YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY €|je gDiatie of tfje ^tecountess* ;Jftortiauttt €l)c ^rtuate ®tarte of eitjabetf), Wscottntesisi jflortiaitttt* $rinte& at £Duncairn: moTcclfoi. E M 0 I E YISC0UNTE8S MOEDAUNT. fT^HIS book contains the Private Diary of Elizabeth, Vis- countess Mordaunt, who was the daughter of Thomas Carey, second son of Robert Earl of Monmouth, and mother of Charles the celebrated Earl of Peterborough. The Manu script is all in her own hand-writing, was originally bound in vellum and closed with a silver lock, and embraces the period of her life from 1656 till 1678. In it this gifted lady gives an interesting account of her feelings, with a strict examination of them, on the various events, both public and private, which happened during her hfe, with her prayers and thanksgivings on those occasions, especially the trial and acquittal of her husband by the High Court of Justice, his differences and law suit with his brother, Lord Peter borough, the Restoration (p 59), the Great Plague (pp. 79 MEM0IE OF THE and 95), the Eire of London (p. 91), the births of her children, &c, &c. This valuable relic was discovered in the Old Library at Dundalk House, Ireland, where it had remained, behind some books, for nearly two centuries. How it had reached this resting-place will be accounted for by the fol lowing genealogy : — Anne, daughter of Lord Viscount Mordaunt, by his wife Ehzabeth Carey, the Authoress of this Diary, was married to James Hamilton, Esq., of ToUymore Park, in the County of Down. After the death of her husband, she purchased the Estate of Dundalk for her son James, then a minor, and afterwards created Viscount Limerick and Baron Clanboye, and, in 1757, raised to the Title of Earl of Clanbrassil. He married Lady Harriet Bentinck, daughter of the Earl of Portland, and their daughter Anne was married to Robert, first Earl of Roden, one of whose residences was Dundalk, House, where the Manuscript of the Diary was discovered. Perhaps it would be difficult to find any work, ancient or modern, presenting a truer picture of a pious mind, or better calculated to separate the affections from things on earth, and raise them to the " things that are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God." That it has not been sooner printed, may be accounted for, partly, by the strict personality of its character, as the secret communings of a heart with God, and never intended for the pubhc eye, and partly, from the difficulty of decypher- ing the writing. The first difficulty has been removed through the conviction expressed by several, who had seen the Manuscript, that its publication would be both acceptable and useful to many; while the second difficulty has been overcome by the zeal of a gentleman who has dedicated his leisure time to studying the hand- writing, copying the whole VISCOUNTESS MORDAUNT. Manuscript, and personally superintending the printing of it, at his private Press, so as to secure to the work the utmost accuracy.* In glancing over the Diary, and observing the deep "searchings of heart" it everywhere reveals— the various and severe personal, family, and pubhc troubles to which it refers — the trust, confidence, and triumphs of faith which it gratefully celebrates — and the refuge in prayer which is therein exhibited — it will be interesting to learn something of the life and character of her whose experience it relates. The poets and historians of her day have sung of, and recorded, her beauty, wit, and loyalty. Such was her beauty that one of the Rhymers of the day said that — " Betty Carey's lips and eyes, " Make all hearts their sacrifice," and Clarendon speaks of her as " a young, beautiful lady, of a very loyal spirit, and notable vivacity of wit and humour" — "who concurred with her husband in all honour able dedications of himself." But beauty did not render her vain ; her wit ripened into wisdom ; and while from her loyalty to her earthly sovereign sprung the chief part of her troubles, those troubles guided her to her " King and her God," and to the " Throne of Grace," where she found " grace to help her in time of need." In 1658, Mr. (afterwards Lord) Mordaunt, her husband, was brought to trial for High Treason against the Com monwealth and Cromwell, then Lord Protector. A full account of the trial will be found in " Howell's State Trials," vol. v., p. 907, and, from the notes, it will appear that, to the intelligence and dexterity of his wife he was mainly * Edmund Macrory Esq., Barristcr-at-law, Middle Temple. MEMOIR OP THE indebted for his acquittal. In the Diary (p. 17), will be found the outpouring of her gratitude to God upon that happy occasion. "What great reason she had for gratitude will be seen, when two (Sir Henry Slingsby and Rev. Dr. Hewitt), not more involved than her husband in their efforts for the restoration of the Monarchy, were, by the same judges and on similar evidence, condemned to a cruel and ignominious death. The account of the trial, taken from " Thurloe's State Papers," is to the following effect : — Mr. Mordaunt was accused of holding intercourse with the exiled King, obtaining a commission from him for one of his friends, and for the general encouragement of conspiracy against Cromwell. To those who have been long accustomed to the protective character of "trial by jury", Cromwell's High Court of Justice will appear strange and dangerous — yet, in what seemed most dangerous, there was an element of safety. This Court— or rather, these Courts — seldom consisted of less than twenty, and, as stated in Lady Mor- daunt's Diary (p. 16), they sometimes amounted to forty judges, but without any jury. Now, amongst such a num ber, says Clarendon, there were generally some who, " out of pity, or for money, were inclined to do good offices to the prisoners " — or at least " communicate such secrets to them" as would guide them on their trial. " Mr. Mordaunt's lady had procured some to be very propitious to her husband." By their private advice, Mr. Mordaunt, who, at his first ap pearance, had refused to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Court, was prevailed upon to submit to their authority; and by their information, she learned that Colonel Mallory was the principal witness. Mr. Mordaunt being strictly guarded in the Tower, to communicate with him there was impossible. But, on his next return to the Court, a note from his wife VISCOUNTESS MORDAUNT. was conveyed to him, instructing him to submit to its judicial authority — and by the management of a friend, Mallory was induced to make his escape from the Hall, into which he had been conducted as a witness. The result was — nineteen voted " Guilty," twenty, including the President, John Lisle, voted "Not Guilty" — a division produced by the absence of Colonel Pride, one of the Judges, who, through sudden illness, had been forced to leave the Court, and returned just as the verdict of acquittal had been pronounced, and happily too late for its reversal. Such are the circumstances upon which, apparently casual or accidental, the events of hfe de pend. But God is in Heaven; and he rules among the children of men. His Word says — "the very hairs of your head are all numbered, a sparrow shall not fall to the ground without your Father." (Matt. x. 29 and 30.) Mr. Mordaunt was remanded to the Tower by Cromwell, and, on the discovery of Mallory, a second trial was contemplated ; but a second trial for the same offence, even upon new evidence, was so repugnant to the public feeling, that Cromwell dared not encounter the reproach of it, and was prevailed upon to set the prisoner at liberty. In the next year, 1659, he was, by letters patent, created Baron Mordaunt and Viscount Avalon, and in 1660, M'as among the first to meet the King, on his return from exile, and his restoration to the throne. Soon after he was made Constable of Windsor Castle, and Lord Lieutenant of Surrey. But how strange are the vicissitudes of human hfe ! How vain to " trust in Princes or Sons of Men" ! In 1666, he was impeached by the Commons before the House of Lords ; evidently for no greater crime, than a literal and lenient enforcement of the warrant of the King, and prosecuted, with a degree of virulent determination for which, at this MEMOIR OF THE distance of time, and under our altered circumstances, it is scarcely possible to account. This was both a source of trouble and a position of danger ; and Lord Mordaunt owed his deliverance more to the jealousy of the Houses of Lords and Commons, in respect to precedents, privileges, and forms, than to his freedom from fault, or the relenting of his enemies. It is, however, delightful to contemplate the man ner in which these troubles drew Lady Mordaunt's heart still nearer to her God and Saviour ! In " a prayer of thanks giving (page 96) to he said every Monday, so long as I live, for this great mercy," how true to the spirit of the Psalmist ! (Psalm civ. 33) " I will sing praise to my God while I have my being" — and that of Paul (Phil. iv. 6) "in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your re quests be made known unto God." Lord Mordaunt having had " great and incomposable differences" with his brother the Earl of Peterborough (see page 168) about the Estate of Ryegate, their mother's property, Charles IL, by the ad vice of the Chancellor Hyde, granted it to Lord Mordaunt. He died Jan. 5, 1675 (see p. 178), in his 48th year, and it would appear from the thanksgiving (p. 192) that, after his death, the King, by patent, granted an extension of the term of a portion of it to Lady Mordaunt. She died about the year 1678, when the Diary ceases, having survived her husband about three years, and left seven sons and four daughters. Her eldest son, Charles, was the celebrated Earl of Peterborough, distinguished for his ser vices in Spain, in the reign of Queen Anne. Her second son, John, was born 22nd April, 1659 (see p. 28.) Her third son, Harry, born 29th March, 1663 (see p. 49,) was a Lieutenant-General in the army, and Treasurer of the Ordnance, in 1699. Louis, her fourth son, born 22nd VISCOUNTESS MORDAUNT. December 1665 (p. 83), was a Brigadier-General in the army. Osbert, her fifth son, was born in April 1668 (see p. 104). Osmund, her sixth son, born in October 1669 (p. 128), was killed at the Battle of the Boyne, in 1690 ; and George, her seventh son, born after his father's death, in January 1676 (p. 184), was in holy orders. Her daughters were, Elizabeth, Carey, bom 29th July 1661 (p. 38), Sophia, born July 1664 (p. 67), and Anne, born 5th March 1666 (p. 93)— the latter of whom was, as stated above, married to James Hamilton, Esq., of ToUymore Park. The portrait of Lady Mordaunt is a copy of an original picture, painted, in 1665, hy Louise, Princess Palatine, the daughter of the Queen of Bohemia; the name of the artist with the date is on the picture, and it is in the possession of the Earl of Roden. The portrait of Lord Mordaunt is a copy of an engraving by Faithorne, said to be from a picture by Vandyck. RODEN. Dundalk House, April, 1856. [*** A few words in explanation of the terms which occur in the marginal notes and elsewhere throughout this book are necessary. As reference to the Manuscript was considered desirable, to shew the position which each portion occupies in the Manuscript, this reference has b?cn made by the figures in the margin enclosed within parentheses, with the words " rec." or " rev." — contractions respectively for recto and reverse — signifying that the line opposite which such reference is placed, begins the page on the right or the reverse side of the leaf in the Manuscript. The use of these symbols was rendered necessary from the fact of the leaves and not the pages of the MS. being numbered. All words or figures not so enclosed (in the margin, within parentheses ; or in the body of the book, within brackets) are to be found also in the MS., and in Lady Mordaunt's own writing. Quotations (which are chiefly from the version of the Psalms in the Book of Common Prayer) are distin guished by being Italic type. The orthography of Lady Mordaunt has been closely adhered to, and her punctuation adopted, as far as practicable ; but, in some few instances, it was found absolutely necessary to modify the latter to render the meaning of the passage intelligible.— E. M.] THE DIAKLE OF THE VISCOUNTESS MORDAUNT. A. D. 1656. T OED God Almyty, Father, Soun, .•*-* and Holy Goste, I the unworthyest of all cretuers Liveing, doe here cunie with my harte, and mouthe, full of all thanks Geuing and prays, accept them from me Lorde, for thou haste inabelede me to render them unto thee, for the grete and unspekabel mercy which I have this day receued from thee, of that sperittuall loy b which (1 rec.) The Diarie of the which my harte is not abel to contane, but must burst out in Crys and Praysis to thee, for so undeserued a blessing. For I was proude, and uane, Carles of the things that tended towards Sal- uation, and too mindfull of the pleshuers and emty nothings, of this weked world, and not withstanding all this, and mdions more of transgreshion, and sins, thou hast at last geuen me a grete Sence of them all, and a trubel for them, but so mixsed with a sperittuall loy and cum- forte, and with Resolutions of Forsaking them ah, and only and Holy to cleue unto thee my Derest Sauier, that I can not but with wonder crye out and say, Lorde, what is mane, that thou art so mindfull of him, or the sons of mane that thou thus regardest them, and a- moungst all so petyfull and unworthy a Cretuer as my selfe. But Lord sence (1 rev.) out of the abundanc of thy mercy thou hast in sume meshuer esed me of the Lode, and burden of my sins, aud geuen me Viscountess Mordaunt. me sume hopes of my further amend ment, Lete me not Lorde reseue thos in uane, But so derect me thrue the hole corse of my Life (whether it be sharte or Longe, that and all things else as it semes best in thy sight) that it may be holy spent in thy seruis, and that I may be an instrument to promote thy Honer and Glory; Lorde Let my Life be what thou plesest so it may be that; Lete it be spent in aflicktions if that be beste, so it will pies thee to supporte me in them, or in prosperety, if thou seeste me so Humbel, as thate I cane supporte it without arogency and pride, and that by that menes thy prasis may be the mor incresed; or els in indeuerency, if thou Deare Lorde, knowest that my feruency in thy seruis, will note be shaken by it, but that the qiuate of that condishion may a forde menes, to make me spend more of my time in thye seruis; but Lord in this as in all things else, Let thy bles sed will be dune, not my corupte one ; for I TJie Diarie of the (2 rec.) Reu. vii, 10. Reu. xviii, 3. Reu. xiii, 4. I am thine, Lorde kepe me, thou arte my father, and my saiitephier, Lorde take me into thy care, Lorde saue me, and Lorde instruckt me, and at the Laste reseue me; Glory be to thee Glory be to thee Glory be to thee Most blesed Trenety Ande thrue thy mercy and poure, my adored Lorde, and for the merits of my most blesed, and derest Sauer, and by the unuterabel Grones, of thy most Holy Speritt, grante that bouthe in this warld, and after this transetory Life be paste, I may unsesentely, Cry and Sing, Sal nation to our God, tvhich sitteth uppon the throne, and unto the Lamb. Greate and maruellous are thy works, Lorde Gode AllmigJity, Just and true are thy ways, Thou King of Saints. Who shall not feare thee. O Lorde, ande Glorephie tliy name, for thou onely art Holy ; for all nations shall come and worship Viscountess Mordaunt. worship befor thee, for tJiy Judgements are made manifest. Amen. The furst of thessalonians 5 22 Abstaine from all appearance of Euill. A medetation of the strictnes we aught to obserue thrue the holle corse of our Life, being not onely to account for our thoughts, words, and actions^ but for the uery appearance of Euill; The medetation of the appearance of Euill. That sence we must uppon no termes sufer any action to pass without so strickt exsamination, of which we may geue an account as wel of the aperanc as of the intention of theme. What care and cation is nedefull then for our owne, when we ar so fare to anser for outher pepels falts, as not by any aperanc of ill, to haue bin an ocation of stumbeling to our weke brethern, which that we may (3 rec.) (3 rev.) The Diarie of the may the better shune, my aduis is, to my selfe, that I Lete no day pas, without taking suche a reuew of my Life, as that I may render God the Glory, of any thing which by his grete asistance, I haue dune that past day, acceptabel in his sight, and that hi this case I may allwas think, and say, Not unto us, O Lorde, not unto us, but unto thee is all prays due ; for I am the uiiworthyest of all cretuers Liuing, which I shall soune be confermed in, when I cume to ac count for my sins of cummistion, and omistion, which I must stricktely dow, and senserely repent of, that by God's asistanc hauing dune that, I may Laye me doune and rest in pece, Avith a full ashuranc, that they shall neuer more be layde to my charge, so as to condemne me, but that my Sauiers blude, with all its merits, shah have quite bloted them out. That I may the beter kepe this reso lution, Lorde geue me Grace constantely to Viscountess Mordaunt. examen my selfe, by thes foloing rueles or the hke. How to examin the integrety of my actions. Furst, in reuewing the good actions of ye day whether they wer dune with integrety or singelnes of harte, and whether I hade no outher ende in them than the promoting of God's Glory, and fuUfilling of his will, and whether no thing of uanity or aduantage, hade a share in the performanc of them, if not to give Gode the Glory, for it was the Lord's dowing. If ill, to examin the ocations of them, and nexte time to shune them, to repent for what is past, and ernestely to pray to God for Grace to resiste the hke tem- tation.How to discouer the senserety of my words. 1. Whether the senserety and truthe of them be so grete, as that no feare of bein disprouved, should make me desir the conselment of them. 2. Whether ther wer nothing in them tending The Diarie of the (4 rec.) tending to any persens prejudice, ether out of a pertecoler malis to them, or out of uane Glory, to be thought beter than they, my selfe; (a sade princepel to laye the foundation of my fame uppon, the distrucktion of an outhers, that may be mor deseruing than my selfe; from which pray God to preserue me) and whether uanity and foly haue not a greter share in my conuer sation, than any thing of sound wisdum or knoleg, that might ad minister any thing to the edephiing of outhers. By this, I must ether condemne my words or rather my selfe for them, or else return thanks most Humbely to God, for hauing preserued me from of fending with my tunge; How dilegent we ought to be in not mispending our mede- tations by turning them to eydell thoughts. To examin our thoughts. Our Savior says, out of the harte cometh Viscountess Mordaunt. cometh all evill and nothing is so deceit- full as the harte of man. Lett me then so examin this harte of mine that the thoughts and inclinations of my harte may be accepted before God, for genar- aly our thoughts presede our actions; our Savior says, from within out of the harte of man procede evill thoughts, adulto- ries, fornication, murders, thefts, couet- iosnese, wikenese, laciviousnes, an evill eye, blasfemi and filthy nese, the thoughts are the forunners of all ill, and are first to be taken care of, for preserve them unblamable and 'tis to be presumed ill actions will hardly Mow; how hard is it to haue Chast thoughts and imodest actions, or just thoughts and unjust deal ings, puriphi the first sourse and the channell will hardly be courupted. Satan our common enimy knows this very well, and therfore assaults us in that part which will courupt the whole, and when he finds that thoughtsof the depest dye the blackest guilt will not stay long c with with us he fayils not to furnish such a troop of vane and idly ones that find re sistance in fewplacis, those are so sutable (4 rev.) to the frailtys of our natures that there are few so strongly fortiphyed with grace as to resist the pomps and vanitys of this world when usherd in with the temtations of the flesh and the devill, all which we vow against in babtisme, let us therfore fight manfuly against it in the cours of our Lives. Let us consider that these our thoughts are only known to God and our selves and therfore ought to be most pure, with them wee reach heauen, and may contemplate God him^ selfe, as far as he is reaveled to us by his holy word, and by his blesed Spirit, and shaU we lay aside this previleige, and tran our thoughts to vanitys, 'tis below the carecter that God has im printed upon man of wisdowm. [Pages 5 — 12 of trie MS., -which should follow here, -will be found post p. 225 el ss.] SUNDA Y Viscountess Mordaunt. 11 SUNT) A Y. Most butyful Jesus, my best beloued Lorde, O How cane I returne thanks that am not abell to comprehend the gretenes of thy mercy towards me, but How dare I expect the contenuanc of it, that am so alltogether unworthy of them. O what ashurance cane I haue of my blis herafter, that canot pretend to deserue the lest of thy cumforts here. O wo is me rech that I am, so uery ill now, and yet with resen fere to be wors, for I haue neglected and greued that blesed Sperit, that hether to hathe pre- serued me from euerlasting chans, O geue me grase to crye Aba father, that my God may not turne his bake uppon me, and put me quit out of his remem- branc, whioh I so justly deserue, O the depthe of this mesery, what shall de- leuer me from this body of dethe ; I thank my Lorde Jesus Christ, he cane, nay he wiU dow it, for I Loue him, I longe (ISrec.) 12 The Diarie of the longe for his cuming; I fere my owne unworthynes, but I haue confidenc in his merits, my God will acsept of his intersestion for his child, becas he is a louing father, and I tho' a disobedient yet a penytent child, a child that he hathe blest with his Sperit, which tho' I haue resisted, yet I am greued for it, and joy in no cumforts but what I re- seue from thos greues, O blesed Speiit sele my perden, refreshe my Soule with the due of thy heuenly cumforts, nureshe and bring to perfection thos Holy feares joys and greues that hathe bin produced this daye in my Harte by the preching of thy Gospel, O geue me thy perseuer- ing grace, in all good works, and thy restraning, to kepe me from all ill. Amen. (13 rev.) MUNDAY; 15th of June, 1657. Thou arte my King O Gode send helpe unto me, for my enymys ar many that Viscountess Mordaunt. 13 that so counsel to gether aganst me, how they may take away, that which is derer to me than my Life, my Honer. O lete not the futt of pryde cume aganst me and lete not the hands of the un- godely caste me doune, for thou knoest my innosency, my wase ar not hid from thee, thou knoest the uery secrets of my harte, and findest it uperight befor thee, in this pertecoler of my Justis to my Husband, for I haue not a thought I would not haue him know, for the which I Humbely bles my God, for of my selfe I am alltogether unworthy and to thee my derest Lord I am ungrateful for my ofences are many, and my scins to grete a burden for me to bere, my hart is sore trubeled, but turne thee unto the Lorde O my Soule, and he wiU geue thee thy Hart's desir, and preuent the mahs of mine enemys, for he will make thy enosency as clere as the Light, and thy Just deling as the noune day, and this in the fays of mine enemys, but Lorde (14 rec.) 14 The Diarie of the Lorde rewarde them not after ther del- ings, but forgeue them and turne ther harts, and lete it not rise upe in Judges- ment aganst them, nor none of my scins aganst me; O lete me not ade to my Hepe the gdte of reuenge, but geue me grace to forgeue, and then forgeue me my scins, and forgeue me if I resent their ingerys to muehe, and forgeue my duhies in deuotion, and my neglect of it, and derect me how to manage my self in this bisnes. O Lorde sete me upe and suffer not my fose to tryumphe ouer me, thou hast bin my sucker, Leue me not, nether forsake me, O God of my Saluation, so shall euery good mane sing of thy Prayse without sesing, O my God I will geue thanks unto thee for euer. Amen. (15 rec.) Clouthe my Soule with the unspoted robe of Humelety, Mekenes, and Cari- tabellnes, and grant that hi the midst of Viscountess Mordaunt. 15 of all my enemis I may stand un- mouved, not admiting one thought of reueng into my brest, for without thy grete mercy and asistanc, I shall falle befor them, hauing a harte redy to re- seue and bring forthe, all sorte of wek- ednes, but make me a Clene heart O Lord, aud renue a right sperit within me, O giue me the cumfort of thy helpe agane, or else distraction will incumpas me on euery side; and now that I draw neare the time of my trauill, inabell me by the reseuing of thy blesed Sacrement to support the payns of that day, as be- cumethe thy seruant, and derest Lorde prepar me so by thy santephiing sperit, as that I may with cumfort reseue ether life or deathe at thy hands, and that the performanc of thy will, may be a ioy to me; to whieh end Lord grant my child life and opertunety of babtisme, and Lord preserue it from aU deformety what soeuer, giue it a cumly body, and an understanding soule, and thy Grace from (16 rec.) from the Graded to the Graue, and how soeuer thou shalt dispos of me, ether for life or deathe, santephi that to my deare Husband, and grant that by it, he may becume derer and nerer unto thee; that at last we may bouthe be united unto thee, my derest Lorde and Sauier, Je sus Crist. Amen. 1658. June, y" 2nd. In the y ere of our Lorde 1658, on the first of June, my Deare Husband was tryed for his Life by a Corte, calede the Highe Corte of Justis, and on the second day of June, was cleerd by one uoys only, 19 condemning of Jiim and 20 saui7ig of him, and tJios twenty had not preualed, but by God's emedeate Hand, by striking one of the Corte with an illnes, which forsed Jiim to goe out, in wJiousabsens, the uots wer geuen, and recorded, so that his returne Viscountess Mordaunt. 17 returne no way preiudis 'd Mr. Mordaunt tho' in his thoughts he resolued it, (Prid was the person J many outher meracolus blesings wer shod in his preseruation for which Blesed Be God. He was the first exampule that pleded not gilty, that was cleerd befor thes Cortes. WENSDA Y; June, f 2nd. 1658. Prays the Lorde, O my Soule, and all that is within me prays his holy name. Prays the Lorde, O my Soule, and forget not all his benefits, which saved thee from distrucktion, and crowned thee with mercy and Louing kindnes. Prased be the Lorde for euer, for He hathe preserued the Life of my Deare Husband, from the poure and malis of his enemis, and hathe blesed us with mercis on euery side. It was thy Hand, and the Helpe of thy mercy, which re- leued us, when the waturs of aflictions had nie drounded us, and our sins had d justely (16 rev.) 18 The Diarie of the justely deserued it, and our enemis er- nestely desird, and pursud it ; for they had preuely layde a nete to destroye him, without a case, and false witnesis did rise upe aganst him, they layde to his charge things that he knue not, and his owne fameler frinds akused him, re warding him euell for good, to the grete discomfort of his soule, but thou O Lorde didest reuocke that angery sen- tans (which we had deserued, and which was gone out aganst us) by frustrating the desins, and malis, of his enemis, by turning the Harte of Mal: as thou tur- nest the reuers of watur, and as thou broughtest watur out of a stony Eock, to releue thy seruants the childern of Is rael, so didest thou turne that stony harte of his, that where he desined dis traction, he indeuerd safety, therfor we will be glade, and reioys in thy mercy, for thou hast considered our trubell, and hast knone our souls in aduersety, for thou gauest not upe my deare Husband into Viscountess Mordaunt. 