AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS MEMORIAL EXHIBITION THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO MCMIX I Sa23l YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Given in Memory of CHARLES J. MORSE, Yale 1874S and JARED K. MORSE, YaU 1908S Copyright, 1905, de \V. C. Ward. Ouu&~*~ THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO CATALOGUE SCULPTURED WORKS AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAVDENS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH "Augustus Saint-Gaudens ivko needs not mortal years in doing immortal •work." — Charles W. Eliot. AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 1909 FULLERTON MEMORIAL HALL THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO Memorial Meeting in Appreciation of AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAVDENS August 3, 1909, at 3 P. M. the Second Anniversary of his Death Addresses by L/ORADO TAFT Jenkin Lloyd Jones Daniel H. Burnham Charles L. Hutchinson Glenn Brown Trustees of the Art Institute of Chicago Edward E. Ayhr Adolphus C. Bartlbtt John C. Black Chauncey J. Blair Clarence Buckingham Edward B. Butler Daniel H. Burnham Clyde M. Carr Charles Deering Henry H. Getty I9O9-IO John J. Glessner Frank W. Gunsaulus Charles L. Hutchinson Bryan Lathrop Frank G. Logan R. Hall McCormick John J. Mitchell Samuel M. Nickerson Martin A. Ryerson Howard Van D. Shaw Albert A. Sprague Ex Officio Fred A. Busse, Mayor Walter H. Wilson, Comptroller Henry G. Foreman, President South Park Commit tirtncri William Best, Auditor South Park Commissioners Officers Charles L. Hutchinson, President Ernest A. Hamill, Treasurer William M. R. French, Director Martin A. Ryerson, Vice-President William A. Angell, Auditor Newton H. Carpenter, Secretary Executive Committee Charles L. Hutchinson John C. Black Martin A. Ryerson Albert A. Sprague Frank G. Logan Howard Van D. Shaw Clarence Buckingham Art Committee Charles L. Hutchinson Martin A. Ryerson Howard Van D. Shaw Bryan Lathrop R. Hall McCormick Frederic C. Bartlett AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS. "You can do anything you please. It's the way it's done that makes the difference." — Augustus Saint-Gaudens. ^Augustus Saint-Gaudens, by birth half French and half Irish, by nature and training American, came to this country at his mother's breast in 1848 when six months old. His father, Bernard Paul Ernest Saint-Gaudens, was born in the little village of Aspet in the south of France. There he learned his trade of shoemaker, and thence he slowly travelled by way of Paris and London to Dublin, Ireland, where he met his future wife, Mary McGuiness, who bound slippers in the shoe store for which he made boots. On arriving in New York this hot-headed, eccentric French man, to the detriment of his trade, developed infinitely more interest in organizing Fraternal Societies than in selling shoes. Consequently from the first, Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the third of five sons, took part in the family struggle for a livelihood. •lUntil the age of thirteen the youngster received the ordinary education of the New York boy of 185c. Those were the days of lickings at the hands of his teacher, and of fights with the West Broadway "gang;" and the struggle with these elements shaped the energy which lasted him through life. Yet despite his prosaic surroundings his artistic inclinations took shape early. They originated with the representation of soldiers upon a school slate. They emerged through charcoal-scrawled drawings upon the neigh boring walls. And finally they were recog nized by Dr. Rea Agnew, a customer of Bernard Saint-Gaudens, who found such merit in the young man's sketches that he urged the father to continue his son's education in this direction. i in. Half length, di rected to the left, head in profile, palette in left hand, a brush in the right. Inscription JVLES BASTIEN-LEPAGE AETATIS XXXI. PARIS MDCCCLXXX.Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS FECIT. Lent by Mrs. Charles Homer. Note. A reduction is in the Luxembourg. 38 23 CHILDREN OF PRESCOTT HALL BUTLER Plaster, low relief, signed and dated New York, Octo ber, 1880-March, 1881. H. 24 in.; W. 35^ in. Fig ures of two little boys in Highland costume; three- quarters length, three-quarters to the right, heads in profile; right arm of elder boy about shoulders of younger. In upper left corner, an endless knot with legend DABIT DEVS HIS QVOQVE FINEM. Inscription (Left) CHARLES STEWART BVTLER IN HIS FOVRTH YEAR. (Right) LAWRENCE SMITH BVTLER IN HIS SLXTH YEAR. (Below) TO MY FRIEND PRESCOTT HALL BVTLER SLXTH OF JULY EIGHTEEN HVN DRED AND EIGHTY. MARCH TWENTY SIXTH EIGHTEEN HVNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE. Signature (Upper right corner, monogram A ST G) FECIT. (Below) MODELLED BY AVGVSTVS SAINT GAVDENS NEW YORK OCTOBER EIGHT EEN HVNDRED AND EIGHTY. MARCH EIGHTEEN HVNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 24 JOSIAH GILBERT HOLLAND Plaster cast of plaque (stained to resemble bronze), low relief, signed and dated New York, 1881. H. 1514 in.; W. 10% in. Head and shoulders, side view, head in profile, directed to the right. InscriptionET VITAM IMPENDERE VERO. JOSIAH GILBERT HOLLAND AT THE AGE OF FIFTY-SEVEN. NEW YORK A. D. MDCCCLXXVI. 39 Signature FECIT (monogram: A ST G) 1881. Lent by Mr. Bleecker Van Wagenen. 25 MRS. CHARLES CARROLL LEE AND MISS LEE Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated New York, 1881. H. 14^ in. ; W. 23^ in. Two busts at either end of plaque, side view, heads in profile ; Mrs. Lee at right, directed left; Miss Lee at left, directed right. Between them a shield, crest and narrow rib bon scroll. Inscription (Upper left corner) SARAH REDWOOD LEE AETATIS XVI. (Upp - right corner) HELEN LEE AETATIS XXXVIIL (Below) NEW YORK MDCCCLXXXI. MOD ELLED BY AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS FOR HIS FRIEND DOCTOR CHARLES CARROLL LEE. Lent by Mrs. Charles Carroll Lee. 26 MISS SARAH REDWOOD LEE Bronze plaque, low relief, signed. [1881.] Three- quarters length, three-quarters to the right, head in profile, hands clasped before her. InscriptionSARAH REDWOOD LEE. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) FECIT. Lent by Mrs. Charles Carroll Lee. Note. A reduction is in the Luxembourg. 40 27. 28 CARYATIDS FOR RESIDENCE OF CORNELIUS VANDERBILT, NEW YORK Two plaster casts from models, without signature or date. [1881?] Total H. 3 ft. 11 y2 in. Standing within shell-lined niches, female figures in classic drapery supporting (in the original) the ends of the mantel-piece with their uplifted arms ; one, with head bowed on breast, the other with head inclined to the right. Inscription above latter AMOR. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The latter caryatid is seen at the left of the por trait of Mr. Saint-Gaudens by Mr. Cox. The marble mantel-piece of which the finished statues form a part was executed in collaboration with John La Farge about 1881. 29 HOMER SCHIFF SAINT-GAUDENS Bronze, low relief, dated New York, February, 1882. H. 2oy2 in. ; W. i6y2 in. Infant, seated in armchair, half length, side view, directed to the left, head in profile, looking left, hand on arm of chair. Inscription TO MY FRIEND DOCTOR HENRY SCHIFF THIS PORTRAIT OF MY SON HOMER SCHIFF SAINT- GAUDENS AT THE AGE OF SEVENTEEN MONTHS. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS NEW YORK FEBRVARY MDCCCLXXXII. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 41 30 MISS GERTRUDE VANDERBILT (MRS. HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY) Plaster cast from bronze plaque, low relief, signed, not dated. [1882.] H. 16^ in.; W. 23^ in. Half length, three-quarters to the left, head three-quarters, directed left; wearing hat; hands raised, gathering roses, branches of which compose the background. GERTRUDE VANDERBILT AT THE AGE OF SEVEN. Signature MODELLED BY AVG. SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 31 DOCTOR ALEXANDER HAMILTON VINTON Plaster cast from bronze, middle relief, signed and dated 1883. Heroic size. Half-length figure, wear ing doctor's gown, directed to the right, head three- quarters and looking to the right; in the right hand, under the arm, a book. The inscription covers the background. Inscription ALEXANDER HAMILTON VINTON D. D.... RECTOR OF EMANVEL CHURCH, FROM 1869 TO 1877.... Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of the Trustees of Emanuel Church, Boston. 42 32 CHARLES TIMOTHY BROOKS Plaster cast from memorial tablet; middle relief, signed and dated 1884. H. 4 ft. 1 in. ; W. 2 ft. 6 in. Within a rectangular tablet a circular medallion con taining life-size head and shoulders, side view, di rected to the left. Inscription (Above medallion) IN SACRED MEMORY OF THE FIRST AND BELOVED MINISTER OF THIS SO CIETY. (Within medallion) CHARLES TIMOTHY BROOKS BORN IN SALEM, MASS. JUNE 20TH, 1813. DIED IN NEWPORT R. I. JUNE 4TH, 1883. (Below medallion is a eulogy of some length.) Signature FECIT A ST G 1884. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The original, in bronze, is in Channing Church, Newport, R. I. 33 PROFESSOR ASA GRAY Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated Cam bridge, Mass., 1884. H. 35J4 in.; W. 27 in. Head and shoulders, side view, directed to the left. In upper right corner, within a wreath of flowers, three miniature books with word VE | RI | TAS on their pages. InscriptionASA GRAY MDCCCLXXXIV. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS FECIT CAMBRIDGE MASS. Lent by Harvard University. 43 34 SILAS WEIR MITCHELL Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated New York, 1884. H. 20J4 in. ; W. i6-Hj in. Three-quar ters length, three-quarters to the right, head in pro file, directed right; right arm akimbo, left at side with hat and gloves in hand. Inscription (Above) S. WEIR MITCHELL, PHILADELPHIA. (Within parchment scroll bearing device of rod and ser pent, the date) MDCCCLXXXIV. (Below) JOHN CAD- WALADER FROM S. WEIR MITCHELL. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS FECIT NEW YORK Lent by Mr. John L. Cadwalader. 35 MRS. LOUISE M. HOWLAND Bronze high relief, signed. [1884?] H. 39^ in.; W. 23^ in. Three-quarters length figure, three-quar ters to the left; head directed and looking right, right arm resting on piano, hands clasped. Inscription LOUISE MILLER HOWLAND. ..MDCCCLXXXIV. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS FECIT. Lent by Judge Henry E. Howland. 44 36 MRS. STANFORD WHITE Plaster cast from marble, middle relief, signed and dated February 7, 1884. H. 23 in.; W. I2j4 in. Three-quarters length ; three-quarters to the left, look ing left; right hand raised, left holding flowers. Inscription FEBRVARY VII MDCCCLXXXIX. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS FECIT Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 37 DUNROBIN Terra-cotta circular medallion, low relief, signed and dated 1884. D. 15 in. InscriptionDUNROBIN. Signature A. 1884. ST. G. Lent by Mr. John Gellatly. Note. This is a portrait of the Scotch deerhound Dun- robin, the dog that was used as a model by Mr. Saint- Gaudens in his relief of the Children of Jacob H. Schiff. 38 WILLIAM EVARTS BEAMAN Bronze medallion, signed and dated 1885. D. (verti cal) i8y2 in.; (horizontal) 19 in. Head and shoul ders of little boy, directed to the left. 45 Inscription QVANTVM BONVM' EST VBI SVNT PRAEPARATA PECTORA IN QVAE TVTO SECRETVM OMNE DE- SCENDAT QOVRVM CONSCIENTAM MINVS QVAM SVAM TIMEAS QVORVM SERMO SOLLiaTVDINEM LENIAT SENTENTIA CONSILIVM EXPEDEAT Hl- LARITAS TRISTRIAM DISSIPET CONSPECTVS IPSE DELECTET. WILLIAM EVARTS BEAMAN IN HIS FOVRTH YEAR 1885. Signature FE (monogram: A ST G) CIT Lent by Mrs. C. C. Beaman. 39 DOCTOR HENRY WHITNEY BELLOWS Plaster cast from bronze memorial tablet, middle re lief [signed and dated New York, 1885]. Full- length figure, standing, directed and looking three- quarters to the left; wearing gown; right arm bent, holding book; left at side; right foot advanced. Be tween pilasters supporting a round arch, the whole upon a pediment-shaped tablet. H. 10 ft. 4 in.; W. 4 ft. 5^ in. Inscription (Above) FORTY-THREE YEARS MINISTER OF THIS CHVRCH TO WHICH HE GAVE THE NAME ATI. SOVLS, PRESIDENT OF THE VNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION FROM 1861 TO 1878 (Be low) HENRY WHITNEY BELLOWS, D D BORN IN BOSTON JVNE 11TH, 1814. DIED IN NEW YORK JANVARY 1882. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of the Trustees of All Souls Church, New York. 46 '¦111. WM ' 1 1 il II i' M"..;— ' ! AMOR CARITAS. 40 AMOR CARITAS Plaster cast from bronze high relief, signed and dated [1887]. Total H. 8 ft. 9 in.; W. 4 ft. Within a shallow niche, a standing female figure, with up ward curving wings partly surrounding a tablet, which rests upon the head and is lightly held by the upraised hands. The figure is directed front, the head and eyes very slightly to the right, and the sandaled feet are partly visible beneath the long robe. Girdle and crown of passion-flowers. Inscription (on tablet above head) AMOR CARITAS. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. MDCCCLXX [XVII]. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The original idea of this was embodied in the fig ures on the Morgan tomb at Hartford, Conn., which were burned. From this spring the figure of the Maria Smith tomb at Newport, and the Amor Caritas of the Luxem bourg, of which this is a replica. 41 CHESTER W. CHAPIN Plaster cast of bust, without signature or date. [About 1887.] H. 21 in. Directed and looking front.Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 47 42 PORTRAIT OF A LADY Plaster cast from unfinished clay sketch of oval medallion, not signed, dated or inscribed. D. (verti cal) 16 in. ; (horizontal) 13% in. Head and shoul ders, three-quarters to the right, directed right, head in profile, hand on chest. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 43 WASHINGTON MEDAL A replica of a bronze medal, low relief, copyrighted 1889. D. 454 in. (Obverse) Bust of Washington, side view, head in profile, directed left. Continental costume. At the right, the fasces of magistracy. Forming a border about the edge, thirteen stars. Signature PHILIP MARTINY, MODELLER. DESIGN AND COPYRIGHT BY AUGUSTUS SAINT- GAUDENS. InscriptionGEORGE WASHINGTON. PATER PATRIAE. MDCCLXXXIX. (Reverse) Upper half, an American eagle, with wings spread, claws holding arrows and olive branch bearing shield with legend E PLVRIBVS VNVM. Lower left, coat of arms of New York State. Thirty-eight stars form ing border. Inscription TO COMMEMORATE THE INAVGVRATION OF GEORGE WASHINGTON AS FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE VNITED STATES OF AMERICA AT NEW YORK APRIL XXX MDCCLXXXIX. BY AVTHORITY 48 OF THE COMMITTEE ON CELEBRATION NEW YORK APRIL XXX MDCCCLXXXIX. Lent by the American Numismatic Society. 44 ABRAHAM LINCOLN (STANDING FIGURE) Plaster cast from bronze statue, signed and dated 1887. Heroic size. Standing before a chair, figure directed to the front, head slightly bent, right arm thrust behind him, left grasping lapel of coat, left foot advanced, in an attitude characteristic of Lincoln when rising to make a speech. Signature AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS SCULPTOR MDCCCLXXXVII. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of the Commissioners of Lincoln Park, Chicago. Note. The original statue stands at the south end of Lin coln Park in Chicago, the idea of an audience-chamber be ing further carried out in the great circular stone exedra, sixty feet across, which surrounds the low pedestal, in the design of which Mr. Saint-Gaudens collaborated with the late Stanford White, architect. The inscription is on the pedestal and back of the exedra, and includes among other things an extract from the Cooper Union speech of i860: LET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN THAT FAITH LET US TO THE END DARE TO DO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDER STAND IT. 45 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON Plaster cast from rectangular bronze memorial tab let in Saint Giles's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland; low relief, signed and dated 1887-1892. H. (of re lief proper) 5 ft. 7 in., (of plinth) 1 ft. 10 in. ; W. (of relief proper) 9 ft. \y2 in., (of plinth) 9 ft. 2 in. A variant of the same design, the figure being the same, but shown in full length, covered with a travel ing rug in place of the coverlet, having a quill pen in hand in place of the cigarette, and resting upon a couch in place of the bed, with leaves of manuscript scattered upon the floor, and instead of the ivy bor der, extending