1 University 39002014252093 L'«?t. t,il5 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY RECORDS TOWN OF BROOKUAVEN, SUFFOLK COUKTr, N. Y. THIS VOLUME CONTAINS THE ENTIEE EECOEDS FEOM 1856 TO DECEMBER, 1885, INCLUSIVE, COPIED FEOM THE OEIGINAL EECOEDS, IN THEIR ORDER, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SUPERVISOR AND JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, AND PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE TOWN. NEW YOEK : P.UE.E FEINTING HOUSE. 1893. CEETIFICATE OF THE TOWN CLEEK. Suffolk County, ) > ss. Town of Brookhaven. ) I hereby certify that I have compared the printed records in this volume, with the original records in my office and found them to be literal and accurate transcripts thereof. EoswELL Davis, Yaphank, April, 1893. Town Glerk. 6 3 PREFACE. Auditors' Book. Page 8. Eesolution No. 2. Eesolved that the Eecords of the town of Brookhaven from the earliest period thereof down to the time covered by Eesolution No. 2, passed April 1885^ be copied and published under the direction of the Supervisor and Jus tices of the Peace. Note. The above resolution was passed at the ensuing town meet ing, in April 1886. Page 9. " At the annual meeting of the Board of Brookhaven Town auditors, March 30th 1886, the following preamble and resolution was adopted : Whereas the oflGicial term of Mr. James E. Bayles as Supervisor is about to expire, therefore, Eesolved that he be continued as one of the committee in the publication of the Town Eecords, until the work is completed." Page 13. " The following was passed by the Board of audit on Oct. 5th 1886. Eesolved that the Eecord Committee, consisting of Mess'rs William J. Weeks, Greorge T. Osborn and James E. Bayles be continued as such committee until the Town Eecords shall be completed." IV PREFACE. Page 46. " At a meeting of the Board of Audit held in Patchogue April 26, 1889, it was resolved that the Supervisor be added to the committee on Town Eecords and that said committee be authorized to make any arrangement they see fit to push the sale of said records." Page 59. " At a meeting of the Board of Town officers, March 4th, 1890, on motion of Justice Osborn, it was voted to raise the sum of Eight hundred and seventy five dollars, to con tinue the publication of the town records." The above in the form of a resolution was submitted to the annual town meetion in April, 1890, and passed. At a meeting of the committee (except Mr. Bayles) at the office of John M. Price, Supervisor, in Patchogue, Sept. 12th 1892, it was decided to accept the terms of the Burr Printing Plouse for publishing the records from 1856 to 1885, (comprising 1405 pages of MS.,) and, as many copies of the preceding volume remained unsold, it was deemed that an edition of 500 copies of the present volume would be sufficient. Wm. J. Weeks was delegated to place the copy in the hands of the printers and supervise the work. TABLE OF EEFEREI^CES. SELECTED AND ARRANGED BY W. J. WEEKS. APAOH cc't of Moneys collected & disbursed, Baker 753 Act to proliibit fishing with nets in creeli;, Old Field 471 " to protect shell fisheries in G. S. Bay 830 Agreement, Town & Wm. Smith, East Bay, 1790 131 " & compact with committee from Islip 848 Almshouse, see also Poor House. " proposition to build a new one 35 " Resolve to repair 118 Assignment of a claim — " Sloop Home," Stony Brook 536 Attorney, T. S. Strong, resolution to pay 91 " " counsellor on same terms 95 Auditors appointed 699 Town, meet at Coram, Feb. 1884 1040 " " annual meeting, March " 1041 " 1885 1066 Auditing Day, committee to consult some lawyer 901 Avenue, Rail Road, Patchogue, voted for $125 739 Norton, Port Jefferson, " " $125 729 " Edwards, Patchogue, Record & Survey 915 Release of land 919 " Atlantic, " Record and Survey 938 Carlton, E. Setauket " 943 " Barnum & Oak St., Port JefE'n described 947 " " & Cemetery, consent and description 950-1 " Ocean, C. E. Rose, obtained grant. East of 998 " Bay, Patchogue, shore granted to Jenkins 1000 " Handsome, Rob't Munns granted land under water 1012 VI TABLE OF KEFBRENCES. B PAGE ay, much ground staked in without lease '^^^ & Beach, protest against transfer'g to Islip 844 pound or obstruction in, order to remove 848 Great South, public waters in a depleted condition 914 Committee reported receipts &c 933 Rose & Dare reported receipts... 937 " to settle acc'ts reported 960 Treas'r directed to pay $600 982 " to ascertain cost of survey 983 Justus Roe to make survey of 987 Survey of, preamble & resolution 994 Commit'e to lease lots, 4 acres each ... 999 Share of Revenue to Rob't R. Smith, $100. . 999 South, Committee, statement for August, 1881 942 " " report for September " 956 reported for October " 960 report " November " 966 " December " 968 " January, 1883 970 " February, " 972 presented bill $300. to seed the Bay.. 972 " " to provide book to record transac'ns. . 973 " " $600. to purchase seed oysters, to spread 974 " reported receipts for March, 1883 975 " last report to April 4th, " 976 ' ' Balance of, conveyance of 156 pounds in, letter from S. T. Green, Sayville 991 " account by Austin Culver, Treasurer 1050 13 acres, granted to C. F. Dayton 1003 $100. paid Rob't R. Smith, for interest in 1003 " $300. appropriated for seeding ; 1066 $400. reserved for seeding 1071 " & East, Resolved that the Town own the bottom.. 1038 " " Exception to the above resolution. .^. ... 1089 Bottom, held by persons who pay no rent, &c 1010 " opp. his strand, granted to Edmund T. Smith. . . 1014 " " " " Wm. H. Newins 1015 " staked in, by parties, who pay no rental 976 Constables, to arrest all marauders in the Bay 647 " to enforce laws for protection of fisheries. .. . 648 " voted not to raise any sum to pay 739 " to enforce laws, protecting shell fisheries 731 TABLE OF REFEKENCES. VU PAGE Bay Constables, voted to raise $300. not to exceed 833 " " Trustees appointed as overseers, to employ. .. 916 ... 983 " " paid for protecting spawn oysters 1058 Baymen, privileges granted to catch spawn, violated 1000 Bill, Islip, Jurisdiction over the Great West Bay 16 Bill of sale, W. H. Bobbins to Pred'k F. Darling. .- 376 " Legislature, President, a commit'e to defend the rights of the town 1013 Bills, Town's indebtedness to members of the Board 1036 Blooming Lake, Southampton Pond 496 Books, commit'e appointed to procure two, for record'g 982 Boundary, to be fixed between Brookhaven & Islip 32 " resolution to rescind " " 91 " note in relation to " " 91 " committee appointed " " 90 " compromise, to be sustained " " 34 fixed 1860, between " " 203-4 " Line with Southampton 559-62 Bound Stone fixed in stump at West Fireplace 503 Bounty Purposes, $66,666.70 to be raised 1864 328 Bonds, $21,120. to pay interest, &c., 1865 260 Debt, order to sell State stock, to pay interest, &c 297 360 " B. Tuthill " " 892 " Supervisor to sell State Bonds 427 " " " " bal. for contingent. . 491 Special Act, remonstrance against 406 Act, great burden, if sustained 437 Bonds paid, and balance on hand 513 Brewster, Benj'n, Memorial & tribute to his memory 709 " Wm. F., Resolution on the death of 830 Brown, James, Bill for $800. action ag'st Commis'rs 1042 Bridge, application of Messrs Strong, not granted 577 & Dock, grant to build— Strong's Neck 740 " Robinson's sawmill. Union St., as to building 371 " with a Draw, application of Messrs Strong, to erect 572 Breakwater, ordered the people of Setauket, to make 518 Bulkhead, Lease to Harvey West, annulled 356 Brand, J. R. Smith to procure, to brand boards, oyster lots 498 Burial at the town's expense, not to exceed $10 789 Burnell, Dr. Sereno, Medical attendance, bill allowed 776 Board of Trade, to obtain Quit Claim, to erect Shoe Factory 1080 vni TABLE OF REFERENCES. CPAGB ampbell, Donald B., Port Je£E'n,'granted ground for; an L 1012 Carman, Samuel, in Memory of '^'^^ " Henry W., aoct's of, ratified and confirmed 823 acc't between Town & R. R. Smith, audited.. 977 " " preamble & resolution in honor of 977 Caroline Episcopal Church apply for green, in front 790 " Church, at Setauket, application granted 795 Church, Presbyterian, Deed defining the eastern boundary 795 " " " for the above 797 Clam, see Toleration. Clams, Act to protect the right of the town 303-4 " Hardship to pay 3 cts. per bushel 804 " on the north side, agents to collect toleration 649 C:iark, Wm. H., President, resolution on the death of 823 Circular from Albany, asking Donation of $535 808 Common Land, authorized to sell, East side, Conn't Hollow 183 Conscience Bay, land under water, leased 371 Contingent fund, to be raised, not to exceed $1500 637 expenses, tax for 1876 " $1500 680 " to pay Bay Constables " $300 680 " 1877, voied to raise not exceed'g $2000 704 " J878 " " " $1500 729 " 1880 " " " $1500 838 "¦ 1882 " " " $3000 978 fund, 1883, Town Meeting vote, $3000 1016 expenses, 1884, voted, by ballot, $2000 1040 Commiss'rs to fix Boundary, between B'haven & Southamp'n 549 Committee appointed to examine two safes (see Safe) 730 Coram Pond, application, L. H. Davis, for propagating carp 980 laid over 933 " " matter of leasing, decided in the negative 988 Cornucopia Lake 865 County, new, proposition, Trustees disapprove of 675 " division of , Resolution against 697 ~™_--Court of Appeals, South Bay to belong to Brookhaven 645 Creek, west side of P. Jeff. Harbor, Newton & son to open 485 _Ly am, D. D. Swezey made statement, encroachment 313 B. W. Randall, no right to build 313 Davis, John R., protest against claim for percentage 1013 Dayton's Swamp, Committee, to fix monument 485 Decision, Court of Appeals, South Bay belongs to Brookhaven 645 TABLE OF REFERENCES. IX PAGE Deed of Hill at Middle Island, to school trustees 197-8 " to D. D. Swezey, town's right to water of Connec't river. . . 216 " Quit claim for Swamp land at Mt. Sinai 389 Deeds, Grants & Leases, to be recorded in a Book, Resolution 896 Dilerack, Thomas and AVealthy 402 " Wealthy, Release of Highway, signed 404 Dispute, bet. Town & E. T. Smith, Commiss'rs to settle 70 District, see Road and School. Dock, foot of Patchogue Lane, half interest sold 25 in Great S. Bay, opp. Town of Islip,— Indenture 26 Committee to locate, near Crane Neck 48 application, C. J. Smith, to build opp. his premises 49 Lease to ' ' land under water 56 granted Wm. Penny, Moriches, 1868, ten yrs 186 upper, of Jonas Smith, rent reduced 188 to Lewis Baker, foot of Patchogue Lane 288 ' ' for building, lease 291 Application of Mather and Hawkins 341 Indenture to " Port JefE'n 348 charges too high at Jonas Smith's 845 " rates allowed, est. of Jonas Smith 351 Appli. of Wm. Smith, Forge River, deferred 882 grant to build, West side of Patchogue Creek 501 at Port Jeff'n, rules and wharfage 570-1 Application of Terry & Green, at Sayville 573 Indenture to " " " 578 to place Piers " " " 634 at Port JefEerson, old landmartc gone 638 & Railways to Wm. L. Jones, grant. Port Jefferson 650 West side of Harbor, 1834, for 40 years " 651 foot of Patchogue Lane, renewed to Lewis Baker 654 near German Plats, granted to Gilbert S. Terry. 682 East Setauket " to Geo. E. Hand 685 to extend, " 688 foot of Patchogue Lane, granted to L. B. Baker 700 Portable, Patchogue " " Sanford Weeks 716 at Bellport, grant to build, " Charles Osborn 737 New Lease, to build at the foot of Ocean Avenue 738 at Sayville, released from arrearages, J. S. Terry 753 West side of Setauket Harbor, Mes'rs. Strong 765 and Railways, grant to Martemus Smith 769 New Lease, Port Jefferson, to E. B. Darling 776 Twenty feet additional west, to Warren Silsbee 851 X TABLE OF REFERENCES. PAGI Dock, to locate, Centre Moriches, to Wm. Smith 888 " privilege of building at Water Island, opp. Patchogue 896 " ' petition, grant to build E. Moriches Dock Co 897 " Resolu. to lease to J. M. Bayles & Son, $75. per year 930 temporary, Bellport Bay House, to L. W. Cass 930 " at Bellport, application of Joseph H. Bell 931 " to erect a Pavilion on, allowed to Sanford Weeks 981 " & property, J. M. Bayles & Son, rent reduced to $50 933 " foot of Ocean Ave. additional five feet 938 " portable, application for, by Sanford Weeks 970 " Port Jeff'n, lease amended, J. J. Harris 999 " portable, west of Patchogue River, to A. P. Agresta 1003 " " Centre Moriches, to Lewis Terry 1037 " " Patchogue, South Beach, to John Ferguson 1037 " E. Moriches, lease changed to annual rental 1043 " portable. Centre Moriches, to Ellison Bishop 1053 East " " Edw'dBoddy 1056 Bellport " Frank A. Otis 1075 " Application of & grant to Bridgeport Steamboat Co 1074 " to extend into Port Jeff'n Harbor, granted to Capt. Mott. . . 1080 Dog funds appropriated to repairing bridges 833 " Tax, balance for 1879 voted to Cr. of contingent fund 904 " 1880 appropriated to " 978 Dredge, no party to, forbidden by county law 338 Dredging, Law against, to be enforced 315 " Trustees suspend act of Supervisors 814 " in P. Jeff'n Harbor, asked to pass an Act against 657 " in " Bay, resolution adopted. .. , 1084 Draw Bridge, application, at P. Jeff'n, by Steam mill 355 of R. W. Wheeler & 41 others 365 " " at Steam mill, P. Jeff'n, opinion of Hon. S. B. Strong 366 E. ¦ , Book— Page 60 5 Eeling, Lease to Welden Avery in West bay, at $10 10 1863, to Nelson Gerard for $4 165 " on Smith's shore, leased to Egbert T. Smith 188 1866 " " " ; 301 ", along Smith's shore, granted to " 367 Eel and Fish, petition for protection. Act postponed 544 Eels or Fish in Old Field or Conscience Bay, ord. repealed 1076 Eel grass, in East Bay, Act to save 33I East Bay, Beach &c., Deed, Wm. Smith & w. to Brookhaven. ...137-30 TABLE OF REFERENCES. XI PAGE East Bay, Agreement, Jown & Wm. Smith, 1790 181-4 Division Line, Tuttle & Ellison to fix 148 " " " " " report 151 " " Boundary in— Indenture 153-4 " Trespassers in, committee to visit E. T. Smith 300 " Committee reported 305 Election Districts, as fixed in 1848 136 3&5altered 184 3&5&4" 261-2 No. 1 divided & Nos. altered 397 Division Bound, bet. 1st & 2d 492 Boundaries of the 7 established, Oct. 1883.. ..1004 No.Sdivided 1076 '' " No. of votes for & against, appli. to Superv. . . 1048 Escallops, no person to catch from April 1st to Oct. 1st 1065 Ellison, Thomas J., resolutions in regard to his death 315 Fi, iddleton Island, to Daniel Robinson for 5 yrs., 1857 38 " 3 " 1863 165 " Jeremiah Robinson" 3 " 1865 234 " " application of Justus Roe, for shooting, not granted 1009 " lots, resolution amended 943 " Oyster lots, voted that 99 should be cancelled 1053 Fence, grass or seaweed, Uriah Smith permitted 104 Fish & Eel, petition for protection. Act postponed 544 " " Act, for Conscience Bay 550. Fishing, privilege to Oliver Smith, on Smith's shore 801 for $1.25— 1862 165 Oliver R. Smith " $1.50— 1863 188 Fowling, opposite Bellport, leased to Henry Osborn 94 Flax pond lane, common land to the highest bidder 370 Fire Company, No. 1, Patchogue volunteer. .' 833 Floyd, Nicoll, applies to present copy of printed records to Board of Supervisors , 1036 Floyd, Nicoll, Lawyer, bill for services, $8, ordered paid 1056 Floyd Smith, trustee, resolutions on the death of 370 VXrass in West Bay, Mr. Beale to sell, 1856 10 " East of Pattersquash, Mr. Stephens to dispose of 13 " on Fiddleton Island, to Dan'l Robinson, for 1 yr 38 XU TABLE OF REFERENCES. Grass on Pattersquash Island, leased to Elihu Hawkins 41-3 Pelican Island, " to Walter Hawkins 83 Pattersquash, Elihu Hawkins, to cut, 1860 85 New-made Island, East Bay, leased to J. M. Fanning. ... 94 Out Shore Ridge, leased to J. W. Swezey— 1861 133 agreed that Curry & Mcintosh pay $15 297 shore, Setauket harbor, C. Jayne to hire out 610 Pelican Island, leased to Capt. A. Hawkins 717 the Ridge, sold to J. Glover— 1878 730 Fiddleton, C. E. Rose applied for lease 973 Island south of Ridge, sold to W. Raynor 780 the Ridge, committee to sell at Auction 987 Grants of Hawkins, Mather, Lee & Brown, com'te to examine 648 Green near the Churches in Setauket, for school house 350 Guiming, see also Fowling. on Beach opp. Bellport, to Osborn & Petty 164 leased to Joseph Carman for $1.-1862 165 " " Samuel Carman Jr. ' ' — 1863 188 on Smith's shore, to Jacob B. Smith— 1866 301 at Smith's Point, granted to Egbert T. Smith 867 on out shore Ridge, declined to lease at auction 568 J. R. Smith to hire out 567 Granted 40 acres in South Bay, near Great River, to R. Baby 350 Gravel and stones or sand, all persons forbidden to take 356 H, -, Book, beginning of records in 968 Hallock, Philip, token of respect on death of 698 Havens, John Symnes, resolutions on " " 31.3-4 Homan, Silas, obituary not ice & resolution " " 357 Hutchinson, Henry P., obituary notice " " 883 " Benj'n T., memorial & tribute to the memory of 713 " " to copy parts of Book B 525 Half Mile Pond, grant to Lester H. Davis, for 10 yrs 943 Hay Scale, Port Jeff'n, consent given to C. P. Randall 951 Highway, see also Road and Avenue. " at Rock'HoUow, Rocky Point 169 " Districts joined, 51 & 20 Bellport 173 " near Ronconcama Pond 181 " Release of land for S. & N. Newton 183 " at Waverly— two several roads 191-3 " " " Release for Division Avenue , 193 " " Washington" 193 TABLE OF REFERENCES. XIll PAGE Highway at East Moriches— New Road 194 " " " Release for above 195 " from Patchogue to Mott's Mills, surveyed 196 Old, at Middle Island, fixed 346-7 " from Cumsawog, South, surveyed 250-1 across Connecticut River at South Haven, survey 358-9 " from Port Jeff'n towards Mt. Sinai, survey 367 at Setauket, Methodist Ch'h. to W. R. Satterly's, survey 268 " at New Village, survey of 275 " at Patchogue, in 1834, survey of 385 " from " west " 286 at " from Neck to Neck, Damages 394 from " Neck to Short Neck 399 at '¦' South, defined 307 Highways, Overseers of, appointed by Commissioners 317 Highway, East Setauket, in Georges Neck, survey of 319 " Patchogue, from Lane to Short Neck, Release 334 Millers Place, near Pond, defined ,834 " from East Moriches, north. Land released 385 " " " " Release or donation 386 " at Holbrook, extended 387 Union Avenue, extension. Release & appraisal 391 " at Patchogue, across Creek, Releases for 408 " " to Short Neck Road, Release for 404 " " Holbrook, Union Avenue " " 404 " ¦' Stony Brook, Hollow used &c.. Survey of 407 " " Rocky Point Landing, laid out 466 " " " " Release for 466 " New Village, altered 478 " " Swczeytown, Half mile pond to Whiskey road 474 " " " Release of land for 475 " Manorville, Releases for 478 " Patchogue, described 418 " Middle Island, land dedicated by 0. F. Swezey 476 " Swezeytowp, Release for, 1871 487 "- " Patchogue, to be called Union Street 494 " " " Release of claim for damages 495 " " application of Geo. F. Carman &c 499 " " Middle Island, altered 519 " " " " Release for foregoing 530 " " Patchogue, from Lane to Creek 527 " Holbrook, Release for 582 " Middle Island, towards Millers place 587 XlV TABLE OF REFERENCES. PAGE Highway at Bluepoint, laid out 547 " " Port Jefferson, surveyed 554-8 " " " " West side 551 " " Cumsawogue, surveyed 574 " " Patchogue, Rail Road Avenue 580 " " " Town Commis'rs apply to assess damages 588 " at Patchogue, Lane, Release for 585 " East Moriches, " " . . ¦. 598 " Old, from Cumsawogue, West, lessened 606 " "at " application to lessen 609 at Patchogue, Release for 613 " " Cumsawogue or Terrytown, Release 618 to Port Jeff'n, survey 633-4 " " " Release of Land 635 " " " &c., certificate of County Judge 636 " " " &c., Decision of " affirmed 637 " " Upper Swezey Town, Release for 653 " application of John Marvin, fee of right, not granted. . 657 Old, at Port Jefferson, surveyed 660 " at Fireplace, and releases for : 670-1 " " Patchogue, Union School House, Release for 673 " Old field. Survey of 685 "Fireplace '' " 693 " " Mt. Sinai, two Juries drawn 695 " " Stony Brook to Setauket, survey of 731 " " Manor, south of Depot " 734 to Patchogue, Gerard's Mill Dam, located 724 " over Robinson's Dam, waste gate, bridge, &c 784 " at Patchogue, encroachment on 735 " " West Yaphank, Swezey's Mills, Westerly 763 " from Setauket to Stony Brook 763 " Port Jett''n, west side of Harbor, survey of 781 " at Patchogue, centre of Willow St. survey 793 Release " " 794 " " Centre Moriches, Assess't of damages 878 " " Patchogue, Smith St., record & survey of 881 " " " Oath of Jurors 883 " " " " Decision of Jury 884 " " " Release of land 885 " " " " Agree't for release 886 " " " " " encroach't 887 " " " " Release all claim, damages. . . 907 on Old Neck, releases of land 898-9- -900 TABLE OF REFERENCES. XV Highway at Patchogue, Maple St., Record & Survey 918 " " Setauket, Commiss'rs to assess damages 933-3 " " " " paid for services 924-5 " " " for widening, commis'rs assess &c 937 " " " commiss'rs paid for services 937-8-9 " in Patchogue, application to draw Jury 938 West St., Survey & Record 985 Release, Elisha Ackerly 937 " Barnum Avenue, consent of P. T. Barnum 951 " Cemetery " Port Jeff'n, Record & Survey 953 " at Centre Moriches, Jury certify to the necessity 968 " Old Church road widened 964 " adjoining Ocean Ave., Trustees release claim for dam ages 1033 Highways, Overseers of, appointed by Commiss'rs 1868 348 1869 1870 1871 1873 1878 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 " Ap'l 1881 " Nov. 1881 961 ' under New Law 539 Joseph Jayne to fill vacancy 713 Historical Society, New York, acknowledg'nt, copy of records. . . 1040 Long Island " " "... 1040 Hole under the Hill, Naskeaguc 173-178 Homan, L. B., allowed $3 per month, for meeting with trustees. . 759 Hutchinson, B. T., estate discharged from indebtedness 974 Overseer 378416483 515 564 618658689714743778 873905 I ndenture, Mather & Darling, shore at Port Jefferson 706 Inshore Ridge, to Jonas Mills, leased for 5 years 234 " paid rent $8.50 274 Island, New Made, Edgar Daniels, of Moriches, paid rent 967 " in Port Jeff'n Bay, Capt. Wm. A. Overton applied for 996 " " Committee report, town held no right. 999 XVl TABLE OF REFERENCES. PAGE Islip, Agreement & compact, with committee, 1880 848 " Compact with, $1200. in the hands of J. Wood 970 " " ratified and confirmed 971 in behalf of, recommendation of W. L. Suydam 973 J, ennings, R., paid $50. on acc't of counsel fees 406 " to be paid $200. for payt of Hon. H. Nicoll 431 " presents statement and asks for $300 577 another bill for services i$250.) 683 La Jaw suit, Pattersquash line. Counsellor to have Deed 93 Laurel Hill, Negro Burial Ground, Quit claim 441 Lease to Wm. T. Hulse, land, head of Port Jeff'n Bay 44 " Ahirah Hawkins, no new granted 75 " Jonas Mills, resolved to renew 75 Sylvester Randall " 75 ; " Harvey West, shore at Port Jeff'n, cancelled 108 " new, order to give 103 Henry Hallock, shore at Port Jeff'n, " 104 I " " cancelling deferred 110 Harvey West " 110 for 40 years, from 1858— Res 117 Henry Hallock for 40 years, from 1853 — Res 118 " Harvey West, shore at Port Jeff'n, Indenture 119-20 Henry Hallock " accepts 122 " " " Indenture 124-5 David Briscol, land at Old Field 169 Several in South Bay 239 Mather cfc Darling for 30 years „ ,. , 706 " in P(n-t Jeff'n Bay, application, voted not to grant 777 " to Charles E. Rose, 50 ft. opp. liis strand 851 Loa'ied ground, at Port Jeff'n, Henry Hallock, transfer 335 Land, in Setauket, conveyed to Wm. C. Tooker , . 60 Little Bay, " meadow reported risen, side of 486 Litigation, Capt. Tyler, asks to be indemnified 66 Loam, to Geo. Homan, exclusive right to remove 735 JLots, & Toleration, alike to Eastern Islip & Brookliavcn 643 " planted, lessees unwilling to relinquish them 647 " in Port Jeff'n Harbor, applications should be granted- 856 M, Justices Z. F. Hawkins Rich'd O. Howell ) Page 62. List of Overseers of Highways in the Town of Brookhaven Chosen Apr 1st '56 Dist. No 1 William S. Williamson 27 Morgan L. Gould 2 Lewis Hallock 3 Ebenezer Hawkins 4 Joseph Jayne 5 William Smith 6 James Anderson 7 Joshua Overton 8 Brewster Tooker 9 Charies Phillips 10 Edwin Miller 11 Joel Brown 12 Benjamin Tuttle 13 Geo. C. Raynor 11 Nathan Davis 15 Henry T. Osborn 16 Jesse Rogers 17 Robert Smith 18 David T. Hawkins 19 Sylvester N. Cor win 20 Briant N. Overton 21 David Hedges 23 John Newton 23 William J. Horton 24 William J. Newton 25 William Avery :26 George Raynor 28 William E. Gould 29 J. Milton Norton 30 Joshua Overton 31 Ham Smith 32 Richard Smith 33 Hiram Terry 34 Daniel T. Overton 35 George W. Ritch 36 Lester Ruland 37 Joseph N. Hurtin 38 Samuel L. Homan 39 Edmund T. Hawkins 40 Jehial W. Randall 4] Lewis Gordon 42 John Avery 48 Edward A. Swezey 44 Gilbert K. Vail 45 Sidney Penny 46 Herman Hallock 47 Albert Woodhull 48 John Dolan 49 Wm C. Tooker 50 Charles Rose 51 Isaac Overton 52 Joel Hawkins - Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 0 I hereby Certify that the foregoing is a correct List of Overseers of Highways chosen & appointed in and for said Town for the Ensuing year Brookhaven Sam'l A. Hawkins April 1st 1856 Town Clerk Page 63. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 6th May. 1856 Present Davis Norton Prest — Charles Woodhull Charles Price Micah Jayne John H. Stephens David B. Beale Chancey B. Dayton At sd Meeting Board decided to reduce Mrs. Blydenburgh pension to 3/. per week. also to Reduce Minor Swezey pension to one Dollar also to Reduce Mary Raynors " to 4/ per week " " " Mary Robinson " to 4/ " " Board decided to allow Mrs. Biggs 8/ till next Meeting " '•' to allow Angeline Marvin but 4/ per week Board allowed Mrs. Furman 4/ per week for keeping Enos Hulse Board adjourned to meet the 1st tuesday in June next Davis Norton Prest — • S. A. Hawkins Town Clerk. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 3d day of June 1856 - Trustees 10 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Present at sd Meeting Davis Norton Prest Charles Woodhull Charles Price David B. Beale Micah Jayne John H. Stephens Chancey B. Dayton Board decided to allow Peggy Dean 4/ per week from this date, also Jane Sandford the same Board decided to allow Mrs. Lawrence Raynor $1.25 per week Board decided to allow Ben Homan's wife 3/. per week " " " increase Mary Raynor to 6/ again " " to allow Deborah Howell for her son 6/ Board decided to lease to Welden Avery the EEling in west Bay for one year at $10. Board authorised Mr Beale to Sell the Grass in W. Bay Board decided (on applica tion) to Sell the land at Stony Brook called School House Hill to the Inhabitants of that School District as a Site for School House for the sum of $75. Board employed Ham Smith to oversee Poor House for the sum of $20. ad journed to meet 1st tuesday in Aug. D. Norton Prest Page 64. At an adjourned meeting of the Supervisor Town Super- inten't of Common Schools and Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven held at the House of Wm Robbins in Said town on Saturday the 28th Oct. 1854 application to them having previously been made by a portion of the Trustees and Inhabitants of School District No. 18 in sd town to Establish proper boundaries thereto and having deliberated upon the subject in question have decided and fixed the boundaries of Said district as follows, viz. Beginning at a certain Stone at the angle of the Hay Road (so called) and Fire place Road Thence northerly by and with said Hay BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 11 road until a west course therefrom shall strike the division line of the Farms of Wm Phillips and Mordecai Homan (dec'd) Thence continuing west until a South course shall Strike the west line of the forty ninth lot in the great division of lots Thence South until a line due east there from will Strike the first mentioned corner Stone And we do hereby further resolve and order that all that portion of said dist. No. 18 heretofore included therein lying north of said new line be and is hereby detached therefrom and annexed to district No 17 in said town Given under our hands at Yaphank the day and year above Written John S. Havens J- Supervisor Lewis R. Overton— Supt. of Com Sch Samuel A. Hawkins — Town clerk Entered this 30th day of July 1856 by me Samuel A. Hawkins Town clerk Page 65. At a meeting of the Town Superintendents of South ampton and Brookhaven convened at the house of Rogers Robinson at Seatuck on the 18th day of Feb. 1852 for the purpose of considering the expediency of disolving the present Joint district known as No. 20 in the town of Southampton and No. 6 in Brookhaven. It was resolved and ordered that the said Joint district be dissolved and that such dissolution take effect on and after the first day of May next — Given under our hands at Seatuck this 18th day of Feb. 1852 E. Jones Ludlow Town Supt. of Schools of town of Southampton L. R. Overton Town Supt. of Com. Schools for Brookhaven 13 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Whereas an order was made on the 18th day of Feb. 1852 by the Town Supts. of Southampton and Brookhaven by which sd order, Joint School district No. 20 in S. Hampton and No. 5 in Brookhaven becomes disolved on this first day of May 1852— And whereas applicarion to me has been made for an order forming a new district of that portion of said disolved district which is within the limits of Brookhaven Now therefore I, Lewis R. Overton Town Superintendent of Com. Schools for the Town of Brookhaven do hereby resolve and order that from the said Brookhaven portion of sd dissolved Joint District a new School District be formed which shall be known as School district No. 37 and shall include all the territory within the following boundaries (to wit) westerly by Seatuck cove and Seatuck Creek to the Country Road thence by the line of Captn. Josiah Smith's land to dongans line and by the East hues of the lands of Henry Gordon and Est. of Wm. Gordon northerly by Hot water Street (so called) and the South line of the Estate late of Wm Gordon and Easterly by the line dividing the towns of Brookhaven & Southamp ton Dated at Coram 1st May 1852 L. R. Overton Town Supt. Com. Schools for Brookhaven Page 66. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders & com monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 5th day of April 1856 Present at said meeting Davis Norton Prest. Charles Price Charles Woodhull D. B. Beale .„ , J. _H. Stephens trustees Micah Jayne C. B. Dayton BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 13 Board Resolved to allow Mrs Furman 2 Dollars for the month of April for taking care of Enos Hulse — Board allowed Albert Bishop 4/ S per week from 1st of July last. Board voted and agreed to Lease to Jeremiah Glover the out .Shore Ridge for five years at $15. per year payable on the 1st tuesday in Oct. annually. Board decided and empowered Mr Stephens to dispose of all the grass on meadow East of Pattersquash for one year or for 5 years not already disposed of. Board Authorised Ham Smith overseer of Alms House to dispose of the cow belonging to sd poor house also to procure necessary fastenings to Said Alms House and other necessary things Adjourned to meet the 2d tuesday in September next Davis Norton Prest S. A. Hawkins Town clerk At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 9th day of Sept. 1S56 Present Davis Norton Prest. Charles Woodhull Charles Price David B. Beale John H. Stephens Micah Jayne Chancey B. Dayton Trustees Voted and agreed at Said Meeting to raise by tax in said town of Brookhaven the present Year for the support of the poor thereof the sum of $1700, Seventeen hundred Dollars Board adjourned to meet on tuesday the 11th of Nov. next or second tuesday i Davis Norton Prest. Samuel A. Hawkins Town clerk 14 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 67. At a meeting of the Town Supt. of Com. Schools, Super visor and Town Clerk of Brookhaven at the School House in District No. 29 in said town The Inhabitants thereof having made application to them for a division of said dis trict. After healing the claims of the Inhabitants in re gard to where such line of division should be fixed, We the said Board of officers do hereby Resolve and order the said district heretofore known as district No. 29 be and is hereby divided and formed into two seperate districts as hereinafter described (Viz) • That the eastern portion of said district bounded easterly by Carman's River & little Neck River until it comes to the South Country Road then westerly by said Road to the east side of lot No. 12 in great division (so called) then Northwardly by the east side of said lot until it Intersects the lino running west from the Stone that divides the lands of Wm Smith and Wm Sidney Smith then west by said line to the Town Road (so called) Then southerly by said Road to the head of the Swamp path then westerly to the Beaver dam Brook Then Southerly by said Brook to the Road croEsing Fireplace Neck then easterly to the road running on the west side of the lands of John L. Ireland then South by the said road to the Bay and south by the Atlantic Ocean — shall hereafter be known as School Dis trict No. 29 Brookhaven That the western portion of said old district bounded easterly by the new dist. No 29 north by a continuation west of from the north boundary of said dist. No. 29 then west by the west line of lot No. 35 and the head of Osborn's (formerly Dayton's) Brook and south by the Atlantic Ocean shall be known as District No 38 in said Town And that this order tnke effect on the first day of May 1855 Done at Fireplace this 24th day \ of February A.D. 1855 f BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 15 Lewis R. Overton Town Superint't John S. Havens Supervisor Samuel A. Hawkins Town Clerk At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and com monalty of the Town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 11th day of Nov. 1856 Present Davis Norton Prest. Charls Woodhull Chris Price David B. Beale J. H. Stephens. Micah Jayne C. B. Dayton It was voted and agreed at sd meeting that Ham Smith the overseer of Alms House shall sell the cow belonging to the House for the Hiest price he can obtain Board allowed Mrs Ira Conkling adjourned until first tuesday in Jan. next Davis Norton Prest. Samuel A. Hawkins Town cleik Page ^8. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brookhaven on tuesday the 6th day of Jan. 1857 Present — Davis Norton Prest. Charles Price Charles Woodhull David B. Beale Micah Jayne John H Stephens Chauncy B. Dayton ^ Trustees at said meeting Jehial W. Randall presented a Bill which was thought unreasonable But to be reconsidered at next meeting Board voted to allow Mrs Conklin 6/ per week and that Mr Conklin be ordered to poor house. Board authorised C. B. Dayton to see to Davis Howell and bring him to Alms House if necessary Board Authorised Ham Smith 16 BROOKHAVEN TOAA'N RECORDS. Constable to fetch E. Hulse to Alms house, voted and agreed to allow Mrs Barnes 6/ per week from this date. also voted to add 1/ to the pension of Mrs Cherry and Cate Colly. adjourned to first tuesday in Feb. next at 9 Oclock A.M. Davis Norton \- Prest of Trustees Sam'l A. Hawkins Town clerk At a Trustee meeting on tuesday the 3d day of Feb 1857 Present Davis Norton \- Prest. Charles Price Charles Woodhull Micah Jayne David B. Beale Chauncy B. Dayton Trustees On reconsideration of Mr Randall's Bill the Board agreed to allow a portion of it viz ^7.62 and Mr Randall agreed to Axcept the same. Board decided to Lease the Oystering privileges of W. Bay the ensuing year and that notices be posted for that object. Board decided to petition the Leg islator to pass a Special act for the Town of Brookhaven Extending the time for the collection of the taxes to first June adjourned to the first tuesday in March next at 9 Oclock A.M. .Davis Norton [- Prest. of Trustees Samuel A. Hawkins Town clerk At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven on the 1st tuesday of March 1857 The Board Resolved that whereas The Supervisor and town clerk of the town of Islip have presented a petition to the Legislature urging the passage of a Bill giving them Jurisdiction over a part of the Great West Bay which belongs to Brookhaven that the clerk write to Lawyer Wickham requesting him to go to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 17 Albany to oppose the passage of said Bill &c The Bills were settled up and Board adjourned to meet Apr 7th 1857 D. Norton Prest S. A. Hawkins town clerk Page 69. Town of Brookhaven ss. At an annual Town meeting held in and for said town April 7th 1857 for the Election of town officers the result was as follows viz For Supervisor Wm H. Smith For Justices of Peace Nathaniel Miller & \ . . ^ , -p 1 r /-^ 4. f for lull term 1 rankhn Overton ( President of Trustees — Charles Woodhull Trustees Benjamin Brewster Edward A. Swezey Manley Ruland John Hallock Smith L. Newins Thomas J Ellison For Overseers of Poor Benjamin Brewster & Smith L. Newins For Town Clerk Lewis R. Overton For Com of Highways Samuel Tooker \- for full term For assessors John Post and James M. Bayles For Collector George W. Ritch 18 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. For Constables Daniel Overton John R Bell Albert Terrell G. Osborn Overton Wm Clark Overton Silas Reeve Ichabod Blydenburgh Charls Swezey. For Inspectors of Election 1 ^ T>- + J Jol"^ ^- Williamson John R. Satteriy ist XJist I g^^ George Campbell. f), ,. , ( Alfred Davis Walter Dickerson "^"^ ^'^^ I and John Davis o J ¦, ( Jesse W. Pelletreau John S. Havens °' I and Joel Robinson ^n A \ ^™ S. Preston Piatt Smith and 4th do I Q jj_ p jjobinson - ,, J j Stephen Bloomer John P. Mills and *^"^^°- ( John Milton Norton We the undersigned Justices of the Peace in and for the town of Brookhaven do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Statement of the result of said annual town meet ing this 7th day of Apr. 1857 Samuel F. Norton ) R 0 Howell f Justices S R Davis ) Sam'l C. Hawkins ) j ,¦ Jesse W Pelletreau > j: d v 17 TT r • (of Peace Z. b. Hawkins ) Page 70. List of Overseers of Highways in and for the town of Brookhaven chosen April 7th 1857 viz. Dist — Names Names 1 Wm S. Williamson 4 Joseph Jayne 2 George Smith. Farmer 5 Benjamin N. Smith 3 Charles Smith 6 James S. Anderson BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. in 7 Buel B. Randall 8 Elisha Norton 9 Lorenzo G. Davis 10 Conklin D^vis 11 Isaac W. Brown 12 Francis A. Woodhull 13 J. C. Carter 14 Sylvester Raynor 15 Austin Culver 16 Parker S. Robinson 17 Silas Hawkins 18 David T. Hawkins 19 Sylvester N. Corwin 20 Nelson Hawkins 21 David Hedges 22 John Newton 23 Davis Baker 24 Wm J. Newton 25 Wm Avery 26 George Raynor 27 John F. Hallock 28 Richard O. Howell 29 Wm Longbothum 53 Andrew 30 Richard W. Smith 31 Ham Smith 32 Richard Smith (pond 33 Ebenezer Terry 34 Daniel T. Overton 35 George W. Ritcli 36 Lester Ruland 37 Joseph N. Hurtin 38 Sam'l L Homan 39 Edmund T. Hawkins 40 Oriando J. Randall 41 Lewis Gordon 42 John Avery 43 Thomas J. King 44 Lewis Terry 45 Sidney 0. Chichester 46 Sylvester D. Tuttle 47 Elbert Woodhull 48 Wm Sidney Plawkins 49 Wm C. Tooker 50 James W. Sell 51 Henry Hawkins 52 Jehial Woodruff Ketcham I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct List of overseers of Highways chosen at an annual town meeting in and for the town of Brookhaven April 7th 1857 Samuel A. Hawkins town clerk Page 71. Town of Brookhaven May 5th 1857 At a meeting of the trustees of the town of Brookhaven, five of the Board being present, viz. Charles Woodhull President of the board, Benjamin Brewster, Manly Ruland, 30 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Smith L. Newins and Edward A. Swezey, it was resolved that L. R. Overton Town Clerk, be Clerk of the board of Trustees for the current year — Application was made to the board by Mr. Mather for the regulating &. establishing wharf charges in Port Jefferson — Application deferd to the next meeting of the board — It was further resolved that Ham Smith be authorized to purchase a cow for the Almshouse — The subject of Mr. Wickham's letter, relating to an oyster lawsuit, was taken up when on motion it was resolved that Mr Newins be authorized to write to Mr. Wickham requesting him to employ connsel to assist in sd suit — also to subpena all necessary witnesses On Motion adjourned to meet on the first tuesday of June next — Cha's Woodhull Presid't L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Page 72. To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven— We the undersigned electors of District No 44 Respectfully present to you That in consideration and in consequence of the enlargement of said district by the addition of over two miles of newly laid out road thereby making the duties of our Road Master (for the whole over three miles) altogether too burthensome therefore we petition your honorable Board to divide our district at the east line of Silas Topping's farm We consider that to divide at the above point will be as fair for the eastern division as for the western, as no doubt in a short time we shall have another mile added to our district with only a few days assessment with it Very your obedient Servants P. S. The above division line gives about half to each as it now stands BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 21 L. D. Vail David Porter G. K. Vail Wm Downes Maltby Edwards Leander Robinson Strong Terry Josiah Bishop J. S. Havens Daniel Brown Mary Bishop John Baldwin Joshua Penny Paul Cartwright Gilead Hawkins Elias Topping L. G. Terry D. C. Rhodes Daniel Raynor M. P. Penny Charles W. Robinson Peter Linnington Ralph Jones Wm Albertson Richard Robinson Hamilton Robinson John R. Havens George Smith Silas E. Topping Nath'l Burdell Wm Penny Of the above named all except three are voters, and all are obliged to work Roads, we forgat to add that we have also two miles north towards the Manor which makes over five miles as our district now is and if divided agreeably to this application will make us of the western division three and a half miles & the eastern about If. We there fore think our eastern friends have no Just grounds of complaint in dividing the District Respectfully Submitted L. D. Vail G. K. Vail At a meeting of the Commissioners of highways of the town of Brookhaven held on the 27th day of March 1857 on the application of L. D. Vail and others to deliberate on the subject matter of this order it was ordered and de termined that road dist. No 44 in said town be and the same is hereby divided as follows, all that part of said dis trict lying and being west of the east line of the lands of 33 BKOOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. ' Silas Topping be known as Road district no. 44 in said tovi'n and all public Roads therein be worked and kept in repair by the persons residing therein. And all that part of said district lying and being to the east of said line to be known and Recorded as Road dist. no 53 in said town and all public Roads to be worked and kept in repair by the Inhabitants residing therein Brookhaven Mar. 27th 1857 Isaac Overton ) p ^ James Hallock > -p- i ' Nelson Norton ) ^ ^ Page 73. At a meeting of the Trustees of the town of Brookhaven convened at the house of L. H. Davis on the 2d day of June 1857 Cha's Woodhull, Benjn. Brewster, Manly Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison & Edward A. Swezey being present. It was resolved by sd board that aid be allow'd to Tho's L. Overton one dollar pr week for the past four week — Resolved that Margnret Arch be allowed temporary aid two dollars — ^Resolved further that sundry bills presented by S. y. Norton be laid over till the next meeting — Resolved also that Wm. Wickham Jr Esq be employed to assist the supervisor of this town in carrying out the provisions of an act of the last Session of the Legislature in the matter of fixing a permanent boundary line between Brookhfiven & Islip — It was also further resolved that specific controlling powers be granted to the Lessees of the wharf of Hawkins & Mather at Port Jefferson Resolved to adjn. to the first tuesday in Aug. next. C. Woodhull Presidt. -L. R. Overton Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 23 We the undersigned Board of Trustees in & for the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, Do hereby author ize Frederick F. Darling, William M. Jones & John R. Mather to whom the wharf & ways originally constructed by Win. L. Jones and now owned by Tho's B. Hawkins & John R. Mather have been leased for the period of ten years & whp now intend incurring great expense in repair ing the same to exercise entire control over said Dock & ways, & we hereby further authorize said Frederick F. Darling Wm. M. Jones & Jno. R. Mather to collect wharfage of all vessels lying at said Dock at the rates men tioned in schedule A. hereunto annexed, and we further authorize & empower the sd F. F. Darling W. M. Jones & John R. Mather to regulate the time within which ves sels lying at sd Dock shall load or discharge & to compel the captains or owners thereof to comply with their orders in regard to the same, upon failure to do which the sd F. F. Darling Wm. M. Jones & John R. Mather are em powered to cut loose said vessels from their wharf & thus make way for others — and in fine we authorize sd F. F. Darling Wm. M. Jones and John R. Mather to collect in addition to the wharfage Page 74. from the captain of each vessel the various sums for each and every article by them received or discharged, wharfage at the rate set forth in Schedule A. hereunto annexed — Schedule A. All vessels of 50 Tons & under $0.12J pr day over 50 " " under 100 Tons .15 " " over 100 " & under 150 " .25 " " over 150 " & tinder 250 " .30 " " 250 " & over • .50 pr day Steam Boats Laying side of said Wharf 1.25 pr day 34 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. On each Barrell landed or taken off • 3 cents " " Hogshead " " -12 ^^ Loads of Goods as Boxes & Packages .15 Bricks pr Thousand -l^a Lumber pr. Thousand -15 Ashes pr. 100 Bushels -12^ Loads of Manure • ^ Coal & other Goods by the Ton .12^ Cattle, as Cows, Oxen & Horses each .15 Calves, Sheep & Lambs each . 2 Loads of Furniture each .15 Chains, Anchors, & other Castings pr cwt . 3 Bars of Iron pr. Load -10 Hoop Poles taken off sd wharf pr. Load .10 Wood taken off, pr. six ft. cord . 6 Bales of Hay or Straw each . 2 Loads of Straw or Hay .16 Ballasting Vessels off sd wharf from two to three dollars, being governed by size of vessel & quantity taken The said Trustees of Brookhaven reserving the Right of landing or sending off articles belonging to the Corporation of Brookhaven free from tax Witness our hands at Brookhaven this second day of June 1857. Charles Woodhull A true copy L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk ¦Page 75. Town of Brookhaven 4th Aug. 1857 At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders & Commonalty of the corporate Town of Brookhaven held at the house of L. H. Davis on this day it was resolved by said Board, on application from J. H. Weeks that Wd BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 35. Deborah Howell be allowed 75 cts pr week, for the 7 weeks ending on the second Inst, as a compensation for boarding & taking care of Davis Howell her son — & further resolved that she be allowed $1.25 pr. week after that date for his board & care until further measures are taken in regard to him — Resolved unanimously that the aid heretofore rendered to Albert Bishop a resident of South Hampton be discon tinued — Resolved that upon the several Bills presented by Sidney S. Norton for medicine to ponpayers $2.42 thereof be allowed Resolved further, that upon the several bills presented by Dr. J. E. Gildersleove for medical attendance to paupers, $5. thereof be to him paid Adjourned to first tuesday in Sept. next L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Walter Howell's certificate to E. W. Roe for sale of Dock This may certify that I have this first day of Oct. 1853 sold to Elijah W. Roe my one half interest in the Dock at the foot of Patchogue Lane Recorded this 4th. day of Aug. Walter Howell 1857 L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Page 76. School Comn'rs Order creating School Dist No 39 — in the town of Brookhaven — In the matter of the formation of Dist No. 39 in the town of Brookhaven County of Suf folk & the consequent alteration of District No. 27 & No 25 in sd town It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner for Assembly Dist. No. 2 of the county of Suffolk 26 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN EECORDS. that a new school district be formed to consist of part of Dist. No. 25 & part of Dist. No. 27 in the town of Brook haven which new district is hereby numbered 39 & is bounded as follows, on the north by the Long Island Rail Road on the west by Swan Creek at the centre of the west Bridge and a line running from the head of the stream north to the Rail Road on the south by the South Bay & on the east by Mud Creek to the centre of the Bridge on the Highway & a line running from the head of sd Creek north to the Long Island Rail Road Given under my hand this 11th day of May 1857 — William Nicoll A true copy L. R. Overton Tn Clerk N. B. The above order & all other matters of Record relating to schools, may be found in another portion of this book beginning at page 425 and onward L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Page 77. This Indenture made the 4th day of Aug. 1857 between the Trustees of the town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk of the first part, & Silas Seaman of Islip in s'd County of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first party for & in consideration of the annuities hereinafter named have granted & by these presents do grant to the said party of the second part his heirs & assigns for the term of twenty (20) years, the privilege of constructing & sustaining a Dock situated in the Great South Bay opposite the said town of Islip & opposite the farm & strand of the said party of the second part being about twenty rods west of the avenue or road leading from the house of the party of the second part to the said Bay said Dock to extend out from the shore far enough to gain five feet of water at low tide — said Dock to he of frame BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 37 construction, so as to be removed at the pleasure of the said party of the second part & to be subject to his control direction & management with the privilege of establishing & maintaining a reasonable & uniform rate of charges or Dockage against all persons for using the same, which said charges or Dockage & for the benefit & behoof of the s'd party of the second part & his assigns for the said term of twenty years — and for & in consideration of said privilege the said party of the second part hereby consents to pay to the s'd party of the first part or their successors in office, the sum of two dollars annually, the first annuity payable & to be paid at the end & expiration of one year from the date of this instrument & every subsequent an nuity payable & to be paid at the end & expiration of each year thereafter during the said term, & it is further under stood & agreed by these parties that the representations as set forth in the petition of the said party of the second part to the said party of the first part, to obtain this grant & bearing date the third day of Aug. 1857, & now filed in the office of the clerk of Brookhaven, shall be further bind ing upon the s'd party of the second part his heirs & assigns — In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands & seals — Binding on the one part their successors in office & on the other part his executors administrators heirs & assigns, the day & year first above written.Sealed signed & delivered Charles Woodhull Pres (seal) in presence of L. R. Overton on the part of Trustees Smith L. Newins for Silas C. Seaman (seal) Recorded by me this 1st day of Sep 1857 L. R. Overton T. Clerk Page 78. This Indenture made this 4th day of Aug. .1857 between 38 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the corporate Trustees of the town of Brookhaven of the first part & Dan'l Robertson of the said town of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for & in consideration of the sum of five dollars to them in hand paid by the s'd party of the second part, doth hereby grant ct lease to the said Daniel Robinson party of the second part one certain Island in South Bay called Fiddleton Island for the term of one year from the 7th day of Ap'l 1857 — To Have & to Hold for his sole use & Benefit all the grass growing or that may grow on said Leased premises for the term of one year — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands & seals the day tt year first above written — In presence of Charles Woodhull Pres't (L.S.) L. R. Overton (Copy) Recorded by me this 1st day of Sept. 1857 L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Brookhaven Sept 1st 1857 At a meeting of the Trustees of the town of Brookhaven all the members of the board excepting John Hallock being present it was voted unanimously that the sum of one thousand & eight hundred dollars ($1,800) le raised for the support of the poor of this town for the ensuing year — Resolved that the use of Fiddleton Island be granted to Dan'l Robinson one year for five dollars Resolved to adjourn to the 27th day of Oct next at 9 oclock A.M L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Charies Woodhull President Page 79. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Town of Brook haven on the 27th day of Oct. 1859 at L. H. Davis in BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 39 Coram all the members of said Board being present except John Hallock it was resolved that twenty five cents pr week be allowed Margaret Arch from this date to continue during the coming winter — Resolved to allow Alexander Ruland two dollars as tem porary aid for keeping his daughter Mrs Terrell & also fifty cents pr. week from this date till next meeting of the Board — Resolved by the Board (Mr Ruland objecting) that $4.00 be paid Daniel Edwards for a coat furnished to Samuel Edwards — Resolved to adjourn to tuesday Dec. first at 9 Oc A.M. L. R. Overton Tn. Clk ' C. Woodhull President Dec'r 1st 1857 Pursuant to adjournment the corporate Board of Trustees met at the house of L. H. Davis in Coram— C. Woodhull— B. Brewster— M. Ruland E. A. Swezey — S. L. Newins & T. J. Ellison being present — ¦ Resolved that 75 cts pr. week be allowed Submit Wood- hull till next meeting — Resolved that one dollar pr. week be allowed Miss Elisa beth Smith of Setauket Application for aid to Sarah Brewster having been made. Board resolved that Mr Ruland be authorized to bring her the said Sarah Bi'ewster to the Almshouse if she is wiUing to come — Resolved to adjourn to meet at this place on tuesday 5tli day of Jan'y 1858— L. R. Overton Tn. Clk C. Woodhull Pres't Page 80. We the commissioners of Highways for the town of Brookhaven having been calle^ by Francis Woodhull & having staked out a section of Road in Wading River, a part of which was laid out by the commissrs in 1812 on the 30 BROOKHAVEN TOAA'N RECORDS. north side of an old gully which we are inclined to believe was the original road, do order the same to be recorded four poles wide A Survey of the road or highway in Wading River from the residence of Dec. James Woodhull's westward to the residence (or nearly) of Benjn. K. Tuthill, commencing at a stake placed by the commissioners of the town of Brook- ha^'en, as the centre of Highway at or near the residence of Dec. James Woodhull — The following bearings were taken from the said stake (viz) The southwest corner of the residence of Dec. James Woodhull is N. 46° E. and the west end of the Ridge of his Barn is or was N. 31° E. and a small house of Nath'l M Tuthill was N. 60° W to the south end of said house- Thence running westerly with the following courses and distances from s'd stake to the centre of Llighway, 1 Course S. 36° W — 5 chs. 18 Links 2 — S. 45° W. — 3 48 3 — S. 71° w — 1 57 4 - s. 81° w. — 4 22 5 — s. 66° w. — 2 67 6 — s. 51° w — 5 23 7 — s. 75° w. — 7 43 8 — N. 71° w. — 3 30 9 — N. 60° w — 5 79 10 — N. 59° w. — 8 00 11 — N. 74° w — 3 56 12 — N. 85° w — 8 00 13 — S. 85° w — 1 00 14 — S. 574° ' w — 4 48 15 — s. 52° w — 3 86 16 — s. 70i° ' w. — 1 25 From the last stake in the centi-e of h: ighway, the bear- ings of the residence r )f Benjn. K. Tuthill house is to the southeast corner of the big part ; isN. ' 75i' 0 W BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 31 The above survey was made as centre of highway & staked out as a 4 rod pathway — The above courses magnetic — The distances measured with a four rod chain The above survey was made on the 29th day of June 1857 by N. H. Jones Nelson Norton 1 p , A true copy from James Hallock [- o- / the original on file Sam'l Tooker ) * ^ in the town Clerks office Recorded this 31 day of Nov 1857 L. R. Overton Tn Clk Page 81. We the Commissioners of Highways for the town of Brookhaven for the year 1857, having been called to view & stake out a part of the Highway, leading from the school house to the Sound shore known as Hallocks Landing — ¦ after having verbal testimony in regard to former usages of said road — a copy of a will was produced of Noah Hal lock, of the date of 1761 containing a provision for a 3 rod road betwixt the lands of his sons Noah & Josiah Hallock, & given to them, their heirs & assigns forever for a road commencing one and a half rods west of his son Noah's house, for the east side of said Highway — Thence running northerly to the sound ,& thence southerly from the said house to a Blackoak tree east of his son Josiah's Barn, thence continuing in a southerly direction to the 39th Lot. — -After giving the subject due consideration. We the Com missioners have employed a Surveyor & run & staked out the road as pr card of Surveyor, one of our associates being precluded from acting in the premises by reason of being related to one of the parties now interested in s'd road A 33 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. card of a Survey made for & under the direction of the Commissioners of the town of Bhaven for the year 1857 — Commencing with the direction of a will made by Noah Hallock to his sons Noah & Josiah Hallock the east side of said road was made to start one & a half rods from the west side of his son Noah house now owned & occupied by Isaac W. Brown — The centre of the road was found by measuring three rods from Isaac W. Brown's house (or the original cellar wall of the house mentioned in sd will) The following bearings were taken from the centre of the road &. at the starting point viz. Sylvester Hallock's house — the front corners bore (viz) The north east N. 15^° W— The south east corner N. 32|° W. & the southwest corner of the house of Isaac W Brown bore S. 68° E. thence running the following courses & distances to the Beach — (Viz, Course 1st — N. 12i° E. — 3 chains 16 Links 2 — N. 19° E. —2 " 78 3 — N. 30f° E. — 3 " 65 4 — N. 16i E — 3 " 43 Thence from the first centre stake or starting point southerly to the stump of a Blackoak tree mentioned in sd will S. 6J° W. 4 chs & 32 Links — thence on the follow ing courses to 39tli Lot Page 82. First course S. 27i° W. — 2 chains 00 Links 2 '¦' S. 56° W — 7 " 40 3 " S. 49i° W. — 3 " 27 4 " S. 34° W. — 3 " 50 5 " S. 36i° W — 1 " 00 The above is a correct copy of Field Book of Survey made this 17th day of Oct. 1857 N. H. Jones Surveyor BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 33 Sam'l Tooker ) Com. of Nelson Norton [ Highways Copy from the original on file in Town Clerks office 30th Nov 1857 L. R. Overton Town Clerk Before the County Judge of Suffolk County — In the matter of appeal of Sylvester Hallock from an order of the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Brookhaven The Commissioners of Highways of the town of Brook haven having made an order dated 17th Oct. 1857 ascer taining & locating a part of the road at Rocky Point lead ing from the school house to the Sound shore as a highway — and Sylvester Hallock having appealed to the County Judge of Suffolk Co. from said order a copy of which order & notice of appeal is hereto annexed — And the Co. Judge having thereupon assigned a time & place for the hearing & caused due notice thereof to be served on the Commissioners & on Isaac Brown the petitioner and having attended on said road on the 23 day of July 1858 at 10 o'clock A.M. the time & place so assigned and having been attended by the said Sylvester Hallock & his counsel & by said Isaac Brown & by George Miller the counsel for sd Commissioners and William Wickham Jr. Esq, the counsel for sd appellant on said order for the reversal thereof as being irregular on its face — after hearing argument thereon. Ordered that the said order of said Commissioners be, & the same is hereby reversed — July 24th 1858 J. Lawrence Smith County Judge Recorded this 13th day of Aug 1858L. R. Overton Tn Clerk 34 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Page 83. Pursuant to adjournment The Corporate Board of Trus tees (all being present) met at L. H. Davis' in Coram on tuesday 5th Jan'y 1858 — on motion It was resolved that in the matter of the contended line between Islip & this town now pending the line or boundary called the compromise line established by arbitrators in 1834 be sustained — Resolved that E. T. Moore & Co. having offered to take a lease for the oyster Lots (by them heretofore leased) at $30. pr year, said premises be leased to them Resolved further that Tho's L. Overton be allowed $4.00 Tempory aid — Resolved to adjourn to Tuesday 2nd day of February next at this place 9 o'clock A.M. L. R. Overton Town Clerk C. Woodhull President Pursuant to adjournment a meeting of the Trustees viz, Col. Woodhull, Benjamin Brewster, Manly Ruland Smith L. Newins & Edward A. Swezey was held at L. H. Davis in Coram, when after the usual business of settling bills of Pauper expenses (It was Resolved on motion of Mr Brews ter that the Oystering Privilege of West Bay be Leased for one year, but for an amount less than one hundred and fifty dollars — S. L. Newins to attend the sale & Lease said privilege to the highest reliable bidder On motion resolved to adjourn to Tuesday 2nd day of March next — C. Woodhull President pr. L. R Overton Clerk of Board Page 84. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brookhaven held on the second day of March 1858 at the House of Lester H. Davis in the village of Coram Col. Woodhull, Manly Ruland, Benjamin BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 35 Brewster, S. L. Newins, T. J. Ellison and Edward A. Swezey being present. It was on motion Resolved that Mrs. Gould & son be allowed 62-J- cts pr. week each from 2nd Feb'y ult. — Resolved that Tho's L. Overton 3 dollars temporary aid. Resolved that the widow of Henry Cochorau lately de ceased be allowed $1.50 pr week from this date to April 6tli— Resolved on motion made & seconded that Davis Howell and Enos Hulse insane paupers of this town be sent to the Vermont Asylum for the Insane (at Brattleborough) On motion Resolved that Whereas the Almshouse in this town is insufficient to accommodate the Town Poor, this Board take into consideration the propriety of building a new one — That the President be authorized to submit a proposition to that effect, to the legal voters of this town at the annual Town Meeting to be held on the 6tli day of Ap'l next for their sentiments in the matter — Resolved that Richard R. Davis late Collector be released from the payment of $130. being the balance of Town Tax for the year 1856 said amount not being collectable On motion Resolved that this Board adjourn to tuesday 6th day of Ap'l next— Ch's Woodhull Prest. L. R. Overton Town Clerk Page 85. County of Suffolk Town of Brookhaven It is hereby ordered and determined by us Isaac Overton Nelson Norton & James Hallock Commissi onrs of High ways of said town of Brookhaven that the Highway loading from the main road in the village of Port Jefferson town aforesaid to Setauket be altered as follows viz. Commencing at a stake on the westerly margin of said main Highway 36 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. nearly opposite the dwelling House of Daniel Jones and adjoining the land of John Roe & running south seventy degrees & thirty minutes west three chains and sixty three Links to the house of Isaac R. Jones It is further ordered that the above described line be the northerly margin of said Highway and that the said High way be of the width of three rods for the distance above mentioned only — The width of the Highway from thence to Setauket re maining as it now is — In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have here unto subscribed our names this 21 day of June 1856 — Isaac Overton ) p Recorded by me L. R. Nelson Norton >¦ . Overton Town Clerk James tiallock ) Suffolk County ^^ Town of Brookhaven It is hereby ordered & determined by Nelson Norton James Hallock and Isaac Overton Commissioners of High ways of the town of Brookhaven that the highway leading from the square in Port Jefferson to Hawkins wharf be altered as follows viz, commencing at a cased post in the fence of A. H. Hutchinson which marks the boundary between the land of said Hutchinson and the land of William M. Jones, thence running southerly by & with said fence & in a direct line till it intersects the Highway before mentioned in front of the Brick store occupied by S. S. Norton & Co. making said fence & line the westerly margin of said highway— It is further Ordered that the width of sd highway be two rods measuring from said fence & line above mentioned — In witness whereof we the sd commissioners have here unto subscribed our names this 21 day of June 1856 — BROOKUAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 37 Isaac Overton ) Commissioners Nelson Norton I of James Hallock ) Highways Recorded by me L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Page 86. At a meeting of the commissioners of Highways of the town of Brookhaven it was ordered & decided that the road leading from Yaphank to Moriches, that part of the road west of the road leading from Carman's to the Manor shall belong to Yaphank dist. No. 39 and that part east of said Manor road shall belong to Moriches Dist. No. 48 — By order of the Commissioners Brookhaven 1858 James Hallock Nelson Norton \- -r^- , o )i Ti I I HighwaA's bam 1 looker ) ^ •' Recorded by L. R. Overton Town Clerk Page 87. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders & Com monalty of the town of Brookhaven convened at the house of Lester H. Davis's in the village of Coram on the sixth day of Apl. 1858 at 9 oclock as pr. adjournment previously made, the entire board being present — On motion resolved that Albert Bishop a town pauper be allowed 62^ cts pr week for the two weeks preceding this date — Resolved by the Board that the privilege of planting oysters on the ground heretofore leased to Alexander Smith of Huntington be leased to Alfred Mott & James Mapes for the term of three years, with the privilege of two years more at the annual rent of twenty five dollars — The Rcsolntion made bv the board in March to test the sentiments of the legal voters of this town in regard to 38 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Building a new Poor House not producing a satisfactory result it was thought best to defer the result to a vote by ballot next Tovvn meeting — Adjourned Sine die — Ch's Woodhull Pres't L. R. Overton Town Clerk Page 88. At the annual Town Meeting of the Legal voters of the Town of Brookhaven held on the 6th day of Apl. 1858 at' the House of L. H. Davis in the Village of Coram, the following Town officers were duly elected — To wit Supervisor William Henry Smith Justices of the Peace David T. Hawkins 3 years. Warren Conklin 4 " Richard O. Howell 4 " President of Trustees Lester Davis Trustees William C. Tooker Smith L. Newins Tho's J. Ellison *Aimon G. Merwin Henry Longbotham Phillip Hallock. Overseers of the Poor Smith L. Newins Phillip Hallock Town Clerk Lewis R. Overton * A. G. Jlerwin having declined acceptance John S. Havens waS ap pointed to fill the vacancy BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 39 Assessors — Lewis Davis 3 yrs Wm. H. Clarke " " Comm'r of Highways. Sylvester D. Tuthill 3 ys Constables Jno. Hammond Overton Joseph Dayton Wm. W. Nicoll Jacob G. Horton Briant Overton John R. Bell Ichabod Blydenburgh Wilham Howell Note. Jacob Bumstead'of Patchogue was elected collector in 1858. Com. Page 89. Inspectors of Election Dist. No. 1 John M. Williamson John W. Satteriy Dist. No. 4 George Campbell Wm S. Preston ' John Edwin Roe Dist No. 2 Joseph M. Shaw Sylvester D. Tuthill Walter Dickerson ¦ George Brown Dist No 5 Edward A. Swezey Dist. No. 3 Stephen Bloomer John Hallock Holmes W. Swezey Richd T. Osborn. Joel Robinson 40 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Overseers of Highways Dist no. 1. Joseph S. Hawkins Jr. Stony Brook 2. Shepherd S. Jones do 3. Ebenezer Hawkins Nassekeag 4. Joseph Jayne Setauket 5. Robt. Dycks do 6. James S. Anderson do 7. Jno. H. Overton P. Jefferson 8. Ehsha Norton Mt Sinai 9. James M. Hulse do 10. Conklin Davis Millers Place 11. Wilham Horton Rocky Point 12. Joseph Woodhull Wading River 13. Jno. C. Carter Manorville 14. Nathan Davis do 15. Austin Culver Moriches E ' 16. Ebenezer Jayne Seatuck 17. Silas Hawkins Fireplace 18. David T. Hawkins do 19. Andrew Gildersleeve do 20. Nelson Hawkins Bellport 21. Charles Smith (Major) Union St. 22. David W. Case Patchogue 23. WiUiam J. Horton do 24. "John R. Bell do 25. Nelson Danes Bluepoint 26 Charles H. Newton Pond 27 Wilham I. Hawkins 28. Richd 0. Howell N. village 29. Jesse Smith Coram or Selden 30. Alfred Davis Coram 31. Dissolved 32. Richard Smith Pond. 33. Manly Ruland Farmingville 34. Dan'i T. Overton Coram Hills BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 41 35 Geo. W. Ritch ', 36. Lester Ruland 37 Joseph W. Topping 38 S. Lester Homan 39 Lewis Homan 40 J. O. Randall 41 Lewis Gordon 42 Jeremiah Robinson 43 Edward A. Swezey 44 Lewis Terry 45 Buel Hulse 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill 47 Jno. Jay Woodhull 48 Wm. Sidney Hawkins 49 Wm. C. Tooker 50 James W. Sell 51 Augustus Rice 52 Joel Hawkins Middle Island dodo Yaphank do Ridge Manor Union St M. Island Moriches do centre Rocky Point WoodvilleMoriches W Setauket Patchogue centre Jew Street Fireplace or Bellport We the Board of Justices of the town of Brookhaven certify the foregoing statement to be the true result of the election of Town officers, had at the time & place indicated in the heading of this statement Page 90. This Indenture made this 6tli day of Apl. 1858, between the town of Brookhaven through their corporate board of Trustees of the first part and Elihu Hawkins of the same town of the second part, all of the county of Suffolk and State of New York — Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for themselves &c their successors in office for & in consideration of the yearly rent or annuity of five dol lars, have granted, leased & to farm Let, and by these presents do grant lease & to Farm let unto the said Elihu Hawkins party of the second part, for the term of five i3 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. years the entire and exclusive right & privilege of all the meadows belonging to the Pattersquash Island, lying to the east of a south line from a northeast point of the main or original Island of said group of Islands situated in the south Bay opposite Mastic in said town — That is to say, exclusive right to all the grass growing or that may grow from year to year on said meadows, to cut cure & remove the same as to him maj seem proper for & during the said term of time — And the said Elihu Hawkins party of the second part for himself his heirs and assigns does hereby covenant & agree to pay annually & on the first tuesday in July of each year for the above granted privilege, the said sum of five dollais to the said party of the first part or their successors in office as it may become due during said term of time. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day & year first above written. Charles Woodhull President In presence of Elihu Hawkins L S John Hallock At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven on the 25th day of May 1858 — It was ordered and determined that so much of the Highway that leads from Mount Sinai to Port Jefferson on the north country road, that formerly belonged to road district No. 8 to work and repair, to be altered and set off to District No. 9, and that a certain road leading from the upper to the lower street, known by the name of the new road and formerly belonging to Dist. No. 9 to work and repair shall be altered and set off to district No. 8 — Given under our hands the day & year above written Sam'l Tooker ) Comm Recorded by me Nelson Norton V of L. R. Overton Sylvester D. Tuthill j Highways Tn Clerk • BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 43 Page 91. May 4th 1858— The Trustees of the Freeholders & com monalty of the town of Brookhaven, met this day at Lester H. Davis — all the members of the new Board except A. G. Merwin (who declines acting) being present viz, Lester Davis President Phillip Hallock & S. L. "Newins, Trustees • of Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Highways The Commissioners of Highways of the town of Brook haven, being called by J Orlando Randall path master in dist. no. 40 to open an old road recorded about 63 years ago, we thought proper to survey a part of sd road, to settle a dispute between Jehiel W. Randall and Hiram Edwards owners of land on said road — we commenced on the Middle Country road two rods east of the pond, and run a line north 40° E. 1 ch. 78 Links 2nd course N. 35° E. 1 chain -3rd course N. 29^° E 2. ch— 4th course N. 26° E. 3 chn's 52 Links— 5th Course N. 19° E 1 ch. 83 L.— 6th Course N. 12° E. 2 chs.— 7th course N. 1H° E 1 ch— 8th course N. 25i° E. 1 ch— 9th course N. 25^° E. 2 ch 10 course N. 40° E. 4 chs.— 11th course N. 34° E. 1 ch. 38 L. this being the North bound of Hiram Edwards' land on the line of this road & this survey we will record- Survey made by S. D. Tuthill. Dated at Coram Nelson Norton ) Comm's 14th June 1858 Samuel Tooker [¦ of Sylvester D Tuthill ) Highways Recorded by me L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk. 48 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 95. Pursuant to adjournment The Trustees viz. L. Davis P. Hallock S; L. Newins T. J. Ellison W. C Tooker H Long bothum & Jno. S. Havens met at L. H. Davis on the 3rd day of August 1858 — Resolved on motion that Jane Sandford's pension be dis continued for the time being — That the family of Cha's T Smith be allowed only 75 cts pr. week — That Mrs Elizabeth Smith be allowed 75 cts pr week — Resolved that the apjjlication of T. B. Spinola for a Quit claim of the Trustees to certain waters bordering on his lands at Cranes Neck for the nominal sum of one dollar be granted to s'd applicant Resolved also that W. C. Tooker & Phillip Hallock be a committee to locate the place for a Dock in the waters near s'd Crane Neck, Application for such dock having been made by sd Spinola Resolved to adjourn to tuesday 7th Sept next Lester Davis Pres't pr L. R. Overton Town Clerk Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees met at L. II. Davis on Tuesday 26th October when after the usual preliminary business it was on motion — Resolved that Mrs. Bennett receive .75 cts pr week Also that Mrs. Campbell recei ve 75 cents pr wk Resolved that Mrs Charles Smith receive $1.00 pr week Resolved that S. L. Newins be authorized to take Sarah M. Overton to the Lunatic Asylum in Vermont Upon con dition that her brother Sidney S. Overton will obligate himself to pay one half towards her support together with one half the expense of transportation Resolved that P. Hallock be authorized to ascertain whether Isaac Bellows & his mother (who have made appli- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 49 cation to the trustees for assistance) are willing to make over their real estate to the town ¦¦ Whereas Cha's J. Smith of Mastic has made application to this town for a grant privileging him to build a dock opposite his premises Resolved that such Grant be allowed him — Resolved to adjourn to 1st tuesday in Dec. next at 9 oClock L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Lester Davis Pres't This entry was made on this blank half page by mistake & should have been on page 97 (note by the clerk). Page 96. Commissioners Order Laying out a Road in Fireplace Survey of the centre of a four rod Road at Fireplace from the E. side of the upper crossing of Beaver Dam Creek, west to Joel Hawkins' Hill. Magnetic course The starting point is S. 75° W. 1 ch & 34 Links from the S. W. corner of Timothy Ketcham's main House — Then N. 87° W. 2 ch 3 L. Then S. 85° W. 5 ch 14 L. Then S. 60° W. 8 ch 37 L. Then S. 16° W. 3 ch. 91 L. which is a point north 70° E. sixty four Links from the S. E. corner of Lodowick Rider's south house — Then S. 20° W. 7 ch 58 L. which is a point south 72° W. 81 Links from the N. E. corner of the methodist church — Then S. 21° W. 5 ch. 29 L. Then S. 18° W. 6 ch. 74 L. Then S. 22° W. 3 ch 08 L. Then S. 20° W. 1 ch. Then S. 34° W. 2 ch 76 L which is a point N. 29° W. 91 Links from the northwest corner of A. F. Seaman's house — Tlien S. 45° W. 3 ch. 34 L. Then S 49° W. 2 ch. 7 L. Then S. 49i° W. 2 ch. 10 L. Then S. 52^° W. 4 ch. Then S. 44° W. 5 ch 93 L. which is a point N. 35° W. 50 L from the N. W. corner of Joel Hawkins house— N. Miller Surveyor Nelson Norton ) Coms Fireplace 30 June,1858 Samuel Tooker V of Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Highways 50 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Course Distance N. 87° W. 2 ch. 03 L. " 85° " 5 " 14 " " 60° " 8 " 37 " " 16° " 3 " 91 " L. Riders house " 20° " 7 " 58 " church " 21° " 5 '¦' 29 " " 18° " 6 " 74 " Recorded this 30th day of Aug. L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Course Distance S. 22° W. 3 ch. 08 L. '• 27° " 1 '• 00 •' " 34° " 2 " 76 " A. F. Seaman's house " 45° " 3 " 34 " 49° " 2 " 07 " 49i_° " 2 " 10 " 52^° " 4 " 00 " 44° " 5 93 Joel Hawkins house 1858 Page 97. Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the town of Brookhaven met on the 7th day of Sept. 1858 at L. H. Davis in said town, when after the ordinary business of paying bills etc — on motion It was Resolved that Mrs. Sandford Terrell be allowed $1.50 pr week till next meeting of the board — Resolved that the sum of $300. be borrowed by the over seers of this town to pay necessary poor bills — Resolved by the board unanimously that the sum of two thousand dollars ($2000) be raised in this town for the support of the poor of s'd town for the ensuing year Resolved that Lester Davis be authorised to remove Sarah M. Overton from the Lunatic Asylum at Utica to this town — Resolved that Mrs S. Terrell receive $1.50 pr wk Resolved to adjourn to the last tuesday of Oct. next L. R. Overton' Tn Clerk L. Davis Pres't Pursuant to adjournment the whole board Met on the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 51 last tuesday of Oct. 1858 at L. II. Davis — after the usual business of Paying Poor Bills &c (Proceedings recorded page 95 by mistake L. R. O. Clerk) Page 98. Coram 7th Dec. 1858— Board of Trustees met this day, all the members present. — After the usual business of pay ing Poor's bills &c Resolved to allow two dollars to E. Bayles for Richd Akerly's coffin Resolved to allow Mrs J Turner 50 cts pr. wk — Resolved to Indent Geo W. Hulse to Joseph Rowland Resolved to adjourn to the first tuesday in Jan 1859 — L. R. OvertonTn Clk L. Davis Prest. Feb'y 1st. J 859 — The day to which the last adjournment was made, to wit, first tuesday in Jan'y last having been stormy the board did not meet — met this day all the mem bers of said board being present — Resolved that Mr. Longbothum allow Chas Biggs tem porary aid not to exceed 50 cts pr wk Resolved that the Petition presented to this board for the protection of oyster Spawns in S. Bay be rejected — Resolved to adjourn to first tuesday in March next in case of inclement wether the day following — L. R. Overton Tn Clk L. Davis Prest. March 1st 1859. Board of Trustees met this day all the members being present — After the usual business of paying pauper's bills &c Resolved that Rev'd Mr. Flint be allow'd two dollars temporary aid Resolved that George W. Ritch ex collector be released from the paynit of $147.51 tax which he finds not collect able — Resolved that Hampton Howell be allowd one dollar pr wk till next meeting — 53 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Resolved that Mary Raynor receive 75 cts pr week — Resolved that Georgiaua Hulse be indented to George W. Overton, he having made apphcation to that effect — Resolved the Dr. Preston's bill for medical attendance be allow'd— Resolv'd that Rose (col'd) be alloAv'd .50 cts pr wk. — Resolv'd to adjourn to first tuesday in Ap'l at 9 oclock L. R. Overton Tn Clk Lester Davis Prest. Page 99. Survey of a three rod public road from the land of Sam'l Carman at Squawsucks, across Fireplace Neck to Beaver Dam lower crossing — Magnetic course Starting for the centre of the road from the southeast corner of Moses Swezeys house, south thirty seven and a half degrees east one chain & twelve links — then south eighty six & half deg. west ten chains & 49 links — then north seventy four degrees west, twenty one links which is a point south sixty links from the S. W. corner J. S. Rose house — then north eighty three & half west three chains and thirty seven links — then north seventy nine and half w. one chain and fifty six links which is a point S. twenty six deg. w. eighty and half links from the S. W. corner of Wm. B. Rose House — then north seventy eight & half west five chains & fifteen links — then north seventy six west thirteen chains & fifty three links which is a point south fifteen deg. west, ninety one links from the S. W. corner of Selah Hawkins house — Then north seventy six 'deg. w. four chains and forty seven links — then north sev enty eight deg. w. two chains & eighty five links Then north eighty nine deg. w. three chains & thirty links which is a point S thirty eight deg. w. eighty nine links from the S. W. corner of Dan'l Hawkins house — Then north seventy nine & half deg. west four chains and ten links — then north seventy four deg. w. six chains and fifteen links BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 53 — then north eighty & half deg. west seven chains and fifty five links which is a point south thirty deg. west sev enty seven links from the southwest corner of Charles Swezey's house — Then north eighty six deg. west, ninety links — Then south eighty six deg west five chains and thirty links, which is a point south thirty one deg. west from the southwest corner of Ephraim Pease house, one chain & fifty two links — Then north eighty six deg. w. five chains and forty four links to Beaver Dam Brook N. Miller Jr Sur Nelson Norton ) Coinmr veyor Fireplace 20' July 1858 Sam'l Tooker I of Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Highways Field Book ch L chs Link South 86i° West 10 - -49 North 79^° West 4 — 10 North 74 " 0 - -21 " 74 " 6 — 15 J. S. Rose house " 80i " 7 — 55 " 83i " 3- -37 C. Swezey's h. " 7H " 1- -56 " 86 " 0 — 90 W. B. Rose h South 86 "5 — 30 " 78i " 5- -15 E. Pease h " 76 " 13 — 53 — Selah Hawkins h •'' 76 " 4 — 47 " 78 " 2 — 85 " 89 " 3 — 30 North 86 " 5 — 44 Beaver Dam Brook Dan'l Hawkins h Recorded this 30th day of Dec. 1858 L." R. Overton Town Clerk Page 100. Survey of the centre of a four rod public road, from the road out of Fireplace Neck across the upper crossing of 54 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Beaver Dam Brook AA''est to Marvins house in the Hollow — Magnetic Course — Starting for the centre of the road from the S. W. corner of Timothy Ketchams main house, south 75° W. one chain & 34 Links — Then north eighty degrees (87°) west — two chains & three links— then south eighty five degrees west five chains and fourteen links Then south sixty degrees west eight chains & thirty seven links Then south sixteen degrees west, three chains and ninety one links which is a point north seventy degrees east, sixty four links from the southeast corner of Lodowick Rider's south house— Then south 20° W. 7 ch 58 hnks M'hich is a point N. 72° E from the north east corner of the Methodist Church 81 hnks Then south 21° west, five chains L^' twenty nine links— Then south 18° W. 6 chs. & 74 links —Then south 22° W. three chains & eight links- Then south 27° W. one chain— Then south 34° W. 2 chains 76 links which is a point north 29° W. ninety one links from the northwest corner of A. F. Seainans house — Then south 44|° W. 5 chains and 35 links— Then south forty eight degrees west 12 chains which is a point North 35° W. 50 links from the N. W. corner of Joel Hawkins' house — Then south 65° W. 90 links Then south 76° W. 4 chs. & 87 links Then south 75^° west 6 chains & 15 Links— Theii south 77° west 2 chs 49 links Centre of the road south 15° east 1 chain 11 hnks from the southwest corner of Charles Emmons house Then S 78° W. 1 ch 63 L. Then S. 66° W. 3 ch. 64 L. Then S. 62^° W. 3 ch 72 Links which is a point S. 30i° W. 2 ch 31 L. from the S. W. corner of Alfred Browns house Then S. 43° W. 2 ch. 28 links Then S. 36° W. 2 ch. 92 L— Then S. 34° W. 3 ch & 56 links, which is a point north 60° West, 66 links from the north east corner of Joseph Marvins house — -N. Miller Jr. Surveyor Saml Tooker ) Coms Sylvester Davis j of Highways BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 55 Page 101. This Indenture made this first day of March 1859 by and between the Corporate board of Trustees of the town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County State of N York parties of the first part and Strafford S. Rowland and Lewis M. Rowland residents of the same town parties of the second part Witnesseth that the said trustees for and in consideration of the rents and payments here inafter specified, have granted and leased and by these presents do hereby grant & lease to the said Rowlands parties of the second part a certain tract or parcel of land under water on the north side of said town located & bounded as follows Beginning at a certain water fence (stone) opposite Northfield in the channel leading from Conscience Bay to Por-t Jefferson Harbor running southerly forty rods to a point nearly opposite the north point of Strong's Thatch Bed — then running easterly eight rods thence northerly forty rods parallel with the first men tioned line then westerly eight rods to the place of begin ning — To Have & to Hold the. said leased premises for the sole and exclusive use & privilege of laying down & grow- itrg oysters and removing the same therefrom for and dur ing the period of two years from the date hereof. At the annual rent of four dollars in advance with the privilege of holding the said premises at their option for the further period of eight years after the expiration of s'd two years, at the yearly rent of eight dollars in advance for each year. And the said trustees for themselves & their successors in office agree to warrant & defend the s'd Lessees & assigns- in the peaceable possession & enjoyment of said leased premises for and during the aforesaid term of the lease in< question And the said lessees parties to the second part hereby agree to pay to the said lessors parties to the first part the above stipulated rents 56 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereto set their signatures & seals— The day & year first above written Lester Davis Pres't L S In presence of L S L. R. Overton Tn Clk L S Recorded this 1st day of Mch. 1859 L. R. Overton Tn Clk This Indenture made this first day of March one thou sand eight hundred and fifty nine (1859) Between the Trustees of the Freeholders & Commonalty of the town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk & State of New York, parties of the first part and Charles Jeffrey Smith party of the second part Witnesseth that the sd trustees for ct in consideration of the annual rents and payments here inafter specified have granted & leased, to the said Charles Jeft'rey Smith, his heirs & assigns for the period of sevenly* consecutive years from the date hereof Page 102. one certain tract or parcel of land under water in South Bay, on the south side of said town opposite to the premises of sd Lessee to extend into said Bay the distance of fifty feet & of sufficient width to build a dock thereon for his the sd lessee's own use and benefit — To Have & To Hold the same for the specific use & purpose of building a dock thereon & keeping in repair the same for and during the aforesaid term of time, and he the said Chas Jeffrey Smith the sd Lessee to these presents does hereby covenant and agree for himself & his heirs & assigns, to pay to the sd trustees & their successors the ann'l rent of one dollar in advance from the date hereof during the continuance of sd lease — -In testimony whereof the parties to these presents have hereto set their seals & signatures on this the day & year first — above written — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 57 In presence of ) Lester Davis Prest. L S L. R. Overton, f Chs. Jeffry Smith L.S Recorded 4th March 1859 * seventy ? Com. L. R. Overton. Tn. Clk To the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Brookhaven — The undersigned, inhabitants of said town respectfully represent That in the western part of the village of Moriches in s'd town is a Highway extending from the main Post road or Highway a few rods southerly on the east side & near Mastic River — That said Highway was laid out the width of four rods — That for a part of the distance viz, from the east end of the Mill dam southerly s'd highway on the western side thereof is not used by the public and is not useful in its ])resent condition for about 5 rods but would be of some importance to the owner of the Mill property if the use of one rod in width might revert to the owrier thereof — Your petitioners therefore request that the Com missioners of Highways take action in the matter and re duce the width of said Highway from 4 rods as at present to the width of three rods, to extend so far southerly as the southern boundary fine of the property known as the Mill Property now in possession of Elijah A. Smith believing that three rods would be quite sufficient to accommodate all the public travel. Dated 30th Sept. 1858 Lewis G. Terry Ebenezer Jayne Peter Linington Buel Hulse Tredwell Corey Danil Terry Nelson Bishop Samuel Penny Smith Bishop. Gilead Hawkins Joshua F Penny David Terry William Murdock Silas Reeve David Porter Josiah Hawkins 58 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 103. Suffolk County Town of Brookhaven Ss It is hereby ordered and determined by Samuel Tooker Nelson Norton and Sylvester D Tuthill Commissioners of Highways of sd town of Brookhaven having been duly notified to attend an deliberate on the subject of this order upon the application of Elijah A. Smith a freeholder and resident in said town, to alter and reduce in width the Highway commencing at the main Post Road in the west ern part of the village of Moriches and at the east end of the Mill dam upon the Mastic River and running southerly along the Mill property to its southern boundary line, from four rods wide (its present width) to the width of three rods, ceding and granting to s'd Elijah A. Smith a strip of one rod in width adjoining his said Mill property from said highway, leaving s'd highway reduced to the width of three rods It having appeared to us that the public do not use or require the use of the sd portion or rod of s'd High way, by the petition of twelve freeholders of said town, and we certify that the said Elijah A. Smith has paid to us as the consideration for sd strip of said Highway— so ceeded to him & to be discontinued as any part of said Highway the sum of five dollars for the use of the said town — In witness whereof the said Commissioners have hereto subscribed their names this 5th day of October 1858 — Nelson Norton ) Comn'rs Samuel Tooker v of Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Highways Recorded 14th March 1858 L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Page 104. We the undersigned inhabitants of Waverly & vicinity do humbly petition the Commissioners of Highways, to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 59 set off the southern part of Road Dist. No. 33 as a separate Road Dist. to be bounded as follows, viz. on the north by a line f of a mile from & running parallel with the Long Island Rail Road, on the west by a road known as the Sandy Hollow road, on the south by a line two miles from & ruri'g parallel with the Long Island R Road on the east by the Bridge Road — James Gamage Sidney Terry Robt H Fountain Matthew Kerb Robt. Scott Benjamin-&. French Wm. Snedker John M. Fountain ' George Nelson Wm Riker Paul Murphy John Norton P. Reed Town of Brookhaven es We the Commissioners of Highways for sd town having been petitioned by a large number of inhabitants of Waverly village, it being a part of Road Dist. No. 33, now called Farmingville there being no objection to having the south ern portion of said district set off as a separate Dist. We the Commissioners of Highways hereby grant to them this request, giving them the bounds of said dist. as follows — running half way on the north to Farmingville running parallel with the L. I. R. Road on the west by the road called the Sandy Hollow Road, on the south half the distance to the south country Road, running parallel with the sd L. I. Rail Road and on the east by a road known as the Bridge Road — Dated at Coram March 22nd 1859 Samuel Tooker ) Commrs of Nelson Norton v Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Highways We the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Brookhaven having altered Road Districts Nos. 7 & 8, 60 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. have extended district No. 7 on the road leading from Port Jefferson to Mt Sinai the lower way to Crystal Brook Hollow road or the road leading to Ladies' Strong's, the same being taken from Road district No. 8 — Dated at Coram Sam'l Tooker ) Comms 22nd March 1859 Nelson Norton V Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Highways Page 105. Ap'l 5th 1859 — Board of Trustees met on this day when after the usual business of settling poor bills & it was Resolved, that the bill of funeral expenses for Sam'l Gould dc'd be allowed after deducting therefrom two dollars Resolved that the bill presented by Doct. Jarvis $16. be paid Resolved that Charles Biggs be allowed one dollar pr. wk & also house rent & pasture on the leased premises of Mrs Gould for supporting said Mrs Gould — Resolved to adjourn sine die — Lester Davis Prest L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Know all by this Instrument that we the trustees of the town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk, have & by these presents do release & convey to Wm. C Tooker all the right title and interest of a certain strip of land situated on the east side of the Highway leading from Setauket to Old Field Lane and bounded as follows commencing at a cer tain stone in the N. W. corner by the highway which stone being four rods east of a certain line by w^hich the west meadow neck was laid out by & running easterly & south erly by the land of Wm. C Tooker to the highway & northerly by and with the highway to the place of begin ning being by estimation one quarter of an acre with all pertaining to the same more or less, for & in consideration BROOKHAVEN TOAVN EECORDS. 61 of one dollar the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged as witness this 5 day of Ap'l 1859 Lester Davis Pres't witn by L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk (Copy) Page 106. Survey of the centre of a four rod road public, from Benjn Gildersleeve's house in Fireplace to Connecticut River South Haven — Magnetic Course Starting point south three and half degrees west ninety links from the S. E. corner of Benjamin Gildersleeve's house, and north fifty nine degrees E. fifty links from the N. W. corner of John W. Potty's land — Then north forty one degrees E. three chains — Then N. thirty five degs E. 2 chains and twenty eight links — Then north 24|-° E. seven chains and fifty six links — then N. 34° E. 2 chs & six links — then N. 62° E. 5 chs and twenty one links — Then N. 82i° E. four chains and 85 links— Then N. 88° degs east 2 chs 60 hnks which is a point S. 58° E. one chain and 24 links from the S. E. corner of William Snow's house corner of Yaphank avenue- — Then north 79° E, tive chains & 15 links— Then north 64f ° east three chains and forty five links — Then N. 58J° 2 chs & 68 links, which is a point S. 61° W. one chain 4^ links from the S. E. corner of Nathan Bartow's house — Then N. 52° E. four chains and 90 links— then north 58° E. four chains & sixty links which is a point N. 31° west, 49 links from the N. W. corner of Jeptha Wilkinson's barn —Then N. 61^° E. three chains and 69 links Then N. 65° East 2 chains and 14 links — then N. sixty five & half de grees E. 2 chains & 98 links -then N. 61^° East 3 chs— Then N. 67^° E. 3 chs & 28 hnks— Then N. 69i-° E. 3 chs & 38 Links— Then N. 70° E. 2 chs 83 Links— Then N. 63 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 66^° E 3 chs & 9 Links which is a point S. 80° E. 1 ch. & 17 Links from the S. E. corner of B. T. Hawkins' house —Then N. 44J° E. 2 chains & 24 links which is S. 50^° E. 50 links from Yaphank Line— Then N. 18° E. 4 chs & 11 Links Then N. 30° E. 6 chs. 79 Links— Then N. 49i° E. 1 chn 62 L. Then N. 80° E. 4 chs & 71 Links- Then N. 70J° E. 9 chs 50 Links— Then N. 83° E. 1 ch 90 links— Then N. 80^ E. 5 chs 93 Links— Then S. 89° E. 4 chs 39 Links— Then N. 85^ E. 5 chs 42 Links— Then N. 77i° E. 2 chs & 87 Links— Then N. 74^ degrees E. 1 chain & 94 Links— Then N. 81^° E. 4 chains, which is a point S. 42° E. 94 links from the S. E. corner of Silas Homan's house — Then N. 80° East, 4 chains & 59 links -Then N. 76^° E. 2 ch. 81 links— Then N. 71i° E. 4 chs. 30 links— Then N. 69i° E. 4 chs 14 Links— Then N. 66° E. 4 chs 56 1. Then N. 73^° E. 3 chs 46 L. Then S. 84° E. 2 chs 69 links —Then S. 66^° E. 4 chs & 90 links— The centre of the road is S. 43° W. 1 chain & 21 links from the S. W. corner of Sam'l Carman's house, and bears N. 30° E. 50 links from the N. E. corner of Sam'hCarmans barn — Then S. 50° E. 2 chs & 44 Links— Then S. 63° E. 1 ch. & 5 links— Then N. 64^° E. 3 chains to Connecticut River — . Miller Jr Surveyor ( Coms Fireplace 27th Aug. '58 Highways orth 41° E. 3 ch. 6 L NortI l18° ' 4 ch. 11 Links " 35° " 2 " 28 " u 30° ' 6 " 79 " " 24i° " 7 " 56 " iC 49^° ' 1 " 62 " " 34° " 2 " 6 a 80° ' 4 " 71 " " 62° " 5 " 21 ti 70r ' 9 " 50 " " 82^ " 4 " 85 a 83° ' 1 " 90 " BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 63 North 88° E. 2ch. 60 North 804° E. 5 ch. 93 " 79° 5 16 South 89° 4 39 73° 3 60 North 85i° 5 42 64i° 3 45 a 774° 2 87 58i° 2 68 a 744° 1 94 52° 4 90 a 814° 4 00 58° 4 60 a 80° 4 59 61° 3 69 a 764° 2 81 65° 2 14 u 714° 4 30 651° 2 98 u 694° 4 14 6ir 3 00 1 1 66° 4 56 67i° 3 28 a 734° 3 46 69i° 3 '• 38 South 84° 2 69 70° 2 " 83 U 664° 4 90 66i° 3 a 9 a 50° 2 44 " 44|° 2 a 24 a 63° 1 05 North 64i 3 00 to the river Page 108. April 5th 1859, on this day at the house of L. H. Davis in Coram was held the annual Town Meeting for the town of Brookhaven at which time and place the Town officers hereinafter named were duly elected — To Wit, For Supervisor John S. Havens 2d Justices of the Peace 4 yrs Walter Dickinson 4 yrs Orrin W. Rogers 3 yrs Manly Ruland (for vacancy) Town Clerk Lewis R. Overton Collector Geo. W. Ritch 64 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Trustees Lester Davis Presid't Henry K. Townsend Philhp Hallock Richard Smith (Pond) Charles Price Tho's J. Elhson John Sinims Havens Overseers of the Poor Henry K. Townsend Charles Price Comm'r of Highways 3 yrs Alfred Davis Assessors 3 yrs Lester Ruland 3 yrs David W. Case 2 yrs William Penny for vacancy Constables Elbert Woodhull Albert Terrell Nathan'l Corwin Nehemiah 0 Smith Dan'l D. Penny Geo. W. Overton Ichabod Blydenburgh George W. Smith Inspectors of Election ( Tho's J. Ritch 1st Dist. R. H. Wilson ( John R. Satteriy ( Rich'd T. Osborn 3rd ] Geo. T. Osborn ( Sylvester D. Tuthill ( Joel Robinson 2nd dist < Dan'l W. Davis ( John J. Davis BirOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 65 i George Teal ( Edward A. Swezey 4th I John Ketcham 5 •< Albert Norton ( John R. Swezey ( Jacob E. Longbothum We certify that the foregoing is a correct list of Town officers elected on the day above specified L. R. Overton Tn Clk Rich'd W. Smith Justice Page 109. Road D Overseers of Highv 'is't rays No. 1. Joseph S Hawkins 26 Cha's H Newton 2. Nichol S. Smith 27. Morgan L. Gould 3. Sylvesters. Hawkins 28. Isaac Hammond 4. Cha's F. Jayne 29. Jesse Smith 5. 6 Rob't Dyckes Alex'r Darling 30.31. R. W Smith app. Alfred Davis 7. John H. Overton 32. Rich'd Smith (Pond) 8.9. Henry Hawkins James Davis 33. 34. Manly Ruland Dan'l T. Overton 10. Geo. Helme 35. Geo. W. Ritch 11. Joel Brown 36. Lester Ruland 12. 13. Benjn Tuthill A. B. Lane 37. 38. Herman Petty Edmund Homan 14. Morris Raynor 39. William T. Robbins 15. Solon Culver app'd 40. Jehiel W. Randall 16. Ebenezer Jayne. 41. Lewis Gordon 17. Silas Hawkins 42. S. Smith Roe 18. David T. Hawkins 43. Edward A. Swezey 19. William Snow 44. Gilbert K. Vail 20 Bryant N. Overton 45. Buel Hulse 21. 22. Mulford Hedges Wm E. Conkhn 46. 47. James Hallock Sylvester Woodhull 23. Seymour Ketcham 48. William R. Howell 24. James N. Davis 49. William C. Tooker 25. Nelson Danes 50. Ja's W. Sell 66 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. No. 51 Henry Hawkins 53. John J. Bishop 52. Sylvester Gordon 54. James Gamage I certify the foregoing to be a correct list of Overseeis of Highways elected on this 5th day of Ap'l 1859 — L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Page 110. Ap'l 3rd 1859. on this day Trustees viz. H. K. Town- send John S. Havens T. J. Ellison L. Davis Pres't Ch's Price and P. Hallock being present— After the usual busi ness of paying pauper bills etc. it was unanimously Resolved that two dollars be allow'd Rev'd Flint Tem porary aid Resolv'd to adjourn to first Tuesday of June next — June 14th 1859. Last Tuesday (having been in Court week) the trustees did not meet — Present this day L. Davis Pres John S. Havens Henry K. Townsend Philhp Hallock Tho. J. Ellison Charies Price and Rich'd Smith — all being present — At this meeting Capt Henry Tyler came before the Board and asked the town to indemnify him for the expense of his litigation with them about the water fence— defer'd to next meeting — Resolved that Chas Price be authorized to dispose of the oyster Privilege in W Bay — Resolved to adjourn to 2nd tuesday 9th Aug. Lester Davis Pres't L. R. Overton Tn Clerk County of Suffolk Town of Brookhaven ^^ Whereas on application we the Commissioners of High ways for the said Town of Brookhaven have consolidated Road Districts Numbers Eight (8) and Nine (9) thereby annulling the warrants of the overseers of said Districts, BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 67 We hereby appoint Charles Phillips overseer of said con solidated District (now known as Number Nine (9) as authorized by the Statute applicable thereto — Dated this 2d day of June 1859 — Filed June 2d 1859 by L. R. Overton clerk Samuel Tooker ) Commissioners Sylvester D. Tuthill V of Alfred Davis ) Highways Recorded April 9th 1860— By Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clei-k. Page 111. Survey of a public Highway from the Beach at Hallocks Landing to the country road Suffolk County Town of Brookhaven Whereas a Road leading from Hallocks landing to the north country Road in said town of Brookhaven now used as a highway, has been used for such Highway for such a length of time as to have become a public Highway according to the Statute in such cases made & provided, and so ad mitted by the written admission & consent of Isaac W. Brown and Sylvester Hallock owners of the adjoining land, which admission and consent is herewith recorded, and whereas said Road has never been described and recorded. Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of s'd town after due deliberation and having refer ence to the will of Noah Hallock former owner of adjoin ing lands, dated Sept. 18th 1761 by which the northern part of said road was dedicated to the mutual use of his two sons, and after hearing testimony as to where said road had been used so as to become a public Highway, do order that said road be ascertained described and entered of record 68 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. in the Clerk's office of said Town according to a survey which has been made under our direction as follows — Commencing at a centre stake just three rods westerly from the house of Isaac W. Brown, thence running North 94° E. 2 chains and 48 links— then N. 184° E. 1 ch. 94 Links— Then N. 22° E. 1 chain and 80 links— then N. 31° E 2 chs. 84 Links— then N. 294° E. 1 ch. and 68 Links- then N. 204° E. 2 ch 37 L. to the Beach, stakes being now put up at each station — Then commencing at the first named stake three rods westerly from the house of said Isaac W. Brown and run ning south 6° west 4 chains and 28 links to a stake I4 rods westerly from the stump of the Black oak tree referred to in said will, and thence southerly Avhere said road is now used and crossing another road that goes southeasterly near the School house this s'd road now a Highway continues on the west of the church until it comes to the North country Road : And we further order that the line of said survey as described by said courses distances and stakes, be the centre line of said road, and that the said road be the width of three rods. Given under our hands this 28th day of June 1859 Samuel Tooker ) Commissioners Sylvester D. Tuthill V of Alfred Davis ) Highways Copy true from the original. L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Page 112. "& Admission of I. W. Brown & S Hallock in regard to Road at Hallocks Landing. The Commissioners of Highways of the town of Brook haven, having been called to determine whether the road from Hallock's landing to the north country Road has be- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 69 come a public Highway from use, and having met at the house of Sylvester Hallock in Rocky Point adjoining said Road on the 28th day of June 1859, And having been attended by the parties interested for the purpose of having the testimony with regard to the use and location of said Road, Now therefore we Isaac W. Brown and Sylvester Hallock between whose lands the north part of said Road runs, do hereby admit that the said road, so much of it as adjoins our respective lands, has become a Highway by use, pursuant to the act regulating highways in the counties of Kings Queens & Suffolk, the location and extent of said road only to be determined by s'd Commissioners. Dated June 28th 1859 Isaac W. Brown Sylvester Hallock Copy true Recorded by me L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Survey of a Road between Tho's J. King & Edw'd Swezey at Middle Island We the Commissioners of the town of Brookhaven for 1859 having been called to survey and open a piece or part of the Middle country Road, commencing in the centre of said road opposite the line between the lands of Edward A. Swezey and Thomas J King, the centre of said Road is S 31° west 1 chain and 25 links from the S. W. corner of Edward A. Swezeys house — ^Ist course thence running S. 71° W. 3 chains & 50 links— 2d course S. 724° W. 3 chains and twenty eight links to a point or centre of the Highway from which the S. E. corner of the School House is N 144° west 664 liiiks — 3rd course thence running N. 83° W. 4 chains 28 links 4th course north 854° W. 3 chains & 46 Links to the west side of Thomas J. Kings cleared lot, the said road to be 4 rods wide This Survey taken in Magnetic course Sam'l Tooker ) Commrs , S. D. Tuthill V _ of Alfred Davis ) Highways 70 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1. c. S. 71° W. 3 chs 50 Links 2d c. S. 724° " 3 " 28 " 3d c N. 83° " 4 " 28 " 4th N. 854° " 3 " 46 " Dated May 3rd 1859 S. D. Tuthill Surveyor Copy true L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Page 113. 9th Aug. 1859— The board of Trustees to wit L. Davis Pres't J. S. Havens H K Townsend C. Price T. J. Ellison P Hallock being present after the usual business of paying pauper bills etc it was Resolved by the sd Trustees that the oyster privilege of West Bay be leased to Cha's Price from this date to March 1860 for the fifty dollars Resolved that in the matter of dispute between the Town and E. T. Smith about the line of division, commissioners be appointed by each party to settle said difficulty — That for sd settlement Col. Isaac Overton be named as comn. on the part of the Trustees Mr. Smith choosing B. T. Hutchin son Resolved that the matter presented by Capt Tyler be laid over to the next meeting & that Mr. Wickham be re quested to be present at said meeting Resolved that Mr. Flint be allowed one dollar temporary aid — Resolved to lease to Corwin a certain shore on the north side of this Town for 10 yrs at 2 dolls, pr year Resolved to adjourn to the last tuesday in Sept. next (27th) Sept 27th 1859 Pursuant to adjournment the whole board of Trustees met this day at L. H. Davis, when after the usual introductory business the following resolutions were unanimously passed to wit. