YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY ; EMBRACING THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS, VIZ : DISCOVERIES AND SETTLEMENTS INDIAN HISTORY INDIAN, F»ENCH, AND REVOLUTIONARY WARS — RELIGIOUS HISTORY — BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, REMARKABLE AND UNACCOUNTABLE OCCURRENCES — WITH A 6REAT VARIETY OF CURIOUS AND INTERESTING RELICS OF ANTIQUITY. SUustptiUt) 5>j mmiErous Enarsiifnjjs COLLECTED AND COMPILED FROM AUTHENTIC SOURCES, BY JOHN WARNER BARBER, MEMBEB OP THE CONNECTICBWfflSTORICAL SOCIETY, AUTHOR OF THE CONNECTICUT, MAS6ACH USETTS, .AND NEW YORK. HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, 6cc. WORCESTER: PUBLISHED BY DORR, HOWLAND & CO. 1841. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1841, By Dorr, How land & Co., in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. STEREOTYPED BY RICHARD H. HOBBS, HARTFORD. WORCESTER : PRINTED BY M. SPOONER AND H. J. HOWLAND. PREFACE The compiler of this work, having been engaged for a num ber of years, in compilations relating to the History and Anti quities of several of the northern States, has come in contact with a variety of historical information, which may be considered as out of print. Many of these items of history, though valuable and interesting, may be thought by some as too trivial, or too much beneath what is called the " dignity of history," to be in serted in a historical work. It may be here observed, that it may be a fact, that we are not entirely competent judges of what may be valuable, or interesting, to those who come after us. Much valuable information has undoubtedly been lost to the world by fastidious views on this subject. In some instances, writers on history have made elegance of composition a primary object, and have selected their materials with reference to" it. Instead of polished sentences, or well turned periods, truth in its simph city should be the aim of the historian. To attain this object, we should, as far as practicable, go back to the original sources of information. , In accordance with this practice, many parts of this work are copied from the original accounts, from which later historians have drawn their information. Though many of these accounts, in point of elegance of expression, &c, may be far be low those more recently written, yet in every point of real utility, as historical documents, they are much inferior. There are many valuable items of history which lie scattered about in publications of various kinds, rarely accessible to most readers, and which could not with propriety be introduced into any one history, written in the modern style. This work may IV PREFACE. be considered as a collection of historical facts, items, and anti quities, relating to the history of the northern States. It may, perhaps, be the opinion of many, that if a work has been printed and circulated, there is but little or no danger of its becoming totally lost. It is a well known fact, however, that there have been works printed in this country, of which a copy cannot now be found. In some instances, even the publishers of books have been unable to procure a single copy of some of their publica tions, which had been issued but a few years. The compiler has endeavored to make an interesting collection, and trusts his readers will find entertainment, as well as valuable information, respecting the history of the several States. The study of his tory, is believed to be one every way worthy of attention. By the contemplation of the past, we feel our span of existence ex tended, and in a measure enter into the feelings of those who have gone before us. By tracing the history of man, in the va ried situations in which he has been placed, and by observing the effect of principles by which he has been actuated, we feel interested and instructed. CONTENTS. Ej° Notices of distinguished persons are found under the head of Bioorafhioal Sketches. Abercrombie, defeat of, . 296 Albany, settlement of . 60, 124 ' Albany, fever in ... . 478 America, first discovery of . 9 Amsterdam, New, surrender'd 328 Andre, capture of ... 458 Andre, execution of . . . 459 Andross, tyranny of . . . 47 Andross, Maj. visits Saybrook319 Andover, witchcraft . . . 491 Annawan, capture of . . 252 D'Anville's expedition . . 286 Arnold, treason of . . . 457 Baker, Miss Rachel, the sleep ing preacher . . . . 515 Beers, Capt., surprisal of . 228 Bennington, battle of . . 428 Bible, Indian 518 Bills of credit, &c. . . . 525 Biographical Sketches . . 527 Black worm in 1770 . . " 479 Bloody Brook, fight at . . 229 Boston Massacre .... 385 Boston Port Bill . . .54, 391 Brainerd's mission among the Indians of New Jersey . 371 Bunker Hill battle, ... 399 Bull, Capt., opposes Andross 321 Burgoyne, Invasion of . . 427 Brookfield, attack on . . 225 Cabot, discoveries by . . 12 Caldwell, Mrs., murder of . 456 Cambridge Platform . . 361 Canada, invasion of . . . 402 Canker worms .... 485 Cattle, first brought over . 32 Catholic Priests, expulsion of 319 Canonchet, the Sachem . 243 Charter of Connecticut, preser vation of 323 Christianity, progress of among the New England Indians 352 Church, first in Massachusetts 34 Codfish, disease among Coinage, first 525 Colburn, Zerah . . . . 510 Cold and wet seasons . . 472 Cold winter of 1780 . . . 483 Cole, Ann, executed . . 486 Colonial Antiquities, . . 304 Confederation of United Colo nies of New England . 44 Connecticut Records . . 309 Connecticut, principal settlers, names of 151 Conspiracy, great ... 43 Comet 1668 473 Corey, Giles, pressed to death 498 Court, first in Massachusetts 35 Cross in the king's colors . 190 Covenant, Halfway . . . 362 Customs, Religious usages, &c 357 Concord, engagement at . 395 Dark Days 481 Dartmouth College . . . 166 Davenport, the enthusiast . 369 Days of Fasting and Thanks giving in N. York colony 316 Deerfield burnt .... 271 Delaware Indians ... 99. Dermer's, Capt., Voyage . 470 Dighton Rock 11 Dieskau, Baron, wounded . 292 Dixwell, Col., the Regicide 327 Drinking of healths abolished 194 Dover, attack on ... . 259 Duke's Laws, N. Y. . . Dutch, their first arrival. Indian tradition of . . Dustan family, escape of 315103 268 VI CONTENTS. Dreaming match . . . . 119 Drought, great .... 470 Drought in 1762 .... 479 Duel, first in New England . 29 Dudley, Gov. difficulty with 186 Drunkenness defined . . 307 Dutch, ancient manners of . 131 Earthquake in 1638 ... 471 Earthquake in 1727 . . . 478 Eruption at Derby, Conn. . 480 Eruption at Hinsdale, N. H. 479 Fairfield, burning of . . 449 Faith, religious, of the first planters of New England 335 Fall Fight at Turner's Falls 249 Five Nations, account of . 86 Fleet, wreck of Walker's . 278 Forts Edward and William Henry, Plans of . . . 294 Fort William Henry, capture of 295 French and Indian Wars . 255 Gazette, Indian . . . . 108 Gone and Whalley, regicides 324 GoiFe, repulses the Indians 325 Gookins' Hist. Collections . 70 Gorton, difficulties with 36, 342 Gorges, Sir'Fernando . . 173 Gosnold, discoveries by . 13 Griswold, Fort, massacre of 462 Groton, surprisal of . . . 245 Hakluyt, Richard ... 13 Half-way Covenant . . . 362 Hale, Capt., death of . . 4l7 Haverhill, attack on . . . 276 Hendrick, death of . . . 291 Heckewelder, Mr., notice of 99 Hessians, capture of . . 421 Hooker, Mr., emigration of 149 Hooker, congregation of .149 Hubbard's Narrative of the In dian Wars 204 Hudson, Henry . . .14, 124 Hudson river, discovery of . 120 Hunt, carries off Indians . 15 Hutchinson, Mrs., . . 35, 339 Hutchinson, Gov., plundered 383 Indian cunning .... 24- Indian History, Traditions, Anecdotes and Illustrations 99 Indian Gazette . . . • 1°8 Indian head work . ¦ • H7 Indians, Five Nations . . 86 Indian, application of Scripture 118 Indian and bear . . . ¦ 119 Indian metaphors . . ¦ 106 Indian sagacity .... 113 Indian shrewdness . . . 117 Indian worship .... 78 Indian Tradition of future hap piness and misery . . 92 Indian Wars ... .204 Indians of New England . 69 Indians of New Jersey . . 94 Indians of New York ... 85 Indians, expedition against 450 Indians, frightened from Fort Stanwix 434 Indians, great mortality among in New England ... 468 Ingersoll, Mr., stamp master 383 Inscriptions on Dighton Rock 12 Iroquois, history of . . . 85 Iroquois, artfulness of . . 101 Insanity among Indians . 116 Insurrection in Massachusetts 464 Judges' Cave, New Haven 325 Jurymen not allowed tobacco 306 Kieft, Gov., Proclamations . 132 Knows God, name of . . 189 Lake George, battle of . . 288 Lancaster, burning of . . 238 Laudian Persecution . . 32 La Tour visits Boston . . 199 Laws, capital of Connecticut 314 Laws, capital, of New York 315 Laws respecting dress . . 313 Laws respecting wages . 3n Laws respecting marriage . 306 1 Lee, mother Ann . . . 373 CONTENTS. vu Lexington, action at . 56, 394 Liberty, Indian notions of . 98 Long Island, battle of . . 408 Lord's Prayer in Indian . 90 Louisburg, capture of . . 279 LovelFs Expedition . . . 285 Mackerel fishery . . Magnalia, Mather's . Maine, first settlement . 42 Map, first .... Mariage, laws respecting . Marriage, first in N. England McCrea, Miss, murder of . Massachusetts, first scttlem't Massachusetts Indians . . Massachusetts silver coin . Massasoit, visit to . . . Massacre, Boston . . . Massacre at Fort Griswold . Matthias, notice of . . . Medfield surprized . . . Mohawks, conquests of . . Money, scarcity of . . . Miantonimoh, death of . . Mormons, history of . . . Monmouth, battle of . . . Murder of an Indian . . . 194 137 ,171 524300 29 443 137 71 525 29 385 462378239 83 195 219379 444 192 Newspapers in New Jersey do. in New York . . . do. in Rhode-Island . . Night Walking, laws against Northern Lights .... Non-conformity .... Nova Scotia, conquest of . Norridgewock Expedition . Oath, omission of . . Ogilby's America . . . Oldham, J., murder of . Old and New Lights Onondaga country ravaged Oysters, disease among . 523 520521 309 476 17 287282 198 200 204 369 452 480 Narragansetts 70 Narragansett Fort destroyed 327 New Amsterdam, view of . 127 New England outline Hist. . 9 New Jersey outline do. . 66 New York, currency of . 526 New York, religious state of 375 New York, outline history of 60 New York Ancient Laws . 315 New Amsterdam, settlem't of 125 New England Nat. Hist. . 201 New England Psalms . . 518 Negro Plot, in New York . 332 New Haven, settlement of . 155 New London, burning of . 461 New Hampshire, first settle ment of 39, 164 News, lying and false . . 317 Newspapers^,- first in Conn. . 522 do. in Massachusetts . 519 do. in New Hampshire . 523 Paper Currency, depreciation 527 Pawkunnacut Indians . . 71 Penobscot Indians ... 69 Pequots, war with . . . 205 Pequots, destruction of . . 208 Philip's War .... 46,220 Philip, death of . . . . 251 Pierce, Capt., killed . . . 240 Pigeons, immense numbers of 472 Pipe, Capt., speech of . . Ill Platform, Saybrook . . . 362 Plymouth Colony . . . 304 Plymouth Colony Records . 305 Poetical Description of New England Productions . 201 Potatoes, importation of . . 191 Powawing forbidden . . 317 Princeton, victory at . . . 425 Printing, first 515 Providence settled . . . 160 Psalms, ancient version . 517 Puritans, rise of ... . 16 Puritans emigrate to America 22 Quakers, persecution of, 44, 345 Quakers, difficulties with . 44 Quebec, expedition against . 278 Quebec, capture of . . . 298 Ralle, Father; death of . . 282 Red Jacket 103 Records of Plymouth . . 305 Records of Connecticut . . 309 Vlll CONTENTS. Regicides 324 Remarkable account of Mr. Beacon, 500 Remarkable account of Mrs. Henman 501 Remarkable Events, Diseases, Storms, &c 468 Revolution, Events in . . 381 Revival, Religious, 1740 . 363 Rhode Island, first settlem't 158 Rhode Island, action on . 447 Ruling Elder, duty of . . 357 Rum, law against landing, . 312 Sabbath, when begun . . 359 Saint Tammany . . . . 115 Salem Witchcraft . . .489 Salisbury, singular occurren ces in 499 Samoset comes to Plymouth 25 Sassamon, murder of . . 220 Saybrook, Andross' attempt against 319 Saybrook Platform ... 362 Scarcity in 1789 ... 485 Schenectady, destruction of 255 Scripture, singular application 118 Shay's Insurrection . . . 464 Shaiers 373 Seneca country ravaged . 453 Sheep buried in snow . . 475 Singing Procession . . 368 Smith, Capt., discoveries by 14 Snow, great 474 Standish, exploit of . . . 31 Springfield, attack on . . 231 Stamp Act, . . . . 51, 381 Stamp-masters .... 384 Stanwix, Fort, siege of . . 431 Stoney Point, storming of . 452 Stratagem of Gen. Arnold . 434 Stuyvesant, Gov., print of . 331 Sunday called Lord's day . 359 Sullivan's Expedition . . 453 Synod, Reforming . . . 361 Tea destroyed . 53,388 Tennent, Rev. W., remarka ble account respecting . 500 Tobacco, Laws against . . 307 Traditions, Anecdotes, Illustra ting Indian History . . 99 Tryon, Gov., burns Fairfield 449 Ticonderoga surprized . . 397 Ticonderoga, retreat from . 427 Tuscaroras 85 Unaccountable Occurrences 485 Uncas and Miantonimoh . 218 Veils, question upon . . 189 Vermont, first settlement of 176 Verrazzano, discoveries by.. 12 Vineyard, Martha's, discov'd 13 Wadsworth, Capt., death of 247 Wages, regulation of . . 188 Waldron, Maj., death of . 259 Washington's retreat through N. Jersey 411 Washington, Fort, capture of 416 Washington, Inauguration of 467 Wayne, Gen., storms Stoney Point 452 Wells, attack on ... . 260 Wheeler, Mercy, remarkable healing of 507 White Plains, action' at . . 413 Williams, Roger 158, 336, 337 Williams, J., Rev. captivity of 271 Williams, Mrs., murder of . 274 Wilkinson, Jemima . . . 377 Winslow, Mr., entertains Mas sasoit 28 Winthrop's, Gov., Journal, . 181 Winthrop's, Gov., disinterest edness 187 Witchcraft in Salem . . 489 Witchcraft, trials for in Conn. 499 Witchcraft at Boston . . 487 Witchcraft at Hartford . . 488 Yellow Fever York, surprisal of 470 261 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. i here are good reasons for believing that the first civilized people who visited New England, were a colony of Norwegians, or Northmen. The original Icelandic accounts of the voyages of discovery, performed by these men, are still in existence ; and have been recently published by the Society of Antiquaries, at Copenhagen.* The following summary of events, and conclu sions, respecting the discovery and first settlement of this country are drawn by the authors of that publication. " In the spring of 986, Eric the Red, emigrated from Iceland to Greenland, and formed a settlement there. In 994, Biarne, the son of Heriulf Bardson, one of the settlers who accompanied Eric, returned to Norway, and gave an account of discoveries he had made to the south of Greenland. On his return to Greenland, Leif, the son of Eric, bought Biarne's ship, and with a crew of 35 men, embarked on a voyage of discovery, A. D. 1000. After sailing sometime to the southwest, they fell in with a country covered with a slaty rock, and destitute of good qualities, and which, therefore, they called Helluland, (Slate-land.) They then continued southerly, until they found a low flat coast, with white sand cliffs, and immediately back, covered with wood, whence they called the country Markland, (Wood-land.) From here, they sailed south and west, until they arrived at a promontory which stretched to the east and north, and sailing round it turned to the west and sailing westward, passed between an island and the mainland, and entering a bay through which flowed a river, they concluded to winter there. Having landed they built houses to winter in, and called the place Leifsbuthir, (Leifs-booths.) Soon after this, they dis covered an abundance of vines, whence they named the country Vinland or Wineland. Antiquarians have been much puzzled to know where Vinland was located, but the Antiquarian Society, to * Antiquitates Americanje, she Sfiriptores Scptentrionales rerum Ante-Colum- bianarum in America. (Antiquities of America, or Northern writers of things in America before Columbus.) Hafnise, 1837, 4to. pp. 486. 10 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE whose exertions we owe the above work, after the most careful examination of all the evidence on the subject, do not hesitate to place it at the head of Narraganset Bay, in Rhode Island. Every thing in the description of the voyage and country, agrees most exactly with this. The promontory extending ¦ east and north, corresponds closely with that of Barnstable and Cape Cod, and the islandsHthey would encounter immediately upon turning west, would be Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. Two years after, [1002,] Thorwold, the brother of Leif, visited Vinland, where he spent two years, and was finally murdered by the natives. Before his death, he coasted round the promontory, and called the north end, now Cape Cod, Kjalarnes, (Keel-Cape.) He was killed and buried on a small promontory, reaching south from the mainland, on the west side of the Bay, inclosed by the promontory of Kjalarnes, and which answers most accurately to the strip of land on the east side of Plymouth harbour, now called Gurnet's Point. The Norwegians called it Krassanes, (Cross ness or Cross-land,) because the grave of Thorwold had a cross erected at both ends. In 1007, three ships sailed from Greenland for Vinland, one under the command of Thorfinn Karlsefne, a Norwegian of royal descent, and Snorre Thorbrandson, of distinguished lineage ; one other commanded by Biarne Grimalfson and Thorhall Gamlason; and the third by Thorward and Thorhall. The three ships had 160 men, and carried all sorts of domestic animals necessary for the comfort and convenience of a colony. An account of this voyage, and a history of the country, by Thorfinn Karlsefne, is still extant, and forms one of the documents in the Antiquitates Americana. They sailed from Greenland to Helluland, and passing Markland, arrived at Kjalarnes ; whence sailing south by the shore of the promontory, which they found to consist of trackless beaches and long wastes of sand, they called it Furthu- strandir, (Wonder-Strand or Beach ;) whether on account of the extensive sandy shore, or from the mirage and optical illusion so common at Cape Cod, it is impossible to determine. Passing south, they sailed by the island discovered by Leif, which they called Straumey, (Stream-Isle,) probably Martha's Vineyard, and the straits between, Straumfjoihr, (Stream-Firth,) and arrived at Vinland, where they spent the winter. The Bay into which they sailed, they called Hopsvatn, and their residence received the name of Hop, {English Hope, Indian Haup,) the identical Mount Hope, so much celebrated as the residence of King Philip. After various successes, Thorfinn returned to Greenland, and finally went to Iceland and settled. From a comparison of all the remaining accounts of these voyages, the geographical, nautical and astronomical facts con- NEW ENGLAND STATES. 1 . tained in them, with the natural history and geography of this country when first settled by the whites, there can be little doubt that Vinland has been correctly located by the learned society. By similar evidence it also appears, that Markland was what is now called Nova Scotia ; that Litla Helluland, (Little Helluland) was Newfoundland ; and that Helluland it Mikla, (Great Hel luland,) was the coast of Labrador. We ought also to have observed above, that Straumfjothr (Stream-Firth) probably in cluded the whole of Buzzard's Bay. Of the climate of Vinland the Northmen say, it was, when they were there, so mild that cattle would live out-doors during the year, that the snow fell but lightly, and that the grass con tinued to be green in some places, nearly all winter. Among the productions of Vinland, were, abundance of vines, a kind of wild wheat {maize,) a beautiful wood which they called mazer (Birds- eye-maple, Acer Saccharinum,) a great variety of forest animals, eider ducks in great plenty, and the rivers and bays they describe as filled with fish, among which they reckon salmon, halibut, whales, &c. It is also said by the same historians, that the sun rose at half past seven o'clock in the shortest days, which is the exact time it rises at Mount Hope. Subsequent to this time, explorations were made to the south of Vinland, along the eastern shore> and judging from the frag ments of voyages, it would seem that some penetrated as far south as Florida. The whole country south of Chesapeak Bay is called by them Hvitramannaland, (white-man's-land,) or Ire land it Mikla, (Ireland the Great.) In 1 121, Vinland was visited by bishop Eric, and as there is no account of his return, it seems probable that he spent his days there."* Soon after the first settlement of this part of the country, a remarkable rock covered with hieroglyphics, was discovered in the present town of Berkley, since known as the "Dighton Writing Rock." This rock which has caused much speculation among antiquarians, is of fine grained gray granite, a few feet above the present low water mark, in Taunton river and is par tially covered at every tide. The face of the rock is eleven feet long, and rises from the ground about five : the inscriptions are apparently pecked into it, the channels of the letters or marks being about a half, or three fourths of an inch in width. * For this summary account, the author is indebted to an article published in the " Chronicle of the Church," by A. B. Chapin, Esq. of New Haven, Con. 12 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE Inscriptions on Dighton Rock. The above shows the shape of the rock with the inscriptions upon it, being a reduced copy from that taken under the direction of the Rhode Island Historical Society in 1830, and published in the Antiquitates Americance. It is supposed by some, that these inscriptions were made by the Northmen, and signify in Icelandic characters, that Thorfinn Karlsefne arrived here in A. D., 1007, and took possession of the country : others suppose them to be of much earlier origin, and ascribe them to the Phoenicians. After the discovery of Columbus in 1492, a general spirit of enterprise and inquiry was awakened in the European nations. In 1497, John Cabot, a Venetian, under the patronage of Henry VII. of England, commenced a voyage of discovery. He was accompanied by his son Sebastian, and three hundred men, with two caravals freighted by the merchants of London and Bristol. On the 24th of June they were surprised by the sight of land, which being the first they had seen ; Cabot called it Prima Vista, which in Italian, his native tongue, signifies, first sight. This is generally supposed to be some part of the island of Newfoundland. A few days afterwards, they discovered a smaller island which they named St. Johns. Continuing westerly, they soon reached the continent, and then sailed along the coast northwardly, to the latitude of sixty-seven and a half degrees. Finding that the coast stretched towards the east, they turned back, and sailed south " ever with the intention to find the passage to India," till they came to the southernmost part of Florida. Their provisions now failing, and a mutiny breaking out among the mariners, they re turned to England, without attempting a settlement, or conquest in any part of the New World. In 1524, John Verrazzano, an Italian in the service of France NEW ENGLAND STATES. 13 sailed along the American coast from Florida to Labrador, and named the country New France. In 1534, the French fitted out another expedition under James Cartier. He discovered and named the gulf of St. Lawrence ; the year following he sailed up the river St. Lawrence as far as Montreal, built a fort and took possession of the country in the name of the French king. These, and other discoveries and settlements, made by the French, afterwards proved the source of many calamities to the British Colonics, till the conquest of Canada in 1760. For a long period after the discovery of Cabot, the English monarchs appear to have given but little attention to the country which they afterwards claimed. In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh obtained a patent from Queen Elizabeth, and sent out two ships commanded by Amidas and Barlow to America, to examine the country in order to make a settlement. They landed at Roanoke, and were well received by the natives. On their return they gave so flattering an account of the country, that Queen Elizabeth delighted with the idea of possessing so fine a territory, named it Virginia, as a memorial that the discovery was made under a virgin queen. This name was afterwards applied to the country along the whole coast. The exertions of Raleigh, however, to plant a permanent colony proved unsuccessful. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold sailed in a small barque from Falmouth, England, with thirty-two persons, for the northern parts of Virginia with the intention of making a settlement. Steering due west, as near as the winds would permit, after a passage of seven weeks, discovered land on the American coast, May 14th. Sailing along the shore the next day they discovered a head land in the latitude of forty-two degrees, where they came to anchor ; and taking a great number of Cod at this place, they named it Cape Cod. On the 21st they discovered an island, which they called Martha's Vineyard. On the 28th they con cluded to commence a settlement on one of the Elizabeth Islands; so named by them in honor of the Queen. They landed on Cut- tahunk the westernmost Island, and in nineteen days, a fort and store house were completed. While the men were occupied in this work, Gosnold crossed the Bay and landed on the main land, where he amicably trafficked with the natives. Upon his return to the island, he found that a portion of his men who were to have remained, so discontented, that he concluded to abandon the design of a settlement, and the whole company returned to England. The discovery made by Gosnold, incited a spirit of enterprise, and by the influence of Richard Hakluyt, a most active promoter of the English settlements in America, an association of gen tlemen was formed, for the purpose of establishing colonies in 2 14 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE America. Upon their application to king James, a patent was granted in 1606, for the settling two plantations in America, one called North, the other South Virginia. The Southern district, called the first colony, he granted to the London Company; the Northern, called the second colony, he granted to the Plym outh Company. North Virginia was "allotted as a place of set tlement, to several knights, gentlemen, and merchants of Bristol, Plymouth, and other parts of the west of England. In 1607, owing to the encouragement given for the settlement of North Virginia, Sir John Popham and others sent out two ships under the command of George Popham and Ralegh Gilbert, with a hundred men, with ordnance and all provisions necessary until they might obtain further supplies. They sailed from Plymouth the last of May, and on the 11th of August, landed on a penin sula at the mouth of Kennebec river now in the state of Maine. Here, after a sermon was delivered, and their patent and laws were read, they built a store-house, fortified it and gave it the name of Fort St. George. On December 5th, the two ships sailed for England, leaving a colony of forty-five persons, Popham being president, and Gilbert, admiral. The ships which arrived the next year with supplies, brought the news of the death of Sir John Popham and Sir John Gilbert. These misfortunes, with the death of Capt. George Popham, the loss of the stores the preceding winter by fire, with the barren aspect of the country, so dispirited the colony, that they unanimously resolved to return in these ships to England. In 1609, Henry Hudson an Englishman in the service of the Dutch, attempted to penetrate to the East Indies, by sailing a north-westward course. Having attempted in vain this passage, he followed the track, which the Cabots had marked >for him a century before. He coasted along the foggy shores of New foundland ; shaped his course for Cape Cod ; worked into the Chesapeak, where the English were settled; sailed into the Manhattan or Hudson river; and departed in October for Eng land. The Dutch sent -ships the next year to Manhattan, to open a trade with the natives. In 1614, Capt. John Smith, who some years before had been Governor of Virginia, was sent out with two ships from England, to North Virginia, with instructions to remain in the country, and to keep possession. He ranged the coast from Penobscot to Cape Cod ; made a discovery of the river Piscataqua, and the Massachusetts Islands. He also traded with the natives for furs. From the observations he made on the coast, islands, headlands &c. on his return home, he formed a map, and presented it to king Charles, who in the warmth of admiration, declared the country should be called New England. Smith in his voyage NEW ENGLAND STATES. 15 made several discoveries, and distinguished them by peculiar names. The north promontory of Massachusetts Bay, he named Tragahigzanda, in honor of a Turkish lady to whom he had been a slave at Constantinople. Prince Charles, however, in filial respect to his mother, called it Cape Ann ; a name which it still retains. The three small islands at the head of the prom ontory, Smith called the Three Turks Heads, in memory of his victory over three Turkish champions; but this name was also changed. Another cluster of Islands, to which the discoverer gave his own name, Smith's Isles was afterwards called the Isle of Shoals, which name it still retains. " The base and perfidious action of one man subjected English adventurers to present inconveniences, and to future dangers. Smith had left behind him one of his ships, to complete her lading, with orders to Thomas Hunt, the master, to sail with the fish, that he should procure on the coast, directly for Malaga. Hunt however, under pretence of trade, having enticed twenty-four of the natives on board his ship, put them under hatches, and carried them to Malaga, where he sold them to the Spaniards.* This flagrant outrage disposed the natives in that part of the country where it was committed, to revenge the injury on the countrymen of the offender ; and the English were hence constrained to sus pend their trade, and their projected settlement in New England. An opportunity was soon offered to the Indians, to show their resentment, if not to inflict revenge. In the course of the year, the English adventured to dispatch to the same coast another vessel, commanded by Captain Hobson, for the purpose of erec ting a plantation, and establishing a trade with the natives ; but it was found next to impracticable to settle any where within their territories. Two Indians, Epenow and Manowet, who had been carried by Hunt to England, were brought back in Hobson's vessel, to be serviceable toward the design of a plantation ; but they united with their countrymen in contriving means, by which they might be revenged on the English. Manowet died soon after their arrival. Epenow, not allowed to go on shore, engaged his old friends, who visited the vessel, to come again, under pre text of trade. On their approach at the appointed time with twenty canoes, he leaped overboard, and instantly a shower of arrows was sent into the ship. The Indians, with desperate * Hubbard says, that Hunt, " like a wicked varlet," decoyed them ; and that he took 20 Indians from Patuxet [now Plymouth], and 7 from .Nauset [Eastham]. I. Mather says the same thing. But, as Hubbard and the best authorities give the aggregate number of 24, it is probable, that 4 only were taken from Nauset, and that this figure has been mistaken for 7. Mather also says, that Hunt carried these Indians to Gibraltar, and there sold as many of them, as he could for £20 a man, until it was known whence they came ; " for then the friars in those parts took away the rest of them, that so they might nurture them in the Christian religion." 16 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE courage, drew nigh, and, in spite of the English muskets, carried off their countrymen. Several Indians were killed in the skir mish. The master of the ship and several of the company were wounded. Discouraged by this occurrence, they returned to England."* The rise of the English Puritans by whom the first permanent settlement in New England was effected is generally dated about the year 1550. The controversy which resulted in the sepa ration from the Church of England is said to have originated " on occasion of bishop Hooper's refusing to be consecrated in the Popish habits." Hooper was a zealous, a pious, and a learned man, who had gone out of England in the latter part of the reign of Henry VIII, and resided at Zurich. Pierce hence observes, " that the habits have, from the very infancy of our Reformation, been an offence to very learned arid pious men.'''' The archbishop of Canterbury, with other bishops and divihes, having concluded on an order of divine worship, an act, confirming that new liturgy, had passed both houses of Parliament, January 15, 1549. It was protested against, however, by the bishops of London, Durham, Norwich, Carlisle, Hereford, Worcester, Westminster, and Chi chester. The Parliament enacted, that all divine offices should be performed according to the new liturgy, and subjected such of the clergy, as should refuse the service, or officiate in any other manner, to forfeitures and imprisonment ; and, for the third offence, to imprisonment for life. Whoever should write or print against the book were to be fined £10 for the first offence ; £20 for the second ; and to be imprisoned for life for the third. The Council immediately appointed visitors, to see that the liturgy was received throughout England." " Although the asra of the Puritans commenced in the reign of Edward VI ; yet that pious young prince very soon after began an ecclesiastical reformation. Had he lived to perfect it accor ding to his intentions, the Puritans would probably have been satisfied. But he died in 1553, at the early age of XVI ; and was succeeded by queen Mary, a bigoted Papist, under whose administration John Rogers, of pious memory, was burnt at Smithfield ; and bishop Hooper, with other pious reformers, suf fered martyrdom. On the accession of queen Elizabeth, the ref ormation, which had been begun by Edward, was, in some de gree, restored ; but that illustrious queen, addicted to show and jealous of prerogative, soon made the Puritans feel the weight of her royal power. Bishops and other clergymen were deposed, for refusing the oath to the queen's supremacy. At length (31st Jan. 1563) the convocation of the English clergy met, and finished * Holmes' Annals. NEW ENGLAND STATES. 17 the XXXIX Articles. Of the lower house, 43 present were for throwing out the ceremonies, but 35 were for keeping them ; and these, with the help of proxies, carried their measure by one vote. The bishops now began to urge the clergy to subscribe to the liturgy and ceremonies, as well as to the Articles. Cover- dale, Fox, Humfrey and others, refused to subscribe ; and this was the epoch of Non-conformity." "In 1564, many intances of non-conformity were reported to the queen. Her majesty was highly displeased. It appeared that some of the clergy performed divine service " wearing a square cap, some a round cap, some a button cap, some a hat, some in scholar's clothes, and some in others." However un important or ludicrous such a controversy may appear in the present day, the merits of these habits were then solemnly de bated by the gravest doctors and bishops of England, and by the most learned divines of Europe. Their disputes were useless. The strong arm of authority decided the question. The bishops published their "advertisements" to the clergy, prescribing an exact uniformity, as to the fashion of their dress, " gowns, caps, cuffs, capes, sleeves, and tippets." By this measure another portion of the most serious and useful ministers, who had con tinued to preach, were expelled from their pulpits, and shut up in prison. They refused to conform. Some of them became physicians, some became chaplains in private families ; some fled to Scotland; others to the continent; some resorted to secular business ; and many with large families, were reduced to want and beggary. The churches were shut ; the public mind was inflamed; six hundred people repaired to a church in London to receive the sacrament; the doors were closed ; no minister would officiate. The cries of the people reached the throne ; but the throne was inexorable, and the archbishop had rather see his flock perish for the waters of salvation, than dispense with the clerical robes of the Papal church. Despairing of relief from the government, the suspended min isters appealed to the world, and published an able defence of their conduct. Other publications followed. These were an swered by the bishops. The Puritans replied ; the public mind was agitated and inflamed; multitudes of the common people refused to attend worship where the ministers wore the habits. The government was roused. The Star Chamber decreed, that no person should publish any book against the queen and ordi nances, or their meaning. Booksellers were compelled to enter into bonds to observe this law. This measure hastened the con troversy to a signal crisis. The suspended ministers finding them selves in a pressing dilemma, having lost all hope of relief, had a solemn consultation, and agreed, " that since they could not have 2* 18 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE the word of God preached, nor the sacraments administered without idolatrous geare, it was their duty to break off from the public church, and to assemble in private houses and elsewhere!'1 This agreement took place about the year 1566, and was the event that constituted the memorable era of separation from the church of England, and the establishment of the denomination of DISSENTERS. In June, 1567, the sheriff of London discovered and broke up an assembly of about one hundred Puritans, most of whom were arrested, and several sent to Bridewell, where they were confined more than a year. In all suspected places, spies were employed to prevent these religious assemblies. In 1572, about one hundred clergymen were deprived of their support, for not sub scribing to the articles of the church. Doctor Clark was expelled from the university of Cambridge, which by this time was consid ered " a nest of Puritans," for preaching that " Satan introduced into the church the different orders of the clergy." Though the pulpits of the Puritans , were daily silenced, and they were not allowed to print a page, still their cause gained ground ; the spirit of their principles spread continually through the mass of society. Their zeal was inextinguishable. They employed printing presses, which secretly traveled through the country. Their pamphlets were scattered in every direction. The sober part of the community were addressed with powerful arguments ; humor, sarcasm, and intolerable satire, were scattered every where by invisible hands. To no purpose did Parker, for a long time, employ his agents to discover their presses. Deplo rable was the state of morals and religion. Oppression and in vective had sharpened the spirit of the parties. In some places Popery was ^openly professed ; the bishops were loaded with riches ; the people were neglected, and the court was corrupt, and reputed even to be the residence of licentiousness and atheism. While the bishops were driving the Puritans from their pulpits, many of the nobility received them into their families, as their chaplains, and tutors of their children. Thus sheltered from their oppressors, they preached to the family, and catechised the chil dren. This doubtless had a powerful effect on the rising gene ration. Still the spirit of persecution did not rest. In June, 1583, two ministers of the Brownists were executed. This year the troubles of the Puritans were increased. Arch bishop Grindal, who was rather favorably disposed towards them was succeeded by Whitgift, a cruel persecutor. He ordered that all preaching, catechising, and praying should cease in every house, when any person was present beside the family. In 1 584 no less than thirty-eight clergymen were suspended in the county of Essex. More effectually to arrest the Puritan pens, the Star NEW ENGLAND STATES. 19 Chamber forbade having any printing presses irt any private place, or any where in the kingdom, except in London, and the two universities. These must be licensed by the archbishop of Canterbury, or bishop of London, Nor might any book be printed, till it had been perused by them or their chaplains. The Lord's day being greatly profaned by plays and sports, the Rev. Mr. Smith, preaching before the university of Cambridge, urged the unlawfulness of such practices. For this he was summoned before the vice chancellor ; yet so reasonable was the course of duty, that, without any law, the observance of the Sabbath became more common, and afterwards was considered as the badge of a Puritan. So oppressive was the Episcopal party, that the dis senters were not permitted to keep a common school. In 1586, the Puritan ministers again petitioned parliament. They state, that after the most laborious and exact survey, they find that one third of the ministers have been expelled from their pulpits ; that there are in England only two thousand ministers to supply ten thousand churches ; that many people, in order to hear a'sermon, must travel twelve or twenty miles. But the spirit of mercy had forsaken the government. Another terrific law was made by the Parliament, which opened February 19, 1591. It was enacted "that if any person above the age of sixteen, shall for one month, refuse to attend at some Episcopal church, and after conviction, shall not in three months make a humble confession, he shall go into perpetual banishment, if he do not depart in the time appointed, or if he return without the queen's license, he shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy." The moderate Puritans evaded this dreadful law by going to church when the services were near closing. But on the Brown- ists, who had conscientiously separated from the church, of whom there were twenty thousand in Norfolk, Essex, and about London, this law burst like a fatal thunderbolt. Though they conducted their meetings with all practicable secresy, and changed the place of their worship from time to time to prevent discovery, it was not long before the officers of government fell upon one congregation," and arrested fifty-six of them, who were all sent to prison, where many of them perished, and others, after several years of confine ment, were executed or banished. At their examination, they confessed, that for years they had met in the fields, in summer, at 5 o'clock A. M. on the Lord's day, and in the winter at private houses. Till about this time, the controversy had chiefly respected habits, discipline, and ceremonies ; but doctrines now began to be dis puted. The Puritans and the universities denied the descent of Christ into hell, advocated the sanctity of the Sabbath, and the opinions of Calvin, his Institutions being read in their schools ; 20 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE - while the Episcopal party took the opposite side, and espoused the system of Arminius. The cause of the Puritans advanced ; the bishops lost the respect due to ministers of religion. If any among the clergy or laity were distinguished for their pure morals, or ardent piety, they were immediately supposed to be Puritans. 1 or some time, however, before the death of the queen, the zeal of con troversy had gradually subsided, and the aspect of public affairs was more favorable to the rights and interests of the Puritans. Those of their opposers, who had been the most intimate friends of the queen, whom she had most favored, and through whose influence she had been led to do many things against the Puritans, when her case became desperate, and she could no longer serve them, de serted her, and scarce afforded her any of their company. She died March, 1603, and was succeeded by James I., who came to the throne by hereditary right, as well as by the appointment of queen Elizabeth. The Puritans had high hopes of relief from the new king, who had been educated in their religion. But unfortunately for him self and the nation, James had not abilities to soften the violence of party asperity, nor conscience enough to support the friends of a thorough reformation ; but immediately became a dupe to the flattery of the bishops, and a tool of their ambition. The men who forsook Elizabeth, and seduced the king to act against his own principles and interests, became his confidents. Though he had given the most solemn pledges of favor to the Presbyterians, "thanking God that he was king of the purest church in the world ;" yet in nine months he renounced his former professions, and became the champion of Episcopacy* The church of Rome he called his mother church, declaring, " I will have one doctrine, one discipline, one religion in substance and ceremony." " I will make them conform, or I will hurry them out of the land, or else worse." The execution was as fatal as the threatening was absurd and wicked. Whitgift was succeeded by Bancroft, as archbishop of Canterbury, a man of rough temper, and an open foe to civil and religious liberty. By enforcing the observance of festivals, and the use of surplices, and caps and hoods ; and by requiring the clergy, from the heart to subscribe certain articles, he very soon silenced more than three hundred Puritan ministers. Some were excommunicated, some imprisoned, and others driven into exile. The greater part of those who left the country were Brownists whose leaders were Johnson, Ainsworth, Smith, and the well known John Robinson ; who has since been considered the father of that portion of the Puritans, who were the founders of the New England colonies ; of whom a more particular account will be given in the subsequent history. NEW ENGLAND STATES. 21 Abbot, a sound Protestant, and thorough Calvinist, succeeded Bancroft, whodied»*in 1610, in the archbishopric of Canterbury. Still, in 1612, several persons were burned for heresy at Smith- field and Litchfield ; but so evident was the commiseration of the people, that it was thought more prudent to let the prisoners lan guish out their days in Newgate. On the death of James, in March, 1625, he was succeeded by his son Charles I., who inherited his father's love of power, and hatred of puritanism. The good archbishop Abbot, having lost his influence, and Laud being bishop of London, and prime min ister, the work of persecution proceeded with new vigor. Minis ters were daily suspended, and their families ruined ; no shelter from the terrific storm could be discovered in the realm of Eng land."* " The Puritan or Reformed church in the north of England, had, in the year 1606, on account of its dispersed state, become divided into two distinct churches, to one of which belonged Mr. John Robinson, afterward its minister, and Mr. William Brewster, after ward its ruling elder. This church, in common with other dis senting churches throughout England, being extremely harrassed for its non-conformity, sought at length an asylum in Holland, where religious toleration was sanctioned by the laws. Mr. Robinson and as many of his congregation, as found it in their power, left England in the years 1607 and 1608, and settled in Amsterdam ; whence, in 1 609 they removed to Leyden. After residing several years in that city, various causes influenced them to entertain serious thoughts of a removal to America. These causes were, the unhealthiness of the low country where they lived; the hard labors to which they were subjected; the dissi pated manners of the Hollanders, especially their lax observance of the Lord's day ; the apprehension of war at the conclusion of the truce between Spain and Holland, which was then near its close ; the fear, lest their young men would enter into the military and naval service ; the tendency of their little community to become absorbed and lost in a foreign nation ; the natural and pious desire of perpetuating a church, which they believed to be constituted after the simple and pure model of the primitive church of Christ; and a commendable zeal to propagate the Gospel in the regions of the New World. In 1617, having concluded to go to Virginia, and settle in a distinct body under the general government of that colony, they sent Mr. Robert Cushman and Mr. John Carver to England, to treat with the Virginia company, and to ascertain, whether the king would grant them liberty of conscience in that distant country. Though these agents found the Virginia com pany very desirous of the projected settlement in their American * Morse and Parish's History of New England. 22 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE territory, and willing to grant them a patent with as ample privi leges, as they had power to convey; yet they could prevail with the king no farther, than to engage, that he would connive at them, and not molest them, provided they should conduct peaceably. Toleration in religious liberty, by his public authority, under his seal, was denied. The agents returned to Leyden the year fol lowing (1618), to the great discouragement of the congregation. Resolved however to make another trial, they sent two other agents to England in February of this year (1619), to agree with the Virginia company ; but, dissensions then arising in that body, the business was necessarily procrastinated. After long attend ance, the agents obtained a patent, granted and confirmed under the seal of the Virginia company ; but though procured with much charge and labor, it was never used, because it was taken out in the name of a gentleman, who, though at that time designing to accompany the Leyden congregation, was providentially pre vented. This patent, however, being carried to Leyden for the consideration of the people, with several proposals from English merchants and friends for their transportation, they were requested to prepare immediately for the voyage. It was agreed by the English congregation at Leyden, that some of their number should go to America, to make preparation for the rest. Mr. Robinson, their minister, was prevailed on to stay with the greater part at Leyden ; Mr. Brewster, their elder, was to accompany the first adventurers; but these, and their brethren remaining in Holland, were to continue to be one church, and to receive each other to Christian communion, without a formal dismission, or testimonial. Several of the congregation sold their estates, and made a common bank, which, together with money received from other adventurers, enabled them to purchase the Speedwell, a ship of sixty tons, and to hire in England the Mayflower, a ship of one hundred and eighty tons, for the intended enterprise. Preparation being thus made, the adventurers having left Leyden for England in July, sailed on the fifth of August from Southampton for America ; but, on account of the leakiness of the small ship, they were twice obliged to return. Dismissing this ship, as unfit for the service, they sailed from Plymouth on the sixth of September in the Mayflower. After a boisterous passage, they at break of day on the ninth of November, discovered the land of Cape Cod. Perceiving that they had been carried to the northward of the place of their destination, they stood to the southward, intending to find some place near Hudson's river, for settlement. Falling, however, among shoals,* they were induced » The same, which Gosnold called Point Care and Tucker's Terror ; but whieh the French and Dutch call Malebar. NEW ENGLAND STATES. 23 from this incident, together with the consideration of the advanced season of the year, and the weakness of their condition, to relin quish that part of their original design. The master of the ship, availing himself of the fears of the passengers, and of their ex treme solicitude to be set on shore, gladly shifted his course to the northward ; for he had been clandestinely promised a reward in Holland, if he would not carry the English to Hudson's river. Steering again therefore for the cape, the ship was clear of the danger before night ; and the next day, a storm coming on, they dropped anchor in Cape Cod harbor, where they were secure from winds and shoals. Finding the harbor to be in the forty-second degree of north latitude, and therefore beyond the territory of the South Virginia company, they perceived that their charter, received from that company had become useless. Symptoms of faction at the same time appearing among the servants on board, who imagined, that, when on shore, they should be under no government; it was judged expedient, that, before disembarkation, they should combine themselves into a body politic, to be governed by the majority. After solemn prayer and thanksgiving, a written instrument, drawn for that purpose, was accordingly subscribed on board the ship, on the eleventh day of November. This solemn contract was signed by forty-one of their number ; and they, with their families, amounted to one hundred and one persons. Mr. John Carver was now unanimously chosen their governor for one year. Thus did these intelligent colonists find means to erect themselves into a republic, even though they had commenced their enterprise under the sanction of a royal charter; "a case, that is rare in history, and can be effected only by that perseverance, which the true spirit of liberty inspires." Government being thus established, sixteen men, well armed, with a few others, were sent on shore the same day, to fetch wood, and make discoveries ; but they returned at night, without having found any person, or habitation. The company, having rested on the Lord's day, disembarked on Monday, the thirteenth of November; and soon after proceeded to make further discovery of the country. On Wednesday the fifteenth, Miles Standish and sixteen armed men, in searching for a convenient place for set tlement, saw five or six Indians, whom they followed several miles, until night ; but not overtaking them were constrained to lodge in the woods. The next day they discovered heaps of earth, one of which they dug open; but, finding within implements of war, they concluded these were Indian graves ; and therefore, re- 5 lacing what they had taken out, they left them inviolate. In ilferent heaps of sand they also found baskets of corn, a large quantity of which they carried away in a great kettle, found at the 24 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE ruins of an Indian house, This providential discovery gave them seed for a future harvest, and preserved the infant colony from famine. Before the close of November, Mrs. Susanna White was deli vered of a son, who was called Peregrine ; and this was the first child of European extraction, born in New England. On the sixth of December, the shallop was sent out with several of the principal men, Carver, Bradford, Winslow, Standish and others, and eight or ten seamen, to sail around the bay, in search of a place for settlement. The next day this company was divi ded; and, while some traveled on shore, others coasted in the shallop. Early in the morning of the eighth, those on the shore were surprised by a flight of arrows from a party of Indians ; but, on the discharge of the English muskets, the Indians instantly disappeared. The shallop, after imminent hazard from the loss of its rudder and mast in a storm, and from shoals, which it nar rowly escaped, reached a small island on the night of the eighth; and here the company the next day, which was the last day of the week, reposed themselves, with pious gratitude for their preser vation. On this island they the next day kept the Christian Sab bath. The day following, they sounded the harbor, and found it fit for shipping; went on shore, and explored the adjacent land, where they saw various cornfields and brooks ; and, judging the situation to be convenient for a settlement, they returned with the welcome intelligence to the ship. On the fifteenth they weighed anchor, and proceeded with the ship for this newly discovered port, where they arrived on the fol lowing day. On the eighteenth and nineteenth they went on shore for discovery, but returned at night to the ship. On the morning of the twentieth, after imploring divine guidance, they went on shore again, to fix on some place for immediate settlement. After viewing the country, they concluded to settle on a high ground, facing the bay, where the land was cleared, and the water was excellent. On Saturday the twenty-third, as many of the company, as could with convenience, went on shore, and felled and carried timber to the spot, designated for the erection of a building for common use. On Lord's day the twenty-fourth, the people on shore were alarmed by the cry of Indians, and expected an as sault ; but they continued unmolested. On Monday the twentv- fifth they began to build the first house. A platform for their ordinance demanding the earliest attention, they on the twentv- eighth began one on a hill, which commanded an extensive pros pect of the plain beneath, of the expanding bay, and of the distant ocean. In the afternoon they divided their whole company into nineteen families ; measured out the ground ; and assigned to NEW ENGLAND STATES. 27 every person by lot half a pole in breadth, and three poles in length, for houses and gardens. Though most of the company were on board the ship on the Lord's day, December thirty-first ; yet some of them kept Sabbath for the first time in their new house. Here therefore is fixed the sera of their settlement, which, in grateful remembrance of the Christian friends, whom they found at the last town they left in their native country, they called Plymouth. This was the foundation of the first English town, built in New England. After the departure of the adventurers from the coast of Eng land, a new patent, dated the third day of November, was granted by king James to the duke of Lenox, the marquises of Bucking ham and Hamilton, the earls of Arundel and Warwick, Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges, with thirty-four associates, and their successors, styling them, ' The Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, ordering, and governing of New England, in America.' By this patent that part of the American territory, which lies between the fortieth and forty- eighth degree of north latitude in breadth, and ' in length by all the breadth aforesaid throughout the main-land from sea to sea,' was given to them in absolute property; the same authority and privileges, which had previously been given to the treasurer and company of Virginia, were now conferred on them ; and they were equally empowered to exclude all from trading within the boun daries of their jurisdiction, and from fishing in the neighboring seas. This patent was the only civil basis of all the subsequent patents and plantations, which divided this country."* "The Plymouth colonists on the 9th of Jan. 1621, proceeded to the erection of their projected town; which they built in two rows of houses for greater security. On the fourteenth their Common House, that had been built in December, took fire from a spark, that fell on its thatched roof, and was entirely consumed. On the seventeenth of February, they met for settling military orders, and having chosen Miles Standish for their captain, conferred on him the power pertaining to that office. On the sixteenth of March an Indian came boldly alone, into the street of Plymouth, and surprised the inhabitants by calling out, "Welcome, Englishmen ! Welcome, Englishmen !" He was their first visitant; his name was Samoset, a sagamore of the country, lying at the distance of about five days journey. Having conversed with the English fishermen, who had come to this coast, and learnt of them to speak broken English, he informed the Ply mouth people, that the place, where they were seated, was called by the Indians Patuxet ; that all the inhabitants died of an extra- * Holmes' American Annals. 28 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE ordinary plague, about four years since ; and that there was nei ther man, woman, nor child, remaining. No natives therefore were dispossessed of this territory, to make room for the English, excepting by the providence of God previously to their arrival. Samoset, treated with hospitality by these strangers, was dis posed to preserve an intercourse with them ; and, on his third visit, was accompanied by Squanto, one of the natives, who had been carried off by Hunt in 1614, and afterward lived m England. They informed the English, that Masassoit, the greatest king of the neighboring Indians, was near, with his brother and a number of his people ; and within an hour he appeared on the top of a hill over against the English town, with a train of sixty men. Mutual distrust prevented for some time any advances from either side. Squanto at length, being sent to Masassoit, brought back word, that the English should send one of their number to parley with him. Mr. Edward Winslow was accordingly sent. Two knives, and a copper chain, with a jewel in it, were sent to Masassoit at the same time; and to his brother a knife, and a jewel, 'with a pot of strong water,' a quantity of biscuit, and some butter, all which articles were gladly accepted. Mr. Wins low, the messenger, in a speech to Masassoit, signified, that king James saluted him with words of love and peace, and that the English governor desired to see him, and to truck with him, and to confirm a peace with him, as his next neighbor. The Indian king heard his speech with attention, and approbation. After partaking of the provision, which made part of the English pre sent, and imparling the rest to his company, he looked on Mr. Winslow's sword and armor, with an intimation of his desire to buy it ; but found him unwilling to part with it. At the close of the interview, Masassoit, leaving Mr. Winslow in the custody of his brother, went over the brook, which separated him from the English, with a train of twenty men, whose bows and arrows were left behind. He was met at the brook by captain Standish and Mr. Williamson, with six musketeers, who conducted him to a house then in building, where were placed a green rug, and three or four cushions. The governor now advanced, attended with a drum and trumpet, and a few musketeers. After mutual salutations, the governor called for refreshments, of which the In dian king partook himself, and imparted to his followers. A league of friendship was then agreed on ; and it was inviolably observed above fifty years. A great mortality, that commenced among the people soon after their arrival at Plymouth, swept off half of their number within the first three months, leaving scarcely fifty persons remaining* ?"Tradition gives an affecting picture of the infant colony, during this critical and distressing period. The dead were buried on the bank, at a little distance from the NEW ENGLAND STATES. 29 The first marriage in the colony was solemnized on the twelfth of May, between Mr. Edward Winslow, and Mrs. Susanna White. The first duel in New England was fought on the eighteenth of June, on a challenge at single combat, with sword and dagger, be tween two servants ; both of whom were wounded. For this out rage they were sentenced by the whole company to the ignomi nious punishment of having the head and feet tied together, and of lying thus twenty-four hours, without meat or drink. After suffering, however, in that painful posture one hour, at their mas ter's intercession, and their own humble request, with the promise of amendment, they were released by the governor. Gov. Bradford, by advice of the company, sent Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins, with Squanto for their guide, to Masassoit, to explore the country ; to confirm the league ; to learn the situation and strength of their new friend ; to carry some presents ; to apolo gize for some supposed injuries ; to regulate the intercourse be tween the English and the Indians ; and to procure seed corn for the next planting season. They lodged the first night at Namasket. In some places, they found the country almost depopulated by the plague, which had desolated the neighborhood of Patuxet. They passed through fine old cornfields, and pasture grounds, that were destitute of cattle and of inhabitants. Skulls and bones appeared in many places where the Indians had dwelt. On their arrival at Pokanoket, the place of Masassoit's residence, forty miles from Ply mouth, they were kindly welcomed by that Indian sovereign, who renewed his assurances of continuing the peace and friendship.* rock where the Fathers landed ; and lest the Indians should take advantage of the weak and wretched state of the English, the graves were leveled and sown, for the purpose of concealment." * " The manner of reception and treatment of the envoys at the court of Masassoit is worthy of notice. When the king had taken them into his house, and seated them, he heard their message, and received their presents. He then put on a horseman's red coat, and a chain about his neck, (these having been among the presents), and ' was not a little proud to behold himself, and his men also to see their king so bravely attired.' Having given a friendly answer to the message, his men gathered around him ; and, turning himself to them, he addressed them in a speech : * Am not I Masassoit, commander of the country around you 1 Is not such a town mine, and the people of it 1 Will you not bring your skins to the English V After this manner he named at least thirty places, to every one of which they gave an answer of consent and applause. At the close of his speech he lighted tobacco for the envoys, and proceeded to discourse about England, and the English king, wondering that he would live without a wife. He talked also of the Frenchmen, bidding the English not to suffer them to come to Narraganset, for it was king James' country, and he -was king James' man. It now grew late, ' but victuals he offered none ; for indeed he had not any,' having but just returned home. The envoys therefore, finding no prospect of refreshment, but from sleep, desired to go to rest ; yet they were disap pointed even of repose. ' Hee laid us,' says the narrator, 'on the bed with him- selfe and his wife, they at the one end and wee at the other, it being onely plankes laid a foot from the ground, and a thinne mat upon them. Two more of his chiefe men for want of roome pressed by and upon us ; so that wee were worse wearie of our lodging then of our journey.' " Purchas, v. 3* 30 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE After the league with Masassoit, Corbitant, one of his ^petty sachems, becoming discontented, meditated to join the JNarra- gansetts, who were inimical to the English; and he was now at Namasket, attempting to alienate the subjects of Masassoit from their king. Squanto and Hobomack, two faithful friends of the English, going at this time to Namasket, to make observation, were threatened with death by Corbitant, who seized and detained Squanto, but Hobomack made his escape. To counteract the hostile machinations of Corbitant, and to liberate Squanto, the governor, with the advice of the company, sent Miles Standish and fourteen men, with Hobomack for their guide, to Namasket. On their arrival, the Indians of Corbitant's faction fled. The de sign of the English expedition was explained to the natives of the place, with menaces of revenge, in case of insurrection against Masassoit, or of violence to any of his subjects. This resolute enterprise struck such terror into the neighboring Indians, that their chiefs came in, and solicited the friendship of the English. On the thirteenth of September, nine sachems volun tarily came to Plymouth, and subscribed an instrument of sub mission to king James. It was peculiarly happy for the colony, that it had secured the friendship of Masassoit; for his influence was very extensive. He was reverenced and regarded by all the natives from the bay of Narragansett to that of Massachusetts. The submission of the nine sachems is ascribed to their mutual connection with this sovereign, as its primary cause. Other princes under him made also a similar submission, among whom are mentioned those of Pamet, Nauset, Cummaquid, and Na masket, with several others about the bays of Patuxet and Mas sachusetts."* In March, 1623, intelligence being received at Plymouth that Masassoit was sick, and apparently near death, and that a Dutch ship was driven ashore near his house, the governor sent Edward Winslow and John Hambden, to visit and assist him, and speak with the Dutch. They found Masassoit extremely ill ; but by some cordials which Mr. Winslow administered, he recovered. Gratefully impressed with the kind offices performed, Masassoit revealed a plot of the Massachusetts Indians, against Weston's people at Wessagusset, who, being a set of rude and profane fel lows, had provoked the Indians, by stealing their corn, and .other abuses. Being fearful that the English settlers at Plymouth mi^ht avenge their countrymen, it was determined to kill them also. Masassoit advised the English to kill the chief conspirators, as the only means of safety. " The governor, on receiving this intelligence, which was con- * Homes' Annals. NEW ENGLAND STATES. 3i Mr. Winslow, attending on Masassoit. firmed by other evidences, ordered Standish to take with him as many men, as he should judge sufficient, and, if a plot should be discovered, to fall on the conspirators. Standish, with eight men, sailed to the Massachusetts, where the natives, suspecting his design, insulted and threatened him. Watching his opportunity, when four of them, Wittuwamet, Pecksuot, another Indian, and a youth of eighteen, brother of Wittuwamet, and about as many of his own men, were in the same room, he gave a signal to his men ; the door was instantly shut ; and, snatching the knife of Pecksuot from his neck, he killed him with it, after a violent struggle ; his party killed Wittuwamet, and the other Indian; and hung the youth. Proceeding to another place, Standish killed an Indian, and afterward had a skirmish with a party of Indians, which he put to flight. Weston's men also killed two Indians. Standish, with that generosity, which characterizes true bravery, released the Indian women, without taking their beaver coats, or allowing the least incivility to be offered them. The English settlers now a^ajidoned Wessagusset; and their plantation was thus broken up, within a year after its commencement. Standish, having supplied them with corn, and conducted them safely out of Massachusetts Bay in a small ship of their own, returned to Plymouth, bringing the head of Wittuwamet, which he set up on the fort. This sud den and unexpected execution so terrified the other natives, who had intended to join the Massachusetts in the conspiracy, that they forsook their houses, and fled to swamps and desert places, where they contracted diseases, which proved mortal to many of them ; 32 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE among whom were Canacum, sachem of Manomet ; Aspinet, sachem of Nauset ; and Ianough, sachem of Mattachiest. "We have already mentioned that Mr. Carver was ele Nova Scotia; but the expedition was unsuccessful. In 1710, New England, assisted by the mother country, with a fleet, suc ceeded in reducing the place ; and its name, in honor of Queen Anne, was changed to Annapolis. This success encouraged the commander, General Nicholson, to visit England and propose an expedition against Canada. His proposition was adopted, and in June, 1711, Admiral Walker, with a fleet of fifteen ships of war, and forty transports, with an army of veteran troops, arrived at Boston, from whence he sailed for Quebec about the last of July. At the same time, General Nicholson repaired to Albany, to take the command of the forces that were to proceed by land. When the fleet had advanced ten leagues up the St. Lawrence, the weather became tempestuous and foggy.* Nine of the transports were dashed in pieces on the rocks, and upwards of a thousand men perished. Weakened by this disaster, the admiral returned to England, and the New England troops returned to their homes. Nicholson, having learned the fate of the fleet, returned with his troops to Albany. In 1713, peace was made between France and Great Britain at Utrecht. In 1716, Samuel Shute, a colonel in the army of the celebra ted Duke of Marlborough, was appointed governor of Massa chusetts. For a long period afterwards, many controversies and difficulties took place between the royal governors sent from Eng land and the representatives of the people, who were jealous of their rights as British subjects. These disturbances continued, with some intervals, till the period of the American Revolution. In 1744, war again broke out between England and France, and the colonies were again involved in its calamaties. Their commerce and fisheries suffered great injury from privateers fitted 5 50 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE out at Louisburg, a strong fortress on the Island of Cape Breton. This place was considered one of the strongest in America; the fortifications had been twenty-five years in building, and had cost the French five and a half millions of dollars. The legislature of Massachusetts, convinced of the importance of reducing this place, planned a daring, but successful enterprise for its reduction. Accordingly, about four thousand men, from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut, under, the command of Gen. Pep- perell, sailed from Boston for the conquest of this place. Having the assistance of four ships of war, under Commodore Warren, from the West Indies, the troops arrived at Louisburg, about the 1 st of May, 1 745, and commenced the siege. For fourteen nights successively, the New England troops, sinking to their knees in mud, drew their camions and mortars through a swamp two miles in length. By this means, the siege was pushed with so much vigor, that, on the 16th of June, the garrison surrendered. France, fired with resentment against the colonies, the next summer sent a powerful fleet to ravage the coast of New England and recover Louisburg. The news of their approach spread terror throughout New England. But an uncommon succession of disasters, which the pious at that time ascribed to the special interposition of Pro vidence, blasted the hopes of the enemy. The French fleet was delayed and damaged by storms : some of the ships were lost, and a pestilential fever prevailed •among the troops, and the two admi rals killed themselves through chagrin on the failure of the expe dition. The war at this period was ended by the peace of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, by which all prisoners on each side were to be restored without ransom, and all conquests made during the war were to be mutually restored. Scarcely had the colonies begun to reap the benefits of peace, before they were again thrown into anxiety and distress by another war against France. The war actually commenced in 1754, though not formally declared till May,"l756. Early in the spring of 1755, preparations were made by the colonies for vigorous exer tions against the enemy. Four- expeditions were planned: — one against the French in Nova Scotia; a second against the French on the Ohio ; a third against Crown Point ; and a fourth against Niagara. The expedition against Nova Scotia, consisting of three thousand men, chiefly from Massachusetts, was led by General Monckton and General Winslow. With these troops, they sailed from Boston on the 1st of June, arrived at Chignecto, in the bay of Fundy. After being joined by three hundred regular British troops, they proceeded against fort Beau Sejour, which surren dered, after a siege of four days-. Other forts were taken, and Nova Scotia was entirely subdued. In order that the French in Canada should derive no assistance from this territory, the country NEW ENGLAND STATES. 51 was laid waste, and the inhabitants were taken from the country, and dispersed among the English colonies. One thousand of these proscribed Acadians were transported to Massachusetts, where many of them embarked for France. The expedition against Niagara, was committed to Governor Shirley of Massa chusetts, whose force amounted to two thousand five hundred men. The season, however, was too far advanced before he had com pleted his preparations, to effect any thing of importance, and the expedition was abandoned. The war continued, with varied success, till the conquest of Quebec by the army under Gen. Wolfe, in September, 1759, and the find reduction of Canada in 1760. This event caused great and universal joy in the colonies, and public thanksgivings were generally appointed. A definitive treaty, the preliminaries of which, had been settled the year before, was signed at Paris in 1763, by which all Nova Scotia, Canada, the isle of Cape Breton, and all other islands in the gulf and river St. Lawrence, were ceded to the British crown." " The first attempt to raise a revenue in America appeared in the memorable stomp act, passed March 22, 1765; by which it was enacted that certain instruments of writing, as bills, bonds, &c. should not be valid in law, unless drawn on stamped paper, on which a duty was laid. No sooner was this act published in America, than it raised a general alarm. The people were filled with apprehensions at an act which they supposed an attack on their constitutional rights. The colonies petitioned the king and parliament for a redress of the grievance, and formed associations for the purpose of preventing the importation and use of British manufactures, until the act should be repealed. This spirited and unanimous opposition of the Americans produced the desired effect, and on the 18th of March, 1766, the stamp act was repealed. The news of the repeal was received in the colonies with universal joy, and the trade between them and Great Britain was renewed on the most liberal footing. The parliament, by repealing this act, so obnoxious to their American brethren, did not intend to lay aside the scheme of raising a revenue in the colonies, but merely to change the mode. Accordingly the next year, they passed an act, laying a certain duty on glass, tea, paper and painter's colors ; articles which were much wanted, and not manufactured, in America. This act kindled the resentment of the Americans, and excited a general opposition to the measure ; so that parliament thought proper in 1770, to take off these duties, except three pence a pound on tea. Yet this duty, however trifling, kept alive the jealousy of the colo nists, and their opposition to 'parliamentary taxation continued and increased. 52 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE But it must be remembered that the inconvenience of paying the duty was not the sole, nor principal cause of the opposition it was the principle which, once admitted, would have suDjecteo. the colonies to unlimited parliamentary taxation, without the priv ilege of being represented. The right, abstractly considered, was denied; and the smallest attempt to establish the claim by prece dent, was uniformly resisted. The Americans could not be deceived as to the views of parliament ; for the repeal ol the stamp act was accompanied with an unequivocal declaration, that the parliament had a right to make laws of sufficient validity to bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever.' . The colonies therefore entered into measures to encourage their own manufactures, and home productions, and to retrench the use of foreign superfluities; while the importation of tea was prohib ited. In the royal and proprietary governments, the governors and people were in a state of continual warfare . Assemblies were repeatedly called, and suddenly dissolved. While sitting, the assemblies employed the time in stating grievances and framing. remonstrances. To inflame these discontents, an act of parlia ment was passed, ordaining that the governors and judges should receive their salaries of the crown; thus making them independent of the provincial assemblies, and removable only at the pleasure of the king. These arbitrary proceedings, with many others not here men tioned, could not fail of producing a rupture. The first act of vio lence, was the massacre at Boston, on the evening of the fifth of March, 1 770. A body of British troops had been stationed in Bos ton to awe the inhabitants and enforce the measures of parliament. On the fatal day, when blood was to be shed, as a prelude to more tragic scenes, a riot was raised among some soldiers and boys; the former aggressing by throwing snowballs at the latter. The bickerings and jealousies between the inhabitants and soldiers, which had been frequent before, now became serious. A multi tude was soon collected, and the controversy became so warm, that to disperse the people, the troops were embodied and ordered to fire upon the inhabitants. This fatal order was executed and several persons fell a sacrifice. The people restrained their ven geance at the time ; but this wanton act of cruelty and military despotism fanned the flame of liberty; a flame that was not to be extinguished but by a total separation of the colonies from their oppressive and hostile parent. In 1773 the spirit of the Americans broke out into open vio lence. The Gaspee, an armed schooner belonging to his Britannic Majesty, had been stationed at Providence in Rhode Island, to prevent smuggling. The vigilance of the commander irritated the inhabitants to that degree, that about two hundred armed men en- NEW ENGLAND STATES. 53 tered the vessel at night, compelled the officers and men to go ashore, and set fire to the schooner. A reward of five hundred pounds, offered by government for apprehending any of the per sons concerned in this daring act, produced no effectual discovery. About this. time, the discovery and publication of some private confidential letters, written by the royal officers in Boston, to persons in office in England, served to confirm the apprehensions of the Americans, with respect to the designs of the British gov ernment. It was now made obvious that more effectual measures would be taken to establish the supremacy of the British parlia ment over the colonies. The letters recommended decisive measures, and the writers were charged, by the exasperated Americans, with betraying their trust and the people they gov erned. As the resolutions of the colonies not to import or consume tea, had, in a great measure, deprived the English government of a revenue from this quarter, the parliament formed a scheme of introducing tea into America, under cover of the East India Com pany. For this purpose an act was passed, enabling the company to export all sorts of teas, duty free, to any place whatever. The company departed from their usual mode of business and became their own exporters. Several ships were freighted with teas, and sent to the American colonies, and factors were appointed to re ceive, and dispose of their cargoes. The Americans, determined to oppose the revenue system of the English parliament in every possible shape, considered the attempt of the East India Company to evade the resolutions of the colonics, and .dispose of teas in America, as an indirect mode of taxation, sanctioned by the authority of Parliament. The peo ple assembled in various places, and in the large commercial towns, took measures to prevent the landing of the teas. Com mittees were appointed, and armed with extensive powers to inspect merchants books, to propose tests, and make use of other expedients to frustrate the designs of the East India Company. The same spirit pervaded the people from New Hampshire to Georgia. In some places, the consignees of the teas were intimi dated so far as to relinquish their appointments, or to enter into engagements not to act in that capacity. The cargo sent to South Carolina was stored, the consignees being restrained from offering the tea for sale. In other provinces, the ships were sent back without discharging their cargoes. But in Boston the tea shared a more violent fate. Sensible that no legal measures could prevent its being landed, and that if once landed, it would be disposed of; a number of men in disguise, on the 18th of December 1773, entered the ships and threw over board three hundred and forty chests of it, which was the propor- 5* 54 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE tion belonging to the East India Company. No sooner did the news of this destruction of the tea reach Great Britain, than the parliament determined to punish that devoted town. On the king s laying the American papers before them, a bill was brought in and passed, 'to discontinue the landing and discharging, landing and shipping of goods, wares and merchandizes at the town of Boston, or within the harbor.' This act, passed March 25, 1774, called the Boston Port Bill, threw the inhabitants of Massachusetts into the greatest consterna tion. The town of Boston passed a resolution, expressing their sense of this oppressive measure, and a desire that all the colonies would concur to stop all importation from Great Britain. Most of the colonies entered into spirited resolutions, on this occasion, to unite with Massachusetts in a firm opposition to the unconstitu tional measures of the parliament. The first of June, the day on which the Port Bill was to take place, was appointed to be kept as a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer throughout the colonies, to seek the divine direction and aid, in that critical and gloomy juncture of affairs. During the height of the consternation and confusion which the Boston Port Bill occasioned; at the very time when a town meet ing was sitting to consider of it, General Gage, who had been appointed to the government of Massachusetts, arrived in the har bor. His arrival however did not allay the .popular ferment, or check the progress of the measures then taking, to unite the colo nies in opposition to the oppressive act of parliament. But the port bill was not the only act that alarmed the apprehen sions of the Americans. Determined to compel the province of Massachusetts to submit to their laws, parliament passed an act for 'the better regulating government in the province of Massa chusetts Bay.' The object of this act was to alter the government, as it stood on the charter of King William, to take the appointment of the executive out of the hands of the people, and place it in the crown; thus making even the judges and sheriffs dependent on the king, and removable only at his pleasure. This act was soon followed by another, which ordained that any persons, indicted for murder, or other capital offence, committed in aiding the magistrates in executing the laws, might be sent by the governor either to another colony, or to Great Britain for his trial. In the mean time, every thing in Massachusetts wore the appear ance of opposition by force. A new council for the governor had been appointed by the crown. New judges were appointed and attempted to proceed in the execution of their office. But the juries refused to be sworn under them ; in some counties, the people assembled to prevent the courts from proceeding to business- and in Berkshire they succeeded, setting an example of resist- NEW ENGLAND STATES. 55 ance that has since been followed, in violation of the laws of the state. In this situation of affairs, the day for the annual muster of the militia approached. General Gage, apprehensive of some vio lence, had the precaution to seize the magazines of ammunition and stores at Cambridge and Charlestown, and lodged them in Boston. This measure, with the fortifying of that neck of land which joins Boston to the main-land at Roxbury, caused a uni versal alarm and ferment. Several thousand people assembled, and it was witji difficulty they could be restrained from falling upon the British troops. On this occasion, an assembly of delegates from all the towns in Suffolk county, was called ; and several spirited resolutions were agreed to. These resolutions were prefaced with a declara tion of allegiance; but' they breathed a spirit of freedom that does honor to the delegates. They declared that the late acts of parliament and the proceedings of General Gage, were glaring infractions of their rights and liberties, which their duty called them to defend by all lawful means. This assembly remonstrated against the fortification of Boston Neck, and resolved upon a suspension of commerce, an encour agement of arts and manufactures, the holding of a provincial congress, and a submission to the measures which should be recommended by the continental congress. They recommended that the collectors of taxes should not pay any money into the treasury, without further orders ; they also recommended peace and good order, as they meant to act merely upon the defensive. In answer to their remonstrance, General Gage assured them that he had no intention to prevent the free egress and regress of the inhabitants to and from the town of Boston, and that he would not suffer any person under his command to injure the person or property of any of his majesty's subjects. Previous to this, a general assembly had been summoned to meet ; and notwithstanding the writs had been countermanded by the governor's proclamation, on account of the violence of the times and the resignation of several of the new counselors, yet representatives were chosen by the people who met at Salem, resolved themselves into a provincial congress, and adjourned to Concord. This congress addressed the governor with a rehersal of their distresses, and took the necessary steps for defending their rights. They regulated the militia, made provision for supplying the treasury, and furnishing the people with arms ; and such was the enthusiasm and union of the people that the recommendations of the provincial congress had the force of laws. General Gage was incensed at these measures — he declared, in 56 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE his answer to the address, that Britain could never harbor the black design of enslaving her subjects and published a proclama tion in which he insinuated that such proceedings amounted to rebellion. He also ordered barracks to be erected for the sol diers ; but he found difficulty in procuring laborers, either in Bos ton or New York. In the beginning of 1775, the fishery bills were passed in parliament, 'by which the colonies were prohibited to trade with Great Britain, Ireland or the West Indies, or to take fish on the banks of Newfoundland. In the distresses to which these acts of parliament reduced the town of Boston, the unanimity of the colonies was remarkable, in the large supplies of provision, fm- nished by the inhabitants of different towns from New Hamp shire to Georgia, and shipped to the relief of the sufferers Preparations began to be made, to oppose by force, the execution of these acts of parliament. The militia of the country were trained to the use of arms — great encouragement was given for the manufacture of gunpowder, and measures were taken to obtain all kinds of military stores. In February, Colonel Leslie was sent with a detachment ol troops from Boston, to take possession of some cannon at Salem. But the people had intelligence of the design — took up the drawbridge in that town, and prevented the troops from passing, until the cannon were secured ; so that the expedition failed. In April, Colonel Smith and Major Pitcairn were sent with a body of about nine hundred troops, to destroy the military stores which had been collected at Concord, about sixteen miles from Boston. It is believed, that another object of this expedition, was to seize on the persons of Messrs. Hancock and Adams, who by their spirited exertions, had rendered themselves very obnoxious to General Gage. At Lexington, the militia were collected on a green, to oppose the incursion of the British forces. These were fired upon by the British troops, and eight men killed on the spot. The militia were dispersed, and the troops proceeded to Con cord; where they destroyed a few stores. But on their return, they were incessantly harrassed by the Americans, who, inflamed with just resentment, fired upon them from houses and fences, and pursued them to Boston. The loss of the British in this expedition, in killed, wounded and prisoners, was two hundred and seventy-three men. The militia now collected from all quarters, and Boston in a few days was besieged by twenty thousand men. A stop was put to all intercourse between the town and country and the inhabitants were reduced to great want of provisions. ' General Gage promised to let the people depart, if they would deliver up NEW ENGLAND STATES. 57 their arms. The people complied, but when the general had obtained their arms, the perfidious man refused to let the peo ple go. This breach of faith, and the consequences that attended it, were justly and greatly complained of; and although many, at different times, were permitted to leave the town, they were obliged to leave all their effects behind ; so that many who had been used to live in ease and affluence, were at once reduced to extreme indigence and misery. A circumstance peculiarly and wantonly aggravating, and which was the ground of the bitterest complaints of Congress, was, that passports were granted or retained in such a manner, as that families were broken, and the dearest connections separated ; part being compelled to quit the town, and part cruelly retained against their inclination. ¦ In the mean time, a small number of men, to the amount of about two hundred and forty, under the command of Colonel Allen, and Colonel Arnold, without any public orders, surprised and took the British garrisons at Ticonderoga and Crown Point, without the loss of a man on either side. During these transactions, the Generals Howe, Burgoyne, and Clinton, arrived at Boston from England, with a number of troops. In June following, our troops attempted to fortify Bun ker's hill, which lies near Charlestown, and but a mile and a half from Boston. They had, during the night, thrown up a small breast-work, which sheltered them from the fire of the British cannon. But the next morning, the British army was sent to drive them from the hill, and landing under cover of their cannon, they set fire to Charlestown, which was consumed, and marched to attack our troops in the entrenchments. A severe engagement ensued, in which the British, according to the best accounts, had two hundred and twenty-six killed, and eight hundred and twenty- eight wounded. They were repulsed at first, and thrown into disorder ; but they finally carried the fortification, with the point of the bayonet. In autumn, a body of troops, under the command of General Montgomery, besieged and took the garrison at St. John's, which comjjnands the entrance into Canada. The prisoners amounted to about seven hundred. General Montgomery pur sued his success, and took Montreal; and designed to push his victories to Quebec. A body of troops, commanded by General Arnold, was ordered to march to Canada, by the river Kennebeck, and through the wilderness. After suffering every hardship, and the most distressing hunger, they arrived in Canada, and were joined by General Montgomery, before Quebec. This city, which was commanded by Governor Carleton, was immediately besieged. But there being little hope of taking the town by a 58 OUTLINE HISTORY OF THE siege, it was determined to storm it. The attaek was made on the last day of December, but proved unsuccessful, and fatal to the brave general; who, with his aids, were killed in attempting to scale the walls. Of the three divisions which attacked the town, one only entered, and that was obliged to surrender to superior force. After this defeat, Gen. Arnold, who now commanded the troops, continued some months before Quebec, although his troops suffered incredibly by cold and sickness . But the next spring, the Americans were obliged to retreat from Canada." The year 1777 was distinguished by several important events in favor of the American cause. Gen. Burgoyne, with a well dis ciplined and powerful army, "advanced from Canada, to invade New York and the New England States. His approach occa sioned much alarm, and the militia from all parts of New England, pressed forward to resist the British forces. The progress of Bur goyne was checked, by the defeat of Col. Baum, near Bennington, in which the undisciplined militia of Vermont, under Gen. Stark, defeated and captured nearly the whole of a large detachment of British troops. Burgoyne himself surrendered at Saratoga, Oct. 17th, 1777, with his whole army. This event diffused great joy throughout the American States, and laid the foundation for a treaty with France. From the first period of the Revolutionary War, to its close, the New England States, rendered the most powerful and effi cient aid in the American cause ; but this was not done without enduring many sacrifices and privations. During the enfeebled and disorganized state of the country, which followed the war, Massachusetts, in her zeal to comply fully with the requisitions of Congress, and satisfy the demands of her own creditors, laid a heavy tax upon the people. This was the immediate cause of the rebellion in that State, in 1786. But a heavy debt lying on the State, added to burdens of the same nature, upon almost every. incorporation within it; a decline, or rather an extinction of public credit ; a relaxation and corruption of manners, and a free use of foreign luxuries ; a decay of trade and manufactures, with a pre vailing scarcity of money ; and, above all, individuals involved in debt to each other — these were the real, though mere remote causes of the insurrection. It was the tax which the people were required to pay, that caused them to feel the evils which we have enumerated — this called forth all their other grievances • and the first act of violence committed, was the burning or destroying of a tax bill. This sedition threw the State into a convulsion which lasted about a year ; courts of justice were violently obstructed ¦ the collection of debts was suspended; and a body of armed troops' under the command of general Lincoln, was employed during the winter of 1786, to disperse the insurgents. Yet so numerous NEW ENGLAND STATES. 59 were the latter, in the counties of Worcester, Hampshire, and Berkshire, and so obstinately combined to oppose the execution of law by force, that the governor and council of the State thought proper not to intrust General Lincoln with military powers, except to act on the offensive, and to repel force with force, in case the insurgents should attack him. The leaders of the rebels, however, were not men of talents ; they were desperate, but without forti tude ; and while they were supported with a superior force, they appeared to be impressed with that consciousness of guilt, which awes the most daring wretch, and makes him shrink from his pur pose. This appears by the conduct of a large party of the rebels before the magazine at Springfield; where General Shepard with a small guard, was stationed to protect the continental stores. The insurgents appeared upon the plain, with a superiority of numbers, but a few shot from the artillery, made the multitude retreat in disorder with the loss of four men. This spirited cpn- duct of General Shepard, with the industry, perseverance and pru dent firmness of General Lincoln, dispersed the rebels, drove Jhe leaders from the State, and restored tranquillity. An act of in demnity was passed in the legislature for all the insurgents, except a few leaders, on condition they should become peaceable subjects and take the oath of allegiance. The leaders afterwards petitioned for pardon, which, from motives of policy, was granted by the legislature." Although the efforts of the colonies against their enemies during the French and Revolutionary conflicts, were crowned with entjire success, yet the demoralizing effects ever attendant on wars, were felt afterwards. Infidel, and corrupting principles were introduced by the British and French soldiery ; particularly by the latter, and their demoralizing influence was felt to some extent. Perhaps the time in the history of New England, in which religion and morality were at their lowest ebb, may be found in the course of twenty or thirty years after the conclusion of the Revolutionary War. Since this period, greater regard has been paid to religion and morality, the habits and manners of the people have been im proved ; the benefits of education have been more widely diffused, and wealth has been more equally distributed. OUTLINE HISTORY OP NEW YORK. Arms of New York. In 1609, Henry Hudson, an Englishman in the service of the Dutch East India Com pany, discovered Long Isl and, the harbor of New York, and the river to which his name has since been given. "He penetrated this river ac cording to his own account, 53 leagues ; which must be as far as where the city of Albany now stands. This discovery gave the Dutch at once an entrance into the heart of the American continent, where the best furs could be procured, without interruption from the French or English, both which nations claimed this territory. Within four years after this discovery, a company of merchants, who had procured from the States General a patent for an exclusive trade to Hudson's river ; built a fort and trading house, where Albany now stands." In 1613, Capt. Argal, under Sir Thomas Dale, governor of Vir ginia, visited the Dutch, on Hudson's river, who, being unable to resist him, prudently submitted for the present, to the king of Eng land, and, under him, to the governor of Virginia. Determined upon the settlement of a colony, the States General, in 1621, granted the country to the West India Company; and in the year 1625, Peter Minuet arrived at fort Amsterdam, now New York, as the first governor or director. In 1615, a fort was built on the southwest point of Manhattan, now York Island; but the first settlers planted themselves about two miles from this fort, and built a church there, the ruins of which, not many years since, were visible, near where the two mile NEW YORK. 61 stone formerly stood. In this situation, finding themselves inse cure, during the wars between the English and Dutch, they left this place, and planted their habitations under the guns of the fort, which laid the foundation of the present city of New York. The first emigrants under Minuet, appear to have been from the river Waal in Guelderland, and under the name of Waaloons, founded the first permanent settlement, beyond the immediate pro tection of the cannon of fort Amsterdam. They settled at Brook lyn, opposite New York, and were the first who professionally pursued agriculture. In June, 1625, the first child of European parentage was born in New Netherlands. In 1633, Minuet was recalled, and Wouter Van Twiller arrived at fort Amsterdam as governor. His arrival gave fresh impulse to the settlements, and agricultural pursuits. In 1638, Van Twiller was succeeded by William Kieft as governor. Two years after his administration, the English had overspread the eastern part of Long Island and advanced as far as Oyster Bay. In 1647, Kieft was succeeded by Peter Stuyvesant. In consequence of their discoveries and settlements, the Dutch claimed all the country, extending from Cape Cod to Cape Hen- lopen, along the sea-coast, and as far back into the country as any of the rivers, within those limits, extend, and named it New Neth erlands. But these extravagant and unfounded claims were never allowed to the Dutch. This nation, and after them the pro vince of New York, for a long time, claimed as far east as the western banks of Connecticut river, and this claim was the ground of much altercation, till 1664, when the partition line between New York, and Connecticut was run nearly the same as it is now settled.' In 1664, Aug. 27, Gov. Stuyvesant surrendered the colony to Col. Nicolls, who had arrived in the bay a few days before, with three or four ships, and about 300, soldiers, having a commission from King Charles II. to reduce the place, which was then called New Amsterdam, afterwards, New York. Very few of the inha bitants removed out of the country; and their respectable de scendants are still numerous in many parts of this state, and of New Jersey. A league of friendship was at this time entered into with the Five Indian nations. In 1667, at the peace of Breda, New York was confirmed to the English, who, in exchange, ceded Surinam to the Dutch. The English kept peaceable possession of the country, until the year 1673, when the Dutch, with whom the English were then at war, sent a small squadron, which arrived at Staten Island on the 30th of July. John Manning, a captain of an independent company, who had at that time command of the fort, sent a mes senger down to the commodore, and made his terms with him. On the same day, the ships came up, moored under the fort, landed 6 62 OUTLINE HISTORY OF their men, and entered the garrison, without giving or receiving a shot. All the magistrates and constables from East Jersey, Long Island, iEsopus, and Albany, were summoned to New York ; and the major part of them swore allegiance to the States General, and the Prince of Orange. The conquerors, however, did not long enjoy the fruits of their success; for on the 19th of February, the year following, a treaty of peace between England and Holland, was signed at Westminster ; by the sixth article of which, this province was restored to the English. In 1684, the French attempted the destruction of the Five Na tions, the confederated Indian tribes in New York, because they in terrupted their trade with the more distant tribes, called the Far Nations. The Seneca Indians interrupted this trade, because the French supplied the Miamies, with whom they were at war, with arms and ammunition. To effect the destruction of the Indians, great preparations were made by the French. But famine and sickness prevailing among them, the expedition proved fruitless. Five years after this, 1200 of these Indians attacked Montreal, burnt many houses, and put to death 1000 inhabitants. A new charter having been granted to the duke of York ; major, afterwards Sir Edmund Andross was sent over as governor. This agent of a despotic master soon began a career of tyranny. He in volved himself in disputes with the neighboring government of Connecticut ; and excited the indignation of the magistrates, cler gy and people of his own jurisdiction. Not content with the ple nary powers which he exercised over New York, he with the coun tenance of his master claimed an undefined and vexatious jurisdic tion over New Jersey. Complaints of his arbitrary acts having been sent over to England, the duke of York was compelled to re call him, and Col. Dongan was appointed his successor in 1682. In 1689, Col. Dongan, the governor, being called home by King James, and a general disaffection to government prevailing at New York, one Jacob Leisler took possession of the garrison for King William and Queen Mary, and assumed the supreme power over the province. His reduction of Albany, held by others for William, and the confiscation of the estates of his opponents, were impolitic measures, which sowed the seeds of mutual animosity, the ill effects of which were felt for a long time after, in the em barrassments of the public affairs. The French, in 1689, in order to detach the Five Nations from the British interest, sent out several parties against the English colonies ; one of which, consisting of about 150 French and some of the Cagnawaghga Indians, commanded by D'Ailldebout de Mantel, and le Moyne, was intended for New York. But by' the advice of the Indians, they determined first to attack Schenectady. They entered the town at night whilst the inhabitants were asleep! NEW YORK. 63 They murdered 60 persons, pillaged and burnt the place. Twenty- five of the inhabitants who fled towards Albany, lost their limbs by the severity of the frost. Upon the arrival of Governor Slaughter at New York, who was commissioned by the king, Leisler refused to surrender the garrison, for the seizure of which, he and his son were tried and condemned to die, as guilty of high treason. ' Gov. Slaughter hesitated to command their execution, and wrote to the English ministers how to dispose of them. But their enemies stimulated by hate and apprehension of some reaction in their favor, earnestly through the legislature and council, pressed their execution. The governor resisted, until, having been invited by the petitioners to a sumptuous entertainment, he was, his reason drowned in wine, seduced to sign the death warrant. Before he recovered his senses the prisoners were executed.' The whole province of New York was originally settled by non-episcopalians, chiefly by presbyterians, except a few epis copal families in the city of New York. In 1693, Col. Fletcher, then governor of the province, projected the scheme of a general tax for building churches, and supporting episcopal ministers, and by artifice effected his design in part. This overture laid the foundation for a controversy between the presbyterians and epis copalians, which, until the revolution, was maintained on both sides with great warmth and animosity. Several of the governors, particularly Lord Cornbury, showed great partiality to the epis copalians, and oppressed and persecuted the presbyterians. In 1701, (July 19), the confederated tribes of Indians, at Albany, surrendered to the English their beaver hunting country, lying between lakes Ontario and Erie, to be by them defended for the said confederated Indians, their heirs and successors forever. This transaction was confirmed, Sept. 14, 1726, when the Sene- cas, Cayugas, and Onondagas, surrendered to the English, for the same use, their habitations, from Cayahoga to Oswego, and 60 miles inland. In 1709, a vigorous expedition was meditated against Canada; in making preparations for which, this province expended above £20,000; but the expected assistance from Britain failing, it was never prosecuted. Soon after, Col. Schuyler, who had been very influential with the Indians, visited England with five sachems, who were introduced into the presence of Queen Anne. The object of this visit was to stimulate the ministry to the reduction of Canada. Afterward, in 171 1, a considerable fleet was sent over for that purpose; but eight transports being cast away on the coast, the rest of the fleet and troops returned Without making any attempt to reduce Canada. In 1710, Gov. Hunter' brought over with him about 2700 Pala- 64 OUTLINE HISTORY OF tines, who, the year before, had fled to England from the rage of persecution in Germany. Many of these people settled in the city of New York; others settled on a tract of several thousand acres, in the manor of Livingston, and some went to Pennsylvania, and were instrumental in inducing thousands of their countrymen afterwards to migrate and settle in that province. The prohibition of the sale of Indian goods in France, in 1720, excited the clamor of the merchants at New York, whose interest was affected by it. The measure was undoubtedly a futile one ; and the reasons for it were these : the French, by this trade, were supplied with articles which were wanted by the Indians. This prevented the Indians from coming to Albany, and drew them to Montreal; and they, being employed by the French as earners, became attached to them from interest. About the same time, a trading house was erected by the English at Oswego, on lake Ontario ; and another by the French at Niagara. In 1729, the act prohibiting the trade between Albany and Montreal, was imprudently repealed by the king. This naturally tended to undermine the trade at Oswego, and to advance the French commerce of Niagara; and at the same time to alienate the affections of the Indians from the English. Not long after this, the French were suffered to erect a fort on lake Champlain. To prevent the ill consequences of this, a scheme was projected to settle the lands near lake George, with loyal protestant High landers, from Scotland. Accordingly, a tract of 30,000 acres was promised to Capt. Campbell, who, at his own expense, transported eighty-three protestant families to New York. But through the sordid views of some persons in power, who aimed at a share in the intended grant, the settlement was never made." In 1743, George Clinton was sent over as governor of New York. He was welcomed with joy ; and one of his earliest measures confirmed the favorable accounts, which had preceeded him. To show his confidence in the people, he assented to a bill limiting the duration of the present and all succeeding assemblies. The house manifested its gratitude, by adopting the measures he recommended, for the defence of the province against the French, who were then at war with England. In 1745, the Indians, in alliance with the French, made frequent incursions into the Eng lish colonies. Hosick was deserted, Saratoga was destroyed ; the western settlements in New England were often attacked and plundered. Encouraged by success, the enemy became more daring, and even ventured into the suburbs of Albany, and there lay in wait for prisoners. During the seven years war previous to the reduction of Canada, in 1760, New York became the theatre of many important military operations. A French army under Dieskau, invaded the province NEW YORK. 65 from Montreal, in 1755, and was routed by the New York and New England troops, under Gen. Johnson. The French under Montcalm, in 1757, took Fort William Henry, on Lake George. An unsuccessful attack was made by Gen. Abercrombie, in 1758, on the French fort at Ticonderoga. In 1759, Gen. Amherst took Ticonderoga, -and Crown Point ; and Gen. Johnson defeated a French army near Niagara, and took Niagara. During the Revolutionary War, the territory of New York was again traversed by hostile armies. In September, 1776, the British forces occupied the city of New York, and kept posses sion of it through the war. The battle of White Plains was fought Oct. 28th, 1776, and fort Washington taken Nov. 16th of the same year. Ticonderoga and Crown Point were occupied by Burgoyne, in 1777 ; during the same year, a State Constitution was established. In 1779, Gen. Sullivan undertook an expedi tion against the Iroquois Indians, and destroyed great numbers of their villages. The British troops evacuated the city of New York, Nov. 25th, 1783. The State of New York was among the first in framing and adopting the Federal Constitution, and she became the seat of the Federal Government, during the first year, of its operation. During the last war with Great Britain, her soil again became a theatre for important military operations. Since the Revolution, New York has pursued a wise, enlightened, and liberal policy, in sustaining objects of public utility. She now ranks as the Em pire State, being the first in wealth, resources, commerce, and population. 