across the top and drooping at sides of the relief a garland of laurel interwoven at the ends with Scotch heather and Samoan hibiscus. The outline of a ship is shown in the lower right corner. Inscription (Above, Stevenson's "Prayer") GIVE VS GRACE AND STRENGTH TO FORBEAR AND TO PERSEVERE. GIVE VS COVRAGE AND GAIETY AND THE QVIET MIND, SPARE TO VS OVR FRIENDS, SOFTEN TO VS OVR ENEMIES. BLESS VS, IF IT MAY BE, IN ALL OVR INNOCENT ENDEAVORS. IF IT MAY NOT, GIVE VS THE STRENGTH TO ENCOVNTER THAT WHICH IS TO COME, THAT WE MAY BE BRAVE IN PERIL, CON STANT IN TRIBVLATION, TEMPERATE IN WRATH, AND IN ALL CHANGES OF FORTVNE, AND DOWN TO THE GATES OF DEATH, LOYAL AND LOVING TO ONE ANOTHER. (On plinth, below relief proper) ROBERT LOVIS STEVENSON. BORN AT VIII HOW ARD PLACE EDINBVRGH, NOVEMBER XIII MDCCCL. DIED AT VAILIMA, ISLAND OF VPOLV, SAMOA, DECEMBER III, MDCCCXCIV. THIS ME MORIAL IS ERECTED IN HIS HONOVR BY READ ERS IN ALL QVARTERS OF THE WORLD, WHO ADMIRE HIM AS A MASTER OF ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LETTERS, AND TO WHOM HIS CON- SO STANCY UNDER INFIRMITY AND SUFFERING, AND HIS SPIRIT OF MIRTH, COVRAGE AND LOVE HAVE ENDEARED HIS NAME. (Follows Stevenson's "Epitaph" written by himself) VNDER THE WIDE AND STARRY SKY DIG THE GRAVE AND LET ME LIE. GLAD THAT I UVE AND GLADLY DIE, AND I LAID ME DOWN WITH A WILL. THIS BE THE VERSE YOV GRAVE FOR ME: HERE HE LIES WHERE HE LONGED TO BE; HOME IS THE SAILOR, HOME FROM THE SEA, AND THE HVNTER HOME FROM THE HILL. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 46 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON Bronze circular medallion, low relief, signed and dated 1887. D. (vertical) 35^ in.; (horizontal) 34J4 in. Similar in design and inscription to the model described under No. 39, but differing as fol lows: Foot of bed and lower quarter of figure not visible; ivy border and verses of inscription made tQ conform to the circular shape of the medallion. In stead of dedication "To Robert Louis Stevenson," etc., the present example reads: REPLICA MADE FOR CHARLES DEERING BY HIS FRIEND AVGVSTVS SAINT - GAVDENS. ASPET MCMVI. Signature (below poem) AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. MDCCCLXXXVII. Lent by Mr. Charles Deering. Note. The "dedication" varies with the name of the re cipient, and the earlier replicas differed in minor details of modelling. A bronze reducton is in the Luxembourg. SI 47 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON Electrotype reduction from the model of the relief as originally designed ; in rectangular form ; signed and dated New York, September, 1887. H. 6-M? in.; W. ij,y2 in. Full-length figure, seen in profile, look ing left, reclining in a bed, the lower limbs partly concealed by the coverlet; the left hand holding a manuscript, the knees being drawn up to support it, and the right hand poised in air, with a cigarette between the fingers. A border of ivy leaves and berries extends across the top of the plaque, with the inscription and signature written horizontally below it, the figure of the winged horse occurring between the first two stanzas of the inscription. Inscription (Stevenson's poem beginning) YOUTH NOW FLEES ON FEATHERED FOOT FAINT AND FAINTER SOUNDS THE FLUTE. (ending) LIFE IS OVER. LIFE WAS GAY. WE HAVE COME THE PRIMROSE WAY. TO ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON FROM HIS FRIEND AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS. NEW YORK SEPTEMBER MDCCCLXXXVII. Signature : As given above. Note. The sittings for the head and shoulders took place in New York while Stevenson was ill there on his way to the Adirondacks. The hands were modelled from studies made at Manasquan just before he left for Samoa. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 47a DEACON SAMUEL CHAPIN ("THE PURITAN") Plaster cast from bronze statue at Springfield, Mass. See No. 112. Property of the Art Institute. 52 48 WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated New York, August, 1888. H. 21^ in.; W. 29^ in. Three-quarters length, three-quarters to the left, head in profile, directed left, wearing artist's blouse and Tam O'Shanter cap ; in the left hand are a palette and brushes ; the right arm, with paint brush in hand, is extended and rests on painter's stick. In the lower left corner is a medallion with design of winged horse. Inscription ( WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE IN HIS FORTIETH YEAR FROM HIS FRIEND AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAV DENS. NEW YORK AVGVST MDCCCLXXXVIll. Signature : As given above. Lent by Mr. W. M. Chase. Note. The clay model of this plaque, in somewhat differ ent form, is represented on the sculptor's easel in Mr. Kenyon Cox's portrait of Saint-Gaudens. 49 EDWIN HUBBELL CHAPIN, D.D. Plaster cast from the bronze relief in the Fourth Universalist Church, New York City. Signed, not dated. [188?] H. 36% in. ; W. 32^ in. Head and shoulders, three-quarters to the left, head in profile. InscriptionEDWIN HVBBELL CHAPIN D. D. BORN DEC. 29TH, 1814 DIED DEC. 26TH, 1880 HE BEING DEAD YET SPEAKETH. PASTOR OF THE FOVRTH VNIVER SALIST SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK FROM MAY 1848 VNTIL HIS DEATH. 53 Signature (Monogram: A ST G) FECIT. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 50 GENERAL WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN Bronze bust, signed. [1888.] Copyright by Augus tus Saint-Gaudens, 1892. Total H. 31^ in. Shoul ders directed front, head and eyes right; United States military coat. The bust rests upon a rec tangular block bearing the inscription, and that in turn upon a mass of ribbon-bound laurel supported upon a rectangular slab. Inscription WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by U. S. Military Academy at West Point. Note. Modelled from life in eighteen sittings. Served as the study for the head of Sherman in the memorial statue unveiled in 1903. 51 MRS. SCHUYLER VAN RENSSE LAER Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated 1888. H. 29% in.; W. 7% in. Head and shoulders, side view, head profile, directed to the left. Inscription ANIMVS NON OPVS. MDCCCLXXXVIll. TO MARI ANA GRISWOLD VAN RENSSELAER. 54 Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by Mrs. Schuyler Van Rensselaer. Note. A reduction is in the Luxembourg. 52 CHILDREN OF JACOB H. SCHIFF Plaster cast from bronze, low relief, signed and dated [New York], 1888. H. 5 ft. gy2 in.; W. 4 ft. 3 in. Figures of little girl and boy, walking, accompanied by greyhound. Full length, three-quarters to the right ; the face of the girl seen in three-quarters view, the boy's in profile. The former, somewhat the taller, placed at the right, leads the boy with her right hand, and with the left holds the dog by the collar. The boy holds cap in right hand. Sculptured frame effect of plinth, columns and cornice hung with garlands. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. A bronze reduction is in the Luxembourg. 53 KENYON COX Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated New York, 1889. H. igy2 in. ; W. 7% in. Head, in pro file, directed to the right. Inscription „ „ „ KENYON COX PAINTER IN HIS THIRTY-THIRD YEAR BY HIS FRIEND AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAV DENS MDCCCLXXXIX. 55 Signature : As given above. Lent by Mr. Kenyon Cox. Note. Executed two years after the portrait painted by Mr. Cox of Mr. Saint-Gaudens. 54 GEORGE HOLLINGSWORTH Plaster cast, low relief, signed and dated 1889. H. 5 ft. 9 in. ; W. 2 ft. gy2 in. Three-quarters length, three-quarters to the right, head in profile, directed to the right; right arm akimbo, left resting on book. Frame effect produced by modelled cornice, plinth and moulding. Inscription GEORGE HOLLINGSWORTH TEACHER OF THE LOWELL INSTITVTE DRAWING SCHOOL FROM MDCCCLI TO MDCCCLXXIX. THIS BRONZE TESTI FIES TO THE LOVE OF HIS MANY FRIENDS AND TO THE GRATITVDE AND ESTEEM OF HIS MANY PVPILS. MDCCCXIII MDCCCLXXXII. Signature A ST G FECIT '99. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Note. The original, in bronze, is in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. 