Yiilo UinuJMSilv l-ihriiry 39002014176102 V ¦ -* :^^§^Bmtt8- §ljcnmmmt0 xno YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of THE COLLECTOR'S SHOP J^iW I Gave a Gift from the Heart + AmericanRed Cross £afl-/.^,«^.«A* J5;v«.<.s?.,. MONUMENTS, TABLETS OTHER MEMORIALS ERECTED IN MASSACHUSETTS (commemorate the Services of rier bi ons WAR OF THE REBELLION 1861-1865 ¦Monuments are the grappling irons that bind one generation to another." — Joubert. COLLECTED AND ARRANGED BY ALFRED S, ROE Commandei, Grand Army of the Republic, Depattment of Massachusetts 1908-1909 WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS 1910 Cc'53 53 The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battle field and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union when again touched, as they surely will be, by the better angels of our nature. — Absaham Lincoln. PKEFAOE In the many j-ears succeeding the war, the question has often arisen, " Has such a city or town anything to commemorate the struggle which cost the nation so much in blood and treasure ? " No immediate answer has been possible thus far. The material for complete information has long been ia existence, but, until the present collection was made, nothing was known of the many municipalities of the Commonwealth, save as direct inquiry was made. A man travelling through Massachusetts and seeing in so many cities and villages the towering shaft, dedicated to the memory of the patriotic dead, naturally thinks that almost every division of the old Bay State has some kind of a memento of the far-off war times; but closer observation and more extended searching reveal the fact that above one hundred Massachusetts towns have, as yet, nothing to indicate a memory of the sacrifices that nearly rived the nation almost fifty years ago. Still, the record is a proud one, since the excess over one memorial is so great in many of the larger towns and in the cities that there is an easy average of more than a single tribute for every one of the three hundred and fifty-four parts into which the Commonwealth is divided. The cost of monument or other memento varies greatly, ranging from the $150,000 memorial on Boston Common downward to the humble record placed upon the inner wall of a rustic town hall, at an expense of $50 or less. This compilation is made with a full consciousness that it will not meet with the approval of the Universal Peace Society, to which all histories and memories of wars are anathema; at the same time the scars of the terrible strife are so very fresh and visible that, so long as a sur vivor of the Civil War remains, the people must think and talk about it. To satisfy a natural curiosity as to how much the Commonwealth has done in this direction, when and in what way it was accomplished, this collection was made. It has been no easy task. At first, in October, 1908, circulars were sent to every Grand Army Post in the State, and, where no Post existed, to the town clerk. To the first series of circulars about one hundred b PREFACE. replies, more or less explicit, were received. To the second series about the same proportion of answers was made. Then followed a long period of letter writing, with urgent requests for immediate returns. Sometimes the same town was besought, through its ofiicers or leading citizens, five or six times, until, at last, success followed in some shape from every portion of Massachusetts, except in the case of a single town, and that, too, not so far from the Hub ofthe Universe, — one possessing a beautiful tablet in its public library. This town the compiler visited in person and thus secured the facts he had written for in vain. Gen. Eobert E. Lee, the distinguished leader of the Confederate armies, is said to have uttered these remarkable words, " The memorials of a civil war ought to be formed of wood." Whether this be true in fact or theory, in a single instance Massachusetts has acted on this plan, for one of her towns has a wooden monument; but the people are far from satisfied, and are gradually nearing the point when a more enduring tribute will be reared to the memory of her fallen sons. A trip through the south, where the stars and bars once " flapped in the morning sun," would reveal a bewildering array of marble, granite and bronze tributes to the brave Confederates who imperilled, if they did not give, their lives for the " lost cause." " Mass'r Eobert," the darling of the southland, were he to travel through the section that followed him, would find his principle honored more in the exception than in the rule. ISTor is the tale for Massachusetts entirely told even now, more than forty-five years after Appomattox, for other towns and cities are erecting new monuments or are making ready to do so, untU it seems possible that every township, however poor or dependent, will possess some visible token of its appreciation of the sacrifice her people made that the Union might be preserved and slavery destroyed. Too many thanks cannot be given to Comrade James C. Melvin of Boston for his generous donation of photogravures of French's " Mourn ing Victory" and the Melvin memorial of Concord's Sleepy Hollow, probably the finest personal tribute yet reared to the memory of enlisted men. ALFEED S. EOF. "WoBCESTER, Mass. Monuments, Tablets and Other Memorials in Massachusetts. THE COMMONWEALTH. The Commonwealth has not been niggardly in its appropriations for the care of soldiers living nor for the memory of those departed. In evidence of the latter statement a visit to the State House grounds reveals, as the edifice is approached, the towering equestrian bronze statue of Joseph Hooker, the admired and reverenced by every soldier who followed him. For the statue itself Massachusetts gave $50,000, and then appro priated $20,000 more for a proper dedication. The Legislature of 1896 authorized the memorial, and it was dedicated June 25, 1903. The base, of Stony Creek (Conn.) granite, is 14 feet high; architects, Messrs. Brite & Bacon, New York City; builders, Norcross Brothers, Worcester. The bronze horse and rider are heroic in size, Edward C. Potter being the sculptor of the steed, H. H. Kitson, of the man. The dedication was signalized by one of the grandest military displays ever witnessed in Boston. More than 15,000 men were in line, representing all veteran bodies of the Civil and other wars, the active militia of the State, together with the regular Army and IsTavy ; but probably the most significant array in the entire line was that composed of the survivors of Hooker's old brigade. For them a dinner was served in Faneuil Hall. At the monu ment, in the forenoon, addresses were made by Gov. John L. Bates and Lieut.-Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr. The evening exercises, in Mechanics Hall, included brief speeches by Gen. 0. 0. Howard and Gen. Nelson A. Miles, representing the Union Army, and by Gen. Thomas L. Eosser of the Confederates. The principal address of the occasion was by Gen. Charles P. Mattocks of Maine. There were, besides, the trooping of the colors, under the direction of J. Payson Bradley; the beating of a drum borne at Lookout Mountain, by Drummer Welch of the Thirty-third Massa chusetts ; and singing by Grand Army men, led by Secretary of the Com monwealth William M. Olin. Vide Plate II. O MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. When Gen. Charles Devens died, Jan. 7, 1891, the Legislature, in a generous and patriotic mood, at once appropriated $15,000 for a fitting statue to his memory, the same to stand upon the State House grounds. This act took definite shape in 1898, some time between September 27 and November 30, when there was unveiled a bronze heroic figure of the General on the east side of the State House Extension. The sculptor was Olin Warner of New York, who died before his work was made public. Apparently there were no dedicatory exercises at its unveiling. Vide Plate II. The gilded dome of the State House has long been an object of admiration, almost of veneration, with some. The Governor who first warranted the gilding of this great surface was N. P. Banks, Jr., and there are those who affirm that the unusual sight of a gilded bronze statue of the soldier and Governor, standing near the northeast corner of the State House grounds, is owing to a desire to have the two objects in unison. Be this as it may, it is certain that the figure of General Banks, authorized by legislative act, and costing $20,000, was dedicated Sept. 16, 1908. Though the inscription upon the base of the monument gives details of the General's military service, he is depicted in civilian garb and pose. The artist was H. H. Kitson of Quincy, and the orator at the dedicatory exercises was the Hon. Herbert L. Parker, ex-Attorney- General of the Commonwealth. The interior of the State House has a wealth of memorials recalling the strenuous days of 1861-65. As one enters Doric Hall, at the left, near the vestibule to the Hall of Flags, is the marble figure of the war Governor, John A. Andrew. The work of Thomas Ball, sculptor, it was dedicated Feb. 4, 1871, the funds ($10,000) for the tribute coming from the residue after the statue of Edward Everett, in the Public Gardens, had been paid for. At the dedication. President H. H. Coolidge of the Senate presided, the principal address being made by Judge William Gray of the Supreme Court. The response was by Gov. William Claflin, who, with his staff, occupied raised seats near by. Entering the vestibule, at the right of the main entrance to the rotunda, is a fine figure in high relief, bronze, the work of sculptor Bela L. Pratt, of Gen. Thomas G. Stevenson, killed at Spottsylvania. Practically an innovation in memorial art, it at once struck a responsive chord in the public heart, and has been greatly admired, with hardly an adverse criticism. It was dedicated Dec. 7, 1905, when there was a large assemblage of old-time friends and admirers. The principal address was made by Gen. Francis A. Osborn, who had been the General's second in THE COMMONWEALTH. 9 command in the Twenty-fourth Eegimont. All expense incident to the preparation and presentation ($5,000) was borne by the General's old friends and comrades in arms. At the left of the main entrance is a similar figure of Eear Admiral John A. Winslow, who commanded the " Kearsarge " when, June 19, 1864, off the Port of Cherbourg, France, she sent the " Alabama " to the depth of the sea. Though not of Massachusetts birth, the officer was of Bay State lineage, and his memorial stands as a tribute to the Navy, being warranted by legislative act, the appropriation for the relief having been $6,000. The unveiling of the work of art was May 8, 1908, in the Hall of Flags, Gov. Eben S. Draper presiding, and the principal address being made by Congressman John W. Weeks of Newton. The artist who delineated the figure of the gallant officer was William Couper of New York! Entering the rotunda, or hall itself, the eye at once falls on the statue, in bronze, heroic size, of Gen. William F. Bartlett, who lost a leg at Ball's Bluff, and of whom it was said he never entered a fight without being woimded. The Colonel, successively, of the Forty-ninth and the Fifty- seventh Massachusetts regiments, he came home to a few years of hope less invalidism and then to an early grave. The Legislature of 1901 authorized the erection of this figure, appropriating therefor the sum of $20,000. The work was given to the distinguished Massachusetts artist, Daniel C. French of Concord. The figure, complete and in place, one of the niches of the rotunda, was dedicated May 27, 1904, the forty-first anniversary of the great assault on Port Hudson, one of the engagements in which the General won renown. (Vide Plate XYII.) At the pres entation there were remarks by Gov. John L. Bates and Lieut.-Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr., while the oration was given by Gen. Morris Schaff of Pittsfield, and prayer was offered by Bishop William Lawrence of the Diocese of Massachusetts. Perhaps the battle-stained fiags in the several niches of this magnifi cent hall are the most precious and significant memorials in the Com monwealth, for they represent nearly every engagement of the war, from Baltimore to Appomattox. They are not after-thoughts of battles, for they marked the war in progress. They are priceless in value, for they cost human lives by the thousand, and they must ever stand as the most precious objects in the care and keeping of the State. Aloft in the ceiling of the great hall is a painting showing the return of the flags, and else where are figures and scenes recalling the Eebellion period, but those already named are the principal ones. 10 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. MASSACHUSETTS ABROAD. In the spirit of preserving the memories of the great battles fought for the preservation of the Union, the national government has purchased and laid out a number of the areas over which contending armies fought, and upon them the several States have been invited to erect monuments to commemorate the part taken thereon by regiments and batteries from said States. Getttsbdeg. Gettysburg was the first national battle-field-park thus devoted, and upon this the several regiments, or many of them, from Massachusetts, with the help of the Commonwealth, have erected individual monuments. Later, as other fields were purchased and turned into reservations for memorial purposes, it seemed to become the policy of Massachusetts to merge all of her regimental memories into one token, this taking the shape of granite shaft or pedestal, or, later, the figure in bronze of a Union soldier in active, campaigning. Chickamauga-Chattanooga. After Gettysburg, the next reservation was that of Chickamauga- Chattanooga, and on the anniversary of the terrible battle of Chicka- mauga, the 19th and 20th of September, 1895, the National Military Park was dedicated. The event brought together the greatest assemblage of veterans of the blue and the gray that the days subsequent to the war had ever beheld. All were in their very happiest mood and not a word of rancor marred the delightful occasion. While Confederate memories brought out many banners that were fiown in the days of old, the flag of the Union was everywhere, and under its folds the glorious dedication was made. Although the words of speakers on both sides of the great battles were worthy of record, it must suffice in this place to state that Massachusetts sent a large delegation, headed by her Governor, Frederick Thomas Greenhalge, and no more eloquent sentences fell from mortal lips in those two days than were uttered by the Governor when, sur rounded by his associates from the Bay State, near the top of Orchard Knob, the point occupied by Grant and his associate officers when the assault was made on Missionary Eidge, he spoke for Massachusetts and her Second and Thirty-third Eegiments in the campaign, which, begin ning at Chickamauga, ended when Sherman marched down to the sea. ANTIETAM. 11 This was on the 19th of Septoiiibor, the first day oi' the celebration, which drew to the place many of the most noted citizens of the country, includ ing Vice-President Stevenson and William McKinley, then Governor of Ohio. The monument, built of Quincy granite, properly inscribed, having the oblong shape or form usual in these later years, cost, in place, about $4,000, and the expenses of the Commonwealth in attending the dedication added $10,000 more. Vide Plate III. Antietam. The next effort of Massachusetts to memorialize her soldier-citizens was at Antietam. The day was the 17th of September, 1898, thirty-six years after the bloodiest single day's engagement on the American con tinent. Attended by members of the Council and of the Legislature, with many veterans, Gov. Eoger Wolcott had reached the scenes so hal lowed by associations, and, with his retinue, in the forenoon witnessed the dedication of a marker for the Twenty-first Massachusetts Eegiment on the western end of one of the parapets of the Burnside bridge. Chap lain George S. Ball of the Twenty-first, upheld by comrades, offered prayer, and another veteran spoke. At 4 p.m. came the dedicatory exer cises of the monument, which the representatives had come so far to turn over to the national government as an expression of sentiment from the old Bay State. Surrounded by those who had come so far to witness the presentation, the Governor spoke in the impressive manner for which he was noted, calling attention to the many organizations from the Com monwealth that had, wdthin sight of the Massachusetts token, gone down to death and undying fame. The organizations engaged in this great battle and whose names are chiseled upon the monument were the Second, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-eighth, Twenty -ninth. Thirty-second and Thirty-fifth Infantry; the First Cav alry; the First, Third and Eighth Batteries; and the First and Second Sharpshooters. Of polished Quincy granite, the monument cost, in posi tion, $10,500, and is a fine piece of work, though the observer is prone to comment, " Why didn't the State put some sort of a figure on so excel lent a pedestal ? " In other words, the monument, as it stands, appears incomplete. Vide Plate V. 12 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Andersonville. . While until the present year, 1910, the eare of the old stockade at Andersonville was largely in the hands of the National Woman's Belief Corps, the Commonwealth made liberal appropriations for a memorial there, and on the nineteenth day of December, 1901, dedicated a monu ment, costing $11,800. Constructed of Quincy granite, it stands 14 feet in height, a beautiful tribute to the bravery and loyalty of the men who, in this terrible place, preferred death to dishonor. The monument was unveiled by Lizabeth A. Turner of Massachusetts, Past President of the National Woman's Belief Corps, who had devoted much of her time for years to the accomplishment of this result. The principal address of the day was made by Lieut.-Gov. John L. Bates, who, as ever, was earnest, eloquent and patriotic. He was followed by the Hon. Eufus A. Soule, President of the Senate, and by the Hon. James J. Myers, Speaker of the House of Eepresentatives. Personal recollections of the prison pen itself were given by Commissioners Francis C. Curtis and Levi G. McKnight, who were long held here as prisoners in the days of the Eebellion. In this connection it is eminently fitting to mention Mrs. Turner, whose unswerving devotion to the cause she loved produced such admirable results. It would not be saying too much to state that the strength given to the work of preserving the place and its memories was exhausted, and her death, on April 27, 1907, may be directly attributed to her unceasing vigilance in behalf of the cause she loved. A gift from her associates in the National Woman's Belief Corps, costing above $1,000, the monument to the memory of Mrs. Turner, was publicly dedicated, June 27, 1908, and thus became a part of the hallowed memories of the place. Vide Plate IV. Vicksburg. The creation of the battle park at Vicksburg, Miss., was soon followed by the placing therein of memorials of the soldiers who had perished in the siege. That for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was appro priately dedicated, Nov. 14, 1903. For the first time in a national park the design was varied from former plans, and the Kitson idea, as unfolded in the soldier on the march, Newburyport's tribute to her representatives was employed; and the bronze figure of a young man, clad in Union uniform, as it were alive and alert, will ever be an object of interest to the descendants of the Confederates of Vicksburg. The commission that had carried out the terms of the legislative enactment, through its chair- WINCHESTER. 13 man, Lieut. Col. Willard D. Tripp of the Twenty-ninth, formally turned over the monument to the keeping of the Commonwealth, represented by Gov. John L. Bates, whose speech in acceptance so pleased his southern hearers that they declared if he would come down and make Mississippi his home they would make him Governor any way, and possibly President. The regiments from Massachusetts engaged in the siege were the Twenty- ninth, Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth, and for these organizations Maj. William H. Hodgkins spoke in his own inimitable manner, than which none could better befit the time and place. School children of Vicksburg helped out the exercises by the singing of patriotic airs, apparently as interested and devoted as if the young soldier aloft on his pedestal of Quincy granite had worn the gray instead of the blue. The evening was given to a most enthusiastic reception to the entire delegation in the principal hotel of the city. Vide Plate V. Winchester. Tbe national park covering any part of battle fields in the Valley of Virginia, or, as it is otherwise known, the Valley of the Shenandoah, is yet to be created. All effort, thus far, to turn the scenes of Cedar Creek's morning's defeat and afternoon's victory into a national object lesson have been futile, but the National Cemetery of Winchester holds the remains of the most of those who fell in the hot contests which drenched that fair portion of the country with fraternal blood. To commemorate the faithful sons of Massachusetts who battled in the valley, the Legisla ture set apart the sum of $3,000 for a monument to be erected in the cemetery in plain sight of " Stone Wall," the abode of the Confederate dead, only the throw of a stone's distance away, all in plain sight. While the battle of Winchester was fought on the 19th of September, 1864, and Early was then sent " Whirling up the Valley," for the convenience of the Governor, the dedication was on the 16th of the month, 1907. Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr., had the customary retinue of legislators, councillors, veterans and others when he arrived in Winchester on the morning of dedication day. The reception by the citizens was gracious if not tumultuous, and the exercises of dedication impressive. The northmen were welcomed by the Eev. Dr. D. J. Hyde, chaplain of Gen. Turner Ashby Camp, Con federate Veterans, and the Governor spoke in the impressive manner characteristic of him. Afterwards the visitors scattered flowers upon the graves of their late Confederate opponents, now so silent within the con fines of " Stone Wall," not forgetting the final resting place of Turner 14 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Ashby, one of the southern Paladins of war; and had they gone a little further, towards the older portions of the burial ground, they might have honored in like manner the grave of Gen. Daniel Morgan of Eevolutionary fame, the trusted lieutenant of Washington himself. The Massachusetts organizations borne upon the monument are the Second, Twenty-sixth, Thirtieth, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Infantry; the Second and Third Cavalry; and the First Battery. Vide Plate VI. Newbern. The first battle park in North Carolina has yet to be purchased. Longing eyes have been turned upon Eoanoke Island and the Newbern battle line for memorial purposes, but as yet nothing national obtains in the old north State, save the space devoted to the graves of Union soldiers who perished here in the years 1861-65. All due preparations having been made, a large number of Massachusetts people, led by officials and veterans, repaired to the Swiss-named emporium of eastern North Caro lina to have a part in the dedication of the soldiers' memorial, the same taking place Nov. 11, 1908. Possibly no similar event in the story of dedications had drawn so many people from the Bay State as did this at Newbern; the large number of Massachusetts regiments involved in the North Carolina campaigns, and the accessibility of the place, all invited a large attendance, and it was there in full force. Moreover, the citizens of the erstwhile Confederate city apparently vied with each other in their efforts to make the day and the event all that the most devoted of the visitors could ask for. There were representatives from every one of the many regiments interested, besides officers high in rank who improved this opportunity to revive memories of the long ago. The monument, as seen in the illustration, has as its most prominent feature the figure of a woman in classic drapery, the product of the artistic talent of Comrade Melzar H. Mosman, himself (Forty-sixth Massachusetts) a veteran of the campaigns thus commemorated. His part was the turning over to the representative of the Commonwealth the result of legislative appropriations, $9,000 in all, and his own skill as a sculptor. Unfor tunately, Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr., was detained at home by serious illness and his place was taken by the Hon. William D. Chappie, President of the Senate, who, in appropriate words, accepted the charge. The unveil ing was done by the joint action of Miss Alice Alden Sprague, daughter of Gen. A. B. E. Sprague, formerly of the Second Heavy Artillery, Mrs. Laura A. Dugan, daughter of Col. Thomas J. C. Amory, Seventeenth BATON BOUGE. 15 Massachusetts Infantr}-, and Mrs. J. L. Hartsfield, the daughter of a Confederate veteran. Praver had been offered Ly the Eev. Dr. Edward H. Hall of Cambridge, former chaplain of the Forty-fourth Massachu setts. Here, as at Vicksburg, school children bore a part and enlivened the occasion by the singing of patriotic airs, and local military companies honored the day by their presence. They were not clad in gray nor yet in blue, but they wore the khaki, of late the prevailing hue of the militia everywhere. The orator of the day was Capt. A. A. Putnam of the Second Heavy Artillery, the exercises closing with the firing of a salute by the Newbern company of the N. C. N. G., under the command of Capt. J. C. McSorley. The conventionalities exchanged by the citizens and the visitors were notable, and out of regard for the hospitable treat ment received, on the 3d of the December following, the official party of excursionists sent to the Newbern Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy a magnificent punch bowl of solid silver, praying its accept ance by the ladies who had so delightfully entertained their visitors from the north. The regiments from Massachusetts that bore a part in the North Carolina campaigns, and whose names are borne upon the monu ment, are the Second, Third, Fifth, Eighth, Seventeenth, Twenty-first, Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-seventh, Thirty- third, Forty-third, Forty-fourth, Forty-fifth, Forty-sixth and Fifty-first Infantry; and the Second Heavy Artillery. The account of the project and realization of the monument rearing in the old north State has been put forth in most elaborate book form by Mr. James B. Gardner of the Forty-fourth Eegiment, himself a member of the monumental committee. Baton Eouge. The latest act of Massachusetts in the commemoration of her soldiers who risked their all in war times was the placing of a beautiful granite shaft within the National Cemetery at Baton Eouge, the capital of the State of Louisiana. The operations of the Federal armies in the Depart ment of the Gulf formed a large part of the history of the war, and a great many of the organizations of the Commonwealth bore their part therein. A monument costing $10,000 has been set up in the State, so far away yet so fraught with historic interest, and it awaited the presence of Massa chusetts officials for the final acts of dedication and presentation. Once more the exercises are set for the month of November ; the elections, due early in the month, had been held, and one week later, or on the ninth day of the month, the Governor, with the accustomed following of legislators. 16 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. members of the Council and veterans, set forth for the distant southland. Going by way of Chattanooga, Mobile and New Orleans, it was possible for the excursionists to halt in these interesting cities and enjoy their sights and objects of interest. Beaching the capital, on the banks of the river that for hundreds of years has filled so many pages of history, and which, during Eebellion days, was more prominent than ever, the visitors performed the office on account of which they were so very far from home. In passing, it might be stated that while in New Orleans the party, among other interesting places visited, called at the home for worn-out Confederate soldiers. Drawn up in two lines, facing each other, it was possible for the visitors to grasp each veteran by the hand as they marched through. Governor Draper addressed the veterans in an appreciative manner, evidently to the great satisfaction of the old " Graybacks." The party had collected $150 for the old men, and this the Governor passed over to them, an expression of regard that touched them deeply. Then Gen. Charles W. Taylor of the "Boston Globe" gave the old " boj's " another $100 of his own, and they were touched again. At Baton Eouge the occasion was made much of, drawing out a large assemblage of the people, led by the Governor of the State, Jared Y. Sanders, and the mayor of the city. Wade Bynum. The master of cere monies at the dedication was General Taylor, who kept things in active motion. The children sang patriotic songs and " Nearer, My God, to Thee," was rendered beautifully by Mrs. Virginia Eobertson. The wel coming address in behalf of the State was given most eloquently by Governor Sanders and for the city by Mayor Bynum, both of whom were. responded to in a most happy manner by Governor Draper. The monu ment was unveiled by Miss Lena M. Eemington, daughter of Sergeant-at- Arms David T. Eemington, and Miss Sallie Sanders, sister of the Louisiana Governor, and was then formally passed into the keeping of Capt. A. D. King, custodian of the cemetery. An interesting feature of the day was the presentation of a beautiful floral token from the Confed erated Southern Memorial Association, through a letter from its president, Mrs. W. J. Behan, who was unable to be present. After the children had sung " America," the cadets of the State University fired a salute, " taps " were sounded and every one joined in singing " Dixie." The day's doings ended with a reception by the order of Elks and a play at the Theater. The people of Louisiana evidently appreciated the visit of so many (60) citizens from distant Massachusetts and the purpose for which they came. Vide Plate VI. PLATE II. Greenfield. General Devens (Worcester). Boston. General Hooker (State House). < ao oZ;<;EhEh< uo PLATE V. Vicksburg. Antietam. MH< soldiers' home AT CHELSEA AND OTHER AIDS. 17 The monument, constructed of Quincy granite, is a needle shaft 38 feet in height, standing on a granite base 10 feet square. On its face is a bronze eagle with wings uplifted over the carved granite shield of Massa chusetts, above the bronze tablet which bears the names of Massachusetts organizations that participated in the Gulf campaigns, viz., the Fourth, Twenty-sixth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first, Thirty-eighth, Forty-first, Forty- second, Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth, Forty-ninth, Fiftieth, Fifty-second and Fifty-third Infantry; and the Second, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fifteenth Batteries. SOLDIERS' HOME AT CHELSEA AND OTHER AIDS. However much Massachusetts has done for the honor of the dead, she has done infinitely more for the living. During the war she paid out in bounties to her volunteers the vast sum of $17,872,404.82, and for the care and maintenance of deserving soldiers and their families, during and since the war, the far larger sum of $32,712,348.56, the latter amount by way of what is called State or military aid. The Soldiers' Home, maintained at Chelsea, was an innovation in its way, though there are many others now, there being about thirty State Homes in the Union. In the later 70's, Department Commander Horace Binney Sargent, with his associates, preached a gospel of justice through out the Commonwealth, whose outcome is the magnificent institution on Powderhorn Hill, Chelsea. A great impetus was given to the project when Capt. Joseph B. Thomas of Charlestown, in 1881, presented $10,000 to help it along ; other gifts followed, and with State assistance the Home was opened, thenceforward being a source of incalculable good to the old soldier. The direct gifts and legacies have been as follows : — Capt. Joseph B. Thomas, $10,000 00 Mrs. Elizabeth P. Seaver, 4,174 82 Mrs. Caroline M. Barnard, 3,000 00 Hon. J. Warren Merrill, 1,000 00 Mrs. Mary J. Taylor, 100 00 Mrs. Lyman Tucker, 2,000 00 Mrs. Ann J. Baker, 300 00 Mrs. Joanna L. Merriam, 50 00 Capt. Gideon Skull Holmes, 2,620 52 George Draper, 400 00 Gen. William F. Draper, 1,400 00 Concert of War Songs, 1888, 1,231 00 Grand Army Carnival, 1885, 62,312 00 18 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Mrs. Susan W. Weston, $250 00 Massachusetts Division, Sons of Veterans, ...... 750 00 Moses Wilde, 2d, 8,300 00 Charles L. Kezar, 100 00 Ladies' Aid Association, . 3,000 00 Ladies' Aid Association, for elevator, 1,053 00 Eobert C. Billings, 5,000 00 Col. Josiah H. Benton, 100 00 Capt. J. G. B. Adams, 1,000 00 W. B. Frothingham, 60 00 William Montgomery, 1,800 00 Torty-fourth Eegiment Association, 600 00 Otis E. Weld, 1,700 00 The sum total of personal giving, as above, is $112,301. To this should be added the part borne by the Commonwealth, the latter having contributed $250,000 for new buildings and $823,000 for maintenance. The aggregate for State and individual, in earing for the old soldier at Chelsea, amounts to $1,185,301. However great this sum may seem it is only a bagatelle compared with the vast amount of $32,712,348, which Massachusetts has contributed towards the care and comfort of her deserving veterans and their families during and since the war. Should we add to the foregoing the $17,- 872,404 paid out in bounties, some idea may be had of what war has cost the Bay State. Other items, as the publication of regimental his tories, the dedication of battle monuments on southern fields, swell still larger the grand aggregate. THE LOYAL LEGION. The Massachusetts Commandery of the Loyal Legion, with headquar ters in Boston, has remembered a large number of its companions, for the most part in the towns where they resided. Thanks are due to Col. Arnold A. Band, for many years the secretary of the Commandery, for the follow ing data covering the tablets thus far placed. As the cost of the memo rials varies somewhat, it is not possible to ascertain exactly the expense incident to their placing, but, at an average of $100 each, it will be seen that the outlay has been $3,000. It will be observed that all the tablets, save four, were placed in Massachusetts. Gen. Charles Devens (originally Colonel, Fifteenth Massachusetts Infantry), Court House, Boston. Gen. George J. Stannard (of Vermont Brigade fame at Gettysburg), Burling ton, Vt. THE LOYAL LEGION. 19 Maj. J. Henry Sleeper (Tenth Massachusetts Battery), Boston University, Boston. Gen. Samuel M. Quincy (originally Captain, Second Massachusetts Infantry), (Juincy School, Boston. Capt. Joseph P. Eockwell (originally Sergeant-Major, Eighteenth Connecti cut), Norwich, Conn. Col. Henry Stone (Captain, Eighth Infantry, M. V. M.), South Congrega tional Church, Boston. Col. Francis L. Lee (Forty -fourth Massachusetts Infantry), Chestnut Hill Chapel, Newton. Col. Oliver W. Peabody (originally Captain, Forty-fifth Massachusetts In fantry), All Saints Church, Ashmont. Col. William H. Forbes (originally Second Lieutenant, First Massachusetts Cavalry), Milton Academy, Milton. Col. Edward N. Hallowell (Fifty -fourth Massachusetts Infantry), Public library, Medford. Gen. William Coggswell (originally Captain, Second Massachusetts Infantry), Armory, Second Corps Cadets, Salem. Lieut. George E. Priest (Fifty-seventh Massachusetts Infantry), Public Library, Watertown. Gen. John M. Corse (West Point, 1857; at first. Major, Sixth Iowa Infantry), Federal Building, Boston. Gen. Francis A. Walker (originally Sergeant-Major, Fifteenth Massachu setts Infantry), Institute of Technology, Boston. Capt. Hiram S. Shurtleff (Fifty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry), Latin School, Boston. Lieut.-Col. James Francis (Second Massachusetts Infantry), Unitarian Church, Lowell. Capt. Samuel W. Duncan (Fiftieth Massachusetts Infantry), Public Library, HaverhiU. Capt. John C. Maker (Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry), High School, Melrose. Gen. Charles A. E. Dimon (First United States Volunteers), City Hall, Lowell. Maj. William H. Hodgkins (Thirty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry), Hodgkins School, Somerville. Maj. Zabdiel E. Adams (Fifth Massachusetts Cavalry), Gettysburg battlefield, Penn. Lieut. Person. B. Cheney (Thirteenth New Hampshire Infantry), ex- Governor, State House, Concord, N. H. Lieut. Henry W. Howe (Thirtieth Massachusetts Infantry), Memorial Hall, Lowell. Col. Augustus P. Martin (Third Massachusetts Battery), Martin School, Boston. Gen. Francis W. Palfrey (Twentieth Massachusetts Infantry), Cadet Armory, Boston. Gen. George L. Andrews (West Point, 1851; Second Massachusetts Infantry), CuUum Memorial Hall, West Point, N. Y. 20 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Lieut.-Col. J. Lewis Stackpole (originally Captain, Twenty -fourth Massachu setts Infantry), Military Historical Society, Boston. Capt. Frederick B. Doten (Fourteenth Connecticut Infantry), Unitarian Church, Chicopee. Maj. Thomas O. Allen (Sixth Massachusetts Infantry), Memorial Hall, Lowell. Capt. J. G. B. Adams (Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry), First Universalist Church, Lynn. SUMMARY. Massachusetts has 354 cities and towns, of which number 233 have each one or more memorials of the Civil War, thus leaving 121 with no other token than the monument or headstone, of more or less cost, which the national government or immediate friends have reared to departed loved ones. In 55 divisions of the Commonwealth there are two and frequently more tokens, to the extent of 92 in all, thus making the total 322 ; 27 municipalities have monuments in prospect, some of them near ing the point of dedication, hence it is fair to add this number to the foregoing total, increasing it to 349, — very near an average of one memo rial for every city and town in Massachusetts. Were we to include in the estimate the halls and libraries to which the word "memorial" is attached, there would be no trouble about the average. The total outlay, as above, has been $1,401,320. Twenty-two cities and towns have so-called " memorial " libraries, town or other public hall, and, in one instance, a very costly church, whose combined cost is $1,052,750. This amount would be somewhat increased had the cost of each edifice been given. Among the -divisions of the Commonwealth expecting to erect future memorials, contemplated expenditures are named to the amount of $78,900, — an amount which might fairly be added to the monumental aggregate, though this has not been done. Thirty-four Posts of the Grand Army meet in halls owned by them selves or the co-ordinated Belief Corps. These quarters have cost the Posts, Corps or the public the sum of $363,150, some of the possessions being very extensive and valuable. Fifty-six other Posts are given their quarters, rent free, by city, tovm or other generous parties. Thus 120 Posts are still paying their own bills, of whatever character. What the Commonwealth has given for statues of her officers upon the State House grounds has been seen in the account of the same ; she has ABINGTON. 