to hide. But in the darkened chamber where they bide The hidden reeds breathe sweetest praise to Him — — Buckham. 380 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley NOVEMBER 15 1809 Arrival at Sudbury, Ohio, after a joumey of two months and eleven days from Peru, N, Y,, of Cyrus Benedict with his wife and three children. In December, 1810, they removed to Peru township. Morrow cotmty, their log cabin being the first in that township. Two years later the aged parents of Cyrus also came and within a decade "the rest of the Bene dicts, Bucks, Bunkers, Earls, Osboms and Handlys" followed them. When Grandmother Benedict died in 1 82 1 "she had one hundred and two descendants, all except two of whom lived within 16 miles of her," Hannah, her daughter-in-law, died in 1862 and was buried in the Friends' Cemetery near the Alum Creek Meeting House, Peru township. There has a kindly feeling grown Among that people, firm and high, Like some strong bulwark upward thrown. To shield when foemen's grape reply. — " The Hamlet " by Byron Sunderlin. 1863 The Rev, Luke Harney, a native of Schuyler Falls, said his first mass as pastor of Port Henry, where he labored with great success during the fol lowing sixteen years and built up the Messiah church at MinevUle, besides looking after the churches at Westport, Crown Point and HammondvUle, NOVEMBER 16 1803 Birth of Charles Frederick Halsey, oldest son" of the Rev, Frederick, FoUowing in the footsteps of his honored father, he was licensed by Champlain Pres bytery in 1 83 5 and ordained the next year. The Rev, Charles Frederick had a family of eleven chUdren, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 381 the same number as his grandparents, CorneHus and MeHcant (Rogers) Halsey in Long Island, Removing west in '58, he preached at Fosterburgh, 111,, where he died in 1882, 1823 Death of Col, Septa Fillmore, a cousin of MiUard Fillmore and one of the first settlers of Chazy village, where he built a hotel of logs in 1799, His wife, a sister of Bela Edgerton, came in the winter of 1800, her father taking her in a sleigh as far as Middlebury, Vt, , where she was met by her husband. For months before the battle of Plattsburgh, officers boarded at FUlmore's tavern. There was a separate bake house and at one time several hundred loaves of bread were baked and handed as fast as possible through a window to soldiers on their way to Plattsburgh, During the War of 181 2 Landlord Fillmore com manded a company of mihtia, 1840 Henry Harrison Markham was born in Wilming ton and received his education at the schools of his native place and at Wheeler's academy, Vermont. In 1861 he removed to Wisconsin, from which state he entered the army and was with Sherman on his famous march to the sea. Though he never fuUy recovered from a wound received at the battle of Whippy Swamp, he settled in California in 1878, was successful in business, was elected to Congress, made a manager of the National Soldiers' Home and in 1890 elected govemor of California by the Republi cans, 1841 The MacDonough, valued at twelve thousand doUars, was wrecked on a reef in Panton Bay. 1859 Death of Achsa (Smith) Thurber, widow of Gen. , Ezra Thurber, Their marriage occurred March 15, 382 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1806. Both were from Massachusetts; he, from Dartmouth; she, from Athol, where she was bom September 2, 1781. In 1803 Rouse's Point, then rising fifteen feet above high water mark, contained but six smaU huts. Soon, however, Ezra Thurber built the first frame house. NOVEMBER 17 1763 Mr. GillUand wrote (probably from memoranda kept by his steward during his absence). — "began to make a road from MUltown to R. McAwley 's bam." 1817 The "Rev. Frederick Halsey assumed charge of the Academy as Principal, with Miss Cook as Lady Principal," 1836 The last preparative meeting (like a local church service) was held in the meeting-house at Grand Isle, After that the buUding stood Httle used until demoHshed in 1880, and the title to the land passed to others about 1904. The Hixite controversy had brought about internal troubles for the Society of Friends at large and aided in tearing down what persecution had buUt up. The sole survivor of this faith who has not accepted other rehgious connec tions, is Friend Joseph T, Macomber. A man of rare intelligence and kindliness, he lives at peace with all and is greatly beloved by his neighbors. A horticulturist of no mean standing, he is especiaUy successful with smaU fruits and flowers, and has a green house fuU of the latter. In 1899, descendants of Friends brought an immense boulder from the west shore, near the site of the original log meeting-house and placed it in Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 383 the Friend's cemetery, opposite the site of the last edifice. Chiseled in the rock is the following: ERECTED A. D. 1 899 IN MEMORY OF THE SOCIETY OP FRIENDS IN 1827 They erected a meeting house near this spot, where for 50 years they worshiped God. They stood for freedom of Conscience, universal peace, spirituality of worship. Having finished their labors they here lie buried and their works do foUow them. " Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you," — John, 15-14, Daniel Hoag, 1 761-1809 Wesson Macomber, 1 764-1 81 8 W)Tnan Chamberlain, 1 772-1838 Warren Corbin, 1 769-1 834 James Tobias, 1759-1810 Jonathan Griffith, Mosher Hoag, 1807 Lavinia C. Hoag, 1 804-1 891 James Hoag, 1805-189 7 Anna T. Hoag, 1821-1888 Seth Hoag, 1 798-1 887 Sarah Hoag, 1 798-1 880 NOVEMBER 18 1766 — the navigation of our river from the spring weU to Chism's was this day stop'd by ice. — Gilliland. 384 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1771 The marriage of John Sax and Catherine]Weaver took place at the home of her parents at Rhinebeck. The bride is described as of unusual beauty, having a fair complexion with black hair and eyes. She was then 27 years old and the groom, 39. He was a miller and cooper by trade and for some years had been in charge of flouring miUs at VaUey Forge before his removal to New York City, whence he had come to Rhinebeck. There, or in the vicinity, he Hved nineteen years and there their eight sons were bom, Mrs, Weaver's sister, EHzabeth, married Conrad Barr and both famUies removed to Highgate, Another sister became the wife of George FeUows, 1813 Came back from the lines to Plattsburgh, at night, having obeyed orders in every particular, sent my report to Chief, — Williams. 1885 The new Methodist Episcopal Church in Platts burgh was dedicated by Bishop Bowman. Great God! we consecrate to Thee All that we are or hope to be ; This earthly temple, too. Grant that Thy radiance, so divine. To light Thine altar here may shine, As pure as angels' view. Song at Dedication of M. E. Church, Middlebury, Vt., by Byron Sunderlin, D. D., Shoreham, Vt. — Washington, D. C. NOVEMBER 19 1819 A year or so after the organization of a Metho dist Episcopal Church in Plattsburgh village, a class was formed with David Brock as leader. The original members were: — Sheldon Durkee, Ann Dur kee, Mary Bacon, Maria Haynes, PoUy AveriU, Patience Miller, John WeUs (from whom Wells street is named) and Michael McDermott, to which were Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 385 now added John Addams and wife (parents of the Rev, J, Townsend Addams who settled in 1802 at West Plattsburgh), David Brock, PhUena Brock, Phebe Edgerton, Ann Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph I. Green, Public services were held until 1 83 1 in the Court House. Among the communicants was " Black Maria Haynes," a pathetic sight, going soHtary and alone to the table of her Lord. 1865 St. Peter's Church of Plattsburgh dedicated by Bishop Conroy, assisted by seventeen priests. Father G, Thibault of Longueil, C. E., preaching the sermon. NOVEMBER 20 1759 In the service at Crown Point, Samuel, son of Eleazer Graves of Athol, Mass., died and, in 1760, on his way home from the army at Crown Point, Adon- ijah BaU, a brother of Corporal Moses Ball of the Rev olution, died at Saratoga, These were sons of Isaac and Rachel BaU, who had removed from Brookfield, Mass., to Athol, Eleazer Graves, with his brother Nathaniel, the Smiths, Aaron and Ephriam, Mortons, Richard and Samuel, Olivers, WiUiam, John, James, and Robert, was of the original company formed at Hatfield for the settlement of Athol, "The Olivers were direct from Ireland, stout hardy, resolute men," and in the early part of the nineteenth century, Thomas Oliver, a descendant bought the Gen, Mooers house on the Head, The slave quarters where the slaves were locked at night, were still intact and the eleven fireplaces furnished sufficient brick for the "bricking-up" of the entire stmcture as it now stands. 1763 20th and 21st Nov,, Wm, Luckey, and John Watson divided the hay, — Gilliland. 386 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1775 The Green Mountain Boys, who had enHsted under Wamer, not having suitable clothing to with stand the rigors of a Canadian winter, were honorably discharged and retumed to their homes. 1813 A Council of War to-day, in which I was made conspicuous as the only person who could give the desired information. In the Council disclosures were made in relation to the plans, which were contrary to my expectations, and far from being honorable to the pubhc service. The decision, however, may yet be reversed, but in the meantime outspoken demon stration must be made by the American army of its intended invasion of the British Province. The Rangers report the enemy is not so formidable in our front as to give any fear of unfavorable result if our advance was made upon them. The Canadians are still unwilHng to bear arms against the Americans, since they had a skirmish with the royal troops at La Chine in August last. They are forced into the service, and are not to be depended on. — Williams. 1841 The Tmstees of School Districts Nos. i and 2 united the libraries into one under the name of the Union Library, To this collection of about 240 vol-. umes, the Academy library of some 150 volumes was soon added and, by voluntary contributions and pur chases, a library of 2,500 volumes was coUected, This was kept in the second story of Fireman's HaU, on the site of the present Town HaU, on the South side of the Park, which was bumed with aU it con tained in the great fire of August, 1849, NOVEMBER 21 1816 Col. Stephen Pearl, one of the most striking char acters among the early settlers of BurHngton died, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 387 at his home, where for many years distinguished strangers "from within or without the state" and the poor and friendless alike had been received with generous hospitaHty, Col, Pearl was a captain at Bunker Hill, a colonel of the Rutland county mihtia and present at the "Rutland Shay's Rebellion," also town clerk of Burlington and sheriff of the county, 1819 "Transportation of merchandise on the canal has already commenced," — From a letter written from Whitehall to Plattsburgh. 1832 John Henry Hopkins, Bishop of Vermont, began his permanent residence at BurHngton, his first Episcopal act being the consecration of the recently finished stone church. The same day Joseph Hoag, the Friend to whom, in the eighth or ninth month in the year 1803, in a remarkable vision, approaching divisions in the various religious sects, among the Free Masons and between the Northem and Southern States, had been revealed, set out to perform a reh gious visit to Friends in Upper Canada, The first stop was made at Chateaugay, but there the people "appeared fixed in a choice of a popular religion," so that the gospel seemed to make but little impres sion. This joumey included a visit to the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia, 1 846 Friend Joseph Hoag finished his course in his 85 th year at his home in Charlotte, Vt,, to which he had come, in 1789 or '90, from his native place, Dutchess county, N, Y, He was the eldest child- of Elijah and Phebe Hoag, Friends who settled in Oblong, where, in 1777, the father was seized, carried to Esopas (King ston) and put on board the fleet-prison on account of his faith. The journeys of Joseph Hoag, extending 388 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley from Nova Scotia through New England and the Southern States and west to the Mississippi, lasted for many months and were attended by many hardships, but, upheld by the "inner Hght," he never faltered. 1906 Commander Leroy Mason Garrett was swept from the deck of his vessel, the United States Fisheries steamer Albatross, when about 500 miles northeast of Honolulu. Commander Garrett was bom in Beek mantown in 1857 and entered Annapolis from Platts burgh in 1875, A monument to his memory in Arlington Cemetery, erected by his mother, Mrs, Esther Dunning, is the first in the cemetery to the memory of one not interred there, NOVEMBER 22 1766 — this day paid of Frans Galland, who this day went away, — Gilliland. 1772 John, son of EHsha and EHzabeth (Fish) AUen, married Phoebe, daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Smith) Deuel, John first settled in Cambridge, Washington county, on a farm near his father, but during the war they went back to Dutchess county, afterwards retuming with six children. About 1810 they removed to Peru, now Ausable, Clinton county, where both died, John, in 1825 and his wife, Phoebe, in 1845. They were the parents of fifteen children. Several of their sons settled on part of the original tract purchased by their father at Allen's hill, 1837 On the Chambly road near Longueuil, the first blood was shed in the " Great Insurrection," This event followed the arrest by a troop of horse of Demaray, a notary, and Dr, D' Avignon, both from St, John's and sympathizers in the cause. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 389 NOVEMBER 23 1794 In a log cabin standing in a clearing to which his father had come in March, 1792, Richard Keese, Jr. was bom. " The mother of Richard Keese (Anna HaUock) would have been a notable woman wherever found." His father, in 1812, became the owner of most of the land on which the viUage of KeeseviUe now stands and was prominent in the ¦ "'-^li, W^^if^^"'''' GILBERT THAYER, LL. D., Popular Educator from Essex County. Upbuilding of its industries. At his deathfin'*'r82i his son Richard succeeded to his place and became a leading figure, especially in the iron business in its various branches. In 1826 he was elected to Congress and later served as one of the judges of the old Clinton Common Pleas. For years Judge Keese was the only Democrat who could be elected supervisor for the old town of Peru. In those days KeeseviUe was most prosperous. The new academy building was erected 390 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley on the site of the old in 1845 and about 1852 Gilbert Thayer, a grandson of Silas, one of the first settlers ol WUmington, became principal. Immediately the attendance increased from 60 to over 200, students flocking to the school from all parts of Essex county and the southern towns of CHnton. Among the students were many who in after years became men of note, among them the Rev. Joseph Cook, Bishop Goodsell, Louis N. Beaudry, " the lamented chaplain," Osceola Kyle, a popular educator of Vermont, and Erastus BuUard, who became principal of a large female college of lUinois, where Mr. Thayer also removed, becoming a leading educator of the State. LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU, The Canadian Patriot, 1786-1871. 1837 The battle of St. Denis, the opening combat of the " Great Insurrection " in Canada, was fought. This uprising was soon put down by regular troops. Dr. Nelson, a prominent figure in the insurrection Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 391 was exiled but the bill of general amnesty gave him a chance to retum to Canada, where, in 1845, he was honored by election to Parhament and in 1854 became mayor of Montreal, Louis Joseph Papineau, the Canadian statesman whose impassioned oratory in defense of the liberties of the people had given rise to the rebelHon, also retumed from exile and died peacefully at Montebello, his beautiful home on the Ottawa river about 50 miles below Ottawa, Sept, 17, 1871, NOVEMBER 24 1711 Martha French, given by her Indian captors to the Sisters of the Congregation, and receiving the additional name of Marguerite, was married to Jacques Roi of St. Lambert, Her sister Freedom, now Marie Francoise French, was one of the witnesses, 1763 — ^began to clear a road to south meadow from the lake, and to make a yard for cattle at Wm. Luckey's lot. — Gilliland. NOVEMBER 25 1799 Charles Marsh and Martha Howe, daughter of John Howe, were married in Plattsburgh, In com pany with the Howe family from Canaan, Conn., Charles Marsh, then a young man about twenty, a native of Salisbury, Conn., settled in Beekmantown as early as 1795 or earlier; Mr, Marsh and his wife were both members of the Presbyterian Church of Beekmantown and he was an Elder, They had ten children. The main body of the right wing of the British army passed their home on the march to Plattsburgh and many a shot left its mark on their dweUing. 392 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1838 The spirit of Margaret Miller Davidson took its flight. Her earthly remains rest in the cemetery at Saratoga, Lucretia's mantle had indeed fallen upon her sister whose Hfe had bumed itself out in the same way after only fifteen years and eight months. The development of this baby sister, Lucretia had watched with greatest delight, prophesying for her the same poetic genius, Margaret, in turn, imbued with this MARGARET MILLER DAVIDSON idea sought to fulfil it. The love of both for their own home and family was consuming as the titles of many of their poems show, among them: — "To My Old Home at Plattsburgh," " To my Mother on Christmas Day," " On the Birth of a Sister," " To Brother L— ," "To Margaret's Eye," etc, NOVEMBER 26 1766 John McAuley with some hands, went to Canada for wheat; this day we had the first snow storm, an inch deep. — Gilliland. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 393 1769 Israel Green was under discipline at Nine Part ners meeting. 1785 " Margarite (Eunice WilHams), mother-in-law of Onasategen," was buried at Caughnawaga, She was eighty-nine years old, 1789 Coi, John Trumbull arrived in New York, fresh from the opening scenes of the French Revolution. He continued his painting and just previous to the War of 181 2, petitioned the New York Legislature to aUow his wife (of English birth) to own property JUDGE JONAS PLATT, From portrait by Samuel F. B. Morse now owned by Mrs. M, P. Myers, in this coimtry. On the final vote Senator Jonas Piatt stood alone in voting in favor of the petition, in recognition of which Trumbull painted the por trait of the Judge (opposite page 192) placing the date of the vote and foUowing motto on the back: — " Justum et tenacem propositi virum, non civium ardor prava jubentium mente quatit solida." — " A just man and tenacious of the right, no popular passion shakes him from his firm purpose," 394 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley NOVEMBER 27 1755 Gen, Johnson, having dismissed the New Eng land mihtia, left 6oo men to garrison the new Fort William Henry and went into winter quarters. 1771 Gov. Tryon of New York issued a proclamation, offering a reward of twenty pounds each, for the arrest of Ethan Allen, Seth Wamer, Remember Baker and some others. 1775 "I shall set out by land to-morrow moming for Ticonderoga, and proceed with the utmost des patch, as knowing our whole dependence for cannon will be from that post," — Col. Henry Knox at New York to Washing ton at Cambridge. 1786 The first girl bom at North Hero — Dame ICnight, a daughter of John Knight, To Enos Wood was bom the first boy, to whom the name of Adin was given, 1819 The Plattsburgh Republican of this date has the foUowing notice : " ASSIZE OF BREAD " Two pounds eight ounces. " Agreeable to the by-laws of the viUage of Plattsburgh, it is ordered that a shilling loaf, made of good wheat-flour, shaU weigh two pounds and eight ounces, and a sixpenny loaf one pound and four ounces, until a further order, " G, Sperry, President." 1890 At the advanced age of 94, JuHa (Lynde) Nichols, widow of John Nichols, died at the home of her son, Col. George Nichols, She was a daughter of the Revolutionary soldier, Jonathan Lynde and Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 395 his wife, Molly Franklin, early settlers of Essex County, their eldest daughter, Elizabeth, bom March 4, 1784, being the first white child bom in Wills boro, Essex County. " It is the spirit of our brave and loyal ancestors that we want; the spirit that led women like Molly Franklin Lynde to keep the wild beast and the red man at bay, guarding their children with musket and ax, while the husband and father fought his share of the battle for country and freedom in the ranks of the army far away." — Miss Helen Palmer at the unveiling of the Gen. Mooers' Memorial Tablet. NOVEMBER 28 1759 Gen, Bourlemaque withdrew most of his forces from the frontier, leaving 300 men under Capt. Lusig nan in the stockaded fort at Isle aux Noix. At Fort St, John there was a garrison of 200 and to protect the frontier the battaHon of La Reine was quartered at Fort Chambly. 1766 Snow aU gone. — Gilliland. 1847 Death of Judge John S. Larrabee, who settled in Shoreham in 1783 and from whom Larrabee 's Point takes its name. He was one of the early surveyors, established the first regular ferry at the Point and became Judge of Probate and the County Court. Of a social nature, trustworthy and inteUigent, he made many friends. NOVEMBER 29 1752 Birth of John AUen, who, with several of his father's family became a pioneer of the Champlain VaUey. He was a son of EHsha Allen of Dartmouth, Mass., and Washington county, N. Y. 1763 Began to look for the cattle, having sent out 3 men. — Gilliland. 396 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1796 Darius LobdeU, an early settler of Danby and veteran of Bennington, died, his wife Mary surviving until 1825, "In FaU of 1763 or Spring of 1764 a road was laid out by Darius LobdeU and Samuel Rose — formerly of Nine Partners, N, Y,, from Ben nington to Danby, Vt," Several of the children of Darius located on the westem side of the lake. GENERAL MOOERS. 1813 Plattsburg,— I have made an arrangement with Gen, Mooers, in relation to my department, and I am preparing once more to cross the Lake for my old quarters at Charlotte, The enemy is rejoicing to see that our armies are going into winter quarters. Peace be with him. — Williams. NOVEMBER 30 1766 — snowed all day, with some rain, this opened the river. — Gilliland. Be still, my heart! let mem'ry's touch divine. Bring back past joys to glad this soul of mine. And spread the kindly veil o'er doubt and pain. I would not call back grief's but pleasure's form again. — Lieut. Davidson. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 397 DECEMBER 1 Then ho! for the field when December draws on. — Buckham. 1759 Rogers and his remaining men reached Crown Point. They had punished the St, Francis Indians and stopped further depredations, but 49 men had been lost on the retum trip and those left on the banks of the Connecticut had barely saved themselves from starving by eating ground nuts and lily roots. 1766 Froze hard, the river froze again. — Gilliland. 1775 Montgomery joined Amold at Point aux Trem bles, about twenty miles above Quebec, Benjamin Vaughan, son of Dr, Benjamin Vaughan, who had died at Manchester, N, H, in 1766, was among the troops who had survived the march with Amold, Benjamin reached Quebec about ten days after Montgomery's death and there had small pox, but Hved to serve out his enlistment and became a pioneer in the Champlain valley, 1787 David Breakenridge McNeil, son of John and Mary (Breakenridge) McNeil, was bom at Charlotte, Vt, In 1806, he entered the U, V, M,, when Presi dent Sanders and one tutor constituted the entire faculty. He left coUege in 1808 and soon removed to Essex, N, Y., where he studied law with Dean Edson and was admitted to the bar in October, 181 1, The preceding February he had been appointed lieutenant in the Essex county mihtia; a Httle later adjutant, and in July inspector of customs for the district of Champlain, 1804 A road was laid out "Leading from Montie's Bay to Intersect the one Runing from Lake Cham- 398 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley plain Due West on the north Line of Dean's Patent at Ezra Graves'. " Also, one "from Laflomboire bay to Barnabas Minkley's, where it inter^^rt^ the Road Leading from Montie's Bay," 1838 Death at Plattsburgh, of Elder Elias Woodmff, son of the Revolutionary soldier, Silas Woodruff, of Capt, Zephaniah Rogers' company, Suffolk county militia, Elias Woodruff, like Judge Treadwell, Eze- kial Hubbard, the Dominys and Millers, came from Suffolk county and settled on the State road, where he became the owner of several farms. His wife, also from Long Island, was Abigail Leeke, 1909 Lake Champlain lightly frozen from Whitehall to Chimney Point, DECEMBER 2 1763 — this moming began a snow storm, being found to be the first laying snow, and this day completed the road to McAwley's, which in aU took 33 hands for one day, — Gilliland. 1766 The saw mill stopped, as was the turning mUl some days ago, good walking on the ice to the mouth of the river, — Idem. 1813 Mr, SaiUy appointed assistants, John Palmer and Nathaniel H. Treadwell (keepers of public stores), Plattsburgh; James Campbell, French MUls; James S. Allen, Chateaugay; Othniel Taylor (storekeeper), Burlington; Justus Bellamy, Vergennes; and Messrs, Reed and Hart, Whitehall, Mr, WilHams records the escape from arrest of Gen. Hampton, who had received timely warning at Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 399 French MiUs and secured passage on a steamer to WhitehaU. 1857 Altona formed from Chazy, This locahty was first settled la rgely through the discovery of an unusu ally attractive site by Simeon Wood of Shoreham, who had come to Plattsburgh, In 1 798, while seeking a yoke of oxen that had strayed away several weeks before from the farm of Mr, Piatt, on what is now the Boynton road. Wood came upon this tract and when on retuming to Shoreham to spend the winter months he described it as "the handsomest land you ever set your eyes on, more than a thou sand acres as level as a house floor and so rich that the nettles grow nearly as high as my head ; splendidly watered, too, by a spring-fed stream that is chock-fuU of trout," it was no wonder that Stephen, Joab and WUHam Atwood were induced to become settlers. 1871 Death of Elder Lawrence Myers, a native of Herkimer, who had removed to Plattsburgh, in 1828, from WhitehaU, opening at that time a store for general merchandise on the northwest comer of Water and Bridge streets. His grandfather was from Holland, but his father, Joseph Myers, just before the Revolution, went from New Jersey to Herkimer. In December, 1831, Lawrence Myers, Chester Balch, John Boynton and Jonas Piatt were ordained elders of the Presb)^erian church, Mr, Myers subsequently engaged in the lumber and iron business on the Saranac river, 1882 A public meeting was held to consider the build ing of an opera house, A committee was appointed but no action taken. 400 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley DECEMBER 3 1732 Gov. Beauhamois and the Intendant Hocquart deeded to Pierre de Lestage, husband of Marie Jose Sayer (formerly Esther Sayward, the eight-year-old Indian captive from York) a large addition to his seigniory, for he had built the first CathoHc church at Berthier, about 1723, and was "worthy of it." 1763 — ^began to make a road from McAwley's to Elizabeth bay. Yesterday we got the first part of our cattle, 6 in number.— Gilliland. 1766 Snow, sent men to collect our cattle and take them to the meadows. Surveyed the river from the landing to the lake, being assisted by James Thomp son. — Idem. Until the snow comes the book of nature lacks an index. — Buckham in the Record of the Snow. 1806 Clinton Lodge, F. and A, M., was chartered by "the Most Worshipful the Hon, DeWitt CHnton, Grand Master," to "Brother Melancton Smith, to be first Master; our Worthy Brother Henry De Lord, to be Senior Warden; and our Worthy Brother, George Marsh, to be Junior Warden," The charter still preserved, is one of the very few of that date in existence. The lodge flourished until the Morgan excitement, when its charter was surrendered. The "Lodge Room" was in the half -story or attic of Israel Greene's Inn, an "oblong apartment, with slightly arched ceiling," "finished in appropriate design as a Masonic hall, with a neat robing room attached," Two smaU windows set with tiny panes of glass, shadowed by outside chimneys and an annex, built later than the main part of the house, admitted the only Hght from without. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 401 DECEMBER 4 1744 Darius LobdeU, after the death of his father, Capt. Joshua, of the French and Indian wars, chose his older brother Caleb for his guardian. His aunt, Susannah LobdeU, had married Seaborn Burt, whose strange name was in itself a reminder of the circum stances of his birth at sea, when his parents, Benja min and Sarah (Belding) Burt, both captured at Deerfield, were on the voyage to Boston, having been redeemed, with about forty others through the nego tiations of Ensign Sheldon, 1763 Excessive cold, the snow deep, McLean, and Ayres began to make shingles at Luckey's, —Gilliland. 1804 Marriage of Heman Allen of Milton to Sarah, daughter of Dr. Jonathan Prentis of St. Albans, a descendant of Capt, John Prentis of New London, Conn, Mr, and Mrs. Allen had nine children, among them, Prof, George Allen of the University of Penn sylvania, Sarah (Mrs, John K, Converse of BurHng ton), Charles P, of Port Kent, Joseph W, of Milton, and James H, of Montreal, 1813 — ^The cold weather has commenced with all its severity, in this northem climate. My health is extremely feeble — this, I trust, is for my good — it reminds me of the uncertainty of my existence here * * * My father and brother are with me here, — Col. WiUiams has just retumed from his command, at the Lines, several officers are with him, — Williams. 1825 Joseph-Octave Plessis, Bishop of Quebec, died suddenly at the hospital of the Hotel-Dieu, He was a grandson of little Martha French and great-grand son of Dea. Thos. French (both Deerfield captives). 402 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Often, in his visitations to Caughnawaga, the good bishop had recognized among the Indian women, his grandmother's sister, Abigail, who, captured by Indians, grew up and died unmarried among them. DECEMBER 5 1775 The united forces of Montgomery and Amold arrive within sight of the walls of Quebec, 1812 Rosannah (Noble) Averill, wife of Nathan Averill, Sr., died. She was bom July 12, 1752, the daughter of Stephen Noble, and was married March 31, 1768, Her remains were placed in the home cemetery at the head of Broad street. 1842 Death of John Warford, He was admitted to the bar in 1805, and subsequently became judge of the Common Pleas. He was Aide-de-Camp to Gen, Mooers during the war of 1812-14, and made one of that group of men who were wont to gather in good fellowship at the inn of Israel Green, The pUlared house on Charlotte street (known once as the Gough House) was built by him. The same day Elkanah Watson, the friend and associate of Washington, the Adamses, Franklin, Jefferson, Lafayette, Count de Vergennes, Gen, Schuyler, John Trumbull, Robert Fulton, Lord Shelburne, and many others, died at his home at Port Kent, That vUlage, chiefiy founded by him and named for the chancellor, was his home from 1828, Here he spent most of his time with questions of horticulture and agriculture and the embellishment of his grounds. Through his individual efforts the State road from Port Kent to Hopkinton in St. Lawrence county was successfully accomplished, A simple obelisk, erected to his memory at Port Kent, refers Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 403 to him as the founder and first president of the Berkshire Agricultural Society, expressing the senti ment, "May Generations yet unborn learn by his example to love their country," 1859 Arrival, late on Monday, at Westport, of Mrs, Brown and her party with the remains of her husband, John Brown, executed on December 2 at Charlestown, The party, consisting of the widow, Mrs, Mary A, Brown, Mr, WendeU PhUlips, Frank B. Sanbom and others, had come by way of the Hudson, by rail to Vergennes thence by teams to Adams' Ferry and then across to Barber's Point, That night was passed at Person's Hotel, Westport. 1 89 1 Edgar P. Wadhams, Bishop of Ogdensburgh, died. " I want all my priests and people to know how the first bishop of Ogdensburg died." The priests are for the people not the people for the priests. — Wadhams. 1 899 At noon, from the shipyard of the Gas Engine and Power company, Morris Heights, was launched the new torpedo boat destroyer Bailey, named in honor of the late Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailey, "who in peace or war for fifty-nine years so gallantly served in the navy of our land." Miss Florence Beekman BaUey, daughter of Edmund S, Bailey, the admiral's only son, christened the boat and the family will present a silver loving cup for the Bailey's wardroom, 1909 In the M, E, church of East Middlebury, Vt., the Rev. Sedgwick W, Bidwell, said to be the oldest clergyman in the world, observed his looth birthday by preaching a sermon of 25 minutes' duration, Mr. Bidwell is probably the only person living who remembers distinctly the battle of Plattsburgh. 404 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley DECEMBER 6 1778 Arrival at Quebec of the prisoners taken by Carleton during his raid. Among them were Nathan and Marshall Smith of Bridport, Benjamin Kellogg, Ward and Joseph Everest of Addison, Holcomb Spalding, two Ferrises, Granby of Panton, and Hinckly of Shoreham. The two last were liberated to care for the women and children, who, after Burg03me's defeat, had retumed to their abandoned homes, Kellogg and Everest had been partners in the carrying trade, owning sloops together, KeUogg, after escaping the following spring and being retaken, died in prison during the winter of '79, Everest succeeded in escaping a second time from his captors and finally reached home. The party escaping from Quebec had only a small sack of flour, a frying pan, hatchet (or tomahawk) and smaU compass (i } inches in diameter), afterwards treasured by Everest's descendants, 1805 George Provost was created an EngHsh baronet and was the same year appointed major-general and in 181 1 lieutenant-general, at the same time succeed ing Sir James Craig as govemor-in-chief and com mander of aU the forces in British North America. 1847 A meeting was held at the Phoenix hotel (present site of Cumberland house) for the purpose of taking measures to construct a plank road from Plattsburgh to Redford. Among those especially interested was Moss Kent Piatt, who, well knowing the importance of such a road for the development of the lumber and iron interests of Saranac valley, labored zealously for it, 1859 "A steady, icy down-pOur" of rain all day. The sad funeral cortege of John Brown arrived at EHza- Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 405 bethtown about six o'clock. At Wadhams, Mr. Daniel Braman and young Dr, George T. Stevens joined the company. The body of John Brown was placed in the court room of the old Court House and guarded during the long December night by four young men — Richard L, Hand, A, C. H, Livingston, Orlando Kellogg and Henry J, Adams, At the hotel, then kept by EHsha A. Adams, sheriff of Essex county, the people of Elizabethtown gathered to meet WendeU PhilHps and other members of the sad-hearted company. 1898 Formation of the Political Equality Committee, which held its last meeting, as a committee in Clinton County Court House, inviting the public to listen to Miss Harriet May MiUs on the subject of Woman Suffrage, After the address, the chairman. Prof, Robertson, assisted by Miss Mills (state organizer), transformed the committee into the George William Curtis Club and it was voted auxiliary to the National Suffrage Association, Plattsburgh was incorporated as a city March 17, 1902, and it is generally conceded that to the infiuence and agency of the George WUHam Curtis Club is due the fact that the city's charter gives to women the right to vote on special taxation propositions. DECEMBER 7 1763 McLane and Ayers retumed home. — Gilliland. 1776 Robert Holmes, son of John (one of the original proprietors of Londonderry, N, H,), began a third enhstment. He had been with the troops engaged in the defense of Piscataqua Harbor and, in 1777, was among those "fit to march to Ticonderoga." His son Thomas, bom July 15, '75, married Lucy 4o6 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Tuttle, daughter of Samuel, a Revolutionary soldier, of Littleton, Mass. The young couple made a home in the new state of Vermont at Hardwick and later, at WatervUle. Full many a dame you might descry. As trod she blithsomely and light, All decked in dress of double dye. With warp of blue, and woof of white. — Sunderlin. DECEMBER 8 1809 '"" " Destina, wife of Martin Winchell, died and was buried in the vUlage cemetery, in the rear of her own home. The Winchell house (now known as the Gor ham) stands on the corner of Broad and Cemetery streets, down the latter, then called WincheU road, the British marched to the "Upper Bridge." Mrs. Winchell left children — Adelaide, Abigail, Lucy Des tina (Mrs. Sidney Gorham), Ursula and Samuel, for years sexton of the Presbyterian church. 1812 The eight companies of the First Vermont mihtia, stationed at Swanton barracks, discharged, but soon replaced by Col. Fifield's regiment, which remained but five or six weeks before being ordered away and then back again into winter quarters, 1849 CHnton Lodge, F. and A, M., received a new charter under the same name, but a different number (155). It was issued to St, John B, L, Skinner, Master; Samuel Emery, Senior Warden; George W, Webster, Junior Warden. One spirit warms each kindred breast — Burns in each soul one holy flame — Ah! heed they well God's high behest, Nor may blind sin their purpose tame. — Sunderlin. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 407 DECEMBER 9 1714 Grant of land in Brookfield to "Margaret Otice, ahas Le Bue," provided she remains in the province and marries Capt. Baker, Mrs, Baker died in Dover, Febmary 23, 1773. 1766 The snow 3 inches deep. — Gilliland. 1774 Elizabeth Conklin, a "pioneer mother," and second cousin of Roscoe Conklin, was bom. She married Thomas Miller (bom January 7, 1770), and with one child and her husband's parents, Bumet MUler and wife, in 1795, came to Plattsburgh from Poughkeepsie. They settled on a farm of 400 acres west of the "Priest" Halsey place. All that region was then covered with a heavy growth of native timber and Indians were frequent visitors, a squaw one day bringing to Mrs, Miller a glass vase, which is still preserved by a granddaughter. Visit ing a "neighbor" ten miles away on horseback was not unusual, but as soon as roads were built Thomas MiUer sent to Poughkeepsie for a wagon, 1763 Zenas AUen, son of Ezra and Phebe (Cary) AUen, was bom. He was descended from Samuel AUen, one of the original proprietors of East Bridge- water, Mass,, who was associated with Capt, Church and engaged in many Indian fights, Zenas served in the Revolution and lived in Tinmouth, Vt, His wife was EHphat Partridge and they had six children — Charles, Frederick, Minerva, Susan, Ethan and George, Zenas died in Plattsburgh and his oldest son, Charles, removed from Orwell, Vt,, to Mooers in 1 82 1, an unbroken wUdemess. He built the first saw miU and carried on the lumber business success fully several years. 4o8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1798 George Marsh, son of George and PoUy (Buel) Marsh, was bom in Plattsburgh. He studied law with his uncle by marriage, GUead Sperry, and soon took a prominent place in the church and community, being one of the two largest contributors towards the purchase of a town clock for the village, which was put up in Trinity church for $325, In August, 1832, when the Asiatic cholera was at its worst, the promising young lawyer was stricken with paralysis, and died in a few days. The attending physician, however, declared the later symptoms those of the dreadful disease. He left a young wife, Eleanor Piatt, daughter of Theodorus, and an only child, JuHa A, Marsh, who survived until AprU 10, 1908, 1802 Lazau (Eleazer) WUliams, whUe under the guar dianship of his relative. Deacon Nathaniel Ely, at Long Meadow, wrote: " God is once more pleased to send our father. He came today about simdown, and brought us news that my sister is sick. God be praised." Meanwhile the good Deacon wrote in his diary: — " " Thursday at home, &c., &c. — ^Thomas Williams, of Connawaga, came to our house." 1811 The date of a letter written by Wm. Ray of EHzabethtown to Gov, Tompkins in regard to appointments. The following April, Mr, Ray, now editor of the first paper ever printed in Essex county, wrote to the Govemor, at the same time sending him the first number of the new paper and referring to Ezra C. Gross, "a young gentleman of sound principles and excellent talents," as his associate in the editorial department, Ezra Carter Gross, son of the Rev, Thomas Gross (the first settled minister of Hartford, Vt.) and his wife, Judith Carter, was a graduate of Middlebury CoUege and Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 409 a rising young lawyer. In 181 7 he held a captain's commission in Col, Luman Wadham's regiment and had fiUed several civil offices with credit. During his term in Congress (181 9-1 821) he made a mem orable speech on the Missouri Compromise, His portrait hung for years in Independence Hall, PhUadelphia. In the famous trial of Wm, H, Houghton of Chazy, indicted for murder, Mr. Gross was associated with Judge Lynde, Wm, Sweetland and Samuel Stevens, then of Washington county, in making a successful defense. His promising career was cut short by his early death at Albany, AprU 9, 1829, while Member of Assembly, His wife, Phebe Fisher, daughter of Josiah and Phebe (Hall) Fisher, also died early, leaving three daughters, Emily P., Juliet and Charlotte CaroHne, EmUy was adopted by Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Keese. She taught in Essex County Academy, Westport, and married Ransom E. Wood, a wealthy man of Upper Jay, In Derbyshire, England, where she Hes buried, a memorial window in the Httle church recaUs the country girl of Essex county. Her sister, JuHet, after teaching in the old brick school- house of EHzabethtown, married Monroe HaU of Lower Jay, while Charlotte became the wife of George Burt of Ausable Forks, 1839 Horace BuckHn Sawyer was promoted com mander, DECEMBER 10 1763 — raised our barn, — Gilliland. 1766 The snow 4 inches deep, — Idem. 1814 John Cochran, the founder of Pem viUage, died in his seventy-first year. He and his wife Sarah 4IO Three Centuries in Champlain Valley were from the north of Ireland. In 1795, on the high bluff where now the Heyworth house stands, he built a frame house and on the opposite side of the deep, rushing river, a saw and grist miU, a great blessing to all the settlers. On the southeast a low, swampy, dense forest, infested with black bears and other wild animals, extended some mUes. George Heyworth and John Hackstaff came in 1800 and "Cochran's MiU" in time became " Hackstaff 's" and finally passed to the HeyTvorths. 1818 The marriage of Esther, daughter of John and Phoebe (Deuel) AUen of Peru to Israel, son of Daniel and Mary (Green) Jackson, took place. The yoimg couple first settled in Pem, but in 1828 removed to Cumberland Head, Plattsburgh. They had eight chUdren, 1866 George Henry Emerson, son of Joseph R, Emerson, was buried from his father's home, Lieut, Emerson had helped to raise and equip Harris' Light Cavalry, holding a commission as second lieutenant until hemorrhages from the lungs, which later resulted in his death, compelled his resignation. He died in Washington, December 2, From the days of King PhUip the Emerson famUy had been represented in every war, DECEMBER 11 1766 — to 1 8th, warm pleasant weather, sent our cattle to the meadows the 17th inst, — GiUiland. 1844 The Hon, Heman AUen (formerly of Milton) died at his home in Burlington from an iUness brought on by exposure early in the year in making a joumey to Lamoille county during the coldest day of the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 411 winter. He had been a man of wonderful physique and endurance and had been wont to tax his powers to the utmost, disregarding all experiences. As a young man, he was for a time employed as a tutor in the family of Judge Piatt in Plattsburgh, His powerful intellect was accompanied by sterling integrity. As a Federalist he preferred to forfeit re-election to Congress rather than vote against his principles, 1909 At West Plattsburgh, where her ancestors had located on the settlement of the town, Ruth E, New comb, for thirty-five years the faithful and efficient principal of the EHzabeth street school, passed to her heavenly reward. Miss Newcomb was a daughter of Samuel and Angeline L, (Newcomb) Newcomb. Her paternal grandfather, Dr, Samuel Newcomb, a native of Nine Partners, was a celebrated physician and surgeon and director of the medical college at Montreal, In 1839 he was exiled to Van Dieman's Land for active participation in the Canadian rebeUion, After nine years he was pardoned and retumed to Plattsburgh, but his last days were spent in Montreal. Miss Newcomb's maternal grandfather was the Hon. Piatt Newcomb, But it was not for her ancestry, but because of her own lovely character and person- ahty that Miss Newcomb's memory wUl long be held precious in the hearts of hundreds of grateful pupils. DECEMBER 12 1812 Macdonough married in Middletown, Conn,, Lucy Shaler, daughter of Nathaniel Shaler, in early Hfe a Tory, The new commander brought his bride to Burlington, where they spent the winter, while he superintended the fitting out of the fleet which was to engage the enemy and protect the lake . 