55 DOCTOR JAMES McCOSH Plaster cast from bronze memorial tablet, middle re lief, signed and dated 1889. Full-length figure, stand ing, directed front,- head three-quarters and looking 56 right ; wearing doctor's gown ; right hand extended. left resting upon reading-desk. H. 8 ft. y/? in. ; W. 4 ft. 724 in. Inscription (above) JAMES McCOSH D. D. LL. D. FOR TWENTY YEARS PRESIDENT OF PRINCETON COLLEGE OCTOBER XXVII MDCCCLXVIII. JVNE XX MDCCCLXXXVIll. ERECTED IN HIS HONOR BY THE CLASS OF MDCCCLXXIX. JVNE XVIII MDCCCLXXXIX. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of Princeton University. 56 MISS VIOLET SARGENT Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated 1890 Full-length seated figure, directed three-quarters to the right, head in profile, holding in the hands a guitar, the limbs crossed. H. 50K in-; W. 34K in- Inscription (within ivy-wreath) VIOLET 'SARGENT. Signature A. ST G MDCCCLXXXX FECIT. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 57 SEAL FOR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Plaster cast from which the stone rectangular high relief was cut, signed. [1891?] H. 4 ft- ; W. 6 ft. A shield, bearing a book, is supported on either side by nude figures of boys, each carrying a torch. Above, a ribbon scroll. 57 InscriptionOMNIVM LVX CIVIVM. MDCCCLII MDCCCLXXXIII. Signature BY A. ST. G. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 58 THE HEAD OF THE FIGURE ON THE ADAMS MONUMENT This head was in the studio of Mr. Augustus Saint- Gaudens when everything was destroyed in 1904, with the exception of this head and the portrait of his son, Mr. Homer Saint-Gaudens. "The Adams Mon ument head was especially notable that dreary morn ing after the fire, when there was absolutely nothing else left standing or saved." Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 59 ADAMS MONUMENT, ROCK CREEK CEMETERY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Plaster cast from bronze statue, unsigned and un dated. [About 1 89 1.] A figure, enveloped in heavy drapery, which covers the head and body with the exception of the face and right arm, the hand of which supports the chin. Directed to the front, eyes lowered. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of Mr. Henry Adams. Note. The monument consists of a block of granite against which the figure leans, and which forms one side of an 58 hexagonal plot of about twenty feet in diameter. Opposite and occupying three sides of the hexagon is a massive stone bench. The figure has been variously interpreted, although Saint-Gaudens gave no name to it. 60 DIANA Bronze cast from a study for the head, without date. Copyrighted 1908. H. gy2 in. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 61 DIANA Reduction in bronze from the Diana surmounting the Madison Square Garden tower, with drapery omitted. Not signed or dated. Total H. 41^ in. Attitude similar to that of No. 62, bow and arrow present, crescent omitted. No inscription. Lent by Mr. Charles F. McKim. Note. A large statue of Diana, modelled in 1892, was exhibited in bronze at the World's Fair in Chicago in 1893. A smaller statue, which also has the drapery, was placed above the tower of Madison Square Garden, New York. 62 DIANA Bronze cast from early clay sketch, not signed. H. (of figure) 25 in.; (of pedestal) 5 in. Nude figure poised with one foot upon a sphere. Head turned 59 to left, crescent on brow ; left arm extended, right flexed, in attitude of archer shooting; bow and arrow absent. No inscription. Lent by Mr. John Gellatly. 63 MRS. GROVER CLEVELAND Plaster cast from model in form of circular medal lion, not signed or dated. D. 17 in. Head and shoulders, three-quarters to the left, head three-quar ters and looking left. Inscription FRANCES FOLSOM CLEVELAND. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 64 MRS. GROVER CLEVELAND Bronze medallion, low relief, signed and dated 1892. D. 5^3 in. Head and shoulders, three-quarters and looking left. InscriptionFRANCES FOLSOM CLEVELAND MARION MASSA CHUSETTS. AVGVST MDCCCXCII. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Grover Cleveland. Note. A reduction from Number 63. 60 C.jpjniht. 1905. ir \V. f. Ward. REVERSE i )E CUEUMBIAN MEDAL. 65 MEDAL OF WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO Bronze medal, cast, low relief, signed. Date of in scription 1892-1893. D. 4 in. (Obverse) Figure of Columbus in armor with sword and cloak; full-length, body and head three-quarters, directed left, eyes raised, arms outspread, right foot advanced. Background: portions of a ship, an unfurled banner, and figures of three men visible in part ; in distance a symbolic device of ships passing the pillars of Hercules, and words PLVS VLTRA. InscriptionCHRISTOPHER COLVMBVS OCT. XII MDCCCXCII. Signature (below, partly effaced) AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. (Reverse) Undraped figure of a youth standing upon a hill-top, and supporting a tall shield, directed and looking front, right arm extended, hand grasping a torch; left arm, with hand holding three wreaths, resting upon the shield. The shield bears under the motto E PLVRIBVS VNVM, an American eagle with arrows, olive branch and small shield. At the right of the large shield is a young oak tree. Inscription THE COLVMBIAN EXHIBITION IN COMMEMORA TION OF THE FOVR HVNDREDTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE LANDING OF COLVMBVS. TO AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. MDCCCXCII-MDCCCXCIII. Signature (Monogram : A S T G) Lent by Mr. Louis Saint-Gaudens. Note. Cast from the original study, reduced. 61 66 MEDAL OF WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO Two electrotype medallions from obverse and reverse of similar design, with slight variation. D. 8 in. (encircled by one-half-inch rim left in electrotyping) . Lent by the United States Mint in Philadelphia. Note. Design of obverse same as the above. The design of the reverse (rejected by the Quadro-Centennial Com mittee of the United States Senate) resembles the original sketch except in having a blank tablet for the name of the recipient at lower left with three fleurets below it, and some minute changes in the shield bearings. 67 MEDAL OF WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO The medal as finally cast, with the obverse (a) as designed by Saint-Gaudens, and in place of the nude figure, etc., of the reverse (b), a design by Mr. Charles E. Barber of the United States Mint. D. 4 in. Lent by Mr. George F. Kunz. 68 STUDY OF A CHILD Bronze medallion, low relief, unsigned, dated 1892. D. 2$$ in. Head and shoulders, three-quarters to the right, head in profile, directed right. Inscription ...MDCCCXCII. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 62 69 CHARLES COTESWORTH BEAMAN Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated 1894. H. 26^2 in.; W. 15J4 in. Figure half length, head in profile, directed and looking to the right, right hand in pocket. Inscription MDCCCLXXXIV. CHARLES COTESWORTH BEAMAN BY HIS FRIEND AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Signature : As given above. Lent by Mrs. C. C. Beaman. Note. A reduction is in the Luxembourg. 70 GARFIELD MONUMENT, FAIR- MOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA Plaster cast from bronze bust of James Abram Gar field, unsigned, dated 1895. Colossal size. Undraped; head directed and looking front. Date inscribed be low on tablet: MDCCCXCV. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 71 GARFIELD MONUMENT, FAIR- MOUNT PARK, PHILADELPHIA Plaster cast from bronze statue of the "Republic," signed and dated 1895. Heroic size. Standing fe male figure in flowing robe and liberty cap; directed and looking front; in the left hand a palm branch, 63 the right resting on an oval shield held directly be fore the figure. Inscription (on shield) JAMES ABRAM GARFIELD PRESIDENT OF THE VNITED STATES MDCCCLXXXI. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Cast made by permission of the Commissioners of Fair- mount Park, Philadelphia. Note. The monument proper is a tall marble quadrilateral stele with Doric pilasters at the angles, supporting an entablature upon which rests the bust, and below which, filling a niche in the anterior face, stands the figure of the "Republic." 72 MISS ANNIE PAGE Bronze head, signed and dated 1895, copyrighted 1908. H. i8y2 in. Signature MDCCC (monogram: A ST G) XCV Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 73 WILLIAM ASTOR CHANLER Bronze bust, signed and dated 1896. H. 19*4 in. Head and chest directed front. InscriptionWILLIAM ASTOR CHANLER Signature (script) AUGUSTUS ST GAUDENS, 1896 Lent by Mrs. John J. Chapman. 