21 also devoted the following sums to objects beyond the confines of Massa chusetts : — Gettysburg, .... $21,500 Andersonville, Ga., . $11,800 Chickamauga, Tenn., 4,000 Vicksburg, Miss., . . 10,800 Antietam, .... 10,500 Winchester, Va., 2,000 Needham Monument, Lawrence, 6,000 Newbern, N. C, 9,000 Ladd and Whitney Monument, Baton Kouge, La., . . 10,000 Lowell, .... 2,000 Were the sums paid for dedicating the above-named monuments added, the total of $77,600 would be easily increased to fully $100,000. The aggregate paid by the Commonwealth for the memorials upon the State House grounds and in the edifice itself is $131,000. The final and grand total for individual, city and town giving, with that of the Commonwealth, in or for the State, is as follows : — Individual, city and town, $1,401,320 Massachusetts, in the State House or on the grounds, .... 131,000 Massachusetts, elsewhere than within her own borders, . . . 100,000 Chelsea Home, individual and State, 1,185,301 Massachusetts, State and military aid during, and since the war, . 32,712,348 Loyal Legion, for memorial tablets, 3,000 Total, $35,532,969 CITIES AND TOWNS. Abington (Plymouth County). — As yet there is no monument in the town, though prominent citizens, in conjunction with the Woman's Belief Corps and the Sons of Veterans, are moving in the matter. Funds for this purpose have been started. McPherson Post 73 possesses a steel breastplate, wojn at Gettysburg by Capt. Jesse H. Jones, Sixtieth New York Volunteers ; having been thrown away by some weary wearer on the way northward from Falmouth, he appropriated it, and a dent upon it, just over the region of the heart, attests its life-saving qualities. The Post is housed in its own quarters, a roomy and comfortable edifice, as its picture indicates, costing $5,000. Through the generosity of Capt. Moses N. Arnold, Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, on May 31, 1909, there was dedicated a memorial commemorative of the early public meeting place of the primal abolitionists. The location is the old island grove, where, years ago, was heard the eloquence of Garrison, Phillips, Pillsbury, Ed- 22 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. mund Quincy, George Thompson, Abby Kelley Foster, Lucy Stone and others. The memorial is an immense boulder, with a suitably inscribed bronze tablet. At the dedication, wherein the Grand Army was repre sented, there were speeches by Judge E. 0. Harris, Hon. A. E. Pillsbury and William Lloyd Garrison, 2d, this being one of the latter's last public appearances. (David Warren, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXIX. Acton (Middlesex County) . — Feb. 27, 1890, the Hon. William A. AVilde of Maiden, but Acton born, presented to his native town a beautiful library building, costing $30,000, being known as the Memorial Library. At its principal entrance are tablets (estimated value, $500) to the mem ory of Acton's soldiers in the War of the Eebellion; one bears the names of those, 29 in number, who lost their lives; the other, the names of all who served. Within, there is a relic room and a safe for the retention of the more iraportant objects of interest. Among the relics are a paint ing of the departure of the Davis Guards for the war, the sword of Capt. Aaron C. Handley of the Guards (Sixth Infantry, M. V. M.), and a box and gavel made from pieces of historic wood by Henry Scarlet; each piece has significance in connection with the Eebellion, either on land or sea, and all were given by Mrs. Eeuben L. Eead from her very large collection of such material. The sister of a soldier in the war, Emery A. Symands, Mrs. Eead is a member of Woman's Belief Corps 62. Both the Corps and Isaac Davis Post 138 of West Acton occupy rented though commodious quarters, containing many pictures and minor relics of the Eebellion. (From data furnished by Eeuben L. Eead.) Vide Plate XX. Acushnet (Bristol County) . — There is nothing of a public memo rial nature in town, either actual or prospective. Adams (Berkshire County). — This town claims its very fine library edifice as a war memorial, and the names of Lincoln and Grant appear on the exterior walls. Also, the second floor has been elaborately equipped and donated to George E. Sayles Post 126 as regular quarters, yet the Free Public Library Commission for 1899 says: "It is expected that eventually the whole building will be given up to the library." This being the case, what becomes of the memorial feature ? It is an expensive plant, costing, with lot, nearly $50,000, and its cornerstone was laid by Presi dent McKinley, Sept. 25, 1897. The McKinley statue, which stands immediately in front of the library, is really the soldiers' memorial for AGA W AM. 23 the town. Costing about $10,000, dedicated Oct. 10, 1903, with principal address by ex-Gov. John D. liong, it is the very first memorial of the martyred President erected in New England, — a tribute from his admir ing friends of Adams, where he had frequently visited. On a granite pedestal, 6 feet in height, stands the bronze figure of the President, 8 feet high. Significant tablets, depicting features of McKinley's life, adorn the four sides of the pedestal. The expense was defrayed largely by popular subscriptions of small sums each, the balance being met by the Hon. W. B. Plunkett. Vide Plate VII. Agawam (Hampden County) . — Has no memorial, and, as far as known, nothing of the sort is contemplated. Alford (Berkshire County). — Town Clerk Henry Ticknor writes that, save the well-marked graves of deceased soldiers of the Civil War, Alford has no memorials of the strife, nor any prospect of the same. Ajiesbury (Esses County). — The only soldiers' monument in Amesbury was erected in Union Cemetery in 1874, at a cost of about $500, — a sum raised by popular subscription and the town, jointly. E. P. Wal lace Post 122 uses a gavel made from a portion of Libby Prison. The Post occupies rented quarters. Though by no means G. A. E. relics, Whittier's former home and his grave hallow Amesbury. (D. E. Gale, Adjutant.) Amherst (Hampshire County) . — The permanent memorial of this college town is a set of marble tablets in the vestibule (second story) of the Town Hall. Erected in 1891 by subscription, they cost about $500. In the tower of Amherst College Church is a chime of bells (eight in number), given by George Howe of Boston, in 1871, as a memorial of Amherst College graduates who lost their lives in the war. The town's most interesting relic stands erect in the vestibule of Williston Hall, a college building. It is a brass cannon from the battle field of Newbern, N. C, sent by Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside as a memorial of Frazar A. Stearns, class of 1863, and son of President Stearns, who, as Adjutant of the Twenty-first Massachusetts Infantry, lost his life on that sanguinary field. An elaborate inscription, cut into the metal, describes the reasons for its presence there. The town furnishes, rent free, excellent rooms for E. M. Stanton Post 147 in the Town Hall, where the Post has a fine collection of war pictures, etc. (From data furnished by W. I. Fletcher, Librarian, Amherst College.) 24 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Andover (Essex County). — A large and imposing edifice, devoted to library purposes, and called the Memorial Hall, constitutes this town's tribute to the soldiers of the Eebellion. John Smith and John Dove were the principal givers towards the building fund, Mr. Smith giving $1,700 and Mr. Dove $1,200. An appropriation of $4,500, previously made by the town for a monument, was turned into the fund, and other gifts raised the amount to $57,000. The second story of the hall is devoted to memorial uses, and has tablets (estimated value, $500), bear ing the names of Andover soldiers who fell in the war. The dedication was May 30, 1873, the address being made by the Eev. Phillips Brooks (subsequently Bishop), with dedicatory prayer by the Eev. Prof. Edward A. Park of Andover Seminary. Gen. W. F. Bartlett Post 99 is located in this town. Vide Plate XX. Arlington (Middlesex County). — In Eevolutionary days, when known as Menotomy or West Cambridge, this town furnished minutemen for the strife. Eleven lost their lives on the famous 19th of April, 1775, and memorials to their honor stand within her boundaries. She has also remembered her sons who served in the War of the Eebellion, setting apart for their burial the most sightly portion of her public cemetery, and placing in the most prominent location in the town a magnificent monu ments It stands where Massachusetts Avenue from Cambridge and Broadway from Somerville meet, in the very center of beautiful Arling ton. The funds for its erection came from a small sum, with accrued interest, set apart for such purpose during the war, a small appropriation by the town and $8,000 raised by subscription. The total cost was $14,000. The monument was dedicated, with impressive ceremonies, June 17, 1887, with oration by Hon. J. Q. A. Brackett (subsequently Governor) and poem by J. T. Trowbridge. Whatever relics the Post and town possess are committed to the safe-keeping of the Arlington Historical Society. Francis Gould Post 36 maintains its own hall, the same result ing from the combined efforts of Mr. E. Nelson Blake and Mr. George E. Eichardson, the Building Fund Association, Woman's Belief Corps 43, Sons of Veterans, Camp 45, and the liberal gifts of generous citizens. The capacious and elegantly adorned edifice was dedicated in December, 1894. Situated- on Massachusetts Avenue, in plain sight of the soldiers' and sailors' monument, elaborately furnished, equipped with lights and everything essential to the comfort of the veterans, it is itself a monument to good taste and local generosity. Two naval howitzers on the lawn in front give the locality a martial atmosphere. Both Corps and Camp of ASHBURNHAM. 25 the women and the sons also use the rooms. Many pictured faces of dis tinguished officers in the war, with those of past Post commanders, hang upon the walls of the main hall. Held by a board of trustees as long as needed for Grand Army purposes, it will eventually revert to the use of the Bobbins (Public) Library as a memorial. The total cost of the hall was $9,700. (From data furnished by Department Patriotic Instructor Charles S. Parker, Post 36.) Vide Plate XII. AsHBURNHAM (WORCESTER County) . — Standing in front of the Fairbanks Town Hall is the inspiring figure of a soldier in bronze, presented to the town, June 5, 1905, by Melvin C. Adams, Esq., of Boston, in memory of the volunteers from his native town. Assisting the local Post, Sergeant Plunliett 184, in the dedication, were Post 19, Fitchburg, Post 69, Westminster, and Post 153, Winchendon. The bronze soldier, seemingly on the march, reaches a height of 18 feet above the ground. The product of the genius of Mrs. Theodore Buggies Kitson, the entire memorial cost $5,000. The figure is a replica of that on the Massa chusetts monument at Vicksburg, that being somewhat changed from the one in Newburyport. At the dedication. Colonel Adams eloquently made the presentation, and the reception address was made by James H. Wolff, then Department Commander. Tn Fairbanks Memorial Hall, dedicated on the same day. Woman's Belief Corps 171, of Ashburnham, has placed a bronze memorial, of very attractive design, bearing the names of all soldiers and sailors enlisting from the town. This was done at a cost of $500. In the relic line Post 184 is not lacking, since the gavel in regular use has, for its head, wood from a tree grown on the field of Fair Oaks, the same inclosing a bullet fired on that terrible May or June day, 1862. The handle is from the Andersonville stockade. The gavel head also carries a grape shot. The gavel stand or block is a piece of oak from Libby Prison, and to its several corners are affixed relics as follows: a piece of shell from Antietam, bullets from Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Newbern, with a small stone from Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg, where Sergeant Tom. Plunkett lost both arms in defend ing the colors of the Twenty-first Massachusetts Infantry. This combina tion of relics was prepared by Comrades Harvey Clarke and E. J. Gushing. The Post is quartered in fire-engine hall No. 1, at the expense of the town. (W. 0. Parker, Adjutant.) Vide Plate VIII. Ashby (Middlesex County). — The Civil War memorial in Ashby takes the form of an inscription upon the monument already erected to 26 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. the memory of the soldiers of the Eevolution. Late in the 80's the toT^n expended $500 in resetting the monument and adding a new base, also in cutting the names of the soldiers from the town who served in the war. The public library has a fine collection of Eebellion relics, largely collected by Comrade, the late Eev. George S. Shaw of Ashby. (Comrade Alonzo A. Carr.) Ashfield (Franklin County). — It must be a constant pleasure to the citizens of this beautiful town that, involved in the development of their soldiers' monument, are ideas of two of their most distinguished summer residents in the glad years, now so long in the past. George William Curtis and Charles Eliot Norton thought that the useful should be combined with the ornamental and the patriotic in monumental proj ects, so the town voted $600 for a monument and drinking fountain combined. The resulting memorial was erected in 1867, one of the first of its kind, a rare tribute to the sensibilities of the people of Ashfield and the wisdom of their visitors. In repairs $200 have been expended since. As seen in the view, the summer home of the late Professor Norton is disclosed in the background. (John M. Sears, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XVII. Ashland (Middlesex County). — As yet the town has nothing of a memorial character, though measures are afoot for the placing of tablets, bearing the name of Ashland soldiers, at the entrance to the public library. The estimated expense is $500, to be met by a town appropria tion. (Since the foregoing was written, the tablets have been placed. Nov. 6, 1909, from the Milford works of A. C. Kinney, the marble memo rials were attached to the east and west walls of the library entrance. Six feet in height by 8 in width, they bear the names of more than 200 volunteers credited to the town. The east tablet has the legend at the top, "When Abraham Lincoln called, these men of Ashland answered ' Here ' ", while the western carries, " To their memory, living or dead, Ashland dedicates these tablets.") Colonel Prescott Post 18 has occupied the same rented quarters for nearly if not quite all of its existence. (Ezra Morse, Adjutant.) Athol (Worcester County). — Through the efforts of Comrade William H. Mellen and Congressman F. H. Gillett two cannon have been obtained from the national government, and they are placed respectively in the upper and lower village. Parker Post 123, with the aid of the ATTLEBOROUGH. 27 Matrons of the Eepublic, secured funds and erected in Highland Cemetery a monument upon the soldiers' lot, a gift from the town for veteran burial purposes. It was dedicated while Past Department Commander George H. Evans was alive (he died in 1903), for he was the orator of the occasion, on Decoration Day of that year. The cost of the monument was $750. There are two posts in the town, Parker Post 123, in the lower village, and Hubbard J. Smith Post 140, in the upper, or Athol Center. Both occupy rented quarters. In 1866 Athol printed a volume of 264 pages, containing the personal history of all the men enlisting from the town; in itself it is a valuable monument. (C. E. Taft, Adjutant, Post 123.) Attleborough (Bristol County). — This enterprising town has two monuments, one, that in Wood Lawn Cemetery, being erected in 1880, at the sole expense of the " boys in blue," the latter contributing of their substance to the amount of $800. Attleborough veterans claim that it is the only monument in the Commonwealth erected exclusively by former soldiers. At first there was a large bronze cannon above the granite (vide plate) , but certain parties stole it for the metal. Three of the miscreants were caught and imprisoned ; " they should have been hung " is the senti ment among G. A. E. men. The later monument, standing in the thick of Attleborough's activity, and costing $8,500, was dedicated June 17, 1908, with an address by J. Willard Brown, Junior Vice-Commander of the Department. The veterans of this town consider Attleborough un usually generous towards the old soldier, and, in evidence thereof, adduce the following facts for 1908 : for soldiers' relief, military aid. Memorial Day and for G. A. E. rental the town paid out $4,000. The town, also, is conspicuous in having the largest private collection of Eebellion curios in Massachusetts, too large, indeed, for specification. They fill a large room in the second story of the owner's capacious mansion, and are cheerfully shown by him to all interested visitors. The town pays hall rent for William A. Streeter Post 145. (Maj. E. S. Horton.) Vide Plate IX. Auburn (Worcester County).- — John A. Logan Post 97, estab lished in Auburn in the late 60s, was largely instrumental in securing the soldiers' monument which was erected in 1870, at a cost of $1,500, by town appropriation. Though the Post continued only three years, it fully warranted its existence that length of time through its agency in acquiring the monument. (Comrade Joseph P. Eaton.) 28 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Avon (Norfolk County) . — Incorporated Feb. 21, 1888, from the town of Stoughton; in 1889, parts of Holbrook and Eandolph were added. The beautiful monument of Avon is due to the generosity of Orlando Leach of this town. It was erected at an estimated cost of $4,000, and was dedicated, with impressive ceremonies. Memorial Day, 1905, the ad dress being given by Charles E. Stowe. The total height of the monument is 22 feet. C. M. Packard Post 193 occupies rented quarters. (Orrin Whitten, Adjutant.) Ayer (Middlesex County). — In war times there was no town of Ayer, hence it is not altogether surprising that as yet there is no soldiers' memorial of any kind. Until 1871, the thriving railroad center now known as Ayer was called Groton Junction. There is an active Grand Army Post, George S. Boutwell Post 48, and plans are in existence look ing to the placing of tablets, at some time, bearing the names of the men who enlisted from those portions of Groton and Shirley that now consti tute the town of Ayer. (William H. Sherman, Adjutant.) Barnstable (Barnstable County). — Centerville contains the sol diers' monument for this town. Erected in July, 1866, it is one of the very first memorials dedicated in the Commonwealth. The site was given by the town clerk, F. G. Kelley, and the cost ($1,100) of the shaft, which is 15 feet high, was met by the town. The town, also, has provided bronze markers for all her deceased soldiers of whatever war. The two Posts, Theodore Parkman 204, Centerville, and Y-an-no 213, Hyannis, are both housed in rented quarters: Parkman Post possesses the portrait of Color Sergeant Parkman, Forty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, killed at Whitehall, N. C. (M. M. Haskell, Adjutant, Post 204, and W. L. Bing, Commander, Post 213.) Vide Plate XIX. Barre (Worcester County) . — The monument in Barre was. pro vided by the town in 1866, at a cost of $7,000. Standing upon the town Common, in the center of the village, it is a conspicuous and beautiful sight. Samuel F. Woods Post 179 occupies rented quarters. (J. A. Car- ruth, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXVI. Becket (Berkshire County). — This town has no public memorial of the Civil War. It has considerable pride, however, in the fact that all the graves of soldiers are adequately marked. (Henry Ticknor, Town Clerk.) BEDFORD. 29 Bedford (Middlesex County). — Soon after the war, an association of loyal women of Bedford was formed for the purpose of securing funds with which to erect a monument. Their success is attested by the shaft of Scotch granite, with Quincy granite surroundings, now standing in Shawshine Cemetery. Having cost an aggregate of $1,600, its care and keeping were passed over to the town. (Abram E. Brown, Town Clerk.) Belchertown (Hampshire County). — Twenty-two years ago this town dedicated a monument, costing $1,600, to the memory of the sol diers. It is placed in the middle of the Common, and is made of metal composition, called cream of zinc. It subserves the purpose for which it was placed, and is highly prized by all townspeople. E. S. Griggs Post 97 possesses a large folio volume, presented by Past Department Com mander Myron P. Walker at an outlay of $150, in which are found sketches of the lives and services of all members of the Post. The town donates commodious quarters for the use of Post 97. (H. C. West, Adjutant.) Bellingham (Norfolk County).- — As early as the winter of 1863 and 1864, when the soldiers were re-enlisting, the ladies began holding tea parties, with the ultimate aim of a soldiers' monument. Their commend able efforts then and subsequently resulted in raising $500, to which sum the town, in 1872 or 1873, added $300. With this sum a bargain in granite was bought and erected, there being an additional outlay of $125 for flowers, placing, etc. The monument was put in place in the triangu lar plot in the center of Bellingham village, in 1874. In 1907 an appropriation of $100 was made to raise the monument some fifteen inches, the original placing being too low. The entire cost of the memo rial to date has been $925. (Henry A. Whitney, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate X. Belmont (Middlesex County). — At a cost of $800, the town caused to be placed, at the entrance of the Town Hall, tablets containing the names of Belmont soldiers who lost their lives in the war. Veterans of this town for the most part belong to the Arlington Post of the Grand Army. (Charles N. Houlihan, Town Clerk.) Berkley (Bristol County). — While as yet no monument stands in Berkley, one is on the way. Several years ago certain energetic Grand Army men set about raising a fund for monumental purposes, acquiring. 30 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. by entertainments and subscriptions, about $800. Then, owing to dissen sions, the interest subsided, and the funds collected were placed in the bank, amounting at present to $1,000. Veterans feel that the time for action is near at hand, and some tangible result is soon to be expected. Berkley veterans, generally, belong to the Taunton Post. (Comrade Charles W. Cook, Town Clerk and Treasurer.) Berlin (Worcester County). — There is no monument, but the town has fitted up a room on the first floor of the Town Hall for the use of the Grand Army and kindred bodies, placing on the walls marble tab lets (estimated cost, $150) to the memory of the soldiers. The Post possesses an 8-inch cannon ball, fired at Fort McAllister, besides a very large collection of portraits, in oval black walnut frames, of deceased com rades. Capt. C. S. Hastings Post 54 is housed as above. The Ladies' Aid, Sons and Daughters of Veterans, use the same quarters. (G. E. Burgess, Adjutant. Bernardston (Franklin County) . — This town, to which have been given many thousands of dollars by loyal sons, has nothing in the way of Eebellion reminders. Beverly (Essex County). — In 1882, through the instrumentality of J. H. Chipman, Jr., Post 89, a monument was dedicated in Beverly. Of the cost thereof, $900 was raised by subscription, the remainder by fairs and entertainments; the total expense amounted to $4,850. Later, the town, at an outlay of $600, graded the lot and set edgestones. The choicest relic is the stump of a tree from Chickamauga, having imbedded a solid shot in one side, pieces of shell in the other. Coming from between the lines, one side is known as Union, the other as Confederate. Through the generosity of the city, the Post is comfortably housed in an abandoned schoolhouse. (Winthrop E. Perry, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XIII. Billerica (Middlesex County). — This town once had a Grand Army Post, and, possibly, it was owing to veteran interest that, on Oct. 8, 1873, an imposing monument was dedicated, costing $5,000, the entire expense being borne by the town. Blackstone (Worcester County). — No monument here, nor any prospect of one. BLANDFORD. 31 Blandford (Hampden County). — The postmaster writes that he knows nothing of any memorial in town. Bolton (Worcester County). — Some of the smaller towns were earliest in evidencing their appreciation of soldierly sacrifices, Bolton ded icating her beautiful marble tablets on Dec. 20, 1866. As early as the preceding April, measures were taken to secure the memorials, and suc cessive appropriations, together with the gift of $100 by S. Henry Howe, chairman of the committee of arrangements, brought the amount up to $600. The tablets, with gilded lettering, are placed on the walls of the main hall of the town building, facing the principal entrance. The dedi cation was notable, in that the orator of the occasion was the late Hon. George B. Loring of Salem, one of the most accomplished speakers of his day. The poem was a prominent feature, as it was written by Amos Stone, father of one of the boys who died in Andersonville, and whose name is graved upon one of the tablets. Quarters for G. K. Warren Post 172 are furnished by the town in the Town Hall. (A. B. Hanes, Adju tant.) Boston (Suffolk County). — There is a Greater Boston, comprising not only the original city which sent her soldiers to the war, but the addi tional mimicipalities of Brighton, Charlestown, Dorchester, Eoxbury and West Eoxbury, the latter including the village of Jamaica Plain. Boston also includes the domain of the Commonwealth known as the State House grounds, on which are several imposing memorials of the war. These several divisions or sections will be treated under their respective heads, alphabetically, as they are reached in the list. No city in the Commonwealth has a more impressive memorial, nor one more fittingly placed, than that which for more than thirty years has looked forth from Flag Staff Hill, on the old Boston Common. The cornerstone was laid Monday, Sept. 18, 1871, though plans for a monu ment were before the city government as early as April 16, 1866. Martin Milmore was the sculptor, and for several years the project dragged along, until at last the completed work was dedicated, Sept. 17, 1877, being the fifteenth anniversary of the battle of Antietam. The event was observed by a great demonstration, both civic and mihtary, the principal address being by Gen. Charles Devens. The cost of the monument, complete, was $75,000. The grading, foundations and expense of dedication must have cost nearly as much more. All outlays were borne by the city. Vide Plate II. 32 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Charles Sumner Statue. — Though not a soldier. Senator Sumner was a sufferer for the cause long before the war whose history cannot be written without frequent use of his name. His statue in bronze, standing on the Boylston Street side of the Public Gardens, near the entrance to the sub way, was dedicated Dec. 23, 1878, with an historical sketch by Gov. Alexander H. Bice. Thomas Ball was the sculptor. The cost of the figure ($15,000, to which should be added $1,500 given as prizes to com peting artists) was contributed by citizens. If the authorities would turn the bronze at least part way around, so that its face might be seen by the multitude who throng the subway, the result would be a great improve ment. Emancipation Group. — Standing in Park Square is the bronze figure of Abraham Lincoln, with hand outstretched above the crouching form of a negro from whose limbs the shackles have fallen. It is the gift of Moses Kimball, costing $17,000. The artist was Thomas Ball, the work being a duplicate of the original Freedmen's Memorial in Washington, D. C. It was unveiled Dec. 6, 1879, Mayor F. 0. Prince delivering the address. Vide Plate XI. Shaw Memorial. — Though there are memorials in Massachusetts which cost more than that for Col. Eobert G. Shaw and his black regiment, the Fifty-fourth, there is nothing in the Bay State, nor in any other State, for that matter, which equals the impressiveness of this wonderful alto relievo from the fashioning hand of the immortal St. Gaudens. From 1865 until 1897 the plan was brewing. The initiative was taken by J. B. Smith, an escaped slave, the original gift growing until it amounted to $23,000, to which, for building and arranging for the completed work on the Common, facing the State House, Boston added more than a like sum, so that finally the memorial represents nearly $50,000. The architects for the setting of the group were H. H. Eichardson and Charles F. McKim, the latter following on the death of Eichardson. The builders were Norcross Brothers of Worcester. The dedication was on May 31, 1897, with combined exercises on the part of the city and State, Gov. Eoger Wolcott presiding with inimitable grace, with principal address by Col. Henry Lee Higginson, who had been prominent in the project from the very beginning. Very appropriately, Booker T. Washington spoke for the race represented by the regiment. Vide Plate XXIX. Cass Monument. — The figure, in bronze, of Col. Thomas Cass of the Ninth Massachusetts Infantry, slain at Malvern Hill, is a worthy tribute to a brave and patriotic man. Originally, at the expense of his fellow a a rt o a D A Ui < a P PLATE IX. Attleborough. Easthampton. Framingham. North Adams. LoweU. BOURNE. 33 soldiers of the Ninth, a figure in granite had been fashioned and for some years it was a not altogether grateful addition to the statuary of the Public Gardens : but when the city intervened and ordered the casting of the present figure, better results were secured. The artist was Eichard E. Brooks of New York, and the dedication was on Sept. 22, 1899, with the principal address by Major McNamara of the Ninth. The cost of the memorial was $9,174. Farragut Memorial. — The pride of South Boston, the bronze figure of the brave old admiral stands on the water front, near the element on whose surface he had reigned supreme. Credit for the memorial should be given to Thomas F. Keenan, then in the Common Council, who, by persistence, put through an appropriation of $22,500, the cost of the figure. The artist was H. H. Kitson, since grown famous by his soldiers' figures. The dedication was on June 28, 1893, ex-Gov. Alexander H. Eice, orator, Henry O'Meara, poet, and the Eev. E. A. Horton, chaplain. Advantage was taken of the event to make the parade one of the most notable in the history of the city, and surely there had been few occasions more worthy of a popular outpouring. The bronze itself was cast in Providence. Vide Plate XI. To this list might be added many tablets in public buildings, with personal monuments in cemeteries. Bourne (Barnstable County). — In war times a part of Sandwich, chartered in 1884, as yet the town has no memorial, though it is the loca tion of E. B. Nye Post 203, G. A. E., which occupies rented quarters. (S. 0. Phinney, Adjutant.) BoxBOROUGH (Middlesex County). — No memorial here; only three or four veterans left. (S. P. Dodge, Town Clerk.) Boxford (Essex County). — The spring of 1875 saw the dedication of Boxford's monument. Jonathan Tyler Barker gave $1,000 and the remainder was contributed by various persons, the total being $2,017.19. Veterans of the town affiliate with the Grovel and Post. (John W. Park hurst, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXVIII. Boylston (Worcester County). — Aug. 18, 1886, the date of cele brating the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town, George A. Cotting of Hudson, formerly of Boylston, presented a memorial tablet, placed in the Town Hall, bearing the names of 10 Boylston sol- 34 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. diers who lost their lives in the war, every one under thirty years of age. Probable cost of the tablet, $150. The public library has an album of portraits of Civil War soldiers. (George L. Wright, Town Clerk.) Braintree (Norfolk County). — As early as June, 1865, a public meeting was called in Braintree to take action concerning some memorial for the dead soldiers. Two years later a public fair was held, which netted $1,500 towards the project. Later still the town appropriated $3,000 for monumental purposes; a bequest of $500 by a citizen of the town was added. No direct action, however, was taken towards building until 1872. The monument, costing $6,500, was dedicated June 17, 1874. The oration was given by Gen. and ex-Gov. N. P. Banks. The monument bears the names of 58 Braintree soldiers who gave their lives for their country. In relics. Gen. Sylvanus Thayer Post 87 is rich, having, among others, a uniform (gray) worn by James T. Stevens in Company C, Fourth Eegiment, M. V. M., one of the Minutemen; a musket carried by John C. Sanborn through his service ; and a bugle presented to W. A. Bishop, Third Massachusetts Cavalry, by Gen. N. A. M. Dudley, and used by him through the Bed Eiver campaign. In the Grand Army lot. Plain Street Cemetery, presented by the town, there is also a monument, costing $275, secured by the comrades from the townspeople. The Post occupies excellent quarters, leased from the Old Colony Street Eailway Company. (W. L. Gage, Commander.) Vide Plate XXXVII. Brewster (Barnstable County). — Named for the reverend elder of the " Mayflower " company, this township lacks any visible token of the war, nor does it appear to have expectations. (F. B. Crocker, Town Clerk.) Bridgewater (Plymouth County). — The memorial of this old colony town takes the form of tablets, firmly set into the walls of the open vestibule of the Memorial Library. Of Tennessee marble, they bear the names of 36 soldiers of the town who gave up their lives during the war. The cost of this feature of the library is estimated at $1,200, raised in part by taxation, the remainder by subscription. Bridgewater Post 205 occupies rented quarters. (F. H. Kirmayer, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XX. Brighton (City of Boston). — The soldiers' monument was erected in Evergreen Cemetery the year following the close of the war, the dedi- brimfield. 35 cation coming July 26, 1866, with an address by the Eev. Frederick Augustus Whitney. Thirty feet in height, bearing the names of Brighton men who died in service, and surmounted by a ball and eagle, it cost $5,000, given by the town. Francis Washburn Post 92 enjoys free quarters in the old court house. (John Welch, Quartermaster.) Brimfield (Hampden County). — Brimfield was one of the earliest to move in the direction of a monument, and March 12, 1866, on motion of Capt. F. D. Lincoln, Forty-sixth Massachusetts, the town appropriated $1,250 for this purpose. The completed shaft was unveiled July 4, 1866. The site for the memorial, east of the park and nearly in. front of the hotel, the iron fence surrounding the monument, was donated by S. C. Herring and E. T. Sherman of New York. The names of 19 men who yielded their lives from this town are found in raised letters on the shaft. Within the monument enclosure are four condemned cannon, presented by the government. In 1899 the town caused to be placed on the walls of the Town Hall four marble tablets, costing $325, and bearing the names of all the soldiers, some 144 in number, who enlisted from Brimfield. A^'eterans from this town belong to the Sturbridge Post. (Comrade Miner H. Corbin, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate X. Brockton (Plymouth County). — The North Bridgewater of war times, ever the energetic, progressive community, has lively memories of the strife. When the city erected her City Hall there was provided an impressive rotunda, on whose walls were painted battle scenes in which local soldiers had had a part. These are very interesting works of art, and all told, architecture and paintings, represent $15,000. The city has, also, a fine monument, which was dedicated Nov. 12, 1907. It was erected at a cost of $4,000, secured by the local Woman's Belief Corps 7. Among its relics the Post, Fletcher Webster 13, has a case of curios from Gettysburg, a beautiful silk banner, presented by the school children of the city more than thirty years ago, an extensive collection of portraits of veterans, besides many souvenirs from southern battlefields. Comrade Harrison 0. Thomas has compiled a biographical sketch of every member of the Post, an unexampled task elsewhere. Nearly twenty-five years ago the Post purchased the old Universalist Church on Elm Street, and it has made a most desirable home for Post and Corps during the interven ing years. The cost of the hall in purchase and equipment amounted to about $18,000. (George A. Grant, Adjutant.) 36 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Brookfield (Worcester County) . ¦ — A white bronze monument in the cemetery is the tribute of Brookfield to her sons who served in the war. Costing $1,100, and standing some 15 feet high, it serves the important office of arresting the attention of passers-by. It was dedicated July 4, 1885. Dexter Post 38 meets regularly in Masonic Hall, where the devo tees of the square and compass cheerfully donate an assembly room to the veterans. A fire several years ago destroyed the Town Hall and the Post rooms, with a fine collection of relics. (Comrade E. D. Goodell, Postmaster. ) Brookline (Norfolk County). — An elaborate tablet of marble, placed in the grand stairway of the Town Hall, is Brookline's memorial to the soldiers. Costing $800, it was paid for by the town. A monument dedicated to the unknown dead, in Walnut Hill Cemetery, was unveiled June 14, 1902. Its cost, $337, was provided for by the local Woman's Belief Corps. A valuable relic is a drum used by the Pennsylvania Eeserves at Malvern Hill, given to Dr. Trull, and by him presented to the Post. A cavalry saber from the Wilderness, a stem of a tree from Chickamauga, with embedded bullets and canister, and a gavel containing a bullet, both from Lookout Mountain, are also in the possession of the Post. Some of the relics were given by Comrade W. Y. Gross and Thomas Deliver. C. L. Chandler Post 143 has quarters in the Town Hall, furnished by the town. (A. W. Bright, Adjutant.) Buckland (Franklin County). — Lying so near the viUage of Shelburne Falls, indeed, a considerable portion of the latter place being in the town of Buckland, the town claims credit for some portion of the soldiers' monument which stands in the Falls. (A. C. Bray, Town Clerk.) Vide Shelburne. Burlington (Middlesex County). — Nothing of a public memorial kind here. (H. H. Hickok, Town Clerk.) Cambridge (Middlesex County). — The distinctive monument of Cambridge, one of the most imposing in the Commonwealth, stands on the Common. The result of the artistic skill of the twin brothers Cyrus and Darius Cobb, it was dedicated June 17, 1870, with elaborate cere monies. Its cost exceeded $25,000. Harvard University erected during the decade following the war a great edifice, known as Memorial Hall, devoted to refectory purposes; its imposing entrance contains the names CANTON. 