Gift of the Califomia State Library PUBLICATIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY, No. 1. HISTORY POLITI0AL 0ONVENTIONS CAIvlFORNIA, 1849— 1892. BY' WINFIELD J. DAVIS, ffistorian of the Sacramento Society of California Pioneers. SACRAMENTO : i893. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, By Russell D. Stephens, W. S. Geeen, Fleet F. Steothee, H. E. McCune, and E. 0. Millee, 1 Trustees of the California State Library, Foe the People of the State of Califoenia. TRUSTEES' PREFAQE. It has been the object of the authorities of the California State Library to collect all obtainable matter relating to the history of California and of the Pacific coast. "While pur suing this object, the librarian learned of the valuable man uscript in the hands of Winfield J. Davis, from which this book is printed. Believing that it contained matter whicb should be preserved and made accessible, a proposition for its purchase was made. Mr. Davis finally offered to transfer the copyright to the library provided the trustees would pub lish the book. This was considered very liberal, and was accepted. A limited number of copies have been printed, and will be sold to cover the cost. We think the work a valuable one, and hope the reception accorded it by the pub lic will justify our action in printing it in this form. Sacramento, Jarmiary, 1893. AUTHOR'S PREFAQE, Of necessity a work of this character must contain imper fections, as no record of political conventions has been pre served, save in newspaper reports. Yet it is believed the text of this work embraces as accurate a history of the pro ceedings of state political bodies as can be compiled, from the material available. The register of state officers has been drawn from various- sources ; primarily, the official records of the state. The dates- of deaths have been supplemented from newspaper and other data. It is as complete as possiiile, after painstaking research. Acknowledgment is due for the furnishing of important. data to Judges John H. McKune and A. P. Catlin, and Hon .. W. A. Anderson. Winfield J. Davis. History of Political Conventions in California. CHAPTER I. 1849. First Political Mass Meeting in California — Primary Effort for the Organization of the Democratic Party — First State Election. The first political mass meeting in Oalifornia assembled at San- " " ~ "corrections. Read Amerraan /or Ammerman, page 310. " Brunson for Bronson, pajes 314, 326. " Curry fo,- currey, pages 26, 34, 43, 92, 94, 95, 102, 108, 196, 201, 249, 268. " Eagon for Eagan, page 409. ' ¦' Gwinn for Guinn, page 328. " Kalloch for Kalloclc, pages 420, 421. " Meloney for Maloney, pa^e 79. " Owen for Owens, page 61. " Reardon for Rearden, page 79. " Reardon /or Reardan, pafife 418. " Siiattuck /or Shuttuck,pa3e 472. - Spreckels for Spreckles, pages 313, 318, 321, 430, 455. " Sweasey for Swasey, page 248. " Sweasey for Sweasy, pages 4,i2, 453, 468. " Wilcoxon for Wilcoxson, pages 316, 421. " Wilcoxon for Wilcoxen, pages 419, 438. i/iuiis 'WF» soon to oe noiden to lilf "the various executive, legislative, and judicial offices provided for by that instrument; and, ¦whereas, also, it becomes the duty of the people of California, through their representatives in the state legislature, to select from amongst their fellow-citizens senators and delegates to represent their interests in the national councils; and, whereas, we, the democratic citizens of the district of San Francisco, feel a natural and deep interest in the History of Political Conventions in California. CHAPTER I. 1849. First Political Mass Meeting in California — Primary Effort for the Organization of the Democratic Party — First State Election. The first political mass meeting in Oalifornia assembled at San Francisco, October 25, 1849. It was composed of democrats, and was called in view of the election to be held November 13th follow ing, to vote on the question of the adoption of the constitution, and for the selection of governor, lieutenant-governor, members of congress and of the legislature. John W. Geary was the pre. siding officer. The attendance was so large that the meeting was compelled to adjourn from a hall to the public square. Dr. McMil lan, 0. P. Sutton, E. V. Joice, Thomas J. Agnew, John Mc Vicker, Annis Merrill, and W. H. Jones were vice-presidents, and Joseph T. Downey, J. Ross Browne, Daniel Cronin, and John A. McGlynn, secretaries. William Van Voorhies delivered an address, and the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The people of Oalifornia are taking steps, preparatory to an application for admission into the union, to organize their system of state government in accordance with the provisions of a constitution adopted in convention by delegates chosen from amongst themselves; and, whereas, in furtherance of this great object, elec tions are, soon to be holden to fill the various executive, legislative, and judicial offices provided for by that instrument; and, whereas, also, it becomes the duty of the people of California, through their representatives in the state legislature, to select from amongst their fellow-citizens senators and delegates to represent their interests in the national councils; and, whereas, we, the democratic citizens of tlje district of San Francisco, feel a natural and deep interest in the 2 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. general welfare of our adopted home, and are anxiously solicitous that its career shall continue to be upward and onward; therefore he it resolved, 1. That there are certain great cardinal principles handed down to us by the framers of the charter of our liberties, as the very founda tion of republican institutions, which neither distance, time, nor place tan change, destroy, or materially modify; and that we will use every honorable effort and resort to all legitimate means to engraft upon such laws and regulations as shall be hereafter established for the government of the people of California the spirit of those principles. 2. That there are certain principles of public policy under the constitution of the United States, and in respect to their operation upon the general interests of the country, contended for and sus tained by our democratic brethren of the Atlantic states, which we hold to be essential and important, and not to be overlooked in our organization nor disregarded in our selection of senators and repre sentatives. 3. That a "union of Californians for the sake of California'' is well, but that a " union of Californians for the sake of California and the union," is better. 4. That we owe to the policy which acquired and developed our territory an earnest and ardent support, and that we will not permit ourselves to be beguiled into the support of any other opposed to this; that in the selection of our senators and representatives to the congress of the United Stateswe will vigilantly guard against any misrepresentatiofl of our views and opinions, as well in respect to measures affiicting the union at large, as our immediate state in terests. 5. That we will meet at the threshold, and, if possible, defeat any and all attempts, emanating from whatever source they may, to place California in a mere local, sectional and therefore false position before the union, mindful of no interests but her own, and aiding in the support of no measure which has not for its object her imme diate and exclusive aggrandizement. 6. That partyism for the sake of party merely we totally reject, but the support of principles, which have for their object the pre servation of our glorious constitution inviolable, resistance to and defeat of all powerful and chartered monopolies by the general gov ernment, opposition to all enactments intended to benefit the few at the expense of the many, a zealous support of that course of policy FIRST POLITICAL MASS MEETING. 3 which preserves the honor of the country when menaced, punishes the offender when her rights are invaded, and ever looks to an hon orable extension of the "area of freedom'' — of such principles we are the ardent and decided supporters. 7. That we cannot consistently elevate to positions of trust and contidence any man who voted that the war with Mexico was unholy and iniquitous, that it was unnecessary and unjust in its inception, wicked and murderous in its prosecution, or who, by his political connections or otherwise, directly or indirectly denounced every life destroyed on the fields of Mexico to have been an unmiti gated murder. 8. That we cannot consistently support for any public station he who did or would have refused to vote supplies for our gallant little army, when gloriously engaged in grappling with the enemies of its country upon the ensanguined fields of Mexico; that to do so we should outrage the gallant spirits engaged in thaf conflict, and pay tribute to a factious opposition, scarcely less inimical to their suc- c«!ss than the foreign enemies whom they encountered. 9. That we are for our country first, our country last, and our country all the time ; not a section, not a circumscribed locality, not a limited interest, but the -whole country. A nominating committee was appointed, consisting of Stephen R. Harris, E. V. Joice, L. Stowell, Edmund Randolph, J. A. McGlynn, F, P. Tracy, and others. On October 27th, an adjourned meeting was held at Portsmouth square for the purpose of receiving the report of the committee. Paul K. Hubbs stated that the committee had not been legally appointed, that its appointment was not in accordance with the time-honored usages of the democratic party, and suggested the propriety of selecting primary election officers by ballot, and to hold an election on the Monday following for delegates to select a ticket to be recommended to the party. He offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted : " That this meeting recognize and will maintain the democratic doctrine, that the people are all true sovereigns of political power, and from the people only shall emanate the nomination of candidates for office. In accordance, therefore, with the time-honored usages of the democratic party, resolved that eleven delegates be elected by party vote to select a ticket to be recommended to the democratic party." 4 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Under the resolution, the election officers selected were M. Fallon, judge ; Dr. S. R. Harris, A. Johnson, J. A. McGlynn and Myron Norton, inspectors. It was resolved that the candidates be pledged to vote for no man for United States senator unless he would "uphold exemption of household for debt, and woiild vote for the formation of a railroad through our own territory in preference to- any other.'' It does not appear that any further action was taken towards making nominations. On October 25th, a meeting was held at Sacramento to "talk about the new constitution," and the candidates to be voted for at the November election. A motion was made to appoint a commit tee to report at a future meeting the names of candidates. A sub stitute was offered and accepted to call a nominating convention, but during the discussion a motion was carried unanimously to submit the whole subject bf selecting candidates to the people, on the day of election. Oa October 29th, a large political meeting, called " without dis tinction of party,'' was held at Sacramento, "to hear the report of the delegates to the constitutional convention, and to consider mat ters connected with the approaching election." S. C. Hastings was- chairman. A committee^ was selected to nominate a legislative ticket for the district, and that being done, no further action was taken. A public meeting of citizens was held at Monterey, on October SOth, and a nominating committee of seven was appointed. The committee tendered the nomination for governor to General Bennet Riley, but he declined to run, and W. S. Sherwood was named for the office. Francis J. Lippitt was nominated for lieutenant-gov ernor, and Edward Gilbert and Jauies L. Ord for congressmen. The other candidates who ran at the election were independent, and no particular attempt was made to draw party lines. The election was held on November 13th, and the constitution was ratified by a vote of 12,061 in its favor to 811 against it. The San Francisco Alta, in its issue of November 15th, said, in referring to this election : "The election held throughout the state of California on Tuesday last was an important era in the history of this remarkable couiitry. From its results are to come the weal or woe of the new state, not only for a year, but possibly for ten years, and it is to be hoped FIRST STA TE ELECTION. 5 ¦that the men then chosen to carry into effect the constitution, which was at the same time adopted, will prove themselves the' patriots which the country has the right to expect. " The day of the election was very disagreeable. Several showers of rain fell, and the mud, which was unfathomable before, suddenly disclosed a ' lower deep.' It is not strange, therefore, that, instead of 5,000 votes, as was generally expected, only 3,169 were polled in San Francisco. "All, or nearly all, the candidates were independent nominees. In some instances they have been indorsed or recommended by public meetings in different parts of the state ; but in only one dis trict (San Francisco) was an attempt made to organize a party, or fight the battle upon the old issue of democrat and whig. We have no doubt that, had time permitted, there would have been a state ¦convention held, at which a 'regular democratic ticket,' would have ¦been nominated ; and, had such been the fact, we are well satisfied >that its complete triumph would have been the result.'' On December 10th, following, Henry W. Halleck, the military secretary of state; P. Ord, a judge of the superior tribunal; David Spence, prefect; Mariano Malarin, judge of first instance, and Y. Esquar, alcalde of Monterey, met at that place pursuant to the pro- visicns of section six of the schedule to the constitution, and can vassed the vote of the state. In their report they stated that "after three days of continuous labor, we have not been able to complete "the list of scattering votes for the districts of Sacramento and San Joaquin;" but they said their report " is believed to be sufficient for the purposes intended." They reported the vote of the various candidates as follows : For Governor— Peter H. Burnett, 6,783; W. S. Sherwood, 3,220; -John A. Sutter, 2,201; W. M. Steuart, 619; John W. Geary, 1,358; with 32 scattering. For Lieutenant-Governor — John McDougal, 1,374:; Richard Roman, 2,368; F. J. Lippitt, 1,127; John B. Frisbie, 1,558; A. M. Winn, 802; Pablo de la Guerra, 129; with 363 scattering. For Congressmen — George W. Wright, 5,451; Edward Gilbert, -5,300; Rodman M. Price, 4,040; Lewis Dent, 2,129; W. M. Shep pard, 1,773; P. A. Morse, 2,066; E, J. 0. Kewen, 1,826; Pet Hal- ¦stead, 1,271; W. E. Shannon, 1,327; L. W. Hastings, 215; with 750 scattering. On December 18th, the state legislature met in joint convention 6 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and canvassed the votes that had been cast at that election, and the result as then ascertained, differed from the Monterey canvass, in that for governor, Burnett was shown to have received 6,716 votes; Sherwood, 3,188, and Geary, 1,475; for lieutenant-govemor, Lip pitt, 1,060; and for congressmen, Gilbert, 5,100; Dent, 2,029; Kewen, 1,806; Halstead, 593; P. B. Reading, 171; W. H. Russell, 92; K. H. Dimmick, 41; and J. Thompson, 86. The convention declared that Burnett had been elected governor; McDougal, lieutenant-governor; and Wright and Gilbert, Oongress- CHAPTER II. 1850. Call for an Organization of the Whig Party — First County- Election — General Election. The first state legislature passed an act pro-viding for the hold ing of an election on April 1, 1850, to elect county officers and a clerk of the supreme court. Early in that year efforts were made to organize the democratic and whig parties. In San Francisco a partial organization of the democratic party had been kept up from^ the year before, but there was no general organization of any politi cal party in the state. Late in January, a democratic meeting was held at San Jose,. where the legislature was then meeting, with the object to effect a State organization of that party, and on February 2d an adjourned meeting was held in the assembly chamber. David 0. Broderick was the presiding officer. A series of resolutions were adopted, but they were not published. On February 9 th the whig raembers of the legislature and a number of citizens of San Jose held a mass meeting in the senate chamber in that city. David F. Douglass was the chairman. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, the organization of the democratic party of the state- of Oalifornia has been commenced and is about being completed, and the broad, proscriptive doctrine has been publicly declared and adopted 'that no whig shall hereafter receive a democratic vote- for any office in the gift of the people , ' and, whereas, however much. ORGANIZATION OF WHIG PARTY. 7 as Californians we deprecate the present organization of mere politi cal parties, and the promulgation of doctrines calculated to arouse all the acuity of party spirit, whilst our infant state requires the united energies of all her sons to secure to her that position which her wealth and population entitle her, yet as whigs we feel called upon to indicate not only our principles as a party, but our rights as free men ; be it therefore resolved, 1. That the whigs of California are invited to unite with us, by a prompt and efficient organization, in repelling the assertion that a whig is unworthy to possess the rights and incompetent to perforra the duties of a freeman. 2. That in order to further the objects of this meeting a comrait tee of five be appointed by the chair to draft resolutions for the ac tion of this meeting. In accordance with the second resolution, the chair appointed a committee, consisting of Jones, Tingley, Heydenfeldt, Allen and Dim mick, and they subraitted the following report, which was adopted : 1. That liberty, equality and justice are the fundamental prin ciples of whig faith. 2. That the veto power, the great moijarchial feature of our re public, should be restrained in its exercise to the clear violations of the constitution, or manifest want of consideration on the part of congress, and that the frequent exercise of this kingly prerogative by late democratic presidents frora motives of professed expediency, whereby the will of the people has been made subservient to the will of the man, should excite the alarm and arouse the vigilance of every true republican. 3. That commerce, agriculture and manufactures constitute the wealth of a nation, and equally require the fostering hand of govern ment ; and that a tariff, whilst it should produce no greater revenue than is necessary to the economical, administration of the govern ment, should contain such just and moderate discriminations as will enable these great sources of our wealth to compete with foreign nations in our own markets. 4. Ths^t the declaration of James K. Polk, the great exponent of democratic principles, contained in his veto of the river and harbor bill, that "there is no middle ground between an absolute denial of the power of the government to make appropriations for these ob jects (improvements of rivers and harbors) and the establishment of 8 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. a wide and general system, in accordance with that power, doctrine false in theory, unstatesmanlike in policy, and especia y ruinous to the interests of our infant state. That California, des tined hereafter by the wealth and enterprise of her citizens, by t e vast extent of her sea coast, and by her spacious ports and great inland seas, to comraand the commerce of the entire Pacific, peculiarly requires the fostering hand of the government in the erection or light-houses and the improvement of her harbors. That her isolated position demands that a speedy means of internal communication be established with the older states; and that the party or the man who denies the power of congress to accomplish these great and necessary objects, is unworthy the support of a true Californian. - 5. That it is a cardinal principle of the whigs of California, that her mines should be free to all American citizens. That we regard it as practically impossible to parcel and sell the public lands con tained in the mining districts. That immigration would be thereby greatly lessened, and that the richest portions of those lands would inevitably fall into the hands of speculators and monopolists, whilst a vast multitude of laboring classes would be compelled to hire their services, to abandon the country, or to violate a law unfounded in justice and unsupported by public opinion. 6. That the interests of agriculture, the most solid foundation of national prosperty, require that the actual settler should be pro tected in his possession of the public lands, when it does not inter fere with private rights; and congress should extend the preemp tion laws over Oalifornia at the earliest possible moment. A central committee was appointed, consisting of J. M. Jones, J. D. Hoppe, Charles Campbell, Pedro Sansevaine, R. M. May, 0. E. Allen, E. Heydenfeldt, B. F. Moore, S. E. Woodworth, G. B. Ting ley, and A. W. Hope. Shortly before, in San Franeisco, the whigs had elected Heyden feldt to the senate at a special election, and this success had inspired them with confldence. On February 10th, a whig mass meeting was held in that city to nominate a candidate for sherifl', and it was resolved "that the whigs of San Francisco and California at large have had enough of the cry 'no party,' 'union of California for the sake of California,' and that from and after this time they solemnly pledge themselves to each other that they will, under no political necessity, confer office on or vote for a man who is not an open ORGANIZATION OF WHIG PARTY. 9 disguised whig; and further, that they will sanction on all .occa sions the nominee of the party and no other candidate." On the 26th, the whig general committee of San Francisco, com posed of Alfred Wheeler, Levi Parsons, L. R. Lull,S. Flower, R. H. Taylor and others, issued a lengthy address to the people, indorsing the San Jose resolutions as the basis for the organization of the party. On the same day a mass meeting was held in the same city, and Alfred Wheeler was nominated as the whig candidate for the assem bly, to fill a vacancy. The deraocrats also named a candidate, and the attempt was made to draw party lines closely, but it did not succeed. Local dissensions had been engendered among the democrats of San Fran cisco, and on March 1st the leading merabers of the party issued an address to the party urging them to support the democratic candi date for the assembly. The address asked the raembers of the party "to take no exceptions to the mode of proceeding in raaking the nomination, as the respective coraraittees of the party are about effecting a reconciliation, and are reorganizing the heretofore dis cordant elements of the party." At the special election held on March 2d, Wheeler was elected by a vote of 876, to 738 for the deraocratic ^candidate. On March Sth, a call was issued at San Francisco for a demo cratic raass meeting, to bs held on the following evening, to act upon the report of a committee of conference that had been appointed, to select a general coraraittee, and take such steps "as may be neces sary for harmoniously organizing the party,'' in vievv of the county election. At the appointed time, a large meeting was held at the plaza. Wilson Shannon was the chairman. Resolutions were adopted, and a committee was appointed to complete the organization. A pri mary was called for the 25th, at which J. J. Bryant was nominated for sheriff, John A. McGlynn for recorder, J. E. Addison for clerk, S. B. Marye for county judge, J. C. Smith for county attorney, D. M. Chauncey for assessor, R. G. Berford for treasurer, Alex ander Wells for district attorney, E. H. Tharp for clerk of the supreme court, W. M. Eddy for surveyor, aftd Ed. Gallagher for coroner. The whig committee also called a primary election, which was held on March 22d. Seventeen hundred and sixty-four votes were 10 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. cast, and the following ticket was nominated: Oounty judge, R. N. Morrison; district attorney, Calhoun Benham; county attorney, Louis R. Lull; recorder, Orrin Bailey; clerk, R. G. Crozier; sur veyor, W. P. Humphreys; assessor, J. G. Gould; treasurer, George Endicott; coroner, G. P. Ogden; sheriff, J. 0. Hays. The follow ing day Hays withdrew and came out as an independent candidate, and the committee nominated John E. Townes for that office. W. E. Shannon received 1,432 votes for clerk of the supreme court. On March 6th Ellison Dickey announced himself as an inde pendent candidate for that office, and on the 20th William G. Marcy came out for the same position. Marcy withdrew, however, in favor of Tharp. At the county election Tharp was elected. On March 23d an act -was passed by the legislature providing for the holding, on the first Monday of October of each year, of a general election throughout the state, for members of the legisla ture, and such other state officers as might be required by law to be elected. Under this law the first election was held October 7, 1850. The first legislature by statute provided that at this first general election a superintendent of public instruction and a clerk of the supreme court should be elected; and Attorney-General Kewen having resigned, it became necessary to select his successor at the same election. Although there were several state officers to be elected, no general conventions were held, and less attention was paid to politics than at the county election. On September 14th, at a deraocratic meeting in San Jose, a legis lative ticket was nominated; and on the 19th the democracy of San Francisco placed a ticket in the field, with Eugene H. Tharp as the candidate for clerk of the supreme court, Frederick P. Tracy for superintendent of public instruction, and James A. McDougall for attorney -general. The whigs held a priraary at San Francisco on the 28th, and nominated John D. Munford for attorney-general. Dr. John F. Morse for clerk of the suprerae court, and Janies Nooney for superintendent of public instruction. R. Townsend Huddart, B. Brierly, C. W. Butterfield, E. B. Bateraan, John G. Marvin, S. H. P. Ross, J. Stratman and H. W. Carpentier were independent candi dates for school superintendent; John Jack and W. 0. Sharron for clerk of the supreme court, and E. B. Cone, T. W. Sutherland, A. P. Crittenden and George Rowe for attorney-general. The can vass of the votes cast at the election showed this result : DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. \\ For Attorney-General — McDougall, 10,405; Munford, 5,227; C. T. Botts, 154; Sutherland, 203; Crittenden, 36 ; Cone, 2,722 ; S. P. Weller, 25 ; Blackburn, 52 ; scattering, 87. For Clerk ofthe Supreme Court— Thav^, 13,873; Morse, 6,040 ; S. S. Burt, 24; T. Higgins, 15; Jacky 46; scattering, 75. For Superintendent of Publio Instruction — Nooney, 3,144; Tracy, 2,414; C. W. Butterfield, 3,262; Huddart, 1,151; Bate man, 2,227 ; Brierly, 2,204 ; Marvin, 3,823 ; Ross, 84 ; Bandini, 82; scattering, 237. McDougall was, therefore, elected attorney-general, Tharp clerk of the supreme court, and Marvin superintendent of public instruc tion. CHAPTER III. 18S1. Democratic Convention. Whig Convention. The first deraocratic convention that was held in California raet in the Episcopal church, at Benicia, at 11 o'clock on Monday, May 19th, and was called to order by James M. Estell. Thoraas J. Henley was chosen teraporary chairraan, and on permanent organi zation ex-Govern^r Smith of Virginia was president, and Patten of El Dorado, Alvarado of Contra Costa, Southerland of San Diego, Joshua Ralden of Tuolumne, Bright of Yuba, Ralston of Sacra mento, Low^e of Butte, Sutter of San Francisco, and A. C. Bradford, vice-presidents. In the evening addresses were delivered by Will iara M. Gwin, John B. Weller, T. J. Henley, Governor John Mc Dougal, and others. On the 20th, John B. Weller, John Bigler, Richard Roman, W. S. Sherwood, 'T. J. Green, Samuel Brannan and John McDougal were placed in nomination for governor. Bigler was nominated on the sixth ballot, the results of the different ballotings being as follows : First Ballot — Weller, 18; Roman, 35; Bigler, 25; Green, 12; Brannan, 1; McDougal, 44; Sherwood, 40. Second Ballot — Weller, 21; Roman, 35; Bigler, 35; Green, 5; Bjrannan, 1 ; McDougal, 41 ; Sherwood, 37. Third BaUot — Roman, 43 ; Bigler, 46 ; Green, 7 ; Brannan, 1 ; McDougal, 45 ; Sherwood, 34. 12 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Fourth Ballot — Roman, 40 ; Bigler, 47 ; Green, 7 ; McDougal, 42 ; Sherwood, 40. Fifth Ballot— Kom\n, 40; Bigler, 79 ; Green, 14; McDougal, 43 ; Sherwood, withdrawn. Sixth jBfi^foi^Roman, 39 ; Bigler, 129; Green, 4; Brannan, 1; McDougal, 2. On the 21st, the following additional nominations were made: Samuel Pardy, for lieuteaant-governor, on the second ballot, over Murphy of Calaveras and B. F. Keene. Solomon Heydenfeldt, for justice of the supreme court, on the first ballot, over W. D. Fair. Richard Roman, for treasurer, on the first ballot, over W. W. Gift. Winslow S. Pierce, for controller, without opposition. S. 0. Hast ings, . for attorney-general, without opposition. William M. Eddy, for surveyor-general, without opposition. J. W, McOorkle and E. C. Marshall, for congressmen, over E. D. Hall (withdrawn), J. D. Van Voorhies (declined), M. F. Hoit, D. W. Murphy, and T. B. Va'n Buren (declined). The convention adopted a lengthy address to the people, and a series of resolutions, but they were not published in the newspapers. The whig state convention met at Rev. Mr. Taylor's M. E. •church, on Powell street, San Francisco, at 12 o'clock on Monday, May 26th. It was called to order by P. W. Shepherd, and Dr. John F. Morse was the temporary chairman. Delegates were present from the counties of San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Olara, Contra Oosta, Santa Cruz, Solano, El Dorado, Calaveras, Sutter, Tuolumne, Yuba, Placer, San Joaquin, Trinity, Nevada, Butte, Shasta, Yolo, Marin, and Mariposa. Oa permanent organization. Gen. John Wilson was president, and ¦G. R. Griffin, Captain Rush, J. M. Burt, Alfred Morgan, and James Fitton, vice-presidents. On the 27th and 28th, the following nominations were made: Pearson B. Reading, for governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 43, to 35 for William Waldo; David F. Douglass withdrawing. D. P. Baldwin, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, over W. D. Fair. E. J. C. Kewen and B. F. Moore, for congressmen, over Jesse O. Goodwin (withdrawn), R. N. Wood, John 0. Fall, G. T. Martin (withdrawn), and Dr. Peter Smith. Tod Robinson, for justice of the supreme court, on the first ballot, over D. O. Shat tuck, R. N. Morrison, and A. F. Wilson. W. D. Fair, for attor ney-general, oa the first ballot, over J. O. Goodwin, Horace Smith, WHIG CONVENTION. 13 and Lorenzo Sawyer. J. M. Burt, for treasurer, on the first ballot, over Albert W. Bee. Alexander G. Abell, for controller, on the first bajlot, over George O. McMullin and James B. Devoe. Walter Herron, for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, over William H. Grahara and F. R. Loring (withdrawn). A state central committee was appointed, consisting of General John Wilson, R. Harapton, P. W. Tompkins, Jesse D. Carr, D. H. Haskell, R. N. Wood, William Robinson, Judge Chambers, and James E„Wain wright. On the 29th, the following resolutions, reported by J. Neely John son, were adopted : 1. That we are opposed to the sale or lease of the raineral lands of Oalifornia, but are in favor of the same being held by the general government, for the benefit of the miners, to be worked by them, free from any tax or toll whatever. 2. That in the adjustraent of disputed land titles in this state we are in favor of the sarae being referred to the decision of cora raissioners, under authority of the general governraent, with the right of appeal from such decision, by any party interested, to the proper United States courts. 3. That the dictates of good policy, and the siraple deraands of justice, require at'the hands of the general government the early extension of the pre-emption laws over the public domain not embraced within the mineral lands of this state; the adoption of such laws as shall secure to actual settlers a donation of such public lands, not exceeding one hundred acres, to each head of a family, anfl also to provide grants of the same to be made to such persons as have settled upon private lands within this state, and made valu able iraprovements upon them, in good faith, supposing the same to be a part of such public doraain. 4. That we are in favor of the general governraent granting to , this state, for the purposes of education and works of internal iraprovement, a quantity of public lands, at least equaling the grants heretofore made, or hereafter to be raade, to the raost favored states of the union, in this respect. 5. That we are in favor of liberal appropriations by the general government for works of a public character, especially the improve ment of our rivers and harbors. 6. That we are in favor of the adoption of such proper measures 14 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. by the general government as shall most speedily tend to foster and aid the construction of a railroad, conaecting this state witn the Mississippi valley. 7. That the establishment of steam coramunication between this, state, the Sandwich Islands, and China, is of the utmost importance, and will tend greatly to the advancement of the commercial and political condition of the whole-union, and especially of California; therefore, we approve of the adoption of a liberal policy by the gen eral government in aid of such an enterprise. 8. That the failure of congress to raake provision for a raint in California has been greatly detrimental to the interests of the people of the state, and our present condition and wants urgently demand that early and araple appropriations be made for that object. 9. That we have a just and equitable claim on the general gov- -ernment for such raoneys as were collected by her officers, as revenue on iraports in this state, prior to our admission into the union. 10. That it is the duty of the general government to assume the indebtedness of this state necessarily contracted in the protection and defense of her citizens, frora Indian warfare. 11. That we will ever maintain the due execution and supremacy •of the laws, and, that the people may not be subjected to onerous and oppressive taxation, we are in favor of the strictest economy in the administration of the state and general governments. 12. That the recent coraproraise measures adopted by congress receive our cordial approbation, and in defense of the constitution and the union we will ever be found faithful and true. The democratic candidates were early on the stump, and the cam paign soon became exciting and interesting. The whigs had tlie greater number of newspapers supporting their ticket, but the dem ocrats had the better speakers. A large portion of the people depre cated the formation of parties upon the basis of Atlantic politics, with the plea that Oalifornia was not interested in those questions, and at first they were apathetic, but before the close of the campaign almost every voter had taken sides. In the southern portion of the state'some dissatisfaction was manifested with both tickets, because there was no representative from that seetion, and a moveraent was made to put an independent ticket in the field. Captain Elisha K. Kane (U. S. A.), who was then stationed on this coast, was nom inated for governor by the people of the south, but he published his withdrawal in the early part of August. FIRST PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. 15 On April 26th the legislature passed an act araending the election law of March 23, 1850, and changing the time for the holding of the general state election from October to the first Wednesday in Septeraber, of each year. Accordingly, the election of 1851 was. held on Septeraber 3d, at which the entire democratic tipket was elected. The official canvass of the votes developed this result : For ffowerreor— Bigler, 22,613; Reading, 21,531. For' Lieutenant-Governor— ?\x-tdt^, 23,373; Baldwin, 19,656. For J-udge of Supreme Court — Heydenfeldt, 24,428; Robinson, 20,670. For Treasurer— 'Romat.n, 24,666; Burt, 19,777. For Controller— Vierce, 22,996; Abell, 20,675. For Attorney-General—, 23,016; Fair, 21,044. For Surveyor-General — Eddy, 22,678; Herron, 21,473. For Congress-men — Marshall, 23,604; McOorkle, 23,624; Kewen, 20,407; Moore, 19,071. On January 8, 1852, the legislature met in joint convention and canvassed the election returns for governor and lieutenant-gov ernor. The whig merabers objected to considering the returns from sorae of the counties, on the ground that they had been opened by parties other than the speaker of the house, and, as they claimed, unlawfully. An animated discussion followed, when a raotion to throw out the returns alleged to be irregular was laid on the table — 65 to 16. The convention then declared Bigler and Purdy to have been elected. The whigs always claimed that their ticket had been elected, but that it had been defeated on the count of the votes. While the convention was in session Governor McDougal sent in his resignation, but it was not accepted. About an hour afterward the legislature again met in convention, and Bigler was inaugurated governor. CHAPTER IV. 18S2. First Presidential Campaign — Whig Convention, February igth — Democratic Convention, February 23d — Whig Convention, June 7th — Democratic Convention, July 20th — Free Soil Conven tion — First Presidential Election. Preparations for the first presidential campaign in California were early commenced, and each of the great parties had active 16 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. organizers in the field. There was a pride in the result of the first presidential election in the state that gave energy to the work, and it soon became apparent that the campaign would be full of life. Unfortunately for the democrats, a division occurred in their party in San Francisco, between the adherents of Stephen A. Doug las and the friends of the other presidential candidates. The Douglas party was considerably in the minority, but it made up in tact what it lacked in strength, and the feud that was engendered partook of all the bitterness that characterized the subsequent dis sensions in the deraocratic party in this state. On Deceraber 23, 1851, a primary election of that party was held in San Francisco, and two sets of delegates to the county convention claimed the election. The general committee gave credentials to one set, and the other delegation went in without certificates. A double convention was the result, and each branch elected delegates to the state convention. One set was designated the " general com mittee" delegates, while the other was called the "protest" dele gates. The whigs were united all over the state. The whig state convention met on Thursday, February 19th, at Rev. Mr. Benton's church, Sacramento. George 0. McMullin was chosen temporary chairman, and afterwards president ; and G. A. Shurtieff, W. R. Hopkins, A. Hinchman and others, vice-presidents. On the 20th, the convention proceeded to select delegates, to attend the national convention. On the first ballot 113 votes were cast, of which W. Heath had 1, J. H. 0. Mudd 22, A. A. H. Tuttie 3^ Isaac Davis 5, R. N. Morrison 2, B. F. Whittier 7, William m! Stewart 39, A. 0. Monson 10, A. J. Ellis 17, John A. Lyle 6, and Gregory Yale 1. There was no choice, and the name of Morrison was withdrawn. Oh the second ballot Stewart had 102 votes, and was elected. On the third ballot Jesse 0. Goodwin received 64 votes, and was elected. On the fifth ballot Mudd was elected, having received 57 votes. On the seventh ballot Heath was elected, having received 68 votes. On the last ballot John H. Moore and E. T. Wilson were among the unsuccessful candidates. A. Morgan was selected as the substitute delegate for Mudd, J. A. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 17 Lyle for Goodwin, Isaac Davis for Stewart, and B. F. Whittier for Heath. On the 21st, a deterrained but unsuccessful effort was raade to nominate presidential electors, instead of having a subsequent con vention for that purpose. A great deal of feeling was engendered by the discussion, and a number of the delegates retired frora the hall when it was announced that the proposition had been defeated. A state committee was selected, composed of Dr. John F. Morse, E. J. C. Kewen, Tod Robinson, I. N. Hoag, John Wilson, H. A. , Crabbe, Thos. Robinson, and R. H. Taylor. The whig state platform of 1851 was re-adopted. The democratic state convention met on Monday, February 23d, at Sacraraento. The two sets of delegates frora San Francisco appeared — one headed by David 0. Broderick, and the other by Elcan Heydenfeldt, and they created a serious disturbance in the convention. On simultaneous motions J. W. Ooflroth and Walker of Yuba sprang upon the stage, and each endeavored to act as temporary chairman. For a tirae there was the greatest excitement, when a motion was made requesting each aspirant to withdraw frora the stand, that it might be decided who was the choice of the conven tion; but Broderick was too quick for the other side, and when the question on the raotion was about to be put, he sprang to his feet and named T. B. Van Buren as chairman pro tem., and decided that that gentleman had been chosen. Amidst great confusion Van Buren reached the chair. When soraething like order was restored another disagreement arose upon the chairraan refusing to put the question when a divis ion was called for on the vote for secretary. Isaac B. Wall then moved "that the chairman be respectfully requested to leave the stand;" he put the motion himself, and declared that it had carried, but Van Buren refused to vacate the stand. M. S. Latham raoved, in order to quell the disturbance, that both sets of delegates from San Francisco be requested to leave the room. The motion prevailed, and the parties retired. A debate then sprang up, which consumed the remainder of the day, upon the claims of the delegates from San Francisco to seats in the convention. This debate was resuraed on the 24th, when counsel for the competing sets of delegates addressed the convention; Judge Heydenfeldt and ex-Governor Smith of Virginia representing the protesting delegates, 18 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and Alexander Wells and Edmund Randolph representing the gen eral committee delegates. At the evening session the convention decided, by a vote of 100 to 64, to admit the protesting delegates. On the 25th, a perraanent organization was effected, by the elec tion of Milton S. Lathara as president, by a vote of 169, to 116 for James W. Ooffroth. B. H. Williaras, Joseph Walkup, William S. Patterson, S. R. Harris, Andres Pico, R. B. Buchanan, Dr. S. A. McMeans, Juan B. Alvarado, J. L. Warner, Isaac B. Wall, S. Flem ing, and R. Ashe were elected vice-presidents. William H. Richard son, J. M. Covarrubias, Joshua Holden, and Henry A. Lyons were elected delegates to attend the national convention, over Thoraas J. Green, 0. C. Hornsby, J. .J. Bryant, Jacob Frye, Jaraes Schofield, M. M. Worabough, John Middleton, E. W. Roberts, Harrison Olm stead, J. J. Warner, S. C. Foster, E. D. Wheeler, W. McDaniels, Charles Loring, E. D. Hammond, and M. Miller. E. D. Hararaond, Amos T. Laird, Charles Loring, and M. M. Wombough were elected substitute delegates. The convention did not adopt resolutions. The following resolu tion was offered : That, in the opinion of this convention, it is unwise, and by no means necessary, to instruct our delegates for whom they shall cast their votes in the national convention. That, in the opinion of the democratic party of California, it is not at this tirae our best policy to discriminate between the many prominent citizens of ojiir party whose names are spoken of for president and vice-president of the United States. That the democratic party of Oalifornia have full and entire confidence in the integrity and democratic principles of Lewis Cass, Stephen A. Douglas, W. R. King, James Buchanan, W. O. Butler, R. J. Walker, and Sam Houston, and that the demo cracy of this state will cheerfully support either of them or any other good democrat for president or vice-president, if selected by the national democratic convention. Denver moved to amend and instruct the delegates to vote for Douglas for president; and a substitute was offered declaring in favor of any " union compromise candidate," but the whole matter was laid on the table. Subsequently another resolution in favor of Douglas for president was offered, but after discussion it was with drawn. On the 25th, the San Francisco general committee delegates pub- WHIG CONVENTION. 19 , lished a protest against the action of the state convention, by which they said they had been deprived of their rights. They claimed that they had been regularly chosen. The protest was gigned by Edmund Randolph, Eugene Oasserly, D. C. Broderick, F. P. Tracy, Herman Wohler, John A. McGlynn, Alexander Wells, W. M. Eddy, Edward McGowan, James A. McDougall, Henry H. Haight, H. H. Byrne, •Geo. McDougal, David Scannell, and others. Another whig state convention met at Sacramento, on June 7th. It organized by electing J. Neely Johnson, president, and D. F. Douglass, T. D. Johns, E. W. Gemmill, S. S. Brooks, E. 0. Bell, 0. McDonald, Robert Tevis, Orrin Bailey, L. Sawyer, and others, vice- presidents. On the Sth, the following norainations were raade : J. M. Huntington, for justice of the supreme court (long term), ¦over Stanton Buckner and David 0. Shattuck. Stanton Buckner, for justice of the supreme court (short term), over John Chetwood. Geo. B. Tingley and P. L. Edwards, for merabers of congress, over H. A. Crabbe, Calhoun Benham, Johnson Price, J. T. McCarty, H. N. Wood, E. F. W. Ellis, Frank Soule, D. 0. Shattuck, E. J. 0. Kewen, Tod Robinson, and John C. Fall. John 0. Fall, D. H. Haskell, T. D. Johns, and James E. Hale, for presidential electors. Thos. Robinson, A. Maurice, William A. Robinson, and Sarauel Barney, for alternate electors. Wm. W. Hawks, for clerk of the suprerae court. The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That as congress has donated lands to actual settlers in Oregon, we do insist that it is but a siraple act of justice that the same liberality should be extended to every actual settler in California, for we do not recognize the justice of the rule that would grant such boon to the one, and refuse it to the other. 2. That in all cases where Araerican citizens have in good faith, settled upon lands, believing the same to be a part of the public domain, but which shall prove to be private property, in every such instance the general governraent should give such settler at least one hundred and sixty acres of public land, as a compensation for improvements and loss sustained by reason of such settlement. 3. That we respectfully insist that congress shall donate an amount of public lands to the state of Oalifornia, equal to that 20 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. hitherto granted to any other new state. On no just ground could they grant to us less, and, owing to our peculiar situation, we could reasonably demand more. 4. That we are opposed to the sale or lease of the mineral lands of Oalifornia, and as whigs we now, as heretofore, hold the doctrine tha-t they shall be left free to the industry and enterprise of Ameri can citizens, native or adopted, subject to such laws, rules, and reculations as may be from time to time prescribed by those inter ested therein. 5. That common justice demands at the hands of congress, the prompt establishment of a branch of the United States mint in Cali fornia a subject recommended by a whig president to congress — in order to give to gold its full value in the hands of the rainer ; a re coraraendation which a so-called democratic congress has hitherto refused to carry out — preferring to add to the coffers of foreign bankers rather than aid in giving full value to the daily toil of Cali fornia miners. 6. That congress should speedily establish a weekly raail com munication between the Atlantic and Pacific, and should make liberal appropriations to establish a line of steamers between San Francisco and China, Japan, and the intermediate islands of the Pacific, giving the citizens of California a preference in extend ing aid to accomplish this great national object. 7. That we most heartily approve the whig doctrine of internal iraprovements, knowing, as we do full well, that the prevalence of ¦ this doctrine as advocated and carried out by the whig party, has been one of the great leading causes of the rapid rise, growth, and unexarapled prosperty of our coraraon country. 8. That it is a pararaount duty that congress owes to Oalifornia, as well as to the whole union, to speedily undertake and proraptly prosecute to completion a railway from the valley of the Mississippi to the Pacific ocean. 9. That we hold it as one of the paramount duties of congress to make liberal appropriations for the improvement of the harbors, bays, and navigable rivers of California ; likewise for the erection of custora houses, light-houses, docks, fog-bells, and all other improve ments tending to protect and facililate trade and commerce. 10. That it is the imperative duty of congress to refund without delay, to Oalifornia, the large sums extorted from her citizens before her admission into the union-, under the disguise of custom-house dues or public revenue, but which were in fact only military exac tions, levied without color of law, the enormity of whioh has no par- DEMOCRA TIC CONVENTION. 21 allel in the history of our government, unless it shall hereafter be found in the adoption of a proposition recently introduced into the senate of the United States by a distinguished representative of the ¦democracy of California, to rob the hona fide lawful owner of his lands under the pretense of law, whilst the validity and justice of his title is confessed. 11. That with the vast capabilities of California, it is indispensi ble that her legislation should be especially directed to the speedy •development of her agricultural resources, the building up of manu factures, the extension and protection of her commercial interests, and the encouragement of domestic industry in all its branches. Such, in the opinion of this convention, has not been the character of its legislation under democratic rule. 12. That we concur with the self-styled democratic conventioil that assembled at Benicia, in their resolution declaring that the general government, in the hands of a so-called democratic senate and house of representatives, " have been guilty of the most culpa ble neglect of the higher interests of California, and have utterly dis regarded the wants and demands of the people." 13. That we regard the series of measures recently adopted by ¦congress, denominated the coraproraise measures, as a settlement of those questions on a basis alike just and honorable, and we will strictly raaintain and support them as such. 14, That it is the duty of ,the general government to assume the indebtedness of this state necessarily contracted in the protection and defence of her citizens in warfare. 15. That we will support the doctrines set forth in the foregoing resolutions, for the reason that they are whig doctrines, and if car ried out will not only proraote all the great leading interests of •California, but of the whole union ; and as whigs, we pledge our united and individual advocacy of the sarae, before the people. John M. Huntington, the norainee for justice of the supreme •court, reS|igned his place on the ticket on August 21st, and on Sep tember 8th the whig central committee nominated John Chetwood for the office, over David O. Shattuck ; but Chetwood died at San Francisco on the 17th of that month, and on the 25th the comraittee filled the vacancy on the ticket by nominating E. W. F. Sloan. A second democratic convention raet at Benicia, on Tuesday, July 20th, with 258 delegates present. The San Francisco delegates repre sented by proxies four other counties, and a raotion to rule out proxies created a coraraotion, but was defeated. 22 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The convention was called to order by F. P. Tracy, and Wm. H.. Lyon was chosen temporary chairman. On permanent organization, W. T. Barbour was president, and E. Allen, A. , Ludlow, 0. Culledge, W. Robinson, C. T. Ryland, A. Randall, R. H. Deering, and OoL Thorne, vice-presidents. On the 21st, the following nominations were raade : Milton S. Latham, for congressman frora the northern district, on. the first ballot, having received 198 votes, to 78 for Joseph W. Mc Oorkle and 27 for James W. Denver ; B. F. Keene withdrawing. James A. McDougall, for congressman frora the southern district,. on the first ballot, receiving 165 votes, to 130 for R. P. Hammond, 2 for E. 0. Marshall, and 1 for A. 0. Peachy; Thos. B. Van Buren withdrawing. Hugh 0. Murray, for justice of the suprerae court (long term), by acclamation ; J. Churchraan withdrawing. Alexander Wells, for justice of the supreme court (short term), on the fifth ballot, over Seth B. Farwell, Alexander Anderson, James- Ohurchman, and A. P. Crittenden. P. K. Woodside, for clerk of the supreme court, on the fifth ballot, over E. H. Tharp, James G. Stebbins, Wm. Haskins, W. G. Marcy^ L. B. Mizner, and James L. Trask. On the 22d, the following additional nominations were made : W. S. Sherwood, J. W. Gregory, Thos. J. Henley, and Andres- Pico, for presidential electors, over Blanton McAlpin, John Y. Lind, J. L. Brent, J. 0. Palmer (withdrawn), F. P. Tracy (withdrawn), Wm. Sraith, and Wra. McDaniel. J. L. Brent, L. B. Mizner, J. A. Watson and S. B. Farwell, for alternate electors The following resolutions were reported : 1. That we cordially approve of the nominations for president and vice-president of the United States, made at the recent demo cratic national convention, and that we also approve of the gerieral resolutions adopted as a platform by that body ; and we pledge our selves to give General Franklin Pierce and Wra. R. King, the- nominees, our united, hearty and enthusiastic support. 2. That the democratic party is in favor of the donation of the- public lands to American citizens, whether native or naturalized, who become actual settlers, in quantities not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to each settler. 3. That we view the project of a great national railroad frora the Atlantic states to the Pacific ocean as a raeasure of great impor- CONVENTION OF FREE-SOIL DEMOCRATS. , 23 tance, believing that its corapletion will tend to ceraent the bonds of the Araerican union ; that it will not only connect the various local interests of this country, but will give us the control of a large share of the trade and commerce of the world, and increase our influence and power with other nations. 4. That we recommend to our delegation in congress to use every exertion in their power to have some measure adopted to secure the early coraraenceraent and completion of this work. After a discussion, the second resolution was laid on the table, and the following was adopted as a substitute : 2. That all public lands of California ought to be reserved by the government from sale, and granted to citizens and actual settlers. The balance of the resolutions were then adopted. John Conness offered a resolution that all contracts for labor made outside of the state, either in any of the other states or in for eign countries should not be deemed valid, and it was laid on the table. A resolution was unanimously adopted declaring " that we do not approve of the bill offered by Tingley, in the legislature, providing for the introduction of serfs or coolies into California to compete with white laborers, who at the same time constitute the democracy and aristocracy of this state." The free soil democrats held a convention on October 15th, at San Francisco, and nominated for presidential electors, Joseph Lloyd, Asa Walker, Asa D. Hatch and J. Bryant Hill. No nominations were made for state officers. A state central committee was ap pointed, and an address was issued earnestly inviting " the friends of the cause to unite in using every lawful means, morally and politi cally, to free our country from the foul stain and curse of slavery." The election was held on November 2d, and the democratic ticket was successful. For President— ^cott, 34,971 ; Pierce, 39,665 ; Hale, 100. For Congressmen — Edwards, 81,814; Tingley, 81,774; Latham, 36,961 ; McDougall, 35,685. For Justices of the Supreme Court — long term — Sloan, 32,160; Murray, 36,420. Short term — Buckner, 32,859 ; Wells, 35,453. For Clerk of the Supreme Cowri— Hawks, 32,859 ; Woodside, 35,627. 24 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The democratic presidential electors met at Vallejo on December 1st, and cast the vote of the state for Pierce and King. On the eighth ballot Henley was selected to convey the returns to Wash ington. CHAPTER V. 18S3. Democratic Convention — Whig Convention — Result of the Election. On April 20th, the democratic state committee issued a call for a state convention of that party, to consist of 238 delegates, and pur suant to that call the convention raet at Benicia, on Tuesday, June 21st. It was called to order by David 0. Broderick, the chairman of the state committee, and James W. Ooffroth was called to the chair temporarily. A permanent organization was effected by the selection of A. 0. Bradford, as president ; and Richard Irwin, I. S. K. Ozier, John Nye, J. Warner, B. Bryant, A. W. Goodwin, Wra. H. Smith, John H- McKune, and W. H. Endicott, as vice-presi dents. On the 22d, John Bigler was norainated for governor on the first ballot — receiving 134 votes, to 58 for Richard Roman, and 47 for Henry P. Haun. On the 23d, the following additional nominations were made : Sarauel Purdy, for lieutenant-governor, on second ballot, over Jesse Brush, Joseph 0. McKibben, John J. Warner, A. 0. Bradford, and Charles F. Lott ; W. H. Lyons, J. M. Covarrubias, 0. H. Bryan, F. Yeiser, A. M. Winn, and Philip Moore withdrawing. Alexander Wells, for justice of the supreme court, without opposition. John R. McConnell, for attorney-general, without opposition. S. A. McMeans, for treasurer, without opposition. • Samuel Bell, for controller, on the fourth ballot, over B. F. Lip pincott and W. S. Pierce ; W. 0. Kibbe withdrawing. Paul K. Hubbs, for superintendent of public instruction, on the first ballot, over John G. Marvin, Judge Watson, and Isaac Bragg. S. H. Mariette, for surveyor -general, on the second ballot, over F. McDonald. The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That the true interests of the state demand that the public DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 25 lands be disposed of in limited quantities to actual settlers, and that it is unwise to adopt any policy that may tend to encourage a landed monopoly, but at the same time we cherish as a right, guaran- ' teed by the consitution, that every citizen shall be protected by law to the fullest extent, in his person and in his property. 2. That the surest and raost speedy raethod of developing the resources of the state, proraoting industry, and elevating society, is to encourage, by the enactment of proper laws, the ownership and cultivation of the soil in limited quantities by actual settlers. 3. That the deraocratic party cherishes as araong the best features in the constitution of this state, those which protect the laborer frora degradation and oppression ; that special legislation, and par ticularly the forraation of special corporations, is at all times dan gerous ; and that general incorporation laws, while they should protect the honest and legitimate application of associated capital, should not allow the irresponsible contraction of debts or a raono poly of privileges. 4. That we recognize to the fullest extent, the principle that all political power exists in the hands of the people, and that constitu tions and laws are but the expressions of the popular will ; there fore, we deprecate any change of the constitution of this state, other than by araendraents, until such an araendraent shall have been incorporated in it as shall guarantee to the people that the constitu tion prepared by a convention for its revision shall be subraitted to the people for their ratification or rejection. 5; That the increasing -permanent population of our state demands a more complete organization of our coraraon school system, under such enactments as will best preserve the property of the state set apart by the constitution for this purpose, and apply the pro ceeds exclusively to such a systera of education for the children of the state as will raake them intelligent and independent citizens. 6. That, in the democratic state conventions hereafter to be, held in this state, each county shall be entitled to one vote, and one addi tional vote for every 200 democratic votes cast at the general elec tion next preceding the tirae of holding the convention, taking the highest vote cast for any state officer, and also one vote for a frac tion of no less than 100 votes. 7. That we reaffirm the resolutions adopted by the deraocratic state convention of last July, -to wit : (Quoting the third and fourth resolutions adopted by the convention of July 20, 1852.) 8. That we recoraraend to our delegates in congress to use every exertion in their power to secure the early completion of the work. 26 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The following central committee was appointed : D. C. Broderick, J. Middleton, D. Scannell, M. E. Flannagan, D. Mahoney, M. J. Swasey, J. T. Hall, J. H. McKune, G. W. Colby, H. P. Haun, and R. P. Haramond. The whig convention convened at Sacraraento, on Wednesday, July 6th, and was coraposed of 384 delegates. Madison Walthall was chosen president pro tem. On permanent organization, S. P. Mulford, was president, and H. C. Malone, W. G. Brown, A. Farns- worth, D. Sheppard, J. 0. Hawthorne, A. W. Bee, Horace Smith, James Mc Vicker, E. S. Lathrop, and A. M. Rosborough, vice- presidents. On the 7th, the following nominations were made : Williara Waldo, for governor, on the first ballot, receiving 345 votes, to 39 for P. B. Reading ; D. 0. Shattuck withdrawing. Henry Eno, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, over Jesse O. Goodwin, William Blackburn, David F. Douglass, James M. Warner, and Frank Soule. Tod Robinson, for justice of the suprerae court, on the fourth ballot, over Calhoun Benhara, Lorenzo Sawyer, R. N. Wood, W. R. Turner, John Currey, and D, 0. Shattuck. D. K. Newell, for attorney-general, on the first ballot, over J. Neely Johnson, W. S. Spear, and Elcan Heydenfeldt. Gilbert F. Winters, for controller, on the fourth ballot, over 0. I. Hutchinson, R. B. Hampton, J. Brewster, J. McPherson, 0. J. Brenham, and Samuel Knight. , Samuel Knight, for treasurer, over M. Walthall, Beverly 0. Saunders, W. A. Robertson, and Geo. Pendleton. S. E. Woodworth, for surveyor-general, over W. A. Eliason, and Sherman Day. Sherman Day, for superintendent of public instruction, over T. J. Nevins, John M. Howe, William Taylor, A. G. McOandlass, 0. 0. Wheeler, T. 0. Crouch, and M. 0. Briggs. The following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, the dominant party of the state have, by mismanage ment and corruption, bankrupted the treasury, and loaded us with a debt too grievous to be borne, and which sits like an incubus upon all our energies; and whereas, by caucussing and pipe-laying management, the most honest portion of the democracy have been out-generaled, and honor and office withheld frora them, giving us nothing to hope for the future from the party in power but con- WHIG CONVENTION. 27 tinued corruption and misrule, and the concomitant evils of tyranny and oppression ; therefore, we, the whig convention of Oalifornia, believe that a crisis has arisen in our affairs of state that loudly demands the exercise of the highest patriotisra, and a united concert of action to reforra the state, on the part of all those who believe with us that public plunder is the object of the dominant party, is of more importance than the discussion of national issues. To particularize, let us subrait facts to a candid and oppressed people : the dominant party of. the state has, in its short h\x.tfast career,' collected and disbursed one million five hundred thousand dollars of the people's raoney, and fixed a debt upon our labor, prop^ erty, and energy of three millions of dollars more. The enorraous sura of $4,500,000 has in three short years been expended — not for publio buildings, public improveraents, or public works, but to fatten and strengthen official cormorants,, and make their power for evil greater than before. The party in power has passed " stamp acts," notarial, port warden, and other laws and edicts more oppressive than the stamp act which excited our forefathers to arms. It has neglected to pass laws for the protection of property, or' coraraon welfare of the people, but on the contrary has oppressed our citizens with the most grievous taxation ; it has created useless offices, and given large salaries to sinecures in office, to strengthen the hands that oppress us, and render us less able to resist oppres sion. For these and many other reasons, Resolved, 1. That we most heartily disapprove and condemn the administra tion of the governraent of the state since the organization thereof, the results of which have eventuated in squandering $1,500,000, by the official cormorants who have been a constant curse upon the state. 2. That the annual expenditures of the state should never in time of peace exceed its revenues, and that any administration not capa ble of so limiting the expenditure is unworthy the support of the people. 3. That in creating the enorraous debt of the state that is now oppressing us, article eight of the state constitution, in the opinion of this convention, was disregarded, and the violators of it are unworthy the suffrages of the people. 4. That the law confining the publication of legal notices to cer tain specified pet papArs, is an offensive raonopoly, not in accordance with the spirit of the constitution and laws of a well regulated free governraent; and that the merabers of the legislature who voted for 28 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. it, and the governor who approved it, are alike unworthy of the sup port of a free people. 5. That we hereby pledge our sacred honor to vote for no candi- •date who does not unconditionally advocate a most thorough retrenchment of expenditures in every department of state; and for this reform we invoke the aid of all good citizens. 6. That to overthrow a dynasty so incorapetent and corrupt as that which has cursed Oalifornia, is of raore importance to the state than the discussion and support of any issues of a national character which have hitherto divided parties. 7. That the number of officers should, be diminished ; the number of judicial districts lessened; the salaries of state officers materi ally reduced; and in all those offices of fees, where the revenue shall exceed a liberal salary, the excess shall pass into the treasury •of the state. 8. That the hona fide settlers upon lands (supposed public lands at the time of settlement) deserve our warmest sympathy, and every protection in their iraproveraents that can legally be given them. 9. That we as whigs (always conservative) will concede anything but principle, for the overthrow of corruption, and the salvation of the state. 10. That holding these sentiraents we cordially invite all good citizens opposed to the norainees of the Bigler dynasty, and in favor •of reform, and who believe that the redemption of the state is of more importance than the triumph of party, to aid us in electing an opposition ticket, noted for its corapetency, purity, and fidelity to the best interests of the state. 11. That we reaffirm our ancient doctrine in favor of the raost liberal preeraption laws, donation of lands to actual settlers, home- . -stead exemption, the perfection of our comraon school systera, opposi tion to all land raonopolies, and in favor of the location and early completion of the great overland railroad. 12. That the extension bill (of the last legislature) which passed the asserably and was indefinitely postponed in the senate was, in effect, a proposition to squander the valuable property of the whole people of Oalifornia, for the benefit of a few scheming political speculators. The election was held on September 7th, and the entire demo cratic ticket was elected. The official canvass exhibited this result : For (?oueTOor— Bigler, 38,090 ; Waldo, 37,454. Lieutenant-Governor — Purdy, 41,498; Eno, 32,968. DIVISION OF DEMOCRA TIC PAR TY. 29 Controller— BeU, 41,843 ; Winters, 34,912. rreasMrer— McMeans, 41,465; Knight, 35,250. / Superintendent of Puhlic Instruction— Hubbs, 41,558- Day 35,465. Attorney-General— McGonnell, 40,729; Newell, 34,899. S'urveyor-General-M.sirlette, 4:2,100 ; Woodworth, 34,663. Justice of the Supreme Com-t-'Wells, 41,882; Robinson, 34,212. CHAPTER VI. 1884. Democratic Convention — Whig Convention. The democratic convention of 1854 raet at the First Baptist church, Sacraraento, at 3 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, July 18th. Soraetime before the hour for meeting, the doors of the church were surrounded by a large assemblage of persons, many of whom were not delegates ; and as soon as the doors were opened the church, which was estimated to afibrd accomodation for about 400 persons, was filled to its utmost capacity. D. 0. Broderick, the chairraan of the state committee, ascended the platform, and was received with loud and long-continuing cheering. Instantly on his calling the convention to order several delegates sprang to the floor for tlie pur pose of nominating candidates for temporary chairraan. Broderick recognized T. L. Vermule as having the floor, but before the announc- ment was made, John O'Meara proposed ex-Governor John Mc Dougal for chairraan pro tem. Vermule nominated Edward McGowan for the position. Broderick stated that he could not recog nize O'Meara's raotion, and put the question on McGowan's election, and declared that it had carried. McGowan instantly raounted the stand, closely followed by McDougal, whose friends insisted that he had been,selected, although his name had not been submitted to the convention in regular forra. The two chairmen took seats side by side, and a scene of indescribable confusion and tumult ensued. When something like order was restored, McDougal read the naraes of Major G. W. Hook and John Bidwell, as vicerpresidents ; and McGowan announced J. T. Hall and A. T. Laird as his appointees for those offices. Again a scene of extreme confusion occurred, but the gentleraen named seated themselves with their respective leaders. Two sets of secretaries and coraraittees were then appointed, and 50 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. reports were made to each side recommending that the temporary ¦officers be declared permanently elected. Motions were made to adopt the reports, and, araid the greatest excitement, they were ¦declared carried. The double-headed convention sat until about 9 o'clock in the night. No further business was transacted, but each side tried to sit the other out. Two sickly candles — one in front of each president — lighted up the scene. The trustees of the church finally relie-yed both sides by stating that they could not tolerate the riotous ¦crowd longer in the building, and the delegates left without a formal adjournment. The session throughout was like pandemoniun let loose. Soon after the organization, a rush was made by the crowd to the stage. One of the officers was seized, and at that instant a pistol exploded in the densely crowded roora. A mad rush was raade for the doors, and a portion of the delegates made a precipitate Tetreat through the windows to the ground — a distance of some fifteen feet. Towards night. Governor Bigler was called to the stand, ¦and he made a conciliatory speech, but it had no effect for good. On the 19th, the wing presided over by McDougal, and which represented the chivalry or southern element of the party, met at Musical Hall ; and the McGowan or Tamraany branch, representing ihe northern eleraent, met at Carpenter's building. The officers of the chivalry wing resigned, and Major Hook was elected president, and H. P. Barber, William A. Mannerly, A. W. Taliaferro, and J. G. Downey, vice-presidents. A committee on address and resolu tions was appointed,, consisting of B. F. Washington, Jaraes M. Estell, William Van Voorhies, H. P. Barber, and John McDougal. A comraunication was received from the other convention askin" that a committee of conference be appointed, with a view of settling the disagreement, but the language of the coramunication was regarded as offensive, and it was withdrawn for the purpose of changing the phraseology. Afterwards a second note almost similar to the first was sent in, but it was flatly rejected. The following nominations were then made : James W. Denver, for congressman from the northern district, and Philip T. Herbert from ¦ the southern district, over J. T. Oreii- shaw (withdrew), Charles L. Scott, Blanton McAlpin, and A. 0. 'Bradford. Charles A. Leake for clerk of the supreme court, over Sarshall Bynum. On the 20th, the following resolutions, offered by McAlpin, were adopted : DIVISION OF DEMOCRA TIC PARTY. 31 1. That we view the construction of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad as one of the most important matters for the welfare of our coramon country that has agitated the public mind since the forma tion of our national government ; and we but echo the sentiments of nine-tenths of the people of Oalifornia when we declare that congress should do all and everything consistent with the constitu tion in aiding the coramencement and completion of the same. 2. That while we renew the oft-expressed views of the democracy of Oalifornia in favor of the donation to actual settlers in limited quantities of the public doraain, we nevertheless believe and recora raend that liberal donations should be raade, in accordance with the well established policy of the general government in similar cases, to aid in the construction of the greatest national work of the age — the building of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad. 3. That we most cordially approve and sustain the passage of the Nebraska bill, and the vote thereupon shows most clearly that it was a democratic raeasure — one of principle, that should have en listed in its favor every true lover of republican principles, and we only regret that araong the naraes of those who opposed its passage we notice ^orae few who claira to be deraocrats. 4. That we reassert and maintain the principles of the democratic platform adopted at Baltimore in 1852, and we endorse to the fullest extent the administration of General Franklin Pierce. An assessment of five dollars pe,r delegate was collected to repair the damages to the church building. A state committee was ap pointed, consisting of B. F. Washington, Blanton McAlpin, Wilson Flint, James O'Meara, W. A. Mix, J. R. Hardenbergh, W. T. Sex ton, V.' E. Geiger, J. H. Ralston, S. A. Booker, 0. S. Fairfax, J. H. Baker, 0. L. Scott, and others. The McGowan wing met at 9:30 A. m. on the 19th, that gentleman continuing to act as the presiding officer. A committee of seven was appointed to invite the McDougal convention to attend, and the committee were empowered to arrange the difficulties. A recess was taken until 1 o'clock to give the comraittee time to act. On the convention reassembling, the committee reported that they had sent the following comraunication to the chivalry convention, and that the proposition contained in it had been rejected : John McDougal, Esq., chairman of deraocratic delegates convened at Musical Hall — Sir : The undersigned have been this morning constituted a committee, with full powers, by and on behalf of the democratic state convention, at Carpenter's hall, for a conference 32 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. with our fellow deraocrats at Musical Hall, for the purpose of har- raonizing and uniting the democracy of Oalifornia. You will be pleased to announce this to your body, and any communication may be addressed to the chairman of this committee, at "Jones' hotel. We are, sir, very respectfully your fellow citizens, William Walker, John Burke Phillips, James Churchman, Eugene Casserly, R. T. Sprague, Thos. L. Vermule, John M. McBrayer. The committee was discharged, and the convention proceeded to nominate a ticket. Milton S. Latham and James A. McDougall were unanimously nominated for congress; W. T. Wallace, J. W. Ooffroth, B. F. Myers, 0. H. Bryan, and E. 0. Marshall, withdrawing. P. K. Woodside was nominated for clerk of the supreme court, over Huraphrey Griffeth, William S. Long, Martin Rowan and D. A. Enyard. The following address was adopted : To the democracy of California : The democratic party of this state is necessarily composed of more heterogeneous elements than those which constitute the party in other states of the union. Com ing as our people do frora all parts of the world, bringing with them a thousand differences of feeling and opinion, it is to be expected that all aggregations of party shall be less accordant here than else where. This has been apparent from the first organization of the demo cratic party in Oalifornia. But there has always been a portion of the party — and this the raasses of it — who have desired to sink all sectional issues, and unite on the great principles of the party of the union. Others have as long and as certainly raanifested a desire to divide the party and sectionalize its principles. These two motives have always influenced, to a great extent, the action of the party within itself. It was not until last year, and after the nominations of the Benicia convention, that there was open rupture between the two branches of the democracy. The sarae diversity of prejudices and opinions divided the party during the last session of the legislature. It moved the democracy in the recent election of delegates to the state convention. When the delegates to the Sacramento convention assembled, the same radical division was apparent. One portion of the democracy organized under the laws and usages of the party, and placed officers over the convention who had supported the action of previous state conventions. The portion of the delegates who seek to make the DIVISION OF DEMOCRA TIC PARTY. 33 party sectional, placed at their head men who repudiated a nominee of the last state convention. By their acts and declarations these latter evinced a desire to agitate in this state social questions of the most disturbing character ; and discussion of these subjects can only tend to schisraatize the party. On the other hand, we, the representatives of men who wish to maintain the catholicity of the party, sought to harmonize the di visions of the deaiocracy. Our proposals for compromise were treated with disdain, and scorn was the only reward they were will ing to bestow on our conciliatory efforts. In thia emergency the convention has norainated for members of congress men whom the whole democracy has approved, Let the party bear witness to the zeal with which we have labored to raaintain the unity of the party. Let the future prove the wisdora with which we have deliberated and decided. We present the ticket we have nominated to the democracy of California. We ask the masses of the party to strive for its welfare with as much singleness of purpose as have their delegates in the state convention ; and if they do, victory will again perch on the eagles of the deraocracy. The platform of the democratic convention of June 21, 1853, was readopteduerJaiim, with the exception that_to the end of the second resolution were added the words, " and of guaranteeing to such set tlers the value of all iraproveraents hona fide made." The following additional resolutions were adopted : 9. That one of the cardinal principles in the usages and practice of the democratic party for the last half century has been, that all differ ences of opinion upon questions of party policy, expediency, or men, are to be settled by convention, or caucus of merabers of the party for that purpose asserabled, and that at such conventions or caucuses, a majority shall rule, and that it is the duty of every democrat, cheerfully ^to submit to a decision of such questions thus made, and that any violation or departure from this usage, is subversive of party organization, and destructive of the harmony and dangerous to the success of the party. 10. That we cordially approve and endorse the resolutions adopted by the deraocratic national convention asserabled at Baltimore, which nominated Franklin Pierce for the presidency. The following state coraraittee was selected : David Mahoney, B. S. Lippincott, F. A. Kohler, Thos. Brannan, Edw. McGowan, J. T. Hall, G. W. Colby, J. H. McKune, A. T. Laird, J. W. Ooffroth, 34 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and others. A collection of $400 was taken up to repair the dam ages that had been done to the Baptist church on the previous day, a committee having reported that the building had been injured to that extent. Shortly after the adjournment of the conventions, Judge Heyden feldt declined the nomination for Latham, and Judge Murray pub lished a card withdrawing McDolugall's narae from the canvass. On August 31st, Latham arrived from Washington, and on September 2d telegraphed his withdrawal from the ticket to the state corarait tee. On the sarae day James Churchman was nominated for con gress to supply the vacant place on the Tammany ticket. It was pretty generally understood throughout the carapaign that Mc Dougall was not a candidate, but he did not forraally withdraw frora the fight after his return frora Washington. After the election the Tararaany party ascribed the defeat of their ticket to Latham's withdrawal. The whig convention raet at the theater in Sacraraento, on Tues day, July 25th. It was called to order by Frank Soule, chairman of the state coraraittee, and Joshua P. Haven was elected teraporary chairman. In the evening J. Neely Johnson was elected president; and A. D. McDonald, J. A. Lewis, R. Tevis, J. M. Stewart, J. C. Hawthorne, J. H. Moore, and others, vice-presidents, A comraittee on resolutions was selected, consisting of W. S. Spear, B. Peyton, D. K. Newell, Louis R. Lull, H. T. Huggins, John Currey, and others. The candidates for the congressional nominations were George W. Bowie, Edward P. Fletcher (withdrawn), J. E. Hale (withdrawn), R. N. Wood, Frank Soule (withdrawn), Edward Woodruff (withdrawn), P. H. Harris, W. W. Stow (withdrawn), T. H. Williams (withdrawn), J. M. Orane, P. B. Reading (with drawn), E. D. Baker (withdrawn), D. K. Newell (withdrawn), W. W. Hawks (withdrawn), and Calhoun Benham. On the 26th, on the second ballot, Bowie was norainated frora the northern district ; and on the fifth ballot Benham was successful from the southern district. Joseph R. Beard was nominated on the second ballot for clerk of the supreme court, over Horace Smith, General Allen, and Josiah Gordon. The following address and resolutions were adopted : The condition of your state demanding reformation, calls upon you to inaugurate the rule of honesty, and to put an end to abuses and evils which are the parisitical and withering results of mal- WHIG CONVENTION. 35 administration and bad government. From Washington to Clay — we refer to an unserried line of patriotism, alike in adversity and in prosperity, the protectors of our country. The union can only be advanced by the preservation of principles, and the advancement of measures that in their nationality comraand the support of every American. We point to the whig adrainistrations, from Washington to Fillmore, as having exemplified devotion to the constitution, fidelity to the union, and paternal care for the honor, happiness and prosperity of the country. The welfare of Oalifornia and its imper illed integrity require a revolution of public affairs. In such change will be insured good government, economy in its exercise, rigid adherence to the laws, and strict accountability of all in authority to the tribunal of public opinion. Aid us to reduce the taxes; to unshackle comraerce ; to remove the anti-republican restrictions to trade imposed by venal legislation ; above all, join us in the effort to restore the purity of the ballot box, and the freedom of elections ; to make secure the life, liberty, and property of every citizen. We proclaim the building of the Pacific railroad to be the paramount duty of the government of the United States, as furnishing, when completed, the best and surest means of national defense. We desire the adoption and perfection of the best system of coramon school ¦education, and to yield aid in all possible ways to learning and science. We demand a purification of the judgment seat, and a revision of the statutes. It is, therefore, resolved, 1. That we, the whigs of Califomia, in coraraon with the whigs of the union, regard the building of the Atlantic and Pacific rail road as of pararaount national importance, believing its construction strengthens and perpetuates the bond linking this continent together ; marvelously increases the general prosperity, and forever removes from this iramense travel all and every danger — rendering secure the lives of myriads, and the immense property which will pass over its lines — demand frora the congress of the United States and every branch of the general government that instant action which a bless ing so vast and immeasurable to our own and every other land, requires at their hands. 2. That for these reasons, as well as regarding it the foremost — as it is the surest — means of a perfected national defense, and a vindication of the great and vital Araerican principle for which whigs have always contended, we will never cease to implore the national legislature and urge upon the executive the pursuit and furtherance of this measure, as one of the first duties they owe to their country. 36 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 3. That we regard the public doraain as the property of the people of the United States, and insist that California shall receive her full and entire share thereof, to aid in the construction of her railroads, the fostering of education, the diffusion of knowledge, and the endowment of comraon schools, colleges, and universities. 4. That we hold as a changeless whig principle the duty of the law to protect inviolate the property of all classes — the miner, the mechanic, the agriculturist, and the trader — and we denounce every measure or system of measures, the effect of which would be to rob industry of its natural reward, and to deprive honest labor of its hardly acquired earnings. 5. That Oalifornia demands frora congress and the executive such prorapt action as will ensure the immediate corapletion of the survey of the public lands, and put a period to the vexatious delays of the land commission. 6. That the whigs of Oalifornia hold the right of the people of the territories of the United States to determine and legislate for theraselves, to be inherent ; and, as such, whenever the population entitles thera to frame a state constitution, they possess the author ity to do so without the interference of, and independent of any other power. 7. That it is the true interest of the government to secure to every actual settler upon the public lands of the United States a competent homestead. 8. That in reference to the mineral lands of the state, the prop erty of the United States, and the disposition of mining privileges, we regard the miners as the first parties whose interest and proper wishes should have greatest weight in settling and determining these important matters. 9. That the revenue collected by the general government in Oali fornia, prior to her admission into the union, of right belongs to her and should be promptly refunded. 10. That the "Farewell Address of Washington" is the unde viating chart of American freedora ; the whig party coherent in and supporting all its principles, look to its maxims when adhered to by the people, as the surest reliance of the constitution and the union. 11. That -we are admonished that the time approaches when the nation, tired with the imbecility of an irresponsible and vacillating administration, turns with trusting hope and confidence to the whig party— obeying that high sumraons, frora the shores of the Pacific, we shout to our Atlantic brethren " union of the whigs for the sake of the union." DIVISION OF DEMOCRA TIC PARTY. 37 A state committee was appointed, consisting of Baillie Peyton, Frederick Billings, S. W. HoUiday, G. H. Hossefross, A. 0. Monson, J. Price, J. W. Winans, A. B. Nixon, G. W. Crane, S. Buckner, J. 0. Fall, D. F. Douglass, H. A. Crabbe, D. K. Newell, and others. In the latter part of July, the state coramittee of the chivalry ¦wing of the democracy appointed three of its merabers — B. F. Washington, Blanton McAlpin, and William G. Ross — to arrange -terms for a compromise with the other faction of the party, and they subraitted to the central committee of the Tammany side, the following conditions upon which to base a settlement of the existing difficulties . 1. The withdrawal of McDougall and Latham. 2. The withdrawal of Leake, by his consent. 3. That the two state committees act jointly, upon an equal footing. 4. That the county nominations which had been made be allowed to remain, and that the people would be asked to support them. 5. That, in the counties of San Francisco and Sacramento, the nominations to be made should be equally divided between the wings. 6. That they would jointly recommend to the democracy of El Dorado and Placer to harmonize upon some fair basis. B. F. Lippincott, George Wilkes, and John H. McKune, repre senting the Tammany committee, submitted these propositions : 1. We propose to meet you by each relinquishing one-half of our several claims, making a joint congressional ticket of one meraber norainated at your late convention, and one member of ours — say, Denver and Latham. 2. We propose to draw lots to decide which of us shall be entitled to the noraination of clerk of the supreme court. 8. We propose to form a new state committee by equal numbers drawn from the two present committees, and to draw lots for chair man. 4. We propose to issue an address on the part of the new com mittee, urging the new ticket upon the adoption of the democracy of the state, such address to be signed by all the merabers of the •committee. The propositions were both rejected. 38 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Early in 1854, American or "know nothing" organizations were- forraed in the state, and it was not long before an association existed in alrnost every town and mining carap. On May 27th, the San Francisco Alta, in referring to the new movement, said : The mysterious association called the "know nothing," appears to- have spread its branches until one of them has cast a shadow on thfr Paciflc shore. The " know nothings," as near as they can be under stood, or their doctrines or intentions fathomed, are a secret political organization, strongly native American in its feelings, and organized for the purpose of acting politically, with the intention of curtailing^ the political privileges of persons of foreign birth or descent. They are, in fact, a reorganization of the native American party in a new form, and adopting all their principles, intend makiu',^ a secret application of them. On August SOth, the sarae paper said : From all the papers in every portion of the state we gather the fact that the mysterious associations of " know nothings " have- spread theniselves until a branch is formed in alraost every mining town and village of any importance throughout the country. That they will have a great influence, if not an entire control, over the ensuing election in this state, there can now be but little doubt, although from the entire secrecy of their operations it is irapossible- to form an idea of how that influence will be used. In San Francisco, the "know nothings" ran a local ticket in 1854, and it was successful. The orgaiiization did not openly take part in state politics, but its influence on the election was doubtless impor tant. The election was held on Septeraber 6, 1854, and the result in. the state was as follows : For Congressmen — Denver, 36,819; Herbert, 36,542; Bowie, 34,734; Benhara, 34,411; McDougall, 9,968; Churchman, 10,006^ Latham, 1,843 ; scattering, 448. For Clerk ofthe Supreme Court— 'Lea.V.e, 33,700; Beard, 35,133 ; Woodside, 11,721 ; scattering, 47. Denver and Herbert were consequently elected to congress, and Beard was elected clerk of the supreme court. RISE OF KNOW NOTHING PARTY. 39 CHAPTER VII. 186S. Gubernatorial Election — Democratic Convention — Convention of the American Party — Settlers' and Miners' Convention — Temper ance Conventions. The whigparty virtually disbanded in 1855, and the secret Ameri can party took its place as a prominent political organization. This new faction originated in 1852, and its animating spirit was hostility to the exercise of political power in this country by foreign ers, and more especially by Rornan catholics. Its members were popularly termed "know nothings," because they were required when interrogated with respect to the order to declare that they knew nothing about it. The new party had figured somewhat in Cali fornia politics in 1854, but it was not until 1855 that it assumed an aspect so forraidable as to be considered worthy of the steel of the democracy. At the spring municipal elections, the success of the know nothing tickets so aroused the democrats that their organs devoted raost of their thunder to attacks upon the secret organization. On March Sth, at a municipal election in Marysville, the Ameri cans carried everything, although their nominations had - not been raade public until the morning of the election. At the Sacramento city election, on April 2d, the entire "know nothing" ticket was elected ; and in the smaller towns their successes had been as marked. The democratic papers called upon the divided wings of their party to unite and make a common enemy of the new party, but it was soon apparent that the secret association had captured nearly all of the whigs and a goodly number of the democrats. On May 23d, the state committees of the two wings of the demo cratic party -met and harmonized, and issued a joint call for a state convention. The call recited that " the undersigned, members of the two deraocratic state committees, respectively presided over by B. F. Washington and B. S. Lippincott, as chairmen, feeling the necessity of a united action on the part of the democratic party in the ensuing state election, and for the purpose of insuring an unbroken front against the common enemy, have mutually agreed upon the above call for a convention." Pursuant to this call the democratic convention raet at Sacraraento, on Wednesday, June 27th. Charles S. Fairfax was selected president p'i'o tem., and afterwards permanent president. About the first business before the convention was the consideration of the following resolution : 40 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. That the secretary of this convention shall propose the following interrogatory to each and every candidate who shall present himself for an office in this convention, to wit : Are you a meraber of a secret political organization known and generally called "know nothings"? All who answer affirraatively or refuse to answer shall be excluded frora any nomination. The following was offered as a substitute : That all candidates for noraination in this convention, shall, previous to balloting for such candidate, sign the following pledge, and any raember of this convention nominating a candidate, shall deliver to the officers of this convention the aforesaid pledge, signed by such candidate : We, the undersigned, pledge the democracy of Oalifornia, that we do not belong to the secret political society known as "know nothings, ' or Araerican party, or to any secret political association whatever ; and that whether raembers or not, we will hereby support and use all honorable raeans to secure the election of the norainees of this convention. After considerable discussion, the resolutions were referred to the coraraittee on resolutions. On the 28th, the following resolutions were adopted : (The first five resolutions of the democratic national convention of June, 1852, were adopted.) 6. That the democrats of this state feel that the best and highest interests of Oalifornia are involved in the speedy construction of the great Pacific -railroad ; and that we, as a party, will, by legislation or otherwise, give our earnest and hearty support to the accomplish ment of this truly glorious enterprise. 7. That we are in favor of just legislative action, securing, as far as possible, the rights of actual settlers and miners, who in good faith are occupying lands in this state. 8. That all secret political organizations, bound together by pledges and oaths, having for their object the proscription of any American citizen, are contrary to the spirit of our free institutions, treasonable in appearance, if not in design, and should receive, as they deserve, the just animadversion of all good citizens. 9, That the democracy of California abhor and repudiate as un-American and anti-republican, the proscription of a man for the accident of his birth, or for his religious opinions ; and in this crisis of American liberities, institutions, and ideas, they re-affirm and pro claim in full force the universal democratic doctrine of "equal rio-hts RE-UNION OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY. 41 to all under the constitution and laws " — and declare in the imraortal words of the greatest of American patriots, that "any man conducting himself as a good citizen is accountable to God alone for his religious opinions, and ought to be protected in worshiping the Deity according to the dictates of his own con science.'' 10. That we do now cordially invite all our former political brethren who may have strayed from us for a time, attracted by curiosity or otherwise, and who have joined themselves to secret political orders, to return to us and with us defend the principles of their former faith, and abandon institutions which the daily current of events is developing to be founded on intolerance, and controlled by raen dangerous to the permanency and welfare of our govern- ttient. 1 1. That we will neither nominate nor support any man for office who will not pledge himself, and subscribe to the foregoing platform and resolutions. , In view of the agitation of the temperance question in the state, the following additional resolutions were adopted ; 12. That, in the opinion of this convention, the time has come when sober men, and sober men only, should be presented for the suffrages of raoral and intelligent freeraen. 13. That, as a convention, we will respect the moral sentiment of the state, in the nominations which we are about to raake. The following norainations were made on the 29th and 30th : John Bigler, for governor, on the second ballot, receiving 157 votes, to 125 for Milton S. Latham, 1 for J. W. McOorkle, and 2 for Richard Roman. On the first ballot, Bigler had 128 votes ; Latham, 115; James Walsh, 39, and 0. A. Clark, 3. Walsh withdrew before the second ballot was taken, and H. P. Haun, whose name was proposed, declined to be a candidate. Sarauel Purdy, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, over Frederick Yeiser and I. S. K. Handy. Myron Norton (full term) and Charles H. Bryan (to fill vacancy), for justices of the supreme court, over Charles T. Botts, Lewis Aidrich, Alpheus Felch, Eugene Casserly, and R. T. Sprague. Thomas C. Flournoy, for controller, on the first ballot, over Ben jamin Hall and I. N. Dawley. B. F. Keene, for treasurer, on the, first ballot, over William A, Mix ; Thomas Payne declining. 42 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. B. 0. Whiting, for attorney-general, on the second ballot, over Allen P. Dudley, S. B. Axtell, H. W. Carpentier, G. E. Montgomery, Augustus Redman, W. S. Spear, and W. S. Long. S. H. Mariette, for surveyor-general, without opposition. George H. Crossette, for printer, on the first ballot, over H. C Patrick, Vincent E. Geiger, and S. H. Dosh. C. F. Powell, W. H. Bell, and Samuel 0. Astin, for state prison directors, over R. N. Snowden, Geo. Langdon, Jas. Creighton, Jas. T. Ewing, and W. J. Burnside. The candidates for nominations were required to specifically declare theraselves before the convention on the question of know nothingisra. A state coraraittee was selected, consisting of B. F. Washington, B. S. Lippincott, Thos. Kendall, Edw. McGowan, T. W. Taliaferro, J. L. Brent, W. S. Long, J. H. McKune, M. E. Cooke, F. Forman, T. W. Sigourney, V. E. Geiger, Jos. Walkup, J. W. Owen, Nelson Taylor, W. A. Mix, 0. S. Fairfax, J. W. Mc Oorkle, E. O. F. Hastings, P. T. Herbert, Alex. Hunter, and others. The American state convention met at Sacramento, on Tuesday, August 7th, with 379 delegates, and organized temporarily by selecting Samuel B. Smith, as chairman pro tem. In the evening, a perraanent organization was effected by the election of Jaraes W. Ooffroth, as president ; and Robt. McCall, Jaraes Churchraan, S. A. McMeans, Isaac Davis, Williara Thornburg, Henry Bates, J. Tooker, Chas. Ford, T. W. Robertson, L. H. Bascom, S. 0. Hastings, E. L. Bond, and H. B. Lathrop, vice-presidents. The following platform was adoptpd : The American party of California, in convention assembled, declare the following as the principles of their aysociation : 1. The maintenance and support of the union against all attempts to overthrow or underraine it. 2. The supremacy of the constitution and laws of the republic. 3. A judicous revision of the laws regulating naturalization. 4. Universal religious toleration. - 5. No union of church and state. 6. Inflexible opposition to the appointraent or election to offices of trust, honor, or eraoluraent, of all who are not truly national in feeling, and especially of all who acknowledge allegiance to any foreign government. 7. A stern and unqualifled opposition to all corruption and fraud in high places. CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 43 8. The preservation of the purity of the-ballot box, and with a view thereto, the early adoption of a judicious registration law in the cities, so as entirely to prevent the fraudulent multiplication of votes. 9. The iramediate appropriation by congress of either money or , land, or both, in sufficient quantities to secure the early establishment of a railway from the' Pacific ocean to the Mississippi river'. 10. The most liberal and just legislation in favor of that portion of our population known as " settlers." 11. Eligibility to office, both in the states and nation, should be restricted to persons born on some part of the territory included within the jurisdiction of the United States. 12. The, firmest and raost enduring opposition to the agitation of all questions of a raerely sectional character. 13. Retrenchment and reform in the civil administration in Cali fornia, by reducing the expenses of government, and lessening the burthens of the taxpayers. 14. To apply in all cases, the Jeffersonian test in selecting men for office, viz.: Is he honest ? Is he capable \ Will he support the constitution % 15. Utter disregard of ancient party naraes and worn-out party issues, and cordial confraternity with all who are willing to cociperate with us in support of the principles herein set forth. On the 8th, it was resolved, by a vote of 185 to 62, "that this convention approve of the teraperance reform now going on through out the state, and that we will nominate none for office but men of high moral character and known habits of teaiperanoe." The following nominations were made on the Sth and 9th : J. Neely Johnson, for governor, on the fourth ballot, over Drury P. Baldwin, J. W. Ooffroth (declined), B. 0. Whitman, James H. Wade, W. W. Stow, J. H. Ralston, Jesse O. Goodwin, General John Wilson, Jaraes L. English, 0. T. Ryland, and Geo. B. Tingley. Robert M. Anderson, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, over T. J. White and D. R. Ashley. Hugh 0. Murray, for justice of the supreme court (full term), on the first ballot, over Lorenzo Sawyer and Green T. Martin. David S. Terry, for justice of the suprerae court (to fill vacancy), on the second ballot, over L. Sawyer, R, N. Wood, G. N. Mott, D. 0. Shattuck, and John Currey. George W. Whitraan, for controller, on the fifth ballot, over 44 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Samuel Bell, J. H. Miller, N. Carroll, E. A. Rowe. John Gray, and W. B. May. Henry Bates, for treasurer, on the second ballot, over J. B. Laforge, Thos. Paine, N. 0. Cunningham, A. H. Murdock, J. 0. Curtis, R. Chenery, and H. H. Means. W. T. Wallace, for attorney-general, on the sixth ballot, over William" M. Stewart, G. B. Tingley, H. Lee, Alex. Ely, A. B. Dibble, Horace Allen, and Henry Meredith. John A, Brewster, for surveyor-general, on the second ballot, over Lansing Tucker, A. S. Easton, and T. D. Judah. James Allen, for printer, on the second ballot, over John K. Love joy, Paul Morrill, W. R. Butte, and John A. Lewis. E. Wilson, F. S. McKenzie, and Alex. Bell, for prison directors. On July 5th, a call was issued for a state convention of the settlers and miners, to be held at Sacramento, on August 8th, for the purpose of nominating a state ticket and to organize a separate party. The call was signed- by William J. Shaw, G. W. Colby, I. W. Underwood, R. D. Ferguson, H. Amyx, and others, and recited : The great magnitude and importance of this moveraent cannot be overrated. The necessity of iramediate aad timely action on the part of the settlers and miners of this state must be apparent to all. No good citizen can fail to foresee the public injury which must result from the sweeping and indiscriminating confirraation of Mexican grants to lands, which have been purchased as speculations, without ever having been located, or in possession of the pretended grantees. According to the recent extraordinary decision of the sup reme court of the United States, neither boundaries, nor posses sion, nor location of the lands, prior to our acquisition of this coun try, is necessary to insure the confirraation of these claims. No -equities are exacted which a just people would recognize ; and claims which neither justice, law, nor our national honor require us to respect, are to be pronounced valid and obligatory. Consequently, thousands of our fellow citizens in all parts of the state, in posses sion of a lot, a homestead, a mining claim, or a farm, are liable to have a floating grant located upon the very places which they occupy. Indeed, justice to the people is being forgotten, and the object of governraent seeras to be the success of speculations alone. Notwith standing this impending crisis between the people and raere specula tions, no party has hitherto done anything to shield the producing SETTLERS' AND MINERS' CONVENTION. 45 portions of our population frora the impending storm. Indeed, without imraediate constitutional legislation to protect the just rights of our fellow citizens as far as possible, he must be blind to actual experience who does not see that scenes of bloodshed and open resistance to the decisions of our courts, will be the painful result of longer neglect. We make no appeal to party, but directly to the people themselves, for the nomination and election of men from our own ranks to carry out these reforras. They have already too long trusted to the lead of mere politicians, who have no aim but personal success, and no principles which are of any practicable moment to the country. Pursuant to this call, the convention met on the day named and was called to order by I. W. Underwood. On the 9th, David F. Douglass was elected president, and a lengthy platform touching the subjects referred to in the call was adopted, but no norainations were raade, It was resolved to support no man who did not indorse the platforra, and whose previous word, act, and deeds did not show the sincerity of his pledge. A state coramittee was selected, cora posed of B. R. Nickerson, W. T. Barbour, A. A. Sargent, W. Holden, G. W. Colby, J. McClatchy, J. H. Ralston, H. Amyx, W. J. Shaw, and others. On June 20th, a state temperance convention met at Sacraraento. Jaraes Churchman was teraporary chairman, and John Wilson was permanent president. Delegates were present from San Francisco, Sutter, Nevada, Yolo, Sacramento, Alameda, and Yuba. The following resolution was adopted : That it is inexpedient for this convention, as the voice of the tem perance people of the state, to raake norainations for state officers for the coming general state election. On the 21st, the comraittee on resolutions presented the following report : Whereas, the highest social, moral, coraraercial, and political well-being of our beloved state is involved in the triumph of the principles of temperance reform, therefore, resolved, 1. That the most vigorous efforts should be made in every appro priate way to secure the speedy and entire destruction of the liquor traffic in our State. 2. That the time has fully corae when the friends of temperance in California should use all their influence at the ballot box to secure the election to office of sober raen, and sober men only. 46 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 3. That we deera it highly iraproper for the friends of prohibi tion to vote for any man who is not willing to give his support to a stringent prohibitory liquor law for this state. 4. That we hereby disclaim for ourselves, and the men we repre sent, all intention to using the temperance strength to aid any party or set of candidates, to secure office for any other reason than that they raay be with us in the vital issue of the rule or ruin of the liquor traffic. 5. That we urgently request the political parties, which raay be in the field, to norainate men characterized by the sobriety of their Jiabits, and their willingness to aid us in our work to the full raeasure of legal prohibition. 6. That a state central coramittee be appointed to propound the following questions to the candidates who may be nominated for the state offices, by the respective political parties : 1. Do you practice total abstinence ? 2. Will you, if elected, give your in^uence in favor of a prohibitory liquor law in California ? 7. That when said committee have received responses, it shall proceed to norainate a ticket taken from the various candidates. Should two or more respond satisfactorily, who are seeking the same place, they should both be presented as acceptable, and should not enough respond favorable to constitute a ticket, the comraittee shall then take raeasures to norainate men who may not be in the list of any other party. 8. That we request our friends in the various counties to hold conventions as soon as possible, and adopt a plan in relation to the local tickets similar to the one proposed in the preceding resolution. 9 That we urge all who wish the salvation of the country, to vote in favor of prohibition at the next election. The first and second resolutions were adopted. The following substitute for the third resolution was adopted : 8. That we deem it to be the solemn duty of every teraperance man in our state to withhold his political support from all candi dates for office who are not in favor of a stringent prohibitory liquor law for California. The fourth, fifth, eighth, and ninth resolutions were adopted; the first question in the sixth resolution was stricken out, and the fol lowing was adopted as a substitute for the seventh resolution: 7. That the state central comraittee provided for in a previous TEMPERANCE CONVENTIONS. 47 resolution be instructed to publish and circulate extensively through out the state the interrogatories addressed to the respective candi dates for state offices, together with the replies of those candidates, so that the temperance men of the state may know who of the can didates are true to our cause, and may vote at the polls accordingly. A state committee was appointed, consisting of Gen. John Wilson, Annis Merrill, D. W. Welty, S. J. May, Jaraes Allen, J. T. McLean, J. M. Buffington, James E. Hale, and others. The following additional resolutions were adopted: That it is expressly understood by this convention that the state committee shall have no power to make any nominations for state or county officers. Whereas, The last legislature of this state provided for a vote of the people in relation to the question of prohibition, which vote is to be reported by the secretary of state to the next legislature; and, whereas, a neglect to vote will be construed against the teraperance reform and retard prohibition; therefore, resolved. That we earnestly solicit all the temperance organizations of the state to act vigorously until and at the election to secure as large a majority for prohibition as possible. Another state temperance convention met at Sacramento August 22d, for the purpose of taking sorae action toward nominating a new state ticket. About one hundred persons attended. Rev. S. D. Simmonds called the convention to order, and A. M. Winn was elected president. The following resolution was offered : That all gentlemen present who will register their names as inde pendent of the two great political parties of the day, and as pledged to the object of this convention, shall hp and they are hereby con stituted the true convention of the people of Oalifornia for the pur pose of nominating two suprerae judges, and the transaction of such other business as raay be deemed advisable by the convention. E. B. Crocker offered the following substitute: That this convention has raet for the purpose of nominating new and independent candidates for the supreme court of the state, and we invite all moral, religious, and- temperate men who are in favor of such norainations to co-operate with us, and take such further, action as may be proper. 48 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. That the orders of Sons of Temperance and Templars are hereby relieved from all responsibility for the action of this convention, as it is a meeting of citizens opposed to the present nominees for the supreme court. The substitute was adopted. On permanent organization, B. Hayward was president and D. W. Welty vice-president. The following resolutions were reported; Whereas, The legislature at its last session proposed certain amendments to the constitution of the state; and whereas, accord ing to the provisions of the said constitution amendments must be approved by two consecutive sessions of the legislature before they can be submitted to the people; and whereas, the failure of the legislature, at its next session, to pass these amendments or to pass an act providing for a vote of the people upon them, will render void the action of the last legislature on the subject, and defer the action of the people upon the said amendments for three years; therefore, resolved: 1. That we recoraraend to the people in their respective counties in selecting merabers of the legislature to select such as are known to be in favor of submitting the Said amendments to a vote of the people. 2. That we recommend the enactment of a registry law, as indis pensible to the purity of the ballot-box. 8. That the present condition of political affairs in this state demands a political organization of the moral, religious and temper ate citizens of the state; and in order to perfect such an organiza tion, this convention will appoint a state committee, to be composed of thirteen persons, who shall have power to call future conventions and take such other action as the interests of the organization may require. 4. That in order that our organization may be properly designated, we hereby style ourselves "The Independent Democracy" of the state of Oalifornia. Inasmuch as we have no legally elected repre sentatives in congress frora this state, that the citizens of the counties of San Francisco, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Calaveras and all the counties south of the sarae, forming the southern or first congressional district, and the citizens of all the counties north of San Francisco, Contra Costa, San Joaquin and Calaveras, forming the northern or second congressional district, be requested and advised to elect suitable persons to fill said offices at the comin o- election. TEMPERANCE CONVENTIONS. 49 5. As a cardinal principle of our organization, that we shall oppose the election of all duelists to office. The resolutions were temporarily laid on the table. For justice of the supreme court (long term), Chas. H. S. Williams was nominated on the first ballot, over Myron Norton, H. 0. Murray, J. H. Ralston, G. B. Tingley, and R. T. Sprague (withdrawn). On the 23d, -.John B. Harmon was nominated for justice of the supreme court (short term), David S. Terry, Cornelius Cole, and J. M. Howell withdrawing. Shortly afterward, Harraon telegraphed his declination, and H. 0. Beatty was norainated. For congressraan from the southern district, Annis Merrill was nominated on the first ballot, over J. H. Purdy, B. Haywood, P. H. Burnett, and P. T. Herbert. John H. McKune was nominated from the northern district, but he declined the next day, after the convention had adjourned. It was understood that the regular party candidates for the other offices were sound on the temperance question, and were therefore acceptable. A state coramittee was chosen, consisting of Rev. S. D. Simmonds, E. B. Crocker, J. M. McDonald, J. T. McLeany J. R. Crandall, and others. The resolutions presented on the 22d were adopted, except that in the fourth resolution, the name of the party was changed to the "People's Party of Oalifornia." The following additional resolutions were adopted : That the hona fide settlers on private land claims in this state, under the belief that they are on public property, are justly entitled to*, compensation for all permanent improvements ; and we will favcofi- the passage of any suitable law on that subject. That we are in favor of a donation of a reasonable quantity offthje , public lands to actual settlers. A resolution was adopted asking the people to vote for a,pf,obibi'i tory liquor law. Towards the close of August, an effort was raade i^,,Sao,iFfan- . Cisco to reorganize the whig party, and an attempt w^s, to .get r, the state committee of that party together, but the inovement iwas , not successful. The election was held on Wednesday, Septem^^j; ,5li,i^^ entire Araerican ticket was elected. Following ar^ .tl^?,,t0|ta}s; . 4 50 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. For Governor — Johnson, 50,948; Bigler, 45,937. Supreme Judge {long term) — Murray, 48,141 ; Norton, 47,734. Supreme Judge {short term)— -Terr j, 49,677 ; Bryan, 46,892. Lieutenant-Governor — Anderson, 49,385; Purdy, 47,669. Co/»i!ro?^er— Whitman, 49,911; Flournoy, 46,691. Treasurer — Bates, 49,947; Keene, 46,941. Attorney-General — Wallace, 50,113; Whiting, 46,685. Surveyor-General— Brewster, 49,994; Mariette, 46,977. Printer-Allen, 50,060; Crossette, 46,696. Prison Directors — A. Bell, 49,789 ; McKenzie, 49,644 ; Wilson, 50,550; W. H. Bell, 46,818; Powell, 46,132; Astin, 46,785. CHAPTER VIII. 18S6. Presidential Election — American Council — Democratic Conven tions — Republican Conventions^American Convention — Vigilance Committee. The first raovement toward preparing for the presidential campaign of 1856 was made by the American party. The state council met in secret session at Sacramento, on Tuesday, November 13, 1855, with 109 delegates present. Dr. T. J. White called the council to order, and, on the 14th, Dr. S. A. McMeans was elected president and Silas Selleck, vice-president, for the ensuing term. For delegates to attend the national council, to meet on February 22d, 1856, to nominate a presidential ticket, Johnson Price, S. H. Brooks, R. N. Wood, 0. N. Hitchcock, N. T. Gough, E. P. Brown, Louis Teal, Thomas D. Johns, Samuel D. Smith, Louis R. Lull, E. P. Bowman, and Silas Selleck were naraed, and Brooks, Wood, Price, and Smith were elected. Teal, Hitchcock, Bowraan, and Johns were elected alternates. Hitchcock, John Skinker, S. W. Brockway, and Theo dore Winters were elected delegates to the national council, to meet at Philadelphia, on June 5, 1856 ; and John 0. McKellura, S. 0. Evelett, G. W. Leihy, and John M. Batson were elected alternates. On the 15th, the following address and platforra was adopted : To the Araerican party of California— Brothers : Oalifornia has been the best taxed and the worst governed country of which there is any record. In vain have the onerous exactions of government been paid without stint. In vain have thus far all the sources of ADDRESS OF THE AMERICAN COUNCIL. 51 peaceful reformation been exhausted. Long suffering has not propi tiated our rulers, nor has indignant reraonstrance been able to inspire terror. Evil has followed evil— calamity has been heaped upon calaraity, until the young state which yesterday filled the world with her renown, to-day lies bankrupt, crime ridden, and abject. Much — very much of our misfortunes is the result of acci- -dents and contingencies which no huraan foresight could have pre vented, but that crime, fraud, and infamy should have aggravated our sorrow, we must blame ourselves and a reckless public policy. But there is always a limit to passive endurance of flagrant wrongs by a free and enlightened people. The history of the election cam paign of 1855 in our state is ample testimony that the people united to inaugurate a stronger, wiser, and better government. Let it be our fervent hope, brothers,' that this time they have not been deceived. What have been the issues thrust upon us heretofore, in the political world ? Not our home interests — the political sanhedrim of California has uniformly kept them from the view of the people, a,nd has cunningly fomented discord on issues foreign to this state. In our legislative halls, and in our cabinet councils, the interests of ¦California have been subordinate, topics to the political issues which have convulsed the old states since 1798. What are these issues to us 1 Oalifornia has asked for reform, and she has been answered by a clamor about the annexation of Cuba. She has asked for a rail road, and the response has been a howl upon the Nebraska bill. She has asked for protection against lynch law, judicial. corruption, and imbecility. She has asked for a speedy settlement of our land titles, and for a proper and just protection of the hona fide settlers, and disunion is thundered upon our ears in reply. Have we not a mission in the world — a separate duty to perform, and a distinct destiny to work out ? The broad Paciflc lies before us to bring into comraercial subjection, and a wilderness behind us in hardly dimin ished wealth invites the enterprise of the pioneer and capitalist. Intemperance and corruption banquet in the high places in the land, and bold and bloody crime stalks unchecked in our raidst. While these horae duties are before us to perform, these domestic wrongs to redress, are we ever to hang loosely on the skirts of remote scrambling factions over the mountains, kicked and trodden on by all, suffering all the heat and dust of the turmoil without the hope of receiving any of the trophies of the contest ? Neither the success nor defeat of the Nebraska bill — neither American nor Spanish dominion in Cuba — neither the cotton spinners in Massa- 52 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. chusetts, nor the cotton planters of Alabaraa, could or would at the- cost of a dollar advance the interests of California one jot. The main duty of Oalifornia at this juncture is to act for herself. The questions which have caused such serious agitations in the old states are the ones which we wish to ignore and discard from this state. Let us rest assured that the union is safe — that liberty strikes its root too deep and strong in Araerican soil to be so easily and suddenly uprooted. But even did danger impend, it is not in the power of Oalifornia to rescue the continent from its imminent doom. Yet, we too, owe a duty to the confederacy in this ques tion, and our sectional isolation enables us to take a noble and impressive stand upon it. Reraoved, as we are, by position and actual interest frora its baneful influence, we should allay instead of precipitating its agitation. Analyze this slavery question. It has no proud principle; it is the raere ebullition of sectional antipathies. Side by side, in friendly contact, repose the historic states of Pennsylvania and Maryland — the one a free and the other a slave state — the border lines of the hotspur state of Kentucky come flush up to those of the young giant Ohio, and the pioneer of the western plains, the Missourian, has only to stretch his arms across an imaginary line to shake hands with his friend from the granary of the west, Illinois. Here, at the very line of contact between the free and slave states, there is com paratively little feeling on the subject of their different domestic institutions, and there would be none at all were they let alone, but exactly in proportion as we recede from this line, where, were the question one of principle, we would see a deadly border warfare, do we find the antagonism growing stronger and stronger, and instead of Pennsylvania finding fault with her neighbor, Massachusetts and Mississippi are at loggerheads. Why should we, therefore, lend our voices to swell the clamor? Why enlist in a cause so senseless and unprofitable in itself, which, while it divides us to our own destruc tion, is valueless to those with whom we sympathize % Our true course to the confederacy and ourselves, is to mind our own busi ness, and let that question sink to that insignificance its unprofita bleness deserves. The enunciation of abstract political theories is perhaps expedient whensoever there is a necessity for promulgating doctrines upon the subject of our international policy, but at present there is no such necessity. The agitation of such questions at present, to the exclu sion of our state affairs, would fall short of the point to which it is our duty to address ourselves. ADDRESS OF THE AMERICAN COUNCIL. 53 ' Discarding, therefore, all sectionalities, and while our allegiance to the 'fatherland is the foundation and corner stone of our political faith, and while we earnestly hope to see all sectional animosities there allayed, and are convinced that silence and indifference are the true means of accoraplishing anything toward that end, we can not forget that we have nearer and more pressing home duties required of us. For the purpose, therefore, of more clearly defining and of re-affirming those doctrines, whioh the people have heretofore so clearly endorsed through the ballot-box — we deem it expedient at this juncture to address you. We demand a careful revisal of our criminal code, an expurga tion of its errors and a reconcilement of its inconsistencies ; that the means of enforcing its penalties be made more certain, so that while the guilty shall not escape trial, the convicted shall not escape pun ishment. We deraand the enactment of laws for the protection of our votes against the tricks and frauds of bullies and knaves. We demand that the fountains of both civil and crirainal jurisprudence be purified. We demand that a more urgent effort be made for the settlement of our land titles, and also for the protection of hona fide settlers. We deraand a more economical, responsible, and syste matic administration of our state governraent. We demand that laws be enacted which, independent of a healthy comraercial inter course, will check the exhausting drain frora our pockets to those of -eastern capitalists and speculators, and protest against making the state, either a divided political or financial dependency of New York or Louisiana. We demand that our legislators shall direct their attention to the passage of laws for the support and mainten ance of only that system of common schools for the education of our -children which shall be wholly uncontrolled by sectarian influence. We ask that immediate steps be taken to urge successfully upon the general government the enlargement of the plan, and the hastening of the completion of our coast defenses, their present condition leaving our sea ports exposed to blockade and bombardment, and our communication with the rest of the world liable to be inter rupted at any time. We insist upon the establishment amongst us of a United States arsenal of sufficient resources, in variety and qviantity, to arm and equip all our citizens for any eraergency which our ever-varying foreign relations may at any time create. We demand that the general government shall cease to tax this people :for government purposes beyond those of pur sister states. We believe that the general government has the power to lend -her aid in the building of works of internal improvement which, in 54 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the event of war, would become vitally important to the proper defense of our people. The Pacific railroad being such, we urge thfr united eflbrt of our representatives in congress to expediate its building. We pledge ourselves to the support or""every raeasure which has for its object the facilitating means of transit to and from our state. While we advocate either the repeal of great modiflcation of our naturalization laws, we demand that all who have or will coraply with our terms, be allowed the privileges guaranteed to them. We believe in the doctrine of "Americans ruling America," and that the boon held out to foreigners and secured to our naturalized citizens by our constitution and laws is protection in the enjoyment- of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe that all white native born citizens of good moral character, who acknowledge no allegiance superior or equal to their allegiance to the constitution and laws of the United States, are a^ common brotherhood and entitled to the same privileges, without reference to sect or religion, and drawing ourselves out of all sec tional agitation upon the subject of southern rights as distinguished, frora the northern, we demand that our congressional delegation shall vote "nay" upon every proposition, coming from whatever quarter it may, to continue or renew it. These are some of the more prominent measures and doctrines- which we believe it becomes our party to carry out, and though there may be others which should demand the attention of our representatives in both state and general government, yet we have sufficient confidence in the integrity, ability, and statesmanship of those who have received our suffrages, to believe that they will lend all their energies to making our people happy as well as intelligent,, and give us wise and beneficent laws. A deraocratic paper, in referring to the raeeting, indignantly said :, Its proceedings only furnish additional proof that the "know nothing" is nothing but a whig moveraent in California. We should like to know how deraocrats could sit quietly in that body and allow their forraer professions to be buried — how they could allow whigs to pass over their heads an endorseraent of a policy against which they have been warring during the early stages of their lives. The deraocratic convention, to select delegates to attend the national convention, raet at the Congregational church, Sacramento,. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 55 on Wednesday, March 5, 1856. It was called to order by B. F. Washington, chairman of the state committee, and Humphrey Griffith was selected temporary chairraan. There were two sets of delegates frora San Francisco, and the entire day was consumed in a discussion as to which of them should be admitted. On the 6th, the convention received the report of the comraittee on credentials. All went on smoothly until San Francisco was reached. The com mittee reported in favor of admitting the delegates who had been elected under the direction of the general committee, acting for the deraocracy of the city, and a struggle followed for the floor. It was secured by E. D. Sawyer, the spokesman for the "reform" wing, and he earnestly protested against the action of the committee. At the close of his remarks, the report of the comraittee was adopted, and the delegation, he represented, retired. While the discussion was pending, H. P. Haun stated that the question of the election of a United States senator had been sprung in the legislature, and that it was then being debated. Many of the democratic senators were in the convention as delegates, and hardly had the announcement escaped his lips, when the convention rose en raasse, and the dele gates rushed pell raell to the capitol. In half an hour, however, the matter was adjusted in the legislature, and the session of the con vention was resumed. A permanent organization was effected by electing James W. Mandeville, president; and J. R. Gitchell, Samuel McConnell, W. A. Mix, and Frank Tilford, vice-presidents. The following resolution was intoduced and laid on the table : That we entertain for General Joseph Lane, of Oregon, as a national democrat, unbounded confidence, and should he receive the noiftination of the democratic national convention for vice-president, California will extend to hira a most cordial support. A coramittee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of W. Van Voorhies, J. W. McOorkle, W. L. Dudley, D. P. Durst, W. W. Gift, J. 0. Zabriskie, John Bigler, J. L. Brent, B. F. Myers, H. 0. Patrick, J. M. Covarrubias, J. R. Gitchell, Pablo de la Guerra, 0. T. Ryland, J^ B. Frisbie, M. E. Cooke, T. N. Cazneau, H. Griffith, 0. E. Lippincott, and others. In the evening, the committee reported the following platform : W iiEEEAS, The prosperity and progress of the United States have resulted in a great degree from the principles and action of the deraocratic party ; and, whereas, the preservation and perpetuation 56 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. of those principles are essential to the security of liberty and the integrity of the union of these states ; it is, therefore, fitting and proper that the cardinal principles of the deraocratic party, by the influence of which our country has advanced with such unparalelle^ rapidity to power and greatness, should be clearly set forth, not only to guide the party in jts future action, but to exhibit the wisdora, the patriotism, and the exalted love of liberty in its broadest sense of the illustrious founders of our faith. Therefore, resolved, 1. That we inscribe on our banner th'e following principles of our political faith, which were proclairaed by the iraraortal Jefferson, sustained and enforced by the illustrious Jackson, and which have been adhered to by friends of liberty and humanity to the present period, to-wit : First — A strict construction of the constitution, that the honest will of the people may be carried out. Second — Equal justice to all raen, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political. Third — Strict economy and rigid accountability in all the departments of the government. Fourth — To secure which we are in favor of the prompt arraignraent and punishment of all public officers convicted of peculation. Fifth — An undeviating adherence to the universal standard of value of gold and silver, that honest industry may receive its just reward, and the general interests of the country be securely and perraanently established. Sixth — Uriiver- sal suffrage, unrestricted hy property qualifications, that every citizen raay enjoy the highest prerogative of a free man, on the basis of his raanhood, and not of his property. Seventh — Liberal nat-u- ralization laws, that the oppressed of every nation may speedly secure the blessings of liberty guaranteed by our national constitu tion, after reaching "the land of the free,, and home of ' the oppressed.'' Eighth — The support cfi the state government in all their rights as the raost corapetent administrations for our domestic concerns and the surest bulwarks against anti-republican tendencies. Ninth. — The preservation of the general government in its whole constitutional vigor, as the sheet-anchor of our peace at home, and safety abroad. Tenth — A jealous care of the right of election by the people, and prompt and exemplary punishment of all frauds upon the elective franchise. Eleventh — Absolute acquies cence in the decisions of the raajority, the vital principle of repub lics, frora which there is no appeal but to force, the vital principle and immediate parent of despotism. Twelfth — Universal educa tion, and the prompt arraignment of all abuses at the bar of public reason. Thirteenth — The honest payment of our debts, and the sacred preservation of the public faith. Fourteenth — Freedom of DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 57 religion, freedom of the press, freedora of person, under the protec tion of the habeas corpus, and trial by juries impartially selected. Fifteenth — That although democrats may have differed in opinions upon the expediency of the Missouri compromise, yet, as that ques tion is now a by-gone issue, we are ready to resist its restoration as inexpedient and unwise, ahd recognize in the principle of "popular sovereignty," as erabraced in the coraproraise measures of 1850, and the Baltiraore platform of 1852, and subsequently embodied in the Kansas-Nebraska bill, as the one great issue before the American people, as this time ; and we will cherish and maintain such principle as the sheet-anchor of our hopes, and will uphold it as the only sure means of perpetuating our government through all time to come. Sixteenth — The prompt construction of the Atlantic and Paciflc railroad. And, as a means of accoraplishing this great result, an appropriation by the general government, of land sufficient to secure its speedy completion. Seventeenth — We are in favor of "union and liberty, now and forever, one and inseparable." Eighteenth — We demand of the general governraent the prorapt construction of the necessary fortifications upott this coast, to afford protection to the great interests of this state ; the establishraent of a United States arsenal, with such supplies and raunitions of war, as will enable the citizens of this state to protect theraselves against Indian aggressions or foreign invasions. Nineteenth — We are opposed to all secret political organizations, regarding thera as subversive of the great principles upon which our iiistitutions are based, and danger ous to liberty. We are opposed to that party (falsely called Araeri can) which recklessly assails the sacred rights of conscienoe, pro scribes naturalized American citizens, assails all the great doctrines secured by the heroism of the revolution, and established by the wisdom and patriotism of the founders of the republic; and yet hyp ocritically professes attachment " to the purer days of the republic, and invokes the spirit of heroism, patriotism, and virtue that precipa- tated the revolution," and declares that "Americans shall rule America." Twentieth — We are opposed to all sectional organiza tions ; the forraations of parties upon geographical divisions, and the agitation of the question of slavery. 2. That we approve of the principles and policy of the adminis tration of President Pierce, and urge their adoption and enforce ment upon all succeeding administrations. 3. That we are in favor of the most liberal appropriation by the general government of the public lands in California for the benefit of actual settlers, and that the same should be donated to said 58 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. settlers in limited quantities; and that we are in favor of protect ing the actual settler in all his just, equitable and legal rights. 4. That in common with a large majority of the people of Oali fornia, the members of this convention have unbounded confidence in the integrity, great ability, sterling democracy and ardent devo tion to country of the Hon. James Buchanan ; that we have not for gotten the distinguished services by hira rendered as secretary of state, under the lamented Polk, during the war with Mexico, which resulted in the acquisition of the territory we now occupy; nor have we failed to appreciate his fearless bearing and discreet action as our minister to Great Britain during the discussion of questions highly important to the interests as well as the honor of his country; there fore, he it resolved; 5. That the members of this convention, in expressing our ardent desire for the nomination and triuraphant election of the Hon. Jaraes Buchanan as president of the United States, do but give utterance to the wishes of an immense majority of the democracy of Oalifornia. 6. That the delegates elected by this convention to the democratic national convention be and they are hereby instructed that it is the earnest and unanimous desire of the deraocracy of California that the noraination for president of the United States shall be given to the Hon. Jaraes Buchanan. 7. That the deraocratic party still adheres to that policy which has already filled our mountains with hardy and prosperous miners, . and built up for bur state that prosperity which has so wonderfully marked her brief history : To the rainers belongs the regulation of the mines. The resolution to instruct the delegates excited a prolonged dis cussion, and several substitutes were offered and defeated. The platform was adopted as a whole, by a vote of 225 to 41. On the 7th, the following additional resolutions were adopted : 8. That our delegates be, and they are hereby instructed to sup port no man for president or vice-president who is not a sound national democrat, in favor of preserving the union at all hazards, and of protecting the constitution against all assaults, coming from whatsoever quarter they may. 9. That the election of N. P. Banks to the very responsible position of speaker of the house of representatives of the congress of the United States, is" dangerous to the peace ^.nd harmony of the people of the United States and the integrity of the union, because FIRST REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING. 59. the known and avowed opinions of that gentleman on the subject of slavery, if carried into operation by the election of a president and a majority of the two houses of congress entertaining similar opin ions on this question, would have a tendency to dissolve the union. The following gentleraen were placed in nomination for delegates to attend the national convention: P. C. Rust, Sarauel H. Dosh, D. E. Buel, J. H. Hill, P. L. Solomon, J. L. Brent, I. N. Dawley, S. W. Inge, Michael Gray (withdrawn), B. F. Marshall, Daniel Aidrich, R. H. Bowlin, B. S. Lippincott, E. F. Beale, Jesse Brush, Volney E. Howard, W. H. Endicott (withdrawn), Nelson Taylor, W. D. Farren, 0. F. Lott, A. Redman and W. J. Ford. On the first ballot Rust, Dosh, Brent, Hill, Buel, Soloraon, Dawley and Inge were elected. W. J. Ford, Jas. M. Wilson, R. H. Boring, Jesse Brush, Nelson Taylor, John L. Chipman, A. Redman, J. B. Frisbie, Jefferson Hunt, Samuel T. Leake, W. D. Farren, Thomas McConnell, W. Lowe and W. H. Graham were nominated for alter nates, and Ford, Taylor, Wilson, Hunt, Frisbie, Lowe, McConnell and Chipman elected. Immediately before the adjournment the following resolution was adopted : That the convention does hereby most fully approve of the action of the senate and assembly in preventing the election to a seat in the senate of the United States of a "know nothing;" that in so doing they have fully done their duty and expressed the wishes of the- entire democratic party, and the wishes of a majority qf the people. On the evening of April 1 9th, the first raass raeeting of repub licans in Oalifornia was held at Sacraraento. E. B. Crocker, who was the leader of the new party in that county, opened the meeting and was granted a fair hearing. Geo. 0. Bates was then introduced, but the general disturbance raised by the Americans and democrats present prevented his voice from being heard. Henry S. Foote then took the stand and begged the disturbers to desist and allow the meeting to proceed, but he was not heeded. The republican speakers again attempted to talk, when suddenly a rush was raade for the stand by the crowd and it was overturned and the raeeting broken up. On April 30th, the first state convention of republicans met in th^ Congregational church at Sacramento. E. B. Crocker was tem porary chairman, and the permanent officers were Nathaniel Ben nett, president; and Thos. Hill, H. Wade, John Dick, H. Robin 60 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. son, .Jonathan Phelps, Thos. Bartlett, and E. P. Flint, vice-presidents. The convention was slimly attended, but thirteen counties being represented, and several by but one delegate. Of the 125 delegates present, 66 were from San Francisco and Sacramento. The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That the republican party is organized to preserve the liberties of the people, the sovereignty of the states, and the perpetuity of the union, by administering public affairs upon the principles estab lished by our forefathers at the organization of our federal govern ment. 2. That we adopt as the cardinal principle of our organization, the prohibition of slavery in all the national territories — a principle derived from the ordinance of 1787, adopted at the forraation of the republic, and which was applied to all the territory then the prop- -erty of the nation. 8. That we are in favor of " preventing the increase of the politi cal power of slavery " in our federal government. 4. That the prohibition of slavery in the territories of the union, is properly within the control of congress, and all the people of the union are, therefore, directly responsible should it be perraitted to ¦extend over such territories. 5. That slavery, in the several slave states, depends solely upon state laws for its existence, and that congress has no power to raodify or repeal such laws, and we are not, therefore, responsible therefor. We are therefore opposed to all interference with slavery in the slave states. 6. That slavery is a sectional institution, in which only about 350,000 slave holders are directly interested, while freedom is a national principle, by which 26,000,000 of American freeman are secured in their rights. The republican, being the only party opposed to the extension of slavery, and in favor of free institutions for our territories, is therefore the only national party now seeking the support of the American people. 7. That we heartily welcome to our country the honest and indus trious immigrants, who seek our shores to escape frora European des potism, and we deprecate all atterapts to erabitter their feelings against our free institutions by political persecution on account of their foreign birth. 8. That the speedy construction of a national railroad, by, the most central and eligible route, frora the Missouri river to the bay of San Francisco, is demanded by the military, postal, and commer- FIRST REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 61 cial necessities of the republic, and should comraand the direct and immediate aid and support of the federal government ; and the only hope of its construction is in the success of the republican party. 9. That the future growth and prosperty of our state depends upon the speedy settleraent of land titles ; and we regard a law, judiciously framed, for securing to the hona fide settler the improve raents he may have made upon private lands, in ignorance of the title, as peculiarly required in the present uncertainty of boundaries and titles. We are also in favor of a free grant to actual settlers, of reasonable portions of the public lands ; and also of the present system of free mining established in our state. 10. That it is the duty of the people to select as candidates for office in this state, only such men as are permanently located here, and who, by their raoral character and correct business habits, give assurance that a rigid economy, as well as an energetic enforce ment of the laws, will govern in the administration of public affairs. The following resolution was offered by Mr. Crocker, and with drawn after a discussion : That the repeal of the Missouri coraproraise utterly absolves us from all support of any of the compromises respecting slavery, not embraced in the federal constitution ; and we are therefore opposed to the admission of any more slave states into the union. The platforra of the Pittsburg convention was adopted unani mously. The following were selected, as delegates, to attend the national convention : From San Francisco, Francis B. Folger, 0. A. Wash- , burn, Jas. A. Wells ; Sacraraento, Eben Owens ; Alaraeda, W. H. Charaberlain ; Santa Clara, Jas. M. Pierce ; Sutter, Geo. M. Han son; Butte, John Dick; Yuba, John 0. Fall, S. M. Judkins ; Nevada, John Phelps ; Yolo, Jonh M. Reed. A state committee was selected, consisting of E. B. Crocker, George Rowland, Cornelius Cole, Annis Merrill, Charles Watrous, James Churchman, and Dthers. Owens offered a resolution to the effect that the delegation be instructed to cast their first vote for John 0. Fremont for presi dent. Crocker offered the following substitute : That this convention declines to instruct its delegates to the national convention as to their votes in that convention for the 62 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. respective candidates for president and vice-president of the United States ; that we leave this matter entirely to the good sense and dis cretion of our delegates, being well satisfied that, after consultation with their republican brethren of the other states of our union in convention assembled, they will act with a clear and decided purpose to insure the success of the national republican party in the coming presidential election. The substitute was adopted. Among the delegates to the convention, other then those mentioned in the proceedings, were George C. Bates, Samuel Soule, J. W. Foard, 0. P. Huntington, P. Coggins, Dr. A. B. Nixon, E. H. Miller, Mark Hopkins, and O. 0. Wheeler. Early in May, a public discussion was announced to take place at Sacramento, between Geo. 0. Bates (rep.) and J. 0. Zabriskie (dem.), but when the appointed time arrived no location could be secured on account of the anticipated disturbance, and the meeting was postponed until the evening of the 10th of that month. At that^ time, the discussion was commenced. Rotten eggs were thrown and fire crackers burned to create a disturbance, but the police made several arrests, and order was restored. After the meeting closed, outsiders took possession of the stand, and a resolution was adopted declaring "that the people of this city have been outraged by the discussion of treasonable doctrines by a public felon, and that we will not submit to such an outrage in the future." A few days later the Sacramento Tribune (Anier.), referring to the meeting, said : The fact that a public discussion was permitted to take place in a public street in the heart of our city, in the presence of a large con course of citizens, mostly all of whom disapprove of the doctrines advocated by the speakers, and this, too, when it is the firm convic tion of a large majority of the persons assembled that the agitation of the slavery question as the basis of political party organization, is against the true interest of the state and the nation, speaks volumes in favor of the public morals in Sacramento. On May 13th, the semi-annual session of the state council of the American party coraraenced at Sacramento. It was presided over by S. A. McMeans, the grand president; and 140 delegates were present, representing twenty-five counties. On the 14th, McMeans was unanimously elected president, and Silas Selleck, vice-president. SESSION OF AMERICAN COUNCIL. 63 The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That the people of the territories of the United States have the sole right to regulate their own doraestic institutions, and that congress has no constitutional power, either directly or indirectly, to interfere with slavery either in the states or territories. 2. That we heartily indorse the noraination of Millard Fillmore for president and of Andrew J. Donelson for vice-president, as national men, and in that their forraer course of policy guarantees to Oalifornia their favorable action upon the construction of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad by the general government as a national work, and for the benefit of the union as a whole. 3. That we consider the construction of the Atlantic and Pacific railroad as paramount to every other interest of Oalifornia in our relations to the general governmei;it, and that our safety, prosperity, and well being, in a great measure, require that it be built with all reasonable speed. 4. That we cordially indorse the pla,tforra adopted by the national council asserabled at Philadelphia, on February 22, 1856. 5. That the American party of this state cannot view with indif ference the evil that raust naturally grow out of the large araount of our mineral lands, which are covered by Spanish grants, which must ultimately result in iramense monopolies, that will endanger the peace and quietude of our state; and that we will, to prevent such evils, as well as to protect generally the raining interest (which is one of such pararaount importance to this state), use all our strength and influence as a party to procure the purchase of all such doraain by the general government, that the sarae may be left free and open for mining purposes to all our citizens. The following resolutions were offered, and tabled : Whereas, The tirae has arrived when it becomes the right of every raember of the American party to know how that party, as a party, stands upon the one great issue which now divides the people of the states, east of the Rocky mountains, and which, contrary to the wishes of the people, has been thrust into the politics of this state ; therefore, resolved, 1. That, in the opinion of the state council of Oalifornia, the measure known as the " Kansas-Nebraska bill " should be regarded as a finality, so far as congressional action on the subject of slavery is concerned ; said bill only guaranteeing to the people of the terri tories the same privilege of deciding for themselves, with regard to 64 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. their domestic institutions, that the people of California claimed and exercised. 2. That the republican moveraent in this state is regarded by this council as mischievous and treasonable — the doctrines advocated by said party, if carried into effect, disfranchising entirely those citi zens born in a particular section of the republic ; and, therefore, having a direct tendency to build up sectional parties, and to encourage sectional strife, against which we were solemnly warned by George Washington himself, and which, if carried to any extent, must inevitably procure the disruption of the confederacy. 3. That the American party will oppose with all its power, the success of said republican movement, and we pledge ourselves to each other to wage an uncompromising war upon it. Thos. J. Oxley offered the following, which was tabled : That this state council will not express any opinion in regard to the principles erabodied in the measure known as the " Kansas- Nebraska bill" McOallum offered the following : The recognition of the right of the native born and naturalized citizens of the United States permanently residing in any territory thereof, to frame their constitution and laws, and to regulate their domestic and social affairs in their own mode, subject only to the provisions of the federal constitution, with the right of admission into the union whenever they have the requisite population for one representative in congress ; provided, al-ways, that none but those who are citizens of the United States, under the constitution and laws thereof, and who have a fixed residence in any such territory ought to participate in the forraation of the constitution, or in the enactment of laws for said territory or state. The whole matter was laid on the table, and afterward the resolu tion numbered one, in the series adopted, was passed. On the 17th a lengthy address was issued to the people signed by a committee, composed of Jaraes T. Farley, W. W. Hawks, B. 0. Whitman, and others. The republican convention, to nominate presidential electors and congressmen, met at Sacramento, on August 27th, and was called to order by E. B. Crocker, chairman of the state committee. Joseph A. Nunes was elected temporary chairman. On permanent organiza- REPUBLICAN CONVENTION, 65- tion, Gen. 0. H. S. Williaras was president; and Daniel Olds, W. F. Curtis, C. G. Lincoln, E. Fitzhenry, J. R, Clark, 0. Wadharas, 0. G. Boerraan, L. T. Wilson, J. 0. Harmer, Thos. Cox, P. H. Sib ley, James Gathers, T. O. Larkin, A. B. Nixon, J. W. Jones, 0. S. Haswell, S. W. Brown, S. Overmeyer, Antonio M. Pico, J. W. Kelsey, Wm. Page, Julius Smart, and Lewis Cunningham were vice- presidents. On the 28th, the following nominations were raade : Comelius Cole, for clerk of the supreme court, on the first ballot, over R. A. Perkins, Thos. Cox, George A. Runk, Wm. S. Cooper, Herman Camp, and E. Giddings. Alex. Bell, F. P. Tracy, 0. N. Ormsby, and L. 0. Gunn, for presi dential electors, by acclamation — the other candidates, T. 0. Lar kin, John N. Turner, W. W. Shepard, A. M. Pico, G. B. Tingley, Warner Oliver, F. B. Murdock, Chas. G. Lincoln, and John Dick, withdrawing. J. M. Buffington, for school superintendent, on the first ballot, over John M Howe, Wra. Sheldon, Wm. Sherman, A. H. Myers, and S. S. Johnson. Ira P. Rankin, for congressraan frora the southern district, on the first ballot, over 0. H. S. Williams, F. P. Tracy, E. D. Baker, and 0. A. Washburn. Thos. Cox, for congressraan from the northern district, on the first ballot, over 0. A. Tuttie, L. Cunningham, J. 0. Brown, J. T. Mc Lean, E. B. Crocker, D. W. Oheesman, and 0. N. Ormsby. Moses Arms, for state prison director, over J. 0. Wheeler, Geo. Goodrich, Chas. Brown, and H. 8. Gates. A state committee was selected, consisting of Trenor W. Park, B. W. Hathaway, Samuel Soule, J. T. McLean, E. B. Crocker, 0. Cole, and L. 0. Granger. The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That we cordially endorse the resolutions adopted by the national republican convention, and in thera we recognize the prin ciples which governed the political course of the fathers of the republic. 2. That we heartily ratify the nomination of John 0. Fremont arid Wra. L. Dayton, and we will give them an enthusiastic support, as the standard bearers of republicanism in this presidential cam paign. 3. That we inscribe on our banner " Freedom, Fremont and the 5 -ee POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Railroad," and under it we will fight on until victory shall crown our efforts. 4. That slavery in the slave states depends solely upon state laws for its existence ; that congress has no power to modify, change or repeal such laws, and is not responsible therefor. We are, there fore, opposed to all interference with slavery in the slave states. 5. That the speedy construction of a national railroad, by the most central and eligible route, connecting the Atlantic states with Cali fornia, is demanded by the military, postal, and commercial necessi ties of the republic ; and we recognize the power of congress, under the constitution, to appropriate raoney, as well as land, to aid in building this great work, and the only hope of its construction is in the election of John 0. Freraont. 6 That P. T. Herbert, by the murder of an humble laborer, has rendered himself unworthy of a seat as our representative in con gress ; and the democrats in the federal legislature, by refusing to ' investigate the facts, have sanctioned the bloody deed ; and Senator Weller, in attempting to screen him from public odium, raerits the severest condemnation. (This resolution referred to the killing of Thos. Keating, a waiter at Willard's Hotel, Washington, by Con gressman Herbert, on May 8, 1856.) 7. That the time has fully come for a thorough and radical reform in our state affairs, and the complete overthrow of political parties who have encouraged and sustained a host of cormorants in their scheraes for plundering the people. 8. That the practice of electing to important public offices immoral and unprincipled raen, and those who have no perraanent interest in the welfare of the country, has disgraced our state, and is an evil which deraands aft imraediate remedy. 9. That we are in favor of the speedy settlement of land titles in this state, of a free grant to actual settlers of reasonable portions of the public doraain, and of free mining upon the public lands. On October 7th, Cox, one of the nominees for congressman, with drew from the ticket, on account of personal attacks which had been made upon him by the opposition press. Tn his letter of with drawal, he stated that the charges were " in the main false," but as he, had not tirae before election to disprove them by obtaining testi mony from the east, he would not becorae a stumbling block by remaining on the ticket. The state committee iramediately nomi nated J. N. Turner for the place. The new party continued to be the object of most bitter attacks AMERICAN CONVENTION. 67 by both of the old parties, on account of its tendency toward aboli tionism. The feeling that was entertained toward it may be imag ined from the following allusion to the last convention, that appeared in the Sacramento State Journal, of August 28th : The convention of nigger worshipers asserabled yesterday in this ¦city. Ecce Signum ! This is the first time that this dangerous fanaticism has dared to bare its breast before the people of Oalifor nia. Heretofore, it has skulked in dark corners, denied its own identity, and kept in the background ; but the success which attended the " know nothing" party in its efforts to abolitionize con gress, and inaugurating a reign of anarchy in the northern and western states of the confederacy, has emboldened these political des peradoes to atterapt the work of abolitionizing Oalifornia. A year ago no such a scene as we now witness in this city would have been tolerated or thought of ; a year ago the fanatics would have been ashamed to acknowledge allegiance to the party founded by Hale, Wilson, Chase, Suraner, et id omne genus. We tell our readers there is dangerous raeaning in the spectacle of political degradation' now before us, and that it is high tirae all national men should unite in saving California from the stain of abolitionism — high time that we should, for the present, at least, cast aside our personal pre ferences for men, and our little personal rivalries, and unite upon the party which is the strongest and truest exponent of conserva tism and unionism — which is neither propagandist nor abolitionist, but which arrays itself in support of the sacred guarantees of the constitution. * * * The "know nothings,'' it is clearly demon strated, are " down araongst the dead men." They do not under stand their own position in respeet to the great issue now in contro versy. Ask one of thera how he stands on the Kansas-Nebraska question, and he will be unable to reply. On September 2d, the American state convention met at the Congregational church, Sacramento. It was called to order by S. A. McMeans, president of the state council. The first day was con sumed in settling contests among delegates. On the 8d, on perma nent organization, J. G. McOallum was elected president, and Thos. J. Oxley, J. H. Harris, B. G. Weir, Eben Niles, and Alex. G. Abell, vice-presidents. The following nominations were raade : B. 0. Whitman and A. B. Dibble, for congressmen, on the second ballot over D. R. Ashley, O. 0. Hall (withdrawn), W. W. Upton 68 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. (withdrawn), Jesse 0. Goodwin (withdrawn), J. M. Williams (withdrawn), Jas. W. Ooffroth (withdrawn), W. S. Sherwood, Jas. T. Farley (withdrawn), George H. Cartter, A. P. Catlin, J. D. Cosby (withdrawn), Wm. H. Culver (declined), J. G. McOallum (declined), and John M. Howell (declined). John Skinker, for supreme court clerk, on the third ballot, over G.. W. Gilraore, E. 0. Gillette, Oliver Wolcott, Dr. J. Powell, D. T. Bagley, Louis Teal, J. D. Scellen, W. H. Taylor, and H. R. Haw kins. Horace P. Janes, for school superintendent, on the first ballot, over J. 0. Cook, Dr. F. W. Hatch, N. Slater, O. C. Wheeler, R. H. Tibbetts, M. M. Noah, Dr. W. W. Stevenson, M. Walthall, and C. F. Linn. Bailey Peyton, Jesse S. Pitzer, R. N. Wood, and 0. 0. Hall, for presidential electors, over W. W. Upton, W. W. Sefton, D. R. Ash ley, James W. Ooffroth, Caleb Dorsey, J. G. McOallum, A. M. Ros- ..boro'ugh, R. H. Daly, Geo. H. Rhoades, E. Garst, and Henry S. 'Foote. Manuel A. Castro, Chas. D. Semple, Jos. Winston, and J, Milton Williams, for alternate electors. The convention decided not to nominate a candidate for state prison director, considering that the office had been abolished by the legislature. At this stage of the- proceedings, a resolution was handed to the secretary to read, but as soon as that officer had pro ceeded far enough to enable the convention to conjecture what was coming, a storm was raised which beggars description. The first manifestations of opposition were the hisses from fifty lips at once, and then cries came from all parts of the house of "kick it under the table," etc. The reading was discontinued, and the offensive docuraent was hurried out of sight. The " bombshell " was in the following words : That the American party recognize the constitution and the laws of this state as the supreme authority; that such laws should be main tained in every part, and that we repudiate the heretical higher-law doctrine lately promulgated by raany newspapers of this state ; that we, as a party, conderan the acts and doctrines of the organization known as the vigilance committee of San Francisco, as destructive of the prosperity of this state and dangerous to the rights and liberties of her citizens; that this question cannot be treated as merely local, affecting only the citizens of San Francisco, but it is AMERICAN CONVENTION. 69 one in which every citizen of California is vitally interested ; the question being, practically, whether the constitation and laws, instituted by the people, and the rights of citizens under them, shall be raaintained, or whether the majority of any town or precinct may, at their own option, nullify the laws and abrogate the con stitution.* The following platform was adopted : That the American party, being essentially a reform party, they pledge themselves, in laboring to elect Fillraore and Donelson, the norainees of the convention ; to lend their energies in the aid of the *This resolution referred to the action o( the vigilance committee in San Francisco in 1866. In that city crime had been frequent and its punishment rare. Wm. H. Richardson, the United States marshal for the northern district of the .state, waa shot and killed on the street by a gambler named Charles Cora, on Nov ember 17th, 1855, and while the murder was unprovoked, it was evident that Cora could never be convicted in the courts because of the money and influence that was being used in his behalf. The culmination came, however, with the assassination of James King of William, by James P. Casey, on May I4th, 1856. King was the editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, and Casey was the proprietor o£ the Sunday Times, and a political manager. A communication appeared in the Times, signed ¦"Caliban," which reflected on Thomas S. King, a brother of James, and another appeared in the BuUetin relative to one, Bagley, who had been indicted for attempt ing to kill Casey, On the evening of the Uth, King in an editorial said : It does not matter how bad a man Casey had been, nor how much benefit it might be to the public to have him out ot the way.* we cannot accord to any one citizen the right to kill him, or even beat him, withont justifiable personal provocation. The fact that Casey has been an inmate of Sing Sing prison in New York is no offense against the laws of this state; nor is the tact of his having stuffed himself through the ballot-box as elected to the Board of Supervisors from a district where it is said he was not even a candidate any justification for Mr. Bagley to shoot Casey, however richly the latter may deserve to have his neck stretched for such fraud on the people. Two hours after the Bulletin appeared that evening, King was fatally shot by Casey. The latter was arrested, but it was with difflculty that Mayor Van Ness and the ofiicers kept him from the mob. That evening the old vigilance committee of 1851 met and reorganized, and on Sunday they took Casey and Cora from the jail to the committee rooms. On the, 20th King died, and, when the bells tolled forth the sad intelligenoe, a deep gloom overspread the city. His remains were interred in Lone Mountain cemetery on the 22d, and on the same day Casey and Cora were hanged by the committee, they having previously been secretly tried and convicted. Two other men who were charged with murder, Joseph Hetherington and P. Brace, were afterward, on July 29th, hanged by the committee, and a number of objec tionable characters were. banished from the state. On June 21st Sterling A, Hop kins, one of the committee's policemen, was sent for Reuben Meloney, who was required as a witness. Meloney was found in the offlce of R. P. Ashe, the U. S. naval oiflcer, where also was David S. Terry, a justice of the state supreme court. Ashe and Terry interfered for Meloney, and when Hopkins returned with assistance they had procured arms and were escorting Meloney to the Dupont-street armory. In the collision which ensued Terry stabbed Hopkins severely in the neck. Terry was captured by the committee and was kept by them in close confinement until August Tth. During this period no business was transacted in the supreme court, as Judge Heydenfeldt had departed for the east and Europe on March 3d, and was still abroad, and there was no quorum of the judges at liberty in the state. The court resumed its sessions on August 26th, with Justices Murray and Terry on the bench. Heydenfeldt did not return until in October. The committee disbanded in _August. 70 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. great and essential reform movements of the day — the Pacific rail road, the purity of the ballot-box, the elevation of none but pure- men to positions as local officers, and that we recognize all persons advocating the election of Fillmore and Donelson, as co-laborers with us in the glorious cause of union and regeneration. Another deraocratic convention raet in the Congregational church,, at Sacramento, on Septeraber 9th. It was called to order by B. F. Washington, the chairraan of the state committee. On the lOth^ Jos. P. Hoge was elected permanent chairman, and Geo. P. Porter, Wra. McClure, D. B. Milne, John M. O'Neill, A. T. Laird, and Andres Pico, vice-presidents. The following nominations were made : phas. L. Scott, for congressraan from the southern district, on the third ballot, over Frank Tilford, Wm. L. Dudley, and Pablo de la Guerra. Jos. 0. McKibben, for congressman from the northern district, on the first ballot, over John Conness, Royal T. Sprague, John T. Cren shaw, Jas. W. Denver, P. T. Herbert, and F. J. McGann. On the 11th, Chas. S. Fairfax, for suprerae court clerk, on the- third ballot, over Huraphrey Griffith, Geo. S. Evans, Moses E. Flannigan, D. W. Gelwicks, P. K. Woodside, and Thos. H.. Coombs. Andrew J. Moulder, for school superintendent, on the second) ballot, over E. A. Theller, Wm. G. Wood, A. 0. Baine, Paul K. Hubbs, W. H. Graham, Sherman Day, and W. M. Gwin. Augustin Olvera, George Freanor, P. de la Torre, and A. 0. Brad ford, for presidential electors, over P. de la Guerra, P. H. Clayton, Wm. McClure, G. W. Colby, W. S. Long, 0. J. Lansing, Alex. Hunter, Geo. Pearce, J. P. Hoge, Chas. Precht, Wm. McDaniels, H. Griffith, and .John B. Frisbie. J. M. Covarrubias, 0. Precht, J. 0. Palraer, and W. S. Long were- selected as alternates. No noraination was raade for state prison director. On the 12th, the following address and resolutions were adopted: To the people of Oalifornia— Your convention, in closing its labors, congratulates the democracy of California on its present posi tion and its future prospects. At our late national convention, held at Cincinnati, a platforra was adopted replete with sound DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 71 sense, distinctly defining the course of that great political party to which we belong, and clearly enunciating that foreign and domestic policy which it has ever been the great aim of the democratic party to uphold and raaintain, and to which we invite a cordial and unani raous assent. At that convention were norainated, respectively, as candidates for the president and vice-president of the United States, Jaraes Buchanan and John 0. Breckinridge ; the former a statesmen who- has grown gray in the service of his country, well acquainted with the policy of foreign powers, perfectly conversant with the machinery of European cabinets, and to whose experienced hands we may safely trust the destinies of the republic in its various and complicated relations with the other powers of the globe. The latter, John 0. Breckinridge, though a younger laborer in the politi cal field, a man of unquestionable ability, well calculated to assist in the administration of the government, and both possessing a pri vate character and public reputation which raay safely challenge the investigation of a world. At a time, like the present, when fanati cisra and intolerance are rearing their hydraheads in various sec tions of the union, we calraly and confidently invite attention to the doctrines of the deraocratic party, as expressed in the Cincinnati platforra, believing, as we do, these doctrines fully calculated to sus tain the integrity of our national union in the time of difficulty and danger. Guaranteeing to every state its respective privileges, they trample on the ri-ghts of none, they broach no new and dangerous political heresies calculated to subvert the original articles of con federacy and endanger the safety of the union; they strive by no mercenary appeals to array one section of the country in hostile atti tude against another, but in the true spirit of the original compact, declare the perfect integrity of the union in its fullest and most ample sense. We seek not to prescribe to any man the raode in which he shall worship his Creator, nor will we drive by intolerance frora our shores the oppressed of any clirae or nation. We welcome, as an addition to national wealth and strength, the honest indus try of other lands, guaranteeing to those who may choose to become willing and worthy citizens of the republic "equal rights, equal pri vileges, an'd exact justice to all." In conclusion, we congratulate the gallant deraocracy of California on the perfect unanimity which has pervaded our councils. Difficult and delicate questions of national and doraestic policy have been raet and argued in the happiest spirit of comproraising unanimity. "Bear and forbear" has been our motto, and we now present in favor of our national and state norai nees an unbroken array, an undivided front, an impenetrable pha- 72 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. lanx, against which our foes may spend their shafts in vain. In the full confidence that those time-honored principles for which we have so long contended are again about to assert their proud supremacy over the factional " isms " of the day, we bid you a kind farewell until on the ides of November, when we shall meet again once more to celebrate a democratic triumph in this El Dorado of the western world. Resolved, I. That the democracy of California unanimously endorse and cordially approve the platforra of the democratic party, as adopted in the Cincinnati convention. 