412 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley The same day in Burlington the First Calvin istic Congregational Society dedicated their first house of worship. This stood on the site of the pres ent edifice, but fronted on Pearl street. It was burned June 23, 1839. The second church building was dedicated April 14, 1842. HANNAH KENT PLATT. 1846 After twenty years of blindness, Hannah Kent, widow of Elder Wilham Pitt Piatt, opened her eyes on endless day. In spite of her infirmities, blindness and rheumatism, she always had a pleasant smUe for all and would tell fascinating stories to the younger generation, while her fingers were busy with sewing or knitting, DECEMBER 13 1781 Jonas Morgan, son of Samuel, and Sarah Mott, daughter of Captain Edward, were married at Pres ton, Conn., where they first settled, afterwards remov ing to Lansingburgh, N, Y,, where he died in 1824, March 20, 1828, his son William H., moved into his Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 413 new brick house in Plattsburgh, on the comer of Macomb and Macdonough streets. This he had built after the fashion of his childhood's home in Lansingburgh. Very early Jonas, Sr,, had built a forge on the Black river (present site of Meigsville), This he sold in 1808, receiving a new grant in EHza bethtown, on which he built "Morgan's New Forge," now Brainard's Forge. Capt, John LobdeU acted as Morgan's agent in Elizabethtown and Westport. In the early forties, Jonas, Jr., paid a last visit to EHzabethtown, when all accounts between proprietor and agent were settled in full, 1841 "George W. Fitch opened a private school in the basement of the Episcopal church. Terms $3 per quarter," An infant school had been kept here in 1832 by Miss Carpenter, All instruction was oral, arithmetic being taught by an abacus and spelling from picture cards held in the teacher's hand. The chUdren's wraps were hung under the gallery at the west side, where the pupils sat while receiving instruction as a school. The exercises opened at nine o'clock in the moming with Scripture reading, after which the little ones knelt and repeated the Lord's Prayer. They stood in the aisles while receiv ing instruction and several times a day, "to keep them quiet," foUowing the lead of the assistant teachers, they marched upon a black line about three inches wide, singing as they marched this song or some thing similar: Oh, how pretty 'tis to see Little children all agree Try and keep the step with me While we are exercising. Heads held up and hands behind Toes turn out and heels turn in While we are exercising. 414 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1858 Death of Caleb Nichols at the age of ninety, 1860 Commander Charles Theodoms Piatt died at Newburg, N. Y. His last service was in charge of the navy yard at Memphis, on the Mississippi. During the battle of Plattsburgh, it was Mr. Piatt, then a midshipman on the Saratoga, who, when the Chub, crippled by a broadside from the Eagle, with half her men killed or wounded, came drifting down between the opposing vessels, took possession of the unfortunate sloop which was then towed in shore and anchored. 1864 Incorporation of the Peristrome Presbyterian church of Plattsburgh, with the Rev. Francis Blood- good Hall as pastor, a position which he held until his decease, October 4, 1903, when the congregation united with that of the First Presbyterian church. The same day at Montreal the trial of the St. Albans raiders was brought to a close. Justice Coursol, rendering a decision in favor of the robbers, who were at once released from custody and the money ($80,000) found upon them restored. Through the recommendation of Grovemor-General Lord Monck, the provincial parliament voted $50,000 in gold (equivalent to $88,000 in currency) to be paid to the banks. Though the loss, including cost of trial, was about $140,000, yet the financial strength of the little town was such that there was no particular disturbance in the monetary situation, 1884 Plattsburg electric fire alarm introduced. i1 1907 Public meeting called at the Court House in Plattsburg for the formation of a Clinton County Branch of Mohawk and Hudson River Humane Society. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 415 DECEMBER 14 1823 In Trinity Church, Philadelphia, John H, Hop kins, having given up a lucrative law practice to enter the ministry, was ordained Deacon by Bishop White, 1854 Dannemora, named by St, John B, L. Skinner for a noted iron producing section of Sweden, was formed from Beekmantown. It was the latest settled town in the county, the pioneer, Phineas Hooker (son of Martin, Revolutionary patriot and pioneer from Norwich, Conn,), with his wife coming here in 1836 and setthng on the site of the present viUage, That year Matthew Lane, son of the Revo lutionary officer, Lieut,-Col, Derick Lane, of New Jersey, became a partner with Messrs, Coming and Cook, who had established the Crown Glass Works at Redford in the town of Saranac, south of Danne mora, Mr, Lane eventually became sole proprietor and continued the business until 1857, when the works were abandoned. The glass makers were mostly from England, among them one John Davidson and seven sons, aU glass makers, 1892 D'YouvUle Academy, founded in i860 by the Grey Nuns of Ottawa, Can., was chartered by the Regents of the University of New York. A long white house on the south side of Cornelia street, the former home of Vespasian Nutting (chosen an elder of the Presbyterian church April, 1826, but five years later dismissed by letter to the Methodist church) was used by the sisters as a school, Mr. Nutting built the house (now known as the Aaron OHver) on Cumberland Head, where Mr. Sailly's daughter, the widow Buel once lived. 4l6 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley DECEMBER 15 1745 Nathan Averill, Sr., son of Daniel AveriU, Sr. (17 1 6-1 785), was bom in New Preston, Conn. With his brother Daniel and son Nathan, he was employed in transporting the goods of Judge Zephaniah Piatt from Poughkeepsie to Plattsburgh. These three received deeds of land amounting to 300 acres, including the Sanbom farm and other land running south to the Saranac river. Nathan, Sr,, built the house on Cornelia street, past which Margaret street was afterward extended north, and was living there 1792-94, but in 1812, his home was at the head of Broad street, where, down the hill in the rear, he had built a tannery, where he could pursue the trade he had been engaged in before coming here. He and his wife were buried in the family plot near the homestead, but their remains were afterwards re moved to Riverside cemetery. Their home was the first "Home for the Friendless" and its first inmate, a cripple, named John Ellsworth. 1760 Sister Esther Wheelwright of the Infant Jesus was elected Superior of the UrsuHnes. — C. Alice Baker, in True Stories of New England Captives. 1762 Sarah Mott, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Kinne) Mott, was bom at Preston, Conn. 1772 Mother Esther "was honorably discharged * * * only to be made assistant superior, and six years later Zelatrix." — Baker. 1852 At the Girard house in PhUadelphia, the Hon, Cornelius P, Van Ness of Washington and New York, died, and was buried in the famUy vault in Wash ington. His first wife, Rhoda Savage (daughter of Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 417 James), died in Madrid in 1834 of malignant cholera. Their daughters, Marcia and Cornelia, became Lady Ouseley and Mrs, Roosevelt, nieces of the second Mrs, John Freligh of Plattsburgh, Their father was govemor of Vermont 1823-26. 1855 Five wolves from a pack that had been harassing the farmers of EUenburgh, Clinton and Chateaugay, were killed in a swamp near Beekmantown Corners during a hunt organized for the purpose. The wolves driven by hunger, had moved along the old MUitary turnpike, killing sheep in Chazy, Beekman town and Plattsburgh, as far as the lake shore. At the same time another pack was invading sheepfolds in the northem part of the county. 1864 The grounds comprising "Rock Point," orig inaUy purchased in 1841 by Rt, Rev, J. H, Hopkins, the first bishop of the diocese, were conveyed to a corporation known as the "Vermont Episcopal Institute," 1909 Plattsburgh's new Y, M, C. A. building opened to the pubhc. This beautiful structure will stand as a lasting memorial to the late Loyal L. Smith. The reception room is furnished through the gener osity of Mr. and Mrs, William C. Pike; the assembly room, by Mr, John Haughran; the directors' room, by Saranac Chapter, D, A. R, ; the boys' department, by Mr, Edwin G. Moore, in memory of his son; the gymnasium, by Mrs. John Henry Myers, in memory of her husband, and the kitchen and dormitories by the Ladies' Auxihary, DECEMBER 16 1775 Birth of Nathaniel Zephaniah, fifth son of Judge Zephaniah Piatt of Poughkeepsie, In 1 807 , Nathaniel 4i8 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Z. Piatt was a member of the State Assembly for CHnton county and about 1810 on "the point," east of Fouquet's, he built a storehouse, which was burned during Murray's raid in 181 3, but soon rebuilt. After Mr. Piatt's death his widow, Sarah (Keyes) Piatt, with her young son, Samuel Keyes, boarded at Israel Green's Inn. Her daughters, Elizabeth and Mary Van Wyck had married Capt. Samuel RusseU, U. S. A., and Gen. C. A. Waite, U. S. A., respectively. After the death of Capt, Russell, his widow married Frederick C. SaUly, 1819 A meeting for the purpose of taking into con sideration the expediency of forming a County Agricultural Society was held at the house of Joseph I. Green. Hon. Thomas TreadweU was president of of the meeting and Isaac C. Piatt, secretary. Joseph I. Green, besides keeping this hotel, which was bumed some time between 1822-32, had a shop where he manufactured saddles and harnesses, 1855 St. Peter's church of Plattsburgh incorporated, with Joseph Fountain, Isaac Jourdarmais, Damien LaForce, Lewis Chaurain and Lewis St. Michell as tmstees. DECEMBER 17 1766 — sent our cattle to the meadows, — Gilliland. 1788 Occurred the first marriage in Peru — that of Lott Elmore and Mary Hay, daughter of WUHam and EHzabeth (Betsey WiUiams) Hay. Mary was the baby in her mother's arms when, during the battle of Valcour, Mrs, Hay in terror sought safety at a spring near her home, only to find herself surrotmded by the Indian aUies of the enemy. The Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 419 daughters of Mary (Hay) Elmore were among the first piipUs of Mrs. Emma Willard. August 2, 1818, Mr. Elmore died suddenly at the age of 54 years, while at the Falls of Montmorency, whither he had gone with a raft of timber. His remains were brought to Plattsburg for interment in Riverside cemetery. 1813 — Had an interview with the commanding officer, in presence of Gen. Mooers and Mr. Sailly. The object of my call was arranged, and I hope it will be beneficial to the public service. — Williams at Plattsburgh. 1841 Jemima (Roberts) Beman, wife of Nathan Beman, died at Chateaugay, aged 87 years. They were married in 1785 and lived first in Ferrisburgh, Their children were Aaron, John, George, Samuel, Lucy, Amy and Phoebe. 1849 EHzabeth (Conklin) Miller died, survived by her husband. Col. Thomas Miller, until March, 1855. Their first home in the wildemess was bumed in 1844, Here Mrs, Miller had remained during the siege and battle of Plattsburgh, while her husband was at the front with his regiment. He had advised her to go to friends in Peru, but she preferred to take care of her home though she sent away the older children. British officers occupied her vacant rooms, but she was glad of their protection from the plunder ing of the soldiery. During the battle, with them she watched the struggle on the lake, they several times affirming that the Stars and Stripes had gone down, and she denying it. When the result of the conflict was evident, the officers lost no time in mounting their horses and riding away. 420 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley DECEMBER 18 Far on New-England's checkered land. The dark Green Mountains bound the view, And stretching wide on either hand, Lies the still lake with sheet of blue. — Sunderlin. 1813 Charlotte — Just rettuned from Plattsburgh, I am greatly fatigued, and have suffered much from the cold, being on horseback. My waiter is sick. My father. Col. Williams, and Major Stone are in high spirits — they have been out on a chase and kUled two foxes. There is to be a ball this evening, I am invited to attend — ^but no! My Bible shall be my company this evening, and may God give me a heart to understand His holy word, — Williams. 1843 Mr, Billings opened a class in Porter's new system of arithmetic in the Academy, George F, Buck, WilHam Carter, J, R, Grant, Henry J. Oilman, George W. HartweU, A, Moss, Elric L, Nichols, Richard N, Ostrander, F, A, Ransom, John H, Sanbom and George N. Webb were among those in attendance, DECEMBER 19 1766 — very cold, — Gilliland. When Peace was breathing, where had been The sanguine carnage of the brave. — Sunderlin. 1816 Thursday, under the supervision of Benjamin Mooers, Melancton L. Woolsey and Levi Piatt, the pews in the new meeting house were sold at auction and brought about $2,000. At this date, for the expense of more than $10,000 already incurred, not one cent was owed outside the community. A bell, stoves, etc, as well as means of lighting the church for evening services remained to be provided. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 421 1856 Death claimed Hannah, widow of Hon, Jonathan Griffin, She had survived her husband flfteen years, Mary, their youngest daughter, had died in early married Hfe, Her husband, Theodore P. Cady, was the son of Heman Cady of Bennington, who, with his brother Cyrus, engaged in the mer cantile business in Plattsburg, Their wives were cousins. Heman had married Maria Piatt, daughter of Judge Theodorus, and C)rrus' wife was Margaret, daughter of Judge Levi. 'The Heman Cady home stead, on the comer of Broad and Margaret streets, was bumed, together with the "Standish store" and house of Dr. Edward Kane, May 29, 1863. Cyrus Cady lived in the Melancton Smith house, which was afterward known as the Smith-Platt house. In 1833, the brothers bought a large tract of land where CadyviUe is now located, and built a forge. They, with another brother, Hiram, finally settled in Wisconsin, where they remained through life, 1882 Organization of Political Anti-Bribery Society, It was fitting that B. M, Beckwith, whose grand father, Dr, Baruch Beckwith, though having one of the longest and hardest rides in the county, yet felt conscientious scruples against charging more than a doUar a visit, should be especiaUy interested in this society. But the time was not ripe for such a movement, and it failed from lack of support. DECEMBER 20 Roll back, thou tide of time and tell Of book, of rosary, and bell; Of cloistered nun, with brow of gloom. Immured within her living tomb. — Lucretia Davidson. 1654 The widow of Champlain died at the UrsuHne convent, which she had founded at Meaux in 1648, 422 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley three years after she had entered the convent of UrsuHnes in the Faubourg Saint- Jacques at Paris. 1812 Macdonough, in his report to the navy depart ment, names the President, a sloop which had pre viously been under the control of Dearborn, with six transports, all of which were transferred to the commander of the fleet. Macdonough made the President his flagship and so it remained during 1813. 1837 Thankful (Sage) Robinson, wife of Daniel Robin son, died after 54 years of married life. They were the parents of twelve chUdren. Mr. Robinson survived less than three months, dying at his home on the military turnpike in Chazy, March 25, 1838. His sobriquet of "Govemor" grew out of an athletic contest in which the victor was to be addressed thereafter by the vanquished as "Govemor." DECEMBER 21 1705 The baptism of Samuel Williams (captured at "Dearfielde" on the nth of March of the preceding year) is recorded by Father Meriel in the records of Notre Dame, "de Mont-Real." The captive was afterwards redeemed and retumed to his people, where he spent a long and useful life, 1743 Sieur de L'Estage, at the age of 63, died in Montreal and was buried in the church of the RecoUet fathers. His widow, Marie (Sayer) de Lestage, sold their fine mansion with the avenue leading to it, the grist mill, saw mill and other property and removed to Montreal, where she died in old age, a "perpetual pensioner," cared for by the Sisters of the Congre gation, the friends of her girlhood. To them she gave her most valuable household goods and silver. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 423 1809 Hannah Piatt, oldest daughter of Captain Nathaniel, and -wife of Gen. Mooers, died. She did not live to see the battle that was to be fought on the bay so near her own home, but her children had a Hfelong remembrance of that day. On the sixtieth anniversary, her son, Charles Sidney Mooers, far away in the city of Des Moines, kept the American colors flying over his little fruit stand on wheels. He had been an aide to his father and was now the only man in that city to remember the confHct. On the fiftieth anniversary of Mrs. Mooers' death, her oldest son. Col. Benjamin Hazen Mooers, in his Wisconsin home, wrote a most interesting letter to his sister, Mrs, G. M. Beckwith, detaUing the cir cumstances, 1821 Aaron Beman and Joseph Megaphy claimed to have kiUed wolves in the town of Mooers, the one, four and the other, three, and later collected the bounty due. 1853 Sheldon Durkee, son of the Revolutionary soldier, Timothy, of Royalton, died at his home on Durkee street. It was Sheldon Durkee, who, on the moming after the battle of Plattsburgh, with Ephraim Rand and Samuel Norcross, encountered, while entirely unarmed, three British soldiers on the retreat, and succeeded in capturing them in a hand-to-hand combat in which Norcross was killed. WhUe Rand ministered to the dying Norcross, Durkee triumphantly marched the three prisoners into camp. The old Durkee house, built some years before 1795, stood just above the bend of the river, just south of the first forge for the manufacture of iron erected in Saranac valley. The stumps of the Hlac trees, brought by Mrs. Durkee {n6e Hodg kins) from her home on Grand Isle, may yet be seen but the old home was taken down some years ago. 424 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1855 At Chazy, fire originating in ashes stored in an adjacent woodshed, bumed the stone school house and Methodist church, built in 181 6 at a cost of $7,000 and donated to the Methodist society by Alexander Scott. George Scott, a nephew of Alex ander, left Chazy for California at the age of 16 and was, in 1889, elected the first Gentile mayor of Salt Lake City, where he had finaUy located. 1896 The first rural free dehvery in Vermont was established and put into operation in the town of Grand Isle. 1905 At the rededication services of the Baptist church in Burlington, President M. H. Buckham of the Uni versity of Vermont, spoke as follows: "I recall your first pastor, the Rev, Mr, Safford, a gentle and gracious man of fine spirit and temper, a man who, in the day of small things, commended your little church to the respect of the community. Rev. Hiram Safford was the grandfather of our townsman, Gen. Theodore Safford Peck." 1907 The resolutions (previously adopted by a special subcommittee) setting forth the advisabiHty of an appropriate celebration of the tercentenary of the discovery of Lake Champlain, through the cooper ation of New York and Vermont and the federal government, were adopted by the whole commission at a joint meeting held at Albany, The commis sioners appointed under the law provided for the same are: Hon, H. WaUace Knapp, Mooers, Chair man; Hon, Henry W. HiU, Buffalo, Secretary; Hon, Walter C, Witherbee, Port Henry, Treasurer; Hon, James J, Frawley, New York, Hon, James Shea, Lake Placid, Hon, WilHam R. Weaver, Pem, Hon, James A. Foley, New York, Hon, John H, Booth, Plattsburg, Hon. John B. Riley, Plattsburg, Hon, Louis C. La Fountain, Champlain, Hon, Howland PeU, New York, Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 425 DECEMBER 22 1766 Thomas Bready went to the meadows and took with him 40 days store of provs, and i pot, 3 quarts, 3 bottles, I trap and chain, i bag, i tub, — GiUiland. 1 799 In the homestead built by his father on the lot on north side of the river, purchased from Judge Charles Piatt, Frederick Louis Charles SaUly, son of Peter SaiUy and his wife, Marianna Adelaide (GreUier) Sailly, was bom. The boy acquired his education at GranviUe, Washington county, and entered the old Bank of Plattsburgh as teller at eighteen. Later he became cashier and on the death of his father, succeeded him as collector of customs, Mr. SaUly was identified with all the public enterprises of the town and county and served as county treasurer several years. About 1830 he became interested in mercantile business and the manufacture of iron, an industry in which his father had been interested in France, In 1844 he retired from active business. Two years before his marriage his bachelorhood gave rise to "The Bachelor," one of the few humorous poems written by his then fifteen-year-old neighbor, Lucretia Davidson. "To the world, (whose dread laugh he would tremble to hear. From whose scorn he would shrink with a cowardly fear,) The old bachelor proudly and boldly will say. Single lives are the longest, single lives are most gay," 1803 Winslow C, son of Elkanah Watson, was born at Albany. After graduation from Middlebury Col lege, from which he received the degree of A. M,, he studied law with Justice Ambrose Spencer and was admitted to the bar in 1824, He practiced in Platts burgh until 1833, when ill health compelled his retire ment. Besides his prominence in the poHtical, civil, and ecclesiastical life of the community, he had, 426 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley since 1819 contributed to magazines, newspapers, etc., and his published works, "Men and Times of the Revolution," "Report and Survey of Essex County," "Pioneer History of Champlain Valley," "History of Essex County," etc., form a valuable part of the literature of this valley. 