37 of the sons of Harvard who died in defence of home and country, the names being chiseled in marble and most impressively placed. This work alone must have cost many thousands of dollars. Among other memorials is a marble bust of Col. Charles Eussell Lowell, costing $1,000. The city has three Posts of the Grand Army, viz., William H. Smart Post 30, John A. Logan Post 186, both occupying rented quarters on Massa chusetts Avenue, and Charles Beck Post 56, whose veterans climb to the top story of police headquarters. Each Post has its own collection of curios and pictures, while Past Department Commander John D. Billings has an excellent array of his own. Mt. Auburn Cemetery contains the celebrated granite figure of the Sphinx. Facing the former chapel, now the crematory, it has sat since August, 1872, the product of Martin Mil- more's artistic skill, paid for by Dr. Jacob Bigelow, who founded the cemetery. An interesting feature of the memorial is the inscription pre pared by President Charles W. Eliot of Harvard University. This is one of the very first of his efforts in this line, a field which has given him a wide reputation. Sculptured in Latin on one side, on the other we may read the translation : "' American Union preserved, African slavery de- •stroyed, by the uprising of a great people, by the blood of fallen heroes." Figure and foundation cost $11,554. Besides this, Mt. Auburn has a bewildering array of monuments for individual heroes. Vide Plate XXIV. Canton (Norfolk County). — The Town Hall, erected in 1878, is known as Memorial Hall, and, in keeping with this name, the late Hon. Elisha A. Morse, a comrade of the local Post, presented marble tablets in memory of the 30 soldiers of Canton who died during the war. These are placed on each side of the main entrance to the hall. Their cost was $2,200. Eevere Post 94 occupies free quarters in the Town Hall. (E. L. Weston, Commander.) Vide Plate XIV. Carlisle (Middlesex County). — The monument in this town is due to the generosity of two sisters. Mrs. Lydia A. G. Farrar bequeathed to the town a sum of money, which in 1882 had amounted to $653.70. March 20 of that year the town voted to receive and hold the legacy. As the testator had not stipulated what use should be made of the bequest, on Nov. 7, 1882, the town voted to devote it to erecting a monument to the memory of the soldiers, the same to stand in the center of the town, and appointed a committee to carry out the vote. In March, 1883, the town 38 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. appropriated $300 for foundations and for fencing and grading the lot. Eealizing that the sum at their disposal was too small for the purpose named, the committee suggested that Mrs. Farrar's sister. Miss H. L. C. Green, be invited to contribute enough to bring the total amount to $1,000. This proposition the sister acceded to, and the project advanced. The plan accepted was by Andrews & "WTieeler of Lowell, and comprised a triple receding base of Concord granite, surmounted by a marble figure of a soldier of heroic proportions. For properly dedicating the monu ment, Aug. 29, 1885, the anniversary of the second Bull Eun, the town appropriated $200, thus bringing the total outlay to $1,500. The exer cises were the most varied and interesting that the town ever witnessed. The address was made by the Hon. Charles H. Allen of Lowell. Carver (Plymouth County). — Nothing tangible as yet, but a Soldiers' Memorial Association is working, with a present accumulation of $1,000. The trustees of the public library think the memorial should assume the form of an edifice for the library. A Camp of Sons of Vet erans is keeping the subject alive. (Henry S. Griffith, Town Clerk.) Charlemont (Franklin County). — While there are veterans be longing to Posts in neighboring towns, Charlemont has nothing of a memorial character. (George E. Bemis, Town Clerk.) Charlestown (City of Boston). — Long before Charlestown had given any thought to abrogating her individuality, as early as 1865, the subject was broached of a monument commemorative of her part in the Civil War, a perfectly natural condition in the city of Bunker Hill and that ever memorable monument. Late in 1869 the city appropriated $20,000 for the memorial, and the design thereof was committed to Martin Milmore, sculptor. The material used is Hallowell (Me.) granite, and the location, Winthrop Square, is nearly south of the overtowering shaft on the immortal hiH. Happily the intervening buildings hide the shaft while one views the tribute to the soldier of the later war. The problem in Charlestown was more difficult than that in any other place in the Com monwealth. Any ordinary monument was sure to be dwarfed by the grandeur of the older token. Under the circumstances, the artist and the builders succeeded admirably. "Wliile hundreds pass on to the more famous hill and its tribute to heroes of- the Eevolution, a few pause to admire the memorial which an appreciative city reared to the memory of CHARLTON. 39 her sons who were no less worthy than the patriots of 1775. The con sulting and supervising architect was Mr. S. J. F. Parker of Boston; the builders of the pedestal, Messrs. J. F. & F. L. Oilman. The dedica tion, an exceedingly impressive exercise, was held on the 17th of June, 1872, and was participated in by an immense assembly of citizens, together with many civic and military bodies. The principal address was by the Hon. Eichard Frothingham, and was worthy of the occasion. In 1875, June 17, when Boston observed the centennial of Bunker Hill, the Fifth Maryland Infantry paid the Hub a visit, and, among commemorative acts, specially signalized the day by placing on this monument beautiful wreaths indicative of the regard of " Maryland, My Maryland " for the old Bay State. Eemembering that many of these soldiers either were in the Confederate service themselves or were the sons of those who were, the act was particularly gracious. Abraham Lincoln Post 11 for a number of years has been most comfortably housed in an old mansion on Green Street with mortars on the approaches, rooms most comfortably furnished and an assembly room as elaborately equipped as any in the Department, Post 11 is a power for patriotism in the monumental city. Great interest attaches to the mansion in that it was built and occupied by Samuel Dex ter, who was secretary of War and the Treasury under President John Adams. A tablet on the inner walls of the edifice tells in brief its interest ing story. Erected in 1782, its considerably more than a century of being is crowded full of pictures of thrilling scenes in American history. Standing on the slope of Bunker Hill, it must have witnessed every step in the building of the famous monument. For pure historic interest no G. A. E. hall in the Department equals it. It was acquired by purchase for the Post in 1887, and was remodeled and changed to suit the con venience of the veterans. It has cost Post 11 in the vicinity of $25,000. (Comrade Linus E. Clark.) Charlton (Worcester County) . — Thanks to the generosity of William H. Dexter, a native of the town but long a resident in Worcester, Charlton has a soldiers' monument, costing $2,000, dedicated Memorial Day, 1903, with an address by the Eev. Willard Scott of Worcester. Standing directly in front of the Town Hall, also a gift of Mr. Dexter, the figure of the soldier, in relief, looks out upon the village Common. The artist was T. J. McAuliff of Worcester, and his work is exceedingly meritorious. Charlton veterans largely belong to the Southbridge Post. (Frank 0. Wakefield, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXV. 40 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Chatham (Barnstable County). — Nason, in his "Gazetteer of Massachusetts," says that the town furnished 256 men for the Union service, of whom 13 lost their lives ; also, " To perpetuate their memory it has erected a handsome monument." The monument stands in South Chatham. We are told that this was finished in the later 60's, at a cost of about $1,300. Frank D. Hammond Post 141 is the Grand Army asso ciation of the town, having its quarters, which the Post owns, in South Chatham. (Samuel Hawes, Commander.) Vide Plate XV. Chelmsford (Middlesex County) . — The town clerk writes that his town has nothing of a monumental character, nor does it expect anything. Chelsea (Suffolk County). — This city set about erecting a mon ument soon after the war, securing the necessary funds through popular subscriptions, the subscribers including men, women and school children, and the amount being $10,000. Standing in Union Square, the granite base and shaft are surmounted by the bronze figure of a soldier at parade rest, the combination reaching the height of about 50 feet. It was dedi cated April 19, 1869. When the terrible fire of April, 1908, laid waste the city, the space about the monument was piled high with debris saved from the fiames; here also was the tent constituting the headquarters of the relief agencies. The soldiers' lot in Garden Cemetery contains 50 graves, and has a monument about 8 feet in height. Of a very attractive design, it was erected by the city in 1866, costing $4,500. There is also another soldiers' lot, in Woodlawn Cemetery, which has cost the city $5,000. Here are 300 graves, the city supplying the individual memorials; there is, besides, a general monument, in the form of three inverted can non supporting a fourth upright, this costing the local Post $500. Theodore Winthrop Post 35 has long been the envied possessor of one of the finest Post quarters in the Department. Originally a Methodist Church, built in 1841, it has been worked over so that above the ground fioor, devoted to store uses and rented, it has banquet room and accessories, while the third floor affords a hall, 70 by 60 feet, so capacious and well equipped that it has proved equal to every demand ever made upon it. Its internal adornments, battle scenes and portraits, rival those of any Post in the country. When the flames were licking up the city in April, 1908, they were mercifully stayed just before reaching this edifice, and its abundant space afforded ample room for the militia companies to whieh was committed the preservation of order within the ill-fated district. It is valued, with furniture, at $24,000. (C. W. Gray, Commander.) Vide Plates X., XIX. and XXVII. PLATE X. BeUlngham. aUonson. Brimfield. North Adams. Chelsea. PLATE XI. Upton. Emancipation Group (Boston). Orleans. Saugus. Northbrldee (WhltlnsvlUe) . Admiral Farragut (Boston). PLATE XII. PLATE XIII. I Shirley.Beverly. Gardner. Lawrence. PLATE XIV. CANTON. CHESHIRE. 41 Cheshire (Berkshire County). — Though the town presented to President Thomas Jefferson, in 1802, a monumental Cheshire cheese, weighing 1,450 pounds, and though the record of the town during the war was unexcelled, she has not, as yet, found means for any memorial of the services of her sons in the Civil War. (Ealph L. Getman, Town Clerk.) Chester (Hampden County). — As yet, the town has no memorial, nor, so far as known, is there prospect of any. (James C. Cooper, Post master.) Chesterfield (Hampshire County). — Except for cannon, loaned by the government and placed on the Common, the town has nothing of a memorial character. (Albert W. Hickok, Town Clerk.) Chicopee (H.\.mpden County) . — Marble tablets are Chicopee's expression of regard for the fallen soldier, having been placed at the entrance of the City Hall. Two in number, standing about 12 feet in height and bearing the names of all those who were killed, wounded or died in the service, they cost about $1,500, the amount having been secured by the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society. As relics, the city has four mortars, obtained from the government when the late Gov. George D. Eobinson, a Chicopee citizen, was in Congress. These are placed in the soldiers' lot in the public cemetery, the lot being a donation from the town. Quarters for Otis Chapman Post 103 have been secured in Masonic Hall, for the exceedingly liberal rate of $1 per month, the very next thing to nothing. (Z. T. Damon, Adjutant.) Chilmark (Dukes County). — No memorials here. (F. A. May- hew, Town Clerk.) Clarksburg (Berkshire County) . — No memorial in town, nor is any expected. Clinton (Worcester County) . — As in other towns, the beginnings of the CUnton monument were made by ladies, as early as 1867. By enter tainments in church vestries and by solicitation they accumulated $800. At the March town meeting, 1873, a building committee was appointed and $3,500 appropriated towards the work. At first placed and until 1908 standing at the southwest corner of the Town Hall, the monument was unveiled in 1875, at a total outlay of about $4,500. Owing to the 42 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. destruction of the hall by fire in the spring of 1908, the monument, which had miraculously escaped, was moved to the center of the near-by village Common, where it now stands, bearing the names of the 58 Clinton men who died in behalf of their country. E. D. Baker Post 64 possesses a rare relic in the shape of a tiny anvil, of metal, made from a portion of one of the propeller blades which impelled the " Kearsarge " when she sent the " Alabama " to the bottom of the sea, off Cherbourg, France, on that June day, 1864. The public library has a memorial volume containing personal histories of members of the Post. The Post itself occupies pleasant, though rented, quarters. In Woodlawn Cemetery, the soldiers' lot, presented to the Grand Army by a vote of the town, is nicely graded, at the expense of Camp 14, Sons of Veterans, and there is mounted and in place upon it a coast defense gun, furnished by the United States govern ment. (George L. Gibson, Adjutant.) CoHASSBT (Norfolk County). — No Eebellion reminders here, ex cept Henry Bryant Post 98, G. A. E., which is given quarters by the town. (Cyrus H. Bates, Commander.) CoLRAiN (Franklin County). — No public memorial in town, nor is any contemplated. H. S. Greenleaf Post 20, with the Woman's Belief Corps and Sons of Veterans, owns the hall in which regular meetings are held. (H. 0. Scott, Town Clerk.) Concord (Middlesex County). — The Eebellion reminder in this town of storied memories takes the shape of a beautiful granite pile, placed in the very center of the village; it would be a striking object anywhere. It was erected in 1867, at a cost of $4,600, the expense being borne by the town. Old Concord Post 180 occupies rented quarters. Few dedicatory exercises anywhere were more impressive than those in Concord, April 19, 1867, including, as they did, an ode by George B. Bart lett, an extended report of the building committee by the chairman, the Hon. E. Eockwood Hoar, an impressive oration by Ealph Waldo Emerson, a poem by Frank B. Sanborn and brief addresses by George S. Boutwell, Adjt.-Gen. William Schouler, Col. F. J. Parker of the Thirty-second Massachusetts Infantry and Col. Lucius B. Marsh, Forty-seventh Massa chusetts Infantry. Into the foundation of the monument was built a stone from the abutment of the old North bridge, thus connecting two significant April days in Massachusetts history. June 16, 1909, there was ^/u /////'///¦ / If ////'>/ ff//, '/fl P/f lyf/fff/ff//. //''f?7ff-/ftf/.-. ¦_. '7- ia.j.1. CONWAY. 43 dedicated in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery one of the most touching memorials in the entire State, that of a brother, James C. Melvin, himself a veteran of the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry, to his three brothers, Asa H., John H. and Samuel, all Concord boys and members of the First Heavy Artillery. The cost was $30,000, and it is considered one of the very best pieces of work by the sculptor, Daniel Chester French. The dedication was impressive and appropriate. (Asa Jacobs, Adjutant.) Vide Fron tispiece and Plate XVII. Conway (Franklin County). — Tablets in the main hall of the town building, erected in 1886, furnish Conway's tribute to her soldier sons of Eebellion days. There is also a small monument in memory of the unknown dead placed on the public Common. The combined cost of tablets and monument was about $600. Francis A. Clary Post 164 occupies comm-odious quarters in one of the Town Hall anterooms, gratis. (Gordon H. Johnson, Commander.) CuMMiNGTON (HAMPSHIRE County). — The native town of William Cullen Bryant has nothing by way of reminder of the war. (By the Town Clerk.) Dalton (Berkshire County). — No memorial whatever graces this town, though it is the home of some of the most distinguished people in the Commonwealth. There was once a Grand Army Post here, but its charter was surrendered long ago. (Comrade C. B. Scudder.) Dana (Worcester County). — Nothing of a public memorial char acter in Dana. (D. L. Eichards, Town Clerk.) Danvers (Essex County). — Steps were taken in 1868 towards erecting a monument; at a cost of $7,000 the same was completed and dedicated Nov. 30, 1870. Bearing the names of 94 soldiers and sailors who lost their lives in the war, it stands in front of the Town Hall. The Hon. Edwin Mudge, representative in the General Court, contributed the larger part of his salary during his two years of service. Through the Navy Department of the nation there has been placed in the middle of the soldiers' lot, in Walnut Grove Cemetery, a 100-pound Parrott gun, as a memorial to the veterans buried there. In the high school building hangs a portrait of Maj. Granville M. Dodge, a native of Danvers and one of the most trusted officers, serving under both Grant and Sherman. An- 44 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. other portrait of the General, on horseback as chief marshal at the dedi cation of the Grant monument in New York, was given by him to the local historical society. The same society has portraits of Gen. Francis S. Dodge and Fred. W. Lander, the former a Danvers boy who rose from the ranks, the latter, born in Salem, died in Paw Paw, Va., March, 1862. Ward Post 90 is comfortably placed in rented quarters. (Charles New- hall, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXI. Dartmouth (Bristol County). — No memorial of a public nature. (B. J. Potter, Town Clerk.) Dedham (Norfolk County). — Here is foimd one of the earliest Civil War monuments erected in Massachusetts. In the old Parish Cem etery stands a stone in memory of the men who died at Eeadville, from 1861 to 1865, the great organizing place for the eastern part of the State. It cost about $1,000, and the bill was paid July 12, 1866. It is placed on a plot of ground acquired by the Commonwealth, and on three tablets are inscribed the names of 64 soldiers who died in the camp. In 1878 the State graded and sodded the lot and surrounded it with a granite curbing. It is kept in order by the cemetery authorities and decorated each year by the local Grand Army Post, expenses being met by the State. In Brookdale Cemetery there is a monument erected by the late Eliphalet Stone, and by him passed over to Charles W. Carroll Post 144 for burial purposes. Dedham stone was used in the structure of the monument, and it is surmounted by a Blakely 100-pound shell, fired from a rebel battery very early in the war, near Aquia Creek, at a Union vessel loaded with wood. The missile passed through the cargo and buried itself in the river bank near the camp of the First Massachusetts Infantry. Col. Eob ert Cowdin, Comrade William F. Drugan, then of Company B, now chief of police, Dedham, dug it out, unloaded it and sent it home as a relic. It forms a fitting intermediary between the shaft itself and the hovering eagle. The bodies of 14 comrades lie in the lot. Sept. 29, 1878, at a total cost of $47,000, Dedham dedicated her Memorial Hall, located on land costing $2,350 and given by leading citizens. Five marble tablets in the vestibule bear the names of 47 soldiers who gave their lives for the Union. While the ofiices of the town officers are found there, and there is a large public hall, still it well merits its name. Within the hall are a Stuart's equestrian Washington, a Fisher Ames and an Abraham Lincoln. The Post is in rented quarters. (William B. Gould, Adjutant.) Vide Plates XVIIL, XX. and XXXI. deerfield. 45 Deerfield (Franklin County). — Like many other memorable events and historic objects in Deerfield, her monument to the memory of the soldiers of the Eebellion is due to the though tf ulness and energy of the Hon. George Sheldon, easily the first local historian in the Com monwealth. As early as October, 1864, when listening to the funeral service over the remains of Col. George D. Wells of the Thirty-fourth Eegiment, killed at Stickney's Farm, Va., he resolved that when the war was over the dead of Deerfield should be remembered in some tangible form. The fine monument of Portland freestone is the result. It stands upon the Common of the old street, the training field of the first settlers, and was dedicated Sept. 4, 1867. The cenotaph, having a base 8 feet square, is surmounted by the figure of a soldier in fatigue uniform, in place rest. The dedicatory exercises were under the direction of Josiah Fogg, Charles Armes, George Sheldon and Nathaniel Hitchcock. The address was by the Hon. Henry L. Dawes of Pittsfield, while odes for the occasion were written by Eliza A. Starr, Lucrecia W. Eels, Mary Willard and Maria B. W. Barnes. The cost of the monument was $2,000 (estimated). Dennis (Barnstable County). — Nothing here of a public memo rial nature. (W. F. Baker, Town Clerk.) DiGHTON (Bristol County) . — Though Dighton Eock has long been famous on account of the inscription, which has ever puzzled the anti quaries, even that rock is not in this town, but lies over Taunton Eiver in Berkley, nor has the town any public memorial of the war. There is no expectation of anything in this line. (Dwight F. Lane, Town Clerk.) Dorchester (City of Boston). — Before this historic section be came a part of Greater Boston, its monument for the Civil War was pro jected and built. It stands in the space in front of the church on Meeting House Hill, is constructed of red sandstone, 31 feet high, obelisk in shape, and is 8 feet square at the base. It is a very attractive memorial and is highly creditable to the genius of B. F. Dwight, who was the designer. The names of those who fell in the cause are graven on the surface of the stone. It was dedicated Sept. 17, 1867, the very day the National Cem etery at Antietam was also dedicated. The oration of the day was deliv ered by the Eev. Charles A. Humphreys, then of Springfield, himself a veteran of the Second Massachusetts Cavalry; an ode, written by William 46 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. T. Adams (Oliver Optic), was sung by the children. The cost of the monument, $5,301, was met through the diligence of the Pickwick Club, which started the subscription with a promise of $500 and then circulated the paper until the necessary funds were raised. The First Methodist Church of Dorchester has an interesting tablet to the memory of mem bers, 51 in number, who enlisted. Of Tennessee marble, 6 by 5 feet in size, designed by Comrade E. W. Fowler of Milton, and surrounded by an emblematic fresco, the three columns of names are surmounted with the words, " Not for conquest but for country." The memorial was unveiled March 24, 1895, with significant exercises, which included addresses by the Department Commander, J. W. Thayer, Eev. Dr. Arthur Little, the Eev. G. A. Phinney, pastor of the church. Secretary of the Common wealth William M. Olin and Comrade Alexander Hobbs. Benjamin Stone, Jr., Post 68 has long met within its own walls, having erected at 91 Park Street a commodious edifice and dedicated it to the uses of the Grand Army. Post room, banquet room, all that veterans need for com fort and utility, are found here. The total valuation is $7,500. Douglas (Worcester County) . — Few towns in any State can boast of two soldiers' monuments unveiled on the same day, yet this is the proud record of Douglas, since, on Sept. 19, 1908, in the forenoon, there was dedicated at the Center a white bronze figure of a soldier standing on a pedestal, the total height being 12 feet. This was done tmder the auspices of the local Camp of the Sons of Veterans, at a cost of $600. The dedica tion also was under their direction, the principal addresses being made by Division Commander William 0. Cutler and Mrs. Lue Stuart Wads- worth, Department President, Woman's Belief Corps. At East Douglas, in the afternoon, a more pretentious monument, costing in all $3,400, resulting from the bequest of James Smith of Douglas, was uncovered in the presence of a vast throng of people, including Lieut. Gov. Eben F. Draper, Gen. A. B. E. Sprague and others. The Hon. W. S. Schuster presided, and the dedicatory address was given by Department Com mander, G. A. E., Alfred S. Eoe. The sum bequeathed for the monument was $3,000. By way of rehcs, the town has two discarded rifled cannon. Samuel Sibley Post 137 uses for its Post room an old church, properly transformed, which belongs to the Post. (C. A. Whipple, Adjutant.) Dover (Norfolk County). — Though at present without a soldiers' monument, the erecting of one in the near future is probable. As yet the expense is uncertain. (John H. Faulk, Town Clerk.) DRACUT. 47 Dracut (Middlesex County). — There is nothing in town of a public memorial nature. A small collection of relics is kept in the town library. (John W. Brennan, Town Clerk.) Dudley (Worcester County) . — Writing in May, 1909, it is proper to state that the monument for Dudley is yet to be dedicated, the date being July 5, 1909, during the progress of an Old Home Week. The cost is to be $3,200, being partially met by a town appropriation of $1,800, the remainder to come from the Village Improvement Society. Conant Academy, long a source of pride to the town, has in its assembly hall a very fine tablet to the memory of academy boys who had a part in the great struggle. (Joseph Crawford, Town Clerk.) Dunstable (Middlesex County). — Though superlatively rich in memories, this town has no tangible memorials, aside from the individual headstones in the burial grounds. (Arthur N. Hall, Town Clerk.) DuxBURY (Plymouth County). — It is hardly to be expected that any memorial to the soldiers of the Eebellion could rival the imposing monument to the memory of Miles Standish, a figure that dominates many miles of Massachusetts coast, but there is here " a very beautiful granite shaft bearing the inscriptions, ' Memoria in eterna ' and ' Honor to the brave.' " Funds for its erection were raised by a society of ladies called The Willing Workers, and by public subscription, amounting to $2,500. It was dedicated May 30, 1872, with oration by the Hon. Thomas Eussell of Boston. William Wadsworth Post 165 meets in its own hall, occupied for the first time March 1, 1895. Its original cost was $2,500. (A. M. Goulding, Adjutant.) East Bridgewater (Plymouth County). — A monument costing $4,000, raised by fairs, entertainments and contributions, the principal sum, from $300 to $400, being left by the Soldiers' Aid Society, was dedi cated Sept. 17, 1874. It is of granite, about 34 feet in height. Two Posts of the Grand Army are located here, viz., Justin Dimick Post 124 and Alfred C. Monroe Post 212, both occupying rented quarters. (F. M. Kingman, Adjutant, Post 124; P. W. Pool, Adjutant, Post 212.) Vide Plate XXX. East Longmeadow (Hampden County). — Only metal markers at the graves of deceased soldiers commemorate the patriot dead in this town. It is fair to state that the division of the old town of Longmeadow did not take place until 1894, long after the war. (A. G. Crane, Town Clerk.) 48 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Eastham (Barnstable County). — In 1865 or 1866, through the agency of the Ladies' Aid Society, a monument in memory of the Union soldiers was placed where once the old Orthodox Church stood, facing the county road. Its original cost was $200. In 1895 the town voted to take care of it. Eastham Grand Army graves are decorated by the Post in Chatham, Frank D. Hammond Post 141, through Peter Higgins and wife Martha. The former furnishes foregoing data. Of late, the jar, incident to battleship practice off shore is unsettling the shaft. What a pity! Easthampton (Hampshire County).- — More than forty years ago the town erected a very fine Town Hall, one of whose front corners rims up into an imposing tower, and therein are memorial tablets. It is esti mated that the monumental features of the building represent about $10,000 of the total $68,000 which the edifice cost. In this structure is found lodgment for George C. Strong Post 166, gratis. On the cemetery lot are two 30-pound Parrott guns, mounted on granite foundations. The guns came from the government through the agency of the Hon. F. H. Gillett, congressman. There also are a large iron vase, given by the Woman's Belief Corps, and an iron flagstaff, presented by Comrade B. F. Owen. Easthampton is also the seat of Williston Seminary, one of the most successful of the several secondary schools in New England. Though no memorial in marble or bronze has been erected, especial pains have been taken to commemorate the services of former pupils in a section of her alumni records, issued about thirty-five years ago. Necessarily they are incomplete, owing to the difficulty of communication, and several names should be added, but 366 pupils and 6 teachers in the Union army and 4 men in the Confederate service speak volumes for the teaching here. Every class from 1842 to 1868 is represented. (A. S. King, Adjutant.) Vide Plate IX. Easton (Bristol County). — The town has a very fine monument, erected in 1882 at an expense of $5,000, appropriated by the town. A. B. Eandall Post 52 has a Post hall of its own, situated in Eastondale. It is valued at $3,000 (estimated). (George G. Smith, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XI. Edgartown (Dukes County). — The monument here, in white bronze, costing $1,200, was dedicated July 4, 1902. The funds were raised by subscription, largely through the efforts of Comrade E. C. Connell, a veteran of the First Massachusetts Infantry. In 1908 his name was cut PLATE XV. Easton. Chatham <^ o .2 « t, fl n rt » < PLATE XIX. Garden Cemetery, Chelsea. Sturbridge. Barnstable (Centerville). EGREMONT. 49 in the base of the monument, at the instigation of the local Woman's Belief Corps, thus paying fitting tribute to his devoted service. The same corps (No. 166) on Memorial Day, 1907, placed in the soldiers' lot of the cemetery a stone commemorative of the unknown dead. The veterans of Edgartown affiliate with the Post in Oak Bluffs. (Miss Hattie L. Shute, Department Patriotic Instructor, Woman's Belief Corps.) Egremont (Berkshire County) . — Through the town clerk, Ches ter G. Dalzell, the town reports no memorial, nor any prospects. Enfield (Hampshire County^) . — Erected in 1907, at an outlay of $3,000, appropriated by the town, the fine monument yet awaits dedica tion, owing to a claim set up by a citizen on account of the site occupied. A cannon with shells, furnished by the government, is placed near the monument. Gen. William S. Lincoln Post 21 has quarters gratis from the town. (E. H. Moore, Commander.) Vide Plate XXI. Frying (Franklin County) . — While the town has no public memo rial, there are metallic markers for the graves, furnished by Mrs. Jane Holmes of Farlej', a veteran's wife. Many years since there was a Grand Army Post in town named " Andrew Briggs," for an Erving soldier who was killed in the war, but it was given up, through lack of members, thirty-six or thirty-seven years ago. (Henry L. Blackmer, Town Clerk.) Essex (Essex County). — In the Town Hall grounds, facing Martin Street, is the soldiers' monument, due to the efforts of the 0. H. P. Sar gent Woman's Belief Corps 114 of the town. Its cost, $2,000, was met by fairs and subscriptions, the dedication being May 30, 1905, under the combined direction of Belief Corps and Grand Army Post. The dedi catory address was given by the Eev. C. H. Puffer of Salem. The base of the monument is of Eockport granite, the shaft and figure of Niantic, E. I., granite. Among relics may be mentioned a sword, bullets and a 6-pound cannon ball, all from Port Hudson, while Past Commander J. H. Burnham has preserved the pantaloons worn by him in battle, showing the holes made by two missiles in the same engagement. 0. H. P. Sargent Post 152 fell heir, several years ago, to a vacated schoolhouse near the center of the town, and, after fitting up the same at a cost of $200, main tains its quarters here. (Edward W. Lander, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XVII. 50 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Everett (Middlesex County). — Until 1870, that part of Massa chusetts now known as Everett was South Maiden, hence its direct war history is a part of that of its sister city. However, many efforts have been made to secure a monument for Everett, but thus far without avail. In the soldiers' burial lot at Glenwood Cemetery there is a mounted 15-pound Parrott gun, loaned by the government. In the city are organizations of the Grand Army, Belief Corps, Sons and Daughters of Veterans, all meeting in the hall of James A. Perkins Post 156. The most prominent relic in the Post's possession is a section of a pine tree from Chickamauga, with a cannon ball deeply imbedded, the same being a present from Mr. George A. Brown, a local and loyal professional man. In this year (1910) renewed efforts are being made to secure a proper memorial. (Converse M. Pettengill, Adjutant.) Fairhaven (Bristol County). — In 1867, at an outlay of $1,700, the town erected in Eiverside Cemetery a granite monument. It is appropriately adorned with significant emblems and is a very handsome shaft. (Charles F. Swift, Adjutant.) Fall Eiver (Bristol County). — Through the generosity of Samuel Watson, now an associate of Post 45, the bronze figure of a Union soldier stands at the entrance of the South Park, placed there in 1901, at a cost of about $800, as a tribute to the local Post of the Grand Army. Equally significant is the monument in the soldiers' lot of Oak Grove Cemetery, both lot and memorial being gifts of the late Eichard Borden. While living he bore all expense in maintaining the lot and setting headstones, an example followed in intervening years by his family. The outlay was about $2,500. Eichard Borden Post 46 maintains its quarters in rented rooms. (F. Ii. Chancell, Adjutant.) Falmouth (Barnstable County). — A fine library building, cost ing $40,000, and paid for by the town, is called the Memorial Library. It contains a tablet (estimated cost, $200) bearing the names of Falmouth soldiers. B. F. Jones Post 206 is favored by the town in that it has the free use of an old academy building for meeting purposes. (Hon. Seba A. Holton.) Vide Plate VII. Fitchburg (Worcester County). — Long before the town had assumed the garb of a city, as early as April 9, 1866, a committee was appointed to consider and report to the town on the subject of a fitting FLORIDA. 51 memorial. From that time till the date of dedication, June 24, 1874, there were eighty meetings of this committee, indicating that its labors were not entirely nominal. In securing a desirable location for the mon ument great expense was incurred, thus adding to the expense of the project. Two valuable lots on Main Street were purchased, on which was erected a monument, elaborate and ornamental in design and sub stantial in execution, costing more than $25,000, the product of the genius of Martin Milmore. Constructed of granite, with the figures of bronze, the completed work is one of the notable memorials of Massachu setts. The bronzes were cast in Chicopee, at the Ames works, under the direction of M. H. Mossman. The date for dedication as originally set was June 17, but unforeseen obstacles compelled postponement to the 24th of the month, a date without special significance. Owing to the long delay and consequent rentals from the buildings purchased, the aggregate cost of the monument and site, otherwise considerably above $75,000, was reduced to $67,000. At the dedication, the Hon. Alvah Crocker, chair man of the soldiers' monument committee, presided. The chief marshal of the occasion was General John W. Kimball, and the array of veterans and civic bodies that responded to his directions was long and imposing. Hon. Amasa Norcross, mayor, received the monument in behalf of the city, Fitchburg having taken on her urban costume in 1872, and Herbert Ingalls, Esq., signalized the event in verse. Gen. N. P. Banks, as orator, fully maintained his great reputation for eloquence, and most appro priately sealed the day's exercises with his patriotic sentiments. The local Post, Edwin V. Sumner Post 19, recalls one of the ten major-gen erals contributed by the Bay State to the war, and every member is justly proud of the distinction won on the field by the doughty soldier, whom his admirers were wont to designate as " Old Bull Sumner." The Post has excellent quarters but they are rented. (K. P. Eawson, Commander.) Vide Plate XV. Florida (Franklin County). — The highest township in Massa chusetts has no soldiers' memorial, though the name of Herman Haupt, the bridge builder of the war, is forever identified with the Hoosac Tun nel, which was dug through and beneath Florida. (Hannum Brown, Town Clerk.) Foxborough (Norfolk County). — In 1868 the town appropriated $10,000 for the purpose of erecting a memorial hall; to this sum the Hon. 52 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. E. P. Carpenter, chairman of the building committee, added $2,113 to complete it. Though used for library purposes, it has long been the place of meeting for E. E. Carpenter Post 91. (T. B. Bourne, Commander.) Vide Plate XXIX. Framingham (Middlesex County). — Since 1872 there has stood in front of the town library, Framingham Center, the bronze figure of a soldier at parade rest. It is an impressive reminder of bygone days and a tribute to the thoughtful generosity of George Phipps, a wealthy and patriotic resident of the town, who gave $3,000 for this purpose. Gen. J. G. Foster Post 163 occupies rented quarters in South Framingham; Burnside Post 142, Saxonville, also pays rent. The library edifice is known as the Memorial Hall, and for a number of years the figure of the soldier stood in the main entrance; but so much fun was had at the expense of the authorities of the library, who had ruled that every one should uncover in the building, and the brazen soldier could not, that it was determined to set him outside. The statue is a replica of one cast in Chicopee early in the 70's. Mr. George B. Brown learning that this could be had at an outlay of $3,000, about one-tenth the cost of the original, went to Mr. Phipps with a request that the latter donate the same to the town, receiving for a reply an intimation that he was not lacking in gall, or something to that effect. The next day Mr. Phipps was to start for Florida, and his friend Brown went to the station to see him off. While they stood on the platform waiting for the train, Mr. Phipps put his hand in his vest pocket, and taking out a paper handed it to Mr. Brown with the remark, " There's a check for your brazen image." The latter, a creation of Sculptor Milmore, is gi'eatly admired. The library also has a marble bust of Gen. George H. Gordon. From the hands of Sculptor Daniel C. French, it is a tribute from members of the Second Massachu setts Infantry and other friends, costing $1,057. (Eev. Calvin Stebbins.) Vide Plate IX. Franklin (Norfolk County). — Franklin's monument is due to the generosity of Comrade Frederick A. Newell, a native of the town, who served in the Fifth Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, but is now a resi dent of Attleborough. It is of Westerly granite, 7 feet square at the base and 28% feet high, including the heroic figure of a soldier at parade rest. Occupying a prominent place on the Common, and costing $5,000, the memorial was dedicated with appropriate exercises. May 30, 1903. Five FREETOWN. 