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 71 Resolved That C. Price be authorized to lease the Oyster Lots in West Bay to applicants for two dollars pr. lot^of two acres each Resolved the Lavina Kent hereafter receive .75 cts pr week — Resolv'd that the sum of $2500 be raised by tax for the support of the Poor for the next year Resolved that C. Price be requested to inform Collector Bunsted that if the balance of the amount due from him to the overseers of the Poor be not paid to them within ten days that legal measures will be taken to enforce the pay ment of the same — Resolved that the Town Clerk be instructed to inform •E. T. Smith that the commission appointed to settle the Pattersquash line has not been dissolved, and that the sd trustees insist on a proper adjustment of the same Resolved also the Clerk notify the County Supt. of the poor in relation to Mary Townsend a Co. pauper now in our alms house — Resolv'd to adjourn to 1st. Nov. next L. R. Overton Tn Clerk. Page 114. Before the County Judge of Suffolk Co. In the matter of the appeal of Amos Hallock, Sylvester Hallock, and Isaac W. Brown severally from the order of Commrs of Highways of the town of Brookhaven relating to the Highway leading from Hallocks Landing — The Commissioners of Highways for the town of Brook haven having made an order dated 28th June 1859 & filed July 2nd 1859, determining that a certain road leading from Hallocks landing in said town, southerly, to the north country Road, had been used for such a length of time as to have become a public Highway according to the Statute and ascertaining & defining said Highway, & the said Amos Hallock & Sylvester Hallock, having appealed from so 73 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. much of the said order as determines that that portion of the said road between the Church and the North Country Road is a public Highway three rods wide, and the said Sylvester Hallock and Isaac W. Brown having also each appealed from so much of the said order as ascertains & defines that part of the Road north of the Church & be tween the Church and the Beach — ^And the County Judge having assigned the 29th day of August 1859 at 9 oclock A.M. at the house of sd Isaac W. Brown at the time & place of hearing sd several appeals, and having caused a notice thereof to be served on said Commissioners and on all said parties pursuant to Statute & having attended at the time & place aforesaid & been attended by all the said parties & by all the commissioners & heard their proofs & allegations, doth decide and order as follows to wit. First as to that part of the said Road between the Church and the north country Road, the said appellants admitted that the said road had by use become a Highway pui'suant to the Statute as to all the space between the fences, but claimed that the said highway was in many places bounded by fences which had existed from time immemorial & that the space between them was in ma.ny places not three rods wide, and claimed only that so much of said order as ex tended the Highway beyond the fences be received — This claim was substantiated by the testimony & was not con troverted by the commissioners — on the contrary the latter admitted that it was their intention not to disturb the fences south of the Church but that the order was inadver tently drawn so as to affect the fences in some places It is therefore ordered that so much of said order of said Page 115. Commissioners as ascertains or defines & determines the portion of the said Highway south of the Church to be wider than the space between the fences (where it is fenced) BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 73 be and the same is hereby reversed, it being the intention of this order that the said portion of the said road shall be & is a Highway three rods wide pursuant to said order of said Commissioners except where it is fenced on both sides ite in these places it shall embrace & consist of the space between the fences as they now stand — As to that portion of the road north of the Church it is very doubtful whether I have the power to alter or disturb the order of the Commissioners on the grounds alledged in the appeal & if I had I do not think this a proper case for such action on my part The location of the road is purely a question of fact — ^That question has been determined by three sensible & judicious officers chosen with special refer ence to their capacity to act tte to judge in such matters — They have determined it upon the same testimony that was adduced before me, & the appellants Mr. Hallock and Mr. Brown, have failed to satisfy me that the commissioners were wrong — It is therefore ordered, that all that part of said oi'der of the said Commissioners as relates to the portion of the said Highway north of the Church or between the Church ifc the Beach, be & the same is hereby affirmed — J. Laurence Smith August 30th 1859 . County Judge Recorded this 10th day of Oct. '59 L. R. Overton Town Clerk Page 116. Tuesday 1st Nov'r 1859— Board of Trustees to wit, L. Davis— H K. Townsend P. Hallock C. Price— & J. S. Havens met at L. H. Davis at 9 oclock when after Paying poor bills it was Resolved that Thos S. Strong be consid ered counsel for the Corporation of this town — Resolved that the Indenture of black boy to the late Henry P. 74 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Osborn of Moriches be & is hereby annulled by the board of Trustees— Resolvd to adjourn to the first tuesday (6th) December next — L. R. Overton Town Clerk Lester Davis Pres't Suffolk County Town of Brookhaven ss Whereas on the application of Josiah H. Bishop a resi dent of said town of Brookhaven and liable to be assessd to work on the Highway hereinafter described and on the certificate of twelve reputable freeholders of said town con vened, and after due public notice as by law required cer tifying that such highway was necessary and proper, and notice in writing of at least three days was given in form of law to Hamilton Robinson administrator to the estate of Gideon Robinson & the heirs of Gideon Robinson William Daniels and Josiah H. Bishop the occupants of the land through which such highway is to run, that the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of sd town of Brookhaven would attend at the house of Andrew Ketcham in the Town aforesaid to decide on the above application. Now there fore it is hereby ordered determined & certified after hear ing all the reasons for & against the same, that a Public Highway shall be, & the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application whereof a survey has been made & is as follows " to wit" We the Commissioners of Highways of sd town for the year 1859 do survey & lay out a new road from the south Country road to the south Bay — the centre of said road commences at a stake South 19° west 1 chain 90 links from the southwest corner of Hamilton Robinsons house & 374 links westerly from the Northwest corner of sd Robinsons Barn — The first course from the stake south 204° west 67 ch. 16 L. to a stake which is north 514° west 1 ch. 27 L. from the southwest corner of Josiah Bishops house — ^theu from the last named stake south 94° BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 75 Page 117. west 18 chains and fifty (50) links to the Bay — This Survey taken in Magnetic course Dated at Brookhaven Saml Tooker ) p, this 29th day of Alfred Davis V +• VV°™i™® Aug 1859 Sylvester D. Tuthill j «^ highways (N. B) For verdict of Jui-y and release and receipts of owners of land through which sd road passes — see page 119 & 120 Dec. 6th 1859 — Pursuant to adjournment the trustees to wit L. Davis H. K Townsend P.' Hallock C. Price J. S. Havens & Tho's J. Elhson met at L. H. Davis at 9 oclock A.M. After the usual business of paying poor bills. It was re solv'd on motion that Ahirah Hawkins may be leased the shore adjoining that now under lease to him extending west to J. Darlings house but the rent demanded not be acceded to by him no new lease was granted to him at this meet ing— Resolv'd that in the matter of the sureties of J. Bumsted Collector Mr. Strong be authorized to arrange the business with sd sureties as he may find best Resolved to adjourn to the first tuesday in January 1860— L. Davis Pres't L. R. Overton Town Clerk Jan'y 3rd 1860 — This day met, the whole board of Trustees — Resolved that the lease of Jonas Mills be re newed at $3 per aim — also Resolv'd the lease of Sylvester Randall be renewed for 10 years at $3.50 per an — if he agree to the price Re solved to adjourn to Ist tuesday (6) of March next. L. Davis Pres't pr L. R. Overton Clerk 76 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Page 118. March 6th 1860 — Met at Coram this day the whole Board After Paying Poor bills etc — Resolved that specified Oyster Lots be granted to the following parties to wit, Edmund Terry & others Geo. Danes &¦ others and Isaac C. Skinner & others — ¦ Resolved that Dan'l Homan be granted two acres for oyster Lots — Resolved that G-. F Carman have in grant a lot in the bay 2 acres also one other acre near John Jones Resolved that O. W. Rice's bill (minus 6 dollars) be paid Resolv'd on application of G. F. Carman that the oyster privilege in west Bay be Leased to a committee consisting of Nelson Danes — Lewis Baker — Charles Homan — George Hulse and Charles Strong to com — on Wednesday 4th Apl next — Resolved to adjourn to 1st tuesday in Ap'l next Lester Davis Pres't pr L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Page 119. Suffolk County Town of Brookhaven Ss We the subscribers jurors drawn & sworn to assess the damages for laying out the highway in said town and vil lage of Moriches commencing on the Post Road opposite the residence of Hamilton Robinson & extending south to the bay, in pursuance of the the order of Sam'l Tooker and Alfred Davis Comm's of Highways in and for the town of Brookhaven aforesaid bearing date the 5 day of Sept. 1859, having viewed the premises, and heard the parties and such witnesses as were offered before us, do hereby assess the damages aforesaid as follows — To William Daniels the sum of thirty five dollars for the damage sustained by him by reason of the damage of laying out the said highway — To the heirs of Gideon Robinson dec'd the sum of forty dollars BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 77 — and to Hamilton Robinson the sum of fifteen dollars, as damages for the same — In witness whereof we have hereunto set our names this 14th day of Sept. 1859 — Abel Corwin Jr — Moses Benjamin — James E. Wells Ed ward Youngs James W Youngs Moses Fanning being all Jurors of the town of Ri verhead Suffolk Co. Town of Bi'ookhaven Ss I, J. W. Pelletreau one of the Justices of the Peace of said town do hereby certify that the above is the verdict of the jury summoned by my summons and drawn and sworn by me to determine and assess the damages for the laying out the highway mentioned in said verdict Given under my hand this 14 day of Sept. 1859 — J. W. Pelletreau Justice of the Peace ($15.) Sept. 14th 1859— Rec'd of Saml Tooker Commis sioner of Highways of the town of Brookhaven the sum. of fifteen dollars, being damages sustained by me in the laying out of a highway extending from opposite my house to the Bay, by verdict of Jury it being for my individual interest in said highway independent of the estate of Gideon Rob inson Hamilton Robinson Page 120. ($40.) Moriches Sept. 14th 1859— Rec'd of Sam'l Tooker Comm. of Highways of the town of Brookhaven, the sum of forty dollars being damages sustained by the heirs of Gideon Robinson dec'd in the laying out a highway extend ing from opposite my house to the Bay as by verdict of Jury— {Administrator to the estate of Gideon Robinson 78 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. $35. Moriches 14 Sept. 1859— Rec'd of Sam'l Tooker Comm of Highways of the town of Brookhaven the sum of thirty five dollars, being damages sustained by me in the laying out of a Highway extending from ojiposite Hamilton Rob insons to the Bay, as by verdict of Jury being independent of the estate of Gideon Robinson dec'd — William Daniels Recorded by me L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Division of Road Dist No. 7 — at Port Jefferson We the Commissioners of Highways for the town of Brookhaven, upon the petition of a respectable number of the taxable inhabitants of Road dist No. 7 in said town, have this day divided said Dist. No. 7 as follows " to wit" Beginning at the eastern bounds of said dist. on Thomp son street, thence running west on a direct line with said Street to the western bounds of said district — The southern portion of said divided district will be known & numbered as heretofore No. 7 — and the northern portion of said dist. No. 55 — The road leading from Hulse's Store to Mt. Sinai will be included in No. 55 — Done at Brookhaven Saml Tooker ) Comms this 21 day of March 1860 Sylvester Tuthill V of Alfred Davis ) Highway. Recorded by me this 21 day of Mch. 1860 L. R. Overton Tn. Clerk Page 121. 3rd April 1860 — The whole board met this day — after paying poor bills &c Resolved that Col. Isaac Overton's Bill be allow'd BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 79 Resolved that Dr. Prestons bill be allow'd Resolved that Dr. Jarvis be allow'd $19. on his bill Resolv'd that John Ruland have a lease for 10 acres for planting Oysters in S Bay Resolv'd to adjourn sine die Lester Davis Prest. pr L. R. Overton Tn Clerk Town Meeting At an annual Town Meeting held on the 3rd day of April 1860 at the house of Lester H. Davis, the following officers were duly elected. Supervisor John S. Havens (Patchogue) Justices of the Peace Jesse W. Pelletreau | . Z. Franklin Hawkins j ^ Benjamin T. Hutchinson (for vacancy) 2 years Town Clerk Collector Benjamin T. Hutchinson Noahdiah Carter President of Trustees Assessors John Symms Havens 3 yrs Floyd Smith 3 ys Isaac Hammond Trustees Comm's of Highways Phillip Hallock Bryant N. Overton H. K. Townsend • Manly Ruland Constables Nathan'l Tuttle George W. Smith Tho's J. Elhson William J. Horton 80 BROOKHAA'EN TOWN RECORDS. Oliver Perry Smith Overseers of the Poor Henry K. Townsend Oliver Perrv Smith Nathan C. Barto Buel Hulse Elbert Woodhull Geo. W. Overton Albert Terrell Wilham Riker Page 121. (2d) Inspectors of Election 3 Dist Rich'd T. Osborn. Wilham Murdock Norton Raynor (app'd) 4th Dist George Teal John Ketcham S. Havens Hammond (app'd) 1st Dist. John M. Williamson Reuben H. Wilson John R. Satteriy (app'd) 2nd Election Dist. Sylvester D. Tuthill George P. Helme. John J. Davis (appoinfjed) 5th Dist Lester Davis Noah T. Terry Dan'l T. Overton (appointed) The foregoing, we the board presiding, & the clerk of said Town Meeting, certify to be a true statement of. per sons elected on this 3 day of Apl. 1860 — L. R. Overton Town Clerk overseers of Highways Dist. No 1 Geo. Smith 2. Nicoll S Hawkins 7. John H Overton 3. John Bennett * 4. Isaac J. Smith 9. Charles Phillips 5. John R. Davis 10. Gilbert Davis 6. John Denton 11. Isaac W. Brown BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 81 12. Nathan'l M. Tuthill 34. Dan'l T. Overton 13. William H. Biggs 35. Benjamin Nicoll 14. Warren Wines 36. Lester Ruland 15. Joshua Terry. 37. Joseph N. Hurtin 16. Seward Robinson 38 Sam'l F. Norton 17. William S. Roberts Jr. 39. John P. Mills 18. David T. Hawkins 40. J. O. Randall 19. Augustus Hawkins 41. Lewis Gordon 20. Nelson Hawkins 42. S. Smith Roe 21 Mulford Hedges 43 Wm. S. Swezey declined 22 William E Conklin 44. Ellison Bishop 23 Geo. F. Carman 45. Buel Hulse 24. Benjamin Hawkins 46. Phillip Hallock 25. George Clements 47. Elbert Woodhull 26. Cha's W. Hawkins appd 48. Elihu Hawkins 27. John F. Hallock 49. Wm. C. Tooker 28. Jeremiah P. Lee 50. Noadiah Carter 29. C. W. F. Dare 51. Henry Hawkins 30. Rich'd W. Smith 52. Nathan'l Tooker 31. Ham Smith 53. Andrew Ketcham 32. Rich'd Smith 54. Wm. Snedeker 33. Oakley A. Overton 55. Ahira Hawkins Thomas J. King appointed I certify the above to be a true list of overseers of High ways elected for this town 3 Apl. 1860. L. R. Overton, Clerk Page 122. change of Road Districts No 3 & 4 — change of Highway in District No. 4 and set off to Dis trict No. 3 by the Commissioners of Highways — Said Road leading out of Setauket to Stony Brook com mencing Easterly by the Highway leading through Setauket * Note. No. 8 annulled 3 June 1859 See page 110 83 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Northerly and Easterly by the corner of Edward H. L'Hommedieu's land as the fence formerly stood — ^thence Westerly through the Hohow left for the run of water, and Highway, to the land formerly owned by John Dewit deceased, now by Henry Hulse, thence Southerly to the Old Highway, thence Westerly as far as the Northwest corner of Samuel L. Thompson's Lot — Setauket 10th September 1859— Samuel Tooker ) Commissioners S. D. Tuthill V of Highways of Recorded by me Alfred Davis ) Brookhaven Ap 26th 1860 Benjn. T. Hutchinson 'Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. May 1st 1860— The Board of Trustees met according to notice and ap pointment at the House of Lester LI. Davis in Coram, present John Symnes Havens President — Trustees Thomas J. Ellison, Manly Ruland, Philip Hallock, Henry K. Townsend, Nathaniel Tuttle and Oliver P. Smith — Minutes of last Meeting read — Joel L'llommedieu applied for a Quitclaim for certain land by or near the Llighway in Setauket — Showing a Quitclaim from Trustees to Brewster Hawkins former owner of the adjoining premises dated January 6th 1835 conveying common land between the then Highway and the land of Brewster Hawkins formerly Revd Mr. Sea- bury's, and asking now for another Quitclaim as the High way has been changed or more definitely fixed^ — • After hearing counsel for and against the application it was deferred until next meeting — Resolved That the Grass on Pehcan Island be let this year to Walter Hawkins of Fireplace for Two Dollars per year — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 83 Page 123. In the matter of the affiliation Suit in behalf of Augusta Bahr agst. Henry Peters — said Peters having offered to pay a certain sum to settle the suit saying that he has no property it was Resolved that Thomas S. Strong counselor of the Board, settle the matter on the best terms he can for the Town — In the matter relative to the arrearage of Taxes due from Jacob Bumstead late Collector it was Resolved That Thomas S. Strong, Counselor, be author ized to take legal measures to collect of Jacob Bumstead former Collector 'and his Sureties the Balance of Taxes due the Town on the assessment of Tax for the year 1858 which he was to collect — In relation to the hiring out the Oyster Privilege last year by Charles Price then Trustee it was ordered that Whereas the Lease of Oyster Privilege for 1859 resolved to be let to Charles Price by the Board of Trustees Aug't 9tli 1859 for Fifty Dollars, was never put into effect by giving any Lease to Mr. Price ; but the cash Book showing that said C. Price as Trustee obtained for the said Oyster Privilege and paid into the Town Treasury One hundred and Sixty Three Dollars and Ninety Five cents. Resolved that the Clerk enter in the minutes of this day's proceed ings this explanation showing what Charles Price did in the premises, and hereby showing the correct settlement of his account — Application being made by Albert II. Mott and T. S. Strong as Counsel in relation to the support of Japhet Smith also present. Ordered that said Japhet Smith be car ried to the Town Poor House and supported at the expense of his children according to their ability — their proportion to be inquired into and decided next meeting — After passing upon and settling Bills in aid of poor it 84 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. was Resolved to adjourn to the 1st Tuesday in June at 9 a.m. at same place — Entered by Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Road at Rocky Point — Page 124. We Commissioners for the year 1859, do Survey out a part of the road leading from the North country Road to Hallock's Landing, the Survey commencing at a stake in Front of Isaac W. Brown's house eighty eight (88) Links from the Northwest corner and Seventy Five (75) Links from the Southwest corner of the said house from that first 1st Course South 6° West 4 chains 28 links 2d (( 21° 1 3d li 35° 1 4th a 53° 4 5th " a 55° 5 6th u 454° 2 7th " a 35° 4 Commissioners of Highways of Brookhaven to the South Side of the Thirty Seventh (37) Lot— the width of the said road to be Three (3) Rods wide — Note — The above courses taken magnetic courses- Dated August 29th 1859— Samuel Tooker Recorded by me Sylvester D. Tuthill May 5th 1860 Alfred Davis Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Posted May 7th 1860— See page 111,-112,-114, & Book C. page 232 B. T. H— Road at Setauket The Commissioners of Highways for the year 1860 being duly called to lay out or locate the East part of a Road BROOKHAVBN TOWN RECORDS. 85 leading from Setauket to Stony Brook the Centre or start ing point is the Centre of the West side of a Bridge at the East end of the said road, the Course of the said Road is North 85° Eighty five degrees West Five (5) chains and Twenty (20) Links— to a stake — thence from the said stake to Stony Brook as the Road now runs the East end of the said Road to be Four Rods wide — Surveyed by Sylvester D. Tuthill Surveyor — Magnetic Course Dated April 27th 1860— S. D. Tuthill ) Commissioners Alfred Davis V of Highways Briant N. Overton ) for the Town of Brookhaven Recorded By me. May 5th 1860 Benjn T. Hutchinson. ' Town Clerk Note— Posted May 7th 1860 B. T. H Page 125. Trustee Meeting June 5th 1860— The Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John Symnes Havens President — -Henry K. Town- send, Philip Hallock, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle, Thomas J. Elhson and Oliver P. Smith Trustees — Ordered that Elihu Hawkins be authorized to cut the Grass on the Island near Pattersquash as far west as the stakes put up last year by Ohver R. Smith and Charles Hulse^ — ^aud that the clerk send a copy of said order to Mr, Hawkins— (Note — done) 86 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. After settling bills &e. adjourned to the first Monday (2d day) of July next same place and hour — Entered by me Benjn. T. Plutchinson Town Clerk Road at East Moriches — May 17th 1860— Whereas upon the application of twelve reputable free holders of the Town of Brookhaven we hereby lay out a Road in East Moriches from the South Country Road to the South Bay, South of Henry T. Osborn's dock as follows — starting stake is South 68° East 1 ch. 87 Links from the South east corner of William Howell's house — from the first stake the course is South 17° East 18 ch. 60 Links to second stake — second course is South 73° East 9 ch. 10 Links — third course South 70° East 11 ch. 83 L. to the bay — ^the road to be three rods wide — the survey is the centre of the road and taken magnetic courses — Surveyed by Sylvester D. Tuthill— Survey ch. L. 1st South 17° E. 18 — 60 2 " 73° E. 9—10 3 " 70° E. 11 — 83 Commiss ioners of Highways Sylvester D. Tuthill Alfred Davis Briant N. Overton Recorded June 6th 1860 Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Release of Land recorded page 156 Page 126. Road at Woodville Landing— We Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven for the year 1860 do survey a portion of the high- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 87 way leading from Woodville Landing to the North Country Road as follows — the starting point or stake is in the centre of the highway on a line from the Northeast corner of Benjamin F. Reeves' house to the Southwest corner of Elbert Woodhull's house — the distance from Elbert Wood- hull's house to the centre of the road is 1 ch. 14 Links — the distance from Benjn. F. Reeves' house to the Centre of the road is 47 Links — the course from the first stake is North 4° West 2 ch. 50 Links— Second course is North 6° West 3 Ch. 41 Links— third course is North 22° West 2 ch— fourth course is North 374° W'est 1 ch. 50 Links— fifth course is North 22° West to tho Sound — Thence from the first stake South 5° East 4 ch. 50 Links to a stake I4 rods East of a Locust Tree South of Benjn. F. Reeves' Barn — The width of the road is three rods wide from the first stake South and to the Second stake North — ^froin the sec ond stake to the Sound is Four rods wide — The above Survey was taken magnetic courses — Surveyed by Sylvester D. Tuthill Dated Brookhaven May 26th 1860— SyL tester D. Tuthill j Commissioners Alfi •edD 'avis of Record* 3d by Briant N . Overton ) Highways BenJE imin T, . H utchi inson clerk June 6th 1860 1st course N. r West 2 ch. 50 Links 2d a N. 6° West 3 ch. 41 " 3d a N. 22° West 2 ch. 00 " 4th ii. N. 374° West .1 ch. .50 " 5th a N. 22° West Then from 1st Stake South' S. 5° East 4 ch. 50 Links This & the 1st course to be 3 rods wide — 88 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. All except 1st course to be 4 rods wide — Courses repeated by Clerk Benjn T. Hutchinson Page 127. A Road South of New Village Discontinued — Town of Brookhaven — Upon the apphcation of Richard Newton of sa,id Town for the Discontinuance of the Road hereinafter described and on the certificate of twelve disinterested freeholders duly summoned and sworn who have in due form certified that said Road is useless and unnecessary ; it is hereby ordered by Briant N. Overton and Alfred Davis Commis sioners of Highways of said Town of Brookhaven, all of the said commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, that the said Road of which the following is a Survey made by the direc tion of the said commissioners — Starting from a locust stake in the Centre of the Road west of the Methodist Church about twenty rods from the Church which is situated on the road that leads from the Stony Brook Road to Roncon cama Pond, and starting from the locust stake that stands in the Centre of the said Road that leads by the church where the Road that is to be shut up intersects with the said road, and the Road that is to be shut up is Thirteen chains from the stake to the Stony Brook road, a North course running through the land of Richard Newton for merly owned by A. W. Roseman, be, and the same is hereby discontinued — In Witness whereof the said commissioners have here unto subscribed our names this 16th day of June 1860 — Briant N. Overton I O^'^^'^^- Alfred Davis Movers ot ) Highways Recorded June 25th 1860 of said Town Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 89 Posted June 28th 1860— B. T. H— Note — Said Road is not known to have been recorded — not found on Record — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note — On appeal — Judge set forth that as the application called the Road a private one, and as no evidence or record was produced show ing said Road ever to have been recorded — the evidence showing that the recorded Highway was located in another place— he therefore had no jurisdiction in such case of a private road — Papers filed Sept. 14th 1860 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 128. Order of Location of Road at Setauket page 124. Re versed — Before the County Judge of Suffolk County In the matter of the Appeal of Samuel L. Thompson from an order of the Com missioners of Highways of the town of Brookhaven relative to the highway leading from Setauket to Stony Brook The Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven having made an Order dated April 27th 1860 and Posted May 7th 1860 purporting to ascertain and describe the East part of the Highway leading from Setauket to Stony Brook but which in effect entirely changes the loca tion of a portion of said highway, and Samuel L. Thompson having appealed to the County Judge from said order and I having assigned the ninth day of June 1860 at two o'clock P.M. on the said Road as the time and place for hearing said appeal and having caused notice thereof to be served on the said Commissioners of Highways and on Joel 90 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. L'Hommedieu the person on whose application the said Commissioners were called out, and having attended at the time and place and having been attended by said appellant and all the said Commissioners and by said Joel L'Hom medieu and their respective Counsel and having heard the proofs and allegations of the parties and having deliberated it is Ordered that the said Order hereinabove referred to be and the same is hereby reversed and annulled — ¦ June 22d 1860 J. Lawrence Smith County Judge of Suffolk County Recorded June 28th 1860 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note. The said to be original Laying out of said road is Recorded in Book B, page 337 dale June 10th 1740— B. T. H. Page 129. Trustee Meeting July 2d 1860 At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven pursuant to adjournment present John Symnes Havens President — Henry K. Townsend, Philip Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison and Oliver P. Smith, Trustees Resolved That Hon. Wm. Sidney Smith, John S. Havens of Patchogue Supervisor, Manly Ruland, Trustee and Thomas S. Strong Counsellor, constitute a Committee duly appointed by the Board of Trustees on the part of the Town of Brookhaven, to consult with the authorities of the Town of Islip, and with full pc^jsver to agree with them upon a Boundary between said Towns, said Committee having power to call witnesses and if necessary to employ Surveyors, also any three of said Committee are hereby empowered to act, and we as Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven hereby resolve and bind ourselves to ratify and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 91 confirm whatsoever the abovesaid and herein constituted Committee shall agree upon in relation to the Boundary between the respective Towns of Brookhaven and Islip — Resolved That Thomas S. Strong Esqr. attorney shall be paid Thirty Dollars per year from the first day of November 1859 until further order for his attendance at the Meetings of this Board as Counsellor in behalf of the Town — After settling poor bills — hearing applications — viewing the Poor House and premises in order to determine, what the condition of the same renders most expedient for the public good, whether to repair or build new Buildings which was left for further consideration the Board ad journed to meet again on Tuesday the 4th day of Septem ber next at the same place and hour as heretofore — Resolved That the resolution entered in proceedings of Trustees Jan'y 5th 1858 on 83d page of this book relative to the boundary between this Town and Islip be rescinded and fully annulled, the same having never been accepted by Islip or in any way acted upon, but the line having ever since been in coiitroversy and measures now being proposed for settlement of the Boundary by Committees of both Towns — Entered by me — Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note— This resolution refers solely to the Boundary between this Town and Islip and not to the line fixed in 1834 between this Town and Huntington on Beach and Bay and agreed to by Islip which is fully abided by, by this Town — and this is made to prevent mistake as to the word " compromise" which has been applied on a late map of SufEolk Co. to a line near Ronkonkama no such being on our records nor any record of any arbitration ever being held about it — Benjn. T. Hutchinson, T. Clerk Page 130. Trustee Meeting At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven pursuant to adjournment, present John Symnes 93 BROOKHATEN TOWN RECORDS. Havens President — Henry K. Townsend, Philip Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison and Oliver P. Smith Trustees— Sept. 4th 1860— Ordered that Widow Lina Squires be allowed Fifty (50) cents per week from May .8th toward her support^ — Ordered that Widow Barr be allowed Twenty (25) five cents per week as aid for her support and Fifty cents (50) per week be also allowed for the support of the child of Augusta Barr both commencing June 5th last Ordered That the Clerk let Thomas S. Sti-ong counsellor have the Agreement and Deed between William Smith and the Town, to use on a Lawsuit in relation to the Line at Pattersquash — to be returned again to the Clerk after said Trial — Resolved that the consideration of the application of Alfred Mott and William Horton for a Permit to catch and plant Oyster Spawns on the Lots hired of the Town be postponed to next meeting of the Trustees, and that Oliver P. Smith Trustee give public Notice of the same — Resolved That Two Thousand Five LIundred Dollars ($2500) be raised by Tax for the support of the Poor in this Town for the ensuing year — Resolved That Miss Elizabeth Jones be allowed Fifty cents (50) per week for the support of Samuel Mills an indigent person now supported by her Resolved To adjourn to Thursday the 27th day of Sep tember lust at the same place and hour as usual — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting Page 131. September 27th 1860— Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present ; John S. Havens President, Henry K. Townsend, Philip BR00KH.4VEN TOWN RECORDS. 93 Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland and Thomas J. Ellison, Trustees — absent O. P. Smith — Resolved That the order to renew the Lease of Quanch Creek Islands to Matthew E. Woodruff for five years from June 5th 1860 at Six Dollars per year — and that Pelican Island be leased to Walter Hawkins for five years from 1st May last at Two Dollars per year, — passed at last meet ing but omitted to be entered, be recorded in the minutes of this days proceedings — Resolved That the application of Henry Hallock for a Lease of Strand at Port Jefferson according to a Draft- Lease dated Jan'y 4th 1853 not signed by either party be postponed for further information, as no Lease is found recorded, and the minutes on page 12th of this Book give no dimensions in the resolution to grant — On the application of Messrs Horton and Mott to plant Oyster Spawns on their Lots hired of the Town, made at last meeting and renewed now, it was decided by a Majority vote not to grant permits for that purpose — Ordered that Hampton Y. Howell be allowed One Dollar and Fifty cents ($1.50) instead of the One Dollar ($1) here tofore allowedas aid in supporting his family — On the application of Ham Smith as to the support of his Father Japhet Smith Ordered that said Ham Smith have the privilege to carry his father to the Poorhouse, he paying Seventy five cents per week until further order for what time said Japhet Smith remains at the said Poor- house — Resolved to adjourn to Thursday the 1st day of Novem ber next at the same time and place — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 132. Trustee Meeting November 1st 1860 — Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — Pres- 94 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ent John S. Havens President, Henry K. Townsend, Philip Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland, and Thomas J. Ellison Trustees — 0. P. Smith absent — Resolved That the matter of the Lease of a portion of Strand at Port Jefferson to Henry Hallock in accordance with a draft lease dated Jan'y 1853 not signed by either party or re corded, presented by said Hallock at last meeting be further postponed — Resolved To lease the privilege of Gunning and Fowling on the South Beach opposite Bellport from Hospital Point on the East and extending far enough to the west to include the Bogs on the West side of Fiddleton-point and extending North from these Bounds to the Main channel of the South Bay for the Term of Two years at Five. Dollars per year to Henry Osborn of Bellport — Resolved To renew the Lease to James M. Fanning of the Grass on the New made Island in the East Bay for Six Dollars and fifty cents per year for Five years. Adjourned to first Tuesday 4th day of December next at the same time and place — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Page 133. Trustee Meeting December 4th 1860— Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Henry K. Townsend, Philip Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland and Oliver P. Smith Trustees — Ordered That Eliza McKensie a late resident of this Town now sick at Joseph L'Hommedieu's in Riverhead BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 95 Town be allowed seventy five cents per week from 1st of October last until further order — - Ordered That the Bill from Overseers of Poor of the Town of Southampton for aid to John Assey be allowed in part that is $6.25 but that the item for services $1.50 be not allowed — we never charging other Towns for noti fying them in like cases — Ordered That the application of Jos. H. Goldsmith atty. for overseers of the Poor of the Town of Southold for the support of Andrew Jennings an indigent person now in that Town be approved — having evidence that said Jen nings recently resided with Peter Black at Lakeville so as to gain a residence in this Town — and that the overseers attend to the same — Resolved That Thomas S. Strong attorney be continued as Counsellor for the Board on the same terms as the past year which ended on the 1st day of November In the matter of Nancy Maria Still and her three chil dren paupers of the Town of Islip now in this Town, the overseer of Islip agreeing to pay the Two Dollars hereto fore aided them and one dollar and fifty cents per week and more if necessary for their support, ordered that said agreement be approved — Adjourned- to 2d Tuesday 8th day of Jany. 1861 — at same place and hour. Entered By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Page 134. An old Road at Setauket established — Whereas a Road leading from Setauket to Stony Brook in the Town of Brookhaven now used as a public highway was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of said Town in the year 1740 June the 7th and recorded but not surveyed as appears by the Record, so therefore we the 96 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Commissioners of Highways of said Town all being duly notified by Samuel L. Thompson to meet at his house on or about the first day of September 1860 We the under signed Commissioners did meet on that day and measure and put the centre Stakes down and likewise the side stakes taking the Record of 1740 June 7th to be our guide— and We the said Commissioners do consider the Centre Stakes to be the centre of the Old Highway that was laid out in 1740 the 7th of June it being the Road that leads out of Setauket to Stony Brook starting in front of the house of Charles Jayne and running by the house of Edward L'Hommedieu and Henry Hulse which said Road we find encroached upon by the said Edward L'Hommedieu and Henry Hulse to the distance which is described in the order and notice that has been served on them to remove such encroachments and we the undersigned Commissioners of the Town do Confirm the Old Highway according to the old Survey made and recorded by the commissioners of Highways in the year 1740 — June the 7th to be correct to the best of our judgment — Given under our hands this 16th day of September in the year 1860— Recorded Deer i2th 1860 By Benjn. T. Hutchinson ToWn Clerk Posted Deer 17th 1860— B. T. H. Clerk. Briant N. Overton ) Cornmissioners Alfred Davis ( of Highways of Brookhaven For Old Record referred to see Book B. page 337 — For previous Items about same Road see this Book 124 &128 Page 135. Trustee Meeting. January 8th 1861 — Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 97 Capt. John S. Havens President H. K. Townsend, Philip Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison & Oliver P. Smith Trustees — Ordered That the Clerk notify Henry Hallock and Har vey West that the matter of their grants of shore at Port Jefferson as to their tenure and fulfilment will be consid ered at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees — Ordered That though by our Clerk's acct. there appears 3 yrs. Rent due for Hawkins & Mathers Dock and Bulk head, yet as Mr. Hawkins has a Receipt from B. Brewster former Trustee for the pay't of Jan'y 5th 1858 in full to that date, that th^ clerk enter the payment of $1 2 received to day for 2 years, as paying up to March 4th 1860 being midway between January and May the dates of the Two Grants of Dock & Bulkhead — Adjourned to Tuesday the 5th day of Feby. 1861 Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 136. Road at Patchogue Altered — At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, at Pat chogue in said Town on the second day of November 1860, all the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said meeting for the purpose of deliberating on tho subject matter of this order upon the Application of Austin Roe, Eunice Jennings and R. . Jennings Jr. and upon the written consent of the said Austin Roe, Eunice Jennings & R. Jennings Jr. that the Coram Road be altered in the said Village of Patchogue at and near its junction with the Canaan and South Country Road, and through their lands respectively, and it appearing to the said Commissioners upon viewing the said premises, that such alteration is necessary and is a public benefit, did pro- 98 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ceed to alter the said road, and cause the same to be sur veyed and laid out and so much of the old Road discon tinued as is not within the survey of the road as altered, by an order of this date — Now therefore we the Commis sioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven pursuant to Statute in such case made and provided, do hereby de clare the said Road as altered and surveyed to be — Starting from the East side of the Canaan Road at a point on the South side of the said Coram Road, where a locust stake is fixed, for a boundary, said stake being distant in a direct line from the South East corner of the founda tion or brick-wall of the Congregational Church South II4 degrees East 3 chains and ninety Seven links — running from said Stake North 664 degrees East Twenty chains until it comes to the old road — The said Survey being the Southerly side or line of the said Road, the same being Three Rods in width— and do hereby declare and order the same to be entered of record as a Public Road and oisened — In Witness Whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this 2d day of November 1860— Sylvester D. Tuthill [ Commissioners Alfred Davis f of Highways Recorded Jany. 23d 1861 Posted 5 Feby 1861— By Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 137. Release of Land for foregoing Road — We the undersigned owners of the lands in the village of Patchogne in said County of Suffolk and Town of Brookhaven through which the proposed Alteration of the West end of the Coram Road near the Canaan Road is to BUOOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 99 be made, do hereby Consent that the said Coram Road be Altered and Straightened agreeably to the Survey this day made thereof through our lands respectively, so far as the Same shall be upon the lands of either of us, without com pensation to us or either of us, or any assessment of dam ages by reason of the Alteration of said road, the closing of part of the old Road or opening the new — ¦ Patchogue November 2d 1860 — Recorded Jany. 23d 1861 R. Jennings Jr. By me Eunice Jennings Benjn. T. LIutchinson Austin Roe Clerk The part of Old Road not embraced in New discontinued see foregoing — At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at Patchogue in the said Town on the 2d day of November 1860 All the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject matter of this order and it appearing to the said Commis sioners that (by reason of the Alteration made in the public Highway leading from Patchogue to (Joram commencing at the south Coimtry Road between the lands belonging to or occupied by Rickard Jennings Jr. on the one side and Austin Roe on the other side and by the opening of a new Highway from the Canaan Road leading into the said Coram Road particularly described in the order duly made by the said Commissioners bearing date the 2d day of November 1860 All that part of the said Coram Road from the said South Country Road until it is intersected by the said new Road leading into the Canaan Road and all that part of the said Old Road which is not included in the new Page 138. road as straightened has been abandoned by the public and 100 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. is no longer used as a public Road— Now therefore we the said Commissioners of Highways pursuant to Section 15 of Chapter 174 of the Session Laws of 1853 entitled An Act in relation to laying out Private Roads and discontinuing Public Highways passed April 12th 1853 (See page 308, 310) do hereby declare that the portion of the said High way so abandoned by the public commencing at the South Country Road and running thence North Easterly until it is intersected by the said New Roads and all that part of the Old Road which is not included in the New Road as straightened by the Commissioners be and the same is hereby discontinued, but this order is not intended to effect any part of the said Coram Roads over which the said New Road was laid out or now in part runs, nor to effect any part of the Canaan Road as the same now runs from its intersection by the said New Road into the said South Country Road between the said land of Rickard Jennings Jr. and Austin Roe — In Witness Whereof we the Commissioners have here unto subscribed our names this 2d day of November 1860 Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Commissioners Alfred Davis j of Highways. Recorded Jany. 23d 1861— Posted Feby 5th 1861— By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Page 139. Trustee Meeting Feby. 5th 1861— Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S. Havens President, H. K. Townsend Philip Hal lock, Nathaniel Tuttle. Manly Ruland Thomas J. Ellison and Oliver P. Smith — Trustees present Whereas several tracts of land formerly belonging to E. R. Boyle and now said to belong to the estate of Sand- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 101 ford Cooley deceased had not been sufficiently described on Assessments as Non resident lands and sometimes not on at all and thus no taxes on them have been collected since 1856 and Rich'd W. Smith in behalf of said estate offering to pay Fifty dollars to clear the same. It is Ordered that said offer be accepted as in full for taxes on estate of said Sandford Cooley deed situated in this Town up to and including assessment of 1860 — Note— Said sum was paid by checlc to Oliver P. Smith overseer of the Poor — Whereas on examination of the account of the moneys received and expenses paid out during the last three years previous to April 4th 1860 on acct. of the West Bay held in partnership between the Town and Wm. Sidney Smith, it appears that Forty Dollars paid by Isaac H. Green Oct. 27th 1858, and Twenty Dollars paid by Joshua Benjamin Dec'r 8th 1858 as shown by their receipts from S. L. Newins then Trustee as also 150 dollars for rent of Bay to Lewis Baker in 1857 said by him to have been collected by S. L. Newins Trustee and 170 dollars for rent of Bay to said S. L. Newins in 1858, are not found entered in the said account kept by the Clerk of the Board and therefore not divided with said Wm. Sidney Smith and whereas it appears by said account that through some mistake between said Wm. Sidney Smith and the then Clerk, the said Wm. Sidney Smith has during said three previous years been paid $137.70 over and above his share of the net income shown by the said Clerk's acct. to have been received by the Board Now then in consideration of the claim of said Wm.. Sidney Smith to one half of said sums herein specified as- not found on the books and that he relinquishes all claims- to the said sums so specified should any part thereof be hereafter collected from whoever it may be found owes the same It is Ordered that the Board of Trustees do relin- 103 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. quisli all claim to said sum so overpaid to said Wm. Sidney Smith, and with this understanding the account as found in the said Account Book kept by the Clerk of the Board shall be Page 140. declared mutually settled up to April 4th 1860 between the Town and said Wm. Sidney Smith — but nothing in this is intended to preclude Mr. Smith from sharing in any other Back Rents not herein specified should any such be hereafter collected — Note — Receipts in accordance with above order were mutually ex changed between AVm. Sidney Smith and the President of the Board of Trustees — Resolved That the matter of the Leases of Henry Hallock and Harvey West be further considered at the next Meet ing of the Board — Resolved To adjourn to the first Tuesday 5th day of March next same time and place — Entered By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 141. Trustee Meeting March 5th 1861— Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John Symnes Havens president, Henry K. Townsend, Philip Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle Manly Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison and Oliver P. Smith. Trustees — In relation to the protection and regulation of the Oyster Privileges of all that part of the Great South Bay called the West Bay, the Board of Trustees do unanimously pass the following Act and Resolutions viz. Be it ordained by the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven that no Oysters BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS, 103 or Oyster Spawns shall be caught or taken in any part of the Great West Bay from the first day of June to the fifteenth day of September, and that if any person or per sons shall catch or take any Oysters or Oyster Spawn in or from any part of the said Great West Bay at any time during said period such person or persons so offending shall forfeit and pay to the said Town the sum of Fifteen Dohars for each and every such offence to be sued for and recov ered in any court having cognizance thereof — Ordered that a person be appointed to collect the Toler ation for Oystering in said Bay during the rest of the year from September 15th to March 1st 1862 — Also Resolved that George W. Smith of Patchogue be and he is hereby appointed Agent for the Town to collect the Toleration of One and a half dollars if paid before the 25th of Sept. and after that date Two Dollars from each person who is permitted to catch or take Oysters in said Bay, and also as such agent to bring suit in behalf of the Town to recover said penalty of Fifteen Dollars from any person catching Oysters or Oyster Spawn in the season pro hibited and to prevent any person catching Oysters without a permit, and for his services in the premises he shall be allowed twenty five per cent on whatever sums he collects — Ordered That the allowance of 25 cts to Patience Conklin be advanced to Fifty cents (50 cts) per week from this date — Page 142. Ordered That the Lease of Shore at Port Jefferson to Harvey West Dated Jany. 4th 1853 and recorded in this Book on the 15th page be and the same is hereby Can celled, he having omitted to make the improvements named therein — Resolved By the Board (Henry K. Townsend dissenting) to give a New Lease to Harvey West for 225 feet of Shore at Port Jefferson at $2 per year for the Term of 20 years 104 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. — he to build a Wooden Bulkhead 4 feet high on the east part of his grant of the length of 100 feet and keep the same in good repair* during the said term — to build said Bulkhead three rods North of the North side of the high way and to have said Bulkhead built within one year from the date hereof and if these Conditions are not performed this Lease to be forfeited — ¦ Ordered That the Lease of Shore at Port Jefferson to Henry Hallock referred to in the proceedings of the Board of Trustees Jany 4th 1853 as entered on the 12th page of this Book be and the same is hereby Cancelled — no lease having been executed — and he having omitted to make the improvements named in the draft lease found — Resolved That further action in this matter be postponed until next meeting and that the Clerk notify Mr. Hahock of the same — (done) Resolved That whereas George W. Ritch collector of Taxes for the year 1859 has presented his Report certifying that he has paid the sums required by his Warrant in full to all the officers named therein except to the Overseers of the Poor to whom he has paid Twenty three hundred dol lars and twenty cents, and has presented a list of persons and taxes amounting to One Hundred and Ninety Nine dollars and Eighty cents with reasons why he has not been able to collect the same, which reasons being satisfactory. It is Ordered that said George W. Ritch late Collector be exonerated from the collection of the taxes named in said list which with the sums paid the said Overseers of the Poor make $2500 being the whole sum required and his account with them is hereby settled — Resolved That Uriah Smith of Patchogue be permitted to make and keep a fence commonly called a grass or sea weed fence extending into the Bay ten rods from high- water mark adjoining his land on the west side of the Mouth of Swan Creek for tweiity years from this date — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 105 Resolved That Town Clerks in future be required to give surety in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars for the faithful performance of the duties as Clerk and acting Treasurer of the Board of Trustees — Page 143. Resolved unanimously that for the extra services rendered the Town by Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk in putting the Military Roll and Assessment into one Book and in Alaphabetical order with residences — going to River head three times and searching Records to aid Assessors in correcting errors by which many taxes had been formerly lost — searching Records and copying items and laws in aid of settlement of Boundary with Islip — Searching records and accounts and making copies of accts. for last 12 years of the Docks, Railways, Shores, Islands, Bays &c showing the arrearages due, and enabling a just settlement of the Rents with all parties — Indexing the last Book of Records — and taking means by which $116 of arrearage Taxes have been collected — we tender him in behalf of the Town and hereby Order that he be paid the sum of Thirty Dollars Adjourned to first Tuesday 2d day of April next at the same time and place — Entered by me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Road Districts at Port Jefferson altered^ At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven on the 19th day of March 1861 It was Ordered and determined that so much of the Highway that leads Northerly from Henry K. Townsends house to the Highway that leads from Port Jefferson across the Beach to Setauket, that formerly belonged to District No. 56 to 106 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. work and repair shall be altered and set off to District No. 7 to work and repair — Given under our hands the day and date above written— Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Commissioners Recorded by me Alfred Davis >- of March 22d 1861 Briant N. Overton ) Highways Benjamin T. Hutchinson "Clerk Page 144. Highway from Rocky Point to Middle Island— We the Commissioners for reguladng and laying out Highways in the Town of Brookhaven, do hereby lay out a Highway starting from the North Country Road opposite where the road from Hallock's Landing comes into said North Country Road and running Southerly on the East side of George Hallock's cleared lots and on the land of Amos Hallock until it comes to the Southeast corner of said George Hallock's cleared lots, then turning westerly on to the land of said George Hallock and so running Southerly on the unenclosed lands of said George Hallock, Isaac Terry, James Woodhull, George W. Ritch and Ed ward A. Swezey to the Whiskey Road and so across said Whiskey Road Southerly on the land of Lester Ruland and then on the land of Horace G. Randall Southwesterly till it intersects the Highway leading from Middle Island to Millersplace near the barn of Telem Smith — The said High way is released to the Town of Brookhaven three rods wide — by the owners of the land that the said highway crosses — The said Highway is to be worked and repaired by Dis tricts No. 11 — 46 — 36 as follows — one third of the said highway to each District — the North part of the said high way to be in District No. 11 — the Middle part of the said Highway to be in District No. 46~The South part of the said highway to be in District No. 36 — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 107 Dated Brookhaven March 19th 1861 Recorded March 22d 1861 Posted April 2d 1861— Sylvester D. Tuthill 1 Commissioners Alfred Davis >¦ of Briant N. Overtorf j Highways — By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Release of Land for above Highway Whereas there is a road now used starting from the North Country Road directly opposite where the Road from Hal lock's Landing comes into said North Country Road and running Southerly on the East side of George Hallock's cleared lots and on the land of Amos Hallock till it comes to the Southeast corner of said George Hallock's cleared lots, then turning Westerly onto the land of said George Hallock and so running Southerly on the unenclosed lands of said George Hallock, Isaac Terry, James Woodhull George W. Ritch and Edward A. Swezey to the Whiskey road and so across said Whiskey road Southerly on the land of Lester Ruland and then on the land of Horace G. Randall Page 145. Southwesterly till it intersects the highway leading from Middle Island to Millersplace near the Barn of Telim Smith — we hereby consent that said Road shall be recorded as a public Highway three rods wide and release to the Town all claims for damages for its running on our respective lands — Dated Brookhaven. June 6th 1860—Lester Ruland L.S. George W. Ritch L.S Edward A. Swezey L.S Horace G. Randall L.S 108 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Recorded March 22d 1861 Isaac Terry L.S. By me James Woodhull L.S. Benjn T. Hutchinson George Hallock L.S. Town Clerk Amos Hallock L.S. Highway Districts No. 10 & 11 altered— Millersplace & Rocky Pt— At a Meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven on the 19th day of March 1861 It was ordered and determined that so much of the High way that leads from Rocky point to Millersplace on the North Country Road that formerly belonged to District No. 11. to work and repair shall be altered and set off to District No. 10 — Edward Davis who formerly was in Dis trict No. 11 — is now in District No. 10 — Given under our hands the day and date above written — Sylvester D. Tuthill 1 Commissioners Recorded Alfred Davis V of March 22d 1861 Briant N. Overton ) Highways. B}' me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 146. Highway near Wading River called the Town Path — We the Commissioners for regulating and laying out Highways in the Town of Brookhaven do hereby lay out a Highway on a road called the Town Path starting from the Randall's road opposite the Long Pond road, and running Westerly across the lands of Benjamin Homan, Nathaniel M. Tuthill, Benjamin Tuthill, Henry Tuthill and James Woodhull to the road leading from Woodville to J. Orlando Randall's The said Highway is released three rods wide to the Town of Brookhaven by the owners of the land that the said Highway crosses — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 109 That part of the Highway that is East of the lands of Henry Tuthill is to be kept in repair by District No. 12 — that part of the highway west of the lands of Benjamin Tuthill is to be kept in repair by District No. 47 — Dated Brookhaven 19th day of March 1861— Sylvester D. Tuthill ] Commissioners Alfred Davis V of Briant N. Overton ) Highways- Recorded March 22d 1861— Posted April 2d 1861— By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Release of land for above Highway Whereas there is a road now used called the Town Path starting from the Randall's road opposite the Long Pond road and running Westerly across the land of Benjamin Homan Nathaniel M. Tuthill, Benjamin Tuthill, Henry Tuthill and James Woodhull to the road leading from Woodville to J. Orlando Randall's We hereby consent that said road shall be recorded as a public Highway three rods wide and release to the Town all claims for damages for its running on our respective lands — Dated Brookhaven Feby. 20th 1861— Recorded March 22d 1861— By me Benjamin Homan L.S. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Nathaniel M. Tuthill L.S. Town Clerk Benjamin Tuthill L.S. Henry Tuthill L.S. James Woodhull L.S. Page 147. April 2d 1861— Trustee Meeting The Board of Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John Symnes Havens president, H. K. Townsend 110 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Philip Hallock, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle, Thomas J. EUison and Ohver P. Smith Trustees — Resolved That the Order passed at last meeting cancelling the Lease of Henry Hallock be reconsidered and the matter left as before said cancelling and further action deferred until next meeting — Resolved That the Order passed at last meeting cancelhng the Lease of Harvey West and granting him a new Lease be reconsidered and the matter left as it originally stood and further action on the same deferred until next meeting — Resolved By the Board unanimously that deeming the Thirty Dollars heretofore allowed Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk for the extra services he has rendered the Town during the past year insufficient compensation We order and direct that a further sum of Twenty Dollars be allowed him for services so freely rendered, and so greatly beneficial to the Town, fully believing that in so doing we are but fulfilling our duty in seeking to promote the welfare and best interests of the Town we have the honor to serve — After reviewing the accounts of the Board up to date by which we find that when the present Board were elected they had on hand $181.67 to pay arrearages due to the amt. of $219.83 leaving them in reality $38.16 in debt : now at the close of term of office we report that all said arrearages are settled and that $201 have been transferred to the Overseers of the Poor to aid them in paying bills — and that the accts. of the Overseers who meet with us, as audited March 26th show their Board less in debt than last year to the amt. of $379.32 showing by the accts. of the two Boards that the Town indebtedness has been lessened during the year in the sum of $580.32 Resolved that this Board having closed its labors do now adjourn Sine die Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ill Page 148. Town Meeting At an Annual Town Election held this 2d day of April 1861 at the House of Lester H. Davis in Coram in this Town of Brookhaven the following officers were elected viz. For Supervisor John S. Havens of Patchogue Justices of the Peace David T. Hawkins 4 years Jeremiah G. Wilbur 4 years Samuel A. Hawkins 1 year President of Trustees John S. Havens 1st E. Moriches Trustees Overseers of the Poor — Floyd Smith Floyd Smith— Setauket Phihp Hallock Welden Avery Nathaniel Tuttle Manly Ruland Thomas J. Ellison Welden Avery Town Clerk Benjamin T. Hutchinson Collector Charles Schryver Assessors Lewis Davis 3 years Norton Raynor 3 years Commissioner of Highways John R. Mather 3 years 113 BROOKHAA^EN TOWN RECORDS. Constables George W. Smith Albert Terrell Walter Hawkins John Clark George W. Overton Jehiel W. Randall Jonas D. Hammond John R. Davis — Inspectors of Election John M. Williamson ) Wilham T. Hulse V 1st Dist George Campbell appointed ) Sylvester D. Tuthill 1 George P. Helme >- 2d Dist. John M. Brown aptd ) Joel Robinson ) Townsend V. Ketcham V 3d Dist. John Hallock apd ) Lewis G. Davis ) John Post. I 4th Dist. Israel Green appd ) Edward A. Swezey. ) Wm Edgar Gould' I 5th Dist. Daniel T. Overton appd ) Page 149. Overseers of Highways — Dist. Overseer Location No— 1 Wm. S. Williamson Stony Brook West 2 Nicoll S. Hawkins " " East 3 Ebenezer Hawkins Setauket South 4 Isaac J. Smith Setauket BROOKHAVEN TOW.N RECORDS. 113 Dist. Overseer No— 5 John R. Davis 6 Abraham Allen Hawkins 7 Cyrus Griffin 8 9 Charies Phillips 10 Gilbert L. Davis 11 Amos Hallock 12 Francis S. Woodhuh- 13 Andrew B. Lane 14 S. Warren Wines 15 Laban Raynor 16 Seward Robinson 17 Wm. S. Robert Jr. 18 David T. Hawkins 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 Briant N. Overton 21 Mulford Hedges 22 Albert Terrell 23 Bradford Ruland 24 Edward Hawkins 25 George Clements 26 Charles W. Hawkins 27 Ansel Reeve 28 A. Hawkins Smith 29 John M. Norton 30 Michael P. Walker 31 Ham Smith 32 Richard Smith 33 John B. Terry 34 Daniel T. Overton 35 Benjamin Nicoll 36 Lester Ruland 37 Horace G. Randall Location Setauket East N. East Port Jefferson South Mt Sinai Millersplace Rocky Pt. North West Wading River Manor North " South East Moriches Seatuck Mastic South Haven Fireplace Neck Bellport Union Patchogue East " Lane " West of Centre Bluepoint Lakeville New Village West do Selden Coram Coram East Rocky Pond Farmingville Coram Hills Middle Island South do. Middle Dist do East 114 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Location Millville Yaphank Ridgefield East Manor Swan Creek. Middle Island West Centre Moriches Centre Moriches West Rockpt. East Woodville West Moriches Old Field Patchogue East of Centre West Bellport Fireplace West Centre Moriches East Waverly Port Jefferson East We the undersigned do hereby certify that the above list of Overseers of Llighways and the list of Town officers on the preceding page are the true and correct results of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting. Entered By me J. W. Pelletreau ] April 2d 1861 Z. F. Hawkins j justices Benjn T. Hutchinson Oran W. Rogers f Town Clerk Walter Dickerson J Benjn T. Hutchinson, Clerk Page 150. Road at Patchogue Surveyed &e Whereas a Road leading from Patchogue to Canaan in the Town of Brookhaven now used as a public highway was laid out by the Commissioners of the said Town on the Dist. Overseer No— 38 Edward Homan 39 Lewis Homan 40 John O. Randall 41 Henry Corwin 42 Humphrey Avery 43 Dl Edwards 44 Silas Reeve 45 Chauncey Chichester 46 James Hallock 47 Elbert Woodhull 48 Elihu Hawkins 49 Wm. C. Tooker 50 Noadiah Carter 51 Llenry Hawkins 52 Nathaniel Tooker 53 Andrew Ketcham 54 William Snediker 55 Ahira Hawkins BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 115 28th day of December in the year of 1855, but not suffi ciently described of Record has been used for twenty years for such public highway but has never been recorded satis factory to the public and owners of the land ; Now there fore we the undersigned the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order ; do hereby Order that said road be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town according to a Survey which has been made under our direction as follows, viz. Starting from the South Country Road from a Bound in the Centre of the said highway and running North 84 de grees East until it comes to where the Coram Road runs into the Canaan Road to a Centre Stake or Iron in the middle of the said highway which distance from the first mentioned bounds from the South Country Road to the last mentioned bounds opposite the South side of the Coram Road is 4 chains and 40 Links and we do further order that the Line of the said Survey be the Centre of said Road and that the said Road be of the width of three rods from start ing point which can be found in the Centre of the said highway on the line of the South Country Road — Bearings North to the Southeast corner of the church and South west corner of Roe's Hotel 874 Degrees East — and further there is a Bound in the Centre of the said highway 20 Links to the North of the first mentioned Bounds betwixt the Store of Rickard Jennings and the House of Austin Roe, which bounds are agreed to by the said Jennings and Roe to be permanent Boundary ; and the distance betwixt the Store and the House is 81 Links which leaves 404 Links from each Building to the Centre Stake, measuring from the Store Door Sill across the said Highway to the Stoop- post of the house, which leaves Three Links on each side clear of the said highway. 116 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Given under our hands this 28th day of March in the year 1861. Briant N. Overton j Commissioners Alfred Davis | of Highways of Brookhaven Recorded April 20th 1861 Posted April 22d 1861 By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 151. Trustee Meeting. May 7th 1861— At a Meeting of the Board of Trustees held pursuant to appointment Present John Symnes Havens President Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock, ' Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison and Welden Avery Trustees. Ordered That Mrs John H. Bishop of Port Jefferson be allowed Five Dollars as temporary aid on account of the sickness of her husband and needy circumstances of her family. Ordered That Mrs. Mary Hawkins of Yaphank be allowed Fifty cents per week for keeping Harry Norton (partially deranged) until further order. Ordered That the allowance to Submit Woodhull be low ered from a Dollar to Seventy five cents per week from this date. Resolved That Floyd Smith Trustee be Authorized to advertise and let the old Field Strand to the highest bidder. Resolved That the Lease of Oyster Lots in South Bay to Alfred Mott and James Mapes be renewed for Five years from May 10th 1861 for the annual rent of Twenty Five Dollars per year for the first Two years in accordance with the conditions of the former lease and then at Thirty Dollars per year for the Three succeeding years. Resolved That those persons who have leased oyster Lots BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 117 or shall Lease Oyster Lots of the Town shall have the privilege of catching Oyster Spawns in the West Bay be longing to the Town and depositing them on oyster Lots within this Town from the Fifteenth day of September to the Twenty fifth day of September next— being for Ten days only — and said Oyster Spawns not to be conveyed under any circumstances outside the limits of this Town Resolved That this Board adjourn to meet again on Tues day the 28th instant at 9 a.m. same place in Coram — Entered By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 152. Trustee Meeting May 28th 1861— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, and Floyd Smith Trustees — Resolved To Lease to Harvey West the same shore at Port Jefferson named in his former Lease dated Jany 4tli 1853 for the Term of Forty years from said 1853 on con dition that he build a Wooden Bulkhead Two feet high, ten feet North of the North side of the public highway, making one Hundred feet of said Bulkhead each year for two years and Twenty five feet the third year from this date, commencing at the East end of the said leased prem ises, he keeping the whole in good repair during the whole of the balance of said term and paying annually on the first Tuesday in January Two Dollars for the Rent of said Shore, and at the end of said term said Bulkhead shall belong to the Town, and in default of the fulfilment of any of the conditions or considerations of this lease, the same shall be forfeited to the Town, and all the improve- 118 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ments made shall belong to the Town — Note — Harvey West present & agreed to the same) Resolved To Lease to Henry Hallock the same shore at Port Jefferson named in a Draft Form not signed held by him dated Jany. 4th 1853 for the Term of Forty years from said 1853 on Condition that he build a Bulkhead Ten feet North of the North side of the public highway until it comes to the drain, then along the West side of the drain up to the Bridge — the said Bulkhead to be two feet high at the west end and to be built high enough as it extends eastward as to be on a level with the said West end, — to build, commencing at the Bridge One Hundred feet the first year^ — and the remainder the Second year, he keeping the whole in good repair during the whole of the balance of said Term and paying annually on the First Tuesday in January Three Dollars for the rent of said Shore, and at the end of said Term said Bulkhead shall belong to the Town, and in default of the fulfilment of any of the con ditions or considerations of this Lease, the same shall be forfeited to the Town and the improvements made shall belong to the Town — Page 153. Resolved That the Clerk notify Henry Hallock of the terms of the foregoing Lease concluded to grant to him, and ask to know if he accepts the same so that the matter may be settled to him or some other at next meeting — (Note— Notified by mail 39th May 1861. B. T. H.) Resolved To repair the Alms House and that at next meeting particular examination of the House and decision as to how the same shall be done be made — • Application made by Hiram Overton in behalf of aid in support of Sarah M. Overton who has been partially insane or demented for several years having no parents children or property, deferred until next meeting so as to hear more BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 119 from other relatives as to what is most proper to do in the case — Adjourned to First Tuesday 2d day of July next. Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Lease to Harvey West. This Indenture made this Twenty Eighth day of May One thousand Eight hundred and Sixty one Between the Trus tees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part, and Harvey West of the same Town of the Second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in Consideration of the sum of Two Dol lars annually to be paid on the first Tuesday in January in each and every year by the said Harvey West, his heirs and assigns and for the further Consideration hereinafter named, Have granted bargained let and leased unto the said party of the Second part his heirs and assigns the use and privilege of a certain piece of Beach or Shore belonging to said Town, situate and lying at the head of Port Jeffer son Bay and on the north side of the Highway leading from Port Jefferson to Setauket, for the Term of Forty years from the Fourth day of January One thousand Eight hundred and Fifty Three, the date of a former lease for the same premises ; beginning Two Hundred and Forty feet west from the centre of the Bridge and extending Westerly Two Hundred Page 154. and Twenty five feqt, then Northerly to common low-water mark, then Easterly to a line running northerly from the place of beginning, then southerly by and with said line to the said starting place. — And the said Harvey West for himself, his heirs and 130 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees and their successors in office to pay unto the said parties of the first part or their successors in office on the first Tuesday in January annually for and during the said Term of years the abovesaid annuity of Two Dohars ; and as the further consideration above referred to, the said Harvey West hereby covenants and agrees to build a Wooden Bulkhead, two feet high, ten feet North of the North side of the public highway, making one hundred feet of said Bulkhead each year for two years and the re maining twenty five feet the third year from the date of these presents, commencing at the east end of the herein leased premises, and to keep the same in good repair during the whole of said term of years, and if any of these con ditions are not performed this lease to be forfeited and the parties of the first part and their successors in office shall in such case have full authority to cancel the same ; and the improvements made shall belong to the Town ; but if said considerations are faithfully perfortned, the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns are to hold the said prem ises during the said term of forty years from said Jany. 4th 1853 and at the expiration of the said term the said Bulk head shall belong to the Town and this present grant shall return to said Town, or further arrangement or agreement made between said parties of the first part or their succes sors in office, and the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, as may then be deemed proper — This present Lease being mutually given and accepted by and between the respective parties to these presents in heu of a former lease of the same premises dated January 4th 1853 and recorded in Book E. (this Book) of Town Records page ti fteen which said former lease is hereby cancelled and annulled ; the improvements therein named not having been made or performed. Ill Witness Whereof the parties of the first part have BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 131 hereunto affixed the Corporation seal of their said Town of Brookhaven and the hand of the President of their Board binding themselves and their successors in office on the one part. John S. Havens President ( q i ) And the said party of the Second has hereunto affixed his hand and seal binding himself his heirs and executors the day and date first above written Signed & sealed in presence of Harvey West f Seal j Page 155. Trustee Meeting July 2d 1861. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John Symnes Havens President — Thomas J. Ellison Welden Avery, Manley Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock and Floyd Smith Trustees — On the application of John Egbert Smith for support of Benjamin Udall lying helpless from Palsy at his house the Board ordered that he be allowed One Dollar and Fifty cents per week from this date until further order — Ordered To allow Martha Tooker Seventy five cents per week in aid of her support until further order — In the case of Sarah M. Overton deferred last meeting, it was resolved to allow Sidney S. Overton or Z. Franklin HaAvkins one dollar per week towards her support or she may be brought to the Poor House or if they choose to send her to Brattleborough Asylum the Town will pay one half of the expense of sending her there and one half of her support while there — (Note) Sidney S. Overton being present chose to send her to the Asylum and gave his Note to the Overseers of Poor for Fifty Dollars per year for two years towards her support — 133 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Floyd Smith Trustee reported that he had hired the Old Field Strand at Setauket for one year to Carlton Jayne for Eight dohars and Twenty five cents to be paid September First — approved — Thomas J. Elhson reported that he had leased to J. War ren Swezey the Grass on the Out Shore Ridge in the South Bay for Thirty Five Dollars and Fifty cents per year for Five years, payable September 1st yearly — Approved by the Board and said Thomas J. Ellison allowed One Dollar for his services in the same — Henry Hallock attended and accepted the Lease of the Shore at Port Jefferson on the conditions resolved at last meeting and recorded page 151 — of this Book, for 40 years from Ja.nj 4th 1853 provided he fulfils the conditions — the term referring to the Minutes of Trustees as recorded on page 12 of this record — Resolved To adjourn to the First Tuesday 6th day of August next — Entered By me. Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 156. Release of Land for Road at East Moriches — A Highway having been laid out by Sylvester D. Tuthill, Alfred Davis and Briant N. Overton Commissioners of Highways in the Town of Brookhaven on the 17th day of May 1860 on the application of Twelve reputable free holders as set forth in the order laying out the said High way as surveyed by Sylvester D. Tuthill and running from the South Country Road near the house of William ILowell to the South Bay South of Henry T. Osborn's Dock — said Road by our consent running over our improved land according to the courses and distances named in said Sur vey : Now therefore know all men by these presents that we the undersigned for value received and in consideration BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 133 of the benefits accruing from the privileges of such High way do release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening such road — In Witness Whereof we have hereunto placed our hands and seals this Twenty-fifth day of June 1861 — In presence -of Austin A. Robinson L (L.S.) Gilbert S. Terry David Carter (L.S.) Henry T. Osborn (L.S.) George T. Osborn (L.S.) Recorded July 30th 1861. By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson ' Clerk Highway is Recorded page 125 this Book — Page 157. Trustee Meeting August 6th 1861— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock and Floyd Smith Trustees- Ordered That Welden Avery Overseer of the Poor be requested to inform Noadiah Carter, the Collector, that if the Balance of the amount due from him to the overseers of the Poor, be not paid to them within ten days that legal measures will be taken to enforce the payment of the same. Ordered That Welden Avery and Floyd Smith the over seers of the Poor be authorized to hire the sum of One Hundred and Forty Dollars to pay poor bills until funds are collected from the Collector — Adjourned to first Tuesday 3d day of Sept. next — Entered By me, Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk 134 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Trustee Meeting Sept. 3d 1861- Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John Symnes Havens president, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Manly Ruland, Floyd Smith and Philip Hahock six of the Trustees — Nathaniel Tuthill being -absent — Ordered That Thomas S. Strong Counsellor of the Board be directed to proceed by legal process to collect the Balance due the Town from Noadiah Carter Collector, by action against him and his sureties — Ordered That Twenty Six Hundred Dollars be raised by tax in this Town for the support of the poor of this Town for the ensuing year — Ordered That One Hundred Dollars be raised by tax in this Town the ensuing year for the purpose of repairing the Town Poor-House. Page 158. Ordered (on motion of Welden Avery in behalf of the holders of Oyster Lots) That so much of the resolution of this Board passed May 7th last, as fixes the time for taking and depositing Oyster-spawn on their lots is hereby re scinded and the time changed from September to May, and those who have leased or shall lease Oyster Lots of the Town shall have the privilege of catching Oyster Spawn and depositing them on their lots within this Town from the first to the Tenth of May inclusive instead of the time specified in said resolution — Adjourned to the first Tuesday 1st of October next Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Page 159. Lease to Henry Hallock. This Indenture made this second day of July One Thou sand Eight Hundred and Sixty one Between the Trustees of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 135 the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New Y'ork of the first Part and Henry Hallock of the same Town of the Second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Three Dollars annually to be paid on the first Tuesday in January in each and every year by the said Henry Hallock his heirs and assigns and for the further consideration hereinafter named. Have granted, bargained, let and leased unto the said party of the Second part his heirs and assigns, the use and privi lege of a certain piece of Beach or Shore belonging to said Town, situate and lying at the head of Port Jefferson Bay and on the North Side of the Llighway leading from Port Jefferson to Setauket, for the Term of Forty Y^ears from the fourth day of January one thousand eight hundred and Fifty Three, the date of a draft lease not signed held by said Henry Hallock describing the satne premises Bounded as follows beginning twenty five feet west of the centre of the Bridge and extending Westerly Two Hundred and Fifteen Feet or the width of his Lot, then running North erly parallel with Edmund T. Darling's leased premises to common low-water mark, then Easterly towards the Creek Two Hundred and Fifteen feet, then South to the first mentioned bound. And the said Henry Hallock for himself, his heirs and assigns doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees to pay unto the said parties of the first part or their successors in office on the First Tuesday in January annually for and during the said Term of years the above- said Annuity of Three Dollars, and as the further consider ation above referred to, the said Henry Hallock hereby covenants and agrees to build a Bulkhead ten feet North of the North side of the public highway until it comes to the East end of these premises near said Creek or Drain, then Southeriy to the said Starting place Twenty-five feet west 136 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. from the centre of the Bridge ; the said Bulkhead to be Two feet high at the West end, and to be built high enough as it extends eastward as to be on a level with the said West end ; and the said Henry Hallock agrees to make One Hundred feet of said Bulkhead the first year and the re mainder the second year from the date of these presents, commencing the same at the East end of the herein leased premises and to keep the same in good repair during the whole of said Term of years ; and if any of these conditions are not performed, this Lease to be forfeited and the parties of the first part and their successors in office shall in such case have full authority to cancel the same, and the im provements made shall belong to the Town, but if said considerations are faithfully Page 160. performed, the party of the second part his heirs and as signs are to hold the said premises during the said Term of Forty Years from said January 4th 1 853 and at the expira tion of the said Term, the said Bulkhead shall belong to the Town, and this present grant return to said Town or further arrangement or agreement made between said par ties of the first part or their successors in office and the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns as may then be deemed proper — This present Lease being mutually given and accepted by and between the respective parties to these presents in lieu of said Draft-Lease not signed, but dated January 4th 1853 the date of an Order of the Board of Trustees Recorded in Book E. page 12 of Town Records, the improvements named in said draft to be made in one year never having been performed, and this lease describing what those im provements shall be and the conditions thereof. In Witness Whereof the Parties of the first part have hereunto affixed the Corporate Seal of their said Town of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 137 Brookhaven, and the hand of the President of their Board binding themselves and their successors in office on the one part, and the said party of the Second part has hereunto affixed his hand and seal binding himself, his heirs and executors the day and date first above written — Signed and Sealed in the presence of Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk John S. Havens President C^^^i Henry Hallock (Seal j Note — A part of above leased ground transferred on page 254 tliis Book— B. T. H. Clk. Page 161. Deed of East Bay, Beach &c. To Brookhaven. By Wilham Smith & wife— 1790— Including Lands between Country Road & Dongans Line East to Senekees River— This Indenture made this thirteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety Between William Smith of the Manor of St. George in the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County Esquire and Ruth his wife of the first part. And the Trustees of the Free holders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook Haven afore said of the Second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Six pounds current money of the State of New York to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part at or be fore the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof they the said party of the first part do hereby acknowledge and thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof do acquit, release, exonerate and discharge the said party of the second part their successors 138 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. and assigns and every of them by these presents Have granted bargained sold aliened released enfeoffed and con firmed and by these presents Do freely and absolutely Grant, Bargain Sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto the said party of the second part (in their actual possession now being by virtue of a Bargain and Sale to them thereof made for one whole year by Indenture bearing date the Day next before the day of the date of these presents and in the manner of transferring uses into possession) and to their successors and assigns All that certain Bay or land covered with Water and Islands therein, now the right and property of them the said party of the first part, within the Manor of St. George in the County of Suffolk — Begin ning at a Line to be drawn North and South from the most E-astern part of the Island commonly called Pattersquash Island and extending Eastward to the Western Bounds of the Southampton Patent line — And also all that certain Beach and Meadow in the Manor and in the County afore said extending Easterly from a certain place called and known by the name of Bayles Stage (which is in about a South direction from a Certain Neck or point of land called Moriches at present owned by Oliver Smith) to the Western bounds of the Southampton Patent Line aforesaid. And also all that Certain tract or parcel of Land con tained within the Bounds and limits hereinafter expressed, (that is to say) Beginning at the Country Road leading to the ToM'ns Eastward on an extended South line from the Marked pepperidge tree at the Wading river being the Eastern bounds of the Town of Brookhaven on the North side of the said Country Road, and running thence South to a certain Line known by the name Page 162. of Dongan's Line — thence on said Dongan's Line Easterly until it shall meet a due North Line from the head of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 129 Senekees River, thence North on said Line from Senekees river to the Country Road aforesaid and thence Westwardly along the said Country Road to the place of Beginning. And also all Waifs, Estrays Deodands, goods of felons and All Royalties whatsoever happening or to happen within the limits and bounds of the Patent of the Manor of St George as granted to Col. William Smith by Governor Fletcher bearing date the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred and Ninety three — Together with all and singular the privileges, profits, ad vantages, Emoluments, Hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or in any wise appertain ing or which to or with the same now are or at any time heretofore have been or might or could have been held used occupied accepted reputed taken or known as part, parcel or member thereof and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents issues and profits of all and singular the above mentioned premises and every part and parcel thereof with tlie appurtenances — and also all the Estate, right, title. Interest, Dower property, Claim and demand whatsoever in law and Equity of them the said party of the first part of in and to every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their appurtenances — To have and to hold all and singular the said Bay or Land cov ered with water. Beach and meadow, and the said Tract or parcel of Land Hereditaments and premises and all and singular the said Royalties above in and by these presents released and conveyed or intended to be hereby released and conveyed and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second, part and to their Successors and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of them the said party of the second part their successors and assigns forever — And the said party of the first part for himself, his heirs Executors and Administra tors doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said 130 BBOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. parties of the second part, their successors and assigns that they the said party of the Second part shall and may at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly have, hold posess and enjoy all and singular the above granted prem ises and every part and parcel with the appurtenances with out any let hindrance interruption or disturbance whatso ever from them the said party of the first part or any other person or persons whatsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim Page 163. by, from or under them or either of them — In witness whereof the said Parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably subscribed and set their Hands and Seals the day and year first above written Wilham Smith (L.S.) Ruth Smith (L.S.) Suffolk County ss. Be it remembered that on this thirteenth day of May in the yqar of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety personally appeared before me Selah Strong Esquire one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for the county aforesaid the within named William Smith and Ruth his wife and did acknowledge the within Inden ture to be their free and voluntary act and deed and that they executed the same to and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned (and the said Ruth being by me exam ined privately and apart from her said husband declared that she executed the same of her own free will and accord without any threats or compulsion from her said Husband or any other person whatsoever) and I having inspected the same and finding no material razures or interlineations therein do allow the same to be recorded. Selah Strong Judge Received on the Day of the Date of the within Indenture from the within mentioned Trustees of the Freeholders and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 131 commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven the sum of Six pounds in full for the Consideration money with, mentioned Witness Jos. Strong Wm. Smith. Recorded By me September 3d 1861 — Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 164. Agreement, Town and Wm. Smith 1790. East Bay. Articles of Agreement Indented made and concluded upon this fourteenth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety between Wilham Smith of the Manor St George in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk Esquire of the one part and the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County aforesaid of the other part — Whereas the said Trustees of the Freeholders and Common alty of the Town of Brookhaven and the said William Smith do hold in Joint Tenancy and undivided together — All that certain Bay or land covered with water and Islands therein within the Manor St. George in the County of Suffolk beginning at a hne to be drawn North and South from the most Easterly part of the Island commonly called Pattersquash Island extending Easterly to the Western Bounds of the Southampton patent Line — And also all that certain Beach and Meadow in the Manor and within the County of Suffolk extending Easterly from a Certain place called and known by the name of Bayles Stage which is about a South direction from a cer tain Neck or point of land called Moriches at present owned by Oliver Smith to the Southampton Patent line aforesaid — And also all that certain tract or parcel of land contained within the bounds and limits herein after expressed, that is to say. Beginning at the Country Road on an extended 133 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. South line from the marked Pepperidge Tree at the Wad ing river being the Eastern bounds of the Town of Brook haven on the North side of the Country Road — thence South to a line known by the name of Dongan's Line — Thence on said Dongan's line Easterly until it shall meet a due North line from the head of Senekes River — Thence North on the said line from Senekes River to the aforesaid Country Road and thence Westward along the said Country Road until it comes to the place of beginning — And also all waifs, Estrays Deodands, Goods of Felons and all Royal ties whatsoever happening or to happen within the limits and bounds of the Patent of the Manor of St. George as granted to Col. William Smith by Governor Fletcher bear ing date the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred and Ninety Three. Now then it is covenanted and agreed by them respectively and mutually and the Page 165. said William Smith for himself his heirs. Executors and administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven that they the said Trustees shall have use and take to themselves and their successors and assigns as hereafter mentioned all the management profits and ad vantages of the said premises above mentioned together with their remaining part thereof — and hereunto the said Williatn Smith doth by these presents constitute and ap point the said Trustees his lawful attorney to lease, farm let or otherwise manage his part and Share of the said premises to such person or persons and for such term or number of years and under such yearly Rents sum or Sums of Money or other things as to them or to their successors shall seem fit and convenient^ — And further to receive ah such rents profits and advantages of the said premises as hereafter shall become due from all and every person and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 133 persons whatsoever and into the said premises and every part and parcel thereof to enter and distrain, if need be, and the distresses there found to dispose of according to law, and that the said Trustees shall pay and account to him the said William Smith his heirs or assigns (as often as they shall be hereunto reasonably requested) for the net proceeds of the said rents and profits of the said premises deducting all their reasonable and just allowances of charge and expences in the business. And the said Trustees do for themselves and successors covenant and agree to and with the said William Smith his heirs and assigns that they the said Trustees will well and faithfully manage the said Premises before mentioned for him the said William Smith his heirs and assigns in such manner as to them shall seem best and most fit for the good of the Town of Brookhaven and the said Wilham Smith his heirs or assigns, and that they will well and faith fully account to and with the said William Smith his heirs or assigns (upon his or their reasonable request) for the net proceeds of the said premises deducting all reasonable costs and charges of managing and collecting the same as afore said — - And the said parties of the first and second parts do hereby further mutually covenant and agree to and with each other that there shall be no sale by either of the said parties or his or their heirs or successors of such part of the- said premises, to them respectively belonging Page 166. and undivided without the consultation and mutual consent of both parties And further that there shall be no division or partition of the said premises on the behalf of the said Wilham Smith or his heirs without the consent of the said Trustees — ^nor on the part of the said Trustees or their successors without the will or consent of the said Wilham 134 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Smith or his heirs — But nothing in the aforesaid covenant shall extend to prevent the said Trustees or the said William Smith or his heirs from selling or transferring of the pro ceeds and profits of their respective parts as they or either of them shall think proper. And further it is hereby Cove nanted and agreed by and between the said parties that all the expence and charges of managing the premises aforesaid shall and hereby is agreed to be born and sustained by them the said Trustees and the said William Smith mutually and equally — And lastly for the faithful performance of this agreement the said parties do severally bind and obligate themselves and his and their heirs and Successors each to the other in the penal sum of Two Thousand Pounds to bo recovered from the party forfeiting or disregarding the covenants aforesaid to and for the use of the other party his or their heirs or successors by these presents. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably subscribed and set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Wm. Smith (Seal) Selah Strong Prest. Sealed & Delivered Isaac Overton In presence of John Woodhull Jr j g° J" I Jos. Strong Wm Phihips Joseph Homan Merrit S. Woodhull David Hallak. Recorded By me— September 3d 1861 — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note.*— * The foregoing Deed and Agreement appear in the Records on the pages indicated and were copied in their regular order. Comte BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ' 135 Page 167. Trustee Meeting October 1st 1861. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Philip Hahock, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle and Floyd Smith Trustees Ordered That Welden Avery Overseer of the Poor be authorized to hire Three Hundred Dollars for present use until money is collected of Collector, After examination and approval of repairs of the Town Poor House, settling Bills &c the Board adjourned to the last Tuesday the 29th day of October — Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson ToAvn Clerk Trustee Meeting October 29th 1861— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Philip Hallock, Floyd Smith, Manly Ruland and Nathaniel- Tuttle Trustees— On the Petition of Alfred Mott and Fifty six other Oystermen It is hereby ordered that all resident Inhabitants of this Town who have paid or shall pay the Toleration to the agent of the Town for the privilege of Oystering in the Great South Bay, shall be permitted to Dredge for Oysters on the Beach Flats in said Bay on and after the first day of November until the first day of May next. On the Bill of Dr. J. E. Gildersleeve for visits to Mrs David Horton, Resolved not to allow any pay for attend ance previous to order of a Trustee and that for 15 visits since so ordered on 1st October he be allowed 50 cts per visit — Isaac H. Green's Lease of Oyster Lots renewed for 2 years — as per old Lease — 136 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Resolved to adjourn to the first Tuesday ,3d day of Dec"^ next- Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 168. Election Districts, as fixed in 1843. No. 1. Shall include all that part of the Town of Brook haven Bounded West by the Town of Smithtown, North by the Sound — East by the Old Mans Harbor— and Chrystal Brook Hollow road — extending South to the Butt line, being about two miles North of the Middle Country Road — and extending West on said line to Smithtown line — No 2. Shall include all that part of said Town Bounded West by District No. one. North by the Sound — East by the Town of Riverhead — and South by the Butt Line. No 3. Shall include all that part of said Town Bounded North by the Middle Country Road and Peconic River — East by the Town of Riverhead Peconic River and the Town of Southampton — ^South by the Atlantic Ocean ex tending West to a South line from Long-point, being on the West side of Carman's River extending North by said River to Yamphank Creek — thence running Northward by ¥said Creek to the South Country road, thence North by Yamphank line to the Middle Country Road — No. 4. Shall include all that part of said Town Bounded South by the Atlantic Ocean — ^West by the Town of Islip — North by the Railroad line ; — East by a South line from Long Point — thence running North by Carman's River to Yamphank Creek— thence Northward with said Creek to the South country Road thence North by Yamphank Line to the Rail Road Line. No. 5. Shall include all that part of said Town Bounded West by the Town of Islip and Smithtown — North by the Butt Line — East by the Town of Riverhead until it comes BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 137 to the Middle Country Road, — thence running Westward by and with said Road to the Yamphank Line — then South by Yamphank Line until it comes to the Rail Road — then by the Rail Road to the Town of Islip — The said Butt Line is about two miles North of the Middle Country Road — • Recorded by me — B. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Page 169. Trustee Meeting. Dec'r 3d 1861— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison Welden Avery, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manley Ruland, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees — Resolved that whereas Charles Jeffry Smith offers to pay Fifty Dollars for the whole annuity for his dock which as shown by his lease as Recorded in Book E. pages 101 & 102 was to be One Dollar annually for the Term of Seventy* years from its date, and he having already paid the Town Three Dollars for Three years, the Board of Trustees agree to accept the Balance of Forty Seven Dollars as in full for said annuity for the whole term of Seventy years from the First day of March One thousand Eight hundred and Fifty nine that being the date of, and the Term set forth in his said Lease — (Note). Mr Smith by letter states an alteration in his views and de clines the acceptance of this order — B. T. H.— Clerk) — Resolved To renew the Lease of Edward Edwards for Seventeen acres of Oyster Ground at Seventeen Dollars per year in advance for Four years from the expiration of his present Lease which will expire Nov 1st 1862 — . (Lease of oyster Lots to Edward Edwards renewed for 4 years) Ordered That the aid allowed to Elizabeth P. Smith ' * In the record on p. 103 it is written, sevenly— Com. 138 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. of Setauket be advanced to One Dollar per week until further order — Resolved To Lease to Joshua Benjamin Forty acres of Oyster Lots near Nicolls River for Five years at Forty Dollars per year in advance — on the application of John Roe one of the Sureties of Noadiah Carter late collector from whom there is still due Six Hundred and Thirty Seven dollars and ninety seven cents to the overseers of the Poor, the Board of Trustees by way of compromise (as there are several rates said to be not collectable) agree to accept Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars as in full for said sum due, said sureties paying the Sheriff's fees incurred in the matter, and on doing this the Trustees and Overseers relinquish all claim to what the Collector or his said Sureties can still collect on the said collector's Book — (see next page) ; Adjourned to First Tuesday 7th day of January next. Entered by me. Benjamin T. Hutchinson clerk Page 170. Trustee Meeting January 7th 1862 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Elhson, Welden Avery, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manly Ruland, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees — Ordered to allow Mrs Hampton Y. Howell Two Dollars instead of $1.50 per week until further order — • Ordered to ahow Daniel Homan Twenty Five cents per week until further order for keeping his grandchild. Resolved That Floyd Smith Trustee notify Jonas Smith to pay the Bill of ninety Dollars ($90.) due this Town for Rent of his Dock at Stony Brook, on or before the 20th BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 139 inst. or the Board of Trustees will place said Bill in the hands of the Attorney of the Town for collection — Lewis G. Davis & Daniel .Robinson two of the Sureties of Noadiah Carter late collector, appeared before the Board and agreed to the compromise offered at last meeting and one quarter of the sum being paid by John Roe, the above- said Sureties for themselves and Henry Osborn the other surety agreed to pay the balance in three equal monthly payments, (see previous page.) Henry Hallock took his new Lease and paid $9. in full to date for 3 years rent of Shore at Port Jefferson — Mathew E. Woodruff paid $6 for rent of Quanch Island. Jonas Mills paid $3 for rent of Island Daniel Robinson paid $5 for rent of Fiddleton Island Adjourned to Tuesday 4th day of February next Entered By me Benjamjin T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 171. Highway Cahed Patchogue Lane Surveyed Whereas a Road leading from the South Country Road to the Bay in the village of Patchogue in this Town, start ing from the South Country Road betwixt the store of John & Wm. E. Roe and the Store of Thomas Deery now used as a public highway was laid out by the commissioners of this Town on the 3d day of June 1812 but not sufficiently described of record and no survey thereof having been recorded Now therefore we the undersigned two of the Commissioners of Highways of this Town all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, do hereby order that said Road be ascertained, described and entered of Record in the office of the Town Clerk of this Town according to a Survey which has been made under our direction as fol lows viz. Survey of the centre thirty (30) feet wide from 140 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the South Country Road to the Bay — starting from the centre of the Road at a Stone buried in the ground where the Southwest corner of Austin Roe's Eagle Hotel bears North (784°) Seventy Eight and a half degrees East — and the Spire of the Congregational Church bears North (14°) one and a half degrees West — Magnetic Courses — South 104° Degrees East 21 chains 86 Links " 12° " 35 " 54 " " 11° " 7 " 10 " " 7° West. 10 " 10 " go a 8 u 14 .. 84° " 9 " 21 " " 11° " 5 " 9 " to the South Bay — And we do further order that the line of said Survey he the centre of said road — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 29th day of November in the year 1861 — Briant N. Overton John R. Mather Recorded Jany. 13th 1862 Posted Jany 28th 1862 By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note. See pages 199 and 243 of records in Book E.- Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven -Com. Page 172. Trustee Meeting — • Feby 4th 1862 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S- Havens President, Welden Avery, Nathl Tuttle, Manly Ruland, Philip Hallock, Floyd Smith, and Thomas J. Ellison Trustees — Received of Jonas Smith by the hands of Floyd Smith BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 141 Fifty Dollars towards his arrearage for Rent of Dock at Stony Brook — Reed of James M. Fanning by hand of J. S. Havens Six Dollars and Fifty cents in full for Rent of New made Island in East Bay — Paid Tho's S. Strong Counselor his yearly pay of Thirty Dohars in full to Novr 1st 1861 and also fees for collecting some arrearage Rents and witness fees relative to Patter squash making in all Forty seven Dollars- Adjourned to 1st Tuesday 4th day of March next at the usual place and same hour 9 A.M. Entered by me Benjamin T. Hutchinson 'Town Clerk Page 173. Highway from Waverly to Medford Station Whereas the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners did meet at the house of Thomas Brown at Waverly Station in said Town on the 14th day of Deer, in the year 1861 at 12 o'clock to decide on the application made by the Inhabitants of the said Town all liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town and who acknowl edged their willingness to give their land for the said High way therein mentioned and Notice having been given in three of the most public places in said Town according to law ; Now therefore it is ordered, determined and certified after hearing all the reasons for and against the same that a public Highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application whereof a Survey has been made and is as follows viz. The starting point being Four chains (4) and Thirty one (31) Links from a Stone at the North of the Rail Road Track said Stone being a Bound- Stone between Brookhaven and Islip — measuring on the 143 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Road that leads from Waverly station to Port Jefferson in the centre of the said road the distance above mentioned to the centre of the Llighway herein described that runs from Waverly Station to Medford Station as follows Starting from the centre of both of said highways and running Four (4) Degrees North of East — Thirteen (13) chains & Fifty links to a Stone in the centre of the highway — then Nine (9) Degrees North of East Forty six (46) chains to Pine Neck Road measuring on the Middle Island Line and making that the centre of the said highway until it comes to the said Pine Neck Road — then measuring on the Pine Neck road Twenty one (21) degrees South of East Sixteen (16) chains — then Seven (7) degrees South of East Twelve (12) chains to a stake Four (4) chains & Fifty (50) links to the North of the L. I. Rail Road track— then Seventeen (17) chains — Seven (7) degrees South of East to the Road that leads through the Tunnel to Patchogue it being about 14 chains then running parallel with the Rail Road one hun dred chains (100) to Medford Station Road that leads from Patchogue to Coram to a stone in the centre of said Road the Stone being Fourteen (14) Rods from the L. I. Rail Road and the line of said Survey is to be the centre of the said Highway which is to be three rods in width — Given under our hands this 14tli day of Deer. 1861 Briant N. Overton ) Commissioners John R. Mather j of Highways Recorded Feby. 5tli 1862 Posted Feby 10th 1862 By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk of Brookhaven Page 174. Trustee Meeting March 4th 1862. Present John S. Havens President, Floyd Smith, Phihp BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 143 Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, Manley Ruland, Thomas J. Ellison and Welden Avery Trustees — Reed, from Harvey West — Rent of Shore to Jany 1862 $2. Reed from Charles Strong — Rent of Oyster Lots to 4 April 1862 $10 Reed, from Joshua Benjanin do to 8 Dec 1862, $40 Reed from George W. Smith oyster Agent on Settlement $21.62 Resolved That the Toleration Fee for catching oysters in the South Bay shall be one Dollar and a half per year in advance from March 1st 1862 to March 1st 1863 and that George W. Smith of Patchogue is continued as Agent for the Town to collect the said Toleration and protect the rights of the Town in the matter in the same manner and on the same terms as last year Ordered to allow William S. Conklin of Coram Hills son of Patience Conklin who is aided by the Town the sum of Two Dollars as Temporary aid needed on account of his poor health and lack of means, he having formerly aided in the support of his said Mother — ¦ Resolved To adjourn to Tuesday 1st day of April which will be the Annual Town meeting day Entered By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 175. Road Districts united at Port Jefferson — - The undersigned Commissioners of Plighways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk all of said Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place, having met at Coram in said Town, on the appli cation of Citizens and Freeholders of the village of Port Jefferson to re-unite the two Districts of that place now known by the numbers Seven (7) and Fifty five (55) formerly constituting one District — We do hereby by the authority 144 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. given us by the Statute, unite said two Districts into one as they formerly were and said now consolidated District to be known by the number Seven (7) and the said District No. Fifty five (55) as a separate District is hereby an nulled — Dated at Brookhaven March 18th 1862— Alfred Davis | Commissioners Entered by me John R. Mather j of March 20th 1862 Highways— Benjn T. Hutchinson 'Clerk Trustee Meeting April 1st 1862 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Nath'l Tuttle Manley Ruland, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees — Resolved That the resolution of last meeting fixing the Toleration for Oystering at $1.50 be reconsidered— and on vote it is now Ordered that the said Toleration of Oystering in the South Bay for the present year be reduced to the sum of One Dollar ; in all other respects the said resolution of last meeting remains in full force — Resolved and it is hereby ordered that for the extra ser vices in behalf of the Town rendered by Benjn. T. Hutchin son, Town Clerk during the year, in procuring and record ing valuable papers ; aiding in the settlement with Sureties of N. Carter late Collector — Searching Records of Roads, ponds. Lots, Lines, Bounds &c. in behalf of the Town and by these and other necessary information aiding the Trus tees, Assessors, Commissioners & other Town officers in promoting the best interests of the Town— he be paid Thirty Dollars- Having paid all Bills & repaired Poor House without Tax. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 145 Resolved to adjourn Sine die. Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 176. Town Meeting At an Annual Town Election held this 1st day of April 1862 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in this Town of Brook-Haven the following officers were Elected viz. For Supervisor Nathaniel Miller Junr. Justices of the Peace Charles Price 4 yrs Edward A. Swezey 4 yrs President of Trustees Collector John S. Havens — of Moriches — George T. Osborn Trustees Floyd Smith— Setauket Commissioner of Highways Philip Hallock John P. Mills 3 yrs—' Noah Terry Nathaniel Tuthill Assessors Thomas J. Elhson Lester Ruland 3 yrs Welden Avery John Roe 3 yrs Constables Overseers of the Poor George W. Smith Floyd Smith— Setauket Albert Terrell Welden Avery — Walter Hawkins John Clark Town Clerk Andrew B. Lane. Benjamin T. Hutchinson Ichabod Blydenburgh George W. Overton John R. Davis 146 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Inspectors of Election 1st District John M. Williamson William T. Hulse George C. Campbell— appd 2d Dist. Sylvester D. Tuthill Charles A. Davis John Jay Woodhull appd 3d District Joel Robinson Townsend Y. Ketcham Henry T. Osborn appd 4th Dist. Lewis G. Davis Justus Roe John R. Swezey appd 5th Dist. Wm. Edgar Gould- Edward A. Swezey^ Stephen Bloomer appd Page 177. Overseers of Highways Dist No 1 George Smith Stony Brook west 2 Nicoll S. Hawkins " " East- 3 Ebenezer Hawkins Setauket South 4 William R. Davis " 5 John R. Davis " East — 6 John L. Denton " N. E. 7 Cyrus E. Griffing Port Jefferson 8 annulled BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 147 Dist No. 9 Gilbert Davis 10 John Jay Davis 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Sylvester Woodhull— 13 Wm'. S. Biggs 14 David Davis 15 Henry T. Osborn 16 James Robinson 17 William S. Robert Jr. 18 David T. Hawkins ' 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 Briant N. Overton 21 Mulford Hedges 22 Albert Terrell 23 Noadiah Carter 24 Sanford Hammond — 25 George Clemence — 26 Joseph N. Newton 27 Ansel Reeve 28 A. Hawkins Smith 29 Albert Norton 30 Michael P. Walker- Si Samuel Hallock — 32 Jacob Newton 33 Daniel R. Terry 34 Daniel T. Overton 35 Isaac Hulse — 36 Lester Ruland 37 Horace G. Randall 38 James R. Laws 39 John P. Mihs 40 John O. Randall 41 Henry Corwin 42 Humphrey Avery Mt. Sinai Millersplace Rocky Pt North West W. River Manor— North Manor, South East Moriches Seatuck Mastic S. Haven Fireplace Neck. Bell port Union Patchogue East Lane " West of centre Bluept. Lakeville New Village New Village Selden Coram " East- Rocky Pond Farmingvill Coram Hills M. I. South— " East Millville Yaphank. Ridgefield East Manor Swan River 148 ' BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dist No. 43 James Swesey M. I. North 44 Lewis Terry C. Moriches 45 Jonah Turner— " West— 46 Philip Hallock— Rocky Pt. 47 Hendrick Hallock Woodville 48 Elihu Hawkins West Moriches 49 Benjanin Dickerson Old Field 50 James W. Sell — Patchogue East of Centre 51 Jeremiah H. Gordon — West of Bellport 52 Nelson Gerard — Tireplace West 53 Charles W. Overton Centre Moriches East 54 Sidney Terry Waverly We the undersigned do hereby certify that the foregoing hst of overseers of Highways — and the List of Town Officers are a true and correct statement of the result of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting — J. W. Pelletreau ] Justices Recorded By me Z. F. Hawkins I of the April 1st 1862 Walter Dickerson \- Peace — Benjn T. Hutchinson J. G. Wilbur I Town Clerk Oran W. Rogers J Benjn T. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 178. Trustee Meeting May 6th 1862. Trustees met pursuant to appointment present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Floyd Smith and Noah Terry Trustees. Resolved to allow widow Jane Albin for support of her late child 50 cts per week until further order. Resolved That Nathaniel Tuttle and Thomas J. Ellison Trustees be a committee fully authorised to fix the Division Line in the East Bay between the possessions of the Town BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 149 and that part of said Bay now in the possession of Egbert T. Smith and settle all suits and controversies in relation thereto on fair and equitable terms. Resolved to adjourn to the first Tuesday in June next. Eentered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. Patchogue Lane. Agreement to widen. The undersigned owning lauds adjoining Patchogue Lane do hereby stipulate and agree that we will respectively throw out five feet of our said lands on either or each side of said Lane so that the said Lane may be and remain Forty feet wide instead of Thirty feet — But it is understood that this consent or agreement shall not require any buildings to be set back so long as the same remain as they now stand. But should new buildings be erected in or near the places now occupied by the present ones they are to be placed so as not to extend beyond the line of the Road as hereby widened. Dated Patchogue December 31st 1852 Austin Roe Edward T. Moore Addison Howell George Carman Moses Marvin Martin Mott Daniel A. Newins Gilbert G. Horton Daniel Brown Lewis Wicks Wm. C. Smith John Rowland Lewis Baker H. P. Rider Charles Mott Charles W. Baker Daniel G. Gerard James Mapes William Roe Asa Nichols Davis Baker Wihiam J. Horton S. C. Horton Daniel Baker John Miller Edward Horton Recorded by me June 2d 186.2 Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk 150 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Page 179. Highway from Manorville to South Haven. We the commissioners of Highways, for the Town of Brookhaven having examined and determined that the road as it now runs from Manorville through the lands of Will iam J. Weeks James H. Weeks, John G. Floyd, the heirs of the late Daniel Robert, Wilham Sidney Smith and Egbert T. Smith to the South Country Road near " Car- mans Mills" is a public highway, do hereby describe and record the same as follows viz. Beginning at the Manor Line, 374 links North from a certain boundary stone, stand ing on said line near the Barn of William S. Biggs, thence running Westerly to the junction of the road running in front of the house known as the " Yellow House" belong ing to William J. Weeks ; thence from said junction South westerly to the Yellow House road ; thence Southwesterly following said Yellow House road (crossing the Rail Road) to the Hill's Road near a certain boundary Stone marked B. standing on the line between the land of James H. Weeks and John G. Floyd ; thence Westerly about one mile ; thence Southwesterly to the road leading from Moriches to Yaphank ; thence crossing said road and run ning Southwesterly to the junction of the road leading from Yaphank to the South Country road, near a certain boundary stone standing on the line between the land of William Sidney Smith and Egbert T. Smith, and thence Southeriy to the aforesaid South Country Road near Carman's Mills," The width of the Road to be Three Rods through its whole extent. June 2d 1862. Briant N. Overton \ Commissioners John R. Mather. I of Recorded by me John P. Mills j Highways of June 2d 1862 the Town of Benjamin T. Hutchinson. Brookhaven Town Clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 151 Posted 16th Jnne 1862 B. T. H. Clerk Note. On page 180. is a " Diagram to Illuslrate The foregoing High way." Com. Page 181. Trustee Meeting June 3d 1862 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Nathaniel Tuttle, Noah Terry, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees. Nathaniel Tuttle and Thomas J. Ellison the committee appointed at last meeting to fix Division Line in East Bay between the possessions of the Town and that part of said Bay now in the possession of Egbert T. Smith and settle all suits and controversies relative thereto report that they and said Egbert T. Smith have mutually agreed that the said Division Line shall be fixed and permanently remain just Thirteen and a half rods, west of the Line run by John Hallock then Trustee in 1858 and run the same course as that Line across the waters and Islands of said Bay except that it is not to interfere with the main Island called Pat tersquash whether it increase or diminish — Also agreed that Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk in company with said John Hallock go and fix said Line as agreed, also agreed that all suits shall cease and each party pay its own costs without any claim against the other party — and that the said Town Clerk draw up an agreement embracing these facts. And the said Benjamin T. Hutchinson made report that in company with said John Hallock he had on the 19th day of May been and fixed said Line as agreed and put up Locust Stakes on the Island South of the main Island called Pattersquash said stakes being just thirteen and a half rods west of the stakes shown to him by said John Hallock as the stakes and as in the places where he 153 BROOKHAVEN T0A<^N EECOEDS. put them in 1858 in his line ; — and the course of these stakes — as also of the new Line runs North and South allow ing six degrees for the variation that is this Line runs N. 6° E. and S 6° W. as the Needle now points — Hallock's line ran to the present east point of said main Pattersquash Island and the now fixed line is 134 rods west of the said present eastern point of said Island — said main Island being reported to have made to the East since the agreement of 1790 as to the Division Boundary — also he makes report that he had written an agreement embracing the facts set forth by the committee and presented the same already signed by Egbert T. Smith which" reports and agreement are approved the agreement signed by the Board of Trustees and ordered to be recorded immediately after these pro ceedings. Resolved to adjourned to First Tuesday 1st day of July next;Entered By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town clerk Page 182. ' Division Boundary in East Bay. This Indenture made the nineteenth day of May one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Two by and between the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New york of the one part and the Hon. Egbei't T. Smith of thfe same Town of the other part Witnesseth that whereas William Smith ancestor of the party of the second part did by Deed dated May 13th 1790 convey to the then Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven a Certain Bay and the Islands therein, and by an agreement between the said Trustees and the said William Smith dateid the succeeding day the said premises so conveyed were to be held in partnership, and the said premises so far as re lates to the said Bay and the Islands therein were Bounded BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 153 in both said Indentures as follows viz " Beginning at a Line to be drawn North and South from the most Eastern part of the Island commonly called Pattersquash Island and extending Eastward to the western Bounds of the Southampton Patent Line," and Whereas from the reputed changing of the said Island called Pattersquash, controver sies have arisen in relation to the said Western Boundary of the said Bay and the Islands therein, and a line ran by John Hallock Esqr of Moriches in 1858 who was then Trustee but no record of the same was made, and since then another line has been run by or under the direction of John S. Havens Esqr. Trustee about Twenty seven rods west of the former line ; against which latter line, the party of the second part has heretofore commenced a suit in Law — Now therefore to end all controversies and suits whatso ever in relation to the said Western Boundary of said Bay and the Islands therein both now and hereafter, it is hereby mutually agreed by and between the respective parties to this Indentpre that the said Western Boundary Line shall be Thirteen and a half rods west of the heretofore named line run by John Hallock in 1858 — and run North and South across the Bay as set forth in said Deed and agree ment dated in 1790, which now fixed and permanent Line so located has been fixed and determined by the mutual consent of the respective parties to this Indenture by the said John Hallock late Trustee and Benjamin T. Hutchin son Town clerk of said Town and described as follows viz Hallock's Line and stakes were on the New Pattersquash Island Southerly _of the main Island and the Line runs North six degrees East as the compass now points to the Eastern point of the said Pattersquash Island and the now fixed line is just Thirteen and a half rods west of said Hal lock's line and runs the same course that is North 6° East that is allowing 6° degrees variation and from the north stake on line now 154 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 183. fixed on said new Pattersquash Island the East point of old Pattersquash bears North twenty one and a half degrees East and a certain Tree on said old Pattersquash bears North thirty six degrees West compass course — Nothing herein contained is in any way to alter the conditions of said agreement made in 1790 as to the partnership of the said Bay and the Islands therein but the conditions of said agreement are to remain in full force, And it is also mu tually agreed between the respective parties to this Inden ture that any, every and all suits at law now pending be tween the said parties relative to this said Boundary Line shall now cease end and determine and that they are by this agreement so ended and it is also agreed that each party shall pay his or their respective costs without any claim whatever against the other party and the whole matter be settled, and the said now fixed Line remain the permanent Boundary forever — that is this line is to be the Boundary Division Line across the waters of said Bay and the Boun dary across or between the Islands now in, or that shall here after arise in said Bay — But the Intention is not to interfere with any part of said old Pattersquash Island however it may increase or diminish. In Witness whereof the Trustees have affixed their hands and the corporate Seal of the Town of Brookhaven binding themselves and successors, and the said Hon. Egbert T. Smith hereunto has affixed his hand and seal binding him self, his heirs and executors forever — Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town clerk John S. Havens. President. ^^^^J^ Nathaniel Tuttle Seal BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 155 Thomas J. Ehison Seal Noah T. Terry Philip Hallock Floyd Smith Welden Avery Egbert T. Smith Page 184. Trustee Meeting. July 1st 1862. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Elhson Welden Avery, Floyd Smith, Phihp Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, and Noah Terry Trustees — ¦ Hon. Egbert T. Smith of Smith's Point having offered to release to the Town all that part of the Bay between the Great West Bay and the Line lately fixed at Pattersquash on the same terms as his ancestor released to the Town the East Bay in 1790 so that hereafter the Town shall have full control of all the Bays on the South Side of the Town, it was Resolved To accept the offer of Egbert T. Smith to con vey to the Town that part of the Bay between a South Line from Longpoint at the West, to the North and South Line lately fixed at or near the East end of Pattersquash Island at thes East — the Trustees of the Town to have the sole control of said Bay — the Islands that shall hereafter arise in the same, also the grounds and shores under or along the waters of said Bay- — shall have full control of the Gunning, Fowling, Eeling, Fishing, Oystering, and all other privileges properly belonging thereto — only reserving to Egbert T. Smith and his heirs the privilege of Gunning for his or their own use — otherwise with this reserve the Trustees shall have the sole and full control of all said privileges to hire, lease or convey said privileges in such 156 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. way and manner as shall to them seem fit and proper — en force payments of the same and after deducting the ex penses shall pay to said Egbert T. Smith and his heirs one equal half each year of the net proceeds obtained for the privileges accruing or in any way belonging to the premises conveyed by him to the Trustees, and ordered that the Clerk embrace in one Indenture the items and conditions of this Grant to be mutually signed by both parties. Resolved to extend to Harvey West until December Ist next to put up the Bulkhead at Port Jefferson on the shore granted to him, the delay and extension of time being on account of his lameness and consequent disability to build it. Resolved to adjourn to first Tuesday 5th day of August next. Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk. Page 185. Egbert T. Smith to the Trustees. Conveyance of the Balance of the South Bay. This Indenture made the Nineteenth day of July one thousand eight hundred, and Sixty Two JBetween Hon. Egbert T. Smith of Smith's Point in the Town of Brook haven, in the County of Suffolk and State of New Y^ork of the First Part and the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the said Town of Brookhaven of the second part Witnesseth that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars to him in hand paid by the said parties of the second part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for the further con sideration hereinafter named, hath bargained and sold, and by these presents doth bargain and sell unto the said parties of the Second part and their Successors in office forever All that part of the Bay lying between the mainland on the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 157 North, and the Beach on the South on the South side of said Town of Brookhaven, and extending from a South Line from Long Point or Woodhull's point on the West side of Connecticut River on the West to the North and South Line lately fixed at or near the East end of the main Island called Pattersquash on the East, together with the grounds and shores under or along the waters of said Bay, and also such Islands as shall hereafter arise in the same and also the Gunning, Fowling, Eeling, Fishing Oystering and all other privileges properly belonging to said Bay — only reserving to said Egbert T. Smith and his heirs the privilege of Gunning and Oystering for his or their own use — otherwise with this reserve,, the said Trustees and their Successors in office shall have the sole and full con trol of all said privileges to hire lease or convey said privi leges in such way and manner as shall to them seem fit and proper, enforce payments of the same, and after deducting the expenses of such leasing and collecting shall pay to said Egbert T. Smith and his heirs forever one equal half each year of the net proceeds obtained for the privileges accruing or in any way belonging to the premises hereby conveyed to the said Trustees and their Successors in office in behalf of their said Town of Brookhaven. And the said Trustees of the Freeholders and Common alty of the Town of Brookhaven do hereby Covenant and agree to and with the said Egbert T. Smith that for said Bay and its privileges and appurtenances herein conveyed to them and their successors in office for the benefit of their said Town, that they will each and every year pay or cause to be paid to the said Egbert T. Smith and his heirs forever one equal half of the net proceeds obtained or accruing from the said Bay and its privileges and appurtenances. In Witness whereof the said Egbert T. Smith party of the First part hath hereunto set his hand and seal on the day and date first above written binding himself and heirs 158 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. to this conveyance — And the said Trustees parties of the Second part have hereunto set their hands and affixed the Corporate Seal of their said Town binding themselves and their successors in office to the faithful performance of the conditions of this conveyance. The words " and oystering" interlined on the preceeding page 27th line before execution Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Egbert T. Smith Seal John S Havens President Nathaniel Tuttle Thomas J. Ellison Welden Avery Floyd Smith Philip Hallock. Noah Terry f" Town ~1 Seal I Trustees | Page 187. Highway from Y^aphank Towards Patchogue Described. Suffolk County ) Town of Brookhaven j ss. Whereas a road leading from Yaphank Mills towards Patchogue in said Town of Brookhaven now used as a Highway was laid out as far West as the Gerard's Road on the 2d day of April 1765 and recorded in Book 0. page 141 — and West of said Gerard's Road has been used so long as to have become a pubhc Highway according to the Statute, but not sufficiently described — Now therefore, the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all three being present, having met on the premises for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 159 Caused a survey of the said Road to be made, do order that said Road be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Clerk's office of said Town according to said survey as follows, Beginning at the Junction of said Pat chogue Road so called with Yaphank Avenue on the South side of the Mih-pond the centre being Fifty-four links South from the gate-post of the House on the Hill belong ing to Robert H. Gerard and thence running ch. Links Course 1— South 884° West 6. 05 2 North 884° 3 South 88i° 22. 30 6. 82 4 " 874' 5 " 88^' 6 " 88i' 7 " 88f' 8. North 86° 9 " 874' 10 " 80° 11 South 82° 5. 5. 4. 3.5.6. 90 00 3588 00 70 0090 to Robert White's line. to Wm. Albin's East line passing 65 links South of the S. E. corner of Wm Al- bins House to Gerard's Road — to the Highway leading from Simmons Laws' to Fireplace — the said Courses being magnetic as the needle now points without allowing varia tion — and the said locations, courses, distances on said line being hereby declared the centre of said Highway and said Highway is hereby ordered to be four rods wide. Given under our hands this 6th day of June 1862. John R. Mather ] Commissioners John P. Mills f of Highways. 160 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS.. Recorded July 28th 1862 Posted Augt.' 19th 1862 By me. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 188. Highway Laid out from Yaphank Avenue Westerly To old Road from Town (or Setauket) to Fireplace. Suffolk County ) Town of Brookhaven j ss. The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven all being present having met on the premises hereinafter named to decide upon the application of William Philhps, Samuel W. Randall and others resi dents of the Town and liable to be assessed for highway labor therein as well as owners of the lands through which the proposed road is to pass who release the land for the same — for the laying out of the road hereinafter described, do order that a public Highway three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out, pursuant to the said Appli cation the centre whereof is the following described line viz Beginning on the Highway called Yaphank Avenue one Lot South of the Long Island Rail Road and one and a half rods South of the ditch on the South side of William Phillips lot adjoining said Rail Road — and thence running South 76° West 8^^*^ chains to Gerards Road — then South 86° West 13^^\ chains to the East Line of the 14th Lot in Great Division so called, and also striking the division bounds between the land of Jonathan Davis and John P. Mills — then due West 54y*J^ chains across the road that leads South from Simmons Laws' unto the road that leads by Sylvester Homan's being the Old Town Road from Setauket through Coram to Fireplace— said courses being BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 161 Magnetic without; allowing variation — which H^hway we order to be entered of record in Town Clerk's office — Given under our hands this 6th day of June 1862. John R. Mather ) Commissioners John P. Mills ) of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven Recorded July 28th 1862 Posted Augt. 19th 1862 By me. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 189. Survey of S. Cownjtry Road from, East Moriches Eastward Suffolk County ) Town of Brooldiaven j Ss. Whereas a portion of the ancient and Main Highway called the. South Country Road in the Town of Brookhaven and still used as a Highway leading from East Moriches to Seatuck or Eastport has not been sufficiently described of record. Now therefore we the undersigned two of the commissioners of Highways of said Town, all of the said commissioners having been duly notified to attend and de liberate on the subject of this order, having met on applica tion on the premises for the purpose of causing said Road to be ascertained described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having caused a survey of the sai'd Road to be made, do order that the said Road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, and the same be entered of record, Said Survey Beginning at East Moriches near the house of John Chat- man— the South East corner of his house bearing North 884° West 52 links from the starting point and thence run ning as follows 163 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. ch Links Course 1 North 134° East 6—32 being then 1 ch. 2 L. from the house on the West side & 97 Links from the house on the East side of the Highway — 2 (( 204° E jst 3. 87 3 u 30° ' 6. 00 to road to Riverhead 4 u 45° ' 3. 00 House belonging to Edward D. Topping bears S. 684° E.— 73 hnks — 5 ii 45° ' 21. 65 6 a 46° ' 9. 35 7 a 34° ' ' 6. 13 8. a 52° ' ' 6. 07 to Usher Benjamin's Road — 9 (( 564° ' 4. 50 10 (( 421° ' ' 14. 07 11 u 53i° ' 2. 80 12 a 52i ' ' 6. 80 to a Hollow — the Southwest corner of the House of John Raynor bears North 70J° E — the said Courses being magnetic as the needle now points without allowing variation, and the said locations courses and distances are to denote the centre of the said Highway and we Order the same recorded as such centre of said Ancient Highway which ancient Highway commonly Page 190. called the South Country Road appears by Surveys of other portions of the same as Recorded in Book D. pages 261 and 306 of Brookhaven Town Records to have been Four Rods wide. Given under our hands this 12th day of June 1862 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 163 Briant N. Overton] Commissioners John P. Mills j of Highways Recorded July 28th 1862 Posted Augt i9th 1862 By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson 'Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting August 5th 1862 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present J. S. Havens President, Thos. J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Nath'l Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Floyd Smith, and Noah Terry Trustees. Resolved to allow John Fink as temporary aid Four Dollars on account of his lameness and the sickness of his wife. Ordered that Submit Woodhull be allowed only 75 cts. per week from this date until further order. Resolved that such persons as have a permit or shall pay a dollar for a permit to catch oysters may also have the privilege to take oyster Shells in that part of the South Bay between a South Line from Long Point on the west side of Connecticut River and a South Line from the West side of the land of George P. Mills at Bellport, during the Oyster Season from Sept 15th to 1st of March next. Ordered That Oystermen bear in mind that under their present permits they are not to go East of a South Line from Woodhull's or Long point on the West side of Con necticut River, but those wishing to catch oysters in the East Bay or waters East of said Line must apply to the Trustees or their agent for Permits as by a late conveyance the said East Bay & waters are in possession of the Town the net proceeds to be shared with E. T. Smith. Adjourned to 1st day of Sept next Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk 164 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Page 191. Trustee Meeting Sept. 1st 1862. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Floyd Smith, and Noah Terry Trustees. Ordered That the order of last meeting relative to taking Oyster Shells be hereby amended so as to allow that all such persons as get permits to Oyster shall have also the privilege of taking Shells in any part of the South Bay lying west of a South Line from Long Point as far West as our Town right extends. Ordered that Twenty Eight Hundred Dollars be raised by Tax in this Town for the support of the poor for the ensuing year. Resolved to Lease to Elihu Hawkins that part of New Pattersquash Island East of the Division Line lately fixed between the Town and E. T. Smith for the Term of Five years for the sum of Ten Dollars per year payable in ad vance next June and in each year in June. Resolved to adjourn to 2d Tuesday 14th day of October next same hour and place. Entered by me Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 192. Trustee Meeting October 14 th 1862 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Present John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Floyd Smith, and Noah Terry Trustees Resolved To lease the Gnnning on Beach opposite Bell port, heretofore leased by Henry F. Osborn to said Henry BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 165 F. Osborn and Robert Petty for Five years from Ist of Novr next for the annual Rent of Fifteen dollars per year. Thomas J. Ellison Trustee reported that he had hired out for one year the following privileges of that part of the East Bay included in the late contract with Egbert T. Smith viz. The Eeling to Nelson Gerard for Four Dollars The Fish ing to Oliver Smith for One Dollar & a quarter The Gun ning to Joseph Carman for One Dollar — All which was approyed by the Board. Resolved That Charles Schryver collector of 1861 be exhonerated from the payment of One Hundred and forty five Dollars of Taxes which appear to be uncollectable. Ordered That Mrs Scepter Wells be allowed Seventy five cents per week until further order. Ordered That Mary Doney be allowed Sixty two and a half cents per week provided she will leave the Poor House and provide for herself. Resolved To adjourn to the First Tuesday (2d day) of December next same time and place. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 193. Trustee Meeting. December 2d 1862. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, Present John S. Havens President Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hahock, Floyd Smith, and Noah Terry Trustees. Resolved To Lease Fiddleton Island to Daniel Robinson for Two years at Five Dollars per year. Welden Avery Trustee reported that he had Leased to Isaac C. Skinner & Co Twenty nine acres in South Bay 166 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. for laying down Oysters at Twenty nine Dollars per year in advance for Two years with the privilege of renewing for Two more years — all which was approved by the Board and Leases written dated Nov. 1st 1862 the time possession was given to the premises. Resolved to adjourn to the first Tuesday in January 1863, 6th day. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 194. :Survey of Highway from Port Jefferson to Setauket— the Lower way by the Beach. May 26th 1862. Whereas a road used as a Highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk leading from Port Jefferson on the Beach at the head of the harbor Westerly to Setauket was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 10th day of May 1728 and recorded in Book C. page 101 of Town Records and then called " the Highway from Towne the lower way to Drown Meadow" but not sufficiently described. Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of the said Town having met on the premises for the purpose of causing said Road to be ascertained, described, and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and hav ing caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do Order that the said Road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey beginning at the Northwest corner of the West Butment of the Bridge on the Beach at Port Jefferson formerly called Drown-Meadow, and thence running Course 1 South 814° West 10 chains 2 " 64i " 3 " BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 167 Course 3 South 39^ West 5 chains being 64 links from S. W. corner of DL Smith's house by meadow — 4 " esi 4 " 5 " 854 34 6 North 814 6 7 " 734 5 8 " 064 5 9 " 724 3 10 " 804 5 " to opposite the House of Mrs Smith which is on the South Side of road. 11 " 65 a 7 a 12 " 75i * ( 3 " 13 hnks being 67 hnks from the S 1. E. corner of a Store on the North sid e of the Road. 13 " 79f 10— 87 14 " 71 5 15 " 814 8 16 " 78 9 17 " 791 54 18 South 60f 5 Page 195. 19 " 50f° " 9 " 20 " 69° " 3 " 21 Due West "30 " 22 South 874° " 3- " to 2 feet North of the North east corner of the Bridge near the Store of Carlton Jayne in Setauket formerly called "Towne," the said Courses being magnetic as the needle now points without allowing variation, and the said locations, courses and dis tances are to denote the centre of the said Highway which the original record declares to be " four pole Avide." 168 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. The side line of said Highway being designated by locust posts with tops painted white. — Given under our hands this 26th day of May 1862. John R. Mather ) Commissioners .Recorded Briant N. Overton > of Highways Deer. 3d 1862 John P. Mills ) of Brookhaven Posted Deer 13th 1862 By me Benjamin T. Hutchinson 'Town Clerk Page 196. Trustee Meeting January 6th 1863. — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S. Havens President Thomas J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Nathaniel Tuttle Philip Hahock, Floyd Smith and Noah Terry Trustees. Ordered that Overseers of the Poor be authorised to hire of Thomas S. Strong now present the sum of Two Hun dred and Fifty Dollars to pay poor Bills until funds are paid in by the collector which was so done. Adjourned to 1st Tuesday 3d day of Febry. Entered by me. Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk Feby 3d 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all as above present. Resolved That all persons who get permits to oyster in the South Bay shall also have the privilege to take Oyster Shells in any part of said Bay lying West of a South hne from Long Point and extending West as far as the Town right goes, during the time or term of their permits Ordered That Smith Silsbe a lunatic pauper in Patchogue BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 169 be brought to the Town Poor House by Alfred Davis, Superintendent of the same, — Resolved To Lease to David Briscol a colored man the premises where he now resides at Old Field being about half an Acre Bounded East by Conscience Bay West by the Highway — and North & South by other lands of the Town, for Five years at Fifty cents in advance per year. Adjourned to 1st Tuesday 3d day of March next. Entered by me, Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 197. Highway at Rock-Hollow Before the County Judge of Suffolk County )¦ Decision on Appeal In the matter of the Highway I at Rock Hollow J The Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven having made an order dated June 29, 1859 ascertain ing and locating the Highway at Rock- Hollow — and Sylves ter Hallock and Isaac W. Brown having each appealed to the County Judge from said order, and the County Judge having by an order dated August 30th 1859 affirmed all that part of said order of said commissioners which related to that portion of the Highway between the church and the Beach, and the said Isaac' W. Brown having since presented his petition to the County Judge praying him to alter the said Road as fixed by the said Order of said Commissioners and locate it further West, and the County Judge having as signed the Sixteenth day of September 1862 on the said Road as the time and place of hearing the said application and having caused notice thereof to be given to said Syl vester Hallock and to the Commissioners of Highways and having been attended at the time and place last mentioned 170 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. by all said parties and their Counsel and heard their proofs and allegations doth order that the application of said Isaac W. Brown be and the same is hereby denied. And it is further ordered that said Isaac W. Brown do pay the Judge's fees in this matter amounting to the sum of Ten Dollars and fifty cents. J. Lawrence Smith Jany. 10, 1863, County Judge Recorded Jany 19th 1863, By me Benjn T. Hutchinson see pages 111—112—124. Town Clerk also 81—82. For old Record Book C. page 232. B. T. H. Page 198. Trustee Meeting March 3d 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens president, Tho's J. Elhson, Welden Avery, Phihp Hallock, Nathaniel Tuttle, and Noah Terry Trustees — Ordered That widow Betsey Homan of West Moriches be allowed Fifty cents per week from 24th Feby until further order — As to the 40 acre Oyster Lot leased to Henry Green and Co. until next October, on the statement of Charles Strong that 15 acres was unfit for use & had not been used and that other grounds had been leased of the Town in Co. with Joshua Benjamin, Ordered that when said Henry Green and Co. pay Twenty Five Dollars he shall be exonerated from further charge for said lot — and as to the 10 acres Oyster Lot leased to said Charles Strong it having become according to his statement overgrown with grass and unfit for the purpose of laying down Oysters, Ordered that he be exonerated entirely from the Lease of said lot. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 171 Resolved That George W. Smith be agent for the Town in relation to Oyster Toleration in the Great South Bay on the same terms as last year with like authority as last year. Resolved Also that the price of Oyster Toleration be the same as last year. Resolved by unanimous vote of the Trustees that Benja min T. Hutchinson the Town Clerk be allowed and paid the sum of Fifty Dollars for Extra services performed by him during the past year. Resolved to adjourn to first Tuesday 7th day of April next same time and place — Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 199. Patchogue Lane — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk all being notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose herein mentioned, having met at the Store of E. T. Moore at the head of Patchogue Lane in said Town to decide upon the application of the Inhabitants of said Town liable to be assessed for Highway labor therein, for the laying out of the road hereinafter described — Twelve reputable Free holders of the said Town convened and sworn after pubhc notice of six days at three of the most public places of the Town according to law having certified that such Highway is necessary and proper and the said Commissioners having caused notice in writing to be given to Sixty three land holders living in the Dist. No. 23 in said Town occupants of the land through which the Road is to run at least three days before the time of meeting, of the time and place at which they would meet to decide upon the said application, Do Order that a public Highway Three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said appli cation, the centre whereof is the following described line 173 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. and Survey of the said road which was recorded Jan. 13th 1862 (Posted Jany the 2Sth 1862) in the Clerk's office of said Town, to be the Centre of the Highway in said Town in Dist. No. 23 from the main Country Road to the Bay, it being a Passway now called Patchogue Lane, which in 1812 the Commissioners declared to be Thirty Ft. but did not record any survey, and the Commissioners do order it to be opened to Three Rods wide. Dated this 20th day of Feby 1863. Given under our hands this 20th day of Feby in the year 1863. Briant N. Overton ) Commissioners John R. Mather >- of Llighways ) of the Town of Brookhaven John P. Mills Recorded March 18th 1863 Posted March 27th 1863 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note. See Survey, page 171- and reverse on appeal, p. 343 Book E. Com. Page 200. Highway Districts Joined The Commissioners of Highways do order that Road District No. 51 be added to District No. 20 Bellport, and that No. 51 be annulled — Dated Brookhaven March 24th 1863. John P. Mills ) Commissioners John R. Mather V of Briant N. Overton ) Highways. Recorded March 31st 1863 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk - Note, See page 318— Book E Com. — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 173 Trustees Meeting April 7th 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President, Thos J. Ellison, Welden Avery, Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock, Nathl Tuttle and Noah Terry- Trustees — Resolved to Grant to George W. Hawkins of South Setauket the privilege to use and occupy the common land about the Pond near his house called the " Hole under the Hill" — with his cider Mill and well and their appendages but not to encroach on the Llighway or enclose the said pond but the same is to remain as intended- by the old Sur vey and records for the convenience and use of the people forever as a public watering place. The adjoining lands having been owned by his ancestors and they having long had a well and Cider Mill on said Common land this Grant is made for the sum of Seven Dollars, which said Hawkins has paid — He having signed the contract on the 21st Feby the same is approved — After paying Bills — it being Town Election day Resolved to adjourn Sine die — Page 201. Town Meeting. At an Annual Town Election held this 7th day of April 1863 at the House of Lester H. Davis in Coram in this Town of Brookhaven the following Officers were elected viz. Supervisor Nathaniel MiUer Jr. Justices of the Peace Oran W. Rogers — 4 yrs. Walter Dickerson 4 yrs. Lester Davis 3 yrs. for vacancy of Edward A. Swezey. 174 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. President of Trustees John S. Havens of Moriches Trustees Floyd Smith of Setauket Philip Hahock Nathl. Tuttle Noah T. Terry Thomas J. Ellison D. Norton Robinson Overseers of Poor Floyd Smith of Setauket D. Norton Robinson Town Clerk Benjn T. Hutchinson Commissioner of Highways Oliver P. Smith 3 yrs. Assessors. Nehemiah Hand 3 yrs William Edgar Gould 3 yrs Collector Isaac R. Jones Constables George W. Smith Albert TerreU Walter Llawkins John Clark S. Warren Wines Charies H. Tillotson George W. Overton Jehiel W. Randall BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 175 Inspectors of Election 1st District John M. Williamson Wilham T. Hulse Wm. Floyd Smith appd 2d Dist. Sylvester D. Tuthill Charles A. Davis Joseph R. Rowland appd Joel Robinson Townsend V. Ketcham j- James M. Fanning appd ) 3d David W. Case Edwin F. Preston Lewis G. Davis appd •4th Isaac Hammond ) Edward A. Swezey — > Stephen Bloomer appd ) -5th Page 202. Overseers o: f Highways. No. Dist Overseer Location 1 George Smith — 2 Nicoll S. Hawkins Stony Brook 3 Ebenezer Hawkins South Setaukel 4 John Nunns a 5 Wm. M. Smith East 6 Wm. Bacon N. E. 7 Cyrus E. Griffing 8 9 Charles A. Davis Port Jefferson Mt Sinai 10 George P. Helme 11 Isaac W. Brown M Place Rock Hollow 12 Francis S. Woodhul 1 W. W. River 176 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 13 Elisha Carter 14 John M. Carter 15 Hampton Benjamin ] 6 Ebenezer Jayne 17 Joel Rowland 18 David T. Hawkins 19 J. Warren Swezey. 20 Briant N. Overton 21 Phinehas T. Robinson 22 Albert Terrell 23 Joseph Wicks 24 Sanford Hammond 25 George Clemence 26 Richard W. Newton 27 Ansel Reeve 28 Edmund W. Ruland 29 Cha's W. F. Dare 30 Richard W. Smith Jr. 31 Samuel Hallock. 32 Jacob Newton 33 Hiram E. Terry. 34 D'l T. Overton 35 Moses E. Swezey. 36 Lester Ruland. 37 Horace G. Randall 38 James R. Laws 39 John P. Mills 40 Ezra K. Randall 41 Robinson Gordon 42 James Swezey 43 Humphrey Avery 44 Lewis Terry 45 Wm. Penny 3d 46 James Hallock 47 Elbert Woodhull Manor North " South East Moriches Seatuck Mastic South Haven Fireplace Bellport Union Patchogue East " Lane " West Blue Pt. Lakeville New Village N. Village East. Selden Coram West " East Rocky Pond Farmingville Coram Hills M. I. West Middle Island " East Millville Yaphank Ridgefield East Manor Swezey Town Swan River Centre Moriches Rocky Point- Woodville West BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 177 48 Elihu Hawkins West Moriches 49 Walter Smith Old Field 50 Charles W. MiUer Patchogue East of Centre 51 West of Bellport 52 Jehiel Woodruff. West Fireplace 53 Townsend V. Ketcham Centre Moriches East 54 Robert Farmer Waverly We the undersigned do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct statement of the result of the Election and canvass of said Annual Town Meeting and that the fore going named list of Town Officers and Overseers of High ways were duly chosen — Dated at Brookhaven April 7th 1863. J. W. Pelletreau Oran W. Rogers Z. F. Hawkins Walter Dickerson \- of Entered by me J. G. Wilbur April 7' 1863. D. T. Hawkins Benjn T. Hutchinson Charles Price 'Town Clerk. Page 203. Grant to George W. Hawkins This Indenture made this twenty first day of February one thousand eight hundred and Sixty three Between The Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and George W. Hawkins of the same Town of the second part Witnesseth that Whereas in the laying out of the several Divisions of Land on the Northern part of said Town known as the Equalizing — Skirt — Long Lots — and Small Divisions near Naskeague — roads and watering places with space around them were reserved to the Town, and whereas controversies relative to a pond at Naskeague now called South Setauket, said Pond being Justices of the Peace Brookhaven 178 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. known on Record as the Round Swamp or Hole under the Hill — have arisen between owners of lands adjacent thereto — and while Records and Documents show that Eleazer Hawkins and his descendants were formerly owners of the several farms contiguous to said Pond and have had a Well and cider Mill on the common land or space reserved by said pond or "Hole under the Hill" — yet after due search of the Records of said Town no conveyance is found conveying to said Eleazer Hawkins or to his descendants or to any other person whatsoever any part of the said pond or of the space reserved around the same or any privilege given to any person to use or occupy the same by Well or Cider Mill or any way whatever but that the same has been done merely by sufference, the ownership being still vested in the Town and so recognized in the Deed from Alexander Hawkins to Isaac N. Gould, conveying among others the land and premises now owned by Amos C. Smith and bounding the same on the East by the land reserved around the Pond, Now then be it known that for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Dollars received of said George W. Hawkins the said Trustees do hereby sell, grant and convey unto the said George W. Hawkins and his heirs and assigns forever the privilege to use and occupy with Well and Cider Mill and their necessary appendages all the said reserved or common land lying around the said Pond or " Hole under the Hill" but whereas in the Record of the laying out of a Small Division of Land contiguous to this Pond May 2d 1743 as recorded in Book C of Brookhaven Town Records page 157 the Highway by the said Pond is referred to as the Southern boundary of a part of the land then laid out by the name " of the road Page 204. that leads to the aforesaid round Swamp under the Hill" BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 179 and whereas in said Town Record Book C page 125, "all ponds, swamps &c are reserved for the use of the proprietors and inhabitants of the Town in general for the benefit of public watering places for them and their heirs forever" — therefore be it known and it is hereby stipulated that in the said use or occupation of the said common or reserved land, the said George W. Hawkins his heirs or assigns are not in any way to encroach on said Highway or to enclose any of said common or reserved land but the said Highway is to remain an open public Highway and the said pond to re main as intended as a public Watering place with free and convenient access to and from the same for the people of the Town forever. And as to the controversy about a certain Lane near said Pond it is found in Town Record Book C. page 148 under date of January 7th 1740 that the Trustees granted to Eleazer Hawkins " about a quarter of an acre to come to the water at the Hole under the Hill for a convenient Highway about four rods wide for a conveniency of water ing his creatures out of his upper land which lieth south of the Swamp" the Trustees will not interfere relative to said lane so long as it is kept as intended for a highway to said pond for the convenience of the owners and occupants of the land owned by said Eleazer Hawkins at the time of said grant — In witness whereof the said Trustees parties of the first part have affixed hereunto the corporate seal of their said Town of Brookhaven, and the signature of their President binding themselves and their successors in office, and the party of the second part hath hereunto affixed his hand and seal on the day and date first above named binding himself his heirs and assigns to the conditions named in this convey ance. John S. Havens President o , George W. Hawkins Seal 180 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 205. Trustee Meetings. May 5th 1863. Trustees met pursuant to appointment at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram present John S. Havens Presi dent, Tho's J. Ellison D. Norton Robinson, Nathaniel Tuttle, Noah T. Terry, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees. Ordered that D. Norton Robinson overseer of the Poor be authorized to hire Two Hundred and Ten Dollars at Five per cent interest of Floyd Smith and Samuel Fkyd, Trustees of E. Mills Dewick to pay a Note held by Alfred Davis against the Town, (which was done) After paying Bills the Board resolved to adjourn to first Tuesday in June — 2d day. Entered By me. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk. June 2d 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens President Thos J. Ellison, D. Norton Robinson, Nathaniel Tuttle, Noah T. Terry, Floyd Smith & Philip Hallock Trustees. Resolved That the privilege of catching oysters in the South Bay be extended to loth day of June and the privi lege to Oyster in the fall shall not commence until the 1st day of October for the present year — Resolved To lease to Cornelius Goodward and D. Van Wyen Ten Oyster Lots in the South Bay being Twenty acres for Twenty Dollars per year in advance for the Term of Three years from the first day of March last with the privilege of three years more — said Lots being on the South East Side of the Lots leased to Charles Strong — Resolved to Adjourn to first Tuesday in July 7th day at same place & usual time of 9 A.M. Entered By me Benjn T, Hutchinson Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 181 Page 206. Highway Highway laid out near Ronconcama Pond. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk having met at the house of Samuel Newton in said Town to decide upon the Application of Richard Newton George Raynor & others residents of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the laying out of the road hereinafter described twelve reputable Freeholders of the said Town convened and sworn after public notice of six days at three of the most public places of the Town accord ing to law having certified that such highway is necessary and proper and the said Commissioners having caused notice in Avriting to be given to Nathaniel Newton and Samuel Newton occupants of the land through which the Road is to run at least three days before the time of meet ing of the time and place at which they would meet to de cide upon the said apphcation Do Order that a public High way three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said application the centre whereof is the following described line viz. starting North of Nathaniel. Newton's on the forks of the Roads near the School House and Methodist Church and running South 16° East 9 chains 6° a 8 chains to the land of Samuel Newton lf° (C 39 40 Links " 464° West. 5 50 "• 62° (C 1 85 , a 8-0 <( 1 50 North 81° i( 3 65 " 7li° u 1 70 " to the centre of the Portion Road— Brookhaven March 10th 1863. 183 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Briant N. Overton ) Comm'rs John P. Mills. I of John R. Mather ) Highways. Recorded June 10th 1863. Posted June 27th 1863. By me Benjn T. Hutchinson. "Town Clerk Page 207. Release of Land for Highway. Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk to lay out a Highway in said Town — beginning at the forks of the Roads North of Nathaniel Newton's, near the School house and Methodist church and running a Southerly course through the lands of Nathaniel Newton and Samuel Newton which proposed Highway will pass through our improved land, Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said Highway we do hereby release all claim to damage by reason thereof. Sealed with our seals and dated the 10th day of March 1863. Samuel Newton Recorded by me Nathaniel Newton June 10th 1863. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting July 7th 1863 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens Prest. Tho's J. Ellison, D. Norton Robinson, Nath'l Tuttle, Noah T. Terry, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock. Floyd Smith Trustee reported that he had hired out the privilege of the Old Field shore for one year from June BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 183 20th to Richard L. Woodhull for Fourteen dollars and Seventy cents payable at the expiration of three months — which was approved by the Board. Ordered that Nathl Tuttle Trustee be authorised to sell the Common land belonging to the Town on the East side of Connecticut Hollow and South side of the Middle Country Road on which the School House of District No. 17 now stands, to the Trustees of said District for Thirty Dollars if they agree to that price, if not so agreeing then to sell to any other person^said land extending eastward to the line of the Fourteen acres conveyed by the Town to Robt. Robinson as recorded in Book C. page 134 reserving the privilege of the highways on each side — Resolved to adjourn to Tuesday 4th of Augt. B. T. Hutchinson clk Note. See page 313 and Deed on page 330 Page 208. Trustee Meeting August 4th 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens Prest. Tho's J. Ellison, D. Norton Robinson, Nathl Tuttle, Noah T. Terry, Floyd Smith, and Philip Hallock Trustees. Reed pay'ts from Goodward & Van Wyen, Henry Hal lock and Cha's D. Hallock's estate, settled Bills. Adjourned to second Tuesday 8th day of September. Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk. Sept. 8th 1863 Board of Trustees met all present. Ordered that the sum of three thousand dollars be raised by tax in this town for the support of the poor for the en suing year. 184 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ordered that the sum of seven Thousand two hundred and fifty dohars being one quarter of the Twenty nine Thousand Dollars obtained to pay Bounties in this Town last year, and the further sum of Two Thousand five hun dred and fifty dollars, making in the whole the sum of Nine Thousand Eight hundred dollars be raised by Tax in this Town this year for the purpose of paying the Interest on the whole sum of Twenty nine Thousand Dollars and one quarter of the principal of said sum. Ordered That Louisa Russell of Port Jefferson be allowed one dollar per week until further order for the suppoi't of herself and family Resolved That "whereas it is generally reported that Oysters in the Soutli Bays are already good, therefore on the application of several Oystermen It is hereby Ordered that the resolution of June 2d relative to time of Oystering be rescinded and that all who have or obtain Permits may Oyster on the 15th September as usual heretofore. Settled with Geo. T. Osborn collector of 1862, exoner ating him from $118.42 and taking a list of Taxes to collect. Adjourned to 2d Tuesday Oct. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson [ clerk j Page 209. Election Districts 3 & 5 altered. At a meeting of the Board of Town officers held accord ing to law at the Town Clerk's this 5th day of October 1863 present Nathaniel Miller Supervisor, Nehemiah Hand, Lewis Davis, Wm. E. Gould John Roe and Norton Raynor assessors and Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk, Ordered that the Division Line between Election Dis tricts Nos. 3 and 5 be so altered as to go around on the East side of the Homestead farm of James H. Weeks at BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 185 Yaphank so as to take said Homestead from the Third District and place it in District No. (5) Five Dated at Brookhaven Oct. 5th 1863. Nathaniel Miller Supervisor Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Norton Raynor ^ Nehemiah Hand John Roe !- Assessors Lewis Davis Wm. Edgar Gould Recorded by me this 5th day of October AD. 1863 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 210. Trustee Meeting October 13th 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present John S. Havens Prest. Thomas J. EUison, Norton Robinson, Nathaniel Tuttle, Noah T. Terry, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees. Granted to Duff, Jones & Co of Patchogue about Twenty acres of bottom in South Bay for Twenty Dollars per year in advance, for the term of two years with the privilege of renewal for five years more, it being for the purpose of growing oysters. Granted to B. Broerre of a certain Four acres of ground in South Bay for Four Dollars per year for the term of Three years — to be paid yearly in advance — it being for the purpose of growing Oysters. Ordered to allow Mrs Mary Cohen Seventy five cents per week from this date until further order. Ordered That the Overseers of the Poor be authorized to hire Three Hundred Dollars of Thomas J. Ellison at six per cent interest, for the support of the Town Poor — 186 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Granted To William Penny of Centre Moriches the privilege to build a Dock at the foot of thfe highway run ning from his Store to the South Bay for the Term of Ten years at the Annual rent of One Dollar per year. Resolved to adjourn to the second Tuesday 10th day of November next at the same place and time. Entered by me Oct. 13th 1863 Benjn. T. Ilutchinsbti Town Clerk Page 211. Dock to Win. Penny, Moriches. This Indenture made the Thirteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Three Between the Trus tees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk and State of New York of the first Part and William Penny of the same Town of the Second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the annual rent of One Dollar to be paid annuahy in each and every year in advance have granted and leased to the said Williani Penny his heirs and assigns foi- the term of Ten years from the date hereof one certain tract or parcel of land under water in that part of the South Bay belonging to said Town called East Bay and near the Village of Centre Moriches being at the South end or foot of the Highway running from the South Country Road by the Store of said Wilham Penny to the said Bay ; said hereby granted premises to extend into the Bay Sixty feet from highwater mark and taking sufficient of the width of said highway to build a Dock thereon for the said Lessee's own use and benefit. To have and to Hold the same for the sole use and purpose of building a Dock thereon and keeping in repair the same for and during the abovesaid Term of time, and the said Trustees do covenant to and with the said party of the sec- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 187 ond part that they have good right to convey said premises and that they and their successors will Defend the same in the peaceable possession of said Lessee his heirs and assigns during said term of time for the purpose named herein, provided the said rent is so jsaid, but in default of the pay ment of said annual rent the said premises are to revert again to the Town. And the said William Penny for himself his heirs and assigns doth covenant and agree to pay to the said Trustees or their successors in office the said sum of One Dollar in advance annually during the said Terna of Ten years for the use of said premises. In Witness whereof .the said Partieis of the First Part have caused the Corporate Seal of the said Town of Brook haven and the sigriature of their President to be hereto affixed, and the said party of the Second part hath hereunto affixed his hand and seal the day and date first above named.In presence of Benjn. T. Hutchinson John S. Havens President q i (not signed by Wilham Penny, com.) Seal Page 212. Trustee Meeting Novr 10th 1863. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present John S. Havens President, Thos J. Ellison, Nortoii Robinson, Noah T. Terry, Philip Hallock and Floyd Smith Trustees Ordered that Charles Schriver of Port Jefferson be allowed Ten Dollars per year out of the allowance grailted to the wife and family of Charies T. Smith as ground rent of her house on his land so long as she remains a recipient of the Town's aid and provided her house so remains on his land. 188 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN EECOEDS. Ordered That the rent of the upper Dock of Jonas Smith at Stony Brook be reduced from Nine to Six Dollars per year making the Rent of the two grants for Dock to said Jonas Smith Seven Dollars per year. Note — This order refers only to the grants to said Jonas Smith and not to the Dock granted to Charles D. Hallock and now owned by said Jonas Smith, the rent of which still remains Ten Dol lars per year. Tho's J. Ehison Trustee reported that he had hired out the privileges of that part of the East Bay lately granted by Egbert T. Smith to the Town in which he is to share equally in the net proceeds as follows viz The Eeling on Smith's shore to said Egbert T. Smith for Twenty four and a half dollars. , The Fishing to Oliver R. Smith for one dollar & a half— The Gunning to Samuel Carman Jr. for one dollar — The said grants being for one year All which was approved by the Board and Mr. Ellison paid Fifty cents for his services Nathaniel Tuttle Trustee reported that he had sold the common land to the School Trustees of Dist 17 — as per order of July 7th 1863 Resolved To adjourn to the first Tuesday in January 1864 at the same time and place as heretofore. Entered By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk. Page 213. Union Avenue at Waverly. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, all the Com missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of James Gamage in the Vihage of Waverly in said Town to decide upon the applications of Scudder Terry, Thomas Terry and others residents of said Town liable to be assessed for high- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 189 way labor therein, for the laying out of the road hereinafter described, twelve reputable freeholders of said Town con vened and sworn after due notice having certified that such highway is necessary and proper, and the said Commission ers having given due notice to Wm. Snediker and others owners of the land through which the road is to run, and an agreement having been made by the commissioners with said Wm. Snediker for his land, and the said Thomas Terry and others having freely released their respective lands for said road both of said releases being herewith presented for record, do Order that a Public Plighway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said applications, the centre whereof is the following described line viz. Beginning in the centre of the Highway leading from Waverly to Port Jefferson and called the Port Jeffer son Road at a point Eleven chains and sixteen and a half links northerly from a certain Bound Stone on the North side of the Rail Road Track — thence from this point or starting place on said Port Jefferson Road running North Eighty nine and a half degrees West Five chains placing the whole width of the road this distance on the land of said Wm. Snediker who has agreed to open the same him self, then running South Eighty nine degrees West Thir teen chains and Twenty five links, thus coming to the line of a Survey formerly made on application b^ the commis sioners and herewith filed ; at the Southeast corner of the Waverly cemetery, making the centre of the highway one and a half rods from the Southeast corner fence of said cemetery, then following said former Survey as follows North Eighty nine and a half degrees West Six chains Sev enty five links to a Stone one and a half rods North from the face of an old ditch — then the same course Thirty seven chains — then South Eighty Eight and a half degrees West Sixteen chains Seventy three links to the Highway called Sandy Hollow Road leading from the Portion Road to the 190 EROOKliAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Village of Blue Point — and this Highway hereby laid out being called on the Diagram of Waveriy & vicinity here with filed by the name of Union Avehue Given under our hands this 7th day of Sept. ,1863 John P. Mills '( Commissioners Oliver P. Smith j of Highways Recorded Deer 31st 1863. By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Posted Jany i5th 1864 B. T. Hutchinson clk Page 214. Holtsville, Suffolk County N. Y. February 15 1863. We the undersigned, land owners in Brookhaven, petition that a Road or highway be laid out from Waverly to Sandy Hollow commencing at a road running North from the Waverly Station, called the Port Jefferson road, about forty rods north of the Rail Road rurining West and parallel with the same to Sandy Hollow road — And Ave do hereby release all claim to damage on our respective lands by reason thereof Robert Scott Edmund Ruland Thomas Terry Sidney Terry Charley Van Rospach John G. Barrett Ebenezer Terry Town of Brookhaven. Whereas application having been made to the commis sioners of llighways of the said Town to lay out a public highway rear Waverly Station parallel or nearly so Avith the L. I. R. Road, beginning at the avenue running North erly from Waverly about forty rods from the Rail Road and running Westeriy-^Tliis is to certify that I, William Snediker, of said Town of Brookhaven being the owner of lands adjoining said Waverly Avenue hereby agree to sell BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 191 convey and by these presents do hereby release all claims for damages unto the said Town for the use of a public highway the width of Three rods across my said land and do hereby acknowledge the sum of Fifty Dollars in full compensation for above land and do agree to open said land for the use of a pubhc highway as soon as the present crops are secured. As witness my hand and seal this Seventh day of Sep tember 1863. Wm. Snediker L.S. In presence of Oliver P. Smith Thirty dollars of above paid by subscription Twenty dollars of above paid by commissioners. Recorded Deer 31st 1863. By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 215. Highways at Waverly. The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of James Gamage in the Village of Waverly in said Town to decide upon the applications of Ebenezer Terry and others, and of Smith P. Gamage and others residents of said Town, liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the lay ing out of two several roads respectively in or near the said Village of Waverly, hereinafter described, the owners of the lands through which the said roads run having signed the applications and released the lands therefor. Do Order that a public Highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application accord ing to a survey made by us as follows viz. commencing on 192 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the Port Jefferson Road sometimes called Waverly Avenue about one mile North of the said Village of Waverly and about Two Hundred rods South of the Portion Road and running Westerly nearly parallel with said Portion Road to the road called Sandy Hollow Road courses and distances as follows — 1st running North Eighty two (82) degrees West Eight chains & fifty links — then North Eighty five and a quarter (85^°) degrees West Seven chains forty links to Washington Avenue the other Highway herein also laid out— then South Eighty eight & a quarter (88^°) West Eight chains and fifty eight links, the whole width of the road this last course and distance being South side of the fence — then South Eighty and a quarter (80i°) degrees West Thirteen chains — then due West to Sandy Hollow road — this Highway herein laid out being called on a Dia gram herewith filed Division Avenue — • Also in accordance with said apphcation, and the land for the same being released & the releases herewith filed. We Order that a public Highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out as follows commencing about Eighty rods west of Waverly Avenue or Port Jeffer son Road, and running Northerly from the Rail Road nearly parallel with the said Road to the Portion Road, and on the East side of the land of Alfred Ashfield and adjoin ing thereto — thence running North lialf a (4°) degree East Eleven chains to Union Avenue and continuing the same course Seventy three and a half chains to the centre of the abovesaid Division Avenue— to this place the line being the centre of the ' Page 216. road — then taking an offset of Fifty seven (57) hnks East erly making the road thence about Fifty chains to the Poi'- tioii Road on the East side of a certain fence and the whole width of the same on the land of Mowbray W. Terry — the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 193 said herein laid out Road being called Washington Avenue on said Diagram — Given under our hands this 2d day of October 1863 John P. Mills \ Commissioners Ohver P. Smith \ _ of Highways. Recorded Dec'r 31st 1863 Posted Jany 15th 1864 By me Benjn T. LIutchinson clerk Release for Division Avenue. We the undersigned owners of land through which said Highway crosses do hereby release all claims for damage in consideration of said highway being laid out by said Com missioners — Dated Waverly Sept. 28th 1863. Recorded by me Deer. 3d 1863 Benjn T. Hutchinson. clerk Ebenezer Terry L.S. Lliram E. Terry L.S. Thomas Terry L.S. Whitman W. Overton L.S. Edmund Ruland L.S. Release for Washington Avenue. &" We the undersigned owning land through which the said Highway crosses do hereby release all claims for damage in consideration of said Highway being laid out by the com missioners- Dated Waverly Sept 28th 1863. Recorded by me Deer 31st 1863 Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk John G. Barrett L.S. Hiram E. Terry L.S. John H. Overton L.S. Smith P. Gamage. L.S. Mowbray W. Terry L.S. 194 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 217. Highway at East Moriches. The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in* the county of Suffolk, all the commis sioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at East Moriches in said Town to decide on the application of J. W. Pelletreau, H. T. Osborn — E. D. Topping, J. S. Havens and twelve other taxable inhabitants of the said Town for the laying out of the Road hereinafter described and having the consent and release of land through which the said road is to pass, from the owners thereof, which release is herewith recorded — Do Order that a public highway Four Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out, pursuant to the said appli cation the centre whereof is the following described viz. commencing near the Riverhead Road at its junction with the Post Road in East Moriches and running North Seventy seven and a half (774°) degrees West until it strikes the Ox Head Road (so cahed) then North Eighty Seven and a half (874°) degrees West until it strikes the West line of lands belonging to Jesse W. Pehetreau — then South Seventy Six and a half (764°) degrees West until it strikes the Meet ing House Road so called — it being the Highway running Northerly from the Presbyterian Church in Centre Moriches — the said New Road hereby laid out connecting the said Meeting House Road with the Post Road in East Moriches being about one mile and a half in length and through unimproved land. Given under our hands this 23d day of March 1863 Recorded Deer 31st 1863 Posted Jany 15th 1864 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk John P. Mills ) Commissioners Briant N. Overton ) of Highways. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 195 Release for the above Llighway. Application having been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to lay out a High way through certain unimproved lands belonging to us com mencing near the Riverhead Road at its junction with the Post Road in Moriches and running -N. 77|- W. until it strikes the Oxhead Road (so called) thence N. 874 W. until it strikes the West line of lands belonging to J. W. Pelle treau thence S. 764 W. until it strikes the meeting house road — the width of Four Rods & the whole length about one and a half miles. Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of said Highway we do hereby release all claims to damages by reason thereof or of the laying out and Page 218. opening the same. Witness our hands and seals this 6th March 1863. J. W. Pelletreau L.S. Recorded By me Henry T. Osborn L. S. deer 31st 1863 George T. Osborn L.S. Benjn T. Hutchinson J. B. Reeve L.S. Clerk Maltby Sanford L.S. Joshua Terry L.S. Gersham Terry L.S. S. S. Stanbrough L.S, Road District, No. 51, West of Bellport. We the undersigned two of the commissioners of High ways of the Town of Brookhaven (all having been notified) having met to make alterations in Road Districts do hereby order that the Road Districts No. (51) Fifty one and an nexed to District No. (20) Twenty is hereby set apart as before and to take the same number as before No. 51 Fifty one — to include to the original bounds on the Country Road and to work Munsell's Road to Robinson's road — and 196 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. , Robinson's Road to the Horseblock Road, and the Horse block road from said junction Westerly to the L. I. R. Road. Brookhaven Deer 31st 1863. Recorded. John P. Mills ) Commissioners Deer 31st 1863 Ohver P. Smith j of By me Highways Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 219. Highway Patchogue to Mott's Mills — Surveyed Town of Brookhaven^ — Whereas a Highway leading from the Village of Patchogue to Mott's Mills near Canaan in said Town, now used as a public highway was laid out on the 20th day of March 1822 as recorded in Book D. page 186 but not sufficiently described of Record, and whereas afterwards on the 28th Deer. 1855 as recorded in Book E page 58 the Southern part of said Highway was surveyed and described as far North as the Northeast corner of the land of Eunice Jennings — Now therefore we the under signed Commissioners of Highways in and for said Town of Brookhaven, all of the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject matter of this order — Do hereby order that the remainder of said Road from Jennings' land to Mott's Mills be ascertained described and entered of Record in the Clerk's office of said Town according to a survey which has been made under our direction as follows viz. commencing where the said Record of Survey of Deer. 28th 1855 ended at the Northeast corner of Jennings' land and running Northerly — Courses and distances as follows viz. ch L 1st Course North 204° West 4. 50 — Austin Roe's fence on Eastern side at begin ning being 8 links in. 4 u N. 30° 5 1 < N. 15 6 a N. 10° striking the West BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 197 2d Course N. 5i° East. 2. 25 Fence on East side 9 links in 3d " N.' 7i°East 29. 75— fence North end of lot east side 12 links in West 29. 75 East 7. 30 East 9. 29 side of a white Oak Tree and (29) Twenty nine links west of the house now owned by John S. Havens nearly East of the Milldam — and we further order that the line of said Survey be the Centre line of said Highway and that the said Highway be and remain as here tofore laid out of the width of Three rods. Given under our hands this 17th day of October in the year 1863. Recorded Deer. 31st 1863 Posted Jany 20th 1864 By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk John P. Mills \ Commissioners Ohver P. Smith f of Highways. Page 220. Deed of Hill at Middle Island to School Trustees. This Indenture made the Fifth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty four Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Lester Ruland, Joseph W. Topping and Joseph N. Hurtin Trustees of School District number Seventeen in said Town of Brookhaven of the Second Part Witnesseth That the said parties of the first part in consideration of the sum of Thirty Dollars to them duly paid before the delivery hereof have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant and convey to the said 198 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. parties of the second part and their successors in office for ever — All that certain piece or parcel of Townland on which the School House of said District is located, lying in the village of Middle Island in the said Town of Brookhaven Bounded on the North by the Centre of the Middle Coun try Road or common old Highway which turns partly around the hill — on the East by the line as described in Record of Town in Book C. page 134 or the location of the ancient division fence where it stood until recently — and on the West bounded partly by the Middle of the hol low or centre of the head of Connecticut River until it comes to the centre of the highway which is on the South west side of this piece of land — thence by the Centre of said highway coming to a point at the South end, reserving to the public the use of the highway on the East and South west sides as is reserved in the survey and laying out of the Division of Small Lots on the East side of the head of Connecticut River ; the said parcel of land herein conveyed containing by estimation one and a half acres be the same more or less, with the appurtenances, and all the estate, right, title and interest of the said parties of the first part therein. And the said parties of the first part do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said parties of the second part, that at the time of the delivery hereof the said parties of the first part by virtue of their office as such Trustees are the lawful owners of the premises above granted and seized thereof in fee simple absolute, and that they will Warrant and Defend the said premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said School Trustees parties of the second part and their successors in office forever. Page 221. In Witness whereof the said parties of the First part have hereunto affixed the Corporate Seal of their said Town of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 199 Brookhaven and caused the hand of their President to be set to the same, the day and date first above written, thereby binding themselves and their successors iii office. Sealed and delivered . John S Havens President o ] in the presence of J W Pelletreau County of Suffolk | Town of Bi'ookhaven \ ss. On the ninth day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty four before me personahy came John S. Havens known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and also known to me to be the President of the Trustees of said Town of Brookhaven and he acknowledged that he exe cuted the same. Recorded Jany. ^th 1864 By me J. W. Pelletreau Benjn. T. Hutchinson Justice of the Peace. Clerk Trustee Meeting Jany. 5th 1864. Pursuant to adjournment the following Trustees met, viz. Norton Robinson, Noah T. Terry, Floyd Smith and Nathl. Tuttle. Not being a quorum as required by our Town Patent, the Snowstorm causing their absence, those present ad journed to the first Tuesday in February same time & place — and I have notified the absent members of the same — ¦ Entered By me. B. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 222. Trustee Meeting Feby 2d 1864. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present J. S. 200 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Havens prest, T. J. Ellison, N. Robinson, N. Tuttle, .N. T. Terry, Floyd Smith & Philip Hallock Trustees Resolved to lease Quanch Island in the South Bay to Abiathur Munsell of Bellport, for the term of Five years at Two dollars per year to be paid annually. Resolved That George W. Smith of Patchogue be con tinned for another year commencing March 1st as agent of the Town in relation to Oyster Toleration in the Great South Bay, on the same terms as heretofore and with the like authority to bring suits, collect penalties and protect the rights of the Town in said Bay as granted him March 5th 1861 against all and every person who shall take Oysters in said Bay without a permit or shall catch oysters in said Bay during the time heretofore prohibited ; and that the Toleration fee for Oystering during those periods not so prohibited shall be as last year One Dollar with the priv ilege to get Oyster Shells during the same period, and all who wish to take Oysters or Shells east of a South line from Long point on the west side of the Mouth of Con necticut River must get separate permits, and those getting permits are not to Oyster during the period prohibited from June 1st to Sept 15th under the penalty as prescribed in Act of Trustees of March 5th 1861 and not at any time to trespass on the Lots leased or that shall be leased to certain persons for the purpose of growing Oysters, and Permits are only to be granted to residents of the Town. Ordered That Nathl Tuttle Trustee and Benjamin T. Hutchinson clerk be a committee to visit Egbert T. Smith relative to the Trespasses in the East Bay and see what further arrangements can be made for the mutual benefit of said Smith and the Town. Ordered That James Carman (Col'd) be allowed Fifty cents per week from Jany 5th until further order. Resolved to adjourn until the first Tuesday in March next. Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 301 Page 223. Special Town Meeting. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven having presided at a Special Town Meeting regularly called and held pursuant to public notice at the house of Lester H Davis in Coram on Thursday 18tli day of Feby. 1864 for the purpose of raising funds to procure volunteers or substitutes to supply the quota of this Town in the late call for 500,000 men to support the Union, We report the result of the said Special Meeting — That in an open meeting viva voce it was voted to raise by tax on the Town the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars for the purpose — the Poll was then opened and we report as follows as the result of the vote — The whole number of votes polled were Five Hundred and Five 505 Of which number Four Hundred and thirty nine were Taxable Inhabitants 439 And Sixty Six were not taxable 66 Making above Total — 505 Of the votes by taxable voters there were For a Tax of Sixty Thousand Dollars Three Hundred and Ninety Seven 397 For Appropriation one vote 1 For the Tax Three Votes - 3 Against the Tax Thirty Eight votes 38 Making abovesaid 439 Of the votes by persons not taxable there were Sixty four votes for a Tax of Sixty Thousand Dollars 64 Against the Tax Two votes -2 — 2 Making the whole no. of votes as above 505 303 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Thereby making of both Classes who voted amount to the number Five Hundred and five of whom the whole number who voted for the tax of Sixty Thousand was Four LIun dred & Sixty one (461) We certify the foregoing report to be correct and true. Given under our hands this 18th day of February 1864. Recorded Feby. 18th 1864 D. T. Hawkins By me Charles Price Benjn. T. Hutchinson Lester Davis Town Clerk Z. F. Hawkins Walter Dickerson Justices of the Peace. Benjn. T. LIutchinson Town Clk. Page 224 Petition for Special Town Meeting A Draft for 500 Thousand men having lately been called for by the General Government to carry on the War and the Town of Brookhaven being liable for its quota of said number ; therefore we the undersigned freeholders of said Town do herein request the Town clerk of said Town to call a Special Town Meeting at an early day, and for such meeting to take into consideration suitable measures for the raising of monies by said Town for the purpose of paying for substitutes or bounties to volunteers — such call and such measures subject to any legal provisions for such purpose or purposes Dated Brookhaven Feby. 2d 1864. Thomas J. Ritch Austin Culver William T. Hulse J. H. Miher C. L. Hulse Howell Benjamin Charles Schryver Parker S. -Robinson BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 203 Charles J. Robbins Gibert IL Wilson George C. Campbell O. S. Robinson Bryant D. Norton Edmund B. Smith Samuel Dare P.m. Jos. T. French C. W. F. Dare Davis Norton Minor Norton William Fordham Rich'd O. Howell Jeremiah P. Lee Joshua F. Penny. Mahlon Chichester Wm. H. Clark. William Murdock William Edwards Alanson Edwards Gersham Terry L. B. Tyler B. F. Howell W. R. Llowell George T. Osborn S. S. Stanbrough E. D. Topping Norman J. Wines Norton Raynor Joshua Terry Smith R. Lane Enoch Miller Henry T. Osborn Josiah H. Bishop Hallock J. Bishop Tredwell Oakley. Hamilton Robinson Alva Jones Jonah Turner David Terry. Ch's W. Robinson In obedience to above Petitions I called the Special Town Meeting to be held 18th Feby. at 10 am — I caused Seven notices to be put up in the most public places of the Town eight days before the Meeting — and procured 100 more printed Notices distributed them over the Town. Entered By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 225-6. Boundary between Brookhaven and Islip fixed 1860 — To all whom these presents shall come Greeting We the undersigned Supervisors and commissioners duly appointed by our respective Towns of Brookhaven and Islip in the County of Suffolk and State of New York to fix and deter- 204 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. mine the Boundary between the said Towns except so far as said Boundary refers to the South Bay and Beach, after several meetings and a full examination of the premises, and the various claims relative to the matter, do agree of and concerning the same as follows ; that is to say, that the fixed and permanent Boundary between the said Town of Brookhaven and Islip (except so far as said boundary refers to the South Bay and Beach) shall be and commence at a fixed monument at the North end of Ronkonkama Pond or Lake at a point which is the South East corner of the Town of Smithtown, and from this so fixed monument running Southerly by and with the Eastern margin for the time being of said Ronkonkama Pond or lake to another fixed monument near the South end of said Pond-r-and from said so fixed monument running Southerly by and with the centre of the old Highway or Pond Road to the Long Island Rail Road — thence Easterly by and with North Bank of the Long Island Rail Road to another fixed monument at Waverly Station on said Rail Road — thence from said fixed monument running South by magnet by and with the centre of the Highway leading to Patchogue Seventy Two Chains and Sixty five I^inks to another fixed monument at the junction of the said Line with a Line which has been run from the head of Narakee creek, which Line runs North by magnet Six degrees and Forty Seven minutes East — thence from said monument so fixed at said junction — running by and with said Line South by magnet Six Degrees and Fortj' seven minutes West to the head of said Namkee Creek — thence Southerly by and with the said N amkee Creek to the Bay — Each of the said towns is to pay its own respective Super visor and Commissioners ; the expenses of Surveying and the monuments are to be borne equally by the respective towns In witness whereof we have hereunto affixed our hands BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 305 and seals this eighth day of September in the year One thousand eight hundred and Sixty — Done in triplicate Walter Scudder Supervisor \ John S. Havens, Supervisor of Islip (Seal) j of Brookhaven Seal Abraham G. Thompson Wilham Nicoh Thomas S. Strong Wm. Sidney Smidi Manly Ruland Recorded Feby 18th 1864 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clk 0) a CI aj _o > -M ctf s o r^ g o PQ o SealSealSeal Page 227. Trustee Meeting March 1st 1864. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present, John S. Havens President, Thomas J. Ellison, D. Norton Robin son, Nathaniel Tuttle, Noah T. Terry Floyd Smith and Phihp Hallock Trustees. Ordered That N. T. Terry Trustee bring John Jones and family colored paupers of Selden to the Poor-house in accordance with a Petition presented from the people of that village. Nathl Tuttle & B. T. Hutchinson as committee to visit E. T. Smith about East Bay ; reported that they did so visit him on the 5th of Feby. that he is wihing the late suits for trespasses should be discontinued, but Avishes the 206 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Trustees to take such measures as will stop further trespass and adopt such plan as they may deem best calculated to protect the rights of himself and the Town in the important privileges of said East Bay — and wishes the Town to retain and maintain all the rights in said East Bay conveyed by him to the Town. Said Report was well approved and it was ordered that said committee be paid one dollar and a half each — Floyd Smith Trustee reported that he had collected on the List of Back Rents made out by the Clerk since last Meeting $157.50, and he paid in the same, and for his ser vices it is ordered that he be paid Two dollars and fifty cents. Adjourned to first Tuesday in April next — Entered By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk. Page 228. Post Road at Middle Island regulated. We the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven being called by Latting Carpenter and Benjamin T. Hutchinson of the Village of Middle Island in said Town to determine, regulate, alter or fix a portion of the old Post Road lying West of their houses and between their respective lands, as we may deem best for. the public good, and all having met and viewed the same and also having examined an ancient Map of said Highway on file in the Town clerk's office. We do deter mine that the Gully in the northern part of the open space between the fences was the original track or Highway, but whereas said original track or gully has long been disused and is so unfit for use that the public have long used a path some four rods South of the same, and said Latting Car penter owner of the land on the South side of said Highway BROOKHAVEN TOAA'N RECORDS. 207 having consented that the Highway may be located where it is now used, the said Benjn. T. Hutchinson having paid him for the privilege of so locating the same, the said Latting Carpenter having signed a Release of the land for the value so received. We do order that said Road be located, described and entered of Record in the clerk's office of said Town according to a survey which has been made under our direction as follows viz : Commencing at a large high stump marked in the fence on the North side of the highway about one rod east of where the old track turns around the hill, thence running South (84°) eighty four degrees West four chains to a Stake near a Cedar — thence running South Seventy two (72°) degrees West on the South side of a Black oak marked, and over the South end of a small rock Four chains and Thirty seven Links to a Stake standing forty links Southerly from the present Southwest corner of the orchard of Benjn. T. Hutchinson- — this line we determine shall be the North line of the said Highway ; and whereas the said Benjn. T. Hutchinson has purchased of said Latting Carpenter the right to locate the highway south of this line, We therefore determine that said Benjn. T. Hutchinson shall have the land lying North of this line and adjoining his land in exchange for the land so purchased by him — and we also determine that so many of the row of trees Page 229. standing between the two upper paths as shall not be taken to repair the road shall belong to said Latting Carpenter, they all being far South of said old track or original high way ; and hereafter two rods South from this North side line shall be the centre of said Highway, the said old high way having been four roads wide. Given under our hands at Brookhaven this Eighteenth day of March 1864. 208 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John p. MiUs ) Commissioners Oliver P. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways. Recorded March 18th 1864 Posted April 25th 1864. By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson clk Release of Land for above Road. The Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven having this day determined that the Gully in the north part of the wide space between my fence on the South and the fence of Benjn. T. LIutchinson on the North about forty rods west of our houses was the original track of the old Post Road, but deeming it unfit for public use have located the Highway on the South side of a line de scribed in the foregoing order by courses and distances by "Stakes, Stump, Tree and Rock by me approved; Now therefore Know all men by these presents that I the under signed for value received of Benjn. T. Hutchinson the owner of the land on the north side of the highway do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening the said highway now located by said com missioners on the South side of said line. Witness my hand and seal the Eighteenth day of March one thousand eight hundred and Sixty four Latin Carpenter L.S. Recorded March 18th 1864 By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 230. Trustee Meeting April 6th 1864 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Tho's J. Elhson, D. Norton Robinson, Nathaniel Tuthill, Noah T. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 209 Terry, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees— (Note — The President John S. Havens being absent from sickness) Nathaniel Tuttle was chosen President or chairman for the day. Reed from Woodward & Van Wyen in advance for one year of oyster Lots from March 1st 1804 Twenty Dollars. Reed from Joseph J. Harris for Mary Smith's Dock 4 yrs $24.00 Reed from Hawkins & Darling for Rent of Dock for 22 months Five and a half dollars when they report they sold it to Baj'les There is a balance of $9.60 due to pay up to Jany 14th 1864. Israel E. Smith paid ground Rent of Shop at Port Jeffer son for four years up to May 1864 at $34 per year — $14.00 Edmund T. Dariing to May 1863 paid $24.00 Paid Board & Bills- Theodore S. Newton asked for a grant of Four acres of ground in Port Jefferson Harbor near Smith & Darlings Dock for the purpose of Laying down Oysters — as the term of this Board ends this day it is resolved that this matter be referred to the decision of the new Board of Trustees. In the absence of the Town clerk Nathaniel Miller Super visor was chosen Clerk of the Board of Trustees pro tem, whereupon the following resolution was unanimously passed. Resolved That B. T. Hutchinson be allowed the sum of Fifty Dollars for extra services as clerk of the Town of Brookhaven and of this Board for the past year. On examination of the Book of the Overseers of the Poor and the Book kept by the clerk of this Board we find that the expenses of the Town Poor have been $210.34 less than last year while the united funds on hand are $841.48 better than last year — and now this Board having no further business before it Resolved That it now adjourn Sine die — Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town clerk. ti 210 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 231. Town Meeting We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the annual Town Election held this 5th day of April 1864 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following Officers were Elected to the respective offices named Supervisor . Nathaniel Miller Justices of the Peace Jesse W. Pelletreau for 4 yrs Z. Franklin Hawkins for 4 yrs Assessors. Lewis Davis for 3 yrs. William Murdock for 3 yrs. Commissioner of Highways John R. Mather for 3 yrs. Town Clerk Benjamin T. Hutchinson Collector John Ketcham President of Trustees Nathaniel Tuthill TruEtees Floyd Smith Philip Hallock Albert 'Terrell Ql'homas J. Ellison Josiah tl. Bishop D. Norton Robinson BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 211 Page 232. Overseers of the Poor Floyd Smith D. Norton Robinson Constables. George W. Smith Albert Terrell Walter Hawkins Joseph Dayton Clark O. Raynor John R. Davis John T. L'Hommedieu Jehiel W. Randall Inspectors of Election 1st Dist 3d Dist John M. Williamson Joel Robinson Wm. T. Hulse Charies R. Bishop. Wm. Floyd Smith appd James M. -Fanning appd 2d Dist. 4th Dist Sylvester D. Tuthill Charies R. Smith Charles A. Davis Nathan C. Bartow John Jay_Davis appd Edward T. Moore appd 6th Dist Alfred Davis Noah T. Terry. Jacob E. Longbotham We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the result of the Election and Canvass of said annual Town Meeting — Dated at Brookhaven April 5th 1864 — 313 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded By me April 6th 1864 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk J. W. Pelletreau Charles Price Lester Davis Z. F. Llawkins Oran W. Rogers Walter Dickerson Justices of the Peace of Brookhaven Page 233. Trustee Meeting May 3d 1864 Trustees met pursuant to notice — all present, Nathaniel Tuthill President, Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock, Thomas J. Ellison, Josiah H. Bishop, D. Norton Robinson, and A.lbert Terrel. Resolved To Lease to Theodore S. Newton Four acres of Ground under water in Port Jefferson Harbor below Smith and Darlings Dock for the purpose of laying down Oysters for Four Dollars per year in advance for the term of Three years with the privilege of two years more at such price as may be agreed on — Floyd Smith Trustee is deputed to measure and fix the Bounds of the grant and said Newton is to pay for his services. Enos Cherry having been hurt in hand and side applied for Temporary aid and was allowed Three Dollars. Jehiel W. Randall presented a Bill of $18.64 as addition aid supplied by him to Nancy White and family, ordered that he be paid Seventy five cents per week for the five weeks since he was authorised by Nathl Tuttle Trustee on the 29th of March to afford some aid until the Board met on 5th of April when said Mr. Randall failed to attend. Said J. W. Randall declined to accept said allowance ; while he admitted that he was aware that said Nancy White already had received an allowance of $1.50 per week for a long time from Philip Hallock Trustee. Daniel D. Swezey owner of the Mills at Millville on BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 313 Connecticut River and the Mill privilege at the old Fulling Mill place made statement that his Mills had been en dangered by a dam having been built unbeknown to him about five years ago at said Fulling Mill place ; and that now he was credibly informed that Samuel W. Randall had built a Dam with fines therein west of his house which he considered an encroachment & dangerous to the safety of his Mills and for protection of his rights and grants on said River. Resolved that no right to build a dam has been granted to said S. W. Randall that said River and six rods on the side thereof belongs to the Town, and that our Counselor Thomas S. Strong write to said Randall in relation to his unlawful encroachment on Town Rights & granted rights by said dam. Page 234. Resolved That whereas Board and other incidental ex penses have greatly increased, the late pay of one dollar and a half is entirely insufficient remuneration especially as some come fifteen miles and all attend to many town duties between meetings without pay therefore it is hereby ordered that each Trustee be paid Two Dollars for each days at tendance of the Meetings of this Board until further order. Resolved that when this meeting adjourns it be to the first Tuesday in June. The following preamble and Resolutions were then unani mously passed. Whereas John Symnes Havens late President of the Board of Trustees hath departed this life since our last meeting and as he has held offices in our Town most of the last Twenty years having been Inspector of Elections, as sessor. Trustee, Commissioner of Highways, Supervisor three terms and President of our Board last four years, and he declining a re-election, his term of office ended the 6th 214 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. day of April and he died next day ; Now then be it resolved that while the Records show his faithfulness in office we take pleasure in adding our high estimation of the departed both as a man and an officer, and especially for the kindness and fidelity which he ever manifested during the four years last past in which he presided over the councils of our .Board. Resolved that while we regret the loss to the Town we would extend our sympathy to the widow and other bereaved relatives of the deceased. Resolved That in this token of respect for our deceased President we all cordially unite, and order that it be re corded in the Town Records with the proceedings of this meeting, and that a copy of the same with the Town Seal affixed be sent to his widow Page 235. Nathaniel Tuttle President o i Josiah LI Bishop Thomas J Ellison Albert Terrel Philip Hallock Floyd Smith D. Norton Robinson Ordered that this token of respect to our late President be published in the Watchman and Democrat. Out of respect to the memory of the deceased the Board then adjourned — These proceedings and above token of respect to the memory of an esteemed Town officer in which I fully concur Entered by me — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 215 Being present I fully concur in the above token of re spect to the memory of a worthy Town officer. Nathaniel Miller Supervisor Page 236. Trustee Meeting June 7th 1864 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle President, Thos J. Elhson, Josiah H. Bishop, D. Norton Robinson, Floyd Smith Philip Hallock and Albert Terrell Trustees Ordered that D. Norton Robinson Trustee and overseer of the Poor is hereby authorized to enforce the law against Dredging in the South Bay and if the legal fines are not paid to take out executions against the Trespassers — Resolved to grant to D'l Downs Swezey and his heirs and assigns the Town's right to the use and control of the waters of Connecticut River North of his Mills to the head of said River at the Middle Country Road and the Town's right to the bottom of said River where water now is or usually runs so far as fully to be authorized and empowered (as the Town would have been were it not for this convey ance) to prevent any dams or obstructions to be built across the same, so as in any way or manner to hinder, delay or obstruct the free passage of the water to his Mills, the Town reserving the right to make bridges over said River where Highways now are and where Highways shall here after be laid out. The said D'l Downs Swezey is the owner of the Mills at Millville called the upper Mills as granted to Robert Robin son in Book C. page 144 and also the owner of the Mill Grant of Ebenezer Homan as recorded in Book A. page 232, called the Fulling Mill place and this present grant is for the purpose of securing to him and his heirs forever the use of the water of said River from its head without obstruc- 316 BROOKHAVEN TOWN' RECORDS. tion, for the benefit of his said Mills and the safty thereof ; and the Trustees considering that there is no proper or fit place for any grant of Mill privilege north of the two said grants hereby make this conveyance for the securing the waters for the use of said Mills deeming it for the mutual benefit of the Town and the owner of said Mills and for this Grant the said D'l Downs Swezey is to pay the Town Seventy five Dollars. Resolved to adjourn to the first Tuesday in July next Recorded By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 237. Deed to D'l Downs Swezey. This Indenture made the Seventh day of June one thou sand eight hundred and Sixty Four Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook haven, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Daniel Downs Swezey of the same Town of the second part Witnesseth that whereas the said party of the second part is the owner of the Mills at Millville called the Upper Mill on Connecticut River in said Town of Brookhaven as granted in the Town Record, Book C. page 144 and also the owner of the Mill privilege sold to Ebenezer Homan and recorded in Book A. page 232 also on said River in said Town, and whereas the Parties of the first part consider and conclude that there is no fit or proper place for any future grant of Mill privilege on said River far enough North not to interfere with the above said two grants, and deeming it for the benefit of the Town as well as of the owners that said Mills so granted heretofore should have the use of the waters of said River from its head at the Middle Country Road free from obstruction or en- dangerment as far South as said ' Mills and grants. Now BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 217 therefore in consideration of the said benefits and motives and for the further consideration of the sum of Seventy Five Dollar's received of said party of the second part for the use of the Town, the said parties of the first part do hereby bargain, sell and convey to the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever the Town's right to the use and control of the waters of said Connecticut River North of his said Mills to the head of said River at the Middle Country Road, and the Town's right to the bottom of said River where water now is or usually runs, so far as fully to be authorized and empowered to prevent any dams or obstructions to be built across the same so as in any way or manner to hinder, delay or obstruct the free passage of the water to his said Mills but the said party is empowered to use the same authority over said portion of said River as the said Trustees by virtue of their office might or could have done, were it not for this conveyance, — provided it is hereby mutually understood and reserved to the Town the Page 238. privilege of making bridges over said River where High ways now are and where highways shall hereafter be laid out. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of their said Town of Brookhaven, and caused the hand of their President to be set to the same, the day and date first above written, thereby binding themselves and their successors in office. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Benjn T. Hutchinson Nathaniel Tuttle President g , Town Clerk 218 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. County of Suffolk Town of Brookhaven Ss. On the Fifth day of July one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Four before me personally came Nathaniel Tuttle known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and also known to me to be the President of the Board of Trustees of said Town of Brookhaven and he acknowledged that he executed the same. L.S. Richd W. Smith Recorded By me Notary Public Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 239. Petition for Special Town Meeting The undersigned residents and Freeholders of the Town of Brookhaven petition to the Town Clerk to call a Special Town Meeting immediately to take into consideration the propriety of providing for a future draft, either by raising money to procure volunteers to fill the quota for the next call for said Town or toward paying substitutes or other means of relieving such as may be drafted, and for the transaction of such other business as the meeting may deem proper Dated June 16th 1864. V. R. Swezey Samuel L. Homan John P. Mills Marcus Homan Wm. H. Robbins Sylvester Homan Robt. H. Gerard Edward Edwards Edwd L. Gerard Thomas Dillerack Elbert J. Swezey Benjn Wicks Jr. Joshua Carman Allen Jones Noah T. Terry John Brand ford Lewis Homan George Brandford BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 219 John Hammond T. Whitbeck A. P. Homan J. R. Laws G. O. Overton F. N. Van Brunt Sam'l F. Norton S. B. Overton Philetus Phillips Edmund Howell Edmund T. Darling Dl W. Gildersleeve George E. Davis John R. Mather Cha's E. Mills Benjn H. Jones J. B. Randall Hamilton Tooker James L. Tooker John W. John Rourke Michael Welch A. Lambert Elisha Saxton Joseph Peltz Wm. Garretty Holmes W. Swezey Chas. Schryver Effingham Tuthill Elbert A. Raynor B. D. Norton Wm. T. Hulse Wm H. Hart James M. Bayles Geo. W. Brewster F. F. Darling G. W. Overton Richd W. Smith Llorace S. Overton Litchard In obedience to above Petitions I appointed the Special Town Meeting to be held at Lester H. Davis' in Coram on Tuesday 28th of June at 10 a.m, and caused Notices to be put up on the 18tli & 19th at Yaphank, Patchogue, Port Jefferson Manorville, Coram & my office and procured 100 printed notices and distributed them over the Town — whereupon the Meeting was held and the proceedings are recorded next ])age as reported by Justices and the proceed ings of out door meeting are filed in my office. Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 240. Special Town Meeting We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town 330 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Brookhaven having presided at a special Town Meeting regularly called and held pursuant to public notice at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town on Tues day the 28th day of June 1864 for the purpose of taking such measures as may be deemed just and proper relative to raising money to procure volunteers in advance or for providing substitutes or relief for such as shall be drafted, hereby report the result of the said Special Town meeting, that an open public Meeting was organized by choosing Geo. W. Ritch chairman, and Saml F. Norton and Benjn T. Hutchinson Secys, and by a viva voce vote it was voted to raise sufficient money on the credit of the Town to pay not exceeding Three Hundred Dohars each for the quota of this Town in the next call for troops who will volunteer for three years, and John P. Mills, Llenry Mills, and George C. Campbell were chosen a committee to procure funds and obtain the said volunteers, the funds procured to be paid in seven equal instalments, commencing March 1st 1866 and closing March 1st 1872. The poll was then opened and we hereby report the result of the said Election to be as follows, The whole number of votes polled was three hundred and thirty four — 334 — Of which there was Two Hundred and eighty nine votes for Three Hundred Dollars per man. — 289 'Twenty eight votes for Three Hundred Dollars 28 Sixteen votes against Appropriation 16 One vote for Substitute at any price 1 Making Total as above 334 We certify this report to be correct. Brookhaven June 28th 1864. Z. F. Hawkins Lester Davis Charles Price Walter Dickerson Justices of Peace BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 221 Benjn T. Hutchinson — Clerk Recorded June 28th 1864. By ine Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk. Page 241. Trustee Meeting July 5th 1864. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle Prest. Thos J. Ehison, D. Norton Robinson, Floyd Smith, Phihp Hallock, Josiah H. Bishop and Albert Terrell. Floyd Smith Trustee reported that he had i-ented out Old Field Shore or Beach to Carlton Jayne for one year from the 20th of June 1864 for the sum of Fourteen Dohars payable on the 25tli of September next. Floyd Smith also reported that he had fixed bounds to the premises granted to Theodore S. Newton in Port Jeffer son Harbor for the purpose of laying down oysters, which reports were approved and the clerk ordered to write the lease dated July 4th and term of time and consideration to be as agreed on at May meeting. Reed of Dl Downs Swezey Seventy Five Dollars as the consideration named in the conveyance to him by Deed dated June 7th past of the use of the waters of Connecticut River from its head at the Middle Country Road at the North as far South as his Mills — The Trustees considering themselves fully authorized to convey the same to the said Swezey owner of the upper mills and also of the Fulling Mill grant, as the Town Records do not show that any Grant or privilege on said River north of said two grants now owned by said Swezey has been made to any person whatsoever — Reed of Henry F. Osborn Fifteen Dollars for Rent of Gunning for one vear. 322 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Reed of Ohver R. Smith one Dollar and a half in full for rent of Fishing in East Bay one year. Paid Board & Settled Bills presented. Resolved to adjourn to first Tuesday in August next. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 242. Patchogue Lane. Before the County Judge of Suffolk County Order Reversing order of Commrs. In the matter of Patchogue Lane — Austin Roe having appealed to the County Judge and John Roe and others having also appealed from an order of the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven dated February 20th 1863 altering and widening the Road known as Patchogue Lane leading from the South Country Road in the Village of Patchogue to the Bay which notices of appeal are dated March 31st 1863 and with a copy of the Order appealed from are hereto annexed — And the County Judge having assigned the 22d day of April 1863 on the said lane as the time and place of hearing said appeal and having caused notice thereof to be served on said Commissioners and the said appellant, — and having attended at the time and place abovesaid and been attended by said commissioners and their counsel and by said appel lants and their counsel and having viewed the premises and heard the proofs and allegations of the parties and the mat ter having been adjourned from time to time to this day and it appearing to the County Judge that said order ap pealed from was irregular and improper it is ordered that said order appealed from be and the same is hereby reversed BR00KH.4.VEN TOWN RECORDS. 233 and annulled and that said commissioners do pay the fees of the County Judge — July 20th 1864 J Lawrence Smith Cty Judge Entered by me July 21st 1864. Benjn T. Hutchinson — Town Clerk. JVofe.— See order of Commissioners page 199—1 x, , t:. Survey on " i7i_}BookE. Com. Page 243. Trustee Meeting August 2d 1864 Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle President, Tho's J. Elhson Norton Robinson, Josiah H. Bishop, Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock and Albert Terrell Trustees. Resolved That whereas at the Special Town Meeting held in this Town on the 28th day of June last it was resolved to procure funds so as to pay for volunteers for the. term of Three years a sum not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars, and whereas since said meeting was held a call for troops has been made in which it is decided to draft for men to serve one year ; Now then it is hereby Ordered that Henry Mills, John P. Mills and George C. Campbell chosen at said Meeting a committee to obtain funds and procure Vol unteers, be and they are hereby authorized to take of the monies so voted at said meeting to be raised on the credit of the Town, so much as shall be required to obtain the Quota of this Town at a price to each Volunteer so obtained by them rrot to exceed the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each Volunteer for one year, and also to pay as hand money 324 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. to or for procuring each volunteer an additional sum not to exceed Seventy Five Dollars. Adjourned to the first Tuesday in Sept next. Entered By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk I made certified copies of above Resolution and sent the same with Town seal attached to each of said Committee also to the Provost Marshall Supervisor & others B. T. H. Page 244. Petition for Special Town Meeting To the Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven — ¦ We the undersigned taxpayers and freeholders of this Town respectfully request you to call a Special Town Meet ing to decide as to what portion of the sum that was appro priated for three years volunteers at the Town meeting held on the 28th of June last the people are willing to have ex pended by their committee for Volunteers for the term of one year or to him who will obtain a substitute for the same term under the conditions specified by the resolutions of the said last special Town Meeting so held — The said meeting having failed to give any directions in regard to this particular we ask you to call a meeting to pass upon this matter. Brookhaven August 10th 1864 — John R. Mather F. F. Darling Sylvester Randall Thomas J. Ritch Abraham Brown Charles L. Hulse William T. Hulse John H. Smith D. T. Corwin J. W. Matthews T. H. Helme J. B. Randall H. K. Townsend llenry T. Punderson BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 235 Above presented to me August lOtli 1864 and the object being in accordance with the Law I promptly caused the following notice to be posted. Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 245. Special Town Meeting — Notice — Having been petitioned to call a Special Town Meeting of the Electors of this Town to decide as to what portion of the sum that was appropriated for Three years' Volun teers at the Town Meeting on the 28th of June last, the people are willing to have expended by their committee for volunteers for the term of one year, or to him who will obtain a substitute for the same term, under the condition specified by the resolutions of the said last Special Town Meeting, so held, the said Meeting having failed to give any directions in regard to this particular matter ; there fore, in obedience to said petitions, I hereby appoint a Special Town Meeting to be held for the above said purpose at the house of Lester H Davis in Coram On Friday the 19th inst. at 2 O'clock, P.m. Dated at Brookhaven August 10th 1864. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk I deem it proper to respectfully state that I have received petitions including subjects already acted upon at the last Town Meeting and recorded, and as your Clerk in his calls is restricted by Law to propositions not acted upon, in con formity to the Law I have embraced only new matter in the above call — B. T. H. I caitsed copies of above notice to be posted on the 11th 226 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. August at Yaphank, Coram, Manorville, East Moriches Patchogue & at my office— and on 12th mailed copies to Fireplace, Port Jefferson, & Setauket and 13th I obtained 100 printed copies & distributed over the Town — B. T. H. Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 246. Canvass of Special Town Meeting — We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven having presided at a Special Town meeting regularly called and held pursuant to public notice at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town on Friday the 19th day of August 1864 to decide as to what portion of the sum that was appropriated for Three years' volunteers at the Town Meeting on the 28tli of June last, the people are willing to have expended by their committee for volun teers for the term of one year, or to him who will obtain a Substitute for the same term, under the conditions specified by the resolutions of the said last Special Town Meeting so held ; the said Meeting having failed to give any directions in regard to this particular matter — hereby report the result of this Special Town Meeting to be as follows. A Meeting was organized in the Street by choosing Sam uel F. Norton chairman and Wm Henry Clark Jr. Secre tary and a resolution was passed in favor of voting by ballot to allow Three LIundred Dollars to be used by tho com mittee for Volunteers for one year and other provisions as may be seen in said resolution — whereupon the poll was opened and we report the result of Canvass as follows viz. The whole number of names on Poll List were Two hun dred and fourteen — ^and the whole No. of ballots the same — 214. Of which there were one hundred and thirty three BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 237 votes for Three hundred Dollars for volunteers for one year— 133 There were fifty one votes for Three Hundred Dollars 51 Three votes for Two Hundred Dollars 3 Fifteen votes for One Hundred & seventy five Dollars 15 Two votes for One Hundred & fifty dollars 2 Nine votes for one Hundred Dollars 9 One Blank 1 Making total as above 214 We certify the foregoing report of the canvass of the Special Town Meeting held this 19th day of August 1 864 to be correct — David T. Hawkins ) Justices Lester Davis V of the Entered by me Oran W. Rogers j Peace August 19th 1864. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Benjn T. Hutchinson. Clerk Clk Page 247. Trustee Meeting. Sept 6th 1864. Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk met pursuant to adjournment present. Nathaniel Tuttle President, Floyd Smith D. Norton Robinson, Josiah H. Bishop and Albert Terrell Trustees. Ordered that the sura of Four Thousand Dollars be raised by Tax in this Town for the support of the Poor for the ensuing year. Ordered that the following sums be raised by Tax in this Town this year to repay principal and interest of monies procured on the credit of the Town to pay Bounties and obtain Substitutes viz. Seven Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars being the second quarter instalment of the 228 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. principal, and Thirteen Hundred and Five Dollars Interest on three quarters of the funds raised in 1862. And the sum of Fifty four Thousand Three Hundred and Ten Dollars raised this year on the vote of a Special Town Meeting held Feby. 18th and the sum of Three Thousand Eight Hundred and one Dollars and Seventy cents to pay the interest on the same, amounting in the whole to the sum of $66,666.70 for Bounty purposes — Resolved To Lease to Alfred Mott Six acres in South Bay East of Patchogue Lane for one year for Six Dollars for the purpose of Laying-down Oysters. Resolved To lease to Wm. Akerly and Charies Mott eight acres in South Bay on west side of Patchogue Lane for one year for Eight Dollars — None of these parties to Dredge that being forbidden by the County Law — Exonerated Isaac R. Jones collector from $90.20 uncol lectable Taxes. Reed of Elihu Hawkins Ten Dollars as Rent of New Pattersquash Island for one year. Resolved to adjourn to the second Tuesday in October. Entered by me Benjn. T. LIutchinson Town Clerk. Page 248. Trustee Meeting. October 11th 1864 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle president Thomas J. Ellison, Josiah II. Bishop, D. Norton Robinson, Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock and Albert Terrell Trustees. Resolved to Lease to Walter Hawkins for Five years Pelican Island in South Bay for Five Dollars per year to be paid on the 1st. of June in each year. Resolved to Lease to Diedrick Van Wiegen of Sayville for one year Ten acres of ground under water for laying down oysters lying on the South of Joshua Benjamin's lots BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 229 near the mouth of Nicoll's river the bounds to be fixed by buoys — the consideration Ten Dollars in advance the lease to extend to 1st October 1865 — Also Leased for one year from 1st Oct. to Seymour Ketcham of Patchogue Two acres of ground under water in the South Bay lying on the west of ground leased to Charles Mott and Wm Avery for Two Dollars — for plant ing oysters — bounds to be fixed by buoys — Also Leased for one year from 1st Oct. to Freeman Still- man one acre of ground under water in the South Bay lying in front of his house at Bluepoint^ — for planting oysters — bounds to be fixed by buoys — the consideration one dollar in advance — Also Leased to John Munsell for one year from 1st of October one acre of ground under water in South Bay at foot of Munsell's landing to be fixed by buoys — considera tion one dollar in advance Also Leased to Edward Dayton of Patchogue for one year from 1st October Two acres of ground under water in South Bay on the east side of and adjoining to the grounds lately leased to Alfred Mott — bounds to be fixed by buoys — consideration Two Dollars in advance all these lots being leased for the purpose of planting oysters — Resolved to adjourn to first Tuesday in Nov'r Recorded by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 249. Trustee Meeting Nov'r 1st 1864. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle President, D. Norton Robinson, Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock, Josiah H. Bishop and Albert Terrell Trus tees. Renewed to Isaac 0. Skinner & Co his lease of Twenty 230 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. nine acres near the mouth of Great River and leased to them Seven acres adjoining on the South side of the said 29 acres making in the whole Thirty six acres for the term of Two years at Thirty six Dollars per year in advance (Note $36 paid) Adjourned to first Tuesday in December. Trustee Meeting . Deer. 6th 1864. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present. Tho's J. Ellison Trustee Reported that he had hired out the Eeling on Smith's Shore for Two years from Oct. 15, 1864 to Nelson Gerard of Fireplace for Fifteen Dollars per year to be paid Deer. 1st in each year — Note $15 paid — • East Bay Privilege — Ordered to renew the grant of Mathew E. Woodruff for Quanch Creek Island for Five years at Six Dollars per year- Ordered That Nathaniel Miller, George C. Campbell and Benjamin T. Hutchinson be a Committee to use all neces sary means to have the Military Roll of this Town made correct in all respects and that for this purpose said Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk be required to go immediately to Jamaica and make a copy of said roll. Granted to Elhson Bishop and Hiram Raynor a certain portion of land under water in East Bay to plant oysters also granted land for the same purpose to John P. Terry East Bay — leases to be given describing premises Adjourned to First Tuesday in Jany. 1865. Entered by me. B. T. Hutchinson clk Page 250. Trustee Meeting Jany. 3d 1865. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — paid BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 231 Bills and adjourned to the first Tuesday (7th day) of February. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Petition for Special Town Meeting To Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — You are hereby respectfully requested to call a Special Town Meeting to consider the propriety of raising money to furnish substitutes to persons of this Town to be drafted under the late call of the President, according to the pro visions of the act of the State Legislature — Mount Sinai Deer. 22d 1864. Louis A. Walker Theodore V. Davis Sylvester Turner ; Seth B. Worth John R. Hawkins Joel Davis Lewis Seaman Alonzo Homan Daniel A. Davis James M. Shute John P. Hutchinson Daniel W. Davis John H. Bezzons Freeholders of the Town of Brookhaven ' In obedience to the above Petition which was received by me Jany 2d 1865 I wrote notices for a Special Town Meet ing to be held at L. H. Davis' in Coram on Thursday Jany 12th and caused these notices to be put up on the 3d Jany at Coram, Patchogue, East Setauket, East Moriches, Yaphank and at my office, also 100 notices printed which were distributed about the Town — thus giving fully the 232 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 8 days notice required by law and the Special Town Meeting was held and the canvass will follow on the next page. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 251. Special Town Meeting Jany 12th 1865. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven having presided at a Special Town Meeting regularly called and held pursuant to public notice at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town on Thurs day the 12th day of January 1865 for the purpose of taking such measures as maybe deemed just and proper relative to raising money to procure volunteers in advance or for providing substitutes or relief for such as shall be drafted — hereby report the result of the said Special Town Meet ing — That an open Meeting was organized by the choice of George P. Mills as Chairman and Benjn. T. Hutchinson Secy, whereupon several different sums were proposed to be raised for substitutes and were voted down and a propo sition offered by J. W. Petty to authorise the committee to get the Substitutes to fill the quota of this Town without limit as to price was adopted and the meeting was adjourned — but before voting commenced another organization was made and Richd W. Smith chosen chairman & Benjn T. Hutchinson Secy, when it was voted to raise in the Town funds so as to pay for substitutes or volunteers as follows Five Hundred Dohars for 3 yrs — Four Hundred Dollars for 2 yrs and Three Hundred Dollars for one year — that George C. Campbell and George T. Osborn be the committee to borrow the funds and obtain the Substitutes or volunteers ^that the amount so borrowed — be raised by tax this year and be paid as soon as such funds so raised shall be received by the Supervisor — all these resolves as to funds substitutes BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 233 &c. to be subject to the decision of the acts of the Legis lature relative to Bounties &c. The Poll was then opened and we report that Two LIun dred eighteen votes were polled — of which One Hundred and ninety seven votes were given for Five Hundred Dollars for Substitute or volunteer for three years. Four Hundred Dollars for Substitute or volunteer for two years — Three Hundred Dollars for Substitute or volunteer for one year — Five votes for $300 for 1—2— or 3 years Five votes for $300 for 3 $200 for 2, $100 for 1 yr. Page 252. Two votes for $300 for Substitute Four votes for $100 per year Two votes for $000 One vote for $600 for 3— $200 for 2 $100 for 1 yr. One vote for $300 for 3 years One vote for $300 for 1 year or 3 years. We certify the above to be a correct report of the result of the Special Town Meeting held this 12tli day of Januarv 1865. Oran W. Rogers ] Entered by me Walter Dickerson [ Justices Benjn T. Hutchinson J. G. Wilbur [ of the Peace Town Clerk Lester Davis J Trustee Meeting Feby. 7th 1865. Trustees rhet pursuant to adjournment all present. Resolved To Grant to Henry Brown & others Twelve Acres of Oyster Ground for one year for twelve dollars — 334 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. lying on the west of lots of Joshua Benjamin & Van Wyen near Great River — Leased to Jonas Mills Inshore Ridge for Five years for Eight dollars & fifty cents per year — Leased to Jeremiah Robinson Fiddleton Island for three years for Six Dollars per year. Leased to Hallock Bishop Two acres on the East side of lot leased to Ellison Bishop and Hiram Raynor in the East Bay near Centre Moriches for Three years at Two Dollars per year — Settled with Geo. W. Smith Oyster Agent — he reports that Egbert T. Smith is to be responsible for 16 men who oyster in East Bay at One Dollar each for the season — Agreed that Geo. W. Smith be Oyster Agent the ensuing year on the same terms as heretofore — Ordered that the Toleration fee for Oystering in either one of the South Bays shall be One Dollar if paid before the first of May 1865 and after that date One Dollar and twenty five cents for the year commencing March 1st 1865 — Adjourned to first Tuesday 7th day of March next. Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 263. Trustee Meeting. » March 7th 1865. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Ordered that the child of James Downs who is in the army as a volunteer be allowed Seventy five cents per week from this date until further order — Ordered that James Carman (cold) who is sick be allowed .Fifty cents per week from 7th Feby. till further order. Leased to William Risley of Setauket for the term of five years Two acres of ground under water at the head of Setauket Harbor called Woodhuh's Bay, in the channel at BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS." 235 Two dollars per year in advance — the bounds to be fixed by stakes — to lay down oysters. Leased to Samuel Carman Jr of Bellport for Five years Half an acre of Oyster Ground opposite his house the width of his houselot— at One Dollar per year in advance for the purpose of laying down and growing oysters — the bounds to be fixed by stakes — Resolved to adjourn to the first Tuesday 4th day of April next same time & place. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson^ Clerk Page 254. Transfer of Leased Ground at Port Jefferson — I, Henry Hallock of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New-york, the party men tioned in the within lease for and in the consideration of One Dollar to me in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby transfer to Robert W. Wheeler of the Town, County and State aforesaid and Joseph Ridgeway of South Amboy, county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey their heirs and assigns one half each, all my right title and interest in and under the within lease, and the building and improvements on property con veyed by said lease except such portion of the beach therein mentioned as lies West of a line drawn due north from the north west corner of the property this day conveyed to the same parties and which property lies on the South side of the Highway, said beach lot on the south In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this fourteenth day of January Eighteen hundred and sixty five Interlined before signed "to"^ Sealed & delivered in the Henry Hallock -r o presence of H. W. Swezey. E. Augusta Hallock 236 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. L Stamp 50 Suffolk County State of New York On this 14th day of January 1865 presonally ap peared before me Henry Hallock known to me per- L sonally to be the individual described in and who Stamp acknowledged the foregoing instrument and ac knowledged that he executed the same for the pur poses therein mentioned. H W. Swezey Notary Public. Recorded March 8th 1865. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk. Note — The above Transfer was written on a Lease from the Trustees of this Town to Henry Hallock dated July 3d 1861 and which is record ed in this Book on pages 159 & 160— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 255. Road Districts altered. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk do hereby order that the East part of Road District No. 17 shall be annexed to District No. 48 that is on the South Country road as far West as the East line of the land owned or occu pied by Charles Murray ; also including the Eastern part of Mastic as far West as the division lines between Henry Nicoll and Charles J. Smith including all the Inhabitants East of said lines also the Roads within said bounds in Dis trict No. 48 known as West Moriches District— and all that part of District No. 17 lying West of said Lines to be an nexed to District No. 18 known as South Haven District — District known as No. 17 to be annulled BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 337 John R. Mather 1 Commissioners Brookhaven John P. Mills v of March 21st 1865 Oliver P. Smith ) Highways Recorded March 25—1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson T. elk- New Road District Short Neck. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk Do hereby Order that Short Neck shall be set off from District No. 24 and Bounded as follows beginning at the main Country Road and run to the South Bay and the New Road leading to Blue Point and to Little Patchogue Creek and be known as No. 17 Seventeen. Brookhaven Oliver P. Smith ) Comm'rs March 21st 1865 John P. Mills i of Recorded March 25th 1866 John R. Mather ) Highways By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 256. Patchogue Lane Widened. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, all the Commis sioners having been duly notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose — having met at the Hotel of Austin Roe in the Village of Patchogue in said Town to decide upon the application of Edward Edwards, James S. Wright, George S. Raynor & John S. Llavens residents of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor thereon for the laying out or altering to the width of Three Rods the road hereinafter described, & Twelve reputable freeholders of the said Town convened and sworn, after public notice of Six days at three of the most public places of the Town according to law, having certified that such Highway is 338 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. necessary and proper, and the said Commissioners having caused notice in writing to be given to Charles R. Smith Hannah Gerard, Daniel Wicks, John Roe, William Roe, Elvira Hawkins, Amos Coley, Edward S. Mulford, Lewis Wicks & Aaron Newins occupants of the several lands ihrough which the road is to run (and who had not hereto fore released the right of way) at least three days before the time of meeting to decide upon the said application Do Order that a Public Highway Three Rods wide or that the Patchogue Lane now Thirty feet wide shall be altered to a Public Highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is so laid out pursuant to the said application (that is to say wherever the same does not run through a building) the centre whereof is the following described hne beginning at a Stone in the centre of the said lane (heretofore known as Patchogue Lane) near its intersection with the South Coun try Road, the said Stone being between the Store of W & J. E. Roe and the corner lot of Daniel Wicks and Hannah Gerard, and running to the South Bay according to the courses and distances laid down in a certain Survey and map thereof dated March 16th 1865 which said Map and Survey is hereto attached, incorporated and made a part of this order— Dated March 16th 1866— John P. Mills Oliver P. Smith Commissioners of Highways Recorded March 28th 1865 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Posted April 16th 1865 Page 257. Courses and Distance of Survey made by Justus Roe un der direction of commissioners 0. Perry Smith and John P. Mills of Patchogue Lane March 16th 1865 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 239 1 S. 19° 00' E —2630 from a Stone 1.22 from E. Fishel's Store 48 from W. & J. E. Roe's & 66 from a cannon N. side of South Country Road & Centre of Canaan Road to a point 19^ ft. E. of Elisha Ackeriy's N. E. gate post — 2. S. 19° 40' E. 756 to a point 20-S. ft E. of Edward Mulford's N. Oak Tree— 3. S 19° 30' E. 2448 to a point 17 ft. E. of A. Roe's Lane N. side 4. S. 19° 00' E. 726 to a point at turn of Lane 15^ ft E. of A. Roe's fence 46 ft. S. W. of J. Wood's house & 46 ft. N. W. of A. Swezey's house — 5. South 1006. to a point 17^ ft West of N. oak Tree fronting Oliver Wicks' house and 15^ from A. Roe's fence 6. S. 30' W. 1340 to a point 15 ft West of N. W corner of old house of — • 7 S. 2° 10' W. 332 to a point 36 ft S. W. of Micah Smith's house & 29 ft N. W. of Wm. Ackeriy's Store 8 S. 3° 40' W. 622 to Shore Recorded March 28th 1865 Posted April 16th 1865 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Map and Diagram with locations of Houses and fences laid down embraced with above Survey and all filed with the application, certificate, afft. of service of notice and order of commissioners filed March 2Sth 1865 also Release of land — Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk— 240 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 258. Patchogue Lane Release of Land. Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a Highway in said Town beginning at a Stone in the centre of the Patchogue Lane so called be tween the Store of Wm & J. E. Roe and the Store of E. T. Moore and running to the South Bay which proposed Highway will pass through the improved lands of the un dersigned, now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said Highway We do hereby release all claims to damages by reason thereof — Patchogue Oct 1—1863 — Austin Roe Smith Ruland H. P. Ryder William Akerly Smith L. Newins Saml A. Newins George Jennings Charles W. Baker George Wiggins John Ruland Edward Horton Nathan H Daniel Baker — Lewis B. Baker Moses Wicks Gilbert G. Horton Lewis Wicks Asa Nicholl John Millar Samuel C. Horton Daniel Israel Smith James Mapes Elisha Ackerly H. P. Wicks Charity Mulford Moses Marvin Willard Ruland Martin Mott Mary Swezey Sarah Petty David Rose James Mapes Epenetus Hendricksou Daniel T. Raynor Daniel G. Gerard Fishel & Brother Richard C. Howell Eliza Ann Biggs Andrew J. Smith Micah Smith Brown BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 241 Recorded March 28th 1865 by me Benjn T. Hutchinson See page 387. Town Clerk Page 259. Trustee Meeting April 4th 1865. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle President, Floyd Smith, Phihp Hallock, Tho's J. Ellison, Norton Robinson, Josiah Bishop and Albert Terrell Trustees. ' Granted to Seymour Ketcham Two acres of Oyster Ground in South Bay on the west side of Charles Mott's Lot bounds to be fixed from now until March 16th 1866 for Two Dollars — paid — Granted to Salem Corwin a parcel of land under water at Bellport in front of his house between the two water fences and running that width into the Bay Twelve Rods for laying down oysters, for five years at Three dollars per year in advance — bounds to be fixed by stakes — pd 1 yr — Granted to Lewis Baker Five acres of grovmd under water for laying down oysters, lying in South Bay between the Lots of Wm. Akerly and Alfred Mott the bounds to be fixed by buoys, from now until March 16th 1866 for Five Dollars. Granted to Munsell of Bellport a parcel of ground under water in South Bay for laying down oysters Ordered unanimously that our clerk Benjamin T. Hutchin son be paid the sum of Fifty Dollars for extra services freely rendered by him in behalf of the Town during the past year — Resolved That this Board having finished all business before them, now adjourn without day — Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk — 243 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Page 260. Town Meeting. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the Annual Election held this 4th day of April 1865 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town, the following officers were elected to the respective offices named — Supervisor Nathaniel Miher Justices of the Peace Jeremiah G. Wilbur 4 yrs David T. Hawkins 4 yrs John S. Lee for vacancy of 3 yrs. Assessors Edward A. Swezey 3 yrs Oliver P. Smith 3 yrs Commissioners of Highways Robert R. Smith — 3 yrs Town Clerk Benjamin T. LIutchinson Collector Benjamin T. Hutchinson President of Trustees Wilham H. Clai'k Trustees Floyd Smith Philip Hallock Manly Ruland Nathaniel Tuthill BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 343 Thomas J. Ellison John Ketcham Page 261. Overseers of the Poor. Floyd Smith John Ketcham Constables George W. Smith Walter Hawkins William Howell Sylvester Raynor Jehiel W. Randall John P. L'Hommedieu W^alter Smith Alfred Davis Inspectors of Election 1st District 3d District John M. Wilhamson Townsend V. Ketcham Wilham T. Llulse Richard T. Osborn William F. Smith app'd Parker S. Robinson app'd 2d District 4th District Sylvester D. Tuthill Edwin F. Preston Charles A. Davis John Post John J. Da-vis app'd Edward T. Moore appointed 5th District Alfred Davis George W. Ritch Davis Hammond app'd We certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct statement of the result of the election and canvass of said Annual Town Meeting — 244 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dated Brookhaven April 4th 1865 Oran W. Rogers Justices Entered by me Charles Price of the Ap. 4th 1865— Walter Dickerson Peace of Benjn T. Hutchinson Lester Davis Brookhaven Town Clerk. Page 262. Overseers of Highways. No. Residence 1 George Smith — S. Brook. 2 Paul N. Brown a 3 Joseph Tooker S. Setauket 4 Henry Wells Setauket 5 John R. Davis E. 6 Amasa Sturtevant N. E. " 7 Cyrus E. Griffing Port 8 Annulled — 9 Madison Ketcham Mt. Sinai 10 Edwin N. Miller M. Place 11 Joel Brown Rock Llollow 12 Nathl M. Tuthill W. W. River 13 Elisha Carter N. Manor 14 John L. Carter S. " 15 Thomas Reardon E. Moriches 16 Lyndley B. Tyler Seatuck 17 James B. Duff Short Neck 18 David T. Hawkins S. Haven 19 Samuel C Hawkins Fireplace 20 John Dann Bellport 21 Phinehas T. Robinson Union 22 Edward T. Moore Patchogue E. 23 Davis Baker Lane 24 John Ketcham W 25 George Clemence Bluepb 26 Charies W. Train Lakeville BROOKHAVEN TOVA'N RECORDS. 345 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu N. V. 28 Rii:liard 0. Howell a 29 Nelson Norton Selden 30 Joshua Overton Coram W. 31 Ham Smith Coram E. 32 Jacob Newton Rocky Pond 83 Mowbray W. Terry Farmingville 34 Llampton Overton Coram Hills 35 Franklin Overton M. I. W. . 36 Lester Ruland M. I. E. 37 Joseph N. LIurtin M. L S. 38 J. Robert Laws Millville 39 Isaac H. Robbins Yaphank ' 40 Jehiel W. Randall Ridge 41 James Homan E. Manor 42 Stephen S. Roe Swan River 43 Elbert J. Swezey Swczeytown 44 Ellison Bishop Centre Moriches 45 Clinton C. Ross " W. 46 Philip Hallock Rocky pt 47 John J. Woodhull Woodville 48 Wm. S. Howell W. Moriches 49 Walter Smith Old Field 50 Cha's E. Rooe Patchogue E 51 Henry Hawkins W. Bellport 52 Briant N. Overton W. Fireplace 63 Almerin Barnes E. of C. Moriches 54 John G. Barrett Waverly We hereby certify that the above named persons are duly elected as overseers of High ways this 4th day of April 1865. Charii 2S Price ] Justices Oran W. Rogers of the Walter Die kerson J- Peace Lester Davis \ of D. T. Hawkins J Brookhaven 346 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Entered by me Ap. 4 — 1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 263. Old Highways fixed at Middle Island. The undersigned. Commissioners of Highways of the Town Brookhaven, in the county of Suffolk all the com missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the office of B. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk to decide on the application of Horace G. Randall a resident of said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the straightening of a part of the Middle Country Road up the Hill near his house running partly across lands belonging to the Seven teenth School District, the majority of the inhabitants of said District consenting thereto, and also on the application of Lester Ruland, Benjn T. Hutchinson and others to fix and determine the Highways North and South and each side of District School House No. 17 contiguous to said Hill ; do Order that the said Middle Country Road by said Hill is heVeby altered so that the line of the North side thereof shall run from the Southwest corner post of said Horace G. Randall's garden west of his house South Sev enty two and three quarter degrees (72f °) West down the hill Five chains and Ninety seven links (5,97) to a Stone fixed as the centre of the Road leading North to Millers place — said hereby straightened Road being left as hereto fore of the width of four rods which is to extend Southerly from said North line, and for the privilege of so straighten ing said portion of Highway the said Horace G. Randall is to pay to the Trustees of said School District Seven and a half dollars — 2d as to the Highway from said Horace G. Randalls on the East side of said School House we find it encroached upon by the fence of said H. G. Randall and BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 347. after due attention to the records and the testimony we de termine that said portion of Highway shall be ascertained and described according to a survey made by us beginning at a stake two rods westerly from the end or south post at the Southwest corner of said Randall's lot adjoining the lands of Joseph W. Topping — then running North ten (10) degrees East Six chains Ninety five hnks (6,95) to another stake — thence runiring North twenty six and a quarter (26J°) degrees East to the centre of the above said Middle Page 264. Country Road as above altered — this line being the Centre of said highway which is to be four rods in width as here tofore laid out and recorded in Book B. page 365 — 3d We also determine the Highway on the west side of abovesaid School House making the same three rods in width and making the Easterly side of the same by Survey as follows — starting fifty nine links westerly of said Post at the Southwest corner of Llorace G. Randall's lot and run ning North Twenty and a half (204°) degrees West Two chains and fifty eight (2.58) links being then three rods easterly from a white oak tree and said line also striking the west of two Spanish oaks near the south end or junc tion of the two roads- — then continuing North one and a half (14°) degrees West two chains and eighteen (2.18) links that being three rods easterly from the South Barpost Southerly from L. Carpenter's Barn then North twenty four and a half (244°) degrees West two chains and thirty nine links (2.39) to the centre of the Middle Country Road as now fixed — said road being reserved in the Deed to the School District and also in the laying out of the Divisions of land on the South side of the Middle Country Road — and we find the same encroached upon at the North end by the old fence of the former owner of the land now in pos session of Latting Carpenter — 248 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 4th We also determine that the centre of the Highway running Northerly to . Millersplace shall be known and described according to a survey made by us as follows — starting fi-oni the stone that the North line of the Middle Country Road came down the Ilill to, as named in the first section of this order and running from said fixed Stone North thirty two (32°) degrees West Three chains and ninety eight hnks (3.98) to another fixed stone — then North twenty one (21°) degrees West one chain and fifty three links to another stone opposite the corner of H. G. Ran dall's pond lot, making this line thus far the centre line of said highway and we declare said Highway to be and remain four rods in width as recorded in Book B. page 361 & also page 365 and we find said highway is encroached on by the old fence made by the former owners of the farm now owned by Horace G. Randall ; and all Page 265. the parties whose fences encroach on the Highway as herein fixed and determined are to remove the same — all which we order to be recorded — Courses as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 20th day of May 1864— John P. Mills John R. Mather Recorded April 22d 1806 Posted May ilth 1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson, Clk — Commissioners of Highways Release of Land for alteration up the Hill. Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk have by an order dated this day altered the Highway at. the Hill North of our School House on the application of Horace G. Randall fixing the North line of said Highv/ay to start from the BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 349 Southwest post or corner of said Randall's garden and run South (72|°) West 5 chains and 97 hnks to a fixed Stone in the Centre of the Highway to Millersplace, and from said North line the said altered road is to extend four rods in width which will place part of it across the North end of the land belonging to our School District as a School House site — Now therefore in consideration of the sum of Seven and a half dollars received of said Horace G. Randall for whose convenience the said alteration was made, we the undersigned by and with the written consent of a great majority of the taxable inhabitants of this School District No. 17 — do hereby release to the Town for the said high way and for the repairing of the same, and for no other purpose so much of our District land as lies North of a line running Easterly from the East Barpost by L. Carpenter's Barn to a certain locust Tree standing in the corner of the lot and road Southwest of the house of said Llorace G. Randall, but it is with the understanding that the said North line is to remain where now fixed, and the present old track or road kept open even if in some places the pres ent space should be more than four rods in width — Given under our hands and sealed with our seals as Trus tees of School District number Seventeen in Ttfwn of Brookhaven this twenty first day of May 1864. Witness. George H. Hutchinson Joseph W. Topping L S ) ^^'g'S Joseph N. Hurtin L b j-^j^^. ^^^ j^_ Recorded June 17th 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson clk Page 266. Trustee Meeting May 2d 1865. Trustees met pursuant to notice present Wm. LI. Clark 350 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. President, Nathaniel Tuthill, Tho's J. Ellison, John Ketch am, Floyd Smith, Philip Hallock and Manly Ruland Trus tees — Granted to R Baby 40 acres of ground under water in the South Bay near the mouth of Great River and on the East side of Van Wyen's lots for Three years at Forty Dollars per year to be paid yearly in advance — the bounds to be fixed by stakes or buoys — Ordered that the child of Rockwell who was killed in the army be allowed Seventy five cents per week until further order — Ordered that Widow Betsey Homan who is both deaf and blind and who has heretofore been allowed one dollar per week be allowed one Dollar and fifty cents per week from this date until further order — Resolved to adjourn to the first Tuesday in June next — Benjn T. LIutchinson Clerk Page 267. Highway from Cumsawog South Surveyed — Whereas a road used as a highway in this Town of Brook- liaven leading from Port Jefferson to Coram was heretofore laid out by the commissioners of Highways of said Town but not sufficiently described ; Now therefore the under signed commissioners of Highways of the said Town ; all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose having met at Cumsawog Hill on said Road for the purpose of causing said Ro^d to be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having caused a Survey of the following portion of said Road to be made, do order that the said Road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey beginning on said Cumsawog Hill where the North Road called the upper Cart path from Setauket BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 351 to Oldmans crosses this said road at a stake as a centre — thence running as the needle now points 1 S. 314° E. 1. 47 2 S. 384° E. 5. 32 3 S. 254° E. 8. 51 4 S. 224° E. 7. 70 5 S. 124° E. 6. 73 to S. W. corner of R. W. Wheeler's land 6 S. 14° E. 4. 73 7 S. 124° E. 9. 03 8 S. 294 E. 8. 11 9- S. 42f E. 7. 71 10 S. 26i E. 13. 36 to Swezey's Wheat path often called Canaile Road 11 S. 204 E. 5. 58 12 S. 264 E. 11. 09 13 S. 424 E. 7. 67 14 S. 48| E. 13. 60 15 S. 39i E. 12. 25 to a stake And we order that the hne of said survey be the centre of said Road, and that the said Road be of the width of four rods — Given under our hands this 15th day of April 1864 — Oliver P. Smith 1 Commissioners John R. Mather V of John P. Mihs ) Highways Recorded May 10th 1865 Posted May 16th 1865 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 268. Bluepoint Lane Surveyed — Whereas a road leading from the South Country Road to the Bay at Bluepoint in the Town of Brookhaven now 252 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. used as a Highway was heretofore laid out by the commis sioners of the said Town but not sufficiently -described of record ; Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town, All of the said commissioners hav ing been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the sub ject of this order do order that said road be ascertained de scribed and entered of record in the Clerk's Office of said Town, according to a survey which has been made under our direction as follows ; beginning on the South side of the said South Country Road forty five (45) links westerly from the northwest corner of Wm. B. Arthur's store — -, thence running as the needle now points 1. S. 8i° E. 40. 90 to stake by Nelson Dane's gate 2. S. 9° E 13. 70 to a stake — the course from which stake to Jonas Mills' bound stone is S. 9|-° W. distance 48 hnks— and from said Stake to S. W. corner of Arthur's old house is N. 404° E. 70 links — 3. S. 28° E. 10. 45 4. S. 154° E 15. 85 to the Bay leaving E. S. Mihs' house 14 rods from this line — And we further order that the line of said Survey be the Centre of said road and that the said road be of the Avidth of three rods — Given under our hands this 12th day of April 1864— Oliver P. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather [ of John P. Mills j Highways Recorded May 10th 1865 Posted May 16th 1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 253 Page 269. Survey of tlighway at Stony Brook — Suffolk County Town of Brookhaven SS. Whereas a road leading from Stony Brook in the Town of Brookhaven towards Millspond in the Town of Smith- town near the house of Edward Seabury has been used as a Highway not only for twenty years now past but for a long term of years and as we judge laid out and recorded in the county clerk's office but not sufficiently described ; now therefore the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the said Town of Brookhaven ; all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the pur pose, on the application of Edward Seabury to define said Highway ; do order that said road be ascertained described and entered of record in the clerk's office of said Town, according to a Survey which has been made under our direction as follows ; beginning on the west side of the said Highway at the line dividing the lands of Wm. Longbotham from those of Wm. S. Williamson northerly from the house of said Seabury at a stake in the fence as the fence now stands, thence running as the needle now points 1 South 34° East 1 chain by and with the fence E. 2 " Encroachment 19J feet E. 1 " do 24iV feet E. 2.22 to a stake in the fence as it now stands And we further order that the line of said Survey be the West line of said road, and that said road be of the width of Four rods — Given under our hands this 6th day of March 1865 — Oliver P. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather V .of John P. Mills ) Highways 2 ii 254° 3 a 17f° 4 Cl 10° 254 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded May 10th 1865 Posted May i6th 1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 270. Highway Laid out — North of Coram — The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, all the com missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of L. Smith Still in said Town to decide on the application of said L. Smith Still a resident of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the laying out of the road hereinafter described, which road runs through his lands and he consents to the same without claim of damages ; do order that a public Highway Three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said applica tion, the Centre whereof is the following described line viz ; Beginning at the centre of the Llighway leading from Coram to Port Jefferson at a Stake 81 links N. 47i° W. from the N. W. Corner of said Still's barn — thence run ning as the needle now points N. 26^° E — 55 chains to the wagon path in front of Mr Gibbs' house — it being the course of the road now there and said Course being direct to the S. W. Corner of the said Mr Gibbs' house^ Given under our hands this 19th day of November 1864— Oliver P. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather >- of John P. Mills ) Llighways Recorded May 10th 1865 Posted May i6th 1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Release of land for above Highway. A highway having been laid out on the day of the date BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 255 hereof by the commissioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk on my application and through my lands commencing near my Barn and running as the road now goes 66 chains to the wagon path in front of Mr Gibbs' house — said road being Three rods in width —Now therefore know all men by these presents that I the said L. S. Still for and in consideration of the convenience of said highway, do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening the said highway — Witness my hand and seal this 19th day of Novr 1864 In presence of L. Smith Still L S Recorded May 10th 1866 Benjn. T. Hutchinson clk Page 271. Trustee Meeting. June 6th 1865 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — ordered that Mrs Eliphalet Smith be allowed fifty cents per week from' May 2d last until further order — Ordered that Sarah Jennings a town pauper be allowed Seventy five cents per week for her maintenance during her absence from the Town Alms House — Resolved To Lease to John Y^arrington & others Twelve acres of Oyster Ground in South Bay near Sayville for Three years at Twelve Dollars per year in advance said ground lying on the East side of Wm. Green's lots and South side of Edward Edwards' lots the bounds to be fixed. — Also leased to John Furman of Patchogue Twenty acres in South Bay near Flat Beach for Ten Years at Twenty Dollars per year in advance bounds to be fixed by stakes — ¦ also Resolved to Lease to Richard Silsby, Alfred Mott and Joel Furman their respective oyster Lots again at one Dohar per Acre in advance also to renew Lease to Wm. 256 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Akerly & Charles Mott for the term of Five years at Eight Dollars per year in advance Resolved that all persons are forbid to take sand, gravel or stones from the Shores or beaches of this Town without due authority from the Trustees and we hereby authorize Thomas S. Strong attorney and counsellor of the Town to take such measures as shall be necessary to protect the rights of the Town in the premises — Resolved That all grants, appointments or powers of attorney to any agents or other persons to sell or take sand gravel or stone on or from the shores of this Town hereto fore made, are hereby revoked and annulled no pay or re turn having been made to the Town by them last three years. And whereas the first Tuesday in July comes on the an niversary of our National Independence resolved to adjourn to meet on Wednesday the 6tli of July at Coram at the usual hour of 9 a.m. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk Page 272. Trustee Meeting. July 5th 1865 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm Henry Clark President, John Ketcham, Tho's J. Ellison, Nath'l Tuttle, Mai ly Ruland, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees — Resolved That the suits commenced for taking Oyster Spawns in the South Bay during the season of Oystering shall be dropped so far as they relate to such persons as hire Oyster Lots of the Town and have put the spawn taken on their said lots ; the purpose for which said lots were hired of the Town being for the purpose of planting and growing oysters — Resolved That whereas since our last meeting Silas Ho- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 257 man of South Haven who has held the office of Trustee, overseer of the Poor assessor, Justice of the Peace, and President of the Board of Trustees ; has departed this life ; this Board would join our testimony with that of the pubhc generally to the fidelity and integrity of the departed both as an officer and a man, and would mingle our sympathies with the bereaved friends of the deceased — Resolved That the clerk enter this token of respect to the departed former member of this Board in the Town Records and send a copy thereof to the widow of the de ceased — Adjourned to the first Tuesday (1st) of August next — same hour and place — Entered by me, Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 273. Trustee Meeting August 1st 1865 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. IL Clark prest. Tho's J. Ellison, John Ketcham, Manly Ru land, Nathaniel Tuttle, Floyd Smith and Philip Hallock Trustees — Floyd Smith Trustee reported that he had hired out the Old Field Shore to Oran W. Rogers for one year from 20th June 1865 for Twenty Dollars payable Oct. 1st next — Granted to Isaac C Skinner cfe Co. Ten acres more ad joining their present Oyster Lots for one year from 1st Novr. next for Ten Dollars. Granted to Cornelius D. Wall of Sayville Twenty acres East side of lots leased by John Yarrington and Chas L. Raynor for Thi'ee years from date for Twenty Dollars per year in advance — bounds to be fixed by buoys or stakes — Granted to Clark Smith of Bluepoint Six acres opposite the farm of Wm Smith at Bluept. for Thi'ee years from date at Six Dollars per year in advance the bounds to be 258 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. fi.Kcd by John Ketcham Trustee — The lots granted for planting oysters. Ordered That Mrs Griswold be ahowed a dollar and a half per week instead of 76 cts from July 5th until further order — Ordered That Hannah Brown a former pauper be again allowed a dollar per week from until further order — Ordered That Jerusha (Jonklin and three children be allowed a dollar and a half per week from now until further order — On account of County Court commencing on Tuesday Resolved to adjourn to first Monday (4th day) of Septem ber next — Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 274. Survey of Highway across Ct. River at S. Haven The commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brook haven having been called by Cha's J. Smith and others to define the Highway across Connecticut River below Samuel Carman's Mill ; known as the South Country Road in its lawful width and proper hmits met at the house of Samuel Carman Esq of South Haven on the 13tli day of July 1865 and located and defined the said Road across the River as follows (all the commrs of said Brookhaven Town being present) Starting at a stake in the centre of the South Country Road on the East side of the River near the house of Jeremiah Glover and running as follows — The South East corner of Jeremiah Glover's house bears from the abovementioned stake North Eighteen degrees East one chain and forty one Links — First course is South Eighty two degrees West one chain and seventy six Links — Second course is South Sixty three and a half degrees West Three chains and fifty links — Third course is South Fifty five and a half degrees West Three chains and Seventy links to a BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 259 stake in the centre of the Highway on the west side of the River, it being the point at which Nathaniel Miller's sur vey of the South Country Road ended, which survey was made Augt 27th 1858 and recorded in Book E. page 107. Recapitulation of Courses and Distances — 1st Course S. 82° W 1 ch 76 L. Bearing of S. E. corner of Jeremiah Glover's house from starting point is N. 18°E. Ich. 41 L. 2d a s. 634° W 3 ch 50 L, 3d a s. 654° W. 3 ch 70 L, The above courses being magnetic as the needle now points without allowing variation and the said locations courses and distances are to denote the centre of said High way known as the South Country Road — We also declare this road to be of the width of four Rods — Given under our hands to be recorded in the Town clerk's office this 1st day of Sept. 1865. Recorded Sept 1st 1865 Robt R. Smith ) Commrs Posted Sept 4—1865 Oliver P. Smith V of Benjn T. Hutchinson John R. Mather ) Highways Clerk Page 275. Trustee Meeting Sept. 4th 1866 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present. Wm. H. Clark Prest. Tho's J. Ellison, John Ketcham Manly Ru land, Nathaniel Tuttle, Floyd Smith and Philip Hahock Trustees — Ordered That the sum of Four Thousand Dollars be raised by Tax in this Town for the support of the Poor for the ensuing year — 2G0 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ordered That the sum of Twenty one Thousand one Hundred and Twenty Dollars be raised by Tax in this Town this year to pay the interest and that part of the principal of the Bounty Bonds of this Town which becomes due next March Resolved that whereas the dark Smith of Bluepoint to whom on the application of John Ketcham this Board at our last meeting consented to lease Six acres of ground for planting oysters proves to be one Clark Smith of the Town of Islip who has lately brought suits in behalf of himself and the overseers of the Poor of said Town of Islip against our oystermen who have our Permits to take oysters and have hired Oyster Lots of us, because they had small oysters on their Boats which they intended to put on their said Lots, that being the purpose for which we have hired out the Lots during the last Thirteen years without complaint ; Therefore be it ordered that said consent to grant oyster ground to said Clark Smith be rescinded and the resolution cancelled no payment having been made, ground measured or possession in any way given, and the Board not knowing that the application made in behalf of Clark Smith of Blue- point in this Town was intended for the said Clark Smith of Islip ; for we would not knowingly lease to said Clark Smith oyster ground for him to use in the same way for which he has complained of our oystermen for doing ; our object being to protect our Oystermen in the enjoyment of the privileges granted them in their Leases — Resolved that while this Board has never granted any special permits to any person to take the eggs of oysters properly called spawn — nor have Page 276. ever intended any small oysters to be taken out of the Town to be planted, — nor do we permit dredging, — ^yet we have ever intended by our Leases of Lots to permit such persons as hired them and paid for permits to take Oysters BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 261 to take and plant on their said lots such sized Oysters as they deemed best ; ever considering that Oystermen as well as our Townsmen generally are all interested in the preser vation of our oysters ; and we deprecate the principle that residents of other Towns should by wrong application of words get fines out of our oystermen for the benefit of their Town, under the pretense of protecting our own oysters in our own waters ; And we hereby Resolve that all persons who hire Lots of us and pay the Toleration for oystering shall have our full permission to take small oysters some times called Spawns, to put on said Leased Lots during the season of oystering. And this Resolution is intended to embrace not only the person or persons named in the Leases or grants from the Town but also their associates and partners in the privileges of, and the payments for said Leases — Resolved to Lease to Wm. H. Andrews of Patchogue Two acres of Ground under water in South Bay on the west side of John Jones' Lots for one year from this day for two Dollars — said ground being leased for planting' oysters — Also to Lease to Richard Silsby six acres which he now occupies as referred to in the proceedings of our July meet ing — lying on the East of Edward Dayton's Oyster Lot — for the term of Three years from the 25th of this month when his former lease expires — for Six Dollars per year in advance — These Lots being leased for planting oysters — ¦ Adjourned to second Tuesday 10th day of October Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 277. Election Districts altered & divided — At a meeting of the Board of Town officers held accord ing to law at the Town Clerk's this 2d day of October 1865 present Nathaniel Miller Supervisor, Benjamin T. Hutchin- 263 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. son Clerk, Nehemiah Hand, Lewis Davis Oliver P. Smith, William Murdock, Wm. E. Gould and Edward A. Swezey assessors Ordered that the Division Line between Election Dis trict No. 3 and the District heretofore known as No. 5 be so altered as instead of the Yaphank line, to make the Highway called the Hay Road the Division Boundary between said Districts, so that hereafter the Western Boundary of District No. 3 will follow the Yaphank line North to the Rail Road — thence Easterly by and with the Rail Road to the said Hay Road thence Northerly by and with said Hay Road to the Middle Country Road or old Post Road — Also it is hereby Ordered that Election District No. (4) Four be divided into Two Districts making Overton's Brook in Union street and a North line from the head thereof to the Rail Road the Division Boundary between said Two Districts so that the part of said former District No. 4 lying East of said Brook and line shall constitute one District to be known as No. (4) Four — and that part of said former District lying west of said Brook and line shall constitute another District and be known as Election District No. (6) Five — and we order that the District formerly known as No. (6) Five be known hereafter as Election District No. (6) Six and extend Easterly as above altered to the Hay Road and in other respects to follow its former bounds — Dated at Brookhaven Oct. 2d 1865 — Nathaniel Miller Supervisor Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Entered Oct. 2d 1865 Nehemiah Hand Benjn. T. Hutchinson Lewis Davis Town Clerk Oliver P. Smith Wm. Murdock Wm Edgar Gould Edward A. Swezey - Assessors To take effect after the next General Election. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 363 Page 278. Trustee Meeting Oct. 10th 1865— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present, Nathaniel Tuttle, Tho's J. Ellison John Ketcham, Floyd Smith, Philip Hahock, and Manly Ruland Trustees — Ordered That Manly Ruland Trustee may pay to Mrs. John W. Smith and her sister Twenty five Dollars pro vided they will agree to support the child of said John W. Smith now in their charge and keep the Town free and clear from any farther charge for the same — Resolved To lease the following lots or parcels of ground under water to the persons named for the purpose of plant ing Oysters for the terms specified — To Brewster H. Jayne Three acres at the head of Port Jefferson Bay running from Jones' Dock westerly towards the House of John E. Macy — at Three Dollars per year in advance for Five years bounds to be fixed by Floyd Smith Trustee — $3 for 1 yr paid — To Cornelius Dewall and Gabriel Devvall of Sayville Twenty acres near Great River and Greenspoint bounded on the Southeast by R. Baby's lots at Twenty Dollars per year in advance for Three years — To Wm. Sharp, Joseph Vanspoor, Leonard Vanspoor and Leonard Van Houden Sixteen acres bounded Southeast by the last above named, at Sixteen Dollars per year in advance for Three years — To Jacob Ockers and Gabriel De Wall Sixteen acres bounded on the Southeast by the last above-named at Six teen Dollars per year in advance for Three years — To Richard W. Rhodes and Nicholas L. Rhodes Twenty acres near Great River lying on the North of Isaac C. Skinner's Lots, for Twenty Dollars per year in advance for Three years — To Win. 0. Smith, Henry Ockers, James Tredwell and 264 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Josiah Smith Eighteen acres near Great River and Greens- point starting from a fixed stake Southeast of (jreenspoint and running Southeast Forty Rods and being Seventy two rods wide for Eighteen Dollars per year in advance for Three years — ^ Page 279. To John Seaman and Henry Ingraham Eight acres in Brown's Cove opposite the creek for Eight Dollars per year for Three years — To Hiram Swezey Two acres East side of Swan River at Two Dollars per year in advance for Three years — To Erastus Gordon Six acres East side of Swan River at Six Dollars per year in advance for Three years — The other bounds of all these lots in the Great South Bay to be fixed by John Ketcham Trustee by stakes or buoys and to be kept fixed by the respective owners — Also leased to John Padmus, Isaac Green Samuel Jacox, Jerome Downs, William Sharp, George Morris, Daniel Howell, John Hicks, Tyler Hawkins, and Warren Hawkins, of Islip Thirty Three acres in Browns Cove in the Great South Bay at Thirty Three Dollars per year — for Three years — Bounds to be fixed by John Ketcham — Also leased to Wm. Smith, J. Smith, Caleb Edwards Henry E. Rose, Charles Terry, John Terry, .and Morris Terry of Sayville in Islip Twenty six acres in South 'Bay near Sayville — Bounds to be fixed by John Ketcham Trus tee for Twenty six Dollars per year for Three years — Adjourned to second Tuesday 14th day of Novr. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 280. Road and Landing at East Setauket.. Whereas a Landing place on the East side of the Creek at East Setauket extending from the water fence of Selah BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 265 Strong as far as the great Rock eastward of Ward's Point and the Highway leading thereunto to be in the usual way, was laid out by the commissioners of Suffolk County in 1716 and recorded in Suffolk County Record of Deeds in Book A. page 143 but not sufficiently described ; and whereas the continuation of this Road Eastward from said Rock to Micah Jayne's point has been used as. a public highway not only for the Twenty years required but for Fifty years as set forth in the application of Micah Jayne and others and by the certificate of twelve freeholders duly sworn both of which are herewith filed, but this part of said road not recorded ; Ndw, therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk in which Town said Road is situ ated, all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, and having met on the premises for the purpose of causing the whole of said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having caused a survey of the said Road to be made do Order that the said Road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, beginning where the action of the commis sioners on the 7th day of July 1829 as recorded in Town Record Book D. page 241, ended, which was about Seven rods North of the house then of David Cleaves now of Carlton Jayne — starting. at a point in the centre of the Road near the house of Capt. Brewster Hawkins the Southwest corner of the large part of which house bears from said point North twenty two degrees East Seventy seven links — thence running the following courses and distances viz. 1st Course N. 344° W. 1 ch 95 L. 2d " N. 404° W. 1 " 3d " N. 23 W. 3 " 4 " N. 14f W. 2 " 74 5 " N. 4 W. - " 63 6 " N. 29f E. 3 " 20 266 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 281. 7th Course N. 56° E. N. 474° E. 9" " N. 321° E. 3 10" " N. 33° E. 1 11" " N. 454° E. 1 12" ' N. 61° E. 2. 13" ' N. 684° E. 4. 14" ' N. 524° E. 3. 15" ' N. 62° E. 1. 16" ' ' N. 824° E. 1. : ch. 39 Links " 38 to a point from which the South west cor ner of Wm. Bacon's shed bears N. 48f° W. 20 feet 2 inches — 24 — 18 — 75 9020 — 91 — 69 17 to a large stone on Micah Jayne's point the bearing of the centre of which is N. 274° W. and ten links to the south side thereof — the said line to be the centre of the Road — and in accordance with the 121st Section of the Llighway Law we order said Highway to be opened to the width of Two Rods at least said courses being magnetic as the needle now points — And whereas this Road runs in front of the Ship-yards of Nehemiah Hand, Wm. Bacon, and David B. Bayles and the owners of said ship-yards having been in the prac tice of launching their vessels across said highway, we hereby consent that the owners of Ship-yards shall have the privilege to launch their vessels across said highway and to have a reasonable time to do so, but at no other time to encroach upon or encumber said road — Given under our hands this 10th day of October A.D. 1865— Robt R. Smith Oliver P. Smith John R. Mather Commissioners of Highways— BROOKH.WEN TOAVN EECORDS. 267 Recorded October 31st 1865 Posted Nov'r 14th 1865. By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Nole. For Record of 1839~see Book D. page 341— B. T. H— Clerk- Page 282. Highway from Port Jefferson toward Mt. Sinai. The commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven having been called by Jeremiah Bennett who is liable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town to define the bounds of a portion of the ancient Highway leading from Port Jefferson to Mt. Sinai between the lands of Benjn. Conklin Payne and Jeremiah Bennett, met on the said road on the 8tli of September 1865 all the comm'rs having had notice, and after due deliberation declared the centre of the road to be as follows — Starting at a point in the junction of Chrystal Brook Hollow and Port Jefferson Roads which bears from a large Red oak Tree South Eighty six & three quarter degrees East Twelve Links and running 1st course North 104° East 0 ch. 96 Links 2d " N. 294° E. 1 " 29 " 3d " N. 504° E. 1 " 44 " The South cor- ner of colored Bartlett Conklin's well bears from this point North twelve and a quarter degrees West one chain and sixty eight links. 4th course N. 66|° E. 1 ch. 93 Links 5th " N. 78° E. 2 " 35 " 6 " N. 58° E. 2 " 98 " 7 " N. 80i E. 7 " 15 " to a point in the cen tre of the Road opposite the North East corner of the Douglass property owned by Jeremiah Bennett. The said courses being magnetic as the needle now points without allowing variation, and the said locations courses and dis- 368 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. tances are to denote the centre of the said Highway — and we order the same recorded as such centre of said ancient Highway which ancient highway appears to have been Four Rods wide by Town Records of the same — Given under our hands this 24th day of Oct. 1865 — Robt R. Smith I ^''"if'' John R. Mather J jjigi^^^.^^ Recorded October 31st 1865 Posted Nov'r 14th 1866 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Note— For old Record see Old Book C. pages 101 & 139— B. T. H. clerk. Page 283. Highway at Setauket Surveyed — from Methodist church to Wm. R. Satterly's The commissioners of Llighways of the Town of Brook haven having been called by Thomas Rowland and other persons liable to be assessed for highway labor in Brook haven Town, to define the bounds of a portion of the ancient Llighway known as the Town Road leading from Setauket to Coram, met on the said Town Road at Setauket on the twenty first of August A.D. 1865, and after due delibera tion declared the road to run as fohows viz. Starting at a point in the centre of said Road which bears from the Northeast corner of the Yellow Methodist church North forty nine degrees East one chain and Twenty three Links (N. 49° E. 1 ch. 23 L.) and running as follows 1st course South 26° East 2 ch. 87 L. — from this point a large Cedar Tree in the corner of Capt. Walter Jones' field bears N. 564° E. 50 L. 2d " South 404° East 2 ch. 15 L. 3d " S. 44° E. 4 " .9 " 4th " S. 414° E. 2 " 52 " BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 269 L. from this point the Floyd Smith's well the west side of the 5 course S. 384° E. 3 ch. 00 6 S. 274° E. 4 " .7 7 S. 244 E. 2 " 4 centre of Robt. Dyckes' and bears N. 60° E. 50 hnks to Well-curb. 8 Course South 294° E. 6 ch. 23 L. 9 S. 324° E. 4 " 10 L. 10 S. 474° E. 1 " 48 L. 11 S. 75° E. 4 " 73 L. 12 S. 664 E. 2 " 41 L. to a point in the junc tion of the said Town Road and the Road leading from the Harbor to Nassakeague — The North west corner of the house of Wm. R. Satteriy bears South Fifty Eight degrees East, Sixty five links (S. 58° E. 65 L.) from the last men tioned point — -Also declared this Road to be Four Rods wide as it is found to be by Records of the same — The said courses being magnetic as the needle now points, without allowing variation, and tho said locations, courses and dis tances are to denote the centre of the said ancient Highway, and we order the same recorded as such centre of said an cient Highway — Given under our hands this 24th day of October A.D. 1865 Robt R. Smith ) Commissioners Ohver P. Smith I of John R. Mather ) Highways Recorded Oct. 31st 1865 Posted Nov. 20th 1865 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 284. Special Town-Meeting and Trustee Meeting. At a Special Town Meeting held at the House of Lester H. Davis in Coram in the Town of Brookhaven to fill the 270 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. vacancy in the offices of Trustee and overseer of the Poor caused by the death of Floyd Smith— said Meeting being held this day according to legal notice, we certify that William Floyd Smith of said Town was duly elected to said offices to fill said vacancies — Dated Brookhaven Novr 14th 1865 Recorded Nov'r 14th 1865 .John S. Lee ) Justices of Benjn T. Hutchinson Lester Davis j the Peace. Clerk Trustee Meeting Nov. 14th 1865. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark Prest, Tho's J. Ellison, John Ketcham, Manly Ru land Nathl Tuthill, and Phihp Hallock Trustees and Wm. Floyd Smith present — Resolved That Wm. Floyd Smith be authorized to ad vertise and sell to the highest bidder the common land be longing to the Town, at or near the foot of Flax pond lane, and adjoining said Flax Pond and the Trustees will give a Quitclaim for the same. Leased to Charles Steins Three acres of Oyster Ground to be included in the Lease to & others Renewed Lease of Oyster Ground to James B. Duff and others for five years according to the conditions of' the Lease of 1863. Page 285. Whereas Floyd Smith of Setauket member of the Board of Trustees hath suddenly departed this life since our last meeting having died in the midst of his labors while in ap parent health on the 30th October ; and while the Town Records show that he was Inspector of Elections one year ; Collector eleven years ; assessor Six years ; and Trustee and overseer of the Poor Six years ; showing the estimation in which he was held by the pubhc, we take pleasure in BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 271 adding our high estimation of the departed both as to his fidelity and faithfulness as an officer, and his kindness and affability as a man, during his service as an associate mem ber of this Board — Resolved that while we regret the loss to the Town we would extend our sympathy to the widow and other be reaved relatives of the deceased- Resolved that in this token of respect for our late asso ciate, we all cordially unite, and order that it be recorded in the Town Records, and that a copy of the same with the Town Seal affixed be sent to his widow Wm. H. Clark President Nathaniel Tuttle Town Seal Manly Ruland Phihp Hallock Wm. Floyd Smith. John Ketcham Adjourned to first Tuesday in Dec'r Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 286. Trustee Meeting Deer. 5th 1865. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark Prest, Thomas J. Elhson, John Ketcham, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuthill, Philip Hallock and Wm. F. Smith Trustees — Resolved to lease to Carlton Jayne and James Howell a certain piece of land under water in Conscience Bay near Setauket for laying down and growing oysters for five years at three dollars per year — said ground lying between the lines and courses of the water fences of Vincent J. Dickerson & Wm. C. Tooker — the end bounds to be fixed by Wm. F. Smith so as to contain about three acres — $3 paid for 1 yr — 373 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. After receiving Rents & paying Bills adjourned to the first Tuesday in January next at same time and place — Recorded by me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk. Page 287. Jany. 2d 1866. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wm. H. Clark President, Tho's J. Ellison, John Ketcham, Manley Ruland, Nathl Tuttle, Phihp Hallock and Wm. F. Smith Trustees — Leased to Smith Conklin of Islip Six acres of ground under water in South Bay for Six years at Six dbllarsper year, for the purpose of planting oysters. Land near Green's point — bounds to be fixed. Leased to Willet Wicks, Forrest Smith, Wm Lynch George Smith, Edmund Wicks, Edward Gillette, Henry Gillette, & Isaac S. Gillette of Islip Twenty acres of Ground under water west side of Blue pt. in South Bay at Twenty Dollars per year for Three years from date for planting oysters — bounds to be fixed — Resolved that Capt Jonas Smith is hereby authorized to charge the following rates of wharfage at all his Docks at Stony Brook in this Town and beside said wharfage from the captain of each vessel the various sums for each and every article by thein received or discharged on or from his said docks as herein set forth in the annexed Schedule — All vessels of 50 tons & under 124 cts per day over 60 " & under 100 Ton S 19 cts per day over 100 " " " 150 a 25 u a over 150 " " " 250 i i 30 u 11 over 250 " " " 50 (( u Steamboats lying side of said wharf $1, .25 a a On each Barrel landed or taken off 2 cents " " Hogshead " " " 12 u BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 273 cents 1 ( ¦ ' as taken Loads of Goods as Boxes & packages " 15 Bricks per Thousand. " u 10 Lumber per Thousand. " " 15 Ashes per 100 Bushels " 124 Manure per Carman load ' ' - i t 1 on board Coal & other goods by the ton ii 124 Cattle as Cows, Oxen & Horses each " ( 1 15 Calves, Sheep & Lambs each " i t 2 Loads of Furniture each " * 1 15 Page 288. Chains, Anchors & other castings landed or taken off per cwt. 3 cts. Bars of Iron per Load 10 Hoop poles taken off said Docks per Load 10 Wood taken off per six feet cord. 6 Bales of Hay or Straw each 2 Loads of Straw or Hay 16 Ballasting Vessels off said Wharves from Two to Three Dollars, being governed by size of vessel & quantity taken The Trustees reserving the right of Landing or sending off articles belonging to the ccirporation of the Town of Brookhaven free from charge of wharfage Attest Wm H. Clark President Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Seal Town Clerk Page 289. Trustee Meeting. Feby 6th 1866. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Thos. J. Ellison, John Ketcham, Manly Ru- 274 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. land, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, and Wm. F. Smith Trustees Ordered that $1.25 per week be allowed from the 15th of January for keeping Norton Hawkins of West Moriches an orphan without sufficient means or faculties to provide for himself — Allowed $3 temporary aid to Sarah Smith Resolved That George W. Smith of Patchogue be con tinued as Oyster Agent another year from March 1st next with like authority as formerly to protect the Town's rights in the Great South Bay and that he be allowed Thirty per cent of the net proceeds of the Oyster Toleration money collected by him George W. Smith settled his acct. for the year & paid Fifty cents. Erastus Gordon paid Rent of Oyster Ground Six Dollars Jeremiah Robinson paid Rent of Fiddleton Island Six Dollars Jonas Mills paid Rent of Inshore Ridge — Eight & a half Dollars Paid Thos S. Strong for services as Counselor for the Board and Town for one year up to Novr. 1st 1865 Thirty Dollars — Paid Board of Trustees 7 at $2 each Fourteen Dollars Paid Clerk. 1 at $1.50 one Dollar & a half Walter Hawkins paid for Rent of Pelican Island one year Five Dollars. Adjourned to first Tuesday 6th day of March next at same place and hour as heretofore. Entered By me. Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 290. Highway Surveyed at New Village. Suffolk County ss. Whereas a road called Nicoll's Road or path was hereto- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 275 fore laid out by the commissioners and now used as a high way but not sufficiently described of record ; Now — there fore we the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the respective Towns of Brookhaven and Smithtown in said county, all the said commissioners of said Towns having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject of this order, do order that the following part of said Road Avhich is nearly on the line between said Towns be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the Clerk's office of our said Towns according to a survey which has been made by us as follows ; starting at a point on the South bound of the Middle Country Road near the house of Wm. Hawkins in New Village from which point the Southwest corner of the large part of said Wm. Hawkins' house bears North (52°) fifty two degrees East Two Chains and thirty five links — thence running S. 6° E. 13 ch. 75 L. to the North corner of Alfred Hawkins' land — thence S. 1° E. 8 ch. 70 L. to the centre of the old Sand Road which leads by the house of J. Foster Hallock westerly into the main road — then returning to the starting point and thence run ning N. 2° W. 7 ch— then N. 5° W. 7 ch. 75 L. opposite to the corner of J. Foster Hallock's woods — then N. 3° W. 7 ch.— then N. 64° W. 8 ch. 30. L. and being then opposite to J. Foster Hallock's gate or large white Oak Tree — And we further order that the line of said Survey be the centre of said road, and that said road so surveyed be the original width of two rods — and we further order and agree that the part of said Road South of the said Middle Country Road shall be worked by the Town of Brookhaven, and the part of said road North of said Middle Country Road shall be worked by the Town of Smithtown — -The courses of said survey being magnetic'without ahow- ing for variation — Given under our hands this 14th day of April AD. 1866 276 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Oliver P. Smith Robt. R. Smith Copy sent to Smithtown, B. T. H Nathl Smith William C. Lawrce Victor F. Smith Recorded Fcbv 17th 1866 Posted March "7th 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Commissioners of Brookhaven Commissioners of SmithtoAvn Page 291. Bin of Sale. Know all men by these presents that I, William H. Rob bins of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part for and in consid eration of the sum of One Hundred and Twenty Seven and yVtt dollars lawful money of the United States to me paid by Frederick F. Darling of the place aforesaid of the sec ond part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold and by these presents do grant and con vey unto the said party of the second part his executors, administrators and assigns my Black Smith Shop now standing on the land of Thomas B. Hawkins, to have and to hold the same unto the said party of the second part his executors, administrators and assigns forever — And I do for myself my heirs executors and administrators covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns to warrant and defend the sale of the said property hereby made unto the said party of the second part his executors administrators and assigns against all and every person and persons whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 277 this Twentieth day of January one thousand eight hundred Sixty six. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of William H. Robbins L.S. John Marvin Recorded February 26th 1866 By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 292. Trustee Meeting. March 6tli 1866. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark President, John Ketcham, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, and Wm. F. Smith Trustees. Resolved That the Toleration Fee for oystering in the Great South Bay west from Longpoint on the west side of the mouth of Connecticut River as far west as the Town right extends shall be $1. if paid before May 1st 1866 and $1.25 after that date for the year from March 1st 1866 to March 1st 1867 except the season prohibited from 1st June to 15th Sept. with the privilege of getting Oyster Shells during the same period, but not to trespass on the Lots leased or that may be leased to certain persons for the purpose of growing oysters ; and besides said Toleration Fee, each oysterman shall be required to labor faithfully two days during the season under Foremen or Captains to be chosen or appointed in each School District in the vicinity of the oystermen in taking and planting small oysters in the said Bay for the mutual benefit of the Town and the oystermen and the said captains shall report to the Town's agent George W. Smith the names of all who shall so labor, and those who do not so labor shall be required to pay Five Dollars Oyster Toleration Fee next year. Any person Oystering East of Long point must get an- 278 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. other permit paying another Dollar for the privilege — Also ordered that the time for taking and planting seed Oysters on the leased lots shall be the last fifteen days of May — All persons are strictly forbidden to take oysters or shells until they have paid their Toleration. Ordered that Sarah Smith be allowed $3.61 as temporary aid. Resolved That Nathaniel Miller Supervisor be authorized to extend the time of payment of Town Bounty Bonds (the parties agreeirrg to such extension) to such an amount as may be necessary to meet the deficiency arising from the still non-payment of the Tax due from the Setauket Bank for the year 1864. Resolved to give a quitclaim to Trustees of School Dis trict at East Setauket of a piece of land between forks of roads where the old" school house stands for the sum of Sixty five Dollars. Adjourned to first Tuesday 3d day of April. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 293. Order by Supervisors as to pay. The Board of Supervisors of the county of Suffolk, at a Special Meeting, held the 7th March 1866 passed the fol lowing preamble and resolution — Whereas it is desirable for Supervisors to make a uni form charge as much as possible for like services for receiv ing and disbursing Town and School monies and such other business as devolves upon them : It is therefore Resolved that the charge be for receiving and disbursing such moneys one per cent — and that the clerk of the Supervisors be instructed to send a copy to each Town clerk in the several Towns of the county. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 279 Upper Aquebogue B. F. Wells 10 March 1866 Clk. of Supervisors Recorded March 15th 1866. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Trustee Meeting. April 3d Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, present Wm. H. Clark President, Tho's J. Ehison, John Ketcham, Manly Ruland, Nathaniel Tuthill, Philip Hallock and Wm. F. Smith Trustees. After paying all bills presented, it was unanimously re solved that Benjn. T. Hutchinson our clerk be paid Fifty dollars for his extra services rendered the Town during the past year. Having during the past year paid all bills prop erly coming before our Board — and having aided the over seers of the Poor in the sum of $500 and having $66.55 on hand at the close of this meeting, and having done all from the income of the Bays, Docks, Railways &c without any tax on the people, we now having served our term out, adjourn without day. Entered By Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 294. Agreement for Road. This agreement made this the third day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty six between Jane Moger of the first part and Mary C. Seaman of the second part all of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County State of New York — the condition of this agreement is that at the time of the conveyance of the North part of the homestead at Fireplace to Chas. W. Pease there was a mutual understanding that a certain road on the North side of aforesaid granted premises should be exchanged for one of equal rights and privileges across the premises occupied 280 BROOKHAVEN TOWN 'RECORDS. by the party of the second part, now witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of a road or right of way with all the rights and privileges of the old road aforesaid adjoining the land of Hannah A. Homan to the South Country road, quitclaim & releases all right and title for herself & her heirs and assigns to the said old road. And the said party of the second part for the considera tion of the release of the old road aforesaid does hereby quitclaim unto the said party of the first part a road & right of way with all the rights & privileges of the aforesaid old road to the said party of the first part her heirs & assigns forever. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first and sec ond part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written. In presence of Jane Mosher L.S. Nathaniel Miher Mary C. Seaman L.S. Recorded March 26th 1866 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 295. ' Town Meeting. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Election held this 3d day of April 1866 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town, the following officers were elected to the respective offices named. For Supervisor Charles S. Havens For Justices of the Peace Lester Davis — 4 yrs Charles Price — 4 yrs BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 281 For Assessors Henry Wells — 3 yrs. Edmund W. Ruland — 3 yrs. Commissioner of Highways Ohver P. Smith Town Clerk Benjn. T. Hutchinson Collector Benjn. T. Hutchinson President of Trustees Wm. H. Clark Trustees Walter Dickerson Philip Hallock Nathailiel Tuthill Albert Terrell Thomas J. Elhson Edwin Bayley Overseer of the Poor. Edwin Bayley Walter Dickerson Constables George W. Smith Albert Terrell Walter Hawkins Isaac Bishop Walter Smith of Oldfield Charies Schryver Jehiel W. Randall Henry Carter 283 BROOKHAYEN TOAVN RECORDS. ' Page 296. Inspectors of Election. Wm. O. Gould ) Wm. T. Hulse V 1st District Wm. Floyd Smith appointed j Sylvester D. Tuthill ) Charles A. Davis >- 2d District John J. Davis appointed ) Austin Culver ) Rich'd T. Osborn V 3d District Lorenzo D. Vail appointed ) John Post ) Nathan Bartow > 4th District Joseph M. Shaw appointed ) Edward F. Preston ) Edwin Smith V 5th District John Ed. Roe appointed ) Wm. E. Gould ) Alfred Davis V 6th District Robert Hawkins appointed ) We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the result of the Election and Canvass of said annual Town Meeting. Dated Brookhaven April 3d 1866. J. W. Pehetreau Char'les Price Oran W. Rogers John S. Lee D. T. Hawkins Walter Dickerson Justices of the Peace of Brookhaven Entered by me Ap. 3d 1866. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 283 Page 297. Overseers of Highways. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk in accordance with the requirements of the Law passed April 21st 1865 do hereby appoint the following persons to the office and duties of overseers of Highways in the respective Road Districts of this Town to serve in and for the Road District the number of which is placed opposite each respective name to serve until next Town meeting or till others are appointed. No. Names of Overseers. 28 Richard 0. Howell 29 Nelson Norton 1 Edward Seabury 2 Paul N. Brown 3 Joseph Tooker 4 Henry Wells 5 Wm M. Smith 6 Nehemiah Band 7 Charles Schryver 8 Annulled 9 Daniel W. Davis 10 Edwin N. Miller 11 Amos Hallock 12 Daniel Howeh 13 Elisha Carter 14 John L. Carter 15 Austin Culver 16 Lyndley B. Tyler 17 Gilson Ruland 18 David T. Hawkins 19 Samuel C. Hawkins 20 Nelson Hawkins 21 Phinehas T. Robinson 22 Edward T. Moore 30 Michael P. Walker 31 Lester Davis 32 Jacob Newton 33 Thomas Terry 34 Hampton Overton 36 N. Nelson Munsell 36 Daniel Petty 37 Joseph N. Hurtin 38 Gilbert H. Swezey 39 Isaac H. Robbins 40 Jehiel W. Randall 41 Henry Corwin 42 David F. Conklin 43 Augustus Edwards 44 Josiah H. Bishop. 46 Sidney Penny 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill 47 James V. Woodhull 48 Wm. S. Howell 49 Walter Smith 384 BROOKHAA''EN TOWN RECORDS.. 23 Davis Baker 50 Edmund Hammond 24 Ricard Jennings 51 Isaac Lewis Overton 25 George Clemence 52 Cornelius Corson 26 Charles W. Train 63 Almerin Barnes 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 54 John G. Barrett Dated at Brookhaven Suffolk County this 6th day of April 1866— Robt. R.' Smith ) Comm'issioners Oliver P. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways Recorded Ap. 6th 1866— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 298. Location of Road at Hallock's Dock, Stony Brook. The subscribers a committee of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven have laid out the Highway mentioned in the renewal of the Grant to George Hallock of his wharf at Stony Brook dated the seventh day of March 1826 as follows. Commencing at the North east corner of the road at a cedar post in the fence on the west side of Zephaniah Hallock's garden, marked with three cuts and running (from) thence in a direct line Southerly to the fence, thence by and with the fence to the North west corner of the square lot so called to which place the road is three rods wide and the Northerly side is designated by stakes which they have set up, (from) thence the Southerly side winds around the said corner to a stake marked in the fence, (from) thence it runs westwardly to a cedar tree marked (from) thence to a marked chestnut stake in the fence, (from) thence westwardly with the fence to a marked post and (from) thence with the fence to a marked stake and (from) thence westwardly to a stake near the fence from thence crossing Eastwardly to a stake and (from) thence North Easterly four rods from the Southerly side as the BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 285 stakes are set up to the three rods road first above men tioned. Dated 16th May 1826. Thos. S. Strong Recorded April 14th 1866. Isaac Brewster Benjn T. Hutchinson clk. Survey of Llighway at Patchogue in 1834. Survey of the middle of the Coram Road from Patchogue towards Coram commencing at the Country Road between the house of Justus Roe and Brewster Woodhull's store, said road being three rods wide— by Thos. J. De Verell Surveyor under the direction of John S. Mount David Worth, and Samuel Hammond commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven they being duly notified. Starting from a stake on the North side of the said country road thence running North 27° East 1 ch to a stake 1 — 31 — Ich do 2 — 38 do 3 — 47 do 4 — 51 do 5 — 52 1 — do 6 — 56 1 — do 7 — 60 1 — do 8 — 624 ° - 9 — do 65 — 3 — do 68 — 2 — do 76 — 3 — do 63 — 2 — do 56 — 7 — do 40 — 9- do until it intersects the old Coram Road. David Worth ) Commissioners Saml Hammond f Highways Recorded Ap 14. 1866. Benjn T. Hutchi inson. Filed 31st October 1834. 286 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 299. Survey of Highway from Patchogue west. Survey of the North side of the Country Road from Justus Roe's tavern to David Reeve's near Islip East line by Thos. J. De Verell Surveyor under the direction of John S. Mount David Worth and Samuel Hammond commis sioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven duly notified. Starting from a certain stone on the North side of said road a short distance west of Brewster Woodhull's store thence running ch L. North 80° West 16. 00 to a certain Stake W. of Stephen Jaynes — 84° — 1. 00 — Daniel Haff's Factory 85 — 1. 00 — Hicks' Hat Factory 87— — 2. 00 — to the Brook — West. — 3. 00 across Brook to old House South 83 3. 00 a poplar tree 69 3. 00 a stake on the Hill 62 2. 00 widow Smith's House 53 2. 00 Kirby's house 48 2. 00 Middle Island Road 50 10. 00 Edge of Rockdale Pond 59 — 9. 00 Stake across the pond 65 2. 20 Stake against the house of E. Mills 72 5. 24 to a marked pine tree 74 4. 00 to a stake 61 4. 00 do. 41 4. 00 do 42— 4. 00 do 45 — 4. 00 do 43 — 4. 00 do 33 5. 00 do BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 287 39 3. 34 do 42 4. 00 do 47 3. 00 Morris Hart's house 51 4. 00 Purgatory Swamp 49 7. 00 Wm. Arthur's Hill 47 3. 00 to a stake 44 4. 00 a stake by David Reeve's door yard at the head of Bluepoint Road March 15th 1834. Filed 25 June 1834 David Worth ) commissioners Saml Hammond ° Recorded ApriLll 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson. Town clk Highways also approved June 13 — 1834 by Samuel Davis Jr ) Commissioners James R. Davis >- of Smith Rider ) Highways Page 300. Trustee Meeting May 1st 1866 The new Board of Trustees met pursuant to appointment and notice Present Wm. H. Clark president Thos. J. Elli son, Edwin Bailey, Nathaniel Tuttle, Albert Terrell, Philip Hallock and Walter Dickerson Trustees. Ordered That John Burke of Port Jefferson be allowed one dollar per week from April 16th till further order. Ordered That widow Eliza Carrol and three children be allowed Twelve Shillings (instead of one dollar) per week until further order. Ordered That the wife of John Dayton of Patchogue who is left in need be aided temporarily till next meeting. 388 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Resolved on the application of Lewis B. Baker of Pat chogue to grant to him the privilege to build, keep in re pair and control a Dock at the foot of Patchogue Lane, where Willet Griffing in 1849 had the privilege to build and keep for ten years, the said Baker to agree with said Griffing or the present owner for the use of whatever re mains of said old Dock— Said Baker to have a Lease for the said privilege of Dock for the term of Four years for the annual rent of Three dollars in advance from the day of 1866 and may build said Dock to extend One Hun dred & fifty — feet into the Bay and of the width of Thirty feet — Adjourned to the first Tuesday in June. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 301. Trustee Meeting May 29th 1866. By call of the President and three of the Trustees and due notice given to all the Trustees the Board of Trustees held a meeting this day instead of a week later to consider the application to extend the time of oystering and attend to the usual duties Present the whole Board Wm. LI. Clark President Thomas J. Ellison, Edwin Bailey, Nathaniel Tuthill, Albert Terrel, Phihp Hallock, and Walter Dicker- son. Resolved That the privilege of Oystering in the Great South Bay shall be extended to the fifteenth day of next month and that the Oystermen shall pay for this privilege Fifty cents each and that the Town Agent George W. Smith shall collect this additional toleration and also the regular yearly Toleration still unpaid at the same time, and that the toleration shall be paid to the agent on or before the sixth day of June next — Resolved to renew and extend the Oyster Lease of Ed- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 289 ward Edwards for 17 acres and the Lease of Isaac C. Skinner for 46 acres up to Jany 1st 1868 at the same yearly and proportional rate as named in their Leases. Ordered That in the resolution of March 6th last as to Oystermen working two days or paying $5 toleration the word " next" be altered to " this" so that those who fail to so work shall pay $5 this year for toleration according to the application and the notices given by the Town Agent — Ordered That John Raynor of Seatuck be allowed Fifty cents per week for keeping a child of his son Josiah Raynor deceased. Ordered that Twelve Shilhngs per week be allowed till further order to John Dayton's wife & child at Patchogue Ordered that widow Scudder Smith be allowed one dollar per week till further order — Ordered that one Dollar — per week be allowed for the keeping of the two children of Silas Tobias — On the application of Lewis A. Walker for a piece of Swamp land at Mt. Sinai, no one appearing to oppose after due notice it was Resolved to Quitclaim to him the North ern part of said Town land twelve rods in length on the highway for Thirty Five Dollars — retaining and reserving the three Springs for the public. Adjourned to first Tuesday in July 3d day. Entered by me — Benjn T. Hutchinson clk Page 302. Quitclaim Deed for Swamp land at Mt Sinai. This Indenture made the twenty ninth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty six Between The Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Lewis A. Walker of the same Town, County and State of the second part Witness- 390 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. eth That the said parties of the first part for and in consid eration of the sum of Thirty five Dollars lawful money of the United States of America, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and quitclaimed and by these presents do remise release and quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever All that certain northern portion of a piece of swamp land belonging to said Town, lying and being in the village of Mt. Sinai in said Town of Brookhaven, and on the west side of the main highway running on the east of Hawkins' Blacksmith shop to the shore or liarbor^ — said portion herein conveyed being a five sided piece twelve rods long on said highway — stopping at a rock so as to leave a piece sixty links in length in which are two springs south of this con veyed portion, which piece so left is reserved for the use of the public — then from said rock these premises hereby con veyed are to run westerly to the land late of Henry Hawkins deceased — and then Northwesterly by his said land to the meadow of Luther M. Satteriy — then by and with the said meadow as far as the town-land goes — and then Easterly to the highway — which said highway is to be left three rods in width as surveyed and recorded-^and whereas there is a spring within said three rods and about midway of the length of these premises on said llighway now fenced or guarded for the public convenience of getting water, said spring is not in any way to be hindered, stopped or en croached upon, nor the Springs at the South in the land re served — but all these Springs and said reserved common land are to be left unobstructed or hindered in any way, but are to remain free for the use and convenience of the public forever — The premises hereby conveyed contains about three eighths of an acre more or less together with BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 391 all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof — And also all the estate, right, title interest of their said Town and property posses sion claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity of the said parties Page 303. of the first part of in or to the above described premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances — To have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned and described premises, together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set the hand and seal the day and year first above written of their said Town and President of their Board. Sealed and delivered W. H. Clark President in the presence of Town Seal Dock to Lewis Baker. This Indenture made the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and sixty six Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Lewis Baker of fhe same Town of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the annual rent of Three dollars to be paid annually in each and every year in advance have granted and leased to the said Lewis Baker his heirs and assigns for the term of Four years from the date hereof one certain piece of land under water in the Great South Bay at the foot of the lane at Patchogue where Willett Griffing had in 1849 the privilege to have a Dock for ten years, said 292 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. hereby granted premises to extend into the Bay One huuT dred and fifty feet from high water mark and thirty feet wide, to have and to hold the same for the sole use and purpose of building a Dock thereon and keeping in repair the same for and during the above said term of time, the said Baker purchasing or making such arrangements as may bo just and proper of or with the said Willett Griffing or whoever may be the present owner of the Dock — materials now on the said Page 304. premises — and the said Trustees do covenant to and with the said party of the second part that they have good right to convey said premises, and that they and their successors in office will Defend the same in the peaceable possession of said Lessee his heirs and assigns during said term of time, for the purpose named herein, provided the said rent is so paid, hut in default of the payment of said rent an nually, the said premises are to revert again to the Town, and also at the expiration of the said Term to revert to the Town or the lease be renewed on such terms as may be agreed on by the party of the second part his heirs or assigns and the then Trustees. And the said Lewis Baker for himself his heirs and assigns doth covenant and agree to pay to the said Trustees or their successors in office the said sum of Three Dollars in advance annually during the said term of Four years for the said use of said premises. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the corporate Seal of the said Town of Brookhaven and the signature of their President to be hereto affixed, and the said party of the second part hath hereunto affixed his hand and seal the day and date first above named — Signed and Sealed in presence of W. H. Clark President Town Seal BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS, 293 Page 305. Survey of Road at East Moriches. Whereas the ancient Highway and Post Road on the South side of this Town running through East Moriches which was laid out and declared a public Highway in 1716 as appears by the records of Suffolk County, but not suffi ciently described. Now therefore the undersigned Commis sioners of the Town of Brookhaven in said county (all the commissioners having been notified to meet at the times here in mentioned on the premises) having there met on Sept. 4th 1865 and June 6th 1866 for the purpose of causing the fol lowing portion of said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and de scribed according to the said survey beginning at a point in the centre of the road which point bears from the S. W. corner of the large part of Joshua Terry's house S. 564° W. 1 ch. 87 L. also the centre of a large Oak Tree bears from said starting point N. 18° W. 49 L. then from said point 1st Course N. 2° E. 2ch. 78 L. 2 " N. 84° E. 5 " 23 " 3 N. 21° E 7 " 95 " — from this point the S. E. corner of Austin Culver's barn bears N. 614 W. 50 L. 4 N. 18| E. 11 "' 05 5 N. 13 E. 5 " 75 to a survey made by J. P. Mills & other commissioneis June 12th 1862— striking said survey on its first course 2 ch 84 L easterly from its starting point near the house of John Chatman — we in this survey having straightened the road some by arrangement between said Chatman and John 294 BROOKUAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Gould — the consent of said Gould being herewith filed — the said line to be the centre of the road which shall remain of the width of Four rods ; and it is further ordered that such parts of the present road as are not included in the above description and survey as herein located be and the same are hereby discontinued. Given under our hands this 6tli day of June 1866 — Robt. R Smith ) commissioners Ohver P. Smith V of John R. Mather) Llighways Recorded June 27th 1866 Posted June 30th 1866 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 306. Release of land for alteration in the preceeding Road. Whereas the commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven have seen proper and best for the public con venience to locate and straighten the old highway or Post Road opposite my land according to a survey made and dated this day which brings said road a little onto my land and further from the house of John Chatman ; now then in consideration of the value thereof received from said Chatman I hereby release all claim for damages from the Town for said highway being so located. East Moriches Brookhaven June 6th 1866 In presence of Austin Culver. John Gould L S Recorded June 27th 1866. Benjn. T. Hutchinson, clerk. Highway at Patchogue — from Neck to Neck. Damages fixed. Suffolk County Town of Brookhaven ss. We the undersigned Jurors, drawn, summoned and sworn BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 295 to assess the damages for laying out a Highway leading from the Patchogue Lane to the Short Neck road in pur suance of the order of Oliver P. Smith and Robt R. Smith comm'rs of Highways in & for the Town of Brookhaven bearing date May 25th 1866 having viewed the premises & heard the parties do hereby assess the damages aforesaid as follows to John Burk the sum of Seventy Six Dollars & Thirty Three cents —and to Allen & John Jones the sum of Twenty Dollars for damages sustained by them by reason of the laying out the said Highway. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 4tli day of June in the year 1866. above certified by James M. Terry Chas Price, Francis Edwards Justice of the Peace. Wm. T. Hawkins Orren Rose Recorded June 14tli 1866 — John R. Edwards Benjn. T. Hutchinson Warren Hawkins Clerk Page 307. Trustee Meeting July 3d 1866 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, all present. Ordered That Mary Dillon widow of Stony-Brook be allowed one Dollar per week till further order — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported that he had hired out the privileges of Oldfield Strand to John R. Davis from June 20th 1866 to June 20th 1867 for Ten Dollars to be paid Oct 1st next, approved^ — After receiving Rents and paying Bilis it was resolved to adjourn to Wednesday the 8th day of August next. Entered by me. Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk Augt 8th 1866. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. 296 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Clark Prest. Thos. J. Elhson, Edwin Bailey, Philip Hallock Nathl Tuttle, Walter Dickerson and Albert Terrell Trus tees — all — Resolved, That we are unanimously opposed to the plan agitated in some parts of the county for having Town Poor Houses abolished and the support of the poor made a county charge, preferring as cheaper, more convenient and humane to provide for our own poor in our own Town, and we hereby appoint Nathl. Miller late Supervisor and Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk to attend with Chas. S. Havens Supervisor, any meeting of Supervisors or committees on this subject to make known the views of this Board and of the people of this Town of Brookhaven, and to use all proper means to prevent this new project and let us do as we have done take care of our own poor and let other Towns do likewise. Resolved That Tho's S. Strong atty, be retained as Coun selor of this Board on the same terms as heretofore (as re corded on pages 116 & 129) and in matters in which he is consulted by the Board of Trustees and suits arising he is to be retained as Counsellor and in all other cases he and the Board are free to employ or be employed as maybe most convenient to all concerned. Page 308. Thomas J. Ellison Trustee reported that he had leased the outshore Ridge of Meadow in South Bay to David Curry and Wm. Mcintosh of Fireplace for Five years at Forty Dollars per year payable October Ist in each year — approved. Transferred Two Hundred Dollars of Trustees funds to aid Overseers of Poor in paying Bihs, and after settling accounts & bills it was Resolved to adjourn to First Tuesday in September at same place and usual time of 9 a.m. Entered By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 2.97 Sept. 4th 1866. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment— all present. Ordered that the sum of Four Thousand Dollars be raised by tax in this Town this year for the support of the Poor of the Town for the ensuing year — also ordered that the overseers of the poor hire $260 of Mrs Joanna Tuthill to be paid by Dec'r 1st next. Whereas a portion of our Town Bounty debt amounting in principal and interest to over Seventeen Thousand Dol lars will become due next March, now then to lessen the burthens of the people and prevent that amount of Taxa tion It is hereby unanimously Ordered That Charles S. Havens Supervisor be and he is hereby authorized to Trans fer or sell so much of the State Stock belonging to this Town as nray be necessary and sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the Town Bounty Debt that will become due March 1st 1867. Ordered That $2.50 per week be allowed for the care board and safe keeping of Norton Hawkins of Moriches who is deranged and partly idiotic & whose means are now expended. And whereas it appears that the grass on outshore Ridge was not cut last year thereby lessening its value this year it is mutually agreed that Curry & Mcintosh shall paj' for the same Fifteen dollars this year & Forty dollars per year next four years — (See above in last meeting) As the County Court commences first Tuesday in October and the Assessors & Supervisor are required to meet at clerks on first Monday now then for the mutual converiience of all interested it is resolved to adjourn to meet at Town Clerks on said Monday 1st of Octr. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson — Town Clerk 398 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 309. Survey of Road at Patchogue in 1834. Survey of the Northern side of the pubhc Highway in the Town of Brookhaven village of Patchogue taken the 7th day of March 1834 by Tho's J. De Verle Surveyor under the direction of David Worth and Samuel Hammond Commissioners of Highways, commencing at a certain stone near Brewster Woodhull's Store — thence North 84° East 7. North 861 " 3. " 894 " 3. Then East— 4. North 874 East. 4. ' 854 " 5. ' 89 ' 6. ' 89 " 3. ' 87 " 9. ' 87 " 7. ' -874 " 9. ' 874 " ' 80.1 " 11. of Swan Creek near 58 to a stake on the S. W. corner of John Roe's dooryard. 00 to a stake near the corner of Smith Rider's dooryard 00 to a stake in the corner of Justus Roe's lot — 00 to a stake in said Roe's lot 00 to a stake near Daniel Overton's shop 76 to a stake near widow Rose's cow yard 00 to a stake in Will'm Sweazy's door yard 38 to a stake in the west side of the Coram road 00 to a stake on the east of the widow Howells house 00 to a stump before the house of Da vid Case. 00 to a stake on the east side of Nathl Conklin's land 00 to a certain stake and stone on the brow of the Hill 00 to a wihow tree situate on the west the house of Joseph Marvin. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 399 The above Survey was taken under the direction of Sam uel Hammond and David Worth after a regular notice to the other commissioner John S. Mount. Samuel Hammond \ commissioners David Worth \ of Highways Above Survey filed in Town clerk's office 9th March 1834. M. Homan, clerk Recorded Sept 8th 1866 By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 310. Highway from Patchogue Neck to Short Neck. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, all the com missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of John Miller in said Town, to decide upon the application of John Miller and others residents of said Town lia.ble to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the laying out of the Road hereinafter described (twelve reputable freeholders of the said Town, convened and sworn after public notice of six days at three of the most public places of the Town accord ing to law having certified that such highway is necessary and proper, and the said (commissioners having caused notice in writing to be given to John Burke, Allen Jones, John Jones, George F. Carman Wm. Hawkins, Daniel G. Gerard & John Miller occupants of the land through which the road is to run at least three days before the time of meeting, of the time and place at which they would meet to decide upon the said application) Do Order that a Public Highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said application, the centre whereof is the following described line viz. Beginning at a point in 300 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the Centre of Patchogue Lane which bears from the N. E. corner of John Miller's house North 40° E, 1 chain 37 links and running as follows 1st course S. 87° W. 8 ch. 31 L. 2d " S. 80 W. 4 " 47 " 3d " S. 824 W. 6 " 92 " 4th " S. 82 W. 6. " 54" to the East side of creek. 5th " S. 65 W. to the west side of creek to a point which bears from the South East corner of John Jones' house N. 714° E. 2 ch. 53 L. also the chimney on the large part of Thomas Dillerack' s house bears from said point N. 114° W— ' 6th course N. 79° W. 8 ch. 21 links to the centre of the Short Neck Highway. Brookhaven May lOth 1866. Robt R. Smith ) ^ Ohver P. Smith ^°"i??'f'<^"^''« John R. Mather ) "^ highways Recorded Sept 8th 1866 Posted Oct 1st 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk Note, pages 331 and 393 Book E. Com. — ; Page 311. Trustee Meeting. October 1st 1866 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at the Town Clerk's. President and all the Trustees present. Ordered that the Clerk transfer to the overseers of Poor the sum of Seventy five Dollars now on hand — and further that the said overseers of the Poor be hereby authorized to hire for a short time for present use in paying poor Bills the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty five Dollars. Note — The money was hired as follows — one hundred BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. ' 301 and fifty Dollars of Nath'l Tuttle and Seventy five dohars of Albert Terrell trustees — present. Ordered That Dolly Curtis be allowed one dohar and twenty five cents per week instead of Seventy five cents, — until further order After receiving Oyster Rents and paying all bills pre sented it was resolved to adjourn to meet at the House of Lester H. Davis in Coram the usual place on the Second Tuesday (13th day) of November— the first Tuesday being Election day. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson clk. Trustee Meeting. Trustees met Nov'r 13th 1866 at L. H. Davis' in Coram pursuant to adjournment all present. Thomas J. Ellison Trustee reported that he had hired out the following privileges in that part of the Bay belong ing to the Town and Egbert T. Smith for one year from 1st of October 1866. The Fishing to Oliver R. Smith, for $1.50— paid The Gunning on Smith's shore to Jacob B. Smith for $1.00 The Eeling on same Shore to said Egbert T. Smith for $10.00 charge for same 25 cts. all which was approved by the Board. On application of Joshua Benjamin extended his former lease of Oyster Ground to Oct. 1st 1868 — Page 312. Ordered That Margaret Bishop of Moriches be allowed Ten Shillings ($1.25) per week till further order. Ordered That James Chichester of be allowed one dollar per week till further order. 303 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ordered that Mrs Chichester of be allowed Six Shilhngs (75 cts) per week till further order. Ordered That Heathcote Hulse of be allowed one dollar per week till further order. It was then Resolved that our Town of Brookhaven is a chartered Town by Patent under signature of the King's Governor, giving full authority to the Trustees to regulate and protect all rights, privileges, profits, &c both on land Or water ; all bays, rivers, swamps, fishing fowling &c. and said charter was by act of Legislature and Constitution of the State, confirmed to , remain in full force ; and in ac cordance with the power therein granted the Board of Trustees have up to the present time as occasion required, passed acts to protect and regulate the time of Oystering in the great South Bay belonging to this Town and to Wm. Sidney Smith and Egbert T. Smith ; and had fixed the time of Oystering to be stopped from the 1st of June to 15th Sept. unless permitted by our Board — and whereas the Board of Supervisors unasked by and unknown for months to us, passed last March an Act forbidding persons to oyster until 1st of October, which has caused much damage to our Town, now therefore it is ordered that Benjn. T. Hutchin son, Clerk be appointed to attend the Board of Supervisors with Records, Patent, Laws &c. and set forth before them our rights and injuries and respectfully ask that said Act be repealed so far as regards the waters of this Town. Resolved to adjourn to meet again at same place, at usual hour of 9 a.m. on the first Tuesday of Dec'r 4th day. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson, Clerk. Page 313. Trustee Meeting — Act to protect clams. Dec'r 4tli 1866. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Thomas J. Ellison, Edwin BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 303 Bailey, Nathaniel Tuttle, Albert Terrell and Walter Dicker- son Trustees — Philip Hallock Trustee absent. Ordered That Phebe Munsell of Bellport be allowed Fifty cents per week from this date till further order. The Supervisor prf^sented letters and documents relative to applications from persons for a part of the Bond given by the State on the plan of equalizing the service among the Towns — not knowing any legal reason for such claims ordered that Hon S. B. Strong be requested to furnish the Supervisor with his legal opinion on the requirements of the Military Bounty act of this State passed Feby 1866. The Clerk presented a Circular from Albany asking for a Donation of $535 from this Town towards building a Hall of Military Records at Albany — asking that the clerk pre sent the same to the Board of Town Auditors that they may authorize the Supervisor to raise the same by Tax on the people — under the many burthens now on the people this Board do not feel it their duty to recommend its ap proval by the Town Auditors. On repeated reports that persons had for a long time been ih the practice of taking clams in the Harbors on the North side of this Town, and carrying them or selling them to be conveyed out of this Town and that large quantities had been so sold without any return of benefit to the people at large the following Act to protect the rights of the Town was unanimously passed and ordered to be recorded and published. Also Resolved that the following persons be and they are hereby appointed agents for the Town to collect or receive the Toll or Toleration Fee named in said act, viz. D'l W. Davis at Mt Sinai — Wines Emmons at Port Jefferson, Walter Dickerson at Setauket— a,nd at Stony Brook. After passing the act recorded next page the Board ad journed to meet at same place in Coram on Wednesday 2d. Jany. 1867 304 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS, Page 314. Act to protect Clams on the North side. At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven, in the county of Suffolk, held on the 4th day of Dec'r A.D. 1866. present Wm. H. Clark prest. Thomas J. Ellison, Edwin Bailey, Nathaniel Tuthill, Albert Terrell and Walter Dickerson Trustees — it was unanimously voted and agreed that there be a Toll or Toleration Fee of Three cents on every Bushel of Clams that shall be taken in any of the Bays or Harbors on the North side of this Town and carried out^ of this said Town of Brookhaven ; and it is hereby ordered and or dained that if any person or persons shall take and carry, or shall carry any clams out of said Town without paying such Toleration Fee, shall for each and every such offense forfeit and pay to said Trustees or their successors in office the sum of Fifty Dohars to be sued for and recovered in the name of the said Trustees and applied to the use of said Town. Done at Brookhaven this 4th day of December A.D. 1866—Attest Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Wm. H. Clark President. "^"JJ^ January 2d 1867 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark Pres. Nath'l Tuttle, Edwin Bailey, Philip Hallock, Walter Dickerson & Albert Terrell Trus tees — On the Petition of Capt James Shute & L. M. Rowland setting forth the hardship of paying 3 cts per Bushel on clams beside the other licenses on Vessel &c the Trustees by vote agreed to lower the Toleration on Clams taken away BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 305 from the Town to 14 cts. per Bushel otherwise the Act of last month to remain in full force. Paid Bills — sent to Utica for Alanson Still a lunatic sent there by Co. Judge & the 2 yrs having expired & he not restored notice was given that he belonged to our Town with a request for us to take charge of him — Edwin Bailey & Wm. H. Clark to go to Utica for him & to Judge his case & if badly deran.ged to take him to Brattleboro, but if mild to bring him to Coram Poor House. Adjourned to first Tuesday in Feby. B. T. Hutchinson clk. Page 315. Trustee Meeting. Feby. 5th 1867. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuttle, Edwin Bailey, Philip Hal lock, Walter Dickerson, and Albert Terrell Trustees — Resolved That whereas Thomas S. Strong Esqr. Atty, who has been counselor of this Board for over Seven years has sent in his resignation because he is going to reside in 'New-York City ; now therefore for said reason we accept his resignation, while we regret his removal from our Town and County — and hope that health and prosperity, will bless his labors in every good work wherever he may be — Note — copy made signed by Trustees & clerk & sent to Mr Strong. Renewed Lease of Oyster Ground to Goodward & Van Wyen in accordance with former lease till March 1st 1869— Renewed Diedrich Van Wyen's lease of Oyster Ground to 31st Dec'r 1868. Caleb M. Edwards gives up the part of Oyster Ground being fourteen acres & is only to occupy Twelve acres on the part of the tract named in his lease. As to Oystering in South Bay It ishereby Resolved that 306 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the Toleration Fee for Oystering the year commencing March 1st shall be Five Dollars if paid by 1st May and Six dollars after that date — and that each Oysterman shall be required to labor Two days faithfully in spreading seed Oysters in said Bay under captains &c as required last year and all such oystermen as shall so labor shall be allowed out of said Toleration Fee at the rate of Two Dollars for each day so worked — Resolved that George W. Smith be agent on the same terms as last year and with the same authority as hereto fore — Duff & Jones' Oyster Lot not used or paid for last two years & is therefore given up & Lease annulled. Temporary aid was granted Julia Howard of Setauket to the amt. of Two Dollars also Joseph Titus Two Dollars — Page 316. Temporary aid granted to Ann M. Armstrong of Port Jefferson in the sum of Two Dollars. Mrs. Curran of Waverly was aided Two Dollars Stephen Smith & family was aided Seven j-y^ dollars Anson Vail do " " Seven y^j- dollars Abraham Raynor do " " Four Jy^ dollars Gannons Family was aided Two Dollars Lester Ruland was paid for aiding the family of Alexander Anderson by oorder of Nathaniel Tuthill Trustee from 1st Dec'r to date Twenty Seven j^-^\ dohars and it was ordered that if necessary during the winter Mr Ruland shall aid said Anderson's family to the amt. of Two dollars per week till further order — Ordered that Nancy Wells widow at Stony Brook be allowed one dollar per week from 1st Jany till further order. Ordered that James Russell at Port Jefferson be allowed one dollar per week from 1st Jany till further order — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 307 A Bill sent from the N. Y. Deaf & Dumb Institute to the Board of Supervisors asking pay for keeping Wallace F. Howell a lad under 12 yrs of age — and forwarded to Overseer of Poor of our Town to be settled — was postponed to inquire into — as it had not been expected to be a charge on either Town or County. Edwin Bailey and Wm. H. Clark Trustees reported that they had been to Utica and finding Alanson Still a lunatic yet had taken him to Brattleborough Vermont to be kept at the Insane Asylum — Approved and then Bills of expenses were paid — Adjourned to first Tuesday in March next. Entered by me. Benjn T. LIutchinson clk. Page 317. South Highway at Patchogue Defined. Whereas the South Country Road or old Post Road was laid out in ancient times and several poi lions since surveyed among which was the Highway through the Village of Patchogue from the Creek to the Coram Road but many of the landmarks being gone, on the petition of E. T. Moore, S. C. Hawkins and fifteen other taxable inhabitants of the Town, We tlie undersigned commissioners of High ways of this Town of Bro6khaven, all having been notified to attend for the purpose, having met on the premises for the purpose of determining the boundaries of said Road, and having caused a Survey of said Road to be made by Wm. J. Weeks under our care and charge, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey hereto annexed which we order to be recorded in the Town Clerk's office, said line being the Centre of said road which is to be as formerly four rods in width — Notes of a Survey along the highway in Patchogue Nov. 16 1866. 308 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Beginning at a Bound Stone in the ground on the North side of the highway, opposite the office of Dr. James Rice — ¦ Thence S. 13° W. 50 links to the centre of the highway. Thence S. 814° E. 7 ch. 63 L. Eastward along the centre of highway to a point opposite J. Roe's Southwest corner — At this point the Southeasterly angle of the brick post at the S. E. corner of the piazza of Roe's Hotel bears N. 34° W. 95 Links — Thence Along the centre of Highway, S. 86J° E. 3 chains to a point opposite J. G. Horton 's S. 88° E. 2. 24 opposite Blacksmith Shop on the South S. 894" E. 1. 77 " old oak bound tree on the South S. 86° E. 4. 86 " Austin Roe's S. E. on the North S. 85° E. 7. 03 S. 864° E. 3. 08 S. 87i° E. 3. 58 " J. S. Havens' S. W. on the North, S. 87f° E. 3. 36 " the west side of Coram Road on the North. Note — Courses by Compass taken by W. J. Weeks Distances measured by O. Perry Smith & Robt R Smith Comm'rs Given under our hands at Brookhaven the 16th day of Nov'r 1866. Robt. R. Smith ) Comm'rs Recorded Feby 6th 1867— O. P. Smith V of Posted Feby 20th 1867 ) Highways Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 318. Trustee Meeting. March 6th 1867. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, present Wm. H. Clark President, Nathaniel Tuttle, Edwin Bailey, Philip Hallock, Walter Dickerson, and Albert Terrell Trustees. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 309 Walter Dickerson Overseer of Poor reported that he had allowed temporary aid to Julia Howard of Setauket $2. Abigail Bennett of Stony Brook. $1. Robert Devoe of Port Jefferson $2. Mrs Henry Savage do $2. Mrs. Gerard do $1.60 in wood. all which was approved — Edwin Bailey overseer of Poor presented Bill of $16. as expenses incurred in sending a Boy back to Boston from which place he had been allured away — bill paid but ordered to be presented to County Sup't of Poor as a County charge. Christopher Goodward paid $20 Oyster Rent Supervisor Cha's S. Havens reported that in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Trustees last Septem ber he has sold State Stock belonging to this Town sufficient to pay the Town Bounty Bonds due March 1st 1867 selling State Stock to the amount of $16,000. and getting as pre mium thereon $900— making in all the sum of $16,900. Adjourned to the first Tuesday 2d day of April next. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 319. Survey of Middle Country Road from Y^'aphank line E. Whereas the road used as a highway in the Town Brook haven in the county of Suffolk, and known as the Middle Country Road and old Post Road leading from Riverhead to Smithtown was laid out by the commissioners of High ways of the said County on the 25th day of July 1716 and recorded in Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Book A. of Deeds page 142 and referred to in our Town Records as being Four rods in width and also judged to be a part of the King's road ordered to be laid out from Brooklyn to Southampton and to be four rods wide, and parts of which 310 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. road have heretofore been surveyed and fixed, but the part herein surveyed not having been sufficiently described ; Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Llighways of the said Town all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the said road for the purpose of causing said road (that is the portion thereof herein described) to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a Survej' of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascer tained and described according to the said Survey, begin ning on said Road in Ridgefield at the North end of Yaphank Line and starting at a point in the centre of the road which bears from a Locust Stake on the South side of the said road and about on the said Yaphank Line, North 50 Links and from said point running Easterly in the centre of the road as follows, 1st Course South 83° E. — 0 ch. — 91 Links 2d " North 794° E. — 11 " — 43 " 3d " " 80° E. — 4 — 00 " 4th " " 754° E — 9 — 79 " to opposite the Southeast corner of James Davis' Barn which bears from this point 5th Course 6th " 7 Randall's watering hole — from which point a Black walnut Tree in the Southeast corner of Austin D. Randall's door yard bears North 89^° West 2 chains and 63 links- Page 320. 8th Course North 82° East 3 ch. 70 Links '¦ 9th " " 71|° " 5 " 14 " North 26i° West. 1 ch. 44 Links " 804° East. 8 " 13 " " 73° E. 12 " 38 " " 78° E. 11 " 87 " to Austin D, BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 311 10th Course North 644 East 17 ch. 8 Links 11 " " 764 "¦ 7 "21 " 12 " " 764 " 2 " 73 " 13 " " 834 " 21 " 38 " a large red oak Tree a little east of the ra.nge of Hiram Edwards' house is a centre tree on this 13th course — 6 ch 20 Links 58 " 76 " 00 " 80- " 96 " 20 " 53 6060 3240 1819 to a point opposite Wm Sidney Smith's east boundarj' line, from which point said Smith's North East Bound Stone bears South 18 Links — This hne denotes the Centre of said road which is to be of its original width of Four rods, and the Bounds of said road are marked and shown on the South side thereof by a Locust Stake placed opposite the east end of each course and Two rods south of the said centre line, by which locust Stakes Bound Stones are also to be placed and from the hne of these Stakes so placed on the South side, said road is to extend Northerly Four rods in width — Said courses being magnetic as the needle now points. Given under our hands the 24th day of Nov'r 1866 — O P Smith ) Commissioners Rob't R. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways 14th course South 734° E. 6 15 (( 88|.° E. 8 16 North 844° E. 4 17 u 754 E. 5 18 it 734 E.— 10 19 l£ 70° E.— 10 20 ii 754 E.— 6 21 ii 66f E.— 8 22 ii 714 E.— 6 23 South. 86° E.— 3 24 North 841 E.- 7 26 << 874 E.— 8 26 u 844 E.— 5 27 ii 82i E.— 4 312 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded March 26th 1867 Posted March 26th 1867 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 321. Town Meeting We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of .Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the annual Town Election held this 2d day of April 1867 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named For Supervisor Charles S. Havens For Justices of the Peace Oran W. Rogers George P. Helme For Assessors Sylvester D. Tuthill Austin Culver Commissioner of Highways John R. Mather Town Clerk. Benjamin T. Hutchinson Collector Charles A. Davis President of Trustees Wm LI. Clark Trustees William T. Hulse Phihp Hallock BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 313 Albert Terrell Henry Carman Nathaniel Tuthill Edwin Bayley Overseers of the Poor Philip Hallock Edwin Bayley Constables George W. Smith Albert Terrell Walter Hawkins William Penny 2d Henry Carter Walter Smith Effingham Tuthill Jehiel W. Randall Page 322. Inspectors of Elections Wm. T. Hulse ) William O. Gould >• 1st Election District Edward Oakes appointed ) Sylvester D. Tuthill | Charles A. Davis > 2d District Edwin N. Miller app'd ) Charles R. Bishop ) Richard T. Osborn V 3d District Gideon Smith appd ) Charles Swezey 1 John Post > 4th District Joseph M. Shaw ) Stephen Bloomer \ Edwin Smith } 5th District Edward T. Moore appd ) 314 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN EECOEDS. William E. Gould 1 Alfred Davis y 6th District Richard O. Howell appd ) We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the result of the Election and Canvass of said annual Town Meeting. Dated Brookhaven April 2d 1867— J. W. Pelletreau ] Justices Walter Dickerson of the Charles Price \- Peace David T. Hawkins of Entered by me Lester Davis J Brookhaven Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Ap 2, 1867. Page 323. Trustee Meeting. April 2d 1867 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present except our departed associate Thomas J. Elhson. Edwin Bailey Trustee reported that he had allowed tem porary aid to Charles Wessels $4 — Stephen Smith $10. Mrs Isaac Fordham $3.53 Abraham Raynor 5.89 John Smith on the Beach $29.66 — which was approved — Nathaniel Tuthill Trustee reported Sale of Locust at Poor- house to James S and John Hawkins for $75. to be paid July 1st approved Daniel W. Davis Town Agent for Toleration on Clams at Mt. Sinai reported he had collected $30.35 was allowed 10 per ct fees the balance he paid — It is hereby ordered that by virtue of the authority vested in the Town Charter to us in acordance with the Super visor's law relative to dredging passed October 2d 1861 on the recommendation of Edwin Bailey Trustee in behalf of the Oystermen we hereby suspend the said act so far as to allow such Oystermen as get permits to oyster to also dredge BR00KH.\VEN TOWN RECORDS. 315 on the Flats in the waters of the Great South Bay belong ing to this Town of Brookhaven from this day until the 1st day of June next. Resolved unanimously That our faithful & very efficient Town Clerk B. T. Hutchinson in addition to his $7 Salary for taking care of Town Books who is not allowed the com missions formerly allowed M Lloman when the duties were less of about $75 per year be allowed $50 for his extra and almost daily service to the benefit of the Town, now when prices are nearly quadruple what they were in former times when Town Clerk was allowed $75 for less service than what is now rendered by our present clerk by aiding com missioners of Highways, Assessors by Draft Book — & al most every day in the year by some infoi'mation & aid to some Town Officer who depends on clerk without paying supposing the Town does or will pay him for aid rendered — keeping our accounts — searching Records for us & other documents during the year. Resolved that this being our annual Town meeting day that when we adjourn after passing preamble and resolu tions in respect to the memory of our departed associate this Board will adjourn (sine die) without day — the next meeting of those elected being subject to the call of the President. Page 324. Whereupon the following preamble and resolutions were passed — Whereas Thomas J. Ellison of Fireplace member of the Board of Trustees suddenly departed this life on Sabbath last, and while the Town Records show that in 1841 he was chosen Trustee — again in 1850 and in 1851 and 1862 Trus tee and overseer of the Poor, and again chosen Trustee in 1857 and every year since, being ten years in succession, showing the high estimation in which he was held by the public ; we would hereby express our high appreciation of 316 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the departed as a long-tried and* faithful officer, who while dispensing charity to the poor ever remembered his duty as an officer, to exercise the care and prudence necessary to protect the rights and promote the welfare of the Town, and while we thus testify as to his fidelity as an officer we add that we ever found him a kind neighbor, and an honest man. Resolved That while we regret the loss to the Town we would extend our sympathy to the widow and other be reaved relatives of the deceased. Resolved That in this token of respect for our late asso ciate, we all cordially unite, and order that it be recorded in the Town Records, and that a copy of the same with the Town seal affixed be sent to his widow. Wm H Clark Pres Nath'l Tuttle /Tr,„rr,\ IN atU' 1 1 Utt 10 ( Sell ) ^'''''P ^"I'^l'ocl^ \. J Edwin Bailev Edwin Bailey Albert Terrel Trustees Out of respect to the memory of the deceased the Board then adjourned. Being, present I fully concur in the above token of re spect to the memory of a worthy Town officer. These proceedings and above token of respect to the memory of our esteemed Town officer in which I fully concur. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 325. Overseers of Highways. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk in accordance with the requirements of the Law passed April 21st 1865 do hereby appoint the following persons to the office and duties of Overseers of Highways in the respective Road BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 317 Districts of this Town to serve in and for the Road District the number of which is placed opposite each respective name, to serve until next Town Meeting or till others are appointed. No. Overseers Names 1 Joseph S. Hawkins Jr. 28 Jonas D. Hammond 2 Nicoll S. Hawkins 3 Joseph Tooker 4 Walter Dickerson 5 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 John H. Overton 8 9 James W Davis 10 Edwin N. Miller 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Daniel Llowell 13 Elisha Carter 14 Warren Davis 15 John P. Terry 16 Azel Robinson 17 Tredwell Oakley 18 William Osborn 19 Samuel C. Hawkins 20 William Nicoll 21 Nathaniel T. Swezey 22 Isaac Hulse 23 Davis Baker 24 H. Frank Oldis 25 George Clemence 26 Richard W. Newton 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 64 Sidney Terry 55 John W. Underwood. Comm'rs of Highways 29 Cha's W. F. Dare 30 Michael P. Walker 31 Lester Davis 32 Samuel E. Smith 33 Thomas Terry 34 Sylvester Homan 35 N. Nelson Munsell 36 Edgar G. Swezey 37 J. Sturgess Randall 38 Charles Brewster 39 Isaac H. Robbins 40 Austin D. Randall 41 James O. Homan 42 George W. RobinsoR 43 Thomas J. King 44 Ellison Bishop 45 Sidney Penny 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill 47 John Jay Woodhull 48 Wm. S. Howell 49 Henry E. Smith 50 Charies E. Rose 51 Henry Hawkins 52 Mulford Rose 53 Almerin Barnes 0. P. Smith John R. Mather 318 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dated at Brookhaven. this 6th day of April 1867.— Recorded by me April 6 — 1867. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 326. Mastic Road District re-instated No. 17 — We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways in and for the Town of Brookhaven on the application of John G. Floyd, Cha's Jeffrey Smith, Egbert T. Smith and other taxable Inhabitants of Mastic and in the former old District No. 17 in this Town asking to have their Road District restored to them Do hereby order that the roads formerly embraced in the old Road District No. 17 between Carman's River on the west to the flue of the Bridge, and Forge River on the East be again formed and established into a Road District to be known as Road District No. 17 and that Road District No. 18 be bounded hereafter on the east by Carman's River as it formerly to the fine and that Road district No. 48 be bounded on the west by Forge River as it formerly was before said Mastic District was annulled giving to each of said Three Districts the same bounds and same roads that they originally had previous to March 21st 1865. Also ordered that the Road District at Short Neck called No. 17 last two years be now No. 55 — Given under our hands this 19th day of March 1867 John R. Mather ) Commissioners Rob't R. Smith > of O. P. Smith ) Highways. Recorded April 6—1867 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Release of Land at East Setauket. Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 319 of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the 10th day of October 1865 ascertained and defined a two rod road leading from the dwelling house of Brewster Hawkins to the public landing known as Ward's point and so along the shore to the House of Capt. Decatur Oakes which east line of said highway passes through the im proved lands of Brewster Hawkins to the extent of about 4 of an acre, now therefore the damages of the said Brewster Hawkins by reason of laying out the said highway are hereby ascertained by agreement of the said Brewster Hawkins and the said Commissioners of Highways at the sum of Eighty five Dollars for the payment of which the said Brewster Hawkins releases all claim to damages by reason thereof. May 10th 1866— Brewster Hawkins L.S. John R. Mather ) Robt R. Smith v Comm'rs of Highways. O. P. Smith ) Recorded April 6, 1867 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 327. Survey of Highway in Georges Neck — East Setauket. Whereas a road used as a Highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk leading from the Highway from Port Jefferson to Setauket, northerly to John Van Brunt's on the East side of Setauket Harbor was laid out as we suppose in ancient times and judge it to be the road recorded in Book C. page 167 in Brookhaven Town Record under date of Sept 2d 1745 where it is called the old usual road all along by the bounds of the fifteen acre lots in George's Neck and so to be two rods wide, but not further sufficiently described and whereas if said record does not mean this road still we have sufficient proof that 320 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. this said road has been in use as a public Highway during the last twenty years ; now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of the said Town, all having been notified to attend at this time and place for the purpose having met on the premises for the purpose of causing said road to be ascer tained described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a survey to be made, of said road, do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby as certained and described according to the said survey hei'eto annexed as follows — Survey of Road from John Van Brunts to road leading from Port Jefferson to Setauket made May 12, 1866. and taken by use of over 20 years 2 rods wide — The bearing of N. W. corner of John Van Brunt's house from starting point is S. 59° E. 1 ch. 29 L. Then 1st Course S. 284° E. 5 ch 70 L. 2— — S. 234° E 2 " 3_ _ S. 8° E 4 " 7 " 4 — S. 14 W 6 " 59 " 5 _. s. 8 W 6 " 90 " to the north side of Port Jefferson road — bearing of N. E. corner of Capt. Benjn. Jones' house from last mentioned point is' S. 36° W. 3 ch 14 L. The abovesaid courses being the centre line of said road which we order to be opened to at least two rods wide as the law in such cases requires. Given under our hands at Brookhaven May 12 — 1866 — Recorded April 6—1867 Posted April 11—1867 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clk Robt. R. Smith ] 1 Commissioners John R Mather of 0. P. Smith j 1 Highways — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 321 Page 328. Survey of Road at Mount Sinai near the Harbor in 1839 — We the Commissioners of Highways for the Town of Brookhaven do survey and regulate an old Road in the Village of Old Mans having been called by commenc ing as follows viz. At the Southwest corner of George Norton's lot — -or at the west extremity of the new Road so called — Three poles to John Mogier's formerly, — thence Four poles in width to the cliff of Beach — Survey taken from S. to North — 1st Course North 1° Degree East 1 chain 65 Links 2d " " 64° " West 2 " 07 " to the S. W. corner of J. Pike's Lot — 3d •" " 27° " West 6 " 05 " to the corner of Pike's Shed — 4th " " 104° West 2 " 66 " to the corner of Pike's house — 5" " " 61° East 1 " 54— 6" " " 16° East 1 " 72 to the S. W. corner of D. Hudson's Garden 7" " 21° East 0 " 91 to the N. W. corner of Hudson's House — 8" " 324° East 0 "41 to the S. W. corner of Spicer Davis' land 9" " 36° East 0 " 58 10" " 434° East. 2 " 79 to the N. W. corner of S. Davis' House — 11 " " 42° East. 1 " 49 12 " " 39|° East. .1 " 81 13 " " 324° East. 2 " 62 14 " " 23i° East 1 " 57 to the S. W. corner of S. Davis' lower house — 15 " " 2^ East. 2 " 16 16 " " 6i East. 1 " 42; 323 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 17 Course North 8|° West. 2 chains 12 18 " " 13° West. 1 " 57 19 " " 64° West. 1 " 55 20 " " 2|° West. 2 " 00 21 " " 154° West 1 " 50 22 " "28° West. 1 " 36 to the Clift of upland of Spicer Davis' N. W. corner of lot (Har bor) Courses and Distances taken on the East side of said Road— Distances expressed by chains and links with the surface — Magnetic Courses — variation 54 Avest not allowed. Dated Brookhaven May 26th 1839— Smith Davis — Surveyor — Cha's Phillips ) Commissioners Nathaniel Tuttle V of John Duryea ) Highways. Recorded April 11th 1867 Posted April 18—1867— Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note. Outline of the above road attached to page 338 of Book E. — Com. Page 329. Smithport. We the undersigned Inhabitants of the lower District in Patchogue Lane are desirous that the name should be desig nated and known by the name of Smithport, we therefore consent to the same by signing our names hereto. Patchogue April 17th 1867. Jarvis Thurlier J. L. Roberts Alfred C. Mott George Jennings _ Archer Perkinson Jason Dayton Gilbert G. Horton William Sidney Biggs. Samuel Hulse Nelson Danes Daniel J. Thurber David Y. Mott Isaac M. Swezey Andrew J. Smith BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 323 William H. Reeve Bradford Ruland Carman Smith Israel Smith By request of Mr. Micah Smith the ancient settler at the South end of Patchogue Lane I record the above as show ing the wishes of the signers. Recorded April 17th 1867 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 330. Trustee Meeting May 7, Trustees met by call of President of Board present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Edwin Bailey, Albert Terrell, Wm T. Hulse and Henry Carman Trustees. Wm T. Hulse Trustee that he had granted Temporary aid to Wm C. Taylor & family of 5 children to the sum of $5.00 To Devoe 5.00 Savage 5.00 Hudson 1.00 which was approved by the Board also ordered that per week be allowed to Robt Devoe till further order — . also to Mrs Henry Savage 12/- per week till further Samuel Hudson & wife 8/ per week till further order Mrs George Hulse advanced from 4/ to 8/ till further Edwin Bailey Trustee &e Teinpr. aid to A. Vail 2 months 8.56 Mrs I. Fordham 10.62 Stephen Smith 12.75 Abram Raynor 1.00 Ordered to allow Anson Vail $2 per week till further Ann Smith 8/ instead of 6/ per week To Miss Philanda Terrell 6/ per week till further 334 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Adjourned till first Tuesday in June Entered By Benjn T Hutchinson Town clerk Page 331. Release for Highway from Lane to Short Neck, Patchogue Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the lOth day of May 1866 laid out a highway in said Town, beginning at the junction of Patchogue Lane and the lands of Daniel G. Gerard and John Miller, and run ning to Patchogue creek (as by said order on file in Town clerk's office more fully appears) which said highway partly passes through the improved lands of John Burke, and the damages of the said John Burke by reason of the laying out of said highway, having been heretofore ascertained by the said John Burk and the said commissioners of High ways at the sum of Seventy Six Dollars and thirty three cents, now therefore by reason of the laying out of said highway and the sum of seventy six dollars and thirty three cents to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged & am content and satisfied I do hereby re lease all claims or claim to damages by reason thereof and do hereby release to said commissioners for the purposes of a highway so long as the same shall be used, the land so taken in said highway. Sealed with my seal & dated the 30, day of March 1867— John Burke L.S. It is also understood and agreed that the north line as run by the commissioners on the above Road shall come within 12 feet of the East corner of said Burke's house and then an offset of one foot South till 12 ft. west of the house the above line to remain so long as the house now there remains but if this said house should be removed then the line shall run direct or in other words from the 12 feet east to the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 325 12 feet west the North line of said road shall run six feet clear of Burke's house as now located — Dated March 30 1867— O. P. Smith ) Commissioners Recorded May 22d 1867— V of Benjn. T. Hutchinson ) Highways. Town Clerk Page 332. Trustee Meeting June 4 1867— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Wm. T. Hulse reported Temporary aid afforded to Mrs Jewell $3.00 To Mrs Armstrong 1.50 Edwin Bailey reported Temporary aid to Catherine Horton 8.00 Stephen Smith & family 12.62 ah which was approved by the Board. Ordered that Julia Clark of Fireplace be advanced in her allowance from 8/ to $1.25 till further order — per week. Ordered that Mrs Betsey Homan deaf & blind be ad vanced in her allowance from 12/ to $2.00 per week till further order. Resolved To lease to Elihu Hawkins the east part of New Pattersquash Island in East Bay (now in his possession by lease) for Five years longer from Sept. 1st 1867 for the annual rent of Ten — Dollars to be paid annually each year in June in advance — Resolved That Benjn. T. Hutchinson collector be hereby exonerated from collecting & paying over the sum of One Hundred & eighty seven Dollars which is admitted by vouchers shown to have arisen from errors or mistakes of assessors and that he be further exonerated from the collec tion of & paying over One Hundred & forty nine dollars 326 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. & ninety five cents for the reasons stated on the list fur nished by him to the overseers of the Poor— but with the understanding that if hereafter any of such taxes should be collected by him or others all such taxes so collected are to be paid to the overseers of the poor of this Town — This account is for taxes voted to be raised for the support of the poor in 1865 only. After collecting Rents & paying all Bills presented ad journed to first Tuesday in July next. Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk. Page 333. Trustee Meeting July 2d 1867, Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Resolved to renew Lease of Theodore S. Newton for oyster ground at Port Jefferson for Six Dollars per year in advance for six years — Resolved to Lease to John Newton one acre adjoining the above for six years at one dollar & a half per year in advance — W. T. Hulse Trustee to fix bounds & Mr New ton to pay for Leases & expenses. Albert Terrell, Trustee, reported that he had allowed one Dollar temporary aid to widow Bahr — and that Elipha let Smith could do without aid for the present — approved — Wm. T. Hulse Trustee reported that he had allowed Temporary aid to Mrs Jewell Two Dollars and to Hiram Hand Three Dollars «& that he had leased the Old Field Shore for one year from 20, June 1867 to Carlton Jayne for Sixteen and a quarter Dollars that being the highest bid — but said Carlton Jayne to have one Dollar as auctioneer leaving $15.25 for him to pay for said Oldfield Shore — all which was approved by the Board. Ordered That Edmund T. Mills an orphan and deranged who is now at Brattleborough Asylum and whose funds are BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 327 said to be run out, be supported by the Town at said Brat tleborough Asylum from the time that the funds arising from his own means run out — and that the Town Clerk notify W. H. Rockwell Superintendant of this resolve — Ordered that the overseers of the Poor be authorized to hire One Thousand Dollars in su(jh sums as they deem best for the Town, to enable them to pay Bills till funds are collected next October. Resolved unanimously that the October meeting shall be on the first Monday & at the Town Clerk's that being the annual meeting of Town officers — ¦ Resolved to adjourn to same place and hour on the first Tuesday in August next. Entered By me. Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk. Page 334. Trustee Meeting. August 6. 1867. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — Ordered that Hannah Smith's allowance be advanced from 6/ to 10/- from June 1st last— and that the allow ance of Lavinia Kent be advanced from 8/- to 12/- that of Mrs Jewell from 14/- to 20/- that of Mary Cohen from 6/- to 8/ per week. Wm. T. Hulse Trustee reported Temporary aid allowed to Hiram Hand $3.76— To Mrs Jewell $3.75. to Mrs Ben nett $1.25. approved. Ordered that allowed of said Mrs Bennett be advanced from 6/ to 8/- per week Edwin Bailey Trustee reported that Caleb M. Edwards gave up 14 acres of oyster Ground last year retaining only 12 acres — which report should have been entered last Nov'r. Resolved That the overseers of the Poor be authorized to 328 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. hire Five hundred and Fifty dollars more in addition to the amt. authorized at last meeting. Overseers hired to pay Bills as follows of Mrs Mary S. Brewster $200 Albert Terrell 100 By Edwin Bailey 250 and of Lester H. Davis in Drafts for future use $1,000 — one Draft being for $306.08 to send to Asylum at Brattle boro Vt. to pay Town Bills there up to July 1st Reed Rent of oyster Ground $1.50 in advance of John Newton — After paying all bills presented adjourned to first Tues day in September — Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 335. Trustee Meeting. Sept. 3d 1867. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — Ordered that Gardiner Still be allowed 8/- per week till further order he being long sick. Ordered that the allowance of Hannah Smith be lowered from 10/ to 8/ per week — her health being better. E. Bailey Trustee reported Temporary aid to Mary Timms (col'd) 6.25 Stephen Smith 3.50 Charies Wood 15.36 and that he had conveyed to Insane Asylum at Brattlebor ough Vt. Henry Rockwell an Insane poor person, having George W. Smith Constable with him to aid in the convey ance — all items of necessary expenses for the three going and two returning amounting to $67.44. approved — Delivered said Henry Rockwell to the Asylum August 26th 1867. Resolved to lease to Frank B. Hulse 5 acres in Port BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 329 Jefferson Harbor for planting Oysters for 5 years at $7.50 per year. Resolved That Charles S. Havens, Supervisor be and he is hereby authorized to transfer or sell so much of the State Stock belonging to this Town as may be necessary and suffi cient to pay the principal and interest of the Town Bounty Debt that will become due March 1st 1868. Resolved that the sum of Six Thousand Dollars be raised by tax in this Town this year for the support of the Poor of the Town for the ensuing year. Resolved to adjourn to meet again at the Town Clerk's on the first Monday (7tli) of October, that time and place being fixed by the State Law for the annual meeting of the Supervisor and Assessors, and we cordially meet with them. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Clerk. Page 336. Road from Lester Ruland's to the Whiskey Road Whereas a road in the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk leading from the Millersplace Road near the house of Lester Ruland northeasterly across the land now of Marcus A. Homan, Horace G. Randall and Lester Ruland into the public recorded Highway known by the name of the Whiskey Road, has been used as a highway for twenty years, but not recorded ; said road having been worked by the overseers of Highways at times during last twenty years and the owners of the land through which it runs wishing it kept open ; now therefore the undersigned. Commissioners of Highways of said Town all the Commis sioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of said Lester Ruland for the purpose of causing said road to be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the Town clerk's office, and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby 330 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ascertained and described according to the said survey be ginning at a point in the centre of said Millersplace road from which the northeast corner of Lester Ruland's house bears South five and three quarter degrees East One chain and seventy seven links, thence running as follows viz. 1st Course N. 494° E.— 3 ch 46 links 2d N. 14|° W 2 93 ii 3 N. 9° W 2 50 a 4 N. 174° w 2 10 (( 5 N. 8° w 3 72 tf 6 N. 244° E 2 33 7 N. n E 1 20 8 N. 214 E 2 46 9 N H W 2 29 10 N 3 E 3 25 11 N 124 E 1 56 12 N 34 E 4 59 13 N 32i E 5 15 14 N 17 E 2 66 15 N 35 E 7 93 16 N 74 E 2 58 17 N 65 E 5 35 18 N 68i E. 3 08 19 N 664 E 3 36- -this 19th course crosses the Rocky point road the Junction being 2 ch 28 links from the end of 1 8th course. 20 N 674 E 1 u 72 21 S 824 E. 3 <( 00 22 N 884 E 6 iC 40 to the centre of the whiskey Road- — Page 336. This line being the centre of said road which we order to be opened to two rods wide as the law requires. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 331 Given under oiir hands this 27th day of June 1867 Rob't R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather j of Highways Recorded Sept 26th 1867 Posted Oct 15th 1867 pr me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk Trustee Meeting. Oct. 7tli 1867. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at the Town Clerk's — all present. Whereupon the following act was unanimously passed Act to Save the Eel-Grass in the East Bay. Be it ordained and declared by the Board of Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook haven, in the county of Suffolk that no person or persons whatsoever shall hereafter take by Dredges or hooks drawn by any Boat or vessel, any Eel-grass in the East Bay be longing to this Town under the penalty of Fifty Dollars for each and every offence to be sued for and recovered before any Justice of the Peace in the Town or any other court ; providing nothing herein contained shall be so con strued as to prevent the drawing of Seines for taking phrimp — This act shall take effect immediately attest Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk. Wm. H. Clark President Whereas Manly Ruland formerly a member of this Board departed this life Sept 12th aged 76 years, and as we who long knew him ever found him a faithful officer and honor able man, ordered that the clerk enter on the Record of this meeting this token of remembrance and respect for our departed associate. 332 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Whereas Henry P. Hutchinson who was trustee in 1832- 33 & 35 departed this life Sept 28th aged 71 years and whereas he was known as a faithful Town officer and good neighbor, ordered that the clerk enter this token of remem brance and respect for the departed. Adjourned to meet at L. IL Davis' in Coram on the first Monday (4th day) of Nov'r next — Entered by me. Benjn T. Hutchinson T. clerk Page 337. Road at Miller's Landing Located — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the county of Suffolk leading from the north country road in Millersplace near the house formerly of Joseph Miller to the landing known as by the name of " Millers Landing" was altered and recorded by the then commissioners of Highways of said Town on the ISth day of June 1799 as recorded in Book A. page 333 but not suffi ciently described. Now therefore the undersigned Com missioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commis sioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of James Brown in said Town on the application of James Brown & others for the purpose of causing the north part of said road and the Landing or place for laying wood as set forth in said record to be ascertained, described, and entered of record in the Town clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said portion of road and landing to be made, do Order that the said road and said place whereon wood is lain as stated in said record, be and the same is hereby ascertained and de scribed according to the said survey beginning at a point at the north end of said road on the Beach or shore of the Sound and one rod West of the Easterly road-bound, from which point the centre of a large Rock on the Beach opposite the land of Edwin N. Miller bears north 844° West 7 chains 81 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 333 Links to its East side — from which starting point the first course is South 44° East 4 chains and 12 links to the North end of the Wood-landing or broken ground, the road thus far being three rods wide one rod of which is on the East side and two rods on the west side of said line or course — 2d course is South 30° East 3 chains 75 links to the South end of the Wood-landing and also to a Cedar Tree standing at the South end of said landing, and said line and course hitting the foot thereof as a centre — and said llighway and landing being one rod in width on the East side of said line and five rods in width on the west side of said line the length set forth of last or 2d course which is 15 rods ; this width and length being as set forth in said Record of 1799 and recorded as beforesaid in Book A. page 333, which was our guide in this — Brookhaven Oct. 17th 1867. Rob't R.Smith [Commissioners John R. Mather i ry- i ) Highways Recorded Oct. 31st 1867— Posted Nov. 4th 1867 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town clk. Page 338. Trustee Meeting. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, all present Nov'r 4th 1867. Edward Edwards' Lease of Oyster Lots extended to Dec'r 31st 1868. Allowance to Ellen McCormick advanced from 4/ to 6/- per week for support of her child till further order. Her child (Ihegitimate) she says was born Nov'r 12th 1862. no entry of the case found in overseers' Books. Henry B. White of Stony Brook allowed "8/- per week till further order. v 334 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. The notice of overseers of Poor of Smithtown stating that one Almira Davis now in that Town & indigent was a resident of this Town was duly considered and no one pres ent knowing any thing relative to said person or her resi dence it was ordered that the overseers deny the charge and notify to meet Co. Supts. at Riverhead Dec'r 5th next at 10 am. to decide her residence — Notice was written & signed & also a letter inquiring more particulars to enable overseers to find out the true state of the case — Rec'd of George W. Smith oyster agent as Toleration $44.00 Transferred to overseers of Poor to aid them $40.00 Order on Charles A. Davis Collector given to Wm. T. Hulse Trustee for $180.00 Order on Charles A. Davis Collector to Alfred Davis for goods furnished Poor House for $ Adjourned to the first Tuesday 3d day of December next. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk Page 339. Highway at Millersplace near Pond defined. Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the county of Suffolk leading through the Village of Millersplace was laid out by the commissioners of High ways of the said Town on the 10th day of May 1728 as recorded in Brookhaven Town Record Book C. page 101 — but not sufficiently described ; Now therefore the under signed commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of Joseph R. Rowland in said Town — on the application of Jeremiah Rowland for the purpose of causing a part of said road at Millersplace to be ascertained, described and en- BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 335 tered of Record in the Town clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, beginning at where the Southeast corner-post of the yard of the Woodhull place (recently purchased by Joseph R. Rowland) near the old Store now stands, which point bears from the Southeast corner of the large part of the Woodhull house South 504° East 1 chain 52 links, and running from said point or start ing place North 78° West 2 chains 41 links until it inter sects the fence on the South side of the Lot of John M. Brown, and leaving the Highway Four Rods in width on the north of the Pond lying in the open way South of the said Woodhull house now belonging to Joseph R. Rowland that being the width of the highway as recorded in said Book C. page 101 in 1728 Dated Brookhaven Oct 31st 1867. ¦ Rob't R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather f of Highways Recorded Nov 16th 1867. Posted Nov 23d 1867 Benjn. T. Hutchinson clk Page 340. Road at Patchogue— Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the county of Suffolk called the lower riding way across Patchogue River was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 7th day of May 1790 as recorded in Book A. page 214 as a four rod road but not sufficiently defined and described and whereas the part thereof on the west side of said river was closed by the then commissioners Feby 4th 1823 in exchange for the four rod Road then running on the North side of the house of Daniel G. Gillett now called the Ketcham House as recorded in 336 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Book D. page 192, which closing and alteration have left the part of said original road on the East side of said River but little travelled ; Now, therefore, the undersigned. Com missioners of Highways of the said Town all the commis sioners being present, having met at the said Ketcham House now owned by George Hawkirrs on the application of said George Hawkins and others to lessen said piece of road from four rods to three rods in width, and ascertain, describe and record the same, and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said piece of road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey beginning at a granite Stone placed in the ground on the West side of a road known as South Street the bearing of which stone from the Southeast corner of the new part of Capt. George Hawkins house is South 47i° East (44) forty four links — thence running Ist course South 61^° West 1 chain 41 links to opposite South east corner of said George Hawkins', barn and one and a half rods South from the same ; and the Northwest corner of John Ketcham's house being on the South — 2d course South 63f° West 2 chains 68 links to opposite the corner gate post of S. Smith Hammond on the South, and oppo site to and one and a half rods South from a Wihow Tree of Edward S. Mulford— 3d Course South 734 West 3 chains 8 links to the aforesaid Patchogue River or Creek, at which point and at the end of the 1st and 2d courses granite Stones are placed in the ground— This line so fixed and bounded to be the centre of said road, which we hereby consent may be narrowed to three rods in width one and a half rods on each side of said line so that said public Highway shall hereafter be three rods wide — Given under our hands this loth day of November A.D. 1867. Robt R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather j of Highways. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 337 Recorded 29th Nov'r 1867. Posted 10th Dec'r 1867 Benjn. T. Hutchinson clk Page 341. Trustee Meeting. Dec'r 3d 1867. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present. Ordered that the allowance of Henry B. White be ad vanced from 8/ to 12/ per week till further order. Ordered that Elizabeth Floyd be allowed 12/- per week till further Ordered that Ehphalet Smith and his wife be allowed 4/ each per week till further order. Ordered that Mrs Conner's allowance be advanced to 10/- per week Ordered that Daniel Smith's alloAvance be advanced to 8/- per week Ordered that Phebe Russell be allowed 8/- per Aveek till further Ordered That Mr. Carman Smith of Patchogue be and he is hereby appointed Oyster Agent to collect the Toler ation for oystering and protect the rights of the Town rela tive to oystering in the Great South Bay, with the same authority and on the same terms as have heretofore been granted to George W. Smith who has signified his wish to resign his office as such agent of the Town. Reed from Edward Edwards Seventeen Dollars as Rent of Oyster Ground for one year. Reed from Geo. W. Smith ninety eight dollars as oyster Toleration collected by him in West Bay. Transferred to overseers of Poor to aid in paying Bills Forty Dollars. Whereas the Almira Davis named in the notice of last meeting from overseers of Poor of Smithtown proves to be 338 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the wife of the son of Nelson Davis residing in this Town ordered that the clerk notify that we shall not contest the case. Adjourned to first Tuesday 7th day of Jany. next — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town clerk. Page 842. Trustee Meeting. Jany. 7th 1868. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm H. Clark President, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Wm. T. Hulse, Edwin Bailey and Henry W. Carman Trustees. Ordered that Mrs. Clark of Oldfield be allowed $1 per week till further order — Ordered that Orrin T. Mott of Selden be allowed $2 per week as aid for keeping five relatives, till further order. Ordered that George Rowland have a Lease for Two acres of ground under water on the East side of Port Jeffer son Harbor for planting Oysters for Five years for Three Dollars yearly rent — he to pay for Leases and for fixing bounds — Edwin Bailey Trustee reported Temporary aid as follows —To Ezekiel Colley $3.75— Ruth Baldwin $3.60— Amos Rowland $3.25— Stephen Smith $8.31,— Daniel Smith $3.90 Anson Vail $5.07— Charies Wood $16.41— Reed from Carman Smith oyster Toleration $18.90 Jonas Mills Rent of Island 8.60 Mathew E. Woodruff do 6.00 Reed from Dl. W. Davis Mt Sinai for Clam Toleration $23.39 and allowed him 10 pr ct fees leaving nett $21.05 Philip Hallock as overseer of Poor received as Excise $220.07 Adjourned to first Tuesday in February 4th Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk— BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 339 Page 343. Trustees Meeting Feby. 4th 1868. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark President, Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock Wm. T. Hulse, Henry W. Carman and Edwin Bailey Trustees. Wm. T. Hulse reported Temporary aid to John Smith $2.— Thomas, a colored man $2.90 Edwin Bailey reported temporary aid as follows to Abra ham Raynor $6.22— Amos Rowland $10.94— Anson Vail $10. 24 -Charles Wood $11.77— Dl. Smith $3.00— Benja min Moger $3.99— Stephen Smith $8.41— Mrs George McGregor $3.60— and James Jayne $7.56— Ordered that Abram S. Jayne have a Lease for one acre of Oyster Ground on east side of Port Jefferson Harbor for five years at one dollar and a half per year — he paying expenses of Lease and fixing bounds — it being South of Geo. W. Rowland' — The subject of the Mill at Wading River being brought before this Board of Trustees — it being reported by Charles A. Davis collector that said Mill now in possession of Elisha E. King has been taxed in the Town of Riverhead — It is hereby resolved that said Mill having been granted by this Town, and been taxed in this Town ever since the Grant being about 180 years, and knowing no reason why it should be claimed by any other Town — We order said collector to collect the Tax on said Mill of Mr. King, and should suit be brought against said collector or against said Mr King to make him pay the tax on said Mill for the year 1867 to Riverhead to deprive this Town of the Tax on the same, then in such case we hereby agree to indemnify Mr. King or the collector for whatever expenses arise from defending the right of this Town to said Mill — (Note a true copy made & signed by the Board and given to the said collector). 340 BEOOKHAVEN TOAVN EECOEDS. Resolved that Wm. H. Andrews be oyster agent the en suing year on same terms and with like authority as hereto fore given to Geo. W. Smith — Resolved that the Toleration Fee for Oystering in the South Bay for the year commencing March 1st shall be Five Dollars if paid by June 3d and Six dollars after that date — and that each oysterman shall be required to labor two days faithfully in spreading seed Oysters in said Bay under captains as required last year said spreading to be finished on or before said 3d June and such as shall so labor shall be allowed a deduction of two dollars per day out of said Toleration fee — Ordered that James Hand be allowed $1 per week till further order. Ordered that the Clerk pay Albert Terrell $2 for ser vices — Adjourned to first Tuesday in March next — B. T. Hutchinson. Clerk Page 344. Trustee Meeting. March 3d 1868 — Pursuant to adjournment Nathaniel Tuttle, Wm T. Hulse and Henry W. Carman Trustees met, the others being absent from sickness and bad travel ling ; thus not being a quorum, after setthng bills of those present, it was Resolved to adjourn to next Tuesday 10th March inst. so as to meet with the Board of Town auditors in accordance with the new law — Entered by me. Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk — March 10th 1868. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel Tuttle, Philip Hallock, Edwin Bailey Henry W. Carman, & Wm T. Hulse Trustees— BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 341 Wm. T. Hulse reported Temporary aid to John Smith $2. Jackson Russell $6. James Russell $1. — approved — Henry W. Carman reported Temporary aid to Mary Ti.mras. (col'd) $3.07 — approved- Edwin Bailey reported Temporary aid to A. Rowland 16.61— Mrs McGregor $5.08— A. Vail 5.82— Dl Smith 2.56. Susan Hulse 3.25— Mrs Rockwell 3.73— Stephen 11.44— Charies Wood 13.41— Mrs Dayton 2.— James Jaynes family -21.14. A. Raynor 6.24— Total $91.28— ap proved but regret the draft — On application ordered that the following leases of Oyster Ground in South Bay be renewed for 5 yrs. at $1 per acre — R. Baby, 40 acres — D. Van Wyen 20 acres — Goldsmith & Van Wyen 20 acres — & Isaac C. Skinner for the first 36 acres named in his lease. Resolved that we will lease to Residents of this Town oyster Ground in the South Bay for planting oysters at the price of $1 per acre per year in advance — the lots to be 2 acres & no one person to have more than 2 lots that is 4 acres — to have the same for the term of 5 years with the privilege of renewal. Resolved that the time for Oystering in South Bav this Spring be extended to the 20th day of June — Resolved That whereas the goods of Elisha E. King have been seized for the Tax on the Wading River Mill granted by our Town and ever rated in our Town that we will in demnify him for damages & for suit to recover, and will take measures to recover the same unless we find by some mysteries of law said Mill has jumped into Riverhead. Page 345. On Application of John R. Mather and Thomas B Hawkins present owners of the Dock, Railways and privi leges granted to Wm. L. Jones for thirty years and about expired, which former grant was for one Dollar per year 343 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. and Jones to fill up the slough, stone the sides and make a bridge all of which have been done ; now therefore we re new the lease of said premises and privileges to said Mather and Hawkins for Thirty years from last May at the annual rent of Five Dollars per year in advance — the intention being to lease the same premises as contained in the lease as recorded in Book D. page 406 but as it is now difficult to determine the exact hounds of said lease it is now mutually understood and agreed that the west bounds of these prem ises now leased shall be to the east bounds of the shore here tofore granted by lease to Edmund T. Darling In accordance with the new law relative to holding Town meeting in Separate Election Districts and also making estimate of funds needed for Town expenses the ensuing year the Board of Town Auditors met with Trustees for the purpose of making said estimates and the joint Boards made the following estimates as needed for the ensuing year — To pay notes for $750 hired by the overseers $ cts of the Poor — to pay poor bills— with interest 800.00 For support of the poor the ensuing year 6000.00 For Commissioners of Highways for the repair of Highways and Bridges — 260.00 For the usual Town Contingent fund to pay Town bills Auditing day 1,500.00 And as additional Contingent fund we estimate the extra expenses of holding Town meeting in Election Districts and carrying out the new Election Law will be 200.00 $8750:00 this estimate was signed by our five Trustees present and by Cha's S. Havens Sup'r, J. W. Pelletreau — John S. Lee — Charies Price, Lester Davis & Oran W. Rogers Justices and Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 343 After paying some bills presented the board of Trustees adjourned to the first Monday in April 6th day — so as not to interfere with or prevent attendance at the Town meet ing to be held in Districts on Tuesday the 7th our usual day of meeting. Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 346. Dock at Port Jefferson — This Indenture made the Tenth day of March one thou sand eight hundred and Sixty eight Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook haven in the county of Suffolk and State of New-york of the first part and John R. Mather and Thomas B. Llawkins of the same Town parties of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in considera tion of the annual rent of Five Dollars have granted, leased, and do hereby renew and extend the lease to the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns for the term of Thirty years from the first Tuesday in May last of the same premises as leased to Wm. L. Jones Sept. 13th 1836 and recorded in Town Records Book D. page 406 for the then purpose of building a dock — with also the privilege of two railways on the same premises as granted to said Jones June 1st 1841 and recorded in Book D. page 404; the west boundaries of said premises being the East boundaries of the premises subsequently leased to Edmund T. Darling June 3d 1851 and recorded in Book D. page 414 ; the said premises so leased to said Jones being in the possession of the said parties of the second part ; and the parties of the first part hereby renew and extend the said lease to them with all the privileges and appurtenances therein contained or since granted reserving the same rights therein reserved to the Town, for the above named annual rent for the term above named, and at the expiration of said term a new 344 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. arrangement as to annuity or rent to be made in the manner set forth in the said first above named lease to said Jones. And the said parties of the second part do for themselves, their heirs and assigns hereby covenant and agree to pay annually and every year for the above granted premises the said sum of Five Dollars during the said term of Thirty years to the said Trustees or their successors in office — And the said Trustees do covenant & agree that they and their successors in office will defend the said parties of the second part in the peaceable possession of said leased prem ises for the purposes and term aforesaid — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the Corporate Seal of the said Town of Brookhaven and the signature of their president to be hereunto affixed and the said parties of the second part have hereunto affixed their hands and seals the day and date first above stated. In presence of Benjn T. Hutchinson Wm H. Clark. President Seal John R. Mather Seal Recorded by Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 347. Trustee Meeting April 7th 1868. Whereas the late law has been repealed and Town meeting to be as usual the Trustees by an order signed by five dated March 31st ordered the Clerk to notify the Board of Trustees also to meet as usual on Tuesday 7th day of April instead of Monday 6th, The Board of Trus tees so met present Nathaniel Tuttle, Wm. T. Hulse, Phihp Hallock, Henry W. Carman and Edwin Bailey BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 345 John Yarington paid $12 for 1 yr. of his past lease — and his lease was renewed for Five years from June 6th 1868 and he paid $12 for 1 yr. on it — Whereas R. H. Gerard of Port Jefferson made applica tion soon after leases were made to Rowland & also to Hulse for Oyster Ground — and such apphcation was made before any remonstrance was made — but at last meeting both a Petition to grant as beneficial to the people & a Petition not to grant any more to prevent oystering »& clamming and the Petition of Gerard was deferred — and at this meet ing he asks again for Two acres only and at a place where few if any clams or oysters are now — and also agrees to get oysters to plant on his ground outside the Town — now under all these considerations It is Ordered that said R. II. Gerard shall have a lease of Two acres of ground under water in Port-Jefferson Harbor for planting & growing Oysters for five years from this date for Three dollars per year in advance — he paying for lease & fixing bounds — and Wm. T. Hulse is to fix said bounds — Wessel S. Edwards of Stony Brook presented a Petition setting forth that the charges at Jonas Smith's deed. Docks are excessively high and asking the Board of Trustees to lower the same — This Board considered the case as impor tant, but not having time to examine the different Grants — the whole matter was respectfully referred as worthy the consideration of the new Board — and the clerk is requested to examine the grants and also inform L. B. Smith Ex'r of Capt Jonas Smith that such application has been made & referred to next meeting of Trustees — Ordered That Benjn T. Hutchinson be allowed Fifty Dollars as some compensation for his numerous extra ser vices in behalf of the Town — in travel — counsel — labors &c &c. during the past year — Having sought to fulfil oitr duties faithfully, we return our trusts to the people and to those whom they elect and 346 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. no further business being before us we adjourn without day-Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk — Page 348. Town Meeting 1868. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Elections held this 7th day of April 1868 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town, the following officers were elected to the respec tive offices named— For Supervisor Charles S. Havens For Justices of the Peace John S. Lee ) ^ ii x Jesse W. Pelletreau j Elbert Woodhull for vacancy. For Assessors David W. Case Edmund T. Hawkins For Commissioner of Highways — Robert R. Smith Town Clerk. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Collector Gilbert P. Williamson President of Trustees Wm. H. Clark Trustees Cyrus E. Griffin James V. Woodhull BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 347 Thomas Terry. Henry W. Carman Nathaniel Tuthill Edwin Bailey Overseers of the Poor Cyrus E. Griffin Edwin Bailey Constables Wm. H. Andrus Sylvester Wines E. Webster Overton Walter Smith Walter Hawkins Cyrus E. Griffin William Penny 2d Jehiel W. Randall Inspectors of Election Wm. O. Gould ) Wm. T. Hulse V 1st Dist. Wm. F Smith appointed ) Sylvester D. TuthiU ) Charles A. Davis l 2d Dist. Edwin N. Miller appointed ) Richard T. Osborn ) John P. Terry I 3d District Gideon F. Smith appointed ) Richard Gerard ) Charles Swezey > 4th Dist — George E. Woodruff appointed ) Nehemiah O. Smith ) Justus Roe V 5th Dist Edward T. Moore appointed ) Noah T. Terry ) J. Davis Hammond v 6th Dist Rich'd W. Newton appointed ) We certify that the above is a tnie and correct statement of the result of the Election and canvass of said Annual Town meeting 348 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dated Brookhaven April 7th 1868 Charles Price Lester Davis D. T. Hawkins J. G. Wilbur Oran W. Rogers John S. Lee Justices of the Peace of Brookhaven Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson — Clerk — Overseers of Highways — The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk in accordance with the law passed April 21st 1865 do hereby appoint the fol lowing persons to the office and duties of Overseers of Highways in the respective Road Districts of this Town to serve in and for the Road District the number of which is placed opposite each respective name to serve until next Town meeting or till others are appointed — No. Names of 1 Daniel W. Sherry 2 Nicoll S. Hawkins 3 Charies E. Smith 4 Walter Dickerson 5 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 John H. Overton 8 9 George E. Davis 10 Joseph .R. Rowland 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Francis S. Woodhull 13 Elisha Carter 14 Warren Davis 15 Samuel S. Stansbro 16 Harrison J. Rogers Overseers. 28 Jonas D. Hammond 29 Joseph T. French 30 Michael P. Walker 31 Wm. Lester Lee 32 Samuel E. Smith 33 Thomas Terry. 34 Hampton Overton 35 N. Nelson Munsell 86 Lester Ruland 37 J. Sturges Randall 38 Cha's H. Brewster 39 Isaac H. Robbins 40 James G. Miller 41 Henry Gordon. 42 William Avery. 43 James Swezey. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 349 17 Daniel Lane 44 Josiah H. Bishop. 18 Wm. Osborn 46 Sidney Penny. 19 Sam'l C. Hawkins 46 Preston Raynor. 20 Samuel Tooker 47 Sylvester M. Woodhuh 21 Phinehas T. Robinson 48 Wm. S. Howell 22 Brewster Terry. 49 Wm C. Tooker 23 Davis Baker 50 James W. Seh 24 John Ketcham 51 Isaac L. Overton 25 George Clemence 52 Nelson Gerard 26 Richard W. Newton 53 Andrew Ketcham 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 54 Sidney Terry. 65 John W. Underwood. Dated Brookhaven April 15th 1868— Entered by me Robt R. Smith ) Commissioners Benjn T. Hutchinson John R. Mather y of clerk ) Highways Page 850. Trustee Meeting May 5th 1868. Triistees met pursuant to notice from clerk by order of the President — Present Wm. H. Clark President, Nathaniel Tuttle Henry W. Carman, Edwin Bailey, Thomas Terry and Cyrus E. Griffing Trustees — Board voted that as C. E. Griffing declines that Edwin BailcA' associate Overseer of the Poor take charge of the Books and keep the accounts of the Overseers during the ensuing year he having as required by law given sufficient Bond and sureties in the sum $4.000 — J. Griffing Terry present owner of Mills at Stony Brook petitioned to have a grant of a certain piece of land near his Mih pond supposed by him to belong to the Town, that he might enclose the same to prevent things being thrown in to the injury of the Springs — C. E. Griffing to see it — Ryder Johnston and J E Smith applied to know if Trustees would for reasonable price quitclaim the Town's right to a part of the Green near the Churches in Setauket 350 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. for the purpose of placing thereon a new School House — Trustees have no objections provided they can be assured that so placing said School House will not discommode but be satisfactory to the congregations of both churches. On motion of C. E. Griffing Trustee ordered that the allowance heretofore granted to the following persons be altered as follows viz. Mrs Bishop from 6/- per week to 4/- Laura T. Smith from 10/- to 4/ Henry Savage from 10/- to 8/- Mrs Samuel Hudson from 8/- to 4/- and that the following at present be dropped of the list entirely until further order Ellen McCormic — Mrs Clark of Oldfield — Mrs Blydenburgh— Mrs Elizabeth Smith- Cyrus E. Griffing Trustee for himself & for Orrin T. Dayton says that they would like to have grants for Oyster Ground in Port Jefferson Harbor if 2 or 3 acres to each can be selected appropriate for the purpose & be satisfactory — deferred for the present — Edwin Bailey Trustee having since the order to only lease 4 acres to one person been appointed to take charge of the leases & collect the pay it was voted to allow him 6 pr ct on such payments of Oyster Rents that he has to travel to get — but what is voluntarily paid to him to be free of commission — Alfred Davis who has for many years been agent of the Town as Superintendent of the Poor house, having declined to serve any longer, the Trustees engage Lester Davis Esqr. to act in said capacity, that is to procure necessary articles as they shall be needed, and also in case of need to aid the Housekeep«r at Poor house in maintaining due order, and make bills & report to the Trustees monthly, and for said service he is to have Three dollars per month — & cartage — but not the labor of the poor. Page 351. , In the matter of the Petition of Wessel S. Edwards and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 351 others relative to Dock charges at Capt Jonas Smith deed's Docks at Stony Brook, which was referred from former Board to this both parties having been notified attended — W. S. Edwards & Harrison Davis for reduction of charges and Lyman B. Smith Executor and Hon. John M. William son acting for Estate of said dec'd — against reduction — Trustees after due consideration came to the following decision — Trustees after hearing both sides of the question as to Dock Charges at the Docks at Stony Brook belonging now to the estate of Jonas Smith dec'd and as complaint was mostly regarding large quantities and the Executor offering to compromise in such cases, hoping to make all satisfactory to all concerned, do order that the charges allowed by the Board January 2d 1866 and recorded in Record E. page 287 be amended on the following articles so that hereafter the Dock charges on them shall be as follows — Vessels left as before On each Barrel landed or taken off said Docks by any one vessel 100 Bbls or under 2 c over 100 — 1 ct Hogshead 3 or under 12 c over 3 — 6 cts Loads of Goods as Boxes & Packages as before 16 c per load — Bricks per 1000— 6.000 or under 10 c over 5000. 5 cts Ashes per 100 Bushels 200 or under 124. per 100. over 200—6 c per 100 Manure per 2 Horse load at Stony .Brook 3 c — 1 Horse load 2 ct. Coal and other goods by the Ton — 5 Tons or under 124 per Ton — over 6 Tons 6 c per Ton Cattle as Cows, Oxen & Horses each — 5 or under 15 c over 6 — 8 cts each Calves, Sheep & lambs each — 25 or under 2 c over 26 1 ct each 353 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Loads of Furniture each (as before) 15 c Chains Anchors & other castings per cwt. (as before) 3 c Bars of Iron per load — 5 or under 10 c, over 5 5 cts. each load Hoop-poles taken off said Docks per load 5 or under 10 c, over 5— 5 cts Wood taken per foot (as before) 1 ct Bales of Hay or Straw — 25 or under each 2 c, over 25 — 1 ct. Loads of Hay or Straw — 5 or under each 16 over 5 — 8 cts Ballasting Vessels off said Docks from $1 to $2 as to size & quantity — Lumber per thousand feet 10.000 or under 15 cts over 10.000 7 cts, attest Benjn. T. Hutchinson Wm H. Clark President. Seal Clk Ordered that the Clerk make a copy & send to Mr. Edwards and Hon J. M. Williamson so that both parties may know this decision promptly-r- Resolved to adjourn to first Tuesday in June next at same place — Entered By me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 852. Tnistee Meeting. June 2d 1868. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm H. Clark President, Nath'l Tuthill, H. W. Carman, Edwin Bayley, Thomas Terry and Cyrus E. Griffing Trustees. Ordered that the allowance to J. Orrin Mott towards the support of relatives be reduced from 16/- to 12/- per week — as one has died — Jackson Russell & family allowed Temporary aid $6.75 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 353 and it is also ordered that they be allowed 12/- per week till further — Ordered that of those struck off from pauper list last Month the following be put on again and be allowed per week till further order as follows. Ellen McCormick 4/ Mrs Blydenburgh 4/- Mrs Clark 6/- On the application of J. Smith Terry owner of the Mills at Stony Brook for the purchase of the swamp land near the said Mills so as to protect the Springs which are the Source of his millpond — which was deferred from last meet ing — he appearing again and no opposition being made to the same — and it appearing plain that said swamp land can not be used for building thereon without being filled in, and that to be so filled in would injure the Springs and of course his mill pond and Mill which the Board have no wish or legal right to do ; therefore deeming the protection of said Springs in said swamp to be necessary for the mainte nance of said Millpond and Mill, not only as a benefit to the owner of said Mill, but to all the people in the vicinity of said Mill ; it is hereby ordered that the said application is granted, and that said J. Smith Terry owner of said Mill at Stony Brook shall have a Quitclaim for said Swamp or Spring lands lying West of the Stony Brook Hotel, and between the Highway and the main division run of water — leaving a suitable passway at the north end for the con venience of Capt Henry Davis and also leaving the Spring which is now side of the highway outside of his fence for the use of the public and then extending Southerly by said Highway which should be left four rods wide — till it comes opposite the north window on the west side of the Store belonging to said Stony Brook hotel, thence running South westerly so as to enclose a large willow Tree and then west erly — coming to said division run, about Six feet South of .the end of the division fence between the lands of said Capt Henry Davis & George Smith — for the sum of Fifty 354 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dollars — which said J. S. Terry has paid — with the under standing that should any person or persons produce a legal title to said Page 353. premises — then in such case the quitclaim is to be returned and the said sum refunded to Mr Terry — and said Terry agrees to leave the South & North ends of said main Divi sion runs of Water convenient for watering. The Application for the privilege to erect a School House for Dist. No 2 in this Town on Setauket Green made last meeting and deferred to this, was again by R. Johnson, I J. Smith, A. Hulse, Thomas S. Mount, & Walter Smith earnestly made — stating that no appropriate place could be procured except at unreasonable charge and that at a late public School meeting a large majority voted to erect School House on the said Green between the two Churches as their choice — and no person appearing to oppose the application — though the clerk stated that earnest remon strances were stated to him when he went to view the prem ises and sufficient reasons to his mind given why said peti tion should not be granted — yet as no opponents appeared, the Board wishing to encourage education, and hoping the School House will not discommode either church, do hereby Grant the application and authorize Addison Hulse, Isaac J. Smith and Ryder Johnson Trustees of School District No. 2. in this Town of Brookhaven and their successors in office to erect and maintain a Suitable School House and proper appendages for School purposes on the public ground between the churches at Setauket in this Town called the Green, and for said purpose to occupy a Space of Ground Twenty six feet wide East and West and Sixty feet in length North and South — the centre of said plot being one hundred and thirty four feet Northwesterly from a certain rock which is about Seventy five feet Northwest from the Presbyterian Church — and said centre of plot is about 102 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 355 feet from the Southeast angle of the Episcopal Church ground — and about 134 feet from the centre of Road, at the north east of Green between the lands of Floyd & Davis^and about 189 feet north from the house of Ebenezer Bayles — and one hundred and fifty feet or more North Westerly from the Liberty Pole — with the privilege of passage to and from said School House for all the purposes for which a School House is properly used — these premises being granted solely for the erection of a School House and its appendages and for no other purpose, and if said School House is not erected within 12 months from this date or if erected within said time and shall hereafter at any time cease to be the District School House either by decay or by appropriation to other purposes then in such case this grant shall cease and the building or buildings be removed and the whole and entire premises revert to the Town — Resolved to adjourn to first-Tuesday in July — Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson clk. Page 354. Trustee Meeting. July 7th 1868. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm. H. Clark President, Nathaniel Tuttle, Henry W. Carman, Edwin Baile^', Thomas Terry and Cyrus E. Griffing Trustees — Ordered That Dolly Cuffee (col'd) be allowed 8/- per week till further order ^ — On the application of R. W. Wheeler and several others for a Draw Bridge on the creek by the Steam Mill at Port Jefferson where the highway now is over an old permanent Bridge Ordered that the comm.issioners of Highways make an Estimate of the cost of a Draw Bridge on said creek and present the same to the Trustees at next meeting and also state what amount they can properly appropriate for the 356 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. same from the funds raised for Highways and Bridges, and how much if any will'be necessary to obtain from the Trus tees or some other source to make such Draw Bridge, and to state whether in their view a Draw Bridge is necessary and if so, what in their estimation is the excess of cost of a Draw Bridge over the cost of a fixed bridge. Ordered that John S. Lee and George D. Lee of Port Jefferson have a Lease for Sixty feet of shore at said place between the north side of the highway and low-water mark — beginning at the east bound of the shore leased to Hawkins & Mather and extending thence Sixty feet — for Four Dollars per year. Ordered that as Harvey West the Grantee in Lease of 1861 recorded page 153 wherein he agreed to build a Bulk head within three years ; and as he has not built any Bulk head and has been notified to attend and show cause if any at this meeting why his said lease shall not be annulled and he not appearing It is hereby ordered that said lease of said Harvey West both of 1853 and as renewed and regulated in 1861 is hereby annulled. And it is hereby ordered that on the apphcation of D'l. T. Corwin and Reuben H. Wilson of Port Jefferson owners of land opposite for lease of shore that they shall have a lease of the shore at Port Jefferson Harbor for Twenty years at Six Dollars per year embracing the Two Hundred and twenty five feet formerly granted to Harvey West above named whose lease is annulled for default — and also the shore heretofore granted to said D'l T. Corwin and so ex tending Page 855. Westerly so as to make Three Hundred and twenty five feet in the whole. Nathaniel Tuttle Trustee reported Temporary aid ahowed to Thomas Albin who is poor and sick — which was approved BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 357 and it ordered that 8/- per week be allowed him till further order — Ordered that Benjn. T. Hutchinson clerk at some con venient time attend to the application of Walter Dickerson Overseer of Highways and go to Setauket and run the hne on Laurel Hill as it has heretofore been from the Rock to the Cedar Tree named in the records in this Book page 17 — as certified to by Col. Isaac Satteriy who claimed the land adjoining — Note — said Rock & Tree found and line traced as hereto fore— B. T. H. clk Granted to Cyrus E. Griffing 1 piece of oyster Ground at Port Jefferson Harbor at $14 per acre per year for five years — also on same terms a piece to T. O. Dayton and a piece to R. H. Gerard — ^^bounds to be fixed and land meas ured by C. E. Griffing Trustee — Adjourned to first Tuesday in August next, at usual place and time — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson elk. August 4th 1868. Trustees met the same six acting Trustees present — Ordered that Wm. L. Howell son of Franklin Howeh of Port Jefferson a deaf mute be sent to the Asylum in New York city. Alfred Mott's lease of 6 acres of Oyster Ground renewed for 3 yrs. from 1st Sept 1868 at $6 per year- Ordered that Jeremiah Brower be allowed 8/- per week till further and that Lodowick Rider be struck off from allowance till further order — Granted to Wm. Risley of Setauket four acres of Oyster Ground at Port Jefferson Harbor at $6 per year for years — Transferred $50 of Trustees funds to Overseers of Poor. Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson Town clerk. 358 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 356. Lease of Shore at Port Jefferson — to Corwin & Wilson This Indenture made the Seventh day of July one thou sand Eight hundred and Sixty eight Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York of the first part and Daniel T. Corwin and Reuben H. Wilson of' the same Town of the second part Witnesseth That the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the annual rent of Six Dollars to be paid annually in advance in each and every year have granted and leased unto the said parties of the second part their administrators and as signs the use and privilege of a certain Shore at Port Jeffer son in said Town of Brookhaven between the North side of the Highway and lowwater mark and beginning Two Hun dred and forty feet west of the Centre of the Bridge and including the Shore formerly leased to Harvey West and Daniel T. Corwin and extending Westerly on said shore so as to make in all Three Hundred and Twenty five feet for Twenty years — And the said parties of the second part for themselves their heirs and executors doth covenant and agree to pay annually and each year in advance to said Trustees or their Successors in office the said sum of Six Dollars per year for the use of said shore during said term of Twenty years — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the Corporate seal of their Town of Brookhaven and the hand of their President to be hereunto affixed and the parties of the second part have hereunto affixed their hands the day and date first above named — In presence of ^- ^' Corwin Benjn T. Hutchinson. ¦ Town Clerk. R.H.Wilson Wm H. Clark, President. Seal Seal Seal BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 359 Feby 5th 1872 Above Lease assigned to Gilbert F. Dar ling of Brooklyn for $1.000— excepting certain 50 feet in width heretofore conveyed to John Marvin — The Assign ment by said Corwin & Wilson to Darling sent here and I make this entry & send the Assignment to County Clerk as requested — Feby 13th 1872 Benjn T. Hutchinson— Town Clerk. Page 357. Lease of Shore at Port Jefferson to John S. & George D. Lee This Indenture made the Seventh day of July one thou sand eight hundred and Sixty Eight Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk and State of New- York of the first part and John S. Lee and George D. Lee of the same Town of the Second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the an nual rerrt of Four Dollars to be paid annually in advance in each and every year have granted and leased unto the said parties of the second part their administrators and assigns the use and privilege of a certain Shore at Port Jefferson in said Town of Brookhaven between the North side of the Highway and low water mark and beginning at the East .bound of the Shore formerly granted to Hawkins and Mather and extending thence Easterly Sixty feet for Twenty years — And the said parties of the second part for themselves their heirs and executors doth covenant and agree to pay annually and each year in advance to said Trustees or Suc cessors in office the said sum of Four Dollars per year for the use of said shore during said term of Twenty years — In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the Corporate seal of their Town of Brookhaven and 360 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the hand of their President to be hereunto affixed and the said parties of the second part have hereunto affixed then- hand the day and date first above named — Wm H. Clark President Seal John S. Lee Seal Sept. 1st 1868 — Trustees met — only four present — paid bills and adjourned to meet at Town Clerk's office on the first Monday of October at the Annual Meeting of Town officers as fixed by law — Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 358. Trustee Meeting Oct. 5th 1868— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Wm H. Clark President Nathaniel Tuttle, Henry W. Carman, Ed win Bailey, Thos Terry — and Cyrus E. Griffing Trustees- Resolved That the sum of Six Thousand Dollars be raised by tax in this Town this year for the support of the Poor of the Town for the ensuing year — Resolved That Charles S. Havens — Supervisor be and he is hereby authorized to transfer or sell so much of the State Stock belonging to this Town as maybe necessary and snffi.- cient to pay the principal and interest of the Town Bounty debt that will become due March 1st 1869 — Granted to Henry Ockers & others Fifteen acres in South Bay for planting Oysters for Five years at $15 per year — Renewed Lease of Joshua Benjamin for five years from Deer 8th 1868— Leased in Port Jefferson Harbor for five years at one dollar and a half per acre for planting Oysters— viz — To Charles J. Robbins Two acres $3— Alexander Frazier Two BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 361 acres— $3 per year — Israel Hays Two acres $3 per year — Warren Newton One Aci-e $1.50 per year — " Board settled accounts with Charles A. Davis Collector for 1867 Matter of Draw Bridge at Port J efferson deferred to get more information — Adjourned to first Monday in Novr Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk Page 359. Cross Road North of New Village — Whereas a road in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk leading from the Hallock Road to Stony Brook, easterly about one mile North of the Middle Country Road at New Village to the Gould road to Stony Brook has been used as a highway for Twenty years (said to have been over forty years) but not recoi-ded. Now therefore the under signed Commissioners of Highways of the said Town (all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose) having met on the applica tion of John & Ebenezer Smith, at the house of John Smith for the purpose of causing said Road to be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said to be made do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascer tained and described according to the said Survey, begin ning at a Stone buried in the ground on the East side of the Hallock road thence running 1st Course S. 88° E. 4 ch. 92 links to East side of Wm Hawkins' land 2 " N. 68° E. 1 ch. 94 links to a Stake 3 " N. 89J E. 4 ch. 21 links to a large white oak Tree between Capt Jonas Smith's land and Alfred Hawkins' land — 363 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 4 Course East 6 chains to Ebenezer Smith's land — 5 " S'70° East Ich. 96 links to the centre of the Gould road running past the house of Wm Ira Gould to Stony Brook — said line being the Centre line of said con necting road which we order to be opened to the width of two rods— Brookhaven June 4th 1868 — T> ^ L T> a -xi ) Commissioners Robt. R. Smith ( n John R. Mather ( „• i ) Highways. Recorded Sept. 25t.h 1868. Posted Oct. 27th 1868. Benjn T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 360. Survey of Road West from Cumsawogue — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk leading from Setauket to Cumsawogue and so on to Mt. Sinai formerly called Old- ' mans, was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 10th day of May 1728 being then called the Upper road or Cart path from Town to Oldmans, but not sufficiently described Now therefore the under signed Commissioners of Highways of the said Town (all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose) having met on the applica tion of Emmett B. Darling and others on the premises at Cumsawogue in said Town for the purpose of causing a portion of said road at Cumsawogue to be ascertained de scribed and entered of record in the Town Clerks office, and having caused a Survey of said portion of said road to be made, do Order that the said portion of road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey, beginning at a point in the centre of the Coram & Port Jefferson road and running Westerly BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 363 1st Course S. 564° W. 2 ch. 33 L. to a point opposite the tenant house of C. L'loyd Bayles, the N. E. Corner of which house bears from 2d point S. 374° E. — 374 l^'ks 2d Course — S. 474° W. 4 ch. to opposite a large hickory Tree, the bearing of centre of which is S. 32° E — 364 links — 3d Course— S. 39° W.— 5 eh.— 59 links— 4th Course S. 784° W.— 6 ch.— 41 hnks to opposite the S. W. corner of Capt. Minor Tuthill's garden or door yard — the S. W. corner post of which bearing N. 12 W. 50 hnks— 6th Course S. 81f° W. 8 ch. 92 Links - 6th Course N. 724° W. 5 ch. 82 Links 7th Course N. 60° W. 4 ch. 81 hnks to opposite the house of Hubbard Gildersleeve — the S. W. corner of which bearing N. 46 E. 1 ch. 11 links— 8th course N. 80f W. 4 ch. 29 Links— 9th course N. 654° W. 1 ch. 92 hnks to a Black Oak Tree about on the line between the land of Emmett B. Dar ling on the East and of Daniel Hulse on the West — The said line to be the Centre line of said road, which is to remain four rods wide as declared in the said laying out thereof — Brookhaven August 17th 1868— Robt. R. Smith I C'^^^"^''^ John R. Mather ('0-1 ) Highways Recorded Sept. 26—1868 Posted Oct. 27—1868— Benjn T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 361. Road from Union School House East Setauket South, Sur veyed — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk leading from the road from 364 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. Setauket to Port-Jefferson Beach (at the Union School House) to the Road from Setauket by the lands of Stephen Edwards & Isaac Brewster to Port Jefferson, was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town and approved by the Court of Sessions in March 1713 as re corded in Brookhaven Record Book C. page 53 or is a part of the lower road from Setauket to Drown meadow now Port Jefferson as recorded in Book C. page 101 — May lOtli 1728, but not sufficiently described — Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town (all the Commissioners having met at this time and place for the purpose) having met at the said Union School House in said Town for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made, Do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey, beginning at a point in the centre of said road from Setauket to Port Jeffersotl Beach which point bears from the N. W corner of said Union School Llouse North 56° W. 1 ch. 68 links— thence running 1st Course S. 21° E. 3 ch. 70 links 2d " S. 31i E. 7 ch. 41 l- 3d " S. 884° E. 3 ch. 82 I— 4th " S. 23f° E. 1 ch. 30 1— 5th " S. 14° E. 4ch. 8 1— 6th " S. 144° E. 5 ch. 70 links to the centre of the old road leading from the estate of Stephen Edwards and Isaac Brewster to Port Jefferson formerly Drown Meadow —said road now surveyed being said or supposed from. the best information obtained to have been a public road for last 160 years and said line now run is to be the centre line and the road to be opened or kept open to the width of three rods — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 365 Brookhaven June 8th 1868 — Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather j of Highways Recorded Sept. 25th 1868 Posted Oct. 27th 1868— Benjn T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 362. Trustee Meeting Nov. 2d 1868— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment whole six present- Ordered that Scepter Wells be allowed aid of 6/- per week from 1st of September Also Catherine Young 8/- Also Catherine Smith 8/- Also Stiff 12/-- per week tih Oct. 6th Temporary aid allowed to Nicoll Overton $6.70 and to Samuel Penny of $2.90 — approved By Wm H. Clark Trustee &c Granted Oyster Lots in Port Jefferson Harbor to Walter Price 1 acre at 14 per year — Charles Hallock 2 — — 3 dollars John Abrew 2 — 3 dollars Wm N. Avery 2 — 8 dollars Saml C. Wicks 1 — 14 dollars And in South Bay — To Wm Sliarpe & 8 others 16 acres $16 David Smith Junr & Isaac Smith 8— $8 Oyster Lots in South Bay^ And in Setauket Harbor 44 Acres at 14 dollars per acre for 6 yrs to M. V. B. Nivens, John F. Hawkins, Alexander Bryan & Ryder Johnson On the application of R. W. Wheeler & 41 others for a Draw Bridge at the Mill at Port Jefferson which has been considered at every meeting since its first presentation at July Meeting, and the Commissioners of Highways having 366 BROOKHA.VEN TOWN RECORDS. reported that in their estimation a Draw Bridge would cost $600 while a permanent Bridge would cost only $100 and that they could not properly apply more than $100 out of their $250 for the whole Town for this particular Bridge It was resolved that if it was the duty of the Town or Trus tees to construct a Draw Bridge at that place the Trustees would contribute of Town funds $160 toward the extra expense, truly believing that as it would be for the benefit of only some 4 or 5 persons that those so benefitted should contribute a part & before contributing any aid it was re solved that C. E. Griffing Trustee should get the counsel of Ex Judge S. B. Strong on the whole matter — Adjourned to first Tuesday in Deer Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson. T. Clk. Page 368. Trustee Meeting Deer 1st 1868— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment whole six present —viz Wm H. Clark Prest. Nathl Tuttle, Henry W. Car man Edwin Bailey, Thomas Terry & Cyrus E. Griffin Trustees — Resolved That as to the matter of a Draw Bridge by the Steam Mill at Port Jefferson that as the Hon S. B. Strong Ex Judge has given his opinion that said Creek does not come up to the decisions of the Supreme Court as to what constitutes a navigable water and that moreover the Trus tees have no control over Highways & Bridges which duty is left by State Law to the Commissioners of Llighways — It is hereby resolved that the matter as to Draw Bridge at Port Jefferson be dismissed for the present — Granted Lots in Port Jefferson Harbor for planting Oysters as follows for 5 years at $1.50 per acre per year in advance each year — Peter Skidmore 2 acres 3.00 Joseph H. Hagerman 1 " 1.60 paid 1 yr. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 367 Charles Houndsley 2 acres 3.00 Richd Ovatt ' 2 " 3.00 paid 1 yr. John Newton 1 " 1.50 Thomas B. Hawkins 2 " 3.00 paid 1 yr. Granted the privilege of the Gunning at Smith's point for 50 cts and the Eeling along Smith's Shore for $1 to Hon E. T. Smith for one year — the same belonging to him and the Town — Whereas large quantities of Oysters have been taken lately in the waters on the North side of this Town and no compensation made to the Town It was unanimously voted and agreed that Three cents per bushel on all Oysters taken in any of the Harbors or waters on the North side of the Town to be carried out of the Town or for sale in the Town — shall be paid, under the penalty of Fifty Dollars for each neglect or offence as set forth more fully in the Act follow ing — Resolved that Cyrus E. Griffing Trustee be Agent of the Town with full authority to collect the above Toll and enforce payments and penalties — Page 364. Act to protect Oysters on the North side At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk held pursuant to adjournment on the 1st day of December 1868 Present Wm H. Clark President, Henry W. Carman, Edwin Bailey, Nathaniel Tuttle, Thomas Terry and Cyrus E. Griffin Trustees — It was unanimously voted and agreed that there shall be a Toll or Toleration fee of Three cents on every bushel of Oysters that shall be taken in any of the Bays, Harbors or waters on the North side of this Town to be carried out of the Town or to be sold in the Town or in any manner for sale ; And it is hereby ordered and ordained that if any person 368 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. or persons shall take and carry or shall carry any Ovsters out of the Town so taken in any of said waters or in any way expose for sale in the Town any Oysters so taken with out paying said Toleration Fee shall for each and every such offence forfeit and pay to said Trustees or their suc cessors in office for the use of the Town the sum of Fifty Dollars to be sued for and recovered in the name of the said Trustees — Provided that a resident of the Town shall have the privilege to take Oysters in said waters for the use of his own family but not to sell without paying the said Toll, and in all cases the rights of those who have leased Oyster Lots of the Town are to be respected — Attest Benjn T. Hutchinson. Wm H. Clark President Town Clerk. Seal At the earnest request of Benjn T. Hutchinson whose accts. as Collector in 1866 had been offered several times during the past year but delayed for want of time, the Board examined, approved and settled the same — Adjourned to first Tuesday in January 1869 Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 365. Road at New Village near West line of Town fixed — Whereas the road used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suff!olk, and known as the Middle Country Road and Old Post Road leading from Riverhead to Smithtown was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of said County on the 25th July 1716 and recorded in County Clerk's office in Book A. page 142 and referred to in our Town Records as being Four rods' in width and also judged to be a part of the King's road ordered to be laid out from Brooklyn to Southampton and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 369 to be four rods wide, and parts of which road have hereto fore been surveyed and fixed, but the part herein surveyed not having been sirfficiently described. Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town all of the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose having met at the house of Wm Hawkins in said Town for the purpose of causing so much thereof of said road as herein is described to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having caused a survey of the said Road to be made, do order that the said Road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said sur vey beginning at the junction of said roaii with the Smith- town hne — Road at New Village at a point which bears from the Southwest corner of the large part of Wm Hawkins' house South 434° W. 2 chains 56 links, thence running North 2° West 50 links to a centre point in said Middle Country Road and thence Easterly in the centre of said road as follows, 1st Course S. 77^° E. 13 ch. 78 Links 2d. " S. 834° E 5 ch. 93 L to the division line between lands of J. Foster Hallock & Dl R. Hallock on the South side and of Wm Hawkins and D. R. Hallock on the North — 3d Course S. 76f° E. 5 ch. 89 L. 4 " S. 684° E 6 eh. 60 L. to the centre of the road leading Southwesterly by the houses of said Foster Hallock and Dl R. Hallock — This line from the Centre point which is also the center of said Smithtown Line Road is the center line of said middle Country Road which is declared to be four rods wide— said courses being magnetic as the needle now points — Given under our hands the 20th day of Novr 1868. Robt. R. Smith ( Commissioners JohnR. Mather ( „• i^ ) Highways. 370 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Recorded Deer 29th 1868 Posted Jany. 6th 1869— Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 366. Trustee Meeting Jany 5th 1869— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all the acting Trustees 6 present — Ordered that Widow Mott of Selden be allowed 8/- per week instead of 4/- till further order — Julia A. Blydenburgh be allowed 12/- per week from Novr 16th Eliphalet Smith of Stony Brook be allowed 6/~ per week from Dec 2d Laura T. Smith allowed 6/- instead of 4/~ from Novr 2d till further Wm Albin and wife allowed 8/- per week till further — Nancy White and Charles Moger having been brought to the Poor House their former allowances cease — Resolved That this Board of Trustees deem it time, and necessary to have a new and better Poor House, and we give notice that the whole subject will be submitted to the people at next Town-Meeting for their decision, whether they will purchase another farm and house, or build on pr-esent farm, or as they may in their wisdom determine for the best interests of all concerned — Ordered to be published — Cyrus E. Griffin Trustee reported that he had collected for Oyster Toleration on North side 12.09 paid for advertising 7/- Fees allowed 1.21 2.21 Leaving net which he paid in $9.88 E. Bailey, N. Tuttle & C. E. Griffin appointed to gain information about said Town house business — BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 371 Adjourned to first Tuesday in February — Entered by me. Benjn T. Hutchinson, T. Clerk. Page 367. Robinson's Saw Mill Bridge — Union St — The owners of Robinson's Mill and the Board of Town Officers agree as follows — as to building of Bridge &c 6 Locust posts on the inside of Flume 6 Cross Sleepers of locust not less than 5 inches square to be covered with 24 inch Oak plank — Bridge to be 10 feet span and not less than 14 feet in width — 2 String pieces of locust not less than 6 inches square and the Commissioners of Highways are to pay Seventy five Dollars towards the expense of said Bridge — and the owners of the Mill are to be to the rest of the expense of the same— And the owners of the Mill agree that the Mill-dam and said Bridge shall be a public Highway— and it is mutually agreed to by the said owners and the said Commissioners that hereafter the covering of said Bridge is to be kept in repair by the Town of Brookhaven, and the Flume and foundations of the Bridge to be kept in repair by the own ers of the Mill— Dated Oct. 5th 1868— Recorded Oct. 6th 1868 Benjn T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Chas S. Havens J. W. Pelletreau J. G. Wilbur Oran W. Rogers Lester Davis David T. Hawkins J Supervisor iy Justices I Angeline E. Conklin Norton Robinson Terry Robinson Jeremiah Robinson Geo. W. Robinson Mill owners Benjn T. Hutchinson. T. Clerk 372 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. J. R. Mather ) O. P. Smith > Commrs Robt. R. Smith j Trustee Meeting Feby 2d 1869— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment the whole Six present — as last Meeting — Granted Oyster Lots in South Bay to Marinus Boot & 5 others of Islip 24 acres to Mathew De Graff & John Van Popen 8 acres at $1 per year for 5 yrs with privilege of renewal. Also in Port Jefferson Harbor to Joel Norton & llenry L. Robbins 1 acre each — Hiram L. Moger & Llolraes W. Swezey 2 acres each at 14 pr. a 6 yrs. Ellen McCormick a pauper applied for aid to go away & get employment to support herself and the Board leave $20 with C. E. Griffin Trnstee to do the best he can in the matter^ Ordered That Edwin Bailey be Agent of the Town to collect Oyster Toleration ifec in the South Bay with the same authority as heretofore given to Geo. W. Smith former Agent. Adjourned to fir*st Tuesday in March next — Entered by me B. T. Hutchinson Page 368. Trustee Meeting March 2d 1869— Trustees met pursuant to adjournrhent present Wm H. Clark President, Edwin Bailey, Nathaniel Tuttle, Thomas Terry and Cyrus E. Griffin Trustees — Granted to Wm Wallace Brown one acre of Oyster Ground in Port Jefferson Harbor at $14 per year for 5 years — Granted to John Goldsworth & three others of Islip 16 acres in South Bay as Oyster lots for $16 per year 5 years with privilege of renewal — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 373 Agreed to give a Quitclaim to George A. Edwards for the small Homestead described in Deed from Richard W. Hawkins to Samuel B. Edwards and Fanny his wife pro vided said George A. Edwards binds himself to keep the Town every way free and clear from all and every expense whatsoever for the support of the illegitimate child of his daughter — the said Fanny Edwards being now deceased and the said Samuel B. Edwards having long been a pauper at Town Poor-House — to an expense over the value of said premises — Agreed to bind Wm Henry White a pauper abotit 12 yrs of age to Oliver Downs of Upper Aqubogue until he is 21 — said Downs agreeing to do all things as the law requires & also give said boy $100 at the end of his service — On application to purchase Old Field Shore and remonstrance against selling it, the Board voted unanimously not to sell it Ordered that Mrs Eli Hall be allowed 50 cts per week from Jany 12th and Jeremiah Brower's family 8/- per week from Jan. 20 past — per C. E. Griffin — Robert De Voo allowed 50 cts per week from Feby 2d per E. B. Samuel Hudson allowed Temporary aid $3.00 per C. E. G. C. E. Griffin Trustee paid in $24 Oyster Toleration at Port- Paid to Elisha E. King his expenses & J. L. Smith's fees amounting to $69.24 to save our own property the Mihs at Wading River from a claim without foundation made by assessors of Riverhead — The Committee appointed Feby 2d finding no suitable farm to purchase ; the Board voted to recommend that $6,000 be raised in the Town for building a poor house near the present one — Adjourned to first Tuesday in April — Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk — 374 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Page 369. Road Districts 8 & 9 at Mt. Sinai On application the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of the Town of Brookhaven hereby divide Road Dis trict No. 9 in Mt. Sinai in said Town leaving the upper or South part of said District together M'ith the cross road run ning by the house of Joel Davis to constitute the hereafter District No. 9 — and the lower part or North part of said former Road District No. 9 from said cross road embracing all the roads west of said cross road and North of the Main South public road through said Mt. Sinai to constitute a new Road District to be known as Number 8 — Given under our hands this 23d day of March 1869 John R. Mather [ Commissioners Robt. R. Smith ( tt- i,^ ) Llighways — Recorded March 23d 1869 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram on 6th of April being the day of annual Town Meeting — Present Wm PL Clark President, Nathaniel Tuttle, Henry W. Carman, Edwin Bailey, Thomas Terry and Cyrus E. Griffin Trustees — Minutes of last meeting read and approved — Ordered that Mrs Bishop of Patchogne be advanced in her allowance from 2d March to 8/- per week — Also that the allowance of Stephen Howard of Fireplace a Colored cripple be advanced from 4/- to 8/- per week Resolved that Cyrus E. Griffin be Agent to collect the Clam Toleration at Port Jefferson and be continued to col lect Oyster Toleration there also— and that Walter Dicker- sou be agent of the Town to collect the Clam Toleration at Setauket and Stony Brook — Resolved to lease oyster Lots in South Bay to John BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 375 Wright George Wright and John Parks of Patchogue that is Four acres to each for five years with privilege of re newal — price one dollar per acre annually in advance — Page 870. On motion of Mr Bailey seconded by Mr. Griffin the following resolution was put by the Clerk and unanimously passed by the Trustees^- Resolved That we tender our thanks to our worthy Presi dent Wm. H. Clark for the energy and ability he has mani fested during the four years that he has presided as Presi dent of our Board — The following memorial and token of respect to capt. Samuel Carman a former member of this Board was unani mously adopted, and then the .Board adjourned — sine die — that is without day In Memory of Samuel Carman who died Feby. 27th 1869— aged 80— Whereas Samuel Carman of South Haven in this Town of Brookhaven hath lately departed this life in good old age, and whereas he was Trustee of this Town in 1828 and after holding United States office of Coast Inspector for several years was Trustee Overseer of the Poor and Presi dent of our Board of Trustees in 1849 ; and while we trust all who knew him will bear testimony to his honesty as a man, and to his integrity as an officer, we offer this tribute to his memory to be sent to his family, and order that the Clerk enter the same in the Town Records of our Town of Brookhaven April 6th 1869— Win. H. Clark Prest Nathl. Tuttle Edwin Bailey Cyrus E. Griffin Thomas Terry Chas S. Havens Supervisor Benjn. T. Hutchinson, T. Clerk. Seal 376 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 871. Town Meeting — We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the annual Town-Meeting held this 6th day of April 1869 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following Officers were elected to the respective offices named — For Supervisor Effingham Tuthill For Justices of the Peace David T. Hawkins whole term of 4 yrs. Richard T. Osborn do do Richard T. Osborn for vacancy of Wilbur to Jan 1870 — Chas. A. Davis for vacancy of Woodhull For Assessors Edmund W. Ruland John H. Overton. Commissioner of Highways Charles R. Smith Town Clerk Benjamin T. Hutchinson Collector Edwin Bayley — President of Trustees Nathaniel Tuthill Trustees Walter Dickerson Elbert Woodhull Thomas Terry Henry W. Carman BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 377 William LI. Clark John Roe Smith Overseers of Poor Walter Dickerson John Roe Smith Constables Jeremiah Humiston — Daniel A. Davis Sylvester M. Swezey — Walter Hawkins William Penny 2d — Sylvester W. Wines John R. Bell Jacob Cornelius Page 372. Inspectors of Election 1st Dist. William T. Hulse William O. Gould ' Thomas H. Saxton appd 3d Dist. Richard T. Osborn William H. Clark Gideon Smith appd 5th Dist. Nehemiah O. Smith Stephen Bloomer John R. Swezey, appd. 2 Dist. Sylvester D. Tuthill Charles A. Davis Edwin N. Miller appd 4th Dist Richard Gerard Charles Swezey Joseph M. Shaw appd 6th Dist Noah T. Terry J. Davis Hammond Nelson Norton appd We certify that the above is a true & correct Statement of the election & canvass of said annual Town Meeting — Dated Brookhaven April 6th 1869— Oran W. Rogers ] Justices John S. Lee of the Entered by me Charles Price [¦ Peace April 6th 1869 D.T.Hawkins of Benjn T. Hutchison Lester Davis J Brookhaven — Town Clerk Brookhaven 378 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. A proposition for a new Poor House was submitted to the people and a majority voted against building one — due notice had been given, and a large body were present and voted at 2 P.m. Chas. S. Havens Supr President Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk Seey— Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson clerk Page 373. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk in accordance with the law passed April 21st 1865 do hereby appoint the following persons to the Office and duties of Overseers of Highways in the respective Road Districts of this Town to serve in and for the Road Districts the number of which is placed opposite each respective name — to serve until next Town Meeting or till others are appointed — No Overseers Location 1 Joseph S. Hawkins Jr. S. Brook 2 Alonzro Hawkins " E. 3 Ebenezer Hawkins S. Set— 4 Walter Dickerson Setauket 5 Algernon S- Mill& E. 6 Alfred Hulse N. E. " 7 John H. Overton Port. J. 8 Selah Tooker Mt Sinai N. 9 James W. Davis " S. 10 Jos R. Rowland M. Place 11 Sylvester Hallock Rock Hollow 12 John Taylor W. River 13 Clinton Raynor Manor, N. 14 Chas Raynor " S. 15 H. T. Osborn E. Moriches BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 379 16 James Robinson Eastport 17 Dl Lane Mastic 18 Wm Osborn S. Haven 19 Augustus A. Hawkins Fireplace 20. John Nicoll Bellport 21 Nathl T. Swezey Union 22 Isaac Willetts E. Patchogue 23 Davis Baker Lane " 24 Wm Raynor W. 25 John Westcott Bluept— 26 Richd W. Newton Lakeville 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu N. V. 28 Henry W. Murray — do. E. 29 Jos T. French Selden 30 Michael P. Walker Coram W. 81 Ham Smith " E. 32 Jacob S. Newton Rocky Pond 33 Noah T. Terry FarmV. 34 Ichabod G. Carter Coram Hills 85 Sidney Smith M. I. West 86 Lester Ruland M. I. Centre 37 Joseph N. Hurtin M. I. East 38 Philetus Phillips Minvihe 39 Isaac H. Robbins Y'aphank 40 James G. Miller Ridge 41 James 0. Homan Manor E. 42 Norton Robinson Pine Neck 43 Oriando F. Edwards Swezey Town 44 Daniel C. Rhodes C. Moriches 45 Sidney Penny. <•' " "^ 40 Preston Raynor — R. pt 47 Sylvester M. Woodhull Wood V. 48 Alpheus Hawkins W. Moriches 49 Lawrence P. Elhson Old Field 50 James W. Sell Patchogue 380 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 51 Isaac L. Overton E. Union 52 Bryant N. Overton Fireplace West 53 John Kaler C. Moriches. E. part. 54 Robert Farmer Waverly 55 Stephen Bloomer — Short -Neck. Dated at Brookhaven Suffolk Co. this 13th day of April 1869— Robt R. Smith ) Commrs Chas R. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways Recorded April 18th, 1869— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 874. Trustee Meeting May 4th 18*69 — Trustees met pursuant to call present Wm H. Clark, Henry W. Carman, John Roe Smith, Thomas Terry — Walter Dickerson and Elbert Woodhull — Nathl Tuthill from sickness was absent and Wm H. Clark was chosen to act as President for the day — voted that Walter Dickerson overseer of the Poor take charge of tho Books — Olivia Irwin Temporary aid $1 — Mrs Eliza Lane $8 — & $1 per week allowed Rose Woodhull & Grand child 8/- aid & 8/- per week Agreed to bind Ellen Woodhull to Jerh. Mulford — ¦ Granted to Frank Corney & others 1 6 acres in South Bay- Edward N. Danes of Islip 3 acres — On Petition of J. R. Smith in behalf of Oystermen it was granted that all such persons as pay permit may Oyster till 15th June next — brookhaven town eecords. 381 Edward Edwards Lease of Oyster Ground in South Bay renewed for 6 years — • Adjourned to first Tuesday in June — ¦ Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. June 1st 1869— Trustees met all present — ^Walter .Dickerson reported Temporary aid of $10 to Scepter Wells to pay his honse rent — Wm. H. Clark reported temporary aid of $7.10 to Nicholas Overton and $1.26 to Charles Hulse — Nathl. Tuthill reported temporary aid of $1.60 to a colored woman & child at Ridge — all of which were ap proved — John Herman of Waverly who has been aided is at Poor house — Daniel Smith of Patchogue who had been aided has died and left by will a small house and lot to his widow who is nearly blind and has been aided — the matter is left to John R. Smith Trustee to seek to get a deed for the premises to the Town and let her still reside in the same — Mr Woodhull Trustee is to request Dr. S. Burnell of Wading River to visit Mr Rockwell at the poor house and see if he can cure his leg which much afflicts him — Not to interfere with the celebration of our national day, resolved to meet on Thursday 1st of July — B. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 375. Mill dam Road at Conungum — This agreement made between the undersigned commis sioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven ; in the County of Suffolk and State of New Y^ork and the under signed owners of the Mill-dam across Peconic, residing in the Town of Riverhead in said County Witnesseth that whereas said Mill-dam crosses said Peconic river at a place commonly called Conungum and whereas said Peconic 383 brookhaven town records. River forms the division boundary between the said two Towns and whereas said Mill-dam is necessary for the pub lic travel across from one Town to the other respectively ; Now therefore the undersigned owners of said Mill-dam hereby agree to keep said Mill-dam in good repair and let the public use the same freely and for so doing the under signed commissioners agree to pay said owners or their suc- sessors the sum of Two Dollars annually — and this agree ment is to stand until some other agreement is mutually or legally made — In witness whereof both parties have hereunto set their hands and seals binding themselves and successors this Ist day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty nine — r ^, owners of the R.L. Skidmore (L Sj Mih & dam — ¦ mentioned in S. S. Terry (L S) this agreement In presence of Waldo Wehs witness for R. L. Skidmore & S. S. Terry Robt R Smith ) Commissioners John R Mather \ of Highways — Benjn. T. Hutchinson witness for R R Smith & J R Mather- South Haven June 3d 1869— Reed, of Robt. R. Smith Commissioner of Highways for Brookhaven Town Six (6) Dohars for R. L. Skidmore for keeping his Mill-dam in good repair for the past three' years from January 1st 1866 to January Ist 1869 — Received payment on the within bill David T. Hawkins BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 383 Recorded June 4th 1869— Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 376. Road Dedicated at East Setauket — - Whereas the residents and owners of lands in East Setau ket in the Town of Brookhaven have offered to give or dedicate to the Town for the purpose of a Highway two rods in width of land for the same, so as to connect the Shore-road by Capt. Decatur Oakes lately laid out and re corded, with the road on the East side of Setauket Harbor, we the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all being notified to attend for the purpose, having met on the premises, do consider the same a convenience to the public and do hereby accept the same as a two rod dedi cated road for the public and by the request of the parties have caused a survey of the said road to be made and hereby order that the said so dedicated two rod road be ascertained described and recorded according to the said survey hereto annexed as follows — Continuation of the shore Road at Setauket starting at a point in the centre of the Road which bears from the large stone on Capt. Micah Jayne's South 274° E. 10 Links & running as follows — course 1— S. 50^° E. 1 ch. 43 L. " 2— S. 424° E. 6 " 76 " " 3— S. 614° E. 1 " 81 " bearing of N. E. corner of Capt. Micah Jaynes tenant house. from this point is South 254° West 57 Links- course 4— N 80|° E. 3 ch. 18 Links " 5 S. 78i°E. 4" 22 " to the centre of a two Rod Road leading from the port Jefferson and Setauket road to James Van Brunt's and the Shore on the east side of the Harbor — The bearing of the N. W. corner of John Van 384 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Brunt's house from last mentioned point is S. 59° E. 1 ch. 29 L. — The above Road is to be 2 rods wide & to be dedi cated by the owners to the Town & the above line denotes the center — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 12th day of May A.D. 1866— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather j of Highways We the undersigned owners of the land through which the above desci-ibed and surveyed road runs do hereby give and dedicate the same of two rods in width, the said line so surveyed being the centre thereof, to the Town for the pur pose of a pubhc Highway and hereby release all claims Page 377. " of damage by reason of said road running through our lands and consent that the said survey and this Release and dedi cation be recorded in the Town Clerk's office of this Town of Brookhaven— May 12th 1866— In presence of Decatur Oakes L.S. Benjn. F. Jayne L S David K. Gildersleeve L S. John J. Van Brunt L S Joseph L. Van Brunt L.S Wm D. Van Brunt L S. Recorded June 24th 1869— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Trustee Meeting — July 1st 1869 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all but J. R. Smith present — W. Dickerson reported that he had hired Oldfield Shore to Wm R. Satteriy for one year from June 20th 1869 for Sixteen and a half dollars. — Wm H. Clark reported Temporary aid to Chas Hulse of $3.73 and to Nicholas Overton $8.67— He also has been to Sag Harbor and settled Town of East Hampton Bills for BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 385 keeping Mrs George Smith and family $77.41 and agreed to allow for their support $2 per week from June 15th 1869 till further order — all which was approved — Mrs Rachel Russell to be allowed 75 cts per week from June 1st — Adjourned to first Tuesday in August — Entered by me, Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk— Page 378. HigliAvay North from East Moriches. Land Released — Whereas we the Commissioners of the Town of Brook haven whose names are hereunto subscribed having been called pursuant to law to lay out a public road a certain part thereof being two rods in width and the rest three rods in width, the said road to be donated to the public for their use and convenience thro'ugh said commissioners by the owners of the land through which said road passes ; pur suant to said call, we the said commissioners having met and taking a view of said premises have caused a survey to be made, and ordered the said road to be opened and re corded as a public road, said road known or situated and described as follows viz. situate in the village of East Moriches commencing on the North margin of the Country road at a point N. 864° E. 35 links from the South East corner of William R. Howell's Store (main part of said Bnilding) said point being the centre of said road which is at the commencement Two rods in width, thence from said point N. 314° W. 10 ch. thence N. 35|° W. 6. 24 which point being the terminus of the Two rods in width — thence N. 27° W. (expandingly) 67 Links at which point the road commences three rods in width thence N. 2° 5' E. 49. 55 (to Hart's road so called) thence N. 2° 57' E. 87. 65 to the head of Neck road (so called) being the present ending thereof — 386 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 24th day of June 1869- — Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather V of Chas. R.' Smith ) Highways. Recorded July 5th 1869 Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk see Release of land next page — Posted August 3d 1869. By Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 379. Release or donation of land for the foregoing road — A Highway having been laid out on the day ol the date hereof by Robert R. Smith, John R. Mather and Charles R. Smith the commissioners of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk on the application of the undersigned through whose lands the said highway passes (and others) said Highway situated in the village of East Moriches afore said Town, and commencing on the North margin of the Country road at a point N. 854° E 35 links from the South East corner of William R. Howell's store (main part of said building) said point being the centre of said road which is at the commencement two rods in width — thence from said point N. 314° W. 10 ch. thence N 35| N. 6. 24, which point being terminus of the Two Rods in width — thence N. 27° W. (expandingly) 67 links at which point the road commences three rods in width — thence N. 2° 5' E. 49. 56 to Hart's Road (so called) thence N. 2° 57' E. 87. 67 to the head of Neck Road (so called) being the present ending thereof — Now Therefore Know all men by these presents that we S. S. Stansbrough, H. T. Osborn G. T. Osborn Maltby Sanford, John Chapman William R. Howell Jehiel B. Reeve, and Charles H. Benjamin sole owners of said land BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 387 for value received do hereby release all claim to damage by reason of the laying out and opening the said llighway* — Witness our hands and seals this 24th day of June 1869 — George T. Osborn L S J. B. Rf eve L S John Chapman L S Maltby Sanford L S S. S. Stansbrough — L S Recorded July 5th 1869— By me Benjn T. Hutchinson clk Page 380. Highway at Holbrook extended — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk all the Com missioners being present having met at Waverly Station in said Town to decide upon the application of John G. Bar rett, A. McCotter, R. H. Farmer & others residerlts of said Town & liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the laying out of the continuation of Union Avenue Westerly from the Old Sand Road, so cahed to Llolbrook Avenue hereinafter described (twelve respectable freeholders of the said Town convened and sworn, after public notice of six days at three of the most pubhc places of the Town according, to law, having certified that such highway is necessary and proper and the said Commissioners having caused notice in writing to be given to John Swartz and Thomas Crook occupants of the land through which the road is to run at least three days before the time of meeting of the time & place at which they would meet to decide * Note. This highvray will be found fully defined by the eommisrs in Book I, of Records, page 136. Com. 388 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. upon the said application) Do Order that a public highway — three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application the centre whereof is the fol lowing described line viz : Beginning on the East side of the Old Sand Road adjoin ing the land of Mr. Sidney Terry 36 rods North 14° West from the centre of the Long Island Rail Road track and running North 89° West 57 chains and 56 hnks to the centre of Holbrook Avenue ; which point being 38 rods North 14° West from the centre of the said L. I. R. R. track — Bearing of the chimney on Mr John Abery's house from the starting point is South 12° West — Brookhaven June 12th 1869— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather V of Chas. R. Smith ) Highways — Recorded July 28tli 1869 Posted Augt. 3d 1869 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk See page 888 — for Release & appraisal Page 381. Quit Claim from Trustees to Obadiah D. Wells. This Indenture made the Twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Forty two Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and common alty of the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, and State of New york of the first part, and Obadiah D. Wells of the same place of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of Forty one dohars fifty cents lawful money of the United States of America to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part at or before the enseahng and de- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 389 livery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have remised, released and quit claimed, and by these presents do remise, release and quit claim unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever All that certain tract of upland and Strand situate in said Town between Setauket and Oldfield — Bounded East by conscience Bay at common low-water mark — South partly by the land of Samuel L. Thompson and partly by the land of Vincent Dickerson — West partly by the land of said Dickerson and part by the highway — and Northwardly, by other lands of the parties of the first part — the division line to be designated by certain stone — the Northern Bound to be distant from the Southern Bound four rod on the highway and five rods on the Bank — containing about one Acre more or less — Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments, and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate, right, title interest, property possession claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity of the said parties of the first part, of, in, or to the above described premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances — To have and to hold, all and singular the above men tioned and described premises together with the appurte nances unto the said parties of the second part his heirs and assigns forever — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part by their President hath hereunto set their hand and Page 382. seal the day and year first above written — Sealed and delivered President in the presence of Davis Norton L S of said Mordecai Homan Town Clerk Trustees— 390 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. State of New York ) Suffolk County j ss. Personally appeared before me on the 20th day of Sep tember 1842 Davis Norton President of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven in said County and to me personally known to be the person described in the within Deed and who acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the same for the uses and purposes therein expressed — R. W. Smith Recorded July 28th 1869 — Commissioner of Deeds &c Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting — August 3d — 1869 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment — all but Wm. H. Clark present — Clerk by order of Board transferred to Overseers of Poor One Hundred and fifty dollars of Trustees funds — J. R. Smith Trustee reported temporary aid to Anson Vail $2.— to Jane chichester 1.69 & to Barna Marvin $9— W. Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Olivia Irvin $2.42 — and H. W. Carman Trustee reported for Wm H. Clark temporary aid to Nicholas Overton 8.21 & to Charles Hulse 4.02 — all which was approved — Luther Fields having left the Poor house and being un well is to be allowed 50 cts. per week till further — Application was made for the procuring of an artificial leg for Albert Smith an indigent resident of Fireplace post poned tih next meeting and Mr Moore & also J R Smith are to inquire as to price & what voluntary aid will be given — Adjourned to first Tuesday in Sept, Benjn. T. Hutchinson, Clk. Page 883. Release and appraisal relative to extension of Union Avenue between Waverly and Holbrook. — see page 380 — brookhaven town records. 391 Release — • Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a Highway in said Town beginning at the west end of Waverly Avenue between Waverly and Holbrook Stations & running Westerly to Holbrook Avenue, which proposed Highway will pass through my improved lands — Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said highway, I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Signed Sealed & dehvered this 12th day of June 1869 in the presence of James Abiy Richard Smith ( L. S. Wm. H. Longbotham Recorded Augt 11th 1869— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk- Appraisal as to said Highway — We the undersigned Commissioners named in the order of the County Court of which the annexed is a copy, hav ing met & examined the premises named in said order & taken such testimony on oath as we deemed necessary do certify & report that we assess the damages of Charles Swartz by reason of laying out the highway named in the order at Fifty five (56) dollars and the damages of Thomas Crook at Thirty Dollars — Dated Augt 7th 1869— John Wood Recorded Augt 11th 1869 Chas T. Strong Benjn. T. LIutchinson Clk. Edwd. H. Smith Note Commrs fees $24 — Town of Brookhaven — Received August 7th 1869 of the Commissioners of Highways Thirty Dollars (30) in full for the right of way across my improved land continuing the Union Avenue Westwardly to Holbrook Avenue — The said 393 brookhaven town records. amount having been duly assessed by a Commission ap pointed by the County Court for that purpose — Mary Crook wife of Thos Crook Recorded Augt. 11th 1869— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 384. Trustee Meeting — Sept. 7th — 1869 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment present all but Wm H. Clark, who is drawn on Grand Jury- Resolved that the Sum of Six Thousand Dollars be raised by Tax in this Town this year for the support of the Poor of the Town the ensuing year Resolved That Effingham Tuthill, Supervisor be and he is hereby authorised to transfer or sell at what is or may be the quoted selling price, so much of the State Stock belong ing to this Town, as may be necessary and sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the To.wn Bounty Debt that will become due March 1st 1870 — Renewed Lease of David Brisco for a piece of ground at Oldfield for five years from Feby 3d 1868 (when his former lease expired) for One Dollar annual rent to be paid in advance — Note §2 paid for last and this year — John Roe Smith reported Temporary aid to John Dayton $4.00 and that he found it necessary for the present to aid Mrs Swezey and family 16/- per week instead of 12/- Walter Dickerson reported Temporary aid to Olivia Irving of $2.83, — to Mrs Catherine Smith $4, — to Conklin Newton $2.50 — also a Bill of Dr. Bates for medical at tendance on three paupers to the amt. of $14.00 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 393 Wm H. Clark by H. W. Carman reported temporary aid to Charles Hulse $5.03 and to Nicholas Overton $7.82 — Elbert Woodhull reported temporary aid to Leonard Still — all which above were approved, and it was ordered that said Leonard Still and another having left the poor house and he being unwell, he be allowed till further order $1 per week for the support of himself and family — The Clerk by consent of the Board transferred Fifty dollars of Trustees' funds to the Overseers of the Poor — Whereas the Supervisor and Assessors are required by law to meet at the Town Clerk's on the first Monday in October Resolved that we adjourn to meet there also on that day — Entered by me B. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 386. Survey of Road at School Llouse Hill, Stony Brook Whereas the hollow at Stony Brook used as a highway together with the common land near the Millpond was Reserved by the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven as appears by the Town record Book C. page 28 " John Smith hath pitched on a parcel of land to be laid out at the head of Stony Brook on the left hand or eastward side of the swamp between that and the Common road, March 16th 1702— Joseph Longbotham hath pitched upon 20 acres of land to be laid out at Eastward of the great hollow leading to the head of Stony Brook— May 5th 1702— By order of the Trustees Thomas Jeiiner laid out to John Smith thirty five acres of land on the east side of the Hol low that goes from the head of Stony Brook to Smithtown path, butting on the said hollow sixty pole — B. page 238 Ap. 21—1704— 394 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Timothy Mills and the widow of Joseph Smith sell to Joseph Blydenburgh Twenty acres at Stony Brook except ing what is left out for a highway being bounded westward by the highway— B. 252— Deer 22d 1712" — And whereas a highway was laid out by the house of Mr. Blydenburgh that he bought of widow Smith naming certain Trees and stump and a Stone house and recorded in Book B. page 245— May 7th 1713 — and also laid out by the County Commissioners June 8th 1717 a highway four poles wide from Smithtown Street and so in a long hollow to the Creek and usual landing place — Recorded in Suffolk County record B of Deeds page 82 ¦ — and said Road at Stony Brook again declared a highway in Town Record C. page 101— May 10th 1728 as follows " Laid out a highway from Stony Brook to the plains as it used to go, and so between Eleazer Hawkins' land and John Smith's land four poles wide " Also again declared in Book B. page 361— Feby 8th 1746 " Laid'^out a highway leading from Stony Brook by the house of Nathaniel Long botham four rods wide" but said Highway running through the village of Stony Brook and so repeatedly recognized and declared a public highway has not been sufficiently described, and controversies having arisen relative to that part of said ancient highway which passes Page 386. around on the west side of what is now called School house hill ; the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk having on the application of J. Smith Terry met on the premises May 24th 1869 and by request of Trustees of School District adjourned to this 4th day of June 1869 all the Commission ers having been notified to meet at both said times and at said place for the purpose ; having met on the premises by said School House, and having evidence that said ancient BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 395 recorded road did run around by the Mill pond and Springs and on the west side of said School house Hill ; and though but little used, a straighter path having been made but not recorded ; yet said ancient road is still open to the public, and recognized in the Deed from the Trustees of said Town to the Trustees of said School District in 1857, wherein they convey for educational purposes only, about one fifth of an acre not extending to said Mill pond, but bounded on the North, West and South by the old road or path leading around the hill by the Springs — Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners having no application and certificate authorizing us to close said old road, but having been called for the purpose of causing said old road around said hill to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and hav ing caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do Order that the said road be, and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, beginning near the west side of the usual travelled highway leading through Stony Brook, and at this part called above the straighter path, at a centre point which bears from the North east corner of the School house North 4|° East 1 chain & 63 links — thence running 1st ^ course 1 South 61° West 2 ch. 71 L. 2d " 20° West 0 ch 29 L. 3d " 13° East 0 ch 24 L. 4th " 59° East. 1 ch 02 L. 5 th North 83° East. 2 ch 16 L. 6th South 674' ' East. 1 ch. 25 L to the centre of a large Buttonwood Tree in said Page 387. straighter path, or usual travelled road — this line denoting the centre of said old highway which is to be and remain 396 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. four rods wide as originally laid out and recorded — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 4th day of June 1869 — T 1, -D -n/T ii ) Commissioners John R. Mather ( ^^ Robt. R. Smith ( of Highways. Recorded Sept. 8—1869 Posted Sept 10—1869 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Note. A diagram, showing the courses of the road, and the relative position of the School House is drawn upon page 387 of the records. Com. Appraisal of Damages Patchogue Lane see pages 256, —257—258— " * Damages for widening Patchogue Lane appraised Deer 12tli— 1867 To Daniel Wicks and Hannah Gerard 100.00 Mary A. Deery. 112.50 Wm Roe 50.00 Lucinda Gillette (Randall) 100.00 and to none others Fees charged by Commrs Total $362.50 28.00 $390.50 Edward H. Smith Thomas Young Commissioners appointed by the court — Entered by me. Sept 10th 1869— Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Page 388. Trustee Meeting. Oct. 4th 1869 — Pursuant to adjournment Trustee meeting was held at the Town Clerks — Present Nathl BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 397 Tuthill Prest Thomas Terry and Henry W. Carman Trus tees — a violent storm preventing the distant members from attending — the bills of those present were paid and arrange ment made for the Clerk to pay the bills of the absent Trustees — For want of a quorum the Board then adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis' in Coram on Monday the first day of Novr meeting on Monday because Election is to be held next day Tuesday — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Election District No. 1 divided & Nos. altered. We the undersigned Board of Town officers having met at the Town Clerk's as required by law to fix places of holding Elections and to alter and arrange Election Dis tricts so as not to contain over Five Hundred Electors, and finding first District in this Town of Brookhaven contains over Eight Hundred Electors ; Now then in accordance with the requirements of the law we do hereby make a New Election District out of the East part of said first District — ^^said new District to be number Two, in the Town to be bounded East by former No. 2 which is to be No. 3 — South by the Butt-line — North by the Sound — and West by the Setauket Harbor and a public Highway running South from said Harbor on the west side of the Store of Wm Floyd Smith into the Town road leading towards Coram, and by said Town road to the Butt line — said divi sion to go into effect after the present General Election — The Districts as to Numbers are after the coming Election to be known as follows viz. No. 1 — to continue No. 1 — ¦ New District to be No. 2 — former No. 2 to be No. 3 — former No. 3 to be No. 4 — former No. 4 to be No. 5 — former No. 5 to be No. 6 — former No. 6, to be No 7 and No. 1 District is t(? contain the remainder of former No. 1, left after making the new District — its East boundary being the Setauket Harbor and the Highway running South from 398 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said Harbor on the west side of the Store of Wm Floyd Smith into the Town road — and by said road to Page 889. the Butt-line — its other boundaries being the same as here tofore — Given under our hands this 4th day of October 1869 at Brookhaven. E. Tuthih, Supervisor Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk David W. Case ) John H. Overton v Assessors — Edmund W. Ruland ) Recorded Oct. 4th 1869— Benjn T. Hutchinson, Clk. Note. See alterations of Election Districts on pages 168, 209, 377, & 457, of Records, Book E.— Com. Page 890. Trustee Meeting Nov. 1st. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, all present — W. Dickerson reported Temporary aid to Olivia Irwin $4.44, and coffin & funeral charges for her $10.00 Mrs Catherine Smith Temporary aid $6.00 Wm H. Clark reported Tempr aid for Oct. N. Overton 7.33 Charles Hulse 3.21 do. for Novr for N. Overton 6 94 Chas Hulse 4.85 Resolved That the allowance to Mrs Catherine Smith be 12/- per week — Mrs CoUies be raised from 10/- to 12/- per week — J. R. Smith reported Tempy. aid to John Dayton $2. all of which was approved by the board BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. _ 399 Granted Shore at Port Jefferson to Chas. C. Brown for $1 per year for 20 yrs. to use for launching vessels when necessary, & at all other times to be free for the public — Granted 4 acres of Oyster Ground in South Bay to Chas S. Rose & 4 acres to John S. Rose at $1 per acre per year for 5 years with privilege of renewal — and 2 acres to Chas Swezey on same terms^ George White a poor boy in Moriches allowed one Dollar per week till further order — Granted 4 acres of Oyster Ground to Hon. E. T. Smith north of his Dock at $1 per acre for 5 years with privilege of renewal — Adjourned to first Tuesday in December next Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 391. Trustee Meeting Deer. 7th 1869 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment all present — Renewed Grant of use of a piece of shore at Port Jeffer son on which his Blacksmith Shop stands to Sylvester Randall for Ten years from 1st of May next for Four Dollars and a half per year. On account of poorness of Meadow lowered the yearly rent of to Jonas Mills from $8.60 to $4— Leased to James Harrison Raynor Oyster Ground at Bellport being one acre on the west side of Osborn's Dock and two acres on the east side for Three dollars per year in advance for five years with privilege of renewal — Ordered that 60 cts per week be allowed to George Hulse's wife for keeping an illegitimate — and that the allowance of Mary Jackson be raised from 50 cts to 75 cts per week until further order — Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported Temporary aid to 400 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Luther Fields $2.50— to Leonard Still $1.90 to David Smith $2. W. H. Clark Trustee reported Temporary aid to Nicholas Overton $6.26. to Charies Llulse $4.51 and clothes to George White $13.21— all approved— Dr. Preston's Bill for Ruth Dayton's child $6.00 Dr Bakers, Bill for Poor House & other poor 13.00 Dr. Jarvis Bill for Job & Adelaide Raynor 10.00 all allowed and paid — Adjourned to first Tuesday in January next. Entered by Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 392. Trustee Meeting. Jany. 4th 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Granted to Wm Bowers lease of Two acres of Oyster Ground in Port Jefferson Harbor near Salisbury Hole for Five years at Three dollars per year in advance, $8 pd. Leased to John Llallock the grass on New made Island (the same formerly leased to J. M. F) for Five years from July Lst 1869 for $2.50 per year — W. Dickerson Trustee reported Temporary aid to Frank Jewell $4.50, to Anah Brewster cold $2. Naomi Burroughs $2. coffin for Cath Smith's children $3.50 to Eliza Lane $4.50— Dr Bates BiU for Mrs Lane $2.00 ) Mrs Smith 5.00 v $10— Miss Sills 3.00 j Wm. LI. Clark Trustee reported Tempy. aid to N. Over ton $6.60 Thomas Terry Trustee reported Tempj\ aid to E. Colley 4.06 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 401 Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported Tempy aid to Luther Field 1.50 " " " " " " David Smith 2. 00 R. Jennings Atty — Bill for service in two Illegitimate cases from which the Town esca.ped farther charge $10.00 All of which were allowed and paid — Wm. R. Satteriy paid rent of Oldfield Shore for one year up to June 20th next— $16.50 Alexander Frazier's Rent of Oyster Lot at Port for one year paid by Brown — $3.00 Thomas DaVis' Idiot Child keeping to be allowed Four Shillings per week till further order Adjourned to first tuesday in Feby. next — Entered by Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 393. Alteration of Division Avenue across stream at Patchogue. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk at the house of Austin Roe in the said Town on the 24th day of Decem ber 1869, all the Commissioners having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this order it is Ordered and determined by the said Commissioners upon the application and by the consent of Wealthy Dilerack and Allen S. Jones through whose land the alteration hereafter described is to be made, that tho Highway known as Burke Avenue or Division Avenue leading from Patchogue Lane to the Short Neck Road in the Village of Patchogue in said Town, which was laid out by the Highway Commissioners on the 10th day of May 1866 as appears by the Record thereof in Book E. at page 310 of the Records of said Town in the office of the Town Clerk, as follows viz. Beginning at a point on the centre of Patchogue Lane which bears from the N. E. corner of the House of John Miher, North 40° 403 • BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. E. one chain 37 links and running as follows. 1st Course S. 87° W. 8 ch. 31 L,— 2nd Course S. 80° W. 4 ch. 47 L. —3d Course S. 82^° W. 6 ch. 92 links— 4th Course S. 82° W. 6 ch. 54 links to the East side of Creek — 6th Course S. 65° W- to the West side of the Creek to a point which bears from the S. E. corner of the House of John S. Jones N. 714° E. 2 ch. 53 L. and from which point the chimney on the large part of Thomas Dilerack's House bears N. 114° W.— 6th course N. 79° W. 8 ch. 21 L. to the centre of the Short Neck Highway — Be altered according to the following survey which the Commissioners have caused to be made thereof to wit ; The centre line of the Road as altered is to begin at the West end of the Third Course of the old Sui'vey as hereinbefore mentioned, at a Locust Stake in the centre of the road and to run thence as follows instead of as in the 4th 6th and 6th course above mentioned viz. 1st course North 88t° W. 9 ch. and 6 Links to the West side of the Creek— 2nd Course South 884° West 5 chains to the line between the lands of Wealthy Dilerack and George N. Webb near the North rail of the Rail road track— 3d Course Norih 88° West 3 chains 154 I'nks to the centre of the Short Neck road, and that the said alteration be of the width of Three Rods — Dated Patchogue the 22d day of January 1870 — Chas. R. Smith ) Commissioners Robt. R. Smith ( tt- , ) Highways. Recorded Jany 27th 1870 Posted Feby 1st 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Note. See page of Records. BIG. Book E. Com. Page 394. Releases for Highway across Creek at Patchogue — Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. 403 of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk are about to alter the course of a certain Highway in the Village of Pat chogue, in the Town of Brookhaven aforesaid known as Burke Avenue, or Division Avenue in accordance with the terms of a certain application for that purpose which has been signed by me Allen S. Jones with others dated Decem ber 30th 1869 and whereas the said Highway when altered will partly pass through my improved lands, and whereas it is agreed between me and the said Commissioners of Highways that the damages sustained by me by reason of the said alteration of the Highway aforesaid be fixed and liquidated at the sum of Twenty Dollars — Now therefore, in consideration of the said sum of Twenty Dollars, to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is ^hereby acknowledged, I do hereby release to the people of the State of New York, all claim to damages by reason of such alteration of said Highway — In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of January in the year one thousand eight hundred and Seventy — In the presence of Allen S. Jones ( L. S. ) Chas. R. Smith ^^ ' Recorded Jany 27 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk— Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk are about to alter the course of a certain Highway in the village of Patchogue in the Town of Brookhaven aforesaid known as Burke Avenue or Division Avenue in accordance with the terms of a certain application for that purpose which has been signed by me Wealthy Dilerack with others, and whereas the said Highway when altered will pass partly through my improved lands, and whereas it is agreed between me and the said Commissioners of Highways that the damages sus tained by me by reason of the said alteration of the High- 404 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. way aforesaid be fixed and liquidated at the sum of Ten Dollars ($10) Therefore in consideration of the said sum of Ten Dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I do hereby release to the People of the State of New York all claim to damages by reason of such alteration of said Highway In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3d day of January 1870 — In presence of Wealthy Dilerack (L S) Charles R. Smith Recorded Jany. 27-1870— Benjn. T. LIutchinson Clk — Page 895. Release for Highway at Patchogue — Whereas application has been made to the Commis sioners* of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a Highway in said Town be ginning on the line between the lands of Daniel G. Gerard and John Miher on the Patchogue Lane and running through the improved lands of Daniel G. Gerard & John Miller, John Burke, Wm Hawkins, John Jones, Allen Jones, to the Short Neck Road so called ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said Highway we do hereby Release all claims to damages by reason thereof — Patchogue March 12th 1866— O. P. Smith John Miller Witness Daniel G. Gerard William Hawkins Recorded Jany 27th 1870 Benjn. T. LIutchinson Clerk Release for Highway Union Avenue Holbrook — Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 405 Suffolk to lay out a Highway in said Town (called Union Avenue) beginning at the old Sand Road on the West line of Mr Sidney Terry and running Westerly to the Holbrook Avenue which proposed highway will pass through my im proved and unimproved lands ; Now therefore in consider ation of Fifty five Dollars ($56.00) to me in hand paid (being the amt. of the award of the Commission appointed by the County August 4th 1869) I do Release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with my seal and dated the 22nd day of January 1870— In presence of *¦ my Chas R. Smith , George X Swartz .mark. Recorded Jany 27th 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 396. Trustee Meeting February 1st. 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment all present. Ordered that the wife of Alva Oakes Smith be allowed one Dollar per week till further order. That Naomi Burroughs be allowed one Dollar per week till further order — Leased to Marinus Van Popin and several others Thirty Four acres in the South Bay for planting oysters for Thirty Four Dollars per year in advance for five years with priv ilege of renewal — Resolved That Edwin Bailey be continued Oyster Agent for the Town in the West Bay or West part of South Bay on the same terms and with the same full authority to en force payment of Oyster Toleration and protect the rights of the Town as heretofore given to the Oyster Agent 406 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to the following needy persons, Eliphalet Smith $2. Anor Brew ster $2. Robt. De Voe $2. Naomi Burroughs $4. Eliza Haines $2.56— Catherine Young $4.50. Frances E. Smith $2.00— Wm. H. Clark Trustee reported temporary aid to Nicholas Overton $7.80 Charles Hulse $1.10 Paul Hawkins $3,00— Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported temporary aid to Leonard Still $2. Luther Fields $2. Widow Hall $3. all of which were approved — M. E. Woodruff paid $6 for rent of Meadow on Quanch Creek Island and his term being up he gives notice that he relinquishes it^ — so it is to be leased — and H. W. Carman Trustee is to attend to the same — Adjourned to first Tuesday in March. Entered by me — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 397. Trustee Meeting March 1st 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment all present — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Anor Brewster $8. Robert De Voe $4. Eliza Haines $6— the last supposed to be a County pauper arid Co. Supt. is notified of the cise — Wm II. Clark Trustee reported temporary aid to, N. Overton 9.93, Paul Hawkins 4.69— Charles Llulse 2.04 — Carlton Jayne & James Llowell pay $6 for 2 years lease of Oyster Ground in Setauket Harbor and ask to be relieved from further use of ground as it proves unfit for the pur pose intended, which is granted and lease given up — Remonstrance against the Special Act to make the Town pay Bounty again to those who put in substitutes in 1864 unanimously signed by Trustees and sent to Albany — R. Jennings is paid Fifty Dollars on account of counsel BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 407 fees in suit about Oystering in South Bay in action of Trespass. Brookhaven agst. Charles Strong of Islip — Clerk ordered to demand Twenty five dollars of Win Sidney Smith as his half of said expense already incurred in said suit — " Note" Demanded & obtained for the Town— B. T. H. clerk — John Roe Smith Trustee reported Temporary aid to Anson Vail 5.95 to Mary Timms 5.75 to Charies Wood 8.00 to Mrs Swezey $2 to Mrs Dayton $2— which were approved — Ordered that Hepsibah Rider's allowance be advanced to $1.25 per week till further order — Adjourned to the first Tuesday in April Entered By me Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Clerk — Page 898. Survey of part of Stony Brook Hollow — Town of Brookhaven ) Suffolk County j ss. Whereas. the Hollow at Stony Brook used as a Highway was never conveyed to individuals but in the laying out and sale of the lands by the Trustees of said Town of Brook haven was reserved by the name of " The Hollow at Stony Brook leading to Smithtown" as may more fully appear by reference to Town Record Book B. page 238 in 1704 and in same Book pages 239-252-311-312 also in C 48 and in Copy C page 46 and also that said Hollow or Highway is described by the Brook by Trees and Houses now not known in Book B. page 245 in the year 1713, and deeming this same " Llollow leading to Smithtown" to be included also in the laying out of a Highway " From Stony Brook to the plains as it used to go four poles wide" as recorded in Book C. page 101 in 1720 as at that time the road to the plains was on the line between this Town and Smithtown 408 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. which line-Road was closed in 1747 as recorded in Book C. page 171 and other roads allowed to be laid out, and in 1761 Book C. page 202 the Highway from Stony Brook by Nathaniel Longbothams branching from abovesaid highway or Hollow road was laid out to the Middle Country Road four rods wide — and in 1769 a Highway was laid out run ning Easterly from the Stony Brook path between the Equalizing Division and the Long Lots to Obe Davis' east bounds thence to Oxhead path and so on by that path — Pond path — and moony-pond path to the Country road — all which Highways and references showing that the said Hollow leading to Smithtown is the ancient Highway from which the others branch, and all of said highways having been continually used and worked from the laying out of the same, though not sufficiently described ; and controver sies having arisen relative to the location of said Old High way or Hollow leading to Smith-Town near where the Road leading by Nathaniel Longbothams (now Wilham Hawkins') branches from said Hollow Road and near where the Lligh way from Setauket called in 1707 & 1713 in Record B. pages 244 & 245, " The Old Road to Smith town" comes into said ancient Hollow Road — Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose hav ing met on the premises for the purpose of causing said Road to be ascertained, described and entered of Record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a Survey of the Road to be made do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey, beginning at a point or Stake near where the said Old Smithtown road from Setauket Page 399. comes into this said Hollow Road from Stony Brook to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 409 Smithtown, which point or stake is North (68f°) Sixty eight and three quarter degrees West one chain and (194) nineteen and a half links from the Northwest corner of the dwelling house of Charles S. Seabury deceased, and thirty seven and a half links, the same course from the Stone wall of said Seabury then from said starting point running North (4J°) four and a quarter degrees West Four chains and twelve links to the junction of the said Road leading from this by Nathaniel Longbotham's — this line to be the centre line of said part of said Hollow Road from said starting point to said junction and we hereby order all obstructions to be removed to the distance of one and a half rods from said centre line — Given our hands at Brookhaven this 20th day of June 1864— John P. Mills ) Commissioners John R. Mather j of Highways Recorded March 29th 1870 Posted April 19th 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Road near Bethel Church West of Setauket — Whereas a certain road between Stony Brook and Setauket in the Town of Brookhaven leading from the road that goes from Stony Brook to Samuel L. Thompson's at Nassakeague across the Setauket Road to Lubber Street has been used for a long period but not now known whether recorded or not ; Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the pur pose, having met on the premises for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained described and recorded, and having had sufficient proof that said road had been used as a public highway the last twenty years, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and de- 410 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. scribed according to the annexed Survey made by us begin ning at a point in the centre of the said Setauket Road near the African Church called the Bethel — which bears from the Southeast corner of said church Soutli Six and a quarter degrees West Four chains and thirteen links, then from said starting point running Southerly between the cleared land of Capt. Charies Mills and the Woodland of Capt Jonas Smith as follows ; 1st Course S. 494° E. 2 ch. 82 L. 2nd " S. 564° E— 3 ch 184 L- 3d " S. 44° E-2 ch 94 L. 4th " S. 584° E. 1 ch. 81 L. to the North wagon rut of the said road leading to the late Samuel L. Thomp son's — this line being the centre line of said Highway which we order to be opened to at least two rods in width as the law requires Page 400. in such case — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 8th day of September A.D. 1866— Robt. R. Smith j Commissioners John R. Mather ) of Highways. Recorded March 29th 1870 Posted April 19tli 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk. Note. See alteration &c. of the above road, on Page 417 of Records, BookE. Com. Survey of Road at Oldfield — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 14tli day of August 1869 — Whereas a road used as a highway in this Town of Brook haven leading from the Millpond in Setauket to Oldfield gate was declared a public highway by the Board of Trus tees in 1738 as recorded in Book C. page 188 and also again by the Commissioners of Highways in 1760 and recorded in Book C. page 201 where it is called " The Highway BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 411 from Richard Woodhull's Mill running in the usual place four rods wide leading by Doctor Murison's house and Joshua Longbotham's to another beforementioned road to the Oldfield gate" which road is not sufficiently described and located — Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose having met at the house of Hiram Vail in said Town for the purpose of causing a portion of said Highway to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained, and described according to the said Survey, beginning at a large Stone in the ground at the North end and in the centre of oldfield-lane and thence running Southerly as follows ; 1st Course South 36|° East 5 chains 2d " " 16i° " 4 ch. 30 L. 3d " " 15i° " 3 ch. 45 L. to opposite the bound line between Luther Darling and Benjamin S. Mills on the west side of this road — 4th course South 94° East 4 ch. 38 L. to adjoining North bound of .Hiram Vail's land on West side — Bearing of the N. E. corner of Hiram Vail's house from this point is S. 38° West 1 ch. 41 Links 5th Course South 9° East 4 ch. 13 Links 6th " " 5i° " 2 " 18 L. 7th " " 34° West 1 " 11 L. to opposite South bound of Hiram Vail's land adjoining land of Sidney Hart — The above line denotes the centre of said Highway which is to be and remain four rods wide as originally laid out and recorded — Robt. R. Smith ) Commrs Charles R. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways 413 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded March 29th 1870 Posted April 19 1870—^ Benjn T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Page 401. Town Meeting— 1870— We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the annual Town Meeting held this 5th day of April 1870 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following Officers were elected to the respective offices named — Supervisor Effingham Tuthill Justices of the Peace Charles R. Smith full term Lester Davis full term Assessors Austin Culver full term Sylvester D. Tuthill full term Commissioner of Highways John R. Mather full term Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk S. Warren Wines Collector President of Trustees Nathaniel Tuthill Walter Dickerson Elbert Woodhull Thomas Terry. Henry W. Carman Wilham H. Clark. John Roe Smith Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 413 Walter Dickerson | Overseers of the John Roe Smith j Poor Constables Jeremiah Humiston Philip A. Leek Daniel A. Davis S. Warren Wines Sylvester M. Swezey John R. Bell Wells Howell John P. L'Hommedieu Districts Inspectors of Election ( William O. Gould No. 1 I Walter Smith ( Jedediah Williamson appd William T. Hulse No. 2 ¦< James E. Bayles ( Thomas H. Saxton appd Sylvester D. Tuthih No. 3 < Charles A. Davis ( John J. Davis appd {Richard T. Osborn Austin Culver Hiram Osborn appd i Hallock J. Bishop Richard Gerard Carman A. Robinson ( Stephen Bloomer No. 6 \ Charles Gould ( Edward T. Moore appd Noah T. Terry. No. 7 < William Sylvester Swezey ( Nelson Norton appd We certify that the above is a true & correct Statement of the Election & canvass of said annual Town Meeting — Dated Brookhaven April 5th 1870 Charles Price 1 t i- j; ii •o m /-I 1 Justices of the R. 1. Osborn -r, j: u rr T 1 Q T Peace of the lown John S. Lee \- ^ ^, A ¦ T\ • " Brookhaven Chas. A. Davis J j 414 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded April 5th 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 402. Trustee Meeting April 5th 1870, Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all pi-esent — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported Temporary aid to Mrs. Sells $2— to Robert De Voe $1— to Jane Rogers $2. to John Smith $3. to Ehza Haines $10.76. Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported temporary aid to Luther Fields $2.56 Thomas Terry Trustee reported temporary aid to Ezekiel Colley $3 & to Mary Connor $1. Wm H. Clark Trustee reported temporary aid to Mrs. Howland$7.83. to Nicholas Overton $9. 64 to Paul Llawkins $6.30 to Charles Hulse $3.79 — all which were approved by the Board — Ordered that Mrs. Mary Ann Miller formerly widow Davis be allowed Fifty cents per week from time of last payment Deer 7th last for the keeping of her illegitimate child toward which the Overseers obtained some pay in 1867 — in land and money — A Bill was presented as due the Estate of Dr. Oliver W. Rice deed for Medicine furnished to Charles Lackwood a pauper at Poor house — and by vote it was under the cir cumstances admitted for payment ; but with a protest against paying any more like bills unless the medicine is ordered by a Trustee — It being Annual Town-Meeting day ; after paying Bills the Board adjourned without day — Entered by me, Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Survey of Part of Post Road near I. M. Rose's at Middle- town — Given under our hands the 19th day of February A.D. 1870— (at Bottom) BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 415 Whereas a road called the Middle Country Road used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk being a part of the four rod road laid out in Colonial days from Brooklyn to Southampton and the part in Suffolk County recorded in County Clerk's oflice Liber A. of Deeds page 142 July 25t'h 1716 but not sufficiently described — and only small portions of the part in Brookhaven having since been defined ; Now therefore the undersigned commis sioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commis sioners being present, having met on said road near the house of Israel M. Rose in said Town for the purpose of causing that part of said road opposite and adjoining his premises to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey beginning at a point in the centre of the highway, from which the Southeast corner of the East wing of said Israel M. Rose's dwelling house at Middletown bears North Sixty four degrees west, distant Two chains and thirteen links, thence running South sixty five degrees West Three chains and Ninety four links — and thence South Eighty three degrees West Seven chains and twenty links to a point from which the South west corner of Her man Betty's Barn bears North fifty three and a half degrees West, distant one chain and eighty eight links — The said line being the centre of said road which is to be four rods wide as heretofore laid out — Compass courses Wm J. Weeks surveyor John R. Mather ) Commrs Robt. R. Smith I of Charies R. Smith ) Highways Recorded April 11th 1870— Posted April 19th 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson ¦ T. Clerk 416 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 408. Overseers of Highways appointed April 11th 1870 — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk in accord ance with the law do hereby appoint the. following persons to the office of Overseers of Highways in the respective Districts of this Town to serve in and for the Road Dis trict the Number of which is placed opposite each respec tive name, until next Town Meeting or till others are ap pointed — Dated April 11th 1870— No. Names of Overseers 1 Joseph S. Hawkins Jr. 2 8 Ebenezer Hawkins 4 Walter Dickerson 6 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 B. Havens Jones 8 Selah Tooker 9 Charies A. Davis 10 John S. Randall 11 I. Edwin Brown 12 Nathaniel M. Tuthill 13 Samuel Martin 14 John L. Carter 15 Jeremiah Culver 16 James Robinson 17 Daniel Lane 18 Wm Osborn 19 Samuel C. Hawkins 20 John R. Nicoll 21 Chas M. Hedges Location " S. Brook W & S. E & N. S. Setauket Setauket E. " N. E " Port Jefferson Mt. Sinai N. " " S Millersplace Rock Llollow W^. River Manor N. " S E. Moriches Eastport MasticSouth Haven Fireplace BellportUnion St. W BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 417 22 Wm H. Newins 23 Egbert T. Carter 24 Mortimer Bayles 25 John Westcott 26 Richd W. Newton 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 Welcome V. R. Arnold 29 Sidney T. Longbotham 30 R. Wallace Smith 31 Ham Smith 32 Jacob S. Newton 33 Noah T. Terry 34 Ichabod G. Carter 35 Sidney Smith 36 Chas Wallace Ruland 37 John R. Dayton 38 Edward Homan 39 Isaac H. Robbins 40 Jehiel W. Randall 41 James O. Homan 42 George W. Robinson 43 Orlando F. Edwards 44 Daniel C. Rhodes 45 Nathaniel Wiggins 46 Preston Raynor 47 John J Woodhull 48 Franklin Hawkins 49 George G. Dominick 50 Austin Roe resigned Oct 8th James W. Sell appointed 51 Charles Homan 52 Bryant N. Overton 53 Andrew Ketcham 54 Robert H. Farmer 55 Stephen Bloomer Patchogue E Lane&N. " W Bluept Lakeville New Village W. " E Selden Coram W. S & N. Coram E. Rocky pond Farmingville Coram Hills Middle I. W. Middletown centrE MiUviUe Yaphank Ridgefield Manor East Swan River Swczeytown Centre Moriches W Rocky pt Woodville West Moriches OldfieldPatchogue centre Union East — Fireplace W. C. Moriches E Waverly Short Neck 418 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. r> ui x> a -t-u) Commrs Robt. R. Smith ( ^ Chas R. Smith ^ Highways Recorded Uth April 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 404. Highways at Patchogue — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk leading from the then Ketcham House in Patchogue now called Southside Hotel being two rods wide from said house through the lands of James Ketcham to the lands then of Daniel Haff the course being Southeasterly — then running Southeriy three rods wide tlirough the lands of said Daniel Haff and Saml S. Ham mond Five chains and 25 links and then turning easterly towards the land of Hiram Gerard, was Deeded to said Town for a public Highway by the then owners of the land through which it ran by Deed dated June 6th 1843, and a Map of said Road and said Deed were duly filed in the Town Clerk's office in said Town, but not sufficiently described : Now therefore the undersigned. Commissioners of High ways of the said Town, all the Commissioners being pres ent, having met at the Southside Hotel in said Town, for the purpose of causing the west part of said road above described to be ascertained described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office ; and also on application and consent of owner of land, to widen the North end from two rods to three rods wide so that the whole may be of the width of Three rods — and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made and of the said widening v/hich we approve, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Sur vey beginning at a Stone distant from the Southwest corner BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 419 of the house of Robert Jayne one hundred and twenty four links (124) and from the North east corner of the Southside Hotel fifty two links (52) and thence ran a centre line of said Three rod road as follows — 1st Course South 8° 45' E. — 180 links to a stone distant from the S. E. corner of the said S. S. Hotel 110 links — and from the N. E. corner of the two story part of the house of John Ketcham 123 links — 2d course South 1° 21' West 625 hnks to a Stone in the centre of the Street leading easterly to the Methodist Church — 3d Course South 6° 94' East 374 links to the South side of said street or highway— said road to be hereafter Three rods wide all the way and above line the center of the same — Also at the same time and place all the Commissioners being present on due application and consent of the owners of the land, we do order that a public highway three rods wide shall be, and the same is hereby laid out, the center whereof Page 405. is the following described line viz, it being a continuation Southerly of the abovesaid road as above surveyed, and starting from the center line of the same on the south side of said street last above named, thence running 1st Course South 6° 50 E. 1896 links to a stake on the North side of what is called Division Street distant from the Southeast corner of the house of Widow Nicoll 614 links— At 830 links from starting point the said centre hne was 44 links from the N. E. corner of the house of Daniel Homan — and at 1680 links it crossed the center of the main track of the South side Rail Road — said road being Three rods wide — said line the center — and the courses magnetic without ahowing for variation— 430 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Given under our hands this 29th day of May 1869 — Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather l of Charles R. Smith ) Highways Recorded April 19th 1870 Posted April 19th 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Whereas upon due application and consent of the owners of the land the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, have this day made an order widening the North end of the Old highway that runs Southerly from the Southside Hotel from Two to Three rods in width so that the whole may be Three rods wide and have caused a survey of the said old road to be made to the South side of the Street leading to the Meth odist church and then have laid out a new road Three rods wide by a continuation from said point on the South side of said Street South 6" 50' East 1896 links — running across the Southside Rail Road to a Stake on the North side of Division Street — which highway will pass through our lands ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said highway, we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof^ Sealed with our seals and dated the 29th day of May 1869— George Hawkins L S Signed & sealed > John Ketcham L S in the presence of John Roe Smith L S Chas R. Smith Edwin Bailey L S Alfred Price L.S. Recorded April 19th 1 870 Michel Welsh L S Benjn. T. Hutchinson Daniel Homan L S Town Clerk Samuel S. Hammond L.S. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 431 Page 406. Trustee Meeting May 3d 1870— Trustees met Pursuant to call of Clerk by order of the President, Present Nathaniel Tuttle Presi dent, Wm H. Clark, Henry W. Carman, John Roe Smith, Thomas Terry, Walter Dickerson and Elbert Woodhull Trustees — W. Dickerson Trustee reported Temporary aid to John Smith $4 & to Eliza Lane $4— Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported Tempy. aid to Luther Fields John Roe Smith Trustee reported Temporary aid to Anson Vail $5.84 Wallace Homan $6. to George Dayton $4'. & to Daniel Chichester $3. Wm H. Clark Trustee repoi'ted Temporary aid to Mrs. Howland $8.73 to George White cloth for coat $2.80 to Nicholas Overton $566 to Charles Hulse $5.77 to Paul Hawkins $6.34 to Smith Rider $8.74 and for do. Coffin and funeral expenses $13.50 — All which were approved and it is ordered that John Smith of Stony Brook above named in Mr. Dicker-son's district be allowed One Dollar per week till further order — • Ordered that John Roe Smith Trustee pay to Ricard Jennings Atty. Two Hundred Dollars out of Bay monies belonging mutually to the Town and Wm Sidney Smith as soon as he collects the same to be applied by Mr Jennings to the payment of Hon. Henry Nicoll Atty. and in the expenses of the suit now pending between this Town and Islip about our rights in the South Bay — Resolved unanimously that hereafter the Toleration for taking Oysters in the waters of the Town of Brookhaven shall be for each person not an Inhabitant of the Town the sum of Ten Dollars per year — Resolved Unanimously that the Toleration for Inhabitants 433 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of the Town of Brookhaven for taking Oysters in the Great South Bay west of a South line from Long-point shall be for each person One Dollar per year ; and for each person (a resident) taking Oysters in the said Bay east of said line shall also be One Dollar per year, that is for each person an Inhabitant of this Town who takes oysters on both sides of said line shall pay Two Dollars per year — said year begin ning on the first day of March — Adjourned to first Tuesday in June — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 407. Survey of Road at Fireplace — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in the County of Suffolk leading Southerly through the village of Fireplace on the East side of Beaverdam Creek to the road leading across said Creek at the lower crossing was laid out by the commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 30th day of Jany. 1756 — but not sufficiently described, and whereas in a survey of a part of said road on the 27th day of Deer 1856 as recorded in Record E. page 60 the Southern portion near the house of Charles Swezey was left undefined except by the fences as they then stood ; Now therefore, the undersigned Commis sioner's of Highways of the said Town, all the Commis sioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpoEC having met on the premises on the applica tion of Charles Swezey ; Wm Nicoll, Nathaniel Miller and others for the pui-pose of causing said road to be ascertained described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and made of uniform width with the northern portion thereof which is Eighty links, so far as is included in said Survey of 1855, and having caused a survey of the said BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 433 portion of road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, beginning at a point on the North side of the road, leading East and West across Beaverdam lower crossing which point bears from the Southwest corner of the west wing of Charles Swezey's house South Seventy nine and three quarter degrees West, Seventy nine and a half links distant, and from said point running North two and a half degrees West Six chains and sixty one links to opposite the School House being Eighty nine hnks from the Northwest corner of said School House then second course North Thirty degrees West Six chains Nineteen links to opposite the northeast corner of what was formerly Hulse's lot on the West side of the road, which lot now belongs to Wm Nicoll — • The above courses and distances denote the centre line of said road which we order to be Three rods and five links wide like the northern part adjoining to this portion — Given under our hands this 20th day of April 1870 — Commissioners Robt. R. Smith i Charles R. Smith i of Highways. Recorded May 18th 1870 Posted May 23d 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 408. Trustee Meeting June 7th. 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported Temporary aid to Henry Peterson $2. Thomas Terry Trustee reported temporary aid to Ezekiel Cohey $2. Wm H. Clark Ti'ustee reported temporary aid to Charies 434 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Llulse $6.26 Nicholas Overton $6. 94— Paul llawkins $6.34 —Mrs Howland $7.31 Mrs Rider $1.03— John Roe Smith Trustee reported temporary aid to Anson Vail $2.67 Stephen Smith $3.60 Mrs Swezey $3.00— all approved— N. Tuthill Tempy. aid to John Welsh $10— approved Received Oyster Rents in South Bay net. $213 and out of it paid Ricard Jennings Atty — on Bay Suit $200— leaving a balance of $18 belonging to the Town and W. Sidney Smith — Ordei-ed that Paul Hawkins be allowed $1.50 per week till further order — and Mrs Rider's allowance be advanced to $1 per week till further order — these are in Mr. Clark's Dist. Ordered that James Overton of Millville be allowed 50 cts per week till further order — Wm C. Tooker of Oldfield made complaint against the management of the Grist Mill at Stony Brook — whereupon the following order was passed — Whereas the Mill at Stony Brook was granted by the Town to Adam Smith together with 2 acres of land in 1699 on condition that he the said Smith erect build and maintain a good and sufficient Grist Mill on the Stream called Stony Brook and he was to be allowed to take one tenth part of a Bushel of Wheat and one eighth of Indian & Rye for toll — thereby showing that the true intention was like the other Mill-grants — that the Mill was to be for the con venience of the people — and the toll, land, and privilege of Stream to pay for the convenience, and in case the contract should fail to be kept by the maintenance of a good and sufficient Mill, then in such case, the land and stream were to return to the Town again — Now therefore having had many complaints relative to the management of said Mill we order on the apphcation of Wm C. Tooker that Walter Dickerson Trustee inquire carefully and fairly into said BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 435 complaints and report to this Board what measures (if any) are necessary to have said Mill maintained according to the said grant for the benefit of the people as well as Miller or revert back to the Town — For the convenience of attending the celebration of our National Independence day adjourned to Wednesday 6th July next — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Page 409. Trustee Meeting Julj' 6th 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournnrent present Nathl Tuthill Prest W. Dickerson, Thos Terry, Wm H. Clark, H. W. Carman— N. Tuthill Tempy. aid to John Welsh $9.00 Wm H. Clark, Tempy. aid to Chas Hulse 7.16 N. Overton 6.01 Paul Hawkins 7.40 Mrs Ryder, 75 c — all approved — As to complaints agst. Mill at Stony Brook — W. Dicker- son Trustee and Committee appointed to inquire into the matter presented his report and the written testimony of several taken after due public notice had been given and gave as his view from all the testimony that said Mill was so badly managed that it did not answer the purpose of the grant and advised that the grant be annulled and the stream revert to the Town — The Board after due deliberation hoping causes for future complaints will be removed Resolved to recommend that if hereafter too much toll should be taken, or the Miller refuse without proper cause, to grind for our Townsmen, that the person aggrieved apply to the courts for redress — and bring suit for damages — and with tho hope that reason or suits will cause the Miller to do right for his own good and that of the people, we postpone further action for the present — Adjourned to first Tuesday in August. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk — 436 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Augt. 2d 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Nathl Tuthill President, W. Dickerson, Elbert Woodhull, Henry W. Carman, Thomas Terry and John Roe Smith Trustees — N. Tuthill reported Temporary aid in case of John Welsh now deceased in getting coffin and aiding family $4.00 & Jerh Downs $5.00 John Roe Smith reported temporary aid to Wm Smith $3. Hallock Raynor's family $6. Anson Vail $0.75— James Chichester $1.00— Ezekiel Colley $1.76 Carrying Wm Smith to Coram 0.50 Going to Coram after him $1.00 — Coffin for Palo's Daughter $11.00— Digging Grave for Mott's child $1. also for a Colored man $1 — also coffin for John Welsh $11.50 — Elbert Woodhull reported temporary aid to Ann Smith, Shoes $2.00 all which were approved — Adjourned to the first Tuesday in September next. Benjn. T. LIutchinson T. Clk. Page 410. Trustee Meeting Sept. 6th 1870 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Nathaniel Tuthill President, Wm H. Clark, Thomas Terry, Walter Dickerson, Elbert Woodhuh, John Roe Smith & Henry W. Carman Trustees — Walter Dickerson reported aid to John Smith $4. Eliza Lane $4. John Roe Smith reported temporary aid to Wm Crampton $6. James Chichester $2. — Wm H. Clark re ported temporary aid to George White $2.50 Mrs Ryder $0. 68— to Paul Hawkins $7.78 Charles Hulse $4. 50 Nicholas Overton $7.88— W. Dickerson reported that he hired out the privileges of Oldfield Strand to Benjamin S. Mills for one year from the 20th day of June 1870 for $20 and had now received the rent — all which were approved — BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 437 Ordered That Kate Armstrong of Sag Harbor be paid $5 for keeping Mrs Hand who recently left the Poorhouse and was found in Sag harbor & brought back by Lester Davis by order of Trustees — Leased Oyster Lets in South Bay to Silas C Seaman 4 acres — John R. Suydam 4 acres — Edmund Terry 4 acres — John T. Hawkins 4 acres — to J. Frank Benjamin & Chas W. Homan, David Quaekenboss & Ebenezer Douglass 17 acres — to Wm Yarrington & others 12 acres — Morris Terry & Son 6 acres — all for 1 year with privilege of renewal on payment of rent in advance — Bothaan Brewer & Son 6 acres for 5 years — at $1 per acre annual rent — Resolved That the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars be raised by tax this, year for the support of the Poor the en suing year — Resolved That we authorize and direct that the Super visor sell so much of the State Bonds belonging to this Town as will be sufficient to pay the Town Bounty Debt that will become due March 1st 1871 — Resolved That whereas by the late new Bounty act (if it be sustained) a great burden falls on this Town to be raised by a heavy tax on the people, now therefore to mitigate the evil as far as in our power, by putting a part of said tax on the succeeding year, we Order that the Supervisor (in case said act is enforced) sell all the remainder of the State Bonds belonging to this Town and apply the proceeds to the requirements of said act as far as they will pay and then only raise the balance by tax this year — leaving the balance of Town Bounty Debt falhng due March 1st 1872 to be raised by Tax in 1871 — As the Annual Meeting of Supervisor and Assessors as fixed by State Law will be held at the Town Clerk's on Monday the 3d day of October next resolved that this Board will meet with said officers at the Clerk's on that day — Entered by me, Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — 438 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 411. Alteration of Road at Millville — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the dwelling house of Robert F. Hawkins in the said Town to decide upon the application of said Robert P. Hawkins and others residents of the said Town, liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the alteration of a part of the road that leads from Middletown to Millville from the land of Amos Sell deed, at the North to the land of Ira B. Davis at the South, running through the lands of Edmund T. Hawkins and Nathaniel Tuthill who consent to the proposed altera tion, do Order that the line of the said road be, and the same is hereby so altered as to run from a point in the centre of the present road from which the Southeast corner of the Sell house bears S. 55° W. 71* Links — then running from said centre point 1st Course S. 83° E. 3 ch. 95 L. 41 L. — L. — L. 89 L. 76 L. 10 L. to a point in the centre of the old road 106 links from the Northeast corner of the house of Capt. Ira B. Davis — the said line to be the centre of the road, which shall remain the same width as the old road which was recorded to be four rods wide — And it is further ordered, that such parts of the present road between the lands of Amos Sell deed, and Ira B. Davis as are not included in the above description be and the same are hereby discontinued, and the lands thereof revert to the owners of 2d S. 24 E. 1 eh 3d S. 4 E. 6ch 4th s. 14 E. 3ch 5th s. iE. 5ch 6th s. 2° E. 1 ch, 7th s. 17i W. . 3ch BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 439 the adjoining lands according to law or as they shall mutually agree — Dated Brookhaven Sept. 10th 1870— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners Chas R. Smith ) of Highways. Recorded Sept. 10th 1870 Posted Sapt 19th 1870 Page 412. Road at Millville altered — Release and Agreement — ''Whereas on Application duly made, the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have this day altered a part of the road leading from Middletown to Millville, and from the land of Amos Sell deed, at the North, to the land of Ira B. Davis at the South, have laid out a new road through our improved lands as set forth in the foregoing order hereunto annexed, giving us as owners of the adjoining lands the old road between said bounds not included in the above description of the road — ^Now therefore, in consideration of the laying out of the said highway making the road shorter and straighter for the public, we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof ; and as to the old discontinued road it is hereby mutually agreed that Edmund T. Hawkins shall have so much thereof as is embraced by his lands on both sides ; and that Nathaniel Tuthill shall have the whole of said old road as far North as his land lies on the East side thereof ; the undersigned Edmund T. Hawkins in consideration that the new road goes through the orchard of Nathaniel Tuthill quitclaims to the said Nathaniel Tut hill all his right and title to all and every part of said old road as far North as the North line of the lands of said Nathaniel Tuthill on the East side of said old road —In wit ness whereof both of said parties have hereunto set their 430 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. hands and seals this tenth day of Sept. one thousand eight hundred and Seventy — In presence of Chas R Smith Edmund T. Hawkins L S Benjn T. Hutchinson — Nathaniel Tuttle L S Recorded Sept 10th 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Page 413. Trustee Meeting October 3d 1870 — Pursuant to Adjournment Trustees met at Town Clerk's all present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Mary Deverle $5. Elbert Woodhull " " to Luther Fields $1— Ann StiO $1.67 John R. Smith " Chichester $2. 20 —Cramp- ton $5. Dr. Terry's Bill $7. Wm H. Clark " Paul Hawkins 7.50— Nicoll Overton 5.36— Chas Hulse 4.60— Geo. White 4. Mrs Rider 1.20 — all of which was approved by the Board — Edwin Bailey Oyster Agent having sent in his resigna tion, it is hereby resolved that John Roe Smith be Oyster Agent of the Town for the Great South Bay on the same terms and with the same authority as heretofore given to the Oyster Agent to enforce payments and in every right way to protect the rights of the Town in said Bay — • Resolved That as to the resolution passed May 3d 1870 and recorded page 406 fixing the Toleration fee for Non residents Oystering in the South Bay at Ten Dollars per year the Oyster Agent having previous to its passage adver tised and granted permits at the former price It is hereby ordered that the said order be suspended and not go into effect until the first day of January next so as to give fair notice and treat all non-residents alike BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 431 Granted Leases of 4 acres each in South Bay for planting Oysters to Isaac Green of Islip & John A. Wright and Erastus Gordon of Patchogue for one year with privilege of renewal at $4 per year on payment in advance — Adjourned to meet at Lester H. Davis in Coram on the first Tuesday (1st day) in Novr. at the usual hour — Page 414. Survey of Bay Avenue at Patchogue — Whereas a road in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk leading from the South Country road on the East side of the house of Warren Terrell in the village of Patchogue Southerly to the Great South Bay has been used as a highway for twenty years but not recorded ; Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose of surveying, removing curves and widening said road to Three rods by consent of the owners of the lands through which it runs, so as to have the same entered of Record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a Survey of said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said sur vey. Beginning at a point for centre line on the South side of said Main South Road Forty feet Northeasterly from the house of Warren Terrell and thence running 1st course South 5° 35' West 569 feet to the South side of the land of John McGregor 2d Course " 2° 50 West 2044 feet to the centre of the old 2 rod road at the South side of the land of Garret Dunbar — 3d " "3° 25' West. 1025 feet to the centre of the old road on the North side of house lot of Wm H. Newins — 433 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 4th Course South 2° 35' West 1368 feet to a point opposite the intersection of the lands of John Wright and Nicholas Smith—- 5th " South — 5 chains & 28 links to opposite and due east of a large WilloM'' Tree in front of Joshua Smith's house — the east side of said tree being 14 rods on West side of this centre line of Bay Avenue 6 " South 4° East 18 chains 45 links to the North end of the landing- Said Courses denoting tho Centre line of said Llighway ¦which is to be Three rods wide — Courses being magnetic as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 21st day of March 1870— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioner's Charles R. Smith I of John R. Mather ) Highways — Recorded Oct. 8th 1870 Posted Oct. 19th 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson. T. Clk Page 415. Carmans Avenue Patchogue — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose having met on the premises in this Town on the application of George F. Carman, Thomas H. Smith, Wm IL. Newins & Garret Dunbar residents of said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein to lay out a new avenue running Easterly from Ocean Avenue (Patchogue Lane) to Swan Creek, the owners of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 433 the land releasing the land for said Avenue ; do Order that a public Highway Three rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application, the centre whereof is the following described line, Beginning at a point on the east side of Ocean Avenue distant in a Southwesterly direction from the house of James Mapes (Southwest corner) 78f feet and thence running South 874° East 2048 feet to the Centre of Newins Avenue, this point being 183J feet North from the land of Charies Smith and 188| feet South from Charles Price's land— thence South 874° E. 12 ch. 96 L— to the centre of Grove Avenue (Brewster Tei-ry's Lane) thence S. 75|° E. 4 ch. 30 L.— thence South 69° E. 9 ch. 79 L. to west side of Swan Creek — The last course of this road is bounded on the South one and a half rods from this centre line by the lands of David W. Case and Garret Dunbar — said courses being as the needle now points — Given under our hands this 16th day of September 1870 Robt. R. Smith ) Comms Charles R. Smith I of John R. Mather ) Highways Recorded Oct. 8th 1870 Posted Oct 19th 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk— Release for Above Avenue — ¦ Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway in said Town Beginning at the west end of Carman's Avenue on Bay Avenue and running Easterly to Swan River which proposed highway will pass through our improved lands, Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of said highway we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with our seals and dated the 15th day of August 1870 — 434 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. In the presence of Wm. IL. Newins L S Wm H. Newins — Garrett Dunbar L S Recorded October 8th 1870 David W. Case L S Benjn. T. LIutchinson Thos H. Smith L S T. Clerk Page 416. Release for Carman's Avenue at Patchogue Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway in said Town, beginning at a point on the East side of Patchogue Lane at or near the boundary line between James Mapes & George Smith and running Eastwardly to as last surveyed & known as Joshua Smith's road ; which highway set forth in this release will pass through our improved lands — Now therefore in con sideration of the laying out of the said highway, we do hereby release all claims to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with our Seals & dated this 25th da.y of April 1870— In presence of Geo. F. Carman L S Chas R. Smith James Mapes L S Recorded Oct. 8th 1870. George Wiggins L S Benjn. T. Hutchinson clk — George J. Smith L.S. Release for Bay Avenue at Patchogue — ^ Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway in said Town beginning at the landing on the Shore being the South end of what is known as Joshua Smith lane running North as near straight as may be to the South Country road between the lands of Richard W. Terrell & Bartlett Hammond — which proposed highway will pass through my improved land ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said highway I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof-r— BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 435 Abigail Smith Charies H. Smith George Wickes Havens. Wood Georgiana Rider Erastus Gordon Geo. F. Carman Elizabeth Smalling Charles G. Smith Hetty Ann Jones Charles Price James W. Sell Signed & Sealed in the presence of Wm H. Newins, Recorded Oct. 8t.h 1870— Wm H. Newins Joshua Smith William M Jenkins Jehiel Wood Colman N. Smith Stephen Weeks J. B. Gordon Lewis B. Baker Andrew W. Moger Jackson Gregory Phebe Rider Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 417. Cross Road near Bethel church at Stony Brook. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises to decide on the application of Charles Mills a resident of said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the refixing and making plain the Cross-road starting near the Bethel church on the main road from Setauket to Stony Brook and running Southeasterly to the road from South Setauket to Stony Brook ; said road as arranged in 1866 and recorded in Book E. page 399 being crooked and not satis factory to the owners of the adjoining lands, and the said owners consenting to the alteration do order that the line of the said road be, and the same is hereby altered from the aforesaid Order of 1866 so as to run from a point 436 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. in the said main road, which points bears from the most Easterly corner of said Bethel church South 6° East distance Four chains & Eleven hnks and from said point the Centre line of said Cross road runs South 514° East 9 chains 95 links to the North wagon rut of the said road leading from South Setauket to Stony Brook, and said roa.d being de clared by said Order of 1866 to be a public road by use, we again order that said road as now surveyed be opened to at least Two Rods wide — and it is further ordered that such parts of the road as surveyed in 1866 as are not included in this description and survey be and the same are hereby discontinued— Given under our hands this 15th day of September A.D. 1870— Robt R Smith ) Commissioners John R Mather j of Highways^ Recorded Oct. 19th 1870— Posted Oct. 20th 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, on an Application duly made to them have this day made an order straighten ing tho cross road from the Bethel church to the South Setauket road, between or through our lands adjoining, according to a survey hereunto annexed, Now therefore in consideration of the laying out said road straight thereby making the highway better for the public, and the line of our lands straight and therefore more convenient, we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with our seals and dated the 15th day of Septem ber 1870— In presence of Nancy Smith L.S. Jedidiah Williamson Charles Mills L.S. Recorded October 19th 1870— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 437 Page 418. Trustee Meeting — Novr Ist 1870— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all but Carman present — Ordered That Mrs. Charles Hawkins of Moriches be allowed $1 per week from first Tuesday in Sept. last until further order — it being omitted then. Ordered That John Roe Smith, Trustee, furnish needed clothing to the family of John Smith who was lately burnt out of home on the South Beach — J. R Smith reported temporary aid to John B. Smith $3. Coffin & trimmipgs for Amanda Smith $11 Digging Grave &c $2— W. Dickerson — reported aid to Eliphalet Smith $1.50 Wm H. Clark Temporary aid to ApoUos Hawkins $7. Nicholas Overton 7.50 Charles Hulse 7.34 Mrs Ryder 0.84— Granted Leases of ground in South Bay for planting Oysters to Isaac Swezey, 2 acres Brookhaven — Henry Ockers, Charles Keeler & James Tredwell (cold) of Islip 4 acres each for one year with the privilege of renewal on payment in advance— at $1 per acre — Adjourned to first Tuesday in December — Deer. 6th 1870 — Trustees met all present — W. Dickerson reported Temporary aid to John Smith $2. Eliza Lane $5— Bridget E. Carr $2.50 funeral expenses & Coffin for Washington Lane $12. Rose Woodhull being now deceased. It is ordered that her grandchild be allowed 50 cts per week till further order — Thomas Terry reported Temporary aid to Ezekiel Colley $2.45 — John Roe Smith reported Temporary to John Smith's family on Beach $36.52 Wm McGregor's son $9.50 & Mr Butler $1— Nathl Tuthill reported Clothes for Harry Norton $9.50— Expenses Mrs Owen Murphy insane 438 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. $8.25 Wm H. Clark reported temporary aid to Nicholas Overton $5.66 to Charies Hulse $6.80 Mrs Rider 34 cts— Maggie McKay $2 — all which was approved — Granted Oyster Lots in South Bay to John D. Green & Co 8 acres John T. Green & Co. 7 acres and to Hawkins 4 acres for 1 yr. with privilege of renewal on pay ment in advance at $1. per acre — Adjourned to first Tuesday in Jany 1871 being 3d Jany. Proceedings of both meetings entered by me. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 419. Road at Manorville — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the store of Gil bert W. Raynor in said Town to decide on the application of said Gilbert W. Raynor and others residents of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the laying out of the road hereinafter described, the owners of the lands through which it runs having agreed thereunto, do Order that a public Highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said Appli cation, the centre whereof is the following described line viz. Beginning near the Methodist Church in Manorville in said Town at a point which bears from the Northwest corner of said Church N. 54° West 1 chain 22 links and from said starting point running said Centre line as follows. 1st Course N. 844° West 2 ch. 83 L. to G. W. Raynor's land, and this 2d point being 14 rods west of the division line be tween him & R. T. Osborn 2d -Course S. 8i° West 5 Chains BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 439 3d Course S. 674 West 10 ch. 12 L. to a point 14 rods East of the division line between G. W. Raynor & Seth Raynor — 4th " S. 3° West 16 ch. by and with the said last named division hne as the west bound of the road — 5th " S. 25° West 1 ch. to the said division hue 6th " S. 24° West 38 ch. 86 Links 7th " North 874 West 11 ch. 6 L. to within I4 rods of the East boundary line of Wm H. Raynor — 8th " South 21° West 38 ch. 50 L. to the Hills Road or South Manor road — The road on the last course being wholly on the land of Capt Seth Raynor, and the West side of the road on said last course is intended to be bound ed by the division line between the lands of said Seth Raynor and Wta H. Raynor — The Courses being as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 24th day of September 1870— Robt. R. Smith [^<'™™"^^« Chas R. Smith f Highways Recorded Deer 9th 1870 Posted Deer 17th 1870 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 420, Road at Patchogue — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Tovvn of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time 440 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. and place for the purpose having met at the honse of Aus tin Roe in said Town to decide on the Application of 0. P. Smith, Alfred Price, Wm. M. Barto, Smith L. Newins & others residents of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the laying out of the road hereinafter described, the owners of the lands through which it runs having agreed thereunto, do Order that a public highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said Application, said High way being in the Vihage of Patchogue in said Town, and in said Town, and the centre whereof is the following de. scribed line viz. Beginning on the North side of Burke Avenue in said village at a point which bears from the South West corner of John Burke's house South 754° West (83) Eighty three links and from said starting point running said Centre line as follows, 1st Conrae N. 4^° West 10 chains 2d " N. 3° West 6 ch. 22 L, 3d " N. 6i° East 2 ch 20 L. to the North side of South Street at a point that bears from the Southwest corner of Mrs Samuel Fordham's house South 594° West Seventy five (75) links distant — said courses being magnetic as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven the 4th day of November 1870— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners Charles R. Smith ^ Highways. Recorded Deer 9th 1870— Posted Deer. 17th 1870— Benjn. T, Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 42L Trustee Meeting January 3d 1871 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 441 ment Present Nathaniel Tuttle President Walter Dickerson, Thomas Terry, Elbert Woodhull, Wm H. Clark, Henry W. Carman, John Roe Smith Trustees — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to John Smith $4.00 John Roe Smith reported temporary aid to Chas Wood's family 8.00 to Agnes Smith a dress $3.00 Mrs Swezey $1.93, Jonathan Webb & wife $8.00 Wm H. Clark reported temporary aid to Wm Russell for clothes $10— to Charles Hulse $1.12, to Nicholas Over- ton $5.58— to San Francisco Perdue $4.25— Elbert Woodhull reported temporary aid to Leonard Still $3.00 — Nathaniel Tuttle paid Nelson Munsell for keeping Owen Murphy's wife insane $2.00 all of which were approved — Ordered That Jonathan Webb and wife of Patchogue be allowed Two Dollars per week till further order — Granted Oyster Lots in South Bay to Nelson Danes 3 acres — P. K Benjamin of Islip 4 acres and acres at $1 per acre for one year with privilege of renewal on pay ment in advance — Resolved to Quitclaim to the Trustees of the Bethel Church near Stony Brook the piece of ground at Laurel Hill in Setauket that was set off in 1815 as a Negro Burying Ground being about one acre — It having been used since said period for said purpose — and being still needed by the colored people and being of no value to the Town at large, except for the little wood thereon it is granted to said Trustees for said purpose for the sum of Six Dollars merely to pay the expenses Adjourned to first Tuesday 7tli day of February — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 422. Trustee Meeting — February 7th 1871 Trustees met pursuant to adjourn- 443 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ment present Nathaniel Tuttle President, Thomas Terry, W. Dickerson Elbert Woodhull, and H. W. Carman Trus tees — W. Dickerson reported temporary aid to Ezekiel Colley 5.60 and Wm Gritman at Port Jefferson $5.00— Thos. Terry reported temporary aid to Jeremiah Downs 3.00 and to Ehphalet Smith for clothes 2.50— Nath'l Tuthill clothes for Harry Norton $4.00 Wm H. Clark temporary aid to Nicholas Overton 4.86 and to Chas. Hulse $3.74— E. Woodhull temporary aid to Bridget Carr 3.75 and to John Fink $4.00— All of which were approved by the Board — Ordered that Bridget Carr a poor person at Rocky pt. who has an illegitimate child and the reputed father having died also poor, be allowed One Dohar per week from this day until further order — Adjourned to Tuesday 7tli of March next — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 423. Alteration of Middle Countiy Road at Ridgefield & Re- The undersigned Commissioners of Llighways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises at Ridgefield in said Town to decide upon the Application of Hiram Edwards, a resident of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the alteration of a part of the Middle Country road from a Red Oak Tree nearly opposite his house which Tree was a Centre Tree in the 13th course of the survey of said Road on the 24th day of Novr. 1866 as recorded in Book E. of Town Records of Brookhaven page 320 and from said Tree making the BE00KH.4.VBN TOWN EECORDS. 443 said road nearer straight to the west end of the 16th course of said former survey; — the said road running between the lands of said Hiram Edwards and Wm. Sidney Smith, and the said Wm. Sidney Smith consenting to the herein de scribed alteration of said road from said former survey— do order that the centre line of the said road be and the same is hereby so altered as to run from said red-oak Tree — South 834° East 10 chains and 98 links— thence South 87|° East 7 chains 62 links to the west end of the 16th course of the said Survey of 1866 and connecting with said survey at said place — these courses denoting a centre line of said road which is to be four rods wide and said 13th course of the Survey of 1866 is by this new line shortened 4 ch. 10 L. on the east end-making it stop at said red Oak Tree and be in length 17 ch. 28 links — Given under our hands the 5th day of Feby. 1870 John R. Mather i Commissioners Robt. R. Smith f of Highways. Recorded Feby. 20th 1871 Posted March 7th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Release of Lands for above Road We consent to the above alteration of the Middle Country Road and release all claim to damages for the same Feby 5th 1870. Hiram Edwards L.S. In presence of Wm Sidney Smith L.S. Robt. R. Smith Recorded Feby 20th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson clk Page 424. Alteration of a Road at Ridgefield & Release of Land The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Com- 444 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises to decide on the application of J. Orlando Randall a resident of said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the alteration of a part of the road between his house and that of Jehiel W. Randall laid out June 2d 1791 and re corded in Record A. page 221 of which the South part was surveyed June 14th 1858 as far north as the land of Hiram Edwards extended as recorded in Record E. page 94 — and the said J. Orlando Randall having made a straighter road from said Edwards' land north through his own land and through land now owned by Adolph Meullen we accept it in lieu of the old road and have caused a Survey thereof to be made to be recorded as follows viz. beginning at a large Oak Tree twenty eight links north from the road passing in front of said J. Orlando Randall's house — thence running South twenty five and three quarters West Forty eight chains from the centre of said Tree to a point from which the Soutlieast corner of the house of Adolph Meullen bears North fifty nine degrees West distant one chain and forty links — thence continuing the same course Six chains further — then South thirty nine degrees West Twenty six chains and eighty two links (26. 82) and thence South forty degrees West Nine chains to the centre of the old highway — this terminating point being Sixty links South from the North line of Hiram Edwards' land — said courses and distances denoting the centre line of said new highway which is to be four rods wide — And we give so much of the old road as lies north of the path leading to Charles J. Randall's and not included in the above description to said J. Orlando Randall and Adolph Meullen that is the road in their lands respectively in exchange for the land taken for this road, and allow them to close the part of old road so described — And we further state that in taking the said large Oak Tree as a BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. . 445 fixed object in surveying this road no intention was made of altering or determining the highway passing East and West in front of the house of said John Orlando Randall laid out in 1791 — and recorded in Record A. page 221 — Brookhaven February 19th 1870 Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather v of Charles R. Smith ) Highways. Recorded Feby 20th 1871 Posted March 7th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 425. Release of Land for the foregoing Road at Ridgefield. Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have altered the northern part of an old highway leading from the house of J. Orlando Randall to the Middle Country road near the house of Jehiel W. Randall, and by an order dated this day have laid out a new road from the Hiram Edwards, North erly through our lands and giving that part of the old road lying North of the path leading to Charles J. Randall's and not included in the new road to said J. Orlando Ran dall and Adolph Meullen owners of the lands on each side thereof ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out said highway and the exchange above named we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason of said highway as more fully described in said order — Sealed with our seals and dated the nineteenth day of February 1870 — In presence of Adolph Meullen L.S. Robt. R. Smith J. Orlando Randall L.S. Page 426. 1857 Records of School Districts &c In the matter of the formation of Joint District No. one 446 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Brookhaven and Smithtown, in the towns of Brookhaven (& Smithtown, and the consequent alter$,tion of District No. 1 of Brookhaven — It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner of Assembly Dist No. 2 of Suffolk County, that a School District be formed to consist of part of District No. 1 of Brookhaven & part of district No. 3 of Smithtown, which District shall be numbered Joint No. 1 & is bounded as follows — Beginning at the point where the road the mouth of Stony Brook Creek and thence following the said road southeasterly to a point opposite the fence formerly the division line between the farms of Beriah Petty & Woodhull Smith then easterly by & with the said fence, till it comes to the land of Joseph S. Hawkins, then by the division fence between said Petty farm now owned by Jonas Smith & the farm of said Joseph S. Hawkins to the eastern terminus of said division Jfence thence across the several lands of Jonas Smith, Charles D. Hallock and Daniel W. Sherry northeasterly to the narrow lane thence by the Nar row Lane to the Setauket road, thence by the Division Line between Scudder S. Wells and Charles D. Hallock and thence by the west line of the land of Joseph Tooker to Nicoll Road, thence south till it strikes the North hne of School District No. 11 of Brookhaven thence westerly to the Smithtown Line thence by the Smithtown Line north erly till it strikes the Nissequagu Road, thence by the said road to the Pond Lane, thence by the Pond Lane to the road leading from the Head of the Harbor to Stony Brook Mills — thence Westerly to the line between Charles llenry Wehs & Nathaniel Smith— thence following the line north erly to the Harbor to Mill Creek to the place of beginning. Given under my hand this 30th day of Aug 1857 — Wm Nicoll Com. of Schools We the undersigned Supervisor & Town Clerk of Smith- town & the supervisor and Town Clerk of Brookhaven BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 447 hiCreby consent the above shall constitute the boundaries of Joint Dist No. 1 in Smithtown & Brookhaven We the undersigned Trustees of Dist No. 1. of B- Haven consent to the ahove alteration & boundaries therein de scribed. Ewd H. Smith ) Supr. (fe Clerk Saml A. Smith j of Smithtown Jonas S. Smith ) Trustees of 1 Hiram Smith f Dist No. 1 Wm Henry Smith ) Supr & Clerk L. R. Overton \ of B. Haven Recorded by me L. R, Overton Tn Clerk Page 427. In the matter of the formation of School Dist. No. 89 in the town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk and the conse quent alteration of District No. 27 & No. 25 in sd town It is hereby Ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner of Assembly District No. 2 of Suffolk Conuty that a new school district be formed to consist of part of Dist No. 25 & part of Dist. No 27 in the town of Brookhaven which new District is hereby numbered 39 & is bounded as follows on the North by Long Island Rail Road — on the west by Swan Creek, at the centre of the west Bridge & a line running from the head of the Stream north to L. I. Rail Road on the South by South Bay, & on the East by Mud Creek to the center of the Bridge on the Highway & by a line running from the Head of said Creek North to the L. I. Rail Road — Given under my hand this 11th day of May 1857 — Wm. Nicoll At a meeting of the Trustees of Dist. No. 25 in Brook haven, Suffolk Co. called for the purpose of considering certain proposed alterations thereof held 11th May at which 448 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. were present Saml Akerly & Saml 0. Hawkins (Edward T. Moore being absent) Resolved that the consent of the Trustees of Dist. No. 25 in said Town, be & is hereby given to the alteration of said district by an order bearing date 11th May 1857 made by William Nicoll Esq. School Com. for 2nd Assembly Dist. in Suffolk Co. so that the Eastern boundary shall be as follows, viz. The Stream known as Swan Creek at the West Bridge on the Country road & a line running from the head of said stream north to Long Island Rail Road. In witness whereof the undersigned being a majority of the sd trustees have hereunto subscribed their names this 11 day of May 1857— Saml Akerly Saml 0. Hawkins At a meeting of the trustees of Dist. No. 27 in Brook haven, Suffolk County called for the purpose of considering certain proposed alterations thereof, held 11th May, at which were present David Hedges, John Munsell & Chas. N. Smith it was Resolved that the consent of Trustees of Dist No. 27 in sd town be & is hereby given to the altera tion of sd district made by an Order of Wm. Nicoll School Com. bearing even date herewith, making the "centre of the Bridge over Robinson's Brook or Mud Creek, & a line running north from. the head of sd Mud Creek to the L. 1. Rail Road. In Witness Whereof we the sd trustees have hereunto subscribed our names 11th May 1867 — Recorded by me David Hedges ) m . f L. R. Overton Town Clerk Chs N. Smith V ^™, -^^^ «« John Munsell j »>«* ^o- 2? Page 428. In the matter of the formation of District No. 40 in the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk and the consequent alteration of Dist No. 13 in said town — BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 449 It IS hereby ordered by the undersigned Com. of Schools for Assembly Dist. No. 2 in Suffolk County, that a new school district be formed to consist of part of District No. 13 in said town of Brookhaven, which new district is hereby numbered 40 and is bounded as follows viz. On the north by a line three quarters of a mile from and running parallel with the Long Island Rail Road — on the west by Lakeland District No. 11 of Islip, on the South by a line two miles from, & running parallel with L. I Rail Road, and on the ^east by the west line of District No. of Brookhaven and a fine running north from sd line until it strikes the north boundary of the within described district No. 40 Given under my hand this eighteenth day of May 1857^ William Nicoll Recorded by me L. R. Overton Tn Clerk In the Matter of the Annulling of Joint District No, 6 of .Brookhaven & No. 13 of Smithtown in the County of Suffolk & the consequent alteration of Dist. Joint, No. 2 in Brookhaven & of No. 3 of Smithtown It is hereby Or dered by the Undersigned School Commissioner for As sembly Dist. No. 2 in the County of Suffolk— that the School Dist now known as Joint Dist. No. 6 of Brookhaven & Smithtown be annulled & that a part thereof be annexed to School Dist No. 2 Joint of Brookhaven — and a part thereof to Dist. No. 2 of Smithtown — The said annulled dist. to be divided by a line running between the lands of Charles Nichols and John F Hallock, to extend in an east erly & westerly direction till it crosses the sd annulled dist. And it is also ordered that the part of said Annulled Dis trict which lies north of said line, shall be included in Dist, No. 3 in Smithtown and that the part of said annulled district which lies south of the said line, shall be included in Joint Dist. No 2 of Brookhaven — This order shall take effect immediately 460 BROOKHAVEN TOWJlt RECORDS. Given under my hand at Lakeville this 7th day of Nov. 1857 Wm. Nicoll Recorded 21st Apl. 1868 Com. of Com. Schools L. R Overton Tn Clerk. for Dist No. 2 Suff. Co. Page 429. In the matter of the alteration of School District Nos. 29 & 38 of .Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk — It is hereby Ordered by the undersigned School Commissioner for the second Assembly District in the County of Suffolk, that the within described preriaises now belonging & in cluded in the bounds of School dist. No. 38 of Brookhaven be hereafter included in the bounds of School Dist. No. 29 of Brookhaven and the same are hereby set over to the said District " to wit" That portion of land bounded on the north by the road which crosses Fireplace Neck, on the east by the public road leading to the South Bay on the south by the bay & on the west by Bieaver Dam Creek. Given under my hand this ll day of June 1869 Wilham Niooll Schl Commf fof Dist. No. 2 in Suff. Co. 2nd Assembly Dist ) Suffolk Co. f The Trustees of Dist. No. 38 having on this 4th day of July refused to consent to the above alteration, the above order will take effect three months from the date hereof, viz. on the 4th day of October 1859 — Wm. Nicoll Sch. Com. In the matter of the petition of Stores Lester Smith of the town of Brookhaven, to be set over from School Dist. No. 14 to Dist, No. 15 of said Town— It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commissr- of the 2nd Assembly Dist in the County of Suffolk, that the boundaries of School Dist. No. 15 of sd town of Brookhaven be changed from BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 451 the east side of the farm late of John Smith deed to the west side of the said farm, which said farm is now occupied by the abovenamed Stores Lester Smith petitioner and bounded and described as follows " to wit" on the north by the land of Japheth Smith on the east by the lands of Albert Mott Alfred R. Overton & Francis A. Morel! on the South by the Horseblock Road, & on the west by the land of Japheth Smith — Given under my hand this 27th day of Jun 1859 W Nicoll Page 480. Second Assembly Dist. ] Ti. • u i j j v xi, Suffolk County ( '' ^* '" ^^'^^^ ^'"'^^'"^'^ ^^ *^« undersigned the School Commissioner of the second As sembly Dist. of said County, that the boundaries of School District Joint No. 2 of Brookhaven & Smithtown shall be as follows " to wit" Commencing in the northwest corner of the farm of Obadiah Smith, thence running easterly along the north line of the farm of said Smith, along the north line of the farm of Morgan L. Gould and Mother along the north lines of the farrns of Joel A. Biggs, of Elisabeth Saunders & Elizabeth Woodhull thence easteriy to the north west corner of the land of Richard Smith, thence Southerly by land of Richard Smith till it comes to a piece of standing timber, thence Easterly by the Sbuth line of the land of Peter Hatchbatch and Charles Pureck to the line between Israel Smith's land and the old Saxton farm to the compromise line, thence by and with the compromise & Islip line west wardly to the Smithtown line, thence by the Smithtown line to the Nicoll Road, thence by the Nicoll Road to the farm of Obadiah Smith and the place of beginning — Given under my hand this 22nd day of Oct. 1859 Wilhain Nicoll 453 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. In the matter of the annulling of School Dist No. 36. of B. Haven It is hereby ordered by the undersigned, School commis sioner of the second Assembly Dist. in the County of Suf folk that the district formerly known as No. 36 of Brook haven, be annulled and those portions of it which were formerly included within the limits of Schl Dists Nos. 24. & 25. of Brookhaven, shall again revert to those districts, except that part which shall be included within the bound aries of Shi Dist. No. 15 of Islip, formerly known as dist. No. 40 of Brookhaven Given under my hand this 27th day of March 1860, to take effect May 1st 1860. William Nicoll Recorded this 30th day of March 1860. L. R. Overton Town Clerk Page 431. In the matter of the alteration of School Districts Nos 11 and Joint No. 2 of Brookhaven— It is hereby ordered by the undersigned Schl Commsr in second Assembly Dist in the County of Suffolk, that the boundaries of the above named district be so altered that the property hereinaftei" described, shall be withdrawn from District Joint No. 2 and annexed to dist No 11. " to wit" all that property now belonging to or occupied by the farms &c of John F. Hal lock William I Hawkins, Danl Roe Hallock George Jotry and Snedecor, and bounded as follows " viz" com mencing at the south end of the new road near Alfred Hawkins southwesterly till it strikes the north east corner of lands belonging to Obadiah Smith, thence westerly by and with the fence between Wm 1 Hawkins, and Daniel R. Hallock on the north, and the land of the said Obadiah Smith on the South till it comes to the Nicoll road, thence by and with the Nicoll road one mile West of the line be- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 453 tween the towns of Brookhaven and Smithtown, thence running northerly parallel with the line between the towns of Brookhaven and Smithtown, till it comes to a pond west of the line between the lands of John F Hallock and Charles Nicoll's thence running east by and with the fence between the lands of John F Hallock and Charles Nicolls and so on easterly until it strikes the new road, and thence Southerly by the new road to the place of beginning. Given under my hand this 1st day of June 1859 Wilham Nicoll I. Rich'd O Howell Trustee of Schl Dist No 11 of Brookhaven do hereby consent to the proposed alteration of this dist. as above described to take effect immediately. Richard O. Howell Trustee We the undersigned Trustees of school Dist Joint No. 2 of Brookhaven do hereby consent that the proposed alter ation of this district as above described should take effect immediately Morgan L. Gould ) A. W. Roseman > Trustees Richard Smith ) Recorded 3rd Apl 1860 L. R. Overton Town Clerk Page 482. Bound between 14 & 16 Coram & church Dists In the matter of the Description of School Districts No. 14 and No. 16 in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York and the setthng of the Boundary line between the said Districts — It is hereby ordered by the undersigned the Supervisor and the Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven associated with the un dersigned the School Commissioner for Assembly District No. 2 in the County aforesaid : 454 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. That the boundary or division line between School Dis tricts (No. 14 and 16) number fourteen and number Six teen of the said Town of Brookhaven shall hereafter be as follows : that is to say, beginning at a point on the Middle Country Road where the land of Lucy Hulse is bounded on the East by that of Dam'el Swezey, thence running northerly by the line between the lands of said Lucy Hulse and said Daniel Swezey and continuing in the same course to the Whiskey Road ; thenee along the said Whiskey Road to the line between the land of Elbert J. Swezey and that of the heirs of Richard Bayles deceased ; thence fol lowing the last named line to the " Butt line" again start- ing at the point first above mentioned the said line shall continue along the said Middle Country Road in 'an Easterly direction to the division line now existing between the land of said Lucy Hulse and that of Franklin Bishop : thence Southerly by and with the said line to the Hills District No. 15. — The Trustees of District No. 14 not having con sented to this order the same will not take effect in respect to such last mentioned district until after three months notice in writing shall be given to some one or more of such Trustees Coram May 3d 1864 Thos. S. Mount, Sch. Com 2d D. S. C. Nathaniel Miller Supervisor ) Brook Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk \ Haven Town of Brookhaven } Suffolk County \ We hereby consent to the altera tion made in District No. 16 in the said Town of Brook haven by the order of which the within is a copy — Dated May 30th 1864— Sylvester M. Swezey ) ^^^Jf^^^^f^ E^dward A. Swezey^ \ ^^['f^± - Recorded June Sd 1864 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 455 Page 433. Bound between 15 & 28 Coram Hills & Bellport In the matter of the alteration of School District No 15 in the Town of Brookhaven and County of Suffolk and the consequent alteration of School District No 28 in the same Town— It is hereby ordered by the undersigned the School Commissioner for the Second District of the County of Suffolk that School District No 15 (Commonly known as the Coram Hill District) be and the same hereby is altered so as to be bounded as follows, to wit ; Beginning at a point on the Town or Mill Road at the northwest corner of the farm known as the John Smith's old Place at the North west corner of District No 15 and running Southerly by and with the west line of said John Smith's farm (the said farm being on lot No. 44) to the Horseblock road thence South across the road by and with the East line of District. No. 14 (Coram District) to the Long Island Rail Road ; thence South across the Long Island R R to a point one half mile south of the said Rail Road ; thence East on a line parallel with the said Rail Road to the west line or boundary of (the Yaphank District) District No 18, thence North by and with the line between the lots No. 48 and No. 49 of the Great Division (the said line being the next boundary line East of the house now occupied by Samuel Webber) to the Middle Island line and then Northerly from the Middle Island hne to District No. 16 (the Middle Island Church Dist) thence westerly by the said District No 16, and District No 14 to the place of beginning And it is further ordered that the Northern boundary of District No. 28 (commonly known as the Bellport District) be altered so that so far as the same is a division line be tween the District No 28 and the District No 15 above mentioned it shall be the Southern boundary of the said Coram Hihs District (No 15) as above altered and described. 