19 into the hands of his enemis, but hast sete his feete in a large roume, for our Hops wer euer in thee, and thou didest not deseue us, for we haue sayde, Thou art our God, our time is in thy Hand, bee it as it seemethe good in thy sight ; and thou hast herd my supplecation, and hast consedered my cumplant, thou hast granted me my hart's desir, and hast not refused me the request of my Lips, when I beged deleueranc for my deare Husband, from the Hands of his enemis and from thos that persecuted him, and thou hast shod thy seruant the Light of thy countenanc, and hast spared him, for thy mercys sacke, for thou suffur- dest him not to be confounded, hi the fase of his enemis, but supported him on euery side, for the wisdum of man is fulishnes befor thee, and thou neuer forsakest thos that Loue thee. Thanks be to the Lord, for he hath shoed us meruelus grete kindnes in this strange deleueranc. O Loue the Lord all yee his (17 rec.) 20 The Diarie of the (17 rev.) his seruants, pras Him, and magnephi Him together, for the Lord preseruethe them that ar fathefull and plentuasly re- wardethe the proud douer. O Giue thanks unto the Lorde and call uppon his name, tell the pepel what things he hathe done ; As for me I will giue greate thanks unto the Lorde, and prayse him amongst the multitude. Blesed be the Lorde God, euen the Lorde God of Israel, which only douthe wondrous and gratious things. And blesed be the name of His Ma- gisty for euer, and all the earthe shall be filled with His Magisty. Amen, Amen. The PRAYRE. O my God, my just and mercy full God, Santyphi this blessing unto me, and so fill my harte with the aprehen- tions of thy meraculus mercis to me in this greate deleueranc of my deare hus band's, that I may not dayre to ofend thee Viscountess Mordaunt. 21 thee, that so highely hathe blest me ; but grant that bouthe me and my deare Husband may spend that Life, which we have agane reseued from thy hands, with so greate stricktnes that we may emenently shoe forthe thy mercy to us in the spending of our time as in the sau- ing of our hues, make us instrements of thy mercy, to thy Church, and to thy Chosen, and as thou hast giuen to my deare husband a seconde hfe, so giue him a new on, in all uertu and holynes, and grant him gras neuer to feare ha- serding that life, in thy seruis, whous pour and mercy, can preserue and cary him thrue, the gretest defecultys ; Lord euermor behis defender, make us bouthe thine, and then in thy greate mercy. kepe us so, for we ar lessur than uanety it selfe, and without thee cane dow no good thing, but my God will bles us, for He shall chuse out an Heretage, for us, euen the worshipe of Jacob whom he loued. Amen. A PRAYER 22 (18 rec.) The Diarie of the A PRAYER for the 2nd. of June, euery year and euery Wensday in the week, sine the death of my Deare Hosband. I must neuer omit to prayse thee my Lord and my God, on this day, for the meracolous deleueranc of my deare Hosband, from the pour and malis of his enemies and from the jaues of Death, for tho' thou hast taken this blesing from me now, yet so numerous haue bin thy mercis to this famely sine the first day of his deleueranc, that they must allwas be repeted by me, to the great glory of thy most glorious name, thou haste geuen to my deare husband and to me, many yeares of cumfort sine ; thou has geuen us the Greate Blesing of many Chddren, the increse of fortuen, of Honer, of goods, of frinds, and all this I have been so lyttel worthy of, that thou hast justely withdrawne my gre- test worldly comfort, my deare Hos band Viscountess Mordaunt. 23 band ; but merciful Lord doe thou in crese my spirituall Joys, and giue me grace, to make so good vse of thy re maning blesings in this world, that thou mayest neuer withdraw them in judges- ment from me, but grant that I may so intirely leaue myselfe, my chdderme, my fortune, and interest to thy disposall, that I may nether think, nor ackte, but by thy directions, I haue none but thee my God to asist me, and in hauing thee, I haue all, doe thou neuer forsake me, and then I shall be blest for ever. Amen. 10th July. O the depthe of thy mercis, and of my meseris, O my God How unserch- abeU and past finding out they ar, for thou hast loued me, thou hast Herd me, and granted me mor than I was abed to aske, not forseing the greate nede I had of thy mercy, and in returne of thy most (18 rev.) 24 The Diarie of the most unspekabell mercis, blesings, and deleuerancis,knone and-unknone,I haue broken my promesis of betur leuing, I haue uiolated my uows and resolutions and am becume notorusly weked by neglecting that prescius time thou hast geuen me for betur leuing for I dow not hue acording to my beleue, not la- bering toplese thee, not desiring to draw neer to thee, in thy ordenancis, not longing to inioy thee in Heuen, not fer- ing thee my God, so, as to kepe from ofending thee, not amending by thy corrections, normercis, not thankefull to thee for them as I ought, not keping Holy thy Sabouthe days nor festefals, neglecting to rede and marck thy Holy Word, not dilegent in prayr, I haue broken the vow mayde for me at Bab- tisme by louing the pomps and uanetis of the world, and foloing its sinfidl custums, by praing and reseuing with out that deuotion aught to be had, and without spirituall afection,by neglecting to Viscountess Mordaunt. 25 to kepe the promesis mayd in it, by ometing prayrs, and being glad of any pretenc of do wing it, my harte not being purefid from sin when I pray, couldnes and dednes in it, wandering thoughts at (19 rec.) it, neglecting the duty of repentanc, not allwas caling myselfe to a daUy account for my sins, not so depely consedering of them as to beget contrishion for them, not taking reueng uppon my selfe by lasting and outher acts of mortephica- tion, but seking the prays of men, not carfuly exsamening what our estayte towards God is, not trying our selfes by the true ruele, God's cummandements, nor waing the Lafulnes of our actions befor we undertake them, consulting our wds only, not exsamening our past actions so as to repent of the ill, and to render thee my Lord the prays of all good ons (if any), not improuuing thy gifts outward or inward to thy Honer, spending to much time in Idell deuer- tions and sleping, neglecting to make e satisfaction 26 The Diarie of the satisfaction for the ingoris I haue dune, not paing the respect due to the qualetys and gifts of outhers, not seking to intale a blesing uppon my child by a strickt and pyos Life, not taking depely to harte the desolations of the Church, not forbering to sin, that God might take his judgments of it, not louing and for- geuing my enemis, being so sharpe in my ansers, resenting ingoris so highely, not bering with the pations of outhers so mekely as I aught to dow, but pro- uoking them in it, not bering then infermetys; for adding to truthes or de- meneshing from them, by saing things without truth; for all this, and much mor remembered, and forgotun, I stand here GUty, of all thy judgments, but Lorde forgiue me, giue me a Harty senc and repentanc for them, and then in Loue O Lord cummunecate thy mercis unto me, and that for my Sauier's sacke, Amen, Amen. the Viscountess Mordaunt. 27 the 18 of July. Euer prasedbe my God for the patienc he was plesed to giue me uppon this day, for I was reuiled to my fase and euel spoken of, O Lord thou gauest pa tienc in the time of aduersaty, for when she lift upe her hand aganst me I re turned it not agane, but sufered her reproches with patienc, but if the Lorde Hade not helped me it had not fayled, but my Soule Had bin put to sdanc in the graue, so seuer was her usage, but my God hathe, and will deleuer me, out of the Hands of my enemis, and will Lete her see by His blesings, to my deare Husband, my chdd and me, that our Hapynes is not, to be reseued from her hands, as she sayd it was, but from my God, to whoum, I will pray, and whoum I will euer bles, asrLong as I haue any being. Amen. but Lorde forgeue her her sins, and impute (19 rev.) 28 The Diarie of tJie impute not this unto her, but bles her here and hereafter. Amen. (20 rec.) April, the 22nd, 1649. After the berthe of my son John. My God and my Lord, my defender, and protectur, reseue I most Humbely beseche thee my acknoledgments of thy mercy, and my thanksgeuings for my saue deleueranc from the payne and perill of Guide berthe, and for the grete blesing of anouther Sone, Lord multyply thes thy blesings uppon me, making me truly sensabull of thy mer cis and my owne mesery, Lorde what am I that thou shouldest thus regarde me, I am nothing but a dede doge with out thee, but thou supportest me on euery side, therefor I will be glade and reioyce, in tJiy Saluation, I will prayse thee aiming st much pepul. Amen. O Viscountess Mordaunt. 29 O Just andmercyfull God, whoe neuer forsakest thos that loue thee, nore thos that Humbull them selues before thee, for a broken and contrite harte O Lorde thou dispisest not, acsept therfor I be seche thee the Humbul request of thy Hande mayde, whou hathe this day caste doune my selfe befor thy throne of mercy to bege it, for this bleding Church and nation of ours, O Lord shoe now thy poure and cume amungst us, and in thy due time restore us, in thy fauer agane, by giuing us the blesing of a florishing Church in this nation, such a one as may be acseptabull to thee, and bles thine aninted, geuing him grace and poure, to proteckt it; and O Lord bles all thos harts and Hands, that in- deuer this, (in pertecoler my Deare Husband) for without thee, they cane dow nothing, therefor O my God, for- sacke them not, be hi thayre counsels, and in thayr resolutions, dereckt and gide (20 rev.) uer. 9. uer. 10. gide thayre actions, and supporte, and prosper them, in the time of nede ; this and more than I am abull to bege, for thy Church, and for thyne aninted, for thy chosen pepull, and for this bleding nation, Grante unto them, in thy wis- dume, and in thy goodnes; for thy mercy sacke, and for the merits of my derest Sauier. Amen. 2. Samuel, ch. 2. He will keep the feet of His saints, and the wicked sJiall be silent in DarJt- nesse ; for by strength sJiall no man pre- uail. The aduersaries of the Lorde shall be Broken to pieces, out of Heauen shall he thunder upon them; the Lorde shall judge the ends of the earthe, and he shall giue strength unto his King, and exalt the Home of his Anointed. What Viscountess Mordaunt. 31 What I am to pay out of my peris, blesed be God. 10 pound a yere to be geuen to a * begening 1661. 06 pound a yere to Mrs. Broune in great distres begening 1663. 20 pound a yere to ye keping Mr. Ja- mot's clhld teU she shall be by ye King or sumebody else prouided for begen ing 1663. She is now prouided for. 05 pound a yere to be payd for the keping of Maris ould father, so long as it shall pies God to inabell me. 01 pound a yere to y" breding of Ley ye cocks chdd being faterles and mother- les. 20 pound a yere to Mrs. Cor: being fourscor yeres ould teU she has somthing else to hue on. 4 pound a year to Mis Payne, tell she be in a betur condetion, begins Christ mas 1676. 2 pound (21 rec.) 32 The Diarie of the (23 rec.) 2 pound a year to a pour woman by Mis Enghsh. 10 pound a year to Mr Owen till he be prouided for, begins Christmas 1676. 4 pound a year apece to tow Juese. 4 pound a year to too women, by Miss Loyd, ten shillings a quarter apece. Sep. the 9th. FRIDA Y. Most pourfull and mercyfuU Lord; what cane I render of prays fitt to be payd to thy deuine exselancy, that hathe bin so bountyftdl in thy mercis to my deare Husband, thou hast blest him, thou hast preserued him from the pour and malis, and reproch, of his enemis, thou hast multeplid thy mercis to him, by so many and miracolos dileuerancis, 0 what great trubels and aduersities hast thou shod him, and yet didest thou turn and refresh him, yea, and broughtesthim from the deep of the earth againe, ther- for shall we daly speak of thy right- ousnes Viscountess Mordaunt. 33 ousnes and saluation for we know no end therof, Lord make us truly sensa- bull how unworthy we ar of the lest of thes thy mercis, and Lord forsake us not, but so contenu thy mercis to my deare Husband and to me thy unworthy seruant, that we may glorephi thy name by them, and Liue to show thy streng- the to this generation, and thy power to all them that ar yet for to come, for thy poure O God is uery high and greate things ar they that thou hast done for vs, O God who is lick unto thee, for thou hast brought us to great Honour and comforted vs on euery side, therfor will we praise thee and thy faithefuU- nesse, O thou Holy one of Israel. Amen* 1659. March f 2nd. FRYDAY. O my God, wheras I did promas and and voue to thee, vpon the defete and f taking (24 rec.) 34 The Diarie of the taking of Sr Gorge Bouthe, that If in thy mercy thou wouldest preserue his Life, and the Life of all thos that wer ingaged in that bisnes, for the Chorch and King, that I would upon the day I should reseue the sertanety of so greate a blesing (which would be a greter com fort to me than any, becas my deare Hosband, had so greate a Hand in that bisnes) reseue the Blesed Sacrement, and dedecat to the seruis of my God 5 pound sterling in Gould. I doe in acknoledgment of God's great goodnes, in the returne of this my Horn- bell petetion, in to my owne bosom, by granting that not onely the Life, and Le- berty, but allso the estayts of Sr Go: Bouthe, and all thos that wer ingaged in that designe, (Hoping it was for the King's, Chorch and nation's good) wer all secured to them by an ackte of parle- ment being publeshed Fryday the 2".? of March, 1659, on which day, I doe with God's Viscountess Mordaunt. 35 God's Blesing resolue euery yere, in per- formons of my voue, to reseue the blesed sacrement, and to dedecat to the seruis of my God 5 pound sterling in Gould, kep ing the eue as a fast, and saing a prayr of thanJisgeuing euery Fryday wekely, this grete mercy being publesed on that day. Lord inabel me to perform this my resolution. And acsept of my intentions, when I shall notbe in a condetion to doe it. The prayer for FR YD A Y. When I was in trubell I called upon the Lord and he herd me. I lifted upe myne eyes unto the Hills from whence cometh my helpe. For in the Lord was my trust. For when nothing but Bloud and distrucktion could be expected when Sr G. B. was taken, the bisnes destroyd which was designed for the good of the nation, Chorch and King and the Liues of my frinds and relations, and (24 rev.) 36 The Diarie of the and many Honest pepull in danger to be deuoured by the enemy ; I then Hombeled my selfe before thee my God, and vnto thee I mayd my supplecations and my voues, for the Liues of all thos thy distresed pepull. And tho' I was alltogether vnwor- thy to open my mouthe before thee my God, yet Lord thou hast in mercy con- sedered my complaynt. For thou hast turned my Heauynes in to Joy, by granting me the request of my Lyipes ; For thou hast not onely most miracu- lusly preserued the Liues of all thos thy seruants, in who as behalfe I supplecat- ed, but thou hast restored unto them thayr Lebertys, and estayts. O euer praysed be God that hathe not geuen us ouer for a pray unto our enemys, but hathe sete our feete in a Larg roume. For if the Lord him selfe had not bin on our side, when men rose up aganst us, they had swaloed us upe quike, when they wer so wrathefuly displesed Viscountess Mordaunt. 37 displesed at vs, but our Helpe and de leueranc came from the Lord, wliich hathe mayd Heuen and yerth, for he hathe dune great things for vs, wherof we now reioyce, for many a time haue our enemys stroue with us, but they haue neuer prevaled against vs; O my Soule trust thou in the Lord, for with my God thayr is mercy and with him thayr is plentius redemption, and to Him, for euer be the Glory. Amen. How infenately mercyfull beyond ex- preshon hathe thy most Glorus maity apeard to me the most unworthy of Creturs, and to my Deare Hosband. Lord contenu thes thy mercis, and so santephi them to us, as to betur us by them, and make us so intyerely thyne, as that we may spend our hole Liues in thy seruis. Lord glorephi thy selfe by us, geuing us grace to glorephi thee bothe heare and eternaUy Heareafter. Amen. Agust (25 rec.) 38 The Diarie of the (25 rev.) AgustyeSlst. 1661. A Prayr of thanks geuing for my safe deleueranc from ye payn of Child berthe of my daughter Cory borne July 1661. y* 29 th day. While I hue I will prayse the Lord, I will sing prasis vnto my God whde I haue any being ; euery day will I bles thee, and I will prase thy name for euer and euer. I will speke of the glorious Honer of thy maiesty and of thy wonderous worcks. For it was my God that supported me in my distres, geuing me strenthe in the time of nede and turned my Heuynes into Joy by Granting me a safe, and Hapy deleueranc, and the blesing of a Live and perfit chdde, afording that the menes of babtisme, and me, the Joy, and comfort of seing my selfe safe out of my bed of wekenes, and my deare Hosbande and childurne in Viscountess Mordaunt. 39 (26 rec.) in Helthe, all wliich, with all outher blesings, I must owne emediately from thee my God, it is then meete and just that to thee I returne the prays, and Glory of it, for great is our Lord, and great is His poure, yea, and his wisdom is infenate. O prays the Lord, for it is a good thing to sing prasis unto our God, yea, a joyfull and plesant thing it is to be thankfull, ther for, with Angels and Arch angels and with all the company of Heven we Laud and magnifie thy Glorus name, euer mor prasing thee and saing, Holy Holy Holy Lord of Hosts, heauen and earthe ar full of thy Glory. Glory be to thee O Lorde Most High. . Amen. 1661, De. f 21th. before reseuing ye Sacrement. How Dar I apoch before thy drede- full Maity that haue so often and so Justely 40 The Diarie of the Justely prouoked thy wrathe and indig nation aganest me, by so many repeted actes of sin and vanety, of which my owne contienc acusos me, 0 how cane I hope that thou wdst sufer me to come unto thee, and that thou wdst giue thy selfe unto me, which I ernestely long after, but knowing my selfe so unwor thy to reseue thee, I dare not presume to aske it of thee, when I conseder my owne udenes ; but when I Locke upe to thee I am so filed with the sight of thy infenat mercy and goodnes, that arte redy to ofer me thyne owne Blod for my clensing and thyne owne Body, for my strengthening, and suport in ye was of Holynes, I then with y" uoys of Joy and thanksgeuing crye aloude unto thee for mercy, Mercy my Lord, mercy, bothe to forgiue and to suporte me, and not only me, but my deare Hosband, Lord God of thy goodnes tacke us bothe into thy care, giue us contretion and amend ment, make us bothe thine, and then 0 Lord Viscountess Mordaunt. 41 Lord kepe us so, Lete our Soules be right Deare and pretious in thy sight, Lete thy truth and thy mercy, be allwas with us, and so shaU our delight be daly in thy name. Amen. A Prayr of thanks geuing For my deare Hosband' s recouer from ' His greate and dangerus illnes Julyf 16th 1662. Who is hke unto ye Lord our God, that hathe his dwelling so High, and yet Humbleth him selfe to behould ye things that ar in Heauen and earth, he taketh ye simpul out of ye dust and Liftethe yB poure out of ye mire, he Helethe ye scick, and releuethe ye nedy, eh hathe compation on ye afhckted, for which I must euer prayse yc Lorde, my Tunge must euer be shoing forthe his prayse from Jenoration to ienoration, for he hathe releued me in all my dis- g tresis, (27 rec.) 42 The Diarie of the tresis, he hathe supported me in my gretest aflicktions, and in his dew time hathe deleuerd me from them, O How unworthy am I to haue reseued such mercis, and How unfitt am I to returne thanks for them, but thou my most Gratious God and Sauer, that hathe multeplyed thy blesings to me, by geuing me ye Life of my deare Hosband not only out of ye Hands of his enemys, but Likewis from ye Gase of Death which he was ney unto by sikines, for this and for all outher thy mercis and blesings not to be numbured giue me leue O my God to prays thee, prays y" Lord O my Soul and all that is within me prays His Holy name, for y6 worcks of y" Lord ar greate sought out of all them that haue plesur tJiereinn. Ye mercy full and gratious Lord hathe so dune his maruelos worcks, that they ought to be had in rememburanc, he sent redemtion to his pepull, he hathe comanded his couenant for euer, Holy and (27 rev.) Viscountess Mordaunt. 43 and reuerent is His name. Ye feare of jf Lord is ye begening of wisdom, a good understanding haue all they that doe therafter, the prayse of it indurethe for euer. Amen. What I promos to pay to j" poure euery yere, so long as God shall enabell me, and I hombely bege his Grace to performe them. He that geuethe to ye poure lendeth to ye Lorde, and it shall be returned him seuen fould. Ye Lord loueth a cherfull Geuer. On yB 2^.d of June euery yeare, to kepe a thanks geuing for ye meraculus de leueranc of my deare Hosband on that day, from ye perell of Death, and on ye same day, to giue 5 pound in gould to yB vse of ye poure; to acknoledg my Hosband's Life and yc comforts I reseue by (28 rec.) 44 The Diarie of the by it, holy from God's hands, and to prayse him for it. To dedecat to ye vse of y" poure ye tenthe parte of aU ye rent I shall reseue from my owne land of inherytanc, which was my owne befor I was to mary. To pay to my pours box, six pence euery night, and morning, in ackno- ledgment that ye safety content and preseruation of my deare Hosband my chdderne and my selfe, ye day and night past, came from ye Hand of God. To dedecat to my God 5 pound ster hng in gould upon ye 2nd of Marche, euery yere, and to reseue ye sacrement on yB same day, so long as I shall be abed to doe it, in rememberanc and acknoledgment of ye greate blesing con ferred to me on that day 1659, by an ackte of parlement then publeshed, for ye Life, fredom, and estaytes, of Sr Gorge Bouthe and aU thos that had asisted in that bisnes, for whous safetys I hade before Viscountess Mordaunt. 45 before mayde this voue. (The rest of this page in the MS is imperfect.) Euery Sonday to giue God thanks for preseruing my deare hosband from aU unLafull quarels disputs or deuels, and to dedecat unto him. euery Sonday sixpenc in acknoledgment I reseue that blesing from his hand, so long as in his great mercy he shall preserue my deare hosband out of them, which I hombely bege him alwas to doe. Befor y" Sacrement. Octo.y 4th 1662. How vnworthy am I to be admited to thy tabeU, O blesed Sauier, that haue so long neglected thy mercis oferd unto me, in thy most blesed Sacrement ; I cane haue no confedenc no comfort no hope, but in that, and so to refus my owne blis as not to reseue it, when it was oferd me by ye master of ye feast who is ye feast him selfe, is to haue ren- derd my selfe so unworthy of it, that I canot (28 rev.) (29 rec.) The Diarie of the canot see how I dare to presume to come to it, hauing outher Lodes of sines upon me, to incres this gdt; but my comfort is thou didst not Leve this greate pledg of thy Loue to ye hole, but to ye sick, for thy owne words, y6 Hole nedes no phesetion, and agane, Come unto me all ye that trauilland be Heuy Laden, and I will refresh you, Lord I come unto thee so Loden with sine and vanety, with neglect of thy seruecis, and Lucke- warmnes and dulnes, in all I haue in- deuerd to performe, that I am a fitt ob- iect for thy pety, so wekid that I nede greate repentancis, and so dull that I am not capabell of them, but Lord hirst by thy poure tuch my harte to make it sensabuU of its vdnes, and then with thy gentull hand of mercy, tuch it with a heling tuch, that may bothe dense and cure it, and so unite it unto thee, that it may neuer more departe, from ye Loue, and feare, of thee. Amen* Dec. Viscountess Mordaunt. 47 Dec. ye 24th Christmas Eaue. befor y" Sacrement. That thou hast agane O my God brought me so neare reseuing yfc Blesed Sacrement, after all my vnworthynes is a mercy so greate, I canot expres it, for how often sence thy Last mercy to me in this kind, haue I greued, and ofended thee my God, and haue brought my selfe by my owne wekednes, within ya compas of ye Snares of Death, nay ye pains of Hell haue nye gat hould upon me, but thou my most Gratious God, hathe deleuered my Soule from Death, ye Death of sinne, mine eyes from feares, and my feet from falling, for tho my sins ar more than ye Hares of my hed, and doe daly multeply upon me, and ar becom a burden to heuy for me to Beare, yet turne thou agane unto thy rest O my Soul, for y" Lord hathe re- demed thee. Why then arte thou so trubeled O my Soule, and whi is my harte (29 rev.) so 48 The Diarie of the so greened within me. For I will reciue y" cup of Saluation and call upon y° name of jf Lorde, I will pay my vows in ye pre- sanc of his people, for I will offer to thee y6 Sacryfice of thanksgeuing and call upon y" name of my God. Amen. (30 rec.) Before y° Sacrement March 1, 1662. Neuerthelese tho I be sumetims afraid yet put I my trust hi ye Lord, he ueryly is my hope and my strength, he is my defenc, so that I shall not greately fall, for tho my sins be as ye sand of ye sea innewmerabull, and ye wate of them a burden to heuy for me to beare, yet my God will not suffer me to sink under them, but hathe prepared for me a Heuenly nurishment, to preserue my body and soul into euerlasting Liffe, Lord make me pertaker of thy heuenely misteris in Faith that neds not be a shamed, in Loue unfaned; and then Lord Viscountess Mordaunt. 49 Lord acsept of my most hombell prasis, which I am to offer unto thee to morow at thy tabeU, for ye deleueranc of thos pour pepull, in whous behalfe I supple- cated; and in memory of ye blesing of thayr deleueranc I shall to morow by thy asistanc, ofer upe the performanc of my voues, and Likewis bege thy bles ing upon me, in ye hour of my trauill, which now drawes nye, Lord clothe me with ye armer of patience, and giue me a cherfull submetion to thy will, whether it be for Liffe, or deathe ; in bothe Lord make me thyne. Amen. A thanks geuing to my God for y" berthe of my sone Hary, and my Hapy and safe deleuery of him after so greate a fitt of scicknes and weknes, he was borne upon a Sonday y* 29th of March 1663. Apon that day euery weke I doe h promas (31 rec.) 50 The Diarie of the (31 rev.) promas and resolue by God's asis tanc (when I am abell) to say this foloing prayr of thanks geuing, or sum outher, for this unexpected mercy. Lord pardune any ometion I shall make, in this my resolution. Y° thanks geuing for SONDAY. To my God be all ye Glory and prays for my recouery, and hapy deleuery, and for ye great blesing of my sone; it was his goodnes, it was his bounty, it was his mercy, that granted so greate a bles ing, to so unworthy a cretuer, for I am so base, so vde, so ungratefull that I am not fitt to ofer prasis to my God, but thou my Gratious God art plesed to say, (who so offereth me thanks and praise he Honor ethe me, and to him that ordereth his conuersation a right will I shew f salua- tion of God) my dearest Lorde giue me grace so to order (by thy asistanc) my Liffe Viscountess Mordaunt. 