6* OUTLINE HISTORY NEW JERSEY. The first settlement within the limits of New Jersey, is said to have been made by the Danes, about the year 1624, at Bergen, so called from a city of that name in Norway. Soon afterward, several Dutch families seated themselves in the vicinity of New York. In 1627, a colony of Swedes and Finns came over and settled on the river Delaware. " They afterwards purchased of the Indians, the land on both sides New Swedeland stream, (now Arms of New Jersey. ^^ Delaware river) fr?m Cape Henlopen to the falls ; and, by presents to the Indian chiefs, obtained peaceable possession of it. The Dutch and Swedes, though not in harmony with each other, kept possession of the country many years. In 1683, the Dutch had a house de voted to religious worship ¦ at New Castle ;' the Swedes at the same time had three, besides one on the island of Tinicum, one at Christiana, and one at Wicoco. In March, 1634, Charles II. granted all the territory, called by the Dutch New Netherlands, to his brother the Duke of York. And in June, 1664, the duke granted that part now called New Jersey, to Lord Berkley of Stratton, and Sir George Carteret jointly; who, in 1665, agreed upon certain concessions with the people for the government of the province, and appointed Philip Carteret, Esq. their governor. He purchased considerable tracts of land from the Indians, for small considerations, and the settle ments increased. This territory was named Nova Cmsarea, or New Jersey, in compliment to Sir George Carteret, whose family came from the Isle of Jersey. OUTLINE HISTORY OF NEW JERSEY. 67 In Dec. 1664, Gov. Nicolls by a patent dated at Fort James, in New York, granted a tract of land in New Jersey called the Elizabethtown grant. This tract was purchased of some Indian chiefs of Staten Island, by John Bailey, Daniel Denton, and Luke Watson of Jamaica, Long Island. This territory soon became a place of resort for reputable farmers. " The English inhabitants at the west end of Long Island, principally removed thither : and many families from New England. There were soon four towns in the province ; Elizabethtown, Newark, Middletown, and Shrewsbury." Most of the Long Island emigrants " fixed about Middletown, whence by degrees they extended their settlements to Freehold and thereabouts," those from New England settled at Shrewsbury. The name of the principal town is said to have been given for Elizabeth, the wife of Sir George Carteret. The four towns, with the adjacent country, were, in a few years, well inhabited by many settlers from Scotland, some from England, and some from the neighboring colonies. The Dutch reduced the country in 1673 ; but it was restored by the peace of Westminster, February 9th, 1674. Inconsequence of the conquest made by the Dutch, and to obviate any objections that might be made on account of it against the former grant, a new patent was issued, in 1674, to the Duke of York, for the same country. The country of New Jersey was divided into West and East Jersey. In 1676, West Jersey was granted, by the Duke of York, to the assigns of Lord Berkley; and East Jersey to Sir G. Carteret. The division line was to run from the southeast point of Little Egg Harbor, on Barnegat Creek, being about the middle between Cape May and Sandy Hook, to a creek, a little below Ancocus creek, on Delaware river, thence about thirty-five miles, strait course, along Delaware river up to 41° 40' north latitude. In 1675, West Jersey, which had been granted to Lord Berk ley, was sold to John Fenwick, in trust for Edward Bylinge. Fenwick came over with a colony, and settled at Salem. These were the first English settlers in West Jersey. In 1676, the interest of Bylinge in West Jersey was assigned to William Penn, Gavin Laurie, and Nicholas Lucas, as trustees, for the use of his creditors. Mutual quit claims were executed between Sir George Carteret and the trustees of Bylinge. In 1678, the Duke of York made a new grant of West Jersey to the assigns of Lord Berkley. Agreeably to Sir George Carte ret's will, dated December 5, 1678, East Jersey was sold, in 1682, to twelve proprietors, who by twelve separate deeds, conveyed one half of their interest to twelve other persons, separately, in fee simple. This grant was confirmed to these twenty-four pro prietors, by the Duke of York the same year. These twenty- 68 OUTLINE HISTORY OF NEW JERSEY. four shares, by sales of small parts of them, and by these small parts being again divided among the children of successive fami lies, became at last subdivided in such a manner, as that some of the proprietors had only one 40th part, of a 48th part of a. 24th share. West Jersey was in the same condition. This created much confusion in the management of the general proprietors, particularly in regard to appointing governors. These inconven iences, aided by other causes of complaint, which had been increasing for several years, and were fast advancing to a dan gerous crisis, disposed the proprietors to surrender the government to the crown ; which was accordingly done, and accepted by Queen Ann, on the 17th of April, 1702. Both territories were now united under one government and received the single name of New Jersey, and Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York was appointed governor of the united colony. Till this time the gov ernment of New Jersey was proprietory ; it now became royal, and so continued till the fourth of July, 1776. This State was the seat of war for several years, during the bloody contest between Great Britain and her Colonies. Her losses both of men and property, in proportion to the population and wealth of the State, was greater than of any other of the thirteen States. When General Washington was retreating through the Jerseys, almost forsaken by all others, her militia were at all times obedient to his orders; and for a considerable length of time, composed the strength of his army. There is hardly a town in the State that lay in the progress of the British army, that was not signalized by some enterprise or exploit. At Trenton the enemy received a check which may be said with justice to have turned the tide of the war. In the summer of 1778, Sir Henry Clinton retreated with the British army from Philadelphia, through New Jersey to New York. The battle of Monmouth signalizes this retreat. The military services performed by the soldiers of New Jersey, and the sufferings of her people during the Revolutionary War, enti tle her to the gratitude of her sister States. By her sacrifices of blood and treasure, in resisting oppression, she is entitled to stand in the foremost rank, among those who struggled for American freedom. AN ACCOUNT INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. The original inhabitants of New England, were savages. "These people" says Dr. Dwight, "were all of one nation; unless we are to except those in the eastern parts of the District of Maine, with those of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia ;* and were so considered by themselves. A single language was spoken by them all ; distributed indeed into different dialects ; not more different, however, from each other, than some of those, which are now spoken in England ; particularly that of Yorkshire, and that which you call the West Country dialect. Accordingly, they appear to have conversed easily with each other, both on their public and private concerns. But they were only a small part of this nation. The same language was spoken by all the tribes between the Potomac and the St. Lawrence, the Mississippi and the ocean. I know of no exception, beside the Iroquois, or Six Nations ; who were plainly a people entirely distinct from all the rest. The tribes, who inhabited this vast extent of territory, con taining about six hundred thousand square miles,t seem never to have been called by any common name ; as were their brethren * The Indians of Penobscot, as I have been since informed by the Hon. Timothy Edwards, were proved to be Mohekaneews, by the following incident : Several men of this tribe, during the Revolutionary War, came to Boston, to solicit of the gov ernment a stipend, which had been formerly granted to the tribe, by the legislature of Massachusetts Bay. The business was referred, by the Council of Safety, to Mr. Edwards, thep a member of their body, as being versed in the affairs, and ac quainted with the character of Indians. Mr. Edwards employed Hendrick Awpau- mut, a Stockbridge Indian accidentally in Boston at that time, to confer with the petitioners, and learn the nature of their expectations. Hendrick found himself able to converse with them, so far as to understand their wishes satisfactorily ; and ob served to Mr. Edwards, that their language was radically Mohekaneew, and differed only as a dialect. This fact I had from Mr. Edwards. I have mentioned it here because the contrary opinion seems to have been universally adopted." — Dr. Dwight. t From a collation of facts, particularly the accounts given by Sir Alexander Mackensie, and others, it appears that the language of the Mohekaneews is exten sively spoken by the Indians on the West of the Mississippi, as far, at least, as within four hundred miles of the Pacific ocean. This nation, therefore, has probably been extended over the greater part of North America. 70 AN ACCOUNT OF THE the Tartars in the northern parts of Asia ; but always to have been designated by appellations, derived apparently from inci dental circumstances ; particularly from the mountains, rivers, lakes, bays, and islands, on or near which they resided. The oldest tribe, according to their own account, and that which has been regularly allowed the pre-eminence in all their councils, lived in the county of Berkshire in Massachusetts, and in the neigh boring regions of New York ; and since my remembrance prin cipally at Stockbridge. They are styled by the late Dr. Edwards, President of Union College at Schenectady in the State of New York, who spoke their language familiarly, Mohekaneews, and by a writer of their own, Muhheakunnuk. The principal tribes, which were settled in New England, were the Pequods in Connecticut; Narragansetts in Rhode Island; the Wampanoags, Massachusetts, Nipnets or Nipmuks, Nashuas, and Stockbridge Indians in Massachusetts; the Pigwacket and Coos Indians in New Hampshire ; and the Tarrateens, or Abe- naquis, in the District of Maine." In no part of New England were the Indians so numerous as in Connecticut. The great quantities of fish and fowl which the country and its waters afforded, were well adapted to their con venience and modes of living. Neither wars, nor diseases, had so depopulated this, as they had some other parts of New England. Dr. Trumbull says the Connecticut Indians cannot be estimated at less than twelve or sixteen thousand. It was supposed that the River Indians alone, in 1633, could bring three or four thousand warriors into the field. These were principally included within the ancient limits of Windsor, Hartford, Wethersfield and Mid dletown. Within the town of Windsor only, there were ten dis tinct tribes, or sovereignties. The Pequots were the most warlike tribe in New England. The tradition is, that they were origin ally an inland tribe ; but by their prowess, came down and settled themselves along the sea-coast from Nehantic to Narragansett bay. When the English began their settlements in Connecticut, Sass- acus had twenty-six sachems, or principal war captains under him. The chief seat of these Indians was near New London, Con. and it is supposed they could muster about a thousand warriors. Gen. Gookin, in his " Historical Collections of the Indians' 'I written, in 1674, after giving an account of the Pequots, says : I " The Narragansitts were a great people heretofore ; and the ter ritory of these sachems extended about thirty or forty miles from Se- kunk river and Narragansitt bay, including Rhode Island and othe islands in that bay, being their east and north bounds or border and so running westerly and southerly -unto a place called Wekapao-e' four or five miles to the eastward of Pawcutuk river, which was reckoned for their south and west border, and the eastermost limits of the Pe- INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. 71 quots. This sachem held dominion over divers petty covernors ; as part of Long Island, Black Island, Cawesitt, Niantick, and others ; and had tribute from some of the Nipmuck Indians, that lived remote from the sea. The chief seat of this sachem was about Narrao'ansitt bay by the Cannonicut island. The Narragansitts were reckoned, in former times, able to arm for war more than five thousand men as an cient Indians say. All do agree they were a great people, and often times waged war with the Pawkunnawkutts and Massachusetts, as well as with the Pequots. The jurisdiction of Rhode Island and Providence plantations, and part of Connecticut people, possess their country. These Indians are now but few comparatively : all that people cannot make above one thousand able men. The Pawkunnawkutts were a great people heretofore. They lived to the east and northeast of the Narragansitts ; and their chief sachem held dominion over divers other petty sagamores ; as the saga mores upon the island of Nantuckett, and Nope, or Martha's Vine yard, of Nawsett, of Mannamoyk, of Sawkattukett, Nobsquasitt, Ma- takees, and several others, and some of the Nipmucks. Their coun try, for the most part, falls within the jurisdiction of New Plymouth colony. This people were a potent nation in former times ; and could raise, as the most credible and ancient Indians affirm, about three thousand men. They held war with the Narragansitts ; and often joined with the Massachusetts, as friends and confederates against the Narragansitts. This nation, a very great number of them, were swept away by an epidemical and unwonted sickness, Anno. 1612 and 1613, about seven or eight years before the English first arrived in those parts, to settle the colony of New Plymouth. Thereby Divine providence made way for the quiet and peaceable settlement of the English in those nations. What this disease was, that so generally and mortally swept away, not only these, but other Indians, their neighbors, I cannot well learn. Doubtless it was some pestilential disease. I have discoursed with some old Indians, that were then youths ; who say, that the bodies all over were exceeding yellow, describing it by a yellow garment they showed me, both before they died and afterward. The Massachusetts, being the next great people northward, in habited principally about that place in Massachusetts bay, where the body of the English now dwell. These were a numerous and great people. Their chief sachem held dominion over many other petty governors ; as those of Weechagaskas, Neponsitt, Punkapaog, Non- antam, Nashaway, some of the Nipmuck people, as far as Pokomta- cuke, as the old men of Massachusetts affirmed. This people could, in former times, arm for war, about three thousand men, as the old In dians declare. They were in hostility very often with the Narragan sitts ; but held amity, for the most part, with the Pawkunnawkutts, who lived on the south border, and with the Pawtucketts, who in habited on their north and northeast limits. In An. 1612 and 1613, these people were also sorely smitten by the hand of God with the same disease, before mentioned in the last paragraph ; which des- 72 4N ACCOUNT OF THE troyed the most of them, and made room for the English people of Massachusetts colony, which people this country, and the next called Pawtuckett. There are not of this people left at this day above three hundred men, besides women and children. Pawtuckett is the fifth and last great sachemship of Indians. Their country lieth north and northeast from Massachusetts, whose domin ion reacheth so far as the English jurisdiction, or colony of the Mas sachusetts, doth now extend, and had under them several other smaller sagamores ; as the Pennakooks, Agawomes, Naamkeeks, Pascata- wayes, Accomintas, and others. They were also a considerable people heretofore, about three thousand men ; and held amity with the people of Massachusetts1. But these also were almost totally destroyed by the great sickness before mentioned ; so that at this day, they are not above two hundred and fifty men, besides women and children. This country is now inhabited by the English under the government of Massachusetts." " The New England Indians, were large, strait, well propoiv tioned men. Their bodies were firm and active, capable of en during the greatest fatigues and hardships. Their passive cour age was almost incredible. When tortured in the most cruel manner ; though flayed alive, though burnt with fire, cut or torn limb from limb, they would not groan, nor show any signs of dis tress. Nay, in some instances they would glory over their tor mentors, saying that their hearts would never be soft until they were cold, and representing their torments as sweet as English men's sugar. When traveling in summer or winter, they re garded neither heat nor cold. They were exceedingly light of foot, and would travel or run a very great distance in a day. Mr. Williams says, ' I have known them run between eighty and a hundred miles in a summer's day and back again within two days.' As they were accustomed to the woods, they ran in them nearly as well as on plain ground. They were exceedingly quick sight- - ed, to discover their enemy, or their game, and equally artful to conceal themselves. Their features were tolerably regular. Their faces are generally full as broad as those of the English, but flat ter ; they have a small, dark coloured good eye, coarse black hair, and a fine white set of teeth. The Indian children when born, are nearly as white, as the English children ; but as they grow up their skin grows darker and becomes nearly of a copper color. The shapes both of the men and women, especially the latter are excellent. A crooked Indian is rarely if ever to be seen The Indians in general were quick of apprehension, ingenious and when pleased nothing could exceed their courtesy and friend ship. Gravity and eloquence distinguished them in council ad dress and bravery in war They were not more easily provoked than the English ; but when once they had received an injury it INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. 73 was never forgotten. In anger they were not, like the English, talkative and boisterous, but sullen and revengeful. Indeed, when they were exasperated nothing could exceed their revenge and cruelty. When they have fallen into the power of an enemy, they have not been known to beg for life, nor even to accept it when offered them. They have seemed rather to court death. They were exceedingly improvident. If they had a supply for the present, they gave themselves no trouble for the future. The men declined all labor, and spent their time in hunting, fishing, shooting, and warlike exercises. They were excellent marksmen, and rarely missed their game whether running or flying. They imposed all their drudgery upon their women. They gathered and brought home their wood, planted, dressed and gath ered in their corn. They carried home the venison, fish and fowl, which the men took in hunting. When they traveled, the women carried the children, packs and provisions. The Indian women submitted patiently to such treatment, considering it as the hard lot of the woman. This ungenerous usage of their haughty lords, they repaid with smiles and good humor. It has been common among all heathen nations to treat then- women as slaves, and their children in infancy, with little tender ness. The Indian men cared little for their children when young, and were supposed at certain times, to sacrifice them to the devil. Christianity only provides for that tender and honorable treatment of the women, which is due to the sex formed of man. This alone provides for the tender care, nursing and education of her offspring, and is most favorable to domestic happiness, to the life and dignity of man. The Indian women were strong and masculine ; and as they were more inured to exercise and hardship than the men, were even more firm and capable of fatigue and suffering than they. They endured the pains of child-bearing without a groan. It was not uncommon for them, soon after labor, to take their children upon their backs and travel as they had done before. The clothing of the Indians in New England, was the skins of wild beasts. The men threw a light mantle of skins over them, and wore a small flap which was called Indian breeches. They were not very careful however to conceal their nakedness. The women were much more modest. They wore a coat of skins, girt about their loins, which reached down to their hams. They never put this off in company. If the husband chose to sell his wives' beaver petticoat, she could not be persuaded to part with it, until he had provided another of some sort. In the winter, their blanket of skins, which hung loose in the summer, was tied or wrapped more closely about them. The old men in the severe seasons also wore a sort of trowsers made of skins and fastened to their 7 74 AN ACCOUNT OF THE girdles. They wore shoes without heels, which they called moc- casons . These were made generally of moose hide but sometimes of buckskin. They were shaped entirely to the foot, gathered at the toes and round the ancles, and made fast with strings. Their ornaments were pendants in their ears and nose, carved of bone, shells and stone. These were in the form of birds, beasts and fishes. They also wore belts of wampompeag upon their arms, over their shoulders and about their loins. They cut their hair into various antic forms and stuck them with feathers. They also by incisions into which they conveyed a black or blue, unchangeable ink, made on their cheeks, arms, and other parts of their bodies, the figures of moose, deer, bears, wolves, hawks, eagles, and all such living creatures as were most agreeable to their fancies. These pictures were indelible and lasted during life. The sachems, on great days, when they designed to show them selves in the full splendor of majesty, not only covered themselves with mantles of moose, or deer skins, with various embroideries of white beads, and with paintings of different kinds ; but they wore the skin of a bear, wild cat or some terrible creature upon their shoulders and arms. They had also necklaces of fish bones, and painting themselves in a frightful manner, made a most fero cious and horrible appearance. The warriors, who, on public occasions, dressed themselves in the most wild and terrific forms were considered as the best men. The Indian houses or wigwams, were, at best, but poor smoky cells. They were constructed generally like arbors, of small young trees bent and twisted .together, and so curiously covered with mats or bark, that they were tolerably dry and warm. The Indians made their fire in the centre of the house, and there was an opening at the top, which emitted the smoke. For the con venience of wood and water, these huts were commonly erected in groves ; near some river, brook or living spring. When the wood failed the family removed to another place. They lived in a poor low manner. Their food was coarse and simple, without any kind of seasoning: They had neither spice, salt, nor bread. They had neither butter, cheese, nor milk. They j drank nothing better than the water which ran in the brook or) spouted from the spring. They fed on the flesh and entrails oft moose, deer, bears, and all kinds of wild beasts and fowls : on fish, eels, and creeping things. They had good stomachs and nothing came amiss. In the hunting and fishing seasons, they had veni son, moose, fat bears, racoons, geese, turkies, ducks, and fish of all kinds. In the summer they had green corn, beans, squashes and the various fruits which the country naturally produced. In the winter they subsisted on corn, beans, fish, nuts, groundnuts, acoms, and the very gleanings of the grove. INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. 75 They had no set meals, but, like other wild creatures, ate when they were hungry, and could find any thing to satisfy the cravings of nature. Sometimes they had little or nothing, for several days ; but when they had provisions, they feasted. If they fasted, for some time, they were sure at the next meal to make up for all they had lost before. They had but little food from the earth, except what it spontaneously produced. Indian coin, beans, and squashes were the only eatables for which the natives in New England labored. The earth was both their seat and their table. With trenchers, knives, and napkins, they had no acquaintance. Their household furniture was of small value. Their best bed was a mat or skin ; they had neither chair nor stool. They ever sat upon the ground, commonly with their elbows upon their knees. This is the manner in which their great warriors and counselors now sit, even in the most public treaties, with the English. A few wooden and stone vessels and instruments served all the purposes of domestic life. They had no steel nor iron instmment. Their knife was a sharp stone, shell, or kind of reed, which they sharpened in such a manner, as to cut their hair, make their bows and arrows, and served for all the purposes of a knife. They made them axes of stone. These they shaped somewhat similar to our axes ; but with this difference, that they were made with a neck instead of an eye, and fastened with a withe, like a blacksmith's chisels. They had mortars, and stone pestles and chissels. Great numbers of these have been found in the country, and kept by the people, as curiosities. They dressed their corn with a clamshell, or with a stick made flat and sharp at one end. These were all the utensils which they had, either for domestic use, or for husbandry. Their arts and manufactures were confined to a very narrow compass. Their only weapons were bows and arrows, the toma hawk and the wooden sword or spear. Their bows were of the common construction. Their bowstrings were made of the sin ews of deer, or of the Indian hemp. Their arrows were con structed of young elder sticks, or of other strait sticks and reeds. These were headed with a sharp flinty stone, or with bones. The arrow was cleft at one end, and the stone or bone was put in, and fastened with a small cord. The tomahawk was a stick of two or three feet in length, with a knob at the end. Some times it was a stone hatchet, or a stick with a piece of deer's horn at one end, in the form of a pickaxe. Their spear was a strait piece of wood, sharpened at one end, and hardened in the fire, or headed with bone or stone. With respect to navigation they had made no improvements beyond the construction and management of the hollow trough or canoe. They made their canoes of the chesnut, whitewood and 76 AN ACCOUNT OF THE pine-trees. As these grew strait to a great length, and were exceedingly large as well as tall, they constructed some, which would carry sixty Or eighty men.* I'hese were first rates; but commonly they were not more than twenty feet in length, and two in breadth. The Pequots had many of these, in which they passed over to the islands, and warred against and plundered the islanders. The Indians upon Long Island had a great number of canoes, of the largest kind. The construction of these, with such miserable tools as the Indians possessed, was a great curiosity. The manner was this. When they had found a tree to their purpose; to fell it they made a fire at the root, and kept burning it and cutting it with their stone axe until it fell. Then they kindled a fire, at such a distance from the butt as they chose, and burned it off again. By burning and working with their axe, and scraping with sharp stones and shells, they made it hollow and smooth. In the same man ner they shaped the ends, and finished it to their wishes. They constructed nets, twenty and thirty feet in length, for fishing; especially for the purpose of catching sturgeon. These were wrought with cords of Indian hemp, twisted by the hands of the women. They had also hooks made of flexible bones, which they used for fishing. With respect to religion and morals, the Indians in New Eng land were in the most deplorable condition. They believed that there was a great Spirit, or God, whom they called Kitchtan. They imagined that he dwelt far away in the southwest, and that he was a good God. But they worshipped a great variety of gods. They paid homage to the fire and water, thunder and lightning, and to whatever they imagined to be superior to themselves, or capable of doing them an injury. They paid their principal hom age to Hobbamocko. They imagined that he was an evil spirit, and did them mischief; and so, from fear, they worshipped hin$' to keep him in good humor. They appeared to have no idea of a sabbath, and not to regard any particular day more than another. But in times of uncommon distress, by reason of pestilence, war, or famine ; and upon occasion of great victories and triumph, and after the ingathering of the fruits, they assembled in great num bers, for the celebration of their superstitious rites. The whole country, men, women, and children, came together upon these solemnities. The manner of their devotion was to kindle large fires in their wigwams, or more commonly in the open fields, and to sing and dance round them in a wild and violent manner. Sometimes they would all shout aloud with the most antic and hideous notes. They made rattles of shells which they shook, in ?Winthrop's Journal, p. 54. dfitiikfll ¦¦i 31 INDIAN WORSHIP. Led on by their priests, or Powaws, they shouted and danced around a large fire, in a wild and fantastic manner often sacrificing their choicest treasures, by throwing them into the fire. INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. 79 a wild and violent manner, to fill up the confused noise. After the English settled in Connecticut, and they could purchase kettles of brass, they used to strain skins over them and beat upon them to augment their wretched music. They often continued these wild and tumultuous exercises incessantly for four or five hours, until they were worn down and spent with fatigue. Their priests or powaws led in these exercises. They were dressed in the most odd and surprising manner, with skins of odious and frightful creatures about their heads, faces, arms, and bodies. They painted themselves in the most ugly forms, which could be de vised. They sometimes sang, and then broke forth into strong invocations, with starts, and strange motions and passions. When •these paused, the other Indians groaned, making wild and doleful sounds. At these times they sacrificed their skins, Indian money and the best of their treasures. These were taken, by the powaws, and all cast into the fires and consumed together. After the English came into the country, and they had hatchets and kettles, they sacrificed these in the same manner. The English were also persuaded, that they, at sometimes, sacrificed their children, as well as their most valuable commodities. No Indians in Connecticut were more noted for these superstitions than those of Wopowage, and Machemoodus. Milford people observing an Indian child, nearly at one of these times of their devotion, dressed in an extraordinary manner, with all kinds of Indian finery, had the curiosity to inquire what could be the reason. The Indians answered, that it was to be sacrificed, and the people supposed, that it was given to the devil. The evil spirit, which the New England Indians called Hobbamocko, the Virginia Indians called Okee. So deluded were these unhappy people, that they believed these barbarous sacrifices to be absolutely necessary. They imagined that unless they appeased and conciliated their gods, in this manner, they would neither suffer them to have peace, nor harvests, fish, venison, fat bears, nor turkeys ; but would visit them with a general destruction. With respect to morals they were indeed miserably depraved. Mr. Williams and Mr. Callender, who, at an early period were ac quainted with the Indians, in Rhode Island, Mr. Hooker and others have represented them as sunk into the lowest state of moral tur pitude, and as the very dregs of human nature.* Though the character which they gave them was, in some respects exaggerated and absurd, yet it cannot be denied, that they were worshippers of evil spirits, liars, thieves, and murderers. They certainly were insidious and revengeful almost without a parallel ; and they wal- *- lowed in all the filth of wantonness. Great pains were taken with 'Williams's manuscripts, and Mr. Calender's sermon. 80 AN ACCOUNT OF THE the Narragansett and Connecticut Indians to civilize them and teach them Christianity; but the sachems rejected the Gospel with indignation and contempt. They would not suffer it to be preached to their subjects. Indeed, both made it a public interest to oppose its propagation among them. Their policy, religion, and manners were directly opposed to its pure doctrines and morals. J The manner of their courtship and marriages manifested their impurity. When a young Indian wished for marriage, he pre sented the girl with whom he was enamored, with bracelets, belts and chains of wampum. If she received his presents they cohabited together, for a time upon trial. If they pleased each other, they were joined in marriage : but if, after a few weeks, they were not suited, the man, leaving his presents, quitted the girl and sought another mistress, and she another lover.* In this manner they courted, until two met who were agreeable to each other. Before marriage the consent of the sachem was obtained, and he always joined the hands of the young pair in wedlock. The Indians in general kept many concubines, and never thought they had too many women.t This especially was the case with their sachems. They chose their concubines agree ably to their fancy, and put them away at pleasure. When a sachem grew weary of any of his women, lie bestowed them upon some of his favorites, or chief men. The Indians however, had one wife, who was the governess of the family, and whom they generally kept during life. In cases of adultery, the husband either put away the guilty wife, or satisfied himself by the inflic- j tion of some severe punishment. Husbands and wives, parents ; and children, lived together in the same wigwams, without any different apartment, and made no great privacy of such actions as i the chaster animals keep from open view. > The Indian government generally was absolute monarchy. The will of the sachem was his law. The lives and- interests of his subjects were at his disposal. But in all important affairs he consulted his counselors. When they had given their opinions, they deferred the decision of every matter to him. Whatever his determinations were, they applauded his wisdom, and without hesitation obeyed his commands. In council the deportment of the sachems was grave and majestic to admiration. Thev appeared to be men of great discernment and policy. Their speeches were cautious and politic. The conduct of their coun selors and servants was profoundly respectful and submissive The counselors of the Indian kings, in New England, were termed the paniese. These were not only the wisest, but largest * Hutchinson, vol. 1, p. 461, 462. tNeal's Hist. N. E. p. 38, 39. INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. 81 and bravest men to be found among their subjects. They were the immediate guard of their respective sachems, who made nei ther war nor peace, nor attempted any weighty affair without their advice. In war and all great enterprises, dangers and suf ferings, these discovered a boldness, and firmness of mind, exceeding all the other warriors. To preserve this order among the Indians, great pains were taken. The stoutest and most promising boys were chosen and trained up with peculiar care, in the observation of certain Indian rites and customs. They were kept from all delicious meats, trained to coarse fare, and made to drink the juice of bitter herbs, until it occasioned violent vomitings. They were beaten over their legs arid shins, with sticks, and made to run through brambles and thickets, to make them hardy: and, as the Indians said, to render them more acceptable to Hobbamocko. These paniese, or ministers of state, were in league with the priests, or powaws. To keep the people in awe, they pretended, as well as the priests, to have converse with the invisible world; and, that Hobbamocko often appeared to them. Among the Indians in New England, the crown was hereditary, always descending to the eldest son. When there was no male issue, the crown descended to the female. The blood royal was held in such veneration, that no one was considered as heir to the croWn, but such as were royally descended on both sides. When a female acceeded to the crown, she was 'called the sunk squaw, or queen squaw. There were many petty sachems, tribu tary to other princes, on whom they were dependent for protection, and without whose consent they made neither peace, war, nor alliances with other nations. The revenues of the crown consisted in the contributions of the people. They carried corn, and the first fruits of their harvest of all kinds, beans, squashes, roots, berries, and nuts, and presented them to their sachem. They made him presents of flesh, fish, fowl, moose, bear, deer, beaver, and other skins. One of the paniese was commonly appointed to receive the tribute. When the Indians brought it, he gave notice to his sachem, who went out to them, and by good words and some small gifts, expressed his gratitude. By these contributions, his table was supplied; so that he kept open house for all strangers and travelers. Besides, the prince claimed an absolute sovereignty over the seas within his dominion. Whatever was stranded on the coast, all wrecks and whales floating on the sea, and taken, were his * In war the spoils of the enemy, and all the women and royalties of the prince conquered, belonged to him, who made the conquest. The sachem was not only examiner, judge and executioner, in * Magnalia, Book vi.. p. SI. 82 AN ACCOUNT OF THE all criminal cases, but in all matters of justice between one man and another. In cases of dishonesty the Indians proportioned the punishment to the number of times in which the delinquent had been found guilty. For the first offence, he was reproached for his villany in the most disgraceful manner ; for the second he was beaten with a cudgel upon his naked back. If he still persisted in his dishonest practices and was found guilty a third time, he was sure, besides a sound drubbing, to have his nose slit, that all men might know and avoid him. Murder was in all cases punished with death. The sachem whipped the delinquent and slit his nose in cases which required these punishments ; and he killed the murderer, unless he were at a great distance. In this case, in which execution could not be done with his own hands, he sent his knife, by which it was effected. The Indians would not re ceive any punishment, which was not capital, from the hands of any except their sachems. They would neither be beaten, whip ped, nor slit by an officer. But their prince might inflict these punishments to the greatest extremity, and they would neither run, cry, nor flinch. Indeed, neither the crimes nor the punishments are esteemed so infamous, among the Indians, as to groan or shrink under suffering. The sachems were so absolute in their government, that they contemned the limited authority of the English governors. The Indians had no kind of coin ; but they had a sort of money* which they called wampum, or wampumpeag. It consisted of small beads, most curiously wrought out of shells, and perforated in the centre, so that they might be strung on belts, in chains and bracelets. These were of several sorts. The Indians in Con necticut, and in New England in general* made black, blue and white wampum. Six of the white beads passed for a penny, and three of the black, or blue ones, for the same. The Five Nations made another sort, which were of a purple color. The white beads were wrought out of the inside of the great conchs, and the purple out of the inside of the muscle shell. They were made perfectly smooth, and the perforation was done in the neatest manner. Indeed, considering that the Indians had neither knife, drill, nor any steel or iron instrument, the workmanship was admirable. After the English settled in Connecticut, the Indians strung these beads on belts of cloth, in a very curious manner. The Indians in all parts of New England, made great lamenta tions at the burial of their dead. Their manner of burial was to dig holes in the ground with stakes which were made broad and sharpened at one end. Sticks were laid across the bottom, and the corpse, which was previously wrapped in skins and mats' was let down upon them. The arms, treasures, utensils, paint, and ornaments of the dead were buried with them, and a mount of INDIANS OF NEW ENGLAND. 83 earth was raised upon the whole. In some instances the Indians appear to have used a kind of embalming, by wrapping the corpse in large quantities of a strong scented red powder. In some parts of New England the dead were buried in a sitting posture with their faces towards the east. The women on these occasions painted their faces with oil and charcoal, and while the burial was performing, they, with the relatives of the dead, made the most hideous shrieks, howlings, and lamentations. Their mourning continued, by turns, at night and in the morning, for several days. During this term all the relatives united in bewailing the dead. When the English began the settlement of Connecticut, all the Indians both east and west of Connecticut river were tributaries except the Pequots, and some few tribes, which were in alliance with them. The Pequots had spread their conquests over all that part of the State east of the river. They had also subjugated the Indians on the sea-coast as far eastward as Guilford. Uncas therefore, after the Pequots were conquered, extended his claims as far as Hammonasset in the eastern part of that township. The Indians in these parts were therefore tributaries to the Pequots. The Mohawks had not only carried their conquests as far southward as Virginia, but eastward, as far as Connecticut river. The Indians therefore, in the western parts of Connecticut, were their tributaries. Two old Mohawks, every year or two, might be seen issuing their orders, and collecting their tribute, with as much authority and haughtiness as a Roman dictator. It is indeed difficult to describe the fear of this terrible nation, which had fallen on all the Indians in the western parts of Con necticut. If they neglected to pay their tribute, the Mohawks would come down against them, plunder, destroy, and carry them captive at pleasure. When they made their appearance in the country, the Connecticut Indians would instantly raise a cry from hill to hill, A Mohawk ! A Mohawk ! and fly like sheep before wolves, without attempting the least resistance.* The Mohawks would cry out, in the most terrible manner, in their language, importing 'We are come, we are come, to suck your blood.'t When the Connecticut Indians could not escape to their forts, they would immediately flee to the English houses for shelter, and sometimes the Mohawks would pursue them so closely, as to enter with them, and kill them in the presence of the family. If there was time to shut the doors, they never entered by force, nor did they upon any occasion, do the least injury to the English. When they came into this part of the country for war, they used their utmost art to keep themselves undiscovered. They would conceal themselves in swamps and thickets, watching their oppor- * Colden's History, vol. 1, p. 3. t Wood's prospect of N. England. 84 AN ACCOUNT OF THE tunity, and all on a sudden, rise upon their enemy, and lull or cap-| tivate them, before they had time to make any resistance. j About the time when the settlement of New Haven commenced, or not many years after, they came into Connecticut, and surprised the Indian fort at Paugusset. To prevent the Connecticut Indians from discovering them, and that not so much as a track of them might be seen, they marched in the most secret manner, and when they came near the fort, traveled wholly in the river. Secreting themselves near the fort they watched their opportunity, and sud denly attacking it, with their dreadful yellings and violence, they soon took it byforce, and killed and captivated whom they pleased. Having plundered and destroyed, at their pleasure, they returned to their castles, west of Albany. As all the Indians in Connecticut were slaughtered and op pressed, either by the Pequots or Mohawks, they were generally friendly to the settlement of the English among them. They ex pected, by their means, to be defended against their terrible and cruel oppressors. They also found themselves benefitted by trading with them. They furnished themselves with knives, hatchets, axes, hoes, kettles, and various instruments and utensils which highly contributed to their convenience. They could, with these, perform more labor in one hour or day, than they could in many days without them. Besides, they found that they could exchange an old beaver coat, or blanket, for two or three new ones of English manufacture. They found a much better market for their furs, corn, peltry, and all their vendible commodities. The English were also careful to treat them with justice and hu manity, and to make such presents to their sachems and great cap tains, as should please and keep them in good humor. By these means, the English lived in tolerable peace with all the Indians in New England, except the Pequots, for about forty years. The Indians, at their first settlement, performed many acts of kindness towards them. They instructed them in the manner of planting and dressing the Indian com. They carried them up on their backs, through rivers and waters ; and as occasion re quired, served them instead of boats and bridges. They gave them much useful information respecting the country, and when the English or their children, were lost in the woods, and were in danger of perishing with hunger or cold, they conducted them to their wigwams, fed them, and restored them to their families and parents. By selling them corn, when pinched with famine, they relieved their distresses, and prevented them from perishing in a strange land and uncultivated wilderness."* * For this account of the Indians [commencing at the 72 page] of New England, the compiler is indebted to the account given by Dr. Trumbull, in his History of Connecticut : it is evidently drawn up with care and accuracy. INDIANS IN NEW YORK. 85 INDIANS IN NEW YORK. The Iroquois, or the confederated tribe, called the Five Na tions,* were in possession of the principal part of the territory now comprised within the limits of New York, at the period of Hudson's discovery. Their history before their acquaintance with Europeans, is obscured in the darkness of antiquity. " It is said that their first residence was in the country about Montreal ; and that the superior strength of the Adirondacks, whom the French call Algonquins, drove them into their present possessions, lying on the south side of the Mohawk river, and the great lake Ontario. Towards the close of those disputes, which continued for a great series of years, the confederates gained advantages over the Adirondacks, and struck a general terror into all the other In dians. The Hurons, on the north side of lake Erie, and the Cat Indians on the south side, were totally conquered and dispersed. The French, who settled in Canada in 1603, took umbrage at their success, and began a war with them which had well nigh ruined -the new colony ."t The confederacy of the Iroquois consisted, originally, of five nations, % the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Cayugas, and the Senecas. The Mohawks had four towns, and one small village, situated on or near the fertile banks of the river of that name. The position of the first was the confluence of the Scho harie creek and Mohawk river. The others were further to the west. The Mohawks, . from their martial renown, and military spirit, have not unfrequently given their name to the whole confederacy, which was often denominated the Mohawks in the annals of those days. This nation was always held in the greatest veneration by its associates, and they were declared by the other nations, ' the true old heads of the confederacy.' The Oneidas had their principal seat on the south of the Oneida lake ; the Onondagas, near the Onondaga ; and the Cayugas, near the Cayuga lake. The principal village of the Senecas was near the Genesee river, about twenty miles from Ironde- quoit bay. * Maquaas, was the name given them by the Dutch. In their own language, they gave themselves the name Agoneaseah : that is, The Long House. f Smith's History of New York. t The Tuscaroras, a tribe driven by the Carolinians from the frontiers of Virginia, [in 1712,] were received into the Five Nations, upon a supposition that they were originally of the same stock, on account of some similarity of language : after this union, the Iroquois were called the Six Nations. 8 86 AN ACCOUNT OF THE Each nation was divided into three tribes : the Tortoise, the Bear, and the Wolf. Each village was a distinct republic, and its concerns were managed by its peculiar chiefs. Their exte rior relations, general interests, and national affairs, were con ducted and superintended by a great council, assembled annually/ at Onondaga, the central canton, composed of the chiefs of eachj republic; and eighty sachems Were frequently convened at this- national assembly. I It took cognizance of the great questions of war and peace,, and of the affairs of the tributary nations. All their proceedings were conducted with great deliberation, and were distinguished for order, decorum, and solemnity. A prominent feature in the character of the confederates, was ' an exalted spirit of liberty, which revolted with equal indignation at domestic or foreign control. They esteemed themselves as Sovereigns, accountable to none, but God alone, whom they called the Great Spirit. They admitted no hereditary distinctions. The office of sachem was the reward of personal merit ; of great wisdom ; of commanding eloquence ; of distinguished services in the cabinet, or in the field. Whatever superiority the Iroquois might have in war, they i never neglected the use of stratagem. The cunning of the fox, the ferocity of the tiger, and the power of the lion, were united in j their conduct. They preferred to vanquish their enemy; by taking him off his guard, by involving him in an ambuscade ; but when emergencies rendered it necessary for them to face him in the open field, they exhibited a courage and contempt of deaths which has never been surpassed." — Eastman's Hist. N. York. ' The following account of the Five Nations is taken fromf Smith's History of New York, a work written previous to the American Revolution. [ " No people in the world perhaps have higher notions than, these Indians of military glory. All the surrounding nations have felt the effects of their prowess ; and many not only became their) tributaries, but were so subjugated to their power, that without their consent, they durst not commence either peace or war. Though a regular police for the preservation of harmony within, ' and the defence of the State against invasions from without, is hot to be expected from the people of whom I am now Writing, yet, perhaps, they have paid more attention to it than is general ly allowed. Their government is suited to their condition. A people whose riches consist not so much in abundance, as in a freedom from want ;* who are circumscribed by no boundaries, * An Indian, in answer to his question, what the white people meant by eovetbus- ness 1 was told by another, that it signified, a desire of more than a man had need of. That's strange ! said the querist. INDIANS IN NEW YORK. 87 who live by hunting, and not by agriculture, must always be free, and therefore subject to no other authority, than such as consists with the liberty necessarily arising from their circumstances. All their affairs, whether respecting peace or war, are under the direction of their sachems, or chief men. Great exploits and public virtue procure the esteem of a people, and qualify a man to advise in council, and execute the plans concerted for the ad vantage of his country : thus, whoever appears to the Indians in this advantageous light, commences a sachem without any other ceremony. As there is no other way of arriving at this dignity, so it ceases, unless an uniform zeal and activity for the common good, is un interruptedly continued. Some have thought it hereditary, but that is a mistake. The son, is indeed, respected for his father's services, but without personal merit, he can never share in the government ; which, were it otherwise, must sink into perfect dis grace. The children pi such as are distinguished for their pat riotism, moved by the consideration of their birth, and the per petual incitements to virtue constantly inculcated into them, imi tate their father's exploits, and thus attain to the same honors and influence ; which accounts for the opinion that the title and power of sachem are hereditary. Each of these republics has its own particular chiefs, who hear and determine all complaints in coun cil, and though they have no officers for the execution of justice, yet their decrees are always obeyed, from the general reproach that would follow a contempt of their advice. The condition of this people exempts them from factions, the common disease of popular g6vernments. It is impossible to gain a party amongst them by indirect means ; for no man has either honor, riches, or power to bestow. All affairs which concern the general interest are determined in a great assembly of the chiefs of each canton, usually held at Onondaga, the centre of their country. Upon emergencies they act separately, but nothing can bind the league but the voice of the general convention. The French, upon the maxim, divide et impera, have tried all possible means to divide these republics, and sometimes have even sown great jealousies among them. In consequence of this plan, they have seduced many families to withdraw to Canada, and there settled them in regular towns, under the command of a fort, and the tuition of missionaries. The manners of these savages are as simple as their govern ment. Their houses are a few crotched stakes thrust into the ground, and overlaid with bark. A fire, is kindled in the middle, and an aperture left at the top for the conveyance of the smoke. Whenever a considerable number of those huts are collected, they 88 AN ACCOUNT OF THE have a castle, as it is called, consisting of a square without bas tions, surrounded with palisadoes. They have no other fortifi cation ; and this is only designed as an asylum for their old men, their wives, and children, while the rest are gone out to war. They live almost entirely without care. While the women, or squaws, cultivate a little spot of ground for corn, the men employ themselves in hunting. As to clothes, they use a blanket girt at the waist, and thrown loosely over their shoulders ; some of their women, indeed, have besides this, a sort of a petticoat, and a few of their men wear shirts ; but the greater part of them are generally half naked. In winter their legs are covered with stock ings of blanket, and their feet with socks of deer skin. Many of them are fond of ornaments, and their taste is very singular. I have seen rings affixed, not only to their ears, but to their noses. Bracelets of silver and brass round their wrists, are very common. The women plait their hair, and tie it up behind in a bag, perhaps in imitation of the French beaux in Canada: Though the Indians are capable of sustaining great hardships, yet they cannot endure much labor, being rather fleet than strong. Their men are talleE than the Europeans, rarely corpulent, always beardless,* straight limbed, of a tawny complexion, and black uncurled hair. In their food they have no manner of delicacy, for though venison is their ordinary diet, yet sometimes they eat dogs, bears, knd even snakes. Their cookery is of two kinds, boiled or roasted ; to perform the latter, the meat is penetrated by a short sharp stick set in the ground, inclining towards the fire, and turned as occasion re quires. They are hospitable to strangers, though few Europeans"; would relish their highest favors of this kind, for they are very nasty both in their garments and food. Every man has his own wife, whom he takes and leaves at pleasure: a plurality, how ever, at the same time, is by no means admitted among them. ' They are so perfectly free, that "unless their children, who generally assist the mother, may be called servants, they have none. The men frequently associate themselves for conversation, by which means they hot only preserve the remembrance of their wars, and treaties, but diffuse among their youth incitements to military glory, as well as instruction in all the subtilties of war. Since they became acquainted with the Europeans, their' war like apparatus is a musket, hatchet,! and a long ..knife. Their boys still accustom themselves to bows and arrows, and are so dexterous in the use of them, that a lad of sixteen, will strike an English shilling five times in ten at twelve or fourteen yards dis- * Because they pluck out the hairs. Tie French writers, who -say they have naturally no beards, are mistaken ; and the reasons they assign for it are ridiculous. t Hence, to take up the hatchet, is, with them, a phrase signifying to declare war; as, on the contrary, to bury it, denotes the establishment of 'peace. INDIANS IN NEW YORK. 89 tance. Their men are excellent marksmen, both with the gun and hatchet ; their dexterity at the latter is very extraordinary, for they rarely miss the object, though at a considerable distance. The hatchet in the flight perpetually turns round, and yet al ways strikes the mark with the edge. ' Before they go out, they have a feast upon dog's flesh, and a great war-dance. At these, the warriors, who arc frightfully painted with vermilion, rise up and sing their own exploits, or those of their ancestors, and thereby kindle a military enthusiasm in the whole company. The day after the dance, they march out a few miles in a row, observing a profound silence. The pro cession being ended, they strip the bark from a large oak, and paint the design of their expedition on the naked trunk. The ' figure of a canoe, with the number of men in it, determines the strength of their party ; and by a deer, a fox, or some other em blem painted at the head of it, we discover against what nation they are gone out. The Five Nations being devoted to war, every art is contrived to diffuse a military spirit through the whole body of their people. The ceremonies attending the return of a party, seem calculated in particular for that purpose. The day before they enter the village, two heralds advance, and at a small distance set up a yell, which by its modulation intimates either good or bad news. If the for mer, the village is alarmed, and an entertainment provided for the conquerors, who in t£ie meantime approach in sight : one of them bears the scalps stretched over a bow, and elevated upon a long pole. The boldest man in the town comes out, and receives it, and instantly flies to the hut where the rest are collected. If he is overtaken, he-f is beaten unmercifully ; but if he outruns the pursuer ,»he participates in the honor of the victors, who 'at their first entrance receive no compliments, nor speak a single word till the end of the feast. Their parents, wives, and children are then admitted, and treat them with the profoundest respect. After these salutations, one of the conquerors is appointed to relate the whole adventure, to which the rest attentively listen, without ask ing a question, and the. whole concludes with a savage dance. The Indians never fight in the field, or upon equal terms, but always sculk, and attack by surprise in small parties, meeting every night at a place of rendezvous. Scarcely any enemy can escape them, for by the disposition of the grass and leaves, they follow his track with great speed any where but over a rock. Their barbarity is" shocking to human nature. Women and children -they generally kill and scalp, because they would retard their progress ; but the men they carry into captivity. If any woman has lost a relation, and inclines to receive the prisoner in his stead, he not only -escapes a series of the most inhuman tortures, 8* 90 AN ACCOUNT OF THE and death itself, but enjoys every immunity they can bestow, and is esteemed a member of the family into which he is adopted. To part with him would be the most ignominious conduct, and con sidered as selling the blood of the deceased ; and for this reason, it is not without the greatest difficulty that a captive is re deemed. When the Indians incline to peace, a messenger is sent to the enemy with a pipe, the bowl of which is made of soft, red mar ble ; and a long reed, beautifully painted, and adorned with the gay plumage of birds, forms the stem. This is his infallible pro tection from any assault on the way,. The envoy makes his pro posals to the enemy, who, if they apprdye them, ratify the pre liminaries to the peace, by smoking through'the pipe, and from that instant a general cessation of arms takes place. The French call it a calumet. It is used, as far as I can learn, by all the Indian nations upon the continent. v The rights of it are esteemed sacred, and have b§en only' invaded by the Flat Heads ; in just indignation for which, the confederates maintained a war with them for near thirty years. As to the language of the Five- Nations, the best account I have had of it, is contained in a letter from the Reverend Mr. Spencer, who resided amongst them in the year 1748,. being then a mis sionary from the Scotch society for propagating Christian knowl edge. He writes thus : , / * ' ' ¦t 'Sir, * ' .. t;\ ' Though I was very desirous of learning the Indian tongue, yet through my short residence at Onoughquage, and the , surly disposition of my interpreter, I confess my proficiency was not ; great. Except the Tuscaroras, all, the Six Nations speak a language radically the same. It is very masculine and sonorous, abounding with gutturals and strong aspirations, but without labials. Its solemn grave tone is owing to the generosity of its feet, as you will observe in the following translation of the Lprd's prayer^ in which I have distinguished the time of every syllable by the com mon marks used in prosody. Soungwauneha, caurounkyawga, tehseetaroan,' sauhsoneyousta, esa, sawaneyou, okettauhsela, ehneauwoung, na cauroiinkyawga, nughwonshauga, neattewehn§salafjga, taugwaunautoronoantougsick, toantaugweleewheyoustaiing, cheneeyeilt, chaquatautehwheyoustafln- ua, toughsaii, taugwaussareneh, tawautottenaugaloughtoungga, nasa- wne, sacheautaugwass, coantehsalohaunzaickaw, esa, sawaunneyou, esa, sashautzta, esa, sovingwasoung, chenneauhaflngwa, auwen. * The' extraordinary length of Indian words, and the guttural INDIANS IN NEW YORK. 91 aspirations necessary in pronouncing them, render the speech ex tremely rough and difficult. The verbs never change in their terminations, as in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, but all their varia tions are prefixed. Besides the singular and plural, they have also the dual number. A .strange transposition of syllables of different words, euphonice gratia, is very common in the Indian tongue, of which I will give an instance. — ogilla signifies fire, and cawdun- nd, great ; but instead of joining the adjective and substantive to say great fire, cawaunna ogilla, both words would be blended into this one, co-gilla-waunna. , The dialect of the Oneydas, is softer than that of the other nations ; and the reason is, because they have more vowels, and often supply the place of harsh letters with liquids. Instead of R, they always use L : Rebecca would be pronounced Lequcca. •» The art of public • speaking is in high esteem among the In dians,, and much studied,, They are extremely fond of method, and displeased with an irregular harangue, because it is difficult to be remembered. When they answer, they repeat the whole, re ducing it into strict order. Their speeches are short, and the sense conveyed in strong metaphors. * In conversation they are s'prightly, but solemn • and serious in their messages relating to public affairs. ,-¦ Their speakers deliver themselves with surprising force and great propriety of gesture. The fierceness of their countenances, the flowing blanket,, elevate^ tone, naked arm, and erect, stature, with a half .circle of auditors seated on the ground, and in the open air, cannot but impress.upon the mind, a lively idea of the ancient orators of Greece and Rome. At the close of every important part of the speech ratifying an old covenant, or creating a new one, a belt is generally given, to perpetuate the' remembrance of the transaction. These belts are about four "inches wide, and thirty in length. They consist of strings of conch shell beads fastened together.* With respect to religion, the Indians may be said to be under. the thickest gloom of ignorance. If they have any, which is much ' to be questioned, those who affirmiit, wilhjfind it difficult to tell us wherein it consists* They have, neither priest nor temple, sacri fice nor altar. Some' traces, indeed, appear of the original law written upon their hearts ; but they have no system of doctrines, nor any rites- and modes of public worship. They are sunk, un speakably, beneath theypolite pagans of antiquity. Some confused notions, indeed, of beings superior to themselves, they have, but of the Deity, and his natural and moral perfections, no proper or tole- * Those beads, which pass for money, are called by the Indians, wampum, and by the Dutch sewant : six beads were formerly valued at a stiver. There are always several poor families at Albany, who support themselves by coining this cash for the traders. 92 AN ACCOUNT OF THE rable conceptions ; and of his general and particular Providence they know nothing. They profess no obligations to him, nor ac knowledge their dependence upon him. Some of them, it is said, are of opinion, that there are two distinct, powerful beings, one able to help, the other to do them harm. The latter they venerate most, and some alledge, that they address him by a kind of prayer, Though there are no public monuments of idolatry to be seen in their country, yet the missionaries have discovered coarse imagery in wooden trinkets, in the hands of their jugglers, which the con verts deliver up as detestable. The sight of them would remind a man of letters of the lares and penates of the ancients, but no certain judgment can be drawn of their use. The Indians some times assemble in large numbers, and retire far into the wilderness, where they eat and drink in a profuse manner. These conven tions are called kenticoys. Some esteem them to be. debauched revels or Bacchanalia ;> but those, who have privately followed them into these recesses, give such accounts of their conduct, asi naturally lead one to imagine, that they pay a joint homage and supplication to some invisible being." I The following extract of a letter to the late Dr. Morse, from the Rev. Mr. Kirk- land, missionary among the Six Nations, gives an 'interesting account of their views of a future state. "The region of pure spirits, theJTive Nations call Eskanane. The only characters, which, according to their tradition, cannot be admitted to partici pate of the pleasures and delights of this happy country, are reduced to three, viz : suicides, the disobedient to the councils of the chiefs, and such' as put away their wives on account of pregnancy. According to their tradition, there is a gloomy, fathomless gulf, near the borders of the delightjful mansions of Eskanane, over which all good and brave spirits pass with safety, under the conduct of. a faithful and skilful guide appoint ed fot that purpose ; but when a suicide, or any of the above mentioned characters, approaches this gulf, the conductor, who possesses a most penetrating eye, instantly discovers their spiritual features and character, and denies them his aid, assigning his reasons. They will, however, attempt to cross on a small pole, which, before they reach the middle, trembles and shakes, till presently down they fall with horrid shrieks. In this dark and dreary gulf, they suppose resides a great dog, some say a dragon, in fected with the itch, which makes him perpetually restless and spiteful. The guilty inhabitants of this miserable region all catch this disease of the great dog, and grope and roam from side to side of their gloomy mansion in perpetual torment. Some times they approach so near the happy fields of Eskanane,Jhey can hear the songs and dances of their former companions. This only serves to increase their torments, as they can discern no light, nor discover4any passage by which they can gain access to them. They suppose idiots and dogs go into the same gulf, but have a more com fortable apartment, where they enjoy some little light.", Mr. Kirkland adds, that several other nations of Indians, with whom he has con versed on the subject, have nearly the same traditionary notions of a future state. They almost universally agree in this, that the departed spirit is ten days in its pas sage to their happy elysium, after it leaves the body. Some of them" suppose its course towards the south ; others, that it ascends from some lofty mountain. The number of Indians comprised in the Five Nations, at the time of the first European settlements in New York, has been es timated from twenty to twenty-five thousand. This number is supposed to comprise the main body of Indians living in the pres- INDIANS IN NEW YORK. 93 ent limits of the state at that period. Their number at present, including those in Canada and elsewhere, is said not to exceed six or seven thousand souls, although for the last fifty years they have been somewhat on the increase. During the war between the English and French, which com menced in 1755, and ended in 1763, the Mohawks, and some other confederates, joined the English, while the Senecas and others joined the French. Hendrick, the Mohawk chief, accompanied Sir William Johnson to the head of Lake George, near which he fell in a battle with 'the French.' As the French interest declined in Canada, those tribes who aided them came over to the English. At the commencement of the Revolutionary War, all the Six Na tions, except the Oneidas, took up the hatchet against the United States, being seduced by English agents to make common cause with England against the Americans. In the early part of 1 776, a treaty was negotiated with them at Herkimer, in which they en gaged to remain neutral. Large presents were made them. Not withstanding General Schuyler, the American commissioner, in this delicate affair, acted with the utmost prudence and skill, still it was unavailing, for the Indians violated the treaty. The Mohawks, who had hitherto resided on the Mohawk river, broke up >their settlements and retired to Canada. The Oneidas, preferring peace to war, upon the suggestion of the American gov ernment, removed from the vicinity of Oneida creek to Schenecta dy, where they remained toll the peace>'in 1783, being provided by the government with the 'means of subsistence. The Mohawks, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas, in the course of the war made numerous inroads into New York and Pennsylvania. In 1778, a large body of these Indians, accompanied by a band of tories or loyalists, fell upon the flourishing settlement at Wyoming, laid it entirely waste, and killed mostsof the inhabitants. The settlement at Minisink, and of Cherry Valley, were likewise destroyed, and the enemy under Brandt an Onondaga, or Mohawk chief, and Col. John Butler a royalist, committed many atrocities. In order to repress these barbarities, Gen. Sullivan was detached in 1779, to march into the Indian country with four thousand men. He proceeded up the Susquehanna and Tioga rivers, and from thence down the Genesse. He destroyed eighteen towns and vil lages in this vicinity in the course of a few days. By these pro ceedings, the Indians, though not conquered, were greatly intimi dated. Since 1783, the Six Nations do not appear to have acted in unison ; the bonds which formerly held them together became loosened, and the several tribes have, in many instances, acted separately. Most of their lands, which are the best in the state, have been purchased, and are now occupied by flourishing settle ments. 94 AN ACCOUNT OF THE INDIANS IN NEW JERSEY. The Indians inhabiting New Jersey at the period of its settle ment, were of that race called Mohekaneews, who inhabited the country between the St. Lawrence in Canada, and the Potomac in Virginia. The confederation of the Lenni Lenape* or Delae- wares as they are usually called, was the most extensive and pow erful of the Mohekaneew states. Its limits extended from Con necticut river on the northeast, to the Susquehanna river and the head of the Chesapeak bay on the southwest. The tribes which composed the confederacy were subdivided into numerous clans, and this circumstance has been the source of much confusion among writers. The Delawares, who were numerous on the river and bay of that name, were conquered by the Five Nations, about the time the English began the settlement of Virginia. The war between these Indians raged with great fury at the time Capt. Smith, the founder of Virginia, was exploring Chesapeak bay. The Delawares were so enfeebled and exhausted by this war, that the Dutch and Eng lish settlers in their vicinity had but little to fear from them, and experienced few difficulties. They received some addition to their numbers by the Indian war in New England, when the re mains of several of the vanquished tribes retired westerly, and crossed the Hudson. During the Revolutionary War, a portion of the Delawares took up arms against the United States. Since this period they removed to Ohio, where they continued upwards of fifty years. They have since removed farther westward, and. at present but few of this tribe remain. The following account of the Indians in New Jersey, is taken from Smith's history of this state. " When they bury their dead, it was customary to put family utensils, bows and arrows, and sometimes money, (wampum) into the grave with them, as tokens of their affection. When a person of note died far from the place of his own residence, they would carry his bones to be buried there ; they washed and perfumed the, dead, painted the face, and follow ed singly ; left the dead in a sitting posture, and covered the grave pyramidically. They were very careful in preserving and repair ing the graves of their dead, and pensively visited them ; did not love to be asked their judgment twice 'about the same thing. They generally delighted in mirth ; were very studious in observ- * These words are said to mean " the original people," whereby they expressed they were an unmixed race, who had never changed their character since the creation.- Watsons Annals of Philadelphia. INDIANS IN NEW JERSEY. 95 «g the virtues of roots and herbs, by which they usually cured emselves of many bodily distempers, both by outward and in ward applications. They besides frequently used sweating, and the cold bath. They had an aversion to beards, and would not suf fer them to grow ; but plucked the hair out by the roots. The hair of their heads was black, and generally shone with bear's fat, particularly that of the women, who tied it up behind in a large knot ; sometimes in a bag. They were very loving to one another ; if several of them came to a christian's house, and the master of it gave one of them vict uals, and none to the rest, he would divide it into equal shares amongst his companions ; if the christians visited them, they would give them the first cut of their victuals ; they would not eat the hollow of the thigh of any thing they killed. The Indians would not allow of mentioning the name of a friend after death. They sometimes streaked their faces with black, when in mourning ; but when their affairs went well, they painted red. They were great observers of the weather by the moon ; delighted in fine clothes ; were punctual in their bargains, and ob served this so much in others, that it was very difficult for a per son who had once failed herein, to get any dealings with them afterwards. In their councils they seldom or never interrupted or contradicted one another, till two of them had made an end of their discourse ; for if ever so many were in company, only two must speak to each other, and the rest be silent till their turn. Their language was high, lofty, and sententious. Their way of counting was by tens, that is to say, two tens, three tens, four tens, &c, when the number got out of their reach, they pointed to the stars, or the hair of their heads. They lived chiefly on maize, or Indian corn roasted in the ashes, sometimes beaten and boiled with water, called hommony ; they al so made an agreeable cake of their pounded corn ; and raised beans and pease ; but the woods and rivers afforded them the chief of their provisions. They pointed their arrows with a sharpened flinty stone, and of a larger sort, with withes for handles, cut their wood ; both of these sharpened stones are often found in the fields. Their times of eating were commonly morning and eve ning; their seats and tables the ground. They were naturally reserved, apt to resent, to conceal their resentments, and retain them long; they were liberal and generous, kind and affable to the English. They were observed to be uneasy and impatient in sickness for a present remedy, to which they commonly drank a decoction of roots in spring water, forbearing flesh, which if they then eat at all, it was of the female. They took remarkable care of one another in sickness, while hopes of life remained ; but when that was gone, some of them were apt to neglect the patient. 96 AN ACCOUNT OF THE Their government was monarchical and successive, and mostly of the mother's side, to prevent a spurious issue.* They commonly washed their children in cold water as soon as born ; and to make their limbs straight, tied them to a board, and hung itto their backs when they traveled ; they usually walked at 9 months old. Their young men married at 16 or 17 years of age, if by that time they had given sufficient proof of their manhood, by a large return of skins. The girls married about 13 or 14, but stayed at home with their mothers to hoe the ground, and to bear burdens, &c. lor some years after marriage. The women, in traveling, generally car ried the luggage. The marriage ceremony was sometimes thus ; the relations and friends being present, the bridegroom delivered a bone to the bride, she an ear of Indian corn to him, meaning that he was to provide meat, she bread. It was not unusual, notwith standing, to change their mates upon disagreement ; the children went with the party that loved them best, the expense being ol no moment to either ; in case of difference on this head, the man was allowed the first choice, if the children were divided, or there was but one. Very little can be said as to their religion ; much pains were ta ken by the early christian settlers, and frequently since, to inform j their judgments respecting the use and benefit of the Christian Revelation, and to fix restraints ; but generally with unpromising success, though instances have now and then happened to the con trary. They are thought to have believed in a God and immor tality, and seemed to aim at public worship ; when they did this, they sometimes sat in several circles one within another ; the ac tion consisted of singing, jumping, shouting and dancing ; but mostly performed rather as something handed down from their ancestors, than from any knowledge or inquiry into the serious parts of its origin. They said that the great king that made them, dwelt in a glorious country to the southward, and that the spirits of the best should go there and live again. Their most solemn worship was the sacrifice of the first fruits, in which they burnt the first and fattest buck, and feasted together upon what else they had col lected ; but in this sacrifice broke no bones of any creature they ate ; when done, they gathered and buried them very carefully ; these have since been frequently ploughed up. They distin guished between a good and evil man-etta, or spirit ; worshipped the first for the good they hoped : and some of them are said to have been slavishly dark in praying to the last for deprecation of evils they feared ; but if this be generally true, some of the tribes much concealed it from our settlers. * That is, the children of him now king, will not succeed, but his brother by the mother, or children of his sister, whose sons (and after them the male children of her daughters) were to reign ; for no woman inherited. INDIANS IN NEW JERSEY. 97 They did justice upon one another for crimes among themselves, in a way of their own ; even murder might be atoned for by feasts, and presents of wampum ; the price of a woman killed was double, and the reason, because she bred children, which men could not do. If sober they rarely quarrelled among themselves. They lived to 60, 70, 80 years, and more, before rum was intro duced, but rarely since. Some tribes were commendably careful of their aged and decrepit, endeavouring to make the remains of life as comfortable as they could, except in desperate decays, then they were apt to neglect them. Strict observers of property, yet to the last degree, thoughtless and inactive in acquiring or keeping it. None could excel them in liberality of the little they had, for nothing was thought too good for a friend ; a knife, gun, or any such thing given to one, frequently passed through many hands. Their houses or wigwams were sometimes together in towns, but mostly movable, and occasion ally fixed near a spring, or other water, according to the conve- niencies for hunting, fishing, basket-making, or other business of that sort, and built with poles laid on forked sticks in the ground, with bark, flags, or bushes on the top and sides, with an opening to the south, their fire in the middle. At night they slept on the ground with their feet towards it. Their clothing was a coarse blanket or skin thrown over the shoulder, which covered to the knee, and a piece of the same tied round their legs, with part of a deer skin sewed round their feet for shoes. As they had learned to live upon little, they seldom expected or wanted to lay up much. They were also moderate in asking a price for any thing they had for sale. When a company traveled together, they generally fol lowed each other in silence, scarcely ever two were seen by the side of one another. In roads, the man went before with his bow and arrow, the woman after, not uncommonly with a child at her back, and other burdens besides : but when these were too heavy, the man assisted. To know their walks again, in unfrequented woods, they heaped stones or marked trees. In person they were upright, and straight in their limbs, beyond the usual proportion in most nations. Their bodies were strong, but of a strength rather fitted to endure hardships, than to sustain much bodily labor, very seldom crooked or deformed : their features regular : their countenances sometimes fierce, in com mon rather resembling a Jew than Christain : the color of their skin a tawny reddish brown. The whole fashion of their lives of apiece ; hardy, poor and squalid; When they began to drink, they commonly continued it as long as the means of procuring it lasted. While intoxicated, they often lay exposed to all the inclemencies of weather, which introduced a train of new disorders among them. They were grave, even to sadness, upon any common, and 9 98 AN ACCOUNT OF THE more so upon serious occasions ; observant of those in company, and respectful to the old ; of a temper cool and deliberate ; never in haste to speak, but waited for a certainty, that the person who spoke before them had finished all he had to say. They seemed to hold European vivacity in contempt, because they found such as came among them, apt to interrupt each other, and frequently speak all together. Their behavior in public councils, was strictly decent and in-J structive, every one in his turn was heard, according to rank of years or wisdom, or services to his country. Not a word, a whis per, or a murmur, while any one spoke ;' no interruption to com mend or condemn ; the younger sort were totally silent. They got fire by rubbing wood of particular sorts, (as the ancients did out of the ivy and bays) by turning the end of a hard piece upon the side of one that was soft and dry. To forward the heat they put dry rotten wood and leaves ; with the help of fire and their stone axes, they would fall large trees, and afterwards scoop them into bowls, &c. From their infancy they were formed with care to en dure hardships, to bear derision, and even blows patiently ; at least with a composed countenance. Though they were not easily pro voked, they were hard to be appeased. Liberty in its fullest extent, was their ruling passion ; to this every other consideration was subservient. Their children were trained up so as to cherish this disposition to the utmost ; they ; were indulged to a great degree, seldom chastised with blows, and j rarely chided ; their faults were left for their reason and habits of j the family to correct : they said these could not be great beforej their reason commenced ; and they seemed to abhor a slavish mo tive to action, as inconsistent with their notions of freedom and in dependence. Even strong persuasion was industriously avoided, as bordering too much on dependence, and a kind of violence of fered to the will. They dreaded slavery more than death. They laid no fines for crimes ; for they had no way of exacting them. The atonement was voluntary. Every tribe had particular persons in whom they reposed a confidence, and unless they did something unworthy of it, they were held in respect. Their kings were dis tinguished sachems ; the respect paid them was voluntary, and not exacted or looked for, or the omission of it regarded. The sachems directed in their councils, and had the chief disposition of lands. To help their memories in treaties, they had belts of black and white wampum ; with these closed their periods in speeches, delivering more or less according to the importance of the matter treated of ; this ceremony omitted, all they said passed for nothing. They treasured these belts when delivered to them in treaties, kept them as the records of the nation, to have recourse to upon future contests. Governed by customs and not by laws, INDIANS IN NEW JERSEY. 99 they greatly revered those of their ancestors, and followed them implicitly. They long remembered kindnesses, families, or indi viduals that had laid themselves out to deal with, entertain and treat them hospitably, or even fairly in dealings, if no great kind ness was received, were sure of their trade. This also must un doubtedly be allowed, that the original and more uncorrupt, very seldom forgot to be grateful, where real benefits had been received." ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &c. ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. The Delaware Indians, (according to the tradition handed down by their ancestors), resided many hundred years ago, in a very distant country in the western part of the American continent.* Having determined on migrating to the eastward, they set out in a body, and after a very long journey they arrived on the banks of the Mississippi river, where they fell in with the Mengwe, now called the Iroquois, or Five Nations, who had likewise emi grated from a distant country, and had struck upon this river somewhat higher up. The Delawares by their spies had before their arrival discovered that the country east of the Mississippi was inhabited by a very powerful nation, who had many large towns built on the great rivers flowing through their land. These people were called the Alligewi, and from them, it is supposed, the name of the Alleghany river and mountains is derived. When the Delawares arrived on the Mississippi, they sent a message to the Alligewi to request permission to settle in their neighborhood. This was refused ; but they granted them leave to pass through the country and seek a settlement farther to the eastward. They accordingly began to cross the Mississippi, when the Alligewi seeing that their numbers were very great, made an attack on those that had crossed, and threatened they would destroy all those who should venture to cross the river. The Delawares, indignant at such conduct, consulted with the Iroquois, (who had thus far only been spectators), who offered to join them in attempting the conquest of the country. Having united their forces, they declared war against the Alligewi, and * These traditionary accounts respecting the Delawares and Iroquois, were drawn from the Rev. Mr. Heckcwelder's account of the Indian Nations, published in Vol. i. of the Hist, and Lit. Trans, of the American Phil. Soc, Philadelphia, 1819. Mr. Heckewelder was for a long period, a missionary among the Indians. 100 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C. great battles were fought, in which many fell on both sides. The enemy fortified their large towns, and erected fortifications, espe cially on large rivers near the lakes, where they were attacked and sometimes stormed by the allies. The Alligewi at last find ing that they would all be destroyed if they remained, abandoned the country, and fled down the Mississippi river, from whence they never returned. After the conquest of the Alligewi, the Delawares and the Iro quois divided their country between them ; the Iroquois made choice of the lands in the vicinity of the great lakes, and the Delawares took possession of the countries to the south. For a long period of time, some say two hundred years, the two nations resided peaceably in this country, and increased very fast ; some of their enterprising men crossed the mountains, and falling on the streams running eastward, followed them to the Great Salt water. Lake, or ocean. Satisfied with what they had seen, they (or some of them) after a long absence, returned to their nation, and described the country they had discovered as abounding with game and various kinds of fruits ; and the rivers and bays with fish, tortoises, &c. together with abundance of water-fowl, and no en emy to be dreaded. Concluding this to be the country destined for them by the Great Spirit, they began to emigrate thither, but only in small bodies, so as not to be straitened for want of pro visions by the way, some even laying by for a whole year. They at last settled on the four great rivers, the Delaware, Hudson, Susquehanna, and the Potomac, making the Delaware the centre of their possessions. The Delawares say that the whole of their nation did not reach this part of the country, that many remained behind to assist the great body of their people who did not cross the Mississippi, but retreated into the interior of the country on the west side of that river, on account of the hostilities with the Alligewi. Their na tion finally became divided into three bodies ; the larger body, which they suppose to have been one half of the whole, were set tled on the Atlantic, and the other half was again divided into two parts, one of which the strongest they suppose, remained beyond the Mississippi, and the remainder where they left them on this side of that river. Those of the Delawares who fixed their abode on the shores of the Atlantic, divided themselves into three tribes. Two of them chose that part of the country which lay nearest the sea. As they multiplied, their settlements extended from Hudson riv er to beyond the Potomac, The third tribe, called the Minsi or Munsees, chose to live back of the other tribes, and formed a kind of bulwark for their protection against the Iroquois. They extended their settlements from the Minisink, a place named af- ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 101 ter them, where they had their council-seat or fire, to the Hudson on the east, and to the southwest far beyond the boundaries of the Susquehanna. From the above tribes sprung many others, who, having for their convenience chosen detached places to set tle in, gave themselves names or received them from others. These various tribes did not deny their origin, but retained their affection for the parent tribe, of which they were proud to be called the grandchildren. — This was the case with the Mahican- ni or Mohicans, in the east, a people who by intermarriages had become a detached body, mixing two languages together, and forming out of the two a dialect of their own ; choosing to live by themselves, they crossed the Hudson, and spread themselves all over the country now 'composing the eastern States. New tribes again sprung from them, who also assumed distinct names, still, however, acknowledging the Delawares their grandfathers. The Iroquois, settled along the river St. Lawrence, soon be came neighbors of the Delawares, upon whom they began to look with a jealous eye, being fearful of being dispossessed by them of the lands which they occupied. To meet this evil in time, they sought to embroil the Delawares in quarrels with distant tribes, and with each other. As the different nations or tribes have a particular mark on their war-clubs, different from each other, the Iroquois having purposely committed a murder in the Cherokee country, left a Delaware war-club near the dead body. This stratagem took effect, and a bloody war soon took place be tween the Cherokees and Delawares. The treachery of the Iro quois was after a while discovered, and the Delawares determin ed on taking exemplary revenge, by exterminating their deceitful enemies. The Iroquois tribes, who had previous to this period lived in a manner independent of each other, now saw the necessity of coming under some general union for their common preservation. This confederation, it is said, took place somewhere between the 15th and 16th centuries : the most bloody wars were afterwards carried on for a great length of time, in which the Delawares say they generally came off victorious. During this warfare, the French landed in Canada, but the Iroquois, not willing they should establish themselves in that country, made war upon them. The Iroquois now finding themselves between two fires, and des pairing of conquering the Delawares by force of arms, had re course to a stratagem to secure a peace with them, in .order to put forth their whole strength against the French. The plan was deeply laid, and was calculated to deprive the Delawares of their power and military fame by which they were distinguished. In the language of the Indians, they were to be come women. It must be undertood, that among these Indians, 102 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C. wars are never brought to an end, but by the interference of the weaker sex. The men, however tired of fighting, are fearful of being thought cowards should they show a desire for peace. The women on these occasions would by their moving speeches per suade the enraged combatants to bury their hatchets and be at peace with each other. They would lament with great feeling the losses on each side ; they would describe the sorrows of wid owed wives, and above allbereaved mothers. They would conjure the warriors by every thing that was dear, to take pity on the suf ferings of their wives and helpless children, lay aside their dead ly weapons and smoke together the pipe of peace. Speeches of this nature seldom failed of their intended effect, and the women by becoming peacemakers were placed in a dignified sit uation.. The artful Iroquois urged that it would not be a disgrace to assume the part and the situation of the woman, but on the con trary it would be an honor to a powerful nation, who could not be suspected of wanting either strength or courage to assume that station, by which they would be the means of preserving the general peace, and save the Indian race from utter extirpation. As men they had been dreaded, as women they would be res pected and honored, and would have a right to interfere in the quar rels of other nations and to stop the effusion of Indian blood. They intreated them therefore to lay down their arms and to de vote themselves to agriculture and other pacific employments. By these representations the Delawares were induced to become women. The Iroquois, notwithstanding their fair speeches, sought to injure them by secretly embroiling distant tribes against them, and in some cases joined the forces of their enemies in disguise. This treachery when found out roused the Delawares, who resol ved to destroy their perfidious enemies. This, they say, they might easily have done, as they were numerous as grasshoppers at particular seasons, and as destructive to their enemies as these insects are to the fruits of the earth; while they described the Iroquois as frogs in, a pond who make a great noise when all is quiet, but at the mere rustling of a leaf plunge into the water and are silent. But at this period the attention of the Indians was now directed to other scenes. The whites were landing in great numbers on their coast in the east and south. They were lost in admiration at what they saw, and they consulted together on what they should do. By these occurrences warfare among themselves was suspended. The following is the Indian account of the first arrival of the i\ Dutch, at New York island. This relation Mr. Heckewelder \ states was taken down from the mouth of an intelligent Delaware ] ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 103 Indian, and may be considered as a correct account of the tradition existing among them of this momentous event. " A great many years ago, when, men with a white skin had never yet been seen in this land, some Indians who were out a fishing at a place where the sea widens, espied at a great distance something remarkably large floating on the water, and such as they had never seen before. These Indians immediately return ing to the shore, apprised their countrymen of what they had observed, and pressed them to go out with them and discover what it might be. They hurried out together, and saw with as tonishment the phenomenon, which now appeared to their sight, but could not agree upon what it was; some believed it to be an uncommonly large fish or animal, while others were of opinion that it must be a very big house floating on the sea. At length the, spectators concluded, that this wonderful object was moving to wards the land, and that it must be an animal, or something else that had life in it ; it would therefore be proper to inform all the Indians on the inhabited islands, of what they had seen, and put them on their guard. Accordingly they sent off a number of run ners and watermen, to carry the news to their scattered chiefs, that they might send off in every direction for the warriors, with a message that they should come on immediately. These arri ving in numbers, and having themselves viewed the strange appearance, and observing that it was actually moving towards the entrance of the river or bay, concluded it to be a remarkably large house, in which the Mannitto, (the Great or Supreme Being) himself was present; and that he was probably coming to visit them. By this time the, chiefs were assembled at York Island, and deliberating in what manner they should receive their Man nitto on his arrival. Every measure was taken to be well pro vided with plenty of meat for a sacrifice. The women were desired to prepare the best victuals. All the idols or images were examined and put in order, and a great dance was supposed not only to be an agreeable entertainment for the Great Being, but it was believed that with the addition of a sacrifice, contribute to appease him if he was angry with them. The conjurors were also set to work to determine what this phenomenon portended. To these and to the chiefs and wise men of the nations, men, women and children, were looking up for advice and protection. Distracted between hope and fear, they were at a loss what to do ; a dance however, commenced in great confusion. While in this situation, fresh runners arrive, declaring it to be a large house of various colors, and crowded with living creatures. It appears now to be certain, that it is the great Mannitto, bringing them some kind of game such as he had not given them before, but other runners soon after arrive, declare that it is positively 104 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C. a house full of human beings, of quite different color from the Indians, and dressed differently from them; that in particular one of them was dressed entirely in red, who must be the Mannitto. They are hailed from the vessel in a language they do not under stand, yet they shout or yell in return by way of answer, according to the custom of the country ; many are for running off to the woods, but are pressed by others to stay, in order not to give offence to their visitor, who may find them out and destroy them. The house (some say canoe), at last stops, and a canoe of a smaller size comes on shore, with the red man and some others in it. Some stay with his canoe to guard it. The chiefs and wise men assembled in council, form themselves in a large circle towards which the man in red clothes approaches, with two oth ers. He salutes them with a friendly countenance, and they return the salute after their manner. They are lost in admiration ; the dress, the manners, the whole appearance of the unknown strangers is to them a subject of wonder ; but they are particu larly struck with him who wore the red coat, all glittering with gold lace, which they could in no manner account for. He, surely, must be the great Mannitto ; but why should he have a white skin 1 Meanwhile a large Hachhack* is brought by one of his servants, from which an unknown substance is poured into a small glass or cup, and handed to the supposed Mannitto. He drinks — has the glass filled again, and hands it to the chief stand ing next him. The chief receives it, but only smells the con tents, and passes it to the next chief, who does the same. The glass or cup thus passes through the circle, without being tasted by any one, and is upon the point of being returned to the red clothed Mannitto, when one of the Indians, a brave,man and a great warrior, suddenly jumps up and harangues the assembly on the impropriety of returning the cup with its contents. It was handed to them, says he, by the Mannitto that they should drink of it, as he himself had done. To follow his example would be pleasing to him; but to return what he had given them might provoke his wrath, and bring destruction upon them. And since the orator believed it to be for the good of the nation, that the contents offered them should be drunk, and as no one else would do it, he would drink it himself, let the consequence be what it might ; it was better for one man to die than that the whole nation should be destroyed. He then took the glass, and bidding the assembly a solemn farewell, at once drank up its contents. Every eye was fixed on the resolute chief, to see what effect the unknown liquor would produce. He soon began to stagger, and at last fell prostrate on the ground. His companions now bemoan * Hachhack is properly a gourd, but since they have seen glass bottles and decanters, they call them by the same name. ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 105 his fate ; he falls into a sound sleep, and they think he has expired. He wakes again, jumps up and declares that he has enjoyed the most delicious sensations, and that he never before felt so happy as after he had drunk that cup. He asks for more, his wish is granted ; the whole assembly then imitate him, and all become intoxicated. After this general intoxication had ceased, for they say that while it lasted, the whites had confined themselves to their vessel, the man with the red clothes returned again, and distributed presents among them, consisting of beads, axes, hoes, and stockings such as white people wear. They soon became familiar with each other, and began to converse by signs. The Dutch made them understand that they would not stay here, that they would return home again, but would pay them another visit next year, when they would bring them more presents, and stay with them a while ; but as they could not live without eating, tljey should want a little land of them to sow seeds, in order to raise herbs and vegetables to put into their broth. They went away as they had said, and returned in the following season, when both parties were much rejoiced to see each other; but the whites laughed at the Indians, seeing that they knew not the use of the axes, and hoes, they had given them the year before ; for they had these hanging to their breasts as ornaments, and the stock ings they made use of as tobacco pouches. The whites now put handles to the former for them, and cut down trees before thefr eyes ; hoed up the ground, and put the stockings on their legs. Here, they say, a general laughter ensued among the Indians, that they had remained ignorant of the use of such valuable im plements, and had borne the weight of such heavy metal hanging to their necks for such a length of time. They took every white man they saw to be an inferior Mannitto, attendant on the Supreme Deity, who shone superior in the red and laced clothes. As the whites became daily more familiar with the Indians, and at last proposed to stay with them, and asked only for so much ground for a garden spot, as they said the hide of a bullock would cover or encompass; which hide was spread before them. The Indi ans readily granted this apparently- reasonable request ; but the whites then took a knife, and beginning at one end of the hide, cut it up into a rope not thicker than a child's finger, so that by the time the whole was cut up, it made a great heap ; they then took the rope at one end and drew it gently along, carefully avoid ing its breaking. It was drawn out in a circular form, and being closed at its ends, encompassed a large piece of ground. The Indians were surprised at the superior wit of the whites, but did not wish to contend about a little land, as they had still enough themselves. The white and red men lived contentedly together for a long time, though the former from time to time asked for 106 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C. more land, which was readily obtained, and thus they gradually proceeded higher up the Mahicanittuck, until the Indians began to believe that they would soon want all their country, which in the end proved true. The Indians are fond of metaphorical expressions in their lan guage : the following examples are given in Mr. Heckewelder's work. 1 . " The sky is overcast with dark blustering clouds." We shall have troublesome times ; we shall have war. 2. " A black cloud has arisen yon der." War is threatened from that quarter or from that nation. 3. " Two black clouds are drawing towards each other." Two powerful enemies are in march against each other. 4. " The path is already shut up." Hostilities have commenced. The war is begun. 5. " The rivers run with blood." War rages in the country. 6. " To bury the hatchet." To make, or conclude a peace. 7. " To lay down the hatchet, or to slip the hatchet under the bedstead." To cease fighting for a "while, during a truce ; or to place the hatchet, so that it may be taken up again at a moment's warning. 8. " The hatchet you gave me to strike your enemies, proved to be very dull, or not to be sharp." You supplied me so scantily with the articles I stood in need of, that I wanted strength to execute your orders. The presents you gave me, were not sufficient for the task you imposed upon me, therefore I did little. 9. " The hatchet you gave me was very sharp." As you have satisfied me, I have done the same for you; I have killed many of your enemies. 