1807 Birth in Stanfordville, Dutchess county, of Caleb D. Barton, son of Caleb Barton, and his wife, Damaris Hull (a granddaughter of Benjamin FrankHn), whose sister Ruth was the wife of Stephen Keese of Peru, in whose family young Caleb, early orphaned, grew up. The first wife of Caleb, Jr., was EHza Lapham, eldest daughter of Joseph, whose English ancestors located in Providence about 1735. Joseph settled in Peru about 1800, where he married Anna Keese, daughter of Richard, and built the Lapham homestead nearly opposite the spot where the first Keese buUt his log cabin. Both the Laphams and Caleb Barton were prominent in developing the industries of the river as the names Lapham's MUls and Bartonville sig nify. After Mrs. Barton's death in 1842, Mr. Barton married Emma Peale, the talented daughter of Rembrandt Peale, the noted artist of PhUadelphia, who painted General Washington from Hfe when but seventeen. The elegant home of the Bartons at Port Douglass hill in KeesevUle, was fUled with beautiful paintings, many of them the work of Mr. Peale. This mansion with most of its contents was destroyed by fire. Upon its site Mrs. Barton erected another dwelHng, now known as Rembrandt Hall. The paintings which remain are now in Saratoga, the property of Mrs. Bosworth, a niece, as well as an adopted daughter of Mr. Barton. 1852 The farm on which the Lozier Works are located was purchased by Rensselaer S. Hewitt of Pem and his wife, a daughter of Judge Josiah T. Everest. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 427 1900 Death, at Fort Frederick Hght house. Lake Champlain, opposite Chimney Point, Vt., of Antoine Peltier, a grandson of Capt. PauHnte (Poland), of the American Revolutionary army, who came to this country with Lafayette. Mr. Peltier was 91 years old. The interment was at Plattsburgh. DECEMBER 23 But still our earthly feelings cling Around this bounded spot; — ¦ There is a something burns within Which will not be forgot. — Margaret Davidson. 1786 At Cumberland Head, Washington county, in the log house buUt by her husband on land bought from Judge Zephaniah Piatt, Marie (Caillat) Sailly was gathered to her fathers. She had remained with her chUdren in Albany until the completion of the house and had survived the hardships of pioneer Hfe and the rigorous climate but six months. Hers was the first death in the new township, and her remains were buried under the big pine trees on the Point, not far from the old block house. When, in after years, Capt. Nathaniel Piatt had given to the town the land for a burying ground, her remains were the first interred there. DECEMBER 24 Ye angels, sing your sweetest songs, And strike anew each golden lyre; Let him to whom the praise belongs The sacred strain inspire. — Christmas Hymn by Margaret Davidson. 1763 — this day the lake opposite WUlsboro froze up, — Gilliland. 428 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1863 The stock holders of the First National Bank of Plattsburgh elected the foUowing directors: Z, C, Piatt, Jonathan Hagar, W, W, HartweU, C. G, S, Edwards, James Rogers, S, P, Bowen, E, M, Crosby, C, D, Blake, P, D, Moore, At a subsequent meeting of the directors, Z. C. Piatt was chosen president and H, Walworth cashier, 1876 On Christmas eve in the new stone church of the Mission of St. James, Ausable Forks, the mission ary. Rev. Wm. H. Cook, held the first service. The cost of the edifice, the comer-stone of which had been laid the June before, was $11,000, of which sum $10,000 was given by Mr. James Rogers, DECEMBER 25 Hail to salvation's brilliant mom, Hail to the dawn of joy and peace. When God's supreme, almighty power. Bade all our pains and sorrows cease. — Christmas Hymn by Margaret Davidson. 1635 Christmas Day the end came to Champlain, "The intrepid governor lay dead in his own Quebec, the incipient city of Blasted Hopes, Trade had supported it, and had stunted it, A summer of activity and a winter of inaction was its story, year in and year out," — Winsor. In what is now an open square in the upper town, in a mortuary chapel, every vestige of which long since disappeared, the Jesuit Lalemant did the last service and Le Jeune spoke a eulogy as the dead hero was laid to rest, 1803 Betsey Roberts, a sister of Hannah, both daughters of John, became the bride of Joseph Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 429 Wadsworth Edwards, a descendant of WiUiam Edwards, who settled in Easthampton, L, I,, in 1650, At the time of the battle of Plattsburgh, British soldiers were about their home in South Plattsburg all day. About five o'clock the soldiers threw away the punk which they had used in lighting their pipes and rode away. Seeing this, Mrs, Roberts, having no fire in the house, sent her boy, Gustavus Vasa, then about ten years old, to get the precious substance. 1805 St. Louis. — The commemoration of the birth of our blessed Lord. — I have just retumed from church. The altar was dressed very fine. There were about 20 levites attended upon the High Priest , — Williams. 1813 Albany, — I heard a Christmas discourse from the Rev, Mr, Clowes — ^it was an excellent sermon — took a Christmas dinner with Lieutenant-Governor Taylor. In the evening went to Mr. Walsh's, and spent the evening pleasantly with a small party. — Idem. 1816 The early Presbyterians saw the fruit of their labors in the dedication of their first meeting house. Its architecture * * * was in its main features, correct and imposing — ^with the tall columns and numerous steps of its front face. Within, it was of unique arrangement. The pulpit stood between the entrance doors, and the gathering people came at once under the eye of the pews * * * Then there were deep galleries, out of which, at the reconstruction, great sticks of pine near a hundred feet long and a foot square were taken, hewed from trees which probably your Adirondack forests can not now match, — Rev. E. A. Bulkley, D. D. 430 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley DECEMBER 26 And all the stern fatigue of life, Such as our mothers erst endured, When fast and hot the battle strife Was waxing, and our sires repaid The Briton's wrong, and Indian's hate. With many a ball and reeking blade — The guerdons of that hour of fate. — Sunderlin. 1784 Col. Seth Warner died in his native parish of Woodbury (now Roxbury), Conn. His services in the patriot army resulted in early death. Connecticut has erected to his memory a substantial granite monu ment with this inscription on its north side:" Captor of Crown Point, commander of the Green Moun tain Boys in the repulse of Carlton at Longueil and in the battle of Hubbardton; and the associate of Stark, in the victory at Bennington," Seth Warner settled in Bennington within three-quarters of a mile from the New York Hne, where he was a near neighbor of James Breakenridge. He married in 1767 Hester Hurd of Roxbury, DECEMBER 27 1610 Champlain entered into a contract of marriage with the twelve-year-old daughter H^l^ne of the king's private secretary, Nicholas Boull^, During Champlain's voyage to Quebec in 1811, his betrothed remained with her parents until the marriage the following year, 1868 The United States hotel (once Israel Green's Inn, on the site of the De Fredenburgh house) was burned. For more than seventy years its sturdy waUs had withstood the ravages of "war, fire and flood," It had been built by John Clark when the Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 431 road on the south side led down to the only wharf (Clark's Landing) in the village. When mine host. Friend Green, was "Master of the Inn," the house was in its prime, but all its former glory had long since departed. 1875 Judge Gideon Collins, a pioneer in 1803, died in Chateaugay. 1909 Dedication at Lake Kushaqua of Stony Wold HaU, a new dormitory for Stony Wold Sanatorium. The Hall is given by Miss Blanche Potter in memory of her sister Martha. A stained glass window, repre senting the Good Shepherd, back of the Protestant chapel, and the clock and chimes are gifts from Mrs. Walter Geer, another sister. The fine organ came through the agency of the Rev. John N. Marvin of Albany, who also sent prayer books. Bibles, hymnals and altar service books through the Bible and Com mon Prayer Book Society of Albany, DECEMBER 28 1792 A town, named for its mountainous character, Peru, was formed from Plattsburgh and WUlsborough (Essex cotmty), at a meeting held at the dwelHng house of Samuel Jackson, when the first officers of the new town were chosen. 1798 Joel Stratton, son of Elder John and Esther S. Stratton, died at the age of nineteen and was buried on the hiUside sloping to the lake, near Mrs. Tread weU, wife of the Hon. Thomas Treadwell, who, unable to survive the severe winter, had died the fifth of January preceding. 1806 Birth of Job Sherman, an older brother of Dr. Pliny, both sons of Benjamin and PhUena Sherman, 432 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley members of the Society of Friends from Rhode Island. With Benjamin Sherman lived his mother, Mrs. Martha Sherman, who attained the great age of 104. She was an aunt of Mrs, John Howard (n6e Hannah Earl) of BurHngton, Benjamin Sherman and Benjamin Earl taught early schools at the "Union." Job Sherman died on the farm of his birth, unmarried, July 8, 1863, 1814 "Black Maria" Haynes gave birth to a son, to whom she gave the name of "Sir George Provost," the defeated commander of the British forces, "George," coal-black, like his mother, became a barber like his father, Tom Haynes, who, by the way, was the lightest of mulattoes, Maria, bom a slave, remained in the family of her master. Judge Melancton Smith in New York city until his death, when she was transferred to the home of his son. Col. Melancton Smith in Plattsburgh and there remained until the colonel's death in 1818, 1820 Asa Elmore Everest, son of Joseph and Celesta (Stafford) Everest, was bom in Pem, N, Y,, After graduation from Middlebury CoUege and Union Theological Seminary, he was ordained in 1850 at Broadway Tabernacle, Besides preaching in Brook lyn, Mooers and various places in UHnois and Iowa, among them at Grinnell and Council Bluffs, he was chaplain of the 11 Sth U, S. Colored regiment, 1864-5, He died of senile paralysis, April 20, 1899, having survived his wife, Anna Mary, daughter of Govemor George Franklin and Mary (Bodine) Fort of Pem- berton, N. J., many years, DECEMBER 29 1665 "M. CourceUes, the governor of Canada, began his march with scarcely six hundred men, to seek out Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 433 their inveterate enemies, the Mohawks," The snow that covered the ground "although four feet deep, was frozen." 1818 Removal of the Thurbers to their new brick house (still standing) overlooking the lake at Rouses Point, 1843 Gertrude Kellogg, daughter of Charles White and Demmis Dewey (Comstock) Kellogg, was bom at Comstock's Landing. She became an elocutionist and actress in Europe and America, supporting Edwin Forrest in his latest engagements and also Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett. In 1892 the Port Kent residence of her grandfather, Peter Com stock, became the summer home of the KeUoggs, Miss KeUogg died in Brooklyn, April 18, 1903, but was buried at Comstock's, N, Y, Her brother, the late Peter Comstock Kellogg, with their father, established in New York the modem auction business of highly bred horses and cattle, besides writing for sporting and agricultural papers under the name of "Hark Comstock," 1867 Bishop Hopkins resumed his visitation "among the churches in the northern part of his Diocese, beginning at St, Alban's." At the request of the Rev, Wm. M, Ogden, rector of Trinity Church at Plattsburgh, he visited that parish and there officiated for the last time. Already ill from exposure, he grew worse and returned to his home whence "he entered into life, January 9, 1868," His son, the Rev, John Henry Hopkins, S, T. D,, afterwards rector of Trinity, presented to that church the Altar Desk bearing this inscription: •f In Memory of the Right Reverend John Henry Hopkins First Bishop of Vermont and Presiding Bishop 434 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley whose last offering of the Eucharistic Sacrifice was at this Altar of Trinity Church Plattsburgh on Sunday January 5: 1868, 4* 1894 Frederick Remington, America's weU known artist and illustrator, buys a summer residence site on the lake shore near Plattsburg, Though a native of Canton, N, Y,, he has spent much time in the West, where he has been most successful in depicting army life on the plains, DECEMBER 30 Bitter and bleak is the closing day. — Buckham. 1766 Our raft of hay was drove on shore last night on the south side of my Bros, point — 2 cocks from Far meadow, went with some hands and got the hay aU safe to shore, and one Bateau haul'd up, wrought tiU 9 in the evening, then came to McAuley's, — Gilliland. 1770 Death of Hannah, wife of the Rev, EHsha Kent, They were the parents of Moss Kent, Sr,, who was born January 14, 1733 (O, S,), and died in Febmary, 1794. 1784 Zephaniah Piatt, Peter Tappen, Zaccheus New comb, Nathaniel Piatt, Piatt Rogers, Charles Piatt, Thomas Treadwell, Simon R. Reeves, Melancton Smith, Jonathan Lawrence, Israel Smith and John Addams met at the house of Judge Zephaniah Piatt in Poughkeepsie and mutuaUy agreed "to be jointly concerned in the building of a saw-miU, grist-mill and a forge on the river Saranac the next summer, each to advance an equal proportion of money." ; "I could wish none but sober, industrious men to settle in said Township, such as bid fair to do well for themselves. — Judge Piatt in offering terms to early settlers. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 435 1813 "Wedding" was the pass word that night among the troops at Plattsburg, for it was the wedding night of young Dr, Benj, J, Mooers and Mary Piatt of Cumberland Head, A few months later the young doctor was using his skiU as a surgeon among the wounded of those troops, 1831 At his homestead on the State road, four mUes north of Plattsburg, and overlooking TreadweU's bay, the Hon, Thomas Treadwell died at the age of 84, The old house was taken down in 1870 or '71 and its timbers used in the erection of a house near Allen Brook on the Moffit Road, The boards used in the old structure were very wide, in fact, wide enough for a door. One of these (stiU preserved) has in it a port hole, through which the master was wont to oversee the work of his slaves in the fields of the estate. Near the grave of the "Master" is that of one of his household slaves, marked with a stone bearing this inscription: "Old PhUHs, ago and her the slave was last request of African birth as she passed And she died to her rest long ago, long was 'Lay me at old Massa's feet,' " DECEMBER 31 The wind goes wailing, the sky is gray, — Buckham. 1755 — went with more hands and hauled up the other Bateau, sent Ireland and David to the Far meadow for a yoke of oxen for McAuley, they are also to assist Thomas Bready to skin my large white ox with one drooping horn, which was drowned at the far meadow creek a few days ago, — Gilliland. 436 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 1775 In a bhnding snow storm, Montgomery attempts the capture of Quebec by assault, receiving his death wound. Amold is severely wounded in the leg, Morgan fights until half his men are killed or wounded and the rest benumbed and helpless from cold. He then surrenders and Dearborn also. Capt, Edward Mott, in the detachment personally led by Mont gomery, behaves with great bravery, "Happy would it have been for Amold, if instead of being wounded, he too, had died, since by his subsequent treason at West Point, he blasted forever the glory of his gallant conduct on that occasion." That dear old home, where pass'd my childish years. — Margaret Davidson. 1783 In a small story and a half house, weather boarded, at the Trap, St. George's Hundreds, New Castle county, Delaware, was bom Thomas Mac donough, son of Major Thomas Macdonough of the Delaware Continental Line. 1837 Margaret Davidson and her mother watched the old year out and Margaret wrote the poem beginning : Hark to the house-clock's measured chime. As it cries to the startled ear, "A dirge for the soul of departing time, A requiem for the year." 1846 Death of Ebenezer Balch in the house which he built in 181 2. He had come, a pioneer from Hartford, Conn,, in 1800; was a member of the com pany of "Silver Grays" and as such participated in the battle of Plattsburg, Meeting with financial losses while shipping timber to Quebec by rafts, he sold his farms to his sons Ebenezer and Alvah Burchard, His character is weU summed up in the text of the sermon preached at his funeral, Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is Peace. — Psalms xxxvii, 37. Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 437 1885 First electric Hghts shone in Plattsburgh's streets, the company being organized with capital from abroad. But in the sky the Moon rides high. And from the belfry's height. The midnight chime now tolls the time When we must bid "Good Night." Good Night! Good Night! — Rev. J. H. Hopkins, Jr. Every date in my pneumatic calendar has been checked off. Have they not strange, subtle voices, these messengers of the air. — Buckham. 1909 The last day of the year in Plattsburgh found the Smith mausoleum, begun September 22, com pleted and the remains of Loyal L, Smith, Platts burgh's benefactor, placed therein; also the new Y. M. C. A. building, his most worthy monument, ready for the New Years' reception. Farewell! for thy truth- written record is full. And the page weeps, for sorrow and crime ; Farewell ! for the leaf hath shut down on the past, And conceal'd the dark annals of time. The bell! it hath ceased with its iron tongue To ring on the startled ear. The dir^e o'er the grave of the lost one is rung. All hail to the new-born year. — Margaret Davidson. ROLL OF HONOR OF SARANAC CHAPTER, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, PLATTSBURGH, N. Y. Name. Adams, Joseph, Alden, Daniel, Ashley, Thomas, Ball, Adonijah, Ball, Moses, Beckwith, BarziUia, Beede, Reziah, Beman, Nathan, Benedict, Thos., Sr., Billings, John, Billings, Samuel, Black, Henry, Blish, Daniel, Bonner, Daniel, Brooks, William, Bostwick, Ebenezer, Brown, Adam, Buell, Elias, Carpenter, Benj., Carriel, Nathaniel, State. Service. Conn., Private, Mass., Dep. to Gen' Court & J. P., N, H., Private, Mass., Private, ) Mass., Corporal, j Conn., Sergeant, N. H., Private, N. H. Guide to Grants, Ethan Allen & Private, N. Y., Sergeant, Conn., Priv. & Corp., Conn., Private, Mass., Lieutenant, Conn., Sergeant, Mass., Private, | N. H., Ensign, j Conn., Sergeant, Mass., Sergeant, Conn., Major, Mass., Field Officer, Mass., Ensign, Daughter. Miss Elizabeth Beckwith Sowles 1 Alice Skinner Whittelsey (Mrs. S. S.) (Resigned 1908,) Miss Lucy Rebecca Warren ) Maria Jeannette Brookings J Tuttle (Mrs. G. P.) Miss Sowles Harriet Dudley Bell (Mrs, W. W.) Jessie Beman Campbell (Mrs. J. W.) Kate Lyon Botsford (Mrs, E. F.) >• Mrs. Whittelsey Maude Sawyer Black Buck (Mrs. W. S.) Miss Lydia Independence Jones Emma Cynthia Bonner Nichols (Mrs. G. F.) Miss Erminia Juliet Hall Miss Jones Caroline S. Hudson Bone- steel (Mrs. C. H.) Jeanette Mead Guibord (Mrs.W.W.) (DiediQoi,) Eleanor Mead Hudson (Mrs) Geo,H.) Lou Mary Slater Ames (Mrs. B. P.) Miss Ellen A. Hewitt Miss Alice Frances Everest Hewitt 440 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Name. Carriel, Nathaniel, State. Service. Mass., Ensign, Chandler, Benj., Chandler, Joseph, Chandler, David, Clark, Samuel, Cleveland, David, Cole, Daniel, Converse, Josiah, Converse, Jude, Crane, Joseph, Dewey, Benj., Douglass, Asa; Eastman, Obadiah, N. H., Sergeant, Selectman, Mass., Captain, Conn., Private, Mass., Private, N. H., Private, Mass., Lieutenant, Conn., Drummer & Private N. Y,, Surgeon, Mass., Sergeant, N. Y,, Major, N. H., Corporal, Edgell, John, Mass., PrivateJ& Corporal, Daughter. Lucretia Miller Taylor (Mrs Albert) Alice Everest Miller (Mrs. E.) Florence Dudley Turner Price (Mrs. Sim. J. Jr.,) (Trans. 1903) I Luna Mabel Leonard Gris- 1" mer (Mrs. C. V.) Abbie Hej-Tvorth Backus (Mrs. Geo. C.) (Resigned 1908) Sarah Heyworth Barber (Mrs. C. H.) Sarah Imogene Clark Hathaway (Mrs. F. F.) (Transferred 1909 to ' Our Flag" Chapter, Washington, D. C.) Kate H. Cleveland Smith (Mrs. J. O.) Jennie B. Cole Dawson (Mrs. M. C.) ' Mrs. Whittelsey (Resigned r 1908) Ella Barnes Watson (Mrs, W. C.) Charlotte Bancroft Trom- blee (Mrs. F. E.) Ellen Maria DeForris Bailey (Mrs. S. P.) (Died 1901) Frances Bentley Wever (Mrs. J, M.) (Died 1898) Miss Louise DeForris Elizabeth Button Amold Mary Boynton Amold Helen Lansing Burritt (Mrs. B. L.) Ida Lansing Wilcox (Mrs. W. B.) Mary Edgell Jocelyn (Mrs. S. P.) Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 441 Name. Edgerton, Simeon, Eells, Waterman, Everest, Joseph, Emerson, Nathaniel, Fairbanks, Phineas, Fitch, Jabez, Fitch, Roswell, Fitch, Joseph, Fiber, Thomas, Forbush, David, Forsyth, Matthew, Francis, Asa, Fuller, Ignatius, GatcheU, Jeremiah, GiUiland, William, Graves, Benj., Gunnison, Samuel, Hall, John, Hartwell, Jonathan, State. Service. Oann., Captain, Vt., Private, 1 Vt., Private, j N. H., Lieut.