51 Liffe and Conuersation, that my prasis may be acsepted in thy sight, for thou shalt open my Lips O Lord, and my mouth shall show forthe thy prays, for thou hast shoed thy strength in my wekenes, for my God was my Helpe and strength, a very present helpe in trubell, O God acording vnto thy name, so is thy prayse unto ye worlds end ; thy right hand is full of righteousness and of thy goodnes and bounty thayr is noe ende; O make my deare Hosband and I sensabull of ye abundanc we haue felte of them, by thy contenuaU preseruation of us, and mercis to us, therefor this God shall be our God for euer and euer he shall be our guide unto Death. Amen. The prayer for SONDAY. Derest Lord in thy mercy preserue and kepe my deare Hosband, from all blode gilltynes, preserue him from in- ioring or horting any person what so euer, 52 The Diarie of the euer, and preserue and kepe him from being horte, or iniored by any, make make him thyne, Lete his Soule be right deare and pretious in thy sight, and preserue his person in honer and helthe, free from all unLafull quarels or disputs or deuels; and that in thy great goodnes thou hast bin plesed to preserue him thus Long out of them, giue us grace bouthe to prays thee for it ; and acsept of this sixpenc which I humbely dedecat (The last line of this pap in the MS is illegible.) Amen. (32 rec.) July f 29th 1663. A thanks geuing for my deare Hosband's deleueranc from any dangerus ill, when he was ouer turned in ye Coche neare Wabridg. My Gratious God, thou that multe- plyes dayly thy mercis to me, increse thy grace Like wis in me, that I may by Viscountess Mordaunt. 53 by thy asistanc be inabeled to prays thee as I ought, for thy goodnes to my Deare Hosband and me thy vnworthy seruants, thou gauest thy Holy Angels chardg ouer him that he should not hort his futt aganst a stone, thou hast preserued him from tractor of bones, from ye vio- lens of enemyes, and chance, and hast brought him therow this last great dan ger, with safety and helthe, and for all this what haue I returned, but sins and wekednes, but I acknoledg my falte, and my sin is euer before me, O turne thy fase from my sines and put out aU my misdedes, so shaU I be abell to prays thee, for thou shalt open my Lipes O Lord, and my mouthe shah sho forthe thy prays. Sep. y" 5th 1663. The vngodly shall not be abell to stand in y" Judgment, nether y6 siners in ye con gregation of the RigJiteous, How shall I dare (33 rec.) 54 The Diarie of the dare then to apear befor thee my God that am so notorus a siner, yet thou 0 Lord art my defender thou art my wor ship and y" Lifter vpe of my hed, Lord Lift thou vpe ye Light of thy countenanc vpon me, then will I come into thy hous, euen vpon ye multitude of thy mercy, and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy tempull. Lead me 0 Lord, in thy righteousnes becas of my enemy, make thy way plaine befor my Face, Lest he deuour my Soul like a Lyon and teare it in pieces whil ther is none to helpe, but my help cometh of God. Conseder and heare me 0 Lord my God, Lighten my eyes, that Islepe not in Death, thou shalt also Light my Candell, y Lord my God shall make my Darcknes to be Light, 0 kepe my Soul and deleuer me, lete me not be confounded, for I haue put my trust in thee, Lett perfectnes and Righteous dealing wate vpon me for my Hope hathe bin in ye Lord. Amen. Nov: Viscountess Mordaunt. 55 Nov: f 1th 1663. Befor ye Sacrement. How wonderftdl is thy mercy to me, O my Gratious God, for when my ne- gleckt of thy seruis, my Cometions and ometions hade brede such a Lucke- warmenes in my Soule, that my harte grew sade and Heuy, within me, to find so great a dedenes thayr, thy mercyfull hand hathe so tuched me with a sence of my gdet, that I cane now bewale it, and that with comfort, O Lord Lucres that soroe, and then my Joy will be great, in thee, for by that sorow, I shad be come fitt to entortayne thee, for when my Soule is bathed in my owne teears I know that my Lord and Sauier will thoroly dense it, in his Bloud, and then present it to my father and his father, in Hous hands it will be safe for euer- more. Amen (33 rev.) Dec. 56 The Diarie of the (34 rec.) Dec. f 24th 1663. befor y" Sacrement. O the vnbounded mercy of God to mene, that wdl voutesafe to conseder so reched a cretuer as I am, and so to con- seder me, as not only to inuite me to him, but to come him selfe to me, and to giue him selfe to me, that am so vnfitt to reseue him, that I feare to doe it, and if I doe not, I shall be tene thou sand times more meserabed than I ame, hauing no cure, for all my gdt, but this, this most blesed and pretious body and blode of my Sauier, for this balme of Geloed I come, and no way douting ye cure I come, to reseue it, and when in thy mercy and by thy purety thou hast once more clensed me, O suffer me not to be agane defiled, but establish thy blesed Sperit with me, that to his wdl, I may pay so parfitt an obedienc, that all my wase, wordes, and actions, may Viscountess Mordaunt. 57 may thrue ye merits of my blesed Sauier, be acseptabel in thy sight 0 Lord my God. Amen. March f 1st 1663. befor y" Sacrement on my berthe day. That in thy mercy thou hast bin plesed, O my God, to ade this yere more to my days, I will extoU thee, but when I conseder, how many blesings thou hast aded to thy former mercis, I know not How to prays thee as I ought, to recount them, wer endles, but Lord so fiU my harte with yc aprehentions of them, that I may neuer seese to Loue thee, that hath so blest me, and Lord that I may be yB fitter to prays thee giue thy selfe vnto me, in ye blesed vecerest, and Giue me Grace to resigne my selfe holy vnto thee, that being once more vnited vnto thee by the blesed Sacrement, I may neuer depart from thee, and thy will ; i but (34 rev.) 58 The Diarie of the (35 rec.) but by thy asistanc, renewing my pro- mas mayd at babtisme, to renounce ye world ye flesh and ye deuell, I may, not withstanding all thayr indeuers to y* contrary, become Holy thine, which Lord of thy Gret mercy grant. Amen. Lete me neuer forgit to prays thee for ye preseruation of my deare hosband and chdderne, and for ad ye comforts I reseue by them, Continu them to me, O my God of it seme fitt in thy sight. Amen. Aprell f 9th 1664. befor ye Sacrement. It is yB Lord, that giues him selfe agane to me, with what confedenc dare I presume to reseue him, that haue so often abused of this very mercy, but 'tis the Lord giues, and shall I not take, yes Lorde come quickly, for thy seruant wates for thy coming and Longs to inioy Viscountess Mordaunt. 59 inioy thee, not as a gest but as an inha- bytant, that thou mayst for euer dwell with me, and I with thee. He that dwelleth in y" secrete place of jf most High, shall abide vnder the shadow of y" Allmighty. O Lete my Harte sore vpwards and dwell with thee aboue, then shaU I be sure of thy protecktion heare beLow ted in thy dew time, thou shalst transLayte me, from this earthly tabernaked, to a Hevenly mantion, where with Angels and Archangels and with all ye company of Heuen I shad Laud and magnephy thy Glorious name. Amen. A thanks geuing for ye 29th of May euery yere, it being y" Day of y" King's Hapy restoration, and a begening to y" Churches Setelment What praysis cane I render vnto thee my God, worthy thy acseptanc at any time, (36 rec.) 60 The Diarie of the time, tho' in the gretest aflicktions, which stdl is Lese than my sines doe daly deserue, and therfor requirs my Harty and Hombed thanks for thy goodnes, in not poneshing them, accord ing to thayr merit. . O What prases then, cane I now ren der vpon this day, on ye which, thou hast shored such multetuedes of mercis vpon me, apon me as I partake in ye pubLeck good, apon me as being a member of thy Church, apon me, in ye pertecoler, and personaU comforts, that my deare Hosband and I, haue reseued, by ye King's most Hapy and miracolos restoration apon this day, a merecol past expectation. For How did they incres that trubeled ye pese and prosperety of this Chorch and nation, and many they wer that rose vpe aganst ye Just rights of thine aninted, saing thayr is no Helpe for Jiim in his God, but thouO Lord wert his defender, and the Lifter vpe of his heade, thou didest arise Viscountess Mordaunt. 61 arise in thy pouer and in thy mercy and smotest ad his enemyes, and hast Broken ye bondes of ye vngodly. Ad prasis beLonges vnto ye Lord, for thy Blesing is apon thy peopell. Heare me when I call 0 God of my Righteousness for thou hast sete vs at Leberty when we wer in trubed, haue mercy apon vs now, and Herkon vnto our prases. For now that ye Lord hathe redemed us we wdl not be afrade tho tenn thousand of pepud should seet them selues aganst vs, for when we caled apon ye Lord with our voycesis, he Herd us out of his Holy Hill, O Lete vs serue ye Lord in Feare and reioyce befor Him, for thou hast put gladnes in our Harte therfor my voyce shalt thou heare betimes O Lord early in y* morning will I di- reckt my prases vnto thee, and will Look vp, and Lete all them that put thayr trust in thee reioyce, and euer be geuing of tJianks to thee, becas thou defendest them that Loue thee, and makest them JoyfuU (36 rev.) (37 rec.) The Diarie of the Joyfud in thee, for thou Lord wilt giue thy Blesing vnto f Righteous, and with thy fauerabull kindnes wilt thou defend them as with a sheled, therfor Lete vs pute away from vs ad workes of vanety, and wekednes, for ye Lord hathe herd y* voyc of our weping, ye Lord hathe herd our petetion, ye Lord hathe reseued our prayers; for ad our enemis, ye ene mis of Chorch, and King, and nation, ar confounded, and put to shame sud denly ; twas in y6 Lord I put my trust, and he hathe saued, and deleuerd us, from them that persecuted vs, I will therfor giue thanks vnto the Lord acord- ing to his righteousnes, and will prase ye name of if Lord ye most High. 0 Lord our Governor how exsellent is thy name in all ye worled, thou that hast sett thy Glory aboue the Hevenes- Out of the mouth of very Babes and Sucklings Jiast thou ordayned strength, becas of thyne enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and y1 Auenger. F Viscountess Mordaunt. Ye Prayer. O Lord ade to thes multetude of Blesings, this great one, that our ingra- tetued may not turne them all into corsis, O Giue vnto our Princ, and to ye Rulers of this Chorch, and nation, to me, and-f o my deare Hosband in per- tecoler, so true a sence of thy mercis, as that we may not dayre to ofend thee that so Highely hathe blest vs, O perdon our sins past, and Lete this day, as it is a renewing of our prasis, becom an incres of our deuotions, and a menes of our repentanc, and amendment. Lead us O Lorde in thy Eitusnes, becas of our enemyes, make thy way playne befor our face, for if our wekednes contenu, 'tis to be feard thou wdst increse our enemyes, and make vs to flye befor them; but thou O Lord and Sauier who arte fud of mercy and goodnes, turne our Hartes from ad our weked wase, and so fix them vpon thee, as that we may be acsepted The Diarie of the acsepted by thee, bothe heare, and eternaly heare after. Amen, Amen. (37 rev.) (38 rec.) My God, to whome I aches my prayers and my voues, in ad my aflicktions, I now apeare befor thee to performe a vow mayd for the recouery of Mr. Bumball; whous being restored to perfitt helthe by thy mercy, bringes me now apon my knees to returne thanks to thee my God, and to performe my promas mayd vnto thee in his behalfe, which I hombely bege of thee my God to acsept, and to perdun any negleet or misdemenur in the making or performing any promas or vow, adrest to thee my God, Blesed for euer. Amen. June f 2nd 1664. O Lord as thou in thy infenate good nes, douest ade yeares to ye Liffe of my deare Viscountess Mordaunt. 65 deare Hosband and me, ade gratetued to our Hartes, that as this pertecoler day of my deare Hosband's deleueranc yearely retornes, so Lete our duty to thee in crese, and Lete our prases to thee be shoed, by our Liues and Conuersations, as well as by our Lipes. For as thy good-nes was great and thy pouer won- derfull, in the deleueranc of my dear Hosband apon this day, so hathe thy mercy contenued to us euer sence, by Heping apon us innumerabull blesings, as if thou tookest dehght in vs, O what ar we, and what is our Fathers Hous, that thou shouldest conseder such ded doges, O Lete not this mercy be alwas in vane, and we contenu stdl, ye very worst of thy creturs, but Lete it haue that pourfull efect with us, for which I know thou doust desine it, the Torning us from our weked ways, and the n aking us nerer, and derer, vnto thee, to which blesed end, Lord giue us senser repen tanc, and wdls perfittly resined to thyne, * that 66 The Diarie of the (SSrev.) that in ad condetions we may reioyc in thy plesur, and striuing to doe thy will heare, we may be acsepted by thee Hearafter. Amen. June ye 181* 1664. A thanks giuing to my God for my recouery from Scicknes. I sayd vnto my soule, 0 put thy trust in God, for I shall yet giue him thanks, for he is ye Light of my countenanc, and my God, O that I wer abed to thank him, for now with Joy cane I say to my Soule turn to thy rest, for f Lord hathe bin gratious to thee, for notwithstanding the wekednes of my Soule, my God hathe granted ease to my paynes, and in sume mesuer strenth, to my weke Body, prays ye Lord O my Soule, for if ye Lord hade not helped thee, it hade not fayled but thou hadest bin put to sdence Viscountess Mordaunt. 67 sdence in ye graue. But in ye midst of yb trubels that were in my harte thy comforts haue refreshed my Soule, O Lete me go with Bouldnes to y6 throne of Grace, that I may thayr prays thee, with a deuout and Joyftdl harte, that I may find mercy in ye time of need. Amen. 1664: July f 15th. A thanks geuing for y° Bearthe of my daughter Sophia. Thou art my God, and I will thank thee, thou arte my God, and I will prays thee, thou art my God, and I must Loue thee, for ad thy mercis con- tenualy voutsafed me, and in parteco- ler for this Last great deLeuerans from ye payne and pered of chddberth, and for ye Great blesing of a perfitt chdd, thy goodnes is so knowne to me, that I haue great resen patiently to atend apon (39 rec.) 68 The Diarie of the (40 rec.) apon thy will, in ad condetions what soeuer, and to prays thee more, and more, for thou hast showed me great trubels, and aduersities, and yet hast thou neuer forsaken me, but hast re turned in mercy, and brought me out of them ad, na thou hast brought me to great Honer and comforted me on euery side, therfor will I prays thee, and thy faithefulnes, my Lips will reioyc when I prays thee, and so wdl my Soule whom thou hast deliuered, for great things ar thay that thou hast dune for me, and for my deare Husband, 0 Lord who is Like vnto thee, Lete our mouthes therfor spek of thy righteousness and saluation, for we know no end therof. GLor be to f father, #c. When my Deare Hosband was with the Ducke of Yorck, to ingagc aganst the Duch, in Nov: 1664. O Lord I make my Hombed petetion m Viscountess Mordaunt. 69 in thy presenc, 0 be mercyfull vnto the request of my Lipes. Blesed is he that hathe sett his Hope in the Lorde. For great 0 Lorde ar thy wondorus worcks which thou hast dune in thy mercy for me, Like as be also thy thoughts, which ar tow us warde, and yet thayr is none that ordereth them vnto thee. I am sure I doe not, for if I should declar and speke, of ad thy mercis vnto me, thay ar more than I am abed to expres, nay more than my thoughts ar abed to compreHend. Let such as feare thee, and haue knowne thy mercis as I haue dune, be turned unto thee. Lorde thou hast Delt gratiously with me, for I may wed say, it is good for me that I haue bin aflicted. For I remember thy mercis 0 Lorde and reseue comfort, Thy many and great mercys to me of oulde, (40 rev.) The Diarie of the oulde, is now my comfort in this trubed, for the absenc and danger of my deare hosband. For in this my trubed, Lord what is my hope, truly my Hope is euen in thee. Lord thou knowest all my desirs and my groning is not hid from thee. It is Lorde for the safety, Honer, and Helthe of my deare hosband. Lorde as thou hast so often presented him in the gretest dangers, and returned him safe to me, and his deare childerne agane. Lete not Lord thy mercy now slack, for in thee O Lorde doe I put my trust, thou shalt anser for him 0 Lorde my God. Forsacke him not 0 Lorde be not thou fare from him. Haste thee to helpe him 0 Lorde God of oure saluation. I haue often wated patientely apon the Lorde, and he hathe stdl inchned vnto me, and herd my supplecations. And Viscountess Mordaunt. 71 (41 rec.) And hathe deleuerd me, and my deare Hosband out of ad our distresis. With draw not now thy mercy from vs O Lorde, but Lete thy Louing kind- nes and thy mercy alwas preserue my deare Hosband. Lord Lete it be thy plesur to deleuer him, be neare O Lorde to Helpe him in ad his dangers. And then O Lorde pute a new song into myne and my deare Hosband's mouthe, euen a song of thanks geuing vnto our God. Then many shall see it and feare, and shall put thayr trust in the Lorde. And Lete all thos that seeke thee, be Joyfull and glad in thee, and Lete such as Loue thy saluation, say always The Lord be prased. And Lete my deare Hosband's, and my dehght, be alwas in thy comande- ments, which we haue Loued. For thou arte oure helper andredemer make no Long tarying O oure God. Amen. A 72 (42 rec.) The Diarie of the A Prayr of thanks Geuing for my Deare Hosband's safe returne Home, when he went out with the Duck of Yorck to see. Wensday Decern: ye 1th 1664. Blesed O euer Blesed be the Lord God euen the Lord God of Israel, which only doth wondrous and gratious things. O Let my hart be filled with thy Maiesty, and with the sence of thy mercis. 0 God thou arte my God, early will I seek thee. And I will pay my vows which Ipro- mased with my Lips, and spake with my mouthe when I was in trubell. Derest Lord acsept of them, euen my voues of prayes and thanks geuing vnto thee my God. Praysed be God, wJiich hathe not cast out my prayer, nor turned his mercy from me. But hathe Herd me, and consederd the Viscountess Mordaunt. 73 (42 rev.) the voyse of my prayre. For thou O my God hast held the soule of my deare Hosband in Life, and hathe not suffered his feet to slip. For thou hast returned him in safety, and Honer, Home to me and his deare Childerne, which was the request of my Lips. O Come hether and hereon, ad yee that feare God, and heare what he hathe dune for me. I caled vnto him with my mouthe, in my trubed for the absenc, and danger of my deare Hosband. And he hathe turned my trubed into Joy, for which O Lete me giue him prayse with my tong. For ad men that see it must say, this hathe God done, for thay shad perseue that it is his work. The righteous shall reioyce in the Lord, and put his trust in him, and all they that ar treue of herte shall be Glade. T/wu O God arte pray sed in Sion, and L vnto 74 The Diarie of the (43 rec.) vnto thee shall the vows be performed, euen my vows of prays and thanks Geuing. O be Joyfull in God all ye Lands, sing praysis vnto the Honer of His name, make his prays be Glorious. I wid say vnto my God O how won- dorfull arte thou in thy worcks, in thy worcks of mercy towards the Sones of men, for which ad the world shall wor ship thee, and prays thy name. O prays our God with me, all ye peopell, and make the voyse of his praise to be Herd. O my derest Lorde Lete me in per tecoler neuer forgitt to Bles, and prayse thee, who hathe so often preserued bothe my deare Hosband, and me, from ad danger and dishoner, and I Doubte not, but that in thy Greate Bounty, thou widest be plesed to contenue this thy hande of mercy to vs bothe, which I Hombely bege and expect, not for any deserts of our owne, but for the sacke, and and merits, of my Derest Lord and Sauier. Amen. March f 1st 1664. 0 Eternall Lord God, whous goodnes is euer Lasting and whous mercy re- chethe from generation to generation, euen to the therd and forthe jenoration of them that Loue and feare thee. O how Am I filled with Loue and wonder, when I medetat apon thy mercis to me and mine. O Lete me neuer forgitt to commemorat as I aught, the great bles ing voutsafed vnto me, by thy bountefud Leberalety, as apon to morow, in the preseruation and deleueranc of my deare Hosband and ad that party ingaged by him, from the great perells and dangers thay wer in. O Lord it was thy poure, it was thy goodnes, that returned my prayers into my owne bosom, in grant ing my hombell request, and it is that same (43 rev.) 76 The Diarie of the same mercy and goodnes that hathe preserued bothe me, and mine, euer senc, and voutsafed vnto my deare hosband and me, once more the opertunety, of prasing thee, for thes thy mercis, and of performing my voue vnto thee. Lord (44 rec.) in thy mercy acsept bothe of my deare hosband and me, and make vs and ad that shad reseue with vs acseptabed gests at thy tabed, and Lord if it seeme good in thy sight, grant vnto my deare hosband and me, many yeares of comfort together, that we may serue and prays thee in, but not our will but thine, be dune in all things, be it as it seemethe good in thy sight. Amen. Mar: f 25th 1664. Will my God once more admitt me, the most vnworthyest of cretuers, to be reseued a gest at his tabed. O quicken me then with thy Louing kindnes that so I may becom acsepted by thee, and inabuled Viscountess Mordaunt. 77 inabuled by thee, to kepe the testimo nies of thy mouthe. O Lete me neuer forgitt thy commandements for with them thou hast quickened me. I am thine, O saue me, Thy hands haue mayd me and fationed me, O giue me vnder- standing, that I may Lerne thy comand- ments. Suffer not my sins to defas thy emage, which with thyne owne hand thou hast imprinted on me, but so dense and purephy my gilty Soule, in the Blod of my derest Sauier, as that thou maest perserue it to be thyene owne, O Lete thy Louing mercis come vnto me, that I may Liue, and that thy Law may be my delight, so that my hart may be sound in thy statuetes, that I may not be ashamed, and derest Lord grant that my dear hosband, my chdderne and my selfe, may spend our hole Liues in thy seruis, to thy Honer, and Glory and to our Souls comfort, which derest Lord Grant for my Sauier 's sack. Amen. O (44 rev.) 78 The Diarie of the (45 rec.) O my God how cane I sofetientely prays thee, that hathe bin plesed to chuse for me, that which I doubt not but thou wiliest be gratiously plesed to make a blesing to me, the stay of my deare hosband heare. O Lord what am I or what is my father's hous, that I should be thus consedered by thee, to haue my deare hosband preserued at home, free from the danger of sea and ware; O thou that canest preserue in the midst of the gretest dangers, pre serue my deare hosband from ad harme or dl whatsoeuer, whoume thou hast kept by thy mercy out of thos apering dangers, shelter him safe, under the shado of thy wkigs, from ad sinn, or shame, or harmes, ether at home, or abroude, for thos whoum thou protectest ar alwas safe, as by experenc we haue found, therfor Lete bothe my deare hosband, and me, all was prays thee, alwas Loue thee, and alwas serue thee, Lete Viscountess Mordaunt. 79 Lete thy wdl alwas gouerne vs, and Lete vs alwas submitt so joyfudy to it, as that for the sacke and merits of my derest Lord and Sauier, we and ours may be acsepted by thee. Amen. Juue y6 1st 1665. in the Great Plage. Ponder my words O Lord and Con- seder, my petetions. O harken thou vnto the voyce of my calling my King and my God. For vnto thee doe I make my prayre, in the Behalfe of the hole nation in Jenerall, and of my famely in per tecoler, that thou wdest be plesed to comand thy Angel to cease from ponesh- ing, that this plague of pestdenc, which is begun in this nation, may goe no farder, but at thy comand may stope, for tho thy Rothe be just aganst vs, yet Lord remember mercy. And that in thy great mercy thou hast (46 rec.) 80 The Diarie of the (46 rev.) hast bin plesed hetherto to kepe it out of my famely, Lete me and mine neuer forgitt to prayse thee. Lete vs offer our sacrefice of prayse, and put our trust in the Lord. For if we call apon the Lorde he will heare vs, Lord Lift thou vp, the Light of thy countenanc apon vs, and defend vs in this time of danger bothe my deare hosband and me, my childerne, and ad my famely, ad mine, and ad that thou hast bin gratiously plesed to giue vnto me, ad that I am bound to pray for, my parents and my frinds, ad that ar neare and deare vnto me. Derest Lord direct and gide my deare hosband, and me, what we shad doe, wher we shad abide, that in ad things we may doe thy wdl, and in what playce soever we be, derest Lord protect bothe vs, and ours, ether abrod or at home. Eebuck vs not in thine indignation, nether chastis vs in thy displeasure. But haue mercy apon vs O Lord, for we (47 rec.) iscotiu tess Mordaunt. we desire to be thine. Lord make vs so, for thou Lord wilt giue thy blesing vnto the Righteous, and with thy fauerabull kindnes wilt thou defend them as with a shield, for all they that put thayr trust in thee Reioyce, O Lord in thee doe I trust, Lete me neuer be confounded. O Giue thy an geli charge ouer this famely, that the destrying angeli may not aproche it. But Lorde with what confedenc, cane I aske this mercy at thy hands, conseder- ing how often I haue prouoked thee to Rothe and indignation, by a multetued of sins and transgretions, Knoing that thou hast prepared for the weked, the instruments of deathe, and that if a sener douthe not turne from his weked ways, thou O Lord wilt whet thy sorde and bend thy boe, and make it redy to destry them, but turne thou vs O good Lord, and so shad we be turned, for if thou sJiouldest be extreme to mar eke what is dune amis, O Lorde who could abyde (47 M (48 rec.) abyde it, but thayr is mercy with thee, and therfor thou shalt befered. My helpe comethe of God, for the Lord wdl be our defender, he will be oure refuge in this time of nede. Amen. Dec: ye 10th 1665. To thee O God that aboundest in mercy doe I ,come, relying apon that mercy, without which confedenc I durst not aproche thy tabell being alltogether vnfitt for such a blesing, being ouer- Loden with sines and infermetis bothe of Soule, and body, Lord perdun y" one, and strenthen ye outher, that I may be inabuled to prays thee as I ought in y" Land of ye Leuing, my derest Lord doe not only admit me a wellcom ges at thy tabed, but so comfort and strenthen me by it, that I may be inabuled in ye strenthe of it, to suffer what it shall pies thee to Lay apon me, in my trauell and Viscountess Mordaunt. and bed of wecknes, which payns and wecknes Lord metegate, as it shad seme fitt in thy sight, and bles my deare Chdd with the Sacrement of babtisme, and grant that it may be perfitt in body and mind, and a comfort to my deare Hosband and me, that bothe together we may Long prays and gloryphy thee. Amen. A thanks geuing for the berthe of my sone Louis, borne in Oxford, Decern: the 22nd 1665. With all the Vigor of my Harte and Soule Lete me prayse thee and thy greate name extole ; For thou arte gratious, bountyfull, and highe, 0 Lete my prasis vpe to Heven flye, And perse the clouds and to thy throne asend, Wilst heare beloe, I one my knees doe bend, With hombell harte, and mind, desiring still To have my hole life gided by thy ¦will, Thou knoest best to chuse, and best to giue, That with so many mersis, let'st me Hue, To 83 (49 rec.) 84 The Diarie of tin To all the rest, thou hast this aded more, The blesing of a sone, to increse my store, To tlicc I giue him back, O fill his mind With all the vertues, may make him inclined To dedicate his Life vnto thy will, And sho thy prasis forthe with all his skill, That for his parents, and thayr childerne all, His prayers, may on them, lete blesings fall, (50 rec.) Feb: f 3rd 1666. Lete thy prasis my Lord and my God be allwas in my harte and mouthe. For in all my distresis thou hast deleuerd me, nay, when my trubeles haue become sines, euen then, thou hast consedered my Fralety, and forgeuen my ofence, and geuen me ease from my trubed, and now in thy greate mercy thou hast mayd my feares vane, by returning my deare hos band in safety to me, Lord perdun my ofencis, and macke me in sum mesur thankefull, for all thy goodnes to me the most unworthy of thy cretuers, and bles this blesing unto me, by preseruing my deare Viscountess Mordaunt. 