53 3-ears later, or May 30, 1908, a large bowlder was placed on the Common, bearing on its side a bronze tablet having in raised letters the address of Lincoln at Gettysburg. This significant token, costing $400, was pre sented to the town by Austin B. Fletcher, Esq. Franklin Post 60 reckons as its choicest relic the carefully prepared biographies of all its members. Prepared in duplicate, one copy is retained by the Post, the other is deposited in the town library. In 1895 the town gave the free use of the Chapel schoolhouse to the Post. By a series of fairs and entertainments having raised $1,500, the same was expended in arranging and adding to the edifice, the result being one of the most convenient Post quarters in the Department. Elaborately decorated with mementoes of the war, the place is an object lesson for the town. The allied patriotic societies use the building with the Post. Since preparing the preceding. Post 60 has experienced further good fortune in the shape of a large collection of Eebellion and other curios from the liberal Comrade Newell, who still further added to his much giving an addition to the Post hall for the keeping of his gifts, the quarters thus afforded costing about $1,000. The same, with the collection, was dedicated with impressive services Decem ber 29, under the direction of Commander Eupert J. Chute, with addresses by Colonel George W. Nason, Alfred S. Eoe of Worcester, Department Commander John L. Parker of Lynn and others. (Walter M. Fisher, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXVI. Freetown (Bristol County). — Nothing of a memorial character in town, though the people have considerable pride in the fact that out of 140 able-bodied men in town 88 enlisted. (Col. Silas P. Eichmond.) Gardner (Worcester County). — The symmetrical monument in Gardner was dedicated June 27, 1885. The outlay for the same, $5,000, was met by the town. The Grand Army Post has a unique relic in the shape of a chair made from wood cut on the field of Spottsylvania, with many bullets embedded, the same being a present to the Post by L. B. Eamsdell, a pubUc-spirited business man of Gardner and a friend to the comrades. D. G. Farragut Post 116 owns its hall, a large roomy struc ture, convenient in every respect. Land and edifice represent an outlay of $4,000, and meeting places are afforded for the Woman's Belief Corps and the local Camp of the Sons of Veterans. The Belief Corps aided essentially in paying for the hall. (E. B. Howe, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XIII. 54 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Gay Head (Dukes County). — Schouler, in his story of Massachu setts in the war, does not include the town of Gay Head, since until 1870, as a district, it constituted a part of Chilmark. As the parent town furnished more than its quota, we may suppose that Gay Head, with its Indian affiliations, was not wanting. There is no public memorial, but a tombstone marks the grave of Alfred Eose, killed at Petersburg. (Wil liam Vanderhoop, Postmaster.) Georgetown (Essex County). — May 30, 1874, an ornate monu ment was dedicated in this town at a total expense of about $6,000. It is of granite, with bronze tablets bearing the names of 23 soldiers who gave their lives for the Union. A liberal donation by Mrs. Orin Weston was the beginning of the project of a memorial, though it was soon supplemented by a $4,000 appropriation by the town. The brothers, 0. W. and F. H. Peabody, of Kidder, Peabody & Co., Boston, annually contributed towards Memorial Day observances as long as they lived, and since their deaths the Hon. Frank E. Peabody, son of F. H. Peabody, has kept up the prac tice instituted by his father. By way of mementoes, the Post has two rifled cannon, secured by the late Eben F. Stone when in Congress, a fine portrait of Everett Peabody, presented by his brothers, named above, with a large number of portraits of comrades, battle scenes, etc. Not least among its cherished possessions is a fine memorial volume, given by generous fellow citizens. Everett Peabody Post 108 occupies rented quarters. (John Munroe, Adjutant.) Gill (Franklin County). — This town has taken no action in a memorial way, nor is any such action expected. (Henry B. Barton, Town Clerk.) Gloucester (Essex County). — This seaside city is rich in memo rials, having no less than six monuments for the soldiers and sailors of 1861-65, of whom the city sent about 1,500 into the fray. In order of dedication, the first is that in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, unveiled May 27, 1868, and dedicated to the memory of the " Men of East Gloucester who gave their lives for the Union." A symmetrical shaft above 20 feet in height, its cost was defrayed by public-spirited citizens. The second is the great monument in City Hall grounds, which was dedicated Sept. 11, 1879. Of granite and bronze, surmounted by a large figure of the Goddess of Liberty, the memorial is one of the finest in the Commonwealth. The funds for its erection were secured by exertions of the Post with the co- GOSHEN. 55 operation of citizens. Its dedicatory exercises were the most imposing ever witnessed in the city, the address being given by the Eev. Joseph F. Lovering, once Chaplain-in-Chief of the Grand Army. As it stands, the monument represents $2,300. Number three in the list is the monument in Ijanesville, dedicated Sept. 29, 1885, by the Gloucester Post, with an extended program. Number four is the monument in Eiverdale Cem etery, dedicated June 17, 1886, again under the auspices of the local Post, with address by Past Department Commander George Evans. Fifth in the roll is the memorial in Annisquam, unveiled June 17, 1890, with impressive civic and military exercises, more than 5,000 people partici pating or looking on. It stands on Leonard Avenue, Mt. Adnah Cemetery, and is a tribute to the men from Annisquam. The principal addresses were given by Maj. George S. Merrill and the Eev. William H. Eider. Memorial Day, 1896, the sixth memorial in this remarkable series, located at Cherry Hill, was presented to the city, as usual with appropriate cere monies, the address being given by Mrs. Emma B. Lowd, Past Depart ment President, Woman's Belief Corps, - — • an eminently worthy selection, since the donors of the monument were the members of the local Belief Corps 77. It is claimed that these five monuments out of the center of Gloucester, averaged in cost $1,600 each, making an aggregate of $10,300 for the entire city. Col. Allen Post 45 reckons among its choicest relics the sword and saddle cloth of Col. David Allen (Twelfth Massachusetts Infantry, killed at the Wilderness), after whom the Post was named; also his memorandum book, stained with his life blood, taken from his person after that terrible fray. The city furnishes elaborate and con venient quarters, gratis, the Post first occupying them in February, 1897. (William H. Cross, Adjutant.) Goshen (Hampshire County) . — No monument, but one is con templated through public subscription. Veterans of the war, only 7 in number, are reckoned the town's principal relics. (B. C. Packard, Town Clerk.) GosNOLD (Dukes County). — Though the town possesses a monu ment recalling the fact that the first English settlement in New England was made in this township by Bartholomew Gosnold in 1602, there is nothing to commemorate her two volunteers in the Civil War, for, accord ing to Schouler, that is the total number of the town's soldiers. Until 1864 this part of the Commonwealth, viz., the Elizabeth Islands, was a 56 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. part of Chilmark, and the only volunteer from the Gosnold part of said town was Oliver G. Grenell, Jr. In 1865 another enlisted, thus doubling the list. (J. W. Tilton, Town Clerk.) Grafton (Worcester County) . — April 2, 1866, a previously ap pointed committee reported, in town meeting, on the building of a soldiers' monument, and it was voted that the same committee be authorized to erect, on the triangular piece of land nearly in front of the Town Hall, a marble monument, not to exceed in cost the sum of $4,000. It is said that the memorial, as it stands, cost very much more, but the excess was a loss to the contractor, not to the town. Apparently it was dedicated Oct. 13, 1867, the address being given by Alexander H. Bullock, then Governor. Everybody within reaching distance went to Grafton that day. A. B. E. Sprague Post 24 meets in hired rooms. (Edwin A. Howe, Com mander and Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XV. Granby (Hampshire County). — No memorial for the soldiers in Granby. (George F. Bill, Town Clerk.) Granville (Hampden Countit). — No public memorials, nor any prospects. (Silas B. Boot, Town Clerk.) Great Barrington (Berkshire County) . — The monument, placed in front of the Tovni Hall, is an attractive one, and probably has no dupli cate in the Commonwealth. It was unveiled in 1876, — a sort of centen nial offering to the memory of men who made a united Union possible. Its cost, $10,000, was met largely by town appropriation, helped out at the end by individual subscriptions. G. D. Anderson Post 196 occupies rented quarters. (Stephen Hayward, Commander.) Vide Plate XXII. Greenfield (Franklin County). — One of the most beautiful mon uments in Massachusetts is that which stands in the Court House square of the shire town of Franklin County. Of red granite, imported Aber deen, it is exquisite in color, form and impression. The outlay, $7,150, was defrayed by the town. No beholder can look upon this tribute without a thrill of gladness that such a memorial is possible. Edwin E. Day Post 174 has a hall entirely its own, through the generosity of the town, the only condition being that the sidewalk be kept free of snow and ice. Abutting on the street, veterans have to climb only one fiight of stairs to reach the Post room, while the every-day club room is on the street fl HI > 5 8° ¦S S ¦g •< i* fl ^ P« < as *' _ rt rt 5 2" o £ c ¦2 a c S d 3 s •« •S 2 art a PLATE XXII. HaverhiU. Great Barrington. Hopkinton. Holyoke. PLATE XXIII. LEICESTER, POST HALL (INTERIOR). GREENWICH. 57 level. To adorn the grounds are three Eodman guns, loaned by the Gov ernment. The Post has a copy of the " Vicksburg Citizen," July 2, 1863, which the rebels had set up, bnt which Grant's men issued, given by Dr. A. C. Walker ; also a set of cannon wheels, said to have come down from the Eevolution, presented by the late T. M. Stoughton of Gill. (J. Solon Clark, Adjutant.) Vide Plate II. Greenwich (Hampshire County). — The town has no public me morial, nor, so far as known, is any contemplated. (W. P. Sloan, Town Clerk.) Groton (Middlesex County). — No town in Massachusetts has received such careful attention at the hands of the historian as this, through the loving devotion of Dr. Samuel A. Green of Boston, but a native of Groton. As a veteran of the war, surgeon of the Twenty-fourth, his is always a conspicuous figure in the annual Memorial Day parade. Also, for almost the whole of his long life, Groton was the home town of ex-Gov. George S. Boutwell, and here is his grave. In 1882 the town caused to be placed upon the inner wall of the Town Hall an elaborate tablet in marble, having the names of 40 Groton soldiers who lost their lives in the struggle. Framed in heavy black walnut, the marble is 6I/2 by 7% feet in dimensions. The expense involved was $5,000. E. S. Clark Post 115 pays rent for Post room. (C. H. Torrey, Adjutant.) Groveland (Essex County). — Nason, in his " Gazetteer," says that out of the 117 men who went into the war from this town 24 were lost, and a suitable monument has been erected on the Common, near the Con gregational Church. This memorial, set up in 1868, cost about $3,500, the result of popular subscriptions. It now stands in Biverview Cem etery, on the soldiers' lot. The Post has four iron cannon, smooth bore, 24 pound, used in the war. Charles Sumner Post 101 owns its quar ters, an old church made over to suit the needs of the veterans; it has cost, from first to last, about $8,500. Capt. " Jack " Adams enlisted from Groveland. (Charles F. Paine, Adjutant.) Hadley (Hampshire County) . — A library building, erected in 1902, is known as the Memorial Building, in memory of first settlers and soldiers of all the wars in which the sons of the town may have en gaged. A room for such memorial purpose is reserved on the second fioor. The birthplace of Fighting Joe Hooker, it is to be hoped that, during the 58 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. present year (1909), while the town celebrates its two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of settlement, tablets bearing the names of soldiers for the Union may be erected. The building cost $10,000, met entirely by individual subscriptions. (Comrade 0. W. Prouty.) Halifax (Plymouth County). — A granite monument, erected in 1867 at a cost of $1,200, stands in front of the Congregational Church. As was common in those days, the foundation effort was that of the Ladies' Aid Association, with the town coming to their help with an appropria tion. The words in raised letters, " Our patriot soldiers," stand out above the names of the soldiers themselves. (F. D. Morton, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXXVI. Hamilton (Essex County). — Nothing of a public memorial kind. (Postmaster.) Hampden (Hampden County). — " I am sorry to say that our town has no soldiers' monument. Yet the graves have markers, erected, I think, about three years ago. We annually have some memorial exercises. Some local speakers and the school children take a special interest. The town has not made a memorial appropriation for some years." (C. I. Burleigh, Town Clerk.) Hancock (Berkshire County). — A small tablet, 2 by 4 feet, in the public library, bearing the names of those who died in service, is Han cock's memorial. The expense, only $33, is not great, it is true, but it is pleasant to know that the town having the name of the President of the Continental Congress is not forgetful. (W. K. Hadsell, Town Clerk.) Hanover (Plymouth County). — The year 1878 commemorates the erection of Hanover's soldiers' monument, costing $1,700, one-half of the amount coming from individual work, through fairs, the other half by a town appropriation. Active war is recalled by two 12-pound howit zers, mounted, with some 30 empty shells, all near the monument. J. E. Wilder Post 83 has free quarters in the Town Hall. (M. V. Bonney, Adjutant.) Hanson (Plymouth County). — The monument in Hanson cost $1,500, the result of the combined efforts of Post, Corps and Camp, with the contributions of loyal and patriotic citizens. The several patriotic hardwick. 59 organizations, including T. L. Bonney Post 127, meet in a building devoted to their special use, a gift to them by Mr. John Foster, a patriotic resident of the town. Two stories in height, valued at $3,000, it is a cherished possession of the veterans and their friends. (N. T. Howland, Adjutant.) Hardwick (Worcester County). — Fortunate in having such a loyal son as Col. Lewis E. Granger, originally of the Thirteenth Massa chusetts Infantry, next of the Corps d'Afrique, finally of the Eegular Army, in 1889 Hardwick became possessed of a fine memorial, dedicated on the 4th of July of that year. It is of white bronze and is supposed to have cost with the expense of foundation and dedication, $2,500. Past Department Commander John D. Billings gave the address, and Posts from Ware and Barre, besides a large number of other people, enlivened the day. (Joel L. Powers, Assessor.) Ftde Plate XVII. Harvard (Worcester County). — While there is no Post of the Grand Army in this town, there are loyal citizens, evidenced in the monu ment and tablets, the latter in the vestibule of the public library. Through an appropriation by the town and the active services of local ladies the funds, $1,200, were secured for the foregoing purpose. All this was more than twenty years ago. If the tablets were dedicated when the library building was, the date would be June 22, 1887. Upon them one may read, " Harvard to her brave sons who fought for the Union in the War of the EebelUon." (James L. Whitney, Town Clerk.) Vide Plates XXIV. and XXXVI. Harwich (Barnstable County). — This famous Cape Cod town has, as yet, nothing of a memorial nature. (N. C. Underwood, Town Clerk.) " Hatfield (Hampshire County). — The library building, given by S. H. Dickinson, is known as Memorial Hall, and within are tablets to the memory of both Eevolutionary soldiers and those of the Civil War. The cost of the tablet was, possibly, $500. (C. M. Barton, Librarian.) Haverhill (Essex County). — When only one of the many towns in old Essex, Haverhill was the birthplace of John G. Whittier, whose trenchant pen and rhythmic voice did so much for the Union and liberty. In 1869 the city dedicated her beautiful monument, at a cost of $6,573. 60 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. The occasion has long been memorable in local annals. Major Howe Post 47 considers its most precious relic the home-made fiag borne by the Hale Guards at the first call for troops. In those days bunting was scarce, and the company had no colors, hence Mrs. Nancy Buzzell, a patriotic seamstress, using strips of ribbon in her possession, sewed continuously from Wednesday till Friday noon, with only two hours' sleep, that the soldiers might have a fiag under which they could march. In some way the fiag was lost in the hurly-burly of war times, and for forty-one years the good lady looked in vain for the object on which she had labored so diligently. At last it came to light and was passed back to the maker, who in 1904 turned it over to the Post, to be cared for, it is hoped, until the last man has been mustered out, and then to become the heritage of library or historical society. It is kept under lock and key in a glass- covered receptacle, ever beheld with wondering eyes by hundreds of visit ors. The Post owns its hall, and there all of the patriotic bodies of Haverhill regularly assemble. Centrally located, it is ever increasing in value, and is, for Post purposes, one of the best plants in the Dtepartment. The hall and grounds represent about $30,000. (Comrade B. F. Bickum.) Vide Plate XXII. Hawley (Franklin County). — No memorial nor any prospect of one. (F. D. Carter, Town Clerk.) Heath (Franklin County). — Though bearing the name of one of the brave officers of the Eevolution, except for some headstones at their graves Heath has no memorial to her soldiers, nor any prospects of the same. (Hugh Maxwell, Town Clerk.) HiNGHAM (Plymouth County). — The long-time home of War Governor John A. Andrew has many reminders of the troublous times. Erected of Quincy granite, standing quite 30 feet in height and costing nearly $6,650, the monument was dedicated June 17, 1870, with the Hon. Solomon Lincoln as orator. The town gave $5,000 of the sum expended. citizens and the local Post making up the remainder. The monument is suitably embellished with emblems and inscriptions, including the names of 74 officers and men who gave their lives for the Union. In 1907 at an outlay of about $250, the Loyal Legion of Massachusetts placed in the old First Church of Hingham a bronze tablet to the memory of Gen. W. W. Blackmar, who died in 1905 while in command of the National Depart ment, G. A. E. The church itself is the oldest structure in constant HINSDALE. 61 religious use in America. The town is particularly pleased with the fact that not only did Governor Andrew spend many of his living years here, but in death the town has the custody of his body. Over his grave admir ing friends have reared a most worthy monument, bearing, as its most important feature, the sculptured form of the Governor. From the chisel of Thomas E. Gould, it cost about $7,000. Francis H. Lincoln, Esq., of Hingham supplies the following facts, viz. : March 12, 1872, at the sug gestion of Gen. Luther Stephenson there was formed the John A. Andrew Monument Association, for the sole purpose of procuring and erecting a suitable monument over the Governor's grave. Every military organiza tion in the Commonwealth that bore a part in the suppression of the Eebellion was invited to contribute, and this the officers and men did to the amount already stated. The statue was dedicated Oct. 8, 1875, with imposing ceremonies. In 1876 Hingham put forth a large volume of 465 pages descriptive of her part in the war. Alone it would have constituted an elaborate memorial. Edwin Humphrey Post 104 in 1888 built a hall of its own, taking for its site, in the center of the town, almost the exact location of the old fort, commanded by Capt. John Smith in the days of King Philip. Used by Post, Corps and Camp, the hall represents about $6,250 of money raised by fairs, entertainments and contributions. (Arthur Beale, Adjutant.) Hinsdale (Berkshire County). — This elevated town, almost at the summit level as the Boston & Albany Eailroad crosses the foot hills of the Green Mountains, has nothing of a memorial nature. (T. J. O'Leary, Town Clerk.) Holbrook (Norfolk County). — The war history of Holbrook be longs with that of Eandolph, from which it was separated in 1872 ; hence there is no memorial here, though there is talk of something in the future. (Zenas A. French, Town Clerk.) Holden (Worcester County). — Marble tablets in the Town Hall, locally known as Memorial Hall, bearing the names of all the men from the town who joined in the strife, constitute the memorials of Holden. Costing about $600, the sum came principally from the Soldiers' Monu ment Association, which had labored for this purpose some time. The tablets were put in place in 1876, the nation's centennial year. Theron E. Hall Post 77 is accorded free use of rooms in the Town Hall, and like benefits are shared by Belief Corps and Sons of Veterans. The Post 62 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. lays stress on the possession of Maj. Theron E. Hall's portrait, along with those of Col. I. N. Boss, the commander of an Ohio regiment, but who resided many years in the town, and Capt. Ira J. Kelton of the Twenty-first Massachusetts, killed at Chantilly. (George Bascom, Com mander.) Holland (Hampden County) . — This small town, on the Connecti cut border, furnished 4 more soldiers than her quota demanded, but as yet has erected no monument nor tablet to their memory ; nor is the pros pect bright for one in the future. (A. F. Blodgett, Town Clerk.) HoLLisTON (Middlesex County). — This town's monument for the soldiers was erected in 1867 by Churchill, Trask & Co. of Lowell. A granite shaft, it stands 35 feet in height, with a base 6 feet 7% inches square, and cost $3,151.87, a town appropriation. It is placed on Wash ington Street near the Town Hall. It is suitably and elaborately adorned and inscribed. HoUiston sent 354 soldiers into the struggle. Powell T. Wyman Post 6 owns its Post hall, erected in 1878, said to be the first in stance in the Department of a Post thus providing for itself. Possibly it was moved to this course on account of having been burned out no less than three times before it built its own edifice. The structure, valued at $2,500, is roomy and ample for the use of the Post and other bodies that regularly assemble here. (John N. Fiske, Adjutant.) Holyoke (Hampden County). — In 1874 Holyoke appropriated $10,000 for a monument, and the same was unveiled July 4, 1876, a most significant date. Upon a base 10 feet square stands the shaft, surmounted by the bronze figure of a woman with hand resting on a shield. The entire design is that of H. G. Ellicott, a Confederate veteran who, in war times, served under Mosby. With suitable emblems, the monument carries the names of 55 soldiers who sealed their devotion with their lives. The total height of the memorial, including figure, is 25 feet. For many years there were evident upon the lawn surrounding the City Hall certain discarded cannon, suggestive of the service gunpowder had once rendered the coun try, but popular feeling grew to resent the obtrusion of so much that was warlike in appearance, and the guns were taken away to the Eiverside Park, where, it is hoped, they will be less irritating to the peaceful minds of all beholders. Kilpatrick Post 71 has excellent and well-appointed quarters, for which annual rental is paid. The fact that their monument hopedale. 63 was designed by an ex-rebel strikes the veterans of Holyoke as one of their most interesting assets. (George H. Lynds, Post Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXII. Hopedale (Worcester County) . — Perhaps the fact that this town was not set off from Milford until 1886 may explain why the life-long home of Gen. William F. and Gov. Eben S. Draper is without visible memorial of the war. In a village possessing a beautiful Town Hall, church and other notable structures, the figure of a soldier would fit admirably. Since the foregoing was written (1909) General Draper has passed to his reward, and on Memorial Daj', 1910, his widow, Mrs. Susan Preston Draper, dedicated to his memory a bronze statue of heroic size, the same standing on the lawn adjacent to the late home of the General on Adin Street. As projected, the dedication was in the care of the Milford Post, G. A. E., with affiliated patriotic bodies. Margaret, the General's youngest child, unveiled the statue, and the principal address was by the congressional representative, the Hon. John W. Weeks of Newton. Upon a pedestal of pink Milford granite rises the bronze form of the inventor, soldier, representative and diplomat, the creation of Sculptor Chauncey Pollock of New York, a fitting and adequate memorial of a man who did much for town. State and country. Hopkinton (Middlesex County). — Though business adversity has smitten this hilltop town mightily, it cannot take away the excellent record made in the war by her sons. To the number of 54, the names of the fallen are inscribed on a tablet in the town library, placed there by the sons and daughters of Hopkinton, and costing about $200. A monu ment to the memory of all those who served in the war for the Union, erected in 1892, stands in the burial ground. Costing $1,000, it was paid for by public subscriptions. The lot of land on which it is located was given by the late Abram Crooks. C. C. Phillips Post 14 meets in rented rooms, and has several interesting souvenirs of the strife, such as the portrait of the officer for whom the Post was named and a gavel made from Andersonville stockade, presented by Comrade H. C. Weston of Atlanta, Ga., Senior Vice-Commander of the Department of Georgia. (C. H. Stiles, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXII. Hubbardston (Worcester Cou'nty). — The Ladies' Aid Society of fhis town had accumulated, soon after the close of the war, nearly $300 for monumental purposes. In November, 1865, the town voted $800 64 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. additional, and a committee of three was appointed to carry out the pro visions of the vote. Then ensued discussion as to whether a memorial Town Hall would not be more significant. Before the debate ended, great expense was incurred through the necessary building of a county road, debt piled up over the construction of a railroad, and the whole matter was left in abeyance. Thus the subject remained until 1885, when the money, raised twenty years before by the women, had grown to some thing more than $500. Once more the monument seemed a possibility. Luckily a party was found anxious to sell one that he had in stock, and a $650 monument was secured and dedicated. Memorial Day, 1885. Stand ing on the village Common, 5 feet square at the base and 14 feet high, it is highly creditable. During the first ten years of the life of the Grand Army, Burnside Post was located here. Out of the 164 different men furnished by the town, 10 above her quota, 44 died in the service or soon - after. (W. H. Wheeler, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXXVI. Hudson (Middlesex County). — A monument had long been a cherished purpose of the Grand Army in Hudson; the veterans were all the more anxious to have this token because of the fact that not until 1866 did the town appear on the map, until then having been a part of Marlborough, Berlin and Bolton. B,ut there were many active and vig orous veterans, and they were willing to work fbr the cause. They had raised a large sum of money, and an especially successful fair had netted considerably more than $1,000 for the purpose, when a cloud fell upon them in that the custodian of the fund ran away with a large part of it. The chief fund, also, suffered in the hands of nominal friends. Thus the scheme fell through, and what was left, possibly $1,200, was devoted to fitting up a Grand Army room in the new Hbrary building, a disposition of the money, however, quite distasteful to the majority of the survivors of the war. Beno Post 9 has most excellent quarters, free, in well- equipped rooms on the first floor of the Town Hall. Hull (Plymouth County). — Again the popular adage, "As goes Hull, so goes the State," is negatived, for, while the State has many memorials, this famous seaside resort has nothing of the sort, i.e., in and of itself. The national government having equipped a battery in Fort Eevere and named it after Col. Curran Pope of the Fifteenth Kentucky Volunteers, who was mortally wounded at Chaplin Hills in 1862, in gratitude for the honor thus conferred on her father, Mrs. Mary Tyler ^ w s a PLATE XXV. Westborough. Charlton. PLATE XXVII. Winchester, Needham, Chelsea (Same Design) Millord. Southborough. PLATE XXVIII. Franklin. Twenty-third Regiment, Salem. West Boxford. Ipswich. PLATE XXIX. Oxford. Shaw Monument (Boston). Warren. Foxborough. Abington. Winthrop. PLATE XXX. Marlon. .East Bridgewater. Stoneham. Peabody. Salem. West Boylston. HUNTINGTON. 65 Pope, on Memorial Day, 1909, caused to be dedicated in the battery a bronze tablet, giving data as to the services of Colonel Pope. The esti mated cost of the memorial is $150. Huntington (Hampshire County). — Thanks to the generosity of a New York resident, the Hon. Alfred Taylor, though he was raised in Huntington, the town has a monument to the memory of the soldiers. Mr. Taylor's brother, " a boy in blue," sleeps in an unknown grave, and thereby possibly he was prompted to this deed of love. The monument stands in the town cemetery, 10 feet in height and with a base 4 feet square, and has a cannon ball as a cap piece. It cost $600. The town is generous to the veterans and assists in many ways, though Gen. Horace C. Lee Post 176 pays annual rent for its accommodations. (Edward Pease, Adju tant. ) Hyde Park (Norfolk County) . — - The war history of what is now Hyde Park was, until 1868, a part of that of Dedham, Dorchester and Milton. This is a reason for the absence of a soldiers' memorial in this exceedingly active, progressive community. The nearest approach to a tangible token of Eebellion days is a small park on the old campground at Eeadville. Known as Meiggs Park, it was laid out and graded by private subscription. There is a flagstaff in the center, and about it are cannon loaned by the general government. Timothy Ingraham Post 121 occupies leased quarters, which are sublet to associated organizations. In 1910, active measures are afoot for building a monument. (E. J. Chandler, Adjutant.) Ipswich (Essex County). — No monument in the Commonwealth is more firmly placed than that of this town, since its base rests on the solid ledge for which shoreward Essex is noted. The plinth bears, on its four sides, bronze tablets having the names of 54 sons of Ipswich who died for the Union. Erected at the expense of the town, it cost $3,000, and was dedicated Memorial Day, 1870. In 1897 the Woman's Belief Corps 42 caused to be placed on a rough granite base a tablet, bearing on its face the inscription, " Erected by Gen. James Appleton Woman's Belief Corps No. 42 of Ipswich." On the base are the words " Unknown Dead." Its cost was $277. Gen. James Appleton Post 128 has in its Post hall a case of battle relics, highly prized by veterans and visitor. The quarters are rented. (Charles W. Bamford, Commander and Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXVIII. 66 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Jamaica Plain (City oe Boston). — Vide West Eoxbury. Kingston (Plymouth County). — The monument in this ancient town, the nearest neighbor to Plymouth, is a fine specimen of the sculp tor's art, and was erected in the spring of 1884 at a cost of $2,500. The memorial is the gift of Mrs. Abigail H. Adams, a notable expression of patriotism, while the grading and curbing are due to a sum of money left by a lodge of Sons of Temperance, on disbanding, for some such purpose as this. Martha Sever Post 154 meets in rented quarters. (L. E. Ford, Quartermaster.) Vide Plate XII. Lakeville (Plymouth County) . — Neither past, present nor future has promise of a soldiers' memorial for this Old Colony town. (E. C. Harvey, Town Clerk.) Lancaster (Worcester County) . — The fine library building of this town, erected at an outlay of $40,000, largely through the generosity of the wealthy Thayer family, is called the Memorial Library, and marble tablets placed therein carry the names of all the soldiers from this town, one of the most interesting in the Commonwealth, having the story of destruction by the Indians and the captivity of Mrs. Eowlandson. The tablets cost about $500 (estimated). Washington Post 175 has free use of rooms in the Town Hall. (John T. Keyes, Adjutant.) Lanesborough (Berkshire County). — The birth town of Henry Shaw, famous as " Josh Billings," has nothing present nor prospectively, in a memorial way, so far as the Eebellion is concerned. (E. M. Whiting, Chairman, Board of Selectmen.) Lawrence (Essex County). — This city of cotton mills has a large and impressive monument, erected in 1881 at an expense of $10,000, the outlay being met by popular subscription. Needham Post 39, named for one of the heroes who fell on the 19th of April, 1861, in Baltimore, has as its choicest relic the hatchet which Needham left in the timbers of the house he was lathing when summoned. Also, there are here a portion of the baluster of the Marshall house, where Ellsworth was shot, and the stars and bars from surrendered Fort Moultrie. At the entrance to the City Hall are two 12-pound shot fired at Fort Sumter from the Charles- LEE. 67 ton batteries in 1861. Both Needham Post and General Lawton Post 146 occupy rented quarters. In a cemetery of the city is a fine monument to the memory of Sumner H. Needham, slain in Baltimore, paid for by the Commonwealth, and costing $6,000. (George H. Hadley, Adjutant, Post 39.) Vide Plate XIII. Leb (Berkshire County-). — In 1873 the town caused to be erected a town building, containing a town and memorial hall, at a cost of $24,500. Here, besides the regular town ofBces and public hall, are quar ters for the Scott Bradley Post 177. Three tablets in the hall bear the names of 38 soldiers from Lee who gave up their lives during the war; also there are three small bronze tablets having the names of as many men from Lee who died as members of New York organizations. An externgi tablet bears this inscription, " Erected by the town of Lee in honor of the martyrs who fell and the heroes who fought in defense of liberty and Union." The estimated value of the tablets is $1,000. The Post and the Woman's Belief Corps have free quarters in the building. (D. M. Wilcox, Commander.) Vide Plate XXVI. Leicester (Worcester County) . — The memorial in Leicester is both useful and sentimental, since the Memorial Hall, originally the receptacle for the town library, is now the Post room of George H. Thomas Post 131. Few if any Posts in the Departnient have better quarters, the same being furnished gratis by the town. The cost involved in the prep aration of the haU., and the placing of the great tablet bearing the names of 37 Leicester men who fell in the fray, was about $8,000. While the Post has a large collection of portraits of distinguished men connected with the war, including a large painting of General Thomas, commemo rated in the name of the Post and purchased from Gen. William Bam- shaw in 1879, Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army, an intimate friend of the ofiicer, no item is more highly prized than the portrait of Eandall Mann, who fell at Eoanoke, and whose body was sent home for burial. Years afterwards, when the same was exhumed for reburial, the bullet which caused the soldier's death was found in his cofiin. This, properly encased, hangs in front of his picture. A large room in the library building is devoted to curios of all kinds, and here is accumulating a wide range of articles interesting and valuable and pertinent to the war. (H. Arthur White, Past Commander, Post 131, and John Q. Jordan, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXIII. 68 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Lenox (Berkshire County). — This beautiful town among the " Hills of Berkshire " is yet without its soldiers' monument, but at the town meeting of 1909 a committee was appointed to report on the cost of such a memorial. (Charles C. Flint, Town Clerk.) Leominster (Worcester County). — The monument in this thriv ing town is due to a town appropriation of $2,800, which paid for the memorial which stands in the very center of the town, surrounded by an iron fence firmly placed on granite curbing. The grading, fencing, curb ing and mounting of four naval guns cost the town enough more to bring the total to about $3,500, all of which was paid for by the town, except $100, which a patriotic colored man, long the village barber, requested the privilege of giving. Four naval guns within the iron fence add to the impressiveness of the inclosure, which is known as Monument Square. The local Post is rich in historic relics, particularly those of the Eevolu tion, including a captain's commission, signed in 1778 by John Jay, Pres ident of the War Board ; a certificate of membership in the Society of the Cincinnati, signed by George Washington, President, and Henry Knox, Secretary, dated March 1, 1787; also a smaller certificate of membership in the Georgia branch of the Order, these coming into the possession of the Post through a deceased member, who, in war times, took them as spoils of war from Prince Edward County Court House, Va. Moreover, the Post has eight old style Colt's revolvers, a part of a supply purchased for Company A, Fifteenth Massachusetts Infantry, in 1861 by Alvah Burrage of Boston, but formerly of this town ; also eight old style Spring field muskets, 1861-65. There are portraits of the 37 soldiers who died, and whose names are on the monument, and also portraits of nearly all those who have ever belonged to the Post. A reminder of Port Hudson and the Fifty-third Eegiment is a piece of brass ornament, evidently from the gear of a cavalry or artillery horse. Charles H. Stevens Post 53, after many years of rented rooms, April 12, 1906, dedicated quarters of its own, on the second floor of a commodious edifice near the heart of the town, and is as comfortably fixed as any veterans could wish to be. (Thomas A. Hills, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XL. Leverett (Franklin County). — There is nothing here in a memo rial way, nor is anything expected. (Israel Taylor, Town Clerk.) Lexington (Middlesex County) . — Conspicuous in the earliest days of the Eevolution, Lexington has solved the problem of devotion to the LEYDEN. 