2. That the democracy of California decidedly and unequivocably advocate and approve the construction of the Pacific railroad, as a measure of the greatest importance, not only to California, but to the union at large, and hereby urge upon the federal government and our national representatives of the state at Washington the necessity of using their most united exertions and utmost endeavors to secure the construction of this truly important work. 3, That the liberal and enlightened policy of our democratic gov ernment, in opening to the hardy pioneer the broad field of our public lands, as an invitation to his industry and enterprise, has already secured the affection of our early settlers; and that we regard an extension of that policy, so far as to secure a homestead to every honest settler, free of charge, against vicissitudes of fortune, as the wisest, most just and reasonable course which the general govern raent can pursue; and we earnestly recoraraend it to the serious attention of our representatives at Washington. 4. That the deraocracy of California are in favor of guaranteeing to every state and territory the rights and privileges secured to them by the constitution and laws of the country — that for them there is neither north, south, east, nor west; and that duly regarding the importance of the whole as a union, they, as a unit of the confederacy, will jealously guarantee the rights of each individual state. 5. That we recommend the utraost economy in the appropriation and disbursement of all public raoneys ; that we hold all public offi cers strictly accountable for the adrainistration of the public funds; that we regard it as a cardinal principle of the deraocracy to preserve unimpaired the credit and resources of the state; and that he who commits the slightest defalcation in this respect, is unworthy the support, and has justly forfeited the respect and confidence of the democratic party. 6. That we cordially welcorae to the ranks of the deraocracy, and receive into full brotherhood and coramunion, those old-line DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 73 whigs and members of other parties, who, regarding the democratic party as the great conservative party of the union, now join with us in the existing struggle to preserve the constitution. 7. That in James Buchanan and John 0. Breckinridge, the derao cracy recognize leaders of whom they may well be proud, of unsul lied public- character, and unspotted private reputation ; and that they will use all honorable endeavors to secure for them a trium phant majority in the El Dorado of the Pacific. 8. That, in the norainees of this convention, we recognize men worthy of our implicit confidence and deserving of our undivided support, and hereby pledge to them the undivided vote of the democ racy of this state. 9. That we are in favor of, and recoraraend the party to vote for, at the coraing election, the proposed amendraent of section two, article ten, of the constitution; which araendraent provides that no new state constitution shall be adopted without a direct vote of the people. 10. That we do now adjourn to meet again at the polls in the mouth of Noveraber next, and add our efforts to swell the triuraph which then awaits the democracy of the union. Immediately after the platform was reported by the committee, McConnell offered the following : That the writ of habeas corpus and the right of trial by jury are sacred, and that ,the democracy of this state will ever guarantee those sacred privileges to the humble citizen. This resolution referred to the vigilance committee question. After a lengthy discussion, the chairraan announced that the church in which the convention was sitting raust be vacated by two o'clock, as it was then needed by its trustees., A motion was then carried to adopt the resolutions reported by the committee, and the chairman declared that by virtue of the tenth resolution the convention was adjourned sine die. The convention selected a state comraittee, consisting of 0. E. Thom, R. Heath, P. K. Woodside, H. A. Higley, 0. Benhara, J. J. Hoff, J. P. Hoge, H. P. Barber, G. W. Dent, .A. Redington, D. J. Thomas, J. B. Frisbie, J. Teraple, W. A. Mix, G. H. Crossette, Jas. Walsh, A. T. Laird, B. F. Myers, and others. The deliberations of the convention were by no means harmonious. It was divided into the old factions — Broderick and anti-Broderick and the latter party was in the ascendency. Tilford and Conness 74 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. were the candidates for congress on the Broderick side. No nomi nation was made for state prison director. Intelligence of the nomination of Fillmore and Donelson reached California on March 21st, and of Buchanan and Breckenridge and Freraont and Dayton, on July l4th. Early in July, a raovement was instituted in San Francisco to organize a people's party for the purpose of making norainations for the legislature and local officers, on the vigilance comraittee issue. On August 11th, a public raeet ing was held, which was attended by about 3,000 persons, for the purpose of consummating that object. Ira P. Rankin was chairman, and a committee to nominate a ticket was appointed. After passing resolutions approving the action of the vigilance committee, the meeting adjourned. The ticket, that was subsequently norainated, was elected by a large vote. At the election held on Noveraber 4th, the deraocratic electoral and state tickets were elected, and at the official canvass, the follow ing result was exhibited : For President — Buchanan, 51,935 ; Fillmore, 35,113; Freraont, 20,339. For Congressmen— Soott, 49,429 ; McKibben, 49,529 ; Whitman, 34,681; Dibble, 34,159; Rankin, 21,519; Turner, 20,595. For Supreme Court Clerk— Fa.irta.x, 50,579 ; Skinker, 33,396 ; Cole, 20,536. For School Superintendent — Moulder, 50,174 ; Janes, 35,609 ; Buffington, 20,616. Moses Arms received a number of votes for state prison director, but they were disregarded. The democratic electors met at the state capitol, on Deceraber 3d, and cast their votes for Buchanan and Breckinridge. On the flrst ballot, Freanor was chosen as the messenger to convey the returns to Washington. CHAPTER IX. 18B7. Gubernatorial Campaign— Republican Convention— Democratic Convention— American Convention— Settlers' and Miners' Conven tion—Result of the Gubernatorial Election. The republican state convention raet in the Congregational church, at Sacramento, on July Sth, and was coraposed of 300 delegates. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 75 It was called to order by G. W. Parr, and on permanent organiza tion F. P. Tracy was president; and Richard Rowe, G. 0. Gram mar, Smith Herrick, J. A. Quimby, G. M. Hanson, and A. B. Nicholson, vice-presidents. The committee on resolutions consisted of T. W. Park, E. B. Crocker, 0. A. Tuttie, L. 0. Gunn, and G. W. Baldwin, and they made the following report, which was adopted : Whereas, The issue upon which the republican party has been formed is of a national character, we forbear to express any opinion in reference to questions of state policy, leaving republicans free to act and vote on all questions; therefore, we adopt the following resolutions as the basis of our organization : 1. (Same as the first resolution of the republican convention of August 27, 1856.) 2. (Same as the fourth resolution of the republican convention of April 30, 1856.) 3. (Same as the fourth resolution of the convention of August 27,. 1856.) 4. (Same as the fifth resolution of the convention of August 27, 1856, oraitting all after the words " this great work.") 5. (Same as the ninth resolution of the convention of August 27, 1856, omitting all after the words "the public domain.") 6. (Sarae as the seventh resolution of the convention of April 30, 1856.) 7. That the opinion rendered by Chief Justice Taney, and con curred in by other judges, in the late "Dred Scott" case, is a palpa ble violation of the principles of the declarations of independence, a falsification of the history of our country, subversive of state rights, and a flagrant injustice to a large portion of the people of the United States, and, as such, merits the indignant reprobation of every freeman. 8. That, as citizens of the free state of Oalifornia, we deprecate the introduction of the institution of slavery on the Pacific coast, and therefore do extend to the freemen of Oregon an earnest desire for their success in the establishment of free principles as the basis of their state government. The following norainations were raade on the 8th and 9th : Edward Stanly, for governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 1 63, to 9 for E. D. Baker, 6 for D. R. Ashley, 1 for T. W. Park, 1 for I. P. Rankin, and 1 for R. Chenery; J. A. Nunes, Samuel Bell, E. B. Crocker, F. P. Tracy, and J. N. Turner withdrawing. 76 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. D. W. Oheesraan, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, over Ashley, Dr. A. J. Spencer, and Leland Stanford. Nathaniel Bennett, for justice of the supreme court, on the flrst ballot, over 0. L. Shafter and F. M. Haight. L. 0. Gunn, for controller, on the first ballot, over Wm. L. Newell. Leland Stanford, for treasurer, without opposition ; J. N. Turner ¦declining. Aaron A. Sargent, for attorney-general, without opposition; F. P. Tracy and C- J. Hillyer withdrawing. p. M. Randall, for surveyor-general, without opposition ; Wm. Mott withdrawing. F. B. Murdock, for state printer, without opposition. A state comraittee was selected, consisting of E. B. Crocker, Mark Hopkins, J. T. McLean, J. R. Clark, T. W. Park, F. P. Tracy, Cyrus Palmer, F. F. Fargo, H. Cummings, J. C. Birdseye, 0. A. Tuttie, 0. Cole, J. E. Benton, Curtis Baird, J. A. Quimby, C. S. Haswell, J. F. Houghton, 0. H. Chamberlain, and others. Nunes offered the following, which was laid on the table : That the nuraerous iraperfections existing in our state constitu tion render it necessary that a constitutional convention should be convened to make such changes in it as may be deemed advisable, and it is therefore recommended to republicans throughout the state to vote in favor of the convention. The democratic state convention, with 312 delegates, met in the Congregational church, Sacramento, on July 1 4th, and was called to order by A. Redington, chairman of the state coraraittee. A. C. Bradford was elected temporary president. The committee on credentials reported a] resolution that no delegate be entitled to a seat in the convention who had voted in opposition to Buchanan. Wm. Van Voorhies offered the following substitute : We pledge ourselves to support the nominees of the democratic state convention, and to use our utmost exertions to secure their election, and for this purpose we not only now urge upon the democ racy the necessity of harmonious and vigorous action in the approaching campaign, but cordially invite all national men, of whatever party heretofore, to unite with us in finally and forever destroying within the limits of our state the fell spirit of disunion and sectionalisra which has threatened the existence of our beloved DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 77 institutions ; and we recognize all those who co-operate with us in the approaching carapaign as co-laborers with the democracy of this state. The substitute was adopted" by a vote of 224 to 81. A committee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of John Boggs, P. T. Herbert, James Anderson, V. E. Geiger, Jeflerson Hunt, R. McGarvey, H. T. Huggins, J. B. Devoe, J. M. Hudspeth, John C. Burch, G. W. Patrick, 0. H. Bryan, and others. On per manent organization, Bradford was president, and S. A. Merritt, N. E. Whiteside, Philip Moore, W. M. Lent, J. C. Jaraes, C. J. Cputs, F. J. Hoover, F. D. Kohler, B. F. Varney, J. A. Putney, D. W. Connelly, and U. Edwards, vice-presidents. The following nominations were made on the 14th and 15th : John B. Weller, for governor, on the first ballot, receiving 251 votes, to 61 for J. W. McOorkle; John Nugent withdrawing. Joseph Walkup, for lieutenant governor, on the first ballot, over J. R. Hardenbergh and J. J. Warner ; E. T. Beatty withdrawing. Stephen J. .Field, for justice of the suprerae court, on the first ballot, over Peter H. Burnett and John H. McKune. Thos. H. Williaras, for attorney-general, on the first ballot, over R. Aug. Thompson ; W. Gouverneur Morris withdrawing. James W. Mandeville, for controller, on the first ballot, over J. T. Paine, Geo. W. Dent, and S, H. Brooks (withdrawing). Thos. Findley, for treasurer, without opposition. John O'Meara, for printer, on the first ballot, over H. 0. Patrick and T. A. Springer. Horace A. Higley, for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, over Rowland Shea. The majority of the coraraittee reported the following, resolutions, which were all adopted, after a debate : 1. (Sarae as the first resolution adopted by the democratic con vention of September 9, 1856.) < 2. (Same as the second resolution in the series above referred to.) 3. That we hail with pleasure the commencement of the wagon roads, believing that they will bring within the state a hardy, enter prising and laborious class of citizens, and we call upon the govern ment to hasten their completion by liberal appropriations. 4. (Sarae as the third resolution in the series above referred to.) 5. (Same as the fourth resolution in the series above referred to.) 6. (Sarae as the fifth resolution in the series above referred to.) 78 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 7. (Sarae as the sixth resolution in the series above referred to.) 8. (Same as the eighth resolution in the series above referred to.) 9. That there is a radical defect in our laws regulating preemp tions, whereby the owner of a floating, Mexican grant is enabled to prevent the settlement of a tract of land much larger than he claims. 10. That the rights of preemptions in this state ought to be as liberal as obtained in other new states, and these rights ought to be secured to settlers on all lands not actually segregated as private property. 11. That the policy of governraent which is sought to be estab lished by the present chief magistrate of the United States, is emi nently entitled to our most hearty and cordial approbation, as truly deraocratic, and calculated to secure the proraotion of the best interests of our common country. 12. That this convention acknowledge a moral obligation to liqui date the existing debt of the state, and that its payment is hereby recommended. 1 3. That political associations, whether secret or otherwise, based ¦upon religious intolerance, or exclusion from the exercise of political privileges, guaranteed by the constitution as it is, on account of personal rank or the accident of birth, are at once inconsistent with the spirit of our institutions, and a slander upon the liberty -loving and freedom-disseminating people of this union. 14. That we consider the present naturalization laws of the United States in accordance with our free and liberal institutions, and will resist their abrogation or amendment, as uncalled for, illiberal and unjust. The minority of the committee reported the following : 1. That this convention recognizes the time-honored principle of instructions, and feel it a duty to condemn theconduct of our recent .delegates to the democratic national convention at Cincinnati for their unpardonable disobedience in voting against that sterling pat riot and honored statesman, Jas. Buchanan, now president of the United States. 2. That the perpetuity of our deraocratic forra of government is based upon the respect of the people for the laws they themselves create. 3. That, inasmuch, as under our form of government all power coraes from the people, and constitutions and laws are but the expres sions of the popular will; therefore, the late violations of our con- ADDRESS TO THE AMERICAN PARTY. 79 stitution and laws, by a portion of the people organizing theraselves into armed bodies, and exercising legislative, judicial, and executive functions, is a direct repudiation of the principles upon which our government is founded, and can but tend to debase us in the estima tion of the people of other countries, and postpone the day when a republican form of government will be the only one known among civilized nations. The first minority resolution was indefinitely postponed. The second and third resolutions were offered by P. T. Herbert and had reference to the action of the vigilance comraittee of 1856. They gave rise to an exciting and storray debate, when finally the follow ing was adopted as a substitute, by a vote of 181 to 104, and it was incorporated iri the platform, by a vote of 242 to 51. 15. That the democracy of California will ever support the con stitution and laws of their state, and of the United States, and will ever use their utraost endeavors to preserve as sacred and inviolate that priceless legacy of our fathers contained in the bill of rights and the writ of habeas corpus. A state committee was selected, consisting of V. E. Geiger, F. Forman, H. B. Truett, R. 0. Page, J. P. Hoge, D. W. Gelwicks,. W. S. Smith, S. H. Chase, W. A. January, S. S. Lewis, J. Ander son, T. B. Rearden, E. Steele, H. T. Huggins, J. A. Turner, T. A. Springer, A. R. Maloney, and others. Early in 1857, the idea of abandoning the organization of the American party was earnestly considered by prominent members of that faction, and many were in favor of disorganization. On March 31st, Henry S. Foote, who had been the caucus nominee of the party for United States senator in 1856, published a letter addressed to the members of the party in the state, in which he gave his opinion touching the expediency of continuing the party organization. He said that he had no desire to dictate the course to be pursued by others, but simply desired that there raight be no mistake as to his indi vidual attitude on the question; that the party was originally organized mainly for the purpose of securing the faithful execution of the compromise measures of 1850, of suppressing the agitation of the slavery question, and of preserving the union frora the dangers which seemed to menace it from the prevalence of feelings of fierce sectional hostility in two opposite quarters of the confederacy; that the party in Oalifornia had been at all times wholly untainted either 80 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. with the heresy of abolitionism or with that of secession; that universal religious toleration had been with them a cardinal princi ple, and that with regard to the naturalization laws they had con tented themselves with simply insisting upon their judicious revision; that the presidential contest had passed, and a new and bright era had dawned ; and that there was much proraise in the adrainistra tion of President Buchanan. He concluded by saying : Such a cabinet as Buchanan has formed, and such political views as are announced in the inaugural, should command universal confldence, and give most gratifying assurance that for the next four years, at least, the republic will be in the enjoyment of coraplete repose ; that its great doraestic interests will be carefully guarded and assiduously promoted, and the honor of the American nation be wisely and fearlessly maintained in every quarter of the globe. I have, therefore, no hesitation in declaring that I can see no propriety in atterapting to keep up the distinctive organization of the Araeri can party, either in Oalifornia or elsewhere. At any rate, whatever raay be the action of others, I shall myself yield to Buchanan and his administration as hearty and true a support as it would have been possible for me to accord to them had I ever so actively parti cipated in elevating them to the high official places which they hold. On April 29th, a raeeting of the leading merabers of the party was held at Sacramento for the purpose of advising upon the best course to be pursued as to the future position of the party. Among those present at the conference were Jesse O. Goodwin, J. G. Mc Oallum, W. T. Ferguson, A. J. Stevenson, James T. Farley, D. F. Douglass, Jesse D. Carr, Frank Hereford, Wj 0. Wallace, G. W. Bowie, and John 0. Barr. It was unanimously resolved that it would be useless to attempt to keep up a distinctive organization on the old issues. The raeeting fully endorsed the principles laid down in Buchanan's inaugural address, and it was declared that they would stand upon that platform so long as those principles were maintained by the president. In May, the county councils of the party were held and in several of them resolutions to disband were voted down. On June 26th, the state council met at Sacramento. A resolution to abandon the organization was defeated, and it was determined to reorganize the party in the state, and abolish all tests, obligations of secresy, etc. The council issued an address calling a state convention to nominate a full ticket and recommended that an energetic catnpaign be made. CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 81. ' The Araerican state convention met in the assembly chamber,, Sacramento, on July 28th. Dr. Joseph Powell was elected tem porary chairman, and on permanent organization, O. 0. Hall was president, and J. M. Day, F. Knox, T. L. Reed, and R. S. Mesick, vice-presidents. In the evening, an interesting debate sprang up on the proposition to adjourn without raaking norainations. The dele gates who advocated that course favored the election of Stanly, but the convention determined to present a straight ticket to the people. On the 29th, the following nominations were made : George W. Bowie, for governor, without opposition; James H. Ralston and Bailey Peyton withdrawing. Dr. J. A. Raymond, for lieutenant-governor, without opposition ; Jaraes W. Ooffroth, O. C. Hall, and Hiram R. Hawkins with drawing. Geo. W. Wbitman, for controller, without opposition; Wm. H. Taylor, F. M. Proctor, D. K. Newell, and E. F. Burton with drawing. T. B. McFarland, for attorney-general, without opposition ; John J. Musser, A. P. Catlin, and R. M. Briggs withdrawing. Lucien B. Healey, for surveyor-general, without opposition; J. L. Brown withdrawing. B. H. Monson, for printer, on the first ballot, over N. P. Brown, H. A. Appleton, and H. R. Hawkins. J. R. Crandall, for treasurer (long and short terras), on the first ballot, over Jas. L. English, W. K. Lindsey, W. H. Howard, F. M. Proctor, and J. Powell. Jas. H. Ralston, for justice of the supreme court (long and short terms), without opposition; H. 0. Gardiner withdrawing. The following resolutions, reported by a comraittee consisting of T. B. McFarland, M. M. Noah, J. R. Crandall, R. M. Briggs, L. Tooker, A. P. Catlin, and others, were adopted : 1. That we cordially endorse the platforra of principles adopted by the national American convention at Louisville, Ky., on the 4th day of June, 1857. 2. That we have an abiding faith in the truth of our political creed, and that we will struggle in the future, as we have struggled in the past, to engraft the policy of our party upon the legislation of the country. 3. That we still hold to the fundamental principle of our party, that "Americans shall rule America," and that our naturalization 6 82 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. laws should be so araended as to insure, on the part of the applicant, a just appreciation of the rights and duties of an American citizen. 4. That the American party is in no way responsible for the recent intense exciteraent of national issues ; and that a restoration of the brotherly feelings that should actuate one great national people, can only be accoraplished by the permanent success of the national American party. 5. That the main objects of the Arnerican party being to proraote American interests, and to cherish Araerican nationality, the con struction of a Pacific railroad — thus bringing the extrerae portions of the country into close contact, and promoting the welfare of all — would be a natural and certain consequence of the triuraph of the American party. 6. That the Araerican party of Oalifornia acknowledge it as a duty pararaount above all others of a local character to protect set tlers upon Spanish grants in their just rights and claims. We believe that laws designed to protect the bona fide settler in his improveraents are not only absolutely necessary in order to insure confidence and prosperity, and to encourage agriculture and trade, but are also constitutional and just. Tbe wants of the people require, and equity and good conscience deraand such laws, and while the past history and recent actions of the deraocratic party in this state exhibit a record of broken faith, we refer for the sincerity of our professions to our past efforts in this behalf, and to the character of the raen whom we present for the suffrages of the people. 7. That we consider it our duty to recommend to the electors of this state to vote in favor of paying the state debt ; that while we have the utraost abhorrence for the party corruptions which saddled this onerous burden upon us, we yet would find it still more grievous to bear the load of obloquy and sharae which repudiation of the claims of innocent creditors would earn for us and our posterity. 8. That the democratic party of California is responsible for the long course of iraprovident legislation and official corruption which has finally brought the state to the verge of bankruptcy, and is not fit longer to be in power. 9. That the American party of Oalifornia, during its partial suc cess in 1856, did more, by way of legislation, for the protection of the state from corrupt officials, than the democratic party has done during all the years of its misrule; and that the recent discovery of official unworthiness has been the result of stringent laws passed by an American legislature. 10. That we will use every possible effort to select none but SETTLERS' AND MINERS' PARTY, 83 honest raen for office, and the fact that we have, in some instances, been deceived, will only make us the raore vigilant in this behalf hereafter. 11. That while the salaries and fees of sorae offices, both county and state, are sufficiently low, yet in many instances, they are so ¦extravagant as to amount to a heavy burden upon the people, and we pledge the influence of the Araerican party to effect still further reductions in the " fees of office, with a view of making such offices less desirable to the incumbents thereof, and of removing motives for corruption in obtaining thera. •A state committee was selected, consisting of A. P. Catlin, J. Powell, W. 0. Wallace, B. Peyton, M. M. Noah, D. P. Talmadge, D. K. Newell, R. S. Mesick, A. McDonald, E. F. Burton, H. R. Hawkins, R. M. Briggs, O. C. Hall, A. R. Ahdrews, and others. Shortly before adjourning, a resolution was adopted that the •Organization of the party in the state, thereafter, be under the direc tion of the state committee ; that the state and subordinate councils should be abolished ; that no obligation of secrecy should be required of the members of the party, and that all American citizens should be eligible to raerabership. ' On July 8d, the state coraraittee of the settlers' and miners' party met at Sacramento, issued an address calling a state convention, and recommended the noraination of a ticket from the candidates nominated by the other parties. The convention raet in the assembly charaber, Sacramento, on August 4th, and about 40 delegates were present. The convention was called to order by Dr. A. B. Nixon, and I. W. Underwood was elected president. Delegates were pre sent from the counties of San Francisco, Solano, Sacramento, Ala meda, Yolo, Butte, Yuba, and Sutter. The following ticket was made up : For governor, Edward Stanly; justice of the supreme court, N. Bennett ; lieutenant-governor, Joseph Walkup; controller, J. W.- Mandeville; treasurer, Thos. Findley; attorney-general, A. A. Sar gent; surveyor-general, P. M. Randall; printer, J. O'Meara. A lengthy set of resolutions was adopted. The sessions of the convention were stormy. At an early stage in the proceedings, a resolution was adopted to exclude the full vote of such counties as were but partially represented, and as San Fran cisco and Sacramento counties constituted the mass of the conven- 84 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. tion, and acted in concert, they controlled the deliberations of the body. At the close of the first day, most of the delegates from with out those counties withdrew in a body. The democratic and republican conventions neglected to nominate candidates for the offices of justice of the supreme court and treasurer for the short terms which were then filled by Burnett and English, respectively, and to avoid difficulty, the democratic state- committee nominated those two gentlemen to fill the offices until the time when their successors would take office. News reached California, on August 17th, of the appointment of Mandeville, the deraocratic candidate for controller, to the office of United States surveyor-general for California, but he was not officially notified of his selection to that place until a few days before the election — too short a tirae to substitute another norainee on the state ticket. The election was held on Septeraber 2d, and the official canvass developed the following result : For Governor— '^eUer, 53,122; Stanly, 21,040; Bowie, 19,481. Lieutenant-Governor — Walkup, 57,336; Cheesman, 16,800; Ray-- mond, 19,718. Justice of the Supreme Court {long term) — Field, 55,216 ; Ben nett, 18,944; Ralston, 19,068. Justice of the Supreme Court {short term) — Burnett, 54,991; Bennett, 10,550; Ralston, 7,710. CoMverthrow, by force, the best government which the sun ever shown upon, is both unreasonable and crirainal — an indefensible violation of all the pledges which citizenship iraplies, and such an outrage against humanity and civilization as nothing in the past can justify or palliate. UNION DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE. 187 4. That, while this civil war continues, it is our duty and the duty of all loyal citizens to render to the government a cheerful and ear nest support ; to stand by it in the enforcement of all constitutional measures tending to the suppression of arraed rebellion ; to give its officers, so far as they are true to the trusts reposed in thera, the aid and comfort which raay be derived frora our moral influence and physical resources ; and that we extend to these gallant men of our own and other states who have responded to the call of the gov ernment for that protection which arms alone can give, our hearty commendation and warmest sympathies. (The balance of the reso lution is the sarae as the seventh resolution adopted by the union adrainistration convention, on June 18th.) 5. That the effort now being made by a fanatical faction, under the assumption of superior patriotism and loyalty, to divert this war frora its original purpose, as proclaimed by the president and con gress of the United States — the raaintenance of the federal constitu tion and the preservation of the union's integrity — and to turn it into a war of abolition, is an effort against the union, against the constitution, against justice, and against humanity, and should be proraptly frowned upon by all the friends of free institutions. 6. That to bring the present war to a final and happy conclusion, and scQure a union of hearts as well as a union of hands, it is abso lutely necessary to reassure the misguided raasses in the revolted states that we mean no warfare upon their rights, and are actuated by no spirit of revenge ; to disavow any other wish than that of bringing together these now belligerent states, without the loss to any one of thera of a single right or privilege which it has heretofore enjoyed. To show by our acts, as well as by our professions, that our whole purpose is to preserve our governraent jjist aa it carae to us frora the hands of our fathers ; to regard all the guarantees of the constitution, whether to the states, or to the people of the states and to becorae once more a harmonious and happy people. And that, to this end, it is the duty of the union deraocratic party not only to preserve its distinctive organization, but to demonstrate by honorable and patriotic raeasures, both its determination and its power, to with stand and render harraless the assaults of northern or southern sec tionalists upon constitutional liberty. Jonathan D. Stevenson was norainated, without opposition, for superintendent of public instruction. 188 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. On August 5th, L. B. Arnold, Jaraes J. Green, John B. Knox, Wm. Higby, John Hume, E. Willow, A. 0. Brown, and P. E. Drescher, raerabers of the union democratic state comraittee, pub lished a letter in which they repudiated the action of the other members of the comraittee, and declared theraselves in favor of abandoning the old party organization and adhering to the union adrainistration party. The Breckinridge state convention raet at Sacraraento, on Wed nesday, August fith. It was called to order by A. P. Crittenden, chairraan of the state coramittee. Humphrey Griffith was elected temporary chairraan. A committee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of W. H. Glascock, Jaraes T. Farley, Tod Robinson, Charies D. Scrapie, D. W. Gelwicks, A. P. Crittenden, W. 0. Wal lace, B. F. Myers, T. H. Williaras, S. Heydenfeldt, D. S. Terry, W. J. Hooten, H. P. Barber, J. F, Linthicum, and others. On per manent organization, Griffith was elected president ; and Colonel Haraszthy, H. P. Barber, W. 0. Wallace, David Fairchild, and S. B. Wyraan, vice-presidents. On the 7th, the following resolutions were reported by the cora raittee : Whereas, In the earliest years of the republic, a controversy arose concerning the powers granted to the federal governraent, the federalists claiming the power to enact the alien and sedition laws, and the deraocrats denying that such power was delegated, and insisting that all powers not expressly delegated were reserved to the statea or to the people. The democratic party was then formed upon the principles enunciated in the Kentucky and Virginia reso lutions of 1798, and in the report of Mr. Madison to the Virginia legislature of 1799, and have ever since been the distinctive feature of deraocracy. The federal party becarae extinct, and the American people sustained the equality and all the reserved rights of the states until the inauguration of the present chief raagistrate, who in his first address to the people denied that the states ever were inde pendent sovereignties, and consequently had no right to judge of any infraction of the federal compact ; thus denying that the people are sovereign, or that they have a right to create a state government, and also a federal governraent, granting to the one and denying to the other any powers they may think best calculated to secure their MEdcLNHlDGS CONVMNTLOM. 189 safety and happiness; and whereas, the revival of the doctrines of the old federal party, destroying our forraer system of state goven- raent is dangerous to civil liberties and justly alarraing to all lovers of free government ; therefore, resolved, 1. That the democratic party of the present day is the true repre sentative of' the theory of the American revolution ; that all just powers are derived frora the consent of the governed, and that the people have the right to change their form of government and their political associations whenever they shall deem it essential to their happiness. 2. That the constitution of the United States was a coraproraise between confiicting sectional interests, and that the true construc tion of that instruraent is the one which has always been maintained by the democratic party and enunciated by its statesmen, in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions and the platforra of the national democratic convention at Cincinnati. 3. That we agree with the present chief raagistrate in one senti raent expressed by him, in substance, that the two sections of our union cannot fight always; that, after they had exhausted them selves by war, the same questions would arise, to be settled by negotiation, the sarae sentiment having been expressed by Mr. Douglas thafwosr loas disunion;" and again reiterated by our state convention of last year, declaring that we preferred negotiations in the outset to war. 4. That the war now waged by the United States against the confederate states is unjust and unnecessary war, in which thousands of valuable lives and raillions of treasure have been expended in vain, when, as we feel and believe, this vast destruction would have been avoided by wise diploraacy and teraperate negotiation. 5. That the events of the past twelve montha have convinced us that no compromise can be made between the republican party and the seceded states. Sectional hatred having constantly increased under republican obstinancy in adhering to the Chicago platforra instead of the constitution, therefore, the democratic party raust suc ceed, or the war will have no end. 6. That the democratic party is now the only true union party, because they now profess, and if in power would practice, the sarae principles which have govemed their administrations from the foundation of the government, to-wit : equal rights to each state and to all sections, thus cutting off the possibility of sectional ani raosity. 190 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 7. That the railitary should be subordinate to the civil power of the governraent, and that we view with distrust the encroachments of the military upon the rights of the civil authorities. 8. That the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus, regarded for centuries as the greatest safeguard of the- liberties of the people, and constituting a portion of our fundaraental law, should, except as provided for by the constitution, remain inviolate to every citizen. 9. That the freedom of speech, and of the press, should remain unabridged ; that to deprive the people of these rights, guaranteed to thera by the constitution, would be rank usurpation ; and that they are inestiraable to the citizen, and formidable to tyrants only. 10.' That no citizen should be arrested without just or reasonable cause, and the cause of his arrest should be made known to hira, and a speedy trial granted. 11. That the rights of the several states, and state lines, and local state institutions, should remain unimpaired. 12. Thatthe purpose avowed, and advocated hy republican dis unionists — to liberate and arm the slaves — is revolting to humanity; a disgrace to the age ; and raeets our unqualified conderanation. 13. That we view with alarra the reckless extravagance which pervades every department of the federal governraent; that a return to rigid econoray and accountability is indispensable to arrest the systeraatic plunder of the public treasury by favorite partisans, while the recent startling developments of frauds and corruptions at the federal capital, show that an entire change of administration is imperatively deraanded. 14. That we rejoice that the democratic members of congress, from all the free states, have agreed upon the constitutional principles erabodied in an address issued by them to the people of the United States, and that great victories have been won by our fellow demo crats in the western states, upon principles which we can cordially endorse. (This resolution was stricken out in the comraittee.) 15. That we reaffirra and heartily endorse the sentiments contained in the resolutions adopted by the democratic state convention, in 1861, of California. T. H. Williams raoved to strike out the prearable and all the reso lutions except the fifteenth. He said that there was rauch in the resolutions that would have a tendency to confuse the minds of the members of the convention, and that they would be raade the sub- BRECKINRIDGE CONVENTION. iQi ject far the severest criticism, if adopted. The motion prevailed, and the fifteenth resolution was adopted 0. D. Scrapie offered the resolution nurabered 14 in the above series, and it was adopted. O. P. Fitzgerald was nominated, without opposition, for Superin tendent of public instruction ; Andrew J. Moulder withdrawing. During the sitting of the convention, several leading raembers raade speeches in favor of raaking no nominations, and leaving members of the party free to vote as they pleased, but a motion to that end was laid on the table by a vote of 226J to 68|. About 108 delegates were present, although 295 votes were cast — nearly two-thirds of the votes being cast by proxy. A state comraittee was appointed, consisting of Harry Linden, 0. R. Street, D. E. Buell, D. W. Gelwicks, George W. Hook, S. F. Harara, J. Daggett, T. J. Henley, S. A. Merritt, J. W. Bost, D. S. Gregory, W. C. Wallace, James Anderson, P. O. Hundley, T. H. Williams, Thomas Hayes, J. H. Wise, P. L. Solomon, J. D. Thornton, D. S. Terry, J. L. Ord, L. Archer, T. L. Thorapson, V. E. Geiger, H. P. Barber, H. Griffith, B. P. Hugg, W. J. Hooten, and others. Towards the close of August, Senator Latham delivered several speeches from the sturap, in which he took the inconsistent position of urging the prosecution of the war by the federal governraent to last extreraity, and at the sarae tirae fiercely assailed the administra tion. He- fixed the responsibility of the war upon the southern leaders, and declared that it was the raost unjustifiable war recorded upon the pages of history, and that it waa without apology or reason; that the federal government was compelled to fight in self-defense, and that, if it had not fought to vindicate itself, it would have merited and received the conterapt of every governraent on the face of the earth ; that it would have to be fought out, and that no set tlement could be expected until the war was at an end ; that the original object of the war, ao far aa the federal governraent was con cerned, was legitiraate and proper, but that that original object had been abandoned, and that it was then prosecuted for emancipation purposes ; that the constitution had been violated in the passage of confiscation bills, and that men had been illegally and unconstitu tionally imprisoned ; that the law abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia was an outrage, and that the ultra abolitionists had obtained the control of the government; and ho said that the world had never witnessed , such corruption as had been developed in the conduct of the war by the federal government. Congressraen Sar gent and Phelps delivered speeches in reply to Lathara. 192 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The election was held on September 3d, after a vigorous cam paign, and the union administration ticket was successful. The offi cial vote waa published on November 3d, and exhibited that Swett had received 51,238 votes; Stevenson, 21,514; and Fitzgerald, 15,- 817. Shortly after the election, several prominent southern sympa thizers, araong whom were two merabers elect to the legislature, were arrested by the United Statea authorities and sent to Alcatraz, but on taking the oath of allegiance to the government, they were discharged. CHAPTER XV. 1S63. Union Resolutions — Union Convention — Democratic Conven tion. In the senate, on January fith, 0. B. Porter, of Contra Costa, offered the following concurrent resolution : That the loyal state of California receives with earnest favor the recent proclamation of freedom issued by the president of the United Statea and commander-in-chief of the army and navy, regarding the policy of the measure as necessary for the success of the efforts of the govemment for the suppression of a desperate and wicked rebellion, and the re-establishment of its authority,- consistent with the spirit of our institutiona, and full of promise for the future per manence, unity, and prosperity of the nation, and we hereby pledge to the measure the cordial and earnest support of the people of Oalifornia. B. Shurtieff offered a substitute, declaring in effect, that the people of California would continue to render the government their sincere and united support in the use of all legitimate raeans to suppress the rebellion, and "to restore the union as it was, and maintain. the constitution as it is ;" that they believed that that sacred instru ment, founded in the wisdom of our fathers, clothed the constituted authorities with full power to accoraplish such purpose ; that the policy to which the government was pledged by a resolution passed by congress, in July, 1861, could not be departed from without viola tion of public faith, in which resolution it was declared that the war was not waged by the federal government in any spirit of oppression or for the purpose of conquest or subjugation, or for the purpose of UNION STATE COMMITTEE. I93- overthrowihg or interfering with the rights or established institu tions of the seceded states, but to defend and raaintain the suprem acy of the coristitution and to preserve the union ; and that they viewed with disfavor the emancipation proclaraation, believing that it was unwise, impolitic, and in direct contravention of the Araeri can doctrine as laid down by our fathers in the war bf the revolu tion, and unaniraously reaffirraed by the Araerican people in the last war with Great Britain. The substitute was lost, and the original resolution adopted by a vote of 31 to 8. On the sarae day, E. B. Smith, of Sierra, introduced the following concurrent resolution in the assembly : That we fully and heartily endorse the action of the president of the United States in issuing his proclamation of the 1st of January, declaring slaves, in certain atates and parts of states in rebellion against the government, to be free; and that we believe with him that it is "an act of justice, warranted by the constitution as a mili tary necessity " The resolution was laid over. The next day, the senate resolu tion came up in the asserably, and it was laid over under the rule which required that resolutions concerning federal affairs should be treated the same as bills. On the 10th, the senate resolution was, after a lengthy discussion, amended on motion of Sanderson so as to indicate clearly- that the measure was endorsed as a war policy, deemed proper and necessary by the coraraander-in-chief of the army and navy, and in that shape it was adopted by a vote of 64 to 11. The senate concurred in the ameiidmerits on the sarae day. In the resolution, as thus finally passed, the words "policy of the" were omitted, and the words "laws of war'' substituted for "spirit of our institutions." The uriion state committee issued a call on April 10th, for a state convention, which was addressed "to all citizens who -were willing to sustain the natibrial adrhinistration in its efforts to suppress the rebellion." The party had greatly increased in strength since its success in 1862, and from the fact that national questions were kept prominently befbre the people through the action of union leagues, which had been orgariized in alraost every town and precinct in the state, these leagues were in the nature of political clubs, in the interest of the union party. Stanford, Sargent, and Low were the le'adirig ck'nd'idafres fbr the noriiinatiori fbr gbvernoi', arid at first 13 . 194 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the outlook was decidedly favorable to the renoraination of the then incumbent of that office, but the friends of Low worked with system to secure the election of delegates pledged to his support, and with so much success that Stanford finally withdrew from the fight. On June 3d, the Sacramento county convention to elect delegates to the state convention met, and it was generally supposed that the friends \ of Stanford were in the majority. A resolution was introduced to instruct the state delegates to support that gentleraan, but a substi tute directing thera to support Low was adopted by a majority of sixteen, to the great surprise of the Stanford men, who had been so confident of success that they had made no extra exertions to add to their strength. The defeated party charged bad faith and fraud, and a number of delegates seceded from the convention, but they cooled down the next day and, returning, assisted in nominating a county ticket. On the 10th, a primary election was held in San Francisco, and Low delegates were elected by a heavy majority, which assured that gentleman's success in the state convention. The union state convention met at Sacramento, on Wednesday, June 17th, and the attendance of delegates was very large. N. Holland, chairraan of the state coramittee, called it to order, and John H. Jewett was elected temporary chairman by a vote of 147 to 117 for W. H. Sears. This was regarded as a test vote, as Jewett was supported by the friends of Low. On permanent organization, W. L. Dudley was elected president ; and Ramon Hill, J. J. Owen, W. W. Traylor, J. R. Watson, J. B. Frisbie, S. P. Wright, D. W. 0. Rice, Jacob Deeth, J. N. Turner, J. Bidwell, R. M. Briggs, G. S. Evans, and others, vice-presidents. D. 0. McCarthy submitted the following resolutions to the con vention : 1. That we cordially reaffirra the following resolutions adopted at the union state convention, of June 17th, 1862. (Then followed resolutions nurabered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the series referred to.) 2. That wg heartily endorse the president's proclamation of free dora, of January 1st, believing it to be a wise and proper war raeasure, and a step onward in the cause of civilization and human progress. 3. That the brave officers and men who are upholding the national flag on land and sea are worthy the admiration of raankind and the gratitude of the nation. 4. That we call upon all loyal citizens to unite with us in rebuk- UNION CONVENTION. 195 ing and defeating at the polls in September next the malignant tribe of copperheads, who, falsely clairaing the name of democrats, seek on all occasions to discourage our armies in the field, and to corrupt the patriotic sentiment of the Ibyal people of the country. The following additional resolution was offered : 5. That any means necessary to be made use of to preserve the union are constitutional. The five resolutions were adopted, the vote on the last being very close ; and on the next day, on a motion to reconsider, it was rejected by a vote of 101 to 164, and the original resolutions offered by McCarthy were passed. On the 18th, the follo-w;ing nominations were made : Frederick F. Low, for governor, on the first ballot, having received 176 votes, to 93 for Aaron A. Sargent. T. N. Machin, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 164, to 47 for Alex. G. Abell, and 58 for J. F. Chellis ; Gen. James Collins withdrawing. Thomas B. Shannon, for congressman from the northern district, without opposition ; William H. Parks withdrawing. Williara Higby, for congressraan from the middle district, without opposition. Cornelius Cole, for congressraan from the southern district, on the second ballot, over Caleb T. Fay and R. F. Perkins. B. B. Redding, for secretary of state, on the first ballot, over A. B. Nixon. Romualdo Pacheco, for treasurer, without opposition. George Oulton, for controller, on the first ballot, over E. B. Vree land, Wra. R. Robinson, and L. R. Lull ; T. M. Ames withdrawing. John G. McCuUough, for attorney-general, on the first ballot, over A. M. Crane, Jesse 0. Goodwin, and F. M. Pixley. W. D. Harriman, for clerk of the supreme court, on the second ballot, over Frank F. Fargo, Wm. G. Wood, E. F. Dunne, and James Green ; George S. Evans withdrawing. O. M. Clayes, for printer, on the first ballot, over B. P. Avery and T. A. Springer. J. F. Houghton, for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, over J. J. Gardner. On the 19th, Charles L. Taylor was nominated, without opposition, for harbor commissioner. 196 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A resolution was adopted endorsing the administration of Gover nor Stanford. Silas W. Sanderson, John Gurrey, A. L. Rhodes, 0. L. Shafter, and Lorenzo Sawyer were nominated for justices of the supreme court, on the first ballot, over Walter Van Dyke, George W. Tyler, H. O. Beatty, John B. Harraon, Walter Torapkins, and L. E. Pratt. John Swett was unaniraously norainated for superintendent of public instruction. A state committee was selected, .consisting of H. Robinson, F. Tukey, J. H. McNabb, S. G. Whipple, D. W. 0. Rice, J. Bidwell, J. R. Buckbee, N. Holland, L. Shearer, H. S. Brown, J. McClatchy, and others. The union deraocratic state committee issued a call on April 15th, for a state convention to meet on June 24th ; and the Breckinridge committee also appointed a time and place for the meeting of their convention. The committees manifested no inclination to make any effort to unite the two wings, but sorae of the leaders and raany of the rank and file felt that it was hopeless to go into a contest with the party under two banners, and they concluded that it would be advisable to unite the party without the instruraentality of the com mittees, and thus give it the character of a spontaneous movement of the people. To this end, democratic clubs were formed all over the state, the membership of which included adherents to both wings, and the proposition to reconstruct the democratic party was made the principal subject of discussion. The Oroville club, on May 12th, adopted the following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, the deraocratic qlubs, a majority composed of the citi zens of Butte county who have heretofore been divided between two organizations clairaing superior legitimacy in the democratic party, now merging all past differences of opinion in the momentous issues involved in the present troubles of the country, periling alike its unity and its constitutional liberties, have unanimously agreed, by resolutions sent to this club, to call a state convention of the democ racy, at a time and place set forth i-n their resolutions, and have asked us to concur with and join them in the same; we do, there fore, adopt said resolutions as follows : 1. That a state convention of the democracy be called to meet at the city of Sacramento, on Wednesday, the Sth day of July, for the DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 197 purpose of norainating candidates for the several state offices and -for the transaction of such other business as raay legitimately come before it. 2. That all legal voters be permitted to participate in the primary elections who are in favor, first, of adhering unalterably to the con stitution of the United States, with all its guarantees of civil liberty uninapaired ; second, of the restoration and preservation of the American union; third, of supporting the govemment in all •constitutional and legal efforts to perpetuate its existence against all hostile forces arrayed in opposition to it ; fourth, and who are opposed to the principles and present policy of the national adrainis tration. 3. That the democracy of all the counties in this state are requested to send delegates to said convention, and to make known their acquiescence in thia call by publishing the action taken by them in their clubs, raass raeetings, and county conventions, in the Sacraraento Republican, Marysville Express, Butte Record, and other deraocratic papers. The call was generally adopted by the various clubs, and the -action of the state committees was ignored. On June 24th, no union democratic convention was held. The county of Placer alone sent delegates to it, and they met with Oolton, the chairman, at the office of Jaraes W. Ooffroth, at Sacraraento, and after a short con sultation, adjourned sine die. Thus it was that the union demo- ¦cratic party of California carae to its end. The Breckinridge con vention was not held, and the party passed out of existence in the same way. On July 8th, the fusion deraocratic state convention met at Sac ramento. John S. Berry called it to order, and read the Butte call, under which it assembled. Jaraes W. Ooffroth was elected tem porary chairman, and afterward president. While awaiting the report of the coraraittee on credentials, speeches were made by Tod Robinson, H. P. Barber, Col. Hatch, J. B. Weller^ Jaraes Johnson, W. H. Rhodes, and P. L. Edwards. A coraraittee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of L. M. Shra,ck, D. Inraan, D. W. Gel wicks, J. 0. Crigler, W. Holden, W. S. Montgoraery, J. D. Carr, W. 0. Wallace, T. Findley, J. L. English, O. M. Wozencraft, 0. L. Weller, R. T. Sprague, J. O'Farrell, Beriah Brown, H. P. Barber, Harrison Gwinn, F. L. Hatch, and others. On the 9th, J. W. Mandeville, J. L. English, T. N. Cazneau, James Johnson, L. M. 198 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Shrack, J. S. Curtis, John Boggs, D. Mahoney, R. T. Sprague, O. M. Wozencraft, L. R. Bradley and others were elected vice- presidents. A motion was made and lengthily discussed to strike froni the order of business the nomination of justices of the suprerae court, but it was lost. The following resolutions, reported by the comraittee, were unani raously adopted : 1. That the democracy of California are in favor of an unaltera ble adherence to the constitution of the United States, with all its guarantees of civil liberty unimpaired. 2. That we are in favor of the restoration and preservation of the whole Araerican union ; that we recognize to its fullest extent the right and duty of the governraent to resist by every constitutional mode rebellion or insurrection against its lawful supreraacy; but we recognize that right solely for the purpose of restoring its constitu tional authority, and for no other purpose whatever. 3. That it is the duty of Oalifornia, as a raeraber of the union, to- yield obedience to all constitutional acts of congress and the federal executive ; and that any individual, of ' any party, who shall endeavor to incite insurrection or rebellion within her borders, or- disaffection and discord araong her people, is a traitor to her best- interests. 4. That the aira and object of the democratic party is to preserve the federal union, and the rights of the several states unirapaired ; and they hereby declare that they do not consider the administra tive usurpation of extraordinary and dangerous powers not granted by the constitution — the subversion of the civil by military law in states not in insurrection or rebellion — the arbitrary military arrest, iraprisonraent, trial, and sentence of American citizens in such- states where the civil law exists in full force and vigor — the sup pression of freedora of speech and of the press — the open and avowed disregard of state rights — the fanatical attempt to place the negro on a Sociali and political equality with the white race^and the eraployraent of unusual test oaths — as calculated to preserve or restore a union of the several states or perpetuate a government deriving "its just powers from the consent of the governed." 5. That we are opposed to all secret political organizations and societies, as dangerous to the liberties of the people, and destructive of our republican form of government. 6. That we claim and demand as inalienable rights, freedom of DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 199 thought, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press ; and further assert and declare that governraent agents should at all tiraes be held to a strict accountability to the people, and that all errors of such agents should be liable to the full and free exercise of untrara raeled popular discussion, for the purpose of correction by the ballot- box. 7. That we denounce and unqualifiedly condemn the emancipation proclamation of the president of the United States as tending to protract indefinitely civil war, incite servile insurrection, and inevitably close the door forever to a restoration of the union of these states. 8.. That we disapprove of all congressional laws tending to sub stitute a paper currency in California in place of our own raetallic circulating mediura. 9. That the spirit and meaning of the democratic platform of this state are comprised in the words "The constitution as it is, and the union as it was." The following nominations were made : John G. Downey, for governor, on the first ballot, having received 200 votes, to 18 for Joseph W. McOorkle, 53 for John B. Weller, 56 for William M. Lent, and — for Royal T. Sprague. E. W. McKinstry, for lieutenant-governor, on the second ballot, over William Holclen, Jamea L. English, and O. M. Wozencraft. A. 0. Bradford, for clerk of the supreme court, without opposi tion. S. W. Bishop, for secretary of state, on the first ballot, over A. St.C. Denver. R. 0. Cravens, for controller, on the second ballot, over T. L. Barnes, William Ord, and William K. Lindsay. Thoraas Findley, for treasurer, without opposition. Findley afterwards declined the noraination, and raoved that H. L. Nichols be nominated, but the convention refused to raake the change. L. 0. Granger, for attorney-general, on the first ballot, over John M. Cochran, J. A. McQuade, and P. L. Ed-wards. Presley Dunlap, for surveyor-general, on the second ballot, over J. Alexander, W. S. Green, and E. Twitchell. Beriah Brown, for printer, without opposition; S. Addington, T. A. Brady, A. M. Kennedy, and J. R. Ridge withdrawing. Michael Hayes, for harborraaster, without opposition. John B. Weller, John Bigler, and Joseph W. McOorkle were 200 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. nominated, -without opposition, for congressmen. McOorkle after- W3,rd declined tl(e nomin9,tion, a,nd on the second ballot, N. E. Whiteside vfas nopainated in his stead, over Jaraes W. Mandeville, F. L. Hatch, 0. M. Creaner, A. B. Dibble, E. J. Lewis, James T. Farley, and W. F. White. Royal T. Sprague, Williara T. Wallace, J. B. Hall, Tod Robinson, and Henry H. Haight was norainated for justices of the suprerae court, on the first ballot, over A. B. Dibble, W. H. Rhodes, H. H. Ha,rtley, James L. English, J. P. Hoge, and Niles Searls. A,. J. Moulder, fbr superintendent of public instruction, without opposition. A stato committee was appointed, consisting of Murray Morrison, W. p. White, F. Tilford, C. L. Weller, T. N. Cazneau, H. A. Cobb, J. W. Mandeville, J. W. Ooffroth, A. D. Patterson, A. B. Dibble, B. W. Gelwicks, J. A. McQuade, J. Da,ggett, W. Irwin, J. T. Far ley, and others. The convention was iraposing so far as nurabers were concerned; but few of the delegates were anti-war democrats. The disposition seemed to be for that element to keep in the background, and to allow the former members of the Douglas faction to occupy the con spicuous positions- Downey declined at first to accept the noraina.- tion, but the convention insisted that he should receive it, and he finally acquiesced. Sprague also declined, but the de.clina,tion was npt accepted. Shortly aft§r the adjournment of the convention, Haight and Moulder resigned their nominations, and the state copa- mittee supplied their places with H. H. Hartley and 0. M. Wozen craft. On July 13th, Dov^ney is|,ued a lengthy address to the people, "as a means of recording in language which, no one could fail to understa,nd," his deliberate views on the constitutional rights, and powers of the federal a,nd state governments, and their relaitive powers, and alsp to outline his proposed policy in case of his ejec tion. On August 24th, Low issued an address, sorae three, columns in length, which was devoted to natiopal raatters. The democracy made as warra a ca,rapaign as was possible, under the circumsta,nces, but the enthusiasm was mostly on the other side, and the result was apparently inevitable from the first that the union ticket would be successful by a large raajority. The election was held on September 2d, and the official count of tbe votes exEibited the following result : UNION RESOLUTIONS. 201 For Governor— Xiow, 64,283 ; Downey, 44,622. Lieutenant-Governor — Machin, 64,873; McKinstry, 43,923. Cojigrresswew— Shannon, 64,914; Higby, 64,881; Cole, 64,985; Weller, 48, 567; Bigler, 43,520; Whiteside, 43,693. Secretary of *S'isvaged by the government, ot the United States, not in the spirit of conquest or subjugation, not for the purpose of overthrowing or interfering with the rights or institu tions of the states, but to defend and maintain the supremacy of the constitution, and to preserve the union, with all the dignity, equality, and rights of the several states unirapaired," has been per- ' sistently falsified by its action, and the power of the govemment has been perverted to schemes of ambition and revenge. 3. That the impeachment of the president of the United States by DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 285 a radical congress (composed of those who assisted to elevate him to that high position) on the raost frivolous charges, is only an addi tional evidence of party violence — not actuated by any solicitude for the common welfare, and which must tend to make the United States government ridiculous in the eyes of all civilized nations. 4. That Henry H. Haight, in all the elements of honesty, integrity, patriotic devotion to the best interests of the whole country, in elevated statesraanship and unswerving opposition to the disorganizing and destroying factions now threatening the permanency of con stitutional government stands pre-eminent among the great men of the nation. 5. That the action of the Radical house of representatives of the pres. ent congress of the United States, in refusing to make the necessary appropriation for the purchase of Alaska (a territory so iraportant to the future welfare of the Pacific coast), after the purchase had been honorably consuraraated by the treaty-raaking power of the government, is an act of perfidy on the part of the representatives of the people, and the repudiation of a national obligation, which is entitled to and receives the hearty condemnation of the democracy of California. 6. That it is not only the patriotic duty, but the deliberate pur pose of the democratic party never to submit to be govemed by negroes, nor by those claiming to be elected by negro suffrage ; and we do earnestly recommend the adoption of this resolution by the national convention of the democracy which shall assemble in July next. 7. That the eight-hour system of labor is a democratic raeasure, and ought to become a national principle — making eight hours a -legal day's work on all public works in the United States ; that our delegates to the national convention are requested to use their endeavors to incorporate this declaration in the national platform. 8. That the attention of the national convention, called to assem ble at New York on the 4th day of July next, be directed to the question of coolie immigration into the United States, and respect fully asked by our delegation to devise some means to be recom mended to congress to protect free industry against their incur sions. The democratic convention of the third congressional district met at San Francisco on May 1st — 73 delegates being present. A. 0. Bradford presided. On the 2d, S. B. Axtell was nominated for -con- i8§ Political Conventions in calieprnia. , gressman, by acclamation; W. D. Sawyer withdrawing while the roll was being called for.the first ballot. The democratic second district convention met at San Francisco, on May 1st, J. T. Farley presiding, but adjourned without action, to raeet at Sacraraento on August 19th. On the last named day, another meeting was held, and James W. Ooffroth was nominated for congress, by acclamation. The democratic third district convention met at San Francisco, on May 1st, and James A. Johnson was nominated for congress, by acclamation; A. W halen and N. E. Whiteside withdrawing. The "national union republican" state central comraittee held a meeting at San Francisco on June 25th, and appointed August 5th as the time for the holding of the state convention at Sacraraento, for the purpose of nominating an electoral ticket. The number of delegates was fixed at 275. The- primaries were directed to be held in accordance with the provisions of the Porter election law, and the test erabraced all legal voters who should pledge themselves to vote for the electors to be chosen by the convention. The coramittee recoraraended that a Grant and Colfax club be formed on the day of the primaries in every precinct where a union republi can club did not then exist. At the time and place mentioned, the state convention raet. It was called to order by Jaraes Otis, chair man of the state coramittee, and J. G; Eastman was unaminously elected temporary chairman. G. W. Tyler, H. J. Tilden, L. D. Latimer, E. G. Waite, and J. E. Wyman were appointed a com mittee on resolutions, and shortly afterward they reported the fol lowing, which were adopted : 1. That the platform of principles adopted by the national union republican convention, at Chicago, in May last, deserves and receives the approval and hearty endorseraent of all the union republicans of California. 2. That the fearless chieftain. General Grant, and the pure states raan, Schuyler Colfax, were the first choice of the union republicans of California for president and vice-president of the United States for the ensuing four years, and that we rejoice in their nomination. 3. That General U. S. Grant and Schuyler Colfax, by their ser vices to their country, by their devotion to principle, and by their unspotted reputation as men and as citizens, are deserving of the united and earnest support of aU the loyal people of the United CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTIONS. m States, and we pledge to them the electoral vote of California at the ensuing election, by an overwhelming majority. The temporary officers were declared perraanently elected. The convention made the following nomination : ' Presidential Electors : First congressional district, David B. Hoff man; second district, Alfred Redington; third district, Charles Westmoreland — all by acclamation. At large, John B. Felton and O. H. LaGrange, on the first ballot, over John F. Swift and Nathaniel Holland; George W. Tyler withdrawing. The vote stood : Felton, 147; LaGrange, 225 ; Swift, 121 ; and HoUand 24. Alternate Electors : First congressional district, Louis Sloss ; second district, Charles A. Tweed; third district, James H. Mc Nabb. At large, Walter Van Dyke and George W. Tyler, on the first ballot, over Jaraes B. McQuillan. On August Sth, the republican first district convention raet at San Francisco, and on the first ballot, Frank M. Pixley was nomi nated for congress, by a vote of 72, to 18 for Soule. The republi can convention of the second district convened at Sacramento, August 4th, and on the tenth ballot, Aaron A. Sargent received the nomination for congress, over S. W. Brockway, Williairi Higby, J. G. McOallum, Charles A. Tuttie, and 0. H. LaGrange. The baUotings resulted as follows : 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 Sargent 3313112812 31 16 11 28 11 31231122 10 32 2010 37 21 10 372010 371810 4915 Tuttie Higby McCallum. ... . . 10 25 1 28 LaGrange 30 32 33 The third district republican convention raet at Washington, Yolo county, on August 4th. Chancellor Hartson was nominated for congress, on the first ballot, by a vote of 47, to 32 for Charles West moreland, and 13 for H. L. Gear. During the campaign a number of joint discussions were held, and in some instances the opposing candidates raade the entire can vass in company. On July 13th, P. H. Sibley, a meraber of the deraocratic state central coramittee, published a card, announcing his resignation from that position, and assigning as the reason for the action that although he could conscientiously support Blair, 288 Political conventions in calipopnia. because of his war record, he could not support Seymour, and that he did not approve of the deraocratic national platforra. Under those circumstances, he felt it his duty to support Grant and Colfax. On August 12th, Alpheus Bull and A. Seligman resigned frora the union state central comraittee, as was stated "on account qf business arrangeraents," and Louis R. Lull and Richard Chenery were elected to fill the vacancies. The election was held on Tuesday, November 3d, and the official canvass, raade in the following month, developed : For Presidential Electors: Grant and Colfax^Felton, 54,588 ; LaGrange, 54,576 ; Hoffman, 54,565 ; Redington, 54,592 ; West moreland, 54,551. Seyraour and Blair — Wallace, 54,069 ; Henley, 54,078 ; Kewen, 54,068 ; Dibble, 54,06S ; Pearce, 54,061. For Memhers of Congress: First district — Pixley, 20,081 ; Ax tell, 23,632. Second district— Sargent, 18,264; Ooffroth, 15,124. Third district— Hartson, 15,528; Johnson, 15,792. The republican electors were therefore elected, and Axtell, Sar gent, and Johnson were elected to congress. Through a typo graphical error in a blank, the returns from seventeen counties, representing a vote of 13,047 for the republican electors, were for D. A. Hoffman, instead of D. B. Hoffraan, audit became known that. the secretary of state proposed to credit the D. A. Hoffman vote as if it had been cast for a distinct individnal from D. B. Hoffman. This would of course elect Henley, but on November SOth, a writ of mandamus was issued by Judge McKune of the sixth district court, directing that officer to count the D. A. Hoffman votes the same as if they had been certified as having been cast for D. B. Hoffman. The question was submitted to the suprerae court upon an agreed stateraent of facts, and that tribunal unarainously decided, on Deceraber 1st, that the returns should all be counted for D. B. Hoff raan. Later in the day, the official canvass was made, and the republican electors were declared to be elected. On the 2d, the republican electors met in the office of the California steam naviga tion corapany, cast the votes of the state for Grant and Colfax, and appointed Charles Westraoreland raessenger to carry the returns to Washington. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 289- CHAPTER XXI. 1869. Democratic Convention — Republican State Convention. The democratic state central coraraittee raet at San Francisco on May 12th, and it was resolved to hold the state convention at Sac ramento on Tuesday, June 29th. The following test was adopted : That all voters in the state who are opposed to the radical measures of congress, including the proposed fifteenth araendraent to the constitution of the United States; who are opposed to the appointraent of negroes to office, and who pledge theraselves to sup port the democratic ticket at the coming fall elections, shall be per mitted to participate in primary elections. On May 24th, the democratic coramittee of San Francisco resolved to appoint delegates to represent that county in the state convention, but this action produced so much disaffection that it was recon sidered, and primaries were held on June 17th. The deraocratic state convention met in the asserably chamber, at Sacraraento, on June 29th, and was called to order by J. P. Hoge, the chairman of the state comraittee, who was also elected teraporary president. A committee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of 0. T. Ryland, J. W. MandeviUe, J. W. Ooffroth, J. R. McConnell, W. P. Daingerfield, J. West Martin, H. P. Barber, J. G. Downey, and J. M. Burnett. On permanent organization, Hoge was presi dent ; and J. F. Williams, Charles Maclay, Joseph Powell, and R. 0. DeWitt, -vice-presidents. The following resolutions were , reported and adopted : Whereas, Upon the eve of a political canvass, the time -honored usages of our party require that a platform of principles be announced for the government of those who may be elected to political office ; and, whereas, new questions have arisen since the raeeting of the last deraocratic convention, raaking such action erainently proper ; therefore, resolved, 1. That the deraocracy of California now and always confide in the intelligence, patriotism, and discrirainating justice of the white people of the country to adrainister and control their governraent without the aid of either negroes or Chinese. 2. That the deraocratic party view with alarm the action of an 19 290 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN- CALIFORNIA. unscrupulous majority in congress in their attepapts to absorb the powers of the executive and judicial departments of the federal government, and to annihilate the rights and functions reserved to the state govemments. 3. That the subjection of the white population of the southern states to the rule of a mass of ignorant negroes, their disfranchise ment, and the denial to them of all those sacred rights guaranteed to every freeraan, is an outrage and a wrong for which the history of free govemments in raodern tiraes may be searched in vain for a parallel. 4. That the deraocratic party is opposed to the policy of lending the credit of the state and squandering the state property upon rail way or other corporations to the detriraent of the public interests and the overwhelraing increase of the state debt and taxation. 5. That the deraocratic party ever has been, is now, and ever will be, the champion of the rights of the mechanic and working man ; that all the reforms having for their object the reduction of the hours of his labor, the enlargeraent of hia privilegea and the protec tion of his personal liberty, have ever been demanded, enacted and enforced by the deraocracy; that we point with pride to the fact that in California it was the democratic element in the legislature that passed, and a deraocratic governor that approved, the eight hour law, and that we pledge ourselves to use our utmoat exertions to carry the provisions of that law into full force and effect, as well as to labor in other directions for the cause of the sons of toil. 6. That we are opposed to the adoption of the proposed fifteenth amendment of the United States constitution, believing the same to be designed, and, if adopted, certain to degrade the right of suffrage; to ruin the laboring white man, by bringing untold hordes of Pagan slaves (in all but narae) into direct competition with his efforts to earn a livelihood; to build up an aristocratic class of oligarchs in our midst, created and maintained by Chinese votes; to give the negro and Chinaman the right to vote and hold office ; and that its passage would be inimical to the best interests of our country, in direct opposition to the teachings of Washington, Adaras, Jefferson and the other founders of the republic ; in flagrant violation of the plainest principles upon whioh the superstructure of our liberties was raised; subversive of the dearest rights of the different states, and a direct step toward anarchy and ita natural sequence, the erec tion of an empire upon the ruins of constitutional liberty. 7. That the democracy of California believe that the labor of our DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 291 white people should not be brought into competition with the labor -of a class of inferior people, whose living costs comparatively noth ing, and who add nothirig to the wealth of our state, and who care and know nothing about our churches, schools, societies, and social and political institutions. 8. That we arraign the radical party for its profligacy, corruption, and extravagance in public expenditures; for its tyranny, extortion, and disfranchisement ; for its contempt of constitutional obligations ; for placing the city of Washington in the hands of serai-civilized Africans ; and we particularly conderan the appointraent of healthy and able-bodied negroes to office while the land is filled with capable white citizens who are suffering for the coramon necessaries of life. 9. That we heartily endorse and approve of the manner in which the deraocracy have administered the state governraent, and point with pride to the acts to protect the wages of labor, to lessen public and official expenses, and to the fact that during the present state administration the state debt has been reduced nearly $1,000,000, and taxation reduced frora $1.13 on $100 to 97 cents. 0. T. Ryland introduced the following which were also adopted : 10. That the so-called Alabaraa treaty having been rejected by the treaty-raaking power of the governraent, the deraocratic party, true to its record as the only political party which on such issues has uniformaly proved itself faithful to our own country, will now, as heretofore, be found ready to sustain all measures demanded by the honest dignity and rights of the republic in its relations with all foreign powers. 11. That all voters in California who are opposed to the radical measures of congress, including the proposed fifteenth amendment to the constitution of the United States, and who are opposed to the appointment of negroes to office, be invited to unite with the deraoc racy in the coming contest. J. B. Crockett was nominated for justice of the suprerae court, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the- resignation of O. L. Shafter; and, in like manner, William T. Wallace was nominated for justice of the suprerae court, to succeed Lorenzo Sawyer. Sarauel Bell McKee was placed in noraination against Wallace, but his narae was with drawn. A committee of nine, consisting of J. R. McConnell, 0. T. Ryland, T. R. Wise, T. A. Coldwell, J. H. Hardy, E. T. Hogan, J. H. Budd, J. 0. Burch, and D. W. Gelwicks, was appointed to draft an address to the people upon the Chinese question. (On 292 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. August 4th, the re'port of the committee was published, and it occupied six columns in the newspapers.) The convention appointed a state central comraittee, composed of Harry Linden, J. W. Mande ville, D. W. Gelwicks, J. W. Ooffroth, R. 0. Haile, P. H. Ryan, J. K. LuttreU, John Boggs, Wra. Watt, R. 0. Cravens, J. W. Free raan, J. G. Downey, J. P. Hoge, Jaraes H. Hardy, J. H. Baird, Joseph Naphtaly, -J. 0. Maynard, and Thoraas N. Cazneau. W. W. Pendegast offered the following resolution, which was adopted : That the Western Union Telegraph Company, which controls all the wires connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific, has, in instituting a tariff designed to give a virtual raonopoly of eastern news to a few newspapers of one 'political party in this state, been guilty of a great public wrong, has betrayed the trust confided to it, and effectually restricted the liberties of the press, and that its action in this regard calls loudly for such legislative interference as shall prohibit dis crirainations, prevent the use of the telegraph as a political engine, and raake it, like the mails, free to all. The republican state central coraraittee met at San Francisco, ^ April 29th, and appointed a state convention to be held at Sacra mento on July 21st. A resolution was adopted requesting the con vention to take into consideration the expediency of adopting the "Crawford county" plan in norainations to be thereafter made by the party — that is, permitting each voter at a priraary election of the party to vote directly for the persons whom he desires to have nominated for the various offices. In 1869, the republican pri maries in the counties of Sierra, Santa Cruz, Trinity, Nevada, and Napa were conducted upon that plan, and it was very generally in favor. Pursuant to the call of the state comraittee, the republican convention met at the Fourth-street Baptist church, at Sacramento, on Wednesday, July 21st. It was called to order by Richard Chenery; T. B. McFarland, and C. A. Tuttie were placed in nomina tion for temporary chairman. During the balloting, Walter Van Dyke received nine votes frora Alaraeda. The chair announced the vote to be 136 for McFarland and 143 for Tuttie, when it was announced that the Alauieda votes would be changed from Van Dyke to McFarland. The point of order was raised that that vote could not be changed after it had been announced by the chair. After sorae little debate, the election of McFarland was raade unani mous, and iramediately afterward a motion was carried that the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 293 temporary officers be permanently elected. The committee on resolu tions consisted of John P. Stearns, John Dick, W. Van Dyke, John F. Miller, N. M. Orr, George Cadwalader, George Oulton, 0. A. Garter, W. 0. Belcher, F. M. Pixley, G. W. Schell, A. 0. Niles, M. 0. Briggs, D. B. Hoffman, and others. They preserited the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : 1. That the republican party of Oalifornia gives its earnest sup port to the administration of President Grant, and hereby endorses the acts and policy of the adrainistration. We recognize the earnest effort of the government to secure an econoraical adrainistration of its affairs, to reduce expenses, to honestly pay the national debt, to prevent speculation and fraud upon the treasury, to enforce the collection of the revenue, and to cause the speedy restoration of public confidence in our financial strength and integrity. 2. That the negro question has ceased to be an element in Ameri can politics, and that the ratification of the fifteenth amendment to the constitution ought to be followed by an act of universal amnesty and enfranchisement of the southern people. 3. That we regard with pride and satisfaction the evidences of an increasing imraigration to this state of industrious and intelligent people from the Atlantic states and Europe, with whora we are anxious to share the benefits of a fruitful soil, a genial climate and an advancing civilization ; but while giving preference to the imrai gration of people of our own race, we hold that unoffending irarai grants from China to this state are entitled to full protection for their lives, liberty, and property, and due process of law to enforce the same, but we are opposed to Chinese suffrage in any form, and to any change in the naturalization laws of the United States. 4. That we recognize the power of the general governraent to restrict or prevent Chinese iraraigration, whenever the welfare of the nation demands such a measure, by terminating our commercial relations with China ; but it should be considered that the adoption of a non-intercourse policy in respec^o China surrenders to Europe the comraerce of the empires of Asia. We believe that the general prosperity will be greatly enhanced .by fostering commercial inter course with Asia, and that the closing of our ports at this tirae against Chinese would be raost injurious to the raaterial interests of this coast, a reproach upon the intelligence of the American people, and contrary to the spirit of the age. 5. That the republican party, having ever had in its especial- 294 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. keeping the rights of labor and of the laborer, and reraoved there from the blighting curse of slavery and inaugurated a new era, in which the wages of labor have greatly advanced, while the hours therefor have been correspondingly dirainished, claira to have origi nated in this state, and steadily supported what is known as the "Eight-hour law," the sound policy of which has been proclaimed by a republican congress, and by proclaraation of a republican presi dent made applicable to the public works of the United States. 6. That we endorse the action of the senate of the United States in rejecting the so-called "Alabaraa treaty," and consider it the duty of the general governraent to demand full reparation for the injuries inflicted by the British governraent and her people upon our com merce during the late rebellion. 7. That we are in favor of iraposing upon all kinds and classes of taxable property in the state an equal share of the burdens of taxa tion, and to that end favor the organization of a state board of equalization or review, that the inequalities now existing under the present system of assessment and collection of the state revenues may be avoided. ' 8. That we are opposed to grants of state aid to railroads, and are in favor of limiting taxation to the araount of revenues absolutely requisite to pay the actual expenses of the state governraent, and to maintain the financial credit of the state. 9. That we hail with joy the return of peace, and the promising signs of an increasing development of the country and the permanent prosperity of the whole people. We earnestly invite the co-opera tion at the ballot-box of all who agree to the foregoing declarations,. regardless of old party ties or previous differences of opinion upon the now settled questions of slavery, rebellion, reconstruction, and negro suffrage. Lorenzo Sawyer was unaminously renominated for justice of the suprerae court (full term). 0. 0. Pratt, Nathaniel Bennett, and G. N. Swezy were placed in nomination for justice of the supreme court to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Shafter, and on the first ballot, Pratt received the nomination, by a vote of 181, to 88 for Bennett, and 20 for Swezy. A state central committee- was appointed, consisting of 0. E. Huse, S. J. Clarke, W. Van Dyke, J. Stratman, N. M. Orr, W. 0. Crossette, L. H. Murch, N. D. Rideout, A. Deering, J. H. Neff, LETTER OF GOVERNOR HAIGHT. 295 D. B. Hoffman, E. L. SuUivan, A. Barstow, H. S. Sargent, S. 0. Houghton, H. W. Bragg, and 0. M. Gorhara. The election of the county officers and members of the legislature was held September 1st, and resulted generally in a deraocratic suc cess. The judicial election was held October 20th, when Wallace received 36,705 votes; Sawyer, 30,936; Crockett, 38,997; and Pratt, 28,705. CHAPTER XXIL 1871. Letter of Governor Haight — Divisions among Democrats — Democratic State Convention — Divisions among Republicans — Republican State Convention — " Brick " Pomeroy — Tape 'Worm Ballots. Early in 187 1, the raatter of the selection of a candidate for gov emor from the democratic side was actively agitated. James A. Johnson, Frank MoCoppin, and Thoraas Findley were prominently mentioned in connection with the nomination, and each had his quota of warm and active supporters. It had been understood that Governor Haight was not an aspirant for a second terra, but in January, a letter was addressed to hira by Senator Minis, dated on the 10th, asking if the report was true that he was not disposed to enter into the contest. The governor replied on the 1 2th, and said : It was my desire and design to release rayself frora office at the end of my present term, and devote sorae attention to ray private affairs. This resolution was a fixed one, and I did not suppose any influence or arguments would avail to change it. The reasons for this purpose were, in brief, the serious pecuniary sacrifice involved in a continuance in office, a desire for rest from burdensome responsi bilities, repugnance to the calumny and misconstruction to which public officers are commonly subjected, with considerations of health and other plans for the future not entirely compatible with public life. * -* # ^jjQ determination thus formed has been reluctantly abandoned, because of the conviction which seemed to prevail, that persistence in it would be a virtual surrender of the principles for which we have contended, and which we believe to be inseparably connected with public welfare. I am not willing to make such a surrender, nor to be justly' chargeable with aiding, by my default, in the success of the measures which, for the benefit of 296 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the favored few, wiU load with grievous burdens a people already taxed to the limit of endurance, and which seek to appropriate the property and earnings of the whole raass of taxpayers to enrich pri vate corporations. To such a system as this, which is neither demo cratic, just, nor salutary, I am opposed, now and henceforth, at aU times and under all circurastances, against all corabinations and coraproraises. Opposition to such a systera results logically from, and is inseparably blended with, the tirae honored doctrines advo cated by Jefferson, and which lie at the basis of the democratic organization, to-wit : The largest liberty to the individual, and the least possible interference by government with his person or his property, and then, the least possible delegation of power to a cen tral and, to some extent, irresponsible control, and the most careful reservation of it to local authorities. Allied to these are opposition to the exercise of doubtful powers, strict construction of those dele gated, and a careful limitation of thera in the interest of the people ; acting upon the raaxira that, while the governraent was made for the people, the less there is of it, after affording that security whioh is its primary object, the better it is for them. Hence our opposi tion to special legislation, to protective tariff, to profligate grants of the public domain to corporations, regardless of the rights of settlers, to military interference with elections, and to all the abuses prac ticed heretofore. These principles wiU be at issue in 1872. That contest will be between the corporations on one side and the pepple on the other; not that we desire to deny to corporations anything which a liberal policy would fairly suggest, but we do desire to see the governments, state and federal, administered for the benefit of the whole people and not for the benefit of a privileged few. In this way only can our system fully accomplish the beneficent ends had in view by its founders. With these views and in this spirit, if our convention should think proper to present ray narae for re-elec tion, their expressed will would control ray action, and be accepted as another proof of that confidence so generously accorded to me heretofore by the democracy, notwithstanding any errors of judg ment which I may have committed through inexperience of public affairs. Governor Haight met with active opposition from a corisiderable element of his party, based — as it was charged — upon the position he had taken on the question of granting aid to railroad corpora tions; and one of the leading organs of the party, a paper which A DIVIDED PARTY. 297 derived its principal support frora the patronage resulting frora the passage of the state paper and litigant printing bills, openly and vigorously opposed his renoraination. But he was supported by the anti-subsidy eleraent, and it was soon apparent that his nomination was almost inavertable. The primaries began to be held early in May, and frora most of the interior counties Haight delegations were returned. On May 26th, the deraocratic county committee of San Francisco resolved not to call a primary election, and took upon itself the appointment of the delegates to the state and local conventions — the raajority of the delegates to the state convention so selected being against Haight. This action of the coraraittee produced great dis satisfaction, and on June 1st a call was circulated, at the instance of prominent raerabers of the party, for a primary election and con vention to select the delegates, independent of the coramittee, but the primary was not held, as by the 15th, Haight had secured a sufficient number of pledged delegates from the interior counties to insure him the nomination. The feud created in the party in San Francisco by this action of the committee was kept up after the meeting of the state convention and centered upon the local nomina tions. Efforts to conciliate through committees of conference failed, and the breach widened. Finally, three wings of the party developed, whose respective figure-heads were Isaac Friedlander, Eugene Casserly, and Frank MoCoppin, and by the day of election it was difficult to deterraine which of the several local tickets repre sented the Siraon-pure deraocracy. On June 26th, the deinocratic committee of Sacramento county passed a resolution repudiating the Sacramento Reporter — the official state paper — as a democratic organ, and recomraending that the patronage of the party be with drawn frora it. It had been charged by the press that the majority of the stock in the paper had been secured by the managers of the Central Pacific Railroad Company, and that its expressions were controlled by their dictation. On May 12th, the democratic state central committee met in San Francisco and called a state convention, to raeet at Sacramento on June 20th. The apportionment was fixed at 319 members, and the test at the primaries included all who were opposed to the radical measures of congress, and who would pledge theraselves to support the ticket, Pursuant to this call, the convention met in the assembly chamber, in the capitol, at 12 M. on Tuesday, June 298 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 20th. It was called to order by J. P. Hoge, chairman of the state committee, and Jaraes W. Ooffroth was unarainously elected tem porary chairraan. On perraanent organization, Ooffroth was presi dent; John G. Downey, M. L. McDonald, William Minis, and W. A. Eakin, vice-presidents; and Henry George, secretary. The com mittee on resolutions was coraposed of Russell Heath, P. 0. Hund ley, W. Z. Angney, S. Heydenfeldt, J. W. MandevUle, A. A. Ben nett, John C. Burch, James T. Ryan, William Irwin, J. T. Farley, J. P. Hoge, P. D. Wigginton, James K. Byrne, A. H. Rose, W. A. Conn, and others. On the 21st, the coraraittee on resolutions reported the following, which were unarainously adopted : 1. That waiving all differences of opinion as to the extraordinary means by which they were brought about, we accept the natural and legitiraate results of the war, so far as waged for the ostensible purpose to raaintain the union and the constitutional rights and powers of the federal governraent. 2. That we regard the three several araendraents to the constitu- *tion, recently adopted, as a settlement in fact of all the issues of the war, and that the same are no longer issues before the country. 3. That we demand that the rule of strict construction, as pro claimed by the deraocratic fathers, and embodied in the tenth amend ment to the federal constitution, be applied to the constitution as it is, including the three recent araendraents to that instruraent; that the absolute equality of each state within the union is a fundaraental principle of the federal government; that we shall always cherish and uphold the American system of state and local governraent for state and local purposes, and of the general government for general purposes only, as essential to the maintenance of civil liberty; and are unalterably opposed to all attempts at centralization or consolida tion of power in the hands of the federal government. 4. That we demand of congress universal amnesty for aU political offences. 5. That while we condemn all riotous and unlawful combinations to disturb the peace or infringe the rights of any citizens, we denounce the act commonly called the "bayonet bill," passed by congress, and the more recent act, commonly caUed the " Ku-Klux bill," as enacted for no other purpose than to complete the work of centralization, and by establishing a military despotism to per petuate the present administration without regard to the will of the DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 299 .people ; that these measures are not only inconsistent with the whole theory and character of the federal government, and revolutionary and dangerous in their tendency, but are in direct confiict with the spirit and letter of the constitution, including araendraents which they pretend to enforce. 6. That we are in favor of a tariff for revenue only, and we denounce the systera commonly called the protective system, as unjust, oppressive, prolific of corruption, and injurious to the best interests of the country; that the tariff legislation of the republican .party during the past ten years has destroyed our shipping, paralyzed industry, and plundered the mass of the people for the benefit of capitalists and raonopolists. 7. That the profligate grants of vast tracts of the public doraain made by the radical majority in congress, to railroad corporations, regardless of the rights of settlers, and without any proper condi tions or restrictions, are a fraud upon the people of the country. 8. That the failure of congress to repeal the odious income tax, the maintenance of a vast army of tax gatherers, to harass the people and eat out their substance, and the failure to restrict the importa tion bf Chinese coolies, whose corapetition tends directly to cheapen and degrade white labor, constitute a catalogue of grievances for which a radical congress will be held justly accountable. 9. That we are uncompromisingly opposed to subsidizing railway or other private corporations out of the public treasury, to the over whelming increase of debt and taxation; that laws which irapose taxes upon the mass of citizens in aid of such corporations, whether in the form of donations, loans, or subscriptions, are an invasion of the rights of private property and a departure from sound raaxiras of government, and result in the bankruptcy of towns and counties ; that they lead to gross abuses, are a prolific source of corruption, and violate the cardinal principle of deraocracy, to-wit: That gov emment is instituted for the welfare and security of the mass of the people, and not for aggrandizement of a favored few; and that the law upon the statute book known as the five per cent, law, ought to be iramediately repealed. 10. That we are in favor of amending the state constitution so as to provide additional safeguards against the taxation of private property in aid of private corporations or individuals, and against- improvident legislation, and of securing needed constitutional reforms. 11. That the democratic party, deriving its strength frora the 300 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. working classes, is the natural eneray of raonopolies, and has always been and always will be ready to support and urge such measures for the elevation of the laboring population and the amelioration of their condition as an enlightened policy may suggest ; that we point to the legislation of the past three years, reducing the hours of labor, requiring public work to be done by the day, and seeking to restrict Chinese immigration, as evidence of the sympathy of the democracy with the wishes and interests of the laboring classes. 12. That we believe that the labor of white people should not be brought into corapetition with the labor of a class of inferior people, whose living costs comparatively nothing, and who care and know little about our churches, schools, societies, and social and political institutions, and that we are, therefore, opposed to Chinese imraigra tion; that congress, by its legislation, having sought to foster such imraigration and to prevent our local authorities from interfering with it, and by its attempted abrogation of the foreign miners' license, deserves our severest conderanation, and has given us another illustration of its intention to concentrate all power in the hands of the general govemraent. 13. That the public lands yet left to the United States and the state of California should be disposed of only to actual settlers in liraited quantities, and on the most favorable terms ; and the laws, both state and federal, should be so framed as to insure this result, so vital to a free people. 14. That the interference by the president of the United States with the railitary power of the union, in elections, to overawe the people and control the right of suffrage, is treason to the constitu tion. 15. That we are compelled, by profound convictions of their injus tice and impolicy, to record our solemn protest against the leading measures of the national administration, and we pledge all the power with which we may be intrusted to earnest effbrts to lessen the expenditures of the govemment, to reduce and equalize taxation, to hasten the extinction of the public debt, and by honest legislation to protect the public domain against the rapacity of speculators and robbers, and restore early and cordial union and fraternity to the states and the people of the republic. 16. That by thorough organization and concerted action, another victory is within the reach of the democratio party of this state, and this convention pledges itself to effect such organization and action. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 301 and to secure, by all honorable means, the election of the candidates this day nominated. 17. And whereas, since the advent of the democratic party to power in 1867, the rate of taxation for state purposes has been reduced from $1.13 to 86 cents on each $100 of property, and the state debt reduced raore than $1,000,000, at the same tirae that the school fund has been increased, and large sums of money have been judiciously expended upon public buildings, a state university organized and put in operation, the tide lands of the state rescued from the grasp of speculators, and sold for the public benefit, special franchise legislation successfully checked for the first tirae by execu tive veto, laws enacted for the revision of our civil and criminal codes, the equalization of assessments and the refunding of the state debt, and a successful opposition inaugurated to any taxation of the people for the benefit of railway or other private corporations, besides other useful reforms; therefore, resolved, that we heartily endorse the democratic state administration, and declare it eminently entitled to the contidence and approval of the whole people. The following nominations were then made : Henry H. Haight, for governor, without opposition. E. J. Lewis, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, having received 195 votes, to 8 for Williara Holden, and 124 for Charles Gildea. Jackson Teraple, for justice of the supreme court, to fill the San derson vacancy, without opposition. For justice of the supreme court to succeed Rhodes, Peter Van OUef, S. Bell McKee, Creed Haymond, John W. Armstrong, W. 0. Wallace, Delos Lake, and Selden S. Wright were subraitted ; Arra strong, Van Clief, and Lake were withdrawn, and on the first ballot, McKee had 146 votes; Hayraond, 47; Wallace, 53; Lake, 9, and Wright, 90. On the second ballot, McKee had 134; Wright, 136 ; Haymond, 45.; and Wallace, 3. Haymond and Wallace were then withdrawn, and on the third ballot, Wright was nominated, by a vote of 180 to 139 for McKee. For secretary of state, H. L. Nichols, L. B. Harris, Presley Dunlap, H. 0. Clarkson, Charles L. Weller, and W. B. 0. Brown were naraed. On the first ballot, Nichols had 100 ; Harris, 39 ; Dunlap, 6 ; Weller, 32 ; and Brown, 137. On the next ballot, Brown was norainated by a vote of 198 to 101 for Nichols, 3 for Harris,. 1 for Dunlap, and 8 for WeUer. 302 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. For controller, James S. Mooney, Marion Biggs, Michael Gray, C. Oappleman, Joseph Roberts, Jr., John 0. Crigler, and R. 0. De- Witt were presented. First ballot — Roberts, 57; Crigler, 46 ; Mooney, 15; Gray, 41; Cappleraan, 35; Biggs, 40; and DeWitt, -80. Second ballot— DeWitt, 93; Roberts, 66; Gray, 44; Crigler, 37; Biggs, 36; Oappleman, 29; and Mooney, 11. Biggs withdrew. Third ballot— -DeWitt, 137; Roberts, 75; Gray, 48; Crigler, 23; Cappleraan, 22 ; and Mooney, 10. Crigler, Mooney, Cappleraan, and Oray withdrew. On the fourth ballot, DeWitt was nominated, by a vote of 227 to 91 for Roberts. On the 22d, the convention met again. Joseph Walkup ofiered the following resolution, which was referred to the comraittee on platforra : That it is the duty of the legislature to reduce, equalize, and regulate the rates of freight and fare on all the railroads in the state, and to enact such penalties as will enforce such legislation. The following additional nominations were made : For treaaurer, Antonio F. Coronel was norainated on the first ballot, by a vote of 200 to 31 for Jose Raraon Pico, and 88 for Juan B. Castro ; L. B. Engelberg withdrawing. Jo Hamilton, for attorney-general, without opposition. John W. Bost, for surveyor-general, without opposition. For printer, Walter TurnbuU, J. F. Linthicum, Robert Ferral, John T. Barry, M. D. Carr, and W. A. January were naraed. Ferral withdrew. First ballot — Turnbull, 19 ; Linthicura, 49 ; Barry, 137; January, 87; Carr, 27. Linthicura, Carr, and TurnbuU with drew. On the second ballot, Barry was nominated by a vote of 164 to 155 for January. For superintendent of public instruction, 0. P. Fitzgerald, by acclamation. ' For clerk of the supreme court,- T. J. Shackleford, Newton Bene dict, Thomas Laspeyre, George Seckel, and J. F. Wilcoxson were pre sented. First ballot — Seckel, 30 ; Shackleford, 106 ; Benedict, 53 ; Laspeyre, 65; Wilcoxson, 61. Seckel withdrew. Second ballot Shackelford, 124 ; Benedict 55 ; Wilcoxen, 57; Laspeyre, 78. Wil,- coxson and Benedict withdrew. On the third ballot, Laspeyre waa norainated by a vote of 174 to 141 for Shackleford. For harbor commissioner, J. 0. Pennie, Henry Seals, William F. White, 0. Kopf, Isaac Friedlander, and F. S. Malone were named, but Kopf withdrew. First ballot— Friedlander, 120; Pennie, 90; CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTIONS. 303 White, 27; Seals, 42; Malone, 37. White withdrew. On the next ballot, Friedlander was nominated by a vote of 198, to 96 for Pennie, 17 for Malone, and 7 for Seals. A state central comraittee was selected, consisting of W. J. Graves, W. P. Tilden, J. 0. Pennie, J. W. MandeviUe, J. W. Oof froth, WiUiam McPherson, T. M. Brown, John Boggs, I. N. Walker, Joseph Walkup, W. A. Conn, Jaraes A. Johnson, Williara Watt, Frank MoCoppin, J. P. Hoge, D. J. Oullahan, A. A. Bennett, James H. Budd, Thoraas Findley, Paul Shirley, and others. On June 23d, Friedlander declined the nomination for harbor commissioner, and on July 8th, the state committee nominated John Rosenfeld for that office. The democratio congressional convention for the first district met at San Francisco, on June 23d. The candidates for congress raen were Lawrence Archer, W. D. Sawyer, T. N. Wand, S. B. Axtell, King of Los Angeles, and Jaraes H. Lawrence. A number of ballots were taken, the highest vote received by each candidate being: Archer, SO; Sawyer, 13; King, 28; Wand, 26; Lawrence, 16; and Axtell, 26. At the evening session. Archer received the nomination. The second district deraocratic convention met at Sacramento, on June 2 2d, and Jaraes W. Ooffroth was unaniraously norainated for congressraan. The third district democratic convention met at Sacramento, on June 23d. The candidates for congressman were George Pearce, J. B. Lamar, and N. E. Whiteside. On the first ballot, Pearce had 41 votes; Lamar, 32; and Whiteside, 9. A dozen ballots were taken without much change. Finally, Lamar and Whiteside -were withdrawn, and Pearce was unanimously nominated. Early in 1871, Newton 'Booth was suggested as an appropriate person as the republican candidate for governor, and his claims for the nominatiori were endorsed and advocated by the Sacramento Uriion and the ©ther republican organs that had taken a stand against the granting of' subsidies to railroad corporations. The sub sidy question was made the principal issue of the campaign. Charles A. Washburn was also naraed as a suitable candidate, but he devel oped no strength, and did not long remain in the field. In Febru ary, Thomas H. Selby was brought out as a candidate, but it was charged that he had not long been a member of the party, and that 304 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. he was the candidate for the railroad corporations. The contest was soon resolved to between Booth and Selby, and the latter was urged to declare himself upon the leading issue before the public, which he did on June 24th, in the following card : To the puhlic, — Being a candidate, not by ray own seeking, for the gubernatorial noraination, at the hands of the republican con vention about to asserable, and ray political status having been frequently called in question and ray views on the leading topics V^ariously stated, I deera it due to you and myself to say: First — That I voted for presidents Lincoln and Grant, and gave both adrainistrations ray most hearty support. Second — In regard to state, county, or municipal aid or subsidies to railroads, my views are in harmony with those of leading republicans with whom I have conversed ; gentlemen whose opinions are likely to give shape to the platform that will be adopted by the republican convention at Sac ramento. To avoid misapprehension, I airi opposed to granting subisidies to railroads by the state, counties, cities or towns of Cali fornia. I am in favor of the repeal of what is commonly called the five per cent. law. On May 24th, the republican county coraraittee of San Francisco adopted a resolution asking the chairraan to appoint a committee of three to suggest the best mode of selecting delegates to the state convention. The coramittee so appointed declared against the pri- ipary election plan, because it was liable to corrupt influences, and against the "club" plan as being obnoxious for the same objection; They recoraraended that the delegates be selected by the county com mittee, and they presented the naraes of 62 delegates to the state convention. The county coramittee ratified this action, and when the proceeding was made public much indignation was raanifested. The following evening, the executive coramittee of the young men's republican club of that city held a raeeting, and adopted the following protest : , Wheeeas, The union republican state central committee, on the 18th day of May, called upon the union republican voters of the state of California to choose delegates to a state convention, to be held June 8th ; and whereas, the city and county of San Francisco is apportioned 62 delegates, and the county committee of San Fran cisco, unsolicited by the union republican voters of this city, have assuraed to themselves the authority of appointing all the delegates REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 305 from this city and county to said convention, thereby expressly declaring that they alone are vested with the power of designating exponents to express the wishes and political views of all the union republican vbters of the city and county; and whereas, in the struggle for party supremacy about to be inaugurated, fair dealing to the whole of our party, unity of action, and the iraperative and immediate denunciation of any action on the part of a minority tending to disregard the wishes or rights of the majority, are abso lutely necessary to our success in the coming carapaign ; now, there fore, be it resolved that we, the executive coramittee of the young men's republican club, do raost earnestly and sincerely condemn the action of the republican county comraittee, and enter our protest' against it. Like protests were adopted by the other local clubs, and on the 26th the county coramittee rescinded the action complained of, and called a priraary election for June 24th, to select the delegates. At the primary election, Selby delegates were elected. A disagreement subsequently arose in regard to local raatters, and two republican tickets were run in the city. Booth succeeded, however, in securing pledged delegates frora most of the other counties, and his noraina tion was assured some time before the meeting of the state conven tion. On May 4th, the republican state central committee met at San Francisco and apportioned the representation in the state conven tion, but referred the raatter of fixing the tirae and place for holding the convention to its executive coramittee. On the 18th, the execu tive coramittee directed that the convention be held at Sacraraento on June 28th. Accordingly, at 1 o'clock on the day fixed, the con vention raet in the assembly chamber, in the state capitol. It was called to order by Walter Van Dyke, chairman of the state cora mittee, and 0. E. Filkins was elected temporary chairman, without opposition. A coraraittee on resolutions was appointed, composed of Henry Edgerton, George 0. Perkins, A. W. Poole, M. Ashbury, Stephen Wing, W. S. WeUs, L. H, Murch, E. Wadsworth, L. E. Orane, H. F. Page, E. L. Bradley, H. 0. Rolfe, and others. While the convention was awaiting the report of the committees, it was addressed by the Hon. John A. Bingham, of Ohio. The committee on credentials accompanied their report by a resolution that the practice 6f couniy committees selecting delegates to conventions by 306 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. themselves, instead of calling priraaries, should be utterly conderaned, and the resolution was adopted. On perraanent organization, Fil kins was president, and Col. J. D. Stevenson, Stephen Wing, and George 0. Perkins, vice-presidents. The coraraittee on resolutions reported the following, which were unarainously adopted : 1. That the republicans of Oalifornia, by their representatives in state convention asserabled, avow their deterraination to raaintain and perpetuate the principles of the national republican party. That we recur with pride and satisfaction to the raany practical and substantial triuraphs of those principles achieved during the past ten years, in the coercion by force of the rebellious states into obedience of the federal constitution and laws; in raaintaining through a long, severe, and bloody struggle the authority of the general government against powerful armies in front, English and French interference on the fiank, and the democratic party in the rear ; in rooting out the democratic institution of slavery, and banishing it forever from the jurisdiction of the United States; in prohibiting any state from abridging the privileges of any citizen of the republic ; in pro-viding: irrepealable guarantees for the payment of the public debt incurred in suppressing the late rebellion, and securing the people of all the states against being taxed for the payment of the debt of the late rebel confederacy; in declaring the civil and political equality of every citizen, and in establishing all these principles in the federal constitution, by amendments thereto, as the perraanent law. 2. That in Ulysses S. Grant we recognize a large measure of the patriotisra, ability, and honesty which distinguished the presidential career of Abrahara Lincoln, and we feel assured that the storra of falsehood and petty slander directed against hira by the raalice of defeated enemies will no more prevail in depreciating his character in the minds of the people than when the same raeans were employed by the same agencies to destroy his great co-laborer and predecessor; that his services, both military and civil, entitle him to the confidence and regard of the whole American people, and give assurance that the wisdora, perseverance, and capacity which com manded success at the head of great armies will, in the civil affairs of the government, accomplish results equally important and valua ble. 3. That the present national adrainistration, inaugurated amid political, civil, and social disorders incident tb civil war, and con fronted by complications, foreign and domestic, unparalleled in their REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 307 difficulty and extent, has thus far achieved a most gratifying success, and given universal assurances of the stability and power of popular government. That by its judicious conduct of our foreign relations, its firm and impartial attitude toward the great powers of Europe recently involved in a desolating and destructive war, its prorapt and rigid enforceraent of the laws of neutrality, its successful solu tion of grave and threatening issues long pending between our own country and Great Britain, its wise and econoraical raanageraent of the national finances, its correction of frauds in the revenue and efficient collection of the sarae, its retrenchraent of expense in all the departments of government, its reducing of the public debt by more than two hundred millions of dollars, its diminution of taxa tion eighty raillions of dollars per annura, and its establishraent of the public credit upon a secure basis, commands universal respect at home and abroad, and deserves the continued confidence and sup port of the Amerioan people. 4. That ithe concentration of the landed property of the country in the possession and ownership of a few, to the exclusion of the many, is in contravention of the theory of American govemment, subversive of the rights, liberties, and happiness of the raasses of the ' people, and, if perraitted, would inevitably terrainate in the speedy establishment of an aristocracy upon the ruins of our free institu tions ; and we are in favor of such legislation, both by the nation and the state, as shall, secure a just and equal distribution of the public lands remaining to them respectively, to actual settlers and proprietors in sraall quantities, at the lowest reasonable prices, and for homestead purposes only. 5. That the safety and perpetuity of republican institutions depend raainly upon popular education and intelligence. We there fore approve and recoraraend a coramon school system that shall not only extend its benefits to all, but which shall be compulsory upon all — and we are inflexibly opposed to any application of the pubUc school moneys with any reference to distinction in religious creeds. 6. That religious liberty in its broadest sense is a fundamental principle of American governraent ; and legislative enactraents hav ing in view the establishment of creeds, the regulation of raodes of worship, or the enforcement of religious observances of any kind, are inconsistent therewith, and invasions of the rights of the citizen. 7. That the presence in our midst of a large number of Chinese, who are incapable of assirailation with our own race, ignorant of the nature and forms of our governinent, and who manifest no disposi- 308 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. tion to acquire a knowledge of the same, or to conform to our own manners, habits, and custoras, is a serious and continuing injury to the best interests of the state ; that their eraployraent, under the plea of cheap wages, is offensive to the exalted Araerican idea of the dignity of labor, detriraental to the prosperity and happiness of our laboring classes, and an evil that ought to be abated ; that while we unsparingly reprobate and denounce all acts of violence wheresoever and by whomsoever committed upon them, we are inflexibly opposed to their adraission to citizenship, and demand of the federal gbvern- ment the adeption of auch treaty regulations and legislation as shall ¦ discourage their further iramigration to our shores. 8. That the subsidizing of railroads, or other private corporationsi by grants of public lands, or by taxation of private property in any form, is contrary to sound raaxiras of government, productive of. gross corruption and abuse, and a plain invasion of the rights of the citizen. And we hereby pledge the republican party to an uncompromising opposition to any and all legislation for such pur pose; and whereas, the suprerae court has decided that such legisla tion is not in conflict with the constitution ; therefore, resolved, that we are in favor of an araendraent to that instruraent prohibiting the enactment of any law granting such subsidies^ 9. That we deraand an iramediate repeal of the act of the last legislature commonly known as the " five per cent, subsidy law." 10. That the scandalous abuse of power exhibited by a demo cratic legislature in the creation of useless offices, boards, and com missions, arid the exorbitant increase of salaries and fees, for parti san purposes; its palpable and wanton violation of a plain provision of the constitution by the infamous enactment coraraonly known as the "lottery bill;" its raeasureless subserviency to a corrupt lobby, evinced by nuraerous profligate grants of subsidies to railway com panies; official sanction of most of these pernicious raeasures, in cluding the aforesaid " lottery bill," by the present deraocratic state executive, aqd, in addition thereto, his official approval of a series of legislative enactraents, whereby railway corporations have been subsidized to the extent of $4,000,000, afford convincing proof of the apostacy of a deraocratic administration to all the pledges upon the faith of which it was elevated to power; and that the affairs of the state cannot with safety be recoraraitted to its control. 11. That we extend to our newly enfranchised citizens a cordial welcome to ihe rights of citizenship now permanently secured to therii after a hai-d-fouglit steuggle with t'heir old oppressors; that REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 3Q9 they do not underestiraate the responsibility which rests upon them as freeraen we fully believe; and as they advance in the path of freedora and intelligence, none will regret the act of justice by which the republican party gave to them by constitutional guaran tees civil and political equality. Newton Booth was nominated for governor without opposition, Thomas H. Selby withdrawing. On the 29th, the following additional nominations were made : Romualdo Pacheco, for lieutenant-governor, on the flrst ballot, by a vote of 196 to 131 for Thomas B. Shannon. For secretary of state, N. M. Orr, John Yule, L. H. Murch, and Drury Melone were named. First ballot — Orr, 86; Yule, 39; Murch, 40; Melone, 157. All of the candidates withdrew except Melone, who was norainated by acclaraation. Addison 0. Niles, for supreme judge, short term, on the first ballot, by a vote of 217 to 110 for J. B. Southard. A. L. Rhodes for supreme judge, full terra, without opposition. Jaraes J. Green for controller, on the first ballot, by a vote of 169 to 54 for Walter B. Lyon, 40 for H. O. Weller, and 73 for P. W. Bennett. Ferdinand Baehr for treasurer, without opposition. For surveyor-general, A. S. Easton, Sherman Day, Charles G. Bockius, and Robert Gardner, were presented. First ballot — Easton, -53; Day, 109; Rockins, 55; Gardner, 107. Rockius withdrew, and on the second ballot Gardner was nominated. ' For attorney-general, Walter Van Dyke, John Lord Love, J. G. Eastman, Lewis Shearer, and L. B. Mizner were named. During the first ballot Van Dyke and Shearer withdrew, and Love received 173 votes, and was declared the- nominee. For clerk of the suprerae court, Charles Grunsky, Frank J. French, Henry McCrea, Grant I. Taggart, and J. G. Moore were placed before the convention. First ballot — Grunsky, 108; French, 13; McCrea, 9; Taggart, 153; Moore, 45. French and Moore with drew. On the second ballot Taggart wqs norainated by a vote ot 176 to 152 for Grunsky. H. N. Bolander, for superintendent of public instruction, with out opposition. Thoraas A. Springer, for printer, on the first baUot, by a vote of 175 to 146 for John G. Howell. For harbor commissioner, S. S. Tilton, John A. McGlynn, 4.. J. 310 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Bryant, Charles B. Porter, and B. N. Bugbey were named. Tilton withdrew. First ballot — Bryant, 55; Porter, ,61; Bugbey, 86; McGlynn, 124. Bryant withdrew. On the second ballot McGlynn was norainated by a vote of 207 to 38 for Porter, and 82 for Bugbey. A state central coramittee was selected, consisting of Walter Murray, I. A. Amraerraan, H. S. Sargent, A. J. Rhoads, H. P. Page, J. P. Ames, J. E. Hale, E. L. SuUivan, M. M. Estee, W. W. Dodge, W. W. Orane, Jr., and others. On June SOth, the republican first district convention met at San Francisco. Thoraas H. Selby was unaniraously norainated for congressman, and a committee was appointed to wait on him and tender him the noraination. Selby positively declined to accept. S. O. Houghton, R. G. McClellan, and W. H. Sears were then pro posed. McClellan withdrew, and Houghton was nominated on the first ballot, by a vote of 86 to 39 for Sears. The second district convention met at Sacraraento on June 29th, and Aaron A. Sargent was unanimously nominated for congressman. On June 21st, the third district convention met at Marysville. John M. Coghlan, Charles F. Reed, Jesse 0. Goodwin, and 0. B. Denio were placed in nomination for meraber of congress. First ballot — Coghlan, 39; Reed, 27; Goodwin, 24; Denio, 6. On the third ballot Coghlan was norainated by a vote of 62, to 27 for Reed and 13 for Goodwin. During the carapaign, clubs coraposed of colored raen were organ ized in the larger cities, and addresses were issued urging every colored citizen to support the republican ticket; and the advice was generally followed. This element manifested a disposition to de mand the rights which had ever been denied them, and in January, at an emancipation celebration meeting in San Franeisco, the follow ing resolutions were adopted: 1. That we must make our future political watchword admission to our public schools for every child in the state, without regard to color. 2. That we will vote for no man, for any position, who is opposed to that raeans of justice. During the carapaign, Mark M. Poraeroy ("Brick") delivered sev eral speeches in the interest of the democratic ticket, and a report RESULT OF GUBERNATORIAL ELECTION. 311 that he had announced his intention to deliver a lecture at Oakland, showing the necessity for the assassination of President Lincoln, greatly excited the citizens of that place, and threats were freely raade that he would be prevented from delivering his lecture. The democrats denied that Pomeroy had expressed such an intention. On August 22d a republican club of that city resolved: 1. That the city of Oakland is not the locality where an applaud ing crowd of rebels and their syrapathizers may be entertained with the glorification of assassins hired by the late so-called confederate government. 2. That the merabers of this club hereby pledge their honor that no such an address as the one above indicated shall be delivered in Oakland. 3. That instead of adjourning sine die after the election this club holds itself in readiness to asserable at the call of the president, whioh call shall be issued as soon as published notice is given of the intention to deliver said lecture. 4. That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to M. M. Pora eroy, through the democratic central coramittee. Pomeroy made no attempt to deliver the lecture. The general electipn was held on Wednesday, Septeraber fith, and the official canvass of the votes that had been polled developed the foUowing results: For govemor — Booth, 62,581; Haight, 57,520. Lieutenant-govemor — Pacheco, 62,555; Lewis, 57,397. Secretary. of state— Melone, 61,750; Brown, 57,907. ControUer— Green, 62,- 708; DeWitt, 57,181. Treasurer— Baehr, 62,467; Coronel, 57,515. Surveyor-general — Gardner, 61,967; Bost, 57,866. Attorney-gen eral — Love, 61,726; Harailton, 58,161. Clerk of the suprerae court —Taggart, 62,422; Laspeyre, 57,469. Printer— Springer, 62.650; Barry, 57,043. Harbor coraraissioner- — McGlynn, 58,626; Rosen feld, 60,353. Merabers of congress: First district — Houghton, 25,- 971; Archer, 24,374. Second district-— Sargent, 18,065; Ooffroth, 15,382. Third district— Ooghlan, 18,503; Pearce, 17,309. AU of the norainees of the republican party were elected except McGlynn. The judicial and school election was held on Wednesday, October 18, and resulted as follows, all of the republican norainees being suc cessful: For justice of the supreme court (full terra) — Rhodes, 46,- 829; Wright, 36,606. Justice of the supreme court (to fiU the San- 312 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. derson vacancy)— Niles, 47,373; Teraple, 36,500. Superintendent of .public instruction — Bolander, 48,860; Fitzgerald, 34,212. It had been the custora in the state for the various political par ties to print their tickets in a raanner to raake it inconvenient, if not impossible, to change them in any particular, and to print con spicuous figures or marks upon the backs by which their character could be ascertained as voters handed them to the officers of election. Tickets were printed without margins, on so poor a quality of paper that "scratches" could not be written upon thera, and in other in stances the naraes of the candidates and designation of offi^s were printed in curved lines to prevent "pasters" from being used. The republican tickets used at the September election at Vallejo and Mare Island went to a greater extremity than had before been practiced. They were used principally among the men eraployed at the United States navy yard; the tickets were rather raore than half an inch in width by five and one-half inches in length. They were printed without raargins, in the very finest type set solid, the lines running lengthwise, and on thin cardboard. A colored figure was printed on the back. There was no opportunity afforded to change a ballot either by writing or pasting. Ballots narrower, but in all other respects sirailar, were used at the judicial election. The use of these ballots excited discussion as to the propriety of a uniforra ballot law, to prevent the abuses to which the use of the prevalent styles of tickets had subjected voters. CHAPTER XXIIL 1872. Republican Convention, April 25th — Democratic Convention- Republican Convention, August ist— Liberal Republican Movement — Straight-out Democrats. The republican state central coramittee met at San Francisco on March 4th and issued a call for a state convention of 325 members, to be held at Sacraraento on April 25 th, to select delegates to attend the national convention to meet at Philadelphia on June 5th. At 1 o'clock on the day mentioned the convention assembled in the assembly charaber in the state capitol, and it was called to order by E. L. Sullivan, chairraan of the state coraraittee. Charles REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 313 E. EUkins was unanimously elected president, and Claus Spreckles, W. H. Sears, A. G. Abell, Samuel Myers, Joseph Phelps, 0. L. F. Brown, J. 0. Goodwin, M. J. C. Calvin, J. F. Tobin, S. G. George, W. H. Mace, and W. M. Williamson, vice-presidents. The coramit tee on resolutions consisted of J. M. Cavis, Jaraes A. Duffy, J. H. McNabb, 0. F. Reed, Cyrus Palmer, and others, and they reported the following : 1. That we have a firra and abiding faith in the principles of the republican party, and point with pride to its achleveraents, believ ing that the party which brought order out of chaos, saved and pre served the nation, is alone worthy of adrainistering its affairs in the future. 2. That we fully and heartily indorse the wise, patriotic , j ust and economical administration of U. S. Grant as president of the United States, and that our delegates to the national convention are hereby instructed to use all honorable means to secure his renomination, he being the unanimous choice of the republican party of California. 3. That the delegates from this state to the national republican convention are hereby instructed in the selection of a candidate for the vice-presidency to vote as a unit for the best interests of the republican party; and that upon all questions arising in said con vention they are hereby instructed to cast the vote of the state in such a raanner as the raajority of the delegates raay determine. M. S. Deal moved to strike out sp rauch of the last resolution as related to matters other than the selection of a candidate for the vice-presidency. Henry Edgerton raoved the following as a substi tute for the entire resolution : 3. That the delegates frora California to the national convention at Philadelphia be instructed to vote as a unit for the candidate for vice-president. Sears raoved to strike out the portion of the resolution relating to the candidates for vice-president, but the motion was lost, and the Edgerton substitute was adopted. Sears offered the following, which was adopted : That Governor Newton Booth, by the prudence and wisdora with which he has conducted the state adrainistration, and by his watch ful regard for public interests, has vindicated the choice of the people in the ,last election and deserves the confidence and thanks of every citizen. 314 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The resolutions were then adopted as a whole, without opposition. The following were unaniraously selected as delegates, to the national convention : First district — Eugene L. Sullivan, James H. Withington, and James Otis. Second district — F. K. Shattuck, J. W. B. Dickson, and H. S. Sargent. Third district— E. Wads worth, A. D. Starr, and 0. M. Patterson. Fourth district — 0. S. Abbott, Thomas Fallon, and A. Bronson. A state central comraittee was appointed, consisting of Walter Murray, Walter VanDyke, M. 0. Conroy, John Sedgwick, Charles F. Reed, David E. Gordon, L. B. Ayer, Charles Marsh, Cyrus Coleman, Frank Eastman, Josiah Belden, Alvinza Hayward, F. D. Atherton, Paul Newman, 0. N. Felton, John F. Miller, WUliani Sherman, E. B. Mott, Jr., and others. The caucus of the second district raerabers was held during a recess of the convention, for the purpose of agreeing on three dele gates to be presented from the district. The names of F. K. Shattuck, James A. Duffy, J. W. B. Dickson, Charles Kent, H. S. Sargent, and A. J. Rhoads were proposed. Duffy withdrew, and on the first ballot Shattuck received 87 votes; Dickson, 73; Sargent, 73; Rhoads, 16; Kent, 21, and Duffy, 6. The first three were therefore elected. On May 23d, the deraocratic state central coramittee met at San Francisco. Jamea W. Ooffroth moved that the comraittee appoint the delegatea to attend the national convention to raeet at Baltiraore; Frank McCoppin moved aa an amendraent- that a state convention be called, and the latter motion carried. A resolution waa then adopted calling a state convention of 339 merabers, to raeet at San Francisco on June 19th, to select 12 delegates to attend the national convention, and to nominate an, electoral ticket. In pursuance of this call, the convention met at 12 o'clock on the day named, and was called to order by James W. Mandeville, chairraan of the state com mittee. J. T. Farley and J. W. Ooffroth were nominated for tem porary chairraan. Ooffroth withdrew, and Farley was unanimously elected. Farley then declined, when Ooffroth was choseri. On per manent organization, Ooffroth was president; and Frank MoCoppin, W. Neely Johnson, WUliara McP. Hill, John Daggett, John G. Downey, Peter Donahue, 0. T. Ryland, John 0. Hays, Thomas Hope, J. D. Carrington, William Irwin, and others, vice-presidents. The committee on resolutions consisted of 0. H. Johnson, J. 0. Martin, WiUiam Van Voorhies, J. H. Budd, J. W. Ooffroth,' J. B. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 315, Lamar, John Daggett, A. M. Rosborough, P. W. Keyser, George E. Williams, F. McCoppin, William Watt, P. Reddy, J. G. Downey, C. T. Ryland, and others. A resolution was adopted to refer aU resolutions to this committee without debate. The coramittee on- order of business recommended the selection of 12 delegates to the national convention-^two from each congressional district and four at large; and that the state central committee be authorized to norainate candidates for presidential electors. The following resolu tions were reported by the coramittee and adopted by the conven tion : 1. That the best interests of the nation require a change in the adrainistration of the government, and all good citizens should dis regard the prejudices and differences of the past, and unite in one grand effort to restore the government to its original purity. 2. That we earnestly condemn and protest against the machina tions, tyranny, extravagance, and corruptions of the adrainistration of U. S. Grant, which, for lobbying scheraes and building' up raono polies, has no parallel in the history of our country. 3. That we fuUy recognize the patriotisra and pure raotives of the liberal republicans, and trust that such action may be taken at the Baltimore convention as will result in the hearty co-operation of all parties opposed to the present administration, and that we recoraraend to the consideration of the national deraocratic conven tion the principles enunciated in the platforra of the Cincinnati con vention. 4. That having an abiding confidence in the wisdora and patriot isra of the democratic national convention soon to be assembled at Baltiraore, we pledge ourselves to give the norainees of that conven tion a hearty support. 5. That we leave our delegates to the national convention free and untrararaelled, believing that wise counsels and devoted patriot isra will govern their action. The following resolutions were presented by Menzies, but they were sent to the coraraittee on resolutions, without reading, and were not reported to the convention : 1. That we are in favor of a tariff for revenue only and pronounce the protective systera as unjust, oppressive, prolific of corruption, and injurious to the best interests of the country. That the tariff .regulations of the republican party have destroyed our shipping, 316 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. paralyzed industry and plundered the people for the benefit qf m,pnopolists. 2. That we are uncompromisingly opposed to the granting of Goat island to the Central Pacific Railroad, or any other railroad, for rail road purposes, under any circurastances whatever. The preservation of our noble harbor, in the interests of coraraerce .and the property interests in this great city, deraands this public declaration frora the deraocratic state convention, and we pledge our candidates in good faith to oppose any act which would grant Goat island for railroad purposes. On the 20th, the convention elected a state central coramittee, consisting of P. W. Murphy, P. O. Hundley, R. Beverly Cole, Tyler Curtis, E. R. Galvin, J. W. Ooffroth, John Daggett, Dr. J. E. Pel ham, 0. E. Wilcoxson, J. T. Farley, Wm. Hayes, J. B. Sensabaugh, Jo Hamilton, Paul Shirley, Thomas Laspeyre, J. P. Hoge, R. Watt, E. J. Lewis, Michael Hayes, W. F. White, and others. George Pearce offered the following resolution, but no action was taken on it : That the democracy of California recognize the right of a demo cratic convention, state or federal, to meet and adjourn either with or without designating or naming a partisan candidate of the democ racy, but utterly deny the authority of such a convention to nomi nate other than a democratic partisan as their candidate for any elective office in their gift. The following were selected as delegates to the, national conven tion: First district, C. T. Ryland and McD. R. Venable; second district, Robert 0. Cravens and George D. Roberts ; third district, Joseph 0. WolfskiU and W. F. Goad; fourth district, Frank McCoppin and Henry George — all of whom were elected by acclama tion. James H. Hardy, J. G. Downey, WiUiara M. Gwin, Samuel Butterworth, James H. Lawrence, Eugene Oasserly, Charles L. WeUer, Martin Tarpey, J. D. Cochrane, T. G. Cockrill, H. 0. Pat rick, and Thoraas Hope were placed in noraination for delegates at large. Lawrence and WeUer withdrew, and on the first baUot, Downey, Ha,rdy, Gwin, and Casserly were selected, the vote being : Downey, 239; Hardy, 244; Oasserly, 185; Gwin, 170; Patrick, 117; Butterworth, 90; Tarpey, 82; Cochrane, 89; CockriU, 48, and Hope, 16. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 317 U. S. Grant and Henry Wilson were norainated respectively for president and vice-president of the United States on the 6th day of June, and the republican state central coramittee immediately raet and called a state convention of 325 delegates, to raeet at Sacra raento on August 1st, for the purpose of nominating an electoral ticket. At 11:30 o'clock on the day named the convention raet in the asserably chamber and was called to order by John F. Miller, a member of the state committee. J. G. Eastraan was elected tera porary chairraan without opposition. The coraraittee on resolutions consisted of W. E. Lovett, P. J. Hopper, M. S. Deal, Walter Van Dyke, Henry Bahr, J. H. McNabb, W. N. DeHaven, 0. A. Puring- ton, and J. E. Wyman. On perraanent organization, Eastraan was president, and T. B. McFarland, George 0. Perkins, J. W. North, and Joseph Lip man, vice-presidents. The following resolutions were reported and unanimously adopted: 1. That the republican pfirty of California, in convention assem bled, heartily indorse the declaration of principles embodied in the platform of the national convention of the republican' party, adopted at Philadelphia, and pledge theraselves to the cordial support of the standard- bearers there selected for president and vice-president of the United States. 2. That in U. S. Grant we recognize the patriot and statesraan under whose leadership the union was preser-ved, and whose record as a soldier is fully equalled by his wise and prudent administration of national affairs, by which peace has been restored and the union cemented, debt and taxation greatly reduced, and the national flag respected throughout the world. 3. That in Henry Wilson we hail the true friend of labor, whose whole career has illustrated that the republic recognizes true merit in her sens, who, by their ability, honesty, and worth, coraraend themselves to the confidence of the people. 4. That General U. S. Grant and Henry Wilson, by their course in civil life, and by their public and official acts, have proved thera selves to be the true, fast and firm friends of labor and labor reforra. 5. That the party claiming to be followers of Jefferson and Jackson, that originated and enunciated the doctrine of "principles, not men," having by indorsement of Greeley and the Cincinnati plat form, rii&de an unconditional surrender of all that was left of its political principles, it" only'remairis'fbrtlte riatiorial fepriblib'aii p'at'ty. 318 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. by its votes on Noveraber 6, 1872, to consign it with its unholy coalition, to political oblivion forever. 6. That republicans need no "new departure," and have no faith in that so-called liberal reform which involves desertion of true and tried leaders, or abandonraent of the principlea of republican gov ernment and the rights of man. 7. That we fully concur in the opinion of Horace Greeley, that General Grant never haa been beaten and never will be, and we pro- ,pose to fight it out on this line until November, when said predic tion will be fully realized by the verdict of the Araerican people. The following Were nominated for presidential electors, without opposition: First district, Claus Spreckles; second district, James E. Hale; third district, Jesse 0. Goodwin; fourth district, T. H. Rose; at large, John B. Felton and John F. Miller. In like raanner the following were norainated for alternate elec tors: First district, . A. R. Baldwin; second district, S. W. Sperry; third district, Isaac G. Wickershara; fourth district, W. Canfield; at large, F. E. Spencer and Benjarain Shurtieff. The first district republican convention raet at San Francisco on August 15th, and adopted resolutions endorsing the national ticket and platform, and opposing the granting of Goat island' to any cor poration. The names of Henry Baker, Charles Clayton, J. 0. Merrill, A. D. Splivalo and Cornelius Cole were presented as candi dates for the congressional nomination. All were withdrawn except Clayton, but some of his opponents insisted upon a ballot being taken. Clayton was nominated upon the first ballot, by a vote of 55, to 5 for Cole. The second district convention met at Sacra mento on August 1st. H. F. Page, Charles A. Tuttie, Nathan Por ter, and J. M. Cavis were placed in nomination. On the first ballot Page had 43 votes; Tuttie, 7; Porter, 27, and Cavis, 15. The result was the same on the second ballot, except that Page drew one vote frora Porter and one from Tuttie. On the third ballot Page drew two raore votes frora Tuttie, when the entire Sacramento delegation voted for hira, and he was norainated. The third district convention raet at Washington, Yolo county, ¦ on August 2d, and renominated John M. Ooghlan, without opposi tion. The fourth district conventim met at Sacramento on August 1st, and renominated S. 0. Houghton, by acclamation. THE LIBERAL PARTY. 319 On May 3d, Horace Greeley was nominated for president of the United States by a convention at Cincinnati, which adopted the name of " Liberal Republican" for a new political party, which was designed to occupy the middle ground between the then existing national parties. On the 2 2d, a raeeting was held at San Francisco for the purpose of organizing the party in the state. F.. M. Pixley stated the object of the meeting, and J. F. Chellis was raade chair man. A coraraittee was appointed to correspond with the friends of the raoveraent in the various counties and to appoint a state central comraittee, consisting of A. J. Bryant, S. S. Tilton, George Barstow, Thoraas Gray, F.- M. Pixley, J. P. H. Wentworth, J. A. McGlynn, and others. This coraraittee appointed a state coraraittee, consisting of George Barstow, George D. Nagle, Seth Wetherbee, S. S. Tilton, F. B. Taylor, M. FenneU, E. L. Beard, J. H. Keyes, J. Winchester, J. W. Snowball, 0. G. Bockius, Williara Sexton, A. J. Snyder, and others. On August 3d, the state central coraraittees of the deraocratic and liberal republican parties met jointly at San Fra'ncisco and' nominated the following Greeley and Brown electoral ticket : F. M. Pixley, J. 0. Shorb, F. H. Rosenbaum, Jo Harailton, John Yule, and Peter Donahue. The following were norainated for alter nate electors : Albert Hagan, Austin Sperry, Juan B. Castro, Robert McGarvey, John Daggett, and A. J. Spencer. A state executive coraraittee was appointed, consisting of the following : Deraocrats — Michael Hayes, William Hayes, J. W. Ooffroth, Robert Watt, Tyler Curtis, R. Beverly Cole, J. P. Hoge, Frank Lawton. Liberals— E. W. Corbett, Seth H. Wetherbee, S. S. Tilton, W. 0. Schmidt, S. E. HartweU, F. B. Taylor, WiUiam Sexton, A. J. Snyder. The first district liberal and deraocratic congressional convention met at San Francisco on July 25th, and passed resolutions en dorsing the araendraents to the federal constitution, the national liberal candidates, pledging the norainee to oppose the granting of Goat island to any raUroad, and in favor of building another rail road line to the east below the snow belt. The candidates before the convention were W. A. Piper, Thoraas , N. Wand, Frank M. Pixley, R. Beverly Cole, and Leander Quint. On the first ballot Piper had 43 votes; Wand, 8; Pixley, 2; Cole, 1, and Quint, 1, and Piper was declared to be the nominee. 320 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The second district deraocratic and liberal conventions raet sep arately, at Sacraraento on Septeraber 4th, but coalesced, and nomi nated Paschal Ooggins on the first ballot, over Henry Larkin, and G. J. Carpenter. The ballot stood : Democratic delegates — Coggins, 33; Carpenter, 28; Larkin, 24. Liberal delegates — Ooggins, 43. A series of anti-raonopoly resolutions were adopted. The third district joint convention was held at Marysville on August 2 2d. J-. B. Laraar, George Pearce, L. A. Norton, and J. K. Luttrell were placed in noraination. All withdrew except LuttreU, who was norainated by acclamation. The fourth district deraocratic convention met at San Francisco on June 20th, and on the first ballot norainated E. J. 0. Kewen, by a vote of 51, to 32 for Lawrence Archer. The liberals acquiesced in the nomination. On October 14th, a meeting was held at San Francisco of demo crats who favored the raaintaining of their party organization, and opposed the liberal moveraent. A committee of five was appointed to prepare an address to the people, and to nominate an electoral ticket in the interest of Charles O'Conor and John Quincy Adams, who had been nominated, respectively, for president and vice-presi dent by the national democratic convention. This committee made the following nominations: For presidential electors— J. Mora Moss, Jackson Temple, Zach. Montgomery, Williara J. Graves, M. R. 0. Pulliara, and A. J. King. For alternate electors — G. W Hunter, E. F. McCarthy, Daniel Taylor, A. P. Bernard, E. N. Foote, and Charles E. Beau. A state central coraraittee was selected, consisting of John Nugent, Charles T. Botts, Thomas Golden, W. D. Sawyer, James 0. Goods, N. P. Jones, E. A. Rock well, James Van Ness, George Seckel, Jacob R. Snyder, and others. On the 18th, Temple declined the nomination for elector, and John Nugent was placed on the ticket in his stead. On the 29th, the state central committee made the foUowing norainations for con gressraen : First district, W. D. Sawyer; second district, G. W. Hunter; third district, J. N. Bailhache; fourth district, Jaraes Van Ness. Hunter, on November 1st, declined to run. During the campaign the principal speakers were: Republican-^ John F. Swift, H. F. Page, J. M. Ooghlan, J. G. Eastman, John F. Miller, J. M. Cavis, George 0. Gorham, S. J. Finney, 0. H. La Grange, S. 0. Houghton, Henry Edgerton, John B. FeRbn, John L. Love, George M. Pinney, H. G. Rbllims, and WaAiw Oliver. RESULT OF PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. 32I Liberal— M. M. Estee, P. Coggins, J. K. LuttreU, Jo Hamilton, James T. Farley, N. Greene Curtis, Henry Larkin, G. J. Carpenter, W. B. C. Brown, W. W. Pendegast, F. M. Pixley, P. F. Walsh, Creed. Haymond, Stuart M. Taylor, Eugene Casserly, J. 0. Shorb, J. B. Frisbie, E. J. 0. Kewen, William Irwin, J. R. Sharpstein, and J. F. Cowdery. The election was held on Tuesday, November 5th, and the official canvass exhibited the following result: Republican electors Fel ton, 54,007; Spreckles, 54,044; Goodwin, 54,020; Miller, 54,013; Hale, 54,020; Rose, 53,998. Liberal electors— Shorb, 40,718; Pix ley, 40,703; Hamilton, 40,749; Rosenbaum, 40,674; Donahue, 40,- 718; Yule, 40,717. Democratic electors— Moss, 1,068; Nugent, 1,035; Montgomery, 1,064; Graves, 1,051; PuUiam, 1,028; King, 1,053. Members of congress: First district — Clayton, 11,938; Piper, 10,882. Second district— Page, 13,803; Coggins, 12,819. Third district— Coghlan, 13,105; Luttrell, 14,033. Fourth district— Houghton, 10,391; Kewen, 9,012. The republican electors were therefore elected, and Clayton, Page, Luttrell, and Houghton were elected to congress, to take office March 4, 1873. The republican presidential electors raet at the state capitol on December 4, and cast the six votes of the state for Grant and Wilson. James E. Hale was appointed messenger to convey the returns to Washington. CHAPTER XXIV. 187S. Independent Movement — San Francisco Politics — Republican State Convention — Democratic State Convention - — Independent Party Organized — Independent State Convention. Early in 1873, the organization of farraers' clubs was very gen eral in the state. The clubs held weekly meetings at which sub jects of interest to agriculturists were discussed in open session, but soon the club systera was abandoned and a secret order styled Patrons of Husbandry, or grangers, absorbed the membership of the clubs, and by the close of the year raost of the clubs had ceased to exist. These organizations exerted considerable influence in the politics of the state, as the questions of railroad transportation rates, reduc- 21 322 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. tion of pubUc' expenditures, etc., were debated at the meetings and acted upon by resolution. On April 26th, the Vacaville grange, one of the first organized in the state, adopted and published the fol lowing resolutions, whioh are similar to those afterward adopted by other granges and clubs; 1. That we will support no raen for law makers, or for adminis trators of our laws, or for any position of public trust, no matter to what party they may belong, whose character for integrity and hon esty of purpose, and whose fidelity to the true interests of the farmer (which are the true interests of the country) are not beyond a doubt. 2. That we wage no war against railroads and other modes of transportation, or upon grain buyers, or commission merchants, only so far as their treatment of the farming interest is manifestly unjust and oppressive. So far as they are governed by honesty and fair dealing, our airas and interests are identical, and we wish to co-op erate with thera harraoniously. But when they forra "rings" or odi ous corabinations to oppress the farming interests and cripple and crush out the vitality of this great paramount industry of the coun try, then we may be corapelled to beat our plowshares into swords and our pruning hooks into spears, and go after the coraraon enemy. The third resolution directed that a copy be sent to each grange in the state "asking their co-operation in carrying out the princi ples and raeasures proposed, so far as they accord with their ideas and* views of the necessity of the case and the exigencies of the times.'' On Septeraber 24, 1872, delegates frora a nuraber of farmers' clubs met at Sacramento and effected the organization of the State Farm ers' Union, the design of which was to promote the agricultural and industrial interests of the state. John Bidwell was elected presi dent; J. R. Snyder, Dr. E. S. Holden, T. Hart Hyatt, W. S. Man- love and others, vice-presidents, and I. N. Hoag, secretary. A called meeting of the union was held at San Francisco on April 9th, whioh was attended by delegates frora about twenty different counties. On the 10th the following resolutions were adopted: 1. That the rates charged for freights over the railroads in this state are ruinous to our agricultural interests. 2. That in our opinion the corporations operating these roads, being the creations of law, are, and should be, under control of our ANTI-RAILROAD PARTY. 323 ¦statutes, and that the raaxiraura rates of freights should be so fixed by statute as to prevent extortion, and leave the producer a raar gin of profit on his productions, and that way freights be charged only in proportion to the distance the freight is sent with the charges for through freight. 3. That if we find it irapracticable under present raanageraent of such roads to obtain a fair reduction on such freights, we will agi tate the subject, and insist that the raUroads built by raoney of the ^government shall be operated by the government in the interest of the people, rather than by private persons for personal aggrandize ment. 4. That as these matters are political, we will so far make this a political body as to cast our votes and use our influence for such men for our state legislature as will carry our views into effect. The fifth, sixth and seventh resolutions directed the executive comraittee to consider the propriety of utilizing the state prison labor in the production of grain sacks sufficient for home consumption, to be sold to farmers at cost. The eighth, ninth and tenth resolutions directed the committee to prepare plans for a co-operative bank; for a co-operative system for selling agricultural supplies; and to pro vide storage for grain with the intention of retaining it until it should bring the highest price. The resolutions were adopted, the fourth, by a vote of 38 to 20. The railroad question absorbed the entire interest of the cara paign of 1873 for the election of the county officers and raerabers of the legislature. A strong anti-railroad party had grown up under the leadership of Governor Booth, and with the support of the Sacramento ZZraiow and other prominent journals, although it had no organization. Within the republican party Booth had a numerous and active following to second his aspirations for the United States senatorship, to succeed Casserly, and some of the ¦republican county conventions pledged their candidates for the legislature to support Booth for senator. It was urged by the Booth republicans that the organization of the party in the state was in the hands of raen under the railroad influence, and that the party raanagers frequently misused their power. The first open bolt occurred in Sacramento county. The republican comraittee of that county, on May 28th, issued a call for a Crawford primary, to be held on June 7th, to select delegates to the county convention. On the 29th, a naeeting of the Booth republicans was held and a 324 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. resolution was passed objecting to the call, because the time was too- short for the voters to prepare for the election; because a demo cratic primary was to be held on the sarae day, " giving color to the belief that the same voters; in the interest of the sarae parties, were intended to be used to carry both elections; because the ap pointment of delegates and the election of officers of the primary was unfair." A committee was appointed to wait on the county committee and to request a postponement of the primary for one week, and a representation on the boards of election. On June 2d, this coraraittee reported that the central comraittee had refused to raake any change in the call. The Booth raeeting then appointed a coraraittee of thirteen to arrange for an independent primary and convention. This coraraittee adopted the narae " Independent Tax payers' Party," and called a primary for June 21st, at which all were invited to vote who had not voted at any previous primary, and who would support the ticket to be nominated by the conven tion. On the 4th, the coraraittee issued a call to the people, defin ing the object of the moveraent to be to elect raerabers to the legislature who would coramand the confidence of the whole people, and who would be free frora the control of rings and corrupt com binations. They also declared that they would act independent of party. The convention raet on the 26th, and norainated Henry Edgerton for state senator, and a complete legislative and county ticket. The party was christened by- its opponents the " Dolly Varden " party. A similar moveraent was inaugurated soon after ward in raost of the counties, resulting in placing three tickets in the field. At the Septeraber election the "dolly vardens" were gen erally successful. In San Francisco the following tickets were presented for the September election, each containing a full list of legislative and raunicipal nominations, but the norainees for mayor and state senators alone are here given : Citizens' Independent — Mayor, Jaraes M. McDonald; senators, Philip A. Roach and Washington Bartlett. Deraocratic — Mayor, McDonald; senators, Frank Mc Coppin and Roach. Liberal Reforra — Mayor, McDonald; senators, McCoppin and Roach. Citizens' Union — Mayor, James Otis; senators, W. H. Sears and Irving M. Scott. People's Union — Mayor, Otis; senators, A. S. HaUidie and Bartlett. Anti-sectarian — Senators, HaUidie and Scott. Republican — Senators, Sears and Scott. Taxpayers' and People's — Mayor, Otis. At the election on HARBOR COMMISSIONERS': TROUBLES. 325 -Septeraber 3d, Otis was elected Mayor, by a vote of 13,648, to 12,406 for McDonald. Roach and Bartlett were elected senators, -Sears receiving 9,869 votes; Soott, 6,956; HaUidie, 9,869; Bartlett, •9,551; McCoppin, 8,512, and Roach, 10,134. On January 6th, a suit was, institu ted in the district court at San Francisco, by L. E. Crane, an expert who had been appointed by the governor to investigate the affairs of the state board of harbor com missioners, to oust John J. Marks and Jasper O'Farrell from their positions as merabers of the board, because of fraud alleged to have been discovered. Marks was also indicted by the grand jury for fraud. Pending the civil suit, on February 21st, Marks resigned, and Governor Booth appointed Lewis Cunningham to the position. ¦O'Farrell resigned later, and Samuel Soule was appointed in his place. John Rosenfeld, the remaining raeraber of the board, and who had held the office but a very short time, also resigned, and T. D. Mathewson was appointed to fill the vacancy. On August 29th, the republican state central comraittee norai nated Paul Newraan for harbor commissioner from the state at large; and on the same day, the deraocratic coramittee naraed John W. Bost for the office. Bost was endorsed by the independents generally. At the September election, Newraan was elected, by a vote of 31,696, to 30,867 for Bost. In San Francisco, Charles L. Taylor was nominated for harbor -commissioner by the citizen's union, people's union and taxpayers' ¦conventions, and Thomas E. Parish by the democratic, citizens', inde pendent, and liberal reform conventions. Taylor was elected. Com- miissions were issued to Newraan and Taylor by Governor Booth on Noveraber 12th. On July 23d, the republican state central committee met at San Francisco, and called a state judicial convention of 362 delegates, to meet at Sacramento on August 20th. On August 16th, another meeting of the comraittee was held at San Francisco, when a resolu tion was unanimously adopted postponing the raeeting of the con vention to Septeraber 16th, because no proclamation had been issued by the governor calling the state judicial election, and a doubt -existed whether one or two judges of the supreme court were to be -elected. Pursuant to this amended call, the convention met at Sac ramento, on September 16th, and was called to order by Walter 326 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Van Dyke, the acting chairman of the state committee. William H. Sears was elected chairman, without opposition. On motion of H. F. Page, the convention decided to refer aU resolutions to the committee on resolutions, without debate. A coraraittee on resolu tions was appointed, consisting of H. F. Page, E. P. Lovejoy, W. E. Lovett, G. M. Pinney, M. 0. Andross, T. B. McFarland, and W. R. Wheaton. The coramittee reported that in their opinion, as the con vention was purely judicial, it would be iraproper to adopt a plat forra, and they submitted a resolution that the convention would not entertain any resolution relating to political subjects, and the resolution was adopted. John B. Felton announced that I. S. Bel cher would not be a candidate for justice of the supreme court. Sarauel H. Dwinelle was norainated for judge of the supreme court, to serve out the terra made vacant by the death of Judge Sprague, without opposition. Ansen Bronson was unanimously norainated for judge of the supreme court, to succeed Justice Crockett. On August 26th, the democratic state central coraraittee met in San Francisco and ordered a state judicial convention to be held at Sacramento, on September 17th. The primary test included all democrats and all persons who were opposed to the nationaLadminis- tration. At 12 o'clock on the day naraed, the convention met and was called to order by J. P. Hoge, the coraraittee chairman. James ' T. Farley was elected chairraan. After a lengthy discussion, the convention decided to have a coraraittee on resolutions appointed, and W. W. Pendegast, WiHiam Watt, Delos Lake, W. F. White,. G. J. Carpenter, Thoraas P. Bond, and John G. Downey were selected. The committee reported the following resolutions, .which were adopted : Notwithstanding the fact that this is a judicial convention, con vened raainly for the purpose of selecting candidates for judicial positions, we nevertheless deem it a proper occasion to soleranly ' declare our views and principles; therefore, the derriocracy of Call' fornia, in state convention assembled, do adopt the following resolu tions as a statement of the principles which they believe should be carried ilito effect. 1. That we deraand the utmost economy in the manageraent of public affairs, and to that end recoraraend the incoming state legis-' lature to largely reduce the fees and salaries of aU public servants,. DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 327 coramencing the reform in the office of the chief executive of the state, and prosecuting the sarae through all departraents of the governraent. 2. That we unqualifiedly conderan the action of the United States congress in enacting the law coraraonly known as the "back-pay salary steal," as well as the action of the president of the United States in approving the bill, whose sole recoraraendation was that it raade hira richer in dollars. 3. That we point to the history of the state and nation as demon strating the fact that the democratic party has always been the friend of the people, the advocate of every needed reforra, the staunch defender of the rights of the laborer, and the uncompro mising foe of all monopolies, railroad corporations, or others, and we congratulate Ourselves and the people of Oalifornia that every candidate at the late election was forced to plant himself squarely on the good old democratic anti-monopoly platforra, whether he soUcited votes under the republican or deraocratic standards, or the flag of an independent organization. 4. That we make no war upon railroads as such, but we protest against their being managed in the interests of any ring or clique, or political man or party, and believing it to be a proper subject of state legislation, we demand that such action be taken by the in coraing legislature as will properly adjust the vexed question of railroad fares and freights so as to enable the railroad corapanies to earn a fair profit upon their investment, and at the sarae time remove all onerous charges from the people, and prevent any unjust discrimination for or against any section of the state. 5. That we regard the presence of the Chinese in our midst as an unmixed evil, ruinous alike to the people and the state, while the prospect of an increase of their numbers is appalling to the hearts of all; and we deraand that the incoming legislature, through its own enactments and its urgent appeals to congress, take steps not merely to prevent the further infiux of the mongolian horde upon us, but to secure the speedy exodus of those already here; and to this end we urge that raeasures be at once instituted to decrease the subsidy to the Pacific Mail Stearaship Corapany, and to abrogate the so-caUed Burlingame treaty. 6. That we hail with pleasure the action of the farmers in this and other states in the formation of granges and societies for the protection and advancement of their own' interests. We are proud to observe this class of our people, hitherto quiet, has of late 328 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. asserted its rights, and is beginning to demonstrate its power; that we now pledge ourselves that our candidates for all offices, legis lative, executive or judicial, shall be in full sympathy with aU these farmers in all just and honest demands; and that in event of their failure to do so, they shall never receive our support in the future. The convention selected a state central committee, consisting of P. O. Hundley, R.' B. Cole, W. H. Oronise, Caleb Dorsey, Harrison Guinn, R. A. Thompson, Thoraas Rector, John McMurray, N. E. Whiteside, R. H. Ward, Williara Watt, Paul Shiriey, Thomas Laspeyre, FrankUn Lawton, W. B. 0. Brown, Grove L. Johnson, Thonias N. Wand, J. 0. Pennie, A. H. Rose, James T. Farley, J. P. Hoge, and others. Samuel Bell McKee was nominated for justice of the supreme court, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Sprague, on the first ballot, by a vote of 161, to 121 for WiUiam C. Wallace. A. B. Dibble raoved to norainate Niles Searls for justice of the supreme court to fill the vacancy should the term of Judge Crockett be declared expired, but after discussion the motion was withdrawn, and it was agreed that the central committee should place the name of a candidate upon the ticket if they should deem ifc necessary. Iramediately when the result of the Septeraber election beoame known the suggestion was thrown out by the portion of the press that had assisted in the election of the independent legislative and county tickets, that the advantage be followed up by organizing an independent party in the state, with the view of norainating a can didate for justice of the supreme court, to be voted for at the October election, and of presenting tickets at the subsequent state elections. About the middle of September, the independent county comraittee of Sacraraento county called a meeting for the 18th, and invited the members of the independent taxpayers' and people's union committees frora the other counties to attend, the object of the meeting being to take steps leading to a state organization. A. P. Catlin called the meeting to order, and Edward Gibbons was elected chairman, on motion of John F. Swift. Catlin offered the following resolution : That in the opinion of this meeting, the people of this state de mand, and, therefore, it is expedient, that a state organization of an independent people's party be imraediately forraed; and to that end INDEPENDENT CONVENTION. 329 that a state central coraraittee be forraed, and that steps be at once taken to put before the people nominations for justices of the suprerae court, and to call a state convention. A division of the question was ordered on the resolution and the first branch was unaniraously adopted. The last branch was then withdra-frn. On motion of Sarauel T. Leet, a committee of seven was appointed, consisting of Leet, Catlin, Swift, F. T. Baldwin, J. G. Howell, B. F. Myers and P. Van Clief, to prepare a plan for a state organization. The comraittee recommended the calling of a state convention, to meet at Sacraraento on September 25th. The call recited: The representatives of the several county independent organiza tions, believing it expedient for the public good to form a state organization opposed to raonopolies, and to all forras of partial and special legislation, and in favor of consolidating and organizing into actual and effective form the sentiraent of the people of California upon all questions of reform in legislation, especiaUy with respect to securing the rights of the people in the contest now being waged between them and the railroad power of the state and nation, and other monopolies, and having in view the approaching judicial elec tion, as well as political raoveraents of a like character in other states, request that delegates be sent to a state convention to be held in Sacramento on Septeraber 25th, frora every county in the state, to perfect a state organization, to norainate one or more justices of the supreme court, to appoint a state central comraittee, and transact such other business as raay corae before it. In counties where independent -raoveraents are already established, the delegates to be selected by or under the central committees of such inde pendent organizations. In counties where such movements have not yet been raade, the delegates to be selected by patrons of husbandry, or other associations or persons in ' sympathy with our raoveraent. The report was unanimously adopted. About sixty persons took part in the meeting. The people's independent judicial state convention raet at Sacra mento on September 25th, and was called to order by Edward Gib bons, who announced that the object of the convention was to organize the independent party, and to consider the propriety of nominating candidates for justices of the suprerae court. Jonas Spect was unanimously elected temporary chairraan, P. Van Clief with- 330 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. drawing. A motion by J. W. Dwinelle that all resolutions offered before the convention be referred to the comraittee on resolutions without debate, was discussed by Dwinelle, W. 0. Norton, James Johnson, William Jones, 0. 0. Terrill, A. Maurice, jr., and Alex ander Campbell, jr., and finally withdrawn. A coramittee on resolu tions was appointed consisting of Alexander Campbell, jr., J. W. DwineUe, A. P. CatUn, G. T. Elliott, W. S. Buckley, W. 0. Norton, W. Jeff. Gatewood, M. 0. Winchester, J. R. Sharpstein, 0. 0. Ter rill, and I. N. Randolph. On permanent organization, P. Van Clief was president. The following preamble and resolutions were unan imously adopted: This convention, representing- what it believes to be the honest sentiraent of the people of this state, and encouraged by the splen did success achieved in the recent state election, wherein the people, alraost without organization, raet and overthrew the corabined power of the incorporated raonopolists and the corrupt political and finan cial rings, does hereby resolve to organize into a party all good citizens who desire to join in the work of reform and political regeneration throughout the , state, the better to enable thera to move forward upon the enemy, to rout such corporations frora their stronghold as rulers and practically as law raakers, and, finally, to rescue the gov ernraent from the clutches of the corporationists who have so long held it in subjection; therefore, be it resolved, 1. That the opponents of incorporated greed and organized cor ruption do form theraselves into a political body, to be known as the people's independent party. 