64 74 PETER COOPER Plaster cast, of heroic size, of head from bronze statue, the original signed and dated 1897. H. 26 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The monument of which this is a detail is at the side of Cooper Union, New York City, in honor of its founder. Mr. Saint-Gaudens attended school at the Union in his youth. 75 MEMORIAL TO COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW, BOSTON Plaster cast of early sketch for bronze relief; with out signature or date. H. 1414 in.; W. 15^. in. Equestrian figure of Shaw, directed to the left, and surrounded by foot soldiers, the whole surrounded by architectural frame. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The commission for the memorial to Colonel Shaw, Commander of the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment (colored troops), who fell at Fort Wagner, was given by the State of Massachusetts in 1884. The work, with its many modifications, extended over an interval of twelve years, the completed monument being unveiled in 1897. 76 MEMORIAL TO COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW, BOSTON Bronze cast for a study for the head of Colonel Shaw; without signature or date. H. ioy2 in. 65 Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 77 MEMORIAL TO COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW, BOSTON Six plaster casts of studies for the heads of negroes ; without signature or date. One-third life size. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 78 MEMORIAL TO COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW, BOSTON Plaster cast of early study for female figure, low re lief ; without signature or date. L. 37 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 79 MEMORIAL TO COLONEL ROBERT GOULD SHAW. BOSTON Plaster cast of later study for female figure, low re lief; without signature or date. L. 10 ft. 7 in. Note. The female figure, which seems to symbolize death and fame, is seen in the finished relief, floating above and a little in advance of the figure of Shaw, the position being nearly horizontal, directed to the right, the eyes, as in the latter cast, being lowered, the left arm extended, palm up ward, and the right arm clasping to the breast poppies and 66 a laurel branch, the whole enveloped in sweeping draperies. A large photograph of the finished relief is also shown. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 80 SHERMAN MONUMENT: FIRST SKETCH FOR HEAD OF VICTORY Bronze bust on circular base; signed and dated 1897. Total H. 13 in. One-third life size, directed and look ing front; hair in Grecian knot. Inscription (on applied tablet below) FIRST SKETCH OF HEAD OF VICTORY, SHERMAN MONUMENT... Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS, 1897- Lent by Miss Hettie E. Anderson. 81 CHARLES ANDERSON DANA Bronze low relief, signed. [1898.] H. 37^ in.; W. 1956 in. Head and shoulders, side view, directed and looking to the left. Inscription (At left within ivy-wreath) CHARLES ANDERSON DANA, (below on tablet) MDCCCXIX-MDCCCXCVII. Signature A ST G Lent by Mr. William M. Laffan. 67 82 WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS AND MISS HOWELLS A replica, with differing patina, of a bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated New York, 1898. H. 8xf% in.; W. 13J4 in. Two figures, three-quarters length, side view, heads in profile; Miss Howells at the left looking right, her left arm resting upon a small table, chin in hand. Mr. Howells at the right, looking left, with a manuscript in the left hand and eye-glasses in the other. InscriptionMILDRED AND WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS NEW YORK MDCCCXCVIII. FROM AVGVSTVS SAINT GAVDENS. Signature as given above. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 83 AMOR CARITAS Bronze relief, signed and dated 1898. H. 39J4 in.; W. i?y2 in. Reduction of Number 34. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS MDCCCXCVIII Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 68 84 WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS AND MISS HOWELLS Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated New York, 1898. H. 8H in.; W. 13}$ in. Two figures, three-quarters length, side view, heads in profile; Miss Howells at the left, looking right, her left arm resting upon a small table, chin in hand ; Mr. Howells at the right, looking left, with a manuscript in the left hand and eye-glasses in the other. Reduction from large-sized model. Inscription MILDRED AND WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS NEW- YORK MDCCCXCVIII. FROM AVGVSTVS SAINT GAVDENS. Signature as given above. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. A replica is in the Luxembourg. 85 MRS. CHARLES COTESWORTH BEAMAN Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated Cornish, N. H., October, 1900. H. 23 in.; W. 21% in. Three- quarters length, side view, seated, head in profile, directed and looking left. InscriptionCORNISH NEW HAMPSHIRE OCTOBER NINETEEN HVNDRED. (Within ivy-wreath) HETTIE SHERMAN BEAMAN.Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Charles Cotesworth Beaman. 69 86 HORACE GRAY, ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Plaster cast from bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated 1901. H. 29^ in.; W. 32^ in. Three- quarters length, seated, side view, head in profile, directed to the left; left hand resting on book, right on knee ; robe of office. In left upper corner seal of the Supreme Court of the United States. Inscription HORACE GRAY IN HIS SEVENTY FOURTH YEAR. WASHINGTON D. C. APRIL MDCCCCI. MAJOR HAEREDITAS VENIT A JURE ET LEGIBUS. Signature (Monogram : A ST G ) Lent by Mrs. Horace Gray. 87 MRS. JOHN CHIPMAN GRAY Bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated October, 1902. H. 35,}^ in.; W. 23^5 in. Three-quarters length, seated, with back partly turned, head in pro file, directed to the left, hands clasped on arm of chair; evening dress. The plaque is ornamented above with a palmette and scrolls. Inscription CORNISH NEW HAMPSHIRE OCTOBER MDCCCCII. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Note. The carved wood tablet upon which the plaque is mounted is inscribed: ANNA LYMAN GRAY. Lent by Mr. John Chipman Gray. 70 JOHN HAY 88 HENRY ADAMS (CARICATURE) Bronze medallion, signed and dated 1904. D. 7yA in. Signature A ST G Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 89 JAMES WALL FINN (CARICATURE) Bronze medallion, signed and dated 1904. D. (verti cal) 6% in. ; (horizontal) 6J4 in. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mr. J. W. Finn. 90 CHARLES A. PLATT (CARICATURE) Bronze plaque, signed and dated 1904. H. gy2 in.; W. 3y2 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 91 HONORABLE JOHN HAY Bronze bust, signed and dated Washington, 1904. H. 25 in. Head directed and looking slightly to the right; wearing overcoat. 71 InscriptionWASHINGTON MCMIV. Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by Mrs. John Hay. 92 PLAQUE COMMEMORATIVE OF THE CORNISH CELEBRATION JUNE 23, 1905 Bronze plaque in low relief. H. 32^ in.; W. 19^3 in. Design: Temple of Love. Inscription (Names of participants.) (On altar) AMOR VINCIT. .. IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBRANCE OF THE CEL EBRATION OF JVNE XXIII. MCMV AVGVSTA AND AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. Occasioned by the "Masque of the Golden Bowl" given at Cornish, N. H., to celebrate the twentieth anni versary of Saint-Gaudens' coming there. 93 HEAD OF VICTORY Bronze medallion, low relief, signed. [1906.] Copy right by Augustus Saint-Gaudens, 1907. D. (verti cal) gy2 in.; (horizontal) 9^ in. Head of woman, in profile, with parted lips; directed left; wearing olive wreath. InscriptionNIKH-EIPHNH. 72 Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. From the model originally designed, but not used for the one-cent piece. 94 FIGURE OF VICTORY FROM MONU MENT TO GENERAL WILLIAM TECUMSEH SHERMAN "Before the horse and rider walks a winged female figure — Nike-Eirene, or Victory-Peace — laurel crowned, right arm extended and holding in her left hand a palm branch." Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. This figure was first exhibited with the whole plas ter cast at the Paris Exposition in 1900. The statue with alterations again at the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, in 1901. Eleven years in all of study and alterations elapsed before the group was finished and unveiled on Decoration Day, 1903, at the south entrance to Central Park, New York. 95 ALLEGORICAL GROUPS DESIGNED FOR ENTRANCE TO BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Two plaster casts from models, without signature or date. [1907.J Average H. 30 in.; W. 5 ft.; D. 18 in. One group (a) represents, by means of three seated figures bearing emblems, Music, Labor and Science, while the other group (b) represents Executive Power, Law and Love. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 73 96 STUDY FOR THE HEAD OF CHRIST Marble head, on square block of marble; signed, not dated. [1907.] Total H. 16 in. About three- quarters life size, directed front, looking down; face bearded, hair falling in long locks to the base of the neck. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 97 STUDY FOR THE HEAD OF CHRIST A replica in bronze of Number 88. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 98 ABRAHAM LINCOLN (SEATED FIGURE) Plaster cast of bronze statue, signed and dated 1907. Heroic size. Seated in armchair, body and head directed to the front, head slightly lowered as if in thought; right hand open, palm down, on knee; left, closed and resting on arm of chair; feet, set squarely on circular base. Across the back of the chair and drooping to the floor a flag. Inscription. (To be engraved on pedestal.) 74 Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS MCMVII. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. This was one of Saint-Gaudens' last statues, a gift to the south side of the city of Chicago by request of the late John Crerar of that city. By special courtesy of the Trustees of the Fund for its erection we are permitted to view it here for the first time before it is transferred to its ultimate destination. Compare the standing statue of Lincoln, erected in 1887 (No. 44.) 99 MRS. AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS Bronze relief, signed and dated 1907. H. 36 in.; W. 21 in. Three-quarters length figure, in profile, turned to left; in right hand a bowl of flowers, the left holding up the skirt of dress. Background of two Doric columns with landscape; dog roughly sketched in lower left corner. Unfinished. Signature (Monogram: A ST G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. IOO WHISTLER MEMORIAL, AT UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, N. Y. Plaster model for marble tablet, low relief, signed 1907. H. 11 ft. 1 in.; W. at base 36 in.; W. at top 3 1 14 in. A slender stele surmounted by carved an- themion, the decoration being chiefly furnished by the lettering, which descends in lines of irregular 75 length between two Greek torches, with a small wreath above and Whistler's butterfly device below. Inscription TO JAMES MCNEILL WHISTLER MDCCCXXIV. MCMVIII. THE STORY OF THE BEAUTIFUL IS ALREADY COMPLETE HEWN IN THE MARBLES OF THE PARTHENON AND BROIDERED WITH THE BIRDS UPON THE FAN OF HOKUSAI. Signature (Right: Monogram, A ST G Left: HB) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. Done in collaboration with Mr. Henry Bacon, archi tect. IOI WHISTLER MEMORIAL, AT UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, N. Y. Small sketch, without signature or date, of Number ioo. H. 38^ in. ; W. at top ioy2 in., at base 14 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 102 WHISTLER MEMORIAL, AT UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, N. Y. Plaster sketches, without signature or date. [1907?] H. 30 in.; W. at top 8 in., at base 14 in. Greek steles. At either side a torch; three wreaths above, a palette below, with the lettering of the inscription roughly indicated. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. See also Number 100. 76 103 SKETCHES OF FIGURE OF PAINT ING FOR PROPOSED FREER GALLERY, AT WASH INGTON, D. C. Plaster casts of stele. [1907?] (a) H. 48^ in.; W. at top 11 in., at base 17 in. (b) H. 2354 in.; W. 8y2- in. Figure of woman in classic robe, di rected front; in right hand a paint brush, in left a palette. Tree indicated at the right. Lent by Mr. Charles Freer. 104 STUDY FOR A HEAD Marble bust, about half life size, without signature or date. H. 11 in. Head slightly inclined to the left; hair in Grecian knot; undraped. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 105 MORRISON REMICH WAITE, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES Plaster cast of bust, without signature or date. H. 27 in. Heroic size. Head directed slightly to the right; wearing robe of office. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The original, in marble, is in the Hall of Justice in Washington, D. C. 77 io6 CARYATIDS FOR THE ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY, BUFFALO, N. Y. Plaster casts of four Caryatids for the Albright Gal lery in Buffalo. There are to be two porticos on the exterior of the Albright Art Gallery. Each portico has four Caryatids. The one exhibited has corner figures bearing palms and wreaths. The two central figures are symbolical of Sculpture bearing a winged victory, . and Painting holding a palette and brushes. On the corresponding portico, the corner figures bear palms and wreaths. The central figures are sym bolical of Architecture bearing a Corinthian capital, and Music holding a lyre. They are about 7 ft. 7J4 in. in height and stand about 8 ft. above the floor level. These figures are among the last pieces modelled by Mr. Saint-Gaudens and are now to be carved in marble for the portico. Lent by Mr. J. J. Albright. 107 MODELS FOR UNITED STATES GOLD COINS, 1907 SIX CIRCULAR RELIEFS IN PLASTER (I) Head of a woman, in profile, with parted lips; di rected left; wearing olive wreath. Above, thirteen stars. In exergue: LIBERTY. D. 11 74 in. Note. Unused design, originally intended for one-cent piece. (2) Similar to the preceding, with Indian head-dress 78 substituted for olive wreath, and with margin of re lief lowered. D. H24 in. Note. Design for obverse of ten-dollar gold piece. (3J American eagle, standing; arrows and olive branch in claws. In upper right field, inscription : . E . PLURI- BUS . UNUM. Legend : . UNITED . STATES . OF . AMERICA. Exergue. . TWENTY . DOLLARS. D. i2y2 in. Note. Design intended for reverse of the twenty-dollar gold piece, but used for the ten. (4) Full-length figure of winged woman, standing, di rected front; flowing hair, Indian head-dress, classic robe; torch in right hand, olive branch in left; left foot raised on a rock against which is an oak branch. In the lower left field a small sketch of the Capitol building, with rising sun ; lower right field, MCMVII. Border of forty-six stars. Signature at lower, left, monogram A ST G. Edge beveled. D. 12^ in. Note. Original idea for obverse of twenty-dollar gold piece. (5) Similar to the preceding, but without wings or head dress for the figure; Capitol building enlarged, rays of sun lengthened and extended across from left to right. Border of stars nearer center, leaving wider margin. Signature: In lower right field, monogram A ST G. Edge: Thirteen stars with legend E . PLURIBUS . UNUM. D. 12}$ in. Note. Design for obverse of twenty-dollar gold piece. (6) American eagle, flying, directed left. Below, rising sun, with rays extending to margin. Legend: 79 .UNITED . STATES . OF . AMERICA . TWENTY. DOLLARS. D. 13^ in. Note. Design intended for one-cent piece, but used for twenty-dollar piece. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 108 UNITED STATES GOLD COINS, 1907 (I) TEN DOLLAR GOLD PIECE, 1907 [a] (Obverse) Woman's head, in profile, lips parted, directed left ; wearing Indian head-dress. Above, thirteen stars. Border, a hair line, sharply raised. Exergue, 1907. [b] (Reverse) American eagle, standing, directed left; olive branch and sheaf of arrows in claws. Border, a hair line, sharply raised. Legend: . UNITED . STATES . OF . AMERICA. Field: . E. PLURIBUS . UNUM. Exergue : . TEN . DOL LARS. Edge, forty-six stars. Note. The coin as first struck; not issued, as being in too high relief and having too sharp an edge. (2, a, b) Similar to the preceding, but in lower relief, and hav ing a wider border. Note. The second coin struck, but not issued for similar reasons. (3. a, b) Similar to the preceding, but in still lower relief and with still wider border. Note. The coin as issued. 