-Colonel, Mass., Captain, Conn., Captain, j Conn., Private, ] Conn., Ensign, N. Y., Private, Mass., Lieutenant, N. H., Pres. Chester Com. of Safety Conn., Private, Mass., Private, Mass., Matross, N. Y., Captain, Conn., Private & Bodyguard to Washington N. H., Private, (}onn., Lieutenant, N, H,, Captain, Daughter. Miss Sowles Miss Ellen A. Hewitt Anne Emerson Low (Mrs. E.C.) Emma L. Weston Barker (Mrs. D. F,) Mrs. Geo. F. Nichols (Re signed 1909) Margaret Brown Backus (Mrs. Jabez) Margaret Dimon Edwards (Mrs. C. E. M.) W. Emestine Towne (Mrs. J. H.) (Transferred 1897 to Eunice Sterling Chap^ ter, Wichita, Kansas) Mrs. F. E. Tromblee. Elizabeth S. Kellogg (Mrs. D. S.) Miss Loraine Snyder Anson Miss EHzabeth York (Trans ferred 1909 to Ironde- quoit Chapter, Rochester, N, Y.) Miss Emily Thurber GiUi land (Died 1904) Julia Ross Nichols (Mrs. E. L.) (Resigned 1897) Miss Kate J, Saxe Mrs, C, V, Grismer Adelia W. Martin (Mrs John) Mabel Martin Brady (Mrs, E. G,) Chastine HartweU Rogers (Mrs. W, G.) 442 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Name. State Service. Daughter. Haynes, Aaron, Mass., Private, Anna Palmer Danis j(Mrs. F. R.) Haywood, David, Mass., Private, Mary Kate Alden Shedden (Mrs. L. L.) Herkimer, George, N. Y., , Colonel, Miss Josephine Greene (Re signed 1899) Hewitt, Gideon, Conn., , Private, Miss Alice Hewitt Mrs. S. H. Price Hobart, Daniel, Mass., Corporal, > Mrs Barker Hobart, Nehemiah, Mass., Selectman, ; Hooker, Martin, Conn., , Private, Jean McCain Mooers (Mrs. W. B.) HubbeU, Wolcott, Conn., , Private, Anne Moore HubbeU Jones (Mrs. C. H.) Hudson, James, Mass., Captain, Miss Coranell Hudson Miss Edna Hudson Miss Mary Hudson Hulett, Daniel, Conn. , Private, Mrs. C. H. Barber Hunt, Ephraim, Johnston, Chas., Jones, Nathan, Sr., Jones, Nathan, Jr., Kalb, John, Kellogg, William, Ketchum, Joseph, Mass., Private, N. H., Colonel, Conn,, Conn., N. Y., N. Y., N. Y., Sergeant, ) Private, > Private, J Private,Quartermaster, Emma Cooke Edwards (Mrs. J. Q.) Abigail Amold White (Mrs. J. B.) (Died 1899) Mary E. WiUiams Brown (Mrs. W. F.) (Resigned 1902) Rosa H. Averill Moore (Mrs C. H.) (Resigned 1906; died 1908) Miss Frances Rosa Moore Miss Lydia Independence Jones (Transferred 190 2) Miss Louise A. Perry Mary Edgerton Nelson Cle ment (Mrs. H. C.) (Re signed 1 901) Miss Frances Rosa Moore (Resigned 1907) Rosa Averill Moore (Mrs. C. H.) (Resigned 1906; died 1908) Three Centuries in Champlain Valley •443 Name. Lane, Derick, State, N.J., Service, Lieut,-Colonel, Larkin, Lorin Nehemiah, Lawrence, Nathaniel, Learned, Isaac, Lincoln, Elkanah, Little, Moses, Little, Stephen, Lynde, Jonathan, Mapson, Zacheus, Marshall, Ichabod, Marshall, Jonathan, Marvin, Benjamin, Mason, Aaron, Mather, Samuel, M. D., Matthews, Stephen, Mclntyre, WiUiam, Mattocks, Samuel, MUler, Nathan, Mooers, Benjamin, Conn., Ojnn.,Mass.,Mass,, Mass., Mass., Private, Sergeant,Bombadier, Sergeant, Colonel, Rep. Mass. Leg. 1776, Private, N. Y., R. I,, Ensign, Mass., Sergeant, Mass., Corporal N. Y., Mass,,Conn., Conn., N, H„ Conn., N. Y., Captain,Drummer, Captain, Captain, Coxswain, Captain,Private Mass., Lieutenant, Daughter, Julia Russell Lane Myers (Mrs. J. H.) Gertrude R. Myers Bentley (Mrs. C. H.) Caroline Larkin Baker (Mrs, E. E.) Bertha Wilcox Parsons (Mrs. Lance) Ella Famsworth Silver (Mrs. C. D.) Minnie Lincoln George (Mrs. J. A.) [• Mrs. G. F. Tuttle Miss Helen Mary Palmer (Resigned 1896) Mary Greene Bonesteel (Mrs. C. H.) (Resigned 1902; died 1904) Miss Lucy Warren Pauline Marshall Phelps (Mrs. Lee) Miss Warren Mrs. Phelps Miss Sowles Maude Parsons ViaU (Mrs. Harry) Miss Sowles Miss Mary Matthews Mrs. Tuttle Miss EUen Rose Nye Almira Miller AveriU (Mrs. H. K., Jr.) (Transferred 1904) Lena Almira Elkins Dale (Mrs. C. J.) Lucy Beckwith Sowles (Mrs. M.) Margaret (Beckwith) Hough ton (Mrs. Silas) (Re signed J 899) Mrs. C. H. Jones 444 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Name. State Service. Moores, Benjamin, Mass., Lieutenant, Moore, Mark, Mass., , Private, Moore, Pliny, Mass., Lieutenant, Moore, William, N. H., , Captain, Morgan, Jonas, Conn. , Ensign, Mygatt, Eli, Newcomb, Andrew, Palmer, Fenner, Palmer, John, Pahner, Sylvanus, Paulinte, Antoine, Payne, Noah, Phetteplace, John, Pease, Calvin, Philips, Samuel, Pierce, Jonathan, Pike, Ezra, Pike, Jarvis, Piatt, Charles, Conn., N. Y., Conn.,Conn,,Vt., N. Y,, Conn., N. Y., Lieut.-Colonel, Lieutenant, Captain, Ensign, Private, Captain, Private,Private, Conn,, Drummer, Mass., N. Y., N. Y„ N. Y., N, Y„ Private, Private, Private, ) Private, ) Quartermaster, Daughter. Miss Sowles Miss Sarah Wool Moore Sophie Beckwith Newton (Mrs. H. A.) May Moore Vert (Mrs. C.J.) Miss Helen McDougall Annie HubbeU Jones (Mrs. C. H.) Katherine (Moore) Rogers (Mrs. James) Ella McCaffrey Keman (Mrs. Frances) (Re signed 1899) Kate McCaffrey Burroughs (Mrs. James) (Died 1900) Jane Ketchum Morgan McCaffrey (Mrs. W. J.) Miss Isabella C. Mygatt (Resigned 1903) Eleanor Mead Hudson (Mrs Geo. H.) Jeanette Mead Guibord (Mrs. W. W.) Anna Palmer Danis (Mrs, F. R.) Miss Jones (Resigned 1902) Miss Harriette Blow Miss Erminia Whitley Ida Thomas Hayes (Mrs L. W.) Miss Cora Moon Miss Ruth Waterman Nor ton (Resigned 1906) Mrs. Tuttle Mrs. Katherine Barber Bar ber (Mrs. P. H.) (Re signed 1906) Lillian Pike Everest (Mrs. E. C.) (Resigned 1908) Anna Heath Conant (Mrs Frank) Anna Pahner Danis (Mrs, F. R.) Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 44 S Name. Piatt, Nathaniel, Piatt, Zephaniah, Sr., Piatt, Zephaniah, Jr., State. Service. N. Y., Captain, N. Y., Signer Ass'n Test & Prison Martyr, N. Y., Lieutenant & Adjutant Prescott, Joshua, Randall, Stephen, Ransom, Elisha, Roberts, John, N. H., Patriot, Mass., Matross, Vt., (Corporal, N. Y., Drummer, Daughter. Mrs. C. H. Jones Miss Sowles Mrs. Conant Mrs. Danis Catherine Cady Endicott (Mrs. F. C.) Jeannette Averill Corbin (Mrs. Royal) (Resigned 1897) Mrs. Endicott Sarah Piatt FuUer (Mrs. W. A.) (Resigned 1902; died 1902) Miss Margaret Piatt Fuller (Resigned 1902) Susan Averill Kellogg (Mrs. S. A.) (Resigned 1897; died 1899) Mary Piatt LobdeU (Mrs. F. P.) Miss Mary Piatt Mooers (Resigned 1908) ICatherine Mooers Piatt (Mrs. A. M.) (Resigned 1907) Margaret Wohf Rutherford (Mrs. A.) Pauline Cady Stoddard (Mrs. Chauncey) Mary SaiUy Warren (Mrs. A. M.) Martha Burch Wolff (Mrs. John) Miss Helen Douglass Wood ward Helen Prescott Lansing (Mrs. C. W.) Mrs. Barker Miss Mary Elizabeth Barber Jeanette Mead Guibord (Mrs. W. W.) (Died 1901) Mrs. G. H. Hudson 446 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Name. Roberts, John, Sanderson, Isaac, Scott, Henry, Senter, Joseph, Sherwood, Adiel, Signor, Jacob, Skinner, William, Southmayd, William, Spalding, Joseph, Steams, Asa, Steams, John, Stiles, Asa, Sykes, Ashbel, Thomas, Israel, Tompkins, Gilbert, State. Service. N. Y,, Drummer, Mass., Private, N. Y,, Private, N. H., Colonel, N. Y., Captain, N. Y., Private, Mass., Private, Conn., Private, Vt., Sergeant, Mass., Private, Mass., Lieutenant, Conn., Private, Conn., Private, Ten Broeck, John C, N. Y., Captain, Conn., Private, R. I., Sergeant of Marines Treadway, Jonathan, Mass., Drummer, Daughter. Sarah Weed Ketchum (Mrs. Wm.S.) (Resigned 1899) Flora Clapp Ransom (Mrs. J.B.) Elizabeth Fiske Johnson Clapp (Mrs. H. Rowland) Miss Lucy Warren Theodora Kyle Chase (Mrs. F. H.) (Resigned 1902) Mary E. Williams Brown (Mrs. Wm. F.) (Resigned 1902) Mrs. Whittelsey (Resigned 1909) Mrs. Wm. Brown Jessie Spalding Black (Mrs. James B.) Jessie Barber Johnson (Mrs. C. S.) Miss Catherine Hodges Marion E. Hodges (Mrs. Chester E.) Margaret Robinson (Mrs. John R.) Miss Amina Stiles Emma Brewer Bromley (Mrs. Earle A.) Adelaide Brewer Kimmell (Mrs. Wm. S.) (Resigned 1909) Miss Elizabeth Ross (Re signed 1902) Frances Ross Weed (Mrs. Geo. S.) (Resigned 1902) Mrs. L. W. Hayes EHzabeth Tompkins Jones (Mrs. E. N.) (Transferred to White Plains Chapter 190s) Adeline Treadway LobdeU (Mrs. G. M.) Three Centuries in Champlain Valley 447 Name. Turbett, Thomas, State. Service, Perm,, Lieut,-Colonel, Tuttle, Samuel, Tuttle, Samuel, Jr., Walworth, Benjamin, Ward, David, Wesson, James, West, Wilkes, Whitney, Jason, Whitney, Samuel, Wilcox, Eleazer, Wilcox, Obadiah, Wilcox, Obadiah, Jr., Wood, Jonathan, Wood, Solomon, Mass., Lieutenant & Superintendent to Working Parties Mass., Private, Conn., Quartermaster, N. Y., Private, Mass., Colonel, N. H., Private, Mass., Private, Mass., Private, N. H., Signer Ass'n Test, N. H., Corporal, N. H., Private, N. Y., Private, N. Y., Private, Daughter. Eleanor McGiU Carr (Mrs. W. B.) Alexandra Gamble Duke (Mrs. T. T.) Eleanor A. McG. Gamble (Resigned 1909) Mary McGiU Gamble (Mrs Joseph) M. Jeanette Brookings Tut tle (Mrs. G. F.) Ella Holmes Waterman (Mrs. John. A.) Miss Sadie Laura Wayne Mrs. Tuttle, Mrs, Waterman Caroline Walworth Fams worth (Mrs. John) (Re signed 1 901) Mary Walworth Joerrison (Mrs. Joseph) (Trans ferred to Oneida Chapter, Utica, 1906) Miss Jones Mrs. Barker Charlotte Bancroft Trom blee (Mrs. Frank E.) Mary Kate Alden Shedden Mrs. L. L.) Elizabeth FairchUd Stower (Mrs. J. N.) Miss. L. I. Jones Augusta Wood Cady (Mrs. H. W.) (Died 1898) Miss Kate H. Wood (Trans ferred to PhUip Schuyler Chapter 1896) Helen Lawrence Marshall. (Mrs. MUo H.) Alice Phelps Kellogg Riley (Mrs. F. J.) 448 Three Centuries in Champlain Valley Name. State. Service. Woodbury, Bartholomew, Mass., Colonel, Woodruff, John, Woodruff, Silas, Conn., Captain, N. Y., Private, Daughter. Miss Grace Mabel Everest Miss Alice F. E. Hewitt Miss EUen A. Hewitt Mrs, S. J, Price Mrs. A. H. Taylor Miss Mary Matthews Katherine Woodruff Shaw (Mrs. James) INDEX OF PERSONS AND ORGANIZATIONS. Abenakis, 163, 165, 350. Abercrombie, 151, 202, 204, 207, 214, 226, 235. Aboir, P., 231. Abolitionists, 8, 14, 139, 273-4 361, 403-5. Acland, John Dyke, 175. Lady Harriet, 191, 197. Adams, Elisha A., 405. Henry J., 141, 405. Addams, Elizabeth, 31, 149, 318. John, 31, 41, 42, 149, 197, 26s, 318, 373, 385, 434. John Townsend, 190, 385. Mary (Townsend), 42, 318, 385. Adirondack Chapter, D. A. R., 44, 264. Adriance, Caroline, 147, 355. Agniers, 80. Agricultural Societies, 30, 104, 403, 418. Aikens, Asa, 20, 119. Betsey (Smith), 20. Martin J., 151, 281. Solomon, 20. Aiken's Volunteers, 38, 151, 281-2, 289. Alden, Alonzo, 24, 223. Isaac, 223. John, 223. Alger, RusseU, 236. Algonquins, 163, 165, 181, 315, 318. Allen, Anson H., 205-6, 336. Charles P., 401- Ebenezer (Col.) 25, 45. 86, 351, 354- Edward Viel, 75. Elisha, 388, 395. Enoch, 354- Ethan (Gen.), 10, 14, 23, 29, 32, 45, 47, SO, 51. 54, 86, 105, 126, 127-129, 131-133, i44> 146, 158, 168, 200, 258-9, 312, 316, 327, 336, 354, 394- Ethan Voltaire, 14, 55- Ezra, 407. Allen, Fanny, 55. Frances Montezuma (Buchanan) 14, 54, 336. Frederick, 289. Hannibal, 29, 55. Heman (Capt.) of Bennington, 261, 312. Heman (Colchester, Burlington) 192. Heman (Milton, Burlington) 354-5, 401, 410-11. Ira (Gen.), 14, 23, 50, 140, 354, 364- Ira H., 140. James S., 398. Jerusha (Enos), 140. John, 388, 395, 410. Jonas, 94-s, 189. Lamberton, 25, 354. Levi, 23, 51. Lucinda, 261. R. P., 26. Samuel, Sr., 354. Samuel, Jr., 354-5- Thomas, 90, 157, 216, 284. Zenas, 87, 157, 407. Alvis, Mr., 296. Amherst, 36, 176, 185, 225, 227, 230, 235, 242-3, 257, 321, 329, 333, 338-340, 342, 345-6, 350. Andrance, Albert, 266. Andre, John, 318, 362. Andrews, J. Warren, 377. Anstruther, Lieutenant, 250. Antill, Edward, 291. Appling, Lieut.-Col., 281. Armstrong, Clarissa, 324. Libean, 324. Martin, 77. Arnold, Benedict, 39, 61, 11 7-8, 127-8, 132, 136, 142-6, 177, 180, 188, 260, 263, 279, 286, 291, 3°5, 308-9, 324, 329, 331-4, 337, 397, 402, 436. Elisha, 72, 4SO Index of Persons and Organizations Arthur, Chester A., 323. Reuben, 10 1. Richard D., 292. Ashley, Elisha, 49. Enoch, 49. Astor, John Jacob, 56, 84, 154. Atkinson, Colonel, 231. Atwood, Joab, 399. William, 359, 399. Augustin, Helena, 364. Austin, President (U. V. M.), 71. Averill, Calvin K., 26, 161, Daniel, 74, 266, 416. Henry K., 81, 87, 112-3, 151, 157, 315- Maria K., 23. Mary (Polly), 23, 87, 104, 112, 161, 173, 384. Nathan, Sr., 74, 89, 94, 266, 320, 373, 402, 416. Nathan, Jr., 23, 74, 87, 103, 112, 161, 173, 266, 416. Samuel, 348. Ayers, EHakim, 60, 66-7, 166, 171, 296, 324, 334, 401, 405. Robert, 121. Ayotte, Pierre, 290. Ayslin, Isaac, 361. AZY, d' Lieut., 212. Badlam, Mrs., 318. William, 318. Bacon, Esther, 3 10-3 11. Mary, 384. Wm. C, 124. Bailey, Florence B., 403. Edmund S., 403. Gen. Jacob, 264. James, 115, 284, 319-20. John,^, 78, 223. John W., 78, 244. Theodorus, 8, 45, 105-6, 229, 330, 403. Thurber, 244. William, 8, 14, 45, 58, 65, 78, 98, 104-S, 115, 123, 140, 229, 310. William, H., 58, 98. Bainbridge, Commodore, 138. Baker, C. Alice, 357. Daniel, 115. E. C, 277, 349. Jane, 32. Mrs. M. G., 13. Remember, 82, 133, 213, 394. Reuben, 72. Baker, Thomas, 307, 371, 407. WiUiam, 86. Balcarres, General, 175. Balch, Alvah, 350, 436. Chester, 163, 399. Ebenezer, Sr., 161, 352, 436, Ebenezer, Jr., 350, 352-3, 436. Mrs. Timothy, 9, 353. Timothy, 148, 163, 350, 352. Baldwin, Mary, 265. Ball, 372. Adonijah, 385. Isaac, 385. Moses, 385. Rachel, 385. Banker, Lucretia, 259, 360. Baptist Church, 12, 57, 63, 64, 68. 95, 100, 147, 174, 424. Barber, Alanson D., 55, 274. G. E., 347, 349, 371- Isaac, 361. John, 88. Barker, Hannah, 350. Nicholas, 310, 350. N. B., 347. Barnard, Charles, no. Joseph, no, 152. Barnes, A. C, 203. Asa, 132 Jeremiah, 268. Lois, 152. Lucretia, 152. M. A. 295. William, 136. Barr, Conrad, 340, 384. Barret, P. J., 212. Lawrence, 433 Barron, Joseph, 22, 157, 299, 306. Barrows, Isaac, 88. Barton, Caleb, 426. Lewis, 266. Bassett, David, 361. Bateman, Smith, 152. Bates, Elizabeth, 35. Baum, Frederick, 249, 262. Beach, Cynthia, 313, 343. Beale, George, 191. Beaudry, Louis N., 390. Beauharnois, Marquis de, 329, 400. Beaumont, Samuel, 27, 284, 328. William, 118, 216-17, 328. Beckwith, Baruch, 27, 33, 421. Benj. M., 344-5, 347, 37^, 42i- Daniel, 153 263. George H., 347. George, M., 33,103,148,277,423, Index of Persons and Organizations 45 1 Beckwith, Julius D., 371. Bedue, Sieur, 360. Beecher, Lyman, 69. Beekman, "WilHam, 58. Belden, Lois, 352. Belding, Sarah, 401. Bellamy, Justus, 398. Bellemont, Earl of, 259. Bellevue Chapter, D. A. R., 94. Bellows, Hiram, 48. James, 291. ames T., 48. Tryphena, 48. Belton, George, 47, 52, 65, 66, 77, 84, 112, 131, 185, 304, 334, 338, 365- Beman, Aaron, 419, 423. Amy, 96. George, 419. Jemima, 419. Nathan, 8,96, 131— 2, 157, 263—4, 300, 419. Samuel, 94, 96, 157, 264, 266, 300. Benedict, 141. Aaron, 350. Cyrus, 350, 380. G. C, 309. Walter H., 141. Bennet, John N., 88. Bentley, Charles, 116. Benzel, Adolphus, 70, 306. Berrien, John, 266. Berthier, Sieur de, 326. Bidwell, Sedgwick W., 403. Billings, Andrew, 266. Mr., 420. Bingham, Jerusha, 312 Bird, Gustavus A., 151. 105. Bissell, Ben, 26. General, 90. Bissell's Brigade, 239 Bixby, Deborah, T. S., 76. George F., 44, 172. Black Watch Regiment, 201, 221, 323. Blake, C. D., 428. Blanchard, Orlin, 361. iLll^lf!j°^"'5-Blood, Nathaniel, 77. Bloomfield, Joseph, 276, 301, 364, 370. Blush, Harvey, 283, Boardman, Benjamin, 232, 269, 292, Edwin, 303. Elisha, 232, 269. Henry, 232, 269. Hezekiah, 292. Horace, 370. Joseph, 232, 269, 303. Lucius, 370. Samuel, 232, 292. Bogert, William, 64. Boilau, Pierre, 231. Boilleau, Amable, 291. Bolabarras, M. de, 333. Bonneville, General, 167. Booth, Edwin, 433. P. E., 349, 371. John H., 424. Bordwbll, Joel, 271. Bostwick, Hulda, 153. Botsford, E. F., 44. Boucher, M., 362. Bougainville, General, 268-9, 272. Bouille, Helene, 430. Nicholas, 430. Bourdon, Sieur, 163. Bourlemaque, General, 227, 240 252, 395- Bowen, Bishop, 358. S. P., 194, 428. Bowman, Bishop, 384. A. W., 373. Boynton, John, 146, 307, 373, 399. Bradford, Elisha, Sr., 345. Elisha, Jr., 345. Bradstreet, Colonel, 207. l^ADYiThomas, 112,425. 435. Braman, Daniel, 405. Brand, H., 240. James, 263. Breakenbridge ) t™<>„ -,. .-- Breakenridge [James, 234, 430. Mary, 397. Breed, Allen, Sr., 182, 248, 260, 323. AUen, Jr., 248, 359. EHphalet, 260. Brewer, Chief Justice, 304. Brewster, Jeremiah, 341. Bridge, Samuel Southby, 338, 341, 343. Brimmer, George, 77. Brinkerhoff, Abraham, 136, 137. Abram D., 21, 64. Mrs. Abraham, 107. 452 Index of Persons and Organizations Brisbane, Ezekiel, 286. Maj. -General, 263, 273, 275-6, 284. Broadwell, David, gi. Noah, 310. Smith, 91. Brock, L. D., 370, 384-5. Brook, Lord, 33. Brooks, Bartemas, 152. Bromley, I. W. R., 370. Brown, Captain, 70. Captain John, 279. Colonel, 58. George, 43- John(of Ossawatomie), 149-51, 273, 279, 280, 403, 404-5- John (of Rhode Island), 262. Josiah, 37. Judge, 134. Hannah, 134. Major, 342. Mary A., 403. Peter, 279. Sabra, 303. Brunneau, a. O., 124. Brunson, John, 35. Bryce, Ambassador, 204, 208-n. Buchanan, Fanny (Allen q. v.) Buck, Bellina, 153. Bostwick, 239. David, 153. Ephriam, 113, 130, 153, 251, 368. George F., 251, 420. Henry, 130. Hulda, 153. Joel, 153. Philander, 153. Buckham, James, 10-14, 17, 21, 36, 39, 51, S3, 59, 64, 84, 88, 93-4, 100, 105, 107-g, III- 112, 114, 116, 121, 123-125, 127, 138, .140, 143, 147-8, 152, 154, 156, 160-3, 165, 168, 172, 195, 206, 218, 220, 222, 225, 228, 230, 236, 240—1, 245-7, 257, 274, 276-7, 296, 298, 303-5, 318-321, 325. 327, 336, 338-40, 351-3, 356, 358, 360, 373, 377-9, 397, 400, 434-5, 43 7- Matthew Henry, 235, 378, 424. *"The Heart of Life," a coUec- tion of early poems is pub lished by Copeland & Day of Boston. irLL,}Ei-.^52. Julia (SaiUy), 415. Ozias, 244. Polly, 130, 408. Samuel, 18, 252, 273. Bulkley, Catherine F., 76. Edwin A., 65, 429. Bullard, Erastus, 390. Bullock, Grace, 377. Burbank, Lucy, 372. Burchard, James, 350. Sarah, 350-1. Burgoyne, 126, 134, 170, 174, 178-9, 182, 184-5, 190-1, 197, 199, 202, 248-9, 259, 354, 404. Burke, Bishop, 212. Mary. Mayor, 211. Thomas, 70, 77, 79. Burnham, George, 281. Burroughs, Kate L., (McCaffrey), 120. Burrows, J. M., 286. Burt, Benjamin, 401. George, 409. Bush, Isaac, 136. Butler, Benjamin, 87. Henry, E., 19. Butterfield, Thomas, 341. Byantum, John, 177. Byington, Joel, 67, 171, 337. Cabot, Abigail, 43. Marston, 43. Cady, Augusta M. (Wood), 171. Cyrus, 421. Daniel, W., 209. Heman, 113, 421. H. W., 371. T. P., 370. Caillat, Marie, 427. 81lk1ns, [Benjamin, 19, 266. Calvanistic Cong'l Church, 57, 60, 80, 104, III, 261, 367, 412. Cammeron, William, 77. Campbell, Anna, 250. Duncan, 221, 250. James, 398. John, 126. Lieutenant, 126. Cane, WilHam, 276. Captives, Indian, 23, 24, 305, 400-2. Carew, Judge, 107. Index of Persons and Organizations 453 Carignan-Salieres, i6, 32, 87, 41, 47, 80, 315, 318. Carlton, General, 160, 175-6, 248, 278, 297, 318, 337, 342, 354, 404. Lady Maria, 313. Carpenter, Benjamin, 228. Polly, 348. Miss, 413. Carroll, Charles, 114, 133. John, 114. Carter, John M., 140. Judith, 408. Lieutenant, 294, 299. William, 420. Carver, Nathan, 25. Cary, Phebe, 407. Casse, (Corse) Elizabeth, 218, 357, 368. Cassin, Lieutenant, 137. Casson, Father, 271. Catholic (Roman) Church, 121, 124, 125-6, 137, 154, 201, 212, 218—219, 229, 237, 256, 271, 285, 313, 319, 321, 355, 361, 362, 380, 385, 391, 400-403, 415, 416, 418, 422, 429. Catholic Summer School, 44, 254, 268. Catlin, Mary, 319. Moses, 244, 261. " Cato," 14. Chamberlain, Edward B., 69, 72. W3rman, 383. Chambers, WUHam, 352. Chambly, de, 326. Champlain Academy, 286. Assembly, (Clifi Haven, q.v.). Canal, 30, 246-7. Ferry Company, 35. Madame, 421-422. Presbytery, 19, 202, 380. Samuel de, 181, 195-7, i99. 201, 212-213, 225, 23s, 421, 428, Transportation Ompany, 13, 35, 38, 55, ISO, 353- Chandler, Doctor, 328. W. H., 349- Chantonette, Francis, 171, 34i- Charles II, 279. Chartier, Theodore, 291. Chase, Moses, 55, 137, 244- Samuel, 114- Chasy, Sieur de, 80, 114- Chateaugay Ore & Iron Co., 109. Chatterton, John, 19. Chaurain, Lewis, 418. Chipman, John, 362. Chism, John, 7, 108, 130, 324, 333, 365,383- • Chittenden, Thomas, 9, 13, 108, 222, 312. Church, Captain, 407. Churchill, Samuel, 64. Cincinnati, Order of the, 123, 150. Clapp, Joel, 317. Clark, Bethuel, 361. B. S. W., 115. Colonel Isaac, 64, 91, 221—2. George L., 277. Jesse, 361. Joanne W., 76. John, 361, 430. Miss C. P., 317. Newman S., 231. Sally, II. Samuel, no. W. O., 74. Clement, President, 285. Clifford, Jonathan, 359. Clinton County Agricultural Soci ety, 104, 276, 337, 418. Associate Mission, 39. Bible Society, 36, 67-8. Medical Society, 22, 24-7, 245, 302-3, 325. Military Association, 294-5. Clinton Lodge, F. & A. M., 400. 406. Clinton, DeWitt, 400. George, 82, 113, 123, 231. Sir Henry, 153. Cloutier, Charles, 231. Clowes, Mr., 429. Cochran, John, 98, 409-4I0. Robert, 177. Sarah, 409-410. Codrington, Sir Edward, 49. Coe, Martha, 318. WUHam, 94. Coffin, Tristram, 350. Coit, Joseph H., 136, 254, 318-9, 321. Cole, Caleb P., 69. Joseph, 69. Collins, Gideon, 431. Mr., 29. Columbus, 348. 454 Index of Persons and Organizations Commissioners (Boundary Line), 278, 285-6. (Land), 74, 123, 290. (Peace), 118. (Tercentenary), 286, 288-9, 424- (Turnpike), 96. Comstock, Peter, 178, 246-7. Polly, 252. Rufus, 252. Samuel, 246. Conant, R. T., 317. Cong'l Presbyterian Church, 26, 64, 80—81, IOI, 116, 133, 274. Cong'l Unitarian Church, 16, no, "3' Congress, Continental, 34, 133, 312, 370. Provincial, 34, 117, 236. Conklin, Elizabeth, 21, 407, 419. Roscoe, 407. Conroy, John J., 154, 385. Constable, William, 115. Contrecour, Sieur, 207. Converse, J. H., 60, 401. Lucy, 164. Cook, Joseph, 24, 229, 321, 390. Ransom, 121. Susan, 158, 231, 382. WilHam H., 428. Cooper, Charles D., 96. Henry, 177. J. Fenimore, 156. Sir Astley, 49. Corbin, Abigail, 31. Charity, 43. John, 31, 43, 44. Josiah, 14, 113. Joseph, 113, 258, 320, 376. Martha, 21, 31, 43, 376. Mary (TaUmadge), 258. Moses, 318. Royal, 43, no, 348. Warren, 103, 383. Corlear, 287. Corning (Coming & Cook), 415. Cottrill, C. H., 349, 371. Courcelles, M. de, 16, 29, 37, 47, 287, 318, 432-3- CouRSOL, Justice, 414. Cowles, C. D., 68, 74, 204, 209, 268. Coyle, Dr., 268. Craig, John, 43, 94. Sir James, 404. Sir John, 48. Cramer, Fred H., 347, 349. Crippen, Sarah, 246. Crook, James, 104. Crosby, E., 371. E. M., 428. Cross, Henry, 177. Culbertson, Lieutenant, 188. Culver, Francis, 194, 196-7. John, 318. Curtis, Zerah, n. Cutler, Christiana, 75. Cuyler, John Bleecker, 40. Stephen, 72. Daggett, Naptha, 54. Mary, 54, 140. Dane, Prof., 196. Darby, Jacob, 361. " David," 9, 435. Davidson, John, 415. Julian O., 277. Levi P., 219, 363, 396, 397. Lucretia, 86, 88, 104, 109, 117, 124, 125, 155-6, 170, 191, 210, 2ig, 243, 270-1, 314, 337, 348, 421, 425. Margaret (Miller), 122, 150, 155, 195, 219, 223, 225, 275-6, 281, 290, 332. Margaret M., 7, 18, 67, 69, 72, 85, 86, 88, 99, 114, 187, 192-3, 199, 219, 224, 264—5, 277, 307, 310, 328-9, 335-6, 392, 427-8, 436-7- Matthias O., 88, 219, 277. Oliver P., 24, 25, 219. D'avignon, Francis J., 244, 388. Davis, Captain, 334. Davoust, 165. Day, Thomas, 77. Deall, Samuel, 16. Dean, Mr., 65, 273. Deane, Sarah, 118, 377. Silas, 118. Dearborn, General, 327, 334, 422, 436. DeForris, Charles S., 347. Truman, 302-3, 316. De Goesbriand, Bishop, 124-5, 237. Delaney, James, 349. Patrick K., 154. De Levis, 209, 214. Dellius, Godfrey, 279. Delord, Frances (Quinac), 235. Frances H., 335. Index of Persons and Organizations 455 Delord, Henry, 88, 233, 235, 239, 254, 310, 335, 400. Jean Baptiste, 235. Madam, 24, 254, 335. Demary, 388. Deming, Julius, 244. Denio, Conrad, 361. Dennis, George, 361. Denonville, M. de, 376. Desabrevois, 38. Derochers, T. E., 371. Deuel, i t> 1 Duel (Dual), ^piraim, 366. Joseph, 388. Phoebe, 388, 410. Dewey, Thomas, 49. Zabadiah, 49. Dibble, Israel, 178. Dickson, | t c Dixon, ^ lona, 361. Moses, 171, 296, 324, 365. Dielle, Caroline A. (Piatt), 97, 223. John, 97, 223. Dieskau, Baron, 240, 279, 287. Digby, Lieutenant, 160, 173, 176, 198, 205, 208, 226, 251, 313, 317, 333. Dobie, David, 9, 26, 32, 51, 52, 61, 103. Eliza, 103. Dodge, Daniel, 57, 267, 296. John A., 57. Jordan, 57. DooLiTTLE, Ephraim, 327, 329. Dominey, John, 107. DONEGAN, [Governor, 287. Doric Club, 368. Dorland, EHzabeth, 128. Sally, 290. Dougherty, James, 245. Douglas, Hon. Capt., 49, 162. Douglas, \ « Douglass, [Asa, 37, 75, 202, 257. Benajah P., 121. Caleb, 359. David, 123. James, 164. Jonathan, 37, 164. John, 37, 49, 59, 75, 134, 202. Lucy, 37. Nathaniel, 11, 134, 164, 202. WiUiam, 257. Downie, George, 291-2; 294. Dual (Deual), q.v. Dudley, Martin, 178. Duke of Kent, 62. Dumontel, Jean, 368. Duncan, Silas, 151. Dunning, Esther, 388. Lovel, 286. Durand, Calvin, 152. Francis Joseph, 152. Joseph, 152. Marinus F., 63, 167. Durham, John, 361. Durkee, Adan, 339. Andrew, 339. Sheldon, 157, 339-40, 384, 423, Timothy, 339, 423. W. H., 371. Dutch, 147, 211, 279, 287, 355, 399, Dyer, Jeremy H., 64. Earl, Benjamin, 432. Hannah, 58, 432. Easton, Colonel, 119. Edgerton, Alfred P., 295. Bela, 85, 136, 200, 295, 315, 370, 381. Elisha, 315. Joseph K., 295. Lycurgus, 295. Phebe, 295, 385^ Edward, Prince of Wales, 61, 174, Edwards, C. G. S., 428. Gustavus, v., 106, 310, 429. Joseph W., 429. J- Q-, 349- Margaret E. (Mrs. C. E. M.), 76, ISO. Thomas, 240. Eels, Sarah, 323, 339. Waterman, Sr., 257, 339. Waterman, Jr., 83. Eldred, Alida, 99. Hannah, 291, 338. Warren, 99. Elkins, S. D., 126. Ellis, Loring, 194. Ellsworth, John, 416. Elmore, Colonel, 132. Lott, 35, 418, 419 Ely, Nathaniel, 408. Emerson, George H., 410. Joseph R., 44, no, 410. Thomas, 44. Emery, Samuel, 178, 285, 406. Enos, Roger, 140. 