2. That one of the most serious obstacles in the way of political and governmental reform lies in the doctrine of so-called "party fealty," that tyranical rule which degrades the citizen and sinks him to the servile partisan, rendering him the helpless tool of selfish wire pullers and caucus manipulators. In view of this long-stand ing evil, the people's independent party now, in its very inception, once for all, lays down its fundamental principle that parties are mere instrumentalities to be eraployed only in the furtherance of good governraent; that they should be followed no longer than while they act in the interest of the entire people, of which fact each in dividual must judge for hiraself; and that it is the duty of the citi zen to abandon instantly any party which swerves from the path of right or passes into the control of unscrupulous leaders, and finally it utterly spurns and repudiates the doctrine that any citizen owes RESOLUTIONS OF INDEPENDENT PARTY. 33I aUegiance to any political organization, or that a pure and upright man in public life can or ought to be under special obligation to any source short of the people for office or pbsition. 3. That one of the great evils which earnestly demands correction is the tyranny of party discipline, which, as maintained through the system of primaries and caucuses by professional politicians aided by governmental patronage and moneyed power, and has become a despotic rule of the few over the many, and that we hold and affirm that any citizen has the right to take part in good faith in the actions and deliberations of any political organization, caucus, or convention without being bound thereby except so far as his own judgraent and conscience raay approve, and that the obligations of the citizen and patriot are a pararaount to those of the partisan before and after party norainations are raade. 4. That we are deterrained to use all lawful efforts to drive out the corrupt political rings that control the action of the national governraent, wielding its power and dispensing its patronage with the sole end of benefiting theraselves and their hangers-on, and of perpetuating their vicious rule ; and to that end we hereby and for all time instruct all representatives of the people elected under the auspices of the people's independent, party to urge and enforce a strict exaraination into the affairs and raanageraent of the great rail road corporations of the eountry as well as of their auxiliaries, the credit raobilier and contract and finance corapanies, and their several dealings with the various departraents of the governraent, executive, legislative, and judicial, in order that their past corrupt practices may be exposed, the rights and property of the people recovered, the guilty punished, and purity and economy in administration and legislation be restored throughout the land. 5. That the abominable and infamous practice of securing election to office by the corrupt use of money at the polls, and in bribing members of legislative bodies, which has become so prevalent in late years, is an evil which strikes at the very foundation of free govern ment, and that no man guilty of the atrocious crime of obtaining or attempting to obtain office by such means can ever merit the confi dence of the people. 6. That affirming and asserting the absolute and final sovereignty of the people, we claim and will ever assert the right and authority of the people's representatives to control and regulate all such cor porations as exercise any franchise or special privilege obtained by legislative enactment, and especiaUy the incorporated common car- 332 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. riers of the country, and that such right of control and regulation- is an undeniable prerogative of the state and nation ; and, further, that we will use all lawful raeans to bring said corporations within a just and reasonable control, to reduce their rates of freight, fare, and charges to an equable and uniforra standard, prohibiting all ¦unjust discrirainations and oppressive regulations leveled at locali ties or individuals, to overthrow their political power, and finally to reduce thera to the legitiraate purposes for which t^ey were -ceatedand endowed, as the servants and beneScial aids and not the raasters of the people. We further denounce the acceptance of free paases by public officers, and believe that it should be prohibited by law. 7. That we are pledged to a thorough reforra of the civil service -of the country, to the end that capacity, honesty, and fitness, and not political zeal and partisanship, shall be the only indispensible ¦qualifications for place. And especially we utterly oppose the per nicious custom now so common and so productive of evil of the interference of federal officials with state and local politics. And we denounce the law passed at the last session of congress, known as the "back pay steal," as a shame and disgrace to American legisla tion. 8. That we take ground absolutely against the system of land dis tribution now in vogue, whereby the public .domain is granted away in vast tracts to railroad and other corporations or to private individuals, through the raeans or scrip and warrants issued under various pretenses, or by private entry on the part of non-resident speculators ; that the true policy of the nation is to retain its public lands for the benefit of actual occupants upon the sole condition of residence thereon, in order to secure to each family a home. 9. That we are opposed to granting aid in subsidies of money, lands, bonds, or interest on bonds, to any railroad or other corpora tion, either by the federal, state, county, or municipal governments, and to all laws desigried to procure any such subsidies under the specious plea of submitting to a vote of the people the question as to whether or not a particular subsidy shall be granted. 10. That we take ground against the present tariff, believing that it is the result of a dishonest and corrupt systera of bargaining in. congress, whereby each interest seeking protection conspires with all other interests to support thera in their claim, to the great injury of the cause of good governraent and to the loss of the people, who are taxed thereby. RESOLUTIONS OF INDEPENDENT PARTY. 333 11. That in view of the cliraate of Oalifornia, wherein rain falls only during a portion of the year, rendering irrigation an absolute necessity for the perfect developraent of the agricultural capabilities of our soil, we hold it to be the duty of the legislature to retain control of all rivers, lakes and other bodies of wateij-, to prevent their appropriation and raonopoly by speculators, and to form and perfect a systera whereby they can be turned upon the land at the expense of the district benefited thereby, and for the use of the people residing on said land. , 12. That the surest safeguard for the perpetuity of this govern ment and the rights of the people must always be found in the education of the masses, therefore we will stand by the comraon school system, to raaintain it in its integrity, as well as to urge and support all iraprovements in popular education that the raost ad vanced spirit of the age may suggest or discover. 13. That we regard the primary election system, as now con ducted, especially in the larger cities, as being practically a device which deprives the honest citizen of his political influence and clothes the demagogue with power; it has driven statesraen from our halls of legislation, and raade political econoray subservient to personal aggrandizeraent; it has subverted the design of our gov ernment by depriving the people of their constituent power to correct abuses, and rendered the ballot a snare to the unwary and a mockery of the elective franchise. 14. That all property, including solvent debts, as well as rail- . roads and railroad property, should be taxed in proportion to ita actual cash value, but taxation of solvent debts should be so regu lated by law as to obviate all objection on the score of double taxation; and if this cannot be obtained by legislation under the constitution as it is, the fundaraental law should be araended so as to accomplish such result. 15. That the legislatures of the state and nation should use all constitutional methods to facilitate commerce between the interior portions of the country and the sea; to cheapen freights and fares, as well as to increase the raeans of conveyance, in order that the produce of our farraers and products of our raanufactures raay be transported to market at the sraallest possible cost. 16. That it is the duty of congress, as well as the state legis latures, to institute and enforce the strictest inquiry into the affairs and management of the railroad corapanies, and other corporations xercising franchises of a public nature, and to root out and put 334 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. down the pernicious practice of watering stock, whereby the people are oppressed by extortionate rates and charges in order . to pay dividends upon capital which does not exist, and which only stands upon the books of the companies by fraud and false pretense. 17. That we are opposed to the election of ^ president of the United States for more than one terra of four years, and we will support no man for congress who is not in fayor of amending the constitution to accomplish that object. 18. That we are in favor of all reasonable measures of labor reform, and of maintaining and enforcing the eight-hour law in regard to manufacturing and mechanical pursuits, and upon all public works. 19. That we are opposed to further influx of the mongolian race; to the further subsidizing of stearaship lines for the purpose of enabling thera to bring in this degraded class at mere nominal rates; and to this end we demand that the treaty with China, known as the Burlingame treaty, be abrogated, or raodifled to one for com mercial purposes only; and that the whole moral and legal force of the state should be bent to this purpose, as the Chinese are a stand ing menace to the moral, physical, and pecuniary welfare of the people of this state. 20. 'l^hat the manly and noble stand taken by Governor Newtpn Booth in behalf of the popular rights and against the encroach ments of unscrupulous politicians and railroad corporations on the rights of the masses, has justly endeared him to the people of California, and that his official conduct and conscientious perform ance of his duty commend him to our grateful approval. Elisha W. McKinstry was unaniraously norainated for justice of the suprerae court, to fill the unexpired term of Judge Sprague. The following were selected to constitute a state central com mittee : John Bidwell, G. W. Bowie, A. S. HaUidie, T. A. Talbert, Jaraes Burney, 0. E. Greene, Jaraes Johnson, D. W. Welty, J. G. Howell, E. Steele, 0. P. Berry, WiUiara Jories, A. K. Dudley, W. C. Norton, G. W. Applegate, A. Delano, J. H. Carothers, J. F. Cowdery, D. B., Hoffman, Edgar Briggs, F. P. Dann, A. W. Poole, C. T. Ryland, and others. An executive committee was chosen, consisting of M. J. O'Conner, M. M. Estee, A. Helbing, A. J. Gunnison, M. 0. Conroy, J. R. Sharpstein, Thomas Tobin, W. W. Dodge, James H. Hardy, 0. 0. 'TerrUl, E. B. Mott, jr., A. P. Catlin, W. S. Manlove, and'others. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 335 The judicial election was held on Wednesday, October 15th, when McKinstry was elected justice of the suprerae court, by a vote of 25,609, to 14,380 for Dwinelle, and 19,962 for McKee Bronson received 11,446 votes for the supposed Crockett vacancy. CHAPTER XXV. 1878. Republican Convention — Independent Conventiori — Democratic Convention — Prohibition Convention. The republican state convention met at Sacramento on June 10th, and was called to order by Walter Van Dyke, the chairraan of the state comraittee. A. A. Sargent was elected temporary chairraan, by a vote of 238, to 111 for H. O. Beatty. The coramittee on reso lutions consisted of George 0. Gorhara, W. H. Sears, Philip Teare, H. T. Dorrance, and others. In the evening a perraanent organiza tion was effected, by the selection of Sargent as president; and H. O. Beatty, H. S. Sargent, Soloraon Jewett, A. G Abell, and others as vice-presidents. The coramittee reported the following platform : The republican party of Oalifornia, in state convention asserabled, reaffirming the state platform of 1871 and the national platform of 1872, makes the foUowing additional declaration of principles : 1. That we have an undiminished confidence in the patriotisra, wisdom, and integrity of the present chief magistrate of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, and join our political brethren throughout the nation in cordial and earnest support to his administration, in fullest recognition of his illustrious career in the military and civil service, and in conderanation of that rancorous party spirit which prompts his and our enemies to the unconsidered and unjust attacks upon him as those to whioh his great predecessors, Washington, Jackson, and Lincoln were subjected during their administrations. 2. That the letter addressed by the presiderit to the chairman of the Pennsylvania republican state convention upon the subject of the succession is a full and complete refutation of the slanders of those who charged him with ihtriguing for a re-election, and that we accept it as an explicit and final settleraent of the third-term agitation created by the enemy solely to arouse jealousies and dissensions in the republican party. 336 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA: 3. That the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments to the constitution of the United States, added to that instrument by the votes of the requisite three-fourths of the States of this union, are as sacred and binding as are any of its provisions, and that they are to be raaintained by the enforcement of all proper congressional enactments, notwithstanding the oppositiori, secret or avowed, of the deraocratic party, or of hostile white leagues in the southern states. 4. That the conduct of that portion of the people in the south, who defy the fifteenth araendraent, and seek by intiraidation or force to prevent the lawful exercise of the- elective franchise by the great body of colored citizens resident therein, is a rebellious defiance of the national authority. An atterapt to prevent the election of the next president by the people is calculated to arouse the worst pas sions of raen, and to disturb the peace of the nation, and should be met by all law-abiding citizens, both north and south, as an effort to revive the flames of civil war. While admitting that honest differences of opinion exist as to the extent of this conspiracy against the fair and constitutional election of a president in 1876, we deera it well to caution the people against slumbering in the face of danger. 5. That with all our countrymen, of whatever section, who yield obedience to the constitution and the laws, and who do not defend or justify those who disobey them, we desire to cultivate fraternal relations, without regard to mere party differerices, and we will at all tiraes unite with thera to promote justice, order, and public tran quility. 6. That the cost of the state and several county governments can, and ought to be, reduced one-half, and to that work the next legisla ture should address itself. This can be done by a comprehensive re-adjustment of the public business, a curtailment, of the large list of officers and their employes ; such a reduction of salaries and fees as will place publio servants on a footing, as to compensation, with persons in private business, and incidentally abate the almost universal preference for public over private eraployment; honesty and econoray in the raaintenance of the various institutions of the state; a total abandonment of the practice of voting the people's money to institutions which were called into existence without state action; and by additional checks and safeguards to render official peculation difficult of concealment, and surer of punishment when discovered. 7. Thatthe burden of taxation should not only be reduced, but REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 337 the laws concerning assessraent and equalization should be so revised and araended as to better insure a just division of that burden among those who enjoy the benfits of governraent ; and that in aid of the law a wholesome pubUc opinion should be cultivated against all who seek to evade their just proportion of taxation, and in favor of swift and certain punishment alike of citizens and' officials who by fraudulent and corrupt practices may offend against the law. 8. That the republican party will aid the developraent of the resources of the state by all legitiraate means, and as it is apparent that the agricultural capabilities of large sections cannot be fully shown unless sorae practical system of irrigation is adopted, the republican party demands of the legislature that it assume control of the waters of the various lakes and rivers, subject only to raining and mechanical rights, and provide for its distribution over the largest possible area of irrigable land, by the adoption of a compre hensive systera that shall make the canals and irrigation works to be constructed fbr this purpose a part and portion of the realty of the various districts, to be wholly subject to the control and manage ment of the owners of the irrigable land therein. 9. That the freedom of the state from ecclesiastical control is of equal iraportance with the raaintenance of religious freedom frora state control ; that the comraon school system is an institution of the state, established as a preventive of the crirae and poverty which attend ignorance, and we will tolerate no interference with it frora any quarter; and that any effort to divide the school fund for the purpose of supporting sectarian schools with a portion thereof, shall be raet with all the resistance in our power. 10. (o) That the Central Pacific railroad company is a state cor poration, and as such is araenable to the laws of the state concem ing corporations. (6) That the relations of that corapany to the nation are siraply those of agent and principal, and debtor and creditor, so far as their property within this state is concerned, (c) That the power of the state over the said corporation, so far frora having been surrendered by the act of the legislature of April 4, 1864, as clairaed by that corapany, was rather affirmed thereby, in these words : "Said corapany to be subject to all the laws of this state concerning railroad and telegraph lines." {d) That the right to regulate fares and freights, whenever it exists, is a condition annexed to the franchise, and is necessarily vested in the govern ment by which the franchise has been granted. The right to collect 22 338 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. tolls is one of the essential franchises of railroad corporations, and the power to regulate them is simply a power to regulate the fran chise under which they are collected, and the power raust be exer cised by the authority creating the corporation, (e) That the exist ence of the Central Pacific railroad corporation, and its right to operate its roads in California, rests exclusively upon the authority of state law, and that its national character is liraited to certain func tions, which it derived, by the state's consent, from congress — such as the right to operate its road outside of the state, and to create liens upon its entire line in favor of the national- government and , other creditors. (/) That as a necessary result of the foregoing, while congress has the right to regulate tolls over the road, on through and inter-state traffic, the state legislature has absolute and exclusive power to regulate the rates of freights and fares between all points within the state, {g) That experience has shown that railroad corapanies, when left uncontrolled, naturally look exclu sively to their own interests, and often disregard the interests and convenience of the public they were created to serve, whereby unreasonable rates of fares and freights have been, and are stiU iraposed, unjust discriraination made against communities and classes of merchandise; and many settlements and towns incon venienced, and even severely injured, for the building up of the localities in which raerabers of the corapanies are interested. (A) That we recoraraend that the people should exact in advance from candidates for the legislature unequivocal pledges. First, that they will, if elected, vote for such a reduction of freights and fares as will leave to the railroad companies a fair income upon the actual- cost of constructing the roads, and allow for raaintaining and operat ing the sarae, and enable thera to raeet their just obligations; second, that they will, to that end, institute a thorough investiga tion into the affairs of the corporations, as they have ample power to do, in order to ascertain the real cost of the construction of the roads and the annual outlays for maintaining and operating the same; third, that they will, iri adjusting a tariff of freights and fares, aboUsh all unfair discriraination between the sarae classes of merchandise, and equalize the rates between different localities, having due regard for grade and curves. {%) That while the republican party disclaims any sympathy with indiscriminate war upon associated capital, with a Wind disregard of its rights, it is entirely independent of all corporate power; it is opposed to aU schemes in state, county or city, whereby, under the pretext of pro- REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. . ' 339 viding gas and water to Comraunities, or irrigation for farraing, a few men seek to enrich themselves by imposing heavy burdens upon the people; it repels all atterapts of corporations to force into office, through republican conventions, men who will guard their interests rather than those of the public, and expects to be judged by its acts, and the character of its candidates, rather than by the false accusations of its enemies, who, after having had the executive power of the state for the past eight years equally divided between thera, can present no better claira for the public confidence than loud and erapty professions of horror at alleged corruptions and profligacy in public affairs, which they themselves have managed and controlled. 11. That we earnestly invite the co-operation of the great farm ing interests of the state in the reduction of the cost of transporta tion, the reduction and equalization of taxes, and the inauguration of a plan for irrigation, by representatives of their own selection in the legislature. 12. That, confldent of the substantial agreeraent on national and state questions of all who sustained the nation during the great civil war, regretting the alienations among republicans, which have been too apparent during the past few years, desirous of making all becoming concessions to secure harmony, we cordially invite all who are opposed to the restoration to power of the deraocratic party, to forget the strifes of faction, to disregard the counsels of those who seek to continue unseeraly and unnecessary division, and, keeping in view the overwhelraing iraportance of the approaching presidential election, aid in reuniting the republican party of the state, and securing a victory for the cause of republicanisra and real reforra. The resolutions were taken np seriatim. The first resolution was adopted without opposition. The following was offered as a substi-' tute for the second : That it has become a part of the unwritten law of the land, that no raan should be elected for more than two terras to the office of president of the United States. The substitute was lost by a pronounced vote, and the original resolution adopted. The following was added to the ninth : " That all citizens, without distinction of race or color, are entitled to equal advantages of public school education." The following was offered as a substitute for the tenth resolution : 340 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. That with respect to railroad corapanies and other corporations,. we reassert the resolution passed by the republican state convention in 1871, viz.: That we are opposed to any further subsidies in land or raoney to such corporations; that corporations are creatures of legislation, and are entitled only to those rights guaranteed them by the constitution and the laws; that while they should be protected' in those rights, they ahould not be allowed to trespass beyond their chartered privileges upon the rights of the people; that it is the duty of the legislature to enforce a fair and reasonable exercise of corporate privileges; but that it is not wise or politic to force cor porations into politics by resolutions pointedly hostile to them- and' their just interests. The substitute was lost, 113 to 250, and the resolutions as re ported were adopted. The following additional resolution was also adopted : That the republican party of California is opposed to double tax- ' ation in every shape, and we favor such reform measures as will reraedy the evil, believing that every person should only be taxed on what he owns, and not on what he owes,. The following ticket was norainated : Timothy G. Phelps, for governor, without opposition, Romualdo Pacheco withdrawing. Joseph M. Cavis, for, lieutenant-governor, without opposition. ¦ Edward HaUett, for secretary of state, without opposition, Drury Melone withdrawing. Jaraes J. Green, for Controller, without opposition. Robert Gardner, for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, over William H. Norway. Williara Beckraan, for treasurer, on the first baUot, over Jonas Marcuse. E. D. Sawyer, for attorney -general, without opposition, L. B. Mizner withdrawing. Grant I. Taggart, for clerk of the suprerae court, without opposi tion. Ezra S. Carr, for school superintendent, without opposition, A state coramittee was selected, consisting of Jarrett R. Richards, William Sharkey, F. K. Shattuck, James A. Duffy, W. S.. Wells, WiUiam Jennings, M. 0. Andross, Jaraes E. Hale, A. D. Splivalo, S. E. Jewett, M. D. Boruck, A. G. Abell, Louis Sloss, A. Briggs, 0. N. Fox, and others. REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS. 341 The first district convention met at San Francisco on August 9 th, and on the first ballot nominated Ira P. Rankin for congressraan, by a vote of 59, to 4 for Frank Soule. The second district convention raet at Sacraraento on June 9th, and nominated H. F. Page for congressraan, without opposition. The following resolutions were there adopted : That the republicans of the second congressional district recognize in the brief congressional record of the Hon. H. F. Page a series of acta, iraportant alike to the people of the district, state and nation; reflecting distinguished honor upon himself, and the party who con fided to his care the high trust of representative. That his success ful exertions in obtaining the restoration of government lands upon 1;he Folsom and Placerville and the Stockton and Copperopolis rail roads (the former alone estimated to be of the value of three -raillion dollars), the passage of an act for the relief of settlers within the limits of forfeited railroad grants, obtaining appropriations for the improvement of Oakland harbor, the act to prevent the iraraigration of Chinese coolies into the country, to prevent Chinese naturaliza tion, to prevent straw bids for United States raail contracts (thereby saving to the governraent, according to the last report of the post- raaster-general, about three raillion dollars for the period of four years), his votes for the reduction of salaries, the repeal of the mileage law, his vote upon the bill which provided for the regula tion of the price of transportation upon interstate railroads, and his votes against subsidies of every kind, form a record of honesty, ability and usefulness, which comraends hira to the fullest confidence of the people of the district and state. That we recognize his votes on the civil rights, force and bounty bills as being in harmony with the principles of the republican party, as enunciated in the state platform of 1871. The third district convention met at Washington, Yolo county, on June 9th, and 0. B. Denio was norainated for congressraan, with out opposition, Jesse 0. Goodwin and J. A. Hutton withdrawing. The fourth district convention raet at San Jose, on June 14th, and Sherman O. Houghton was nominated for congressman, without opposition. The independent state .convention met at Sacraraento, on June 22d, and was called to order by W. W. Dodge, chairman of the -state comraittee. 0. T. Hopkins was elected teraporary chairman. 342 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A coraraittee on resolutions was selected, consisting of John F. Swift, W. 0. Bartlett, J. S. Thorapson, T. J. Sherwood, W. S. Montgomery, John Bidwell, F. S. Freeman, Noble Martin, and oth ers. On perraanent organization, Henry Edgerton was president; and D. B. Hoffman, Sarauel Soule, Seneca Ewer, William Johnston,. T. M. Araes, and others, vice-presidents. The coramittee on resolu tions raade the following report : Whereas, The bitter dissensions that have divided the citizens of California into opposite parties, upon purely national questions, for so many years, having passed away with the civil war and the re construction measures growing out of the war, it has becorae obvious that serious local evils are weighing heavily upon the people of this state, requiring our earnest and thoughtful attention, lest they be come, through our indifference, perpetual ; and whereas, the so-called national parties in California have fallen into the control, in a large raeasure, of the raore worthless elements of society, raanaged in the interest of certain powerful corporations and associations of indi viduals, who systematically seek to accumulate wealth at the public expense, through and by raeans of the raachinery of government, until affairs have reached a point where the people can no longer safely trust the political control of the state to either of them; therefore, resolved : 1. That the people's independent party seeks to unite together the honest and law-abiding citizens of all portions of California, irre spective of class, local, or business distinctions, and regardless of religious or previous political opinions, for the purpose of bringing about a thorough system of reforra in state, county, and raunicipal governraents generally, and especially with the view of securing re trenchraent in public expenditures and consequent reduction in tax ation ; the regulation and control of all corporations exercising franchises of a public nature, the reduction to reasonable rates of fares and freights on railroads, as well as stearaboats operated in. conjunction with railroads; and the prevention and punishment of unjust discriminations by railroad and other corporations against localities and against individuals; the securing from the power or possibility of monopoly the natural waters of the rivers, streams, and lakes of the state, and revesting thera once raore in-the people; the rescue of the inhabitants of our cities and towns from the op pressive power of water and gas corapanies, and other kindred mo nopolies; the purification of the administration of justice throughout RESOLUTIONS OF INDEPENDENT PARTY. 343 thte state, by reforming the grand jury system so that powerful crim inals may be punished as well as weak, and generally to secure such improved legislation in the interest of good governraent as wisdom and an honest purpose of reforra may suggest. 2. That for the more perfect accomplishment of the foregoing ends, this convention, composed of delegates representing all parts of California, pledges the "people's independent party," and its nom inees for office throughout the state, to support and carry out by all ' lawful and proper means, the policy and purposes of the party as set fbrtli in this platform. 3. That to this end the agricultural and raining counties of the interior hereby enter into a soleran league and covenant to and with the cities, and the cities pledge themselves as solemnly to the. coun ties of the interior, that all officers, executive, legislative, and judi cial, elected by this party, in any part of California, shall in good faith endeavor, in their official capacity, lawfully to remedy the grievances of the people, not only such as are peculiar to their own special constituencies or locality, but of all other portions of the state as well. 4. That we repeat and reaffirra the principles of the party, as laid dpwn and resolved upon by the judicial convention of the people's independent party, held at Sacraraento, in September, A. D. 1873, and make them a portion of this platform as fully as if herein set forth at large. Whereas, Through improvident and inconsiderate legislation, the funda generously appropriated by the nation, and materially in creased by our state, its cities and counties, to aid in constructing the Pacific railroad, have been so eraployed that a small number of individuals, acting in corporate capacity, now own and control the only transcontinental railroad in the country, together with almost the entire railroad systera of the state, as well as the river steamers and ferry boats plying upon our interior waters, thereby practicaUy monopolizing not only the entire overland traffic, but likewise the general carrying trade of the state and coast; and, whereas, the cor porations controlling these railroads arid steamboats possess and' exercise the power to arbitrarily make, levy, and collect their rates of freights and passenger fare, and to exact and enforce rules and' regulations at their own pleasure; and, whereas, it is apparent that' there can be no final relief from the excessive charges and unjust' discriminations of the railroad corporations through competition. 344 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA because of their vast wealth and power, which are invariably, used to break down all rival enterprises, and to ruin the projectors, and failing in that, then to corabine with them against the people ; and, whereas, in order to retain this power to fix rates, and to discrim inate at pleasure, and to prevent any legislative relief from being extended to the people, the railroad corporations have, in the past, systematically intermeddled with and corrupted the politics of the state, using their wealth and influence to elevate scheming men, and in many instances their interested partisans, and to place them in the legislature and other stations of trust where they could vote away the people's rights, until the domination of the railroad and other corporations in our politics and governraent has becorae an intolerable evil ; therefore, resolved : 5. That there is and can be no safety to good government, to cap ital, or to production, so long as the corporations engaged in trans portation by railroad and steamboat in this state possess the power, independently of the law, to make their own rules and regulations, or to establish and collect tolls and rates of freight and fare at their own unrestricted will and pleasure. 6. That the rates of freight and fare charged and collected upon the railroads of California, and upon the stearaboats owned and operated in connection with them, in most places where there is no competition, are unjust, unequal, and excessively high. And that the power now exercised by the railroad corporations in making their rules and regulations, as well as their said rates, is exercised in an unjust and oppressive manner, to the injury of individuals and localities, as well as the general productive interests of the state. 7. That the people's independent party hereby pledges its nomi nees for office throughout the state, to reduce said rates of freight and fare, by law, to a just and fair standard, based upon 'the actual cost of the road and the expenses of operation; and also to the en actraent of laws to prevent and punish all manner of unjust dis criminations against individuals or localities, and generally to reduce the railroad corporations to the supervision and control of the laws of the land. 8. That while we seek by all lawful raeans to drive the railroad corporations out of politics, and to protect the people by wise and calmly considered laws from extortion and unjust discrimination at their hands, yet we fully acknowledge the great value to the com munity of a properly constructed and justly managed system of rail- RESOLUTIONS OF INDEPENDENT PARTY. 345 roads, and will ever stand ready to accord due appreciation and generous treatment to those who so construct and raanage them. 9. That we favor the construction of all independent lines of competing railroads, to connect the Atlantic states with Califomia, provided they be built and operated in the interest of the people, and not solely in that of the monopolists, as is the case with the railroads now existing in this state. Whereas, In certain parts of the state irrigation of the soil is absolutely essential to the proper development of our agricultural interests ; therefore, resolved : 10. That to this end the waters of the lakes and rivers of the state should be and remain forever in the ownership and control of the public, and never allowed upon any pretence to become the sub ject of private monopoly. 11. That the separation of the proprietorship of the land frora that of the water necessary for its irrigation, is fraught with dan ger, not only to the agriculturists, but to the entire commonwealth, and should be discouraged by law. 12. That the legislature should speedily enact proper laws to en courage and favor irrigation in the agricultural districts of the state wherever needed, and to prevent the raonopoly by speculators of the natural waters necessary thereto, at the same time having due re gard for the wants of the mining localities, and fostering and pro tecting the just rights of those engaged in raining pursuits. Whereas, The Spring Valley water company is a corporation which has been permitted by the legislature to obtain a practical monopoly of the fresh water within and adjacent to the city and county of San Francisco, ao that it now claima control of all the sourcea of water supply within an area of 180 railes of the chief city of the state; and, whereas, said corporation was allowed to ob tain said monopoly upon the expreaa condition specified in the law authorizing its existence, that it would supply the inhabitants of said city and county with pure, fresh water 'for domestic uses, at reasonable rates, and likewise, that it would furnish the raunicipal govemment thereof with water in case of fire or other great neces sity, free of charge; and, whereas, said Spring Valley water company has willfully violated the conditions set forth in its said charter, amongst other things, by extorting frora the inhabitants of said city and county excessive and enormous rates for water for domestic uses, so that in said city and county it has come to pass that the 346 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. water necessary for a family costs more than their bread, while the rates charged for raanufacturing purposes make it so expensive as to be a grievous burden upon productive industry; therefore, resolved : 13. That this convention pledges the people's independent party and its nominees throughout the state, if elected, to join with the representatives from the city and county of San Francisco, in their efforts to place said corporation, and all other water corapanies in the state, under just control of the law,-- to reduce and flx its rates so that they shall be reasonable to the inhabitants of the said city and county, and so that in no event shall said corporation levy or collect any rate for water beyond what shall be necessary to pay in terest iipon the actual capital invested in the construction of said works and the purchase of land, disregarding all watered stock or sham and pretended outlays of raoney. Whereas, The greatest obstacle to the construction of a proper system of water-works for our cities and towns, and especially for the city and county of San Francisco, is to be found in the bands of organized schemers arid corruptionists who infest the state, and who, through the vicious laws now upon our statute bbbks providing for thfe appropriation of lakes and water courses, by corporations for speculative purposes, seize upon or make claira to all the waters within convenient distance of any town or city, and then by fraud and corruption induce the raunicipal authorities to buy them out at enorraous and exaggerated prices; nor is this the sole and only danger : The speculators do not hesitate to influence the elections, and to corrupt the politics of the state, so as to secure the election of officers favorable to their purposes, sheltering theraselves and their scheraes under the false pretense of supposed benefits to the publio, which they are only seeking to despoil; therefore, resolved : 14. That this party and its nominees throughout the state are pledged to oppose all attempts on the part of any water corapany, cor poration and individual, to sell any water-works scheme or pretended water rights to the city of San Francisco, or to any town or city of this state, at a price in excess of the money or capital actually ex pended by such company or individual in land and works, exclusive of the supposed value of any water right, disconnected frora the ownership in fee siraple of land ; it being a cardinal principle with the people's independent party that the fresh water in the rivers and lakes of this state, as well as the rains that descend from the clouds, belongs of right to the whole people, and that any ownership RESOLUTIONS OF; INDEPENDENT PARTY. 347 or monopoly of it by any corporation or person, beyond what they shall put to sorae beneficial use, is a wrong to the entire coraraunity. Whereas, The city of San Francisco has been for years suffering frora the exactions of the San Francisco gas corapany, a corporation which, by issuing bonds or stock from time to time to buy off oppo sition and to prevent competition, as well as by watering its stock many times over in order to conceal its enormous earnings, has in creased its capital to a sura vastly beyond the real value of its works, but yet, nevertheless, continues to charge excessive prices for gas^ and to pay dividends upon this pretended capital, greatly to the injury of the inhabitants of said city and county; therefore, re solved : 15. That the people's independent party and its norainees are pledged to the enactment of laws regulating the quality and illumi nating power of gas furnished by said corapany, and by all gas com panies in this state, as well as the price thereof, so that gas shall be furnished at such a rate as shall afford a fair profit upon the cost of production and distribution of the sarae, and no more. Whereas, The expenses of the government of the state of Cali fornia, its cities, counties, and towns, have been allowed to greatly exceed the expenses of other states, cities, counties, and towns in this union, by reason of the payment of salaries in excess of the earnings of citizens engaged in private business pursuits, as well as by the prevalence of a spirit of improvidence, and even jobbery, in raany of the departraents, until the weight of taxation rests heavily upon the raasses of the people; therefore, resolved : 16. That this party is pledged to a general- retrenchraent in pub lic expenditures, and a reduction of official salaries throughout the state, and in the cities and counties. 17. That the people's independent party pledges its nominees to- endeavor to secure a repeal of all laws permitting public officers,. upon any pretence whatever, to collect fees for their own use or benefit; and further, to require their payment, in all cases where collected, into the ,public treasury. 18. That the people's independent party stands by the constitu tion of the state, which provides that taxation shall be equal and uniform, and that all property should be taxed once, and no more > and that any law which taxes the sarae capital in any form more than once, is a law of discriraination, and should be repealed. 348 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Whereas, It is of paramount importance that each and every cit izen, whether rich or poor, shall be made to bear his just share of taxation to support the governraent under which he lives, and in proportion to his wealth and no raore; and, whereas, it has been found in practice that asseaaors have in some instances arbitrarily decreased the assessments of favored individuals at the expense of the general coraraunity, thereby inflicting an injury striking at the very foundation of our systera of governraent ; therefore, resolved : 19. That this party is pledged to use all lawful raeans, by the enactment of proper statutes and otherwise, to eradicate and put an end to this vicious practice. 20. That this party is pledged to a thorough and careful revision of the laws regulating the qualifications of grand and petit juries, and to a reforra in the method of drawing the same, to the end that powerful crirainals, and especially corrupt public officers and those tarapering with them, may be punished, and confidence in the ad ministration of public justice raaintained. 21. That the people's independent party re-affirras with increased eraphasis the principle that individual conscience, and not party discipline, is the only guide to the voter who in good faith seeks re form in government; and further, that we ask no one to vote for any candidate upen the pepple's ticket upon the sole ground that such candidate is the party norainee, but, on the contrary, assert it as the paramount duty of all citizens to scrutinize the work of this and all other conventions with care, and to repudiate and vote against any candidate whose past life or character justify them in believing he will be false to the people and the principles of good government. 22. That the sole purpose of the people's independent party in placing candidates before the people of California for election this year is that of securing needed reforras in this state, and thatthe objects of said party sought to be obtained in the raoveraent for better local governraent are in no wise dependent upofl the question whether there will or will not be an independent national party or an independent nomination for president in 1876; and that the vote -of any citizen for the norainees of the people's independent party ot California in 1875 does not foreshadow or have any manner of significance or bearing upon the question of national politics or the contest for president, but that each citizen will be free to vote and act when that time shall arrive as his conscience may dictate. NOMINA TIONS OP INDEPENDENT PARTY. 349 A motion was lost to strike out that portion relative to the gas and water rates of San Francisco, as was also a motion to strike out the last resolution. The following was introduced and lost : That no man should be removed frora appointed office for political opinion's sake, and that the political dogma, that to the victors belong the spoils, is demoralizing and pernicious. The following resolution was offered and- withdrawn, after debate : That the public school system is worthy of the comraendation and support of every Araerican citizen, and should be maintained on the basis of free unsectarian schools and an undivided fund. The platform as reported was adopted. The following norainations were raade on the 23d : For governor, John Bidwell, M. M. Estee, and A. P. Catlin were named. On the first ballot, Bidwell had 106; Catlin, 86; and Estee, 92. Estee then withdrew. On the third ballot, Bidwell was nominated, by a vote of 197, to 79 for Catlin. Romualdo Pacheco, for lieutenant-governor, without opposition. For secretary of state, the candidates were Jaraes 0. Carey and Williara Roush. After the first ballot, Carey was declared to be the norainee, but it was afterward ascertained that there had been a miscount of the votes, and on motion of Carey, the noraination was given to Rousch. Lauren E. Orane, for controller, without opposition. Ferdinand Baehr, for treasurer, without opposition. Peter Van Clief, for attorney-general, on the first ballot, over John Lord Love. Edward Twitchell, for surveyor-general, on the second baUot, over Johri F. Wade and A. S. Easton. Paul Morrill, for clerk of the supreme court, without opposition. J. M. Guinn, for school superintendent, without opposition; Ezra S. Carr, James C. Carey, G. R. Kelley, Joseph LeConte, and John Swett being withdrawn. A state coraraittee was selected, consisting of A. S. HaUidie, Peter Dean, J. F. Linthicum, E. B. Mott, jr., J. K. Doak, A. Maurice, S. M. Buck, T. J. Sherwood, D. B. Hoffman, J. F. Cbw- • dery, and others. 350 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The first district convention met at San Francisco on July 1st, and norainated John F. Swift for congressraan, without opposition. The second district convention met at Sacramento on June 23d, and nominated Charles A. Tuttie for congressman, without opposi tion. The third district convention met at Sacraraento on June 23d, and norainated Charles F. Reed for congressman, without opposi tion. The narae of Luttrell was proposed in the convention, but it was not considered, as a telegram was read frora him stating that ¦he would abide by the deraocratic convention for his endorsement. The fourth district convention met at Santa Barbara on July 14th, and J. S. Thorapson was nominated for congressman, without opposition. The democratic state convention met at San Francisco on June ¦29th. It was called to order by J. P. Hoge, chairraan of the state coramittee. John G. Downey was elected temporary chairraan on the first ballot, by a vote of 175, to 147 for Leander Quint. The comraittee on platforra consisted of E. J. Lewis, J. R. Jarboe, Niles Searls, Jaraes T. Farley, G. J. Carpenter, Eugene Casserly, and Frank McCoppin. On the SOth, a perraanent organization was effected by the election of Downey as president; and L. Archer, J. T. Farley, E. J. Lewis, A. F. Coronel, A. M. Rosborough, 0. H. Mitchell, George W. Henley, and others, vice-presidents. The com raittee reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : The democratic party of California, in state convention assembled, in compliance with usage, do assert the following principles as the basis of their political action, and pledge the candidates about to be norainated to their hearty support. We declare : 1. That we are opposed to the unconstitutional interference of the federal adrainistration in the domestic affairs of the states, by which one portion of the union is ground with taxation to keep an other portion of the union in a state of bankruptcy and servitude. 2. We conderan the republican party, not only for its contempt of constitutional obligations, but for its extravagant, partisan, and cor rupt administration of the federal govemment; for the perversion of. the functions of the latter to enrich great corporations at the expense of the public; for the jobbery and frauds which have brought re- DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 351 proach upon democratic institutions; for the Sanbern and Jayne frauds; for the infamous Washington ring; for the back-pay steal; the iniquities of the protective system; the curse of inconvertible paper money; the nepotism of the president ; for its disgraceful dip- loraatic service, and unfit appointments; for its atterapts to pass an unconstitutional force bill, which were fortunately frustrated by the determined front of the democratic minority in both houses of con gress; and for a catalogue of other enormities which have rendered that organization offensive even to the raass of those who were once its supporters. 3. That now, as at all periods, we are in favor of a strict construc tion of the constitution, and against the exercise of doubtful powers ; in favor of limiting the powers of legislative bodies ; in favor of a tariff for revenue only, and a currency convertible into gold and silver at the will of the holder ; against the profligate and wasteful system of local improveraents by the federal government, and in favor of reducing the expenditures of the state government, and of the counties and towns, and the salaries of officials, which have been largely increased since the state election of 1871. 4. That the school system and fund of this state are under the guarantee of the constitution inviolable, and we are opposed to any diversion of the fund to any purposes except those ordained by the constitution. 5. We assert the traditional polioy of the democratic party, in declaring that it is the right and duty of the legislature to regulate corporations, whether railway, gas, telegraph, water, or otherwise; to lirait their charges in the interest of the public, and to corapel thera to serve all citizens -without discrimination, and at reasonable rates; and that when they refuse to do so, we recognize the right and declare the intention of making them do so ; and we further assert it to be the duty of the governraent to preserve the waters of the state for irrigation and other public uses, instead of perraitting thera to be raade the raeans of extortion and raonopoly. 6. That the democratic party has no occasion to raake any new departure or declaration of opposition to the system of subsidies, when we recall the fact that it is to a democratic state administra tion that this state owes its deliverance from this oppressive, unjust, and corrupting system. 7. That we are in favor of calling a convention of delegates elected by the people, to amend the constitution of the state, as the only mode of creating a system of governraent at once harmonious and 352 POLITICAL ' CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. efficient, and are therefore opposed to the araendraents to the consti tution proposed. 8. That the time-honored democratic doctrine of local self-govern ment is sufficient when properly adrainistered to afford an efficient reraedy for the evils now caused by Chinese labor, and the presence among us of an inferior race, detriraental to our moral and physical health ; that in the interest of all classes in Oalifornia, especially that of the white working people, we deraand such amendment to the Burlingame treaty as shall reduce it to a raere commercial con vention. 9. That we condemn the doctrine whereby the power of the state to prevent the importation to our shores of degraded persons for imraoral purposes has been denied. 10. That we favor the speedy completion of a trans-continental railway on the thirty-second parallel, subject to such liraitations by the federal and state governraents as shall protect the rights of the people. 11. That we are in favor of equal taxation, and any departure from this principle, or any system of taxation which imposes a double tax upon the same object, is in violation of the spirit of the constitution and unjust to the best interests of the state. 12. That all legislation intended to regulate the social habits and customs of the people, so long as those habits and customs do not interfere with the welfare of society at large, and all legislation of the character known by the general name of prohibitory laws, is opposed to the principles of the democratic party, and is calculated to proraote a pretense of social raorality rather than a well-founded system of public order and decency. 13. That we invite the hearty co-operation of aU persons, what ever may have been their past political affinities, to unite with us in carrying out the principles herein enunciated. 14. That we condemn, as subversive of the rights of the people, and ruinous to the best interests of the state, the policy of permitting the lands of the state to becorae a monopoly in the hands of the few at the expense of the many, and we hereby pledge the democratic party to the correction of this giant evil. For governor, Thoraas Findley, Jaraes A. Johnson, William Irwin, 0. T. Ryland, and Philip A Roach were named. Irwin was nomin ated on the seventh ballot. On the first ballot, four votes were cast for John S. Hager. The ballots were as follows : DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 353 Findley JohnsonIrwin . . . Hyland Boach . 1 2 3. 4 5 G 87 90 91 94 92 92 53 54 61 59 54 43 104 109 117 119 128 141 63 70 76 73 71 67 34 22 Withdrawn. 75 19 193 58 For lieutenant-govemor, Jaraes A. Johnson, R. 0. Haile, George Pearce, Frank McCoppin, Marion Biggs (declined), and A. 0. Brad ford were naraed. First ballot — Johnson, 119; Pearce, 44; Mc Coppin, 92 ; Bradford, 50 ; Haile, 37. During the secorid ballot Haile and Pearce withdrew, and Johnson was nominated by a vote of 194, to 143 for McCoppin, and 6 for Bradford. The following additional nominations were made : Thoraas Beck for secretary of state, on the first ballot, by a vote of 182, to 157 for W. B. 0. Brown. ' J. W. Mandeville for controller, on the first ballot, by a vote of 214, to 37 for 0. 0. Coleraan, 64 for Joseph Roberts, and 11 for R. Gibbons. J. G. Estudillo for treasurer, on the first ballot, by a vote of 175, tio 18 for J. M. Estudillo, of Alameda, 40 for Juan B. Castro, 8 for •Otto Kloppenburg, and~ 103 for A. G. Escandon. Jo Harailton for attorney-general, on the first ballot, by a vote of 180, to 165 for Thoraas P. Ryan. Williara Minis for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, over T. J. Shackleford, G. W. Smith, W. Neely Johnson, G. Howard Thomp son, and William A. Ord. On July 1st, the following additional norainations were raade : D. Barney Woolf for clerk of the supreme court, on the first bal let, over L. 0. Branch, W. R. Hinkson, and Sands W. Forman. 0. P. Fitzgerald for school superintendent, without opposition. A state |Committee was selected, consisting of E. J. Lewis, Joseph F. Black, Caleb Dorsey, W. B. 0. Brown, J. B. Laraar, P. H. Ryan, H. J. Glenn, W. M. Gwin, jr., Peter Donahue, J. B. CarapbeU, 0. H. Mitchell, Paul Shirley, J. W. Satterwhite, 0. T. Ryland, Thoraas Jindley, Eugene Oasserly, L. Quint, P. A. Roach, R. A. Thompson, A. H. Rose, D. S. Terry, J. P. Hoge, and others. The first district democratic convention raet at San Francisco, on 23 354 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. July 6th, J. 0. Shorb, Mark L. McDonald, Robert Ferral, and W. A. Piper were named for congressraan. Ferral withdrew, and Piper was nominated on the first ballot, by a vote of 35, to 9 for McDonald, and 10 for Shorb. The second district convention met at San Francisco, on June SOth, and Henry Larkin was norainated for congressman, on the first ballot, by a vote of 47, to 41 for A. W. Roysdon. The third district convention raet at San Francisco, on June 29th, and J. K. Luttrell was norainated for congressraan, without oppo sition. The fourth district convention raet at San Francisco, on July 2d, and P. D. Wigginton was norainated for congressman, on the first ballot, by a vote of 47, to 24 for B. D. Wilson, and 16 for Charles H. Johnson. The state convention of the temperaiice reform party met at San Francisco, on June SOth. The body embraced about one hundred delegates, representing nearly every county in the state. A number of the delegates were ladies. The convention was called to order by W. E. Lovett, chairman of the state committee. Joel RusseU was elected president. Resolutions were adopted favoring economy in the administration of the governraent ; reraonstrating against the monopoly of lands by speculators ; favoring the increase of railroad facilities, but opposing subsidies ; demanding for the whole country a real, changeable currency, and the enforcement of all laws tending to the recognition of equal rights of all citizens. The platform also set forth the evils of intemperance ; deraanded a license tax of at least $30 per month; opposed - the sale of liquors in groceries; ta vored a mingling of physical labor with school studies ; demanded the establishraent of mechanical and agricultural colleges in connec tion with the university ; favored an eight hour law, and all socie ties forraed by the masses ; deraanded congressional interference to prevent Chinese labor; clairaed that mechanics and laboring men should be represented in congress by their own class ; asserted that taxes should be paid upon luxuries, and that the revenue should be drawn from accumulated capital rather than from the current pro ducts of labor; opposed legislation restricting coraraerce; deraanded that cities be vested with the right to control their own affairs; favored a transfer of the city front to the municipality ; deprecated the abuse of capital ; demanded a sailors' home, and opposed con vict labor., TEMPERANCE REFORM PARTY. 355, For governor, the naraes of John Bidwell and W. E. Lovett were presented. A dispatch was read from Bidwell, in answer to one asking him to accept the noraination, in which he said : "I stand upon the people's independent platform. Believe firmly in temper ance. Will accept no further nomination." Lovett was nominated by a vote of 63, to 34 for Bidwell. The following additional norainations were made, without opposi tion; J. V. Goodrich, for lieutenant-governor. W. H. Baxter, for secretary of state. Joel Russell, for controller. George B. Katzenstein, for surveyor-general. 0. P. Thorapson, for treasurer. G. W. Anthony, for clerk of the suprerae court. Ezra S. Carr, for school superintendent. R. E. Thompson, for attorney -general. No norainations were made for congressraen. On July 16th, Goodrich, Baxter, and Anthony declined their norainations, and on the 22d, the state committee nominated W. D. Hobspn for lieutenant-governor, E. H. Hallett for secretary of state, and Grant I. Taggart for clerk of the suprerae cburt. The general state election was held on September 1st, and the result was as follows : For Governor— ^heX-^s, 31,322 ; Irwin, 61,509 ; BidweU, 29,752 ; Lovett, 356. Lieutenant-Governor — Oavis, 30,932 ; Johnson, 58,424 ; Pacheco, 33,335'; Hobson, 242. Secretary of State— ^sXlett, 34,174; Beck, 59,746; Roush, 28,- 772. Controller— Green, 36,901; MandeviUe, 57,064; Orane, 28,535; RusseU, 262. Treasurer— Beckmsin, 34,222 ; EstudiUo, 59,090 ; Baehr, 29,042 ; Thorapson, 258. Attorney-General — Sawyer, 34,002; Hamilton, 60,915; Van Clief, 27,769. Surveyor-General— Gardner, 35,098; Minis, 59,677; Twitchell, 27,816. ' Clerk of the Supreme CouT^t—Ta.gga.rt, 34,642; Woolf, 59,723; MorriU, 28,569. 356 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Congressmen: Fi/rst district — Piper, 12,417; Rankin, 6,791 ; Swift, 6, 103. Second district—, 13,624; Larkin, 12,154; Tuttie, 5,589. Third district— L-attrell, 18,468; Denio, 14,284; Reed, 6,770. Fourth district — Wigginton, 15,649; Thompson, 5,343 ; Hough ton, 11,090. At the judicial election held on October 20th, Carr was elected school superintendent, by a vote of 45,257 to 39,630 for Fitzgerald. CHAPTER XXVI. 1876. Republican Convention, April 26th — Democratic Convention, May 24th — Democratic Convention, July 26th — Republican Conven tion, August gth. The republican state coramittee met at San Francisco, on March 19th, and called a state convention to meet at Sacraraento on April 26th, to select twelve delegates to attend the national convention, to meet at Cincinnati on June 14th. The following test was adopted : "Opposition to the restoration to power of the democratic party, and an intention to act in good faith with the republican party." At the time and place indicated, the republican state convention met, and was called to order by A. G. Abell, chairraan of the state coraraittee. W. 0. Norton, L. E. Pratt, and L. B. Mizner were norainated for temporary chairraan. Mizner withdrew, and Norton was selected, by a vote of 246 to 116 for Pratt. The committee on resolutions consisted of George G. Blanchard, P. H. McGowan, E. W. Roberts, Charles F. Reed, and J. V. Kelly. On permanent organization, Norton was president, and Mizner and Pratt, vice- presidents. The following resolutions were reported : 1. That we have undiminished faith in the integrity of the repub lican party of the nation ; that in its principles is the only security of national existence, prosperity, and honor. 2. That in suppressing the great rebellion, begun and prosecuted by one wing of the deraocratic party, and countenanced and aided by the other, and in destroying slavery and preserving the nation, REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 357 the republican party justly earned the gratitude of the lovers of Uberty and good governraent everywhere ; yet as a political party it cannot long endure and receive popular support solely on renown already achieved, however brilliant, but raust go forward and courage ously deal with other questions now demanding consideration; and that among such questions there is none more pressing or important than reforra in the civil service of the governraent, and the coraplete extirpation of the spoils system, inaugurated by the deraocratic party. S. That we both admire and approve the action of those who have been, and are still, engaged in the prosecution and punishment of official dishonesty. That we are in favor of an economical adrainis tration of the governraent by honest, faithful, and capable officers. 4. That the republican party of California deprecates now, as it has done at all times in the past, the presence among us of hordes of servile Chinese, iniraical to our advanceraent as a nation. That, while the democratic party has repeatedly resolved against the intro duction of these people, it has never taken action to prevent it. That we fully endorse the course of our representatives, to whom is due the credit of the only laws of reform upon this subject. That we are in favor of such a modification of the existing treaty with China as will effectually prevent any further influx of these people into our state. 5. That wfe favor a return to metallic currency, and the restoration of the silver coin of the United States to its constitutional equality with gold as a legal terider. 6. That the funded debt of the nation, the principal and interest of which was by law made payable in gold, should be so paid, and that any and every scheme of repudiation, direct or indirect, meets the hearty conderanation of the republicans of California. 7. That the democracy of this state is not to be trusted as a na tional party with the possession of the presidential office or^of congress, because of its purpose to add hundreds of millions to the natiorial debt, for pensions to confederate soldiers, claims for cotton legally and justly confiscated, and in the end, over a thousand raillions as corapensation [for the loss of slaves of the south, the allowance of which would raost surely result in another war, since loyal union men will never peacefully corisent to be taxed to pay treason for its losses. An araendraent was offered and withdrawn, expressing the opinion 358 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA that no person should be elected president for a third terra. The resolutions as reported were unanimously adopted. The foUowing were elected delegates to the national convention : First congressional district — John Martin and Isaac Hecht. Second congressional district — L. H. Foote and E. H. Dyer. Third congressional district — N. D. Rideout and A. P. Whitney. Fourth congressional district— Josiah Belden and M. E. Gonzales. For delegates at large, A. G. Abell, George S. Evans, Drury Me lone, Charles F. Reed, Eugene L. SuUivan, and J. M. Pierce were nominated. On the first ballot, AbeU had 349 votes; Evans, 317; Melone, 127; Pierce, 285; Reed, 327, and Sullivan, 119. Abeil, Evans, Pierce, and Reed were therefore elected. J. M. Fulweiler moved that the convention express itself in favor of Jaraes G. Blaine for president, and Ira P. Rankin offered the folio-wing : That whUe the republican party contains raany men who, by their recognized ability and devotion to the principles of the party, have proved theraselves worthy of public support and confidence, and capable of filling honorably the highest office in the gift of the peo ple, the republican party of Oalifornia especially recognizes in the Hon. James G. Blaine an erainently able and tried exponent of the principles of the party, of large experience in public life, of the purest public and private character, and possessing in a marked dfegree those personal qualities which would do honor to the office of president of the United States. That while thus expressing our preference for the Hon. James G. Blaine, yet having confidence in the intelligence and patriotism of our delegates to the national convention, we leave them unembar rassed by instructions, and free to exercise their own deliberate choice in the convention as the interests of the country may in their judgraent seera to demand. .The resolution was adopted. The democratic state committee met at San Francisco on April 12th, and called a state convention to meet at that city on May 24th, to select twelve delegates to attend the national convention to assem ble at St. Louis on June 27th, and to nominate presidential electors. The state convention was to be composed of 355 delegates. The test included "all persons who intended to vote for the nominees of the dembcratic party at the ensuing election." DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 359 ¦ On the day named the state convention convened at San Fran cisco, and was called to order by John 0. Maynard, secretary of the state comraittee. 0. T. Ryland was elected teraporary chairraan, without opposition. The coramittee on resolutions consisted of J. S. Hager, Senator Howe, J. T. Farley, Jo Harailton, J. 0. Burch, W. J. Tinnin, and others. Considerable difficulty was experienced in settling contests for seats. In the evening a permanent organ ization was effected by the election of Ryland as president, and A. J. Bryant, R. J. Tobin, F. M. Warmcastle, T. F. Bagge, M. Biggs, and others, vice-presidents. The comraittee on order of business reported in favor of electing three delegates frora each congressional district, but the convention, by a vote of 196 to 151, decided to elect two frora each district, and four at large. The committee also reported that in regard to norainating presidential electors at that convention, they were equally divided, and they referred the raatter • to the convention. After debate, it was decided, by a vote of 227 to 117, to postpone tho nominations until after the adjournment of the national convention. On the 25th, a state coraraittee was se lected, consisting of M. R. 0. PuUiam, Jos. F. Black, R. J. Tobin, J. D. Spencer, W. B. 0. Brown, J. 0. WolfskUl, P. H. Ryan, W. J. Tinnin, John Boggs, J. 0. Maynard, A. B. Dibble, A. H. Glass cock, Paul Shirley, J. W. Freeman, A. P. Overton, A. Newman, Peter Donahue, J. H. Baird, H. F. WiUiams, S. A. Sharp, T. M. O'Connor, and others. The coramittee on resolutions reported the following : The democracy of California, in convention asserabled, adopt and promulgate the following declaration of principles : ' 1. Fidelity to all the provisions of the constitution of the United States. 2. A perpetual union of the states, with local self-governraent in every section. , 3. Civil service reforra. A restitution of the traits of honesty, fidelity, and capacity in the selection and qualifications of public officers. 4. Retrenchment and economy in federal, state, and municipal administration; reducing the burdens on labor by the reduction of offices and taxation. 5. Exposure and speedy punishment, by penal laws, of corruption and peculation in the adrainistration of public affairs. ' 6. The private use and appropriation of public funds by official 360 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. custodians, means embezzlement and robbery. Official accounta bility exacted and enforced by the better administration of civil, and crirainal laws. 7. State corporations supervisable by and subordinate to state legislation, in the interests of the people. 8. Free schools, exeinpt frora all sectarian control. A free press; accountable for abuses to civil and criminal laws. 9. Preservation of public faith and credit, and the honest pay ment of the public debt. 10. The' money of the constitution, gold and silver, the only legal tender. 11. A tariff for purposes of revenue only. 12. No Chinese iraraigration. It is so thoroughly obnoxious to. our people and institutions, that its prohibition is imperatively de manded, and all the powers of the governraent should be exerted to that end. The committee also recommended the adoption of the follbwing: That the majority of our delegation to the national convention cast the vote of this state as a unit. E. J. Lewis offered the following araendraent to the coramittee report : Whereas, The Hon. Samuel J. Tilden, governor of New York, by his manly defense of the people against the corrupt schemes of po litical tricksters, has pointed him out as the true reformer and fit champion of the people in the conflict with official corruption, and by his bold advocacy of hard money as the circulating mediura ot our country, has raade hiraself an unobjectionable leader of the deraocratic party; therefore, resolved, that his nomin9,tion for pres ident of the United States, by the national democratic convention would be acceptable to the democratic party of Oalifornia, and a glorious victory in the cause of honest governraent. After a discussion, the report of the coramittee was unanimously adopted, so far as the platform was concerned. The resolution to instruct the delegation to vote as a unit was then carried by a vote of 257 to 96. The Lewis resolution was adopted without opposi tion. Delegates to the national convention were then selected as follows: . - First congressional district — William Dunphy and George H. Rogers. DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 361 Second congressional district-^John 0. Hays and F. T. Baldwin. Third congressional district — Armand Bay and George N. Corn- well. Fourth congressional district — J. F. Moultrie and T. D. Mott. For delegates at large, John S. Hager, Joseph P. Hoge, J. W. Taylor, John G. Downey, Jaraes L. English, and Eugene Casserly were named. On the first ballot, Hager had 250 votes; Taylor^ 257; Hoge, 282; Downey, 139;. EngUsh, 267; and Oasserly, 239. Hager, Hoge, English, and Taylor were therefore elected. The convention then adjourned to raeet on the last Wednesday in July. Pursuant to adjournment, the deraocratic convention raet at San Francisco on July 26th. The comraittee on resolutions reported the following, which were unaniraously adopted : 1. That the democracy of California accept and endorse the demo cratic declaration of principles, adopted at their recent national deraocratic convention assembled at St. Louis, as a true and faithful exposition of deraocratic sentiraents upon the political issues of the day. 2. That the Chinese plank of our national platform is in strict conformity with our resolutions adopted at our late aeasion, and is so bold and unequivocal a stand on this iraportant question, so vital to our prosperity as a state, that we congratulate the people of the Pacific slope on the prospect thus afforded of speedy relief. 3. That the thanks of this convention are hereby tendered to our national delegates for their faithful and efficient representation of the democracy of this state in the national councils of our party. 4. That we hail with pleasure the names presented for the presi dency and vice-presidency, the raodel governors of the union, Samuel J. Tilden, of New York, and Thomas A. Hendricks, of Indiana, and unqualifiedly ratify their nominations. 5. That the great issue bf local self-governraent and reforra against centralization and official corruption is now fairly before the people of the union, and we as patriots dare not anticipate defeat. 6. That one raission above all others in the war we are now waging against the present administration and its allies, is the enforcement of that God given coramand, "Thou shalt not steal." The following nominations were madcifor pj-eaic^ ential electors : First district, Stuart M. Taylor ; second district, Joseph H. Budd;. 362 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. third district, Barclay Henley; fourth district, Frank Ganahl; at large, J. Oampbell Shorb and John S. Hager. For alternate electors, the following were naraed : First district, John Mullan; second district, Theodore F. Bagge; third district, Marion Biggs; fourth district, Juan B. Castro. At large, Joseph Naphtaly and Caraeron H. King were nominated, over M. G. Vallejo and 0. M. Wozencraft. A raotion was made and lost to nominate a candidate for state -controller, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J. W. Mande ville. The first district convention met at San Francisco on May 25th, and nominated William A. Piper for congressman, without opposition. The second district convention raet at Sacramento on September 20th, and nominated G. J. Carpenter for congressman, without opposition. The third district convention met at San Francisco on July 26th, and nominated J. K. Luttrell for congressraan, without opposition; Barclay Henley withdrawing. The fourth district convention met at San Francisco on May 25th, and nominated P. D. Wigginton for congressraan, without opposi- tibn. The second republican state convention met at San Francisco on August 9th, and was called, to order by A. G. Abell, the chairman of the state comraittee. W. 0. Norton was elected teraporary chair raan, without opposition. The comraittee on resolutions consisted of G. G. Blanchard, E. W. Roberts, Calvin Edgerton, Jaraes E. Hale, R, Burnell, S. F. Gilcrest, and E. S. Saloraon. On permanent organization, Norton was president; and W. H. Sears, L. H. Foote, H. W. Briggs, and R. Burnell were vice-presidents, The conven tion determined to norainate a candidate for state controller. An adjournment was then taken until evening. During the recess, the delegates frora the first congressional dis trict raet and norainated D. A. McKinley for elector, on the first baUot, over Paul Neuman, George F. Baker, Louis R. Lull, Dr. H. Cox, and J. McM. Shafter. O. F. Von Rhein was norainated for alternate elector, without opposition. The second district delegates norainated John B. Felton for elector, without opposition ; L.. H. Foote withdrawing. George G. Blanchard was norainated for alternate. REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS. 363 The third district delegates norainated John H. Jewett for elector, -without opposition. For alternate, Jerorae Banks, A. P. Whitney, H. W. Byington, and L. W. Watkins were naraed, and Banks was nominated, on the first ballot. The fourth district delegates norainated H. J. Ostrander for ¦elector, on the first ballot, over Thoraas Fallon and W. E. Lovett. G. 0. Reed was nominated for alternate, on the first ballot, over -J. F. Richards and 0. S. Abbott. In the evening, the state convention raet. D. M. Kenfield was nominated for controller, without opposition ; Bernard Lande with- -drawing. The nominations which had been made by the district ¦conventions for electors and alternates were ratified. John F. Miller and Morris M. Estee were norainated for electors at large, without opposition ; and Paul Neuraan and J. McM. Shafter -were nominated for alternate electors at large. A state comraittee was selected, consisting of J. T. Richards, WiUiam Sharkey, N. W. Spaulding, H. T. Dorrance, A. Briggs, R BumeU, E. A. Davis, J. Buhlert, 0. Rowell, J. H. Neff, Sol. Jewett, J. R. Brierly, M. D. Boruck, Thoraas Fallon, J. G. Wickersham, R. Chute, 0. Clayton, A. G. Abell, W. W. Dodge, E. B. Mott, jr., L. Sloss, W. F. Whittier, 0. N. Felton, F. K. Shattuck, S. O. Houghton, and others. The comraittee on resolutions reported the following : 1. That the delegates of the republican party of Oalifornia, in ¦state convention asserabled, do reaffirra and endorse the platform of the national republican convention held at Cincinnati, and adopt the same as the chart of our political principles. 2. That we heartily endorse the action of that convention in nomi nating Rutherford B. Hayes as our candidate for president and William A. Wheeler, vice-president, and reCognize in them cham pions of honest and stable governraent — the true representatives of popular reforra and popular liberty. 3. That we do reaffirra and endorse the announcement of princi ples contained in the letters of acceptance of those of our national candidates, that "office should be conferred only on the basis of high character and particular fitness, and should be adrainistered only as public trusts and not for private advantage.'' 4. That as a great national party, devoted to the interests of the laboring masses, we are opposed to the further iraraigration of the Chinese, and we deraand, and will use all the raeans in our power 364 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. procure, a raodification of the present treaty between the govern* ment of the United States and the Chinese erapire, so as to entirely prevent the further imraigration of a people araong us, who, by reason of their uniforra, ingrained character and national antece dents are equally incapacitated frora becoraing Araerican citizens, or of becoraing desirable members of our Araerican comraunities, and whose presence and further introduction is prejudicial to the indus trial interests of the nation. 5. That the interests of California and the welfare of the country deraand resuraption of specie- payraent at the earliest practicable raoment, and the maintenance of all laws and statutes providing for resuraption. The resolutions were adopted, without opposition. The first district convention raet at San Francisco on August 10th,. and nominated Horace Davis for congressman, without opposition. . The second district convention met at San Francisco on August 10th, and norainated H. F.Page for congressman, without opposi tion. The third district convention raet at San Francisco- on August 9th, and norainated Joseph McKenna for congressraan, without opposition. The fourth district convention jnet at San Francisco on August- 10th, and nominated R. Pacheco for congressraan, without opposi tion. The election was held on Tuesday, Noveraber 7th, and the official canvass developed the following result : Democrobtic Electors— Shorh, 76,460; Hager, 76,464; Taylor,. 76,461; Budd, 76,451; Henley, 76,458 ; Ganahl, 76,460. Republican, Electors— Miller, 79,258; Estee, 79,259; McKinley,. 79,254; Felton, 78,264; Jewett, 79,260; Ostrander, 79,255. Greenback Electors — B. K. Lowe, S. H. Herring, J. H. Redstone, J. Condia, A. Cridge, and 0. B. Smith, 47 each. Congressmen. — First District — Piper, 19,363; Davis, 22,134,, Second District — Carpenter, 15,916; Page, 20,815. Third Dis trict— Luttrell, 19,846; McKenna, 18,990. Fourth District— Wig ginton, 19,103; Pacheco, 19,104. Controller— W. B, 0. Brown. 75,567; Kenfield, 78,529. On Deceraber fith, the republican electors raet in the office of the THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 365 .secretary of state, in the state capitol, and cast the vote of California for Hayes and Wheeler for president and vice-president. John F. Miller was selected messenger to convey the returns to Washington. After the official canvass, Kenfield filed his oath of office and bond as controller, but Governor Irwin refused to deliver to him a cora mission for the office. Kenfield instituted an action in the district court for a writ of raandate, to be directed to the governor, to compel him to issue the comraission. The district court sustained a de murrer to the petition, and the supreme court, at its April term, 1877, affirmed the judgment of the court below. Brown therefore teld over during the entire term. The secretary of state refused to issue a certificate of election to Pacheco as a member of congress, and at the January term, 1877, the supreme court of the state directed that a peremptory writ of , mandate issue to the secretary of state, commanding hira to canvass the vote as it had been transmitted to him by the county clerks, and to issue a certificate of election to the person having the highest number of votes. In accordance with this decision, the certificate of election was issued to Pacheco, and he proceeded to Washington, and was sworn in as congressraan on Deceraber 3d, 1877. Wigginton instituted a contest for the seat. A minority of the coraraittee on -elections of the house of representatives reported in favor of adrait ting Pacheco, but the raajority sustained Wigginton. The majority report was adopted on February 7th, 1878, by a vote of 126 to 137, and Wigginton took the oath of office on that day and served out the remainder of the term. CHAPTER XXVII. 1877. 'Workingmen's Movement and the Kearney Excitement. On the evening of September 21st, a meeting of unemployed workingmen was held at San Francisco, attended by about 2,000 ^persons. Philip A. Roach was the first speaker. Dennis Kearney addressed the meeting afterward. He said that as the question of labor then stood, every workingman should add a rausket to his 'household property. He predicted that within one year there would ¦be at least 20,000 laborers in San Francisco, well arraed, well organ ized and well able to demand and take what they will, despite the 366 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. military, the police, and the "safety coramittee." He said that a. little judicious hanging about that time would be the best course to- pursue with the capitalists and stock sharps who were robbing the people. It was resolved that a headquarters be established, and that the unemployed workingmen should sign their naraes as members of a self-protective organization. On the afternoon of September 23d (Sunday), an open-air meeting; of unemployed workingmen was held on the vacant lot in front of the new city hall in San Francisco, and was attended by about seven hundred persons. This was the first of a series of raeetings that were held at the sarae place, the design of which was to secure the co-operation of the working element. On account of the place where the meetings were held, they were called "sand lot gatherings.'' At this meeting J. G. Day was elected president of the organization, and Kearney treasurer. One week later, on the 30th, another meet ing was held, at which very intemperate language was indulged in^ and a division occurred in the ranks of the new party. One branoh adjourned to raeet on the following Friday evening, and the other on the following Sunday aftemoon. On October 5th a raeeting was held, which was attended by about one hundred and fifty persons.. Kearney was elected president of the organization; Day, vice-presi dent, and H. L. Knight, secretary. A coraraittee of five was ap pointed to prepare a set of principles, and they reported as follows : The object of this association is to unite all poor and working men and their friends into one political party, for the purpose of defend ing theraselves against the dangerous encroachments of capital on. the happiness of our people and the liberties of our country. We propose to wrest the governraent from the hands of the rich and place it in those of the people, where it properly belongs. We propose to rid the country of cheap Chinese labor as soon as possible, and by all the raeans in our power, because it tends still raore- to degrade labor and aggrandize capital. We propose to destroy land raonopoly in our state by such laws- as will make it impossible. We propose to destroy the great raoney power of thp rich by a systera of taxation that will make great wealth impossible in the- future. We propose to provide decently for the poor and unfortunate, the weak, the helpless, and especially the young, because the country is. THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 367 rich enough to do so, and religion, huraanity and patriotisra deraand that we should do so. We propose to elect none but corapetent workingmen and their friends to any office whatever. The rich halve ruled us until they have ruined us. We will now take our own affairs into our own hands. The republic must and shall be preserved, and only work- ingraen will do it. Our shoddy aristocrats want an emperor and a standing army to shoot down the people. For these purposes we propose to organize ourselves into the workingmen's party of Oalifornia, and to pledge and enroll therein all who are willing to join us in accomplishing these ends. When we have 10,000 raembers we shall have the sympathy and support of 20,000 other workingmen. The party will then wait upon all who employ Chinese and ask for their discharge, and it will mark as public enemies, those who refuse to coraply with their request. This party will exhaust all peaceable raeans of attaining its ends; but it will not be denied justice, when it has the power to enforce ' it. It will encourage no riot or outrage, but it will not volunteer to repreaa, or put down, or arrest, or prosecute the hungry and ira patient, who manifest their hatred of the Chinaraen by a crusade against "John," or those who emfSloy hira. Let those who raise the storm by their selfishness, suppress it themselves. If they dare raise the devil, let thera raeet hira face to face. We will not help thera. The other faction of the party was headed by a man named- Bates. On October 7th the two factions raet at the sand lots, and in the course of his remarks, Kearney referred to the rival faction in this language: "You will have to mob these white Sioux and white pigtail raen first. You will have to shoot them down on the streets,' betore you begin on the Chinese." At this point, the crowd began to follow out the instructions of the speaker by overturning the stand from which one of the rival orators was addressing the people. The stand' was righted, and again overturned, and the speaker was chased back to his own crowd, who occupied a different portion of the lot. On October 8th, notwithstanding the incleraency of the weather, about twelve hundred workingraen of the Kearney faction held a raeeting on the steps of the United States raint, and a club- was organized in the tenth ward. On that day the board of super visors of San Francisco considered the subject of providing for the 368 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. unemployed, and the finance committee reported that the board had no power to appropriate money frora the public treasury to meet the eraergency. Mr. Wise offered the following resolution, which was laid over: That the finance committee be and are hereby authorized to con fer with such of the influential citizens of this city and county as in their judgment they raay think proper, to the end that they may, together with his honor, the mayor, devise such ways and means as they may think raost expedient to provide eraployraent, and relieve the distress at present existing' among a large class of the inhabi tants of this city. After that, meetings were held nightly at different points in San Francisco to organize ward clubs. On October 11th, about eight hundred persons met at the corner of Fifth and Folsom streets, and after the adjournment, an attack was raade on a Chinese washhouse, the windows of which were broken. On the following Sunday, at - the sand-lot meeting, Kearney stated that the attack on the wash- house had been raade by a vicious boy, and that the object of the -organization was not to sack individual washhouses, but to strike a blow that would break up the entire Chinese institution. On Oc tober 16th, a raanifesto, signed by Kearney, as president of the workingmen'? party of California, and Knight, as secretary, appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, to the editor ot which paper it was addressed. The document recited : We have made no secret of our intentions. We raake none. Be fore you and before the world we declare that the Chinaman must leave our shores. We declare that white men, and women, and boys, and girls, cannot live as the people of the great republic should and compete with the single Chinese coolie in the labor market. We declare that we cannot hope to drive the Chinaman away by work ing cheaper than he does. None but an eneray would expect it of us; none but an idiot could hope for success; none but a degraded coward and slave would raake the effort. To an American, death is preferable to life on a par with the Chinaman. What then is left to us? Our votes! We can organize. We can vote our friends into all the offices of the state. We can send our representatives to Washington. We can use all legitimate means to convince our ¦ countrymen of our misfortunes and ask thera to vote the moon-eyed nuisance out of the couhtry. But this raay fail. Congress, as you have seen, has often been raanipulated by thieves, peculators, land THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 369 grabbers, bloated bondholders, railroad raagnates, and shoddy aristo crats—a golden lobby dictating its proceedings. Our own legisla ture is little better. The rich rule thera by bribes. The rich rule the country by fraud and cunning; and we say that fraud and cun ning shall not rule us. We call upon our fellow workingmen to show their hands, to cast their ballots aright and to elect the raen of their choice. We declare to them that when they have shown their wUl that "John" should leave our shores, and that wiU shall be thwarted by fraud or cash, by bribery and corruption, it will be right tor thera to take their own affairs into their own hands and raeet fraud with force. Is this treason,? Then raake the raost of it. Treason is better than to labor beside a Chinese slave. Your cor respondent " Citizen" thinks these expressions dangerous to the pub lic peace, and calls upon the officers of the law to prosecute us. He makes the old plea of oppressors everywhere, that such teachings tend to disturb the public tranquiUity. MacMahon says this of the speeches of Garabetta. Every tyrant has said the sarae. King George spoke thus of the utterances of Patrick Henry. Who is this "Citizen" who dares not write his name? this coward, who would have somebody else shoot down his own race to make room for the moon-eyed Mongolian ? Let him know that the workingmen know their rights, and know, also, how to maintain them, and mean to do it The reign of bloated knaves is over. The people are about to take their own affairs into their own hands, and they will not be stayed either by "Citizen," vigilantes, state militia, nor United States troops. The people make these things, and can set them aside. The American citizen has a right to express himself as he pleases, as he thinks, and to arm himself as he will, and when organized and strong enough, who shall make him afraid ? There is none. On October 29th, about three thousand persons held a meeting on the sumrait of " Nob Hill," in San Francisco, in the vicinity of the residences of the directors of the Central Paciflc railroad company, and speeches of a very inflammatory nature were made. The public exciteraent which was engendered by these frequent raeetings be oame great, and on Noveraber 1st the city authorities of San Fran cisco held a consultation with Kearney and the other leading agita tors, but no understanding was arrived at. On Noveraber 3d, a raeeting was held at the corner of Washing ton and Kearny streets, and while Kearney was addressing the 370 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. crowd, a number of policemen ran up stairs into a room which opened on the balcony where the speaker was, and arrested hini. This created an intense excitement in the audience, but Kearney motioned the crowd back and was taken to the city prison. The following resolutions were then adopted by the meeting : That as workingraen of this city and representatives of the indus trial interests of California, we hold that the system of strict party caucusing for the noraination of candidates by the legislature does not best tend to secure the rights and interests of all classes aUke. That we earnestly request our legislature either to dispense with the usual party caucusing in the noraination of United States sen ator, or that, if strict party caucuses are held, a conservative caucus also be held to norainate sueh a raan for the position as will be the true friend of the industrial classes and not the raere slave of cap ital or party. Two coraplaints were lodged against Kearney for raisdemeanor. One charged him with having uttered language tending to incite the assemblage of persons on " Nob Hill," whom he addressed, to deeds of violence, and the following is the language, credited to hira : The Central Pacific raen are thieves, and wiU soon feel the power of the workingraen. When I have thoroughly organized ray party we will march through the city and compel the thieves to give up their plunder. I will lead you to the city hall, clear out the police force, hang the prosecuting attorney, burn every book that has a particle of law in it, and then enact new laws for the workingmen, I will give the Central Pacific just three months to discharge their Chinamen, and if that is not done Stanford and his crowd will have to take the consequences. I will give Crocker until November 29th to take down the fence around Yung's house, and if he does not do it, I will lead the workingmen up there and tear it down, and give Crocker the worst beating with the sticks that a raan ever got. The other charge was for the following language, which was alleged to have been used in a speech delivered at the Irish-Ameri can hall : I want to make a motion. The raan who claims to be a leader — the first man who flags interest in this movement — I want to make a motion that he be hung up to a lamp post. By the eternal, we will take thera by the throat and choke thera until their life's blood ceases to beat and then run thera into the sea. A fine young man THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 371 asked me : "What position are you going to give rae ?" His name is Lynch. I said : "I will raake you chief judge." His narae is Lynch, recollect — Judge Lynch — and that is the judge that the workingmen will want in California if the condition of ttings is not ameliorated. I advise everyone within the sound of my voice, if he is able, to own a rausket and a hundred rounds of araraunition. On the night of Kearney's arrest, it was apprehended that an attempt would be made to rescue him by force, and the military of San Francisco were called out and reraained in their armories in anticipation of trouble. The Chinese became fearful that an attack would be made on their quarters, and on November Sd, the following appeal, signed by the presidents of the Chinese six companies, was refceived by the mayor of San Francisco : We, the undersigned, presidents of the Chinese six companies of this city and state, desire to call your immediate attention to a state of things which seems to us to threaten the lives and property of the Chinese residents, as well as the peace and good name of this muni cipality. In the multitude of responsibilities which tax your time and strength, it may possibly have escaped your notice that large .gatherings of the idle and irresponsible element of the population of this city are nightly addressed in the open streets by speakers -who use the most violent, inflammatory, and incendiary language, threaten ing in plainest terras to burn and pillage the Chinese quarter and kill our people unless, at their bidding, we leave this "free republic." The continuance of these things for many days with increasing fury, -without any check or hinderance by the authorities, is causing the Chinese people great anxiety, and in the iraraediate danger which seems again to threaten us as well as to threaten the peace and good name of the city, we (as on a former occasion) appeal to you, the-mayor and chief magistrate of this municipality, to protect us to the full extent of your power in all our peaceful, constitutional and treaty rights against all unlawful violence and all riotous proceed ings now threatening us. We would deprecate the results of mob violence, for we not only value our property and cherish our lives, which now seem in jeopardy, but we should also regret to have the good narae of this christian civilization tarnished by the riotous pro ceedings of its own citizens against the "Chinese heathen." As a rule, our countrymen are better acquainted with peaceful voca tions than with scenes of strife, yet we are not ignorant that self- 372 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. defense is the common right of all raen ; and should a riotous attack be raade upon the Chinese quarter, we should have neither the power nor disposition to restrain our countrymen frora defending them selves to the last extreraity and selling their lives as dearly as possible. But we trust and beUeve that it is entirely within the scope of your honor's power and in accordance with your high sense of jus tice, to prevent these threatened evils. That we may do all in our power as good citizens to preserve the peace and avert a riot, we most respectfuUy submit these stateraents and raake this earnest appeal to your honor. On the 4th, a large raeeting of the workingraen was held and intense exciteraent pervaded the entire city of San Francisco. J. G. Day, Wra. Kennedy, H. L. Knight, James WiUey, 0. 0. O'Donnell, and Charles E. Piiikett, who had been prominent as speakers at the meetings, were placed under arrest. On the 7th, the executive com mittee of the workingmen's party issued an address to the merabers of the party, which was signed by A. A. Stout and Wra. Wellook. The address was as follows : Our leaders having been arrested and incarcerated in the city prison for having dared to exercise the right of free speech — a right guaranteed by the constitution of our government, the first impulse no doubt, that filled your breasts, was to liberate them by force — the expression of which you gave utterance ' to when the arrests were made— but better counsels prevailed, and the officers were allowed to carry them off, contrary to what we consider to be lawful. Very well. Now we, as the only reraaining officers of the working- men's party of California, out of jail, wish to give you sound words of advice. Do not comrait any deeds of violence; do not inany way harass the officers of the law. Await a full and impartial expression of the law. It is the wish of the iraprisoned; it is the progrararae of the workingraen's party of California that they be arrested, tried, and if not convicted, then you will know that it is lawful for a speaker to express his opinion in this boasted free country. If the law says they are not guilty, then, having committed no offense against the law, they are entitled to speak and be protected, forcibly if necessary, in that right. But until the law passes on that right, you have no right to object, in any way, to the arrest of any of us. THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 373 Have patience in this hour of trouble, and you will all see that this martyrdom of our leaders will in the end redound to their glory, and the liberation of the workingraen of California frora the thrall- dom of capital and the incubus of the Chinese. In the raeantime, organize. Join the roll in your respective wards. " Truth crushed to earth will rise again." If our cause is just, we can stand temporary delay; if not, it deserves to fall. Our lawyers assure us that the complaint will "not stick." Have patience and all will be well. On the 15th, Kearney and Knight were released on bail, and on the 21st the cases were tried in the city crirainal court and dismissed by the judge. On the 29th — Thanksgiving day — the workingmen held a grand deraonstration in San Francisco. About ten thousand men were in line, and addresses were delivered by Kearney, Wel- lock, and O'Donnell. At the meeting the following resolutions were adopted : We, the workingraen of California, in mass meeting assembled in San Francisco, November 29, 1877, do hereby resolve that we are opposed to any further grant by congress of lands, raoney, or bonds in aid of any corporation or railroad raonopoly, of whatever preten sion, whereby the people are irapoverished and robbed of fheir her itage. Therefore we are opposed to the passage of the Texas Pacific railroad bill. And whereas, the Union and Central Pacific raUroad companies have defrauded the people of raillions of dollars' worth of property and bonds, therefore we favor the passage of the Chaffee bill, now pending in congress, for the governraent to declare the charter of the Union Pacific railroad forfeited for willful violation of the law, and to take possession of the road, unless legal irapediment exists to prevent immediate action ; and, whereas, the national currency banking systera of the United States gives double interest to the capitalist, fosters monopoly, and centralizes the money of the repub lic into the hands of the few; therefore we further resolve that we favor the passage of the resolution of Townsend, of Illinois, in con gress, authorizing the winding up of the national banks, withdraw ing their circulation, and substituting greenbacks or other similar currency in its stead. 374 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER XXVIII. 1878. The 'Workingmen's Excitement Growing in Intensity— Suc cess of the Movement at the Polls — Workingmen's State Con vention — A Joint Meeting of the Republican and Democratic State Central Committees— Delegates to Constitutional Conven tion—Division of 'Workingmen's Party — The Greenback Party. On January 3d, about four hundred uneraployed workingraen met on O'Farrell street and resolved to fall into line and raarch to the city hall, where a coraraittee, headed \y Kearney, was selected to inter view the mayor. The crowd increased to about fifteen hundred when the city hall was reached. The comraittee deraanded of the mayor that the workingmen be provided with work, bread, or a place in the county jail. Kearney stated that he could not keep thera in check any longer if one of three things was not provided, and he did not want to be responsible for what might happen if they were not provided for. Thd mayor then addressed the raeeting and stated that the city authorities had no power to provide them with work, and if they were set to work for the city, there was not raoney enough in the treasury to pay them. The crowd then met at the aand lot and speeches were delivered. So demonstrative was the meeting that several of the city officers, becoraing apprehensive that a raid would be made on the city hall, put the raoneys of their departraents in their safes and vacated their offices. Early in January, a committee of safety 'was organized by the ' leading citizens of San Francisco, to take action on what they con sidered was an alarming state of public excitement. Secret meet ings were held, and it was understood they had provided themselves with arras, and that a perfect system had been adopted so that at a given signal they could raeet for defence, if necessary. On January 5th, the grand jury of San Francisco found several indictraents against Kearney, Wellook, O'Donnell, Knight, Helra, and Pickett, and they were arrested, but released on bail. The indictments charged them with conspiracy and riot, in endeavoring to drive the Chinese and the railroad managers frora the state. Within the next ten days Kearney was arrested several times for the utterance of incendiary language. One of the complaints charged him with the utterance of the following : We are not to be intiraidated by anybody. It would take 50,000 raen in Oalifornia to intiraidate the workingmen that are now ready, and if we can get through this without the shedding of blood, so THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 375 much the better for ourselves. I do not care about dying just now, but if it comes to that, I am ready. To carry ray point I do not care who suffers, or who sacrifices his life in the attempt. We are going to carry this thing to either death or victory, recoUect. One of the indictments was tried in the crirainal court, and on the 22d, Kearney and WeUock were acquitted by the jury. The remaining charges were not pressed. On January fith, Nathan Porter, state senator frora Alameda county, died, and a special election was called for the 2 2d, to elect a person to fill the vacancy. J. W. Bones was nominated by the workingmen, and elected by a large majority, over W. W. Orane jr., republican, and J. B. Lamar, deraocrat. On Pebruary 19th, a special election was held in Santa Clara county for a senator and assemblyman, to fill vacancies caused by deaths, and S. W. Boring, • the people's candidate, was elected senator, and J. E. Clark, the nominee of the workingraen, was elected assemblyman. In March, at the city elections in Sacraraento and Oakland, the workingraen elected their candidates for mayor, and several other offices. These successes had the effect of giving considerable "political importance to the raovement, and steps were actively taken to perfect the organization, and raake it a factor in state , politics. In January, military companies were organized in San Francisco by the workingmen, to offset the organization of the cora mittee of safety. At a meeting held on January 15th, in San Francisco, the workingmen speakers defied the authorities, and boldly announced that they were purchasing rifles, forming military companies, and maturing plans for blowing up Chinatown. They also intimated that they intended to blow the steamships of the Pacific Mail company out of the water. A rope with a hangman's noose tied in it was suspended from a gas jet on the stand. The next day, the press of the city adraonished the workingraen that they were going too far, and expressed grave apprehension of violence. The legislature passed an act in January authorizing the board of supervisors of San Francisco to employ a number of men to work on the streets, with the hope of affording sorae relief Another act was passed authorizing the supervisors to increase the police force of that city to four hundred. At a special meeting of the board of supervisors of San Francisco, held on January 16th, the district attorney submitted an aniendment to the penal code, in relation to 376 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. riots, and a comraittee of seven was appointed to proceed to Sacra mento and urge its passage by the legislature. After lengthy debates, the bill was passed and approved. It provided that any person, who in the presence or hearing of twenty-five or more persons, should utter any language, with intent either to incite a riot at the present or in, the future, or any act or acts of criminal violence against person or property; or who should suggest, advise, or encourage any acts of crirainal violence against person or property; or should ad vise or encourage forcible resistance to any state law, should be deeraed guilty of felony, and on conviction, iraprisoned not exceed ing two years, or fined not exceeding five thousand dollars, or by both. On January 17 th, Mayor Bryant, of San Francisco, issued the following proclamation. Whereas, Persons assemble in this city and county, and threaten to comrait offenses against the property and lives of the inhabitants, - and such assemblies are not held for any lawful purpose, but to create disturbances, in which public offenses may be committed; now, therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, as mayor of this city and county, I do hereby declare that such assem blies are unlawful, and will not be permitted, but will be dispersed, and all persons composing thera and taking part in their proceed ings wiU be arrested. And I advise all persons to stay away from such raeetings, and not be present as spectators, from curiosity or any other idle raotive, for such attendance encourages those en gaged in promoting disturbances, interferes with the operations of those who seek to keep the peace, and raay resrilt in harm to the innocent as well as the guilty. I trust that the men who guide these assemblies will not corapel the use of force in securing obedi ence to law. But I shall not shirk frora using all the power at my coramand to preserve the peace of the city and county. Such assemblies, wherever held, in halls, upon the streets, or on sand lots, wUl be suppressed, and the supreraacy of law and order resolutely maintained. On the 17th, Kearney and WeUock, who were in the city prison, issued the following address : Workingmen, be calra ! be peaceful 1 Show your discipUne ! Do not distrust the law. We wUl come out aU right. If you "come to the courts, when we come on the streets, do not crowd the officers. Do not run after us. Our cause shall yet be won. You show your power best when you show your prudence. We are confident and THE WORKINGMEN'S MOVEMENT. 377 liappy. There is no misery where there is a good conscience. We must bide our tirae. We never can be defeated. On the evening of the 17th, the workingmen attempted several times to hold meetings in San Francisco, but they were dispersed by the police. On the 18th, Charles Crocker offered to give employment to one thousand men at %\ a day, to fill in certain portions of Mis sion creek, and on the morning of the 21st, two hundred and fifty men went to work, and the force was increased daily. The first state convention of the workingmen's party was held at •San Francisco on the evening of January 2 1st. Advertisements appeared in the papers announcing that the convention would be held at several different places, and these conflicting announcements were intended to throw the police off the scent, as it was expected that they would, by the instruction of the raayor, disperse the meet ing. The delegates had been informed of the place of the raeeting, and they entered the hall in small groups, through an adjoining saloon. The main entrance to the hall was closed, and frora the out side everything looked dark. The police did not discover the place of raeeting until about midnight, and when they entered they found that the proceedings were conducted in an orderly manner. The convention was called to order by President Rooney, of the eighth ward olub, who was chosen temporary chairman. About one hun dred and forty delegates were present. A riiotion was carried to employ counsel to have the mayor brought into court on a writ of raandate, to show cause why he broke up the workingmen's meeting. An adjournraent was then had until the following evening. The next day the mayor announced that he would not interfere with the convention so long as they did not violate the law. At the meeting on the 22d, no particular business was transacted. On the 23d, J. P. Dunn was chosen secretary, and a coraraittee on platform was chosen, consisting of Kearney, Rooney, Knight,' Wellook, and others. On permanent organization, Kearney was elected president ; D. F. Manning, of Mono, and Wellook, vice-presidents, and Knight and Dunn, secretaries. On the 24th, the coraraittee on platforra reported the following, which was adopted : That the time has come for the formation of a party of labor, to embrace within its ranks all those engaged in productive industry and its distribution. Upon signing the roll of membership, each per son wUl publicly and solemnly pledge hiraself henceforth to sever all 378 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. connection with the republican and democratic parties, and shall abide by the result of the majority in all cases duly expressed; and, furtherraore, shall at all tiraes aid in the selection of the raost com petent person frora our i;anks to serve us in an official capacity. A vote of- thanks to the fifteen raerabers of the legislature who - opposed the passage of the incendiary bill was passed. The follow ing resolutions were also adopted : Whereas, In the state there is almost a total disregard by em ployers ot labor of adequate, protection of the life and limb of the employes ; therefore, resolved, that we request of the present legis lature, suitable laws for the protection of life and limb of eraployes in factories, the erection of buildings, and all other occupations involving risk of life and limb. That a coramittee of three be ap pointed to draft a bill for presentation to the legislature, affording the desired protection. Whereas, The workingmen's party of San Francisco recognize in Dennis Kearney their president, and view with abhorrence his persecution and imprisonment by the city authorities; therefore, resolved, that we extend to President Kearney and his coadjutors, WeUock, Knight, and others, our sympathy and support in their laudable efforts to wrest this city and the great state of California from control of professed politicians, whose only desire is to plunder our people and thereby enrich theraselves. That we behold in the infaraous gag laws recently enacted by our board of supervisors and our state legislature, an abrogation ot the fundamental principles of the constitution of the United States and the inauguration of anarchy. ' , That we hold Mayor Bryant strictly accountable for his heartless betrayal of the raen who elected him to office, and believe that bis unwarrantable attack upon our president and officers was to divert public attention from his alleged complicity in the escape of Duncan, the villain and forger. That we will use all legal measures to bring to justice official dis turbers of the peace, and venal officers of every grade. Resolutions were adopted prescribing an oath for the members of the party, by which they should bind themselves to oppose, by all lawful raeasures, the introduction and raaintenance of coolie laborers in the United States, and that they should not employ or sell to or buy frora thera; and urging that a reasonable compensation be paid WORKINGMEN'S RESOLUTIONS, 379' to the delegates of the proposed constitutional convention, so that poor men could afford to attend it. The committee on platform made the following report : Whereas, The government of the United States has faUen into the hands of capitalists and their willing instruraents ; the rights of the people, their corafort and happiness are wholly ignored, and the vested rights of capital are alone considered and regarded, both in the states andthe nation; the land is fast passing into the hands. of thg rich few; great money monopolies control congress, pur chase the state legislatures, rule the courts, influence all publio offi cers, and have perverted the great republic of our fathers into a den- of dishonest manipulators. This concentration and control of wealth has impoverished the people, producing crime and discontent, and retarded the settlement and civilization of the country. In California, a slave labor has been introduced, to still further aggran dize the rich and degrade the poor, and the . whole tendency of this class of legislation is to undermine the foundation of the republic and pave the way to anarchy and misrule; and this convention therefore declares, as follows : Section 1. The workingraen of California desire to unite with those of other states in effecting such reforras in our general govern ment as raay be necessary to secure the rights of the people as against those of capital, to raaintain life, liberty, and happiness against land and raoney monopoly. Only in the people, the honest workingman can hope to find a remedy. Sec. 2. Chinese cheap labor is a curse to our land, a menace to our Uberties and the institutions of our country, and should, there fore, be restricted and forever abolished. Sec. 3. The land is the heritage ot the people, and its appropria tion by the government for the furtherance of the scheraes of indi viduals and corporations is a robbery; and all land so held should revert to its lawful possession, to be held for actual settlement and cultivation, and individuals holding by purchase or imperfect title land in excess of one square mile shall be restricted to the use of that araount only for cultivation and pasturage ; and all lands of equal and productive nature shall be subject to equal taxation. Our previous legislatures have abused the trust confidingly reposed in them by a misguided people, by allowing a corrupt ring of land monopolies to exist who have appropriated vast tracts of the fairest land on earth to themselves ; we, therefore, in the name of humanity,. "380 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. consider a resurvey of the state necessary in order to ascertain as far as possible the extent to whioh the law in this instance has been violated. As the land is the natural heritage of the children of men, we deem, in the laws of equity and justice, that one section of six hundred and forty ajcres is a sufficiency for any one raan to own or transrait to his offspririg. All iraport duties on raw material not produced in the United States should be abolished. Sec. 4. The industries of the country are depressed or improved by the fluctuation in our financial system; and we therefore insist that the national government shall give to the people a system of finance consistent with the agricultural, manufacturing, and mer cantile industries and requirements of the country, uncontrolled by rings, brokers, and bankers. Seo. 5. The pardoning power conferred on the president of the United States, and the governors of the several states, should be abolished, and the same be vested in commissions. Sec. 6. Malfeasance in public office should be punishable by iraprisonraent in the state prison for life, without intervention of the pardoning power. Sec. 7. We deraand the abrogation of the contract systera in our state prisons and reformatory institutions. They should be managed in the interests of the people, and the goods therein manufactured should not be sold at less than current market rates for the product of free labor. Sec. 8. All labor on public works, whether state or municipal, should be performed by the day, at current rates of wages. Sec. 9. Eight hours is a sufficient day's work for any man, and the law should make it so. Sec. 10. All public officers should receive a fixed salary, and the fees should be accounted for as public moneys. Sec. 11, Millionaires and raoney raonopolists are destructive to the happiness and dangerous to the liberty of the people, and we demand that they be made impossible by a proper systera of tax ation. To section 6 an amendment was offered that the attention of con gress be drawn to the fact that abuses exist in the custora house, internal revenue, and land office departments of Oalifornia, that should not be tolerated under any civilized government; but the amendraent was lost. Section 1 1 was stricken out and the foUow ing adopted in its place: THE OLD PARTIES IN COUNCIL, 381 We demand that the constitution of the United States be amended to the effect that the president and vice-president of the United States, and senators of the several states, shall be elected by the direct vote of the people. The following resolution was opposed by Kearney, and laid on the table : That all speakers of this party engaged in organizing or advo cating the interests of the party, shall be subject to the supervision of the various county committees, and all language of a violent character must be repressed by the party at all times. A state comraittee was selected, consisting of Kearney, Knight, WeUock, and others. On the 25th the following resolutions were adopted : That we regard the present comraon school system of the United States as the foundation of our civilization, and it wid be forever cherished and supported by the workingmen'a party. That a system of compulsory education should be provided for the children of our country, so comprehensive in its details as to enable the attendance of such poor children as would otherwise be unable to attend. For this end a special fund for the assistance of such indigent children should be raaintained, under proper safe guards ; such education to be entirely secular ; that there should be instituted in all our publio schools lectures at stated intervals, whose primary aira should be to uphold the dignity of labor and mechanical vocations as pararaount to all other walks in life. A resolution was also adopted to the effect that all unoccupied lands in the United States should be declared open to settleraent by all citizens, and when a citizen had taken possession of a piece of land of 640 acres, he should be protected in such location, no mat ter who held the title, and the holder of the title should be remun erated by the governraent. On April 24th, the state coraraittees of the republican and deriio- cratic parties raet in different rooms in the Palace hotel, in San Francisco. The object of the meeting was to endeavor to effect a fusion of the parties in view of the election of delegates to the constitutional convention. The republican committee agreed that joint tickets should be nominated and a committee was sent to the democrats inviting them to co-operate, but the latter comraittee had 382 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. no quorura present. On the 25th, meetings were again held but no conclusion was arrived at. Subsequently the democratic committee adopted the following resolutions : 1. That the people, having recognized, the necessity for certain important and necessary changes in our organic law, we heartily approve of the call for a constitutional convention, so imperatively deraanded and provided for by the vote of the people. 2. That we deera it above and beyond any partisan association of any character whatever to control so iraportant a body, or any meraber thereof, selected for the forraation of the constitution of our state. 3. That, as the representatives of the deraocratic party, we do hereby solemnly declare it to be our desire, in the approaching election for members of the state constitutional convention, that aU past party issues should be discarded, and that none should be selected for membership in that body but the fittest, -without regard to previous political affiliations; therefore, we recommend that the people of the several counties and senatorial districts, irrespective of parties, choose two delegates for each member of the senate and asserably, to which each county and senatorial district is entitled, to meet in the city of Sacramento, on Wednesday, the 2 2d of May, to nominate eight delegates from each of the four congressional dis tricts of the state, to be voted for by the people ot the state at large; and we further recoraraend, that the people of the several counties and senatorial districts, in selecting their local candidates for the other delegates to the constitutional convention, apportioned to said counties and senatorial districts, ignore party politics en tirely, and select the very best men. When the resolutions were received by the republicans, consider able indignation was manifested, and it wg,s charged that the demo crats had acted in bad faith. The republican comraittee then unaniraously adopted the following : Whereas, At the coraraenceraent of this session of the republican state central committee it was unanimously resolved that it is inex pedient to make party nominations for delegates to the constitu tional convention of this state; and, whereas, said resolution was transraitted to the' deraocratic state central committee, then in session, with the expectation that sorae joint action raight be had ¦with that comraittee, for the noraination of delegates at large to the DIVISION IN WORKINGMEN'S PARTY. 383 state convention; and whereas, this expectation has been disap pointed by the refusal or neglect of said committee to co-operate with us in that respect, and by their, independent adoption of cer tain resolutions; now, therefore, it is Resolved, That the republican state central coraraittee, in accord ance with the spirit of the resolution sent to the deraocratic atate central committee, as above set forth, recommend to the republicans of California, that they unite with their fellow citizens in the selection of' the ablest, fittest, and best known gentlemen, to repre sent thera in the convention which has been called for the purpose of j)rieparing a new constitution for this state, and that for the nomination of such candidates, meetings be held in the several counties, and senatorial and congressional districts, at such times and places as they and their fellow citizens shall determine to be most suitable and convenient. On May 4th, a very extensive petition was published in San Fran cisco, requesting certain prominent gentlemen of that city, who were designated regardless of party, to raeet and nominate the delegates to be voted for in the first congressional district and in the city of San Francisco. On the 10th the gentlemen designated met and norainated a non-partisan ticket. This course was also adopted in other portions of the state. On April 27th, at a meeting of the workingmen's state comraittee, a misunderstanding occurred, which resulted on May 2d in the ex pulsion of Kearney frofti the committee, and on the 6th he was removed from his position of president of the party by the com mittee. He was charged with being corrupt and with using ¦ the or ganization to advance his private ends. On the 12th the presidents of the various ward clubs favorable to Kearney, met and issued a lengthy address to the members of the party. Two state conven tions of workingmen were called to meet in different halls, in San Francisco, on the 16th. The Kearney convention met at Charter Oak hall and was called to order by Kearney. There were but 57 delegates present. The country delegates held a separate meeting and deliberated for a long time as to which convention they would join. About 5 o'clock the delegates from Alameda, Marin, Monterey, Sonoraa, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and San Joaquin carae in. Among those who partic ipated in the proceedings were J. P. Dunn, 0. 0. Conger, Elihu 384 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Anthony, W. F. White, D. J. Oullahan, and J. H. Budd. A reso lution was adopted to recognize Kearney as an organizer worthy to- rank among the great organizers of history, and worthy of the sup port and confidence of the people. On permanent organization- Kearney was elected president. At the meeting of the country del egates, 20 voted to join the Kearney convention. 9 to join the anti- Kearney convention, and 8 were in favor of joining neither. On the 17th, the Kearney convention held another meeting. The com mittee on resolutions submitted the following : Whereas, The duty of making the laws of our couritry has hith erto been confined to the non-producing element of society, who have failed to secure us in our inalienable rights, utterly ignoring the welfare of the producers, upon whose labora individual and na tional prosperity depends; reducing bur farmers and wage-laborers- to a atate of dependence, compelling thera to corapete with a de graded class of Mongolian laborers iraported frora abroad, and whose- presence is demoralizing as well aa dangerous to the preaervation ot our liberties; and, whereas, our legislative halls, national, state, and raunicipal, have become infested by thieves who do not scruple to take bribes, until our national forura has become a by-word and re proach among the nations; and, whereas, our courts have become corrupt, the equal rights of the people violated until the adminis tration of justice has become a mockery and farce; therefore, re solved : 1. That we recognize the constitution of^he United States as the great charter of our liberties and the paramount law of the land, and the systera of government thereby inaugurated by its framers as the only truly wise, free, just, and equal government that has ever existed ; the last, best, and only hope of man for self-govern ment. 2. That the public lands are the heritage of the people, and should be open to actual settlers in limited quantities. The next resolution denounced all communism and all subsidies by tbe government. 4. Land grabbing must be stripped. ' 5. Vested rights in property must be respected, but land monop oly must be restricted, and in the future prohibited. 6. Money, mortgages, and bonds raust be taxed. 7. The dignity of labor raust be upheld, and the labor of women,. WORKINGMEN'S RESOLUTIONS. 385 when of equal value to that of men, should receive an equal com pensation. 8. The legislator who violates his pledges given to secure his elec tion, should be punished as a felon. 9. The pardoning power now vested in the national and state executives should be abolished. 10. The contract system of the labor of criminals should be abol ished, arid that labor should be so managed as not to conflict with free labor. 11. All public officers should receive a fixed salary, and fees ac counted for as public money. 12. All labor on public works should be done by the day, at the current rate of wages, and eight hours is a sufficient day's work. 13. A system of corapulsory education for children under 14 years of age should be established. 14. Education in our public schools should be free, and the books provided at the expense of the state governraent. 15. The president and vice-president of the United States, and United States senators, should be elected by the direct vote of the people. 16. Malfeasance in public office should be punished as a felony. 17. All crirainals should be punished by imprisonment, and pun ishment by m6ney fine should be abolished. 18. All raoney raade a legal tender for private debts should be received in payment of taxes, and for all public dues. 19. The Chinese laborer is a curse to our land, is degrading to our morals, is a menace to our liberties, and should be restricted and forever abolished, and "the Chinese must go.'' 20. The eraployraent of Chinese laborers by corporations formed under the laws ot this ^tate should be prohibited by law. 21. Interest exceeding 7 per centum per annura for the use of money should be prohibited by law. 22. Contracts by the debtor for the payment of the fees of the attorney of the creditor should be prohibited. 23. No person should be taxed for that which he does not own ; in other words, debts due by the person assessed should be deducted frora the assessable value of his property and should be assessed against the person to whora they are payable. 24. The property of every person to an amount not exceeding 1500 should be exempt from taxation. , 386 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 25. All farraing lands of equal productive value should be equally taxed, without reference to the improvements. 26. Growing crops should not be taxed. 27. The property of the deaf, dumb, and blind should be exempt from taxation. 28. There should be no special legislation by the state legislature, and no state legislature should meet oftener than once in every four years. The following was added to the fourteenth resolution : That the principal of every public school should, at least once every school week, deliver to the school a lecture on manual labor, showing that its importance is pararaount to that of any other kind. An addition was adopted to the twenty-eighth resolution : that aU . laws passed by the legislature should be ratified by the people before becoraing laws. The following was also adopted : That all lakes exceeding one mile in area shall be declared public property, excepting artificial reservoirs; and all rivers shall be de clared public property. The platforra was then adopted as a whole. Kearney was elected president of the party; WeUock, vice-president, and H. M. Moore, secretary. The following were nominated for delegates-at-large to the consti tutional convention : First congressional district — Paul Bennett, An thony Fischer, J. W. Jamison, Jaraes Kidney, J. R. I^ico, John R. Sharpstein, Charles TiUson, John A. Whelan. Second district — P- S. Dorney, J. B. Kelly, H. P. WiUiams, H. L. McKelvey, John Greenwell, L. J. Morrow, George Thora, J. M. Todd. Third district — 'W. F. Stone, W. H. Northcutt, D. M. Gloster, John C. Crigler, J. 0. Garber, H. A. Boyle, Jonas Spect, W. M. Thorp. Fourth dis trict — Isaac Bicknell, D. A. Dryden, William Vinter, B. Pilkington, J. F. Breen, Isaac Kinley, R. D. Pitt, and 0. T. Chubb. After adopting the following constitution, the convention adjourned sine die: Section 1. This organization' shall be known as the "workingmen's party of California, having for its object the redemption of the state and nation from the hands of political tricksters, thieving officials, and all corruption; the substitution of honest men in all offices; the abolition of all special legislation, and the restoration to the people of all power not delegated to their servants, and for all just purposes. WORKINGMEN'S CONSTITUTION. 387 It shall be coraposed of all engaged in productive and distributive industry, and who honestly desire the establishment of the prin ciples of the platform of the workingraen's party. Each person, on becoraing a member of a club, shall be required to take the follow ing pledge : "I, , do solemnly pledge rayself that frora hence forth I will dissolve all affiliation with all other political parties ; that I will work faithfully for the establishment and maintenance of good government, through the workingmen's party of California, and place in power only those pledged to its support; that I will discourage all office seeking ; that I will not employ, in any raanner, any Chinese labor, and will discourage such employment by others,' and that I will work and vote for the election to office of all persons of known honesty and integrity, nominated by the workingraen's party." Sec. 2. Merabers ot the party, in good standing, raay forra clubs in any election precinct in this state, but such clubs shall not be branches of the party until they are recognized as such by the executive coraraittee of the county in which they are formed. Sec. 3. The presidents of the recognized clubs in each county shall constitute the executive committee of the party in such county. Sec. 4. The executive department of the party shall be composed ot a president, vice-president, treasurer and grand secretary, who shall reside in San Francisco, who shall be elected by the state con vention, and shaU hold office until the meeting of the next state convention held after their election, at which state convention, their successors in office shall be elected. Sec. 5. There shall be a state executive committee, composed of the president, vice-president, general secretary and treasurer, and of one president of a club in the city of San Francisco, to be elected by the presidents of the recognized clubs in that city, and of one president of a club in each county in the state, to be elected by the executive coraraittee of such county. Eight members of the state executive committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Any member of the- state executive committee may be recalled at any time by the powers which elected him, and another qualified person elected in his place. The president, or in case of his absence or inability to act, the vice-president, shall be the chair man of the state executive committee, and the general secretary shaU be the secretary thereof. 388 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Sec. 6. All candidates of the party shall be teraperate, of good character, and they shall pledge themselves to the principles of the party, and to integrity and econoray in the public service. They shall be elected by the party, without cost to themselves ; and no raoney shall be used by this party for or at any election, except for ballots, and to procure speakers and documents to instruct the people. Sec. 7. Every person norainated for office by the workingraen's party of Oalifornia shall, upon acceptance of his nomination, take and sign the following pledge: "I, , do hereby pledge my sacred honor that I will support the platform and declared prin ciples of the workingmen's party of California, and in every instance use my best efforts to secure their adoption, and that, if elected, will, in every instance, conform to the wishes of my constituents, and if requested by them to resign, I will at once comply, under the penalty of ever thereafter being considered a man without honor or principle, and a person unworthy ever afterward to be a candidate for any office of trust in the nation." Sec. 8. There shall be a state convention at such times as may be deemed necessary by the state executive committee. Sec. 9. There shall be district and county conventions whenever the county coraraittees deem it necessary for election purposes, or to promote the interests of the party. Sec. 10. From and after the general election in 1879, all repre sentation in the party shall be based upon the vote cast at the pre ceding election. Sec. 11 All priraary clubs of branches of this party shall make their own by-laws, not inconsistent "with this constitution. Sec. 12. No person shall be a meraber of two clubs at the same time ; each member on joining a club shall present a proper transfer from the club of which he was previously a member, in order to pre vent such raembership representation. Sec. 13. Every candidate taking office from the workingmen's party of California shall resign such office when demanded by a con vention called for that purpose by his constituents. Sec. 14. The state executive comraittee shall, as soon as prac ticable, establish a bureau of labor statistics in this state, with the head at the city of San Francisco, and branches in each county. The anti-Kearney convention raet at Tittle's Hall, in San Fran cisco, on May 16th. Frank Roney was elected chairraan. The SECOND CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 389 convention was but slimly attended. A platform was adopted, and delegates were nominated only to represent the first congressional , district in the constitutional convention. In most of the counties, the deraocrats and republicans made joint nominations for delegates to the constitutional convention. In each of the congressional districts conventions were held without regard to politics, and delegates at large were nominated. The non-partisan candidates at large were as follows : First congressional district — M. M. Estee, W. H. L. Barnes, Joseph W, Winans, John F. Miller, Eugene Oasserly, Joseph P. Hoge, John S. Hager, and Samuel M. Wilson. Second district — Henry H. Haight, Walter Van Dyke, Henry Edgerton, Hugh M. La Rue, J. B. Hall, Rufus Shoemaker, Jaraes E. Hale, and J. M. Porter. Third district— Isaac S. Belcher, Marion Biggs, W. J. Tinnin, W. F. Heustis, J. McM. Shafter, John M. KeUey, A. P. Overton, and Benjamin Shurtieff. Fourth district— John Mansfield, P. B. Tully, George W. Schell, Edward Martin, W. J. Graves, J. J. Ayers, Byron Waters, and ¦George Venable Smith. The following were nominated for delegates at large on a regular democratic ticket : First congressional district — J. 0. Shorb, John J. Williams, J. W. .Harding, J. L. Ord, Charles A. Suraner, Caraeron H. King, Edward C. MarshaU, and H. P. Irving. Second district — Joseph F. Montgoraery, W. A. Selkirk, S. A. Nott, George W. Terrill, Theodore F. Bagge, John Anderson, R. B. Thompson, and John Nugent. Third district— 0. W. Lightner, M. G. VaUejo, R. 0. Haile, A. D. Bell, George H. Crossette, John Boggs, Clay W. Taylor, and John S. Sanders. Fourth district — Byron Waters, Brice Grimes, J. O. Lovejoy, 0. G. Sayles, Lawrence Archer, J. M. Montgoraery, J. W. Freeraan, and J. R. MoOonneU. The regular republicans norainated the following ticket for dele gates at large : Frederick Fillmore, Henry Horstman, S. W. HoUi day, Jaraes A. Waymire, Christopher Green, Walter Van Dyke, E. B. Mott, jr., H. T. Dorrance, Joseph McKenna, Benj. Shurtieff, 390 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. I. S. Belcher, N. W. Scudder, S. 0. Houghton, David Fessenheld, John Mansfield, Edward Martin, L. Huerate, 0. W. Dannals, Sarauel Soule, J. G. Severance, J. M. Porter, Jaraes E. Hale, E. W. Roberts, John A- Eagon, Williara F. Heustis, J. M. McBrown, Charles A. Garter, D. M. Burns, Paris Kilburn, Robert Widney, George W. Schell, and G. V. Smith. The election for delegates to the constitutional convention was held on Wednesday, June 19th. The non-partisan ticket for dele gates at large was elected. The following table exhibits a list of the delegates who served : List of Delegates to Second Constitutional Convention, Name and Party Electing. County. FoEMEB Pol. Occupation. -W. H. L. Barnes Non-partisan Eugene Casserly Non-partisan Morris M. Estee Non-partisan John S. Hager Non-partisan Joaenh P. Hoge Non-partisan John F. Miller Non-partisan Samuel M. Wilson Non-partisan .Joseph W. Winans - -, Non-partisan Henry Edgerton Non-partisan *J. West Martin Convention James E. Hale Non-partisan J. B. Hall Non-partisan Hugh M. La Eue Non-partisan J. M. Porter , Non-nartisan Eufus Shoemaker Non-partisan Walter Van Dyke Non-partisan Isaac S. Belcher Non-partisan Marion Biggs Non-partisan ¦W- 1'. Heustis Non-partisan John M. Kelley Non-partisan A. P. Overton Non-partisan James McM. Shafter Non-partisan Benjamin Shurtieff^ Non-partisan W. J. Tinnin Non-partisan .James J. Ayers Non-partisan William J. Graves Non-partisan John Mansfield Non-partisan Ed. Martin Non-partisan .George W. Schell -.: Non-partisan George V. Smith Non partisan ¦ P. B. TuUy --Non-partisan Byron Waters Non-partisan A. Campbell, jr Non-partisan Daniel Inman Non-partisan John G. MeCallam Non-partisan -Wm. Van Voorhies Non-partisan ¦Jonathan V. Webster Non-partisan John A. Eagon Non-partisan Wm. H. Prouty Non-partisan Josiah Boucher Non-partisan Mark E. C. Pulliam Non-partisan J. B. Garvey Democrat B. B. Glascock Noii-partisan Hiram Mills Eepublican James E. Murphy Non-partisan Henry Larkin Woiiingmen Samuel A. Holmes Democrat W- J. Sweasey Workingmen V. A. Gregg Eepublican At large At large At large At large . At large At large At large At large, At lalrge At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large At large' Alameda Alameda Alameda _.- Alameda Alameda Amador Amador Butte . Butte Calaveras Colusa Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Humboldt Kern Eepublican-..Democrat Eepublican Democrat Democrat Eepublican Democrat; Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Democrat Democrat Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Dtimocrat Democrat-. Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Democrat Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican—,Eepublican Democrat ,1. Democrat Eepublican Ind. Dem. Ind. Eepub. -. Democrat Ind. Dem Eepublican Democrat—'-.Eepublican Democrat Democrat Democrat Eepublican Democrat Democrat Democrat Independent . Eepublican—. La-wyer.Lawyer.La-wyer. Lawyer.Lawyer.Lawyer. Lawyer. . . Lawyer. Banker. Lawyer.Lawyer.Farmer.Lawyer. Journalists ' Lawyer.Lawyer.Farmer. Cleik; Farmer.Lawyer.Lawyer.Physician.Merchant.Editor.Lawyer.Lawyer,Merchant. Lawyer.Lawyer. Lawyer. Lawyer.Lawyer.Farmer.Lawyer.Lawyer.Farmer.Lawyer.Farmer.Farmer.Miner.Dep. .Sheriff. Farmer. Lawyer.Lawyer. Farmer; Farmer. Merchant. Lawyer. SECOND CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 391 Name and Pakty Electins. County. FoEMEB Pol. Occupation. Alonzo E. Noel Independent Edward Evey, Farmer and Workingmen Volney E. Howard Democrat John P. -West, Farmer and Workingmen Hugh Walker Workingmen F. O. Townsend Democrat N. G. Wyatt - Workingmen Eobert Crouch Eepublican C. W. Cross Workingmen Hamlet Davis Workingmen John McCoy Workingmen John T. Wickes Workingmen Samuel B. Burt Non-partisan J. A. Filclier Non-partisan James Caples Non-partisan Presley Dunlap Non-partisan Abraham C. Freeman Non-partisan Thomas McConnell Non-partisan Thomas B. McFarland Non-partisan Edmund Nason Independent Eandolph S. Swing Democrat Eli T. Blackmer Eepublican Clitus Barbour Workingmen Charles J. Beerstecher Workingmen Peter Bell Workingmen John D. Condon Workingmen Patrick T. Dowling Workingmen Luke D. Doyle . Workingmen Simon J. Farrell Workingmen Jacob E. Freud Workingmen Joseph C. Gorman Workingmen Wilham P. Grace Workingmen Thomas Harrison ' Workingmen Conrad Herold Workingmen ¦William P. Hughey Workingmen Peter J. Joyce Workingmen Bernard F. Kenny Workingmen tJolm J. Kenny Convention Charlea E. Klein Workingmen Eaymond La.-yigne Workingmen John F. Lindow : Workingmen JS. B. Thompson Convention Thorwald K. Nelson Workingmen Henry Neunaber Workingmen Charles C. O'Donnell Workingmen James 0' Sullivan Workingmen James S. Eeynolds Workingmen Charles S. Einggold Workingmen Henry W. Smith Workingmen John C. Stedman Workingmen Charles Swenson Workingmen Alphonse P. -Vacquerel Workingmen Patrick M. -Wellln Workingmen John E. W. Hitchcock-! Non-partisan David Lewis Non-partisan Justus Schomp Non-partisan David S. Terry Non-partisan George Steele Non-partisan William S. Moffat Workingmen Eugene Fawcett Non-partisan Dennis W. Herringtou Workingmen Tliomas H. Laine Non-partisan Eush McComas Non-partisan E. O. Smith Non-partisan Joseph E. Weller Non-partisan Daniel Tuttie Workingmen Henry K. Turner Non-partisan Jonathan M. Dudley Eepublican Joel A. Harvey Eepublican S. G. Hilborn Eepublican J. M. Charles 1 Non-partisan G. A. Johnson Non partisan W. W. Moreland Non-partisan C. V. Stuart Non-partisan Tyler Davis Heiskell Democrat Lake Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Marin- MendocinoMonterey — Napa Nevada Nevada Nevada Nevada Placer Placer Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco .. San Franciscol -. San Francisco -. San Francisco — San Francisco San Francisco San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — Sanr Francisco „ San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Franciaco _. San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Francisco — San Joaquin San Joaquin- San Joaquin San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara- Santa Clara—-— Santa Clara Santa Clara Santa Clara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Sierra Solano Solano Solano Sonoma i Sonoma Sonoma Sonoma Stanislaus Democrat Democrat Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Democrat Democrat Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Democrat Democrat Independent . Democrat Democrat Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican—.Independent . Demf.crat Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Independent . Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican EepubUcan — Eepublican—Eepublican — Democrat Democrat Eepublican Democrat Lawyer.Farmer. Lawyer. Farmer.Cooper. Farmer.Lawyer;Lawyer.Lawyer.Merchant. Miner. Soh'l teach'r Miner. Journalist.Farmer. Lawyer. Lawyer. Farmer.Lawyer. Dairyman. Lawyer.Music teach. Lawyer.Lawyer. Painter. Cabinetm'kr Miner.Gardener.Gasfitter.Merchant. Tinner. Carpenter. Eigger.Grocer,Sign painter. Furn. dealer Tel. operator Merchant. Bootmaker. Lithograph'r Tailor. Carpenter. Turner. Merchant. Physician.Printer.Lawyer. Clerk. Plumber. Bookkeeper.Eestaurant.Cook.Carpenter.Farmer. Farmer. Farmer.Lawyer. Farmer.Farmer.Dist. -Judge. Lawyer. Lawyer.Farmer.Fanner. Farmer.Farmer.Farmer.Farmer. Lawyer. , Lawyer. Farmer. Lawyer. Lawyer.Farmer.Farmer. 392 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Name and Party Electing. County. PoEMEE Pol. Occupation. George Ohleyer Non-partisan H. C. Wilson Democrat Joseph C. Brown Democrat John Walker Democrat Charles G. Finney, jr Workingmen John M. Ehodes Eepublican D. H. Cowden Non-partisan John F. MoNutt Non-partisan Augustus H. Chapman Non-partisan Thomaa H. Estey Non-partisan J. E. Dean Workingmen G. W. Hunter Workingmen 8J. M. Strong Convention awilliam J. Howard Convention L. P. Jones Non-partiaan James N. Barton Workingmen Patrick Eeddy Non-partisan H. C. Boggs Non-partisan Edmund Barry Workingmen Ezra P. Soule Workingmen Horace C. Eolfe Eepublican Lucius D. Morse Workingmen W. L. Dudley Non-partisan William F. White Workingmen J. Berry Democrat David C. Stevenson Non-partisan Chas. P. Eeed Eepublican A. E. Andrews Non-partiaan E. M. Lampson Non-partisan James H. Keyes Eepublican Sutter Tehama Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yolo Yuba Yuba Butte, Plumas and Lassen Contra Costa and Marin 1 El Dorado f j and Alpine 'i 1 Mariposa J J and Merced) Manposa, M'rc'd and Stanislaus Mn'cino, Hmblt. and Dei Norte- Mono and Inyo- Napa, L'ke, Son. Nevada, Sierra— Plumaa, Lassen- San Diego and San Bernardino San Francisco and San Mateo- San Joaquin and Amador St. Cruz.Mont'ry and San Benito Siskiyou, Modoe Siakiyou, Modoc, Trinity, Shasta Solano, Yolo Trinity, Shasta— Tuol'ne, Cal'v'as Yuba and Sutter Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat—. Eepublican EepublicanEepublican Democrat Eepublican Eepublican Eepublican Democrat Democrat—.Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Democrat Eepublican.Eepublican.Eepublican.Eepublican.Eepublican.Democrat Democrat Eepublican. Eepublican. Democrat—.Eepublican.Eepublican. Farmer. Farmer. Farmer.Physician.La-wyer.Miller.Lawyer.Carpenter. Lumb'r de'lr Parmer.Justice Pe'ce Merchant. Planter. Lawyer.Lawyer.Parmer.Lawyer.Farmer.Lawyer. Carpenter. Lawyer.Physician.Lawyer.Farmer.Lawyer. Merchant.Fanner.Lawyer.Physician.Farmer. * H. H. Haight was elected a delegate on the non-partisan ticket, but died before the convention met, and J. West Martin was elected by the convention to fill vacancy. f Bernard P. Kenny died during the session of the convention, and John J. Kenny was elected by the convention to fill vacancy. X S. B. Thompson was chosen by the convention in place of Thomas Morris, who was disqualified, not being a citizen. I George M. Hardwick died before the convention met. The convention elected J. M. Strong to fill vacancy, who served a short time, when he alao died; the convention then elected William J. Howard. In the raonth of Septeraber, the state central coraraittee of the national greenback party met at San Francisco, and adopted the fol lowing : Whereas, The demand for the " greenback,'' perfected and made a full legal tender as the money of the nation, is the fundaraental principle of the national greenback labor party; and, whereas, in nearly all the states the narae "national greenback labor party" has been adopted as the party narae; therefore, resolved : That the party shall hereafter be known in this state as the " na tional greenback labor party,'' until otherwise ordered by a national convention. SECOND CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. 393 Whereas, The national greenback labor party was organized for the very best interests of the workingraen of Araerica, and is to-day the only party whose principles, if carried out, will alleviate their preserit condition; and, whereas, the workingraen and women of this country are being falsely led by an unprincipled, ignorant, and -designing demagogue ; therefore, be it resolved : That we do not indorse nor will we in any way affiliate with Dennis Kearney, and we do most earnestly deprecate the action of the east ern clubs of this party in their reception of the blatant, profane, and low humbug, as he does not in any way represent the sentiraent of the workingraen of California. CHAPTER XXIX. 1879. Adoption of the New Constitution — Formation of the New Constitution Party — 'Workingmen's Convention — Republican Con vention — Convention of New Constitution Party — Democratic Convention — Prohibition Convention. The second constitutional convention raet at Sacraraento on Sep tember 28th, 1878, and adjourned on March 3d, 1879. The new con stitution was submitted to the people for ratification at an election held on May Tth, 1879, audit was adopted by a vote of 77,959 in its iavor, to 67,134 against it. Most of the newspapers of the state were bitterly opposed to its adoption, the San Francisco Chronicle being the only leading newspaper that favored it. Imraediately after the election, the Chronicle urged the forraation of a new po litical party, to be coraposed ot the supporters of the constitution, with the view of electing the first state officers of persons who were friendly to it and would in good faith endeavor to carry its provis ions into effect. On May 10th a mass meeting ot the friends of the constitution was held at Stockton, with a view of taking the pre Uminary steps toward the formation of the new party. Similar meetings were held soon after in the other counties. On the 17th, a conference of the leading advocates of the new movement was held in San Francisco. John H. Burke called the meeting to order, and Cornelius Cole was elected chairman. Araong those present were John 0. Burch, A. 0. Bradford, Clitus Barbour, W. T. Baggett, 0. J. Beerstecher, Nathaniel Bennett, Alex. Carap- 394. POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. bell, John P. Dunn, Caleb Dorsey, J. R. Freud, Volney E. Howard, S. T. Leet, H. M. La Rue, John L. Love, J. G. McCallum, 'Thomas- McOonnell, James V. Coffey, John H. McKune, W. B. Norman, H. 0. Patrick, George H. Rogers, George V. Smith, J. B. Southard, J. 0. Stebbins, David S. Terry, T. A. Talbert, J. V. Webster, WUUam F. White, J. A. Waymire, 0. M. Wozencraft, Coleman Younger. Among those who had received invitations and were unable to- attend, but who sent letters of regret, were Marion Biggs, Calvin Edgerton, James Johnson, Henry Larkin, Benj. Shurtieff) John R. Sharpstein, E. 0. Tully, W. J. Tinnin, J. P. West, T. J. Sherwood, J. J. Ayers, J. W. Satterwhite, O. 0. Pratt, John G. Downey, P. H. Ryan, and Warren Chase. A coramittee was appointed on res olutions, and they reported the following : Whereas, The new constitution has been adopted by the people pf California, without regard to past political affiliations, by over 11,000 majority — a majority raore than three tiraes as great as the republicans had in the last presidential carapaign, when California polled its very largest vote ; and, whereas, it is apparent that the victory has been achieved by the united effijrts of men of integrity and patriotism in the three existing parties of the state, the demo cratic party, the republican party, and the workingmen's party; and, whereas, we believe that the wealth producers of California have raade it possible to inaugurate reforras and provide a government that will dispense equal and exact justice to all, and are further more convinced that thia result can only be accomplished through the prorapt and united action of those who supported and advocated the adoption of the new constitution, leaving national questions to- be decided at the presidential election; and, whereas, the new fun damental law must be put in operation by the legislative, executive, and judicial officers of the state governraent who are to be chosen in Septeraber next; and, whereas, if the duty of construing and put ting in force the new constitution be handed over to the persons and the corporations opposed to its adoption, instead of relieving the state and the citizens of the burdens which now overwhelra them in the shape of raonopoly power, greed, fraud, and dishonest govem ment, and unjust and unequal taxation, it will be turned into an engine of oppression, and all our efforts be rendered futile and ot no avail ; now, therefore, be it resolved : 1. That for the good of the state we will here and now sink all past political differences, and maintain that position until California THE NEW CONSTITUTION PARTY. 395. is firmly and securely planted upon the foundation of the new con stitution. 2. That there being now no vital national questions before the pepple for discussion or decision, the paramount duty of the hour is to devote all our energies to the work of electing such state officers as will enforce the new organic law in the spirit of fairness intended by its fraraers, and promote peace and prosperity where heretofore injustice and discontent have prevailed. 3. That we will retain and perfect our present organization throughout the state ; and to this end we call upon and invite all good citizens to meet and asserable in every election precinct in this state on Saturday, the 24th day of May, and that they then and there form "new constitution clubs," to carry on the campaign. 4. That the chairman appoint an executive comraittee, to consist ot twenty-three members — one from each judicial district and five at large^with full power to call a state convention, to fix the ap portionment of delegates, and take charge of the organization, with whora all who are in harraony with the cause are requested to cor respond. ' 5. ' That we will never falter in this work or in our purpose hereby enunciated until we have driven every vestige of monopoly oppres sion, corporate misrule, and political corruption frora the govern ment of this coraraonwealth. 6. That we will persevere in our good work until we make the state of California a governraent of the people, by the people, for the people, and until there shall be no raan or corporation so great as to be above the law, and no one so lowly as to be beneath it. 7. That this organization shall be known as " the new constitu tion party," and that this shall be our shibboleth. 8. That we know no national issues or national politics in this campaign ; that we rise above all parties, at the same tirae leaving every voter hereafter to act for hiraself in raatters appertaining to old party lines, as he shall be advised. The resoljutions were adopted without opposition. The raerabers of the workingmen's party spoke against the moveraent, declared that the workingmen would not abandon their organization, and de clined to participate further in the raeeting. A state executive committee was appointed, consisting of La Rue, Downey, Terry,. Campbell, Younger, McOoniieU, Walter Van Dyke, Charles A. Tuttie, Burke, Shurtieff, George Steele, 0. Grattan, Julius Chester, H. K. S. O'Melveny, Jaraes H. Keyes, Calvin Edgerton, G. W. 396 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Hunter, P. H. Ryan, G. W. Hancock, Tipton Lindsey, E. T. Blackmer, J. A. Filcher, W. W. Moreland, Biggs, Cyrus Jones, H. 0. Wilson, Leet, Bradford, Burch, Love, and Waymire. On May 11th, at a meeting of workingmen held at San Franciscq, it was resolved not to affiliate with the new constitution party. The workingraen's state convention met at San Francisco on June -3d, and was called to order by Kearney. Araong the delegates were John P. Dunn, T. K. Nelson, Pierce H. Ryan, S. M. Buck, and John P. West. On perraanent organization, Kearney was president, and J. J. Flynn secretary. On the 4th, the committee on resolutions reported the following : The workingraen of Oalifornia, in convention asserabled, do adopt and proclaim the following as their platform and declaration of principles : 1. That we recognize the constitution of the United States of, Araerica and the constitution of the state of Oalifornia as the great charters of our liberties, and the pararaount law of the land, and Oalifornia as an inseparable part of the American union, and the systera of government thereby inaugurated as the only wise, free, just and equal government that has ever existed — the last, best, and only hope of raan for self-governraent. 2. The letter and spirit of the new constitution must be enforced. 3. We utterly repudiate all spirit of communism or aggrarianism. 4. No land or other subsidies shall ever be granted to corporations. 5. Vested rights in property must be respected, but land monopoly must be prohibited. 6. Money, mortgages, and bonds must be taxed. 7. The dignity of labor raust be upheld, and labor of male and feraale, when of equal value, raust be equally compensated. 8. Any official who shall violate the pledges given to secure his -election should be punished as a felon. 9. The contract systera of labor of criminals should be aboUshed, ^nd criminal labor so regulated as not to conflict with free labor throughout the United States. 10. All public officers shall receive fixed salaries, and aU fees must be accounted for as public raoney. 11. That the honors and legal pay pf all officials should be con sidered equivalent for the best services they can render the state, while official jobbery, bribery, or corruption, raust be visited by sure «,nd severe punishment. WORKINGMEN'S PLATFORM. 397 12. All labor on public works shall be performed by the day, at ruling rates, and eight hours raust constitute a day's work. 13. A systera of corapulsory education for children between the ages of eight and fourteen years, raust be adopted; education free in public schools, and all books paid for by the state. That the state should acquire a copyright for school text-books, which raust be the property of the state forever, and the state print the same at the- state printing office. 14. W" pledge this party to maintain in its purity the public school system authorized by the constitution, and will, when in our- power, establish in connection therewith, departraents for industrial education. 15. Article XI of the constitution must not be construed in favor of the appointment of public officials, whenever their election by the people direct is at all practicable. 16. Lobbying having been declared a felony in the new consti tution, we demand that the legislature shall enforce said provision of the fundamental law by the raost stringent enactraent. 17. Foreigners ineligible to citizenship, shall not be licensed to peddle goods or commodities of any character throughout the state of California. 18. Land monopoly being contrary to the spirit of republican in stitutions and detrimental to the progress of society, and conducive to the creation of a wealthy class of landholders side, by side with a landless multitude ; therefore, we hereby declare ourselves in favor of adopting every legitimate raeans to prevent the monopoly of the ?oil in a tew hands. 19. Malfeasance in public office must be punished as a felony. 20. That the laws now existing for the punishment of buying and seUing votes are insufficient, in that both the buyer and seller being equally guilty, neither can he obliged to give evidence of the guilt of the other. We therefore favor the enactment of laws by which the person bribing or attempting to bribe an elector shall alone be punished. 21. We demand that the fullest investigation be had, under the authority of the ensuing legislature, into the alleged scandalous char acter of the opposition to the adoption of the new constitution ; and if the charges prove true, that condign punishment be visited upon the guilty ones. 22. The legislature should cause to be examined and prosecuted, land frauds in California. 398 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 23. The same value should not be taxed twice the same year under the same system ot taxation. 24. Interest on money should not exceed 6 per cent, per annum, 25. We deraand the immediate restoration to preromption and sale of all forfeited railroad lands, and that no further extension be granted. 26. We conderan the action of our senators and representatives in congress, in depriving this state of representation for one year, whUe: her most important interests are at stake, as an unwarrantable per version of their official duties, made under a false pretense of econ omy, but really in the hope to gain a political advantage over the workingmen's party of California. ¦ 27. That we conderan the inaction of our senators and repre sentatives in congress, in not atterapting to have the withdrawal- frora pre-emption and sale of lands illegally clairaed by the defunct Atlantic and Pacific railroad corapany reraoved, and said lands re stored to the people, and re-opened to pre-emption and sale. 28. We condemn the "desert land bill," and all other land grabs, under whatever name or on whatever pretense. 29. Contracts by debtors for the payment of fees of the attorneys of creditors, should be prohibited. 30. Laws should be passed providing for the deduction of debts due horw, fide residents from unsecured credits in matters of taxation, 31. That notaries public should be elected by the people, one from each county. That the best protection of our frontier will be a popu lation of settlers owning their own lands, and that it will be the part of wisdom for the government to expend the money now squan dered for such protection, by settling the people on the unoccupied land. 32. Whereas, Great apprehension exists in the mining counties that some legislation under the new constitution might be unfavor able to mining interests, we declare that under the protection of our party their vested- rights shall be respected. 33. That the president and vice-president of the United States, and United States senators, shall be elected by the direct vote of the people, and no man should be elected to the office pf president or; vice-president of the United States for two consecutive terms. 34 We are tired of the dreary discussion of dead issues in our national congress, while great, living issues are confronting the coun try. The people want bread and not stones. We hail the awakening WORKINGMEN'S PLATFORM: 399 -of the oppressed workingraen and irapoverished farraers, to the east -of us, to a sense of their power and the cause of their sufferings, as a harbinger of a new revolution in behalf of huraan rights, against -vicious systeras and dishonest politicians. 35. That the national bank law should be repealed, and all raoneys issued by the United States be a full legal tender for all debts, public .and private. 36. Congress ought to pass fares and freights bills, and bills to prohibit unjust discriraination and other abuses in the manageraent -of overland routes. 37. That the government of the United States should establish "throughout the states, a system of postal savings banks. 38. Charges for freights and fares on railroads, and for the use of "water, gas, etc., must be so regulated that there shall be no discrim ination between persons and places, and that capital actually invested in railroad, water, and gas rights should yield no greater net incorae than capital invested in farming and other productive industries. The legislature must pass laws to carry into effect the police power of the state, in order to prevent the importation of Chinese, and -congress should abrogate all treaties that corae in conflict with the nineteenth article of the new constitution. 39. We hold «that the state and county tickets forraed under the -auspices of the workingraen's party of California must be made up -of friends of the new constitution, irrespective of party predilections. To further secure the efficiency of the new organic law, we will attack its opponents -with the most effective weapons ; but among -ourselves, in difference of opiilion, we will allow liberal discussion, give considerate attention, and exercise the largest charity. To these -ends we invite the co-operation of all the friends of the new consti tution. We must do all in our power as a party to prevent any -conflict between the interests of raining and agriculture, by just laws, engineering skill, and public aid. 40. That the cardinal principle of true reform in politics is, that i;he office shall seek the man, and not the raan the office ; and that honesty, capability, and faithfulness to our republican system of .government, are the main requirements in the selection of candidates for office. That the democratic and republican parties have signally failed to apply these principles, inasrauch as both have been com pletely controlled by "rings," seeking office only to betray the people. That we denounce and condemn the efforts of both old political par- 400 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. ties to create a solid north or a solid south, and thereby sectionize the country; that in the organization of our party we know no north, no south, no east, no west. That we are deterrained the gov ernment of our country shall be so administered as to secure equal rights to aU .our people, be they high or low, rich or poor, black or white; and that by so doing the union can and will be perpetuated forever. Signed by M. F. Quinn, chairman ; W. W. Broughton, secretary; . D. A. Leonard, F. F. O'Leary, P. F. Warde, Anson Clark, John Allyn, H. M. Moore, Jaraes O'SuUivan, John Knotwell, John T. Wickes, and W. J. Sweasey. Kearney moved to strike out the third section, but after a dis cussion he withdrew the motion, finding that the sentiment of the convention was against hira. A raotion that the candidates for judicial offices be excused frora taking the oath required by the con stitution of the party was lost. On the 5th, the following was added to the platforra : Water for the use of any city, town, or county in this state, or the inhabitants thereof, can only be appropriated by the lawfully con stituted authorities of such city and county, or city or town. Any . appropriation of water heretofore made by any person, association, or corporation for supplying any city and county, or city or town, or the inhabitants thereof, not carried into actual operation by the construction of water works and the furnishing of water, shall be declared void. Gambling devices have always victimized productive- industry,. and they must be vigorously suppressed. Stock gambling raust be prohibited, and stock stealing raust be. regulated. Oorporations raust discharge their Chinese employes, or go out of business. Laws must be passed to purge the communities of the state ot the presence of Chinese, and to prevent their acquiring any further foothold among us. The man who owns the labor must be given as perfect a lien on the thing produced or iraproved thereby as the man who owns the capital is given on his investment. Justice is too dear. The courts are inaccessible to poor raen ani men of liraited raeans by reason of the cost bills exacted from them^ We demand a reduction of these expenses. The following norainations were then made : WORKINGMEN'S NOMINATIONS. 401 William F. White, for governor, on the first ballot, by a vbte of 110, to 20 for Henry Larkin, and 22 for John 0. Crigler. J. V. Webster was naraed for the office, but withdrew, and John G. Downey sent a telegram declining to be a candidate. W. R. Andrus, for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, over Charles Krug ; Henry Larkin -withdrawing. A. A. Smith for secretary of state, without opposition. Charles Krug for treasurer, on the first ballot, over L. B. Clarke. Krug declined the nomination, and Clarke was norainated. Hugh L. Jones for controller, without opposition. 0. W. Cross for attorney-general, without opposition. H. J. Stevenson for surveyor-general, on the first ballot. D. H. Trout for school superintendent, over A. L. Mann. Trout declined on the 13th, and the state committee nominated S. N. Burch. R. F. Morrison for chief justice of the supreme court, without opposition. S. B. McKee, J. R. Sharpstein, Charles A. Tuttie, George A. Johnson, J. H. Budd; and W. T. McNealy, for associate justices, over E. W. McKinstry, John H. McKune, A. L. Rhodes, E. D. Sawyer, and S. M. Buck. Tuttie, Johnson, McNealy, and Budd declined the nominations, and J. D. Tiiomton, Buck, McKinstry, and E. M. Ross were norainated in their stead. 0. F. Thornton for clerk of the suprerae court, without opposi tion. Henry Larkin frora the first district, 0. J. Beerstecher frora the second district, and George Stoneraan frora the third district, for railroad coraraissioners. ' The first district convention met on June 7th, and nominated Clitus Barbour for congressraan, without opposition; Robert Ferral withdrawing.. Wra. 0. Hoagland was norainated for raember of the state board of equalization. The second district convention met at San Francisco on June 5th, and nominated , Peter J. Hopper for congressman, and George Thom for meraber of the board of equalization. Both ot these candidates withdrew the next day, and H. B. Williams was nominated for con gressraan, over J. 0. Martin, Thom, John Green wall, and B. K. Low; and W. B. G. Keller was nominated, without opposition, for member of the board of equalization. Williams withdrew on August 19 th in favor of the deraocratic candidate. 