456 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dated at Stony Brook L. I. Sept 3d 1864 Thomas S. Mount Sch Com 2d Dist of Suffolk Co. Behport Sept 16. 1864—1 do hereby consent to the entry of the within order — Walter Howell sole Trustee District No 28. Town of Brookhaven Coram Hills Sept. 28 — 1864 — I do hereby consent to the entry of the within order — Daniel T. Overton Sole Referee of District No 15 Town of Brookhaven — Recorded Sept. 29th 1864 .Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 434. J3fi.vision Line between Dists. '8 & 9 M. Place & Rocky pt. The Town Superintendent of Com. Schools for the Town ¦of Brookhaven having been called by the Trustees of School >Di&ts Nos. 8 & 9 for the purpose of consulting with them in relation to a line of division between said Districts — The Trustees of said Districts respectively have agreed upon a .line, beginning at a point near the Sound called David's Hollow running Southerly by the line of Wm. Horton's farm to the Rocky Point road — thence on said road to the line dividing the lauds of Tho's Helme and Wm Horton in Lot No. 47 — thence South on said line to the Butt-line so called — It is hereby resolved and Ordered that the above described line hereafter constitute the division line of said Districts. Dated at Rocky Point 1st Feby 1850. L. R. Overton Tn. Supt. Com. Schools for Brookhaven — We the Trustees of Districts No 8 & 9 do hereby agree to the above line as the division of our Districts BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS; 457 Samuel Hopkins ) Trustees of Found on file and j No. 8 Dist Recorded April 28 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson ) Trustees of Town Clerk f Dist No. 9 Page 435. Part Districts No 1 & 2 made whole No. 41 & 42— It is hereby ordered by Thomas S. Mount School Com missioner for the second District of Suffolk County that the School District lying partly in the Town of Brook haven, and partly in the Town of Smithtown, known as Joint No. 1 of the Town of Brookhaven (also commonly known as the Upper District at Stony Brook) shall be here after known and designated as School District No 41 (forty one) of the Town of Brookhaven ; and that the School District located partly in the Town of Brookhaven and partly in the Town of Smithtown and known as Joint No. 2 of the Town of Brookhaven (also commonly known as the Lakeville District) shall be hereafter known and designated as School District No 42 (forty two) of the Town of Brook haven — Stony Brook Aug. 7th 1865 Thos. S. Mount Recorded Augt 9th 1865 School Commissioner Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Order Extending Southern Bound of Dist 42 late part 2 — In the matter of the Alteration of School Dist. No 42 in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk. It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commissioner for the second Commissioner District in the County of Suf folk that the boundaries of District No. 42 in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, are hereby altered 60 as to be as follows. Commencing at the Northwest corner of Obadiah Smith's 458 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. farm thence Easterly by land of Morgan L. Gould & Mother— by lands of Joel A. Biggs, E. Saunders, and E. Woodhull — thence Easterly to the Northwest corner of lands of Richard Smith ; thence Southerly by lands of said Smith to standing wood ; thence again Easterly by the South hne of lands of Peter Hatchbach and Charles Peruke to the line between Israel Smith's and the old Saxton farm, thence Southerly by line of the old Saxton farm until it comes to the Holbrook School District thence Westerly by and with the Northern line of said District until it comes to the Northwest corner thereof — thence Southerly by the westerly line of said Holbrook District until it comes to the Long Island Rail Road — thence Westerly and Northerly along the Long Island Railroad and the Islip line to the Smithtown line — thence along the Smithtown line to Nicoll's Road ; thence along Nicoll's road to Obadiah Smith's farm and place of beginning — This order will take effect Page 436. immediately — In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand this seventeenth day of January 1866— Thos. S. Mount At a meeting of the Trustees of School District No. 42 in the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk, called for the purpose of considering certain proposed alterations thereof held on the 29th day of January 1866 at which were present Nelson Davis, Morgan L. Gould, and A. W. Roseman, Resolved that the consent of the Trustees of District No. 42 in the Town of Brookhaven be and hereby is given to the alteration of said district by an order bearing date the 17th day of January 1866 made by the School Commissioner for the Second Commissioner district in the County of Suffolk and we do hereby certify that the territory embraced by such alteration was not claimed by the trustees or em braced in any other District — BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS- 459 In witness whereof we the said trustees have hereunto set our hands this 29th day-of January 1866 A. Woodhull Roseman 1 Nelson Davis V Trustees Morgan L. Gould ) I do hereby consent to the alteration in this order — Dated January 29th 1866— ) Trustee of William Witte V School District No. 14 J of Islip Recorded Feby. 7th 1866. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 437. Union School District at Setauket In the matter of the alteration of the Setauket Union School District in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York. It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner for the second Commissioner District in the County aforesaid that the bounds of the Setauket Union School District be and the same are hereby altered so as to be as follows — Bounded on the West by School Districts No. 2 and No. 3— on the South by No. 3 and No. 12 — on the East by No. 6 — and on the North by the Setauket Harbor and School District No. 3 aforesaid — As this order does not affect the interests of any other district than the one it bounds it will go into effect immediately — Given under my hand this 5th day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and Sixty six — Thos.' S. Mount School Commissioner At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Setauket Union School held the 8th day of May 1866— It was re- 460 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. solved that the consent of the said Trustees be given to the above order — Wm H Edwards ) Sylvester Hulse >• Trustees Thomas W Rowland ) Recorded June 9th 1866 Benjn. T. Hutchinson, clk Whereas at a Meeting of the residents of the Setauket Union School District held in the said district on the day of April 1866 it was voted that Four Thousand five hundred dollars be raised by tax for the purpose of building and furnishing a School House and my approval thereof having been requested I do hereby certify that I approve of the said sum — and that the same be levied and collected according to the statute in such case made and provided. Stony Brook Thos. S. Mount May 21. 1866 Sch. Com. for the 2d Dist of Suff. Co. N. Y. Recorded June 9th 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 438. Setauket Union School District formerly 4 & 5 In the matter of the formation of the Setauket Union School District in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, and the consequent alteration of Districts No. 4 & 5. in the Town and County aforesaid — Whereas the inhabitants of School districts No. 5 and the inhabitants of School district No. 4 in the said Town of Brookhaven, pursuant to notice duly served on them have met in their respective districts and have voted by ballot to consolidate said districts, the majority of votes cast in each district being in favor of such consolidation. Now therefore It is ordered by the undersigned School Commissioner for the Second district in the County of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 461 Suffolk that a new district be formed to consist of the whole of School districts No. 5 and No 4 in the Town of Brookhaven which new district shall be known as the Setauket Union School District and is bounded as follows — ¦ Beginning at the Northwest corner thereof — the westerly boundary shall run so as to include the lands of Carlton Jayne, Thomas W. Rowland, Oran W. Rogers, B. Cole man Hawkins, William Roseman, Edward Henry Brush and Henry Hudson, which lands lie on the west side of the road leading from Setauket by the house of Oran W. Rogers to the Sheep Pasture Road, until it the line strikes the land of Benjamin Smith running thence Easterly to the first mentioned road ; thence Southerly along the said road to the Sheep Pasture Road ; thence Easterly along the Sheep pasture Road to District No. 6 ; thence Northerly by the line of District No. 6 to the Shore ; thence Westerly alone the shore to the road leading from the Parsonage to the Port Jefferson Road ; thence along said road from the Parsonage to the foot of Brewsters Hill ; thenee westerly along the Port Jefferson Road and Nunn's Factory lane to the head thereof the place of beginning. This order shall take effect on the 6th day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty six — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of February one thousand eight hundred and sixty six — Thos S. Mount I do hereby consent to the above order Feb 5—1866 Sylvester Hulse Sole Trustee of District No 5. I do hereby consent to the above order — Feb 6—1866 W. H. Edwards- Sole Trustee of District No. 4 Recorded Sept 4th 1866 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk 462 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Page 439. Number of School Districts altered— 41. to 4=42 to 5=4 & 6 to 36— It is hereby ordered by Thomas S. Mount School Com missioner of the Second Commissioner District of the County of Suffolk — That the School District in the Town of Brookhaven known as the Setauket Union School District lately formed by the Union of Districts No. 4 and 5 of the said Town shall be hereafter known and designated as School District No. 36 (Thirty six) of the said Town of Brookhaven — Also— That the School District in the Towns of Brook haven and Smithtown known as No. 41 of the Town Brookhaven (also commonly known as the Southern Dis trict of Stony Brook) shall be hereafter known and desig nated as School District No 4 (Four) of the said Town of Brookhaven — And also — That the School District in the Towns of Brookhaven and Smithtown heretofore known as District No. 42 of the Town of Brookhaven (also commonly known as the Lakeville District) shall be hereafter known and designated as School District No. 5 (Five) of the Town of Brookhaven — Dated August 22d 1866— Recorded Sept 4th 1866 Thos. S. Mount Benjn. T. Hutchinson School Commissioner Town Clerk Seed District Suff. Co. Page 440. Alteration of Bounds of School Districts No. 14 & 15 Coram & Coram Hills In the matter of the alteration of the boundaries of School District No. 15 and consequently of District No 14 of the Town of Brookhaven BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 463 It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner of the Second Commissioner District of the County of Suffolk that the Boundaries of School District No. 15 of the Town of Brookhaven commonly known as the Coram Hills District be and the same are hereby altered so as to read as follows commencing at a point on the Southeast corner of said district (which is one half mile South of the Rail-road and on the west line of District No. 18) running thence west and parallel with said Rail-Road to the west bound of John Smith's farm (which is on Lot 44) thence Northerly along the said West line of John Smith's farm to the Horse block Road thence North Westerly along the Horseblock Road to the Coram and Medford road, thence North along the Coram and Medford road to a point one-quarter of a mile North of the Granny Road, thence Easterly along a line parallel with said Granny Road (and a quarter of a mile North thereof) to the west line of School District No. 18, thence Southerly along the westerly bound of No. 18 to the place of beginning — In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of April 1868 — Thos S. Mount Sch. Com. 2d Dist. Suffolk Co.— The Board of Trustees of School District No. 14 of the Town of Brookhaven hereby consent to the above order — Lester H. Davis ) m i. Alfred Davis tJ^ff" Lester Davis j i>o. 14— The Board of Trustees of School District No. 15 of the Town of Brookhaven hereby consent to the above order Ichabod G. Carter ) Trustees only Trustee j No. 15 May 7th 1868— Andrew J. Walker. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk 464 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Page 441. Alteration of Ridge No. 19 & Middletown No. 17. School Districts — In the matter of the alteration of School Districts No. 17 and No. 19 of the Town of Brookhaven It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner for the second Commissioner district of the County of Suffolk that School District No. 19 of the Town of Brookhaven, commonly known as the Ridgefield District shall be bounded and described as follows — Beginning at the Northeast corner thereof where the Butt line intersects the boundary line between the Towns of Brookhaven and Riverhead running thence Southerly by and with the Boundary line to the Middle Country road, thence westerly along the said Road about one and a half miles and about fifty rods west of the Eleven mile Stone to the East line of the patent lands of Wm Sidney Smith thence South by the Easterly bounds of said lands about five miles to the old established line between Mastic and Longwood, thence Westerly by said hne to Connecticut River — thence north westerly along said river to the Yaphank line — thence northerly along the Yaphank line to the Middle Country road — thence Westerly along the Middle Country road about seventy rods to the westerly line of Lot No. 32 in the Wading river Great Division of Lots of the Town, thence Northerly along said Westerly bound of Lot No. 32 to the " Butt Line" thence Easterly along the Butt line to the place of beginning — That the bounds of School District No. 17 of said Town shall be as follows, beginning at the Northeast corner thereof at a point where the Butt line is intersected by the westerly bound of Lot No. 32 of the Wading River Great Division of Lots of the Town, running thence Southerly along the said westerly line of Lot No. 32 to the Middle Country Road, thence Easterly along the said BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 465 Country road to the Yaphank line— thence Southerly along the Yaphank line to the North bound of District No. 18 — thence Westerly along the North bound of said District (which also is the North bound of the farm of the late Mordecai Homan) to the East line of District No. 16 that is to the west line of the Sinclair Place — thence Northerly by the west line of said Sinclair Place to the Munsell high way, thence from the said highway North to the Sixteen (16) mile stone in the Middle Countiy road thence Westerly along the said country road to the west bound of Lot No. 47 of the Division of Town Lots aforesaid, thence Northerly by and with the said Westerly bound of Lot No. 47 to the Butt line — thence Easterly along the Butt hne to the place of beginning — Stouy Brook L. I. May 2d 1868— Thos S. Mount-Sch. Com— "_, The Board of Trustees School Districts No. 17 and No. 19 of the Town of Brookhaven hereby consent to the above order — Edgar G. Swezey ) Trustees J. Sturges Randall j No. 17 Entered by me James G. Miller | Trustees May 25th 1868 Hiram Edwards j No. 19 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 442. Order as to change of Nos. of some Districts. It is hereby ordered by the Undersigned School Commis sioner for the second Commissioner District of the County of Suffolk that the new School District formed on the second of March instant by the union of the four School Districts heretofore known as Districts No. 24 — 25 — 26 & No 35 shall be hereafter known and designated as Union Free School District No 24 of the Town of Brookhaven, and that the School District in Fireplace heretofore known as District No. 38 shall hereafter be known and designated 466 BEOOKHA.VBS TOWN BBCaiLDa. as District No. 25 of the Town of Brookhaven — and that the School District heretofore known as District No. 39 at Swan River shall hereafter be known and designated as District No. 26— of the Town of Brookhaven, and that the School District heretofore known as District No. 40 at Waverly Station shall hereafter be known and designated as District No. 35 of the Town of Brookhaven— Stony Brook L. I. Thos. S. Mount March 4—1869— School Commissioner 2d Dist. Suffolk County Recorded March 19. 1869— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. Release for Succeeding Road— next page — Whereas the Commissioners of Highvvays of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have this 16th day of May 1870 altered the old road from the house of Joel Brown at Rocky-point to the Beach or landing and declared the same a public highway Three rods wide to where the present crossfence now is and then Four rods wide to the Beach as necessary for the convenience of the landing, Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said high way and of the pa.yment of One Hundred Dollars for the land taken of Capt. James Hallock for said Highway we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with our seals and dated May 16th 1870 In presence of Capt James Hallock L. S Robt. R. Smith L.S. Page 443. Highway Laid out at Rocky point Landing — Whereas a road in the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, from the Beach at Rocky point Landing up to the 38th Lot in the Great Division was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 18th BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS- 467 day of June 1765 the first part being only Twenty feet wide and paid for by Thomas Robinson and the other part Two rods wide, the said road running up the middle of a hollow to the house of Benjamin Brown — and whereas said hollow has become unfit for use and a public highway to said Landing is necessary as shown by the petition of Twelve reputable tax payers of said Town : Now therefore, the undersigned, Commissioners of High ways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises on the application of Jesse D Hulse, Amos Hallock and others for the purpose of locating the road from the house of Joel Brown northerly to said Landing, and having agreed with the parties interested in the lands adjoining, and caused a survey of the said road to be made, do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said sur vey Beginning at a point in the centre of said Highway near the house of Joel Brown from which point the north east corner of the chimney on the large part of said Brown's house bears South Forty five & a quarter degrees West— and a large white Oak Tree standing on the West side of Highway bears South Eight degrees West Four chains & forty five links to its centre — then from said fixed point running North Three and a half degrees East Five chains and Fifty eight links — then North Five degrees East Four chains and forty five links to a fence running East and West South of the wood Landing and thus far the highway is to be Three rods wide and said courses and distances de note the centre line thereof— thence continuing the next course is North nineteen and a half degrees East Three chains and fifty seven links — ^then North Three degrees West. Five chains to the ordinary highwater mark of the Sound and about one rod west of a large rock on the beach — from the aforesaid fence the road and landing is to be 468 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. four rods wide to the Sound, and the line of the Survey of the same, that is the two last courses are One and a half rods from the west side and Two and a half rods from the East side of said road — And such parts of the present road in said location as are not included in the above description (if any) are hereby discontinued so far as it was public but leaving such overplus if any of the Twenty feet road to go to its proper owner, and we have agreed to pay for the land taken for said road to capt. James Hallock One LIun dred Dollars, and we consent for him to have all the apples that grow on the Trees in said road where it goes through his land, and also Page 444. consent for him to take clay out of the bank by the Sound, but not to injure the highway or landing by so doing — and if said road as now located and described takes any of the land of Capt. Joel Brown he gives the same for the benefit of the road — Given under our hands this 16th day of May 1870. Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather V of Charles R. Smith ) Highways Recorded Feby. 20th 1871 Copy Posted March 7th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. Location of a portion of North Country Road near Wood ville — Whereas a Road used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk leading from Millers place to Wading River was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, on May 10th 1728 as re corded in Brookhaven Town Records Book C page 101 but not sufficiently described. Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town All the Com- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 469 missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises on the application of John Orlando Randall a taxable resident to locate and define a portion of abovesaid road near Wood ville and having caused a Survey of said portion of said road to be made do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey Beginning at a point in front of Albert Skid more' s house frorn which the Southeast corner of said Skidmore's house, bears N. 21J° East 984 links distant — also Black Walnut Tree bears from said starting point N. 24° W. 534 hnks— then 1st course South 834° East 6 ch. 67. L. 2d " North 874° East. 11 ch. 53 L. to junction of Woodville road from J. Orlando Randall's — the bearing of White oak guide-board tree from this point is South 674° East 43 L. 8d Course North 854° East 6 ch. 56 L. 4th " North 764° East 1 2 ch 12 L. to opposite a large gate leading to John J. Woodhull's. known on Town Rec ords as " Sill's Gate" — The said courses and distances de noting the centre line of said Highway which is to be four rods wide according to the old Record Given under our hands this 4th day of June 1870. Robt. R. Smith 1 Commissioners John R. Mather V of Charles R. Smith ) Highways — Recorded February 20th 1871 copy Posted March 7th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk. Page 445. Trustee Meeting March 7th 1871— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present Nathaniel 470 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Tuttle President, Walter Dickerson, Elbert Woodhull, Thomas Terry Wm. H. Clark, Henry W. Carman, and John Roe Smith Trustees, Resolved That the oyster Lot formerly leased to Wm, Bowers at Port Jefferson be leased to Benjn R. Raynor for $3 per year payable each year in advance & if so paid to be for five years^The said Bowers having left the State & not paid the rent or used the ground — Leased to D. 0. Strong and 2 others of Islip Eleven acres in South Bay to plant with oysters— 2 yrs with privilege of renewal— $11 per year rent. John Roe Smith Trustee declining to longer act as Oyster Agent — George W. Smith is appointed Oyster Agent for the ensuing year on the game terms and with the same authority as heretofore given to Oyster Agents — Resolved That the Oyster Toleration fee for Oystering in the South Bay as far East as the dividing line from Longpoint be as last year One Dollar to Residents and Ten Dollars to Non-Residents of this Town for the ensuing year from March let 1871 to next March except the time pro hibited from 15th June to 15th Sept. Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Wm Gritman $3 to Mary De Verel $2 to Samuel Hudson $7— E. Woodhull reported temporary aid to John Fink $4 — Wm. H. Clark reported temporary aid to Nicoll Overton $6.48 to Chas. Hulse $4.28 and Lewis Hulse $7.06— John Roe Smith Trustee having been absent at February Meeting reported for both Feby & March temporary aid to Chas. Woods family of 7 $24.29 Valentine EU $3. 24— Isaac Wilhams $2.90— James McNiel $2.60— John Baker $3. Mrs Hiram Swezey $4.— David Smith & wife $2— during January— Chas Wood's family $5.92— Wm W. Homan & family $8.84 do $1.90— James Mcintosh $11— George McGregor's family $9. John Hulse $5, Brewster Smith $2.50 and Mrs. Hiram Swezey $6.20— during past month— BROOKHAVElsr TOWN RECORDS. 471 Whereas a statement and petition was presented by Wm Clark Tooker of Oldfield, setting forth the great damage done by fishing with seines and nets in the Creek below the Mill at Setauket said petition being signed by Wm. C. Tooker, Daniel Edwards, Henry Wells, D. Shepard Jones, Hon S. B. Strong and Twenty three others residents of Setauket in this- Town praying that the Board of Trustees pass an act prohibiting any and all persons from fishing with seines or nets in Mill Creek in Setauket between said Mill at Setauket and a line running East from Daniel Edwards' Dock to Richard L. Woodhulls meadow under a penalty of Fifty dollars — -the object of the petition was- granted and the following Act was passed to take effect immediately. Page 446. An Act to prohibit fishing with Seines or nets in the- Creek leading from the Mill in Setauket into Oldfield Bay — At a Meeting of the Trustees of the Freeholders and. commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk held on the 7th day of March 1871 present Nathaniel" Tuttle President, Walter Dickerson, Elbert Woodhull, Thomas Terry, Wm LI. Clark Henry W. Carman, and Johnu Roe Smith Trustees it was unanimously voted, agreed and enacted to prohibit all persons whatsoever from fishing witb seines or nets in the Creek leading from Satterly's Mill ini Setauket into Oldfield Bay at any place or part of said Creek between the said Mill and a hne running East from" Daniel Edwards' Dock across said Creek to the meadow of Richard L. Woodhull ; and it is hereby ordered, ordained and enacted by the authority given us in our charter to pass- all needful orders to protect the rights of the Town, that any person or persons who shall hereafter contrary to thisr- Act fish with seines or nets in said Creek shall for each and every such offence forfeit the sum of Fifty Dollars to be sued for and recovered in any Court and be paid to the President Seal 473 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Overseers of the Poor — and this Act shall take effect im mediately — Done at Brookhaven this 7th day of March 1871 — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Nathaniel Tuttle Clerk Trustee Meeting — April 4th 1871 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to -Ephraim Hulse's 3 children 14.61 to Anor Brewster 2.25 —Elbert Woodhull— aid to John Fink 4.00 Leonard Still 2.40 — Thomas Terry — aid to Auguste Bahr 2.00 John Roe Smith — aid to Mrs Hiram Swezey 2. Chas Wood's family 6.91— Wm W. Homan 2.97— Wm. H. Clark— aid to Nicholas Overton 7.64 — Chas Hulse 6.59 — Lewis Hulse 7.03— all which was approved by the Board— The Hulse chil dren being a County charge — On motion of Wm. H. Clark seconded by Thomas Terry and put by the Clerk it was Resolved that the thanks of the Board are given to their President Nathaniel Tuthill for his ability, fidelity and courtesy manifested during the past two years that he has presided over the Board. Being the Annual Town Meet ing — The present Board adjourned Sine die — that is — with out day — Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Clerk — Page 447. Highway altered at New Village — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk all the Com missioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of Morgan Lewis Gould to determine upon the application of James B. Gould residents of the said Town liable to be assessed BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 473 for highway labor therein, for the alteration of a part of the old road leading from New Village to Ronkonkama pond laid out Feby 8th 1746 and recorded in Book B. page 361 being where it turns Southwest from the road laid out April 27th 1769 C. page 226 leading from the Middle Country Road at New Village to the Portion path and Horseblock road — a new road frorn the School House and church having been laid out March 10th 1863 (E— 206) connecting with said last named road and thereby making it now the main travelled road from New Village to Ron konkama & Lakeland Station, and the said first named western road being but little used, and at its northern point running Southwesterly or diagonally across the land to the detriment of the owner ; do Order that the hne of said western or first named road be, and the same is hereby so altered as to run or continue on said second named road Southerly to a point in the centre of said road nearly oppo site the dwelling house late of Edward Bertie, which point bears from the Southwest corner of said house North 75° West one chain & forty eight links distant and from this point running North 88f° West Eight chains and Sixty four links to the Centre of the said Old west road again — the said line to be the centre of the road which shall be of the width of Three rods — And it is further Ordered, that 80 much of said old west road as lies north of where said line comes into it up Northeasterly to where it branches from the second named and present Ronkonkama road and not included in the above description be and the same is discontinued hereby — said courses being as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven March 17th 1871 — Robt R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather I of Chas R, Smith ) Highways — 474 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded April 4th 1871 Posted April 20th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an Order dated March 17th 1871 hereunto annexed altered a part of a certain road in New Village discontinuing a part and turning it across my land with my consent, and letting the discontinued part be closed by the owner or owners accord ing to law ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said road as set forth in said order, I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with my seal and dated the seventeenth day of March 1871 — Signed in presence of Robt R Smith Morgan L. Gould L S Recorded April 4th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 447. Highway at Swczeytown — The undersigned. Commissioners of Llighways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at the times and place hereinafter named for the purpose, having met at the house of Michael Gurvey in the said Town to decide on the application of Michael Gurvey, Elbert J. Swezey, James Swezey, Augustus Edwards and Orlando F. Edwards residents of said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the laying out and opening an unob structed highway leading from the North end of the Half- mile pond in Swczeytown North to the Whiskey road, and the owners of the land having been notified, do order that a public highway three rods wide, shall be and the same is hereby laid out, the centre whereof is the following de- BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 475 scribed line viz. Beginning in the centre of the highway called the Whiskey Road and thence running as follows. 1st course South 10° East 14 ch. 66 L. to opposite North west corner of the large part of Mr Gurvey's barn bearing of which is North 82° East 98 links distant— ; 2d Course South 13i° East 6 ch 47 L. 3d " "344 West 94 L. to opposite the Northeast corner of Elbert J. Swezey's house the bearing of which is S. 86° W. 45 links distant— 4th course South 4° West 1 ch. 76 L. 5" " " 22° West 2 ch. 74 L. to N. & W. of small pond 6 " " " 254° East 4 ck 39 L. 8 " " " 351 West 2 ch. 20 L. 9 " " " 52 West 6 ch. 98 L. 10 " South — — 10 ch. 52 L. 11 " " 14° West 11 ch 17 L. 12 " "24° West 8 ch 38 L. 13 " South — — 6 ch. 58 L. 14 " " 5° East 4 ch. 36 L. to the centre of the road which runs on the North of the Halfmile pond west past the house of Sylvester M. Swezey, said highway being three rods wide — and the foregoing survey being as the needle now points the centre line thereof — The Com missioners having met on the 6th day of August 1870 — and again this day — Brookhaven March 13th 1871 — Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John R. Mather v of Charles R. Smith ) Highways — • Recorded April 4th 1871 Posted April 20th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Release of Land — Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town 476 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the 13th day of March 1871 laid out a highway in said Town beginning at the whiskey road and running Southerly between the houses of Mr. Gurvey and Elbert J. Swezey. on West side of small pond and across the land of Augustus Edwards and Sylvester M. Swezey to the road that runs west on the north side of Halfmile pond — and as by agreement said Sylvester M. Swezey is to be paid Fifty dollars and Elbert J. Swezey Fifteen Page 449. dollars which latter sum is to be paid by Mr. Gurvey ; Now therefore in consideration of the said highway more fully described in the annexed order being laid out, we do hereby release all claim to further damages by reason thereof — Sealed with our seals and dated the 13th day of March 1871-In presence of Jno. K. Gurvey L S Sylvester M. Swezey Delia Gurvey L S Robt. R. Smith for Sylvester M. Swezey. Elbert J. Swezey L S Augustus Edwards L.S Orlando F. Edwards L.S Sylvester M. Swezey L.S. Recorded April 4th 1871— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Whereas Oscar F. Swezey of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County has offered to dedicate land for a high way Three rods wide through his homestead farm at Middle Island in said Town, the undersigned commissioners of Highways of said Town all having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, have accepted the said BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 477 land so dedicated in behalf of the Town, and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made do order that the said Road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to said survey. Beginning at a point in the liigh- M^ay at Swczeytown so called which runs west from the north end of Halfmile pond — which said starting point bears from the Southwest corner of Sylvester M. Swezey's house South 87° West 6 ch. 42 L. distant ^then from said starting point running as follows. 1st course South 4° West 25 ch. 71 Links 2d " " 5° East 16 ch. 69 " 3d " " 12° West 11 ch 62 " to old gate 4th " " 34° East 10 ch 74 L. 5th " " 14° West 8 ch — to the centre of the Middle Country Road — and a point 1 ch. 23 L. back north erly on this last course from said centre of Middle Country road bears from the Southeast corner of said Oscar F. Swezey's Barn South 85° East 1 ch. 9 Links distant — the said line to be the centre of the said road — which shall be Three rods in width — The courses being as the needle now points — • Given under our hands at Brookhaven — -March 16tli 1871— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners JohnR. Mather V of Charles R. Smith ) Llighways Recorded April 4th 1871 Posted April 20th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk — Whereas I offered to dedicate land through my homestead farm for the use and purpose of a public highway three rods wide coming into the Middle Country Road a little east of my barn and the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk having this day accepted my offer in behalf of said Town and by an 478 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. order dated the Sixteenth day of March 1871 (which order is hereunto annexed) laid out a Highway as 1 intended, which is fully set forth in said order Now therefore in con sideration of the laying out of the said highway I do hereby release all claim to damages by reason Page 450. thereof, and freely dedicate the land for the same so long as it shall remain a public highway — Sealed with my seal, and dated the sixteenth day of March A.D. 1871 — Signed Sealed & subscribed Oscar F. Swezey L.S. in presence of Sylvester M. Swezey Recorded April 4th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk— Releases for Highway at Manorville — Described, page 419 Whereas, the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an order bearing date of September 24th 1870 laid out a highway three rods wide through the improved lands of R. T. Os born, G. W. Raynor and Seth Raynor, beginning near the Methodist church in the Manor and on the west side of the road leading from said Church to the R. R. Station and running Westerly through the land of R. T. Osborn adjoin ing the church property on the South to G. W. Raynor's land thence Southerly and Westefly through G. W. Ray nor's and Seth Raynor's land to the Hills or South Manor road ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of said road and of thirty (30) Dollars to me in hand paid I do hereby release all claims to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with my seal and dated the 28th day of March 1871— BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 479 In presence of R. T. Osborn L.S. J. W. Pelletreau Recorded Ap. 4 — 1871 — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway in said Town beginning on the road running North from the M. E. Church and adjoin ing the Church property & through the land of R. T. Os born, to the land of G. W. Raynor then Southerly through our land to the Hills or South Manor Road which proposed highway will pass through our lands. Now, therefore in consideration of the laying out of said Highway We do hereby release all claims to damages by reason thereof G. W. Raynor L.S. Seth Raynor L.S. Sealed with our seals & dated the 24th day of Sept. 1870 in presence of Chas R. Smith Recorded April 4th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 451. Survey of a part of South Country Road East of Swan River — Whereas that part of the South Country Road between Swan River and Robinson's Mill used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk was laid out by the County Commissioners of Highways of said County on the 26th day of July 1716 but not sufficientl.y described Now therefore ; the undersigned commissioners of High ways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of Humphrey Avery in the said Town on the application of Humphrey Avery, George 480 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Robinson and others, for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a surve.y of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey, Beginning at a point where a Stone is fixed in the centre of said South Country road on a diagonal line crossing the road from the Southwest corner of Humphrey Avery's land to the Northwest corner of Thomas H. Smith's land — and from said so fixed stone running— 1st course South 544° East 4 ch. 72 Links to opposite the Southwest corner of said Avery's door-yard — from which point the Southwest corner of said Avery's house is North 60° East 89 L. distant— 2d Course South 524° East 9 ch. 87 L. to opposite the northeast corner of William Avery's land on S. Smith Roe's Lane — Thence same course 16 ch. 74 L. to opposite the North east corner of Capt George Robinson's house-lot or door yard — from which last point the Southwest corner of Jere miah Robinson's house bears North 44° East 1 ch. 12 L. distant — then continuing on the same course 12 chains to west end of Robinson's Mill-dam and being then 50 L. past the west end of the pond — Each centre point is marked by a stone fixed in the ground — and said line is to be the centre of the road, which shall remain of the width of Four Rods — courses being as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven March 20th 1871 — Robt. R. Smith 1 Commissioners John R. Mather I of Charles R. Smith ) Highways Recorded April 4th 1871 Posted April 20th 1871— Benjn. T. LIutchinson Town Clerk BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 481 . Page 452. Town Meeting— 1871— We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the annual Town Meeting held this 4th day of April 1871 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named. Supervisor Effingham Tuthill Justices of the Peace Oran W. Rogers Charles A. Davis Assessors Wilham H. Halt Edward A. Swezey Commissioner of Highways Robert R. Smith Town Clerk. Benjn T. Hutchinson Collector Lewis Davis Jr. President of Trustees Wilham H. Clark Trustees. Nathaniel Tuthill Walter Dickerson Elbert Woodhull Thomas Terry Henry W. Carman John Roe Smith Overseers of the Poor — Walter Dickerson John Roe Smith Constables John P. L'Hommedieu Daniel A. Davis Albert Terrell Wells Howell Bryant N. Overton Jeremiah Humistone S. Warren Wines George W. Smith Districts Inspectors of Election ' ( William O. Gould No. 1 ] Walter Smith ( Jedediah Williamson appd 4.83 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS, ( William T. Hulge No. 2 -< James E. Bayles ( Thomas H. Saxton appd ( Sylvester D. Tuthill No. 3 -< Charles A. Davis ( John J. Davis appd ( Richard T. Osborn No. 4 -l Gilbert S. Terry ( Gideon Smith appd {Charles Swezey Jesse Mills Edward S. Raynor appd {N. Miher Preston Charies A. Gould Edward T. Moore appd ( Wilham E. Gould No. 7 ¦< Wm Sylvester Swezey ( Minor Norton appd We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the Election and canvass of said annual Town-meeting, Dated Brookhaven April 4th 1871 Chas R. Smith ] Lester Davis Justices of John S. Lee , the Peace of Oran W Rogers | the Town of D. T. Hawkins Brookhaven. R. T. Osborn Recorded April 4th 1871— Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 453. Overseers of Highways Appointed April 8th 1871— The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, in accord ance with the law do hereby appoint the following persons to the office of overseers of Highways in the respective Districts of this Town, to serve in and for the Road Dis- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 483 tricts the number of which is placed opposite each respec tive name, until next Town Meeting or till others are ap pointed- Dated Brookhaven April 8th 1871— Z No Overseers Location 1 C. Edwin Hawkins — Stony Brook W & S 2 Nicoll S. Hawkins " E&N 3 Joseph Tooker South Setauket ! '4 Wm F. Brewster Setauket 5 Algernon S. Mills East Setauket 6 Alfred Hulse N. E. Setauket 7 B. Havens Jones Port Jefferson 8 Jonas Hasbrouck Mt. Sinai N. 9 Geo. W. Hopkins S, 10 John S. Randall Millersplace 11 Sylvester Hallock Rock Hollow : 12 Ebenezer Jones Wading River ; 13 Clinton Raynor Manor N 14 S. W. Wines " S 15 Jacob H. Robinson East Moriches 16 James Robinson Eastport 17 Daniel Lane Mastic 18 Wm Osborn South Haven 19 George H. Burnette Fireplace 20 John Nicoll Bellport 21 Chas E. Smith Union— W— 22 Wm H. Newins Patchogue E. 23 Davis Baker Lane & N. 24 Benjamin Hawkins W 25 John Westcott Bluept. 26 Amzi W, Newton Lake Grove ¦ 27 Isaac L'Hommedieu New Village W. 28 Wm Edgar Gould " E- 484 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. No Overseers Location 29 Samuel Dare Selden 30 Albert Terrell Coram W. 81 Winfield S. Davis " E. 32 H. Whitmore Smith Rocky pond & Hollow 33 Thomas Terry Farmingville 34 Hampton Overton Coram Hills 85 Sidney Smith Middle Isld. W. 36 Floyd Edwards " Centre 37 Joseph N. Hurtin ., S&E 38 Edward Homan Millville 39 Isaac H. Robbins Yaphank 40 Hiram Edwards Ridge 41 James 0. Homan Manor E. 42 David F. Conklin Swan River & Pine N 43 Elbert J. Swezey Swczeytown & church ' 44 Josiah H. Bishop Centre Moriches 45 Nathaniel Wiggins " W. 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill Rocky pt. 47 John J. Woodhull Woodville 48 John Hawkins Moriches 49 George G. Dominick Oldfield 50 Carman Smith Patchogue Centre 51 Charles Homan Union E. 62 Frankhn H. Horton Fireplace W. 63 Andrew Ketcham Centre Moriches E. 54 John G. Barrett Waverly 65 Ohver P. Smith Short Neck Recorded April 8th 1871 Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk John R. Mather Charles R. Smith Robt. R. Smith i Commrs of Highways BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 485 Page 454. Trustee Meeting- May 2d 1871 — Trustees met pursuant to call of the President all present Wm. H. Clark President, Nathaniel Tuthill, Thomas Terry, Walter Dickerson, Elbert Wood- hull, Henry W. Carman and John Roe Smith Trustees — W. Dickerson, Trustee reported temporary aid to Ephraim Hulse's three children $8.00— Eliphalet Smith $2.00— Mary De Verrelle $2.00 — Elbert Woodhuh aid to John Fink $4.00 to Luther Fields $4.00— Wm H. Clark aid to John Rick $0.42— to Nicholas Overton $4.35 to Charles Hulse $3.74— Coffin & Box for John Rick's wife $17.00— George White for Clothes $9.00 — Wm S. Howell's bill for aid to charies Hulse $15.00— Dr. E. P. Jarvis' Bill for Charles Hulse now deceased $23.50— Thomas Terry aid to Augusta Bahr— $2.36 — Whereas in the Eastern Division of Lots on the South side of the Town made Deer 10th 1733 and recorded in Book C. page 117 reference is made to a certain "Pine Tree in the head of Dayton's Swamp said to be Robert Rose's Bound Tree" and whereas said Pine Tree is now said to be decayed, and believing it to be an important Bound necessary to be kept fixed — We the Board of Trus tees of the Town of Brookhaven, do appoint Henry W. Carman Trustee and Nathaniel Miller, Alfred B Brown a committee to go and fix a substantial lasting monument in or by the stump of the very Bound Tree so referred to in said Town-Record, and report in writing to this Board how they fix the same that said Report may be recorded for future guide and reference — John Newton and his son Theodore on application, were authorized so far as the Town is owner to open the mouth of the natural creek on the west side of Port Jefferson 486 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Harbor, and also to enjoy the common right of all the people to the usual use of. the shore that has not heretofore been granted for Docks and other purposes. John P. L'Hommedieu reported that meadow has risen in late years side of Little Bay at Setauket opposite his land and on the Bay side of the highway and if not heretofore granted said Meadow belongs to the Town : and requested . that should it be granted to any one, that it be to him. Adjourned to first Tuesday in June. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 455. Trustee Meeting. June 6th 1871 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment •all present — Walter Dickerson reported Temporary aid to Ephraim Hillse's Three children a county charge $10— Wm H. Clark Trustee reported Temporary aid to Nicholas ¦Overton 9.75 to Caleb Ceaser 5.89— John Rick 1.10 Mrs, Charles Hulse 4.15 Mrs Smith Rider 40 cts — Dr. Jarvis' Bill ior Sarah Ward $17.00— Coffin for Sarah Ward $10.00— Support of Mr Kingsland's family left by him destitute ~and who has now removed to Minnesota without making restitution $50. Elbert Woodhull Trustee aid to John Fink $5.00 Re solved to bind out Ellen Woodhull a pauper to Mrs. Mary A. Pierce until she is Eighteen on the usual terms required by law — Ordered that John Fink be allowed $1 per week till further order — Adjourned to Saturday first day of July so as not to meet on Independence day — but leave all free to so celebrate BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 487 the National Freedom day as to keep it in holy remem brance — Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Clk — Release for Highway at Swczeytown — Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of .Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk have by an order dated the Thirteenth day of March 1871 — laid out a high way in said Town beginning in the centre of the Whiskey road and running South 10° East 14 chains and 60 links to opposite the Northwest corner of the large part of Michael Gurvey's barn bearing of which is North 82° East 98 links distant^thence South 134° East 6 chains and 47 links^ thence South 344 West 94 links to opposite the northeast corner of Elbert J. Swezey's house bearing of which is South 86° West 45 hnks distant, thence South 4° West 1 chain and 76 links — thence South 22° West 2 chains and 74 links to North and West side of pond— thence South 254° East 4 chains and 39 links — thence South 7° West 3 chains and 36 links — thence South 35|° West 2 chains and 25 links — thence South 52° West 6 chains and 93 links^thence due South 10 chains and 52 links — thence South 14° West 11 chains and 17 links thence South 24 West 8 chains and 88 links — thence due South 6 chains and 63 links thence South 5° East 4 chains and 36 links to the centre of the Swczeytown Road near Sylvester M. Swezey's barn — which said highway passes through the improved lands of Elbert Swezey — Now therefore the damages of the said Elbert Swezey by reason of the laying out of said highway are hereby ascertained by agreement of the said Elbert Swezey and the said Commissioners of Highways at the sum of Fifteen Dohars ($15.00) March 13th 1871— Elbert J. Swezey Chas R. Smith 1 Commissioners Robt. R. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways 488 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded June 20tli 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 456. ^Trustee Meeting. — July 1st 1871 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment —present Wm H. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuthill, Walter Dickerson, Thomas Terry Henry W. Carman and John Roe Smith Trustees — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Eliphalet Smith $2. E. Colley $2.10 Ephraim Hulse children (a county charge) $8.00 John Roe Smith temporary aid to Charles Wood $8.37 — Anson Vail $16. — Catherine Horton $6. to a pauper of Ishp $1.50— Henry W. Carman temporary aid to Moses Jackson $4.50 — bringing him to Poorhouse $2.00 Nathaniel Tuthill tem porary aid to Wm Albin & wife $4 — clothes for Harry Norton $2.87— Wm H. (/lark temporary aid to Nicholas Overton $10.15 —Mrs Charles Hulse 4.64 Caleb Ceaser $7.21— Mrs Rider 40 cts. for digging Charles Hulse's grave $1 — all which was approved — Ordered that Wm Albin & wife's allowance be advanced from $1 to $2 per week until further order — Leased the South part of West Meadow Beach to Thomas S. Wells of Stony Brook for Ten years at Ten Dollars per year in advance with the privilege of having Railways on the same and shore of the Creek — and also. the privilege to make a foot bridge from his dock across West Meadow creek, but in such a manner as not to hinder or obstruct the necessary and usual passage up and down said creek by boats and vessels — nor is he in any way to obstruct the usual passage of said creek by his placing of his Railways — .BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 489 Leased Oyster ground in South Bay near West Fireplace to Charles Emmons, Isaac Seaman & David Curry for 5 years at $12 per year — The following Resolutions were then unanimously passed — Whereas the Legislature last Session appropriated money and appointed a Committee to deepen Patchogue Creek, and whereas in fulfilling this duty it is necessary to erect a Breakwater at the mouth of said creek from Davis' point into the South Bay far enough to have the water six feet deep. — We therefore the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County, to promote the public good do hereby authorize the said Breakwater to be made and to be kept in good repair perpetually. — We the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk county do desire that in relation to the support of the Poor at the County Poor House that this Town be allowed to support its own poor, and that this manner of supporting the poor be the plan adopted by the Supervisors of the County as in our opinion the only fair and just way that can be adopted ; and we respectfully request that Mr. Tuthill Supervisor of this Town use his influence to have this plan adopted. Adjourned to first Tuesday in August — Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Clerk Page 457. Trustee Meeting August 1st 1871 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment — present all but Mr. Clark. Thomas Terry Trustee reported temporary aid to Henry Ludlow Smith $2.00. Walter Dickerson, to Ephraim Hulse's children $8.00 Elbert Woodhull " Luther Fields for 2 months $4.00 John Roe Smith " Charies Wood's family " $8.00 Mrs Hiram Swezey Shoes 2.00 490 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Barna Marvin 4.00 Mrs Marvin — Medicine for 2.00 Wm H.Clark " Nicholas Overton 9.66 Mrs Rider .53 Mrs. Chas Hulse 3.87 Caleb Ceaser 5.20 ah of which was approved — Bills paid— and Board adjourned to first Tues in Sept. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Trustee Meeting- Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Cohey $2 Sept. 5th 1871- all present — r W. Dickerson reported Temporary aid to E & E. Hulse's children $10 — county Paupers — E. Woodhull " " " Luther Fields $2— N. Tuthill " " " conveying Mary Linsley back to Southampton $2.40 charged to South ampton & Bill sent " " " Caleb Ceasar 7.54 — Mrs Charies Hulse $5.81— Nicholas Overton 11.70 Mrs Rider 40 cts — " " conveying Mary Jennings " an Insane poor person to " Utica Asylum $45.78 " Brewster Smith $6 — " Barna Marvin $4. — " Howard col'd $2 John Adams 8.80 — Abram " Weeks col'd $2. so- Resolved to lease to Elihu Hawkins the East part of New Pattersquash Island that he has heretofore leased — for five Wm H. Clark John Roe Smith BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 491 years from September 1872 at Ten Dollars per year as heretofore. Reed by the hand of Henry W. Carman Trustee Seven dollars as part payment for Meadow on Outshore Ridge this year hired by Silas Moore Resolved to adjourn to meet on the first Monday in October at the Town Clerk's — it being the Annual Meeting of Town Officers appointed by State Law to be held on that day at Town-Clerk's each year — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Page 458. Trustee Meeting — October 2d 1871 Trustees met at Town Clerk's pur suant to adjournment — all Present — Wm H. Clark reported temporary aid to Caleb Ceaser 6.24— N. Overton 9.40 and Mrs Chas Hulse 2.99— John Roe Smith tempy. aid to Brewster Smith 4.00 — Charles Wood 2.63, Barna Marvin 3.70— Abraham Weeks 4.00— Cathe Horton 8.37— Mathew Bacon 6.00— John Rick's child 2.00— Elbert Woodhull— temy. aid to Leonard Still $3 OO Luther Fields 1.25 and Harrison L'Hommedieu 3.00 — Walter Dickerson temy. aid to Ephraim Hulse's children 8.00— County— Watters Tooker 2.00— and John Barnes 5.00 — All approved — The following resolutions were unanimously passed^ — Resolved that the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars be raised by tax this year for the support of the poor of this Town the ensueing year — Resolved that we authorize and direct that the Super visor sell the State Bonds belonging to this Town and pay with the funds all the Bounty debt of this Town on the 1st of March next and if any balance be left use it in paying 493 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. contingent expenses of the Town so as to lessen the tax for such purpose — Board adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis in Coram on Saturday 4 Novr Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Alteration of Division Bound between 1st & 2d Election Dists. We the undersigned Board of Tovvn Officers at a meeting held at the Town Clerk's according to law, do hereby alter the division line of boundary between Election Districts No. 1 & 2 in this Town as follows — The .Division shall be the highway starting at the shore at East Setauket near the house of James Van Brunt and running Southerly to the road from Port Jefferson to Setauket near the house of Alfred Darling and from the junction of said road continuing due South by a line until it comes into the road from Setauket to Coram and then by said road Southerly to the Butt Line — All west of this line shall belong to District No. 1 — and all east of said line shall belong to District No. 2 — Given under our hands at Brookhaven Oct 2d 1871 — * Effingham Tuthill Supervisor John H. Overton Edmund W. Ruland Edward A. Swezey S. D. Tuthill Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Entered Oct 2d 1871 by Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 459. Survey of Road at New Village. Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook- * Note. See bounds & changes on pages 168, 309, 277, 38S. pf Book E.— Com. Assessors BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 493 haven, Suffolk county leading from the middle Country Road at New Village to the Portion path was laid out by the commissioners of Highways of the said Town on the 27th day of April 1769 as recorded in Book C. page 226 but not sufficiently described : Now, therefore the under signed commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the commissioners having been notified to meet at the re spective times and place for the purpose, having met on the premises, for the purpose of causing said road to be ascer tained described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's ofijce, and having caused a survey of a part of said road as herein set forth to be made Do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey. Beginning at a point in the Centre of the Middle Country Road at New Village, which centre point bears from the Northeast corner of the house of the Revd. Otis Holmes South Seventy six and three quarter degrees East (76|° E) Seventy eight (78) links distant— thence running 3 ch. 87 Links 4ch. 9ch. 4 ch. 60 Links 10 ch. 2 ch. 2ch. 8. " 14° W — 12 ch. to opposite the Northwest corner of Isaac A. L'Hommedieu's door yard — Northerly on this last course 1 ch. 28 L. from last mentioned point is the centre junction of the new branch road to Ronkonkama which centre junction point bears from the Southwest cor ner of Mr. Bertie's house N. 75° W. 1 ch. 48 L. distant 9th course S. f ° W. 19 ch. 40 " " S. 4° W. 12 ch. to opposite house of Ralph Pike on west 1 ch. 8 L. from centre of road 1st course S. 164° W. 2d " " 224° W. 3d " " 31° W. 4. " 33f° W. 5. " 26° W. 6. " 144° w. 7. " 7° W. 494 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 11th course S. 4 W. 12 ch. 12" " S. 1 E. 16 ch. 13 " " S. 34 E. 12 ch— The S. W. corner of the wing or low part of E. Griswold's house bears from this stopping point N. 23° East- 3 ch. 42 L. distant the latter part of Survey made March 24th 1871 — the above line de noting the centre of said highway and the courses being as the needle now points — On an application of those most interested in the use of said road & owing to its heretofore being thought to be only 3 rods wide and the northern and Southern ends of same road being 3 rods in width the Commissioners hereby fix this portion of said road at Three rods in width — Given under our hands at Brookhaven March 24th 1871 — Robt. R. Smith )^^™"^|f«^^'« John R Mather ( -„¦. ? ) Highways Recorded Oct. 8d 1871 Posted Oct 9th 1871— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk. Page 460. Highway at Patchogue— By Union School House— To be called Union Street by Trustees of School — The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the county of Suffolk, all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises in said Town to decide upon the application of William S. Preston, George F. Carman residents of the said Town liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the lay ing out of the road hereinafter described, running through the land of Austin Roe who has released the land for the same by a release dated Sept. 7th 1871 in accordance with his grant to the Trustees of Union School said road being BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 495 north of and next adjoining to the School house lot or land, do Order that a public highway. Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said application and said Release — the South side whereof is the following described line viz. Beginning at a point on the East side of Patchogue Lane or Ocean Avenue, which point bears from the Southwest corner of said new School House North Sixty five and three quarter degrees (65f°) West Two (2) chains and Thirty eight and a half (384) Links distant, and from said starting point running North Eighty four and a half degrees (844°) East — Nine (9) chains and forty one and a half links (414) to a point which is four feet from Abijah T. Moger's west line — the said line being- Twenty four and a half links north from the northwest corner of the brick foundation of said Union School House. The courses being magnetic as the needle now points, and the Highway is to be Three rods in width north from this South side line — Done at Brookhaven Sept 19th 1871 — Robt. R. Smith i Commissioners Highlays Recorded Oct. 26th 1871 Copy Posted Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Release of claim to damages — for above Road, I, Austin Roe of the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk do hereby release to the Town of Brookhaven In consideration of the laying out and recording thereof a Three rod Road — said Road commencing on the East side of Ocean avenue and running Easterly through my land to within four feet of the land of Abijah Moger — said road 496 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. being north and adjoining the School District property in the village of Patchogue — Patchogue Sept 7th 1871 Signed in presence of Justus Roe — Austin Roe L. S. Recorded Oct. 26th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 461. Survey of a portion of Middle Country Road — Whereas the Middle Country Road was laid out by county commissioners July 25th 1716 as recorded in the county clerk's office in Book A. of Deeds page 142, but not suffi ciently described at that time, and that part of said Road between Yaphank line and a certain pond called on Records Southampton Pond in ancient times but more recently pub lished in the Travellers Guide as " Blooming Lake" in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County has not since been sufficiently defined and described on record. Now there fore, the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners being present, having met on the premises on the application of Elliot D. Carpen ter owner of the farm east side of said Blooming Lake to define said road opposite his house and farm, and having caused a survey of all said Road between said Line and Lake to be made so as to be entered of record in the Town Clerk's office do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey beginning at a point in the centre of the road which bears from a locust stake in the South side of the road and about on the Yaphank Line North 50 Links distant and thence running 1st Course South 864° West 26 chains 79 Links 2d " South 77° West 10 " 88 " 3d " South 81° " 7 " 48 " BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 497 4th Course North 87° West 5 chains 46 Links to the bound ary line between O. H. Balling & said E. D. Carpenter on the South side of the road — 5th Course South 86° West 3 " 25 " 6th " North 72° " 5 " 66 hnks to a point in the centre of the road which bears from the Northwest corner of the large part of the said E. D. Carpenter's house North 17f° West 2 chains & 81 links distant — also said point bears from two Red Oak Trees on the North side of the road South 28° East 50 links distant — The above courses and distances denote the Centre line of said Highway, which is to be and remain four rods wide as heretofore — courses as the Needle now points — Dated at Brookhaven May 13th 1871— x> ui. x> c -iv, ) Commissioners Robt. R. Smith ( ^ John R. Mather ^ Highways Recorded Nov. 2d 1871— Posted Nov 7th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 462. 2 Trustee Meetings. Novr. & Deer. Novr 4th 1871— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Ezekiel Cohey $1 & Juha Carman $5.00— Elbert Woodhull tempy. aid to Leonard Still $1 — Thomas Terry " "to Alfred W. Edwards for boots $4.50— Wm. H. Clark " to Nicholas Overton 11.47— Caleb Ceasar 11.55 Mrs Chas Hulse 5.66 & Mrs Smith Rider 0.50. John Roe Smith " Benjn Moger 8.50 — Barna Marvin Boots 4.00 498 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. The Board passed the following Resolution relative to Oyster Lots. Resolved That it is not and has not been the intention of the Board of Trustees to lease Oyster Lots on ground where Oysters are naturally growing — and that in future applica tions for Lots — the ground shall be examined before letting, by the Trustee or agent at Patchogue at the expense of the applicant — and that all occupying lots shall pay up their arrearage of Rents or their Leases shall be dnnulled— and that in future the rent for the whole time shall be paid in advance. adjourned to the first Tuesday in December next — Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Deer 5th 1871 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all but John R Smith present — W. Dickerson reported temporary aid to Julia Carman $5.00— Elbert Woodhull " Leonard Still & woman clothes & Axe $9.42— and to Luther Fields $1.10— Thos Terry aid to Eliphalet Smith $5.00 Wm. H. Clark aid to Mrs Charies Hulse 2. 88— Nicholas Overton 6.42— Caleb Ceasar 7.42 Nathl. Tuttle— Shoes & Stockings for Harry Norton $2.60— Ordered That Lester Davis convey all the Poor in the Poor House to the CoUnty Poor house on Friday next — and that he then lock up the Town Poor House until further order. Ordered That John Roe Smith procure a Brand to be made of the letters T of " B H" standing for Brookhaven with which to brand Boards to designate Oyster Lots leased in the Bay and for any other suitable purposes — Ordered That Walter Dickerson is chosen as a Committee over the property of Thomas Carrothers a Lunatic sent to Asylum by order of the overseers of Poor and Justices with aid of two Physicians and that the Town Clerk apply to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 499 the Court to have him so appointed. Ordered That the allowance to James Overton be advanced from 4/- to 6/- per week Adjourned to first Tuesday in January next. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 463. Highway at Patchogue — The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, all the com missioners having been notified to attend at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises in the said Town to decide upon the application of George F. Carman, Smith L. Newins, Phebe Rider and Georgiana Rider owners of the land through which the proposed high way runs, and who release the land for the same by a Re lease bearing even date herewith— they being residents of said Town & liable to be assessed for highway labor therein, for the laying out of the highway hereinafter de scribed — ^do Order that a public Highway Three Rods wide shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said application and Release, the East side whereof is the following described line viz. Beginning at a point on the South bound of the South Country Road in Patchogue and on the east side of this new Road which point bears from the Southwest corner of the dwelhng house of Charles E. Rose South 20f° East 1, chain 92 Links distant — Then from- said starting point running through the land of the late Smith Rider South 94° West 20 chains 28 hnks to the North boundary line of Smith L. Newins' land — Then 2d Course runs due South 11 chains 21 hnks through the lands of Smith L. Newins and George F. Carman to the north bound of Carman's Avenue — Said Highway to be Three rods wide west from 600 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said east line thereof — Courses as the needle now points- Done at Brookhaven the 30th day of October A.D. 1871— Robt R. Smith ) Commissioners Charies R Smith ) of Highways- Recorded Nov. 7th 1871 Posted Nov. 10th 1871 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk and we order that this road be included in Road Dist. No. 50— Robt. R. Smith ) Commrs of Charles R. Smith j Highways— Whereas on our application the Commissioners of High ways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk have this day laid out a highway through our lands from the South Country Road nearly opposite the house of Chas. E. Rose in Patchogue Southerly to Carman's Avenue as described in their order of this date ; Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said highway we do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof Sealed with our seals and dated the 80th day of October 1871. Geo. F. Carman _ L.S. In presence of Smith L. Newins L.S. Edmund Hammond Phebe Rider L.S. Recorded Nov 7th 1871 Georgiana Rider L.S. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 464. Trustee Meeting. Jany. 2d 1872 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. all present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Julia Car man col'd $4. to John Smith $5.— Rachel Woodhull col'd $3. and Juliana Brewster $3, BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 501 Wm. H. Clark tempy. aid to Nicholas Overton 5.37 to Caleb Ceasar 6.81 and to Mrs. Charles Hulse 2.59 — Nathl Tuttle tempy. aid to Harry Norton Boots 3.50 Pantaloons 3.50 to Robinson Raynor for carrying vagrant to Poorhouse $1— and to John Hannon for carrying Mrs Murphy to Poorhouse $1 — Elbert Woodhull tempy. aid to Luther Fields, Boots 3.60 — 2 pr Stockings 60 c Coat 8.50 — Pantaloons & Vest 5.50 Hat $1 — Jumper 90 c 2 Shirts 2.25 and provisions 1.25 — all which were approved Leased Oyster Lots in South Bay as follows to Geo. N. Hawkins & Wm. T. Greene 8 acres — Alfred Hawkins 4 acres^Samiiel Hawkins 4 acres — Abiathur Gerard 4 acres —Gordon K. Booth & 2 Sons 12 acres — Selah & Henry E. Hawkins 8 acres Frank Smith 4 acres at $1 per acre per year— one year from Jany 1st. with privilege of renewal — Resolved to Grant to Wm. M Barto and Asa Nichols of Patchogue the privilege to build a Dock opposite their own land on the West side of Patchogue Creek Two Hundred and Thirty feet in length on the shore and extending into the said Creek not exceeding Ten feet with the further privilege of building through said Dock Six Railways ex tending into said Creek far enough to have four feet deptb of water at the extreme end, always provided that such Railways shall not discommode or interfere with the usual navigation of said Creek — for the annual rent of One Dollar per year in advance, and provided said rent is paid this grant is to last for Ten Years from this date — Resolved to sell the Beds, Stoves &c at Poor house in- Coram at Vendue on Saturday Jany. 13th at 1 P.M. and that Lester Davis and the clerk attend to the same. Ordered that the clerk procure a new Town Seal attached to a suitable press to enable us to affix and stamp seals with out wafers to attach to Deeds, Leases, Acts &c as required by our Town Patent, that the new Seal have the words- 503 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. "Brookhaven Town" around its circle and the word " Seal" in the centre enclosed within a wreath. Adjourned to first Tuesday in February. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 465. Trustee Meeting Feby. 6th 1872 — -Trustees met pursuant to adjournment -all present — W. Dickerson reported temporary aid to Julia Carman $3 — to James Ivans $2 Michael Fox and John Fitzgerald 3.25— Juhana Brewster $3— Mary Hall $2. Henry Peterson for 3 months $7. George Cherry $3 and coffins for his 2 •children $9. James Jones $2 — Wm H. Clark reported temporary aid to Nicholas Over- •ton 6.72— Mrs Chas. Hulse 4.82 Caleb Ceasar 7.21— and clothes for George White as per bill of R. T. Osborn $16.00 Elbert Woodhull Dr. Burnell's Bill for child of Bridget 'Carr 1.50 and Bill of Sylvester Hallock for sickness of Harrison L'Hommedieu $9.00 All which were approved — !¦ Ordered that the Clerk advertise the Poor House prop- 'crty to be sold at Vendue on Town meeting day at 2 P.M. in front of L. H. Davis. Adjourned to first Tuesday in March. Bound Stone fixed in Stump of Bound Tree at West Fire place. The Committee appointed to put up a permanent bound at the head of Dayton's Brook (now Osborn's) in the stump of the tree— mentioned in the record of Great Division of lots between Yaphank line & Winthrop's patent, and known as Robert Rose's bound tree between the 85th & 36th lots in said Division — by the Board of Trustees on the 2d May 1871 Report That the committee with Henry W. Carman Committee BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 503 a Member of your Board and other citizens of the place have this day the 26th Jany. 1872 after taking proper cross bearings of the centre of said Stump removed it and set a stone in its place and on the top of the same cut a cross which corresponds with the center of the original bound — and on the East side cut in No. 35 and on the West side No. 86. Respectfully submit the above to your honorable Board and request that it may be placed in the archives of the Town— Nathaniel Miller Alfred B. Brown Lewis Hawkins Briant N. Overton Presented to the Board of Trustees Feby. 6th 1872 read and approved — Recorded Feby. 6th 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 466. Road at Squassucks — Fireplace. The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk, all t'ne commis sioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the dwelling house of Joseph H. Carman in said Town to decide on the application of H. J. Bishop and others of Fireplace in said Town hable to be assessed for highway labor therein to have the high way called the Head of Neck road at Fireplace continued easterly to Connecticut River running through the improved land of said Joseph H. Carman who consents on price agreed on— do Order that a public highway shall be and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to the said application in continuance of the aforesaid Cross Neck road according. to the following survey Beginning at a point in the gate 504 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS, (now) of said Joseph H. Carman which bears from the Southeast corner of Widow Moses Swezey's house South 374° East one chain and two Links distant, and from said point running North 75f° East IO4 chains to the, ordinary highwater mark of the said Connecticut River — the said course being the center line of a Three Rod Road for the distance of (8) Eight chains and the remaining distance of 24 chains to said River is to be Four (4) Rods wide being 24 rods on the north side of said center line and I4 rods on the South side thereof for the convenience of a Landing, making the South side of said road a straight line I4 rods from said centre line — and the undersigned commissioners of Highways agree that there shall no docks be constructed at the terminus of the above described road on the margin of said Connecticut River to interfere or in any way injure the said Joseph H. Carman's dock privilege — Given under our hands at Brookhaven this 20th day of April 1870 — Robt. R. Smith [Commissioners Charies R. Smith f tt. ?^ ) Highways Recorded Feby 8th 1872 Posted Feby 17—72 Benjn T. Hutchinson Clerk Release for above Road — Whereas the commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk on an application duly made have this day laid out a highway in said Town continuing the present cross Neck road at Fireplace easterly to Squassocs dock so called on Connecticut River v;hich road will pass through our lands. Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said Highway the undersigned John S. Rose & Wm B. Rose release all claims to damages by reason thereof — and the undersigned Joseph H. Carman in consideration of the laying out of said highway and the payment of Seventy five BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 505 dollars agreed on as the price of the land taken for the said road also releases the land for said highway — Dated April 20th 1870— Signed April 17th 1871 Recorded Feby. 8th 1872. Joseph Carman L S. Benjn T. Hutchinson In presence of Chas R. Smith T. Clk. Page 467. Survey of piece of Road at Fireplace — Whereas a road, used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the county of Suffolk lying on the east side of Beaver dam Creek in the village of Fireplace was re served as a highway in 1750 as recorded in Book B. page 867 and again declared a highway in 1766 in Book B. page 274 being then six rods in width and being in 1813 in Book D. page 111 lessened to four rods in width from the head of said to the upper crossing, the then fence being the east side of the said road — but otherwise not sufficiently de scribed-; Now therefore, the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners of High ways of the said Town having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose on the application of Hal lock J. Bishop, having met at his store in said Town for the purpose of causing the portion of said road between the Store and lands of said Bishop and the lands of Timothy Ketcham to be ascertained, described, and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office and having caused a Survey of the said road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey, Beginning at a certain point in the centre of the highway which bears from the South west corner of the large part of Timothy Ketcham's house South 75° West Eighty six (86) links distant, which point is about 506 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. opposite the upper crossing of said creek — then frorn said starting point running 1st course North 23° East 8 chains to opposite the front door of said Bishop's store, said point being 50 links from the sill of the piazza of said store — thence 2d Course North 21° East 2 chains 14 Links to opposite the northwest corner of said Timothy Ketcham's field on the east side of the road and near the building used as a Meeting House — The said line being the center line of the said road which is to be and remain Four rods wide — Given under our hands Novr 27th 1871 Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners Charles R. Smith I of Highways. Recorded Feby. 8th. 1872 Posted Feby 17th. 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 468. Survey of South Country Road at Bluepoint — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven Suffolk County and known as the South Country Road was laid by the commissioners of Highways of the said county on the 26th day of July 1716 as recorded in the Clerk's office of said county in Book A. of Deeds page 142 and 143 but not sufficiently described — and that part of the said Country Road leading eastward from the East boundary line of the Town of Islip through the Village of Bluepoint in Brookhaven Town has not since been defined Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of the said Town of Brookhaven, all the commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met at the house of Samuel Hudson in our said Town and near the west boundary line of the Town on BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 507 said road, for the purpose of causing said road to be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's oflice, and having caused a survey of the said pare of said South Country road to be made, do order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described accord ing to the said Survey Beginning at a point in the centre of the highway opposite the house of Samuel Hudson which point is South (19°) Nineteen degrees East (50) Fifty links distant from the north side of a stone (supposed to be a Bound Stone between Brookhaven & Islip) thence 1st Course North 684 East 6 chains 23 links to opposite the boundary line between premises of Walter Hudson and Wm Avery on the South side of the road — and this same course is to continue West from said starting point as far west as our Town of Brookhaven goes — 2d Course North 57f° East 4 chains 80 Links to opposite the boundary line between Christopher Miller and Wm. Henry Mott on the North side of the road — and from centre point the South East corner of Christopher Miller's house bears North 374° West 1 chain 27 Links distant. 3d Course North 53° East 5 chains 50 Links — from this point a locust tree stands North 36f ° West 50 Links distant. 4th Course North 58f° East 5 chains 50 Links to a point which bears from the Northeast corner of a house belonging to Joseph Hallock North 27° East 1 chain 60 Links distant — The above line denotes the centre line of said part of said South Country Road which is to be and remain as heretofore Four Rods wide— The General Law in 1716 re quiring all roads to be at least Four rods wide — Courses as the needle now points — Given under our hands at Brookhaven the 31st day of January 1872— Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners Charies R. Smith V of John R. Mather ) Highways 508 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded Feby. 16th 1872 Posted Feby 17tli 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 469. Survey of Road at Port Jefferson called Dark Hollow Road Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in Suffolk County leading from the old Post Road called the Lower Road from Setauket to the head of the meadow at Drown-ineadow as recorded in Book C. page 101 (now called Port Jefferson)' to the road called on the same page the upper road from Setauket to Old mans now Mt. Sinai — this said connecting Road called now the Dark- hollow road being understood to be the same ancient road reserved in the Skirt Division of Lots and recorded March 29th 1785 in Book C. page 124 as leading from John Tooker's lot at Drownmeadow to Cumsawogue — Lots 52 and 55 being on the East side and Lots 58 and 54 on the West side of said road, but not sufficiently described. Now therefore the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose having met on the premises on the application of Francis A. Hawkins and Daniel Hulse for the purpose of causing said connecting or Dark Hollow Road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the said road to be made, do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said survey (the ownei-s of the adjoining lands also agreeing thereto by their consent and release herewith recorded) Beginning in the centre of the ¦ said Lower or Old post Road at a point from which a large Red Oak Tree bears South 644° East 38 Links distant -also a Bar-post being the corner post in the fence of Isaac R Jones on the North side of the said Post Road bears from Start- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 509 ing point due North 41 Links distant — then from said start ing point running 1st Course South If ° West 2 ch. 28 L — 2d Course South 74° East 8 ch 55 L— 3d Course South 11° West 4 ch — 4th course South 214° West 3 ch. 5th course South 204° West 4 ch. 81 L.— 6th Course South 364° West 3 ch. 89 L— 7th Course South 65° West 8 ch 45 L— 8th Course South 414° West 2 ch. 88 L— 9th Course South 614° West 2 ch. 68 L— 10th Course South 32f West 4 ch. 20 L.— 11th Course South f ° East 2 ch. 29 L.— 12th Course South 844° West 2 ch. 50 L— 13th Course South 28° East 47 Links to the centre line of the North side Rail Road — then continuing the same course 1 ch. 16 L. — 14th course South 16|° West 1 ch. 30 L— 16th course South 2° West 4 ch 73 Links to the centre of the said upper Road at Cum sawogue sometimes called at this place the Sheep pasture Road from which stopping point a large Cedar Tree bears North 46° East 1 ch. and 2 Links distant — this line denoting the centre line of said road which we order to be opened to Three Rods in width the said old road having been reserved four rods wide — Given under our hands at Brookhaven Feby. 19th, 1872— Robt R. Smith — John R. Mather Commissioners of Highways Recorded Feby. 22d 1872. Posted Feby 24th 1872. Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Release and Consent — Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, to ascertain and define the Dark Hollow Road in said Town, situated on the west and near to the village of Port Jefferson — said Dark Hollow Road leading from the Lower or Old Post Road from Port Jefferson to Setauket 510 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. in a Southwesterly direction until it intersects the Upper or Sheep pasture road Now therefore in consideration of the ascertaining and defining of said road we the undersigned do consent and approve and release all claim therefor- Sealed with our seals and dated the 17th day of February 1872 Hubbard Gildersleeve (L.S.) Micah Jayne (L.S) E. H. Brush (L.S.) B. D. Norton (L.S.) Henry Longbothum (L.S.) Recorded Feby 22d 1872- Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 470. Trustee Meeting March 5th 1872 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment all present except President Clark — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Charles Blydenburgh $6.— to Thomas Satteriy $3.— Elbert Woodhull Trustee — aid to Alexr Anderson & "family in sickness $16.01^ — John R. Smith Trustee — aid to Charles Cagill $10— Andrew Gibson $8.— Selah Wood $3— S. T. Conklin $4— Charies Wood $2.00— Thomas Terry Trustee — aid to George Davis $5.62 — all approved — Ordered That Mary Hall be allowed $1 per week from last meeting, till further and that Aiier Brewster cold, be allowed $1 per week till further order. Leased Oyster Grounds in South Bay as follows — To Alfred B. Brown and son 8 acres — Isaac Seaman Charles Emmons & David Curry 12 acres — John Hawkins 4 acres — Charles Hawkins 4 acres — Seymour Ketcham 4 acres Augustus Hawkins 4 acres — Sidney Llawkins & Timothy Ketcham 8 acres J Hahock Bishop & Son 8 acres — at $1 per acre per year. The following Memorial and token of respect to Lewis BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 511 R. Overton former Town Clerk who died January 4th. 1872 aged 70 was unanimously adopted and the Board ad journed to first Tuesday in April next being the Annual Town — Meeting. — ' Whereas Lewis R. Overton of Coram in this Town who hath lately departed this life was Town Superintendent of Schools and Post Master at Coram for several years, and was Town Clerk and Clerk of Board of Trustees of this Town in 1857 — 1858 and 1859 — and while we trust all who knew him will bear testimony to his honesty as a man, and the records show his ability as an officer, we offer this tribute to his memory to be entered in the Town Records and order that the Clerk send a copy of this Token of respect to the family of our departed Clerk his worthy predecessor and affix thereunto the Seal used when he was Town Clerk and the present Town Seal — Showing our remembrance of the departed and our sympathy with the bereaved. (seal) Wm H Clark ISeal /^ ~^x Nathaniel Tuttle |Seal BrookhavenX Henry W Carman Seal Seal Thomas Terry Seal Town / Elbert Woodhull Seal V y Walter Dickerson |Seal Seal I fully concur in the above token of respect to my es teemed predecessor Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Town Clerk 513 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. BOOK F.— PAGE 1. Trustee Meeting. April 2d 1872 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuthill, Thomas Terry, Walter Dickerson, Elbert Woodhull, Henry W. Carman and John Roe Smith Trustees. Wm. LI. Clark reported temporary aid for March 5th. to Nicholas Overton $6.65 Caleb Ceasar $7.30— Mrs. Charles Hulse $1.98 — Coffin & expenses of Burial of Mrs Curiis $12.00 and for last month Nicoll Overton $6.00 Caleb Ceasar $7.16 and Mrs Charies Hulse $3,93— Thomas Terry temporary aid to Auguste Bahr $6.00 Walter Dickerson temporary aid to John Motts family $5.00 — James Ivans $1 — Ebenezer Lane $2.38 — Thos. Satteriy $1.00 Elbert Woodhull tempy. aid to Alex'r Anderson & family $13.06— Luther Fields $2.00 John Roe Smith tempy. aid to Valentine EU $12.70 George Butler & family $8.00— Hannah Mott $4— Roxy Gould $2.50 Charies Wood $3.81 — Andrew Gipson $8.00 paid George Hawkins for Paupers $1.60 — Selah Wood $4.20 Mrs Jon. Webb $.5.34 — S. Conklin $4— Chas Cogle $4. Brewster Smith $2.— Leased Oyster Lots in South Bay to J Wesley Petty & Nephew Henry 8 acres— Nelson Hawkins 4 acres at $1 per acre The Town-poor house property as advertised was offered for sale at Auction reserving the Burying Ground at the Northwest corner extending South eleven rods and west Six rods to be fenced by the Town to protect the graves of BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 513 the deceased — and $560 only being offered it was bid in for the Town at $600 by W. Dickerson Trustee After paying Bills & paying $400 to County Alms House and reporting to the people that Town Bounty Bonds were paid and a good balance on hand for successors the Board adjourned sine die B. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 2. Town Meeting. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the annual Town Meeting held this 2d day of April 1872 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town, the following officers were elected to the respective offices named — For Supervisor Effingham Tuthill Justices of the Peace Wm. H. Clark for vacancy — Jesse W. Pelletreau having resigned Wm IL Clark also for full term of 4 years from next Jany John S.Lee — for full term of 4 years " " " Asessors Edmund W. Ruland full term of 3 yrs, John W. Mathews " " " " Commissioner of Highways Justus Roe — full term of 3 years — Town Clerk- Benjamin T. Hutchinson Collector Hiram S. Tuthill 5 14 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. President of Trustees Wm. H. Clark Page 3. Trustees Nathaniel Tuthill — Walter Dickerson Elbert Woodhull — Thomas Terry Henry W. Carman — John Roe Smith Overseers of Poor Walter Dickerson — John Roe Smith Constables Allen Hawkins George E, Davis Jeremiah Humistone Albert Terrell S. Warren Wines Nathaniel Edwards John R. Nicoll John Bell- Game Constable George AV. Smith of Patchogue Inspectors of Election — 1st Dist. 5th Dist. William O. Gould Charles Swezey Walter Smith Jesse Mills Jedediah Williamson appd O. H. P. Robinson appd 2d Dist. 6th Dist. James E. Bayles N. Miller Preston William T. Hulse Henry W. Ketcham Thomas II . Saxton appd Samuel W. Overton appd 3d Dist. 7th Dist. Sylvester D. Tuthih Wm. S. Swezey Charles A. Davis Albert Terrell John J. Davis appd Samuel F. Norton appd BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 515 4th Dist. Richard T. Osborn ) We certify that the above is a true Gilbert Terry V & correct statement of the Election & Gideon Smith appd ) Canvass of said annual Town Meeting April 2d 1872 Oran W. Rogers— Charles Riley Smith ) Justices Richard T. Osborn — John S. Lee >- of the Chas A. Davis— Lester Davis ) Peace Recorded April 2d 1872— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 4. Overseers of Highways We the undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County hereby appoint the following persons to be overseers of Highways in the Dis tricts the number of which is placed opposite each respec tive name, for the ensuing year — No. 1 Daniel W. Sherry 2 3 Joseph Tooker 4 Benjn. Jones 6 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 Bryant D. Norton 8 Selah Tooker— 9 George W. Hopkins- 10 George P. Helme 11 Amos Hallock 12 Ebenezer S. Jones 13 George C. Raynor 14 Morris Raynor 15 Joshua Terry 16 Stony Brook. South South Setauket Setauket East " N. E. Port Jeffers'on Mt Sinai— N S. MillersplaceRock Hollow Wading River Manor— N. S East Moriches Eastport 516 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 17 Daniel Lane 18 Wilham Osborn 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 John R. Nicoll 21 Charies E. Smith 22 Richard R. Davis 28 Davis Baker 24 James S. Wright 25 Jacob Avery 26 Nelson Newton 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu Page 5. 28 Richard O. Howell 29 Samuel Dare 30 Wm. H. Osborn 31 Winfield S. Davis 32 LI. Whitmore Smith 88 Thomas Terry 34 Hampton Overton 36 Sidney Smith 36 Lester Ruland 87 John R. Dayton 38 Edward Homan 89 Isaac H. Robbins 40 Austin D. Randall 41 James O. Homan 42 Terry Robinson 43 Edward A. Swezey 44 Daniel C. Rhodes 46 Nathaniel W^iggins 46 John B. Davis 47 John J. Woodhull 48 John Hawkins 49 George G. Dominick Mastic South Haven Fireplace Bellport Union West Patchogue — E " Lane & N West Bluept. Lake Grove New Village W. New Village E- SeldenCoram W " E Holbrook & N, Farmingville Coram Hills Middle Island W. Middletown Centre S. & E, Mihville Yaphank Ridgefield Manor East Swan River Swczeytown Centre Moriches Rockypt Woodville Moriches Oldfield BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 517 50 Charles F. Smith Patchogue Center 51 Henry Hawkins Union — East 52 Nelson Gerard Fireplace W. 53 Andrew Ketcham Centre Moriches 54 Albert Pulis Waverly 55 Stephen Bloomer Short Neck Brookhaven April 5th. 1872— Robt. R. Smith ] ^i T i -T) f Commissioners Justus Roe j Recorded April 6th 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Page 6. Trustee Meeting May 7th 1872 Trustees met pursuant to call and order of the President — Present Wm. H. Clark President .Nathan iel Tuthill, Walter Dickerson, Thomas Terry, John Roe Smith, Henry W. Carman and Elbert Woodhull Trustees — Leased Outshore Ridge of Meadow in South Bay to Henry W. Carman for one year for Fifteen Dollars — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to John Smith $6— H. Peterson $6. James Darling $2— George Hulse's family $10— Charles Sharper $3— James Ehis $2— Elbert Woodhull to Luther Field $2— Nathaniel Tuthih,, Clothes for Harry Norton $5:50 John Roe Smith to Valentine EU $4.28— Miss Congdon $2.26 — Miss Fletcher $2. Stephen Johnson $1 — Chas Cagill $7.25— George Carll $16. Charies & Wilham Gardi ner $2— Wm. H. Clark to Nicholas Overton $9.40— Caleb Ceasar $7.66— Mrs Charies Hulse $5.89— Agreed to sell the Poor House property to Lester Davis of Coram for Six Hundred Dollars in money and services. he paying Four Hundred Dollars cash now, One Hundred 518 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Dollars to be paid in four months and he to do the work cutting the posts and putting up a good and sufficient fence at the South end and west side of the Burying Ground at the North east corner of the property which is reserved by the Town Eleven rods in length South from the corner and Six rods wide with the privilege of passage to and from the same to view and protect the same as a Burying Ground These being the best terms offered since it was advertized — Benjn T. LIutchinson Clk Adjourned to first Monday in June Page 7. Trustee Meeting June 3d 1872 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, all present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Charles Sharper $7— Thomas Terry aid to Auguste Bahr $3.60 Elbert Woodhull aid to Luther Fields $1.00 Wm H. Clark aid to Nicoh C. Overton $10.58 to Mrs Charies Hulse $3.46 to Caleb Ceasar $6.09— John Roe Smith aid to Chas. Cagills wife $18 — Llannah Mott 44 cts George Carlls wife $5.00 — All approved — Ordered that George Jackson of Centre Moriches be allowed $1.50 per week and also Henry Robinson of Manor be allowed $1.50 per week from last Meeting of May 7th till further order — Leased Oyster Lots in South Bay to Henry Corwin and Mortimer Rogers 8 acres — to Smith Lane, Amelia Lane Wm. Petty and Charles Ruland each 4 acres at $1 per acre per year for year Ordered That the people of Setauket may make a Break water at the Bridge at the highway at the North end of the old and former millpond of sufficient height to hold the water sufficient to cover the mud so as to prevent its caus ing sickness, but not to stop the flow of the water to the injury of the Mill — BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 519 Ordered That the Clerk write to S. Warren Wines Col lector of 1870 that he attend the next Meeting of the Board with his Book and accounts prepared ready for a final set tlement of his account with Overseers of the Poor — Adjourned to first Monday in July Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 8. Highway altered at Middle Island — The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, all the Commissioners having been notified to attend at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises to decide on the application of Albert L. Davis a resident of the said Town, liable to be assessed for highway labor therein for the alteration of the Southern extremity of the New Rockypoint Road laid out by the Commissioners March 19th 1861, and recorded in Book E. page 144— not located by a Survey, but to come into the Millersplace Road near Telem Smith's Barn— which track runs diago nally through land lately bought of Horace G. Randall by the wife of said Albert L. Davis to its great detriment — On the Application of said Davis and by consent of Horace G. Randall and a Release of land from both Do order that the line of the Southern extremity of said road be and the same is hereby so altered as to run from a point in the centre of the Millersplace road from which the Northeast corner of Telem Smith's barn bears South 29° West 2 ch. 55 Links distant — and thence first course runs South 89° East 1 ch. 27 L. 2d " North 634° " — 85 L 3d " North 524° " Ich 3 L to the centre of the present Rockypoint Road — the first course of the said alteration or Survey being'wholly on land of said Mrs Albert L. Davis and the said centre line being one and a 530 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. half rods Southerly of her North boundary line and the two other courses are partly on land of both Mrs Albert L. Davis and Horace G. Randall — the above courses denoting a centre line of said road which is to be and remain Three rods wide as laid out — Brookhaven April 26th 1872 John R. Mather ) ^""^Y"'' Robt. R. Smith (rj. , j Highways Recorded June 26th 1872— Posted July 1st 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 9. Release for foregoing Road — Whereas on the application of Albert L. Davis and con sent of Horace G. Randall the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have this day made an Order altering the Southern extremity of the New Rocky point Road still running it through our lands but in a different location for a short distance ; Now therefore, in consideration of the laying out of the said highway, we do hereby consent to the said alteration and release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Sealed with our seals and dated the 26th day of April 1872 — In presence of R. R. Smith Horace G. Randall L S Benjn T. Hutchinson Ehzabeth Davis L S Recorded June 25th 1872 — Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clk Trustee Meeting — July 1st. 1872— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all but Elbert Woodhull present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Chas Sharper $6— and had leased Oldfield Shore to Carlton Jayne for one BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 521 year from June 20th for $15 less Expenses $1 payable October 1st. Thos. Terry tempy. aid to Auguste Bahr $4.50 Wm. H. Clark— " to N. Overton 8.31— Caleb Ceasar 6.20— Mrs Hulse 8.44 J R Smith " to Geo. Carll's wife 6.80 — Jane (colored) 2— Chas Cagih's family $6— Expenses to Barren Island in case of Illegitimacy $8.60 Lewis Davis Jr. Collector of 1871 appeared & paid up all but $273. 90 and from good reasons shown was exonerated from the said sum — S. Warren Wines appeared with Book and is behijid to Overseers of Poor $527.91 but says through error of others he had to pay a balance on L. I. Rail Road of $165.66 which if deducted will still leave 362.26 due and so as he had promise of more to be paid no real settlement was made — but he is to attend next Meeting — Adjourned to first Monday in August — Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clk. Page 10. Trustee Meeting August 5th. 1872— Trustees met pursuant to adjouriiment all but H. W. Carmau present — Wm. H Clark reported temporary aid to Nicholas Over ton 10.86— Caleb Ceasar 6.52— Mrs Charles Hulse 4.90— Paul Hawkins 5.38 and Coffin $12 and funeral expenses of said Paul Hawkins $3. Walter Dickerson — aid to Charles Sharper $2 — Elbert Woodhull to Luther Fields for 2 Months $3. John Roe Smith to Anson Vail $3 — to Jane Robinson color coffin & funeral expenses $14 — Hannah Mott $5 — Nathaniel Tuttle to Jeremiah Downs $0.50 — S. Warren Wines collector of 1870 reported that $165.65 533 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. was unpaid by L. I. Rail Road Co — by errors of others of sending in the correct amount of tax due and beside this we find due to the Overseers of Poor to make the whole amount $362.26 and he showing fair reasons for not collect ing it he is exonerated from further payment and a receipt given so that he may cancel Bonds — but it is with the full understanding that if any taxes on the list presented are collected by him or by the Trustees they are to be paid to the Overseers of the Poor — Adjourned to the first Tuesday in Sept. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 11. Trustee Meeting — Sept. 3d 1872 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Mr Clark President absent the others all present — John Roe Smith tempy. aid to Anson Vail $5 Lewis Halt $6. Nathl Tuttle " to Jeremiah Downs 50 cts — Thos Terry " to Auguste Bahr $6.00 to Mrs Rockwell $2.00 Wm. H. Clark " to Nicoh Overton $9.95 to Caleb Ceasar $6.00 " to Mrs. Charles Hulse $2.66 Reed of Lester Davis $100 being the balance for Poor house property and paid it over to Overseers of Poor — Wm. Sidney Smith appeared & said he had a proposal from New York City to buy his share of the South Bay and was to answer it this week — and wanted to know promptly if Trustees would buy it at $5,000 or consent for him to sell to whom he pleased without demanding the penalty mentioned in the contract of 1767 — The Board not being full and the proposal unexpected at this time when a suit is pending, it was desired to postpone the subject until the suit is decided, but Mr. Smith de- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 533 manded a decisive answer the Board adjourned to meet at County Alms House on Friday 6th inst at 2 P.M. Sept 6th. 1872 — Board of Trustees met — all present — also Wm. Sidney Smith — Letter from Henry Nicoll coun selor read — Mr. Smith's proposition stated & well consid ered — the Trustees wish to have all the Bay for the Town, and abiding by the contract made in 1767 would redeem the Bay at a fair price so that all should be fully the Town's property if no suit was pending or decided as we firmly believe it should be in favor of our Chartered rights so often estabhshed — but to buy now and the Town run all the risk and expense after Mr Smith has reaped so much benefit from it appeared improper to part of the Board, while to save it from being sold away part of the Board proposed to offer $3,000 the price formerly asked — but on stating the Case Mr. Smith refused that sum the Trustees offered no more and refused consent for him to sell to others — and adjourned to meet at Town Clerk's October 7th B. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 12. Survey of Road by Coram Pond — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven in Suffolk County turning out of the road from Setauket to Coram near its junction with the Country road running Easterly on the North side of Coram Old Survey down to the pond and then leaving six rods around on the West, North and East sides of said pond— then running Easterly on the North side of the said old Survey four rods wide to the Country Road again, was laid out by the Com missioners of Highways of said Town on the 17th day of May 1762 as recorded in Book 0. page 206, but not suffi ciently described. Now therefore the undersigned Com missioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commis sioners having been notified to meet at this time and for 534 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the purpose, having met on the premises for the purpose of causing the west part of said road to be ascertained, de scribed and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a survey of the same to be made, do Order that the west part of the said old road be and the same is hereby ascertained and described according to the said Survey beginning at a point near the easterly side of the Country Road, which point bears from the Southwest corner of the house of the late Joshua Overton dec'd South (39°) thirty nine West (1 ch) one chain distant and also (64°) Sixty four links from the (3d) third post from the Southwest corner of said Overton's dooryard fence counting the corner post — thence running the centre line of a four rod road as follows : 1st Course South 87° East 1 Chain 41 links 2nd. " North 88|° East 3 Chains 50 Links to the west side of the Pond as it now is, and continuing the same course far enough to go to the pond should it be lower at any future time — and leaving the space around the Page 18. said pond on the West, North and East and the balance of said road as heretofore laid out and recorded — only locating said West part on the application of Wm. H. Osborn and Wm. Archdale O'Doherty — Brookhaven June 24th 1872— Robt. R. Smith ) <^°™?^^^ JohnR. Mather ( rj- t° I Highways. Recorded Sept 7th 1872 Copy Posted Sept 19th 1872. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Trustee Meeting — October 7th 1872— Trustees met at Town Clerk's pursuant to adjournment. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 535 it being the Annual Meeting of Supervisor and Assessors as fixed by State Law — all present — Walter Dickerson reported Temporary aid to Joseph Woodhuh $7— Mrs H. Dyches $5— Johnson L'Hommedieu |3- Elbert Woodhuh to Luther Fields $2— Thomas Terry to Mrs. Rockwell $1 — Wm. H. Clark to Nicholas Overton $10.56 to Caleb Ceasar $7.05 to Mrs Charles Hulse $3.20— Ordered That Mrs. Rockwell be allowed one dollar a half per week from September 3d till further order — Ordered That the sum of Five Thousand dollars be raised by tax in the Town this year for the support of the poor of the Town for the ensuing year — Adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis' in Coram on Satur day Novr. 2d to avoid meeting on Election day — Benjn. T. LIutchinson Clk Page 14. Trustee Meeting. Novr. 2d 1872— Trustees met pursuant to Adjournment — all present — John Roe Smith reported Temporary aid to Jane Robin son $12.00 Walter Dickerson temy. aid to Mrs. Hannah Dyckes $4. —to Augusta Woodhull $2. to John Mott's family $7— Thomas Terry tempy. aid to Auguste Bahr $3.60 Wm. H. Clark tempy. aid to Nicholas Overton $7.43— Caleb Ceasar $6.10— Mrs Chas Hulse $3.85 — Nathaniel Tuttle tempy. aid to Jeremiah Downs 60 cts Ordered that Mrs. Hannah Dyches widow be allowed One Dollar per week until further order — .Resolved That Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk be employed to copy such parts of Town Record Book B. as he finds important to be preserved and also that he care- 536 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. fully compare and make every way correct the Copy of Book C — heretofore copied, and also make full index to said Copy C. and an Index to the Copy of Book B. by him made — that he procure a suitable Blank Book in which to copy Book B. and suitable small Blank Books — for the Index to each and make every article in said two important old Records as plain and easy to be found as is possible — "^ That he attend to the said important trust as he can get leisure to do it well during the ensuing winter — and his reasonable charges therefor shall be paid when the work is done and approved — Adjourned to first Tuesday in December Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Page 15. Survey of Roads at Fireplace- Road to Bay and at Lower crossing of Beaver Dam. Whereas a road, used as a highway leading from the Squassucks road or lower Crossing of Beaver dam River nearly opposite the house of Wm. Nicoll to the Shore was laid out in 1853 but not sufficiently described ; and the Fireplace road or lower Crossing road from the house of Charles Swezey west to the main or South Country road was laid out in and by consent of owners of land on either side changed by the Commissioners of Llighways in 1862 but not sufficiently described. Now therefore, we the undersigned Commissioners of highways of the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and State of New York on the Application of Pierre Bedetty having met at the house of said Bedetty on 8th and 16th of Novr. 1872 for the pur pose of causing said roads to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office. All the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject a Survey was made'by Justus Roe one of the Commissioners, starting from a Stone in the BROOKHAVEK" TOWN RECORDS. 537 centre of the first road above mentioned and on the South side of the latter, and a Course ran S. 5° 35' W. 2826 links to a Stone — thence S. 12° W. 2164 links to a Stone — thence S. 5° 50' W. 2076 links to a stone 894 links east of the South East corner of a barn belonging to Nathaniel Miller —thence S. 16° 80' W. 1100 links to the shore— A Survey was then made of the Fireplace road com mencing at a point S. 36° 40' W. and 77 links from S. W. corner of the house of Charles Swezey to Centre of road— thence N. 85° 20' W. 90 hnks— thence S. 86° 40' W. 428 links to a stone— thence N. 88° 10' W. 1194 hnks— thence Page 16. N. 87° 40' W. 815 hnks to a point as near as could be ascer tained on the east margin of the South Country road— In witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names this fifteenth day of November 1872 — Robt R Smith I ^°™''« Justus Roe f Highways Recorded Nov. 26th 1872 Posted Deer. 3d 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk — Highway at Patchogue from Lane to Creek — Whereas a highway is proposed to be laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, on the application of Justus Roe to commence on Patchogue Lane nearly opposite the house of Edward Horton and running westerly to Patchogue Creek, which road was opened by us for a private road about nine years ago, we do hereby consent that such road be so located, opened, worked and irsed as a public road — Witness our hands this Twenty eighth day of October 1872 Austin Roe Thos W. Mulford 538 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of th<> Town of Brookhaven and County of Suffolk, all having Deen duly notified and all being present on the Eleventh day of November 1872 met at the house of Austin Roe in the Village of Patchogue, and after an examination of the premises embraced in the above application, and believing that such a road is both necessary and proper, herein order that a public highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out Page 17. pursuant to said application, whereof a Survey has been made by Justus Roe one of the Commissioners and is as follows, to wit ; Beginning at a large stone buried below the surface in the centre of Patchogue Lane, said Stone being (91) Ninety one links North Westerly of the N. W. corner of the house of Israel Smith, and (69) Sixty Nine links Westerly of the N. W. corner of the house of Edward Dayton, and running one Course only to the Creek, which course is N. 84° 30 W. magnetic as the needle now points and N. 86° 45' W. as the Needle pointed when the survey of Patchogue Lane was made in 1865 and forms an angle with Patchogue Lane on the course from the stone above mentioned to the stone buried in the centre of the lane opposite Carman's Avenue of 67° 15' ; at a point in the centre of said new road 991 links from starting point a Stone was buried and one also 2100 links from starting point, and the entire length of the line to the East edge of the Creek was 2725 hnks— The above line being the Centre line of the Highway which is to be Three rods in width — And it is hereby ordered by us that said now road be included in Road District No. 23. and ordered to be worked by Overseer in said District — Witness our hands this Eleventh day of Novr. 1872 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 539 Recorded Novr. 26th 1872 Copy posted Deer. 3d 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk John R Mather Robt. R. Smith Justus Roe Commissioners of Highways. We the undersigned property owners do hereby consent that the proposed highway be extended to the Road that runs from Patchogue Creek to Patchogue Lane. John Roe Smith— R Henry Parks, John Burke, Maria Parks — Trus tees property Ellis Smith. D. T. F. Raynor M E. Church — Mary E. Ruland, John Ferguson, Michael Welsh, John his R. Bell— Andrew X Gibson, John O'Brien, Lewis W. mark Hahock- Recorded Nov. 25th 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 18. Overseers of Highways — In accordance with a New Law for Suffolk County, re quiring that Overseers of Highways shall be appointed on the first Tuesday of October in each year we the under signed Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven in said Suffolk County do hereby Appoint the fol lowing persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Districts the Number of which is placed opposite each respective name for the year ensuing the date hereof — No 1 David T. Bayles 2 Wm. E. Thurber 3 Ebenezer Llawkins 4 Benjamin Jones — 5 Algernon S. Mihs 6 Alfred Hulse 7 Bryant D. Norton Stony Brook W & S. Stony Brook N. & E— South Setauket Setauket E. N. E. P.J. 530 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 8 Selah Tooker 9 George W. Hopkins Mt. S. 10 George P. Helme MP. 11 Amos Hallock R pt 12 Nath'l M. Tuthill W. River 13 George C. Raynor Manor N 14 Morris Raynor " S 15 Egbert Smith E. Moriches 16 Llarrison Gordon Eastport 17 Daniel Lane Mastic 18 Wihiam Osborn South Haven 19 Augustus Hawkins Fireplace Neck 20 John R. NicoU Bellport 21 Augustus Rice Union West 22 Patchogue E 23 Andrew J. Smith Lane & N. 24 West 25 John Westcott Bluept Page 19. 