456 Index of Persons and Organizations Episcopal Church, 8, 13, 39, 136, 201, 233, 254, 284-5, 301, 306, 317-319, 321, 358-9, 387, 413. 415, 416, 428, 431, 433-4- Everest, Aaron S., 317, 362, 433. Asa E., 432. Benjamin, 248. Calvin, 263, 339. Ethan, 152. Joseph, 248, 323, 339, 404, 432. Josiah, 276, 323, 362, 426. Luther, 339. Zadock, 248, 252, 337. Everitt, Edward, 98. Facto, Peggy, 78-9. Fairchild, Benj. S., 24. EHzabeth, 24. Fairman, James, 70. Farnsworth, John, 263. Farquarson, D. L. W., 201. Farragut, David, 46, 150, 330. Parrell, 87 Farrington, Lieutenant, 242. Farsworth, Captain, 287. Fay, Hezekiah, 359. John, 257. Jonas, 132, 312. Samuel, 19. Federalists, 48, 411. Fellows, George, 384. Pelt, B. P., 97. Ann E., 97. Fenwick, Colonel, 239. Ferris, Benjamin, 248. Deacon, 29. Hiram, 150. Jacob, 36, 94-5, 216, 239. Mary, 125. Peter, 363-4- WiUiam, 118. Pessie, John, 231. PiFiELD, Colonel, 406. Fillmore, Millard, 381, Septa, 368, 381. Finch, Isaac, 98. Pish, Elizabeth, 388. Fisher, Josiah, 409. Fisk, Josiah, 266-8, 296. Eleanor, 33, 301. Ichabod, 33, 301. Nelson W., 285-6. Samuel, 33, 291. Fiske (Claudius, Eben, Ira, Solo mon), 361, Pitch, George W., 413. Ichabod, 96. Jabez, 286. Flagg, Azariah, 67, 151. Fletcher, Mary L., 40, 219. Mary M., 31, 40, 219. Flint, Jonathan, 77. Floyd, William, 266. Folger, John, 350. Foley, James D., 424. Fontfleyd, John, 98, 243. Foot, Mary, M. 76. Forbes, Colonel, 326. Forrence, Miss, 231. Porrilles, Sieur, 32. Forsyth, Doctor, 26. Major, 64, 90, 174, 188-9. Fort, (governor, 432. Poster, John, 16. Fountain, Joseph, 418. Fouquet, Amherst D., 50. Hannah, 50. Douglas, 50. John L., 27, 49, 167, 243. Merrit L., 50. Fowler, Captain, 278. Theodosius, 96. Franklin, Benjamin, 114, 133, 173, 402. Molly, 173, 395, 426. Praser, General, 175. Frazier, General, 173, 175, 179, 183, 189, 190, 193, 226, 249, 250. Lieutenant, 77. Frawley, James J., 424. Fredenburgh, Charles de, 18, 35, 59, 177, 252, 262, 278, 289, 430. Freligh, Elizabeth S., 124. John G., 8, 38, 107, 179, 310, 322, 417- Margaret, A., 8, 38. French, 44, 77, 86, 107, 178, 241, 2.79, 287, 350. Abigail, 109, 165, 196, 218, 401, Deacon, 218, 368, 401. Freedom, 218, 357, 391. Martha, 218, 391, 401. Mary, 218, 368. Thomas, 218, 319. Friends, Society of, 87, 102-3, 208, 235-6, 279, 280, 350, 356-7, 366, 369, 370, 382-3, 387-8. Friot, Alex., 291. Friswell, John, 57, 160. Pry, Colonel James, 171. Index of Persons and Organizations 457 Fuller, Elsie, 295. Henry C, 31. Ignatius, 295. Josiah, 234. W. A., 352. Fulton, Robert, 402. Galusha, Jonas, 320. Gamble, Joseph, 40, 68, 248. Lieutenant, 294, 299. Mrs., 341. Gardner, Jacob, 77. Jotham, 77. Garrett, Leroy M., 388. Gates, General, 22, 86, 198, 260, 308, 354- Geer, Mrs. Walter, 431. George, the Third, 62. Gibbons, Cardinal, 201. Gibbs, 247. Gilbert, Mrs. D. K., 10. Gilchrist, Robert, 96. Gilliland, Charity, 186. Elizabeth, 129, 186, 297. Emily T., 229—230. James, 186. Jane, 131, 133-4. Jane W., 308. Mrs. Jane, 93, 186. WilHam, 7, 9, 11, 14, 19, 22, 24, 31, 33, 36, 40, 42, 49-50, 52-61, 63-72, 74-5, 77-9, 81—8, 90, 93—5, 98, 100, 107-8, 112— 116, 118, 123, 127, 130-1, 133—6, 149, 160—6, 168, 170-9, 185-7, 227-8, 230-3, 235-7, 240, 263, 273—4, 278, 280, 285-6, 289, 299, 306, 326-8, 331, 357, 395-6, 397, 407, 409, 410, 418, 427. WilHam Jr., 145, 167, 248. Gilliland's Colonists, 7, 36, 47, 50, 52, 60-1, 69-71, 77-9, 81-4, 87, 93, 107, 112, 118, 127, 130-1, 136, 143-4, 153, iSS, 165, 171-2, 176-8, 185-7, 205, 214, 224, 230, 290, 296-8, 304-5, 320, 324, 333-4, 338, 346, 350, 355, 365, 369, 375, 382-3, 385, 388, 391-2, 398, 400-1, 405, 425, 434-S- Gilman, Benjamin, 136, 323. Henry J., 420. Rufus, A., 316. Gilmore, P. S., 149. Glasier, Colonel, 61. Gleig, R. G., 179. Glennie, Mr. 341. Glover, General, 259. Gold, Levi, 276. Goodsell, Bishop, 390. Goodspeed, Daniel, 359. Gardner, 359. Goodrich, Chauncey, 46. Silas, 27, 325. Gordon, Alexander, 25, 324, 354. Benjamin, 325. General, 168. Ira, 325. Lewis, 325, 361. Seth, 325. Thomas, 325. Willard, 324-5. Gosford, Lord, 178. Gosselin, ) t „„;„ <;„ ^ GoSSELINk, [^"'^'69. 291- Graham, Zepha Piatt, 179-180, 182- 3, 185. Grant, Capt., 164. Fred, 247. Jesse, 247. John M., 144. John R., 420. Lieutenant, 336. President, 247-8, 295. Graves, Benjamin, 63, 83, 94, 100. Eleazer, 385. Ezra, 398. Jeremiah, 157, 182. Mark, 366. Nathan, 128. Roswell, 128. Samuel, 385. Seth, 171. Green, Anna, 118, 208. Barlow, 378. Caleb, 177. Deborah, 328. Henry, 177. Israel, 26, 118, 231-3, 260, 393, 402. James, 177. John, 177. Joseph I., 377, 385. PlattJR., 118 Rodman, 177. Thomas, 82, 269. Greenleaf, James E., 149. Green Mountain Boys, 131, 200, 223-4, 259, 342, 386, 430. 458 Index of Persons and Organizations Green Mountain Chapter, D. A. R., ii8, 316. Grey Nuns, 415. Grielle, (Marianne A., 166, 170, Grellier, ) 425. Griffin, E)elia A., 124, 180. Jonathan, 65, 113, 123, 136, 180, 288, 421. Margaret H., 288. Griffith, Jonathan, 366, 383. Seth, 103, 366. Griswold, Bishop (P. E.), 358. WUHam A., 38, 300. Gross, Charlotte C, 409. Emily P., 409. Ezra C, 408-9. JuHet, 409. Thomas, 408. Guibord, A., 349. Gunn, C, 371. Hackstaff, John L., n, 410. Hadden, Lieutenant, 175-6, 178, 183-5, 188-190, 193-4, 250. Hagar, James A., 371. Jonathan, 428. Sarah, C, 28, 189. Haight, ODrnelius, 187. Haile, John J., 106. William P., 284, 295, 307, 316, 347, 365- Haldiman, General, 108, 126. Hale, Henry, 12. Hall, Bishop, 210. Elihu, 361. Prances D. L., 76. Francis B., 414. Ira, 361. John P., 124. Monroe, 277, 409. Nathaniel, 361. Phebe, 409. Halleck, Henry W., 330. Hallock, Anna, 208, 389. Peter, 208. Halseys, 141. Halsey, Caroline, 319, Charles P., 380-1. Cornelius, 49, 294. Frederick, 18, 23, 31, 34, 43, 85, 114, 130, 147, 182, 246, ^ 319, 375, 379, 382. Letitia M., 379. WUHam P., 284-5. Zopher, 317. Halstead, Piatt R., 22, 63, 119, 121, 295- Hamilton, Eliza, 186. Hammond, Charles P., 154, 260, Gideon, 63, John, 122, 154, 260. Hampton, Wade, 214, 238, 369, 398, 399- Hancock, Major, 89. Hand, Augustus C, 43. Richard L., 405. Handley, Nicholas, 325. Hand's Cove Chapter, D. A, R,, 258. Hard, Anson, 233. Harney, Luke, 380. Harper, Robert, 278, 306. Harrington, WUHam C, 174. Harrison, Caroline Scott, 352, President, 352. Hart, Mr., 398. Hartwell, George W., 420. W. W., 277, 428. Hartwick, John B., 216. Harwood, Benjamin, 19. Peter, 19. Hascall, Helen, 8. Mary (Sterne), 8. Ralph, 8. Haskell, Asa, 143. Daniel, 71, 104, in. Hatch, Charles, 69, 379. Charles B., 69. Haughran, John, 417. Haviland, Colonel, 176, 257, 267- 9, 287. Hawkins, Colonel, 301. Hay, Anna Maria, 248. Mary, 35, 418. William, 35, 61, 160, 177, 418. Hayes, Ahaz, 190. Minnie E., 308. Reuben, 295. Haynes, Maria, 384-5, 432. " Sir George," 432. Tom., 432. Hazen, AbigaU, 93. General Moses, 79, 250, 264, 291. Hazlet, D. E., 273. Hebencourt, 227. Hedding, Bishop, 255. Laura, 255. WiUiam, 255. Hegeman, Catherine, 318, 459, Index of Persons and Organizations 459 Hendee, Mrs., 340. Henderson, Ira., 63, 69. Hendricks, 287. Henry, George, 130-1, 227, 235-6. John, 48. Herrick, Capt. (H. M. N.), 162. Doctor, 242, 310. General, 86, 351. J. R., 19- Samuel, 128-9, 158, 354- Hewitt, Henry G., 368. Jeptha, 263, 368. Nathan, 306. Nathaniel, 68, 107, 202. Rensselaer S., 426. Heyde, Charles L., 306. Heyers, Mr., 74. Heyworths, 410. Heyworth, George, 410. " Hick," 257. Hickok, Mrs. H. P., 60. Hicks, George, 60, 66-7, 71, 74, 296, 333-4- Harriet, 102. Mrs. G., 67, Samuel, 63, 107, 189, 232. Higby, James S., 347. Highlanders, 201, 221, 324. Hill, Abiah, 214. Caleb, 25s, 258, 360-1, 377. Henry W., 212—213, 424. Ira, 255, 258, 298-9. Hill's Company, 361. HiLLIKER, John, 340. HiLLiARD, Minard, 361. Hinman, Colonel, 188. Hinton, Richard I, 273. Hitchcock, D. C, 286. Hoag, Daniel, 369, 383. Elijah, 387. F-, 371- Joseph, 339, 387. Lavinia C, 383. ~^ Mosher, 383. Phebe, 387. Seth, 383. Hobart, Bishop, 280. Daniel, 150, 355- Nehemiah, 150. Hocquart, GUes, 99, in, 326, 400. Hodgkins, Margaret, 374. Hogarty, J. W., 326. Hogle, John, 340. Holcomb, Amos, 361. Carmi, 361. Holcomb, Ephraim, 361. Horace, 63. Jesse, 361. S. Wright, 347, 349. Holden, Daniel, 138. Holmes, John, 405. Robert, 405. Thomas, 405-6. Holt, Jacob H., 311. — 24. Home Guards (of Plattsburgh), 345, 351-2- Hommedieu, Ezra L, loi, 266. Hooker, General, 167. Martin, 415. Phineas, 415. Hopkins, John H., 165, 229, 356, 358-9, 387, 41S, 417, 433-4- HosKiNS, Daniel, 88. Houghton, William H., 409. Howard, Daniel Dyer, 58. Hannah (Earl), 58, 432. John, 57, 58, 281-3, 432- John Purple, 58. O. O., 354. Sion Earl, 58. Howe, Harmon, 27. John, 391. Julia, 309. Lord, 151, 204-8, 228, 321. Martha, 391. S. N., 347- HoxiE, Gideon, 49. Hubbard, Ezekiel, 116, 318, 398. Hubbell, Julius C, 35, 72, 78, 102, 286, 368-9. SUas, 78, 180, 286, 337. Huff, William, 141. Hughes, Bishop, 313. General, 65. Govemor, 60, 201, 203, 207, 209, 212, 254, 286. Mary (BaUey), 65. Hull, Damaris, 426. Ruth, 356, 426. HuLME, Wm. 50, 59. Humane Society, 10, 216, 414, Hunt, Harriet, 97, 357. Hunter, Edward, 22. Hunsden, John, 63. Hunton, Mary, 51. Hurd, Hester, 430. Hurons, 225, 315. Hussey, Ann, 125. Hutchins, Hannah, 10 1. John, 87. 460 Index of Persons and Organizations Hutchins, Nathan, 346. Sarah, loi. Hyde, Apphia, 353.J Azariah, 286. Jedediah, 25, 369. Indians, 14, 23, 38, 76, 80, 86, 93, 103, 163, 165, 178, 181, 184-5, 188-91, 196, 211, 216, 225—7, 230, 250, 254, 263, 264-6, 280, 287, 296, 301, 305, 318, 323, 327, 340, 345, 354-5, 37o, 39i. 400. Ingraham, Amos, 144. " Ireland," 9, 166, 186, 435. Irish, William, 49. Iroquois, 38, 80, 172, 211, 226, 23s, 376- Isham, H. L., 349. Izard, George, 36, 132, 263, 266, 274. Jackson, A. H. W. Andrew, 351. Daniel Sr., 177, 279, 410. Daniel Jr., 177, 278-9. Samuel, 431. " Stonewall," 167. "Jane," 257. Jefferson, President, 43, 402. Jenner, Samuel, 96. Jewett, EHzabeth, 162. Horace L., 123. Jewish Congregation, 96-7. Jogues, Isaac, 163, 178, 315, 340, 342. Johnson, Captain, 61. Henry S., 148. Moses, 88. President, 81. Samuel, W., 60. Sir WiUiam, 9, 109, 255, 279, 287, 394. Jones, Cornelia H., 305. David, 233. Gardner, 305. Honorable W., 294. Reuben, (Dr.), 26. Reuben, 312. William, 227, 235—6. Jourdamais, Isaac, 418. Jusserand, Ambassador, 204, 208, Kalm, Peter, 196, 224. Kane, Edward, 25, 316, 370, 421. Kearney, General, 167. Keese, Anna, 426. John, 208, 308. OHver, 409. Richard, 208, 266, 389, 426. Samuel, 87, 356, 361. Sarah, 308. Stephen, 356, 426. William, 161, 356. Kelley, WiUiam, 97. Kelly, John, 266. John Bailey, 201, 322, 376. John E., 152. Joseph, T., 376. Kellogg, Benjamin, 252, 308, 404. Charles W., 433. D. S., 44, 245, 309. Elias, 327. Gertrude, 433. Isaac, 308. Martin, 371. Orlando, 31, 405. Peter C, 433- Kent, Elisha, 434. Hannah, 155, 219, 254, 332, 412. James, 81, 89, 231, 245, 252, 254, 402. Moss, 79, 155-6, 254 270. Ketchum, Benjamin, 190, 374. Joseph, 89, 100, 104, 124, 173, 189, 198, 364. Phoebe, 85, 89, 104, 173, 198, 364- Keyes, Sarah, 418. Killam, Rachel, 303. King, Abigail, 350. David, 128. John, 296, 333. Kingsbury, Lieutenant, 145. Kingsley, Abisha, 19. John, 63. Kinne, Sarah, 170, 416. Kinney, Ezra, 369. Kinsley, Ruth, 127. Stephen, 71, loi. Kirtland, Henrietta J., 99. John, 372. Marie D., 372. Kline, Jacob, 104. Klock, j., 349- Knapp, Ezra, 361. H. W., 209, 424. Index of Persons and Organizations 461 Knight, Dame, 394. John, St., 320, 394. John (Capt.), 320. Knott, Samuel, 315. Knowles, Elizabeth, 350. Knox, Henry, 394. Kyle, Osceola, 390. La Corne, St. Luc de, 14, 28. Ladd, Henry, 337 Lafave, P., 349 LaFayette, General, 9, 49, 192, 243. 372, 402, 427. La Force, Damien, 418. LaFountain, Peter, 347. La Prambois, John, 236, 250, 291, 360. Lake Champlain Association, 60. Lake Champlain Pulp and Paper Co., 50, 234. Lake Champlain Steamboat Co., 72, 169. Lalement, The Jesuit, 428. Lamereau, Pauline, 256. Landon, Rachel, 198, 328. Lane, Derrick, 415. Matthew, 415. Langdon, J., 370. Lansing, Abram W., 138, 139. Hannah, 76. Wendell, 138-9. Lapham, Eliza, 426. Joseph, 426. Larabee, Alexander, 84. Larrabee, John S., 395. La Reine Regiment, 227, 395. Larkin, Elam, 351. Eleazer, J., 343. John, 70. Lorin, N., 70, 78, 157, 351. La Rocque, j. H., 10. Lasambert, Antoine, 231. Latourneau, Joseph, 231. Lavan, Antoine, 231. Lawrence, 89, 93. Jonathan, 41, 266, 434. Putnam, 115. WUHam, 242, 346. Lawson, WUHam, 304. Leaky, Captain, 274. Lee, John A., 348. Leeke, AbigaU, 358, 398. David, 358. Phoebe, 358. Leflin, James, 358. Rebecca, 358. Le Jeune, Paul, 17, 428. Lemieux, Postmaster-General, 209. Leroy, Dupont, 207-8. Pierre, 218. L'Estage, M. de, 215, 400, 422. Levy, Mrs. William, 10. Lewis, Miner, 282. Morgan, 96. L'Hommedieu, Ezra, loi, 266. Lincoln, President, 81, 109, 138. Littlefield, Aaron, 357. Livingston, A. C. H., 140, 405. Gilbert, 231. Helen, 193. Henry, 193. Isaac, 183, 323. John, 119. Judith, 182-3, 323- Robert R., 370. Robert W., 35, 140. Lobiac, Sr., 32. LoBDELL, Caleb, 401. Darius, 265, 372, 396, 401. Henry, 372. Jared, 265. John, 413. Joshua, 401. Logan, James, 38, 52, 78, 81, 83, 87. LoMAx, Major, 52. LoNEYS, 356. Longueil, Chevalier, 76. Loomis, Anna, 31. Jarius, 162, 165. Phineas, 62. Loring, Captain, 259, 333, 336. Lotbiniere, Chartier de, 99. Louis XVI, 112, 272. Louis XVII, 56. Louis Phillip, 235. Low, John, 379. John Hatch, 379. Seth, 203. Wilson, 379. Lowell, Samuel, 284. Loyalists, 57, 68, 84, 232-3, 352. Luckey, William, 39, 60, 66, 67, 144, 165, 172, 185, 334, 365, 385, 391, 395, 401. Lusignan, M., 196, 224, 395. Luther, Caleb, 64. Luykasse, Gerrard, 211. Lyman, General, 274, 287. Lynde, Elizabeth, 395. 462 Index of Persons and Organizations Lynde, Frances, 286. John, 113, 116, 164, 173, 28s, 306, 409. Johnathan, 172, 394, 395- Lyon, Asa, 367. Asahel, 121. Dan, 78, 283. General Nathaniel, 167. Hattie, 248. Nathaniel, 167, 248. Mabie, HamUton W., 207. MacDonough, Thomas, 22, 41, 98, 105, 153, 155, 157, 167, 191, 228, 238, 244-5, 258, 268, 288, 291-2, 294, 297, 301, 307, 309-11, 374, 411, 422, 436. Macintosh, John .A.., 376. Mack, Aaron B., 69. MacLane, Robert (McLane q. v.) Macomb, Alexander, 17. Alexander, Jr., 12, 64, 90, 91, 106, 132, 151— 2, 239, 266, 288, 306, 309, 311. Macomber, Grace P., 129. Joseph T., 382. Silas, 102. Wesson, 369. MacGlassin, Captain, 289, 290. Magruder, General, 167. Maissonneuve, 128, 141. Malley, Miss, 268. Malony, Richard j., 154. Man, Albon, 26, 81, 115, 325. Ebenezer, 81. Susan M., 81. Manly, Colonel, 295. Mann, Isaac, 65. Manning, WUHam, 349. Manse, Mdlle., 141. Mansfield, Amos, 49. Marguerite, Saon'got (Eunice Wil liams q. V.) Marin, 217. Markham, H. H., 381. Marsh, Catherine K., 13, 130, 318. Charles, 13, 68, 391. George, 13, 68, 94, 113, 130, 285, 400, 408. Julia A., 408. Marshall, Paul, 302. Martin, John, 87. Marvin, John N., 431. Mason, Aaron, 180, 374. LUlis, 180, 374. Matthews, Captain, 195. Mattocks, John, 26. Maria C., 37. Mattoon, John, 130, Maximin, Sr., 32. Mayhew, (Jovemor, 32. McAuley, John, 78-9, 81, 83, 130 205, 392. Robert, 50, 52, 78-9, 81, 83, 107, 130, 185, 205, 333, 365, 382, McCadden, Prank, 349. John, 371^ McCaffrey, W. J., 10. McClosky, Archbishop, 125. McCracken, Mr., 71. McCrea, Jane, 332-3. McCreedy, Charles, 266. J., 26. McCuLLOGH, Hugh, 81. McDermott, Michael, 384. McElrea, John, 7, 178. McFardin, Rachel, 186. McGregor, Duncan, 139. M'Intosh, Donald, 350. McKay, Mr., 65. McKeever, Bemard, 154, 277. McKesson, John, 278. McKinley, President, 236, 285, 298, McKinney, Norris, 69. McKowN, 307. McLane, Robert, 130, 171, 333, 365, 401, 405. McLaughlin, Arch'd, 144. McLellan, Samuel, 120. McMaster, D. P., 277. McNeil, Charles, 347. David B., 47, 128, 190, 252, 292, 29s, 397- John, 188, 397. McPherson, 291. Mead, Smith, 8, 157. Megaphy, Joseph, 423. Megapolensis, Dominie, 315. Meigs, 247. Melson, George, 130. Menomines, 217. Merial, Father, 218, 422. Merrill, Arthur, loi. Methodist Church, 38, 54, 126, 145, 233, 251, 265, 272, 277, 303, 346, 384-5, 403, 424. Michel, M., 99. Military Exempts, 36, 197. Miller, Abigail, 316. Burnet, 155, 157, 219, '266, 407. Index of Persons and Organizations 463 Miller, Dr. Matthias Burnet, 155. E. C, 347. Eleazer, 123, 147, 306, 319—320. Eliza H., 7, 42, 142-3. Fanny, 186. George, 141. John, 7, 25, 42, SI, 67, 74-s, 91, 107, 142, 155, 218, 239, 290, 306, 325. John Jay, 316. Levi P. Lucretia, 156, 318. Morris S., 199. Nathan. Patience, 384. Phebe, n. PHny, 316. Sylvanus S., 186. Thomas, 21, 25, 70, 107, 156, 182, 295, 360, 407, 419. Thomas, Jr., 315, 325. Van Buren, 316. Mills, Harriet M., 405. John, 191. Minkley, Barnabas, 398. Mitchell, Margaret, 290. Sally, 290. WiUiam, 266. Mix, Colonel, 299. Mix, Mrs. James, 358. Stephen, 318. MoFFiT, Stephen, 114. Mohawks, 37, 47, 80, 89, 93, 163, 165, 178, 209, 211, 215, 226, 233, 263, 279, 315, 318. MoNASH, Solomon, 276, 433- MoNCK, Lord, 414. Monroe, Colonel, 241. President, 231-4. Montagnais, 17. Montcalm, Marquis de, 209, 217, 230, 241, 267. Montgomery, Richard, 10, 121, 210, 213, 257, 304, 342, 348, 362, 378, 397, 402, 436- Montville, j., 349- MoNTY, Francis, 231, 250, 291, 397-8, Mooers, Benjamin, 8, 9, 13, 29, 31, 51, S3, 59, 66, 69, 78-9, 82, 85, 93-4, 96, 98, 107, no, 113, 114, 134, 149-S0, 152, 157, 200, 214, 223, 225, 231, 236, 238, 250, 253, 27s, 281, 288, 292, 309, 343, 360, 370, 396, 419, 420, 423. Mooers, Benj. Hazen, 48, 51, 91, 103, 229, 423. Benj. John, 9, 24, 25, 26, 27, 85, 91, IOI, 116, 134, 146, 155, 157, 182, 275, 307, 376, 435. Charles S., 294, 423. Hazen, 151. John, 9, 85, 146. John Henry, 307. Moses Hazen, 59. Richard S., 182. WUHam Piatt, 9, 210. Moore, Allen R., 104, 337, 375. Amasa C, 29, 66, 106, 295. Andrew, 316, 375. Ann, 35, 102, 296. Benjamin, 27, 325, 376. Charles Halsey, 342. Charlotte (Mooers), 29 66. D. T., 286. Edwin G., 347, 371, 417- George, 316, 370, 374-5- Hugh, 242. John W., 150. Lucretia M., 21. Margaret, no. Matilda, 102. Noadiah, 31, 37, 104, 286. P. D., 428. ; Phoebe, 104, 198. Pliny, n, 21, 29, 31, 35, 52, 67, 69, 96, 102, 107, 184, 261-2, 296. Royal, 262. Samuel, 65, 79, 123, 128, 136, 306, 375. Sir Henry, 273, 278, 306, 366. Sophia, 102, 296. WilHam, 129. Morell, George, loi. Morgan, Jonas Sr., 120, 170, 322, 412, 413. Jonas Jr , 322, 413. William H., 322, 412-13. Morrill, Giles, 371. Morris, Bishop, 139. Robert, 98. Morrison, Elinus J., 347-8- Morton, George, 60. Richard, 385. Samuel, 385. Mosher, Warren E., 254. Moss, A., 420. Mott, Ebenezer, 64, 266. 464 Index of Persons and Organizations Mott, Edward, 116, 118, 120, 170, 412, 436. Margaret, 236. Samuel, J., 242. Sarah, 120, 170, 322, 412. Valentine, 146, 236. Muller, Casper Otto, 165. Melusina, 356. Munroe, John, 82. Col., 167, 238-241, 252, 418. Murray, Ellen, no. General, 176, 248, 269, 285, 287, 321. John R., no. W. H. H., 14, IS, 77- Myers, John H., 39, 372, 417. Joseph, 349, 371. J- K., 399. Lawrence, 399. Letitia (Halsey), 379. Margaret P., 76, 270. WiUiam, 371. Myrick, Barnabas, 69. Nadeau, Pred, 289. Napoleon, 165. Nathan Beman Society, C. A. R., 86, 147, 157- National Guards, 120, 201. Neill, Rev. Mr., n. Nelson, Bishop, 201. Horace, 128. Wolfred, 127, 368, 390, 391. Nesbit, General, 176. Newcomb, Cyrenius, 35, 95, 216, 259- Kinner, 35, 42, 95, 107, 216, 259, 360. Piatt, 42, 135, 263, 360, 411. Ruth, 411. Samuel, 411. Simeon, 27, 35, 266. Zaccheus, 34, 41, 179, 265. Newton, Benj. Ball, n, 18, 25. Daniel, 327. Liberty, 128. MarshaU, 128. Nichols, Caleb, 107, 115, 225, 364, 370, 414. Elric L., 420. Geo. P., 394. John, 157, 317, 394. Julia Lynde, 394. Levi, 306, 317. Nathan, 177. Nims, John, 327. Niverville, Chevalier de, 38. Noble, Ransom, 182. Rosannah, 402. Stephen, 402. Norcross, Samuel, 423. North, Abijah, 103. Mrs. Clayton N., 213. Lemuel, 103. Northup, Nathaniel, 266. Norton, Charlotte, M., 76. Noyon, Jacques de, 332. Jean Baptiste, 332. Nutting, EHzabeth, 232. Vespasian, 415. Oaks, John, 320. Ogden, WUHam M., 433. Ogdensburgh, Bishop of (Wadhams q.v.) Oldest Clergyman, 403. Olds, Horace, 63. Oliver, Aaron, 385, 415. James, 385. John, 385. Robert, 385. Thomas, 385. WilHam, 385. Onderdonk, Bishop H. U., 358, Oneidas, 80, 217, 272, 280. Ord, E. O. C, 330. Ormsby, Gideon, 174. Orvis, Welthy H., 76. Ostrander, Ida, 360. Richard N., 420. Otis, Margaret, 307, 357, 407. Ouseley, Lady (Marcia Van Ness,) 417- Owen, Leonard, 49. Paine, Robert Treat, 370. Painter, Gamaliel, 362. Palmer, FrankHn, 50, no, 304, 343. George W., 251, 294, 316. Helen, 395. John, 65, 113, 123, 174-S, 182, 239, 257, 285, 312, 353, 398. Margaret (Smith), 76. Marion (Stetson), 32, 76, 202-3, 280—1, 283. Peter Sailly, 15, 175, 238, 266, 285, 307. Uriah, 68, 83. WUHam, 50. Zephaniah, 53, 88. Index of Persons and Organizations 46s Papineau, Louis Joseph, 127, 390, 391- Parkhurst, M. F., 349, 371. Parker, Elvira S. (Warner), 213. Francis, 25. Mrs., 243-4. Parkman, Francis, 225. Pangborn, Joseph, 363. Parrot, Adoniram, 157. Parsons, Darius, A., 180, David, 180, 358, 374. David R., 180, 374. Samuel Holden, 116, 117. Partridge, EHphat, 407. Patchen, J. H., 26, 263. Patriotic Relief Association, 220. Patten, James, 152. Paulinte, Antoine, 291, 427. Peabody, Oliver D., 30. Richard, 298. Peale, Emma, 426. Rembrandt, 426. Pearl, Stephen, 174, 366, 386-7, Timothy, 369. Pease, Calvin, 72, 304. Peaslee, Zacheus, 174, 231, 250, Peck, T. S., 424. Theodora, 10. Pell, Howland, 424. Stephen, H. P., 267, William, 289. Peltrie, Mme., de la, 142. Pennell, George C, 39. Penniman, Jabez, 336. Pepin, Andre, 291. Perault, M., 362. Peristrome Church, 414- Perkins, Hannah, 379. Lieutenant, 46. Perley, William (Col.), 171. Perriere, de La, 204. Perry, Nathan, 358. " Pete." 14. Petit, Micajah, 96. Pettit, Jabez, 216. Pettingill, Amos, 80. Peyser, A., 276. Phagan, EHzabeth, 43- Phelps, Benajah, Jr., 84. Noah, 117-9. Phillips, General, 17s, 190- Wendell, 403, 405. Phleming, David, 70. Pierre, de la, 119. Pierce, Colonel, 140. Pierce, E. W,, 349. John, 16. Lewis W., 29. Ransom M., 116. Pike, Colonel, 66. Ezra, 361. William C, 417. Pioneers, Dutch, 22, 355. EngHsh, 75, 134. French, 14, 82. German, 18, 73, 340-41, 355- Irish, 7, 14, 385. Pitcher, Elizabeth, 129. Plaisted, James, 215. Platt, Charles, 22, 31-2, 37, 40, 67, 72, 85, go, 94, 98, 107, 133, 147, 155, 157, 173, 179. 183, 216, 266, 355, 372, 425, 434. Charles T., 88, 159, 182, 288, 414. Charles Z., 35, 147, 171. Daniel, 112, 157. Hannah, 114, 423. Helen (Livingston), loi. Isaac, C, 20-23, 25, 107, 145, 147, 223, 237-8, 246, 418. John P., 59. Jonas, 55, 56, IOI, 143, 193, 393. 