402 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The third district convention met on the 6th at San Francisco, and nominated 0. P. Berry for congressraan, over Benjamin Shurt ieff and J. T. Rogers. J. P. Cavanaugh was nominated for meinber of the board of equalization. On July 10th, Berry declined to take the pledge, and G. T. EUiott was nominated, but he declined on the 21st, and the name of Berry was again placed on the ticket. The fourth district convention raet at San Francisco on the 5th, and nominated Jaraes J. Ayers for congressraan, over Charles Mc Dougall ; and 0. T. Chubb for raember of the board of equalization. The republican state comraittee raet at San Francisco on March 5th, and called a state convention to raeet at Sacramento on June 17th. On May 22d, another raeeting of the coraraittee was held, and it was resolved not to postpone the convention. The following address was issued by the coraraittee to the voters of the party: The republican state central committee desires to urge upon you the necessity of organizing proraptly for an earnest and vigorous carapaign. You are called upon this year to perforra a double duty : to assist in securing a faithful and effective administration of the new constitution, and to support the time-honored principles of your party. The contest, which has just resulted in the adoption of that change in our organic law, was waged without reference to national party lines, and had but one issue : whether the new con- constitution should be ratified. The republican party accepts the result as an absolute finality, and pledges itself to a faithful interpretation and administration of its provisions in all honesty and sincerity. That party is pre-emi nently the representative of loyalty, of respect for law, of faithful adherence to compacts. The principles on and by which it stands are inseparable frora these characteristics; its raerabers have ever been noted for their insistence upon strict regard for constitutional requirements; and, in urging the republicans of the state to rally round their party banners, we are only giving the best assurance conceivable that the candidates whom they will put forward may be trusted to adrainister the new constitution fairly and fully, and in all sincerity and good faith. It is the raore necessary to stand by the party organization to day, because great and momentous national issues are in contro versy. In addition to four congressraen, Califomia elects a state senate, whose raembers will vote on the election of a United States ADDRESS OF REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE. 403 senator. These considerations alone point to the absolute necessity of a vigorous party campaign. But these are not the only incentives to energetic action. In 1880, the presidential campaign opens, and the republicans of California cannot afford to be negligent in the preparation for a struggle which may involve the whole future of the republic. The issues now presented are inferior in gravity to none which the party has been called to confront since its defense of a threatened union. Advancing, with ever-growing audacity, the deraocratic leaders have conspired to paralyze the federal go-vernraent, and to revive the obsolete and heretical doctrine of state's rights, with extrava gance. To corapass their purpose they have undertaken to intirai date the executive, by threatening to withhold supplies; and, further to erabarrass the adrainistration, they have resorted to the device of appending political measures to appropriation bills, and causing it to be inferred that they will bring the governraent to a standstill if their deraands are not conceded. It is against the dangers which this condition of national politics involves, that the republican party raust prepare to contend with all its energies. We have exaggerated nothing in ascribing to the situation a gravity only second to that which confronted the nation in 1861. The oc casion calls for all the loyalty and resolution which the raeraories of a glorious past can inspire and evoke. Though alraost a generation has elapsed, the patriots who fought to preserve the union are not yet dead. The policy which periled their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to uphold and defend, is not yet abandoned by its friends; and it is to that spirit of patriotism, to that stern resolve, to that noble liberalism, that we confidently appeal to-day. The raission of the republican party is not ended while the en- franchiseraent of the negro continues to be a sham and a pretense ; while republican governraent in ten states is a mockery ; while the men who fought to destroy the union stand triumphantly upon the steps of the national capitol, and plot the reversal of the judgraent which the swords of our patriots recorded. That party stands pledged to preserve the faith of the governraent in all its proraises to its creditors ; to provide, as a circulating raediura for the use of the people, a currency which shall be of uniform value, whether gold, silver, or paper ; and to make a dollar, whatever its forra, abso lutely worth a dollar. To disband, to falter, to fail now in recognizing the duty and 404 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. need of action, would be to surrender the purposes of a lifetirae, to satisfy the teachings of a generation, to renounce the approval of cotemporaries and the gratitude of posterity. It is not from the republican party that such weakness, such apathy, is to be expected. That party is to-day, as ever, the responsible depository of whatever high and holy aspirations the people of these United States cherish. It stands for ordered liberty, equal justice, enlightened education, ¦ constitutional governraent, and equitable legislation. It is the ex ponent and guardian of that liberty which rests upon understanding, and of that freedora which is distinguished from license. It stands to-day, as ever, for the poor as for the rich, for the passionless ad ministration of a justice which knows no respect of persons, and tor all that can enfranchise, elevate, and ennoble mankind. And be cause it stands for these, it is the natural and implacable foe ot that party which aims at anarchy, sanctions license, and seeks to taraper with justice, under the plea of a raore perfect deraocracy; and which shelters and sanctions corruption, under the pretext of a magnani mous catholicity. Against the doctrines which assault the freedom, purity, and republicanism of our institutions, it is the duty of all republicans to oppose to their utmost efforts; and to such a contest you are now invited, in the full and abiding confidenbe that you will respond with characteristic enthusiasm to the summons, and that you will not cease until your efforts shall be crowned by a glorious success. The convention met at the time and place agreed upon and was called to order by A. G. Abell, the chairman of the state committee. Obed Harvey, Frank M. Pixley, and George L. Woods were nomi nated for temporary chairman. On the first ballot Harvey had 188 votes, to 140 for Woods, and 74 for Pixley. On the third ballot Pixley was elected by a vote of 206, to 186 for Harvey. The com mittee on platform consisted of G. G. Blanchard, 0. B. Porter, E. W. Roberts, George 0. Gorham, George L. Woods, John H. Jewett, and O. Sanders. On the 18th a perraanent organization was effected and Pixley was elected president, and R. BumeU, G. L. Woods, O. Harvey, and W. B. May, vice-presidents. The raajority of the committee on resolutions reported the following : 1. That we reaffirra our aUegiance to the principles of the grand national party of free soU, free labor, equal rights of the people, honest money, good pubUc faith, and the integrity of the national REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 405 union — the party whose record furnishes some of the grandest and most illustrious chapters of our nationalhistory. 2. That the attempts by the deraocratic raajority in congress to repeal the laws for the preservation ot the purity of the ballot-box at elections for raerabers of congress, is in keeping with the history of the party whose crimes against the ballot in New York city under the Tweied dynasty in 1868, led to the enactraent of those laws ; that the raethod by which they seek to accomplish this result — by withholding appropriations tor the courts of the United States unless the president will join them in their conspiracy, is revolutionary; and that the denial of the power of congress to make regulations for the conduct ot congressional elections — a power specificaUy granted in the constitution of the United States— is a palpable attempt to revive the baneful doctrine of state supremacy, which was the cause of the great rebellion. 3. That the firm and united opposition of the republican party in congress, and of the president, to this new revolt against the na tion, should be sustained by all patriotic and law-abiding people throughout the land. 4. That the new constitution is the organic law of the state, adopted by the people in accordance with our republican forra of governraent. It must and will be sustained by the republican party in loyalty. It must and will receive honest legislation. It must and will receive a just and generous judicial interpretation. It must and will be enforced by an honest executive administration j and we conderan any effort to evade its provisions as unwise and treasonable to the popular will legally expressed. 5. That an independent and intelligent agricultural population is the chief eleraent of a nation's strength and prosperity, and it should be the policy of state and general government to encourage the acquisition of lands in small holdings for actual use, and to discour age the raonopoly by individuals or corporations of large bodies. 6. The Chinese question is one of na,tional importance, demanding the consideration of the national congress. Unrestricted Chinese immigration imperils the best interests of our coast, and ultimately that of the whole country. It raenaces the labor class with unequal competition and is dangerous to our civilization. Not unmindful ot its history and our own part therein, regarding the rights of pres ent iraraigrants acquired, we demand of the general governraent such legislation as shall restrict or control Chinese immigration in 406 POLITICAL . CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the future, and the repeal or modification of so much of the Bur lingame treaty as interferes with the accomplishment ot that object. We will spare no effort within our own state to secure by legislative enactraent a judicial enforceraent of the same results. Chinese im migration must be restricted and controlled. 7. That it is a paramount duty and interest of the state to pro vide ample educational opportunities for its youth, and to permit none to be deprived of , their enjoyment, and that so far as' the pro visions of the new organic law will perrait, legislation should facilitate and encourage the adoption of a uniforra standard ot quaUfications for teaching, courses of study, and text books forthe public schools. 8. That the republican party — always the true friend of labor, in all its varied forms — pledges itself to secure the passage of such laws under the new constitution as will foster, protect and promote the developraent and growth of all the industries of the state. 9. That the republican party, as a just arbiter of the people, pledges itself to insist upon the passage of such laws as will pre vent any conflict between the raining and certain portions ot the agricultural districts and interests of the state — and we declare that vested rights of all parties shall be scrupulously respected and pro tected. 10. The republican party, claiming to represent the principles of justice, honesty, and moral sentiment, declares its fidelity to the law and its unalterable opposition to any atterapt on the part of any class to disturb the ownership of property; and while it would dis favor the accuraulation of great landed estates in the possession of individuals or corporations, it would as firraly protect all the rights ot all persons to all the wealth that they may legally and honestly acquire. Whereas, The regulation of fares and freights upon all inter-state railroad travel and traffic is subject to the action of the congress of the United States, and the regulation of fares and freights within a state is subject to local legislative jurisdiction and control, resolved, 11. As the opinion of this convention, that the railroad commis sioners who shall be nominated by the district conventions should make such reductions in the rates of fares and freights upon all local travel and traffic carried over railroads which have received national or state aid, operated within this state, as will reduce the same by a certain specified percentage upon the rates declared, collected, or charged by published rate bill in force upon any such road on the REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 407 first day of June, 1879, and that such commissioners shall hereafter raake such further reductions as raay seera to thera just and demanded by the interests of the people, but shall in no case authorize or per mit any increase thereafter upon such rates so ordered. Gorhara moved that the report be adopted except that portion which related to railroad matters, and the raotion was carried. He then read the rainority report of the comraittee, as follows : Whereas, The railroad corapany has received $132,000,000 from freight and passengers, and the transportation cost .158,000,000 upon property derived through legislation, and valued by the president of the company at $100,000,000 over all liabilities; whereas, notwith standing the depressed condition of other business duringsix years, the people have paid to the corapany over $15,000,000 per annura; whereas, the expenses of the corapany were but $6,000,000; and, whereas, the corapany has exacted in six years over $8,000,000 net earnings; and, whereas, the producing and coraraercial interests^ will be ruined unless relief is afforded ; and, whereas, the new constitu tion was adopted raainly because of the railroad section; and, whereas, tolls within the state can be reduced one-fourth ; therefore, resolved, That a reraedy does not lie in any indefinite advocacy of reduced rates, as the will of the people, expressed at the polls, has been repeatedly defeated in the legislature by a systera of parliaraentary legerderaain ; that relief lies in requiring candidates for governor, lieutenant-governor, the legislature, and any railroad coraraissioner, to take a pledge ; that the true and needed reform is to fix rates between points in the state on railroads which have received national or state aid, less than rates actually charged June 1, 1879; that for each dollar usually and actually deraanded and received by the com pany a reduction of twenty -five cents should be made ; that . th'e question should be settled in advance of all other questions; that a pledge after election cannot be broken without endangering the peace of society, and revolution will probably follow; that all candi dates for governor, lieutenant-governor, state senator, or assembly man, or railroad coraraissioner, shall take the following pledge : "Pledge for the railroad commissioner: I do solemnly pledge my sacred honor' that I will, if elected a railroad coraraissioner, faithfully support, without any raodification or change, the following order : Ordered that the rates of fares and freights on all railroads between all points within this state which 408 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN .CALIFORNIA. have received national or state aid, shall, from and -after the 1st day of February, 1880, be fixed at three-fourths the usual rates demanded and received on the 1st day of June, 1879, or at any time during the six months prior thereto ; and the words 'usual rates,' above used, shall be deemed to mean the rates actually and usually charged in each case, whether the same be nominally fixed or special rates ; and it is further ordered that no change shall be made in the mode of computing charges, or in the weight or measurement of freight, or in the classification of service which shall affect the substantial rights of parties under this order — the true, object being to reduce all charges for services rendered by railroads between points within the state over roads which have received national or state aid, one- fourth below the present rates ; and I further solemnly pledge my self that, during my term of office, I will never vote for any increased rate of charge for any railroad service, but that any charge voted for by me after February 1st, 1880, shall be a reduction. " Pledges for governor, lieutenant-governor, assemblymen, and rail road commissioners : " I do solemnly pledge myself to the earnest and faithful support of the new constitution, and that I will exert all the influence I pos sess to aid in the election of the railroad commissioners pledged to a reduction of one-fourth on all railroad fares and freights on roads which have received national or state aid ; and if elected I pledge myself, in the perforraance of my official duties, to act^ in accord ance with this pledge." S. O. Houghton offered the foUowing, as a substitute for both re ports : That in the opinion of this convention justice deraands that the present rate of freights and fares upon all lines of railroads in this state, that have received state or national aid, ought, to be reduced at least 25 per cent. After a lengthy debate the Houghton substitute was adopted. The following norainations were raade on the 18th and 19th: George C. Perkins, for governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 215, to 53 for Horace Davis, 106 for George S. Evans, and 31 for John F. Swift. John Mansfield, for lieutenant-governor, without opposition. Daniel M. Burns, for secretary of state, on the first ballot, by a vote of 269, to 51 for Edward Martin, and 71 for Drury Melone. REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS. 409 D. M. Kenfield, for controller, without opposition. John Weil, for treasurer, on the first ballot, by a vote of 221, to J 22 for Adam Wasson, and 70 for W. E. McArthur. Augustus L. Hart, for attorney-general, on the first ballot, by a Tote of 217, to 190 for George W. Schell. James W. Shanklin, for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, by a Tote of 239, to 161 for W. H. Orane ; John A. Eagan withdrawing. Frank W. Gross, for clerk of the supreme court, over Grant I. 'Taggart, Alexander CarapbeU, jr., and H. H. Russell. F. M. Oampbell, for school superintendent, over J. H. 0. Bonte. A. L. Rhodes, for chief justice, without opposition. A. P. Catlin, Isaac S. Belcher, M. H. Myrick, James E. Hale, E. D. Wheeler, and J. T. Richards, for associate justices, on the first -ballot, which resulted as follows: John W. Dwinelle, 105; John W. North, 63; Hale, 357; Catlin, 371; Wheeler, 251; Belcher, 362; John Reynolds, 122; Myrick, 269; L. D. Latimer, 241; Robert Harrison, 22; and Richards, 245. A state comraittee was selected composed of Max Brooks, A. J. Rhoads, S. G. Hilborn, W. H- Parks, G. G. Blanchard, E. F. Spence, M. D. Boruck, S. O. Hough ton, H. W. Byington, P. B. Cornwall, and others. The first district republican convention, for the noraination of a candidate for railroad coraraissioner, met at Sacramento on June 19th, and nominated Joseph S. Cone, on the first ballot, by a vote of 121, to 21 for Christopher Green, and 32 forH. Cummings — Charles F. Reed and Williara Jennings withdrawing. The second district convention met at San Francisco on June '24th. Gorham offered a series of resolutions sirailar to the minority Teport of the comraittee of resolutions of the state convention. At an adjourned raeeting of the district convention, held on July 1st, the resolutions were tabled, by a vote of 52 to 27. T. G. Phelps was norainated for commissioner, on the first ballot, by a vote of 50, to 22 for George A. Fisher, 8 for D. W. Grant, and 3 for J. G. Jackson ; John McComb and L. W. Walker withdrawing. The third district convention raet at Sacramento, on June 19th, and nominated 0. H. Phillips, on the first ballot, by a vote of 92, to 22 for C. S. Abbott, 15 for H. K. W. Brent, 7 for H. J. Ostran der, and 3 for L. U. Shippee ; George W. Tyler withdrawing. The first district republican equalization convention met at San Francisco on June 23d, and nominated James L. King for meraber 410 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. of the state board of equalization, without opposition, C. S. Capp withdrawing. The second district convention met at Sacramento on June 19th, and nominated M. M. Drew on the first ballot, by a vote ot 70, to 46 for L. 0. Morehouse. The third district convention met at Sacramento on June 19th, and nominated Warren Dutton, without opposition ; Charles F. Reed declining. The fourth district convention raet at Sacraraento on the same day, and nominated Jaraes A. Clayton, over John Baker and P. Y Baker. The first district republican congressional convention raet at San Francisco on June 23d, and norainated Horace Davis, without oppo sition. The second district convention -met at Sacramento on June 17th, and nominated Horace F. Page on the first ballot, by a vote of 85, -to 25 for Stephen G. Nye. The third district convention met at Sacraraento on .June 19th, and norainated Joseph McKenna on the first ballot, by a vote of 92, to 37 for Jerorae Banks. The fourth district convention met at Sacramento on the same day, and nominated Romualdo Pacheco, without opposition ; S. 0. Houghton declining. The executive coraraittee . of the new constitution party met at San Francisco on May 22d, and called a state convention to meet at Sacramento on June 25th. The convention was called to order by Marion Biggs, the chairraan of the committee, and he was chosen temporary chairman. The committee on resolutions consisted of Cornelius Cole, H. P. Irving, L. HamUton, D. S. Terry, J. I. Cald well, A. Campbell, Dr. A. W. Thorapson, E. Corastock, Volney E. Howard, and others. On the 27th, a perraanent organization was effected by the election of Biggs as president ; and Cornelius Cole, Dr. 0. Grattan, J. W. Snowball, and D. 0. Reed, as vice-presidents. The comraittee on platforra reported the following, which were adopted : Whereas, In the recent election on the adoption of the new con stitution the voters of this state, without regard to party lines, obtained a glorious victory over the corabined power of the moneyed rings, banks, and corporations, and have thus shown to all the world NEW CONSTITUTION CONVENTION. 411 that they have sufficient intelligence, honor, and patriotisra to preserve, guard, and protect the liberty bequeathed to thera by the illustrious fathers of the republic; and, whereas, the banded cohorts of capital are now endeavoring by their usual corrupt raeans to wrest the fruits of the recent victory of the people of this state frora thera, by electing to office those who are inimical to the new constitution, for the purpose of construing and_ administering the sarae in behalf of the raoneyed power, and against the rights of the laboring and producing classes ;. and, whereas, the opposition to the new la-w was unequalled in vio lence, and the efforts to defeat it were characterized by bribery and coercion theretofore unparalleled ; and, whereas, a constitution can not execute itself, but raust be vitalized by appropriate legislation, and be enforced by just interpretation and friendly construction;. and, whereas, a single transportation company is collecting from the people an annual revenue so enorraous as to cripple all the industries of the state ; and, whereas, frora the coraraenceraent of its existence that company has been operating upon capital furnished entirely by the people of the state and nation ; and, -whereas, the deraocratic and republican party organizations which, openly professing to ignore the subject of the adoption of the new constitution, did in fact use the machinery of those parties in the interests of the enemies of the new constitution in order to defeat it ; and, whereas, the people adopted the new constitution without the aid of either the derao cratic or republican party organizations ; and, whereas, the presence of the Chinese in California is an unmitigated evil and an intolerable nuisance; therefore, be it resolved : 1. That the new constitution embodies principles just to all,. oppressive to none, dear to ourselves, and of untold benefits to pos terity. 2. That the people of California would prove recreant to their own interests, false to their professions of friendship to the new constitution, and deficient in a proper spirit of raanhood, if they were to submit that instrument to the hands of its enemies, and thus perrait it to be strangled in its infancy. 3. That the new constitution party, organized for the purpose of relieasing the people frora the oppressions and thralldom of capital in California, cannot have, and is not intended to have, any influence whatever on the national politics of any individual. 4. That in a republic, where the people are the source of all polit ical power, and where the ave"nues to proraotion and wealth are open. 412 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and free to all alike, there is not and cannot be any roora for agra rianisra, socialism, or communisra. 5. That the new constitution party will protect the liberty, labor, and property of every citizen, and that therefore it coraraends itself to the support of all. 6. That the first legislature elected under the new constitution shall put into iramediate effect the stringent clauses of that instru ment against the Chinese, and that everything ' that can be done shall be done to make the Chinese cease coming, and to cause those now here to speedily depart. 7. That, in accordance with a joint resolution passed by the last legislature, the governor be urged to subrait to the people ot the state, at the general election in Septeraber next, the question of Chinese iraraigration to this state, and that whether such question be subraitted officially or not, we hereby recoraraend that every ticket of the new constitution party have printed immediately fol lowing the names of the candidates, the words, "Against Chinese immigration." 8. That our principles are embodied in the new constitution; that while we believe in the doctrine that principles and not men should be subserved by party action, we cannot safely subrait the execution ot the instruraent that embodies our principles to raen who were but y-esterday violently opposed to thera, and who have shown no better evidence of conversion than a desire to hold office. 9. That the rates of freights and fares of those railroad companies in California which have received government aid, should be reduced at least one-third, and that each person receiving a noraination from the new constitution party for an office, in the exercise of which and whose duty it shall be to establish rates of charges for the transportation of passengers and freights, shall be deeraed and held to be pledged to carry out in good faith the policy enunciated in this resolution, and as far as possible relieve the people of CaUfornia from the extortion and oppression by those great corporations. 10. That laws shall be passed to carry into effect the provisions of the new constitution, that all property shall be taxed according to its value, once in each year ; strictly avoiding all species of double taxation. 11. That it is the duty of the legislature to provide for the elec tion by the people, of all state and county officers under the consti tution, except in cases where their appointment is specially provided ior in the new constitution. NEW CONSTITUTION CONVENTION. 41 3: The following additional resolution was adopted : For many years atter Oalifornia became a state, mining for gold was the leading industry — even now, it is the second; many of our most enterprising citizens, as individuals and as associations under incorporation laws, have invested millions of dollars in developing placers and constructing ditches to enable the rainers to work the sarae ; and with the foregoing facts in view, resolved : That the new constitution party pledges itself that it will stand firra as the rainers' friend, and in case any attempt shall be raade at- any tirae to pass unfriendly legislation, the new constitution party will openly and boldly oppose any and all atterapts to irapinge upon the vested rights of the rainers and ditch owners. The following nominations were raade : Hugh J. Glenn, for governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 128, to 115 for J. V. Webster; Volney E. Howard, John G. Downey, and Hugh M. LaRue declining. John P. West, for lieutenant governor, without opposition ; J. V, Webster, Thoraas McConnell, Marion Biggs, O. Wolcott, W. S. Manlove, 0. Cole, and James A. Waymire declining. West declined the nomination, and on the 27th D. 0. Reed was nominated in his place, without opposition; Charles Kent, G. W. Hancock, 0. R. Weller, and Milton Wasson declining. Lauren E. Orane, for secretary of state, on the first ballot, over George W. Wedekind, W. D. Lawton, and H. M. LaRue. Hugh M. LaRue, for controller, without opposition. Cyrus Jones, for treasurer, on the first ballot, over Charles Kent- and H. Holraes. Charles W. Cross, for attorney-general, without opposition. He declined on August 19th, and David S. Terry was nominated by the committee. F. J. Clark, for surveyor-general, without opposition. Edwin F. Sraith, for clerk of the suprerae court, on the first bal lot, over L. J. Mowry. A. L. Mann, for school superintendent, on the first ballot, over J, R. Kelso and L. D. Morse. Nathaniel Bennett, for chief justice, without opposition ; O. 0. Pratt and David S. Terry declining. Alexander CarapbeU, jr., Calhoun Benhara, Charles A. Tuttie, John H. McKune, Caleb Dorsey, and John 0. Burch, for associate justices, on the first ballot, over E. W. McKinstry, E. B. Spencer, 414 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A. 0. Freeman, J. R. Sharpstein, H. P. Irving, J. H. Budd, A. W. Thorapson, George A. Johnson, 0. 0. Pratt, C. Cole, Jaraes E. Hale, and John L. Love. A state comraittee was selected, consisting of L. 0. Granger, Charles F. Lott, M. Biggs, jr., Dr. Grattan, Charles Krug, Jonas Spect, W. B. Norraan, J. I. CaldweU, D. 0. Reed, 0. L. Weller, WiUiara Holden, J. L. Love, J. H. Burke, H. J. Dam, G. H. Rogers, J. A. FUcher, J. V. Webster, 0. Younger, G. W. Hancock, J. W. Snowball, B. Langford, Charles Kent, B. Shurtieff, M. Biggs, and others. ' The first district new constitution convention, for the nomination -of a candidate for railroad commissioner, met at Sacramento on June 27th, and nominated Henry Larkin, on the seventh ballot, over J. N. Blood, George W, Hancock, William Holden, and W. B. Norman. The second district convention met on the same day, and nomi nated Sarauel Soule, without opposition; W. H. Mills, 0. A. Stombs, and George W. Thomas withdrawing. The third district convention met at Sacraraento on June 26th and norainated George Stoneraan on the first ballot, by a vote of 71, to 12 for George W. Sraith. The first district equalization convention raet at Sacramento on June 27th and nominated A. 0. Bradford, without opposition. The second district convention met at the same time and place, and norainated W. M. Crutcher on the first ballot, over L. Brusie, Joel Russell, and W. B. G. Keller. Crutcher declined on July 22d, and Keller was norainated by the coraraittee on August 19th. The third district convention met at Sacramento on the 27th, and nominated John M. Kelley on the first ballot, over J. M. Charles. The fourth district convention met at the same place and nomi nated T. D. Heiskell on the first ballot, over 0. Younger. The deraocratic state comraittee held a raeeting at San Francisco, at which raany of the leading raembers of the party were caUed in to consider the matter of the advisability of calling a state conven tion. W. J. "Tinnin moved that a state convention be called to meet at Sacraraento on May 27th, to nominate a state ticket. J. D. Spencer moved to substitute San Francisco as the place for holding , the convention. The amendment was rejected, and the original resolution carried. It was resolved as a sense of the confer ence that the state committee should issue an address to the DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 415 members of the party. The coramittee raet immediately afterward, and endorsed the action of the conference in reference to calling the convention, but after a long discussion, failed to endorse the reso lution to issue the address. On May 14th, the executive comraittee of the state comraittee held a meeting at San Francisco, at the sug gestion of leading democrats who were in favor of postponing the state convention, and a call was issued for a meeting of the state comraittee on the 20th. At that raeeting, the state convention was postponed to July 1st. On the last named day, the convention met at Sacramento, and was called to order by J. 0. Maynard, the secretary of the state coraraittee. J. 0. Shorb was elected terapo rary chairman without opposition. The committee on resolutions consisted of Jaraes O'Meara, S. M. Taylor, A. J. Bryant, Thoraas J. Clunie, W. A. Selkirk, A. B. Dibble, Jo Hamilton, W. J. Tinnin, G. H. Crossette, J. W. Satterwhite, L. Archer, J. D. Spencer, and J. 0, Shorb. On permanent organization, Shorb was president, and S. M. Taylor, John 0. Hays, G. H. Crossette, and 0. T. Ryland, vice-presidents. The committee reported the following resolutions : 1. That the democratic party is the only party which has always observed, obeyed, and maintained the federal constitution, and is, therefore, the only political party which the people can safely trust to administer the organic law of the state. 2. The democratic sentiment is an indissoluble union of inde structible states, under the pararaount authority of the federal constitution, in all powers which have not been reserved by the states. 3. That as suffrage is a privilege conferred exclusively by the states, eaoh state for itself, agreeably to the constitutionally expressed will of the people thereof, any attempt of the general governraent to interfere with the elections in the states, or in any of thera, is dangerous to the liberties of the people and destructive of the sacred ness of the elective franchise; and therefore we conderan as uncon stitutional and subversive of the freedom of the ballot the odious laws, ot republican origin and adoption, by which federal super-visors ot elections and deputy marshals are erapowered to interfere with the registration of voters at the polls, and United States troops are stationed at polling places to intiraidate or disfranchise citizens, na tive or naturalized. 4. That in unison with their party brethren throughout the re public, the democrats of California denounce the repeated abuses of 416 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the vetoes by Rutherford B. Hayes, sitting as the executive officer of the government, in defeating the will of the people as expressed by congress, in his rejection of the bills passed by that body to repeal obnoxious and unconstitutional laws during the present spec ial session. 5; That the democracy of California earnestly approve the conduct of the democrats in both houses of congress for their firm adherence- to the just deterraination to repeal the laws by which the rights of voters are interfered with, at the instance and under the authority of the republican adrainistration, to the extremity of depriving citi zens of suffrage for the purpose of carrying elections by force and fraud. 6. That the deraocracy of California are united and devoted ia support of, and obedience to the new constitution, and raaintain it as a sacred duty to administer the state governraent in strict and unqualified accordance with the spirit and letter of that instrument. 7. That the deraocratic party is pledged by its principles and irameraorial usages to reforra, retrenchraent, and the utraost economy corapatible with good governraent, in the adrainistration of public- affairs ; that it adheres to the cardinal doctrines of its founders, that taxation and representation should go together ; that the lowest- practicable tax-rate coraraensurate with the expenses of state, should be levied, and taxation should be equally and justly imposed on all property, to the end that one class shall not be burdened with the taxes fairly due frora another, and that no exemption of tar should be allowed to capital which is withheld from other species of ' property. 8. That the deraocrats of California were the first in the early establishraent of the state governraent to proclaira antagonism to Chinese immigration and coolie cheap labor ; that it was under a. republican administration the Burlingame treaty was raade, by which Chinese were adraitted to the rights and privileges accorded to iraraigrants from Europe ; that it was a republican occupant ot the presidential chair who vetoed the bill passed by a democratic- congress to prohibit the further iraraigration of Mongolians, and that the republican rainority in congress prevented the passage of the bill over the veto ; and that, therefore, it is only to the demo cratic party the people can confidently look to secure legislation that shall abate and abolish the evil and curse of coolie importation,. which cripples trade and palsies the arm of white labor. DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 417 9. That the democrats of Oalifornia approve the action of the democrats in congress who secured the passage of the Thurman bUl, by which the Pacific railroads are compelled to pay to the governraent the just share of interest annually due from them upon the bonds, agreeably to the terras of the charters granted to the respective cora panies. 10. That the railroad and other transportation corporations in California should be subject to state regulation of rates for passen gers and freight in order that a raaterial reduction should be made ; that unjust and discriminating rates shall not be iraposed or extorted, and that the enforceraent of the reduction should partic ularly apply to the railroads which have been subsidized. 11. That raining, as the original and still a very important in terest of California, is entitled to the fostering care, and should be fostered and receive the fullest protection trom the state govern ment, and the property and possessions of all engaged in mining en terprises should be guarded by the legislative, j-udicial and executive departraents of the state and federal governraents. l2. That the large reduction of expenditures in the public ser- -vice in the adrainistration of the state governraent during the past four years under deraocratic management, at this tirae of general depression in trade and labor, especially commend to the people of this comraonwealth the election of the candidates of the democratic party at the coming election to adrainister the state government for the ensuing constitutional term. The resolutions were adopted without opposition. On the 2d, a motion was raade by W. M. Cutter to reconsider the vote by which the platforra had been adopted, in order to strike out the eleventh resolution, but it was lost. Mr. Pearce offered the following : That no candidate shall be deemed eligible to the nomination of this convention who is now affiliating with any political organization in opposition or antagonistic to the democratic party. This resolution created considerable excitement, and was finally lost by a vote of 290 to 67. A state coraraittee was selected, con sisting of W. D. EngUsh, John H. Wise, Frank P. Baldwin, R. D. Stephens, C. W. Taylor, W. S. Green, A. B. Dibble, Warren B. English, Christopher Buckley, T. L. Thorapson, Philip A. Roach, A. J. Bryant, J. P. Hoge, W. T. Coleman and others. 27 418 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The coramittee on resolutions reported the following as a substi tute for the eleventh resolution, and it was adopted : That mining and agriculture, as the foreshadowing ititerests of California, should equally receive the fullest protection from the state governraent, and the property and possessions of all engaged in either pursuit should be carefully guarded by the legislative, judicial and executive departments of both the state and federal govern ments. The following nominations were made : Hugh J. Glenn for govemor, without opposition. Levi Chase for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 181 to 173 for J. D. Lynch ; A. B. Dibble and J. W. Satter white declining. k W. J. Tinnin for secretary ofi state, without opposition; Thomas Beck and W. B. 0. Brown withdrawing. G. T. Pauli tor treasurer, without opposition ; J. G. Estudillo, George Pearce and Thomas Fowler withdrawing. Pauli afterward declined, and on August 13th the state coraraittee norainated A. G. Escandon. W. B. C. Brown for controller, without opposition, Williara Minis tor surveyor-general, without opposition. Jo Hamilton for attorney-general, without opposition. H. 0. Gesford for school superintendent, without opposition; W. M. Cutter and A. L. Mann withdrawing. D. B. Woolf for clerk of the suprerae court, without opposition. Robert F. Morrison for chief justice, without opposition. S. B. McKee, E. M. Ross, E. W. McKinstry, T. B. Reardan, Thoraas P. Stoney and J. D. Thornton for justices of the supreme court, on the first ballot, over Joseph A. Moultrie, S. Heydenfeldt, Jr., J. B. Campbell and J. R. Sharpstein. Reardan afterward de clined, and on August 13th the state committee nominated Sharp stein in his place. Iraraediately after the noraination of Glenn, Cutter offered the foUowing, which created a wild excitement, but was finally adopted by a vote of 198 to 148 : That no candidate, except for a judicial office, shall hereafter re ceive a nomination at the hands of this convention who has accepted a nomination from anv other state convention. DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONS. 419 The first district deraocratic convention raet at Sacraraento on July 3d, and norainated G. J. Carpenter for raUroad commissioner, on the first ballot, over Henry Wilson, John T. Dare, and A. L. Nott. The second district convention met at San Francisco on July 14th, and norainated George W. Thoraas, on the first ballot, over Frank G. Edwards and Williara Corcoran. The third district convention met at Sacraraento on July 2d, and nominated George Stoneman, without opposition. The first district democratic convention met at San Francisco on August Sth, and norainated A. 0. Bradford for member of the board of equalization, without opposition. The second district convention met at Sacraraento on July 2d, and nominated Charles H. Randall, without opposition. The third district convention met at Sacramento on July 2d, arid nominated C. E. Wilcoxen, without opposition; T. B. Bond and W. H. DeJamett withdrawing. The fourth district convention met on the sarae day, and norai nated T. D. Heiskell, on the first ballot, over Brice Griraes and T. D. Harp. The first district democratic congressional convention met at San Francisco on August 5th, and norainated Robert Ferral, without opposition. He declined, and on the 19 th the convention again raet and in like manner nominated Charles A. Sumner. The second district convention raet at Sacraraento on July 2d, and nominated Thomas J. Clunie, on the first ballot, by a vote of 45, to 31 tor Charles H. Randall. The third district convention met on thesame day, and on the first ballot, nominated 0. P. Berry, by a vote of 52, to 37 for Barclay Henley, and 14 for J. K. Luttrell. The fourth district convention raet on the sarae day, and norai nated Wallace Leach, without opposition. On May 28th, a raeeting was held at Sacraraento, and a call was issued for a prohibition convention to raeet at San Francisco on July 16th. The convention was called to order by M. 0. Win chester, who was elected president. The following norainations were made : A. G. Clark, for governor. George Bramall, for lieutenant-governor. 420 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A. A. Sraith, for secretary of state. M. 0. Winchester, for controller. W. 0. Clark, for treasurer. Charles W. Cross, for attorney-general. J. W. Shanklin, for surveyor-general. S. N. Burch, for school superintendent. D. B. Woolf, for clerk of the suprerae court. A. L. Rhodes, for chief justice. J. D. Thornton, S, B. McKee, M. H. Myrick, J. H. McKune, Thomas P. Stoney, and Charles A. Tuttie, for associate justices. Afterward, McKune declined, and Jaraes E. Hale was nominated in his stead. For members of the board of equalization, A. 0. Bradford was norainated in the first district; W. M. Crutcher, in the second; John M. Kelley, in the third ; and James A. Clayton, in the fourth. For railroad coraraissioners, G. J. Carpenter, in the first ; T. G. Phelps, in the second ; and George Stoneraan, in the third. On August 30th, the central coraraittee of the prohibition party withdrew the ticket frora the field. In July, raeetings were held in San Francisco ot the state central coraraittees of the new constitution and democratio parties with a view of attempting to consolidate their state tickets, and on the 15th, the denhocratic comraittee deterrained to raake no change. About that tirae, the new constitution comraittee considered the question ot the advisability of taking Glenn frora their ticket, but they decided to let him remain. The next day the democratic com mittee considered the same proposition, and Glenn was called betore them. He stated that he had been nominated by the new constitu tion party first, and that in justice he was corapelled to support that ticket and the platforra of that party. The democratic' committee, by a vote of 16 to 10, deterrained not to take his name frora the ticket. On June 18th, Rev. I. S. Kallock was norainated by the working raen for the office of raayor of San Francisco. During the campaign, he was attacked by the San Francisco Chronicle, and the affair grew into a personal discussion of the characters of himself and the pro prietors of the paper. On August 23d, Charles De Young, one of the owners ot the paper, shot and seriously wounded Kallock in front of the Metropolitan Temple. The assault created intense excitement, and it was feared that mob action would be taken by the working- RESULT OF ELECTION. 421 men. Kallock was elected by a large majority. The feeling between the parties, remained, however, and on April 23, 1880, Charles De Young was shot and killed in his own office by I. M. Kallock, the son of the raayor. Young Kallock was afterward tried for raurder and acquitted. • The election was held in Septeraber, 1879, and the official canvass developed the following result : For governor, Perkins received 67,- 965 votes; Glenn, 47,647; White, 44482; Clark, 119. For lieu tenant-governor, Mansfield, 67,284; Andrus, 42,405; Chase, 31,226 ; Reed, 19,933 ; Braraall, 78. For secretary of state, Bums, 67,666; Smith, 41,045; Tinnin, 32.128; Crane, 19,926. For controller, Kenfield, 67,390; Jones, 40,837; Brown, 32,193; LaRue, 21,030; Winchester, 86. For treasurer, Weil, 67,791 ; L. B. Clark, 40,905; Escandon, 30,193; Jones, 20,034; Pauli, 1,009; W. 0. Clark, 66; E. W. Maslin, 23. For attorney-general, Hart, 66,937 ; Cross, 40,- 628; Hamilton, 28,904; Terry, 23,079. For surveyor-general, Shanklin, 67,166; Stevenson, 41,226; Minis, 32,291; Clark, 20,- 080. For school superintendent, Campbell, 67,293 ; Burch, 40,798 ; Gesford, 31,627 ; Mann, 20,997. For suprerae court clerk, Gross, 64,632; Thomton, 40,744; Woolf, 35,221; Smith, 20,363. For chief justice, Morrison, 72,588; Rhodes, 68,226; Bennett, 19,906. For associate justices, McKinstry, 79,987 ; Thornton, 78,229 ; Mc Kee, 75,879; Ross, 72,372; Sharpstein, 70,115; Myrick, 68,234 Belcher 67,592; Catlin, 66,397; Hale, 66,210; Wheeler, 65,367 Richards, 60,556; Buck', 41,894; Stoney, 31,660; Dorsey, 20,888 Campbell, 2.0,784; Tuttie, 20,216; Benham, 20,192; McKune, 20,- 114; Burch, 20,076; 0. Williaras, 1,191. For merabers of the board of equalization — First district. King, 18,996; Hoagland, 18,- 442 ; Bradford, 3,947. Second district, Drew, 18,343 ; Keller, 13,- 843; Randall, 6,290. Third district, Dutton, 16,023; WUcoxson, 12,318; Kelley, 7,369; Cavanaugh, 5,370. Fourth district, Heis kell, 16,716; Clayton, 13,507; Chubb, 8,485. For railroad cora raissioners— First district, Cone, 22,829; Larkin, 22,374; Carpenter, 14526. Second district, Beerstecher, 20,207; Phelps, 18,033; Soule, 3,519; Thoraas, 2,523. Third district, Stoneraan, 35,518; Phillips, 19,410. For congressraen — First district, Davis, 20,074 ; Barbour, 18,449; Sumner, 2,940. Second district, Page, 19,386; Clunie, 12,847; Williams, 5,139. Third district. Berry, 20,019; McKenna, 19,830; Elliott, 121. Fourth district, Pacheco, 15,385; Leach, 12,109 ; Ayers, 10,528. 422 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER XXX. 1380 — Democratic Convention — ^'Workingmen's Convention — Republi can Convention, April 29th — Prohibition Convention — Greenback Convention — Republican Convention, August uth. The deraocratic state coraraittee raet at San Francisco, on April 14th, and called a state convention, to raeet in Oakland, on May 19 th, to select twelve delegates to the national convention to meet at Cincinnati on June 22d. When the convention met it was called to order by A. J. Bryant, chairman of the state coraraittee. Samuel M. Wilson and W. J. Tinnin were norainated for temporary chair man, and Wilson was elected by a vote of 2 12 J to 123| for Tinnin. On permanent organization, Wilson was president, and Tinnin vice- president. The coraraittee on resolutions consisted of Geo. Pearce, J. A. Filcher, James O'Meara, J. W. Gaily, S. M. White, WaUace Leach, F. T. Baldwin, and others. On the 20th, a state central committee was selected, consisting of John H. Wise, Robt. Tobin, F. G. Newlands, Gus Reis, Peter Hopkins. Niles Searls, Paul Shir ley, W. A. Selkirk, W. D, English, Clay W. Taylor, J. K. DoUison, Dennis Spencer, J. D. Spencer, Philip A. Roach, Stuart M, Taylor, William Blanding, J. 0. WolfskiU, and others. The roll was called to ascertain the preference of the convention tor the presidential candidate, and Thurman received 133 votes; Tilden, 97; Seymour, 95 ; Field, 2 ; Hancock, 2 ; and Hendricks, 1. Thurraan was there fore declared to be the choice of the convention. On the 2 1st, the following were selected as delegates to the national convention : First district, W. P. Frost, John Foley, and J. B. Metcalfe. Sec ond district, J. E. McElrath, G. H. Cassell, and R. D. Stephens. Third district, Thoraas L. Thorapson, Andrew Stevenson, and W. 0. Hendricks. Fourth district, 0. H. Maddox, Jesse D. Carr, and WaUace Woodworth. For presidential electors at large, William T. Wallace and David S. Terry were 'nominated without opposition;, and J. Campbell Shorb frora the first district, W. B. 0. Brown from tjie second district, Barclay Henley from the third district, and E. F. Del Valle from the fourth district, were also nominated without opposition. For alternate electors at large Thomas B. Bishop and P. F. Walsh were nominated without opposition, Charles A. Suraner and S. M. White declining. Caraeron H. King frora the first district, A. Carainetti frora the second district, J. H. Seawell from the third district and R. H. Ward frora the fourth district' were also nomi- DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 423 nated without opposition. The coraraittee on resolutions reported the following, which were adopted : 1. We affirra our fidelity to the principles enunciated by the democratic convention of St. Louis in 1876, 2. We denounce the fraud by which R. B. Hayes and W. A. Wheeler were declared president and vice-president ot the United States, and the fairly elected candidates, Samuel J. Tilden and Thomas A. Hendricks counted out. 3. We declare that among tlje leading issues of the carapaign are the vindication of the right ot the people to self-government; the condemnation of the crirae against the ballot coraraitted four years ago; resistance to iraperialism, the raaintaining of the reserved rights of the states, and opposition to Chinese immigration. 4. That the drift of the republican party toward empire, through the oppressive concentration of capital, is a fraud upon the voting masses and an insult to the men who carry the guns in defense of our liberties. 5. We affirm our devotion to the union, deprecate all sectionalism, hold the republican party responsible for the agitation of dead issues, and regard the preservation of local self-government as necessary to the perpetuation of the republic. 6. That we favor continual lawful agitation of the subject of Mongolian iramigration to this country until the federal government is moved to so raodify our treaties with the Chinese empire as to pro hibit it, and thus save those of our fellow-citizens who depend upon labor for support frora unjust and degrading corapetition. We con demn and denounce the veto of R. B. Hayes of the bill limiting Chinese immigration to the United States, and declare that there is no relief frora the scourge except through a democratic adrainistra tion. 7. That we regard with alarra the doctrine of centralization recently announced by the republican raajority of the supreme court of the United States as having been raade in the interest of party and intended to blot out the last vestige of state rights and change the federal union to an empire. 8. That the labor of the country is its capital, and deserves the protection and guardianship of our governments — state and federal. 9. We irapose no instructions upon our delegates to the conven tion to raeet at Cincinnati, save and except to vote for the retention 424 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. of the so-called " two-thirds rule" in norainating candidates for presi dent and vice-president, and to vote as a unit in accordance with the will of the majority of the delegation frora this state ; and con fident in the collective wisdora of the deraocratic national conven tion, we pledge in advance to their norainees the electoral vote ot California in Noveraber, 1880. The first district convention raet at San Francisco on Septeraber 20th. Wm. S. Rosecrans, Charles A. Sumner, Robt. Ferral and John S. Enos were naraed for congressraan. Fifteen ballots were taken without result, and an adjournraent was had to the 27th, when Rosecrans was nominated on the first ballot. The second district convention raet at Sacraraento on August 21st, and norainated John R. Glascock, on the first ballot, over Charles W. Cross; Thos. J. Clunie withdrawing. The third district convention raet at Sacraraento on May 20th, and norainated 0. P. Berry, without opposition. The fourth district convention raet at Los Angeles on August 4th, and norainated Wallace Leach, on the first ballot, over L. J. Rose, J. W. Satterwhite, and P. B. Tully. On May 2d, the ward presidents of the workingraen's party met at San Francisco and called a state convention, to meet in that city on the 17th, to choose delegates to attend the national greenback con vention, which was to meet in Chicago on June 9th. The convention was called to order by H. W. Sraith, the vice-president of the party^ and 143 delegates were present. B. Pilkington was elected chair man. On the 18th, the coramittee on platform submitted a lengthy report of resolutions sirailar to those which had been adopted by prior state conventions of the party. A resolution was carried by a vote of 60 to 41 in favor of Thurraan as the presidential candidate. On the 19th, the convention split, and each branch selected a set of delegates to attend the national convention. The first republican state convention met at Sacraraento on April 29th, and was called to order by W. W. Morrow, the chairman ot the state committee. George F. Baker was elected temporary chair raan, without opposition, and was afterward chosen president. The coraraittee on resolutions consisted of Grove L. Johnson, John W. Cherry, George Barstow, W. A. Stuart, B. J. Watson, John A. Eagon, Wra. Sharkey, 0. W. Craig, W. A. Cheney, 0. RoweU, B. C. Whiting, and others. They reported the following: REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 425 The republicans of California, in state convention assembled, as expressive of their views, do hereby resolve ; 1. That they reaffirm their adherence to the republican national platform of 1876, and the Oalifornia republican state platform of 1879. 2. That the policy of resuraption which has made the greenback of war days equal to gold in days of peace should be maintained. 3. That the amendments to the federal constitution, and all laws passed in pursuance thereof, should be sacredly and jealously raain tained and enforced, so that every citizen of the United States, re gardless of color or condition, shall be protected in all his rights, and a full, free, and fair election be held in all the states of the union. 4. That the free public schools should be guarded and fostered by all the appliances within reach of the state and national govern ments, to the end that the children of all may be educated to know, and thereby to enjoy and perforra, their full duties and privileges as Araerican citizens. 5. That all peaceful raeasures should be used to prevent the fur ther iramigration ot Chinese into the United States, and to rid the country of those now here. 6. That we will cordially support the norainees of the republican national convention, whoever they raay be; but we know that the ¦six electoral votes of our state are certain to be given for the repub lican ticket it Jaraes G. Blaine be norainated, wherefore we do hereby instruct our delegates to the republican national convention to vote as a unit — first, last, and all the time — tor James G. Blaine, and to use all honorable means to secure his noraination for presi dent of the United States. A raotion was made to amend the sixth resolution by adding, ¦"until his narae is withdrawn from the convention, when the dele gates from California shall vote as a unit for the candidate of the majority of the delegation." The amendment was lost, by a vote of 122 to 124, and the resolutions as reported were adopted. Resolu- lutions were also adopted that all candidates for delegates or alter nates be pledged to carry out the sixth resolution ; instructing the delegates to urge the insertion of a plank in the national platform pledging the party to opposition to Chinese imraigration; and that no proxies frora the state be allowed in the national convention, and that the delegation cast the vote of any absentee. 426 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The following were selected as delegates to attend the national convention : First district — J. 0. Wilraerding, Samuel Mosgrove,and Alexander D. Sharon. Second district — Creed Haymond, S. Huff, and J. K. Doak. Third district — H. T. Fairbanks, Joseph Russ,: and E. A. Davis. Fourth district—John Mansfield, D. S. Payne, and F. M. Pixley. The following were selected as alternate delegates : First district — C. Mason Kinne, George A. Fisher, and F. J. French. Second district — J. R. Johns, James Foster, and J. A. Benton. Third district — John V. Scott, Frank A. Leach, and S. G. Hilborn. Fourth district — Williara M. Sraith, Charles Sherraan, and J. P. Stearns. A resolution was adopted favoring Newton Booth as the nominee for vice-president. The state central comraittee ot the prohibition party met at Oak land on July 17th, and nominated for presidential electors : J. W. Webb and George Bramall at-large, G. W. Coldwell from the first district, W. O. Clark frora the second, M. 0. Winchester from the third, and Jesse Yarnell from the fourth. Yarnell afterward withdrew, and John Woods was norainated in his place. For congressraen, F. A. Sawyer was nominated for the second district, A. G. Clark for the third, and W. H. Wheeler tor the fourth. The state convention of the national greenback labor party met at San Francisco July 21st, to nominate electors and congressmen, and to perfect the organization of the party. As a precaution against the adraission ot obnoxious characters, cards of adraission were issued to the delegates, two of whora were women. Silas Selleck called the convention to order, and L. M. Manzer was chosen president. The following platform was adopted : 1. That this convention cordially indorses the platform and reso lutions of the Chicago convention, and the noraination of James B. Weaver, of Iowa, as president, and Benjarain J. Charabers, of Texas, as vice-president. 2. That congress has no constitutional right to grant the public lands to corporations. 3. We declare that land, light, air, and water are the free gifts of nature to all raankind ; and any law or custora of society that allows any person to raonopolize more of these gifts than he has a right to, to the detriment of the rights of others, we earnestly condemn and seek to abolish. NATIONAL GREENBACK PARTY. 427 4. In all cases where either the congress of the United States or the legislatures of the several states have made grants to corpor ations or private persons, predicated on contingences to happen, by reason of something to be done by the beneficiary under the grant, and the beneficiary has neglected to coraply with the conditions thus- imposed, the grants themselves should be declared forfeited by the powers raaking them. In the opinion of this convention, the grants made to the South ern Pacific railroad, and the Atlantic Pacific railroad have been disregarded by the beneficiaries thereunder, and should be declared forfeited at the next congress, and the land thrown open for pre emption and actual settlement. 5. That in our legislative bodies all political opinions should be represented in proportion to the nuraber ot those who hold them,. regardless ot district or ward lines, thus avoiding party mechanisms, which not only do not express, but in effect nullity the will of the people. That as our law-making bodies do not in fact represent any considerable nuraber of their norainal constituents, but merely a few politicians and their monopolistic ring raasters, the laws which they enact, when unjust, are not raorally binding, because, "governments derive all their just power from the consent of the governed" and not from their raere acquiescence. 6. That suffrage is a right inherent in citizenship and not a raere privilege to be granted or withheld at the pleasure of the party in power. 7. That the possession and control of the public highways by private individuals or corporations is contrary to democratic principles, and inimical to national prosperity. 8. That the state has a right to so control its educational system as to insure and compel the efficient education of all children in the branches of learning and industrial pursuits. AU children must be educated alike, and all the expense must be borne by the state. 9. We deraand a national paper raoney, a full legal tender for all money payraents. 10. The prohibition of banks of issue, and the abolishment of the ,national banking system. 11. The payment of the bonded debt of the United States, and that no further refunding of the same be authorized or permitted. 12. That no discrimination be made between gold and silver in the freedora and facilities afforded for coinage. 428 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 13. That Chinese iramigration be prohibited by law, and that those who are already here shall not be admitted to citizenship. That if any commercial treaty is maintained wjth China, it shall provide that the nuraber of Chinese, of any given occupation resid ing in the United States, shall at no tirae exceed the nuraber of our citizens of the sarae occupation residing in China. That in the absence of such enactments, the laws and courts of and in this state should not be used to force Asiatic barbarism, with all its attending horrors, on the people of this state, in defiance of their nearly unani mous vote. 14. That the "specific contract laws" of this state be repealed, and that all contracts or obligations for the payment of "dollars" be solvable in any lawful money of. the United States. 15. That the federal government issue a loan, by way of direct loans on landed surety, a volurae of money at three per cent, per annum, one per cent, of which shall be paid into the county treasury of the county where the land is situated, one per cent, into the sink ing fund of the state, and one per ,cent. into the sinking fund of the federal government. 1 6. That the governraent shall issue raoney to the people, on good security, at a rate of interest that shall not exceed the cost of the issuance thereof. 17, That the governraent furnish the means for indigent families to go upon the public lands and build houses and stock and culti vate their farms, and also furnish the means to laboring operatives , to establish co-operative industrial enterprises. For presidential electors, F. P. Dann and J. E. Clark were nomi nated at large. L. M. Manzer from the first district, J. H. Red stone frora the second, George T. Elliott frora the third, and T. J. McQuiddy frora the fourth. Jaraes Kidney was norainated for alternate frora the first district, B.' K. Low frora the second, W. Ayres frora the third, and W. Jackson from the fourth. For congressmen, Stephen Maybell was nominated from the first district, Benjarain Todd frora the second, A. Mussleman from the third, and J. F. Godfrey from the fourth. Todd died October 29, 1580. » The second republican state convention met at Sacramento on August 11th, and was called to order by W. W. Morrow. Charles N. Fox was elected president, without opposition. The comraittee REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 429 on resolutions consisted of T. B. McFarland, L. B. Mizner, George F. Baker, John H. Dickinson, M. D. Boruck, H. T. Dorrance, E. W. Roberts, A. P. Whitney, F. M. Pixley, Calvin Edgerton, G. G. Blanchard, G. W. Tyler, O. W. HoUenbeck, and David McClure. They submitted the following, which were adopted : 1. That we adopt and affirm the principles so clearly set forth in the platforra adopted by the national republican convention recently assembled at Chicago. 2. That we recognize in James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur honest and representative citizens of our nation, able and intelligent exponents of the principles of the republican party, and that their election will be a triumph of those principles upon whicb our national existence and industrial prosperity depends. 3. That in the most eraphatic raanner we declare that the pres ence of Chinese laborers upon this continent is detrimental to the best interests of the American people. That their imraigration should be prohibited, and to that end that the Burlingarae treaty should be abrogated, and that congress should pass such laws as will prevent the further imraigration of Chinese to this coast. We in dorse and approve the act of President Hayes in the appointraent of a commission to the governraent ot China tor the purpose of raodify- ing the Burlingarae treaty. We especially indorse and approve that part of the national republican platforra that opposes Chinese immigration, and thus declares the question to be one of national ira portance. That we indorse and approve the declarations of General Garfield in his letter of acceptance, in which he says: " We cannot consent to allow any form of servile labor to be introduced among us under the guise of immigration," and that "it will be the duty of congress to mitigate the evils already felt, and prevent their increase by such restriction as without violence or injustice will place upon a sure foundation the peace of our communities and the freedom and dignity of labor." We call attention to th§ significance of General Hancock's silence upon this Chinese question in his letter of accept ance, and accept it as proof conclusive that the democratic party under the influence of a solid south, cannot be trusted to legislate upon this question of Chinese immigration. 4. That we recognize as a fundamental principle of American liberty " that it is only by a full vote, a free ballot and a fair count that the people can rule," but that throughout the solid south, as ruled by the democratic party, neither a full vote, nor a free ballot 430 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. now exist, nor can a fair count be had except through the complete -victory of the republican party and thc triumph of its principles. The following were nominated for presidential electors : John F. ' Miller and Henry Edgerton, at large; Olaus Spreckles from the first ¦district, Charles N. Fox from the second district, W. W. McKaig from the third district, and T. R. Bard frora the fourth district. Early in September Spreckles declined to run, and the state central coramittee nominated John A. Bauer in his stead. The following -were norainated for alternate electors : Henry Cowell and W. T. Garratt, at large ; Charles Kohler trom the first district, James A. Louttit from- the second district, Samuel Cassidy from the third dis trict, and Walter S. Moore from the fourth district. A state committee was selected, consisting of William Jennings, J. B. Reddick, George Hagar, W. H. Brown, A. R. Conklin, W. H. Sears, H. J. Ostrander, Joseph Wasson, Paris Kilburn, E. W. Rob erts, O. W. HoUenbeck, A. J. Rhoads, Obed Harvey, J. K. Doak, -S. O. Houghton J. 0. Zuck, H. W. WaUis, George W. Schell, 0. A. Garter, 0. W. Craig, 0. H. Garoutte, J. H. Jewett, M. 0. Conroy, -J. W. Shaffer, J. P. H. Wentworth, W. B. May, David McClure, -J. J. Green, P. B. OornwaU, S. G. Hilborn, H. W. Byington, W. W. Morrow, D. B. Jackson, M. D. Boruck, W. F. Whittier, David Bush, A. P. Williams, Richard Chute, W. M. Bunker, J. R. Har- ¦denbergh, J. P. Ames, and others. The first congressional district republican convention nominated Horace Davis, without opposition. The second district convention nominated H. F. Page, without ¦opposition ; John A. Eagon withdrawing. The third district convention nominated George A. Knight, with out opposition ; W. A. Cheney withdrawing. The fourth district convention nominated R. Pacheco, on the first ballot, by a vote of 70, to 27 for F. Adaras, and 1 for George F. Baker. The election was held on Noveraber 2d, and resulted as follows : For presidential electors — RepubUcans, Miller, 80,282 ; Edgerton, 80,348; Bauer, 80,281; Fox, 80,229; McKaig, 80,242; Bard, 80,- 253. Deraocrats, Wallace, 80,426; Terry, 79,858 ; Shorb, 80,430; Brown, 80,413; Henley, 80,428; Del Valle, 80,442. Greenback, Dann, 3,381 ; Clark, 8,394; Jaraes Kidney, 3,378 ; Redstone, 2,531; EUiott, 3,369 ; McQuiddy, 3,365 ; B. K. Low, 830. Prohibition, DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 43I Bramall, 54; Webb, 49; ColdweU, 56; Clark, 56; Winchester, 61 ; Woods, 56. About six votes were cast for electors on the anti- masonic ticket. For congressraen — First district, Davis, 19,496 ; Rosecrans, 21,005 ; Maybell and others, 688. Second district. Page, 22,036 ; Glascock, 18,859 ; Todd and others, 296. Third district, Knight, 20,494 ; Berry, 21,743; Musselraan and others, 274. Fourth district, Pacheco, 17,768; Leach, 17,577; Godfrey and others, 3,461. All of the deraocratic electors except Terry were elected, he being beaten by Edgerton. Rosecrans, Page, Berry, and Pacheco were elected congressraen. On December 1st the presidential electors met in the governor's office. All were present except Shorb, and L. 0. Branch was elected to fill the vacancy. Five votes were cast tor Hancock and English, and one vote — that of Edgerton — for Garfield and Arthur. Stephen Cooper was selected messenger to convey the returns to Washington. CHAPTER XXXI. 1882 — Democratic Convention — Republican Convention — Prohibition Convention — Greenback Convention — Grangers' Convention. On March 15th, the deraocratic state coraraittee met at San Fran cisco, and called a state convention to raeet at San' Jose, on June 20th, and to consist of 457 delegates. The test prescribed for the priraaries was "that the person offering to vote shall have voted for Hancock and English electors in 1880, or would have so voted had he been present and qualified.'' The convention met in the theater in San Jose, and was called to order by W. D. English, chairman of the state coraraittee. John Boggs was elected terapo rary chairraan, on the first ballot, by a vote of 264, to 193 for J. 0. Martin. The coraraittee on resolutions consisted of George Flournoy, Joseph Naphtaly, A. B. Dibble, J. 0. Martin, George Ohleyer, Robert McGarvey, J. T. White, Thoraas Harding, and David S. Terry. On the 21st, on perraanent organization, Boggs was elected president, and J. 0. Martin, Niles Searls, J. H. Budd, J. DeBarth Shorb, and T. B. Bishop, vice-presidents. The following resolutions were reported by the comraittee : The democracy of the State of Oalifornia, as represented in con- 432 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. vention, hereby declare that with unshaken faith in the soundness of the constitutional principles and traditions ot the democratic party, as Ulustrated by the teachings and examples of a long Une of deraocratic statesraen and patriots, and expressed in the platform of the last presidential convention of the party, we pledge ourselves to- raaintain these principles, and to labor to make thera pararaount in the administration of the state and the general govemments : 1. Thatthe democratic party of California tender its thanks to^ the deraocracy of the union for a long, earnest and partially success ful struggle, through the deraocratic congressmen, with a hostile republican administration, against Chinese iramigration, and in be half of the highest interests of the people of this coast. Such action again illustrates the fidelity of the party to its pledges given to the people in the platforms of successive presidential conventions; again recognizes that the people of each locality are the best judges of their own wants and necessities, and again declares the great doc trine that it is the duty of the general governraent to heed their complaints and to extend its strong arm for their protection. 2. That the democratic party of Oalifornia recognizes with the highest appreciation the prompt and determined moveraent in their behalf raade by the workingraen of the eastern states, and notably ot Pennsylvania, in presenting the menace of a free people as an ir resistible po-yver against the combined efforts of vast raoneyed cor porations and the monopolists of the Chinese trade, who, in the narae of the brotherhood of man, and under the cloak of universal charity, were endeavoring to thwart every effort raade in behalf of the perraanent existeiice of the white man in California; and we rec ognize the interests of white labor everywhere as in full alignment with the advancing movement of the democracy of the union in its purpose to preserve the heritage we have a right to enjoy from the merciless ravages of the Asiatic hosts, who have already captured, many of our best ipdustries, impoverished thousands of our people,. driven large nurabers into debauchery and crirae, and almost ex cluded eastern and European immigration. 3. That the Chinese now in California are an unmixed curse te this people, their presence an ever-increasing evil, reaching out to blast every avenue of labor and every branch of trade; that they are, and so long as they reraain will continue to be, an unsurraountable barrier in the pathway of California toward the high destiny for which nature has so amply equipped her; that in view of this con dition we confidently appeal to the deraocrats of the union for our DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 433 deliverance, and claira, as one of the first duties of the party, that the next presidential convention of the deraocracy shall declare the doctrine of self-preservation as the highest law of nature and of nations upon this subject, as upon all others, and the government of the United States, when placed under a democratic administration, will indicate its just apprecia'cion of the iraperative necessities of the people of California by providing such certain and speedy means as raay be deemed raost just and proper for the removal of every Mon golian frora this country; and to the accorapUshraent of this end we hereby pledge to the people our earnest and persistent efforts, invit ing every citizen of this state, who has the common weal at heart, whatever his present or previous political affiliation, to lend us the aid of his personal support, as a freeraan, toward strengthening the right arm of the democratic party of the union, whose fidelity has been proven, tor the early and perfect accoraplishment of this great work. 4. That the constant pretense of the republican party organs, and of the republican leaders in Oalifornia and in the eastern states, that the ten-year law has taken the Chinese question from the arena of politics, and that it is no longer a political issue, is deceptive iri purpose, arid will ever be false in fact, so long as the Chinese re main in this country. 5. That the democratio party, inheriting the doctrines of Jeffer son and Jackson, hereby declares its unqualified enmity to all sumpt uary legislation, regarding all such exercise of the law-making power as against the just objects of free government, and that all laws intended to restrain or direct a free and full exercise by any citizen of his own religious and political opinion, so long as he leaves others to enjoy their rights unraolested, are anti-deraocratic and hostile to the principles and traditions of the party, create unneces sary antagonisra, cannot be enforced, and are a violation of the spirit of republican governraent ; and we will oppose the enactraent of all such laws, and demand the repeal of all those now existing. 6. That railroad fares and freights should be raateriaUy reduced ; discriminations in favor ot localities or persons should be prohibited, and we conderan the raajority of the railroad coraraissioners of this state for their faithlessness in the discharge of their official duties. The norainees of the democratic party will, if elected, carry out, in letter and spirit, the declarations of this resolution, and relieve the 28 434 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. people to the extent of their jurisdiction frora the exactions and in justice now practiced with impunity by the railroad corporations. 7. That raost speedy and effective measures should be taken to compel the railroad corporations of Oalifornia to pay their taxes. No compromises should be made. The property of every corpora tion, as well as of every individual, should be assessed at its true value, and the payment of the resulting tax strictly and impartiaUy enforced. 8. That all railroad land grants, forfeited by reason of the non fulfillment of contracts, should be iraraediately revoked by the gov ernment, and that hereafter the domain should be reserved exclu sively as horaes for actual settlers. 9. That the rivers and harbors of this state belong to all the peo ple, and that it is the duty of the federal governraent to protect thera from destruction, and so improve thera frora tirae to time as to keep them forever open as channels of coraraerce. 10. That the democratic party declares its unalterable purpose to restrain all private and public corporations within the exact letter of their lawful powers, and to prevent any and all imposition upon individuals or the public, whether attempted under the pretense of lawful right or in the arrogance of accuraulated raoney power, and favors the offering and enactment of all needed legislation toward this end. 11. Recognizing the fact that rauch of the corruption in politics results from the enormous patronage in the hands of the president of the United States, and its unscrupulous use in carrying elections and maintaining the party in power, and that so long as the tempta tion exists this patronage will be so used, thereby degrading party contests to the debasing level of a mere scramble for the petty offices in the gift of the executive departraent, the deraocratic party of California announces itself as in favor of a reform of the civil service of the country, upon principles similar to those proposed in the bill introduced in the senate of the United States by Senator Pendleton, of Ohio. 12. That the democratic party of Oalifornia denounces the efforts made by the republican state executive, contrary to the constitution and laws of this state, to manage the state university of California in the interests ot the republican party. Martin and White, the minority of the committee submitted the following resolution as an addition to the raajority report : That the present schedule rates of railroad fares and freights, as DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 435 fixed by the raUroad coraraissioners within the state of Oalifornia, are excessive and oppressive, and that a reduction of at least fifteen per cent, upon all rates of corapanies operating raore than one hun dred miles of road, should be at once raade, and that the several district conventions of the democratic party, whose duty it is to nominate railroad commissioners, be requested to require each candidate nominated for the office of railroad coraraissioner to pledge hiraself that if elected he will, within sixty days after the organiza tion of the board of railroad coraraissioners, vote to reduce such rates at least fifteen per cent., and place the sarae in iramediate operation. Thomas Fowler offered the following as a substitute for the resolu tion reported by the minority of the coraraittee, but it was rejected by a vote of 195 to 221, and the rainority resolution was adopted : Whereas, The Central and Southern Pacific railroads were granted by the federal governraent a subsidy of money, bonds and lands in sufficient value to build and equip three or four lines of railroad ; and, whereas, the official returns of the gross and net receipts of those corporations show that their clear income exceeds $10,000,000 ^er year, an amount grossly beyond that of all enterprises carried on by those owning in their own right the money invested ; therefore, be it Resolved by the state convention ot the deraocratic party. That the nominees put forward by our party for the office of railroad com missioners be, and they are hereby instructed and directed, as their first official act, to reduce the present schedule of fares and freights of those corporations, so that their receipts shall be reduced at least twenty per cent., and that this reduction shall not be rescinded during their term of office, and to make such other and further reductions as careful investigation show to be just to the people and not unjust to the railroads. The resolutions were considered seriatim, and sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 were adopted, without opposition. A motion to strike out the latter part of the fifth section, which demanded a repeal of the then existing Sunday law, was lost — 166 to 280 — and the original resolu tion was adopted. The remainder of the majority report, together with the resolution of the minority, were then adopted. A state coraraittee was selected, coraposed of W. H. Conklin, J. D. Spencer, M. 0. Haley, H. T. Hammond, WUliam P. Frost, P. Connolly, Lewis McLane, R. 0. Cravens, J. 0. Ball, 0. P. Richardson, 0. H. 436 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Mitchell, B. W. Howser, John McMurray, Peter Hopkins, John H. Wise, W. D. English, John Foley, J. 0. WolfskiU, WaUace Leach, and others. For governor — Clay W. Taylor, CarapbeU P. Berry, Jaraes A. Johnson, George Hearst, George Stoneman, and Lawrence Archer were placed in noraination. Seven ballots were taken on the 22d and seven raore on the 23d, with the following result : BALLOTS. First BaUot Second Ballot Third Ballot .... Fourth Ballot Fifth Ballot Sixth Ballot Seventh Ballot . . . Eighth Ballot .... Ninth Ballot Tenth Ballot Eleventh Ballot . . Twelfth Ballot . . . Thirteenth Ballot . Fourteenth Ballot w 126128129134 143 146 151 159 166169170174170170 117117123 12(1122130136 132133 147166 189 204243 60 6162729196 92849193927565 32 tr 67 65 63 6255 .')2525444 3223 13' 16 1 W 656666 15 37 23 17 25 1911 1 201712 898 4 111 1 W IIII Stoneraan was declared the nominee on the fourteenth ballot. On the 2 2d, the following resolution was read while the balloting was in progress, and it was referred to the coraraittee : That the correct principle which should govern the railroad com missioners elected under the constitution of this state, in fixing the rates of fares and freights to be collected by the railroads of this state, is, first, to ascertain the value in cash of the franchise, rolling stock and road bed and appurtenances, and upon such valuation to fix the rate of fares and freights so as, after paying the running ex penses of the road, to pay to the shareholders 6 per cent, per annum on the valuation made as aforesaid. The closing paragraph pledged the norainees for railroad commis sioners to this plan. On the 24th, the following additional nomina tions were raade : John Daggett for lieutenant-governor, without opposition. DISTRICT DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIONS. 437 Erskine M. Ross for associate justice, on the third ballot, by a vote of 233, to 211 for Jaraes R Sharpstein, 124 for Jackson Temple, 104 for I. Sepulveda, 98 for John W. Arrastrong, and 88 for 0. P. Evans. The first ballot stood — Sharpstein, 154; Ross, 154; Arrastrong, 114; Sepulveda, 125; Teraple, 114; Evans, 113; Philip W. Keyser, 53; W. 0. Wallace, 65; T. J. Bowers, 13. J. R. Sharpstein for associate justice, on the first ballot, by a vote of 247, to 73 for Temple, 49 for Armstrong, 35 for Evans, and 29 for Sepulveda.- John R. Glascock and Charles A. Sumner for congressmen at large, on the first ballot. Glascock received 318 votes; Suraner, 231; J. E. Murphy, 20; and W. T. Wallace, 155. Thos. L. Thompson for secretary of state, on the second ballot, by a vote of 229, to 68 for W. J. Tinnin, 125 for Thomas Beck, and 20 for Wm. H. Ooorabs. The first ballot stood — Thompson, 154; Beck, 120; Tinnin, 75; Coombs, 41; Thomas H. Carr, 28; W. W. Kellogg, 19; W. M. Donahue, 16. John P. Dunn for controller, on the first ballot, by a vote of 209, to 154 for E. W. Maslin, and 93 for Russell D. Stephens. Wm. A. January for treasurer, on the third ballot, by a vote of 228, to 223 for Paul Shirley, and 3 for Otto Kloppenberg. On the first ballot, Shirley had 161; January, 158; David L. Poole, 90; Kloppenberg, 37; and A. 0. Busch, 4. Edward 0. Marshall for attorney general, on the second ballot, by a vote of 242, to 203 for Fred Baldwin. On the first ballot, Baldwin had 175; Marshall, 144; John 0. Burch, 65, and E. J. Edwards, 54. W. D. Grady withdrew during the first ballot. H. I. -Willey for surveyor-general, without opposition ; E. Rosseau, Wra. Minis, and Alexander Dunn withdrawing. Wra. T. Welcker for school superintendent, on the first ballot, by a vote of 293, to 76 for J. H. Kennedy, 51 for Jesse Wood, and 28 for J. W. Johnson. John W. McCarthy for clerk of the suprerae court, on the first ballot, by a vote of 250, to 95 for J. B. Stevenson, and 110 for Cameron ; D. B. Woolf withdrawing. The first district democratic congressional convention met at San Jose on June 24th, and norainated Wra. S. Rosecrans, on the first ballot, by a vote of 75, to 28 for Wra. P. Frost ; Robert Ferral with drew. The second district convention raet at the sarae place on the 23d, 438 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and norainated Jaraes H. Budd, without opposition. The third district convention raet at the sarae place on the 23d, and norainated Barclay Henley, on the first ballot, by a vote of 86, to 40 for L. D. Freer. The fourth district convention raet at the sarae place on the 23d, and norainated P. B. Tully, without opposition. The first district deraocratic convention for the nomination of railroad coraraissioner met at San Jose on June 22d. The candidates were G. J; Carpenter; W. S. Green, Wm. M. Crutcher, and H. M. LaRue. The convention adjourned without choice, the last ballot standing — Carpenter, 66; Green, 30; LaRue, 70. Crutcher with drew after the fourth ballot. On the 23d, on the seventh ballot, Carpenter was nominated, by a vote of 91|, to 61^ for Green, and 21 for LaRue. The second district convention met at the same place on the 24th, and norainated Williara P. Humphreys, on the first ballot, by a vote of 69, to 39 for Philip A. Roach. The third district convention raet at the sarae place on the 23d, and norainated W. W. Foote, by a vote of 81, to 61 for John H. Moore, and 7 for Thomas Fowler. On the 24th, Charles Gildea was norainated for raember ot the state board of equalization, from the first district, Wra. M. Crutcher frora the second district, 0. E. Wilcoxen from the third district, and John Markley frora the fourth district. A meeting of the republican state central coramittee was held at San Francisco in April, and the state convention was called to meet at Sacraraento on August 30th. On June 29th another meeting was held, and the proposition to have the convention meet on August 15th was voted down. The convention therefore met at the tirae originally set, and was called to order by W. W. Morrow, chairman of the state committee. Newton Booth was chosen tem porary chairman, without opposition.' The coraraittee on resolu tions consisted of L. D. Latimer, S. B. Lieb, J. H. Neflf, John F. Swift, Horace Davis, John H. Jewett, E. W. Roberts, S. Meyers, B. G. Hurlburt, John Yule, F. Adaras, J. W. North, and others. A delegation from the prohibition party waited on' the comraittee on resolutions and asked thera to embody in the platform a local option plank in the following form, and stated that nothing else would be acceptable : REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 439 That the legal control, regulation and restriction of the sale of intoxicating liquors should be fostered by such legislation as will carry into effect the provisions of section 11, of article XI, of the state constitution, which declares that any county, city, town, or township, raay make and enforce within its liraits all such local, police, sanitary, and other regulations, as are not in conflict with general laws. On the 31st, Booth was elected president ; Horace Davis, J. R. Hardenbergh, Wm. H. Sears, and A. E. Wagstaff, vice-presidents. The comraittee on resolutions reported the following : The republicans of Oalifornia, in state convention asserabled, do announce and declare : 1. We reaffirra our adherence to the principles of the republican party as erabodied in its history. 2. We laraent the death of our late president, Jaraes A. Garfield. His lofty patriotisra and heroic character endeared him to the peo ple. His memory will be fondly and forever cherished by his coun trymen. 3. We reaffirm the platforra of the national republican party as declared in Chicago in 1880. We have faith in the wisdora ot the present adrainistration, and confidence that it will result in honor and additional laurels to our party and its cause. 4. We point with pride to the financial policy ot republican ad ministrations, which has with unexampled rapidity reduced the national debt while improving the national credit, lessened taxes while increasing revenues, and lowered the rate of interest on the national bonds while adding to their value in the raarkets of the world. 5. History and experience unite to prove the necessity of pre serving one day in seven as a day ot rest from labor. Without leg islation on this subject, the laboring classes might be corapelled to continue in unceasing toil. Therefore, we are in favor of observing Sunday as a day of rest and recreation; and while we expressly disavow the right or the wish to force any class of our citizens to spend that day in any particular manner, we do favor the mainten ance of the present Sunday laws, or similar laws, providing for the suspension of all unnecessary business on that day. 6. Corporations are creatures of law and subject to law, and all legal raeans should be taken to render it irapossible for aggregations of capital to becorae oppressive. 440 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 7. While we recognize the fact that the building of railroads has proved one ot the raost potent agencies in the developraent and pro gress of the country, we at the same time remeraber that the great power which authorized such roads to be built, including the sover eign right of erainent domain, was granted to the railroad corapanies by the people, for the people, and on the sole ground that the buUd ing of railroads is a public use and such roads public highways. [The convention changed the last portion of this paragraph to read: 'And on the sole ground that the construction and working of railroads constitute a public use," etc.] We declare that railroad corapanies, the sarae as individuals, should be dealt with in fairness and with out injustice ; but, by reason of their relation to the people, they raust be kept subordinate to the interests of the people, and within govemraental control. The people should be protected by law from any abuse or unjust exactions. Unjust discrirainations against indi viduals or localities should be prohibited. Equal service upon equal terms to all persons should be enforced. Charges for transporting persons and property should be limited to what is required to pay the legitimate expenses of operating such railroads, their maintenance in good repair, and a fair interest on their actual value. Such value shall bear the same relation to its assessed value that the value of other property does to its assessed value. Charges in excess of this are in violation of the fundamental law of public use which allows railroads to be built ; and we hereby pledge our norainees for rail road coraraissioners to the enforceraent of these principles by such a material and substantial reduction of the rates of fares and freights as will secure that result — the basis being cost of service, with rea sonable allowance for interest and repairs, as above indicated, instead of the mercenary exaction of "all the traffic will bear.'' 8. That the proper public authorities should not refuse to act in regulating freights and fares by reason of lack of exact inforraation in any particular, if such inforraation could be given but is refused by the railroad corporation ; but in such cases these authorities should aot as near correctly as possible, taking care however that the public interest should not suffer, and holding themselves in read iness to correct any error, if error there should be, upon the corpor ation giving the necessary inforraation to enable such error to be corrected. 9. We denounce the railroad contract systera as a deliberate at terapt to enslave the commerce and trade of the whole Pacific coast, and subjugate them to the control and caprice of the railroad com. REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 441 panics. It is against public policy, because it seeks to raake use of the national bounty to break down that healthful competition which it is the policy of the nation to encourage. It is unjust and oppress ive, because it discriminates in favor of the strong at the expense of the weak, and offers bribes to the rich which it coUects back from iihe poor. It is arbitrary and tyrannical, because it arrogantly inter feres with the freedora of trade, and proposes to prohibit those who make use of its transportation facilities from doing business with any one who refuses to subrait to its dictation. Its existence is a threat and its abolition a necessity. The republican party pledges itself to prohibit the raaking of such contracts by proper legislation, to the extent, if necessary, of raaking the same a public offense. 10. We demand of congress legislation governing the carrying ¦trade between the states, or states and territories. The rates of freights and fares of all railroads engaged in such trade should be justly regulated and restricted, and any unjust discrimination be- -tween persons or places should be absolutely prohibited. 11. That we are opposed to granting any further subsidies tb companies or corporations, and are in favor of the imraediate revoca- tiion of all land grants and subsidies forfeited by non-fulfiUraent of the conditions of such grants, and the restoration of such lands to ¦the public doraain, to be held exclusively for actual settlers. 12. All property should pay its just share of taxation. The prop erty of corporations, like other property, should be assessed at its actual cash value, and the corporations and individuals alike should be compelled to pay their just taxes without abatement, diminution, or coraproraise. 13. The republican party has always advocated liberal appropria tions for the iraprovement of rivers and harbors ; and we declare it to be the duty of the federal governraent to raaintain the natural -channels of internal coramerce in their highest standard of useful ness, as a trust committed to it by the constitution of the United States, and as a constant check upon the exorbitant exactions of :artificial highways. 14. We believe in exact justice being done on the merits of the ¦contest between the conflicting mining and agricultural interests, and to that end we resolve that in all cases where it is claimed that ¦a nuisance is being threatened or committed, and that raore than one person or corporation is raaking such threat or contributing to raain- ttain such nuisance, a joint action should be allowed against such 442 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. persons or corporations to obtain redress, and the laws of this state should be speedUy araended to that end. 15. That the republican party, ever alive to the interest of the laboring classes, is in favor of the establishraent of a bureau of sta tistics of labor, for the purpose of inquiring into the condition of the laboring classes, their wages, lack of eraployraent, and chances of obtaining the same. 16. The republican party is unalterably opposed to Chinese immi gration. It is a cause for congratulation that this question, which has heretofore engaged the earnest attention of both political parties, has at length been settled by prohibiting further iraraigration, the treaty having been framed by republican commissioners and ratified and approved by a republican administration. We offer our thanks to our senators and representatives in congress for the legislation procured by them on this subject. 17. The same principles which guide the administration of well- ordered private affairs should prevail in the selection of public officers. Honesty, efficiency, aud fidelity should be the essential qualifications for publio position, and such rules should be established to regulate appointments to the public service as will insure fitness, to be ascertained by practical tests, and promotion should follow faithful service. The republican party of California demands a thorough, radical, and complete reform in the modes of appointment to subordinate executive offices, founded upon the principle that public office is a public trust, admission to which should depend upon proved fitness, to be ascertained by raethods open to all appli cants and regulated by law. 18. Finally, we insist upon econoray in the administration of the government, integrity in office, and honesty and efficiency in every branch of the public service. W. H. L. Barnes offered the following additional resolution, which was adopted: The republican party demands that the public schools shall re ceive generous support, as the policy of free government; that educa tion frora the primary school to the state university shall be free and within the reach of the children of every citizen; that in furtherance of this pririciple we recommend to the legislature the establishment of some systera by which the state shall print and pro-vide the prin cipal reading and other text-books used in the public Schools, sup plying the same to pupils at actual cost. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 443 The report of the coraraittee was then considered seriatira. A motion to strike out the fifth resolution was lost; and a raotion to strike out the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth was lost by nearly a unanimous vote. J. M. WaUing offered the following as a substitute for the fourteenth resolution : That all questions of injury arising between the agriculturist and the rainer should be left to the adjudication of the courts. Atter a discussion, a motion to strike out all reference to the sub ject was carried by a vote of 333 to 116. The word "suspending" was substituted for "prohibiting" in the sixteenth resolution. The following additional resolution was adopted : That the republican party points to the conduct of the affairs of the state under its present faithful executive with genuine pride, and as the best hostage it can give the people for the future. While it came into power under the burden of a deficiency exceeding $220,000, and by legislative acts extraordinary expenditures have been neces- saril-y made for the improvement of the labor resources ot the state prison, for the rebuilding of the state normal school and the deaf and dumb asylum, exceeding in all $750,000, it nevertheless retires from its post of duty leaving behind it no deficiency to be provided for, and the taxes imposed for all state purposes have been reduced not- less than ten per cent. With the changes indicated, the platform was adopted as a whole. The following nominations were then raade : Morris M. Estee for governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 238- to 202 for M. C. Blake, 11 for J. McM. Shafter, and 2 for Joseph Russ. Before the changes, the roll had stood, Estee 218, Blake 203, Russ 18, and Shafter 17. The candidates had been named in the evening, and the ballot was taken on the morning after, Septem ber 1st. Alvah R. Conklin for lieutenant-governor, on the first ballot, by a vote of 225, to 132 for J. 0. Tucker, and 89 for Jolin P. Stearns. John Hunt and Samuel 0. Denson for justices of the suprerae court, on the third ballot, over Anson Brunson, Theodore H. Hittell, John Reynolds, A. P. OatUn, Walter Van Dyke, 0. W. C. Rowell, and I. S. Belcher. Henry Edgerton and Wra. W. Morrow for congressraen at large, without opposition. Frank A. Pedlar for secretary of state, on the first ballot, by a 444 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. vote of 254, to 174 for Chas. A. Sherman, and 26 for George W. Gallagher. Wm. A. Davies for controUer, on the first ballot, over D. M. Kenfield and E. F. White. On the 2d, the committee on resolutions reported the following substitute for the fifteenth resolution, and it was adopted : We are in favor of establishing a bureau of statistics of labor, for the purpose of collecting and publishing such statistics and other information in regard to labor and wages as may be useful to the laboring classes. Frank M. Pixley offered a resolution with a preamble, which re cited the evils of undesirable iraraigration of objectionable classes, and resolving that the national legislators be advised to so amend the immigration laws, that such undesirable imraigrants shall be de nied tbe privilege of the elective franchise. The resolution also recited ; The temperance raovement now inaugurated and active in all ot our eastern states is entitled to the moral recognition of the raembers of this convention. The triumph of temperance principles, so decis ive in the states of Kansas and Iowa as to have becorae a part of their organic law, indicates that the temperance question has become a national one, worthy of consideration by this convention, and demanding the attention of all tax-payers as one of political economy, and of all good citizens as one involving the highest interest of social order, good morals, and good governraent. That as a first step in the direction of teraperance and reforra, our legislature should be asked to consider how far local option can be enforced to regulate or pro hibit the traffic in alcoholic drinks. The resolution was ruled out of order. The following additional norainations were then made : John Weil for treasurer, on the first ballot, over H. D. Fairbanks. Augustus L. Hart for attorney-general, without opposition; Hugh K. McJunkin withdrawing. Wra. Minto for surveyor-general, on the first ballot, over J. W, Shanklin-. 8. D. Waterraan for school superintendent, on the first ballot, over Fred. M. CarapbeU. Frank W. Gross for clerk of the suprerae court, without opposi tion. REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS. " 445 A state coraraittee was selected, consisting of Wra. Jennings, George Hagar, W. H. Brown, J. F. Crank, W. H. Sears, T. L. Carothers, J. H. Neff, J. A. Orr, A. J. Rhoads, 0. Green, M. 0. Briggs, Horace Davis, P. B. Cornwall, J. T. Dare, S. K. Thornton, S. G. Hilborn, G. W. Schell, P. Y. Baker, Jerorae Banks, 0. E. Street, C. H. Garoutte, W. H. Parks, and others. The first congressional district republican convention raet at Sac raraento on Septeraber 2d, and norainated Paul Neuman, without opposition. The second district convention raet at the same place on the 1st, and nominated H. F. Page, without opposition. The third district convention raet at' the sarae tirae and place, and nominated J. J. DeHaven, without opposition. The fourth district convention raet at the same place on the 2d, and nominated George L. Woods, on the second ballot, over W. J. Hill and Oregon Sanders. The first district republican convention for the nomination ot rail road coraraissioner raet at Sacraraento on Septeraber 2d, ahd nomi nated Chas. F. Reed, on the first ballot, by a vote of 125 to 48 for F. S. Freeman, and 8 for S. B. Burt. The second district convention met at the sarae time and place, and nominated Chas. Clayton, without opposition ; E. D. Sawyer, Geo. A. Fisher, and Samuel Mosgrove withdrawing. The third district convention raet at the same time and place, and nominated E. M. Gibson, on the fourth ballot, over John Mans field, Chester A. Rowell, J. G. McCallum, and Edward Martin. The first equalization district republican convention, met at Sacra mento on Septeraber 2d, and adjourned to San Francisco, where, on the fith, R. P. Johnson was nominated, on the first ballot, over E. Burke and F. 0. Mossback. The second district convention met at Sacraraento on the 1st, and nominated L. 0. Morehouse on the first ballot, over William John ston and James Foster. The third district convention raet at the sarae tirae and place, and nominated G. G. Kiraball on the first ballot, over Warren Dutton and P. R. Klein. The fourth district convention met on the 2d, and norainated 0. W. Dana, without opposition. 446 -POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A state convention ot the prohibition reform party was held in :San Francisco on July 11th, which was attended by about 150 dele gates. M. 0. Winchester was president, John Woods vice-presi dent, and Rev. George Morris secretary. A comraittee on resolu tions was selected, consisting of Rev. M. 0. Briggs, A. D. Wood, and others. They presented the following report, which was adopted : 1. That no exigencies of the political campaign can release a citizen from the obligations of truth, honor, loyalty, and publio decency. 2. That we hold the supremacy of law and the preservation of the laborers' rest day as paramount to party fealty and the hope ot political victory or the fear of defeat; and no partisan consideration whatever shall induce us to cast our ballots for a party or a platform which ignores religious rights, fawns on conspirators, or proposes to rob laboring raen of a law which protects them, one day in seven, against the oppressions of power and the exactions of greed ; nor will we support any nominee of any party who is disqualified by a debasing appetite for alcoholic drinks. 3. That we will vigilantly await the platforms and nominations of existing parties, in the hope that we raay find ourselves able to vote like horiest arid loyal raeri, without the riecessity of separating ourselves from the parties that now divide the state ; but should no party take the proper steps to protect an efficient Sunday law, and favor the plan of enforcing the question of license to sell intoxicants to the people, then we will meet and take such steps as shall give the voters of our state an opportunity to express their views on these two important questions. 4 That we hail with gratitude the triumph of local option in Arkansas, and of constitutional prohibition in Kansas, and more recently and gloriously in Iowa, as a presage and prophecy ot vic tory over the impoverishing and demoralizing liquor business, des tined ere long to be achieved in every state in the union, the actual results of these beneficent raeasures having refuted the calumnies ot their adversaries and reassured the faith of their friends, all of which encourages us to believe that public sentiraent is now ready for pro hibitory legislation in this state; and we shall consider that no party ¦or candidate on any ticket that is opposed to prohibiting people to vote upon the question of the discontinuance of this traffic is entitled to our support. PROHIBITION CONVENTION. 447 The debate on the resolutions took a wide range, and considerable disgust was manifested at the action of the democratic convention in relation to the repeal of the Sunday law. The convention then ad journed to await the action of the republican convention. On September 28th, another session of the prohibition reform con vention was held at San Francisco. It was called by the executive committee appointed by the July convention, and was largely at tended. It was called to order by Winchester and was opened with prayer. On the 30th, the following resolutions were adopted : The prohibition home protection party of California, now in state convention assembled, declares itself in alliance with the great na tional organization, having temperance for its . first organic law and governing motive, and is in sympathetic co-operation with all reforms calculated to advance the raoral and material welfare of the whole American people: 1. We declare that our object, aim, and purpose is to build up a political organization that may safely be intrusted with the conduct of national affairs, and to which may be confided, in all the states and territories of the Araerican union, the political control of all questions involving the raoral and material interests of the people. 2. We invite to this work the intelligent, law-respecting, and order-loving men and women of this state; those who own its prop erty, pay its taxes, are interested in the protection and education of its youth, in elevating its raoral standards, preserving the union of states, and in developing and perpetuating Christian civilization throughout the world. 3. We declare that the manufacture, sale, and use of alcoholic drinks is the greatest evil of the country and the age. That the traffic enslaves women and degrades children ; debases youth and wrecks raanhood; corrupts ballots and injures public service; peo ples prisons and fills irisarie asylums; breeds paupers aud criminals; imposes enorraous burdens of taxation; destroys capital arid ruius labor; degrades, irapoverishes, and destroys our horaes, and now threatens, through organized and crirainal conspiracies, to subvert- law and order. So believing, we declare the cardinal principles of our party to be prohibition, by constitutional araendraent, of the manufacture of all alcoholic liquors not deraarided for medicinal, mechanical, or scientific use, and the regulation by law, under severe 448 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. penalities, of the sale of alcoholic liquors for such use, and the abso lute and total prohibition of the sale for any other purpose. 4. The defiant resistance to law by the liquor dealers of this state and their associates ; their atterapted aggressions for the destruction of our raost sacred laws and highest interests, together with the sub serviency of the deraocratic and republican parties to these law breakers and law-defiers, have forced upon us an issue of the greatest, iraportance to the state, which should and must be met with deter mined courage and intense devotion to the best and highest interests of the people. This we are now deterrained fully and energetically to do. In this we most earnestly invite the co-operation an.d assist ance of every one who desires the best interests of this state and' people. 5. We declare that Sunday is an institution so interwoven into- our laws, our customs, our civilization, and the very structure ot our government; so intricately and beneficently connected with our- social, business, and moral life, that we cannot dispense with it without sacrificing the very best interests of the country and the highest welfare of the whole people. And so believing, we demand the enactment and enforceraent of an intelligent and rational Sunday law, and especially do we demand that all saloons or places of busi ness where intoxicating drinks are now licensed to be sold or per raitted to be sold on secular days, shall be absolutely closed on Sunday. 6. We erapbatically protest against all state subsidies or other countenance to encourage the business of making intoxicating drinks frora grapes, and against appropriating public funds for horse- racing at our state and district fairs. 7. We are in favor of the universal and enforced education of the youth of our state, including instruction in regard to the effects of alcohol upon the huraan systera, with araple provision for the sup-, port of an adequate and efficient systera ot free public schools, and that the state shall furnish pupils in our public schools text-books, free of price to such as are unable to buy thera, and to all others at ' the cost price of their production; and that we are opposed to sec tarian education iri our free schools, and the appropriation to^ denominational schools of the public school moneys. 8. We believe that railroad corporations and corapanies are subject to the control of general laws, and to such enactraents and regulations as raay be rightfully deraanded by reason of their pecul iar relations to the general public. We would corapel it and its . PROHIBITION RESOLUTIONS. 449 owners to bear its and their just proportion of the burdens of gov ernraent. We would compel them to pay taxes upon their property at the same relative valuation that is placed upon all other property, arid, iri all respects, we would treat railroad owners and railroads with impartiality and justice. We are opposed to all unjust dis crimination in fares and freights. 9. The hydraulic miner has no right, in the pursuit of his impor tant and legitiraate industry, to injure the property of his agricul tural neighbor, or to deposit his detritus in such places that by operation of natural causes it may then, or at some future tirae, be carried where it will injure land, fill navigable strearas, or interfere with the bays and harbors of our coast. It is the duty of the rainer engaged in gravel sluicing to so irapound his debris — hold it in arrest — that such injuries raay not occur, and to this end we insist that proper legislation should be had and the decisions of our courts ' eriforced. 10. We believe that the state should assume control of the water supply for irrigating purposes, and provide at once by suitable legislation for the equitable distribution of the same. 11. We recognize the noble services of woraan in the teraperance reforra, and in every elevating, purifying, beneficent work affecting the interest of our race; and we believe that enlightened patriotism and manly courage deraand the assertion at this tirae that woraan is entitled of right to the privileges ot the elective franchise; and so believing, in the interest of the teraperance cause, in the interest of our coramon humanity, for the safety of our horaes, and the pro tection ot our tree institutions now threatened, we shall insist upon such araendraents to existing laws as shall fully and forever enfran chise the woraen of our country. The following resolution, which was adopted, brought on a warra debate : We hail with pleasure the cultivation of the grape in this state, as offering our people a most pleasant, healthful, and remunerative occupation, and an incalculable and inexhaustible mine of wealth for many centuries to come. An unliraited raarket will always be found for all the raisins, syrups, canned fruit, and fresh grapes that the state can produce. We are assured from our own experience so far, and frora the past history and the present condition of the people who have prostituted the luscious grape to the vile use of 29 450 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. drunkenness, that the wine and brandy manufacture is the most degrading, deraoralizing, depraving, and pauperizing business which has ever cursed the world. We point for the truth of this to the utter ignorance, poverty, drunkenness, and moral ruin which has enshrouded Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sicily, Greece, Hungary, and the wine districts of Switzerland ; to the vice, turbulence, drunkenness, insanity, and suicides of France, and to the rapid degeneration of its people. We point to the fact that only one half of the young raen of France are physically fit for railitary duty when they arrive at the legal age. We denounce the proraises of wealth from the production of wine as entirely baseless and false. The following were also adopted : That while by the enactraent of a prohibitory law we will deprive the state of the revenue derived from the production and sale ot liquors, we guarantee the dirainution of expense for punishment ot ¦ crime arising frora the production and sale of liquor will more than compensate for the loss ot revenue and licenses. That the prohibition home protection party of this state, pledges , itself and its candidates to an imraediate and material reduction in the rates and amounts annually levied for state taxation ; that we favor the abolishraent of the numerous sinecure offices now drawing large amounts from the state treasury for salaries, and which have been maintained by both the democratic and republican state adrainistrations ; that we believe the high valuation of property and the excessive rates so levied have tended and continue to tend to retard the development, growth, and prosperity of the state. We regard it as disgraceful that it should cost annually over three millions ot dollars, wrung by taxation frora 160,000 voters of the state, to maintain the state governraent. That the state central comraittee urgently recommend the holding of prohibitory conventions, wherever practicable, in aU the counties of this state, for the purpose of a thorough organization, to carry into effect the objects of this convention, to also secure the elec tion of merabers to both houses of the legislature, and to fiU their various county offices. That the state central committee of the prohibition horae protec tion party shall have no power to fill any vacancy occurring in the ticket presented and nominated by this convention, by reason of the declination of the proposed candidate or otherwise, by selecting or GREENBACK LABOR CONVENTION. 451 substituting the name of any person now a candidate for office on the ticket of either the republican, democratic, or any other party. The following ticket was norainated, without opposition : For governor, Dr. R. H. McDonald, ot San Francisco. For lieutenant-governor, Williara Siras, of Yolo county. For secretary of state, M. 0. Winchester, of Sutter county. For state controller. Rev. 0. A. Bateraan. For state treasurer, Adara Bayne. For attorney-general, Will D. Gould, of Los Angeles. For surveyor-general, E. K. Hill, of Marysville. For superintendent of public instruction, R. A. Grant, of Wood land. For clerk of suprerae court, Williara Crowhurst, of San Francisco. For justices of the suprerae court, H. A. Mayhew and Robert Thorapson. For members of congress — At large, A. J. Gregg, Jesse Yarnell. First district, James McM. Shafter ; second district, J. L. Coles; third district, H. S. Graves; fourth district, A. B. Hotchkiss. For merabers of state board of equalization, H. H. Luse, F. McD. Green, Charles E. Green, D. M. Pyle. For railroad commissioners, Howard Andrews, Hiram Cummings, A. D. Boren. Bateman declined the noraination for controller, and the conven tion norainated John M. Rhodes, of Woodland. He also declined, and the convention named D. K. Zumwalt. He afterward declined, and the state coraraittee named Harvey W. Rice. Bayne declined the noraination for treasurer, and J. B. Mullen wag nominated. Mayhew and Thompson declined, and afterward Anson Brunson and Jackson Temple were nominated for suprerae justices. Gregg de clined, and A. B. Hotchkiss was norainated for congressman at large, and M. V. Wright was nominated for congress from the fourth dis trict. On October 3d, Pyle declined, and the vacancy was not filled. The greenback labor convention raet at San Francisco on Septera- - ber fith. E. J. Shellhouse was elected temporary president. The proceedings were very stormy throughout. The committee on plat form consisted of F. Woodward, Mrs. T. J. McQuiddy, Mrs. Marian Todd, and others. Their report adopted and incorporated the plat form of the national greenback party, and contained in addition the foUowirig : 452 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 1. We demand, as due to the laws of nature, that the present Sunday law be sustained, and so amended as to make it effective and equal and just to all persons. 2. We deraand the prohibition of the manufacture, iraportation and sale of all intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal and scien tific purposes, and deraand legislative provision fbr the submission of this and all other important questions upon which there is or may become any considerable difference of opinion, to a direct vote of the people. Another resolution called for a reduction of 25 per cent, on the rates of freights and fares ; another insisted that the lands granted to railroads under conditions which had not been complied with, and not taken up by actual settlers, should revert to the public do main. The platforra was adopted after a warra debate. The foUowirig nominations were made : Thomas J. McQuiddy, for governor ; W. J. Sweasy, for lieutenant-governor ; Mrs. Marian Todd, for attorney-general ; Stephen Maybell and Warren Chase, tor congressraen at large ; Robert Summers, for secretary of state ; M. E. Morse, for controller ; L. Keating, for treasurer ; W. J. Cuth- bertson, for surveyor-general ; E. J. Shellhouse, for school superin tendent; W. 0. Stratton and John Clark, for justices of the supreme court; J. F. O'Toole, for clerk of the supreme court; G. T. Elliott, J. H. Redstone, and J. H. Holloway, for railroad commissioners; H. S. Fitch, congressman frora the first district; F. Woodward, from the second ; W. 0. Howe, from the third, and Isaac Kinley, from the fourth ; L. W. Kidd, for mepober of the state board of equalization from trie first district ; Thoraas McConnell, frora the second ; T. J. Goin, from the third ; and J. S. Loveland, from the fourth. A grangers' state convention met at Stockton on October Tth, and was presided over by J. V. Webster. A lengthy platform was adopted, and the following nominations were raade : For railroad coraraissioners, Charles F. Reed from the first dis trict, John T. Doyle from the second district, and W. W. Foote from the third district. For raerabers of the board of equalization, Jaraes A. Withington from the first district, L. 0. Morehouse from the second, 0. E. Wil coxon from the third, and 0. W. Dana from the fourth. For state controller, John P. Dunn. It was decided to make no nominations for the other state offices. RESULT OF ELECTION. 453 The election was held on Noveraber 7th, and the official returns developed the following result : For governor, Estee, 67,175; Stone raan, 90,694 ; McDonald, 5,772 ; McQuiddy, 1,020. For lieutenant- governor, Conklin, 71,640; Daggett, 87,944; Siras, 3,783; Sweasy, 1,138. For justices of the supreme court Hunt, 73,259 ; Denson, 69,769 ; Sharpstein, 88,527; Ross, 89,363 ; Brunson, 2,860 ; Temple, 2,402 ; Stratton, 1,096 ; Clark, 718. For secretary of state. Pedlar, 73,471; Thompson, 87,170; Winchester, 2,893; Sumraers, 1,176. For controller, Davies, 74,152 ; Dunn, 86,031 ; Rice, 2,435 ; Morse, 1,085; D. K. Zumwalt, 183. For treasurer, Weil, 74,096; Janu ary, 86,591 ; MuUen, 2,971 ; Keating, 1,052. For attorney-general, Hart, 72,955; MarshaU, 87,174; Gould, 2,897; Todd, 1,109. For surveyor-general, Minto, 73,599; WUley, 86,836; Hill, 3,116; Cuthbertson, 1,111. For clerk of the suprerae court, Gross, 74,351 ; McCarthy, 86,158 ; Crowhurst,, 3, 176 ; O'Toole, 1,104. For superin tendent of public instruction, Waterraan, 73,906 ; Welcker, 86,896; Grant, 2,854; Shellhouse, 1,101. For railroad coraraissioners: First district— Reed, 29,125 ; Carpenter, 31,481 ; Andrews, 1,370; Elliott, 705. Second district— Clayton, 14,219; Huraphreys, 21,601 ; Cura raings, 226 ; Redstone, 71 ; Doyle, 5,455. Third district— Gibson, 26,815; Foote, 31,694; Boren, 955; Holloway, 163. For state board of equalization: First district — Johnson, 16,226; GUdea, 22,- 192; Luse, 270; Kidd, 95. Second district— Morehouse, 20,326; Crutcher, 19,832 ; Green, 605 ; McConneU, 103. Third district— 'Kimball, 17,731; Wilcoxon, 22,291; Green, 130; Goin, 912. Fourth district— Dana, 19,184; Markley, 22,602; Loveland, 336. For congressmen at large, Morrow, 73,747; Edgerton, 73,454 ; Sum ner, 87,233; Glascock, 87,259; Hotchkiss, 2,786; Yarnell, 2,722; Ohase, 1,139; Maybell, 1,090. First district— Neuman, 14,847; Rosecrans, 22,733; Shatter, 580; Fitch, 67. Second district- Page, 19,246 ; Budd, 20,229; Coles, 478 ; Woodward, 78. Third district— DeHaven, 19,473; Henley, 21,807; Graves, 862; Howe, 404 Fourth district— Woods, 18,387; Tully, 23,105; Wright, 650 ; Kinley, 355. 454 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. CHAPTER XXXIL 1884. Republican Convention, April 30th — Democratic Convention- Prohibition Convention — People's Convention— Republican Conven tion, July 23d— Irrigation Convention, May 14th — Irrigation Conven tion, December 3d. The republican state committee met at San Francisco on March 4th and called a state convention to raeet at Oakland on April 30th, to select 1 6 delegates to attend the national convention to be held in Chicago on June Bd. The state convention selected E. A. Davis for chairman, and the committee on resolutions consisted of G. G. Blanchard, M. M. Estee, S. 0. Denson, 0. 0. Bush, Charles F. Reed, J. K. Doak, WiUiam H. Parks, D. , McPherson, Walter Van Dyke, W. G. Long, W. H. Cheney, and others. The coraraittee reported the following, which were unaniraously adopted : 1. That the republicans of Califomia endorse the national admin istration, and hereby renew their allegiance to the principles of the party as illustrated and raade conspicuous in the twenty-eight years of its existence. 2. That we are in favor of protecting horae industry and enter prise, and such legislation as will tend to raaintain and support our own people. We are, therefore, in favor of a tariff for protection, adjusted by a wise discriraination to the wants of the govemraent in the matter of revenue, so as to secure the best results for the greatest number. 3. That we are in favor of such amendments to the Chinese exclu sion act as will effectively prevent any evasion of its letter or spirit, and will secure to our people absolute protection against any and all forras of Chinese iraraigration ; and we further declare that the act so araended should be raade perpetual. 4 That it is to the republican party that the nation raust look to repel the spirit of communisra and agrarianisra, and for the establish ment and protection of the freedmen and rights of the citizen. 5. That the delegates elected to the national republican conven tion be and they are hereby instructed to vote for and use all honor able means for the nominatiori of James G. Blairie for president ot the United States so long as he reraains a candidate before said con vention. 6. That the commissioner of agriculture should be made a cabinet officer, and our delegates are instructed to urge a plank in the natiorial platform favoring this idea. REPUBLICAN CONVENTIONS. 455 7. That the corisideration of all raatters affectirig state policy be deferred until the raeeting of our next state convention. 8. That the services of Senator John F. Miller are deserving of public approbation. His appointraent to the chairmanship of the committee on foreign relations in the senate was a just recognition of eminent ability. His able advocacy of the prohibition of servile Chinese iraraigration has met with a responsive favor frora all classes of citizens and has materially strengthened the cause of the republi can party. Wm. W. Morrow, George A. Knight, Thoraas R. Bard, and Horace Davis were elected delegates at large, over Horace F. Page, R. W. Sirapson, Creed Haymond, Frank M. Pixley, James McM. Shatter, and R. 0. Gaskill. Page, Pixley, Gaskill, and Shafter were selected alternates at large. The following were selected trom the districts : First district — 0. 0. Bush and Byron 0. Carr for delegates, over R. K. Nichols, H. W. Byington, and J. D. Byers. Byington and Byers were elected alternates. Second district — Wm. H. Parks and George W. Schell for dele gates, over S. W. Sperry. David E. Knight and Timothy H. Bar nard were selected as alternates. Third district — Wra. Johnston and Eli S. Denison for delegates, over T. H. Thorapson, Wallace R. Pond, and Henry P. Wood. Thorapson and Pond were selected alternates. Fourth district — David McClure and Charles F. Crocker for delegates, and Frank French and Wra. B. May for alternates. Fifth district — Adolph B. Spreckles and Maurice 0. Blake for delegates, over J. W. Rea and Sargent S. Morton. Rea and Morton were elected alternates. Sixth district — David 0. Reed and Oregon Sanders for dele gates, over W. S. Beebe, W. H. Norway, and Thomas Flint. Edwin W. Crooks and Thomas Flint were elected alternates. The democratic state comraittee raet at San Francisco on March 11th and called a state convention to raeet at Stockton on June 10th, to nominate delegates to the national convention to be held in Chi cago on July 8th, and also the presidential electors. The state con vention was called to order by John H. Wise, the chairman of the state comraittee. Stephen M. White was chosen teraporary chair man, without opposition ; H. M. LaRue declining. The committee 456 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. on resolutions consisted of D. M. Delraas, Fisher Araes, W. J. Tinnin, M. E. 0. Munday, Marion Biggs, Niles Searls^ M. F. Tarpey, E. E. Leake, 0. P. Berry, Byron Waters, and others. On the 11th, a perraanent organization was effected by the selection of White as president; and W. J. Tinnin, Jo Harailton, Peter Hopkins, and others, vice-presidents. The coraraittee on resolutions reported the following : The democracy of California, in convention assembled, hereby announce the following principles : 1. That we do now reaffirm our unwavering fealty and adherence to the anti-raonopoly principles which have ever been the doctrine of democrats, not only in this state, but throughout the union, and proclaim our unshaken faith in the principles set forth in the San Jose platform of 1882. 2. That we hold the calling ot the extra session of the legislature to have been a wise, politic and patriotic act on the part of Governor Stoneman, warranted by the embarrassment of the finances of the state, caused by the contumacious refusal of the railroad corpora tions to pay their taxes, and the condition of . public affairs engen dered by their open defiance of the laws, and their pernicious influ ence in preventing the regulation of freights and fares and the suppression of abuses in transportation. 3. That the late extra session of the legislature marks an epoch in the contest between the people and the monopolies, and is an event which sets forth in a clear and unmistakable light before the people the baneful arts and corrupt practices by which the railroad raonopoly, in furtherance of its own selfish and grasping policy, either controls legislation or defeats raeasures calculated for the public good. 4 That, as all legislation at the late extra session calculated to relieve the people of the state frora the insolent and oppressive rule of railroad corporations was frustrated by the republican party — seven-eighths of whose raerabers in the senate, and three-fourths of whose assemblymen in the house voted solidly and persistently against such legislation; and as the conduct of these republican representatives not only was not rebuked, but was tacitly approved by the late republican convention in Oakland, and as that conven tion openly condemned as agrarian and comraunistic all attempts at anti- monopoly legislation, and emphasized its hostile attitude by sending as its chosen delegates to Chicago men who were openly THE "STOCKTON" CONVENTION. 457 interested in railroad and other monopolies, or who were notoriously arid avowedly the pliant tools of such monopolists ; therefore, we denounce the republican party of California as untrue to the people, leagued with the enemies of the state, and subservient to the dicta tion of wealth and power, against the interest of the people. 5. That we are not unmindful of the conduct of certain demo cratic officers and legislators, who co-operated with the republicans at the late extra session in frustrating the will of the people and antagonizing the true interests of the state. That while no amount of care can at all tinies prevent the intrusion into parties of faith less men, who enter with a false pledge upon their lips raerely to ruin and betray — yet the party becoraes responsible for the conduct of such recreant raerabers only when, having discovered thera, it fails to condemn their course ; that it is the duty of a party, it it is true to itself and to the people, to expel frora its ranks and denounce as unworthy of public trust and lost to all sense •ot honor, traitors and pledge-breakers. Therefore, we do now denounce railroad commissioners Carpenter and Humphreys, who have broken their pledges with reference to freight and fare reduc tions ; Lieutenant-govemor John Daggett, whose casting vote was ever thrown into the scale to turn the balance against the people ; Attorney-general Marshall, who violated his solemn pledge, taken at San Jose, that in the collection of revenues from railroads there :should be no coraproraises ; and those deraocratic senators and assemblymen who at the late session of the legislature proved faith less to their pledges and betrayed the cause of the people — men whose recreant conduct has since met with such eraphatic denuricia- tiori arid rebuke at the bauds of their own local constituencies. 6. That under the great law of equality of rights aud equality of iburdens, which is the fundaraental principle of all free republics, •and the comer-stone of democracy, we favor the passage of revenue laws which shall corapel corporations to pay their taxes as individuals pay theirs. 7. That we proclaim our unshaken confidence in the ability of the people to govern ¦ themselves and to enforce obedience to their laws, •even frora overgrown corporations and gigantic raonopolies. We denounce as degrading to the dignity of the state and fatal to its sovereignty all coraproraises in the enforceraent of laws, and raain tain that the people owe it to theraselves not to remit to rich and powerful corporations penalties for violated laws which, under .•similar circumstances, they exact from individuals. 458 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 8. That we reaffirm our adherence to the doctrine laid down in. the San Jose platforra of 1882, that the deraocratic party is opposed to all legislation of a suraptuary character and all laws intended to- restrain a free and full exercise by any citizen of his own religious, and political opinions, so long as he leaves others to enjoy their rights unmolested. That the present system of iraposing an excessive license tax upon certain classes of business is contrary to the spirit of deiriocraoy. 9. That the iriterference of the federal judiciary under existing laws in restraining the collection of our state taxes on the property of railroad corporations and in interfering with the enforceraent of our state revenue laws has greatly embarrassed the administration of our state governraent and justly raeets with general condemnation;, therefore, we invoke congress for such remedial legislation as may protect us in the exercise of this important incident of sovereignty. 10. That while we recognize the importance of encouraging the building and operation of railroads in this state and the advantages- which ought to accrue to the people from the facilities which rail road transportation would afford, if fully and impartially given to all, we view with alarm the power of the railroad monopoly as mani fested in its pernicious and corrupting interference iri politics and in its control of officials elected by the people. 11. That we are opposed to all prohibitory tariffs intended te create or foster raonopolies or exclusive privileges. We favor the raising of sufficient revenues for the necessary support of the govern raent and the gradual discharge of all its obligations, and for this- purpose we are in favor of a tariff so adjusted as to give incidental protection to horae labor and horae industries, placing the burdens, as far as possible, on the luxuries and exerapting the necessaries of life. The details of this adjustraent we subrait to the judgment of a democratic congress. 12. That the ownership of large tracts of land by non-resident aliens is an evil not to be tolerated in the United States. 13. That we deraand that all grants of public lands heretofore made for the benefit ot corporations which have not complied with the conditions of the grant be imraediately declared forfeited and the lands restored to the public doraain, to be disposed of as all other public lands are now disposed of, in reasonable quantities, and to- none but citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become such, who are actual settlers thereon. 14. That our delegates to the convention in Chicago be instructed DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 459^ to use their best efforts to have a plank inserted in the national platform declaring against national banks, believing that all paper money necessary to be used as currency should be issued directly by the national government and not through the instrumentality of national banks — collecting, as they do, a preraiura on the issuance of public money resting upon a public debt and with no real responsi bility on the part of stockholders to their depositors. 15. That we condemn the employment of Chinese or convict labor in competition with the laboring classes of this state ; and that the interests ot Araerican civilization demand that the gates shall be sealed forever against the immigration or iraportation of Asiatic coolies under any pretense whatever. 16. That we conderan the practice of selection by county com mittees of delegates to conventions, as contrary to the principles of democracy. . ¦ 17. That we demand of the state board of railroad coraraissioners the early formulation and passage of a schedule ot freights from the interior to tide-water which will secure to the farmers a material reduction on the transportation of the crop ot 1884. 18. That, recognizing the transcendent importance of agriculture and the fact that its success is indispensable to the prosperity of our country, we believe it should have a voice in the cabinet councils ot the natiori; and that our delegates to the Chicago convention be and they are hereby instructed to use their best efforts to procure the insertion of a clause in the platforra pledging the party to create the office of secretary of agriculture, the incurabent of which shall be a practical agriculturist and a meraber of the president's cabinet. 19. That we favor the adoption of the proposed araendraent tO' the state constitution, providing for the publication of text-books tor the public schools of the state. 20. That we adhere to the deraocratic doctrine that it is the ira perative duty of the government of the United States to protect alike the native-born and the naturalized citizens, and that the whole force ot the government should be exerted in behalf of a nat uralized citizen should he be conscripted in a foreign army. 21. That the choice of the democracy ot Oalifornia for president and vice-president is Sarauel J. Tilden and Thoraas A. Hendricks, not only because they are living representatives of the traditional principles of the democratic party, but also because their noraination and election is a necessity of retributive justice. 22. That in case any unforeseen cause should prevent the accept- 460 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. ance of the presidential nomination by Samuel J. Tilden, our second -choice is Allen G. Thurraan. 28. That the deraocracy of California unanimously repudiates the presidential aspirations of Stephen J. Field, and that we hereby pledge ourselves to vote for no man as delegate to the national con vention of July 8, 1884, who will not before this convention pledge himself to use his earnest endeavors to defeat these aspirations. A motion to strike out the 23d resolution was lengthily debated, and lost by a vote of 19 to 453. A raotion to strike out the cen sure of Attorney-general Marshall was also lost by a vote of 229 to 242. The resolutions as reported by the coraraittee were then adopted. The following resolution was also adopted : That it is the sense of this convention that a constitutional araend- merit, proposing the election of three railroad coraraissioners, should be presented by the next legislature to the people, to be voted on within 90 days, the election to be at large, and at the same time as the general election of 1886, and the terra to be four years. On the adoption of the amendment by the people, the governor to ap point three commissioners, to take the place of the three removed by the adoption of the araendraent. A state central coraraittee was selected, consisting of W. D. Eng lish, Robt. Tobin, Archibald YeU, Thoraas F. Barry, W. A. Selkirk, R. 0. Cravens, George T. Marye, Patrick Reddy, J. D. Goodwin, J. T. Harrington, D. N. Hershey, J. W. Oates, J. G. WolfskiU, D. A. Ostrom, E. G. Blessing, John Foley, A. M. Burns, J. J. Flynn, Peter Hopkins, D. J. Oullahan, J. D. Spencer, Wallace Leach, and others. The following were elected delegates to the national converition; At large — Williara Dunphy, of San Francisco; 0. F. Foster, of Tehama; Thomas J. Clunie; Hugh M. La Rue, of Sacramento. T. H. WiUiams, T. G. Hill, W. W. Lyman, Hugh J. Mohan, -alternates. First district — H. 0. Wilson, of Teharaa; Dennis Spencer, of Napa. W. E. McConnell, of Sonoraa ; Archibald YeU, of Mendo- •cino, alternates. Second district — J. W. Breckinridge, of Merced ; Niles Searls, ot Nevada. W. E. Eichelroth, R. B. Hugg, alternates. Third district— W. B. English, of Contra Oosta ; M. F- Tarpey, of Alameda. Dr. Dobbins, of Vacaville ; H. H. Reid, of Alameda, alterriates. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. 461 Fourth district — J. A. Wright, of San Francisco ; Louis Holtz, of San Francisco. Abe Neuraan, A. M. Burns, alternates. Fifth district — Maurice Schraidt, of San Francisco; Lawrence Archer, ot Santa Clara. J. W, McDonald, Jesse Oook, alternates. Sixth district — L. J. Rose, of Los Angeles; A. B. Butler, of Fresno. T. J. Arnold, ot San Diego; J. W. Ferguson, ot Fresno, alternates. The following were nominated for presidential electors and alter nates: At large — Charles Kohler, ot San Francisco ; 0. P. Berry, of Sut ter. J." 0. Shorb, of San Francisco ; J. T. Harrington, of Colusa, alternates. First district — W. J. Tinnin, of Trinity. Richard Bayne, of Colusa, alternate. Second district — G. G. GOucher, of Mariposa. F. D. Nicol, of Tuolumne, alternate. Third district — .1. 0. Martin, of Alaraeda. Nathaniel Jones, of Contra Oosta, alternate. Fourth district — George T. Marye. J. M. Eaton, alternate. Fifth district — James T. Murphy, of Santa Clara. Edward White, of Santa Cruz, alternate. Sixth district— W. H. Webb, of Monterey. A. J. Atwell, of Tulare, alternate. On June 17th, Shorb, a nominee for alternate elector at large, published the following declination: Anticipating a speedy and entire restoration to health, and desir ing, in the coraing presidential carapaign, to speak, and with authority, in behalf of those principles which the deraocratic party has always illustrated and raaintained as vital and essential to the perpetuity of our forra of government, and indispensable to the preservation of the liberty, prosperity, and happiness of the people, I allowed my narae to be presented as an alternate elector before the Stockton convention. To this position I was elected, I believe, by acclaraation. I wish now to resign this positiou. The convention at Stockton was called for the purpose of select ing delegates to the national convention, and electors on the national ticket. It was not called to pass resolutions of eulogy on the wis dom of calling the extra session of the legislature, or to relate the reasons of its ignominious — indeed, its absolute failure. It was not 462 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. •called to pass resolutions of repudiation of any aspirant to the presidency, here or elsewhere, or to rehearse the alleged or suspected infamy and treason of certain deraocratic officers of the state gov ernraent, or members of the legislature in the upper and lower house. It was not called to signalize the ambition of sorae men, or to vent the spite and disappointment of others. Finally, it was not -called to invade, even by resolution, vested rights, to terrorize cor porations, or put on exhibition the purity of one newspaper, and its devotion to the interests of the people, or crystalUze the claims of -certain men for future preferment in the party. Reading over the platforra of th'is convention, an outsider would be led to regard the selection of national delegates and presidential -electors as entirely secondary to the raanifestations of demagogism, communisra, persecution, injustice, spite, and tyranny that pervade the platform and resolutions frora beginning to end. If I went be fore the people they would understand I indorsed the spirit and letter of this platform. This, I cannot in conscience do, for I am a democrat, and democracy means freedora in. its largest and holiest aspect. It raeans equal rights to all; the right to worship God ac cording to our own light; the right to act and vote in harmony with our own ideas and convictions of principle and utility. The attempt, unparalleled in the history of all conventions, deraocratic and repub lican, to force raen to think and act with us under any and all cir cumstances, and meeting disaster and failure as it ought; the attempt, I repeat, by resolution, to expel them from the party for such reason, is tyranny and irisolence, and not democracy. Finally, it is a move ment which, I believe, will not be indorsed by raen of intelligence, honesty and patriotism in the deraocratic party throughout the state of Oalifornia, for it is in deadly antagonisra to the spirit and perforraance of those pure civic virtues which should fill and ani mate the breast of every good citizen — virtues without whose cohe sive force parties theraselves must fall into decay and ruin at last. On the 19th, Charles Kohler, a nominee for elector at large, ad dressed the following to the state coraraittee : The deraocratic convention that recently met at Stockton adopted a platform, condemned several gentlemeri for their official conduct, arid gratuitously assailed a distinguished citizen of Oalifornia, whose name will be presented to the democratic national convention for the highest office in the gift of the Araerican people. The state convention placed ray name on the electoral ticket, and PROHIBITION CONVENTION. 468 if I reraain silent I shall be regarded as approving all the doctrines enunciated in the Stockton platforra. There are principles embodied in that declaration which I do not approve; and I most emphati- ¦cally disserit from each and every expression condemnatory of Judge Field. Entertaining such views, I deem it ray duty to the derao cratic party to state thera thus publicly. It is ray purpose to give ray cordial support to the ticket that shall be norainated at Chicago in July, and notwithstanding what was said and done at Stockton, I sincerely hope that Judge Field will be norainated at Chicago. If the coramittee over which you preside is not satisfied with my attitude as hereiu stated, it is at liberty to substitute another name for raine as an elector. Kohler afterward withdrew his resignation. On July 26th, the •state committee met at San Francisco for the purpose of filling the vacancies caused by resignations. Thomas H. Laine was nominated for alternate elector at large in place of Shorb; Edwin Swinford was substituted in place of Bayne, as alternate from the first dis trict, and John A. Stanly for elector frora the third district in place -of Martin. Afterward Goucher declined, and on August 26th, the second district convention norainated Marion Biggs for elector. The various district conventions met at Stockton on June 10th, and nominated the following for congressraen. Barclay Henley frora the first district, without opposition. Jaraes H. Budd frora the second district, without opposition. John R. Glascock frora the third district, without opposition. R. P. Hastings frora the fourth district, on the first ballot, by a vote ot 56, to 9 tor Charles A. Suraner; W. S. Rosecrans declining. Frank J. Sullivan frora the fitth district, without opposition. R. F. Del Valle frora the sixth district, without opposition. Budd afterward declined to be a candidate, and on August 26th, the second district convention again raet at Stockton and nominated Charles A. Suraner, without opposition. The prohibition state convention raet at San Francisco on June 17th, and was called to order by George Babcock, the chairraan of the state coramittee. About 200 delegates were present. Babcock was elected teraporary chairman, and on permanent organization, Joel Russell was president. R. H. McDonald, J. L. Coles, J. A. Fairbanks, and T. M. Wills were elected delegates at large to attend the national convention to 464 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. be held at Pittsburg on July 23d, and the following were chosea from the districts. First district — H. A. Mayhew, W. G. Swan, and J. N. Lining. Second district— W. M. Tharp, 0. A. Bateraan, and F. McD.. Green. Third district — H. J. Becker, 0. N. Goulding, and H. L. Ross, Fourth district — Captain A. D. Wood, Colonel George Babcock, and S. F. Dutton. Fifth district— Mrs. E. P. Stevens, E. B. Fowler, and Mrs. A. P. Ellis. Sixth district — Judge George Steele, Will D. Gould, and Samuel Fowler. The committee pn platform and resolutions subraitted the follow ing report, which was adopted : The prohibition home protection party, now in state convention assembled, reaffirms and pledges itself anew to the following declara tions : 1. We declare that our object, aira and purpose is to build up a political organization that raay be safely intrusted with the conduct of national affairs, and to which may be confided, in all the states and territories of the Araerican union, the political control of aU such questions, involving the moral and material interests of the people, as are proper subjects of legislation. 2. We invite to this work the intelligent, law-respecting, and order-loving men and women of this state; those who own its prop erty, pay its taxes, are interested in the protection and education of its youth, in elevatirig its moral standards, preserving the union of states, and developing and perpetuating Christiari civilization throughout the land. 3. We declare that the manufacture, sale and use of alcoholic drinks is the greatest evil of the country and the age. That the- traffic enslaves woraen and degrades children ; debases youth and wrecks manhood ; corrupts the ballot and injures the public service ; peoples prisons and fills insane asylums; breeds paupers and crimi nals, and thereby iraposes enorraous burdens of taxation; destroys capital and ruins labor; degrades, irapoverishes, and destroys our horaes, and threatens, through organized and criminal conspiracies, to subvert law and order. So believing, we declare the cardinal principles of our party to be the prohibition, by national and state constitutional amendments, of the manufacture and importation of PROHIBITION RESOLUTIONS. 465 all alcoholic, vinous, and malt liquors not demanded for medicinal, me chanical, or scientific use, and the regulation by law, under severe penalties, of the sale of such liquors for such use, and the absolute and total prohibition of the sale for any other purpose. 4. We deprecate all atterapts to substitute any systera of high- license, so-called, in place ot prohibition of the liquor traffic ; and while the traffic continues, we also oppose any reduction of the bur dens or restrictions now iraposed upon it. We are in favor of the rigid and irapartial enforcement of all laws tending to restrict the sale of intoxicating liquors, and demand of our executive authorities the arrest and punishment of all persons engaged in criminal com- biriation to obstruct or prevent the enforcement oi laws intended for the protection of society against the wrongs, injuries and criraes growing out of the saloon business. 5. That while we regard prohibition of the liquor traffic as the most important, political question before the Araerican people, we are not unmindful that there are other issues seriously, it not vitally, affecting the general welfare ; but these issues we refer to the action of the national prohibition convention to meet July 22d, assured that it will properly represent the sentiment of our state and the nation. , On raotion of Colonel Babcock, it was ordered that the delegates to the national convention be authorized to cast the twenty-three votes to which the state is entitled, and also that the delegates be instructed to present and urge the narae of Dr. R. H McDonald upon the convention for the noraination for president of the United States. The following congressional norainations, raade by the district delegations during the recess, were reported and ratified by the con vention: First district, Rev. 0. 0. Bateman, of Tehama ; second dis trict, Joshua V. Web,ster, of Stockton ; third district, Josiah B. Wills, of Contra Oosta ; fourth district, Colonel George Babcock, of San Francisco ; fifth district. Rev. A. P. Morrison, of San Jose ; sixth district. Will D. Gould, of Los Angeles. For electors, the foUowing were chosen : First district, J. W. Tharp, of Sonoma ; second district, H. S. Graves, of Sutter ; third district, Joel Russell, of Alameda ; fourth district, Stephen H. Varney, of San Francisco ; fifth district, J. D. Wood, of Santa Clara ; sixth district, George Steele, of San Luis Obispo ; at large, M. 0. Winchester, of Sutter, and Dr. A. B. Nixon, of Sacramento. 30 466 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Afterward, Jesse Yarnell was substituted for Nixon, as candidate for elector at large; D. E. Bushnell for Wood, as candidate for elec tor iri the fifth district; A. D. Boreri for Steele, as candidate for elector in the sixth district, and Williara Crowhurst for Morrison, as candidate for congressraan in the fifth district. Pursuant to a call issued on May 23d, by the executive coramittee of the California branch of the national anti-monopoly party, a state convention to nominate presidential electors, convened at San Fran cisco on July 16th, the delegates to which were chosen from the national anti-raonopoly greenback, labor, and national union parties. Dr. George Hewston called the converition to order, and was chosen teraporary chairraan. The comraittee on resolutions consisted of P. J. Merwin, J. M. Kinley, George T. Elliott, L. F. Moulton, and others. On perraanent organization, A. E. Redstone, was president. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, Through the neglect of governraent to enforce the con- s^titution and laws in the spirit of republican equality, corporate, moneyed, and property interests have become pararaount to the in terests of humanity. Home and foreign capital, through corrupt legislation, have monopolized the land of the nation and fastened its grasp on all industries, thereby forcing land and labor to pay tribute to corporate and individual rapacity. The improved materials and forces of modern civilization, which are essential to the uses of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are so raonopolized that the iridustrial classes are forced iuto destructive competitiori, Orie with ariother ; and through this raeans, and by parly intrigue, their polit ical liberties have been rendered little better than a dead letter. The governraent, by delegating the exercise of its functions to others. through subsidy grants and united action with corporations and favored individuals, has placed itself in a position to be fairly charged -with collusion with capital and corispiracy agairist labor. Arid the coritinuance of conditions such as are in operation at present raust eventually lead to the extinction of republican institutions, to be followed by a state of anarchy or despotisra. Resolved, That we, the national anti-raonopoly, the national greenback, and the national uriiori parties, iri joint convention assembled, in the name of the national party, declare as our platform of principles' the following : 1. We hold that the late decision of the supreme court on the ANTI-MONOPOLY RESOLUTIONS. 467 legal tender question, to be. a full vindication of the right and authority of congress over the issue of legal-tender notes, and we hereby pledge ourselves to uphold said decision, and defend the con stitution and laws against alterations and amendraent thereof. 2. We deraand the payment of the public debt as it falls due, in the spirit of its original contraction ; the free coinage of gold and silver, and the issuance of sufficient treasury and fractional currency to meet the requirements of our industrial and coramercial interests, to be kept in circulation under a unifOrra systera. 3. We condemn the granting of special privileges, or the use of the public domain by a few persons or corporations to the detriment of the individual rights of any and every citizen. 4. We declare directors of corporations and individuals who refuse to pay their taxes, or otherwise refuse to contribute to the support of the government which protects them, in open rebellion, and they should be dealt with as other criminals who defy the law. 5. The public lands being the natural inheritance of the people, we denounce that policy which has granted to corporations vast tracts of land ; and we demand that iraraediate and vigorous meas ures be taken to reclaim trom such corporations all such land grants as have been forfeited by reason of non-fulfillment of contract, or that may have been wrongfully acquired by corrupt legislation ; and that such reclaimed lands and other public domain be henceforth held as a sacred trust, to be used only by actual settlers in limited quantities ; and that any citizen of the United States raay initiate legal proceedings in any court to invalidate such grants, in the name of the United States when public lands, and the state when state lands, without the consent of the United States attorney-general or attorney-general of the state, on defraying the expenses thereof We demand that alien ownership of land, individual or corporate, shall be prohibited. 6. We demand an araelioration of the condition of labor by en forcing sanitary laws in industrial establishraents, by abolition of the contract convict-labor system, by rigid inspection of mines and fac tories, by fostering non-sectarian educational institutions, and by abolishing child labor. 7. We advocate reduction of the hours of labor, and demand that importation of Chinese, servile, pauper, and contract labor shall cease. 8. We demand congressional regulation of inter-state commerce; we denounce "pooling," stock-watering, and discriraination in rates and charges, and deraand that congressional and state legislation 468 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. shall correct these abuses, even, if necessary, by the construction of national railroads ; and that a postal telegraph system shall be estab lished by the government. 9. All private property, all forms of money, and obligations to pay raoney, shall bear their just proportion of public taxes. 10. We deraand a protective tariff systera by which the iraporta tion of luxuries shall be heavily taxed, and the necessaries of lite for coraraon use, not competitive, be adraitted free ; and a graduated tax of other iraports be adopted, whereby those most needed shall bear the lowest duty, and those less needed the highest duty; and that all competitive raw materials be excluded. 11. We deraand that the property either of corporations or pri vate persons, whether consisting of franchises or other values, on a just remuneration, be subject to appropriation for public use under the law governing eminent doraain. 1 2. We deraand the submission to the people of the United State^ of araendraents to the constitution, granting the right to legislate in favor of female suffrage and prohibition of the liquor traffic. 13. We demand a change in our Indian policy, whereby each reservation, or so much thereof as may be required, be appropriated and used as agricultural farms, and the Indians kept thereon and disciplined by being compelled to perform manual labor enough for their own support. 14. We demand the abrogation of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. 15. We endorse the noraination of Benjarain F. Butler, of Massa chusetts, and A. M. West, of Mississippi, respectively, for president and vice-president of the United States. The following were norainated for presidential electors : P. J. Merwin, W. J. Sweasy, L. F. Moulton, George H. Stebbins, R. But terfield, H. D. Barbour, H. M. Couch, and S. A. Waldron. After ward Sweasy, Stebbins, and Barbour declined, and N. Curry, A. D. Nelson, and A. T. Dewey were norainated in their stead. The following were norainated for alternate electors : T. J. Mc Quiddy, W. H. Moody, W. J. Sweasy, H. D. Barbour, Thomas. Graham, and E. J. Shellhouse. The nomination of congressmen was left to the state coramittee, and on the 17th the following nominations were announced : First district, L. F. Moulton; second district, E. J. Mcintosh;. third district, A. B. Burns; fourth district, Henry S. Fitch; fifth. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 469 district, J. M. Kinley; sixth district, Isaac Kinley. Afterward W. 0. Howe was substituted for Moulton, Charles A. Sumner for Mcintosh, and Frank J. Sullivan for J. M. Kinley. The republican state coramittee raet at San Francisco on June 23d, and called a state convention, to meet at Sacraraento on July 23d, to nominate presidential electors and alternates. At the tirae and place naraed the convention raet, and was called to order by P. B. Cornwall, the chairraan of the state coraraittee. M. M. Estee was chosen temporary chairman and afterward president, without op position. The coraraittee on resolutions consisted of F. Adaras, W. H. Brown, Chester Rowell, David McClure, A. L. Chandler, J. H. Neff, W. H. Parks, D. McPherson, W. A. Cheney, D. N. Sher- bourne, W. E. Dargie, and others. The following norainations were made for presidential electors : At large, A. R. Conklin, Henry Edgerton ; first district, Benjamin Shurtieff; second district, J. B. Reddick ; third district, Henry Vrooman ; fourth district, Jaraes Simpson ; fifth district, Marcus H. Hecht; sixth district, Chester Rowell ; Simpson resigned and Horace Davis was nominated in his stead. Shurtieff afterward declined, and J. D. Byers was nominated in his stead. On September 1st Vrooman resigned his place on the ticket, for the reason that the question had been raised that he was not eligible to serve as an elector, from the fact that he was holding the office of state senator, and Charles F. Reed was nominated in his place. The convention norainated the foUowing for alternate electors : At large, Ira P. Rankin and R. W. Waterman; first district, J. D. Byers ; second district, L. T. Crane; third district, Charles F. Reed ; fourth district, A. G. Booth; fifth district, Robert Effey; sixth dis trict, Paris Kilburn. The coraraittee on resolutions reported the following, which were unanimously adopted : 1. That the republicans of California, in convention assembled, endorse and reaffirm the national platforra of the republican party, adopted at its convention, recently held in Chicago, and we con gratulate the country upon the noraination of Blaine and Logan, the true representatives of the American policy ot progress and unity. 2. That we declare that the welfare of California demaiids, and that the property of labor and the interests of capital require, the 470 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS In CALIFORNIA maintenance by the national government of the Araerican system of tariff for protection. Under this policy which has been consistently supported by the republican party since its foundation, our varied industries have been fostered and extended, our laboring classes have enjoyed better wages than in any other part of the world, and the whole country has achieved unparalleled prosperity. We denounce the free trade policy, which the democratic party has advocated since 1840, as dangerous to the material interests of the country and to the well-being of Araerican labor: We arraign the democratic party of California for supporting the national demo cratic party, which stands upon a platform that declares, in effect, for the tree-trade doctrine of tariff for revenue only, as admitted by prominent merabers of the comraittee that fraraed the plank. We insist that the success of the British policy would destroy the grow ing industries of our coraraonwealth, especially the grape, raisin, wool, and raanufacturing interests, and would reduce the wages ot our workingraen to the starvation point. 3. That we ask and deraand that the industry of the raanufacture of the raisin shall be protected by a protective duty, and resolved, that we demand the restoration of the tariff on wool as fixed by the law ot 1867. 4. That we are in favor of the adoption of the proposed araend raent to section seven of article nine of the constitution of this state, authorizing the furnishing of free text-books for use in the common schools throughout the state. 5. That the republican party of California has a consistent record in its unswerving devotion to the interests of the people in opposi tion to all monopolies. First — We declare that railroad corpora tions, being organized for a public use, all unjust discrimination as between persons and places is in direct violation of the constitu tion of this state, and should be prohibited. Second — We declare that charges for freight by all transportation corapanies should only be what the service is reasonably worth. Third — It is the duty of the rail road comraission to regulate freights and fares justly inthe interest of the people. We call attention to the section of the platforra of the national republican party which favors congressional legislation to carry outthe constitutional powerof congress to regulate interstate comraerce, and especially to the language declaring that "the principle of the public regulation of railroad corporations is a wise and salutary one for the protection of all classes of the people, and we favor legisla tion that shall prevent unjust discriraination and excessive charges REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 471 for transportation, and that shall secure to the people and to the railways alike fair and equal protection of the laws." We endorse this declaration. We charge that the platform of the national democratic party evades this great issue. We arraign the derao cratic party ot California for supporting a candidate tor president whose publio record identifies him as as a friend of monopoly and an eneray to the rights and the interests of the people. We par ticularly denounce the doctrine advanced by the nominee of the democratic party for president in his veto in the New York legisla ture of the bill reducing fares on the elevated railroads, in which he declared that there was no constitutional power in our legislature to regulate and abridge privileges granted by a former legislature to a public agency. This extreme monopolistic view had been condemned by the higher courts of the land, is wrong and dangerous, and marks him as unfit to hold the high office of chief raagistrate of the republic. 6. That the coraraissioner of agriculture be constituted a cabi net officer of the nation as and under the title of " Secretary of Agriculture." 7. That, recognizing the clairas of our soldiers, and the especial obligations of California to those through whose faithful services our territory was acquired, we favor the payraent of pensions to all sur viving veterans ot the Mexican war. 8. That all property should bear its equal share of taxation. That all property, whether owned by individuals or corporations, should be assessed at its actual cash value, and be compelled to pay its just taxes. ' 1 9. That we commend our representatives in congress for their efforts in behalf of restrictive Chinese legislation, thus redeeming the pledges of the party raade for thera, and renew our deterraina tion to make such restriction effective, and in every way prevent the competition of Chinese with Araerican labor. We thank the republican national convention for its emphatic declaration upon this subject; refer with pride to the attitude of James G. Blaine in congress wheri the subject first became a national one, and have implicit faith that the republican party of the nation will protect us in all our interests as against Chinese. 10. That we invite and welcome to our state the people of all countries which belong to our division ot the huraan family, whose moral, physical and intellectual qualifications entitle them to the rights and privileges of Araerican citizenship. 472 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A state comraittee was selected, consisting of Aaron Bell, James A. Orr, H. W. Byington, W. H. Parks, E. W. Roberts, J. H. Neff, W. H. Brown, Richard Chute, C. H. Garoutte, A. J. Rhoads, Christopher Green, Obed Harvey, S. G. Hilborn, Eli S. Denison, W. W. Camron, F. K. Shuttuck, Henry Vrooman, E. D. Wheeler, J. P. H. Wentworth, M. 0. Briggs, A. W. Poole, A. R. Conklin, J. F. Crank, and others, and the executive committee was appointed afterward by the chairraan. The first congressional district convention raet at Sacraraento on July 23d, arid riorainated Thomas L. Carothers for congressman, with out opposition. The second district convention met at Sacraraento on July 24th, and norainated Jaraes A. Louttit for congressraan, on the second ballot, over Charles A. Tuttie and John A. Eagon. The third district convention met at Benicia on July 14th, and nominated Joseph McKenna for congressman, on the twelfth ballot, over W. W. Camron, Carroll Cook, George W. Tyler, and Henry Edgerton. The fourth district convention met at Sacraraento on July 23d, and nominated Wm. W. Morrow for congressman, without opposi tion. The fifth district convention raet at Sacramento on July 23d, and nominated Charles N. Felton for congressman, without opposition. The sixth district convention met at Sacraraento on July 23d, and nominated H. H. Markhara for congressraan, without opposi tion. The election was held on Noveraber 4th, and the official canvass developed this result : Blaine electors — Edgerton, 102,369; Byers, 102,897; Reed, 102,411; Hecht, 102,223; Conklin, 102,378; Red dick, 102,416; Davis, 102,306; RoweU, 102,391. Cleveland elec- tors— Kohler, 89,288; Tinnin, 89,200; Stanly, 89,221; Murphy, 89,235; Berry, 89,214; Biggs, 89,204; Marye, 89,229; Webb, 89,- 201. Butler electors— Curry, 2,037; Merwin, 1,722; Moulton, 2,019; Nelson, 2,021; Butterfield, 2,012; Dewey, 2,009; Couch, 2,005 ; Waldron, 1,974. St. John electors— Winchester, 2,963 ; Boren, 2,845 ; Yarnell, 2,501 ; Tharp, 2,932; Graves, 2,961 ; Rus sell, 2,962; Varney, 2,952; Bushnell, 2,360. For congressmen: First district— Carothers, 16,316; Henley, 16,461; Bateman, 321. Second district— Louttit, 18,327, Sumner, 18,208; Webster, 558. IRRIGATION CONVENTION. 473 Third district— McKenna, 17,435; Glascock, 13,197; Burns, 273; WeUs, 322. Fourth district— Morrow, 15,083 ; Hastings, 10,422 ; Babcock, 6; Fitch, 123. Fifth district— Felton, 17,014; SuUivan, 15,676; Crowhurst, 232. Sixth district— Markham, 17,397; Del Valle, 16,990; Gould, 821; Kinley, 237. The republican electors met at the state capitol in Sacraraeiito, on Deceraber 3d. All were present except Reddick and Byers. Those present chose A. P. Catlin to act for Reddick, and Robert T. Devlin to serve for Byers. The eight votes of the state were recorded for Blaine and Logan, and Henry Edgerton was chosen raessenger to -convey the returns to Washington. The state irrigation convention asserabled at Riverside, May 14th, and was called to order by A P. Johnson, teraporary chairman elected at the original convention that assembled March 12th, and adjourned on account of the storm. By the adoption of the report -of the comraittee on perraanent organization, J. W. North was raade president and L. M. Holt, secretary of the convention. The session continued for three days, most of the time being consumed in dis cussion of the subject of the use of water for irrigation, and cognate topics. A coraraittee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of George Rice, L. M, Holt, and 0. H. Congar. The following were adopted : 1. That a cordial invitation is hereby extended to all parties interested — those interested in existing canal corapanies, and those owning lands under the sarae, and all land owners requiring irriga tion — to be present by representation at the next irrigation conven tion. 2i The California state irrigation convention recoraraend to the irrigators of the Pacific states and to all persons interested in the raeasureraent of water, the cubic foot of water per second as the •unit of raeasure of water, fifty inches of water under a four-inch pressure being equal to one cubic foot of water per second. 3. That it is the duty of the legislature of this state to repeal sec tion fourteen hundred and twenty-two of our civil code in order that there may be upon our statute books no seeraing recognition of the English coraraon law of riparian rights, which has not, and never had, an existence in this state. That the present law giving the absolute power to fix water rates to supervisors and governing 474 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. bodies of raunicipal corporations, is in the interest of justice, is the only protection of water buyers against extortionate deraands, and that any araendraent of it would be a calamity to irrigators. That the state owes it to the irrigators to interfere promptly and to- adjust speedily differences arising between them and water corpora tions, and that it should be within the power of irrigators to corapel the bi-inging of suits, in the narae ot the state, to settle such differ ences. 4. That the political parties of the state, during the coming- campaign, should, in the construction of their platforms and the selection of candidates for the legislature, keep in view the interests of the irrigators of this state, as expressed in this- convention. 5. That the thanks of this convention are due Hon. Wm. Ham. Hall, state engineer, for his attendance at this convention, and his- able paper presented on the irrigation question ; that we recognize- in Mr. Hall an able head to the irrigation system of this state, and we trust the state legislature will give hira the necessary assistance and endorsement to enable hira to carry to corapletion the work he has so efficiently coraraenced. 6. That the thanks of the delegates to this convention from abroad are due, and they are hereby tendered, to the citizens ot Riverside for the cordial raanner in which they have been received and enter tained. 7. That it is the sense of this converitiori that thanks are due te Judge J. W. North for the able raanner in which he has presided over the deliberations of this convention, also to those gentlemen who have favored us with able papers on subjects ot such vital in terest to the irrigators of the state, and especially to our secretary, L. M. Holt, who originated the call for this convention, and who- has labored so earnestly and successfully to raake this convention the success that it is. 8. That the thanks of this convention are due to Dr. S. F. Chapin, of San Jose, state inspector of fruit pests, for the interest he has- taken in promoting the interests of this convention. The following resolutions were also reported by the comraittee on- resolutions, and referred to the coraraittee on legislation : 1. That it is the judgment of this convention, in order to facili tate the development of California, that the water and land should be sold and held together; that by or under laws to be procured,- there be formed irrigation districts with power, where raore thatt IRRIGATION CONVENTION. 