10. " You did not make me strong." You gave me nothing or but little. 11. " Make me very strong." Give me much, pay me well. 12. " The stronger you make me, the more you will see." The more you give me, the more I will do for you. 13. "7 did as you bid me, but see nothing." I have performed my part, but you have not rewarded me ; or, I did my part but you have not kept your word ! 14. " You have spoken with your lips only, not from the heart." You endeavor to deceive me; you do not intend to do as you say! 15. " You now speak from the heart !" Now you mean what you say ! 16. " You, keep me in the dark .'" You wish to deceive me ! you conceal your intentions from me ! you keep me in igno rance ! 17. " You stopped my ears." You kept the thing a secret from me ; you did not wish me to know it. 18. " Singing birds." Tale bearers — story tellers- liars. 19. " Don't listen to the singing of the birds which fly by !" ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 107 Don't believe what stragglers tell you. 20. " What bird was it that sung that song?" Who was it told that story ; that lie ? HI. (To a chief). "Have you heard the news ?" Have you been officially inform ed. 22. " I have not heard any thing." I have no official information. 23. " To kindle a council fire at such a place." To appoint a place where the national business is to be transacted ; to establish the seat of government there. 24. " The council fire has been ex tinguished." Blood has been shed by an enemy at the seat of govern ment ; which has put the fire out ; the place has been pol luted. 25. " I have not room to spread my blanket." I am too much crowded upon. 26. " I will place you under my (Meaning under my armpits). I will protect you at all haz ards ! You shall be perfectly safe ; nobody shall molest you! 27. " Suffer no grass to grow on the war path'' Carry on the war with vigor. 28. " Never suffer grass to grow on this war path .'" Be at perpetual war with the na tion this path leads to ; never conclude a peace with them. 29. " To open a path from one na tion to another, by removing the logs, brush and briers out of the way." To invite the nation to which this path leads, to a friendly intercourse ; to prepare the way to live on friendly terms with them. 30. " The path to that nation is again open." We are again on friendly terms ; the path may again be trav eled with safety. 31. "7 wipe the tears from your eyes, cleanse your ears; and place your aching heart, which bears you down to one side, in its proper position." I condole with you ; dispel all sorrow ; prepare yourself for business : (N. B. This is said when condoling with a nation on the death of a chief). 32. " / have covered yon spot with fresh earth: I have raked leaves, and planted trees there on" means literally. " I have hidden the grave from your eyes ;" and figuratively, " you must now be cheerful again." 33. "I am much too heavy to rise at this present time." I have too much property, (corn, vegetables), &c. 34. " I will pass one night yet at this place." I will stay one year yet at this place. 35. " We have concluded a peace which is to last as long as the sun shall shine, and the rivers flow with water." The peace we have made is to continue as long as the world stands, or to the end of time. 36. " To bury the hatchet beneath the root of a tree." To put it quite out of sight. 37. " To bury deep in the earth." (An injury done). To consign it to oblivion. 108 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C. The following is a copy of an Indian Gazette taken by a French- officer, from the American original, with an explanation. It relates to a body of Indians, who, soon after the settlement of this part of Americ^ took up the hatchet in favor of the French, against a hostile tribe that adhered to the English. It was obtained by Mr. Thomas about the year 1770, and a copy of it is inserted in the 2d vol. of his " History of Printing." g^ ^ 4> 4> 4> 4> 1. Each of these figures represent the number ten— They all signify that 18 times 10, or ISO American Indians took up the hatchet, or declared war, in favor of the French which is represented by the hatchet piaced over the arms of France. 2. They departed from Montreal — represented by the bird just taking wing, from the top of a mountain. The moon, and the buck, show the time to naVe been in the first quarter of the buck-moon, answering to July. 3. They went by water— signified by the canoe. The number of huts, such » they raise to pass the night in, shows they were 21 days on their passage. ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 109 4. They came on shore, and traveled seven days by land — represented by the foot and seven huts. 5. When they arrived near the habitations of their enemies at sunrise — shown by the sun being to the eastward of them, beginning, as they think, its daily course ; then they lay in wait three days — represented by the hand pointing and the three huts. $ i> 4» frMf * * * 4> ^ ^pM£n£F"4> <> 6. After which, they surprised their enemies, in number 12 times 10, or 120— The man asleep shows how they surprised them, and the hole in the top of the building is supposed to signify, that they broke into some of their habitations in that manner. 7. They killed with the club eleven of their enemies, and took five prisoners — The former represented by the club and the eleven heads ; the latter by the figure on the little pedestals. 10 110 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C T T _£. T_T 8. They lost nine of their own men in the action — represented by the nine heads within the bow, which is the emblem of honor among the Americans ; but had none taken prisoners — a circumstance they lay great weight on, shown by all the pedestals being empty. -*— > ->— > >—> -> > > > 9. The heads of the arrows, pointing opposite ways, represent the battle. > — >-. ene'm ^^ ^^ °f ^ arr°WS "" Poin,inS the same way> signify the. flight of the The following is a song of the Delawares which they use when they go out to war, as translated by Mr. Heckewelder. They sing it as here given, in short sentences, not always the whole at a time, but generally in detached parts, as their feelings prompt them. 1 heir accent is very pathetic, and the whole, in their lan guage, produces considerable effect. O poor me ! Whom am going out to fight the enemy, And know not whether I shall re turn again To enjoy the embraces of my children And my wife. O poor creature ! Whose life is not in his own hands, Who has no power over his own body, But tries to do his duty For the welfare of his nation. , O thou Great Spirit above ! Take pity on my children And on my wife ! Prevent their mourning on my account ! Grant that I may be successful in this attempt, That I may slay my enemy, And bring home the trophies of war. To my dear family and friends, ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. Ill That we may rejoice together. O ! take pity on me ! Give me strength and courage to meet my enemy Suffer me to return again to my children, To my wife And to my relations ! Take pity on me and preserve my life And I will make to thee a sacri fice. The following speech illustrative of Indian eloquence was spoken by Captain Pipe, a Delaware chief, to the British com mandant at Detroit. The Delawares were on the side of the French during the war in 1756 ; after the peace of 1763, they were obliged to submit to the government of Great Britain. During the Revolutionary War, Capt. Pipe was compelled rather reluctantly to take up arms against the Americans. On his return from an expedition, he was invited to the council house to give an account of his past transactions to the British officers present. He was seated in front of his Indians, and held in his left hand a short stick, to which was fastened a scalp. After a pause of some minutes he rose, and addressed the governor as follows. " Father, [then he stooped a little, and, turning towards the aud ience, with a countenance full of great expression, and a sarcastic look, said, in a lower tone of voice], " I have said father, although, indeed, I do not know why I am to call him so, having never known any other father than the French, and considering the English only as brothers. But as this name is also imposed upon us, I shall make use of it, and say, [at the same time fixing his eyes upon the commandant], Father, some time ago you put a war hatchet into my hands, saying, ' Take this weapon and try it on the heads of my enemies, the Long-Knives, and let me afterwards know if it was sharp and good.' Father, at the time when you gave me this weapon, I had neither cause nor inclination to go to war against a people who had done me no injury ; yet in obedience to you, who say you are my father, and call me your child, I received the hatchet ; wall knowing, that if I did not obey, you would withhold from me the necessaries of life, without which I could not subsist, and which are not elsewhere to be procured, but at the house of my father. You may perhaps think me a fool, for risking my life at your bidding, in a cause too, by which I have no prospect of gaining any thing; for it is your cause and not mine. It is your concern to fight the Long-Knives; you have raised a quarrel amongst yourselves, and you ought yourselves to fight it out. You should not compel your children, the Indians, to expose themselves to danger, for your sakes. Father, many lives have already been lost on your account ! — Nations have suffered, and been weakened ! children have lost parents, brothers, and relatives ! — wives have lost hus bands ! — It is not known how many more may perish before your war will be at an end! — Father, I have said, that you may, perhaps, think me a fool, for thus thoughtlessly rushing on your enemy ! — Do not believe this, father ; Think not that I want sense to convince me, that 112 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C although you now pretend to keep up a perpetual enmity to the Long- Knives, you may before long conclude a peace with them. Father, you say you love your children, the Indians. This you have often told them, and indeed it is your interest to say so to them, that you may have them at your service. But, father, who of us can believe that you can love a people of a different color from your own, better than those who have a white skin like yourselves 1 Father, pay attention to what I am going to say. While you, father, are setting me [meaning the Indians in general] on your enemy, much in the same manner as a hunter sets his dog on the game ; while I am. in the act of rushing on that enemy of yours, with the bloody destructive weapon you gave me, I may, perchance, happen to look back to the place from whence you started me ; and what shall I see ? Perhaps I may see my father shaking hands with the Long-Knives ; yes, with these very people he now calls his enemies. 1 may then see him laugh at my folly for having obeyed his orders ; and yet I am now risking my life at his command ! Father, keep what I have said in remembrance. Now, father, here is what has been done with the hatchet you gave me. [With these words he handed the stick to the commandant, with the scalp upon it, above mentioned]. . I have done with the hatchet what you ordered me to do, and found it sharp. Nevertheless, I did not do all that I might have done. No, I did not. My heart failed within me. I felt compassion for your enemy. In nocence [helpless women and children] had no part in your quarrels ; therefore I distinguished — I spared. I took some live flesh, which, while I was bringing to you, I spied one of your large canoes, on which I put it for you. In a few days you will recover this flesh, and find that the skin is of the same color with your own. Father, I hope you will not destroy what I have saved. You, father, have the means of pre serving that which with me would perish for want. The warrior is poor, and his cabin is always empty ; but your house, father, is always full." Matrimony. — " An aged Indian, who for many years had spent much time among the white people, observed that the Indians had not only a much easier way of getting a wife than the whites, but also a more certain way of getting a good one. ' For,' said he in broken English, 'white man court — court — may be one whole year! — may be two years before he marry ! Well — may be then he get very good wife — but may be not — maybe very cross ! Well, now suppose cross! scold so soon as get awake in the morning ! scold all day ! — scold until sleep ! — all one — he must keep him ! — White people have law forbidding throw away wife he be every so cross — must keep him always ! Well, how does Indian do ? Indian, when he see indus trious squaw, he go him, place his two forefingers close aside each other, make two like one— then look squaw in the face— she him smile — this is all one he say yes ! — so he take him home— no danger he be cross ! No, no — squaw know too well what Indian do if he cross ! throw him away and take another ! — Squaw love to eat meat —no husband no meat. Squaw do every thing to please husband, he do every thing to please squaw — live happy.' " ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 113 Red Jacket, Sagoyewatha. The above is a representation of the celebrated Seneca chief, Red Jacket, copied from an original painting. His Indian name was Sagoyeioatha, signifying it is said, " one who keeps awake." jHe died in 1832 at his residence about four miles from Buffalo. He was formerly considered of superior wisdom in council, and of a noble and dignified behavior, which would have honored any man. But like most of his race, he could not withstand the temp tation of ardent spirits, and during the latter period of his life, from this cause, and his opposition to the introduction of Chris tianity among his tribe, his influence became quite limited. The sagacity of the Indians in discovering traces of men and animals, where white men would discover nothing is well known. The following account given by Mr. Heckewelder will serve for an illustration. "In the beginning of the summer of the year 1755, a most atrocious and shocking murder was unexpectedly committed by a party of Indians, on fourteen white settlers within five miles of Shamokin. The surviving whites in their rage determined to take their revenge, by murdering a Delaware Indian, who hap pened to be in those parts, and was far from thinking himself in 10* 114 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C any danger. He was a great friend to the whites, was loved and esteemed by them, and in testimony of their regard had received from them the name of Duke Holland, by which he was generally known. This Indian, satisfied that his nation was incapable of committing such a foul murder, in a time of profound peace, told the enraged settlers, that he was sure that the Delawares were not in any manner concerned in it ; and that it was the act of some wicked Mingoes or Iroquois, whose custom it was to involve other nations in wars with each other, by clandestinely commit ting murders, so that they might be laid to the charge of others rather than themselves. But all his representations were vain; he could not convince exasperated men, whose minds were fully bent upon revenge. At last he offered that if they would give him a party to accompany him, he would go with them in quest of the murderers, and was sure he could discover them by the prints of their feet and other marks well known to him, by which he would convince them that the real perpetrators of the crime belonged to the Six Nations. His proposal was accepted, he marched at the head of a party of whites, and led them into the tracks. They soon found themselves in the most rocky parts of a moun tain, where not one of those who accompanied him, was able to discover a single track, nor would they believe that man had ever trodden upon this ground, as they had to jump over a number of crevices between the rocks, and in some instances to crawl over them. Now they began to believe that the Indian had led them across these rugged mountains in order to give the enemy time to escape, and threatened him with instant death the moment they should be fully convinced of his fraud. The Indian, true to his promise, would take pains to make them perceive that an enemy had passed along through the places which he was leading them; here he would show them that the moss on the rock had been trodden by the weight of an human foot, there it had been torn or dragged forward from its place ; further he would point out to them that pebbles, or small stones on the rocks had been removed from their beds, by the foot hitting against them ; that dry sticks by being trodden upon were broken, and even that in a particular place an Indian's blanket had dragged over the rocks, and re moved or loosened the leaves lying there; all of which the Indian could perceive, as he walked along without ever stopping. At last arriving at the foot of the mountain on soft ground, where the tracks were deep, he found out that the enemy were eight in number, and from the freshness of the foot-prints, he concluded that they must be encamped at no great distance. This proved to be the exact truth, for, after gaining the eminence on the other side of the valley, the Indians were seen encamped, some having already laid down to sleep, while others were drawing off their ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 115 leggings for the same purpose, and the scalps they had taken were hanging up to dry. "See!" said Duke Holland to his astonished companions, " there is the enemy ! not of my nation but Mingoes as I truly told you. They are in our power ; in less than half an hour they will be all fast asleep. We need not fire a gun, but go up and tomahawk them. We are nearly two to one and need apprehend no danger. Come on, and you will now have your full revenge !" But the whites overcome with fear did not choose to follow the Indian's advice, and urged him to take them back by the nearest and best way, which he did, and when they arrived home late at night, they reported the num ber of the Iroquois to have been so great, that they durst not venture to attack them." Tamany and St. Tammany, is a name which has often ap peared in print. It is applied to an Indian chief or saint, who is supposed to have been alive as late as the year 1680. Mr. Hecke- welder, in his Historical Account, states that all that is known of him is " that he was a Delaware chief, who never had his equal." "It is said that when, about 1776, Colonel George Morgan, of Princeton, New Jersey, visited the western Indians by direction of congress, the Delawares conferred on him the name of Tamany, " in honor and remembrance of their ancient chief, and as the greatest mark of respect which they could show to that gentleman, who they said had the same address, affability, and meekness, as their honored chief." " The fame of this great man extended even among the whites, who fabricated numerous legends respecting him, which I never heard, however, from the mouth of an Indian, and therefore believe to be fabulous. In the revolutionary war, his enthusiastic ad mirers dubbed him a saint, and he was established under the name of St. Tammany, the patron saint of America. His name was inserted in some calendars, and his festival celebrated on the first day of May in every year. On that day a numerous society of his votaries walked together in procession through the streets of Philadelphia, their hats decorated with buck's tails, and proceeded to a handsome rural place out of town, which they called the wig wam ; where, after a long talk, or Indian speech had been deliv ered, and the calumet of peace and friendship had been duly smoked, they spent the day in festivity and mirth. After dinner, Indian dances were performed on the green in front of the wigwam, the calumet was again smoked, and the company sepa rated." It was not until some years after the peace that these yearly doings were broken up, which would doubtless have lasted longer but for the misfortune of the owner of the ground where they were held. Since that time, Philadelphia, New York, and perhaps 116 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C other places, have had their Tamany societies, Tamany halls, &c. In their meetings, these societies make but an odd figure in imi tating the Indian manner of doing business, as well as in appro priating their names upon one another. Among the multitude of poems and odes to Tamany, the follow ing is selected, to give the reader an idea of the acts said to have been achieved by him : — " Immortal Tamany, of Indian race, Great in the field, and foremost in the chase ! No puny saint was he with fasting pale ; He climbed the mountain, and he swept the valo, Rushed through the torrent with unequal led might ; Your ancient saints would tremble at the sight ; Caught the swift boar, and swifter deer with ease, And worked a thousand miracles like these. To public views he added private ends, And loved his country most, and next his friends ; With courage long he strove to ward the blow ; (Courage we all respect, ev'n in a foe) ; And when each effort he in vain had tried, Kindled the flame in which he bravely died! To Tamany let the full horn go round ; His fame let every honest tongue re sound ; With him let every gen'rous patriot vie, To live in freedom or with honor" die." "Insanity is not common among the Indians; yet I have known several who were afflicted with mental derangement Men in this situation are always considered as objects of pity. Every one young and old feels compassion for their misfortune ; to laugh or scoff at them would be considered as a crime, much more so to insult or molest them. The nation, or color of the unfortunate object makes no difference ; the charity of the Indians extends to all, and no distinction is made in such a lamentable case. About the commencement of the Indian war, in 1763, a trading Jew, named Chapman, who was going up the Detroit river with a batteau load of goods, which he had brought from Albany, was taken by some Indians of the Chippeway nation, and destined to be put to death. A Frenchman impelled by motives of friendship and humanity, found means to steal the prisoner, and kept him so concealed for some time, that although the most diligent search was made, the place of his confinement could not be discovered. At last, however, the unfortunate was betrayed by some false friend, and again fell into the power of the Indians, who took him across the river to be burned and tortured. Tied to the stake and the fire burning by his side, his thirst from the great heat became intolerable, and he begged that some drink might be given to him. It is a custom with the Indians previous to a prisoner being put to death, to give him what they call his last meal; a bowl of pottage or broth was given him for that purpose. Eager to quench his thirst; he put the bowl immediately to his lips, and the liquor being very hot he was dreadfully scalded. Be ing a man of a very quick temper, the moment he felt his mouth ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 117 burned, he threw the bowl with its contents full in the face of the man who had handed it to him. ' He is mad ! he is mad !' re sounded from all quarters. The bystanders considered his con duct as an act of insanity, and immediately untied the cords with which he was bound, and let him go where he pleased." " Shrewdness. — As Governor Joseph Dudley of Massachusetts was superintending some of his workmen, he took notice of an able-bodied Indian, who, half naked, would come and look on, as a pastime, to see his men work. The governor took occasion one day to ask him why he did not work, and get some clothes, where with to cover himself. The Indian answered by asking him why he did not work. The governor, pointing with his finger to his head, said, ' I work head work, and so have no need to work with jny hands as you should.' The Indian then said he would work if any one would employ him. The governor told him he wanted a calf killed, and that, if he would go and do it, he would give him a shilling. He accepted the offer, and went immediately and killed the calf, and tfien went sauntering about as before. The governor, on observing what he had done, asked him why he did not dress the calf before he left it. The Indian answered, ' No, no, Coponoh ; that was. not in the bargain : I was to have a shil ling for killing him. Am he no dead, Coponoh V (governor). The governor, seeing himself thus outwitted, told him to dress it, and he would give him another shilling. This done, and in possession of two shillings, the Indian goes directly to a grog-shop for rum. After a short stay, he returned to the governor, and told him he had given him a bad shilling piece, and presented a brass one to be exchanged. The governor, thinking possibly it might have been the case, gave him another. It was not long before he returned a second time with another brass shilling to be exchanged ; the governor was now convinced of his knavery, but, not caring to make words at the time, gave him another ; and thus the fellow got four shillings for one. The governor determined to have the rogue corrected for his abuse, and, meeting with him soon after, told him he must take a letter to Boston for him, (and gave him half a crown for the ser vice). The letter was directed to the keeper of bridewell, order ing him to give the bearer so many lashes ; but, mistrusting that all was not exactly agreeable, and meeting a servant of the governor on the road, ordered him, in the name of his master, to carry the letter immediately, as he was in haste to return. The consequence was, this servant got egregiously whipped. When the governor learned what had taken place, he felt no little chagrin at being thus twice outwitted by the Indian. He did not see the fellow for sometime after this, but at length, falling in with him, asked him by what means he had cheated and 118 ANECDOTES, TRADITIONS, &C. deceived him so many times. Taking the governor again in his own play, he answered, pointing with his finger to his head, ' Head work, Coponoh, head work !' The governor was now so well pleased that he forgave the whole offence." Justice. — " A white trader sold a quantity of powder to an In dian, and imposed upon him by making him believe it was a grain which grew like wheat by sowing it upon the ground. He was greatly elated by the prospect, not only of raising his own powder, but of being able to supply others, and thereby becoming im mensely rich. Having prepared his ground with great care, he sowed his powder with the utmost exactness in the spring. Month after month passed away, but his powder did not even sprout, and winter came before he was satisfied that he had been deceived. He said nothing ; but some time after, when the trader had forgot ten the trick, the same Indian succeeded in getting credit of him to a large amount. The time set for payment having expired, he sought out the Indian at his residence, and demanded payment for his goods. The Indian heard his demand with great complais ance ; then, looking him shrewdly in the eye, said ' Me pay you when my powder grow.' This was enough. The guilty white man quickly retraced his steps, satisfied, we apprehend, to balance his account with the chagrin he had received." — Drake's Book of the Indians" Characters contrasted. — " An Indian of the Kennebeck tribe, remarkable for his good conduct, received a grant of land from the state, and fixed himself in a new township where a number of families were settled. Though not ill treated, yet the common prejudice against Indians prevented any sympathy with him. This was shown at the death of his only child, when none of the people came near him. Shortly afterwards he went to some of the inhabitants and said to them, ' When white man's child die, Indian man he sorry — he help bury him, — When my child die, no one speak to me — I make his grave alone. lean no live here.' He gave up his farm, dug up the body of his child, and carried it with him 200 miles through the forests, to join the Canada In dians !" Singular application of Scripture. — A certain clergyman On a particular occasion, had for his text, the following words, " vow, and pay unto the Lord thy vows." An Indian happened to be present, who, when the sermon was finished, stepped up to the preacher, and said to him, " Now me vow me go home with you, Mr. Minister." The preacher taken somewhat by surprise, and being at a loss how to oppose the Indian's determination, said, "you must go then." When he had arrived at the home of the minister, the Indian vowed again, saying, " Now me vow me have supper." When this was finished, he said, " me vow me stay all ILLUSTRATING INDIAN HISTORY. 119 night." The clergyman by this time, thinking himself sufficiently taxed, replied, " It may be so, but / vow you shall go in the morn ing." The Indian judging from the tone of his host, that more vows would be useless, departed in the morning without cere mony. Dreaming Match. — " Soon after Sir William Johnson entered upon his duties as superintendent of Indian affairs in North America, he received from England some richly embroidered suits of clothes. Hendrick was present when they were received, and could not help expressing a great desire for a share in them. He went away very thoughtful, but returned not long after, and called upon Sir William, and told him he had dreamed a dream. Sir William very concernedly desired to know what it was. Hen drick very readily told him he had dreamed that Sir William John son had presented him with one of his new suits of uniform. Sir William could not refuse it, and one of the elegant suits was forth with presented to Hendrick, who went away to show his present to his countrymen, and left Sir William to tell the joke to his friends. Some time after, the general met Hendrick, and told him he had dreamed a dream. Whether the sachem mistrusted that he was now to be taken in his own net, or not, is not certain ; but he seriously desired to know what it was, as Sir William had done before. The general said he dreamed that Hendrick had presented him with a certain tract of land, which he described, (consisting of about 500 acres of the most valuable land in the valley of the Mohawk River). Hendrick answered, ' it is yours ;' but, shaking his head said, ' Sir William Johnson, I will never dream with you again, you dream too hard for me.' " It is stated that the Indian includes all savage beasts among the number of his enemies, in a literal sense ; this will appear, from the following anecdotes related by Mr. Heckewelder. "A Delaware hunter once shot a huge bear, and broke its back bone. The animal fell and set up a most plaintive cry, something like that of a panther when he is hungry. The hunter, instead of giving him another shot, stood up close to him and addressed him in these words: 'Hark ye! bear; you are a coward and no warrior as you pretend to be. Were you a warrior you would show it by your firmness, and not cry and whimper like an old woman. You know bear that our tribes are at war with each other, and that yours was the aggressor.* You have found the Indians too powerful for you, and you have gone sneaking about in the woods, stealing their hogs ; perhaps at this time you have ?Probably alluding to a tradition which the Indians have, of a very ferocious kind of bear, called the naked bear, which they say once existed, but was totally destroyed by their ancestors. The last was killed in the New York state, at a place they called Hoosick, which means the Basin or more properly, The Kettle. 120 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. hog's flesh in your belly. Had you conquered me, I would have borne it with courage, and died like a brave warrior; but you, bear, sit here and cry, and disgrace your tribe by your cowardly con duct.' I was present at the delivery of this curious invective; when the hunter had despatched the bear, I asked him how he thought that poor animal could understand what he said to it? 'Oh!' said he in answer, 'the bear understood me very well; did you not observe how ashamed he looked while I was upbraid ing him?' i Another time I witnessed a similar scene between the falls of the Ohio and the river Wabash. A young white man named William Wells, who had been when a boy taken prisoner by a tribe of the Wabash Indians, by whom he was brought up, and had imbibed all their notions, had so wounded a large bear that he could not move from the spot, and the animal cried piteously like the one I have just mentioned. The young man went up to him, and with seemingly great earnestness, addressed him in the Wabash language, now and then giving him a slight stroke onthe nose with his ramrod. I asked him when he had done, what he had been saying to this bear. 'I have,' said he, 'upbraided him for acting the part of a coward ; I told him that he knew the fortune of war, that one or the other of us must have fallen ; that it was his fate to be conquered, and he ought to die like a man, like a hero, and not like an old woman ; that if the case had been reversed, and I had fallen into the power of my enemy, I would not have disgraced my nation, but would have died with firmness and courage, as became a true warrior.' " DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &c. Discovery of Hudson River by Henry Hudson. Hudson, the discoverer of the Bay of New York and the riv er called by his name, was at the time in the service of the cel ebrated Dutch East India Company. A small ship called the Half-Moon was equipped and intrusted to his command. He left Amsterdam, April 4th, 1609, and once more encountered the northern seas, having in two former voyages attempted a north ern passage to India. His progress being again intercepted by the ice, he determined upon the design of visiting America. He arrived off the coast of Maine, and landed at or near the place where Portland now stands on the 18th of July. After continu ing for about six days, he proceeded southward. Hudson came to Cape Cod about the 3d of August. From this place he pro- DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 121 ceeded southward as far as Virginia, and then turned to the northward. On the 2d of September, he espied the Highlands of Neversink, passed Sandy Hook on the 3d, and on the follow ing day is said to have made his first landing on Long Island, op posite Gravesend. On the 6th of September, Hudson sent a boat manned with six hands to explore what appeared to be the mouth of a river, at about the distance of four leagues from the ship. This was the strait between Long and Staten Island called the Narrows. In exploring the bay and adjacent waters, the boat's crew spent the whole day. On their return to the ship they were attacked by the natives in two canoes, the one carrying 14, and the other 12 men. One of Hudson's men, John Colman, was killed by an arrow, and two more wounded. Colman was buried on a point of land which they named Colman's Point, probably the same that is now called Sandy Hook. On the 12th he entered the riv er called by his name. The following, relative to his voyage up the river, is extracted from a Journal of his voyage in Purchas' Pilgrim, 1625; which was kept by Robert Juet, the mate of the ship, evidently with a good deal of care and accuracy. " The twelfth, very faire and hot. In the afternoone at two of the clocke wee weighed, the winde being variable, betweene the North and the Northwest. So we turned into the Riuer two leagues and Anchored. This morning at our first rode in the Riuer, there came eight and twenty Canoes full of men, women and children to betray vs : but we saw their intent, and suffered none of them to come aboord of vs. At twelue of the clocke they departed. They brought with them Oysters and Beanes, whereof wee bought Some. They haue great Tabacco pipes of yellow Copper, and Pots of Earth to dresse their meate in. It floweth South-east by South within. The thirteenth, faire Weather, the wind Northerly. At seuen of the clocke in the morning, as the floud came we Weighed, and turned foure miles into the Riuer. The tide being done wee anchored. Then there came foure Canoes aboofd : but We suffered none of them to come into our ship. They brought great store of very good Oys ters aboord, which We bought for trifles. In the night I Set the va riation of the Compasse, and found it to be 13 degrees. In the after noone we weighed, and turned in with the floude, two leagues and a halfe further, and anchored all night, and had fiue fathoms soft Ozie ground, and had an high point of Land, which shewed out to vs, bearing North by East five leagues off vs. The fourteenth, in the morning being very faire weather, the wind South-east, we sayld vp the Riuer twelue leagues, and had fiue fath oms, and fiue fathoms and a quarter^ lesse ; and came to a Streight betweene two Points, and had eight, nine, and ten fathoms : and it trended North-east by North, one league : and wee had twelue, thir- teene and fourteene fathomes. The Riuer is a mile broad : there is verv high Land on both sides. • Then wee went vp North-westj a 11 122 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. league and an halfe deepe water. Then North-east by North fine miles ; then North-west by North two leagues, and anchored. The Land grew very high and Mountainous. The Riuer is full of fish. The fifteenth, in the morning was misty vntill the Sunne arose : then it cleered. So wee weighed with the wind at South, and ran vp into the Riuer twentie leagues, passing by high Mountaines. Wee had a very good depth, as sixe, seuen, eight, nine, ten, twelue, and thirteene fathoms, and great store of Salmons in the Riuer. This morning our two Sauages got out of a Port and swam away. After we were vnder sayle, they called to vs in scorne. At night we came to other Mountaines, which lie from the Riuers side. There wee found very louing people, and very old men : where wee were well vsed. Our Boat went to fish, and caught great store of very good fish. The sixteenth, faire and very hot weather. In the morning oui Boat went againe to fishing, but could catch but few, by reason their Canoes had beene there all night. This morning the people came aboord, and brought vs eares of Indian Come, and Pompions, and Tabacco : which wee bought for trifles. Wee rode still all day, and 'filled fresh water ; at night wee weighed and went two leagues higher, and had shoald water : so wee anchored till day. The seuenteenth, faire Sun-shining weather, and very hot. In the morning as soone as the Sun was vp, we set sayle, and ran vp sixe leagues higher, and found shoalds in the middle of the channell, and small Hands, but seuen fathoms water on both sides. Toward night we borowed so neere the shoare, that we grounded : so we layed out our small anchor, and heaued off againe. Then we borrowed on the banke in the channell, and came aground againe ; while the floud ran we heaued off againe, and anchored all night. The eighteenth, in the morning was faire weather, and we rode still. In the after-noone our Master's Mate went on land with an old Sauage, a Gouernor of the Countrey ; who carried him to his house, and made him good cheere. The nineteenth, was faire and hot weather : at the floud being neere eleuen of the clocke, wee weighed, and ran higher vp two leagues aboue the Shoalds, and had no lesse water than fiue fathoms : wee anchored, and rode in eight fathomes. The people of the Countrie came flocking aboord, and brought vs Grapes, and Pompions, which wee bought for trifles. And many brought us Beuers skinnes, and Otters skinnes, which wee bought for Beades, Kniues, and Hatchets. So we rode there all night. The twentieth, in the morning was faire weather. Our Master's Mate with foure men more went vp with our Boat to sound the Riuer, and found two leagues aboue vs but two fathomes water, and the channell very narrow ; and aboue that place seuen or eight fathomes. Toward night they returned : and we rode still all night. The one and twentieth, was faire weather, and the wind all Southerly : we determined yet once more to go farther vp into the Riuer, to trie what depth and breadth it did beare ; but much people resorted aboord, so we went not this day. Our Carpenter went on land, and made a Fore-yard. And our Master and his Mate determined to trie some DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 123 of the chiefe men of the Countrey, whether they had any treacherie in them. So they tooke them downe into the Cabbin, and gave them so much wine and Aqua vitrn, that they were all merrie : and one of them had his wife with him, which sate so modestly, as any of our Countrey women would doe in a strange place. In the end, one of them was drunke, which h~d beene aboord of our ship all the time that we had beene there : and that was strange to them ; for they could not tell how to take it. The Canoes and folke went all on shoare : but some of them came againe, and brought stropes of Beades : some had six, seven, eight, nine, ten ; and gaue him. So he slept all night quietly. The two and twentieth, was faire weather : in the morning our Master's Mate and foure more of the companie went vp with our Boat to sound the Riuer higher vp. The people of the Countrey came not aboord till noone : but when they came, and saw the Sau ages well, they were glad. So at three of the clocke in the after- noone they came aboord, and brought Tabacco, and more Beades, and gaue them to our Master, and made an Oration, and shewed him all the Countrey round about. Then they sent one of their compa nie on land, who presently returned, and brought a great Platter full of Venison, dressed by themselues ; and they caused him to eate with them : then they made him reuerence, and departed all saue the old man that lay aboord. This night at ten of the clocke, our Boate returned in a showre of raine from sounding of the Riuer ; and found it to bee at an end for shipping to goe in. For they had been vp eight or nine leagues, and found but seuen foot water, and vnconstant soundings. The three and twentieth, faire weather. At twelue of the clocke wee weighed, and went downe two leagues to a shoald that had two channels, one on the one side, and another on the other, and had lit tle wind, whereby the tide layed vs vpon it. So, there wee sate on ground the space of an houre till the floud came. Then wee had a little gale of wind at the West. So wee got our ship into deepe wa ter, and rode all night very well. The foure and twentieth was faire weather : the winde at the North west, wee weighed, and went downe the Riuer seuen or eight leagues ; and at halfe ebbe we came on ground on a banke of Oze in the middle of the Riuer, and sate there till the floud. Then wee went on Land, and gathered good store of Chest-nuts. At ten of the clocke wee came off into deepe water, and anchored." It appears from this account that Hudson himself sailed a lit tle above where the city of Hudson now stands. It is evident that a boat with the mate and four hands went up as far as Alba ny. On the passage down, Hudson's men frequently went on shore, and had several friendly interviews with the natives. But when the ship came below the highlands, the Indians appeared to be of a different character, and were extremely troublesome ; especially those who were on the western side of the river. 124 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C They attempted to rob the ship, and repeatedly shot at the crew, with bows and arrows ; none of the ship's crew, however, ap peared to have been injured. During these attacks, Hudson's men fired upon the Indians and killed ten or twelve of their num ber. The land on the eastern side of the river, near its mouth, was called " Manna-hata." On Oct. 4th, (just one month from the day on which he landed within Sandy Hook), Hudson came out of the river which bears his name,* and without anchoring in the bay, stood out to sea. He steered directly for Europe, and on Nov. 7th, " arrived," as the writer of the journal expresses it, "in the range of Dartmouth, in Devonshire." The next year, 1610, Hudson undertook a fourth voyage in quest of a northwest passage to India. He left England in April, and reached the American coast early in the summer. He soon discovered the great northern Bay which bears his name. There, after an unwise delay, he was compelled to pass a dis tressing and dangerous winter. In the spring, in addition to all his other misfortunes, he found a spirit of dissatisfaction and mutiny growing among his crew, and, at length, manifesting it self in open violence. This proceeded so far, that on the twen ty-second of June, 1611, a majority of the crew rose, took the command of the ship, put Hudson, his son, and seven others, most of whom were sick or lame, into a boat, turned them adrift in the ocean, and abandoned them to their fate. They never were heard of afterwards. Dutch Settlements at New York and Albany. " The States' General of the Netherlands, in the early part of the year 1614, granted a patent to sundry merchants for an ex clusive trade on Hudson's river. In the grant the country was styled New Netherlands. The company the same year built a fort and trading house on an island in the river, about half a mile below where the city of Albany now stands. Henry Christiaens was entrusted with the command. This seems to have been the first establishment formed by the Dutch in the New Netherlands. It was judiciously selected for defence against savages. The island at present is called Dunn's island, and contains about sev enty acres of land. It is near the west side of the river. It is alluvial and very fertile, being mostly subject to annual inunda- * Hudson did not give his own name to the river he discovered He styled it emphatically, the " Great River," or the " Great River of the Mountains," proba bly from the extraordinary circumstance of such a body of water flowing through the mountains without a cataract. At an early period it was familiarly called Hud son's river in some of the public documents of the Dutch Colonial crovernment, but more frequently the North River, to distinguish it from the Delaware which he- ing within the territory claimed by the Dutch, was called by them the South River DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 125 tions. The land was cleared and under cultivation. The Mo hawks every year planted it with corn. On this island they had a small village. Dunn's island now contains one house. Towards the latter part of the same year, the company erected another small fort and a trading house at the southerly end of Manhattan island. The fort occupied a part of the battery, and some of the grounds adjoining it on the north. To this estab lishment they gave the name of New Amsterdam. Both were inclosed with pallisadoes, and mounted with some small pieces of cannon. The Mohawks, Mohiccons, &c. gave to the Dutch a very friendly reception. They sold them furs and provisions, and treated them like brethren. They imagined that the resi dence of these strangers would be only temporary. Adrian Block, in 1614, sailed from the fort and trading house at the south end of Manhattan island, through the Sound to Cape Cod, and visit ed the intermediate coasts and islands. He was the first Euro pean who ever passed through Hell Gate. In 1615 the company constructed a small fort at the mouth of Norman's Kill, about a mile and a half southerly of the fort on Dunn's island. The place where the city of Albany stands, and the adjoining parts, the Mohawks called Schaunaughtada, that is, a place beyond, on the other side, or over the plains. The designation was, in respect to Ohnowalagantle, on the river Mohawk or Canneogahakalononitade. At the time the Dutch ar rived, several small bands of Mohawks resided on the west bank of the Hudson, and on the islands in that stream. The eastern bank of that river was occupied by the bands of the Maheakan- neews. The river was the boundary between those hostile tribes. Violent disputes then existed between the members living on its banks in relation to the islands. The Hudson was called by the Mohawks Cahohatatea, and by the Lenni Lenape, Mahackanegh- tuck. To Schaunaughtada the Dutch first bestowed the appel lation of Aurania, and then Beverwyck. The company in 1618 built a redoubt at Kingston landing, and established a post at Esopus, now Kingston, in the county of Ulster. This place is on the south side of Esopus creek, and two miles west of the landing. The banks of the Hudson be low Catskill, and those of Walkill and Rundout rivers, and of Esopus creek, were inhabited by bands of the Mohiccons and Mohickanders, or Wabingas. The Mohiccons and Wabingas belonged to the confederacy of the Lenni Lenape, and were kin dred tribes. Between the years 1616 and 1620, about twenty persons be longing to the company went from the fort on Dunn's island, be low Albany, to Ohnowalagantle, now Schenectady, where they entered into a compact with the Mohawks, from whom they 11* 126 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. bought some land on which they erected a trading house. This they surrounded with pickets and fortified. Then Ohnowalagan tle was a considerable town, and contained several villages and hamlets. The principal village stood within the bounds of the present city. The rich and beautiful intervale lands on the Mo hawk, around the city, were mostly cleared and cultivated. On these the Mohawks grew corn, beans, and squashes, which in part afforded them subsistence. According to tradition, the vil lage of Ohnowalagantle occupied the site of Connughariegugha- rie, the ancient capital of the Mohawks. The same tradition in forms us that it was abandoned some ages anterior to the coloni zation, and that Icanderago, at the mouth of Schoharie creek, was selected for the new capital. We have no certain informa tion in respect to the number of the Mohawks residing at Ohno walagantle when the Dutch came to it. According to some ac counts there were eight hundred fighting men, and according to others, less. The same accounts inform us that three hundred warriors lived upon the lands which have since been included in one farm. Without attempting to reconcile these jarring accounts, we may reasonably infer that the numbers were considerable. The company in 1618 erected an establishment at Bergen, in the state of New Jersey. The Wabingas called this place Scheyichbi; and the flat country, south and southeast of the mountains, comprising parts of the latter state and Pennsylvania, Tulpahocking. The States' General of the Netherlands, in the year 1621, made a grant of the whole country to the Dutch West India company. In 1 623 this company formed two new establishments, the one on the west side of Delaware bay, and the other on the west side of Connecticut river, where the city of Hartford has since been built. Forts and trading houses were erected at both places. To the former they gave the name of Nassau, and to the latter that of Good Hope. Johannes de la Montagne was the first deputy governor at the last place. The same year they built fort Orange on the west side of the Hudson, about half a mile above Dunn's island. A village soon rose in its vicinity. Fort Orange stood in the southeasterly quarter of the city of Al bany." — Macauley's Hist. N. Y. The following cut shows the principal buildings standing on the present site of the city of New York in 1659. The following description of New York at about that period, is copied from " Ogilby's America," a large folio volume illustrated by engra vings, published in London in 1671 . This work contains a view of Novum Amsterodamum, (as it is called), similar to the engrav ing from which the following cut is copied. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 127 Nieuw Amsterdam, in 1659. [A, the fort. B, the church. C, the wind mill. D, the flag, which is hoisted when vessels arrive in port. E, the prison. F, the house of the General. G, the place of execution. H, the place of expose or pillory.] " It is placed upon the neck of the island Manhattans looking towards the Sea ; encompass'd with Hudson's River, which is six Miles broad, the town is compact and oval, with very fair streets and several good Houses ; the rest are built much after the manner of Holland, to the number of about four hundred Houses, which in those parts are held considerable : Upon one side of the Town is James-Fort, capable to lodge three hundred souldiers and Officers ; it hath four bastions, forty Pieces of Cannon mounted ; the Walls of Stone, lined with a thick Rampart of Earth, well accommodated with a spring of Fresh Water, always furnish'd with Arms and Ammunition against Accidents: Distant from the Sea seven Leagues, it affords a safe entrance, even to unskilful Pilots ; under the Town side, ships of any burthen may ride secure against any Storms ; the Current of the River being broken by the interposi tion of a small Island, which lies a mile distant from the Town. About ten Miles from New York is a place call'd Hell Gate, which being a narrow passage, there runneth a violent Stream both upon Flood and Ebb ; and in the middle lie some Rocky Islands, which the Current sets so violently upon, that it threatens present Shipwrack; and upon the Flood is a large Whirlwind, which continually sends forth a hideous roaring ; enough to af fright any Stranger from passing farther; and to wait for some Charon to conduct him through ; yet to those who are acquainted little or no danger : It is a place of great Defence against any Enemy coming in that way, which a small Fortification would absolutely prevent, and necessitate them to come in at the West End of Long Island by Sandy Hook, where Statten Island forces 128 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. them within the Command of the Fort at New York, which is one of the best Pieces of Defence in the North parts of America. It is built most of Brick and Stone and cover'd with Red and Black Tyle, and the Land being high, it gives at a distance a most pleasing prospect to the Spectators. The inhabitants consist most of English and Dutch, and have a considerable trade with Indians for Beaver, Otter and Rackoon Skins with other Furrs ; as also for Bear, Deer, and Elke-Skins ; and are supply'd with Venison and Fowl in the winter, and Fish in the Summer by the Indians, which they buy at an easie Rate; and having the Countrey round about them, and are continually furnish'd with all such pro visions as are needful for the Life Of Man, not onely by the Eng lish and Dutch within their own, but likewise by the adjacent Colonies. The Manhattans, or Great River being the chiefest, having with two wide Mouths wash'd the mighty Island Watonwahs, falls into the Ocean. The Southern Mouth is call'd Port May, or Godyns Bay. In the middle thereof lies an Island call'd 'The States Island ; and a little higher the Manhattans, so call'd from the Natives which on the East side of the River dwell on the Main Continent. They are a cruel people, and Enemies to the ' Hollanders, as also of the Sanhikans which reside on the West ern Shore. Farther up are the Mackwaes and Mahikans which continually War, one against another. In like manner all the Inhabitants on the West Side of the River Manhattan, are com monly at enmity with those that possess the Eastern Shore ; who also us'dto be at variance with the Hollanders, when as the other People at the Westward kept good correspondency with them. On a small Island near the Shore of the Mackwaes, lay form erly a Fort, provided with two Drakes and eleven Stone Guns, yet was at last deserted." " The settlement and fort continued to bear the name of Nieuw Amsterdam, by the Dutch, down to the time of the surrender by Governor Stuyvesant 'to the English, in 1664. Then for ten years under the rule of Cols. Nicolls and Lovelace, acting for the Duke of York, it was called New York; but in August, 1673, a Dutch fleet, in time of war, re-captured it from the British, and while exercising their rule for their High Mightinesses of Holland, to the time of the peace in 1674, they called the place New- Orange, in compliment to the Prince of Orange, and the fort they called Willem Hendrick. The city being restored to the British by the treaty, was rede livered to the British in October, 1674. The fort then took the name of Fort James, being built of quadrangular form, having four bastions, two gates, and 42 cannon. The city again took the name of New York, once and forever. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMNETS, &C. 129 Stadt Huys, {City Hall), New York, 1642. [The above is a representation of the ancient "Stadt Huys" or City Hall, which was built early in the Dutch dynasty, in 1 642. It was built of stone at the head of Coenties Slip, facing Pearl street. About the year 1700, it became. so weakened and impaired, it was sold, and a new one erected by the head of Broad street, which was afterwards the Congress Hall, on the corner of Wall street.] "The city was laid out in streets, some of them crooked enough, in 1656. It then contained by enumeration ' 120 houses, with extensive garden lots,' and 1000 inhabitants. In 1677 another estimate of the city was made, and ascertained to contained 368 houses. In the year 1674, an assessment of ' the most wealthy inhabitants' having been made, it was found that the sum total of 134 estates amounted to 95,000Z. During the military rule of Governor Colve, who held the city for one year under the above mentioned capture, for the States of Holland, every thing partook of a military character, and the laws still in preservation at Albany show the energy of a rigorous dis cipline. Then the Dutch mayor, at the head of the city militia, held his daily parades before the City Hall (Stadt Huys), then at Coenties Slip ; and every evening at sunset, he received from the principal guard of the fort, called the hoofd wagt, the keys of the city, and thereupon proceeded with a guard of six to lock the city gates ; then to place a Burger-wagt — a citizen-guard, as night- watches at assigned places. The same mayors also went the rounds at sunrise to open the gates, and to restore the keys to the officer of the fort. All this was surely a toilsome service for the domestic habits of the peaceful citizens of that day, and must have presented an irksome honor to any mayor who loved his comfort and repose. It may amuse some of the present generation, so little used to Dutch names, to learn some of the titles once so familiar in New York, and now so little understood. Such as, — De Heer Officier, 130 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. or Hoofd- Schout — High Sheriff. De Fiscael, or Procureur Gen. Attorney General. Wees-Meesters — Guardians of orphans. — Roy-Meesters — Regulators of fences. Groot Burgerrecht and Klein Burgerrecht — The great and small citizenship, which then marked the two orders of society. Eyck-Meester— The Weigh Master. The Schout, (the Sheriff) Bourgomasters and Schepens — then ruled the city ' as in all the cities of the Fatherland.' Ge- heim Schryver — Recorder — of secrets.*" Dutch Fort and English Church. In the year 1623, the Dutch may be said to have commenced the regular settlement of Albany, by the construction at this place of Fort Orange, and giving to the little village the name of Ait- ranie — names given in honor of their Prince of Orange. The place for a time bore the name of Beverwyck then Fort Orange until 1647: then Williamstadt until 1664 ; when it received at the British conquest the name of Albany. It was for a long period the advanced post for the fur trade. Here was the proper market for all the " Five Nations" or Iroquois, could gather from their hunting grounds, and for more than a century was a great place of resort for Indian visitors. " The fort, a great building of stone was constructed on a high steep hill at the west end of State-street, having around it a high and thick wall, where they now have a state house and a fine commanding view over the town below. The English church was just below it, at the west end of a market ; and the original old Dutch church, now down, of Gothic appearance, stood in the middle of State street of the eastern end — of which the cut seen on the opposite page is a representation. * Watson's Sketches of Olden Times in N. Y. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 131 Ancient Dutch Church in Albany. Professor Kalm, who visited Albany in 1749, has left us some facts. All the people then understood Dutch. All the houses stood gable-end to the street ; the ends were of brick and the side walls of planks or logs ; the gutters on the roofs went out almost to the middle of the street, greatly annoying travelers in their discharge. At the stoopes (porches) the people spent much of their time, especially on the shady side ; and in the evenings they were filled with people of both sexes. The streets were dirty, by reason of the cattle possessing their free use during the summer nights. They had no knowledge of stoves, and their chimnies were so wide that one could drive through them with a cart and horses. Many people still made wampum to sell to the Indians and traders. Dutch manners every where prevailed ; but their dress in general was after the English form. They were regarded as close in traffic ; were very frugal in their house economy and diet. Their women were over-nice in cleanliness, scouring floors and kitchen utensils several times a week ; rising very early and going to sleep very late. Their servants were chiefly negroes. Their breakfast was tea without milk, using sugar by putting a small bit into the mouth. Their dinner was buttermilk and bread ; and if to that they added sugar, it was deemed delicious. Some times they had bread and nailk, and sometimes roasted or boiled meats." At the period of the first settlements in New- York and New- England, there was some collision between the Dutch and English authorities, originating in conflicting claims to the same territory. The following correspondence between Governor Kieft of New- Netherlands and Governor Eaton, and the commissioners of the United Colonies, will serve to show the nature of these difficulties. 1-32 . DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. The letters here inserted, with many other of the like nature, are to be found in the 2d vol. of Hazard's Historical Collections. "The Commissioners of Connecticute complayned of seueral insolencies and iniuries with an high hand lately committed and mayn- tained by the Dutch agent, and some of his family to the Disturbance of the peace there ; and a protest lately sent by the Dutch Governoure against New Haven, with the answer returned were read. The Protest was written in Latine,the contents in English was as followeth. ' We William Kieft general! Directori and the Senate of New- Netherlands for the high and mighty Lords the States of the Vnited Belgicke Provinces, for his Excellency the Prince of Orange, and for the most noble Lords, the Administrators of the West India Company to thee Theophilus Eaton Governoure of this place, by vs called the Red Hills in New Netherland, but by the English called New Haven, we give notice that some years past, yours (without any occasion given by vs, and without any necessity imposed vpon them, but with an unsatiable desire of possessing that which is ours, against our pro testations, against the law of Nations, and the auncient leaguethe Kings Majesty of greate Britaine, and our superiours) haue indirectly entered the limitt of New Netherland, vsurped diuerse places in them, and haue bene very injurious vnto vs, neither haue they given satis- faccon though oft required : And because you and yours haue of late de termined to fasten your foote neare Mauritius River in this Proviuce, and there not onely to disturb our trade (of noe man hitherto ques tioned) and to draw it to yourselues, but vtterly to destroy it, were compeled againe to Protest, and by these presents doe protest against you as against breakers of the peace, and disturbers of the publicke quiet, That if you do not restore the places you haue vsurped, and re- paire the losse we haue suffered, we shall by such meanes as God af- foords, manfully recover them. Neither doe we thincke this crosseth your publicke peace but shall cast the cause of the ensuinge euill vpon you. Given in Amsterdam forte August 3, 1646, Newstile. WILLIAM KIEFT. The Answere was returned in Latine to the said protest the Con tents as followeth. To the Right Worshipfull WILLIAM KIEFT Gmernoure of the Dutch in New Netherland. SIR, BY some of yours I haue receaued a Potest vnder your hand Dat. Aug. 3. 1646 wherein you pretend we haue indirectly entered the limits of New Netherland, vsurped diuerse places in them, and haue offred you many injuries, Thus in generall, and in reference to some yeare past, more particulerly that to the disturbance, nay to the vtter destruction of your trade, we haue lately set foote neare Mauritius Riuer in that province &c. We doe truely professe we know noe such River, nor can con- ceiue what Riuer you intend by that name vnlesse it be that which DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 133 the English haue longe and still doe call, Hudson's Riuer. Nor haue we at any time formerly or lately entred vpon any place to which you had, or haue any knowne title, nor in any other respect beene injurious to you. It is true we haue lately vpon Pawgussett Riuer, which falls into the sea in the midst of the English Plantations, built a small house within our owne limits, many miles nay leagues from the Man- hattoes from your tradinge house and from any porte of Hudson's River, at which we expect little trade but can compell none, the Indians beinge free to trade with you, vs, Connecticute, Mattachusetts, or with any others : nor did we build there till we had first purchased a due title from the true proprietors : what injuries and outrages in our persons and estates at the Manhattoes in Delawar River &c. we haue receiued from you, our former letters and protest doe both declare and proue to all which you have hitherto given very vnsatisfyinge an- sweres : But whatever our losses and sufferinge haue beene, we conceiue we haue neither done, nor returned any thinge euen vnto this day, but what doth agree with the law of God, the law of Nations, and with that ancient confederation and amity betwixt our Superiours at home, soe that we shall readily refer all questions and difference betwixt you and vs euen from first to last to any due examination and iudgement, either heere or in Europe and by these presents doe refer them, being well assured that his Majesty our soueraigne Lord Charles Kinge of great Britaine and the Parliament of England now assembled will maintaine their owne right and our iust liberties against any who by vnjust encroachment shall wronge them or theirs, and that your owne Principalis vpon a due and mature consideration will also see and approue the righteousnes of our proceedings. T. E. New Haven in NewiEngland August 12th 1646. old stile. The premisses being duly considered both in reference to Hartford and New Hauen the Commissioners thought fitt to expresse their ap- prehentions in writinge to the Dutch Gouernor in latine but the Contents as followeth. To the Right Worshipful WILLIAM KIEFT, Gouernor Sic. SIR, VPON a due consideration how peace (a choice blessinge) may be continued, we are carefull to enquire and search into those differences and offences soe long continued betwixt some of our confederates and your selues : it is neare 3 yeares since the Governor of Mattachusets by consent and advice Of the Counsell of that Colony, did particularly propounde to your consideration sundry injurious and vnworthy pas sages done by your Agent vpon the fresh Riuer, and some of his family vpon our brethren at Hartford to all which you returned an Ignoramus with an offensiue addicon which we leaue to a Review and better consideration, what inquiry and order you after made and tooke to suppresse such miscarriages for the future, we haue not heard, but certainly your Agent, and his company are now growne to a strange and vnsufferable bouldnes (we hope without commission) An Indian 12 134 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C Captiue liable to publicke punishment fled from her Master at Hartford,' is entertayned in your house at Hartford, and though required by the magistrate is vnder the hands of your Agent there denyed, and we heare she is either marryed, or abused by one of your men : Such a servant is parte of her master's estate, and a more considerable parte then a beast, our children will not longebe secure if this be suffered : your Agent himselfe in height of disorder and contempt of authority, resists the watch at Hartford, drawes and breakes his rapier vpon their weapons and by flight escapes, had he bene slaine in this proude af front, his bloud had beene vpon his owne head : Lastly to passe by other particulars, some of your horses being pownded for damage done in the English Come, your Agent and 4 more made an assault, and stroke him who legally sought justice, and in an hostile way tooke away his teame and laden. We have also seene a Protest of yours Dat. Aug. 3. 1 646 New stile, against our Confederates of New Haven with their Answer Dat. Aug. 12th, and deliuered to Ieiftenant Baxtey your messenger : vpon our most serious consideration of the contents tbgeither with their title heere held forth, we conceiue their Answere fayre and just ; and hope it will cleare their proceedings, and giue you full satisfaction, yet to prevent all inconveniences which may grow by any part of the premises, we haue sent this bearer, by whome we desire such a returne as may testify your concurrence with vs to embrace and pursue right- eousnes and peace. Vpon information that the Dutch Governor in a letter to the Gov ernor of the Mattachusets chargeth Mr. Whitinge, one of the Mag istrates of Connecticut that at the Manhattoes he should say The English were fobles to suffer the Dutch to liue there, Mr. Whitinge vpon other occasions beinge nbwe at New Haven the Commissioners enquired of him what had passed betwixt him and the Dutch Gov ernoure or him and others at the Manhattoes, end therevpon in English wrote another letter to the Dutch Governoure as followeth : SIR, SINCE your former dated the fifth of this present we haue spoken with Mr. Whitinge concerninge words you chardge him with in your letter to the Governoure of the Mattachusets, he professeth he neithei remembereth nor knoweth any such words spoken by him, and we could wish that all such provokinge and threatninge language might be forborne on both parts, as contrary to that peace and neighbourely correspondency which we desire sincerely to preserue betwixt the 2 nations. Mr. Whitinge complaines of a sentence lately passed against him in his absence at the Manatoes, when he had noe agent there to pleade to his cause, or to giue in his evidence, and that demandinge a justdebt long since due from some of yours, he receiued neither that help of justice from your selfe nor soe fair an answere as the cause required and he expected, we are assured you will both orante him a review in the former and free passage for recoveringe debts as all the Colonies will readily doe to any of yours in our Courts, yf in DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 135 your answere to our former you will please to a'dde a word or two concerning the premises, it may settle a right understandinge betwixt vs, we rest yours, &c. September lih. 1646. old stiyle. Both those letters were sent by Leiftenant Godfrey a messenger to the Dutch Governoure the same day. September 15th leiftenant Godfrey returned Manattchoes and brought 2 letters from the dutch Governoure, the one in latine, the other in English, the latine translated hath these contents. To the most noble and worthy Commissioners of the federated English met together at the Red Mounte, or Newhaven in New Netherlands, Wm. Keift Director and the Senate of New Netherland doe send many salutations.YOURS dated the 5th September, old style, we receaued the 21. new style, by your messenger to which we thincke sufficient to giue this short answere. That the Inhabitants of Hartford haue decerned you with false ac cusations as were easy to be euidenced by us if it were now season able to produce our allegations which we can proue to be true by di uerse attestations as well of your owne Country men, as ours, togeither with other authenticke writinge, but that we may not seeme to be willing to evade you with vaine words, we shall at this time present you a few particulars, out of soe greate an heap, as by the claw you may iudge of the talants of the lyon, and therefore passinge by their vsurpinge of our jurisdiccon, and of our proper grounde against pos session solemnly taken by us, and our protestacons formerly made, we doe. say, that the bloud of our Country men wrongfully shed by the inhabitants of Hartford, and the sellinge of our domesticke beasts by them, doe sufficiently testify the equity of their proceedings and therefore your prejudgement supported by this Oath Creto Coxtius, as if you should say Amen, Amen, seemes wonderful to vs, and done contrary to the modesty requisite in such an Assemblie, who should allwaies keepe one eare for the other party. Soe far as concernes the Barbarian handmaide although it be ap prehended by some that she is no slaue but a free woman, because she was neither taken in war nor bought with price, but was in former time placed with me by her parents for education, yet we will not suffer her to be wrongfully detayned, but wither he shall pay the damadge to her Mr. or she shal be, restored to him we will not suffer him that desires her for his wife to marry her, vntill she be lawfully baptised. Concerning the breaking in of our Agent vpon the watch at Hartford we truly conceiue that watches are appointed for the de fence of townes against, the violence of enemies, and not for the hind- eringe of friends returne to their owne houses, and therefore least mischeifes happen, it were good to committ such a trust to skillfull men, and not to ignorant boyes who when they once finde themselues loaden with armes, thinke they may alsoe lawfully cry out etiam nos poma natamus. 136 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. Certainely when we heare the Inhabitants of Hartford complayninge of vs, we seeme to heare Esops wolfe complayninge of the lamb, or the admonition of the younge man who cryed out to his mother chideinge with her neighboures, oh mother revile her, least she first take vp that practise against you : But being taught by precedent pas sages we received such an answer to our Protest from the inhabitants of Newhaven as we expected, the Eagle allwaies despiseth the Beetle fly, yet notwithstandinge we doe vndauntedly continue in our purpose of pursueinge our owne right by just armes and righteous meanes, and do hope without scruple to execute the expresse commands of our superiours. To conclude we protest against all you Commissioners mett at the Red Mounte as against breakers of the common league, and alsoe in fringers of the speciall right of the Lords, the States our superiours, in that ye have dared without expresse Commission to hould your generall meetinge within the limits of New Netherlande, these things are spoken from the Duty of our place, in other respects we are yours. WILLIAM KEIFT, By commande of the Lord Director and Senate, CORNE: TMHAVEIUS. Amsterdam fort in New Netherland the 22. Sept. 1646. The following is an extract from the letter wrote in English. " Whereas likewise you mention Mr. Whitinge's complaint concern ing a sentence of Corte passed here against him in his absence and without any Attorney to pleade for him, I cannot but apprehend it as a greate injury to myselfe in particular, but chiefly to you gentlemen that he should soe misinforme you, for in the first place he left Mr. Dolling, for his Agent, who pleaded his cause for him, and what pro cess was then and there awarded with the reasons and grounds in- ducinge vs., if he had produced the Copy of the Sentence of Corte vnder our Secretary's hand, I suppose you would haue beene very well satisfyed. Yet if he can further cleare the said cause by better Evidence I shall willingly graunte a review, and doe that which is just according to that light God giues me. Concerninge debts due to him from any here, I shall according to( justice and the law of our country doe him right." DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C FIRST SETTLEMENT 137 Seal of Massachusetts. IN MASSACHUSETTS. The first settlement in the present limits of Massachu setts was at Plymouth. The following account of the first settlements in the Colony of " Massachusetts Bay" is ex tracted from the " Magnolia" written by Dr. Cotton Mather, a clergyman of Boston. The first edition of this work was published in London in 1702, in a folio volume of 788pages. " Several persons in the west of England, having by fishing voyages to Cape Ann, The nothern promontory of the Mas- sachusets Bay, obtained some acquaintance with those parts ; the news of the good progress made in the new plantation of Plymouth, inspired the renowned Mr. White, minister of Dorchester, to prose cute the settlement of such another plantation here for the propa gation of religion. This good man engaged several gentlemen about the year 1624, in this noble design ; and they employed a most re ligious, prudent, worthy gentleman, one Mr. Roger Conant, in the government of the place, and of their affairs upon the place ; but through many discouragements, the design for a while almost fell unto the ground. That great man greatly grieved hereat, wrote over to this Mr. Roger Conant, that if he and three honest men more would yet stay upon the spot, he would procure a patent for them, and send them over friends, goods, provisions, and what was necessary to assist their undertakings. Mr. Conant, then looking out a situation more commodious for a town, gave his three disheartened companions to understand, that he did believe God would make this land a recep tacle for this people ; and that if they should leave him, yet he would not stir ; for he was confident he should not long want company ; which confidence of his caused them to abandon the thoughts of leaving him. Well, it was not long before the Council of Plymouth in England, had by a deed bearing date, March 19, 1627, sold unto some knights and gentlemen about Dorchester, viz. Sir Henry Rowsel, Sir John Young, Thomas Southcott, John Humphrey, John Endicott, and Simon Whetcomb, and their heirs and assigns, and their asso ciates for ever, that part of New England which lyes between a great river called Merimack, and a certain other river there called Charles' 12* 138 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C River, in the bottom of the Massachuset Bay. But shortly after this, Mr. White brought the aforesaid honourable persons into an ac quaintance with several other persons of quality about London ; as, namely Sir Richard Saltonstall, Isaac Johnson, Samuel Adderly, John Ven, Matthew Cradock, George Harwood, Increase Nowel, Richard Perry, Richard Bellingham, N athaniel Wright, Samuel Vassal, The? ophilus Eaton, Thomas Goff, Thomas Adams, John Brown, Samuel Brown, Thomas Hutchings, William Vassal, William Pinchon, and George Foxcraft. These persons being associated unto the former, and having bought of them all their interest in New England aforesaid, now consulted about settling a plantation in that country, whither such as were then called Non-conformists, might with the grace and leave of the King make a peaceable secession, and enjoy the liberty and the exercise of their own perswasions, about the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Whereupon petitioning the King to confirm what they had thus purchased with a new patent, he granted them one, bearing date from the year 1628, which gave them a right unto the soil, holding their titles of lands, as of the manner of East Greenwich in Kent, and in common soccage. By this Charter they were em-, powered yearly to elect their own governour, deputy-governour and magistrates ; as also to make such laws as they should think suitable for the plantation : but as an acknowledgment of their dependance upon England, they might not make any laws repugnant unto those of the kingdom ; and the fifth part of all the oar of gold or silver found in the territory, belonged unto the crown. So, soon after Mr. Cradock being by the company chosen governour, they sent over Mr. Endicott in the year 1628, to carry on the plantation, which the Dorchester agents had lookt out for them, which was at a place called Nahumkeick. The report of the charter granted unto the governour and company of the Massachuset Bay, and the entertainment and encouragement, which planters began to find in that Bay, came with a, — Patrias age, desere Sedes, and caused many very deserving persons to transplant themselves and their families into New England. Gentlemen of ancient and worshipful families, and ministers of the gospel, then of great fame at home, and merchants, husbandmen, artificers to the number of some thousands, did for twelve years together carry on this transplantation. It was indeed a banishment rather than a re moval, which was undergone by this glorious generation, and you may be sure sufficiently afflictive to men of estate, breeding and con versation. As the hazard which they ran in this undertaking was of such extraordinariness, that nothing less than a strange and strong im pression from Heaven could have thereunto moved the hearts of such as were in it ; so the expense with which they carried on the under taking was truly extraordinary. By computation, the passage of the persons that peopled New England, cost at least ninety-five thousand pounds : the transportation of their first small stock of cattle great and small, cost no less than twelve thousand pound, beside the price of the cattle themselves : the provisions laid in for subsistence, till tillage might produce more, cost fourty-five thousand pounds ; the materials for DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 139 their first cottages cost eighteen thousand pounds ; their arms ammu nition and great artillery, cost twenty-two thousand pounds •; besides which hundred and ninety-two thousand pounds, the adventurers laid out in England, what was not inconsiderable. About and hundred and ninety-eight ships were employed in passing the perils of the seas, in the accomplishment of this renowned settlement ; whereof, by the way, but one miscarried in those perils. The Governour and Company of the Massachuset Bay then in London, did in the year 1629, after exact and mature debates, conclude, that it was most convenient for the government, with the charter of the plantation, to be transferred into the plantation itself; and an order of court being drawn up for that end, there was then chosen a new governour, and a new deputy-governour, that were willing to remove themselves with their families thither on the first occasion. The gov ernour was John Winthrop, Esq ; a gentleman of that wisdom and virtue, and those manifold accomplishments, that after generations must reckon him no less a glory, than he was a patriot of the country. The deputy-governour was Thomas Dudley, Esq ; a gentleman, whose natural and acquired abilities, joined with his excellent moral qualities, entitled him to all the great respects with which his country on all opportunities treated him. Several most worthy assistants were at the same time chosen to be in this transportation ; moreover, several other gentlemen of prime note, and several famous ministers of the gospel, now likewise embarked themselves with these honourable ad venturers : who equipped a fleet, consisting of ten or eleven ships, whereof the admiral was, The Arabella (so called in honour of the right honourable the lady Arabella Johnson, at this time on board) a ship of three hundred and fifty tuns ; and in some of the said ships there were two hundred passengers ; all of which arrived before the middle of July, in the year 1630, safe in the harbours of New England. There was a time when the British sea was by Clements, and the other ancients, called the unpassable ocean. What then was to be thought of the vast Atlantick sea, on the westward of Britain 1 but this ocean must now be passed ! An heart of stone must have dis solved into tears at the affectionate farewel which the governour and other emient persons took of their friends, at a feast which the gov ernour made for them, a little before their going off ; however they were acted by principles that could carry them through tears and oceans ; yea, through oceans of tears ; principles that enabled them to leave. Being happily arrived at New England, our new planters found the difficulties of a rough and hard wilderness presently assaulting them : of which the worst was the sickliness which many of them had con tracted by their other difficulties. Of those who soon dyed after their first arrival, not the least considerable was the lady Arabella, who left an earthly paradise in the family of an Earldom, to encounter the sorrows of a wilderness, for the entainments of a pure worship in the house of God ; and then immediately left that wilderness for the Heavenly paradise, whereto the compassionate Jesus, of whom she was a follower, called her. We have read concerning a noble woman 140 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. of Bohemia, who forsook her friends, her plate, her house and all , and because the gates of the city were guarded, crept through the common sewer, that she might enjoy the institutions of our Lord at another place where they might be had. The spirit which a'cted that noble woman, we may suppose carried this blessed lady thus to and through the hardships of an American desart. But as for her virtuous husband, Isaac Johnson, Esq ; -He try'd To live without her, lik'd it not, and dy'd. His mourning for the death of his honorable consort was too bitter to be extended a year ; about a month after her death his ensued, unto the extream loss of the whole plantation. But at the end of this perfect and upright man, there was not only peace but joy ; and his joy particularly expressed itself that God had kept his eyes open so long as to see one church of the Lord Jesus Christ gathered in these ends of the earth, before his own going away to Heaven. The mortality thus threatning of this new Plantation so enlivened the de votions of this good people, that they set themselves by fasting and prayer to obtain from God the removal of it ; and their brethren at Plymouth also attended the like duties on their behalf ; the issue whereof was, that in a little time they not only had health restored, but they likewise enjoyed the special directions and assistance of God in the further prosecution of their undertakings. But there were two terrible distresses more, besides that of sickness, whereto this people were exposed in the beginning of their settle ment : though a most seasonable and almost unexpected mercy from Heaven still rescued them out of those distresses. One thing that sometimes extreamly exercised them, was a scarcity of provisions ; in which 'twas wonderful to see their dependance upon God, and God's mindfulness of them. When the parching droughts of the summer divers times threatened them with an utter and a total con sumption of the fruits of the earth, it was their manner, with heart melting and I may say, Heaven melting devotions, to fast and pray before God ; and on the very days, when they poured out the water of their tears before him, he would shower down the water of his rain upon their fields ; while they were yet speaking he would hear them ; in somuch that the salvages themselves wbuld on that occasion admire the Englishman's God ! But the Englishmen themselves would cel ebrate their days of Thanksgiving to him. When their stock was likewise wasted so far, which divers times it was, that they were come to the last meal in the barrel, just then, unlooked for, arrived several ships from other parts of the world loaden with supplies ; among which, one was by the lord deputy of Ireland sent hither, although he did not know the necessities of the country, to which he sent her ; and if he had known them, would have been thought as unlikely as any man living to have helpt them : in these extremities, 'twas marvellous to see how helpful these good people were to one another, following the example of their most liberal governour DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 141 Winthrop, who made an equal distribution of what he had in his own Stores among the poor, taking no thought for to-morrow ! And how content they were ; when an honest man, as I have heard, inviting his friends to a dish of clams, at the table gave thanks to Heaven, who had given them to suck the abundance of tlie seas, and of the treasures hid in the sands ! Another thing that gave them no little exercise, was the fear of tie Indians, by whom they were sometimes alarmed. But this fear was wonderfully prevented, not only by intestine wars happening then to fall out among those barbarians, but chiefly by the small-pox, which proved a great plague unto them, and particularly to one of the Princes in the Massachuset Bay, who yet seemed hopefully to be christianized before he dyed. This distemper getting in, I know not how, among them, swept them away with a most prodigious desolation, insomuch that although the English gave them all the assistances of humanity in their calamities, yet there was, it may be, not one in ten among them left alive ; of those few that lived, many also fled from the infection, leaving the country a meer Golgotha of unburied carcases ; attd as for the rest, the English treated them with all the civility im aginable ; among the instances of which civility, let this be reckoned ifor one, that notwithstanding the patent which they had for the •country, they fairly purchased of the natives the several tracts of land which they afterwards possessed. The people in the fleet that arrived at New England, in the year 1630, left the fleet almost, as the family of Noah did the ark, having a whole world before them to be peopled. Salem was already supplied with a competent number of inhabitants ; and therefore the governour, with most of the gentlemen that accompanied him in his voyage, took their first opportunity to prosecute further settlements about the bottom of the Massachuset Bay: but Where ever they sat down, they were so mindful of their errand into the wilderness, that still one of their first works was to gather a church into the covenant and order of the gospel. First, there was a church thus gathered at Charlestown, on the north side of Charles' river; where keeping a solemn fast on August 27, 1630, to implore the conduct and blessing of Heaven on their ecclesiastical proceedings, they chose Mr. Wilson, a most holy and zealous man, formerly a minister of Sudbury, in the county of Suffolk, to be their teacher ; and although he now submitted unto an ordination, with an imposition of such hands as were by the church invited so to pronounce the benediction of Heaven upon him ; yet it was done with a protestation by all, that it should be only as a sign of his election to the charge of his new flock, without any in tention that he should thereby renounce the ministry he had received in England. After the gathering of the church at Charlestown, there quickly followed another at the town of Dorchester. And after Dorchester there followed another at the town of Boston, which issued out of Charlestown ; one Mr. James took the care of the Church at Charlestown, and Mr. Wilson went over to Boston, where they that formerly belonged unto Charlestown, with universal 142 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. approbation became a distinct, church of themselves. To Boston soon succeeded a church at Roxbury; to Roxbury, one at Lynn ; to Lynn one at Watertown ; so that in one or two years' time there were to be seen seven churches in this neighbourhood, all of them attendingtq what the spirit in the scripture said unto them ; all of them golden candlesticks, illustrated with a very sensible presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. •it was for a matter of twelve years together, that persons of all ranks, well affected unto church reformation, kept sometimes dropping, and sometimes flocking into New England, though some that were coming into New England were not suffered so to do. The perse cutors of those Puritans, as they were called, who were now retiring into that cold country from the heat of that persecution, did all that was possible to hinder as many as was possible from enjoying of that retirement. There were many countermands given to the passage of people that were now steering of this western course ; and there was a sort of uproar made among no small part of the nation, that this people should not be let go. Among those bound for New England, that were so stopt, there were especially three famous persons, whom I suppose their adversaries would not have so studiously detained at home, if they had foreseen events ; those were Oliver Cromwell, and Mr. Hambden, and .Sir Arthur Haslerig : nevertheless, this is not the, only instance of persecuting church-mens not having the spirit of prophecy. But many others were diverted from an intended voyage hither by the pure providence of God,, which had provided other im provements for them ; and of this take one instance instead of many. Before the woful wars which broke forth in the three kingdoms, there were divers gentlemen in, Scotland, who being uneasie under the ecclesiastical burdens of the times, wrote unto New England theif enquiries, whether they might be there suffered freely to exercise their Presbyterian church government ? And it was freely answered, That they might. Hereupon they sent over an agent, who pitched upon a tract of land near the mouth of Merimack river, whither they intended then to transplant themselves : but although they had so far proceeded in their voyage, as to be half-seas thorough ; the, manifold crosses they met withal, made them give over their intentions ; and the providence of God so ordered it, that some of those very gen tlemen were, afterwards the revivers of that well known solemn league and covenant, which had so great an influence upon the following cir cumstances of the nations. However, the number of those who did actually arrive at New England before the year 1640, have been com puted about four thousand ; since which time far more have gone out of the country than have come to it ; and yet the God of Heaven so smiled upon the Plantation, while under an easie and equal gov ernment, the design of Christianity in well formed churches have been carried on, that no history can parallel it. That saying of Eu- tropius about Rome, which hath been sometimes applied °unto the church, is capable of some application to this little part of the church : - Nee Minor ab Exordio, nee major Incrementis ulla. Never was any plantation brought unto, such a considerableness, in a space of time DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 143 so inconsiderable ! An howling wilderness in a few years became a pleasant land, accommodated with the necessaries, yea and the con veniences of human life ; the gospel has carried with it a fullness of all other blessings ; and (albeit, that mankind generally, as far as we have any means of inquiry, have increased, in one and the same given proportion, and so no more than doubled themselves in about three hundred and sixty years, in all the past ages of the world, since the fixing of the present period of human life) the four thousand first planters, in less than fifty years, notwithstanding all transportations and mortalities, increased into, they say, more than an hundred thousand. FIRST SETTLEMENTS IN CONNECTICUT. In 1 634, such numbers were constantly emigrating to New England, in consequence of the persecution of the puri tans, that the people of Dor chester, Watertown and New town began to be much strait ened, by the accession of new planters. By those who had been at Connecticut, they had received intelligence of the excellent meadows upon the river, they therefore deter mined to remove, and once more brave the dangers and hardships of making settle ments in a dreary wilderness. Upon application to the general court for the enlargement of their boundaries, or for liberty to remove, they at first obtained consent for the latter. However, when it was afterwards dis covered, that their determination was to plant a new colony at Connecticut, there arose a strong opposition ; so that when the court convened in September, there was a warm debate on the subject, and a great division between the houses. Indeed the whole colony was affected with the dispute. Mr. Hooker, who was more engaged in the enterprise than the other ministers, took up the affair and pleaded for the people. He urged, that they were so straitened for accommodations for their cattle, that they could not support the ministry, neither receive, Arms of Connecticut. 144 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. nor assist any more of their friends, who might come over to them. He insisted that the planting of towns so near together was a fundamental error in their policy. He pleaded the fertility and happy accommodations of Connecticut : that settlements upon the river were necessary to prevent the Dutch and others from possessing themselves of so fruitful and important a part of the country ; and that the minds of the people were strongly in clined to plant themselves there, in preference to every other place, which had come to their knowledge. On the other side it was insisted, that in point of conscience they ought not to depart, as they were united to the Massachu setts as one body, and bound by oath to seek the good of that commonwealth ; and that on principle of policy it could not, by any means, be granted. It was pleaded, that as the settlements in the Massachusetts were new and weak, they were in danger of an assault from their enemies : that the departure of Mr. Hooker and the people of these towns, would not only draw off many from the Massachusetts, but prevent others from settling in the colony. Besides, it was said, that the removing of a candlestick was a great judgment : that by suffering it they should expose their brethren to great danger, both from the Dutch and Indians. Indeed, it was affirmed that they might be accommodated by the enlargements offered them by the other towns. After a long and warm debate, the governor, two assistants and a majority of the representatives were for granting liberty for Mr. Hooker and the people to transplant themselves to Connecticut. The deputy governor however and six of the assistants were in the negative, and so no vote could be obtained. This made a con siderable ferment not only in the general court, but in the colony, so that Mr. Cotton was desired to preach on the subject to quiet the court and the people of the colony. This also retarded the commencement of the settlements upon the river. Individuals, however, were determined to prosecute the business, and made preparations effectually to carry it into execution. It appears, that some of the Watertown people came in 1634 to Connecticut, and erected a few huts at Pyquag, now Wethers- field, in which a small number of men made a shift to winter. While the colonists were thus prosecuting the business of set tlement, in New England, the right honorable James, Marquis of Hamilton, obtained a grant from the council of Plimouth, April 20th, 1635, of all that tract of country which lies between Con necticut river and Narraganset river and harbor, and from the mouths of each of said rivers northward sixty miles into the coun try. However, by reason of its interference with the grant to the Lord Say and Seal, Lord Brook, &c. or for some other reason, DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 145 the deed was never executed* The Marquis made no settlement upon the land and the claim became obsolete. The next May the Newtown people determining to settle at Connecticut, renewed their application to the general court, and obtained liberty to remove to any place which they should choose, with this proviso, that they should continue under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts. A number of Mr. Warham's people came this summer into Connecticut, and made preparations to bring their families and make a permanent settlement on the river. The Watertown people gradually removed and prosecuted their set tlement at Wethersfield. At the same time the planters at New town began to make preparations for removing to Hartford the next spring. Meanwhile twenty men arrived in Massachusetts, sent over by Sir Richard Saltonstall, to take possession of a great quantity of land in Connecticut, and to make settlements under the patent of Lord Say and Seal, with whom he was a principal associate. The vessel in which they came over, on her return to England, in the fall, was cast away on the isle Sable. As the Dorchester men had now set down at Connecticut, near the Plimouth trading house, governor Bradford wrote to them complaining of their conduct, as injurious to the people of Plimouth, who had made a fair purchase of the Indians, and taken a prior possession. The Dutch also alarmed by the settlements making in Connecticut, wrote to Holland for instructions and aid to drive the English from their settlements upon the river. The people at Connecticut having made such preparations, as were judged necessary to effect a permanent settlement, began to remove their families and property* On the 15th of October about sixty men, women and children, with their horses, cattle, and swine commenced their journey from the Massachusetts through the wilderness, to Connecticut river. After a tedious and difficult journey through swamps and rivers, over mountains and rough grounds, which were passed with great difficulty and fa tigue, they arrived safely at the places of their respective desti nation. They were so long on their journey and so much time and pains were spent in passing the river, and in getting over their cattle, that after all their exertions, winter came upon them before they were prepared. This was an occasion of great dis tress and damage to the plantations. Nearly at the same time, Mr. John Winthrop, son of governor Winthrop of Massachusetts, arrived at Boston, with a commission from Lord Say and Seal, Lord Brook and other noblemen and gentlemen interested in the Connecticut patent, to erect a fort at the mouth of Connecticut river. Their lordships sent over men, ordinance, ammunition, and £2,000 sterling for the accomplish 13 146 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. ment of their design. Mr. Winthrop was directed, by his com mission, immediately on his arrival to repair to Connecticut, with fifty able men, and to erect the fortifications and to build houses for the garrison, and for gentlemen, who might come over into Connecticut. They were first to build houses for their then pre sent accommodation, and after that such as should be suitable for the reception of men of quality. The latter were to be erected within the fort. It was required, that the planters, at the begin ning, should settle themselves near the mouth of the river, and set down in bodies, that they might be in a situation for entrench ing and defending themselves. The commission made provision for the reservation of a thousand or fifteen hundred acres of good land for the maintenance of the fort, as nearly adjoining to it as might be with convenience. Mr. Winthrop having intelligence, that the Dutch were pre paring to take possession of the mouth of the river, as soon as he could engage twenty men and furnish them with provisions, dis patched them, in a small vessel of about 30 tons, to prevent then- getting the command of the river, and to accomplish the service to which he had been appointed. But a few days after the party, sent by Mr. Winthrop, arrived at the mouth of the river, a Dutch vessel appeared off the harbor, from New Netherlands, sent on purpose to take possession of the entrance of the river and to erect fortifications. The English had, by this time, mounted two pieces of cannon, and prevented their landing. Thus providentially, was this fine tract of country preserved for our venerable ancestors and their posterity. Mr. Winthrop was appointed governor of the river Connecticut and the parts adjacent for the term of one year. He erected a fort, built houses and made a settlement according to his instruc tions. One David Gardiner an expert engineer assisted in the work, planned the fortifications and was appointed lieutenant of the fort. Mr. Davenport and others, who afterwards settled New Haven were active in this affair, and hired Gardiner, in behalf of the lordships, to come into New England and assist in this bu siness. As the settlement of the three towns on Connecticut river was begun before the arrival of Mr. Winthrop, and the design of their lordshjps to make plantations upon it was known, it was agreed, that the settlers on the river should either remove, upon full sat isfaction made, by their lordships, or else sufficient room should be found for them and their companies at some' other place. The winter set in this year much sooner than usual, and the weather was stormy and severe. By the 15th of November Connecticut river was frozen over and the snow was so deep, and the season so tempestuous, that a considerable number of the DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 147 cattle which had been driven on from the Massachusetts could not be brought across the river. The people had so little time to prepare their huts and houses, and to erect sheds and shelters for their cattle, that the sufferings of man and beast were extreme. Indeed the hardships and distresses of the first planters of Con necticut scarcely admit of a description. To carry much pro vision or furniture through a pathless wilderness was impractica ble. Their principal provisions and household furniture were therefore put on board several small vessels, which, by reason of delays and the tempestuousness of the season, were either cast away or did not arrive. Several vessels were wrecked on the coasts of New England, by the violence of the storms. Two shallops laden with goods, from Boston to Connecticut, in Octo ber, were cast away on Brown's island, near the Gurnets nose ; and the men, with every thing on board were lost. A vessel with six of the Connecticut people on board, which sailed from the river for Boston, early in November, was, about the middle of the month, cast away in Manamet bay. The men got on shore, and after wandering ten days in deep snow and a severe season, without meeting any human being, arrived, nearly spent with cold and fatigue, at New Plimouth. By the last of November or beginning of December provision generally failed in the settlements on the river, and famine and death looked the inhabitants sternly in the face. Some of them driven by hunger attempted their way, in this severe season, through the wilderness, from Connecticut to Massachusetts. Of thirteen, in one company, who made this attempt, one in passing the rivers fell through the ice and was drowned. The other twelve were ten days on their journey and would all have per ished, had it not been for the assistance of the Indians. Indeed such was the distress in general, that by the 3d and 4th of December a considerable part of the new settlers were obliged to abandon their habitations. Seventy persons, men, women and children, were necessitated, in the extremity of winter, to go down to the mouth of the river to meet their provisions, as the only ex pedient to preserve their lives. Not meeting with the vessels which they expected, they all went on board the Rebecca, a vessel of about 60 tons. This, two days before, was frozen in twenty miles up the river ; but by the falling of a small rain and the influence of the tide, the ice became so broken and was so far removed, that she made a shift to get out. She ran however upon the bar, and the people were forced to unlade her to get off. She was reladed, and, in five days, reached Boston. Had it not been for these providential circumstances the people must have perished with famine. The people who kept their stations on the river suffered in an 148 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. extreme degree. After all the help they were able to obtain, by hunting, and from the Indians, they were obliged to subsist on acorns, malt, and grains. Numbers of the cattle which could not be got over the river be fore winter, lived through without any thing but what they found in the woods and meadows. They wintered as well, or better than those which were brought over, and for which all the pro vision was made, and pains taken of which the owners were ca pable. However, a great number of cattle perished. The Dor. Chester, or Windsor people, lost in this single article about two hundred pounds sterling. Their other losses were very con siderable. It is difficult to describe or even to conceive the apprehensions and distresses of a people, in the circumstances of our venerable ancestors, during this doleful winter. All the horrors of a dreary wilderness spread themselves around them. They were com passed with numerous, fierce and cruel tribes of wild and savage men, who could have swallowed up parents and children, at pleasure, in their feeble and distressed condition. The had nei ther bread for themselves, nor children, neither habitations nor clothing convenient for them. Whatever emergency might happen they were cut off, both by land and water, from any succor or retreat. What self-denial, firmness, and magnanimity are necessary for such enterprises ? How distressful, in the be ginning, was the condition of those now fair and opulent towns on Connecticut river ! For a few years after the settlements on the river commenced, they bore the same name with the towns in the Massachusetts whence the first settlers came. The Connecticut planters, at first settled under the general government of the Massachusetts, but they held courts of their own, which consisted of two principal men from each town ; and, on great and extraordinary occasions, these were joined with committees, as they were called, consisting of three men from each town. These courts had power to transact all the common affairs of the colony, and with their committees, had the power of making war and peace, and treaties of alliance and friendship with the natives within the colony. The first court in Connecticut was holden at Newtown, April 26th, 1636. ,¦ It consisted of Roger Ludlow, Esq., Mr. John Steel, Mr. William Swain, Mr. William Phelps, Mr. William Westwood, and Mr. Andrew Ward. Mr. Ludlow had been one of the magistrates of Massachusetts in 1630, and in 1631 had been chosen lieutenant governor of that colony. At this court it was ordered, that the inhabitants should not sell arms or ammu nition to the Indians. Various other affairs were also transacted CO MR. HOOKER AND HIS CONGREGATION TRAVELING THROUGH THE WILDERNESS. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 151 relative to the good order, settlement and defence of these infant towns. Several of the principal gentlemen interested in the settlement of Connecticut, Mr. JohnHaynes, who at this time was governor of Massachusetts, Mr. Henry Wolcott, Mr. Welles, the ministers of the churches, and others had not yet removed into the colony. As soon as the spring advanced and the traveling would admit, the hardy men began to return from the Massachusetts to their habitations on the river. No sooner were buds, leaves and grass so grown, that cattle could live in the woods, and obstructions re moved from the river, so that vessels could go up with provisions and furniture, than the people began to return, in large compa nies, to Connecticut. Many, who had not removed the last year, prepared, with all convenient dispatch, for a journey to the new settlements upon the river. About the beginning of June, Mr. Hooker, Mr. Stone and about a hundred men, women and children took their departure from Cambridge and traveled more than a hundred miles, through a hideous and trackless wilderness to Hartford. They had no guide but their compass ; made their way over mountains, through swamps, thickets and rivers, which were not passable, but with great difficulty. They had no cover but the heavens, nor any lodgings but those which simple nature afforded them. They drove with them a hundred and sixty head of cattle, and by the way, subsisted on the milk of their cows. Mrs. Hooker was borne through the wilderness upon a litter. The people gene rally carried their packs, arms and some utensils. They were nearly a fortnight on their journey. This adventure was the more remarkable, as many of this company were persons of figure, who had lived, in England, in honor, affluence and deli cacy, and were entire strangers to fatigue and danger. The famous Mr. Thomas Shepard, who, with his people, came into New England the last summer, succeeded Mr. Hooker at Cambridge. The people of his congregation purchased the lands which Mr. Hooker and his company had previously possessed. The removal of Dorchester people to Windsor is said to have been disagreeable to their ministers, but as their whole church and congregation removed, it was necessary that they should go with them. However, Mr. Maverick died in March, before pre* parations were made for his removal. He expired in the 60th year of his age. He was characterized as a man of great meek ness, and as laborious and faithful in promoting the welfare both of the church and commonwealth. Mr. Warham removed to Windsor in September, but he did not judge it expedient to bring his family until better accommo dations could be made for their reception. Soon after the remo. 152 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. val of Mr. Warham from Dorchester, a new church was gathered in that town, and Mr. Mather was ordained their pastor. Mr. Phillips, pastor of the church at Watertown, did not remove to Wethersfield. Whether it was against his inclination, or whether the people did not invite him does not appear. They chose Mr. Henry Smith for their minister, who came from England in office. The colony of New Plimouth professed themselves to be greatly aggrieved at the conduct of the Dorchester people, in set tling on the lands, where they had made a purchase, and where they had defended themselves and that part of the country against the Dutch. They represented that it had been a hard matter that the Dutch and Indians had given them so much trouble as they had done, but that it was still more grievous to be supplanted by their professed friends. Mr. Winslow of Plimouth made a jour ney to Boston, in the spring, before governor Haynes and some other principal characters removed to Connecticut, with a view to obtain compensation for the injury done to the Plimouth men, who had built the trading house upon the river. The Plimouth people demanded a sixteenth part of the lands and £100 as a compensation ; but the Dorchester people would not comply with their demands. There however appeared to be so much justice, in making them some compensation, for the purchase they had made, and the good services which they had done, that sometime after, the freeholders of Windsor gave them £50, forty acres of meadow and a large tract of upland for their satisfaction. At acourtholden at Dorchester it was ordered, that every town should keep a watch, and be well supplied with ammunition. The constables were directed to warn the watches in their turns and to make it their care, that they should be kept according to the direction of the court. They also were required to take care, that the inhabitants were well furnished with arms and ammuni tion, and kept in a constant state of defence. As these infant set tlements were filled and surrounded with numerous savages, the people conceived themselves in danger when they lay down and when they rose up, when they went out and when they came in. Their circumstances were such, that it was judged necessary for every man to be a soldier. At a third court therefore, holden at Watertown, an order was given, that the inhabitants of the several towns should train once 'to, month, and the officers were authorized to train those who ap peared very unskilful more frequently as circumstances should require. The courts were holden at each town by rotation, according to its turn. A settlement was made, this year, at Springfield, by Mr. Pyn- cheon and his company from Roxbury. This 'for about two years was united in government, with the towns m Connecticut. In DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 153 November, Mr. Pyncheon for the first time appears among the members of the court. All the powers of government, for near ly three years, seem to have been in the magistrates, of whom two were appointed in each town. These gave all orders, and directed all the affairs of the plantation. The freemen appear to have had no voice in making the laws, or in any part of the government, except in some instances of general and uncommon concern. In these instances committees were sent from the several towns. During this term it seems that juries were not employed in any case. This was a summer and year of great and various labors, de manding the utmost exertion and diligence. Many of the planters had to remove themselves and effects from a distant colony. At the same time it was absolutely necessary that they should turn the wilderness into gardens and fields, that they should plant and cultivate the earth, and obtain some tolerable harvest, unless they would again experience the distresses and losses of the preceding year. These were too great, and too fresh in their memories, not to rouse all their exertion and forethought. It was necessary to erect and fortify their houses, and to make better preparations for the feeding and covering of their cattle. It was of equal impor tance to the planters not only to make roads for their particular convenience, but from town to town ; that, on any emergency, they might fly immediately to each other's relief. It was with great difficulty that these businesses could be at first accomplished. The planters had not been accustomed to felling the groves, to clearing and cultivating new lands. They were strangers in the country, and knew not what kinds of grain would be most conge nial with the soil, and produce the greatest profits, nor had they any experience how the ground must be cultivated, that it might yield a plentiful crop. They had few oxen, or instruments for husbandry. Every thing was to be prepared, or brought from a great distance, and procured at a dear rate. Besides all these la bors and difficulties, much time was taken up in constant watch- ings, trainings and preparations for the defence of themselves and children. The Pequots had already murdered a number of the English ; some of the Indians, in Connecticut, were their allies ; and they had maintained a great influence over them all. They were a treacherous and designing people ; so that there could be no safety but in a constant preparation for any emergency. Some of the principal characters, who undertook this great work of settling Connecticut, and were the civil and religious fathers of the colony, were Mr. Haynes, Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Hooker, Mr. Warham, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Welles, Mr. Wyllys, Mr. Whiting, Mr. Wolcott, Mr. Phelps, Mr. Webster, and captain Mason. These were of the 'first class of settlers, and all except the minis 154 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C ters were chosen magistrates or governors of the colony. Mr. Swain, Mr. Talcott, Mr. Steel, Mr. Mitchel, and others were capi tal men. Mr. John Haynes, Mr. Hooker, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. Stone, Mr. George Wyllys, Mr. Welles, Mr. Whiting, Mr. Tho mas Webster, and Mr. John Talcott, were all from Hartford. Mi. Ludlow, Mr. Henry Wolcott, Mr. Warham, Mr. William Phelps, and captain John Mason, were some of the principal planters of Windsor. Mr. William Swain, Mr. Thurston Reyner, Mr. Henry Smith, Mr. Andrew Ward, Mr. Mitchel and Mr. John Deming, were some of the chief men, who settled the town of Wethers field. These were the civil and religious fathers of the colony. They formed its free and happy constitution, were its legislators, and some of the chief pillars of the church and commonwealth. They, with many others of the same excellent character, em ployed their abilities and their estates for the prosperity of the colony. While the three plantations on the river were making the ut most exertions for a permanent settlement, Mr. Winthrop was no less active in erecting fortifications and convenient buildings at its entrance. Though he had, the last year, sent on one company after another, yet the season was so far advanced, and the winter set in so early, and with such severity, that little more could be done than just to keep the station. When the spring advanced the works were therefore pressed on with engagedness. Mr. Winthrop and his people were induced, not only in faithfulness to their trust, but from fears of a visit from the Dutch, and from the state of that warlike people, the Pequots in the vicinity, to hasten and complete them, with the utmost dispatch. A good fort was erected and a number of houses were built. Some cattle were brought from the Massachusetts for the use of the garrison. Small parcels of ground were improved, and preparations made for a comfortable subsistence and good defence. There were, at the close of this year, about two hundred and fifty men in the three towns on the river, and there were twenty men in the garrison at the entrance of it under the command of lieutenant Gardiner. The whole consisted, probably, of about 800 persons, or of a hundred and sixty or seventy families." " While the planters of Connecticut were thus exerting them selves in prosecuting and regulating the affairs of that colony, another was projected and settled at Quinnipiack, afterwards called New Haven. On the 26th of July 1637, Mr. John Davenport, Mr. Samuel Eaton, Theophilus Eaton, and Edward Hopkins, Esquires, Mr. Thomas Gregson and many others of good charac ters and fortunes arrived at Boston. Mr Davenport had been a famous minister in the city of London, and was a distinguished character for piety, learning and good conduct. Many of his con DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 155 gregation, on the account of the esteem which they had for his person and ministry, followed him into New England. Mr. Eaton and Mr. Hopkins had been merchants in London, possessed great estates, and were men of eminence for their abilities and integrity. The fame of Mr. Davenport, the reputation and good estates of the principal gentlemen of this company, made the people of the Massachusetts exceedingly desirous of their settlement in that commonwealth. Great pains were taken not only by particular persons and towns, but by the general court, to fix them in the colony. Charlestown made them large offers ; and Newbury proposed to give up the whole town to them. The general court offered them any place which they should choose. But they were determined to plant a distinct colony. By the pursuit of the Pe quots to the westward, the English became acquainted with that fine tract along the shore, from Saybrook to Fairfield, and with its several harbours. It was represented as fruitful, and happily sit uated for navigation and commerce. The company therefore projected a settlement in that part of the country. In the fall of 1637, Mr. Eaton and others, who were of the com- Eany, made a journey to Connecticut, to explore the lands and arbours on the sea-coast. They pitched upon Quinnipiack for the place of their settlement. They erected a poor hut in which a few men subsisted through the winter. On the 30th of March 1638, Mr. Davenport, Mr. Prudden and Mr. Samuel Eaton, Theophilus Eaton, Esquire, with the people of their company sailed from Boston for Quinnipiack. In about a fortnight they arrived at their desired port. On the 18th of April they kept their first Sabbath in the place. The people assem bled under a large spreading oak, and Mr. Davenport preached to themfrom Matthew [iv J vi. 1. He insisted on the temptations of the wilderness, made such observations, and gave such directions and exhortations as were pertinent to the then present state of his hearers. He left this remark, that he enjoyed a good day. One of the principal reasons, which these colonists assigned for their removing from Massachusetts, was that they should be more out of the way and trouble of a general Governor of New England, who at this time, was an object of great fear in all the plantations. What foundation there was for the hope of exemption from the control of a general governor, by this removal, had one been sent, does not appear. Soon after they arrived at Quinnipiack, in the close of a day of fasting and prayer, they entered into what they termed a plan tation covenant. In this they solemnly bound themselves, ' That as in matters that concern the gathering and ordering of a church, so also in all public offices which concern civil order ; as choice of magistrates and officers, making and repealing laws, dividing 156 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C allotments of inheritance, and all things of like nature, they would all of them be ordered by the rules, which the scripture held forth to them.' This was adopted as a general agreement, until there should be time for the people to become more intimately acquaint ed with each other's religious views, sentiments and moral con duct ; which was supposed to be necessary to prepare the way for their covenanting together, as christians, in church state. The aspects of providence on the country, about this time, were very gloomy ; and especially unfavorable to new plantations. The spring, after a long and severe winter, was unusually back ward. Scarcely any thing grew for several weeks. The plant ing season was so cold, that the corn rotted in the ground, and the people were obliged to replant two or three times. This dis tressed man and beast, retarded all the affairs of the plantations. It rendered the gloom and horrors of the wilderness still more horrible. The colonists had terrible apprehensions of scarcity and famine. But at length the warm season came on, and vege tation exceeded all their expectations. The planters at Quinnipiack determined to make an extensive settlement ; and, if possible, to maintain perpetual peace and friendship with the Indians. They therefore paid an early atten tion to the making of such purchases and amicable treaties, as might most effectually answer their designs. On the 24th of November, 1638, Theophilus Eaton, Esquire, Mr. Davenport and other English planters, entered into an agree ment with Momauguin, sachem of that part of the country, and his counsellors, respecting the lands. The articles of agreement are to this effect. That Momauguin is the sole sachem of Quinnipiack, and had an absolute power to aliene and dispose of the same : That in consequence of the protection which he had tasted, by the Eng lish, from the Pequots and Mohawks,* he yielded up all his right, title and interest to all the land, rivers, ponds and trees, with all the liberties and appurtenances belonging to the same, unto The ophilus Eaton, John Davenport and others, their heirs and assigns forever. He covenanted that neither he nor his Indians would terrify nor disturb the English, nor injure them in any of their interests ; but that, in every respect, they would keep true faith with them. The English covenanted to protect Momauguin and his In dians, when unreasonably assaulted and terrified, by other Indians: and that they should always have a sufficient quantity of land to * The Indians of Quinnipiack, in this treaty, declared, " That they still remem bered the heavy taxes of the Pequots and Mohawks ; and that, by reason of their fear of them, they could not stay in their own country ; but had been obliged to flee By these powerful enemies they had been reduced to about forty men. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 157 plant on, upon the east side of the harbor, between that and Say brook fort. They also covenanted, that by way of free and thank ful retribution, they gave unto the said sachem and his council and company, twelve coats of English cloth, twelve alchymy spoons, twelve hatchets, twelve hoes, two dozen ofknives, twelve porrin gers, and four cases of French knives and^scissors. This agreement was signed and legally executed, by Momau guin and his council on the one part, and Theophilus Eaton and John Davenport on the other. Thomas Stanton, who was the interpreter, declared in the presence of God, That he had faith fully acquainted the Indians with the said articles, and returned their answers. In December following they made another purchase of a large tract, which lay principally north of the former. This was of Montowese, son of the great sachem at Mattabeseck. This tract was ten miles in length, north and south, and thirteen miles in breadth. It extended eight miles east of the river Quinnipiack, and five miles west of it towards Hudson's river. It included all the lands within the ancient limits of the old towns of New Ha ven, Branford and Wallingford, and almost the whole contained in the present limits of those towns, and of the towns East Haven, Woodbridge; Cheshire, Hamden and North Haven.* These have since been made out of the three old towns. The New Haven adventurers were the most opulent company, which came into New England ; and they designed to plant a capital colony. They laid out their town plat in squares, design ing it for a great and elegant city. In the centre was a large beautiful square. This was compassed with others, making nine in the whole. The first principal settlers we're Theophilus Ea-. ton, Esquire, Mr. Davenport, Mr. Samuel Eaton, Mr. Thomas Gregson, Mr. Robert Newman, Mr. Matthew Gilbert, Mr. Na thaniel Turner, Mr. Thomas Fugill, Mr. Francis Newman, Mr. Stephen Goodyear, and Mr. Joshua Atwater. Mr. Eaton had been deputy governor of the East India compa ny, was three years himself in the East Indies. He served the company so well, that he received from them presents of great value. He had been on an embassy from the court of England to the king of Denmark. He was a London merchant who had for many years traded to the East Indies, had obtained a great estate, and brought over a large sum of money into New England.t * For this last tract of ton miles north and south, and thirteen east and west, the English gave thirteen coats, and allowed the Indians ground to plant, and liberty to hunt within the lands. Records of New Haven. t The tradition is that he brought to New Haven a very great estate, in plnte and money. The East India company made his wife a present of a bason: and ewer double gjlt, and curiously wrought with gold, weighing more than sixty jjounds. 14 158 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. Otliers were merchants of fair estates, and they designed to have been a great trading city. There appears no act of civil, military, or ecclesiastical authority during the first year ; nor is there any appearance, that this colony was ever straitened for bread, as the other colonies had been." — Trumbull's History of Connecticut. ROGER WILLIAMS' SETTLEMENT OF RHODE ISLAND, The following particulars respecting the first settle ment of Rhode Island by Mr. Williams, are from Knowles' " Memoir of Ro ger Williams," a new work published in Boston, in 1834. tUf-t, "About the middle of Jan- nary, -K35-6, Mr. Williams left Salem in secrecy and haste. It is not certain, that any one accompanied him, though a number of persons were with him a short time Arms of Rhode Island. afterwards. He proceeded to the south, towards the Naraganset Bay. The weather was very severe, and his sufferings were great. In a letter written thirty-five years afterwards, he said : ' I was sorely tossed for one fourteen weeks, in a bitter winter season, not knowing what bread or bed did mean ;' and he added, that he still felt the effects of his exposure to the severity of the weather. He appears to have visited Ousamequin, the sachem of Poka noket, who resided at Mount Hope, near the present town of Bristol (R. I.) From him he obtained a grant of land now inclu ded in the town of Seekonk, in Massachusetts, on the east bank of Pawtucket (now Seekonk) river. This territory was within the limits of the Plymouth colony, but Mr. Williams recognized the Indians only as the proprietors, and bought a title from the sa chem. Ousamequin doubtless granted his request with pleasure, as a return for the services and presents which he had formerly received from Mr. Williams. If, as we have supposed, the exile was obliged to visit the sachem, and make these arrangements, the journey, on foot, increased that exposure to the severity of the elements, of which he complains. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 159 He was, moreover, unprovided with a dwelling. Mr. Cotton (in his Bloody Tenet washed, p. 8.) says, ' that some of his friends went to the place appointed by himself beforehand, to make pro vision of housing, and other necessaries for him against his com ing.' This statement however, must be incorrect. Mr. Williams' departure from Salem was sudden and unexpected ; and his as sertion, just quoted, that he did not know ' what bread or bed did mean,' for fourteen weeks, must be understood as excluding the idea of such a preparation as Mr. Cotton mentions. Mr. Wil liams, too, says, ' I first pitched, and began to build and plant at Seekonk.' He had no house, it would seem, till he built one. Roger Williams. For the means of subsistence he must have been dependent on the Indians. At that season, hunting and fishing were impractica ble, if he had possessed the proper instruments. The earth was covered with snow, and he had not even the poor resource of roots. He may refer to his situation at this time, in the following lines, alluding to the Indians : " God's Providence is rich to his, Let none distrustful be ; In wilderness, in great distress, These ravens have fed me." The spot, in Seekonk, where he reared his habitation, is be lieved, on good authority, to have been at Manton's Neck, near the cove, a short distance above the central bridge. 160 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C Here he probably hoped, he might live in peace. He was soon joined by several friends, if they did not at first accompany him. His wife and children were still at Salem. But Seekonk was not to be his home. In a short time, to use his own language, ' I received a letter from my ancient friend Mr. Winslow, the governor of Plymouth, professing his own and oth er's love and respect to me, yet lovingly advising me, since I was fallen into the edge of their bounds, and they were loath to dis please the Bay, to remove to the other side of the water, and there, he said, I had the country free before me, and might be as free as themselves, and we should be loving neighbors together.' This advice was apparently prudent and friendly, prompted by a desire of peace, and by a kind regard to Mr. Williams. It does not seem to deserve the harsh comments which have sometimes been made on it. Mr. Williams himself does not speak of it in a tone of reproach. He immediately resolved to comply with the advice, fie accordingly embarked in a canoe, with five others,* and proceeded down the stream. As they approached the little cove, near Tockwotten, now India Point, they were saluted by a company of Indians, with the friendly interrogation, ' What cheer ?' a common English phrase, which they had learned frorp the colonists.! At this spot, they probably went on shore, but they did not long remain there.J They passed round India Point and Fox Point, and proceeded up the river on the west side of the pe ninsula, to a spot near the mouth of the Moshassuck river. Tra dition reports, that Mr. Williams landed near a spring, which re mains till this day.§ At this spot, the settlement of Rhode Island commenced. To the town here founded, Mr. Williams, with his habitual piety, and in grateful remembrance of ' God's merciful Providence to him in his distress,' gave the name of Providence. The spot where Mr. Williams and his companions landed was within the jurisdiction of the Narraganset Indians. The sachems of this tribe were Canonicus, and his nephew Miantinomo. The former was an old man, and he probably associated with him his young nephew, as better fitted to sustain the toils and cares of royalty. Their residence is said by Gookin to have been about Narraganset Bay, and on the island of Canonicut. The first object of Mr. Williams would naturally be, to obtain from the sachems a grant of land for his new colony. He proba- * William Harris, John Smith, (miller), Joshua Verin, Thomas Angell, and Fran cis Wickes. R. I. Register, 1828, article written by Moses Brown. t Equivalent to the modem How do you do / t The lands adjacent to this spot were called Wliatcheer, in memory of the oc currence. $ " Tradition has uniformly stated the place where they landed, to be at the spring southwest of the Episcopal church, at which a house has recently been built by Mr. Nehemiah Dodge." Moses Brown. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 161 bly visited them, and received a verbal cession of the territory, which, two years afterwards, was formally conveyed to him by a deed. This instrument may properly be quoted here. ' At Narraganset, the 24th of the first month, commonly called March, the second year of the plantation or planting at Moshas- suck, or Providence ; Memorandum, that we, Canonicus and Mi- antinomo, the two chief sachems of Narraganset, having two years since sold unto Roger Williams the lands and meadows upon the two fresh rivers, called Moshassuck and Wanasquatucket, do now, by these presents, establish and confirm the bounds of these lands, from the river and fields of Pawtucket, the great hill of Notaquon- canot, on the northwest, and the town of Mashapaug, on the west. We also, in consideration of the many kindnesses and services he hath continually done for us, both with our friends of Massachu setts, as also at Connecticut, and Apaum or Plymouth, we do freely give unto him all that land from those rivers reaching to Paw- tuxet river, as also the grass and meadows upon the said Pawtuxet river. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands.' " The lands thus ceded to Mr. Williams, he conveyed to twelve men, who accompanied, or soon joined him, reserving to himself an equal part only. In answer to a question which was raised in the early times of the colony, Mr. Williams asserts in the first place " * It is not true, that I was employed by any, was supplied by any, or desired any to come with me into these parts. My soul's desire was, to do the natives good, and to that end to learn their language, (which I afterwards printed) and therefore desired not to be troubled with English company.' He adds that ' out of pity, he gave leave to several persons to come along in his com pany.' He makes the same statement in his deed of 1661 : — ' I desired it might be for a shelter for persons distressed for con science. I then considering the condition of divers of my distres sed countrymen, I communicated my said purchase unto my loving friends, (whom he names) who then desired to take shelter here with me.' It seems, then, that his original design was to come alone, prob ably to dwell among the Indians, and do them good ; but he altered his plan, and resolved to establish a refuge for those who might flee from persecution. The project was his own, and worthy of his generous and liberal mind. He certainly was not employed as an agent, to purchase lands for others. He uses another argument : ' I mortgaged my house in Salem (worth some hundreds) for sup plies to go through, and, therefore, was it a single business.' Having thus shown that he acted for himself, and on his own responsibility, he states, that the lands were procured from the sachems by his influence alone. He enumerates several advan tages which he enjoyed in this negotiation : ' 1 . A constant, zeal- 14* 162 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C ous desire to dive into the native's language. 2. God was pleased to give me a painful, patient spirit to lodge with them in their fil thy, smoky holes, (even while I lived at Plymouth and Salem) to gain their tongue. 3. I spared no cost towards them, and in gifts to Ousamequin, yea, and all his, and to Canonicus, and all his, tokens and presents, many years before I came in person to the Narraganset, and when I came, I was welcome to Ousamequin, and to the old prince Canonicus, who was most shy of all Eng lish, to his last breath. 4. I was known by all the Wampanoags and the Narragansets to be a public speaker at Plymouth and Sa lem, and, therefore, with them, held as a sachem. 5. I could de bate with them (in a great measure) in their own language. 6. I had the favor and countenance of that noble soul, Mr. Winthrop, whom all Indians respected.' He proceeds to state, respecting Canonicus, that ' it was not thousands nor tens of thousands of money could have bought of him an English entrance into this Bay.' In the deed, already quoted, he says, ' By God's merciful as sistance, I was the procurer of the purchase, not by monies nor payment, the natives being so shy and jealous, that monies could not do it, but by that language, acquaintance and favor with the na tives, and other advantages, which it pleased God to give me ; and also bore the charges, and venture of all the gratuities, which I gave to the great sachems, and other sachems round about us, and lay engaged for a loving and peaceable neighbourhood with them, to my great charge and travel.'"* It is probable, that Mrs. Williams and her two children came from Salem to Providence, in' the summer of 1636, in company with several persons, who wished to join their exiled pastor.t " The family of Mr. Williams was now dependent on his exer tions for support. No supplies could be derived from Massachu setts. The natives were unable to afford much aid. It is proba ble, that Mr. Williams had nearly expended all his funds, in the support of his family during his absence, and ;n the negotiations with the Indians. Of his poverty,!; there is evidence, in a touch ing incident, mentioned in his letter to Major Mason. It is alike honorable to all the parties : ' It pleased the Father of Spirits to touch many hearts, dear to him, with many relentings ; amongst which, that great and pious soul, Mr. Winslow, melted, and kindly visited me at Providence, and put a piece of gold into the hands of my wife for our supply.' * Backus, vol. i. p. 94. t Throckmorton, Obey and Westcott, three of the first proprietors, were mem bers of the Salem church. Hutchinson, vol. i. p. 371. t Hubbard repeatedly alludes, in a somewhat taunting tone, to the poverty of Roger Williams.— pp. 205, 350. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 163 In a deed, which was enrolled January 29, 1667, Mr. Williams says, that he planted, with his own hands, at his first coming, the two Indian fields, Whatcheer and Saxifrax Hill, which he had purchased of the natives. Thus was he forced, as at many other times, to resort to manual labor for his subsistence. In his reply to Mr. Cotton he says : ' It is not unknown to many witnesses, in Plymouth, Salem and Providence, that the discusser's time had not been spent (though as much as any others whosoever) alto gether in spiritual labors and public exercises of the word ; but day and night, at home and abroad, on the land and water, at the hoe, at the oar for bread.' But he sustained all his labors and hardships with a patient spirit, and with a steadfast adherence to his principles. His house was, undoubtedly, erected near the spot where he landed, and a few rods eastward of the celebrated spring. Here the wanderer found a resting place. This was his home, for more than forty years. Here he died, and near the site of his dwelling his ashes were deposited. The community, thus formed, were invested with the power of admitting others to the privileges of citizenship. Their number was soon increased, by emigrants from Massachusetts, and from Europe.* It was the design of Mr. Williams, that his colony should be open to all persons who might choose to reside there, without regard to their religious opinions. He was careful, nev ertheless, to provide for the maintenance of the civil peace. Every inhabitant was required to subscribe the following cove nant : ' We, whose names are here under-written, being desirous to inhabit in the town of Providence, do promise to submit ourselves, in active or passive obedience, to all such orders or agreements as shall be made for public good of the body, in an orderly way, by the major consent of the present inhabitants, masters of fami lies, incorporated together into a township, and such others whom they shall admit unto the same, only in civil things' This simple instrument, which combines the principles of a pure democracy, and of umestricted religious liberty, was the basis of the first government in Providence. It was undoubtedly drawn up by Roger Williams. It bears the impress of his character, and it was the germ of those free institutions, under which Rhode Island has flourished till the present day." * Among these, were Chad Brown, William Field, Thomas Harris, William Wick- enden, Robert Williams (brother of Roger) Richard Scott, William Reynolds, John Warner, Benedict Arnold, Joshua Winsor and Thomas Hopkins. Backus, vol. i. p. 93. 164 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C FIRST SETTLEMENTS NEW HAMPSHIRE. The first discoveries in the limits of New Hampshire, were made at an early peri od, (see pages 14 and 39). The following giving an ac count of the first settlements within its territory, is from Gov. Hutchinson's History Massachusetts, vol. 1. " In the year 1623 several gentlemen merchants and oth ers in the west of England belonging to Bristol, Exeter, Dorchester, Shrewsbury, Pli mouth, &c. having obtained Arms of New Hampshire. patents from the Council of Plimouth for several parts of New England, and being encou raged by the plantation of New Plimouth and the reports of fish ermen who had made voyages upon the coast, projected and at tempted a fishery about Piscataqua, and sent over David Thomp son, together with Edward Hilton and William Hilton, who had been fishmongers in London, and some others, with all necessa ries for their purpose. The Hiltons set up their stages some dis tance above the mouth of the river, at a place since called Dover. Some others of the company about the same time seized on a place below at the mouth of the river called Little Harbor, where they built the first house. Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Capt. John Mason were of this company, and the place where this house was built with three or four thousand acres of land for a manor or lordship, by consent of the rest of the undertakers; was assigned to Capt. Mason, and the house took the name of Ma son-hall.* These settlements went on very slowly for seven years after, and in 1631 when Edward Colcottt first came over there were but three houses an all that side of the country adjoining to Pis cataqua river. There had been some expense besides about salt works. The affairs of the great council of Plimouth from first * The chimney and part of the stone wall were standing in the year 1680. t He was afterwards chose by some of the planters above Boston their head or governor. — Hubbard. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 1G5 to last were carried on in a confused manner. There have been six or seven several grants of the lands between Merrimack and Kennebeck. In the year 1630 Captain Neale with three others came over to Piscataqua to superintend the affairs of Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges, Mason, and the rest, but principally to discover a new country to which they gave the name of Laconia, and which in Gorges's history is very pompously described. Champlain . many years before this had given his own name to Lake Iroquois, and the English, it may be, were informed by the Indians some thing of the geography of the country and of other lakes on the back of New England, and no doubt the rumor was carried over to England. Neale spent three years in searching out his new country, but could not find it and so returned. Nothing else mem orable is mentioned of Neale, except that he forbad Wiggan set tling a point of land betwixt Dover and Exeter. Wiggan went on and determined to defend his right by the sword. The other threatened as high, and from what might have happened, the dis puted land took the name of Bloody Point, which it retains to this day. The Lords Say and Brooke also made Wiggan their agent for the term of seven years, during which time the interest was not greatly advanced, the whole being sold to him at the ex piration of the term for six hundred pounds. Soon after the year 1631 one Mr. Williams came over from England, sent also by Gorges and Mason to take care of then- salt works. Mr. Chadburne* with several other planters and tra ders came over with him. These began the settlement of Straw berry bank (Portsmouth), and after Neale went away they are supposed either to have entered into an agreement and to have chosen Williams for their governor, who is said to have been a ¦discreet sensible man and a gentleman, or else he was appointed by the company in England. There was a grant of a sum of money for building a parsonage house and a chapel, and for a glebe of 50 acres of land to be annexed, made by the inhabitants of Strawberry bank to Thomas Walford and Henry Sherburn church wardens and their successors, &c. and this was signed by Francis Williams governor, Ambrose Gibbons assistant, and 18 inhabitants, dated May 25, 1640. Williams soon after removed to Barbadoes. The first who enterprised the settlement of Pis cataqua had some religious as well as civil views, and a puritan minister Mr. Leveridge a worthy man came over with Capt. Wig gan in 1633, but not being supported he removed to the south ward and was succeeded by Mr. Burdet, who has not left so good a character. * Mr. Chadburne had the direction of the artificers who built what was called the great house at Strawberry bank. His posterity are settled on the other side the river in the province of Maine. 166 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. About the same time, viz. in 1638, Mr. Wheelwright the min ister who had been banished from the Massachusetts, with a num ber of persons who adhered to him, began a plantation on the south side of the great bay up Piscataqua river, to which they gave the name of Exeter. They thought it necessary likewise to form themselves into a body politic, in order to enable them to carry on the affairs of their plantation. Captain Underhill an enthusiast who obtained his assurance, as he expressed himself before the church of Boston, while he was taking a pipe of the good creature tobacco,* and who was at the same time a very immoral man, and for adultery had been excommunicated, joined Mr. Wheelwright's company and played his card so well that he obtained the place of governor over them, and also over the other company at Dover, they having quarreled with Burdet the minister, who removed to York. There was a strong party against Underhill which caused great disturbance and confusion. At the same time they were as much divided in their ecclesiastical affairs. They at Dover had one Mr. Knolles for their minister, but Mr. Larkham arriving there from Northam near Barnstable in England, many people were taken with him and determined to dismiss Knolles, but his party stood by him and he and his company excommunicated Larkham. He in return laid violent hands on Knolles. The magistrates took part some on one side and some on the other, but Larkham' s party being weak est sent to Williams the governor below for assistance, who came up with a company of armed men, beset Knolles's house, where Underhill the governor then was, called him to account, set a fine upon him and some others who had been concerned in the riot, and obliged them to remove from the plantation. Knolles was a rigid antinomian, his practice was agreeable to his principles. He was charged with being too familiar with some of his female domestics and found it necessary to depart. Larkham a zealous churchman soon followed him for an offence of the same nature." Establishment of Dartmouth College. One of the most marked events during the period of the early settlement of the towns in the western part of New Hampshire, was the establishment of Dartmouth College in Hanover, on Con necticut river. This institution originated from Rev. Dr. Wheel- ock's Indian school at Lebanon, Con. The first design of the Indian School was conceived by Mr. John Sergeant, missionary to the Indians at Stockbridge, Mass., at which place, after pro curing benefactions in America and England, he began a school for the education of Indian youths, but his death prevented him * Hubbard, &c. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 167 from accomplishing his plan. Dr. Wheelock 'conceived that if he could educate Indian youth for missionaries, there would be more prospect of success from their labors, than from the exer tions of the whites.' With these views he undertook himself the care and expense of educating two Indian lads in 1754 ; but the design was so benevolent that a number of gentlemen soon uni ted with him. His pupils increased, and after receiving nume rous benefactions, the largest of which was the donation of Mr. Joshua Moor of Mansfield, he called his institution ' Moor's school.' In 1762 he had more than twenty youth under his care. To enlarge the power of doing good, contributions were solicited not only in various parts of this country, but also in England and Scotland. The money collected in England, was put into the hands of a board of trustees, of whom the earl of Dartmouth was at the head. From this circumstance, when Dr. Wheelock was invited by the government of New Hampshire to remove to Hanover and establish a college in that place, it was called Dart mouth college. This seminary was incorporated in 1769, and Dr. Wheelock was declared its founder and president with the right of appointing his successor. He lived for some time at Hanover in a log hut. In 1770 he removed his school. The number of his scholars, destined for missionaries, was at this time twenty-four, of whom eighteen were whites and only six Indians. This alteration of his plan was the result of experience. He had found, that of forty Indian youth, who- had been under his care, twenty had returned to the vices of savage life. The first commencement was held in 1771, when the degree of bachelor of arts was conferred on four students, one of whom was John Wheelock, the son and successor of the founder." The following account relative to the establishment of Dart mouth College, is from the memoirs of Wheelock by Drs. M'Clure and Parish. "In the month of August, 1770, entrusting the care of their removal to Mr. Woodward, who then officiated as tutor, he set out for Hanover to provide the necessary accommodation for his family and school. They soon followed him. A part of his fam ily travelled in a coach, presented him by a very respectable friend in London; his pupils performed the journey on foot. The roads as they advanced northward were found in a veiy un finished stale, and in many places it was with difficulty they pas sed. On their arrival he welcomed them to the spot where he was to begin his labors, and where he expected to terminate his days. It was an etensive plain shaded by lofty pines, with no ac commodations except two or three small huts composed of logs, and no house on that side of the river within two miles through one continued dreary wood. The Doctor like a venerable patri- 168 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. arch surrounded by his affectionate family and pupils, looked around him, and the serenity of his countenance dispelled the gloom. His mind rose to the level of the difficulties before him, and with the activity and enterprise of youth he laid out plans of buildings, selected their sites, and with his presence and advice animated the laborers, hastened the operations, that his depen dents might be sheltered against .the approaching severity of the season. The number of souls there with him was about seventy. A few acres of pines had been felled before his arrival. Log houses were soon constructed, and a small framed house was be? gun, designed/for. the reception of Dr. Wheelock and his family.' The frame of a' college, eighty feet in length and two stories in height, was soon after raised and partially covered ; a hall and two or three rooms in it were considerably advanced when the autumnal storms, setting in earlier than usual, put a stop to the work of the builders. The sufferings of this little colony and its worthy founder, were not inconsiderable during several months from their arrival and even to the following spring. Their re moval proved too late in the season, and preparations for their re ception, from various circumstances, were far from that state of forwardness which was intended. Failing to obtain water by dig ging wells near where their first house was erected, he was com pelled to change its situation after the arrival of his family. Many were necessitated to sleep several nights on the ground, with boughs of trees for beds, and sheltered from the nightly dews and rains by a few boards raised over them on poles. The coun try all around was new, and the few dispersed inhabitants poor. Upon a circular area of about six acres, the pines were soon felled and in all directions covered the ground to the height of about six feet. Paths of communication were cut through them. The lofty tops of the surrounding forests were often seen bending before the northern tempest, while the air below was still and piercing. The snow lay four feet in depth between four and five. months. The sun was invisible by reason of the trees until risen many degrees above the horizon. In this secluded retreat and in these humble dwellings, this enterprising colony passed a long and dreary winter. The students pursued their studies with dili gence ; contentment and peace were not interrupted by murmurs. The venerable president directed the attention of his pupils to the signal smiles of heaven upon the institution, which were wit nessed by its rapidly increasing prosperity from a small begin ning, through seemingly insurmountable discouragements. He observed to them that the cause, he doubted not, was the cause of God ; that he would own and succeed it, and that his .great concern in the whole business was, to follow the pointings of His providence. He derived support from the example of the pro- FOUNDING OF DARTMOUTH COLLEGE. In 1770 Dr. Wheelock removed his family and school from Lebanon, Conn, and began the erection of a college in a forest. In the epen air with his numerous fa mily he offered morning and evening prayer, and the surrounding forest resounded with the solemn sound of supplication and praise. 15 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 171 phet Elisha, (2 Kings vi. 1-7) who founded a college or school of prophets in the wilderness of Jordan, by the divine direction, for the preservation and diffusion of true religion, and in circum stances bearing considerable analogy to his. FIRST SETTLEMENTS MAINE. The following respecting the first settlements in Maine, is extracted from Mr. Fol- som's history of the towns of Saco and Biddeford. " The unfortunate termination of Sir Walter Raleigh's attempts to colonize Virginia during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, had effectually checked the spirit of enterprise in Eng land in relation to the settle ment of America. The dis coveries of Gosnold and Pring, and the shortness of Arms of Maine. their voyages, now caused the subject to be revived, and to excite more general interest than had before existed. On the petition of a number of gentlemen, a char ter was granted by King James in the year 1606, dividing the country into two districts, called North and South Virginia, and authorizing the establishment of separate colonies in each district by two distinct companies. A right of property in the land fifty miles on each side of their first plantations, and extending 100 miles into the interior, was granted by this patent. The first or Southern colony were allowed to settle any part of the country within the degrees of 34 and 41 north latitude ; the second con sisting chiefly of persons resident at Plymouth and other towns in the west of England, and thence denominated the Plymouth Com pany, were allowed to choose a place of settlement between 38 and 45 degrees north latitude. As a considerable portion of the territory thus allotted was common to the two districts, a provis ion was added, that the jpolony last planted should not approach within one hundred' miles of that already established. 172 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. The next year colonies were sent out by the two companies. One was fixed at Jamestown, of which Gosnold ' was the prime mover,' and Capt. Smith an active member ; the other was estab lished at Sagadahock, or the mouth of the Kennebec, led by Cap tains George Popham, brother to the Chief Justice, and Raleigh Gilbert. This colony consisted of 108 men; — whether accom panied by their families, we are not informed. They arrived on the coast near the island of Monheagan, a few leagues east of the Kennebec, in the month of August, and soon after entered the mouth of that river, where, on the eastern side, on an island now forming a part of Georgetown, they commenced preparations for a permament settlement without delay. Monheagan was agreed upon as a place of rendezvous for the ships before leaving Eng land, and although we are not directly told that the destination of the colony was determined before their arrival, there is no doubt of the fact. The great patron of the enterprise, Chief Justice Popham, obtained an accurate survey of the coast the year before, and doubtless selected the mouth of that ' fair and navigable river,' as the Kennebec is styled by Smith, as a favorable location for the seat of the colony. The lateness of the season scarcely allowed the colonists time to erect a fort and the necessary places of shelter before the ap proach of winter, which proved excessively rigorous. More than half their number returned with the ships to England in Decem_ ber, in consequence of the severity of the cold and the scantiness of their supplies. Soon after those who had remained had the misfortune to lose the greater part of their buildings and stores by fire. Capt. Popham died in the course of the winter, and an ar rival in the spring brought news of the death of the Chief Justice. Raleigh Gilbert, who succeeded Popham as president of the col ony, was under the necessity of returning to England on account of the decease of his brother, ofVhich intelligence was received by another arrival, and the Colonists, discouraged by so many ad verse circumstances, resolved to abandon the country and return with him. Thus in less than one year from the time the settle ment was commenced, the northern colony was broken up ; the country was denounced as uninhabitable, and no further attempts were made for many years to promote its settlement by the Com pany to whom it was assigned by the patent of King James. Sir Ferdinando Gorges, a conspicuous member of the Plymouth Company, alone remained undiscouraged. The attention of this gentleman appears to have been first turned to this part of America in the year 1605, when Capt. Weymouth arrived in the harbor of Plymouth where he resided, on his return from a voyage for the discovery of the northwest passage. Falling short of his course, Weymouth had accidentally discovered the river Penobscot, from DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 173 whence he carried to England five of the natives, ' three of whom,1 says Gorges, ' I seized upon ; they were all of one nation, but of several parts and several families. This accident must be ac knowledged the means under God of putting on foot and giving life to all our plantations. He retained these Indians in his family three years, and obtained from them much information respecting their native shores : they were afterwards sent back. Gorges henceforth took a deep interest in schemes for the settlement of North Virginia, and was rather chagrined than discouraged by the return of the Sagadahock colonists, and the unfavorable reports which they spread concerning the country. ' He had too much experience in the world,' he said, ' to be frighted with such a blast, as knowing many great kingdoms and large territories more northerly seated and by many degrees colder, were plentifully in habited, and divers of them stored with no better commodities than these afforded, if like industry, art and labor be used.' Un able, however, to persuade the company to undertake the planting of a second colony, Gorges engaged in private enterprises to this coast, which began to be much resorted to by English ships for purposes of trade with the natives, and of fishing. In the year 1616, he sent hither a party commanded by Richard Vines, for the express object of exploring the country with a view to form a settlement. He contracted with them to remain during the win ter, with the hope of removing the prejudice excited by the Saga dahock colonists against the character of the climate. They arrived during the prevalence of a destructive disease among the natives, which spread throughout New England, com mencing its ravages in the west. This pestilence is noticed by all the writers on the early history of New England, with some difference of opinion as to the precise year of its occurrence. A late and highly respectable writer supposes it to have prevailed in different places at different times, but a few years previous to the arrival of the Plymouth pilgrims. It was regarded by those pious colonists as a special interposition of divine providence in their favor, so great was the havoc it made among the tribes in that quarter. ' Thus,' says old Morton, ' God made way for his people by removing the heathen and planting them in the land.' Mr. Vines and his companions penetrated into the interior, vis iting the Indians in their villages and wigwams, who received them with great kindness and hospitality. Beside the ravages of sick ness, they were at this time thrown into confusion by the death of the Bashaba or chief sachem, whom the Tarrantines, living east of the Penobscot, had attacked by surprise and destroyed with his family the preceding year. Great dissensions had immediately followed among the different tribes, who were engaged in a de^ structive war with each other when the pestilence made its ap- 15* 174 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. First Settlers of Maine. pearance. In the midst of these evils, the Englishmen passed with safety among them, and slept in their cabins without suffering from the contagion. They were in particular welcomed by the savages whom they had seen in the family of Gorges at Plymouth, and now met in their native homes. Having visited different parts of the coast, this little party prepared to establish themselves for the winter. The spot which they selected for their abode, we have reason to suppose, was at the mouth of Saco river, on the western side, near the capacious and sheltered basin now called the Pool, but in early times known as Winter Harbor. Vines performed several voyages to our coast in the service of Gorges, and it is probable made Winter Harbor his principal re sort. While he was occupied in exploring the country and tra ding with the natives, his men were engaged in fishing. How long he pursued this course, we are not informed, nor do we find him mentioned again until several years after his early residence at Winter Harbor. The employments of the colonists were chiefly agriculture, fishing, and trade with the natives. Most of them combined these pursuits, and were styled husbandmen or planters. The husbandmen took up tracts of 100 acres, of which they received leases on nominal or small rents, from Mr. Vines. Some of these are now on record. An estate that had been in the possession of Thomas Cole, including ' a mansion or dwelling- house,' was leased by Mr. Vines to John' West for the term of 1000 years, for the annual rent of two shillings and one capon, a DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 175 previous consideration having been paid by West. The lease which is partly in the latin language, was executed, 1638. Ano ther deed from Vines requires the lessee to yield and pay an ac knowledgement and rent-charge of 5s., two days work, and one fat goose yearly. In this manner were all the planters rendered tenants to the proprietor, none of them holding their estates in fee simple. Fishing was the most common occupation, as it was both easy and profitable to barter the products of this business for corn from Virginia, and other stores from England. The trade with the planters of Massachusetts soon became considerable. In 1636, Mr. Vines had a consignment of bread and beef from that quarter. Jocelyn remarks that ' Winter Harbor is a noted place for fishers.' He describes this mode of pursuing the business in the following manner : 'The fisherman take yearly on the coast many hundred quintals of cod, hake, haddock, pollock, &c. and dry them at their stages, making three voyages in a year. They make merchant able and refuse fish, which they sell to Massachusetts merchants ; the first for 32 ryals ($4) per quintal ; the refuse for 9 and 10 shillings ($2, and 2,25). The merchant sends the first to Lisbon, Bilboa, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Toulon, and other cities of France ; to Canaries, pipe-staves and clapboards ; the refuse fish to the W. Indies for the negroes. To every shallop belong four fishermen, a master or steersman, a midshipman, and a shoreman, who washes it out of the salt; and dries it upon hurdles pitched upon stakes breast high, and tends their cookery. They often get in one voyage 8 or 9 barrels a share per man. The merchant buys of the planters beef, pork, peas, wheat, Indian corn, and sells it to the fishermen.' The expense of each planter to provision himself was quite small, if we may judge from an estimate furnished by Mr. Joce lyn for the information of proposed emigrants. A similar estimate had been previously made by Capt. Smith with reference to Vir ginia. ' Victuals to last one man a year ; 8 bushels of meal, £2 : two bushels of peas, 6 shillings : two bushels of oatmeal, 9 shil lings : one gallon of aqua vitae, (brandy), 2s. 6d. : one gallon of oil, 3s. 6d. : two gallons of vinegar, 2s, :' total, £3 3s., equal to $14.A considerable traffic was carried on with the natives by many of the planters, some of them visiting remote parts of the coast, or traveling into the interior for this purpose. English and French goods were bartered for valuable furs, particularly beaver." 176 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. FIRST SETTLEMENTS VERMONT. The territory now compri sed within the State of Ver mont, owing to its distance from the English settlements on the sea-coasts, and from the French on the St. Law rence, prevented its settle ment by either nation at an early period. "In 1716, a tract of land was granted by the general court of Massa chusetts, in the southeast part of the state, containing more than one hundred thou sand acres. But it was not Arms of Vermont. ^ the year 1724> that any settlement was made, within the bounds of Vermont : the gov ernment of Massachusetts then built fort Dummer, upon Connec ticut river. This fort was then admitted to be within Massachu setts ; afterwards it was found to be in New Hampshire, and is now in Vermont. This was the first settlement any civilized na tion had ever made in this state. On the other side of the state, the French made their advances up lake Champlain, and in 1731, built their fort at Crown Point, and began a settlement on the east side of the lake. This part of America became of course the seat of war, and was constantly exposed to the depredations of both nations, and their Indian allies ; and it was dangerous and impracticable to settle the country. The wars having terminated in the reduction of Canada, the frontiers of New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire, were no longer exposed to the inroads of the French, or to the ravages and depredations of the Indians. The prospect was that the unsettled parts of the country would now afford quiet and peaceable abodes for a large body of farmers, who might with ease and safety advance their fortunes, and establish settlements, and townships in every part of the frontiers. On such accounts the unsettled lands of the country acquired a new value, and were every where explored and sought after, by speculators and adventurers. DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C 177 Among these lands none appeared more inviting, than the tract of country which was situated between lake Champlain and Con necticut river. The soil was rich and fertile, favorable in many places to the production of grain, and in all to grazing and the raising of cattle. It was plentifully watered by streams and riv ers, and abounded with necessary and useful timber. In such a soil and situation, the labor and hardships of a few years could scarcely fail of producing rich and valuable farms, with all the ease and independence that is naturally annexed to industry in the rural economy and life. First Settlers of Vermont. Encouraged by such prospects, many persons were diposed to attempt their fortunes, by settling or speculating in those lands ; and as they were generally supposed to fall within the limits of New Hampshire, the applications were made to that government for the purchase, and for a title to the proposed new townships. The governor of New Hampshire wished to encourage these ap plications ; and when a sufficient number of purchasers appeared to advance the purchase money, and pay the customary fees and donations, he was always ready to make the grants and issue the charters. Nor could the purchasers be apprehensive that any controversies could arise respecting the validity of grants and charters, purporting to be made by the king of Great Britain, under the signature -and seal of the governor of New Hampshire ; as this was one of the royal provinces, and the lands were fairly purchased and paid for. They had further reasons for such ex- 178 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C pectations, for a royal decision had been made, which was under stood to have decisively assigned these lands to that province. The provinces of Massachusetts and New Hampshire had a long and tedious controversy, respecting their divisional line. This was not settled until March 5, 1740; when George the second determined, ' that the northern boundary of the province of Massachusetts be, a similar curve line, pursuing the course of Merrimack river, at three miles distance, on the north side thereof, beginning at the Atlantic ocean, and ending at a point due north of Patucket falls ; and a straight line drawn from thence, due west, until it meets with his Majesty's other governments.' This line was run in 1741, and has ever since been admitted as the boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire. By this decision, and the establishment of this line, the government of New Hampshire concluded, that their jurisdiction extended as far west, as Massachusetts had claimed and exercised ; that is, within twenty miles of Hudson's river. The king of Great Brit ain, had repeatedly recommended to the assembly of New Hamp shire, to make provision for the support of fort Dummer ; as a fortress, which had now fallen within their jurisdiction, and was known to stand on the west side of Connecticut river. From these circumstances, it was not doubted either in Britain, or in America, but that the jurisdiction of New Hampshire extended to the west of Connecticut river ; but how far to the west, had never been examined, or called into question. Benning Went- worth was at that time governor of New Hampshire. In 1749, he made a grant of a township, six miles square. It was situated twenty miles east of Hudson's river, and six miles north of Mas sachusetts line. In allusion to his own name, he gave to this township the name of Bennington. For the space of four or five years, he made several other grants, on the west side of Connec ticut river. In 1754, hostilities commenced between the English and the French in America, which put a stop to the applications and grants, and issued in a war between the two crowns. In 1760, the operations of the war, in this part of America, were terminated, by the surrender of Montreal, and the entire conquest of Canada. ' During the progress of the war, the New England troops cut a road from Charlestown in New Hampshire, to Crown Point, and were frequently passing through these lands ; and their fertility and value became generally known. Upon the cessation of hostilities, they were eagerly sought after, by adventurers and speculators. By the advice of his council, the governor of New Hampshire directed a survey to be made of Connecticut river, for sixty miles ; and three lines of townships to be laid out on each side. The applications for lands constantly increased, and new surveys were made." DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C. 179 A great proportion of the first settlers were from Connecticut. Following the course of the Connecticut river, they established themselves along its banks, and afterwards in other parts of the state. Brattleborough may be considered as the oldest town, as within its limits the settlement at fort Dummer was commenced in 1724. Bennington was first settled in 1761, Windsor in 1764. Rutland was settled about 1770, Burlington about 1783. Mont- pelier, the capital of the state, was first settled in the spring of 1 786. "So rapid was the progress, that during the year 1761, not less than sixty townships, of six miles square, were granted on the west of Connecticut river. The whole number of grants, in one or two years more,, amounted to one hundred and thirty- eight ; and their extent, was from Connecticut river, to what was esteemed twenty miles east of Hudson's river, so far as that ex tended to the northward ; and after that as far west as the eastern shore of Lake Champlain. The cultivation of the country, and the number of the settlers, increased with a surprising rapidity ; and WentWorth had an opportunity to accumulate a large fortune, by the fees and donations which attended the business, and by a reserve of five hundred acres, which he made in every township for himself. The government of New York, wishing to have the profits, and intending to have the disposal of the lands, was alarmed at these proceedings. Charles the second, in 1664 and 1674, made an extraordinary grant to his brother, the duke of York ; contain ing among other parts of America, ' all the lands from the west side of Connecticut river, to the east side of Delaware bay.' This grant was inconsistent with the charters, which had before been granted to Massachusetts and Connecticut ; and neither of them admitted it to have any effect, with regard to the lands which they had settled, or claimed to the west of Connecticut river." This and other royal grants occasioned a good deal of difficul ty between New York and the parties concerned. The grants made by New Hampshire, were considered by New York as il legal and of no authority, and endeavored in some instances to enforce submission to her jurisdiction by force of arms. " The main body of the settlers at that time, consisted of a brave, har dy, intrepid, but uncultivated set of men. Without many of the advantages of education, without any other property than what hard labor and hard living had procured, destitute of the con veniences and elegances of life, and having nothing to soften or refine their manners ; roughness, excess, and violence, would naturally mark their proceedings. To deny such people jus tice, was to prejudice and arm them against it, to confirm all their suspicions and prejudices against their rulers, and to give them an excuse and plea to proceed to outrage and violence. 180 DISCOVERIES, SETTLEMENTS, &C When the government of New York gave to their proceedings the names of mobs and riots, abuse and outrage to their officers, it is probable the expressions conveyed pretty just ideas, of the ap pearance of their conduct, and opposition to the laws. But when they called their opposition, felony, treason, and rebellion against lawful authority, the people of the adjacent provinces seem to have believed, that the government of New York was much more blamablc, in making and executing such laws as called their titles to their lands in question, than the settlers were, in acting in open and avowed opposition to them. " In this scene of violence, and opposition to the proceedings of New York, Ethan Allen placed himself at the head of the oppo sition. Bold, enterprising, ambitious, with great confidence in his own abilities, he undertook to direct the proceedings of the inhab itants. He wrote and dispersed several pamphlets to display the injustice, and designs, of the New York proceedings : and so oppressive were those measures, that although Allen was a very indifferent writer, his pamphlets were much read, and regarded ; and had a great influence upon the minds and conduct of the people. The uncultivated roughness of his own temper and manners, seems to have assisted him, in giving a just description of the views and proceedings of speculating land jobbers : and where all was a scene of violence and abuse, such a method of writing, did not greatly differ from the feelings of the settlers, or from the style of the pamphlets that came from New York. But though he wrote with asperity, a degree of generosity attended his conduct ; and he carefully avoided bloodshed, and protested against every thing that had the appearance of meanness, injus tice, cruelty, or abuse, to those who fell into his power. Next to him, Seth Warner seems to have been the most distinguished, in those times. Warner was cool, firm, steady, resolute, and fully determined that the laws of New York respecting the set tlors, never should be carried into execution. When an officer came to take him as a rioter, he considered it as an affair of open hostility ; defended himself, attacked, wounded and disarmed the officer ; but, with the spirit of a soldier, spared his life."* These controversies continued till the Revolution, when the attention of all parties was turned to a more important conflict than that which related to titles and grants of territory. In 1777, the people of Vermont delared themselves independent, and or ganized a government for themselves. In 1790 all controversy with New York was amicably adjusted, and in 1791, Vermont was admitted into the Federal Union. * Williams' History of Vermont, vol. 2. WINTHROP'S JOURNAL 181 Gov. Winthrop, and copy of his Signature. Extracts from Gov. Winthrop's Journal. John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts, kept a journal of every important occurrence from his embarking for America in 1630, to 1644. This manuscript, as appears by some passages, was originally designed for publication ; and it was consulted by the first compilers of New England History, particularly by Hubbard, Mather, and Prince, It continued un published, anduncopied, in possession of the elder branch of the family, till the Revolutionary war, when Governor Trumbull of Connecticut, procured it, and with the assistance of his secretary, copied a considerable part. It was first printed at Hartford, Con. by Elisha Babcock, in 1790. " June (Friday) 12th, 1630. The wind still S. W. close weather ; we stood to and again all this day within sight of Cape Anne. The Isles of Shoals were now within two leagues of us, and we saw a ship lie there at anchor, and 5 or 6 shallops under sail up and down. We took many mackerel, and met a shallop which stood from Cape Anne towards the Isles of Shoals, which belonged to some English fishermen. Saturday 12. About 4 in the morning we were near our port : We shot off two pieces of ordnance, and sent our skiff to Mr. Pierce his ship which lay in the harbour, and had been here some days before. 16 182 ;, winthrop's journal. About an hour after, Mr. Allerton came aboard us in a shallop as he was sailing to Penaquid. As we stood towards the harbour we saw another shallop coming to us, so we stood in to meet her, and passed thro the narrow streight between Baker's Isle and Little Isle, and came to an anchor a little within the Island. After Mr. Pierce came aboard us, and returned to fetch Mr. En- dicott, who came to us about 2 of the clock, and with him Mr. Shelton and Capt. LeVett. We that were of the assistants, and some other gentlemen, and some of the women and our Captain, returned with them to Nahumkeck,* where we supped on a good venison pastry and good beer, and at night we returned to our ship, but some of the women stayed behind. In the morning the rest of the people went on shore upon the land oft" Cape Anne, which lay very near us, to gather store of strawberries. An Indian came aboard us and lay here all night. June 17. We went to M'attachusetts, to find out a place for our sitting down. We went up Mistick river about six miles. We lay at Mr. Maverick's, and returned home on Saturday. As we came home, we came by Nataskott and sent for Capt. Squibb ashore. He had brought the West-country people, viz. Mr. Ludlow, Mr. Rosseter, Mr. Maverick, and ended a difference between him and the passen gers, whereupon he sent his boat to his ship (the Mary and John) and at our firing gave us five pieces. At our return we found the Ambrose in the harbour at Salem. Sept. 20. About 2 in the morning, Mr. Isaac Johnson died ; his wife the lady Arabella of the house of Lincoln, being dead about one month before. He was a holy man, and wise, and died in sweet peace, leaving some part of his substance to the colony. Oct. 25. The Governor, upon consideration of the inconveniences which had grown in England by drinking one to another, restrained it at his own table, and wished others to do the like, so it grew by little and little to disuse. Dec. 26. The rivers are frozen up, and they of Charlestown could not come to the sermon at Boston till the afternoon at high water. Many of our cows and goats were forced to be still aboard for want of houses. Richard Garner a shoe-maker of Boston, and one of the congrega tion there, with one of his daughters a young maid and four others went towards Plimouth in a shallop, against the advice of their friends, and about the Gurnett's nose the wind overblew so much at N. W. as they were forced to come to a hillock at 20 fathom, but their boat drove and shaked out the stem and they were put to sea, and the boat took in much water, which did freeze so hard as they could not free her, so they gave themselves up for lost, and commending themselves to God, they disposed themselves to die, but one of their company es pying land near Cape Cod, they made shift to hoist up part of their sail, and by God's special providence were carried thro the rock to * Salem. WINTHROP S JOURNAL. 183 the shore, when some got on land, but some had their legs frozen into the ice, so as they were forced to be cut out. Being come on shore they kindled a fire, but having no hatchet, they could get little wood, and were forced to lie in the open air all night, being extremely cold. In the morning two of their company went towards Plimouth, suppos ing it had been within seven or eight miles, whereas it was near fifty miles from them. By the way they met with two Indian squaws, who coming home, told their husbands that they had met two English men : they thinking (as it was) that they had been shipwrecked, made after them, and brought them back to their wigwam, and entertained them kindly, and one of them went with them the next day to Pli mouth, and the other went to find out their boat and the rest of their company, which were seven miles off, and having found them, he helped them what he could, and returned to his wigwam, and fetched them a hatchet, and built them a wigwam and covered it, and got them wood, for they were so weak and frozen, as they could not stir, and Garner died about two days after his landing, and the ground being so frozen as they could not dig his grave, the Indian hewed a hole about half a yard deep, with his hatchet, and having lain the corpse in it, he laid over it a great heap of wood to keep it from the wolves. By this time the Governor of Plimouth had sent three men to them with pro visions, who being come, and not able to launch their boat, (which with the strong N. W. wind was driven up to the high water mark) the Indian returned to Plimouth and fetched three more, but before they came they had launched their boat, and with a fair Southerly wind were gotten to Plimouth where another of their company died, his flesh being mor tified with the frost ; and the two who went towards Plimouth died also, one of them being not able to get hither, and the other had his feet so frozen as he died of it after. The girl escaped best, and one Harmer, a godly man of the congregation of B. lay long under the sur geon's hands, and it was above six weeks before he could get the boat from Plimouth ; and in their return they were much distressed, yet their boat was very well manned, the want whereof before was the cause of their loss. Feb. 10,1631. The frost broke up, and after that tho we had many storms and sharp frost, yet they continued not, neither were the wa ters frozen up as before. And it hath been observed ever since this bay was planted by the English, viz, seven years, that at this day the frost hath broken up every year. The poorer sort of people who lay long in tents, &c. were much afflicted with the scurvy, and many died, especially at Boston and Charlestown ; but when this ship came and brought us good stores of juice of lemons, many recovered speedily. It hath been always observed, that such as fell into discontent, and lingered after their former condition in England, fell into the scurvy and died. Feb. 18. Captain Weldon, a hopeful young gentlemen and an ex perienced soldier, died at Charlestown of a consumption, and was bu ried at Boston, with a military funeral. Of the elder planters and such as came the year before, there were 184 WINTHROP'S JOURNAL. but two, and those servants, which had the scurvy in all the country. At Plimouth not one had it, nor out of those who came this year (whereof there were above sixty). Whereas at their first planting time near half of their people died of it. Of those which went back in the ships this summer, for fear of death or famine, &c. many died by the way and after they were land ed, and others fell very sick and lean, &c. The provision which came to us this year, came at excessive rates, in regard of the deamess of corn in England, so as every bushel of wheat meal stood us in fourteen shillings, pease eleven and six pence, &c. March 23. Chickatabot came with his sannops and squaws, and presented the Governor with a bushel of Indian corn. After they had all dined and had each a small cup of sacke and beer, and the men tobacco, he sent away all his men and women, tho the Governor would have stayed them, in regard to the rain and thunder ; himself and one squaw and one sannop stayed all night, and being in English clothes, the Gov. set them at his own table, where he behaved himself as soberly, &c. as an Englishman. The next day after dinner here- turned here, the Governor giving him cheese and pease and a mug and some other small things. March 29. About 10 of the clock Mr. Coddington and Mr. Wilson and divers of the congregation met at the Governor's, and there Mr. Wilson praying and exhorting the congregation to love &c. com mended to them the exercise of prophecy in his absence and designed those whom he thought most fit for it (viz) the Governor, Mr. Dudley, and Mr. Newell the elder ; then he desired the Governor to commit himself and the rest to God by prayer, which being done, they ac companied him to the boat, and so they went over to Charleston to go by land to the ship. April 12. At a court holden at Boston (upon information to the Governor that they of Salem had called Mr. Williams to the office of a teacher) a letter was written from the court to Mr. Endicott to this effect ; that whereas Mr. Williams had refused to join with the churches at Boston, because they would not make a public declaration of their repentance for having communion with the churches of Eng land while they tarried there ; and besides had declared his opinion that the magistrate might not punish the breach of the sabbath nor any other offence that was a breach of the first table ; and therefore they marvelled they would chose him without advising with the council, and withal desiring him that he would forbear to proceed until they had considered about it. April 13. Chickatabot came to the governor, and desired to buy some English cloths for himself. The Governor told him that English Sagamores did not use to truck, but he called his taylor and gave him order to make him a suit of clothes, whereupon he gave the governor two large skins of coat beaver, and after he and his men had dined he departed, and said he would come again three days after for his suit. WINTHROP'S JOURNAL. 185 April 15. Chickatabot came to the governor again, and he put him into a very good new suit from head to foot, and after he sat meat be fore him, but he would not eat till the Governor had given thanks, and after meat he desired him to do the like, and so departed. June 14. At a court Jo. Sagamore and Chickatabot being told at last court of some injuries that their men did to our cattle, and giving consent to make satisfaction &c. now one of their men was complained of for shooting a pig, for which Chickatabot was ordered to pay a small skin of beaver, which he presently paid. At this court one Philip Ratlif a servant of Mr. Cradock, being convict ore tenus of most foul scandalous invectives against our churches and government, was censured to be whipped, lose his ears, and be banished the plantation, which was presently executed. July 13. Canonicus, son to the great Sachem of Naraganset, came to the Governor's house with Jo. Sagamore, after they had dined he gave the Governor a skin, and the Governor requited him with a fair pewter pot, which he took very thankfully and stayed all night. July 30. Mr. Ludlow in digging the foundation of his house at Dorchester, found two pieces of French money, one was coined in 1596, they were in several places above a foot within the firm ground. Sept. 27. At a court one Josias Playstone and two of his servants were censured for stealing corn from Chickatabot and his men, who were present, the master to restore two fold, and to be degraded from the title of a gentleman, and fined five pounds, and his men to be whipped. Oct. 11. The Governor being at his farm house at Mistick, walk ed out after supper and took a piece in his hand, supposing he might see a wolf (for they came daily about the house, and killed swine and calves, &c.) and being about half a mile off, it grew suddenly dark, so as in coming home he mistook his path, and went till he came to a little house of Sagamore John, which stood empty ; there he stayed, and having a piece of match in his pocket (for he always carried about his match and compass, and in the former there spake need) he made a good fire and warmed the house, and lay down upon some old matts which he found there, and so spent the night, sometimes walking by the fire, sometimes singing psalms, and sometimes getting wood, but could not sleep. It was (thro God's mercy) a weary night, but a little before day it began to rain, and having no cloak, he made shift by a long pole to climb up into the house. In the morning there came thither an Indian squaw, but perceiving her before she had opened the door, he barred her out, yet she stayed there a great while essay ing to get in, and at last she. went away, and he returned safe home, his servant having been much perplexed for him, and having walked about, and shot off pieces and halloed in the night, but he heard them not. Oct. 25. The Governor, with Capt. Underhill and other of the officers went on foot to Sagus, and next day to Salem, where they were bountifully entertained by Capt. Endicott, &c. and the 28th 16* 186 WINTHROP'S JOURNAL. they returned to Boston by the fort at Sagus river, and so over to Mistick. Nov. 2. The ship Lyon Wm. Pierce, master, arrived at Natascot. there came in her the Governor's wife, and other of his children, and Mr. Eliot, a minister, and other families, being in all about 60 persons, who all arrived in good health, having been ten weeks at sea, and lost none of their company but two children, whereof one was the Gover nor's daughter Anne, about one year and half old, who died about a week after they came to sea. Nov. 4. The Governor, his wife and children went on shore with Mri Pierce in his ship boat, the ship gave them six or seven pieces. At their landing the Captains with their companies in arms entertained them with a guard and divers vollies of shot, and three drakes ; — and divers of the assistants and most of the people of the near plantations, came to welcome them, and brought and sent, for divers days, great store of provisions, as fat hogs, kids, venison, poultry, geese, par tridges, &c. so as the like joy and manifestation of love had never been seen in New England : it was a great marvel that so much people and store of provisions could be gathered together at so few hours warning. Feb. 17, 1632. The Governor and assistants called before them at Boston divers of Watertown ; the pastors and elder by letter, and the others by warrant. The occasion was for that a warrant being sent to Watertown for levying of 81. part of a rate of 601. ordered for the fortifying the new town ; the pastor and elder, &c. assembled the people and deliver'd their opinion, that it was not safe to pay money after that sort, for fear of bringing themselves into bondage, being come before the governor and council, after much debate they ac knowledged their fault, confessing freely that they were in an error, and made a retraction and submission under their hands, and were injoyned to read it in the assembly the next Lord's day. The ground of their error was, for that they took this government to be no other but as of a mayor and aldermen, who have not power to make laws or raise taxations without the people ; but understanding that this government was rather in the nature of a Parliament, and that no as sistant could be chosen but by the freemen, who had power likewise to remove the assistants and put in others, and therefore at every gen eral court (which was to be holden once every year) they had free liberty to consider and propound any thing concerning the same, and m declare their grievances without being subject to question, &c. they were fully satisfied, and so their submission was accepted and their offence pardoned. May 1. The Governor and assistants met at Boston to consider of the Deputy his deserting his place. The points discussed were two. The first, upon what grounds he did it. 2d, whether it were good or void. For the 1 st, his main reason was for public peace, for he must needs discharge his conscience in speaking freely, and he saw that bred disturbance. For the 2d, it was maintained by all that he could not to leave his place, except by the same power which put him in ; yet he could not be put from his contrary opinion, nor WINTHROP S JOURNAL. 187 would be persuaded to continue till the general court, which was to be the 8th of this month. Another question fell out with him about some bargains he had made with some poor men, members of the same congregation, to whom he had sold 7 bushels and an half of corn to receive ten for it after harvest," which the Governor and some others held to be op pressive usury, and within the compass of the statute, but he per sisted to maintain it to be lawful, and there arose hot words about it, he telling the Governor that if he had thought he had sent for him to his house to give him such usage, he would not have come there, and that he never knew any man of understanding, of other opinion, and that if the Governor thought otherwise of it, it was his weak ness. The Governor took notice of these speeches and bore them with more patience than he had done upon a like occasion at another time. Upon this there arose another question about his house. The Governor having freely told him that he did not well to bestow so much cost about wainscoting and adorning his house in the beginning of a plantation, both in regard of the necessity of public charges, and for example. His answer now was, that it was for the warmth of his house, and the charge was little, being but clapboards nailed to the walls in form of wainscot. These and other speeches passed before dinner. After dinner the Governor told him he had heard that the people intended at the next general court to desire that the assis tants might be chosen anew every year, and that the Governor might be chosen by the whole court and not by the assistants only. Upon this Mr. Dudley grew into passion, and said that then we should have no government, but there would be an interim wherein every man might do what he pleased. This was answered and cleared in the judgment of the rest of the assistants, but he continued stiff in his opinion, and protested he would then return back into England. May 8. A proposition was made by the people that every compa ny of train-men might choose their own Captain and officers, but the Governor giving them reasons to the contrary, they were satisfied with it. Every town may choose two men to be at the next court to advise with the Governor and assistants about the raising of a public stock, so as what they should agree upon should bind all, &c. The Gov ernor among other things used this speech to the people after he had taken his oath, — That he had received gratuities from divers towns, which he received with much comfort and content ; he had also re ceived many kindnesses from particular persons, which he would not refuse, least he should be accounted uncourteous, &c. but he expres sed that he received them with a trembling heart, in regard of God's rule, and the consciousness of his own inconformity, and therefore desired them that hereafter they would not take it ill if he did refuse presents from particular persons except they were from the assist ants, or from special friends, &c. to which no answer was made, but he was told after that many good people were much grieved at it, for that he never had any allowance towards the charge of his place. 188 winthrop's journal. Jan. 17, 1633. A maid servant of Mr. Skelton of Salem, going towards Sagus, was lost seven days, and at length came home to Sa lem. All that time she was in the woods, having no kind of food, the snow being very deep, and as cold as at any time that winter. She was so frozen into the snow some mornings as she was one hour before she could get up, yet she soon recovered and did' well through the Lord's wonderful providence. July 12. Mr. Edward Winslow, Governor of Plimouth, and Mr. Bradford came into the bay, and went away the 1 8th. They came partly to confer about joining in a trade to Connecticut, for beaver and hemp : there was a motion to set up a trading house there, to prevent the Dutch who were about to build one, but in regard the place was not fit for plantation, there being three or four thousand warlike Indians, and the river not to be gone into but by small pin naces, having a bar affording but six feet at high water, and for that no vessels can get in for 7 months in the year, partly by reason of the ice, and then the violent stream, &c. we thought not fit to med dle with it. Nov. The scarcity of workmen had caused them to raise their wages to an excessive rate, so as a carpenter would have three shil lings the day, a laborer two shillings and six-pence, &c. and accord^ ingly those who had commodities to sell, advanced their prices some times double to that they cost in England, so as it grew to a general complaint, which the court taking knowledge of, as also of some fur ther evils which were springing out of the excessive rate of wages, they made an order that carpenters, masters, &c. should take but 2s. the day, and laborers but 18d., — and that no commodity should be sold at above four pence in the shilling more than it cost for ready money in England, oil, wine, &c. and cheese in regard of the hazard of bringing, &c. The evils which were springing, were, 1. Many spent much time idly, because they could get as much in four days as would keep them a week. 2. They spent much in tobacco and strong waters,* which was a great waste to the Commonwealth, which by reason of so many scarce commodities expended could not have subsisted to this time, but that it was supplied by the cattle and com which were sold to new comers at very dear rates, viz. corn at 6s. the bushel ; a cow at 201. — yea some at 241. some 261. a mare at 351. an ewe goat at 3 or 41. and yet many cattle were every year brought out of England, and some from Virginia. Soon after an order was taken for prices of commodities, viz. not to exceed the rate of four pence in the shilling above the price in England, except cheese and liquors, &c. Dec. 5. John Sagamore died of the small pox and almost all his people, about 30 buried by Mr. Maverick of Winesemett in one day. The towns in the bay took away many of the children, but most of them died soon after. James Sagamore of Sagus died also and most of his folks. John Sagamore desired to be brought among the Eng lish, so he agreed and promised, if he recovered, to live with the *Rum or spirits. winthrop's journal. 189 English and serve their God. He left one son which he disposed to Mr. Wilson the pastor of Boston to be brought up by him. He gave to the Governor a good quantity of wampampeague, and to divers others of the English he gave gifts and took order for the payment of his own debts and his men's ; he died in a persuasion that he should go to the Englishmen's God. Divers of them in their sick ness confessed that the Englishmen's God was a good God, and that if they recovered they would serve him. It wrought much with them that when their own people forsook them, yet the English came daily and ministered to them, and yet few took any instructions by it. Among others Mr. Maverick of Winesemett is worthy of special re membrance ; himself, his wife and servants went daily to them, min istered to their necessities, and buried their dead, and took home many of their children ; so did other of the neighbors. This infec tious disease spread to Piscataqua, where all the Indians except one or two died. Feb. 1, 1634. Such of the Indians' children as were left, were taken by the English, most whereof did die of the pox* soon after, three only remaining, whereof one which the Governor kept was called Knows God, (the Indians' usual answer being, when they were put in mind of God, me no knows God). March 7. At the lecture at Boston a question was propounded about veils. Mr. Cotton concluded that where by the custom of the place, they were not a sign of a woman's sobriety, they were not commanded by the apostle. Mr. Endicott opposed, and did maintain it by the general arguments brought by the apostle. After some de bate, the Governor perceiving it to grow to some earnestness, inter posed and so it brake off. , May. One , a godly minister, upon conscience of his oath and care of the common W. discovered to the magistrates some se ditious speeches of his son delivered in private to himself, but the court thought not fit to call the party in question then, being loth to have the father come in as public accuser of his own son, but rather desired to find other matters, or other witnesses against him. Aug. 12. One pleasant passage happened which was acted by the Indians. Mr. Winslow coming in his bark from Connecticut to Narragansett, and left her there, and intending to return by land, he went to Osamekin the Sagamore, his old ally, who offered to conduct him home to Plimouth, but before they took their journey Osamekin sent one of his men to Plimouth to tell them that Mr. Winslow was dead, and directed him to shew how and where he was killed, where upon there was much fear and sorrow at Plimouth. The next day when Osamekin brought him home they asked him why he sent such word, &c. he answered, that it was their manner to do so that they might be more welcome when they came home. Oct. 14. It was informed the Governor that some of our people being aboard the bark of Maryland, the sailors did revile them, call ing them holy brethren, the members, &c. and withal did curse and * The small-pox, which proved fatal to many of the natives. 190 swear most horribly, and used threatening speeches against us. The Governor wrote to some of the assistants about it, and upon advice with the ministers, it was agreed to call them in question ; and to this end, (because we knew not how to get them out of their bark), we apprehended the merchant of the ship, being one Store, and com mitted him to the marshal, till Mr. Maverick came and undertook that the offender should be forthcoming. The next day (the Gover nor not being well) we examined the witnesses and found them fall short of the matter of threatening, and not to agree about the reviling speeches, beside not being able to design certainly the men that had so offended, whereupon (the bark staying only for this) the bail was discharged, and a letter written to the master, that in regard such dis orders were committed aboard his ship, it was his duty to inquire out the offenders and punish them, and withal to desire him to bring no more such disordered persons among us. Nov. 20. At the court of assistants complaint was made by some of the country, viz. Richard Brown of Watertown in the name of the rest, that the ensign at Salem was defaced, viz. one part of the red cross taken out. Upon this an attachment was awarded against Rich ard Davenport, Ensign bearer, to appear at the next, court to answer. Much matter was made of this, as fearing it would be taken as an act of rebellion, or of like high nature, in defacing the King's colors : Though the truth were it was done upon this opinion, that the red cross was given to the King of England by the Pope, as an ensign of victory, and so a superstitious thing, and a relic of antichrist. What proceeding was hereupon, will appear after, at next court in the first month, for by reason of the great snows and frosts we used not to keep courts in the three winter months. Nov. 13. One thing I think fit to observe as a witness of God's providence for this plantation. There came in a ship of Barnstable one Mansfield, a poor godly man of Exeter, being very desirous to come to us, but not able to transport his family : there was in the city a rich merchant, one Marshall, who being troubled in his dreams about the said poor man, could not be quiet till he had sent for him and given him 501. and lent him 1001. willing him withal, that if he wanted, he should send to him for more. This Mansfield grew sud denly rich and then lost his godliness, and his wealth soon after. Jan. 19. All the ministers except Mr. Ward of Ipswich, met at Boston, being requested by the Governor and assistants, to consider of these two cases. 1. What ought to be done if a general Gover nor should be sent out of England ? 2. Whether it be lawful for us to carry the cross in our banners ? In the first case they all agreed that if a general Governor were sent, we ought not to accept him, but defend our lawful possessions (if we were able), otherwise to avoid or protract. For the matter of the cross they were divided, and so deferred it to another meeting. * Mo. 1, 1635. At this court brass farthings were forbidden, and musket bullets made to pass for farthings. A commissioner for mili tary affairs was established who had power of life and limb, &c. winthrop's journal. 191 Mo. 2, 30. The Governor and assistants sent for Mr. Williams ; the occasion was for that he had taught publicly, that a magistrate ought not to tender an oath to an unregenerate man, for that we there by have communion with a wicked man in the worship of God, and cause him to take the name of God in vain. He was heard before all the ministers, and very clearly confessed. Mr. Endicott was at first of the same opinion, but gave place to the teacher. Mo. 11 Jan. Mr. Hugh Peters went from place to place laboring both publicly and privately, to raise up men to a public frame of spirit, and so prevailed as he procured a good sum of money to be raised to set on foot the fishing business, to the value of , and wrote into England to raise as much more. The intent was to set up a magazine of all provisions and other necessaries for fishing, that men might have things at hand and for reasonable prices, whereas now the merchants and seamen took advantage to sell at most excessive rates, (in many things two for one). Mo. 1, 8, 1636. The Rebecca came from Bermuda with thirty thousand weight of potatoes, and store of oranges and lemons, which were a great relief to our people ; but their corn was sold to the W. Indies three months before. Potatoes were bought for 2*8. and sold here for 2d. the pound. Mo. 2, .11'. At a general court it was ordered that a certain num ber of the magistrates should be chosen for life. The reason was, for that it was shewed from the word of God, &c. that the principal magistrates ought to be for life. Accordingly the 25th of the 3d Mo. John Winthrop and Thomas Dudley were chosen to this place, and Henry Vane by his place of Governorship was President of this council for his year. It was likewise ordered that quarter courts should be kept in several places for ease of the people, and in regard of the streights of victuals, the remote towns should send their votes by proxy to the court of elections ; and that no church should be al lowed that was gathered without the consent of the churches and the magistrates. Mo. 3. 15. Mr. Peters preaching at Boston, made an earnest re quest to the church for four things. 1. That they would spare their teacher Mr. Cotton, for a time, that he might go through the Bible and raise marginal notes upon all the knotty places of the scripture. 2. That a new book of might be made, to begin where the other had left. 3. That a form of church government might be drawn ac cording to the scripture. 4. That they would take order for employ ment of people, especially women and children, in the winter time, for he feared that idleness would be the vice both of church and com monwealth. 9ber. 17. Cattle were grown to high rates, a good cow 251. or 301. — a pair of bulls or oxen 40/. — Corn was near at 5*. the bushel, and much rye was sown with the plow this year, for about thirty plows were at work. Board was at 9 and 10s. the C. — carpenters at 3*. the day and other work accordingly. , 192 winthrop's journal. Things went not well at Connecticut, their cattle did many of them cast their young, as they had done the year before. Mo. 12, 1637. Divers gentlemen and others being joined in a military company, desired to be made a corporation, but the council considering from the example of the Praetorian band among the Ro mans and the templars in Europe, how dangerous it might be to erect a standing authority of military men, which might easily in time over throw the civil power, thought fit to stop it betimes, yet they were al lowed to be a company, but subordinate to all authority. About this time the Indians which were in our families were much frightened with Hobbanock (as they called the Devil) appearing to them in divers shapes, and persuading them to forsake the English, and not to come at the assemblies, nor to learn to read, &c. Mo. 1, 1638. At this court divers of our chief military officers who had declared themselves favorers of the familistical persons and opinions were sent for, and being told that the court having some jeal ousy of them for the same, and therefore did desire some general satisfaction from them, they did ingenuously acknowledge how they had been deceived and misled by the pretence which had been held forth of advancing Christ and debasing the creature, which since they had found to be otherwise, and that their opinions and practice led to disturbance and delusions, and so blessed God that had so timely dis covered their error and danger to them. Mo. 6. Four servants of Plimouth ran from their masters, and coming to Providence, they killed an Indian. He escaped after he was deadly wounded in the belly, and got to other Indians, so being discovered they fled and were taken at the Isle Aquiday. Mr. Wil liams gave notice to the Governor of Massachusetts and desired ad vice. He returned answer,. that seeing they were of Plimouth they should certify Plimouth of them, and if they would send for them to deliver them, otherwise, seeing no Englishman had jurisdiction in the place where the murder was committed, neither had they at the Island any Governor established, it would be safest to deliver the principal (who was certainly known to have killed the party) to the Indians his friends, with caution that they should not put him to tor ture, and to keep the other three to further consideration. After this Plimouth men sent for them, but one had escaped, and the Governor there wrote to the Governor here for advice, especially for that he heard they intended to appeal into England. The Governor returned answer of encouragement to proceed notwithstanding, seeino- no ap- • peal did lie, for that they could not be tried in England, and that the whole country here were interested in the case and would expect to 6ee justice done, whereupon they proceeded as appears after. The three prisoners being brought to Plimouth and examined, did all confess the murder, and that they did it to get his wampom, &c. but all the question was about the death of the Indian, for no man could witness that he saw him dead, but Mr. Williams and Mr. James of Providence made an oath that his wound was mortal ; — at last two Indians, who with much difficulty were procured to come to the trial WINTHROP*S JOURNAL. 193 (for they still feared that the English were conspired to kill all the Indians), made oath after this manner, viz, that if he were not dead of that wound then they would suffer death. Upon this they three were condemned and executed. Two of them died very penitently, especially Arthur Peach, a young man of good parentage and fair conditioned, and who had done very good service against the Pequods. Mo. 7, 25. A remarkable providence appeared in a case which was tried at the last court of assistants. Diver neighbours of Linn, by agreement, kept their cattle by turns. It fell out to the turn of one Gillow to keep them, and as he was driving them forth, another of these neighbours went along with him and kept so earnestly in talk that.his cattle strayed and got in the corn, then this other neighbour left him and would not help him recover his cattle, but went and told another how he had kept Gillow in talk that he might lose his cattle &c. The cattle getting into the Indian corn eat so much ere they could be gotten out, that two of them fell sick of it, and one of them died presently, and these two cows were that neighbours cows who had kept Gillow in talk, &c. The man brings his action against Gil low for his cow, not knowing that he had witness of his speech, but Gillow producing witness &c. barred him of his action, and had good cost &c. The court taking into consideration the great disorder proceeding thro' the country in costliness of apparel, and following new fashions, sent for the elders of the churches, and conferred with them about it, and laid it upon them, as belonging to them to redress it, by urging it upon the consciences of their people, which they promised to do. But little was done about it, for divers of the elders wives &c, were in some measure partners in this general disorder. Mo. 1, 1639. A printing house was begun at Cambridge by one Daye at the charge of Mr. Glover who died on sea hitherward. The first thing which was printed was the freeman's oath, the next was an almanack made for New England by Mr. Pierce, mariner — the next was the psalms newly turned into metre. Mo. 3, 2. Mr. Cotton preaching out of the 8. of Kings 8. taught, that when magistrates are forced to provide for the maintenance of ministers, then the churches are in a declining condition : there he shewed that the ministers maintenance should be by Voluntary contri bution, not by lands or revenues or tithes &c, for these things had al ways been accompanied with pride, contention and sloth. The two regiments in the bay were mustered at Boston to the num ber of one thousand soldiers, able men and well armed and exercised. They were headed, the one by the Governor who was General of all, and the other by the Deputy who was Colonel. The captains &c. shewed themselves very skilful and ready in divers sorts of skir mishes and other military actions, wherein they spent the whole day. One of Piscat -: having opportunity to go into Mr. Burdet his study, and finding there the copy of his letter to the archbishops, sent it to the Governor, which was to this effect.— That he did delay to go into 17 194 WINTHROP^ JOURNAL. England, because he would fully inform himself of the state of the people here in regard of allegiance, and that it was not discipline that was now so much aimed at as sovereignty, and that it was accounted piracy and treason in our General Court to speak of appeals to the King. The first ships which came this year brought him letters from the archbishops and the lords commissioners for plantations, wherein they gave him thanks for his care of his Majesty's service &c. and that they would take a time to redress such disorders as he had informe them of : but by reason of the much business which now lay upon them they could not at present accomplish his desire. These letters lay above fourteen days in the Bay, and some moved the Governor to open them, but himself and others of the council thought it not safe to med dle with them, nor would take any notice of them, and it fell out well by God's good providence, for the letters, by some means, were open ed, yet without any of their privity or consent, and Mr. Burdett threat ened to complain of it to the Lords ; and afterwards we had knowl edge of the contents of them by some of his own friends. The Governor acquainted the General Court that in these last two years of his government he had received from the Indians in present^, to the value of about j£40. and that he had spent about £20. in enter tainment of them and in presents to their Sachems &c. The court declared that the presents were the Governor's due, but the tribute was to be paid to the treasurer. Mo. 4. 