85 deare Hosband in helthe and safety, and by preseruing our kindnes for one an outher, and comfort in one an outher, to thy honer and Glory, and the good of our selues, and Deare Chdderne. Amen. March y' 1st 1666. O ur Father of mercis, giue me Leue to prays thee, for being admited once more to bles thee, for thy great mercy voutsaued to us about this time, in the deleueranc of Sr Gorge B: and seuerall outhers ingaged by my deare hosband for ye king from the pered thay wer then in of deathe, derest Lord macke my harte to be alwas fud of Loue, reuerenc, and duty for thee, that so hily hathe blest me, and that now at this time, hathe in sume mesuer esed the trubed I was in, for my my Gratious God macke me all was to depend apon thee, to expecte aduis, and releue, only from (51 rec.) from thee, and in this trubed of my . Lete me relye holy apon thee, for of my selfe I cane doe nothing, Lord tacke me holy in to thy carre, for I am thine, and ernestely desir, (all the days of my Life) to be so, that after this Life ended, I may dwell with thee in Life euerLasting. Amen. (52 rec.) Wensday, May y" 2nd 1666. the day I fell of my Horse. Let me for euer Loue, and prays the Lord, That doethe to me, his goodnes so aforde, He douthe correct me, and yet not destroy, Sure on his mercis, I must still relye, He suffer d me to fall, but rased me strayt, To Lete me know, that from his will, my fate Did still depend, nor should I euer sofor, When ferme on him, I did relye for socor, O Lord forgiue me, that I did ofend So greate a mercy, and so deare a frend, Forgeuen I doe hope my sin is now, Acsepted is my prays, and eke my voue. Which Viscountess Mordaunt. 87 Which with a Joyfull harte I here doe pay Wilst for my hosband, and my selfe I pray, And for my Childerne deare, that we may all, Mercis reseue, and still for mercis calle. May f 29th 1666. To thee My God be all dew prasis giuen For all the blesings I reseue from heven. June y" 6th 1666. A thanks geuing for the Victory obtained by God's mercy at see, apon Monday Juney" 4th 1666. O God how greate, and pourfull is thy name, How farre extended, is thy Glorus fame, For this meraculus suckses at see, Vnto thy selfe, Lete all the prasis bee ; Tho' we were sinfull, pouwerles, and distrest Thou hast vs wonce agane, with victre blest And safely hathe, our generals preserued, Such mercis Lord, we neuer haue deserued, O Let the next, of all thy mercis bee, That all the nation, King, and prests, and we, May haue our hartes, so filled with thy prayse, That for thy blesings, wc niny all sing Lnyes ; For (52ra>.) (5 1 rec.) 88 TJie Diarie of the For to vs mortals, sure no prays is dew, Senc all we do of good, it comes from you, O neuer doe withdra thy pourfull arme, But kepe our Church, nation, and King, from harme, That Hapy pease may Croune his glor'us day, And we our dutis, strickt to thee may pay. (54 rev.) July f 21th 1666. The victory that now thou hast geuen7 Shoes my prays acsepted was by Heuen, To thee a ganc I doe the glory giue, Senc by thy poure we only hapy Hue. July y" 1th 1666. Lete the free will offerings of my mouth plese thee O Lord, For loe tJtayr is not a word in my mouthe, but thou 0 Lord knoest it all to getlter. Derest Lord order and direct them so that with them I may euer prays thee, and be shoing forthe thy goodnes, to my deare hos band, me, and mine. O Let me neuer forgitt them, and at this time in per tecoler T Iscou n tess Mo r daunt. tecoler Lete me Laude thy name, and reioyce in thy mercy, that hathe de- leuerd my deare hosband in sume mesur out of the great strayte he was in, hauing regard to quiat and Honer. O Let thy goodnes be euer knoAvne, and admired, for it was thou my derest Lord that gaue our bisnes Fauer with S1' S. F. Lord perfitt the worck thou hast begon, and if it seme fitt in thy sight bring us altogether out of this trubed, and ad outhers that douthe or shall opres vs. Locke downe in mercy apon this sinking nation, and for thy goodnes sacke, Laye thy supporting hand to this church and nation, and notwithstanding the pryed and strenthe of our enemys, Let them see it is vane, where thou takest the mator into thy hand. Amen. July ye 21th 1666. My derest Lord, tho it be still Thy Hevenly and Gratious will, N That (55 rec.) That I apon the Earthe abide, Yet Let my Harte with thee reside, For the Helthe that thou hast geuen, Thanks I wiU returne to heuen ; From thy hand I doe reseue it, O Lete me euer so beleue it, That vnto thee, I still may pray, And still my vous to thee may pay, Which derest Lord acsept aboue, It is the offer of my Loue, My childerne, Selfe, and Hosband bles With helthe and Loue, and good suckses. (55 rev.) Agist y" 21 That in my Jorny, thou hast Safety sent, To thee dear Lord Let all my prays be bent, And that my hosband, and my childerne deare, Wer all preserued, by thee, in Safety heare, And that we all agane, with Joy ar mete, O hoAV cane I enuf thy prays repete, But derest Lord, doe thou acsept my will Which vnto thine, is dedecated still. Sept: Viscountess Mordaunt. 91 Sep: ye 6th 1666. Thursday. A thanks geuing for the sloping of the Fire in London. It is to thee, my Derest Lord, that I For help, and safety, in distress dowe crye, To thee tis fitt, I should all prays retorne, That when the Sety greate inflames didborne, My hosband, childerne, selfe, and all that's mine, Was safely garded by thy powre deuine, Thy powre I saw, in that deuouring fire, Admired thy Justis, and yet dared desire That thou woulds't thy destroying Angelbede To stop, and heare vnworthy mortals plede For mercy, which so often I had felte, The thoughts of it my soule in teares did melt, And gave me corag constantely to pray, Tell at the last, thou herd'st, and bede'st him stay, Saing it is enuff, I wiU now trye Once more whether they'l chuse to Hue or dye ; O lete vs neuer such a blesin louse, Refusing mercy, and distroction chuse, Let (56 rec.) Let the remembranc of thy powr and Loue Rays all our thoughts and prasis high aboue, That by the stricktness of our Liues, we may Shoe our resentment of the Loue, and say 'Tis from thy hands we did this mercy tacke, 0 Let vs neuer thy Just Laws forsack; That ending our Life heare, we may be blest, In Abraham's bosom, with eternall rest. Amen. (56 rev.) A tJianks geuing for my deare Hosband's being relesed from the trubell oca tio ned him by Mr. Taler, in Parlement. February the 8th 1666. Fryday. 'Tis to thy seruants, Lord thou trubell giues, He is not hapy, that without it Liues, Thy rod, as weU as staff, douth comfort bring, And mackes vs equaly thy prays to sing, For long, thy Rod, thou neuer did'st permit Apon our Shoulders heuely to sitt, Thy Comfortes straytdid vs releue andchere, Taking awav the casis of our feare, My Viscoun tess Mo rda uut. My Hosband, and my selfe, thou ofte hast brought To dangers great, whereby Ave still Aver taute More fermely on our God for to relye, And patiently to beare Avithout replye Thy fatherly corection, which in Loue Thou sent'st to us, for blesings, from aboue, Who neuer left us Long in any greefe, But in thy mercy sent us soune relcfe. As then most gratiously thou did'st alowe Socor to us, that did with trubell bowe, Deleuering us, with Honer, and Suckses, Out of thos hands, who did us sore opres; 0 what retornes of prays ought we to giue To God, that with such mercis let'st us Liue. O Let us spend the remnant of our days In our Creater's, and Redeemer's prays, Let thy most blesed Sperit, on us rest, And mack our praysis with acseptanc blest. Amen. March f 5th 1666. A thanks geuing for my safe deleuery of my Daughter Anne. In the time of my trubell I sought the (57 rec.) 94 The Diarie of the the Lord. I cryed unto God with my voys, euen unto my God did I crye, and he herd me. And hathe deleuered me out of my danger. Thou, euen thou, O my Lord hathe dun it. Thy way O God, is Holy, who is so great a God, as thou arte. I will remember the mercys of the Lord, and call to mind his wonderfull workes. For his power haue I euer seene in my Aveeknes, and felt his mercis in my gretest distresis. O Let me euer be talking of thy wonderfull worcks, and Let me allwas be medetating of thy goodnes. For thy mercis ar infenat, who can repete them/ For tho' hi thy wisdom thou doest visit my ofencis with the Rod, and my sins Avith Scourges, neuer the Les thy Louing kindnes kindnes hathe thou neuer taken from me, nor sufferd thy truthe to fade. Therfor bles and magnephy the Lord thy Greater, O my soul, for all his mer cis and fauers extended to thee, and all that is within me, holy and pure, giue prays vnto and bles his holy and greate name. Amen. Monday ye 1st of July 1666. A thanks geuing for the presentation of my Deare hosband, myselfe, childerne, and famely, from the plage of pestelenc, and for our saffe retorne home, and for the sesing of that plage of pestilenc in tJiis nation; for all which I formerly mayd my hombell request. How greate my God thy mercy did apeare, That we in safety aU retorned were, Free from thos frights, and ills, that sent us hcnc, Preserued safe, by thy most sure defenc, Whihl (58 rec.) 96 The Diarie of the Whilst the destrying pestelenc raged heare, Then great and smaU did falle, both farr and neare Felt thy seuerist Rod, thy Aros keene, And none thayr was, of poAvre, to stand be tweene Vs and our sins, except my Sauier deare, To him I came, and did with hombell feare, My supplecations macke, resting asured, Our saftis all, should be by him procured, To him I mayd my voues, he them acsepts, And all of us in safety he proteckts, And now that thrue the nation helthe apeares, And farr is banesh'd aH our case of feares, 0 Let the pament of my vous now bee Acsepted gratiously my God by thee, That we may safe in thy protection Liue, And unto thee our prasis still may giue, For 'tis from thee alone that Ave are blest, 0 Let us euer on thy mercys rest. Amen. (58 rev.) (59 rec.) July 2nd: 1661: A Prayr of thanks geuing to my God, to be sayd euery Monday in the yere, so long as I Liue. or sum outher Viscountess Mordaunt. 91 outher of tJianks, for the great mercy, that my deare Hosband past unquestioned in the Parlement, tJiat was sumoned in July, by thayr being at tJuit time uery maletious desins aganst him, bothe by Mr. Taler and outliers. Monday. Thou O Lord art worthy of all Honer and prays, for thou hast turned for my deare hosband, and for me, and for bothe our good, our mourning ; and the greate persecution of our enemies was fruste- rated, by thy mercy, and turned to our advantag. I must therfor bles and pras the Lord, for ad that he hathe dune unto me, at ad times, as wed in aduercyty, as prosperety; and his prays, as it shall euer be in my mind and harte, so shall it be contenualy in my mouthe, by declar ing it to outhers. Let all, who soeuer thay be, that haue felt God's fauers, as I haue dune, magnephy and extoll the mercis of the Lord AA'ith me, for his o goodnes, 98 TJie Diarie of th •te (59 rev.) goodnes, and Let vs Joyfuly with one accord exalt, and prays his name toge ther, for when I was in trubell I sought the Lord by prayr, andhombeled myselfe before him, and he reiected not my pe- tetion, but gratiously herd and granted it, and he not only deleuerd my deare hosband from the present danger he Avas hi, but from ad ourfeares adso, Avhen I conseder and duly weigh thy goodnes O my God I canot but in the depth of admeration say What is man that thou art so mindfull of him, or the son of man that thou so uisitest and regardest him, O Lord our God how exselent is thy name in all the Avoided, and hoAV is thy glory incresed, by thy abondent mercys to us meserabell reches. Thy Glory is far aboue the heuens, and yet thou hombelest thy selfe so fare as to preserue, and asist, and deleuer, my deare hos band, my selfe and all ours (the most uiiworthyest of thy cretuers,) by thy wonderfull mercy, therfor out of the mouthe mouthe of very babes and sucklings, shall thy prays be soung, and as for vs and our famely, we will seme the Lord our God. Amen . A thanks geuing to my God, for tJie recouery of my Sone Charles. Agosty' 14th 1661. I will prayse the Lord, and giue thanks vnto his holy name, Avith my hole harte, O harken thou vnto the voys of my prays, for vnto thee did I mack my prayer, O my Lord and my God, therfor to thee will I direckt my prays. For I Avill prays and bles, and giue thee thanks all the days of my Life; what thanks cane I render vnto God, for all wherin he hathe spared and forbom vs, and ours, vntell iioav. O Let me euer in all things, submit to thy will and depend apon thee my derest Sauier. Doe (60 rec.) 100 The Diarie of the Doe thou 0 Lord I beseche thee, in thy vnspekable Louingkindnes, so order and despos of my cleare Hosband, me, and ad mine, as thou knowest to be best pleasing to thee and most expedient for vs. Amen. (61 rec.) A thanks geuing for the Duclis rernoue out of the reuer, when the nation was in so greate danger, to be sayd euery week, so 1 long as I Hue, (this or sum outlier) 1667. Safer day. My derest Lord, acsept I pray The offer of my thanks this day, 1 To thee I Avill for euer pray, And all my thanks to thee I'll pay, For so greate mercy to us all i As to deleuer us from thrall, How neare distraction wer we brought No hope was left, not any thought Could us direckt, which way to tneke, Till thou my Cod did us awacke, And Viscoun tess Mordaun t. 101 And mayd us know, 'twas thee alone That could deleuer us from Scorne, Thou didest thayr Counsels all destroy, Not leting them us mor anoy, But didest thayr hartes to peese inclyne When our men thay did combine, And thought of nothing les than Loue, Which blesing came from thee abouc, Deare Lord contenu it below, And macke us all in grace to groe. Amen. A thanks geuing to my God, for my saue pasag at Sea, and safe landing at Calis. Ascripe unto the Lord worship and strength, giue the Lord the honer due unto his name, for it is the Lord that commandeth the waters. It is the Lord that Ruleth the sea, the voice of the Lord is mighty in operation, the voice of the Lord is a glorious voice. O worship the Lord with holy worship, for the Avonderfull mercis he hatheshoed (61 rev.) The Diarie of flu shoed to me, the most unworthyest of the Daters of men. O Lord my God I prayed unto thee and thou didest heare me, and deleuer me, from the greate dangers we wer in; thou Lord hast brought my Soule out of hell, thou hast kepte my Liffe from them that goe downe to the pit; Sing prasis unto the Lord, O ye sants of his, and giue thanks to him, for a rememberanc of his holynes, for his wrath endureth but the twinkling of an eye, and in his pleasure is Liffe; Jieuynes may indure for a nig Jit, but Joy cometh iu the morning ; O my God I will giue thanks vnto thee for euer. Amen. n\o m. \ We arrived at Mumpiler y' 22: of Decern: Thorsday, 1667. 0 what am I, the Basest of aU things, That should be cared for, by the King of Kings, That his cxseding greatenes should desend, Me to direckt, and me for to defend. It It was his mercy, that my stepes did gide Anto this playce to come, and here reside, Wher from his goodnes, I doe all expeckt, Helthe to me heare, and that he will proteckt My hosband, childerne, selfe, and all that he Hathe gratiously bin plesed to giue to me, That when in Joy, we all at home shall meet, We may our prasis, offer at his feeat, And then we may to aU the worled declar His goodnes shoed to us, bothe farre and neare, And that our childerne all in grace may grow That Ave may Joy in teching them to know That gratious God, who cane alone proteckt Us heare beloe, and vs aboue eleckt, Thayre with his saints, eternaU prays to giue Vnto the Lambe, that doeathe for euer Liue. Amen. March y \22 1667. Acsept Deare Lord in mercy, I thee pray, The weack performanc of my vous this day. (62 rev.) 2 1668. June yc O Lord forgiue, and gratiously reseue My hombell prasis which to thee I giue, Tho' 104 TJie IJiarie of the (63 rev.) Tho' the performanc of my vou be weeke Acsepte it derest Lord I thee intreate. Let me for euer sing thy prays That hathe prolonged thus my days, And giue me grace to spend them in Thy worship 0 eternall king. 'Tis thou 0 Lord cane us alowne defend From all our foes, and sucker to us send. A thanks getting for my safe deleuery of my Sone Osbert, borne at Mumpiler y" — of Apr el 1668. being Ester Eue. I canot numbur derest Lord thy mer cis, that thou contenualy voutsauest to me, the basest of thy Creturs, this last deleuranc from so greate a danger, shall macke me from all shin I hope a stranger, Dear Lord reneAV thy grace within my ! harte, that on my parte, all prasis I may render to thee, my Life's defender. O leade my Stcpcs into the pathos of Life, for Viscountess Mordaunt. 105 for in thy presants is ad end of strife, the woiied, the flesh, the deuell, shall loues thayr poure, and by thayr snares no more strive my Soule for to devoure, when in thy presants lenioy thos plesurs which nothing cane distroy. I doe reioyce and prays my gratious God, for my deare Sone which- thou wast plesed to send me, that welingly I might retorne him back. O Let me euer vnto thy Avill submit that I may adwas gouerned be by it, my hosband and my childerne, derest Lord protect, and gratiously doe thou thayr was direckt, and when Ave all at home in comfort Liue together, Lete thy most gratious hand that brought us the ther, stdl shelter and preserue us for thyn owne, senc that alone^cane macke vs hapy. My soul cleare Lord doe thou for ever fill With Loue, with duty, and with prasis still, And by thy merits Derest Lord supply My imperfections, when to God I cry p For The Diarie of the (67 rec.) For mercy for vs all, for all that's mine, 0 doe thou gratiously to vs inclyne. Amen. Juhl ,f i:reteri. ****** Fryday, yc 1 9: of October. Mon tp Her. Kings shall fall downe, and worship thee 0 King, Nations shall serue thee, and thy prasis sing, Th' flickted, and the poor, thou hast releued, Thou neuer falest them, in the time of neede, Thou comest to them, lick showres upon the grass, Gentely, distdling, comforts, when alas My faint and tyred hopes, wer almost spent, Thou herd'st the prayers, that vpe to heuen I sent, My God, my strenth, and portion is for euer, Let not my fralety, ease me e're to seuer, From thee my God, doe thou my futsteps gide, That in thy presants I may still reside, That when my flesh, my hart, my life dothe fade, My derest Sauier may for me preuaU. That Fauer in thy countenanc, I may find, And that my Judg, m ay proue to me most kind, That That into blis and Glory I may be Reseued by him, who gaue his Life for me. Amen. No: y" 1: WJien my deare Hosband was apon his Jorny to Montpiler and my sone Hary. To houme, O my Glorus God, but to thee, shoidd I come, Whome haue I in heu.cn but tJiee, and what haue I on Earthe but from thee, ad things with out thee ar mesery, and all things blest by thee contrebut to my hapynes, my hosband and my childern ar blesings from thee, and mayd so by thee, deare Lord contenu them so to me, and me to them; that thro thee, Ave may be com- fortes to one an outher; and macke vs all thine ; bles my deare hosband in this his Jorny, by thy protection and proue- clenc, bring him safe to me, and our child, that is a coming ; and bles vs heare to gether; (67 rev.) to gether; and as thou hast euer bin our most gratious pro teeter (and I trust wdl euer be) so deare Lord, direckt and gouerne ad our actions and resolutions, Let thy wdl allwas gouerne ouers, and let our will allwas submit to thine; that AAhich is thy will, alwas conserning vs, wdl euer be best for us, O Lete thy mercy allwas direckt vs in it, for Avith- out that infinit mercy of thine, Ave shad allwas goe a stray; doe thou O Lord Lede vs in the pathe of Liffe, for in thy presens is the fullnes of Joy, and at thy right hand thayr is plesurs for euer more. Amen. (68 rec.) No: if 9: Fiday. Deare Lorde I am heare befor thee, most hombely to acknoAvledg thy infenat goodnes, in votsafmg my deare hosband a safe and hapy pasag cros the sea, and in preseruing him so far of his jorny, as to Paris, O Let thy mercyfull hand goe along ¦W*W¥* Viscountess Mordaunt. 109 along with him thoroout, that he may ariue here in safety, to thy honer, and our comfort, and O Lorde be with vs, and ours euery where, that we may al was walke befor thee, in the light of thy countenanc, O Let vs and ours serue the Lord our God, that we may be blesed for euer. Amen A Prayr at my deare Hosband's arming at Montpiler, No:f 11; 1668. being Sonday. 'Tis thou my Lord art greate, and good, alone Thy mercys derest Lord to vs ar knowne, Throeought our Liues thay constantelyapeare And helpe to banish our well grounded feare Which our contenuall giltes create, Making vs drede our sade deserued faite, Which to releue, all human helpes ar vane, Did not thy goodnes rayse us upe againe, Saing, my grace sofetient is, for thee I dyed. And will forgiue thee, and with thee reside, If all thy giltes, thou'lt lay aside, Who (68 rev.) 110 The Diarie of tin Who can that hapy worck efeckt but thee, Most pourfull Lord, doe it, O do't that we Most cherfuly may sing thy wondro's prays, And in thy seruis, end our hapy days, Let thy pourfull hand that brought him hether Preserue and kepe vs hapely to gether, And gouerne so -the remnant of our Liffe That which shall serue thee best, may be our striffe, And that our childerne and our seluesmaybee For euer hapy, being blest by thee. (69 rec.) Montpiler. Dec: f 22; Saterday. A medetation apon CJirisfs Sermon on the Mount. Enlighten my eyes, that I may Avalke not in darcknes, but in the way of thy comandements, O my Lord, Lede me in the pathe of Liffe, and suffer me not to stray. O Let thy wordes be euer before me, thy blesed Sermont in the Mount, imprint it in my harte, that it may be the gide by which I may stere the hole corse of my Liffe. It is thyne owne Viscountess Mordaunt. Ill owne wordes, O macke me. to valu them as thine, and to obay them as thine; To that end, most blesed Sperit, giue me thy asisting gras, without which, I cane nether comprehend, nor obay them, and Avith Avhicb, I cane doe ad things. O suffer me not to resist thy most blesed Sperit, that I may haue a plase in the Kingdom of Heauen. That I may so morne for my sins, as that by it I may be comforted. And that in meeknes I may pas this earthely pdgremage. O macke me to honger and thirst after Righteousness, that I may be filled, and that I may obtaync mercy, Lord macke me mercyfull. Thou oidy Lord canest macke me pure in harte, (that commandest me to (69 rev.) be so,) Avash me by vertue of thy most pretious blod, (shed for me,) and I shall be whiter than snow, and so dense, and clothe me Avith thy merits, that I may see God, for I shall behould thy pre- santcs 112 The Diarie of the santes in Riughtusnes; Clothed with the Rightusnes of my Derest Lord and Sauier, and when I awack vpe after thy Licknes, I shall be satisphid with it. For the pease of God which paseth ad vnderstanding Let me euer pray, and that I may be thought worthy to inioy that pease; O make me to hue pesa- bely in this world, to secke pease Avith ad men, and to secke and indeuer, the pease of all men, that I may not oidy be caled, but may be thy chdd, O my God; and that when persecutions come, I may submit to them as thy chdd, and reioyes in them, if they be for Right- eousnes sake, that I may haue a portion in thy Kingdom, O my Father. O Lete me neuer deserue to be euel spoken of, O my Sauier, but if thou thinkest me worthy to be reuiled and persecuted, and dispised, for thy name sake, thy wdl be dune. O Let my Joy be anserabell, to the aduantag Viscountess Mordaunt. 113 aduantag thou promasis to thos that ar derided for thy sacke, that my reward may be in Heuen, but I am not worthy, I am not worthy of it. But derest Lord doe thou so sesen my hart with thy grace, that I may neuer be cast out from thy presanc, but may by the asistanc of the holy Sperit, so hue, as that outhers Avho shall see the Light of thy countenanc shine apon me, may glorephi the Father which is in heauen. And thou O Lord that earnest to ful- fid, and not to destroy the LaAv, giue me grace so farre to foloAV thy exsamped, as to obay thy Holy Commandements, to the vtmost of my indeuer, that by my exsampel I may teache them to outliers, that tho' I am altogether vn worthy of a greate playse in thy Kingdom, yet thoro the merits and mercy of my derest Sauier I may be mayd fitt, to be reseued the ther tho' into the Last, and the Loist playse thayr. q And (70 rec.) (70 mi.) And that I may not be shut out from thes hopes, of entering in to thy King dom, Grant that my righteousnes may exceede that of the Scribs and Farisees, Let it be senser and harty, Lete me so loue thee, as that for thy sacke I may loue all man kind, and so loue them, as that in obedienc to thee, I may not only obstane from horting of any, but may to the vtormost of my poure doe good to ad; Grant that I may forgiue all that I have aught aganst, and that I may be reconcyled to all that hathe aught aganst me, with sorow for hauing ofended them, becas by it I ofended thee my God. 0 my Lord and my God, Let me not with thos of old, contente my selfe with barely refraning from the acte of adul tery, but giue to me thy Hombed seruant so strickt a modesty, that I may not ofend in my thoughts or Looks, but let the chastety of my conuersation and beha- uier preuent outhers from ofending in thayr hartes; and let me suffer any Los ether Viscountess Mordaunt. 115 ether of a parte or of the hole of my body, rather than ofend thee in my harte ; O Lete my Duty and afection be so in- tyre to my hosband, as that he may not haue the Least case or inclenation to parte with me, or be diuorced from me. And let my conuersation be alwas conformabell to thy instroctions, Let it be without violens or pation, Let Yea and Nay, be my most ernest asertions, and let truthe so constantely apeare in all my Avas, as that thayr may nede no greter, to conuinc the truthe of what I say, Let all swereing be vnknowne to me, in my conuersation, and obhored by me, in that of outhers. Derest Lord grant me this hapynes, if it be thy Avid, that I may pas my dayes without greate quareles or disputes, and that I may inioy my right without being obliged to sue for it, but if for my chil- dernes defenc, I am forsed to macke vse of the Law of the nation, Suffer me not to abuse of it, bv vndertaking any vnla- full fud shutes, but let me rather suffer, than opres, and reseue inioryes, than doe them. O my God giue me a harte, desirus to doe good to ad, and if it seme fitt in thy sight, a poure to doe so, that I may (71 rec.) turne none a way, that comes to me, for socor, but may doe good, and right "to ad, rather by inclination, than force; O Let the compation of my harte extend it selfe to enemis, as well as frinds, to thos that hate, as Avell as thos that loue me, for the publicanes, loue thos that loue them, and retorne good to thos that doe good to them, and shall I that am the child, of my Father that is in Heuen, doe no more, shall not I desir to ime- taytc the perfection of my Father, that dos good to all, that maketh his sun to rise apon the euile and ou the good, and sendetfie rain on tJie iust and on the vniust, that blesest me the viiAvorthyest of all cretuers, and shall I retche that I am, feelc his mercis aiid blesings euery dav shored apon me, that dal)- multeply my rebelens Viscountess Mordaunt. 