80 (4) TWENTY-DOLLAR GOLD PIECE, 1907 [a] (Obverse) Figure of woman in somewhat high relief, standing, directed and looking front; flowing hair ; torch in right hand, olive branch in left ; left foot raised, resting upon a rock, oak branch at lower right. Background, sun-rays ; Capitol building in lower left field. Border, a band somewhat more than one-sixteenth of an inch in width, with inner border of forty-six stars. Legend: LIBERTY. Field: MCMVII, and Signature: (Monogram, A ST G). [b] (Reverse) Flying eagle, directed left; rising sun below, with rays extending to border. Border, a hair line. Legend. . UNITED . STATES . OF . AMER ICA . TWENTY . DOLLARS. Edge: E (star) PLURIBUS (star) UNUM (eleven stars). Note. Struck in the medal-press. Not issued because in too high relief. (5. a, b) Similar in type to the preceding, but in low relief, with wider border for reverse and date 1907 in lower right field of obverse. Note. The coin as issued. Lent by the American Numismatic Society. 109 UNITED STATES GOLD COINS, 1908 (I) TEN-DOLLAR GOLD PIECE, 1908 (a) Same as for 1907 (Number 107, 3) with date 1908 in exergue of obverse. (b) Another example, to show reverse. Lent by the American Numismatic Society. ol TWENTY-DOLLAR GOLD PIECE, 1908 (a) Same as for 1907 (Number 5) with date 1908 in exergue of obverse. Lent by the American Numismatic Society. no MODELS OF DOUBLE EAGLE Four plaster models, consisting of: (a) the obverse for the double eagle. (b) the reverse for the double eagle. (c) the obverse for the eagle. (d) the reverse for the eagle. Lent by the U. S. Mint in Philadelphia. noa MR. & MRS. WAYNE MacVEAGH Bronze low relief, signed and dated 1902. H. 3 ft. 2.y2 in. ; W. 4 ft. 9 in. Two figures at either end of long bench placed under a pine-tree. Three-quarters length, Mr. MacVeagh at left, three-quarters to the right, head profile, directed right, book in right hand ; Mrs. MacVeagh at right, three-quarters to the left, head profile, directed left, right arm resting on back of bench, with gloves in hand, left caressing a small dog. Signature MDCC (monogram: A ST G) CCII. Lent by Mr. Wayne MacVeagh. 82 REDUCTIONS hi CHARLES COTESWORTH BEAMAN Electrotype reduction from Number 69. H. 4^ in • W. 2y4 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 112 DEACON SAMUEL CHAPIN ("THE PURITAN") Bronze reduction, signed, from a plaster cast from original bronze statue in Springfield, Massachusetts. H. 30^ in. Stalwart figure of a man walking; Puri tan costume, with a peak-crowned hat, long, flowing cloak, and carrying a staff. Head directed to the front, eyes down ; right arm extended and thrown back, with hand grasping head of staff; left arm flexed with hand supporting book, the edges of which are to the fore. Branches of pine needles scattered under foot. Inscription (on tablet below) THE PVRITAN Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 83 H3 PLAQUE COMMEMORATIVE OF THE CORNISH CELEBRATION Silver-colored reduction from Number 92. H. 3^ in. ; W. 1 J4 in- Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 114 HORACE GRAY, ASSOCIATE JUS TICE OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Bronze reduction from bronze plaque, low relief, signed and dated 1901. H. 75^ in.; W. 8% in. Three-quarters length, seated, side view, head in pro file, directed to the left; left hand resting on book, right on knee; robe of office. In left upper corner seal of the Supreme Court of the United States. InscriptionHORACE GRAY IN HIS SEVENTY-FOURTH YEAR. WASHINGTON, D. C. APRIL MDCCCCI. MAJOR HAEREDITAS VENIT A JURE ET LEGIBUS. Signature (Monogram: A S T G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. "5 SARAH REDWOOD LEE Electrotype reduction from Number 26. H. 8^ in.; W. iy2 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 84 n6 JULES BASTIEN-LEPAGE Electrotype reduction from Number 22. H. dy2 in.; W. 4^ in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 117 MR. WAYNE MacVEAGH Bronze reduction of head of Mr. MacVeagh from bronze low relief of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne MacVeagh, signed and dated 1902. D. 3J4 in. Inscription WAYNE MACVEAGH WASHINGTON D. C. MCMII Signature (Monogram : A S T G) Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Il8 HOMER SCHIFF SAINT-GAUDENS Electrotype reduction from Number 29. H. 7% in.; W. 4^ in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 119 MISS VIOLET SARGENT Electrotype reduction from Number 50. H. 9 in.; W. 6ys in. 85 Signature (Monogram: A ST G) MDCCCLXXXX FECIT. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 120 DR. HENRY SHIFF Electrotype reduction from Number 21. H. 3^ in. ; W. zsA in- Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 121 CHILDREN OF JACOB H. SCHIFF Electrotype reduction from Number 46. H. 8j£ in.; W. 6}i in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Note. The reduction differs from the marble replica in having the names Leo Mortimer Schiff and Fanny Frieda Schiff inscribed above the respective figures. 122 MISS GERTRUDE VANDERBILT (MRS. HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY) Bronze reduction, in medallion form, showing head only, from bronze plaque, low relief, signed, not dated. [1882.] D. 3% in. Head three-quarters, directed left; wearing hat. Inscription GERTRVDE VANDERBILT. AETAT VII. 86 Signature AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS FECIT. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 123 MRS. SCHUYLER VAN RENSSELAER Bronze (?) reduction from Number 51. H. 5^ in.; W. 2 in. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 124 SAMUEL GRAY WARD Electrotype reduction from bronze plaque, signed and dated New York, May, 188 1. H. 6}4 in.; W. 4H in. Three-quarters length; three-quarters to the right; head in profile, left hand clasping right wrist. Inscription SAMUEL GRAY WARD. NEW YORK MAY MDCCCLXXXI. Signature FE (Monogram: A ST G) CIT. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 87 CAMEOS 125 ONYX BROOCH, WITH HEAD AND SHOULDERS OF MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS Lent by Mrs. John Merrylees. 126 ONYX BROOCH AND EAR-RINGS, WITH HEADS OF CERES, HERMES AND APOLLO Signature (on brooch) A. ST. G. Lent by Mrs. George H. Talman. 127 ONYX BROOCH, WITH HEAD OF FLORA Lent by Miss Lucille A. Le Brethon. 89 128 THREE TOPAZ CAMEOS SET IN A PENDANT, WITH HEAD OF A CHILD ON EACH Signature A. ST. GAUDENS Lent by Mrs. Ernest A. Bigelow. 129 TOPAZ BROOCH, WITH FIGURE OF A FLYING EAGLE Lent by Miss Lucille A. Le Brethon. 90 PORTRAITS OF SAINT GAUDENS 130 PORTRAITS OF SAINT-GAUDENS PORTRAIT OF AUGUSTUS SAINT- GAUDENS BY KENYON COX, 1 908 Life size, half-length figure, seen from the back, head in profile, directed right; right arm extended, hand engaged in modeling, left holding a lump of clay and a modelling tool. Signature KENYON COX 1908. Lent by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Note. The original picture was painted, on a smaller scale, in the sculptor's Thirty-sixth Street Studio in 1887. It was destroyed in the fire in his studio in Cornish, N. H., in 1904. This replica was painted in 1908. The sculptor is represented at work upon the relief portrait of William M. Chase. Behind his head, to the left, is a solar print of one of the Vanderbilt caryatids. A cast of the "Un known Lady" of the Louvre stands beyond. Next is the bronze relief of Homer Saint-Gaudens as an infant, and beyond that the plaster relief of Miss Lee. The scaffold ing behind the easel is the back of the Shaw Memorial. [Signed] KENYON COX. 131 PORTRAIT OF AUGUSTUS SAINT- GAUDENS BY HENRY HERING Plaster bust, facing and looking full front. H. 17 in. (plinth, H. 7 in.). Lent by Mr. Henry Hering. 91 132 HAND OF AUGUSTUS SAINT- GAUDENS Bronze cast from plaster cast in the possession of Mr. George W. Maynard. The original cast was made' to assist Mr. Maynard in representing a hand holding a flag for one of the figures in his painting entitled "1776," now owned by Smith College. Lent by Mr. Daniel C. French. 