69 soldier of 1861—65 without in the least lessening her devotion to the heroes of 1775. Through the generosity of Mrs. Maria Hastings Cary of Brook lyn, N. Y., a native of the town, and the co-operation of the town, there was dedicated, April 19, 1871, an imposing Town Hall, to contain not only the regular appointments for town offices, but also the Cary Library. The oration, one of his best, was by the Hon. George B. Loring. On the first floor are four statues, one representing the soldier of the Eevolution, with appropriate tablet; another is called the soldier of the Eebellion, or " the Union soldier ; " the near-by tablet has the inscription, " The sons defended what the fathers won ; " also there are the names of the 20 Lex ington soldiers who gave their lives during the war. Both statues are the work of J. G. Batterson of Hartford, Conn. The other figures represent Samuel Adams and John Hancock. These typical figures are supposed to have cost about $5,000 each. The building also has a portrait of the late Gen. William P. Bartlett, whose parents were born in Lexington. Aside from a brass gun, captured from the Confederates and loaned by the government to George G. Meade Post 119, there are no conspicuous relics of the Eebellion. The Post meets in rented quarters. (Everett S. Locke, Adjutant.) Leyden (Franklin County). — As yet there is no monument, though each soldier's grave is marked with tablet or stone. It is rumored in town that a monument is contemplated, but how or when is not yet divulged. (S. B. Budington, Town Clerk.) LiNCOiN (Middlesex County). — A number of years ago the town erected headstones over the graves of soldiers, but has no other memorial. There is no move in sight for anything more. (George L. Chapin, Town Clerk.) Littleton (Middlesex County). — In the main entrance of the public library, on each side, is a tablet bearing the names of Littleton soldiers during the Civil War. Their cost was a little more than $350, borne by the town. (Charles F. Johnson, Town Clerk.) Longmeadow (Hampden County). — This town, one of the hand somest in the Connecticut valley, has nothing in the way of a public memorial of the Civil War, nor is anything expected. (Frank B. Allen, Chairman, Board of Selectmen.) 70 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Lowell (Middlesex County). — This, the far-famed spindle city of America, has a magnificent hall, erected in memory of the soldiers of the great war. Its cost was $260,000. The first floor is for the public library. As one climbs the winding stairs leading to the second fioor, he passes the excellent bronze bust, by Cyrus Cobb, of Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, long the city's most distinguished citizen, a tribute from the col ored people of Massachusetts for his undeviating devotion to their good. This was placed thus in 1893, at a total cost of $2,000 (estimated) . The inscription on the memorial reads, " Presented by the colored soldiers of Boston in memory of the man whose 'contraband of war ' order was the first step towards making the race free." The main hall in the second story is for the use of G. A. E. Posts, and here hang the coats worn by Ladd and Whitney in the effort of the Sixth Eegiment to reach Washing ton, through Baltimore, April 19, 1861. Also, suspended on the wall, close by these blood-stained garments, is the drum, beaten on the same march through the Maryland city. In the very angle of the triangular plot of land on which stand the City Hall and the Memorial Building, is the monument erected to the memory of Ladd and Whitney by the State and city. Dedicated June 17, 1865, costing above $5,000, few monuments in the Commonwealth antedate this. The dedicatory address was given by Gov. John A. Andrew, and, besides the usual inscriptions, may be found these lines from Milton's " Samson Agonistes," quoted by the Governor in his address : — Nothing is here for grief, nothing for tears, nothing to wail. And knock the breast, no weakness, no contempt. Dispraise, or blame, but well and fair. And what may quiet us in death so noble. April 19, 1909, a bronze tablet was affixed to the base of the Ladd- Whitney monument in memory of Charles A. Taylor, Company A, Sixth Massachusetts, who is supposed to have been the first to fall in the march through Baltimore. The city of Lowell paid the bill. Still nearer the apex of the angle is a cannon mounted. In the Edson Cemetery is a granite monument, surmounted by the life-size figure of a soldier in place rest. At its base are great cannon on granite foundations, while a near-by anchor, with attached cable, attests a recollection of the part borne by sailors on the sea. Tfie expense involved at this point, some $1,500, was met by the patriotic societies. Also, on the soldiers' lot in the Lowell Cemetery is another monument, costing above LUDLOW. 71 $400, and paid for by the Woman's Belief Corps. There are three Posts in Lowell, B. F. Butler Post 42, James A. Garfield Post 120 and Ladd and Whitney Post 185. Owing to some vexatious restrictions, only Post 42 uses Memorial Hall; the other Posts are in rented quarters. (Benjamin S. Clough, Adjutant, Post 185 ; George E. Worthin, Adjutant, Post 42; Charles A. Stott, ex-Mayor.) Vide Plates IX. and XL. Ludlow (Hampden County). — This bustling manufacturing town, now so largely filled with recent immigrants from northern continental Europe, has a monument erected by town appropriation in 1867, at an outlay of $1,200. It will do its part in teaching young America, in the persons of immigrants' children, what a free and united Eepublic cost. Lunenburg (Worcester County). — In 1867, only about two years after Appomattox, the town placed marble tablets in her Town Hall, the same bearing the names of the soldiers from Lunenburg who lost their lives in the strife, the expense incident thereto being $300. Now, with the prospect of a new library building, there is a feeling abroad that tablets should be placed therein having the names of all who enlisted from the town. (Comrade StiUman Stone, Town Clerk.) Lynn (Essex County). — It would seem that no municipality in the Commonwealth has done better than the city of shoes in her outlay in memory of the soldiers of the Union. To begin with, the Grand Army Hall, Andrew Street, dedicated in 1886, except for the first fioor and one- half of the basement, is devoted entirely to the uses of General Lander Post 5 and kindred bodies. Built of brick, three stories in height, it cost $30,000. The Post also owns the land on which stands the Lynn Theater, Summer Street, so that its holdings in real estate are valued at more than $80,000. The expenditures of Post 5, in the way of aiding deserving comrades and their families, exceed $200,000. Occupying the third story, the Post room is a wonder to all those beholding it for the first time. Very likely in some of the larger cities there may be halls more expensively equipped, but it may be safely stated that not one in the entire nation is so appropriately adorned as this of Lynn. Those who assemble here see on every hand the faces of friends who once gathered with them. Already in uniform size and place (1908), there were 633 photographs, representing as many comrades who had answered the roll call on the other side. It would not be strange if, to one observing this wondrous 72 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. array of faces, they in turn should quote the old-time quatrain of the early burial ground, modified for the time and place : — Comrade, pause as you glance by, As you are now, so once was I; As I am now, so you must be. Prepare for death and follow me. All of the living members of the Post expect to take their stations, some time, in this Valhalla of Lynn, and for this purpose sufficient spaces are left for all belonging, and also for prospective members. In a sense, the scene is his Thanatopsis to every comrade, as he looks upon the pic tured walls. Where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death. Nor are these semblances of the " dear departed, brave and true," all that the Post possesses by way of memento, since every floor is crowded with tokens recalling the grim days of almost fifty years ago. From the half-length, life-sized portrait in oil, by Edward A. Burrell, of the Post's namesake. Gen. Frederick W. Lander, to that of local notables, we pass scores of faces and scenes worthy of hours of study, including the head quarters fiag of General Lander. A glance at the picture of a section of the hall reveals the face of General Lander looking down upon his old friends of Essex County, for he was a Salem boy, his the only portrait accorded such honor, where the hundreds, no matter what their rank in life, fill equal spaces in death. The city, too, is rich in monumental reminders. In Park Square is the distinctive soldiers' monument, unveiled Sept. 17, 1873. Allegorical and classic, the work was designed by John A. Jackson, a native of Maine, then residing in Florence, Italy. The bronzes were cast in Munich, Bavaria, the total cost amounting to $30,000. There are many who would prefer designs and figures more indicative of the times they were made to commemorate. In Pine Grove Cemetery, in the soldiers' lot, long stood a granite monument, surmounted by a draped urn. Dissatisfied with this combina tion, the veterans, after much discussion, in 1905 replaced the urn with the figure of a private soldier, in granite, accomplishing this change at a cost of $1,800. Not far from the above-named monument is one erected PLATE XXXI. State Monument, Dedham. Lynn, Post Hall (Exterior). Sterling. •d s S . 3 H OH ¦o< PLATE XXXIV. Pine Grove Cemetery. Capt. "Jack" Adams. LYNN. Soldiers' Monument. LYNNFIELD. 73 to the memory of Capt. J. G. B. ("Jack") Adams, long Sergeant-at- Arms of the Legislature, and Commander-in-Chief of the Grand Army in 1893-94. Its most prominent feature is a reproduction of the badge of the Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, the regiment to which the officer belonged. Also, there is a bowlder bearing, in bas-relief, the bronze face and bust of Col. Gardner Tufts, the agent of the Commonwealth at Washing ton and at the front, during the war, looking out for the interests of tho soldiers from Massachusetts. The First Universalist Church has a fine bronze tablet, commemorative of Captain Adams, placed there by his companions of the Loyal Legion. It is valued at $150. In the State Armory are war portraits of Col. Timothy Monroe, Eighth Eegiment, M. V. M., Capt. Jeremiah C. Bacheller, Eighth Eegiment, M. V. M., and Thomas Hart. The Lynn Public Library has a life-size portrait in oil of Charles Sumner, presented by the late John B. Alley. In the entrance of the Grand Army Building is an oil painting of the three sons of John B. Batchelder, all of whom lost their lives in the service. St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, erected in 1881, at a cost of $200,000, by the Hon. Enoch Bedington Mudge, is a memorial to his children, one of whom, Lieut-Col. Charles E. Mudge, was killed at Gettysburg; his remains lie in the garth of the church. The grave is annually bedecked by Post and Camp, the latter bearing his name. The veterans of the Spanish war also have a bt in Pine Grove Cemetery, where stands a modest monument with graves of departed soldiers arranged in a circle around it. Vide Plates XXXI., XXXIL, XXXIII. and XXXIV. Lynneield (Essex County) . — By way of contrast with Lynn, so full of memorials, Lynnfield has nothing and expects nothing. At the same time, it should be remembered, that within her borders, in war times, was Camp Schouler, where were organized the Seventeenth, Nine teenth, Twenty-second and Twenty-third regiments and other bodies that did valiant service in the war. Malden (Middlesex County) . — About 1885 a monument, at an expense of $3,000, was set up on the soldiers' lot in the cemetery, paid for by the city. For various reasons this proved so unsatisfactory that finally a more worthy token was resolved upon; this conclusion being reached through the persistency of Post, Corps and Camp, until, at a mass meeting presided over by the mayor, the popular feeling was so clearly indicated 74 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. that the finance committee of the city government reported in favor of an appropriation of $15,000. The cornerstone of the monument, to be in the heart of the city, was laid Memorial Day, 1909, with expectations of dedication a year later. Gen. H. G. Berry Post 40 enjoys most excellent though rented quarters. In Maiden's Forest Dale Cemetery is the lot for the burial of soldiers dying in the Chelsea Home. It was deemed fitting that there a memorial to the memory of Lizabeth A. Turner, once so prom inent in Belief Corps work, should stand. Accordingly, Memorial Sun day, May 24, 1908, there was dedicated in her name a Eoxbury " pudding stone " bowlder with bronze tablet. The expense, $425, was met by volun tary gifts from individuals. Posts and Corps throughout the Department. Maiden's monument was dedicated May 30, 1910. (S. S. Sturgeon, Adjutant.) Manchester (Essex County). — The beautiful library building, on Union Street, near Central Square, presented to the town in 1887, by the Hon. T. J. Coolidge, a native of Manchester, is known as the Memorial Building, and is dedicated to the memory of the Union soldier. It is stipulated that all parts of the edifice shall revert to library uses after they cease to be occupied by the veterans. Within the Memorial Hall property are seven marble tablets, bearing the names of 23 soldiers and sailors who gave their lives during the war; while opposite to them is a larger tablet, 5 by 3 feet, in honor of all those who enlisted from the town. There are also bronze shields for those who served in the War of the Eevo lution and in that of 1812. The western end of the building contains a hall, 30 by 40 feet, deeded to Allen Post 67 for its use as long as it exists. It would be difiicult to suggest any improvement in the conveniences accorded the Post. At the same time, unless there is more in a name than Shakespeare was wont to grant, it must be seen that the Memorial Build ing is not monumental, in the sense that the Boston Monument or Shaw Memorial is. However, the tablets and equipments of the inner halls must represent an outlay direct of at least $50,000. (James H. Elvers, Adjutant.) Mansfield (Bristol County). — A very fine hbrary building in Mansfield serves as a reminder of national wars, containing, as it does, elaborate tablets bearing the names of soldiers, not only in the War of the Eebellion, but in that, also, of the Eevolution. It was erected early in the century, the dedication coming June 17, 1901. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Noble MARBLEHEAD. 75 presented the land and foundations, valued at $3,000. Through an asso ciation begun by Mrs. Peddle Beed, wife of Comrade H. P. Eeed, the sum of $750 was realized ; Frank B. Cady donated $500, while an appropria tion of the town brought the total to $11,250. Inasmuch as the corner stone was laid by Department Commander John E. Oilman, Oct. 21, 1899, while the dedicatory address was made by Gen. W. W. Blackmar, subsequently Department Commander and dying as Commander-in-Chief, Silas Barton, Department Commander, presiding, the edifice has a decided G. A. E. flavor. While the tablets are on the walls of the main entrance of the first fioor, the entire second fioor is given to the use of John Bogers Post 170. The appointments are all that could be asked or desired. In 1906, through the request of Commander H. C. Hamilton, and the co-oper ation of the Hon. William C. Lovering, congressman, a cannon with a quantity of shells was acquired, and is properly displayed before the building, all expense incident thereto being met by Mrs. Peddle Eeed and her loyal associates. As an active agent in beginning the work on the memorial, the " boys in blue " do not forget the services of the Eev. Jacob Ide, long a clergyman of the town. (Henry C. Hamilton, Adjutant.) Vide Plate VII. Marblehead (Essex County) . — This historic town, already em balmed in poetry and tradition, has a fine monument, dedicated July 4, 1876, and costing $4,900. Of Hallowell granite, 8 feet square at the base, its total height is 34 feet. John Goodwin, Jr., Post 82 is unusually comfortably and appropriately housed, in that the town has assigned to its use the old Town Hall, at the same time heating and lighting it for the veterans. Built in 1727, it is replete with incidents of its almost two hundred years of existence. Though not exactly in the relic line, it may be stated that Elbridge Gerry, a signer of the Declaration of Inde pendence, Governor of Massachusetts, and Vice-President of the United States at his death, was born in this town. Though fiavored with memo ries of an earlier war, Willard's famous oil painting of " The Spirit of '76 " may be found on the walls of the new Town Hall. In the minds of many, it is the most inspiring picture in the Commonwealth. (Thomas Swasey, Past Commander.) Marion (Plymouth County). — Though there are veterans in this town, there is no Post of the Grand Army. Activity, however, tells, and the arduous efforts of Comrade C. H. Wing, 'Post 1, New Bedford, have done much for Marion, a name which is so redolent of Eevolutionary 76 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. history in South Carolina. Starting out, subscription paper in hand, he raised $800 from his patriotic neighbors ; then, getting the proper article in the town warrant, secured from the town an appropriation for $600 more. With this total amount there was erected a monument of white bronze, over 21 feet in height, which for many years has withstood the mists and winds of the coast. With the assistance of Posts from New Bedford, Wareham, Middleborough and Bourne, each accompanied by Camps of Sons of Veterans, the monument was unveiled, Aug. 16, 1894. Nor was the zeal of Comrade Wing, even then, entirely quenched, for again, with subscription paper, he sallied forth, nor ceased until he had secured the sum of $90, with which there was set up in the cemetery a monument of white bronze to the memory of the unknown dead. Vide Plate XXX. Marlborough (Middlesex County). — One of the more recent cities of the Commonwealth, there was erected here in 1869, long before a city charter was contemplated, a very satisfactory monument in the very busiest part of mercantile Marlborough. It is in the small park, past which must pass almost every electric car that enters the city. Not so ornate as memorials of a later building, it is well worth the $6,000 which it cost the city. John A. Eawlins Post 43 has the proud distinction of possessing the bell which, on the old engine house in Harper's Ferry, was rung by John Brown's men on that autumn day of 1859, when every stroke of its metallic tongue was a knell of slavery. The story of the manner of securing the invaluable relic is extended, and so sure that there can be no doubt of its authenticity. As a companion piece to the John Brown bell is one of the pikes, still mounted on its heavy staff, with which some of the men who followed the " hewer of the way " were armed. It was presented by Mrs. D. H. L. Gleason of Natick. The Post itself is more than comfortably housed in a fine edifice, its own property, very near the monument. The building is valued at $25,000, and was dedicated, June 28, 1892, James K. Churchill, Department Commander, and Alfred S. "Eoe, speakers. (Eugene Moore, Adjutant.) Marshfield (Plymouth County). — The town which contains the grave of Daniel Webster has a monument in behalf of the soldiers, of whom Webster's son Fletcher was one, erected in 1889 by the town, at a cost of $1,500. While not exactly relics of the Eebellion, the grave and estate of the Defender of the Constitution are visited more than almost any other like memorial in the Commonwealth. David Church Post MASHPEE. 77 189 and the Woman's Belief Corps, jointly, own and occupy a capacious and convenient Post hall at Marshfield Hills. It was built in 1891, at an outlay of $3,000. (Israel H. Hatch, Adjutant. ) Mashpee (Barnstable County). — This township, suggestive of native Indians, has no war history, since previous to 1870, aside from the district of Mashpee, it was a part of Sandwich. There is nothing of a monumental nature, nor is anything expected. (L. Z. Amos, Postmaster. ) Mattapoisett (Plymouth County). — The gift of George Purring- ton, Jr., this town has a very fine monument, erected in 1906, at an esti mated cost of $5,000. (William N. Johnson, Town Clerk.) Maynard (Middlesex County) . — As the town was not incorporated until 1871, it has no history touching the Eebellion, which, doubtless, accounts for there being no memorial here, nor is there any immediate prospect of one. In the earlier days of the Grand Army a Post, 86, was located in Maynard, but it long since was given up. (F. McCleary, Town Clerk.) Medfield (Norfolk County). — Through the industry of Post and the Woman's Belief Corps, there is on the soldiers' lot in Vine Lake Cem etery a monument to the unknown dead, costing $800. Also, under similar auspices, Moses BUis Post 117 owns the hall in which regular meetings are held. It is valued at about $1,000. (P. C. Grover, Adju tant. ) Medford (Middlesex County). — Medford was one of the earliest of the towns to rear its memorial of the war, for it was in 1866 that a monument was erected, at an outlay of $3,789, the same derived from a town appropriation. S. C. Lawrence Post 66 abides in rented rooms. Medford is also the seat of Tufts College, whose sons proved to be exceed ingly loyal in the days of 1861-65. In token of their fealty there was unveiled in the college chapel, Dec. 15, 1906, a bronze tablet, bearing the names of the soldier sons of Tufts. There were addresses by President F. W. Hamilton and the Eev. William E. Gibbs of the class of 1859, also by Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr. ; the unveiling by Commander J. Payson Brad ley, of the Grand Army; services of dedication by Edward W. Kingsley Post 113, William H. Euddick, Commander; and benediction by the Eev. 78 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. E. A. Horton, Chaplain of the Post. The College Glee Club furnished music. The cost of the tablet was $300. (George D. Kellum, Adjutant.) Medway (Norfolk County). — The soldiers' monument for this town stands in Evergreen Cemetery of West Medway, in the center of a large lot donated for that purpose by the cemetery trustees. Its cost, $1,100, was secured by the local Post, which acquired $500 by a fair, and the remaining $600 by the sale of the Post hall to the town. It was dedi cated with public exercises May 16, 1896, with an address by Alfred S. Eoe of Worcester, then a member of the State Senate. The quarters of James H. Sargent Post 130 are those which the veterans provided when they erected the hall many years ago. Having sold the same to the town, the Post is granted the use of hall and banquet room for the nominal rental of $1 per year. (Daniel S. Woodman, Postmaster, West Medway.) Melrose (Middlesex County). — On the soldiers' lot in the ceme tery is a monument, costing about $700, and in the public library are tablets having the names of Melrose men who enlistee! from the town, these costing about $400 (estimated) . Measures are already afoot to erect in the center of the city a monument which shall properly recall the significance of the Scotch named municipality and the commander whose name is linked with the citj^'s Grand Army Post. About $1,300 is already in hand; from $15,000 to $25,000 is expected. The most precious posses sion of U. S. Grant Post 4 is the autograph letter of the great soldier, acknowledging the honor done him, since the Melrose Post was the only one to take his name as its own, while the General lived. This was in February, 1867. The Post also has Ufe-size busts of both Grant and Lincoln. The Post is very conveniently located in rented quarters. In the high school building is a tablet to the memory of Capt. J. Crosby Maker, Company K, Twenty-fourth Massachusetts Infantry, erected by his companions of the Massachusetts Commandery, Loyal Legion. He had been a member of the school committee many years. It was put in place June 19, 1900, costing $150. (A. A. Carlton, Commander.) Mendon (Worcester County). — The monument in this ancient tovm is due to the liberality of Austin Wood, a life-long resident. It is of granite, centrally placed, and cost the donor about $1,400. Erected in 1891, the town furnished site and foundation. (Horace C. Adams, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXV. -MERRIMACK. 79 Merrimack (Essex County). — The town has no memorial. Col. C. E. Mudge Post 114 occupies rented quarters. (C. B. Hunkins, Adju tant.) Methuen (Essex County) . — This town possesses a very fine mon ument, through the generosity of Charles H. Tenney, the land and monu ment costing him $16,000. Originally presented to the local Post, that body in turn later gave it to the town for care and keeping. The day of dedication, August, 1888, was made memorable by the presence of Posts from all of the neighboring cities and towns, Beeves's famous band of Providence leading the procession. An immense tent erected on the land of Colonel Nevins held nearly a thousand veterans and friends as they partook of the hospitality of Mr. Tenney and citizens of Methuen. Col. William B. Greene Post 100 occupies rented quarters. (John S. Tapley, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XII. Middleborough (Plymouth County). — One of the old colony towns, Middleborough has a monument of unusual grace and beauty. Built of Quincy granite, it stands on the village Common in front of the Town Hall. Its height is 40 feet 11 inches, the crowning figure being that of a Union soldier. The project of the memorial was started by the local Post, but was later taken up by the town, the total outlay for the monument being $5,000 ; and one wonders that so much could be secured for so small a sum. The dedication was Memorial Day, 1896, with ex- Gov. John D. Long as orator. F. W. Pierce Post 8 has excellent quarters in the old academy building. Middlefield (Hampshire County) . — The town has no public me morial, nor is any contemplated. (Henry S. Pease, Town Clerk.) Middleton (Middlesex Coctnty). — No public memorial as yet, but a town that makes such liberal appropriations for Memorial Day may reasonably be expected to finally take steps towards a permanent reminder of the period of the war. (Samuel A. Fletcher, Towii Clerk.) Milford (Worcester County) . — Probably no so-called memorial building in the Commonwealth is so fully devoted to the use and con venience of the veteran soldier as that of Milford. Built of Milford pink granite, with trimmings of Longmeadow brownstone, in all of its appoint ments the memorial idea appears to have prevailed. Talked of in 1883, authorized by vote of the town in March, 1884, with an appropriation of 80 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. $22,000, the completed structure was dedicated Feb. 26, 1886, with com bined Masonic and Grand Army services. Commander Eichard F. Tobin, Senior Vice-Commander George H. Patch and Assistant Adjutant Gen eral Alfred C. Munroe representing the latter body. Maj. E. F. Fletcher Post 22 permeates the building. Its name, or that of some feature of the war and the soldiers, is found on every one of the three floors of the structure. While the library proper occupies the first floor, here also in the vestibule are found the names of the more than 1,100 men whom Mil ford sent into the struggle. Twenty-two steps lead to the second floor, and on each rise is found the name of one of the important battles of the Eebellion. These were given by generous and public-spirited citizens of Milford, the name of each donor appearing on the. stair given by him. The entire arrangement is novel if not unique, and the effect is inspiring to a degree. Three of the bronze tablets in the vestibule were given by Post 22. The second floor, given up entirely to the Post, has all the conveniences possible, with a great display of portraits and scenes incident to the war. The space under the roof, on the third fioor, affords an excellent banquet room for festive occasions. Without, upon the lawn before the building, are two 10-pound cannon, accompanied by pyramids of balls, all for memorials, not for offense or defense. In Vernon Grove Cemetery, upon the soldiers' lot, stands a monument erected by the Post some years ago, at a cost of $600, and around it take place the Memorial Day exercises. All told, the memorial building cost quite $25,000. (Charles E. Brock, Adjutant.) Vide Plates XX. and XXVII. Millbury (Worcester County). — In 1878 this town erected a fine Town Hall, at whose entrance or vestibule were placed elaborate marble tablets, bearing the names of the sons of Millbury who had done loyal service to the country. These were placed thus at a cost of $500, paid for by the town and the local Post. George A. Custer Post 70 possesses a fine portrait of the dashing soldier whose name the organization bears, and Dee's picture of the " Andersonville Stockade," the latter presented by Comrade H. C. Thompson. At a nominal rental, the Post is comfort ably provided for in upper rooms of the Town Hall. (H. F. Hobart, Adjutant.) MiLLis (Norfolk County). — Until 1885 a part of Medway, the town of Millis has no distinctive war history ; its veterans belong to Posts in Medway and Medfield. The town is generous to the veteran soldier. (Louis LaCroix, Town Clerk.) MILTON. 81 Milton (Norfolk County). — When this town, in 1867, erected her Town Hall, she placed in its front a tablet, containing the names of those of her sons who had perished amid the perils of war. The original outlay, along with necessary repairs, brings the cost of the memorial to $800, a sum paid entirely by the town. A soldiers' lot in the cemetery, under the care of the local Post, and a flagstaff in front of the Town Hall, erected at an outlay of $275, are also memorials. Huntington F. Wolcott Post 102, bearing the name of a brave young son of Milton, a brother of the late Gov. Eoger Wolcott, is furnished free quarters in the Town Hall. (John Taylor, Adjutant.) Monroe (Franklin County). — This township, named for a Eevo lutionary soldier as well as President, is still lacking in memorials. (C. W. Bamage, Town Clerk.) MoNSON (Hampden County). — Monson's monument cost $5,500, the gift of Cyrus W. Holmes. Of Eyegate granite, surmounted by a colossal figure of a soldier, it has a total height of 46 feet. It bears em blematic designs and the names of four great battles. The day of its dedication, July 4, 1884, was the greatest in the history of the town, as far as crowds of people were concerned. Battery B was present from Worcester to help out salutes; a tent, seating 1,500 people, was pitched on Flynt's Park, above the village, and the people of the town fed the populace. To crown all, the orator of the occasion was Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain of Maine, ex- Governor, one of the heroes of Little Bound Top, and the ofiBcer who directed the surrender of Lee's forces at Appo mattox. Also, Monson has a magnificent Memorial Hall, costing $40,000, the gift in part of the Hon. Joseph L., E. M. and Theodore Eeynolds, they contributing one-half of the above sum, and the town the remainder. It is of granite, 100 by 66 feet, and has a tower 100 feet high. In every way the structure is admirably planned and constructed. On the first floor, its fire-proof safe is surmounted by the figure of a color bearer. The assembly hall is in keeping with the general tone of the edifice. Offices for the town officers are found on the first floor, and above them are the quarters of Marcus Keep Post 155, also of Woman's Belief Corps and Sons of Veterans. The room is 20 by 46 feet, having a beautiful stained glass window, depicting a battle scene, while in the vestibule are elaborate tablets bearing the names of all those whom the town sent to battle. The cost to the Post for use of quarters is simply that of heat and janitor. (Frank C. Park, Adjutant.) Vide Plates X. and XXV. 82 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Montague (Franklin County). — At Turners Falls, the principal village in the town, Manton E. Taft Post 162, at an expenditure of $200, has placed a monument on the soldiers' lot in the cemetery, to the memory of members of the Post who have died. At Montague Center, where is Armstrong Post 150, there is no monument whatever. (J. F. Bartlett, Adjutant, Post 162; L. B. Sewall, Adjutant, Post 150.) Monterey (Berkshire County). — Named for one of Gen. Zachary Taylor's victories in the Mexican war, sending 8 more men into the War of the Eebellion than her quota called for, the town still wants public tribute to her valiant sons. (F. M. Harmon, Town Clerk.) Montgomery (Hampden County). — Though commemorating the name of a Eevolutionary hero, the town has no visible memorial of the war for the preservation of the Union. (E. C. Clark, Town Clerk.) Mount Washington (Berkshire County). — The extreme south west township in the Commonwealth, in the language of Dr. Edward Hitchcock, in his " Geology of Massachusetts," " affords the grandest prospect in the Commonwealth," though, as yet, it does not include any memorial to the "boys in blue," nor any promise of one. (Comrade Frank B. Schutt.) Nahant (Essex County). — "In the early 70's" the town erected in Greenlawn Cemetery a monument to the memory of her soldier boys, of whom she furnished 42. She annually appropriates $300 for Memorial Day. (William F. Waters, Town Clerk.) Nantucket (Nantucket County). — This outermost portion of the Commonwealth has its monument, erected in 1874, at an outlay of $3,500, secured by voluntary, popular subscription. It holds an elevated site, a little out of the busy center of business, but a visitor on the Island could hardly see much without passing this tribute to departed bravery. Deeply chiseled into the base are the names of 73 islanders who gave their lives for the Union. Thomas M. Gardner Post 207 is comfortably housed on the principal street in town, on a corner, and its Post room is filled with the usual array of pictures and items of interest peculiar to such a place. While the Island furnished many sailors and marines for the sea NATICK. 83 service during the war, her sons were not wanting in the ranks of the regiments that from the Bay State helped push her principles southward. (G. Howard Winslow, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXV. Natick (Middlesex County) . — The long-time home and the burial place of Vice-President Henry Wilson, the " Natick cobbler," has had its monument many years. March 5, 1866, a committee was appointed by the town to investigate and report on the cost of such a memorial. Basing their inquiries on the monument in Brighton, the committee reported, April 2, that such a memorial, erected of granite, would cost $3,000. The report was unanimously accepted and adopted, and July 4, 1868, it was dedicated. It stands on the north side of the Common, and since 1876 four brass field pieces have adorned the four corners of the inclosure occupied by the shaft. General Wadsworth Post 63 sets special store, as well it may, on the original Ordinance of Secession as adopted by the State of Virginia, bearing the names of Henry A. Wise, Jubal A. Early and many other notables of the Old Dominion. The late Edward L. Greenwood, in life a member of the Post, in war one of the Signal Corps, on duty in the State House in Eichmond, finding the document, heavily framed and hanging on the walls of the capitol, took it therefrom, rolled it in his signal fiags, and sent it home. Its record appears to be authen tic. The rented quarters of the Post have been held many years and will doubtless be thus held till the end. (E. T. Turner, Adjutant.) Vide Plate VIII. Needham (Norfolk County). — This town's memorial, standing in the public cemetery, is especially significant. The idea of three inverted cannon supporting a fourth, is surely original, and the effect is fine. The expense incident to the erection, $800, was met by voluntary subscription. Surrounded by trees and shrubs, the combination is all that the most skillful landscape gardener could produce. Galen Orr Post 181 owns the hall in which it meets. (Charles M. Evans, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXVII. New Ashford (Berkshire County). — The smallest town in the county, both in area and population, she fiUed all demands in war times, but lacks now, and may .ever lack, any visible token of her appreciation of the services of her sons. (Warren L. Baxter, Town Clerk.) 84 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. New Bedford (Bristol County). — This famous whaling city in earlier days, now one of the great cotton weaving centers, set up her sol diers' monument as early as 1866. The city, ever intense in her patriot ism, voted the money, and it cost $13,300. Standing on the Common, all visitors must see it, and it is an everlasting inspiration to the youth of the city. Suitably ornamented with sculpture, and surrounded with signifi cant emblems, the monument is one of the notable features of New Bed ford. There are two Posts in the city, viz., William Logan Eodman Post 1 and E. A. Pierce Post 190. Both are in rented yet excellent quarters, and both have many valuable mementoes, the most highly prized, per haps, being the Bunker Hill drum, held by Post 190. It is of British origin, captured on that bloody field, and, by lot, became the property of Levi Smith, a drummer from " Little Ehody." After that it did loyal American duty, in time passing into the hands of his son, Israel Smith, and was beat in the War of 1812. The latter's son, Israel, became pos sessed of the drum, and, himself a member of the Thirty-third Massachu setts, passed it over to the keeping of the Post to which he belonged. (George P. Macomber, Adjutant, Post 190.) Vide Plate XXXV. New Braintree (Worcester County) . — In 1898, at an outlay of $125, voted by the town, a tablet was placed in the Town Hall bearing the names of soldiers. (George K. Tufts, Town Clerk.) New Marlborough (Berkshire County). — Nothing present nor in the future in a memorial way for this town, which bears the name of the greatest warrior England gave to the eighteenth century. (Wesley E. Field, Town Clerk.) New Salem (Franklin County). — No public memorial of any sort, nor is anything expected. (E. F. Stowell, Town Clerk.) Newbury (Essex County). — One of the oldest towns in old Essex, a monument to the memory of her soldiers is still wanting, but at the last annual town meeting, March, 1909, a committee was appointed to take the subject into consideration, said committee consisting of five members, three of them veterans of the war, the same to report at a later meeting of the town. The committee is working, and will be ready to report not later than the next annual meeting., (John C. Eolfe, Town Clerk.) NEWBURYPORT. 