117 rebelens against him, and shall I dayre to retayne any anger or malis aganst my enemis'? 0 no, suffer me not to hue in so greate a gilt; but giue me grace to loue my enemis, to bles them that curse me, to doe good to them that hate me, and to pray for them which dispitefully use me, and persecute me, and derest Lord heare my prayeres. And giue me grace O my Sauier, to desire nothing, to long for nothing, to couit nothing with pation, but to be come acseptabell to thee my Gocl, not caring for the apllas of men, and therfor let my prayys be oferd vpe in secret to thee, my God, O Let my charety be greate but silant, let the voys of it only reache to heuen, and pleade acseptanc befor thee. Let me fast and hombed my selfe for my sins, and transgretions which ar in numerable; Let my harte be humbeled, and greue before thee my God, but Let my countenanc, seeme Joyfull befor men, (71 rev.) The Diarie of tJie men, that my father which seethe in secret may reward me openly, but alas all my indeuers are so imparfitt, that I haue to much case to feare, my concre tion dismad, senc the light of thy grace in me is by my abomenations become darcknes, O how greate then is my darcknes. O Let the light of th}* countenanc shine apon me, that I may disserne the true and only treasuer that nether moth nor rust cane corrupte, nor thieus rauish from me. O Let my treasuer be in Heauen, that my hart may be thayr also, for thether, O thether, haue I longing desire to goe, that I may behould thy presants, for in thy presants is thefullnes of Joy, and at thy right hand thayr is plesurs for euer more. Lord, thou saiest, No man can seme two masters; O Let my harte be so in- tyerely thine, as that I may nether loue nor obay, nor serue any, but in obedienc to thee, my only Lorde and master, vn der Viscountess Mordaunt. (72 rec.) der whous deuine protection I cane lack nothing, nor nede tacke thought for any thing, for my heauenly Father knoweth Avhat I need, and if I loue and obay him, and macke it my furst and chefe carre, the seeking his Kingdome, he wdl adde all things else to me; O my Lord, and my God, fill me so Avith the thoughts of plesing thee, as that I may haue no playse left in my harte for the carres of this worled, nether for the presant day, nor for the mor row, for sufficient vnto the day, is the euil therofi O my God it is a thought be low thy seruants, to tacke carre, and disorder them selues, for what thay shall eat, and wherwithall thay shadbe clothed, doe the bords of the aire, prouid for thayr nureshment, or doe the flouers of the fealed, tacke paynes for thayre adornement, and yet, what erthely glory cane be licke vnto thayrs, shad I then, being holy resignede to thy will, mis trust thy protection, and prouedenc ouer me, 120 The Diarie of tJie me, O retch of lyttud faith, Lord in crese my faithe, and giue me so resined a wid, to thine, as that thy will may alwas gouerne mine, behould thy ser uant prepared for thy will, becas I de- she not to hue vnto my selfe, but vnto thee, the only cheffe and eternall good. My derest Lord, give me grace I most hombely beseche thee alwas to judg my selfe first, and then I canot be so im pudent, as to condemne outhers, for if I serusly exsamen my owne contienc, I shad find thayr so many and greate gdts, as that ad I cane see in outhers wid but apeare as motes, compayerd to (12 rev.) mybeames; for for my in grate tueds to thee my gratious God, AAdio hathe bin soabondantelymercyfullto me,ar crimes so greate, that now outher bodis sines cane outway them, O macke me seuerly to judg myselfe, that I may not be judged by thee my God, Avorthy of eternad distraction, Avhich my sines haue to justly deserued, but macke me mer- cyfull Viscountess Mordaunt. cyfull to outhers, that I may find mercy befor thee. O my God how dare I hope to reseue holy giffets, that am a dog, a beste, the vnworthyest of ah thy cretuers, it will be throing pearls before swine, to besto them upon me, that tramped them daly vnder my feet, hoAv cane I expeckt any retornes of thos mercis, I haue so often shghted, and abused, how desperat ar my hopes, Avhen I conseder my owne vnworthynes, did not this blesed saing of my Sauiers, reuiue my sad harte, Ask, and it shall be giuen yon, seek, and you shall find, knock aud it sJiall be opened vnto you, O Derest Lorde retorne in mercy vnto me, and giue me grace, so to aske that I may receiue, so to seeke thee, with my hole harte, that at the Last I may find thee, and neuer Leue knocking, ted thou openest vnto me, and reseuest me into glory, for I canot aske in vaine, nor seek in vaine, nor knock in vaine, if, by thy asistanc, I doe r it it with that feruer and zele, and Hume- (73 rec.) lety, as I ought, Lord strenthen my Aveck indeuers, that I may rest asured of Avhat I aske, for if erthely fathers know how to giue good giftes, vnto thayr chdderne, how much more then shall my Father which is in Heauen giue good things to me, that aske and bege and seek; and that I may reseue Avhat I aske, derest Lorde giue me grace to grant vnto outhers in distres, what thay aske of me, and giue me this grace that I may doe vnto outhers, as I would thay should doe vnto me. O my God Lede me in the pathe of Liffe, that my futtstepes may not stray out of that straite and narrow way that leadeth vnto blise, For few there be that find it, and without thy asistanc none cane ataine vnto it; becas broade is tJie way that leadeth to distinction, and many thayr ar, to many, that find it, derest Lord, let not my deare Hosband, nor me, nor any of ouers, be of that number, Viscountess Mordaunt. 123 number, but let vs and our famely serue the Lord our God. Derest Lord, giue me grace, to beware of false prophets, that thayr shepes clothing may not deseue me, and lede me into erers, O Let thy Sperit that neuer erers direckt my Avaies, for then I shad discouer them by thayr frutes, for grapes doe not groe from thornes, nor figes from thistles, and by the same rule I may discouer my owne Aveked harte, for euery good tree bringeth forthe good frute, but me that am ad to gether corrupte, produce nothing but euill, and am good for nothing but to be hewen doAvne and cast in to the fire, the fire that's neuer quenched, for tis not euery on that saithe vnto thee Lord Lord, that shad enter into thy kingdom, but he that cloethe the Avid of thy father, which is in Heuen, O giue me thy asist- ing grace that I may henceforward obay that heuenly wid, that in the Last day I may not heare that dismall sentanc, of (73 m-.) 124 The Diarie of the I neuer knew you, depart from me, ye that worck iniquity e; but let me be lick vnto the wise man that budt his hows upon a rock, the Rock Crist Jesus, apon which foundation Lord euer more let me bdd, that when persecutions and aflictions come, I may stand ferme and vnmuuabell, and not perish with the simpell pepell that haue laid thayr foun dation, on the sandy vanetis of this worled, for greate wid be thayr fale, Derest Lord from that dismad fale pre serue, I most hombely beseche thee, bothe me and mine, my deare Hosband, my childerne and famely, all that thou hast bin gratiously plesed to giue vnto me, macke vs ad thine, Derest Lord, and then preserue vs so, and at the Last day present vs to thy Father, clensed and purephid in thy Blod, that we may be- hould thy presants in Rightusnes, and sing Eternall Halelugeas to the glory of thy name. Amen. A (14 rec.) 3ftmlpilcr y 19: of .Var: Tiimhiii Viscoun tess Morda tin t. 125 A Prayr of thanks geuing to my God, for the Recouery of my helthe, and my safe retorne home, to my Jiosband and childerne, after my long Jorny to Montpiler, in that week condetion, to be sayed euery Saterday, tJiat or sum outher, for I came safe to' Persens Greene apon Saterday y' 2: of Apr ell, in the yere of our Lord 1669. (75 rec.) The Prayer for Saterday. What can I say, what cane I sing, What offerings can I bring, To thee my God, to thee my King, To thee my safety, and my gide, To thee, in whoume I still confide, To thee, with whome I Avill reside, To thee, who hast preserued me still, By thy deuine, and pourfull skiU, Preserued, for to fuUfill thy will; Preserued from all my ills, and feares, From all my dangers, and my carres, O Let my Joy, be shoed in feares, In 126 The Diarie of tJie (75 rev.) In feare, for to ofend my God, That hathe such mercis to me shode, And hathe my helthe, to me restored, That hathe retorned me back againe, Wher I in safety doe remayne, Frede from my dangers, and my payne; My hosband, and my childerne deare, Wer aU of them, preserued heare, All of them, to me againe wer Geuen, with aU that thou befor, Had'st by thy bounty, mayd my store Let me for euer thee adore. Let me, and mine, spend all our days, In thy high, and heuenly prays, Singing to thee, in mortall Lays, 0 doe thou all our sins forgiue, Making vs so for them to greeue, As that we may for euer Hue, Which blesing thou alone can'st giue. Amen. Oct: f 3; 1669. The soros of Deathe compas me about O bring thou me out of my trubell, for in my trubell I call upon the Lord and complayne complayne vnto my God, and he will heare my vise out of his holy temple, and my complant shall come before him, he that hathe taken away the sting of deathe, wdl macke it swete vnto me, for the Lord Jiim selfe is the portion of mine inheretanc, and of my cupe, thou O my Sauier hathe drunck of the bitter parte, Avhich my sines deserued, and hathe so aplyed thy merits to my vise- rated contienc, that thay ar become my cure, Avhat nede I then to feare, for the Lord is my stony Rock, and my defenc, my Sauier, my God and my might, in whome I will trust, my buckler, the home also of my Saluation and my refuge, of whome nede I be afraid, no, tho' the the pains of hell came about me, and the snares of deathe ouertoock me, yet wdl I trust in thee, for thou shalt giue me euerlasting felesety, and macke me glad with the Joy of thy Countenanc, I haue set God alwas befor me, for he is on my right hand, therefor I shall not fall (16 rec.) 128 The Diarie of the fall, Let my sentanc come forthe from thy presanc, for my desires ar confor- mabed to thy will, Life or deathe from thy hands, shall be welcom to me, for tho I am so sudyed and defiled by my constant gdtes, as that I am altogether vnfitt to apeare befor thee, my Judg, yet washe me in thy blod, and I shall be clene, Clenes me, by thy merits, and I shall be whiter then snoAv, and fitte to apeare befor my Sauier, and to heare his voyes of Joy and Gladnes, for in thy presants is the fullnes of Joy, and at thy Right hand thayr is pleasure for euer more. Amen. (16 rev.) A tJianks geuing for the berthe of my son Osmond (borne Octo:y" — 1669. ) and for my restoration to helthe. Come Holy Gost my Soule inspire, With such a zeale, with such a fire Of \ Viscountess Mordaunt. 129 Of Loue, and gratetude, that I May in thy prasis, Liue and dye, In my distres, to thee I prayed, And did implore thy mightty ayed, On thee I still for helpe relyed, Which thou had'st neare to me denyed, For in my worst, and gretest ill, I found thee my defender stdl, And tho my sins did all that die And thousands more deserue, to kdl Thou hast forborne, and stdl dos giue, To me thy Cretur, hopes to Liue; Besides the blesing, of a hopefull Son, Which from thy hands, I doe reseue as on, For thou alone canest make him so, O Grant, that he 4 ay Hue to know And doe thy wdl, and that we all May with suckses for mercy call, That Ave no more rely on worldely toys, 0 doe thou rayes our hartes to truer Joyres, Leting vs see and thru'ly know Thayer nothing is, that's heare below Worthy the lest share in our Loue, So we shall playes it aU aboue, And with submetion camely beare The grefes that thou shallt giuc vs heare, s Resting (77 rec.) 130 The Diarie of the Resting asured, throw our Sauier's merit, A plays in Heuen Ave shaU inherit. (18 rec.) June f 1: 1670. O Lift thou vpe the Light of thy Countenanc apon me, For I am in Heui- nes, by resen of my sines, my many, and greves sines commeted against thee my Lord and my God, O bring thou me out of my trobed, by feting me for thy mercy which I stand in greate nede of, O Lord my God in thee haue I put my trust, Saue me for tbyr mercis sake, me, my deare hosband, and my childerne, saue, deleuer and proteckt vs, make us thine, and then make us any thing, Lete our soules be right deare and pretious in thy sight, O Let us and our famely serue the Lord our God, and that Ave may doe it acseptabely, O forgiue us ad our ofencis, purephi, and clens us, by uertue of thy most pretious blode, O make us acseptable gests at thy holy tabel, Viscountess Morda un t. 131 tabel, O my derest Sauier, thou that didest dye to purches Liffe for us, and gaue thy selfe for us, to redeme us from sin, now giue thy selfe to us, and by it, bring us to thee, to thee in our afec- tions, and dutis in this Life, to thee in glory hi the Life to come. Amen. June if 12; 1670. A thanks geuing for our deleueranc from the fire at Persens Greene, y* 12; of June, to be sayed, this or sume outher, euery Sonday. SONDAY. Not vnto vs, O Lord, not vnto us, but unto tJiy name giue the praise, for thy Lotting mercy and for tJiy truths sake, it Avas thou Lord, that didest coreckt us, and then saue us, thou didest chastise us, for our henos ofensis daly cometed before thee, and yet hathe not geuen vs ouer unto cleathe, Avhich we had so often (18 rev.) (79 rec.) often deserued, but I called unto the Lord in my distres, and the Lord herd me at large, Gracious is the Lord, and righteous, yea our God is mercyfull, I did finde trouble and heauiness, but the Lord deliuerd- my Soul, and ad the Soules that belonged unto us, ther was not on sufferd amongst us, for thou hast deleuered our Souls from deathe, our eyes from tears, and our feeat from fading; when the fire of thy heuy Judg ments Avas kindeled amongst us, for our daly transgretions, yet Lord in Judge ment, thou didest remember mercy, O our God is mercyfull, for I was in misery and he helped me, Turne againe then unto thy rest, O my Soule, and giue thanks vnto the Lord, for the Lord hathe herd me, and is become my Saluation, this is the day AAhich the Lord hathe made, euen the Lord's day, Ave will re ioyce and be glad in it; helpe us noAAr O Lord after the time that thou hast greued us, O Lord send us now prospe rity Viscountess Mordaunt. rity, it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put any confidence in man, it is better to trust in the Lord, than to put any con fidence in princes, O Let me and my hous trust in the Lord, for he is our succer and defence; O Let us walke befor the Lord in the land of the leuing, for he shall Bless them that feare him bothe small and great. Amen. O my deare and gratious God one whoum only I relye, haue mercy apon me, and santephy to me, thy heuy rodcle of correcktion, vnder which I haue so offten groned, so lyttull am I abed to beare thy displesur, tho' I haue to much, and to long, deserued it, O forgiue me, and reseue me in thy fauer againe, Let the Light of thy Countenanc shine apon me, Let me heare thy voyce, of Joy and glaclnes, that the bones which thou hast broken, may reioyce. Amen. A 131 The Diarie of tJie (80 rec.) A thanks geuing for my recouery and retorne home from the bath, Agost tJie 9: 1671, being Wensday, which was tJie uery day 12 months I sickened the yere before. WENSDAY. At once retorn'd to helthe, and home, With all the vigor of my Soule, And graitefuU harte, O Let me come, To thee my God, who dou'ste controul The worled, for on thy mighty wdl, Depends the faites, of mortall men, To thee dew prays, Avith aU my skill I render, for 'twas euen then, When all, bothe enemyes, and frinds, Did dome me, to the gaits of deathe, Then, euen then, thou bleste the menes, And did'ste thy sord of tryall shethe, Alowing me bothe ease and strenthe, And Avith it, hopes of perfitt helthe, (80 rev.) Ading vnto my dayes mor length, And will I hope, incres my welthe So farr, as thou shalte see it fitt For my soul's good, and thy greate prays, And Visco un tess Mo rdattnt. 135 And mor I would by no mens gitt, Either of Avelthe or lengthe of days, To me or myne; for aU I aime, Is so to Liue, as that thayrby, In seruing thee, I may remayne On earth, to mount thy prasis high; O Let them flow from such a harte, As may by thee acsepted be, And I by them may gaine a parte In my Redemer's Loue, that he May Lede me/in the pathes of Life, So with his Saints I may partake That parfitt blis, that ends all strife, When the Last trump shall us awake. Amen De:f 18; 1672. To thy greate name aU glory will I bring, And of thy mercis and thy goodnes sing, For thay to me so daly doe increase That to retorne thee prays I nere wdl cease, But into Heuen my prasis I Avill bring, And with the Angels glorephy my King. Amen. (81 rec.) Good 136 The Diarie of the (81 rev.) Good Fryday, ye 4: of Aprell 1672. Holy Father suffer me that am but dust and ashis to glorifie thee, for the greate Glory with which thou haste gloryphid thy Son and my Sauier, and me in him, derest Sauier, thou that seteste at the Right hand of thy father in Glory, and yet hathe humbeled thy selfe so farr this day, as to giue thy selfe to me in the blesed Sacryment, acsepte I beseche thee the humbell prasis of thy handemad, and thou O blesed Sperit that haste prepared my Soule for such a gese, dow thou stdl adorne it, and make my prayers, and prasis, acsepted by Father, Son, and Holy Goste, my only and Eternall God. Amen. 1612: 1672; Ap: f 25; Thorsday. The day of try all betwene my Hosband and his brother about the Estate. Plede thou our cause, O my God, with thos that striue Avith vs, and fighte thou againste those, that fighte againste us, Laye hould upon thy shelde and buckler, and stand Ap to helpe vs, not to destroy our enemis, but to defend vs, from all thayr designes againste vs; frustrate ad thayre deuisis, and Lete truthe, and Justis, take playce, Let thy moste heuenly wdl and plesur, O my Lord and my God, be euer don ; not our wid, but thy will, not our way, but thy AVtiy, not our time, but thy time, For not vnto vs, O Lorde, not vnto us, but to thy ir oste Glorus Maiesty, be all prays geuen, for all is dew. And merciful Lord giue vs grace, to haue so resined a will to thine, as that Ave may Avith a t cherfull (82 rec.) 138 The Diarie of the cherfull harte, prase thee for the euentc, though it proue contrary to our desire, for thou Lord knoeste what is beste for vs, for thou only can'ste bles the euent, and bles us, to reseue it, as Ave aughte ; For I desire to haue thee our King, to comand and chuse for us; to haue thee, our Judg, to determine for us; as Avell as our aduocate to plede for us, and our Sauier to saue vs; being absulately satisphide, that Ave ar safe in thy protec tion; into Avhous blesed handes, I most humbely commit my hosband, my selfe, our childerne, and famely, with all our intureste and consernes; in thy vnspeka- bed mercy, reseue, and bles vs, uoav, and for euermor. Amen (,S2 rev.) Ap: 21. 1612. After the tryall. In all my aflicktions I cry vnto my Lord, for sucker, to whome then can I retorne Viscountess Mordaunt. 139 retorne prays but to thee, to thee my Lord and my God, to thee, that dele- uereth me out of them all; O the depthe of thy mercy, that is neuer exosted, that neuer hathe end, but to day, and to- moroe, and euery day, is redy to releue me, for though I haue felte the efecktes of it, in moste wondurfud maner, euer sine I was borne, in this laste bisnes, thou haste not slakened thy Arme, but haste releued vs, to the astonishment of our enemies, and to the great comfort of vs thy vnworthy seruants, alltogether unAvorthy; but that thou Avd'st haue mercy, AArhare and when thou plesist, it is of thy OAvne mere boAvnty, and goodnes, that thou haste pleded our cause; out of that same fountane of goodnes, con tenu thy hand of protection ouer vs, and bles this blesing to us, and end ad dif- ferencis in the famely, Let pease, and prosperety be amongste us, and bles vs with the choysist of thy blesings; and giue us grace to bles and prays thee, all the The Diarie of tin (83 rec.) Salm ye 1, 21 the days of our Liffe, and Let my deare Husband, and me, Let vs, and our famely, serue the Lord our God and holy resine our seleues to his will. Amen. May f 25; 1672. I will reproue thee, and set before thee the things that thou Jiast done. Derest Lord giue me a trew sight of my owne vilnes, and with it, such a sensere repentanc, as may be acsepted by thee, that in the Laste greate day, I may not here the vice of thy reproufe, and anger, but of thy mercy, and louing kindnes, 'tis thou only can'ste worcke this greate worck in me, for thy won derfull goodnes sake doe it, doe it, I beseche thee; Avorck in me so intyere a chang, that I may desire nothing but thee, serue nothing but thee, loue no thing, but in obedienc to thee ; wcnc mc so Viscountess Mordaunt. Ill so intyerely from the vanetis of this warlede, that thuro thy mercyr, and for thy merits, and by thy asistanc, I may be fitted, for the gloris of the Avarlecl to com. Amen. Thy prasis, I must euer sing, Thou arte my God, thou arte my King, From thee all benefitts arise, Thou arte only good, thou art only wise. (83 rev.) No: y 26; 1672. I must neuer sese to sins' Prasis to my heuenly King For daly he douthe me a forde Wherwithall to giue him laude, For the deleueranc of this night Thanks to him with all my might I render, he alone must haue it He alone 'twas gaue it, That he may my thanks reseue With all humelety 1 doe it giue, And on that mercy I depend That he will alwas us defend, (84 rec.) U2 The Diarie of the For in distres He ner to me was mercyles, And as thy mercis stiU doe flow So let my Loue incres and groe. Amen. (85 rec.) Jan: y" 1: 1672. 0 Let my Liffe renew, as dothe the yeare, Fdl me with Loue, with grace, with hope, with feare, With all that may adorne me, fitt to be Acsepted gratiously my God by thee, Let all my Joyes be, to obay thy will, And all my carres, that I may that fullfill, And for all outher worldely thoughts, or carres, On thee I lay them all, off'ring by prayers My wants to thee, thou can'ste supply them all, To whom but thee should I for sucker call, Thou can'ste grant aU, that thou se'ste fitt for me, And I will think that best, that comes from thee. Amen. Jan : Viscountess Mordaunt. Jan: f 8: 16% A thanks ge it ing for our deleueranc from Fire that day. I am as unfitt to praise thee my God, for this greate mercy, as I am unworthy to reseue it, nothing can more manefest the emensety of thy mercy than thy con- tenuall bountis and deleuerancis, to so uiiAvorthy a reche as I am; what am I, and Avhat is my fathers hous, that thou shoidd'st thus conseder us; I tow wed know what I am, I am the unworthyest, the most ungratefudest of all creturs huing; O the depthe of thy mercy, the extent of thy goodnes, to reache to such a meserabell cretur as I am ; that nether my deare hosband, myselfe, nor chil derne, nor hous, sufferd in this fire; is so greate a blesing, that I know not what to say, but that all must be retorned to thee, from whenc all is reseued; ac- septe it Lord. Amen. LENT. (85 rec.) (86 rec.) LENT. Friday, Feb: y" 21; 167|. Turne thou us O Good Lord, and so shall Ave be turned, turne us so from our euill wais, that we may neuer re torne to them againe, but walke Avith thee in trew holynes ad the rest of our dayes, which great worck nothing but thy owne hand cane doe, doe it for thy gloris sake, and for my pour souls sake, the worck of thine owne hand, the brethe of thyne owne nostrels, O doe it, that that soule of mine, may eternaly gloryphy thee. Amen. Friday, Feb: y' 28: 1611 Turn thy Face from my sins, and put out all my misdeeds, make me a dene heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me, turne thy face from all my past sins, and so reneAv thy spirit within me, that I may not dayre to ofend thee, that Viscountess Mordaunt. 145 that by thy merits, and by thyne owne suffering hast July payed my clebte, to me be the aduantag, to thee the Glory, most Glorus Lord. Amen Friday, March tf 1: 1671. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me, for if thou should'ste departe from me, my Lord, and my God, AAhether could I goe for refug, aganst the asaltes of the warled, the flesh, and the deuell, I am not ablle of my selfe, to withstand the lest temtation, what can I doe Avithout my God, perish euerlastingly, be misera- bed, bothe heare and eternaly hear- after; but my God will not forsake me, nor suffer me to forsacke him, I Avid rest on him, as one my sure reffuge, and he neuer fades thos that trust in him, O doe not withdraAV thy Blesed Sperit from me, but daly reneAv it within me, increse my zeale, strenthen my faith, v conferme (86 rev.) The Diarie of th •te (87 rec.) conferme my hope, and make me that which may render me acseptabed to thee, make me thine, and then make me any thing. Amen. Friday, f 14 of March, 167J. O giue me the comfort of thy helpe againe, and establish me with thy free Spirit, for without thy helpe I cane re scue no comforte, without thy Spirit no Joy, and without thy selfe no Liffe, O Let the Light of thy Countenanc shine upon me, that the bones Avhich thou hast broken may reioyce. Amen. Friday, the 21 of March, 1671. The Sacrifice of God, is a troubled Spirit, a broken and a contrite hart, 0 God thou shalt not despise, O Blesed Spirit, doe thou so absulately gouerne my Spirit, so as to bennd it to thy heuenly will, breck it, humbell it, make it acseptabed to thcc my God, make this stony Viscountess Mordaunt. 147 stony hart of mine by thy poure to be com a plesing sacrifice to thee my God, O rase my hart to thee, my Lord and my God, O make it to asend to thee, thou gauest it to me, Let me retorne it back agane to thee, O clens it, and wash it, in the bloud of my Sauier, and then it canot but be acsepted by thee. Amen. Good Friday, Mar: if 28; 1673. O Blesed Lord and Sauier Jesus Crist, how dare I apere befor thee at any time, much les at this time, apon this dayr,that we commemorat thypation, that biter pation, ocationed by us mise rabed siners,how should we hang downe our hedes like bud rushes, when we call to mind our henos sines, that mayed the Lord of Life to lay downe his Liffe, to purches Life for us, and I, reched and miserabed cretur that I am, doe daly forfit that Liffe Avhich coste so deare, by my continuad sins and transgretions ; and and did not thayr daly flow from that blesed side of thine, Avharwithad to clens my daly sins, I Aver the redchedest of all creturs leuing, but that pretious Blod, is balme to cure ad my sins, be the burden neuer so heuy, but how shall I be abell to aply it, with all its merits to my pour sinfud soule, so unfitt a haby-tation for the Lord of all purety. But unto thee I come O Blesed Spirit, (87 rev.) be plesed to adorne me with thy sauing Grasis, Clothe me Avith that Aveding garment, that may render me an acsept- ablle geste at the feste of the most blesed Body and Blod of my Sauior Crist Jesus, and doe thou Blesed Lord so welcom me thayer, as to giue me of that pretious foude, conuay th}' selfe and all thy merits unto me, and then Lord present me to thy Father and my Father, and so shall I lie acsepted by my Lord and my God. Amen. June Viscountess Mordaunt. 