475 half the owners in riuraber arid value desire it, to borid the whole land to improve the wholei property, with proper safeguards as to amount or proportion of value to be raised, time of payment, etc., and that a committee be made to take charge of and cohduct the passage of such a law, or laws, through the legislature. 2. That congress is hereby memorialized to withdraw from sale all timber lands located on the head of irrigating streams, or mountain timber lands, as the reraoval of such forests by fire and the ax are having a seriously detrimental effect on our water sources, and that if longer continued, such denudation of forests will seriously affect- the agricultural and horticultural interests of the state. 3. That congress be meraorialized to raake sufficient appropriation of money at its next session to project a system of deep artesian wells in those sections of the state not otherwise sufficiently sup plied with irrigable water 4. That in the sense ot this convention the English comraon law rule of riparian rights does not exist, nor has it, practically, ever existed in this -state. 5. That this convention endorse a certain declaratory act and preamble reported by the raajority ot the asserably committee on ir rigation, at the session of 1883, which said prearable and act ran a& follows: "Whereas, the state of Oalifornia was acquired from the republic of Mexico, and prior to such acquisition, and from its first settlement, the laws of that republic, and the usages and customs of the people, recognized no right upon the owners of the land border ing upon strearas to the water flowing in such strearas, superior to the right of any other person, who, by enterprise and diligence, di verted such water and applied it to useful purposes, and especially to the purposes of irrigation; and, whereas, frora the acquisition- of this state by the governraent of the United States, down to a very recent period, the aforesaid usages and custoras have prevailed in and been recognized in said state, without question; arid, whereas, it is now asserted that such usages and customs are violative ot the common law of England, and riparian owners have the right to the full flow of such water, undiminished in quantity, and unimpaired in quality; and, whereas, none of the conditions exist in this state which admit of the application of the rule clairaed,, but, on the con trary, the enforcement ot such a rule in a country like this, which can Orily be peopled and cultivated by a system of irrigation, and without which system a great portion of this state raust ever remain a desert, would be destructive; and, whereas, it is claimed and as" 476 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. serted that section 1422 of the civil code is a recognition of the unwholesorae rule; and, whereas, it never was the intention of the fraraers of the code, nor of the legislature which adopted it, that such a construction should be placed upon it, now, therefore, "The people ot the state of California, represented in senate and asserably, do enact as follows: "Sec. 1. That section 1422 of the civil code of California is here by repealed. "Sec. 2. That in all actions relative to water rights, the courts shall take judicial notice of the usages and customs in the preamble to this act set out, and of the condition and nature of the country which do not, and never did, admit of the application of the rule of the English coraraon law relative to riparian rights." 6. That it is not the sense of this convention that the doctrine ot appropriation be carried so far as to deprive the riparian owner of sufficient water for such doraestic, or other purposes for which he raay have actually utilized it, nor to such an extent as to interfere with the use for coramercial purposes of any of the navigable waters of this state. 7. That in the opinion of this convention the legislature of this state properly may and should pass a law relative to the adrainistra tion and settleraent of irrigation clairas, sirailar to that now in suc cessful operation in the state of Colorado. 8. That this whole raatter be subraitted, for their earnest consid eration, to the coraraittee on legislation appointed by this conven tion, with the hope that their deliberations may result in the proposal of practical and wholesome raeasures that, approved by the people and legislature of this state, will result in the increased prosperity of the forraer. 9. That we earnestly coramend the consideration of these ques tions to the irrigators and rainers of this state, and urge upon them the iraportance of electing as their norainees for legislative and judi cial positions, such men as raay be depended upon to give their in terests due study and justice. The committee on legislation, above referred to, was coraposed of J. DeBarth Shorb, John G. North, J. A. Wilcox, Will S. Green, J. W. North, and P. H. Wales. On May 16th, the convention ad journed to raeet at Fresno, Deceraber 8, 1 884. At the Fresno con vention, in December, to these were added the names of L. M. Holt, J. F. Wharton, and L. B. Ruggles. IRRIGATION CONVENTION. 477 The convention assembled at Fresno, December 3d. It was called to order by J. W. North. J. DeBarth Shorb was elected perraanent chairman, and J. F. Wharton, Secretary. The membership was not confined to delegations frora counties, but included interested per sons who subscribed their naraes on the roll of the convention. The sessions continued until December fith, on which date it adjourned sine die. Much of the time was consumed in hearing addresses on the subject of irrigation. The committee on legislation submitted a report, but the preparation of raatter for legislative action was placed in the hands of an executive coramittee, which met after the adjournment of the convention. The following resolutions were adopted : 1. That Dewey & Co. be eraployed to print 1,000 copies of the proceedings of this convention, in paraphlet forra, for the sura of $100, to be delivered in two weeks. 2. That a finance coraraittee of seven be appointed to raise funds to meet expenses incident to this convention, and for all other neces sary expenses. 3. That Will S. Green be appointed a comtnittee of one, with authority to expend a sura not to exceed $150 for the printing and circulation of a newspaper suppleraent containing the address of George E. Church and the reports of the joint coraraittee as adopted by this convention. 4. That the sincere thanks of the raembers of this convention, who have come frora a distance, are due and are raost cordially ten dered to the citizens of Fresno for many courtesies extended and the attention shown to visiting raembers. 5. That the secretary of this convention prepare a petition to the state legislature, setting forth the principles adopted by this con vention, in guiding its legislative comraittee in the drafting of pro posed legislative enactments, and asking the legislature to favorably consider the same, and that these be circulated through the state with a view to securing the largest possible number of names to the same. 6. That this comraittee would earnestly request that all friends of irrigation, now raembers of this convention, will in their individual capacity visit Sacramento during the session of the legislature, to aid and assist the executive legislative comraittee to secure such legisla tion now demanded by not only every irrigator, but also by every true citizen and lover of his state. 478 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 7. That any raeraber of the executive coramittee who may not be able to attend the meetings of such executive coraraittee raay appoint another member of the comraittee on legislation to represent him at such raeetings. 8. That the members of this comraittee are authorized and re- ¦quested to use all proper influence in obtaining the indorseraent ot all public bodies in this state on the action of this convention. 9. That the chair appoint a coramittee of three to proceed to San Francisco and attend the meeting soon to occur of the board ot trade and board of irrigation of that city, there to represent our interests and to obtain their aid and indorseraent, and that the chairman of "the convention be made the chairman of the coramittee. 10. That it is the sense of this coramittee that an effort should be made to have repealed section 1422 of the civil code, and that a law he passed to the effect that the common law of Eriglarid relative to riparian right to water shall not apply to this state. 11. That we recommend that the office of state engineer be con tinued, and that the necessary appropriations be raade by the next legislature to coraplete the work already laid out, and such further -work as may be necessary in connection with the duties ot said •office. 12. That the thanks of the convention, and we believe we hazard nothing in saying the thanks of every one connected with the subject of irrigation, are raost heartily tendered to the present incumbents, for the very able effort and thorough manner in which the work has -been conducted so far, and we believe it was a wise and fortunate selection when the duties of the office were coraraitted to the care ot that very efficient officer, Williara Hara. Hall. 1 3. That the chairman of this convention appoint a coraraittee of three, who shall examine the reporter's transcript, arrange the pro ceedings of this body in proper order, raake all necessary corrections, and turn same over to the publisher. 1 4. That whereas the supreme court has ordered a rehearing ot the water case recently decided, in order to give an opportunity tor others than the parties to the suit to intervene and be heard before a final decision ot the case; and whereas, other appropriators are pre paring to represent their interests before that court; and, whereas, the number of irrigators is as a hundred to one when compared with the appropriators : 15. That this coriverition recommends to the small irrigators of the state, whose places, must become desolate if riparian rights pre ANTI-CHINESE CONVENTION. 479 Tail, to take measures to be properly represented before that court, that they make a final appeal for a fair consideration of their rights before their ruin becomes final. CHAPTER XXXIII. 1886. Anti-Chinese Conventions — Memorial to Congress — Prohibition Convention — Irrigation Convention — Republican Convention — Democratic Convention — Farmers' Convention — United Labor Party — Organization of the American Party. A convention of anti-Chinese leagues met in San Jose on Febru- :ary 4th, and remained in session for two days. One hundred dele gates, representing nine counties were in attendance. Robert Sum mers was elected temporary chairraan. On perraariently organizing, C. F. McGlashan was elected president ; Robert Suraraers and A. M. Church, vice-presidents, and W. H. Holmes, secretary. It was resolved that the name of the organization be the non-partisan anti- Chinese association. Other resolutions were adopted, and a state •central coramittee appointed. The convention adjourned to meet at -Sacraraento on the 10th of March, following. On this date, the ¦convention asserabled pursuant to adjournraent, with 0. F. Mc Glashan in the chair. After appointing a coramittee to confer with the citizens' anti-Chinese convention then in session in the assembly chamber with regard to coalition, and adopting the following resolu tions reported by the coraraittee, the convention was raerged with that of the eitiaens. The coalition resolutions were : 1. That we favor the passage of a bill introduced into congress by United States Senator Mitchell, having for its object the abrogation ' of all treaties with China perraitting the iraraigration into the United -States of any Chinese. 2. That if the passage of the bill cannot at present be secured, then we favor the passage of either of the bills introduced into con gress by Morrow, Felton or Henley, restricting Chinese iraraigra- •tion. 3. That we favor the adoption and use of all peaceable and legal means needed to rid the state of the Chinese now here and to pre vent the coming into the state of any raore Chinese, but we are op-^ posed to any unlawful raeatis fco that end. 480 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 4. That the two conventions meet in joint session, every member- of each convention being entitled to a seat in the joint convention, and that the joint convention proceed to elect officers and to forraulate a platforra and to adopt raeasures best calculated to carry into effect the above resolution. 5. That C. F. McGlashan and George B. Katzenstein act jointly as chairmen of this joint convention until it is perraanently organized,. and that said joint convention raeet in the asserably charaber. The citizens' anti-Chinese state convention asserabled in Sacra mento, March 10th, under a call issued by the citizens' anti-Chinese- association of Sacramento. This call said : The convention shall be composed ot the officers and raembers of the executive committee and various sub-comraittees of the citizens' anti-Chinese association of Sacraraento, and delegates frora all the counties in the state, to be selected by the supervisors thereof. The supervisors of each county are requested to appoint the nuraber of delegates hereafter appor tioned to county, to furnish thera with proper credentials, and to notify Robert T. Devlin, of Sacraraento, secretary of the com raittee on branch organization, of the naraes of the delegates immed iately after their appointraent. This convention will represent all branches of business and labor, and must result in great good. The convention was called to order by George B. Katzenstein.. Before proceeding to perraanently organize, a coraraittee was ap pointed to confer with the San Jose convention. This committee made a raajority report of the coalition resolutions above quoted, which was adopted. The two conventions then united. The num ber of delegates to the Sacramento convention was reported to be 415, and to the San Jose convention 198, or 613 in the joint con vention. The committee on permanent organization recoraraended Leon D.. Freer, for president ; 0. F. McGlashan and George B. Katzenstein, for vice-presidents ; and G. W. Peckhara, for secretary. A motion- was raade to substitute the name of McGlashan for that of Freer, but was lost by a vote of 261 to 259. On the following day, March 11th, a coraraittee on resolutions was appointed, coraposed of three merabers from each of the six congressional districts. It consisted of E. F. Dinsmore, A. M. Mc Coy, P. E. Davis, C. F. McGlashan, U. S. Gregory, G. H. Crossette, E. Frisbie, Joseph Steffens, J. E. McElrath, W. B. May, N. G ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 481 Cornwall, P. J. Mervin, M. D. Boruck, D. McPherson, Horace Davis, M. R. Merritt, J. M. Garretson, and S. E. Crowe. John F. Swift, A. A. Sargent, H. V. Morehouse, E. A. Davis, and Elihu Anthony were appointed a coramittee to prepare a raerao rial to congress. They presented the following report, which was adopted : To the president and the senate and house of representatives of the United States : The anti-Chinese convention of the state of Cal ifornia, asserabled at Sacraraento, called for the purpose of propos ing relief for the Pacific coast frora the Chinese evil, subrait the following raeraorial: Speaking for the entire people of this state, your meraorialists represent that for thirty-six years we have been settled upon the shores of the Pacific, and thus brought face to face with the great Mongolian hive, with its 450,000,000 of hungry and adventurous inhabitants; that for thirty-six years we have watched the operation of the industrial and social systera that has resulted from it, and weighed the advantages and disadvantages as they have developed. Under these circumstances we feel that we understand better than any others can, the necessity of resisting the tide of emigration setting out frora China, which has already done so rauch raischief to nations bordering upon that country, and which threatens so much more. We feel that our fellow-countrymen east of the mountains have been too much in the habit of forming their judgment upon the Chinese question from its material aspect, and as a mere ques tion of industrial development and progress and the creation of wealth, wholly overlooking and ignoring its social, moral and polit ical sides. We do not deny that the people of the Pacific coast are infiu enced by raaterial considerations, and that each of us is trying, by all legitiraate means, to better his condition. But we say that, regarded from the standpoint of immediate ma terial results, and considered as the coldest question of dollars and cents, and putting aside all considerations of governraent, social and moral order, and even patriotisra, there is no advantage or profit in the mixed race systera now being forced upon this coast, or in any mixed race system whatever. That there is more mere raoney profit in dollars in a homogeneous population than in one of mixed races, while the raoral and political objections are unanswerable. 31 482 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. For while the Chinaman works industriously enough, he consumes very little, either of his owri production or of ours. That he iraports frora China rauch that he eats, and much that he wears, while a vast catalogue of articles consuraed by our own peo ple, the production and sale of which makes our commerce and our life what it is, the Chinaman does not use at all. Indeed, so far as he is concerned, hundreds of useful occupations essential to our systera of civilization might as well, and if they depended on him would have to be, abandoned altogether. That he underbids all white labor and ruthlessly takes its place, and will go Ori doing so till the white laborer coraes down to the scanty food and half-civilized habits of the Chinaraan, while the net results of his earnings are sent regularly out of the country and lost tb the coraraunity where they are created. And while this depleting process is going on the laboring white raan, to whora the nation must in the long run look for the repro duction of the race, and the bringing up and educating of citizens to take the place of the current generation as it passes away, and above all to defend the country in time of war, is injured in his corafort, reduced in his scale and standard of life, necessarily carry ing down with it his moral and physical tone and stamina. But what is even more iraraediately daraaging to the state, is the fact that he is kept in perpetual state of anger, exasperation, and discontent, always bordering on sedition, thus jeopardizing the gen eral peace, and creating a state of chronic uneasiness, distrust, and apprehension throughout the entire coraraunity. That this alarras capital, and forces it into coricealraerit or out ot the state iu search of better security, checks enterprises, increases the cost ot governraent, especially for police purposes, whUe de creasing the sources of revenue frora which taxes can be raised. And that whether the producing classes are right or wrong in their opinions, is practically iraraaterial, for experience has shown that the opinioris arid the results from them are perraanerit and ine radicable. If there were no other and higher reasons for getting rid of the Chinese, these facts alone would be sufficient to convince the prac tical statesraan of the necessity of doing so as speedily as possible to do it lawfully. Any other notion, it would seera, can exist only in the raind of the raerest doctrinaire, who, without experience or the capacity of ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 483 profiting by experience, imagines that the world can be governed by some fixed rule of thurab contained in his own narrow brain. But there are other aiid higher considerations involved in the Chinese question than that of mere industrial progress or material developraent, and to these we invite the attention of every Araerican citizen who places his country and its perraanent good above imme diate money profit. We assure our fellow countrymen east, that the dominance, if not the existence, ot the European race in this part of the world is in jeopardy. We call their attention to the fact that the Malayan peninsula, as well as other countries bordering upon China and the China seas, have already been overrun by the Chinese, and that the Malayan, one of the great races or types of the human species, is being rapidly annihilated to raake place for thera. That the islands of the Pacific are undergoing the same process, and that this coast is now attacked, and in the end must inevitably succumb unless speedily relieved by rescue. That on the entire Pacific coast there are at this tirae less than 1,000,000 people, ot all races, inhabiting a territorial area designed by nature to accora modate a population ot at least 50,000,000, of which 80,000,000 wiU be here in a period of time so brief that it is but a passing raoment in the lifetime of a nation. Now, and while this territory is still practically unoccupied, and within the lifetime of the present generation, the type of huraan species that is to occupy this side of the Araerican continent is to be deterrained for all time. Whether the Pacific states are to be the home of 80,000,000 free citizens of the race that produced Columbus and Washington, La fayette and Montgomery, Von Steuben and Andrew Jackson, or of 30,000,000 of Mongolians from eastern Asia, or, perhaps, even worse, of 30,000,000 mixed and mongrel half-breeds, possessing none ot the virtues of either and all the vices of both, is to be settled finally and irrevocably. That in the life and death struggle now going on tor the posses sion of the western shores of the Araerican continent the Chinese have advantages that raust secure to thera, if not a complete victory, at least a drawn battle in a division ot occupancy with us. To begin with, they have a hive of 450,000,000 to draw from, with only one ocean to cross, which dividing water modern science and Caucasian ingenuity has reduced to the dimensions ot the 484 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. merest ferry, and they have behind them an irapulsive force ot hunger unknown to any European people. But this is by no raeans the raost iraportant advantage they have. They have an iraportant aUy in the cupidity of our own people, who too often think that cheap labor and the raoney profit to be gained by it is of raore value than the happiness and perraanence of their own country and kindred. For, let raen say what they please about the " inherent and in alienable right of expatriation and iramigration,'' about "America being the refuge of the oppressed of all nations," at the bottora of it all will be found "old Mara mon" anxious to sell a nation's birth right for money profit in some form. The people of the Pacific make no pretense to an exceptionally high standard of public virtue; but they are not willing to admit that the accuraulation of wealth, public or private, is the chief end and purpose of organized society. The leading purpose of the first colonists frora Europe was not the acquisition of wealth, and if we cannot equal them in unselfishness we can at least honor their memory by raaking an effort to preserve that which we have received from thera. Among our other duties as American citizens we hold ourselves to be the trustees of posterity. We are keeping the soil ot this fair land for the 30,000,000 Americans of our own race and kindred who are to corae after us. To barter away their places while they are yet unborn is a gross violation of duty. To do so under the pre tense of huraanity, raorality, or national generosity, is to add the sin of hypocrisy to that which, without it, would be a great public crirae. , Our coraraon ancestors carae to the Araerican continent to found a state. The greatness of a nation does not lie in its raoney or in its material prosperity, but in its men and women; and not in their number, but in their quality, in their virtbe, honor, integrity, truth, and, above all things, in their courage and raanhood. To a nation that is to remain free the capacity to fight is indispen sable. It is not enough that it be able to trade and barter, or to work and produce ; it must be able to fight and defend what it has. The nation that cannot defend itself against aU comers will find that its days are numbered; and this is as true in the nineteenth cen tury as in any other age of the world. The strorig nations of the earth are now, as they always have ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 485 been, the raost thoroughly homogeneous nations, that is to say, the most nearly ot one race, language and raanners. And when they are of one race, it is not so raaterial what race, as that they be of a pure race. The purest-blooded raan ot any race is the strongest raan of that race. The largest body of raen of a single pure race on the earth to-day, is in China. There are 450,000,000 of thera, as like as one barley corn is like another. All the white men on the globe, whenever so carefully counted, scarcely araount to so rauch, and they are divided into a score or raore of independent sovereignties, ten tiraes as raany languages, and as for religious sects, the boldest statistician has not the courage to atterapt their enumeration. While we of the European race are divided into fifty hostile caraps, and fight each other like so raany savage Apaches, China is one and indivisible. They are as united and homogeneous as France. And though the Chinese are as timid as a flock ot sheep, know nothing ot physical science and its resources, and have none of the arts of attack and defense, yet the very inertia of that huge raass of crystallized homogeneity has thus far withstood the plundering in stincts of the western powers, and China reraains unconquered. There they stand, one full third of the huraan race, a great, invin cible, concrete, ethnological fact, coraraanding respect, and requiring mankind to pause and consider whether the Chinese raay not yet, without discharging a gun or drawing a sword, gently elbow the rest of the huraan family off the planet. And if they have such force unarmed, what will they do when they learn, as they will sometime, the art of war? There is no such complete and unanswerable demonstration of the power of race homogeneity on the globe, as the example of China. All political history shows homogeneity to be a vast power in a state, and that heterogeneity is a corresponding source of weakness. The great states ot Europe — England. France, Germany and Russia — ^those powers that dorainate the world, are so entirely of one race, that the presence of a black, or red, or yellow raan, in any of those countries outside the great cities; is a subject of wonder and astonishment. And race prejudice or antagonisra, that unfailing concoraitant of race contact and friction, is scarcely known there. No state where the great distinct types of the huraan species have been mixed together on the sarae territory, has ever held power 486 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. for any considerable time. And no race of mongrels, if such a thing is possible, has ever held empire, or even kept its own independence. In the very dawn of history, the Carthaginians — the dominant class of which were white men from Syria, while the raasses were Africans of various types — encountered the pure blooded natives of Italy, and went down before thera. It is said they succurabed to the Roman sword. They were con quered by pure Roraan courage and Roman muscle, cemented into singleness of purpose by race homogeneity. When later on, through conquest, the Roman erapire had come to consist of the raixed races of western Asia, she transferred her capi tal to the shores of the Bosphorus, and was in turn overthrown by the Turks, a race ot pure, flat-faced Mongolians frora east of the Caspian sea. The once raaster race of Turks, having become raixed and hybrid ized with all the mongrels of Africa and the east, now in the nine teenth century find themselves about to be expeUed frora Europe, lacking strength to hold the place their pure-blooded ancestors con quered for them. The inhabitants ot Egypt have always been a mixed and parti colored people, and have always been in slavery to some pure-blooded power. Alexander, at the, head of his Macedonian Greeks, seized them and founded a dynasty, which settled down and hybridized with the natives, with a similar result. Their next masters were the Turks, and the English now hold thera in subjection. By the last census, 266,000,000 of human beiugs inhabit the peninsula ot Hindoostan, the most productive spot on the globe. The soil produces three good crops a year. They possess everything to make a happy people, if soil and climate would do it. In the words of Bishop Heber, "Every prospect pleases, and only man is vile." For they are cursed with the evil of heterogeneity in every thing. In the Indian village, the inhabitants are often of several differ ent races, or subdivisions of three or four races, differing both in color and physical type, while their antagonisra is so intense that, though born in the same village, they cannot sleep in the same camp, or eat of the sarae food, or drink at the same fountain, lest they be defiled and cast out as unclean by their own people. As a consequence of these facts, and as a direct and natural result of them, this fair land of India, with its 266,000,000 of raixed and ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 487 mingled races, its mongrels and half-breeds, is a great slave pen to Great Britain. One hundred thousand blue-eyed, pure-blooded, Anglo-Saxons tell this raighty throng of parti-colored huraanity to go, and they go, to come, and they corae. The English take advantage of Indian hetero geneity to subjugate the land. They arra and drill the Mahrattas and set them over the Ben- galese. The Rohillas are held in check by the Seikhs, while the flat-faced, almond-eyed Ghoorkas, of Nepaul, terrorize both Mussul man and Hindoo, with knife at throat. Each one ot these sees iri the other a born enemy, more hateful if possible, than the Englishraari, arid at the word of coramand kills him with unmixed delight. This could not be done with any homogeneous nation. China would be a richer prize to England than two Indias. And what England wants she takes, if force will take it. But the Chinamen are all of one kind, one family, one race, one language and litera ture,- and one religion, and can no more be set to kill each other than could the same number of white sheep. The Englishman may kill the Chinaman, but he can't give him a gun and make hira kill his brother, nor his neighbor, nor his countryraan, and so China re mains free. The Chinese, weak and timid as they are, are still the strong people of Asia. No intelligent man can visit the far east without being irapressed strongly with respect for that nation, both in its collective character as a state, and its individual people, when com pared with the other Asiatics. It is one ot the great strong powers ot the earth, and it is on the earth to stay. It is true St. Paul said in his serraon at Athens : "God hath raade of one blood all nations of raen," but he added in the sarae sentence "He hath fixed the bounds of their habitations." The Chinaman has his habitation ; let him stay in it, as God has ' fixed it. But our eastern fellow-citizens ask us : "What are we going to do with our grand American principles ot the sacred rights of expatria tion and of free iramigration V Has not a man in the pursuit of happiness the right to go anywhere he raay choose to go % Is riot expatriation a natural and inalienable human right % We say no. There is no such thing as an absolute right, either of expatriation or emigration. 488 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. A man has the right to enter and inhabit any country that wiU consent to it ; in a word, that will allow hira to corae, and there his right as a right ceases, and passes into the domain of necessity and force. ' In one sense, any man or body of men, driven frora their own country by necessity, have the right as a matter of self-preservation to enter another country by force, but it is justified as the struggle for existence is justified, and comes to be the right of the strongest, like the struggle over a plank in a shipwreck. The children ot Israel emigrated from Egypt because they were badly situated. When they carae to the land of proraise, after hav ing satisfied themselves that it was a land to their raindS and flow ing with milk and honey, they drew their swords, entered and took it. It is trup the Lord had given it to thera, but it was their swords and spears that availed to put thera in possession. We do not hear that either party talked about the sacred right of eraigration or expatriation. No law-writer of any reputation has ever raaintained to the con trary. M. Vattel is a high authority upon public and international law. This is what he says : "The country which a nation inhabits, whether that nation has emigrated thither in a body or the different families of which it con sists were scattered over the country, and then uniting formed them selves into a political society, that country I say, is the settlement of the nation, and it has a peculiar and exclusive right to it." Vattel, book 1, chap, xviii., sec. 203. "The whole of the country possessed by a nation and subject to its laws forms its territory, and is the comraon country of all the individ uals of the nation." Ibid. He goes on : "As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, these children natur ally follow the conditions of their fathers and succeed to all their rights." Vattel, book 1, chap, xix., sec. 212. "The sovereign raay forbid the entrance to his territory either to foreigners in general or in particular cases, or to certain persons or for particular purposes, according as he may think it advantageous to his state." "Formerly the Chinese fearing least the intercourse with strangers should corrupt the raanners of the nation and irapair the maxiras of a wise but singular govemment, forbid all people entering the ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 489 •empire — a prohibition that wa6(^ not at all inconsistent with justice. It was salutary to the nation without violating the rights ot any individual, or even the duties of huraanity, which perraits us in case of competition to prefer ourselves to others." — Ibid, book 2, chap. vii., sec. 94. Many rulers have in the world's history invited immigration to to their country. Soraetimes ithas been beneficial; sometimes the reverse. The Emperors Probus and Valeus, being too weak or cow ardly to resist, permitted the Gepidae, as well as the Goths and Van dals, to cross the frontier and settle in the erapire, greatly to the public injury, for they contributed raaterally to the final destruction of the Roman power. - Bands of armed emigrants trom Denmark and north Gerraany poured in upon the British islands in the early centuries of the •Christian era, and the Norraans overran "central and southern Europe. In both instances, they were resisted in the sarae way they came, with force and arras. There was then no thought ot the rights of raen to emigrate in pursuit of happiness. The emperors of Russia at various periods in the history of that •country, and especially toward the close of the last century, invited •German imraigration, and there is no doubt that the result in that case proved the wisdora of the policy; but it was a people of her •own race and religion, and who assirailated with the natives of the ¦country in a single generation. Our country has without doubt been benefited by the coraing ihither of eraigrants from Europe of our own race and religion, sorae speaking our own language and all speaking closely allied languages, ^nd with sirailar raanners and custoras — people who have becorae identical with ourselves in a short tirae. How long now this character of iraraigration will continue to be 'beneficial is probleraatical, It therefore appears that iramigration, even of people of .the sarae race and general type of the huraan faraily, ot people capable of rapid assimilation with the possessors of the country, is soraetiraes beneficial and sometiraes mischievous, depending upon circumstances that are liable to change. But we assert that the iramigration, whether voluntary or forced, into a country of non-assirailative races, is always an unraixed evil :and a public calaraity. The sarae spirit of greed and avarice which is at the bottora of the •coolie iraraigration of this age, lay at the bottom, and was the im- 490 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. ^ polling raotive, for the forced iraraigration of African slaves into the- country all through the eighteenth century. No doubt the slave-traders and slave-purchasers of that day tried to raake the world believe that they were doing good, and that their motives were noble and patriotic. Men are fond of giving them selves credit for lofty motives in all they do. No doubt they talked loudly about developing the resources of the country, and about christianizing the poor African. But at tbe bottom was the old Mammon of cheap labor, and the money to be gotten out of it. The world has not changed much. The selfishness of those men has already borne much bitter fruit ; through it the curse of race heterogeneity has taken deep root in the soil ot our comraon country. Out of that evil we have had one bloody war for which the nation ftas not yet thrown off its raourning. But the war was nothing to what it left behind. It is true that it has settled the slave question. But the negro question, the question ot the relations between the white raan and the black man, and the relations of each to the state, has only just begun. Twenty genera tions of men will not see it ended. And our fellow-countrymen at. the south, who are corapelled to carry on a government under such conditions, to preserve order and' maintain law and civilized society, are entitled to the sympathy of all thoughtful people ; they have a task the difficulties of which are* not appreciated. ¦ But for the effort to get cheap labor a hundred years ago all the states of the union, from the lakes to the gulf, would to-day have the same people, the same prosperity, and the sarae political system, the same schools and acaderaies, that riow exist in Perinsylvania,. Ohio, and Illinois. The only difference, if any, would be that the territory south of the Ohio, having the raildest cUmate and the richest soil, would now have the densest population and most rapid progress and develop ment, and the greatest accumulation of wealth and enlightenment. Is there any man, east or west, north or south, white or colored, who, after reflection, will not admit that it would be better if the- colored man had been left in Africa, and the southern states were without race friction and race antagonism? But for the mixed population of the south those states would never have gone to war ; there would have been no rebellion. And had they gone to war, having 12,000,000 white men united in senti raent, as the white men were, instead ot 8,000,000 white and' ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 491 4,000,000 colored, and fighting as they did a defensive war on in terior lines, they could not have been conquered. Their weakness, which, like blind Sampson, they saw not, lay in the 4,000,000 men of another race planted there in the heart of their country, carrying inforraation, aid, and corafort to the eneray, always requiring to be watched, and whom, they did not dare to trust with arms. , It will be said that this was because they were slaves. It is doubtful if they would be more dangerous and a greater source of weakness free than as slaves. If the south should have another war, they would find this to be the case. And if ever this country is invaded by a foreign foe, it is in South Carolina, and in Louisiana and in Florida the enemy will attempt a- lodgraent. Not because of the disloyalty of the white population, but the indifference, the discontent, the disaffection of the colored. And as for the difficulties of governing such a society, even in time of peace, it is only infatuation or ignorance that does not see it now, from day to day. As it now is, it will always be, while race hetero geneity exists there. We doubt if a genuine republican government — as we Americans understand the term, meaning a government in which all the people govern, participate equally — under the conditions existing in the south, namely, with one-third of the population of one race and two- thirds of another, is a practical possibility. One race will always dominate the other, and no power can prevent it, except by destroy ing the liberties of both. They can only be equal in a common servitude, that overwhelms both. We do riot uridertake to say which race will rule the other ; that will vary with circumstances depending upon their relative numbers- and strength. In the south, just now, it is the white race that dorainates ; in San Domingo, it is the black. We do not put these race antagonisms and the fruit of them upon. supposed superiority of one race over the other. These are terms the thoughtful man will be very cautious about employing. One race may be the superior for one place, and not for another. We only say they cannot live well or happily together, and ought not to be made to do it. The statesmen who look for a change that is to harmonize the south, so that both races shall stand equal and be equal, have never lived in any mixed community, and know nothing about it. They know nothing of the hereditary and instinctive race antagonism. 492 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. always latent in every individual human breast, and always spring. ing into active vitality on bringing together two different races or types of men into the occupancy of the same territorial habi tation. Such statesmen overlook an unfailing human quality or instinct, and one too uuiversal not to have a profound purpose in the general economy of nature. The efforts that have been raade in the past by nations to rid theraselves of the evils of raixed races, and even of raixed tribes, tongues, and religions, and to reach horaogeneity, and the repose, strength, and security it affords, are well worthy of consideration in -exaraining the Chinese problera in this country. It is much the fashion of history to conderan such policy, but the thoughtful raan will be slow in putting his own judgraent against that of the statesmen and people living at the tirae on the spot, and •who necessarily understood every side of the question. For eight hundred years the Moors carried on a struggle tor possession of the Spanish peninsula. It was eight centuries of per petual warfare, in which the soil was drenched with huraan gore. At last Ferdinand and Isabella, of Castile and Aragon, gained a decisive victory, and without waiting for the enemy to recuperate and renew the struggle, deported the entire raass of the Moorish people. It was for a time money out of pocket, for the Moors were skUl- iul artisans, and very industrious. The cheap labor and raaterial prosperity advocates think it was a -raistake, and books have been written to show the unwisdom of it. But was that a mistake which made Spain horaogeneous; which gave her that which she had not had for eight hundred years — peace at horae, and security abroad? , Was that a raistake which saved Spain frora being to-day what Bulgaria and Roumelia are, and what all European Turkey is? We ¦cannot think it was. And in support of this theory, within a century of the expulsion of the Moors, there rose up the Spanish erapire of Charles V. and Phillip II., trie first powers of the globe, and which dorainated both heraispheres. We admit that historians conderaned the policy ot sending away the Moors, putting it chiefly on industrial grounds «nd the loss of wealth. They may have lost with the Moors the art of raaking Cordovan leather, but they retained that ot making good steel. Within fifty ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL, 493 years after the Moors had gone, the Toledo sword had carried the name and power of Spain from Seville to Sacramento, where we now' stand. But for the expulsion of the Moors, it is possible that Cortez, in stead of carrying the Spanish banner to the Gulf ot California, might have spent his valor and his life fighting that people for his own home in Andalusia, as his own people had been doing for eight centuries. Toward the end of the seventeenth century there occurred what has been called the expulsion of the Huguenots frora France, by Louis XIV. That people, from religious persecution, or what goes in our his tories by that name, took refuge in England. But it should not be forgotten that where church and state are one, and especially in a religious age, politics and religion are so merged as to be practically identical. In the case of the Huguenots, like that of the Moors, historians generally agree in condemning the injustice and folly of the act which led to that emigration. As to the injustice of forcing the consciences ot men in matters of faith, it will not, in this day and age, be questioned. But as to the supposed folly of France losing the Huguenot, there are plainly two sides to the question. The Huguenots, while in many respects excellent people, and in all respects as good as the rest of the people of their time, were re ligious fanatics of the raost exasperating type, in an age of extreme religious fanaticism. They were always ready to persecute or be persecuted, to suffer or inflict raartyrdom, as the wheel of fortune should gj,ve to or take frora thera the power. They were disaffected and seditious to a degree that made thera always an eleraent of danger to the general peace and safety. They were constantly corresponding, and intriguing, and plotting with every public eneray, and especially with England, the raost dangerous of them all. '' The position of France, then as now surrounded by powerful and aggressive states, was one ot great peril, and the Huguenots con tributed at all times to materially increase this danger, by their dis affection and disloyal machinations; in this respect, at least, their departure was a distinct beneflt to France. No doubt they were a considerable advantage to England, and that she was the gainer in every respect by their coming. They 494 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. were in accord with the English on the very point of their disagree ment with the French people — that of religion — arid they carried over with them well-established habits of industry and thrift, con siderable skill in the arts, and more or less money. But France was not the loser, nor in the long run were the Hugue nots. They found a country where the people agreed with them, while France obtained horaogeneity and peace, which she sorely needed; and as for the arts, she has ever since held and still holds the flrst place. One hundred years after the departure of the Huguenots, when France was raaking that supreme effort against despotism that has -made the age memorable, and when the allied monarchs of Europe, with great armies, were at her frontiers, France, now become the most homogeneous people on the globe — as horaogeneous as China — rose up as one man, confronted coalesced tyranny, erect and defiant, and "hurled at its feet, as gage of battle, the head ot a king," and drove thera back. No heterogerieous population, no nation ot raongrels that ever existed, could have stood in the place of France in 1792, and sur vived as an independent power. Had the Huguenots reraained in France without raateriaUy changing their raanners, they raust have been an eleraent of weak ness and raight have ruined the country. One of the first living statesmen of our tira^ Prince Bismarck, is just at this time favoring for Gerraany soraething of the same kind which the statesmeri ot this couutry are very ready to condemn, but which European thinkers are at least willing to admit that he on the spot may possibly understand better than they do, and so are silent. Bisraarck supports a raeasure for expelling frora Germany a dis affected and discontented colony of Poles — a most excellent and intelligent people, a people of the sarae general ethnological type as the Germans and with what ought to be considered the same religion; in short, a case where in variance and heterogeneity is alraost a rainiraura; and he is» doing it on the sole ground that their presence in Germany is a constant peril to the public safety. " We raust show," says the Gerraan chancellor, " that we stand not upon feet of clay, but ot iron." The abstract justice of this proceeding we do not discuss ; and as for the policy, we do not understand enough of the facts to have an opinion, but, considering the dangers that beset the Gerraan nation on every side, it is a question that raust be left to the German ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 495 people alone. It is not for us to decide it for them. If it is neces sary for the safety of the state, it is just. On that ground, the Gerraans can safely take their stand. We do not refer to the efforts of these people for homogenity and that rest and peace which at times it alone can bring, either to justify or conderan the act in any particular instance. Nor are we by any means willing to place the desire of our people to rid themselves of a class of adult raale Chinese, living among us in the abnormal and corrupting condition of separation frora their farailies, in the same category with the Huguenots in their native land, or with the Moors, who with their wives and children were living in what raight after eight hundred years be fairly considered their native land, or with the Poles, raen, woraen, and children, in east Germany. To even send away these Chinese by act of law, if such a law could be obtained from congress, would be only to send thera back to their wives and homes and children, where in the iriterest of raorality and decency they ought to be. The weakness of states with raixed and horaogeneous populations, iias had a striking illustration in our tirae and at our very door. Mexico, a country with 10,000,000 people, part European, part Indian, part African, with a considerable part mongrel, was seized by an expedition from France so contemptible in numbers that had it been Sent against a country with 10,000,000 Caucasians ot Europe or Araerica, it would have run great risk of being expelled -by the women with their brooms. But being Mexico and Mexican people, such as they are, it marched in triumph to the capital, set up an iraperial state with an Austrian prince on the throne, which for anything the Mexicans could have done to prevent, would have been as perraanent as the holy Roraan empire. But in a twelve month frora the fall of Richraond, the Mexican throne was in the dust, and the eraperor shot to death at Queretaro. But will any raan say that result was produced by the power of the mongrels and half-breeds called the Mexican people ? No, for history tells a different story. The forces of France were ordered out ot Mexico by the diplomatic ^representative of a nation that itself had an organized army of 250,- 000 homogeneous white soldiers, with a pure blooded white general, ¦without a cross in his Caucasian pedigree in a hundred generations. -His narae was Grant. 496 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Arid we warn our countryraen on both sides of the continent, that if we go on raixing and raongrelizing the people of this nation, as we have been doing, and as sentimentalists would have us continue te do, a time will come when a foreign expeditionary force will put a European emperor in the white house and keep him there. We are willing to pass into history with that prediction charged to our account. We do not believe in the cessation of wars, or the final triumph ot peace congresses and arbitratiori of international disputes. Man is a fighting animal, and wars will not cease while he is what- he is. Let it once be seen that we are unable to defend ourselves, and England will have an army in the country within a year, fight ing for a market of English goods. Our Chauvinists are fond of boasting of our population and its wonderful increase, of our fifty or sixty raillions of people^ — words which we keep rolling off our tongue as if in love with the sound. But what avail all our raillions of people for defense if they are not of the right quality and staraina ? And even they have courage and can fight, what avails it if they are inharmonious, burning with race antagonism, so that the cunning enemy can set one race cutting the throats of the other? The people of India are numerous enough if numbers go for anything. We can hardly expect to outnumber them with their 266,000,000_ But England dresses one-half of thera in uniforras, with feathers in their hats, and red stripes down their legs, and sets thera to shoot ing the other half.' For the last two years Great Britain has been carrying on a war in the Soudan and upper Egypt, as usual for the extension of trade- and a raarket. The population of the country consists of Arabs- mixed with various types of blacks from the Guinea negro down. In a late nuraber of the London Times is the following news dis patch which will show how England conquers such populations and brings them to comraercial relations with her. The incident occur red only three weeks ago, in fact, since this convention was called. The article in the Times reads as follows : Cairo, February 14, 1886. "Osraan Digna, tor the past three days, has been harrassing our patrol. Sir Charles Warren yesterday arraed 200 'friendlies' and started thera off on their own account. In the afternoon they re turned with 306 caraels and 31 cattle. Sir Charles Warren gave thera this spoil as a present.'' ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 497 That telegram tells its own story, and requires no comment. No '.'friendlies" could be found in France to aid an invading foe, nor in Germany, nor in Old England, nor in New England, nor in New Jersey. They could not be found in China. Are you quite certain there could not be found in South Carolina, or in Florida, or in west em Texas, about the mouth of the Rio Grande — friendlies to go off on their own account to drive in stock, if they knew it would be given to them as a present on their return ? Such a thing is only possible where there exists some prejudice or antagonism that divides the people of the country against each other, to a degree that will cause them to prefer the rule of the stranger and the foreigner to that of their countryraen, against whom the prejudice is held. There are various causes of antago nisra that will produce this effect, but race friction is the most unfailing. It always disintegrates and destroys the very bond and fiber of a nation. To give another example of the strength of homogeneity, we point to Chile, which country within the last two or three years has con quered both Boli-via and Peru. Any one raight have foretold in advance what would have been the outcome of a war between those countries. Chile is the nearest to a pure-blooded people of all the nations of South Araerica. Peru is another Mexico, if not even more mixed and raongrelized than Mexico. What possible syrapa thy could the Indians and half-breeds of Peru have with the pure Spaniards of that country, to give thera any heart in a war of de fense ? What do they care who shall be their raasters % While that war was going on, we here on the Pacific had reason to fear a coraplication raight arise in which we would be attacked by Chile, and we were not free frora uneasiness. We telegraphed east for raore cannon for our forts. But what good are cannon with no men behind them ? Fifty per cent, of the able-bodied raales on this coast of the age for bearing arras are alien Chinese. Do you imagine they would care very rauch whether the Chileans or the Araericans are raasters of California, or would bum much gunpow der to prevent a change of rulers ! Is that a condition of things for a true Araerican to be proud of ? The growth and development of the sham sentimentality about the right of free immigration to this country has always had Mammon as its chief underlying motive. The money-seeking sentimentalist has recognized the obvious fact that the increase of population has 498 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. increased the value of property, and made business lively, and there he has seen his profit. If it were once deraonstrated that the coming hither of any rium ber of the best people iri the world — English, Irish, Scotch, or Ger man — reduced the raarket value of property 10 per centum, or regularly made business dull, that very day the last whisper about the inherent and inalienable right of imraigration, and about this country being the horae of liberty and the refuge of the oppressed of all nations, would be hushed forever, and in a week the country would be in arms to keep the intruders out. Mararaon, raasquerading in the disguise of huraanity, patriotism, and national generosity, worked its way into our diploraatic service and gave us the Burlingarae treaty. ' We charge that Anson Burlingarae deliberately sold his country's birthright for Chinese money; and it ever the true history of that document is written, the facts will be found as we have stated them. We will give you our understanding of how it was brought about : Burlingame was Araerican rainister at Peking. While there he found out what is well known to everybody farailiar with China, that the Chinese have always been angry and dissatisfied with the concessions extorted from them by England, and particularly by the opium traffic and the extra territorial rights, by which foreigners are exempt frora the jurisdiction of the Chinese courts, and other con cessions, all odious and rasping alraost beyond endurance to the Chi nese. With the instinct of the pettifogger Burlingame saw here a chance to make some money, and he seized it. He convinced Tsung- li-Yamen that if they would make him Chinese embassador, with a general roving comraission, he could get the United States to back him up with moral, and, if necessary, with physical force, and that thus he could frighten and bully Great Britain into surrendering those concessions so galling to China. He got a contract to get rid of the opium traffic, and the extra territorialities, by a diplomatic negotiation with England. For this service he was to have a large sum of money — report says a hun dred thousand taels cash in hand, and a large additional sum, con tingent upon success. It is a sharaeful and hurailiating fact to confess that the minister of no other power on the globe would have dared to cast off his connection with his own country, and thus taken foreign service. Any European power would have treated him as a disgraced raan for doing it. China would have cut off his head. With a nuraerous suite of Chinese officials Mr. Burlingame ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 499 started for Europe in 1868, by the way of Washington. London, the real objective point of his diplomatic expedition, was purposely and cunningly left till the last. He knew well enough that the English foreign office would detect the Yankee renegade under the disguise of the Chinese mandarin, and that he might have difficulty in getting in at the front door, much less to be received as repre senting China in any diplomatic capacity. He went to Washington, not because it was necessary to make a treaty with the United States, for there was not the slightest neces sity either for China or for us that such a thing should be done. We were not forcing opium upon China. We had not extorted the extra territorial rights trom her. We had never sorauch as pointed a gun at her. It was not necessary, so far as immigration was concerned, for the law permitted them to come at will. Burlingame went to Washington to get recognition and prestige for European uses. He felt it would be a great card if he could show in Europe that he had been received as Chinese embassador by the government of the United States. To have negotiated and signed a treaty with them, would seem to make him solid everywhere. So he set about that at once. He began, as might be expected from a man capable of such a career, with a misstatement. He assured the state departraent that he had been sent on a special raission connected with the opening up of China to railroad building, of which he hoped in tirae to give our people a raonopoly. He knew us to be the children of Mararaon, and took advantage of his knowledge. Just who suggested those clauses of the Burlingame treaty about the inherent right of imraigration, we do not know, but considering the state of mind prevailing about the state department at that tirae it is probable it carae frora our side. But it did not raake any difference to Burlingarae what the treaty contained so long as it did not disgrace hira with China. What he wanted was a treaty. So he lobbied at Washington waiting to get the prestige of Araerican recognition to take with hira to England. At last he worked the instrument through, which goes into history with his name. Then he went away to Europe, but never got across the threshold of any court or foreign office to say good morning For the purpose of obtaining prestige, with which he might work upon Great Britain in the interest of China and earn his fee, Mr. Burlingarae induced his own country to yield up a sovereign attri bute, never before surrendered by any free people, a right infinitely 500 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. more valuable than all the opium privileges and extra territorialities and trading concessions extorted from China by English arms in a hundred years' war. Araong thera they bartered away, as far as it can be bartered away, the right to deterraine who shall corae and who shall not come to this new and growing country of ours, live on its soil, enjoy its privileges, and mingle freely with its people. All that the early colonists had earned by their toil and suffering, all our revolutionary heroes had purchased with their blood, the land that has been wrested from savage nature and savage men by the courage of our race, was thrown open to four hundred and fifty raillion Chinese to run over it, to take it, to enjoy it as freely as we, in order that Mr. Burlingarae could earn a hundred thousand taels in Chinese silver. He did not even reserve the right for the cheated Araericans, when squeezed out of their own country, to seek refuge iu China, for our residence there remains strictly liraited to sorae fifteen or twenty seaports, named long before in older treaties. In' the history of the world no such fraud was ever perpetrated upon a free and sovereign people. For all this the only equivalent we are supposed to get back occurs in article eight in the treaty. It provides in substance that whenever China shall build railroads the United States shall furnish the engineers and China will pay them their salaries. Whether these engineers are to drive the locomotives or do the surveying does not seem absolutely clear. But let -it be what it raay, China has within the last year deliberately violated and broken this treaty by raaking a new one with France, in which it is agreed that not Americans, but Frenchraen, are to not only engineer the railroads in China, but to construct and operate thera as well. That treaty, cheating us out of the mess of pottage we were to have for our birthright, was concluded in Peking sorae tirae in May, and ratified iri Paris on the 28th of November, 1885; and now all that is left to us under the treaty is an unliraited and inexhaustible supply of coolies. This is the true history and inwardness of the Burlingarae treaty. It was conceived in fraud and chicane. It was negotiated at a time when no treaty was wanted by, either country, and not for the pur pose named in the treaty. It lays that down to be a public and natural law which never was, and never in the nature of things can be such. ANTI-CHINESE MEMORIAL. 501 It is an international lie, patent on its face. It never ought to have been entered into. It has been deliberately and solemnly abrogated in its spirit, if not in the letter, by the Chinese, in giving away to the French the railroad privileges guaranteed to us. For these reasons it ought to be abrogated and got out of the way by our own governraent. We do not believe it is kept in force by the wish of China, or that they would make any serious objections to our bring ing it to an end. The objection to terminating the Burlingarae treaty has its stronghold in Araerica, with the cheap labor interests alone. The people of this coast are willing to accept cheap labor when it coraes naturally by excessive population, as in the growth and developraent it will corae in time. We object to nothing that is natural and inevitable. Labor will be cheap when the country is full of people, and the conditions of life hard. Doubling in popula tion as we do once in twenty-five years, God knows it will come soon enough. But we are against hastening it at the expense ot the quality, fiber and staraina of the nation. Again we say what we said in tbe beginning, a nation's wealth is not in its raoney, but in its raen and women. Wheri they deterio rate the country sinks down with them. The people of the Pacific states are holding the gates against a system that will, if persisted in, bring the country of Washington to the condition of Mexico, if not to that of Panama or Jaraaica. This raay not be true of every part of the country, but it is certainly true of portions of it, and those portions having the richest soil and the mildest and most agreeable climate. I We would only be following the common instincts of huraan nature in preferring our own race to that of the alien Chinaraan, even were it less worthy than his, and for no higher reason than because it is our own. But when we remeraber that ours was the race which was first to seize upon nature's forces and harness them to the car of progress that has sraoothed the earth's surface and made it more fit for raan's habitation, we think he has earned the right, even if he had it not before, to hold any place he has once secured, to the exclusion of all coraers; and we will make an effort to hold this place as our home and settlement. The noblest irapulse of huraan nature is that which prorapts men to secure a habitation and place of abode for their farailies and those who are to corae after them, and by all lawful raeans we will try to raaintain this land on the shores of the Pacific ocean for ourselves. The people of Califomia are a loyal people to the Araerican 502 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. nation, of which they are proud to be an integral part. As such they appeal to the legislature of the union to grant them speedy relief from a situation that has become practically insupportable. The coraraittee on resolutions, of which Horace Davis was chair raan, reported the following: Whereas, The people of the State of California are, with an unanimity of sentiraent unparalleled in history, opposed to the pres ence of Chinese in their midst, and are likewise opposed to the further iraraigration of that race into the United States: and whereas, this opposition is not of sudden growth, but is the result ot more than thirty years' experience; and whereas, the history of all countries where the Chinese have been permitted to reside among other races, is a precise counterpart of our own; and whereas, the evils arising frora the presence of the Chinese are: 1. Their coming is an invasion, not an immigration. 2. They have no farailies or homes among us. 3. Their doraestic relations and mode of life are such as forever preclude their assimilation with our people. 4. By education and customs they are antagonistic to a republican forra of government. 5. They maintain in our midst secret tribunals in defiance of our laws. 6. The presence of so many adult males owing allegiance to a foreign govemment is dangerous. 7. They deter laboring men from coming to California. 8. The contract system by which they corae to this country is virtually a system of peonage, hostile to American institutions. 9. Their presence deters the growth of a reliable labor element among our boys and girls. 10. After subsisting on the lowest possible portion of their earn ings they remit the residue, amounting to many millions annually, to China, while the substitution of American labor would retain this vast sum of money in our own country. For these and other reasons they are a constant and growing source of irritation and danger to our State, and it is necessary that their imraigration be immediately stopped, and every lawful measure be adopted to remove those now among us. Therefore, be it resolved, 1. That we demand that the governraent of the United States take imraediate steps to prohibit absolutely this Chinese invasion. ANTI-CHINESE RESOLUTIONS. 503 2. That to encourage the early removal of the Chinese we accept the suggestion of the constitution of Oalifornia, which says that no Chinese shall ever be employed upon any public work ot the state, except in punishment for crime. 3. That the interests of the people of the state of Oalifornia demand, in harraony with the organic law of the State, that the presence of Chinese should be discouraged in every particular, and that in every instance preference should be given to white labor ; and we earnestly appeal to the people to do their utmost to supplant the Chinese with such labor. We are not in favor of any unlawful methods, but so firmly are we impressed with the great importance of discouraging the eraployraent of the Chinese, that we recoraraend that they be not patronized in any way, and we are in favor at the earliest raoraent of boycotting any person who eraploys Chinamen directly or indirectly, or who purchases the products of Chinese labor. The date at which the boycott coraraences in different locali ties shall in all cases be left to the local leagues. 4. That a perraanent siate organization be perfected by this state convention, to be known as the '-California Anti-Chinese Nonpartisan Association.'' 5. That an executive coraraittee be selected by the chairraan of the convention, consisting of three frora San Francisco, and one from each other county of the state, who shall be fully empowered to have control of the state work, fill vacancies in their own body, call state conventions at such tiraes and places as they may deera proper, and devise ways and means for advancing the cause. 6. That we recoraraend that a state organizer be selected by the convention, whose corapensation shall be fixed by the executive coraraittee. 7. That the state executive coraraittee be requested to solicit sub scriptions, in order that the work of excluding the Chinese raay not be crippled frora lack of funds, and we recoraraend that printed copies of all subscriptions received, and of all expenditures raade by the coramittee, be sent to every newspaper in the state, with a request for publication. 8. That these resolutions be printed, and that copies thereof be mailed to the president of the United States, the justices of the supreme court of the United States, to the members of the cabinet, to the California delegates in congress, to the raerabers of the senate and house of representatives from the other states and territories, 504 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. to the governors of the several states and territories, and to each newspaper in Oalifornia. On motion of John Bidwell, the resolutions were considered seriatim. They were unaniraously concurred in until the third, relative to boycotting, was reached. The adoption of this resolu tion was opposed by John Bidwell, F. M. Pixley, F. G. Newlands, A. A. Sargent, and M. H. Hecht, while speeches in favor of it were raade by F. W. Hunt, Henry Wilson, A. Sbarboro, N. F. Rawiin, James H. Barry, Patrick Reddy, W. H. Sears, M. M. Estee, and H. Weinstock. The previous question was moved by 0. F. Mc Glashan. The motion was put and declared carried by a vive voce vote. A deraand for a call of the roll frora Sargent and others was denied on the ground that it carae after the result had been declared. Sargent and Bidwell retired from the convention. The reraaining resolutions were adopted as reported, with the exception ot the fifth, which was araerided by striking out the words "fill vacancies in their own bodies," and adding the provision ".that all vacancies in said executive coramittee shall be filled by election of the clubs and leagues of the county in which the vacancy occurs, and that in case any county is not represented in this convention, then that the comraitteeraan frora that county be filled by the elec tion of clubs and leagues of that county." The question of the adoption of the resolutions as a whole was put, and carried with only two or three dissenting votes. N. F. Rawiin was elected state organizer, by acclaraation. On Friday afternoon, March 12th, the convention adjourned The state executive coraraittee of the prohibition party raet at San Francisco, March 8th, and issued a call for a state convention to raeet at Sacraraento, May 12th. The convention met on the latter date. It was called to order by J. A. Fairbanks, chairraan of the executive coramittee. George B. Katzenstein was elected teraporary chairraan, and sulteequently was raade perraanent chairraan. Two hundred and forty-five delegates, representing thirty counties, were reported by the comraittee on credentials as being entitled to seats. The committee on platforra and resolutions, coraposed of M. 0. Winchester, W. H. Martin, and 0. Henderson, reported the follow ing : PROHIBITION CONVENTION. 505 Relying upon the favor of Almighty God and the justice of our -cause, we, the prohibition party of Oalifornia, through the repre sentatives thereof in convention asserabled, do announce the toUow- •ing as our political faith : 1. While we are unalterably opposed to the enactment 'of all -sumptuary laws, properly so named, we believe it not only a con stitutional right, but the bounden duty of the state, to prohibit the imanufacture, sale, and importation of all alcoholic beverages. 2. The combined testimony of philanthropists, statesmen, and jurists for the past two hundred and fifty years declares that the use of intoxicating drinks tends directly and inevitably to the propaga tion of disease, the suppression of industry, the proraotion of vice and crime, and the destruction of mankind; and believing that so far-reaching an evil can only be remedied by legal means, we deraand ,the enactment of constitutional and statutory laws for the state and ination that shall forever prohibit the manufacture, sale, and iraporta- 'tion of alcoholic beverages, and we solemnly pledge ourselves to vote ifor no one for office who will not pledge himself to use his influence .and vote to secure the enactraent of such laws. 3. That the old parties are the servile supporters of the liquor fpower is evidenced by the open and shameless espousals of the •saloons by the one and the contemptuous refusal of the other to ^legislate to protect the horae from the giant curse of intemperance, though repeatedly petitioned to do so. Therefore, we declare that those parties who thus pander to the vicious elements of society to maintain political power, raerit and should receive the condemnation •of all good citizens, and are unworthy the countenance and support ot •christians and patriots, and are totally unfit to govern a free people. 4. Inasmuch as a day of rest is absolutely necessary to the physi- •cal and mental well-being of raan, especially that of the laboring ¦classes, as well as for the purpose of raoral and spiritual culture, •therefore, we deraand the enactment of a Sunday law, whereby all places ot business, whose keeping open that day is not absolutely necessary to the public welfare, shall be closed on the first day of -the week. 5. We are in favor of the largest personal liberty consistent with -orderly civil governraent, and would gladly welcorae to our free ¦country all those who corae with the intention of enjoying our institutions as they find them, but we deraand the exclusion of those whose purpose in coraing here is to overthrow our governraent and •destroy our liberties. We deraand further that the right of frari- 506 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. chise be withheld from all foreigners till they shall have lived in this> country for a period sufficiently long to enable them to become familiar with our institutions and politics, and to demonstrate their disposition to live in conformity therewith. A motion to insert a resolution in favor of woman suffrage was- lost, and the platform was adopted as reported. The vote by whicb it was adopted was subsequently reconsidered and the fourth and* fifth resolutions, relative to the Sunday law and foreign voters were- stricken out. The following nominations were made : For governor, Joel Russell, by acclaraation. For justices of supreme court, Williara G. Murphy and Robert-- Thompson (resigned). For secretary of state, Frank E. Kellogg. For controller, J. A. Fairbanks. For treasurer, H. S. Graves. For attorney general, George Babcock. For surveyor-general, George B. Tolman. For superintendent of public instruction, D. A. Mobley. For clerk of suprerae court, Julius Lyons. For merabers of state board of equalization, J. S. Reynolds, A. J^. Gregg, Charles E. Green (J. L. Mansfield afterward substituted),, and L. B. Hogue. For railroad coraraissioners, W. 0. Damon, E. O. Tade, and S. M^ McLean. For raerabers of congress, first district, L. W. Simraons; second district, W. O. Clark ; third district, W. W. Smith ; fourth district^ R. Thorapson ; fifth district, 0. Henderson ; sixth district. Will A. Harris. The following resolution, introduced by George Babcock, was, adopted, without opposition : Whereas, This convention has excluded frora its platforra a declaration in favor of woman suffrage, and it appearing that such- exclusion may lead to misapprehension in regard to the opinions of the raembers of the convention ; therefore, be it resolved. That we raost erapbatically declare it to be our opinion that the- iraraediate and unconditional enfranchiseraent of woraan would surely tend to the highest interest of the whole people, and forever put an end to the traffic in intoxicating liquors; and that for these- reasons, as individuals, we will at all tiraes use every lawful andi IRRIGATION CONVENTION: 507 proper means to secure an araendraent to the constitution of the state conferring upon woraen the right to vote. The officers of the state central committee were announced to be as follows: J. A. Fairbanks, president; Joel Russell, vice-president; George Morris, secretary; R. H. McDonald, treasurer. These, with M. F. Clayton, E. B. Fowler, and 0. Henderson, were to compose the executive coramittee. The convention adjourned sine die at 12: M. on May 13th. » The state irrigation convention met at the Grand Opera House, San Francisco, May 20th. It was composed of delegates from some fifty irrigation clubs, and other persons who became entitled to seats by signing the following : Articles ot Association of the Anti-riparian Irrigation Organiza tion of the State of California : Whereas, The necessities of the people of this state, growing out of our peculiar climatic and physical conditions, require that all the waters of the state should be applied to beneficial uses, and espec ially to irrigation ; and whereas, it has been the well-established custom and usage of the inhabitants of the state ever since the ter ritory was acquired frora Mexico, and long prior thereto, to enjoy and perrait the free appropriation and diversion of water to all who would apply it to a beneficial use ; and whereas, by virtue of such usage and custom, capital and labor have created out of deserts and rivers enormous wealth to the state, and the irrigation interests have assuraed gigantic proportions; and whereas, several hundred thousand people are now dependent upon and directly or indirectly supported by means of irrigation ; and whereas, attempts are now being made to resurrect the English coraraon law doctrine ot riparian rights frora the grave to which the will of the people long since con signed it, and to impress it upon the jurisprudence ot the state ; and whereas, such atterapt, it successful, raeans the desolation of thousands ot horaes ; raeans that the desert shall invade vineyard, orchard, and field ; that the grape shall parch upon the vine, the fruit wither on the tree, and the meadow be cursed with drought ; means that silence shall fall upon our busy colonies, and their people shall flee frora the thirsty and unwatered lands ; means that the cities built upon the coraraerce irrigation has created shall decay, and that in all this region the pillars of civilization shall fall, and unprofitable flocks and herds shall graze the scant herbage where once there was a land of corn 508 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and wine, flowing with railk and honey; and whereas, if this attempt to forbid the useful appropriation of water is defeated by a righteous public opinion crystallized into law, the horaes now planted in the midst of fruitful acres will reraain the shelter of a happy people, enriched by the productive soil, and irrigation will advance the frontier of verdure and flowers and fruit, until the desert is con quered and has exchanged its hot sands for happy garlands, its va grant herds for valiant people, and the bleak plains grow purple with the vintage and golden with the harvest, and the pleasures and profits, the peace and plenty that corae out of the useful rivers will make this land the promised land to millions ot free people; and whereas, we have, then, on the one hand the certainties of agricul ture and horticuiture, ot profitable imraigration, of surplus produc tion for export ot articles universally desirable and necessary, and always in deraand ; the growth of our cities and the greatness of our state ; on the other hand are thirst and famine, ruin and decay, farras dismantled, colonies abandoned, cities subjected to dry rot, and the state denied her career by denying to her people their birth right; and whereas, the court of highest resort of the state, whose final determination is conclusive of law, is divided upon the question, and the right of appropriation and irrigation now stands upon uncer tain ground ; and whereas, the legislature has failed to take meas ures for the protection of irrigation ; and -whereas, there are 40,000 voters in this state ready and anxious to fight and vote as a unit for irrigation ; and whereas, the safe and sure road to a successful issue in the courts and in the legislature is to organize, and by united and harmonious action control the result of the coming election; resolved, That we, the undersigned, associate ourselves together under the name of the 'Anti-riparian Irrigation Organization of the State of California," and pledge ourselves to use all honorable raeans to carry out the purposes of our organization, as follows; 1. To raaintain that the right of appropriation of water for benefi cial purposes, is and always has been pararaount to any alleged rights of riparian owners, in this state. 2. To secure the adoption of an araendraent to the state constitu tion, and araendraents to the laws declaring that the common law ot England is not and should not be tho rule of property, or the rule of decision in the courts of this state, in controversies concerning the right to appropriate, divert and use water, nor in actions by or against actual appropriators of -water for beneficial purposes; and IRRIGATION CONVENTION. 509 that priority of appropriation for a beneficial purpose deterraines the right without regard to the ownership ot the banks of a water course. 3. To raaintain both as a physical and legal proposition that the conditions and necessities of the people of this state, and the cUraatic and physical characteristics of the state are, and ever have been, such as to render the coramon law doctrine of riparian rights in applicable here. 4. To secure the passage of any and all other araendraents to the constitution or laws which will contribute to establish the rights of irrigation against the riparian doctrine. 5. To procure the election of raembers of the legislature who openly and without qualification favor and will act upon the tore- going principles, regardless of political affiliations. 6. To oppose through the ballot box and by every other legitimate means the election of any person to office, executive, legislative or judicial, who is not known to be in full and active accord with every proposition contained in these articles of association. 7. To obtain confirmation by the courts and the legislature as the law and the fact, that the use of the waters of streams for the pur pose of irrigation, is a natural want in this state, and to be preferred to all other uses. The convention was called to order by J. De Barth Shorb, chair man of the executive coraraittee. A committee on credentials, with L. M. Holt as chairman, and a committee on organization, with J. F. Wharton as chairman, were appointed, as was also a committee on resolutions, composed of W. S. Green, John P. Irish, Charles MulhoUand, S. Jewett, and M. E. 0. Munday. On perraanently organizing, J. De Barth Shorb was elected presi dent, and J. F. Wharton, W. S. Green, R. Hudnut, L. B. Ruggles, E. H. Tucker, D. K. Zurawalfc, L. M. Holt, WiUiara T. Coleraan, N. D. Rideout, John P. Irish, and William B. Carr, vice-presidents. The following platform was reported by the committee on resolu tions, and finally adopted : 1. That the cubic foot per second be adopted as the unit of meas urement throughout the state. 2. A declaration by the legislature that all the unnavigable waters of the state, in natural strearas and lakes not rising or wholly in cluded in lands under private ownership, belong to the people thereof, and are subject to appropriation by the people for irriga- 510 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. tion, mining, manufacturing, and other useful purposes, and that the custoraary law of appropriation of water for these purposes, as it has grown up in this state, should receive the forraal sanction of that ¦body, as follows : 3. That there is no individual or corporate ownership of water, except that which rises upon land under such individual or corporate ownership, this ownership continuing so long only as it remains upon the premises, or so long after it leaves them, as they may control it in pipes, ditches, or any other means of conveyance, and apply it to useful, beneficial, and necessary purposes. 4. That the appropriation of water from all public sources does not imply individual or corporate ownership, but that it is taken for the tirae and to the extent only that it is applied to a useful and necessary purpose, after which it is free to other or subsequent appropriatorsi under the same conditions. 5. That the appropriation of water and its c,')nveyance through canals and ditches for sale, rental, or distribution is a useful, neces sary, and beneficial purpose, sale or rental not implying ownership of the eleraent, but just rerauneration for the use of the franchise and the plant employed in its conveyance. 6. That a system ot law should be adopted providing for the control, management, and just distribution of the waters of the state, in accordance with the foregoing principles. 7. To so extend the law ot erainent doraain as to allow an irriga tion district, when forraed, corporation or individual, to condemn and pay for rights of way, lands, canals, ditches and water claims, and rigbts of whatever nature held by any person or corporation, or any other private rights of property, however existing or acquired, or by whatever name designated, which may be necessary for the appropriation or use of water ; provided, that in condemning water used at the tirae of the coraraencement ot an action for the same a manifestly greater public advantage and use can be shown. 8. That section 4468 of the political code should be amended to read as follows : " The common law of England, in so far as not re pugnant to or inconsistent with the constitution of the United States or the constitution and laws ot this state, except as it applies to strearas and watercourses, is the rule of decision in all the courts of this state." 9. That section 1422 of the civil code, which declares that the rights of riparian proprietors are not affected by the preceding sec- IRRIGATION CONVENTION. 511 tions of the code providing for rights to water by appropriation, •should be repealed. The coraraittee on resolutions made a further report, which was rfllso adopted. It was as follows : We respectfully submit the accompanying raeasures, which are iproposed for adoption by the legislature and as a pledge to be re- .quired of candidates, as hereinafter set forth. These measures con- ;sist, first, in a proposed constitutional araendment to fix and deter- •mine the nature of water rights; second, a proposed constitutional amendment to regulate the use of water appropriated for irrigation; third, a proposed act of the legislature concerning the right to ao- , quire the use of water by appropriation; fourth, the repeal of sec. tion 1422 of the civil code. These proposed raeasures were prepared by the state executive coraraittee after careful consideration, and after taking the best advice in the state we believe that these meas- lures are absolutely necessary to secure a permanent irrigation policy. We therefore propose the following resolutions : 1. That the accompanying bills and amendments be adopted as •expressing in part the legislative policy of this convention. 2. That the friends of irrigation should exact a full and unquali fied indorsement of these raeasures frora all candidates who can proraote or affect the interests of irrigation. 3. That* we ask the irrigation clubs to reraain organized and con tinue organizing frora now until irrigation shall becorae the perma nent law and practice of the state, and that the raembers of such clubs and all in agreeraent and alliance with us so use their votes as to proraote the political success of such candidates only as accept these raeasures without amendraent. W. S. GREEN, Chairman. An act to amend the constitution of the state of California : The legislature of the state ot California, at its session commenc ing on the day of , 188- two thirds of all the merabers -elected to each of the two houses of the said legislature voting in favor thereof, hereby propose that article XIV ot the constitution of the state ot California be amended by adding the foUowing new sections at the end thereof : Sec. 3. The water of every natural stream, not heretofore appro priated, within the state of California, is hereby declared to be the property of the public, and the same is dedicated to the use of the 512 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. people of the state, subject to appropriation as hereinafter provided'.- Sec. 4. The right to divert unappropriated waters of any natural' stream to beneficial uses shall never be denied. Prior appropriation to any such use, whether heretofore or hereafter made, shall give the better right, and the right of appropriation shall be ever exer cised under such regulations as the legislature has heretofore pre scribed or may hereafter prescribe, and the English common law of ripariari rights, so far as it coriflicts with this or the precedirig sec- tiori, shall riot be recognized as a rule of decision or rule of property in any of the courts of this state. Nuraber two is a proposed constitutional amendment : Section 1. The use of all water now appropriated or that may- hereafter be appropriated for irrigation, sale, rental, or distribution, is hereby declared to be a public use, and subject to the control and regulation of the state, in a raanner to be prescribed by law, pro vided that the rates of compensation to be collected by any person, company, corporation, or irrigation district in this state for the use of water supplied to any city and county, or city, town, or irriga tion district, or the inhabitants thereof, shall be fixed every three years by the supervisors, or city and county, or city, or town coun cil, or other governing body of such city and county, or city, or town, or irrigation district, and shall continue in force for three years, and until new rates are established ; but in estabUshing such- rates they shall take in consideration the cost of construction and- maintenance of the works by which the water is supplied, and the rates so established shall be such as will yield to the person, com pany, or corporation so supplying water a net return of at least 7 per cent per annum upon the araount invested in the construction and raaintenance of such works. Such rates shall be fixed in the- raonth ot February and take effect on the first day of July there after. Any board or body failing to fix the water rates where nec essary within such time, shall be subject to peremptory process to compel action at the suit of any party interested, and shall be liable to such further process and penalties as the legislature raay pre scribe. Any person, corapany, or corporation collecting water rates otherwise than as so established shall forfeit the franchise of such person, corapany, or corporation, to the city and county, or city^ town, or irrigation district frora which the sarae are collected, for the public use. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 513 An act concerning the ownership of water in natural streams and providing for the acquisition thereof hy appropriation : Section 1. The water of every natural stream, not heretofore ap propriated, within the state of California, is hereby declared to be the property of the public, and the sarae is dedicated to the use of the people of the state, subject to appropriation as hereinafter pro vided. Sec. 2. The right to divert unappropriated waters of any natural stream to beneficial uses shall never be denied. Prior appropria tion, whether heretofore or hereafter raade, to any such use shall give the better right, and the right of appropriation shall be exercised under such regulations as the legislature has heretofore provided or may hereafter prescribe, and the English common law of riparian rights, so tar as it conflicts with this or the preceding section, shall not be recognized as a rule of decision or rule of property in any court of this state. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts which conflict in any way with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. The convention adjourned sine die, on the conclusion of its busi ness. May 22d. The republican state coraraittee raet in San Francisco, April 27th, and issued a call for the state convention to raeet at Los Angeles, August 25th, to consist of 458 delegates, the test of voters at pri maries being : " Did you vote for Jaraes G. Blaine, or would you have done so if you had the chance? Will you vote the republican ticket at the next election ?" On the appointed day, the convention asserabled at Arraory Hall, Los Angeles. It was called to order by A. P. Williaras, chairraan of the state central coramittee. W. H. L. Barnes was unaniraously elected temporary chairman, and was made perraanent chairman on final organization. The coraraittee on platform and resolutions consisted of G. G. Blanchard, J. H. G. Weaver, E. A. Davis, Obed Harvey, R. 0. Gaskill, L. B. Mizner, J. H. Dickinson, Henry Edgerton, J. H. Barber, Robert Effey, H. V. Morehouse, H. A. Barclay, A. Bell, J. E. Hale, and 0. F. McGlashan. The following platform, reported by the coramittee on the 26th, was unanimously adopted : The republican party of California, in convention asserabled, re affirms its devotion to the great purposes for which it was organized 33 514 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and for which it has been maintained. It has preserved free govern ment and secured to all the inhabitarits of these United States the great rights which lie at the foundation of all just government — the right to life, property, and the pursuit of happiness — and its missiori will riot be fully accoraplished uutil the laws are so coristrued and administered that an invasion of these inalienable rights, even against the humblest person, shall become irapossible. It points with pride to the fact that it has engrafted these principles upon the national constitution, thereby giving to every one the protection -which the power of 60,000,000 of freeraen affords. Guided by a firm faith in these great principles, it has during its long and event- ¦ful history, done nothing for which it has to apologize. When it took the government from the democratic party it found a country disturbed by dissensions; states seceding and threatening secession; the treasury erapty and the public credit impaired ; the arsenals plundered and fortresses invested ; a hostile governraent, whose foundation was huraan slavery fully armed in our midst ; with open foes at the south and secret enemies at the north. When called upon to surrender its great trust, it delivered to its successors a united country, a free people, an overflowing treasury, public credit higher than that of any other nation on earth, arsenals and the gov ernraent works intact, the flag of the union floating in peace over a great, prosperous, happy nation, commanding the admiration and respect of mankind. Reaffirming the principles enunciated in the national platform adopted at Chicago in 1884, and the state platform adopted at Sacramento in the same year, in so far as now applicable, the republican party of Califomia makes the following additional declaration of principles : 1. Labor is honorable, and the labor in every walk of life should be honored. Upon free, intelligent labor and its wise direction depends the prosperity of the nation. Everything which is useful and valuable to man is the result of labor iri sorae form, arid its careful protectiou should be the first corisideration of the statesman. The value of labor raust deperid on its producing capacity, and this raust be raeasured by the intelligence of the laborer. The Uberal education of the laborer, therefore, is the first step toward the greatest, the wisest and the raost profitable development of the resources of the country and the elevation of its workmen. To ac complish this the public school systera should be preserved, protected and extended, until its ennobling influence penetrates to every hearthstone and increases the usefulness of every person. The REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 515 republican party declai-es its firm belief that co-operation araong laborers is for the best interest of society; that while capital is entitled to all safeguards necessary to induce its generous investment, and while assaults upon social order proceeding from persons falsely representing themselves as friends of labor must be sternly re pressed, the republican party will never sanction any legislation which will restrict wage-earners from co-operating and organizing for their general protection and advancement, but, on the contrary, will enact liberal laws fostering and encouraging co-operation. 2. Mining is one of the material iriterests of this state and coast, and one of the most valuable productions is silver. This industry, not alone because of the worth of its production, but also because of the fact that it affords employment to many thousands of people, and because of the fact that over sixty per cent of the value of the product, represents the wages of labor, should be protected and encouraged. To this end we are in favor of free coinage of silver, the product of our raines, and of the issuauce by the goverriment of silver certificates. We denounce the policy of the democratic natiorial admiriistratiori, which, iri the iriterest of the few, would deprive the people of silver as a circulating mediura. 3. The Chinese cannot and will not assirailate with our own race. Their peculiar characteristics are utterly incorapatible with those of our own people. So long as they are here they raust be among us, yet apart from us. Such a population is most undesirable. The republican party therefore declares that their coming here raust be stopped, while those who are here under, treaty stipulation must be treated humanely and receive the protection of law. It points with just pride to the fact that the republican senate of the United States, by unaniraous vote, has passed a bill for the restriction of Chinese iraraigration, and denounces the action of the democratic house of representatives for refusing its concurrence in a raeasure universally deraanded by the people of this coast, and which is nec essary for the protection and elevation of free labor. 4. The suprerae court of the United States having failed to deter mine whether or not the method of taxing railroad corporations as declared by our state constitution is in conflict with the constitution of the United States, we are withdut an authoritative rule which might otherwise relieve the question of its present embarrassing complications, and this subject requires of our legislature and execu tive most careful and deliberate action. There is to be submitted to the people at the ensuing election the "Heath araendment," so-called, 516 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. relating to railroad taxation. Without making this a party ques tion, or assuming a position for or against this araendment, yet some reraedy for existing defects in the law raust be provided at the ear liest raoment possible. The gravity of this matter puts it on a plane above the range of party politics, and demands the serious attention of the best thinking people of the state. In this respect, and in all others, we favor equal and just taxation for the maintenance of the government, and affirm that all should pay a full share of the public taxes fairly due and in accordance with the broad principles of equity. 5. One of the raost iraportant questions soon to be considered by the people ot California is the proper utilization of its water courses tor the purpose ot irrigatiou, arid wheri this great work is accomplished our state will support per acre a greater populatiou than any other state in the union, and fertilize and flU with prosperity vast doraains otherwise dedicated to perpetual barrenness. The republican party approaches this great question with a careful deliberation, not less grave than that with which it has debated and happily determined other raoraentous subjects, in the confident expectation that, if en trusted with the power so to do, it will enact such laws as will secure and receive the approval of the people ; and it here affirras as fol lows : First — It is in favor ot the iramediate passage of a law declaring that henceforth no rights to water shall be acquired by appropriation which will in any raanner obstruct the state in the control thereof, whenever it shall see proper to exercise such control. Second — It is in favor of the passage of laws which will prevent the monopolizing of the waters of the state and proraote the utilization to the greatest extent possible. Third — In the passage of any laws upon this subject individual rights raust be protected ; but it those rights are found to interfere with effectuating a just distribution ot water and its utilization by the people upon equal terms, then such rights should be conderaned and taken for public use, under the same principles upon which all private property is condemned and taken for public use, upon compensation being raade therefor. 6. We denounce the present state adrainistration as most wasteful and incompetent. Its weakness, extravagance, and vacillating policy has brought reproach upon the fair fame of California. 7. We recognize the great truth that no governraent can be repub lican in forra unless the three departments — legislative, judicial, and executive — are separate and independent, the one frora the other. We declare that the calling of an extra session of the legislature for REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 517 the purpose of reversing a decision of the supreme court of the state has no paraUel in the history of this country; that the policy which dictated it was un-American and revolutionary, and that no words of censure can adequately characterize this attempt to destroy the independence of a co-ordinate branch of the governraent. 8. The republican party submits its platform and its candidates to the intelligence and the patriotism of the people, and invokes to their support all, -yyithout regard to past affiliation, who desire just laws, good government, peace, and security. True to its mission, it will bring to the solution of the important subjects involved, broad, statesraarilike, and equitable raethods. Born to protect huraan rights, it never can be brought, by any arguraent or by any pressure, to deprive anyone of a right, however sraall, without awarding just corapensation. Upon this platforra ot principles and upon its past record it appeals with contidence to the candid judgment of an intel ligent people, and as to the consequences, is willing to take its chances and abide its destiny. On the 26th the making of nominations was coramenced. For justices of the supreme court, long terra, A. Van R. Paterson, Anson Brunson, L. D. Latiraer, T. B. McFarland and Noble Harail ton were placed in noraination. Paterson was nominated ori the first ballot, receiving 318 votes; McFarland, 227; Brunson, 194; Harailton, 167 ; Latiraer, 8. On the second ballot McFarland was chosen the other nominee by 286 votes to 102 for Brunson and 65 for Hamilton. For justice for the short terra. Noble Harailton, Anson Brunson, George A. Nourse and J. B. Southard were placed in noraination. Harailton was norainated on the first ballot, receiving 249 votes to 172 for Brunson, 24 for Nourse, and 11 for Southard. For governor, John F. Swift, Chancellor Hartson, Williara H. Dimond, and Charles F. Reed were placed in nomination. On the first ballot Swift received 108 ; Dimond, 153; Reed, 84, and Hart son, 108; necessary to a choice, 229. After taking six ballots without raaking a choice, the convention adjourned until the next day. The balloting was continued on the 27th, and on the eighth ballot Swift was nominated. The vote stood : Swift, 325 ; Dimond, 74; Reed, 20; Hartson, 36. The other norainations were : R. W. Waterraan, for lieutenant governor, by 239^ votes to 131 J for Williara Johnston, 84 for John P. Stearns, and 1 for George E. Whitney. 518 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Walter S. Moore, for secretary of state, by 239 votes to 91 for James A. Orr, and 126 for 0. W. Craig. J. E. Denny, for controller, by 268 votes to 181 for H. L. Weston. Jacob H. Neff, for treasurer, by 304 votes to 80 for John Weil, 38 for Williara Jackson and 33 for Charles M. Levy. W. H. H. Hart, for attorney-general, by acclamation, the other can didates withdrawing before the corapletion of the roll call on the first ballot. Theodore Reichert, for surveyor-general, by 252 votes to 90 for Williara Minto, 35 for Robert Gardner, and 52 for 0. E. Grunsky. Ira G. Hoitt, for superintendent ot public instruction, by 263 votes to 187 for S. D. Waterraan. Jaraes A. Orr, tor clerk ot the supreme court, by acclaraation. The convention adjourned sine die at raidnight on the 27th. The following norainations were raade by the district conventions : For representative in congress, first district, Charles A. Garter ; second district, J. 0. CarapbeU ; third district, Joseph McKenna ; fourth district, W. W. Morrow ; fifth district, Charles N. Felton ; sixth district, W. Vandever. For raember of state board of equalization, first district, A, 0. Dithraar ; second district, L. 0. Morehouse ; third district, John Beattie, Jr. ; fourth district, Mark D. Harailtou. For railroad coraraissiorier, first district, A. Abbott; secorid dis trict, J. M. Litchfield; third district, Jaraes W. Rea. The democratic state central committee met May 11th and issued the call for the convention to raeet in San Francisco, August 31st. The convention raet at the appointed tirae in Odd Fellows' hall. It was called to order by W. D. English, chairman of the state central comraittee. N. Greene Curtis and Stephen M. White were nomi nated for the position of teraporary chairraan. White was elected on the first ballot by 260 votes to 224 for Curtis. The following were appointed on the coraraittee on platforra and resolutions : Barclay Henley, Dennis Spencer, R. F. Del Valle, N. Greene Curtis, M. E. 0. Munday, A. H. Rose, Henry Mahler, N. Martin, J. E. McElrath, E. McGettigan, A. T. Spotts, Frank Mc Coppin, Thomas J. Clunie, N. Bowden, A. Kearney, and B. Grimes. On perraarieritly organizing, White was elected chairman. The oUowing platform was adopted September 2d : DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 51 9 1. That with becoming pride we cordially endorse the adrainistra tion of President Grover Cleveland for the honesty, frugality, and success with which it is conducting the affairs ot govemment, carry ing out the principles of democracy in administering public trusts and keeping faith with the people. A respect for constitutional law, the protection of the rights of our fellow citizens at home and abroad, a desire to reform the unjust inequalities of custoras, to reduce tax ation to lirait the expenditures, to actual necessities, the revival of trade, the increase of commerce, the restoration of the unearned public lands to the people's heritage, the peace that happily ex tends throughout our whole land, and the extinction of sectional animosities, are the salient raarks which signalize the restoration of the deraocratic party to power and the response it has given to the trust reposed in it. We coraraend the discrimination which the president has raade in favor of the honest soldier, and call attention to the fact, that while he has vetoed spurious and unworthy clairas, he has signed raore pension bills than any of his predecessors. 2. This convention proudly invites attention to the fact that the last deraocratic house of representatives passed bills forfeiting and restoring to the public doraain railway land grants araounting to over 75,000,000 of acres, and also the further fact that in the forty- eighth congress the deraocratic lower house passed the Regan inter state coramerce bill, which failed of passage in the republican senate; also, that in the last session of congress the Regan bill was again passed by the democratic lower house. 3. That this convention recomraends the passage of an act of con gress providing for the free coinage of both gold and silver, by the terras of which act all gold and silver bullion offered at the several mints of the United States sball be received in exchange for money on gold or silver certificates at the rate now fixed by law for stand ard doUars of gold or silver, which certificates shall be receivable for all public purposes and interchangeable for gold or silver, as the case may be. 4 That the present tariff on wool, prepared by a repubUcan cora raission, appointed by a republican president, is an unjust disorimi- riatiori against a great industry, and we denounce the same and deraand the restoration of the tariff of 1867. That in view of the brUUant future that awaits CaUfornia in the developraent of its wine interests, we raost heartily favor the bUls now pending in congress for the release frora taxation of spirits used in the fortification of sweet wines and the protection of our wine industries from the in- 520 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. jurious effects of fraud and the unrestricted sale of spurious wines. And we also favor legislation providing for the protection of the raisin industry. 5. We are in favor of liberal wages and free labor. All associa tions forraed for the purpose of developing intelligence, proraoting the welfare and protecting the interests of the laborer and mechanic, and to enable them successfully to contend for and raaintain their rights by peaceful and efficient raeans against powerful and oppres sive corabinations, should be encouraged and expressly sanctioned by law. We regard the contract convict labor systera as detrimen tal to' the interests of free labor and ruinous to certain lines ot legitiraate business with which it comes in conflict. We coraraend the present state administration for its late efforts to abolish this system, and pledge our candidates, if elected, to do all within their power to carry out the spirit of the constitution upon this question. But iri rio way shall this be coristrued to prohibit the manufacture ot grain bags and jute goods within the walls of the state prison. 6. We are unalterably opposed to Chinese immigration, and de mand the abrogation of the Burlingarae-Swift treaty — a treaty through whose loopholes slave labor creeps upon our shores. We pledge the best efforts of the democratic party of this state to the enforcement of laws which shall permanently prohibit and prevent such imraigration. We regard Chinese labor as an unraixed evil. Therefore, we favor legislation providing for the deportation of the Chinese frora this country, and their exclusion forever. In the meantirae, and pending proper legislation upon this subject, the deraocratic party of this state, as a friend of free labor, and in the interest of the people, recognizes the legal right of any citizen to eraploy whora he pleases, yet we hold that it is the right and duty of the people of this state to withhold their patronage from the Chiriese, arid that such labor should not be resorted to when any other character of labor is available. 7. That we reaffirm the principle contained in the national demo cratic platform, declaring that the democratic party is urialterably opposed to all suraptuary legislation. 8. We conderan the great raUroad companies of this state tor their defiance of the state power, their corrupt practices and their persistent refusal to contribute their just and lawful proportion of the revenue. The contempt and disgrace they thus throw upon free governraent is a first and long step to encourage comraunism and anarchy. If the rich may with irapunity defy the law, upon what DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 521 iprinciple, in a government which is based upon the corner stone of ¦equality, shall the poor be corapelled to yield obedience ? All law abiding citizens should unite with the democracy in their efforts to -exact from these powerful corporations observance of the law and an honest and faithful discharge of their obligations to the state and •its inhabitants. 9. We are opposed to tbe adoption of the proposed amendraent to the constitution of this state coramonly known as the "Heath araend raent." Its approval by the people would be in accord with the -wishes of the non-taxpaying raonopolists of California. Our pres ent systera of railroad taxation should not be abandoned unless the ¦suprerae court of the United States should hold ifc to be invalid. It -¦the " Heath araendment " is adopted, the railroad corporations will be theirown assessors, and will contribute toward the support of igovernraent such suras only as, according to their own chosen phrase, •"they are minded to pay," An examination and comparison of the -official returns made for the year 1885, by the railroad corporations to the state board of equalization, demonstrate the fact that under the -operation of the " Heath amendment " the state and counties would lose yearly the sura of $478,067.32. The county coraraittees of the ¦counties of this state are requested to print their tickets against :said araendment. 10. No free people, who are unable to defend, can long maintain their freedora. We therefore advocate the proper protection of our coasts against invasion, and the creation of a navy and forts to re place decayed and worthless reranants of forts and ships left to the country by the republican adrainistration. We deera a good national guard necessary to the safety of our country and institutions. We 'therefore favor a liberal treatraent ot our citizen soldiers and advo- -cate raeasures to increase the efficiency of their organization. 11. We extend our syrapathy to all people struggling to engraft "Upon their political systera the principles of individual liberty and self governraent, and with special eraphasis do we extend that sym- ]pathy to the present heroic efforts of tbe Irish people. 12. That the democratic party recognizes the importance of the water question and the absolute necessity for its speedy settlement, ¦and the party can and will settle it on a basis of equal and exact justice to all interests involved. Navigation shall not be impaired under any pretext: No class ot individuals shall take, injure, or ¦destroy the property or rights of any other class except under the -operations of the law of eminent domain. These rights being 522 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALTFOKNTA.. guarded and protected, the waters of the state are the property of the people of the state, to be used for irrigation, mining, manufac turing, and other useful purposes. Appropriation of water, whether heretofore or hereafter made, should give no right to raore water than is absolutely used in an econoraical manner for a beneficial puiv pose. To guard against a monopoly of water for irrigation, irriga tion districts should have the right to acquire by purchase or con demnation the means necessary in conducting the water to the lands- coraprising such irrigation districts. The English law of riparian' rights is inapplicable to the circumstances and conditions of Oali fornia. The state may at any tirae assurae control of the diversion,, use and distribution of water under general laws enacted for that purpose ; provided, the state shall in no event be called upon by- taxation, or otherwise, to construct irrigation works. 18. Believing in the fullest representation by the people in all political -assemblies, we ask this convention to declare for the pri raary systera of selecting delegates to all conventions of the demo cratic party in this state, and against the practice of, county com mittees naming representatives thereto; and, further, that it is the- duty of every county coraraittee to carry out the work and policy of the convention which creates it ; that the functions of every such' committee should, therefore, be liniited to such work, and that its- tenure of office should expire at the moment every riew couuty cori- vention assembles. 14. That our public schools will always have the fostering care of the democratic party of California. We deraand for them the utmost efficiency, and a liberal expenditure, with no lirait so long as- honesty, economy, and business method cover all their works. The education of the children is the best guarantee of republican liberty. 15. That raining is one of the great and beneficial industries of this state; therefore, it is the duty of the governraent to devise- some way for raining to be continued without injury to any other- industry. The fifth resolution in its original form occasioned considerable- discussion, and it was amended by adding the words "But in no way shall this be construed to prohibit the manufacture of grain bags- and jute goods within the walls of the state prison." The platform adopted was as reported by the committee, with the exception of the- preceding sentences, and the fourteenth and fifteenth resolutions,. which were added in convention. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 523 The following resolution was offered by D. S. Terry, on Septeraber 4th, and adopted : That we deraand the enactraent of a law whereby supplies fur nished to all asyluras, prisons, hospitals, alrashouses, and other institutions under the control of the state, or of counties, cities, and towns of the state, shall be the product of white labor only; and we pledge that the sarae shall be made the law of the state when the , democracy shall have control of the legislature. The following, offered by G. W. Jeffries, was also adopted : That the democratic party of the state of Oalifornia demands the reraoval ot every republican now in office by appointraent, except those holding under civil service rules, and that deraocrats be ap pointed to their placea. On September 1st, norainations were raade for the office of jus tice of the suprerae court. Jackson Teraple was norainated by ac clamation for the short term, to succeed Judge Ross. For the long term, J. F. SulUvan, Byron Waters, NUes Searls, J.M.Corcoran, and J. W. Armstrong were placed in nomination. Before* votes were changed, the roll-call on the first ballot showed 250 for Sulli van, 50 for Waters, 53 for Searls, 28 for Corcoran and 100 for Arm strong. Sullivan was therefore declared nominated. S. B. McKee was then also placed in nomination and a ballot taken for the second norainee for the long terra. On this second ballot McKee received 116 votes, Searls 100, Arrastrong 105, Waters 127, and Corcoran 34. There was no choice and an adjournraent was taken until the following day. On the first ballot taken Septeraber 2nd, Waters was norainated by 279 votes, to 107 for McKee and 106 for Searls, Armstrong and Corcoran having been withdrawn. For governor, A. J. Bryant, Patrick Reddy, Washington Bartlett, 0. P. Berry, and M. F. Tarpey were placed in nomination. Bryant and Reddy were withdrawn after the first ballot, and on the second ballot Bartlett was norainated, receiving 315 votes, to 135 for Berry and 46 for Tarpey. The other nominations were: M. JF. Tarpey, for lieutenant governor, without opposition, his opponent, 0. P. Berry withdrawing before the corapletion of the first roll-call. Adam Herold for treasurer, over D. J. OuUahan and Jefferson G. James. 524 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. W. 0. Hendricks for secretary of state, by acclaraation, his oppon ent, G. W. Peckham, being withdrawn. John P. Dunn for controller, without opposition. G. A. Johnson for attorney-general, over John T. Carey, W. D. ¦Grady, and Edward Swinford. » A. J. Moulder for superintendent of public instruction, by acclama tion. E. 0. Miller for surveyor-general, over Franklin P. McCray. J. D. Spencer for clerk of the suprerae court, by acclamation. The following nominations were raade by the district conventions; Merabers of board of equalization: First district, Gordon E. Sloss; second district, 0. H. Randall; third district, 0. E. Wil coxon; fourth district, John T. Gaffey. Railroad coraraissioners: First district, Joseph A. Filcher; second district, Patrick J. White ; third district, William W. Foote. For congress: First district, Thoraas L. Thompson; second dis. trict, Marion Biggs; third district, Henry 0. McPike; fourth dis trict; Frank McCoppin; fifth district, Frank J. Sullivan; sixth dis trict, Joseph D. Lynch. After selecting a state central committee, the convention adjourned sine die, Saturday, Septeraber 4th. A call for a conference of farmers was issued by Eden Grange, March 27th. It was proposed to consider the best means to remedy the grievances of agricultural and other industrial classes, and to arrange for placing a ticket before the people for congressional, legislative, and county officers. The conference was held in Gran ger's hall, Sacramento, April 8th and 9th. Fifty-one delegates, frora sorae eleven counties were reported entitled to seats. W. 0, Blackwood was elected teraporary, and later, permanent chairman, It was resolved to organize, if necessary, an independent farmers' and producers' political party. A committee was appointed to pre pare an address to the farmers and manufacturers of the state. The address which was reported and adopted urged the taxpayers to take an active part in the precinct primaries in order to secure the nomination of candidates who would use their best endeavors to re duce public expenditures, and thereby reduce taxation. The follow ing resolution, offered by 0. A. Hull, was adopted: That it is the desire of this conference that the different granges ot the state of Califomia invite the farraers of their respective localities to asserable in raass meeting at their different halls, on the FARMERS' CONFERENCE. 525 last Saturday in June, to then and there determine if they shall in struct the coraraittee here appointed by this conference to call a convention; and it is further the sense of this conference that if they determine to call a convention, that it be called before any of the party conventions. The conference adjourned April 9th. On September 15th, in re sponse to a call frora Eden and Teraescal granges some seventy-five delegates, representing sixteen granges assembled at Granger's hall, Sacramento, raany of the delegates being the sarae that were in at tendance at the conference held in April. W. 0. Blackwood was elected chairman. A committee on resolutions was appointed and it submitted the following, which were adopted: 1. We favor an amendment of the constitution providing for the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people. 2. We favor the free coinage of gold and silvei-, the abolition of national banks, the issuance by the government of its own raoney, which shall be legal tender for all debts. That the bonds of the governraent be paid as fast as under the law may be possible, and that the government issue no more bonds. 3. We recognize the vast importance of a system of irrigation for the state of Califomia, and that the ownership of water shall be inalienably vested in the state, and shall be adrainistered and distrib uted by the state, dividing the state into districts by natural water sheds or catchraents, the expense to be borne by' the districts irrigated. 4. We are in favor of a stringent law to punish adulterations of food, drinks, and raedicines, and the use of short weights and measures. 5. We are opposed to the "Heath amendment," which will appear on our ballots as "against constitutional amendment No. 1." 6. We are opposed to any increase of our standing army in time ot peace. 7. We denounce any moveraent looking toward any increase of appropriation of state raoney for raaintaining a state militia. 8. We favor the abrogation of th'e Burlingame treaty and the ex clusion of Chinese by all lawful means. 9. In furtherance of these ends, we ask the co-operation of all fair-minded people. We wage no war against classes, but only against vicious institutions. We are not content to endure further discipline of our present rulers, who, having dominion over money, over transportation, over the press and the machinery of the 526 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. government, wield unwarranted power over our free institutions, and our lives, liberty, and property. , 10. The transportation question being of the greatest importance to the farmers and manufacturers, and especially in our low-priced staple, wheat, we are in favor of the Eads ship railway. 11. That the fees, salaries, and emoluraents of county officers should be reduced commensurately with the salaries paid for like services in private business. 12. That woraan shall be placed on an equality with man in cleri cal eraployraent in official positions. Joel Russell was nominated for governor; J. V. Webster for lieutenant-governor; A. L. Hart for attorney -general ; Jackson Temple and Jereraiah F. Sullivan for justices of the suprerae court ; H. S. Graves for state treasurer ; Ira G. Hoitt for superintendent of public instruction ; John P. Dunn for controller ; J. D. Spencer for clerk of the supreme court. For congress, George Ohleyer was nomi nated frora the second district, and W. W. Smith frora the third. 0. E. Wilcoxon was nominated for meraber of the state board of oqualization ; and W. W. Foote and J. A. Filcher for railroad coraraissioners. The reraaining positions on the state ticket were to be filled by the state central coraraittee, which was then appointed. This com mittee organized by electing W. 0. Blackwood, chairraan ; S. T. Sanders, secretary; and A. T. Dewey, treasurer. It was decided to call the raeeting the "farmers' convention." It adjourned sine die, September 16th. The united labor party convention met in San Francisco, Septem ber 24-28th. A. E. Redstone presided, and John O. Green acted as secretary. A platform was adopted urging united action on the part of the knights of labor, farmers, trades' unions, greenbackers, and all friends of united labor ; recomraending governraent owner ship of railway, telegraph, and telephone lines ; Iiraitation by taxa tion on the accuraulation of wealth ; election of United States sena tors by the people ; free coinage of gold and silver ; abolition of national banks, etc. A state ticket was nominated, headed by 0. F. McGlashan for governor, and Horace Bell for lieutenant-governor. The state convention of the American party raet at Fresno, Sep tember 28th, iri resporise to the following call : CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 527 Believing that the time has come when it is necessary that the ¦people of these United States of America should take full charge •and control of their governraent, to the exclusion of the restless revolutionary horde of foreigners who are now seeking our shores from every part of the world ; and recognizing that the first and most important duty of an Araerican is to perpetuate this govern ment in all attainable purity and strength ; we, citizens of these United States, do make the following declaration : 1. That all law-abiding citizens of these United States, be they native or foreign born, are political equals, and all citizens are -equally entitled to the protection of our laws. 2. That the- naturalization laws of the United States should be unconditionally repealed. 3. That the soil of Araerica should belong to Araericans, and that mOialien, resident or nori-residerit, should ever be perraitted to owu real estate. 4. That no person, not in sympathy with our government and the •principles upon which it is founded, should ever be permitted to im migrate to these United States. Whereas, The above declaration of principles was adopted by the mass of citizens assembled at a meeting called for that purpose, and held at Fresno city, Cal., May 27th ; and whereas, at that meeting the two great parties ot the country were urged and requested to incorporate said principles and doctrines into their respective plat forras ; and whereas, said parties have, in convention assembled, ignored said principles and doctrines, and have refused to incorporate them into their, or either of their platforras, thereby repudiating the best interests, wishes and rights of the Araerican voter and property-owner ; now, then, be it resolved, 1. That a state convention of the American party asserable at Fresno city, on Tuesday, Septeraber 2 Sth, at two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of adopting a platform and nominating a full ticket to contest the right, at the coraing election, of holding the various state and federal offices for the next ensuing term. 2. All persons from all parts of the state who endorse the above principles and doctriries are cordially arid earriestly requested to attend said convention and participate in its labors. By order of the executive coraraittee. THOMAS E. HUGHES, President. E. F. Sbllbeck, Secretary. 528 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Delegates representing eight counties were present. The follow ing resolutions were adopted, which later were embodied in a plat form adopted by the state central coramittee : 1. We reiterate the doctrine promulgated by the executive com raittee of the Araerican party. 2. BeUeving that Americans should rule America, we favor the- education of American youths, boys and girls, as artisans and raechanics, to fill the places of foreigners, who now have nearly the exclusive control of all the great industries of our country, save- agriculture alone. 3. Bossisra in politics is the outgrowth of foreign influence. We condemn ifc and declare that the American party has not and shaU not have bosses. 4. The watfers ot the state belong to the lands they will irrigate, and we favor a broad and comprehensive system of irrigation that- looks to the benefit of the irrigator to the exclusion of so-called rights of riparian and appropriator; a systera controlled by the government, tree to all, under the control ot no class of persons, and established and maintained by a revenue derived from those onljr whom the system will benefit. 5. We believe in equal taxation, and to accomplish that desirable- reform we favor the reduction of taxes on the real estate of the culti vator of the soil and the laying of additional burdens on the- luxuries. 6. We would foster and encourage American industries and to that end would protect home productions and manufactures and inaugur ate and maintain a systera that would not only exclude the cheap- labor productions of other countries but would also exclude the cheap laborers of all other countries and prevent their coraing here to- corapete with Americans. 7. We believe that American free schools are indispensable sup ports to liberty; that reason and experience both teach us that national existence depends on the influence of liberal and refined education. The platforra as adopted by the state central coramittee was as- follows: Believing that the time has arrived when a due regard for the pres ent and future prosperity of our country raakes it iraperative that the people of the United States of Araerica should take full and entire qontrol of their government, to the exclusion of the revolu- CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 529 tionary and incendiary horde of foreigners now seeking our shores from every quarter of the world ; and recognizing that the first and most iraportant duty of an Araerican citizen is to raaintain this governraent in all attainable purity and strength, we, as such citi zens, do raake the following declaration of principles: 1. That all law-abiding citizens of these United States, whether native or foreign-born, are political equals, and all citizens are enti tled to and should receive the full protection of the laws. 2. That the naturalization laws of the United States should be unconditionally repealed. 3. That the soil ot Araerica should belong to Americans; that no alien non-resident should be permitted to own real estate in the United States, and that the real estate possessions of the resident alien shall be limited in value and area. 4. That all persons not in sympathy with our govemment should be prohibited from immigrating to these United States. 5. That we unqualifiedly favor, and we ask all who believe that Araericans should rule Araerica to assist in educating the boys and girls of American citizens as raechanics and artisaris, thus fittiug thera to fill the places now filled by foreigners, who supply the skilled labor and thereby alraost entiirely control all the great indus tries of our country, save, perhaps, that of agriculture alone. 6. That we believe bossism in politics to be an outgrowth of foreign influence. We condemn it as un-American and tending to a corruptiofi of the ballot-box. We declare that the American party has not and shall not have bosses. 7. That the waters of the state belong to the lands they will irri gate, and we favor and will aid in raaintaining a broad and corapre- hensive system of irrigation that looks to the benefit of the irrigator as primary to the assumed rights of the riparian and the appropria tor ; a system controlled by the governraent, free to all, under the control of no class of persons, arid established and maintained by a revenue derived from those whora the systera will benefit. We be lieve the water is the property of the people, and that it should be so used as to secure the greatest good to the greatest number. 8. That we believe in equal and just taxation, and to accomplish this necessary reforra we favor a uniform reduction of taxes on the real estate of the cultivator of the soil, and the imposing of advanced rates on property coming under the head of luxuries. 9. That we are in favor of fostering and encouraging American 34 530 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. industries of every class and kind, and to that end would protect our horae productions and raanufactures, and inaugurate and raaintain a system that will not only exclude the cheap labor productions of other countries, but will also exclude the cheap laborers of all other countries, and prevent their coming here to compete with American workingraen. 10. That we believe the Araerican free school systera the guaran tee of huraan liberty, and that the teachings of reason and the les sons of experience lead to the conviction that national existence depends on the influence of universal education. The convention norainated an incoraplete ticket and appointed a coraraittee of seven, with authority to increase its raembers to twenty-five, to manage the affairs of the party. John F. Swift, the republican candidate, was norainated for gov ernor, but he declined the noraination in the following letter : Feank M. Pixley, Esq., Editor Argonaut: Dear Sir : I observed in this morning's issue of the Argonaut that twelve gentleraen, whose naraes are not given, have done me the honor to nominate rae for governor upon what is printed in the paper as an 'Araerican ticket," with my name at the head. The supposed views of the twelve gentlemen are set forth in the same issue of your journal, and coincide substantiaUy with the opinions which have been urged by the Argonaut for sorae years past. I do not agree with those views. I can easily understand how you, in your kind feeling toward rae personally, based upon our long-standing friendly rela tions, should be willing to vote for me, even though conscious, as I know you to be, that I do not agree with the Argonaut in its atti tude toward Roman Catholics and foreign-born citizens. But I can not so easily understand why the twelve gentlemen you refer to should also desire to confer this unsolicited and undesired honor upon me. But I am not sorry they have done so, for it gives ' me an opportunity of expressing my opinions upon the questions raised by your article. I have never in my life, either in public or private, expressed or entertained any such views as are contained in the article- suggesting my name, and which the twelve gentlemen are understood to agree with. I have never made or felt any distinction between men of our race, citizens or not citizens, on account of their nationality or re ligion, and I never shall. CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 53I I believe that the policy adopted in the early days of the republic, of extending the right of citizenship to all Europeans, in order to encourage their coraing hither, was a wise policy, and I would not change it if I had the power. And I think, further, that even if the policy as an original question was ot doubtful advantage, it is in my opinion in the highest degree unjust, and unwise because unjust, to agitate the matter over again atter millions ot good men and excel lent citizens have accepted the invitation and acted upon it. I believe that Roraan Catholics are as loyal to republican institu tions and to the United States as protestant christians or people of any other faith. And I believe that they, whether born in the United States or in foreign lands, if citizens, ought to enjoy pre cisely the sarae right as to holding office, and all other rights of citizeriship under the constitution and laws, with rayself or any other native-born citizen. Such being my views, as you know — I may say almost better than anybody, for I have so often told you so — I take it for granted the twelve gentlemen will not want me longer at the head of their ticket, but will proraptly take rae down. But whatever raay be their wishes on that subject, I beg that you will see that ray narae is taken down, and not again printed in that connection. I ara, dear sir, very truly arid sincerely, your friend, John F. Swift. 824 Valencia street, San Francisco, September 18, 1886. The name of Swift was accordingly withdrawn, and the nomination given to P. D. Wigginton. ' The other nominations were as follows : Frank M. Pixley for lieutenant-governor; 0. N. Wilson for. secretary ot state; J. E. Denny for controller; George T. White for treasurer; Alfred A. Daggett for attorney-general ; Ira G. Hoitt for superintendent of public instruction; Theodore Reichert for surveyor-general ; Samuel Frew for clerk of suprerae court. F. M. Pixley declined, and R. W. Waterraan was substituted as the norainee for lieutenant-governor. The completed ticket as prepared by the state central coraraittee, in cluded the foregoing and Jackson Teraple, A. Van R. Paterson, and Thomas B. McFarland for justices of the supreme court; for railroad commissioners, Henry Wilson frora flrst district, J. M. Litchfleld frora secorid district, and James W. Rea frora third district; for congress, Charles A. Garter frora flrst district, W. 0. Clark from 532 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. second district, H. 0. McPike frora third district, W. W. Morrow from fourth district, Charles N. Felton from fifth district, and William Vandever frora sixth district ; for merabers ot the stafce board of equalizafcion, J. S. Reynolds frora first district,. 0. H. Randall from second district, Thoraas Bair, frora third district and John T. Gaffey frora fourth district. The state central coraraittee was coraposed of F. G. Berry, W. L. Dickinson, S. Hannon, George M. McLane, J. R. White, E. B. Churchill, N. M. Orr, W. J. Hunt, P. E. Platt, Jaraes McNeal, John F. Taylor, J. M. Bassett, Jubal Clark, W. A. Caswell, Moses Rogers, F. M. Pixley, George W. Grayson, E. M. Freeman, Wm. Irelan, Sr., Robert Ash, J. F. Chapraan, 0. W. Weston, 0. B. Culver, P. Veasey, W. B. Collier, J. B. Whitney, Jaraes Durhara, W. M. Hanks, and James B. Havner. The state election was held November 2d, and resulted in the election ot the deraocratic candidates for governor, secretary of state, controller, treasurer, attorney -general, clerk ot the suprerae court, associate justice for the unexpired term, a railroad commissioner, three raerabers of the state board of equalization, and two congress raen; while on the republican ticket were elected the candidates for lieutenant-governor, surveyor-general, superintendent of public in struction, two associate justices, two railroad coraraissioners, one raember ot the state board of equalization and four congressmen. By the death of Bartlett, September 12th, 1887, Lieutenant-governor Waterman becarae governor. The official returns were as follows: For governor— Washington Bartlett, 84,970 ; John F. Swift, 84,- 816; Joel RusseU, 6,432; P. D. Wigginton, 7,347; 0. C. O'Don nell, 12,227. For lieutenant-governor — R. W. Waterman, 94,969; M. F. Tar pey, 92,476; A. D. Boren, 5,836; Horace BeU, 1,658. For secretary of state — William 0. Hendricks, 93,481; Walter S. Moore, 87,647; Frank E. Kellogg, 4498; 0. N. Wilson, 5,940. ' For controller— John P. Dunn, 95,469; J. E. Denny, 94,833; J. A. Fairbanks, 4921. For treasurer— Adam Herold, 91,572; J. H. Neff, 90,963; H. S. Graves, 5,822; George T. White, 5,717. For attorney-general — George A. Johnson, 98,102; W. H. H. Hart, 91,716; George Babcock, 5,146; Alfred Daggett, 5,533. For surveyor-general — Theodore Reichert, 98,240; E. 0. Miller, 91,398; George B. Tolman, 5,976. RESULT OF ELECTION. 533 For clerk of the suprerae court— J. D. Spencer, 92,589; James A. Orr, 90,705; JuUus Lyons, 5,258; Sarauel Frew, 3,554; Sarauel True (wrongly printed), 1,594. For superintendent of public instruction — Ira G. Hoitt, 94,448; Andrew J. Moulder, 94,250; D. A. Mobley, 3,868. .For associate justices of supreme court, full term — A. Van R. Paterson, 101,685; T. B. McFarland, 96,884; Jeremiah F. Sullivan, 92,741; Byron Waters, 90,853; Wra. 0. Murphy, 5,292. Unexpired terra— Jackson Temple, 108^645; Noble Harailton, 83,837. For railroad commissioner, first district — A. Abbott, 35,069; J. A. Filcher, 33,804; Henry Wilson, 520; W. C. Damon, 155; 0. Bate man, 588. Second district— P. J. White, 23,120; J. M. Litchfield, 22,858; John 0. Green, 2,496. Third district— James W. Rea, 36,466; W. W. Foote, 36,283; S. M. McLean, 8,174. Meraber of state board of equalization, first district — Gordon E. Sloss, 22,161; A. 0. Dithraar, 20,663; Waldron Shear, 2,207; J. S. Reynolds, 283. Second district — L. 0. Morehouse, 22,760; Charles H. RandaU, 20,688; A. J. Gregg, 1,048. Third district— 0. E. Wilcoxon, 24,338; John Beattie, Jr., 23,627; J. L. Mansfield, -9 19; Thoraas Bair, 600. Fourth district— John T. Gaffey, 27,222; M. D. HaraUton, 24,458; L. B. Hogue, 2,587. For representatives in congress, first district — Thoraas L, Thomp son, 16,499; Charles A. Garter, 15,526; L. W. Simmons, 849. Sec ond district— Marion Biggs, 17,667; J. 0. Oampbell, 16,594; W. 0. Clark, 1,076. Third district— H. 0. McPike, 13,277; Joseph Mc Kenna, 15,801; W. W. Sraith, 707. Fourth district— W. W. Mor row, 11,418: Frank McCoppin, 9,854; Chas. A. Suraner, 2,104; Robert Thompson, 84 Fifth district — Charles N. Felton, 16,328; F. J. SuUivan, 16,209; A. E. Redstone, 470; 0. Henderson, 460. Sixth district— W. Vandever, 18,259; Joseph D. Lynch, 18,204; W. A. Harris, 2,159. CHAPTER XXXIV. 1888. Prohibition Convention. — Republican Convention, May rst. — Democratic Convention. — American Party Convention. — Republi can Convention, July 31st. The executive coraraittee of the prohibition party raet at San Francisco, January 24th, and arranged for the holding of a 534 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. convention in the sarae city on the fourth ot April following. On that date the convention assembled at Metropolitan haU. John Bid- well was elected teraporary chairraan, and permanent chairman on the subsequent organization of the convention. The coraraittee on credentials reported two hundred and seventy-seven delegates enti tled to seats. The following platforra was adopted : 1. The prohibition party of California declares itself in alliance with the great national organization, having prohibition for its first organic law and governing motive, and is in sympathetic co-operation with all reforms calculated to advance the moral and material wel fare of the whole American people. Whereas, the legalized and tolerated liquor traffic is a legalized infamous crime which is visited with a corresponding curse upon our country and people, and is a war against Araerican civilization and liberty, and is subversive of all things which good men and women love and value, we earn estly invite all good citizens, without distinction of sex, race, sect, or party, to unite with us fco stamp out this death-dealing plague. We demand the extinction of the raanufacture, import, export, transport and sale of all intoxicating beverages by law enforced by effective preventive penalties. And we pledge ourselves to give our vote and influence only for persons or parfcies comraitted and pledged to use all proper means to this end, — fldelity to this plank being our only test of party fealty. 2. We invite to this work the inteUigent, law-respecting, and order- loving men and woraen of this state; those who are interested inthe protection and education of its youth, in elevating its raoral stand ards, preserving the union of states, and in developing and perpetuat ing christian civilization throughout the world. 3. We declare that the manufacture, sale, and use of alcoholic drinks is the greatest evil of the country and the age ; that the traffic enslaves women and degrades children, debases youth and wrecks manhood, corrupts ballots and injures public service, peoples prisons and tills insane asylums, breeds paupers and criminals, im poses enormous burdens of taxation, destroys capital and ruins labor; degrades, irapoverishes, and destroys our horaes, and, through organized and crirainal conspiracies, subverts law and order. So be lieving, we declare the cardinal principles of our party to be prohi bition, by constitutional amendraent, ot the manufacture of all alcoholic liquors not demanded for medicinal, mechanical, or scientific use; and the regulation by law, under severe penalties, of the sale of PROHIBITION CONVENTION. 535 alcoholic liquors for such use, and the absolute and total prohibition of the sale for any other purpose. 4. We believe that voting for raen or parties that license the drarashop is an active participation in all the guilt of the dramseller and his license. 5. We hail with pleasure the cultivation of the grape in this state, as offering our people a most pleasant, healthful, and reraunora tive occupation, and an incalculable and inexhaustible mine of wealth for many centuries to come. An unliraited raarket will always be found for all the raisins, syrups, canned fruit, and fresh grapes that the state can produce. We denounce the prostitution of the grape industry to the raanufacture of wine, brandy or other in toxicating liquors. 6. We emphatically protest against all state aid for the encourage ment of the business of making intoxicating drinks. 7. We declare that Sunday is an institution so interwoven into our laws, our custoras, our civilization, and the very structure of our government, so intricately and beneficently connected with our social, business, and raoral life, that we cannot dispense with it without sacrificing the very best interests of the country and the highest welfare of the whole people. And so believing, we demand the enactraent and enforcement of an inteUigent and rational Sun day law. 8. We are in favor of the universal and enforced education of the youth of our state, including instruction in regard to the effects of alcohol upon the human systera, with araple provision for the sup port of an adequate systera ot free public schools. 9. We recognize the noble services of woraan in the teraperarice reforra, and in every elevating, purifying, beneficent work affecting the interest of our race, and we believe that enlightened patriotisra and raanly courage demand the assertion at this tirae that woman is entitled of right to the privileges of the elective franchise. 10. We gratefully recognize the heroic and successful work of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union — national, state, and local — and welcorae our sisters as the strong right arm of the prohibition reforra and of our party, and we laraent the injustice and raisfortune that deprive our cause of the help of their ballots. 11. That we syrapathize with every proper effort to iraprove th moral, social, and financial condition of the laborer and the wage- earner, and urge this question as a proper subject of legislative enactment. But we declare that total abstinence for the individua 536 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. and the prohibition ot the liquor traffic by the state lie at the thresh- hold of labor reform. 1 2. That the sectional feeling between the north and south should be obliterated. Let us therefore know no north, south, east or west, but combine in a fraternal union to free the nation from the blighting curse of rum. 13. We demand that the inheritance of the children ot Araerica in this country shall be preserved, and that the iramigration of criminal and dangerous classes be positively prohibited; and to that end we demand a reformation of our naturalization laws. 14. We favor the governraent ownership and control of railroads and telegraphs, seeing that otherwise they will soon own and control the governraent. 15. We commend a complete reform in the civil service, and the application of sound business principles to the selection ot officers for the public service. 16. We favor the election ot United States senators by a direct vote of the people. Delegates to the national convention were elected as follows : At large — Mrs. Joel Russell, Samuel Fowler, John H. Hector, Jesse YarneU, John BidweU, and R. H. McDonald. , Provisional delegates — W. W. Smith, 0. J. Oovillaud, L. J. Becket, Mrs. Whitmore, John Dewey, and W. H. Somers. First district — L. Ewing, J. Robinson. Alternates — L. B. Scran ton, Mrs. F. A. Lake. Second district— W. O. Clark, S. M. McLean. Alternate— L. W. Elliott. Third district— 0. H. Dunn, J. WeUs. Alternates— W, W- Smith, S. P. Meads. Fourth district — R. H. McDonald, Mrs. Skelton. Fifth district— L. W. Kiraball, T. B. Stewart. Alternate— L. J. Becket. Sixth district— H. C. Witner, W. R. Goodwin. The following were chosen presidential electors: Jesse F. Wilson, W. H. Briggs, A. J. Gregg, H. H. Luse, Charies W. Pedlar, A. D. Boren. Robert Thorapson was norainated for chief justice of the supreme court. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 537 The republican state central coraraittee raet at San Francisco, March 14th, and issued a call for a conventiori to raeet at Sacra mento on May 1st following, to elect delegates to the national repub lican convention. The convention raet in the asserably charaber, and was called to order by A. P. Williams, chairraan of the state cen tral committee. M. M. Estee was elected temporary, and later, per manent chairman. The committee on platform and resolutions was composed ot Grove L. Johnson, J. A. Barbara, S. D. Woods, John A. Eagon, L. B. Mizner, W. H. Dimond, A. P. Williams, John F. Swift, T. G. Phelps, H. V. Morehouse, R. B. Carpenter, R. 0. Gas- kUl, F. S. Sprague, W. S. Woods, George A. Knight, and N. P. Chipman. The following was submitted as a raajority report: 1. We heartily indorse the administration of Governor Water man as able, honest, and economical, giving good promise for the future, and as demonstrating raost conclusively that the affairs of ithe state of California can be conducted upon business principles, with honor to the officer, satisfaction to the people and credit to the : state. 2. We commend the republican merabers of the house' of repre- :sentatives from California, Messrs. McKenna, Felton, Morrow and Vandever, for their fidelity to the interests of their constituents, and for the ability with which they have discharged the duties of their high and responsible positions. One and all they deserve well of •the people. 3. For raore than the third of a century the senior senator frora California has lived amongst us. He was our war governor, and in the hour of the nation's suprerae peril he rendered most important and illustrious services to his country. The executive skill displayed -by him in private and in public life, his commanding business ability, his intimate and thorough acquaintance with public affairs, the clean record made by' him in all official positions, as well as in the •business world, his loyalty ever raanifested to Califomia, his broad and unparalleled philanthropy, which has dedicated a princely for tune to the erection and raaintenance of an institution where the -advantages of the highest education will be open, without cost, to the child of the poorest laborer, as well as the scion of the raillion- aire, his entire freedom from factional feeling or strife in the party, added to his purity of character and lifelong devotion to the princi- j)les of the republican party, justly entitle Leland Stanford to the -confidence of the people of California. 588 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 4. We hail with pleasure the action of the republican United- States senate in its araendment to the so-called bond purchase bill,, made in the iriterest of silver coinage; and we denounce the con duct of the deraocratic house of representatives in smothering the- bill and amendment in committee, at the reprehensible dictation of the president, as bad policy, conducive only to the benefit of the- speoulators in gold. We demand the remonetization of silver and its free coinage, believing that its rehabilitation as lawful money equal to gold will be of great advantage to the people, particularly the- poorer classes of our citizens. We favor the issue by the national government of certificates for every dollar of silver bullion deposited. in its vaults, for by so doing the country will be furnished with a safe /currency adapted to the wants of the people and increasing in amount with the wealth and population of our nation. 5 We view with alarm the increase of imraigration into the^ United States of anarchists, nihilists, and socialists and other unde sirable persons who have no just appreciation of political liberty or understanding of the duties or dignities of Araerican citizens ; and i we favor such legislation as will prevent the coming of such persons - into our country. We demand the rigid enforcement of the law whicii provides for the exclusion of European or other laborers- under contract from our shores. We deraand the strictest and most rigid enforcement, in their true spirit as well as their letter, ot the naturalization laws by the various courts of the state. 6. The republican party, from its birth, has always been the special friend of the free public schools of the country. We are now, as ever, in favor of the most watchful care over such schools, to the end that they may be kept forever free from sectarian or politi cal influences. The education of the children of the land is the- sacred duty ot the citizens thereof. That duty can only be properly perforraed by strict attention to the details of their manageraent, as- well as to the funds so lavishly provided by the people for their sup port. • The end of popular governraent in America will quickly and' surely follow the disintegration of the schools or the school fund, hence all attacks made thereon, whether open or covert, in the name of politics or religion, must be sternly discountenanced and promptly defeated. The republican party calls attention with pardonable pride to its labors in the past for our free public schools as a bound less guaranty for its conduct in the future. 7. We arraign the present deraocratic adrainistration of the coun- REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 539 try as having been false at once to its pledges and the interests of the nation confided to its care. Its foreign polioy has been charac terized by cowardly stupidity and the absence of any true Araerican spirit. The dorainion of Canada, not even an independent power, destroys our fishing fleet, raaltreats its owners, and ruins our fisher men, without any effort at redress being made by the government. Weak and distracted Mexico, that exists as a nation merely by suf ferance, iraprisons and judicially raurders our citizens, without even a protest frora Washirigton authorities. The barbarians of Morocco, once soundly whipped by Araerican sailors, now insult the United States consul, while confiscating the property and scourging the bodies ot United States citizens, with no reproof or punishment. The erapire ot Gerraany forces naturalized citizens into its army, despite their pleas as Araericans for protection arid exeraption, and no deraand for their release is made or insisted upon. Its home policy has been one unbroken series of assaults upon the faith of the nation and abject subserviency to the south and its sectional deraands. Mairaed veterans of the war that saved the union are displaced from office to raake roora for unrepentant rebels. The civil service rules are fiagrantly disregarded in all the large cities of the nation, that the thugs of Baltiraore, the heelers of Phila delphia and the "b'hoys" of NewYork may receive reward for their fraudulent election services. The cry for aid from. the suffering and dependent poor of that grand array of soldiers and sailors who fol lowed Grant and Porter, Sherraan and Farragut, to victory, is contemptuously disregarded and the pension law bill for them is vetoed, while every bill for the payment of clairas from southern brigadiers for losses in the war is promptly signed. 8. The interests of the navy have been shamefully neglected and our flag perraitted to be discredited by reason of the inability of our ships , of war to sail the ocean, or to resist a collision in peaceful waters with an ordinary yacht. The whole seaboard coast of the country has been left unprotected, and not a dollar has been expended in its defense, until to day our great cities are at the raerey of the ironclads of blustering tenth-rate powers, while our forts in Sari Frarioisco harbor are destitute of powder enough even to fire a salute of welcorae to visiting men- of-war of friendly nations ; and at the same time the vast surplus accuraulated by econoraical republican adrainistrations has been allowed to reraain unused in the treasury vaults, a^ standing invita tion to corrupt schemes ot bounty legislation. 9. And, flnaUy, the raagnificent raanufacturing and industrial 540 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. interests of the whole people, so long the boast ot every true citizen, have been and are now threatened with total destruction by the free-trade fallacies, born of a belief in the principles of the beaten southern confederacy, and given power in the halls of congress by a solid south, led by the sarae forces and filled with the sarae spirit that raade secession possible and the civil war a necessity. 10. We regard the presence of the Chinese in our raidst as an evil fraught with the most dangerous consequences to the people and country alike. We rejoice that our eastern brethren have at last awakened to the curses inevitably attendant upon the admixture ot Chinese with Anglo-Saxon or English-speaking population, and we beg them to heed our warning, ere it becomes too late to save the republic from the myriad hordes of Asiatic barbarians that threaten to overwhelm us with their nurabers and custoras. We demand the unconditional repeal and abrogation of all laws or treaties that per mit these Mongolian locusts to land upon our shores, and the enaot- merit of such laws as will speedily rid us of those now here. We denounce the treaties suggested by the president and his secretary of ¦state as mere trifling with a great question and unworthy the sup port ot any good citizen. 11. The theory upon which this nation was founded is that the majority shall govern. To ascertain the will of that majority elec tions are held, at which, in theory, the people express their senti ments, and their ballots when counted decide the results. Practically, however, such is not the case in some of the states of this union dominated by the' democratic party and officered by the chiefs ot the late southern confederacy. The perpetuity of our free government depends upon the fact that there shall be a fair ballot and an honest count in every precinct of every county ot every state in the federal union. Up to the present time, such is not the case in a nuraber of states of this uniori, but, on the contrary, the will of the majority therein is stifled by fraud and violence, and the republican majori ties which would be given in six of the southem states are sup pressed by the bowie-knife and the shotgun. We demand of the national adrainistration that it secure to republicans and deraocrats alike this inestimable blessing ot a free citizen, that his vote shall be freely given and honestly counted, whether it is cast in the state of Louisiana or Massachusetts, in Mississippi or California; and until the tirae coraes when every citizen of whatever color shall be per mitted openly to express his sentiraents in all parts of the union, and his vote shall be freely given and honestly counted, the day of REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 541 reconstruction, raade necessary by the blackness of an unholy rebel lion, is not yet ended. We pledge the entire energies of the republican party to securing the desired result of a free ballot and an honest count in every state. 1 2. We proclaim anew our allegiance to the doctrine that protec tion to our home industries is the fundamental law of our nation's career. The republican party for a quarter of a century has been the defender of that principle, and has raaintained it in full force in national affairs, and to-day appeals to the people to support that doctrine, because of the glorious results that have followed its en forcement. Under its beneficent influence, the industrial, mechani cal, and manufacturing industries of the United States have devel oped with marvelous rapidity, filling the whole land with the healthful rausic of loora and forge, of shop and factory, and enabling. by their productive and enlarging capacity the country to absorb, without financial or social disturbance, a raillion soldiers into peace ful pursuits ; to bear with ease an unprecedented uatiorial debt, frequently to reduce the interest, and regularly each month the principal ot that debt ; to give remunerative eraployraent to the labor and capital of Araerican citizens and to make the credit of our country so good that its bonds sell at a preraiura equal to one-fourth of their par value. We denounce the effort now being raade to alter the Araerican protective systera as an attempt by foreign capitalists, northern theorists, and southern scheraers to place the underpaid aud poorly-fed labor of the old world into unfair corapetition with the full-paid and full-fed labor of our country, and thus to degrade the American -ivorkingman to a level with the paupers of Europe. We believe in judicious and enlightened tariff reform, but deraand that such reform be initiated by the friends, not the enemies of the American protective systera, and that it be carefully timed, so as to give all our varied industries an equal chance in the comraerce ot the nation and the world. 13. The republicans of this state four years ago instructed their delegates to the national republican convention to vote for Jaraes G. Blaine, and we regret his refusal to allow his narae to be used as a candidate at the coming national convention. The republicans of the state of California, through this convention, now reiterate their confidence in the integrity, patriotisra and erainent ability, as well as their adrairation for the conspicuous public services of Jaraes G. Blaine and we are proud of his career as an-Araerican statesraan. 542 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. George A. Knight presented the following as a minority report : That while the republican party contains many men who, by their recognized ability and devotion to the principles of the party, have proved theraselves worthy of public support and confidence and capa bility of filling honorably the highest gift of the people, the repub lican party recognizes in the Hon. James G. Blaine an eminently able and tried exponent of the principles of protection of home indpstries, of large experience in public life, of the purest publio and private character, and possessing in a marked degree those per sonal qualities which would do honor to the office of president ot the United States, but leave our delegates unpledged and unembarrassed by instructions, and free to act for the best interests of the country. The minority report was rejected, and the majority report adopted. John F. Swift, Creed Haymond, Henry T. Gage, and M. M. Estee were elected delegates at large to the national convention, with N. W. Spaulding, E. P. Danforth, Richard Gird, and J. A. Clayton as their respective alternates. Delegates from the congressional dis tricts were elected as follows: First district, H. W. Byington and J. F. Ellison; alternates, W. H. Pratt and M. 0. Been. Second district, D. E. Knight and A. M. Sirapson; alternates, W. A. Long and W. G. Long. Third district, R. D. Robbins and Eli S. Deni son; alternates, M. P. Ivory and W. 0. Van Fleet. Fourth district, W. H. Diraond and 0. F. Crocker; alternates, John T. Cutting and David McClure. Fifth district, M. H. De Young and F. 0. Franck; alternates, P. Beamish and Duncan McPherson. Sixth district, H. L. Osborne and Paris Kilburn; alternates, J. M. Martin and F. H. Heald. The convention adjourned sine die on May 1st, having finished its work in one day. The democratio state central coraraittee raet at San Francisco, April 2d, and issued a call tor a convention to be held at Los Ange les, on May 15th. On that day the convention met and was caUed to order by W, D. English, chairman of the state central committee. R. F. Del Valle was elected teraporary chairraan, and permanent chairraan on final organization. The coramittee on platform and resolutions consisted of Stephen M. White, J. A. HiU, E. S. Lip pitt, D. A. Ostrora, A. 0. Paulsell, W. S. Manlove, W. W. Foote, P. J. Murphy, P. F. Dunne, N. Bowden, John Foley, W. H. Ham- DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 543 -mond, J. P. Haynes, E. W. Townsend, U. S. Gregory, Russell Heath, and J. W. Levison. The committee raade the following report, which was unani mously adopted : We indorse the administration of Grover Cleveland. His earnest and intelligent efforts in the interests of the people have justly won the plaudits of all patriotic citizens. When he was elected to per- -forra the duties of the high office the functions ot which he has so ably discharged, our political opponents confidently avowed that his .incurabency would result in disaster and ruin. The prosperity whioh has accompanied his adrainistration, the unflagging zeal which he has manifested in promoting the welfare ot all, the unsullied char acter of the public servants of his selection by whom he is sur rounded have deraonstrated that the people were right in deraanding • a change of adrainistration, and that the perraanency of our insti tutions and the maintenance of our proud position as a people de pend upon democratic ascendency. The democracy, under the leadership of Grover Cleveland, seeks to deal at once with the issues •of the day and to utilize governmental authority to improve the -condition of the governed. The republican organization, controlled as it is by persons whose transgressions have driven them frora place, .seeks restoration to power by appealing to issues buried in the ob livion of a quarter of a century. Its aspiration, as contained in the declarations of its leaders, is to revive dissensions and discord, which have long since been forgotten by all right-thinking men. The deraocracy is pledged to an equitable revision of the tariff. The republican party, while admitting the inequality and injustice ¦of the revenue laws enacted under the excitement and necessities -of a great war, persistently fails to suggest any reform, and obsti nately seeks to defeat all efforts directed at the adoption of a just and comprehensive measure. We believe in fostering American -industry, but we oppose the subsidizing of great monopolies and the centralization of raoney in the hands of a few autocrats "whose airas and wishes are wholly at variance with the welfare of the toilers of the land. We heartily indorse that progressive measure, commen surate with and raade necessary by the growth and needs of our -country, the raessage of the president urging a reforra in our tariff 'which will lessen the exactions now practiced upon our people. 1. That this convention recoraraend the passage of an act of con gress providing for the free coinage of both gold and silver, by the 544 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. terms of which act. all gold and silver bullion offered at the severat mints of the United States shall be received in exchange for money, or gold or silver certificates, at the rate now fixed by law for stand ard dollars of gold and silver, which certificates shall be receivable for public purposes and interchangeable for gold and silver, as the case may be. 2. We are, as ever, absolutely opposed to Chinese iraraigration.. We congratulate the people upon the success which has attended the efforts of the deraocratic administration in so araending our treaty with, the Chinese empire as to practically exclude the Mongol ian from our shores. Long years of republican control failed to accoraplish this result, and it was left for the adrainistration of Grover Cleveland to forraulate successfully a treaty which settles a question with which republicans have been incorapetent to deal. By this treaty all prior-residence pleas are rendered ineffectual, and all return certificates now extant absolutely invalidated. We pledge- our representatives in congress to procure the enactraent of such. legislation as will render it irapossible for republican federal judges- to defeat its purposes or nullify the provisions of a treaty which has for the first tirae rendered absolute exclusion possible. 3. The public lands of the United States should be disposed of to- actual settlers only. During republican dorainancy, immense bodies- of the national doraain passed into the hands of corporate and for eign syndicates forraed for the creation of individual fortunes. The terras of these grants were persistently violated by the beneficiaries,. and these violations passed unheeded until a democratic administra tion, in obedience to the platforra of its principles and the last na tional convention, declared thera forfeited, thus tendering to those- seeking homes in good faith more than forty raillions of acres which, had been withheld frora the people under republican rule for the- benefit of the selfish few. We comraend the policy of Grover Cleveland in this regard, and congratulate our chief executive upon the success which has attended the administration of the affairs of the United States land and survey offices within the state of Calir fornia. 4 We are in favor of the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people of the several states, anjd earnestly urge the adoption of such an amendment to the constitution of the Unite(£ States as will accoraplish that result. 5. That the deraocracy of this state hereby proclaims itself in, favor of the establishraent of a postal telegraph law, whereby the DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 545 general government shall combine with its present cheap postal systera a systera of cheap postal telegraphy. 6. We endorse the action and policy of our deraocratic senator and representatives in congress, and are confident that the welfare of our state is safe in their keeping. 7. That we favor the enactment of such measures as shall place our various industries on an equality before the law in the use and distribution of the waters of the streams of this state for irrigation, mining, mUling, and other beneficial purposes. 8. We coramend the action of our democratic state officials in pressing the Califomia tax cases toward ultimate decisions, and hope this most important issue will not be perraitted to rest without final adjudication upon its raerits. We once more condemn the acts of those corporations which have persistently refused to pay their law ful portion of thepublic revenue. This failure to respond to a just demand has seriously contracted the public school fund and must render our educational systera less effective until collection is enforced or the honest taxpayer is compelled to contribute beyond his propo^-tionate share. The republican party, ever sincere in its professions, has finally disavowed all intention to resist the deraands of its corporate raasters. It refuses to stigmatize their encroach ments or to question their misconduct, but on the contrary, as the action of its late state convention deraonstrates, yields ready compli ance to their dictation. , While tully appreciating the benefits of organized capital, we declare that the protection of those privileges which our constitution declares are the coramon heritage, is par amount to the increase of individual wealth. 