85 Newburyport (Essex County). — The figure of a soldier in light marching order upon a Cape Ann bowlder is the admirable shape in which the monument in Newburyport is found. In bronze, it is the product of the genius of Mrs. Theodore A. (Buggies) Kitson, and is the famous realization of the soldier idea which for some years has been known as the Kitson statue. As new monuments are erected the more intense, apparently alert figure of the soldier in motion rather than at rest is selected. It is to be hoped that nothing less active will ever grace the base of such memorials hereafter. At a cost of $8,500, located on Atkin son Common, the completed work was presented to the city July 4, 1902, with, dedicatory address by Past Department Commander John E. Oilman of Boston. The day was made one of parade and general rejoicing, par ticipated in by the public of both sexes and all ages. The money for the tribute came through the activities of a committee of seven from Post 49, joined with the Bell ville Improvement Society, which raised the funds by entertainments, subscriptions, etc. This was formed in 1895. Two large cannon, with accompanying pyramids of balls, stand near the monu ment. The Post also has a boat howitzer, loaned by the government, and a snare drum, carried by a young soldier until he died; also several Springfield rifles, borne home by the soldiers who used them. The Post gavel has an imbedded bullet from the field of Gettysburg, while the wood is from Libby Prison. The Post also preserves an old flag, fiung to the breeze in 1861 by the then mayor of the city, the same bearing the thirty- four stars to which the fiag was then entitled. William H. Bartlett, a Newburyport boy. Past Department Commander, who died in Worcester July, 1904, bequeathed a sum of money ($500) for the erection of a drinking fountain in the northern part of the city; and the same to-day, devoted to usefulness, has a semblance of the loyal giver in bas-relief. William Lloyd Garrison, whose entire life was given to the cause of liberty, was born in Newburyport, and his life-size figure in bronze stands near the heart of the city, a fitting tribute to the life-long devotion of the patriot. A gift of the Hon. William H. Swasey, it cost (estimated) about $5,000. A. W. Bartlett Post 49 has long owned its quarters, the same having been identified with military affairs since before the war. Located on the principal street in the city, it was the armory of Company A of the Eighth Eegiment, M. V. M., one of the very first organizations to respond in April, 1861. The plant cost $10,000. Here the Post and allied bodies are most comfortably housed. Measures are now afoot to have the names of all soldiers and marines who were from Newburyport 86 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. cast in bronze and securely imbedded in concrete, placed on the Common near the monument, — a most desirable thing to do. (Charles S. Noyes, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXV. Newton (Middlesex County). — Many residents of Newton insist that their monument, erected in the then town cemetery, is the very first in Massachusetts devoted to the memory of the war; indeed. Dr. S. F. Smith states as much in his " History of Newton ; " yet it will be seen that the palm in point of primacy must be yielded to Somerville. However, Aug. 7, 1863, a committee was appointed to consider the proposition of a soldiers' monument in Newton, and so well did its members do their duty, that the finished product was dedicated July 23, 1864. That this, one of the very first of the memorials, should have so thoroughly embodied the spirit of the nation is noteworthy. The monu ment itself, with a sort of substructure, on which are cut the names of the dead soldiers from Newton, np to that time cost nearly $4,000. The curbing and posts carried the cost up to $5,220.50. To make up this amount a liberal citizen contributed $1,000, 1,200 citizens gave $1 each, and above 1,100 children gave 10 cents each. In token of appreciation each giver received a rubber medal, suitably lettered, some of which no doubt can be found in the city at this time. The remainder came from public-spirited residents of Newton. At the dedication, Thomas Eice, one of Newton's most respected citizens, presided, Eev. E. J. Young offered prayer. Prof. H. B. Hackett of the Newton Theological Seminary gave the address, and all sang a hymn, especially prepared for the occa sion by the Eev. S. F. Smith, author of the national hymn, " America." Of Quincy granite, an octagonal shaft rises from a die and plinth of the same material, all together reaching a height of 28 feet. On the front of the monument are the words, " In memoriam perpetuam " and " Pro patria mortui sunt." Charles Ward Post 62 has excellent though rented quarters in Newtonville. Its superbly equipped Post room has, for the altar and the Commander's stand, sections of trees from southern battle fields, the same showing imbedded missiles. The collection of relics from scenes of strife represents an outlay of $1,500. (C. C. Patten, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXVIII. Norfolk (Norfolk County). —- The war history of Norfolk must be sought in those of Franklin, Medway, Walpole and Wrentham, since the town was not incorporated until 1870. No memorial is found in town NORTH ADAMS. 87 veterans belonging to Grand Army Posts in near-by towns. (Comrade Silas E. Fales, Post 60 of Franklin.) North Adams (Berkshire County). — The monument in North Adams was erected in 1878, while the place was yet a town, and was due to the efforts of an organization of loyal women, called the Soldiers' Aid Society, at whose head was Mrs. Miles Sanford, mother of C. D. Sanford, for whom the local Post is named. The memorial represents $1,200 of their hard-earned funds. In 1896-97, Charles D. Sanford Post 79 erected at an outlay of $30,000 a very fine memorial hall, devoting thereto $17,000, secured for this purpose by general contributions. Finding, however, the burden of debt and running expenses too great, a title of the entire plant was given to the city, which in turn gave the Post prac tically free use of the building. While the Post is not rich in relics, the Historical Society of the city has a bolt taken from the " Merrimack," which was overcome by the " Monitor," in 1862, in Hampton Beads. (Comrade W. F. Darby, Postmaster.) Vide Plates IX. and X. North Andover (Essex County). — Up to date the monument has not materialized, though a fund for this purpose is slowly growing. (James W. Leitch, Town Clerk.) North Attleborough (Bristol County). — As yet this most active and progressive town has no monument, but several years ago the local Woman's Belief Corps undertook to build a memorial hall for the use of Post and Corps. After putting into the project about $4,000, both bodies contributing, they were obUged to surrender their property to the mort gage holder, who in time turned the edifice over to the town. The latter gives practically free use of the same to the patriotic organizations. By way of relics, Prentiss M. Whiting Post 192 has the sword, belt and com mission of that officer, who was killed at the battle of Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863. The mementoes were presented to the Post by Captain Whiting's brother. The officer was the commander of Company I, Seventh Massachusetts Infantry. (George L. Jillson, Adjutant.) North Brookfield (Worcester County) . — Here the soldiers' monument stands upon the grounds of the First Congregational Society. Designed by Martin Milmore, it was erected in 1869, and dedicated Jan. 19, 1870. The speakers were Gen. Francis A. Walker, a native of 88 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. the town. Gov. William Claflin and Gen. Charies Devens. The figure of the soldier is at parade rest, is 7 feet high, and stands upon a plinth 8 feet in height. Its cost, $5,500, was met by $3,000 from the town, $2,000 from private citizens and $500 from the local Post of the Grand Army. On the east and west sides of the Town Hall are memorial tablets bearing the names of soldiers from the town who lost their lives. The estimated cost of these is $500. Ezra Batcheller Post 51 occupies rented quarters, retaining the same rooms from the start, February, 1868. North Beading (Middlesex County). — In 1875, through the generosity of Mrs. Charles F. Flint, there was erected the Flint Memorial Hall for library purposes, and in it are two tablets, also given by her, having the names of soldiers from the town who died in the war. Costing about $200, they serve to keep alive the spirit of devotion. (Arthur F. Upton, Town Clerk.) Northampton (Hampshire County). — The meadow city has a memorial building at whose entrance stand two bronze figures, represent ing the Army and Navy, as it were, guarding the approach. Placed upon pedestals, they are imposing forms, costing $6,000. Within are bronze mural tablets, bearing the names of soldiers who lost their lives. Inclosed by bronze frames are parchments carrying the names of Northampton soldiers in all the wars of the land. In Bridge Street Cemetery there is a monument, costing $1,200, to the memory of soldiers sleeping in unknown graves. W. L. Baker Post 86, along with many other portraits, has one in oil of Lieutenant Baker, whose name the Post bears. Its quarters are rented. (J. P. Thompson, Commander.) Northborough (Worcester County). — At a town meeting held April, 1886, the sum of $3,000 was voted for the purpose of erecting a monument for the soldiers of the Civil War, and a committee was ap pointed to carry out this vote. Located on Main Street, a conspicuous object to all passers, -it was dedicated Sept. 17, 1870, at a total cost of $3,536. Joe Johnson Post 96 occupies free quarters in the Town Hall. (G. P. Heath, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXVI. NoRTHBRiDGE (WORCESTER County) . — An unusually artistic and beautiful monument is that in Whitinsville, the principal village in this busy town. The gift of the Whitin Machine Works and the Whitin NORTHFIELD. OV Brothers, it was dedicated with G. A. E. services, July 29, 1905, Depart ment Commander James H. Wolff presiding. The principal address was given by the Eev. John E. Thurston of Whitinsville. The people of Northbridge are amply justified in calling this work of art unique. Con ceived by Hermon A. MacNeil, sculptor, it was elaborated into archi tectural design by his friend and associate. Prof. A. D. F. Hamlin of Columbia University. A full description of base, figure of the young American, columns and surmounting eagle would take more space than this work warrants; but, at a cost of $11,000, the soldiers of the town who gave their lives for country, 39 in all, have here a fitting depository of their names. Bouse E. Clark Post 167 occupies rented quarters. Vide Plate XII. NoRTHFiELD (Franklin County) . — The memorial for this town, so filled with impressions of the life and services of Dwight L. Moody, is not yet erected, but it is coming, since a lady left a sum of money, now amounting to $7,000, for a memorial hall in whieh a room will be assigned to Grand Army tablets and relics. As the bequest has only recently become available, it is difficult to state particulars about the pro jected edifice. Henry H. Johnson Post 171 is afforded free quarters by the Sons of Veterans Camp. (Benjamin F. Field, Adjutant.) Norton (Brisi;ol County). — One of the older towns of the Com monwealth, the seat of a flourishing seminary for the education of future mothers of the Eepublic, it yet lacks any public memorial for her sons, of whom she sent nearly 200 into the fray, fully 25 more than the law demanded. (Jacob A. Leonard, Town Clerk.) NoRWELL (Plymouth County). — Through a town appropriation of $1,000, and additions, there was dedicated a soldiers' monument in this town in 1878. There were contributions of $200 from the Soldiers' Aid Society, and the local Post had raised above $2,000, a total of $3,500. After considerable discussion, the memorial was finally placed on the Common, near the site of the old Town Hall. In 1894 the local Woman's Belief Corps unveiled a monument to the unknown dead, costing $250. D. Willard Eobinson Post 112 occupies a hall owned by the Woman's Belief Corps. It is valued at $3,000. (George W. Curtis, Adjutant; Joseph F. Merritt, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XXXV. 90 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Norwood (Norfolk County). — Like several other towns, the war history of Norwood belongs to that of the parent town, since Norwood was not set off from Dedham until 1872. However, the local Post has a lot in the Highland Cemetery, given by the cemetery authorities. The Post and Corps have secured from the government a large 32-pound " sea-gun," and have properly mounted it upon the lot. Weighing nearly 8 tons, it is a sightly addition. All expenses incident to transportation were borne by the Post and Corps, and it was properly dedicated just before Memorial Day, 1898. In 1905 the local Belief Corps directed the placing in the lot of a beautiful granite vase, which was dedicated Memorial Day of that year. All expenses incurred were paid by the Corps. So far as known, the relic most highly prized, belonging to the Post, is a mail-pouch used by Comrade Shipmoes, who, a member of the Somerville Post, liyed and died in Norwood. In it he carried the mail between the post-office and his regiment after the occupation of Eichmond. George K. Bird Post 169 is quartered in rented rooms. (E. H. Dunbar, Past Commander.) Oak Bluffs (Dukes County). — A memorial drinking fountain in Oak Bluffs, for many years known as Cottage City, is the point whence start memorial exercises every year. This monument of white bronze, costing about $1,200, enjoys the unique distinction of having been secured by subscription through the efforts of Charles Strahan, a Confed erate officer, but who, when the monument was acquired, was editor of the " Martha's Vineyard Herald." Placed at the junction of several streets in this great summer resort, no one visits the place without seeing that the soldier is remembered. Henry Clay Wade Post 201 has relics from Ball's Bluff, Fair Oaks, Marye's Heights and Gettysburg, besides rebel flags from Morris Island, and a piece of the scaffold on which svere hung the brigands at Andersonville. The Post occupies rented quarters. (George W. Mason, Adjutant.) Oakham (Worcester County). — In September, 1865, there was formed in Oakham a soldiers' union, and, as long as there were veterans enough in town to make it worth while, annual reunions were held on New Year's night. These gatherings, with entertainments, etc., resulted in securing about $1,500 up to 1873. Of this sum, $1,200 was put into the memorial Town Hall and $300 went towards paying for tablets in the public hall. Considering the limited number of veterans in Oakham the situation is one to be proud of. The lower story of the town building is ORANGE. 91 devoted to schools; the upper story is the Town Hall. Eecently, a me morial library building was erected, and in it is a room devoted to relics of all wars in whieh the town has borne a part. In December, 1908, there were living in Oakham only 4 of the 111 men who enlisted from the town. (Gardner M. Dean, Chairman, Board of Selectmen, and Adjutant, Post 136, Eutland.) Vide Plate XX. Orange (Franklin County) . — Orange men are patriotic. In 1872 they dedicated an imposing monument, costing the town $4,000, purpos ing to have graven thereon the names of every soldier who enlisted from Orange. In 1893, General Sedgwick Post 17 erected a hall for its own use. Constructed of brick, two stories in height, near the center of the village, it is an ornament to the already beautiful manufacturing town. It is also a notable memorial of the determination of the veterans who carried the plan through. Used for meetings of the Post and kindred bodies, it is useful as well as ornamental, and its walls are hung with pic tures significant of the Eebellion and American history. The plant is valued at $7,000. (James W. Adams, Commander.) Vide Plates XVIII. and XXXVII. Orleans (Barnstable County). — In 1883 the town of Orleans erected a granite monument, at an expense of $1,086.60. No town in the State had a better war record. The Soldiers' Aid Society, composed of ladies, held its seventieth and last meeting in April, 1865, and ended its records with this significant entry : " The meeting adjourns, to meet again whenever the needs of suffering soldiers should demand, — we hope never (Hiram Myers, Town Clerk. ) Vide Plate XI. Otis (Berkshire County). — Myron Nichols Post 178 reports neither memorial nor prospect, though the Post occupies free quarters in the Town Hall. (M. S. Hugins, Adjutant.) Oxford (Worcester County) . — This ancient town of the Hugue nots gives the name " Memorial " to its Town Hall, which was erected nearly forty years since and is a fine building. Marble tablets at its entrance bear the names of 61 Oxford soldiers who lost their lives during the war. The tablets cost $400. Charles Devens Post 27 occupies free quarters in the Town Hall. Very likely, were an Oxford veteran to be asked what reminder of the war, to be seen in his town, he prized most 92 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. highly, the immediate reply would be, " Clara Barton," for to this, her birthplace, has the world-renowned philanthropist returned for the even ing of her long life. Vide Plate XXIX. Palmer (Hampden County). — A large building, known as Memo rial Hall, is the form taken by Palmer for her reminder of Eebellion days. Costing $20,000, the lower story is devoted to library purposes, the second floor is used by the local Post as its meeting room, while a marble-lined stairway bears the names of all the soldiers and sailors who served from Palmer. Also there is a special tablet for Sergt. L. L. Mer rick and a memorial window for James H. Smith. In addition to these memorials, the Woman's Belief Corps raised sufficient money, $150, to pay for a monument to the " unknown dead," bearing a proper inscription on its bronze tablet. The same was dedicated Memorial Day, 1908. L. L. Merrick Post 107 has almost palatial quarters in the building, as stated above. (J. B. Stone, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XX. Paxton (Worcester County). — A monument erected in 1871, and costing about $1,000, is Paxton's tribute to her sons. The town gave $500 towards the project and public-spirited citizens did the rest. (H. S. Eobinson, Town Clerk.) Peabody (Essex County). — The actual war history of Peabody must be sought under the name of South Danvers, for that was the name of this patriotic municipality until 1868. In 1881, by town appropriation, a monument costing $8,000 was dedicated. Of granite, the towering shaft stands in the midst of the public square, a fitting memorial of the cause for which so many men gave up their lives. In addition to the monument there are marble tablets in the entrance of the Town Hall bearing the names of 71 soldiers and sailors who gave man's last gift for country. These cost $883.75. Union Post 50 pays rent for the quarters occupied. (J. K. Cole, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXX. Pelham (Hampshire County). — No memorial in Pelham, and none expected. (J. W. Keith, Town Clerk.) Pembroke (Plymouth County). — June 12, 1889, with impressive ceremonies, there was dedicated a monument of Hallowell granite sur mounted by a white bronze figure of a soldier at parade rest. The monu- pepperell. 93 ment cost something more than $1,000, in the main paid for by public subscription. Bearing the names of Pembroke soldiers, it is a lasting memorial to the deeds of the dead and a tribute to the living. At the dedication were many distinguished people of the Commonwealth, includ ing Henry B. Pierce, Secretary; George A. Marden, Treasurer; with Alfred C. Monroe, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of Massa chusetts, G. A. E. The orator of the occasion was the Hon. Harvey N. Shepard of Boston. Joseph E. Simmons Post 111 meets in W. E. C. Hall, which was erected in 1896, and cost $3,000. (Charles H. Poole, Commander.) Pepperell (Middlesex County) . — Though named for one of the most distinguished of the provincial soldiers of Massachusetts, his name sake awaits any memorial of the war, into which went 186 of her loyal sons. She gave Col. William Prescott to the Eevolution and Col. Edward F. Jones to the Sixth Eegiment of Baltimore fame, as well as Chaplain Charles Babbage of the same, but while all these memories are glorious they are far from being tangible. Thomas A. Parker Post 195 meets in rented rooms. (Martin L. Boynton, Adjutant.) Peru (Berkshire County) . — Judging from the letter of the town clerk, the Peru of Massachusetts, unlike that of Pizarro's day, does not abound in gold mines. At any rate, the town has never seen the time when it could afford to erect any memorial of Eebellion days. (F. G. Creamer, Town Clerk.) Petersham (Worcester County). — A memorial library, completed in 1890, is considered the soldiers' monument for this town. The town gave $2,000 of the $20,000 which the edifice cost, but as a memorial it is more useful than sentimental. It contains tablets bearing the names of both Eevolutionary and Eebellion soldiers. Vide Plate XX. Phillipston (Worcester County) . — The town for some time has had a wooden memorial (General Lee's ideal) of the days of war, but, not satisfied with the same, is setting aside money annually for the purpose of erecting, at some future day, an adequate memorial of her 76 repre sentatives who imperiled life for country's sake. The fund now amounts to $400. (G. M. Chaffin, Town Clerk.) 94 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Pittsfield (Berkshire County). — Though there are more costly monuments in the Commonwealth, that of Berkshire's county seat is one of the most beautiful; and well it may be, since its designer was the famous Launt Thompson, who was the sculptor of the statue of Gen. John Sedgewick at West Point. Scarcely had the war closed when a lady resi dent of Pittsfield, long conspicuous for her devotion to the cause of the soldier, proceeded to raise funds wherewith to build a permanent memo rial. By solicitation and by a fair held in 1869 a considerable sum was secured. Feeling, however, that so important a subject demanded the co-operation of the town itself, the funds were placed in a bank against such time as the town should make an appropriation. In April, 1871, the sum having risen to $3,000, the town appropriated $7,000 more, makuig enough to pay for the work as designed by the artist. The sculptured ornament and inscription are singularly appropriate. Placed at the west end of the park, in the center of the town, where much of the enlisting of volunteers took place, the total height of the tribute, from base to the tip of the fiagstaff which the bronze color bearer holds in his hands, is above 25 feet. The town was generous in all that pertained to the monument and its dedication, paying out $7,000 for grading and curbing its surroundings, and then, when all was ready, devoting $2,500 more for the dedication. This day, unrivaled in beauty, the 24th of Sep tember, 1872, was long remembered in western Massachusetts. Multitudes thronged the place, and their ears were charmed with the melody of George William Curtis' voice, the orator of the occasion. June 21, 1907, through the generosity and efforts of Mr. John H. Manning, a bowlder, with properly inscribed bronze tablet, was dedicated to the memory of Gen. Henry S. Briggs, first Colonel of the Tenth Massachusetts Eegiment, the veterans of that body of men participating in the exercises, though the address was delivered by the Hon. F. W. Eockwell. The memorial cost about $500, and stands on the park. The two Posts of Pittsfield, W. W. Eoclcwell 125 and Berkshire 197, both occupy rented quarters. (C. H. Miller, Adjutant, Post 125, and H. A. Brewster, Quartermaster, Post 197.) Vide Plate XXI. Plainfield (Hampshire County) . — Twelve miles from the near est railroad station, destitute thus of one of the supposed essentials of prosperity, this almost exclusively agricultural community has its sol diers' monument, secured through the efforts of the local Grand Army Post, and erected in 1898 at a cost of $375. Mountain Miller Post 198, plainville. 95 in its name recalls a pre-eminent man of peace, though living in Eevolu tionary days, whose singularly holy life linked his name and history with those of the " Dairyman's Daughter " and the " Shepherd of Salisbury Plain." As written by the Eev. Moses Hallock, his pastor, the story of Deacon Joseph Beals has been circulated over the entire world by the American Tract Society, and to this day many a pilgrim visits Plainfield just to drink from the spring where the " Mountain Miller " quenched his thirst and to stand by his grave. Thus do memories militant and peaceful mingle in Post 198, whose quarters are found in the Town Hall. Plainville (Norfolk County). — The monument in Plainville is due to the persistent efforts of Woman's Belief Corps 74, whose members knew no such word as "fail." Having raised $1,000 for this purpose, they dedicated a very handsome granite shaft, Oct. 14, 1903, with Alfred S. Eoe of Worcester as speaker. It stands in the cemetery, and is a fine tribute, not only to the heroic dead, but to the devotion and industry of the women, who are ever helping. A recent town, organized as late as 1905, — indeed, when the monument was erected it was still a part of Wrentham, — the perseverance of all concerned is the more remarkable. George H. Maintien Post 133 occupies rented quarters. Having passed through a fire several years ago, all of its relics perished there. (William P. Gragg, Adjutant.) Plymouth (Plymouth County). — Pre-eminent among all New England towns in its record of the early days of the Pilgrims, steeped with memories of the landing, the rock, the first winter. Carver, Brewster, Standish, Bradford, Massasoit and many other reminders of the primal days of the white man in Massachusetts, the grand old town is not wanting in her regard for the soldiers and heroes of a later day. As early as Aug. 9, 1869, there was dedicated in the center of her ancient training ground a sightly shaft, between 40 and 50 feet in height. Of enduring granite, it will long bind the memories of the saving of the nation with those of its planting. The amount expended in rearing the monument, some $10,000, was secured by fairs, lectures and popular subscriptions. Memorial Day, 1901, Collingwood Woman's Belief Corps, through Mrs. Welthea E. Savery, presented to the Post a granite urn in behalf of the unknovm dead. Its cost, $275, was raised largely through the applica tion of Mrs. Savery. Collingwood Post 76 is housed in tented quarters. (N. L. Savery, Adjutant.) 96 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Plympton (Plymouth County). — The monument in this town is due to the Ladies' Memorial Association. Costing $1,500, it was dedi cated Nov. 20, 1889. (W. Perkins, Jr., Town Clerk.) Prescott (Hampshire County). — Nothing of a memorial nature. (C. C. Fuller.) Princeton (Worcester County) . — On the right and left of the main entrance of the Town Hall, otherwise Bagg Hall, is a tablet, and fronting the entrance itself is a third tablet, together carrying the names of Princeton soldiers. Placed there in 1887, they cost the town $174.67. (Eaymond J. Gregory, Town Clerk.) Provincetown (Barnstable County). — On the very end of the extended left arm of the Commonwealth, where the Pilgrims on that November day, 1620, first touched dry land, there stands a monument in memory of the dark days of 1861-65. Men from these regions were necessary to man the fighting vessels of the nation, and well did they acquit themselves. By no means so pretentious as the great shaft which individuals, the State and the nation are rearing to commemorate the halting of one month at Provincetown by the Pilgrims, yet it answers its purpose well, and the Grand Army is justly proud of it. Costing $1,200, it was erected in 1870, the town paying the bill, and for more than forty years it has been decorated annually. J. C. Freeman Post 55 is fortunate in having its Post room in an upper story of the public library building, whose trustees generously donate the same to the vet erans. (George Allen, Adjutant.) Quincy (Norfolk County). — Though redolent with history of the Eevolutionary period, and possessing the bodily remains of two Presi dents of the United States, the veterans of Quincy are not satisfied with the monument for the soldiers of the Union they now have in their midst. "We have a monument, erected in 1869, costing about $3,900, — a small affair, placed in WoUaston Cemetery, with citizens ovming lots around and close to it." The lot is desecrated by being tramped over by the multitude every Memorial Day. Paul Eevere Post 88 has the marker of the Fourth Eegiment, M. V. M., the very first Union colors raised on.the soil of Virgmia, presented by Col. Abner J. Packard ; also a fiag, presented by a daughter of Gen. Paul J. Eevere (after whom b pq o 3 « 15 a ¦a >j «• S « 5 " 3 U s £ £ » PLATE XXXVII. Northborough. Orange. Shrewsbury. South Braintree. South Hadley. Wilmington. PLATE XXXVin. SomerviUe (Old). Newton. First and Second Monuments erected in the Commonwealth. RANDOLPH. 97 the Post is named), claimed to have been the first Union flag to be raised in Eichmond after the rebel evacuation. It is hoped and expected that some day a more centrally placed memorial, and one more befitting the city and its memories, will rise in Quincy. The Post occupies rented quarters. (Franklin Curtis, Adjutant.) Vide Plate VIII. Eandolph (Norfolk County) . — One of the few towns in the Commonwealth named for a southern statesman, the Hon. Peyton Ean dolph of Virginia, it has a good record in every respect. The memorial for the soldiers here takes the form of two very large tablets, attached to the walls on each side of the platform in the Town Hall, bearing the names of over 100 men who served their country during the war. The cost of these tokens, together with that of dedication, was $1,336, de frayed by the town. While the tablets are a grateful offering for a righteous cause, many citizens are not satisfied, and talk of a monument is in the air. The Post has above $800 for this purpose, and certain be quests have been made by which $1,500 will be realized when life interests shall have ceased. The funds in the hands of the Post started with the giving for this purpose, by the Hon. John Flood, of his fee as moderator, a practice that has obtained in subsequent years. When the auspicious moment shall have come, it is expected that a monument costing about $5,000 will take shape in Eandolph. Capt. Horace Niles Post 110 occu pies rented quarters, the same possessing interesting portraits and re minders of Eebellion days. (William A. Croak, Adjutant.) Baynham (Bristol County). — Owing to the generosity of Miss Amy Leonard, a resident of the town, a fine monument was dedicated in 1899, Curtis Guild, Jr., subsequently Governor, being the orator. It stands in the center of the town, near the junction of South and North Main streets. The town paid for the grading of the plot upon which the memorial stands, and the lot was given by the Hon. Elliott Sanford. To this patriotic purpose Miss Leonard devoted $1,500, while the town pro vided a fund for the perpetual care of the grounds. (W. A. Harlow, Town Clerk.) Beading (Middlesex County). — A monument costing $1,500 stands on Bound Hill in Laurel Cemetery. Of the foregoing sum, $500 came from bequest, the remainder from the town. It was dedicated Oct. 5, 1865. This is said to be the third oldest monument of its kind 98 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. in the Commonwealth; it surely is among the very first, and that fact is very much to the credit of the town, which gave birth to Aaron Ban croft, the first biographer of Washington. (L. W. Krook, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXVI. Behoboth (Bristol County). — The town still lacks, and, accord ing to indications, will continue to lack, any public memorial. (EUery L. Goff, Town Clerk.) Eevere (Suffolk County). — The Town Hall of Eevere is an un usually elegant edifice, and the tablet (costing $500), confronting all who enter the main corridor, is quite in keeping with the building. The tablet bears the names of all those from the town who had a part in the war, though in those days the town bore the name of North Chelsea, assuming that of the revolutionary hero in 1871. In the soldiers' lot in the cemetery, presented by the town, the local Post erected, in 1893, a significant memorial in the shape of a pyramid of fifty cannon balls, and around it are had the usual Memorial Day exercises. The relics came to the Post from the government, through United States Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. William B. Eaton Post 199 esteems as its most valuable relic a rebel fiag taken from the blockade runner " Alice," in Tampa Bay, Florida, by Captain Eaton, for whom the Post is named, of the bark " Ethan Allen." It came to the Post from the family of the captain. An old schoolhouse was long the home of Post 199, given the veterans by the town, until the comrades secured elegant quarters of their own, costing $10,000, as good, they say, as any in the State. (L. L. Bullard, Patriotic Instructor. ) Eichmond (Berkshire County). — Though bearing the name of the capital of the Confederacy, this town has only that interesting fact to recall the days of the strife, nor is there expectation of any public memo rial. Its war record, however, was excellent. (A. G. Kiltz, Postmaster.) EocHESTER (Plymouth County). — Aside from individual markers at soldiers' graves, the town has no memorials, nor any immediate pros pect. (A. H. Weld, Town Clerk.) EocKLAND (Plymouth County). — Though the war history of Eock- land really belongs to the parent town of Abington, for the division did not come until 1874, the younger town has taken good care that her part ROCKPORT. 99 of the story shall not be forgotten. Soon after the division, measures were taken to secure funds for some sort of a memorial for her patriotic sons, and about $2,500 were acquired. Later, the idea of a memorial library took form, and the funds of the monument scheme were thus applied. To represent this disposition of the money, tablets are placed at the entrance of the library, bearing the names of 330 soldiers and sailors from this part of ancient Abington. It is proper to state here that to some of the veterans this use of the funds, raised for strictly monu mental purposes, was not at all agreeable. Hartsuff Post 74 has free use of a very fine hall, secured by the vigorous efforts of the local Woman's Belief Corps, an organization seemingly untiring in its labors. A large, two-story building, costing $8,000, it is elaborately equipped with all that contributes to the well-being of the veterans. Upon the walls of the Post room hang some of the great portraits painted by the late Count Schwab, who collected what was to be a national portrait gallery of the soldiers of the Eebellion. The room is an exceedingly impressive one. (Lewis Eeed, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XX. Eockport (Essex County). — Here the memorial assumes the form of one of the best appointed buildings, devoted entirely to Grand Army purposes, in the Commonwealth. Begun in 1889, it was completed and dedicated Memorial Day, 1890, with elaborate and appropriate exercises, participated in by the various secret societies of the town, with the fire department. One story in height, constructed of brick with stone trim mings, having a comely tower surmounted by a fiagstaff, the edifice is a credit to the town. The funds requisite for the purpose, $4,500 in all, were secured through fairs, entertainments, etc., the Post having the generous assistance of the Ladies' Memorial Circle ; perhaps it should be said that the Circle led in the project. Within the building are stored the many relies of the days of 1861-65 which in the intervening years have come into the possession of the veterans and their friends. Otis W. Wallace Post 106 is the organization enjoying all of the foregoing privileges. (Henry C. Davis, Adjutant.) Vide Plate VII. Eowe (Franklin County) . — Named for the John Eowe who sug gested the figure of a codfish as a proper emblem of the source of Massa chusetts wealth, this town, which contains the eastern entrance of the Hoosac Tunnel, has no public memorial of the war. (J. P. Worden, Town Clerk.) 100 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Eowley (Essex County). — This town, one of the oldest in the Commonwealth, as yet has no monument, but a fund for the erection of one hereafter is growing. More than $900 are already in hand, and, in the fullness of time, the site for the memorial, even now indicated by stone bounds, shall have its appropriate token. (Benjamin P. Mighill, Town Clerk.) EoYALSTON (Worcester County). — The town's memorial of the Civil War takes the form of four shield-shaped tablets, 4 by 3 feet, placed in the Town Hall, and bearing in raised letters the names of her sons who died in the struggle. They were given by Joseph Eaymond, a public- spirited citizen. After writing the foregoing, additional data were re ceived, to the effect that the town took the initiative as early as May 30, 1866. In several subsequent meetings the matter was considered and forwarded, until, Dec. 17, 1867, the committee in charge was able to report the task accomplished and the tablets in place, the work of B. H. Kinney of Worcester and of the best Italian marble. Of the result of its labors, the committee says : " These hallowed stones not only adorn the walls of this hall by their beauty, but also hallow it by these me morials of the honored dead." The stipulated cost was $500, but before the town could settle with the artist, Mr. Eaymond requested the priv ilege of paying the bill himself, — a request which the town thankfully granted. (Frank W. Adams, Town Clerk.) Eoxbury (City of Boston). — Though a part of the greater city, it seems desirable to describe the monument as a particular feature of Eoxbury when it was a separate municipality. It was erected in 1867, in Forest Hills Cemetery, and cost $13,000, which sum was secured by popular subscription and from the city of Eoxbury. Thomas 6. Steven son Post 26 possesses one of the most interesting relics in existence any where, viz., a Union fiag, made in Libby Prison by "Jim" J. Beagan from strips of red, white and blue cloth, secured from prisoners' gar ments and those of the rebels, and used by the prisoners for a 4th of July celebration. Later dissevered and held by several of the men until freed, it was reunited and presented to the Post. Owing to the kindness of the city of Boston, the Post has free quarters in an abandoned church. (Frank E. Trask, Adjutant.) Eussell (Hampden County) . — Though the town played its part well in war times, as yet there is no tangible token of appreciation of the work accomplished. (E. D. Parks, Town Clerk.) RUTLAND. 