YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Figure i. Michel Angelo: A Slave Paris, Louvre. THE LATE YEARS OF MICHEL ANGELO BY AVlLHELM R. VaLENTINER New York PRIVATELY PRINTED MCMXIV Copyright. 1914 by Frederic Fairchild Sherman Tip, 68S Hi M i/g TO Maria Humann^Sarre The following notes were written to be de* livered as a ledture, a fadl that may in some de* gree explain their form. The translation from the original German was made by Mrs. James Sharkey to whom I desire to express my in* debtedness. Among the authors consulted those of chief importance were Henry Thode and Carl Justi. ^jj p -y New York February, 19 14. APR 2 9 1918 1 4