399- Julia (Sailly q.v.) Letitia, 31, 147, 319. Levi, 7, 42, 65, 91, 109, 123-4, 130, 143, 157, 182, 239, 420—21. Margaret F., 76. Margaret, 20, 147, 218. Moss K., 8, 35, 58, 63, 79, 156, 247, 253, 277, 368, 404. Nathaniel, 41, 46, 75, 78, 81, 90, 104, 106, 114, 133, 139, 157, 179, 266, 373, 423, 427, 434- Nathaniel Z., 147, 417-8. Phebe, 78, 104, 318. Richard, 210. Robert, 38, 54, 56, 140, 161, 198. Samuel Keyes, 418, Theodorus, 83, 170, 182, 408, 421, William Mooers, 120, 147. WiUiam Pitt, 9, 68, 81, 94, loi, 107, 112, 116, 119, 198, 219, 253-4, 318, 332. Zephaniah Sr., 152. 466 Index of Persons and Organizations Platt, Zephaniah (Judge), 14, 32, 35, 37, 41, 61, 75, 79, 82-3, 95, 109, 112, 117, 119, 133, 140, 152, 157, 179, 193, 195, 231, 245, 252, 254, 266, 297, 372, 417, 427, 434. Zephaniah C, 21, 97, 100, 156, 237-8, 428. Plattsburgh Academy, 12, 19, 113, 129, 136, 164, 277, 281, 307, 317, 323- Plattsburgh Institute, 44. Plattsburgh & Montreal R.R., 106. Plattsburgh Normal School, 46, 187. Plattsburgh Rifles, 231. Plessis, Joseph Octave, 401—2. Pomeroy, Abner, no, 318. John, 53. Pond, George E., 44. Pope, Martin, 298. W., 371. Porter, General, 236, 247. Potter, Andrew, 247. Blanche, 431. Martha, 431. Powell, Horatio, 26. PheHx, 348. Powers, General, 284. Pratt, Rhoda, 43, 271. Premier, Captain, 305. Prentis, Jonathan, 401. Presbyterian Church, 9, n, 24, 26, 29, 31, 34, 36, 51, 61-3, 68, 81, 107, 113, 116, 137, 140, 145, 148, 150, 185-6, 199, 201-2, 210, 225, 233, 241, 244, 253, 264, 283, 286, 318, 321, 322, 3S3, 373, 376, 391, 399, 415, 429. Prescott, Alexander H., 241-2, 262-3. General, 362, 378. Preston, Willard, 15. Prevost, Augustine, 12, 125. Sir George, 12, 125, 144, 275-6, 280, 284, 289, 404. Price, Benjamin, 119. Mr., 71, 137. Prindle, Lucy (Bostwick,) 146. Pring, Daniel, 130-132, 135, 139, 291, 298-9. Pringle, Thomas, 331, 334. Proctor, Redfield, 285. Prouty, Govemor,207, 210, 212-213, Purdy, Azzel, 263. Putnam, Israel, 144, 195, 204, 217, Rufus, 195-6. Racy, James, 361. Rafferty, Father, 84. Raimbault, Pierre, 117. Ramsey, B. S.,io, Lieutenant, 326. Rand, Ephraim, 423. Randall, Lydia, 150. Randell, Hannah, 11. John, II. Rangers, 42, 61, 163, 204, 288, 351, 370, 386. Ransom, P. A., 420. George, B., 122. Hannah, 265. Harry Sawyer, 122, 127. John, 43, 94-5, 154, 265, 271, 373- John Louis (Lewis), 124, 136, 265, 271, 310. Lodema, 43, 265. Luther, 27. Roswell, 67, 127, Russel, 265. Ray, WUHam, 408. Raymond, Benjamin, 329. Henry J., 12. Reed, General, 47. Prof., 145. W. E., 371, Reid, 252. Major, 332. Rees, Captain, 52. Reeves, Simon R., 41, 265, 434. Refugees, 69, 74, 290-1, 352. Regents of the University, 69. Reid, Col., 306. Whitelaw, 273. Riedesel, Baroness, 191, 197. General, 175, 178, 190, 249. Remington, Frederick, 434, Reynold, George, 70. Reynolds, George B., 63, 69. Grinday, 369. Lucius, 98. Rice, Mark, 113. Mr., 71, 273. Seth, 116. Ricketts, 167. Rigaud, Philip (Vaudreuil q, v.) 151- Index of Persons and Organizations 467 Riley, J. B., 197, 268, 286, 424. Rising, Asahel, 379. EHza, 379. RiSH worth, Mary, 215. Roberts, Benjamin, 8. Betsey, 428. Christopher, 8. Eleanor, 301. Hannah, 8, 428. John, Sr., 8, 198. John, Jr., 8, 310, 321, 428. John, 3d, 85. Peter, 8, 32, 157, 266. WUHam, 8. Robertson, Daniel, 119. General, 238, 284. Robinson, Aaron, 19. Benjamin, 312. Catherine, 87. Daniel, 312, 422. David, 19. Eleazer Williams, 291. General (Robertson q. v.) John, 312. Lewis S., 291, 338. Moses, ig. Rowland E., 137, 339. Rock, Anthony, 306. Rogers, James (aPriend,) 235. James, 428. John de, 195. Mary, 149. MeUcent, 381. Platt, 22, 40, 41, 179, 183, 199, 218-220, 225, 266, 317, 434- Robert, 36, 61, 66, 76-7, 144, 163-4, 166, 170, 187, 197, 199, 204, 207, 209, 217, 303, 321, 322, 342-3, 345, 397- T. S., 371. Zephaniah, 398. Roi, Jacques, 391. RoLLO, Lord, 269. Romans, 117, 119. Roosevelt, Theodore, 285. Root, Elijah, 13, 122. Senator, 209. Rose, Samuel, 396. Ross, Daniel, 129. Henry H., 129, 347- Theodorus, 96. Rottenburgh, General de, 284. Rouse, John, 259, 338. Royal Scots (sth), 201, 208, 324. Royce, Mrs. Nancy, 223. Rudd, Jacob, 346. Rugar, Gideon, 98, 109, 125, 157, 317- RuNK, George W., 306. Russell, Lord John, 127. Samuel, 418. Rykard, Abram, 341. Joseph, 341. St. Albans Steamboat Co., 35, 366. St. Clair, Arthur, 47, 202. St. Denis, John, 79. St. Francis Indians, 321, 397. St. Martin, Alexis, 216, 328. St. Michell, Lewis, 418. St. Pierre, M. de, 14. Safford, Charlotte, 234. Hiram, 234, 281, 424. Samuel, 19. Sage, Thankful, 312, 422, Sailly, Bernadine, 82. Charles, 82. Charlotte, 167. Frederick, L. C, 87, 113, 167, 284, 418, 425. Julia, 18, 82, 252. Peter, 18, 33, 43, 56, 63, 76, 82, 98, 107, 112, 145, 147, 167, 170, 173-5, 182, 239, 272, 310, 312, 379, 398, 419- Samson, Daniel, 369. Sampson, Lester, 104. Sanborn, Frank B., 349, 403. Pred E., 371. Henry C, 349, 37i- John H., 370, 420. Reuben, Jr., 122. Sanders, James, 14- Margaret, 14. President, 397. Sanford, Reuben, 82, 144-5. Saranac Chapter, D. A. R., 39, 48, 56, 120, 157, 171, 177, 200-1, 217, 220, 230, 241, 270, 295-6, 300, 341-2, 351, 417. Saunders, George, 28. President (U. V. M.), 397. Savage, Anne, 163. David, 67. James, 134, 163, 297, 417. Joel, 286. Margaret O., 297, Rhoda, 416-7. Sawyer, Ephraim, 55. 468 Index of Persons and Organizations Sawyer, H. B., 48, 55, 138, 153, 162, 165, 409. James, 55. Saxe, (Sachs), Edward, 99. Godfrey, 162. Hannah, 81. Jacob, 99, 228. John, 17, 31, 73, 81, 99, 341, 355 384- John G., 17, 21, 73, 91-2, 106, 148, 162, 166, 365, 366. Matthew, 76, gg, 240, 242. Peter, gg, 162. William, 31. Saxton, Mr., 266. Frederick, 366. Say, Lord, 33. Sayward, Esther, 400. Schelinger, Phebe, 268. ScHENCK, John, ig7. Schuyler, Abram, 8g, 93. Abraham, 211, 269. David, 259. John, 254, 263-5, 267, 269, 277. Peter, 211, 215, 220, 230, 232-3, 249- PhUip, 96, 266, 278, 280, 301, 306, 402. Scott, Alexander, 104, 272, 424. Ebenezer A., 272. George, 424. Henry, 361. John, 361. Lieutenant, 77, 226. Polly, 33. Winfield, 167. ScoviLLB, Hannah (Saxe), 81. Josiah B., 81. Scribner, Jonathan, 116. Ruth, 135. Secor, Angeleek, 372. Secret Corps of Observation, 198, 266, 375. Secretary op the Navy, 294, Secretary op War, 263, 266. Senezergues, de, 209. Sexton, Jonathan, 216. Seymour, Edmund, 36g. Julius, 60. Sir Michael, 4g. Shaler, Lucy, 411. Nathaniel, 411. Sharron, Mayor, 341. Shavers, George, 83-4. Shaw, Leander, 84. Shea, James, 424. Shelburne, Lord, 402. Sheldon, Arunah, 346. Ensign, 401. Mary, 346, Naomi, 346. Shelters, John, 341. Shepherd, Catherine, 131. Sheridan, General, 247. Sherman, Benjamin, 161, 431-2. George, 348. Enoch, 361. George R., 348. H. H., 349- Jehaziel, 281, 353. Job, 431-2- Lieutenant, 140. PhUip, 58. PHny, 431. Martha, 432. Nathan, 348. Richard W., 281, 283. Vice-President, 304. William T., 330. Sherrill, Polly (MiUer);5ioi. Sherry, Captain Seth, 268, 360. Sherwood, Captain J., ig5, 249. Shields, Thomas, 371. Shipbog, Thomas, 65. Sibley, Joseph, 203. Signor, Betsey, 265. Hannah, 265. John, 265. "Silver Greys," 42, 134, 257, 436. Sinclair, John, 326. Skeele, 353. Skene, Major, 105, 129. Skinner, Anne, 148. Joseph, 225, 295. Richard, 361. St. John B. L., 106, 115, 225, 284, 29s, 406, 415. Slaves, 7, 9, 14, 20, 22, 115, 166, 167, 257,332,354,385,432,435. Slosson, Eleazer, 108. Lucy, 108. William, 108. Sons of the American Revolu tion, Society of, 157, 258. Sons op Liberty, 368. Soper, Amos, 152. Daniel,Moses, 98, 216. Sampson, 115. Sorel, de, 80. Index of Persons and Organizations 469 Sowles M., 347 Mrs. Merrit, 342. WiUiam, (Soule). 84. Smith, Aaron, 385. Allen, 122, 157, 220-1, 375. Achsa, 381-2. Amaziah, 361. Benjamin, 266, 357. Dorothea, 213, 377. Edward C., 213. Elizabeth, 91, 143, 155, Ephraim, 64. George, 295. Isaac, 155, 218, 250, 375. Israel, 41, 124, 265, 434. Jean (WeUs), 319. J. Gregory, 377. John, 77, 266. J. O., 115. Levi, 366. Loyal L., 417, 427. Margaret, 142, 155. Marshall, 88-9, 135, 404. Nathan, 135, 404. Nehemiah, 77, 144, 350, 355. Melancton, Sr., 41, 119, 157, 182, 186, 231, 236, 266, 317, 434. Melancton, Jr., 75, 90, 107, 118, 119, 136, 233, 236, 259-61, 305, 317, 400. Samuel, 265. Sidney, 44, 48, 143, 157, 161-2, 199, 232, 236, 285. Smugglers, 56. 242, Solace, Judge, 365. Sophia, 365-6. Spalding, Holcomb, 404. Joseph, 355. Nathan, 28. Spaulding, James R., 12. Timothy, 363. Spear, Amos C, 58. Caroline, Spencer, Ambrose, 425. Sperry, GUead, 68, 115, 123-4, 130, 231, 234, 394, 408. Spring, Mrs. Rebecca, 273. Springer, Lieutenant, 295. Sproul, Captain, 281. Squire, Odle, 363. Staats, Anna Maria, 145, 248, Cornelius, 248. Stafford, Celesta, 432. Wendall P., 212. Standish, Henriette, 277, Standish, Matthew M., ii, 157, 277, 281, 374. Stanley Hannah, 325. Stansbury, Lieutenant, 294, 298-9. General T. E., 298. Stark, John, 10, 47, 77, 108, 204, 337, 346, 430. Susannah, 108. Stearns, Asineth, loi. Calvin, 338. John, 337-8. Mary, 338. Peter, 10 1. Stebbins, Abigail, 332. Benoni, 319. Thankful, 357. Steele, Zadock, 341. Stephens, 119. Stephenson, John, 85, 94. Lieutenant, 141. Peter, 200. Stetson, Francis Lynde, 8, 60, 197. Helen E., 343. John L., 303-4. John S., 116, 313, 343. Lemuel, 72-3, 134. Marion E., 32, 313, 343. Reuben, 72. Robert, 286. Steuben, Baron, 339. Stevens, A. D., 273. George T., 405. Mr., 167. Samuel, 409. Stevenson, Samuel. W. H., 140. Stiles, Asa Sr., 255. Asa Jr., 255. Stocker, ) y — . Stockner, [James, 130, 324. Stockwell, Quentin, 305. Stoddard, Chauncey, 10 1, 149. John, 23, 24, 227, 371. Pauline C., 341. Solomon, 23. Stone, D. C, 25. Dennis, 140. Major, 420. Roby G., 242-3, 294, 370. Storm, Thomas, 266. Storrs, Colonel, 278. Story, Amos, 363. Ann, 363. Stoughton, John, 16. 470 Index of Persons and Organizations Stoughton, Ruth, i6. WilHam, 173. Stowe, Jeremiah, 240. Stranahan, Mrs. P. Stewart, 213. Stratton, Esther S., 318, 431. Joel, 431. John, 318, 431. Strong, General, 281. John, 252, 361, 372. Luther, 361. Nathan, 361. Suffolk South Association, 69. Sullivan, General, ig8. SUMERICKS, Joseph, 361. Sumner, General, 304. Sunderlin, Byron, 316, 380, 406, 420, 430. Swartout, Jacobus, 266. Samuel, 266. Sweeney, Captain, 152. Swetland, William, 8, 67, 99, 113, 148, igo, 306, 310, 317, 347. Sylvester, Mrs., 234. Tabor, Sarah M., 44. Taft, President, 204, 207-10. Tankard, Martin, 115. Tappan, Peter, 41, 105, 124, 434. Taylor, Absalom, 49. Doctor, 26. Govemor, ig8-g. John S. D., 12, 263. Joseph W., 13. Lieut. -Govemor, 42 g. Martin, 84, 153, 166, 172, 296, 334, 365- Peter, 266. Othniel, 398. W. C, 376. Teft, O. A., 277. Ten Eyck, Sheriff, 233-4. Thatcher, Capt., 324. Thayer, Gilbert, 38g, 3go. Thibault, G., 385. Thomas, General, 121. John M, 212-3. Harry, 283. Thompson, Barnabas, 148. D. P., 90, 228. James, 7, 61, 273, 400. Jonathan, 256. Robert M., 207. Zadock, 148. Thorndike, Dr., 26. Thorne, Joseph, 308. WUliam, 290. Thornton, Captain, 132, 137. Thorp, Josiah, 245. Thurber, Edward, 146. EmUy, 244. Ezra, 107, 146-7, 244, 337, 381-2, 433. Ticonderoga Hist. Society, 151, 229. Titus, Benjamin, 266. Elizabeth (Jackson), 208. Tobias, James, 369, 383. Todd, Mr., 65. Tom, Nathaniel, 266. Tompkins, (Jovemor, 191, 408. Tories, 19, 228, 411. Tormey, P. J., 349. ^o^n'e, [AbigaU. 320. J- H., 371. Orrel, 371. Townsend, Canon, 321. Lord Viscount, 97. Townshend, Colonel, 228. Tracy, General de, 80, 271, 315, 320, Trafton, Charles, 357. Travesey, de, 80. Travis, Melancton W., 152, 289. Treadway, Jonathan, 26. Lieutenant, 140. WUliam, 26. Treadwell, Ann, 20, 223. Nathaniel H., 20, 21, 147, 398. Thomas Sr., 20, 34, 41, 157, 231, 240, 257, 266, 418, 431, 434-5- Thomas Jr., 34, 107, 116. Treadwell's Mills Pulp & Paper Co., 132. Trombly, Bruno, 255-6. John B., 256. Trowbridge, James, 68, 114, 151, Truman, Almas, 283. Trumbull, John, 393, 402. Tryon, Governor, 122, 394. Turner, Byron Pond, 336. Ezra, 96. David, 336. Jasper C, 336. Ross Sterling, 336. Tuttle, Joseph W., 46, 138. Lucy, 405-6. Samuel, 46, 406. Thaddeus, 193. Index of Persons and Organizations 471 Twiss, Captain, 68. Tyler, Joseph, i2g. Van Buren, John, 307. Martin, 33, 266, 296. Van Ness, ComeHa (Mrs. Roosevelt), 417- Comelius P., 33, 116, 192, 373, Peter, 33. WUHam P., 33. Van Rensselaer, J. Ruten, 70, Van Wyke, Altie, 223. Mary, 83, 109. Varick, Richard, 193. Vaudreuil, De, 24, 76, 216, 222, 329- Vaughn, Benjamin Sr., 397. Benjamin Jr., 397. Rapel, 325. Vedder, Herman, 211. Vermont Colonial Dames, 213. Vermont Episcopal Institute, 149, 417- Vermont Pish and Gun League, 285, 304. Vermont National Guards, 213. Vermont Militia, 44, 216, 361, 406, Vermont Volunteers, 287-8, 297. Vert, Mrs. C. J., 86. Victoria, Queen, 62. Vilas, Freeman M., 347. Samuel P., 16, 85, 97, 145, 194, Samuel P. Home, 74, 97, 357. Vimont, Father, 142. Vinson, Major, 278. Vergennes, Count de, 402. Wadhams, Edgar P., 125, 146, 154, 403. Luman, 47, in, 146, 409. Wadsworth, Miss, 49. Wagner, Peter, 341. Wait, J^, . . WAirk, [Benjamm. Carlos (Gen.), 145, 294, 418. Cyrus, 361. (Sardner, 361. John, 245-6. Joseph, 266. Solomon, 361. WiUiam, 361. Walden, J., 247. Walker, Benjamin, 266. Walsh, Dr., 268. Walters, Abraham, 306. Walworth, Benjamin, 353. Hiram Sr., 38, 151-2, 157, 180. Hiram Jr., 44, 371, 428. Mary E., 124. Reuben H., 24, 53, 65, 123, 159 164, 174, 195-6, 231, 310, Warburton, 242, 330. Ward, — , 135, 404. Warford, John, 310, 402. Warm, Jacob D', 86, 93, 269. Warner, Captain, 309. Seth, 32, 82, 86, 131-2, 213, 264, 301, 337, 342, 386, 394, 430. Warren, Grizel, 308, 357. Mrs. A. M., 56. Washington, 56, 83, 131, 158, 164, 266, 295, 339, 37g, 3g4, 402, 426, Waterbury, General, 324, 331-2. Waterhouse, Henry, 26, 182, 325. Watkins, Mrs. S. B., 197. Watson, Elkanah, 9, 30, 96, 262, 402-3, 425. George W., 371. John, 49, 63, 65, 70, 79, 118, 166, 172, 273, 324, 385. Winslow C, 28, 40, 185, 244, 318, 425-6. Weaver, Catherine, 17, 76, 384. EHzabeth, 384. Peter, 263. Thomas, 263. WiUiam R., 424. Webb, Darick, 95, 188, 216. George H., 371. George N., 420. Henry L., 254. Leah, 220-22 1. Mrs. P. H., 335. Seward, 285. Webster, Charles R., 96. George W., 406. Weed, Caroline (Standish), n. Mrs. George S., 10. Smith M., II, 109, 187, 208, 210, 234, 277. Weeks, William R., n, 202, 225. Weir, Alexander, 325. Welch, Catherine, 144. Wellington, Colonel, 194, 282-4. Duke of, 49, 280, 282. Wells, Deacon, 171. John, 384. 472 Index of Persons and Organizations Wells, Louisa, loi, Nathan, 286. Wentworth, Benning, 10, 336, 348. Weston, Elijah, 263. Wever, Francis C. (Bentley), 59. Wharton, Captain, 308. Wheeler, Orville G., 309, 311, 315, 355, 365, 367-8. Melancton, 292. Peter, 311. Preserved, 310—311. Wheelwright, Esther, 229, 319, 321, 3SS-6, 416. Whelpley, Samuel W., 71. White, Bishop, 358, 415. Ebenezer, 77. Elijah, 374-5- Lavater, 283. Mary, 374. Robert, 283. WUliam, 361. William H., 361. Whiteside, Thomas, 102, 296-7. Whitman, Ann, 148. John, 148. Whitney, David, 132. John, 24. Wilcox, Daniel, 232, 303, James, 129. Wilkins, Mr. 326. Wilkinson, James, 15, 18, 89, 91. Willard, Emma, 419. Williams, Andrew, 109, 194, 277. Betsey, 144, 418. Bishop, 125. Eleazer, 56, 198, 214, 217, 225, 249, 265-6, 272, 280-2, 288, 301, 326-7, 358, 364, 375, 396, 398, 401, 408, 419-20, 429. Ephraim, 287. Eunice, 23, 195, 211, 214, 227, 249, 269, 271-2, 358, 393. Experience, 358. Flavius, 152, 289. Isaac, 369. Jacob, 16. ohn (Rev.), 23, 214, 371, John (of Caughnawaga), 290, 420. Nathan, 199, Roger, 58. Sarah P., 76. Samuel, 214, 422. Samuel (Judge), 358. Stephen, 271. Williams, Thomas, 249-50, 408, 420. Warham, 358. WiUiam, 25. Zebediah, 327. Wilmot, Francis, 291. Willsboro Compact, 77. Wilson, George, 334. James A., 77. Mrs., 283. V. B., 224. Wiltse, Eyda, 22. Winans, James, 169. John, 22, 132, 135, 168-9, 373- WiNCHELL, Destina, 406. Jonathan, 157. Lucy Destina, 406. Martin, 406. Samuel, 406. Winthrop, Thomas P., 255. Winslow, E. S., 194. Winsor, 226, 428. Wise, Stephen, 64. Witherbee, SUas, H., 348-9. W. C, 187, 203-4, 424. Witherill, H. M., 371. Witherspoon, Andrew, 139, 276, 295. Wolfe, General, 176, 350. Wood, Adin, 394. Amasa, 346. Collier, 323. Enos, 346, 354, 394. H. A., 347. Ira, 151. James, 24. onathan, 171. Ranson E., 409. Simeon, 399. Solomon, 346. Woodbridge, E. D., 373. Enoch, 72. Woodruff, Elias, 107, 358, 398. Silas, 398. H. A., 347, 371. Woodward, Helen D., 309. J. Douglas, 145, 164. WiUiam, 164. Wool, John E., 167, 194, 283, 294-5, 375- WooLCUT, Elijah, 188. Samuel, 327. Woolsey, Melancton L., 13, 68, 94, 107, 171, 197, 266, 306, 373, 420. Wooster, Benjamin, 80. David, 118, 122, 326, 348, Worth, General, 167. Index of Persons and Organizations 473 Wright, Daniel, 47, 202. Dan S., 63. Harriet A., 317. Wykes, William, 77. Wynkoop, Jacobus, 260. Yale, Lois, 152. Y. M. C. A., 21, 42, 97. Yates, 231. Christopher, 234. Yates, Robert, 234. Young, Bennet H., 344, 377. Colonel, 316. James, 125, 127. John, 125, 127. Joshua, 273. Samuel, 375. Thomas, 105. Youngs, Captain White, 300. INDEX OF PLACES AND EVENTS. Abraham, Plains of, 209. Adams Perry, in, 403, Addison, 29, 57, 86, 93, 99, in, 117, 132, 13s, 198, 248, 252, 279, 310, 326-7, 336, 337, 339, 404. Adirondacks, 220, 244, 258, 273, 279, 352, 429- Adriance, Va., 97. Albany (Port Orange), 9, 11, 22, 44, 64, 72, 82, 86, 91, 103, 109, 116, 118-9, 123, 125, 131, 135-6, 147-8, 154, 169. 173. 178, 191. 212, 214-5, 234, 238, 243, 249, 252, 254, 256, 260, 269, 271, 279, 287, 306, 316, 326, 370, 372, 409, 424-5, 427, 429, 431- Alburgh, 57, 84, 139, 242, 272, 360-1. Tongue. Alexandria, Va., 336. Allen's Hill, 388. Allen's Point, 45. Altona, 83, 399. Alsace, 167, 170. America, 44, 56-7, 73, 82, 95, 104, 165, 277. American House (St. Albans), 343. Amherst College, 245. Amsterdam, 73. Classis of, 315. Anthony (Mt.), 10. Antietam, 303. Antrim (Ireland), 129. Appletree Point, 281, 348. "Ark, The," 123. Arlington, Va., 388. Vt., 13, 82, 108, 249. Armagh, freland, 7. Armenia (Dutchess co.), 250. Arnold's Bay, 114. Arnold's Point, Frontispiece. Arsenal, 78, 84, 121, 190, 238, 350. Asburnham (Mass.), 150, 355. Ash Island, 162, 169. Astor House, 84. Astronomer's Island, 306, Atchison, Kan, 363. Athol, Mass., 382, 385. Ausable, 89, 98, 138, 190, 388. Chasm, 172, 326. Porks, 88, 140, 244, 409, 428. Great (River), 58, 84, 133, 138, 244, 327, 356. Little (Beaver), 328. Point, 57, 183. Bachelor's Creek, 107. Ballston, N. Y., 277. Baltimore, Md., 165, 356, Barber's Point, 403. Barnard, Vt., 20. Basin Harbor, 22, 40. Batten Kill, 249. Bay De Roche Fendue (Split Rock, q.v.). Bay St. Armand, 21, 305, 308, Bear Hunts, 325, 327. Becket, Mass., 350. Beekmantown, N. Y., 19, 33, 55, 71, 85, 116, 128, 173, 180, 252, 268, 274, 282-3, 291, 295, 302, 351. 358, 360, 388, 391, 415, 417. Belmont, N. Y., 251. Bemis Heights (Saratoga), 44, 259. Bennington, Vt., 8, 10, 17, 19, 31, 32, 50, 86, 118, 132, 158, 181, 188, 210, 228, 234, 249, 251, 257, 261-2, 300, 324, 337, 339, 346, 396, 421, 430. Berkshire Co., Mass., 78. Bermuda, 127, 177. Berthier, 215, 262-3, 271, 400. Besancon, France, 152. Betsburgh, (Westport), 205. Beverly, Mass., 325. Bixby's Grotto, 172. Black Brook, N. Y., 89, 112. Black Hawk War, 74. Black River, N. Y., 120, 413. Vt., 346. Blanchard's Point, 291. Block Houses, 65, 68, 195, 238-9, 246, 278, 373. 476 Index of Places and Events Bluff Point, N. Y., 192, 203-4. Bolenabe, 250. Bolton, Vt., 243. Boston, Mass., 49, 62, 68, 125, 132, 149, 192-3, 214, 239, 285, 307, 336, 359, 371, 377, 401. Boucherville, 262, 232. Boundary Line (Canada), 161, 178, 185, 252, 292. (N. Y. & Ct.), 318. Bouquet ) River, N. Y., 19, 39, Boquet j 61, 94, 130, 135, 170- I, 176, 182, 184, 305, 326. Boxford, Mass., 171 Bozrah, Ct., 353. Brainard's Forge, 413. Branding Iron, 300. Brandon, Vt., 55. Brattleboro, Vt., 377. Bridge Street, 46, 50, 53, 82, 85, 264, 319, 322, 399- Bridgewater, vt., 148. Bridport, Vt., 88, 132, 135, 327, 329, 365, 404- Brighton Beach, 340. Broad Street, 7, 22, 29, 75, 78, 84, 121, 133, 173, 180, 238-9, 243, 355, 365, 402, 416. Brookfield, Mass., 385, 407. (Willsboro), N. Y., 379. Brookline, Mass., 16. Brooklyn, N. Y., 18, 25, 272-3, 432-3- Brouage, France, 195. Brownington, Vt., 60. Buffalo, N. Y., 213, 263, 377, 424. Bulwagga Bay, 29. Bunker Hill, 37, 47, 144, 192, 387. Burlington, Vt., 9-10, 12, 16, 21, 28-9, 31, 35, 40, 42, 46-7, 49, 53, 55, 57-8, 60, 62, 71, 78, 83, 91, 95, 97, 103, iio-i, 113, 116-8, 123-S, 132, 137, 147, 153, 157, 163, 165, 168-9, 174-6, 189-90, 192-3, 200, 206, 210, 212, 219-22, 234, 237-9, 242, 244-5, 248, 252, 259, 261, 273, 281—3, 285—6, 301, 304, 306, 308-9, 316, 328, 336, 344, 348, 359, 366, 373, 386-7, 398, 401, 410—12, 432. Burton, 50. Button Bay, 279. Button Mould Bay, 286. Caddy, Ireland, 7. Cadyville, N. Y., 87, 115, 421. Caldwell, Lake George, 189. California, 127, 330, 381, 424. Cambridge, Mass., 232, 394. Washington Co,, 388. Camp (Encamping) Island, 52, 71, 95, 172. Canaan, Ct., 308, 391. Canada, 45, 49, 62, 74, 78, 84, 88, 100, 121, 133, 13s, 154, 161, 164, 202, 207—8, 222, 230, 238, 241, 250, 259, 264, 267, 277, 290, 305, 319, 321, 327, 360, 370, 387, 390-2, 432. Lower, 21, 32, 43, 57, 114. Canadian Expedition, 32, 90-1, 121— 2, 301. Canals, 30, 87, 246, 367, 387. Canton, N. Y., 434. Cape Breton, 376. Cape Horn, 330. Carillon (Ticonderoga), 197, 222, 229, 235, 240—1, 296, 299. Carnegie Library, 262. Carrara, Italy, 200. Castleton, Vt., 127, 210, 327, 351. Catherine Street, Plattsburgh, 42, 130, Caughnawaga, 178, 211, 271, 393, 402, 408, Centreville. Chambly, 16, 89, 181, 191, 263, 304-5, 388. Champlain Canal, 30, 246, 247. Champlain, District of, 43, 63, 76, > 397- N. Y., II, 14, 26, 29, 31-2, 35, 37, 39, 63-4, 67, 69, 76, 78, 80, 83, 89-91, 93—4, 100, 102— 3, 107, 113, 120, 126, 128-9, 146-7, 165, 174-S, 184, 189, 201, 232, 238-9, 256, 258, 261, 273, 276, 280, 286, 291, 296, 313, 320, 325, 328, 337, 358, 361, 374, 376, 424. Tercentenary, 201-15. Valley, 16, 40, 62, 69, 172, 174, 201, 203, 222, 245, 251, 303, 338, 373, 377-8, 395, 397, 426. Hospital, 187, 197. Charleston, N. H., 327, 346. S. C, 115, 147. Charlotte, Vt., in, 152, 188, 311, 347, 367, 387, 396-7- Index of Places and Events 477 Charlotte, County, 72,1348. Street, Plattsburgh, 159, 234, 322, 402. ¦ Chase's, 352. Chateaugay Expedition, 369. Chateaugay Four Corners, 15. Chateaugay, N. Y., 8, 39, 43, 64, 78, 105, 115. 