26. Mr. Hooker being to preach at Cambridge, the Gover nor and many others went to hear him (tho' the Governor did very seldom go from his own congregation upon the Lord's day.) He preached in the afternoon, and having gone on with much strength of voice and intention of spirit about a quarter of an hour, he was at a stand, and told the people that God had deprived him both of his strength and matter &c. and so went forth, and about half an hour after returned again and went on to a very good purpose about two hours. A fishing trade was began at Cape Anne by one Mr. Maverick Tomson a merchant of London, and an order was made that all stocks employed in fishing should not be free from public charge for seven years. This was not done to encourage foreigners to set up fishing among us, for all the gains would be returned to the place where they dwelt, but to encourage our own people to set upon it, and in expec tation that Mr. Tomson &c. would e're long come settle with us. Here was such store of exceeding large and fat mackrell upon our coast this season as was a great benefit to all our plantations. Some one boat with three men would take in a week ten hundreds, which was sold in Connecticut for £3. 12 the hundred. Mo. 10. At the general court an order was made to abolish that vain custom of drinking one to another, and that upon these and other grounds. 1. It was a thing of no good use. 2. It was an induce ment to drunkenness and occasion of quarrelling and bloodshed. 3. It occasioned much waste of wine and beer. 4. It was very WINTHROP S JOURNAL. 195 troublesome to many, especially the masters and mistresses of the feast, who were forced thereby to drink more often than they would. Yet divers, even godly persons, were very loth to part with this idle ceremony, tho' when disputation was tendred, they had no life, nor indeed could find any arguments to maintain it, such power hath cus tom &c. Mo. 3, 13, 1640. The court of elections was at Boston, and Tho mas Dudley Esq. was chosen Governor. Some trouble there had been in making way for his election, and it was obtained with some difficulty, for many of the elders laboured much in it, fearing lest the long continuance of one man in the place should bring it to be for life, and in time, hereditary. Besides this gentleman was a man of ap proved wisdom and godliness, and of much good service to the coun try, and therefore it was his due to serve in such honor and benefit as the country had to bestow. The elders being met at Boston about this matter, sent some of their company to acquaint the old Governor with their desire and the reasons moving them, clearing themselves of all dislike of his government, and seriously professing their sincere affections and respect towards him, which he kindly and thankfully accepted, concurring with them in their motion, and expressing his unfeigned desire of more freedom, that he might a little intend his pri vate occasions, wherein they well knew how much he had lately suf fered (for his bailiff whom he trusted with managing his farm had en gaged him £.2500 without his privity) in his outward estate. One Baker, master's mate of the ship being in drink, used some reproachful words of the Queen. The Governor and Council were much in doubt what to do with him, but having considered that he was distempered and sorry for it, and being a stranger and a chief officer in the ship, and many ships were then in harbour, they thought it not fit to inflict corporeal punishment upon him, but after he had been two or three days in prison, he was set an hour at the whipping post with a paper on his head and so dismissed. Mo. 8. The scarcity of money made a great change in all com merce. Merchants would sell no wares but for ready money — men could not pay their debts tho' they had enough — prices of lands and cattle fell soon to the one half and less, yea to a third, and after one fourth part. Mo. 10. About the end of this month a fishing ship arrived at Isle of Shoals, and another soon after, and there came no more this season for fishing. They brought us news of the Scotts entering into Eng land, and the calling of a parliament, and the hope of a thorough re formation &c. whereupon some among us began to think of returning back to England. Others dispairing of any more supply from thence, and yet not knowing how to live there if they should return, bent their minds wholly to removal to the south parts, supposing they should find better means of subsistence there, and for this end put off their estates here at very low rates. These things, together with the scar city of money, caused a sudden and very great abatement of the prices of all our own commodities. Corn (Indian) was sold ordinarily at 196 WINTHROP'S JOURNAL. three shillings the bushel, a good cow at seven or eight pounds, and some at £5 — and other things answerable (see the order of court in 8ber. about these things) whereby it came to pass that men could not pay their debts, for no money or beaver was to be had, and he who last year, or but three months before was worth £.1000 could not now if he should sell his whole estate raise £.200 whereby God taught us the vanity of all outward things &c. One Taylor of Linne having a milch cow in the ship as he came over, sold the milk to the passengers for 2d the quart, and being afte at a sermon wherein oppression was complained of &c. he fell dis tracted. This evil was very notorious among all sorts of people, it being the common rule that most men walked by in all their com merce, to buy as cheap as they could, and to sell as dear. The general fear of want of foreign commodities now our money was gone, and that things were like to go well in England, set us on work to provide shipping of our own, for which end Mr. Peters, being a man of very public spirit and singular activity for all occasions, pro cured some to join for building a ship at Salem of 300 tons, and the inhabitants of Boston stirred up by his example, set upon the building another at Boston of 150 tons. The work was hard to accomplish for want of money &c. but our shipwrights were content to take such pay as the country could make. The shipwright at Salem, thro' want of care of his tackle &c. occasioned the death of one Baker who was desired with five or six more to help hale up a piece of. timber, which, the rope breaking, fell down upon them. The rest by special provi dence were saved. This Baker going forth in the morning very well, after he had prayed, told his wife he should see her no more, tho' he could not foresee any danger toward him.- The court having found by experience that it would not avail by any law to redress the excessive rates of labourer's and workmen's wages &c. for being restrained, they would either remove to other places where they might have more or else being able to live by planting and other employments of their own, they would not be hired at all. It was therefore referred to the several towns to set down rates among themselves. This took better effect, so that in a volun tary way, by the counsel and persuasion of the elders, and example of some who led the way, they were brought to more moderation than they could be by compulsion, but it held not long. Mo. 4, 2. 1641. The parliament of England sitting upon a general reformation both of church and state, the earl of Strafford being be headed, and the archbishop (our great enemy) and many others of the great officers and judges, bishops and others imprisoned and called to account, this caused all men to stay in England in expectation of a new world, so as few coming to us, all foreign commodities grew scarce, and our own of no price. Corn would buy nothing — a cow which cost last year £20 might now be bought for four or £5 &c. and many gone out of the country, so as no man could pay his debts, nor the merchants make return into England for their commodities, which occasioned many there to speak evil of us. These streights set our WINTHROP'S JOURNAL. 197 people on work to provide fish, clapboards, plank &c. and to sow hemp and flax (which prospered very well) and to look out to the W. Indies for a trade for cotton. The general court also made orders about payments of debts, setting corn at the wonted price, and payable for all debts which should arise after a time prefixed. They thought fit also to send some chosen men into England to congratulate the happy success there, and to satisfy our creditors of the true cause why we could not make so current payment now as is in former years we had done, and to be ready to make use of any opportunity God should offer for the good of the country here, as also to give any advice, as it should be required for the settling the right form of church disci pline there, but with this caution, that they should not seek supply of our wants in any dishonorable way, as by begging or the like, for we were resolved to wait upon the Lord in the use of all means which were lawful and humble. This summer the merchants of Boston set out a vessel again to the isle of Sable, with 12 men, to stay there a year. They sent again in the 8th month, and in three weeks the vessel returned and brought home 400 pr. of sea horse teeth which were esteemed worth £300, and left all the men well and 12 ton of oil and many skins which they could not bring away, being put from the island in a storm. Mo. 7, 15. A great training at Boston two days. About 1200 men were exercised in most sorts of land service ; yet it was observed that there was no man drunk, tho' there was plenty of wine and strong beer in the town — not an oath sworn — no quarrel, nor any hurt done. Mo. 5, 1642. Now came over a book of Mr. Cotton's sermons up on the seven vials. Mr. Humphry had gotten the notes from some who had took them by characters, and printed them in London, which was a great wrong to Mr. Cotton, and he was much grieved at it, for it had been fit he should have perused and corrected the copy before it had been printed. Mo. 7, 22. The sudden fall of land and cattle, and the scarcity of foreign commodities and money &c. with the thin access of people from England, put many into an unsettled frame of spirit, so as they concluded there would be no subsisting here, and accordingly they began to hasten away, some to the W. Indies, others to the Dutch at Long Island &c. (for the Governor there invited them by fair offers) and others back for England. Ask thy conscience if thou wouldst have plucked up thy stakes, and brought thy family 3000 miles if thou hadst expected that all, or most, would have forsaken thee there. Ask again what liberty thou hast towards others which thou likest not to allow others towards thy self, for if one may go another may, and so the greater part, and so church and commonwealth may be left destitute in a wilderness ex posed to misery and reproach, and all for thy ease and pleasure, whereas these all, being now thy brethren, as near to thee as the Is raelites were to Moses, it were much safer for thee, after his example, 17* 198 winthrop's journal. to choose rather to suffer affliction with thy brethren, than to enlarge thy ease and pleasure by furthering the occasion of their ruin. Mo. 8, 5. Nine bachellors commenced at Cambridge ; they were young men of good hope, and performed their acts so as gave good proof of their proficiency in the tongues and arts. The general court had settled a government or superintendency over the college, viz. all the magistrates and elders of the three nearest churches, and the pre sident or the greatest part of these. Most of them were now present at this first commencement, and dined at the college with the schol ars ordinary commons, which was done of purpose for the students encouragement &c. and it gave good content to all. At this commencement complaint was made to the governors of two young men of good quality lately come out of England, for foul mis behaviour, in swearing and ribaldry speeches &c. for which, tho' they were adult, they were corrected in the college, and sequestered &c. for a time. Mo. 30, 1643. There was a piece of justice executed at New- Haven, which being the first in that kind, is not unworthy to be re corded. Mr. Malbon one of the magistrates there had a daughter about — years of age which was openly whipped, her father joining in the sentence. The cause was thus. [Here is a blank in the copy]. One Richard — servant to one — Williams of Dorchester, being come out of service, fell to work at his own hand and took great wages above others, and would not work but for ready money. By this means in a year or little more, he had scraped together about £25 and then returned with his prey into England, speaking evil of the country by the way : he was not gone far, after his arrival, but the cavaliers met him and eased him of his money, so he knew no better way but to return to N. England again to repair his loss in that place which he had so much disparaged. Mo. 3. Those of Sir Ferdinand Gorge his province beyond Pis- cat : were not received nor called into the confederation because they ran a different course from us both in their ministry and civil admin istration, for they had lately made Acomenticus (a poor village) a cor poration, and had made a taylor their mayor, and had entertained one Mr. Hull an excommunicated person and very contentious, for their minister. At this court of elections tnere arose a scruple about the oath which the Governor and the rest of the magistrates were to take viz. about the first part of it — ' You shall bear true faith and allegiance to our sovereign Lord King Charles' — seeing he had violated the privileges of parliament, and made war upon them, and thereby had lost much of his kingdom and many of his subjects ; whereupon it was thought fit to omit that part of it for the present. (4) 12. Mr. La Tour arrived here in a ship of 140 tons and 140 persons. The ship came from Rochelle, the master and his com pany were protestants : there were two friars and two women sent U> wait upon La Tour his lady. They came in with a fair wind with winthrop's journal. 199 out any notice taken of 'them. They took a pilot out of one of our boats at sea, and left one of their men in his place. Capt. Gibbons' wife and children passed by the ship as they were going to their farm, but being discovered to La Tour by one of his gentlemenwho knew him, La Tour manned out a shallop which he towed after him to go speak with her. She seeing such a company of strangers mak ing towards her, hastened to get from them, and landed at the Gov ernor's garden. La Tour landed presently after her, and there found the Governor and his wife, and two of his sons, and his son's wife, and after mutual salutations he told the Governor the cause of his coming, viz. that this ship being sent him out of France, D'Aulnay his old enemy had so blocked up the river to his fort at St. Johns with two ships and a galliot, as his ship could not get in, whereupon he stole by in the night with his shallop, and was come to crave aid to convey him into his fort. But the training day at Boston falling out the next week, and La Tour having requested that he might be per mitted to exercise his soldiers on shore, we expected him that day, so he landed 40 men in their arms (they were all shot) they were brought into the field by our train band consisting of 150, and in the forenoon they only beheld our men exercise. When they had dined (La Tour & his officers with our officers, & his soldiers invited home by the private soldiers) in the afternoon they were permitted to exer cise (our governor and others of the magistrates coming then into the field) and all ours stood and beheld them. They were very expert in all their postures and motions. When it was near night La Tour de sired our Governor that his men might have leave to depart, which being granted, his captain acquainted our captain therewith, so he drew our men into a march and the French fell into the middle — when they were to depart they gave a volley of shot and went to their boat, the French shewing much admiration to see so many men of one town so well armed and disciplined, La Tour professing he could not have believed it if he had not seen it. Our Governor and others in the town entertained La Tour and his gentlemen with much court esy both in their houses and at table. La Tour came duly to our church meetings, and always accompanied the Governor to and from thence, who all the time of his abode here was attended with a good guard of halberds and musketteers. Mo. 7. (4). There was an assembly at Cambridge of all the elders in the country (about 50 in all) such of the ruling elders as would were present also, but none else. They set in the college and had their diet there after the manner of scholars commons, but somewhat better, yet so ordered as it came not to above sixpence the meal for a person. Mr. Cotton and Mr. Hooker were chosen moderators. The principal occasion was because some of the elders went about to set up somethings undoing to the presbytery, as of Newbury &c. The assembly concluded against some parte of the presbyterial way, and the Newbury ministers took time to consider the arguments &c. The Trial (the first ship built in Boston) being about 160 tons, Mr- Thomas Graves an able and a godly man master of her, was seat to 200 EXTRACTS FROM Bilboa in the 4th month last, with fish, which she sold there at a good rate, and from thence she freighted to Malaga, and arrived here this day laden with wine, fruit, oil, iron and wool, which was a great ad vantage to the country, and gave encouragement to trade. So soon as she was fitted she was set forth again to trade with La Tour, and so along the eastern coast towards Canada. Mo. 3, 1644. Divers of the merchants of Boston being desirous to discover the great lake, supposing it to lie in the N. W. part of our patent, and finding that the great trade of beaver which came to all the eastern and southern parts, came from thence, petitioned the court to be a company for that design, and to have the trade which they should discover, to themselves for 21 years. The court was unwilling to grant any monopoly, but perceiving that without it they would not pro ceed, granted their desire : whereupon, having also commission granted them under the public seal, and letters from the Governor to the Dutch and Swedish Governors, they sent out a pinnace well manned and furnished with provisions and trading stuff, which Was to sail up Delaware river so high as they could go, and then some of the company, under the conduct of Mr. William Aspenwall, a good artist, and one who had been in those parts, to pass by small skiffs or canoes up the river so far as they could. 4 & 5. There was mention made before of a pinnace sent by the company of discoverers (3) 3. to Delaware river with letters from the Governor to the Dutch and Swedish Governors for liberty to pass. The Dutch promised to let them pass, but for maintaining their own interest he must protest against them. When they came to the Swedes, the fort shot at them, ere they came up : whereupon they cast forth anchor, and the next morning, being the Lord's day, the lieut. came aboard them and forced them to fall down lower ; when Mr. Aspenwall came to the Governor and complained of the lieuten ant's ill dealing both in shooting at them before he had hailed them, and in forcing them to weigh anchor on the Lord's day. The Gover nor acknowledged he did ill in both, and promised all favor, but the Dutch agent being come down to the Swede fort, shewed express or der from the Dutch Governor not to let him pass, whereupon they re turned. But before they came out of the river, the Swedish lieuten ant made them pay 40/. for that shot which he had unduly made. The pinnace arrived at Boston (5) 20. — 44. The following passages relating to the natural history of New England, are copied from "Ogilby's America," published in 1671. They are inserted as a curious relic of antiquity. " Though there are, who having remained some time, and been concerned in those parts, affirm the soil of New England to be nothing so fruitful as it is believed and commonly delivered to be yet we think it not improper to give a brief account of the trees and other plants; also the beasts, birds, fishes and other com OGILBY S AMERICA. 201 modities which most writers will have to be the production of this country, especially since we find them compactly summed up by an unknown writer in the language of the muses. The recital of the plants and trees which (excepting the cedar, sassafras, and dyer's sumach) are all of the same kind with those that grow in Europe, only differing in nature, according as the epithets of many of them declare, is as follows : " Trees both in hills and plains in plenty be ; The long-lived oak, and mournful cypress tree ; Skie-towering pines, and chesnuts coated rough ; The lasting cedar, with the walnut tough ; The rozen-dropping fir for mast is use ; The boat-men for oars light, neat grown sprewse ; The brittle ash, the ever trembling asps ; The broad-spread elm, whose concave harbors wasps ; The water-spungy alder good for nought ; Small elder by the Indian fletchers sought. The knotty maple, pallid birch, hawthorns ; The horn-bound tree, that to be cloven scorns ; Which from the tender vine oft takes his spouse, Who twines embracing arms about his boughs. Within this Indian orchard fruits be some The ruddy cherry and the jetty plum Snake-murthering hazel, with sweet saxafrage Whose leaves in beer allay hot feavers rage ; The dyer's shumack, with more trees there be, That are both good to use and rare to see." The beasts peculiar to this country are the moose, the rackoon, and the musquash ; the two first land-animals ; the last amphib ious, which with others common to them with us, are thus ver sified by the above said author : " The kingly Lyon, and the strong-armed Bear ;" The large limbed Mooses, with the tripping Deer ; Quill-darting Porcupines, that Rackoons be Castled ith' hollow of an aged tree ; The skipping Squirrel, Rabbet, pueblind Hare, Immured in the self-same oastle are, Lest red-eyed Ferrets, wily Foxes should, Them undermine if ramper'd but with mold ; The grim-faced Ounce, and ravenous howling Wolf, Whose meager paunch sueks like a swallowing gulph. Black glittering Otters, and rich coated Beaver ; The civet-scented Musquash smelling ever." Of such as these as are altogether unknown to us take these brief descriptions. " The beast called a Moose is not much un like Red Deer, and is as big as au Qx, slow of foot, headed like a 202 EXTRACTS FROM buck with a broad beam, some being two yards in the head, their flesh is as good as beef, their hides good for clothing ; if these were kept tame and accustomed to the yoke, they would be a great commodity : First, because they are so fruitful, bringing forth three at a time being likewise very hiberous : Secondly, because they will live in winter without any fodder. There are not many of these in the Massachusetts Bay, but forty miles to the north east there are great store of them. The Rackoone is a deep furred beast, not much unlike a Badger having a tail like a Fox, as good meat as a Lamb. These beasts in the day time sleep in hollow trees, in a moonshine night they go to feed on clams at a low tide by the sea side, where the Eng lish hunt them with their dogs. The Musquash is much' like a Beaver for shape, but nothing near so big : and being killed in winter never lose their sweet smell: These skins are no bigger than a Coney-skin, yet are sold for five shillings apiece, being sent for tokens into England ; one good skin will perfume a whole house full of clothes, if it be right arid good. The birds both common and peculiar are thus recited : " The princely Eagle, and the soaring Hawk," Whom in their unknown ways there's none can chawk : The Humbird for some Queen's rich cage more fit, Than in the vacant wilderness to sit. The swift-winged Swallow sweeping to and fro, As swift as arrow from Tartarian bowe. When as Aurora's infant day new springs, Where the morning mounting Lark her sweet lays sings : The harmonious Thrush, swift Pigeon, Turtle-dove Who to her mate doth ever constant prove. Turkey, Pheasant, Heath-cock, Partridge rare, The Carrion-tearing Crow, and hurtful stare, The long-liv'd Raven, th' ominous Screech Owl Who tells, as old Wives say, disasters foul. The drowsie Madge, that leaves her day lov'd nest, And loves to rove, when day-birds be at rest : Th' Eel-murthering Hearn, and greedy Cormorant, That near the Creeks, in moorish Marshes haunt. The bellowing Bittern, with the long-leg'd Crane, Presaging Winters hard, and Death of Grain. The Silver Swan, that tunes her mournful breath, To sing the Dirge of her approaching death. The tattering Old wives, and the cackling Geese, The fearful Gull that shuns the murtherin penalty, except they haue liberty from ye Gen. Court." May, 1G62. "This Court orders, that the Bible that was sent to goodwife Williams, be by Serg't John Not, delivered to goodwife Harrison, who engageth to this Court to give vnto ye children of ye said Williams a Bushel of Wheat a piece, as they shal come out of their time ; and John Not doth engage to give each of ye children 2 shillings a piece, as they "come out of their time, to buy them Bibles, and John Not hath hereby power granted him, as is ordered, to dis pose of ye rest of ye books to ye children of the said Williams." May, 1676. " Whereas excess in apparel amongst us is unbe coming a wilderness condition and the profession of the gospell, whereby the riseing Generation is in danger to be corrupted, which practices are testifyed against in God's holy word, it is therefore or dered by this Court and authority thereof, that what person soever shall wear Gold or Silver Lace, or Gold or Silver Buttons, Silk Rib bons, or other costly superfluous trimings, or any bone Lace above three shillings p"r yard, or Silk Scarfes, the List makers of the re spective Townes are hereby required to assesse such persons so offending, (or their Husbands, parents, or masters under whose government they are) in the list of Estates at one hundred and fifty pound Estate ; and they to pay their Rates according to that propor tion, as such men use to pay, to whom such apparell alowed as suitable to their Rank, provided this law shall not extend to any magistrate, or a like publique officer of this Colony, their wives or children, whoe are left to their discretion in wearing of apparell, or any setled military commission officer, or such whose quality and Estate have been above the ordinary degree, though now decayed. It is further ordered that all such persons as shall for the future make, or weave, or buy any apparell exceeding the quality and con dition of their persons and Estates, or that is apparently beyond the necessary end of apparell for covering or comeliness, either of these to be Judged by the Grand Jury and County Court where such pre sentments are made, shall forfeit for every such offence ten shillings ; and if any Taylor shall fashion any garment for any child or servant contrary to the mind of the Parent»or Master of such a child or ser vant, he shall forfeit for every such offence ten shillings. 27 314 CONNECTICUT COLONY. In 1642, the capital laws of Connecticut were nearly completed and put on record. The several passages on which they were foun ded, were particularly noticed in the statute. They were twelve in number ; two more were added at a subsequent period. The follow ing is a copy of these laws, excepting four which relate to unchas- tity. CAPITALL LAWES. 1. If any man after legall conviction, shall have or worship any other God but the Lord God, hee shall be put to death. Deut. 13. 6. —17. 2.— Exodus 22. 20. 2. If any man or woman bee a Witch, that is, hath or consulteth with a familliar spirritt, they shall be put to death. Exodus 22. 18. — Levit. 20. 27.— Deut. 18. 10, 11. 3. If any person shall blaspheme the name of God the ffather, Sonne or holy Ghost, with direct, express, presumptuous or high handed blasphemy, or shall curse in the like manner, hee shall bee put to death. Lev. 24. 15, 16. 4. If any person shall committ any willfull murther, which is man slaughter committed upp< ^ malice, hatred or cruelty, not In a man's necessary and just defence, nor by mere casualty against his will, hee shall be put to death. Exodus 21. 12, 13, 15.— Numb. 35. 30, 31. 5. If any person shall slay another through guile, either by poison ings or other such Devellish practice, hee shall bee put to death. — Exo. 21. 14. 10. If any man stealeth a man or mankinde, hee shall bee put to death. Exodus 21. 16. 11. If any man rise up by false wittness, wittingly and of purpose to take away any man's life, hee shall bee put to death. Deut. 19. 16, 18, 19. 12. If any man shr l conspire or attempt any invasion, insurrection or rebellion against .e Commonwealth, hee shall bee put to death. 13. If any Childe or Children above sixteene years old and of suffi cient understandir j, shall Curse or smite their natural father or mother, hee or they shal1 jee' put to death ; unless it can bee sufficiently tes tified that the p? onts have beene very unchristianly negligent in the education of such children, or so provoke them by extreme and cruell correction that they have beene forced thereunto to preserve them selves from death, maiming. Exo. 21. 17. — Levit. 20.— Ex. 21. 15. 14. If any man have a stubborne and rebellious sonne of sufficient yeares and understanding, viz. Sixteene years of age, which will not obey the voir a of his father or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him will not hearken unto them ; then may his ffather and mother, being his natural parents, lay hold on him and bring him to the Magistrates assembled in Courte, and testifie unto them, that theire sonne is stubborne and rebellious and will not obey thehe voice and Chastisement, but lives in sundry notorious Crimes, such a sonne shall bee put to death. Deut. 21. 20, 21." OF NEW YORK. 315 ANCIENT LAWS OF NEW YORK. The following laws are extracted from those established by trib Duke of York for the government of New York, in the year 1664. This code (called the " Duke's Laws") was compiled under the direction of Nicolls, the first English Governor. It continued in force till the period of the Revolution in England, and oeased to have effect in 1691, when the General Assembly of t.ie Province began to exercise a new legislative power under the sovereignty of King William. Capital Laws. — " 1. If any person within this Gjj^ernment shall by direct exprest, impious or presumptuous ways, deny the true God and his Attributes, he shall be put to death. 2. If any person shall Commit any wilful and premeditated Mur der, he shall be put to Death. 3. If any person Slayeth another with § Esq. Maryland— Colonel Mercer, Virginia. THE REVOLUTION. 385 the populace at New- York and burned. The masters of ships who brought over the stamped papers, unless defended by some man of war, were obliged either to depart with their execrated cargoes, or to deliver them into the hands of the enraged people, to save themselves from in sult and violence. At Boston, and other places, the first of November was ushered in by the shutting up of shops and stores, and by a funeral tolling of the bells. The effigies of the planners and abettors of the stamp-act were carried in procession through the public streets in public con tempt, and were then torn in pieces and committed to the flames. The general abhorrence of the stamp-act was demonstrated in simi lar, and in a great variety of ways, in different towns and cities. The proceedings were generally conducted with great decorum. They had not their origin in the lowest of the people, but were planned by men of character and general influence. Knowing how much more the great body of the people are led by their senses, than their rea son, they excited and countenanced these public exhibitions with a view of making the stamp-act, and all its contrivers and supporters, as contemptible and odious as possible." To give system and efficacy to the opposition to the stamp-act, Massachusetts proposed a meeting of deputies from the several colonies, to be held at New- York, in October 1765. This body, consisting of deputies from nine of the Colonies, ' agreed on a declaration of their rights and grievances, asserted their exemp tion from taxes not imposed by their own representatives ; and sent a petition to the king, with a memorial to both houses of parliament. This spirited opposition, seconded by the ener getic eloquence of Mr. Pitt, and other friends of America, pro duced a repeal of the stamp law, on the 18th of March, 1766. The news of this event was received in America with bonfires, ringing of bells, and other unusual demonstrations of joy. Boston Massacre in 1770 — The British ministry still persist ing in their design to raise a revenue from the colonies, laid a duty on glass, painters colors, paper, and tea imported into the colonies. To enforce these obnoxious acts of parliament, and to ¦ overawe the inhabitants, four regiments of troops were sent over in 1768 and stationed at Boston. To a free and high spirited people, the presence of an insolent military force was provoking ; and it was hardly possible that harmony could long subsist be tween the inhabitants and the British troops. " On the second of March, 1770, a fray took place in Boston, near Mr. Gray's rope walk, between a private soldier of the 29th regiment, and an inhabitant. The former was supported by his comrades, the latter by the rope-makers, till several, on both sides, were involved in the consequences. On the fifth a more dreadful scene was presented. The soldiers, when under arms, were pressed upon, insulted and 33 386 EVENTS IN pelted by a mob armed with clubs, sticks, and snow balls covering stones. They were also dared to fire. In this situation, one of the soldiers, who had received a blow, in resentment fired at the sup posed aggressor. This was followed by a single discharge from six others. Three of the inhabitants were killed, and five were danger ously wounded. The town was immediately in commotion. Such was the temper, force, and number of the inhabitants, that nothing but an engagement to remove the troops out of the town, together with the advice of moderate men, prevented the townsmen from fall ing on the soldiers. The killed were buried in one vault, and in a most respectful manner, in order to express the indignation of the inhabitants at the slaughter of their brethren, by soldiers quartered among them, in violation of their civil liberties. Captain Preston who commanded the party which fired on the inhabitants, was com mitted to jail, and afterwards tried. The captain, and six of the men, were acquitted. Two were brought in guilty of manslaughter. It appeared, on the trial, that the soldiers were abused, insulted, threat ened and pelted, before they fired. It was also proved, that only seven guns were fired by the eight prisoners. These circumstances induced the jury to make a favorable verdict. The result of the trial reflected great honour on John Adams, (the late President of the United States) and Josiah Quincy, Esqrs. the counsel for the prison ers ; and also on the integrity of the jury, who ventured to give an upright verdict, in defiance of popular opinions. The people, not dismayed by the blood of their neighbors thus wantonly shed, determined no longer to submit to the insolence of military power. Col. Dalrymple, who commanded in Boston, was informed the day after the riot in King-Street, ' that he must with draw his troops from the town within a limited term, or hazard the consequences.' The inhabitants of the town assembled in Faneuil Hall, where the subject was1 discussed with becoming spirit, and the people unani mously resolved that no armed force should be suffered longer to re side in the capital ; that if the king's troops were not immediately withdrawn by their own officers, the governor should be requested to give orders for their removal, and thereby prevent the necessity of more rigorous steps. A committee from the body was deputed to wait on the governor, and request him to exert that authority which the exigencies of the times required from the supreme magistrate. Mr. Samuel Adams, the chairman of the committee, with a pathos and address peculiar to himself, exposed the illegality of quartering troops in the town in the midst of peace ; he urged the apprehensions of the people, and the fatal consequences that might ensue if their removal was delayed. But no arguments could prevail on Mr. Hutchinson ; who either from timidity, or some more censurable cause, evaded acting at all in the business, and grounded his refusal on a pretended want of author ity. After which, Col. Dalrymple, wishing to compromise the matter, consented that the twenty-ninth regiment, more culpable than any THE REVOLUTION. 387 Boston Massacre, 1770. [The above is a reduced copy of a print engraved and published by Mr. Paul Revere of Boston in 1770. This scene took place near the head 'of King (now State) street in front of the Town House, which appears in the back ground. The names of those who were killed on the spot, were Samuel Gray, James Cald well and Crispus Attucks a colored person. Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr, were mortally wounded ; Maverick died the next morning, and Can: on the Wednes day of the next week.] other in the rate tumult, should be sent to Castle Island. This con cession was by no means satisfactory ; the people, inflexible in their demands, insisted that not one British soldier should be left within the town ; their requisition was reluctantly complied with, and with in four days the whole army decamped. The circumstances and probable consequences of the tragical af fair just related, sunk deep into the minds of the people, and were turned to the advantage of their cause. Its anniversary, for many years, was observed with great solemnity, and the most eloquent ora tors were successively employed to deliver an annual oration to pre serve the remembrance of it fresh in their minds. On these occa sions the blessings of liberty-^the horrors of slavery — the dangers 388 EVENTS OF of a standing army — the rights of the colonies, and a variety of such topics, were represented to the public view under their most pleasing and alarming forms. These annual orations administered fuel to the fire of liberty, and kept it burning with an incessant flame. Destruction of Tea at Boston, in 1773. — In 1770, owing to the petitions and remonstrances of the colonies, the duties on all the commodities imported in America were taken off, except the duty on tea ; this the British government determined to enforce in order to maintain the right of raising a revenue from the colo nies. Finding it difficult to effect their purposes by constraint, they attempted to do it by policy. " The measures of the colonists had already produced such diminutions of exports from Great Britain, that the ware-houses of the East India company contained about seventeen millions of pounds of tea, for which a market could not readily be pro cured. The unwillingness of that company to lose their com mercial profits, and of the ministry to lose the expected revenue from the sale of the tea in America, led to a compromise for the security of both. The East India company were authorised by law to export their tea, free of duties, to all places whatever ; by which regulation tea, though loaded with an exceptionable duty, would come cheaper to America, than before it had been made a source of revenue. The crisis now approached, when the colo- riies were to decide, whether they would submit to be taxed by the British parliament, or practically support their own principles, and meet the consequences. One sentiment appears to have per vaded the entire continent. The new ministerial plan was uni versally considered as a direct attack on the liberties of the colo nists, which it was the duty of all to oppose. A violent ferment was every where excited ; the corresponding committees were extremely active ; and it was very generally declared, that who ever should, directly or indirectly, countenance this dangerous invasion of their rights, is an enemy to his country. The East India company, confident of finding a market for their tea, re duced as it now was in its price, freighted several ships to the colonies with that article, and appointed agents for the disposal of it. Some cargoes were sent to New York ; some, to Philadel phia ; some, to Charlestown (South Carolina) ; and some, to Boston. The inhabitants of New York and Philadelphia sent the ships back to London. The inhabitants of Charlestown unloaded the tea, and stored it in cellars.* The inhabitants of Boston, hav ing tried every measure to send back the ships, but without suc cess, a number of persons, diguised like Indians, boarded them, and threw the tea into the dock.t * "Where it could not be used, and where it finally perished." i Gordon, i. Lett. vii. Marshall, ii. chap. iii. Pres. Adams, Lett. i. Ramsay, S. Car. THE REVOLUTION. 389 It is said that there was 342 chests of tea destroyed, and the number of persons engaged in its destruction, disguised as In dians, was about seventy-five. The following circumstantial ac count is from a recent publication, entitled "The Boston Tea Party," the particulars of which were derived from Mr. Hewes, an actor in the scene. " The tea destroyed was contained in three ships, laying near each other, at what was called at that time Griffin's wharf, and were sur rounded by armed ships of war ; the commanders of which had pub licly declared, that if the rebels, as they were pleased to style the Uostonians, should not withdraw their opposition to the landing of the tea before a certain day, the 17th day of December, 1773, they should on that day force it on shore, under the cover of their cannon's mouth. On the day preceding the seventeenth, there was a meeting of the citizens of the county of Suffolk, convened at one of the churches in Boston, for the purpose of consulting on what measures might be con sidered expedient to prevent the landing Of the tea; or secure the peo ple from the collection of the duty. At that meeting a committee was appointed to wait on Governor Hutchinson, and request him to inform them whether he would take any measures to satisfy the people on the object of the meeting. To the first application of this committee, the governor told them he would give them a definite answer by five o'clock in the afternoon. At the hour appointed, the committee again repaired to the governor's house, and on inquiry found he had gone to his country seat at Milton, a distance of about six miles. When the committee returned and informed the meeting of the absence of the governor, there was a, confused murmur among the members, and the meeting was immediately dissolved, many of them crying out, Let every man do his duty, and be true to his country ; and there was a general huzza for Griffin's wharf. It was now evening, and I imme diately dressed myself in the costume of an Indian, equipped with a small hatchet, which I and my associates denominated the tomahawk, with which, and a club, after having painted my face and hands With coal dust in the shop of a blacksmith, I repaired to Griffin's wharf, where the ships lay that contained the tea. When I first appeared in the street, after being thus disguised, I fell in with many who were dressed, equipped and painted as I was, and who fell in with me, and marched in order to the place of our destination. When we arrived at the wharf, there were three of our number who assumed an authority to direct our operations, to which we readily submitted. They divi ded us into three parties, for the purpose of boarding the three ships which contained the tea at the same time. The name of him who commanded the division to which I was assigned, was Leonard Pitt. The names of the other commanders I never knew. We were imme diately ordered by the respective commanders to board all the ships i. 15, 16. Coll. Hist. Soe. ii. 45. There were about 17 persons, who boarded the ships ; and they emptied 342 chests of tea. 33* 390 EVENTS IN at the same time, which we' promptly obeyed. The commander of the division to which I belonged, as soon as we were on board the ship, appointed me boatswain, and ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and a dozen candles. I made the demand accordingly, and the captain promptly replied, and delivered the articles ; but requested me at the same time to do no damage to the ship or rigging. We then were ordered by our com mander to open the hatches, and take out all the chests of tea and throw them overboard, and we immediately proceeded to execute his orders ; first cutting and splitting the chests with our tomahawks, so as thoroughly to expose them to the effects of the water. In about three hours from the time we went on board, we had thus broken and thrown overboard every tea chest to be found in the ship ; while those in the other ships were disposing of the tea in the same way, at the sametime. Wewere surroundedbyBritisharmedships,butnoattempt was made to resist us. We then quietly retired to our several places of residence, without having any conversation with each other, or taking any measures to discover who were our associates ; nor do I recollect of our having had the knowledge of the name of a single individual concerned in that affair, except that of Leonard Pitt, the commander of my division, who I have mentioned. There appeared to be an understanding that each individual should volunteer his ser vices, keep his own secret, and risk the consequences for himself. No disorder took place during that transaction, and it was observed at that time, that the stillest night ensued that Boston had enjoyed for many months. During the time we Were throwing the tea overboard, there were several attempts made by some of the citizens of Boston and its vicinity, to carry off small quantities of it for their family use. To effect that object, they would watch their opportunity to snatch up a handful from the deck, where it became plentifully scattered, and put it into their pockets. One Captain O'Conner, whom I well knew, came on board for that purpose, and when he supposed he was not noticed, filled his pockets, and also the lining of his coat. But I had detected him, and gave information to the captain of what he was doing. We were orderded to take him into custody, and just as he was stepping from the vessel, I seized him by the skirt of his coat, and in attempting to pull him back, I tore it off; but springing for ward, by a rapid effort, he made his escape. He had however to run a gauntlet through the crowd upon the wharf ; each one, as he passed, giving him a kick or a stroke. The next day we nailed the skirt of his coat, which I had pulled off, to the whipping post in Charlestown, the place of his residence, with a label upon it, commemorative of the occasion which had thus subjected the proprietor to the popular indignation. Another attempt was made to save a little tea from the ruins of the cargo, by a tall aged man, who wore a large cocked hat and white wig, which was fashionable at that time. He had slightly slipped a little into his pocket, but being detected, they seized him, and taking THE REVOLUTION. 391 his hat and wig from his head, threw them, together with the tea, of which they had emptied his pockets, into the water. In considera tion of his advanced age, he was permitted to escape, with now and then a slight kick. The next morning, after we had cleared the ships of the tea, it was discovered that very considerable quantities of it was floating upon the surface of the water ; and to prevent the possibility of any of its being saved for use, a number of small boats were manned by sailors and citizens, who rowed them into those parts of the harbor wherever the tea was visible, and by beating it with oars and paddles, so thoroughly drenched it, as to render its entire destruction inevitable." Boston Port Bill, Provincial Assembly, fyc. — " Intelligence of the destruction of the tea at Boston was communicated, March 7th, [1774] in a message from the throne to both houses of par liament. In this communication, the conduct of the colonists was represented, as not merely obstructing the commerce of Great Britain, but as subversive of the British constitution. Although the papers, accompanying the royal message, rendered it evident, that the opposition to the sale of the lea was common to all the colonies ; yet the parliament, enraged at the violence of Boston, selected that town as the object of legislative vengeance. With out giving the opportunity of a hearing, a bill was passed, by which the port of Boston was legally precluded from the privilege of landing and discharging, or of lading and shipping goods,wares and merchandise. This act, which shut up the harbor of Boston, was speedily followed by another, entitled, An act for the better regulating the government of Massachusetts. The object of this act was to alter the charter of the province, so as essentially to abridge the liberties of the people.* In the apprehension that, in the execution of these acts, riots would take place, and that trials or murders committed in suppressing them, would be partially decided by the colonists .; it was provided by law, that if any per- . son were indicted for murder, or for any capital offence, commit ted in aiding magistracy, the governor might send the person, so indicted, to another colony, or to Great Britain, to be tried. These * The object of this act was to make the following alterations in the charter of the province. The council, heretofore elected by the general court, was to be ap pointed by the crown ; the royal governor was invested with the power of appointing and removing all judges of the inferior courts of common pleas, commissioners of oyer and terminer, the attorney general, provost martial, justices, sheriffs, dec; town meetings, which we're sanctioned by the charter, were, with few exceptions, expressly forbidden, without leave previously obtained of the governor or lieutenant governor in writing, expressing the special business of said meeting, and as a farther restric tion, that no matter should be treated of at these meetings, excepting the election of public officers, and the business expressed in the governor's permission ; jurymen, who had been elected before by the freeholders and inhabitants of the several towns, were to be all summoned and returned by the sheriffs of the respective counties ; the whole executive government was taken out of the hands of the people, and the nomi nation of all important officers invested in the king, or his governor. 392 EVENTS IN three acts were passed in such quick succession, as to produce the most inflammatory effects in America, where they were con sidered as forming a complete system of tyranny. 'By the first,' said the colonists, ' the property of unoffending thousands is arbi trarily taken away, for the act of a few individuals ; by the second, our chartered liberties are annihilated ; and by the third, our lives may be destroyed with impunity.' General Gage, the commander-in-chief of the royal forces in North America, arrived at Boston, May 13th, with the commis sion of Governor of Massachusetts. At the moment of his arri val, the people were in great agitation at the news of the Port Bill ; notwithstanding which, the General was received with respect, and treated with politeness. Shortly after, two regiments with artillery and military stores arrived, indicating the determination of the British government to reduce the colonies to submission by force of arms. On the day designated by the port act, business was finished at Boston at twelve o'clock, at noon ; and the harbor shut up against all vessels. The day was devoutly kept at Williamsburg, in Virginia, as a day of fasting and humiliation. In Philadelphia it was solemn ized with every manifestation of public grief; the inhabitants shut up their houses ; and, after divine service, " a stillness reigned over the city, which exhibited an appearance of the deepest distress." In other places it was observed as a day of mourning. The inhabitants of Boston, distinguished for politeness and hospi tality, no less than for industry and opulence, were sentenced, on the short notice of twenty days, to a deprivation of the means of sub sistence. The rents of landholders ceased, or were greatly dimin ished. The immense property in stores and wharves was rendered in a great measure useless. Laborers and artificers, and many others, employed in the numerous occupations, created by an extensive trade, shared the general calamity. Those of the people, who depended on a regular income, and those who earned their subsistence by daily labor, were equally deprived of the means of support. Animated, however, by the spirit of freedom, they sustained their sufferings with inflexible fortitude. These sufferings were soon mitigated by the sympathy, and relieved by the charity of the other colonists. Con tributions were every where raised for their relief. Corporate bodies, town meetings, and provincial conventions, sent them letters and ad dresses, applauding their conduct, and exhorting them to perseverance. The inhabitants of Marblehead generously offered the Boston mer chants the use of their harbor, wharves, warehouses, and their per sonal attendance on the lading or unlading of their goods, free of all expense. The inhabitants of Salem concluded an address to Gov ernor Gage, in a manner that reflected great honor on their virtue and patriotism. " By shutting up the port of Boston, some imagine that the course of trade might be turned hither, and to our benefit ; but nature, in the formation of our harbor, forbids our becoming rivals THE REVOLUTION. 393 in commerce with that convenient mart ; and were it otherwise, we must be dead to every idea of justice, lost to all feelings of humanity, could we indulge one thought to seize on wealth, and raise our for- • tunes on the ruins of our suffering neighbors. Governor Gage had issued writs for the holding of a general as sembly at Salem on the fifth of October ; but afterward judged it ex pedient to counteract the writs by a proclamation for suspending the meeting of the members returned. The legality of the proclamation however was questioned ; and the new members, to the number of ninety, meeting according to the precept, and, neither the governor nor any substitute attending, they resolved themselves into a provin cial congress, and soon adjourned to Concord. They there chose Mr. John Hancock president ; and appointed a committee to wait on the governor with a remonstrance, concluding with an earnest request, that he would desist from the construction of the fortress at the en trance into Boston, " and restore that pass to its neutral state." The governor expressed himself indignantly at their supposition of danger from English troops to any, excepting enemies ; and warned them to desist from their illegal proceedings. Without regarding his admo nition, they adjourned to Cambridge ; and, when re-assembled, they appointed a committee to draw up a plan for the immediate defence of the province ; resolved to enlist a number of the inhabitants, to be in readiness to turn out at a minute's warning ; elected three general officers* to command those minute men and the militia, in case of their being called out to action ; and appointed a committee of safety, and a committee of supplies. The same congress, meeting again in November, resolved to get in readiness twelve thousand men, to act On any emergency ; and that a fourth part of the militia should be en listed, as minute men, and receive pay ; appointed two additional general officers ; f and sent persons to New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut, to inform those colonies of its measures, and to re quest their co-operation in making up an army of twenty thousand men. A committee was appointed to correspond with the inhabitants of Canada ; and a circular letter was addressed to the several minis ters in the province, requesting their assistance in averting the threat ened slavery.!; Toward the close of the year, a proclamation, that had been issued by the king, prohibiting the exportation of military stores from Great Britain, reached America. The people of Rhode Island no sooner * Hon. Jedidiah Prebble, Hon. Artemas Ward, and Col. Pomeroy. t Col. Thomas, and Col. Heath. t The form of the letter was as follows : " Rev. Sir, We cannot but acknowledge the goodness of heaven, in constantly supplying us with preachers of the gospel, whose concern has been the temporal and spiritual happiness of this people. In a day like this, when all the friends of civil and religious liberty are exerting them selves to deliver this country from its present calamities, we cannot but place great hope in an order of men, who have ever distinguished themselves in their country's cause, and do therefore recommend to the ministers of the gospel, in the several towns and other places in this colony, that they assist us in avoiding that dreadful slavery, with which we are now threatened." 394 ... EVENTS IN ;' *¦¦ **' ' ':- '.-ft1 .^* It'—'v . received atf 'afcwhmV.of it, than they moved from the public battery about forty nj.eces«r>f /cannon ; and the assembly of the colony passed resolutions for obtahsing arms and military stores, and for raising and arming the.irehaM'tarits. In New Hampshire, four hundred men as sailed his Hiajes^'s castle at Portsmouth ; stormed it ; and confined the garrison, till they had broken open the powder-house, and taken away the powder.* — Holmes' Annals. Action at Lexington and Concord. — " A considerable quantity of military Stores having been deposited at Concord, an inland town about eighteen miles from Boston, General Gage purposed to destroy them. For the execution of this design, he, on the night preceding the nineteenth of April, detached lieutenant colo nel Smith and Major Pitcairn, with eight hundred grenadiers and light infantry ; who at eleven o'clock embarked in boats at the bottom of the common in Boston, crossed the river Charles, and, landing at Phipps' farm in Cambridge, commenced a silent and expeditious march for Concorde Although several British offi cers, who dined at Cambridge the preceding day, had taken the precaution to disperse themselves along the road leading to Con cord, to intercept any expresses that might be sent from Boston to alarm the country ; yet messengers,! who had been sent from town for that purpose, had eluded the British patrols, and given an alarm, which was rapidly spread by church bells, signal guns, and vollies. On the arrival of the British troops at Lexington, toward five in the morning, about seventy men, belonging to the minute company of that town, were found on the parade, under arms. Major Pitcairn, who led the van, galloping up to them, called out, ' Disperse, disperse, you rebels ; throw down your arms, and disperse.' The sturdy yeomanry not instantly obeying the order, he advanced nearer ; fired his pistol ; flourished his sword, and ordered his soldiers to fire. A discharge of arms from the British troops, with a huzza, immediately succeeded ; several of the provincials fell; and the rest dispersed. The firing con tinued after the dispersion, and the fugitives stopped and returned the fire. Eight Americans were killed ; X three or four of them * Ramsay Americ. Revol. vol. i. ch. v ; and S. Car. i. 16 — 23. Gordon, vol. L. Lett. viii. ix, a. History of the Dispute with America, from its origin in 1754, Having seen in Bibliotheca Americana this title of a work, which was there ascribed to Mr. John Adams, I made inquiry of the late President of the United States, and ascertained that he was the author of it. That history was first printed in the Boston Gazette. It is the first article inserted in trie first volume of Almon's Remembran cer. See also Adams' Letters, Lett. i. Marshall, ii. 152 — 189. Adams' New England, chap, xxiii, xxiv. t These messengers were sent to Lexington, a town 6 miles below Concord, by Dr. Warren, who received notice of the intended expedition just before the embar kation of the troops. t Robert Munroe, Jonas Parker, Samuel Hadley, Jonathan Harrington, Caleb Harrington, Isaac Muzzy, and John Brown, o'f Lexingtbn, and Azael Porter, of Wo- THE BRITISH TROOPS FIRING ON THE AMERICANS AT LEXINGTON. Copied from a drawing made by Mr. Earle, on the spot, a few days after the Americans were killed. — Lexington Meeting House and some other buildings are seen in the background. THE REVOLUTION. 397 by the first fire of the British : the others, after they had left the parade. Several were also wounded. The British detachment proceeded to Concord. The inhab itants of that town, having received the alarm, drew up in order for defence ; but, observing the number of the regulars to be too great for them to encounter, they retired over the north bridge at some distance beyond the town, and waited for reinforcements. A party of British light infantry followed them, and took pos session of the bridge, while the main body entered the town, and proceeded to execute their commission. They disabled two twenty four pounders ; threw five hundred pounds of ball into the river and wells; and broke in pieces about sixty barrels of flour. The militia being reinforced, Major Buttrick, of Concord, who had gallantly offered to command them, advanced toward the bridge ; but, not knowing the transaction at Lexington, ordered the men not to give the first fire, that the provincials might not be the aggressors." Engagement at the North Bridge, at Concord. [The above cut is drawn from a large engraving, published in 1775, by Mr. Doo- little, of New Haven, Conn., entitled "The Engagement at the North, Bridge, at Concord." This engraving represents what may be considered the first regular con flict of the Revolution.] " The Americans commenced their march in double file. The British observing their motions, hastily formed on the east side of the river. When the Americans passed the angle near the river, the British began to take up the planks of the bridge ; against which Major Buttrick remonstrated in an elevated voice, and ordered a burn. A handsome monument has been erected to their memory, on the green where the first of them fell. 34 398 EVENTS IN quicker step of his soldiers. On this the British desisted from in jury to the bridge, convinced, no doubt, that the Americans were de termined and able to pass the bridge. At that moment two or three guns, in quick succession, were tired into the river on the right of the Americans, who considered them as alarm guns, and not aimed at them. In a minute or two, the Americans being in quick motion, and within ten or fifteen rods of the bridge, a single gun was fired by a British soldier, which marked its way, passing under Col. Robinson's arm, slightly wounding the side of Luther Blanchard, a fifer in the Acton company. This gun was instantly followed by a volley, which killed Captain Davis and Mr. Hosmer, both of the same company. On seeing this, as quickly as possible, Major Buttrick leaped from the ground, and partly turning to his men, exclaimed, " Fire, fellow- soldiers, for God's sake, fire." Mr. Tilly Buttrick, a respectable man now living, stood near the Major, and is positive that he distinctly heard the words and saw the motions of the speaker. He was in front of Captain Brown's company. No sooner were the words ut tered, than the word fire ran like electricity through the whole line of the Americans, extending to the high land from whence they had marched ; and for a few .seconds, the word fire, fire, was heard from hundreds of mouths. The order of Major Buttrick was instantly obeyed. Two of the British were killed and several wounded. The firing on each side lasted but a minute or two. The British immedi ately retreated. When the Americans had fired, most of the forward companies leaped over a wall on the left and fired from behind it. Military order and regularity of proceeding were soon after broken up. A part of the Americans rushed over the bridge, and pursued the British till they saw a large reinforcement advancing, when they turned to the left, and ascended a hill east of the main road ; and a part returned to the high ground, conveying and taking care of the dead."* Soon after the firing at the bridge, the whole British detach ment at Concord commenced their retreat. " All the people from the adjacent country were by this lime in arms ; and they at tacked the retreating troops in every direction. Some fired from behind stone walls and other coverts ; others pressed on their rear ; and, thus harrassed, they made good their retreat six miles back to Lexington. Here they were joined by lord Piercy, who, most opportunely for them, had arrived with a detachment of nine hundred men and two pieces of cannon.f The enemy, now * In the engraving the British troops are seen on the right. On this spot a large granite monument has been recently erected, on which is the following inscription : "Here, on the 19th of April, 1775, was made the first forcible resistance to British aggression. On the opposite bank stood the American militia. Here stood the in vading army, and on this spot the first of the enemy fell in the war of the Revolu tion, which gave Independence to these United States. In gratitude to God and in the love of Freedom, this monument was erected, A. D. 1836." t Lord Piercy formed his detachment into a square, in which he inclosed Colonel Smith's party, " who were so much exhausted with fatigue, that they were obliged to THE REVOLUTION. 399 amounting to about eighteen hundred men, having halted an hour or two at Lexington, recommenced their march ; but the attack from the provincials was renewed at the same time ; and an ir regular yet very galling fire was kept up on each flank, as well as in the front and rear. The close firing from hehind stone walls by good marksmen put them in no small confusion ; but they kept up a brisk retreating fire on the militia and minute men. A little after sunset, the regulars reached Bunker's hill, where, exhausted with excessive fatigue, they remained during the night, under the protection of the Somerset man of war ; and the next morning went into Boston." In this expedition the British loss was 65 killed, 180 wounded, and 28 missing ; total 273. The American loss was 50 killed, 34 wounded, and 4 missing ; .total 88. Surprisal of Ticonderoga. — Soon after the bloodshed at Lex ington, it was readily perceived that if the controversy with the parent state were to be decided by the sword, the possession of Ticonderoga and Crown Point would be of essential importance to the security of the colonies. " The first steps for this object seem to have been taken by some gentlemen in Connecticut ; and Messrs. Deane, Wooster, Parsons, and others engaged in the affair. The success depended on the se cresy with which the affair could be managed. Their first object was to obtain % sum of money to bear the necessary expenses. They procured this to the amount of about eighteen hundred dollars, from the general assembly of Connecticut, by way of loan. Several of the militia captains pushed forward to Salisbury, the northwestern town in that colony ; and after a little consultation concluded not to spend any time in raising men, but to procure a quantity of powder and ball, and set off immediately for Bennington, and engage Ethan Allen in the business. With his usual spirit of activity and enterprise, Allen undertook the management of the scheme ; and set off to the north ward, to raise and collect all the men that he could find. The Con necticut gentlemen having procured a small quantity of provisions, went on to Castleton ; and were there joined by Allen, with the men that he had raised from the new settlements. The whole number that were assembled amounted to two hundred and seventy, of which two hundred and thirty were raised on the New Hampshire grants, distinguished at that time by the name of Green Mountain Boys ; so called, from the green mountains, among which they resided. Sen tries were immediately placed on all the roads, and the necessary measures taken to procure intelligence of the state of the works and garrison at Ticonderoga. While Allen and his associates were collecting at Castleton, Col. Arnold arrived, attended only by a servant. This officer belonged lie down for rest on the ground, their tongues hanging out of their mouths, like those of dogs after a chase." — Stedman. 400 EVENTS IN to New Haven in Connecticut. As soon as the news arrived at that place that hostilities had commenced at Lexington, Arnold, then a captain, set out at the head of a volunteer company, and marched with the greatest expedition to Cambridge. The day after his arrival, he attended the Massachusetts committee of safety, and reported to them that the fort at Ticonderoga was in a ruinous condition ; that it was garrisoned by about forty men, and contained a large quantity of ar tillery and military stores ; and might easily be captured. The com mittee wished to avail themselves of his information and activity ; and on the third of May, appointed him a colonel, and gave him directions to enlist four hundred men, and march for the reduction of Ticonde roga. Under these orders, and with this design, he joined the men that were assembling at Castleton ; but was unknown to any of them but a Mr. Blagden, one of the Connecticut officers. His commission being examined, it was agreed in a council, that he should be admit ted to join and act with them ; but that Allen should also have the commission of a colonel, and have the command ; and that Arnold should be considered as his assistant. To procure intelligence, captain Noah Phelps, one of the gentle men from Connecticut, disguised himself in the habit of one of the poor settlers, and went into the fort, pretending he wanted to be shaved, and enquired for a barber. Affecting an awkward appear ance, and asking many simple questions, he passed unsuspected, and had an opportunity to observe the state of every thing within the walls. Returning to his party, he gave them the necessary information, and the same night they began their march to the fort. With so much expedition and secresy had the enterprise been con ducted, that colonel Allen arrived at Orwell, opposite to Ticonde roga, on the ninth of May at night, with his two hundred and thirty green mountain boys, without any intelligence or apprehension on the part of the garrison. It was with difficulty that boats could be pro cured to pass the lake ; a few however being collected, Allen and Arnold passed over, with eighty-three men, and landed near the works. Arnold now wished to assume the command, to lead on the men, and swore that he would go in himself the first. Allen swore that he should not, but that he himself would be the first man that should enter. The dispute beginning to run high, some of the gen tlemen that were present interposed, and it was agreed that both should go in together, Allen on the right hand, and Arnold on the left. On the tenth of May, in the gray of the morning, they both entered the port leading to the fort, followed by their men. The sentry snap ped his fusee at Allen, and retreated through the covered way. The Americans followed the sentry, and immediately drew up on the parade. Captain De la Place commanded, but he was so little appre hensive of any danger or hostility, that he was surprised in his bed. As soon as he appeared, he was ordered to surrender the fort. Upon what authority do you require it, said De la Place. ' I demand it,' said Allen, ' in the name of the great Jehovah, and the Continental Congress.' Surrounded by the Americans who were already in pos- THE REVOLUTION. 401 session of the works, it was not in the power of the British captain to make any opposition, and he surrendered his garrison prisoners of war, without knowing by what authority Allen was acting, or that hostilities had commenced between Britain and the colonies. After Allen had landed with his party, the boats were sent back for colonel Seth Warner with the remainder of the men, who had been left under his command. Warner did not arrive till after the place had surren dered, but he took the command of a party who set off for Crown Point. At that place there were only a sergeant and twelve men to perform garrison duty. They surrendered upon the first summons, and Warner took possession of Crown Point, on the same day that Tyconderoga was given up. Another party surprised Skeensborough, made a prisoner of major Skeen, the son, took possession of a strong stone house which he had built, secured his dependents and domes tics, and made themselves masters of that important harbor. By these enterprises the Americans had captured a British captain, lieutenant, and forty-four privates. In the forts they found above two hundred pieces of cannon, some mortars, howitzers, and large quan tities of ammunition and military stores ; and a warehouse full of materials for carrying on the business of building boats. Having succeeded in their attempts against Tyconderoga and Crown Point, it was still necessary in order to secure the command of lake Cham plain, to get possession of an armed sloop which lay at St. Johns, at the north end of the lake. To effect this purpose, it was determined to man and arm a schooner, which lay at South Bay. Arnold had the command of the schooner, and Allen took the command of a num ber of batteaux, and both sailed for St. Johns. The wind being fresh at the south, Arnold soon passed the lake, surprised and captured the, armed sloop in the harbor of St. Johns : in about an hour after he had taken her, the wind suddenly shifted to the north, and Arnold made sail with his prize, and met Allen with his batteaux at some distance from St. Johns. — Williams' Hist. Vermont. Battle of Bunker's Hill. — On the 5th of May 1775, the Mas sachusetts Provincial Congress declared General Gage to be dis qualified for governor of the province, and that he ought to be treated as an enemy. Towards the end of May a considerable reinforcement of British troops arrived in Boston: Gen. Gage thus strengthened, prepared himself to act with more decision, and it was apprehended that he intended to penetrate into the country. It was therefore recommended by the Provincial Congress to the council of war, to take measures for the defence of Dorchester neck, and to occupy Bunker's Hill. " Orders were accordingly issued on the sixteenth of June, for a detachment of one thousand men, under the command of Colonel Prescot, to take possession of that eminence ; but, by some mis take, Breed's Hill was marked out, instead of Bunker's Hill, for the projected entrenchments. About nine in the evening, the de- 402 EVENTS IN tachment moved from Cambridge, and, passing silently over Charlestown Neck, ascended Breed's Hill, and reached the top of it unobserved. This hill is situated on the farther part of the peninsula, next to Boston ; and is so high as to overlook every part of that town, and so near it, as to be within cannon shot. The provincials, who had provided themselves with entrenching tools, immediately commenced the work, and labored with such diligence, that, by the dawn of day, they had thrown up a redoubt, about eight rods square. Although the peninsula was almost gurrounded with ships of war and transports, the provincials worked so silently, that they were not discovered until morning. At break of day, the alarm was given at Boston by a cannonade, begun on the provincial works by the ship of war Lively. A bat tery of six guns was soon after opened upon them from Copp's Hill, in Boston. Under an incessant shower of shot and bombs, the provincials indefatigably persevered in their labor, until they had thrown up a small breast work, extending from the east side of the redoubt to the bottom of the hill, toward the river Mystic. General Gage, judging it necessary to drive the provincials from this eminence, detached major general Howe and brigadier general Pigot, about noon, with ten companies of grenadiers, and ten of light infantry, with a due proportion of field artillery, to perform that service. These troops landed at Morton's point, where they immediately formed ; but, perceiving that the Americans waited for them with firmness, they remained in their first position until the arrival of a reinforcement from Boston. Meanwhile the Americans were also reinforced by a body of their countrymen, with generals Warren and Pomeroy ; and the troops on the open THE REVOLUTION. 403 ground pulled up some adjoining post and rail fences, and, placing them at a small distance apart in two parallel lines, filled up the space with new mown grass, and formed a cover from the mus ketry of the enemy. The British troops, now joined by the second detachment, and formed in two lines, moved forward with the light infantry on the right wing, commanded by general Howe, and the grenadiers on the left, by brigadier general Pigot ; the former to attack the pro vincial lines in flank, and the latter the redoubt in front. The attack was begun by a very heavy discharge of field pieces and howitzers, the troops advancing slowly, and halting at short inter vals, to allow time for the artillery to produce effect on the works. While they were advancing, orders were given to set fire to Charlestown, a handsome village on their left flank, containing about four hundred houses, chiefly of wood ; and in a very short time the town was wrapped in one great blaze. This awfully majestic spectacle added indescribable grandeur to the scene, in the view of the unnumbered spectators, who, occupying the heights of Boston and of its neighborhood, were eagerly looking for the approaching battle. The provincials, having permitted the enemy to approach within less than one hundred yards of their works, unmolested, then poured in upon them such a deadly fire of small arms, that the British line was broken, and fell pre cipitately back toward the landing place. This disorder was repaired by the vigorous exertions of the officers, who again brought them up to the attack ;i but the Americans renewing their fire, as before, drove them back again in confusion. Gen. Clinton, arriving at this juncture from Boston, united his exertions with those of general Howe and the other officers, and was eminently serviceable in rallying the troops, who, with extreme reluctance, were a third time led on to the charge. The powder of the Americans now began so far to fail, that their fire became neces sarily slackened. The British brought some of their cannon to bear, which raked the inside of the breastwork from end to end ; the fire from the ships, batteries, and field artillery, was redoubled ; and the redoubt, attacked on three sides at once, was carried at the point of the bayonet. The provincials, though a retreat was ordered, delayed, and made obstinate resistance with their dis charged guns, until the assailants, who easily mounted the works, had half filled the redoubt. During these operations, the British light infantry were attempt ing to force the left point of the breastwork, that they might take the American line in flank ; but, while they advanced with signal bravery, they were received with unyielding firmness. The pro vincials here, as well as at the redoubt, reserved their fire until the near approach of the enemy, and then poured in their shot 404 EVENTS IN with such well directed aim, as to mow them down in ranks. No sooner was the redoubt lost, than the breastwork was necessarily abandoned. The retreat of the provincials was now to be made over Charlestown neck, which was completely raked by the shot of the Glasgow man of war, and of two floating batteries ; but, great as was the apparent danger, the retreat was effected with inconsiderable loss. On the part of the British, about three thousand men were en gaged in this action ; and their killed and wounded amounted to one thousand and fifty-four. The number of Americans in this engagement was fifteen hundred ; and their killed, wounded, and missing, amounted to four hundred and fifty-three."* — Holmes. Invasion of Canada, by Generals Montgomery and Arnold. — Emboldened by the capture of Ticonderoga, the Americans formed a plan for more extensive operations. Generals Schuyler and Montgomery were sent with a body of troops into Canada : Gen eral Schuyler falling sick, the command devolved on General Montgomery. A small fort at Chamblee was first taken, where a supply of powder was obtained, and siege was laid to St. Johns. Some attempts were made to relieve the garrison by Governor Carleton, but in vain ; the garrison consisting of about seven hun dred men, surrendered Nov. 3d, 1775. This was soon after fol lowed by the surrender of Montreal. The greatest loss attending * Of the British, 226 were killed, and 828 wounded ; 19 commissioned officers being among the former, and 70 among the latter. Of the Americans, 139 were killed, and 314 wounded and missing. The only provincial officers of distinction lost, were general Joseph Warren of Boston, colonel Gardner of Cambridge, lieu tenant colonel Parker of Chelmsford, major Moore, and major McClany. The death of general Warren was deeply and universally lamented. He had received the com mission of major general four days only before the battle, into which he rushed as a volunteer. Just as the retreat of the provincials commenced, a ball struck him in the head, and he fell dead on the spot. In private life, he was esteemed for his en gaging manners ; and as a physician, for his professional abilities. In counsel, he was judicious ; in action, anient and daring. •' To the purest patriotism and most undaunted bravery, he added the virtues of domestic life, the eloquence of an ac complished orator, and the wisdom of an able statesman." The memory of colonel Gardner is cherished with high regard in Cambridge. It is impossible to do justice to all the officers and soldiers, who distinguished themselves in this hard fought battle. A number of the Massachusetts troops were in the redoubt, which was So nobly de fended, and in that part of the breastwork nearest to it. The left of the breastwork, and the open ground stretching beyond it to the water side, were occupied partly by the Massachusetts forces, and partly by the Connecticut, under captain Knowlton of Ashford (whose conduct was much applauded), and by the New Hampshire troops, under colonel Stark. General Putnam was in this battle, and fought with his usual intrepidity. He expressly charged his men to retain their fire till the very near ap proach of the enemy ; reminded them of their skill in their customary shooting at home j and directed them to take sight at the enemy. He appears to have conduct ed the retreat. " There strides bold Putnam, and from all the plains Calls the tired host, the tardy rear sustains, And, mid the whizzing deaths that fill the air, Waves back his sword, and dares tho following war." THE REVOLUTION. 405 these enterprises was the loss of Col. Ethan Allen, who without orders, with a small party, while engaged in a rash attempt on Montreal, was made prisoner and sent in irons to England. While Gen. Montgomery was proceeding on his route towards Quebec, Col. Arnold was sent from the army at Cambridge to penetrate into Canada by descending the Kennebeck and through the wilderness to Quebec. " On the 13th of September, Arnold set out from the camp at Cambridge, with eleven hundred men, and proceeded to Newburyport, at the mouth of Merrimac river. There he embarked on board ten transports, and arrived at the mouth of Kennebec river, on September the twentieth. Dismis sing the transports, they embarked on board batteaux, and pro ceeded up that river with ill the expedition that the business would admit. It would be difficult to find any thing in the his tories of war, or indeed to conceive of greater hardship, labor and resolution, than attended the exertions of this body of men. On the river, they were impeded by a rapid stream, with a rocky bottom and shores ; by cataracts, carrying places, descents, and rapids, impassable for boats. On the shores they had to travel through deep swamps, thick woods, mountains, precipices, and large streams of water : nor could they, for the most part, advance more than from four to eight miles a day. By their incessant labors and hardships, several fell sick, and so much of their pro visions was lost in passing the rapids, that they became scarce, and many suffered severely with hunger. Some of the men killed and eat their dogs, and a few were reduced to such ex tremity as to devour their cartouch boxes, breeches, and shoes. Having arrived at the head of Kennebec river, Colonel Enos was ordered to send back the sick, and those that could not be fur nished with provisions ; but contrary to Arnold's expectation, he returned himself with his whole division, consisting of three com panies ; a council of war which Enos held on the occasion, hav ing pronounced it impossible to proceed for want of provisions. Arnold with the other divisions went on with a steady and daring resolution, determined either to succeed or to perish. Having crossed the heights of land, they arrived at length at the head of Chandiere river, a stream which falls into the river St. Lawrence, not far from Quebec. Travelling on this river, they soon ap proached the inhabited parts of Canada, and on November the third, they procured some provisions, and soon after came to a house, being the first they had seen for thirty-one days. During all that period, they had been struggling against difficulties almost insurmountable, in a rough, barren, uninhabited country, where even the Indians did not reside. As soon as Arnold appeared with his troops, the Canadians dis covered the same disposition to give him a favorable reception, 406 EVENTS IN that they had manifested towards Montgomery ; at Sertigan, the first French village at which they arrived, about twenty-five leagues from Quebec, they were kindly entertained, and plenti fully supplied with fresh beef, butter, fowls, and vegetables. Washington had prepared and signed a declaration, announcing to the Canadians that the Americans were not come to injure, plunder, or make war upon them, but to defend and preserve the liberties of every part of the continent ; inviting them to join in the grand object and pursuit, and assuring them that they should be protected in their persons, property, and religion. The pro clamation had a good effect ; the Canadians afforded Arnold such assistance as was in their power, and he marched on in ease and safety, and arrived at point Levi, November the 9th, with about seven hundred men." " The arrival of Arnold with his troops, was not known at Quebec for twenty-four hours ; at this period, the inhabitants of that city were not in a situation to have made any defence. An universal discon tent and division prevailed among the British inhabitants, owing to the opposition of the British merchants and others to the Quebec bill. The French inhabitants were still less disposed to engage in hostili ties. It was known that they were very generally wavering and un determined ; and many were much inclined to favor the American proceedings. No confidence could be placed in either, to undertake the defence of the city ; and had it not been for the intervention of the river, it does not seem that there would have been much difficulty or opposition to Arnold's marching in and taking immediate pos session. On the twelfth of November, Colonel Maclean marched into the city, with one hundred and seventy of his new raised regiment of emigrants. On the intelligence of this event, the next day at nine o'clock in the evening, Arnold began to embark his men on board a number of canoes which he had procured ; and by four the next morning, five hundred of his men were landed at Wolfe's cave, un discovered by the enemy. The next morning, it was known in the city what had taken place. Some of the sailors were landed from the ships, to manage the guns on the fortifications ; several of the most active of the citizens came forward, and all began to doubt whether Arnold was in such force that it would be prudent to appear to assist or favor him. Arnold paraded his men on the plains of Abraham, set guards to cut off the communication between the city and country, and sent a flag to demand the surrender of the place. His flag was fired upon, and refused admittance ; he was not strong enough to attempt to storm the city ; and the hour in which it might probably have been carried by a coup de main, amidst the surprise and consternation of the inhabitants, was now past. On the nine teenth, the Americans decamped, and marched up to Point au Trem bles, about seven leagues from the city ; and the same day General THE REVOLUTION. 407 Carleton arrived at Quebec. Determined to defend the place, his first step was to turn out the suspected, and all that would not engage to assist in the defence of the city ; and nothing now remained for Arnold, but to wait the arrival of assistance from Montreal. Encouraged and animated by the vigorous proceedings of Arnold, Montgomery made all the exertions in his power to join him. Having left some troops in Montreal and the forts, and sent detachments into the different parts of the province to encourage and secure the Cana dians, he pushed on with as many men as could be spared, and such artillery and supplies as he could procure, to join the troops before Quebec ; but his whole force did not amount to but a little more than three hundred men. Their march was in the winter, through bad roads, in a severe climate, amidst the falls of the first snows, and in the water and mire ; but such was the activity and perseverance of Montgomery and his adherents, that on December the first, he joined Arnold at Point au Trembles, with three armed schooners, about three hundred men, and ammunition, clothing and prpvisions for the troops. On December the fifth, Montgomery with his army appeared before Quebec ; his effective troops amounted to but a few more than eight hundred men, and he could have but little prospect of success. General Carleton was informed of the state of his army, and had made such preparations for defence, that he could have but little to apprehend from any attempts that could be made against the city, by so small a force, at that season of the year. His force con sisted of Colonel Maclean's men, one hundred and seventy; a com pany of the seventh regiment, amounting to sixty ; forty marines, four hundred and fifty seamen, belonging to the king's frigates, and to the merchantmen ; and about eight hundred militia ; amounting in the whole to fifteen hundred and twenty ; but on the militia little dependence was to be placed. Montgomery attempted both to in timidate, and to persuade the British general to surrender ; he also opened two small batteries, one of five mortars, and the other of six cannon, against the place ; but his artillery was too small, and the season of the year too severe to have any hope of succeeding by a regular siege. Nothing remained but to put all to the risk of a gen eral assault ; and rather than to abandon the object it was determined to venture upon this desperate measure. It was not till December the thirty-first, that circumstances would admit of an attack : on that morning there was a heavy storm of snow, and under this cover, Montgomery and Arnold led on their troops to storm the city, the garrison of which was much more numerous than their own army. The American troops were divided into four bodies, of which two were directed to make false attacks upon the upper, town, while the real ones were made by Montgomery and Arnold, against the lower part of the city. With undaunted resolution, Mont gomery led on his men, about two hundred, to the first barrier, which they soon passed, and advanced boldly to the second ; but here a violent discharge of grape shot from several well placed cannon, together with a well directed fire of musketry, put an end to the life 408 EVENTS IN of this brave and enterprising officer. Most of the officers and others who were near their general, fell at the same time, and the command devolved on a Mr. Campbell ; but he was so unused to this new kind of business, of storming a well fortified city, and so discouraged by the fall of Montgomery, that he retreated without any further exertions. Arnold, with his division, amounting to about three hundred, made a vigorous attack upon another part of the town, and after an hour's engagement carried a small battery. In this conflict, one or two men fell, and Arnold had his leg shattered, so that he was obliged to be carried off. His officers, however, continued the attack with much vigor, till the British having dispersed the Americans in every other quarter, directed their whole force against this small body, and entirely surrounded them. Nor did their courage forsake them even in these desperate circumstances. They continued the fight for three hours longer, till their numbers were much reduced, and they were fully convinced that some misfortune must have befallen Mont gomery and his party. At length no hope or prospect of relief re maining, they were forced to submit to necessity, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war. In this unfortunate affair, the Americans lost nearly half their troops. About one hundred were slain, and many more were in captivity ; and not more than four hundred remained, who were fit for duty. A council of war determined that Arnold should take the command, and continue the blockade; but the troops immediately quitted their camp, and retired about three miles from the city, and placed themselves in the best situation they could ; hoping for relief, but expecting an attack." — Williams' Hist. Vermont. General Arnold, under all his discouragements, continued the blockade of Quebec through the winter. On the 5th of May, 1776, it was unanimously determined in a council of war that the troops were in no condition to risk an assault, and the Army was removed to a more defensible position. The Canadians at this period receiving considerable reinforcements, the Americans were compelled to abandon one post after another, and by the 18th of June they had evacuated Canada. Siege and evacuation of Boston. — General Washington, soon after his appointment as commander in chief, repaired to the American army in the vicinity of Boston and established his head quarters at Cambridge. The want of powder and the necessity of re-enlisting the troops whose term of service had expired, ren dered the army investing Boston inactive, during the summer and autumn of 1775. About the middle of February, 1776, a severe cold setting in, and the ice becoming sufficiently firm to bear the troops, Washington formed the plan of marching into Boston and dislodge the enemy. A council of war being summoned on this occasion, being almost unanimous against the measure, Washing ton reluctantly abandoned the project. THE REVOLUTION. 409 "The effective regular force of the Americans now amounted to upward of fourteen thousand men ; in addition to which the com mander in chief called out about six thousand of the militia of Massa chusetts. With these troops he determined to take possession of the heights of Dorchester, whence it would he in his power greatly to annoy the ships in the harbour and the soldiers in the town. By taking this position, from which the enemy would inevitably attempt to drive him, he expected to bring on a general action, during which he intended to cross over from Cambridge side with four thousand chosen men, and attack the town of Boston. To conceal his design. and to divert the attention of the garrison, a heavy bombardment of the town and lines of the enemy was begun on the evening of the second of March, and repeated the two succeeding nights. On the night of the fourth, immediately after the firing began, a considerable detachment, under the command of general Thomas, passing from Roxbury, took silent possession of Dorchester heights. The ground was almost impenetrably hard, but the night was mild, and by labour ing with great diligence, their works were so far advanced by morn ing, as to cover them in a great measure from the shot of the enemy. When the British after day break discovered these works, which were magnified to the view by a hazy atmosphere, nothing could ex ceed their astonishment. Some of their officers afterward acknowl edged, that the expedition with which they were thrown up, with their sudden and unexpected appearance, recalled to their minds those wonderful stories of enchantment and invisible agency, which are so frequent in the Eastern romances. Nothing now remained, but to abandon the town, or to dislodge the provincials. General Howe, with his usual spirit, chose the latter part of the alternative, and took measures for the embarkation, on that very evening, of five regiments with the light infantry and grenadiers, on the important but most haz ardous service. The transports fell down in the evening toward the castle, with the troops, amounting to about two thousand men; but a tremendous storm at night rendered the execution of the design ab solutely impracticable. A council of war was called the next morn ing, and agreed to evacuate the town as soon as possible. A fortnight elapsed before that measure was effected. Meanwhile the Ameri cans strengthened and extended their works ; and on the morning of the seventeenth of March the British discovered a breast work, that had been thrown up in the night at Nook's Hill, on Dorchester penin sula, which perfectly commanded Boston neck, and the south part of the town. Delay was no longer safe. By four in the morning, the king's troops, with those Americans, who were attached to the royal cause, began to embark ; and before ten all of them were under sail. As the rear embarked, general Washington marched triumphantly into Boston, where he was joyfully received, as a deliverer. The British fleet, after a detention of nine days in Nantasket road, set sail for Halifax." During the siege, " horse flesh was not refused by those who 35 410 EVENTS IN could procure it.* For want of fuel, the pews and benches of churches were taken for this purpose ; the counters and partitions of warehouses were applied to the same use ; and even houses, not inhabited, were demolished for the sake of the wood. The English left a great quantity of artillery and munitions. Two hundred and fifty pieces of cannon, of different calibre, were found in Boston, in Castle Island, and in the intrenchments of Bunker's Hill, and the Neck. The English had attempted, but with little success, in their haste, to destroy or to spike these last pieces ; others had been thrown into the sea, but they were re covered. There were found, besides, four mortars, a considera ble quantity of coal, of wheat, and of other grains, and one hun dred and fifty horses." — Botta's Revolution. Battle of Long Island. — " The command of the British force, destined to operate against New York, was given to admiral lord Howe, and his brother Sir William ; who, in addition to their mil itary powers, were appointed commissioners for restoring peace to the colonies. General Howe, after waiting two months at Hal ifax for his brother and the expected reinforcements from Eng land, sailed with the force which he had previously commanded in Boston ; and directing his course toward New York, arri ved in the latter end of June off Sandy Hook. Admiral lord Howe, with part of the reinforcement from England, arrived at Halifax soon after his brother's departure ; and, without dropping anchor, followed and joined him near Staten Island. These two royal commissioners, before they commenced military operations, attempted to effect a reunion between the colonies and Great Bri tain ; but both the substance and the form of their communications for that purpose were too exceptionable, to be for a moment seri ously regarded. The British forces waited so long to receive accession from Hali fax, South Carolina, Florida, the West Indies, and Europe, that the month of August was far advanced before they were in a condition to open the campaign. Their commanders, having resolved to make their first attempt on Long Island, landed their troops, estimated at about twenty-four thousand men, at Gravesend Bay, to the right of the Narrows. The Americans, to the amount of fifteen thousand, under major general Sullivan, were posted on a peninsula between Mill Creek, a little above Red Hook, and an elbow of East river, called Whaaleboght Bay. Here they had erected strong fortifica- * Provisions were become so scarce at Boston, that a pound of fresh fish cost twelve pence sterling, a goose eight shillings and four pence, a turkey twelve shil lings and six pence, a duck four shillings and two pence, hams two shillings and a penny per pound. Vegetables were altogether wanting. A sheep cost thirty-five shillings sterling, apples thirty-three shillings and four pence per barrel. Fire wood forty-one shillings and eight pence the cord ; and finally, it was not to be procured at any price. THE REVOLUTION. 411 Newitown -n f*&or* tSl>** x LONG * * {i&ITat&usA lions, which were separated from New York by East river, at the dis tance of a mile. A line of intrenchment from the Mill Creek enclo sed a large space of ground, on which stood the American camp, near the village of Brooklyn. This line was secured by abbatis, and flanked by strong redoubts. The armies were separated by a range of hills, covered with a thick wood, which intersects the country from west to east, terminating on the east near Jamaica. Through these hills there were three roads ; one near the narrows, a second on the Flatbush road, and a third on the Bedford road ; and these were the only passes from the south side of the hills to the American lines, ex cepting a road which led to Jamaica round the easterly end of the hills. General Putnam, agreeably to the instructions of General Washington, had detached a considerable part of his men to occupy the woody hills and passes ; but in the performance of this service there appears to have been a deficiency either of skill or of vigilance. When the whole British army was landed, the Hessians, under general Heister, composed the centre at Flatbush ; major general Grant commanded the left wing, which extended to the coast ; and the principal army, under the command of general Clinton, earl Percy, and lord Cornwallis, turned short to the right, and ap proached the opposite coast at Flatland. The position of the Americans having been reconnoitered, Sir William Howe, from the intelligence given him, determined to attempt to turn their left flank. The right wing of his army, consisting of a strong ad vanced corps, commanded by general Clinton and supported by the brigades under lord Percy, began at nine o'clock at night on the 26th' of August to move from Flatland ; and passing through the New Lots, arrived on the road that crosses the hills from Bedford to Jamaica. Having taken a patrol, they seized the pass, without alarming the Americans. At half after eight in the 412 EVENTS IN morning, the British troops, having passed the heights and reached Bedford, began an attack on the left of the American army. In the centre, general De Heister, soon after day light, had begun to cannonade the troops, which occupied the direct road to Brooklyn, and which were commanded by general Sulli van in person. As soon as the firing toward Bedford was heard, De Heister advanced and attacked the centre of the Americans, who, after a warm engagement, were routed and driven into the woods. The firing toward Bedford giving them the alarming no tice, that the British had turned their left flank, and were getting completely into their rear; they endeavored to escape to the camp. The sudden rout of this party enabled De Heister to de tach a part of his force against those who were engaged near Bedford. There also the Americans were broken and driven into the woods ; and the front of the British column, led by general Clinton, continuing to move forward, intercepted and engaged those, whom De, Heister had routed, and drove them back into the woods. There they again met the Hessians, who drove them back on the British. Thus alternately chased and intercepted, some forced their way through the enemy to the lines of Brook lyn ; several saved themselves in the coverts of the woods ; but a great part of the detachment was killed or taken. The left column, led by general Grant, advancing from the Narrows along the coast, to divert the attention of the Americans from the principal attack on the right, had about midnight fallen in with lord Stirling's advanced guard, stationed at a strong pass, and compelled them to relinquish it. As they were slowly reti ring, they -were met on the summit of the hills about break of day by lord Stirling, who had been directed, with the two nearest regiments, to meet the British on the road leading from the Nar rows. Lord Stirling having posted his men advantageously, a furious cannonade commenced on both sides, which continued sev eral hours. The firing towards Brooklyn, where the fugitives were pursued by the British, giving notice to Lord Stirling, that the enemy had gained his rear, he instantly gave orders to retreat across a creek, near the Yellow Mills. The more effectually to secure the retreat of the main body of the detachment, he deter mined to attack in person a British corps under lord Cornwallis, stationed at a house somewhat above the place where he proposed crossing the creek. With about four hundred men, drawn out of Smallwood's regiment for that purpose, he made a very spirited attack, and brought up this small corps several times to the charge, with constant expectation of dislodging lord Cornwallis from his post ; but, the force in his front increasing, and general Grant now advancing on his rear, he was compelled to surrender him self and his brave men prisoners of war. This bold attempt THE REVOLUTION. 413 however gave opportunity to a large part of the detachment to cross the creek, and effect an escape.* The enemy encamped in front of the American lines ; and on the succeeding night broke ground within six hundred yards of a redoubt on the left. In this critical state of the American army on Long Island ; in front a numerous and victorious enemy, with a formidable train of artillery ; the fleet indicating an intention to force a passage into East river to make some attempt on New York ; the troops lying without shelter from heavy rains, fatigued and dispirited ; it was determined to withdraw from the island ; and this difficult movement was effected with great skill and judgment, and with complete success.!" Washington's Retreat from New York. — Immediately after their victory on Long Island, the British made dispositions to at tack New York. Gen. Washington having called a council of general officers, it was decided by them, that a middle course should be adopted between abandoning the city, and concentra ting their whole force for its defence. By the plan recommended, the army was to be arranged in three divisions, one of which, consisting of 5000 men to remain in New York : another, con sisting of 9,000, was to be stationed at King's Bridge ; and the residue to occupy the intermediate space, so as to support either extreme. The unexpected movements of the enemy, however, induced a change of operations. " General Howe having now prepared his plan for a descent on New York island ; for bringing the Americans to a general action, or breaking the communication between their posts, on the 15th of Sep tember began to land his men under cover of five ships of war, be tween South Bay and Kipp's Bay, about three miles above the city. Works had been thrown up there, which were capable of withstand ing an attack for a considerable time, and even till reinforcements should arrive, if they were necessary, and troops were stationed in them to oppose any landing of the enemy. But they fled — at the first * The loss of the British and Hessians is stated by American historians at about 450 ; Stedman says, ' it did not exceed 300 in killed and wounded.' The loss of the Americans was not admitted by General Washington to exceed 1000 men, ' but in this estimate he could only have included the regular troops.' General Howe states the prisoners to have been 1097, among whom were major general Sullivan, and brigadiers lord Stirling and Woodhull. t The retreat was to have commenced at eight o'clock in the night of the 29th ; but a strong northeast wind and a rapid tide caused a delay of several hours. In this extremity, Heaven remarkably favoured the fugitive army. A southwest wind, springing up at eleven, essentially facilitated its passage from the Island to the city ; and a thick fog, hanging over Long Island from about two in the morning, concealed its movements from the enemy, who were so near, that the sound of their pickaxes and shovels was heard. General Washington, as far as possible, inspected every thing. From the commencement of the action on the morning of the 27th until the troops were safely across East river, he never closed his eyes, and was almost con stantly on horseback. 35* 414 EVENTS IN approach of the British, and abandoned the works with the most shameful precipitation. Two brigades had been put in motion for their support on the first intimation of the enemy's approach, and General Washington, in person, hurried to the scene of action, expecting by his presence to retrieve his late disasters and animate his troops to in flict a severe retribution on the enemy. He met the whole party in a tumultuous flight — it was a bitter moment for that great man : to have risked himself, his country, his immortality, with such dastards ; it was the most cruel agony of his life. For once, he ceased to be Washington. He galloped through the crowd ; threw himself in their rear ; reigned his horse towards the enemy ; commanded, en treated, threatened ; it was all in vain — he even attempted to cut down the cowards, and snapped his pistols at them. They were not to be stayed for a minute : their flight became still more shamefully precipi tate at the sudden appearance of a small body of their pursuers, not exceeding sixty or seventy. In this hour of self abandonment, Wash ington would have been lost, but for the violence of his officers— they seized the bridle of his horse and gave him a different direction, as he was advancing towards the enemy. The ships in the North and East rivers, during this transaction, were throwing their grape shot and langrage quite across the island. The Hessians having landed, began their march, but some delay was caused in their junction by their seizing a number of persons, whom they found concealed in a barn, that had been placed there for guards. This mistake was soon explained, and the British having landed their whole force, they directed their march towards Kingsbridge. The re treating Americans who had fled in such disorder from Kipp's Bay, never halted for an instant, until they encountered Colonel Glover, who was then hastening to their support. This gave them some con fidence ; they halted, formed and paraded on the high grounds in their front. At this moment the enemy again appeared on the next emi nence, with a force then estimated at eight thousand. The Ameri cans exhibited uncommon fire ; they wished to give battle immedi ately : for a moment Washington, with the stinging recollection of the scene he had just witnessed fresh upon his heart, was on the point of leading them to the attack ; but a moment's consideration changed his purpose. He could not depend upon undisciplined val our — the fever of shame and indignation, for a victory of the cool and steady bravery of well organized veterans. The Americans encamped on the heights of Haerlem ; and the British Generals finding no prospect of immediate battle renewed, repaired to a neighboring mansion for refreshment, where so much time was consumed, that the rear guard of the American army, about three thousand four hundred, under General Putnam, were suffered to escape from New York, unmolested. General Putnam, aware of the danger of taking the main road by which the enemy would approach, directed his march along another on the banks of the North River, continuing along it until it turns abruptly to the right, where it unites THE REVOLUTION. 