101 Eutland (Worcester County). — Soon after the organization of George C. ilarsliall Post 136, measures were taken to secure funds for a soldiers' monument. By perse\erance and industry, coupled with a town appropriation of $500, by 1879 the ^fonumental Association was able to award the contract for the shaft. It is of Pittsford, Vt., marble, 5 feet square at the base, 23 feet high, including the figure of a soldier in place rest. It was dedicated July 3, 1879, with imposing ceremonies, and the largest crowd of people the town had ever seen. The address was by the Eev. Joseph F. Lovering of Worcester, then Chaplain-in-Chief of the Grand Army. Total cost, $1,500. The Post is furnished free quarters in the Town Hall. (L. Q. Spaulding, Commander.) Salem (Essex County). — This city was the first municipality in the Commonwealth to owe its soldiers' monument to the Sons of Vet erans. As early as 1886, through the success attending a fair and by individual subscriptions, the local Camp, No. 8, was able to dedicate in Greenlavm Cemetery a monument costing $3,000, — a lasting tribute of the regard in which the sons held their fathers. Besides, there are commemorative tablets at the Universalist Church, in the Crombie Street Church and at the high school. On Washington Square, north, at the head of Winter Street, is an immense bowlder, moved from the shore of the harbor, bearing a tablet to the memory of the Twenty-third Massa chusetts men who fell in the service. It was erected by the Eegimental Association. In the armory of the Second Corps Cadets is a bronze tablet commemorative of Gen. William Cogswell of the Massachusetts Second Eegiment Infantry, who began his military service there. It is safe to state that all of these tablets must represent $800. As for relics, Salem is not lacking. The Essex Institute has a goodly array, as well as the local Post and individuals. Phil. H. Sheridan Post 34 holds weekly meetings in rented though most convenient quarters. (J. Frank Dalton, Commander.) Vide Plates XXVIII. and XXX. Salisbury (Essex County). — The native town of Caleb Cushing, a town that sent 347 men into the war, 26 beyond all demands, of whom 35 perished in service, has as yet no public memorial. Years ago there was a Post of the Grand Army here (No. 123), but it was given up long since. (William H. Greenleaf, Town Clerk.) Sandisfield (Berkshire County). — No public memorial, nor prospect of any. (W. N. Clark, Tovm Clerk.) 102 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Sandwich (Barnstable County). — The soldiers' monument in this ancient Cape Cod township is yet in the future, though it has Charles Chipman Post 132, which meets in rented rooms. (T. P. Smith, Ad jutant.) Saugus (Essex County). — The town is justly proud of the monu ment, erected in 1895 and dedicated July 4, with oration by the Eev. E. A. Horton of Boston. The cost, $13,132, was partly met by a $10,000 bequest by Henry E. Howe and the remainder by the town. In 1874 the town laid out $2,085 for purchasing, grading and inclosing in granite a lot for deceased soldiers in the town cemetery. Gen. E. W. Hincks Post 95 occupies quarters in a building owned by members of the Post. It is valued at $2,500. (John E. Stocker, Commander.) Vide Plate XI. Savoy (Berkshire County). — Nothing present nor to come, ac cording to A. J. McCulloch, town clerk. SciTUATE (Plymouth County). — "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, ' it might have been.' " Thomas Lawson, of continental fame, was ready to donate to the town a fine monumental reminder of the sacrifices of war times, even laying extensive foundations for the same, but the over-free expression of opinion on the part of some of his fellow citizens infiuenced him to change his mind, and a monu ment for the town in which Samuel Woodworth found " The old oaken bucket that hung in the well " is still a prospect only. The local Post is the possessor of a compilation of biographical sketches of all its mem bers, the volume costing $100, the work of compilation being by the adjutant of the Post. The volume was presented to the Post by the widow of the late Henry A. Seavems, lieutenant. Thirty-ninth Eegiment Massa chusetts Infantry. Perhaps a duplicate of one relic cannot be found else where. It is a hard tack, bearing the words, " Petersburg, July 4, 1864. Army pie. Hurrah for the Union ! John W. Bailey, Thirty-ninth Eegi ment Massachusetts Volunteers." On the death of Comrade Bailey, subsequent to the war, a comrade wrote out its story, and then sealed the curio and the story in a glass front box, the latter bearing the words : — Blest be ye who leave me intact, But cursed be he who eats this hard tack. seekonk. 103 George AY. Perry Post 31 owns the hall in which it meets, the same having been a Baptist church, and it is insured for $3,000. There is no lack of room, indeed, there are summer and winter quarters. The furni ture, ornaments and equipments of the hall carry an insurance of $2,000. (A. A. Seaverns, Adjutant.) Seekonk (Bristol County). — Though replete with memories of Indian warfare, this town, whose aboriginal appellation signifies " wild goose," has no memorial of the war, nor any prospect. (Asaph C. Hill, Town Clerk.) Sharon (Norfolk County). — Few towns have a finer memorial than that which Sharon owes to the generosity of G. W. and E. L. Gay, from whose bequest of $8,000 there was erected and dedicated. May 20, 1908, as impressive a monument as that amount of money ever produced. Standing in the town cemetery, quite out of the active life of the town, with appropriate ceremonies, address by Department Commander of the Grand Army, Alfred S. Eoe, surrounded by hundreds of people, the bronze figure of the soldier on the march began the campaign he will ever pursue. The bronze soldier is a slightly altered reproduction of that at Vicksburg, by Mrs. Theodore A. (Buggies) Kitson. The donors being descendants of Deborah Sampson, the female soldier of the Eevolution, the monument also commemorates her services in the earlier days. (George H. Whittemore, Town Clerk.) Sheffield (Berkshire County). — Though Sheffield produced George F. Boot, whose war music was worth more to the Union cause than many whole brigades of soldiery, any visible token of appreciation of his service, or of that of the 269 soldiers from the town, is yet lacking. Apparently the effort made, some years since, to secure a memorial of the famous musician fell through. The project should be revived. Gen. J. G. Barnard Post 210, named for one of the most distinguished natives of the town, is located here. (Comrade Dwight Boardman.) Shelburne (Franklin County). — In October, 1868, the town dedicated a monument of granite, fashioned after that of Gen. William J. Worth in New York, and costing above $1,800. It is a highly creditable piece of work, and though Shelburne located it, the veterans of Buckland 104 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. feel as though they had a jomt interest in it. Ozro Miller Post 93 has quarters in the Memorial Hall, erected by the town and the Grand Army. (Edward Baker, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XVIII. Sherborn (Middlesex County). — Though quite up to and beyond all military demands during the war, Sherborn yet lacks any public token of appreciation of the services of her sons. (E. C. Barber, Town Clerk.) Shirley (Middlesex County). — Standing on Shirley Common, at the center of the town, is the monument, dedicated May 30, 1891. The cost, $1,120, was met by a town appropriation of $500, as much more from H. A. Pevear of Lynn, though giving his summers to Shirley, and the remainder from citizens. On one side were the names of the 19 soldiers who died in the service. As they pass away, the names of other soldiers are cut upon the stone. At present there are 27 thus remembered. (Her man S. Hazen, Town Clerk.) Vide Plate XIII. Shrewsbury' (Worcester County). — In 1869 Thomas E. Tateum of Worcester erected upon the Common a marble shaft, at an outlay of $4,000, exclusive of foundations. The funds were secured at first through a monumental association, organized soon after the war, working through fairs, lectures, etc. The old Shrewsbury Eifie Company sold its tent equip ment at auction in 1866 for $68.50, and donated the sum to the fund. By such means $1,500 was acquired, and the town added $2,500. By way of relics, the Town Historical Society has the knapsack, etc., carried by Ed ward Gleason, Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, through the war. E. A. Andrews Post 135, through the generosity of the town, has the free use of the old high school edifice, thus continuing to attend the same insti tution towards which the boyish steps of some of the members were turned more than fifty years ago. (George B. Stone, Town Clerk. H. W. Loring, Commander.) Vide Plate XXXVII. Shutesbury (Franklin County). — No public memorial in Shutes- bury, though the very name is a warlike suggestion. (William H. Hemen way, Town Clerk.) Somerset (Bristol County). — No public memorial in Somerset, nor is any expected. (W. Hood, Assistant Postmaster.) SOMERVILLE. 105 Somerville (Middlesex County). — The city claims to have the very first memorial in the entire country erected to the memory of " that brave and fallen few." Standing in the Somerville Avenue Cemetery, it was erected in the summer of 1863 by the Somerville Light Infantry. A balance of a fund raised for the benefit of the company when it responded to the first three-months call remained in the hands of the citizens' committee when the State aid act was passed by the Massachu setts Legislature. At the suggestion of Captain Cunningham it was de cided to appropriate the amount for the building of a monument to the soldiers who had been lost from the company which enlisted April 19, 1861. It was finally decided that it should be a memorial for all the soldiers who had fallen during the war. Enoch Eobinson donated his family lot as a site for the monument. General Schouler, in his admirable story of Massachusetts in the war, page 448, volume II. , says the sum at this time had amounted to $2,000. The memorial is a shapely and inter esting token of the spirit which prompted it. Surmounted by an eagle, with proper emblems, it bears the names of 64 men who perished in the service. As the city furnished 1,135 men, this death list necessarily must be incomplete. The city very neatly links the war of the Eevolution with that of the Eebellion in the memorial battery on Central Hill. Erected in 1885, its foundations are laid in the earthworks which were thrown up by the soldiers of General Putnam, after the retreat from Bunker Hill. The work, paid for by the city, was according to plans furnished by Major Parker of the regular Army. The guns, four in number, weighing about five tons each, were secured from the government, and they have an inter esting history. During the war, while Grant was in chief command, they were transported to Plymouth, Mass., and there mounted for defense on the walls of Fort Standish. General Grant, while President, signed the bill donating these guns to Somerville, and the first salute fired from them was when his funeral was in progress, Aug. 8, 1885. While the battery was still unfinished, one of the guns was mounted for this special purpose. From sunrise to sunset, every half hour, the gun was fired; meanwhile, Willard C. Kinsley Post 139 was present on the ground, a sentinel pacing his beat throughout the day. At 3 p.m., when the remains of the General were deposited in the Eiverside Park temporary tomb (New York), the Post was drawn up in line, in rear of the battery. As the commander gave the order, " Post, salute our dead," and each comrade lifted his hat, the salute pealed forth from the battery. Absorbingly interesting were 106 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. some of the relics displayed on this day, among them being the sword that " Little Phil " Sheridan wore on his famous ride from " Winchester down," and the fiag of truce which Lee sent to Grant at Appomattox, — the former having been loaned to Col. Herbert E. Hill, the latter coming from the widow of General Custer. Another interesting relic was a Con federate fiag captured by Gen. S. E. Chamberlain, and loaned by him for the occasion. In 1890, a tablet with proper inscription was placed upon the battery. The Memorial Tower on Prospect Hill records Eevolutionary events, and also recalls the fact that here, in 1862, were encamped soldiers of Somerville. On Memorial Day, 1909,'there was dedicated in Somerville one of the most impressive reminders of the war yet erected in the Commonwealth. The event was the great feature of the day, and many thousands gathered to witness the unveiling, which was by a niece of Captain Kinsley, whose name the Post maintains, and to hear the words of ex-Governor Guild, Jr., who was orator of the occasion. The poem for the day, by Sam Walter Foss, was of unusual merit ; its title is " The Unrewarded Dead." Standing on Central Hill, and costing $20,000, the monument was de signed by Augustus Lukeman of New York. The entire expense was borne by the city. That so sightly a memorial should be erected at this late day is largely due to the perseverance of Willard C. Kinsley Post 139, which, though proud of the possession of the very first tribute of the sort in the Commonwealth, desired something more elaborate and in a more conspicuous spot. At a November meeting of the Post, 1906, the com bined efforts of Comrade James C. Macy and Commander Israel H. DeWolf secured the appointment of a committee whose persistence pre vailed upon the city government to make the necessary appropriation. The Post occupies commodious quarters practically free. Vide Plates VIII. and XXXVIII. South Hadley (Hampshire County). — Within the small in closure called the Common in South Hadley stands a very fine monument, the gift of William H. Gaylord, a life-long resident of the town, and costing $4,000. It was dedicated Sept. 23, 1896, under Grand Army direction, the address being given by Alfred S. Eoe of Worcester. To the hundreds of young women who annually repair to this college town for their educational training the figure of the soldier ought to be an inspiration. It is noteworthy that the original college building was SOUTHAMPTON. 107 burned the Sunday following the dedication. Charles C. Smith Post 183 meets in rented quarters in South Hadley Falls. (Burritt Judd, Ad jutant.) Vide Plate XXXVII. Southampton (Hampshire County). — "At the close of the Civil War, a soldiers' monument was located in the cemetery, its cost, about $600, being borne by individuals and the town. I do not think any stir will ever be made to erect another." (F. E. Judd, Town Clerk.) Southborough (Worcester County). — The monument, of Fitz- william granite, on the town Common, was dedicated Jan. 1, 1867. Henry H. Peters, a public-spirited citizen, offered in 1866 to give $500 if the town would raise a like sum; the response was a subscription of more than $1,000 by active citizens, including Dr. Joseph Burnett, $100; the ladies, nearly $200 ; Curtis Newton, E. D. Eockwood, Peter Fay and S. N. Thompson, each $25. Ninety-two others swelled the aggregate to $1,630.50. With this amount the shaft was reared in front of the Con gregational Church, from designs by A. E. Esty, Esq. It stands 25 feet in height. G. Wesley Nichols Post 44 owns a half acre of land in Fayville, and there occupies a part of a brick structure, the other portion being rented to the town as an engine house. The plant is valued at $1,000. (Francis D. Newton, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXVII. Southbridge (Worcester County). — Nothing of a monumental nature exists in Southbridge, but when the new Town Hall was in a formative state (1888) the authorities were prevailed upon to assign a certain portion of the same, on the first fioor, as the future meeting place for Malcolm Ammidon Post 168, and the .same, nicely furnished, is known as Memorial Hall. With kitchen and dining room appliances, the space is well and appropriately used. The hall itself seats 200 persons comfortably. The Post esteems, as its choicest relics, the wooden markers originally on the grave of Lieut. Malcolm Ammidon (Thirty-fourth Eegi ment Massachusetts Infantry), who died in rebel prison, Charleston, S. C, Oct. 1, 1864. (George W. Corey, Adjutant.) Southwick (Hampden County) . — That small portion of the Com monwealth which is surroXinded on three sides by Connecticut territory has nothing in a memorial way, either present or prospective. (D. H. Hollister, Town Clerk.) 108 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Spencer (Worcester County). — Up to this time no memorial has been reared, but one is under way, the result of a bequest by the late Hon. Erastus Jones, the amount being about $5,000. F. A. Stearns Post 37 assembles in rented quarters. Up to the time of remodeling the Town Hall there were mural tablets, but they have not been replaced, not being thought good enough. As a central figure in the Pine Grove Cemetery is a large mortar, mounted on a granite base and having a large pile of shells hard by. (George L. Smith, Adjutant.) Springfield (Hampden County). — Wiile Springfield has monu ments and statues galore, to find her first one for the soldiers of the Union we shall have to visit the cemetery of the city. There, Memorial Day, 1877, was dedicated a distinctive memorial of the Civil War. During the war the city held a great fair, netting therefrom more than $18,000, this constituting what was known as the soldiers' rest fund. When all bills were paid, and soldiers had ceased to rest in Springfield, there was a considerable remainder, which sum, $4,200, was devoted to paying for the monument. The work of Manual Powers of New York, the memorial consists of a granite base surmounted by the figure of a soldier at guard rest. Four cannon mounted are placed around the base. The monument on Court Square, the gift of Guerdon Bill, was dedicated Sept. 27, 1885. It represents the handsome sum of $10,000. The inscription is worthy of reproduction here : " Erected to the memory of the men of Springfield who died for their countr}'' in the War of the Eebellion, and in honor of all who died on land or sea in defense of the national Union." St. Michael's Catholic Cemetery has a big mortar, weighing some 23,000 pounds, donated by the government as a token of memory of the deceased soldiers and sailors buried here. The transportation from Portsmouth, N. H., was free; the expense of setting up in the cemetery was $124, raised by subscription. So far as reported, this is the only instance of a public Eebellion reminder within the limits of any Catholic burial ground in the Commonwealth. Oak Grove Cemetery has a new monument, not yet dedicated, costing $2,000, erected by the local (Wilcox) Post. The quarters of E. K. Wilcox Post 16 are among the most notable in the Department. Erected some ten years since, dedicated July 12, 1899, three stories in height, with every possible convenience for use and diversion, as well as comfort, the edifice, with its appointments, is well worth the $30,000 at which it is valued. Possessing a large number of excellent paintings and engravings, perhaps the most stress is laid on the three- sterling. 109 fourths life-size painting of Capt. E. K. Wilcox (Twenty-seventh Eegiment Massachusetts Infantry), who tell with his face to the foe, June 3, 1864, in the terrible charge on the rebel works at Cold Harbor. Springfield, desirous of honoring a soldier, and, at the same time, a martyred Presi dent, set up in her Eiverside Park, 1905, a bronze bust, heroic size, of William McKinley. The dedicatory address \\as made by Lieut.-Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr. The cost of the bust, with tablet and attendant figure, was $8,000. (J. H. Hendrick, Past Commander.) Sterling (Worcester County). — At a cost of $2,000, voted by the town. Sterling dedicated her monument, June 17, 1866. Owing to stormy weather, the exercises were held in the near-by church. The address was by the Eev. George Putnam of Boston, while poems by Miss Esther K. Waite and Mrs. Mary S. Eugg were read by their respective writers. Maj. J. A. Pratt Post 59 has long been cared for by the town, free quar ters having been found in an old brick schoolhouse, where the veterans have assembled for years, their ranks annually growing less. (Warren E. Burpee, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXI. Stockbridge (Berkshire County) . — Of the memorial in this town, Schouler in his " History " says, " A very handsome brownstone monu ment has been erected to the memory of the men of Stockbridge who died for their country in the War of the Eebellion. The cost of the monument was $2,600. It is erected near the center of the rillage, to which it is an ornament, as well as an honor to the memory of those who fell." It is one of the early tokens, having been put in place in 1866. (George Sey mour, Town Clerk.) Stoneham (Middlesex County). — As early as Nov. 8, 1864, Stoneham voted to set apart a portion of Lindenwood Cemetery as a burial place for soldiers. March 6, 1865, first mention in town war rant was made of a soldiers' monument. July 9, 1868, it was voted to erect such monument. The same, erected and complete, was dedicated Aug. 12, 1869, with Dr. William Symington as president of the day and United States Senator Henry Wilson as orator. The occasion was made one of general rejoicing and celebration, the civic and military parade being specially notable. The monument is of Concord, N. H., granite, rising to a total height of about 25 feet. Graven on its sides are names of Stoneham's soldiers who lost their lives. The architect of the monu- 110 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. ment was Mr. H. Graves of Boston. The total cost of the memorial was $3,042. Its location is in the cemetery alongside Montvale Avenue, this being the lot originally set apart for the burial of soldiers. The lot has been enlarged, and many bodies of veterans now sleep there. It is ex pected that suitable headstones will mark every comrade's grave. Charles Thompson, of the local Post, has prepared a record of every member, that his war service may be definitely known. J. P. Gould Post 75 occupies rented quarters, though the town grants the free use of the armory six evenings in the year. (From town records carefully copied by Town Clerk George N. Green, and other data furnished by Comrade Charles Thompson.) Vide Plate XXX. Stoughton (Norfolk County). — The cemetery authorities of the town haring presented the local Post with a lot, the Post in turn paid the said authorities $200 for perpetual care of the lot, and thereon. Memorial Day, 1898, dedicated a very pretty monument, costing $650. All expenses, incident both to monument and lot, were met by subscriptions among the citizens of the town. A. St. John Chambre Post 72 is highly favored by the town in that both the Post and the Belief Corps have most excellent quarters, at only nominal rent, in the first story of the Town Hall. (George W. Pratt, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXVI. Stow (Middlesex County). — In 1883, at the expense of the town, two tablets were placed in the Town Hall, at an outlay of $500, but when the public library was erected the tablets were removed to ornament each side of the entrance. In 1908 the town set apart a portion of Brookside Cemetery as a soldiers' lot, and erected thereon a flagstaff, the combination being dedicated that year. (Henry P. Smith, Town Clerk.) Sturbridge (Worcester County). — -In 1871, at the expense of the town, a monument was erected near the Congregational Church, on the hill in the center of the village. The Hyde Public Library now stands near it. The names of the men who lost their lives during the war are inscribed. The Town Hall is not far away, and on its walls are four marble tablets bearing the names of all of the volunteers from the town, 144 in number. These cost $400. It is said that the town appropriation for the monument was $500, which seems a very small sum considering the result. The local Post also has a volume of personal history, the blank book haring been presented by the Hon. E. L. Bates, the cost of the same to the donor SUDBURY. Ill being $50. In process of time the volume will become the property of the town library. J. Arthur Johnson Post 173 occupies rented quarters. (L. B. Chase, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XIX. Sudbury (Middlesex County). — This town was fortunate enough to possess a generous, public-spirited citizen, Samuel B. Bogers, who asked the privilege of donating a monument to the memory of the soldier of the Eebellion. His proposition was accepted, and May 31, 1897, the completed memorial was dedicated, with imposing exercises, including an address by the Hon. John L. Bates, later Governor of the Commonwealth, a poem by the Hon. Charles F. Gerry, an address by the Eev. Alfred S. Hudson, etc. The monument is an imposing one, surmounted by the bronze flgure of a soldier at parade rest, the entire memorial costing $2,000, — a sum that would have had to be doubled to secure the same result a few months later, advantage having been taken on stringent times and a desire to keep workmen employed. His fellow citizens were wont to speak of the donor as " Uncle Sam." Few towns are better equipped with memorials, since colonial days and Indian depredations are recalled in the Wadsworth Memorial, dedicated in 1857; and the gift of Mrs. Joanna Gleason, set up and unveiled June 17, 1896, recalls the Eevolu tion. The Eebellion reminder stands in front of the Goodnow Library, South Sudbury. Sunderland (Franklin County). — The town has done nothing in the memorial way and, apparently, contemplates nothing. (From the Postmaster.) Sutton (Worcester County) . — At the first town meeting in the new Town Hall, April, 1885, it was moved by the Hon. Jason Waters that the edifice, in honor of the patriotic dead of the War of the Ee bellion, be known as Memorial Hall, and the motion was unanimously carried. During the same year the tovm also voted to place four marble tablets at the entrance to the hall, two on each side. The first at the left bears the names of those who lost their lives, with company, regiment and dates of death, some 21 in number. Upon the other three are re corded the names of all citizens of Sutton who served in the war, also with company and regiment. These were put in place in 1885, at an outlay of $600. At each front corner of the hall is a brass cannon, properly mounted, loaned by the government. (H. C. Batcheller, Town Clerk.) 112 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Swampscott (Essex County). — The monument in this town was erected in 1883 at a cost of $4,000, the result of a town appropriation. Gen. James L. Bates Post 118 has for its meeting place a schoolhouse, turned over to the Post gratis, the town also appropriating $75 yearly for heat and light. Nothing in Swampscott appears to be too good for the Post. (Peleg Gardner, Adjutant.) Swansea (Bristol County). — While the late Hon. F. S. Stevens was living, he gave to the town a finely appointed Town Hall. The town, by way of adornment for its interior, placed there an elaborate mural tablet, bearing the names of all Swansea soldiers, from King Philip's time down to and including that of the Eebellion. This was done at a cost of $265. The day of dedication, Sept. 24, 1896, was a gala one for the town. The address was by Alfred S. Eoe of Worcester. After the hall exercises, which were attended by a great mass of people, there was served a clam-bake in a neighboring grove. (Henry 0. Wood, Town Clerk.) Taunton (Bristol County). — The first monument in this old colony city was a very long time in building. The late C. S. Anthony of Post 3 contributed a very entertaining article to the Post archives by way of telling just how the matter started and terminated. As early as May 4, 1871, a committee was appointed by the Post to devise ways and means for securing a fitting monument for the city. First there came a eon- cert of war music, which netted $100; then another, where there was a loss ; mite boxes in the post-office and other public places resulted in just 60 cents ; then a course of lectures, which really added something to the fund. Feb. 1, 1887, when the fund had risen to $1,000, it was voted to go ahead with the project, and build the monument within that sum. Evi dently other means became available, since we find that when completed the outlay was $3,278.53. The granite base was designed by Comrade A. Coleman ; the bronze soldier came from the hands of W. N. Mossman of Chicopee. The dedication in Mayfiower Hill Cemetery was Sept. 5, 1887. In the corridor of the City Hall is an immense bronze tablet, erected in 1888-89, 10 feet wide and 6% feet high, also designed by Mossman, on which are found the names of Taunton's sons who perished in the struggle. This cost $1,350. William H. Bartlett Post 3 has exceptionally fine quar ters in the edifice which was built in 1888 for the Presbyterians, at an expenditure of $30,000. Owing to financial difficulties the denomination gave up the building, whereupon, coming into the possession of Cyrus W. PLATE XXXIX. Webster. Wakefield. WUbraham. Wareham. PLATE XL. North Weymouth. Leominster. LoweU. Worcester. templeton. 113 Lothrop, a patriotic and wealthy gentleman, he devised the plan of trans forming the structure into a home for the local G. A. E. Post. In this waj', about five years ago, the veterans of Taunton moved into as fine quarters as the Departnient afl'ords. In 1902 Mr. Lothrop began his appreciative labors in behalf of the soldier and his memory by erecting on Taunton Green a fine monument for the soldier of the Eebellion. It is fittingly placed here, since from this central point all of Taunton's soldiers departed as they went forth to every war waged by Massachusetts as Province or Commonwealth. It is of granite and well worth the $3,100 which it cost the generous donor. (Capt. James E. Seaver, Old Colony Historical Society.) Vide Plate XXI. Templeton (Worcester County). — The question of a monument has never been mooted in this town, but Ericsson Post 109 has long met in its own building, in East Templeton, for which ground was broken July 3, 1868. A two and a half storied structure, valued at $2,400, the first fioor is rented for a store and post office; the second floor contains the so-called Memorial Hall, in which are tablets to the memory of many of the men who went from Templeton; while on the third floor are the quarters of the Post, not so easily reached now as they were when the veterans were thirty years younger. Among interesting relics is a speci men of Confederate artillery, captured at Newbern, N. C, and presented to the Post by Dr. J. C. Bachelor; also, there is a saber taken from the enemy at Aldie, Va., just after Antietam, with a large key, supposed to belong to a jail passed by the Twenty-first Massachusetts Eegiment in one of its North Carolina marches. (J. A. Merritt, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXVI. Tewksbury (Middlesex County). — Nothing of a public memorial nature in Tewksbury, nor is there any expectation. (John H. Chandler, Town Clerk.) TiSBURY (DuKES County). — In Vineyard Haven, the most consid erable place in the town, the local Grand Army men and Belief Corps members uniting, formed a Memorial Association of Vineyard Haven. By native tact and industry they raised sufficient money to place in the burial ground a large bowlder, having a properly inscribed bronze tablet, all in memory of the unknown dead. Costing $100, it was dedicated Memorial Day, 1906. (Comrade Henry W. Coye.) 114 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Tolland (Hampden County). — The town has neither memorial, nor prospect of any. {W. Munn, Town Clerk.) Topsfield (Essex County). — Of white marble, in the shape of a shield, the town in 1874 placed in the corridor of the Town Hall a tablet in memory of the local soldiers whose lives were lost in the war. Bearing the names of these sons who were sacrificed, it cost $100. Justin D. Allen, M.D., who died November, 1908, left a bequest of $8,000 for monumental purposes, and as soon as the town receives this sum, which will be ere many months, the money will be applied as directed by the testator. (A. T. Merrill, Town Clerk.) Townsend (Middlesex County). — Though nothing of a public memorial character has yet been erected, something of the sort, to cost about $500, at the expense of the town, is contemplated. (George A. Wilder, Town Clerk.) Truro (Barnstable County). — Aside from private markers at the graves of soldiers there is no visible memorial of the war in Truro. (John B. Dyer, Town Clerk.) Tyjtgsborough (Middlesex County). — The tablet in this town is to the memory of soldiers in all of the wars in which her sons have fought. At the time of its erection, 1893, there was also put forth a printed list of the men, with a short account of each one. Through a fortunate acquaintance with the distinguished artist, Mr. Arthur Os borne, the committee was able to secure, for the appropriation of $300, much better results than would have been possible otherwise. There are three parts to the tablet, the upper bearing in relief the figure of a soldier in the apparel of earlier days. He represents " patriotism." The middle section has the Imeeling form of a maiden, typifying " gratitude." The lower portion, bearing the arms of the Tyng family, portrays the town itself. (Channing Wliittaker.) Tyringham (Berkshire County). — No public memorial in town, nor is any expected. (George E. Warren, Town Clerk.) Upton (Worcester County). — Considering the outlay, the monu ment in Upton is one of the most satisfactory in the Commonwealth. Costing $2,500, it was dedicated Oct. 15, 1890, though plans for it were UXBRIDGE. 115 begun in March, 1884. A leading spirit in said preparations was Chaplain George S. Ball, Twenty-first Eegiment Massachusetts Infantry, who, at the dedication, read the report of the committee having the monument in hand,, besides offering prayer and pronouncing the benediction. The principal address was made by Past Department Commander John D. Billings of Cambridge. Standing in the center of the village Common, it attracts favorable comments from all beholders. Among the possessions of the local Post is a fine crayon of Chaplain Ball, presented to him by veterans of the Twenty-first Eegiment at their annual reunion in Upton, 1891, and after the death of the Chaplain, given to the Post by his family. The town affords free quarters to J. Orson Fiske Post 105 in an edifice conveniently near the monument. Efforts are now making to secure four bronze tablets bearing the 219 names of Upton soldiers to be placed on the monument. (C. W. Fiske, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XI. Uxbridge (Worcester County). — Standing in the center of her Common, the Eebellion reminder of Uxbridge was dedicated Sept. 14, 1898. The funds, nearly $4,000 for the monument and dedication, were secured by subscription, not only from local citizens but from those who, by birth or other reason, were interested in the old town. Including the figure above the shaft, the granite memorial is 19 feet in height, and upon the four sides of the main block are the names of the 207 soldiers whom the town sent into the war. The exercises of dedication were memorable. An honored citizen, Charles A. Taft, presided, the monument was received by George M. Eice, commander of the local Post, and the address was by Judge A. A. Putnam, all of Uxbridge. Aside from this monument, so conspicuously placed, there is a memorial in the soldiers' lot of Prospect Cemetery Hill, in the shape of a shelter tent, a very pretty and significant design. By way of relics, H. H. Legge Post 25 has a fine portrait of the soldier whose name it bears, also a part of the eagle under which President McKinley made his last speech, the same being a present from Associate James Daley. Other valuable relics in private hands would readily be given up were some permanent place for their care and keeping devised. The Post is more than comfortably quartered in a part of the engine house, the same being generously donated by the town. (Lawson A. Sea- graves, Quartermaster.) Vide Plate VIII. Wakefield (Middlesex County). — Wakefield's war-time name was South Beading, its present appellation having been assumed in 1868. 