149 Juney0 2: 1673. Lord make me so thankfull for thy paste, and presant mercis, that thoro thy Grace, I may be fitted for thos to com, thy mercis haue been so innume- rabed to me, that my harte canot con- tane them, much les 1113" pen expres them, hoAv infenat in generad, how greate in pertecoler, this blesing which I now commemorat; the Liffe, and Lebortyr, of my deare hosband, and the preseruation of that Liffe euer sine; Lord increse his Grace, as Avell as dayes, and doe not only prolong his Liffe, but doe thou liue in him, and giue him Grace to Gloryphy thee heare, by his Liffe and Conuersation; and if it semefitt in thy sight, Grant that avc may- bothe liue with kindnes for on anouther, and comfort in on an outher, to sec our chil derne brought up in thy feare and ser uis, but not our Avid, but thy most heuenly Avill be dune in all things con senting (87" rec.) serning us, and ours, for I most hum bely desir, that Ave, and our famely, may serue the Lord our God. Amen. (81" rev.) Agost y" 2: 1673. My thoughts, ar full of cares, and greef, No mens I see to hope releue, My debts opres my trubeled hart, The wants of outhers, is my smart, Lord ease my cares, no hope is left, Of outher hopes I am bereft, But thos which from thy goodnes spring, And thos one more may make me sing Halelugas to my God and King. In all my strates, in all my fears, In all my dangers, and my cares, I euer thayr haue found releffe How is't that I cane Avant beleue, Hoav cane I doubt of helpe from thee Holy and undeuided three, If to thy Hdl my hart asend, If to thy will my stepes I bend, What is thayr that I may not hope, Nothing, that is within the scope Of Visco un tess Mordaun t. 151 Of Erthe, or Heuen, but by thy poure May be mayd mine, this uery houre. A hart 1 aske to doe thy wdl, And for the rest, thy wdl fullfill, And if it be thy Avill to grant, Let thayr none suffer, by my want, O rather let me suffer all, Than any on by me should fall To want, or greefe, or any los, That may becom to them a cros, On thee my God, I doe rely, In mercy, doe thou me reply. Amen. Cristmas Day, 1673. Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace and Good will towards men, to thee for euer be glory, for this great good to man, O Let our prasis neuer sese, sine our benefitts by this great mercy neuer can, Let us prase thee in partecoler, that so great a Lord, so pour full a God, wid voutsafe to heare, and acsept, our prasis, my hart and mouth is (88 m-.) 152 The Diarie of the is so vde, and impur, so unfitt to offer them vpe to thee ether in thought or Avord, that tho I canot helpe, but must bothe think and speke thy prasis, yet I could not hope thay should be acsepted by thee, did I not reseue incoragment from thine owne Avorde to beleue it, Lord conferme this belefe by reseuing, and incresing my Loue and Gratetud. Amen. Offer unto God thanksgiuing, and pay tJiy voues unto the most High. WJio so off eretJi prase glory pJiietJt me. (88 rev.) 1: Jan: 1674. As euery year is added to my dayes, Lord giue me grace to multeply thy prase, To thee let me acknoledg all thats good. All blesings heare, all blesings for to come Flos from thy mercis, and thy pretious blod That brings at last to my eternaU Home My resteles soule, wldch nothing heare can plese Till I cnioy with thee eternall ese, Come Viscountess Mordaunt. 153 Come hapy day for which I ere must wish, Till by thy mercy I 'me reseued to blis. Amen, Mar: f 1: 167*. My berthe day. O Let that day which gaue me broth, Be spent in prase to thy great name, Let it a new, and joyfuU berthe Become, of grace, of Loue, of fame. A berth of aU that's good and just, Of all, that may make me thy owne, And make me on thy mercis trust, That I hencforthe may j oy, in none But thee, Thee, who alone can'st make me, what I ought to bee. Amen. A tJianks getting after tw is ntiscaring, and a, f euer. March f 18; 1674. It is of the Lords mercy that I was not consumed, but preserued thoro all thes dies, and wekenes (just punesh- (88" rec.) x ments TJie Diarie oftJie ments for my often repeted transgre- tions,) but his compations fade not, for the Lord Avid not cast off for euer; tho he cause grief, yet will he haue compa tion, according to the multitude of his mercis, wherfor doth a Liuing man com plain, a man for the punishment of his sins. Let us search and trie our waj es, and turn againe to the Lord, for the Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the Soule that seeketh him, it is good that a man should bothe hope, and quietly wait for the Saluation of the Lord; it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youthe ; remember mine affliction and my miseries, the worm wood and the gall. My soul hath them still in remembrance, and is humbled in me ; thus I recad to mind the aflicktions, and the mercis, I have reseu'd from thy Allmighty hand, and therefor haue I hope; O Lord thou hast pleaded the causes of my Soul, thou hast redemed my Life. O Let me lift up my hart, with Viscountess Mordaunt. 155 Avith my hands, unto my God, in the heauens, to prase and to glorephy him; blesed be the Lord God of Isrell, from euerlasting, and to euerlasting. Amen and Amen. LENT, 167J. Friday, Mar. f 20 ; Turne, thee O Lord and deleuer my Soul, O saue me for thy mercis sake, (for thos mercis sake, that haue neuer faled me, neuer, not in my gretest nede,) doe thou haue mercy vpon me, and for giue me, and wash away ad my sins and ah the gilt of them, Let me becom a new cretur, acseptabed unto thee my God, on of thy famely, of the houshould of fathe, partaker of my Sauiers merits, on Avhich merits I only rely. Amen. Mar:ye 23; 1674, Monday. When my son Charles went to Oxford. My derest Lord into thy Admighity protection, (88" rev.) (89 rec.) The Diarie of the protection, I comit my deare Chdd, giue thy holy angels charg ouer him, to pre serue him from all euell, and to leade him into ad good, butyphy his soule, inlighten his understanding, giue him, I beseche thee, the holynes of Dauid, and the wisdom of Solomon; preserue his person in honer, and helthe, and grant him fauer in the sight of all; and if it seme fitt in thy sight, Let him retorne to us agane, in safety; to thy Honer and glory, and to the comfort of vs thy vn- Avorthy seruants, his father, and my selfe, that we may prase thee, in the Land of the Leuing. Amen. Mar. ye 26; 167 4. A thanks geuing for the recouery of my sonn Hary, and to beg the same mercy for my sonn Lowis. That thou hast bin plesed to restor my my sonn hrhelthe to me againe, I cane neuer enugh pras thee, Lord incres my prasis, Contenu that helthe to him, and bles it to him, improue him in body/ and mind, Let his soule be right cleare to thee, that he may gloryphy thee heare, and eternaly heare after. And O Lord let that same goodnes extend it selfe to the presentation of my sone LoAvis, to ye preseruing him in this sicklies, and to the restoring him to helthe, and grant, that he, that I haue dedicated to thy seruis, may liue, to doe thee emenent seruis, in thy Chorch. Amen. Mar. f 28; 1673, Lent. Saue me O God by thy name, and judge me by tJiy strengtJi, by the strength of thy mercy, by the strengthe of thy pour; Judg me in mercy and louing kindnes, and saue me by thy pour and thy might, Strcch out thy arme and de leuer me, from Saton that daly seeks to deuour 158 The Diarie of tJie deuour me, from my owne wicked selfe that daly betrayes me, by wekenes and foly; deleuer me from all thes asoltes, and make me thine owne, and then in mercy kepe me so. Amen. (89 rev.) Apr: ye 3: Friday, Lent. O be fauourable and gracious vnto Sion; build thou the wals of Jerusalem. 0 Lord sheAV now fauour to thy Sion, the Chorch in this nation, it had neuer more nede of thy protection than now, enemis bcsege it round about, on the left, and on the right, thay ar redy to deuour it, na which is wors our sins deserue this heuy judgment, we canot complane, though thoushouldest remoue the Glorus Light of thy Gosped from amongst us, we must lay our hands upon our mouthes, and by sdans confes our selues altogether worthy of it; Omis- rabell condetion, Avhich our ingratetude hathe brought us into, but be thou gra tious 11 sco un tess Mordaunt. tious unto Sion , and in that to us ; Let the enemis of thy Chorch see that thay canot preuall against us, and that for thine owne mere goodnes sake, for I cane draAv no argument in our behalfe, but from thy selfe, from thine owne good nes, from thine owne merits; Let that preuad, doe thou forgiue us, doe thou torne us from all our euell ways, and once mor giue us a glorus and a holy Chorche, and make us an obedient and a Hapy pepull. Amen. Ap. f 18; 1674. Easter Eue. Thy will, thy way, thy time my God is beste, Without thy mercy I would not be bleste, All earthly comforts Avould to me be pane, If 1, without thy helpe, could them obtane ; No croked pathes which led out of thy way Could pleas my humblle Soule; tho' thus to stray Should leade to honer, welthe, all worldely Joys, What pleasure could I finclin all thos toys, None; (90 rev.) 160 TJie Diarie of the None; thar's none, without my God, that I can find, Doe thou my heart so fermely to thee bind, That I Avith pleasur, may atend thy will, When thou see'st Hapynes is fitt for me, In that doe thou thy gratious avlLI fulfill, But if thou wils't the contrary to be, Euen in that Let tru content be found Within my heart, the best, and saffest ground To make it surly be Acsepted Lord by thee. Amen. (91 rec.) After our Try all at Law May if 18; 1674. O Lord thou hast showed us how vane is the helpe of man, thou hast turned thayr wisdom into foly, and put us to confution, Avithout an enemy; thou hast turned our hosting in to sorow, and humbeded us before thee, we confes Avith shame that our sins haue justly deserued it, and Ave submit to thy vvid Avithout murmuring. Lord thou canst torne our morning into Joy, and make us to heare heare the voyce of Joy and gladnes, that the bones Avhich thou hast broken may reioyce. Amen. June y" A: 1674. Houe dare I to apeare befor my ofended Judg, what words can I vse to expres my gilt, and to apese his wrathe, thayr is none that I dare make vse of, thay all want forse to deplor my sad condetion, or to moue his compation, nothing thats mine can doe it, hoAv miserabed and past redres Avar I, avct I not permeted to haue recors to a mersi- full Sauier, had I not in him a pourfull intorsesor, did not his Avounds plede for me, did not his merits satisphi for my gilt; to thee my derest Lord I com, to whom but thcc can I com, doe not be wery'ed by my claly sins and uanetis, doe not forsake me, doe not leue me to my selfe, that war to plonge me in the depthe of mesery. Sese not O Lord, y sese (91 rev.) sese not to pray for me, doe thou bothe giue to me and obtane a perden for me; and thou O blesed Sperit, Let thy vn- utorabed grones intorsed for me, and O my Lord and my God doe thou ac sept me, and admit me one more to re seue the blesed Sacriment of the most pretious body and blod of thy Son and my Sauier, admit me to be a gest, and make me a worthy gest; one at that most blesed feste. Amen Befor our Try all at Law, or Refer enc. June if 28; 1674. Remember me (my dear Hosband, and ad mine) O my God for good, and now that thou hast shoed us how vane is the helpe of man, now let us see and knoAV hoAV pourful is thy Almighty hand, from whome only we expeckt, or desir good, doe thou O Lord, clispos and gouerne this bisnes, Let thy wisdom and thy mercy doe greter things for us than Ave Viscountess Mordaunt. 163 Ave doe deserue or can desir, for we know our unworthynes, and dare not presume upon our owne accounts to aske anything from thy dredf till Maiesty, but for my Sauiers sake, for his alone merits doe thou in thy goodnes take our case into thy hand, doe thou pled it, doe thou grant such a suckses, as shad seme fitt in thy infenite mercy, doe thou grant pese and prosperety to this famely, and aboue all doe thou grant that Ave and our famely may serue the Lord our God. Amen. After our bisnes was referd June y" 29; Monday, 1674; in Cort. O thou Avho hast taught us that he who prouideth not for his owne house is worse than an infided, doe thou bles the bisnes noAV in hand, for the good of our famely, for all indeuers of ours wid be uane, exsepte in thy infenat mercy thou art plesed to giue suckses, Lord Ave (92 rec.) (92 rev.) TJie Diarie of ti ic Ave desir pease, we indeuer pease, doe thou grant it, doe thou bles all indeuers toAvards it, doe thou in thy great Avis- dom, bring to pas a hapy conclution of this bisnes, to thy honer and glory, and if it seeme fitt in thy sight, for the good, hapynes and prosperety of my deare hosband, my selfe and childrene; That Ave may prase thee in the Land of the Leuing, for to thee only is all prays clew, Pras the Lord O my Soul, and all that is within me pras his holy name. Amen. After the sesing of my Jious and goods, July 1614: Satorday, y" 4: day of the month. Hoav many ar my iniquities and my sins; make me to knoAV my transgres- I sions, tis for them I iustely suffer, I avrs at ease but he hathe broken me asonder, j tho I spck, my grefe is not aswaged, tho I conuers with the hole world, it aualeth me me nothing, thayr is no helpe for me but in my God, to him then I come, bothe by duty and by choys, and thou O my Lord and my God hast conse- derd me, in thee O Lord did I put my trost, and thou hast deleuerd me, thou hast don it, and non but thee, thou tornest the hart of men as the reuers of water, thou hast inclined the harte of our acluersary, to pes and composeyer, that was bent upon deuetion and ruin; O Lord in thy infenat wisdom, in thy immenc goodnes, doe thou perfitt this blesing, enabell us to pay pur debts, giue us grac to do it, bles our indeuers, direckte us, and asist us, and giue us grace to acknoledg it all from thee, the founton of all good, Avho I can neuer enuff prays, nor neuer enouff loue, nor neuer be hapy tdl I can inioy thee my Lord and Sauier, in eternad blis. Isaiah y" 26 ; ye 3: TJiou wilt keep him in perfect peace wJiose minnd is stayed on thee; because he (93 rec.) he trusteth in thee. Let Jiim that glorieth, glory in the Lord. For as much as tJiere is none lilte vnto thee O Lord, tJiou art great, and thy name is great in migJit. O Lord I know tJiat the way of man is not in him selfe, it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. O Lord, correct me, but with Judge ment, not in thine anger, Lest thou bring me to nothing. After the recottery of y" sprane in one fut, and illnes in if outher. Sep. y" 4: 1674. O Lord in mercy hast thou aflicted, thou hast dun it sparingly, thou hast Avithdrane thy hand, almost as soune as lade it on, O what haue my sins de serued, and yet hoAV lyttull has thy goodnes punished, in Avrathe thou hast rememberd mercy", what can I say, I am Viscountess Mordaunt. am astoneshed at thy goodnes, and not abell to expres it, I am confounded Avith the sence of it, that so great, so glorus a Maiesty should Arotsafe to take carre of, and prouid for, so meane, so wretched, nay, so weked a cretur as I am ; O giue me a harte fitt to prase thee, clens it purephy it, and then acsepte it, admit me to be a worthy gest at thy tabed, thou only can'st make me so, I haue defased thy emag, that was by thee im printed in my heart, what shall I doe thus locled with sin and vanety, how dare I apear befor my ofended Judg, but I haue an aduocat, to him I come? my derest Sauier, reseue me, clens me, intersede for me, and dwed in my hart heare tell thou bringest me to dwed with thee for euer in the world to come. Amen. (91 rec.) A thanks geuing to my God, for the great mercy by him granted, of the reconcilement of my Lord and his Brouther, and the setehncnt of the estate vpon the ayre male of the famely, agread upon Wensday if 18; of Non. 1674. WENSDA Y. When hearts and inturest Avar deuided, None but my great God could haue desided So great a striffe, nor coidd haue geuen A concord, like the gifft of heuen ; All blesing Ave from thy great hand reseue, To whome but thee, should we our prasis giue; I come with joy, this duty for to pay, Let not my" thoughts on moment from thee stray, Let them for euer, on thy goodnes dwell, That to the world I may thy wonders teU; 0 let me serue thee, pray, and prays, and loue, TiU throAV thy merits, I'm rescu'd aboue. 0 Vi sco it a tess Mordaun t. 169 This agrement was brock, \>y my Lord Fi/er- burgh. O Let this blesing bring mor blesings on, That endles may be bothe our pras and song, O Let it reache to all my welthe below, My beloued hosband, and my childerne too, O Let us all Avith hartes united joyne, , alredy thine. Amen. To giue our hartes to ther Jan. if 2; 1674. O Lord, my trust is in thy mercy, and my heart is joyfull hi thy Saluation, for thou neuer falest me in time of nead, tho' greeff indur for a night, yet Joy cometh in the morning. O that I were freed, from the carres of this worled, that my harte might be tided with heuenly Joyes, but so erthy is this heart of mine, that it is wayed downe with sin and vanety, filled with the carres of this worled, and led by the vanetis of it, dis turbed by euery cros I mete Avith in this worled, tho' thos crosis haue often, by thy infenit mercy, bin turned to bles ings, my derest Lord giue me a hart so z holy (94 rev.) 170 TJie Diarie of the holy resined to thy will, that all things may be welcom to me, coining from thy hand; into thy Almighty hands I com mit my selfe, my hosband, my childerne, and famely, all our consernes and in- turestes, dispos of vs as it shall seeme fitt in thy sight, if it be thy will pre serue A's from sin and shame, and let vs and our famely serue the Lord our God. Admit me, my God to thy tabed, and so fill me thayr with thy Joyes, that I may no more haue any roume for the carres and trubels of this world, that I may be constantely prepared for that to come. Amen. (95 rec.) Jim. f 8: 167t Lord in thy infenat mercy doe thou take in to thy Almighty protection, my deare childerne, and my poure afhckted famely, thos that at presant ar in helthe, as Avell as those that ar afhckted Avith thy Viscountess Mordaunt. Ill thy heuy hand of sicknes, Lord preserue the on, and support the outher; and giue me pations to submit to thy deuine will in all things, make me worthy (through thy merits) of thy preseruation, and then take me and mine into thy protection, that we may acknoledg ad from thy mercy, Avhich has euer been so great to me, that no tung can expres it, derest Lord make my harte sensabell of it. Amen. For the recottery of my dear childerne from the small pox, Jan : 161\. Praise the Lord of heauen, praise him in the height, for his mercy neuer fails them that serue him, how often haue I prouoked him, and yet so abundant is his mercy, that he hathe not refused the request of myr Lipes, but hathe herd, and granted the humble desir of his hand made, AAhich I offerd in the behalfe of my 172 TJie Diarie of tin (95 rev.) my pour sick chdderne, he hathe pre serued them upon thayr beds of weke nes, and hathe restored them to strenthe and helthe again, and this for his owne mercy sake, how cane I sofetientely prase thee my God, I neuer can, but Lord acsept I humbely pray, the offer of my thanks this day, I neuer can enuff admir, I neuer can enuff desir, to be Avith thee my God, for wilst I'm hear belo, my harte's so heuy and so slow, so lyttull fitt for to asend, so lyttull capa- bull to bend, to Avhat it aught, that I myselfe obhor, and wish Avith thee to bee, that I from sin and uanety ma be as free, as thos blest Sperits aboue, that ar all extecy of Loue. Amen. TJie morning befor our tryall. Feb.yr8: Monday, 161\. 0 Lord doe thou my Hosband and my selfe direckt, Doe thou our persens and our case protecte, Let Viscountess Mordaunt. 173 Let us and ours be alwas in thy care, That we thy choysest blesings still may share, O Lor d preserue our going out, our coining in. Let aU be done without or shame, or sine, That aU the glory, we to thee may pay, Of all good fortun, and suckses, this day, For to thy will our case we doe submit, Doe thou direckt, and gide, and gouerne it. A Prayre of thanks geuing after my Lords tryall at the Kings Bench in Wesminster Hall, for 4000 pound a year, Monday y" 8; of Feb. 161\: tryed on, Monday, and the verdect geuen on Tusday y" 9; of Feb. 1611 this thanks- geuing or sum outher to be sayed euery Monday and euery Tusday in the wek. MONDAY. ' TVS DAY. Troubles, my God, so many ar my clew, That if thay daly did my stepes pursu, And the remander of my Liffe wer spent In greff and care, that aUmy thoughts wer bent On nothing else, I aught not to complane, Sine all my murmuring Avould be in vane; For (96 rec.) 174 The Diane of the (96 rev.) For what so ere my Judg for me thinks fitt, I, humble to his will, aught to submitt. With what an extasy am I now ses'd, When I find my God is gratiously apes'd; His anger is no more, his loue is stdl The subiect of my theme, 0 let that fill My hart with Joy, my tong with prase, That I may spend the remnant of my dayes, In taking care to let the hole world know, How much I to my gratious God doe owe, For 'twas my God, that free'd us from the strife Of thos, that did the comforts of our Liffe Destroy, with thayr dl natuerd and vnkind Disturbanc, of estate, and pease of mind; To ease this greffe Avas thy great work alone, For when to thee, my Lord, 1 made my mone, And did with all humelety resigne My will, holy to be led by thine, 'TAvas then my God did gratiously arise With heling in his wings, loue in his eyes, And did my cause with delegenc defend, Tell at the last with Joy he crouned the end; 0 Let my Soule with loue that loue retorne, That it with zeale and feruor still may borne, And I no Joy may take in aught I say, But when to thee my vowes and thanks I pay; O Viscountess Morda un t. 175 0 croune this blesing with on blesing more, Melions thou hast, my God, I know, in store For thos that loue thy name, Let loue andpese BetAvene the brouthers rise, and discord sese, Let them contend no more, unlesse it bee Which of them most shaU praise and wor ship thee. Amen. Most Avis and gratious Lord, doe thou in thy infenate mercy dheckt my deare hosband and me, the most vnwor- tyest of thy creturs, how to prosede in this great afaire, of disposing of my sonn. Let it not be Avithout thy blesing, doe thou direckt the way, the menes, the time, and whether we shall prosede with my on thes last proposals, for not our Avid, but thine be euer done, in all our concernes. Amen. Apr: y" 1: 1675. Blessed is lie ivhose transgression is forgiuen, whose sinn is couered. O that I Aver thus blesed, but who can (97 rec.) can forgiue my sins, AAhich ar innume- rabde, my God, and my Lord, cane and wid doe it, when thay ar couered by the Blood of my derest Sauier; then thrise hapy and blesed shall I be, Lord doe thou thoro thy merits, make me Avorthy of this infenat Blesing, admit me to thy tabed, conuay thy selfe to me thayr, and doe thou O Blesed Sperit, so adorne my Soule, that this naro hart of mine, may be mayd capabed of reseuing my Blesed Sauier, and not only reseuing but retan- ing him for euer, that he may neuer de part from me, nor I from him, tid I am reseued by him into eternall Joyes. Amen (97 rev.) The Lord sayes: And it shall come to passe, when he crieth unto me, that I will hear; for I am gracious. Thayr is none in heuen nor in yl earth to Avhom I can crie, but to the Eternad God, but how durst I haue presumed, to haue aproched to his deuine Magesty, that Viscountess Mordaunt. Ill that am but sinfud dust and ashis, how must I haue sunk vnder the burden of my aflicktions, without daring to haue layed them opun befor so Dredfull a Magesty, had not thy infenat goodnes bin gratiously plesed to promas to vs, miserabed Seners, that thou wouldest be plesed to hear us when we crie vnto thee, and that graciously; with this assur- anc, I dare apeare befor thee, to implor thy mercy and asistanc, furst to forgiue my ofencis, and next, to releue my dis- tresis, Lord in thy dew time inabed me to pay this debt, that lyes so heuy upon me, and to prouid for my clear childerne and giue me gras to doe it, that I and mine may reioyce in thy mercis, in the Land of the Leuing. Amen. No thoughts can reach, no tong can tell, (98 rec. ) The wonders that with thee doe dweU, Thou art my God, aH good, aU wis, Yet doest not thou disdane the cryes AA Of 178 The Diarie of the Of humbeH mortals, which we send To implor thy asistanc, when we bend Our thoughts to thee, which near can fly Without thy helpe, aboue the skye. O when shall this frale and sinfull dust Apeare befor the only Just, When shaU this sinfull body be Crowned with immortalety, When shaU I sin no more, And sese thy perden to implor, That aU my prayers may into prasis torne, And I with extecy of Loue may borne. Amen. (99 rec.) After the Death of my deare Hosband, who dyed June ye 5: 1675, Satorday in the afternoune. {wreton July ye 30:), Psalme ye 37 y" 39 vers. But tJie Saluation of the Righteous, is of the Lord, he is their strength in time of troublle. O Lord be thou my strength, in this my clay of tryad, in this my day of hu- melyation, tho uery bitor, yet Just corection, Viscountess Mordaunt. 179 corection, for my many sins and trans- gretions. Lord make it a day of Salua tion to me, fix my heart on thee, wheare true joys ar only to be found; and suffer not my greefe to haue any thing of re- pyning in it, Let a perfitt submetion be found by thee, hi all my thoughts words and actions, and if in the exsesse of sorow, anything has euer bin thought or sayed by me, that has ofended thee my Lord and my God, doe thou wipe it away, doe thou blot it out with thy most pretious blod, and acsepte me, tho altogether vnworthy, yet through thy mercis, make me a wellcom gest at thy holy tabed; andperdon derest Lord, the disstracted thoughts with which I re seued the Blesed Sacrement during my hosbands sickness, and let not this great trubble I labor voider, make me forgitt to prase thee my God for thy infenat mercy showed to the Soid of my cleare Hosband in his sicknes,and for his being, through the merits of my Sauier, tranc- lated (99 rev.) The Diarie of tJie lated into Glory, of which I make no doubt, so pourefuly and manefestely, did thy Blesed Sperit asist him, in his gretest extremety. The thoughts of this aught to be a Joy to great to admit of any trubble; but so frale is this vile natur of mine, and -so pourefuly does Selfe Loue pre- uale with me, that this, which ought to be my Joy, is dround by my greefe, O make me to greeue for this my greefe. And let me not forgitt to prayse thee, for thy yet remaning mercis, of my deare children; Lord doe thou make them truly blesings to me, by making them Avhat thay aught to be to thee, make them to abound in ad vertu and God- lynes of leuing, and inablle me by thy asistanc to prouid for them in sume mesure, as to worldly supports and cumfortes. Most Bountyfull Lord I prayse thee that thou hast geuen me a posibelety of paing my hosbands debts, Lord giue me grace Viscoun tess Morda un t. 181 (100 rec.) grace to doe it, and if it seeme fitt in thy wisdom, giue me such a proportion of helthe, and strenthe, bothe of body, and minde, as may inabde me to doe it. It was thou my God, that inspired the harte of the King, with charety to asist me in my desires, arid it was thou alone that put it into the harte of so many to intorsede for me, with him; Lord re ward them ad, bothe Princ and Subiect, and may thay neuer Avant mercy, ether in this world, or an outher, in there gretest extremety ; and may I euer spend my days in thy prays; and so Liue, as not to dishoner the carector thou hast imprinted uppon me, of thy seruant, which I am no was abde to make good, Avithout thy asistanc. O Blesed Sperit doe thou gide me thorugh out the hole corse of my Life, and asist me in the last houre of my death. O Holy, and blesed Sperit, doe thou worke so efecktualy with me, as to perden what is past, to recty- phy 182 The Diarie of the phy what is presant, and to preuent what is to come, and to bles me, and mine. Deuteronomie chap: 10; tiers 18; He doth execute the Judgment of the Fatherlesse and widow. Lord make me to worship thee, in Spirit, and in truth. B. L. D: Now Lord help: now, and euer, Lord helpe. (101 rec.) Psalme y" 130; y° 5: uerse. Sep. f 12; 1675. I wait for tJie Lord, my Soul doth wait, and in Jiis ivord doe I Jiope. O suffer me not, my Lord and my God, to fad from this my hope, but in the strength of it, inable me to pas thorough ad the difecultys of this Liffe, and Let not this hope fade me, till I come from hoping to inioying, from praying to praysing, from soroing to reioycing, cternady; and tdl that hapy houre come, doe thou neuer Viscountess Mordaunt. 