128, 137, 192, 263, 300-1, 387, 398, 417, 419, 431. Chatham, N. Y., 297. Chazy Landing, 83, 239. Chazy, N. Y., 26, 35, 37, 39, 49, 62-4, 67, 72, 76, 80, 83, 91, 99, 107—8, 127, 144, 171, 180, 191, 199-200, 236, 239-42, 255-6, 271-2, 276, 281, 291, 315, 337-8, 359, 381, 409, 417, 422, 424. River, 148, 151, 164, 170, 245, 360. Chesterfield, N. Y., 53, loi. Chianderoga (Ticonderoga, q.v.). Chicago, 152, 203. Chimney Point, Vt., 29, 87, 93, 203, 240, 269, 287, 327, 398, 427- Chism's Point, 7, 47, 79, 383. Chittenden County, Vt., 13, 366. Cholera (Asiatic), 132, 243-4, 408. Clarendon, Vt., 274, 348. Clayburgh, N. Y., 109. Clermont, i6g, 322. Cleveland, Ohio, 319. Cliff Haven, N. Y., 201, 254, 268. Clinton, N. Y., 137, 372, 417. County, N. Y., 28, 52-3, 63-5, 69, 78, 83, 95-6, 155, 171, 182, 256, 281, 291, 297, 325, 337, 368, 388, 390, 405, 417. Prison, 88, 121. Clintonville, N. Y., 152. Cloven Rock (Split Rock q.v.). CocHECo (Dover, N. H.), 308, 357, 407. Colchester, Vt., 113, ng, 168, 281, 303- Cold Harbor, 224. Cold Season, 33, 166, 171. College Street, (Burlington) 9, 220. COLONIE, N. Y., II. Columbia Co., N. Y., 33. Columbus, Ohio, 144. Comstock, N. Y., 433- Confiance, 292, 299. Connecticut, 57, 117, 121-2, 132, 173, 196, 232, 271, 328, 358, 362, 369, 375, 379, 397, 430, Constable, N. Y., 115. Coon Mountain, 40. Corlear's Lake, 259, 287. Cornelia Street, (Plattsburgh), 42, 49, 251, 302, 305, 307, 313, 319, 415-16. Corinth, N. H., 85, Cornwall Ct., 23. Crab Island, 59, 61, 281, 286, 289, 297, 306, 331. Cragen River (Saranac, q.v.). Crown Glass Works, 415. Crown Point, 23, 36, 49, 64-5, 66, 69, 70, 76-7, 79, 87, no, 114, 131-3, 136, 143-4, 154, 160, 163-6, 168, 171-2, 17s, 178, 182—4, i88-g, 191— 9, 202-3, 207, 217, 224, 226, 240, 243—4, 248, 257, 260, 263, 273, 285, 288-g, 308, 324, 327, 329, 331-4, 337, 342-3, 34S-6, 352, 359, 364, 369, 372, 380, 385, 397, 430- Cuba, 68, 74. CuLLODEN, 350. Culver Hill, 54, 145, 194, ig6-7, 284, 3og. Cumberland Avenue, 8, 5g, 76, 89, 121, 166, 313. Cumberland Bay, 18, 76, 86, 97, 151, 167, 179, 254, 269, 282, 286, 291, 324, 370, 423. Cumberland Head, 8, 18, 31, 37, 42, 43, 59, 63, 85, 94, 101-2, no, ng, 154-5, 178-9, 183, 185-7, 191, 197, 219, 231-2, 23g, 240, 243, 248, 254, 262, 264-6, 271, 276, 286, 2g6, 2g9, 318, 328, 331, 343, 364, 367, 376, 385, 410, 415, 427, 435- Cumberland Valley, 76. Danbury, Ct., 122. Danby, Vt., 372, 396. N. Y,, 41S- Dannemora, 87, 173, 222, Danville, Vt., 300. Dansville, N. Y., 82, 87. Dark Day, 373. Dartmouth College, 300, Dartmouth, Mass., 382, 395. Dead Creek, 8, 151, 174, 180, igi, 234, 281, 284, 346. 478 Index of Places and Events Deerfield, Mass., 23, 214, 3ig, 327, 354, 357, 368, 401, 422. Derbyshire, Eng., 409. Des Moines, 423. Detroit, Mich., 106, 217. Dorchester Heights, 131. Dorset, Vt., 32, 228, 312. Douglassville, Canada, 164. Drouth, 33. Drury's Bluff, 122, 127, 140. Duck Creek, 327. Dunbarton, N. H., 66. Durham, Eng., 44. Dutchess County, N. Y., 22, 32, 65, 67, 72, 74, 78, 103, 105, 118, 155, 186, 198, 218-9, 223, 236, 250, 252, 266, 297, 356, 363, 369, 377, 387, 426. Dutchman's Farm, 195. Dutchman's Point, 346. Eagle, 153, 161-2 165, 227, 251, 292, 334, 414. East Bridgewater, Mass., 407. East Hampton, L. I., loi, 186, 429. East Middlebury, Vt., 403. Egremont, Mass., 246. Eliza (Elizabeth) Point, 7, 24, 51, 70—2, 81, 400. Eliza Meadow, 21, 28. Elizabethtown, N. J. (Battle of), 83- N. Y., 12, 19, 31, 35, 40, 42, 64, 100, III, 141, 191, 274, 336, 3S6, 368, 404-5, 408-g, 413- Ellenburgh, N. Y., 3g, no, 137, 272. Wash., 369. Elmwood Cemetery (Burlington), 157, 163, 273, 282. England, 23, 66, 103, 125-6, 138, 147, 312, 415- Esopus (Kingston), 73, 387. Essex County, 37, 63, 72, 96, in, 129, 182, 194, 205-6, 252, 275, 281, 297, 308, 336, 348, 3go, 395, 405, 408-9, 426, 431. Essex County Academy, 69, 121, 409. Essex Village, 7, 42, 96, 129, 135, 182, 188, 347, 397. Everest, Kan., 363. Ezraville (Malone q.v.). Fairfax, Vt., 48, 291. Fairfield, Vt., 323. Falls of Montmorency, 419. Federal Stores, N. Y., 290. Ferris (Arnold's) Bay, 114. Fbrrisburg, Vt., 137, 300, 339. Ferris Mills (Peru), 84. First Battle, 237. First Births, 296, 360, 394-5. First Boat, 232. First Carpet, 102. First Cattle Show, 337. First Docks, 43, 242. First Dwelling, 53, 69, 85, 107, 177-8. First Church, 31, 318, 373. First Forges, 120, 128, 189, 423. First Horse, 78-9, 81, 87, 90. First Mass, 271. First Newspaper, 107, 408. First Piano, 296. First Religious Edifice, 235, 350. First Settlers, 40, 61, 75, 90, 96, 107, 155, 184, 230, 237, 247, 261, 360, 362. First School, 301, 375. First Steamboat, 22, 132, 150, 168-9. First Townmeeting, 77, 88, 179, 272, 432. Fishkill, N. Y., 147, 332. Floods, 82, 93-4, 99, 112, 113, 133, 228, 233. Flushing, L. I., 128, 208, 308. Fordham, N. Y., 277. Port Albany, (Orange), 22. Fort Ann, 246. Port Brown, 278. Port Cassin, 137, 252-3. Fort Chambly, 233, 271, 272, 299, 342, 376, 395- PoRT Edward, 143, 212, 221, 232-3, 255. Port Ethan Allen, 197. Fort Fisher, 224. Fort Frederick Light House, 427. Port George, 35 155, 161, 180, 278. Fort McHenry, 356. Port Miller, 149, 249, 251. Port Montgomery, 183, 256. Fort Moreau, in, 261, 278, 322. Fort Orange (Albany q.v.). Port Pickens (Fla.), 244. Fort Scott, 278. Fort Sorel, 271. Index of Places and Events 479 Fort St. Anne, 80, 267, 271, 315, 318, 320, 326. Fort St. Frederick, 14, 28, 196, 224, 279, 303, 345. Fort St. John, 272, 299, 395. Fort St. Theresa, 16, 32, 37. Fort Ticonderoga, 170, 179, 207, 231, 263-4. Fort Warren, 149, 150. Fort Wayne, Ind., 295, Fort William Henry, 61, 77, 182, 230, 287, 394. Fosterburgh, lU., 381. Four Brothers Islands, 183. Fox Chase, 420. France, 56, 82, 95, 130, 152, 174, 182, 208, 232, 240—1, 271, 2S7 425. Franklin County, 27, 297. Franklin, Ct., 315. Fredenburgh Falls, 41, 177, 239. French Mills, 18, 63, 192, 301, 316, 398-9- French Revolution, 235, 393. Friend's Burying Ground, 102. Friswell's Patent, 57, 96, 160. Galena, IU., 97. Gales, 100, 113. Garden Island, 333. Geneva, Switzerland, 144. Georgia, 301. Vt., 122, 259, 358. Gilmanton, N. H., 323. Gilsum, N. H., 202. Glens Falls, N. Y., 100. Gordon's Landing, 325. Goshen, Ct., in. Gould's Hotel, 9. Grand Isle, 25, 55, 59, 62, 79, 84-5, 103, 190, 249, 269, 278, 285, 292, 324, 330, 354, 366-7, 372, 382, 423-4. Granville, N. Y., 164, 255, 360, 375, 425- vt-, 57. Great Insurrection, 388, 390-1. 411. Great Neck, 361, Great Sandy Point, 57. Great Snowstorm, 137, 166, 353. Green Bay, Wis., 261, 272. Greenbush, N. Y., 300., 308. Green Mountains, 228, 258, 264, 327, 420. Green Mount Cemetery, 50, 200, Groton, Mass., 273, 357. Growler, 334. Guilford, Ct., 13, Vt., 228. 15- Hackensack, N. j., 20. Half Moon, 131, 144. Halifax, 162. Hallock Hill, 280. Halsey's Corners, 99, 145, 284. Hammond Hill, 284. Hampton, Wash. Co., 15, 307, Hand's Cove, 327. Hardwick, Vt., 406. Harkness, N. Y., 88. Harper's Ferry, 273. Hartford, Ct., 117, 148, 163, 291, 352. Vt., 408. Hartwell Place, 75. Hatfield, 305. Haverhill, Mass., 59, 85, 93. Hazenburgh, 291. Hazen Notch, 264. Hazen Road, 264. Hebron, Ct., 255. Hemingford, P. Q., 185. Hempstead, L. I., 250. Herkimer County, 297, 39g. High Palls, 251. Highgate, Vt., 17, 31, 73, 162, 242, 261, 355, 384. Hinesburgh, Vt., 302. Historic Sites, 8, 22-3, 38, 49-50, 56, 58, 62, 78-9, 83-4, 86-7, 89, 97, 107, no, 118, 121, 134, 136, 140, 145, 147, 151, 153-4, 167—8, 172-7, 179, 184, i8g, 203, 217, 220, 234—5, 238, 240, 242, 251, 261, 267, 269, 271, 278, 280, 282, 284, 286-g, 2gi, 2g5-g, 305, 309-10, 312-13, 317, 319- 22, 324, 338, 351, 363-4, 369, 376-7, 383, 386, 390, 406, 410, 416, 421, 423, 426-7, 430-1- HixiTE Controversy, 382. Hoganstown, N. Y., 272. Holland, 138, 147, 355, 399, " Home for the Friendless," 146, 374, 416. Homesteads, Old, 22-3, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 49, 53, 56, 66-7, 79, 85-6, 91, 99-102, 106, 118, 129-30, 134-S, 173, 17s, 180, 185, 196—7, 200, 207, 229, 235, 242, 256, 261, 302, 304, 307, 310, 319-20, 343, 412-3, 421. 48o Index of Places and Events Honolulu, S. I., 97, 223, 388. Hoosick, N. Y., 50, 174, 257, 353. Hopkinton, N. Y., 402. Hospital Creek, (Addison), 99. Hot Day, 251. Hotel Champlain, 181, 192, 201, 209, 236, 286, 304. Hotel Dieu, 55, 401. Howard's Hotel, 9, 57, 175. Howard Opera House, 58. Howe's Landing, 204. Hubbardton, Vt., 8, 430. Hudson River, 29, 44, 82, 100, 117, 131, 238, 332, 367, 403. Huntington, L. I., 152. Huntington, P. Q., 32. Indian Relics, 245, 362, 407. Indian Rock, 47, 258, 316. Industries, Early, 35-7, 54, 56, 67, 182, 186-7, 259-60, 312, 434. _ Inns, 9, 24-5, 26-7, 52, 118, 123, 231-3, 271, 309, 338, 341, 400, 402, 410, 418, 430. Invasion, British (1814), 132, 135, 137, 140, 145, 176, 197, 219, 240, 273, 275-6, 280-84, 307- 9, 310, 346. Burgoyne's, 44, 84, 170, 249, 259, 404- Inverawe, 221, 250. Ipswich, Mass., 44. Irasburgh, Vt., 140. Ireland, 410. Iroquois River (Richelieu, q.v.) Island Point, 183. Isle Aux Noix, 64, 162-3, 166, 170, 176, 180-1, 183, 188, 191, 198, 226, 238, 257, 267, 269, 280, 298, 301, 313, 317, 342, 395- IsLE Aux Tetes, 279. Isle La Motte, 33, 164, 166, 170, 183, 199, 201, 212-13, 230, 232, 250, 255, 258, 271, 277, 279, 280, 285-6, 291, 298-9, 301, 305, 354, 360-1, 377. Isle St. Michel (Crab, q.v.). Jamaica, Island of, 43, Jay, N. Y., 23, 64, 87, 192. Johnson, Vt., 9. Keene, N. Y., 206. Keeseville, N. Y., 19, 26, 28,^64, 68, 73, 138-9, 174, 197, 205-6, 224, 266—8, 295, 298, 336, 376, 389-90- Kent, Ct., 244, 265, 271. Eng., 36. Killingly, Ct., 43, 113, 320, Kinderhook, N. Y., 23, 31, 33-4, 43. L'Acadie, 191. " La Acadia Plains," 265. Lachine, p. Q., 386. Lacolle, p. Q., 191. Lacole (River), 89, 182, 296, 317. Lake Champlain Association, 60. Lake Champlain, 14-15, 18, 33-5, 37-8, 47, 56, 58, 66, 70-2, 75, 84—5, 89, 96—8, 103, 105, 113, 117, 123, 129-30, 134, 140, 163, i6g, 179, 183-4, igo-i, 196, 224, 230, 237, 250, 255-6, 262, 268, 279, 287, 291—2, 294, 297, 309, 329, 341, 357, 367, 373, 397-8, 424. Lake George (Horicon), 16, 61, 117, 185, 189, 205, 209-12, 2ig-20, 226, 240, 266, 279. Lake Kushaqua, 431. Lake Michigan, 272. Lake Ontario, 105, 240, 255. Lake Placid, 197, 220, 273, 424. Lake St. Sacrament ((jeorge, q.v.). Lake Superior, 245. Lamoille, 249, 410. Lancaster, Mass., 55. Pa., 362. Lanesboro, Mass., 78. Lansingburgh, N. Y., 412-3. Lapham's, 426. La Prarie, 226, 233, 249, 264, 267, 362. Larabee's Point, 258, 395. Leith, Scotland, 139. Lewis, N. Y., 37, 96, in, 146. Lexington Alarm, 37, 77, 171. Libby Prison, 244. Lincoln Pond, 112. Litchfield, Ct., 13, 29, 244, 261, 328, 345, 348. Littleton, Mass., 46, 406, Logan's Point, 52. London, Eng., 51, 155, 177. Londonderry, Ireland, 14, 405. Long Island (Lake Champlain), 199. Index of Places and Events 481 Long Island, N. Y., ioi, 133, 141, 144, 221, 257, 266, 268, 358, 374, 398. Long Meadow, Ct., 271, 408. Longueil, 166, 342, 385, 388. Long Point, 76. L'Orient, France, 82. Lorraine, Prance, 95, 112. Louisburgh Expedition, 376. Louisiana, 143, 222. Lower Jay, 409. Loyal Block House, 68, 108, 195. Lozier Automobile, 340. Lozier Place, 286. Lozier Works, 426. Lundy's Lane, 347. Lyme, Ct., 33. Lynn, Mass., 260. Lyon Mountain, 248. Lyon Street, 53. Macdonough, 35, 381. Park, 268. Macomb's Purchase, 17 Madeira, 147. Maine, Province of, 215, 345. Malone, N. Y., 19, 26, 44, 81, loi, 145, 163, 215, 264, 376. Manchester, N. H., 347, 362, 397. Vt., 32, 115, 130, 266, 351. Manila Bay, 122. Martinique, 89. Massachusetts, 23, 58, 113, 118, 121, 171, 329, 354, 382. McCreedy's, 25, Mediterranean, 49, 138. Melrose, Mass., 10. Memorials, 8, 39, 55, 60, 185-6, 201, 242, 258, 319, 323, 357, 372, 409, 417- Middlebury College, 146, 212-3, 238, 315, 362, 408, 425, 432. Middlebury, Vt., 37, 279, 362, 381, 384- MiDDLE Hero, Vt., 366, 369. Middletown, Ct., 312, 411. Milford, Ct., 301. Military Turnpike, 137, 163, 256, 338, 351, 374, 417- ^^ MiLLTOWN, 39, 61, 63, 66, 93-5, 186-7, 214, 274, 280, 304, 382. Milton, Vt., 49, 170, 292, 355, 401, 410. Milwaukee, Wis., 152, Minevillb, N. Y., 380. Mississippi (River), 388, 414. Missisquoi Bay, 366. Mohawk Valley, 173, 193, 209, 221. Monkton, Vt., 57, 338. Monmouth, N. J., 81. Montpelier, Vt., 192. Montreal, 14, 28, 55, 69, 71, 102, 118, 122, 124, 133-4, 141, 162, 164, 168, 170, 193, 201, 204, 214-15, 227, 250, 256, 258, 263-4, 267, 272, 281, 285, 304, 312, 324, 339, 378, 401, 411. 414, 422. Monuments, 99, 181, 200, 201, 213, 221, 236, 258, 264, 268, 272, 279. 282, 309, 336, 363, 377, 382, 388, 391, 402-3, 430, 435, Monty's Bay, 397-8. Mooers, N. Y., 80-1, no, 139, 185, 272, 353, 407, 424, 432. Moriah, N. Y., 348. Morris Heights, 403. Morrisonville, N. Y., 87. Morristown Academy, N. J., 71. Mosquito Coast, 147. Mount Assumption Institute, 86, 256. Mt. Defiance, (Sugar Loaf), 199, 354- Mt. Hope, (Mill Heights), 151, 197. Mt. Independence, 202, 205, 223, 250, 351- 354- Mt. Pittsford, 210. Nantucket, 32, 350. Newburg, N. Y., 414. Newbury, Mass., 93. Vt., 264. New England, 48, 71, 187, 378, 388, 394, 420 New Hampshire Grants, 10, 13, 29, 86, 105, 117, 234, 312. New Haven, Ct., 54, 117. Vt., 310-11. New Ipswich, N. H., 37. New Jersey, 399. New London, Ct., 401. New Marlboro, Mass., 300. New Milford, Ct. New Orleans, 46. New Preston, Ct., 103, 120, 266, 416. 482 Index of Places and Events New York, 105, 121, 348, 394, 424. City, 10, 12, 33, 41, 60, 62, 69, 71, 74, 85, 117, 125, 144, 146—8, 153, 186, 210, 236, 349, 356, 364-5, 377. 384, 393, 416, 424, 432- Niagara Falls, 274-5. Nine Partners, N. Y., 42, 177, 198, 208, 259, 265-6, 308, 363, 372, 377-8, 3g3, 3g6, 411. Nismes, France, 8g. Northampton, Mass., 371. North Elba, N. Y., 273. North Hero, Vt., 35, 87, 320, 330, 346, 354, 394. North Island, 44. North Salem, N. H., 325. Northwest Bay, 85. Norfolk, Va., 14. Norwich, Ct., 25, 303, 346, 415. Nova Scotia, 2go, 388. " Oblong," 198, 377, 387. Odelltown, p. Q., 90, 188, 263, 346. Ogdensburgh, N. Y., 146, 256, 403. Oneida Castle, 280. Oneida County, 297. Onion, (Winooski, q. v.) River. Orwell, Vt., 248, 407. Ossawatomie, 27g. Ottawa, 3gi, 415. Otter Creek, (Riviere Aux Lou tres), 89, 93, 137, 154, 187-8, 207, 227, 24g, 259, 287, 346, 350. Ouinouski, (Winooski). Oxford, Ct., 117. Palatine, N. Y., 205. Panama, 330. Panton Bay, 334, 381. Panton, Vt., 28, in, 150, 363, 404. Paris, 45, 108, 287, 422. Pawlet, Vt., 351, 366. Peacham, Vt., 264. Pearl Street, 53, 174, 366, 412. Peekskill Mountains, 259. Pennsylvania, 73, 274. Perth Amboy, N. J., 273. Perue Bay, 63, 67. Peru Landing, 43, 94. Peru, N. Y., ii, 35, 43, 56, 61, 83, 87-8, 94, 97, ioi, 104, 112, 140, 149, 161, 177, 193, 198, 208, 235, 245, 248, 310, 323, 350, 356, 361, 368, 380, 388, 409-10, 418-9, 424, 431-2. Philadelphia, 14, 87-8, 105, 387, 4og, 415-16, 426, Philippine Insurrection, 74, 122. Philipsburgh, p. Q., 74. Phoenix, 10, 55, 122, 154, 231, 281—3. Pike's Cantonment, in, 23g, 246. Pillory, 300. Pine Point, 50, 52. Piscataqua Harbor, 405. PiTTSFIELD, Mass., iig. Pittsford, Vt., 351. Pittstown, N. Y., 37. Plainfield, Ct., 355. N. J., 379- Plattsburgh Academy, 19, 51, 67, 124, 136, 158, 238, 241, 277, 281, 287, 307, 313, 315, 323, 375, 382, 386. Plattsburgh Barracks, 56, 104, 123, 145, 160, 167, 183, 208, 300. Plattsburgh, Battle of, 19, 29, 44, 50, 84, 99, 108, iio-ii, 150, 157, 232, 253—4, 261, 268, 277, 292-5, 297-300, 309-10, 356, 370, 381, 414, 419, 423, 429, 435- & Montreal R. R., 59, 106. N. Y., 7-9, 13-15, 18, 33-41, 46, 52-6, 58-9, 61-3, 65-8, 70-6, 78-91, g4-io7, 114-25, 127-30, 132-6, i3g, 141, 143, 145-61, 163-4, 167, 170-6, 179, 183, 185—7, 189-go, ig2— 8, 200-4, 208-10, 215-23, 225-8, 239, 248, 254, 259, 264—6, 268—71, 274-8, 280-90, 294-307, 309- 25, 327-8, 334-6, 338, 340-3, 345-53, 355-8, 360, 364-s, 368-77, 379-80, 382, 384-6, 391-2, 394, 396, 398-402, 404-8, 410-21, 423-37- Siege of, 143, 145, 151, 180, 182, 261, 278, 281—4, 287-95, 306, 309-10, 323, 375, 419, 435- State Normal School, 187, 373. Pleasant Valley, (Dutchess Co.), 322. (Elizabethtown, q.v.) Plymouth, Mass., 30, 359. N. C, 114. Poke O' Moonshine, 356. Point Ausable, 183. Index of Places and Events 483 Point Au Per, 176, 183, 198, 224, 286, 352. Point Au Roche, 85, 187, 240, 250, 291, 358. Point Oliver, L. C, 244. Poquonock, Ct., 376. Point SqueSonton (Cumberland Head, q. v.). Port Douglas, 426. Port Gilliland (Janesboro), gg, 145, 167, 228. Port Henry, 100, 189, 203, 316, 348, 380, 424. Port Jackson, 53, 56, 145. Port Kent, 9, 78, 151, 266, 324, 401—2. Portsmouth, N. H., 229. Potsdam, N. Y., 136. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 32, 7g, 83, log, 112, 117, i3g, 142, 145, 147—8, 169, 195, 231, 236, 252, 290, 366, 407, 416-17, 434- Poultney, Vt., 82, 86, 301, 354. Preston, Ct., 116, 303, 412, 416. Princeton, Battle of, 83. Prospect Heights, 284. Providence Island, 132, 139, 281-2. Providence Orphan Asylum, 124. Providence, R. I., 21, 426. Province Point, 183. ' Prussia, 162. Putnam Creek, 190. Quebec, 10, 16, 23, 28, 31, 41, 62, 68, 80, 89, III, 126, 128, 131, 135, 143, 176, 181, 195, 204, 214, 216—19, 225, 228-9, 255, 260, 267, 278, 315, 319, 321, 326-7, 329. 339-40, 350, 355-6, 397, 401-2, 404, 428, 430, 436. Queen City Park, 241. Queenstown, 295. Raids, Carleton's, 135, 248, 404. Indian, 248, 341, 345- Murray's, 167, 238-41, 252-3, 335, 418. Pring's, 13s, 137, 139. St. Albans, 330, 332, 343-4, 377- Rand Hill, 222. Randolph, Vt., 192. Ransom's Landing, 154. Rattle Snake Den, 267. Ray Brook, N. Y., 196. Reading, Pa., 362. Redford (Saranac), 368, 404, 415. Red Hook, 198. Reggio (RoclcDunder), 226, 25g, 279, Rensselaerwyck, 315. Rhinebeck, N. Y., 73, 76, 384. Rhode Island, 378, 432. Richelieu River, 32, 121, 127, 181, 196, 224, 257, 329, 376. Richmond, Va., 138. Ridgefield, Ct., 117. Riverside Cemetery, gg, 133, 145, 157, 159, 236, 264, 26g, 2g5, 351, 406, 416, 419. Rock Dunder, (Reggio.) Rock Point, 168, 281. Rouses Point, 13, 26, 29, 39, 60, 98, 113, 122, 124, 130, 135-6, 147, 163-4, 183, 244, 336, 338, 382, 433- Royal George, 126. Royal Savage, 39, 331, 333. Royalton, Vt., ig2, 33g, 340-1, 423. Ruisseaumont, ig7. Russia (Town of Saranac), 109. Rutland, Vt., 358, 387. Sabbath-Day Point, 202. Sackett's Harbor, 118, 234. Saginaw, Mich., 319. Salem, Ct., 26. Salem, Mass., 2g5, 325. Salisbury, Ct., 119, 173, 198, 248, 328, 391- Vt., 351, 363. Salmon River, 163, 177, 228, 246, 317, 328. Saranac Inn, 201. Saranac, N. Y., 89, 316, 415. River, 46, 75, 97-8, 145, 174, 186-7, 189, 234, 262, 289, 297, 314, 328, 399. Wood Pulp MiU, 115. Saratoga Alarm, 47, 84, 291, 320. Saratoga, N. Y., 8, 23, 88, 211, 349, 385, 392. Springs, 121. Sault St. Louis, 163, 301, 327, 429. Savages Island, 134. Saxe's Landing, 76, 171, 242. Saybrook, Ct., 33. Schenectady, N. Y., 135, 143, 266-7. Schroon, 80, 220, 225, 356. Schuyler Falls, N. Y., g6, 262, 276, 295, 315, 372, 380. 484 Index of Places and Events Schuylers Island, 183, 268, 324, 331, 333-4- Scotland, 43, 139, 201, 250. Seal Rock, 275. Seigniory L' Orignal, 21. Sheffield, Mass., 107, 119. Shelburn Harbor, 55. Shelburne, Vt., 123, 132. Sheldon, Vt., 46, gg. Shooting Matches, 7, 2g. Shoreham, Vt., 26, 103, 128, 131, 146, 213, 255, 264, 266, 300, 327, 384, 395, 399, 404- Shrewsbury, Mass., 128. Simsbury, Ct., 117, 264, 300. Skenesborough (Whitehall), 105, 128, 136, 142, 202, 210, 351. Sloop Island, 60. Smithtown, L. I., 21, 246. Smuggling, 189-90, 242. Sorel, 176, 252, 262. South Bay, 195, 198, 279. South Hero, 45, 86, 113, 232, 311, 346, 367, 369. South Island, 84, 108. South Plattsburgh, 250, 303, 321. South River, 38. Spencertown, N. Y., 376. Split Rock (Roche Rendue), 50, 130, 135, 137, 185, 214, 258, 267, 304-5, 334. St. Albans, 13, 51, 94, 213, 247, 287, 330, 332, 343-4, 347, 353, 377, 401, 414, 433- St Castor, 235. St. Croix, 195. St. Denis, Battle of, 127, 390. St. Johns, 19, 57, 64, 133, 142, 168- g, 171, 174-5, 180, igi, 226-7, 267, 274, 313, 330, 338, 342-3, 362, 388. St. Lambert, 218, 368, 391. St. Lawrence Co., 95, 402. St. Lawrence River, 95, 99, 141, 166, 181, 262, 269, 376. St. Louis, Mo., 91. St. Ours, 127, 178. St. Paul's Church, 10, 358. St. Regis, 370-1. St. Theresa. Stanfordville, N. Y., 426. Stave Island, 281, 283. Stephentown, N. Y., 37, 49, 75, 134, 257. Sterling, Vt., 16, Stevens House (Lake Placid), 220. Stewart's Patent, 61. Stillwater, N. Y., 134, 238, 259. Stony Wold Sanatorium, 431. Suckertown (Chazy), 26. Sudbury, Ohio, 380. Suffield, Ct., 305. Suffolk Co., ioi, 398. Sutton, Mass. Swanton, Vt., 216, 240, 340, 406. Sweden, 115. Tablets, 46, 200, 201, 213, 254, 316, 341. Thorn's Corners, 256. Three Mile Point, 193, 354. Ticonderoga, ) 8, 32, 37, 47, 58, Tyconderogue, f 80, 100, 114, 118, 123, 126—8, 131-3, 142, 146, 151, 169, 172, 190-1, 193, 199, 201, 206—8, 211, 215—16, 218, 231, 250, 259, 260, 301, 308, 311-12, 321, 323-4, 327, 329-30, 348, 351, 354, 370, 405. Landing, 16, 160, 173. Tinmouth, Vt., 368, 407. Tioga Co., 297. Trap, Del., 436. Treadwell's Bay, 34, 431, 435. Trenton, N. Y., 36. Battle of, 83. Trois Rivieres, 197, 233, 237, 248. Trombley's Bay, 255. Trout Brook, 204-5, 321. Troy, N. Y., 82, 224, 272, 290, 375. Trumbull, 309, 334. Turner's Inn, 301. Upper Jay, 319, 409. " Union," 88, 104, 208, 280, 284. Union Coffee House, 25. Unity, N. H., 248, 260, 323. Utica, N. Y., 193, igg. Valcour, 38, 54, 140. Battle of, 39, 61, no— II, 157, 268, 324, 329, 331, 334, 337, 418. Valcour, (Island, 34, 160, 183, Vancour, \ igg, 281, 286, 309, 324, 331- Strait, 268, 333. Valley Forge, 158, 164, 379, 384. Van Dieman's Land, 411. Index of Places and Events 485 Van Kleeck House, 231. Van Ness House, 175. Vergennes, Vt., 72, 105, 132, 135, 227, 251-2, 261, 315, 350, 361, 398, 403. Vermont, 9, 23, 25-6, 28-9, 31-8, 40-2, 45, 47-51, 53-5, 57-8, 60-2, 64-6, 71, 86-7, 89-g4, 105, 115, ng, 137, I4g, 157-8, 162, 166, 190— I, 229, 257, 317, ^ 3.55,358-9,373,377,417,424- University of, 28, 102, 116, 148, 153, 192-3, 211, 235, 244, 274, 3°4, 364, 367, 377, 378, 397, 424- " Vilas Home," 74, 97, 357. Wadham's Mills, 24, 111,223-4, 405. Wallingford, Vt., II. Walloomsac Valley, 10. Waltham, Mass., 317. Warren Co., 297. Washington Co., 395, 409. Washington, D. C, 45, 74, 211, 241, 336, 376, 384, 416. Waterbury, Ct., 122. Water Street, 53. Watertown, Ct., 117. Waterville, Vt., 406. Wells, (Me.), 214, 357. West Chazy, 281, 359. Westchester Co., 186, 377. Westfield, Mass., 23, 172. Vt., 264. Westford, Vt., 116. West Indies, 49, 62, 147. Westminster, Vt., 54, 105. West Plattsburgh, 148, 153, 180, 350, 360, 385, 411. West Point, 20, 144, 436. Westport, 20, 40, 63, 69, 85, in, ng, 121, 202, 206, 267, 322, 336, 378, 403, 409, 413- Westville, N. Y., 115, 325. Whiteface, 273. Whitehall, N. Y., 19, 63, 122, 136, 156, 168, 190-1, 254, 272, 291, 292, 334, 387, 398-9. White Plains, Battle of, 355. Wild Pigeons, Visitation of, 222. William St. (Plattsburgh), 164. Williams St. (Burlington), 62. Williamsburgh Road, Va., 152. Williamstown, Mass., 113, 320. Williston, Vt., 13, 55, 274. Willsboro, | 7, 23, 36, 37, 40, Willsborough, j 53, 69, 77, 79, 84-S, 95-6, 116, 144, 168, 172-3, 185-6, 197, 230, 267, 372, 379, 395, 427, 431. Wilmington, N. Y., 82, 87, 144, 192, 316, 381, 390. Windmill Point, 189, 224, 279, 286, 290, 306. Windsor, Vt., 20, 192. Winooski, 242. Falls, 51. River, 13, 52, 57, 133, 168, 204, 233, 258, 341, 348. Wisconsin, 151, 221, 229, 381, 421. "Woodbury, (Roxbury), Ct., 430. Wood's Palls, 115. Woodstock, Vt., 192. Wolf Hunting, 72, 97, 417, 423. Worcester, Mass., 256. Wyoming Valley, 311. Yale College, 54, 152, 202, 301. Y. M. C. A. Building, 21, 254, 372, 417, 437- Yonkers, N. Y., ioi. York, Me., 215, 357, 400, Pa., 362. Yorktown, 81, 83. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01346 3816 1 1 I '¦ 1 m ',1 M'f'. i;iri''^'' .¦¦ iJilPI'l! i lHi,iilP'iu.,'*.i!ii t .III ll |l' ;.• • li ',1 . Ill