116 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. There are tablets in the Town Hall, which is denominated Memorial Hall. In 1902, at a cost of about $12,000, there was erected a very fine monu ment, the result of the generosity of Mrs. Harriet S. Flint, who be queathed $10,000 for this purpose, to which the town added $2,000, the latter sum paying for the base of the monument. Jan. 31, 1909, a memo rial window was dedicated in Emmanuel Church, commemorative of the life and services of Edmund Eice, who attained the rank of Lieutenant- Colonel in the Nineteenth Massachusetts Eegiment during the Eebellion. Later, as an officer in the Eegular Army, he served in the Spanish War, and was retired as a Brigadier-General. The most interesting relic in the possession of Horace M. Warren Post 12 is a Union fiag which was brought home wrapped about the body of Maj. H. M. Warren, Fifty-eighth Massa chusetts Eegiment, mortally wounded at the Welden railroad, and dying in the hospital Aug. 27, 1864. Post quarters are had in a schoolhouse given to the organization by the town, and therein are found ample accom modations for Post, Corps and Camp. (George H. S. Driver, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXIX. Wales (Hampden County). — This small town, on the borders of Connecticut, has nothing of a public memorial nature, and expects noth ing. (E. E. Lamphaer, Postmaster.) Walpole (Norfolk County). — Soon after the close of the war the town erected a mural tablet in the Town Hall containing the names of those who went froni Walpole. The cost was about $300. Besides, there is in front of the Town Hall a large gun from the Charlestown Navy Yard, loaned by the government, and highly appreciated by all towns people. Elbridge Piper Post 157 has free quarters in the Town Hall. (S. E. Guild, Adjutant.) Waltham (Middlesex County). — There is no more conspicuous spot in the city than that occupied by the soldiers' monument, standing in the center of the city Common. From a town appropriation, it was erected in 1867 and dedicated in the following year, the entire outlay being $7,096.68. Built of enduring granite, elaborately decorated and appropriately placed, the memorial is quite worthy of the site and the cause. Another monument, costing $1,000, is situated in the middle of the soldiers' lot in Mt. Feake Cemetery. This was paid for by subscrip tion, and was dedicated May 30, 1889. E. P. H. Bogers Post 29 occupies WARE. 117 rented quarters. The birthplace and life-long home of ex-Gov. N. P. Banks, the first Major-General appointed from Massachusetts, it is also his burial place. (Comrade Herman P. Harrington.) Vide Plate XXI. Ware (Hampshire County). — In 1867 the town of Ware devoted $3,000 to the erection of her soldiers' monument, a plain shaft having on its sides four bronze tablets, on which are given the names of the Ware soldiers who gave their lives for the Union. At the request of the local Post, very near the beginning of this century the government loaned two howitzers, which are mounted and are in position in front of the Town Hall. J. W. Lawton Post 85 has occupied the same rooms for more than forty years, and has paid rent all the time. The town has been, however, very generous towards the Post, always making liberal appropriations for Memorial Day, and, also, has set apart specific sums for the Post's charitable work. (H. M. Coney, Commander.) Wareham (Plymouth County) . — April 19, 1905, at the expense of the town, there was dedicated an unusually impressive monument, at a total outlay of $5,000. The exercises of dedication were under the direction of the Hon. Noble W. Everett, with Department Commander James H. Wolff in charge of the Grand Army portion and Alfred S. Eoe of Worcester giving the address. Two heavy guns, loaned by the govern ment, are placed near the base. Of granite, a tall shaft is surmounted by the form of a soldier on the march, a very happy advance on the former notion of the soldier in place rest. Gen. W. T. Sherman Post 208 occupies rented quarters. (Thomas T. Hopkins, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXIX. Warren (Worcester County). — With its significant name a monu ment would be expected here, nor are we disappointed. The very fine memorial was erected in 1881, through the efforts of the Grand Army and a town appropriation, the total outlay being $3,200. Standing in the very heart of the busy village, plainly visible to all passing through Warren by rail, it is well worthy of name and cause. Post members think their 13-pound cannon mounted, and four unmounted 32 pounders, their most esteemed relics. Clara Barton Post 65 has free use of Me morial Hall, through the liberality of the town. (L. W. Gilbert, Ad jutant.) Vide Plate XXIX. 118 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Warwick (Franklin County). — Named for the English king maker, lying on the New Hampshire border, Warwick was one of the eariy towns in erecting a monument to the soldiers of the great war. In 1866 or 1867, at a cost of $1,336, a monument was erected m the town cemetery. It bears the names of many brave soldiers. (Samuel Hastings, Town Clerk.) Washington (Berkshire County). — Though named for the Father of his country, and thereby an excellent memorial of the Eevolu tion, the War of the Eebellion is not commemorated by visible token. Washington is also the birthplace of Edwin D. Morgan, one of the war Governors of New York. Watertown (Middlesex County). — The Provincial Congress was sitting in Watertown, June, 1775, and thence, on the morning of the 17th, Gen. Joseph Warrpn proceeded on his way to Bunker Hill. To her patriotic soldiers of 1861-65 the town has erected a monument cost ing $3,600, dedicating the same Oct. 1, 1889. As a relic, the local Post prizes a tree stump from the battle field of Chickamauga ; imbedded mis siles testify to the fierceness of the combat there. Isaac B. Patten Post 81 occupies rented quarters. (John Welsh, Adjutant.) Wayland (Middlesex County). — This town's appreciation of her soldiers' services takes the unusual shape of a memorial book, printed in 1871, giving the personal history of every man who enlisted from Way- land as his residence, with the addition of two who were born in town but were credited elsewhere. While nearly every town in the Common wealth has a list of her soldiers, and more or less of descriptive matter, it was reserved for Wayland to enter into the subject systematically, and produce a quarto volume of 452 pages, giving a very satisfactory state ment of 72 men. According to Schouler, the town furnished 124 men, hence the difference between 70 and 124 must have come from outside of Wayland. Webster (Worcester County). — The monument in this town, bearing the name of the immortal defender of the Constitution, though long in coming, is worth waiting for. Not till July 4, 1907, was the town's memorial dedicated. Then it occasioned one of the most remark able assemblages ever beheld here or elsewhere, for the significant fact WELLESLEY. 119 was brought out that, aside from the Grand Army aud the Sons of Vet erans, there were very few men in the long procession who were Ameri can born, yet all of them were good American citizens or expected to become such. Even the brass band behind which the procession marched bore a foreign name. Considering the money invested in the monument, very likely Webster has as much to show for its money as any town in the Commonwealth. Expending $16,000 in all, there stands one of the most imposing compositions erected anywhere. The orator of the occasion was the Hon. Herbert Parker, lately Attorney-General of the State. Named for the hero of St. Louis at the outbreak of hostilities, in 1861, Gen. Nathaniel Lyon Post 61 has some of the most significant relics belonging to any military organization. Among them are the camp chest of General Lyon, who was killed at Wilson's Creek in 1861, his rapidly fading diploma from West Point and one of the hoofs of the horse he was riding when hit by the fatal shot. Also, muskets from the Eevolu tion, war with Mexico and that of the Eebellion illustrate progress in gun making. Of the three Dahlgren guns standing near the monument, one has a very remarkable history. It passed into the possession of the rebels at Norfolk Navy Yard; Farragut recaptured it in New Orleans; next, when a part of the armament of the United States steamer "Ve locity," it was taken by the Confederates at Sabine Pass; finally, it was again captured by the United States steamer " Pinola," Metagolda Bay, Florida, February, 1865. Post 61 has always paid rent. (E. B. Wake field, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXIX. Wellesley- (Norfolk County) . — In war times there was no Welles ley, the town with its name suggestive of the Iron Duke being then a part of Needham, and thus continued until 1881. While as yet there is no reminder in tangible form of the days of 1861-65, yet plans are afoot for a memorial, at the expense of the town, the same to cost in the neigh borhood of $2,000. There is no Gi'and Army Post in town, but an associa tion of veterans has maintained Memorial Day exercises for a long term of years. (F. H. Kingsbury, Town Clerk.) Wellfleet (Barnstable County). — Shortly after the war, about 1867, through the activity of the Ladies' Aid Society, there was dedi cated a soldiers' monument, at an outlay of $700. Though there is no Post of the Grand Army in town, the veterans are ever alive to the import of Memorial Day. (A. H. Bogers, Town Clerk.) 120 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Wendell (Franklin County). — Nothing of a memorial nature in town, nor is anything of the kind projected. (N. D. Plumb, Town Clerk.) Wenham (Essex County). — A monument, costing $1,476.91, was dedicated May 30, 1879. The start towards this result was a gift of $300 by Edwin Mudge of Danvers, the town appropriating the remaining amount. (William P. Porter, Town Clerk.) West Boylston (Worcester County). — Memorial Day, 1895, a monument was dedicated in West Boylston. It is built of granite and stands in the town cemetery. The address was given by the Eev. George S. Ball, Chaplain of the Twenty-first Massachusetts, whose lineage, through his mother, lays hold on the neighboring town of Boylston. The expense incident to the monument, $1,300, and its dedication came from the townspeople by means of the Independent Ladies' Belief Corps. George D. Wells Post 38, together with the Belief Corps and the Sons of Veterans, occupies a large and convenient edifice, erected by the Belief Corps for their special use, gratis. The lot and edifice are valued at $3,000. (Jeremiah Fisher, Commander.) Vide Plate XXX. West Bridgewater (Plymouth County). — The townspeople are justly proud of their soldiers' monument, which was erected in 1879 at a cost of $3,500, an outlay met by popular subscription. (Edward H. Crocker, Town Clerk.) West Brookfield (Worcester County) . — As yet the town has nothing in a monumental way, though there is a disposition to do some thing in this direction. In 1908 the town appropriated $300 ; 1909, $250, and about $50 is held which was raised in other ways. It is expected that successive appropriations will eventually secure the requisite amount for a fitting memorial. Alanson Hamilton Post 160 is favored with free rental by the owners of the hall, Messrs. Edson and Woodward, who pur chased of the Post all of its furnishings in this very room, and recoup themselves by renting to other parties, but remit all expense to the Post. (G. H. Allen, Adjutant.) West Newbury (Essex County). — Though nothing has taken form as yet in this town there are probabilities of a monument later, at a cost of from $3,000 to $4,000, the same to be raised through the local WEST ROXBURY. 121 Post. Eemarks concerning certain town officers who have evidently ex ercised a restraining influence, which in the words of Horace Greeley would make "mighty fine reading," are hardly presentable here. Major Boyd Post 151 pays annual rental for Post privileges. (E. P. Stanwood, Commander.) West Eoxbury (City of Boston). — Though now swallowed up in the larger city, in war times the township had an individuality of its own. It was Sept. 14, 1871, that the monument on the corner of Center and South streets, Jamaica Plain, near Curtis Hall, was dedicated, the principal feature being an address by the Eev. James Freeman Clarke. Of light gray (Clark's Island) granite, on a Quincy base, in Gothic style, it stands 34 feet high. Decidedly ornate in its embellishments, it was designed by Architect W. W. Lummis. Provision for the monument was made by vote of the town, March 28, 1870, when $15,000 was voted for this purpose. No event in the history of West Eoxbury was ever made more of than that of the dedication. Everything capable of marching was in line. The monument involves four arches, thus forming a canopy, beneath which is a marble tablet bearing the names of townsmen who lost their lives. Surmounting the union of the arches is the figure of a soldier. Boston Post 200, like other Posts of the " Hub," has the free use of a discarded schoolhouse. West Springfield (Hampden County). — When this town, in 1874, built a new Town Hall, it had the good sense to place upon the inner wall of the same a tablet to the memory of the soldiers, 21 in num ber, who, from West Springfield, had given their lives for their country. The estimated cost of this memorial is about $100. In one of the public cemeteries there is, also, a very interesting reminder of the days of the war in the shape of a brownstone monument, about 30 feet in height, erected to the memory of the men of Company I, Tenth Eegiment Massa chusetts Infantry, who were lost in the strife, bearing their names and the places where they made the supreme sacrifice. The cost, $600, was met by popular subscription under the auspices of local members of the company, and it was erected some time in the 70's. (C. E. Brockway, Superintendent of Schools.) West Stockbridge (Berkshire County), — About twenty- five years ago a representative of the Bridgeport White Bronze Monumental Com- 122 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. pany persuaded the town to invest $75 in a tablet of this material, for display on the inner walls of the Town Hall. The tablet, about 4 by 6 feet in size, bears the names of soldiers who lost their lives in the war. No other memorial is expected. (Comrade J. S. Moore, Town Clerk.) West Tisbury (Dukes County) . — Whatever there is of war history in this town was made when a part of the older Tisbury, the separation having been voted in 1892. Hence there is no memorial in town, nor is there expectation in this direction. (George G. Clifford, Town Clerk.) Westborough (Worcester County). — At the March meeting of the town, 1866, it was voted to erect a granite monument to the memory of the soldiers who had fallen in the late war, the same to be erected in the cemetery opposite the Town Hall. A committee was appointed to report a suitable design, and its report was accepted April 1, 1867, the report being in favor of a design similar to that of the monument " re cently erected in the town of Newton." There was some dispute as to the location, and a vote to place it in the town square was passed, but it was afterwards rescinded and the cemetery location approved. Built of Con cord granite and costing about $4,300, the monument is highly creditable to the times and the subject. The total height is 28 feet, and upon the stone are chiseled the names of the soldiers from Westborough who lost their lives. About the base are placed, at intervals, eight shells, weighing nearly 200 pounds each. The dedication took place June 17, 1869, and was a very noteworthy event in the history of the town. An address at the monument was given by the Eev. Dr. C. W. Flanders, pastor of the local Baptist Church, and later the principal address of the day was made in the Town Hall by the Hon. George B. Loring of Salem, who was as eloquent as ever. For many years Arthur G. Biscoe Post 80 met in rented quar ters, but when the Free Public Library sought new space in the just erected library edifice, the Post fell heir to the vacated rooms in the Town Hall, and the same have been thus used since Oct. 1, 1908. On the first floor, the " boys " feel that their lines have truly fallen in pleasant places. At an expense of about $400, the town equipped the rooms with all essen tials for a well-appointed club room, and turned the entire outfit over to the Post and Belief Corps. A fiagstaff of iron, 60 feet in height, stands in front of the hall, also for the use of the Post. In the way of relics the town is rich. Charles F. Eaymond of Boston, formerly of West borough, gave a flne oil painting of President Lincoln. One of the battle westfield. 123 fiags of the Thirteenth Massachusetts Volunteers was given by Lieut. William E. Warner and Sergts. M. H. Walker and A. C. Stearns, all of Company K, a Westborough organization. There is also a fine bronze tablet in memory of Lieut.-Col. Charles H. Hovey of the Thirteenth, once captain of Company K, presented by the regimental association. A bronze tablet on a marble base, presented by fouHeen citizens of West borough and placed on the walls of the children's room of the public library, has the immortal address of Lincoln at Gettysburg. The fore going are in the public library. The Post has three large frames, con taining the pictured faces of members, many of whom have passed away. The soldiers' lot in Pine Grove cemetery has a large Parrott rified cannon, and a ship's howitzer marks the lot in St. Luke's. Memorial volumes similar to those found in other Posts contain the records of a large number of the Post. Not least among the relics is a pass issued to John Homan, a Westborough citizen, to visit the camp of the First Eegiment Massa chusetts Infantry in search of a Westborough boy in Company D, and a book of autographs and letters of Union officers in the Army and Navy, collected by Alvah B. Kittredge of Company B, Sixth Massachusetts, is highly prized. (John W. Fairbanks, Postmaster and Acting Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXV. Westfield (Hampden County). — As the result of a fair, the citi zens of Westfield were able to put about $5,000 into their monument. It stands in a very prominent location, the junction of Court, Elm and Broad streets. The pedestal is 10 feet high, while the bronze figure of a soldier on guard rises 8 feet above that. The latter is from the design of M. H. Mossman, and was cast by the Ames Company of Chicopee. In addition to numerous and significant emblems, the base bears the names of 66 men of Westfield who gave their lives for the cause. The dedication was attended by everybody who could get there, and was on the 31st of May, 1871, above 1,000 people partaking of the feast served by the ladies of Westfield. The orators of the day were the Hon. E. B. Bates of Westfield and Gen. Judson Kilpatrick of cavalry fame. Lyon Post 41 occupies rented quarters. (F. A. Snow, Adjutant.) Westford (Middlesex County). — As yet the only memorial in town is a marble slab or tablet in the entry to the Town Hall, the same bearing the names of those from Westford who perished in the war. A monument, however, is expected, the gift of Col. Edwin D. Metcalf of 124 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. Auburn, N. Y., he having been a boy in Westford. The probabilities are that it will be dedicated Memorial Day, 1910. As foretold, the dedica tion took place May 30, 1910, with principal address by ex-Gov. John D. Long, who, in his younger days, had been a Westford teacher. The monument, standing opposite the village green, consists of a granite pedestal surmounted by the figure of a soldier with all his equipments, bearing his gun at right-shoulder shift. The generous donor won his title of colonel through staff duty with the late Governor Eobinson, and was a Westford boy during the war, his father having been the first man to be enrolled from the town. The monument was formally pre sented by Colonel Metcalf, received by Selectman 0. B. Spaulding and was unveiled by Miss Hazel B. Hartford. (Sherman H. Fletcher, Postmaster. ) Westhampton (Hampshire County). — The birthplace of the father of the late Edward Everett Hale and Sylvester Judd, the author of the first American novel, has a small monument commemorative of the Civil War, erected at the town's expense in 1869, and costing $500. (F. A. Loud, Town Clerk.) Westminster (Worcester County). — This, one of the northern townships of the Commonwealth, set about monument raising early, and in 1868, at an outlay of $2,000, met by the town, the monument was dedicated. Standing in front of the Congregational Church, it has been an object lesson for more than forty years. As early as March 5, 1865, the memorial was projected, and, of the original committee, Joseph Hager yet survives. At its dedication, July 4, the principal address was made by Gen. J. W. Kimball of Fitchburg. Constructed of Fitchburg granite, bearing on its sides the names of Westminster soldiers who lost their lives, placed in the center of a plot which is nicely curbed and buttressed with cannon secured from the government through ex-Gov. John D. Long, the town presents a picture of commemoration not often equaled. The town being the birthplace of Nelson A. Miles, the tenth full Major-General from Massachusetts during the war, there is a natural pride in whatever pertains to him and his history. Hence the presence in the library, under a glass case, of his uniform, stained with his blood at Gettysburg and at Fredericksburg; there, also, are his sword and shoulder straps. Joseph P. Eice Post 69 has a stump from Spottsylvania, made so by the tempest of bullets prevailing there. In the Post hall is WESTON. 125 a case presented by the late E. S. Kendall of the Fifteenth Massachusetts, containing fifty pieces, among them a scabbard rescued from the Potomac Eiver, near the scene of the battle of Ball's Bluff, with bullets and bits of shell from other fields. There is an enlarged portrait of Col. Joseph P. Eice (Twenty-first Massachusetts), the officer whose name the Post bears, besides many other valuable and interesting curios. The Post is furnished most excellent quarters at a nominal rental. (George W. Barnes, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXVII. Weston (Middlesex County). — The suburbs of Boston contain no more beautiful town than Weston. On the great highway from Worces ter to Boston, in the centuries it has seen almost all of the notables who have trodden Massachusetts soil. Both Washington and Lafayette were entertained here. In 1866, when the library occupied quarters in the Town Hall, a very fine tablet, costing $670, was set up to the memory of those Weston soldiers who lost their lives- in the war. In the new memorial library erected in 1902 and costing $47,500, it is, easily, the most interesting object in the reading room. Paid for by the town, it is one of the most elaborate tablets in the State. (Henry L. Brown.) Westport (Bristol County) . — There is no memorial here, nor is any planned for. (Edward L. Macomber, Town Clerk.) Westwood (Norfolk County).- — As this town was a part of Ded ham until 1897, there is little of the Eebellion record written here. The names of her sons are graven on the tablets of the older town. " So far as I know, only two veterans reside in the town." (W. W. Baker, Town Clerk.) Weymouth (Norfolk County). — In December, 1865, the ball was started which eventuated in the dedication of a very handsome monument, July 4, 1868, with an oration by the Hon. George B. Loring. The monu ment, of Quincy granite, securely placed on a granite foundation, rises to the height of 25 feet and cost the town the sum of nearly $4,000. Hav ing a wealth of emblematic design, it also bears the names of 99 men of Weymouth who died that the nation might live. The memorial stands in North Weymouth, and it is noteworthy that the original vote carried with it sums of money for the other sections of the town, but the other three divisions of Weymouth do not appear to have utilized their oppor- 126 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. tunities. While Eeynolds Post 58 does not report the possession of in teresting relics, somewhere in its keeping or in that of the town library must be the letters of declination from Charles Sumner, B. F. Butler, N. P. Banks, Oakes Ames and Gov. A. H. Bullock. The Post pays rent for its meeting place. (Oliver Burrell, Adjutant.) Vide Plat* XL. Whately (Franklin County). — With a war-time record as good as any, this town still wants any public memorial of the stirring days of 1861-65, nor is there prospect of anything later. (H. E. Boote, Town Clerk.) Whitman (Plymouth County). — Until 1875 the south part of the town of Abington, the spirit of the people demanded some outward token of the part borne by this part of the old tovm in the struggle. No section of the Commonwealth responded more readily nor generally to the war call than this, appearing in the first and all subsequent calls for volunteers. Beginning in 1894, the question of a Post hall was agitated, until finally in 1896, December 2, the very convenient and commodious building was dedicated. There were present very many prominent Grand Army men, among them John E. Oilman of Boston, subsequently De partment Commander, and Secretary of the Commonwealth William M. Olin. The entire cost of the building, $4,600, was completely raised before the dedication. Whitman's soldiers' monument came later, in 1908. April 8, 1906, a joint committee of veterans and Sons was organized to talk the subject over. August 27 of the same year, the Sons hinted that it would be good policy for the veterans to step to the rear, which they did, leaving the younger men to do the soliciting and planning. These duties they attended to most thoroughly, so that in October, 1908, the completed monument was ready for dedication. The 10th of the month brought an immense throng of people to the public park in front of the G. A. E. Hall, where appropriate exercises were held. The Hon. Guy Ham of Boston spoke for the Sons and Department Commander Alfred S. Eoe for the Grand Army. The monument itself, whose chief feature is a fine bronze figure of a soldier on the skirmish line, is one of the most notable in the State, and refiects great credit on the younger con tingent of the Grand Army. The total outlay was very near $5,000. It is not too much to state that thus far the Whitman Camp leads the Department or Division in practical work for the cause. David A. Eus sell Post 78 has a wealth of relics in its keeping, including two swords WILBRAHAM. 127 carried by the late Col. Franklin P. Harlow, one presented to him by his men, the other that worn by him through the service, and in his hand when he led the successful charge of his Seventh Eegiment on Marye's Height, May 3, 1863. These were intrusted to the Post by the widow of the gallant soldier. (James E. Bates, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XII. WiLBRAHAM (Hampden County). — In 1894, through the geucrosity of Mrs. Lucia S. Foskit, representing her late husband, Stebbins Foskit, deceased, there was dedicated in the central village a monument bearing the names of those enlisting from WUbraham. The total cost was $2,500 above the foundations, which were provided by the veterans of the town. The exercises of dedication were conducted by E. K. Wilcox Post of Springfield, W. P. Derby, commanding. The principal address was by the Eev. Martin S. Howard of WUbraham. While there is no Post of the Grand Army in town, there is an association of veterans, and Comrade C. E. Peck possesses the hilt and about nine inches of the blade of a saber that was captured in a skirmish at Pocotaligo, S. C, in May, 1862. On reaching camp, the weapon was broken into four parts, and Peck's share was as above. The other parts, also, must be somewhere in this State, as they were all sent home. Mr. Peck also has a magazine Spencer carbine, capable of carrying nine cartridges. Though not a government weapon, it was borne by members of Company P, First Massachusetts Cavalry, first, October, 1862, by Sergt. F. 0. Lombard, who as a lieutenant was killed Nov. 27, 1863, at New Hope Church. It is claimed that Capt. M. C. Pratt, Company G (killed at Snicker's Ferry, Nov. 3, 1862), car ried the gun before Lombard. The historian of the regiment says this was the first magazine gun in the service. Next it was carried by Sergt. Bernard Newell, who was killed July 28, 1864, at Newmarket. Finally, it came into Peck's hands, and he, by leave of the brigade quartermaster, brought it home. (Comrade Chauncey E. Peck.) Vide Plate XXXIX. Williamsburg (Hampshire County). — There is nothing of a monumental nature here, nor is there expectation of any. (Henry W. Hill, Town Clerk.) WiLLiAMSTOWN (BERKSHIRE County). — While the town has noth ing of a memorial character, it is her good fortune to be the seat of Wil liams College, and the latter, July 28, 1868, dedicated a very handsome monument, pedestal and figure, reaching a total height of 25 feet. The artist was James G. Batterson of Hartford, and the bronze soldier was 128 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. cast at the Ames works, Chicopee. This figure is of heroic stature and has an impressive effect on the multitudes who annually go in and out before it. The expense incident to its erection, about $9,000, was met entirely by subscriptions from the loyal alumni. E. P. Hoplrins Post 209 meets in rented quarters. (W. E. Stocking, Adjutant.) Vide Plate XXXVI. Wilmington (Middlesex County). — Nothing just like the origin of the monument in AVilmington is found elsewhere in the Common wealth. Years since a party of young people of the town gave certain dramas for public edification, and the fund derived therefrom they de posited in a bank. Calling themselves the Ex-High School Associates, they voted to devote the money towards the erection of a soldiers' monu ment. Again and again efforts were made to secure town action with reference to the same end, hoping to make the memorial larger and more imposing. Failing in this, the Associates determined to do the best possible with what they had. The result is a Barre granite monument, in the rough, save for the face, on which may be read, " 1861 — In Memo riam — 1865. To the men of Wilmington who died that the nation might live, this monument is affectionately dedicated. Erected 1902 by the Wil mington Ex-High School Associates of 1863." The dedication was on Memorial Day, 1902, and the outlay was $400. Henry W. Fames, now of Woburn, was treasurer of the fund, and the above facts are furnished by his wife. Vide Plate XXXVII. Winchendon (Worcester County). — As early as 1878 an organi zation was effected by surviving soldiers and sailors of the Civil War for the purpose of securing funds for a monument. By means of plays, con certs and other entertainments, the fund had risen to $1,200 in 1888, when the town appropriated $4,000 for a monument, and the same was erected and dedicated Oct. 16, 1889. Its location is the middle of Monu ment Park, a beautiful portion of land, presented for this purpose by the widow of the late Ephraim Murdock, Jr., some three acres in extent, fac ing the Murdock School. The grounds have been improved by the plant ing of shade trees, and four heavy cannon have been mounted near the monument. The latter is of Barre, Vt., granite, surmounted by the bronze figure of a soldier at parade rest. Inscribed are the names of sol diers from the town who lost their lives. Oilman C. Parker Post 153 occupies rented quarters. WINCHESTER. 129 Winchester (Middlesex County). — About 1880 the town appro priated $300 for foundations on which to rear a monument of three cannon supporting a fourth, an apposite memorial of the Civil War. It stands in the soldiers' lot of Wildwood Cemetery. At an outlay of $750 the town caused to be finished off, in the upper part of the Town Hall, superior accommodations for A. D. Weld Post 148. Equipped with every convenience, they are heated and lighted for the Post free of cost. The veterans feel that the carefully written data of the part borne by the town and her soldiers as the war progressed, the same being spread on the town records, are the very best relics of the war period in the keeping of town or Post. (J. T. Wilson, Commander.) Vide Plate XXVII. Windsor (Berkshire County). — Though the town furnished nearly a hundred men for the war, 13 of whom lost their lives, there is no public memorial to their valor and worth, nor any indication of one to come. (Charies S. Galusha, Town Clerk.) Winthrop (Suffolk County). — At a special town meeting. May 14, 1906, it was unanimously voted to accept the report of a committee appointed to investigate the subject of a soldiers' monument. Said re port recommended the appropriation of $3,000 for the erection of a monument haring a base of Milford pink granite, 16 feet 3 inches by 8 feet 3 inches, the shaft and statue to be of Westerly, E. I., granite, the total height to be 16 feet 2 inches ; the same when erected to stand upon the library grounds. These plans and specifications were carried out, and the monument was dedicated Memorial Day, 1907. There is no Grand Army Post in the town, but about 30 veterans belonging to Posts in other towns have an association which is favored by Winthrop with free quarters and appropriations for care, keeping and repairs, with ex ceedingly liberal funds for Memorial Day. A room has been set apart in the library for relics, but the display, as yet, is small. (Comrade Austin T. Sylvester; Preston B. Churchill, Town Clerk.) Vide Plato XXIX. Woburn (Middlesex County). — Woburn, where Adams and Han cock took refuge when the British invaded Lexington, is not wanting in memorials of the Civil War. April 6, 1868, at a town meeting, it was resolved to erect a monument on the soldiers' lot in the cemetery. This resolve was carried out, and a very neat and appropriate stone was erected. 130 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. bearing proper inscriptions, tbe outlay being about $3,000. At the same meeting it was further resolved that $10,000 be appropriated for the erection of a monument on the public square or Common. A committee was appointed and the work faithfully performed, so that Oct. 14, 1869, the memorial was dedicated. Gen. WiUiam Cogswell of Salem being the orator. Designed by Martin Milmore, the base and column, of Concord granite, reach a height of something more than 13 feet, surmounted by the figure of a soldier at rest, with hand on the muzzle of his gun, cast at the Ames works of Chicopee. The monument bears the names of 93 soldiers who lost their lives. The dedication was a memorable occasion, calling together a great number of people, including almost all the gen eral officers then living in the State. The soldiers' lot in the cemetery proving too small, a larger one was secured, and the bodies already buried were removed, and in the new site yet another monument was placed. This is of granite, oblong in form, bearing in bronze representations of the departure of the soldiers for the war and the return of the colors; also, there are significant inscriptions. The cost, $6,000, was secured through the efforts of local Posts and Corps, added to a $3,000 appro priation by the city. It was dedicated Memorial Day, 1904, with address by Lieut.-Gov. Curtis Guild, Jr. Burbank Post 33 and Woburn Post 161 occupy rented quarters. (W. P. Warren, Adjutant, Post 33; J. Fred Leslie, Adjutant, Post 161.) Vide Plates XXIV. and XXVI. Worcester (Worcester County). — The very earliest memorial in the city is the tablet in the Sunday School room of the First Unitarian Church to the memory of former pupils, 8 in all, who lost their lives in the war. Dedicated May, 1873, the estimated cost is $200. Next came the great monument on the northeast corner of the Common. Designed by Eandolph Bogers, costing $50,000, it is one of the most prominent memorials existing anywhere. It was unveiled July 15, 1874, in the pres ence of a vast multitude, including Vice-President Henry Wilson, ex- Gov. A. H. Bullock, Gen. Charles Devens, Gen. A. E. Burnside, Hon. George S. Boutwell and many others. The principal addresses were by Messrs. Bullock and Devens. May 29, 1883, through the generosity of E. A. Goodnow, there were unveiled in the corridor of the Classical High School two marble tablets, bearing the names of 15 high school boys who lost their lives in the service; the fiag covering them was withdrawn by Miss Josephine Gird, whose father, Capt. Joseph Gird, was killed at the Wilderness, and whose grandmother was an army nurse. Their cost was WORCESTER. 131 $600. Three and a half years later, or Dec. 9, 1886, from the purse of Mr. Goodnow and from gifts of Post 10, G. A. E., life-size busts of Gen. U. S. Grant and Lieut. Willie Grout, Company D, Fifteenth Eegiment Massachusetts Infantry, \\'ere uncovered. The figures, standing in front of the tablets, and costing $1,200, were dedicated with an address by Gen. Charles Devens, first Colonel of the Fifteenth Eegiment. The artist in both instances, tablets and busts, was Andrew O'Connor of Worcester. Eural Cemetery has the red sandstone monument to the memory of Gen. George B. Boomer, killed at Vicksburg. Surmounted by the figure of an eagle just ready for fiight, the monument is one of the most symmetrical to be found anywhere. At its base take place the memorial exercises, May 30, preparatory to decorating the graves in this cemetery. The estimated cost of the monument is $2,000. Here, also, is the heroic bronze bust of Gen. George H. Ward, second Colonel of the Fifteenth Eegiment, killed at Gettysburg. At a cost of $1,400, it was dedicated Memorial Day, 1896, with address by Alfred S. Eoe, then Commander of Post 10. It was designed by Sculptor Doyle of New York, the expense being met by popular subscription. One of the few equestrian figures in the Commonwealth, that of Gen. Charles Devens, stands in front of the County Court House. The product of the talent and skill of Daniel C. French, and costing $42,000, it was dedicated July 4, 1906, with principal address by ex-Lieut. -Gov. Stewart L. Woodford of New York, though a brief address was made by the then Secretary of War William H. Taft of Ohio, now President of the United States. The necessary funds were secured by city and town appropriations in Worcester County. One of the notable features of the day was the assembling of the remnants of the brigade which the General had so long and successfully led, consisting of the Seventh, Tenth and Thirty-seventh Massachusetts Eegiments, the Second Ehode Island and the Thirty-sixth New York. Hope Cemetery also has a monument in the soldiers' lot, consisting of three great cannon inverted and united at their bases. Here take place the initiatory exer cises of Memorial Day. Mechanics Hall is full of war memorials in the form of life-size paintings. First, one of President Abraham Lincoln, by E. T. Billings of Boston, formerly of Worcester, costing $500, and given by the lady friends of the Bay State Shoe and Leather Company, on Oct. 4, 1866. The life-size oil painting of Vice-President Henry Wilson, by Edgar Parker, costing $1,000, was presented by B. A. Goodnow, Oct. 27, 1886. A companion to the above, of President James A. Garfield, by the same artist, was presented by the same donor, Oct. 28, 1882, at a cost 132 MASSACHUSETTS MONUMENTS. of $1,000. A life-size oil painting of War Governor John A. Andrew and of the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, both by Billings, costing $500 each, were presented by the employees of the Bay State Shoe and Leather Company, — the first on Jan. 9, 1869, and the other, Dec. 17, 1867. An oil painting of Gen. George H. Ward was presented by the Fifteenth Eegiment Association on Oct. 23, 1873, at a cost of $450. A life-size oil painting of Sergt. Thomas Plunkett, by J. Madison Stone of Worcester, was presented by Francis Plunkett, Esq., Nov. 22, 1895, at a cost of $500. A two-thirds life-size oil painting of Gen. Josiah Pickett, by Artist Stone, was presented Oct. 30, 1903, by the Twenty-fifth Eegi ment Association, at a cost of $500. A similar oil painting, by the same artist, of Gen. A. B. E. Sprague, was presented Dec. 22, 1903, by the Fifty-first Eegiment Association, at a cost of $500. Grand Army Hall on Pearl Street is simply filled vrith the most priceless memorials of the war, donated by citizens and by members of the Post. While the Post has the marble medallion of General Ward, v/hich for several years was attached to the granite monument on the field of Gettysburg, and the plaster cast of Lieutenant Grout's bust, the rarest relic of all is accounted the bell of the rebel ram " Albemarle," which was sunk by the torpedo affixed by Lieut. W. B. Cushing, though the vessel had already been rendered useless by the ramming of the United States steamer " Sassacus," under the com mand of Lieut. Francis A. Eoe, later Eear Admiral. As Lieutenant Grout was the young soldier in whose memory Henry S. Washburn wrote " The Vacant Chair," Worcester people feel that somehow his story belongs peculiarly to them. George H. Ward Post 10 leases very commodious quarters, and has always done so. Vide Plates II. and XL. Worthington (Hampshire County). — Nothing here in a memo rial way, and nothing expected. (P. H. Burr, Town Clerk.) Wrentham (Norfolk County). — Until Plainville became a town by itself, Wrentham could count itself among the towns with a monument, but the setting up of the younger town left the parent without a token, and, apparently, without prospects. (D. T. Stone, Town Clerk.) Yarmouth (Barnstable County). — Alphabetically the very last town in the Commonwealth, Yarmouth reports " Nothing done in a mon umental way, nor is there anything expected." (Benjamin T. Gorham Town Clerk.) YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01417 6102 k>««tv hV .f '','''" i " ' J. y / -'»^\V A«"t /.^ * .. I ^^ "it !-'*'4¥#^t«i-'>