183 neuer forsake me, any on moment of my Liffe, that I may neuer dishoner thy name hear; O my Lord doe thou asist me iri the condetion I am now in, pre serue the chdd within me, the time it has to stay, from euery id aetident, and when my hower of traued comes, Let thy Holy Angels be asisting; grant me a saffe deleuery, support me in my gretest extremety; and bles my chdd with perfitt shapes, make it butyfull in body and mind, and reseue it into thy Chorch, by the blesed Sacrement of bab- tisme, and reseue both that and me, and ad mine, in to thy Allmighty protection, now and for euer mor. Amen. For CJiristmas Day, 1675. Glory be to our God on high, On earth peas, good will towards men, The angels with this news did fly, And did with Joy proclame it then When all of us wer lost in sin, And all of vs had ruin'd bin, (101 rev.) If If this Glorious Lord had stayed In the Heuens for him war mayed; But his vast goodnes did desend, For our Souls good, thus low to bend, He our owne natuer did asume, In our weke nature he did com, Tho' he from sin vnspoted war, The burden of our gdt did beare, And freed us from that dismaH smart, And will his Joys to us impart; What extacy should sease our brest, When on this theme our thoughts doe rest, Wher can we serch, wher can we find Words to expres our gratefull mind, 0 Let our Souls melt into Loue, And our Joy'd prasis mount aboue And thayr fix, tell throw his merit, We thos Joys com to inherit. Amen.. (102 rec.) Jan. 1671 After the berthe of my son Gorg. What prays, what gratetud aught I to pay, That I haue liued to retorne thanks this day, So many ills, and so much greef outliued, Could only from the Allmighty be reseued; Let Viscountess Mordaunt. 185 Let not thy rod, nor comforts, come in vane, Let them not add to my eternall payne, But let them aU contrebut to my blis, Sine aH my sins now ar become his Who dyed for me, and fuly payed my score, His merits mine, his mercis I implore; His praysis to the world I will proclame, Wdst hear on yerthe to serue him I remane, TiU he reseue me in his armes of Loue, And satisphy my Soule with Joyes aboue. Amen. My derest Lord doe thou take into thy armes of mercy, my dear son Gorg, be his father, he that was borne with out father, brought into the world by an aflicted mouther, preserued only by thy Almighity poure. Let him be pro tected by thy prouedenc, defended by thy goodnes, instrocted by thy wisdom, and mayd a hapy instrement of good to thy Chorch and Nation, and if in mercy thou seest it fitt, grant that he may be a comfort to me thy most vnworthy seruant, and ad this I humble beg for my derest Sauier's sake. Amen. bb Feb. (103 m-.) Feb. f 5: 167?. Sine all by prays, thayr gratetude expres To thee, my God, sure I can dou no les, My hart is full, my Soul dos ouer flow, Let notmytong proue in the expretion slow, Let aU my actions, and my words make knowne That I am guided by thy poure alone, And let that poure for euer me asist, That I may neuer thy great wdl resist, But may with all humelety resine My stoborne will, for to be led by thyne, For all that euer I haue don, or thought, Or shon'd, or wish'd, or acted, as I aught, Was from, my Lord, thy mighty pour deuine, I canot dialing, any part for mine. For if thy care, my God, thou shou'dst dechne, Leuing me to my selfe, how sad afait wer mine, I should the vilest of all cretuers be, Weked, and reched, to the last degree, But thgt, I hope, wiU neuer be my faite, My God 1 loue, all that he hates I hate, On his great goodnes I will stiU rely, And in his seruis wiU I liue and dy, This resolution he wdl strenthen so, As to inable me to vnder go All Viscountess Mordaunt. 187 All greefs, that shall in oposetion stand, Or tempt me to resist his high command, That I with cherfull hart, with cherfull voys May heare for euer make it my lou'd choys To show by all my actions how I loue To prays thee hear, that I may do't aboue. Amen. (103 rev.) A Prayr for my son Mordaunt when he was in Franc, he begon his Jorny thether Monday, f 28; Feb. 161\. Lord in thy mercy doe thou adorne the early years of my son with thy grace, and let him thorow thy mercy improue it euery day, that he may be a hapy, and a glorious instrement of good, to this Chorch, and Nation, to which end derest Lord preserue him bothe abroad, and at home. Let not the coruptions of any playce or agg infeckt or defile his mind ; but if in thy infenat mercy thou seest it fitt, let him retorne home, in honer, and safety, with the fauer of thee my God, and and the oplas of man. Let him be emenent in uertu, and pyety, and ad to thy honer and glory, and if it pleses thee, to the comfort of me thy vnworthy ser uant, and all my famely. Amen. (104m-.) Mar: if 24; 167!;, Good Friday. After rescuing the Sacrement. Psalm y" 116; v. the 1: 2: 1. lam well pleased that the Lord hatJie heard the voyce of my prayer. 2. That he hath inclined his ear unto me, therfore will I call vpon him as long as I line. O Lord I am not oidy to prays thcc for the infenat mercy shoed to the hole world in generail upon this day, by thy meretorious pation, but for thy infenat mercy voutsafed to me in pertecoler upon this day, thou hast aployed all thos merits to my Soule, thou hast Amited me to thy owne selfe, thou hast noreshed and Visco untess Mordaunt. 189 and fed my Soule, with thy owne pre tious Body and Blod, O Let me neuer doe any thing to dishoner thy name. I am now becom a part of thee, O let * me be thy pertecoler carre, and giue me grace to make it my care, to please, and serue, and obay thee in ad things, and in thy dew time reseue me to thee, into thy eternall Joyes. Amen. On Ester Day, 1676. The Lord is resen, Let us be so Avise, With him from sin, from sham, from slothe, to rise, Let not one stane remaine this glorious day Vpon our Soules, Let all be wip'd away With his most sacred body, and his blod, That purchest has for us so great a good; The Lord has resin, and we now shall Rise With Loue and wonder to behould his eyes. I trembeling doe expeckt, yet Avish, that day In which I hope to here my Sauier say, ' Com all ye blesed of the Lord, and see ' The Kingdom, which is purchest you by me; 'My (105rar.) ' My blod for you this purchas shure has mayd ' Your heuy debts of sins by me ar payd, ' And the bles't purchas is to you conuay'd f Sealed in my blod, 0 be not then afraid, ' But com with Joy, your blis is shure, ' Reseue thos Joys, that shall for euer dure.' Amen . (105 rev.) 1: of Apr ell 1616. A thanks geuing for deleueranc from fire in. my chamber begun. My Gardien Angel, that behoulds thy Faise, And dos by thy command defend the playse Of my abode, has vs in safety kepte From dismall fire, preserued us wdst we slept, And waked me when the danger great did grow; It was thy goodnes, derest Lord, I know Thus to command; that all of vs might liue, With Loue and Joy our praysis thus to giue To thee, our God, whous mercy still exsedes All outher of thy great and glorious dedes. Amen. At Visco uutess Mordaunt. 191 At my sons Louis and Osmond going into France, thay begon thayr Jorny Mayf 24; 1676. Most pourfud Lord God doe thou defend my cleare chdderne, take them into thy Almighity protection, preserue them as wed abroud, as thou hast in mercy don at home; and grant that this thayr Jorny, and thayr being in Franc, may proue much to thayr aduantag, and to the comfort of me thy uery vnworthy seruant. My derest Lord, thou that art the pro tector of the fatherles and widdo, be my protector, and in all things my dyrector ; in all things that consernes my selfe, my childerne, my famely, my interest, let me consolt nothing but thy wid, let me ayme at nothing but thy Honer and glory, and the good of our Soules; and then I know in mercy thou wdest be plesed to besto ad things that shall be requesed for me, and mine; which derest (106rar.) 192 The Diarie of tJie derest Lord grant for my Sauiers sake. Amen. (106 rev.) 0 Lord I prays thy holy name for the saffe deleuery of my deare Sistor, Lord in mercy preserue her in this her bed of wekenes, and restore her to perfitt helthe and strenthe, and this I humbely beg hi the name, and for the merits of my derest Lord and Sauier. EUERY DAY after the King's granting a patent for the incres of tJie years of the Cole Farme; to be sayed euery day, or som outher of thanks, when I am able. O God how miraculos was tlry mercy to me thy poure distresed and unworthy seruant, left by the death of my dear Hosband destetute of all worldly helpe, when thou didst torne to me in mercy, and let me see none euer perished that reloyed reloyed on thee; in thee did I put my trost, and thou clid'st deleuer me, and mine, from the id condetion we wer left in ; thou did'st stor up the hartes of my frinds to plead for me, thou did'st moue the harte of the King to grant, thou did'st incres my welthe, and Avid I hope let thy blesing goe along with it, that I may pay my debts, prouid for my chil derne, and acording to my abilety asist my poure bretherne; that as I haue found fauor in thy sight, so they may find releue at my hands. Lord incres my sperituall tresur, that I, not abusing of thy worldly gifts, of chddren, frinds, reputation and fortune, may be mayrd partaker of thy heuenly Joys, Avhich ar purchased for me, by my derest Sauier. Amen. ce Sal. (107 rec.) Sal y" 44; uers. ye 3: and 4: July the 2: 1676. After taking up money to 'pay my debt. Lord it was not mine owne arm that helped me. But thy right hand and thyne arm, and the Light of thy Countenance, becas thou Jtadst a fauer unto me. My Lord and my God, how vnworthy am I of the least glimce of thy mercy, but how much mor unAVorthy of thy abondant goodnes, by which I haue bin so pourfuly asisted in my gretest nedes and aflictions, thou hast difended me with thyne arme, and soported me with thy right hand, thou hast caryed me thoroughmany difecultis, and hastgeuen me fauer in the sight of thos I had to doe with, inabling me to satisphy the desirs of so many poure peped, to whom I Avas indebted, and geuen me wheare with all to souport my deare chdderen, and Viscountess Mordaunt. 195 and Avid I hope, in thy clew time, asist me hi prouiding for them, and paing thos that haue asisted me, in my extre mety, with money to pay thos pour pe- pell, and ad this out of thyne owne meere goodnes, becas thou hadst a fauor unto me. O how doe I desir the con tenuanc of thy Loue, but how lyttull doe I deserue it, yet I am thyne, and tho' unworthy to be oned by thee, yet will I neuer forsake thee, tho' thou shouldest (107 rev.) kd me, yet wid I put my trost in thee, tho' thou shouldest Avithdraw the Light of thy Countenanc from me, yet wdl I delight in thee, but derest Lord leaue me not to my selfe, I trost not to any strenth or wisdom of my owne, but I throe my selfe into thy armes of mercy, and fermely rest upon my rock, Christ Jesus. Amen. 196 TJie Diarie of tin A Prayer to be sayed in thonder and lytening. O God whous neuer ering prouedenc gouernes all things bothe in heuen and in yerthe, preserue, we beseech thee, this thy famely, and all that belonges unto it, from the dismall efects of thonder and lytening; from soden, and unpre pared death, and from euery dl actident, Let thy Almighity hand of protection, be ahvas ouer us for good, and suffer us not to fall into sin or shame. (108/-ec.) Befor the Sacrement. Sep. f 30; 1676. O that my Soul Avere so inlarged, that it might reseue thee my Sauier, with all the transportes of Joy and Loue it is capable of, wilst it is confined Avithin this masse of sinfull dust and ashis, that I may haue sum taste of those Joys thou hast prepared for thos that loue thee, which Viscountess Mordaunt. which for thy merits I shad inioy Avhen this mortall body shall haue put on im mortality, and this corruptable body shall be rayesd in incoruption, when O Lord, when shad that hapy and wishte for day com. When my sister Linch had the smallpox. Oc. y 8: O God, full of mercy and compation, take, I most humbley besech thee, in to thy Allmighty protecktion, my deare Sis ter Linch, preserue her on this her bed of wekenes, Souffer not the deses she now grones vnder to haue any poure ouer her Liffe, nor any way hinder her futur hapynes in this woiied, but aboue all fitt and prepar her for thee in the worled to com, and all this I presume to beg for my Sauiers sake. Amen. Wensday, The Diarie of the (109 rec.) (109 rev.) Wensday, Feb. f 14; 16% When I was asolted thrise in my cJiare, and preserued from all ill, by tJie great mercy of my God. No danger sure I need to feear, Sine my God is alwas near, Near to all thos on him depend, Them to preserue, them to defend. Tho his blest imag I defais, And doe neglect his offerd grac, He has mercy stdl in store, When his ayde Ave doe implor; He dos forgiue and dos releue AU that Avith loue and faith beleue; Let me for euer thee adore, And Avith faithe thy ayd implore, And thy praysis aU was sing, Thou art my Lord, thou art my King. 1 Tim. y 2; chap, y" 1: uers. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giuing of thanks, be made for all men. I durst not presume to apear befor thy Viscountess Mordaunt. 199 thy deuine Maty oprest with sin and uanety, did not the aduis of thy Aposted St. Pad incorag me to it, that exhorts us to pray and giue thanks for ad men. Lord hear my vnworthy prayers, for ad Christen pepell, furst I presume to bles thy name, to magnefie thy mercy, for hauing spred thy Gospell so fare, Lord suffer not thy name any longer to be abused by thos, that ar caded by that name; giue unto us all forgiuenes for all thats past, pure harts and holy hues for the time to com, and for all that ar yet in ignoranc, Lord in mercy giue them menes to knoAV thee, and send thy Sperit into thayr hartes, to inable them to im- bras, and hould fast, thy holy doctrin, and the loue of thee. Lord comfort all aflicted, bles all in prosperety, and san- typhy ad condetions to all peped, and this I humble beg, my derest Lord, for my Sauiers sake. Amen. Mar. 200 The Diarie of the (110 rec.) (11 2 rec.) Mar.f 3: 161\. My God, all things below of joy, or grefe, I from thy hands most cherfuly reseue. Thy rod I kis when soro fiUs my brest, Thy name I laude when I with Joys am blest, I know that bothe ar from a father sent, Who will in ether croune the blest euent. Let my blest Jesus fill alone my hart, Let not the world or deuell haue a part Where thou, my derest Lord, inthroned art. Doe thou, blest Sperit, sese my Soul intyer, And from thy allter set it all on fire, And burne up all the dros, leve it refined, And so preserue it, till with thee 'tis joyned. Maytf—: 1677. When my son Mordaunt went to sea. My Lord and my God, into thy Al- mighity protection I commit my deare son, thou alone cans't preserue him from the Raging of the sea, from the violents of the Avinds, and from euery ill actident; preserue his mind from all coruption, and his person from all danger, retorne him Viscountess Mordaunt. 201 him (O my Lord,) to me agane, in safety, and honer, and if in thy infenat Avisdom thou seest it fitt, make him a comfort to me thy vnworthy seruant, an honer to his famely, and an aduantag to his Church and Nation; and grant that this jorny may proue much to his aduantag in euery respeckt, but aboue ad, in the improuement of his mind, Let him see and admir thy wonders in the depe, Let thy holy Sperit so pourfuly incline his soul to loue, and adore thee, that he may in ad things cherfuly submit to thy wid. Ad this I presume to beg in the name and for the sake of my derest Lord and Sauier Jesus Christ. Amen.. Sep. ye 12; 1677. Of Long Liffe. Length of dayes hathe bin by most accounted a blesing, but alas tis only so when tis blest with opertunetis of glore- dd phying (114ree.) 202 The Diarie of the (114 rey.) phying God, of being emenent in his seruis, and of being usfull to our bre- theren, aduancing ther good, both of soul and body, this inded maks it a blesing; but in it selfe, it canot be ac counted so, it being a delay to (our futur hapynes) a Joy so great none can comprehend it, much les expres it, the being with God, the buoying all perfec tion in him, the being fild with vninter- rupted Joyes, the being inflamed with Loue which is alwas satisfied, the uery thought of this, dos so inflame my soul, that I pationately wish, I could this minnit hear my Sauier say, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradis; but I am not worthy, I am not worthy, and nothing but the merits of my Sauier can make me so. But I know not what I aske, nor of Avhat Sperit I am mayd, thy wid is best, thy wdl be dun. Long Liffe to me no Joy can bring, Exsept it glorephy my King; To Viscountess Mordaunt. 203 To loue and to obay his wiU, To sf rue him with my utmost skill Is all can make this Liffe a blis, So frdl of cares and thornes it is; Na, which is yet the gretest payne, From joys immenc it dus detayn My soul, that naught can pleas TiU in thy armes it is at ease; And yet securely hear 1 rest, Only becas by thee I'me blest; For if my God did not proteckte, And aU my feeble steps dheckt, What unknowne pathes they'd tred, Sin, and dispayr thats by it bred, Would quit destroy my rest, And make this world a hell at best, In which a pathe by thee is ehalk'd to Joy, Thether thy gentdl hand dos me conuay. Amen. A Sal. the 73; f 24; vers. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receitte me to Glorie. Thy counsels first my God shaU gide my wais, Then croun'd Avith Glorie I thy name shall prays, Words (115 rec.) Words fuU of Joy and wonder, thy poure deuine WiU condesend upon my pathes to shine; My God wiU gide my ways and bend my will, So that his pleasuer I shall stiU fullfdl; His counseles ar my Joy, nothing but hee My comfort hear, aboue my blis, can be. Let not my sins thes glo'rus hopes destroy, Reseuing me to Glory, 0 my Joy; The very hopes dos make a heuen near, And I alredy doe inioy it hear In sum degree ; but 0 the thornes, the bryers That stop the way, my vnbounded desires Doe terephy my thoughts, when them I see, My fears all uanish when I look on thee; My confedenc is grounded on thy word, And that defends me, like the flaming sword Was place'd in Paradic, from all my fears ; I haue no roum within for greef or tears, I am aU ouer Joy, and long to be Wher I thy presans may for euer see. Amen. De, ,/ 25.. 1077. (115 rec) Jan. if 28; 1677. A Prayr for my Mother. My God, permit me, I most humbley besech Visco un tess Mordaunt. 205 besech thee, to appere in thy presants, to make my vnworthy adresis in the behalfe of my dear mother; Lord giue her the comforts, and blesings, of this Liffe, releue her acording to her seuerad nesesatys, and make her chddren com forts to her; but aboue ad, fitt her for thy eternall Joys, and grant, that her pasag henc may be without great payns or terers; Lord thou hast chunk that bitor cup, make hers plesant to her. Amen. The 1 of the Cor: 2: chap. 9: uerse. It is writen, eye hathe not seen, nor eare heard, neither haue entred into the hart of man, the things which God hathe prepared, for them that loue Jiim. 0 that I wer all Loue, And that the sentor of that loue might be God, who gaue his Son, who gaue him selfe, for me; I am conuinc'd, Avhen e'are my thoughts doe stray From that on obgeckt,thay haue lost thar way And (116rec.) 206 TJie Diarie of tJie And moue ereguler; doe thou, blest Sperit, With thy soft brethe, reduce my ering Sperit, Bio of the dros, and bring it back to thee, That I may joy in naught but the blest three, The on immortall God, my God, in whome My hapynes hear, and all the Joys to com, AU that is good, all that's to be desir'd, Buty, wisdom, all that's to be admired, All that deserues our loue, or maks our blis As much aboue our thoughts as Ave're belo his, Dos dweU; Can my duU soul be plesed to stay belo When so much blis about my God dos flow, And that prepar'd, if I doe loue, for me, That neuer entor'd hart, nor ey nere see, My God, thou hast my loue, I canot chus, Into my heart stiU more, and more, infuse. Amen. (Ill rec.) On Good Friday, at Reding. Mar: y' 29: 1678. This day's a day of joy and greeffe, Joy, as it brought us all releue, Droun'd in our dedly sins, and los Of Joy ; had not his sauing Cros This Viscountess Mordaunt. 207 This day restored us all to blis, By taking all our sins for his; And loded with our heuy gilt, Upon the Cros his Blod he spdt For us, how great then is our grefe, That nothing les could bring releue ; Nothing, but thy owne pour deuin Could satisphy for ower crime ; Nothing but Christ, bothe God and man, This unspoted sacrefis can Make to God the father's Justis; No Loue, but on emence like his, This beetor cup would haue acsepted; Yet he with Joy has it efected. What Loue, what prays aught wc to bring When we apear befor this King Of Loue ; when thus my thoughts ar bent, I find no words my Loue to uent. Amen. Woton, Ap.f 1: 1678. For my Childeren, to be sayd in ther behalfe, by me. Lord perden the presumtion of thy unworthy hand maycl that uentors to recommende (117 m\) 208 The LHarie of the recommende to thee, all my dear chd deren, that thou in mercy hathe blest me with, where euer thay be, abroud or at home, be pleased to take them into thy Allmighty protection; make them in thayre seuerad stations instrements of thy Glory; preserue them to me in this worled longer, or reseue them in mercy to thee, as seemes best in thy sight; only if I may be permited to make this humble request before thee, preserue them, as far as may be, Avith out sm or shame, preserue them from euery ill action and from euery ill acti- dent, and grant that all may proue for ther Souls good, and thy great Glory, Avhich, I trust, shall euer be the ayme of me, and min. Lord owne us so for thyne, as to direckt the hole cors of our Liues, direckt me how to aduis and then how to acte, and let thy blesing goe a long with all our endeuers. Amen. After Viscountess Mordaunt. 209 After my retorne from Bathe. June f 20; 1678. Sal. ye 40 ; tier y" 3 ; and 4 : My God thou hast put a new song in my mouth, euen of praise unto thee my Lord; many shall heare it and fear and shad trust in the Lord. Blesed is the ma it that maketh the Lord his trust. I haue neuer trusted but in thee my God, and thou hast forsaken me; O leue me not to my selfe, but asist me in all things, euen in praising thee, for Avith out thee I doe not know how to pleas thee. How dare I aproch thcc with words of my owne, Silanc best becoms my atI- nes, when I apear befor thy throne, ex- sept thou inspir me from aboue, and teach me hoAV to aproch thee wdst I am hear beloAV, my thoughts ar fidd Avith Joy and wonder when I conseder thy ee infinat (11 8 rec.) infinat goodnes. By thy deuine prouedenc I haue bin (118 reu.) preserued in all my AA'ekenes, retorned in safety home, ad my dear chdderen well, my helthe in sum mesuer restored, my frinds kind, ad that by thy bounty I can cad mine, preserued by thee. O what am I, euen the worst of all thy cretures, and yet thou hast bin pleasd to incompas me about with thy Saluation; Avhat can I say, I will adore thee, bles thee, prays and magnephy thee, loue and serue thee, all the days of my Liffe. Amen. (119 rec.) After a deleueranc from fire. July f 27; Hoav daly doe thy blesings Aoav Vpon us mortals hear below, I am astonished when I think How oft I'm snached from the brink Of death, preserued by thy pour Or else might perish euery hour; O Viscountess Mordaunt. 211 O let me more and more admir, Let my blest soul to thee aspir, Let me neuer seese to prays, TUl ending of my hapy dayrs I may to sertan Joys atan, And Avith thy Christ in Bliss remain. Amen. Ariued at Depe, Thorsday night De: f 22 French still, f 12 English. A Prayr of thanks geuing O Eternall and merciful Father, all prays is thyne, to thee it is alone cleAV, to thee my thankfull hart shad euer pay it, but becase Avithout thee, we doe not know hoAV to pleas thee, let thy holy Sperit inspir me how to prase thee ac ceptable. Amen A Prayer 212 The Diarie of the j( 144 rec.) A Prayer mayd by my owne father, before receiuing of the Blessed Sacrament. O Eternall and most gratious God, whose greatnesse is as much beyond our thoughts, as thy goodnes is beyond our meritts, who art so farre aboue us in thy Maiesty, and yet art round about us in thy mercy, whose Glory was to create man, but Avhose delight is to saue him; be pleased (O Lord) to pardon this my presumption uppon thy fauour, who not contented with that leasure thou art pleasd to promise to the entreaties of any that are asembeled in thy name, am bold to sollicite thine eare at this time to the cryes and humblle desires of so poore a particular wretched sinner as I am, AAdiose Soule thou hast brought so farre on towards Saluation, as that it Andes it selfe loaden with sine, is sensi ble of the weight of it, and hathe im patient and feruent longings to bee freed from Visco un less Morda tin t. 213 from the subiection to it; to whom then (Lord) should I adresse my selfe, but unto thee that arte the author of all comforts, whom should I entreat to make my Soule cleane, but thee who didst giue it mee such; whom shad I beseech to inuest it Avith purity, but thee who art nothing else; Avho is so much concernd by my Saluation, as thou who madest me; Avho hathe so great a losse by my perdition as thou Avho didst in tend me to be thine owne; who wid haue so tender a sence of my misery and misfortune, as thou my God, who, besides thy naturall indulgency to man kind, vouchsafest a peculiar compation, and commiseration to the sighs, and sorrowes of euery repenting and beleu- And Avhen (Lord) should I secure myr Soule of mercy, if not noAV when I come unto thee in the name and me diation of thy clear and only sonne Crist Jesus when I represent at once to thee my (144 ->w); The Diarie of the my repentance and his pations, my sor row and his sufferings for my shins, Avhen for the many transgretions of my youth I present to thee the many more tortures of his Crosse, Avhen to the shins of my Soule I apply the wounds of his body and desire to be clensed from them, not by the riuers of mine owne teares, but by that immense sea of mercy, euen the plentifull and pourfull effusion of his owne most pretious and incorruptible blood. Vnto that blessed Sacrament, O Lord doe I haste, as vnto the only sure rock of my Saluation, and since thou hast been pleased to incline my heart that Avay, and to inspire it with so good de sires, AAhich are the first steppes in that blessed Journey, let me be so guided thorough it ad by thy holy Spiritt, and so strengthened by it against all the interruptions and distractions that I shall be sure to meet in the way, that I may neither entertaine the remembrance of my Viseo un less Mordaunt. 