415 with a narrow way, passing to Bloomingdale. By this route he escaped unperceived. On the day after the shameful retreat of the forces from Kipp's Bay, a severe skirmish took place between two battalions of light infantry and Highlanders, with three companies of Hessian Chas seurs, (riflemen) commanded by Brigadier General Leslie, and a detachment of Americans under Lt. Col. Knowlton of Connec ticut and Major Leech of Virginia. The Colonel in the heat of the action received a mortal wound, and fell at the head of his men. The Major received three balls through his body. The Americans behaved with admirable coolness and resolution, and fairly beat their adversaries by hard fighting. Their loss, ex cept in their gallant Colonel, was very inconsiderable ; about forty were wounded. The loss of the enemy, considering the number engaged, was severe ; amounting to nearly one hundred wounded and twenty killed. This little affair had a wonderful effect upon ^the Americans. These were the very men, who, but the day be fore had fled so shamefully at the first approach of an enemy. They had feelings, and being determined to redeem their reputa tion, or perish, offered themselves as volunteers to encounter the enemy." , " New York was taken possession of, immediately after the evacuation, by a brigade of the royal army. They had been there but a few days, when a fire broke out at a place where a party of their sailors had been frolicking, which spread with unexam pled fury. The buildings were then chiefly covered with shin gles ; the weather had been extremely dry for some days ; a strong southerly wind prevailed at the time ; and it broke out about one o'clock in the morning, at a season when the town was almost empty of its citizens — and the engine sand pumps were chiefly out of order. About one thousand buildings were de stroyed, and but for the exertions of the sailors and soldiers with engines from the fleet, the whole city must have been reduced to ashes." Action at White Plains. — The American army being inferior to that of the British in point of numbers, Gen. Washington drew off the main body of his troops from New- York Island, to wards White Plains. He was followed by General Howe, who after posting Lord Percy with two brigades of British, and one of Hessian troops, amounting to about five thousand, in the lines near Haerlem, to protect New- York from the garrison at Fort Washington, and a delay of six days already mentioned, at Throgs Neck, advanced to the vicinity of New Rochelle, on the eigh teenth of October. On their march they were constantly an noyed by a party of Americans, whom General Lee had posted behind a wall. Their advance was twice repulsed, and the 416 EVENTS IN Americans did not quit their post till the British threw their whole force into solid columns, when they gave their several vollies, and retreated, as they had been ordered. The Americans had a small number killed and about sixty wounded, but the loss of the enemy was much more severe, being unprotected and constantly manceuvering. On the 21st, General Howe moved his right and centre two miles to the northward of New Rochelle, on the road to the White Plains, where he received, on the 22d, a large rein forcement of Hessians and Waldeckers, under General Knyp- hausen. Owing to the distressing scarcity of wagon and artillery horses in the American army, the removal of their baggage was pain ful, laborious, and sluggish in the extreme. The few teams that could be obtained were utterly inadequate to the purpose, and the deficiency could only be supplied by the labour of the sol diers, who toiled night and day at the artillery and baggage. During the retreat, General Washington constantly presented a front to the enemy, extending from East Chester nearly to the* White Plains, on the Eastern side of the high way. This ef fectually protected the rear, which was uncommonly encum bered with the sick, cannon, and stores of the army, and pre vented what was most to be feared, theiribeing outflanked. The line then presented a chain of small, entrenched and unconnected camps, occupying successively every height and rising ground, from Valentine's Hill about a mile from Kingsbridge, on the right, and extending almost to the White Plains, on the left. The royal army, enabled by their facilities for transportation, to move with greater freedom and celerity than the Americans, advanced on the 25th of October, and took a strong position with the Bronx in front. The latter immediately made a correspondent movement, broke up their line of detached camps, left a corps for the protection of Kingsbridge, and concentrated their whole strength in the White Plains, behind the entrenchments previously thrown up by their ad vance. In this position, General Howe having consummated his plan for bringing his cautious advance to a decisive action, advanced against the Americans on the 28th in two columns ; his left under General Heisler. Before noon the American advance parties were driven in, and the enemy formed with his right upon the road to Ma- maroneck, about a mile from the American centre ; and with his left upon the Bronx, about the same distance from the right flank of the American entrenchments. General M'Dougall, with sixteen hundred men, had been advanced by Washington, to a commanding eminence, separated from the right flank of the Americans by the Bronx, which by its windings, protected hhn from the left of the Royal force : And General Leslie with the second British Brigade ; the Hessian Grenadiers, under Colonel Do- nop, and a battalion of Hessian infantry were ordered on the twenty- THE REVOLUTION. 417 eighth to dislodge him. With this view, a brigade of the Hessians, under Colonel Rhal, passed the Bronx, and while the other troops as sailed General M'Dougall in front, gained a position which enabled them to annoy his flank. The hill, however, was defended against this force and twelve pieces of artillery, for more than an hour, though General M'Dougall was deserted by two thirds of his men ; four whole regiments of militia had abandoned him in the commencement of the action, at the approach of a small body of light horse, not ex ceeding two hundred and fifty. During this attempt to dislodge General M'Dougall, the American baggage was moved off in full view of the British army ; and a scat tering fire was continued along the adjoining walls and enclosures. The Americans lost forty-seven killed and seventy wounded, and by a return said to have been found on the field, a common expedient with the Americans at this time, for discovering the superior loss of the British, that of the enemy was said to have been ten officers, in cluding Colonel Leslie, and one hundred and forty-three privates kill ed and wounded. From the advantage of position, possessed by the Americans, there seems to be nothing unreasonable in allowing so small a proportion. Soon after this the Hessian grenadiers were moved forward, with in reach of the American cannon ; with the second British Brigade in their rear, and two Hessian brigades on the left of the second ; the eighth and centre maintaining their ground. In this position, the whole royal army lay upon their arms, impatiently waiting for the left to make their attack. But during the night, Washington changed his front ; his left kept its post, while his right fell back and occupied a range of hills. In this admirable position, with his works increased and strengthened, he was prepared and wished to receive the enemy. But Sir William Howe was too wary to assail him, and on the twenty-ninth, after an ineffectual attempt to dislodge a small force under Glover, from a hill he had occupied, drew off his army towards Dobb's Ferry, determining, as he said, to defer a general ac tion until a reinforcement, which was hourly expected under Earl Percy, who had been left to watch the garrison at Fort Washington ; and the Americans filed off in a north eastern direction. The American loss during these evolutions and skirmishings was very inconsiderable. A few privates and four officers only were taken by the enemy. At first it was apprehended to be much more severe ; but the missing militia were constantly re turning to camp after their terrour had abated. A few prisoners, and among them a small number of Hessians and Waldeckers, who testified some astonishment when they found they were to be neither tortured nor scalped, when captured by the Americans. The reinforcement under Lord Percy arrived ; and General Howe determined to attack Washington in his" trenches. Prepa rations were made for the evening of the thirty-first, but a heavy 418 EVENTS IN rain delayed the attempt beyond the appointed hour, and it was afterwards postponed, although the day was serene. A deserter during the same day to the Americans, gave Wash ington intelligence of this design, and in the course of the follow ing night, he withdrew his troops — totally abandoned his camp, and on the morning of November first, occupied the high grounds in North Castle District, about two miles distant, leaving a strong rear in the woods and on the heights at White Plains. So soon as this was known to the British General, he ordered this corps to be attacked, but again he was prevented from effecting his pur pose by a violent rain. The town of White Plains was set on fire by their rear guard, with all the forage near the lines, and en tirely consumed. The above measure in the bitterness of party an imosity, was charged to the American commander, but it became evident, afterwards, that the burning of the village was wholly owing to the misconduct of Colonel Austin, from Massachusetts. After these manceuvers, Washington, with part of his army, crossed the North River, and took a position on the Jersey side, near Fort Lee, opposite Fort Washington, leaving seven thousand five hundred men under General Lee, at North Castle. Capture of Fort Washington. — On the 15th of November 1776, the royal army approached Fort Washington, and sent a summons to Colonel Magaw ; to which he replied that the post should be defended to the last extremity. Intelligence of this was carried to Washington ; he repaired to Fort Lee, and had nearly crossed the North River, for the purpose of aiding in the defence, when he met General Greene and General Putnam returning ; they informed him that the troops were in high spirits, and would make a gallant defence — it was late in the evening, he returned. At this time the garrison might have been withdrawn — there was a misgiving in the mind of Washington : but even he did not be lieve the danger so imminent that a night was to determine the fate of the garrison. On the following day, November 16th, the royal army advanced against the post in four different points. While the enemy were approaching, Generals Washington, Putnam, Greene, and Colo nel Knox, with their Aids, had crossed the river, and were hast ening to the fort, when a sudden sense of their imprudence, for tunately induced them to return. The first attack on the north side was conducted by General Knyphausen, at the head of two columns of Hessians and Wal- deckers. The second, on the eastern side, was made by two bat talions of guards, supported by Lord Cornwallis, with a body of grenadiers and the thirty-third regiment. These two parties crossed Haerlem Creek, in boats, and landed on the American right. The third attack, meant as a feint, was conducted by Lieutenant THE REVOLUTION. 419 Colonel Stirling, with the forty-second. The fourth division was under Lord Percy, with his reinforcements from the south of the island. Each party was supported by a powerful and well served artillery. The party under General Knyphausen was compelled to pass through a thick wood, where a regiment of riflemen under Col. Rawling were posted. Between these parties an action immedi ately commenced, which was continued with unexampled spirit until the Hessians had lost a great number of their men. In the mean time, a body of the British light infantry ad vanced against a party of Americans, who were posted upon a steep and almost inaccessible eminence, which poured a very de structive fire from behind the rocks and trees ; and after suffering severely, drove them from their position, and thus secured the landing of the main body. Lord Percy carried an advanced work on his side ; and Colonel Stirling, with the forty-second, and two battalions of the second brigade, effected a landing on the left pf the American lines, forced his way to the summit of a steep hill, took one hundred and seventy prisoners, and then crossed the island. A detachment from the American flying camp, who were stationed upon the lines, abandoned them after a slight resistance, and crowded tu- multuously within the fort ; into which, also, Colonel Magaw had determined to throw himself, when thus he saw the lines forsaken. In the mean time, Colonel Rhal, who led the right column of Knyphausen's attack, pushed forward and lodged his troops with in one hundred yards of the fort, where he was soon joined by the left column. A summons was then repeated, and the garri son surrendered as prisoners of war ; the officers keeping their side arms and baggage.* The number of men which surren dered was about two thousand ; the British loss is stated to be about eight hundred. Death of Captain Hale. — After General Washington, by his retreat, had left the British in complete possession of Long Isl and, and not knowing what would be their future operations, he * From the position in which Washington was placed, he could distinctly see his soldiers bayonetted, while upon their knees, with their hands uplifted, and even at that hour, great as must have been his anxiety, when the fate of so important a post was at stake, the feelings of the man were as conspicuous as those of the soldier. It is said, he was affected with the butchery even to tears : and General Lee, to whom the fate of the post was sent by express, so far forgot the natural and unbending statelincss of his character, as to burst into the most passionate exclamations, accom panied also with tears. It was indeed a terrible blow. Even on the 19th, he had not recovered his composure ; for he wrote thus to Washington on that day — ' Oh General, why would you be over-persuaded by men of inferior judgment to your own 1 It was a cursed affair !' The defence of the post had always appeared im possible to this eccentrick man. The moment he was told that it was determined to maintain it, he exclaimed, ' then we are undone !' 420 EVENTS IN applied to Colonel Knowlton, commander of a regiment of light infantry, to devise some means for gaining necessary information of the design of the British in their future movements. Captain Hale nobly offered himself for this hazardous and important ser vice. His amiable, pioiis, intelligent, and patriotic character, and the sacrifice of his life in the manner in which he made the sac rifice, entitle him to a distinguished rank among the first patriots of the revolution. The particulars of this tragical event, sanc tioned by General Hull, who was knowing to them at the time, are related by Miss1 H. Adams, in her History of New-England. The retreat of General Washington,' -left the British in com plete possession of Long Island. What would be their future operations remained uncertain. To obtain information of their situation, their strength and future movements, was of high im portance. For this purpose General Washington applied to Colo nel Knowlton, who commanded a regiment of light infantry, which formed the van of the American army, and desired him to adopt some mode of gaining the necessary information. Colonel Knowlton communicated this request to Nathan Hale, of Con necticut, who was then a captain in his regiment. This young officer, animated by a sense of duty, and considering that an op portunity presented itself by which he might be useful to his country, at offee offered himself a volunteer for this hazardous service. He passed in disguise to Long Island, examined every part of the British army, and obtained the best possible informa tion respecting their situation and future operations. In his attempt to return, he was apprehended, carried before Sir William Howe, and the proof of his object was so clear, that he frankly acknowledged who he \yas, and what were his views. Sir William Howe at once gave an order to the provost mar- shall to execute him the next morning. The order was accordingly executed in the most unfeeling manner, and by as great a savage as ever disgraced humanity. A clergyman, whose attendance he desired, was refused him ; a Bible, for a moment's devotion was not procured, though he re quested it. Letters, which on the morning of his execution he wrote to his mother and other friends, were destroyed ; and this very extraordinary reason was given by the provost marshall, ' that the rebels should not know that they had a man in their army, who could die with so much firmness.' Unknown to all around him, without a single friend to offer him the least consolation, thus fell as amiable and as worthy a young man as America could boast, with this as his dying observation, ' that he only lamented he had but one life to lose for his coun- try.'" Retreat of Washington through New-Jersey. — General Wash- THE REVOLUTION. 431 ington was posted at Newark, where his little army had been re freshing themselves, for about a week, without experiencing or anticipating any further molestation, when he was informed that Lord Cornwallis, with a chosen body of troops, was on his track. This was the 28th of November ; he marched immediately for Brunswick ; and Lord Cornwallis entered Newark the same day. A rapid retreat was now the only hope of Washington, It must open the heart of the country to his enemy, but distressing as was the alternative, he preferred doing this to losing the relicks of his army, upon which, as a future rallying point, every thing would depend. Lord Cornwallis had six thousand men, and trod so vigorously upon the heels of Washington, that his van succes sively entered Newark, Brunswick, Princeton, and Trenton, as the American rear was leaving each ; and finally, at twelve at night, reached the banks of the Delaware, just as the rear of the retreating army had left it. Here it was confidently ex pected by Lord Cornwallis, that the Americans would lose their baggage and artillery ; and, but for the destruction of a bridge over the Raritan (at Brunswick) which delayed their pursuers for some hours, it is extremely probable that his expectations would have been realized. But here, as Lord Cornwallis had orders not to advance beyond Brunswick, the pursuit was discontinued ; and it is probable ,too, but for these orders, that the event would have taken place notwithstanding this delay, as the Raritan was fordable at Brunswick at every recess of the tide* Other facts, somewhat unaccountable at such a season were these* The Americans did not leave Princeton till the enemy were with in three miles of it, and the two British columns, which first reached Princeton at four o'clock in the afternoon, actually slept there, and consumed seventeen hours, within twelve miles of Trenton, while Washington was crossing the Delaware at that place. Sir William Howe, in a despatch of the 20th of Decem ber, declared that his first design was only to get possession of East New Jersey, and Washington certainly conducted at this time, as if he not only knew this design, but was confident that it would not be departed from ; for after advancing his main body to Trenton and leaving Lord Stirling with about twelve hundred, as a covering party ; he afterwards reinforced his Lordship with the whole militia that arrived, and privately returned himself to Princeton. Perhaps he also knew, that Lord Cornwallis had been ordered not to advance beyond Brunswick. Except on this supposition, the fact of halting so long at Princeton, is inexplica ble ; and the conduct of the enemy still more so, while Washing ton was on his way to Trenton. From Brunswick, Lord Corn wallis had despatched an express to General Howe, assuring him that then was the time to conclude the war ; that, if vigorously 36 422 EVENTS IN pursued, Washington must lose his stores and artillery before he could cross the Delaware. General Howe replied that he would join him immediately ; but he did not arrive till the sixth of De cember. At Brunswick, on the first, Washington had hoped to make a stand, but was again disappointed in his militia. Had they supported him with spirit, he could have prevented the en emy from passing the Hackensack. On the very day that he left that village, the time of service for the Jersey and Maryland bri gades expired, and both of them abandoned him. Under the pres sure of this discouragement, Washington wrote to Lee to hasten his march, or his arrival might be too late. On the eighth, Lord Howe had arrived at the shores of the Delaware in his pursuit, with the intention of pushing a strong body across the river. Early in the morning, he halted with his rear division, within six' miles of Trenton. The artillery were prepared to cover his landing, and the troops kept in readiness for day light. At the place chosen, about two miles below Cor- lyl's ferry, it was only twenty-eight rods to a ridge of sand, on the Pennsylvania side, on which a body was to be landed, and thence it was proposed to march up to Corlyl's ferry and take pos session of the boats collected there by the Americans, and left under a guard of only ten men. With the boats thus obtained, the main body would have been passed over immediately. In the vicinity of the place, at which the attempt was to be made by the first party, there was a large flour boat, capable of bearing one hundred men, concealed beneath a bank. This had been overlooked, when Washington ordered the boats to be removed ; but was providentially discovered, and brought off, in season to prevent the enemy from taking possession of it. The fate of America, for a season, in all probability depended upon that incident. The very day before Washington crossed the Delaware, a return of his forces was made to Congress ; which made it only thirty-three hundred ; and when he crossed, he had but two thousand two hundred ; from these, such constant and rapid deductions had been made, that in two days, he was re duced to less than seventeen hundred ; and by his own letter of the twenty-fourth of December, to between fourteen and fifteen hundred, hourly diminishing. Why Washington was not pursued when the shores of tho Delaware afforded such an abundance of materials for the construction of rafts and pontoons, is one of those events which baffles all speculation, if it be not attributed to positive orders ; but why those orders were given, still remains to be explained. Washington himself, declared in a despatch, written after he reached the Pennsylvania bank, that nothing could have saved him, but the infatuation of the enemy. The city of Philadelphia was only two days easy march from Trenton : a greater number of men than Wash ington commanded could have been advanced, and what part of the British fleet and transports were wanted, could have passed up to the city in one week, without en THE REVOLUTION. 423 countering any obstruction ; for at that time, the Fort on Mud Island was not built, the chevaux-de-frize nor chain prepared ; nor had they fire rafts in any place. This retreat through the Jerseys, was one uninterrupted series of discouragement to the American people. It had been commenced, immediately after the loss of Fort Washington, and a fine garrison ; and a large quantity of military stores, aban doned at Fort Lee. In a few days, the whole flying camp disappeared. This was followed by the disappearance of whole regiments, whose periods of service had also expired. Even the reinforcements, which had been sent from the Northern depart ment, silently dissolved on the march, and General St. Clair, the commander, ap peared in the camp of Washington, with only a few officers, for his relief. Every man had abandoned him. Even the few troops, under the command of Washington, were nearly useless from their wretched deficiency in necessaries. They were the garrison of Fort Lee, hurried away with such precipitation, as to leave their blankets and cooking utensils. He had no cavalry, except one troop, miserably mounted ; and no artillery : yet under all these circumstances of distress and ill fortune, with his little band, a part of whom were literally barefooted. Washington had the address to consume nineteen days, in marching ninety miles before his conquerors, and then to give time for the militia to collect for his succour. As these — the last hope of their country — fled before their pursuers, scarcely a man had the courage to strengthen them ; while numbers were flocking to the royal standard, at every step of its pro gress. Appearance is every thing with the multitude. A gallant, well disciplined army, well officered, and well provided with all the furniture of war, with their ban ners, and horns and trumpets, were indeed a formidable trial to the constancy of the multitude ; and all this, when contrasted with a feeble band of disorderly, tattered and emaciated wretches, who were flying from the haunts of men, like a troop of malefactors, caught abroad in open day light. So powerful was the effect of this contrast, that it operated, not only on the lower classes, but on the opulent and distinguished. Some of the leading men of New Jersey and Pennsylvania were terrified into submission by this pageantry. " Capture of the Hessians at Trenton. — Washington had observed that general Howe, either to procure more commodi ous quarters for his troops in this rigorous season, or to impede the Americans in recruiting, or finally because he believed the war at an end, and his enemy no longer in a condition to act, had too far extended the wings of his army, which occupied the entire province of New Jersey and the left bank of the Delaware, from Trenton down to Burlington. Colonel Ralle, a Hessian officer of great merit, was cantoned in the first of these places, with his brigade of infantry and a detachment of English dragoons, the whole constituting a corps of fourteen or fifteen hundred men. Bordentown, a few miles below, was occupied, by colonel Donop, with another brigade of Hessians ; and still lower down, within twenty miles of Philadelphia, was stationed another corps of Hessians and English. Knowing the extreme weakness of their enemy, and holding him as it were degraded by his recent defeats, they kept a negligent guard. The rest of the army was lodged in places more distant, and principally at Princeton, at New Brunswick, and at Amboy. Washington hav ing attentively considered the extent of the enemy's quarters, con ceived the hope of surprising the corps that were nearest to the river, and too remote from the others to be succored in season. In order to make his attack with more order and effect, he divided 424 EVENTS IN his army which consisted almost entirely in the militia of Penn sylvania and Virginia, into three corps, the first and most consider able of which, was to pass the Delaware at Mackenky's ferry, about nine miles above Trenton. The commander-in-chief, ac companied by generals Sullivan and Greene, had reserved to him self the conduct of this corps, to which a few pieces of artillery were attached. It was destined to attack Trenton. The second division, under the command of general Irwin, was directed to cross at Trenton Ferry^ab^ut a mile below the village of this name, and having re^ehecTthe left bank, to seize without loss of time, the bridge ov^r the little river Assumpink, in order to inter cept the retreat of/ the enemy when he should be dislodged from Trenton by the division under Washington. Finally, the third corps, commanded by general Cadwallader, was ordered to pass the river at Bristol, and proceed to take post at Burlington. The night of Christmas was appointed for the expedition. The dis positions being made according to the plan above mentioned, the Americans proceeded with achriirable order and silence towards the Delaware. The chiefs exhorted their soldiers to be firm and valiant, to wash out the stains of Long Island, of New York, and of New Jersey ; they represented to them the necessity, the glory, and the brilliant fruits of victory ; they incessantly re minded them that this night was about to decide the fate of their country. An extreme ardor manifested itself throughout the ranks,. The three columns arrived in the dusk of evening at the bank of the river. Washington had hoped that the passage of the troops, and transportation of the artillery, might have been effectuated before midnight, so as to have time to reach the destined points by break of day, and to surprise the enemy at Trenton. But the cold was so intense, and the river so obstructed with floating ice, that it was impossible to cross and to land the artillery earlier than four in the morning. All the troops having at length gained the left bank, the first corps was parted into two divisions, one of which, turning to the right, marched towards Trenton, by the road which runs along the river ; the other, guided by Washington in person, took the upper or Pennington road. The distance, by their route, being nearly equal, it was hoped that the two columns might ar rive at the same time. It was enjoined them to engage in combat without any delay, and after having driven in the outposts, to fall immediately upon the main body of the enemy, at Trenton, with out giving him time to recover from his surprise. They exerted all their efforts to arrive before day ; but a thick fog, and a mist mingled with sleet, which rendered the road slippery, retarded their march. The two divisions, however, reached Trenton at 8 o'clock. Notwithstanding so many obstacles, and the hour already late, the Hessians of colonel Ralle, had no suspicion of their approach. THE REVOLUTION. Passage of the Delaware, Dec. 1776. The Americans having, therefore, fallen unexpectedly upon the advanced guards, routed them immediately. Colonel Ralle sent his regiment to their succor, in order to sustain the first shock, and to give time for the rest of his forces to arrange themselves for defence. But the first line involved the second in disorder, and both fell back tumultuously upon Trenton. Colonel Ralle having hastily drawn out his Hessians, advanced to encounter the enemy in the open field ; but he was mortally wounded in the first onset, and the Americans charging the Germans with great fury, the latter betook themselves to flight, leaving upon the field six pieces of light artillery. They attempted to escape by the road of Princeton, but Washington perceiving it, dispatched several companies to pre-occupy the way, who received the fugitives in front. Thus, surrounded on every side, the three German regi ments, of Ralle, of Anspach, and of Knyphausen, were con strained to lay down arms and surrender at discretion. Some few, and chiefly cavalry or light infantry, in all not exceeding five hundred men, succeeded in effecting their escape by the lower road which leads to Bordentown. Another detachment of Hes sians, who were out this same morning upon a foraging excursion, at some distance from their camp, warned by the noise, and after wards by the flight of their countrymen, retired precipitately to Princeton. General Irwin had exerted his utmost endeavors to pass the river at the time prescribed, in order to take part in the action ; but the floating ice was so accumulated, in this part of 36" 426 EVENTS IN the river, as to render the passage absolutely impracticable. This part of the Hessians, therefore, had the facility of retiring in safety to Bordentown. General Cadwallader was not more for tunate in the attempt he made to cross lower down, and to take post at Burlington, pursuant to the plan of attack. When a part of his infantry had reached the left bank, it was found impossible to advance with the artillery ; unable, therefore, to act with any effect,, and finding himself in a perilous situation, he repassed to the right bank of the Delaware. Thus the design of the com mander-in-chief was accomplished only in part ; but the event demonstrated, that if the rigorous cold of this night had not pre vented its entire execution, all the royal troops that were stationed in the vicinity of the river, would have been surrounded and ta ken. The loss of the Hessians, in killed and wounded, amounted only to thirty or forty, but the number of prisoners was at first upwards of nine hundred, and even exceeded a thousand, when all those were collected who had concealed themselves in the houses. After having obtained this success, Washington paused ; not willing to lose by imprudence the advantages he owed to the wisdom of his measures. His forces were not sufficient to cope with those which the English generals could have assembled in a few hours. A strong corps of light infantry was quartered at Princeton, a town only a few miles distant from Trenton ; to this might easily have been joined the brigade of Donop, and other battalions that were cantoned in the neighboring places. The Americans consequently evacuated Trenton, and passed over to the right bank of the river, with their prisoners, and the trophies of their victory. Their generals resolved to make the most of it, in order to revive the courage and confidence of the dispirited peo ple. They caused the captive Hessians to defile, with a sort of triumphal pomp, through the streets of Philadelphia, followed by their arms and banners. And yet such was the terror inspired by the very name of these Germans, that even at the moment in which they traversed the city as vanquished and prisoners, many of the inhabitants suspected it was only a stratagem of their own leaders to animate them; so impossible it seemed- to them that warriors from Germany should have been overcome by American soldiers. The English appeared to them far less formidable, be cause they knew them. Man is naturally disposed to fear most those objects of which he has the least knowledge ; the uncouth language, the novel manners, and even the dress of the German soldiers, inspired a certain dread. But when they were satisfied that the spectacle they beheld was not an illusion, words cannot describe their exultation at so unexpected a success ; having at first rated the Hessians far above the English, they now held them as much below. And, in effect, this affair of Trenton had so changed THE REVOLUTION. 427 the face of things, that the public mind was rapidly elevated from despondency to an extreme confidence. Botta's Revolution. Victory at Princeton. — After the capture of the Hessians the army of Washington was so much increased, that he thought him self in a situation to attempt an expedition upon the frontiers of New Jersey. He accordingly passed the Delaware, and concen trated his troops at Trenton. " On the 2d of January 1777, lord Cornwallis marched with the van guard towards Trenton, where he arrived about four in the morning. The rear guard was posted at Maidenhead, a village situated half way between Princeton and Trenton ; other regiments were on the march from New Brunswick, to reinforce the principal army. Wash ington, finding the enemy in such force, and so near, retired behind the river of Trenton, also called the Assumpink, where he set about intrenching himself, having first secured the bridge. The English attempted the passage at various points, but every where without suc cess ; all the fords being diligently guarded. A cannonade was en gaged, which produced little effect, though it lasted until night ; the Americans stood firm in their entrenchments. Cornwallis waited for re-inforcements, intending to advance to the assault the day following ; but his adversary was not disposed to put so much at stake. On the other hand, to re-pass the Delaware, then more than ever obstructed with floating ice, in the presence of a formidable enemy, was too per ilous an operation to be attempted without temerity. Washington therefore found himself anew in a very critical position ; but it was then that he embraced a resolution remarkable for its intrepidity. Reflecting that he was advanced too far to be able to retreat without manifest danger, he determined to abandon all at once the banks of the Delaware, and to carry the war into the very heart of New Jersey. He considered that Cornwallis, in all probability, would apprehend being cut off from the province of New York, and fearing besides for the magazines at New Brunswick, which were abundantly stocked for the service of the whole British army, would himself also retire from the river ; and thus the city of Philadelphia would be preserved, a great part of New Jersey recovered, and defensive war changed into offensive ; advantages which could not but animate the inhabitants with new courage. If the English general persisted in his design, he passed the river, indeed without obstacle, and became master of Philadelphia. But whatever were to be the effects of this disastrous event, it was better to abandon Philadelphia, and preserve the army entire than to lose at the same time both the one and the other. This plan having been approved in a council of war, composed of all the generals of the army, dispositions were immediately commenced for carrying it promptly into effect. The baggage was sent down to Bur lington ; and at one o'clock in the morning, the enemy appearing per fectly tranquil, the Americans rekindled the fires of their camp, and leaving guards at the bridge and fords, with orders to continue the usual rounds and patrole, they defiled with equal promptitude and si- 428 EVENTS IN fence. Taking the road of Allentown, which is the longest, in order to avoid the Assumpink, and the encounter of the enemy at Maiden head, they proceeded towards Princeton. Three English regiments had lodged there this same night ; two of them, at break of day, had renewed their march for Maidenhead. The Americans suddenly ap peared and charged them with great impetuosity. But the English defended themselves so vigorously, that the American militia faced about and retired in disorder. General Mercer, in attempting to rally them, was mortally wounded. Washington seeing the rout of the vanguard, and perfectly aware that the loss of the day would involve the total ruin of his army, immediately advanced at the head of his select corps, composed of the conquerors of Trenton, and restored the battle. The two English regiments, overwhelmed by the number and fury of the assailants, were separated, the one from the other, and found themselves in the most perilous position. Colonel Maw- hood, who commanded one of them, after having intrepidly sustained the attack for some moments, made a violent effort, and opening his way with the bayonet through the ranks of the enemy, retired in safety to Maidenhead. The other, which formed the rear guard, find ing itself, after a vigorous struggle, unable to follow the first, returned by the way of Hillsborough to New Brunswick. The third, which was found still at Princeton, retreated also, after a light conflict, with great precipitation to Brunswick. About one hunded of the English were killed in this affair, and upwards of three hundred made prison ers. The loss of the Americans in slain, was nearly equal ; but of this number was general Mercer, an able and experienced officer of the province of Virginia. He was universally regretted, but especially by Washington, who bore him great esteem and affection. After the combat, the Americans occupied Princeton. At break of day, lord Cornwallis having perceived that the Americans had de serted their camp of Trenton, and soon penetrating what was their design, abandoned in like manner his own, and marched with all ex pedition towards Brunswick, fearing lest the baggage and munitions he had accumulated there, should fall into the hands of the enemy. He arrived at Princeton almost at the same time with the American rear guard. Washington found himself again in imminent danger. His soldiers fell with sleep, having taken no repose for the two pre ceding days ; hunger tormented them, and they were almost naked in this rigorous season. The enemy who pursued them, besides the advantage of number, had every thing in abundance. Thus situated, far from the hope of continuing to act offensively, it was much for him if he could retire without loss, to a place of security ; where fore, departing abruptly from Princeton, he moved with rapidity to wards the upper and mountainous parts of New Jersey. To retard the enemy, he destroyed the bridges over the Millstone river, which runs between Princeton and Brunswick. Having afterwards passed the Rariton, a more considerable river, he proceeded to occupy Pluck- emin, where his troops refreshed themselves, after so many toils and sufferings. But soon finding that his army was too feeble, and also THE REVOLUTION. 429 that it was daily diminished by maladies and desertion, he resolved to encamp higher up, and in a place of more security. After neces sity had constrained him to make trial of fortune by adventurous feats, he was disposed to become again the master of his movements, and take counsel of prudence alone. He retired, accordingly, to Morris- town, in upper Jersey. Cornwallis, despairing of being able to con tinue the pursuit with success, directed his march to New Brunswick, where he found general Matthews, who, in the violence of his terror, had commenced the removal of the baggage and warlike stores. But Washington, having received the few fresh battalions of infantry, and his little army being recovered from their fatigues, soon entered the field anew, and scoured the whole country as far as the Rariton. He even crossed this river, and penetrating into the county of Essex, made himself master of Newark, of Elizabethtown, and, finally, of Woodbridge ; so that he commanded the entire coast of New Jersey, in front of Staten Island. He so judiciously selected his positions, and fortified them so formidably, that the royalists shrunk from all at tempt to dislodge him from any of them. Thus the British army, after having overrun victoriously the whole of New Jersey, quite to the Delaware, and caused even the city of Philadelphia to tremble for its safety, found itself now restricted to the two only posts of New Brunswick and Amboy, which, moreover, could have no communica tion with New York, except by sea. Thus by an army almost re duced to extremity, Philadelphia was saved, Pennsylvania protected, New Jersey nearly recovered, and a victorious and powerful enemy laid under the necessity of quitting all thoughts of acting offensively, in order to defend himself.' — Botta's Revolution. Retreat of the Americans from Ticonderoga. — One of the principal objects of the British in the campaign of 1777, was to open a communication between New York and Canada, and sepa rate New England from the other states. The plan of operations consisted of two parts : General Burgoyne with the main body of the army from Canada, was to advance by way of Lake Cham plain, and effect a junction at Albany with the royal army from New York. A detachment of British soldiers, and a large body of Indians under Col. St. Leger, with a regiment from New York, under Sir John Johnson, were to ascend the St. Lawrence, to Lake Ontario, and penetrate Albany by the way of Mohawk river. On the 20th of June, General Burgoyne, with an army of above seven thousand men, with a large body of Indians, after having finished the business of speeches and proclamations, advanced to more formidable operations. " On the 30th, he advanced with his army to Crown Point ; whence he proceeded to invest Ticonderoga. In a few days his works were so far advanced, as to threaten a complete inclosure of the continen tal army ; and general St. Clair, the commanding officer of the Amer icans, with the unanimous approbation of a council of general officers, 430 EVENTS IN abandoned the place. . The evacuation was effected with such se crecy and expedition, that a considerable part of the public stores, embarked in two hundred batteaux, and dispatched up the river to Skenesborough under convoy of five armed gallies, was saved. A brigade of gun-boats however gave chase to the gallies ; and, coming up with them near Skenesborough Falls, engaged and captured some of the largest of them, and obliged the Americans to set the others on fire, together with a considerable number of their batteaux. The rear guard of the American army, commanded by colonel Warner, amounting to more than one thousand men, taking the Castleton road to Skenesborough, was overtaken and attacked at Hubberton by gen eral Frazer with eight hundred and fifty fighting men. The Ameri cans made a gallant resistance ; but, on the arrival of general Reid- esel with his division of Germans, they were compelled to give way in all directions. Colonel Francis, a very valuable officer, fell in the action ; several other American officers, and above two hundred men, were killed ; and about the same number taken prisoners. Nearly six hundred are supposed to have been wounded ; many of whom must have died in the woods. The enemy stated their own loss at thirty-five killed, and one hundred and forty-four wounded.* Gene ral St. Clair, after a distressing march of seven days, joined general Schuyler at Fort Edward. General Burgoyne, having with incredi ble labour and fatigue conducted his army through the wilderness from Skenesborough, reached Fort Edward, on Hudson river, on the 30th of July. As he approached that place, general Schuyler, whose forces, even since the junction of St. Clair, did not exceed four thou sand four hundred men, retired over the Hudson to Saratoga." Battle of Bennington. — The progress of Burgoyne thorough ly alarmed the American .states, it being well known that the American forces under • General Schuyler were not sufficient to prevent the capture of Albany, whenever it was reached by the enemy. Instead of thinking of submission, the Americans met this alarming crisis with firmness and resolution, and great ex ertions were made to reinforce the army. General Lincoln was directed to raise and take the command of the New England mi litia. Gen. Arnold and Col. Morgan with his riflemen were de tached to the northern army, and congress elected Gen. Gates as commander. " While the American army was thus assuming a more respecta ble appearance, general Burgoyne was making very slow advances towards Albany. From the twenty-eighth of July to the fifteenth of August, the British army was continually employed in bringing for ward batteaux, provisions, and ammunition from fort George, to the first navigable part of Hudson's river ; a distance of not more than eighteen miles. The labor was excessive, the Europeans were but * Stedman says, the loss of the British did not exceed 20 officers, and about 120 men, killed and wounded. THE REVOLUTION. 431 little acquainted with the methods of performing it to advantage, and the effect was in no degree equivalent to the expense of labor and time. With all the efforts that Burgoyne could make, encumbered with his artillery and baggage, his labors were inadequate to the pur pose of supplying the army with provisions for its daily consumption, and the establishment of the necessary magazines. And after his utmost exertions for fifteen days, there were not above four days pro visions in the store, nor above ten batteaux in Hudson's river. In such circumstances the British general found that it would be impossible to procure sufficient supplies of provisions by the way of fort George, and determined to replenish his own magazines at the expense of those of the Americans. Having received information that a large quantity of stores were laid up at Bennington, and guarded only by the militia, he formed the design of surprising that place ; and was made to believe that as soon as a detachment of the royal army should appear in that quarter, it would receive effectual assistance from a large body of loyalists, who only waited for the appearance of a support, and would in that event come forward and aid the royal cause. Full of these expectations, he detached colonel Baum, a German officer, with a select body of troops, to surprise the place. His force consisted of about five hundred regular troops, some Cana dians, and more than one hundred Indians, with two light pieces of artillery. To facilitate their operations, and to be ready to take ad vantage of the success of the detachment, the royal army moved along the east bank of Hudson's river, and encamped nearly opposite to Saratoga ; having at the same time thrown a bridge of rafts over the river, by which the army passed to that place. With a view to sup port Baum if it should be found necessary, lieutenant colonel Brey- man's corps, consisting of the Brunswick grenadiers, light infantry and chas'sieurs, were posted at Battenkill. General Stark having received information that a party of Indians were at Cambridge, sent lieutenant colonel Greg, on August the 13th, with a party of two hundred men to stop their progress. Towards night he was informed by express that a large body of regulars was in the rear of the Indians, and advancing towards Bennington. On this intelligence, Stark drew together his brigade, and the militia that were at hand, and sent on to Manchester to colonel Warner, to bring on his regiment ; he sent expresses at the same time to the neighboring militia, to join him with the utmost speed. On the morn ing of the fourteenth he marched with his troops, and at the distance of seven miles he met Greg on the retreat, and the enemy within a mile of him. Stark drew up his troops in order of battle ; but the enemy coming in sight, halted upon a very advantageous piece of ground. Baum perceived the Americans were too strong to be at tacked with his present force, and sent an express to Burgoyne with an account of his situation, and to have Breyman march immediately to support him. In the mean time small parties of the Americans kept up a skirmish with the enemy, killed and wounded thirty of them, with two of their Indian chiefs, without any loss to themselves. Tho 432 EVENTS IN ground the Americans had taken, was unfavorable for a general action, and Stark retreated about a mile and encamped. A council of war was held, and it was agreed to send two detachments upon the ene my's rear, while the rest of the troops should make an attack upon their front. The next day the weather was rainy, and though it pre vented a general action, there were frequent skirmishings in small parties, which proved favorable and encouraging to the Americans. On August the sixteenth, in the morning, Stark was joined by colonel Symonds and a body of militia from Berkshire, and pro ceeded to attack the enemy, agreeably to the plan which had beep concerted. Colonel Baum in the mean time had entrenched, on an advantageous piece of ground near St. Koicks mills, on si branch of Hoosic river ; and rendered his post as strong as his circumstances and situation would admit* Colonel Nichols was detached with two hundred men to the rear of his left, colonel Herrick, with three hundred men to the rear of his right ; both were to join and then make the attack. Colonels Hubbard and Stick- ney, with two hundred more were ordered on the right, and one hundred were advanced towards the front to draw the attention of the enemy that way. About three o'clock in the afternoon the troops had taken their situation, and were ready to commence the action. While Nichols and Herrick were bringing their troops together, the Indians were alarmed at the prospect, and pushed off between the two Corps ; but received a fire as they were passing, by which three of them were killed, and two wounded. Nichols then began the attack, and was followed by all the other divisions ; those in the front immediately advanced, and in a few minutes the action became general. It lasted about two hours, and was like one continued peal of thunder. Baum made a brave defence ; and the German dragoons, after they had expended their ammu nition, led by their colonel, charged with their swords, but they were soon overpowered. Their works were carried on all sides^ their two pieces of cannon were taken> colonel Baum himself was mortally wounded and taken prisoner, and all his men, except a few who had escaped into the woods, were either killed or taken prisoners. Having completed the business by taking the whole party, the militia began to disperse, and look out for plunder. But in a few minutes Stark received information that a large re inforcement was on their march, and within two miles of him. Fortunately at that moment colonel Warner came up with his re giment from Manchester. This brave and experienced officer commanded a regiment of continental troops, which had been raised in Vermont. Mortified that he had not been in the former engagement, he instantly led on his men against Breyman, and began the second engagement. Stark collected the militia as soon as possible and pushed on to his assistance. The action THE REVOLUTION. 433 became general, and the battle continued obstinate on both sides till sunset, when the Germans were forced to give way, and were pursued till dark. They left their two field pieces behind, and a considerable number were made prisoners. They retreated in the best manner they could, improving the advantages of the evening and night, to which alone their escape was ascribed.* In these actions the Americans took four brass field pieces, twelve brass drums, two hundred and fifty dragoon swords, four ammunition wagons, and about seven hundred prisoners, with their arms and accoutrements. Two hundred and seven men were found dead upon the spot, the numbers of wounded were unknown. The loss of the Americans was but small ; thirty were slain, and about forty were wounded." ' Siege of Fort Stanwix. — The following-account of the defeat of General Herkimer, and the singular circumstances respecting the siege of Fort Stanwix, [fort Schuyler, at the head of Mohawk river,] is from the 3d vol. of Dwight's Travels. " When General Burgoyne commenced his expedition against the United States, he directed Lieutenant-Colonel Baron St. Le- ger, with a body of troops, consisting of British, American Refu gees, Germans, Canadians, and savages, from 1,500 to 1,800 in number, to proceed from Montreal by Lake Ontario, to attack Fort Stanwix, and after taking that fortress to march down the Mohawk to Albany. St. Leger arrived at Fort Stanwix in the beginning of August, 1777. On the news of his approach; Gen eral Herkimer, a respectable descendant from one of the Ger man Colonists, commanding the militia of Tryon County, assem bled a body of 800 men, and marched to the relief of the garri son. He arrived within six or seven miles of the fort on the 6th of August. From his scouts he had learned, that a body of troops under Sir John Johnson, had been despatched by St. Leger to in tercept him. He determined, therefore, to halt, and choose his own ground for the contest ; but his troops, who were raw militia, without any discipline, insisted peremptorily on being led imme diately to the attack. The General, after remonstrating with his usual good sense, and telling them roundly, that ardent as they were, they would run at the first appearance of the enemy ; and after finding all his efforts vain, resolved to lead them on, although he clearly foresaw the disastrous issue. Accordingly he coolly moved on to what he considered as almost certain destruction. At the very first fire of the enemy a large proportion of these vio: lent men fled instantly; leaving their -gallant chief, with the re mainder of. his troops, to sustain the attack. These men fought like lions ; and came to close quarters with the enemy. The * Gordon. Vol. II. p. 243. Starke's letter to Gen. Gates of August 22, 1777. 37 434 EVENTS IN firing in a great measure ceased ; and the conflict was carried on with knives, bayonets, and the butt-ends of muskets. A consid erable number of the Indians were killed. The survivors were, of course,, thrown into a rage. The mode of fighting was novel ; and the native jealousy of these people started into their minds a suspicion, that their own friends had leagued with the Americans to destroy them. Under its influence they fired upon the British, as well as upon the Americans. The confusion became intense, and universal. Such of Herkimer's troops as had neither fled, nor fallen, had posted themselves behind logs, and trees ; . and an imated by their brave chief, wounded as he was, fought the enemy with such resolution, that Sir John finally retreated, and left them the ground. Herkimer soon after died of his wounds. The Americans lost in this battle 160 men killed ; and about 240 wounded and prisoners. The loss of the British will never be known. The Indians left more than 70 of their number on the field. Among the slain and wounded Americans, were seve ral persons of reputation and influence." " Sir John had scarcely left the ground, to attack General Her kimer, when Lieutenant-Colonel Willet, at the head of a party from the garrison, made a sortie upon the enemy ; and falling upon their camp unexpectedly, drove them out of it almost without resistance. A part fled into the woods, and a part crossed the river: while Willet plundered the camp of muskets, blankets, and various other articles of considerable value. A party of the British attempted to intercept his return to the fort ; but with a field-piece, and a vigorous musketry, he attacked them with so much spirit, that they fled a second time. Several of the enemy fell ; and among them some of the principal Indian warriours Willet did not lose a man. At the return of Sir John, St. Leger summoned Gansevoort in a verbal message, sufficiently pompous and menacing, to surren der. Gansevoort refused to receive the message. The next day he received a written demand of the same nature, exhibiting in magnificent terms the successes of General Burgoyne ; the strength of the army under St. Leger ; the terrible determination of the savages ; his own efforts to soften their ferocity ; and the hopeless situation of the garrison. The laboured strain of this declamation, instead of producing its intended effect, only per suaded the Americans that St. Leger's affairs were not very pros perous, nor his army very formidable. Gansevoort therefore an swered, that, being entrusted by his country with the command of the fort, he would defend it to the last, without any regard to consequences. The situation of the garrison, though not desperate, was far from being promising. Relief was necessary for them ; and THE REVOLUTION. 435 Gansevoort determined to advertise, if possible, the country, be low, of his circumstances. Colonel Willet, and Lieutenant Stockwell, readily undertook this hazardous mission. An Indian enemy is in a sense always at hand, and always awake. He is always roaming from place to place ; the chance of escaping him scarcely exists ; and the consequence of falling into his hands is almost of course fatal. These gallant men, however, crept on their hands and knees through the enemy's encampment ; and, skilled in the mysteries of Indian war, and adopting the various arts of concealment, which men, accustomed to forests, acquire with extreme accuracy, they arrived safely at the German Flats ; whence without danger they pursued their course directly to the head quarters of General Schuyler, then commanding the Ameri can army at Stillwater. Schuyler immediately dispatched a body of troops to the relief of Gansevoort, under the command of General Arnold ; who vol unteered his services on the occasion. As he was advancing up the Mohawk, a Mr. Schuyler, who was a nephew of General Her kimer, (but who was a Tory, and accused of being a spy,) was brought into his camp. After examining the circumstances, Ar nold wisely determined to avail himself of this man's services. He proposed to him a scheme for alarming the enemy, particu larly the savages, by announcing to them, that a formidable army was in full march to destroy them ; and assured him of his life, and estate, if he would enter heartily into the interests of his country, and faithfully execute a mission of this nature. Schuy ler, who was shrewd, resolute, versed in the language and man ners of the Indians, acquainted with some of their chiefs, and therefore perfectly qualified for this business, readily engaged in the enterprise. His father, and brother, were in the mean time kept as hostages for his fidelity ; and were both to be hung with out mercy, if he proved unfaithful. One of the Sachems of the Six Nations, a friend of the Americans, and of Schuyler also, was let into the secret ; and cheerfully embarked in the design. Having settled the whole plan of proceeding with this warriour, Schuyler made the best of his way to Fort Stanwix. Colonel St. Leger had pushed the siege with considerable ac tivity ; and advanced his works within one hundred and fifty yards of the fort. Upon Schuyler's arrival he told a lamentable story of his being taken by Arnold, his escape from hanging, and the danger which he had encountered in his flight. He shewed them also several holes, made by shot in his coat, while he was attempt ing to escape ; and declared at the same time that a formidable army of Americans was marching with full speed, to attack the British. The Americans; he observed, had no hostility toward the Indians ; and wished not to injure them ; but added, that, if 436 , EVENTS IN the Indians continued with the British, they must unquestionably take their share of whatever calamities might befall their allies." " The Indians being thus thoroughly alarmed, the chief, who was in the secret, arrived, as if by mere accident ; and in the mysterious manner of that people began to insinuate to his countrymen, that a bird had brought him intelligence, of great moment. This hint set their curiosity afloat ; and excited a series of anxious enquiries. To these he replied in hints, and suggestions, concerning warriours in great numbers, marching with the utmost rapidity, and already far ad vanced, In the mean time he had despatched two or three young warriours in search of intelligence. These scouts, who had received their cue, returned, as they had been directed, at different times ; and confirmed, as if by mere accident also, all that had been said by Schuyler, and the Sachem. The Indians, already disgusted with the service, which they found a mere contrast to the promises of the British commanders, and their own expectations, and sore with the loss, which they had sustained in the battle with General Herkimer, were now so completely alarmed, that they determined upon an imme diate retreat. St. Leger, who had unwisely boasted, at first of his own strength, and his future exploits against the Americans, and spoken contemptu ously of their weakness and cowardice ; who had predicted in mag nificent terms the certainty of their flight ; and the ease, and safety, with which the Indians would reach Albany ; had disgusted these people thoroughly by failing altogether of the fulfillment of his prom ises. In vain, therefore, did he exert all his address, when he saw them preparing to quit the ground, to dissuade them from their pur pose. He exhorted, argued and promised, in vain. They reproached him with having violated all his former promises ; and pronounced him undeserving of any further confidence. He attempted to get them drunk ; but they refused to drink. When he found all his efforts fruitless, and saw that they were determined to go, he urged them to move in the rear of his army ; but they charged him with a design to sacrifice them for his own safety. In a mixture of rage and despair, he broke up his encampment with such haste, that he left his tents, cannon, and stores, to the besieged. The flight of this army (for it could not be called a retreat,) was through a deep forest, and the spongy soil which I have elsewhere described. The road was im perfectly made, and encumbered with all the difficulties, incident to new roads on such a surface. The march was, therefore, not a little embarrassed and distressing. The Sachem, who had been partner with Schuyler in the plot, accompanied the flying army. Naturally a wag, and pleased to see the garrison rescued from their danger, he engaged several of his young men to repeat at proper intervals, the cry 'they are coming.' This unwelcome sound, quickened the march of the fugitives whenever it was heard. The soldiers threw away their packs ; and the commanders took care riot to be in the reari Mortified beyond measure by so disastrous an issue of an expedition. THE REVOLUTION. 437 from which they had promised themselves no small reputation and profit, these gentlemen began speedily to accuse each other of folly, and misconduct, in their respective departments, during the enterprise. Accusation begat accusation, and reproach, reproach ; until they at length drew their swords upon each other. Several of the Sachems now interfered ; and with that native good sense, which is found every where, persuaded them to a reconciliation. After much fatigue, and at least an equal degree of mortification, they finally reached the Oneida Lake ; and there, probably, felt themselves for the first time secure from the pursuit of their enemies." Defeat and Capture of Burgoyne. General Burgoyne, not withstanding the disasters at Bennington, and Fort Stanwix, did not evince any disposition to abandon the object of his expedition. He was obliged, however, to have recourse to the slow and toil some mode of obtaining supplies from Fort George, Having with great labor collected provisions for thirty days, and thrown a bridge of boats over the Hudson, he crossed that river on the 13th and 14th of September, and encamped on the flats and heights of Saratoga. Gen. Gates having been joined by the continental troops destined for the northern department, and reinforced by strong bodies of militia, left his camp at Halfmoon, advanced to wards the enemy and encamped three miles above Saratoga. On the night of the 17th Burgoyne encamped within four miles of the American army, and on the 19th advanced in full force against it. The account of the action which took place, and the subse quent events which followed, are taken from the 'Military Journal' of Dr. Thacher, a surgeon in the American army, a very inter esting work, published by Richardson & Lord, Boston, 1823. Sept. 23d. — From the officers who were engaged in the battle, I have obtained the following particulars. Our army under the com mand of General Gates, was stationed in the vicinity of Stillwater, when they advanced towards the enemy and offered them battle. Colonel Morgan's regiment of riflemen, and Major Dearborn's light infantry, being in front, received the first fire about noon, on the 19th instant. General Burgoyne was at the head of his army, and Gene rals Phillips, Reidesel and Frazer, with their respective commands, were actively engaged. At about three o'clock, both armies being formed in a line of battle, the action became general, and the com batants on both sides evinced that ardor and gallantry which shows a determination to conquer or die. The firing for about three hours was incessant, with continued tremendous roar and blaze, filling the field with carnage and death. Few battles have been more obstinate and unyielding — at one point the British are overpowered ; but being reinforced, the Americans are baffled, these, being supported and re^ newinf their efforts regain the advantages ; the same ground is occu pied alternately, the dead and wounded of both parties are mingled together. The British resort repeatedly to their bayonets without ef- 37* 438 EVENTS IN feet — the Americans resist and foil their attempts. Captain Jones, of the British artillery, had the command of four pieces of cannon, which he conducted with great skill and valor till he fell, and thirty six out of forty eight of his artillery men were killed or wounded : his can non were repeatedly taken and retaken, but finally remained with the enemy for the want of horses to bring them off. During the engage ment, a number of our soldiers placed themselves in the boughs of high trees, in the rear and flanks, and took every opportunity of de stroying the British officers by single shot ; in one instance, General Burgoyne was the object, but the aid de camp of General Phillips re ceived the ball through his arm, while delivering a message to Bur goyne ; the mistake, it is said, was occasioned by having his saddle furnished with rich lace, and was supposed by the marksman, to be the British commander. In the dusk of evening the battle terminated, the British in one quarter silently retreating, the Americans in another give way, and quit the long contested field. Lieutenant Colonel Brooks, with the eighth Massachusetts regiment, remained in the field till about eleven o'clock, and was the last who retired. Major Hull commanded a detachment of three hundred men, who fought with such signal ardor, that more than half of them were killed or wounded. The whole number of Americans engaged in this action, was about two thousand five hundred ; the remainder of the army, from its unfavorable situation, took little or no part in the action. The British have suffered a loss, as is supposed, of more than five hundred in killed, wounded and prisoners. On the side of the Ameri cans, sixty four were killed, two hundred and seventeen wounded, and thirty eight missing. Among the killed, are Colonels Adams and Colburn, two valuable officers much regretted. The victory on this important occasion is claimed by the enemy, but the advantages are most decidedly on the side of the Americans ; they were the assail ants — they held their ground during the day, and at the close retired to their encampment without being pursued. The royal army lay all the ensuing night on their arms at some distance from the field of battle. 24th. — General Lincoln having the command of a body of New England militia, detached Col. Brown with five hundred men to the landing at lake George, about three miles from Ticonderoga, and more than forty miles in the rear of the British army. Two other detach ments were also sent towards Mount Independence, Fort Ann and Fort Edward. These expeditions being faithfully executed, were at tended with complete success. Colonel Brown had the address to surprise all the outposts in the vicinity of Ticonderoga, and took im mediate possession of Mount Defiance, Mount Hope, and a block house, with two hundred batteaux, an armed sloop, and several gun boats, about three hundred prisoners, with their small arms, and re leased one hundred American prisoners from their confinement. October 1st. — The situation of the royal army under Burgoyne, is now considered extremely precarious ; his march to Albany is deemed absolutely impracticable, and a retreat to Canada must be attended THE REVOLUTION. 439 with insurmountable difficulties and dangers. It is well understood, that he calculates on the co-operation of Sir Henry Clinton, by send ing from New York, a force up the North river to endeavor to effect a passage to Albany, or at least, to occasion such alarm, as to draw off a part of General Gates' army from before him. Messengers or persons in the character of spies, are frequently suspected of passing from one British commander to the other. A man, by name Nathan Palmer, was, a few days since, seized in general Putnam's camp, at Peekskill, under suspicious circumstances, and on trial was found to be a lieutenant in the tory new levies, and he was executed as a spy. 4th. — By intelligence from camp, it appears, that Burgoyne has thrown up a line of entrenchments in front of his camp, and is mak ing every possible effort to strengthen his position and prepare for an other conflict. The Canadians and his Savage allies being greatly dissatisfied and discouraged, have deserted his standard since the last battle. The advantages obtained over the enemy on this occasion, excites the greatest exultation and rejoicing throughout our army and country. 6th — An express passed through this city, on his way to General Gates' head quarters, with the information, that a detachment of troops from New York, supposed to be about four thousand, under command of Sir Henry Clinton, and General Vaughan, have undertaken an expedition up the North river. Their object undoubtedly is, to pos sess themselves of Fort Montgomery, and Fort Clinton, in the high lands, and to make a diversion in favor of Burgoyne. General Put nam was stationed at Peekskill with a small force, but being totally unable to cope with the enemy, has retired to some distance. Should this expedition be crowned with success, it will be in the power of Sir Henry Clinton, to convey his army to this city, and even to our camp at Stillwater, which will place our army between two fires. Should General Gates detach a part of his troops to oppose the march qf General Clinton, it will liberate Burgoyne, and he would probably force his way to this city. In either event, the consequences must be exceedingly disastrous to our country. We tremble with appre hensions. 8th. — The anticipated important intelligence has just reached us, that a most severe engagement took place yesterday, between the two armies, at a place between Stillwater and Saratoga, called Bemis' Heights. It is supposed to be the hardest fought battle, and the most honorable to our army, of any since the commencement of hostilities.' The enemy was completely repulsed in every quarter, and his defeat was attended with irreparable loss of officers, men, artillery, tents and baggage. Officers and men acquired the highest honor, they fought like heroes, and their loss is very inconsiderable. General Arnold has received a wound in his leg. I am impatient to receive the particular details of this capital event. 9th and 10th.-~-l am fortunate enough to obtain from our officers, a particular account of the glorious event of the 7th instant. The ad vanced parties of the two armies came in contact, about three o'clock 440 EVENTS IN on Tuesday afternoon, and immediately displayed their hostile atti tude. The Americans soon approached the royal army, and each party in defiance awaited the deadly blow. The gallant Colonel Morgan, at the head of his famous rifle corps, and Major Dearborn, leading a detachment of infantry, commenced the action, and rushed courageously on the British Grenadiers, commanded by Major Ack- land ; and- the furious attack was most firmly resisted. In all parts of the field, the conflict became extremely arduous and obstinate ; an unconquerable spirit on each side, disdaining to yield the palm of vic tory. Death appeared to have lost his terrors ; breaches in the ranks were no sooner made than supplied by fresh combatants awaiting a similar fate. At length the Americans press forward with renewed strength and ardor, and compel the whole British line, commanded by Burgoyne himself, to yield to their deadly fire, and they retreat in disorder. The German troops remain firmly posted at their lines ; these were now boldly assaulted by Brigadier General Learned,' and Lieutenant Colonel Brooks, at the head of their respective commands, with such intrepidity, that the works were carried, and their brave commander, Lieutenant Colonel Breyman was slain. The Germans were pursued to their encampment, which, with all the equipage of the brigade, fell into our hands. Colonel Cilley, of General Poor's brigade, having acquitted himself honorably, was seen astride on a brass field piece, exulting in the capture. Major Hull, of the Massa-. chusetts line, was among those who so bravely stormed the enemy's entrenchment and acted a conspicuous part. General Arnold, in con sequence of a serious misunderstanding with General Gates, was no vested with any command, by which he was exceedingly chagrined and irritated. He entered the field however, and his conduct was marked with intemperate rashness ; flourishing his sword and anima ting the troops, he struck an officer on the head without cause, and gave him a considerable wound. He exposed himself to danger, and with a small party of riflemen, rushed into the rear of the enemy, where he received a ball which fractured his leg, and his horse was killed under him. Nightfall put a stop to our briliant career, though the victory was most decisive, and it is with pride and exultation that we recount the triumph of American bravery. Besides Lieutenant Colonel Breyman slain, General Frazer, one of the most valuable officers in the British service, was mortally wounded and survived but a few hours.* Sir Francis Clark, aid de camp to General Bur goyne, was brought into our camp with a mortal wound, and Major Ackland, who commanded the British grenadiers, was wounded * The death of General Frazer, from Professor Silliman's Travels. " In the ac tion of the 7th October, 1777, Frazer was the soul of the British army, and waa just changing the disposition of a part of the troops to repel a strong impression which the Americans had made, and were still making, on the British right, when Morgan called together two or three of his best marksmen, and pointing to Frazer, said, " Do you see that gallant officer, that is General Frazer, — I respect and honor him ; but it is necessary he should die." This was enough. Frazer immediately received his mortal wound and was carried off the field." THE REVOLUTION. 441 through both legs, and is our prisoner. Several other officers and about two hundred privates are prisoners in our hands, with nine pieces of cannon and a considerable supply of ammunition, which was much wanted for our troops. The loss on our side is supposed not to exceed thirty killed, and one hundred wounded, in obtaining this signal victory. 11th. — The night after the battle, Burgoyne silently moved from his position, and on the 8th, there was considerable skirmishing through the day, with some loss on both sides. We have to lament the misfortune of Major General Lincoln, who, while reconnoitring the enemy, advanced so near, that a whole volley of musketry was discharged at him, and he received a dangerous wound in his leg. It is reported, that the day after the battle, upwards of one hundred of the enemy's dead were found unburied in the field. General Gates having detached a body of troops to get into the rear of the British army, Burgoyne took the alarm, and resolved to retreat immediately to Saratoga ; accordingly in the night of the 9th instant, he silently moved off, leaving in our possession his hospital, containing three hundred sick and wounded, with medicinal stores, and two hundred barrels of flour, &c. It is a fact, both unaccountable and disgraceful, that on their retreat they committed the most wanton devastations, burning and destroying almost every house within their reach ; the elegant and valuable country seat of General Schuyler, near Sara toga, did not escape their fury. The situation of the royal army is now extremely deplorable, and there is scarcely a possibility of their final escape. General Gates has so arranged his forces as to cut off their retreat, and is endeavoring to surround them on every quarter. May the Almighty Ruler grant that our efforts may be crowned with still more glorious success. 12th — The wounded officers and soldiers of our army, and those of the enemy who have fallen into our hands, are crowding into our hospital, and require our constant attention. The last night I watched with the celebrated General Arnold, whose leg was badly fractured by a musket ball while in the engagement with the enemy on the 7th instant. He is very peevish, and impatient under his misfortunes, and required all my attention during the night, but I devoted an hour in writing a letter to a friend in Boston detailing the particulars of the late battle. In the severe battle of the 7th, General Burgoyne himself, it is now ascertained, had a hair breadth escape, having one bullet pass through his hat and another tore his waistcoat. We have the most flattering accounts from camp. Our army is now posted within musket shot of the enemy at Saratoga, and are forming a circle round them. Some skirmishing takes place every day, in which we have taken one hundred and twenty prisoners, and have received one hundred and sixty deserters. A party of our men have taken fifty batteaux loaded with provisions, stores, and medi cines* among which are one thousand barrels of pork and beef. This 442 EVENTS IN must be to the enemy an irreparable loss, and a blow which must hasten the destruction or surrender of their whole army. 14th. — An express from camp. Burgoyne has this day made pro posals to General Gates to enter into a treaty for the surrender of his army. He desires a cessation of arms till the preliminary terms can be settled, to which General Gates has assented. The glorious event is about to be consummated. 15th and 16th. — Burgoyne's message to General Gates by the hands of Major Kingston is as follows. October 14th, 1777. " After having fought you twice, Lieutenant General Burgoyne has waited some days, in his present position, determined to try a third conflict against any force you could bring to attack him. " He is apprised of the superiority of your numbers, and the dis position of your troops to impede his supplies and render his retreat a scene of carnage on both sides. In this situation he is impelled by humanity, and thinks himself justified by established principles and precedents of state and of war, to spare the lives of brave men on honorable terms : should Major Gen. Gates be inclined to treat on this idea, General Burgoyne would propose a cessation of arms during the time necessary to communicate the preliminary terms, by which in any extremity, he, and his army, mean to abide." A convention was in consequence opened, and two days were spent in a discussion and interchange of articles between the two commanders. It was agreed that the two articles should be mutually signed and exchanged to-morrow morning, the 17th instant, at nine o'clock ; and the troops under Lieutenant General Burgoyne are to march out of their intrenchments at 3 o'clock in the afternoon* The substance of the treaty is, that the troops under the command of General Burgoyne shall march out of their camp with the honors of war, and their field artillery, to the place assigned, where their arms and artillery shall be piled at the command of their own officers. That the troops be allowed to return to England, on condition that they shall not serve again in America during the present war. That the officers be allowed to wear their side arms and be treated accord ing to their rank. That the European troops march immediately for * The whole number, which surrendered, was 5752 British troops . . . 2442 Sick and wounded left in the ) Brunswick and other > „,gg British camp when Burgoyne i 528 German troops S began his retreat J Canadians, Volunteers, &c. 1100 Beside the above, there were) Staff 12 killed, wounded, taken, and de- 1 2933 serted, between 6 July and 16th ) 5752 October Total 9213 Remembrancer for 1777, p. 477. The whole army of general Gates consisted of 9093 continental troops. The number of the militia fluctuated ; but, when the con vention was signed, it amounted to 4129. The sick exceeded 2500. The troops under general Burgoyne were to march out of their camp with the honors of war J and a free passage was to be granted them to Great Britain, on condition of not serving again in North America during the present contest. MURDER OF MISS MC'CREA. . I" 17ll'- du,rin^the exPedi,tion °/ Gf- Burgoyne, two Indian chiefs were employed to bring Miss Mc'Crea to a place of safety within the British lines. Quarrelins about the reward, one of them killed her, tore off her scalp, and carried it to her lover THE REVOLUTION. 445 Boston, to be in readiness to embark when transports shall be sent for them, and that the Canadians be permitted to return home imme diately, on the sole condition of their not arming awain against the United States. 18«A.— At the appointed hour yesterday morning the Americans marched into the lines of the British to the tune of Yankee Doodle, where they continued till the royal army had marched to the place appointed and deposited their arms according to the treaty." Murder of Miss McCrea. — The murder of this young woman by the Indians belonging to the army of Burgoyne, excited an extraordinary degree of interest and sensibility. It was reported that Gen. Burgoyne encouraged, or, at least, permitted the mur der. In indignant terms lie denied the charge ; and it does not appear that he had the least knowledge of it. Miss McCrea was murdered about one mile north of Fort Edward, on the west side of the highway, at a spring near the foot of a pine tree. The following account is from Mr. Drake's Book of the Indians : " This young lady was the second daughter of James McCrea, minister of Lamington, New Jersey, who died before the revolu tion. After his death, she resided with her brother, Col. John McCrea of Albany, who removed in 1773 to the neighborhood of Fort Edward. His house was in what is now Northumberland, on the west side of the Hudson, three miles north of Fort Miller Falls; In July or August, 1777, being on a visit to the family of Mrs. McNeil, near Fort Edward, at the close of the week, she was asked to remain until Monday. On Sunday morning, when the Indians came to the house, she concealed herself in the cellar ; but they dragged her out by the hair, and, placing her on a horse, proceeded oh the road towards Sandy Hill. They soon met another party of Indians, returning from Argyle, where they had killed the family of Mr. Bains ; these Indians disapproved the purpose of taking the captive to the British camp, and one of them struck her with a tomahawk and tore off her scalp. This is the account given by her nephew. The account of Mrs. McNeil is, that her lover, anxious for her safety, employed two Indians, with the promise of a barrel of rum, to bring her to him ; and that, in consequence of their dispute for the right of con ducting her, one of them murdered her. Gen, Gates, in his letter to Gen. Burgoyne of 2d September, says, ' she was dressed to receive her promised husband.' "Her brother, on hearing of her fate, sent his family the next day to Albany, and, repairing to the American camp, buried his sister, with one Lieutenant van Vechten, three miles south of Fort Edward. She was 23 years old, of an amiable and virtu ous character, and highly esteemed by all her acquaintance. It is said, and was believed, that she was engaged in marriage to 38 446 EVENTS IN Captain David Jones, of the British army, a loyalist, who sur vived her only a few years, and died, as was supposed, of grief for her loss. Her nephew, Colonel James McCrea, lived at Saratoga, in 1823.* Battle of Monmouth. — " On the alliance of America withFrance, it was resolved in Great Britain immediately to evacuate Phila delphia, and to concentrate the royal force in the city and harbour of New York. In pursuance of this resolution, the royal army on the eighteenth of June passed over the Delaware into New-Jersey. General Washington, penetrating that design, had previously detached general Maxwell's brigade to co-operate with the Jersey militia in impeding their progress, until he with the main army should fall on their rear. When the American army, in pursuit of the British, had crossed the Delaware, six hundred men were immediately detached, under colonel Morgan, to re-enforce general Maxwell. The British army having passed up the east side of the Delaware to Allentown, its future course was dubious. Two roads led to New York ; one, by the way of Sandy Hook, the other, by South Amboy, opposite to Staten Island and the North river. The last of these roads was the shortest; but in that direction the Rarilon intervened ; and the passage of that river in the face of an enemy, superior in number, might be difficult and dangerous ; especially as intelligence had been received, that General Gates with another army was advan cing from the northward to form a junction with General Wash ington near that river. The British general concluded to take the road which led to Sandy Hook ; and when his army had proceeded some miles along this road, it encamped on the 27th of June on some high grounds in the neighbourhood of Freehold court house, in the county of Monmouth. General Washington, hearing that the enemy were on their march in that direction, dispatched brigadier General Wayne with a farther detachment of one thousand select men to strength en the forces on the lines. The continental troops, now in front of the main army, amounting to at least four thousand men, gen eral Washington sent the marquis de la Fayette to take command of them, and soon after, general Lee, who with two additional brigades joined the front division, which was now under his direction, and encamped at Englishtown, a few miles in the rear of the British army. A corps of six hundred men, under colonel Morgan, hovered on the right flank of the British ; and eight hundred of the Jersey militia, under general Dickenson, were on the left. General Washington with the main body of the Ameri can army encamped about three miles in the rear of his ad- * President Allen's American Biographical Dictionary, 574. THE REVOLUTION. 447 vanced corps. Such was the disposition of the two armies on the evening of the 27th of June. About twelve miles in front of the British, the high grounds about Middletown would afford them a position, which would effectually secure them from the impression of the Americans. General Washington determined to risk an attack on their rear before they should reach those heights. General Lee was accordingly ordered to make his dis positions for the attack, and to keep his troojP constantly lying on their arms, that he might take advantage of the first move ment of the enemy ; and corresponding orders were given to the rear division of the army. The British army marched in two divisions, the van command ed by general Knyphausen, and the rear, by lord Cornwallis ; but the British commander in chief, judging that the design of the American general was to make an attempt on his baggage, put it under the care of general Knyphausen, that the rear division, consisting of the flower of the British army, might be ready to act with vigour. This arrangement being made, general Krtyphausen's division marched, in pursuance of orders, at break of day on the 28th of June ; but the other division, un der Lord Cornwallis, attended by the commander in chief, did not move until eight, that it might not press too closely on the baggage. General Lee appeared on the heights of Freehold soon after the British had left them ; and, following them into the plain, made dispositions for intercepting their covering party in the rear. While he was advancing to the front of a wood, ad joining the plain, to reconnoitre the enemy in person, Sir Henry Clinton was marching back his whole rear division, to attack the Americans. Lee now perceived that he had mistaken the force, which formed the rear of the British ; but he still proposed to engage on that ground. While both armies were preparing for action, general Scott, mistaking an oblique march of an American column for a retreat, left his position, and repassed a morass in his rear. Lee, dissatisfied with the ground, on which the army was drawn up, did not correct the error of Scott ; but directed the whole detachment to repass the morass, and regain the heights. During this retrograde movement, the rear of the army, which at the first firing had thrown off their packs, and advanced rapidly to the support of the front, approachea the scene of action ; and general Washington, riding forward, met the advanced corps, to his extreme mortification and astonishment, retiring before the enemy. On coming up to Lee, he spoke to him in terms of dis approbation ; but, though warm, he lost not for a moment that self command, than which at so critical a moment nothing could be more essential to the command of others. He instantly ordered colonel Stewart's and lieutenant colonel Ramsay's battalions to 448 EVENTS IN form on a piece of ground, which he judged suitable for giving a check to the enemy ; and, having directed general Lee to take proper measures with the residue of his force to stop the British columns on that ground, he rode back himself to arrange the rear division of the army. His orders were executed with firmness. A sharp conflict ensued ; and though Lee was forced from the ground on which he had been placed, he brought off his troops in good order, and w^ then directed to form in the rear of English- town. The check, which he had given to the enemy, procured time to make a disposition of the left wing and second line of the American army, in the wood and on the eminence to which Lee was retreating. Lord Sterling, who commanded the left wing, placed some cannon on the eminence, which, with the co-opera tion of some parties of infantry, effectually stopped the advance of the British in that quarter. The enemy attempted to turn the left flank of the Americans, but were repulsed. They also made a movement to the right, but were there repelled by Gen. Greene, who had taken a very advantageous position. Wayne, advancing with a body of troops, kept up so severe and well directed a fire, that the British soon gave way, and took the position, which Lee had before occupied, where the action commenced immediately after the arrival of general Washington. Here the British line was formed on very strong ground. Both flanks were secured by the woods and morasses, and their front could only be reached through a narrow pass. The day had been intensely hot ;* and the tr6ops were greatly fatigued ; yet general Washington resolved to renew the engagement. He ordered brigadier general Poor with his own and the Carolina brigade to gain the enemy's right flank, while Woodford with his brigade should turn their left. The ar tillery was ordered at the same time to advance and play on them in front. These orders were promptly obeyed ; but there were so many impediments to be overcome, that before the attack could be commenced, it was nearly dark. It was therefore thought most advisable to postpone farther, operations until morning ; and the troops lay on their arms in the field of battle. Gen. Washing ton, who had been exceedingly active through the day, and en tirely regardless of personal danger, reposed himself at night in his cloak, under a tree, in the midst of his soldiers. His intention of renewing the battle was frustrated. The British troops marched away about midnight in such profound silence, that the most advanced posts, and those very near, knew nothing of their departure until morning. The American general, declining all far ther pursuit of the royal army, detached some light troops to attend * An effect of heat and fatigue, " unparalleled in the history of the New World," was experienced on this memorable day. Fifty-nine British soldiers perished with out a wound ; and several of the American soldiers died through the same cause. THE REVOLUTION. 449 its motions, and drew off his troops to the borders of the North river. Sir Henry Clinton, after remaining a few days on the high grounds of Middletown, proceeded to Sandy Hook, whence he passed his army over to New York. The loss of the Americans in this battle was eight officers and sixty-one privates killed, and about one hundred and sixty wounded. Among the slain, and much regretted, were lieutenant colonel Bon ner, of Pennsylvania, and major Dickenson, of Virginia. The loss of the British army, in killed, wounded, and missing, is stated to have been three hundred and fifty-eight men, including officers. Among their slain was lieutenant colonel Monckton, who was greatly and deservedly lamented.* About one hundred were taken prisoners ; and nearly one thousand soldiers, principally foreign ers, many of whom had married in Philadelphia, deserted the British standard during the march." — Holmes' Annals. Action on Rhode Island. — On the 25th of July, 1778, Count d'Estaing, with a French fleet, arrived off Newport, on Rhode Island. A plan was concerted between him and General Sullivan to attack the British army, about 6000 in number, under Gen. Pigot, at Newport, by sea and land. A landing was effected on Rhode Island by Gen. Sullivan, who, with an army of about 10,000 men, advanced to between two and three miles of Newport, and com menced the siege. A British fleet, under lord Howe, appearing off the place, Count d'Estaing left the siege, and sailed to fight him. The two admirals, after manoeuvring two days without coming to action, were separated by a violent storm ; and it was not until the evening of the nineteenth, that the French fleet made its re-appear ance. Instead however of the expected co-operation in the siege, the fleet sailed on the twenty-second for Boston, to refit, to the extreme dissatisfaction of the Americans. The militia, thus deserted by their allies, on whose co-operation much dependence had been placed, went home in great numbers ; and general Sullivan soon found it ex pedient to raise the siege. Having on the twenty-sixth sent off his heavy artillery and baggage, he on the night of the twenty-eighth re treated from his lines. Very early the next morning, the enemy, dis covering his retreat, followed in two columns ; and the whole day was spent in skirmishes between them and covering parties of the Ameri cans, which successively fell back on the main body of the army. * He had been selected that day for a hazardous service, on account of the cool intrepidity of his character. That gallant officer, who had frequently encountered death in all its forms, had been " more than once grievously wounded, both in the last war and the present ; and, after a hair-breadth escape of a recovery, when left among the dead on the field, was only reserved to be killed on this day, at the head of the second battalion of grenadiers." — Annual Register. " During the confusion of a dangerous cannonade, the battalion, in parties, relieved each other, until with their bayonets they perfected a grave, where they laid the body of their commanding officer, placing over it with their hands the earth they had moistened with their tears. — Stedman. 38* 450 EVENTS IN This was now encamped in a commanding situation at the north end of the island, and, on the approach of the enemy, it drew up in order of battle. The British formed on Quaker Hill, about a mile in front of the American line. Sullivan's rear was covered by strong works, and in his front, somewhat to the right, was a redoubt. A cannonade and skirmishes having mutually been kept up until about two o'clock, the enemy, then advancing in force, attempted to turn the right flank, and made demonstrations of an intention to dislodge general Greene, who commanded the right wing, from the redoubt in its front. Four regular regiments were moved forward to meet them, and Gen. Greene advanced with two other regiments of continental troops, and Lovell's brigade of militia. Colonel Livingston's regiment was ordered to re inforce the right. After a very sharp and obstinate engagement of half an hour, the enemy gave way, and retreated to Quaker Hill. The loss of the Americans, in killed, wounded, and missing, was two hundred and eleven. The loss of the enemy is stated to have been two hundred and sixty. The day after the action, a cannonade was kept up by both armies. A letter was now received by general Sullivan from general Wash ington, giving him information, that a large body of troops had sailed from New York, most probably for the relief of Newport ; and a re solution was immediately formed to evacuate the island. This move ment was effected with great judgment, and entire success. Gen. Sullivan, while making every show of an intention to resist the enemy and maintain his ground, passed his army over, by the way of Bristol and Howland ferries, on the night of the thirtieth, to the continent. It was a remarkable escape. The delay of a single day would pro bably have been fatal to the Americans ; for Sir Henry Clinton, who had been delayed by adverse wmds, arrived with a reinforcement of four thousand men the very next day, when a retreat, it is presumed, would have been impracticable." — Holmes' Annals. Invasion of New Haven, Fairfield and Norwalk. — Early in July, 1779, a marauding expedition was undertaken by the British at New York against the southern margin of Connecticut. A land force of 2600, under Governor Tryon and General Garth, accom panied by a fleet of about forty sail, under Sir George Collier, an chored off New Haven on the morning of the 5th of July. Their landing was preceded by an address to the inhabitants of Connec ticut, signed by both commanders, in which they invited them to return to their allegiance, and in the usual style of royal procla mations, promised protection to the persons and property of all who should remain peaceably at home, with the exception of those who held public offices. They set the lenity which the people had experienced from his majesty's officers, and the ungrateful re turn made for it, adding "that the existence of a single house on their coast, ought to be a constant reproof of their ingratitude — that they who lay so much in the British power afforded a striking THE REVOLUTION. 451 monument of their mercy, and ought therefore to set the first ex ample of returning to their allegiance." Gen. Garth, with 1000 troops, landed on the west side of the harbor, and though some what harassed by the few militia which could be collected, en tered New Haven about one in the afternoon, from which time till eight in the evening, the town was ravaged and plundered, and brutal outrages committed on the inhabitants. Governor Tryon landed on the east side of the harbor, and effected a junction with ' Garth's division in New Haven. The enemy evacuated the town next morning after burning a few store houses. The fleet left the harbor the succeeding night, and the morning after anchored off Fairfield. The following is Dr. Dwight's account of the destruc tion of this place. " On the 7th July, 1779, Gov. Tryon, with the army which I have already men tioned, sailed from New Haven to Fairfield ; and the next morning disembarked upon the beach. A few militia assembled to oppose them ; and in a desultory, scattered manner, fought with great intrepidity through most of the day. They killed some ; took several prisoners ; and wounded more. But the expedition was so sudden, and unexpected, that the efforts, made in this manner, were necessarily fruitless. The fown was plundered ; a great part of the houses, together with the two churches, the court house, jail, and school houses, were burnt. The barns had been just filled with wheat, and otherproduce. The inhabitants, therefore, were turned out into the world, almost literally destitute. Mrs. Burr, the wife of Thaddeus Burr, Esq., High Sheriff of the county, resolved to continue in the mansion house of the family, and make an attempt to save it from the conflagration. The house stood at a sufficient distance from other buildings. Mrs. Burr was adorned with all the qualities, which give distinction to her sex ; pos sessed of fine accomplishments, and a dignity of character, scarcely rivalled ; and probably had never known what it was to be treated with disrespect, or even with in attention. She made a personal application to Gov. Tryon, in terms, which from a lady of her high respectability, could hardly have failed of a satisfactory answer from any person, who claimed the title of a gentleman. The answer which she actually received, was, however, rude, and brutal ; and spoke the want not only of politeness and humanity, but even of vulgar civility. The house was sentenced to the flames, and was speedily set on fire. An attempt was made, in the mean time, by some of the soldiery, to rob her of a valuable watch, with rich furniture : for Gov. Tryon re fused to protect her, as well as to preserve the house. The watch had been already conveyed out of their reach ; but the house, filled with every thing, which contributes either to comfort or elegance of living, was laid in ashes. While the town was in flames, a thunder storm overspread the heavens, just aa night came on. The conflagration of near two hundred houses illumined the earth, the skirts of the clouds, and the waves of the Sound, with an union of gloom and grandeur, at once inexpressibly awful and magnificent. The sky speedily was hung with the deepest darkness, wherever the clouds were not tinged by the melancholy lustre of the flames. At intervals, the lightnings blazed with a livid and terrible splendor. The thunder rolled above. Beneath, the roaring of the fires filled up the intervals, with a deep and hollow sound, which seemed to he the protracted murmur of the thunder, reverberated from one end of heaven to the other. Add to this con vulsion of the elements, and these dreadful effects of vindictive and wanton devasta tion, the trembling of the earth ; the sharp sound of muskets, occasionally discharged; the groans, here and there, of the wounded and dying; and the shouts of triumph : then place before your eyes crowds of the miserable sufferers, mingled with bodies of the militia, and from the neighboring hills taking a farewell prospect of their pro perty and their dwellings, their happiness and their hopes : and you will form a just but imperfect picture of the burning of Fairfield. It needed no great effort of ima- 452 EVENTS IN gination to believe, that the final day had arrived ; and that, amid this funereal darkness, the morning would speedily dawn, to which no night would ever succeed ; the graves yield up their inhabitants ; and the trial commence, at which was to be finally settled the destiny of man. The apology made by Gov. Tryon for this Indian effort, was conveyed in the fol lowing sentence : ' The village was buret, to resent the fire of the rebels from their houses, and to mask our retreat.' ¦ This declaration unequivocally proves, that the rebels were troublesome to their invaders ; and at the same time is to be considered as the best apology which they were able to make. But it contains a palpable false hood, intended to justify conduct, which admits of no excuse, and rejects with disdain every attempt at palliation. Why did this body of men land at Fairfield at all 1 There were here no stores ; no fortress ; no enemy ; except such as were to be found in every village throughout the United States. It was undoubtedly the original object of the expedition to set fire to this town, and the apology was created after the work was done. It was perfectly unnecessary to mask the retreat. The townsmen, and the little collection of farmers, assembled ,to aid them, had no power to disturb it. No British officer, no British soldier, would confess, that in these circumstances he felt the least anxiety concerning any molestation from such opposers. The injuries done to a single family, were an immense overbalance for all the good acquired in this expedition, either by the individuals engaged in it, or the nation in whose service they acted. Particularly that highly respectable pair, Mr. and Mrs. Burr, in the loss of the mansion of their ancestors, and the treasures, with which it had been stored through a long succession of years ; where the elegant hospitality, which had reigned in it ; the refined enjoyments, which were daily felt, and daily distributed to the friend, and the stranger ; the works of charity, which were there multiplied ; and the rational piety, which was at once the animating, and controlling principle ; diffused a brilliancy, marked even by the passing eye ; lost more than the whole British nation gained by this devastation. The next morning the troops re-embarked ; and, proceeding to Green's Farms, set fire to the church, and consumed it, together with fifteen dwelling houses, eleven barns, and several stores. Among the houses was that of the Rev. Dr. Ripley ; the respectable clergyman of this parish. Here, also, was another proof, that burning was the object of the expedition. The number of dwelling houses consumed in Fair field was eighty-five; of barns, fifty-five ; of stores, fifteen ; of shops, fifteen, &c." Tryon and Garth, after the destruction of Fairfield, crossed the sound to Huntington bay, where they remained till the 11th of July. They then sailed over to Norwalk, and landed in the night on the plain which lies east of the river. On learning this fact the inhabitants generally fled. Tryon arrived at the village about eight o'clock the next morning, after some opposition made by Capt. Betts with about fifty continental soldiers. Tryon, seated in a chair on a hillock in the village, gave orders for its confla gration. Eighty dwelling houses, two churches, eighty-seven barns, seventeen shops, four mills and five vessels were consumed. Six houses only were left undestroyed. Expeditions against the Indians in New York. — " Although the pro jected invasion of Canada was laid aside, yet several expeditions were undertaken, and carried into effect against the Indians, who infested the border settlements of New York and Pennsylvania. General Schuyler was very instrumental in planning and getting these expe ditions on foot. The first expedition undertaken was against the Onondagas, who dwelt on the creek of that name, about fifty-three miles westerly of Fort Schuyler, on the Mohawk. On the nineteenth THE REVOLUTION. 