9. We believe that the public should be protected from the great non-taxpaying trusts and corporations - which now challenge the authority of the governraent. The deraocratic party was founded to maintain the interests and liberties of the people ; it alone is cora petent to resist those enoroachraents which imperil the safety of the state. The republican party, while professing to be the friend of labor, has demonstrated by its uniforra action that its tendencies are toward the creation of monopolies and trusts through whose instru mentality alone it hopes to perpetuate its existence. The demo cratic party eraanated from the people. Its aim has always been to care for the weak and to be just to the strong. While ifc is ever ready to promote the industries and to stimulate enterprise, it will never permit wealth to shirk its rightful obligations or to impose 546 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA: upon poverty the expenses of a governraent formed for the benefit of all. 10. That in the death of our late governor, Washington Bartlett, the state of California lost an upright citizen and an honorable and conscientious executive. As county clerk and raayor of San Fran cisco, and as senator from that city, he gave unmistakable proof of his capability and integrity. Elevated to the high office of govemor ot the state, he had but just begun to give the people the benefits of his great experience when he was suraraoned to his lasting rest. Appre ciating the lofty qualities which made him the favorite of the people, we join in the universal sorrow which has followed his untimely demise. His life fumishes an example which may be well imitated. His faithful discharge of public duties demonstrated the sincerity of his democracy. 11. As Grover Cleveland possesses the great qualities essential to a chief magistrate of this great republic, and satisfied that the most sacred interests of the people have never been committed to purer or abler keeping, we express the earnest hope that he will for a second time be selected as the standard-bearer of the deraocratic party. Norainations were raade as follows: For electors-at-large: B. D. Murphy and 0. P. Berry, they receiv ing 866 and 479 votes respectively, to 185 for John P. Irish. R. B. Mitchell and H. J. Corcoran were elected alternates. Niles Searls for chief justice, on the second ballot, by 284 votes to 179 for J. F. SuUivan, and 47 for J. W. Armstrong. J. F. Sullivan for associate justice. For representatives in congress: first district, Thomas L. Thorap son; second district, Marion Biggs; third district, Ben Morgan; Fourth district, Robert Ferral; fifth district, Thomas J, Clunie; sixth district, R. B. Terry. For presidential electors : First district, F. Beringer ; alternate, E. S. Lippitt. Second district, A. Carainetti ; alternate, A. T. Vogelsang. Third district, Charles A. Jenkins; alternate, E. K Leake. Fourth district, P. J. Murphy; alternate, P. F. Dunne., Fifth district, N. Bowden ; alternate, Joseph Napthaly. Sixth dis trict, Byron Waters ; alternate, B. S, Hayne. For delegates to national deraocratic convention : At large, M. F. Tarpey, Stephen M. White, Clay W. Taylor, arid W. D. English ; alternates, R. M. Fitzgerald, Victor Montgomery, M. T. Dooling, CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 547 and E. H. Bryant; first district, Jaraes E. Murphy and Robert Cosner; alternates, F. E. Johnston and W. P. Mathews; second dis trict, J. A. Filcher and George H. Castle; alternates, J. D. Young and L. BurweU; third district, J. J. White and E. G. Blessing ; alternates, E. McGettigan and L. B. Adaras ; fourth district, Joseph Clark and Edward Curtis; alternates, Samuel Newraan and S. Braunhart; fifth district, 0. T. Ryland and Maurice Schmidt; alter nates, J. S. Potts and 0. P. Stone; sixth district, WUUara Graves and V. D. Knupp ; alternates, B. Cohn and W. D. Grady. The convention adjourned sine die. May 17th. Pursuant to a resolution adopted by the state central coraraittee ot the Araerican party. May 16th, the convention assembled in Pio neer hall, San Francisco, July 4th. Two hundred and seventeen delegates were present, representing raore than halt the counties of the State. L. A. Garnett was elected teraporary chairraan. P. D. Wigginton, S. S. Holl, A. A. Daggett, B. 0. Cuvillier, V. J. Robert son, W. L. Peet, Chapman, Norton, and Wilson were appointed merabers of the coramittee on platform and resolutions. On per manently organizing, P. D. Wigginton was elected chairman with out opposition, and A. A. Daggett and S. S. Holl. vice-chairmen. The following platforra was adopted : Whereas, Believing that the tirae has arrived when a due regard for the present and future prosperity of our country makes it im perative that the people of the United States of America should take full and entire control of their government to the exclusion of the revolutionary and incendiary horde ot foreigners now seeking our shores from every quarter of the world ; and recognizing that the first and most important duty of an Araerican citizen is to raain tain this governraent in all attainable purity and strength, we raake the following declaration of principles : * 1. That all law-abiding citizens of the United States of America, whether native or foreign borri, are political equals, arid all are enti tled to and should receive the full protection of the laws. Whereas, There are seventeen states in this union wherein per sons are allowed to vote at all elections, without being citizens of the United States ; and whereas, such a system tends to place the manageraent of the government in the hands of those who owe no aUegiance to our political institutions, therefore, be it resolved, 2. That the federal constitution should be so amended that the federal and state governraents shall be forbidden and prevented frora 548 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. conferring upon ariy persori the right to vote, unless such person be a citizen of the United States. 3. That the naturalization laws of the United States should be unconditionally repealed. 4. That the soil of America should belong to Americans ; that no alien non-resident should be permitted to> own real estate in the United States, and that the real possessions of the resident alien should be limited in valup and area. 5. That all persons not in syrapathy with our goverumerit should be prohibited from iraraigratiug to the United States of Araerica for the purpose of business or the intention of perraanent residence ; 6. That we favor educating the boys and girls of American citi zens as mechanics and artisans, thus fitting them to fill the places now filled by foreigners, who supply the greater part of our skilled labor and thereby alraost entirely control all the great industries of our country, save, perhaps, that of agriculture alone. And, in order to accoraplish the object here stated, we deraand that the states establish free technical schools, wherein Araerican boys and girls raay be taught trades and thereby becorae skilled artisans and mechanics. 7. That we believe "bossisra" in politics to 'be an outgrowth ot foreign influence. We conderan it as un-American and tending to a corruption of the ballot-box. We declare that the American party shall not have bosses. 8. That we believe in equal and just taxation, and to accorapUsh this necessary reform we favor a uniforra reduction of taxes on the real estate of the cultivator of the soil, and the imposing of advanced rates on property coming under the head of luxuries. 9. That we are in favor of fostering and encouraging American industries of every class and kind, and to that end would protect our home productions and manufactures, and inaugurate and raain tain a systera that will not only exclude the corapetitive cheap labor productions of other countries, but will also exclude the cheap laborers of other countries and prevent them coming here to com pete with American workingraen ; and. Whereas, One of the greatest evils of unrestricted foreign irami gration is the reduction of the wages of the American working-man and woraan to the level of the underfed and underpaid labor of for eign countries, 10. Therefore, we deraand that congress pass an immigration law whereby a per capita tax shall be levied upon and collected from all CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 549 imraigrants coraing to the United States ; and that such tax be made large enough to restrain further immigration from all foreign coun tries. 11. That universal education is a necessity ot our government, and that our American free-school system should be maintained and preserved as fche safeguard of Araerican liberfcy ; that in our free coramon schools there shall be no language taught except the English language. 12. That under no circumstances should any ot the public funds be diverted to or used tor the benefit of any sectarian or ecclesiast ical school or institution whatever. 13. That in view of the neglected and defenseless condition of our harbors and sea coast, a liberal expenditure of the surplus which accumulates from our system of taxation should be devoted to erecting fortifications for the defense of our harbors and sea coast and for the creation and support of an efficient navy ; and that such expenditures should be made in the eraployraent of Araerican citizens only. 14. That the Araerican party recognizes in the saloon the great agency by which corruption in politics is fostered and the power of the bosses maintained ; and hereby pledges itself honestly and earn estly to work for the restriction of the evil to the narrowest possi ble limit. The following were elected delegates to the national convention of the American party, to be held at Washington : F. M. Pixley, V. J. Robertson, P. D. Wigginton, and A. A. Daggett, delegates at large; E. E. HaU and Wilfred Page, frora first corigressional district; N. M. Orr arid J. F. McSwain, frora second ; J. M. Bassett and G. W. Grayson, frora third ; N. S. Keith and L. A. Oarnett, frora fourth ; N. P. Cole and N. F. Spear, frora fifth, and 0. N. Wilson and L. S. Rogers, frora the sixth congressional district. This list of dele gates was increased by the addition of the naraes of M. J. Donahoe, Charles Riggs, N. George, and G. 0. Jennings. Presidential electors were nominated as follows : P. D. Wigginton, F. M. Pixley, A. A. Daggett, J. West Martin, and Drury Melone were nominated for electors at large. On a ballot being taken, Wigginton and Pixley receiving 81 and 70 votes respectively, were declared the nominees over Daggett 69, Martin 7, and Melone 5. Alexander Duncan was naraed for elector for the first congressional district, N. M. Orr for the second, J. West 550 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. Martin for the third, L. A. Garnett for the fourth, D. Larabert for the fifth, and 0. N. Wilson for the sixth. J. West Martin after ward resigned, and Daniel Inman was substituted by the state cen tral coramittee. J L. Lyon was substituted for P. D. Wigginton, who was afterward norainated for the office of vice-president The nomination of a candidate for the office of chief justice was referred to the state central coraraittee, as was also the selection of alternates for the national delegates and presidential electors. The convention adjourned sine die on July 5th. The state central comraittee norainated W. H. Beatty for chief justice and J. D. Works for associate justice. The following were norainated for congress: W. D. Reynolds, frora first district; J. F. McSwain, frora second district; S. Solon Holl, frora third district; Frank M. Pixley, frora fourth district : Frank M. Stone, frora fifth district, and A. A. Daggett from sixth district The republican state central committee met at San Francisco, May 4th, and issued a call for a convention to be held in San Fran cisco, July 31st, Nominations were to be raade for the offices ot presidential electors, congressmen, chief justice, and associate justice of the suprerae court. The delegates assembled at the appointed time and were called to order by W. H. Diraond, chairman of the state central coraraittee. George G. Blanchard was elected tem porary, and later, permanent chairman. The comraittee on plat^ forra and resolutions was appointed, to consist of David McClure, Pratt of Humboldt; 0. A. Garter, J. 0. Campbell, J. M. Fulweiler, 0. T. Jones, J. P. Abbott; Bayless of San Francisco, John T, Dare, Cooper of Santa Cruz, A. R. Conklin, J. G. North, W. H Diraond, R. B. Carpenter, L. B. Mizner, G. W. Francis, and W. S, Wood The committee made the following report, which was unani mously adopted : 1. That the republicans of the state of California, in convention assembled, indorse and re-affirm the national platform of the republi can party adopted at its convention recently held in Chicago, and we congratulate the. country upon the noraination of Harrison and Morton, the true representatives of the American policy of protec tion to Araericari iridustries and Araerican labor. 2. That we declare the welfare of California demands and the dignity of labor and the interests of capital require the maintenance REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 551 by the national government of the American systera of a tariff pro tection. Under this policy, which has been constantly supported by the republican party since its foundation, our varied industries have been fostered and extended, our laboring classes have enjoyed better wages than in any other part of the world, and the whole country has achieved unparalleled prosperity. We denounce the free-trade polioy which the democratic party has advocated since 1840 as dan gerous to the national interests of the country and to the welfare of American labor. We arraign the deraocratic party of California for supporting the national democratic party, which stands upon a platform that declared for British free trade, as proraulgated by the Mills bill, and view with alarm this assault upon our American labor. We insist that the success of this British policy would destroy the growing industries of our comraonwealth, especially the grape, raisin, nut, wool, luraber, borax, lead, quicksilver, sugar-beet, and cereal industries, and also our manufacturing industries, and would reduce the wages of our workingraen. 3. That we pledge to the Araerican people, and especially the people of Oalifornia, that our candidates for congress, if elected, will sustain the protection policy of the republicau party and will oppose the British and solid south policy of the deraocratic party; that our American industries shall be protected for the benefit of the Ameri can people, and that American labor shall be fostered and protected as against the competition of foreign cheap labor. We denounce as un-American and contrary to the best interests of the republic the cheap-labor policy of the deraocratic solid south of to-day as -we did the slave-policy of the democratic solid south of 1861, and we declare that the one was and the other, if permitted to continue, will be destructive of the best interests of the laboring classes of this republic. 4. That the purity of the ballot is the pillar of the state, and the denial of a free ballot to the humblest American citizen, whatever his color or race, imperils the liberties of the people. We, therefore, denounce as dangerous to our country the democratic policy of the solid south in depriving the colored people living there of their right to vote. A government based upon frauds coraraitted against the elective franchise cannot long survive. 5. That a financial policy, whereby both gold and silver shall forra the basis of circulation, whether the raoney used by the people be coin, or certificates redeemable in coiri, or both, as converiience may require, is iraperatively demanded. 552 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 6, That we coraraend the repubUcan raembers of congress from California for their fidelity to the interests of their coristitue'rits, and for the ability with which they have discharged the duties of their high and responsible positions. 7. That we commend our representatives in congress for their efforts iri behalf of restrictive Chinese legislation, thus redeeraing the pledges of the party raade for them, and renew our determination to make such restriction effective and in every way to prevent the corapetition of Chinese with Araerican labor. We thank the republican national convention for its eraphatic declaration on the subject, and we have implicit faith that the republican party of the nation -will protect us in all our industries against the Chinese. Norainations were raade as follows : Williara H. Beatty for chief justice, by 812 votes, to 123 for W. E. Greene, and 23 for G. G. Clough. J. D. Works for associate justice, by acclaraation. W. H. L. Barnes and John F. Swift tor electors at large, by acclamation, with G. G. Blanchard and 0. T. .Tones as alternates. The following were nominated by the respective district conven tions : For representatives in congress : first district, J. J. DeHaven ; second district, John A. Eagon ; third district, Joseph McKenna ; fourth district, W. W. Morrow; fifth district, T. G. Phelps ; sixth district, Williara Vandever. For presidential electors : first district, T. L. Carothers ; alternate, 0. 0. Bush. Second district, G. W. ScheU; alternate, F. W. Street. Third district, L. B. Mizner ; alternate, -J. P. Abbott. Fourth dis trict, Sarauel M. Shortridge ; alternate, 0. Dunker. Fifth district, George A. Knight ; alternate, Jaraes B. Lowe, Sixth district, H. M. Streeter; alternate, H. V. Morehouse. The convention adjourned sine die on the same day. At the election held in Noveraber all ot tbe candidates on the re publican ticket were elected, with the exception of two of the six congressmen. The official returns were as follows: For presidential electors: Republican — Swift, 124,754; Barnes, 124754; Schell, 124,751; Carothers, 124789; Knight, 124816; Streeter, 124,809; Shortridge, 124,781; Mizner, 124,802. Demo cratic—Berry, 117,698; B. D. Murphy, 117,676; Beringer, 117,697; Carainetti, 117,729; Jenkins, 117,626; P. J. Murphy, 117,634; RESULT OF ELECTION. 553 Bowden, 117,640; Waters, 117,675. Araerican— Lyon, 1,340; In raan, 1,545; Garnett, 1,555; Wilson, 696; Duncan, 1,545; Pixley, 1,591; Larabert, 1,544; Orr, 1,539. Prohibition— Bidwell, 5,761; McDonald, 5,760; Luse, 5,744; WUson, 5,748; Briggs, 5,745; Gregg, 5,787; Pedlar, 5,746; Boren, 5,736. For chief justice, unexpired term— W. H. Beatty, 124,617; Niles Searls, 119,901; Robert Thompson, 6,261. For associate justice, unexpired terra— J. D. Works, 123,477; J. F. SuUivan, 122,974 For representatives in corigress: First district— J. J. De Haveri, 19,845; T. L. Thorapsori, 19,019; W. D. Reyriolds, 428. Second district— Marion Biggs, 19,064; John A. Eagon, 17,541 ;-S. M. McLean, 913; J. F. McSwain, 138. Third district— Joseph Mc Kenna, 19,912; Ben Morgan, 14,633; W.W. Smith, 657; S. Solon Holl, 338. Fourth district— W. W. Morrow, 14,217; Robert Ferral, 13,624; Frank M. Pixley, 173. Fifth district— T. J. Clunie, 20,276; T. G. Phelps, 20,225. Sixth district— W. Vandever, 35,406; R. B. Terry, 29,453; J. G. Miller, 2,375; A. Daggett, 150. The presidential electors, Barnes, Mizner, Knight, Shortridge, Streeter, Swift, Carothers, and Schell, met at Sacraraento, January 14th, 1889, and cast their votes for Benjarain Harrison and Levi P. Morton for president and vice president, respectively, of the United States. Mizner was selected to convey the returns to Wash ington. CHAPTER XXXV. 1890. Prohibition Convention. — American Party Convention. — Re publican Convention. — Democratic Convention. The state convention of the prohibition party convened afc Pioneer hall, San Francisco, April 9th. It was called to order by George Morris, chairman of the executive comraittee. John Bidwell was elected teraporary chairraari. M. 0. Wirichester, George T. Elliott, D. 0. Taylor, 0. H. Dunn, arid others were appointed a coraraittee on platforra and resolutions. On perraanently organizing, L. W. Elliot was raade chairraan. The following platforra was reported by the coramittee, and after much discussion was adopted : 554 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 1. That the national prohibition platform meets our unqualified approval and endorseraent. 2. That the liquor traffic has become an evil of such vast magni tude, boldly and insolently violating and defying the laws that have been made to control ifc, endangering the sfcability and perpetuity of free government, debauching and dominating the political parties that foster and protect it, wasting the wealth of the state and nation, driving out the sunshine of peace and happiness frora the homes ot the people, making them wretched and desolate; breeding immoraUty, vice, and crime; filling our jails, penitentiaries, and insane asylums with its wretched and ruined victiras, the best interests of society and good governraent demand the total suppression of the liquor traffic by both state and national constitutional araendraents, and that we will continue to make this the cardinal principle- of the prohibi- tiori party. 3. That the attitude of the old political parties toward the tem perance question is such as to destroy all confidence in their promises to suppress or control the liquor traffic, aud that, therefore, the pro hibition party, as a political organization, is an imperative necessity, and will raake no compromise with those parties ori high license, or other coraproraise raeasures, whose only object is to secure the liquor vote. 4. That we enter our eraphatic protest against the appropriation of raoney frora the state treasury to advance the wine interests, and for other pernicious and iraraoral purposes, and denounce it as an outrage upon the tax-payers of the state, and will not vote or give our influence to any candidate for office who is not opposed to such appropriations. 5. That we affirra the dignity of labor, and are in hearty sympa thy with all just and enlightened. movements for the elevation ot the laboring classes and the harmonious co-operation of labor and capital, and to this end, we are in favor of the closing of our shops and fac tories on Saturday aftemoon when practicable. 6. That we most kindly and cordially invite to our ranks the fathers and mothers whose homes are endangered, the artisan in his shop, the raechanic at his bench, the toiler in the field, every wage earner of whatever profession or occupation, and every organization that has for its purpose the betterment ot their fellow raan, for the overthrow of this gigantic evil. 7. That the combination of trusts and monopolies to subsidize the public press, corrupt legislation and courts of justice, increase the PROHIBITION CONVENTION. 555 ¦price of commodities, and oppress the wage-worker, is a gigantic usurpation of the people's rights, and that we favor the entire over throw of such raonopolies and trusts in the state and nation. ' 8. That we view with alarm the wholesale corruption, bribery, and political bossisra that has obtained in the state elections, and deraand such a revision of our laws in the systera of voting as shall •secure to citizens of every class equal rights, and raost effectually prevent the abuses now existing, and to that end we favor the Aus tralian ballot systera. 9. That we recognize a coraraon bond of syrapathy between the prohibition party of Oalifornia and the farraers' alliance, an organi- .zation recently forraed by the union of the grangers and the knights of labor, and inasrauch as the farmers' alliance has corae out squarely for prohibition, we extend to them the right hand of feUowship, and invite them to make common cause with us in the coming cam paign. 10. That we favor the enactment and rigid enforcement of what are known as civil service reforra laws, and their extension to all -clerical positions and the postoffice systera. 11. That we favor the changing of the tax system ot the state so as to secure the payment ot taxes in equal araounts half yearly. 12. That we are in favor of governraent ownership and control of the railroads and telegraph lines, and the raanageraent of the same -for the public good. And that we favor the establishraent of postal -^savings banks. 13. That we favor the election of United States senators by the -direct vote of the people. 14. That we favor a modification ot thenaturalization laws of the United States so as to require a longer residence than now required, •and so as to guard raore carefully against the naturalization of ignorant, vicious, and crirainal persons. 15. That we favor a law requiring an educational test for the right of suffrage, and that we favor extending the right of suffrage to all 'persons otherwise qualified, without regard to sex. 16. That we recognize the Woraan's Christian Temperance Union .as one of the most successful of aU the allies of the temperance cause, ;and especially of the prohibition work, and that we ask their con tinued co-operation in our work. 17. That we favor the enactraent of a law requiring one day in rseven as a day of rest as a civU institution, but providing that when .any individual habituaUy rests from labor upon a certain day of the 556 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. week, such person shall not be required to rest upon any other day; and providing further that in no case shall intoxicating liquors be sold upon such rest day. Norainations were made as follows : For governor, John Bidwell ; for lieutenant-governor, A. M. Hough ; for secretary of state, F. E. Kellogg ; for treasurer, Henry French; for controller, M. 0. Winchester; for attorney-general, Chauncey H. Dunn ; for superintendent of public instruction. Miss S. M. Severance; for surveyor-general, E. M. Chase; for clerk of suprerae court, J. T. Price ; for raerabers of congress, first district, L. B. Scranton ; second district, J. S. Witherell ; third district, 0. 0. Felkner; fourth district, J. Rowell; fifth district, E. F. Howe;, sixth district, O. R. Dougherty. For railroad commissioners : first district, R. G. Hart ; second district, H. .E. Luse ; third district, J. G. Miller. For raerabers of state board of equalization : first district, H. B. Burlingarae; second district, D. 0. Taylor; third district, E.. 0. Gilbert; fourth district, S. Fowler. The convention adjourned sin^ die on April 10th. By a resolution of the state central coramittee of the American party the convention was called to meet in San Francisco, July 4th, but at a subsequent meeting of the comraittee held June 12th, the- date was changed to August 4th. On the latter date the conven tion raet at Pioneer hall, San Francisco. It was called to order by F. W. Eaton, chairraan of the state central coraraittee, and A. A. Daggett was elected teraporary chairman. The coraraittee on plat form and resolutions was coraposed of J. M. Bassett, Williara Win nie, E. 0. WiUiaras, Clark Blethen, W. Mayerhofer, S. Solon HoU, I. N. Wright, H. 0. Goodyear, and W. D. J. Harably. On per raanently organizing, A. A. Daggett was continued as chairman. The committee presented the following resolutions, which were adopted : Whereas, Believing that the time has arrived when a due regards for the present and future prosperity of our country niakes it impera tive that the people of the United States of Araerica should take- full and entire control of their governraent to the exclusion of the revolutionary and incendiary horde of foreigners now seeking our shores frora every quarter of the world, and recognizing that the first and raost important duty of an American citizen is to raaintain this government in all attainable purity and strength, we make the following declaration of principles : CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 557 1. That all law-abiding citizens of the United States of Araerica, whether native or foreign born, are political equals aud are entitled to and should receive the full protection of the laws. Whereas, there are at least seventeen states, in this union wherein persons are allowed to vote at all elections, without being citizens of the United States ; and whereas such a systera tends to place the raanageraent of the governraent in the hands ot those who owe no allegiance to our political institutions; therefore, be it resolved, 2. That the federal constitution should be so araended that the federal and state governraents shall be forbidden and prevented frora conferring upon any person the right to vote, unless such person be a citizen of the United States. 3. That the naturalization laws of the United States should be unconditionally repealed. 4. That the soil of America should belong to Araericans ; that no alien non-resident should hereafter be perraitted to acquire real estate in the United States. And whereas, tracts of raillions of acres of land have heretofore been acquired and are now owned by subjects of foreign govern ments, which under existing laws raay be transraitted, intact, from generation to generation, thus enabling foreigners to build up and maintain iraraense landed estates in this country ; therefore, re solved, 5. That we favor an araendment to the constitution of the United States prohibiting non-resident aliens frora transmitting real property by will; and render for ever incompetent all persons whomsoever from taking real property frora non-resident aliens by devise or descent. And whereas, by reason of the lax condition ot the state and national land laws, in reference to the disposition of the public land, aliens, resident and non-resident, have been enabled to acquire and have acquired vast tracts of the public lands, and have thereby deprived Amerioan citizens of their birthright; now, therefore, in order to prevent the continuance of this great evil, be it resolved, 6. That we demand that the national and state land laws be so amended that no persons except native born citizens shall be. per mitted to enter or purchase any public land frora the state or national governments. 7. That the ownership of land by resident aliens should be liraited in area and value. 8. That we favor educating the boys and girls of Araerican citi- 558 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. zens as mechanics and artisans, thus fitting them to fill the places now filled by foreigners, who supply the greater part of our skilled labor and thereby almost entirely control all the great industries of our country, save, perhaps, that of agriculture alone, and, in order to accoraplish the object here stated, we deraand that the state establish free technical schools wherein Araerican boys and girls raay be taught trades and thereby becorae skilled artisans and raechanics. 9. That we believe in equal and just taxation, and to accomplish this necessary reform we favor a uniforra reduction of taxes on the real estate of the cultivator of the soil, and the iraposing of advanced rates on property coming under thehead of luxuries. 10. That we are in favor of fostering and encouraging American- industries of every class and kind, and to that end would protect our home productions and manufactures, and inaugurate and main tain a systera that will not only exclude the corapetitive cheap labor productions of other countries, but will also exclude the cheap, laborers ot other countries and prevent them coming here to com pete with Araerican workingraen ; but we denounce the so-called issue ot protection versus free trade, as used by the deraocratic and republican parties, as a fraud and a snare, and we charge that the consideration which these parties manifest for the rights of American labor is a shara and a pretense. The best "protection" is that which protects the labor and life blood of the republic from the de grading competition with and contamination by imported'foreigners ;! and the raost dangerous "free trade" is that in paupers, criminals,. comraunists, and anarchists, in which the balance has always been against the United States. Whereas, One of the greatest evils of unrestricted foreign immi gration is the reduction of the wages of the American workingman and woman to the level of the underfed and underpaid labor of for eign countries, 11. Therefore, we demand that congress pass iraraigration laws whereby a per capita tax shall be levied upon and collected from all immigrants coming to the United States,' and that such tax be made large enough to restrain further immigration frora all foreign countries; and that all persons not in syrapathy with our govern-' ment should be prohibited from iraraigrating to' these United States. 12. We regard the American common school system as one of the chief factors in the forraation and one of the principal powers for tbe. perpetuation of our republican form of government. In a- CONVENTION OF AMERICAN PARTY. 559" government "of the people, by the people and for the people" in telligence is one of the principal elements of safety, and a common school education should be made compulsory by law. Education is a sacred debt which the present generation owes to the future. The comraon schools raust continue to be the nurseries ot citizenship, where our youths shall be taught the comraon branches, the history, the principles, and the spirit of American institutions, and where the highest standard of excellence as regards moral, raental, and in dustrial education shall be maintained, and from which shall be rigidly excluded all sectarian and denominational teaching, in order that children of all nationalities molded by them shall become Americans. The common schools must be protected frora all as saults, native or foreign, sectarian or ecclesiastical ; and all private schools raust be under state inspection, and teach the English lan guage as a preparation for intelligent citizenship. The Araerican fiag ought to float over every school building in the land as an object lesson in patriotisra for childhood, and as a syrabol to the world that we consider these buildings thfe arsenals of our strength. As an iraportant step in defense ot the coraraon school systera ot educa tion arid the perpetuation of the separation of church and state we join with other citizens in seeking to incorporate in the constitution ot the United States a sixteenth araendraent erabodying the follow ing prohibitions : "No state shall pass any law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or use its property or credit, or any money raised by taxation, or authorize either to be used for the purpose of founding, maintain ing,. or aiding by appropriation, payment for services, expenses, or otherwise, any church, religious denoraination, or religious society, or any institution, society, or undertaking which is wholly or in part under sectarian, or ecclesiastical control." 13. That after the year 1898, no person shall be allowed to exer cise the right of suffrage unless he can speak, read, and write the English. language intelligently. 14. That the Araerican party recognizes in the saloon the great agency by which corruption in politics is fostered, and the power of the bosses raaintained ; and hereby pledges itself to work honestly and earnestly for the restriction of the evil to the narrowest possi ble lirait. 15. That the American party believes in and will do its utraost toward raaintaining a pure ballot-box, and to that end we are in 560 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. favor of an election law which embodies the features and principles of the Australian ballot system. 16. That the American party believes in a free and full expres sion of the people upon all questions of public interest, and for the better attainment of this end we favor the enactraent of a law by which any question of general iraport, upon the petition to the governor of three per cent ot the total vote cast at the last previous election, shall be subraitted to the electors at the next gerieral election for their approval or rejection. Believing that the indus tries ot Araerica deraand an increase of circulating medium, the Araerican party hereby declares itself in favor of the free coinage of silver. • 17. That we are heartily in favor of the bill introduced in the senate of the United States by the Hon. Leland Stanford, providing for loaning the raoney of the governraent to agriculturists at low rates ot interest, taking as security therefor the land of the bor rower ; and we earnestly urge upon congress the passage of this bill. A motion to strike out the last resolution was lost by a vote of 24 to 72. Nominations for state officers were made on Tuesday, August Sth. For governor, John Bidwell received 71 votes on the first ballot, against 53 for Ben Morgan, and 7 for N. P. Chipraan. The other norainations raade were : For lieutenant-govemor, Ben Morgan ; for secretary of state, Williara S. Lyon ; for state treasurer, Guy E. Grosse; for controller, M. C. Winchester; for attorney general Chauncey H. Dunn ; for surveyor-general, William L. Dixon ; for superintendent ot public instruction, D. Larabert; for clerk of supreme court, W. A. Beatty. Norainations for justice of supreme court were referred to the state central committee, and for congress men, railroad coraraissioners, and members of board of equalization, to the delegates of the several districts. The name of J. D. Spencer was afterwards substituted for that of W. A. Beatty as nominee for clerk of supreme court The ticket as finally corapleted, comprised, in addition to the foregoing, the names of W. H. Beatty for chief justice of the supreme court ; Charles H. Garoutte, Ralph 0. Har rison, and John J. De Haven, for associate justices; Thomas J. Geary, John P. Irish, T. V. Cator, and 0. R. Dougherty, for con gress from the first, third, fourth, and sixth districts, respectively; J. 8. Swan, J. L. Lyon, R. H. Beamer, and H. A. Biodgett, for members of the state board of equalization, and William Beekman, J. M. Litchfield, and J. W. Rea, for railroad coraraisioners. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION 561 The republican state coramittee met in San Francisco, April 23d, and issued a call for a convention to be coraposed of 677 delegates, to meet at Sacraraento, August 12th, for the purpose of norainating state officers, and by the delegates sitting in district conventions, to nomi nate congressmen, raerabers of the state board of equalization, and railroad commissioners. The convention met as appointed. It was called to order by W. H. Diraond, chairman of the state central committee. J. 0. CarapbeU was elected teraporary chairraan, and continued as permanent chairman by the adoption of the report of the committee on permanent organization. The coraraittee on platform and resolutions was composed of G. G. Blanchard, W. H. Dimond, Henry 0. Dibble, W. S. Wood, R. H. Lloyd, Drury Melone, R. B. Carpenter, A. R. Conklin, John F. EUi- son, A. L. Hart, F. P. Tuttie, 0. M. Shortridge, Frank McGowan, F. H. Short, T. L. Carothers, D. E. Knight, E. 0. Voorhies, G. M. Francis, V. H. Metcalf, and J. P. Abbott. The following report was presented by the comraittee and adopted : The republicans of California, by their delegates in convention asserabled, appealing to the intelligence and patriotisra ot the people confidently submit this their declaration of principles : 1. We believe that the paramount object of government should be to secure to the individual the highest possible measure of civil and political liberty. The republican party came into exist ence thirty-four years ago, insisting that the primary object and ulterior design of the federal government was to secure "the inaliena ble rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'' to all per sons. It has always raaintained that as the constitution of the United States was adopted "in order to forra a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquUlity, provide for the coraraon defense, proraote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,'' that constitution should be liberally construed to accoraplish those ends. In pursuance of this broad policy and these high airas, it has, in the face of the most per sistent and unscrupulous opposition, successfully conducted the government of the nation for nearly thirty years, perforraing deeds of statesraanship and railitary achievement worthy to live forever upon the brightest pages of history. It has contributed to our country statesmen such as Lincoln, Seward, Chase, Sumner, Garfield, Logan, Conkling, and Blaine; and such soldiers as Grant, Sherraan, Sheridan, and Thomas — names whose fame will live in the world's 36 562 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. galaxy of heroes so long as the love of liberty survives in the human heart. It has preserved the union of the states against the attack of a million of men in armed rebellion. It found the nation without credit at home or abroad, and it organized a financial systera under which we have steadily advanced until our country has becorae the most powerful of all the nations on earth. Better than all, it has not only been true to its original purpose of preventing the establish ment of slavery in any of the territories of the United States, but it has also destroyed slavery in all the states of this union wherever it existed, and by the force of example has led all other civUized nations to abolish that curse so long cherished and maintained by the democratic party of this country. Thus has the party demon strated its ability to govern, its fidelity to the principles of huraan liberty and equality, and its desire always to secure the greatest good to the greatest nuraber. 2. "The right to the free ballot is the right preservative of all rights; and must and shall be maintained in every part of the United States." We cordially endorse this declaration of the demo cratic national platforra of 1880, but we denounce the sharaeful manner in which that party has violated this pledge in many of the states of the union, and we insist that henceforth it shall be observed, so far as it is within the power of the federal government to effect that object. 3. We reaffirm the principles announced in the republican national platform adopted in 1888. 4. As shown by its opposition to slavery and in the enactment of the homestead and other sirailar laws, the republican party has always been watchful of the interests of those who depend upon their daily labor for their i support, and in pursuance of the same policy we favor legislation by which some satisfactory plan may be devised for the arbitration of disputes arid controversies relative to wages and hours of labor between those who labor and those who employ labor. 5. We renew our former declarations in favor of the most rigid exclusion of Chiriese from ithe country, and we urge that such restriction be made permaricrit. 6. The Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, which are navigable for hundreds of miles through the raost fertile portions of the state, are the natural and cheap highways for one-half the transportation of the state. It is, therefore, the duty of the federal government, by REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 563 adequate appropriation, to straighten and deepen the channels of said rivers so as to make thera and keep thera available for comraerce. 7. We approve the legislation already enacted for the reclamation and irrigation of our arid and other lands, and recommend such further legislation as may be necessary to fully accoraplish that pur pose, and reaffirra the resolution contained in the republican plat form of 1886 on the subject of irrigation, and coraraend the legisla tion already adopted in accord therewith. 8. We declare an unchanging belief in free public schools as a necessity to free government. 9. That we indorse the course pursued by Speaker Reed and the members ot the republican party in the present session of congress, whereby the rules of proceeding have been so amended that the public business is now being conducted in the orderly way designed for its conduct by the fraraers of this governraent. We wholly repudiate the claira of the right of any number of the merabers of congress to interrupt and delay its business by refusing to vote when required, and we rejoice that the speaker and other raembers of the republican side of the house have been able to destroy the pretense that raerabers eari be present and absent at the sarae time. 10. That we affirra and comraend the administration of Presi dent Harrison and the course pursued in the general legislation of the country by the republican members of congress. 11. That we desire to especially coramend and mark with approval the manner in which the administration ot President Harrison, through Secretary Blaine, has managed the Bering sea difficulty with England. And we have every confidence that the result will be adjusted honorably to this country and in full recognition of its rights. 12. That we are in favor of all the laws recognizing the clairas of the soldiers of the late war and the war with Mexico, and recora raend that they ever be considered the wards of the nation. 13. That the norainees of this convention are pledged to give their support to the enforceraent of the law which provides that eight hours shall constitute a legal day's work for all state and raunicipal eraployes. 14. Whereas, the last legislature under the control of the demo cratic party, appropriated $12,534,000— and for the purpose of raising that sum the rate of taxation was increased to the unpre cedented rate of 72 cents on each $100 of assessable property— there fore, resolved, that we arraign the democratic party of this state for 564 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the waste and extravagance shown by the last legislature in the ap propriation ot public raoney, and we proraise the people that in the hands of the republican party the state flnances shall be handled with honest and rigid econoray, and with a view to adrainister the affairs of the state in a business-like and economical manner ; and we do further declare that in the judgraent of this convention, con sidering the past experience of the state, an annual tax ot 50 cents on each $100 of assessable property ought to, and will raise a revenue sufficient for all the wants of the state. And we pledge the nomi nees ot this convention to an observance of this rule. And we declare to the people ot this state that the success of the republican party means the establishment of a state limit of taxation as in this resolution declared. And we call upon all republican county con ventions to pledge their candidates for the senate and assembly to the sarae Umit. 15. That in the interest of the agricultural and other industries of the country we endorse the action of the republican raembers of congress in the passage of what is known as the silver bill, and that we favor a proper increase of the currency of the country to the extent demanded by its business interests. 1 6. That we favor the enactraent of stringent laws against trusts, pools, corabines, and raonopolies whereby legitiraate corapetition is destroyed and the necessities, comforts, and luxuries of life are enhanced in prices. The following nominations were made : Henry H. Markhara, for govemor. On the first ballot, the roll-call showed 299 votes for Markhara, 281 for W. W. Morrow, 61 for N. P. Chipraan, and 30 for L, U. Shippee, but before the result was announced, many votes were changed to Markhara, until finally a motion was carried to raake his nomination unanimous. John B. Reddick, for lieutenant-governor, by acclaraation, the name of Williara H. Jordan, which was also betore the convention, being withdrawn before the corapletion of the first ballot. William H. Beatty, for chief justice of the supreme court, by acclaraation. Ralph 0. Harrison and Charles H. Garoutte, for associate justices of the suprerae court, by 381 and 546 votes, respectively, over Charles N. Fox, who received 212, and 0. W. 0. Rowell, who re ceived 215 votes. John J. De Haven, for associate justice, unexpired term, by DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 565 aoclaraation, the narae of George A. Nourse being withdrawn before the completion of the first ballot. Edward G. Waite, for secretary of state, by acclamation. Edward P. Colgan, for controller, by acclamation, the names ot S. L. Hanscora and J. B. Fuller, being withdrawn during the second ballot. James R. McDonald, for treasurer, by 343 votes, against 333 for L. Rackliffe. William H. H. Hart, for attorney-general, by 351 votes, against 264 tor E. 0. Hart, and 61 for George D. Collins. Theodore Reichert, for surveyor-general, by acclaraation, the name of Jaraes M. Gleaves being withdrawn before the completion of the roll-call on the first ballot. Lewis H. Brown, for clerk of the supreme court, over Charles B. Overacker, A. J. Raisch, and E. J. Wolt. James W. Anderson, for superintendent of public instruction, by acclamafcion, the name of Ira G. Hoitt, also before the convention, being withdrawn. Anticipating an increase in the state's representation in congress as a result of the increased population which would be shown by the United States census of 1890, the state central committee had called for the noraination of two congressraen at large. The con vention accordingly nominated W. W. Morrow and J. 0. Campbell. This action was premature, as the new congressional apportionment was not made until after the election. The convention corapleted its labors and adjourned sine die, August 14, 1890. The following were nominated by the district conventions : For representatives in congress : First district, J. A. Barbara ; second district, G. G. Blanchard ; third district, Joseph McKenna ; fourth district, John T. Cutting ; fifth district, l!. F. Loud ; sixth district, W. W. Bowers. For members ot state board of equalization : First district, J S. Swan ; second district, L. 0. Morehouse ; third dis trict, ,D. T. Cole; fourth district, J. R. Hebbron. For raUroad commissioners : First district, WiUiam Beckraan ; second district J. M. Litchfield ; third district, Jaraes W. Rea. The democratic state central coramittee met at San Francisco, May 20th, and issued a call for a convention, to meet at San Jose, August 19 th. The convention met at the stated tirae and place, and was called to, order by John Daggett, vice-chairman of the state cen- 566 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. tral coraraittee. Byron Waters was elected temporary chairman, and was continued as the perraanent chairman on final organization. The comraittee on platforra and resolutions was composed of R. .B. Terry, A. B. Ware, H. J. Corcoran, M. H. Mead, W. J. Hancock, John McGonigle, Russell J. Wilson, Joseph Napthaly, H. G. Platt, D. A. Ostrom, Clay W. Taylor, J. F. Thorapson, J. De Barth Shorb, J. H. Lawrence, and John Boggs. On the following day, the 20th, the coraraittee subraitted the following report : 1. The democratic party of the state of California, in convention asserabled, renews the pledges of its fidelity to the deraocratic faith, and reaffirras the doctrines of the national platforra of 1888, adopted at Sfc. Louis, Missouri. ' 2. A depleted treasury, the iraposifcion of unequal and oppressive taxes, the effort to enact coercive legislation, the arbitrary disregard by the speaker of the house of representatives of all parliamentary rules, and the shameless servility displayed by the raajority in the house of representatives in yielding ready obedience to his tyranni cal mandates, their refusal to join the democracy in its efforts to pro cure the passage of a raeasure permitting the free coinage of silver, the neglect of the present administration in a manner to raodify an adraitted erroneous tariff, suggest with raore eraphasis than words that the reins of govemment should be placed in safer hands. 3. We denounce and condemn the republican raajority in the natiorial house ot representatives for the passage of the infamous Lodge election bill, by which that majority seeks, masquerading Urider the guise of "a free ballot and a fair count" to perpetuate itself in power by insidiously destroying the liberties of Araerican citizens, usurping the functions of state government, and bringing the federal election machinery into interminable conflict and collis ion with the statutory efforts of the people of the various common wealths of our union to institute a genuine, practical, and perma nent reforra. We hold that this species of federal interference with the people in the registration of their sovereign will is despotic and centralizing in its tendencies, dangerous to the liberty, peace, and prosperity of the people, revolutionary in its nature and purpose, and in direct contravention of the principles of free governraent as bequeathed to us by the framers of our constitution. 4. We denounce the McKinley bill as being opposed to the best interests of the producing and consuming classes of the country. 5. The deraccratic party is now, as it ias ever been, unalterably DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 567 opposed to Chinese immigration. The Chinese restriction act, adopted as the result of deraocratic effort, is about to expire, and it is the duty of congress to enact a law perpetuaUy excluding all Chinese from the United States. 6. We favor the free coinage of silver, and demand that it be raade an unliraited legal tender for all purposes, public and private. 7. We favor the enactraent of stringent laws against trusts, pools, corabines, and monopolies, whereby legitimate corapetition is destroyed and the necessities and comforts of life are enhanced in price. 8. We are in favor of the election of United States senators by a direct vote of the people, and earnestly urge the adoption ot such an araendraent to the constitution of the United States as will accora plish that result. 9. We indorse the course of the deraocratic senator and represen tatives in congress, and coraraend thera for their vigorous defense of the public interests and their zeal in behalf of the welfare of our state. 10. We call attention to the hypocrisy of the late republican state convention in atterapting to place upon the slender deraocratic majority in the legislature the entire responsibility ot the appro priations raade during the last session. The republican raerabers of the legislature voted in favor of the appropriations which were raade the subject of criticisra, and in every instance the appropria tions so raade were approved by a republican executive who had not the raanliness to indorse nor the courage to conderan. 11. We declare that a state rate of taxation not exceeding 45 cents on each $100 of assessable property (according to the assessed valuation of 1889), being a reduction of 27 cents and 2 mills, is sufficient to raise araple revenue to meet the annual expenses of the state governraent ; and we pledge our norainees to a strict and faithful adherence to the above, and we do demand that the different county conventions pledge their legislative candidates to the same lirait. 12. The deraocracy of California pledges its norainees to the legislature to use all lawful raeans to secure the enactraent of a law embodying the Australian ballot systera substantially as that now existing in the state of Massachusetts. 13. We favor the election by the people of the superintendent of state printing. 14. We pledge our senators and representatives in congress to use 568 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. all honorable means to secure liberal appropriations from the general government for the purpose of making those great national com raercial highways, the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries, and all other navigable waterways, freely navigable at all seasons of the year. 15. The democratic party of Oalifornia reaffirras its resolution of 1886 on the water question, reiterating its assertion that "the En glish law ot riparian rights is inapplicable to the circurastances and conditions of Oalifornia"; reaffirming the doctrine that the waters of the state belong to the people of the state, to be used for irriga tion, raining, raanufacturing, and other useful purposes, and that they should never be subject to private ownership or raoriopoly ; re affirms the policy of the district system, and pledges itself to foster, amend, and perfect the system inaugurated under and by virtue of the resolution of 1886. 16. We believe in- a liberal support of our citizen soldiers and national guard. It is an integral and necessary part of our state government and should be fostered and encouraged. 17. We are opposed to all forms of sumptuary legislation and to all unjust discriraination against any business or industry. 18. We believe that the wine-growing industry of this state should be fostered, nourished, and encouraged by suitable legisla tion, both state and national. 19. We believe that eight hours should constitute a legal day's work, and that the present law to that end should be rigidly enforced. 20. We conderan as extravagant, wasteful, and wrong, the administration of the affairs of the state prison at San Quentin under the republican raanagement. 21. The democratic party of California declares itself unalterably opposed to all scheraes having for their object the division ot the state of Califomia, and pledges itself to raaintain this great cora raonwealth, brought into the Araerican union by democratic states raanship, undivided in its greatness. After sorae discussion on the fifteenth section, relative to water, the report was adopted without araendraent. On the 20th, the naraes of E. B. Pond, James Y. Coleraan, W. D. English, and A. 0. Paulsell were placed in noraination for the office of governor, and two ballots taken without making a choice. On the fourth ballot, taken on the following day, E. B. Pond was DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 569 nominated, receiving 430 votes, to 138 for Coleman, 66 for English, -and 5 for Paulsell. The other nominees were as follows : R. F. Del Valle, for lieutenant-governor, by acclamation. John A. Stanly, for chief justice, by 339 votes, over William T. "Wallace, who received 282. . Jackson Hatch, for associate justice, unexpired term, over J. W. Hughes and R. Y. Hayne. The nomination was made unanimous 'before the completion ot the secorid ballot. Jaraes V. Coffey and George H. Smith, for associate justices, full term, over John G. Presley, John D. Goodwin, J. W. Armstrong, -James E. Murphy, and George A. Johnson. W. 0. Hendricks, for secretary of state, by 341 votes, to 203 for ¦0. F. Singletary, ahd 86 for George W. Peckham. John P. Dunn, for controller, by 365 votes, against 270 for R. D. -Stephens, and I for F. A. Merriman. Adara Herold, for treasurer, by acclamation. Walker 0. Graves, for attorney-general, by 369 votes, to 265 for -J. R. Kittrell. Stanlev 0. Boom, for surveyor-general, by 362 votes, to 271 for H. W. Patton, and 5 for Preston R. Davis. H. 0. Hall, for superintendent of public instruction, by 440 votes, on the second ballot, to 101 for W. T. Welcker, 47 for D. 0. Clark, 46 for 0. S. Srayth, and 34 for W. A. 0. Smith. J. D. Spencer, for clerk of the supreme court, by 406 votes, to 228 for W. L. Ashe. Nominations were raade by the respective district conventions as follows : For representatives in congress : First district, T. J. Geary, on the twenty-first ballot, over T. W. H. Shanahan, A. P. Haines, and Rodney Hudson ; second district, A. Carainetti, by acclamation; third district, John P. Irish, by acclaraation ; fourth district, Robert Fer ral ; fifth district, T. J. Clunie,' by acclamation ; sixth district, W. J. Curtis. For railroad commissioners : First district, Archibald Yell ; sec ond district, 0. H. Haswell ; third district, L. Archer. For merabers of the state board ot equalization : First district, ¦Gordon E. Sloss ; second district, Henry Dusterberry (substituted for Jaraes Brady); third district, R. H. Bearaer; fourth district, John T. Gaffey. 570 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The raaking of nominations was completed August 22d, when the convention adjourned sine die. The state election was held Noveraber 4th, 1890. All of the can didates on the republican ticket were elected, with the exception of "^ one meraber of the board of equalization and two congressraen. The results, according to the official returns, were as follows : For governor, H. H. Markhara,, 125,129 ; E. B. Pond, 117,184;. John Bidwell, 10,073. For lieutenant-governor, J. B. Reddick, 126,244; R. F. Del Valle, 115,783; A. M. Hough, 6,878; Ben Morgan, 3,342. For secretary of state, E. G. Waite, 129,900; W. 0. Hendricks, 114,216; F. E. Kellogg, 6,466; W. S. Lyon, 1,948. For surveyor-general, Theodore Reichert, 131,172 ; Stanley 0. Boom, 112,765 ; E. M. Chase, 6,476; W. L. Dixon, 2,049. , For clerk of the supreme court, L. H. Brown', 130,086; J. D, Spencer, 115,719; J. T. Price, 6,455. For superintendent of public instruction, J. W. Anderson, 130,594; H. C.Hall, 112,717; Miss S. M. Severance, 6,478. For controller, E. P. Colgan, 128,042; J. P. Dunn, 116,036;, M. 0. Winchester, 8,405. For treasurer, J. R. McDonald, 128,926; Adam Herold, 115,041;, Henry French, 6,563; G. E. Grosse, 1,997. For attorney-general, W. H. H. Hart, 130,520; W. 0. Graves, 113,381 ; 0. H. Dunn, 8,603. For chief justice, W. H. Beatty, 133,095; J. A. Stanly, 113,018 > Robert Thompson, 5,645. For associate justices: Full term, 0. H. Garoutte, 130,719; J. V.. Coffey, 111,361; R. 0. Harrison, 129,509; G. H. Sraith, 118,101. Unexpired terra, J. J. DeHaven, 131,625; Jackson Hatch, 106,485;, S. 0. Brown, 4011. For raerabers of state board of equalization : First district, J. S. Swan, 27,942 ; G. E. Sloss, 27,246 ; H. B. Burlingarae, 168. Second disfcricfc, L., 0. Morehouse, 28,417; H. Dusterberry, 16,288 ; D. 0. Taylor, 1,181; Jaraes Brady, 5,751 ; J. L. Lyon, 622. Third dis trict, R. H. Bearaer, 28,329 ; D. T. Cole, 28,154 ; E. C. Gilbert, 1,096. Fourth disfcrict, J. R. Hebbron, 42,235 ; J. T. Gaffey, 40,- 791 ; S. Fowler, 3,654. For railroad coraraissioners: Firsfc district, William Beckraan, 41,- 274; Archibald YeU, 37,327; R. G. Hart, 1,611. Second district. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 571 J. M. Litchfield, 31,478; 0. H. HasweU, 27,619; H. H. Luse, 173. Third district, J. W. Rea, 57,312 ; L. Archer, 50,508 ; J. G. Miller, 4416. For representatives in congress: First districfc, T. J. Geary, 19,- 834; J. A. Barbara, 19,153 ; L. B. Scranton, 759. Second district, A. Carainetti, 18,644; G. G. Blanchard, 18,485; J. S. WithereU, 912. Third district, Joseph McKenna, 20,834; John P. Irish, 15,- 997; O. O. Felkner, 774 Fourth district John T. Cutting, 13,196; Robert Ferral, 12,091; Thomas V. Cator, 1,492; Joseph Rowell, 50, Fifth district, E. F. Loud, 22,871 ; T. J. Clunie, 19,899; E. F. Howe, 674 Sixth district, W. W. Bowers, 33,522 ; W. J. Curtis, 28,904; O. R. Dougherty, 3,130. CHAPTER XXXVI. 1892. Republican Convention, May 3d — Democratic Convention — Prohibition Convention — Organization of the People's Party — People's Party Nominating Convention — Republican Convention, July 26th. The republican state committee met in San Francisco, March 14fch, and issued a call for a convenfcion to be coraposed of 552 delegates, to raeet at Stockton, May 3d, for tbe purpose ot electing delegates and alternates to the republican national convention. The test adopted for voters at priraaries was: "Will you pledge yourself to support the norainees of the republican national convention at the coming election V The convention met as called. J. H. Neff was elected temporary chairraan by acclaraation, and was continued as- perraanent chairraan by the adoption of the report of the coramittee on permanent organization. The following were named as the com raittee on platform and resolutions : Grove L. Johnson, T. M. Sel vage, A. B. Leraon, A. L, Levinsky, John F. Davis, J. A. Wayraire, H. A. McOraney, W. H. L. .Barnes, E. S. Pillsbury, M. Cooney, H. V. Morehouse, E. H. Heacock, H. Z. Osborne, George Fuller, and Richard Gird. The coramittee made the following report, which was adopted : 1. The adrainistration of national affairs by a republican presi dent has been such that to it we give our unqualified indorseraent. The prudent business raanner in which the finances of the nation have been managed, so that while no niggard hand has been shown. 572 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. in disbursements, yet the expenses have been kept within bounds and the natiorial debt greatly reduced; the carrying into full prac tical effect of the American doctrine of protection to Araerican raanufactures under that wise and beneficent law known as the Mc Kinley bill ; the courageous putting into operation of the reciprocity ¦clauses of that law against claraor without and concealed antagon ism witliin the party ; the adjustment in a masterly and dignified manner of the unforeseen and peculiar differences with our old friend Italy, by which the friendship between the two countries has been restored on terras satisfactory to each ; the firra and successful man agement of the controversy with Chile, whereby the honor of the nation was guarded, its flag made powerful to guard alike our sailors and citizens, as well as political refugees seeking shelter, and yefc the self-respect of Chile was observed with scrupulous care ; the care fully prepared and deterrained stand taken in the Bering sea dis pute with Great Britain, whereby the so-called raistress of the seas was taught that the Araerican banner must be respected, whether it -waved over land or ocean, over man or seal, and by which a glorious diplomatic triumph was won; these and other achievements stamp the adrainistration of President Harrison as wise, patriotic, and use ful, and endear hira to the hearts of all true Araericans, while giving just pride to every republican. We feel that the republican party needs rio better leader iri the battle of 1892 thari the man who led us to victory in 1888. 2. We indorse the administration of Governor Markhara as wise and efficient, and raost heartily coraraerid the care with which he is ¦endeavoring to economize and iraprove the raanageraent of our state institutions. 3. We reaffirra our belief in and adherence to the republican national platforra of 1888. Upon the doctrine there enunciated of protection to Araerican industries and Araerican labor we won the •contest, and all subsequent experience has but strengthened our con fidence in that systera of govemraerital policy of which our party is the exponent, and we confldently ask the closest scrutiny of its work ing under the present tariff as the strongest arguraent for its main- teriance. 4. The policy of our government has always been to welcome to •our shores all good people frora all parts of the world, but we recognize the fact that our hospitality has been abused, that thousands of undesirable imraigrants have been imposed upon us, or have voluntarily corae to us, and we deem that the time has arrived REPUBLICAN RESOLUTIONS. 573 for a reforra in our laws that shall protect the United States from the socialist, the crirainal, the pauper, the anarchist, and the nihil ist, and shall place stronger guards around the sacred privileges of becoraing an Araerican citizen, so that no man shall be given that in estimable right unless he be unmistakably entitled thereto. 5. We hail with glad hearts the cessation of legal warfare between the miners and the agriculturists of California, and the blending together of the two great interests of our commonwealth into one harmonious effiart to advance the common good without injury to either. We indorse the efforts that have been raade to bring farraer and rainer into a union, and call upon congress to enact iramediately into laws such measures as will enable the hydraulic miner again to pour into the pathway of comraerce his millions of treasure from the strearas of the Sierra Nevada without daraage to the valleys, or waters, or agricultural interests ot the state, so that the busy hum of labor and the music of the school shall be heard in the now deserted mining camps of California as in the days of old. 6. The Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries are the natural highways of commerce within the state, and we are in favor of so improving their channels and constructing navigable canals through the valleys of said rivers, connecting thera with the tide water, as to secure forever to the people of the state cheap transportation for the products of our soil and our factories. 7. The Nicaragua canal, by means ot wbich the distance between the Atlantic and Pacific seaports ot our country will be shortened by 10,000 miles, thus affording a highway for quick and cheap trans portation without limit, is an enterprise which, if properly guarded, can never be monopolized by any private interest. And because of its vast importance tO the coraraercial world, especially to the states and territories contiguous to our sea coast, we urge upou corigress to . take such action as will insure the early corapletion of said canal, and at the sarae time secure the control of the canal to the government of the United States, and we heartily indorse the views expressed on this subject by President Harrison in his message to congress thereon. 8. We believe that the wool-growing interests of the country are entitled to and should receive as full and adequate protection under the tariff laws as that granted any other industry. 9. We believe silver, equaUy with gold, to be the raoney of the people, and in behalf of the farraer, the laborer, and the mechanic of the nation, for whora the republican party has 574 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. always labored, we deraand the passage of such laws as will provide for the free and unliraited coinage of the silver product of the raines ot the United States, as soon as the same can be done without in jury to the business interests of the nation. 10. The republican party has ever been the friend and protector of the laborer of the country, and in line with the legislation which ¦our party has given them we favor the passage ot such laws by cori gress as will protect American labor against the importation of the products of pauper labor, as well as against the importation of con tract or pauper laborers, believing that by so doing only can we adequately secure to the Araerican laborer the full reward of his exertions; and we demand the rigid enforceraent ot the law Uraiting the hours of labor on public works to eight hours per day ; and we also deraand such legislation as shall utterly prohibit all Chinese immigration into the United States. 11. We favor an amendment to the constitution of the United States, providing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of tbe people. 12. While we abate riothing ot our words of praise regarding the chief magistrate of the nation, we must express our profound con viction that in the whole foreign policy of the administration we see the traces of a master hand so long and lovingly known by all our party; we recognize again and again that man who stands in the very foreraost rank of living statesraen, whose fame is world-wide, whose name is a household word in every American home, and who is the "favorite son" of every republican in every state of the Ameri can union, James G. Blaine. The following resolutions were also adopted : 13. That the principles of civil service reform inaugurated by the late lamented, the Honorable Jaraes A. Garfield, would, if car ried out in their strict and true sense, redound to the credit of the administration and serve as a safeguard to the rank and file of the republican party, therefore, be it further resolved, 1 4. That this convention indorse and recommend the carrying out in their fullest extent the principles of civil service reform. For delegates at large to the national convention, the names of W. H. L. Barnes, M. M. Estee, E. F. Spence, N. D. Rideout, 0. N. Felton, and M. H. DeYourig were placed in nomination. On the first ballot Spence received 459; Rideout, 421; DeYoung, 369; Fel ton, 347; Estee, 326, and Barnes, 281 votes. The four first named DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 575 -were declared elected. Isaac Trumbo, Philo G. Hersey, H. G. Otis, and J. R. Oarrick were elected alternate delegates at large by acclaraation. Delegates were elected by the district conventions as follows: First district, D. T. Cole and E. V. Spencer; alternates, S. I. Mathews and J. T. Matlock. Second district, J. F. Kidder, A. J. Rhoads ; alternates, E. 0. Voorhies and N. Sposati. Third district, Eli Denison and R. D. Robbins ; alternates, H. A. McOraney and R. F. Crist Fourth district, E. S. Pillsbury and J. S. Spear ; alter- ¦oates, Reuben H. Lloyd and D. S. Dorn. Fifth district, O. A. Hale and George A. Knight; alternates, John T. Dare and Mitchell Phillips. Sixth district, E. P. Johnson and R. E. Jack ; alternates, J. Frankenfield and J. T. Porter. Seventh district, P. Y. Baker and R. W. Button ; alternates, W. H. Scribner and A. S. Eraery. The convention adjourned sine die. May 4th, 1892. The deraocratic state central comraittee raet at San Francisco, April fith, and issued a call for a convention, to be coraposed of 643 delegates, and to be held at Fresno, May, 17, 1892. The test adopted for priraaries was : " Did you support and vote for E. B. Pond for governor in 1890, or would you have done so had you cast a vote % Will you support the norainees of the national deraocratic convention at Chicago, and the deraocratic ticket nominated in May, 1892, by the Fresno convention ? " The convention was to select •delegates to the national convention, and by district conventions, to nominate congressraen, and electors and alternates for president and vice-president of the United States. The convention raet at the appointed tirae and place, and was called to order by R. P. Haramond, vice-chairman of the state cen tral coramittee. B. D. Murphy was elected temporary chairraan by 343 votes, over D. A. Ostrora, who received 286. The committee ¦on platforra and resolutions was appointed to consist of R. F. Del Valle, Henry Hogan, John Markley, George E. Williaras, D. A. Ostrom, M. F. Tarpey, R. A. Long, J. F. Sullivan, S. Braunhart, Jackson Hatch, Barry Baldwin, Stephen M. White, J. D. Harvey, Oscar A. Trippit, and M. T. DooUng. By the report of the comraittee on perraanent organization, which was adopted, the temporary officers of the convention were made perraanent, and Ostrom was made vice-chairman. The majority of the committee on platform and resolutions sub mitted the following report : 576 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. We pledge anew our fealty to tbe principles first declared by the illustrious raen who founded our free institutions and established the- democratic party to protect and preserve them. 1. That the paramount reform now deraanded of the federal legis lature is the reforra of the tariff laws upon the basis of the derao cratic platforra of 1888, to the end that no money shall be need lessly exacted from the industries and necessities of the people, and that our industrial interests shall not be prejudiced by excessive tax ation-, false systems of finance or extravagant cost of production. To this end the McKinley tariff bill should be repealed, the essential raw material of Araerican manufactures should be put upon the free- list and a revised tariff should be adopted, with due regard for the rights of Araerican labor and the preservation of our raanufactures.. That consistently with that issue and with this demand the senti ment of the California deraocracy is overwhelmingly tor the renomi nation to the presidency of the raan who gave to his party intel lectual and political leadership and to the country a pure and ele vated .adrainistration. We declare our conviction that the best interests of the party and of the country deraand the noraination of Grover Cleveland for president. He is the choice of this convention for that exalted station, and we are confident that under his leader ship the principles of democracy will win a glorious victory; and te the end that the vote and influence of California may be most effect ively heard and felt the delegates this day chosen are directed to act as a unit in all raatters intrusted to their charge, said action te be deterrained by the vote of the raajority of the delegates. 2. That we congratulate the deraocratic party and the people Of the state of Oalifornia upon the successful efforts of our two derao cratic congressraen in behalf of the best interests of the state, and we confidently contrast their earnest labors with the inactivity and apathy of their republican colleagues in the house and senate. The whole state owes a debt ot gratitude to Hon. A. Carainetti and Hon. T. J . Geary ; to the one for salutary and wise legislation introduced by hira for the relief of our suffering raining industries without in terfering with agriculture, and the preservation of our waterways ; to the other for the splendid anti-Chinese legislation wrung by his tireless advocacy of California's welfare frora a reluctant republican senate. 3. That the construction of the Nicaragua maritime canal is of the greatest political and comraercial iraportance to our country. DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 577 and especially to the Pacific states, and that we respectfuUy urge the democratic national convention to pronounce distinctly in favor of congress taking such action as may facilitate its construction, but we are opposed to a subsidy being granted to any corporation for such purpose. 4. That we ask that the constitution of the United States be so amended as to provide for the election of United States senators directly by the people, avoiding so far as possible the scandals that regularly attend the election to this iraportant office and bringing its incumbent nearer to the people of the state whose representative he is. 5. That we demand the rigid enforcement of the law limiting the hours of labor on public works to eight hours per day. We reaffirm our opposition to the iramigration of Chinese and other pauper labor. 6. That we denounce the acts of the republican party against silver, particularly the act demonetizing it, and we believe that there should be kept in constant circulation a full and sufficient volume of money consisting of gold, silver, and legal-tender paper currency at par with each other. 7. That we denounce the legislative and congressional apportion ments made by the late republican legislature as unfair and partisan in the extrerae. For the purpose of increasing republican represen tation, districts were formed without reference to the just deraands of localities aff'ected, and without reference to ptiblic convenience. The provision of our constitution requiring that legislative dis-' tricts shall be as nearly equal in population as raay be, was deliber ately and sharaelessly violated. 8. That we deraand the enactraent of stringent laws which will protect the people frora the adulteration of food products, which results in the destruction of raany of our industries and is highly injurious to the health of the people. 9. That the waterways of the state, being the natural distributing arteries of coraraerce as well as the raeans of irrigating our arid lands and increasing our productive capacities, are of the first importance to the citizen ; and we deraand of congress a fulfiUraent of the obliga tions to the state to maintain our navigable waters which come under their direct control in the best navigable condition ; and of the state the preservation of its waters for the use and benefit of our citizens. 10. That we heartily approve of the resuraption within our state of hydraulic mining under such conditions as shall be just and equit- 578 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. able to both miner and farmer, and we pledge our best efforts to aid in the adjustraent of that raost iraportant question. We most respectfully petition congress for imraediate assistance and pledge our congressional norainees to the hearty advocacy and support of such raeasures as may be necessary to practically solve that problem. The suppression of hydraulic raining in California has congested the circulating medium not only at home, where the results are most acutely and infamously felt, but throughout the commercial world, and we look forward to an era of great prosperity upon its resump. tion. 11. That we deem it the duty of congress to make ample appro priations for the rectification and restoration of the navigable rivers ot this state ; that such appropriations should be expended in the iraprovement ot the channels and in the construction of restraining and impounding dams ; that such dams should be erected at such places and of such diraensions and capacity as will restrain the debris now iri the chaririels aud also the araount that will hereafter be deposited in the tributaries of said rivers by natural or mining washings, thereby preserving the navigability of the rectified rivers, and also restoring the great industry of hydraulic raining ; that we deem the passage of the mining bill introduced in the house of representatives of the United States by Hon. A. Carainetti to be of vital importance to the people ot the state ; that in view of such fact we urgently request the delegation in congress from this state to co-operate in securing the passage of said act at this session, in order that hydraulic raining raay be speedily resuraed. 12. That in 1890 congress restored to the public domain in this state a vast territory covered by forfeited railroad land grants. The interior department, acting in compliance with the wishes of the corporations affected, has wilfully neglected to place this great domain at the disposal of the people. The land thus withheld should be iraraediately thrown open for actual settlement and occu pancy. 13. We denounce the use of money in' elections as subversive of good government, and we are in favor of the Australian ballot sys tem, and all other legislation tending to prevent such evil. 14. That we are unalterably opposed to any extension of time for fifty years, or for any other time, for the payraent of the indebted ness of the Pacific railroads to the general govemment. Whereas, The Central and Southeru Pacific railroad companies DEMOCRATIC RESOLUTIONS. 579 and their branches owe to the state and several counties the sura of $2,547,000 for taxes; therefore, be it resolved, 15. That we demand of the senatorial and assembly district con ventions that they pledge their nominees to vote for a law providing for the reassessment of the property of said corapanies for the years they have escaped taxation. 16. That we believe that the public should be protected trom the great non-taxpaying trusts and corporations which now challenge the authority of the governraent. The democratic party was founded to maintain the interests and liberties of the people. It alone is competent to resist those encroachments which imperil the safety of the state. The republican party, while professing to be the friend of labor, has demonstrated by its uniforra action that its tendencies are toward the creation of raonopolies and trusts, through whose instrumentality alone it hopes to perpetuate its existence. The democratic party emanates frora the people; its aira has always been to care for the weak and to be just to the strong. While it is ever ready to proraote industries and to stiraulate enterprises it will never perrait wealth to shirk its rightful obligations or to irapose upon poverty the expenses of a governraent forraed for the benefit of all. 17. That we advocate the continuance of the democratic policy inaugurated during the presidency of Grover Cleveland providing for the construction of a thoroughly efficient navy, and we favor the establishment of adequate coast and harbor defenses and the con struction of a national gun foundry upon this coast. 18. That we deem a well equipped national guard promotive of public safety; and we therefore favor liberal treatment of our citizen soldiery. 1 9. That the democratic party of the state of California resents the interference in the politics of this state of the Southern Pacific Company of Kentucky; that we denounce the system of boss politics largely created and fostered by that corporation which has corrupted public men and public life, and under which few but those who find favor in the eyes of the corporation and stand ready to do its bidding have held office. Under this influence our youths have been taught and trained to believe that political principle and political duty raay be justly traded off for personal gain and preferraent at the hands of the.boss to the almost entire destruction of that healthy public spirit without which no government of the people can hope to continue in existence. 580 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 20. That we heartily indorse the bill introduced by Congressraan Carainetti to adrait jute bags free of duty, and we call upon our congressional delegation to use their utmost endeavor to accoraplish the passage of that measure. * 21. That we favor the strict enforcement of the civil service laws. 22. That we are opposed to the payment of any subsidy to any corapany for carrying the United States mails when Such company is directly or indirectly subsidized by any railroad or other private corporation. 23. That the democratic party denounces the inaction of the board of railroad commissioners of the state and eamesfcly sympa thizes and coraraends the eflforfc of the Traffic Association of Califor nia to corapel them to perform their constitutional duty and accom plish a much needed reduction in railroad rates in California. 24. That it is absolutely essential to the proraotion of the com raercial interests of California that a corapefcing railroad be introduced within her borders. 25 That deraocratic ascendaricy is dependent upon the intelligence and education of the people. We favor liberal appropriations for the maintenance and perfection of our public school system, arid pledge our legislative riomiriees to the exercise of a liberal discretion in providing for its maintenance and thorough equipment 26. That the deraocratic party is now, as ever, unalterably opposed to all suraptuary legislation. 27. That we denounce the billion-dollar congress and the legisla ture of a thousand scandals. 28. That the success of the deraocratic party offers to a suffering people the only escape from a recurrence of corrupt and extravagant rule. 29. That it is the sense of this convention that the next legisla ture ot this state submit to the people for adoption a constitutional araendraent providing for a raaxiraura tariff and classification, and abolishing the board of railroad coraraissioners; and the deraocratic party deraands that all candidates for the assembly and senate atthe coming election be pledged to said action. White subraitted a minority report offering as substitutes for the twenty-third and twenty-ninth sections, respectively, the following: 23. That the democratic party denounces the inaction of the board of railroad coraraissioners of this state and earnestly syrapa- thizes with and coraraends all efforts to compel thera to perforra their DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. 581 constitutional duty by accoraplishing a much needed reduction in railroad rates in this state. 29. That it is the sense of this convention that the ne.J^t legisla ture of this state provide for a maximum railroad freight and fare tariff. A second minority report was submitted, signed by Har-vey, White, Dooling, and Braunhart, oiJering the following substitute for' the sixth section: ' 6. That' this convention denounces the act of the republican: con gress in demonetizing silver. We are in favor of the double stand ard and of the enactment of such laws as will result in the free coinage of silver. White's report was rejected, by a vote of 355 to 255; the second minority report was then withdrawn, and the raajority report adopted without amendment. The following resolution, introduced by I. Giitte, was adopted by acclaraation : That whereas, the prosperity of the state of California is, in a great raeasure, dependent upon an increased population, we recora raend such raeasures as will tend to encourage the immigration of. orderly and decent people, to the exclusion, of the members of, the criminal and pauper classes and refuse of other nations, and that in heartily favoring the imraigration of decent and orderly members of the Caucasian race, it should always be remembered that American citizenship is a boon to be conferred only upon such persons as are in accord with our systera of constitutional government. W. W. Foote, Stephen M. White, A. B. Butier, and J, V. Cole man were elected delegates at large to the national democratic con vention by acclaraation, while as alternates; Lawrence Archer, John Bryson, Sr., Louis Metzger, and R. H. Beamer were also elected by acclaraation. For presidential electors at large, J. F. Thompson and Joseph D. Lynch were chosen by acclamation, and in the same man ner E. B. Price and P. H. Griffin were chosen alternates. The convention adjourned sine die. May 18th. During intervals in its sessions the delegates assembled in district conventions for the purpose of nominating congressmen, presidential electors and dele gates to the national convention. First congressional district : The convention for - this district norainated Thoraas J. Geary for representative in congress, by acclaraation. Thoraas L. Thorapson and Clay W. Taylor were elected 582 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. delegates to the national convention, with John D. Goodwin and H. H. Harris, as alternates. R. P. Hammond was chosen presidential elector, and Henry Hogan, alternate. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, After many years passed in a rainority, and after the experiraents with expediency which are coraraon to minorities, the deraocratic party in 1876, under the leadership of Tilden, planted itself firmly upon affirmative principles and won a victory; and whereas, this affirraation was rendered, vitalized, and reasserted by Grover Cleveland, with the result of so educating the country that the republican party was nearly expelled frora representation in the popular branch of congress ; therefore be it resolved by this first district convention of the deraocracy of California, That we charge our delegates to the national convention to keep in issue the principles that will live forever in the masterly statement made by Mr. Cleveland, and to recognize and obey the wish of the party that the coming fight be raade under the leadership and can didacy of Grover Cleveland, of whom it raay be truthfully said that he never dodged an issue nor evaded a responsibility; who destroyed sectionalism, defied the protected raonopolies, and brightened with hope the face of the toiler and taxpayer; who sprung from the peo ple hiraself, overcarae the disinheritance of fortune by his own exertions, reaching the highest honors by deserving thera, and re ceived the greatest earthly trust by reason of confidence that his honor was equally great. Resolved, That under his leadership we expect victory by deserving ifc, and in the affections of the people which run to him in every state we recognize a foundation for success which no artifice nor expendi ture can displace. First araongst Araericans, foreraost in courage and patriotisra, we hereby record our pride in hira as our country raan, our contidence in hira as a statesman, and our perfect trust in him as a party leader; and we comrait this estimate of him to our national delegates, charging thera to faithfully reflect our irapression in the national convention, and by vote and action to conform their conduct thereto. Second congressional disfcrict : This convention nominated A. Carainetti for representative in congress ; J. A. Filcher for elector, and Charles Mitchell for alternate; and elected R. D. Stephens and W. J. McGee delegates- to the national convention, with A. F. DISTRICT DEMOCRA TIC CONVENTIONS. 583 Jones and E. Arrastrong for alternates.. Tie following resolutions, introduced by W. S. Leake, were adopted without opposition : Whereas, We believe that Grover Cleveland is the first choice and favorite of the democracy of California and ot the United States, as a candidate for the presidency; therefore be it resolved. That it is the wish of the delegates of this district, representing the will of the people, that our delegates to the national convention reflect this first choice and preference of the party in their action and votes at Chicago. Resolved, That the foregoing expression is our eraphatic counsel and cbarge to our representatives, in whora we expect fidelity and force in this expression ot our will. Resolved, That we think it neither wise nor safe to change materially the plan under wbich the battle of 1888 was fought. We are confident we were right then, and the right is always the sarae. We have implicit confidence in the mind that conceived and the hands that executed the details of that noted contest. We also believe in the wisdom, and honesty, and heroic courage of him who has led us in that assault, and now, refreshed, revived, united, and fearless iri our faith, we demand to be led against an enemy fortified by the spoils of an oppressive tariff levied upon the suggestion of private greed to promote monopoly and extortion, to build up the fortunes of a few beneficiaries and favored classes at the expense of the general wel fare, under the same great general, Grover Cleveland. Third congressional district : The convention of this district deferred the nomination of a congressraan until a later date. R. A. Long was norainated for presidential elector and C. Y. Brown, alternate. Frank J. Moffitt and L. W. Buck were elected delegates, with Paul Shirley and M. J. Layraance as alternates. At an adjourned meeting of the convention, held in Oakland, Septeniber 24th, Warren B. English received the nomination for congressraan, by a vote of 51, to 17 for H. 0. McPike. Fourth congressional district : By this convention James G. Ma guire was nominated for representative in congress ; Marcus Rosen thal for presidential elector and P. F. Dundon for alternate. Jere miah F. Sullivan and Joseph Clark were elected delegates, and A.. Andrews and R. P. Doolan, alternates. Fifth congressional district: J. W. Ryland was norainated for representative in congress; Jackson Hatch for elector and J. 0. Ruddock for alternate. L. A. Whitehurst and Thomas F. Barry 584 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA: were elected delegates, with L. G. Flannigan and F. M. Mills as alternates. A resolution was passed indorsing Cleveland and in structing the delegates to support him while he remained a candi date. Sixth congressional district : The nomination of a congressman was postponed. Thomas Renison was nominated for elector and N. A. Covarrubias for alternate. George S. Patton and Jesse D. Carr were elected delegates and J. H. Russell and J. 0. Kays, alternates. At an adjourned meeting of the convention, held at Los Angeles, Septeraber 10th, Marion Cannftn, the nominee of the people's party was nominated for congressman, and William Graves for elector, vice Renison, resigned. Seventh congressional district : W. L. Silraan was chosen for presidential elector and Charles F. Hurae for alternate. Henry W. Patton and W. W. Phillips were elected delegates to the national convention, with M. T. Dooling and E. E. Young as alternates. A resolution was unaniraously adopted instructing the delegates to use, all honorable means to secure the noraination of Cleveland for president. The noraination of congressraan was postponed until August 30th when, at a convention asserabled afc Santa Ana, Olin Wellborn was riorainated by acclaraation, John R. Kittrell -with drawing. The prohibition convention raet at Fresno, May 25th, with raore than 300 delegates in attendance. It was called to order by Henry French of the stafce central committee. M. 0. Winchester was elected teraporary chairman. The report of the committee on per-' manent organization, which was adopted, naraed P. T. Durfy as chairraan. The committee on platform and resolutions consisted of 0. H. Dunn, 0. E. Rich, A. J. Gregg, L. W. Elliott, Robert Thomp son, Mrs. Ada Van Pelt, R. Sumraers, R. H. McDonald, George Thresher, F. M. Porter, Jaraes Hopkins, Jr., H. 0. Waddell, Garri-. son Turner, F. M. WUlis, 0. R. Dougherty, and Mrs. L. H. Addington. The report of the coraraittee was considered seriatim and amended in some particulars. As adopted it was as follows: 1. We hereby reaffirra our allegiance to the platform of the national prohibition party of the United States. 2. We declare for the suppression of the raanufacture, importa tion, transportation, exportation, and sale of all intoxicating liquors by both state and nation, except for medicinal and mechanical pur poses. PROHIBITION RESOLUTIONS. 585 3. We declare in favor of a suffrage based upon an educational •qualification without regard to sex; and in this connection we declare on the question to be submitted to the voters of this state at the next election, of requiring an educational qualification of voters, that every voter be required to be able to write his own name, and to read any section of the constitution in the English language. 4. We are in favor ot the government ownership and control of the railroads, the telegraph and the telephone lines, and the manage- •ment of the same for the public good. 5. The corabination of trusts and monopolies to subsidize the press, corrupt legislation, and courts of justice, increase the price of -commodities, and oppress the wageworker is a usurpation of the people's rights, and that we are opposed to such monopolies and trusts in both state and nation. 6. We favor a currency, issued by the government alone, suffi- •cient in araount to transact the business of the country, not exceed ing $50 per capita, of gold and silver coin, and treasury notes, the same to be a full legal tender for all debts. 7. Our immigration laws should be so revised and enforced, as fco -exclude pauper, vicious, criminal, and other undesirable immigrants; to extend the time of residence required before naturalization ; to require that no iraraigrant be naturalized until able to read English, nor be perraitted to vote until fully naturalized. 8. We favor the election of United States senators by a direct .vote of the people. 9. In consideration of the great value of the proposed Nicaragua •canal to the coramerce of the nation, we favor the construction of the sarae, and that it be owned and controlled by the general gov ernraent in the interest of the people. 10. We declare for the preservation of one day in seven, as a day of rest as a civic institutiorl, without oppressing or interfering with any who observe any other day of the week as such day of rest. The following rainority report was read to the convention : 11. We syrapathize with those who toil for the support of them selves and families, and we heartily agree to assist thera, through their labor unions and otherwise, in all lawful raeans, to secure frora corporations and other employers shorter hours of labor, and we reaffirra our forraer resolutions to give to employes a Saturday half- Jbioliday. 586 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. The norainations made by the convention were as follows ; For presidential electors : At large, R. H. McDonald and F. M.. Porter ; first district, Archibald McArthur ; second district, William. P. Miller ; third district, T. L. Hierlihy ; fourth district, H. H. Luse; fifth district, F. E. Caton; sixth district, F. E. KeUogg > severith district, Samuel Fowler, For represeritatives in congress : First district, W. P. StaffiDrd ;. second district, Chauncey H. Dunn ; third district, L. B. Scranton ;. fourth district, Henry Collins; fifth district, William Kelly; sixth district, O. R. Dougherty ; seventh district, M. B. Harris. For delegates to national convention : At large, Mrs. E. P. Stevens, B. H. Hoag, F. J. Tuttie, Robert Thompson, J. M. Hall, Mrs. L. H. Mills, George B. Mcintosh, John Bidwell, M. 0. Win chester, and S. N. Marsh. First district, J. R. Nichol and Charles- T. Clark. Second district, J. E. Barnes and Jaraes A. Aridersori ;. alterriates, W. H. Barron and M. A. Thompson. Third district, M. D. Edholm and D, 0. Taylor. Fourth district, R. H.' McDonald and Mrs. M. F. Gray; alternates, T. S.' Harrison and J. S. Clark. Fitth district, T. B. Stewart and 0. B. WilUams. Sixth district, L. B. Palmer and Daniel Tuttie, Seveuth district, J. N. Crawford* arid A. H. Seccorabe ; alterriates, D. K. Zurawalt and J. S. Edwards. The convention adjourned sine die, May 26th. The orgariization of the people's party iri Califorriia was effected' at Los Angeles, October 22, 1891, when delegates representing. the farmers' .alliance, patrons of husbandry, and other agricultural, labor, and reforra organizations, assembled for the purpose of form ing a people's party in the state, to adopt a platform, to appoint a state central committee, and to orgariize district arid couuty com mittees. The coriveritiori iricluded about 600 delegates. It was, called to order by M. Cauriori. H. F. Gardrier was urianimously elected teraporary chairraau, arid afterward permarierit chairman.. The committee on platform and resolutions consisted of J. W. Hines, H. 0. DUlon, Williara Ayers, William P. Rogers, Mrs. A. F. Sraith, John S. Dore, 0. W. Pedlar, George Thresher, J. O. Williams, Frank Kelsey, J. F. Greenough, A. P. Merritt, James Morgan, David Reed, and J. M. Sharp. The platform, as adopted, was as follows : We, the representatives of the industrial and reform organizations- of the state of California, in convention assembled at the city of Los> RESOLUTIONS OF PEOPLE'S PARTY. 537 Angeles, October 22, 1891, firraly convinced that our cause is just, and that the tirae has corae for independent political action, do hereby subrait to the candid judgraent of all raen the following declaration of our principles and purposes : That we forever renounce and abjure all forraer allegiance held or clairaed by us in either the republican, democratic, or other political party, and severing our connection therewith, do hereby forra and organize in the state of California the people's party of the United States, and pledge to the support of its principles our lives, our for tunes, and our sacred honor. That wo approve the action of the convention ot the people's party held at Cincinnati on the 19th of May last, and further deraand : 1. The right to make and issue raoney is a sovereign power to be raaintained by the people for the coramon benefit ; hence, we demand the abolition of the national banks as banks of issue, and as a sub stitute for national bank notes, we deraand that legal tender treasury notes to be issued in sufficient volume to transact the business of the country on a cash basis without damage or especial advantage to any class or calling, such notes to be a legal tender in payment of all debts, public and private, and such notes, when deraanded by the people, shall be loaned to thera at not raore than two per cent per annum upon non-perishable products, as indicated in the sub-treasury plan, and also upon real estate, with proper limitation upon the quantity of land and amount of raoney. 2. We demand the free and unlimited coinage of silver. 8. We demand the passage of laws prohibiting alien ownership of land, and that congress take prorapt action to devise sorae plan to obtain all lands now owned by alien and foreign syndicates, and that all lands held by railroads and other corporations, in excess of such as is actually used and needed by thera, be reclairaed by the govern ment and held for actual settlers only. 4. Believing in the doctrine of equal rights to all and special privi leges to none, we demand that all taxation — national, state, and municipal — shall not be used to build up one interest or class at the expense of another. 5. We demand that revenues — national, state, or county — shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government, economically and honestly administered. 6. We deraand the government ownership of all the raeans and agencies of public transportation and communication, and that they be operated in the interest of the people at actual cost. .588 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 7. We demand the election of president, vice-president, and United ¦States senators by a direct vote of the people. 8. We are opposed to the saloon and liquor business in all its forms. 9. We deraand'that all goverrimerit arid all pubUc work shall be done by the day, under proper superintendents elected by the people; that eight hours only should be a day's work on the sarae, and strictly enforced ; that only Araerican citizens, or those who have declared their intention to becorae citizens, should be eraployed on any public work, and that all manufacturers should put their names Ori all their goods. 10. We hold that rio citizen of the United States should be deprived of the electoral franchise on account of sex. 11. Whereas, we believe the strong arm of the government, through its railitary and police force, affords sufficient protection to life and property; therefore, be it resolvedj that we deraand the aboli tion of all private arraed bodies of men, such as the Pinkerton police force, and that no person or persons shall act as militiaman, policeman, or marshal unless duly appointed and coraraissioned by the govern raent, state, or raunicipality in which they reside. 12. We deraand that the pay of the honorably discharged union soldiers which was given to them in depreciated currency, worth only fifty cents on the dollar, shall now be raade equal to the gold paid the bondholder. A state central coraraittee was appointed, coraposed of one repre sentative frora each county and several from industrial organizations. E. M. WardaU was elected chairman of the committee. The con vention concluded its labors and adjourned October 22d. The second convention of the people's party was held at Stockton, June 1st, 1892. It was coraposed largely of representatives of the farmers' alliance, although other labor organizations were repre sented. More than 175 delegates were present frora thirty -three counties. The convention was called to order by E. M. WardaU of the state executive coraraittee of the party, and John G. Dawes was elected teraporary chairman. The coraraittee on permanent organi sation recommended William Boyne for chairman, and the report was adopted. The comraittee on platforra and resolutions consisted ¦ of M. Cannon, J. A. Johnson, A. L. Warner, S. D. Wheeler, W, A. Vann, J. B. McCorraick, D. 0. Feely, Stephen Bowers, and J. S. CONVENTION. OF PEOPLE'S PARTY. 589 Dore. The committee reported the following, known as the "St. Louis platform:" 1. We deraand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts, public and private; and that without the use of banking cor porations, a just, equitable and efficient means of distribution direct to the people at a tax not to exceed two per cent be provided, as set forth in the sub-treasury plan ot the farmers' alliance, or sorae bet ter system ; also, by payraents in discharge of its obligations tor public iraprovements. {a) We demand free and unlimited coinage of silver. (6) We demand that the amount of circulating medium be speedily increased to not less than fifty dollars per capita, (c) We demand a graduated income tax. (rf) We believe that the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand all national and state revenue shall be liraited to the necessary expenses of the govern raent ecorioraioally and honestly administered, (e) We deraand that postal savings banks be established by the governraent for the safe deposit of the earnings of the people and to facilitate exchange. 2. The land, including all the natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of all the people and should not be raonopolized for specu lative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be prohibited. All land now held by railroads and other corporations in excess of their actual needs, and all lands now held by aliens, should be re clairaed by the government and held for actual settlers only. 3. Transportation being a means of exchange and a public neces sity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the in terest of the people. The telegraph and telephone, like the post- office systera, being a necessity for the transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people. And also the following resolutions : 4. That the people's party denounce the present board of railroad commissioners tor refusing to reduce the rates of fares and freights on the railroads of this state, and that when traitors and boodlers get into office the remedy is not the abolition of the office but that of the officers. 5. That the Traffic Association has our syrapathy and support in its efforts to compel the railroad coraraissioners to do their duty in regulating the fares and freights upon the railroads of this state. 590 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. 6. That we are in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and we denounce the republican party for demonetizing it in 1873, and the democratic party for not remonetizing it in 189^; and we also denounce the scheme of both old parties for calling a coun cil of foreign aristocrats to sit in judgment upon the monetary affairs -of this nation. 7. That we are in favOr of the speedy construction of the Nicar agua canal, and to that end we demand treaty rights with the government of Nicaragua before we invest $100,000,000 in the enterprise, and that the government of the United States should own and operate the canal when corapleted, in the interests of the commerce of the United States and the world. 8. That we denounce the attempt now being made to transfer the governraent lands known as arid lands to states and territories as a measure iri the iriterest of capital and monopoly, which must result in defrauding honest settlers frora acquiring and occupyiug such lauds. 9. That we have read the resolutions adopted at the labor conven tion held in San Francisco, May 24th, 1892, and we extend to the organizations represented in said convention our cordial co-operation in their efforts to secure the enactment of just laws for the protec tion ot their rights and to secure justice to the toilers in the shops and factories ot the cities, and we invite their hearty union with us in the sarae great cause. The report was adopted. The platforra adopted at Los Angeles, •October, 1891, was reaffirraed. The foUowirig were chosen as presidential electors : At large; J. S. Dore and Stephen Bowers. First district, A. L. Warner ; second district, J. N. Barton ; third district, L. F. Moulton ; fourth district, Thoraas V. Cator ; fifth district, William McCormick ; sixth •district, W. 0. Bowraari ; seventh district, D. T. Fowler. The following were elected delegates to the ¦ national convention : First district— H. J. Ring, L. Leighton, E. G. Furber, and Carl Browne. Second district — 0. A. Jenkins, J. E. Carap, J. M. Ben son, and J. W. Schofield. Third district — H. R. Shaw, J. L. Lyon, , A. H. Rose, and J. R. Gamer. Fourth district — J. A. WiUiaras, J. 0. Gore, 0. H. Johrison, and T. V. Cator. Fifth district— A. W. Thorapson, E. M. Piercy, D. C. Vestal, and C. W. Pedlar. Sixth district— J. S. Loveland, E. M. Hamilton, J. 0. Drew, and A. R. Hathaway. Seventh district — 0. F. Bennett, G. Burns, W. Penn REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. 591 Rogers, and B. F. Dixon. At large— Jesse Poundstone, J. S. Dore, J. E. Manlove, G. B. Johnson, Marion Cannon, Mrs. Nettie B. Snow, Mrs. T. V. Cator, and E. M. WardaU. For representatives in congress, the following were norainated : First district, 0. 0. Swafford in place of A. J. Bledsoe, declined; eecond district, H. B. Riggins; third district, J. L. Lyon ; fourth •district, Edgar P. Burraan ; fifth district, Jonas J. Morrison ; sixth ¦district, M. Cannon ; seventh district, Hirara Hamilton. The convention adjourned sine die on June 2d. The republican state central coramittee raet at San Francisco, June 20th, and issued a call for a state convention to be held in -Sacramento, July 26fch, for the purpose of nominating presidential ¦electors and alternates and representatives in congress. The con vention was held in the asserably chamber of the capitol at the appointed tirae and was coraposed of 552 delegates. It was called to order by F. H. Meyers, chairman of the state comraittee. N. P Chipraan was chosen' teraporary chairraan by acclaraation, and on final organization was raade perraanerit chairraan. The coraraittee on platform and resolutions was composed of R. B. Carpenter, George Fuller, George H. Crafts, George A. Nourse, 0. M. Short ridge, J. A. Louttit, Obed Harvey, Frank J. Murphy, 0. F. Roberts, D. T. Cole, T. W. Harris, A. Hockheimer, W. H. Diraond, Drury Melone, and F. S. Chadboume. The coramittee reported the follow ing resolutions, which were unaniraously adopted : 1. We reaffirm the principles enunciated in the platforra and resolutions of the republican state convention, adopted at Stockton, May 4 1892. 2. We adopt the platform arid resolutioris of the national repub lican convention at Minneapolis, June 9, 1892. 3. We hereby pledge the earnest, cordial, and united support of the republican party to the nominees of the MinneapoUs convention, Harrison and Reid. 4. That in the organization of the National League of the United States and in the Araerican Republican College League, we recognize able and efficient auxiliaries, and welcome them to the ranks of the republican party and to active participation in the affairs of state. 5. That the republican party of California has always stood for the material development of the state ; and, believing that increased faciUties of transportation, both by water and rail, will conduce to 592 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. that end, it deraands frora the general government the early com pletion, under government control, of the Nicaragua canal, and the liberal expenditure of money to improve our harbors and internal. waterways; and it invites capital to build into the state other and competing transcontinental lines of railway, pledging protection and support to all instrumentalities existing and to exist that may pro raote the general welfare and give to the people the benefit of the law of competition. 6. That the secretary of this convention be instructed to tele graph our representatives in the senate of the United States, urg ing the immediate passage of the mining bill, now pending in that body. Thomas R. Bard and J. 0. Campbell were nominated for electors at large by acclamation, and their alternates, George B. Oook and A.. S. HaUidie, were also nominated in the sarae raanner. The delegates, sitting in district conventions, raade the following nominations for electors frora their respective districts : First district — William Carson, elector, and Henry W. Walbridge, alternate ; both by acclamation. Second district — George B. Sperry for elector, and M. L. Mery,. alternate. Sperry afterwards resigned, and M. L. Mery was substi tuted by the state coramittee. Third districfc^Jaraes A. Wayraire for elector, and W. P. Har rington for alternate. Fourth district— I. Hecht for elector, and J. B. Stetson for alternate. Fifth district — H. V. Morehouse for elector, and E. F. Donnelly for alternate. Sixth district — -John T. Porter for elector, and E. L. Williaras, alternate. Porter resigned, arid J. R. Willoughby was substituted by the state coraraittee. Severith district — S. L. Hanscora tor elector, arid L. V. Olcese;. alterriate. For represeritatives in congress the following were norainated by the district conventions : First district— E. W. Davis, over J. T. Matlock. Second district— John F. Davis, over Grove L. Johnson. Third district — S. G. Hilborn, by acclaraation. He was norai nated also for the short term, occasioned by the resignation of Joseph' McKenna. SPECIAL ELECTION. 593 Fourth district — Charles 0. Alexander, by acclamafcion. Fifth district — Eugene F. Loud, by acclaraation. Sixth district — At an adjourned raeeting of this convention, held at Santa Cruz, July 29th, Hervey Lindley was norainated by 66 votes, to 16 for H. W. Magee. Seventh district — The delegates of this district assembled at Merced, July 25th, and nominated W. W. Bowers, by acclaraation. The state convention corapleted its work and adjourned, July 26th. The election was held throughout the state on Noveraber 8th, with the exception of one precirict in Inyo county, where none was held, owing to the loss of the official ballots. Governor Markham issued the following proclaraation for an election to be held in this precinct on Deceraber 13th : State of California, I Executive Department. J Whereas, a general election, as required by law, was held in the state of Oalifornia on Tuesday, the 8th- day ot November, A. D. 1892 ; and whereas, the board of supervisors of the county of Inyo, by order, duly established an election precinct within said Inyo county, known and designated as Oerro Gordo Election Precinct, No. 13, and appointed John Thomas inspector of elections tor said precinct ; and whereas, John N. Yandell was duly nominated for the office of county clerk, recorder and auditor of said Inyo county, in accord ance with the provisions of sections 1186 and 1187 of the Political Code ; and whereas, John Thomas, inspector as aforesaid, has raade affidavit that an election was prevented in said Cerro Gordo Precinct, No. 13, Inyo county, by the loss or destruction of the ballots in tended for that precinct, arid has transraitted the sarae to rae, in accordance with the provisions of section 1201 of the Political Code; and whereas, the said John N. Yandell, candidate for county clerk, recorder and auditor as aforesaid, in accordance with the pro visions of said section 1201, has made applicatiori to me for an order for a new election in said precinct ; and whereas, the requirements of the statutes in such cases made and provided have in all respects been coraplied with, and it being ray duty by law to order a new election in said preciiict; Now therefore, I, H. H. Markham, govemor of the state of Cali fornia, do hereby give notice that an election will be held in said Oerro Gordo Precinct, No. 13, Inyo county, state of California, on 38 694 POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA. the thirteenth day of Deceraber, A. D. 1892, for all the officers who were to be voted for at said general election on said 8th day of No veraber, A. D. 1892, in said Oerro Gordo Precinct, No. 13, Inyo county, and whose names were printed upon the general ticket in tended for said precinct at said general election. And I do hereby offer a reward of one hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction ot any and every person violating any of the provisions of title 4, part 1 of the Penal Code, said rewards to be paid until the total to be hereafter expended for the purpose reaches the sum ot ten thousand dollars. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of state to be affixed at Sacramento, this twenty-sixth day of November, A. D. 1892. H. H. MARKHAM. Attest: E. G. Waite, Secretary ot State. The returns showed that of the presidential electors chosen eight were deraocratic and one' republican. Of the congressraen three were republicans, three democrats and one people's party, indorsed by the democrats. The official returns were as follows : For presidential electors : Democratic — Filcher, 118,151; Graves, 118,109; Hararaond, 118,112; Hatch, 118,096; Long, 118,174; Lynch, 118,029; Rosenthal, 118,008; Silraan, 117,962; Thompson, 117,840. Republican— Bard, 118,027; Campbell, 117,743; Carson, 117,747; Mery, 117,670; Waymire, 117,717; Hecht, 117,613; Morehouse, 117,711; WUloughby, 117,605; Hanscora, 117,504 People's party— Bowers, 25,311; Dore, 25,254; Warner, 25,256; Barton, 25,243; Moulton, 25,237; Cator, 25,229; McCormick, 25,217; Bowraan, 25,201; Fowler, 25,170. Prohibition— McDonald, 8,096 ; Porter, 8,028 ; McArthur, 8,007; Miller, 8,029 ; Hierlihy, 7,991; Luse, 7,972; Caton, 7,980 ; Kellogg, 7,995 ; Fowler, 7,921. For Congressraen, first district — Geary, 19,308; Davis, 18,128; Swafford, 1,546. Second district— Carainetti, 20,741; Davis, 16,781; Dunn, 1,307; White, 122. Third district (unexpired terra)— Hil born, 16,911; English, 14,493; Lyon, 4826 ; Scranton, 34 FuU terra— Hilborn, 13,168; English, 13,138; Lyon, 3,495; Scranton, 671. Fourth district— Maguire, 14997; Alexander, 13,226; Bur raan, 1,980; Collins, 296. Fifth district— Loud, 14,660; Ryland, 13,694; Morrison, 2,484; Kelly, 771. Sixth district— Cannon, 20,676 ; Lindley, 14,271 ; Dougherty, 1,805. Seventh district- Bowers, 15,856 ; Wellborn, 14,869; Hamiltori, 5,578; Harris, 1,844. BIOGR APHIGAL SKETQHES OF GOYBRNORS AND REGISTER OF OFFICERS OF THE STATE OF 0ALIFORNIA. 1849—1892. BIOGRAP.HI0AL SkBTGHES OF GOYBRNOES. Peter H. Burnett. Born in Nashville, Tennessee, November 15, 1807; removed with parents to Howard county, Missouri, in the fall of 1817 ; removed again in 1822 to Clay county ; at the age of eighteen accepted the position of clerk in a hotel in Bolivar, Hardeman county, Tennessee, at a salary of $100 per annum ; in the winter of 1827 took charge ofa store on Clear Creeic, some ten miles from Bolivar, in the employ of Rev. 'SV. Blount Peck ; on the 20th of August, 1828, married Miss Harriet Rogers ; continued in the mercantile business for sev eral years, studying law meanwhile; in 1839 began the practice of law, and edited a weekly newspaper, The Far West, pubUshed at Liberty, Missouri; in the same year was appointed district attorney in a new judicial district, com posed of the counties of Clinton, Andrew, Buchanan, Holt, and Platte; in 1843, left Missouri with his wife and six children for Oregon; was a mem ber of the "Legislative Committee of Oregon," of 1844, which -was composed of nine members and consisted of only one house ; on the 18th of August, 1845, was elected by the house of representatives judge of the supreme court of Oregon ; in 1848, gold having been discovered in California, he left Oregon with a wagon party for that territory; remained in the mines mitil December 19, 1848, when he started for Sutter's fort and arrived there on December 21; was employed as attorney and agent for General John A. Sutter; removed to San Francisco in 1849, became a member of the legislative assembly and took an active part in its proceedings ; on the l-3th of November, 1849, was elected governor of Califorma ; resigned on January 8th, 1851; resumed the practice of law, in partnership -n'ith C. T. Ryland and "Williara T. "Wallace; appointed a justice of the supreme court of California, January 18, 1857, by Governor J. Neely Johnson; in June, 1868, was elected president ofthe "Pa cific Accumulation Loan Society," afterward the Pacifio bank of San Fran cisco ; resigned from the presidency of the bank in 1880, and is now living in retirement. John McDougal. Born in Russ county, Ohio, in 1818 ; was bred to mercantile pursuits ; re moved to Indiana, and at the breaking out of the Mexican -n-ar was superin tendent of the state prison of that state ; was a captain of volunteers during the war ; came to California in 1848, and engaged in mining and the trans portation of supplies to Sacramento ; represented Sacramento district in the constitutional convention of 1849; elected lieutenant-governor November 13, 1849; became governor on the resignation of Governor Burnett, and was inaugurated January 9, 1851 ; died at San Francisco March 80, 1866, of apo plexy. . John Bigler. Born near Carlisle, Pennsylvania, January 8, 1806, of German antecedents; educated at Dickinson college ; removed to Mercer county with his family ; learned the printing business in Pittsburg; in 1827 took charge of the Center 598 BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS. Connty Democrat, and edited and published it until 1882 ; admitted to the bar in 184Q; practiced law for nine years in Pennsylvania and Illinois ; came to California in 1849, arriving at Sacramento August 31st ; engaged himself as an auctioneer, in wood-cutting, mattress-making, ete. ; represented Sacra mento county in the assembly in 1850 and 1851 ; elected speaker February 5, 1850, and served in that capacity during the session of 1851 ; elected governor September 8, 1851, and re-elected September 7, 1853; defeated for that office in 1855; appointed United States minister to Chili by President Buchanan in 1857, which office he held until 1861; was a deraocratic nominee for congress in 1863, but was defeated ; practiced law at Sacramento ; was a delegate to the national democratic conventions of 1864 and 1868; appointed assessor of internal revenue for Sacramento district by President Johnson in 1866, bnt the appointment was not confirmed ; in 1867 was appointed by the President one of the commissioners to pass upon the Central Pacific railroad -work; established the State Capital Reporter in January, 1868, and was its editor until his death ; died at Sacramento, November 29, 1871. J. Neely Johnson. Born in Johnson township, Gibson county, Indiana, August 2,1825; re moved to Evansville in 1826 ; admitted to the bar at Keokuk, Iowa, before he was twenty-one ; came to California in 1849, arriving at Sacramento in July; engaged in teaming and mining ; opened a la-w oftioe in a tent at Sacramento ; elected city attorney in the spring of 1850; was elected as the agent of the state in the' autumn following to go to the aid of suffering immigrants ; ap pointed by President Fillmore special territorial census agent; appointed colonel on the staff of Governor McDo-ugal in the spring of 1851 and sent to the seat of the Mariposa Indian troubles ; represented Sacramento county in the assembly in 1853; elected governor Septeraber 5,1855; early in 1860 he removed to Nevada ; represented Orrasby county in the constitutional con vention of that state in 1863 ; was president of the second convention in 1864 ; appointed a justice of the Nevada supreme court in 1867, and was elected to that office at the succeeding general election ; resumed the practice of law iu January, 1871 ; was appointed soon after bjr the president one of the visitors and examiners of the 'West Point military academy ; died at Salt Lake city August 81; 1872, from the eft'ects of sunstroke. John B. Weller. Born February 22, 1812, at Montgomery, Hamilton county, Ohio; re moved with his parents to Oxford, Butler county, where he was educated at the Miami university ; studied law in the office of Jesse Corwin, and was ad mitted to the bar before he had attained his majority; elected prosecuting attorney of Butler county ; elected to congress from the then second district of Ohio in 1838, and was twice re-elected ; served in the Mexican war, and rose from the rank of a private to be colonel ; ran for governor of Ohio in 1848 on the democratic ticket, but was defeated ; appointed by President Polk, in January, 1849, a commissioner, under the treaty of Guadalup.e Hidalgo, to run the boundary line between the United States and Mexico ; elected United States senator from'California, January 30, 1852; elected governor, Septeraber 2, 1857; inaugurated January 8, 1858 ; appointed minister plenipotentiary to Mexico by President Buchanan, but was recalled by President Lincoln; located in New Orleans in 1867, where he died, August 17, 1875. BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS. 599 Milton S. Latham. Born in Columbus, Ohio, May 23, 1827; graduated at Jefferson college, Pennsylvania, in 1845; removed to Alabama and studied law; appointed clerk of the circuit court for RusseU county in 1848 ; removed to California in the winter of 1849; appointed clerk of the recorder's court of San Francisco in 1850; elected district attorney of Sacraraento and El Dorado counties; elected a representative in congress November 2, 1852; appointed collector at San Francisco by President Pierce in 1855, and held office until 1857; elected governor September 7, 1859; resigned January 14, 1860; elected United States senator, January 11, 1860; after the expiration of his term he engaged in business in San Francisco ; died at New York, March 4, 1882. John O. Downey. Born at Castle Sampson, county of Roscommon, Ireland, June 24, 1827; embarked for America at the age of 14; attended school in Charles county, Maryland ; at the age of 16 beoame an apprentice to a druggist in "Washing ton, D. C. ; in 1846, removed to Cincinnati, where he became a partner of John Darling, a leading apothecary of that city ; came to California by way of the Isthraus in 1849; obtained employment in the wholesale drug store of Henry Johnson & Co., on Dupont street, San Francisco ; in 1850, opened a drug store in Los Angeles in partnership with Dr. McFarland, of Tennessee; elected to the legislature in 1856 ; elected lieutenant-governor of the state in 1859, and became governor four days after the inauguration, Milton S. La tham resigning. Leland Stanford. Born near Albany, New York, March 19, 1824; his father was a strong ad vocate of the Erie canal, and among the first promoters of the railroad be tween Albany and Schenectady — the first railroad built on the American continent; studied law but never practiced; oame to California in 1852 and engaged in mining and merchandising ; candidate for state treasurer on the republican ticket in 1857 ; republican candidate for governor in 1859 ; elected governor September 4, 1861 ; engaged in the work of constructing and was president of the Central Paciflc railroad, the last spike of which was driven May 8, 1869; was president of the Southern Pacific Company until April 9, 1890 ; elected United States senator, J anuary 28, 1885 ; re-elected January 14, 1891. Frederick F. Low. Born in Frankfort, Maine, January 30, 1828; received a thorough English education there; arrived in San Francisco, June 14', 1849; mined a few months; engaged in business in San Francisco; commenced business as a banker at Marysville in 1855 ; elected to congress September, 1861 ; appointed collector of the port of San Francisco; elected governor September 2, 1863; appointed envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to China, to succeed J. Ross Browne, September 28, 1869; engaged in the banking busi ness in San Francisco. Henry H. Haight. Born in Rochester, New York, May 20, 1825; graduated from Yale college in 1844 ; studied law in the office of his father at St. Louis ; admitted to the bar in Missouri; practiced his profession there till late in 1849, when he emi- 600 BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS. grated to California, arriving in San Francisco January 20, 1850; practiced law in that city ; removed his residence to Alameda county in 1867 ; elected governor September 4, 1867 ; defeated for that office in 1871 ; elected a mem ber of constitutional convention June 19, 1878 ; died at San Francisco, Sep tember 2, 1878. Newton Booth. Born in Washington county, Indiana, December 30, 1825; in 1841 his family removed to Terre Haute; was educated at the Asbury (now De Pauw) uni versity, and graduated in 1846; admitted to the bar in 1849; arrived in Cali fornia October 18, 1850; resided for a time in Amador county, and located in Sacraraento in February, 1851 and engaged in mercantile business; elected senator from Sacramento county in 1862; elected governor Septeraber 6, 1S71; inaugurated December 8, 1871; resigned February 27, 1875; elected United States senator December 20, 1873, for a term to commence March 4, 1875; died at Sacramento July 14, 1892. Romualdo Pacheco. Born at Santa Barbara, California, October 81, 1831; was educated by pri vate tutors; engaged in nautical pursuits, and subsequently in agriculture; was a member ofthe state house of representatives in 1853; was elected county judge in 1854, serving four years ; was a member of the state senate in 1858, and again in 1861; was elected state treasurer in 1863 ; was elected lieutenant-governor in 1871, and becarae governor ofthe state when Governor Booth resigned to become United States senator; was nominated on the republican state ticket for the house of representatives of the forty-flfth congress; fae was elected to the forty-sixth, and also to the forty-seventh congress, as a republican ; during the war he commanded the flfth brigade of state militia ; was appointed minister of the United States for the Central American republics in December, 1890. William Irwin. Born in Butler county, Ohio, in 1827 ; was graduated at Marietta college in 1848, and went to Port Gibson, Mississippi, where he taught school for one year, and then returned to Marietta college where he taught until the fall of 1851; in the spring of 1852 he sailed from NewYork in the ship "Pioneer" for California ; upon arriving here he took a trip to Oregon, returning to San Francisco in 1853, where he established a lumber yard on the corner of Market and Steuart streets; in the fall of 1854 he removed to Siskiyou county, and for a few years engaged in merchandising; later he purchased the Yreka Union, which he owned and edited until the spring of 1875 ; he was elected to the assembly in 1861, and re-elected in 1862 ; was senator at the sessions of 1869-70 and 1871-2, and was re-elected in 1873; and at the ses sion of 1873-74 was elected president pro tem. of the senate; in 1875, New ton Booth having resigned the offlce of governor, and Lieutenant-Governor Pacheco assuming the oflBce of governor, by virtue of his office of president pro tem. Irwin became lieutenant-governor and resident director ofthe state prison at San Quentin ; was elected in 1875 upon the democratic ticket as governor, and held office until January, 1880; on March 12, 1883, was com missioned by Governor Stoneman one of the harbor commissioners for the port of San Francisco. Died while commissioner, at San Francisco, on March 15, 1886, and his remains were buried in the state plot at Sacramento city. BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS 601 George Clement Perkins. Born in Kennebunkport, Maine, August 23, 1839; at the age of 12 years -secreted himself on the vessel "Golden Eagle" about to sail for New Orleans, and after leaving port was accepted by the captain as one ofthe crew ; passed J>he next four years of his life at sea; worked for several months at placer mining in the northern counties of California; obtained employinent as porter in a store at Oroville; was proraoted to a clerkship and finally became ¦owner of the establishraent; in connection with N. D. Rideout and others established the Bank of Butte County, of which he became a director; elected to the state senate for the senatorial district of Butte county in 1869, and ¦again in 1878 to fill the unexpired term of Senator Boucher, deceased ; in 1872 .became a partner in the firra of Goodall & Nelson, which was later incorpor- ..ated as the Pacific Coast Steamship Company; appointed trustee of the Napa state insane asylum by Governor Irwin, in 1876 ; in 1879 was president -of the San Francisco Chan-iber of Con-imerce; elected governor September 3, 1879; inaugurated January 8, 1880; appointed in 1888 by Governor 'Water man, trustee of the asylum at Berkeley for the deaf, dumb, and blind, and -again in 1891 by Governor Markham ; appointed trustee of the State Mining -Bureau in.l889, by Governor Waterman. George Stoneman. Born in Busti, Chautauqua county, New York, August 8, 1822; attended -the Jamestown aoadei-.iy, and at the age of 20 was named by Hon. Staley N. Clarke, congressman from that district, to go to AVest Point ; graduated with high honors on July 1, 1846, in company with Generals Geo. B. McCleUan, I. N. Palmer aud others ; upon leaving school was proraoted in the army to brevet second lieutenant, first dragoons, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; during the war with Mexico -was ordered to San Diego, California, : and was engaged as acting assistant quartermaster of the Mormon battalion ; .arrived at San Diego mission January 30, 1847, after a long and arduous march -which brought the first overland wagon train to this state; in 1848-49 was placed in command ofthe San Francisco Presidio; served on the Pacifio coast until March 3, 1855; appointed captain of the second cavalry and re ported at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, to join his company; thence went to Camp Cooper, Texas, doing ordinary frontier duty for several months; was granted a leave of absence for eighteen months; returned in 1859 and went again into active service, commanding the Pesos expedition along the Mexi- xan frontier; at the beginning of the war ofthe rebellion figured in the defense of the capital, and was made major of the first cavalry ; was afterward chosen .a raember of General McClellan's staff'; on August 13, 1861, was made brigadier-general of the United States volunteers and chief of cavalrj' ofthe -¦army of the Potomac ; from March to August, 1862, was in the Virginia peninsular campaign aud laid siege to Yorktown on April 5th; on November 29, 1862, was raade major-general ofthe volunteer army; from December, 1862, to June, 1868, was occupied with the army of the Potomac in the Rap- -pahannock campaign ; during the engagement before Fredericksburg, partici pated as comraander of the third corps ; at the conclusion of that contest, was made a brevet colonel of the regular array, his promotion specially :.stating "for gallantand raeritorious service at the battle of Fredericksburg;" from January 28 to April 4, 1864, was in coraraand of the twenty-third in- Jfantry corps in east Tennessee, being promoted on March SOth to lieutenant- •colonel, third cavalry; on July 81, 1864, was taken prisonerof war at Clinton, •while in command on a raid to Macon and Andersonville to release union 602 BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS. troops confined there ; was released on October 27, 1864, and transferred to the temporary command of the departraent of Ohio, at Louisville, Kentucky ;. during the month of December, 1864, coramanded a raid into southwest Virginia, successfully engaging in affairs at Kingport, Bristol and Marion within four days, and on the 21st capturing Saltville;. from February 14 to March 20, 1865, commanded the district of East Tennessee, after which he- had charge of an expedition from Knoxville, Tennessee, to Asheville, North Carolina, and southwest Virginia; on this march captured "Wytheville andL Charlottesville; was promoted tj brevet brigadier-general of the United States array "for gallant and meritorious conduct at the capture of Charlottes ville;" was farther promoted on the same day to brevet major-general "for gallant and meritorious service in the field during the war of the rebellion;".' on April 7, 1865, destroyed the Bristol and Lynchburg railroad to prevent the withdrawal of the eneray over that route; on April 15th, comraanded a brigade of cavalry at the capture of Talisbury, North Carolina ; on April 20th captured the garrison at Asheville, North Carolina; from June 7, 1865, to June 5, 1866, was stationed in command of the department of the Tennessee, . engaged in mustering out troops; from June 9 to August 13, 1866, com manded the department of the Cumberland, and from August 13th to the 81st, .the district ofthe Curaberland; on July 28, 1866, was appointed by President Johnson colonel ofthe tw-enty-first infantry; was mustered out of the volunteer service September 1, 1866, being one of the last to go ; on De cember 17, 1866, was placed in command of the district of Petersburg, Virginia; ou June 2, 1868, was appointed to the comniand of the first mili tary district of Virginia, as, organized under the reconstruction laws of congress; was recalled from Virginia by President Grant and sent to Arizona, being placed in comraand of the district there; from May 3, 1870, to June 4, 1871, was in command of the department of Arizona; on August 16, 1871, retired from active service for "disability contracted in the line of" duty;" moved with his family to the San Gabriel valley, Los Angeles connty; appointed by President Hayes a member ofthe Indian commission ;„ in 1876, was appointed railroad commissioner by Governor Irwin, serving - until 1879, when he was elected by the people to the same position ; elected.. governor of California Noveraber 7, 1882; inaugurated January 10, 1883. [Washington Bartlett. Born in Savannah, Georgia, February 29, 1S24, being the eldest son of " Cosane Emir and Sarah E. (Melhado) Bartlett; he was of English puri tan ancestry ou the father's side, long domiciled in America; educated in private schools in Georgia and Florida; he learned the printer's trade in his father's office in Florida; was elected state printer of Florida in 1846, and served one term of two years. Arrived in San Francisco, California, November 17, 1849, having come around Cape Horn in a sailing vessel; im raediately opened a job printing office, having shipped frora Charleston, S. C, printing raaterial, which arrived in advance of him; in January, 1850, issued the Daily Journal of Commerce, w-hich made its appearance simul- - taneously with the Dailij Alia CaUfornia, the first dailj' newspapers published in California ; in 1850, published the first book printed in California; lost heavily by the destructive fires which visited Sau Francisco during the years 1850, 1851, and 1853; continued in the printing and newspaper business until 1857, being interested in the publication of the Evening Ne-ws and True Cali fornian; appointed deputy county clerk of San Francisco in 1857; elected couuty clerk in 1859, and re-elected in 1861 ; admitted to the bar, aud prac ticed law in partnership with his brother, Columbus Bartlett, from 1864 to- BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS. eOS 1867, when he was again elected county clerk of San Francisco county and served his term ; iu 1870 was appointed by Governor Haight, state harbor commissioner, to fill vacancy occasioned by the death of J. H. Cutter; elected state senator in 1873, and served term of four years ; went to Europe in 1878, and spent a couple of years abroad and in the Atlantic states ; elected mayor of San Francisco in 1882, and re-elected in 1884, serving two full terras ; nominated in August, 1886, by the deraocratic party, for governor, and was elected by a close vote over Hon. John F. Swift, republican, although the repubUcan candidate for Ueutenant-governor (R. "W. Waterman) and the greater part of the repubUcan ticket were successful; inaugurated governor of California, .January 8, 1887, and served until his death, Septeraber 12, 1887 ; in addition to these public stations, Governor Bartlett held many positions of trust and honor, such as president of the Society of California Pioneers, vice-president of the San Francisco Savings Union bank, secretary ofthe- Chamber of Commerce, etc. ; Governor Bartlett was never married. Robert W. Waterman. Born in Fairfield, Herkiraer county, New York, December 15, 1826; when- very young moved to Sycamore, Illinois; was clerk in a store until he was 20- years of age, when he engaged in the mercantile business on his own respon sibiUty at Belvidere, Illinois; came to CaUfornia with a party of immigrants in 1850; returned to Illinois in 1852 and. published the Wilmington Independ ent; came again to California in 1873; established a horae in San Bernardino county, where he resided uutil 1890, when he moved to San Diego ; elected lieutenant-governor, Noveraber 2, 1886; became governor on the death of Washington Bartlett, and was inaugurated September 13, 1887; died at San. Diego, April 12, 1891. Henry Harrison Markham. Born in "Wilmington, Essex county, New York on the 16th day of Novem ber, 1840, and received his edj.ication at the public and private schools of his- native town, and at "Wheeler's academy, "Vermont. ; he performed all the manual labor incident to a farra hand of that day, and became proficient in every branch of farming as it was then conducted; he removed to the state of 'Wisconsin in 1861, and -entered the army from that state ; was with Gen eral Sherman on his famous march to the sea, and was severely wounded at the battle of Whippy Swamp,, in South Carolina, on the 3d day of Peb ruary, 1865, from -which wound he never fully recovered ; at the close of the war he returned to Wisconsin and studied law with the noted firm of Waldo,. Ody & Van, of Milwaukee ; he was admitted to the circuit and supreme- courts of that state, to the United States district and circuit courts for the district of Wisconsin, and afterward to the suprerae court of the United States ; he pursued the practice of his profession in the city of Milwaukee- until the fall of 1878, when, owing to the loss of health and continued suff'er ing from his wound, he was corapelled to give up his practice; he reraoved with his faraily to Pasadena, Los Angeles county, in this state, where he has since continued to reside ; he was successfuUy engaged in quartz mining, of both gold and silver, in CaUfornia, until the summer of 1884, when he was nominated by the republican party for congress in the sixth congressional district, and elected ; he served during the forty-ninth congress, securing the- passage of many important measures for the benefit of his district, and espe cially for Los Angeles county ; his health not permitting, he was compelled to refuse a renomination so flatteringly tendered him by his entire constit- !604 BIOGRAPHIES OF GOVERNORS. uency, and at the end of his term in congress he retired to private Ufe ; he -was not permitted, however, to remain in retirement long, as the con gress of the United States soon elected him one of the managers of the na tional soldiers' homes of the United States ; in this position he devoted a very large amount of his tirae to all the homes, but especially to the one at Santa Monica, and althongh this service was performed without compensa tion it was a work in which he took a deep and active interest ; as a busi ness man he has been successful in all his undertakings, and is now inter ested in several important business enterprises; he was nominated by his party and elected governor of this State in 1890, which position he now ¦occupies. *Registei^ of State Offigers. Abbott, Augustus, Railroad Commissioner, First District, 1887-90. Abbott, C. 8., Assemblyman, Monterey, 1875-76, 1877-78. Abbott, J. P., Senator, Marin and Contra Costa, 1887. Abell, Alex. G., Senator, San Francisco, 1863. - Died, San Francisco, December ^8, 1890. Abies, T. J., Assemblyman, Marin, 1867-68, 1873-74. Adams, A. C, Judge Eleventh Judicial District, appointed 1869, elected 1869. Adams, Alonzo W., Senator, Butte, Shasta, etc., 1851. Adams, Amos, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1861, 1863. Adams, James, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1880. Adams, L. B., Assemblyman, Yolo, 1887, 1889. Adams, P. R., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1893. Adams, W. S., Assemblyman, Tulare and Kern, 1877-78. Adkison, D. O., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1855, 1863. Died, San Francisco, JVo- ve-mber 3, 1887. Aitkin, John R., Superior Judge, San Diego County, elected 1888. Aidrich, Lewis, Judge Sixth Judicial District, elected 1851. Died, San. Francisco, Ma-ij 19, 1885. Aidrich, W. A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1871-72, 187.3-74. Alexander, Charles 0., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1887, 1889; Harbor Com missioner, 1889- Alexander, J. K., Superior Judge, Monterey County, elected 1879, 1884. Alexander, J. S., Assemblyman. Stanislaus, 1891. Alford, W. H., Assemblyman, Tulare, 1893. Allen, Charles C, Adjutant-General, 1891- AUen, Charles D., Assemblyman, Mariii, 1877-78. Allen, E. H., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1863-64. Allen, Isaac, Senator, Yuba, 1858, 1859. Allen, J. M., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879. Allen, Jaraes, State Printer, 1856-58. Died, Washoe, Nevada, October 31, 1863. Allen, James M., Adjutant-General, 1868-70. Allen, R. G., Asserablyraan, San Bernardino, 1863. Allen, Sarauel I., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1885. Alley, S. H., Assemblyman, Sierra, 1863- 64. Almy, Joseph, Assemblyman, Marin, 1885. Alvarado, Juan B., Governor under Mexican rule, 1836-42. Died, San Pablo, July 13, 1S82. Alviso, Valentine, Asserablyraan, Alameda, 1881. Amerige, George, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862. Amernian, I. A., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1873-74. Died, San Leandro, February 14, 1877. Ames, A., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1891. Ames, J. P., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1877-78; Warden of State Prison- at San Quentin, 1880-83. Ames, T. M., Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1862, 1863. Amyx, Fleming, Asserablyraan, Tuolumne, 1855, 1861. Died, Stockton, No vember 4, 1861. Anderson, Alexander, Senator, Tuolumne, 1852; Supreme Justice, 1852. Anderson, Francis, Assemblyman, Sierra, 1854; Senator, Sierra, 1863. Anderson, J. W., Superintendent of PubUc Instruction, 1891- Anderson, James, Senator, Placer, 1858, 1859, 1860. Died, Avium, October n, 1866. Anderson, R. M., Lieutenant-Governor, 1856-58. Died, Swan Lake, Arkan sas, March ^4, 187^. Anderson, T. H., Assemblyman, Napa, 1857, 1858. Anderson, W. A., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1898. * OflScials holding by appomtment, such as trustees of institutions, commissioners, etc., with few exceptions, are not included in this list. -606 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Anderson, W. F., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1877-78. D'led, Idaho, July 7, 1S83. ¦ Anderson, W. L., Senator, Napa, Lake, and Sonoma, 1880, 1881. Andrews, A. B., Assemblvman, Amador, 1863. Dea.d. Andrews, A. R., Assemblyman, Shasta, 1856, 1869-70, 1871-72; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Trinity and Shasta District. Andrews, Moses, Assemblj^man, Placer, 1855. Died, Auburn, December 9, 1883. Andross, Moses C, Senator, Tuolumne, 1871-72, 1873-74. Died, San Fran cisco, June IS, 1881. Androus, S. N., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1893. Angelotti, Frank M., Superior Judge, Marin County, elected 1890. -Angney, 'W. Z., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1867-6''8; Senator, Santa Clara, 1875-76, 1877-78. Died, Gilroy, January ^8, 1878. .Anthony, Elihu, Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1880. .Anthony, WilUam, Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1865-66. Died, Livermore, Jamiary, 1890. Appling, P'. C, Assemblyman, Fresno, 1869-70. Aram, Joseph, Assemblyman, San .lose District, 1849-50; Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Jose District. Archer, Lawrence, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1875-76. Arguello, Jose Dario, Governor uuder Spanish rule, 1814-15. Died, Guada lajara, 1828. Arguello, Louis, Governor under Mexican rule, 1823-25. Died, San Fran cisco, March W7, 1830. Arick, Rufus E., Assemblyman, Tulare and Kern, 1881; Superior Judge, Kern County, elected 1884, 1890. Died, Bakersfield, December 31, 1890. Arms, Charles S., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891; Senator, 1893- Armstrong, C. B., Superior Judge, Amador County, appointed 1886, elected, 1886, 1890. Died, Jackson, Amador County, November 9^ 189$. Armstrong, John W., Trustee of State Library, 1870-82; Superior Judge, Sacraraento County, appointed 1883, 1886, elected 1888. Arrastrong, Williara R., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1859. Arnot, N. D., Superior Judge, Alpine County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. ArriUaga, Jose Joaquin, Governor under Spanish rule, 1792-94, 1800-14. - Died, Soledad, 1857. Arrington, J. J., Assemblyman, Klamath, 1855. Ashe, R. I., Asserablyraan, Kern and Ventura, 1885. Ashley, D..R., Asserablyraan, Monterey, 1854, 1855; Senator, Monterey and Santa Cruz, 1856, 1857; President pro tem., 1856; State Treasurer, 1862-68. Died, San Francisco, July 18, 1873. Asmussen, A., Assemblvman, San Francisco, 1877-78. ' Atherton, J. "W., Asserablyraan, Marin, 1887, 1889. Atwell, A. J., Assemblyman, Tulare and Kern, 1888. Aud, Francis L., Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1858, 1859. AuU, T. M., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1857. Avery, Benjamin P., State Printer, 1862-63. Died, Peking, China, November,- 8, 1876. Avery, John M., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1861, 1862. Axtell, Samuel B., Representative to Congress, 1867-70. Died, New Jersey, August 6, 1891. Ayer, Isaac, Asserablyraan, Calaveras, 1865-66, 1867-68. Ayers, James J., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District; State Printer, 1883-86; Trustee State Library, 1885-86. Aylett, W. D., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1854. JBabcock, Jasper, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1860. Backus, Samuel W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1877-78; Adjutant- General, 1880-82. Bacon, P. B., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1871-72. Badgley, William H., Judge Sixteenth Judicial District, appointed 1862, elected, 1862. Badlam, Alex., Jr., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1863-64. Baechtel, Martin, Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1861. Baehr, Ferdinand, State Treasurer, 1871-75. Bagge, T. F., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1875-76. Died, Oakland, March $6, 1886. JBagley, John W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1854. Dead. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 607 :Bailey, D. B., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1860. Died, Mountain View, September 9, 1888. , Bailey, G. W., Assemblyman, Tuolurane, 1860. ' Bailey, Hirara, Assemblvnian, Alaraeda, 1887. Bailey, W. C, Senator, Santa Clara, 1891, 1893. 'Baird, Curtis, Asserablyraan. San Mateo, 1871-72. Baird, J. H., Senator, San Francisco, 1853. Baker, F. E., Asserablyraan, Yolo, 1881. Baker, George F., Senator, Santa Clara, 1880, 1881; President pro tera 1880. Died, San Francisco, March 11, 1882. '' "Baker, Janies H., Senator, Placer, 1858, 1859. Baker, John E., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1881. Died, Sacramento, May %, 1881. .Baker, Thomas, Assemblyman, Tulare, 1855; Senator, Tuolumne and Fresno, 1862, 1863. Died, Bakersfield, November 24, 1872. Baldwin, D. P.., Asserablyraan, San Joaquin District, 1849-50; Tuolurane, 1851. Dead. Baldwin, F. T., Senator, San Joaquin, 1883, 1885; Superior Judge, San Joa quin County, appointed 1886. Baldwin, Joseph G., Supreme Justice, 1858. Died, San Francisco, Sevtember 29, I864. .BaUou, S. A., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1854, 1858; Senator, Plumas and Butte, 1859, 1860. Banbury, J., Asserablyraan, Los Angeles. 1885. Bangs, V. E., Assemblyman, Stanislaus, 1889. Banks, Janies A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1863; Senator, San Francisco, 1862. KUled by Indians m Nevada, August 1, IS67' .Banks, W. 0., Senator, San Francisco, 1889, 1891. Banning, Phineas, Senator, Los Angeles, 1865-66, 1867-68. Died, San Fran cisco, March 8, 1886. Banvard, E. M., Senator, Placer, 1869-70, 1(^71-72. Barber, .'T. H., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. .Barbour, Clitus, Member Second Constitutional Cohvention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. .Barbour, Williara T., Jud,ge Tenth Judicial District, elected 1851, 1852. Died, V-irginia City, Nev., May 11, 1872. Barclay, Jaraes, Asse'niblyman, Calaveras, 1863. Barclay, William P., Assemblvman, Placer, 1859. Bard, Thomas R., Presidential Elector, 1898. Barlow, Chas. A., Asserablyraan, San Luis Obispo, 1898. Barker, S., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1871-72. Barklage, William, Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1871-72. Barker, C. 0., Asserablyraan, San Bernardino, 1893. Barnard, T. H., Assemblyman, Butte, 1891. Barnes, B. W.. Assemblyman, Plumas and Lassen, 1871-72. Barnes, D. G., Assemblyman, Solano, 1883, 1885. Barnes, William H. L., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878- 79, First Congressional District ; Presidential Elector, 1888. Barnett, A. T., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. Barnett, J. D., A-sserablyman, Sonoma, 1891. Barnett, Robert, Assemblyman, Colusa, 1885. Barrett, H., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1857. Barri, Felipe de, Governor under Spanish rule, 1771-74. Barry, Edmund, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Nevada and Sierra District. Barry, Michael H., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1887. Barry, Thoraas F., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883. Barstow, George, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1862, 1863, 1877-78; Speaker ofthe House, 1862. D-ied, San Francisco, September 9, 1883. Bartlett, Columbus, Private Secretary to Governor Washington Bartlett. 'Bartlett, Washington, County Clerk of San Francisco, 1859-63, 1867-69; Harbor Commissioner, 1870-71; Senator, San Francisco, 1873-74, 1875-76; Mayor of San Francisco, 1888-85; Governor, 1887. Died, Oakland, Septem ber 12, 1887. . Barton, Benjamin, Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1862. Barton, Hiram M., Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1887. Barton, W. H., Assemblyman, Sacram-ento, 1862, 1868. 608 REGISTER OF STATE OIFICERS. Barton, James N., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1873-74; Member Second^. Constitutional Convention; 1878-79, Mendocino, Huraboldt, and Del' Norte District. Bass, J. S. P., Asserablyraan, Trinity and Shasta, 1880. Died, Redding, Janu-- ary 7. 1892. Bassham, W. R., Senator, San Jose District, 1849-50. Batchelder, A. J., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1856, 1865-66, 1867-68. Bateman, 15. B., Asserablyman, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. Bates, Fordyce, Assemblyman, Trinity, 1859. Bates, Henry, Assemblyman, Shasta, 1855; State Treasurer, 1856-57. Died,. San Francisco, November IS, 1862. Battelle, T. S., Assemblyman, Sierra, 1867-68. Battles, William W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862. Baughman, W. E., Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1891. Bausman, WiUiam, Private Secretary to Governor J. Neely Johnson. Baj'ley, A. J., Assemblyman, El Dorado and Alpine, 1871-72, 1883. Beach, D. S., Asserablyraan, Placer, 1860. Beach, Horace, Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1867-68, 1869-70. Dead. Bearaan, J. H., Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1863-64. Bearaer, R. H., Member of State Board of Equalization, 1891- Beard, E. B,, Assemblyman, Stanislaus, 1888, 1885. Beard, J. S., Superior Judge, Siskiyou County, elected 1890. Beard, Joseph R., Clerk of the Suprerae Court, 1855-56. Died, San Fran cisco, 1882. Beatty, E. T., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1855, 1856, 1857; Speaker, 1857. Dead.- Beatty, WilUam H., Trustee State Library, 1886-87 ; Chief Justice, 1888- .Beauvais, A..B., Senator, Tuolurane, 1885. Died, Columbia, June, 1888. Beazeli, Jaraes, Senator, Alaraeda, 1875-76, 1877-78. Beck, Thomas, Senator, Santa Cruz and Monterey, 1871-72, 1873-74; Sec retary of State, 1876-80. Beckraan, William, Railroad Coraraissioner, First District, 1891- Beecher, J. L., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1891. Beerstecher, Charles J., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79,., San Francisco District; Railroad Commissioner, Second District, 1880-82. Beeson, J. B., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1863. Belcher, Isaac S., Judge Tenth Judicial District, elected 1863; Supreme Justice, 1872-78; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Third Congressional District; Trustee State Library, 1882-90; Supreme- Court Commissioner, 1884- Belcher, W. C, Trustee of State Library, 1866-70. Belden, David, Senator, Nevada, 1865-66, 1867-68; Judge Twentieth Judi--^ cial District, appointed 1872, elected 1878; Superior Judge, Santa Clara County, elected, 1879, 1884. Died, San Jose, May I4, 1888. Bell, Aaron, Superior Judge, Shasta County, elected 1879, 1884. Bell, John C., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1860. Shot and stabbed by Dr. W... H. Stone, in the State Capitol, April 11, 1860, and died on the Wth. ' Bell, Peter, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Fran cisco District. Bell, Robert, Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1871-72. Bell, Sarauel, Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1858; State Controller, 1854-55. BeU, Samuel B., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1862; Senator, Santa Clara and Alameda, 1857, 1858. Bell, Vincent G., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1856. Died, San Francisco, Julyr 24, 1880. Bennett, A., Assemblyman, Solano, 1880. Bennett, A. G., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1893. Bennett, C. F. Assemblyman, Orange County, 1893. Bennett, F. C, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1851. Bennett, J. W., Asserablyman, Sonoma, 1854. Bennett, M. P., Superior Judge, El Dorado County, elected, 1890. Bennett, Nathaniel, Senator, San Francisco District, 1849-50; Supreme^; Justice, 1849-51. Died, San Francisco, April 20, 1886. Benton. John E., Asserablyman, Sacraraento, 1862; Senator, Sacramento, 1863-64, 1865-66. Died, Oakland, February 18, 1888. Berry, Campbell P., Assemblyman, Sutter, '1869-70, 1871-72, 1875-76, 1877-78 ^ Speaker of the House. 1877-78 ; Representative to Congress, 1879-82. Berry, George S., Asserablyman, Tulare, 1889; Senator; Inyo,. Tulare, and. Kern, 1891, 1893. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 609 Berry, J., Senator, Klamath, Siskiyou, etc., 1858. 1859; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Siskiyou and Modoc District. Bert, Eugene F., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. Betge, R. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1869-70, 1871-72. Dead. Bever, Tunis S., Asserablyraan, Calaveras, 1867-68. Died, Sacramento, No vember W, 1878. Bibb, D. H., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1883. Bidwell, John, Senator, Sacraraento District, 1849-50; Representative to Congress, 1865-67'; Trustee State Normal School at Chico, 1887- ' Bigelow, Samuel C, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1862. Biggs, Marion, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1867-68, Butte, 1869-70; Mem ber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Third Congressional Dis- . trict ; Commissioner to attend the Centennial Celebration ofthe Inaugura tion of George Washington as President of the C nited States, 1888; Representative to Congress, 1887-91. Biggs, Marion, Jr., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1875-76. Biggy, W. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1893. Bigler, John, Asserablyraan, Sacramento, 1849-50, 1851; Speaker of the House, 1851; Governor, 1852-56; Trustee of State Library, 1870-71. Died, Sacra-mento, November 29, 1871. \ Bird, A. B., Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1867-68. Birdseye, J. C, Senator, Nevada, 1863. Birney, T. C, Asserablyraan, Tuolurane, 1875-76, 1881. Black, H. M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. Black, Joseph F., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1885. Died, San Francisco, May 9, 1887. Blackburn, William, Asserablyraan, Santa Clara, 1856. Died, San Fran cisco, March 25, 1867. Blackraer, EU T., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Diego District. BlackweU, S. L., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1875-76, 1877-78. Blair, A. W., Assemblyraan, Monterey, 1861. Blake,. George H., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1853. Died, Waterford, New York, August 27, ISS4. Blake, M. C, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857. Blake, Seth B., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1877-78. Blakeley, F. A., Asserablyman, Tulare, 1893. Blanchard, D. L., Assemfcljrman, Tuolumne, 1852. Blanchard, George A., Superior Judge, Colusa County, appointed 1881. Blanchard, N. W., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1863. Blankeiiship, J. A., Assemb'lyraan, Monterey, 1869-70. Bledsoe, A. C., Asserablyman, Sonoma, 1865-66. Bledsoe, A. J., Asserablyman, Huraboldt, 1891, 1893. Bliss, Siraeon M., Judge Tenth Judicial District, elected 1858. Died, Marysville, May 26, 1887. Blue, Thoraas, Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1875-76. Bockius, G. "W., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1871-72. Bodley, Thomas, Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1851. Died, San Jose, Septem ber 27, 1878. Bogardus, Edgar, Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1855. Dead. Bogart, J. C Senator, San Diego, etc., 1862, 1868. Died, San Francisco, August 15, 1876. Boggs, H. C, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Napa, Lake, and Sonoma District. Boggs, John, Senator, Colusa, etc., 1871-72, 187.8-74, 1887, 1889; Director "Napa State Insane Asylum, 1876-80; Member State Board of Agriculture, 1880-84, 1884-88, 1888-92, 1892- ; Penology Commissioner, 1885; State Prison Director, 1885-87. Boggs, L. W., Assemblvman, Sonoma, 1852. Died, Sonoma, March 11, 1861. Bolander. H. N., State "Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1871-75. Boles, John L., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1855. Bondurant, James M., Judge Thirteenth Judicial District, elected 1863. Died, Visalia, Nove'mber 10, 1866. Bones, J. W., Senator, Alameda, 1877-78. Booker, Samuel A., Judge Fifth Judicial District.'elected 1869, 1875. Died, Stockton, December 15, 1891. Boone, John L., Senator, San Francisco, 1885. 39 610 REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. Booth, Andrew G., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883; Trustee of State Library, 1886-90. ^ . , Booth, Newton, Senator, Sacraraento, 1863; Governor, 1871-75; United States Senator, 1875-81; Commissioner ofthe Funded Debt Sinking Fund of Sacraraento, 1886-92. Died, Saeramento, July IA, 1892. Borica, Diego de, Governor under Spanish rule, 1794-1800. Died, Durango, July, 1800. „ ^ r.-. Boring,' Sarauel W., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1856; Senator, Santa Clara, 1877-78. Borland, John, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1856. Boruck, Marcus D., Secretary of the Senate Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth Sessions; Director State Board of Agriculture, 1880; Private Sec retary to Governor R. W. Waterraan. Bosquit, John, Asserablyman, Placer, 1865-66. Died, near Lincoln, Novem ber 9, 1868. Bost, John W., Surveyor-General, 1867-71; Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1881, 1887. Bostwick, John H., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1853, 1854. Botts, Charles T., Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Monterey District; Judge Sixth Judicial District, appointed 1857; State Printer, 1860-61. Died, San Francisco, October 4, 1880. Boucher, David, Senator, Plumas, 1871-72. Died, Dayton, Butte County, Sep tember 16, 1872. Boucher, Josiah, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Butte District. Died, Indiana, August 9, 1892. Boulware, M., Asserablyraan, Sutter, 18(i3-64. Bowe, James E., Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1856. Bowers, S. C, Asserablyman, Marin, 1883. Bowers, Thomas J., Superior Judge Marin County, elected 1879. Bowers, W. W., Assemblyraan, San Diego, 1873-74; Senator, San Bernar dino and San Diego, 1887, 1889; Trustee State Norraal School at Los Angeles ; Representative to Congress, 1891, 1898. Bowie, G. W;, Asserablyman, Colusa, 1854. Bowraan, James, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1868-64, 1865-66. Bowman, John H., Assemblyman, Amador, 1860. Boyce, W. W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1893. Boyston, John S., Senator, San Francisco, 1877-78. Died, San Francisco, December 16, 1883. Brackett, J. E., Assemblyman, Sonoraa District, 1849-50. Bradford, A. C, Asserablyraan, San Joaquin, 1854; Presidential Elector, 1856; Judge 'i?hirteenth Judicial District, elected 1867. Register U. S. Land Office. Died, Alameda County, February 16, 1891. Bradford, John S., Asserablyman, Sonoma .District, 1849-50, 1851. Died, Springfield, III., January 28, 1892. Bradley, B. T., Senator, Calaveras and Amador, 1859, 1860. Bradley, E. L., Senator, Placer, 1865-66, 1867-68. Died, San Jose, July 17, 1880. Bradley, J. C, Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1H71-72, 1873-74, 1875-76. Bradley, L. R., Assemblyraan, Sah Joaquin, 1861. Died, Elko, Nev., March 21,' 1879. Braley, M. A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1865-66. Died, San Francisco, September 7, 1868. Branch, L. C, AssemblymaUj Stanislaus, 1881. Brannan, Samuel, Presidential Elector, 1864. Died, Escondido, San Diego County. May 6, 1889. Brannan.'T. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. Braunhart, Sarauel, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1880. Braynard, C. P., Superior Judge, Tehama Connty, elected 1882, 1884. Breckinridge, J. "W., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1883. Died, Merced, May 9, 1892. Breen, James F., Assemblyman, San Benito, 1877-78; Superior Judge, San Benito County, elected 1879, 1S84, 1890. Brent, J. L., Asserablyraan, Los Angeles, 1856, 1857. Bretz, A. Assemblyman, Alameda, 1893. Brewster, John H., Surveyor-General, 1856-58. Brewton, J. G., Assemblyraan, Sacramento, 1855. Brioeland, J. M., Assemblyman, Shasta and Trinity, 1875-76, 1883; Senator. Trinity, Siskiyou, etc., 1887, 1889. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 611 Brickwedel, H. M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. Bridgeford, E. A., Superior Judge, Colusa County, elected 1884, 1890. Brierly, J. R., Assistant Secretary of Senate, 1880; Journal Clerk of the Senate, 1881; Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1887, 1889; Speaker pro. tera., 1887. Died, San Jone, January 6, 1891. Briggs, Alfred, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1854, 1859. Briggs, H. W., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1861. Briggs, R. M., Assemblyman, Amador, 1858; Superior Judge, Mono County, elected 1879, 1884. Died, Bridge-port, December 8, 1886. Britt, E. W., Assemblyman, Lake, 1885. Britt, James E., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887; Senator, Sau Fran cisco, 1889, 1891. Brocklebank, M. T., Private Secretary to Governor John B. Weller. Brockway, S.^ W., Judge Eleventh Judicial District, elected 1863. Died, San Mateo, March 31, 1869. Broderick, David C, Senator, San Francisco, 1849-50, 1851, 1852; President ofthe Senate, 1851; Lieutenant-Governor, 1851; United States Senator, 1857-59. Died, San. Francisco, September 16, 1859. Broderick, John T., Senator, San Francisco, 1891, 1893. Broderick, William, Asserablyraan. San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78. Broderson, B. J., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1867-68. Brooks, George J., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1863-64. Brpoks, J. Marion, Senator, Ventura, etc., 1888; Assemblyman, Kern and Ventura, 1887. Brooks, Max, Assemblyman, Butte, 1877-78, 1880. Brooks, Sarauel H., State ControUer, 1860-61. Brown, A. C, Asserablyraan, Araador and Alpine, 1863-64, 1865-66, 1869-70. Brown, Alex., Asserablyman, Calaveras, 1891. Brown, C. L. F., Assem'blvman, Calaveras, 1871-72. Brown, Elam, Member 'i'irst Constitutional Conventioil, 1849, San Jose Distrifct; Assemblyman, San Jose District, 1849-50; Contra Costa, 1851. Died, August, 1889. Brown, Frank M., Senator, San Joaquin, etc., 1885. Brown, H. M. C, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1855. Dead. Brown, H. R. K., Assemblyman, Sonoraa, 1880. Brown, J. E., Asserablyman, Y'uba, 1869-70. Brown, J. F., Assemblyman, Solano, 1889. Brown, J. P., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1880, 18?1. Brown, James B., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Brown, John Q., Mayor of Sacramento', elected 1881, 1884; Director of Napa Insane Asylura, 'appointed 1887. Died, San. Francisco, December 21, 1892. Brown. Joseph C, Assemblyman, Tulare and Kern, 1863-64,1865-66, 1867-68; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Tulare District. Brown, Joseph E., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1862. Brown, L. H., Clerk ofthe Supreme Court, 1891- Brown, R. L. H., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1883. Brown, Thoraas A.. Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1865-66, 1867-68; Superior , Judge, Contra Costa County, elected 1879, 1884. Died, Martinez, August 6, 1889. Brown, Warren, Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1855. Brown, WiUiam A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Brown, WiUiam B. C, State Controller, 1876-80; Presidential Elector, 1880. Died, Sacramento, April 12, 1882. Brown, WiUiam E., Pnvate Secretary to Governors Leland Stanford and Frederick F. Low. Brown, WiUiam H., Senator, El Dorado and Alpine, 1877-78,1880-81; Harbor Commissioner, San Francisco, 1889- Browne, J. Ross, Reporter First Constitutional Convention, 1849. Died, Oakland, December 8, 1875. Brownlie, John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1898. Bruner, Elwood, Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1880, 1891. Brundage, B., Superior Judge, Kern County, elected 1879. Brunson, Anson, Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, elected 1884. Brunton, T. C, Assemblyman, Tuolurane, 1856. Dead. Brush, G. R., Assemblyman, Marin, 1856. Died, Los Angeles, January 18, 1859. Brush, Jesse D., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1852, 1853. Died, New York, January 31, 1871. 612 REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. Brusie, Jud. C, Asserablyman, Amador, 1887; Sacramento, 1891. Brusie, L., Assemblvman, Amador, 1880. Died, lone. May 28, 1887. Bryan, Charles H.", Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1854; Supreme Justice, ' 1854-55. Died, Carson City, Nevada, May I4, 1877. Bryan, W. E., Assemblyman', Sacramento,' 1878-74. Bryant, Fred., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1891. Buck, George H., Superior Judge, Sap Mateo County, elected 1890. Buck, L. "W., Senator, Solano and Yolo, 1888. Buck, S. M., Assemblyman, Tuolurane, 1859. Buckbee, J. R., Asserablyraan, Plumas and Lassen, 1867-68. Died, Stock ton, Jime 28, 1873. Buckles, A. J., Superior Judge, Solano County, elected 1884, 1890. Buckley, John E., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1893. Buckley, J. P., Senator, San Francisco, 1863-64. Died, San Francisco, No vember 17, IS64. Buckley, W. S., Superior Judge, San Joaquin County, elected 1879. Budd, James H., Representative to Congiess, 1883-85. Budd, Joseph H., Superior Judge, San Joaquin County, elected 1888, 1890. ¦ Buel. David E., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1858. Died, St. Louis, March, 1888. BueU, W. M., Assemblyman, Klamath, 1«61. Buff'am, A. C, Assemblyman, Butte, 1863-64. Buffum, E. Gould, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1855. Died, Paris, De cember 26, 1867. Bugbee, S. C, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1865-66. Died, San Francisco, September 1, 1877. Buhlert, Julius, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1885. Bulla, R. N., Assemblyraan, Los Angeles, 1893. Burbank, Caleb, Assemblyman, San E'rancisco, 1858; Judge Fourth Judi cial District, elected 1858; Senator, .San Francisco, 1861. Died. Stockton, May 5, 1888. Burbank, George W., Assemblyman, Marin, 1875-76. Burch, .lohn C, Asserablyman, Trinity, 1857; Senator, Huraboldt and Trinity, 1858, 1-59 ; Representative to Congress, 1859-61 ; Code Commis sioner, appointed 1870. Died, S'm Francisco, August 31, 1885. Burckhalter, J., Asserablyman, Tulare and Kern, 1871-72. - Died, Santa Rosa, October 28. 1883. Burdick, James, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1859. . Burke, Bare, Senator, San Mateo and Santa Cruz, 1898. Burke, E., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1855; Judge Thirteenth Judicial Dis trict, elected 1855. 