215 my past sums with delight, nor welcom the occasions of new ones Avith greedi- nesse, that nether the Loue of this world, nor the feares of the next may disturb mee, that I may not be led aside into security by confidence in thy goodnes, nor in chspaire by consciousnesse of myne owne Avickednesse, that my pace may not bee slackned by ouerloading my selfe with my sinns; nor to much hastened by laying aside ad the weight of them; that mine eyes be not allwayes so lifted vp as that they looke not also into mine owne heart, nor so amused in the consideration of that, as that they fix not at last for their onely refuge vpon my deare and only Lord and Sauiour Jesus Crist. But let thy right hand direct mee Avhen I stray, and thy outstretched arme support me when I faint; against the hot assaults of the flesh let me be re- fresht by the continuad clew of thy blesings; against all could numnes and insensibdetv insensibdety either of thy Loue, or mine owne danger, let me be warmd Avith a coale from thine altar; Let me bee sheltred from the dazeling sunshine of worldly allurments under the shadow of thy Avings; and releiued from the dan gerous clouds of darkenesse, and igno rance, by the Light of thy Countenance; Let thy grace remaine with me, and thy (145 rec.) Spirit take such charg ouer mee, as it may present mee a worthy guest at thy Holy table; worthy in the knowledge and confession of mine owne vnworthy- nes, and in a constant, certaine hope and beleife in the mercyes and meritts of my dearesst Lord and Sauiour Crist Jesus, in the breaking of his blessed body, and the shedding of his immacu late blood. And that I may bee sertainely per- SAvaded of my welcom at thy blessed tablle, furnish my Soule with all thos vertues and graces, Avhich thou requirest at the hands of all thos Avhom thou in- uitest Viscountess Mordaunt. 217 uitest to that holy asembly. Giue me a sound and sanctified knowledge of all that may any way conserne or conduce ati to my Saluation; enlighten my Soule with such a glimpse of the lustre of thy Maiesty, as may let me see how much to narrow it is for the comprehension of it all; but fid it (Lord) with such a liuely sense and experience of the riches of thy mercy, that I may be as joyfull in respect to their plenty, that they can neuer be exhausted, as ferfull in respect of their value, that they cannot easily be pur chased; teach mee, Lord, so to know thee as that I may truly loue thee, and make me then think I know thee in a suf ficient measuer, when I loue thee out of all measuer; and let all my Liffe cheifny tend to the heightning and increasing of that Loue, and of the true Joy and Comfort that doe euer acompany it. And that I may make my knowleclg auadable to me, giue me grace so to apply it to mine OAvne Soule, as that it ff may 218 (145 rev.) TJie Diarie of the may grow to bee faith in me allso. And yet proportion not, Lord, my faith to my knowledg, but when the scantnesse of myne vnderstanding cannot fully comprehend the immensnesse of thy Maiesty and mercy, let my faith reach after them, and Avhen it falls short let it be in weaknesse, and not in willing- nesse, and then Lord thou wilt, I know, rather supply it, than punish it. Aboue ad let my Soule bee satisfied in the liuely apprehention and perswation of the death of my Lord and Sauiour Crist Jesus, and of my large and full share in the mercies and meritts of it. Let my hert not beleue this only, but feele it, let me not owe my faith only to my Joyes in this particular, but let euen my sence secure them unto me, by that ineffable experience of Joy and Comfort, and acquiescence that I enioy by it, and the fearfull disturbances and distractions that thay ar subiect too, Avho have not layed their Soules too rest in Visco ttntess Mordaunt. 219 in that security. To thes, Lord, add a hearty sorrow and vnfained repentance for all my sins past, with a constant re solution of neuer retorning to them againe, make me auoid sin not so much becase it brings me neere punishment, as becas it puts me farre of from thy fauour; and let me not be satisfied to hate it upon consideration only, vntill I haue brought my heart to a naturall and pressent auertion and detestation of it, and to a holy ambition of ap proaching it selfe, as near as humanity Avid giue it leaue, unto that first degree of purity and integrity in which thou wert pleasd to create it. Make me to take so strict an account, Lord, of myne owne Soule, that no sin of Avhat nature soeuer may escape mc; let my penitent sighs and grones make a greater noise in thine eares, than my loud and crying sins; let the silent com- ponction and anguish of my heart per- sAvad the still soft breath of thy mercye, to 220 TJie Diarie of the to doe away my wispering and my secret sins; and let that infinit Loue whear- with Crist Jesus loued mankind, and Avhich I shad teach my heart to retorne in some degree to him againe, driue from thence and out of thy sight, my darling, and nry bosome, and my beloued sins. And wash, good Lord, out of my Soule, euen Avith the blood of thy sonne, Avhat soeuer hath beene vnpleasing and vnacceptablle in thine eyes, and let it leaue there behind it such a tincture of purity, as may not bee sudyed, or spotted againe by any temptations AA'hatsoeuer. And finish, Lord, this thy great worke of mercy all to me, by bringing me vnto thyr holy tablle in perfect loue and cha rity Avith all the world; let me bothe freely in my heart forgiue all that haue iniurd mee, and giue them such assur ance of it by my outward expressions, as thay may be inuited to forgiue mee too. And let not my charity be con fined to thos of my acquaintance, but dilated Visco tin tcss Mo rda tint. 221 dilated euen to all those that professe the name of Crist Jesus, let me expres it to ad that truly call vpon him, with feruency and pation, and euen to those that haue not yet heard of his name, by prayers and compassion. To my superiours [Unfinished in the MS.] B: W: 2 Sacrements: — Babtisme, and the Lord's Souper; the furst giues Sperituad Liffe, and the secont Sperituad Norish- ment; Avithout Liffe, you can reseue no Norishment; and without Nourishment, Liffe will soune decay. (155 mi} £fec €nU of tftc £>inric. APPENDIX. [ r** In consequence of the chang-e of type and style, requisite for the following pages, it was necessary to omit them at the place where they occur in the MS. In the order of the MS. they should he, ante between pages H> and 11, — E. M.] IN THE YEARE OF OUR LORDE 1657. SUNDAY. To returne thanks for Reseued the Blesed Sacrement and in sume meshuer spent the remaning parte of the day beter than I used to dow, not to my knolege tould any untruthe, not mist the publioke seruis of the Church, and am returnd safe in body and mind. To aske per den for Ofended by disputing with my Husband, and therby geuing him a trubel, hauing bin weded to my owne openion, and not yelding, tho I thought my selfe conuinced, by loking uppon a mane when my harte tould me, it might re- nue his pashon agane for me which being marryed was unla- full, by not spending this thy Sabethe day so well as I aught to dow; but was drowsy at the euening sermon. MUNDAY. To returne thanks That I haue not falen into any a willful To repent of Hauing spent this day in veset- 226 The Diarie of the willful sin, and that I am saue ing, I feare I may haue ofended in body and mind. with my tung, I am shure I haue by not saing ' my prayrse this afternoune and by making outher pepels indiscrestion, my deuer- tion. TUSDAY. To returne thanks for To aske per den for For my helthe and safety, and I haue sayd one or to things that of my Husbands and for the that wer not exactely true. I contenuanc of his kindnes. haue omited parte of my deuo tions to day, and spent my time in the uanety of discors and cum- pany. FRYDAY. The sins and omistions I haue cummeted in my grete sciknes ar innumerabel, for I was impationt, and when I stroue aganst it, it was mor to pies cretuer than my Creator for which I humbely bege perden; I was pashionat in it, and angered my husband, and oca- tioned his ofending thee, my God; forgeue Lorde, I did not returne that Harty thanks for my recouery as was mete, and when I re seued the Sacrement after it, it was not with that deuotion, so blesed a Sacrement requird, but I trust my God reseued my desir of dowing it, I dow now returne most Humbel and harty thanks for my recouery, and for my being -which God grant, and that I may savely goe thoro with it, to his Glory, and my cumfort. I haue ofended this day, in ometing my pryuet prayrs in the morn ing ; and in eydel discors ; and in the uane desirs of being thought handsum; and in thinking ill of outhers my selfe, and by being angery Viscountess Mordaunt. 227 angery at my deuotion this euening, O Lord forgeue and acsept and daly increse my repentanc. Amen. SATURDAY. I Humbely returne thanks I bege perden, for That I haue past this day with- Hauing bin angery to day in out any grete perel, and without my house with Lady P and ometing my set time of for hauing bin dull at prayrs, and [The page here is imperfect.] for hauing in returne to a com plement tould a lye. SUNDAY. Reseued the blesing Of helthe, and my husbands kindnes, and of hering thy word preched, and of ganing the kind nes of thos I am withe, which I no way deserue, and milions mor of blesings. Ofended I haue ometed all my pryuat prayrs, and bin dull at the pub- lek seruis ; that the pleshuer of waking and diseorsing, hath hin- derd my retyrments to day ; that I tould a thing to one that might insence her against an outher which was ill tho the thing wer true. MUNDAY. To returne thanks for the Continuanc of my Husbands kindnes, and all outher thy bles- -ings, which ar innumerabel. I haue ofended In the being dull at my prayrs and by being plesed with the folis of outhers, and with things sayde to ther reproch. TUSDA Y. 228 The Diarie of the TUSDAY. To returne thanks for I haue ofended by The contenuanc of all thy us- Sufering my illnes to slaken eall mercys; and the daly incres my deuotion, and by spending of them. mor of my time in reding a foul- ish play, than was spent in thy seruis. WENSDAY. The mercys I reseue arinfenate I haue ofended in euery parte 0 acsept of my praysis Lorde. of the day, by implying it in no good thing, I haue not only ometed pryuat, but some parte of publeg prayrs, and that by resen of slothe, my sieknes geres me. THURSDAY. O Lorde forgeue my hauing ometed this days account. FRIDAY. Thymercisarunspekabelmul- O Lord forgeue my hauing teplying euery day, in geuing me spent this day so long a bed, and this day an opertunety of juste- if I haue tould any thing of un- phiing my selfe, and in granting truthe or to Lady 's preiudis, me my helthe sumthing beter, in my relation of her oarage to the Lorde be prased. Lady forgeue dere Lord, and all my secret and past sins. SATERDAY. O my God, How daie I to aproche to thy tabel to moro, hauing so many and sundery was ofended thy deuine Maity sine my Last Viscountess Mordaunt. 229 reseuing that most blesed Sacrement here; I may see thos sins I haue remembered, which ar many, but my forgoten ons, are innu- merabel, and the sins of my past Life, ar a burden to heuy for me to bere, but that which ads to my gilte, is the weknes of my repentanc , 0 what shall I dow, Carest thou not that I perish. O Lorde loue me, and help me, for I am thine, for tho a straing shepe, yet not a lost one, I am returning to thee, and implor thy ayde, O deny it not ; did euer any goe a way unsatisphid that came to my Sauier, no, Lord, I kno thou wilst haue mercy uppon me, for I loue my Sauier, and he will not forsake me, yet I haue sened and that greuesly, and my Lord herethe not Seners, exsept penetent ons, O then that my hed were a fountane of teares that I might wepe day and night, for my many ofenoes, as they ar reten in this booke, so blote them out of thine, and imprint thy meroys euer in my harte, that it may euer be full of thy prayses, for thy louing kind nes is beter than life itself, and the remembranc of it swet unto me ; but my sins ar dethe it selfe, and the gale of them will undow me, if thy mercy sustane me not ; but in that I will euer trust, thy merits haue satisphid for my gilt, and thy blud shall make me whiter than snow. Amen. I prays thy name for that pro- This days preperation hathe portion of repentanc I haue found bin uery impernt, for I haue bin this day, and for all outher thy dull at my deuotion, and haue not mercis, contenu them deare Lorde bin so greued for my sins as I and prepar me for cuming to thy aught, O Lorde incres my re. tabel to moro. pentanc. SUNDAY. FRYDAY. A thanks geuing for my recouery from sickness. O Father of mercys, in thy mercy acsept of my thanks geuing b tho 230 . The Diarie of tJie tho so layt performed for my recouery from my grete illnes, and not only for this thy mercy, but I must most Humbely acknoleg that the ocation of my illnes is an unspekabel blesing, for it hath plesed thee to here my requeste, by granting me a Hapy recouery so far. O denye me not a saue deleueranc, and bles the Child with exaote shape, and preserue it, from all kind of deformety, the grete blesing of babtisme lete it liue to reseue, and if it be thy blesed will lete it be a boy, and geue bouthe my deare husband and me the cumfort of leuing to see it educated in thy feare, and acsepta- bel in thy sight, but Lorde not my will but thine be fulfild in all things; O let it be thy heuenly will to make me thine, and then thy will be euer dune, and euer lete me bles that Holy will that hath bin so mercyfull to me; O my God and my Lord, most gret and most Glorus, most mercyfull and most Good to me thy most unworthy Seruant, my harte douthe reioys in thy mercys, and I am euer mayd glade by thy louing kindnes, for I loue my Lorde, and I am greued at mine inequety, forgeue and reseue me, and make me euer thine. A men. SATERDAY. To returne thanks for To Oraue most Humbely The gret mercy that nether me, Thy perden for hauing spent nor my husband, nor any that my time so eydely, for hauing belongs to me hathe reseued any bin absent at euening prayrs preiudice this day, and that I and for geuing ere to discorsis haue bin abel to ete mete with- to the preiudice of outhers. out being uery ill after it, and for all outher thy unspekabel mercys I prays thy Holy name. SUNDAY. MUNDAY. O Lorde How grete and many O my God forgeue me this fould aayg Viscountess Mordaunt. 231 fould ar thy mercis,^ and How days ofences, and thos of my hole ought I to prays thy Holy name, Life. I haue ofended by being for that I yet poses the afections to sensabel of Lady P's ingerys, of my husband notwithstanding and by hauing sayd to many the desins that ar to breke it, things to her disaduantag. O and that this day thru thy grete Lord send my deare Husband mercy I haue discouered them; saue to me agane, and forgeue O Lorde giue me grace to preuent my knone and secret sins, I feare them, and euer to prays thy holy I tould a Lye this day. name. A. A. TUSDAY. To prays thy holy name, my O Lord for geue my ofenses, God, for all thy mercys, and in and make me sensabel of them, pertecoler for thos today which I haue ofended this day becas I haue bin many, and agan I must canot remember my ofenses my prays thy holy name, for the dis- illnes hathe mayd me omet sum couery I haue mayd by thy asis- prayrs, Lorde forgeue. tano of 's trechery to her brouther. WENSDAY. I bles my God for his Gretnes I am Gilty, Lorde klens me for his Glory, and for his Good- I haue this day desembled if not nes towards pour unworthy me, lyed, and I haue sayd sumthing which is yet greter then my un- to a persens preiudice tho it wer worthynes for he douthe not only truthe, is ill; I haue right many preserue me a live, but blesis me Leters to day and I feare ofended with all things emagenabel. O in words, but O forsak me not what can I say, only admir, and by geuin me ouer to myselfe; wonder to, that his grete magesty lete me daly incres in Grace and will reseue an admeration from in thy fauer, to which end geue unworthy me. A. me a harty repentanc. A. THURSDAY. 232 The Diarie of the THURSDAY. My prasis are to thee O God I haue ofended my God this derected for my preseruation this day,by shortening my prayrs, and day, and that I haue past it with- by telling an untruthe, and by out any gret ill, and prety well being to much plesed^with sum- in helthe and oherfulnes for thing to ete, O my Lord and my which I shall euer bles my God. God forgeue me, euen me. FRYDAY. I prays thy holy name my God forgeue"' my ofencis my Lorde for geuing me pations to often ometing my prayrs, by re- ber my illnes this day, and that sen of my illnes, O Lord forgeue I herd that my sister was well, my being thought better than and for all outher thy mercys. I am, and my speking untruthe to the preiudice of Lady . SATERDAY. O my God how grete ar thy mercys to pour me, and how un worthy am I of them, by preseru ing me this day that I haue spent so lyttel of in thy seruis ; I prays thy name for that I haue herd from my husband and that he is well and my deare sister to, O my God contenu thy grete mer cis unto me. A. Forgeue Lord forgeue me thy unworthy altogether unworthy seruant, for I haue spent this day altogether in uanety, and haue ometed the seruis of my God that neuer forsakes me, O rech that I am ; but Lorde dow not only for geue but geue me grace to mend, and that for my Sauior's sake, for my desir to it is gret. A. SUNDAY. O my God acsept of my thanks geuing My God my God forgiue me for Viscountess Mordaunt. 233 geuing and derect me in this for I haue sined and dune greues- strayt whou to beleue and what ly, by geuing myselfe so much tru- to dow. O Grant that I may bel this day for worly afiiotions, dow that which is most just and. and by it disinabeling myselfe most plesing in thy sight, thy for thy seruis, and so haue omet- mercy hathe bin gret to me, and edit, but thou art mercyful or els that maks me so ernestly im- my sins wer a burden to hevy for plor it and with such Joy expect me to bere, but O forgeue and it. direct me, and by thy cumforts cary me out of thes trubels. MUNDAY. Thy mercy, my God, is aboue O my God how ashamed am I all thy works, for thou arte pety- and blush, so often to repete a ful to me, a Siner, a great Siner, neglect of my seruis to thee my for my inequetys ar gone ouer God, and this day it was dune not my hed, and ar to many for me out ofwekenes and illnes, but out to bere, and yet I liue and brethe of willful neglect, and I haue bin and haue a being and that a obstenate not yelding in my ope- Hapy on to, prays the Lord, O nion to thos wiser than my selfe, my Soul, and all that is within how oane I beg parden or pety me prays thy holy name. hauing so highely ofended so just a God, but he is my God and a mercyful God, and in him I trust. A. TUSDAY. 111. WENSDAY. I prays my God I haue spent My God and my Lord forgeue this day sumthing beter, and I me the ofences of my youthe and c haue thos 234 The Diarie of tJie haue reseud many blesings, as the expreshions of my Ladys kindnes, and the contenuanc of all outher thy acustomed blesing, for which I will neuer sese to bles thy holy name, my harte douthe lepe for Joy when I con sider thy Louing kindnes. O contenu it euer to me, and by thy blesed Sperit geue me grace euer to acknoleg it. A. thos of my riper years, forgeue me my ofences of this and euery day, if in the leters I haue sayd any thing in exkus that was not exact truthe Lord forgeue, and the spending of my time not so well as I aught, my Sauier for geue. A. THURSDAY. My Lord and my God, I must euer prays thy grete and glorus Mai*y for all thy mercys, but in perteculer maner for that grete on granted this day of my dere Husbands saue returne to me, euer lete thy name be prased for it, and thy mercy contenu to grant it me. A. O forgeue derest Lord the ofences of this day, my ometing to returne thee prays, for my deare Husbands returne tell. now, and my telling him sum things that may insence him aganst his mouther, forgeue my derest Lord forgeue euen me, me thy unwor thy seruant all. A. FRYDAY. My God I bles and I prays thy O my God dow not only for- glorus Mai*y for all mercys gene, but geue me Grace to mend granted, that my Lady P my Life, that I may not be thus hathe not bin angery with her often to importune thy deuine sone, and that she hath layd aside Mai*y for one sine, that of spend- the desins to breke his kindnes ing so ill my time, in the which for me, which euer deare Lorde so many ills ar concluded, O for- preuent I beseche thee. A. geue and resceue me. A. SATERDAY. Viscountess Mordaunt. 235 SATERDAY. I bles and I prays thy Holy Forgeue Lorde my keping upe name Lorde God Allmyty, and my husband tell his slepynes neuer will sese to dow it, for thy mayd him neglect his prayrs, and mercys ar infenate, and thy loue my neglecting them to often my past finding out, that so regardes selfe, and the pryd I exprest to an unworthy cretuer as to aford day by being angery at my Lady to me not only a being but that P not staying for me, and all with oherfulnes and content, and outher my ofences bouth of this all cumforts emagenabel, contenu day and all past, my derest Lorde derest Lorde thes thy mercys, forgeue, blote out, remember and incres them, by granting to them no mor, and that for my me a saue deleueranc of the Child Sauiers sake. Amen. I now goe with, and if it be thy pleshuer lete it be a sonne, but not mine but thy will be dune. SUNDAY. I prays thy name for the good Forgeue my derest Lord de- sermon I haue rede to day, and fering my pryuat deuotion so for the impreshion it mayd with long to day, and not remember- me, euer nuresh this desir of re- ing all my wekednesis ; O bring pentanc in me, my derest Lord, them to my rememberanc, and and contenu thy mercy. A. forgeue me my secret falts. A. MUNDAY. Blesed be my God for all My ofenses ar many, geue me mercys granted me to day, and a harty repentanc my derest for all Judgements preuented. Sauier, and forgeue them, and all cummeted this day, the ill spending of my time, the being plesed to take notis of outhers folys, 236 The Diarie of the folys, and in sume degre coun tenancing them in me. WENSDAY. I bles my God for geuing me patienc to ber with my Husband when he is in his pastionat Hu- mers, 0 Lorde breke him of them, or if thou hast desined them for a scurdg for me, geue me grace to reseue them as may best pies thee my God, for as thy mercis hathe bin infenate, so contenu themthat I may euer bles. O forgeue my derest Sauier my sins for they ar far to many and multeply daly, what shall I dow or how cane I expect per- den, that contenu still in the so ill spending of my time in idel- nes and uanety, but my Sauier's merets permets me to hope for perden, sine I desir it. TUSDAY. Praysed be my euer mercyfull Forgeue my ofenses and blote God for all mercys this day be- them out of thy remembranc my stood, for my Lady Peter, being derest Lorde, the sins of my hole kinder then she uses to be, and Life and thos of this day, my for my deare Husbands helthe, ometing sume of my prayrs, and and hapynes, and his kindnes to defering bisnes for to play at me, and for the contenuanc of cards, my God forgeue. A. mine. A. WENSDAY. THURSDAY. Euer laded be my God for his Forgeue me my God the sins grete mercy to me this day in of my hole Hfe, for they haue bin granting me a saue returne home, many, and my yesterdays sins and which Viscountess Mordaunt. 237 and without hauing ben ill in my which I haue forgoten, and all helthe this day, and the contenu- that I haue cummeted this day, anc of all outher thy mercys unto my minding the uanetys of this me, O euer blesed be thy Holy world before thy seruis, and my name. so often neglecting it, with all outher my wekednesis, good God blote out of thy rememberanc and that for my Sauier's sake. FRYDAY. Blesed be God for all mercys O my derest Sauier perden my granted this day to me his most ofending thee, and that bisnes unworthy seruant, and euer in this day hathe hindered my re- thy mercy let this blesing be tyrment and my intended adres contenued to me. A. to thee, 0 my blesed Lord for geue me and all outher my ofenses. A. SATERDAY. Euer praysed be my derest Sauier for he is gratious and his mercy endurethe for euer, for I dayly fele it, and they ar multe- plyd to me, me euen unworthy me, what cane I say, what cane I render, I cane but wonder, bles, and prays my Lorde, that leuethe for euer. A. O my God forgeue me and cumfort me in my aflicktions, for tho my sins hathe justely de- serned milions mor, yet the fra lety of my fleshe canot support this without thy asistanc, O my God cure myHusbandof thissad- nes, and make him thine with mor of mekenes, but my scins haue deserued so ill, how dare I expect so good, but in the mercy of my God ther is Joy euerlast- . ing. A. TUSDAY. 238 TJie Diarie of the TUSDAY. Thy mercys, my Lorde, in- cumpas me on euery side, for thou geuest me a cherful, and contented mind, a kind husband, the kindnes of my frinds, Hops of an ayr to my famely, of Joy, my helthe, a mens to deuert my selfe plesingly and enosentely by panting, and all outher thy mer cys ar unspekabel, 0 geue me a harte euer to acknoleg them, and one so acseptabel in thy sight as to make my thanks geuings ples- ing to my derest Lord. A. O forgeue my inequety, for I am an ungrateful reche reseuing so many mercys and returning so much of ill and unplesing to my derest Lord, 0 rech that I am, whou but my Lord cane perden such ofences, but my God is gratious and mercyful, slo to routhe, and delytethe in mercy, in which I will euer put my trust. A. FRYDAY. O How abundant ar thy mer cys, and thy ways past finding out, O my God whou cane but prays thee, and yet whou dayrs to dow it, thy mercy alows it, for that perdens the weknes of the performanc, and O Lord perden this my Humbel thanks geuing for all thy mercis. a. O my derest Sauier perden my neglect of this way of exsamin- ing my selfe, and O like wis all the sins cummeted thos days, and this, and thru the hoi cors of my Life, O geue me grace to be a pece maker in the famely I am in, and geue me more of feruency in my deuotion for I want zele, I want zele. A SUNDAY. T ^ f TvBm ^ ^ my ° f01'Seue m>' deres* Lord all Lorde, for all Ins blesmgs unto seine paste, present, what fe to Viscountess Mordaunt. 239 me, and for the desir I haue to to cume, and grant that I may serue him, tho my performanc be neuer dow preiudice to any, but uery uery weke, but Lord in- make me allwas a pece maker, crese my zele. for I haue this day ofended by being plesed at outhers folys, perden me, euen me, my derest Lord. SUNDAY. Euer euer blesed and praysed be my God for he hathe dune for me mor than I am abel to ex- pres, and I, reched I, am altoge ther unworthy to acknoleg them, for my Lips ar not undefild and my hands ar to poluted to be held upe in his presanc, but my Lord will be mercyful, he hathe sayde it, and his truthe endurethe for euer, therfor prays the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me prays his holy name. A. Lord my ofences ar many and my account but seldum mayde, and then so imperfit that my uery forgoten sins are mor in number than the hayrs of my hede, O wo is me, but I haue a Sauier, and in his merits ar my sure confedens. Amen. €fte <£Enfo. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01419 8601