453 of April, 1779, Colonel Goose Van Schaick, assisted by Lieutenant- colonel Willet and Major Cochran, with between five and six hundred men, commenced his march from the latter place, for Onondaga, which he reached on the morning of the third day. The Onondagas not apprehending a visit at this season of the year, were entirely un prepared, and fled to the woods on the first appearance of the Ameri cans ; twelve, however, were killed, and thirty-four made prisoners in the flight. Colonel Van Schaick caused all their houses and pro visions to be burned, and the whole settlement, extending eight miles along the creek, to be laid waste. This expedition was performed in less than six days, and without the loss of a man. Fort Schuyler, from whence the troops set out, stood hard by where the bridge over the Mohawk at Utica now is. At that time the whole space between the Mohawk River and Onondaga Creek, was covered with woods, and was without roads or civilized inhabitants. The second expedition was principally against the Senecas, who had their main statioiis on the banks of Genesee River. The chief command of the troops employed in this enterprise, was conferred on General Sullivan. Tioga Point, in Pennsylvania, at the union of the Susquehannah and Tioga Rivers, was selected for the rendezvous of the troops. General Sullivan, with three thousand men, set out from Easton on the Delaware, and advanced up the Susquehannah to that place, where he was joined by General Clinton, with upwards of one thousand. The latter had marched from the Mohawk to the outlet of Otsego Lake, by the way of Cherry Valley, whence he descended the Susquehannah. The water in the river, when he reached the outlet, was too low to float his boats. To remedy this, General Clinton caused a dam to be constructed across the outlet, for the purpose of preventing the escape of the waters, till they should rise sufficiently high for his boats. This lake being fed by springs, soon rose to the height he wished, when he ordered the dam to be cut down. This raised the river so much, that he was enabled to descend in boats to Oquago, whence to Tioga Point — there is always sufficient depth of water. After the junction of these troops, General Sullivan resumed his march for the country of the- Senecas. His route lay up Tioga and Conhocton Rivers. The Indians on hearing of the expedition projected against them, behaved with firmness. They collected their forces, and took a strong position on Tioga River, near Newtown, in the county of Tioga, and fortified it with skill and judgment. General Sullivan attacked them in this position. They stood a cannonade for more than two hours, during which time several assaults were re pelled ; but they were forced to give way and abandon their works. This engagement was decisive ; after the trenches were forced, the Indians fled without attempting to rally. They were pursued by the Americans for several miles, but with little or no effect. The con sternation occasioned among them by this defeat, was so great, that they gave up all ideas of further resistance. As the Americans advanced into their settlements, the Indians retired before them, without throwing any obstructions in their way, The Generals Sul* 454 EVENTS IN livan and Clinton penetrated into the midst of the Seneca's country, and spread desolation on every side. Eighteen towns and villages, besides hamlets and detached habitations were burned. All their fields of corn, and whatever else was in a state of cultivation, were destroyed. Nothing in the form of a house was left standing, nor was any Indian to be seen. The lands, about the towns and villages, were under tolerably good cultivation, and some of their houses were large and commodious. The quantity of corn destroyed was im mense. Orchards, in which were several hundred fruit trees, were cut down. Their gardens, which contained great quantities of useful vegetables, were laid waste. The troops were so inflamed with in dignation against the Indians, on account of the many murders they had committed on the back settlers, that they were determined not to leave the country, before the work of destruction was fully consum mated. The Indians, by this expedition, being made to feel in a very sen sible manner, those calamities they had been accustomed to inflict on others, became cautious and timid. The sufferings which they had to endure, and the dread of a repetition of them, in case they should again provoke the indignation of the American people, damped the ardour of their warriors considerably, and rendered their inroads less frequent and destructive," — Macauley's Hist. N. Y. 3. vol. Storming of Stony Point. — " While the coasts of Connecti cut were desolated by the British arms, the Americans undertook an expedition which afforded a brilliant demonstration that, so far from wanting courage, they could vie in boldness with the most celebrated nations of Europe. The English had labored with such industry in finishing the works at Stony Point, that they had already reduced that rock to the condition of a real fortress. They had furnished it with a numerous and selected garrison. The stores were abundant, the defensive preparations formidable. These considerations could not, however, discourage Washington, who, on hearing of the capture of Stony Point and Verplanks, had advanced and taken post on the brow of the mountains of the Hudson, from forming the design to surprise and attempt both these forts by assault. He charged General Wayne with the attack of Stony Point, and General Howe with that of Verplanks. He provided the first with a strong detachment of the most enter prising and veteran infantry in all his army. These troops set out on their expedition the fifteenth of July, and having accomplished their march over high mountains, through deep morasses, difficult defiles, and roads exceedingly bad and narrow, arrived about eight o'clock in the evening within a mile of Stony Point. General Wayne then halted to reconnoitre the works, and to observe the situation of the garrison. The English, however, did not perceive him. He formed his corps in two columns, and put himself at the head of the right. It was THE REVOLUTION. 455 preceded by a vanguard of an hundred and fifty picked men, com manded by that brave and adventurous Frenchman, Lieutenant- colonel Fleury. This vanguard was itself guided by a forlorn hope of about twenty, led by Lieutenant Gibbon. The column on the left, conducted by Major Stewart, had a similar vanguard, also f>receded by a forlorn hope under Lieutenant Knox. These for- orn hopes, among other offices, were particularly intended to re move trie abattis and other obstructions, which lay in the way of the succeeding troops. General Wayne directed both columns to march in order and silence, with unloaded muskets and fixed bayonets. At midnight they arrived under the walls of the fort. The two columns attacked upon the flanks, while Major Murfee engaged the attention of the garrison by a feint in their front. An unexpected obstacle presented itself; the deep morass which cov ered the works was at this time overflowed by the tide. The English opened a most tremendous fire of musketry, and of can non loaded with grape-shot; but neither the inundated morass, nor a double palisade, nor the bastioned ramparts, nor the storm of fire that was poured from them, could arrest the impetuosity of the Americans; they opened their way with the bayonet, pros trated whatever opposed them, scaled the fort, and the two columns met in the centre of the works. General Wayne received a con tusion in the head, by a musket ball, as he passed the last abattis ; Colonel Fleury struck with his own hand the royal standard that waved upon the walls. Of the forlorn hope of Gibbon, seventeen out of the twenty perished in the attack. The English lost up wards of six hundred men in killed and prisoners. The con querors abstained from pillage and from all discord ; a conduct the more worthy to be commended, as they had still present in mind the ravages and butcheries which their enemies had so recently committed in Carolina, in Connecticut, and in Virginia. Humanity imparted new effulgence to the victory which valor had obtained. The attack meditated against Verplanks, had not the same suc cess ; General Howe encountered insurmountable obstacles. — Meanwhile, Clinton had received intelligence of the capture of Stony Point ; and, being resolved not to suffer the enemy to es tablish themselves in that position, he instantly detached a corps of cavalry and light infantry to dislodge them. But Washington had attained his object; he had originally intended nothing more than to make himself master of the artillery and stores of the fort, to destroy the works, and to bring off the garrison. It was abso lutely inconsistent with his views to risk a general action, in or der to favor a partial operation ; he therefore ordered General Wayne to retire ; which he did successfully, after having dis mantled the fortifications. This expedition, so glorious for the American arms, was celebrated with rapture in all parts of the 456 EVENTS IN confederation. The congress decreed their acknowledgments to Washington, and to Wayne, to Fleury, Stewart, Gibbon, and Knox. They presented General Wayne with a medal of gold, which represented this brilliant achievement. Fleury and Stewart received a similar medal of silver. Not willing to leave the bravery of their soldiers without its retribution, they ordered an estimate of the military stores taken at Stony Point, and the value thereof to be shared among them." — Botta's Rev. Murder of Mrs. Caldwell. Murder of Mrs. and Mr. Caldwell. — "In the summer of 1780, the British troops made frequent incursions into New Jersey, rav aging and plundering the country, and committing numerous atro cities upon its inhabitants. In June, a large body of the enemy, commanded by Gen. Kniphausen, landed at Elizabethtown Point and proceeded into the country. They were much harassed in their progress by Col. Dayton, and the troops under his command. When they arrived at Connecticut Farms, according to their usual but sacrilegious custom, they burnt the Presbyterian church, par sonage house,- and a considerable part of the village. But the most cruel and wanton act that was perpetrated during this incur sion, was the murder of Mrs. Caldwell, the wife of the Rev. Mr. Caldwell of Elizabethtown. This amiable woman seeing the enemy advancing, retired with her housekeeper, a child of three years old, an infant of eight months, and a little maid, to a room secured on all sides by stone walls, except at a window opposite the enemy. She prudently took this precaution to avoid the danger of transient shot, should THE REVOLUTION. 457 the ground be disputed near that place, which happened not to be the case ; neither was there any firing from either party near the house, until the fatal moment, when Mrs. Caldwell, unsuspicious of any immediate danger, sitting on the bed with her little child by the hand, and her nurse, with her infant babe by her side, was instantly shot dead by an unfeeling British soldier, who had come round to an unguarded part of the house, with an evident design to perpetrate the horrid deed. Many circumstances at tending this inhuman murder, evince, not only that it was com mitted by the enemy with design, but also, that it was by the per mission, if not by the command, of Gen. Kniphausen, in order to intimidate the populace to relinquish their cause. A circumstance which aggravated this piece of cruelty, was, that when the British officers were made acquainted with the murder, they did not in terfere to prevent the corpse from being stripped and burnt, but left it half the day, stripped in part, to be tumbled about by the rude soldiery ; and at last it was removed from the house, before it was burned, by the aid of those who were not of the army. Mrs. Caldwell was an amiable woman, of a sweet and even temper, discreet, prudent,' benevolent, soft and engaging in her manners, and beloved by all her acquaintance. She left nine promising children. Mrs. Caldwell's death was soon followed by that of her hus band. In November, 1781, Mr. Caldwell hearing of the arrival of a young lady at Elizabethtown Point, whose family in New York had been peculiarly kind to the American prisoners, rode down to escort her up to town. Having received her into his chair, the sentinel observing a little bundle tied in the lady's hand kerchief, said it must be seized for the state. Mr. Caldwell im mediately left the chair, saying he would deliver it to the com manding officer, who was then present ; and as he stepped for ward with this view, another soldier impertinently told him to stop, which he immediately did; the soldier notwithstanding, without further provocation, shot him dead on the spot. Such was the untimely fate of Mr. Caldwell. His public discourses were sensible, animated and persuasive ; his manner of delivery agreeable and pathetic. He was a very warm patriot, and greatly distinguished himself in supporting the cause of his suffering country. As a husband he was kind; as a citizen, given to hos pitality. The villain who murdered him was seized and exe cuted."* Treason of Arnold, and Capture of Andre. — General Arnold, after his wounds had disabled him in a measure from active pub lic service, was appointed to a command in Philadelphia ; where 39 * Morse. 458 EVENTS OF his oppressive and overbearing measures had provoked a severe inquiry into his conduct, and he was sentenced by Congress to be reprimanded by the commander in chief. Arnold was exas perated, and he determined on revenge. Being connected by a royalist family in Philadelphia by marriage, he found means to open a negotiation with the British commanders at New York, for the purpose of betraying his country. Pretending an aversion to a residence is Philadelphia, he solicited and obtained from Washington the command of the important post of West Point, about fifty miles northward of New York, on the Hudson river. ' Arnold was brave and hardy, but dissipated and profligate. Extravagant in his expenses, he had involved himself in debts, and having had, on frequent occasions, the administration of considera ble sums of the public money, his accounts were so unsatisfactory, that he was liable to an impeachment on charges of peculation. Much had been forgiven indeed, and more would probably have been forgiven to his valor and military skill. But alarmed by the terrors of a guilty conscience, he determined to get rid of pecu niary responsibility, by betraying his country ; and accordingly entered into a negotiation with Sir Henry Clinton, in which he engaged, when a proper opportunity should present itself, to make such a disposition of his troops as would enable the British to make themselves masters of West Point. The details of this ne gotiation were conducted by Major Andre, the adjutant-general of the British army, with whom Arnold carried on a clandestine cor respondence, addressing him under the name of Anderson, whilst he himself assumed that ofGustavus. To facilitate their commu nications, the Vulture sloop of war was moved near to West Point, and the absence of Washington seemed to present a fit opportu nity for the final arrangement of their plans, on the night of the 21st of September, Arnold sent a boat to the Vulture to bring Andre on shore. That officer landed in his uniform between the posts of the two armies, and was met by Arnold, with whom he held a conference which lasted till day-break, when it was too late for him to return to the vessel. In this extremity, unfortunately for himself, he allowed Arnold to conduct him within one of the American posts, where he lay concealed till the next night. In the meantime, the Vulture having been incommoded by an Amer ican battery, had moved lower down the river, and the boatmen now refused to convey the stranger on board her. Being cut off from this way of escape, Andre was advised to make for New York by land ; and, for this purpose, he was furnished with a dis guise, and a passport signed by Arnold, designating him as John Anderson. He had advanced in safety near the British lines, when he was stopped by three New York militia-men. Instead of showing his pass to these scouts, he asked them ' where they be- THE REVOLUTION. 459 longed to?' and, on their answering 'to below,' meaning to New York, with singular want of judgment, he stated that he was a British officer, and begged them to let him proceed without delay. The men, now throwing off the mask, seized him ; and, notwith standing his offers of a considerable bribe if they would release him, they proceeded to search him, and found upon his person, papers which gave fatal evidence of his own culpability and of Arnold's treachery. These papers were in Arnold's hand-writing, and contained exact and detailed returns of the state of the forces, ordnance, and defences of West Point and its dependencies, with the artillery orders, critical remarks on the works, an estimate of the number of .men that were ordinarily on duty to man them, and the copy of a state of matters that had, on the sixth of the month, been laid before a council of war by the commander in chief." " Andre offered his captors a purse of gold, and a new valuable watch, if they would let him pass, and permanent provision, and future promotion, if they would convey and accompany him to New York. They nobly rejected the proffered bribe, and deliv ered him a prisoner to lieutenant colonel Jameson, the com mandant of the scouting parties. The captors of Andre were John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Wert. Congress resolved, tha't each of them should receive annually, during life, two hundred dollars. Andre, when delivered to Col. Jameson, continued to call himself by the name of Anderson, and asked leave to send a letter to general Arnold to acquaint him of Ander son's detention. This was inconsiderately granted. General Arnold, on the receipt of this letter, abandoned every thing, and went on board the Vulture sloop of war. Colonel Jameson for warded to Washington all the papers found on Andre, together with a letter, giving an account of the affair ; hut the express, by taking a different route from that of the General, who was return ing from a conference at Hartford, missed him. This caused such a delay as gave Arnold time to effect his escape. The same packet which detailed the particulars of Andre's capture, brought a letter from him, in which he avowed his name and character, and endeavoured to show that he had not come under the descrip tion of a spy. Washington referred the whole case of Major Andre to the examination and decision of a board, consisting of fourteen general officers. On his examination he voluntarily confessed every thing that related to himself, and that he did not come on shore under the protection of a flag. The board did not examine a witness, but founded their report on his own confession. In this they stated the following facts : — ' That Major Andre came on shore on the night of the twenty-first of September, in a private and secret manner, and that he changed his dress within the Ameri- 460 EVENTS OF can lines, and under a feigned name, and disguised habit, passed their works, and was taken in a disguised habit, when on his way to New York ; and when taken several papers were found in his possession, which contained intelligence for the enemy.' From these facts they farther reported it as their opinion, ' 1'hat Major Andre ought to be considered as a spy, and that agreeably to the laws and usages of nations, he ought to suffer death." Execution of Andre. — The following particular account relative to the execution of the unfortunate Andre, is from Dr. Thacher's Military Journal. " October 1st, 1780. — I went this afternoon to witness the execution of Major Andre, — a large concourse of people had assem bled, the gallows was erected, and the grave and coffin prepared to receive the remains of this celebrated but unfortunate officer ; but a flag of truce arrived with a communication from Sir Henry Clinton, making another and further proposals for the release of Major Andre, in consequence of which the execution was postponed till to-morrow, at twelve o'clock. The flag which came out this morning brought General Robertson, Andrew Eliot, and William Smith, Esqrs. for the purpose of pleading for the release of Major Andre, the royal army being in the greatest affliction on the occasion. The two latter gentlemen, not being mil itary officers, were not permitted to land, but General Greene was ap pointed by his excellency to meet General Robertson at Dobb's Ferry, and to receive his communications. He had nothing material to urge, but that Andre had come on shore under the sanction of a flag, and therefore could not be considered as a spy. But this is not true : he came on shore in the night, and had no flag, on business totally in compatible with the nature of a flag. " Besides, Andre himself, can didly confessed, on his trial, that he did not consider himself under the sanction of a flag. General Robertson, having failed in his point, requested that the opinion of disinterested persons might be taken, and proposed Generals Knyphausen and Rochambeau as proper per sons. After this he had recourse to threats of retaliation on some people in New York and Charleston, but he was told that such con versation could neither be heard nor understood. He next urged the release of Andre on motives of humanity, saying, he wished an in tercourse of such civilities as might lessen the horrors of war, and cited instances of General Clinton's merciful disposition, adding that Andre possessed a great share of that gentleman's affection and es teem, and that he would be infinitely obliged if he was spared. He offered, that if his earnest wishes were complied with, to engage that any prisoner in their possession, whom General Washington might name, should immediately be set at liberty. But it must be viewed as the height of absurdity that General Robertson should, on this oc casion, suffer himself to be the bearer of a letter which the vile traitor had the consummate effrontery to write to General Washington. This insolent letter is filled with threats of retaliation, and the account ability of his Excellency for the torrents of blood that might be spilt THE REVOLUTION. 461 if he should order the execution of Major Andre. It should seem im possible that General Robertson could suppose that such insolence would receive any other treatment than utter contempt. October 2d. — Major Andre is no more among the living. I have just witnessed his exit. It was a tragical scene of the deepest inter est. During his confinement and trial, he exhibited those proud and elevated sensibilities which designate greatness and dignity of mind. Not a murmur or a sigh ever escaped him, and the civilities and attentions bestowed on him were politely acknowledged. Having left a mother and two sisters in England, he was heard to mention them in terms of the tenderest affection, and in his letter to Sir Henry Clinton, he recommends them to his particular attention. The principal guard officer, who was constantly in the room with the prisoner, relates that when the hour of his execution was an nounced to him in the morning, he received it without emotion, and while all present were affected with silent gloom, he retained a firm countenance, with calmness and composure of mind. Observing his servant enter the room in tears, he exclaimed, ' leave me till you can show yourself more manly.' His breakfast being sent to him from the table of General Washington, which had been done every day of his confinement, he partook of it as usual, and having shaved and dressed himself, he placed his hat on the table, and cheerfully said to the guard officers, ' I am ready at any moment, gentlemen, to wait on you.' The fatal hour having arrived, a large detachment of troops was paraded, and an immense concourse of people assembled; almost all our general and field officers, excepting his Excellency and his staff, were present on horseback ; melancholy and gloom pervaded all ranks, and the scene was aftectingly awful. I was so near during the solemn march to the fatal spot, as to observe every movement, and participate in every emotion which the melancholy scene was calculated fo produce. Major Andre walked from the stone house, in which he had been confined, between two of our subaltern officers, arm in arm ; the eyes of the immense multitude were fixed on him, who, rising superior to the fears of death, appeared as if conscious of the dignified deportment which he displayed. He betrayed no want of fortitude, but retained a complacent smile on his countenance, and politely bowed to several gentlemen whom he knew, which was respectfully returned. It was his earnest desire to be shot, as being the mode of death most conformable to* the feelings of a military man, and he had indulged the hope that his request would be granted. At the moment, therefore, when suddenly he came in view of the gallows, he involuntarily started backward, and made a pause. ' Why this emotion, sir,' said an officer by his side 1 Instantly recovering his composure, he said, ' I am reconciled to my death, but I detest the mode.' While waiting and standing near the gallows, I observed some degree of trepidation ; placing his foot on a stone, and rolling it over, and choking in his throat, as if attempting to swallow. So soon, however, as he perceived that things were in readiness, he step ped quickly into the wagon, and at this moment he appeared to shrink, 462 EVENTS IN but instantly elevating his head with firmness, he said, 'It will be but a momentary pang,' and taking from his pocket two white handker chiefs, the provost marshal with one, loosely pinioned his arms, and with the other, the victim, after taking off his hat and stock, ban daged his own eyes with perfect firmness, which melted the hearts, and moistened the cheeks, not only of his servant, but of the throng of spectators. The rope being appended to the gallows, he slipped the noose over his head and adjusted it to his neck, without the as sistance of the awkward executioner. Colonel Scammel now inform ed him that he had an opportunity to speak, if he desired it ; he raised the handkerchief from his eyes and said, ' I pray you to bear me witness that I meet my fate like a brave man.' The wagon being now removed from under him, he was suspended, and instantly ex pired; it proved indeed 'but a momentary pang.' He was dressed in his. royal.regimentals and boots, and his remains were placed in an ordinary coffin, and interred at the foot of the gallows ; and the spot was consecrated by the tears of thousands." The above cut is copied from an engraving of Andre in the " Political Magazine, published in London in 1781, to which is affixed a fac simile of his hand writing. Major Andre at the time of his death was 31 years of age. " He was well made, rather slender, about five feet nine inches high, and remarkably active ; his complexion was dark, his countenance good and some what, serious. He excelled in many elegant accomplishments, such as drawing, painting, and dancing ; and possessed the mod ern languages, particularly French, Italian, and German to an uncommon degree of perfection." A monument was erected by THE REVOLUTION. 463 order of the king, in Westminster Abbey, to his memory. His re mains were taken up in 1821, by Mr. Buchanan, British Consul ih New York, removed to England and deposited near this monu ment. Burning of New London and Storming of Fort Griswold. — While the combined French and American armies were advan cing to the siege of Yorktown, Gen. Arnold, the traitor, was ap pointed to conduct an expedition against New London, Conn. The troops employed in this service were landed, on the 6th of September, 1781, on each side of the harbor, in two detachments ; one commanded by Lieut. Colonel Eyre, the other by General Arnold. " About daybreak (says the Connecticut Gazette) on Thursday morning last, 24 sail of the enemy's shipping appeared to the westward of this harbor, which by many were supposed to be a ¦ plundering party after stock ; alarm guns were immediately fired, but the discharge of cannon in the harbor has become so frequent of late, that they answered little or no purpose. The defenceless state of the fortifications and the town are obvious to our readers ; a few of the inhabitants who were equipped, advanced towards the place where the enemy were thought likely to make their landing, and manoeuvred on the heights adjacent, until the enemy about 9 o'clock landed in two divisions, and about 800 men each, one of them at Brown's farm near the light-house, the other at Groton Point : the division that landed near the light-house marched up the road keeping up large flanking parties, who were attacked in different places on their march by the inhabitants, who had spirit and resolution to oppose their progress. The main body of the enemy proceeded to the town, and set fire to the stores on the beach, and immediately after to the dwelling houses lying on the Mill Cove. The scattered fire of our little parties, unsupported by our neighbors more distant, galled them so that they soon be gan to retire, setting fire promiscuously on their way. The fire from the stores communicated to the shipping that lay at the wharves, and a number were burnt ; others swung to single fast, and remained unhurt. At 4 o'clock, they began to quit the town with great precipita tion, and were pursued by our brave citizens with the spirit and ardor of veterans, and driven on board their boats. Five of the enemy were killed, and about twenty wounded ; among the latter is a Hessian captain, who is a prisoner, as are seven others. We lost four killed and ten or twelve wounded, some mortally. The most valuable part of the town is reduced to ashes, and all the stores. Fort Trumbull, not being tenable on the land side, was evacuated as the enemy advanced, and the few men in it crossed 464 EVENTS IN the river to Fort Griswold, on Groton Hill, which was soon after invested by the division that landed at the point. The buildings burnt at New London in this expedition by the British troops, were 65 dwelling houses containing 97 families, 31 stores, 18 shops, 20 barns, and 9 public and other buildings, among which were the Court House, Jail and Church — in all 143. In many instances where houses were situated at a great dis tance from any stores, and contained nothing but household fur niture, they were set on fire, notwithstanding the earnest cries and entreaties of the women and children in them, who were threat ened with being burnt in them if they did not instantly leave them. Indeed two houses were bought off for 10Z. each, of an officer who appeared to be a captain, upon condition, however, that he should not be made known ; and where the houses were not burnt, they were chiefly plundered of all that could be carried off. At the harbor's mouth, the houses of poor fishermen were stripped of all their furniture of every kind, the poor people having nothing but the clothes that they had on." The detachment under Lieut. Col. Eyre, about eight hundred in number, landed on the east side of the harbor, opposite the light house, and having found a lame boy collecting cattle, compelled him to show them the cart path to the fort. They landed about nine o'clock in the morning of a most delightful day, clear and still. Fort Griswold was under the command of Lieut. Col. Wm. Ledyard, uncle to the celebrated traveller of the same name. He resided on Groton bank opposite New London, and was much beloved and respected by his neighbors. On the advance of the enemy, Col. Ledyard having but about one hundred and fifty men with him in the fort, sent out an officer to get assistance, as there were a number of hundred of people collected in the vicinity ; this officer, by drinking too much, became intoxicated, and no rein forcement was obtained. On the rejection of a summons to sur render, the British extended their lines so that they were scattered over the fields and rushed on to the attack with trailed arms, under the fire of the Americans, to the assault of the fort on three sides. Having effected a lodgment in the ditch, they cut away the pick ets, and having scaling ladders, they entered the fort and knocked away the gate on the inside. While the British were in the ditch, they had cold shot thrown on them, and as they were entering the embrazures, the garrison changed their weapons and fought des perately with spears or pikes fifteen or sixteen feet in length, which did considerable execution. Unfortunately they had lent the greater part of the pikes belonging to the fort to a privateer a few days before. Major Montgomery was hoisted up on the walls of the fort by his soldiers ; as he was flourishing his sword on his THE REVOLUTION. 465 entrance, he was mortally wounded by Jordan Freeman,* a col ored man, who pierced him through with a spear. Another offi cer was killed by a musket ball while in the fort. As he fell, he exclaimed, 'put every one to death, don't spare one.' Col. Led yard finding further resistance useless, presented his sword to an officer, who asked him who commanded the fort. ' I did,' said Col. Ledyard, 'but you do now;' the officer (Capt. Bloomfield,) took his sword and instantly plunged it into his bosom. Colonel Ledyard fell on his face and instantly expired. An indiscriminate massacre now took place, till a British officer exclaimed, ' my soul cannot bear such destruction,' and ordered a parley to be beat. Such had been the butchery in the fort, that it was over shoes in blood in some parts of the parade ground. Soon after the sur render, a wagon was loaded with wounded Americans and set off down the hill ; it struck an apple tree with great force, and knocked several of these bleeding men out, and caused their instant death. One of these distressed men having been thrown out of the wagon, and while crawling towards the fence on his hands and knees, was brutally knocked on the head by the but end of a musket, by one of the refugees who were attached to the British army. The British embarked at the foot of the hill near the ferry, and took off a number of prisoners with them. As they left the fort, they set fire to a train, intending to blow up the magazine, in which were about one hundred barrels of powder. Fortunately it was extin guished by our people, who entered the fort soon after the enemy left it. It is stated that the enemy lost in the attack on the fort 54 killed and 143 wounded, several of whom afterwards died of their wounds. The killed of the enemy were buried by their comrades at the gate of the fort, and were so slightly covered that many of their legs and arms remained above ground. ; our people who were killed at the fort, were stripped, and so disfigured, covered with blood and dust, that with the exception of two or three, they could not be recognized by their friends, except by some particular marks on their persons. A granite monument, 1 27 feet in height, has been erected on this spot, on which is the following inscription, to which is added a list of the names of those who fell, eighty-five in number. * Most of the facts mentioned in this account were related to the compiler of this work by an eye witness, Mr. Joshua Baker, of Groton, who was in the fort at the time it was stormed. He was wounded, carried off prisoner to New York, and con fined in the *¦ Sugar House." He mentioned that when the enemy arrived at New York they reported a loss of five hundred men in killed, wounded, and missing, in this expedition. Mr. Baker was under the command of Col. Ledyard upwards of two years, and was the first man who stood sentry at Fort Griswold. Some particu lars were also obtained from Capt. Elijah Bailey, the post master at Groton Bank, who was one of the defenders of the fort at the time of the massacre. 466 EVENTS IN This Monument was erected under the patronage of the State of Connecticut, A. D. 1830, and in the 55th year of the Independence of the U. S. A. In memory of the brave Patriots, who fell in the massacre at Fort Griswold, near this spot, on the 6th September, A. D. 1781, when the British, under the command of the traitor Benedict Arnold, burnt the towns of New London and Groton and spread desolation and woe throughout this region. On the south side of the pedestal, opposite the fort, is the following inscription : " Zebulon and Naphtali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death, in the high places of the field. — Judges, 5 Chap. 18 verse. Shays' Insurrection. — " This year [1786,] is rendered memo rable by an insurrection in Massachusetts. A heavy debt, lying on the state, with a similar burden on almost every corporation within it ; a relaxation of manners, and a free use of foreign lux uries ; a decay of trade and manufactures, with a scarcity of money ; and, above all, the debts due from individuals to each other; were the primary causes of this dangerous sedition. Heavy taxes, necessarily imposed at this time, were the immediate ex citement to discontent and insurgency. On the twenty second of August, a convention of delegates from fifty towns in the county of Hampshire met at Hatfield, and voted a great number of arti cles as grievances and "unnecessary burdens now lying on the people ; and gave directions for transmitting these proceedings to the convention of Worcester, and to the county of Berkshire. Very soon after, a number of insurgents, supposed to be nearly fifteen hundred, assembled under arms at Northampton ; took possession of the court house ; and effectually prevented the sit ting of the courts of common pleas and general sessions of the peace. The governor issued a proclamation, calling on the offi cers and citizens of the commonwealth to suppress such treasona ble proceedings ; but it had little effect. 1 he counties of Wor cester, Middlesex, Bristol, and Berkshire, were set in a flame. In the week succeeding the proclamation, a body of more than three hundred insurgents posted themselves at the court house in Worcester, and obliged the courts of common pleas and general sessions to adjourn: Insurgents in Middlesex counties prevented the courts from sitting at Concord. In the county of Bristol, the malcontents assembled to prevent the sitting of the courts at Taunton ; but the people to the number of three hundred, appear ing in arms under major Gen. Cobb, counteracted their designs." " On the twenty third of November a convention of delegates from several towns in the county of Worcester sent out an address to the people. An attempt was at length made to prevent the sitting of the supreme judicial court. itself by a number of insurgents headed by Daniel' Shays* The general court, at this distressing period, passed * He had been a captain in the continental army, but had resigned his commission. THE REVOLUTION. 467 three laws for easing the burdens of the people : an act for collecting the back taxes in specific articles ; an act for making real and per sonal estate a tender in discharge of executions and actions commen ced at law ; and an act for rendering law processes less expensive. They provided for the apprehending and trial of dangerous persons ; but at the same time tendered pardon to all the insurgents. These lenient measures of government were ascribed, not to clemency, but to weakness or timidity. The judicial courts being adjourned by the legislature to the twenty sixth of December, to sit at Springfield; Shays with about three hundred malcontents marched into that town to oppose the administration of justice, and took possession of the court house. A committee was appointed to wait on the court with an order, couched in the humble form of a petition, requiring them not to proceed on business ; and both parties retired." " The insurgents in Massachusetts continuing to assemble, and to endeavour to impede the measures of government by an armed force ; a body of troops, to the amount of above four thousand, was ordered out to support the judicial courts, and suppress the insurrection. The command of this respectable force was given by the governor to major general Lincoln, ' whose reputation and mildness of temper rendered him doubly capacitated for so deli cate and important a trust.' The army reached Worcester on the twenty second of January ; and the judicial courts set there without interruption. Previously to the marching of the troops from Roxbury, orders had been given to general Shepard to take possession of the post at Springfield, where was a continental ar senal. Here he accordingly collected about nine hundred men, who were afterwards reinforced with the addition of nearly three hundred of the Hampshire militia. To this post the insurgents Therefore' shall not ungodly men, rise to st^nd in the doome, nor shall the sinners with the just, in their assemblie come. 6 For of the righteous men the Lord acknowledged the way : but the way of vngodly men, THE BOOK of PSALMS. PSAL. I. O blessed man that walks not in th'adviee of wicked men Nor standeth in the sinners way nor scomers seat sits in. 2 But he upon Jehovah's law doth set his whole delight : And in his law doth meditate Both in the day and night. 3 He shall be like a planted tree by water brooks, which shall In his due season yield his fruit. whose leaf shall never fall : 4 And all he doth shall prosper well, the wicked are not so: But they are like unto the chaff. which wind drived to and fro. 5 Therefore shall no ungodly men in judgement stand upright : Nor in th'assembly of the just shall stand the sinfull wight. 6 For of ye righteous men, ye LORD acknowledgeth the way : Whereas the way of wicked men, shall utterly decay. shall vterly decay. First Gazette or Newspaper. — The first newspaper in the British Colonies was published in Boston, April 24th, 1704, by John Camp bell a Scotchman, a bookseller and Post Master in that place. His paper- was entitled " The Boston News Letter." It was printed on a half sheet of pot paper, with a small pica type, folio. The first oa»e is filled with an extract from " The London Flying Post," respecting the pretender, who stiled himsetf James the 8th of Scotland, sending popish missionaries 44 518 AN ACCOUNT OF THE from France into Scotland, &c. by which the kingdoms of England and Scotland were endangered. The queen's speech to both houses of parliament on that occasion, a few articles under the Boston head, four short paragraphs of marine intelligence from New- york, Philadelphia, Newlondon, and one advertisement, form its whole contents. The advertisement is from Campbell, the proprietor of the paper, and is as follows. " This News Letter is to be continued Weekly ; and all Persons who have any Houses, Lands, Tenements, Farmes, Ships, Vessels, Goods, Wares or Merchandizes &c. to be Sold or Lett ; or Servants Runaway : or Goods Stoll or Lost may have the same Inserted at a Reasonable Rate ; from Twelve Pence to Five Shillings, and not to exceed : Who may agree with Nicholas Boone for the same at his Shop next door to Major Davis's, Apothecary in Boston near the Old Meeting House. "All Persons in Town and Country may have said News-Letter Weekly upon reason able tearms agreeing with John Campbell Post Master for the same." The imprint is, " Boston : Printed by B. Green. Sold by Nicholas Boone, at his Shop near the Old Meeting-House." This paper languished for a long time, on account of having but few subscribers, and not much encouragement from advertising cus tomers. It was however continued through various changes, fill 1776, having been published for seventy-two years. The second pa per in British America was entitled " The Boston Gazette:" this pa per was first issued Monday, December 21, 1719. Its imprint was " Boston : Printed by J. Franklin, and may be had at the Post Office, where advertisements are taken in." The third newspaper in Boston was the " New England Courant," was first published in August, 1721, by James Franklin. First Newspaper in New York. — In 1668, Governor Lovelace, of New York was desirous of having a press established in that prov ince ; and it appears by a record made at the time, that he sent to Boston to procure a printer, but did not succeed. In 1686, among other articles of instruction sent by king James to Governor Donegan, one was, that he should " allow no printing press in the province." The pamphlets which appeared in the dispute respecting the unfortu nate Colonel Leislee in 1689 and 1690, are supposed to have been printed in Boston. — The first newspaper published in New York, was printed by William Bradford. It made its first appearance, Oct. 16, 1725, and was entitled " The New York Gazette." It was printed on a foolscap sheet. Bradford must have been about seventy years of age, when he began the publication of the Gazette ; he continued it about sixteen or seventeen years, and then retired from business. James Parker began the New York Gazette anew in Jan., 1742 — 3. " The New York Weekly Journal" was the second paper established in the province ; it made its appearance Nov. 5, 1733. The Journal was of the small size usually printed at that time, that is foolscap ; gene rally a whole sheet, printed chiefly on Pica. It was published every " Mnndny." Im print — " New York : Printed and Sold by John Peter Zenger : By whom Subscriptions for this Paper are taken in at Three Shillings per quarter." The Journal was established for a political purpose. For three years it was in a state of warfare with the administration of governor Crosby and his successor lieutenant gov ernor Clarke, It was supposed to be published under the patronage of the honorable Rip Van Dam, who had been president of the council, and opposed the governor and his successor. The New-York Gazette, printed by Bradford, was then under the control of the governor. In January, 1748 — 9, John Zenger new modelled the title of the Journal, and added a cut, coarsely executed, of a section of the royal arms, containing three lions gardant, encircled with the usual motto, FIRST PRINTING, &C. 519 " Honi soit qve mal y pense ;" surmounted by a crown. The imprint — New- York : Printed by John Zenger, in Stone-Street, near Fort George ; Where Advertisements are taken in at a moderate rate." John Zenger published this paper until about 1752, when it was discontinued, but in 1766, the title was revived by John Holt.* The Gazette which attained the greatest notoriety during the Rev olutionary War was published by James Rivington, New-York, and was at first entitled Rivington's New- York Gazetteer ; or, The Connecticut, New-Jersey, Hudson's River, and Quebec Weekly Advertiser. This Gazette commenced its career April 22, 1773, on a large medium sheet folio. It was printed, weekly, on Thursday ; and when it had been established one year, this im print followed the title, " Printed, at his* Ever open and uninfluenced press, fronting Hanover-Square." A large cut of a ship under sail was at first introduced into the title, under which were the words "New York Packet." This cut soon gave place to one of a smaller size. In November, 1774, the ship was removed, and the king's arms took the place of it. In August, 1775, the words " Ever open and uninfluenced" were omitted in the imprint. The Gazetteer was patronized in all the principal towns by the advocates of the Brit ish administration who approved the measures adopted toward the colonies ; and it un doubtedly had some support from " his Majesty's government." The paper obtained an extensive circulation, but eventually paid very little respect to " the majesty of the people ; and, in consequence, the paper and its publisher soon became obnoxious to the whigs. Rivington continued the Gazetteer until November 27, 1775, on which day a number of armed men from Connecticut entered the city, on horseback, and beset his habitation, broke into his printing house, destroyed his press, threw his types into heaps and carried away a large quantity of them, which they melted and formed into bullets. A stop was thus put to the Gazetteer. Soon after this event, Rivington went to England, where he supplied himself with a new printing apparatus, and was appointed king's printer for Newyork. After the Brit ish gained possession of the city, he returned ; and, on October 4, 1777, re-commenced the publication of his Gazette under the original title, but in two weeks, he exchanged that title, for the following, " Rivington's New-York Loyal Gazette," and on the 13th of December following, he called his paper "The Royal Gazette." Imprint — "Published by James Rivington, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty." The Royal Ga zette was numbered as a continuation of the Gazetteer, and Loyal Gazette, and was pub lished on Wednesdays and Saturdays ; printed on a sheet of royal size, with the royal arms in the title. First Newspaper in Rhode Island. — Although the press had been established many years in Connecticut before it was introduced into Rhode Island, yet a newspaper was published twenty years earlier in Rhode Island, than in Connecticut. This paper was entitled " The Rhode Island Gazette," and was first published Sept. 27th, 1732. The day of publication was Wednesday; the imprint, "Newport, Rhode Island : Printed and sold by James Franklin, at his Printing- House, under the Town-School-House, where Advertisements, and * In The New- York Journal, of February 25, 1751, is the following advertisement. " My country subscribers are earnestly desired to pay their arrearages for this Jour nal, which if they don't speedily, I shall leave off sending, and seek my money an other way. Some of these kind customers are in arrears upwards of seven years ! Now as I have served them so long, I think it is time, ay, and high time too, that they give me my outset ; for they may verily believe that my every-day cloathes are al most worn out. N. B. Gentlemen, If you have not ready money with you, still think of the Printer, and when you have read this advertisement and considered it, vou cannot bnt say, Come Dame, (especially you inquisitive wedded men, let the Batchelors take it to themselves) let us send the poor Printer a few Gammons or some Meal, some Butter, Cheese, Poultry, &o. In the mean time I am yours, &c. J. Zenger." 520 AN ACCOUNT OF THE Letters to the Author are taken in." This paper continued but seven months. " The Newport Mercury" was first published about Septem ber, 1758, and gained a permanent establishment. It was printed by James Franklin, afterwards by Mrs. Franklin and Samuel HalL In 1768, Hall resigned the Mercury to Solomon Southwick. During the Revolutionary War, while the British troops possessed Newport, Southwick set up a press in Attleborough, Massachusetts, and pub lished the Mercury at that place. He returned to Newport on its evacuation by the enemy, and during the revolutionary contest con ducted the Mercury with ability and patriotic zeal. " The Providence Gazette, and Country Journal" was first published Oct. 20th, 1762, by William Goddard. In 1769, William and Sarah Goddard resigned their right in the Gazette to John Carter. This was the only paper in Providence previous to the Revolution. First Printing in Connecticut. — The first printing press in Connecti* cut, was set up by Thomas Short, at New London, in 1709. He was recommended by Bartholomew Green, who at that time printed at Boston, and from whom he probably learned the art of printing. In 1710, he printed "The Saybrook Platform of Church Discipline," which is said to be the first book printed in the colony. After the Platform, he printed a number of Sermons and sundry pamphlets on religious subjects, and was employed by the Governor and Company to do the work for the colony. He died at New London, three or four years after his settlement there. The next printer was Timothy Green, grandson of Samuel Green, senior, of Cambridge. Having re ceived art invitation from the Council and Assembly of Connecticut, he removed from Boston to New London, in 1714, and was appointed printer to the Governor and Company, on a salary of fifty pounds per annum. It was stipulated that for this sum he should print the elec tion sermons, proclamations, and the laws which should be enacted by the Assembly. Besides the work of the Government, Green printed a number of pamphlets on religious subjects, particularly ser mons. It has been said of him, that whenever he heard a sermon which he highly approved, he would solicit a copy of the author, and print it for his own sales. This honest zeal, however, often proved injurious to his estate. Large quantities of these sermons lay on hand as dead stock ; and after his decease, they were put into bas kets, appraised by the bushel, and sold under the value of common waste paper. The first newspaper in Connecticut was " The Connecticut Gazette," which made its first appearance January 1st, 1755. It was printed at New Haven, by James Parker and Company. John Holt was the editor and junior partner of the firm, till he removed to New York in 1760. Thomas Green was then employed by the company to conduct the Gazette. By the establishment of post riders at this pe riod, to the seat of war at the northward, and to several parts of the colony, this paper, at this time, had a considerable circulation. It was continued by Parker & Co. till 1764, when it was suspended for a short time, but was afterwards revived by Benjamin Mecom a FIRST PRINTING, &C. 521 nephew of Dr. Franklin. It was discontinued in 1767, and in Octo ber of the same year, " The Connecticut Journal and New Haven Post Boy" was first published, by Thomas and Samuel Green. The New London Summary, the second paper in Connecticut, was first published by the second Timothy Green, Aug. 8th, 1758, and was continued till 1763, when it was succeeded by the " New London Gazette," which in Dec. 1773, was entitled " The Connecticut Ga zette." " The Connecticut Courant," the third paper in Connecticut, was first published in Hartford, December, 1764, by Thomas Green. The paper was published next by Ebenezer Watson, then by Watson & Goodwin, and in 1779, by Hudson & Goodwin. This was one of the most respectable papers in the State, and is still continued. — " The Norwich Packet," the first paper in that place, was commenced in Oct. 1773, " Printed by Alexander Robertson, James Robertson, and John Trumbull." The Packet was continued by this company until June, 1776, when Trumbull became the sole publisher, and con tinued it with various alterations till his death in 1802. First Newspapers in New Hampshire. — A press having been estab lished in Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, by Daniel Fowle, from Boston, he, in Aug. 1756, began to publish " The New Hampshire Gazette," the first paper in the province. The following is the imprint. " Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, Printed by Daniel Fowle, where this paper may be had at one Dollar per annum : or Equivalent in Bills of Credit, computing a Dollar this year at Four Pounds Old Tenor." — The second newspaper was " The Portsmouth Mercury and Weekly Advertiser," and was first published Jan. 21st, 1765. Imprint, " Portsmouth, in New Hampshire, Printed by Thomas Furber, at the New Printing Office, near the Parade, where this paper may be had for one Dollar, or Six Pounds, 0. T. per year ; one half to be paid at Entrance." The third newspaper which appeared in New Hamp shire, was issued in Exeter, in 1775, published by Robert Fowle ; it was continued irregularly under various titles. First Printing in New Jersey. — The first newspaper in this colony, was " The New Jersey Gazette," first published, Dec. 3d, 1777, at Burlington. It was printed weekly, on Wednesday, with a good long primer type, and on a sheet of crown paper, folio. Imprint — Bur lington : Printed by Isaac Collins. All Persons may be supplied with this Gazette for Twenty Six Shillings per Annum. Advertise ments of a moderate Length are inserted for Seven Shillings and Six Pence the first Week, and Two Shillings and Sixpence for every continuance ; and long Ones in Proportion." This paper was neatly printed, and well conducted. Its publisher, although of the society of friends, was a firm supporter of the rights of his country ; and he carefully avoided publishing any thing which tended to injure the re ligious, civil, or political interests of his fellow citizens. It was dis continued in 1786. After the American stamp act was passed by the British parliament, and near the time it was to be put in operation, a political paper was privately printed at Burlington, which attracted much notice. It was entitled " The Constitutional Gazette, containing Matters interesting to Liberty — but no wise repugnant to Loyalty." Imprint— " Printed by An- 44* 522 FIRST PRINTING, &C. drew Marvel, at the Sign of the Bribe refused, on Constitution-Hill, North America." In the centre of the title was a device of a snake, cut into parts, to represent the colo nies. Motto — "Join or Die." After the title, followed an address to the public from the fictitious printer and publisher, Andrew Marvel. This paper was without date, but was printed in September, 1765. It contained several well written and spirited essays against the obnoxious stamp act, which were so highly colored, that the editors of newspapers in Newyork, even Holt, declined to publish them. A large edition was printed, secretly forwarded to Newyork, and there sold by hawkers selected for the purpose. It had a rapid sale, and was, I believe, reprinted there, and at Boston. It excited some commotion in Newyork, and was taken notice of by govern ment. A council was called, and holden at the fort in that city, but as no discovery was made of the author or printer, nothing was done. One of the council demanded of a hawker named Samuel Sweeney, "where that incendiary paper was printed?" Sweeney, as he had been instructed, answered, " At Peter Hassenclever's iron-works, please your honor." Peter Hassenclever was a wealthy German, well known as the owner of exten sive iron-works in Newjersey. Afterward, other publications of alike kind frequently appeared with an imprint. — " Printed at Peter Hassenclever's iron-works." Only one number of the Constitutional Gazette was published ; a continuance of it was never in tended. It was printed by William Goddard, at Parker's printing house at Burlington" — Goddard having previously obtained Parker's permission occasionally to use his press. The above map of the country in the vicinity of Boston, is a close copy of part of a map of New England, published in the New Memorial in 1667, and it is believed to have been the first map ever engraved in this country COINAGE, BILLS OF CREDIT, &C 523 COINAGE, BILLS OF CREDIT, &c. [The following, relative to the first coinage in this country, and the emission of bills of credit in New England, is extracted prin cipally from Gov. Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts.] About 1650, " the trade of the ,,.,,.. , .. .; 4 province increasing, especially /£jflMS#w^fe?i wilh the West Indies where the 'rf^ JaS?$ were numerous, and part of the bucaneers or pirates at this time -*p« were numerous, and part of the *^@ffi$^l^ir wea^tn which they took from the ^^Su^* Spaniards as well as what was produced by the trade being brought to New England in bullion, it was thought necessary for preventing fraud in money to erect a mint for coining shillings, six-pences and three-pences, with no other im pression at first than N E on the one side and XII. VI. or III, on the other, but in October 1651, the court ordered that all pieces of money should have a double ring with this inscription, Massa chusetts, and a tree in the centre on one side, and New England and the year of our Lord one the other side. The first money being struck in 1652 the same date was continued upon all that was struck for 30 years after, and although there are a great variety of dies, it cannot now be determined in what years the pieces were coined. No other colony ever presumed to coin any metal into money. It must be considered that at this time there was no King in Israel. No notice was taken of it by the parliament nor by Cromwell, and having been thus indulged, there was a tacit allow ance of it afterwards even by King Charles the 2d. for more than 20 years, and although it was made one of the charges against the colony when the charter was called in question, yet no great stress was laid upon it. It appeared to have been -so beneficial, that during Sir Ed mund Andross's administration endeavors were used to obtain leave for continuing it, and the objections against it seem not to have pro* ceeded from its being an encroachment upon the prerogative, for the motion was referred to the master of the mint and the report against it was upon meer prudential considerations. It is certain that great care was taken to preserve the purity of the coin. I don't find, not withstanding, that it obtained a currency any where, otherwise than as bullion, except in the New England colonies, A very large sum was coined. The mint master John Hull raised a large fortune from it, He was to coin the money, of the just allay of the then new sterling English money, and for all charges which should attend melting, re fining and coining he was to be allowed to take fifteen pence out of every twenty shillings. The court were afterwards sensible that this was too advantageous a contract, and Mr. Hull was offered a sum of money by the court to release them from it but he refused to do it. He left a large personal estate and one of the best real estates in the country. Samuel Sewall who married his only daughter, received 524 COINAGE, BILLS OF CREDIT, &C. with her as was commonly reported, thirty thousand pounds in New England shillings. " He was the son of a poor woman but dutiful to and tender of his mother, which Mr. Wilson his minister observing pronounced that God would bless him, and altho' he was then poor yet he should raise a great estate." (Magnalia.) First emissson of Paper currency. — Upon the unfortunate expedi tion against Quebec in 1690, the government of Massachusetts in par ticular was utterly unprepared for the return of the forces. They seem to have presumed, not only upon success, but upon the enemy's treasure, to bear the charge of the expedition. The soldiers were upon the point of mutiny for want of their wages. It was utterly impracticable to raise, in a few days, such a sum of money as would be necessary. An act was passed for levying the sum, but the men could not stay until it should be brought into the treasury. The ex treme difficulty, to which the government was thus reduced, was the occasion of the first bills of credit ever issued in the colonies, as a substitute in the place of money. The debt was paid by paper notes from two shillings to ten pounds denomination, which notes were to be received for payment of the tax which was to be levied, and all other payments in the treasury. This was a new experiment. They had better credit than King James's leather money in Ireland, about the same time. But the notes would not command money, nor any commodities at money price. Sir William Phips, it is said, exchang ed a large sum, at par, in order to give them credit. The soldiers in general were great sufferers, and could get no more than twelve or fourteen shillings in the pound. As the time of payment of the tax approached, the credit of the notes was raised, and the government allowing five per cent, to those who paid their taxes in notes, they became better than money. This was gain to the possessor, but it did not restore to the poor soldier what he had lost by the discount.* * The government, encouraged by the restoration "of credit to their bills, afterwards issued others for charges of government. They obtained good credit at the time of their being issued. The charges of government were paid in this manner from year to year. Whilst the sum was small, silver continued the measure, and bills continued their value. When the charges of government increased after the second expedi tion to Canada in 1711, the bills likewise increased, in the same or greater propor tion the silver and gold were sent out of the country. There being a cry of scarcity of money in 1714, the government caused 50,00(M. to be issued, and in 1716, 100,0007. to be paid in at a certain period, and in the mean time to pass as money. Lands were mortgaged for security. As soon as the silver and gold were gone and the bills were the sole instrument of commerce, pounds shillings and pence were altogether ideal, for no possible reason could be assigned why a bill of twenty .shil lings should bear a certain proportion to any one quantity of silver more than another : Sums in bills were drawing into the treasury from time to time by taxes or payment of the loans, but then other sums were continually issuing out, and all the bills were paid, and received without any distinction either in public or private payments, so that, for near forty years together, the currency was much in the same state as if a hundred thousand pounds sterling had been stamped in pieces of leather or paper of various denominations and declared to be the money of the' government without any other sanction than this, that, when there should be taxes to pay, the treasury would receive this sort of money, and that every creditor should be obliged to receive it from his debtor. COINAGE, BILLS OF CREDIT, &C. 525 Depreciation of the Paper Currency.— In 1733 there was a general complaint throughout the four governments of New England of the unusual scarcity of money. There was as large a sum current in bills of credit as ever, but the bills having depreciated they answered the purposes of money so much less in proportion. The Massachusets and New Hampshire were clogged with royal instructions. It was owing to them that those governments had not issued bills to as great an amount as Rhode Island. Connecticut, although under no re straint, yet, consisting of more husbandmen and fewer traders than the rest, did not so much feel the want of money. The Massachu sets people were dissatisfied that Rhode Island should send their bills among them and take away their substance and employ it in trade, and many people wished to see the bills of each government current within the limits of such government only. In the midst of this dis content, Rhode Island passed an act for issuing 100,0002. upon loan, for, I think, 20 years to their own inhabitants, who would immediately have it in their power to add 100,0002. to their trading stock from the horses, sheep, lumber, fish, &c. of the Massachusets inhabitants. The merchants of Boston therefore cofederated and mutually promised and engaged not to receive any bills of this new emission, but, to provide a currency, a large number formed themselves into a company, entered into covenants, chose directors, &c. and issued 110,000Z. redeemable in 10 years, in silver at 19s. per oz. the then current rate, or gold in proportion, a tenth part annually. About the same time the Massa chusets treasury, which had been long shut was opened, and the debts of two or three years were all paid at one time in bills of credit ; to this was added the ordinary emissions of bills from New Hampshire and Connecticut, and some of the Boston merchants, tempted by an opportunity of selling their English goods, having broke through their engagements and received the Rhode Island bills, all the rest soon followed the example. All these emissions made a flood of money, silver rose from 1 9s. to 27s. the oz. and exchange with all other countries consequently rose also, and every creditor was defrauded of about one third of his just dues. As soon as silver rose to 27s. the notes issued by the merchants payable at 19*, were hoarded up and no longer answered the purposes of money. Although the currency was lessened by taking away the notes, yet what remained never in creased in value, silver continuing several years about the same rate, until it took another large jump. Thus very great injustice was caused by this wretched paper currency and no relief of any sort obtained ; for, by this sinking in value, though the nominal sum was higher than it had ever been before, yet the currency would produce no more sterling money than it would have done before the late emissions were made. In 1702, six shillings and eight pence was equal to an ounce of silver. In 1749, the period when bills of credit were abolished in Massachusetts, there being more than seven millions of dollars in paper in circulation, fifty shillings was judged only^equal to an ounce of silver. " The honorable efforts of Massachusetts in the conquest 526 COINAGE, BILLS OF CREDIT, &C of Lewisburg, had induced the parliament of Great Britain, to grant one hundred and eighty thousand pounds sterling, to indemnify that colony for her expenses. While the bill for this grant was depend ing, the legislature of Massachusetts passed an act that, with the specie which was expected from England, the bills of credit should be purchased, at the rate of fifty shillings in paper for an ounce of silver, or nearly seven and a half for one. This act was fortunately carried into effect, though much against popular clamor, and thus was redeemed the largest part of the paper currency. The remainder was directed to be paid into the treasury upon taxes, and an end was put to a multitude of frauds, and numberless public evils, arising from the circulation of a depreciated currency." Currency in New York. — Judge Smith, in his history of New York, published in 1757, says, " The money used in this province is. silver, gold, British halfpence, and bills of credit. To counterfeit either of them is felony without benefit of clergy ; but none, except the latter, and Lyon dollars, are a legal tender. Twelve halfpence, till lately, passed for a shilling; which being much beyond their value in any of the neighboring colonies, the assembly, in 1753, resolved to proceed, at their next meeting, after the first of May ensuing, to the Consideration of a method for ascertaining their value. A set of gentlemen, in number seventy-two, took the advantage of the dis credit that resolve put upon copper halfpence, and on the 22d Decem ber, subscribed a paper, engaging not to receive or pass them, except at the rate of fourteen coppers to a shilling. This gave rise to a mob for a few days, among the lower class of people ; but some of them being imprisoned, the scheme was carried into execution, and estab lished in every part of the province, without the aid of law. Our paper bills, which are issued to serve the exigencies of the govern ment, were at first equal to an ounce of silver, then valued at eight shillings. Before the late Spanish war, silver and gold were in great demand, to make remittances for European goods, and then the bills sunk, an ounce of silver being worth nine shillings and three pence. During the war, the credit of our bills was well supported, partly by the number of prizes taken by our privateers, and the high price of our produce abroad ; and partly by the logwood trade and the depre ciation of the New England paper money, which gave ours a free cir culation through the eastern colonies. Since the war, silver has been valued at about nine shillings and two pence an ounce, and is doubtless fixed there, till our imports exceed what we export. To assist his majesty for removing the late encroachments of the French, we have issued 80,000/. to be sunk in short periods, by a tax on es tates real and personal ; and the whole amount of our paper currency is thought to be about 160,0002." COINS. ANCIENT HOUSES. 527 Copper Coin of New Jersey. ANCIENT HOUSES. First Church in Connecticut. Mr. Hooker's House. The building seen on the left is believed to be a correct representation of the first house ever erected in Connecticut for Christian worship. It was built at Hartford 528 ANCIENT houses. in 1638. The house on the right is the dwelling of the Rev. Thomas Hooker, tho first minister of Hartford, Conn. There is a projection in front, called the porch, the upper part of which was used as his study. Hingham Church. House in Medfield. " The house in Medfield is one of the oldest houses now standing in New England. This house was standing when Philip with his Indians burnt the greater part of the town in 1676. It is probably the only house of the kind now standing in this coun try ; it is 24 feet in length, 14^ in breadth, 10 feet from the ground to the eaves of the roof, and about 12 from the eaves to the top of the roof. There are three divis ions on. the ground floor, consisting of one principal room, an entry, and a pantry ; on the second floor are two chambers, above which is a narrow garret. It is an in teresting relic of antiquity, showing the manner in which most of the houses of the first settlers were built. The church at Hingham, Mass., represented above, is the oldest house of worship now standing in New England, it being erected in 1680; length 55, breadth 45 feet. Johnson HalL The above is a representation of Johnson Hall, now standing in Johnstown, N. T. ; it was erected by Sir William Johnson, previous to the American Revolution. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED PERSONS IN NEW ENGLAND, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY. Adams, Hannah, a distinguished female writer, was born at Med field, Massachusetts. Her first work that brought her into notice was her " View of Religion," printed in 1784. She also wrote the " His tory of New England," a History of the Jews, and a number of other valuable works. She died at Brookline, near Boston, December 15th, 1831, aged seventy-six. Adams, John, a patriot of the revolution, a descendant of one of the first settlers of Massachusetts, was born in 1735, at Quincy, then a part of the town of Braintree, Massachusetts. He was educated at Harvard college, and took his first degree in 1755. While pursuing the study of law, he had charge of the grammar school at Worcester, and during his residence there, attracted the notice and favor of Mr. Gridley, the attorney general of the province. He began the practice of law in his native town, and in 1763 married Miss Smith, the daughter of a country clergyman, with whom he lived in wedlock more than half a century. In 1765 Mr. Adams published a " Disser tation on the Canon and Feudal Law," in which he explained the puritan principles of religion and government, and brought them to bear upon the disputes of Great Britain and her colonies ; the next year he removed to Boston. In 1768 his professional standing was so high, that Governor Bernard offered him the post of advocate general of the court of admiralty. Mr. Adams, however, declined this lucrative office under the crown, on account of his attachment to the liberties and rights of the people. In 1773 he was chosen a member of the Provincial Council, but was rejected by Governor Hutchinson, and afterwards by Gen. Gage. In 1775, John Adams, as a delegate in Congress, nominated George Washington to the office of commander in chief of the American army. He was one of the com mittee who drafted the Declaration of Independence. In 1777 he was appointed commissioner to France, in the room of Silas Deane. Returning home in 1779, he was again sent out in the autumn of the year, to conclude a treaty of peace and com merce. In 1785 he was appointed as the first American minister to the court of Great Britain. After his' return, he assisted in forming the constitution of his native state. During the Presidency of Washington, he was Vice President, and when the former retired from office, Mr. Adams, after a hard contest with his competitor, Mr. Jefferson, became President. Though bitterly assailed by many politicians, yet during the latter part of his life, the world acknowledged him as an honest man and patriot. On the 4th of July, 1826, on the same day with his compatriot, Jeffer son, at the first American jubilee, John Adams died ; the last words which he was heard to utter, were, " Independence forever." Adams, John Quincy, the son of the preceding, was born at Quincy, 45 530 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Mass., in July, 1767. He has long been engaged in public life, and has been sent an ambassador of the United States to several Euro pean courts. He was one of the commissioners who signed the treaty at Ghent in 1815; he was secretary of state under President Monroe, and discharged the duties of that station with reputation and distinguished ability for eight years. Mr. Adams was elected Presi dent of the United States, on the 4th of March, 1825, and continued in this office four years. Since this period, he has been a member of congress in the House of Representatives. Adams, Samuel, governor of Massachusetts, a signer of the Decla ration of Independence, and a most distinguished patriot of the revo lution, was born in Boston, Sept. 27, 1722. He was graduated at Harvard college in 1740. In 1774 he was elected a member of the general congress, and in this station he remained a number of years, where he rendered the most important services to his country. He was elected governor of Massachusetts in. 1794. He is distinguished as an incorruptible patriot, of stern integrity, and of dignified manners. He died Oct. 2d, 1803, in the 82d year of his age. Alexander, William, " commonly called Lord Stirling, a major general in the American army, was a native of the city of New York, but spent a considerable part of his life in New Jersey. He was con sidered by many as the rightful heir to the title and estate of an earl dom in Scotland, of which country his father was a native ; and al though, when he went to North Britain in pursuit of this inheritance, he failed of obtaining an acknowledgment of his claim by government ; yet among his friends and acquaintances he received by courtesy the title of lord Stirling. He discovered an early fondness for the study of mathematics and astronomy, and attained great eminence in these sciences. In the battle on Long Island, Aug. 27, 1776, he was taken prisoner, after having secured to a large part of the detachment an op portunity to escape by a bold attack with four hundred men upon a corps under lord Cornwallis. He died at Albany, Jan. 15, 1783, aged 57 years. He was a brave, discerning, and intrepid officer." — Allen's Biog. Diet. Allen Ethan, a /C&777 f (^//"U/r brigadier general in c^O//2Jj7 the Revolutionary ; facsimile signature. \r\rr emigrated tO Vermont near the period of the disturbances in this territory about the year 1770, he took a most active part in favor of the green mountain boys, as the settlers were then called, in opposition to the govern ment of New York. He captured Ticonderoga and Crown Point ; was taken prisoner in an attempt on Montreal and sent in irons to England, and after having experienced much cruelty was exchanged. He died in Ver- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 531 inontin 1789. In his religious opinions he maintained many absurd notions, and in his writings ridiculed the scriptures. Ames, Fisher, LL. D. a distinguished statesman, and an eloquent orator, was born at Dedham, Mass. in which town his father was a respectable physician. He was graduated at Harvard college in 1774, and after a few years, commenced the study of the law in Boston. Rising into life about the period of the American revolution and taking u most affectionate interest in the concerns of his country, he felt him self strongly attached to politics. When the general government of the United States commenced its operations in 1789, he appeared in the national legislature as the first representative of his district, and for eight successive years he took a distinguished part in the national councils. He died July 4, 1808. Ashmun, Jehudi, the first colonial agent at Liberia, Africa, was born at Champlain, N. Y. April 21st, 1794. He landed in Africa Aug. 8, 1822. This philanthropist was eminently qualified for the station appointed him. Upon his arrival in the colony he found it in a feeble and defeFiceless state, and only twenty-eight effective men could be mustered when the colony was attacked by more than eight hundred armed savages. By his uncommon energy and prowess, he saved the colony from destruction, and laid the foundation of a large and well organized community of freemen. " Like the patriarchs of old he was their captain, their lawgiver, judge, priest and governor." By his hardships and exposure to the climate his health failed him, and he returned to the United States, and soon after his arrival, died, at the age of 34, in New-Haven, August 26th, 1828, deeply lamented by his christian brethren. Backus, Isaac, a distinguished Baptist minister of Massachusetts, was born at Norwich, Con. Jan. 20th, 1724. In 1748, he was or dained minister of a Congregational church in Titicut precinct in Mid- dleborough, Mass. In 1749 a number of the members of Mr. Backus' church altered their sentiments with regard to baptism, and obtained an exemption from the congregational tax ; and he at length united with them in opinion. He was baptized by immersion in Aug. 1751. For some years afterwards he held communion with those who were bap tized in infancy, but perceiving that this implied an acknowledgment, that baptism by sprinkling was valid, which he could not admit, he withdrew from this intercourse with christians of other denominations. A baptist church was formed January 16, 1756, and he was installed its pastor June 23 of the same year by ministers from Boston and Re- hoboth. In this relation he continued through the remainder of his life. He died November 20, 1 806, in the 60th year of his ministry and the 83d year of his age. Bass, Edward, D. D., first bishop of Massachusetts, was born at Dor chester, Nov. 23, 1726, and was graduated at Harvard college in 1744. For several years afterwards he was the teacher of a school. From 1747 to 1751 he resided at Cambridge, pursuing his theological studies, and occasionally preaching. In 1752, at the request of the episcopal society in Newburyport he went to England for orders, and hire put themselves under his jt 532 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. was ordained May 24, by bishop Sherlock. In 1796 he was unani mously elected by the convention of the protestant episcopal churches of Massachusetts to the office of bishop, and was consecrated May 7, 1797 by the bishops of Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland. Sometime after, the episcopal churches in Rhode Island elected him their bishop, and in 1803 a convention of the churches in New Hamp shire put themselves under his jurisdiction. He died Sept. 10, 1803. Barlow, Joel, LL. D. minister of the United States to France, was born at Reading, Con. in 1758. He ^11* °r " . commenced his collegial course at " S? Dartmouth, but soon removed to ^ Yale college, and was graduated at Joel Barlow, fac simile of signature. ^ institution in 1778. He Served. a short time in the army of the revolution as a volunteer, and after wards as chaplain of a regiment. After the war he went to France, and resided for a time at Paris. When in England, in 1791, he published his " Advice to the Privileged Orders," and in 1792 " The Conspiracy of Kings." While at Paris he wrote his celebrated " Hasty Pudding." He re turned to the United States in 1805, and in 1808 published his " Co- lumbiad," a poem, and his principal work. In February, 1811, ho was appointed minister to France. In the autumn of the next year, he was invited, by the emperor, to a conference at Wilna, in Poland, and on his way thither, died at Zarnowica, a village near Cracow, Dec. 22d, 1812, aged 54. Bartlett, Josiah, governor of New Hampshire, was a native of Amesbury, Mass. and was born in November, 1729. He had not the advantages of a collegial education, but rose to distinction and useful ness by the superiority of his endowments, and uncommon application. He studied medicind, and established himself in its practice in early life at Kingston, New Hampshire. He for a long time held a seat in the legislature, and was elected a delegate in 1774, and again in 1776, to the continental congress, and signed the declaration of Indepen dence. He died in 1795." Belknap, Jeremy, a divine, and author, was bom in Boston, June 4th, 1744. He gradua ted at Harvard College in 1762; was settled in the Christian ministry at Dover, New- Hampshire, in 1767, and remained pastor of the church there till 1786, when the connex ion was dissolved at his own request. After this period he was invited to settle in his native town, and in 1787, was installed pastor of the church in Federal-street, Boston, and consequently became one of the overseers of the university at Cambridge, in which he tookan active interest ; the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred on him by that university in 1792. He was the proposer, and one of the founders of the Massachusetts Historical Society '- ¦ ' ¦ ''"' ! 1- ¦ ' '¦ ' > ... . . miton. istorical Society, incorporated m 1794, and devoted much of his time to their object of ultiplying and diffusing copies of historical documents. He died of apoplexy, at Bos- >n, m 1798. He published the History of New-Hampshire, 3 volumes. Bellamont, Richard, earl of, governor of New York Massachusetts, and New Hamp shire, was appointed to these offices early in May. 1695, but did not arrive al New York until May, 1698. He had to struggle with many difficulties, for the people were divided, the treasury was unsupplied, and the fortifications were out of repair. Notwithstanding the care of government, the pirates, who in time of peace made great depredations upon Spanish ships and settlements in America, were frequently in the sound, and were sup plied, with provisions by the inhabitants of Long Island. The belief, that large quanti ties of money were hid by these pirates along the coast, led to many a fruitless search ; BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 533 and thus the natural credulity of the human mind and the desire of sudden wealth were suitably punished. The earl of Bellamont remained in the province of New York about a year. He arri ved at Boston May 26, 1009, and in Massachusetts he was received with the greatest re spect, as it was a new thing to see a nobleman at the head of the government. He in re turn took every method to ingratiate himself with i he people. He was condescending. affable, and courteous upon all occasions. Though a churchman he attended the weekly lecture in Boston with the general court, who a)ways adjourned for the purpose. For the preachers lie professed the greatest regard. By his u ise conduct he obtained a larger surn as a salary and as a gratuity, than any of his predecessors or successors. Though he remained but fourteen months, the grants made him were one thousand eight hundred and seventy five pounds sterling. His time was much taken up in securing the pirates and their eil'ects, to accomplish which was a principal reason of his appointment. During his administration captain Kidd was seized, and sent to England for trial. Soon after the session of the general court in May, 1700, he returned to New York, where he died March 5, 1701. Bellamy, Joseph, D. D. wa.s bom in Cheshire, Con. He graduated at Yale College in 1735, being then sixteen years old. When he was eighteen years old, he became a preacher. He was ordained in Bethlrhem in 1740. He died in 1790, in the 72d year of his age, and 50th of his ministry. "He possessed a vigorous mind, and was well versed in theology. His style was plain and ins manner impressive. He held a high rank among his cotemporaries as a preacher. During the great religious revival with which the churches were visited in 1742, he devoted much of his time to itinerant labor, and was the instrument of much good in many congregations. He was also distinguished as a the ological instructor, both by a happy method of teaching, and by the great number of .young men who studied for the ministry under his care. The most important of his publica tions is his ' True Religion Delineated.' His works have been republished in three oc tavo volumes." Bellingham, Richard, governor of Massachusetts, was a native of England, where he was bred a lawyer, lie came to this country in 1U34, and in the following year was cho sen deputy governor. In 1U41 he was elected governor in opposition to Mr. Winthrop by a majority of six votes ; but the election did not seem to be agreeable to the general court. He was rechosen to this office in 1C54, and after the death of governor Endicott was again elected in May, IGG5. He continued chief magistrate of Massachusetts during the remainder of his life. He died Dec. 7, 1(172, aged eighty years. Governor Bellingham lived to be the only surviving patentee named in the charter. He was severe against those who were called sectaries ; but he was a man of incorruptible integrity, and it is mentioned as rather a remarkable circumstance, that he never took a bribe. In the ecclesiastical controversy, which was occasioned in Boston by the settle ment of the reverend Mr. Davenport, he w as an advocate of the first church. Though a lawyer, his will was drawn up in such a manner, that the general court were obliged to make a disposition of his property themselves. Berkeley, George, bishop of Cloyne in Ireland, and a distinguished benefactor of Yale College, was born March 12, 1681 at Kilcrin in the county of Kilkenny, and was educa ted at Trinity college, Dublin. After publishing a number of his works, which gained him a high reputation, he travelled four or five years upon the continent. He returned in 172] , and a fortune was soon bequeathed him by a lady of Dublin, the " Vanessa" of Swift. In 1724 ho was promoted to the deanery of Deny, worth eleven hundred pounds ' per annum. Having for some time conceived the benevolent project of converting the savages of America to Christianity by means of a college to be erected in one of ihe isles of Ber muda, he published a proposal for this purpose at London in 1725, and offered to resign his own opulent preferment, and to dedicate the remainder of his life to the instruction of youth in America, on the subsistence of a hundred pounds a year. He obtained a grant of 10,0001. from the government of Groat Britain, and immediately set sail for the field of his labors. He arrived at Newport, Khode Island, in February, 1729, with a view of set tling a correspondence there for supplying his college with such provisions, as might be wanted from the northern colonies. Here he purchased a country seat and farm in the neighborhood of Newport, and resided about two years and a half. His residence in this country had some influence on the progress of literature, particularly in Rhode Island and Connecticut. The presence and conversation of a man so illustrious for talents learn ing, virtue, and social attractions could not fail of giving a spring to the literary diligence and ambition of many, who enjoyed his acquaintance. Finding at length, that the promised aid of the ministry towards his new college would fail him, dean Berkeley returned to England. At liis departure he distributed the books, which he had brought with him, among the clergy of Rhode Island. He embarked at Boston, in September, 1731. In the following year he published his Minute Philosopher, a work of great ingenuity and merit, which he wrote -while at Newport. It was not long 45* 534 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. before he sent as a gift to Yale college, a deed of the farm which he held in Rhode Island j the rents of which he directed to be appropriated to the maintenance of the three best clas sical scholars, who should reside at college at least nine months in a year in each of the three years between their first and second degrees. All surplusages of money, arising from accidental vacancies, were to be distributed in Greek and Latin books to such under graduates, as should make the best composition in the Latin tongue upon such a moral theme as should be given them. He also made a present to the library of Yale College of near one thousand volumes. When it is considered, that he was warmly attached to the Episcopal church, and that he came to America for the express purpose of found ing an episcopal college, his munificence to an institution, under the exclusive direction of a different denomination, must be thought worthy of high praise. It was in the year 1733, that he was made bishop of Cloyne, and from this period he discharged with exem plary faithfulness the episcopal duties and prosecuted his studies with unabating dili gence. On the 14th of January, 1753, he was suddenly seized by a disorder, called the palsy of the heart, and instantly expired, being near sixty nine years of age. Bernard, Francis, governor of New Jersey, in 1758 and 1759, and afterwards of Mas sachusetts, entered on his administration in the latter province in 1760. His measures were at first popular, but he soon rendered himself extremely odious, by his zeal to sus tain the British ministry in their encroachments on the rights of the people. He ap pointed Mr. Hutchinson instead of Mr. Otis to the office of chief justice in opposition to the wishes of the people ; favoured the introduction of troops into Boston for the purpose of constraining obedience to the arbitrary acts of parliament; and endeavoured to obtain an alteration of the charter so as to transfer the rignt of electing the council from the peo ple to the crown. Arbitrary in his principles, severe in his manners, and zealous to ad vance the interests of the king, he was peculiarly unfit for the station he occupied, and seems by his severity and rashness to have accelerated the rupture between the colonies and the parent country. He was, however, rewarded for his devotedness to the king by being knighted, and in 1769, returned to England, where he died in 1779. Bogardus, Everardus, the first minister of the reformed Dutch church in New York, came early to this country, though the exact time of his arrival is not known. The rec ords of this church begin with the year 1639. He was ordained and sent forth, it is be. lieved, by the classis of Amsterdam, which had for a number of years the superintendence of the Dutch church in New Netherlands, or the province of New York. The tradition is, that Mr. Bogardus became blind and returned to Holland some time before the surren der of the colony to the British in 1664. He was succeeded by John and Samuel Mega- polensis. Boudinot, Elias, LL. D., an eminent lawyer of New Jersey, was born at Philadelphia, May 2d, 1740. He was a descendant of one of the French protestants, who at the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, fled from persecution in that country to America. He engaged in the study of law under the Hon. Richard Stockton, of Princeton, New Jersey, a member of the first American Congress. In a short time after his admission to the New Jersey Bar, he rose to the highest rank in his profession. In 1 777, he was chosen a member of Con gress ; and in 1782 was elected President of that body. Afterwards, he was appointed by Washington, Director of the National Mint, which office he held twelve or fourteen years. He was at an early period a sincere and devoted friend of religion, the patron of various benevolent societies, and was the first President of the " American Bible Society." He died at Burlington, Oct. 1821. Bowdoin, James, LL. D., governor of Massachusetts, was born at Boston, in 1727, and graduated at Harvard College, in 1745. He possessed superior talents, and was distinguished at the university for his attainments. He inherited large possessions from his father, and at an early period attracted the public regard, and received an appoint ment to several honourable stations. In 1775 he was elected Presi dent of the Council of Massachusetts, and continued in that office a large portion of the time, till the adoption of the state constitution, in BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 535 1780. He presided in the convention which formed that instrument, and contributed several of its most important articles. He was dis tinguished as a scholar as well as a politician, was a liberal bene factor of Harvard college, had a principal agency in forming the Amer ican academy of arts and sciences at Boston, in 1780, was appointed its first president, and left it valuable bequests. His literary charac ter was known in Europe, and acknowledged by a diploma of LL. D. from several universities, and an election as member of the Royal So cieties of London and Dublin. His publications on philosophical subjects were numerous and highly respectable. He was a man of piety, well versed in theology, and highly amiable and exemplary in his life. He died in 1790. — Lord's Lempriere. Bowdich, Nathaniel, lAa. D. one of the most celebrated mathemati cians of the age, was born at Salem, Mass. March 26th, 1 773. His ancestors, for three generations, had been ship masters, and his father, on retiring from that business, " carried on the trade of a cooper, by which he gained a scanty and precarious subsistence for a family of seven children." Dr. Bo#dich was obliged at the early age of ten years to forego the advantages of a school, that he might go into his father's shop and help support the family. He was afterwards ap prenticed to a ship chandler. While in this station, he manifested that genius for mathematical pursuits for which he afterwards was so distinguished. He died in Boston in 1838. Boylston, Zabdiel, F. R. S. an eminent physician of Boston, Mass. was born at Brookline in that state in 1680. He became particularly distinguished in 1720, by first introducing the inoculation of the Small pox into the British dominions. He made an experiment first in his own family, and meeting with success, soon extended it to several hundreds, and completely demonstrated the safety and usefulness of the practice. The innovation was regarded by his fellow-physicians and citizens as rash and murderous, and drew on him their violent hatred and persecution. After a long life distinguished by profes sional skill, usefulness and humanity, he died at his seat in Brookline, March 1st, 1766, in the 87th year of his age. Bradford, William, second governor of Plymouth Colony, was born in Ansterfield, a vil lage in the north of England, in 1588. He was educated in the practice of agriculture. In 1607, at the age of eighteen, he was one of the company of dissenters, who made an attempt to go over to Holland where a commercial spirit had established a free toleration of religious opinions ; but the master of the vessel betrayed them, and they were thrown into prison at Boston, in Lincolnshire. He however effected his escape from England, and joined his brethren at Amsterdam. After a residence of about ten years m Holland he removed to America. He was one of the foremost in the several hazardous attempts to find a proper place for the seat of the Colony. On the death of governor Carver at Plymouth, in April 1621, Mr. Bradford was elected governor in his place. Governor Bradford wrote a his tory of Plymouth people and colony, beginning with the first formation of the church in 1602 and ending with ?/-MrVT *J&,Jst-flJ-ni>di- 1646. It was contained m a folio li^/lL. XLLV^UYW. volume of 270 pages. Morton's me- 0~ U morial is an abridgment of it. Foe simile of Goo. Bradford's writing. Prince and Hutchinson had the use of it, and the manuscript was deposited with Mr. Prince's valuable collection of papers in the library of the olcl south church in Boston. In the year 1775 it shared the fate of 536 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. many other manuscripts in this place. It was destroyed or carried away by the barbari ans of the British army, who converted the old south church into a riding school. He had also a large book, of copies of letters, relative to the affairs of the colony, which is lost. A fragment of it however, found in a grocer's shop at Halifax, has been published by the Massachusetts historical sociely, to which is subjoined a descriptive and historical account of New England in verse. If this production is somewhat deficient in the beau ties of poetry, it has the more substantia] graces of piety and truth. He died May 9, 1C57. Brainerd, David, the pious and devoted christian missionary to the Indians, was born at Haddam Con. April 20th 1718. He lost both his parents while but a youth ; his mind was early impressed by the truths of religion, and engaged with uncommon ardor in the duties of religion. <*AW- LnJ^d*^ ^L!;J;ryVaty,e3 __, /J . "*^\ English divine. • exhibits a gtyuZjr J^OA^CZ^ lief which "houlf disUnguth FffC simile of David Brainerd's writing. the instructor of rude and barbarous tribes ; the most invincible patience and self denial, the profoundest hu mility, exquisite prudence, indefatigable industry, and such a devotedness to God, or rather such an absorption of the whole soul in zeal for the divine glory, and the sal vation of men, as is scarcely paralleled since the age of the Apostles His con stitutional melancholy, though it must be regarded as a physical imperfection, im parts an additional interest and pathos to the narrative, since we more easily sympa thize with the emotion of sorrow than of joy. There is a monotony in his feelings, it must be acknowledged, and consequently a frequent repetition of the same ideas, which will disgust a fastidious or superficial reader, but it is the monotony of sub limity.' The ancestor of the Brainerds, came to this country when a lad, and lived in the W'yllis family of Hartford. He afterwards removed to Haddam, and was one of tho first Settlers of the town. David, the missionary, was the third son of Hczekiah Brainerd, a man of piety and respectability, who for many years represented his na tive town in the General Assembly. The Rev. David Brainerd commenced his la bors among the Indians in 1743, at a place called Kaunaumeek. southeast from Al bany, near Kinderhook ; from this place he went to the Forks of the Delaware, near the line between New York and Pennsylvania. His greatest success was among the Indians at Crosweeksunk, near Freehold in New Jersey. Overcome by wearisome journeyings, and arduous labors, in the work of tho ministry, he travelled into New England for tho benefit of his health. He died at the house of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards, at Northampton, Mass. Oct. 10. 1747, in the thirtieth year of his age. Brant, Colonel, a famous Indian chief, was educated under the care of the reverend Dr. Wheelock, first president of Dartmouth college. In the war of the American revolution he attached himself to the British cause. In 1778 he, with colonel John Butler, headed a party of one thousand one hundred men, nine hundred of whom were In dians, and broke up the settlements on the Susquehannah. Wyo ming, on the eastern branch of that river, was destroyed with cir cumstances of treachery and cruelty. Near two hundred of the whites were killed in one engagement. In July 1779 he attacked the Minisink settlement in New York, and did much mischief. After the war he resided in upper Canada. He was a chief of the Mo hawk tribe. It is said, that he was once under the necessity of killing one of his sons in order to preserve his own life. He died in upper Canada in the year 1807. He translated into the Mohawk language the gospel of St. Mark BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 537 and the liturgy of the English church. This translation was pub lished for the benefit of the Indians. Brooks, Eleazer, a brigadier general in the Revolutionary war, was born in Concord, Massachusetts, in 1726. Without the advantages of education he acquired a valu able fund of knowledge. It was his practice in early life to read the most approved books, and then to converse with the most intelligent men respecting them. In 1774 he was chosen a representative to the general court, and continued twenty seven years in public life, being successively a representative, a member of the senate, and of the council. He took a decided part in the American revolution. At the head of a regiment he was engaged in the battle at White Plains in 1776, and in the second action near Stillwater, October 7th 1777, and distinguished himself by his cool, determined bravery. From the year 1801 he secluded himself in the tranquil scenes of domestic life. He died at Lincoln, Massachusetts, November 9, 1806, aged eighty years. Brooks, John, governor of Massachusetts, was born at Medford ; the following, descriptive of his character, is on his monnment at that place. J" Sacred to the me mory of John Brooks, who was born at Medford in the month of May 1752, and edu cated at the Town School. He took up arms for his country on the 19th of April 1775. He commanded the regiment which first entered the enemy's lines at Sara toga, and served with honor, to the close of the war. He was appointed marshal of the District of Massachusetts, by President Washington, and after filling several important civil and military offices, he was in the year 1816, chosen governor of the Commonwealth, and discharged the duties of that station for seven successive years. He died March 1st, 1825." Bulkley, Peter, first minister of Concord, Mass. was born in Wood- hill, England, Jan. 1583. He was educated at St. John's, Cambridge, and was fellow of the college. He had a large estate left him by his fa ther, whom he succeeded in the ministry at Woodhill. Having been si lenced for non conformity, he came to New England in 1635, and after residing a number of years at Cambridge, he began the settlement of Concord with a number of planters, forming the twelfth church which was established in the colony. He died at that place in 1659, leav ing a numerous posterity. Mr. Bulkley was remarkable for his be nevolence, piety, and learning. He published a work which was much esteemed, entitled ' The Gospel Covenant, or the Covenant of Grace opened ;' he also wrote Latin poetry, some specimens of which may be seen in Mather's Magnalia. Burgoyne, John, a British Lieutenant General in America, was the natural son of Lord Bingley. In 1762 he had the command of a body of troops sent to Portugal for the defence of that kingdom against the Spaniards. After his return to England he became privy counsellor, and was chosen a member of parliament. In 1777 he was entrusted with the command of the northerrvarmy which invaded the United States from Canada, and was surrendered to General Gates. He was the author of four dramatic pieces, of which the Maid of the Oak, a comic opera — Benton, an entertainment — and the Heiress, a comedy, written in sprightly and elegant dialogue, were received with great applause on the public theatres. He wrote also several other pieces. He died of the gout in 1792, and was pri vately buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. Burnet, William, governor of New York, New Jersey, Massachu setts and New Hampshire, was the son of Gilbert Burnet, bishop of 538 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Salisbury, and born at the Hague, in 1688 ; after having held the of fice of comptroller of the customs in England, he was in 1720, ap pointed governor of New York and New Jersey, and entered on the duties of the office in September of that year. He introduced a ju dicious system of measures for the purpose of guarding the province against the encroachments of the French, but it excited the clamour of the merchants, and rendered him so unpopular that in 1729, ho was superseded. He was then appointed to the government of Mas sachusetts and New Hampshire. His administration there was ren dered unpleasant by a controversy with the assembly respecting his salary. He died at Boston, September 7th, 1729. He was a man of superior talents and learning, and published several philosophical and theological works of reputation." — Lord's Lempriere. Burr, Aaron, president of the college at Princeton, New Jersey, was born at Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1714, and graduated at Yale college, in 1735. In 1742, he was invested with the pastoral charge of the Presbyterian church at Newark, New Jersey, where he be came so conspicuous by his talents and learning, that in 1748, he was elected the successor of Mr. Dickinson to the presidency of the col lege then at Elizabethtown, and afterwards removed to Newark, and thence to Princeton. He discharged the duties of that station with great dignity, popularity, and usefulness till his death, in September 1757. He was unrivalled by his cotemporaries in force and ele» gance of mind, in learning, eloquence, and excellence as a preacher, in piety, public spirit, and popularity, in the knowledge of human na ture, in polish of manners, and facility of communicating knowledge. His wife was the daughter of the Rev. Jonathan Edwards of North hampton, and possessed superior endowments, knowledge, and piety." -Lord's Lempriere. " Burr, Aaron, colonel, son of the preceding, FactlmiU. was born Feb. 6th, 1756, at Newark, New Jer sey. Both his parents died before he reached the third year of his age, and was left in the possession of a handsome estate. While under the care of Dr. Shippen of Philadelphia, when but about four years old, having some difficulty with his preceptor, he ran away, and was not found until the third or fourth day afterwards : thus in dicating at this early age, a fearlessness of mind, and reliance on himself, which characterised the subsequent acts of his life. At the age of ten he ran away from his uncle Timothy Edwards for the pur pose of going to sea. He entered Princeton College, and graduated at the age of sixteen years, receiving the highest academic honors of the institution, though his moral character at this period could not be considered of the highest order. On the breaking out of the Rev olution, Col. Burr, impelled by military ardor, joined the American army, and was a volunteer in Arnold's celebrated expedition through the wilderness to Quebec. He was afterwards for a short period in the family of Washington, but becoming somewhat dissatisfied with that great man, he became aid to Gen Putnam, and was afterwards BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 539 appointed lieutenant colonel. Col. Burr next turned' his attention to the study of law, was admitted to the bar in 1782, and commenced practice in Albany. In 1791, he was appointed a Senator of the United States. In the autumn of 1806, a project was detected, at the head of which was Col. Burr, said to be for revolutionising the territory west of the Alleghanies, and for establishing an independent empire there, of which New Orleans was to be the capital, and himself the chief. Burr was apprehended and brought to trial Aug. 1807, no overt act being proved against him, he was acquitted. Col. Burr died at Staten Island, N. Y. Sept. 14th 1836. " It is truly surprising" says his biographer, " how any individual could have become so eminent a soldier, a statesman, and as a professional man who devoted so much time to the other sex, as was devoted by Colonel Burr. For more than half a century of his life they seemed to absorb his whole thoughts. His intrigues were with out number ; his conduct most licentious." Byles, Mather, D. D., congregational minister of Boston, Massa chusetts, was born in that town in 1706. He was graduated at Har vard college, in 1725, and in 1733, wasprdained pastor of the church in Hollis-street. He held a high rank among those of his profession in talents and usefulness, and was pre-eminently distinguished for the keenness and exuberance of his wit. He was a popular writer, and possessed talents for poetry. His literary merits procured him an acquaintance with many of the first characters in Europe. Pope and Watts were among his correspondents. He continued happily with his people until the commencement of the revolution, when on account of his friendliness to the royal cause, he was separated from them, arraigned before a court, and sentenced to transportation to England ; in place of which, however, he was only confined to his house, and for several weeks subjected to the care of a guard, and occasionally for short periods afterwards ; in reference to which he remarked, that " he was guarded, regarded, and disregarded." He died in 1783. * Callender, John, an eminent Baptist minister and writer, in Rhode Island, was graduated at Harvard college in 1723. He was a man of very considerable powers of mind, and was distinguished for his candor and piety. He collected many papers relating to the history of the Baptists in this country, which were used by Mr. Backus. He published in 1739, a historical discourse on the civil and religious affairs of Rhode Island, &c, from the settlement in 1638, to the end of the first century. He died in 1748, in the forty-second year of his age. Carrier, Thomas, remarkable for longevity, died at Colchester, Connecticut, May 16. 