1861.. Died, San Francisco,' April 28, 1893. Burke, T. "W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1893. Burnell, R., Assemblyman (Speaker), Amador, 1861 : Senator, Amador, 1862, 1863, 1863-64; President pro tem., 1863-64. Died, Napa, February 13, 1880. Burnett, G. W., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1889. Burnett, Joseph, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Burnett, Peter H., Governor, 1849-50; Supreme Justice, 1857, 1858. Burnett, W. C, Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1856, 1857. Burnett, "William, Senator, Sonoma, 1869-70. Died, Petaluma, April 6, 1870. Burns, Daniel M., Secretary of State, 1880-83; Police Commissioner, San Francisco, 189i- Burns, John, Assemblyman. San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Burns, W., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1857. Burr, Jaraes, Assemblyraan, Bl Dorado, 1863. Burson, L. M., Assemblyman, Huraboldt, 1860. Burt, Samuel B., Assemblyman, Placer, 187.3-74; Senator, Placer, 1880, 1881; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Placer District. Burton, E. P.. Assemblyman, Nevada, 18.54; Senator, Nevada, 1855, 1856, 1858, 1859; State Controller, 1857-58. Died, Denver, Colorado, May 12, 1891. Buirwell, Lewis, Assemblyraan, Butte, 1889. Bush, C. W., Senator, Los Angeles, 1873-74, 1875-76. Bush, E. R., Superior Judge, "Yolo Couuty, elected 1879. Butler, A. B., Assemblyman, Tulare, 1887. Butler, T. J., Assemblyman, Colusa and Tehama, 1868. Byers, James D., Assemblyman, Lassen and Plumas, 1873-74; Presidential Elector, 1884. Byington, Lewis, Assemblyman, Sierra, 1877-78. Died, San Francisco, June ' 30, 1886. Bynum, Edward, Assemblyman, Yolo, 1856. Died, Woodland, October 8, 1881. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 613 Bynum, Sarshall, Senator, Napa, Solano, and Yolo, 1856, 1857. Died, Lake- port, November 19, 1876. Byrnes. James, Assemblyman, San Mateo. 1873-74; Senator, San Francisco and San Mateo, 1880, 1881, 1887, 1889, 1891. Cabamss, T. T., Assemblyman, Shasta, 1:<53. Died, Snn Francisco, July 16, 1887. Cahalan, Chris. W., Assemblvraan, Nevada, 1859. Caine, PhiUp P., Assemblyman, Butte, 1859. Died, Butte County, January 14, 1864. Calderwood, M. H., Assemblyman, Placer, 1869-70. Caldwell, A. B., Assemblyman, Yolo, 1853. Caldwell. A. G., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1852. Caldwell John, Asserablyman, Nevada, 1858, 1859; Superior Judge, Nevada County, elected 1879, 1890. CaldweU, William, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1867-68. Callaghan, J. J., Assemblyman, San p'rancisco, 1887. Callahan. James, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883. Callbreath, J. C, Assemblyman, Stanislaus, 1856. Carainetti, A., Assemblyman, Amador, 1883; Senator, Amador aud Cala veras, 1887, 18b9; Commis-sioner Marshall Monument, 1887; Representa tive to Congress, 1891, 189.3- Cammett, John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1865. Dead. Campbell, A., Jr., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Alameda District. Campbell, A. C, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1851. Campbellj Alexander, Asserablyraan. San Francisco, 1861; Judge Twelfth Judicial District, elected 1860. Died, Oakland, February 16, 1888. Campbell, F. M., State Superintendent of Publio Instruction, 1880-83. CarapbeU, G. J, Senator, Solano, 1889, 1891. Campbell, J. C, Assemblvman, Colusa, 1K.S9. Campbell, J. S., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1863-64, 1865-66. CampbeU, James B., Judge Thirteenth Judicial District, appointed 1875; Superior Judge, Fresno County, elected lt'84. CampbeU, John Lloyd, Superior Judge, San Bernardino County, elected 1888. Campbell, John T., Assemblyman, Sonoma. 1883. Campbell, R. H., Assemblvman, Del Norte and Siskiyou, 1887; Senator, Trinity, Siskiyou, etc., 1891, 1893. Campbell, Thomas, Assemblyman, Calaverai;, 1862. Died, San Fraiicisco, December .30, 1S62. Campbell, Thompson, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1863-64. Died, San Francisco, December 7, 1868. Campbell, W. L., Asserablyraan, San Joaquin, 1860. Camron, 'VV. W., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1880, 1881. Canavan, M., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1867-68. Canfleld, R. B., Supenor Judge, Santa Barbara County, appomted 1886. Canfield, W., Asserablyman, Kern and Tulare, 1878-74. Cannay, Patrick, Assemblyman, Placer, 1852, 1853; Speaker pro tem. As sembly, 1853. Died, San Francisco, March 1, 1857. Cannon, t'. E., Asserablyraan, Butte, 1859. Cannon, Marion, Representative to Congress, Sixth District, 1893- Caperton, W. W., Assemblyman, Placer, 1857. Caples, James, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sacra mento District. Cardoza, J. N., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1853. Cardwell, H. C, Assemblyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50. Died, Los Angeles, July 4, 1869. Cargill, C. G., Assemblyman, San Benito, li-'91. Carhart, George, Assemblyraan, Colusa, 1853. Carillo, Joaquin, Judge Second Judicial -District, elected 1852, 1858. Carillo, Jose A., Meraber First Constitutiontl Convention, 1849, Los An geles District. Died, Santa Barbara, April 25, 1862. Carillo, Pedro G., Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, 1854. Carlock, A. B., Senator, Modoc, Shasta and Trinity, 1880, 1881. Carlson, W. H., Assemblyraan, San Diego, 1893. Cames, Henry, Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, 1851 ; Judge Second Judicial District, appointed 1852. "Carothers, J. H., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1869-70.. 614 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Carothers, Thoraas L., Presidential Elector, 1888; Director Mendocino State Insane Asylum, 1889-91, 1891- ^, .„ Carpenter, G. J., Senator, El Dorado. 1857, 1858; Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1875-76; Speaker of the House, 1875-76; Supreme Court Reporter, 18/8-80; Railroad Commissioner, First District, 1883-86. Carpenter, J., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1857. Carpenter, R. B., Senator, Los Angeles and Orange, 1891, 1898. Carpentier, H. W., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1853. Carr, C. F., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1854. Carr, E?ra S., State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1875-80. Carr, Jesse D., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1851; Member State Board of Agriculture, 1889-. Carr, Seymour, Assemblyraan, Sacramento, 1880, 1887. Carr, T. H., Asserablyman, Yuba, 1880. Carroll, H. W., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1887. Carson, James G., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. Died, San Fran cisco, May 2, 1888. Carter, G. 'W; T., Assemblyraan, Contra Costa, 1888, 1885. Carter, George E., Asserablyraan, Contra Costa, 1891. Carter. H. A., Assemblvraan, Amador, 1875-76. Died, lone, February 24, 1886. Carter, John, Assemblyraan, Yuba, 1873-74. Carter, R. C, Assemblyraan, Solano, 1885. Cartter, George H., Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1856. Dead. Cary, J. C, Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879. Gary, L. H., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1883. Died, Oakland, September _ 18, 1888 Casserly, Eugene, State Printer, 1851-52; United States Senator, 1869-73; Member Second. Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, First Congressional' District. Died, San Francisco, June I4, 1883. Cassin, George, Asserablyman, Nevada, 1857. Casterline, "W. M., Assernblyman, San Diego, 1893. Castro, Estevan, Assemblyman, Monterey, etc., 1857,1863-64. Castro, Jose, Governor under Mexican rule, 1885-36. Castro, Manuel A., Asserablyraan, Monterey, etc., 1856, 1863. Catlin, A. P., Senator, Sacraraento, 1853, 1854; Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1857; Member of the Board of Equalization, 1872; Superior Judge, Sacra mento County, elected 1890. Cave, John, Assemblyman, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. Died, San Jose, February 28, 1851. Cavis, Joseph M., Senator,. Tuolurane and Mono, 1863; Judge Fifth Judicial District, elected 1863. Died, Stockton, Jamiary 4, 1892. Cazneau, Thomas N., Adjutant-General, 1870-71. Died, San Francisco, July 11, 1873. Center, Samuel H., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1871-72. Chalraers, Robert, .issemblyman. El Dorado, 1871-72. Chamberlain, 0. H., Senator, San Joaquin, 1862, 1863; Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1865-66. Died, Oakland, July 10, 1890. Chamberlain, E. K., Senator, Los Angeles and San Diego, 1849-50; Presi dent pro tem. ofthe Senate, 1849-50. Died at Sea, December, 1852. Chamberlain, T. L., Asserablyman, Placer, 1880. Chandler, A. L., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1873-74, 1880, 1881; Senator, Yuba ¦ and Sutter, 1883, 1885, 1887. Died, Sutter County, November 5, 1888. Chandler, T. J., Assemblyraan, Tuolurane, 1861. Chapman, Augustus H., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878- 79; State Prison Director, 1880-83. Chapman, J. W. S., Assemblyraan, Lassen and Pluraas, 1875-76. Chapman, M. C, Asserablyraan, Alameda, 1889. ChappeU, J. N., Asserablyman, Shasta, 1863, 1863-64, 1865-66; Senator, Shasta and Trinity, 1867-68, 1869-70. Died, Redding, May 2, 1885. Charles, J. M., Member Second Constitutional Convention,' 18'78-79, Sonoma District. Chase, E. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1865-66. Chase, S. H., Senator, Nevada, 1857, 1858, 1860, 1861. Died, Stockton Octo ber 28, 1869. Chase, Warren S., Senator, Santa -Barbara and Ventura, 1880, 1881. Chauncey, David M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1852. Died Brooklvn N. Y.,July5,188L '" ' REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 615 Chellis, J. P., Lieutenant-Governor, 1862-63. Died, Oregon, September 17, 1883. Chenery, Richard, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857, Dead. Cheney, W. A., Senator, Butte, Pluraas, and Lassen, 1880, 1881; Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, elected 1884. Cherry, John W., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1858, 1859, 1861, 1863-64. _ Died, San Francisco, July 25, 1885. Chico, Mariano, Governor under Mexican rule, 1836. Childs, WilUara, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1861. Chipman, H. C, Assemblvraan, Sacraraento, 1893. Church, A. M., Asserablvman, Alameda, 1867-68. Died, Oakland, Sevtem ber 1, 1889. . ' . /' Claflin, C. L., Superior Judge, Modoc County, elected 1890. Clark, A. M., Assemblyman, Fresno, 1885. Clark, J. A., Assemblyraan, Sierra, 1858. Clark, J. B., Assemblyman, Butte, 1873-74. Clark, J. E., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1877-78. Clark, J. R., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1863. Clark, J. W., Senator, San Francisco, 1863. Clark, Jonathan, Asserablyman, Humboldt, 1875-76. Clark, L. B., Assemblym'an, Yuba, 1867-68. Died, MarysviUe, January 15, Clark, R. A., Assemblyman, Plumas, 1863-64. Clark, Reese, Assemblyraan, Yolo, 1891. Clark, Reuben, Asserablyraan, Colusa and Teharaa, 1883. Clark, Robert, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1861. Died, Cambridgeport, June 10, 1875. Clark, Robert C., Asserablyraan, Sacraraento, 1857; Senator, Sacramento, 1860, 1861; Oounty Judge, Sacraraento, 1878-79; Superior Judge, Sacra mento County, elected 1879.- Died, Sacramento. January ^7, 1883. Clark W. H., Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, appointed 1888, elected 1888, 1890. Clarke, S. J., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1849-50. darken, R. M., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1875^76. Clayes, 0. M., State Printer, 1863-67. Died, San Francisco, June 23, 1892. Clayton, Charles, Assemblyraiin, San Francisco, 1863-64, 1865-66; Repre sentative to Congress, 1878-75. Died, Oakland, October 4, 1885. Clayton, J. E., Assemblyraan, Yuba, 1855. Cleary, Nicolas, Judge Thirteenth .hidicial District, elected 1858. Cleraent, W. B., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1883. Clingan, D., Asserablyraan, Marin, 1854. Clough, P. M., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1882. Died, Stock ton, February I4, 1888. Clough, G. G., '.ludge 'Twenty-first Judicial District, elected 1877; Super ior Judge, Pluraas County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Clunie, Thoraas J.. Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1875-76; Senator, San Francisco, 1887; Representative to Congress, 1889-91. Coats, T. H., Assemblyman, Klamath, 1852. . Cochran, R. M., Assemblyman, Butte, 1867-68. Coffey, James V., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76; Superior Judge, ¦ San Francisco, elected 1882, 1888. CoflTey, M. W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. Coflfman, W. P., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1880. Cofifroth, James W., Asserablvman, Tuolurane, 1852; Senator, Tuolumne, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1857 ; Trustee of State Library, 1870-72. Died, Sacramento, October 9, 1872. Coggins, Paschal, Asserablyman, Sacraraento, 1867-68, 1873-74. Died, San Francisco, Noveinher 18, 1883. Coghlan, John M., Assemblyman, Napa and Lake, 1865-66; Representative to Congress, 1871-72. Died, Alameda, March 28, 1879. Cohen, Richard, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Coil, B. J., Asserablyraan, Sierra. 1857. Died, Laporte, January 29, 1865. Colbert, J. H., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1887. Died; San Francisco, November 8, 1888. Colby, George H., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1885. Colby, Gilbert W., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1852; Senator, Sacramento, 1854, 1855. Died, San Francisco, AvJgust 20, 1881. Cole, Cornelius, Representative to Congress, 1863-65; United States Sena tor, 1867-73. 616 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Coleman, Cyrus, Asserablyraan, Amador, Alpine, etc., 1871-72, 1880, 1881; Alpine, Mono, and Inyo, 1889. . - Coleman, E. J., Bank Commissioner, 1878-82. Coleman, J. V., Asserablyman, San Mateo, 1883, 1885. Coleraan, John C, Senator, Nevada, 1877-78. Coleman, William, Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1859, 1861. Colgan, E. P., State Controller, 1891- Collier, M. M., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1865-66. Collins, J. D., Asserablyraan, Fresno, 1875-76. ColUns, Jaraes, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1862, 1863. Died. Nebada City, July IS, IS64. Coltrin, C. W., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1861. Comte, A., Jr., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1867-68; Senator, Sacraraento, 1869-70,1871-72. ... Cdndee, George M., Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1859. Condon, John D., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Cone, George, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1866. Died, Red Bluff, Novem ber 12, 1883. Cone, Joseph S., Railroad Commissioner, First District, 1880-82. Conger. Charles C, Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 188.. Died, Oakland, June 6, 1888. . Conklin, Alvah R., Presidential Elector, 1884; Superior Judge, Kern Countv, appointed 1891. ConkUn, E. B., Senator, Santa Clara, 1887, 1889. Conlv, John, Senator, Butte, Pluraas, etc., 1867-68, 1869-70. Died, San Fran cisco. September 27, 1883. I Conn, W. A., Asserablyman. San Bernardino, 1860; Senator, San Diego, etc., 1867-68, 1869-70. Conness, John, Asserablyraan, Bl Djrado, 1853, 1854, 1860, 1861; United States Senator, 1863-69. Connolly, D. W., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1867-63. Died, San Fran cisco, January 21, 1872. Connolly, David' W., Asserablyman, San Mateo, 1859. Dead. Connolly, James E., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1877-78. Connolly, W. C, Assemblyman,^ Tuolumne, etc., 1871-72. Conroy, M. C, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1877-78. Died, San Francisco, February 4, 1887. Conway, Bernard, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1893. Coole, J. R., Asserablyraan, Siskiyou and Modoc, 1880. Cook, J. W., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1885. Cook, John, Asserablyraan, San Diego, 1851. Cook, John, Assemblyraan, Stanislaus, 1855. Cook, John, Asserablyman, Yuba, 1852. Cooke, Martin E., Senator, Sonoma, etc., 1851, 1852. Died, San Francisco, April 14, 1857. Cooley, C. H., Assemblyraan, Sonoma, 1877-78. Cooley, F. M.. Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1887. Died, San Francisco, Novem ber 24, 1890. Coombs, Frank LesUe, Assemblvman, Napa, 1887, 1889, 1891; Speaker of the House, 1.S91; Minister to iJapari, appointed March 30. 1892. Coombs, N. D., Asserablyman, Yuba, 1883. Died, Marysville, January 17, 1888. Coombs, Nathan, Asserablyman, Napa, 1855, 1860. Died, Napa, December 26. 1877. Coombs, Thoraas M., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1866. Drowned in Santa Clara County, December, 1858. Cooper, Joel H.', Assemblvman, Santa Barbara, 1871-72. Cooper, L. P., Assemblyman. Del Norte, 1880. Cope, Jesse, Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1887. Cope, W. B., Superior Judge, Santa Barbara County, elected 1890. Cope, W. W., Assemblyman, Amador, 18.59; Supreme Justice, 1859^4; OhiefJustice,186'3-64; Supreme Court Reporter, 1883-87. Corcoran, H. J., Asserablyraan, San Joaquin, 1880, 1885. Corcoran, John M., Superior Judge, Mariposa Oounty, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Corey, Benjarain, Assem,blyman , San Jose District, 1849-50. Corey, WilUara, Assemblyman, Placer", 1855. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 617 Cornwall, P. B., Assemblyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50. Oornwell, George N., Assemblyman, Napa, 1854, 1875-76. OorOnel, Antonio P., State Treasurer, 1867-71. Coronel, M. P., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1869-70. Cory, J. M., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1865-66. Cosby, George B., Journal Clerk ofthe Senate, 1875-76, 1877-78; Adjutant- General, 1883-87; Recording Clerk in Otfice of Secretarv of State, 1888-90. Cosby, John D., Senator, Trinity und Klamath, 1856, 1857. Died, Yreka,. May 15, 1S61. Cott, Juan Y.,. Assemblyraan, Monterey, 1862; Senator, Santa Barbara, etc., 1863-64. Coulter, John. Senator, Butte and Pluraas, 1858. CouncUraan, E. W , As^emblym ui, Nevada, 1861. Covarrubias. .1. M., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Luis Obispo District; Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, 1849-50, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1860, 1861. Died, Santa Barbara, AprU 1, 1871. Covington, J. M., Asserablyraan, Mendocino, 1875-76. Dead. Cowden, D. H. Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Yuba District. Cowdery, J. P., Assemblyman, San Francisco-, 1873-74, 1880; Speaker of the House, 1880. Cox, Frederick, Trustee of State Library, 1878-82, .Senator, Sacramento, 1888, 1885; Member of State Board of Agriculture, 1887-90, 1890—; elected President of Board, 1891, 1892- Crabbe, Henry A., AsserablyratMi, San Joaquin, 1852; Senator, San Joaquin,. etc., 1853, 1854. Killed at Cavorca, Mexico,, April 7, 1857. Craig, J., Senator, San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78. Cram, E..G., Assemblvman, Alameda, 1891. Crandall, A. W., Senator, Santa Clara, 1887, 1889, 1891. Crandall, Dwight, Senator, Calaveras and Araador, 1856, l.'^57, Crane, A. M., Senator, Alameda, 1862, 186-3,-President pro tem., 1863; Su perior Judge, Alameda County, elected 1879. Died, Oakland, October 20, 1887. Crane, E. T., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1871-72. Crane, George W., Asserablyraan, Yolo, Colusa, etc., 1851; Monterey, 1858.. Died, Monterey, Nove-mher, 1868. Crane, L. D., Senator, Y'uba aud Sutter, 1871-72, 1873-74. Crane, W. H., Senator, Butte, etc., 1877-78. Crane, W. W., Jr., Senator, Alaraeda, 1863-64; PrRsidential Elector, 1864; Trustee of Stat-e Library, 1882-83. ¦ Died, Oakland, ,fuly31, 1SS3. Crank, J. P\, AssenVblyman, Los Angeles, 1-81. Cravens, Robert 0., State Librarian, 1870-82; Assistant Secretarv ofthe Sen ate, 1883. Crawford, C. M., Assemblyman, Lake, 1889. Crawford, J., Assemblyraan;- Sierra, 1863. Crawford, R. P., Superior Judge-, Sonoma County, elected 1890. Creaner, Charles M., Asserablyman, San Joaquin District, 1849-50; Judge of Fifth Judicial District, elected by Legislature 1860, elected 1852, 1858. Died, Stockton, December 7, 1882. Creighton, Daniel J., Senator, San Francisco, 1885. Crenshaw, George H., Asserablyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1859. Crenshaw, Johu T., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1853; Senator, Nevada, 1864, 1855. Killed at the Battle of Vicksburg, 1863. Cressler, W. T., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1873-74. Crigler, J. C, Asserablyman, Napfi and Lake, 1867-68, 1869-70. Crirarains, P. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1887. Crittenden, A. P., Assemblyman, Los Angeles District, 1849-50; Santa Clara, 1852; Supreme Court Reporter, 1870. Shot by Laura D. Fair, died San Francisco, November 5, 1870. Crittenden, R. D., Se:iator, El Dorado, 1860, 1861. Crocker, Charles, Assemblvman, Sacraraento, 1861. Died, Monterey, Au gust 14, 1888. Crocker, E. B., Suprerae Justice, 1863. Died, Sacramento, June 24, 1875: Crockett, J. B., Supreme Justioej 1868-79. Died, Fruitvale, .January 15, I8S4. Cronan, W., Senator, San Francisco, 1883. Crosby, E. O., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacraraento District ; Senator, Sacraraento Distri'ct, 1849-60, Yuba and Sutter, 185i. Cross, C. W., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Nevada District; Senator, Nevada and Sierra, 1883, 1885. 618 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Cross, W. W., Superior Judge, Tulare County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Crouch, Robert, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Napa pistrict; Superior Judge, Napa County, elected 1884.' Crowell, J. M., Assemblyman, "Yuba, 1860. Crump, R. W., Superior Judge, Lake County, elected 1890. Crampton, H. J., Assemblyraan, Lake, 1881, 1K83. Crutcher, W. M., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1876-76. Culver, C. B., Assemblyraan, Yolo, 1885. Dead. Culver, E. S., Asserablvman, Alameda, 1889, 1891. Culver, J. H., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883. Cunnard, J. M., Assemblyman, Butte, 1862. Cunningham, J. P., Asserablyman, Santa Cruz, 1881. , „, „„ „. , „ Cunningham, Lewis, Senator, Yuba, 1863, 1863-64, 1866-66. Died, San Francisco, October 25, 1879. Cunningham, N. C, Assemblyraan, Sierra, 1855. Cunningham, W; P., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1865. Cunningham, W. S., Asserablyman, Tulare, 1891. Cureton, W. H., Asserablyman, Mendocino, 1867-68. Currey, Robert J., Assemblyman, Solano, 1887. Curry, C. Forest, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Curry, John, Supreme Justice, 1864-68; Chief Justice, 1866-68. Curtis, D. B., Asserablyman, Placer, 1858. Curtis, E. J., Assemblyraan, Siskiyou, 1855, 1856. Dead. Curtis, J. M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1893. Curtis, J. S., Assemblyman, Yolo, 1857. Died, Stockton, November 18, 1872. Curtis, N. Greene, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1861 ; Senator, Sacramento, 1867-68, 1869-70, 1877-78. Curtis, Samuel T., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1860. Cusick, T. P., Assemblyman, San Francisco 1893. Cuthbert, W. W., Asserablyraan, San Franeisco, 1880. Cutler, John, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1852. Cutler, Nathan, Asseniblyman, Solano, 1859. Cutter, WilUam M., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1883. Cutting, John T., Representative to Congress, 1891-93, Daggett, John, Assemblyman,' Humboldt and Del Norte, 1859, 1860; Siskiyou and Modoc, 1881; Lieutenant-Governor, 1883-87; World's Fair Commis sioner, 1891- Daingerfleld, W. P., Judge Ninth and T>velfth Judicial Districts, elected 1854, 1858, 1869, 1860, 1876; Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879. Died, San Francisco, May 5, 1880. Daly, James H., Asserablyinan, San Francisco, 1885,. 1891. Daraeron, WiUiara B., Asserablyraan, Tuolurane, 1852. Damron, J. M., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1889. Dana, Charles W., Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, etc., 1862. Dead. Dana, WiUiam A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1856. Dannalls, C. W., Assemblyman, "Yuba, 1854. Dannals, George W., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1871-72. Dare, John T., Asserablyman, Solano, 1877-78. Dargie, W. E., Senator, Alaraeda, 1889, 1891. Davidson, E. M., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1867. Davidson,, T. R., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1854. Davies, "Williara A., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, Mono, etc., 1867-68. Davis, B. K., Asserablyman, Tuolurane, Mono, etc., 1862. Davis, Caswell, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1856. Davis, E. L.J Assgmblymau, Humboldt, 1859. Davis, Edwin A., Senator, Y'uba and Sutter, 1880, 1881; Superior Judge, Sutter and Yuba counties, appointed 1891. Davis, P. P., Asserablyraan, Calaveras, 1863. Davis, H. B., Asserablyraan, Merced and Stanislaus, 187.3-74. Davis, Hamlet, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Nevada District. Davis, Horace, Representative to Congress,' 1877-81; Presidential Elector, 1884; President of State University,' 1888-90. Davis, John, Assemblyraan, Placer, 1887, 1889. Davis, John F., Superior Judge, Amador County, appointed Deceniber, 1892. Davis, N. H., Asserablyman, Solano, 1858. Davis, Winfield J., Assemblyraan, Sacrainento, 1885. Dawley, I. N., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1854. Dead. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 619 -'Day, Sherman, Senator, Alameda and Santa Clara, 1865, 1856. Died, Berkeley, December IA, I884. :Days, Johu M., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1867-68, 1871-72; Senator, San Francisco, 1885. .Beal, W. Grove, Assemblyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50. :.Dean, J. E., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, El Dorado and Alpine District. Dean, Peter, Senator, San Francisco, 1877-78. Dean, Seneca, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1862. -Deering, Alexander, J'udge Thirteenth Judicial District, appointed 1865, elected 1873. Died, Merced, December 18, 1875. Deeth, Jacob, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1863. Died, San Rafael, Jan uary 16, 1879. -De Haven, J. J., Assemblyraan, Humboldt, 1869-70; Senator, Del Norte, Klamath, etc., 1871-72, 1873-74; Superior Judge, Huraboldt County, elected 1884; Representative to Congress, 1889-91; Supreme Justice, 1891- De Haven, W. N., Assemblyman, Butte, 1871-72. ,De ia Guerra, Antonio M., Senator, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, 1852. Died, Santa Barbara, November 28, 1881. ..De la Guerra, Pablo, Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Santa Barbara District; Senator, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, 1849-50, 1851, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1860, 1861; President of Senate, 1861; Lieutenant-Governor, 1861; Judge First Judicial District, elected 1863, 1869. Died, Santa Barbara, February 5, 187 4. ; Della Torre, Peter, Presidential Elector, 1856. Died, Brookland, Maniland, October 25, I864. IDe Long, Charles E., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1858, 1859; Senator, Y'uba, 1861, 1862. Died, Virginia City, October 28, 1878. iie Long, P. C, Senator, Marin, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891; Member State Board of Agriculture, 1889- ".JJel Valle, R. P., Presidential Elector, 1880; Assemblvraan, Loa Angeles, 1880, 1881; Senator, Los Angeles, 1883, 1885; President pro tera., 1883. ;Del Valle, Ygnacio, Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 18.62. Died, Los Angeles, March SO, 1880. . ¦ Denison, Eli S., Senator, Alameda, 1891, 1893; Meraber Board of Agricultnre, District No. 1, San Francisco and Alameda Counties, 1889- Dennis, John H., Asserablyman, Bl- Dorado, 1862. Dennis, Thoraas W., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1891. Denniston, James G., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1861, 1863. Died, San Francisco, June 17, 1869. Denson, Samuel C, Judge Sixth Judicial District, elected 1875; Superior Judge, Sacramento County, elected 1879. ;Dent, George W., Senator, San Joaquin and Contra Costa, 1859, 1860. Dent, Lewis, Member Fir.-it Constitutional Convention, 1849, Monterey Dis trict. Died, Washington, District of Columbia, March 22, 1874- Denver, A. St. C, Senator, El Dorado, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862. Dead. ^Denver, James "W., Senator, Trinity and Klamath, 1852, 1863; Secretary of State, 1853-55; Representative to Congress, 1855-57. Died, Waahington, District of Columbia, August 9, 1892. -'Desty, Robert, Senator, San Franeisco" and San Mateo, 1880. 'Deveny, Peter, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1886. -Devoe, Alfred, Assemblvman, Santa Cruz, 1863-64. Devoe, James B., State Printer, 1851. "DeWitt, B. L.j Assemblyraan, Tulare, 1885. :DeWitt, W. M., Asserablyman, Yolo, 1877-78. -Dibble, Henry C, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1889, 1891. Dick, John, Assemblyman, Butte, 1856. Dead. rDickenson, W. B., Assemblyman, Sacramento District, 1849-60. Dickenson, W. L., Assemblyman, Stanislaus and Merced, 1863-64. Dickinson, John H., Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Dickinson, AViUiam B., Senator, El Dorado, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861; Presi dent pro tem., 1859. Dillard, R. M., Superior Judge, Santa Barbara County, elected 1886. Dimmick, Kimball H., Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Jose District. Died, Los Angeles, September 11,, 1861. IDimond,. D., Assemblyraan, iTuolurane, 1880. Died, Columbia, January, 1890. "Dinau, W. E., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1889. 620 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS.. Dinniene, John H., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1877-78. Dixon. Jaraes, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1873-74. Died, Oregon, Deeember 15'j.. 1882. Dixon, M. W., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1875-76, 1877-78; Senator, Ala meda, 1887, 1889. Dobbin, H. H., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. Dodge, C. G., Assemblyrnan, Alaraeda, 1H93. Dodge, H. L., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1868; Senator, San Francisco,- 1863-64, 1865-66. Dodson, W. B. H., Assemblyman, Napa and Lake, 1863-64. Doll, J. G., Senator, Colusa and Teharaa, 1862, 1863. Dorainguez, Manuel, Meraber B'irst Constitutional Convention,. 1849, Los- Angeles District. ' Donovan, M. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1876-76, 1877-78. Dooling, Maurice T., Assemblyman, San Benito, 1886. Dore, Benjamin, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862, 1863- Dorn, N. A., Superior Judge; Monterey County, elected 1890. Dornin, Genrge D., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1865-66, 1867-68. Dorr, J. C., Assemblyman, Trinity, 1865-66. Dorsey, Caleb, Assemblyman, Stanislaus, 1877-78. Died, Sonora, March-. 28, 1885. Dosh, Sarauel H., Senator, Colusa and Shasta, 1856, 1857; President pro- tem., 1857. Died, Shasta, June 13, 1S61. Doss, E. W., Assemblyraan, Kern and Tulare, 1869-70. Doty, Gillis, Asserablyman, Sacraraento, 1883, 1891. Dougherty, J. T., Senator, San Francisco, 1883, 1885. Dougherty, John, Asserablyraan, Sierra, 1861. Dougherty, S. K., Superior Judge, Sonoma County, elected 1888, 1890. Doughty, John, Assemblyman, Solano, 18^5. Douglass, Charles D., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1885. Douglass, David P., Senator, San Joaquin District, 1849-50; Calaveras,-,. 1861; Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1855; Secretary of State, 1856-57.- Died, San Joaquin County, June 16, 1872. Douglass, G. N., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1859. Douglass, George A., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1859. Died, Austin, Nevada,, A-ugust 25, 1H81. Dow, E. E., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1891. Dow, P. A., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1863-64. Dow, J. G., Assemblyman, Sonoma, ¦1862. Dow, William, Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1859. Dowling, Patrick T., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79,- San Francisco District. Downer, J. W., Assemblyman, Sierra, 1867-68. Downey, John G., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1856; Lieutenant-Gover nor, 1860; Governor, 1860-61. Downey, P. H., Private Secretary to Governor John G. Downey. Downing, J. L., Asserablyraan, Sonoma, 1865-66. Downs, R. C, Assemblyraan, Amador, 1880. Doyle, Luke D., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sam Francisco District. Dray, B\ R., Senator, Sacramento, 1887, 1889, 1891. Drees, E. E., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1893. Drew, M. M., Member State Board of Equalization, 1880-82; United Statea- Marshal, 1882-86. Drum, Edward P., Senator, San Francisco, 1885. Dryer, Perry, Assemblyman, Shasta, 1867-68. Du Brutz, A. B,, Assemblyman, Tulare and Kern, 1880. Duckworth, S., Assemblyraan; Monterey, 1898. Dudley, Charles C, Asserablvman, Placer, 1862, 1863. Dudley, J. M., Assemblyman, Solano, 1862, 1863; Member Second Consti tutional Convention, 1878-79, Solano District. Dudley, W. L., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Joaquin and Araador District. Duffy, Jaraes A., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1869-70; Senator, Sacra mento, 1871-7.2, 1878-74.- Died, Oakland, September 16, 1889. Duffy, Thomas, Asserablyraan, Del Norte and Siskiyou, 1893. Duncombe, Charles, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1859, 1868. Died, Hicks— ville, October 1, 1867. .REGISTER OF* STATE OFFICERS. 621 Dunlap, Elon, Asseuiblvraan, El Dorado, 1860. Dunlap, H. W., Asserablyraan, Colusa and Tehama, 1869. Dunlap, Presley, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sacramento District. Died, Sacramento, September 23, 18S3. -Dunlap, Thomas, Assemblyman, Araador, 1875-76, 1877-78. -Dunn, John P., State Controller, 1883-91. Dunn, WiUiara J., A-sserablyman, San Francisco, 1891; Senator, San Fran cisco, 1893. Dunne, B. P., Assemblyman, Sonoraa, 1863. Durham, W. W., Assemblyman, Butte, 1880. Dunsmoor, Charles H., Bank Commissioner, 1890- Durner, Charles, Asserablyman, Solano, 1891. Durst, D. P., Assemblyman, Colusa, 1861 ; Yuba and Sutter, 1893. Dustin, Daniel, Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1856. Dutton, Henry, Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1856. Dutton, Warren, Member of State Board of Eqtialization, 1880^82. Dwinelle, John W., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1867-68. Drowned at Port Costa, January 28, 1881. Dwinelle, Samuel H., Judge Fifteenth Judicial District, appointed 1864, elected 1865, 1871, 1877. Died, San Francisco, January 12, 1886. Dwyer, David, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1865-66. Died, San Fran cisco, September 3, 1889. "Dyer, Barlow, Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1863-64; Senator, Calaveras, 1871- 72, 1873-74. JEager, Thomas, Assemblyman, Alameda and Santa Cruz, 1862, 1865-66. .Eagon John A., Assemblyraan, Araador and Alpine, 1869, 1871-72, Sena tor, Amador, 1860, 1861; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 187('-79, Amador District. Died, Jackson, Amador County, October 20, 1892. IJakin, W. A., Senator, Tuolurane, Mono, etc., 1873-74, 1875-76. Eakle, H. P., Asserablyman, Colusa, 1891. Earl, Guy C, Senator, Alameda, 1893. -Eastman, J. C, Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1861. Echeandia, Jose Maria de, Governor under Mexican rule, 1826-81. Eddy, Williara M., Surveyor-General, 1852-53. Died, San Francisco, March 9, 1854; 3Jdgar, "William, Assemblyman, Yubiv, 1871-72. Edgerton, Henry, Senator, Napa, Yolo and Solano, 1860, 1861; Sacramento, 1873-74, 1875-76; Presidential Elector, 1880, 1884; Member Second Con stitutional Convention, 1878-79, Second .Congressional District; Trustee of State Library, 1882-84, 1886-87. Died, San Francisco, November A, 1S87. Edmonds, M. -A., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879, 1880. Dead. "JEdwards, E. E., Asserablyman, Los Angeles, 1886, 1889. -Edwards, L. B., Assemblythan, Alameda, 1881. JEdwards, Philip L., Assemblyraan, Sacraraento, 1865. Died, Sacramento, May 1, 1889. Edwards, Uriah, Assemblyman, Sonoma, etc., 1867, 1868. Died, Petaluma, October 5, 1888. Hichelroth, W. E., Asserablyman, Tuolumne, Mono, etc., 1869-70. Eliason, W, A., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1862. ElUs, A. J., Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Francisco District; Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1852. Died, San Francisco, July 27 1S8^ mUs, Asa, 'Asserablyraan, Los Angeles, 1867-68, 1871-72, 1877-78. Died, Fresno, August 20, -1890. jElIis, Edward E. W., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1852. Died, Pittsburg Land ing, April 8, 1862. Jlllis, 11. B., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1859, 1860. Died, Reno, 1873. EUison, John P., Asserablyraan, Tehama, 1885; Superior Judge, Teharaa County, elected 1890. EUsworth, John, Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1887; Superior Judge, Alameda County, elected 1888. :Ely, Beniamin E. S., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1858. Emeric, H. P., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1893. Unglish, James L., State Treasurer, 1867. Died, Sacram,ento, May 29, 1889. English, Warren B., Senator, Contra Costa and Marin, 1883. :Enos, John S., Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 1881; Commissioner of Labor Statistics, 1883-86. 622 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Ensworth, A. S., Assemblyman, San Djego, 1859. Died, Los Angeles, October;, 1885. Erkson, William, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1863-64. Escandon, A. G., Assemblyraan, Santa Barbara, 1869-70, 1873-74. Estee, Morris M., Asserablyman, Sacraraento, 1863; San Francisco, 1873-74;. Speaker of the House, 1873-74; Meraber State Board of Equalization, 1871; Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, First Con-- gressional District; Presidential Elector, 1876, 1888. EsteJl, Jaraes M., Assemblyraan, Marin, 1857; Senator, Napa and Solano,. 1852, 1853. Died, San Francisco, April 26, 1859. Estep, J. H., Asserablyraan, Sacramento, 1853. Died, Lakeport, Ja-nuary 11,. 1878. Estey, C. L., Assemblvman, Marin, 1880, 1881. Estey, Thomas H., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79,.. Contra Costa and Marin District; Assemblyman, Marin, 1891. Estudillo, Jose G., State Treasurer, 1876-79. Evans, George S., Secretary ofthe Senate, 1857; Senator, . San Joaqninj 1863-64,1865-66, 1871-72; Adjutant-General, 1864-66, 1866-J68. Died, San- Francisco, September 17, 1883. Evans, 0. P., Judge Fourth Judicial District, appointed 1879; Superior- Judge San Francisco, elected 1879. Everett, Daniel H., Senator, San Francisco, 1891, 1898- Everett, Henry, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1871-72. Evey, Edward, Asserablyraan, Napa and Lake, 1862; Member Seeond Con stitutional Convention, 1878-79, Los Angeles District. Ewalt, J'ohn, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1856. Ewer, S., Asserablyman, Butte, 1854; Senator, Butte, Plumas, etc., 1865-66,.. 1867-68. Ewing, Andrew, Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1877-78. Bwing, Luther L., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1887, 1889. Ewing, W. P., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1853. Fahey, Edward, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1873-74. Fair, 'William D., Senator, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. Died, San Fran eisco, December 27, 1881. Fairchild, David, Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1860. Fairchild, John A., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1867-68. Fairfax, Charles S., Assemblyman, Yuba and Sierra, 1853, 1854; Speaker <3i the House, 1854; Clerk ofthe Supreme Court, 1857-61. Died, Baltimore, Maryland, April 8, 1869. Fairfield, B. L., Assemblyman, Placer, 1854. Pajes, Pedro, Governor under Spanish rule, 1782-90. Fargo, B'rank P., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1861; Clerk of the Supreme- Court, 1862-63. Died, New York State, January 12, 1891. Parish, T. B., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1867-68. Parley, J. W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1863. Dead. Parley, James T., Assemblyman, Amador, 1855, 1856; Speaker of the- - House, 1856; Senator. Amador and Alpine, 1869-70, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1875-76; President pro tem., 1871-72; United States Senator, 1879-85- Died, Jackson, January 22, 1886. Parley, M., Asserablymaii, Sierra, 1883.' Farnum, John B., Assemblyman, Alarneda, 1877-78; Bank Commissioner, 1882-86. Parrell, Siraon J., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79;- San Francisco District, Farwell, Seth B., Judge Eleventh Judicial District, appointed 1851, elected- 1851. Died, Carson, Nevada, December 11, 1862. Farwell, W. B., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1855. Fassett, L. H., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1889. Died, Florin, December- 16, 1889. Paw, Thomas, P., Assemblyman, Monterey, 1883. Fawcett, Eugene, Judge First Judicial District, appointed 1875, elected. 1875; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Santa Barbara . District ; Judge Santa Barbara County, elected 1879. Died, Santa Barbara^. January 9, 1880. Fay, Caleb T., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862. Died, Sa-n Francisco^ A-pril 20, 1886. Fay, John D., Senator, San Francisco, 1893. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 623 Felton, Charles N., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1880, 1881; Representative in Congress, 1885-93; Commissioner to attend the centennial celebration of the inauguration of George Washington as President of the United . States, 1888; United States Senator, 1891- Felton, John B., Presidential Elector, 1868, 1872, 1876, Died, Oakland. Mav 2, 1877. -' Ferguson, John W., Assemblyraan, Fresno, 1873-74. Ferguson, R. D., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1858, 1863. Dead. Ferguson, W. I., Senator, Sacramento, 1856, 1857, 1868. Died, San Fran cisco, September 14, 1858. Ferguson, WiUiam T., Assemblyman, Sierra, 1865; Senator, Sierra, 1857, 1858. Died, August 23, 1886. Ferral, Robert, Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879. Ferral, Walter, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1875-76. Ferrell, W. C, Asserablyman, San Diego, 1855. Ferris, L. W., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1857. Field, John, Assemblyraan, Sonoma, 1883. Field, Stephen J., Asserablyman, Yuba, 1851; Supreme Justice, 1867-63; Chief Justice, 1859-63; Justice United States Supreme Court, 1863- Figueroa, Jose, Governor under Mexican rule, 1833-36. Died, Monterey, September 29, 1836. Pilcher, J. A., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Placer District; Senator, Placer, 1883,1885; State Prison Director, 1887-88; Presi dential Elector, 1893. Findley, Thomas, State Treasurer, 1858-62. Died, Georgetown, El Dorado County, September 19, 1888. Finlayson, P. G., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1893. Finlayson, Jaraes R., Assemblyma, San Irancisco, 1880. Finn,- John P., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879, 1880, 1886. Pinney, Charles G., Jr., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Ventura District. Pinney, Seldon J., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1869-70; Senator, San Francisco and San Mateo, 1871-72, 1873-74. Died, San Mateo County, July 27, 1875. Firebaugh, H. C,, San Francisco, 1885. Fiske', Henry M., Senator, lEl Dorado, 1856, 1857. Fitch, George K., State Printer, 1852. Fitch, Thoraas, Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1863. Fitzgerald, 0. I?., State Superintendent of Publio Instruction, 1867-71. Fitzgerald, W. P., Supreme Court Commissioner, lfc90- Fitzpatrick, E. P., Superior Judge, San Mateo County, appointed 1890. Flanders, Alvan, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1861. - Fleming, J. R., -Assemblyman, Butte, 1883. Flemming, Samuel, Assemblyman, Shasta, 1852. Died, April, 1888. Flint, Thomas, Senator, Santa Cruz and Monterey, 1875-76, 1877-78. Flint, Thomas, Jr., Senator, Monterey and San Benito, 1889, 1891, 1893- Fliiit, Wilson, Senator, San Francisco, 1855, 1856. Died, San Francisco, Januarii 4, 1867. Flournoy, T. C, Asserablyman, Mariposa, 1855. Dead. Flower, Sarauel, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1853. Flynn, James J., Assemblyman, San Frauoisco, 1883. Foote, H. S., Supreme Court Commissioner, 1884- Poote, L. H., Adjutant-General, 1871-75. Foote, W. W., Railroad Coraraissioner Third District, 1883-86. Ford, Charles, Asserablyraan, Santa Cruz, 1861. Ford, Henry L., Assemblyman, Colusa, 1852. Died at Nome Cult, Mendocino Reservation, July 2, 1860. Ford, T. L., Senator, Plumas, Sierra, and Nevada, 1.893. Forman, Ferris, Judge Sixth Judicial District, appointed 1851; Secretary of State, 1868-60. Forsyth, W. K., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1877-78. Portiia, S. R., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1883. Died, Yuba City, June 27, 1892. Fortune, H. W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1869-70. Foster, C. P., Senator, Colusa and Tehama, 1«83, 1885. Poster, Stephen C, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Los Angeles District; S.enator, Los Angeles, etc., 1851, 1852, 1853. Foster, Theron, Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1855, 1861. Foulke, L. M., Senator, Siskiyou, 1863-84. Fourgeaud, V. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857. Dead. 624 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Powler, C. B., Assemblyman, Butte, 1852. Died, Oakland, October 17, 1866. Fowler, Prank L., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1891. Powler, Thomas, Senator," Tulare, etc., 1869-70, 1871-72, 1877-78. Died, Visalia, April 17, 1884. Pox, Charles N., Asserablyman, Alaraeda, 1880; Suprerae Justice, 1889-90. Pranck, P. C, Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1871-72, 1873-74. Prank, L. J., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1889. Franklin, J. J., Senator, Tuolumne, 1860, 1861. Died, Sonora, May 21, 1875. Franklin, Joseph, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1886. Eranks, L. J., Assemblvman, San Mateo, 1889. Fraser, Thoraas, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1868-64, 1880, 1881; Senator, El Dorado, 1873-74, 1876-76, 1883, 1889, 1'891, President pro tem., 1891. Prasier, John, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1862. Freanor, George, Presidential Elector, 1856. Died, New York, November 10, 1878. Freelon, T. W., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879. Died, Oaklamd, March 30, 1S85. Freeman,, Abraham C, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sacraraento District ; Trustee of State Library, 1882-1890. Freeraan, C. J., Assemblyman, San Luis Obispo, 1861. Freeman, B. A., Assemblvraan, Amador, 1891. Freeman, F. S., Assemblyraan, Yolo, 1871-72, 1878-74. Freeraan, I. P., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1869-70. Died, Elk Grove, Sacra mento County, December 7, 1892. Freeman, J. W., Assemblyraan, Tulare, etc:, 1863; Senator, Fresno, Kern, etc., 1863-64, 1865-66, 1867-68. Fremont, John C, United States Senator, 1849-51; Major-General U. S. A., 1861; Governor of Arizona, 1878-1881. Died, New York City, July 13, 1S90. Freer, Leon D., Assemblyman, Butte, 1881; Superior Judge, 'Butte County, elected 1884. Died, San Francisco, September 19, 1888. Freidenrich, D., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1873-74. I'rench, A., Senator, El Dorado, 1855, 1866. Dead. French, 0. G, W., Trustee of State Library, 1866-70; Asserablyman, Sacra mento, 1871-72; Chief Justice of Arizona, 1875-84. Died, San Franeisco, August 13, 1891. French, Prank, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1886. French, Parker H., Asserablyman, San Luis Obispo, 1854. Dead. Freud, Jacob R., Meraber Second Constitutional Conventioil, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Frink, D., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1880. Frink, Miner, Jr., Asserablvman, Araador and Alpine, 1865-66. Frisbie, John B., Asserabh'man, Solano, 1867-68. Died, Mexico, 1S8S. Frye, Jacob, Senator, Placer, 1852. Fryer, R. C, Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1869-70. Puller, Mortim'er, Assemblyman, Yuba, 1857, 18-59. ¦GaflFey, John T., Member State Board of Equalization, 1887-90. Gaffey, P. T., Assemblvman, San Francisco, 1880. Gage, Stephen T., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1856. •Galbraith, J. D., Asserablvman, El Dorado, 1858. ¦Galbraith, W. H., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1891. -Gale, John, Superior Judge, Butte County, appointed 1888. Gallagher, J. G., Asserablyman, San Fraiicisco, 1893. Oallagher, P. A., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1860; Senator, Calaveras, 1861, 1862. Galloway, Joseph W., Asserablyman, Contra Costa, 1871-72. Galvin, E. R., Asserablyman, Tuolumne, 1865. Garber, B. R., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1888. ¦Gardiner, William P., Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, appointed 1887. ¦Gardner, James H., Assemblyman, Yiiba and Sierra, 1852, 1853; Senator, Sierra, 1854. Gardner, John, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1889. Gardner, M., Trustee of State Library, 1889-90; Director Mendocino State Insane Asylum, 1892- Gardner, Robert, Surveyor-General, 1871-75. Garfield, S., Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1853. Dead. ¦Garibaldi, S. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. •Garoutte, C. H., Superior" Judge, Yolo County, elected 1884; Supreme Justice 1891— REGISTER OF STATe OFFICERS. 625 Garratt, W. T., Senator, San Francisco, 1871-72, 1873-74. Died, San Francisco, .January I4, 1S90. Garretson, 'John, Asserablyman, San Mateo, 1875-76. Garrity, P., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1881. Garter, E., Senator, Shasta, etc. , 1858, 1859; Judge Ninth Judicial District, elected 1863. Died, Shasta, April 9, 1880. Garver, Michael, Asserablyman, Nevada, 1877-78, 1891. Garvey, J. B., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Calaveras. District. , Gaskill, R. C, Senator, Butte, etc., 1862, 1868, 1863-64. Died, Pittsburg, Penn sylvania, November 2, 1S89. Gaston, H. A., Assemblvman, Sierra, 1866. Gately, Wm. H., Asseniblyman, San Francisco, 1893. Gaussail, E., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883. Ga,ver, E. S., Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1865. Dead. Ga^vigan, W. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1881. Gay, Milus H., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1881. Gaylord, E. H., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1856. Dead. Geary, Dennis, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1881: Geary, T. J., Representative to Congress, 1890, 1891, 1893-. Geiger, Vincent E., State Printer, 1852-54. Died, Valparaiso, September 6, 1869, Geller, "William, Assemblyman, Yuba, 1855. Dead. Gelwicks, Daniel W., S£ate Printer, 1867-71; Assemblyman, Alameda, 1875-76; State Prison Director, 1883-84. Died, Sacramento, November 24, IS84. * George, James, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1856. George, William, Senator, Nevada and Sierra, 1880, 1881. Gerberding, A., Bank Commissioner, 1890-. Gesford, H. C, Senator, Yolo and Napa, 1887; Napa and Lake, 1893- Gibbons, Edward, Senator, Alameda, 1873-74, 1875-76. Died, Sonoma Countv, May SO, 1886. Gibson, E. M., Superior Judge, Alameda County, elected 1884. Gibson, James -A., Superior Judge, San Bernardino County, elected 1884; Su preme Court Commissioner, 1888-90. Gibson, John L., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1871-72. Gibson, Joseph H., Asserablyman, Placer, 1852. Giff'en, George W., Assemblyraan, Nevada,- 1873-74, 1876-76,. 1877-78. Gilbert, Edward, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Fran cisco District ; Representative to Congress, 1849-61. Died, near Saei-a- mento, August 2, 1852. Gilbert, James A., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1864. Gildea, Charles, Assemblyraan, Bl Dorado, 1867-68, 1869-70, San Francisco, 1877-78; Member of State Board of Equalization; 1888-86. Gill, George M., Superior Judge, Inyo County, elected 1890. Gillen, James S., State Controller, 1861. Gillette, M. G., Asserablyraan, Tuolumne, 1861. Gilraan, C, Assemblyman,' Tuolumne, 1857. Gilraore, George W., Asserablyman, Calaveras, 1878-74. Gilraore, J. H., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1881. ¦Gilmore, N., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1878-74. Giltner, Francis, Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1867-68. Glascock, B. B., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Colusa District; Senator, Colusa and Tehama, 1880, 1881. Glascock, John R., Representative to Congress, 1883-84. Glyniii John P., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1891. GOber, 'W. R., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1855. Godard, H. B., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1854. Godchaux, Edmond, Assemblvman, San Francisco, 1893. Goodale, David, Senator, Contra Costa, Marin ,'1871-72, 1873-74. GoodaU, Charles, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1871-72. Goodall, J. E., Assemblyraan, Tuolumne and Mono, 1865-66. Goodman, L. C. .Assemblyraan, Sacramento, 1860. Goods, J. C, Trustee of State Librarv, 1870-74. Died, Sacramento, November 23, 1877. Good-win, J. D., Assemblyman, Plumas and Lassen, 1865-66; Judge Twenty- first Judicial District, appointed 1876. 40 626 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Goodwin, Jesse 0., Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1857, 1868, 1877-78; Presidential Elector, 1872. Died, near Vallejo, July 15, 1879. Gordon, Alex., Assemblyraan, Sail Mateo, 1891. Gordon, Alexander, Assemblyman, Marin, 1862. Gordon, Martin W., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1854. Gordon, S. B., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1858. Gordon, 'Upton M., Assemblyman, Marin, 1861. Goriey, H. A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. Gorraan, Joseph C, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District; Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Gottschalk, C. V., Superior Judge, Calaveras County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Goucher, George G., Assemblyraan, Mariposa and Merced, 1885; Senator, Alpine, Mariposa, Fresno, etc., 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893- Gough, Charles H., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1877-78. Gould, A. J., Assemblyman, Alpine, Mono, and Inyo, 1887. Gould, Frank H., Assemblyman, Merced and Mariposa, 1891; Stanislaus and Merced, 1893. Gove, A. S., Senator, Sacramento, 1865, 1856. Dead. Grace, WilUam P., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Fraiicisco District. Gragg, R. P., Assemblyman, Placer, 1856. Graham, A. J., Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1858. Graham, James S., Assemblyman, Solano, 1852. Granger, L. C, Assemblyraan, Butte, 1883, 1887. Died, Oroville, May 20, 1890. Grant, Gilbert A., Senator, San Francisco, 1858, 1859. Died, San Francisco, December 31, 1860. Grant, W. H., Superior Judge, Yolo County, elected 1890. Graves, WiUiara, Presidential Elector, 1893. Graves, Williara J., Asserablyraan, San Luis Obispo, 1865, 1857; Senator, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara, 1873-74, 1876-76; Member Second Con stitutional Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District. Died, San Luis Obispo, August 2, IS84. Gray, Giles H., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1871-72. Gray, J. S., Asserablyraan, Monterey District, 1849-60. Gray, John C, Asserablyraan, Butte, 1873-74; Superior Judge, Butte County, elected 1890. Gray, Nathaniel, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1863-64. Died, Oakland, April 24, 1889. Gray, Thomas, A'ssemblyman, San Francisco, 1866, 1859. Gray, Wheaton A., Superior Judge, Tulare County, appointed 1891. Greeley, P. H., Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1887, 1889. Green, A. P., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1863-^64. Green, Alfred A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1854. Green, E. L., Assemblyman', Calaveras, 1869-70. Died, San Diego, November 28, 1872. Green, James J., Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1861; Seuator, Contra Costa and Marin, 1867-68, 1869-70; State ControUer, 1871-76; Trustee of State Li brary, 1874-78. Green, P. M., Asserablyman, Los Angeles, 1880. aio«K-«^ -a Green, Thoraas J., Senator, Sacramento District, 1849-50, 1861. 'Died, War ren County, North Carolina, December 13, 1883. Green, W. S.,' Assemblymen, Colusa and Teharaa, 1867-68; Trustee of State Library, 1891- Greene, "W. E., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1866-66; Superior Judge, Ala meda Couuty, elected, 1879, 1890. Gregg, V. A., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Kern Dis trict; Superior Judge, San Luis Obispo County, appointed 1889, elected 1890. Gregory, Andrew J., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1859, 1861. Gregory, D. S., Senator, Santa Cruz and Monterey, 1859; Superior Judge, San Luis Obispo County, appointed 1883, elected 1884. Gregory, J. B., Assemblyman, Amador and Alpine, 1867-68. Gregory, J. M., Superior Judge, Solano County, elected 1879. Gregory, J. W., Presidential Elector, 1852. Gregory, U. S., Assemblyman, Araador, 1885. Grewell, Jacob, Senator, Santa Clara and Contra Costa, 1863, 1854. Griffeth, A. J., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1877-78. Griffeth, B. J., Asserablyman, Fresno, 1881. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 627 Griffith, Huraphrey, Asserablyman, Yolo, 1854; Senator, Solano, Yolo, and Napa, 1858, 1859. Died, San Francisco, March 23, 186S. Griffith, S. W., Superior Judge, Araador County, elected 1884. Died, Jack- smi, July 31, 1886. Griswold, J. W., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1862. Griswold, John C, Assem'blyman, San Francisco, 1869-70. Griswold, M., Assemblyman, Inyo and Mono, 1875-76. Groom, R. "W., Assemblyraan, San Diego, 1858, 1860. Gross, Prank "W., Clerk of the Suprerae Court, 1880-82. Died, San Francisco, December 4, 1886. Gruwell, L. H., Asserablyraan, Lake, 1887. Gunnison, A. J., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1863. Gurnett, W. J., Assemblyraan, Alaraeda, 1873-74. Gutierrez, Nicolas, Governor under Mexican rule, 1836. Gwin, William McKendree, Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Francisco District; United States Senator, 1849-61. Died, New York, September S, 1886. Gwin, W. M., Jr., Senator, Calaveras, etc., 1869-70, 1871-72, 1877-78. Gwinn, Harrison, Assemblyman, Yolo, 1859, 1860. Died, Knights Landing, July 9, 1881. Hagans, "W. B., Assemblyman, Huraboldt, 1861. Died, Ukiah, June IS, 1881. Hagans, William B., Assemblyraan, Sonoma, 1864. Hager, John S., Senator, San Francisco, 1853, 1864; Judge Fourth Judicial District, ap-pointed 1855, elected 1855; Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, First Congressional District; Regent University of California; United States Senator, 1873-74; Collector of Port, Sau Fran cisco, 1886-89. Died, San Francisco, March 19, 1890. Haight, Henry H., Governor, 1867-71; Meraber Second Constitutional Con vention, 1878-79, Second Congressional District. Died, San Francisco, Sep tember 2, 1878. Hail, P. G., Asserablyman, Plumas and Sierra, 1891. HaUe, R. C, Asserablyraan, Napa and Solano, 1856, 1869-70, 1877-78. Died, Vacaville, January 23, 1890. Hakes, 0. P., Superior Judge, Mono County, appointed 1886, el'eoted 1888. Haldeman, P. M., Asserablyman, Tuolumne, 1858. Hale. Jaraes E., Senator, Placer, 1863-64, 1865-66; Supreme Court Reporter, 1867-70; Presidential Elector, 1872 ; Member Second Constitutional Con vention, 1878-79, Second Congressional District; Assemblyman, Placer, 1881. Haliday, Thomas J., Assemblyraan, Sierra, 1860. HaU, A. P., Senator, Placer and El Dorado, 1887. . HaU, GaveuD., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1851, 1857; Senator, El Dorado, Hall, J. 'b.. Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Second Cdn- gressional District. Hall, James A., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1889. r, , t Hall, John T., Senator, Solano and Yolo, 1863-64. Died, Madison, Cal., Janu ary 17,1884. „ . ,„„„ Hall, Sydney, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1883. Hall, William Hammond, State Engineer, 1878-89. HaUeck Henry W., Secretary of State under the Military Governments of General R B. Mason and General Bennet Riley, 1847-49; Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Monterey District; Major-General United States Army, appointed August 19, 1861. Died, Louisville, Ken tucky, January 9, 1872. . ' Halley, M. P., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1853. Halsey, C, Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879. Halstead, James L., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1860 Ham, E. D., Superior Judge Napa County elected 1890. Haraiu, J. B., Senator, San Francisco, 1887, 1889 1891. HamiU John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1873-74. Died, San Francisco, October 7, 1879. . ,, .„ • -,j,q„ Hamilton, G. W., Assemblyman, Placei-^ 1893. iSon,' folSnly^Z^^^^^^^^^'^^: Trustee of State Library, Hamiltonf Noble, Superior Judge, Alameda County, elected 1882. HamUton, W. B., Assemblyman, Del Norte, 1883. 628 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. JHamiin, Francis, Assemblyraan, Sutter, 1865-66. Haralin, Thomas T., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1858. Harara, S. P., Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1857; Senator, El Dorado, 1858, 1859. Haramitt, A. W., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1878-74. Hammond, J. B., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1860. Hammond, R. P., Assemblyman (Speaker.), San Joaquin, 1862. Died, San Francisco, November 28, 1891. Hararaond, R. P., Presidential Elector, 1893. Hancock, Henry, Asserablyman, Los Angeles, 1858, 1859. Died, Santa Monica, June 9, 1883. Handy, Philo, Assemblyraan, Mendocino, 1887. Hanks, Henry G., State Mineralogist, 1880-86. Hanks, Julian, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Jose District. Hanna, William, Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1877-78. Hannah, John A., Superior Judge, Inyo County, elected 1879, 1884. Hansbrow, Thomas, Assemblyraan, Sacramento, 1865-66. Died, Sacramento, August 31, 1868. Hansori, James H., Asserablyraan; Yuba, 1861. Haraszthy, Augustus, Asserablyman, San Diego, 1852. Died, Nicaragua, July 6, 1889. Harding, J. W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. Hardwick, George M., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Mariposa and Merced District. Died, July 11, 1878. ' Hardy, James H., Judge Sixteenth Judicial District, appointed 1859, elected 1859. Died, San Francisco, June 11, 1874- Hardv, L. J., Jr., Assemblyman, San Pranscisco, 1880. Hardy, Thomas, Senator, Calaveras, 1865-66, 1867-68. Hare, I., Assemblyman, Shasta, 1857. Died, Shasta County, July 31, 1890. Harkness, H. W., Trustee of State Library, 1864-70. Harlan, J. H., Senator, Solano and Yolo, 1880, 1881. Harloe, Marcns, Assemblyman, San Luis Obispo, 1891. Harp, 'T. D., Senator, Merced, Stanislaus, etc., 1891, 1898. Harrigan, John, Senator, San Francisco, 188.3. Harriman, W. D., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1861; Senator, Placer, 1862,1863; Clerk of the Suprerae Court, 1863-67. Harrington, D. W., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1863. Harris, 'G. P., Assemblvman, Siskiyou and Modoc, 1875-76; Superior Judge, Modoc County, elected 1879, 1884. Harris, J. J., Assemblyraan, San Benito, 1880. Harris, Jaraes 0., Asserablyraan, Sutter, 1858. Harris, M. K., Superior Judge, Fresno County, appointed 1887, elected 1888. Harris, P. H., Assemblyman, Butte, 1861. Harrison, J. W., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1853. Harrison, R., Assemblyman, Sonoma and Marin, 1867. Harrison, Ralph C, Supreme Justice, 1891- Harrison, Thomas, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sau Francisco District. Harrison, W. J., Asserablyman, Placer, 1861. Hart, A. S., Senator, Butte and Plumas, 1858, 1859. Hart, Albert, Private Secretary to Governors Newton Booth and George C. Perkins. Hart, Augustus L., Attorney-General, 1880-82. Hart, B. C, Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1889; Senator, Sacramento, 1893- Hart, Thomas J., Assemblyraan, Colusa and Tehama, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1887. Died, Colusa, Septeiriber SO, 1891. Hart, William H. H., Attorney- General, 1891- Hartson, Chancellor, Assemblyraan, Napa and Lake, 1863, 1880, 1881; Sena tor, Napa, Lake, etc., 1863-64, 1865^6. Died, Napa, September 25, 1889. Hartsough, J. B., Asserablyman, Yolo, 1863-64. Harvey, Joel A., Asserablyman, Solano, 1888; Member Second Constitu tional Convention, 1878-79, Solano District. Harvey, Obed, Senator, Bl Dorado, 1861, 1862, 1863; Assemblyman, Sacra raento, 1871-72; Director State Insane Asylum at Stockton, 1891- Harville, Jolin W., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1860. Haskin, J. W., Senator, Tuolurane and Mono, 1863-64. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS, 629, ¦^^^Ssf^' ^'' °' ^'' ¦*-^^^™t'lyi°an, Sutter, 1854. Died, San Francisco, May 1, Hastings, L. W Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacramento District. Dead. Hastings, S. C., Chief .Tustice, 1849-52; Attorney-General, 1852-53. •^^^^lo 'oV"^™^ ^•' Asserablyraan, Sutter, 1863; Senator, Yuba and Sutter, loDO-64. Hatch, D. P., Superior Judge, Santa Barbara County, elected 1880, 1884. Hatch, F. L., Superior Judge, Colusa County, elected 1879. Died, Colusa, Oc tober 5, 1881. Hatch, P. W., Trustee of State Library, 1874-82. Died, Sacramento, October 18, 1884. Hatch, H. L., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1866^66. Hatch, Jackson, Presidential Elector, 1893. Hathaway, B. W., Senator, San Francisco, etc., 1862, 1863. Died, San Fran cisco, May 1, 1887. Haun, D. L., Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1861. Haun, Henry P., United States Senator, 1859. Died, Marysville, June 6, 1880. Havens, H. W., Assemblyman, Humboldt, 1858. Hawes, Horace, A- Howard, Volney E., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Los Angeles District; Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, elected, 1879. Howard, 'W. J., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1857; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Mariposa and Merced District. Howe, A. J., Superior Judge, Sierra County, elected 1879. Howe, J. P., Private Secretary to Governor John McDougal. Howe, Robert, Assemblyman, Tuolurane, 1859, 1860; San Francisco, 1873-74;' Sonoma, 1889; Speaker, 1889; Senator, San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78. Howell, Charles S., Asserabftrraan, Sacramento, 1868. Killed by explosion of steamboat "J. A. McClellarid," August 25, 1861. Howell, John M., Judge Eleventh Judicial District, elected 1852. Howell, M. D., Assemblvman, Plumas, 1863. Hoyt, J. B., Senator So'lano, 1893. Hoyt, T. J., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1864. Hubbard, J. C, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1864. Hubbard, L., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1863-64. Died, Surprise Valley, Siskiyou County, October 2, 1871. Hubbs, Paul K., Senator, Tuolumne, 1862, 1853; State Superintendent of Publio Instruction, 1854-56. Died, Vallejo, November 17, 1874- HulJert, N., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1854. Hubner, Charles G., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1869-70. Hudson, A. T., Senator, San Joaquin and Araador, 1880, 1881. Hudson, Rodney J., Superior Judge, Lake Couuty, elected 1879, 1884. Hudspn, T. W., Assemblyraan, Sonoma, 1869-70. Hudspeth, J. M., Assemblyraan, Sonoma, 1862; Senator, Sonoma, Marin, etc., 1863, 1854. Huestis, A. J., Assemblyraan, Huraboldt, 1865-66. Huestis, W. P., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Third Congressional District. Hugg, Benjarain P., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1860, 1877-78. Hughes, Charles A., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1883. Died, Sacramento, , March 17, 1883. Hughes, J. T., -Asserablyman, San Diego District, 1849-50. Hughey, William P., Member Second Constitutianal Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Hume, John, Assemblyman, Bl Dorado, 1857. Died, La Grange County, Indi ana, August 27, 1867. '- ¦' ' Humphreys, W. P., Railroad Commissioner, Second District, 1883-86. Hundley, P. O., Assemblyraan, Plumas, 1860; Judge Second Judicial Dis trict, appointed 1878; Superior Judge, Butte County, elected 1879, 1888. Hunewill, P. E., Asserablyraan, Alpine, Mono, and Inyo, 1891. Hunt, A. B., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1865-66. Hunt, J., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1863. Hunt, Jefiferson, Asserablyman, San Bernardino, 1854, 1856, 1857. Dead. Hunt, John, Jr., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Hunt, William B., Assemblyraan, Sacramento, 1863-64, 1865-66; San I'ran- cisco, 1885. Died, San Francisco, November IS, 1889. Hunter, A. B., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1883. Hunter, Alexander, Assemblyman, Bl Dorado, 1861. Hunter, E., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1854, 1867. Hunter, G. W., Superior Judge, Humboldt County, appointed 1889, elected 1890. Hunter, G.W., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1856; Senator, Bl Dorado, 1867-68, 1869-70; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, El Dorado and -Alpine District. Dead. Hurlburt, B. G., Assemblyman, Humboldt, 1873-74; Senator, Humboldt, 1885. Hurley, M. J., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1893. REGISTER OF STATE OPPLCERS. 633 Tluse, C. E., Assemblyman, Sant4 Barbara, 1858. :H.ussey, Frank W., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1885. Hutchings, 8. C, Senator, Sutter and Yuba, 18.69-70, 1871-72. .Hutson, J. L., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1893. -Hutton, A. W., Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, appointed 1887. -Hyde, M. D., Assemblyraan, Alaraeda, 1887, 1889. -Hynes James, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1880. Died, Petaluma, March 12, 1882. Imas, Hiram A., Asserablyraan, Santa Cruz, 1859. .IngersoU, T. j;., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1852. Died, San Jose, April SO, 1S80. -Ingham, G. H., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1873-74. -Inman, A., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1857. ' Inmanj Daniel, Asserablyman, Alameda, 1869-70; Member Second Consti tutional Convention, 1878-79, Alaraeda District. ¦Irelan, WiUiam, Jr., State Mineralogist, 1886-89, 1889.^; ex-officio State En gineer, 1889-91. Ireland, M. C, Asserablyman, Monterey, 1865-66. -Irwin, Charles P., Asseriiblyraan, El Dorado, 1883. Irwin, Richard, Asserablyman,, Butte, 1863, 1854; Plumas, 1857; Senator, Butte and Plumas, 1861, 1862. tr.-ff in, William, Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1862, 1863; Senator, Siskiyou, 1869-70, 1871^72, 1873-74; President pro tera., 1873-74; Lieutenant-Governor, 1875; Governor, 1875-80; Harbor Coramissioner, 1883-86. Died, San Francisco, March 16, 18S8. ' ' .Jackson, A., J., Asserablyman, Modoc and Lassen, 1891. -Jackson, A. R., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1869. Died, San Francisco, Au- 30, 1876. .Jackson, H. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1881. .-Jackson, T. 0., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1862. -Jacobs, I. W., Assemblyman, Yolo, 1893. Jacobsen, H. J. T., Asserablyman, Fresno, 1893. Jaraes, D. "W., Asserablyraan, San Luis Obispo, 1889. .James, J. C, Assemblyraan, Sierra, 1854. Died, Carson, Nevada, January 24, 1874. .Jaraes, John M.,, Assemblyman, §an Bernardino, 1867-68. -James, W. 'T., -Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1871-'72. -Jamison, S.T., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1875-76. -January, William A. , State Treasurer, 1883-84. Jefferis, E. G., State Printer, 1875. Died, Sacramento, March 28, 1880. ..Jenkins, T., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1857. ..Jenkins, T. P., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1860,^, T. J., Asserablyraan, Butte, 1875-76. -Jennison, S., Asserablyman, Colusa and 'Tghama, 1863-64. -Jessup, Richard M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857. Died, Panama, February, S, 1865. .Jewett, John H., Presidential Elecfjor, 1876. Johnson, A. P., Senator, San Bernardino, 1885. Johnson,, C. H., Assemblyman, San Luis Obispo, 1.861. .Johnson, D. j.. Assemblyman, Huraboldt, 1893. Johnson, G. A., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1863, 1865-66. -Johnson, George A., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, So-. noma District ; Senator, Sonoraa, 1883, 1885; Attorney-General, 1887-90, .Johnson, Grove L., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1877-78; Senator, Sacra-. mento, 1880, 1881. -Johnson, H. H., Asserablyraan, Santa Clara, 1893. -Johnson, J. C, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1855., Jo.hnson, J. K., Ass,embl'yra,an, Siskiyou and Del Norte,, 1885. . Johrison, J. M.,' Asserablyman, Alpine and Araador, 1869-70. Johnson, J. Neely, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1853; Governor, 1856-57. Died, Salt Lake, Utah, August Sl, 1872. -Johnson, James, Senator, El Dorado, 1865-66, 1867-68. Died, Oajdand, 1888. Jojjmson, Jaraes A., Asserablyman, Sierra, 1859, I860.; Representative to, Con-. f'"' ress, 1867-70; Lieutenant-Governor, 1875-79; Registrar of Voters, San 'i-ancisoo, 1883-85. -Johnson, Josiah, Senator, Sacramento, 1857, 1858. Died, Sacramento, Decem ber, 10, 1888. -Johnson, Matthe-^y P., Trustee, of Sta,te Libijary, 1883^86; Superior Judge, ¦ 'Sacramento Count}^, 1892- 634 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Johnson, P. C, Asserablyraan, Amador, 1860. Died, Jackson, September 8,. 1861. Johnson, R. S., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1889, 1891. Johnson, S. M., Senator, El Dorado, 1867, 1868. Johnson, Sanborn, Asserablyman, ilarin, 1863-64. Johnson, 'W. Neely, State Librarian, 1870. Johnston, Alfred J., State Printer, 1891- Johnston, P. C, Assemblyman, Napa, 1888. Johnston, George P., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1855. Died, San Fran cisco, March 4, I8S4. Johnston, William, Assemblyraan, Sacraraento, 1871-72; Senator, Sacra mento, 1880, 1881; President pro tera., 1881; Meraber of State Board of Equalization, 1882. Jones, Albert P., Senator, Butte, 1887, 1889. Jones, Charles T., Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1885. Jones, Cyrus, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1875-76. Jones, P. L., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. Jones, J. C, Assemblyman, Yuba, 1854. Died, Carson Citij, Nevada, January- 24, 187 4. Jones, Joseph P., Asserablyman, Contra Costa, 1881. Jones^ John M., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Joaquin- District. Died, San Jose, December I4, 1861. Jones, John P,, Senator, Shasta and Trinity, 1863-64, 1865-66. Jones, Joseph P., Superior Judge, Contra Costa County, elected 1886, 1890. Jones, L. P., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Mariposa,.- Merced and Stanislaus District. Jones, T. E., Asserablyman, Trinity, 1867-68; Superior Judge, Trinity County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Jones, W. P., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1852. Jones, W. W., Asserablyman, Los Angeles, 1856. Jordan, WiUiara H., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1885, 1887; Speaker of the- House, 1887. Josselyn, E. S., Assembl.yman, Monterey, 1880. Jost, Charles, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1871-72. Jourdan, J. W., Assem'blyman, San Francisco, 1876-76. Joyce, Peter J., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San- Francisco District. Kabler, Nicolas, Assemblyman, Placer, 1858. Kahn, Julius, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1893. Kalben, E. C, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1886. Kane, 'Thomas, Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Keating, Edward, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1881; Senator, San Fran-'- cisoo, 1883. Died, San Francisco, March 11, 1889. Keeler, J. M., Assemblyraan, Inyo and Mono, 1883. Keene, B. P., Senator, El Dorado, 1862, 1863, 1854, 1856; President pro tem.,- of the Senate, 1853, 1854. Died, Placerville, September 5, 1856. Kelley, John M., Assemblyman, Yolo, 1867-68, 1869-70; Member Second Con-" stitutional Convention, 1878-79, Third Congressional District. Died., WU lows, May 22, 1881. Kelley, K. B., Senator, Solano, Yolo, 1883. KeUogg, E. B., Asserablyraan, Santa Cruz, 1851. Kellogg, B. D., Assemblyraan, Humboldt, 1891. Kellogg, H. B., Asserablyman, Yuba, 1854. KeUogg, W. W., Asserablyman, Pluraas and Lassen, 1881; Senator, Butte,- Plumas, etc., 1883, 1885. Kelly, M. T., Senator, San Francisco, 1883, 1885. Kelly, Martin, Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Died, Oakland, May 30,. 1890. KeUy, R. C, Assemblyman, Pluraas, 1856. KendaU, C. W., Asserablyman, Tuolumne and Mono, 1S62. Kendall, Thomas, Senator, Tuolumne, 1854, 1856. Kendrick, J. J., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1851 ; San Diego, 1856, 1867, 1863-64... Kenfield, D. M., State Controller, 1880-83. Died, San Francisco, September 28, 1883. Kennedy, John J., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1893. Kennedy, John O'B., Assemblyraan, 1875-76. Kenny, Bei-nard P., Member- Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sanf Francisco District. Died, San Francisco, November 21, 1878. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 63& Kenny, John J., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Kent, Charles. Senator, Nevada, 1871-72, 1873-74. Died, San Francisco, May 21, 189L ' . ' -^ Kercheval, Reuben, Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1873-74, 1877-78. Died, on Grand Island, Sacramento Uounty, Mai/ 9, 1881. Kerns, T- J-, Asserablyman, Los Angeles, 1893. Kerr, George, assigned the contract (George Kerr cfc Co.) to do the State- printing, 1853, law repealed 1854. Died, Stockton, March 4, 1854. Kerrick, J. W., Asserablyman, San Joaquin, 1883. Ketcham, Lewis Nesbit, Senator, Calaveras and Araador, 1868, 1859. Died, Yreka, January 17, 1872. Kewen, E. J. C, Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1863, 1863-64; Attorney-Gen eral, 1849-50. Died, Los Angeles, November 25, 1879. Keyes, James H., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Yuba and Sutter District. Died, Cloverdale, August 25, 1880. Keys, T. J., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1855, 1863; Senator, Mariposa and Stanislaus, 1871-72, 1873-74. Keyser, Philip W., Senator, Sutter, 1852; Judge Tenth Judicial District,- elected 1869, 1875; Superior Judge, Yuba and Sutter Counties, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Died, Yuba City, .January 15, 1891. Kibbe, "William C, Adjutant-General, 1852-63. Kidder, J. P., Assemblyrnan, Bl Dorado, 1865-66. Kiernan, C. H., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1889. Died, Oakland, July 16, 1889. Kilburn, Paris, Assemblyman, Monterey, 1881. KimbaU, WilUam, Senator, Sierra, 1862. Kincaid, H., Senator, San Francisco, etc., 1867-68, 1869-70. Kincaid, J. E., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1863. King, A. J., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, i860. King, Homer, Asserablyraan, Amador, 1858. Died, Sacramento, February 28, 1878. King, James L., Meraber of State Board of Equalization, 1880-88. King, W.- A., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1869-70. Kinney, Asa, Assemblyman, Pluraas, 1855. Kip, Alpheas, Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1852. Kirkpatrick, M., Senator, Sierra, 1859, 1860. Kittridge, P. M., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1853. Died, Santa Cruz, Febru arii IS, 1879. Klein, Charles R., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Klotz, Rudolph, Asserablyman, Shasta, 1873-74. Died, Shasta County, April 7, 1885, Knight, Benjamin, Senator, Santa Cruz, etc., 1883, 1885; President pro tem.,. 1885., Knight, George A., Insurance Commissioner, 1882-86; Presidential Elector,. 1888; Attorney State Board of Health, 1891- Knight, Samuel, "Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1868. Died, San Francisco,. April 16, 1866. -C-^- Knight, W. H., Bank Commissioner, 1890- Knox, G. W., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1887. Knox, Martin, Asserablyman, Yuba, 1873-74. Knox, William J., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1865; Senator, Santa Clara, 1865- 66. Died, San Francisco, November IS, 1867. Koll, P. W., Assemblvman, San Francisco, 1854. Koutz, John, Asserablyraan, Sierra, 1869-70, 1875-76. Kungle, 0. H., Assemblvman, Yuba, 1860, 1861. Kurtz, D. B., Senator, San Diego, 1853, 1854; Assemblyman, San Diego, 1861,. 1865-66. Kutz, Joseph, Senator, Nevada, 1862, 1863, 1868-64, 1865-66. Dead. La Blanc, John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Lacey, C. P., Asserablyman, Monterey, 1891. Laff'erty, John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1885. Died, San Francisco,. February 24, 1886. La Grange, 0. H., Presidential Elector, 1868. La Grave, 0. T., Assemblyman, Araador, 1889. Laine, Thomas H., Senator, Santa Clara, 1873-74, 1875-76; Member Second 636 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Santa Clara District. Died, Santa Clara, March 16, 1890. Lake, Delos, Judge Fourth Judicial District, appointed 1851, elected 1852. Died, San, Francisco, August 8, 1882. Lalor, B., Assemblyman, "iJ'uba, 1861. Lamar, Joseph B., Assemblyman, Sonoma and Mendocino, 1859, 1860. Died, San Jose, July 27, 1892. Lambert, John, Assemblyman, Butte, 1860; Senator, Y'oloand Solano, 1877-78. Died, Woodland, March 20, 1890. Lambert, John, Assemblyman, Lassen and Plumas, 1869-70. Lambourn, Frederick, Assemblyraan, Los Angeles, 1875-76. Lamraers, Martin, Assemblymain, San Joaquin, 1875-76. Lamon, R. B., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1856. Lampson, R. M., Senator, Calaveras and Tuolurane, 1880, 1881; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Tuolumne and Calaveras District. Died, Chinese Camp, March 13, 1885, Lane, Michael, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Lane, T. W., Assemblyman, Stanislaus and Merced, 1862. Langdon, L., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1863-64. Langford, B. P., Senator, San Joaquin and Amador, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887, 1889, 1891, 1893; Member Board of Agriculture, District No. 2, San Joaquin and Calaveras counties, Lansing, C. J., Senator, Nevada, 1859, 1860; President pro tem., 1860. Died, Eureka, Nevada, August 7, 1884- Larkin, Henry, Senator, El Dorado, 1869-70, 1871-72; Member Second Con stitutional Convention, 1878-79, El Dorado District. Larkin, Thomas 0., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, MontCr. rey District. Died, San Francisco, October 27, 1858. La Rue, Hugh M., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sec ond Congressional District; Assemblyman (.Speaker), Sacramento, 1883; Member State Board of Agriculture, 1884-92. La Rue, J.'M., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1893. Larue, James B., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1857. Died, Brooklyn, California, January 7, 1872: Laspeyre, Thomas, Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1859, 1860, 1861. Died, Butte City, Montana, September 9, 1883. Eatham, Milton S., Representative to Congress, 1853-54; Governor, I860- United States Senator, 1860-63. . Died, New York, March 4, 1882. Latimer, L. D., Superior Judge, San Francisco, appointed 1880. Laughlin, S. N., Asseniblyman, Monterey, 1885. Layinge, Rayraond, Member Second Constitutional Con vention , 1878-79, San Francisco District. Law, J. K., Superior Judge, Merced County, elected 1890. Law, James L., Assemblvman, Butte, 1862. Lawler, F. W., Superior 'Judge, San Francisco, elected 188Q, 1886. Lawrence, A. C, Assemblyraan, TriniU^, 1860. Lawrence, A. M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Leach; Frank A., Assemblyraan, Solano, 1880, 1881. Leach, Reuben, Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1862, 1865-66. Leadbetter, W. R., Asserablyraan, San Joaquin, 1880. Leake, Charles A., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1853; Senator, Calaveras, 1854, 1865. Died, Pioche, August 12, 1870. Leake, E. E., Assemblyman, Solano, 1881; Clerk ofthe iLssembly, 1883, 1889; Meraber Board of Agriculture, District No. 36, Solano County, 1889-91. Leary, Daniel J., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1885. Lee, Bruce B., Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1867-68; Harbor Commissioner, 1876-80. Died, Red Bluff, 1890. Lee, C. V. R., Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, 1853. Died, Santa Barbara, January 11, 1863. Lee, Harvey, Assemblyman, Araador and Alpine, 1865-66; Supreme Court - Reporter, 1856-60; Judge Sixteenth Judicial District, appointed 1866. Died, Sacra-mento, August 19, 1866. Lee, 0. H., Assemblyman, Placer, 1871-72. Leet, S. T., Senator, Placer, 1860, 1861. Died, Oakland, December 20, 1890 Lefever, Josiah, Assemblyman, Sierra, 1859. Leihy, George 'W., Assemblvman, Sacramento, 1856. Died, Arizona, Novem ber 18, 1886. Lemon, James M., Assemblyraan, Solano, 1865-66. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 637 Lenahan, John, Senator, San Francisco, 1887. Lent, W. M., Senator, San Francisco, 1854. Leonard, W. H., Senator, Calaveras, 1863-64, 1865-66. Died, Sacramento, Sep tember 18, 1875. Letcher, William S., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1853, 1854. Levee, J., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1880. Leverson, M. R., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1883. Levy, Walter H. , Superior Judge, Sau Francisco, appointed 1885, elected 1886, 1888. Lewelline, E. D., Asserablyman, Alameda, 1869-70. Died, St. Selena, May 1, 1872.' Lewis, David, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Joaquin District. Died, Linden, September, 28, 1883. Lewis, E. J., Assemblyman, Colusa, 1856, Tehamaand Colusa, 1858; Senator, Colusa and Tehama, 1867-68,1869-70, 1875-76,1877-78; President pro. tera., 1869-70, 1877-78; Superior Judge, Teharaa County, elected 1879. Died, Red Bluff, April 20, 1881. Lewis, Edwin, Asserablyraan, San PranciscOj 1887. Lewis, (5eorge E., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. "Lewis, Joseph E. N., Senator, Butte and Shasta, 1852. Died, Oroville, June26, 1869. Lewis, Oscar, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1881. Lewis, Samuel, Asserablyman, Marin, 1860. Lewis, "William T., Senator, Calaveras and Amador, 1858, 1862, 1863. Died, San Andreas, April 20, 1887. Lewison, J. L., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1883. Lies, Eugene, Assenlblyriian, Santa Barbara, 1859. Lightner, C. W., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1859. Lincoln,. Charles G., Assemblyman, Butte, 1856. Died, Neiv York, December IS, IS84. Lind, John Y., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1851; Senator, Calaveras and Amador, 1862, 1853. Lindley, Curtis H., Superior Judge, Amador County, appointed 1884. Lindow, John P., .Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Lindsey, Tipton, Senator, Fresno, Tulare, and Kern, 1873-74, 1875-76. Lindsey, William H., Assemblyraan, Nevada; 1854. Lippincott, Benjamin S., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Joaquin District; Senator, San Joaquin District, 1849-60, 1851; Assembly man, San Francisco, 1854; Calaveras, 1856. Died, Red Bank, New Jersey, November 22, 1870. Lippincott, Charles E., Senator, Yuba, 1855, 1856. Lippitt, Francis J., Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San B'rancisco District. Lisle, D. J., Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1851. Died, San Francisco, February 8, 1865. Litchfield, J. M., Bank Commissioner, 1882-86; Railroad Commisioner, Sec ond District, 1891- Little, W. A., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1871-72. Littlefield, S. L., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1863-64. Liverraore, H. G., Senator, El Dorado, 1854. Died, Oakland, November 11, 1879. Livermore. J., Asserablyman, Amador, 1857. Loewy, WilUara, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1862. Lofton, P. R., 'Asserablyman, Yuba, 1871-72. Logan, J., Senator, Colusa, Shasta, etc., 1860, 1861. Long, Henry, Asserablyraan, Placer, 1871-72. Long, J. D., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. Long, J. S., Assemblyman, Butte, 1857. Long, L. P., Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1877-78. Long, R. A., Presidential Elector, 1893. Long, W. D., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1881. Long, W. G., Assemblyman, Tuolurane and Mono, 1873-74, 1885. Long, Williara S., Assemblyman, Tehama and Colusa, 1865-66. Died, Shasta,. February 12, 1871. Logan, Jaraes H., Superior Judge, Santa Cruz County, elected 1879. Loofborrow, D. T., Assemblyman, Bl Dorado, 1858. Loriga'n, W. G., Superior Judge, Santa Clara Cbunty, elected 1890. -638 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Lott, Charles P., Senator, Butte, 1852, 1853; Judge Second Judicial District, elected 1869. Loud, Eugene P., Assemblvman, San Francisco, 1886; Representative to Congress, 1891, 1893- Louttit, Jaraes A., Representative to Congress; 1886-86. Love, David, Assemblyman, Sierra, 1862. Love, John Lord, Attorney-General, 1871-75. Lovell, P. M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1885. Lovell, S. W., Assemblyman, Placer, 1860. Lovett, W. B., Senator, Monterey and Santa Cruz, 1868-64. Died, Oakland, January, 26, 1883. Low, Frederick P., Representative to Congress, 1861-62; Governor, 1863-67; Minister to China, confirmed December 21, 1869. Lowe, James R., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1889, 1891; Senator.Santa Clara, 1885; Trustee Reform School for. Juvenile Offenders at Whittier, 1888-92. Ludgate, Robert, Asserablyraan, Araador, 1877-78. Died, Sacramento, February 16, 1878. Ludlow, W. B., Assemblyman, Amador, 1863-64. Lull, Louis R., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1869. Lupton, Sarauel L., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1865-66, 1867-68. Luttrell, J. K., Assemblyraan, Siskiyou, 1866-66, 1871-72; Representative to Congress, 1873-78; State Prison Director, 1887-89. Luttringer, R. J., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1898. Lux, A. L., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1891. ¦ Lux, Frederick, Assemblyman, Tuolumne and Mono, 1863, 1863-64. Lynch, J. D., Presidential Elector, 1898. Lynch, Jeremiah, Senator, San Francisco and San Mateo, 1888, 1885. Lynch, John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1863-64. Died, Stockton, De ceniber SO, 1866. Lynch, John C, Asserablyraan, San Bernardino, 1891, 1893. Lynch, Philip, Asserablyriian, Placer, 1859. Died, Gold Sill, February If, 1872. Lyons, Henry A., Chief- Justice, 1852. Died, San Francisco, July 27', 1872. Lyons, William H., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1852; Senator, S'evada, 1853, 1854. Died, Stockton, June 27, 1885. McAlUster, A. C, Assemblyman, Marin, 1862. McAllister, Elliott, Senator, Contra Costa and Marin, 1893. McBrayer, J. M., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1854. McBride, J. W., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1873-74. McCall, J. G., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1891. McCallion, John J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880, 1881. Died, San Francisco, June 6, 1883, McCallura, D. W., Assemblyraan, Mendocino, 1873-74. Died, Mendocino County, May, 1876. McCalluni, Jobn G., Senator, El Dorado, 1856,1857; Presidential Elector, 1864; Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Alaraeda Dis trict. McCandless, A. G., Asserablyman, Shasta, 1851; Sutter, 1853. McCann, P. J., Superior Judge, Santa Cruz County, elected 1884; 1890. McCarthy, D. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1887. McCarthy, J. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. McCarthy, John, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1889. McCarthy, John W., Clerk ofthe Supreme Court, 1883-85. McCarthy, Michael, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. Died, San Fran cisco, October SO, I884. McCarthy, Tiraothy, Senator, San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1883. McCarty, A. P., Assemblyman, Lake, 1880. McCarver, M. M., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacra mento District. McCauley, C. D., Assemblyraan, Solano, 1893. McClaskey, C, Asserablyman, Yuba, 1869-70. McClaskey, Calvin, Assemblyman, Plumas and Lassen, 1883. '- McClelland, J. A., Assemblyman, Sau Francisco, 1865-66. Died, San Fran cisco, Septeniber 17, I884. McClenahan, P. W., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1887. McClure, David, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1881; Senator, San Francisco, 1883, 1885. Died, San Francisco, December, 8, 1888. McClure, R. A., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1877-78. Died, Mission San Jose, December 9, 1879. REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. 639 :McColUara, T. W., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1863-64. McComas, J. E., Seuator, Los Angeles, 1887, 1889, 1891. McComas, Rush, Assemblvnian, Santa Clara, 1877-78, 1880 ; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Santa Clara District. McConaha, G. N., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1852. Drowned, Seattle, May 4, 1854, McConnell, H., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1866. McConnell, John R., Attorney-General, 1854^55; Assemblvraan, Los An geles, 1875-76; Trustee of State Library, 1861-63, 1870. Died, Denver, Colorado, August 18, 1879. :McConnell, Thomas, Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sacraraento District. .McCoppin, Prank, Senator, San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78. McCorkle, Joseph W., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1861; Representative to Con gress, 1851-62; Judge Ninth Judicial District, appointed 1853. Died, Maryland, March 30, I884. .McCoun, W. H., Senator, San Joaquin and Contra Costa, 1855, 1856. Killed at Cavorca, Mexico, April 7, 1857. McCoy, James, Senator, San Diego, etc., 1871-72, 1873-74. McCoy, Johu, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Nevada District. McCoy, W. W., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1858. McCudden, James, Senator, Solano, 1887. .McCuUough, John G., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1862; Senator, Mariposa, Merced, etc., 1863; Attorney-General, 1863-67. McCuUough, Sarauel, Assemljlyman, San Francisco, 1871-72. Died, San Mateo County, June 11, 1890. McCune, H. E.,' Senator, Solano and Yolo, 1873-74; Trustee of State Library, 1891- McCurdy, Sarauel, Asserablyraan, Tuolumne, 1855. McOusick, H. J., Senator, Bl Dorado, 1871-72, 1873-74. McCutcheon, J. L., Asserablyman, Colusa, 1856. Died, Sandwich Islands, 1859. McDade, J. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. McDaniel, C. A., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1854. McDermit, Charles, Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1860. McDonald, P. G., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1868. McDonald, George, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1864, 1857. Died, Berkeley, March 19, 1885. -McDonald, J. M,, Senator, Sacramento, 1859, 1860. McDonald, J. R., State Treasurer, 1891- McDonald, J. W., Asserablyman, San Francsico, 1881. McDonald, Thoraas H., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1883,1886; Senator, San Francisco, 1887, 1889. McDonald, Walter, Assemblyraan, Klaraath, 1856. McDonnell, James, Jr., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1887. McDougal, P. A., Senator, Monterey and Santa Cruz, 1867-68, 1869-70. McDougal, John, Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacramento District; Lieutenant-Governor, 1849-50; Governor, 1851. Died, San Francisco, March 30, 1886. McDougall, Jaraes A., Attorney-General, 1850-51; Representative .to Con gress, 1858-54; United States Senator, 1861-66. Died, Albany, New York, September 3, 1887. McDoueall, Williara C, Asserablymah, San Joaquin, 1851. McDuffiTe, James Y., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1854. Mace, R. P., Assemblyman, Fresno, 1865-66, 1867-68, 1877-78. McElhany, W. T., Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, etc., 1867-68. McElroy, J. J., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1898. McFarland, J. P., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1858; Senator, Los Angeles, etc., 1864, 1855. McFarland, Thomas B., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1866; Judge Fourteenth Judicial District, elected 1861, 1863; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sacramento District ;' Superior Judge, Sacramento County, appointed 1882, elected 1884; Supreme Justice, 1887- "McGarry, Edward, Assemblyman, Napa, 1853; Senator, Napa, Solano, and Yolo, 1854, 1855. Died, ^an Francisco, December 31, 1867. ' 3IcGarvey, Robert, Senator, Mendocino, etc., 1875-76, 1877-78; Superior Judge, Mendocino County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. 640 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. > McGee, John B., Assemblyman, Butte, 1854; Senator, Butte and Plnmas 185S;- 1867. McGehee, M., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1856. McGlashan, Charles P., Assemblyraan, Nevada, 1885. McGowan, James, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1893. McGowan, J. Frank, Asserablyman, Humboldt, 1887 ; Senator, Humboldt and Del Norte, 1889, 1891, 1893. McHale, P., Assemblyman, Placer, 1883. Machin, T; N., Assemblyman, Tuolumne and Mono, 1862, 1863;Speaker,--1863;- Lieutenant-Governor, 1863-67. Mclnerny, Thoraas, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. Mcintosh, E., Assemblyman, San j'oaquin, 1880. McJunkin, Hugh K., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1886. McKaray, J., Assemblyman, Napa, 1853. McKee, Samuel Bell, Judge Third Judicial District, elected 1868, 1863, 1869,. 1875; Supreme Justice, 1880-86. Died, Oakland, March 2, 1887. McKenna, Joseph, Assemblyman, Solano, 1875-76; Representative to Con gress, 1885-92; Commissioner to attend the Centennial Celebration o'f the- Inauguration of George ¦Washington as Pi'esident of the United States, 1888; United States Circuit Judge, Ninth Circuit, March 18, 1892- McKenzie, P. S., Asserablyraan, Trinity, 1852. McKeown, Joseph, Assemblyraah, Alaraeda, 1889. Died, Alameda, February 7, 1S90. McKibben, Joseph C, Senator, Yuba, 1852, 1853; Representative to Con gress 1857-68. MoKim, W. S., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1852. McKinley, B. P., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1883. McKinley, D. A., Presidential Elector 1876. Died, San Francisco, September 20, 1892. - ' ¦ - McKinley, J. W., Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, appointed 1889,. elected 1890. McKinney, P. S., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1854. Killed at Cavorca, Mexico,. Ajpril 7, 1857 McKmstry, Elisha W., Asserablyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50; Adju-. tant-General, 1851-62; Judge Seventh, and Twelfth Judicial Districts, elected 1852, 1858, 1869; Supreme Justice, 1874^88. McKune, John H., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1857; Judge Sixth Judicial District, elected, 1868, 1863. Maclay, Charles, Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1862,'- Presidential Elector,, 1864; Senator, Sa:nta Clara, 1867-68, 1869-70, 1871-72. Died, San Fernando,.. July 19, 1890. McLean, Alexander, Assemblyraan, Santa Barbara, 1885. McMahon, Jaraes, Assemblyman, Klamath, 1858. McMann, William, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. McMeans, S. A., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1862, 1868; State Treasurer, 1854-55. Died, Reno, Nevada, Juiy Sl, 1876.. McMertry, Louis, Superior Judge, San Luis Obispo County, elected 1879. . Died, San Luis Obispo, February 11, 188S. McMillen, C. E., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1869-70. McMullin, George 0., Assemblyraan, Trinity, 1869-70. Died, San Francisco,. March 1, 1886. McMullin, John, Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1889. McMurray, James D., Assemblyman, El 'Dorado, 1869-70, Died, Placerville,.. March 18, 1872. McMurray, John, Assemblyman, Trinity ahd Shasta, 1869-70, 1881; Senator, Shasta and Trinity, 1871-72, 1878-74. McMurray, V. C, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1885. McMurtry, W. S., Senator, Santa Clara, 1863-64. McNabb, James H., Senator, Sonoma, 1863. McNealy, W. T., Judge Eighteenth Judicial District, elected 1873 ; Superio'r Judge, San Diego Couuty, elected 1879, 1884. McNeill, J. A., Senator, Mariposa, etc., 1855, 1856. McNutt, John P., Member Second ConstitutionalConvention, 1878-79, Yuba- District. , McRuer,. D. C, Representative to Congress, 1865-^6. McVay, John, Assemblyman, Del Norte and Siskiyou, 1889. Mack, P. H., Asserablyman, Alpine, Inyo, and Mono, 1898. Maddox, C. H., Senator, Santa Clara, 1883. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 641 Maddox, P. L., Senator, El Dorado, 1863-64, 1865-66. Died, Georgetown, April 4, 1871. Magruder, Lloyd, Asserablyman, Yuba, 1861. Died, Washington Territory, Maguire, A. B., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. Maguire, Jaraes G., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1876-76; Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1882; Representative to Congress, 1893. Maher, Thomas C, Assemblyman, San Pranciscp, 1889'; Senator, San Fran cisco, 1891, 1893. Mahler, Henry, Senator, El Dorado, 1886; Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1887, 1889. Maholmb, J. B., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1865-66. Mahon, Prank, Asserablyriian, San Francisco, 1867-68. Mahon, E. B., Superior Judge, Marin County, elected 1884. Mahoney, David, Senator, San Francisco, 1854, 1855. Died, San Francisco, November 22, 1880. Mahoney, J. H., Senator, San Francisco, 1891, 1893. Makins, J. M., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1860. Malarin, Mariano, Assemblyman, Monterey, 1859, 1860. Mandeville, James W., Assemblvraan, Tuolurane, 1853, 1854; Senator, Tuol umne, etc., 1855, .1856, 1857, 1867-68, 1869-70; State Controller, 1875. Died, Sacramento, February 4, 1876. Mann, Henry R., Asseniblyman, San Francisco, 1887. , Mansfield, John, Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District; Lieutenant-Governor, 1880-82. Mardis, B. A., Assemblyman, 'Tuolumne and Mono, 1867-68. Died, Sacramento, February 7, 187S. Marion, P. W., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1891. Markhara, H. H., Representative to Congress, 1885-87; Governor, 1891- Markley, John, Meraber of State Board of Equalization, 1883-86; Private Secretary to Governor Washington Bartlett. Markley, Vi^'illiam J., Assemblyraan, Tuolurane, 1858. Marks, Charles H., Superior Judge, Merced County, elected 1879, 1884. Marks, J. M., Assemblyman, Sari Francisco, 1893. Mariette, S. H., Surveyor-General, 1854-55. Marshall, B. P., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1858. Marshall, E. C, Representative to Congress, 1851-52; Attorney-General, 1883-86. Marsteller, M., Superior Judge, Lassen County, elected 1884. Marston, B. 0., Assemblyman, Tuolumne and Mariposa, 1893. Martin, Andrew J., Asseniblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Martin, Edward, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District. Martin, J. W., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Second Congressional District. Martin, James C, Assemblyman, Butte, 1869-70. Martin, Montgoraery, Assemblyman, Los Angeles District, 1849-50. Martin, Noble, Assemblyman, Placer, 1891; Senator, Placer, 1873-74, 1876-76; El Dorado and Placer, 1893. Martin, R. M., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1869-70. Martin, S. M., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1867-68, 1883. Martin, Seth, Assem.blyinan, Nevada, 1863, 1863-64. Martin, W. C, Assemblyman, Trinity, 1853. Marvin, John G., State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1851-53. Died, Sonolulu, December 10, 1857. Maslin, B. W., Private Secretary to Governor William Irwin ; Trustee of State Library, 1878-82, 1884-85; Secretary of the State Board of Equalization, 1869-71, 1880-91. Mason, W. B., Asserablyman, Del Norte, 1881. Masten, W. T., Superior Judge, Lassen County, elected 1890. Mathers, George B., Asserablyman, Mendocino, 1871-72. Mathews, W. P., Assemblyman, Tehama, Colusa, etc., 1880, 1881, 1887, 1889, 1893 Matlock, Jaraes T., Assemblyraan, Tehama, 1891. Matthews, J. H., Asserablyraan, 'Trinity, 1862; San Benito, 1881, 1883, 1887, 1893 Matthews, J. R., Assem'Dlyraan, Los Angeles, 1891; Senator, 1893. 41 ^42 REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. Matthews, R. L., Asserablyman, Monterey, 1856. Matthews, Williara R., Asserablyman, Napa, 1859. Mattingly, R. L., Assemblyman." San Mateo, 1867-68. Maxson,'"W". B., Assemblyman, San Mateo, 1860. May, W. B., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1877-78, 1880, 1881,1885; Senator, Trinity, Klamath, etc., 1854, 1855. Maybell, Stephen, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. Mayfield, J. M., Asserablyriian, Napa, 1877-78. Mayhew, H. A., Superior Judge, Teharaa County, appointed 1881. Mead, M. H., Senator, Modoc. Lassen, etc., 1889, 1891. Meagher, Michael, Assemblyraan, Tuolumne and Mono, 1867-68. Meany, A. J., Senator, Merced, Stanislaus, etc., 1889, 1891. Died, Merced, November 25, 1891. Mears, WiUiam T., Assemblyraan, Sonoma, 1886, Mebius, C. P.; Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1863-64. Meeker, David, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1871-72. Died, San Francisco, May 21, 1891. Mein, iDhoraas, Asserablyman, Nevada, 1881. Melius, Francis, Assemblyraan, Los Angeles, 1855. Melone, Drury, Secretary of State, 1871-75. Moloney, A. R., Asserablyman, Contra Costa, 1866; State Controller, 1858-69; Senator, San Joaquin and Contra Co'sta, 1857, 1858. Died, Lafayette, Contra Costa County, March 1, 1861. Mentzel, Otto, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1867-68. Meredith, G., Asserablyman, Sierra, 1865-66. Died, St. Selena, July 13, 1892. Meredith, H. B., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1856. Meridith, W., Assemblyman, Tuolurane, 1853. Merrit, George, Asserablyman, Yuba, 1869-70. Merritt, Samuel A., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1851, 1852; Senator, Mariposa, etc., 1857, 1858; President pro tem., 1858. Merry, T. H., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1880. Mesick, R. S., Senator, Yuba, 1857, 1858. Messenger, H. A., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1880. Meyers, Samuel, Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1862, 1863, 1873-74, 1877-78. Micheltorena, Manuel, Governor under Mexican rule, 1842-45. Died, Mex ico, September 7, 1863. Middleton, John, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1867-68. Miles, Beniamin H., Assemblyraan, Santa Cruz, 1857. Died, Arizona, 1868. Miles, S. M., Assemblyraan, Sierra, 1857. Died, Sierra County, May 8, 1869. Miller, E. 0., Register United States Land Office, 1888-1889; Trustee of State Library, 1891- Miller, H. B. M., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1893. Miller, James, Senator, Mariposa, 1851, 1852. Miller, Jaraes H., Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1869-70, 1877-78. Miller, John P., Presidential Elector, 1872, 1876; Member Second Consti tutional Convention, 1878-79, First Congressional District; United States Senator, 1881-86. Died, Washington, D. C, March 8,1886. Miller, L., Assemblyraan, Amador and Alpine, 1873-74. Miller, N. C, Asserablyman, Nevada, 1861. Miller, WilUara J., Asserablyman, Marin, 1869-70. -MiUington, Seth, Superior Judge, Glenn County, elected 1891. Mills, Hiram, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Contra Costa District. Minis, WiUiam, Asserablyman, Yolo, 1858; Senator, Yolo and Solano, 1869- 70, 1871-72; Surveyor-General, 1875-79. Minor, W. O., Superior Judge, Stanislaus County, elected 1884, 1890. Miro, Emanuel, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857. Mitchell, A. H., Assemblyraan, Fresno and Tulare, 1858. Mitchell, E. P., Asserablyman, Tuolumne and Mono, 1863-64. Mitchell, M. N., Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1857. MitcheU, T. P., Senator, San Francisco, 1893. Mitchell, Thoraas, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Mizner, Lansing B., Private Secretary to Governor John Bigler, first term- Senator, Yolo and Solano, 1865-66, 1867-1868; President pro tem., 1867-68- Presidential Elector, 1888 ; Minister to Central American States Marcli 30, 1889-Deoember 81, 1890. Moffat, S. P., Assemblyman, Inyo and Mono, 1877-78. Died, San Francisco REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. 643 Moffatt, William S., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Mateo District. Moffitt, A. B., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1883. Died, San Fernando, June 10,1884. Moffitt, Frank J., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1885; Senator, Alameda, 1887, 1889. Monson, A. C, Judge Sixth Judicial District, appointed 1852, elected 1862. Montague, J. C, Assemblyraan, Trinity and Shasta, 1877-78. Montgomery, J. M., Senator, Mariposa and Merced, 1876-76, 1877-78. Montgomery, W. S., Senator, Mariposa and Merced, 1863-64, 1865-66. Montgomery, Zach., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1861. Mooney, J. S., Assemblyraan, Tuolumne and Mono, 1869-70. Moore, Benjamin P., Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Joaquin District; Assemblyman, San Joaquin District, 1849-50, 'i?uol- urane, 1851. Bead. Moore, E. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1854, 1865. Moore, George, Superior Judge, Amador County, elected 1879. Died, Jackson, September 8, I884. Moore, J. G., Asserablyman, Butte, 1.868. Dead. Moore, J. M., Asserablyman, Alaraeda, 1862. Moore, Jacob B., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1858, 1869. Died, San Fran cisco, August Sl, 1886. Moore, .lohn H., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1867-68. Moore, Philip, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1853, 1857, -^1859, 1860; Speaker, 1860. Dead. Mordecai, G. W., Assemblyman, Fresno, 1891, 1893. Morehead, Jaraes C., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. Morehouse, L. C, Meraber of State Board of Equalization, 1883-86, 1887-90, 1891- Moreland, Thomas, Assemblyman, Placer, 1856. Dead. Moreland, W.W., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sonoma District; Senator, Sonoma, 1880, 1881; Private Secretary to Governor George Stoneman ; Bank Commissioner, 1886-1890. Morgan, G. W., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1887. Morgan, James H., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1861. Died, San Jose, March m, 188S. Morgan, W. R., Asserablyman, Sierra, 1873-74. Morrill, D. L., Senator, Calaveras, 1867-68, 1869-70. Morris, Thoraas, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Morris, Thoraas C, Assemblyman, Alameda, 1886. Morris, W. D., Asserablyman, Modoc and Lassen, 1887. Morrison, H. J., Assemblyraan, Butte, 1857. Morrison, Murray, Asserablyraan, Los Angeles, 1861, 1862 ; Judge Seventeenth Judicial District, appointed 1868, elected 1869. Died, Los Angeles, Decem ber 18, 1871. , . „ Morrison, Robert P., Judge Fourth Judicial District, elected 1869, 1875; Chief Justice Suprerae Court, 1880-87. Died, San Francisco, March 2, 1887. Morrow, L. J., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1867-68. Morrow, WiUiam W., Representative to Congress, 1885-90; Commissioner to attend the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Wash ington as President of the United States, 1888 ; District Judge, Northern District of California, September 18, 1891- Morse, John P., Trustee of State Library, 1863-64. Died, San Francisco, De- 30, 1874. Morse, L. G., Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1880. .„„„„„„ Morse, Lucius D., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco, and San Mateo District. Morse, Nelson D., Asserablyman, Butte, 1852. Morton, W. L., Assemblyman, Tulare and Kern, 1883 (elected 1882, died before qualifying). Died, GrangeviUe, Deeember 29, 1882. Moses H. A., Assemblvman, El Dorado, 1858, Died_,-Sacramento, May, 1890. Mott, E. B., Jr., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1871-72; Trustee of State Library, 1872-78. Died, Sacramento, A-pril 4, 1882. Mott, Gordon M., Judge Tenth Judicial District, appointed 1851. Died, San Francisco, April 27, 1887, Mott T. D., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1871-72. Moulder Andrew J., State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1857-62. 644 REGISTEJi OF STA TE OFFICERS. Moulthrop, E. W., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1856. Momit, Charles E., Asserablyraan, Calaveras, 1859. Moyle, J. W., Senator, Sierra, 1863-64. . Moynihan, T. J., Assemblyraan, San .Francisco, 1869-70. Mudgett, G. C, Assemblyman, Huraboldt, 1881. Mulgrew, P. B., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1889. MulhoUand, Charles, Assemblyman, Plumas and Lassen, 1880. Mullariey, J. A., Assemblyman, Solano, 1889. Mulvey, Thoraas, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1889. Munday, B. B., Assemblyman; Sonoma, 1869-70, 1871-72. Died, Sonoma County,. 1873. Munday, M. E. C, Assemblyman, Sonoraa, 1885. Munday, Patrick, Assemblyman, Placer, 1861. Died, Cisco, October-14, 1872. Murch, L.H., Assemblyman, Jilamath and Del Norte, 1865-66; Senator,Del Norte, etc., 1867-68, 1869-70. Died, Oakland, June 24, 1886. Murdock, A. H., Assemblyraan. Huraboldt. 1855. Dead. Murdock, Charles A.. Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883. Murnan, Prank T., Assemblyman, 'Tuolumne, 1891. Murphy, B. D., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1869-70; Senator, Santa Clara,. 1877-78, 1888; Trustee (Chairman) ofthe State Insane Asylum at Agnews, 1890- Murphy, D. J., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1884, 1890. Murphy, D. W., Asserablyman, Calaveras, 1851. Murphy, Frank J., Assemblyman, Sonoma. 1891. Murphy, James E., Assemblyman, Del Norte, 1869-70, 1873-74, 1875-76, 1877-78; Speaker pro tem., 1876-76; Member Second Constitutional Con vention, 1878-79, Del Norte District; Superior Judge, Del Norte County, elected 1879, 1884, 1890. Murph.y, James T., Bank Commissioner, 1878-79. Murphy, John C, Assemblvman, San -Francisco, 1875-76; Senator, San Francisco, 1877-78. Died, San Francisco, June 16, 1887. Murphy, P. J., Senator, San Francisco, 188'?, 1889. Murphy, P. 'W., Assemblyman, San Luis Obispo, 1881; Senator, Santa Bar bara, 1865-66, 1867-68, 1877-78. Murphy, R., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857. Murphy, R. W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1877-78. Murphy, Thomas H., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883. Murray, Edward, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1889. Murray, Hush C, Chief Justice, 1852-57. Died, Sacram.ento, September 18, 1867. Murray, J. G., Assemblyman, Humboldt, 1889. Murray, Walter, Assemblyman, San Luis Obispo, 1859; Judge First Judicial District, appointed 1873. Died, San Luis Obispo, October 6, 1875. Musser, John, Assemblyman, Trinity, 1864. Myers, B. P., Asserablyraan, Placer, 1853, 1854; Judge Eleventh Judicial- District, appointed 1858, elected 1858; Superior Judge, Placer County, elected 1879, 1884. Myers, S., Senator, San Joaquin, 1863-64, 1865-66. Myrick, M. H.,. Suprerae Justice, 1880-86. Naphtaly, Joseph, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1869-70. Nason, Edmund, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Benito District. Nealley, Gilbert H., Assemblyman, Butte, 1877-78. Neblett, B., Assemblyman, Trinitv, 1858. Neflf, Jacob H., Senator, Placer,' 1871-72, 1873-74; State Prison Director, 1880-83, 1891- Nelson, Jaraes, Assemblyman, Sierra, 1880. Nelson, Thorwald K., Senator, San Francisco, 1880, 1881; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Died, Santa Barbara, March 5, 1888. Neuraan. Paul, Senator, Sau Francisco, 1880, 1881. Neunaber, Henry, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Neve. Felipe de. Governor under Spanish rule, 1774-82. Newell, H. B., Asserablyman, Bl Dorado, 1867-68, 1869-70. Newson, J. M., Assemblyraan, Stanislaus and Merced, 1867-68, Nichols, Elijah, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1854. Died, Sacramento, March 11, 1888. Nichols, H. L., Secretary of . State, 1867-71 ; Trustee of State Library, 1871-72.- REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 645 Nicol, P. D., Asserablyman, Tuolumne, 1883. Nicol, G. W., Superior Judge, Tuolumne County, elected 1890. . Niles, Addison C, Suprerae" Justice, 1872-79. ti'ied, San Francisco, Januarv 17, 1890. •' Nixon, A. B., Senator, Sacraraento, 1862, 1863., Died, Sacramento, November 2, 1889. • . , . Noel, Alonzo E., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Lake District. Noel, Charles P., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1854. Noonan, J. G., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1881. Norman, W. B^,.' Senator, Calaveras . and Amador, 1855, 1856, 1857. Died Stockton, August 26, 1880. , ' . Northcutt, W. H., Assemblyraan, Sonoma. 1873-74. Northup, B. C, Assemblynian, Nevada, 1873-74. Norton, Edward, Judge Twelfth Jiidicial District, appointed 1854, elected 1854; Supreme Justice, 1862-63. Died, London, England. May 12, 1872. Norton, Myron, Member First .C,onstitutional. Convention, 1849; San Fran cisco District. ' ' -' - Norton, William C, Assemblvman, Placei^, 1873-74; Senator, Placer, 1877-78. Died, Auburn, May 11, 1890. Nott, S. A., Assemblyraan, Amador and Alpine, 1875-76, 1877-78; Died, tin ¦ the Cosumnes River, February27, 188b. Nunan. Edward, Senator, San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78. Nye, Stephen G., Senator, Alameda, 1880, 1881.- Oates, S. T., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1869-70. O'Brieri,- Thomas, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1858, 1861, 1862. O'ConneU, W., Assemblyman, Sah. Pranpisco, 1869-70, 1875-76. O'Conner, E. J., Asseiublym9,n, San Francisco, 1883. O'Conner, Miles P., Assemblyraan-, Nevada, 1860; Senator, Nevada, 1869-70, - 1871-72, 1873-74, 1875-76. > O'Conner, Tiraothy, Assemblyman, Sau Francisco, 1881. OdeU, John A., Assemblyraan, Sacraraento, 1869-70. Died, Folsom, May 29, 188L O'Donnell, Charles C, Meraber .Second Constittitibnal Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. ' ' - O'Farrell, Jasper, Senator,- Sonoma, etc, 1869, I860. Died, San Francisco, ' November 16, 1875. ' ' Ogier, I. S. K., Asserablyraan, San Joaquin District,- 1849-50. Died, San Bernardino, Ma.y 21, 1861. O'Grady, Frank, Assemblyman, -Solano, 1887. Ohlever, George, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sutter, fiistrict; Assemblyraan, Sutter and Yuba, 1887. Ohr, A. D., Private Secretary to Governor John McDougal. O'Keefe, Jaraes T., Asserablyraan, San Mateo, 1893. -Olds, D., Assemblvraan, Marin, 1865-66. Oliver, J. W., Assemblyman, El. Dorado, 1866. Dead. Oliver. W. A., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1853. Oliver, AVarner, Presidential , Elector, 1864; Assemblyman, Sau Joaquin, ¦ 1867-68. . ¦ ' Olvera, Augustin, Presidential Elector, 1856. O'Malley, f. J., Asserablvman, San Francisco, 1867-68. O'Meara, John, State Printer, 1858-59. .Died, New York, April7, 1860. 0,Melveny, H. K. S., Superior. Judge, Los Angeles " County, appointed 1887. O'Neill, H. J., Assemblyman, Alameda, 1893. O'NeiU, James, Asseniblyman, Placer, 1854, 1857; Speaker pro tem., 1857. Died, San Francisco, September. 6, ¦ 1876. ,, , Ord, Pacificus, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Monterey District. Ord, W. M., Asserablyman, Butte, 1867-68. O'Rear, Beniamin T., Asserablyman, Yuba, 1860. Ormsby, J. S.. Assemblyman, Sonoma and Mendocino, 1868. Orr, N. M., Senator, San Joaquin. 1869-70. Orr, N. W., Assemblyman, Tuolurane, etc., 1867. Orr, Orestes, Senator, Santa Barbara and Ventura, 1893. Orrick, Benjamin. Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1862. , Orton. Richard H., Adjutant-General, 1&S7-90. Orvis, Charles, Asserablyman, El Dorado, 1857. Osgood, H. P., Assemblyraan, Y'616, 1851. 646 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Osgood, Henry M., Assemblyraan,' San Luis Obispo, 1858. Ostrander, H. J., Presidential Elector, 1876. Ostrom", D. A., Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1875-76, 1877-78, 1889; Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1891, 1893. O'SulUvan, Jaraes. Meraber Second Constitutional Convention. 1878-79, San Francisco District. Died, Sacramento, March 12, 1889. Otis, George E., Superior Judge, San Bernardino County, elected 1890. Otis, James, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862. Oullahan, D. J., State Treasurer, 1884-87. Died, Sam, Francisco, November 5, 1889. Oulton, George, Senator, Siskiyou, 1862, 1863; State Controller, 1863-67; Senator, San Francisco, 1871-72, 1873-74. Overton, A. P., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Third Congressional District. Owen, Eben B., Asserablyman,- Sacramento, 1898. Owen, J. J., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1863, 1863-64; Trustee of State Li brary 1882-86. Owen, J. W., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1868. Dead. Owen, T. H., Assemblyman, Solano, 1853. Oxley, Thoraas J., Asserablyman, Tuolurane, 1855, 1866. Died, Cavorca, Mexico, April 7, 1857. Pace, George, Asserablyraan, Santa Cruz, 1877-78. Died, WatsonviUe, May 8, 1881. Pacheco, M. G., Assemblyman, San Luis Obispo, 1852, 1853. Died, San Luis Obispo, January 27, 1885. Pacheco, Romualiio, Senator, Santa Barbara, etc., 1858, 1859, 1862, 1863, 1869-70 ; State Treasurer, 1863-67 ; Lieutenant-Governor, 1871-75 ; Governor, 1875; Representative to Congress, 1877, 1879-82; Minister to Central Araerican States, appointed Deceraber 11, 1890. Page, Horace P., Representative to Congress, 1873-82. Died, San Francisco, Palmer, Cyrus, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1857, 1858, 1863. Dead. Palraer, J. W. D., Asserablyraan, Araador, 1855. Palmer, Noah, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1857. Palraieri, Egisto, Senator, Sau Francisco, 1885. Papy, J. J., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1867-68. P'ardee, E. H., Assemblyman., Alaraeda, 1871-72; Senator, Alameda, 1880, 1881. Pardee, George, Asserablyman, Santa Cruz, 1867-68. Park, P. A., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1854. Died, San Francisco, Novem ber 13, 1870. Park, J. W., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1854. Parker, Edwin, Assemblyman, San Diego, 1883; Superior Judge, San Diego County, appointed 1887. Parker, Eustace, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1858. Died, Mazatlan, Noveniber 4, 1885. Parker, H. G., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1862. Parker, J. E.,, Asserablyman, Tuolurane, Mono, etc, 1873-74. Parker, S. H., Senator, Sau Francisco, etc, 1869, 1860. Died, San Francisco, March 14, 1S66. Parker, S. N., Asserablyraan, Calaveras, 1863-64. Parker, W. B., Senator', Solano, 18.86. Parkinson, George C, Senator, San Francisco, 1885. Parks, Williara H., Senator, Sutter and Yuba, 18.59, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863; Asserablyraani. xuba (Speaker), 1881, 1885. Died, MarysviUe, .July 23, 1887'. Parrish, E. C, Asserablyraan, Loa Angeles, 1865-66. Parrish, John G., Assemblyman, Yolo, 1852. Parsons, Levi, Judge Fourth Judicial District, elected by Legislature, 1850. Died, New York, October 23, 1887. . , ' • - Pate, B. T., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1860. Died, San Francisco, March 1, 1862. Paterson, A. Van R., Superior Judge, San Joaquin County, elected 1879; 1884; Sum-erne Justice, 1887- Patrick, G. W., Asseriiblyraan, Tuolurane, 1857, 1861. Patten, Edmund, Assemblyraan, Yolo, 1863. Patterson, A. D., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1875-76. Died, Routier's Station, December 4, 1884- Patterson, Alexander, Assemblyman, San Francisco District, 1849-50. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Ml Patterson, J. A., Assemblyman, Kern and Tulare, 187&-76. Patterson, J. B., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1881. Patterson, James, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1873-74. Patterson, John, Asserablyman, San Joaquin, 187.5-76, 1881. Patterson, W. I., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1885. Patterson, W. H., Senator, Modoc, Lassen, etc., 1887. Pattison, John, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1865-66. Patton, D. C, Asserablyman, Bl Dorado, 1860. Paulk C. C, Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1881. Died, Oakland, January $9, 1884i Paulsell, A. C, Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1873-74; Member Board of State Harbor Commissioners, 1883-89. Pauly, Frederick N., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1877-78. Paxton, John A., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1852. Payne, George M., Assemblyman, Amador and Alpine, 1867-68. Peachy, Archibald C, Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1852; Senator, San _ Francisco, 1860. Died, San Francisco, April 17, 188S. Pearce, E. D., Assemblyman, Shasta, 1852. Pearce, George, Senator, Sonoma, 1863-64, 1865-66, 1867-68. Pearis, C. W., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1858. Pearson, James, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1866, 1856. Peck, E. T., Senator, Butte, 1854, 1855. Peck, George, Asserablyraan, Santa Clara, 1856. Pedrorena, Miguel D., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Diego District. Peek, "W. P., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1873-74. Pelham, A. J., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1873-74. Di^d, Nevada County, August 26, 1881. Pellet, H. A., Assemblyman, Napa, 1885. Pemberton, James C, Assemblyman, Tulare, 1862. Died, Bakers-field, August 18,1879. Pendegast, WUliam W., Senator, Napa, Lake, etc, 1867-68,1869-70,1871-72, 1873-74. Died, Santa Rosa, February 29, 1876. Pendleton; C. W., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1893. Perkins, D. T., Assemblyman, Ventura, 1893. Perkins, George C, Senator, Butte, Lassen, etc., 1869-70, 1871-72, 1873-74; Director Napa State Insane Asylum, 1876-79 ; Governor, 1880-83 ; Director Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum, Berkeley, 1888-91, 1891- Trustee of.State Mining Bureau, 1889- Perkins, R., P. Senator, San Francisco, 1862, 1863. Died, at sea, October IS, 1868. Perkins, William Dana, Sergeant-at-Arms of the Assembly, 1869-70, 1876-76; Member State Board of Agricultnre, 1877-79, 1888 ; Memher Board of Ag riculture, District No, 20, Placer Countj', 1889- ; State Librarian, 1890- Per Lee, T. R., Assemblvman, Monterey District, 1849-50; Adjutant-General, 1850. ¦¦ * Perley, James E., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1863-64; Senator, San Joa quin , 1867-68. Died, Woodstock, New Brunswick, June 17, 1868. Perrin, 0., Assemblyraan, Tuolumne and Mono, 1863-64, 1865-66. Perry, George H.; Senator, Sau P'rancisco, 1888, 1885. Personette, M. W., Assemblyman, Trinity, 1863, 1863-64, Peters, J. M., Judge Eighth Judicial District, elected 1852. Peterson, Peter, Assemblyraan, Siskiyou and Modoc, 1883. Peterson, WiUiam H., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1865-66. Petrie, 'W. M., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1889. Phelps, Abner, Assemblyman, San Franeisco, 1860. Phelps, J., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1855. Phelps, Timothy Guy, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1857; Senator, San Francisco, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861; Representati^ye to Congress, 1861-63; Collector of Port of San Francisco, 1889- ; Regent of State University. Phillips, Louis A., Assemblyman, San ITrancisco, 1«91. Pickett, G., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1880. PicD. Andres, Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1861, 1852, 1858, 1859; Presidential 'Elector, 1852 ; Senator, Los Angeles, 1860, 1861. Died, Los Angeles, Feb ruary 14, 1878. Pico, Antonio M., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Pueblo de San Jose District ; Presidential Elector, 1860. Died, San Jose, May 23, 1869. Pico, Pio, Governor under Mexican Rule, 1832-38, 1845-46. 648 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Pierce, J. M., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1875-76. Died, San Diego, August 6, 1887. Pierce" Parker H., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1857. Pierce, W. L., Superior Judge, San Diego County, appointed 1889, elected 1890. Pierce, Winslow S., State Controller, 1852-53. Died, Brooklyn, New York, July 29, 1888. - Piercy,' Charles W., Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1861. Died, Marin County, May 25, 1881. Pierson, William M., Senator, San Francisco, 1875-76, 1877-78. Pinder, Thomas J., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1881; Senator, San Fran cisco, 1887, 1889. Piper, W. A., Representative to Congress, 1875-77. Pishon, N. J., Asserablyman, San Bernardino, 1873-74. Pitzer, J. S., Asserablvman, Trinity, 1853; Judge Fifteenth Judicial District, elected 1855. Pixley, Prank M., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1859; Attorney-General, 1862-63; Park Coraraissioner, San Francisco, 1882-86. Platt, Horace G., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1881. Plover, P., Asserablyman, San Francisco. 1883. Pool, D. M., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1869-70; Senator, Mariposa, Merced, etc, 1880, 1881. Portala, Caspar' de. Governor under Spamsh Rule, 1767-71. Porter, Arza, Assemblyraan, San Luis Obispo, 1885. Porter, C. H., Assemblyman, Butte, 1889. Porter, Charles B., Asserablyman, Contra Costa, 1861, 1862; Senator, Contra Costa and Marin, 1863, 1863-64, 1865-66. Porter, George K., Senator, Santa Cruz and Monterey, 1862, 1863. Porter, J, M., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Second Congressional District. Porter, Nathan, Senator, Alameda, 1877-78. Died, Sacrainento, June 5, 1878. Post, G. B., Senator, San Francisco, 1849-50, Died, San Franeisco, February 26, 1861. Potts, A. W., Bank Commissioner, 1886-90. Powell, Joseph, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1861. Died, Folsom, Noveniber 27, 1869. '¦'-'. Power, M. H.,' Asserablyraan, Placer, 1869-70.' Died, Auburn, July 17, 1885. Towers, 0. B:, Senator, Solano and Yolo, 1862, 1863. Pratt, J. D., Asserablyraan, Placer; 1863-64. Pratt, L. E., Senator, Sierra,- 1865-66, 1867-68; Judge Seventeenth Judicial District, appointed 1862, elected 1862. Died, San Francisco, October 25, ¦ , 1886. " ' - ¦ Pratt. 0. C, Judge Twelfth Judicial District, elected 1863. Died, San Fran-, CISCO, October 24, 1891. ¦Pratt, William C, Asserablyman, Calaveras, 1854. Pressley, J. G., Superior Judge, Sonoraa County, elected* 1879, 1884. -Preston, E. M., Senator,' Nevada, 1889, 1891.- Preston, R. M., Asserablyman, San Luis Obispo, 1875-76. Died, Santa Rosa, March 22, 1882. Prewitt, J. E., Superior Judge, Placer County, elected 1890. Price, E. B., Assemblyraan, Butte, 1898. Price, Johnson, Senator, Sacramento, 1859; Secretary of State, 1860-61. Died, San Francisco, February 8, 1868. Price, Rodman M., Meraber First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Francisco District. Price, W. Z., Asserablyraan, San Mateo, 1887. Printy, George W., Assemblyman, Butte, 1862. Proctor, W. G., Assemblyraan, Siskiyou, 1853. Prouty, Williara -H., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, • Amador District. Pueschel, E. A., Assemblyman, Kern, 1898. .P.ugh, J. W., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1856. Pullen, P. A., Assernblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. ¦PulUara, Mark R. C, Member Second ' Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Butte District. Died, San Francisco. January 28, 1883. Purdy, Ed-win B.', ASsemblyriian, San Francicso, 1854. ¦ ¦Purd-V, Samuel, Lieutenant-Crovernor, 1852-56. Died, Sam Francisco, Febru ary 17, 1882. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 649 Puterbaugh,. George, Superior Judge, San Diegd County, appointed;i889, GISCLGO. iooU. '¦''.¦' ' .Pyle, D. M., Assemblj'man, Santa Clara, 1885. ¦Qmgley, R. V. S., Asserablyman, La,ke, 187.5-T6. cQuimby, J. A., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1857. ' ' Qtiin, J. M., Assemblvman, Tuolumne, 1855. •Qumn, I. N., Senator, Stanislaus, etc, 1859, 1860; President pro tem., 1860; Lieutenant-Governor, 1860. Died, San Rafael, June 26, 1866. ¦Quint,.Leander, Senator, Tuolurane and Mono, 1862, 186-3.- Died, San Fran cisco, March 28, 1890. . -- ¦Ragsdale,- J. W., Assemblyraan, SohOraa, 1889; Senator, Sonoma, 1891, 1893. Raisch, Frederick, Asserablyraan. San Francisco, 1875-76. -Ralston, James H., Senator, Sacramento, 1852, 1853. Died, near Austin,' Ne vada, May, I864. ' -Ramage, Lewis, Judge Sixth Judicial District, elected 1869. Died, Kansas Cit-y, February 'I4, 1879. - - '• -Randall, A., Asserablyman, Monterey, 1851. Died, San Francisco,' January 13, 1889. " . ' ' . ¦ -' Randolph, Edmund, Assemblyman, San Francisco District, 1849-60. Died, - San Francisco, September '8, 1861. Rankin, H., Assemblyraan, "Sari Francisco, 1875-76. .-Rathburn, J. S., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1856. Raw, R. S., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1893. Rawle, Bernard, Assemblj'man. San Francisco, 1883. Rea, James W., Railroad Commissioner, Third District, 1887-90, 1891- ,Rea, Thomas, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1873-74. -Reading, R. G., Asserablyman, Trinity, 1853. Ream, Daniel, Senator, Siskiyou, etc.', 1877-78. Rearden, Tiraothy H., Superior Judge, San Francisco, appointed 1883, elected 1884. Died, San Francisco, May 10, 1892. Reardon, T. B., Judge Fourteenth Judicial District, elected 1869, 1875. Died, Oroville, August 4, 1S86. - /Reavey, Jamesj Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. -Reavis, J. J., Assemblvraan, Modoc and Lassen, 1889. Rector, T. H., Assemblyman, Klamath, etc, 1867-68, 1871-72. Reddick, John Burke, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1875-76, 1881; Presidential Elector, 1884; Lieutenant-Governor, 1S91- ^Redding, Benjamin B., Assernblyman. "Yuba and Sierra, 1853; State Printer, 1854^65 ; Mayor of Sacramentp, 1856; Secretary of State; 1863-67; Trustee of State Lilirary, 1864-66. Died, San Franciscb, August 21, 1882. Reddington, J. H., Senator, San Francisco, 1863-64. ' -Red'dy, Patrick, Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79; Mono and Inyo District; Senator, Tulare, Fresno, etc, 1883, 1885.' Redfield, O. P., Assemblyman. Yuba, 1863, 1863-64. .Redington, Alfred, Presidential Elector, 1868. Died, Sacramento, May 22, 1876. -Redman, R. A., Senator, Alaraeda and Santa Clara, 1859, 1860. >Reed, Charles P., Asserablymaii, Yolo, 1865-66; Member Second Constitu tional Convention, 1878-^79, Solaiio and Yolo District; Presidential Elec tor, 1884. JEleed, G., W., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1862. Died, Petalu-rha, 1868. Reed, H. R., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1871-72. Reed, T. H., Assemblyraan. Placer, 1856. Reed, Theron, Judge Sixteenth Judicial District, appointed 1866, elected 1867, 1873. ¦,'-.- Reese, William S., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862. Reeve, George B., Assemblymaij, Sau Francisco, 1862.' Reeves, Truraan, Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1883, 1885. Regan, Daniel S., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1887, 1889. - "Reichert, Theodore, Surveyor-General, 1887-91, 1891- Reid, Hugo, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Los Angeles District. Died, Los Angeles, December 12, 1852. .Renfro, James H., Assernblyman, Lake, 1891. .Renison, Thomas, Asserablyraan, Monterey, 1887, 1889. ¦- Reynolds, C. D., Senator, Calaveras and Tuolurane, 1883. Reynolds. E. J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1889. Reynolds^ G. A. F., Asserablyman, Nevada, 1856. ^Reynolds, Jaraes S., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. 6'50 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Reynolds, John, Assernblyman, Santa Clara, 1881; Superior Judge,' Santa.. Clara County, appoint"ed 1888, elected 1888, 1890. Reynolds, S. F., .Tudge Fourth Judicial District, elected 1861. Rhiel, Adam, Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1883. Rhoades, G. H., Asserablyman, Mariposa, 1856. Died, Cavorca, Mexico, April- 7, 1857. Rhoads, John P., Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1863-64. Died, Sacramento- County, December 20, 1866. Rhodes, A. L., Senator, Alameda and Santa Clara, 1861, 1862 ; Supreme Jus-- tice, 1864-79; Chief Justice, 1870-72. Rhodes, John M., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Yolo District. Rhodes, W. H., Private Secretary to Governor J. Neely Johnson. Rice, D. "W. C, Assemblyraan, "Yuba, 1867. Died, San Francisco; August 3, 1870. Rice, Henry, Asserablyraan, Santa Cruz, 1875-76. Died, Santa Cruz, Septem ber 29, 1889. Rice, J. B., Assemblyman, Marin, 1871-72. Rice, T. H., Assemblyman, Kern and Ventura, 1891. Richardson, H. S., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1851. Ricks, C. S., Assemblyraan, Hutaboldt, 1856; 1857. Died, Eurekd,, California;,., June, 1888. Rider, W. M., Asserablyraan, Sonoma, 1863. Ridley-, Thomas E., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1852. Ring,'John A., Assemblyman, Shasta, 1854. Ringgold, Charles S., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79,. San Francisco District. Roach, Philip A., Senator, Monterey and Santa Cruz, 1852, 1853; San Frail-- oisco, 1873-74, 1875-76. Died, San Francisco, April W, 1889.. Roane, James M., Assemblyraan, Fresno, Tulare, etc., 1859. Robberson, John S., Assemblyman, Sonoma and Mendocino, 1859. , Roberts, B. W., Senator, Nevada, 186:3-64, 1867-68, 1869-70; Register United. States Land Offlce, Sacraraento District; 1890-92. Died, Sacramento, July 13, 1892. Roberts, George M^, Assemblyman, San Benito, 1876-76. Robertson, George B., Assemblyman, Del Norte and Siskiyou, 1891. Robertson, J. W., Assemblyraan, Stanislaus and Merced, 1863. Robertson, P. C, Assemblyman, Siskiyou and Modoc, 1877-78. Robinson, Charles, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1851. Robinson, H. E., Senator, Sacramento,' 1849-60, 1851, 1852. Died, Norwalk,. . , Connecticut, January 9, 1880. Robinson, Henry, Assemblyman, Alameda, 1863; Senator, Alameda, 1865-66,- 1867-68. Robinson, Henry H., State Printer, 1850. Robinson, Robert, Asserablyraan, Sacraraento, 1853; Adjutant-General, 1865-66. Eobinson, Tod, Judge Sixth Judicial District, appointed 1851; Supreme- :Court Reporter, 1»70. Died, San Mateo County, October 27, 1870. Robinson, 'W. N., Assemblyraan, San Diego, 1869-70. Rockwell, E. A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1869-70. Died, Sacramento,.. November 16, 1877. • Rodgers, E. A., Assemblyman, Tuolurane, 1860. Rodgers, Robert C^ Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1855. Rodgers, William P., Asserablyraan, Alaraeda, 1859. Rodriguez, Jacinto, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Monte-- rey District. Died, Monterey, December I4, 1878. Rogers, Daniel, Asserablyman," San Francisco, 1860, 1873-74. Rogers, George H., Asseriiblyraan, Tuolumne, 1857; San Francisco, 1869-70; SpeaKer, 1869-70; Senator, Tuolumne and Stanislaus, 1858; San Fran cisco, etc,. 1875-76, 1877-78. Rogers, W.'M., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1853. Rolfe, Horace C, Judge Eighteenth Judicial District, appointed 1872; Mem-- ber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-7-9, San "Diego and San Ber nardino District ; Superior Judge, San Bernardino Couuty, electedl879;. Rollins, H. G., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1867-68. Roman, Richard, State 'Treasurer, 1849-58. Died, San Francisco, December 22,. 1876. Hegister of state officers. 651 ¦^°™4Qfl"'^°^^ Antonio, Governor under Spanish rule, 1790-92. Died, April 9, Romer, J L., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1869-70. Rooney, J. li. Superior Judge, Tuolumne County, elected 1879, 1884. Rosboroueh, A. M., Judge Ninth .ludicial District, elected 1869, 1875. Rose, A. H., Senator, Amador and Alpine, 1865-66, 1867-68. Rose, L. J., Senator, Los Angeles, 1887. Rose, T. H., Presidential Elector, 1872. Roseberry, Thomas A., Assemblvman, Modoc and Lassen, 1885. Rosecrans WiUiaiu S., Representative to. Congress, 1881-86; Register of United States Treasury, 1885- n > , » Rosenthal, M., Presidential Elector, 1893. Ross, Ei-skine M., Suprerae Justice, 1880^6. Ross, "William, Asserablyman, Sonoma, 1861. Died, Santa Rosa, April 10, 1874. Roth, John, Senator, Tulare and Kern, 1887,-1889. Rousch, WiUiara, Asserablyman, Placer, 1873-74. Eoutier, Joseph, Asserablyraan, Sacraraento, 1877-78; Senator, Sacramento, . 1883, 1885; Fish Coraraissioner, 1887-89. Rowan, Martm, Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1854. Died, Sacramento, September 23, 1872. Rowe, E. A.. Assemblyraan Trinity, 1855. Dead. Rowell, C. W. C, Superior Judge, "San Bernardino County, appointed 1889, elected 1890. J- if RoweU, Chester, Senator, Tulare, Kern, etc., 1880, 1881; Presidential Elector, 1884 ; Regent of State University. Rowland, Thomas B., Assemblyraan, EL Dorado and Alpine, 1883. Died, Lake Tahoe September 5, 1883. Rucker, Sarauel, Asserablyraaii, Santa Clara, 1887. Ruggles, E. S., Assemblyraan, Butte, 1876-76. Rule, J. W., Asserablyman, Nevada, 1863, 1863-64. Rundell, William M., Asserablyraan, Merced and Mariposa, 1889. Rqsh, J. A., Senator,. Colusa and Tehama, 1863-64, 1865-66. Russ, A. G., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1867-68. Russ, Joseph, Assem'blyman, Humboldt, 1871-72, 1877-78, 1885. Died, Ala meda, October 8, 1886. Russell, P. H., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1873-74. Rust, P. C, Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1855, 1856. Rutledge, 'Thomas, Superior Judge, Sonoma County, appointed 1886. Ryan, Frank D., Asserablyman, Sacramento, 1883; Chief Clerk ofthe Assem- .bly, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh sessions; Member of Board of 'Trustees of Sutter's Fort, 1891- Ryan, James T., Senator, Trinity and Huraboldt, 1860, 1861. Ryan, P. H., Senator, Huraboldt, etc., 1880, 1881, 1883. Ryan, Thomas P., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1869-70. Ryland, C. T., Private Secretary to Governor Peter H. Burnett; Assembly man, Santa Clara, 1855, 1867-68; Speaker, 1867-68. Safford, A. P. K., Asserablyman, Placer, 1857, 1858. Died, Florida, December 18, 189L . Salomon, E. S., Assemblvman, San Pi-ancisco, 1889. Samraons, B. J., Asserablyman, Sierra, 1869-70, 1871-72. Samuels, James, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1875-76, 1881. Sanderson, A. A., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1890. Sanderson, Silas W., Asserablyriian, Bl Dorado, 1863; Suprerae Justice, 1864- 70 ; Chief Justice, 1864-66. Died, San Francisco, June 24, 1886. Sansevaine, Pedro, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Jose District. Sargent, Aaron A., Representative to Congress, 1861-63,. 1869-71; United States Senator, 1873-79. Died, San Francisco, August I4, 1887. Sargent, B. V., Senator, Montei'ev and San Benito, 1887. Sargent, J. C, Assemblyman, Yuba, 1862, 1863. Dead. Sargent, J. L., Assemblyman, Araador, 1893. Sargent, J. P., Asserablyraan, Santa Clara, 1871-72. Sargent, R. C, Asserablyman, San Joaquin, 1871-72, 1875^76, 1877-78, 1881. Satterwhite, J. W., Asserablyraan, San Bernardino, 1865-66, 1869-70; Sena tor, San Diego, etc., 1875-76, 1877-78, 1880, 1881. Died, San Bernardino, Febmary 16; 1886. Saul, James B., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1862. Died, Davisville, October 30, 188L 652 REGISTER OF STATE -OFFICERS. Saunders, J. H,, Assserablyraaii, San Francisco, 1853; Senator, San Fran cisco, 1867-68, 1869-70. Saunders, R. P., Asserablyman, Butte, 1851. Sawyer, E. D., Senator, Calaveras, 1864; Judge Fourth Judicial District, elected 1863. . ' , Sawyer, F. A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, I860.. Sawyer, Lorenzo, Judge Twelfth Judicia] District, appointed 1862, elected 1862; Supreme Justice, 1864-70; Chief Justice, 1868-69; United States Circuit Judge, Ninth Circuit, 1869-91. Died, San Francisfo, September 7, 189L ¦ Sawyer, N. G., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1865-66. Sayle, C. G., Assemblyirian, Fresno, 1880. Saxe, A. W., Senator, Santa Clara, 1886. Saxton, A. H., Senator, El Dorado, 1863. Died, Tahoe City, August 19, 1886. Scarce, L., Assemblyman, Colusa and Tehama, 1869-70. Scellen, John D., Senator, Sierra, 1865, 1866, .Dedd..-. - ' Schell, George W., Meraber Second . Constitutional . Convention, l-878-r79. Fourth Congressional District ; Prison Director, 1880-83 ; Presidential .Elector, 1888. . - ¦ Schlesinger, Bert, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1893. Schmidt, John C, Assemblyman, San Franeisco, I860.' Schomp, Justus, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Joaquin District. '^ ' Schrack, L. Mv, Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1871-75.. Died; Calaveras Courvty, February 7, 1883. ¦ ' • ' Schroebel, D, J. B., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1898. "... ¦ ; . ¦ Soott, Charles L., Representative to Congress, 1867-59. Scott, J., Assemblyman, Santa Barbara District, 1849-^50. • Scott, John B., Assemblyraan; Napa, 1861. Died, -San. Francisco, June 30, 1890. .... , .- , Scott, R. C, Asserablyman, Siskiyou, 1868-64; Scott, Thomas, Asserablyman, Alameda,, 1868, 1863-64. Scrivner, J. J., Asserablyraan, Stajnislaus, 1876-76; State Prison Director, - 1887-89. - - ¦ ¦ -' .;,:.-¦ , , . ,' . ¦ "Scudder, Prank V., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1867-63. Died, San Fran cisco, June 17, 1877. Searey, Thomas M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887, 1889. Searls, Niles, Senator, Nevada and Sierra, 1877-78; Judge Fourteenth Judi cial District, elected 1855, 1858; Supreme Court Commissioner, 1884-87; Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1887-88. Sears, William H., Asserablyman, Nevada, 1862,1863,1863-64; Speaker, 1863- 64; Senator, Contra Co'sta and- Marin, 1880, 1881. Died, San Francisco, February 27,1891. - , - , Seaton, G. W., Asserablyraan, Amador, 1862. Died, Yosemite, October 13, ¦ 1865. . J • Seawell, J. H., Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1889; Senator, Mendocino and and Lake, 1891, 1893; Director Mendocino State Insane Asylum, 1891- Seawell, W. M., Assemblyman, Amador, 1857. Seckel, George, Clerk of the Suprerae Court, 1867-71. ¦ Seibe, John, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1871-72. Selleck, Silas, Assemblyraan, Placer, 1866. -Died, Sacramento, June 17, 1878: Semple, Robertj-Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sonoma Dis trict. Died, near Colusa, .October 25, 1864. - ¦ Sensabaugh, J. B., Assemblyman, Merced, 1871-'72. Sepulveda, Ygnacio, Assemblyraan, Los Angeles, 1863-64; Judge Seventeenth Judicial District, elected 1878; Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, elected 1879, .... Sexton, Warren T., Judge Second and Thirteenth Judicial Districts, elected 1857, 1863, 1875. Died, Oroville, April I4, J.878. Sexton, Williara, Assemblyman, Placer, 1865-66. . Seymour, E. C, Senator, San Bernardino and Orange, 1893. ¦'.'¦. Shafter, Jaraes McMillan, Senator, San Francisco, IS61, 1862, 1863-64; Presi dent pro tera., 1862; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Thii-d Congressional District; Superior-Judge,. San Francisco, appointed 1889, elected 1890. Died, San Francisco, August 29, 1892. . Shafter, Oscar L., Supreme Justice, 1864-67. Died, Florence, Italy, January 22, 1873. - - ¦ - - , , - ¦ REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 653 Shanahan, T. "SV. H., Assemblyman, Trinity and Shasta, 1887, 1889, 1891;' Shasta and Modoc, 1893; Member Board of Agriculture, District No. 27, Shasta County, 1889- & > , >. Shanklin, James W., Surveyor-General, 1880-83. Shannon, Thomas B., Assemblyraan, Plumas, 1859, 1860, 1862; Sau Fran- ciseo, 1871-72; Speaker, 1871-72; Senator, Plumas, 1863; Representative to Congress, 1863-65. - > > i- Shannon, W. E., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacra raento District. Died, Sacramento, November S, 1860. Sharp, Sol. A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1856; Senator, San Francisco,' etc., 1860. Died, San Francisco, ,Tune 8, 1878. Sharpstein, John R., Judge Twelfth Judicial District, appointed 1874; Su preme Justice, 1880-82, 1882-92. Died, San Francisco, December 28, 1892. Shattuck, P. K., Assemblyraan, Alameda, 1860. Shaw, Lucien, Superior Judge, Los Angeles Countv, appointed 1889, elected 1890. . , > rj:- , Shaw, William J., Senator, San Francisco, 1856, 1857, 1865-66, 1867-68. Shearer, Edwin, Superior Judge, Siskiyou County, appointed 1883, elected 1884. Shearer, Jacob, Assemblyraan, Yuba, 1856. Sheehan, John P., Adjutant-General, 1882-83; Bank Coramissioner, 1882. Shelton, H. A., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1860. Shepard, Joseph, Senator, Calaveras, 1863-64. Shepard, WiUiara W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1867, 1858, 1859. Dead. Shepherd, W. M., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. Sherburne, D. N., Asserablyraaii, Contra Costa, 1880, 1887. Sheridan, James E., Asserablyman, Sacraraento, 1858, 1859. Died, Sacra- m,ento County, October 12, 1872. Sherraan, Caleb,- Asserablyraan, Santa Barbara, 1877-78. Sherrard, Robert B., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1855, 1856. Died, Winchester, Vir ginia, 1860. Sherwin, J. L. C, Assemblyman, Plumas, 1868. Sherwood, T. J., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1865-66. Sherwood, Winfield S., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sac-' raraento District; Judge Ninth Jhdicial District, elected by Legislature, 1850; Presidential Elector, 1852. Died, Allegany, Sierra County, California, June 26, 1870. Shields, P. J., Trustee of State Library, 1887-89. Shippee, W. A., Senator, Butte, 1891, 1893. Shirley, Paul, Senator, Contra Costa and Marin, 1875-76, 1877-78. Shoaff, Philiri L., State Printer, 1887. Shoemaker, Rufus, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Second Congressional District. Shoemalcer, W. B., Asserablyraan. Santa Clara, 1869-70. Shorb, J. Campbell, Presidential Elector, 1880. Died, San Francisco, October 1, 1889. . . . Shores, William, Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1869-70. Shortridge, Sarauel M-., Presidential Elector, 1888. Showalter, Daniel, Assemblyraan, Mariposa and Merced, 1857, 1861; Speaker pro tem., 1861. • Died, Mazatlan, Mexico, February 4, 1866. Shuter, George L., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1857. Shurtieff, Benjamin, Senator, Shasta and Trinity, 1862, 1863; Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Third Congressional District; Presi dent of the Board of Trustees of the Napa State Asylum for the Insane, 1888- Siebe, John D., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1881. Silraan, W. L., Presidential Elector, 1893. Sime, John, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1853. Died, San Francisco, October 13, 187L Simons, Solon S., Asserablyraan, Santa Clara, 1858. Sirapers, G. W., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1873-74. Sirapson, C. M., Assembryman, L-os- Angeles, 1893. Simpson, E. M., Assemblyman, Amador, 1863. Simpson, John, Assemblyman, Colusa and Tehama, 1873-74. Simpson, WiUiam, Asseriiblyraan, Alaraeda, 1889; Senator, Alameda, 1891, 1893. Sims, J. C, Asserablyman-, Sonoma, 1893. Sims, Josiah, Asserablyman, Nevada,- 1887, 1889. €54 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Singleton, M. A., Assemblyman, Sierra", 1865-66. Singley, Jaraes, Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1855. .Sinon, w. J., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1880, 1883. Slac'k, Chas. W., Superior Judge, San Francisco, appointed 1891, elected 1892. •Slaughter, P. JM., Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1871-72. Slicer, T. A., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1869-70. .Slingerland, James S., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1859. .Sloss, Gordon E., Member of State Board of Equalization, 1887-90. Dead. Sloss, H; C, Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1859. Died, Placerville, March 11, 1864, .Smith, A. A., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1863-64. Smith, A. Guy, Assemblyraan, Los Angeles and Orange, 1891. Smith, Ansel, Superior Judge, San Joaquin Couuty, elected 1890. Smith, B. N., Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, elected 1890. Smifih, C. P., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1860. Smith, E. B., Assemblyman, Sierra, 1862, 1863. .Smith, E. L., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1865-66. Smith, E. 0., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Santa Clara District. Smith, P. M., Assemblyraan, Butte, 1863; Senator, Butte, Pluraas, etc., 1863-64, 1865-66. Died, Tucson, Arizona, April 21, I884. .Smith, George A., Judge Ninth Judicial District, elected 1852. Died, Samil- ton, August 26, 186S. Smith, George E., Assemblyman, Butte, 1865-66. Smith, George H., Senator, Los Angeles, 1877-78. Sraith, George V., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District. Sraith, H. P. A., Assemblyman, Marin, 1855. Smith, Henrv C, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1853. Died, Livermore, Novem ber 24, 1876. Sraith, Henry M., Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, appointed 1884. .Sraith, Henry W., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Sraith, Isaac W., Asserablyman, San Bernardino, 1858. Sraith, J., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1863-64. Smith, J. J., Asserablyman, Butte. 1891.' Sraith, J. Langdon, Asserablyman, Sutler, 1860. ¦ Smith, James, Asserablyraan, Fresno, 1862. Died, King's River, December 17, 1882. Sraith, James K., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1858; Yuba, 1867-68. Sraith, L. G., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1861. Smith, N. T., Assemblyman, Bl Dorado, 1855. Smith, Napoleon B., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1852. Sraith, 0. K., Assemblyman, Tulare and Fresno, 1857, 1861. Died, San Luis Obispo, February, 1871. Sraith, Sarauel B., Senator, Sutter, 1853, 1854. .Sraith, Stanley A., Superior Judge, Sierra County, elected 1890. Sraith, W. L.," Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1883. .Smyth, Edward, Asseniblyman, Tuolumne, 1877-78, 1887. Snyder, E. H., Assemblyman, Placer, 1863-64, Snyder, Frederick A., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1853. Died, July 23, 1854, while on his way to Lake Bigler. .Snyder, J. W., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1878-74. Snyder, Jacob R., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacra mento District; Senator, San Francisco, 1852, 1853. Died, Sonoma, AprU 29, 1878. Sola, Pablo Vincente de, Governor under Spanish rule, 1815-22; Governor under Mexican rule, 1822-23. Died, Mexico, 1827. Sorrell, P., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1861. .Soule, Ezra P., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Plumas and Lassen District. Soulg, Prank, Senator, San Francisco, 1852. Died, San Francisco, July S, 1882. Soul^, Samuel, Senator, San Francisco, 1858, 1862. Died, San Frcmciseo, iVo- vember 18, 1889. ' ' ' .Southard, Jaraes B., Judge Seventh Judicial District, appointed 1862, elected 1863. Soward, P. D., Superior Judge, Sierra County, elected 1884. Spect, Jonas, Senator, Sonoma District, 1849-60. Died, Colusa, July 3, 188S. Spellacy, L., Senator San Francisco, 1887, 1880. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS 655 "^P^^iSoJ,-^- ^¦' Assemblyman, Nevada, 1861. Died, Los Angeles, September 19, Spencer, C. G., Assemblyman, Placer, 1867-68. -Spencer, Dennis, Senator, Napa, Sonoma, etc, 1883, 1885. :Spencer, P. E., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1871-72; Superior Judge, Santa Clara County, elected 1879, 1884. , -Spencer, J D., Assemblyraan, Stanislaus, 1880; Senator, Mariposa, etc., 1883, 1885; Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1886-90. ¦Spencer, M., Asserablyraan, Huraboldt, 1854. -.Spencer, S., Senator, Yuba and S.utter, 1873-74, 1875-76. .SpiUman, B. R., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1858; Sutter, 1867-68. Died, Marys ville, October 14, 1888. " Splivalo, A. D., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1871-72. Sprague, P. S., Senator, Yolo and Napa, 1889, 1891. .Sprague, Royal T., Senator, Shasta, etc, 1862, 1853, 1854, 1855; President pro tem. Senate, 1855; Supreme Justice, 1868-72; Chief Justice, 1872. Died, Sacramento, February 24, 1872. Spreckels, Claus, Presidential Elector, 1872. -Springer, E. C, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1854. Springer, Grant H., State Printer, 1874-76. Springer, James P., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1859. Died, Santa Clara County, ,Tune 2, 1861. ¦ Springer, 'Thomas A., State Printer, 1871-74. Died, San Francisco, Februarv 26, 1874. Spurgeon, W. H., Asserablyraan, Los Angeles, 1887. .Squires, O.gden, Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1859. Stabler, H. P., Assemblyman, Sutter and Yuba, 1891. Stakes, A. G., Asserablyman, San Joaquin, 1858. Dead. -Standart, George, Assemblyraan, Lassen, Plumas, and Sierra, 1893. .Stanford, Leland, Governor, 1862-63; United States Senator, 1886-90, 1891-; Coraraissioner to attend the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of Geor^ Washington as President of the United States, 1888. Stanley, H.Y., Assemblyraan, San Luis Obispo, 1880. :Stark, John S., Assemblyraan, Napa, 1862. iStarr, Henry, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1860. :Staude, John, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1889. .Stearns, Abel, Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Los Angeles District; Asserablyraan, Los Angeles, 1851, 1861. Died, San Fraiicisco, August 2S, 1871. -Stebbins, J araes G., Senator, Yuba and Sutter, 1854, 1855. .Stedraan, John C, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. .Steele, D. M., Assemblyraan, Colusa and Tehama, 1857. Steele, Elijah, Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1867-68; Superior Judge, Siskiyou County, elected 1879." Died, Yreka, June 27, 1883. ^Steele, George, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Luis Obispo District; Senator, San Luis Obispo, etc., 1885, 1887. -Steele, Thomas H., Asserablyraan, Siskiyou, 1865-66. Steltz, John T., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. -Stemmons, John, Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1854. Died, San Francisco, May 26, 1856. Stephens, C. S., Asserablyman, San Joaquin, 1888. ¦Stephens, J. P., Assembly man, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. :Stephens, RusseU D., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1869-70: Postmaster, Sac ramento, 1885-90; Trustee of State Library, 1889-90, 1891-; Viticultural Commissioner, 1890-; Alternate Commissioner to World's Pair, 1890- -Stephens, S, B., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1855. :Stephenson, C. B., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1852, :Stephenson, E. A., Asserablyman, Bl Dorado, 1854, 1855; Teharaa and Colusa, , 1860: Speaker pro tem., 1860. Sterritt, ' John M., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1856. steuart, "VVilUam M., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, San Francisco District. Stevenson, A. M., Assemblyraan, Solano, 1856, 1857. .Stevenson, D. C.,' Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sis kiyou, Mod-O.c, Trinity, and Shasta District. Died, Millville, April, 1883. .Stewart, J., Assemblyman, San Joaquin District, 1849t-50. Stewart, James S., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1855. 656 REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. Stewart, Orrin, Asserablyraan, Yuba, 1865-66. Stewart, Robert, Asserablyraan, Amador, 1883. Stewart, WilUara M., Attorney-General, 1854. Stillwagon, W. W., Asserablyman, Napa and Lake, 1871-72. Died, Napa^, July 12, 1884. Stocker, J. T., Asserablyman, Marin, 1858. Stoddard, C. L., Assemblyraan, Humboldt, 1880. Stone, W. H., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, i860. Stoneraan, George, Railroad Commissioner, appointed 1876-79, Third Dis trict, elected 1880-82; Governor, 1883-86. Storke, C. A., Asserablyman, Santa Barbara and Ventura, 1883, 1889. Stout, Lansing, Assemblyman, Placer, 1856. Died, Oregon, March 17, 1871, Stout, Moses, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1858. Died, Sacramento County,. December 20, 1879. Stow, W. W., Assemblyman, Santa Cruz, 1854, 1855; Speaker of the House,. 1855; Park Commissioner, San Francisco, 1890- Stowell, Levi, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1849-50. Died, San Francisco, May 18, 1866. Stowers, W. H., Assemblyman, Amador, 1873-74. Stratton, W.. C, Assemblyraan, Placer, 1858,1859; Speaker, 1859; State Li brarian, 1861-69. Street, Charles R.. ALSsemblyraan, Shasta, 1858, 1859. Streeter, Henry M., 'Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, 1880, 1881; Presidential- Elector, 1888; Senator, San Diego and San Bernardino, 1891, 1893. Strong, J. M., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Mariposa^ and Merced District. Died, Sacramento, November 19, 1878. Strother, Fleet P., Trustee of State Library, 1891- Stuart, C. v.. Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sonoma- District. Sturtevant, George, Asserablyman, Mendocino, 1891. Sullivan, D. C, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1875-76. SuUivan, E. L., Senator, San Francisco, 1867, 1858. Died, San Francisco,. March 28, 1886. Sullivan, P. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1883. Sullivan, J. P., Superior Judj^e, San Francisco, elected 1879, 1884. Sullivan, J. J., Senator, San Francisco, 1887. Sullivan, M. J., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1885. Suraraers, Jaraes W., Asserablyman, Tuolumne, Mono, etc., 1878-74 Died,. Bridgeport, April 26, 1877. Sumner, Charles A., Representative to Congress, 1883-85. Sumner, George S., Assemblyman, Butte, 1863-64. - Sutter, John A'., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sacramento District. Died, Washington, District of Columbia, June 18, 1880. Sutton, 0. P., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1868. Died, San Francisco,. September 1, 1881. Suverkrup, Henry, Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1875-76. Dead. Swan, J. S., Member of State Board of Equalization, 1891- Swan, Thomas M., Assemblyraan, Solano, 1860, 1876-76. Died, Suisun,. August 29, 1886. Swan, Robert R., Asserablyman, Tulare, 1856. Swayne, T. J., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1885. Sweasey, "W. J., Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1854; Meraber Second Consti- - tutional Convention, 1878-79, Humboldt District. Dead. Sweeney, Edward, Superior Judge, Shasta County, elected 1890. Sweetland, H. P., Asserablyman, Nevada, 1854. Dead. Sweetland, J. 0., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1880, 1883. Swenson, Charles, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San- Francisco District. Swett, John, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1863-67. Swezy, G. N., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1857. Died, August 29, 1876. Swift, C. B., Assemblyman, Amador, 1881. S-wift, John P., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1863,1873-74, 1877-78; Presi-- dential Elector, 1888; Minister to Japan, 1889-91. Died, Yokohama, March 10, 189L Swinnerton, J. G., Superior Judge, San Joaquin County, elected 1884. Swing, Randolph S., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79,.. San Bernardino District. Sykes, J. I., Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1887, 1889. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS- 657 Taggart, Grant I., Clerk ofthe Supreme Court, 1871-75; Assemblyman, -4.1^- Talbott, W. L., Assemblyman, Santa Barbara, 1893. Taliaferro, Alfred W., Asserablyman, Marin, 1852; Senator, Sonoma and Mann, 1857, lt58. Died, San Rafael, December 9, 1885. laliaferro, T. W., Assemblyraan, Calaveras, 1855, 1856. Died, San Francisco, December 6, 1889. '..,-. Tallmadge, D. P., Assemblyman, Bl Dorado, 1854. Died, New York, 1858. Tallman, John H., Assemblyman, Mariposa, 1858. Taylor, Clay W., Senator, Shasta, Modoc, etc., 1883, 1885. Taylor, E. W., Assemblyma,n, San Francisco, 1855. Taylor, Edward P., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1865-66. Taylor, Edward R., Private Secretary to Governor Henry H. Haight. Taylor, James I., Assemblyraan, Marin, 1893. Taylor, James M., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1853, 1859. Taylor, L. S., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1887. Taylor, Nelson, Senator, San Joaquin District, 1849-50. Taylor, R. H., Judge Seventeenth Judicial District, elected 1859. Taylor, W. H., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1856. Teare, P., Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1863-64. Teegarden, Eli, Assemblyraan, Yuba, 1862; Senator, Sutter and Yuba, 1865-66, 1867-68. Died, Marysville, ,Tune I4, I884. Tefft, Henry A., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sau Luis Obispo District;, San Luis Obispo District, 1849-50; Judge Second Judicial District, elected by Legislature, 1850. Drowned at San Luis Obispo, February 6, 1852. Temple, Jackson, Judge Twenty-second Judicial District, appointed 1876, elected 1877; Supreme Justice, 1870-71, 1887-89; Superior JTudge, Sonoma County, elected 1879, 1884; Suprerae Court Coramissioner, 1891- Ten Broeok, George W., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1862. Tennis, William E., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. Terrill, C. C, Assemblyman,- San Francisco, 1873^74. Terry, David S., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Joaquin District ; Supreme, Justice, 1856-59; Chief Justice, 1857-69. Died, Lathrop, August I4, 1889. Terry, Samuel L., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1883. Died, Stockton, April 1, 1885. Tharp, E. H., Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1850-52. Theller, Samuel L., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1860. Thora, Caraeron E., Senator," Los Angeles, San Diego, etc., 1858, 1859. Thoraas, C. C, Asserablyman, Butte, 1853. Thomas, C. L., Assemblyraan, Santa Cruz, 1873-74. Thoraas, George W., Assemblyman, Stanislaus, 1858, 1859. Thomas, Jaraes S., Judge Sixth Judicial District, elected by Legislature, 1850. ' Died, St. Louis, 1857. Thomas, Massey, Assemblvman, Santa Clara, 1893. Thoraas, Philip W., Senator,- Placer, 1861, 1862. Died, Auburn, October 24, 187L Thomas, R. I., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1893. Thomas, T. R., Asserablyraan, Santa Clara, 1869t70. Died, G-ilroy, July 3, 1885. Thorapson, Frank P., State Printer, 1875-79. Thorapson, James A., Bank Commissioner, 1887-89. Thompson, James T., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1852. Thompson, John, Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1662. Thompson, Joseph W., Assemblym'an, Tehama and Colusa, 1862. Thorapson, R. B., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1877-78. Thorapson, S. B., Meraber Second Constitutioual Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Thorapson, Thomas L., Secretary of State, 1883-87; Representative to Con gress, 1887-89; Coraraissioner to attend the Centennial Celebration ofthe Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, 1888. Thornbury, Caleb N., Asserablyraan, Siskiypu, 1862. Thorne, Isaac N., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1851. Thornton, Harry I., Senator, Sierr^, 1861. 42 658 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. -Thornton,' J. D., Judge Twenty-third Judicial District,- appointed 1878; Supreme Justice, 1880-91. Thurston, J. S., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1869-70. Tilden, WilUam P., Asserablyraan, Butte, 1861, 1865-66. Tilford, Frank, Senator, San Francisco, 1856, 1857. Died, Denver, Colorado, June 2, 1888. Tilghman, T. W., Assemblyman, San Diego, 1853. Tilton, S., Assemblyman-, San Mateo, 1862. Tilton, S. S., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1860, 1861, 1862. Tindall, C. 'W., Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1893. Tingley, George B., Assemblyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50;, Senator, Santa Clara, 1851, 1852; Died, San Francisco, August 3, 1862. Tinnin, W. J., Assemblyman, Trinity, 1871-72, 1873-74; Senator, Shasta, Trinity, etc., 1876-76; Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878- 79, Third Congressional District ; United States Surveyor of Port of San Francisco, 1886-89. Tipton, J. S., Asserablyraan, El Dorado, 1858, 1869. Tittle, F. G. E., Asserablyman, San B'r'ancisco, 1861. Died, San Francisco, October 20, 1877. Tiyy, John T., Assemblyman, Tulare, 1854. Titus, Isaac S., Seriator, Bl Dorado, 1859, 1860. Died, Prescott, Arizona, April 22, 1892. Tobin, John J., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1877-78; Assistant Adjutant- General, 1883-86; Private Secretary to Governor George Stoneman; Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1887-91. Tompkins, Edward, Senator, Alaraeda, 1869-70, 1871-72. Died, Oakland, No vember 14, 1872. Toner, Hugh, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1887. Toohy, D. J., Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1882. Torrance, B. S., Superior Judge, San Diego' County, elected 1890. Torrence, R. B., Assemblyman, Marin, 1868. Torres, Manuel, As,serablyraan, Marin, 1859, Torrey, Mark S., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1886. Towner, J. W., Superior Judge, Orange County, elected 1889, 1890. Townsend, P. 0., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Men docino District. Townsend, J. H. M., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1883. Traylor, W. W., Senator, San Francisco, 1880", 1881. Died, San Francisco, Jan uary 18, 1883. Troutt, J. M., Superior Judge, San 'Francisco, elected 1890. Tubbs, A. L., Senator, San Francisco, 1865-66, 1867-68. Tucker, E. H., Assemblyman, Fresno, 1889. Tucker, Joseph C, Asserablyraan, Sacraraento, 1852. Died, Oakland, Decem ber 22, 189L Tukey, Francis, Assemblyraan, Sacramento, 1863-64. Died, Sacramento County, November 23, 1867. Tullock, L. R., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1889. Tully, E. C, Assemblyman, Monterey and Santa Clara, 1859, 1867-68, 1873-74; Assemblyman, San Benito, 1889. Tully, P. B., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District; Representative to Congress, 1883-85. Tully, Tnomas J., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1891. Turner, Henry K., Senator, Nevada and Sierra, 1869-70, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1876-76; IMCember Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Sierra District; Assemblyman, Plumas and Sierra, 1889. Turner, J,, Assemblyraan, El Dorado, 1857. Turner, J. N., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1852; Butte, 1871-72. Died, Oroville, April 10, I884. Turner, R. M., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1856. Turner, William R., Judge Eighth Judicial District, elected by the Legisla ture 1850, elected 1863. Died, Jacksonville, Oregon, August 6, 1889. Tuttie, A. A. H., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1858; Secretary of State, 1863. Died, Donner Lake, September 7, 1866. Tuttie,, B. P., Senator, Sonoma, 1871-72, 1873-74, 1875-76; President pro tem., 1876-76; Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1877-78. Tuttie, Charles A., Senator, Placer, 1854, 1855; Presidential Elector, 1860; Asserablyman, Placer, 1867-68. Died, Auburn, June 24, 1888. Register of state officers. 659 Tuttie, Daniel, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Santa Cruz District. Tuttie, M.C., Senator, San Diego, 1863-64, 1865-66. Died, San Bernardino, March, 10, 1867. Tweed, Charles A., Senator, Placer, 1867-68, 1869-70. Died, San Francisco, July 22, 1887. Tyler, George 'W., Assemblyman, Alaraeda, 1880. Underwood, J. K., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1857. Updegraff, J. H., Asserablyman, Yolo, 1855. Died, Knights Landing, May 9, Upton, Clarence W., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1877-78. Died, 'Februarv 5 1878. ¦ ' u , Upton, W. W., Asserablyman, Trinity, 1856. Vacquerel, Alphonse P., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, San Francisco District. Died, San Francisco, February 21, 1883. Vallejo, M. G., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sonoraa Dis trict; Senator, Sonoma District, 1849-50. Died, Sonoma, January 18, 1890. Van Benschoten, J. W., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin District, 1849-'50. Van Buren, Thomas B., Senator, San Joaquin, 1851, 1852. Died, San Fran cisco, October 13, 1889. Vance, J. M., Senator, Butte and Plumas, 1860, 1861. Van cleft; G. H., Assemblyman, Placer, 1854. Van Clief, Peter, Judge Seventeenth Judicial District, appointed 1859,- Su preme Court Coraraissioner, 1888- Vandall, B. C, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1878-74. Vandever, William, Representative to Congress, 1887-91 ; Commissioner to attend the Centennial Celebration of the Inauguration of George Washington as President of the United States, 1888. Van Dusen, J. T., Assemblvman, Tuolumne, 1856. Van Dyke, "Walter, Assemblyman, Klamath, 1853; Senator, Huraboldt, etc, 1862, 1863; Member Secoiid Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Second Congressional District; Superior J udge, Los Angeles County, elected 1888. Van Fleet, W. C, Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1881; Prison Director, 1883- 84; Superior Judge, Sacramento County, elected 1884, 1890. Van Leuven, A., Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1863-64. Vann, W. A., Assemblyman, Colusa and Lake, 1893. Van Ness, James, Senator, Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo, 1871-72; Mayor of San Francisco, 1855. Died, San Luis Obispo, December 28, 1872. Van Reynegom, P. W., Superior Judge, San Francisco, appointed 1889. Van Schaick, H. D., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1863-64. Van Voorhies, R. J. Asserablyman, Alpine, Mono, etc., 1885. Van Voorhies, WiUiam, Assemblyman, San Francisco District, 1849-60; Secretary of State, 1849-52 ; Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Alameda District. Died, Eureka, California, September 8, 1884- Van Zant, John "W., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1862. Variel, R. H. P., Assemblyraan, Plumas and Sierra, 1887. Varney, B. P., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1857, 1863. Vaughn, C. L. N., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1859. Venable, J. W., Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1878-74. Venable, McD. R., Assemblvraan, San Luis Obispo, 1887. . "Vermeule, Thomas L., Meraber B'irst Constitutional Convention; 1849, San Joaquin District; Senator, San Joaqmn District, 1849-50. Died, Stockton, May 7, 1858. , , „ Victoria, Manuel, Governor under Mexican rule, 1831-32. Vincent, J. P., Assemblyraan, Fresno, 1887. ,„„„., Vineyard, J. R., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1866; Senator, Los Angeles, 1862, 1863. Died, Los Angeles, August SO, 1863. Virden, W. H., Superior Judge, Mono County, elected 1890. "Voorhies B. C, Senator, Amador and Calaveras, 1891, 1893. Vrooman, Henry, Senator, Alameda, 1883, 1885, 1887. Died, Oakland, April o fQOQ Waddell, "William, Assemblyman, Amador 1862 Wade, James H., Senator, Mariposa and Tulare, 1853, 1854. Died, San Fran cisco, October 8, 1887- Wade, Owen, Assemblyman, Napa, 1893. ,4.^,0=0 Wade W P Superior Judge, Los Angeles County, elected 1888. Wadsworth, E., Senator, Siskiyou, 1865-66, 1867-68. 