133 A PHOTOGRAPH OF AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS AT ABOUT SEVENTEEN YEARS OF AGE Lent by Miss Lucille A. Le Brethon. Note. The following is a transcription of an explanatory letter addressed to the Secretary of the Saint-Gaudens Memorial Exhibition by Miss Lucile A. Le Brethon : I am in receipt of your letter of the 17th, and delayed answering, as I wished to procure from my niece, Mrs. Arnold Moser, 214 East 15th Street, a topaz cameo, the very first piece of work made by Augustus Saint-Gaudens under my father's tuition. The onyx cameo which I am also sending you for exhibition is one of the last things made by him while with my father, Jules Le Brethon. There can be no doubt of the authenticity of these two cameos (which my father always kept and prized very much), as the accompanying photograph shows him at work in my father's studio. I am sending the two cameos and photograph under separate cover by registered mail. 92 PHOTOGRAPHS 134 ANGEL FOR THE TOMB OF GOVERNOR E. D. MORGAN Bromide enlargement. Lent by Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 135, 136 CARYATIDS IN THE RESIDENCE OF CORNELIUS VANDERBILT Bromide enlargement. 137 PETER COOPER MONUMENT, NEW YORK Bromide enlargement. 138 HAMILTON FISH MONUMENT AT GARRISONS, N. Y. Bromide enlargement. 139 ROSWELL P. FLOWER MONUMENT AT WATERTOWN, N. Y. Bromide enlargement. 140 HIAWATHA Carbon. 141 STATUE FOR CHARLES STUART PARNELL MONUMENT, DUBLIN, IRELAND Bromide enlargement. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY A FEW REFERENCES REGARDING AVGVSTVS SAINT-GAVDENS AND HIS WORK BOOKS Cortissoz, Royal: Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 1907. Hind, Charles Lewis: Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 1907. Low, Will Hicok: Chronicle of Friendships. 1908. pp. 215-230, 273, 283, 387-395, 401-402, 480-486, 499-506. Stevenson, Robert Louis: Letters. 1899. v. 2, pp. 345- 347, 364-365, 407- Taft, Lorado: History of American Sculpture. 1903. pp. 279-309. MAGAZINE ARTICLES Art et decoration: June, 1898. v. 3, pp. 182-183. Art et decoration: Feb., 1899. v. 5, pp. 43-49. Lesculpteur Augustin Saint-Gaudens, by Gaston Migeon. Atlantic monthly: March, 1908. v. 101, pp. 298-310. Au gustus Saint-Gaudens, by Kenyon Cox. Atlantic monthly: March, 1908. v. 101, p. 311. Music be neath the stars; sonnet in memory of A. St.-G., by Richard Watson Gilder. Century Magazine : March, 1908. v. 75, pp. 695-713. The later works of Augustus Saint-Gaudens, by [his son] Homer Saint-Gaudens.Century Magazine : March, 1908. v. 75, pp. 713-714. The special medal of honor created for Augustus Saint-Gaudens, designed and modelled by James Earle Fraser; by Richard Watson Gilder. Century Magazine: Jan.-Feb., 1909. v. 77, pp. 395-413, 575-595- (To be continued.) Reminiscences of Augustus Saint-Gaudens; ed. by his son, Homer Saint-Gaudens. Gazette des beaux-arts: Aug., 1898. v. 83, pp. 138-140. International Studio: Feb., 1908. v. 33, sup. pp. 123-138. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, by Talcott Williams. 95 McClure's Magazine: Oct.-Nov., 1908. v. 31, pp. 603-616; v. 32, pp. 1-16. Familiar letters of Augustus Saint-Gaudens; ed. by R. S. Nichols. Nation: June 29, 1905. v. 80, pp. 519-520. An out-door masque in New England, by K. K. North American Review: Nov., 1903. v. 177, pp. 725-738. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, by Royal Cortissoz. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES Appeared at the time of his death Boston Evening Transcript: Aug. 5, 1907. p. 10. Augus tus Saint-Gaudens. New York Daily Tribune: Aug. 4, 1907. pp. 1-7. New York Evening Post : Aug. 5, 1907. pp. 4-5. CRITICISMS OF SINGLE WORKS Farragut Monument Scribner's Monthly: June, 1881. v. 22, pp. 161-167. The Farragut monument, by Richard Watson Gilder. Lincoln Monument Century Magazine: Nov., 1887. v. 35, pp. 37-39. Saint- Gaudens's Lincoln, by M. G. van Rensselaer. Shaw Monument The Monument to Robert Gould Shaw; its inception, com pletion and unveiling, 1865-1897. 1897. Century Magazine: June, 1897. v. 54, pp. 176-177, 179-186, 194-200. Sherman Monument Nation: June 18, 1903. v. 76, pp. 491-492. The Sherman Statue, by Kenyon Cox. Stevenson Memorial Tablet, Edinburgh Overland Monthly: March, 1905. v. 45, pp. 235-239. Un veiling of the Robert Louis Stevenson Memorial, by Betty Harcourt. United States Coins Century Magazine: March, 1908. v. 75, p. 799. Memorial Exhibition International Studio: Jan., 1909. v. 36, p. 90. Saint-Gau dens Memorial Exhibition at the Corcoran. 96 INDEX Number. Adams, Henry (Caricature) 58 m t QQ Adams Monument Adams Monument, Head of figure Albright Art Gallery, Caryatids. . . ............ .' ' ' " ' .' .' Amor Caritas. Armstrong, David Maitland 4°' 3 Armstrong, Miss Helen Maitland i Arnold, Benjamin Greene Bastien-Lepage, Jules ."'.'.' .'.".'.'. V.V.V. '.'.'.' 22 116 Beaman, Charles Cotesworth . 69 Beaman, Mrs. Charles Cotesworth .85 in Beaman. William Evarts ' ?8 Bellows, Doctor Henry Whitney ,g Boston Public Library, Allegorical Groups for 95 Boston Public Library, Seal for S7 Brooks, Charles Timothy 32 Bunce, WiUiam Gedney „ , Butler, Prescott Hall, Children of 23 Cameos 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 Caricatures 8j g> g^ ^ Cary, Dr. Walter I0 Caryatids for Residence of Cornelius Vanderbilt... 27, 28, 135, 136 Caryatids — Albright Art Gallery 106 Chanler, William Astor 73 Chapin, Edwin Hubbell 4g Chapin, Chester W 41 Chapin, Mrs. Emelia Ward 18 Chapin, Deacon Samuel 47a, 112 Chase, William Merrirt 48 Christ, Study for Head 96, 97 Cleveland, Mrs. Grover 63, 64 Coins, United States Gold 107, 108, 109, no Cooper, Peter 74, 137 Cornish Celebration Plaque 92, 113 Cox, Kenyon 53 Dana, Charles Anderson 81 Diana ,60, 61, 62 Dunrobin 37 Evarts, William Maxwell 2 Finn, James Wall (Caricature) 89 97 Farragut, Admiral David Glasgow 16, 17 Fish (Hamilton) Monument r38 Flower (Roswell P.) Monument J39 Freer Gallery at Washington, D. C, Sketch of Figure of Painting for Proposed I03 Garfield Monument 70, 71 Gilder, Richard Watson, Wife and Infant Son n Gilder, Rodman DeKay I2 Gray, Professor Asa 33 Gray, Horace 86, 114 Gray, Mrs. John Chipman 87 Hay, Honorable John 9* Hiawatha x40 Holland, Josiah Gilbert 24 Hollingsworth, George 54 Howland, Louise Miller 35 Howells, William Dean, and Miss Howells 82, 84 Johnston, Doctor William Edward 19 Lady, Portrait of a 4s Lee, Mrs. Charles Carroll, and Miss Lee 25 Lee, Miss Sarah Redwood 26, 115 Lincoln, Abraham (seated figure) 98 Lincoln, Abraham (standing figure) 44 Love, Miss Maria M 13 McKim, Charles Follen 8 McKim, Charles F, Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Stanford White (Caricature) 9 McCosh, Doctor James 55 MacVeagh, Mr 117 MacVeagh, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne noa Maynard, George Willoughby 6 Millet, Francis Davis 14 Mitchell, Silas Weir 34 Morgan, Angel for the Tomb of Governor E. D 134 Page, Miss Annie 72 Parnell Monument 141 Photographs 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 Picknell, William L 7 Piatt, Charles A. (Caricature) 90 Puritan, The 47a, 112 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, Charles F. McKim and Stanford White (Caricature) 9 Saint-Gaudens, Mrs. Augustus 99 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, Portraits of 130, 131, 133 Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, Hand of 132 Saint-Gaudens, References regarding Augustus following Number 141 98 Saint-Gaudens, Bernard P. E I Saint-Gaudens, Homer Schiff 29, 118 Sargent, John S 20 Sargent, Miss Violet 56, 1 19 Shiff, Dr. Henry 21, 120 Schiff, Jacob H., Children of 52, 121 Shaw, Colonel Robert Gould, Memorial to 75, 76, 77, 78, 79 Sherman, General William Tecumseh, Bust of 50 Sherman Monument: Study for the Head of Victory 80 Stevenson, Robert Louis 45, 46, 47 Study for a Head 104 Study of a Child 68 United States Gold Coins 107, 108, 109, no Models 107 Coins 108, 109, no Vanderbilt, Cornelius, Caryatids for Residence of .27, 28, 135, 136 Vanderbilt, Miss Gertrude 30, 122 Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler 51, 123 Victory : Sherman Monument 94 Victory. Head of (Relief) 93 Vinton, Doctor Alexander Hamilton 31 Waite, Morrison Remich 105 Ward, Samuel Gray I24 Washington Medal 43 Whistler Memorial I00> I01 WTiistler Memorial : Plaster Sketch 102 White, Stanford, Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Charles F. McKim (Caricature) ° White, Mrs. Stamford 36 World's Columbian Exposition, Medal of 65, 66, 67 99 3 9002 01366 0502 I