1735, aged one hundred and nine years. He was born in the west of England, and removed thence to Andover, Massachusetts. ¦ His wife suffered at Salem in the witchcraft delu sion. He had lived at Colchester about twenty years, and was a member of the church in that town. His head in his last years was not bald, nor his hair gray. Not many days before his death he 540 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. travelled on foot six miles to see a sick man, and the very day before he died, he was visiting his neighbors. — New England weekly Journal, June 9, 1735. Carteret, Philip, governor of New Jersey, commenced his adminis tration by the appointment of the proprietors of 1665. About 1672, there was an insurrection of the people, by which he was expelled from the government, and James Carteret substituted in his place. But he returned in 1674, and resumed his authority; soon after a division of the proprietary took place, which occasioned great confu sion of jurisdiction and uncertainty of property, and finally annihilated the rule of the proprietors. He continued in the government of East Jersey, excepting the short period of the usurpation of Sir Edmund Andross, until his death in November, 1682. Carver, John, the first governor of the Plymouth colony, was a nar tive of England, and was one of the emigrants at Leyden, who com posed Mr. Robinson's church, and came over with the first settlers at Plymouth, in 1620. Governor Carver was distinguished for his pru dence, integrity and firmness. He had a good estate in England, which he spent in the emigration to Holland and America. He exerted himself to promote the interests of the colony, and bore a large share of its sufferings. Piety, humility, and benevolence, were emi nent traits in his character. In the time of the general sickness which befel the colony, after he had himself recovered, he was assidu ous in attending to the sick, and performing the most humiliating services for them without any distinction of persons or characters. While engaged in labor in the field. April 5th, 1621, he was taken with a pain his head, which in a few hours deprived him of his senses, and in a few days of his life. Carver, Jonathan, an enterprising traveller, was a native of Connecticut, and was born, it is believed, in Canterbury, in 1732. He was intended for the profession of medicine, which he left for a military life. In the French war he commanded an independent company of provincials in tho expedition carried on across the lakes rigainst Canada ; he served with reputation till the peace of 1763. Having formed the project of exploring the interior parts of North America, he set out from Boston in 1766, and in September of that year arrived at Michillimakinac, the most interior British post. Having been disappointed in receiving the means of prosecuting his travels to the extent he desired, he continued some months on the north and east borders of Lake Superior, exploring the bays and rivers which empty themselves into that large body of water, carefully observing the natural productions of the country, and the customs and manners of the inhabitants. He arrived at Boston in October, 1768, having been absent on this expedition two years and five months, and travelled nearly seven thousand miles. As soon as he had properly arranged his journal and charts, he went to England to publish them, and petitioned for a reimbursement of his expenses from the government. When his papers were about ready for publica tion, they were ordered to be put into the hands of the government officers, and were not published till ten years afterwards. Being disappointed in hopes of preferment, he became clerk of the lottery. As he sold his name to a historical compilation, which was published in 1779 in folio, entitled "The New Universal Traveller," he was abandoned by those whose duty it was to support him, and he died in want of the common necessaries of life in 1780, aged forty-eight years. Captain Carver pub lished a tract on the cultivation of tobacco ; and " Travels through the interior parts of North America," octavo, London, 1778 ; an edition of this work was published in Boston, in 1797. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 541 Chandler, Thomas Bradbury, D. D., a distinguished episcopal min ister, and writer, was born at Woodstock, Connecticut, and educated at Yale College, where he was graduated in 1745. Embracing epis copacy in 1748, he went to England for ordination, and on his return, settled at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, where he resided till his death in 1790. He held a high rank in talents and learning, and was hon oured with a degree of D. D. frdlh the University of Oxford. He published a number of tracts, chiefly controversial, and relating to episcopacy. — Lord's Lempriere 's Dictionary. Chauncey, Charles, the second president of Harvard College, was born in England, in 1589. He became vicar of Ware, in 1627. Being silenced for refusing to read the book of sports, he came to New England in 1638. In 1654, he was appointed president of Harvard College, and continued in this station till his death, in 1672, at the age of 86. He was of opinion, that the baptism of infants and adults should be by immersion, and that the Lord's Supper should be celebrated in the evening. Chauncey, Charles, D. D., a descendant of the preceding, was born in Boston, January 1, 1705. He entered Harvard College at the age of twelve. He became pastor of the first church in Boston, and died in 1787, in the sixtieth year of his ministry. He was ardently attached to the civil and religious liberties of his country, and his publications on various subjects were numerous. Cheever, Ezckiel, an eminent instructor, was bom in London, January 25, 1615, and came to this country in June, 1637, for the sake of the peaceable enjoyment of christian worship in its purity. He was first employed as a schoolmaster at New Haven for twelve years ; then at Ipswich, Massachusetts, eleven years ; and after wards at Charlestown, nine years. He removed to Boston, January 6, 1671, where he continued his labors during the remainder of his life. He died August 21, 1708, in the ninety-fourth year of his age. Most of the principal gentlemen in Boston, at that time, had been his pupils, and took pleasure in acknowledging their obligations, and honoring their old master. He was not only an excellent teacher, but a pious christian. He constantly prayed with his pupils every day, and catechised them every week. He also took frequent occasions to address them upon religious subjects. Being well acquainted with divinity, he was an able defender of the faith and order of the gospel. In his old age his intellectual powers were very little impaired.T He published an essay on the millenium, and a Latin accidence, which has passed through twenty editions. Chittenden, Thomas, first governor of Ver- cr///J//P H^/^M^E^: uary 6th, 1730. He received but a com mon school education, Fax simile of Governor Chittenden's signature. and agreeable to the New England custom, married early in life, and soon removed to Salisbury, in Litchfield county, in Connecticut. Here by a regular advance he passed through the several grades in the militia, to the command of a regiment ; he likewise represented the town where he lived in the general assembly. With a numerous family, he fcter- 46 ty editions. iff ffui^M^i 542 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. mined to lay a foundation for their future prosperity, by emigrating through an almost trackless wilderness to Williston, on the Onion river, in the New Hampshire Grants, as Vermont was then called. In the controversy with New York, he was a strong supporter of the feeble settlers. During the war of the revolution, while Warner, Allen, and many others were in the field, he was engaged in council at home, where he rendered important services. He was a member of the convention, January 16th, 1777, which declared Vermont an independent state. When the constitution of the state was estab lished, in 1778, Mr. Chittenden was appointed the first magistrate, which office he held, (one year excepted,) till his death, August 24th, 1797. Governor Chittenden was conspicuous for his private as well as his public virtues. In times of scarcity and distress, which are not unfrequent in new settlements, his granary was open to all the needy. Church, Benjamin, distinguished for his exploits in the Indian wars of New England, was born at Duxbury, Mass., in 1639. He com manded the party which killed King Philip, in 1676. In 1704, Colonel Church went on an expedition against the eastern Indians of New England, and did them and the French much damage. He was a man of integrity and piety. He died in 1718, of the rupture of a blood vessel, occasioned by a fall from his horse. He published a narrative of Philip's war, 1716. Clarke, John, one of the first founders of Rhode Island, was a phy sician in London before he came to this country. Being driven from Massachusetts, on account of his religious sentiments, he, with a number of others, on March 7,- 1638, formed themselves into a body politic, and purchased Aquetneck, or Rhode Island. Mr. Clarke was soon employed as a preacher, and in 1644 he formed a church at Newport, being the second Baptist church established in America. In 1651, he was sent with Mr. Williams to England, to promote the in terests of Rhode Island ; he returned in 1664, having the year pre vious mortgaged his estate, in order to procure a charter for the polony. Mr. Clarke continued pastor of his church till his death in 1676, at about the age of fifty-six years, leaving behind him a name dear to the friends of civil and religious liberty. Clinton, Charles, was born in Ireland, in 1690. Having resolved to emigrate to America, he with a number of friends chartered a ship fbr the purpose of conveying them to Philadelphia. On their passage, it was discovered that the captain " had formed a design of starving his passengers to death, either with a design to obtain their property,'' or to deter emigration. Several of the passengers actually died, among whom were a son and daughter of Mr. Clinton." They were compelled to commute with the captain for their lives, by paying a large sum of money, who accordingly landed them on Cape Cod,°on the 4th of October. Mr. Clinton and his friends continued in this part of the country, until the spring of 1731, when he removed to the county of Ulster, in the colony o| New York, where he formed a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 543 flourishing settlement. He was a colonel in the French war; he died at his place in Ulster, now Orange county, in 1773, in his 83d year. Clinton, James, the fourth son of the preceding, was born in 1736, and was favored with an excellent education. In 1776 he was ap pointed a brigadier general in the army of the United States, in which station he continued during the greater part of the revolutionary war. He was appointed to various public offices; he died, December 22d, 1812, and was interred in the family burying place at Little Britain, ii» Orange county. Clinton, George, vice president of the United States, the youngest brother of the preceding, was born July, 1739, and was bred a law yer. He was appointed, in 1775, a delegate to the Continental Con gress, and was present at the declaration of independence, and as sented to that measure ; but having been appointed a brigadier general in the army, was obliged to retire from Congress immediately after his vote was given, for which reason, his name does not appear among the signers. In 1777, he was elected both governor and lieutenant governor of New York, and was continued in the former office for eighteen years. In 1804, he was advanced to the vice- presidency of the United States, and continued in the office till his death, which took place in Washington, April 20, 1812. He pos sessed great energy of character, was distinguished as a soldier, statesman, and patriot. Clinton, De Witt, son of James Clinton, was born in Orange coun ty, N. Y. in 1769. He was chosen to many important offices in his native State, and was elected governor in 1817. In his native State, his name, his genius, and his services, are stamped upon many mon uments of public munificence and private utility. He died suddenly in February 1828. Clinton, George, one of the colonial governors of New York, was the youngest son of Francis Clinton, the sixth Earl of Lincoln. He was appointed governor of the colony of New York in 1743. E~" unskilled in civil affairs, he Was peculiarly exposed to the tumuli commotions of colonial governments. Mr. Clinton, after his rel ment from New York, became governor of Greenwich Hospital, l| land. His son, Sir Henry Clinton, commanded the British armies a considerable portion of the Revolutionary war. Coddington, William, one of the principal founders of Rhode Island, and its first governor, was a native of Lincolnshire, England, and came to Massachusetts in 1630. He was for some time a magistrate in that colony, but in 1538 removed to Rhode Island, and was the chief instrument of establishing a settlement there. In 1640, he was ap pointed governor of the colony, and held the office till a charter was obtained in 1648 ; and again in 1674, and 1675. He was a strenuous advocate for liberty of conscience, and had the honor of a chief agen cy in organizing the first government in modern ages under which that blessing was fully enjoyed. He died in 1678 544 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Colden, Cadwalla- der, a distinguished scholar and civilian, was born at Dunse, Scotland, in 1688, Fac simile of CadwaUader Colden's signature. and educated at Ed inburgh. He studied medicine, and in 1708 came to Philadelphia, and established himself as a physician. In 1718 he removed to New- York, and was soon appointed surveyor general, and afterwards mas ter in chancery. In 1720 he was advanced to a place in the King's council of the province, and was for a long time one of the most con spicuous members of that body. In 1761 he was appointed lieutenant governor, and held the office till his death in 1776. He was a distin guished scholar as well as a civilian ; was thoroughly versed in the knowledge of medicine, botany, and astronomy ; and corresponded with many of the most eminent scholars both in America and Europe. Beside his publications relating to mathematics, botany, and medicine, and which were highly respectable, he wrote a valuable history of the five Indian nations. Cooper, Myles, D. D., president of King's college, New York, was educated in the university of Oxford, where he took the degree of master of arts in 1760. He arrived at New York in the autumn of 1762, being recommended by the archbishop of Canterbury as a per son well qualified to assist in the management of the college, and in a few years to succeed the president. In the year J 775 Dr. Cooper, as his politics leaned towards the British, was reduced to the neces sity of withdrawing from the college, and returning to England. He was afterwards one of the ministers of the episcopal chapel of Edin burgh, in which city he died May 1, 1785, aged about fifty years. Cornbury, Lord, governor of New York, was the son of the Earl of Clarendon, and being one of the first officers who deserted the army ting James, King William, in gratitude, appointed him to an Amer- rovernment. He commenced his administration in 1702, and became detested for his avarice, bigotry, meanness and tyranny. His behavior was trifling and extravagant. It was not uncommon for him to dress himself in a woman's habit, and then to patrol the fort in which he resided. His oppressions reaching the ears of the qileen, he was displaced, and succeeded as governor by Lord Lovelace in 1708. Cotton, John, one of the most distinguished of the early ministers of New England, was born at Derby, England, December 4th. 1585. He was admitted a member of Trinity College at the age of thirteen, and afterwards removed to Emanuel College, where he obtained a fellowship. About the year 1612, he became minister of Boston, in Lincolnshire, where he was remarkably useful, though he entertained doubts of the lawfulness of complying with some of the ceremonies of the established church. At length, after the government of the Eng lish church fell into the hands of bishop Laud, divisions arose among BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 545 the parishioners of Mr. Cotton ; a dissolute fellow, who had been pun ished for his immoralities, informed against the magistrates and the minister for not kneeling at the sacrament ; and Mr. Cotton, being cited before the high commission court, was obliged to flee. After being concealed for some time in London, he embarked for this coun try, anxious to secure to himself the peaceable enjoyment of the rights of conscience, though in a wilderness. He sailed in the same vessel with Mr. Hooker and Mr. Stone, and the circumstance of their names caused the people to say on their arrival, September 4, 1633, that their three great necessities would be now supplied, for they had Cotton for their clothing, Hooker for their fishing, and Stone for their building. This was an age of conceits. During the voyage three sermons or expositions were delivered almost every day, and Mr. Cotton was blessed in the birth of his eldest son, whom, at his bap tism in Boston, he called Seaborn. On the tenth of October, 1633, he was established teacher of the church in Boston, as colleague with the reverend Mr. Wilson, who was pastor. He was set apart to this office, on a day of fasting, by imposition of the hands of Mr. Wilson, and his two elders. He re mained in this town, connected with this church, more than nineteen years, and such was his influence in establishing the order of our churches, and so extensive was his usefulness, that he has been called the patriarch of New England. The prevalence of those erroneous doctrines, which occasioned the synod of 1637, so much disturbed his peace, that he. was almost induced to remove to New Haven. Mrs. Hutchinson endeavored to promote her wild sentiments by shielding them under the name of Mr. Cotton ; but though he was imposed upon for some time by the artifices of those of her party, yet when he dis covered their real opinions, he was bold and decided in his opposition to them Though he did not sign the result of the synod of 1637, on account of his differing from it in one or two points ; he yet approve of it in general, and his peaceable intercourse with his brethren/ " ministry was not afterwards interrupted on account of his suj errors. In 1742 he was invited to England with Mr. Hook Mr. Davenport, to assist in the assembly of divines at WestmrHstd and he was in favor of accepting the invitation, but Mr. Hooker was opposed to it, as he was at that time forming a system of church gov ernment for New England. His death, which was occasioned by an inflammation of the lungs, 'brought on by exposure in crossing the ferry to Cambridge, where he went to preach, took place December 23, 1652, when he was sixty-seven years. of age. So universally was he venerated, that many sermons were preached on his decease in different parts of the country. Dr. Cotton sustained a high reputation for learning, and was the author of numerous publications, some of which were of a controver sial character. — Aliens Biog. Die. Davenport, John, first minister of New Haven, and one of the found ers of that colony, was born in jhe city of Coventry, England, in 1597. He entered Merton College in 1613. By his great industry 46* 546 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. he became an universal scholar, and as a preacher he held the first rank. As Mr. Davenport was a conscientious non-conformist, the persecutions to which he was exposed obliged him to resign his pas- ^^)aJVtnfo-i/h toral charge in London, and retire to Holland in 1633. In June 1637, he came to Boston, in company with Mr. Eaton and Mr- Hopkins. In 1638 he sailed with his company to Quinnipiac, or New Haven. He removed to Boston in 1667, where he died in 1670. Davies, Samuel, president of Princeton College, New Jersey, was a native of Delaware, and born the 3d of November, 1724. He en tered the ministry at an early age, and immediately rendered himself jttcuous by his eminently popular talents. In 1748, he was set- fcHanover county, Virginia, and labored there with remarkable lis till ] 759. He was then chosen president of the college, a K for which he was most happily fitted, by his superior intelli gence, fervid eloquence, and ardent piety. He had several years be fore gone to England, and obtained considerable benefactions to the seminary. He died January 1766, at the early age of 36. He was distinguished alike by a superiority of -genius, love of knowledge, patriotism, and devotedness to his professional duties, and enjoyed the highest rank among his cotemporaries in usefulness and popu larity. A selection of his sermons have been published in 3 volumes, octavo. Dayton, Elias, a revolutionary officer, was appointed by congress colonel of a New Jersey regiment in Feb. 1778 ; and at the close of the war was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. His services were particularly useful when the enemy under Kniphausen penetra- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 547 ted into New Jersey, in directing the execution of the measures adopted for their annoyance ; after the war was concluded, he held the office of major general of the militia. In private life he sustained a high reputation. He died at Philadelphia, July, 1806, aged 71. Deane,, Silas, a native of Connecticut, was a member of Congress in 1774, and afterwards was appointed minister to France. He died in 1789. Delancy, James, lieutenant governor of New York, was the son of a protestant refugee from Caen, in Normandy, and was sent to Cam bridge, England, for his education. On his return to New York in 1729, he was appointed a member of Montgomery's council, and after studying law, obtained the appointment of judge of the supreme court, and in 1734,. in consequence of his attachment to governor Crosby, was advanced to the office of chief justice. He possessed commanding talents, and an extensive knowledge of law, was ambi tious and intriguing, and was for a long time one of the most influ ential characters in the colony. In 1753 he was appointed lieuten ant governor. Under his administration the charter of King's college was granted. He was at the head of the association which founded that institution, and one of the first board of trustees. He died Aug. 2d, 1760, aged 57. Dexter, Samuel, LL. D. an eminent lawyer, son of Hon. Samuel Dexter, was born at Boston in 1751. During the administration of the first president Adams he was appointed Secretary of war, and afterwards Secretary of the Treasury. On the accession of Mr. Jefferson to the Presidency, he resigned his public employments and resumed the practice of law. He died suddenly at Athens, New York, May 3d, 1816. Dickinson, Jonathan, first president of New Jersey College, received his education at Yale college, where he was graduated in 1706. He was settled a year or two after pastor of the presbyterian church at Elizabethtown, New Jersey, and laboured there with great reputation and success for forty years. On the establishment of the college of New Jersey at Elizabethtown in 1746 — he was appointed its pjf °" dent, but died in October of the next year. He possessed s|"" endowments and extensive learning, and enjoyed much celebrf preacher and controversial writer on theology. f1: Dickinson, Philemon, an officer in the war of the American revtofu- tion, who engaged in that contest at an early period, and enjoyed the praise of courage and zeal in the cause of liberty. He commanded the Jersey militia at the battle of Monmouth. After the organization of the national government in its present form, he was appointed to a seat in congress. Having discharged the duties of the several civil and military stations which he held with reputation, and enjoyed several years of retirement from public life, he died at Trenton in 1809. . Dudley, Thomas, governor of Massachusetts, was born m North ampton, England, in 1574. After having been for some time in the army, his mind was impressed by religious truth, and he attached 548 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. himself to the nonconformists. He came to Massachusetts in 1630, as deputy governor, and was one of the founders and pillars of the colony. He was chosen governor in the years 1634, 1640 and 1645. His zeal against heretics did not content itself with arguments, ad dressed to the understanding, and reproofs, aimed at the conscience ; but his intolerance was not singular in an age, when the principles of religious liberty were not understood. He died at Roxbury, July 31, 1653, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was a man of sound judgment, of inflexible integrity, of public spirit, and of strict and exemplary piety. Dudley, Joseph, governor of Massachusetts, was the »on of the preceding. In 1682 he went to England as an agent of the province. He was appointed governor of Massachusetts in 1702. He died at Roxbury in 1720, in the 73d year of his age. Dummer, Jeremiah, an agent of Massachusetts, in England, and a distinguished scholar, was a native of Boston. He graduated at Harvard College in 1699, and soon afterwards went to Europe and spent a number of years in the university of Utrecht, where he re ceived a doctor's degree. He then returned to New England, but finding no prospect of employment in this country, that would be agreeable to him, he went to England, where he arrived a little before the change of queen Ann's ministry. In 1710 he was appointed agent of Massachusetts, and his services were important. Contrary to the expectation of his countrymen he devoted himself to the per sons in power, and was an advocate of their measures. He was em ployed by lord Bolingbroke in some secret negotiations, and had as surances of promotion to a place of honor and profit ; but the death of the queen blasted all his hopes. If he had espoused a different side, it is thought that his great talents might have elevated him to some of the highest offices. He died in 1739. Dummer, William, lieutenant governor of Massachusetts, received a^aommission for this office at the time that Shute was appointed ||or in 1716. At the departure of Shute, January 1, 1723, he |t at the head of the province, and he continued commander in 11 the arrival of Burnet in 1728. He was also commander in chief in the interval between his death and the arrival of Belcher. His administration is spoken of with great respect, and he is repre sented as governed by a pure regard to the public good. The war with the Indians was conducted with great skill, the Norridge- wocks being cut off in 1724. From the year 1730 Mr. Dummer lived chiefly in retirement for the remainder of his life, selecting for his acquaintance and friends men of sense, virtue, and relioion, and receiving the blessings and applauses of his country. He died at Boston, October 10 1761, aged eighty-two years. He preserved an unspotted character through life. During his life his alms were a memorial of his benevolence, and at his death he left a great part of his estate to pious and charitable purposes. He laid the foundation of Dummer Academy at Newbury. Dunster, Henry, first President of Harvard College, was inducted BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 549 into this office August 27, 1640. He succeeded Mr. Nathaniel Ea ton, who was the first master of the seminary, being chosen in 1637 or 1638, and who had been removed on account of the severity of his discipline. He was highly respected for his learning, piety, and spirit of government ; but having at length imbibed the principles of antipedobaptism, and publicly advocated them, he was induced to re sign the presidentship October 24, 1654, and was succeeded by the reverend Mr. Chauncey. He now retired to Scituate, where he spent the remainder of his days in peace. He died in 1659. He was a modest, humble, charitable man. By his last will he ordered his body to be buried at Cambridge, and bequeathed legacies to the very per sons, who had occasioned his removal from the college. Dwight, Timothy, D. D. LL.D. president of Yale College, was born at Northampton, Massachusetts, in 1752. His mother was the daughter of the celebrated Jonathan Edwards, president of the col lege of New Jersey. He was graduated at Yale College in 1769 at the age of seventeen. He was tutor in that institution for six years, and afterwards for a short time served as chaplain of the American army in the revolution. In 1783 he settled as clergyman in the par ish of Greenfield in the town of Fairfield, Con. In 1785 he pub lished an epic poem in eleven books, entitled the ' Conquest of Ca naan." In 1794, he published " Greenfield Hill," a poem in seven books. In May 1795, on the death of president*Stiles, he was elect ed to the presidency of Yale college. Under his superintendence the institution began to flourish beyond all preceding example. He died February 11th, 1817, and was universally and deeply lamented. Since his death, his theological lectures, under the title of "Theology," have been published in five volumes octavo, and have passed through several large editions, both in the United States and Great Britain. His " Travels in New England and New York" have also been pub lished in four volumes octavo. Eaton, Theophilus, first governor of New Haven colony, was Stony Stratford in Oxfordshire, Eng., his father being ministe place. He was bred a merchant, and was for several years i the king of England at the court of Denmark, and after his" prosecuted his business in London with high reputation. He accom panied Mr. Davenport to New Erigland, and was one of the founders of New Haven in 1638, and was annually elected governor till his death in Jan. 1657, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. The wis dom and integrity of his administration attracted universal respect. He was amiable in all the relations of life, beloved by his domestics, and ever preserved the esteem of the commonwealth. His monu ment at New Haven has upon it the following lines : Eaton, so meek, so fam'd, so just, The Phenix of our world, here hides his dust ; This name forget, New England never must. Eaton, William, a general in the service of the United States, was born at Woodstock, Con. in Feb. 23d, 1764. In March, 1792, he was appointed a captain in the army of the United States ; and whilst 550 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. in this situation he performed various services upon the western and southern frontiers. In 1797, he was appointed consul to Tunis. In 1804, Gen. Eaton returned to America and visited Washington, where he disclosed the famous enterprise which he had planned to restore the ex-bashaw of Tripoli ; and having obtained the sanction of government, he arrived at Alexandria in Egypt, on the 25th of November. Having made suitable arrangements, and recruited about 500 men, (100 of which only were christians,) it was determined by Eaton and the ex-bashaw, to cross the desert and seize the province and city of Derne. After a difficult and fatiguing journey through a dreary desert, they arrived within the province of Derne, and soon at tacked and captured the city, having the assistance of the Hornet sloop of war. After this, Gen. Eaton returned to his native country, and was every where received with the most distinguished applause. He fixed his residence in Brimfield, Mass. where he continued until his death in 1811. 0* n a t£a n OclWa r^l Edwards, Jonathan, a celebrated American divine, and a most acute metaphysician, was born at East Windsor, Con. Oct. 5, 1703. His uncommon genius discovered itself early, and while yet a boy he read Locke on the human understanding with a keen relish. Though he took much pleasure in examining the kingdom of nature ; yet moral and theological researches yielded him the highest satisfaction. He was not only distinguished for his vigor and penetration of mind, but also for his Christian virtues. In 1727, he entered the pastoral office in Northampton, Mass. where he preached the gospel about twenty- four years. In 1751, he succeeded the Rev. Mr. Sergeant as mission ary to the Indians at Stockbridge, Mass. He continued here six BIOCRAPHTCAL SKETCHES. 551 years, preaching to the Indians and white people ; during this time he found leisure for prosecuting his theological and metaphysical studies, and produced works which have distinguished his name. In Jan. 1758, he accepted the office of president of the college in New Jersey. Before he had fully entered upon the duties of his station, he was in oculated with the small pox, which was the cause of his death in March 22d, 1758. His most celebrated works are ' On Original Sin,' ' Freedom of the Will,' ' Treatise on Religious Affections,' &c. His essay on the freedom of the will, is considered by many as one of the greatest efforts of the human mind. Edwards, Jonathan, D. D. president of Union college, Schenectady, New York, and son of the preceding, was born at Northampton, Mass. in 1745. In his infancy his father removing to Stockbridge, where the population was chiefly composed of Indians who spoke their native language, Mr. Edwards acquired a perfect familiarity with it, which he afterwards retained. He was sent at a tender age in company with the Rev. Mr. Hawley, as a missionary to the Oneida Indians. He finished his education at Princeton college, and after wards preached in Colebrook and New Haven, Con. In 1799 he was appointed president of Union college, Schenectady, where he died in August, 1801, in the 56th year of his age. 'There was a number of remarkable coincidences in the lives of Dr. Edwards and his father. Both were tutors in seminaries, in which they were educated, were dismissed on account of their religious opinions, were settled again in retired situations, were elected to the presidentship of a col lege, and in a short time after they were inaugurated, died at near the same age. They were also remarkably similar in person and character.' _^_i a Eliot, John, minis- /*/**?«<-- U'W/ fa l*lA3j-y<>— ^ofR^bury-Mass. 7 / > /. * / and usually denonii- r j_ „3 SJ$r • Qjfa nated 'The AP«a -> f-J- OlIAjA nated 'The Ap| 1+* V> Z'^fifn to the Indiansf . C P t korn at Nasin, f\j\. C>Vi6t~ land, in 1604, and »¦ j was educated at Cam- \s- bridge university. In Fac simile of John Eliot's hand writing. 1632, a year after his arrival in Massachusetts, he settled in the ministry at Roxbury, in which office he remained till his death. His labors were not confined to his own people. About the year 1646, he began his labors among the Indians in his vicinity ; he commenced by learn ing their language which it was difficult to acquire. With great labor he translated the whole Bible into the Indian tongue which was printed in Cambridge in 1664. He also translated in the Indian lan guage the ' Practice of Piety,' ' Baxter's Call to the Unconverted,' besides some other smaller works. In the course of his labors, Mr. Eliot passed through many scenes of danger, difficulty and suffering. Having performed many wearisome journeys, and endured many ^ 552 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. hardships and '.privations, this indefatigable missionary closed his labors in 1690, aged eighty-six years. Ellsworth, Oliver, LL. D., chief justice of the United States, was born at Windsor, Con. 1745. Devoting himself to the practice of law he rose to eminence. In 1777, he was sent a delegate to the continental congress. In 1799 he was appointed envoy extraordinary to France. He died in 1807. Endicot, John, governor of Massachusetts, was sent to England as agent for the plantation at Salem in 1628. In 1644, he was elected governor of Massachusetts. He died in 1665. Faneuil Peter, founder of Faneuil Hall in Boston, was a descendant of the French protestants. He possessed a large estate, and employ ed it in doing good. His liberal spirit induced him to present to the town of Boston a large edifice, for the accommodation of the inhabi tants in their public meetings. He died in 1743. Finley, Samuel, D. D., president of the college of New Jersey, was a native of Armagh, Ireland, born in 1715. He came to Philadel phia in 1734, and was ordained as an evangelist in 1740, by the pres bytery of New Brunswick. He contributed his efforts with the Rev. Gilbert Tennent and Mr. Whitefield, in promoting the great revival of religion about the year 1740, and suffered some persecution on that account. In 1744, he was settled at Nottingham, Maryland, where he labored nearly seventeen years, with distinguished fidelity and success. Upon the death of president Davies, of the New Jersey college, Dr. Finley was chosen his successor, and removed to Prince ton, July, 1766. After occupying this station about five years with reputation he died in July, 1766. Finley, Robert, D. D., a highly respectable minister of the Presby terian Church, was born at Princeton, N. J., in 1772. He graduated at the college in his native town, in his sixteenth year. In 1817 he accepted the presidency of the University of Athens, in Georgia. He "^scarcely entered upon the duties of his office, when he was ted by death in the 46th year of his age. Witok, James, first minister of Saybrook and Norwich, Conn., was born in the county of Essex, England, and came to this country in 1638. In 1646 he was or dained over a church gathered in Saybrook ; in 1660 he removed with the greater part of his church to Norwich. He became acquainted with the Mohegan language, and preached the gospel to the Indians in his vicinity. He died in Lebanon, Conn., in 1702, in the eightieth year of his age. Fitch, John, inventor of the first steamboat in this country, was born at East Windsor, Connecticut. He was apprenticed to a watch and clock maker, and before the revolutionary war, set up the business of clock making, engraving, and repairing muskets at New Brunswick, in New Jersey. When this state was overrun by the British troops, he retired into the interior of Pennsylvania, where he employed him self in repairing arms for the American army. In the year 1785, Mr. Fitch conceived the project of propelling a vessel by the force of condensed vapor. " When the idea occurred to him, as he himself tells us, he did not know that there was such a thing as a steam engine in existence." In 1788 he obtained a patent for the appli cation of steam to navigation. By unwearied exertion he succeeded in interesting about twenty persons ih his plan, and inducing them to take shares of fifty dollars each. A boat was built in 1787 at Philadelphia, which went at the rate of eight miles an hour. The governor and council of Pennsylvania were so much gratified BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 553 with the experiment that they presented the company with a rich silk flag. About this time tho company sent Mr. Fitch to France, in order to introduce the invention into that country ; nothing, however, was effected, as France was in the midst of a revolution. Mr. Fitch returned; in 1790 he made an alteration in his boat, and it worked tolerably well, but still required further alterations. He was not able, how ever, to obtain the necessary means to perfect his invention. He became disheart ened and impoverished, " and to drown his reflections, he had recourse to the common but deceptive remedy, strong drink, in which he indulged to excess, and retiring to Pittsburg, he ended his days by plunging into the Alleghany." Franklin, Benjamin, LL. D., a philosopher and statesman, was born at Boston, January 17th, 1706. His father, who was a native of England, was a soap boiler and tallow chandler in that town. At the age of eight years, he was sent to a grammar school, but at the age of ten, his father required his services to assist him in his business. Two years afterwards, he was bound as an apprentice to his brother, a printer. In this employment he made great proficiency, and having a taste for books, he devoted much of his leisure time to reading. His brother having experienced some difficulties in regard to his business, Franklin went to Philadelphia in search of employment. He went to London in 1724, where he supported himself as a journeyman printer. He returned to Philadelphia in 1726, where he established himself in the printing business, which, however, did not extinguish his taste for science. He formed1 a club of intelligent young men for the discussion of various subjects, which continued for almost forty years. This society has been the source of most of the useful estab lishments in Philadelphia for the purpose of promoting the cause of the sciences and mechanic arts. In 1732 Franklin began to publish "Poor Richard's Almanac," which contained maxims of frugality, industry and integrity ; it was continued by him about twenty-five years. In 1736, he was appointed clerk of the general assem bly of Pennsylvania, and next year post master of Philadelphia, and afterwards mem ber of the assembly. In 1752 he made his great discovery of the identity of the electric fluid and lightning, and recommended the utility of lightning rods. In 1757 he was sent an agent from Pennsylvania to Great Britain. In 1766 he was examined at the bar of the House of Commons respecting the repeal of the celebrated stamp act, and by his answers raised his name in the political world. He was a membejof the first congress, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence ; he was sejmLto France, where he effected important services for his country. He died, Aprij|l7th, 1790, in the eighty-fifth year of his age. Franklin, William, son of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, was appointed in 1762 governor of New Jersey, and was the last royal governor of that province. When the revolution commenced, he adhered to the British interest, and was sent prisoner to Connecticut in June, 1776. He was ultimately permitted to retire to England, and was there the agent for the loyalists of New Jersey and New York to support their petition for relief, agreeably to the treaty of 1783. He died in England. Fulton, Robert, distinguished for his success in applying steam to navigation, was born in Little Britain, Lancaster county, Pennsylva nia, in 1765. His parents, who were Irish, were respectable, and gave him a common English education at Lancaster. He early ex hibited a superior talent for mechanism and painting, and in his eighteenth year established himself in Philadelphia in the latter em- 47 554 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ployment. In his 22d year he went to England, and was received into the family of Mr. West, the painter. He afterwards turned his attention to mechanics, &c, and went to France and spent seven years in Paris, in the family of Mr. Barlow. Under the patronage of the first Consul, (Buonaparte,) he performed many experiments with torpedoes, &c, for the destruction of vessels. While in France, he turned his attention to the steam engine, for the purpose of propelling boats. On his return to New York, in 1806, he commenced, in con junction with Mr. Livingston, the first Fulton boat, which was launched in the spring of 1807. This boat, which was called the Clermont, performed a passage to Albany at the rate of about five miles an hour, and may be considered as the first successful application of steam in propelling boats. Between this period and his death, he superintended the building of 14 other steam boats, and made great improvements in their construction. In 1814, he contrived an armed steam ship for the defence of the harbor of New York, and also a sub-marine vessel, or plunging boat, of such dimensions as to carry 100 men, the plans of which being approved by government, he was authorized to con struct them at the public expense. But before completing either of these works, he died suddenly, Feb. 24th, 1815. Gage, Thomas, the last governor of Massachusetts appointed by the king, was an officer of distinction in the British army. He first came to America as a lieutenant with Braddock. He was appointed gov ernor of Montreal in 1760, and in 1763 succeeded general Amherst as commander in chief of the British forces in North America. In 1774 he succeeded Hutchinson as gov ernor of Massachusetts, and furnishing several regiments to support his measures, soon began the course of illegal and oppressive acts, which drew on the war of the revolution. In 1775 the provincial cj&gress of Massachusetts declared him an enemy to the colony, and released the inhabitants from all obligation to obey his mandates. Not long after, he returned to England, where he died in 1787. Gerry, Elbridge, a native of Massachusetts ; a signer of the Decla ration of Independence ; minister to France ; governor of the State of Massachusetts, and afterwards Vice President of the United States ; he died at Washington in 1814. Gookin, Daniel, author of the historical collections respecting the Indians of New England, and major general of Massachusetts, was a native of Kent, England. In 1621 he came with his father to Vir ginia ; but in 1644 removed to Massachusetts, that he might enjoy a ministry which he approved. He left in manuscript, historical col lections respecting the New England Indians, which in 1792 were published by the Massachusetts Historical society in their first volume. Granger, Gideon, post master general of the United States, was born at Suffield, Connecticut, 1767. He graduated at Yale Collece in 1787, and 'in the following year was admitted to the bar of the Su preme Court of Connecticut. In 1783 he was elected a member of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 555 the legislature of that State, and in 1801 he was appointed post mas ter general, the duties of which he executed with great ability till 1814, when he removed to the State of New York. He died at his seat in Canandaigua in 1822. Greene, Nathaniel, a major general in the American army, was born in Warwick, Rhode Island, about the year 1740. He had a strong passion for the military life, though educated a Quaker. At the com mencement of the Revolutionary War, he was intrusted, by his native State, with the command of three regiments, which he led on to Cam bridge. In 1776 he was appointed by Congress major general, and soon after, at the battles of Trenton and Princeton, displayed his mil itary talents. In 1781, by his victory at Eutaw Springs, he won for himself the most flattering applause from Congress and the American army. In 1785 he removed to Georgia, to take possession of a tract of land presented by that State ; but died suddenly, June 19th, 1786, in the forty-seventh year of his age. Hancock, John, LL. D. governor of Massachusetts, was the son of the Rev. Mr. Hancock of Braintree, Mass. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1754, and receiving a considerable fortune from an uncle, became a merchant. He was elected a member of the as sembly, and soon distinguished himself by a talent for business, and a zealous opposition to the oppressive acts of Great Britain. He was chosen President of Congress, and in that capacity signed the Decla ration of Independence. His health declining in 1777, he left that appointment, and in 1780 was elected the first governor of Massa chusetts under the new Constitution. He died in 1793, in the fifty sixth year of his age. Harvard, John, the founder of Harvard College, died in Charlestown, Mass. in 1638, soon after his arrival in this country. He had been a minister in England, and he preached a short time in Charlestown. He left a legacy of seven hundred and seventy nine pounds seventeen shillings and two pence to the school at Newtown or Cambridge. The next year the general Court constituted it a College. Hawley, Gideon, many years a missionary to the Indians, was a native of Con necticut. He commenced his labors among the Stockbridge tribe of Indians -in Mas sachusetts in 1752. He was afterward a missionary among the Iroquois, or Indians of the Six Nations. In 1756, the French war compelled him to leave Oughquauga, the place of his residence on the Susquehanna. He afterwards preached to the Marshpee tribe of Indians on Cape Cod, where he died Oct. 1807, aged eighty years. Hicks, Elias, a preacher among the Friends or Quakers. He was the founder of the sect in that Society called Hicksites. He was born in Hempstead, Long Island, N. Y. March 19th, 1748, and died in Jericho, Long Island, Feb. 27th, 1830. Hooker, Thomas, was born at Leicestershire, Eng. 1586, and edu cated at Emanuel College, Cambridge ; he preached in London and Chelmsford with great success. On account of the persecution which raged, he came to New England, and was the first minister of Cambridge, Mass. He was one of the founders of the colony of Connecticut, where he removed with his people in 1636, travelling through the wilderness with no other guide but a compass. He pub lished many sermons and treatises which were much admired. He 556 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. died July 7th, 1647. As he lay dying, one of his friends that stood by his bed side, observed to him that he was now going to receive the reward of all his labors ; " Brother," said he, " I am going to re ceive mercy." Hopkins, Edward, governor of Connecticut, was born in Shrewsbury, England, in 1600 and became a merchant in London. He arrived at Boston in 1637. He removed to Hartford, and was chosen governor of Connecticut repeatedly, between 1640 and 1654. He afterwards went to England, where he was chosen warden of the English fleet, and a member of parliament. He died in London in 1657. He left the sum of fifteen hundred pounds for the benefit of learning in New England. Fac simile of Mr. Hopkins' hand writing. Hopkins, Stephen, LL. D. one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Scituate in Rhode Island. In 1755 he was elected governor. In 1774 he was elected a delegate to Con gress, and remained in that office until after the establishment of In dependence. He died in July, 1785, aged seventy-nine. For seve ral years before his death he suffered a paralytic affection, the effects of which are apparent in the signature of his name to the declaration of Independence. Hopkins, Samuel, D. D. minister of Newport, R. I. was born at Waterbury, Connecticut, in 1721, and graduated at Yale College, in 1741. Having studied theology with Mr. Edwards, of Northampton, he was in 1743, settled in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, where he continued till 1769, when he was dismissed, and soon after resettled at Newport, Rhode Island. He continued there until his death, in 1803, eminently distinguished for piety and devotedness to the labors of his office. He possessed a vigorous mind, and a love of search ing for the reasons of mysterious events in the divine government, that led him to the adoption of some peculiar opinions, such as that sin is necessary to the divine glory — that submission to God includes a willingness to suffer the punishment of sin in the future world, if necessary to his glory. It is from his name, that the term Hopkin- sianism is derived. His chief publication was a system of Theol ogy in 2 vols, octavo. Hopkins, Lemuel, a physician and poet, was born at Waterbury, Con. in 1750. He died at Hartford, Con. 1801. He was a physi cian of skill and reputation. He was somewhat singular in his ap pearance, and was remarkable for his retentive memory. His poetic productions are but few ; but of singular humor. Hopkinson, Francis, district judge of the United States, for Pennsyl- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 557 vania, was born in that state in 1738. He was a member of Congress from New Jersey in 1776, in which year he signed the declaration of Independence. He died in 1791. He was distinguished for his vivacity and wit, and published during the Revolution, several poetic pieces^ which were highly popular, particularly "The battle of the Kegs." After his death his miscellaneous essays and writings were published in three vols, octavo, 1792. Hubbard, William, minister of Ipswich, Mass. and a historian, was born in 1621, and was graduated at Harvard College, in the first class, in 1642. In 1677, his first historical work relative to the Indian Wars, received the approbation of the colonial licencers, and was soon published. He also wrote a History of New England, for which he in 1682, received the thanks of the General Court, and a gift of fifty pounds. This work lay in manuscript till 1815, when it was printed by the Massachusetts Historical Society, who received a do nation from the legislature for this purpose. Mr. Hubbard died in 1704. Humphreys, David, LL. D. a soldier of the revolution, aid-de-camp to Putnam, Greene, and Washington successively, ambassador to Lis bon, and minister to Spain. He died at New-Haven, Con., in 1818. He was distinguished for his poetical and patriotic writings, also for the introduction of merino sheep from Spain into the United States. Hutchinson, Thomas, LL. D. governor of Massachusetts, was a na tive of Boston, Mass. and was graduated at Harvard College in 1727. He employed himself for a time in mercantile pursuits, but soon turned his attention to politics, and gained popularity as an agent to Great Britain, and a member of the legislature. In 1758, he was elected lieutenant Governor, and three years afterwards, he was ap pointed chief judge. Being suspected of being friendly to the arbi trary proceedings of the mother country, he became unpopular. In 1769, he was appointed governor, but soon became obnoxious to the people by his subserviency to the British ministry. In 1772, a num ber of his letters, hostile to the liberties of the colonies, were ob tained by Dr. Franklin and sent to Massachusetts ; in consequence, the general Court took measures to procure his removal. He how ever remained till he was superseded by governor Gage, in 1774. He went to England, where he was vindicated by the Privy Council from all charges brought against him. He died at Brampton, June, 1780, aged sixty-nine years. Governor Hutchinson was the author of a most valuable work entitled " The History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay from the first settlement thereof in 1628, until the year 1750," in two volumes, octavo. Irving, Washington, was born in the city of New York about 1783. He is at the present time one of the most distinguished American authors. In 1810 he published " Knickerbocker's History of New York," which established his fame ; since that time, he has added to his literary reputation by several volumes under the titles of " The Sketch Book," " Bracebridge Hall," and " Tales of a Traveller,"&c. 47* 558 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Jay, John, was born in the city of New York in 1745, he was a member of the first American Congress, in 1774, and was president of that body in 1776. In 1778 he was minister plenipotentiary to Spain, and was one of the commissioners to negotiate a peace with Great Britain, at the close of the Revolution. As an envoy extraor dinary to Great Britain, he negotiated and signed the treaty which bears his name ; afterwards he was elected governor of the State of' New York, in 1795 ; this office he held tjll 1807, when he detlined a re-election, and retired to his farm in Bedford, N. Y., where he died on the 17th of May, 1829. Johnson, Edward, an inhabitant of Woburn, Massachusetts, was one of the military officers, who were sent to seize Gorton in 1643. He published the wonder working providence of Sion's Savior in New England, containing a history of New England from 1628 to 1652, London, 4to, 1654. In this work he gives a description of the country, an account of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs, &c. Johnson, Sir William, a major general of the militia of New York, was a native of Ireland, and born about the year 1774. He came to America in early life, and settled on the Mohawk, where he carried on an extensive traffic with the Indians, and by learning their lan guage, and accommodating himself to their manners, gained great influence over them. In 1755, he commanded the provincial troops of New York, marched against Crown Point, and gained a victory over the French under baron Dieskau, for which he received from the house of commons the gift of 5000 pounds, and the title of ' baronet from the king. He died at his seat on the Mohawk, in 1774. Johnson, Samuel, D. D. first president of King's college in New York, was born in Guilford Con. and graduated at Yale College in 1714. In 1722, embracing Episcopalianism, he went to England to obtain ordination. He returned the following year to Stratford, Con. He was afterwards appointed president of King's College in New York. He died in Stratford in 1772. Kidd, William, a noted pirate, who buried a large sum of money on Gardiner's Island. He was seized and sent to England, where he was executed for murder about the year 1699. It has been supposed that he buried other large sums on the American coast, and many attempts have been made to obtain them by digging in various places. Kirkland, Samuel, a distinguished missionary among the Indians, was the son of the Rev. Mr. Kirkland of Norwich, Con. He was for a time in Mr. Wheelock's school, but finished his education at the New Jersey college, where he graduated in 1765. For more than forty years, his attention was directed to the Oneida tribe of Indians in New York. He died at Paris, New York, at his residence near Oneida, March 1808, in the sixty-seventh year of his age. Knox, Henry, major general in the army of the United States, was a native of Boston, born 25th July, 1750, and received his education at the schools in that town. He had displayed something of his military talents, as an officer of militia, antecedent to the revolution, and in consequence of his entering the army at the commencement of hos tilities, was placed at the head of the artillery, in which station he BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 559 served during the whole war with the highest reputation, for valor, talents, and activity, arid rendered the most essential services to the country. In 1785, he was appointed secretary of war, and enjoyed the same office after the organization of the present government, till 1784, when he resigned and retired to private life. He settled at Thomastown, in Maine, where he died October 25, 1806. _ • x? j Lincoln, Benjamin, a major gen- /0/2rl^'t-is>sr&7/ eral in tlle army of llle American <£7S^g< f/ZCl/C/fi/' ' — ¦¦» Revolution, was born at Hingham, i n mi i».«.«miuw.u!iMi*iiB> Mass. May, 1749, and was bred a Q_ / farmer. In 1776 he was appointed Facsimile of B.Lincoln's hand writing. a brigadier, and soon after, major general in the American army. He took the command of the Ameri can army in the Southern States. Having retired to Charleston, S. C. he was compelled to capitulate May 1780. At the siege of York- town he commanded a central division, and shared largely the dan gers and triumphs of the day. On the surrender of Cornwallis, he was appointed to receive the submission of the royal army. In 1781 Congress appointed him secretary of the war department. After the establishment of peace he returned to his native state, where in 1787 he was appointed to the command of the troops raised for the suppression of Shay's Insurrection. He died in 1810. Livingston, Philip, a distinguished member of the American Con gress in 1776, a signer of the declaration of Independence, was born at Albany 1716, and graduated at Yale College in 1737. He settled in the city of New York and devoted himself to mercantile pursuits. In 1759 he was elected to a seat in the provincial assembly, and was chosen a member of the general Congress in 1774. He died June 12th 1778, while attending the session of Congress. Livingston, William, L.L. D. governor of New Jersey, was born in the city of New York about the year 1723, and graduated at Yale College in 1741, and afterwards pursued the study of law. After filling several important stations in New York, he removed to New Jersey, and was a distinguished representative from that state in the Congress of 1774. On the formation of the new constitution of New Jersey in 1776, he was appointed the first governor, and was annually elected to the office till his death in 1790. His writings evince a vigorous mind and a refined taste. He died at his seat near Elizabethtown, July 1790, aged sixtv seven years. ' Livingston, Robert R., .chancellor of New York, and minister of the United States to France, was born in the city of New York. He was a member of the first Congress, and was one of the committee 'which drew up the declaration of Independence. In 1780 he was appointed Secretary of foreign affairs, and held the place till 1783. He was a member of the convention which formed the constitution of New York, and was appointed chancellor, in which capacity he ' administered the oath of office to Washington when he was inaugu rated the first President. He was appointed minister to France in 560 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 1801, and while in that country, assisted Mr. Fulton by furnishing means to enable him to pursue those experiments which resulted in the discovery of a successful method of applying the steam engine for navigation. He died Feb. 15th 1813. Manly, John, a captain in the navy of the United States was a na tive of Massachusetts, and born in 1733. He received a naval com mission from Washington in 1775. Having the command of the schooner Lee, in which he performed a hazardous cruise in Massa chusetts Bay during a whole winter, the captures she made were of immense value at the moment. An ordnance brig, which fell into his hands, supplied the continental army with heavy pieces, mortars, and working tools of which it was destitute. Being raised to the command of the frigate Hancock of 22 guns, he captured the British frigate Fox, which increased his reputation for bravery and skill. Before he could return to port with his prize, he was captured by a superior force, July 1777, and was carried to Halifax, where he was long held a prisoner. In 1782 he was entrusted with the Hague frigate with which he was driven on a sand bank at the back of Gua- daloupe where he sustained a heavy fire from four line of battle ships for three days, and finally escaped. He died at Boston in 1793, in the sixtieth year of his age. Mather, Increase, D. D., president of Harvard college, was born at Dorchester, June 21st, 1639. He was graduated at the college, over which he afterwards presided, in 1836. The next year he went to England, and returned in 1671. He was settled in the North church, Boston, in which he had before preached several years, in 1664, and continued there in the labors of the ministry sixty-two years, with great reputation for talents and piety. He was an indefatigable student, and gave the world a great number of useful publications on religion, poli tics, history, and philosophy. ff »f- &y fc/i-j, ywu-Ca km v-h cuM-isiJa • MjvcoJj D. D., F.R. S., a cel- gifo u.^ cf. &vyd& iiiSnu^&^f tifrciUy! ebrated minister and /? it ^ s>vi ~ (P t> -a writer, was a native L-O&TH TrlMWrf. of Boston, born Feb. Foe simile of the hand writing of Cotton Mather. j2 1663. He was distinguished for his early piety, and was ordained colleague with his father, in 1684. He was a man of unequalled industry, vast learning, and expansive benevolence, also distinguished for his credulity, pedan try and want of judgment. No person in America had so large a library, or had read so many books, or had retained so much of what he had read. So precious did he consider his time, that, to prevent visits of unnecessary length, he wrote over his study door ' be short.' He understood Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, Iroquois, and wrote in them all. By his diary, it appears that in one year he kept sixty fasts and twenty vigils, and published fourteen books, besides dis charging the duties of his pastoral office. His publications amount in number to three hundred and eighty-two. His great work was his Magnali Christi Americana, or Ecclesiastical history of New England, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 561 from its founding to the year 1698. His style abounds with puerilities. puns, and strange conceits, and he makes a great display of learning, In his Magnalia he has saved numerous and important facts from obli vion. In the work are contained biographical accounts of many of the first principal settlers. He died in 1728. Mayhew, Thomas, governor of Martha's Vineyard, was distinguished for his regard for the spiritual and temporal welfare of the Indians. He died in 1681. A number of his descendants, of his name, were distinguished for their ministerial labors among the Indians on Martha's Vineyard. Miles, John, minister of the first Baptist church in Massachusetts, was settled near Swansea, in South Wales, from 1649, till his ejectment in 1G62. He soon came to this country and formed a church at Rehoboth, Mass. in 1663. The legislature of Plymouth colony granted to this Baptist church in 1667, the town of Svvansey, to which place they removed. Mills, Samuel J, an American clergyman, distinguished for his piety and zeal in promoting the missionary cause. He died in 1818, on his return from Africa, whither he had gone as an agent of the American Colonization Society. Montgomery ^Richard, a major general in the army of the American revolution, was a native of Ireland, and born 1737. He possessed a fine genius, and enjoyed the advantages of an excellent education. He entered the British army, and fought with Wolfe at the battle of Quebec, in 1759. After his return to England he left his regiment and came to the colony of New York, where he settled. In 1775 he was appointed a general in the northern army, and on the indisposition of general Schuyler received the chief command, and soon reduced fort Chamblee, and took St. John's and Montreal. Uniting with colonel Arnold at Quebec, they assaulted that city on the 31st of December, where he fell, in the 39th year of his age. He wa;s an officer of great bravery, judiciousness, and vigor. An elegant monument was greeted to his memory by congress, in front of St. Paul's church, New York. Morgan, Daniel, brigadier general in the revolutionary war, was a native of New Jersey, but removed in early life to Virginia. Having neither the advantages of wealth, nor of a good education, he was dependent for his support on hard labor. He commanded a company in the army which general Arnold led through the wilderness to Quebec. In 1781 he fought the famous battle of the Cowpens, in which he defeated the British force under colonel Tarleton. He died in Winchester, Virginia, in 1799. Morris, Lewis, governor of New Jersey, was, for several years, chief justice of New York. He resided most of his life in New Jersey. In 1738 he was appointed the first governor of New Jersey as a sepa rate province from New York. He was a man of letters, and though a little whimsical in his temper, was grave in his manners, and of a most penetrating mind. He died in 1746. Morris, Governeur, an eminent political character, was a descend ant from the distinguished family of that name, of Morrisania, New York. He was born in 1751, and graduated at the college at New York in 1768. He was called into public life at an early age, by 562 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. being elected a member of the provincial legislature of New York, in 1775. In 1792 he was appointed minister plenipotentiary to France, and was afterwards a senator in congress. He died at his seat in Westchester. N. Y„ November, 1816, aged sixty-five. Morion, Nathaniel, secretary of 0Wfr*W*0iW^ eXtntet^ndTormryyeaS Facsimile of Nathaniel Morton's signature, employed in the public Service. He wrote in 1680 a brief ecclesiastical history of the church at Plymouth, in the records of the church, which is preserved by Hazard ; and New England's Memorial, or a brief relation of the most memorable and remarkable passages of the providence of God, manifested to the planters of New England, 4to, 1669. This work, which is confined very much to Plymouth colony, was compiled principally from manu scripts of his uncle, William Bradford, extending from 1620 to 1646, and he had access also to the journals of Edward Winslow. This work has been of great service to succeeding historians. Newell, Samuel, American missionary at Bombay, was graduated at Harvard College, in 1807. He was a member of the first mission sent to the East by the American Board of Foreign Missions, and embarked for Calcutta in 1812. He died at Bombay in 1821. His wife, Mrs. Harriet Newell, celebrated for her devotion to the same cause, died at the Isle of France. Occum, Sampson, an Indian preacher of the Mohegan tribe in Connecticut, em braced Christianity at the age of eighteen, and was educated by the Rev. Dr. Wheel ock for the ministry. He was ordained in 1759, and went as missionary to various tribes of Indians, particularly to the Six Nations. In 1765, or 1766, he accompanied the Rev. Mr. Wnittaker to London, to solicit donations to Mr. Wheelock's school. About the year 1786 he removed to the neighborhood of Oneida, in New York. Tor the last years of his life, he resided with the Indians at New Stockbridge. He •died, July, 1792, aged sixty-nine years. He wrote an account of the Montauk In dians, which is preserved in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Osgood, Samuel, post master general of the United States, was born at Andover, Mass., in 1748, and was educated at Harvard College. He served in various offices, and in 1785 was appointed by congress the first commissioner of the treasury. He was post master general for a number of years, and afterwards supervisor for the state of New York. He became, in 1803, naval officer for the port of New York, and held the place till near the close of his life, in 1812. He was a man of piety and literature, and published several volumes on religious subjects. Otis, James, a distinguished patriot and statesman, was the son of the Hon. James Otis, of Barnstable, Mass. and was graduated at Harvard college, in 1743. He devoted himself to the study of the law and rose to the highest distinction. He was a staunch defender of the rights of the colonies against the partizans of the British ministry. In 1769, he was attacked and severely wounded by some of them. From this time he was subjected to fits of insan ity. He survived till 1783, when he was killed by lightning. Paine, Robert Treat, LL. D., one of the signers of the declaration of In dependence, was born at Boston in 1731, and was graduated at Harvard col lege in 1749. He held various public offices, and died in Boston in 1814. He was an eminent lawyer, well versed in literature, and eminently upright. His son of the same name, a poet of some celebrity, was born at Taunton, Mass. in 1773, and graduated at Harvard college with a high reputation for genius. He died in 1811 in impoverished circumstances. Parsons, Samuel H. a general in the revolutionary army, was the son of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 563 the Rev. Jonathan Parsons, of Newburyport, Mass., and was graduated at Harvard college in 1750. He soon after established himself as a lawyer in Connecticut, and rose to distinction. At the commencement of the revolu tion he entered the army as a lieutenant colonel. After the close of the war, he was appointed one of the commissioners to form a treaty with the Indians northwest of the Ohio; and, on the establishment of a territorial government over that district, was appointed the first judge. He removed to Marietta, and was drowned near Pittsburg, in November, 1789. Parsons, Theophilus, LL. L>., chief justice of the supreme court of Massa chusetts, was born at Byfield, in that State, in 1750, and graduated at Har vard college in 1769. After qualifying himself for the bar he settled at Fal mouth, now Portland, Maine, but alter the destruction of that place by the British, in 1776, he removed to Newburyport, Mass. In 1800, he removed to Boston, and in 1806, was appointed chiefiustice of the State, and contin ued in that station till his death in 1813. He is considered by many, as one of the greatest men which this country has produced. Patterson, William,, governor of New Jersey, was a native of that State, and was graduated at Princeton, in 1763. His superior talents procured him several important offices, both from his native State and from the United States, In 1790, he was chosen governor of New Jersey ; and sometime after was appointed judge of the supreme court of the United States, in which office he continued till his death in 1806. PeppereU, Sir William, lieutenant general in his majesty's service, was born in Maine, (then in the State of Massachusetts,) and was bred a merchant. About 1727, he was chosen one of his majesty's council, and was annually re elected thirty-two years till his death. He rose to the highest military hon ors his country could bestow upon him. He was entrusted with the success ful expedition against Louisburg, in 1745. The king, in reward of his servi ces, conferred upon him the dignity of a baronet, an honor, never before, nor since, conferred on a native of New England. He died at his seat in Kittery, Maine, 1759* aged sixty-three years. Peters, Hugh, minister of Salem, Mass. was born at Fowey, in Cornwall, in 1599, and was educated at Cambridge. He was licensed by the bishop of London, and preached in that city with great popularity and success. Meet ing with some trouble on account of his non-conformity, he went to Holland, and from thence to New England, where he arrived in 1635. He took charge of the church at Salem ; but did not however confine his attention to religions concerns, as he took an active interest in mercantile and civil affairs. Being considered as a suitable person to send to England to procure an alteration in the laws of exercise and trade, he was, with Mr. Welde and Mr. Hibbins, sent over by the general court in 1641. He never returned to America. During the civil wars in England, he supported the cause of the parliament, and contributed much aid to it by his preaching. After the restoration of monarchy, he was tried for conspiring with Cromwell and compassing the king's death, and was executed, October 16th, 1660, aged sixty-one years. He was charged by his enemies with great vices ; but it is not probable that the charges were well founded. Phillips, John, LL. D. a distinguished friend of learning, was graduated at Harvard college, Mass. in 1735, and for several years held a seat in the council of New Hampshire. In 1778, he, in conjunction with Samuel Phillips, Esq. his brother, founded an academy at Andover, Mass. by liberal endowments, and eleven years after he added to its funds a further bequest of $20,000. He also, in 1781, founded an academy at Exeter, by a donation of 15,000/. and at his death bequeathed the whole of his remaining estate to those insti tutions. Phips, Sir William, governor of Massachusetts, was born at Pe- maquid, in Maine, in 1650, of obscure parents, and was one of the youngest of twenty-six children his mother bore. He followed the seas, and being sent out by the Duke of Albemarle, he recovered 564 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. from a Spanish wreck, 300,000 pounds. For this success he was knighted by the king, and appointed high sheriff of New England. In 1690, he captured Port Royal. He died in 1695. Pike, Zcbulon Montgomery, a brigadier general of the army of the United States, was born at Lamberton, New Jersey, 1779. In 1805, he was employed to explore the Mississippi. In 1813, he was em ployed a brigadier general. He was killed in an assault on York, Up per Canada, in April of the same year. Preble, Edward, commodore in the American navy, son of Gen. Preble, was born in Falmouth, now Portland, Maine, in 1761. About the year 1779, he entered the navy as a midshipman. In 1803, he was appointed commodore, with a squadron of seven sail to act against the Barbary states. By his skillful and vigorous exertions, he soon procured a peace from the emperor of Morocco, and repeatedly attacked Tripoli with considerable success. The Pope declared he had done more towards humbling the anti-christian barbarians on that coast, than all the Christian states of Europe had ever done. He died Aug. 1807, in the forty-sixth year of his age. Prince, Thomas, minister in Boston, and a descendant of Thomas Prince, governor of Plymouth Colony, was a native of Middleborough. He graduated at Harvard College in 1707, and after studying theol ogy he visited England, and preached at Combs, where he was invited to sejtle, but he preferred to return to America. He published a valuable Chronological history of New England, and made large collections for a civil and religious history of it in manuscripts and books, many of which unhappily were destroyed during the war of the revolution. Putnam, Israel, ma- / j0r general in the army 'ttjw^^ttisrit SiS Massachusetts, the 7th Fac simile of Israel Putnam's hand writing. of January, 1718. He possessed a mind of great vigour, but had not the advantages of a thorough education. In 1739 he removed to Pomfret, Connecticut, and employed himself in agriculture. He there gave an example of the singular courage, which characterized him as a military officer, by descending at the imminent hazard of his life into a cavern, and shoot ing a wolf which he and his neighbours had driven thither. During the war of 1755 with the French, he commanded a company, and was engaged in several contests with the enemy.in which he displayed the most adventurous bravery and great skill. Soon after the battle at Lexington he joined the army at Cambridge at the head of a regi ment, and was not long after appointed major-general, and signalized himself at the battle of Bunker's Hill. On the arrival of general Washington he was given the command of the reserve. In 1776 he was despatched to New York to complete its fortification begun by general Lee, and afterwards sent to Philadelphia to fortify that city. During the winter of 1777 he was stationed with a small body at BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 565 General Putnam. Princeton, and in the spring was appointed to a separate command at the Highlands, where he continuetLmost of the time till the close of 1779, when he was seized with a paralytic affection, and disqual ified for further service. He died the 29th of May, 1790. Quincy, Edmund, a judge of the superior court of Massachusetts, was born at Braintree, 1681. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1699, and afterwards sustained several important offices, the duties of which he discharged with ability and faithfulness. Being sent as agent to London for the purpose of settling the boundary line between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, he died in that city of the small pox, in Feb. 1738, in the 57th year of his age. The General Court caused a monument to be erected to his memory in Bunhill fields. Quincy, Joseph, a distinguished patriot, was graduated at Harvard College in 1763, and afterwards became an eminent councillor at law in Boston. He was distinguished for his firmness and zeal in oppo sing the arbitrary proceedings and claims of the British parliament. In 1774, he sailed for England at the request of several of his fellow patriots, to promote the interests of America. He died on his return on the 25th of April, 1775, the day the vessel arrived in the harbor of Cape Ann. Randolph, Edward, an agent sent from Great Britain to ascertain the state of the New England colonies, and who gave them great trouble by his hostility to their interests. He came to Boston in 1676, and was the principal means of depriving Massachusetts of her charter. He was a conspicuous character during the government of sir Ed mund Andross, and was imprisoned with him in 1689 as a traitor. He was, however, released, and went to the West Indies, where he died. He was violent in his prejudices, arbitrary, unjust, and impla cable in enmity to the colonies. 48 566 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Reeve, Tapping, LL. D. chief justice of Connecticut, was born at Brookhaven, Long Island, and graduated at Princeton College in 1763. He established himself as a lawyer in Litchfield, Hon. and soon became one of the most eminent in his profession. He founded the law school, formerly at Litchfield, and for nearly thirty years was the principal instructor in that institution. Robinson, John, minister of the English church in Holland, to which the first settlers of New England belonged, was born in Great Brit ain in 1575, and educated at Cambridge. In 1602 he became pastor of a dissenting congregation, and in consequence of persecution, went with them to Leyden, in Holland. His talents and reputation were such, that in 1613, he held a public disputation with Episcopius, the successor of Arminius in the University of Leyden. A part of his church emigrated to Plymouth in 1620, and it was his intention to follow them with the remainder, but this was prevented by his sudden death in March, 1625. Romeyn, Theodoricus, D. D., professor of ftheology in the Reformed Dutch Church, was born at Hackensack, New Jersey, 1744, and was educated at Princeton College. He settled in the ministry in his native town, where he continued till 1784, when he removed to Schenectady, N. Y., where he accepted the care of a church. It was chiefly by his efforts, that Union College was instituted at Schenec tady. He died in 1804. Schuyler, Peter, mayor of Albany, New York, and distinguished for his patriotism and popularity with the Indians. In the year 1691, with a party of English and Mohawks, he attacked the French at the north end of lake Champlain, and defeated them. He had great influence with the five Indian nations, and in 1710 went to England with five of their chiefs, for the purpose of exciting the government to expel the French from Canada. Schuyler, Philip, major general in the army of the American revolution, was ap pointed to that office in 1775. In consequence of the evacuation of Ticonderoga by St. Clair, he unreasonably fell under some suspicion, and was superseded in the chief command by general Gates. He was a member of congress previous to the estab lishment of the present constitution, and afterwards twice a senator. He died at Albany in 1804, in his seventy-third year. He possessed a mind of great vigor and enterprise, and was characterized by integrity and amiableness. Sergeant, John, missionary among the Indians, was born at Newark, New Jersey, and was graduated at Yale College, where he was afterwards taken as a tutor for four years. In 1734 he went to Stockbridge, in Massachusetts, and Degan to preach to the Indians at that place, and continued his labors till his death in 1 749, in the forty- ninth year of his age. With great labor he translated the whole of the New Testa ment, excepting the Revelations, into the Indian tongue, and several parts of the Old Testament. The Stockbridge Indians were many years under the care of his son, Rev. John Sergeant, at New Stockbridge, in the state of New York. Seahury, Samuel, D. D., first bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States, was born in Groton, Conn, in 1728, and was graduated at Yale College in 1751. He went to Scotland, and studied theology, and in 1753 obtained orders in London. After returning to America he settled in New London, Connecticut, where his father had preached. In 1784 he went to England to obtain consecration as bishop of that state. Not succeeding in England, he went to Scotland, and was consecrated by three non-juring bishops. Returning to New London, he discharged the duties of his office with ability, till his death in 1796. Sedgwick, Theodore, LL. D., judge of the supreme court of Massachusetts, was born in Hartford, Conn., in 1746, and was educated at Yale College. He first practised law in Great Barrington, then in Sheffield, and in 1785 removed to Stock- bridge, all in the same county. He rendered important services in the suppression of Shay's insurrection, in the western counties of Massachusetts. In 1796 he was BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 567 chosen a senator of the United States, and also filled various public offices. He died at Boston, January, 1813, from whence his remains were removod to Stockbridge, Mass. Scimll, Samuel, chief justice of the supreme court of Massachusetts, was born in England in 1652, and came with his father to America, in 1661. He was graduated at Harvard College in 1671, was made chief justice in 1718, and died in Jan., 1730. He was distinguished for his learning and piety. He left behind him a diary in three volumes, which embraces about forty years. Scwall, Samuel, LL. D., chief justice of Massachusetts, was born at Boston in 1757, graduated at Harvard College in 1776, and devoted himself to the study of the law, and soon became eminent in this profession. He was elected a member of con gress in 1797, and also served in other important offices. He died suddenly at Wis- cassetin Maine, June, 1814. Shepard, Thomas, minister of Cambridge, Massachusetts, was born in England in 1605, and was educated at Emanuel College, Cambridge. He entered the ministry, but his puritan principles exposing him to persecution, he came to New England in 1635. The next year he formed and took charge of a church in Cambridge, Mass., where he continued till his death, in 1649, aged forty-four years. He was distinguished for his humility and piety, and as a writer on religious subjects, he was one of the most distinguished men of his times. Sherman, Roger, a senator of the United States, was born at New ton, Mass., in 1724, and by the force of his genius and industry, rose to distinction as a lawyer and statesman, without the advantages of a collegiate education. In 1761 he removed to New Haven, Conn., and was appointed a judge of the superior court, which office he held for twenty-three years. He was a member of congress in 1774, and was one of the committee appointed to draw up the Declaration of Inde pendence in 1776, and signed that instrument. This able statesman, upright judge, and sincere Christian, died in 1793. Shirley, William, governor of Massachusetts, was an Englishman by birth, and educated a lawyer. He came to Boston about the year 1733, and employed himself in the profession till 1741, when he was appointed governor. In 1755 he was appointed commander-in-chief of the British forces in America, and proceeded to Oswego on an ex pedition against Niagara, but was the next year superseded by Aber- crombie. He was soon after recalled from Massachusetts to Eng land, and appointed governor of the Bahama islands. In 1770 he re turned to Massachusetts, and resided at Roxbury till his death the next year. He possessed a strong mind, great firmness, diligence, and address, and rendered many important services to the colony. Smalley, John, D.D. was born at Lebanon Con. 1734, and gradu ated at Vale College in 1756. He studied theology with Dr. Bella my, and was ordained pastor of a church in Berlin, Con. in 1758, where he labored with great fidelity and success for nearly sixty years. He was considered an eminent divine ; his sermons on Natu ral and Moral Inability have been repeatedly published in Europe. He died in June 1S20. Smith, William, chief justice of New York, was the son ot Wil liam Smith, an eminent lawyer of new York : he graduated at Yale College in 1745. He was educated a lawyer, and was one of the 568 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. first of his time in America. In 1763 he was appointed a judge of the supreme court, and was afterwards chief justice. When the re volution commenced, he adhered to the royal government, and in 1781 was one of Clinton's deputies for receiving acknowledgments of allegiance from the colonists. He was afterwards chief justice of Canada. He published an excellent history of New- York, from its first settlement until 1732, 4to. London, 1757. Smith, Samuel, author of a History of New Jersey, from its settle ment to 1721 was a resident of Burlington, New Jersey. His his tory, which is considered a judicious and faithful compilation, was published in 1765, 8vo. He died at Burlington 1776. Standish, Myles, the first mili tary commander of Plymouth, New , England, was born at Lancashire, about the year 15^4. After having served Foe simile of Myles Standish's hand writing. some time in the army in the Netherlands, he settled at Leyden, with Mr. Robinson's congrega tion, and accompanied them to Plymouth in 1620. He was there chosen captain, or chief military commander, and rendered the most important services to the colony, in the wars with the Indians. Many of his exploits were peculiarly daring, and his escapes extraordinary. ST s * John, Stark, ~~~ '^-f ^* myoftheKo- ~~~~^^—S ~~ volution was a Fac simile of the hand writing of John stark. native of Lon donderry New Hampshire, born Aug. 1728. He commanded a com pany of rangers in the French war, and on the opening of the Revo lution, was placed at the head of the New Hampshire troops, and rendered important aid at the battle of Bunker's HilL On the in vasion of Burgoyne in 1777, he distinguished himself by his bravery and skill at the battle of Bennington, by defeating Colonel Baum. He died May 9th, 1822, in the ninety fourth year of his age. Stiles, Ezra, president of Yale College, was born at North Haven, Con. 1727, and graduated at Yale in 1746. After being a tutor at this institution, he studied theology, and afterwards law. In 1755 he settled at Newport Rhode Island, as a preacher, and continued there till his congregation was broken up by the Revolutionary war in 1776. In July 1778 he entered upon the duties of the presidency of Yale College, and remained in that station till his death in 1795, in the 68th year of his age. He was one of the most learned men this country has ever produced. He had a thorough knowledge of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin languages, and made considerable progress in the oriental. He published a History of the three judges of Charles I., Whal ley, Goffe and Dixwell, 12 mo. 1795. He left an unfinished ecclesi- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 569 astical history of New England, and more than forty volumes of manuscripts. Stockton, Richard, a signer of the declaration of Independence from New Jersey, was graduated at Princeton College in 1748 in the first class, and was for many years a distinguished patron of that Seminary. He devoted himself to the law, and soon rose to unri valled reputation, refusing to engage in any cause, which he knew to be unjust. He filled various public offices, and was an exemplary christian. He died at Princeton in 1781. Stoddard, Solomon, minister of Northampton, Mass., was born at Boston, in 1643, and graduated at Harvard college in 1662. He was afterwards a fellow of that institution. In 1672 he was settled at Northampton, where he preached with little interruption till his death in 1729. He possessed extensive learning, was particularly familiar with religious controversies, and an acute disputant on such subjects. He obtained for himself great notoriety in the churches of New England by his publications in controversy with Dr. Increase Mather, in which he taught that all baptised persons not scandalous in their lives, might, partake of the Lord's Supper, and was the in strument of extensively introducing that custom. Stone, Samuel, one of the first ministers of Hartford, Con., was a native of England, and was educated at the university of Cambridge. To escape persecution he came to this country with Mr. Cotton and Mr. Hooker, and was settled as an assistant of the latter at Cambridge, October 11, 1633. He removed with him in 1636 to Hartford, where he died, July 20, 1663. While he was regarded as one of the most accurate and acute disputants of his day, he was also celebrated for his wit, pleasantry, and good humor. Being eminently pious, he abounded in fastings and prayer, and was a most strict observer of the Christian sabbath. He published ' a congregational church is a catholic visible church,' &c. London, 1652. In this work, which is a curious specimen of logic, he endeavors to demolish the system of a national, political church. He left in manuscript a confutation of the antimonians; and a body of divinity. The latter was so much es teemed as to be often transcribed by theological students. Sullivan, John, LL. D. major general in the American revolutionary army, was born at Berwick, Maine, and was of Irish descent. In 1772, having es tablished himself as a lawyer in New Hampshire, he received the commis sion of major in the militia, and in 1775, was appointed a brigadier general, and during the campaign commanded on Winter Hill. In 1779, he conduct ed an expedition against the Six Nation Indians m New York, and having defeated them near Seneca lake, lajd waste their country. He was president of New Hampshire in 1786, 1787, and 1789. He died at his residence in Durham, Jan. 1795, in the fifty-first year of his age. Sullivan. James, LL. D. governor of Massachusetts, brother of the prece- dins was born in 1744, and was educated by his father. He was destined lor the military life, but the fracture of a limb in his early years induced him to aDDlv the vigorous powers of his mind to the study of the law. On the ap proach of the Revolution, he took an active part on the side of his country. Soon after his second election to the office of governor, his health failed him 48* 570 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. and he died Dec- 10th, 1808, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. Amidst the constant pressure of business he found time for the pursuits of literature and science, and was the author of several works. Swift, Zephaniah, LL. D. chief justice of Connecticut, was graduated at Yale college in 1778, established himself as a lawyer at Windham in that State. He was early elected to a seat in congress, and in 1800, was secre tary to Ellsworth, Davie, and Murray, in their mission to France. He pub lished a digest of the laws of Connecticut in 2 vols, on the model of Black- stone, a work of great learning and reputation. He died at Warren, Ohio, Oct. 37th, 1823, in the 65th year of his age. Thomas, John, a major general in the American army, served in the wars against the French and Indians with reputation. In 1775, he was appointed by congress a brigadier general, and during the siege of Boston he command ed a division of the provincial troops at Roxbury. In the following year he was appointed major general, and after the death of Montgomery was entrust ed with the command in Canada. He joined the army before Quebec on the first of May, but soon found it necessary to raise the siege and commence his retreat. He died of the small pox at Chamblee, May 30, 1776. On his death the command devolved for a few days on Arnold, and then on general Sulli van. He was a man of sound judgment and fixed courage, who was beloved by his soldiers and amiable in the relations of private life. Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford, was born in New Hampshire, became a colonel in the British army, and received the honor of knighthood. He was a lieutenant general in the Bavarian service, and a Count of the Holy Roman Empire, apd also a member of many scientific societies, and was celebrated for his rirechanical inventions and philosophical discoveries. He died near Paris in 1814. Thornton, Matthew, signer of the declaration of American Independence, was a native of Ireland, and came to America at an early age. He first set tled in the eastern part of New Hampshire. He held various public offices, and was remarkable for his uncommon powers of mind ; his memory was surprisingly tenacious. He died at Newburyport in 1803, aged 88 years. Trumbull, Jon athan, governor of Connecticut, was born at Leb- , anon.Ct. in 1710, and graduated at Harvard college in 1727. He at first devoted him self to theology, afterwards turned his attention to law, and became Fac simile of Jonathan TrumbulVs hand writing. eminent in the pro fession. He was chosen governor in 1769, and was annually elected till 1783, when he resigned, having been occupied for fifty years without inter ruption in public employments, and having rendered during eight years war the most important services to his country. He died Aug. 1785. He enjoy ed the highest confidence of Washington, and was pronounced by him to be among the first of patriots. His son of the same name was also governor of Connecticut, and held important stations both in the state and national gov ernments and distinguished for his talents and virtues. He was elected in 1798 and continued in his office till his death in 1808, in the seventieth year of his age. Truxton, Thomas, a naval commander, was born on Long Island, N. Y. in 1755. He commanded a vessel as early as 1775, and during the Revolution ary war, annoyed the enemy by his depredations on their commerce. In BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 571 1794, he was appointed to the command of the frigate Constellation. Being sent to protect the American commerce in the West Indies, he captured the t rench frigate L Insurgente, though of superior force, Feb. 9th, 1799. In February ot the next year, he obtained a victory over the La Vengeance of 54 guns and 500 men, though she afterwards escaped him. He died at Phil adelphia, May, 1822. Vane, Sir Henry, governor of Massachusetts, was born in England, and educated at Oxford. He then went to Geneva, where he became a republican, and found arguments against the established church. On his return to London, as his non-conformity displeased the bishop, he came to New England in the beginning of 1635. In the next year, though he was only twenty-four years of age, he was chosen governor ; but attaching himself to the party of Mrs. Hutchinson, he was in 1637 superseded by governor Winthrop. He soon returned to England, where he joined the party against the king, though he was opposed to the usurpation of Cromwell. After the restoration, he was tried for high treason, and beheaded, June 14, 1662, aged fifty years. Hume, in his history of England, represents his conduct at his execu tion, in a manner which renders him an object of admiration. Ward, Artemas, the first major-general in the army of the American revolution, was graduated at Harvard College in 1748. He served in the army during the French war. He was chosen a member of con gress in 1774, and in 1775 appointed the first major general. He resigned his commission in 1776, and was elected to a seat in congress both before and after the adoption of the present constitution. He was greatly esteemed for his integrity, independence, and fidelity. He died at Shrewsbury in 1800. Warren, Joseph, a major general in the American army, was born in Roxbury, Mass., in 1740, and was graduated at Harvard College in 1759. He studied medicine, and rose to eminence in this profession. He distinguished himself at an early period of the revolution, by a bold and zealous opposition to the arbitrary measures of the British government. Four days previously to the battle of Bunker Hill, he received his commission of major general. He was the first victim of rank that fell in the struggle with Great Britain. Warren, Mercy, was the wife of general James Warren, and daughter of the Hon. James Otis, of Barnstable, Mass. Her connec tion with these distinguished persons, was the means of leading her into an acquaintance and correspondence with several leading revolu tionary characters. The advantages she thus enjoyed, led her to write a " History of the American Revolution," which was published in 3 volumes 8vo, Boston, 1805. She died in Plymouth, October, 1814. Wentworth, Benning, governor of New Hampshire, was a native of that state, and graduated at Harvard College in 1715. He resided at Portsmouth, and employed himself in merchandize. After having a seat both in the house of representatives and in the council, he was, in 1741, when that colony obtained a distinct government, appointed its governor, and held the office nearly twenty years. He was super seded in 1767, and died in 1770, in b"is seventy-fifth year. Wheelock, Eleazer, D. D., first president of Dartmouth College, was 572 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. graduated at Yale College, in 1733. He was settled at Lebanon,. Conn, where he formed a school for the instruction of Indian youth for missionaries. He removed to Hanover, N. H., and founded Dartmouth College, 1770. He died in 1774, aged sixty-eight. Whipple, William, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, was a delegate from New Hampshire. In 1777 he was appointed a brigadier general of the troops of that state. He was a member of the executive council, and a judge of the supreme court. He died at Portsmouth, November, 1785. / "X Whitney, Eli, the celebrated inventor of C^C^ y » the cotton gin, was born at Westborough, /^ //fc/ — lCs> / y ^ass ' December 8t!li 1765, and graduated L/P l^WTfA/iy'' ^y at Yale c°"ege in 1792. While pursuing ^"^ CS'-s*' ^__~~~s 'he study of law in Georgia, he resided with ^ the widow of general Greene, and it was at Facsimile of Eli Whitney's handwriting. tuja time that he invented the cotton gin, a machine for separating the seed from the cotton. In 1798 he contracted with tho United States to furnish, for 8134,000, ten thousand stand of arms, which he completed in ten years. He next contracted for fifteen thousand stand of arms. He died, January 8th, 1825, aged fifty-nine. Fac simile of Roger Williams' hand writing. Williams, Roger, the founder of Rhode Island, was born in Wales in 1599. After being for some time a minister in the Church of England, his non-conformity induced him to seek religious liberty in America. He died in April, K383. His memory is deserving of last ing honor, for the liberty of conscience, and generous toleration which he established. Williams, Ephraim, fpunder of Williams College, Massachusetts, was a native of Newton, in that state. Possessing superior military talents, he was entrusted with the command of the line of the Massa chusetts forts on the west side of Connecticut river, during the French war. At this period, he resided chiefly at Ho6sic fort, in the limits of the present town of Adams, Mass. In 1755 he received the com mand of a regiment, and joined Gen. Johnson to the northward of Albany. He was killed in an ambuscade of the enemy on the 8th of September. He gave his property for the establishment of a free school in the town now called Williamstown, on condition that it should bear that name. Williams, Samuel, LL. D. professor in Harvard College, was born at Waltham, Massachusetts, and graduated at Harvard college in 1761. He was ordained minister of Bradford, November 20th, 1765, where he continued until his appointment as professor of mathemat ics and natural philosophy. After holding that office from 1780 to 1788, he resigned and removed, to Rutland, Vermont, where he resi ded during the remainder of his life. He was a fellow of the Amer- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 573 ican Academy, of the American Philosophical Society, and of the Meteorological Society of Manchester, and published several astro nomical and other papers in the scientific journals. His principal work was the Natural and Civil History of Vermont, originally published in 1 vol. 8vo. 1794, and afterwards continued and published in 2 vols. Winchester, Elhanan, an itinerant preacher of the doctrine of res toration, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1751. Without an academical education he commenced preaching, and was the first minister of the baptist church in Newton. In 1778 he was a minis ter on Pedee river in South Carolina, zealously teaching the Calvin istic doctrines, as explained by Dr. Gill. In the following year his labors were very useful among the negroes. In 1781 he became a preacher of universal salvation in Philadelphia, where he remained several years. He afterwards endeavored to propagate his sentiments in various parts of America and England. He died at Hartford, Connecticut, in April, 1797, in the forty-sixth year of his age. m Winslow, Edward, governor of Plymouth colony, was bom in 1594, in Worcestershire, and came to this country with the first set tlers of New England in 1620. Possessing great activity and reso lution, he was eminently useful. He went repeatedly to England as an agent for the colony. In 1633 he was chosen governor in the place of Mr. Bradford, and again in 1636 and 1644. He exerted his influence in England to form the society for propagating the gospel among the Indians, which was incorporated in 1649. In 1643, he was appointed a commissioner of the United Colonies;, and in 1655, a commissioner to superintend the expedition against the Spaniards 574 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. in the West Indies, ancl died near Jamaica, May 8th, 1655, in the sixty first year of his age. He was the first man married in New England, and married Mrs. White, the mother of the first English child born here. Winslow, Josiah, governor of Plymouth, the son of the preceding, was chosen governor in 1673, and was continued in this office till 1680. In Philip's War he Was commander of the Plymouth forces. He died at Marshfield in 1680 in the 52d year of his age.: His grand son, John Winslow, was a major general in the British service in sev eral expeditions to Kennebec, Nova Scotia, and Crown Point. H died at Hingham in, 1774, aged seventy-one years. Winthrop, John, first governor of Massachusetts, was bom at Gro ton, in Sufiblk, England, June 12th, 1587. He arrived with the first colonists of Massachusetts at Salem, June 12th, 1630, having a com mission as their governor. They soon after removed to Boston. He was elected to the office of governor annually, with the exception of 6 or 7 years, till his death, in 1649, and rendered the most important services to the colony by his judicious administration, his prudent ex amples as a private man, and his wealth, which was very large, and liberally devoted to the good of the publjc. He was eminent for up rightness, prudence, piety, and public spirit. He kept a minute jour nal of the events of the colony down to 1644. Jv^W^d^^ Winthrop, John, governor of Connecticut, was the son of the pre ceding, and his fine genius was improved by a liberal education- in the universities of Cambridge and of Dublin, and by travel upon the con tinent. He arrived at Boston in October, 1635, with authority to make a settlement in Connecticut, and the next month despatched a number BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 575 of persons to build a fort at Saybrook,. He was chosen governor in 1657 and again in 1059, and from that period he was annually re elected till his death, in 1661 he went to England and procured a charter, incorporating Connecticut and New Haven into one colony. He died at Boston, April 5, 1676, in the seventy first, year of his age! He possessed a rich variety of knowledge, and was particularly skilled in chemistry and physic. His valuable qualities as a gentle man, a Christian, a philosopher, and a magistrate, secured to him uni versal respect. He published some valuable communications in the philosophical transactions. Witherspoon, John, D. D. LL. D. president of the college at New Jersey, was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1722, and was lineally descended from John Knox. He was educated at Edinburgh, and be came one of the most distinguished of Scotch preachers. He was invited to remove to several distinguished cities in Europe, but at length accepted the presidency of the college at Princeton, New Jer sey, and came with his family to this place in 1768. The Revolu tionary war dispersing the students, he was called to engage in civil employments. In 1776, he was appointed a member of congress, and retained a seat in that body till the end of the war. He was a signer of the declaration of Independence. He died in 1794 in the seventy-third year of his age. His works were published in 4 vols. with an account of his life by Dr. Rogers. Wolcott, Roger, governor of Connecticut, was born at Windsor, Con. in 1679, was bred a weaver, and rose to distinction without even the advantages of a common school education, during his early years. He was commissary of the Connecticut forces in the expedition against Canada in 1711. At the capture of Louisburg in 1745, he bore the commission of major general. He died in 1767 in the eighty- ninth year of his age. He had some poetical talent and wrote several pieces, the chief of which is preserved in the collections of the Mas sachusetts Hist. Soe. It describes with considerable minuteness the Pequot war. Wolcott, Oliver, LL. D. son of the preceding, a signer of the declaration of Independence, and governor of Connecticut, was born at East Windsor, Con. Dec. 1725. He was graduated at Yale college in 1747, and the next year commanded a company of soldiers in the French war. Retiring from the military service, he studied physic. In 1751, he was appointed sheriff of Litchfield county, Con. and in 1774 a representative in congress. He was chosen governor in 1796, and died the next year in the seventy-second year of his age. His son Oliver Wolcott was born in 1760. In 1794, he suc ceeded Gen. Hamilton as secretary of the treasury. In 1817, he was elected governor of Connecticut, which,, office he held till 1827. He died in New York in June, 1833, being the last survivor of the administration of Wash ington. Wooster, David, major general in the Revolutionary war, was born at Strat ford in 1711, and was graduated at Yale college in 1738. At the commence ment of the war with Great Britain he was appointed to the chief command of the troops in the service of Connecticut, and made a brigadier general in the continental service ; but this commission he afterwards resigned. In 1776 he was appointed the first major general of the militia of his native State. While opposing a detachment of British troops, whose object was to 576 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. destroy the public stores at Danbury, he was mortally wounded at Ridgefield April 27, 1777, and died on the second of May. Wyllys, George^ .governor of Connecticut in 1642, came from England to Hartford in 1638; and died in 1044. He was eminently pious, and from a *egpd to the purity of Divine worship, left a fine estate in the county of Warwick, and encountered the hardships of a wilderness. — His descendants, Hezekiah, George and Samuel Wyllys, unitedly in succession, held the office of Secretary of Connecticut for ninety-eight years, commencing in 1712, and ending in 1809. . /.. Governor Yale. rFrom a painting in Yale College.] Yale, Elihu, the principal benefactor of Yale college, was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1648. He went to England while young, and about the year 1678 to the East Indies, where he acquired a large fortune, both by his industry, and by marriage to an Indian lady of wealth, and became gov ernor of fort St. George. On his return to England he was chosen governor of the East India company. He presented donations to the college then re cently established in New Haven, in 1714, 1718, and 1721, amounting in all to about 400 pounds sterling ; in commemoration of which, the college bears his name. He died in Wales, July 8th, 1721.