66Q REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Wagljer, George W., Assemblyman, Amador, 1856. Died, Jaoksor^, March 2, 1874- "VY"aite, E. G. , Asserablyraan, Nevada, 1855; Senator, Nevada, 1856, 1857; Sec retary of State, 1891- Walden, Minor, Asserablyraan, Stanislaus and Merced, 1860, 1861, 1869-70. Waldron, Mahlon, Asserablyraan, Placer, 1867-68, 1869-70. Walker, A. B., Assemblyraan, Siskiyou, 1858. "Walker, A. M., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1880. Died, Truckee, November I4, 1882. Walker, Asa, Assemblyman, Alaraeda, 1863-64. Died, Brooklyn, Alameda County, May 12, 1889.. Walker, Hugh, Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Marin District. Walker, I. N., Asserablyraan, Fresno, 1863-64,1871-72. "VValker, J. P., Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849, Sonoma District. Walker, James M., Asserablyraan, Fresno, 1863. "Walker, Thomas R., Assemblyraan, Marin, 1853. Walkup, Joseph, Senator, Placer, 1863, 1854, 1857 ; Lieutenant-Governor, 1868- 59. Died, Auburn, October 15, 1873. Wall, Isaac B., Asserablyman, Monterey, 1852, 18c3; Speaker of the House, 1858. Died, Monterey, November 9, 1856. Wallace, George, Private Secretary tb Governors Milton S. Latham and John G. Downey. Wallace, William C, Judge Seventh Judicial District, elected, 1869, 1875; Superior Judge, Napa County, elected 1879. Wallace, William T., Attorney-General, 1856-57; Supreme Justice, 1870-79; Chief Justice, 1872-79; Presidential Elector, 1880; Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1883 ; Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1886, 1892; Regent of State Xtniversity. Walling, J. M., Superior Judge, Nevada County, elected 1884. tVallis, H. W., Senator, Nevada and Sierra, 1888, 1885. Died, Forest City,. June 9, 1887. Wallis, J. S., Senator, Santa Clara, 1863. WalUs, Talbot H., State Librarian, 1882-90. Walrath, Auatin, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1888, 1886; Senator, Nevada, 1887. Walsh, James, Senator, Nevada, 1852. Walsh, P. P., Adjutant-General, 1875-80; Registrar of Voters, Sau Francisco,. 1885-87. Walter, P., Assemblyman, Trinity, 1861. Walthall, Madison. Asserablyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50. Died, Stockton, April 28, 1873. Walton, John, Seuator, Bl Dorado, 1852, 1853. Wand, Thoraas N., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1867-68; Senator, San Francisco, 1869-70, 1871-72. Ward, Charles H., Assemblyman, Sau Francisco, 1885. Ward, J. B., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1880. "Ward, J. M., Assemblyman, Butte, 1885. Ward, J. N., Asserablyraan, Mariposa and Merced, 1858. "Ward, Loomis, Assernblyman, Colusa, 1871-72. Ward, R. H., Assemblyman, Mer;oe,d and Stanislaus, 1866-66. "Warden, L. M., Assemblyman, San'Luis Obispo, 1877-78. Warfield, J. B., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1858; Sonoraa, 1867-68. Died, San Francisco, November 19, 1878. Warkins, Chapman, Assemblyman, Amador, 1881. "Warmcastle, P. M., Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1854 1858; Senator, Sau Joaquin, etc., 1861, 1862; Superior Judge, .Contra Costa County, ap pointed 1886, Warner, J. J., Senator, San Diego, 1851, 1852; Assemblyman, Los Angeles, 1860. Warren, G. R., State ControUer, 1862-63. Warrington, Samuel R., Assemblyman, Sutter, 1857. "Warwick, J. H., Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1862, 1863. Washburrf, C. A., Presidential Elector, 1860. Died, New York, January 28, 1889. Wason, Milton, Asserablyman, S.olano, 18$3-64; Santa B?irbara, etc., 1880, 1881. REGISTER OF STA TE OFFICERS. 661 Wassbn, Joseph, Asserablyraan, Mono and Inyo, 1880, 1881. Died, San Bias, April 18, 1S83. Waterraan, R. W., Lieutenant-Governor, 1887; Governor, 1887-90. Died, San Diego, April 12, 1891. Waters, Byron, Asserablyraan, San Bernardino, 1877-78; Meraber. Second Constitiitiolial Convention, 1878-79, Fourth Congressional District. Watkins, H. P., Senator, Yuba, 1860, 1861. . Watkins, Jason, Asserablyman. Yolo, 1875-76. Watkins, Joseph S., Asserablyman, Alaraeda, 1854, 1855 ; Calaveras, 1857. ' Watkins, William P., Assemblyman, Siskiyou, 1859. Died, Panama, Janu ary 26, 1878. Watson, B. J.. Senator. Nevada and Sierra, 1880, 1881. Watson, E. H., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1886. Watson, George W., Asserablyman. Alameda, 1885. Watson, J. H., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1860. Watson John A., Assemblyraan, Los Angeles, 1862, 1863, 1867-68. Died, Los Angeles, September 16, 1869. , ' Watson, John H., Judge Third Judicial District, elected by the Legislature, 1850. Watson, John H., Assemblyraan, San Francisco District, 1849-50; Senator, Monterey and Santa Cruz, 1860, 1861. Watson, J. R., Asserablyraan, Sacramento, 1863-64. Died, Sacramento, Sep tember 11, 1889. Watt, Robert, State Controller, 1867-71 ; Bank Coraraissioner, 1878-82; Presi dent of the Board of Directors of Stockton Insane Asylura, 1889- Watt, WilUara, Senator, Nevada, 1861. Died, North Bloomfield, July 6, 1878. Wattson, C. C., Asserablyraan, San Diego, 1880. Wayraire, James A., Superior Judge, Sau Francisco, appointed 1881. 'Wear, G. W., Assemblyman, Kern and Ventura, 1889. Weaver, J. H. G., Asaerablyman, Humboldt, 1883, 1885; Speaker pro tem., - 1885. Weber, C. N., Assemblvraan, Santa Clara, 1887. Webster, J'onathan v., "Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Alameda District. Weeks, J. E. P., Trustee of State Library, 1872-73. Died, Sacramento, August 28, 1877. Weeks, William H., Presidential Elector, 1860; Secretary of State, 1862-63. Died, Sacramento, August 16, 1863. Weil, John, State Treasurer, 1880-82. Weinstock, Harris, Trustee of State Library, 1887-89. 'Weir B. G., Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1856. Died, Tuolumne City, Novem ber 19, 1886. Welch, J. W., Senator, San Francisco, 1887,1889, 1891. Welch, S. K., Asserablvman, Napa and Lake, 1878-74, 1877-78. "\Velcker, W. T., State Superintendent of PubUo Instruction, 1883-86. WeUer, John B., United States Senator, 1851-66; Governor, 1858-:9. Died, New Orleans August 17, 1875. . .„_,_„„, Weller, Joseph R., Member Second ConstitutionalConvention, 18/8-(9, Santa Clara District. . . , „ , . .„„„„„ WelUn, Patrick M., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 18(8-(9, San Francisco District. .0=0 =. r,- j Wells, Alexander, Attorney-General, 1852; Supreme Justice, 1863-64. Died, San .lose, October 31. 1854. ' Wells Thoraas, Assemblyman, Butte. 1858, 1856. Dead. Welsh, L. S., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1856, ^,. ,. ,. w ^. 'Welty, Daniel W., Assemblyman, Sacramento, 1860. Died, Chehalis, Wash ington, March 24, 1891. ,.„ -r,. -, x- , -kt i. -,-v i<«.n Weltv Jacob, Assemblyman, Placer, 1871-72. Died, Lincoln, November 17, 1879. Wendell, J. T., Seriator, Solano aud Yolo, 1880, 1881. Died, San Francisco, Februai-11 18,1891. ,, „ ^ . -_, Wentworth, George A., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1891. 'Wentz, Christian, Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1881. Werk, G. W., Asserablyman, Humboldt, 1862. t^ , >,, . . • , Wertsbaugher, Joseph C, Asserablyman, Butte, 1881. Died, Chico, Augusti, ¦IQS/ Wescott, Jonas, Assemblyman, Yuba, 1860. , „ , .. ,„»6 -^ t /. West John P:, Merhber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-/9, Lo§ Angeles District; Senator, Los Angeles, 1880, 1881. 662 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Westmoreland, Charles, Assemblynian, Humboldt, 1867-68; Senator, Placer, 1856, 1857 ; Presidential Elector, 1868. Died, Pancima, December 23, 1868. Weston, H. L., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1891. 'Weston, R. S.-, Assemblyraan, Sierra, 186;-5-64. "Wethered, James S., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1861. "Wetherill, S. E., Assemblyraan, San Francisco, 1876-76. Died, Sam Francisco, January 7, 1885. ' . Whalen, Peter, Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1883. Whallon, M., Asserablyraan, Sonoraa, 1868-64. Wharton, J. P., Assemblyman, Fresno, 1883. Died, Fresno, March 17, 1889. , "Wheadon, John, Assemblyraan, Yuba, 1859. Wheat, A. R., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1877-78, 1883. Wheaton, WilUam R., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1863, 1871-72. Died, Oakland, Septeniber 11, 1888. Wheeler, Alfred, Asserablyraan, San Francisco District, 1849-50. Wheeler, E. D., Senator, Yuba, etc., 1859, 1860; Judge Nineteenth Judicial District, appointed 1872, elected 1878. Whipple, B. L., Asserablyraan, Sonoma, 1881. Died, Santa Rosa, December 8 1882 Whipple, S. .G., Asserablyraan, Klaraath, 1854, 1857; Humboldt, 1^63. Whitcomb, N. T., Assemblvman, San Francisco, 1885. White, Jarnes D,., Assembl.vman, El Dorado, 1866; Nevada, 1867-68. Died, Nevada Cit-y, December 19, 1883. White, John," Asserablyman, Shasta, 1860, 1861. Died, England, February 23, 1871. White, P. J,, Railroad Commissioner, Second District, 1887-^90. White, Stephen M., Senator, Los Angeles, 1887, 1889; President pro tera,, 1887, 1889; Lieutenant-Governor, 1887-90; Trustee' State Norraal School .at Lns Angeles, 1887-91, 1891- ; United States Senator, 1893- White, Thomas J., Assemblyman (Speaker), Sacramento, 1849-60. Died, Los Angeles, December, 1881. White, WiUiam P., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San'Benito District; Bank Comrnissioner, 1879-87. Died, Los Angeles, May 13, 1890. Whitehurst, L. A., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1889; Senator, Santa Clara, 1893. Whiteside, N. B., Assemblyman (Speaker), Yuba-, 1858. Died, Marysville, September 1, 1876. Whiting, B. C, Senator, Monterey, etc, 1854, 1855. Died, Los Angeles; June 7, 188L Whiting, Charles J., Surveyor-General, 1849-51. Whiting, G, A., Assemblyman, Tuolurane, Mono, etc, 1871-72. Whiting, M, S., Senator, San B'rancisco, 1863. Whitlock, J. H., Asserablyraan, Plumas and Lassen, 1877-78. Whitman, B. C, Assemblyman, Solano, 1854. Died, San Francisco, August 5, 1885.. ' ' - Whitman, G. N., Assemblyman, San Bernardino, 1859. ' Whitraan, George W., State Controller-, 1856-57. Whitney, A. P., Senator, Sonoma, 1877-78. Died, San Francisco, February 10, 1884. Whitney, D.L., Assemblyman, Sierra^ 1871-72. Whitney, G. W., Asaerablyman, Tuolurnne, 1859.^ Whitney, George E., Senator, Alameda, 1883, 1885. Whitney, WilUam, Assemblyman, Sau Francisco, 1855. Died, Nevada County, June 18, 1872. Wickes, JohnT., Meraber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Nevada District. Wickware, G. C, Assemblyman, San Franeisco, 1873-74. Widney, Robert M., Judge Seventeenth Judicial District, appointed 1871. Wiggin, C. L., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1865-66. Died, San Francisco, March 29, 1891. Wiggin, Marcus P., Superior Judge, Mono County, appointed 1880, elected Wigginton, P. D., Representative to Congress, 1875-77, 1878. Died, Oakland, July 7, 1890. Wilcox, I. A., Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1887. Wilcox, John W., Assemblyman, Mariposa and Merced, 1863, 1863-64, 1865- 66, 1871-72, 1873-74. REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. 663 Wilcoxon C.E., Asserablyraan, Sutter, 1862; Meraber of State Board of Equalization, 1883-86, 1887-90. ¦ ^iley. A., Assemblyman, Humboldt, 1863-64. WUfems, Charles P., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1860. Died, Santa Rosa, Au gust 1, 186A. Wilkins, W. W., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1861. Wil ets, Stephen, Assemblyraan, Bl Dorado, 1867-68. WiUey, Henry I., Surveyor-GMieral, 1883-86. S-H}?^' *^- ^•' Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1861. Williams, A. P., United States Senator, 1886. WiUiaras,, B. T., Superior Judge, Ventura County, elected 1884, 1890. Williams, C. E., Judge Fifteenth Judicial District, appointed 1856. Williams, C. H. S., Senator, Sau Francisco, etc, 1859. Died, San Francisco, January 4, 1867. WUliams, George, Assemblyraan, Huraboldt, 1887, 1889. WUUams, George E., Assemblyman, El Dorado, 1873-74; Judge Eleventh Judicial District, elected 1875; Superior Judge, El Dorado County, elected 18/9, 1884. WUliams, George H., Senator, San Francisco, 1891, 1893. Williams, J. M., Asserablyman, Santa Clara, 1860. WUliams, John P., Assemblyman, Sacramento District, 1849-50. WiUiams, L. S., Senator, Trinity aud Klaraath, 1853. Died, San Francisco, October 18, 1860. Williams, R. L., Assemblyman, Placer, 1856. WUUams, Thomas H., Attorney-General, 1858-61. Died, San Francisco, Feb ruary 28, 1886. Williams, W. H., Senator, San Francisco, 1889, 1891. WUliaras, W. S., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1869-70. Williamson, C. V., Senator, Tuolumne, 1861, 1862. Willis, Heury N., Superior Judge, San Bernardino County, appointed 1887. Willson, Lsrael C, Asserablyman, Santa Cruz, 1858, 1863. Died, Santa Cruz, December SO, 1889. Wilsey, Levi, Assemblyman, Mendocino, 1868-64. Dead. WUson, B. D., Senator, Los Angeles, San Diego, etc., 1856, 1857, 1869-70, 1871- 72. Died, Los Angeles, March 11, 1878. Wilson, H. C, Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Tehama District; Senator, Tehama and Colusa, 1891, 1898. Wilson, J. L.; Assemblyrnan, Alameda, 1865-66. Wilson, J. M., Assemblyman, Tuolumne, 1858. Wilson, J. N. E., Senator, San Francisco, 1887, 1889; Insurance Corarais sioner, 1889- Wilson, M. W., Assemblyraan, Placer, 1877-78. Wilson, Samuel, Asserablyraan, Calaveras, 1860. Wilson, Sarauel M., Merriber Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, First Congressional District. Died, San Francisco, June 4, 1892. Wilson, T. K., Senator, San Francisco, 1883; Superior Judge, San Francisco, elected 1879, 1880, 1886. Winans, Joseph W., Trustee of State Library, 1861-70; Meraber Secoud Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, First Congressional District. Died, San Francisco, Ma/rch 31, 1887. Winchell, G., Assemblyraan, Sierra, 1873-74. Winchester, Jonas, Sta'te Printer, 1850-51. Died, Columbia, February 23, 1887. Winchester, M. C, Assemblyman, Placer, 1863-64. Windrow, Joseph, Asserablyraan, San Francisco, 1887, 1891. Wing, Austin, Assemblyman, Bl Dorado, 1862, 1853. Wing, Stephen, Senator, Tuolurane, etc., 1869-70, 1871-72. "Wing, W, P., Asserablyraan, Placer. 1859. ' Winsor, "VV. B., Assemblyman, Yuba, 1856. "Winston, Joseph, Assemblyman, Plumas, 1856. Witherby, O. S., Assemblyman, San Diego District, 1849-50 ; Judge First J udicial District, elected by Legislature 1850. Wohler, Herman, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1852, 1856. Died, San Fran cisco, June 2, 1877. Wolcott, Oliver, Senator, Tuolumne, etc, 1865, 1867-68. "WolfskiU, J. C, Asserablyraan, Solano, 1891. Wolfskin, John, Senator, San Diego and San Bernardino, 1883. WoUeb, Charles, Assemblyman, Sacraraento, 1867-68. Died, Fruitvale, De cember 21, 1883. 664 REGISTER OF STATE OFFICERS. Wombough, M. M, Senator, Yolo and Colusa, 1852, 1853. Wood, A., Assemblyman, Plumas, 1861. Wpod, Charles, Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1876-76. Wood, George, Assemblyman, Plumas and Sierra, 1881, 1885. Wood, Joseph, Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1863-64. Wood, Joseph C, Assemblyman, Nevada, 1857; Yolo, 1861. Wood, R. N., Assemblyman, San Francisco, 1852. Died, Cavorca, Mexico, April 7, 1857. Wood, William G., Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1867. Died, Brooklyn, New York, April 20, .1889. Woodman, George W-, Assemblyman, Shasta, 1862. Woodside, P. K., Clerk of th* Supreme Court, 1853-54. Woodward, F. J., Assemblyman, San Joaquin, 1871-72, 1885. Woodworth, P. A., Senator, San Francisco, 1857. Dead. Woodworth, S. E., Senator, Monterey, 1849-50, 1851. Died, San Francisco, . January 29, 1871. Woolf, D. B., Clerk of the Supreme Court, 1876-80; Secretary of Supreme Court Commission, 1885- Works, John D., Superior Judge, San Diego County, appointed 1886, elected 1886; Supreme Justice, 1888-1890. Worthington, Henry G., Asserablyman, San Francisco, 1862. Wozencraft, 0; M.,"^Member First Constitutional Convention, 1849-50, San Joaquin District. Died, New York, November 22, 1887. Wright, C. C, Assemblyman, Stanislaus, 1887. Wright, George W., Representative to Con.sress, 1849-51. Wright, M. J., Assemblyman, Solano, 1871-72; Senator, Solano, 1885. Wright, S. P., Assemblyman, Klamath and Del Norte, 1862, 1863; Senator, Del Norte, Klamath, etc, 1863-64, 1865-66; President pro tem., 1865-66. Wright, T. J., Asserablyman, Contra Costa, 1863, 1863-64. Wright, Thomas, Assemblyman, Sierra, 1861. Wright, W. S. M., Assemblyman, Sonoma, 1873-74. Wyatt, N. G., Member Second Constitutional Convention, 1878-79, Monterey JjiStrict. Wyrriail, S. B., Assemblyman, Placer, 1867. Yager, CorneUus, Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1860. Yancey, F., Asseniblymaii, Tuolumne, 1860. Y'ell, Archibald, Assemblyraan, Mendocino, 1888; Senator, Mendociiio and Lake, 1887, 1889; Director Mpndocino State Insane Asylura, 1889-91. Yeiser, Frederick, Assemblyraan, San Joaquin, 1861, 1862, 1863. York, Prank; Assemblyman, Tuolumne, Mono, etc., 1869-70. York, J. L., Assemblyraan, Santa Clara, 1880. Young, A. R., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1869-70. Young, Albert J. , Assemblyman, Contra Costa, 1877-78. Young, George A., Assemblyman, Nevada, 1858,1859; San Francisco, 1875-76. Young, George E., Assemblyman, Calaveras, 1852. Died, Arizona, 1877. Young, J.D., Asserablyman, San Joaquin, 1887. Young, John D., State Printer, 1880-82, 1^87-90, Y'oung, John N., Assemblyraan, Sacraraento, 1880, 1881. Ybiing, Nestol- A., Assemblyraan, San Diego, 1887, 1889, 1891. Yule, John, Assemblyraan, Placer, 1862, 1863, 1865-66; Trinity and. Shasta 1885; Speaker of the House, 1865-66; Senator, Placer, 1863-64. Died, El Dorado bounty, March, 1888. Zuck, J. C, Senator, Santa Clara, 1880, 1881. Zuck, John, Assemblyman, Santa Clara, 1862, 1866-66. INDEX, /Abbott, A _. 618 vote for, for railroad corarais sioner 533 ..Abbott, C. S 314. 'S6H, 409 Abbott, J. P 550,562, 561 AbeU, Alex. G. - _ 13, 15, 67, 176, 184, 185, 195, 313 .8'85, 340, 356, 358, 362, 363, 404 ,, vote for, for controller 15 Adams, Amos 1.. 205 Adams, A. C 88, 263 Adaras, F _ __.430, 438, 469 Adams, Johu Quincy 320 _Adaras, L. B. 547 Addington, Mrs. L. H 584 Addington, S 199 Addison, J. E. , 9 -Ji-ddi-ess by republican club of , , S. P., 1868 277 ..Address of American party in ., 1855 '..... 50 .-Address of republican state com mittee, 1879-- 402 -Address of union state commit tee in 1865 223 Addresstodemoci-acy iiil854 32 -Adulteration, laws to punish ... 525 of food ))rodiicts, laws against, 677 _4-gnew, Thomaa J 1 ..Agricultural lairs, horse-racing opposed 448 Agriculture, commissioner of, making a cabinet offlcer of, , 454, 459, 471 Alabama affair, resolution on... 291 -Alabama treaty, rejection of, in- , dorsed 294 ..Alaska, resolution on purchase of.. ..- 285 Aidrich, Daniel 59 -Aldrieh, Lewis T. ..41, 104 -Alexander, Chas. 0 593 , vote for, for congressman 594 .^ipxander, J. __- 199 .Alieris. opposition to ownership of land by. 458, 52S, 548, 557 transmission of property by wiU 557 Allegiance to national govern- ,- ment paramount 185 AUen, Chas. E 7, 8, 34, 176, 281 .AUen.E. — - 22 Allen, Horace 44 . AUen, J. •- :... 91 Allen, James :..!44, 47 vote for, fdr printer __. 50 AUeri, John ...; 179 Alley, S. H.... 207 AUvri, John 400 Alvarado, Juan B 11, 18 Araerican (know-nothing) party, organization of _. 38 successes in 1856 39 ¦ address of, in 1855. _- 50 conventions of 1855, 42, 50 ; 1856, 62, 67 ; 1857, 81 members of state committee.. 83 platforms adopted 42, 63, 81 Louisville convention, plat form indorsed 81 on disorganization of .79, 80 American party conventiona ...4886,527; 1888,547; 1890, 556 resolutiona ado,pted by ._ 528 American partv platfbriris .. ....1886,523; 1888,547; 1890, 557 American party state coraraittee 532 Anierican Republican College League, -n-eloome to t. 591 Araerige, George -.176, 268, 259 Araeririan, I. A 281, 310 Ames, Fisher 456 Ames, J. P 310, 430 Ames, T. M 195, 342 Amnesty, resolution asking, for political offenses 298 Amyx, H. ___ 44, 45 Anderson, Alexander 22 Anderson, Jaraes. ...77, 79, 123, 191 Anderson, James A .; 586 Anderson, James 'W 565 vote for, for superintenderit of public instraction 570 Anderson, John..l 124, 389 Anderson, Robert M 43, 104 vote for, for lieut.-governor 50 Anderson. W.N 90 Andrews, A. __. 583 Andrews, A. R. 83 Andrews, Howard 451 vote foi:, for railroadcommiss'r 463 Andross, M. C .326, 340 Andrus, W. R 401 vote for, for lieut.-governor 421 Angney, W. Z. 283, 298 Anthony, EUhu '. 384, 481 Anthony, G. W ' 356 Anti-Chinese con ven tions... 479, 480 memorial to congress by 481 resolutions adopted by 479, 602 Anti-Chinese Non-partiaan Asso ciation, organization of. .... 503 Anti-Masonic ticket, votes for, in 1880. 431 Anti-raonopoly convention, 1884 466 platform of — t- — 466 Anti-riparian Irrigation Organ ization, articles of association 507 Applegate, G. W 3-S4 Appleton, H. A 81 666 INDEX. Apportionraent act of 1891 de nounced '.-.. 611 Appropriations, limit of, to two years 249 by state for private purposes, opposition to ...260, 265 by legislature of 1889 563, 567 Archer, Lawrence 191, 303, 320, 850, 389, 415, 436, 461, 569, 581 vote for, for congressman 311 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 571 Arms, H..... 99 Arms, Moses ._ 65, 74 Armstrong, John W 301, 437, 52;^, 546, 669 Army, increase of, opposed to... 525 (See also. National Guard.) ' Arnold, L. B ...103, 179, 186, 188 Arnold, T. J .- 461 Arrests during war for treasona ble expressions. .. 203 action by democratic corarait tees - ___ 212 for expressions on death of Lincoln 213 resolutions conderaning 225 Arthur, Chester A i 429, 431 Ash, Robert 682 Ashbury, M. 305 Ashe, R. 18 Ashe, R. P..-.-_ ...104, 113 Ashe, W. L 569 Ashley, D. R :.....43, 67, 68, 75, 76, 99, 103, 176, 179, 184 vote for, for treasurer ... :_ 180 Astin, Sarauel C, ¦. 42 vote for, for prison director ... 50 Atherton, P. D. 314 Attorney-general, vote for, in 1850, 11; 1851, 15; 1853, 29; 1855, 50; 1857, 84; 1859, 109; 1861,180; 1863,201; 1867,267; 1871,311; 1875,365; 1879,421; ,1882, 453; 1886, 532; 1890,570 Atwell, A. J 461 Aubrey, B 90 Aud, P. L. . 123 Australian ballot systera , resolu tions favoring... 555, 560, 567, 678 Avery, Benjamin P.. 176, 184, 185, 195 vote for, for printer ...'.. 180 Avery, J. M... 249 Axtell, S. B.-.42, 211, 212, 267, 286, 303 vote for," fbr congressman.. 268; 288 Ayer, L.B 314 Ayers, G. R .- 88 Ayers, J. J 3i-9, 394, 402 vote for, for congressman 421 Ayers, Wra. 586 Ayres, W 428 Baboock, Geo.. .463, 464, 465, 473, 506 vote for, for attorney-general.. 532 Bachman, B. T ..... 99 Baehr, Ferdinand 1309, 849 vote for, for treasurer. ...311, 355 Bagge, Theodore F 369, 362, 389 Baggett, W. T 393 Bagley, D. T 68 Bagley, John 69 Balir, Henry 817 Bailey, Orrin 10, 19 "BaiUiache, J. N. .32a Baine, A. C 70 Bair, Thomas 532 vote for, for member board of equalization 533 Baird, Curtis ...- 7ft Baird, J. H ^....267, 292, 359 Baker, Abijah.-.-. . ^ 281 Baker, B.D... ..34, 65, 75, 93, 97, 99, 107, 126, 12T vote for, for congressman 108 Baker, George F 362, 424, 429, 430- Baker, Henry -.. 280, 318 Baker, J. H 31 Baker, John _. 410- Baker, P. Y .--.- 410, 445, 675 Baker, Thos 111 Baldwin, A. R 102 318- Baldwin, Barry .. ..... 575 Baldwin, D.P; 12, 4a vote for, for,lieut.-governor 15 Baldwin, F. T ...829, .361, 422 Baldwin, Frank P 417 Baldwin, Fred 437 Baldwin, G. W.... 75, 94, 95, lift Baldwin, Isaac M 109, 110 Baldwin, Joseph G 172- vote for, for justice of supreme court.- 95- Ball, J. C - . 435- Ballots, kinds used in 1871 312 (See also, Australian ballot.) Baltimore platform, principles of, reasserted ¦__. 31 Baltimore union convention, platform indorsed 210- Bandini, — ., vote for, for super intendent of public instruction 11 Banks, J. A . 174 Banks, Jerome 363,410, 44» Banks, N. P., resolution on elec tion of, as speaker 58 Banning, Phineas , 207- Barber, H. P. 30, 73, 88, 90. 104,^.23, 126, 170, 172, 188, 191, 197, 211, 212, 264, 283, 289 vote for, for congressman 18& Barber, J. H - 513 Barbour, CUtus, 893, 401 vote for, for congressman 421- Barbour, H. D..... .^. 468 Barbour, W. T 22, 45, 90 Barclay, H. A . 513 Bard, Thomas R 430, 455, 592, 594 Barbara, J. A.. ...587,- 665 vote for, for congressman 571 Barnard, Timothy H 455 Barnes, J. B 586 Barnes, T. L.l. 199 Barnes, W.H. L.... - .__.889, 442, 513, 552, 553, 571, 574 Barney, Samuel ._ 19 Barr, John C 80 Barron, W. H, 586- INDEX. 667 Barry, James H. 504 Barry, John T 302 vote for, for printer 311 Barry, Thonias P 460, 588 Barstow, Alfred 173, 176; 185, 220, 281, 295 Barstow. Geo 250, 319, 424 Bartlett, Thos 60 Bartlett, W. C 342 Bartlett, Washington ...324, 325, 523 vote for, for governor 5.32 memorial resolution on 546 sketch of 602 Barton, J. N :. 590 Barton, W. H.. ...210, 217 Bascom, L. H _-. 42 Bassett, J. M. . . 532, 549, 556 Batchelder, A. J 248, 273 Bateman, C . 533 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 533 Bateraan, C. A ..451, 464 Bateman, C. C, 465 vote for, foi^ congressman 472 Bateman, E. B 10 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction...-! 11 Bates,—...- 367 Bates, Geo. C .... 59 discussion with Zabriskie 62 Bates, Henry.. _ 42, 44 vote for, for treasurer 50 Batson, John M... 50 Bauer, John A ., 430 Baxter, W. H..... 355 Bay, Armand 861 Bayless, — 1 550 Bayne, Adara.. 1 451 Bayne, Richard 461, 463 "Bayonet bill," resolution con demning 298 Beach, Horace '. 278 Beale, E. P, 59 Bearaer, R. H. 560, 569, 581 vote for, for raeraber of board of equalization 570 Bearaish, P.. ,.- 542 Beard, E.L. .__' ^19 Beard, Joseph R '. 34 vote for, for clerk of suprerae court __._. 38 Beattie John, J r 618 vote for, for member of board of equalization.. 533 Beattv, E. T...- - 77 Beatty, H. 0.,49, 92, 124, 125, 196, 385 Beatty, W. A 560 Beatty, Wm. H ...560, 552 564 vote for, for justice of suprerae court.- .! 653, 570 Beau, Charlea E. 320 Beck, Thomas ......353, 418,, 487 vote' for, for secretary .of state^ 356 Becker, H. J :___- 464 Becket, L.J 636 Beckraan, Wm.. 259, 260, 340, 560, 566 vote for, fpr treasurer .... 36'5 vote for, for railroad'r 570 Bee, 'Albert W..-, -.....-.13, 26 Beebe, W. S Been,.M. C Beerstecher, C. J. 393, vote for, for railroad commis sioner _. Belcher, L S ....220, 250, 326, 389. 390, 409, vote for, for justice of supreme court Belcher, W. C -. Belden, David Belden, Josiah .280,314, BeU, A. D __.. Bell, Aaron ..472, BeU, Alex 44, vote for, for prison director ... BeU, E. C. Bell, Horace . vote for, for lieut.-governor ... Bell, John 1 nomination indorsed ... election returns for Bell, Robert - Bell, S. B - -93, Bell, Samuel 24, 44, 75, 94, 97, 99, vote for, for controller BeU, W. H - vote for, for prison director . . . Bell electors, vote for Belshaw, W. W Benedict, Newton _.. Benham, Calhoun. 10, 19, 26,34, 78, 104, 106, 114, 123, 124, 180, 203, vote for, for justice of supreme court; vote for, for congressman Bennett, A. A. 298, Bennett, C. P Bennett, Nathaniel , -_59,, 76, 83,294,398, vote for, for justice of supreme court --- 84, Bennett, P. W -. Benrimo, Joseph -_ 280, Benson, J. M Benton, J. A :_ Benton, J. E 76,93, Berford, R. G Bering Sea affair, management , of, approved Beringer, P. 646, Bernard, A. P. . Berry, C. P 334,402, ' 419, 424. 436, 456, 461, 623, 546, vote for, for congressman__421. Berry, P. G Berry, J.S -197, Berry, John - 226, Betge, R.J - ......283, Bicknell, Isaac Bidwell, John ...29, 111, 112, 120, : 178, 194, 196, 207, 240, 241, 244, 247, 253, 259, 260, 263, 322, 334, • .342, 349, 604, 534, 553; 556, 560, vote for, for congressman .. declination of nomination fbr governor __... — 465542 401 421:443 42129a248358889 518 6550 19- 526 532 124 125127 91 176 ¦109 29 42 50 127 109802 418 421 38 303590418421809281 590 426 207 9 668 552320552431632 209283 284 586 212261 668 INDEX. BidweU, John — continued. declines temperance nbraina- tirin : 355 , vote for, for governor 355, 570 Bidwell-electors, vote for 594 Biggs, Marion _ .-..302, 368, 359, 362, 389, 894, 396, 410, 414, 456, 463, 472, 524, 546 vote for, for congressman. .533, 553 Biggs, Marion, Jr.: ........ 414 Bigler, John .11, 12, 24, 30, 41, 55, 199, 209, 224, 239, 263, 267, 283, 284 vote for, for governor 15 inauguration of 15 vote for, for governor 28, 50 vote for, for congressman 201 sketch of 597 BUlings, Freder"ic"kV.V3Y,'li4^ 211", 240 Bingham, John A. 305 Birdseye, J. C ..76, 185, 248, 281 Bishop, S. W. --... 199 Vote for, for secretary of state . 201 Bishop, T. B..' 431 Biven, Rasey 88 Biven, WiUiam... 189, 211 Black, Andrew 179 Black, H.M 283 Black, Jos. F 353, 359 Blackburn, — , vote for, for attor ney-general 11 Blackburn, William 26 Blackmer, E. T 3S6 Blackwood, W. C... 524, 526 Blaine, James G 478, 613, 661, 663 indorsement of, for president.. . 358, 425, 541, 542, ,574 delegates pledged for... . '454 congratulation on nomination: 469 Blaine electors, vote for 1. 472 Blair, A. W 97, 99, 116 union resolutions offered by— . 145 Blair, FrankP 287 Blair, Montgomery 239 Blake, P. .' .. 176 Blake, M. C ..-443, 455 Blanchard, Geo. G. -.356, 362,404, 409, 429, 464, 513, 550,, 562, 661, 666 vote for, for congressraan 671 Blanding, WUliara. .¦ 422 Bledaoe, A. J 591 Blessing, E. G 460, 547 Blethen, Clark 556 Block, Bernard 247 Biodgett, H. A. 560 Blood, J. N....: - 414 Board of Equalization. (See Equalization.) Bockius, Charles G ...309, 319 Boerraan, G. C .. 65 Boggs, J. C .: 281 Boggs, John 77, 111, 198, 292, 303, 359, 389, 431, 566 Boice, Thomas .. 266 Bolander, H; N.-.-....-...... 809 vote for,. for superintendent of public instruction.---. .1.-1 312 Bond, E. L -...;-.-.::::... 42 Bond, T. B 419 Bond, Thomaa P ...: Bond purchase bill, indorseraent of amendraent to..- Bonds, National. (See Debt.) Bondurant, J. M. Bones, J. W Bonnett, Paul Bont«, J. H. C Booker, S.A 31, 102, 107, vote for, for congressman Boom, Stanley C vote for, for surveyor general.. Bootb, A. G. ... Booth, Newton ....217, 305, 809, 325, 426, 488, gubernatorial candidacy card to the public . vote for, for governor .. administration indorsed... 313, candidacy for the senate . sketch of : — Boren, A. D. 466, 472, 636, vote for, for railroad commiss'r vote for, for lieut.-governor ... Boring, R. H. ....:: Boring, S. W. Boruck, M. D 102,178, 249, 250, 840, 363, 409, 429, 430, Bossism condemned. 528, 529, 648, Bost, J. W.....173, 191, 266, 302, vote for, for surveyor-gen.. 267, Botts, CharlesT.. 41, 105, 165, 173, vote for, for attorney general.. vote for, for printer ..'. . Boucher, T. 0 Boulware, M Bowden, N 518, 542, 546, Bowers, A. B. . - . Bowers, Stephen : .588, Bowers, T. J Bowera, W. W 565, vote for, for congressman. .571, Bowie, George W 34, 80, 81, 124. 125, 127, 178, 179, vote for, for congressman vote for, for governor ._.. vote for, for attorney-general.. JBowlin, R. H.. ...,...: :..... Bowman, E. P ..' Bowman, W. C, ... Bovcotting, resolution favoring. Boyle, H. A. Boyne, Wm. l. Brace, P ._ ...: Bradbury, O. H Bradford, A.C.^. . 11, 24, 30, 70, ,76, 77, 199, 264, 284, 285, 353, 393, 396, 414, 419, vote for, for clerk of supreme court - vote for, for member of board of equalization Bradley, E. L Bradley, L, R .104, ii2, i98, Brady, James....... : vote for, for meraber of board , of equalization.. Brady, T. A i. ..i .,; 326538 209375 386 409283 108569 570 439 303304 311334328 600 563453532 59 37648i 679 . 325' 811320 11 109176210553 176 59b437593 594 834 38 84 180 59 50 590.50i^386688 69 207 420 201 421305283569 570199 INDEX. 66iJ Bragg, H. W 295 Bragg, Isaac 24 Braraall, George 419, 426, 431 vote for, for lieutenant-gover nor 421 Branch, L. C : 353, 431 Brannan, Samuel. 11, 12, 207, 210, 212 Brannan, Thomas .33 Braunliart, S 547, 576, 581 Breckinridge, John C 71 73, 74, 110, 116, 117, 119, 123, 126, 152 address in Herald favoring 118 supporters of 113 ratification of, in San Francisco 114 election returns for 127 Breckinridge, J. W. 460 Breckinridge deraocratic conven tions 1860, 119, 123; 1861. 165; 1862, 188 Breckinridge party, dissolution of.... 197 Breen, J. F 386 Brenhara, C. J 26, 113, 267 Br.ent,H. K. W 409 Brent, J. L. .. • ....22, 42, 55, 59, 128, 178, 180, 208 Brewster, J 26 Brewster, John A 44 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 50 Bribery, more stringent laws wanted — 897 Bridges, O.L 100 Brierly, B 10 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 11 Brierly, J. R 363 Bright,— 11 Briggs, A 340, 363 Briggs, Edward .334 Briggs, H. W 862 Briggs, M. C, "26, 207, 250 293, 445, 446, 472, 553 Briggs, R. M ..81, 83, 178, 194 Briggs, W. H.-.. 536 Brockway, .8. W . 50, 178, 205, 220, 249, 278, 287 Broderick, David C ...6, 17, 19, 24, 26, 29, 87, 96, 97, 107, 108 denounced by Del Norte demo crats 86 course approved 94 on expunging of resolutions against .1 101 Bronson, A. (.See Brunson.) Brooka, Max 409 Brooks, S. H..50, 77, 104, 172, 181, 203 vote for, for controller 109, 180 Brooka, S. S. 19 Broughton, W. W : 400 Brown, A. C 176,179, 188 Brown, Beriah ....197, 199, 211 vote for, fbr printer 201 Brown, 0. L. P 313 Brown, CY 583 Brown, Charles 65 Brown, E. P.. .- 50 Brown, H. S 196, 22Q, 250, 281 Brown, J. C -. 65 Brown, J. L. 81 Brown, John Q. -.172, 17.8 Brown, Lewia H 565 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 570 Brown, N. P 81 Brown, S. C, vote for, for justice bf supreme court .'..— 570 Brown, g.'W 65,99, 107 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction .._. 109 Brown, T. M 303 Brown, W. B. C 301 321, 328, 353, 359, 365, 418, 422, 430 vote for, for secretary of state 311 vote for, fbr controller 364, 421 Brown, W. G _ 26 Brown, W. H ..430, 445, 469, 472: Browne, Carl... 590 , Browne, J. Ross... 1 Brunson, Anaon 314, 326, 443, 451, 517 vote for, for justice of suprerae court 335, 453 Brush, Jesse.. 24, 59 Brusie, L.... 14 Bryan, Chas. H..24, 82, 41, 77, 90, 100- ~ vote for, for justice of supreme court.. 50 Bryant, A.J 115,177 220, 310, 319, 359, 415, 417, 422, 523 proclamation of 376- workingmen's resolutions on.. 378 Bryant, B ' 24 Bryant, E. H 547 Bryant, J. J.-- 9, 18 Bryson, John, Sr 681 Buchanan, James 18, 71, 76, 78, 80, 86, 96, 110- indorsed for presidency. 58 noraination indorsed 78 vote for, for president 74 policy indorsed '78 indorsement of administration --. -.89,105, 112: administration condemned, .98, 100 support pledged to... 106- Buchanan, R. B. 18 Buck, L. W 588 Buck, S. M. .: 349, 396, 401 Buckbee, J. R. 196, 222, 281 Buckley, Christopher 417 Buckley, W. S - 33a Buckner, Stanton 19, 37 vote for, for justice of supreme court 23- Budd, J'. H... 384, 401, 414, 4.31 Budd, Jarnes H 303, 438, 468 vote for, for congressman 453 Budd, Joseph H 291, 314, 361, 364 Buel, D. B 69, 111, 128, 173, 191 Buffington, J. M 47, 65-. vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 74 Bugbey, B. N 281, 310- Buhlert, J . 363 Bulkhead scheme, resolution op posing...: 122,171, 178- 670 INDEX. BuU, Alpheus... .m., 288 Bunker, W. M 43Q Burbank, C. C. 116 Burbank, Caleb, union resolu tions off'ered by... 137, 154 Burch, — 896 Burch, John C .... .77, 104, 123, 172, 178, 209, 263, 283, 291, 298, 359, 393, 413, 437 vote for, for congressman 108 suggests a Pacific republic 129 vote for, for justice of supreme court - 421 Burch, S. N.. : ....401, 420 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction :. .. 421 Burckhalter, J.: 284 Bureau of labor. (See Labor Sta tistics.) Burk,E 446 Burke, Johu H 393, 395, 414 Burlingarae, Anson .....498, 499, 500 Burlingame, H. B. 556 vote for, for member of board of equalization ..._ 570 Burlingame treaty, abrogation of desired. ..327, a34, 352, 429, 526 hiatory of 498 Burman, Edgar P 591 vote for, for congreasman 594 BuriieU, R...... 205, 362, 868, 404 Burnett, J; M. — :. . 289 Burnett, Peter H. 49, 77, 90 vote for, for governor _.5, 6 vote for, for justice of supreme court 84 sketch of -. 597 Burney, Jaraes 334 Burns, A. B : 468 vote for, for congressraan 473 Burns, A, M 460, 461 Burns, D. M 390, 408 vote for, for secretary of state.- 421 Burns, G.- 690 Burnside, W. .T 42 Burt, J. M 12, 13 vote for, for treasurer -__ 15 Burt, S. B 445 Burt, S. S., vote for, for clerk of supreme court. 11 Burton, B. F: 81, 88 Burwell, L 547 Busch, A. C 487 Bush, C. C. 454, 455, 662 Bush, David 430 BushneU, D. B..-. -466, 472 Butler, A. B _ '...461, 581 Butler, B. P., nomination for president indorsed.. 468 Butler, W.O 18 Butte, W. R _. 44 Butte county convention, resolu tions in "1865 : - 215 Butterfield, C. W 10 vote for,for superintendent of public instruction - 11 Butterfield, R 468, 472 Butterworth, Samuel... 316 Button. R. W — 575 Byers, J. D 455, 469, 472, 473 Byers, John C 280, 281 Byington, H. "W. 368, 409, 430, 455, 472, 542 Bynum, Sarshall 30 Byrne, H.H 19 Byrne, J. K . 176; 179, 298 Gadwaladee, Geo,.—. 126, 293 Caine, P. P 99 vote for, for treasurer.. 109 Caldwell, J. I .410, 414 Caldwell, John .- 100, 123 California volunteers, resolu tion on 206 Calvin, M. J. C . 818 Cameron, — . 437 Carainetti, A.. ..422, 546, 552, 569, 582 vote for, for congressman. .671, 594 commended as congressman ..- 576 passage of debris bill urged .—".... . 578, 592 jute bill indorsed.. 580 Camp, Herraan 65 Carap, J. B 590 Campaign speakers in 1872. ..320, 321 Campbell, Alex : 100, 126, 176, 393, 395, 410 Campbell, Alexander, Jr 330,409, 413 vote for, for justice of suprerae courfj .-421 Campbell, Charles . 8 Campbell, F. M 409, 444 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 421 Campbell, J. B 353, 418, 421 Campbell, J. C. .518, 550, 661, 565, 592 vote for, for congreaaman 533 Campbell, Thos 185 CampbeU, Thorapson 207 union resolutions offered by... 201 Camron, W. W. 472 Canfield, W 318 Cannon Marion 684, 586, 588, 591 vote for, for congressman 594 Oaperton, W. W 111 Capp, C. S 410 Oappleman, C. 302 Carey, James C. 349 Carey, John T 524 Caruthers, J. H 334 Carothers, Thos. L. .445, 552, 553, 561 vote for, for congressman 472 Carpenter, G. J 320, 321 326, 350, 362, 419, 420, 438 vote for, for congressman '.. 364 vote for, for raUroad commis sioner... ...421, 453 resolution on as railroad com missioner .'.. 457 Carpenter, R. B.-.;.537, 550, 561, 591 Carpentier, H. W 10, 42, 100 Carr, Byron 0 455 Carr, Ezra S 340, 349, 355 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 356 INDEX. 671 Carr, Jesse D. ...13, 80,-88, 124, 126, 197, 422, 684 Carr, M; D ..172,266, 802 vote for, for printer 180 Carr, Thomas H.. 437 Carrj William B 509 Carrick, J. R..- 675 Carrington, J. D 814 Carroll, N 44 Carson, Wm 592 Cartter, Geo. H 68 Casey, B. W - 278 Casey, James P . 69 Cass, Lewis 18 CasseU, G. H 422 Casserly, Eugene . — 19, 32, 41, 88, 106, 114, 117, 120, 178, 224, 226, 268, 267, 288, ¦ 297, 816, 321, 323, 350, 353, 361, 389 Cassidv, Samuel 430 Castle," Geo. H. 547 Castro, Guillerrao 97 -Ca,stro, Juan B 302, 319, 358, 862 Castro Manuel A. ...^ 68 CasweU, W. A... 632 Gathers, James 65 CatUn, A. P. 68, 81, 88, 124, 126, 126, 328, 329, 830, 334, 349, 409, 443, 473 vote for, for justice of supreme court 421 Caton, P. E 586 Cator, T; V ....560, 590 vote for, for congressraan 671 Cator, Mrs. T. V 691 ¦Caucus, decisions in, to rule 88 'Cavanaugh, J. P 402 vote -for, for member of board of equalization : 421 Cavis, J. M.. 313, 318, 320, 340 vote for,- for lieut.-governor ... 355 Cazneau, T. N -.55, 115, 176, 197, 200, 209, 226, 267, 284, 292 -Center J ..238, 289 Central mail route, resolution demanding - 98 -Central Pacific R. R. Co., resolu tion on rights and duties of.. 337 (.See also. Railroads.) •Chamberlain, C. H 76 Charaberlain, W. H. 61 Chambers, Judge 13^ Chambers, Benj. J 426 Chadboume, P. S 591 Chandler, A. L 469 Chapin, Dr. S. F 474 •Chapman — . 547 Chapman, J.P 532 Chappel, J. N 281 Charles, J. M 414 Charleston convention, resolu tion not to send delegates to. 110 aotion of delegates repudiated. 121 'Chase, E. M --. -- 556 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 570 Chase, Levi..- .- 418 ¦vote for, for lieut,-governor 421 .Chase, S. H. .- '79, 179 union resoluti'ns offered by 147, 154 Chase, S.P 67, 561 Chase, Warren .....394, 452 vote for, for congressman 453 Chauncy, D. M 9 Cheesman, D. W. ..65, 76. 88, 93, 97, 98, 99, 109, 110 vote for, for lieut.-governor... 84 Chellia,J. F 109,17 6, 195, 319 vote for, for lieut.-governor ... 180 Chenery, Richard. 44, 76, 240, 288, 292 Cheney, W. A 424, 430, 454, 469 Cherry, John W - 424 Chester, Julius 394 Chetwood, John 19, 21 Childs, WilUara, resolution in dorsing speech by Douglas.. 151 Chinese, peddling licenses should not be granted to...: 897 ¦ entitled to protection 298 Chinese iramigration, anti-Chi nese conventions 479, 480 raeraorial to congress 481 resolutions adopted-.- 479, 502 resolution favoring iraraigra tion - 293 resolutions on preventing, ta bled 122 question in politics of 1867 241 resolutions opposing . . 23, 249, 265, 285, 290, 299, 300, 307, 327, 334, 352, 357, 860, 861, 363, 379, 385, 400, 405, 412, 416, 423, 425, 428, 429, 432, 442, 454, 459, 467, 471,479, 502, 515, 520, 525, 540, 544, 552, 562, 567, 574, 577 Hayes' veto of bill denounced. 423 (See also, Imraigration.) Chinese Labor, public supplies proraised to be of white labor 528 Chinese Six Corapanies, appeal for protection in San Fran cisco 871 Chipman, John L 59 Chipraan, N. P 537, 560, 564, 591 Chronicle (San Francisco), urges forraation of new party . - . . 393 Chubb, 0. T ....'..-386, 402 vote for, for member board of equalization '. 421 Church, A. M 479 Church, Geo. E 477 Churchill, E. B 532 Churchraan, Jamea 22, 32, 34, 42, 45. 61, 110, 116 vote for. for congressman 38 Chute, Richard 36.3,430, 472 Cincinnati deraocratic platform, indorsed . 72, 88, 100, 105, 110, 111, 120, 166 Civil fund, claim of state to 14 refunding of 20, 36 Civil rights biU. veto of 237 Civil aervice reform, resolutions favoring 332, 357, 359, 484 442, 536, 555, 574, 580 Civil war, abolition of slavery by, condemned... 187 resolution conderaning. 208 672 INDEX. Civil war — continued. resolution fa-voring prosecu tion of.'. .--¦ 184 resolution of gratitude to states men and soldiers ..' 220, 230 resolution of rejoicing in cessa tion of..... 224 resolutions of Breckinridge deraocrats concerning 189 union party resolutions 194 what ia essential for closing ... 187 (/See afeo, Reconstruction, Union Resolutions.) Clark, A. G - 419, 426 vote for, for governor 421 Clark, Anson 400 Clark, C. .4 41 Clark, Chas. T 586 Clark, D. C 669 Clark, P. J .- 413 vote for, for aurveyor-general.. 421 Clark, J. B 375, 428, 480 Clark, J. R -..65,76, 99 vote for, for controller. 109 Clark, J. S.-.. 586 Clark, John 452 vote for, for justice of supreme court -- 453 Clark, Joseph 547, 583 Claik, Jubal...- .L. 582 Clark, L. B '... 401 vote for, for treasurer — . 421 Clark, R. C 153 Clark,W. 0,. 420, 426, 431, 506, 531, 636 vote for, for treasurer... 421 vote for, for congressman 633 Clarke, S. J 178, 205, 220, 294 Clarkson, H. C 301 Clayes, O.M 195 vote for, for printer , 201 Clayton, Chas 249, 318, 363, 445 vote for, for congressman 321 vote for, for harbor corarais sioner 267 vote for, for railroad commis sioner. . 453 Clayton, James A ..410, 420, 542 vote for, for raeraber of board of equalization ... , 421 Clayton, M. P 507 Clayton, P. H 70 Clayton-Bulwer treaty, abroga tion demanded .. 468 Cleveland, Grover 644, 579, 584 adrainistration indorsed ...— .519,548, 576 adrainistration arraigned 539 indorsed for presidency 546, 582, 583 vote for. -472,552, 594 Cloud, J. J 179 Clough, G. G 562 Clunie, Thomas J ...- 415, 419, 424, 460, 518, 546, 569 vote for, for congressman ...... 421,553, 571 Clute, M. B 176 Coast defense, improvemeut of. . 621 Cobb, H.A 116, 200 Cochran, J. M 199« Cochrane, J.D 31'6 CockriU, T. G...:. 316 Coey, Janies 280 Poffey, /araes V 394, 569- vote for, for justice of supreme court--- 570- Coffroth, James W 17, 18, 24, 82, 33, 42, 43, 68, 81, 102, m, 176, 178, 179, 19.7, 200, 208, •m, 211, 224, 226, 263, 267, 284, 286, 289, 292, 298, 303, 314, 316, 319- vote for, for congressman 212, 268, 288, 311 Coggins, Paschal ^ 62, 320 reconatniction resolutions by.. 273 vote. for, for congressman 321 Coghlan, John M....281, 310, 318, 320 yote for, for congressman 311 vote for, for congressman 321. Cohn. B 547' Colby, G. W..26, 33, 44, 45, 70, 90, 92.-. Coldwell, G. W .—426, 431 ColdweU, T. A 291 Cole, Cornelius 49,61,65, 76, 94, 97, 99, 126, 195, 211, 214, 237, 239, 240, 318, 393, 410, 413, 414 - vote for, for clerk of supreme court : 74 vote for, for congressman 201 indorsed as congressman 207 Cole, D. T ..566, 575, 591 vote for, for member of board of equalization 570 ¦ Cole, N.T ... 549 Cole, R. Beverly 316, 319, 328 Coleman, C. 0 353 Coleraan, Cyrus 314 Coleraan, Jaraes V 568, 581 Coleman, W. T 224, 226, 239, 283, 417, 509 • Coles, J. L 451, 463 vote for, for congressraan 453 Colfax, Schuvler ..274, 275, 276, 280, 286, 288 Colgan, E.P 565 vote for, for controller 570 College league, republican, wel come to 591 Collier, W. B 532 Collins, George D 565 CoUins, Henry 686 '¦ vote for, for congressman 594 Collins, James... ...174, 195 Colored men. (See Negroes.) Colton, D. D ...123, 178, 179, 185 refusal to unite in call for union convention... 183 Committee of safety, organized in San Francisco . 374 Compromise raeasures by con gress, approval of 14, 21 Corastock, E 410 • Condia, J 364 Cone, B. B : :... lo vote for, for attorney-general.. 11 Cone, Joseph S 409 vote for, for r.ailroad commiss'r 421 - INDEX. 673 Confederate soldiers, scheme to equip in Califomia 204 Confederate states, resolution urgingrecognitionof,155 164, 166 (See also, EeconstructioH, Civil War, Union Resolutions.) Congar, 0. H ._. 473 Conger, C. C 383 Congress, ' 'back-pay -steal' ' 327,332, 351 power to pass election laws 405 denouncement of the "billion- dollar" 580 (See also. Reconstruction, An drew Johnson.) Congressmen, vote for in 1849, 5 ; 1851, 15 ; 1852, 23 ; 1854, 38; 1856, 74; 1858, 95; 1859, 108; 1861, 180; 1863,201; 1864, 212; 1867,268; 1868, 288 ; 1871, 311; 1872,821; 1875, 356 ; 1876, 364; 1879,421; 1882, 453 ; 1886, 538; 1888,553; 1890, 571 ; 1892, 594 Conklin, A. R. -. 430, 443, 469, 472, 550, 561 . vote for, for lieut.-governor 453 Conklin, W. H. 435 Conkling, Roscoe 561 Conn, "W. A ..298, 303 Connelly, D. W 77, 111, 123 Conner, P.E 123,176, 280 Conness, John .r 23, 70, 73, 90, 101, 102, 120, 123, 178, 179, 214, 235, 240) 244 resolution in assembly by 150 vote for, for lieut.-governor ... 108 vote for, for governor 180 indorsement of, as U. S. sena tor 207, 210 support of Gorharu 242 opposition of "long hairs" 243 extract from Uniou 243 Connolly, P 435 Conroy, M. C... ...314,834, 430 Conscription law indorsed 202 Constitution, 1849, vote on 4 changes in, deprecated 25 resolution ou adoption by pop ular vote 73 Constitution, 1879, vote on adop tion of. ..... 393 amendment providing for state text-books approved 459, 470 Constitution, federal, true con struction of 189 fourteenth araendment to, in dorsed 239 fifteenth amendment to, op posed ,.-.. 290 amendments accepted as settle ment 298 amendments, enforcement of.. 336 (,See also. New Constitution.) Constitutional convention, rela tive to calling of. ,.. 76 calling-of, favored ^124, 351 vote on question of 84 vote for, in 1849 109 Constitutional convent'n, 1878-9, fusion of parties to elect del egates 381-383 nominations ....^ 389 list of delegates... : 390 session of 393 Contracts for labor, resolution on raaking foreign, valid 23 Controller, vote for 1851,15; 1853, 29; 1865, 50; 1857, 84; 1858, 95; 1859-, 109; 1861,180; 1863,201; 186'r, 267; 1871,311; 1876, 855 ; 1879, 421; 1882,458; 1886,532; 1890, 570 Convention, federal, calling Of, urged 136, 149, 150 (See also. Union Resolutions.) Conventions, American ("know- nothing").... 1855, 42, 60 ; 1856, 62, 67 ; 1867, 81 American party .. ....1886, 527; 1888, 547; 1890, 556 anti-Chinese ...479, 480 anti-monopoly 1884, 466 deraocratic... - — 1849, 1; 1851, 11; 1852, 17, 21 ; 1853, 24 ; 1864, 29 ; 1 85-i, 39 ; 1856, 54, 70; 1867, 76; 1858, 88, 90; 1859 (anti-Lecompton), 99, (Lecompton), 103; 1860 (anti-Lecompton), 110, (Le compton), 111, (Douglas), 119, (Breckinridge), 123; 1861,165, (union),176; 1862 (union), 185, (Breckinridge), 188; 1863, 197; 1864, 208, 211; 1865, 224; 1867, 263; 1869, 289; 1871, 297; 1872, 314; 1873, 326; 1875, 350; 1876, 358, 361; 1879, 415; 1880, 422; 1882,431; 1884, 455 ; 1886, 518; 1888,542; 1890,566; 1892, 575 farmers' conference, 1886... 524, 525 free soil democrats, 1852.. 23 grangers', 1882, 452; 1886, 624, 525 greenback labor party. ..1880, 426; 1882 451 independent, 1875 341 irrigation: Riverside... 478 Fresno..- _.. 4'77 San Prapcisco. . 507 national union, 1866 238 new constitution 411 people's independent 329, 341 people's party.. 1891; 586; 1892, 688 prohibition 1855, 4, 5, 47; 1875, 354; 1879, 419; 1880, 426; 1882, 446, 447; 1884, 463; 1886, 504; 1888,533; 1890,553; 1892, 684 republican 1866, 69, 64; 1857, 74; 1858, 93; 1859, 97; 1860, 109, 116; 1861, 173; 1867, 259; 1868, 286; 1869, 292; 1871, 306; 1872, 312; 1873, -325; 1'876, 385; 1876, 356, 362; 1879, 404; 1880, 424, 428; 1882, 488; 1884,-454,469; 1886,513; 1,888, 537, 550; 1890, 561: 1892, 671, 591 settlera' and miners , 44, 83 674 INDEX. Conventions — continued. temperance. (See Prohibition.) ¦ union partv 1860, 124; 1862,184; 1868,194; 1864,205, 209; 1865, 220; 1867, 246; 1868, 278 united labor 1886, 626 whig 1861, 12; 1862, 16, 19; 1853, 26; 1854, 34 workingraen's 1878, 377, 383; 1879, 396; 1880, 424 Cook, Carroll.. 472 Cook, Elisha 116 Cook, Geo. B 592 Cook, J. C 68 Cook, Jesse -. 461 Cooke, M. E..- ..42, 65 Coolies. (See Chinese.) Coorabs, Nathan.- 207, 281 Coombs, Thos. H..... 70 Coorabs, W. S. _.. 269 Cooraba, Wm. H 437 Cooney, M 571 Cooper, — . 550 Cooper, S 210 Cooper, Stephen ._- 431 Cooper, 'William 8 65 Co-operation, reaolution favoring 515 Cope, W. W. .-104, 239, 264 vote for, for juatice of supreme court '. 108 Copperheads, union resolution on 196 Cora, Chas.- 69 Corbett, E.W 319 Corcoran, H. J 546, 566 Corcoran, J. M 623 Corcoran, William — - 419 Cornwall, N.C ,... 481 Cornwall, P. B..116, 409, 430, 446, 469 Cornwell, George N 360 Coronel, Antomo F 123, 127, 266, 302, 850 vote for, for treasurer 267, 311 Corporations, state regulation of ¦ .- :-.. 351,360,434, 439 (See also. Gas, Railroads, etc.) Cosby, -J. D.-. 68 Cosner,. Robt. 54'7 Couch, H. M.... 468, 472 Couch, Jas.- A. 283 Coulter, Geo 88 Councilman, B. W union resolutions offered by .. 152 County officers, passage of act for election of.'.j...^..- 6 Gouts, C. J...... ...- 77 Covarrubias, J; M; 18, 24, 65, 70 Covarrubias, N. A. 584 Covillaud, C. J 536 Cowdery J. P 321, 334, 349 Cowell, Henry 430 Cox, Dr. H 862 Cox, Thomas. 65, 66 Crabbe, H. A 17, 19, 37 Craddock, J ease H 266 Crafts, Geo. H 591 Craig, C.W ...424, 430, 518 Crandall, J.R 49, 81 vote for, for treasurer 84 Crane, A. M .99, 175, 176, 195 Crane, G. T 283 Crane, G. W 37, 211 Crane, J. M 34 Crane, L. T 469 Crane, Lauren E. ...305, 825, 349, 413 vote for, for controller 355 vote for, for secretary of state.. 421 Crane, W.H ^ 409 Crane, W. W., Jr.. ..210, 212, 310, 375 Crank, J. F... 445, 472 Crary, O.B 207 Cravens, R. 0.._199, 292, 316, 435, 460 vote for, for controller 20i Crawford, J. N 586 Crawford County plan, primaries on 292 Creaner, Chias. M...— -1112^00, 208 Creighton, James 42 Crenshaw, J. T 30, 70, 203 Cridge, A 364 Crigler, J. C... 197, 302, 886, 401 Crist, R. F 575 Crittenden, A. P 10, 22, 165, 172, 173, 188 vote for, for attorney-general.. 11 Crittenden, John J 148, 161, 152, 153, 156, 159, 169, 170 Crittenden-Montgoraery bill in dorsed 92 Crittenden's plan restoring Mis souri compromise indorsed - 148, 151, 152, 153, 164, 159 Crocker, Charles 99, 370, 377 union resolutions introduced by 137 relief of laboring men' in S. P.. 377 Crocker, Charles F 456, 542 Crocker, E. B 47, 49, 59, 61, 64, 66, 75, 76, 93, 94, 99, 174 Crocker, H. S 176 Crockett, J. B 124, 127, 208, 267, 291, 326, 328, 835 vote for, for congressman 212 vote for, for justice of supreme court 295 Cronin, Daniel 1 Cronise, W.H 328 Crooks, Edwin W . 465 Cross, C. W. _ ..401, 413, 420, 424 vote for, for attorney-general. 421 Crossette, G. H. ..42, 78, 389, 415, 480 vote for, for printer 50 Crossette, W, C . . 294 Crouch, T. C 1 26 ^ Crowe, S. B. ._. 481 Crowhurst, Wm .^ 451, 466 vote for, for congressman 473 votefor, for supreme court clerk 453 Crozier, R. G iQ Crutcher, W. M 414, 420, 438 vote for, for member of board of equalization 453 Cuba, resolution favoring acqui sition of. 120 CuUedge, C _ 22 Culver, O.B 532 Culver, Wm. H 68, 207, 238, 239 INDEX. 675 Cummings, H.,76, 99, 174, 176, 409, 451 vote for, for railroad commis- 453 sioner 453 Cunningham, Lewis.. 65, 99, 173, 325 Cunningham, N. C 44 Curreijcy, issuance of additional -.— 585, 589 opposition to paper raoney 199 Curry, John 26, 34, 48, 92, 94, 102, 107, 196, 249 vote for, for governor 108 vote for, for justice of supreme court ..95, 201, 268 Curry, N... 468, 472 Curtin, A. G 280 Curtis, Edward 547 Curtis, J. C ... 44 Curtis, J. S ...198, 209, 226 Curtis, N. Greene 321, 518 ;resoIution by, on cause of sec tional difficulties 150 Curtis, Tyler :. 816, 819 Curtis, "Vif. P 65 Curtis, W. J 569 vote for, for congressraan 571 Cuthbertson, W. J 452 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 453 Cutter, Jas. H 266 -vote for, for harbor corarais sioner 267 Cutter, W. M 417, 418 Cutting, John T. 542, 565 vote f:or, for congressman. 671 Cuvillier, B. C. 547 Dagobtt, a. a., 531, 547, 549, 650, 656 vote for, for attorney-general.. 532 vote for, for congressman 553 Daggett, John -124, 173, 191, 200, 226, 267, 814, 315, 316, 319, 486, 565 vote for, for lieutenant-gov ernor - 453 resolution of Stockton conven tion -.-.- : 457 Daingerfield, W. P.— .¦.. 289 Daly, R. H.. 68, 125 Dam, H. J 414 Damon, W.C 506 vote for, for railroad commis sioner '588 Dana, C. W... .- -..445, 452 vote for, for member board of equalization 453 Dana, Chas. A... 186 Danforth, E. P 642 Dann-, P. P.... -246, 246, 334, 428, 430 Dannals, C.W 390 Dare, John T ...419, 446, 650, 675 Dargie, W. E 469 Davies, Wm. A 444 vote for, for controller 453 Davis, E. A..... 363, 426, 454, 481, 513 Davis, E. W — 592 yote for, for congressman 594 Davis, Horace 408, 410, 430, 431, 438, 446, 455, 469, 472, 481, 502 vote for, for congressman ......'. 364, 421, 431 Davis, Isaac 16, 17, Davis, Isaac B Davis, J. C 91, Davis, Jefferson resolutions relative to punish ment of Davis, Jerome C Davis, John F 571, vote for, for congressman Davis, P. E Davis, Preston R Dawes, John G Dawley, L N .41, 69, 92, vote for, for controller Day, J.G ...366, Day, J. M 81, Day, Sherman 26, 29, 70, 103, vote for-, for supt. of pub. in struction Day's work. (See Labor.) Dayton, William L 65, Deal, M. S - 313, Dean, Peter Debt, National, resolution on payment of 279, 360, 427, 467, payment in gold favored Debt, State, aclaiowledgmeut of, payment recommended vote on payraent of... Deering, A. -88, 90, 120, 176, 179, Deering, R. H Deeth, Jacob 194, 207, De Haven, J. J 445, 552, 560, vote for, for congreasraan..453, vote for, for justice of suprerae court : DeHaven, W. N.. DeJamett, W. H De la Guerra, Pablo ._ 56, 70, 122, votefor, for lieut.-governor De la Montanya, Jaraes Delano, A.-. Dela Torre, P Delegates, election by priraaries favored selection by county coraraittees condemned De Long, A. A. ... 116, De Long, C. E; ..:- :... 103, 123, 163, 177, 178, union resolution introduced by Delmas, D. M Del Norte county, deraocratic re solutions in :.-¦ Del VaUe, R-. P., ....422, 480, 463, 518, 542, 569, vote for, for congressraan vote for, for lieut.-^vernor Democratic conventions, 1849, 1 ; 1851, 11; 1852, 17, 21; 1853, 24; 1854, 29; 1866, 39; 1856, 54, 70; 1867, 76; 1858,88, 90; 1859 (an ti-Lecompton) 99; (Lecomp ton) 103; 1860 (anti-Lecomp ton) 110, (Lecompton) 111, (Douglas) 119, (Breckinridge) 123; 1861, 166, (Union) 176; 1862, (Union) 185, (Breck- 42 260 179 232 232 281 592 594 179 95 372 280 309 29 74 317 349525357 78 82 84 294 22 281564 563570317 419 127 5 186 834 70 522 185 179 130 456 576473570 676 INDEX^ Deraocratic conventions — continued. inridge) 188; 1863, 197; 1864, 208, 211; 1866, 224; 1867, 263; 1869, 289; 1871, 297; 1872, 314; 1873, 326; 1875, 350; 1876, 358, 361; 1879, 415; 1880, 422; 1882, 431; 1884, 455; 1886, 518; 1888, 542; 1890, 565; 1892, 575 Deraocratic party, organization in California 2 meeting- in San Jose for organi zation .... 6 division in, in 1852, ^'. .. 16 in 1854, ...4... 2& plan for compromise 37 harmony restored 39 Broderick and anti-Broderick factions 73 responsibility for financial dif ficulties. .. 82 division on Kansas question.. 85 anti-Lecompton movement, 96, 97 attempt at harmonizing of, in 1860 110 division on Douglas and Breck inridge , 113, 117 alliance of Douglas and Breck inridge wings. .;. ...156, 159 Liudley's call for committee meeting in 1861 160 raeeting of Breckinridge cora mittee 161, 162 meeting of the Douglas Com mittee , 162 efforts at fusion of Breckin ridge and union wings l83 origin of 188 sympathy for the confederate cause.. 203 coalition with "short hairs" .. 223 delegatea to national conven tion, 1866 -".... 239 division of in 1871 297 indorsement of Greeley 317 coalition with Uberal republi- cansinl872 319 opposition to liberal moveraent in 1872 - 320 reasons urged for not entrust ing government to 857 proposed fusion with new con stitution -party 420 (See also, 'Union - Deraocratic Party.) Democratic platforms 1S49, 2 ; 1862, 22 ; 1858, 24 ; 1854, 31, 33; 1855, 40; 1856, 56, 72; 1857, 77; 1858,88,91; 1859, 100, 105; 1860, llO, Ul, 120; 1861, 165, 172, 177; 1862, 186, 188; 1868, 198; 1864, 208; 1867, 264; 1868, 284; 1869, 289; 1871, 298; 1872, 315; 1873, 326; 1876, 860; 1876, 359, 361; 1879, 4l5; 1880, 42'3; 1882, 431; 1884, 456; 1886, 519; 1888, 643; 1890, 566; 1892', 576 "Deraocratic Press," destruction of ... 213 Democratic atate central com mittee, members of 4--.. 26, 31, 33, 79, 90 (Lecomp ton), 92 (Douglas), 103 (anti- Lei-ompton), 106 (Lecomp ton), 124 (Breckinridge), 173, 191, 200, 226, 303, 316, 328, 417, 435 resolution adopted by ,-- 282 resolution on selection of dele gates to constitutional con vention , 382 Democratic vote. (See Election Returns, Presidential Elec tions.) Denio, C. B -..310, 341 vote for, for congressman 356 Denison, BUS 466,472, 642, 575 - Denraan, James _-100, ll4 ' Denny, J. B 518, 531 vote for, for controller 532 Denson, S. C. 443, 454 vote for, for justice of supreme court : 458 Dent, G.W ....73, 77 Dent, Lewis, 5 vote for, for congressman 5, 6 Denver, A. 'St.C ...12;^, 199 Denver, Frank... .— 179 Denver, Jaraes W 18, 22, 30, 37, 70, 96, 104, 115, 120, 156 letter defining position... 116 vote for, for congressman 38 Desert land bill, condemned.... 898 Devlin, Robert T 473, 480 Devoe, Jaraes B 13, 77 Dewey, A. T. 468, 472, 526 Dewey, John 636 DeWitt, R,0 289, ,302 vote for, for controller 311 Dej^ter, P. S . 116 De Young, Charles, shooting of Kallock, .- 420 kUled by I. M. Kallock 421 DeY'oung, M. H .642, 574 Dibble, A. B .... 44, 67, 123, 176, 200, 283, 284, 288, 828, 859, 416, 417, 418, 431 vote for, for congressman 74 Dibble, Henry C. 561 Dick, John 59, 61, 65, 293 Dickey, Ellison 10 Dickinson, iJaiiiel S. . UO indorsed for presidency . . 112 Dickinson, JohnH ..429, 513 Dickinson, W. L 532 Dickson, J. W. B. 314 Digna, Osraan.. .. _ 496 Difion, H. c .":::::- 586 Diraraick, K. H 7 vote for, for congressman 6 Dimond, WiUiam H. . ^. - -517, 537, 642, 556,"56i; 591 Dinsmore, E. F 480 Dithraar, A. C. -."".11' " 518 vote for, for raera'ber of board equalization 53^ Division of the state, resolution against sgg INDEX. 67V Dix, General.. 239 Dixon, Wm. L 560 vote for; for surveyor-general 670 Doak, J. K 349, 426, 430, 464 Doak, J. N. i 90 Dobbins, Dr 460 Dodge, W.W ..310, 834, 341 363 Doherty, John .. 179 Doll, j. G..-. . 90 DoUison, J. K 422 "Dolly Varden" party. 1 3^4 Donahoe, M.J 549 Donahue, Peter ^ ....111, 179, 314, 319, 321, 853, 859 Donahue, W. M 437 Donelson, Andrew J. ..68, 69, 70, 74 Donnelly, E. F 592 Doolan, R. P 58-:J Dooling. M. T ..546, 575, 681, 684 Doolittle,— 239 Dore, Benjamin... 281 Dore, John S. .686, 589, 590, 591 Dorn, D. S 576 Dorney, P. S - - 386 Dorrance, H. T 335, 363, 389, 429 Dorsey, Caleb,. ..68, 328, 358, 394, 413 vote for, for juatice of supreme court 421 Dosh, S.H. 42; 59, 123 Dougherty, J., union resolutions offered by. - 141 Dougherty, O. R 556, 560, 584, 686 vote for, for congresa-raan..571, 594 Douglas, Stephen A, ..16, 18, 86, 87, 90, 95, 110, 116, 117, 118, ll9, 126, 134, 144, 161, 152 resolution adverse to, tabled.. 113 support given to 113 condemnation of 114 address in Herald favoring 114 noraination indorsed 120 electioii returns for 127 resolution on death of 176, 177 Douglas and Breckinridge, divis ion in jarty on .... 117 Douglas Deraocratic conventions I— -.- .90, 119 Douglas democrats. (See Demo cratic Party.) Douglas electors, votefor 127 Douglass, David P -. .-- 6,12, 19, 26, 87, 45, 80, 172 Downes, J. S 28l Downey, J. G SO, 88, 104, 118, ll4, 126, 178, 199, 209, 211, 212, 289, 292, 298, 814, 315, 316, 326, 350, 361, 394, 895, 401, 410 vote for, for lieut.-governor 108 administration indorsed 122 letter to union raass meeting.. 164 address in 1863 ' 200 vote for, for governor 201 sketch of 599 Downey, Joseph T - 1 Doyle, JohnT .211,212, 462 vote for, for railroad corarais sioner 453 Dred-Scott deci sion 75 Dred-Scott decis'n approved. Ul, 114 resolution on lOl Dresser, P. E 188 Drew, J. C ..: 590 Drew, M. M — .. 410 vote for, for raember board ' of equalization 421 Driebelbiss, John A 1 1I2 Dryden, D. A . 886 Dudley, A. K 334 Dudley, Allen P.-. .42, 104, 123, 124, 126, 127 Dudley, John C 172 Dudley, John S.. li'2, 128 Dudley, W.L . .^55, 70, 92, 194', 205, 209, "220, 247 vote for, for congressman 95 Duelists, oppoaition to cahdi- daov of 49 Dufty, Ifas. A..... ..318,314, 340 Dumont, Joseph 283 Duncan '..'... 378 Duncan, Alex 549, 553 Duncan, J. C 123 Duncombe, Dr. C 184 Dundon, P. P 583 Dunker, C 552 Dunlap, Presley. 199, 301 vote for, for aurveyor-general.. 201 Dunn, Alexander. 1 487 Dunn, Chauncey H 536, 553, 556, 560, 584, 586 vote for, for attorney general.. 670 vote for, for congressman 694 Dunn, John P. ..377, 383, 394, 396, 487, 452, 453, 524, 526, 582, 569, 570 vote for, for controller, 458, 532, 570 Dunne, E. P 195 Dunne, P. P.... ..542, 646 Dunphy, Williara- 360, 460 Durfy, P. T 584 Durham, James 532 Durst, D. P ....55, 104, 176 iDusterberrj'-, Henry... - 569 vote for, for member board of equalization. .. 570 Dutton, S. F 464 Dutton, "Warren . ...410, 445 vote for, for member of board of equalization 421 Dwinelle, J. W. 220, 380, 409 DwineUe, Samuel H 326 vote for, for justice of supreme court 335 Dver, A. J. 248 Dyer, E. H. 868 Dyer, J. P .'248, 278 Eads Ship railway favored 526 Eager, Thos '..92', 235 Eagon, John A -.. 172, 390, 409, 424, 430, 472, f&l, 552 vote for, for congressman 553 Eakin, W. A.... 298 Easton, A. S - 44, 309, 349 Eastman, Prank 176, 314 Eastman, J. G 286, 309, 317, 820 Easton, Wm. G 112 678 INDEX. Eaton, P. W - 566 Eaton, J. M 461 Eddy, William M 9, 12, 19 vote for, for surveyor-general-. 16 Eden Grange, convention called by ....'. -.-524, 625 Edgerton, Calvin --.362, 394, 395,- 429 Edgerton, Henry '..- 178, 305, 313, 320, 324, 342, 389, 430, 431, 443, 469, 472, 478, 513 union resolutions introdiiced by -..-.. 131 reported by coraraittee -i 144 vote for, for congressraan. .180, 453 Edholm, M. D 586 - Educati on , should be compulsory , 385, .39'7, 535 practical education of children 529, 548, 567 (See also. Schools.) -Edwards, E. J.... _"- 487 Edwards, PrankG ..'. l. 419 Edwards, J. S 566 Edwards, P. L '.... ... 19, 123, 172, 173, 197, 199 vote for, for congressraan 23 Ed-wards, U .... 77 Effey, Robert.... 469, 513 ¦Eichelroth, W. E 460 Ei,ght-hourday. (See Labor.) Election returns .1849, 5;.1850, 11; 1851,15; 1852,23; 1853, 29 ; 1854, 38 ; 1855. 50 ; 1356, - 74; 1857, 84; 1858, 95'; 1859, 108; 1860, 127; 1861, 180; 1862, 192; 1863, 201; 1864, 212, 1865, 226; 1867, 267; 1868, 288; 1871, 311; 1872, 321; 1873, 835; 1875, 3.56; 1876, 364; 1879, 421; 1880, 430; 1882, 453; 1884, 472; 1886, 532; 1888, 662; 1890, 570; 1892, 594 Elections, act providing-for gen eral - 10 chang'e in time of state . 15 military interference is con demned : 300 federal interference condemned 415 free ballot and fair count de manded 540 free ballot and fair count 682 Lodge bill denounced.- 566 (Sec also, AustraUan Ballot; Primary Elections.) Elective franchise. (See Negro Suffrage; Suffrage; "Woman Suffrage. ) Eliason, 'W. A 26 Eligibility to office, restriction of, 'to natives.... - 43 Elliott, G. T ..-. 330, 402, 428, 430, 452, 466, 553 A'ote for, for congressman 421 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 453 EUiott, L. W ..586, 558, 584 Ellis, A. J. 16 BlUs, Mrs. A. P. ...... 464 BUis, Asa, resolutions relative to the impeachment of Johnson 272 BUis, E.P. W - 19 Ellia, Moses... 240 Ellis,R - 249 EUison, J. F - 542, 561 Ely, Alex 44 My, B. E. S 106, 111 Eraancipation proclaraation, rea- olutiona indorsing.- .— 1 192,193,194, 202 conderanation of 199 Braery, A. S. -.... 576 Erainent domain, appropriation under, deraanded ..! 468 ¦ Endicott, George 10 Endicott, W. H 24, 59 Engelberg, L. B 802 English, James L ',... 43, 81, 197,199, 200, 861 ¦ vote for, for treasurer 84 EngUsh, W. D. 422, 431, 436, 460, 518, 542, 546, 568 English, Warren B 417, 460, 588 vote for, for congress raan 594 English coraproraise bill accept'd 89 condemned 91, 93 English language, exclusion of all others in schools 549 voters should be proficient in.. 659 Eno, Henry 26 vote for, for lieut.-governor 28 ¦Enos, Johns 424 Enyard, D. A 32 Bqualizatirn, gtate Boafd of,or- , ganization, of, favored 294 vote for raembers ...1879, 421; 1882,453: 1886,633,1890, 670 Escandon, A. G 353, 418 vote for. for treasui-er .'. 421 Esquar, Y. . -. 5 Estee, M. M 205, 310, 321, 334, 349, 363, 364, 389, 443, 454, 469, 504, 686, 542, 574 votefor, for governor 458 EsteU, .Tames M .—11, 30 EstudiUo, J. G ..-353, 418 vote for, for treaaurer .'j 355 Eatudillo, J. M 363 Evans, Geo. S 70, 120, 122, 178, 194, 195, 205, 207, 261, 358, 408 vote for, for clerk of suprerae court 180 Evans, 0. P ¦ 437 Evelett, S. C 60 Everett, Edward 124 nomination indorsed. 125 Ewer, Seneca... ...248,250, 342 Ewer, W. B .._. 99 Ewing, Jaraes T 42 Ewing L 536 Extra session of legislature, 1884, calling of, approved 456 1886, calling of, denounced 516 Eyre, E. E __ i64 Fair, W. D 12 vote for, for attorney-general " 15 Fairbanks, H. D 444 Fairbanks, H. T . '" 425 INDEX. 679 Fairbanks, J. A 463, 504, 506, 507 vote for, for controller 632 Fairchild, D 128, 172, 188 Fairfax, Ghas. S 31, 39, 42, 70, 104, 166, 172, 283 ' vote for, for clerk of supreme court 74, 109, 180 Pall, John 0 12, 19, 37, 61 Fallon, M ..4, 176 Fallon, Thomas 97, 99, 314, 363 Fargo, P. P. .76, 176, 179, 195 ¦ vote for, for clerk of supreme court 180 Parish, 'Thoraas E 325 Parley, Jarnes T.... -.64, «8, . 80, 165, 169, 170, 188, 200, 286, 298, :^il4, 316, 321, 326, 328, 350, 359 Farmers' Alliance, invitation from prohibition party. 555 Farmers' Convention 524, 525 : resolutions adopted . 626 Farmers' Union, organization of in 1872.-- 322 . resolutions adopted-, 323 Farnaworth, A - 26 Farquhar, R. H 184, 250, 263 Farren, W. D .- . 69 FarweU, Seth B 22 Fay, Caleb T , -..196, 241, 244, 258,.269, 268, 267 Federal . offlcers, interference in elections condemned 92 Federal relations. (See Uuion re solutions; Reconstruction.) Feely, D. 0 588 Feea, payment into treasury pledged 847 accounting for , 380, 396 reduction of, pledged 83 Felch, Alpheus -.. 41 Felkner, 0. 0 -., 556 vote for, for congreasraau 571 Pellowa, Hart 173 Felton, Chas. N .—314, 363, 472, 4'79, 518, 532, 574 vote for, for congressmau..473, 633 course as congressraan com mended .- 587 Felton, John B 1 -214 287, -288, 318, 820, 321, 326, 362, 364 PenneU, M 319 Fenton, R. E... 280 Ferguson, J. W 461 Ferguson, R. D -- 44 Ferguson, W. T 80 Ferguson, Wm. I..., 90 Ferral, Robert 284, 302, 354, 401, 419, 424, 437, 546, 553, 569 ¦ vote for, for congreaaman. .553, 671 Ferris, B,. F •- 248 Fessenheld, David — 390 Field, Stephen J 77, 422 presidential aspirations repu- diated -. 460 vote for, for justice of supreme court . 84 Fifteenth aniendment, opposi tion to.- ,. -— 290 Pilcher, J. A 396, 414, 422, 528, 626, 547, 582, vote for, for railroad commis sioner,. Filkins, C. E ' 126, '305', Fillmore, Frederick Fillmore, Millard noraination indorsed indorsement of - votefor, for president Findley, Thomaa 77, 83, 104, 172, 179, 180, 197, 199, 211, 224, 226, 264, 283, 295, 303, 352, vote for, for treasurer 84, 109,180, Pines, abolition of punishment by ...-.- Finney, S. J , First political convention Fischer, Anthony.. Fisher, C. E Fisher, GeorgeA..— 409, 426, Fisk electors, vote for Fiske, Thos. S 1. Pitch, Henry S 452, vote for, for congressman.. 453, Pitch, Thos ..--- 126, Pitton, Jaraes i •. Fitzgerald, 0. P.... 191, 266, 802, vote for, for supt. of public in struction -.192,268, 812, Fitzgerald, R. M Fitzhenry, E Pitzaimmons, H : 91, Five per cent law, repeal re quested ...-...-- ...299, Flag, raiaing over schools Flannagan, M. E 26,70, Flannigan, L. G Fleraing, S Pleraraing, S Fletcher, Edward P.-... Flint, E. P Flint, Thomas Flint, Wilson 31,100,103 Flournoy, Geo Flournoy, Thomas C. 41, vote for, for controller Flower, S -.. Flynn, J.J 396, Foard, J. W ..- .. Foley, John ..422,436,460, Foley, T ¦ Folger, Francis B 61, Foote, E. N Foote, Henry S 59, 68, Foote, L. H - 116, 278, 358, Foote,.W.W..488, 452, 524, 526,542, vote for, for railroad corarais sioner 453, Forbes, W.J - Ford, Charles _ Ford, W.J Foreigners, exclusion from office, (See also, AUens, Chinese. ) Forman, F 42, Forman, Sands W Forrester, P.A , 224, 594 533 313389 70 -63 69 74 353 201 385 820 1 386 177 445 553 84 468 473 184 12 853356646 66 100 669 92 584 18 211 3460 466 126 431 203 50 9 460 62 542 88 116 320 79 362 581533179 42 59 43 79 353 226 680 INDEX. Forster, P. B 266 Fort Suniter, news of attack on.. 162 Foster, O.F . 460 Foster, James 426, 446 Poster, s: 0 18 Foulke, L. M 209 Fourteenth amendment, indorsed 239 Fowler, 0. B : 176 Fowler, D. T 590 J'owler, E. B...- ..464, 507 Powler, feamiiel 464, 536, 556, 586 vote for, for member of board of equalization.. 570 Fowler, Thomas 418, 435, 438 Fox, Ohas. N 340, 428, 430, 564 Francis, G. M 561 Francis, G. W 550, Franck, P. C 542 Frankenfield, J _ 675 Franklin, J. J 16.5, 172 t'reanor, (j0orge 70, 74 Free ¦ coinaige, resolutions favor ing ...616,519, 526, 542, 560, 567, 573, 587, 589, 590 Pree soil democrats, nomination of electors in 1852... 23 Pyee Trade. (See Tariff. ) Freedmen's bureau bill, veto of, .: 233, 235 indorsement of action of repre sentatives :... 235 disapproval of veto 237 Freedom of speech, rights of 190 Freedom ofthe press 360 Freelon, T. W 115, 226 Freeman, A. C 414 Freeman, B. M 532 Freerrian, F. S .:.... 342, 446 Freeman, J. W 292, 859, 389 Freights, reduction urged 333 oppressive rates of.—.' 344 contract systera denounced -440 (See also. Railroads.) Freer, L. D 438, 480 Fremont, John C ...66, 116 resolution instructing dele gates for L 61 noraination ratified.. 65 vote for, for president '74 French, A 88, 104 French, P. G... 281 French, Frank J 309, 426, 455 French, Henry 556, 584 votefor, for treasurer . 670 Freud, .L R .394 Frew, Sarauel 531 yote for, for clerk of suprerae ooprt '...... 533 Friedlander, Isaac 297,302, 303 Frink, M., Jr ..93,97, 99. Frisbie, E 480 Frisbie, J. B....56, 69, 70, 75, 100, 194 vote for, for lieutenant gover nor -- 5 Frost, Wm. P.... 422,435, 437 Frye, Jacob 18 Fugitive Slave law 120 Puller, Geo -.-571, 691 Fuller, J. B 565 Fulweiler, J. M 358, 550 Furber, ffi. G 590 Gapfby John T 524, 532, 669 vote for, for member of board " of equalization 533, 570 Gage, Henry T 542 Gallager, James C 283 Gallagher, fid - 9 Gallagher, Geo. W — 444 Gallv, J. W 422 Galvin, E. R... 316 Ganahl, Frank 123, 179, 362, 364 vote for, for congressman 180 Garber, J. C 386 Gard, W. A - 178 Gardiner, H. C 81 Gardiner, J. J 179, 195 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 180 Gardner, H. P -. 586 (Gardner, Robert-. ..207, 309, 340, 518 vote for, for surveyor-general --.- 3ll, 355 Garfield, J. A 431, 561, 574 resolution on nomination 429 votefor 430 memorial resolution 489 Garner, J. R 590 Garnett, L. A 547,549, 550, 568 Garoutte, C. H. 430, 445, 472, 560, 564 vote for, for justice of supreme court 570 Garratt, W. T... 430 Garretson, J. M 481 Garrison, W. R 104 Garst, B 68 Garter, Chas. A 293, 390, 430, 518, 531, 550 vote for, for congressman 533 Garter E.... Ul, 120 Gas, regulating r^tes for 347 GaskUl, R. C 210, 455, 513, 537 Gates, H. S 65 Gatewood, W. Jeff. - 330 Gear, H. L... 287 Geary, John W 1- vote for, for governor 5, 6 Geary, T. J .—660,569, 581 commended as congressman-. 576 vote for, for congressman.. 571, 594 Geiger, Vincent E 31, 42, 77,79, 88, 90, 104, Ul, 112, 123, 127, 173, 191 Gelwicks, D. W 70,79, 88, 106, 123. 124, 173, 188, 191, 197, 200, 209, 224, 226, 266, 291, 292 vote for, for printer 267 GeramiU, E. 'W. 19 George, Henry 298, 316 George, N 549 George, S. G. 247, 313 Gesford, H. C 418 vote for, for superintendent oi' public instruction 421 Gibbons, E 124, 125, 126, .3'2'8, 329 Gibbons, R 353 Gibbs, P. A :. '_ 281 INDEX. 681 ¦<}ibson, B. M. vote for, for railrqad commis sioner "Giddings, E -Sift, Geo. W -Gift, W. W "."""12, (Jilbert, E. C ."_... vote for, for meraber of board of equalization -Gilbert, Edward vote for, tbrcongressraan 5, -(Gilcrest, S. F. ¦Gildea, Chas. 301, yote for, for member of board of equalization ¦GiUett, B, C : Gilraore, G. W •Gird, Richard 642, -Gitchell, J. R 55, vote for, for congressman ¦Glascock, John R, 424, 437, ¦vote for,£'or congressraan 431,453, ¦ Glascock, W. H. 88, 173, 188, 224, ¦ Glaskin, Wm ¦Olasscock, A. H Gieaves. James -M ¦eienn, H. J 358,413, discussion on reraoval from state ticket votefor, for governor Gloster, D. M -. Goad,W.P - 123, • Goat Island, opposition to grant ing to railroad company .316,318, •Godfrey, J. F vote for, for congressman ¦Goin, T. J vote for, for meraber of board of equaliza.tion 'Golden, Thomas 'Gpnzales, M. B ¦Goodrich, George Goodrich, J. V •0oods, James C 209, 224, 226, 263, 267, ¦Goodwin, A. W . . Goodwin, Jesse 0..12, 16, 17, 26. 43, 68, 80, 195, 310, 313, 318, 321, independent candidacy for con gress — ¦Goodwin, John D....229, 460, 669, reconstruction resolution by... •©oodwin, W. B. i "Goodyear, H. C Gordon, D - Gordon, D. E 281, Gordon, Josiah ¦Gore, J. -C - -Gorham, CM .Gorham, George C --. 244, 247, 254, 267, 32Q, 335, 404, ¦letter on Chinese iramigration, -gubernatorial candidacy of speech on accepting noraina tion — '- ' opposition to candidacy of, 252, 445458 65 203 55 556570 46 362438 453 571179180 463473226 Ul 359565 418 420 421386316 319428 431452453320358 65 355320 24 341 251 582 229536 556260 314 34 590 409241 242247263 Gorhara; George Ci.— continued. address to union party.: vote for, for governor. railroad pledges presented by, Goucher, G. G 461, Gough, N. T. Gough, W.T Gould, A. G... Gould, J.G... Gould, WUl D... 461, 464, vote for, for attorney -general.. vote for,for congressman Goulding, C. N Governor, vote for in 1849, 5; 1851, 15; 1858, 28; 1856, 50; 1857, 84; 1859, 108; 1861, 180; 1863, 201; 1867, 267; 1871, 3ll; 1875, 355; 1879, 421; 1882, 458; 18,86, 532; 1890, Governora, biographical sketches of.- Grady, W. D 437, 524 Grahara, Thoraas... Graham, WiUiam H 13, 59, Grain bags, raanufacture at San Quentin .,.- Grammar, G. C - Granger, L. C 65, 199, vote for, for attorney-general.. Grangers' conventions.. 452, 524, Grangers, organization of, in 1873, .-., 822, resolutions adopted Granniss, G. W 173, Grant, D. W Grant, G. A 98, Grant, R. A vote for, for supt. of public iii^ struction Grant, U. S 281,318, resolutions indorsing-.280,306, noraination indoi-sed votefor... 288, administration indorsed.-. .293, protest against administration of.... renoraination desired — administration condemn'd, 815, renoraination of. --. third-terra question...... 335, Grattan, C....' 394,410, Graves, H. S '.465, 472,'506, vote for, for congressrpan vote for, for treasurer Graves, Walker C vote for, for attorney-general.. Graves, Wm 547, Graves, Wra. J 303, 820, 321, Gray, John Gray, M Gray, Mrs. M. F Gray, Michael 59, Gray, Thos. Grayson, Geo. W 532, Greeley, Horace 107, 317, nomination for presidency Greeley electors, vote for Green, C 255267407463 60 88 100 10 465453473 464 570 597547 468 70 520 78 414201 525327322 174 409116451 458 561317286321 385300313351.317 339 414 626 453532 570 584389 44 179586 302 819549 318319321 445 682 INDEX. Green, Chas. E 451, 506 vote for, for member of board of equalization 453 Green, Christopher 389, 409 Green, P. McD 451, 464 vote for, for meraber of board of equalization 453 Green, .Taraes... 176, 195 Green, James J. .... 179. 186, 18S, 280, 309, 340, 430 vote for, for controller 311, 355 vote for, for raUroad comraia- sione-r. ...... ..... -. 533 Green, John 0 - 526 Green, T.J 11, 12, 18 Green, W. S. -.— 172, 199, 417, 438, 476'. 477, 509, 511 reaolution relative to recon struction - 268 Greenback rfeetors, vote for .. .364 Greenback - labor- -party conven tions! 1880,426; 1882, 461 platform . 426 Greenback party, resolutions of state coramittee 392 Greene, -C. E. 210, 2;-i4 Greene, W.E....... -... 552 Greenough, J. -F : 586 GreenweU, John ...386, 401 Gregg, A. J.--- 451, £06, 536, 653, 584 vote for, for meraber of board. of equalization 583 Gregory, D. S .....112, 191 Gregory, J. -W.. ..... — 22 Gregory, NeweU .......... 112 Gregory, U. S 480, 543 Griffin,.G. R.... 12 Griffin, P. H... ...-. ....-.-.-. 581 Griffith, Hum phrey. 32, 55, 70, 90, 102, 111, 122, 126, 127,172, 188, 191 Grimes, Brice —389, 419, 518 Gross, Prank W... 409,444 vote for, for supreme court . clerk 421, 453 Grosse, Guy E 560 vote for, for treaaurer 570 Grow's land bill, appro-val of 98 Grunsky, C. B...-,... 518 Grunsky,- Charlea'.- .-' 309 Guerra, Pablo de la. (See De la Guerra.) Guinn, Harriaon. (See Gwinn.) Guinn, J. M -_ -.. 349 Gunn, L. C -.65, 76,76, 94- vote for, for controller 84, 95 Gunnison, A; J ....'..--.2.38, 334 Gutte, I 1.... 681 Gwin, Williara M - .11, 70, 86,96, 97, 107, 108, 113, 123, 12S, 129, 180, 203, 316 Gwin, WiUiam M., Jr 353 Gwinn, Harrison 197, 328 Habeas Corpus, resolution rela tive to.... , 190 suspension of, indorsed 202 right should be inviolable 225 Hagar, George 430,-445 319'-238 231173116- 392.201-311 276-285-301 295- 699 389 569- Hagen, Albert Hager, G. W.... Hager, John S.-352, 369, 361, 864, resolution approving John son's message. Haggin, J. B 113, Haight, P. M -76, 99, Haight, Henry H... 19, 99, 109, 266, 283, 296, 297, 389, vote for, for justice of supreme court.... '. vote for, for governor 267, declination to send resolutions to Washington resolution indorsing administration indorsed... 291, letter consenting to renomina tion . sketch of ... Haile, R. C. ........ ....292, 353, Haiiies, A. P ... Hale, Jaraes E ¦ 19, 34, 47, 176, 249, 310, 318, 321, 840, 362, 389, 390, 409, 414, 420, 518- vote for, for juatice of supreme court 421 Hale, John P.. 23 Hale, 0. A 575 Haley, M..C 435- Hall,. Benjarain .. 41 Hall, D. T. 1-76 HaU, E. D 12 Hall, E. E — 549 HaU, H. C - , 569- vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 670 Hall, J. B 200, 389- vote for, for justice of suprerae court 201 HaU, J. -M 586- HaU, J. T ...26,29, 33 Halloo. C..67, 68, 81, 88, 104, 113,'. l2a- HaU, WillianiHara 474, 478- Halleck, H.- W. ....: 6, 114 Hallett, Edward 340, 356 -vote for, for secretary of state - 355^- HalUdie, A'. .S.:.324, 325, 384, 849. 592 Halstead, Pet, vote for,for con gressman.-, ....5, 6- Hambleton, J. D....212, 224, 226, 284 Harably, W.D.J 566 Hamilton, E. M 690 Harailton, Henry 208- Hamilton, Hiram -. 691 vote for, for congressraan 594 Hamilton, Jo ..211, 212, 266, 302, 316, 319, 321, 353, 359, 415, 418, 466^ vote tor, for attorney-general -267, 311, 865, 421 HamUton, L. 173. 410- Harailton, Mark D '. 518 yote foif, for meinber of board of equalization 533 Hamilton, N. 210- Harailton, Noble;.. 51'7 vote for, for justice of supreme court •.... 533 Hamlin, Hannibal 116, lir INDEX. 683 Haram, S. P igx Hammond, E. D '^_ is Plamraoiid, H. T "I "" 435 Hammond, R. P 22,26 104, 106, 114, 118, 122, 126, 127, 172 Hararaond, R. P., Jr., ...575, 682, 694 Hararaond, W.H 543 Harapton, R — 13 Hampton, R. B 26 Hance, B. M 109 Hancock, G. W 396, 413, .414 :Hancock,. J '... : 99 Hancock,. W. J. - _. ._. 566 Hancock,. Gen.. W. S, ....422, 429, 431 votefor. .._ 430 Handy, I. S..K 41 Handv, S. K. J..... 90 Hanks, W.JM 532 Hannon, S .; 632 Hanrahan, D. H 100 Hanscora, S. L 565, 692 Hanson, Geo..M.,61, 75, 94,98, 109,. U6 Hanson, Thos. H 239 Harazthy, Col. -. 188 Harbor coraraissioner,. vote. for, in 1863, 201; 1867, 267; 1871... 311 -Harbor coraraissioners, resigna tion of, in 1873 325 Hardenbergh, .J. R 31, 77, 90, 218, 220, 480 Harding, J.W. 389 Harding, Thoraas .. 431 Hardwick, GeorneJU:.-- 892 -Hardy, James H .. 88, 173,-234, 291, 292, 316, .334 Hardy, J.P 123 Harkness, B 93 Harkness, B. D... 97 Harmer, J.C.- 65 ¦Harmon, Jolm B 49, 196 Harp, T..,D.-. 419 Harriman, W..D 195 vote for, for clerk of supreme' court 201 Harrington, .L T 460, 461 Harrington, W. P 592 .Harris,' H.H _ 582 Harris, J.JH 67 Harris, L. B 301 Harris, M. B 586 vote for, for congressman 694 Harris, P. H._.. 34, 104, Ul, 161 resolution indorsing.Crittenden compromise . 152 Harris, Stephen R 3, 4, 18 Olarris, T. W 591 Harris, W. A 506 vote for, for congressman ...... 5:-i3 Harrison, -Benjamin 553,. 572, 673 noraination of.-.. 660 ¦ votefor -.L. 552, 594 administration commended..: -...-.563, 571 administration criticised 566 support pledged to 691 Harrison, Ralph C 560, 664 , vote for, for justice of supreme court — 570 Harrison, Robert Harrison, T. S.- Hart, Augustus L...409, 444, 526, vote for, for attorney-general.. --- 421, Hart, B. C Hart, R.G vote for, for railroad commiss'r Hart, W. H. H 518, vote for, for attorney -general.. 532 Hartley, H.'h" - -" -'..'''"-20o', vote i'or, for justice of supreme court —201, Hartson, Chancellor -... .: 205,220,251,278, 287, vote for, for congressman. .268, HartweU, S..E....1 Harvey, J. D ..575,. Harvey, 0 bed - 207, 404, 430, 472, 513, Haskell, D. H 13, Haskell, L 1 Haskins, -William Hastings, E. 0. F. -.- Hastinga, L. W., vote for con gressman Hastmgs, R. P vote ior,for congressman Haatings, S. C ...4, 12, vote for, for attorney-general.. 'Haawell, C. H vote for, for railroad commiss'r Haswell, C. S ...65, Hatch, Asa D. Hatch, P. Ij. . ..197, 200, Hatch, Dr. F. W Hatch, Jackson 569, 575, vote for, for justice of supreme court ... Hathaway, A.R ...'. Hathaway, B. W 65, 173, 176, Haun, Henry P. 24,26, 41, 55, 88, Haven, P. C Haven, G. C Haven-, J. M 104, Haven, J. P 34, 113, Havner, James B Hawes, Horace, post-bellum res olution by -.. Hawkins, H.'R --. 68,81,83,124,125, Hawks, W.W 19,34 vote for, for. clerk of supreme court Hawley, David N Haworth, James -Hawthorne, J. C 26, Hayden, Wm Hayes, Michael ..199, 316, votefor, for.harbor coraraiss'er Hayes, Rutherford B....365, 428, noraination indorsed vetoes by, conderaned -. Hayes electora, votefor...: Hayes; Thomas 106, 123, 124,.178, 191, 209, 211, Hayes,. William 316, 409 586 661 463 665 666 570 665570267 617 288 319 581591 19 123 2242 5 463473 42 15 569 571 76 23 -209 . 68 583 570590 184112109 99 209 124 532231126 6423 558124 34 178319 201429 363416 364288 319 INDEX. Haymond, Creed 284, 301, 321, 426, 455, Hayne, B. S. Hayne, E. Y Haynes, J. P. Ul, Hays, John C .10, 314, 361, Hayward, A- -- Yli, Hayward, B. 48, Heacock, E. H. ._ ..218, 274, resoiutMisras by, on Stanton and Jolmson - 273, Heald, P.H Healey, Lucien B vote for, tor surveyor-general.. Hearst, George indorsed as senator 545, Heath, R...... Jffieath, Richard. Heath, RusseU ...298, Heath, W ...16, "Heath Amendment," opposi tion to 521, Hebbron, J. R vote for, for member of board of equalization Hecht, Isaac 358, 592, Hecht, Marcus H .469, 472, Hector, John H HeiskeU,T. D _ -414, vote for, for raember board of eciualization Helbing, A. ... Helm, — . _ Henderson, C .—604, 506, vote for, congressraan Hendricks, Thoraas A. -381, 422, indorsed for vice-uresidency.. Hendricks, W. C....T ,422, 624, vote for, for secretary of state.. 532, Henley, Barclay 362, 364, 419, 422; 430, 438, 463, 479, yote for congressman 453, Henley, George W Henlev, J ..11, 22, 24, Ul, 112, 123, 191, 211, 267, 283, 284, Henry, B. M 88, Herbert, P; T., 80,42, 49, 70, 77, 79, killing of Keating by.. , vote for, for congressraan Hereford, Frank... 80, 178, Herold Adara 523, vote for, for treasurer 532, Herrick, Smith -Herring, S.H. Herron, Walter vote for, for surveyor-general.. Hersey, PhUo G... Hershey, D. N Hester, C. P .99, 173,184, Hetherington, Joseph Hewston, Dr.. George ..... Heydenfeldt, B 7.8, 17, Heydenfeldt, Solomom...'. ...12, 34, 69, 113, 126, 165,188, vote for, for judge of supreme court Heydenfeldt, S., Jr 542546 569 543415 314 49 571276 542 8184 436 567 78 288543 17 625 565570594604636419421 384 874 507 533 428 469 570 518 472 350 288 118181 66 38 234569570 76 364 1315 575460,238 69 466 26 298 15 418 Hickey,C. C - 250 Hierlihy, T. L 586 Higby, Charles B 280 Higby. WUUara .-92, 179, 184, 188, 195, 201, 207, 240, 251, 287 expelled from upion demoora- tic committee. 185 vote for, for congressman..... :. 201,212, 268 indorsed as congressman . 207 renominated for congress-.... 251 Higgins, F. B 94, 99, 178 Higgins, T., vote for, for clerk of supremecourt. 11 High License. (See Prohibition glatforms.)--. ... ways, private possession of, "condemned -- 427 Higley, H. A 73, 77, 104, 172, 203 vote for, for surveyor-general-. 84, 109, 180 Hilborn, S. G.... 409, 426, 430, 445, 472, 592 votefor, for congressman 594 HiU, E. K.. 451 vote fbr, for surveyor-general.. 453 HiU, J. A 642 HUl, J. Bryant.-. 28 Hill, J. H 58, 178 Hill, J. N 120 Hill, R.J 205 HiU, Ramon :... 194 Hill, T. G 460 Hill, Thos 59 Hill, W. J 445 HiU, William McP 314 Hillyer, C. J 76, 99, 174 Hinchraan, A 16 Hinckley, J. C 109, UO Hines, J. W .. 586 Hinkson, A. C. 173 Hinkson, J. C - 88 Hinkson, W. R.- .: 363 Hitchcock, C. N 50 Hittell. Theodore H 448 Hoag, B. H 586 Hoag, L N 17, 322 Hoagland, WiUiam C ... 401 vote for, for raember board of equalization- 421 Hobson, W. D., vote for, for lieu tenant-governor ... 355 Hockheimer, A 591 Hoff', J. J . 73 Hoffman, D. B.... 123, 287, 288, 293, 295, 334, 342, 349 Hogan, B. T 291 Hogan, Henry 682 Hoge, J. P 7b, 73 79, 88, 89, 90, 104, 106, Ul, 114, 117, 119, 122, 123, 162, 176, 179, 200, 224, 226, 239, 268, 264, 267, 282, 284, 289, 292. 298, 308, 316, 319, 326, 328, 350, 353, 361, 389, 417 letter to Breckinridge portion of state committee, 118 Hogue, L. B 506 vote for, for member board of INDEX. 685 Hogue, L. B. — continued. equalization... 633 Hoit, M. P., 12 Hoitt, IraG US, 526, 531, 565 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 533 Holcorab, W. A. - - — 249 Holden, Dr. B. S - 322 Holden, Joshua . 18 ¦Holden, WilUam 45 104, 197, 199, 266, 282, 283, 301, 414 post bellum resolutions by 227 amendraent by, to Hawes' res olution - 231 vote for, for lieut.-governor 267 HoU, S. S... 547, 560, 666 vote for. for congressraan 663 Holland, Nathaniel 184, 185, 194, 196, 205, 209, 248, 287 HoUenbeck, 0. W 429, 430 HoUiday, S. W. 37, 94, 389 Holloway, J. H 452 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 453 Holmes, H. , 413 Holmes, W. H 479 Holt, L. M 473, 474,476, 609 Holtz, Louis - 461 Homestead biU indorsed -92, 98, 121 Homesteads, securing of, to set tlers - 36 (See also. Lands, Public.) Hook, G. W -29, 30, 88, 173, 191 Hooke, T. R 209 Hooker, A. E ..176, 185 HOoteii, W. J 90, 104, 106, 123, 124, 173, 188, 191 Hoover, P. J 77 Hope, A. W. - 8 Hope, Thomaa. 314, 316 Hopkins, C. T. .- 341 Hopkins, Jarnes, Jr 584 Hopkins, Mark. 62, 76, 94 Hopkins, R.D 124 Hopkins, Sterling A 69 Hopkins, W. R 16 Hopper, Peter J.. 401, 422, 436,456, 460 Hoppe, J.D 8 Hopper, P.J .- 317 Hopping, W.E... 220 Hornblower, F. A 259 Hornaby, C. C 18 Horstraan, Henry 389 Hossefros, G. H .- 37, 126 Hotchkiss. A. B 461 vote for, for congreashian 453 Hough, A. M... 556 votefor, for governor 870 Hough, Geo. C 176 Houghton, J. P. — 76,176, 195 vote for, for surveyor-general 180, 201 Houghton, S. O. 295, 310, 311, 318, 320, 341, 363, 390, 408, 409, 410, 430 yote for, for congressman _ ' ..,..,..311, 321, 356 Hours of labor. (See Labor.) Houston, Sam - .- 18 Howard, C — ---- ¦^>>° Howard, Volney E 59, 112, 113, 114, 165, 394, 410, 413 Howard, W. H 81 Howard, Williaju J 392 Howe, E. P 556 vote for, for congressman 571 Howe, John M 26, 65 Howe, Robert 359 Howe, W, O ...452, 469 vote for, for congressman 453 HoweU, J 253 Howell John G 309,829, 834 Howell John M 49; 68, 90 Howell, Josiah 249- vote for, for controUer 267 Howser, B. W 436 Hubbs, Paul K -3,24,70, 266- vote for, for superintendent of publio instruction 29- Huddart, R. T - 10 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction... U Hudnut, R — 609- Hudson, Rodney 569 Hudspeth, J. M 77" Huerate, L ...'390 Huestis, W. P. - 281, 389, 390- Huff, S 426 Hugg, B. P 191 Hugg, R. B.... ..-. 460- Huggina, H. T 34 77, 79, 100 Hughes, J. W. 569- Hughes, Thomas E 527 Hull, C. A 524 Hume, Chas. P -... 584- Hurae, John 176,179, 188 Humphreys, W. P 10, 438 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 453- denounced as railroad com missioner 457 Hundley, P. 0 191, 298,316, 328- Hunaak'er, J. C Ul, 173 Hunt, A.- B., post bellum resolu tions bv - - 229- Hunt, P. VV : 504 Hunt, Jeff'ersuu 59, 77" Hunt, John 443 vote for, for justice of supreme court 453 Hunt, W. B ,123,179, 250- Hunt, W.J... 632 Hunter, Alex —42, 70, 207 Hunter, G. W -320, 396- Huntingtou, C. P.- 62, 207 Huntington, J. M -- 19, 21 Hurlburt, B. G 4.38 Huse, Chas. E ...281, 294 Hutchinson, C. 1 26,177, 184 Hutton, J. A .278,281, 341 Hyatt, T. Hart... .- 322, Hydraulic mining. (See Miners, Mining.) - IsraiGBATioN, resolutiohs favor ing—- ....-60, 260, 293, 471 reaolutions opposing-. ---536, 538,648, 558- (See also, Chiriese immigration.) INDEX. Iramigration laws, amendment of — 585 Income tax, failure of congress to repeal 299 Independence in politics 330 Independence of California, re solution ofl'ered relative to... 112 Independent Democracy, narae adopted by temperance con vention : 48 Independent party, organization in 1873 328 conventions 329, 341 resolutions adopted 380, 342 state central committee 834, 349 Indian reservations, cultivation of, demanded... . 468 Indian war claims, general gov ernment should pay 14 Inge, S.W 59 Ingram, R. Henry... 204 Inman, D 197,550, 553 Interest,limitationonrateof, 385, 398 Interstate commerce, regulation. of, demanded . 441, 467 passage nf Regan bill 619 Inyo county special election,1892, 593 Irelan, Wm.,.Sr 582 Irish, John P'. 609, 546,, 560, 569 vote for, for .congressman 571 Irrigation, control of water for 838, 387,346, 449, .616, 521, 525, 528, 529, 663, 568 articles of association of anti- riparian irrigation organiza tion ..¦ 507 constitutional amendments proposed 611, 612 proposed act concerning owner ship and appropriation of water ., 513 Irrigation conventions. River side 473 -.Fresno 477 San Franciaco... , 507 resolutions adopted.. .478, 477, 509 Irving, H. P 389, 410, 414 Irwin, Richard .. 24, 90, 102, 178, 179, 200 vote for, for lieut.-governor... 180 Irwin, Wm, - ...,. 266, .298, 314, 321, 352, 353, 365 vote for, for governor 355 sketch of 600 Ivory, M. P. ., 642 Jack, John....... , 10 Vote, fpr, for clerk of supreme court 11 Jack, R. E 575 Jackson, A. R 108 Jackaon, Andrew 56, 101, 187, 335 Jackson, D. B 430 Jackson, J. G 409 Jackson, W 428, 518 Jacobv, A... 283 Jaraes, Chas 185 James, J.C 77 James, -Jefferson G 623 James,. John M 268 Jamison, J. W 386 Janes, Horace P. - .... 68 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 74 January, W.- A... 79, 302, 437 vote for, for treasurer 453 Jarboe,. J. R 350 Jazinsky, Louis 176 Jefferis, E.G.. — 259 vote for, for printer 267 - Jefferis, G. W 523 Jeiferson, Thomas : ...56, 101 Jenkins, Chas. A 546, 652, 590 Jennings, G. C 649 Jennings, H. U 92,102, 103, 176 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 95 Jennings, WUliam ..340, 409, 430, 445 Jewett, J. W - 103 Jewett, John H . 194, 363, 364, 404, 430, 438 Jewett, S.E.... 340 Jewett, Sol 335, 363, 509 Johns, J. R 426 Johns, T. D. 19, 50 Johnson, A 4 Johnson, A. P 473 Johnson, Andrew ... .. ..209, 210, 221, 222, 272, 274 resolution of confidence in 216 indorsement of. ...224, 238 - reconstruction poUcy of.l.. 227, 228, 229,230,231,283, 235 veto of Freedmen's Bureau bill, ... . ....233,235, 237 veto of civil rights bill..: 237 irapeachment of 271, 273, 279 resolutions on impeachraent of 284 atterapted removal of Stanton -- 270-277, 282, 289 Johnson, C. H 314, 354, 590 union resolutions offered by, :.....146, 155 Johnson, Charles A 284 Johnson D.J ... 111 Johnson, E. P 575 Johnson, P. E 547 Johnson, G. B....... .. .. 591 J ohnsou, George A.. 401, 414, 524, 569 votefor, for attorney-general.. 532 Johnson, Grove L.... ..... 328,424,537,571, 592 Johnson, Herschel V 118, 119, 120 Johnson, J. A. ..... - 588 Johnson, J. Neely.13, 19, 26, 34, 43, 124 votefor, for governor... 50 sketch of 598 Johnson, J. W 487 Johnson, James 100, 197, 224, 231, 263, 830, 334, 394 Johnson, James A 104, 165, 263, 267, 286, 295, 308, 352, 353, 436 vote for, for congressman,. 268, 288 vote for, for lieut.-governor 356 Johnson, Josiah 92, i03 vote for, for treasurer 109 inde:x. 687 -Johnson, R. P .....248, 446 vote for, for member of board of equalization 453 Johnson, S. F ' 109 -Johnson, S. S 65 Johnson, Sydney L... 1'72 -Johnson, 'W. Neely 111,211,212,314, 853 Johnson, Williara 517 .Johnson, Wm. A 104 Johnson union party, eff'orts to form .. 239 -Johnston, George Pen. 284 -Johnston, William 842, 445, 456 Joice, E. v.. 1, 3 Jones, A. F 683 -.Tones, CT 660, 552 -Jones, Cyrus 396, 413 vote for, for treasurer 421 Jones, HughL 401 vote for, for controller 421 Jones, J. M 7, 8 .Jones, J. W 65 Jones, John P 111, 205, 249 reconstruction resolutions by.. 236 vote for, for lieut.-governor 267 -Jones, N. P. 320 Jonea Nathaniel 461 Jones, R. A 99 -Jones, W. H 1 Jones, Wm.. -.176, 269, 330, 334 ¦votefor, for controller 267 Jordan, Wm.H 564 Jourdan, A. P. 207 -Judah, T. D 44 Judicial system, revision recom mended 100 Judkins, S. M 61 .Judson, B 259, 260 Jury, system, reform of 848 Justices of Supreme court, vote for, in. .:-... 1851, 15; 1862, 23; 1853, 29; 1855, 50; 1857, 84; 1858, 95; 1859, 108; 1861, 180; 1863, 201; 1865,226; 1867, 268; 1869, 295; 1871, 311; 1873, 335; 1879, 421; 1882, 453; 1886, 538; 1888, 668; 1890, 570 -Jute bags, adraission free from duty. 580 Xallock, I. M — 421 Kallock, I. S., affair with De Young... .,.-.. 420 Klane, Captain Elisha K 14 JKansas, division of democratic . . party on question of ... 85 question of admission. in con gress 86 resolution on 89, 90, 91 Topeka constitution condera'd 90 IKansas-Nebraska bill, resolution on .—63, 64 Katzenstein, George B...365, 480, 504 Xays, J. C 584 -Kearney, A 518 Kiearney, Dennis 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, Kearney, Dennis — continued. • 371,. 377, 378, 381, 386, .393, 396, arrest of -, disraissal of charges.. .. rearrested acquitted ..,....--_ address issued from prison removal from presidency of the workingmen' s party Keating, L - vote ior, for treasurer Keating, Thomas Keene, B. F ...12, 22, vote for, for treasurer Keith, N. S : .. . . Keller, W. B. G -.401, vote for, for member board of equalization.. Kelley, G. R KeUey, John M 889,414, vote for, for member board of equalization Kellogg, Pr^ankE 606, 556, vote for, for secretary of state.. : 632, Kellogg, W. W..... Kelly, J. B Kelly, J. V KeUy, William vote for, for congressman Kelsey, Frank Kelsey, J. M . Kelsey, J. W Kelso, J. R Kendall, Amos Kendall, Thomas.. > Kendall, William Kendrick; J. J 124, Kenfield, D. M;. 281; 863, 365, 409, vote for, for controller 364, suit for office of controller... . Kennedy, A. M Kennedy, J. P... ...98, 99, vote for, for lieut. -governor Kennedy, J. H Kennedy, Wm Kenny, Bernard P Kenny, John J ..i Kent, Chas 91, 314, 413, Kentucky, resolution on refusal by congress to seat members from Kerrins, C Ketchura, L. N Kewen, E. J. C 5, 6, 10, 12, 17, 19, 124, 173, 211, 284, 288, vote for, for congressman -...:.... 5,6, 16, Keyes, E. D 263, Keyes, J. H 319, Keyes, T. J Keyser, P. W 123, 815, Kibbe, W. C Kidd, L. W vote for, for member of board of equalization... Kidder, J. P.... Kidney, Jaraes 386, 428, 400 370 373 374375376383452 453 664150 549 414421349 420 421586570 437 386356586594586 281 65 413207 42 444421365199186108437 372 392 392414 270 88 179 320321264 394 184 437 24 462453575 430 INDEX. KUburn, Paria 390,430, 469, 642 Kilpatrick, N..... Ill Kimball, G. G . 445 vote tor, for member of board of equalization. 453 Kimball, L. W... 536 King,—. 303 King, A. J 320, 321 King, Cameron H... 862, 389, 422 King, Jaraes 69 King, James L 409 vote for, for raember of board of equalization 421 King,. Thomas S --- 69 King, Thomas Starr, adoption of reaolution in reapect for memory of 205 King, William R 18,22, 24 Kingley, G. B 66 Kinley, laaac, ..386, 452, 469 vote i'or, fur congressraan. .453, 473 Kinley, J. M 466, 469 Kinne, C. Mason 426 Kittrell, J. R..88, 169, 172, 284, 569, 584 Klein, P. R 446 Kloppenburg, Otto 353, 437 Knight, David E 466, 542, 561 Knight, Geo. A 430, 466, 637, 552, 553, 575 vote for, for congressman 431 reaolution offerediby, on Blaine 542 Knight, H. L. 366, 368, 372, 873, 374, 377, 378, 381 Knight, Samuel 26 vote for, for treaaurer 29 KnotweU, John.l 400 "Know Nothing" organization, formation of 38 " Know Nothing " party, succes ses m 1866 39 condemnation of 40 (See also, American party.) Knox, F 81 Knox, John B 188 Knox, W. J..... 92 Knupp, V. D 547 Kohler, Charles 430,461, 472 resignation as presidential elec tor - 462, 463 Kohler, P. A 38 Kohler, P.D 77 Kooser, B.P... 238 Kopf,C 302 Krider, S. D. 118 Krug, Charles... 401, 414 " Ku-Klux bill," resolution con demning 298 Kungle, C. H., resolution for re cognition of the Confederate Statea 155 for calling federal convention. 1,56 Kutz, Joseph ; '. 231 Labor, hours of, resolutions on.. -....249, 260, 265, 285, 290, 294, 299, 384, 380, 467, 554, 563, 568, 574, 577, 588 troubles in 1877 365 Labor — continued. compensation of, on< publi'c- works 380, 385, 397:' protection -of 423 amelioration of condition de manded... 467 exclusion of cheap laborers... 528, 529,548, 568 resolution on 562. Labor organizations, encourage ment of... 520 Labor statistics, establishment of bureau of 388,442, 444- Laforge, J. B 44 LaGrange, 0. H 287,288, 320- Laine, Thomas H 463 Laird, A. T , .... ...18, 29, 33,70, 73, 88, 106, 123 Lake, Delos 301, 326-- Lake, Mrs. P. A 536 Laraar, J. B 173, 303, 315, 320, 363, 375- Larabert, D 650, 553, 660- Land, limitation of holdings fav ored 379- alien ownership opposed 468, 529,548; 557 ownership of.. 687, 589l'> Land grants to railroads con demned . 299 forfeiting of. . .427, 434, 441, 458, 519- Cleveland's policy on, com mended 544 opening of forfeited, to settle ment 578- Land raonopoly, resolution op posing ..24, 352 prevention of 397 discouragement of.. 405 Land titles, adjustraent by com missioners recommended XA settlement of ..61, 66^ Lande, Bernard --- 863 Lander, James H 125, 127 Landrum, J.T 179- vote for, for treasurer 180 Lands, Public, grant of, to state.. 13, 19, 36- donation of, to settlers -- 19,22,28,67, 66 ¦ actual settlers wanted 25 corapletion of survey urged 36 rights of settlers and miners to be secured 40- grotection of settlers on 82; 100 - omestead bill approved 92, 98 Grow's bill approved... i 98 method of distribution con demned 332- reservation of, for settlers 300, 307,384, 467." transfer of arid lands to states^ 590- Lane, Joseph. ..-55, 110, 114, 119, 123 Lane, Thoraas W Ill Langdon, George 42; Langford, B . 414 Langford, B.P —.:.... 106 Lansing, C. J —.70, 90, 104..- INDEX. Larkin, Henry ..., .„.„.. 320, 821, 354, 894, 401, 414 vote for, for congressman 356 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 421 Larkin, Tliomas 0 65 LaRue, H. M.,... .... ... 389,394, 895, 410, 438, 455, 460 vote for, for controller 421 Laspeyre, Thomas. .111, 802, 316, 328 vote for, for supreme court clerk .,..,,,,,, _.., 311 Latham, M. S ... .17,18,22,32,34,37,41, 96, 104, 113, 115, 120, 123, 126, 164 vote for, for congressman... 23, 38 vote for, for governor 108 speech in senate on loyalty Of California 128 speeches in 1862... 191 sketch of 699 Lathrop, E. S 26 Lathrop, H. B 42 Latimer, L. D...179, 286, 409, 438, 617 Lawrence, J. H..177, 179, 226,316, 666 Lawrence, James R 283 Laws, ratification by the people. 386 Lawton, Prank..- ,...319, 328 Lawton, W. D..,. „ 413 Layraance, M. J..., ,.-., 683 Leach, B'rank A.. - 426 Leach, Wallace.. 419, 422, 424, 436, 460 yote for, for congressman.. 421, 431 Leake, Charles A ...30, 37 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 38 Leake, E. E ^ 466, 546 Leake, Samuel T 59 Leake, W. S ,-— - 588 Lecompton, constitutional con vention... ,,.. 86 vote on constitution.,, ,. 86 Lecompton democrats, conven tion, 1858 -,-„.,..,.,— ,... 88 LeConte, Joseph 349 Lee, C. V. R 176, 179 Leese, J.P 239 Leet, S. T.,l-.l 267, 283, 329, 394, 396 Legal tender act.indoraed 202 Legialature, calling of extra ses sion, 1884, approved.,.,.,... 456 calling of extra session, 1886, denounced ... ^ 516 appropriations in 1,889 ,.563, 567 ieightpn, L 590 Leihy.'G. W. -.-- 50 Lemon, A.B... ---- - 571 Lent, W.'M.., ..,--,77, 114, 199, 266 Leonard, A ,,-, .-.. 260 Leonard, D. A ,—.„.... 400 Leonard, W. H. .,...,...,'„„„, 248 I^evinsky, A. L, ,,, 671 Levison, J, W,,„ ,.,,. 643 Levy, Chas, M., „, . ,,.. ,„.,. 518 Lewis, E. J, ,-,-,. ,,.. ..,,,„.,. .,,-200, 211,.212, 316, 350, 353, 360 vote for, for lieut.-governor... 311 Lewis, J. A. ,„-,,..-,„,,— ,.34, 44 Lewis, J. E. N,„..„ ,,,124, 165, 173 44 Lewis,, S. S ,...79, 120 Liberal republican ujpvement in 1872 „.., ,.,.. 319 campaign speakers 321 License, High, opposition to 458 (See also. Prohibition Plat forms.) Lieb, S. B. ,.,,..., ,. , 433 Lieutenant-Governor, vote for in 184H, 6; 1861, 16; 1863, 28: 1856, 50; 1857, 84; 1869, 108; 1861, 180; 1868, 201; 1867, 267; 1871, 311; 1875, 355; 1879, - 421; 1882, 453; 1886, 532; 1890, 570 Lightner, C. W , 389 Lincoln, Abraham.... .....-,.„ - 126, 169, 202, 203, 209, 213, 221, 230, 806, 311, 385, 661 news of noraination ,, 116 nomination indorsed 117, 210 election returns for.... 127, 212 declared guilty of usurpation of power..., 167 reference to, by Randolph 173 adrainistration indorsed ..184, 206 delegates instructed for 206 news of second noraination ... 209 death of ,,... 213 resolution in memory of 221 Lincoln, C. G 65 Lind, John Y..., 2:2 Linden, Harry , 191, 292 Lindley, Charies. .88, 104, 106, 117, 123, 124, 130, 160, 165, 169, 170, 173 call for meeting of democratic state comraittee in 1861 160 letter by,-, 161 resolutions of, in convention, 1861 ,-..,...,— ¦,,-167, 171 Lindley, Hervey..,. ,.. , 593 vote for, for congressraan 594 Lindsay, Wra. K. ..81, 199, 208 Lindsey, Tipton ,,.. 396 Lining, J. N , ,... 464 Linn, C. F 68 Linthicum, J. F,., 188, 302, 349 Lipman, Jos , 317 Lippincott, B.F ..24, 37 Lippincott, B. S 33, 39', 42, 69, 90 Lippincott, C. E ,.. 55 Lippitt, E. S , 25C, 542, 546 ]Uippitt, B'rancis J , 4 vote for, for lieut.-governor-,,5, 6 Liquors, state aid in manufec^" ture ofj protest against-..,.,, 535 opposition to sale of,..,,,-.,,,. 588 prohibition of sa,le. (See Pror hibition platforms,) Litchfield, J. M 518, 531, 560, 565 yote for, for railroad commis^ sioner ..._,,„,.„, ,-5iJ3, 571 Lloyd, Joseph ,, „— „ 23 Lloyd, R, H.,.„,.„,..„U6, 561, 576 Loans, Governraent, greenback party plan tor,,.,, 428 Lobbying, measures against-.,, 397 Lodge election bill denounced... 566 Logan^J , ,-,.-- 152 690 INDEX. Logan, John A 469, 473, 661 Long, James S 103 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 109 Long, R.A 575,683, 594 Long, W. A 542 Long, W. G 464, 542 Long, W. S .- 32, 42. 70, 90, 104, 106, 114, 118, 120 Longley,'W. R 124, 126 "Longtlairs," origin of term 213 convention at Sacraraento 217 opposition to Connesa 243 Loring, Charles. 18 Loring, F.R - — 13 Lott, Charles F 24, 59, 91, 92, 414 Lottery bill, passage conderaned 308 Loud, E.P 565, 593 vote for, for congressraan. .571, 594 Loufbourough, D. T ... 90 Louttit, James A 430, 591 yote for, for congressraan . 472 Love, H.S. 99 vote for, for attorney-general.. 109 Love, J. S. .... 116 Love, John Lord 309, 320, 349, 394, 396, 414 yote for, for attorney-general.. 311 Lovejoy, E.P ...'. 326 Lovejoy, J. 0 389 Lovejoy, John K. 44 Loveland, ,T. S - 452, 690 vote for, for raember board of equalization 453 Lovett, W. B 205 210, 250, 278, 280, 317, 326, 354, 363 vote for, for governor 855 Low, B. K ...364,401, 428, 430 Low, P. F ....176; 179, 182, 194, 195, 219, 237 votefor, for congreasmdn 180 admitted to seat in congreas.. 182 address issued by 200 votefor, forgovernor 201 adrainistration indorsed 207 candidacy for senate 214 "Spittoon" convention at Sac ramento _ 217 withdrawal frora senatorial contest 218 sketch of 594 Lowe, — 11 Lowe, Jaraes R 552 Lowe, W 59 Ludlow, A 22 Lull, L. R 9, 10, 34, 50, 94, 99, 176, 195, 288, 362 Lupton, S. L 266 indorsement of President John son 229 Luse, H.'H"r.".'.'4'5ir5"8"6','563,'556^ 586 vote for, for member board of equalization 453 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 571 Luttrell, J. K.. ........292, 320, 350, 354, 862, 419 vote for, for congressman 321,356, 364 Lux, F. F -..- 249 Lyle, John A. ...16, 17 Lyman, W.W 460 Lynch, J. D..- 418, 524, 581 vote for, for congressman 533 Lyon, J. L 550,553,560, 591 vote for, for member board of equalization 570 vote for, for congressman 594 Lyon, W. B 124, 809 Lyon, W. S.... .:..¦-.. 560 vote for, for secretary of state. 670 Lyons, Henry A ,18 Lyons, Julius . 506 vote for, for clerk suprerae court 533 Lj-ons, WiUiara H.... 22, 24, 103 McAllistee, Hall 113 McAlpin, Blanton 22,30,31, 37 McArthur, Archibald 686 McArthur, W. E 409 McBrayer, John M 32 McBrown, J. M... 390 McCall, Robert 42 McCallura, J. G.... ... 64, 67, 68, 80, 123,' 209, 210, 212, 220, 259, 281, 287, 394, 445 declination of nomination for secretary of state 260 McCandlaas, A. G. 26 McGann, P. J 70 McCarthy, D. 0.-.- 194, 196, 250, 253 vote for, for printer 267 McCarthy, E.P 320 McCarthy, John W 437 yote for, for suprerae court clerk 453 McCarthy, Tiraothy 206 McCarty, J. T — 19 McCauley, John P 112 McChesney, J.B.-- 185 McClatchy, James 46, 196, 210 McClellan, G. B., news of nomi nation received. 211 nomination indorsed i... 211 votefor '.- 212 McClellan, R. G 310 McCleUand, J. A 266 McClure, David... -429, 430, 465, 469, 542, 550 McClure, Wm.- 70, 224 McColliara, T. W -..- 268 McGomb, John 409 McConnell, — . , 73 McConnell, John R . 24, 123, 126, 172, 183, 289, 291, 389 vote for, for attorney-general.. 29 statement of, while candidate for governor 180 vote for, for governor 180 McConnell, Samuel 55 McConneU, Thoraas 59, 894, 395, 410, 452 vote for, for meraber of board of equalization, ... 453 McConnell, W. B 460 McCoppin, Frank." 295, 297, 308, 314, * 315, 316, 324, 325, 350, 353, 618, 524 Kvote for, for congressman 633 INDEX. 691' McCorkle, J.W .,, 12, 22, 41, 42, 65, '7'7, g'o; 100, 102,- 120, 123, 126, 178, 199, 200 votefor, for congressman 16 McCormaok, J. B 588 McCormick, Wra. .590 McCoy, A. M 480 McCoy, W.W ..-173, 211- McCraney. H. A --..571, 575 McCray, Franklin P 524 McCrea, Henry. .-. 309 McCuUough, John G 195, 249 yote for,' for attorney-general. - - -¦ 201, 267 McDaniels, W. ---18, 22, 70 McDermott, Chas. F 266 McDonald, A 83 McDonald, A. D 34 McDonald, C... .19, 110 McDonald, P - .— 24 McDonald, J. M 49 McDonald, J. W .,.-.- 461 McDonald, James M :324, 325 McDonald, Jaraes R 665 vote for, for treasurer 570 McDonald, M, L 298, 354 McDonald, R. H -126, 451, 463, 465, 507, 5,86, 553, 584, 586 votefor, forgovernor... 453 urged as prohibition candidate for president 465 McDougal, Geo _ -. 19 McDougal, John. ..- ...— .6, 11, 12, 15, 29,-30, 31, 224 vote for, for lieut.-governor 5 sketch of.- 597 McDougall, Charles ... 402 McDougall, James A .- 10,19,22,32,34, 37, 114, 126, 164, 214, 218, 239, 243 vote for, for attorney-general-- U vote for, for congressman. ..23, 38 McDoweU, General 208 McDuffie, Jas. Y..... 203 McElrath, J. E 422, 480' 518 McFarland, T.B 81, 247, 292, 317, 326, 429, 517, 531 vote for, for attorney-general.- 84 vote for, for justice bf suprerae - court 538 McGarry, E -90, 92, 103, 176, 179 McGarvey, Robert...-77, 281, 319, 431 McGee; "W.J.-- .- 582 McGettigan, B. ".-.. 518, 547 McGlashan, CF. 479, 480, 504, 613, 526 McGlynn, John A .- .- ..- 1, 3, 4, 9, 19, 309, 810, 319 vote for, for harbor commis sioner .. 311 McGonigle, John 666 McGowan, Edward 19, 29, 33, 42 McGowan, Frank 561 McGowan, P. H ^ 356 - McHenry, John 225 Mcintosh, E.J 468, 469 Mdlntoah, Geo. B 586 McJunkin, Hugh K - 444 McKaig, W. W 430 McKee, S. B . ¦ .; ¦ . 123, 291, 301, 828, 401, 418, 420, • vote for, for justice of aupreme court 3.35, MeKellum, John G .- McKelvey, H. L. — McKenna, Joseph 364, 3!-9, 410, 472, 518, 552, 666, , vote for, for congressman 364, 421, 478, 533, 553, commended as congreaaman .. McKenzie, P. S vote for, for prison director McKibben, Joseph C. ..24, 70, 86, 92, 94, 96, 99, 102, 104, 107, 178, yote for, for congressman 74, 96, 108, course approved McKinley, D. A _362, McKinley bill denounced repeal urged -.-- McKinstry,- E. W -.- 199,334,401,413, vote for, for lieut.-governor ... vote for, for justice of supreme court --- 336, McKune, John H 24,26,33,37,42, 49, 77, 220, 249, 288, ;«4, 401, 413, yote for, for justice of supreme court McLane, Charles E McLane, George M. McLane, L _116, McLean, J. T - 47, 49, 65, 76, 94, 98, 99, McLean, S. M. _- 606, vote for, for railroad comraias'r vote for, for congreasraau McMeans, S. A.. 18, 24, 42, 60, 62, vote for, for treaaurer McMillan, Charles - McMillan, Dr ¦.. McMulUn, -George 0. 13, McMurray, John 328, McMurty, Wm. S McNabb, J. H.-196, 210, 287, 313, McNeal, James. ^ McNealy, W. T McNeill, Archibald. McPherson, D 454, 469, 481, McPherson, J. '. McPherson, Wm. McPike,- Henry C 624, 532, vote for, for congressman . McQuade, J. A ...-172, 199, McQuaid, J. C McQuiddy, T. J 428, 480, 452, vote for, forgovernor... McQuiddy, Mrs. T. J ..-— McQuillan, James B McRea, P. A McRuer, D. C 211, vote for, for congressman ... McSwain, J. P ..,649, vote for, fbr congressman.;...'. McVicker, James .:.. McVicker, John.... .... r623i 421 50 386 571 637 4460 179180 94 364566 576 418 201421 420 421284 532 435109 536 533558- 67 29 266 1 16 436 207 317 532 401 104542 26 303 683 533 200' 211 468 463 451 287 104240.212 650553 692 INDEX. Ma-ok, B. p., resolution by-, for pardon of Davis ' 232 Mace; W. H. 313 Machin, T. N 185, 195 vote for, for lieut.-governor 201 Maclay, Charles 176, 209, 210, 212, 239, 276, 289 substitute resolution by 276 Maddox, CH .- 422, Magee, A -.,- 88 Magee, H. W, 693 Magruder, Lloyd.... 90,105, 157 resolutions on the state of the union 158 Maguire, James G... 588 vote for, for congreaaman 594 Mahler, Henry 518 Mahoney, D 26, 33, 178, 198, 207 Mail service, resolution on 20 Malarin, Mariano 5 Malfeasance in ofiice, punisji- mentof 385, 397 Malone, P. S 302, 803 Malone, H. C — 26 Mandeville, Jamea W 56. 77, 83, 113, 197, 200, 211, 226, 275, 283, 289, 292, 298, 303, 314, 353, 862 votefor, for controller 84, 865 Manlove, J. E. 591 Manlove, W. S.-92, 322, 334, 413, 542 . Mann, A. L 401, 413, 418 vote for, for superintendent of public inatruction - 421 Mannerly, Williara A 30 Manning. D.P..- 377 Manafield, J. L. ,... 506 vote for, for meraber of board of equalization 5.83 Mansfield, John .389, 390,408, 426, 445 vote for, for lieut.-governor ... 4'21 Manzer, L. M... 426, 428 Marcuse, Jonas 340 Marcy, WilliamG 10, 22 Markham, H. H... 472, 564 vote for, for congressman 473 vote for, for governor 570 administration indorsed 672 proclamation for special ele,c- tion 593 sketch of 608 Markley, John 438, 675 vote for, for member of board of equalization 463 Marks', John J.. 325 Mariette, S. H , ,.,24, 42 vote for, for surveyor-general .- 29, 50 Marsh, Chas.. 314 Marsh, S.N... 586 MarshaU, B. P.... 59 Marshall, E. C..12, 22, 32, 389, 437, 460 vote for, for congressman..,,.. 15 vote for, for attorney-general.. 453 denounced by Stockton con vention . 457 Martin, Edward 389, 390, 408, 445 Martin, G. T 12, 43 Martin, J. C..814, 401, 431, 434, 461, 463, Martin, J. M , 542 Martin, J. N 284 Martin, J. West 289, 392, 549, 650 Martin, John ...,— 358 Martin, Noble 342, 518 Martin, Samuel 239 Martin, W. H , ,.. 504 Marvin, John G 10, 24 vote for, for supt. of public in struction 11 Marye, George T 460, 461, 472 Marye, S. B 9 Maslin, E.W 437 vote for, for treasurer 421 Mastick, E. B. ._ 115 Matheson, R 94 Mathews, S. 1. 575 Mathews, W." P 547 Mathewson, T. D 325 Matlock, J. T ...575, 592 Mattheson, R.N ...99, 109 Matthews, W.... 123 Mauldin, B. F ....88, 111, 112 Maurice, A ...19, 349 Maurice, A., Jr 330 May,R. M 8 May, S. J 47 May, W. B 44, 404, 430, 466, 480 MaybeU, Stephen 428, 452 vote for, for congressman.. 431, 458 Mayerhofer, W 566 Mayhew, H.A... 451, 464 Maynard, J. C 284, 292, 859, 415 Mead, M. H. a 566 Meads, S. P... 536 Means, H. H 44 Meeker, David ..124, 126 Melone, Drury ....309, 840, 858, 408, 549, 561, 591 vote for, for secretary of state . 311 Meloney, A. R. 79, 90, 104 vote for, for controller 95 Meloney, Reuben 69 Menzies, S. 315 "Mercury," extract from, on the Broderick faction 87 Meredith, Henry ..44, 88, 104 Merrick, A. N 2sl MerriU, Annis 1, 47, 49, 61 MerriU, J. C 318 Merriman, P. A - 669 Merritt, A. P 586 Merritt, M. R 481 Merritt, S. A. . 77, 104, 106, 111, 173, 191 reaolution indorsing the Crit tenden compromise 153 Merritt, Samuel 281 Merwin, P. J 466, 468, 472, 481 Mery, M. L... 592 Mesick, R. G -_ 172 Mesick, R. S 81, 83 Metcalf, V. H - 661 Metcalfe, J.B 422 Metzger, Louis.., '. 581 Mexican war indorsed .g claims of soldiers inl ....1 563 Meyers, F. H. .,,., ...'. ... 591 INDEX. 693 Meyers, S 438 Middleton, John 18, 26, 103, 12"o", l"2'3,'26"7, 283 Military subordination to civil power 190 Militia, (See National Guard. 1 MUler, E.H ' 62 MiUe-r, E. 0 524 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 532 Miller, J. G ...1 — 556 vote for, for oongre.ssman 653 votefor, for railroad commiss'r 571 Miller, J. H 44 MUler, John P.. 278, 293, 814, 317, .318, 320, 321, .863, 364, 365, 389, 430 record as senator approved 464 Miller, M. --- 18 Miller, Williara P 586 MUls, P. M. - 584 MiUs, Mrs. L. H.- 586 Mills, W. H - 414 MUne, D. B 70 Miner, Phineas L 125, 127 Mineral lands, government own- ahipof --8, 13, 63 oppoaition to aale of 20, 227, 229 rights of miners should be con sidered - - 36 Miners' vested rights, proraise to respect ..406, 413 Mines, opposition to taxation of, 209, 224 Mining, free on public lands. — -. 66 protection of. 417, 418 hydraulic, resolutions relative to 441, 448, 449, 622, 673, 577, 578, 592 Minis, WiUiam..295, 298, 3,53, 418, 437 vote for, for surveyor general— ¦ 355, 421 Mint, establishment of, in Cali fornia 14, 20 Minto, Wm 444, 518 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 463 Missouri coraproraise, opposing restoration of ¦- 57 reaolution relative to 61 Mitchell, C H 124, 850, 863, 436 Mitehell, Chas l 582 Mitchell, R. B 546 MitcheU, Tabb 172 Mix, Williara A 31, 41, 42, 55, 73 Mizner, L. B 22,114, 309, 340, 356, 429, 513, 537, 650, 662 Mobley, D. A.............. 506 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 533 Moffitt, Prank J 583 Mohan, Hugh J ...- 460 'Money, opposition to paper 199 gold and silver favored 360' resumption of specie payment. 364 (See also. Silver.) "Monitor" (newspaper), destruc tion of 218 Monroe doctrine, resolutions up holding-. . 222,226, 231 Monson, A. C 16, 37 Monson, B. H vote for, for printer Montanya. (See Dela Montanya.) Montgomery, A. 172, 224, Montgomery, G. E Montgomery, J. F ..123, Montgomery, J. M. Montgomery, Victor Montgomery, W. S 197, 267, Montgoraery, Z 89, 104, 123, 124, 126, 127, 320, resolutions by, on state of the union Moody, W. H.-. Mooney, Jas. S Moore, B. P '8, vote for, for congreaaraan Moore, H. M 386, Moore, J. G Moore, J. H. .- -..-16, 34, reoonatruction resolutions by.. Moore, Jacob Moore, PhiUp 24, 77, Ul, Moore, Walter S 430, vote for, for secretary ot state. Morehouse, H. V 481, 513, 637, 552, Morehouse, L. C 410, 446, 452, 458, 518, 533, 565, 570, vote for, for raember of board of equalization 453, 633, Moreland, W.W... Morgan, Alfred 12, Morgan, Ben 546, vote, for, for congressman vote for, for lieut.-governor Morgan, Jaraes -. Morrill, D. L Morrill, Paul 44, vote for, for clerk of supreme court Morrill tariff, opposition to Morris, Geo 446, 507, Morris, Thomas - Morris, W. G 77, 178, Morrison, A. P 466, Morrison, Jonas J vote for, for congreaaman Morriaon, Murray.. 200, Morrison, R. P....—.- 401, vote for, tor justice of supreme court ... Morrison, R.N 10,12, Morrow, L. J Morrow, W. W - -. 424, 428, 430, 438, 443, 454, 472, 479, 518, 832, 552, 564, vote for, for congressman 453,473,533, commended as congressman.. Morse, John P 10,12,17, vote for, for clerk of aupreme.. court....- Morse, L. D .— Morse, M. E -. — vote for, for controller... Morse, P. A., vote for, for con gressman.. 81 84 226 42 342 88 321 135 468 302 12 16 400 309 438271 99 203618 532 571 692570. 396 16 560 558570 586275 849 356167663 392179 466 591 594 267418 421 16 566 553 537 9211 413 452 453 -694 INDEX. Morton, Levi P ...550, 553 Morton, Sargent S 455 Moss,. J. Mora-... 114,320, 321 Moss, W. S .211, 266 Mosgrove, Sarauel 426, 446 Mossback, P. C 445 Mott, E. B., Jr.'.3i4, 334, 349, 363, 389 Mott, G.N '. 43 Mott, T. D . 361 Mott, William , .,. 76 Moulder, Andrew J.' .„ 70,104,191,200, 524 vote for, for bupt. of public in struction — 74, 109, 201, 533 Moulton, L. P. .466, 468, 469, 472, 590 Moultrie, J. P 361 Moultrie, Joseph A 418 Mowry, L. J 413 Mudd, J. H. C 16 Mulford, S. P 26 MulhoUand, Charlea 609 MuUan, John 362 Mullen, J. B ...... 451 vote for, for treasurer '.. . 458 Munday, M. E. C 466, 509, 618 Munday, P., union resolutions off'ered by. 1 142 Munford, John D ,...-. 10 vote for, for attornev-gerreral— 11 Murch, L. H. —294, 305, 309 Murdock, A. H.,:,, .— 44 Murdock, P. B 65,' 76, 99, 107, 238 vote for, for printer 84, 109" Murphy, B. D 436, 646, 562, 575 Murphy, D.W. ... : 12 Murphy, Prank J 591 Murphy, J. B .437, 547, 569 Murphy, James T 461, 472 Murphy, P. J 542, 546, 652 Murphy, P. W _ 816 Murphy, William C, votefor, for justice of supreme court 533 Murphy, WiUiara G 506 Murray, Hugh C....22, 34, 43, 49, 69 vote" for, for juatice of suprerae court 23, 50 Murray, Walter ....Ul, 220, 248, 250, 281, 310, 314 Musselraan, A :. -..' 428 vote for, for congressraan 431 Musser, John J ¦ 81 Myers, A. H 66, 93, 103, 116, 174, 175. 185 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction! •.!_ 109 Myers, B. P.. ;.' '....-32; 55, '73, 188, 283, 284, 829 Mvers, Sarauel 313 Myrick, M. H 409, 420 vote for, for justice of suprerrie court 421 Naglb, Geo.D 819 Naphtaly, Jos. 292, 362, 431 Napthaly, Jos .'. 546, 566 "National" (.newspaper), extract on arrest of 'WeUer 203- N ational bank aot, repeal of 399 National banks, resolution favor ing .., ,.......-.1 222 opposition to 229, 459 abolition of ,427, 587 National debt. (See Debt.) National Guard, increased appro priations opposed 625 liberal support urged. .521, 568, 579 National League, welcorae to 591 National Union convention, 1866, 238 National Union party, resolu tions 238 National Unitm .Republican con- vention.(See Republican Con ventions. ) Naturalization laws, favoringlib- eral . , 66 opposition to .change of 78 resolution relative to... 98 Massachusetts' requireraents conderaned.. 105 repeal demanded 529,548, 557 raodification of, deraanded. 686, 655 rigid enforceraent of 538 araendraent of... 585 Navy, construction of 679 Nebraska bill, indorsement of... 31 Nett',J. H 294, 363, 438, 445, 469, 472, 518, 671 vote for, for treaaurer ..- 632 Negroes, enlistment of, indorsed. 202 policy of parties respecting..,. 215 appointment of, to ofiice con demned 291 admission to schools deraanded 310, participation in campaign of ' 71 310 resolutions on ....215, 216, 224, 227, 228, 260, 265, 269, 270, 286, 289, 308, 336, 551 Nelson, A. D 468, 472 Nelson, T. K 396 Neuman, A 359, 461 Neuraan, Paul. .314, 325, 362, 368, 445 votefor, for congressman 453 Neville, John P 207 Nevins, T.J ..26, 99 New constitution, vote on adop tion of L. 393 resolution of republicans in support of 405 resolution of democrats 416 New Constitution party, confer ence for forming .. 393 resolutions adopted.- 394 state executive committee, 395 state convention 410 platform 410 Slate committee 414 proposed fusion with deraocrats 420 NeweU, D. K. . 26, .34, 37, 81, 83 votefor, for attorney -general.. 29 NeweU, Williani L ; 76 Newlands, P. G. i. 422, 504 ..Newrhan, Samuel 547 -^" News Letter," destruction of.. 213 Newspapers, freedom pi' 360 Nicaragua canal, its completion urged 573, 576, 585, 590, 591 INDEX. 695 Nichol, J. R . 586 Nichols, H. L 199,201,266, 301 vote for, for secretary of state.. 267 Nichols, R. K. 455 Nicholson, A. B. 75 Nickerson, B. R 45, 184, 260 vote for, for secretary of state.. 267 Nicol, P.D, 461 Niles, A. C 293, .309 vote for, for justice of supreme court... 312 Niles, Eben 67 Nixon, A. B 37, 62, 66, 83, 99, 176, 196, 220, 466, 466 TSoah; M. M; 68, 81^ 83,- 126 Nominations. (See Conventions and names of parties.) Nooney, James... 10 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction . 11 Norman, W. B ..394, 414 Norris, David 266 North, John G 476, 550 North, J.W - .. -.317, 409. 438, 473, 474, 476, 477 Northcutt, W. H 386 Norton, — 647 Norton, Edward 176 yote for, for justice of supreme court ". 180 Norton, L. A 320 Norton, Myron 4, 41, 49, 104, 106, 11'2, 115, 118, 120, 128 vote for, for justice of supreme court 50 Norton. W.C -330, 334, 356, 362 Norway, Williara H. 340, 455 Notaries public, election of 398 Nott, A. L 419 Nott, S.A. 389 Nourse, GeorgeA —517, 666, 691 Nugent, John 77, 96V 104, 126, 156, 172, 320, 321, 389 Nunes, Joseph. A ....--.64, 75, 76, 99, 109, 116, 126 Nuttman, Jas. E 179 vote for, for controller 180 Nye, John .. 24 Nye, Stephen' G 410 Oates, J. W 460 O'Brien, J. H... .. 281 O'Brien, Thomas.. — ....92, 150, 248 "Occidental," destruction of 213 O'Conner, M. J. — 334 O'Connor, T. M 359 O'Conor, Charles 320 votefor 321 O'Donnell, C. C 372, 378, 874 vote for, for governor.... 532 O'Farrell, Jasper.104, 172, 197, 284, 325 votefor, for lieut.-governor 180 Office, penalty for malfeasance in : 380, 385 Ogden, G.P ^— 10 Ohleyer, Geo 431, 526 Olcese, L. V... 592 Olds, Daniel-. - -- 65 O'Leary, P. F 400 Oliver,!). J..... 115 Oliver, Warner ..65, 184, 210, 212, 320 Olmstead, Harrison 18 Olvera, Augustin 70 O'Meara, Jaraes 31, 83, 103, 107, 108, 415, 422 vote f'or,for printer 84, 109 O'Meara, John 29, 77 O'Melveny, H. K. S 394 O'Neill, John M 70 Ord, Janies L 4, 173, 191, 389 Ord, P J 5 Ord, Wm 199 Ord, WiUiara K...i 363 Ormsby, C. N 1 65 Oroville democratic club, resolu tiona adopted in 1863 .... 196 Orr, Jas. A 445, 472, 618 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 533 Orr, N. M —.293, 309, 532, 549 Osborn. J. W 112 Osborne, H. L 542 Osborne, H. Z 571 Osborne, Jaraes „ 88 Ostrander, H. J 363, 864, 409, 430 Ostrora, D. A 460, 542, 566, 576 O'SulUvan, James 400 Otia, H. G. 575 Otia, Jaraes-207, 281,286, 314, 324, 325 O'Toole, J.P 452, 463 Oullahan, D. J .303, 384, 460, 523 Oulton, Geo 185, 195, 293 vote for, for controller... 201 Overacker, Chas. B. 565 Overland mail, establishment of daily, favored 121, 123 Overland mail lines, government support urged 112 Overmeyer, S 65 Overton, A. P ..359, 389 Oweu, Eben... 61 Owen, J. J 194, 250 Owen, J. W 42 Oxley, Thos. J ....64, 67 Ozier, L S. K 24 Pacheoo, Romualdo, 196, 249, 340, 349, 410, 430 vote for, for treasurer 201, 267 vote for,for lieut. -governor.311, 355 vote for, for congressman -..364,421, 431 Wigginton's contest against 365 sketch Of 600 Pacific Mail. Steamship Com pany, reduction of subsidy advised . -. 327 Pacific railroad, construction of, urged ....,.— 14 resolutions on construction of 20,22, 25, 31, 35, 43, 57, . 60, 63,. 66, 72, 82, 89, 92, 93, 98, 100, 106, 112, 120, 121, 170, 175, 207 support pledged..... 40 resolution of thanks to con gress for passing bill 185 696 INDEX. facific RepubUc, establishment of, suggested 128 Bu*eh on fomiding of 129 Scott favors 180 idea repudiated .146,147, 166 Page, H. F ...305, 310, 818, 320, 826, 410, 430, 445, 455 votefor, for congressman — 321, 356, 364, 421, 431, 463 resolutions adopted at second noraination of 341 Page, R. C 79, 90, 123, 283 Page, Wilfred 549 Page, WiUiam... 65 Pame, J.T .-. 77 Paine, Thomas... 44 Palmer, C. T.H 99 Palmer-, Cyr-us 76, 313 Palraer, J.C 22, 70 Palmer, L. B 586 Paper money, demand for na tional --. 427 Papy, J. J 116 Pardoning power, vesting of, in comrniaaions 380 aboUtion of- - 385 Park, Trenor W 65, 76, 76, 93, 184 Parker, S. D 99, 116 yote for, for clerk of suprerae court 109 Parker, S. H.... 93,94,109, 220 Parks, W.H ¦ ....106, 196, 205, 220, 246, 249, 253, 267, 409, 445, 454, 456, 469, 472 yote for, for secretarv of state, 267 Parr, G. W ." _- 76 Parrott, John 114 Parsons, Levi — 9 Passes, acceptance of, on rail roads, conderaned 8.32 Paterson, A. Van R 617, 631 vote for, for justice of suprerae court - 533 Patrick, G. "W -77, 112 union resolutions introduced , by - — 134 Patrick, H .C ....42, 55, 77, 90, 105, 124, 316, 394 Patrons of Husbandry. (See Granges.) Patten, — 11 Patterson, A.- D --, 200 Patterson, C. M 814 Patterson, Jaraes-.. 99 Patteraon, "William S 18 Patton, Geo. S 584 Patton, H. W ..569, 584 PauU, G. T 418 vote for, for treaaurer 421 Paulsell, A. C 542, 568 Payne, D. S 426 Payne, Thomas 41 Peace commissioners, resolution proposing 169 Peachy, A. C . . 22, 118 Pearce, Geo .... 70, 92, 100, 102, 224, 284, 288, 308, 316, 320; 353, 417, 418, 422 Pearce, Geo.-^coniinMed. vote for, for controller . . 109 reconstruction resolutions by.. 226 resolution relative to electoral vote in southern states . , 268 relative to members of congress from Kentucky -. 270 votefor, for congressman..... 311 Peckhara, G. W 480, 524, 569 Pedlar, Chas. W 536, 553, 586, 590 Pedlar, Frank A 443 vote for, for secretary of state. 453 Peet, W. L 547 Pelham, Dr. J. B 316 Pelton, J.C 103 Pendegast, W. W 267, 284, 292, 321, 326 Pendleton, George 26 Pendleton, Geo. H.... 211 Pennie, Jas. C 266, 302, 303, 328 Peoples' independent party, or ganization in 1873 ._- 328 convention 829 resolutions adopted 330 state central committee.-- 334, 349 conventiori, 1876 341 platform -. 342 People'sparty, conventions 1891, 686; 1892, 688 platforras 1891, 587; 1892, 589 Perkins, George C - .- - 260, 305, 306, 317, 408 vote for, for governor -_ 421 adrainistration indorsed 443 sketch of 601 Perkins, R. A - 65 Perkins, R. F -. 195 resolution on arraing slaves... 182 Perley, D.W 113 Peyton, B 34, 37, 68, 81, 88 Phelps, John 61 Phelps, Jonathan... 60 Phelps, Jos. . 313 Phelps, T. G 99, 109, 176, 179, 191, 260, 340, 409, 420, 537, 562, 553 uuion resolutions off'ered by, 144, 153 vote for, for congressman 180,268, 553 vote for, for governor 355 vote for, for railroad commis sioner ._. 421 Philadelphia convention (nation al union), delegates to 239 Philadelphia repubUcan platform indor-sed 93 Philip, Henry 220 Phillips, C. It 409 vote for, for railroad commis sioner 421 PhUlips, John Burke... 32 PhUlips, MitcheU 575 Phillips, W. W. 584 Pickett, Charles E. 372, 374 Pico, Andres 18, 22, 70, 111, 210 Pico, Antonio M 65, 116, 127, 249 Pico, BYancisco .. 284 Pico, Josg Ramon 302, 386 INDEX. 697 'Pierce, Franklin.... ........^.,24, 33 resolution pledging support to| 22 vote for, for president 23 administration indorsed 31 67 .Pierce, J M ... 61, 368 Pierce, ^ inalow S 12, 24 vote for, for controUer ' 16 Piercy, C W., resolution offered .. by-.- -.. 150 -Piercy, E. M 590 Pilkington, B .386, 424 Pillsbury, E. S 571, 575 -Pinkerton police force, abolition of, deraanded 688 -Pinney, Geo. M .s'2'0, 326 -Piper, W. A... 819,354, 362 vote for, for congressman--. .— 821,356, 364 -Pitt, R. D -..; 386 Pitzer, J. I . 178 -Pitzer, .Tesse S. 68, 123 Pixlev, P. M. - 97, 99, 107 126, 176, 196, 207, 241, 244, 278, 287, 293, 319. 321, 404, 426, 429, 444, 455, 504, 530, 631, 532, 549, 560 affair with Dann 245, 246 vote for, for attorney-general.- 180 votefor, for congressman. .288, 553 Platforms. (See name of -oarty.) Platt, -H. G : 566 Platt,HpnryH 283 Platt, P. B 682 Platt, Sarauel 178 .Poland, R.G 123 "Polk, James K, declaration on river and harbor appropri ations condemned 7 Polton, J. P 116 ;Pomeroy, M. M. ("Brick") 310 resolutions on anticipated speech in Oakland 311 :Pond, E. B.... 668, 575 vote for, for governor 570 -Pond, Wallace R .. .. 455 Poole, A. W... 305,334 472 Poole, David L 437 Poole, Thos. B.... -.204, 205 Popular soverignty sustained... -88,91, 93 J>orter, C. B 184, 310, 404 union resolutions by 192 Porter, D. K 102 J?orter, P. M 584, 586 Porter, Geo. P 70 JPorter,J. M —389, .390 -Porter, J.T ....676, 592 Porter, ,L W 125 Porter, Nathan 126, 318, 375 Porter primary law, application of -"- ..-..242, 244 resolution on . ......249, 260 Uniori primaries under........ 281 -JPostal saVinga banks, estabUsh ment of ..-. ...399,555, 589 .Postal telegraph, establishraent of, called for...... 468, 544 Potts, J. S. ..-......-...- 547 JPoundatone, Jesse 591 PoweU, C P.... -....-....t...... 42 vote for, for prison director 50 PoweU, Frank 106 Powell, Joaeph. .68, 81, 83, 90, 102, 289 vote for, for clerk of suprerae court-. _.. 109 Powers, O.B. - 278, 281 Pratt, — 660 Pratt, L. E 196, 356 Pratt, 0.C.-.113, 123,294,394,413, 414 vote for, for justice of supreme court- 295 Pratt, W. H. —109, 185, 542 Precht, Chas 70 Preemption laws, extension to CaUfornia urged 8, 13 favoring liberal -- 28 resolution relative to 78 President of the United States, election by .popular vote ..- 885,398, 588 election for more than one terra opposed 334 tliird term, opposition to.. 335, ,339 Presidential elections, returns for 1862, 23; 1866, 74; 1860,127; 1864,212; 1868,288; 1872,321; 1876,364; 1880,430; 1884, 472;. 1888, 652; 1892,594 Presidential electors, meetings of - - 1852, 24; 1856, 74; 1860, 127; 1864, 212; 1868,288; 1872,321; 1876, .364; 1880, 431; 1884, 473; 1888, 553 Presley, John G. 569 Price, E. B 581 Price, Geo. P 118, 120, 122, 123, 126, 127 Price, J.T... 556 vote for, for clerk of suprerae court 570 Price, Johnson 19,37, 50 Price, Rodman M., vote for, for congressman 5 Primary elections, application of the" Porter law 242, 244 resolution on ,, 249, 260 frauds in union priraaries 260 union prira aries to be held un der Porter law ,.. 281 Crawford county plan 292- protest against appointraent by coraraittees 804 evil of 331 system condemned 333 resolution favoring. 522 Printer, State, election of 567 votefor, in 18-55, 50; 1857,84; 1859, 109; 1861, 180; 1863, 201; 1867, 267; 1871, 311 Priaon directora, vote for, in 1855, 50 Priaoners, contract labor of -.380, 385, .396, 620 Proclamation for special election in Inyo county .......i. 693 Proctor, P. M .- 81 Prohibition, submission of ques tion to popular vote .-. 47 698 INDEX. Prohibition conventions. 1865, 45, 47; 1875, 354; 1879, 419; 1880, 426; 1882, 446, 447; 1884, 463; 1886, 504; 1888, 533; 1890, 553; 1892, 684 Prohibition platforras -.1856, 45, 48; 1876, 364; 1882, 446, 447; 1884, 464; 1886, 505; 1888, 534;' 1890, 564; 1892, 584 Protection. (See Tariff.) Provines, R. R 113, 209, 284 Public debt, resolutions favoring payment of 222, 265 (See also. Debt. ) Public schools, (See Schools, Education.) Pulliam, M. R. C 320, 821, 359 Purdy, J. H - 49 Purdy, Sarauel .-_ 12, 24, 41, 115, 239 vole for, for lieutenant-gover nor - 15,28, 50 Purington, C. A. - 317 Putney, J. A. 77 Pyle, D. M 451 Queen, Jaraes 126 Quimby, J. A 75, 76 Quinn,' I, N -..106, Ul, 119, 123 Quinn, M. F...- 400 Quint, Leander..l76,179,319,350, 353 Rabe, WiUiam 116 Rackliff'e, L....... .., 566 Railroad commissioners, pledge for,inl879. 407 vote for, in 1879, 421; 1882, 453; 1886, 5.38; 1890, 570 denounced by Stockton con vention 457 constitutional amendment ' urged ,... 460 denounced by Fresno conven tion , 580 abolition of board 580 denounced' by people's party.. 589 Railroad companies, stock water ing deiiounced 338 Railroad company, opposition to, in 1873 ;^528 Railroad land grant, resolution favoring ,, 31, 57 Railroad subsidies, resolution opposing...,.., 299, 308, 441 Railroad taxes, payment of. .434, 448 laws to compel payment 457 interference of federal judges. 468 nour-payment declared crimi nal , .-.,... 467 republican resolution ou 616 refusal to pay, condemned..- 520 "Heath" amendment opposed; -, ;-,...,.. 521, 525 efforts to compel payment com- niended 545 reassessment ,, 579 Railroads, reaolutions of farmers' union , 322 resolution on question of 327 Railroads— coniimted. legislative control of..331, 337, 344 conipeting lines favored - 346, 352, 580- regulation of, by congress 399 freight contract system de nounced 440- government ownership of ' , .......536, 565, 685, 587, 589- Thurman bill indorsed 41T repubUcan resolution of 1884, on .- 470- regulation of freights and fares, 302 reduction in fares and fj eights, 406,407,408,412, 417, 433, 434 486, 486, 440, 459, 470 conati tutional araendmeiit pro viding for tariff... 680 power in politics: 458 extension of time for paynient of indebtedness opposed 578 interference in politics. 579" (See also. Pacific railroad.) Raines, John 112 Raisch, A. J .- 565 Raisin industry, protection de- . manded 470- enoouragement of 520 Ralden, Joshua 11 Ralston, — ... 11 Ralston, J. H 81,43,45,49, 81 vote for, for justice of supreme court '. 84 Ralston, W. C... ..... 220' Ramsey, — 204 Randall, A 22 RandaU, A. W. 99 vote for, for surveyor-general. 109- RandaU, Chas. H.--,-..419, 524, 582 vote for, for raeraber state board ' of equalization... . 421, 533 RandaU, I. P....^ 126- RandaU, P. M 76, 83- vote for, for surveyor-general. 84 Rankin, IraP ..-65, 75, 97,99, 220, 341, 368, 469 vote for, for congressman. ..74, 356- Randolph, Edmund 3, 1.8, 19, 92, 103, 108, 172 vote for, for attorney-general.. 109- extracts from speech of. 173 Randolph, I. N ..,.— 330- Ravelv, S. W - -.100, 172 Rawiin, N. P.. 504 Rawson, A. W 97 Rayle, P. W. S..., , 208- Rayraond, Dr. J. A ,. 81 vote for, for lieut.-governor... 84 Rea, .Jas, W 455, 518, 531, 560, 565 vote for, for railroad corarais sioner 683, 571 Reading, P. B..12, 26, 34, 239, 264, 267' vote for, for congressman 6- vote for, for governor... 15 Reardon, T. B... 79,128, 418 Rebellion, resolution condem'ing 186^ (See also, Unioii Resolutions, CivU War.) INDEX. 699 Reconstruction, policy of Presi- . dent Johnson . 288, resolutions relative to.. 22'6" 227, 228, 229, 231, 234, 285, 239 240, 248, 259, 264, 268, 270, 271, 279 mass meetings at Sacramento .' -- ...287, 238 indorsement of representatives, 250 counting of electoral vote under reconstruction acta. .268, 284, 289 Rector., Thomas ., 328 Reddick, J. B...,430, 469, 472, 47"3, 564 vote for, for lieutenant-gover nor 570 Redding, B. B 92, 100, 195 votefor, for secretarv of ;state 201 Reddy, P m>, 460, 504, 523 Redington, A 73,76, 102, 103, 119, 128, 176, 177, 179, 287, 288 Redington, J. H 260 Redman, Augustus 42, 69 -Redman, R. A --.. 124 Redstone, A. E 466, 526 vote for, for congressman 5:-J8 Redstone, J. H 364, 428, 430, 462 vote for, for railroad commis sioner 453 Reed, C. F Ul, 249, 281, 310, 313, 314, 360, 358, 409, 410, 445, 462, 454, 469, 472, 517 vote for, for surveyor-general. . 26'7 vote for, for congressman 366 vote for, for railroad coraraiss'r 453 Reed, C.W ..- 116 Reed, David 586 Reed, D. C 410, 413, 414, 455 vote for, for lieut.-governor 421 Reed,,G. C 863 Reed,. Geo. W.. 186 Reed, John M 61 Reed, T. L 81 Reed, Thos. B., action as speaker indorsed .1 : 563 Reed,W 591 Reese, C 104 Regan interstate .comraerce bill, . passage of... 519 Registry iaw, indorsement of 260 resolution condemning. 266 Reichert, Theodore 518, 681, 665 vote for, for surveyor-general.. ....532, 670 , Reid, H. H 460 Reis, Gus.... 422 Religion, freedom in - 307. Renison, Thos ,1 584 '•Repor-ter" (newspaper) repudi ation of 297 Republican address, in 1868..... 277 Republican con ventions. 1856, 59, 64; 1857, 74; 1868, 93; 1869, 97; 1860, 109, 116; 1861, 173; 1867, 269; 1H68, 286; 1869, 292; 1871, 305; 1872, 312; 1873, 325; 1875, 335; 1876, 366, 362; 1879, 404; 1880, 424, 428; 1882, 438; 1884, 464, 469; 1886, 613; 1888, 537, 560; 1890, 560; 1892, 571, 591 Republican party, first mass meetmgo^ 59 opposition to moveraent inaug. urating 64,66, 67 . outlook in 1859 96 atterapted fusion with uriion democrats 182, 184 call in San Francisco for reor ganizing 258 meeting in Sacramento 258 liberal moveraent in 1872., 819 denounced as untrue to people 457 (See also. Union Party.) Republican platforras 1856. 60, 65; 1867, 75; 1858, 93; 1859, 98; 1860, 116; 1861, 174; 1867, 2-59; 1868, 286; 1869, 293; 1871, 306; 1872, 318; 1875, 335; 1876, 356, 363; 1879,404; 1880, 425, .429; 1882, 439; 1884, 454, 469; 1886, 613; 1888, 687, 550; 1890, 561; 1892, 571, 691 indorseraent of Pittsburg plat form - 61 Republican speakers in 1872 320 Republican state central com mittee, inembers of — .. . 61, 65, 76, 94, 99, 176, 260, 294, 310, 314, 840, 363, 409, 430, 445, 472 action relative to selectiori of delegates to constitutional convention... : 381 resoluti-bns adopted.. .., 382 address of state committee. .. 402 Republican vote. (See Election Returns; Presidential Elec- tiona.) Resolutions. (See Platforms un der narae of party; Union . Resolutions.) Resuraption, maintenance of policy .: , — 425 Returns of elections. (See Elec tion Returns ; Presidential Elections; names of offices and candidates.) Revenue, coUection of, on cur rency: 222 Reynolds, J. S .506, 532 vote for, for raember board of equalization ., 583 Reynolds, John ,„ 409, 448 Reynolds, W. D -, : 550 vote for, for congressraan .,.,. 563 Reynolds, W. H ..1 259- Rh'oads, A. J ..-310, 314, 409, 430, 445, 472, 675 Rhoads, George H 68 Rhodes, A. L -¦ ---174, 176, 196, 309, 401, 409, 420 vote for, for juatice of suprerae court 201,311, 421 Rhodes, John M 461 Rhodes, W.H 197, 200 Rice, D. W. C 194, 196 Rice, George 473 Rice, Harvey W .. 451 vote for, for controller. 45S 700 INDEX. Rice, Jerorae 207 Rich, C. E..... 684 Richards, J. T 363, 409 vote for, for justice of suprerae court 421 Kichards, Jarrett R ...340, 436 Richardson, Wra. H.., 18, 69 Riddell, George H.... 247 Eiddle, Jaraes L. ... 280 Eidge, John R, ....103, 179, 199, 266 vote for, for printer 180 Rideout, N. D ..294, 358, 509, 574 Riggins, H. B 591 Riggs, Charles 649 Rightm-ire, A. D.. 118 Eiley, Gen. Bennet 4 Riley, J. H 239 Eing, H.J .. 690 Riots, amendment of code rela tive to.— 376 Riparian rights. (See Irrigation ; Water.) Ritter, Wm 207 Rivers, appropriations for 13 should be declared public prop erty . .. - 386 iraproveraent of... 434, 441, 662, 668, 573, 577 Roach, PhUip A -. 324, 825, 352, 353, 365, 417, 422, 488 Robberson, John S. 104 Robbery of stage from Virginia City,1864 204 Robbins, R. D. .-.542, 575 Roberta, 0. P 691 Roberta, E. W.-18, 2C5, 278, 281, 356, 362, 390, 404, 429, 4.S0, 438, 472 Roberts, G. D 165, 173, 816 Eoberts, J. W 267 Eoberts, Joseph. ._ 266, 302, 353 Eobertson, T. W 42 Robertson, V. J 547, 549 Robertson, W. A 26 Robinson, H 59, 196 Robinson, J 686 Robinson, Thos 17, 19 Robinson, Tod 12, 17, 19, 26, 165, 172, 173, 188, 197 vote for, for justice of supreme court.- 16, 29, 201 vote for, for attorney-general-. 180 Robinson, William 13, 22 Robinson, William A 19 Robinson, WiUiam R 196 EockweU, B.A 320 Eogers, G. H 267, 360, 394, 414 Eogers, J. S. ..' 281 Eogers, J. T 402 Eogers, L. S 549 Rogers, Moses 532 Rogers, Wra. P 686, 591 Rollins, H. G 278, 281, 320 Rolfe, H.C 305 Roraan,. Richard .-U, 12, 24, 41 vote for, for lieut.-governor ... 5 vote for,. for treasurer 15 Roney, Prank 388 Eooney, —':... 877 Rosborough, A. M - 26,6.8, 125,126,315, Rose, A. H..106, 117, 118, 264, 267, 283, 284, 298, 321, 328, 363, 518, resolution relative to elective franchise relative to discussions on seces sion Rose, L.J 424, Rose, T.H Rosecrans, W. S. ...266, 424, 437, votefor, for congressman-_431, Rosenbaum, P. IL 319, Rosenfeld, John ....308, vote for, for harbor coraraiss'r. Rosenthal, Marcus 688, Rosa, E. M 401, 418, 437, 453, vote tor, for justice of suprerae court ..-. 421, Rosa, H. L. - ... Ross, S. H. P - 10, Ross, Thoraas .- Ross, Williara G Rosseau, B Rousch, William vote for, for secretary of state . Rowan, Martin Rowe. B. A .- Rowe, George Rowe, Richard- - RoweU, C. W. C 443, Rowell, Chester - 363, 424, 446, 469, RoweU, J vote for, for congressman Rowland, George Roysdon, A. "W^ : Ruddock, J. 0 . Ruggles, L. B .476, Runk, George A Rush, Captain Russ, Joseph 426, RusseU, H. H.__ — Russell, J. H Russell, Joel 354, 414, 463, 465, 472, 506, 607, vote for, for controller vote for, for governor.. Russell, Mrs. Joel RusseU, W. H., vote for, for con gressman ... Rust, P. C Ryan, James D Ryan, Jaraes T.. ... IU, 114, 128, 151, 153, 176, 179, Ryan, JP. H..284, 292, 358, 359; 394, Ryan, Thoraas 1? Ryder, G.W Ryland, C. T 22, 43, 55, 88, 104, 106, 116, 118, 123, 178, 267, 283, 289, 291, 314, 316, 316, 334, 852, 353, 359, 415, Ryland, Jaraes W vote for, for congressraan !l^ynerson, C. C . 350 690 269 270461318463 458 321326311 594 523 463464 11 259 37 437 349356 32 44 1075 564472556671 61 354 583509 65 12 443409 684626 355582 686 178 298896353 260 547683 594207 Sacramento Cottnty, independ ent party in 1873. ...... ..324, 328 INDEX. 701 / Sacraraento river, iraprovement ¦of-...-'-. 662,568, 573, 577 Safford, W. S 220 St. John electors, vote for 472 Salaries, reduction of 28. 83, 260, 326, 336, 347, 526 Salomon, E. S -. 362 San Francisco, candidates for city officers, 1850 9 nominations on vigilance com mittee issue 74 union party politics in 219 meeting to reorganize republi can party.-- 258 protest of young raen's repub lican club, 1869 304 tickets presented in 1873 324 water supply, resolution ou... 346 labor troubles in 1877 865 apprehension in 1878... 374 committee of safety, organiza tion of 374 appeal of Chinese companies for protection - 371 relief of workingmen -875, 377 proclamation of Mayor Bryant, 876 San Francisco bulkhead, resolu tions on 1-22, 171, 178 San Francisco Gas Co., reso,lution relative to 347 San Joaquin river, iraprovement of...... 562, 568, 573, 577 San Juan island, question of title to - 121 San Quentin priaon, adminiatra- tion of.... -. 668 Sanborn and J-ayne frauds con demned 361 Sanders, John S... -. 389 Sanders, Oregon 404, 445, 455 Sanders, S. T. 526 Sanderson, S. W 168; 196, 220 resolutions presented by demo cratic convention 165 vote for, for justice of supreme court 201, 226 Sansevaine, Pedro 8 Sargent, A. A ...45, 76, 83, 93, 94, 98, 99, 109, 110, 126, 173, 176, 191, 195, 210, 214, 246, 287, 310, 311, 335, 481, 504 vote for, for attorney-general.. 84 vote for, for congressman 180,288, 311 Sargent, H. S 295, 310, 314, 335 Satterwhite, J. W ¦ 353, 894, 415, 418, 424 Saunders, Beverly C 26 Sawyer, E. D 66, 115, 340, 401, 445 vote for, for attorney-general-. 355 Sawyer, P. A. 426 Sawyer, Lorenzo.. ., . 13, 19, 26, 43, 196, 291, 294 yote for, for justice of supreme court -. 201, 295 Sawyer, W. D...... 286, 303, 320 Saylea,aG.,-, ,- -389 Sbarboro. A..-—-. ,....'504 Scannell, David ...19, Scellen, J. D Schell, A 177, ScheU, G.W 293 389, 390, 409, 430, 445, 466, 652, Schmidt, Maurice 461, Schmidt, W. C- Schofield, J. W Schofield, James School fund, neceasity for in creasing . Schools, public, iraprovement of system resolutions on -—174, 260, 307, 333, 337, 349, 351, 360, 381, 397, 406, 425, 427, 448, 522, 528, 529, 538, 549, 558, (See also. Education, , Text books.) Scott, A. P.. - Scott, Chas. L 30,31,70,86,104,123, vote for, for congressman... 74, urges formation of Pacifi.c re public - Soott, Dred Soott, Irving M..- 324, Soott, John 'V.-. _ Scott, Gen. Winfield vote for, for president.. course of, in preservation of government property con demned - -¦-.. Scranton, L. B ..536,656, vote for, for congressman. .571, Scribner, W. H Scudder, N. W Seals, Henry 302, Searls, Niles 123,200, 328, 350, 422, 431, 456, 460, 523, vote for, for justice of supreme court.- , -.- Sears, W. H.... 194, 205, 278, 280, .310, 313, 324, 825, 326, 336, 362, 430, 439, 446, Seavey, A Seawell, J. H.... 112, Seccorabe, A. H Secession , resoluti on condem' ing, resolution on right of resolution offered by Westraore land ¦. resolution offered by Rose (See also. Union Resolutions.) Seckel, Geo 266, 302, vote for, for supreme court clerk Secretary of State, vote for, in 1863, 201; 1867, 267; 1871, 311; 1876, 365; 1879, 421.; 18»2, 463; 1886, 582 • 1890, Sectarian institutions, funds not to be diverted to Sectionalism, opposition to Sedgwick, John Sefton, W.W S&lby, T. H..124, 266, 303, 304, 309, Seligman, A. 281, Selkirk, W. A 389, 415, 422, 26-68 281 553 •547 319 590 18 122 25- 568258181108130- 114 325426- 23 23 157 586594 575 390 303546-553 504 259422 586166- 231 270 320267 570549- 121 314 68 810 288460- 702 INDEX. Se-Ubeck, E. F - 527 Selleck, Silas.. 50, 62, 426 Selvage, T. M 571 Semple, Charles D - -- 68, 173, 188, 191, 208, 209, 224, 266 Senator, TI. S., on election of in 1856 59 election by popular vote 381, 385,398, 525,, 536, 644, 555, 567, 674, 677, 686, 588 Sensabaugh, J.B 816 Sepulveda, I 437 Settlers, expression of sympathy with 28 compensation for improve ments.-. 49 securing improveraents -raade on larids to 61 protection of, on publio lands.. 100 Settlers' and miners' conventions 1856,44; 1857, 83 Settler's and miners' party ad dress, in 1859 108 Settlers' ticket 179 Severance, J. G 390 Severance, Miss S. M 556 vote for, for superintendent of public. inatruction ... 570 Seward,Wra. H..117, 167, 230, 238, 561 Sexton, W. T 31, 220 Sexton, Williara 319 Seymour, Horatio 234, 422 Seymour electora, vote forin 1868, 288 Shackleford. T. J 302, 353 Shaffer, J. "W...... 430 Shafter, J. McM 99, 178, 210, 362, 363, 389, 443, 451, 455 union resolutions reported by . 146 vote for, for congressman 453 Shafter, 0. L...76, 94, 99, 176, 196, 291 vote for, for justice of supreme court - 108, 201 -Shanahan, T. W. H. .-- 569 Shanklin, James W. ..-409, 420, 444 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 421 :Shannon, T. B..123, 177, 178, 195, 309 vote for, for congressman 201 indorsed as congressman 207' :Shannon, W. B 10 vote for, for congressman 5 Shannon, Wilson. 9 Sharkey, Wra 288, 340, 363, 424 Sharon, .4.1exander D 426 Sharp, J. M... 586 Sharp, S. A 111, 114, 369 Sharpstein, John R 321, 330, 334, 386, 394, 401, 414, 418, 437 vote for, for justice of supreme court- . 421,. 453 Sharron, W. C... 10 :Shattuck, D. 0. .... 12, 19, 21, 26, 48, 124, 172, 211 vote for, for congressman 180 Shattuck, F. K 814, 340, 363, 472 Shattuck, W . 226 :Shaw, H. R 590 Shaw, WUliam J 44, 45, 235 reconstruction resolutions by.. 228 Shaw, Williara J. — continued. resolution relative to Stanton and Johnson 271 Shea, Rowland 77 Shear, Waldron, vote for, for member board of equaliza tion ...— --. 533 Shearer, L .196, 809 Sheldon, William ¦ .— 65 Shellhouse, E. J..... .;...461, 462, 468 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 453 Shepard, W. W 65 Shepherd, P. W. „. 12 Sheppard, D 26 Sheppard, W. M., vote for, for congressman 5 Sherbdurne, D. N 469 Sheridan, Philip H '561 Sherman, Charles —..426, 444 Sherraan, Wm .J... ¦ 66, 99, 176, 184, 185, 278, 314 Sherman, 'Wra. T -. 561 Sherwood, T. J :..342, 349, 394 resolution on trial and piiniah- ment|of Davis 232 Sherwood, W. S. .-.4, 11, 12, 22, 68 vote for, for governor... 5, 6 Shields, General -. -. 164 Shippee, L. U ........409, 564 Shirlev, Paul 303, 316, 828, 353, 359, 422, 437, 588 Shoemaker, Rufus.. 203, 389 Shorb, J. C 319-, 321, 354, 362, 364, 389, 415, 422, 480, 431, 463 resignation of, as presidential elector 461 Shorb, J. DeBarth 481,476, 477, 509, 666 Short, P. H ...-., 561 "Short hairs," origin of term. 213 convention at Sacramento. — .. 217 Shortridge, C M ...561, 591 Shortridge, Samuel M. ....... .582, 563 Showalter, D 180, 208 Shrack, L.M 197, 198 Shurtieff', B - 123, 318, 389, 394, 395, 402, 414, 469 union resolutions by,, 192 Shurtieff, G.A 16 Sibley, P. H..: ...¦i66, 94, 98, 99, 107, 109, 116, 284 vote for, for congressman 108 resignation- from deraocratic coiiimittee.l.. l. 287 Sigoui-irey', T. 'W - 42 Silraan, W. -L 584, 594 SUver; demonetization of 357 free coinage urged.515, 519, 526, 538, 542, 560, 567, 573, 587, 589, 590 acts of republicans denounced. 577 Silver bill, passage recommended 564 Simmonds, Rev. S. D :.-.;47, 49 Simmons, L. W 506 vote for, 'for congressraan. 683 Siraonton, J. W 239 Simpson, A. M — . 642' Simpson, James ^^ 469 INDEX. 703 iSimpson, R.W 455 Sims, Wm.. "' 451 vote for, for lieut.-governor.-- 463 -Singletary, C. P 569 Sinton, R. H 115 .Skelton, Mrs " 536 Skinker, John... ...50", 68 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 74 .Slater, N 6'8, 99 Slave Code 106 -Slavery, abolition by war con demned 187 abolition of, indorsed 202 resolutiona on 60,63,66, 76, 98, 105, 111, 120, 121, 206, 222 .Slaves, resolution on arming.182, 190 -Sloan, B. W. P 21 vote for, for justice of suprerae court ... 23 .Slocum, Gen... 239 Sloss, Gordon E.... ..—524, 569 vote for, for meraber board of equalization 533, 670 Sloss, Louis —287,340, 863 firaart, Julius, 65 .Sraith, (ex-gov. of Virginia),. 11, 17 Sraith, 'A. A.,- 401, 420 vote for, for secretary of state.. 421 .Smith, Mrs. A. F 586 Smith, A. S 281 .Smith Auatin E 112, 180 Sraith, C. B 364 .Sraith, E. B., resolution on eraan cipation proclaraation 193 Sraith, Edwin F ., 413 vote for, for suprerae court clerk — 4'21 Smith, P. M 104 .Smith, Geo. H... „, 669 vote for, for justice of supreme court,— 570 .Smith, George 889, 390, 394 .Smith, G. W..-- 353, 414 Smith, H. C— 124 Smith, H. W 424 .Smith, Horace-12, 26, 34, 106, 123, 126 .Smith, J. C- 9 Smith, J. McKinstry 93 .Smith, J. W - 124 Smith, O. K 178 Smith, Dr.. Peter - 12 ;S'mith, Samuel B 42 .Smith, Samuel D - 50 .Smith, W. A. C... 569 Smith, W. S 79 Smith, W. W 506, 526, 536 vote for, for congressman. .633, 553 .Smith, William 22 iSmith, WilUam H -. 24 .Smith, WiUiam M 426 Smyth, C. S 569 -Snow, Mrs. Nettie B 591 SnowbaU, J. W 319, 410, 414 Snowden, R. N .— - 42 ' Snyder, Andrew J 207, 258, 319 iSnyder, Francis — -. 110 Snyder! J, R 113, 211, 320, 322 Soldiers, reirabursement for de preciated currency .... 588 inMexican war, clairas of. 563 (Seealso, National Guard; Cali fornia Volunteers.) Solomon, P. L..,, 59, 191 Somers, W. H 536 Sons of Temperance . 48 SorreU, P.... .- 157 Soule, Frank -.... - 19, 26, 34, 185, 250, 287, 341 Soule, Samuel 1 ...62, 65, 97, 260, 326, 342, 390, 414 vote for, for raUroad corarais sioner _— 421 Southard, J. B. 179,-248, 309, 394, 517 Southern Pacific Co., interfer ence in politics 579 (See also. Railroads.) Southern States, disfranchise ment of, condemned.. 290 Southern uuion convention ; de legates to.. - .. 240 Spanish grants, protection to set tlers upon 82 Spaulding, N. W ....363, 542 Spear, J. S.- 575 Spear, N. P.-. 549 Spear, W. S 26, 34, 42 Special legislation, prohibition of 386 Specie payment, resumption of... 364 Specific contract -law, resolution on repeal of 222 on enforcement of .. 225 repeal deraanded 428 Spect, Jonas 829, 386, 414 Spence, David.. - 5 Spence E. P 409, 574 Spencer, Dr. A. J ...76, 319 Spencer, Dennis ...422, 460, 518 Spencer, E. B 413 Spencer, E..V 575 Spencer, P. E.. . 318 Spencer, J. D... 359 414, 416, 436, 460, 624, 526, 560, 569 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 633, 570 Spencer, Thomas — . 281 Sperry, Austin 319 Sperry, Geo. B ., ¦ 592 Sperry, S. W... - ......318, 455 "Spittoon" convention.......... 217 Splivalo, -A. D 318, 340 Sposati, N 676 Spotts, A. T 618 Sprague, P. S ..-..-.... 537 Sprague, Royal T.. _ ....32, 41, 49, 70r 102, 120, 197, 198, 199, 200,. 226, 266, 326, 328, 384 vote for, for justice of supreme court 108, 201, 268 Spreckels, Adolph B... 455 Spreckels, Claus 313, 318, 821, 430 Spring Valley Water Co., re-aolu- tioii relative to legislative - controlof — . 845 Springer, T. A..77, 79, 179, 195, 250, 309 vote for, for printer 311 704 INDEX. Stacey, Geo Stafford, W. P , Stakes,.A. G Stanford, Leland.. .76, 93, 94, 99, 107, 109, UO, 126, 176, 182, 196, vote for, for treasurer . vote for, for governor 108, withdrawal frora gubernatorial contest in 1863 resolution commending. loan bill indorsed.- _.. sketch of Stanlv, Edward -- 76,81,83, 116,239, vote for, forgovernor... Stanly, John A —463, 472, vote for, for justice of supreme court Stanton, B. M., resolution on re lations with Pres. Johnson.. ---270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 282, Staples, D. J.— 97,109,110, Staples. J. M Starr, A. D. State board of equalization. (See Equalization.) State Centi-al Coraraittees. (See undername of party.) State rights, resolutions relative to ;36, 190, Stearns, Abel Stearns, John P 293, 426, 443, Stebbins, George H Stebbins, J. C' Stebbins, James G . Steele, E ...79, 226, 283, Steele, Elijah K .— — Steele, George 394, 464, 466,. Steffens, Joseph Stephens, R. D..417,422, 437, 569, Stetson, J.B.-. Stevens, Mrs. E. P 464, Stevens, S. B. Stevenson, A. J — . Stevenson, A. M Stevenson, Andrew Stevenson, H. J. .. vote for, for surveyor.general— Stevenson,. J. B.. Stevenson, Jonathan D..187, 192, Stevenson, Dr.-W. W Stewart, J. M. Ste-vvart, T. B 636, Stewart, "WilUara M.. 16, vote for, for governor Still, W. G Stock gambling, regulation of... Stom'bs, C. A Stonei, C. P Stone, Frank M. Stone, W. P.. Stoneman, George - ., 401, 414, 419, 420, 486, vote for, for railroad commiss'r vote for, for governor.- — administration denounced sketch of-... Stoney, Thoraas P 418, 110 686 268370 84 180194 537660694 267 84 569 670 289 176204 314 116 517468 894 22 334 103 582 592586 209 80 126422401 421 437306 68 34 586 44 5 185400 414 547550 386456421453616601 420 Stoney, Thomas P. — continued. vote for, forjustice of supreme court - 42r Stout, A. A 372; Stow, W. W 34, 43, 247 Stowell, L. „ 3 Stratman, John , 10, 280, 294 Stratton , W. C. . 88, 90, 104, 106, 126, 462 vote for, for justice of supreme court... 453 Street, C. E 445- Street, Charles R. .88, 90, 104, 129, 191 Street, F. W 652. Streeter, H. M. 552, 553 Strong, J. M... 392. Stua,rt, W.A 424 Subsidies, opposition to .-. 299, 308, 332,361, 441 for carrying the mail... 580- Suff'rage, condemning property qualification 66- pro visions in Massachusetts condemned 105- inherent right of ,. 427 limitation to citizens 55'7 educational test for 555, 685- (See also, Negro Suff'rage, Wo man Suffrage.) Sullivan, B. L. — . 94, 295, 310, 312, 314, 358- SulUvan, Frank J. 463, 469, 624 vote for, for congressman. .473, 533- SuUivan, J. P.. .523, 626, .646, 676, 583 vote for, for justice of aupreme court.. - ...588, 553- Suramers, liobert 479,452, 584- vote for, for secretary of state. 453 Sumner, Gen 164, 180-- Suraner, Charles 67, 561 Suraner, Charles A. 109, 389, 419, 422, 424, 437, 463, 469 vote for, for congressraan 421,463,472, 688 Sumptuary laws, opposition to.. 488,458, 520- Sumter, Port, newsof attackon.. 162- Sunday, preservation of one day tas 585- Sundaylaw, repeal deraanded... 433 continuance of, favored — : .439, 448, 452- enactm.ent of, deraanded 635 resolution favoring 555 ¦ (See also, Sumptuary Laws.) Superintendent of public instruCT tion, vote for in ...1850, 11; 1858, 29: 1866, 74; 1859, 109; 1861, 192; 1863, 201; 1867, 268; 1871, 312; 1875, 356; 1879, 421; 1882, 453; 1886, 533;.1890, 570 Supreme court, increase of judges recommended 100 Supreme court cierk, yote for in 1850, 11; 1862,23; 1854, 38; 1856, 74; 1858, 95; 1859, 109; 1861, 180; 1863, 201; 1867, 267; 1871, 3U; 1»76, 356; 1879, 421; 1882, 453; 1886, 533; 1890, 570- INDEX. 705 Surveyor-general, vote- for in . —1851,15; 1853, 29; 1855,. 50;. 1857, 84; 1859 109; 1861, 180; 1863, 201; 1887 267; 1871,. 311; 1875,. 356; 1879 421; 1882, 453-; 1886, 532; 1890, 670 Sutherland, T. W...,.l._.,.. ...' lo vote for, for.attornev-generai.. 11 Sutter, . J ohn A. , vote for, for gov- . ernor 5 Sutton, 0. P i" 238 Swafford, C C- 691 vote for, for congressman 694 Swan, G. W.. 278 Swan, J. S — —,560, 566 vote for, for raember board of . equalization 570 Swan, W. G 464 Swasey, M. J 26 Sweasey, W. J 248,400,452, 468 vote for, for lieut.-governor ... 453 Sweeney, M. D 90 S^ett, John 185, 196, 250, 349 vote for, for superintendent of public inatruction. .-192, 201, 268 Swezy, G. N 263, 294 letter to BidweU 261 Swift, Chaa. H ....259, 260- Swift, John -P ._ -.... .--287, 320, 328, 329, 342, 350, 408, 438, 517, 531, 537, 542, 562, 653 vote for, ior congreasman.... . 366 anti-Chinese memorial present ed by... 481-502 letter declining nomination of American party ... 530 vote fur, forgovernor ,., .¦. 532 Swinford, B 463, 524 Sykes, John J. .— 207 Sykes,.John L ,,, 176 Tade, E.G.- ,, 506 Taggart, Grant I.... .....309, 340, 409 vote for, for supreme court clerk , 311, 366 Talbert, T. A...- 834, 394 Talbot, — --. 288 Taliaferro, A. W 30 Taliaferro, T. W '. 42 Talmadge, D. P ..— 83 Taney, R. B. ,„ . 75 "Tapeworm" ballots- . — j— 312 Tariff', Morrill act, : resolution opposing --. 167 dissatisfaction with.... 332 for revenue, resolutions favor. ing 299, 315, 351, 360, 458, 543 protect! ve , -resol u tion s favoring ..7, 464, 468, 469, 470, 541, 660, 576 McKinley bill denounced 566 platforra of 1888 reaffirmed.... 672 restoration of, on wool, de manded ..,-.. 519 (See a/so,- Wool.) Tarpey M; P.. -.456, 460, 523, 546, 575 vote for, for lieut.-governor 532 Tarpey, Martin — 316 Tax rate, limit pledged 564, 567 45 Taxation, araendraent of consti tution advised 299 exemption to the value of $500. 385 farming lands, growing crops, etc . 386 equitable system of 333, 336, 340, 347, 352, 416, 628, 529, 548, 587 of money, mortgages, etc., 384,396, 468 evidence, of double 412 reduction of 558 Taxes, semi-annual payment of. _ 655 Taylor, Rev. — ., . 12 Taylor, Charles 325 Taylor, Chas. L 176,195, 249 . votefor,forharborcoramiss'r.. 201 Taylor, Clay W -—389, 417, 422, 436, 546, 666, 581 Taylor, D. C ..553, 666, 686 vote for, for member board of equalization 570 Taylor, Daniel 820 Taylor, P. B.. - 319 Taylor, J. W - 361 Taylor, Johu F. 632 Taylor, Nelaon 42, 59 Taylor, R.H ,.9, 17 Taylor, Stuart M — 821, 361, 364, 415, 422 Taylor, W.H 68, 81 Taylor, William 26 Teal, Louis 60, 68 Teare, PhiUp ,... 335 Telegraph, news tariff of Western Union Company 292 governnient ownership of 536, 555, 585, 587, 589 (See also. Postal telegraph.) Teinperance conventions. (See Prohibition conventions.) Temperance question, recogni tion of,, by democratic party. 41 recognition of, by Araerican party. 43 Temperance reform convention.. 354 Temperance resolutions. (See Prohibition platforms.) - Temple, Jackaon 73, 111, 123, 801, 320, 437, 451, 523, 526, 531 vote ibr, for congressman 212 votefor, forjustice of aupreme court 312, 453, 533 • Terrill, CO.- .830, 334 TerriU, George W... - 389 TerriU, James D 112 Territoriea, rights of — 86 right to regulate internal af fairs 63, 64, 100, 103 Terry, David S. -.. 43, 49, 69, 104, 188, 191, 203, 353, ¦ 394, 395,-410, 413, 422, 430, 431; 623 vote for, forjustice of supreme court.. 50 vote for, for attorney-general.. 421 Terry,Reel B 546, 566 vote for, for congressman 553 Tevis, Lloyd 113 Tevis, Robert 19, 34 706 INDEX. Text-books, provided at public expense 385 uniforra aeries of 406 publication of, by thestate.397, 442 aniendment providing for state publication of, approyed.459, 470 Tharp, is. H .9,10, 22 vote for, for clerk of supreme court... — . 11 Tharp, J. W ..-465, 472 'Tharp, W.M. -. 464 Theller, E. A 70 Thom, C. E.. -. 73 Thora, George 386, 401 Thomas, CT ,. 99 Thomas, Charles G 281 Thomas, D. J — 73 Thomas, GeorgeH .. . 561 Thomas, George W. ¦,.414, 419 vote for, for railroad commiss'r 421 Thomas, John — 593 Thoraas, Lorenzo... 272, 274 Thompson, A. W... .„ . 179, 20.7, 410, 414, 590 Thorapson, C P.,,. vote for, for state treasurer ,,, , 356 Thompson, G. Howard , 363 Thompson, J., vote tor, for con gressman,,.. .-- 6 Thompson, J.' P 566, 581 Thompson, J. S..,.., 842, ,360. votefor, tor Congressman 356 Thompson, M. A . 586' Thompaon, R. A. 1 77, 104, 113, 114, 328, 363 Thompson, .R. B — 389 Thompson, R. E 355 Thompson, Robert 461, 506, 586,658,684, 5.86 vote for, for congreasman 533 vote for, for justice of supreme court - 570 Thorapson, S. B.. 392 Thompson, T.H 455 ' Thompson, Thomas L 1-23, 124, 173, 191,266,417, 422, 437, 524, 546, 581 vote for, for secretary of state.. 453. vote .for, for. congressman— 538, 553 Thornburg, WiUiam 42 Thorne, CoL- 22 Thorne, I..N 289 Thornton, H. 1. ., Ul, 203 Thornton, J.D..113, 191, 401, 418, 420- vote for, for justice of supreme ., court... 421 Thornton, 0. ,P , 401 vote for, for supreme court clerk, 421 Thomton, S. K ....... 445 Thorp, W. M 386 Thresher, Geo .-684, 8'86 Thurraan, Allen G ...424, 460 choice of California democrats for president 422 Thurman railroad act indorsed.. 41T Tibbetts, R. H , 68 Tidball, T.T. i 280,. TUden electors, VQte.for..., .364 Tilden, H. J —176, 250, 286. Tilden, M. C 259 Tilden, Samuel J 422, 460, 582 indorsed for president .860, 459 nomination ratified 361 vote for _ :. - 864 aUeged counting out of. 423 Tilden, W. P :. 303 Tilford, Prank — ¦ 55, 70, 73, 113, 114, 126, 200 TiUson, Charles 386 Tilton, S. S.... ^..309, 310, 319 Tingley, Geo. B....7, 8, 43, 44, 49, 126 vote for, for conrgressman .. 23 Tinnin, W. J 359, 389, 894, 414, 415, 418, 422, 437, 456, 461, 472 vote for,. for secretary of state.. 421 TObin, J. F -..'. 813 Tobin, R. J 359 Tobin, Robert 422, 460 Tobin, Thomas 334 Todd, Beniamin 428 vote for, for congressman. ..... 431 Todd, J. M .. ^386 Todd, Mrs. Marian...-. 451, 452 vote for, for attorney-general.. 453 Tolman, George. B -... 506 vote for, for surveyor-general. 582 Tompkins, P. W , 13 Tompkins, S. C 90 Torapkins, Walter J 196 Tooker, J 42 Tooker, L 81 Torrence,R. B 260 Torrey, E.. N - 281 Torrey, James E 112 Towle, G. W 109 Towne, Jamea W 176 Townes, John E 10 Townaend, E.W 543 Tozer, C.W 111 Tracy, Felix 220, 250 Tracy, Frederick P 3, 10, 19, 22, 65, 76, 76, 93, 94, 97, 99, 109, UO yote for, for superintendent of pubUc instr-uctioni.— 11 vote.for,for congressman 95 Traffic association, efforts com mended 580, 589 Trask, James L.._ 22 Traylor, W. .W 194 Treasurer, vote forin 1851, 15 ; 1863, 29; 1856, 60; 1857, 84; 1859, 109; 1861, 180; 1863, 201, 1867, 267; 1871, 311; 1875, 355; 1879, 421; 1882, 453; 1886, 632; 1890; 570 Trippit, Oscar A. 5'r5 Trout, D. H 401 Truett, H. B 79 Trumbo, laaac _ 575 "Trusts," overthrow demanded, 556 enactment of laws against .564, 567 opposition to 585 Tucker, B. H.. , 5D9 Tucker, J.C.-,— - ,— 443 Tucker, Lansing.... 44 Tukey, P . 196 Tully, E..C 284, 3.94' INDEX. 707 Tully,E.S. — 267 Tully,P.B 889,424, 438 vote for, for congressman 453 Turnbull, Walter 302 Turner, Garrison.. " 534 Turner, J. A...... .79 90 Turner, Joliu N..65, 66, 75, 76, 99, 194 vote for, for congressman 74 Turner, "W. R ! 26 Tuttie. A. A. H ' 16 Tuttte, C. A.. 65, 76, 76, 93, 97, 99, 109, 116, 126, 127, 176, 205, 287 292, 318, 350, 394, 401, 413, 420, 472 yote for, for congreasman 356 vote for, for justice of suprerae court .- 421 Tuttie, Daniel 686 Tuttie, P. J.. 686 Tuttie, F. P 661 Tweed, C. A ...278, 287 Twitchell, Edward 199, 266, 349 vote for, for surveyor-general.. 355 Tyler, G. W 174, 184, 196, 286, 287, 409, 429, 472 'Uhueewood, I. N 100 Underwood , I. W 44, 46, 83 Union, maintenance of .. 42 "Union" (newspaper) extract from, on Buchanan and ¦ Douglas 87 on elections of 1858 96 political aituation in 1859..,— , 97 extract on political parties in 1861 - - 159 extract on Conness 243 extract on renoraination of Higby -. 251 on Gorham for governor 253 advocacy of Booth 303 'Union convention, call for in 1860 124 Union deraocratic conventions-- ....1861, 176; 1862, 185; 1863, 197 Union democratic party, at tempted consolidation with republicans 180, 182 Colton's refusal. — 183 maintenance of organization.. 186 letter of Arnold and others in favor of abandoning 188 dissolution of - 197 Union leagues, organization of.. 193 Unioii party, conventions.. 1860, 124; 1861, 165; 1862, 184; 1863, 194; 1864, 206, 209; 1865, 220; 1867, 246; 1868, 278 platforms of 1860, 125; 1862, 184; 1863, 194; 1864, 206; 1865, 220; 1867, 248; 1868, 278 members-of state committee.. 186, 196, 210, 220, 260, 281 resolutions adopted by com mittee.... .t. .- 239 resolution againat tactions in.. 207 diviaion into' "long hairs" and "short hairs"....: 213 Sacramento county convention inlS66 217 Union party— con^fowed. Butte connty convention 215 tButte county resolutions 216 affairs in San Francisco 219 address of committee in 1865.. 223 resolutiona of state committee on President Johnson .. 234 division of, in 1867 243 organization of republican party from j . 258 Union resolutions, offered by De Long 130 by Edgerton 181 by Patrick 134 by Montgomery.- 135 by Crocker 136 by Burbank 137, 154 by Watson 138 by Dougherty 141 by Munday — . 142 byPhelpa.. 144, 153 by Blair 145 by White 145 by Johnson ...146, 155 byChase - 147 by Councilman... 162 by Chase 154 by Porter .... 192 by Shurtieff 192 by CampbeU —1 201 Edgerton's reported by com mittee.... 144 reported by. Shatter.. 146 reported by aaserably commit tee... 148, 149 adopted by legislature 181, 202 Union state convention, at tempted meeting of, in 1861.. 165 United labor convention, 1886 526 United States debt, resolution fa voring payment .... 222 (See also, Debt.) United States senators. (See Sen ators.) University, State, organized 301 appointments of regents de nounced. .......... 484 Upson, L 248 Upton, W. W 67, 68" Vacaville Grange, resolutions adopted by 322 Vallandigham, Clement L 234 VaUejo, M. G. 362, 389 Van Buren, T. B 12, 17, 22 Van Clief, Pef^r.... 301, 329, 330, 349 vote for, for attorney.general-. 355 Vandecar, E. H 224, 226 Vandever, William —..518, 532, 552 vote for, for congressman.. 533, 553 coraraended as congressman .. 537 Van Dyke, Walter .183, 184, 196, 209, 292, 293, 294, 305, 309, 314, 317, 326, 336, 889, 394, 443, 464 Van Fleet, W. G... 542 Vann, W. A. 588 Van Ness, Jaraes 69, 320 Van Pelt, Mrs. Ada 584 708 INDEX. Van Voorhies, J. D 12 Van Voorhies, WUliam ...-.1, 30, 56, 76, 104, 106, 111, 314 Varney,B.F 77 Varney, Stephen.H 465, 472 Veasey, P 532 Venable, MoD. R... 316 Vermule, Thomas L i.. 29, 32 Vestal, D. C 590 Veto power, resolution on dan. ger, of too. frequent use ....... 7 Vigilance committee, resolution condemning --68, 73 approval of _. 74 resolutions on. . 79 (See also, Committee of Safety.) Vinter, William 386 Vogelsang, A. T. 546 Von Rhein, 0. F 362 Voorhies, E. C 561, 575 Vote. (See Election Returns.) Vreeland, E.B — 195 Vrooman, Henry 469, 472 Waddell, H.C....' 584 Wade, Benjamin P. .274, 276, 276, 280 Wade,H 59 Wade, James H... 43, 113 Wade, John P 349 "Wadhams, C ¦. 65 Wadsworth, B.... 248, 305, 314 Wagstaff, A. B 4.39 Wainwright, James B.... 13, 125, 126 Waite, E. G. .174, 250, 263, 286, 565, 594 vote for, for clerk of supreme court 267 vote for, for secretary of state 570 Walbridge, Henry W 592 Walden M 179 Waldo, William ... 12, 26 vote for, for governor-— 28 Waldron, S. A 468, 472 Wales, F. H 476 Walker, (of Yuba) 17 Walker, Asa . 23 Walker, LN 803 Walker, L.W 409 Walker, R. J , 18 Walker, Robert J 239 "WaUser, William 32 Walkup, Joaeph . 18, 42, 77, 83, 123, 302, 803 vote for,'for lieut.-governor... 84 Wall, Isaac B 17, 18 Wallace, W. C 80, 83, 123, 172, 188, 191, 197, 301, 328, 437 vote for, for justice of supreme court 180, 201 Wallace, WUliam T.-.82,.44, 226 ,267, .284, 288, 291, 422, 430, 437, 569 vote for, for attorney-general.. 50 vote for, for justice of supreme court .- 295 Walling, J. .M 443 Wallis, H. W. 430 Walsh, James 41, 73 Walsh, P. F --: 321, 422 WalthaU, Madison... —26, 68 Wand,T.N -.303, 319, 828 Ward, B. H 328, 422 WardaU, E. M 588, 591 Warde, P.'P. — -- 400' Ware, A. B . 566 Warmcastle, P. M 165, 169, 359 Warner, A. L 588, 590 Warner,. J... 24 Warner, J. L 18 Warner, James M... 26 Warner, John J 18,24^,77, 210 War. (See Civil War; Mexican War). . , Warren, Sir Charles 496 "Warren, George R. 176 votefor, for controller-.. 180 Washburn, C A .- ....61,65, 99,. 116, 127, 303 Washington, B.P. . .30, 31, 37, 39, 42, 55, 70, 113, 126 Washington, George 64, 385 Wasson, Adam 409 Wasson, Joseph 430 Waaaon, Milton 413 Water, use of, for irrigation 333 337 345 460,"449",'5'l'6,'52i; 525,. 528,' 529^ 668 resolutions of irrigation con ventions - 473,47.7, 609 articles of association of. anti- ripai-ian, irrigation organizar tion -. 507 proposed constitution'l amend ments 511,- 612 proposed act concerning owner ship - and appropriation of ¦ water 513 (See also, Irrigation.) Waterman, R. W, 469, 517, 581 vote for, for lieut.-governor... 532 adrainistration indorsed.- 537 sketch of 603 Waterman, S..D 444, 618 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction 453 Waters, JByron .: .389, 456, 523, 546, 553, 566 vote for, for justice of. suprerae court 583 Watkins, L. W._ -. 363 Watrous, Charles - 61, 99, 109 Watson, B. J.... 424 Watson,. Judge.. 24 Watson, J. A 22,106, 124 Watson, J. R 194 Watson, John H ......j... 144 uuion resolutions offered by... 138 Watson, W. S :103, 179 Watt, Robert 266, 316, 319 vote for, for controller 267 Watt. Wm . 209 211, 2-24, 284, 292, 303, 315, 326, 328 Waymire, Jaraes A J 389, 394, 396,418, 571, 592 Weaver, J. H. G 513 Weaver, James, B., nomination for presidency indorsed. 426 vote for. ....430, 594 INDEX. 709 Webb,. J. W 426 Webb, W. H ""","46l' Webster, J. V 394,. 401, 413, 414, 452", 453, 465, vote for, for congressman - Wedekind, George W Weeks, W. H... 116", 126^. "Weights and measures, punish ment for using false Weil, John 409, 444, MVOte for, for treasurer 421, Weinstock, H . "Weir, B. G.... "Welcker, Wm. T 437, vote for, for superintendent of public instruction.. "Wellborn, Olin ..-...-' vote for, for congressraan ,.. "Weller, C. L 113, 123, 197, 199, 200, 201, 204, 209, 211, 301, 316, arrest of.. WeUer,-C.-R .-...-....-.- WeUer, H. 0 — : WeUer, John B..11, 66, 77, 94, 96, ¦ 104, 113, 114, 128, 126, 208, 209, vote for, for governor administration indorsed . vote for,for congressman - sketch of .-. Weller, S. P., vote for, for attor- nev-general Wellock, Wm - - .872, 873, 374, 376, 377, 378, 881, Wells, Alexander... .9, 18, 19, 22, vote for, for justice of supreme. court ..... ¦ 23, "Wells, J WeUs, Jas. A Wells, W. S ...104, 306, Weltv, D. W... 47,48, Wentworth, J. P. H..250, 319, 430, Weat, A. M -. .— - West, J. P 894,896, West Virginia, admission of, in dorsed - Weatern Union Telegraph, reao lution on news, tariff--- (See also Telegraph. ) Weston, C. W.-- Weston, H. L Westmoreland, .Chas -... -260, 278,287, resolution on. secession .. ^ reaolution relative to Stanton ahd. Johnson .- Wetherbee, Seth ....280, 'Whalen. A -- Whallen, M .-..208, Wharton, J. P -. -476, 477, "Wheaton, W.. R : "Whe'eler, Alired, vote for, for as semblvman Wheeler,B.D.. 18, 120,-210, 249,409, vote for, for justice of supreme court - -- Wheeler, J. O.. — Wheeler, 0. C 26, 62, Wheeler, S.D ,. .. 431 472 526 '472 413 127 525 518 453 504 67 569 463 -684 '594 414203413 309234 84 106201 11 386 24 29 536 61 840334472468410 202 292 582518288269272 319286 209 .509826 9 472421 Wheeler, W. H. 428 Wheeler, William A 863, 365, 423 Whelan, .Tohn A.. 386 Whicher,J. E ,. 176 Whig iconventions-,. .-..., ---1851, ¦ 12 ; 1862, .16, 19 ; 1853, 26 ; 1854, 34 Whig party, raeeting for org-ani. zation of- ....- 6 members of state central com mittee..-. ..8, 13, 37 disbanding of, ...-.-._. 39 eff'orts to-reorganize, ...- ....' 49 welcomed to deraocratic -party, 72 Whig platforras, -1850, 7 ; „ 1851, 13 ;1852, 19; 1853, 26; 1854, 35- -Whippl.e,-S. G..-. 111, 196,. 209 Whitbeck, P 109 White, E. P.--. -- 444 White, Edward 461 White,'Geo.' T.. .- ... 631 votefor, for treasurer... .. 682 White, J. J -..-,, 547 White, J. P . ..633 White, J. R.-.:.^....... 632 White, J. T 431, 434 White, John 179 union resolutions off'ered by.'.. 146 White, Patrick J.— 524 vote for, for railroad commis,- sioner .i- 583 White, Stephen M 422, 455. 456, 518, 542, 546, 575, 581 White, -T. J •— ,.48, 60 White, Wm. P........... 177, 200, 209, 211,. 212, 224, 267, 284, 30-', 303, 316, 326, 384, 394, 401 vote for, for governor ..... 421 WhUehurst, L. A 683 Whiteside, N. E .. ..77, 90, 104, 172, 283, 286, 803, 328 vote for, for congreaaman 201 Whiting, B. C 42,. 424 vote for, for attorney-general— 50 . Whiting M. S ....--. 239 Whitlock, J. H.... 249 Whitman, B. C...--...48, 64, 6.7, 178 vote for, for congressman 74 vote for, -for justice of supreme court .- 180 Whitman, Geo. W ...48, 81 vote foir, for controller. 60, 84 Whitndore, Mrs 536 Whitney,.A^ P ..358, 363, 429 Whitney, Geo. B 517 Whitney, J. B.-.-.- .632 Whittier, B.P .-16, 17 Whittier, W. F 363-430 "Wickeraham, Isaac G 318 Wickersham, J. G.... -176,363 Wickes, John T 400 Widney,. Robert- 390 'Wigginton, P. D ....298, 354, 362, 631,.547, 549, 550 vote for, for oongressinan, . .356, 364 I contest against-Pacheco.—.. . 365 vote for, for governor. .;,.-i...L.. 532 Wilcox J. A...: 476 Wilcox, J-. W....^.-...-205, 210, 239 710 INDEX. Wilcox, J. W .—continued. withdrawal from congressional contest WUcoxon, C E. ..316, 419, 438, 524, vote for, for member hoard of equalization 421, 463, Wilcoxson, J. P. .., Wilkes, George Wilkins, E. T 264, 267, Willey, H. I -,...-. vote for, for surveyor-general.. Willey, Jaraes... Williams, A. P ...430, 513,- WilUaras, B. H , Williama, C., -vote for, for justice ofsupreme court WUliams, C. B.... WilUams, Chaa. H. S 49, WiUiams, E. C WiUiams, E. L..... WiUiams, Geo. B ...316, Williama, H. B .. vote" for, for con,gressman Williams, H. F.. WilUams, H. P... WiUiams, J. A WiUiams, J. -C WiUiaras, J. P .. Williams, J. M.. Williams, John J WUUams, Thomas H.-34, 77, 104, 169, 170, 172, 173, 188, 190, 191, vote i'or, for att'y-general...84, Williamson, W. M Willis, P. M - Willoughby, J. R Willow, B AVills, Josiah B Wills, T. M Wilmerding, J. C Wilson, — Wilson, A. F Wilson, B. D - - — Wilson, C N 681, 549, 660, vote for, for secretary of state, Wilson, B - vote for, for prison director WUson, E. T - — Wilson, H.C 396, Wilson, Henry, (vice-president,) 280 31"? Wilson, Henry 419', 504', vote for, for railroad commis sioner Wilson, James M Wilson, Jesse F Wilson, John 12,13, 17, 43, 45, Wilson, L. T -. ,..,. WUson, R. J WUson, S. M ..114, 389, Wilson, T. K 186, Winans, Jos. W 37, Winchell, B.C..... Wincbester, J Winchester, M.C 330, 419, 420, 426, 431, 446, 447, 451, 465, 472, 504, 553, 556, 560, 584, vote for, for controller. 421, 260 526 533 302 37 284437 453 372 537 18 421686 65 556692575 401421359 386590686 289 68 460 109313584 592188465463426547 12 364 563632 44 60 16 460321531 533 69 536 4765 566422281389 123 319 570 K Winchester.,. M. C. — continued.. vote for, for.secretary of state, Win.e, cultivation of grapes for, denounced... 449, Wine-making, appropriations to ejicourage..- i favorable legislation wanted.. encouragement of... state aid to, condemned ... Wing, Stephen 305, Winn, A. G .. . Winn, A. M 24, vote for, for lieut. -go vernorj... Winnie, Wm : Winston, Joseph Winters, Gilbert F — vote for, for controller Winters, Tbeodore... Wise, — Wise, J. H . 113^ 124, 173, 191, 417, 422, 436, Wise, T. R . Witheral, C _. - Witherby, 0. S WithereU, J. S vote for, for congressraan Withington, Jamea A Withington, Jas. H.. . Witner, H. C Wohler, Herman 19, Wolcott, Oliver 68, 177, Wolf;E. J — Wolfskin, Jos. C. .316, 359, 422, 436, 'Woraan, equality in official ap pointraents, Woman sufirage, constitutional amendment wanted resolutiona favoring ... — 449, 535, 555, Woman's Christian Temperance Union, resolution on labors recognized ,.. Wombough, M. M Wood, A., resolution indorsing Crittenden compromise Wood, A. D 446, Wood, Henry P. Wood; J. D 465, Wood, Jesse Wood, Jos. M 258,259, Wood, R. N 12, 13, 19, 26, 34, 43, 50, Wood, Wm. G.- - -.70 Wood, W. S...- -.537,550, Woodin, S. B.... Woodruff, Edward. Woods, George L 404, vote ibr, for congressman Woods, John 4-26, 431, Woods, S. D Woodside, P. K 22, 32, 70, vote for, for clerk of supreme court 23, Woodward. P ..451, vote for, for congressman.. Woodward, W. W.... Woodworth, S. B... 8, vote for, for aurveyor-general.. 45*535448 6V9-568-554 306-266- 47 5- 556- 68 26 29 50- 868 453291209 178566- 571452-314536 92; 410565 460- 526- 468, 606- 588 585 555- 18- 151 464 465 466- 437 260" 68- 195 561 124 34 445-463 446 537 7a38 452:453288 2629' INDEX. 711 Woodworth, WaUace. 422 Wool, duty of 1867 wanted -470, 519 protective tariff on.-.. 673 Woolf, D. Barney.. -353, 418, 420, 437 vote for, for clerk of suprerae court 355, 421 Workingraen's party, origin of.. 365 address publishedin San Fran. Cisco "Chronicle" . 368 : resolutions adopted by 370, .373 arrest of Kearney 3'70 arrest of Day and others. ..872, 374 political successes 376 raeetings dispersed 3'77 pledge of members 877, 378 constitution of 386 .pledge 387 conventions, . .1878, 377, 383 ; 1879, 396 ; 1880, 424 platforms. ..1878, 379,384; 1879, 396 .resolutions adopted 378 anti-Kearney convention 388 state comraittee appointed 381 Works, J. D...- - 650, 552 vote for, for justice of suprerae ' court _..:... 558 Wozencraft, 0. M 197, 198, 199, 211, 362, 894 vote for, for superintendent of public instruction..... 201 Wright, George W 6 vote for, for congressman 5 Wright, I. N 556 Wright, J. A - 460 WrightM. V 451 vote for, for congressman 453 Wright, S. P.-.-..-.. 194 Wright, Selden S 267, 801 vote for, for justice of supreme court 311 Wycker, J.C 109 Wyraan, J. B ..286, 317 Wyman, S. '&...... - ..173, 188 Yale, Gregory — . 16 Yan, John B..- 110 Yandell, John N 693 Yarnell, Jesse-426, 461, 466, 472, 536 vote for, for congressraan 453 Yeiser, Frederick. . i 24, 41 Yell, Archibald -460, 569 vote for, for railroad commis sioner 570 Young, E. B.. 584 Young, J. D... 547 Younger, Coleman 394, 395, 414 Yule, John.. .'..220, 309, 319, 321, 438 Zabeiskie, j. C 55 discussion with Bates 62 Zuck, J. C 480 Zuhiwalt, D, K ....451, 509, 586 vote for, for controller 453 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01347 2890