26 Nelson Newton Lake Grove 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu New Village W 28 Rich'd 0. Howell E 29 Samuel Dare Selden 30 Wm. H. Osborn Coram. W 31 Winfield S. Davis " E 32 H. Whitmore Smith Holbrook 33 Thomas Terry Farmingville 34 Hampton Overton Coram Llills 35 Sidney Smith M. 1. West 36 Edgar G. Swezey Middletown Centre 37 John R. Dayton S&E 38 Edward Lloman Mihville 89 Isaac H. Robbins Yaphank 40 Austin D. Randall Ridgefield BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 531 41 James 0. Homan Manor East 42 William Avery Swan River 48 Edward A. Swezey Swczeytown 44 Daniel C. Rhodes Centre Moriches 45 Nathaniel Wiggins " 46 James Hallock 2d Rocky pt 47 John J. Woodhull Woodville 48 John Hawkins Moriches 49 George G. Dominick Oldfield 50 Charles F. Smith Patchogue Centre 51 Union East 52 Nelson Gerard Fireplace West 63 Andrew Ketcham Centre Moriches E 54 Wm. Riker Waverly 55 Short Neck Brookhaven October 1st 1872 — T> -ui. -DO -iu ) Commissioners Robt. K. Smith ( ^ Justus Roe ( -TT. 1 ) Highways. Recorded Oct. 1st 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 20. Alteration of 2d & 4th Road Districts — We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County do order that Road District No. 2 in said Town be extended Easterly as far as the Junction of Groveplace road with the Setauket and Stony Brook road and that Road Dist. No. 4 stop at said junction — so that hereafter Groveplace and vicinity will belong to said Dist. No. 2 instead of No. 4 — Dated Sep tember 30th 1872— John R Mather ) Commrs Robt. R. Smith I of Justus Roe ) Highways — 533 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded Sept 30th 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Release for Road at Bluepoint — Whereas the Commissioners of Llighways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an order dated the laid out a Highway in said Town be ginning at the centre of the Bluepoint Lane so cahed and running Easterly through the improved lands of Louisa Mills and John Corey, Now therefore the damages the said Louisa Mills by reason of the laying out of said highway are hereby ascertained by agreement of the said Louisa Mills and the said Commissioners of Highways at the sum of Twenty five Dollars and that of John Corey the sum of Fifty Dollars- April 4th 1868 Mary L. Mills Witness O. P. Smith John Corey O. P. Smith John R. Mather ) Commissioners of ) Highways Recorded Novr. 25th 1872 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 21. Release for Highway at Holbrook — Whereas Application has been made to the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk to lay out a highway in said Town beginning on the Long Island Rail Road in the Vihage of Holbrook between the lands of O'Brien & Hanna & running North to the Portion Road which said Llighway will pass through the improved lands of O'Brien Hanna — James S. Kemp, Martin Smith, P. M. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 533 King, Charles Weierter, Max Ridel, Adam Peterman, Christian Gerrold & Frederick Mantha and the unimproved lands of Wm. Raiidle & McFarland, which pro posed Highway will pass through our improved & unim proved lands Now therefore in Consideration of the laying out of the said Highway We do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof — Signed & sealed this Fourth day Septernr 1869 P. M King L.S In the presence of Martin Schmidt LS Christopher Wreder James S Kemp LS Markins Raidul LS Recorded Christian Gerrold L.S, Novr. 25th 1872 Frederick Munthe Benjn. T. Hutchinson Adam Peterman Town Clk Charles Weierter Page 22. Trustee Meeting — Deer. 3d. 1872 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment All present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias $5— Augusta Woodhull $2— John Motts family $5 Elbert Woodhull Trustee — tempy. aid to Luther Fields, Boots and Stockings $4 — to Alexr. Anderson Boots $3.75 Nathl Tuttle Trustee — Tempy aid to Jeremiah Downs 50 cts to Harry Norton Coat $6.26 Stockings 50 cts Shoes $3. Wm. H. Clark Trustee — temporary aid to Caleb Ceasar $7— to Nicholas Overton $10. 71 Mrs Charies .Hulse $3.13— John Roe Smith Trustee — tempy aid during last 3 months to Wm. Crampton & family $9.46 to Jacob Keissipe $8.88 to Roxana Gould $4.50 to Charies Caigill $8.00 and Coffin &c for a Colored Giri at Fireplace $8.70— Nathaniel Robinson of Patchogue presented a Bill for keeping Mary Cliilds over and above the $1.50 per week 534 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. which was left her in his father's will — she requiring much care before she was carried to County Alms House — His price per week was deemed too high and he reduced his whole Bill to $28.50 which was then allowed and paid in And it was the opinion of the Board that the Down Bed & other articles but particularly the Bed which belonged to said Mary Childs and taken to the County House and not given to her use but cut up and made into pillows &c for general use does not or should not be taken as belong ing free of charge to the County she being at County Alms House but a short time but its value should in justice be allowed to Brookhaven and that the same should be ac counted for next settlement — Adjourned to first Tuesday in Jany. B. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 23. Trustee Meeting. Jany 7th 1878. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to John Smith 5.50— to John Mott's family 8.75 to J. A. Brewster (colored) 2.00— to Augusta Woodhull (col'd) 2.00 to Jacob Tobias (colored) 8.00— Elbert Woodhuh tempy. aid to Luther Fields $4.00 to Alexr. Anderson $6.00 — Nathaniel Tuttle tempy. aid to Jerh. Downs 50 cts and pantaloons for Harry Norton $8. 00 — Thomas Terry tempy. aid to Ehphalet Smith $1.50— Wm H. Clark tempy. aid to Nicholas Overton $9.00 to Caleb Ceasar $8.60 to Mrs Chas. Hulse 8.90— John Roe Smith tempy. aid to — Crampton a County pauper 6.37 — to Hiram Swezey's family 5.00 — to John Orsby 3.50 a stragler said to belong in Greenport Jacob BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 535 Knshea's family 6.40 — John — a pauper said to belong to Babylon $1.40— paid bills, and as no special business was presented, and presuming that at this season of the year no special call on Trustees would be likely to be presented by any one from the North side next month, and considering that a change of Keeper of County Alms House and also of Physician has been made by the County Superintendants of Poor it is accounted proper as well as a duty to our Town's poor that the Trustees should visit them therefore it was resolved that they adjourn to meet at Yaphank Station the first Tuesday in February — Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Page 24. Trustee Meeting — Feby 4th 1873 — Trustees met at Yaphank Station so as to visit the Town Poor at the County Alms House — All present — W. Dickerson temporary aid to John Mott's family $4. Jacob Tobias 3.75 — to Jeremiah Hummister for taking care of in distress three days $8.00 — Elbert Woodhull to Leonard Still Clothes 7.48 Alexander Anderson 3.25 — Luther Fields 2.50 Thomas Terry to Auguste Bahr $4.00— Wm. H. Clark to Nicholas Overton & wife $14. 41 Clothes &c. Caleb Ceasar & family 9.58 Mrs Chas Hulse 4.33 Stil- weU Raynor's family Clothes &c per R. T. Osborn 12.60 John Roe Smith to Crampton a County Pauper 6.32 to Hannah Mott 84 cts— Holmes W. Swezeys bill for medicine to Jacob Tobias a pauper from May 1871 to Jany 1—1873 13.71 paid Robin son Raynor for keeping Nancy Goodale an insane pauper of Southampton from Jany. 6th to Feby 4th 4 weeks claimed $4 per week $16 and for conveyance $2— making 536 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. in all $18 — Paid him now $14 and if Southampton pays whole bill the Trustees are to pay R. Raynor $4 more — Renewed Leases to Llenry Egbert Llawkins and Selah Hawkins each 4 acres in South Bay for planting Oysters at $4 each per year — Elihu Hawkins paid rent of new Pattersquash for one year — Adjourned to meet again at Coram March 4th — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 26. Assignment of a Claim — Whereas Frank Hadaway deceased late of the Village of Stony Brook — County of Suffolk and State of New York was the owner at the time of his death of One-eighth (4) of the Sloop or vessel called the " Llome" of Brookhaven — and that the said Sloop Home on the Ist day of February 1873 was indebted to us to the amount of Fourteen hun dred & fifty three ^/^ dollars — the said one eighth of which amounts to the sum of one hundred & eighty one -^-^ dol lars and whereas Wessel S. Edwards & Washington Jewell of the Village of Stony Brook, County of Suffolk and State aforesaid for the sum of One dollar to us paid — We the undersigned have released and hereby assign to the said Wessel S. Edwards & Washington Jewell our claim against said Sloop Home arising from said indebtedness — Given at Stony Brook February 15th 1878— Signed in presence of A. H. Mills Jonas Smith & Co Recorded 83 South St. Feby 25th 1873— N. Y. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 637 Page 26. Trustee Meeting. March 4th 1873— Trustees met at Coram pursuant to adjournment, Present Wm. H. Clark Prest — Nathl Tuttle, Thomas Terry Walter Dickerson and Elbert Woodhull — W Dickerson reported temporary aid to John Mott's family $4^ — to Jacob Tobias $3. to Llannah Young $5 and Coffin for Mrs Hannah Dyckes $12— Thos Terry tempy to Mary Connor $4.25 Elbert Woodhull aid to Luther Fields $3.50 Wm H. Clark tempy. aid to Nicoll Overton & wife $10.05 to Mrs Chas Hulse $3.27— to Caleb Ceasar & family 9.02 to Michael Ward $3.65 to Lewis Hulse $3.00 Adjourned to first Tuesday in April Entered by Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — • Page 27. Highway at Middle Island Surveyed — Whereas a road, used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk leading from the Middle Countr.y Road a few rods East of the House of Benjamin T. Hutchinson Northwardly to Millersplace was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town in the year 1748 but not sufficiently described and in the year 1864 examined by the Commissioners and a small portion of the South end described and entered of record. Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of said Town, having met at the house of Benjamin T. Hutchinson in said Town on Wednesday Feby. 26th 1 873 for the pur pose of causing said road to be ascertained described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, all the said Commissioners having been duly notified, present and delib erated on the subject, do hereby order the following survey of said road made by them, to be a description of the 538 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Centre line of said road four rods wide and that it be so entered of record — Commencing at a Stone situated on the North side of the Middle Road and running N. 26° 15' W. 398 links to a Stone ; thence running North 17° 15' W. 136 links ; thence N. 4° 20' W. 4 chains ; N. 12" 45' E. 6 chains ; N. 20° 25' E 4 chains ; N. 32° 40' E. 1032 hnks to a point 20 links S. E. of a large Oak tree and 28 links N. E. of the Stump of a large Oak Tree — and in range of a Ditch on the E. side of said road ; thence N. 42° 55' E. 3 chains ; N. 22° 50' E. 523 links to a point 48 links E. of a large Apple Tree — this last line ending 178 links N. of the division line on the west side of the road of the lands of Benjamin T. Hutchinson, and Telem Smith ; thence N. 7° 40' E. 930 links to a point opposite the division line on the W. of the lands of Telem Smith and Lester Ruland, this line also passing the terminus of the New Rocky Point Road Page 28. the centre of which is N. 29° E. 256 links distant from the N. E. corner of the Barn of Telem Smith ; thence N. 6° 30' E. 231 links ; N. 10° 20' W. 3 chains ; N. 4° 20' W 240 links ; N. 12° 65' W. 4 chains ; N. 20° 30' W. 4 chains N. 15" 60' W. 6 chains ; N. 16° 30' W. 6 chains ; N 29° 40' W 476 links ; thence N. 43° 36 W. 616 links to a point 39 links W. of the N. W. corner and in range of the North side of the shed of Lester Ruland — The parties present and assisting, giving evidence, aid &c were Benja min T. Hutchinson, Horace Randall Lester Ruland, Telem Smith, John Clark, Albert L. Davis & others — In witness whereof the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed their names this Twenty sixth day of February 1878— John R. Mather ) Com. Robt. R. Smith I of Justus Roe ) Highways. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 539 Recorded March 13th 1873 Posted March 29th 1873 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 29. Survey of Main Street in Patchogue East & West — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Vihage of Patchogue, Town of Brookhaven & State of N. Y. known as Main or Fulton St. was laid out in or about the year 1764 by the Commissioners of Highways was surveyed & examined by the Commissioners in the year 1822, 1834 & again in 1866 but not sufficiently described — Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of BLighwavs of said Town & State having been duly notified and all being present met at Roe's Hotel in said Village on the Eleventh day of November 1872 and after due deliberation ran a centre line of said four rod road as follows — Commencing at a Stone buried in the road 92 links N. Easterly from the N. W. corner of the house of James Rice & 89 links N. Westerly from the N. W. corner of the house of Daniel Wicks, and ran the old line a course (aU Magnetic) N. 80° E. 763 links to a Stone in the road midway between the fences of Austin Roe on the South & John Roe's Estate on the North, said Stone being distant from the S. E. corner of the Piazza of Roe's Hotel in a South east direction 95 links and in range of the fence bounding the East side of a Lane between the lands of Austin Roe & estate of John Roe — this line 229 links from starting point passing 56 links to the north of a stone buried in the road to define the centre of Patchogue Lane ; thence on second course N. 83f° E. 8 chains to a Stone 50 links South of the corner post of the dooryard of the estate of Smith Rider ; thence N. 864° E. 224 links to a Stone 100 links S. Westerly from the S. W. corner of the House of 540 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. James Sell's Est. and 88 links S. Easterly from the S. E. corner of the house of Wilham S. Preston ; thence N. 88° E. 177 links to a stone 50 links N. of a large Oak Tree and 50 links S. of the S. W. corner post & in range of the W. line of the land of Edward Edwards ; thence N. 844° E. 486 links to a Stone 88 links S. Westerly of the S. W. Corner of the house of John Davis and Page 30. 72 links N. Westerly of the N. E. corner of the house of Mrs. Oliver Davis ; thence N. 834° E— 708 links to a Stone in range of the W. line of the land of Charles E. Rose and 50 links distant from a post at the S. W. corner of his garden fence ; thence N. 85° E. 303 to a stone 60 links S. of a post at the S. W. corner of the garden of Charles E. Rose, this line 184 links from starting point passing a stone which defines the Centre of the new Avenue called Rider's Avenue this Stone being 138 links in a S. Westerly direction from the S. W. corner of the house of Charies E. Rose, 214 links N. Easterly from the N. E corner of House of Brewster Terry & 76 Northerly from a large Oak Tree ; thence N. 85i° E. 363 links to a stone 50 links N. of the N. E. corner post & in range with the East line of the land of Joseph O. Robinson ; thence N. 864° W. 339 links to a Stone buried as near as could be ascer tained on the west line of Medford Avenue and distant 84 links S. Westerly of a Button Wood Tree in the garden of Charles Conklin & 63 links S. E. of a Cherry Tree in the garden of Baylis — A Survey was then made of Main Street west commenc ing at the same Stone mentioned as the starting point in the above survey & running N. 834° W. 15 chains to a stone 133 links S. Westerly of the S. W. corner of the house of Robert Jayne 72 hnks N. Westerly and 78 N. Easterly of the N. E. & N. W. corners of the Hotel of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 541 George Hawkins ; thence N. 874° W. 1 chain to a stake ; thence N. 884 W. 160 hnks to a stake— thence S. 894° W. 2 chains to a Stake ; thence S. 864° W. 3 chains to a stake — this centre line crossing the Stones on the top of the arch of the Bridge ; thence S. 794 W. 3 chains to a Stone ; thence S. 654° W. 8 chains to a lot of tile buried in the ground ; thence S. 684° W. 2 chains to a Stone 105 hnks S. Westerly of the S. W. corner of the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Oakes Smith and 107 links N. Westeriy of the N. E. coi-ner of the Catholic Church ; thenee S. 494 W. 2 chains to a Stone 114 links S. Easterly of the house of Matthias Kirby's Est. and 81 links N. Westerly of the N. W. corner of the house of Timothy Dyson ; thence S. 444° W. 429 Page 31. hnks to a stone defining also the centre of the Waverly Road — said Stone being 186 hnks S. Westeriy of the S. W. corner of the store of Alvin Oakes Smith 87 links S. East erly of the S. E. corner of the house of John B. Terry, and 130 links N. Easterly of the N. E. corner of the house of Edwin Bailey ; thence S. 46° W 1071 links to an Iron Bolt 50 links South of a post at the S. W. Corner of the garden of George Conklin ; thence S. 564° W. 7 chains across the Dam to a Stone ; thence S. 64^ W. 754 links to a Stone 84 links N. Westerly from the N. W. corner of a house owned by Mrs. Peter Smith and in range with the west end of a Small Barn in Mrs. Smith's garden ; thence S. 60|-° W. 1751 links to a point as near as could be ascer tained to be the E. boundary of Love Lane 50 links North of a fence post on the corner of said Lane — And it is hereby ordered that the above survey be the location of the centre line of said Main or Fulton Street four rods in width and that it be so recorded — • ' In witness whereof the said Commissioners have here- 543 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. unto subscribed their names this Eleventh day of November 1872— John R. Mather ) Commissioners Robt. R. Smith [¦ of Justus Roe ) Highways Recorded March 19th 1873 Posted March 29th 1873 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 32. Survey of Road West side of Setauket Harbor — Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk leading fi-om the Gate at Little Neck to the East Setauket Road on the shore or west side of Setauket Harbor was laid out by the Com missioners of Highways of the said Town on the 24th day of January 1738 as recorded in Record Book C. page 128 but not sufficiently described ; Now therefore the under signed Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose, having met on the premises for the purpose of causing a portion of said road to be ascer tained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office, and having caused a Survey of the same to be made, do Order that the said road be and the same is hereby ascer tained and described according to the said survey Beginning where Judge Selah B. Strong's Gate now stands at a point therein which bears from the Southeast corner of Richard L. Woodhull's House North 654° East 1 chain & 62 links distant and thence running 1st Course South 34° West 2 ch. 81 links 2d " " 14° East 3 " 59 3d " " 29° East 3 " 66 to opposite an old Pear Tree on the west side of the Stone wall on Richard L. Woodhull's land — which pear Tree bears BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 543 from this now 4th point S. 774° W. 184 links dis tant — 4th Course South 334° East 2 ch. 33 L. to opposite the boundary line between Richard L. Woodhull and John P. L'Hommedieu and near a large apple Tree on said L'Hommedieu's land — which Tree bears from this 5th point South 464° West 37 links, dis tant — 6th Course— South 484° East 3 ch. 61 Links 6tli Course South 644° East 1 ch 80 " 7th Course South 654° East 2 ch. 69 hnks — At a point on this last course and 1 ch. 60 L. from its starting place the line is 17 links from the North corner of said L'Hommedieu's barn — 8th Course South 774° East 2 ch. 85 links 9th " " 85° East 2 ch. 78 hnks (crossing the road leading to the churches on the " Green") to the top or centre of a small white Rock near the corner of David Van Horn Floyd's field— The above line is ten and a half (104) hnks below the Westerly & Southerly road bound and the said road is to be and remain four rods in width — ^Also we Order the re mainder of this road from where the above Surve.y ends to the road leading from Carlton Jayne's store to the Meth odist Church to be continued as the Records in Book C. page 128 dated January 24th 173| and in Book B page 334 dated May 29th 1739 direct- Given under our hands at Brookhaven June 28th 1872 — Robt. R. Smith ] Commissioners John R. Mather V of Justus Roe ) Llighways. Recorded March 25th 1873 Posted March 25th 1873 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk 544 BROOKHAVEN TOWN REOOEDS. Page 34. Trustee Meeting. April 1st 1873 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wm H. Clark Prest. Nathl Tuttle, Walter Dicker- son, Elbert Woodhull Thomas Terry, and John Roe Smith Trustees — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to John Mott's family $4 — Jacob Tobias $3. Joanna Brewster $1 — Abigail Bennett $2 to John Smith for wood for $8.50— Thomas Terry tempy. aid to Mary Connor $2.00— Wm. H. Clark tempy. aid to Nicholas Overton 6.32 to Mrs Chas. Hulse 4.06 — Michael Ward 6.32 Caleb Ceasar 6.91 to Apollos Llawkins 1.87— Elbert Woodhull aid to Alexr Anderson $2 Leonard Still $2— Nathl Tuttle aid to Jeremiah Downs 90 c Harry Nor ton pantaloons 8.50 On statement from Wm. H. Hait assessor that John B. Skinner was ra,ised by mistake from 100 to 500 — voted to lower it back — On Statement from Austin Culver assessor that Franklin Hawkins was raised by mistake from 500 to 900 it was voted to lower it back to 500 and that the collector accept the tax on the less sum as in full — Wm. S. Preston for attendance & Medicine for Mary Connor on the order of Thomas Terry Trustee $8, 50 allowed & paid. A. Petition for Fish & Eel protection act to be passed was postponed to next Meeting — Voted unanimously that Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk for extra services in 1868 for which he was never paid and for extra services rendered the past year which services were of great benefit to the Town in many and various cases and which he left entirely to the decision of the Board — he also saving the Board from the expense of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 545 having a hired Town Counselor as was formerly done — and as a token of remembrance & as some small return we unanimously pay him for said two years One hundred dollars — Adjourned without day^ — Entered by Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 85. 1873 Town Meeting. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 1st day of April 1873 at the house of Lester H Davis in Coram in said Town the following Officers were elected to the re spective Offices named — For Supervisor Effingham Tuthill Justices of the Peace Richard T. Osborn — full term David T. Hawkins — full term Assessors Austin Culver Daniel W. Davis Commissioner of Highways. John H. Overton Town Clerk Benjamin T. Hutchinson Collector Wilham S. Howell President "of Trustees Wihiam H. Clark 546 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Trustees Nathaniel Tuthill Walter Dickerson Elbert Woodhull Thomas Terry Henry W. Carman John Roe Smith Overseers of the Poor Walter Dickerson John Roe Smith — Page 36. Constables Allen Hawkins Nathaniel C. Miller Joseph R. Bayles Benjamin R. Raynor Albert Terrell S. Warren Wines Nathaniel Edwards Charles F. Smith Game Constable Nathaniel C. Miller Inspectors of Election 1st Dist. 1 Wilham O. Gould 2 Walter Smith appointed 3 Jedediah Williamson 2d Dist. 1 Wilham T. Hulse 2 Z. Franklin Hawkins appd 3 Charles Latour 3d Dist. 1 Sylvester D. Tuthill 2 Charles A. Davis appd 3 Isaac E. Brown BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 547 4th Dist. 1 Richard T. Osborn 2 Gilbert Terry appd 3 Mathew Fanning 5th Dist. 1 Charles Swezey 2 Nelson Hawkins appd 8 O. P. H. Robinson 6tli Dist. 1 Isaac G. Wihetts 2 Henry W. Ketcham appd 3 Timothy M Griffing 7th Dist. 1 Albert Terrell 2 William S. Swezey appd 3 Samuel Dare We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the election and canvass of said Annual Town Meeting — Brookhaven April 1st 1873 Oran W. Rogers ' John S. Lee R. T. Osborn Lester Davis Justices of the Peace — Recorded April 1st 1873 By Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Pae-e 87. "'ir> Highway Laid out at Bluepoint — At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk at Blue- point in said Town on the 19th day of April 1873, all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend the said 548 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject mat ter of this order, and two being present, on the application of John Westcott a resident of said Town and liable to be assessed to work on the Highways therein, consent having been given in writing (which are hereunto attached) by all parties owning lands and interested, the old road recorded in 1787 and 1790 twenty feet in width and leading North from the main Country Road about one quarter of a mile directly opposite the head of Bluepoint Lane was discon tinued — and on the application of John Westcott and a release of all the land having been given (which are here unto attached) and all parties being present, we hereby order that a public highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out pursuant to said application whereof a Survey has been made and is as follows, to wit ; Beginning at a Stone buried in the ground on the North side of the South Coun try Road 64f feet South Easterly of the house of John Westcott & Co. & thence running N. 6° 40' East 1429 feet to a stone buried in the road defining the centre line of both roads ; thence N. 82° W. 1038 feet to a stake on the Islip Town line — The first course on this road 308 feet from starting point passed 46 feet Eagt of the N. E. corner on a range with the North side of the house of Andrew Tolnian and 923 feet from starting point passed 484 feet West of the N. W. corner and in range with the North side of the house of John Westcott & Co. and 1348 feet from starting point passed 66 feet East Page 38. of the N. E. Corner and in range with the North side of the House of Julius Puruck, the road as hereby ordered discontinued, and the new road herein described and opened being more fully described by a Map which accompanies this record, and the line of said survey is to be the centre of said Highway, which is to be three rods in width — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 549 Witness our hands this 19th day of April 1873 — T . -D ) Commissioners Justus Roe ( J. John LI. Overton ( -a- -i ) Highways Recorded April 22d 1878 Copy Posted May 2d 1873 Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Map — Application — conditional to close road filed April 22d 1873 B. T. H. T. Clk— Page 39. Trustee Meeting — May 6th 1873 — Trustees met pursuant to order of the President : present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuthill, Elbert Woodhull, Walter Dickerson, John Roe Smith, Thomas Terry, and Henry W. Carman Trustees — On presentation of letter from Wm. R. Post Supervisor of Southampton stating that at the Town Meeting in that Town Two Commissioners were chosen on the part of that Town to unite with Commissioners of our Town in running the Division Boundary Line between the two Towns — the following preamble and Resolution was unanimously passed Whereas the Town of Southampton has chosen two Com missioners and request us to appoint two Commissioners to meet with theirs and fix and determine and make plain by description the Division Boundary between Brookhaven and Southampton in accordance with the Patents, laws and testimony relative to the matter — Resolved that Austin Culver and Jesse W. Pelletreau be such Commissioners to meet with those of Southampton ; and that the Town Clerk furnish records and all necessary information, and attend with said Commissioners so far as may be necessary to pro tect the just rights of this Town of Brookhaven — Resolved That the Toleration for Oystering in the South 550 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Bay for the year from March 1st to the next March be One Dollar if paid to our Oyster Agent before June 15th. and if not so paid by that date the Toleration shall be One Dollar and a half per year — Page 40. Resolved that Wm. LI. Clark and John Roe Smith be a Committee to go to Asylums at Poughkeepsie, Utica and Brattleborough and get the Insane paupers belonging to this Town and bring them to our County Asylum — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to John Mott's family $4 Jacob Tobias $3 Joseph Titus $4 John Smith $1.50 Elbert Woodhull to Alexr. Anderson $2.06— Nathaniel Tuthill to moving articles of Philinda Terrell $1. to B. Swezey Thomas Terry to Auguste Bahr $4 — John Roe Smith to Judy Kernan $5 — to J Risley $1.25 do. do. for previous Month to Benjn. Moger $4.23 — Wm II. Clark to Nicoll Overton $9.66 Caleb Ceasar $3.70 Mrs. Chas Hulse $2.58, Michael Ward $5.95 to Dr. Jarvis for attendance on Nicoll Overton $10.00 — Then the following Preamble and Act were passed and the Board adjourned to first Tuesday in June — On the Application of Benjamin Brewster Henry Wells, Wm. C. Tooker and forty eight other Petitioners that an Act be passed to prohibit Catching Eels with pots in Old- field or Conscience Bay— and of catching fish in said Bay with Nets in the Months of March and April in any year and thus protect the increase of fish and .Eels in said Bay for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Town generally — the following Act was passed — Page 41. Fish and Eel Act— for Conscience Bay — Be it ordained that hereafter no person shall set Eelpots BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 551 or catch Eels except with hook or spear in the waters of the Bay called Oldfield or Conscience Bay in this Town of Brookhaven at any season of the year, and that during the Months of March and April in each year no person or per sons shall set nets or catch fish except with hook or spear in the waters of said Bay — And any person offending against either of these restrictions shall be liable to a penalty of Twenty five dollars for each and every such offense — ^to be recovered before any Justice &c. Given under our hand and the seal of our said Town of Brookhaven May 6th. 1873 — Attest Benjn. T. Hutchinson Wm. H. Clark President Town Clerk — [Seal Recorded May 6th 1873— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Trustee Meeting — June 3d. 1873 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present except Thomas Terry — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias $5 — Benjamin Woodhull $2 — conveying Jacob C. Dariing to County Asylum $1.20— Thomas Terry Trnstee temporary aid to Mary Connor $1 — Nathaniel Tuthill Trustee temporary aid to Jeremiah Downs 20 cts — ;Wm. H. Clark Trustee — temporary aid to Nicoll C. Overton $4.52 to Michael Ward $6.31. to Caleb Ceasar $4.05 to Mrs Charles Hulse $3.84— Adjourned to first Wednesday in July — - Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 42. Highway at Port Jefferson — West side Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven, in the County of Suffolk, leading from a road that 5.53 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. leads from Port Jefferson to Setauket known as the lower or Beach road Southerly to the Upper or old Post road leading to Setauket has been used as a Highway for twenty years last past but not recorded. Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of said Town having met on the application of John W. Matthews on the premises March 20th 1873 for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office. All the Commissioners being present and having deliberated on the subject embraced in this order, do hereby order that the said road be ascertained described & entered of record — And the said Commissioners having made a survey of said road do further order it re corded as follows viz : Beginning at the centre of the lower road leading from Setauket to Port Jefferson twenty five feet East of the dividing line between the lands of Edmund Terrell and John W. Mathews and running S. 7° 05' W. 666 feet to a stake ; thence S. 28° W. 675 feet to a stake ; thence S. 43° 16' W. 560 feet to a stake ; thence S. 61° 35' W. 237 feet to a point as near as could be ascertained. as the centre of the upper or Old post road leading to Setauket — On the first course in the above Survey 88 feet from the starting point the centre line of said road passed 344 feet East of a large Locust tree, and on the second course 598 feet from stake passed 12 feet East of the divid ing line of the lands of Edmund Terrell and John W. Mathews ; and on the last course 37 feet from the terminus passed seven feet west of a large Oak Tree on the land of Hamilton Tooker — And it is hereby ordered that the Line Page 43. above described be the centre line of the said road, and that the said road be of the width of three rods — In Witness whereof, the said Commissioners have here- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 553 unto subscribed their names this Twentieth day of March 1873. : JohnR. Mather) ^•^'"™°"'^'-^ Justus Roe I TI- 1, ) Highways Recorded June 3d 1873— copy posted July 22d 1873— Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Trustee Meeting July 2d 1873 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present. Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias $3. — Benjn. Woodhull $2 taking Hannah Young to County Alms House $2— Elbert Woodhull Trus tee to Luther Fields $1.25— J. Roe Smith Trustee to Roxey Gould $3.54 Clothes for Henry Rockwell $4.60— Willis Pharis $4.66— Frank Freer $6.40 conveying 2 men to County Alms House $2 — Wm. H. Clark Trustee to Nicholas Overton $6.28— Caleb Ceasar & family 2.60 Michael Ward & family 7.28. Henry Robinson & family 8— Still well Raynor and family 8. 86 Mrs Chas Hulse 6. 72— • Dr. Burns' Bill for attendance and medicine for Benjn. Woodhull (cold.) a pauper in East Setauket $16 allowed & paid — Whereas Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk of Board of Trus tees has with much trouble and care collected Rents on both sides of the Town and has paid to Wm, Sidney Smith & Egbert T. Smith their shares in the same and has paid the expenses and fees of Counsel thus far in the suit now pend ing between this Town & Ishp, and after paying the fees of this Board and also Town charges saving the people from being taxed therefor and still states that he has a consider able sum still belonging to the Town & as it is uncertain when said suit will be settled & trusting it will be deter- 554 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. mined in favor of our Town of Brookhaven, he the said Clerk Benjn. T. Hutchinson asks of this Board to relieve him from longer holding and being responsible for said Town funds now on hand — We therefore at his request authorize him after deducting fees for collecting, as some little return for his faithful ser vices in this matter to transfer all moneys collected by him and not paid out for the Town, to Walter Dickerson Over seer of the Poor to be used in support of the Poor until wanted in said suit or in other Town business belonging to the Board of Trustees other than the support of the poor, and take a receipt therefor which shall be in full of his account up to July 1st 1873 — Note $800 was transferred & paid over July 10th 1873— Adjourned to the first Wednesday in August next. Entered by Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk Page 44. Highways at Port Jefferson — Surveyed — Whereas a road in the village of Port Jefferson now known as East Broadway was laid out by the Commissioners of Highways many years ago and as per record in Liber D. page 292 was by the Commissioners on the 4th of April 183.7 narrowed to a three rod Road but not sufficiently de scribed and whereas a road now known as Main Street com mencing at Jones Street & leading up the Hill to Cumse wogue Was laid out in 1839 in 1841 & again in 1865 & the former part of which being originahy two Rods in width and by action of Commissioners Feby 2d 1864 widened to three rods, and whereas the road leading from Main St out to Cumsawogue known as the Stony Hill Road was laid out by the Commissioners in 1841, but neither of them having been sufficiently described — Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of said Town having met at the store of James M Bayles & Son BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 000 May 8th 1878 for the purpose of causing said roads to be ascertained, described & entered of record in the Town Clerk's office. All the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend for the purpose of deliberating on the subjects embraced in this order, do hereby order that the said roads as surveyed by Justus Roe one of the Commis sioners respectively May 8th May 10th and June 23d 1873 were ascertained, are fully described and entered of record in accordance with said survey being as follows viz — Com mencing at a point on the E. side of Main St. as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of East Bxoadway & run a line N. 80° 40' E. 204 feet to a point 254 feet South of the S. E. corner and in range with the East end of the Barn of James M. Bayles & 61 feet from the N. W. corner of the house of Capt James Thompson Sen : this line 4 feet from starting point passing 63 feet from the S. W. corner & in Page 45. range with the W. side of the store of James M. Bayles & Son, and 5 feet from starting point was 42 feet from the N. W. corner and in range with the W. end of the House of Wid. Lewis Hulse, Thence (2d Course) N 77° 20' E. 345 feet to a point 434 f^et distant from the S. E. corner and in range with the E. end of the House of Capt Joseph Hammond ; Thence (3d course) N. 75° E. 177 feet to a point 48 ft. distant from the S. E. corner and in range with the E. end of the House of Ann Wooster ; thSnce (4th course) N. 68° 20' E. 113 ft. to a point in range with E. line of garden fence, and 84 ft from starting point pass ing 62 ft from the S. E. corner and in range with the E. end of the House of Goldsmith Davis ; Thence (6th course) N. 62° 15' E. 518 ft to the turn of road at a point 23 ft S. Easterly from a large Stone and 18 ft S. Westerly from a stake, this line 117 ft from starting point passing 56 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the E. end of 556 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. house of Charles Llallock and 418 ft. from starting point passing 14| ft S. of a large Rock. Main St. South. Commencing at a point 454 feet from the S. E. corner of the house of E. Thomas Newton and 464 ft from the S. W. corner of Llouse of Estate of John Roe and running (1st course) S 18° 45' E. 329 ft to a point 78 feet distant from the S. E. corner of the House of Wm. Darling and 36 ft from the N. E. corner of the house of Wines Emmons this line 261 feet from starting point pass ing 35 ft from the store (S. E. corner) of Wm. Darling ; Thence 2d course S. 62° 50' E. 121 ft to a point 25 ft S. Westerly from the corner post at the division line of the lands of Elbert Raynor & Alanson Overton ; Thence 3d course S. 69° 45' E. 142 to a point 264 from a corner post on the land of Alanson Overton ; Thence 4th Course S. 68° E. 137 ft to a point 30 ft S. of the centre of the old well of Z. Franklin Hawkins this line 44 ft from starting point passing 42 feet from the Page 46. N. W. corner and in range with the W. end of the main part of the house of John Macy ; thence S. 69° 30' E. 264 ft this line passing 414 feet from the N. E. corner & in range with E. end of house of Henrj' Gordon and 24 feet frorn a large locust tree opposite this point ; Thence (6th eoui-se) S. 77° 50' E. 198 feet ; Thence (7th course) S. 61° 05' E. 112 feet ; Thence S. 26° 20' E. 66 feet to a point 544 feet from the N. E. corner of the house of Leonard Dariing ; Thence (9th course) S. 17° 06 E. 132 feet this line 32 feet from starting passing 42|- feet from the N. E. corner in range with the N. end of the house of Leonard Darling ; and 100 feet from starting point passing 464 feet from the S. E. corner and in range with the S. end of the house of Charies Tillotson ; Thence (10th course) S 39° 60' E. 291 ft this line 176 feet from starting point passing 33 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 557 feet from the corner post in the picket fence of Henry Wilsher's garden ; Thence (Uth course) S. 61° 20' E 264 feet to a point 22 ft from the corner post in the cleared land of John S. Lee, this line 16 ft from starting point passing 364 ft from the fence and 79| ft from the N. W. corner and in range with the N. end of the house of Henry Wilsher 137 ft. from starting point the line passed 36 feet from the fence and 704 feet from the N. W. corner & in range with the N. end of the house and 174 ft. from start ing point passed 854 feet from the corner post in the yard of Albert Skidmore ; Thence (12th course) S. 39° E. 550 feet to a point 524 feet from the S. W. corner of the house of James Parks and 25 feet E. of a large marked Chestnut Tree ; Thence (13th course) S. 21° 30' E. 119 ft ; Thence S. 28° 30' E. 264 ft this line 172 ft from starting point passing (20 feet E. of a large Rock and 224 feet from starting point passing 24 feet E. of a small rocjf ; Thence (14th course) S. 49° E^^ 396 ft ; Thence S. 84° 30' E. 198 feet to a point at the intersec tion of Cumsewogue road 76 feet from the N. W. corner of the tenant house of R. LI. Wheeler, this line i^ con tinued 49 feet from terminus would be distant from the Page 47. N. W. corner of the last named house & in range with the front 57 ft— Stony Hill Road. Commencing at the terminus of the 12th course in the above survey and running S. 76° 45' E. 197 ft to a point in range of a fence bounding the garden of James Parks and a new Street 35f feet from the corner post; Thence N. 74" 45' E. 419 ft this line 116 ft from starting point passing 36| feet from the corner post on the land of Hiram Tuttle Thence S. 81° 36' E. 171 feet; Thence S. 69° 20' E. 145 feet, this hne 26 feet from start- 558 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ing point passing 119 ft W. of the S. W. corner and in range with the S. end of the tenant house of Charles E. .Davis ; Thence S. 87° 60' E 295 feet to a point as near as could be ascertained to be the N. side of Cumsewogue Road to Mt Sinai 29 feet E. of the corner post & 38 ft E. of a Cherry Tree on the land of Lliram S. Tuttle. This last line 117 feet from starting point passing 654 feet from the S. E. corner & in range with the S. end of the tenant house of Pliram S. Tuttle, 147 ft from starting point pass ing 19f feet from the fence of Hiram S. Tuttle and at 179 feet passing 26 feet from the fence of Charles E. Davis, and if continued 31 from terminus would be in range of the West end and if continued across the Street would strike the N. E. corner of the house of R. W. Wheeler — And we hereby order that the lines above described be the centre lines of said roads and of the uniform width of three Rods. In Witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names- Port Jefferson June 23d '73 T . T) ) Commissioners J ustus Loe ( p Jno. II. Overton ( tt u ) llighways Recorded July 12th 1878 Copy posted July 22d 1873 Benjn. T. Hutcliinson T. Clk Page 48. Trustee Meeting- August 6th. 1873 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment present Wm IL. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuttle, Thos Terry, Walter Dickerson, Elbert Woodhuh Henry W. Carman & John Roe Smith Trustees- Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Benjn Woodhull $2. Funeral Expenses for him $10— to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 559 Jacob Tobias $8 — conveying Lucy Curtis to County Alms House $2— Thomas Terry aid to Mary Connor $1.77— Coffin & funeral expenses of Mrs Ehphalet Smith $14.76 — Nathaniel Tuttle Clothes for Harry Norton $12.76 Elbert Woodhuh aid to Luther Fields $1.76 aid to Edward Gerard and con veying him to County Llouse $3 — Wm H Clark aid to Nicholas Overton $6.81— Mrs Charies Hulse $5.16 to Caleb Ceasar & family $6.21 — John Roe Smith aid to Hannah Mott $1.25 Widow Phelps $1— Wm Smith 82 cts. Mrs Kent $2.47— Stephen Smith $2.00— David Homan $2— Coffin for Zipporah Miles $14.00— Ordered that Henry Robinson and family be allowed Two dollars per week from July 1st till further order he being blind and his wife sick — Whereas the Commissioners appointed by this Town and the Town of Southampton viz. Austin Culver & Jesse W. Pelletreau by this Town and Seth R. Jagger and Wm. R. Post by Southampton have run the Boundary Division Line between the Two Towns and put up Monumental Bounds and made a written Report of the same which has been read and unanimously approved It is ordered that tho said Report be entered on Record as a mutual, amicable and perpetual Settlement of the Division Boundary between the Two Towns— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 49. Boundary Line with Southampton. We Austin Culver and Jesse W. Pelletreau of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County having been empowered by the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven to represent and act for said Town in ascertaining and describing the boundary line between the aforesaid Town of Brookhaven 560 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. and the Town of Southampton and to erect suitable monu ments at such points as may be necessary to perpetuate said boundary line, as will more fully appear by reference to the records of said Town of Brookhaven page 39. Liber F under date of May 6th 1873— and Seth R. Jagger and William R. Post of the Town of Southampton, who were invested with hke authority by the inhabitants of said Town of Southampton in annual Town-meeting assembled April 1st 1873 as will more fully appear by reference to the records of said Town pages 28 and 29 Liber D. do hereby report and make the following return to be entered of record in the respective Towns of Brookhaven and South ampton. Commencing on the South Beach meadows opposite Seatuck we found no traces of the boundary line sought to be established by a commission of said Towns under date of December 16th 1817 and inasmuch as it appears from the return of James Fanning and Josiah Smith the Com missioners of the Town of Brookhaven (which does not appear to have been signed by William Herrick and John P. Osborn Commissioners of Southampton) that the line then sought to be established at that Page 60. part of said Towns divided or ran across " Swan Island," the whole of which was owned by the Proprietors of the common and undivided lands of the Town of Southampton and was improved by them yearly from 1741 to 1888 and was then sold by them as will appear by reference to the records of said Proprietors — ^Therefore we agreed to make a certain natural and well defined Creek known as " Clam Creek" to be the dividing line at this place — and then starting from the North side of the Beach-Banks directly against the head of said " Clam Creek" we placed in the meadow, at some distance Northward from the Banks, a BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 561 square red Stone Monument with Roman letters S on the East side and B on the West side ; and thence running Northwardly direct to the head of said " Clam Creek" and onward through the centre of said Creek and between Long Point and " Swan Island" into the open bay ; thence across said bay in a direct line to the centre of the mouth of Sea tuck River ; thence up the middle of said river to the centre of Pye's mill-dam ; thence in a direct hne. to the Bound Stone standing on the Northerly side of the Country road on the west side of Seatuck Creek, this being now the Southeast corner of the homestead lately occupied by Bar rett and Beebe, and the point designated in the ancient records as the " Bound Tree at Seatuck" See records Town of Southampton 1688 Liber A. page 184 do. do. 1703 " " "270 do. do. 1782 " B " 400 and Proprietor Trustees Records 1772 — page 203 do do. 1774 " 223 At this point we set a six inch white marble post marked with Roman letters S on the East Page 61. side and B. on the west side ; thence north twenty degrees and forty minutes East, as the needle now points, to a cer tain Stone and locust Stake standing on the north side of a certain road which runs eastw^ardly and Westwardly along the South side of Peconic River, known as the "River Road" where we placed a square red stone monument with Roman letters as before described on the others ; and thence on the same course to Peconic River. The distance from said River Road or red stone monu ment to the edge of the river, measuring along said line is Six chains and fifteen links— At the edge of the river and about thirty nine links westwardly of said line measur ing at a right angle with said line there is a large pepperidge 563 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. tree overhanging the river — hollow on the South side and charred by fire over the hollow part. The bearing of said Pepperidge tree from the red stone monument is north sixteen degrees and fifty five minutes East. Note The course of the line from the Moriches Coun try road or " Bound Tree" (now a white marble post) to Peconic River as agreed upon by Commissioners Isaac Post, Stephen Jagger, David Halsey, Josiah Smith and Timothy Halsey, April 30th 1782 was North eighteen de grees east and the line above described by us is the same line, the variation of the compass increasing westwardly. In confirmation of the above, we the subscribers, a com mittee duly constituted and empowered as aforesaid have hereunto set our hands and seals interchangeably to this and a like Page 52. instrument this twenty first da,y of May in the year One thousand eight hundred and Seventy three — In presence of Austin Culver Charies H. Miller J. W. Pelletreau Seth R. Jagger Wm. R. Post Read and approved by Board of Trustees Augt. 6th 1873— Recorded August 6th 1873 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Certificate of its approval and record sent under Town Seal to Wm. R Post Supervisor of Southampton Trustee Meeting — Sept 3d 1873. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment present W. H. Clark Prest N. Tuttle W. Dickerson T. Terry J R Smith W. Dickerson reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias $8. to Rachel Brewster $2— Thos. Terry aid to Mary Connor $3 — Wm H. Clark to Nicholas Overton BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 563 5.86 to Mrs Chas. Hulse 4.36— to Caleb Cesar & family 6.17— John Roe Smith aid to Plannah Mott 2.58 to Widow Gould $4 to widow Phelps 7.58 to Charies McGregor 4.50 to Samuel Ross 4.50— to Mary Congdon $1 — to Mathew Bacon sick and helpless $5 — to Samuel Pugsley for digging grave for E. Colley $1— Charles McGregor & family being sick ordered that they be allowed $1 — per week till further order — Ordered that widow Gould of Patchogue be allowed one dollar per week till further order — Ordered that Mary Congdon of Union Street be allowed 60 cts per week till further order — Renewed Lease of Wm. Risley for 4 acres of Oyster Ground in Port Jefferson Harbor for five years from August 4th 1873 for $6 per year in advance — Adjourned to meet with Supervisor and Assessors at Town Clerk's on the first Monday in October- Ben jn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Page 63. Trustee Meeting — October 6th 1873 — Trustees met at Town Clerk's pur suant to adjournment it being the Annual meeting of Super visor and Assessors as fixed by State Law — present Wm. H. Clark Prest Nathaniel Tuttle, Walter Dickerson, Thomas Terry, Henry W. Carman, and Elbert Woodhull Trustees — It was unanimously resolved that the sum of Four Thou sand Dohars be raised by tax in this Town this year, for the support of the poor of the Town for the ensuing year — Granted Oyster Leases to Robert Dyckes and Wm. Grit man 1 acre each in Setauket Harbor for 5 years at $1.50 each per year — Renewed Lease of Nelson Hawkins in Soutli Bay 4 acres. Renewed Leases of Israel Hays and Charles J. Robbins for 564 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. five years being Two acres each in Port Jefferson Harbor for Three dollars each per year in advance — Walter Dickerson Trustee reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias $3— Rachel Brewster $2. J A. Brewster $2.40 and Augusta Woodhull $1— Wm Ll. Clark aid to Nicoll Overton 4.63 Mrs Chas Hulse 5.17 and Caleb Ceaser & family $6.27— Elbert Woodhull for August aid to Ann Smith 92 cts to Luther Fields $2.60 and for Sept. Luther Field $1.76 Alexr Anderson $1.94— John F. Hawkins having applied for meadow land in Setauket for trout ponds and on inquiry believing said land belongs to the Town it is Ordered that Walter Dicker- son Trustee offer said land for sale at vendue for the benefit of the Town reserving highways and the Stream is not to be used to the injury of the Mill or to the injury of the health of the people — The first Tuesday in Nov. being Election day the Board adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis' in Coram on Saturday Nov 1st. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Page 54. Overseers of Highways — At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County N. Y. at the Town Clerk's office on the first Tuesday 7th day of October 1873 we the undersigned in accordance with the late law hereby appoint the following persons to be overseers of Highways in the Road Districts the number of which is placed oppo site each respective name for the ensuing year — No of Dist Name of Overseer Location of District 1 Gilbert P. Williamson Stony Brook West & South 2 Wm. E. Thurber " ' " East & North BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 565 3 Ebenezer Hawkins 4 John P. L'Hommedieu 6 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 Bryant D. Norton 8 Seiah Tooker 9 George W. Hopkins 10 Nathl T. Davis 11 Sylvester Llallock 12 J C. V 13 Albert Terry 14 Warren Davis 15 Egbert Smith 16 Lyndley B Tyler 17 Daniel Lane 18 Wihiam Osborn 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 John R. NicoU 21 Augustus Rice 22 Edwin Harris 23 Wm. Reeve 24 John C. Carter 25 John Westcott 26 Nelson Newton 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 Wm. Edgar Gould 29 Samuel Dare 30 L. Smith Still 31 Winfield S. Davis 32 H. Whitmore Smith 33 Thomas Terry 34 Hampton Overton 35 Sidney Smiith South SetauketSetauket East North East" Port Jefferson Mt. Sinai North " South MillersplaceRockypoint North Wading River Manor North " South East Moriches Setuck or Eastport Mastic South Ha.ven Fireplace Neck Bellport Union West Patchogue East "" Lane & North West Bluepoint Lake Grove Page 66. New Village west " East Selden Coram — WestEast Rockpond & Holbrook Farmingville Coram Hills Middle Island West 566 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 86 Edgar G. Swezey 37 Joseph N. Hurtin 38 James G. Miller 39 Isaac H. Robbins 40 Chas. J. Randah : 41 Clark M. Robinson 42 William Avery 43 Jehiel J. Edwards 44 Daniel 0. Rhodes 45 Nathaniel Wiggins 46 James Hallock 2d 47 John J Woodhuh 48 Franklin Hawkins 49 Wm. Clark Tooker 50 Charles W. Miller 51 Robert Hawkins 52 Nelson Gerard 53 Andrew Ketcham 54 Wilham Riker 55 Joseph Brown Recorded October 7th Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Middletown centre " East & South Millville Yaphank RidgevilleManor East Swan River & Pine Neck Swezeytown &c — Centre Moriches " " West part Rocky point on N. Road Woodville West Moriches Oldfield Patchogue Centre Union East part Fireplace West Centre Moriches East Waverly Short Neck .Robt. R. Smith ) Commissioners John H. Overton >• of Justus Roe ) Highways 1873 Page 56. Trustee Meeting — Novr. 1st. 1873 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias $3. to Rachel Brewster $2— Wm H Clark aid to Nicholas Overton $4.50 to Caleb Ceasar & family $6.10 Mrs Chas Hulse 4.15 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 567 Ordered that the allowance to Widow Phelps be advanced from 8/- to $1.25 per week till further Leased Fiddleton Island to Alexander Darrough for five years at Five dollars per year — Renewed Oyster Lease of Theodore S. Newton for five years from July 4th 1878 on same terms as before — Ordered that the County Superintendents of poor be authorized and requested to take measures to send Thomas Carrothers back to his relatives in Ireland as requested by his relative James Howe and this Town will pay the neces sary expense of so doing — John Roe Smith Trustee having had application for the hire of the privilege of Gunning on Outshore Ridge in the South Bay^It is Ordered that John Roe Smith Trustee hire out the said privilege at public Auction after giving due notice — for the term of one year from date of hiring — Adjourned to first Tuesday in Deer. 1873 Benjn T. Hutchinson, Clk Page 67. Trustee Meeting — Deer. 2d 1878 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias, $3— wood for John Smith $5. to Ehza Lane $3 — to Rachel Brewster $2 — Wm H. Clark temporary aid to Nicholas Overton $5.75 to Michael Ward $1.81— to Mrs Chas. Hulse $4.48 to Caleb Ceasar and family $5.49— Elbert Woodhull aid to Luther Fields $1— Alexr Ander son Clothes $6.50 — Nathl Tuthill aid to Jeremiah Downs since July $5.00 John Roe Smith aid to Gave a Quitclaim to John F. Hawkins for about half an acre of Swamp on the west side of the Mill stream at Setauket east of Laurel Hill between the Roads and the 568 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Stream for Thirty Four Dollars he being the highest bidder — Reserving highways & the stream is not to be used to the injury of the Mill or to the injury of the health of the people — Renewed Oyster Lease of Walter Price at Port Jefferson for 5 years from Nov. 2d 1873 — also Lease of Warren Newton for 5 yrs from Oct. 5. 1873 and also lease formerly of Joel Norton & assigned by him to Warren Newton to said Newton for 5 yrs. from Oct. 5. 1873 on same terms as before — The former Applicants for privilege of Gunning on Out Shore Ridge having declined to lease it at Auction the matter is dropped for the present — • Adjourned to first Tuesday in January. Benjn. T. Hutchinson — Clerk Page 58. Trustee Meeting — January 6th 1874 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourmt Six present — President Clark Absent for Storm^ — Nathl. Tuttle reported aid to Jerh. Downs 2.63 Elbert Woodhull aid to Luther Fields Clothes 6.90 Leonard Still Clothes 1.70 — Alexr. Anderson 2.76 W. Dickerson aid Jacob Tobias $3 — Rachel Brewster $3 — to Brewster Bailey ok family of 6 he being sick and crippled $9 — J Roe Smith aid to Brewster $3 James McGregor's family $7 — to Valentine Ell 4.90- — Edward Swezey 4.80 — to Wm Crampton county Pauper 6.46 — J Roe Smith last month to Widow Kernon $7— widow Nelson Mott 2.86— Samuel Ross 2.68— Henry ^Y. Carman aid to Lodowick Rider $5.00 — Ordered That said Lodowick Rider be allowed one dollar per week until further order he being sick and a Cripple at present^ — Dr. Sereno .Burnell's Bill for attendance on Mrs Leonard Still $7 was ahowed — Dr. J. I. Baker's Bill for attendance & Medicine for Mrs Albin & Alfred Edwards $11 allowed. Strong & Spear BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 569 — Services in Oyster Suit $25 allowed Austin Culver & J W Pelletreau's Bills for Services in Settling Bounds with Southampton and our half of the expenses of Stone & aid $25— ahowed adjourned to first Tuesday in February — Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk. February 3d Owing to the Storm of Snow and rain and difficult travehing only two Trustees & Clerk met Thomas Terry & John Roe Smith — who adjourned to first Tuesday in March next Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 59. Trustee Meeting — ¦ March 3d 1874 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, present, Wm. H. Clark President Nathaniel Tuthill, Thomas Terry, Walter Dickerson, Henry W. Carman — John Roe Smith and Elbert Woodhull Trustees — ¦ ordered That Thomas Davis be allowed Seventy five cents per week from last meeting until further order for keeping his idiotic son — Leased to Henry W. Carman out shore Ridge for 1 yr for $15. Leased New made Island to John Hallock for 5 yrs at $2. 50 per yr. Leased Oyster Lots at Port Jefferson Harbor for five years as fohows to Cyrus E. Griffin about 14 acres for $12.50 in advance for the whole term which he paid by Bill of Services — Leased to John E. Hulse & Edd Dewick 2 acres $3 per yr — 5. j-rs Leased Seth B. Worth 2 acres $3 pr. yr — He paid for 1 acre 1 yr for A. Jayne & Geo. W. Rowland " Samuel Risley 1 acre 5 yrs $1. 50 pr yr. " Benjn Risley 1 " 5 yrs $1.50 " " Sheppard & Alfred Hulse 2 " 5— 3.00 2 - 5 — 8.00 1 " 6 — 1.50 1 " 5 — 1.60 1 " 5 — 1.50 1 " 5 — 1.50 570 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. " Richard Oviat & Son " Henry L. Robbins " Abraham Dewick " Emmett Burke Youngs Mott & Brother Walter Dickerson reported temporary aid to Jacob Tobias during two months $5 — Rachel Brewster $3, Brewster Bayles & family $12— Augusta Woodhull & family $5— Joseph Doole, Clothes 2.37 — and Edward Hagerman & family of Babylon $8 — approved — Wm H. Clark tempy. aid to Caleb Cesar & family $8 — Michael Ward and family $4.98 Mrs Chas. Hulse $4.25— Nicoll Overton $4 — and Richard (colored) 75 cts — ap proved — Nathl Tuthill temporary aid to Jerh. Downs — wood & provisions $4.00 Elbert Woodhull tempy aid to Luther Fields clothes &c $4. 00— to Leonard .Stih clothes $3. Alexr. Anderson Stove &c $3.50 approved On the application of Frederick F. Darling & John R. Mather to regulate wharfage and rules of their Dock in Port Jefferson the following Order was unanimously passed Page 60. Dock at Port Jefferson — rules & wharfage. We the Board of Trustees in and for the Town of Brook haven, County of Suffolk do hereby authorize Frederick P. Darling and John R. Mather who are now the owners of the wharf originally constructed by Wm. L. Jones to exer cise entire control over said wharf and we hereby further authorize said Frederick F. Darling and John R. Mather to collect wharfage of all vessels lying at said wharf at the rate mentioned in Schedule A. hereunto annexed and we further authorize and empower the said Frederick F. Dar ling and John R. Mather to regulate and locate all vessels lying at said wharf and to compel the Captains or owners BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 571 thereof to comply with their orders in regard to the same — Also in all cases when required Light Vessels are to give way and make room for vessels wishing to load or discharge on or from said wharf, and upon failure to do which the said Frederick F. Darling and John R. Mather are hereby em powered to change remove or take proper means to cause such vessels to be removed from their said wharf as may be necessary to thus make room for others — and we further authorize said Frederick F. Darling and John R. Mather to collect in addition to wharfage from the Captain of each vessel the various sums for each and every article by them received or discharged wharfage at the rate set forth in Schedule A. hereunto annexed — Page 61. Schedule A. Rates of wharfage and regulation of Wharfage — Vessels of 50 tons and under 124 cts per day ii over 50 a 'i ii 100—20 ii ii ii ii " 100 ii a u 150-30 616 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. bay to the road hereinbefore mentioned as James Rider's Road, thence Northerly by said road to the South Country Road thence Northerly by the road known as Arthur's Road to the North West corner of the land now owned by Alfred B. Brown, thence Easterly by the North line of the land of the said Alfred B. Brown to the West line of lot No. 31 of the Great Division, thence Northerly by the West line of said lot No 31 to the present North boundary of the aforesaid Dist No 25. thence Easterly by said North line to the present boundary of said District No. 29 ; the boundaries of said district No 29, except as herein specified, t> remain in all respects as heretofore recorded. 1 of School S. Orlando Lee I Com Dist School Commissioner f No 2 j Suffolk Co. Recorded October 1st. 1874 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 106. At a meeting of the Trustees of District No 25 in the 'Towia of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk it was Resolved That the consent of the Trustees of district No. 25, in tho Town of Brookhaven be and hereby is given to the annul ling of said district by an order bearing date September .28th 1874 made by S. Oriando Lee School Commissioner ifor the 2d Commissioner district of Suffolk County. Signed this 28th day of September 1874 — Trustees of School Dist I No 26 in Charles S.' Emmons Nelson Gerard John E. Smith i -d i i rn J Brookhaven lown Recorded October 1st. 1874 .Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Town .Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 617 At a meeting of the trustees of district No. 29 in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk it was Res. That the consent of the Trustees of district No. 29, in the Town of Brookhaven bo and hereby is given to the alteration of said district by an order bearing date Sept. 28tli 1874, made by S. Orlando Lee, School Commissioner for the 2d Commissioner district of Suffolk County, Signed this 28th day of September 1874— Timothy Ketcham ) Trustees Nathaniel Miller v of School John L. Ireland ) Dist No. 29. Recorded October 1st, 1874 Benjn. T. HutchiHson Town Clk The undersigned sole Trustee of School district No. 28 in the Town of Brookhaven hereby consents to tlie altera tion of said School district by an order bearing date Sep tember 28th 1874, made by S. Orlando Lee School Com missioner for the 2d Commissioner district of Suffolk County.Signed this 28th Sept 1874. Sole Richard S. Gerard Recorded October 1st 1874— Benjn. T. Hutchinson — Town Clk — Trustee of School Dist No 28 Page 107. Trustee Meeting. October 5th. 1874 — Trustees met in pursuance of ad journment at the Town Clerk's — present Wm. H. Clark president — Nathaniel Tuttle, Thomas Terry, Henry W. Carman, Elbert Woodhull, John Roe Smith and Wm. 618 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Frederick Brewster Trustees — Wm. H. Clark Trustee re ported temporary aid to Nathan Raynor's family $7.50 — Caleb Ceasar's family $1.49— to Mrs. Charles Hulse $5.56— Wm. F. Brewster Trustee aid to George Smith's family $6.00 Nathaniel Tuttle aid to Jeremiah Downs 60 cts — John Roe Smith Trustee— aid to Chas. Cagill's family $6.00 Ordered That Mrs Raynor of Manorville be allowed Seventy five cents per week from last meeting until further order — Ordered That Mrs P. A. Punderson widow of Capt. Henry T. Punderson whose property has been sold under foreclosure of Mortgage leaving her and family destitute and herself being unwell — be allowed One dollar per week from last meeting until further order Adjourned to last Saturday in October at County Alms House — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 108. Overseers of Highways. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County N. Y. on Tuesday the 6th day of October 1874 we the undersigned in accord ance with the late law do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road Districts the number of which is placed opposite each respective name for the ensuing year; — No of Dist Names of Overseers Location of District 1 Thomas S. Mount Stony Brook West ite South 2 Jonas Smith " East & North 3 Ebenezer Hawkins South Setauket 4 John P. L'Hommedieu Setauket 5. Algernon S. Mihs East Setauket BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 619 6 Alfred Hulse 7 Bryant D. Norton 8 Selah Tooker 9 George W. Hopkins 10 Nathaniel T. Davis 11 Sylvester llallock 12 Joseph C. Valentine 13 Isaac B. Terry 14 Warren Davis 15 George T. Osborn 16 J. Iverson Raynor 17 Daniel Lane 18 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 John Rider 21 Augustus Rice 22 Edwin Harris 23 Wilham Reeve 24 Elbert Ketcham 25 John Westcott 26 Charles W. Hawkins 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 Edmimd W. Ruland 29 Samuel Dare 80 L. Irving Overton 31 Ham Smith 32 Samuel E. Smith 33 James Clark 84 Hampton Overton 35 Sidney Smith 36 Edgar G. Swezey 87 Horace G. Randall 88 S. Lester Homan 39 Isaac H. Robbins 40 Austin D. Randall N. E. Setauket Port Jefferson Mt Sinai— N. do— S. Millersplace Rockypoint N. Wading River Manor — N S. East Moriches Eastport Mastic South Haven Fireplace Neck Bellport Union — W Patchogue — E Lane & N. W— Bluept — Lake Grove New Vihage W. do— E. SeldenCoram W. " E. Rockypond & Holbrook Farmingville Coram Hills Middle Island— W Middletown Centre E. & S. Millville Yaphank Ridgeville 630 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 41 Clark M. Robinson Manor East 42 Charles Roe Swan River & Pine Neck 43 Jehiel J. Edwards Swezeytown &c 44 Daniel C. Rhodes Centre Moriches 45 Sidney Penny " West part 46 James Hallock Rocky pt- on N. Road & S. 47 John Jay Woodhull Woodville 48 Edmund Hallock West Moriches 49 Wm Clark Tooker Oldfield 50 Chas. W. Miller Patchogue 51 Robert W. Hawkins Union — E. part 52 Nelson Gerard Fireplace W. 63 Andrew Ketcham Centre Moriches E. 54 William Riker Waverly 55 Short Neck Justus Roe ) Commissioners John H. Overton V of R. T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded October 6th 1874 Benjn. T. Hutchinson ¦ T. Clk Page 110. Bluepoint School District altered — In the matter of the alteration of School District No. 23 of the Town of Brookhaven and the consequent alteration of School district No. 5 of the Town of Islip. It is hereby ordered that said boundary be altered, and the same is hereby altered as follows. Beginning at the point where the Brookhaven and Islip line crosses the South Country road thence Westerly along said road about 52 rods to the boundary at the South West comer of the farm now owned by Lewis Parshall, thence North by the west boundary of said Parshall's land one half mile, thence Easterly bj' the North boundary of said Parshall's land about 60 rods to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 631 the boundary line between Brookhaven and Islip, The boundaries of said districts No 23 Brookhaven & No. 5 Islip to remain otherwise as heretofore recorded — In Witness whereof I hereto affix my signature this tenth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and Seventy four, S. Oriando Lee School Commissioner for the 2d District, Suffolk County. The consent of the Trustees filed with the original order with the Town Clerk of the Town of Islip— Recorded S. O. Lee, Commissioner October 27th 1874 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 111. Trustee Meeting. October 31st. 1874 Trustees pursuant to adjournment met at County Alms House — all present — Wm LI Clark reported temporary aid to Mrs Chas. Llulse 5.42 to Caleb Ceasar's family 6.69 to Nathan Raynor's family $6.00 Thomas Terry aid to Auguste Bahr $5.00 Elbert Woodhull aid to Luther Fields 1.50 — Alexr An derson Clothes 2.26 Wm. F Brewster's aid to George Smith's family $5.00 Nathaniel Tuttle aid to Jonathan Davis and wife before his sickness and death $11.04 The Board was shown the various rooms and occupants throughout the large establishment and found the appear ance of cleanliness and cai'e throughout — Found the follow ing Paupers — State Paupers 16 of whom 2 were Lunatics — County 13 of whom 9 were Lunatics — 633 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Lunatics are Lunatics Brookhaven — 19 of whom 7 Shelter Island 1 — 0 Riverhead 18 — 12 Smithtown 6—6 Southold 12 — 6 Islip 14—4 Southampton 16 — • 8 Babylon 8 — 3 Easthampton 8 all 3 Huntington 14 — 9 Total 188 Paupers of whom 68 are Lunatics — Mr Loudon the Keeper stated products of farm to be Potatoes 1,000 Bushels Turnips estimated 1600 — corn 250 of Ears Oats 160— Wheat 120— Apples 30— Llay 12 Tons— Cabbage 400, 56 Hogs averaging at least 200 lbs— about 17 acres newly cleared All approved Adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis in Coram Deer 1st — Beiiju. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 112. Trustee Meeting Deer. 1st 1874 — Trustees met. pursuant to adjournment — all present — Ordered That Sandimar Wiemark crippled land poor be allowed Seventy five cents per week until further order — Ordered That Jeremiah G. Wilbur be allowed one dollar and fifty cents per week from 8th September when appli cation was made— for keeping two Grand-children whose father is deceased — Renewed Lease to Charles Swezey & Co for Twenty acres, of Oyster Ground in South Bay for one year for Twenty Dollars which is paid — Granted to Charles Ivans Two acres of Oyster Ground in Setauket harbor for Five years at One Dollar and a half per acre per year to be paid yearly in advance — Dr. A. O. Van Horn presented a Bill of $19.50 for attendance on Alexr. Anderson & Daughter — allowed $10 on it — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 633 Elbert Woodhull reported temporary aid to Luther Fields $2.25 to Leonard Still $2.75— Wm. F. Brewster aid to George Smith's family $5, to Ann Brewster $2.00— Wm. H. Clark aid to Mrs. Charies Hulse $3.98 to Caleb Ceasar's family $4 — opening Grave for said Caleb Ceasar $1.50 — to Nathan Raynor's family $6. to Job Raynor's family $3 — to Calvin King 75 cts — all of which was ap proved — Adjourned to Tuesday Jany 5th 1875. Benjn. T. Hutchinsorr T. Clk Page 113. Trustee Meeting. January 5tli. 1875 — Trustees met pursuant to adjourn ment All present — Wm. F. Brewster reported temporary aid to George Smith's family $6— to Rosa Pero $1.50— to John Smith $4 for wood, to Henry White's family $4 for wood — Elbert Woodhull aid to Alexr. Anderson 70 cts to Luther Fields $1.80 — Wm H Clark temporary aid to Hannah Smith $3— to Mrs Charies Hulse $3.60— to family of Caleb Ceasar $4.63 to Job. Raynor's family $3.75 Dr. E. P. Jarvis presented Bill for Doctoring Hannah Smith $18.00 Nathaniel Edwards Bill for Coffin for said Hannah Smith $13.00 all of which were approved, allowed & paid — Adjourned to Feby 2d next Benjn T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 114. Highway Cumsewogue to Port Jefferson At a Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Brook haven held at the house of John H. Overton in the village 634 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of Port Jefferson on Tuesday Jany 19th 1875. All the Commissioners as well as Albert Skidmore and llenry Wilsher and others having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced in this order it was resolved — that, Whereas a Jury of Twenty Four men drawn in accord ance with statute had decided it both necessary and proper, and a release of all claims to damage by reason thereof had been signed by George H. Buck, John W. Walker, B. D. Norton Z. F. Hawkins, Joel B. Overton, J. S. Hawkins, John S. Lee, George C. Campbell Francis S. Hawkins & Williani II. Mott and Whereas in accordance with statute the Board of Com missioners had decided it necessary & proper which decision had been affirmed by the County Court and Supreme Court Bench All the parties having been duly notified which proceedings and confirmations will the more fully appear by the papers hereunto attached, it was Resolved — That the Highway leading from Cumsewogue to Port Jefferson known as Main St. should be altered and straightened in accordance with the Survey made June 4th. 1874 by Justus Roe one of the said Board the Map of which accompanies this order, the dotted lines showing the lucation and boundaries of the old road, and the Red lines the location of the Road as proposed to be altered the sur vey and encroachments of which are more properly defined as follows viz ; Commencing at a point as near as could be Page 115. ascertained to be the centre of the road leading to Coram and two and a half feet W. of the old terminus of this Road as surveyed May 10th 1873 this point being 78 feet Westerly from the W. corner of the Tenant House of R. W. Wheeler and ran a line N. 39° W. 2300 ft; thence BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 635 N. 72° 16' W 508 ft to a point 30 ft. S. of the Centre of an old well on the land of Z. P. llawkins The first line if continued 49 ft. S. of starting point would end 55 ft. W. of the W. corner and in range of the front of the Tenant House of R W Wheeler ; 612 ft. from starting point passed 79 ft. 'E. of the E. side of a large Rock on the West side of the old road ; at 1597 ft. passed 374 f*- ^- of a corner post on the Door-yard fence of Albert Skidmore ; at 1730 ft. was 464 ft- W. of the S. W. corner of the house of Henry Wilsher ; at 2151 ft. was 45i ft. E. of the N. E. corner and in range with the N. end of the house of Leonard Darling- Arid we do hereby order said Road to be opened in accordance with above survej', said line to be the centre and the Road of the uniform width of Three Rods — And we do further order that such portions of the Old Road as are not included within the limits of the new Road shall be discontinued as soon as the new Road is made in a fit condition for the pubhc use — In Witness Whereof we the' undersigned have hereunto subscribed our names this 19th day of Jany. 1875. T , T. ) Commissioners J ustus Roe ( j: John H. Overton ( ti- i ) Higliways Recorded Jany. 30th 1875 Posted Feby 2d. 1875. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 116. Release of Land for the foregoing Highway from Cumse wogue to Port Jefferson. Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to alter that por tion of Main St. in Port Jefferson, commencing at the in tersection of the Sheep Pasture road and running Northerly 636 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. to the land of Z. Franklin Hawkins a distance of about 142 Rods so that said Llighway may be made 'straight and re move many curves that now exist and Whereas a line for the centre has been run by Justus Roe one of the said Commissioners showing where the line of said Highway would be if so altered ; Now Know all men by these pres ents that we the undersigned owning land through which said Highway would pass, for value received in considera tion of said Highway being laid out, and altered, before the expiration of two years from this date, do hereby re lease all claims to damages by reason thereof — Witness our hands and seals on the dates set opposite our respective names — Geo IL Buck April 6—1874 John W. Walker " 7 " B D Norton " 24 " Z. F. Hawkins Joel B. Overton " " J. S. Hawkins " " John S. Lee May 4th " Geo. C Campbell " " Francis A. Hawkins 9 " Wihiam II. Mott William Fordham Feb 26th 1878. $20 Mrs D. J. Floyd March 25th 1878 $20 Recorded Jany 30th 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 117. Certificate of County Judge as to preceding Highway-r State of New York ) Suffolk County j ss. I certify that I have examined into the matter of the proposed alteration of the Highway leading from Cumsewogue Northerly toward Port Jefferson in the Town of Brookhaven so as to straighten the same BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 637 by taking off part of the front yard of Albert Skidmore and Henry Wilsher as particularly described and defined on a Map of said Road or highway marked " H. P. H." I decide that the public interest will be greatly promoted by the alteration thereof as proposed and defined by said Map as decided by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town of Brookhaven and I affirm the decision of the said Commissioners therein and hereby certify thereto- Given under my hand this 5th day of October 1874. Henry P. Hedges Recorded County Judge of January 30th 1875 Suffolk County Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk of Brookhaven Suffolk Co N. Y. Page 118. Highway— -Cumsewogue to Port Jefferson Decision of County Judge affirmed At a General Term of the Supreme Court held in and for the Second Judicial Department thereof at Brooklyn Deer 14th 1874 Present J. F. Barnard C. J. A. B. Tappan ) C. Donahue j J. The Commissioners of Highways of Brookhaven, In Re. Road from Cumsewogue to Port Jefferson The Motion to confirm the order of the County Judge of Suffolk County in the above entitled proceeding, having been reached on the Calender, and upon due proof of ser vice of the Notice of this Motion upon Albert Skidmore and Henry Wilsher — No one appearing to oppose, Now on Motion of R. Jennings Attorney for the Commissioners of Highways of Brookhaven it is Ordered that the proceed- 638 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ings or order of the County Judge of Suffolk County be and the same is hereby in all things affirmed — An Extract from the Minutes — Enter in Suffolk Co G G Herman Damages allowed by Commrs. To Henry J. Wilsher $280.00 Recorded Albert Skidmore 20.00 January 30th 1875 Wilham Fordham 10.00 Benjn. T. Hutchinson 310.00 Town Clk April 2d 1875— John Wood 1 Lyman B. Smith ^ Comms Chas. Z. Gillette ) Recorded April 10th 1875- Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Page 119. Trustee Meeting. • Feby. 2d 1875 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment ; all present — Elbert Woodhull Trustee — temporary aid to Leonard Still for two months $4.00— To Luther Fields, clothes 2.40 to Alexr. Anderson clothes $6.25 — Wm. H. Clark Trustee — temporary aid to Robt Nichols 86. 00 to Caleb Ceasar's family $3.69— to Mrs Chas. Hulse $4.00 to Job Raynor's family $3.00 to Llannali Smith Medicine $1.80 Llenry W. Carman Trustee — Coffin for Stephen Howard Chas R. Smith presented bill for Beef to Chas Kagle in sickness from Novr. 7th 1874 to Jany 30th 1875 $5.27— Ebenezer Bayles presented Bill for 3 Coffins furnished for Jacob Mills'' wife and 2 children $30.00 Hallock J. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 639 Bishop presented bill for aid furnished to Stephen Howard a colored pauper during his sickness & death $24.17 John S. Lee Justice presented bill for keeping 3 poor Travellers $3.76 supposed to be a County charge — • On the application of John S. Lee now sole owner of the Lease of a piece of Shore at Port Jefferson which was so leased July 7 — 1868 for 20 years at $4 per year an addi tional contract is made guaranteeing to him certain priv ileges during said lease for which he is to pay $6 additional being $10 after next July — The said Lease is recorded in Book E page 367 and this additional contract will be re corded when signed and sealed in this Book page — 121 — Whereas Norton Hawkins a reputed Idiot after a long absence has returned to this Town having no present means of support, but being heir to a share of the real estate of Silas Hawkins deceased It is ordered that Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk take hgal course to save the Page 120. Town harmless for the expense of his support so far as his share of said estate will suffice by Application to the Su preme Court in the matter and that we recommend that the said Court appoint Jesse W. Pelletreau Referee and John Roe Smith Committee of said reputed Idiot — On the Application of a large number of Oystermen to again Lease such portions, of the West part of the South Bay where there are no natural beds of Oysters for the purpose as heretofore of laying down, planting and growing Oysters to them in Eight Acre Lots without guaranty from this Town so far as the event of the suit with Islip may effect it — and they agreeing to pay the rent fixed annually in advance to this Town and in case said suit is decided against the local and Corporate right and title of this Town no part of the rent so paid shall be reclaimed of this Town — On these conditions It is Resolved that John Roe Smith 630 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Trustee and Oyster Agent of this Town, be and he hereby is authorized to select, measure and let such Lots at Two Dollars per acre per year to be paid annually in advance — Adjourned to first Tuesday 2d day of March Benjn. T. LIutchinson Clk Page 121. Shore at Port Jefferson to J. S. Lee — Whereas a certain piece of Shore at Port Jefferson was leased to John S. and George D. Lee July 7th 1868 by the then Trustees for Twenty years at Four Dollars per year rent as recorded in Brookhaven Town Record Book E. page 367. of which lease said John S. Lee has become sole owner and wishing to construct a solid and permanent foundation on said premises at considerable cost, and having made Application for an additional contract relative to the same Now therefore this agreement made the second day of February one thousand eight hundred and seventy five Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York State of the first part and John S. Lee of Port Jefferson in the same Town, County and State party of the second part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of Six dollars additional annual rent making the annual rent after the 7th day of July next Ten Dollars per year to be paid by John S. Lee he is allowed the privilege to fill in and make solid down to low-water mark the said premises or lot so heretofore leased being sixty feet in length on said shore and on the North side of the highway so as to make the same suitable to erect a store building thereon and to occupy the said premises to the expiration of his lease on July 7th 1888 with privilege of renewal provided that he and the then Trustees can agree on the terms, but in case they do not so agree to renew the same then in such case it is hereby agreed that said John S. Lee shall be paid for the improve- BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 631 ments he shall have made to said lot, shore or real estate, such sum as shall be fixed or appraised by mutual Arbitra tors provided the sum so allowed shall not exceed the sum of Three Hundred Dollars — And the said John S. Lee party of the second part for himself his heirs and executors doth covenant and agree to pay annually and each year in advance to said Trustees or their successors in office the said sum of Ten Dollars per year for the use of said Shore during the term of said Lease — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the Corporate Seal of their Town of Brookhaven and the hand of their President to be hereunto affixed and the said party of the second part hath hereunto affixed his hand and seal the day and date fiist above named — In presence of W H. Clark President [Seal John S Lee Page 123. Trustee Meeting. March 2d 1875. Trustees met pursuant to adjournm^ent Present Wm H. Clark prest. Nathl Tuttle, Thomas Terry, John Roe Smith, Henry W. Carman and Wm. F. Brewster Trustees Wm. F. Brewster reported temporary aid to Geo. Jarvis $5. to Stockmyer 4 T. Coal $4 — Wm H Clark tempy aid to Hugh McBride & family during his sickness and death $8 — to Calb Ceasar's family $3.90— to Mrs. Chas Hulse $4— Nathl Tuttle tempy aid to Jerh. Downs $4.62— Thos. Terry tempy aid to Ehphalet Smith $5.00 Dr. S. Cham- bers"& Gildersleeve's bill for Doctoring John Mott $32.— allowed and paid — The following Resolutions relative to South Bay were: then passed — 633 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Resolved That no permit be granted to any one to take Spawn Oysters out of the waters of the Town of Brook haven ; and that in the License given to Oystermen here after it shall be a special condition engrafted on said license that it shall in no way be construed to ahow any one to take Spawn Oysters to be carried out of the waters of the Town of Brookhaven for any purpose — Resolved That we approve of the Act before tho Legis lature for the protection of the Shell fisheries in the South Bay by the election of Two Bay Constables in each Town concerned as very necessary and we pray that the said Act lie passed — ordered That the Clerk send a copy of this Resolution to Hon. N. D. Petty & others— Done B. T. H. Resolutions of a meeting of Oystermen at Patchogue against Leasing Oyster Lots and printed Resolutions of other Meetings in favor of leasing large portions of the Bay — as also School Regulations were laid over for want of time. Adjourned to Tuesday April 6th Enter-ed by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk. Page 124. Trustee Meeting. April 6th 1875 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Tresent Wm. II. Clark President— Nathaniel Tuthill 'Thomas Terry Elbert Woodhull, Henry W. Carman John -Roe Smith and Wm. F. Brewster Trustees — The fohowing •temporary aids reported and approved. , Nathaniel Tuthill conveying Insane State Pauper to 'County Aim's House $1.50 — Wm H. Clark, aid to Robt Nichols & family $7.50 Mrs. ¦Caleb Ceasar's family $4.62— Jane Job Raynor for 2 months $6.75— Joseph Silvia $6.00— Mrs Chas. Hulse $5— .Michael Ward $1.22- Mrs McBride and children $7.50, Elbert Woodhull aid to for 2 months to Alexander An- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 633 derson $4.50, Luther Fields family $1.75 Leonard Still $6.60— John Roe Smith aid to Wm McGregor $1.18 — Wm. Crampton 4.87 Samuel Ross' family 6.48 — Jacob Vander- bilt $2.00 Chas. Albin $2.80 Chas Hawkins $2.94 do again $4.63— Stephen Smith $4.69— Thos. Fariey & wife $2.67 —Mrs. Peterson $3.00— Joel Wicks Coal & Groceries $6.25 Isaac Williams 60 cts — Coal & Wood for Saml. Ross Rosa Gould and Kuchuck $8.50— John Roe Smith's bill for Coffin for Daniel Mott $10. " " do for Mrs. Chas. Albin— $10. Nathaniel Edwards bill for Coffin for Hugh McBride $13. Elbert A. Raynor's bill for Coffin for Rachel Brewster $6. John Ketcham's Bill for Medicine provided for James McGregor — Chas. McGregor & Mrs Chas. Albin $16.88 Edwin Cowen's bill of Clothing for Mrs Kent $10.00 Dr. James I. Baker's bill for attendance & Medicine for Mrs Wm. Albin $9.00 Page 125. Preston & Chapel's bill for attendance & Medicine for RockweU & Mrs John Smith— $13.00 do for attendance & medicine on Henry McGregor $10.55 Dr. Sereno Burnell's bin for Mrs Henry Smith $7.50 allowed $5.00 Dr. Bates bill for attendance to Mrs. Sanford L'Hommedieu $6 to Mrs Lane $5— to Mrs White $5 to Mrs Smith at Port J. $8. to Augusta Dickerson Naskeague $3 — making $37. allowed $30.00 Rickard Jennings Counselor in Bay suit with Islip pre sented another Bill for services claiming ($250) Two hun dred and fifty dollars — -which was allowed to be paid by John Roe Smith out of Bay monies collected by him — Ordered That Jane Warren of Patchogne be allowed one dollar per week from this date till further order — In the case of John T. Howell of Patchogue — the prop- 634 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. erty for which he was rated having been sold for debts and he having nothing left but household furniture and that mortgaged, it is ordered that H. W. Swezey be exonerated from enforcing payment of said Tax of $18.80 Granted to John S. Terry and Henry Green of the Town of Islip the privilege to use opposite their own land on the East, South and West sides of their grant of dock and Rail way in the South Bay opposite Sayville Two rods in width for placing Piers to protect from ice they paying one dollar additional rent annually — this grant to expire with their lease of dock twenty years from March 3d 1874 — George W. Smith of Patchogue is appointed Oyster Agent with the same authority as heretofore and allowed Twelve per ct on Toleration money & boat hire — - Toleration till further order to be as before Three dollars if paid before June 1st. and Five dollars after June 1st. Board adjourned sine die — ^without day — Benjn. T. LIutchinson Clk Page 126. April 6th. Town Meeting. 1875. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk Co. do hereby certify that at the Annual Towir Meeting held this 6th day of April 1875 at the house of Lester IL Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named — For Supervisor Charles S. Havens. Justices of the Peace Oran W. Rogers for 4 years Sylvester D. Tuthill for 4 years BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 635 Charles E. Goldthwaite for vacancy of David T. Hawkins deceased to close of 1877 — Assessors Edmund W. Ruland for 3 years — Henry Wells for 3 years — Commissioner of Highways Justus Roe for 3 years Sept 8th 75 Justus Roe resigned Sept. 13— Oliver P. Smith appointed appt filed Town Clerk Benjn. T. Hutchinson Collector Holmes W. Swezey President of Trustees Wm. H. Clark ' Page 127. Trustees Nathaniel Tuthih Thomas Terry Elbert Woodhuh Henry W. Carman Wm. F. Brewster Alfred Price • Overseers of Poor Wm. F. Brewster Alfred Price Commissioners of Excise Jesse W. Pelletreau drawing for 3 years John R. Davis drawing for 2 years George W. Taft drawing for 1 year — 636 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Game Constable George W. Smith Constables Allen Hawkins — East Setauket Benjn R. Raynor Port Jefferson Tuthill B. Luce Rocky point S. Warren Wines Manorville William Penny Moriches Charles S. Hawkins (Declined) Bellport George W. Smith Patchogue Ham Smith Coram Bay Constables George W. Smith Patchogne John Bransford do — Page 128. Inspectors of Election Wm. O. Gould Walter Smith Edward Oakes — appointed Wm. T. Hulse Z. Franklin Hawkins Wm. B. Dariing — appd. Ist Dist. 2d Dist. g^ ( Sylvester D. Tuthill T^. . < George E. Davis ( Isaac E. Brown — appd. >,, ( Richd. Thos, Osborn jjrj -^ Gilbert S. Terry { Gideon Smith — appd J. Homer Gordon Hnbart Bourdette Charles S. Piatt — appd ^,1 ( Wallace Ruland ^j J J Chas. A. Gould ( Smith L. Newins — appd 5th Dist. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 637 ^,, ( Winfield S. Davis •jjjg^,-^ Wm. E. Gould ¦ ( H. Sidney Longbotham — appd We certify that the above is a true and correct Statement of the Election and canvass of said Annual Town meeting —Brookhaven April 6th 1875 Wm. H. Clark Justices - of the Entered by me Peace Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk John S. Lee R. T. Osborn Charles R. Smith Lester Davis Page 129. In accordance with a Recent Law authorizing the election of one or two Bay Constables the Board of Town officers decided to elect Two in this Town — By a vote of the people a sum not to exceed Fifteen Hundred Dollars is to be raised by the Supervisor next October for the contingent fund with which to pay To-wn Bills next Auditing day in March 1876. Recorded by me April 6th. 1876 — Benjn. T. Hutchinson. T. Clk. Meeting At Town Clerk's in accordance with the new Law as to terms of Excise Commissioners. We the undersigned hereby certify that at a meeting held at the Town Clerk's office for the purpose of determining the terms of office of the Three Commissioners of Excise George W. Taft drew for one year John R. Davis for Two years Jesse W. Pelletreau for Three years. Brookhaven April 16th 1875 Charles S. Havens Supervisor Oran W. Rogers Justice of the Peace Benjn. T. Hutchinson — Town Clerk — 638 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS; Recorded by me April 15th 1875— Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk- Page 130. Trustee Meeting. May 4th 1875— The Board of Trustees met according to appointment present Thomas Terry, Nathaniel Tuttle, Llenry W. Carman, Wm. P. Brewster and Alfred Price Trustees — The inclemency of the weather causing the absence of Wm. H. Clark President, Thomas Terry was chosen Presi dent for the meeting — As the old landmark of the starting point of the east side of the old grant to Wm. L. Jones for a Dock at Port Jefferson is gone and it being reported that more shore than granted was occupied by his successors John R. Mather and Thomas B. Hawkins, they appeared and pre sented their several Grants and set forth that they occupied only what they verily believed to be included in their grants but if they do they will take a further lease and pay for it, so as to settle all controversy — deferred till next meeting — James Brown of Millersplace applied for the Trustees to approve that the Commissioners of Highways or Supervisor shall take proper means to pay the costs of the suit about the public Landing called Miller's Landing — The Clerk read the Record of 1799 (A. 833) the road being Two rods wide and the Landing for 15 rods in length to be four rods on the west side of the road, and also the record of the Survey of the same in 1867 (E. 337) in accordance with the former record — John R. Mather late Commr. of Highways stated that he aided in fixing the bounds of said Landing in 1867 and then told Mr Brown he and the pubhc could use the same within the bounds fixed — Mr Brown did so BR00KH.4.VEN TOWN RECOKDS. 639 —and Edwin N. Miller brot._ suit agst Brown and verdict was given in for Brown — and on Page 131. application Mr Mather paid the small costs of $25 out of Highway funds — Afterwards Miller & Tuthill Atts. got an order for a new trial and in October 1874 they got a verdict of 25 cts agst Brown — the Jury deciding the road to be a public highwny that Edwin N. Miher by his acts h.ad as sented thereto — but someway contrary to both records de cided the Landing to be only four rods wide, and Brown having occupied outside of four but inside the Six rods fixed as its width was cast the nominal sum of 25 cts — and how ever much the verdict may be agst, the records and evi dence it does not appear that the Atts. of Brown took any appeal and said Attornies for Plff — demand of Deft, a large Bill of Costs of over $400 — and Mr. Brown asks that if said costs are proper to be paid they should be paid by some of the proper authorities of the Town and requests that the Trustees give their approval of the same — The Trustees disapprove the verdict regret the loss and trouble of Mr Brown and as it is not a Bill for this Board to pay, and as the Board was not in any way consulted at the com mencement of the suit — the question as to their approval of the same as a Town charge is deferred for the present — Notice was given to the Board that in case a certain piece of Shore at Port Jefferson can be leased, several associate persons there ask for a Grant of the same on fair terms to all concerned for the purpose of building a good substantial long Dock — It being a new matter and some contingences existing at present relative to the proposed Shore the matter is de ferred that the whole matter may be more fully known and the public need and wishes consulted — 640 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 132. Resolved That this Board will lease lots in the South Bay for the purpose of Planting and growing Oysters to the Citizens of this Town not exceeding Six acres to any one person for the Annual Rent of Two Dollars per acre pay able annually in advance and that the Leases of such Lots shall be for Five years provided the Rent is paid each year in advance, and in case the Rent is not so paid in advance before Sixty days from the time it so becomes due, the lot or lots so unpaid shall revert to the Town to be relet — Said Ground to be so leased being on the North shore or part of the Bay commencing at the west line of the Town, running eastward as far as required, and extending South from low- water mark as far as the Trustees shall determine as proper — the said Lots to be continuous and compact so that the part of the said South Bay so allotted for planting may be easily and well known to the public — The Trustees on Application to locate the lots, have them properly staked and Mapped before giving the Lease the expenses of the same to be paid by the Oystermen who lease the Lots — Resolved That Alfred Price Trustee at Patchogue be and he is hereby appointed Oyster Agent for this Town in South Bay for the ensuing year in place of George W. Smith who was temporarily named last month— with au thority as heretofore granted such agent to grant Permits, collect Toleration and protect the rights of the Town — hav ing tho usual fees but finding his own boat — The Toleration fee for Oystering one year from March 1st last being to Citizens of our Town Three dollars if paid before June 1st. and five Page 133. dollars after June 1st. Resolved That Alfred Price as Trustee locate, stake and map the Lots as heretofore set forth, on proper Applica- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 641 tion, fix Leases & copies ready to be signed by the Presi dent of the Board — and that he go and put up proper Bound or Bounds at & on the Division Line between this Town and Islip contiguous to the Bay — William Nicoll Esqr. appeared as one of Three Commis sioners fiom the Town of Islip to request some arrange ment to be made by which the people of Eastern Islip might on some fair terms be allowed to enjoy Oyster priv ileges in the waters of the Great South Bay which by tho late decision of the Court of Appeals belong to Brook haven — Mr Nicoll courteously admitted the title of our Town — trusted the decision as it is rather than the reverse will prove for the benefit of Islip as well as of our Town — asked that strife cease and courtesy be extended to the people of Eastern Islip who depend on the Bay for a livelihood — - Whereupon after hearing able arguments on both sides it M'as Resolved That the Toleration Fee to allow the residents of Eastern Islip the privilege of Oystering in the Waters of the South Bay belonging to Brookhaven shall be Ten Dollars for the year from March 1st last payable on or before the 1st day of June Nathl Tuttle temporary aid allowed to Jerh. Downs $5 to conveying a crazy vagrant to County Alms house 75 cts — Alfred Piice aid to Margaret Post 50 cts — Medicine to Mr Rockwell $1.15 — and to Wm. Searles — Edward Ross cfe Mr Crampton $1. each Thomas Terry Trustee allowed aid to Auguste Bahr $8.00 Adjourned to first Tuesday in June next Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk — Page 134. Trustee Meeting. June 1st 1876 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment 643 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Nathaniel Tuthill, Henry W. Carman, Elbert Woodhull, and Alfred Price and Wm. F. Brewster Trustees — Elbert Woodhull reported temporary aid to Alexr Ander son 60 cts — Leonard Still $1 — In case of John Fink deed — Coffin $10 — Fixtures 3.50 — Digging grave $2. services ren dered $1.50 — In case of Ellen Carr deed Coffin $3. Services $3.50— to Alexr. Anderson in May $2.90— Thomas Terry aid to Auguste Bahr $4 — Alfred Price aid to Isaac Williams' child $1.00 conveying said child to Alms House $2.00— to J Peters $1.00 Wm. Ii. (Mark aid to Mrs Caleb Ceasar's family 4.20 to Jane Job Raynor 3.00— Mrs Chas Hulse 4.60 Mrs McBride & five children $8.00— Norton Hawkins $14.88 to be re funded out of his property when sold — - As to grants of shore at Port Jefferson the several parties interested appeared and presented their claims and views — Hawkins & Mather claim that they have acted in good faith supposing that their grant embraced all the shore in front of their land, while admitting to measure from east side entirely to the Dock at the west will be forty seven feet more than the 180 ft. named — John S. Lee grantee of the next 60 feet wishes the case determined so that he may know his premises — Cbarles T. Brown appeared personally and by Counsel W. S. Smith relative to his grant of privilege to launch vessels from his Shipyard across the open space of shore between Lee's grant at the west and Randall's grant of Blacksmith Shop at the east— claiming that Llawkins & Mather be limited to 180 feet and Lee his 60 feet next and so not lessen said space 47 feet- Arguments heard and decision reserved. Page 136. As to South Bay privileges John Wood and Edgar Gil- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 643 lette appeared as a Committee from Islip and asked for further concessions to the residents of Eastern Islip ; the Board after kindly listening to their varguments and plead ings and to their accompanying associates cordially passed the following resolution Resolved That Lots and Toleration in South Bay be granted alike to the people of Eastern Islip with those of Brookhaven from a belief that under all the circumstances such course will conduce to the best interests of this Town ; and while we as a Board watching to protect the rights of our Town as is our duty, yet we, when duties will allow, are ever pleased to extend acts of kindness and courtesy to residents of other Towns ; and from the situation of East ern Ishp, we are especially pleased to do so to the residents of that part of the Town of Islip ; and in this spirit the above privileges are granted ; while at the same time we feel it proper to prevent misconception now and hereafter, to plainly set forth that in granting the above we deny that the residents of Eastern Islip have any legal claims to rights in the Bay belonging to the Town of Brookhaven as here tofore fixed by acts of the Legislature and by Patents, as well as by acts of Commissioners appointed by Islip, Hunt ington and Brookhaven in 1834 ; and in stating this we are pleased to say we agree with the late decision of the Court of Appeals and we cordially ask that the people of Islip mutually in a right spirit unite with our people and abide by the decision of the highest Court of our mutual State Page 136. In accordance with the preceeding resolution it was Resolved That the Toleration Fee for the privilege of Oystering in the South Bay during the season allowed both to residents of Brookhaven and to residents of Eastern Islip be Five Dollars for the year ending as usual March 1st next and believing the Bay to be sufficiently seeded for the pres- 644 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ent, no part of said Toleration is to be used in purchasing spawn Oysters for planting the Bay as done last year- — Here the Board expected to stop, reasonably supposing Eastern Islip people wotrld be thankful for the kind conces sion of allowing thCm to enjoy the privileges of the South Bay both as to Lots and Oystering on the same terms as our own people from this day during the official year of this Board ; but to our surprise and regret John Wood pro fessing to speak for Eastern Islip demanded that this Board annul and set aside the lawful acts of their Authorized Agent so far as he had in obedience to their order of last month staked out and granted lots to our own people ; and that all start anew from this day — To this Mr Price Agent stated that there was still plenty of good lots left, and that several to whom he had let Lots had already planted Spawn Oysters on them and to relinquish would require pay. After much debate in hopes to amicably settle the whole matter it was Resolved to cease leasing Lots for planting oysters in the South Bay and that Mr Price Page 137. Trustee and Oyster Agent out of the said Toleration money refund to those persons who agreed with him to lease Lots reasonable compensation for the Oysters planted by them on said Lots — request them to relinquish said Lots — and that for the present no lots be leased in said South Bay — Adjourned to first Wednesday in July — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Special Trustee Meeting. June 8tli 1 875. Trustees met pursuant to a call signed Alfred Price, Nathl Tuttle and Henry W. Carman three Trustees as required by our Town Patent said Call being BROOKHAVEN TOWJjT RECORDS. 645 dated June 8d and the Trustees notified and all present at this Special Meeting — Mr Price reported that those who had leased Lots in the South Bay were unwilling to relinquish them, and also on inquiry that several thousand Dollars would be required to pay the claims for Oysters planted and therefore this special Meeting was called to determine what is best, proper and just to do under the circumstances as they now appear — Complaints also were made that several of the Lots so planted had been robbed and Mr. Geo. F. Carman earnestly plead that the Oystermen who had honorably agreed for Lots & had planted them in good faith should be protected and while the Board granted kindnesses to Eastern Islip yet all should be done in such a way as to guard the rights of all who lease Lots and hire privileges so as to promote the best interests of the whole Town — Page 138. The foregoing were in accordance with the before re peated wishes of the Board — the point was, as to the best way to promote the psace and welfare of all our people interested in the privileges of the South Bay, arid ^fter due consideration of all the circumstances up to the present time the following Review and Resolutions were unanimously adopted and ordered entered on Record and pubhshed tha,t all may see and judge our motives and efforts to do all right Whereas the decision of the Court of Appeals declared the South Bay as the bounds were heretofore fixed to belong to :the Town of Brookhaven and consequently all the privileges thereof to be under the sole control of the people and au thorities of Brookhaven without let, hindrance or sharing with, any other Town whatsoever and the question coming •before the Board of Trustees at their meeting on May 4th they listened to the several pl^ns proposed how to manage the Bay in a right spirit for the best interests of all our 646 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. people — and it was concluded to lease lots for planting Oysters six acres only to each Oysterman applying and that the ground so leased be compact together that the leased 'ground might be known to all and while kindnesses had been heretofore extended to the people of Eastern Islip, which we were under no obligations to continue — and many of our people feeling aggrieved at the course pursued by Islip in return for long continued kindness by a costly suit we hmited the granting of lots to our own people as was our right to do — Then on the request of Wm. Nicoll Esqr of Islip Page 139. a gentleman of ability and courtesy we consented that the people of Eastern Islip might oyster in our Bay during the season ending March 1st 1876 on each Oysterman paying Ten Dollars our people paying Five Dollars from this time to next March — We appointed Alfred Price Trustee Oyster Agent and directed that he should grant permits to Oyster according to said rules, and measure stake out and grant lots — fill up leases and bring them as heretofore the rule to the Board to be signed — all which he faithfully did, and agreed to lease as it now appears Seventy lots and the season for planting being short ending 15th June — the Lessees of lots took possession and planted large quantities of Oysters on their said lots so leased in good faith of our authorized Agent— On June 1st the Board of Trustees again met and John Wood and others from Islip attended and instead of show ing thankfulness for kindness already extended demanded more, and the Board in consideration of the location and necessities of the people of Eastern Islip passed a resolution permitting them to oyster and lease lots from that date the season out up to next March on like terms as our people BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 647 stating that this was done as a kindness while denying all their pretence of legal rights in our Bay — - Here concession was expected to end and all be at peace — but a claim was then put in that all done relative to leas ing lots should be annulled that Islip people might start with our people in selecting lots — and finally in the haste of the moment and with a great desire for peace, and as there had been different views as to the policy Page 140. of leasing lots — it was resolved that for the present the agent cease leasing lots, and pay those who had already planted Oysters reasonable compensation for the same out of the Toleration money obtained for Oystering and request them to relinquish their lots for the present — On inquiry since, it is found that so large quantities of Oysters have been planted that it will require a great sum to pay for them, and more over the lessees of Lots being unwilling to relinquish them — they by contract are -entitled to them — as two make a contract it requires the free-will of both parties to annul and the lessees declining to relin quish their lots we are bound to fulfil our part of the con tracts, and we now again assembled as a Board of Trustees publickly declare that the Leases shall be given to the lessees and direct that Mr Price Oyster Agent proceed to grant lots to applicants from our people or residents of Eastern Islip and to assure all honest lessees that Brook Haven will stand by its legal rights and use all proper means and authority to protect them in their rights — ¦ And as to those who publickly proclaim their intention to rob the lots we lease we request our Bay Constables and others to arrest all marauders in the Bay and take measures to have them indicted to show them and all others that the- rights of our people and of our Town must and shall be^ respected — 648 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. All orders and resolutions inconsistent with these pro ceedings are hereby rescinded — - Resolved, That our Bay Constables be authorized to en force the laws for the protection of the fisheries belonging to the Town of Brookhaven in the Great South Bay and Page 141. in tho enforcing of snch laws the Town of Brookhaven by this Board of Trustees will sustain them in any suits in which they may become legally involved — and recommend that the Board of Town auditors allow them such compen sation for their services as they may be entitled to receive not to exceed the sum of Three Hundred dollars — Resolved that those taking leases be requested to state that they release the Town from all claim for damages that may have occurred to their lots during this month — Resolved that Elbert Woodhuh, Thomas Terry and Alfred Price are appointed a committee to visit Port Jeffer- :son and examine into the grants of Hawkins, Mather, Lee ;and Brown — Resolved that the Surplus fund raised for the purpose of seeding the Bay and unexpended be and is hereby appro- -^priated for the purchase of seed oysters to be spread in the 'East portion of the Bay under the direction of the Trustees ¦of the Town on the South side — Resolved That the Trustees will not lease for the purpose -of planting oysters any ground in the Great South Bay which can be fairly deemed natural Oyster Beds — Resolved That in view of the fact that townsmen residing Eastward of Howell's point — are so remote from the oyster producing portion of the Bay — That there is a great in equality in the toleration fee, Therefore Resolved that the Resolution in relation to toleration — ^be so amended as to allow those residing Eastward of Howell's point to Oyster :for the sum of $2.50 this season BROOKUAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 649 Page 142. out until March 1st — Adjourned as before to Wednesday July 7th Trustee Meeting — July 7th 1875 — -Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present — On the Application of Dr. James I. Baker it was agreed that Charles P. Smith a chronic Lunatic may be kept at the County Alms House and expenses charged to the Town which are to be refunded to the Town by Dr. James I. Baker, Guardian out of the estate of said lunatic — and thereby make said estate last longer and thus longer pre vent his becoming a Town charge — H. W. Carman Trustee reported temporary aid to Obadiah Ward 8/- Ordered that the allowance to Lodowick Rider be ad vanced from 8/- to 10/- per week till further order Resolved That Wm. F- Brewster, Benjn. R. Raynor and Dl Woodhull Davis be agents to collect the Toleration for taking Clams on the North side at 14 cts per Bushel as heretofore fixed — The Committee to visit and measure the shore at Port Jefferson occnpied by Mather & Hawkins and otheis ad joining and determine location viz. Alfred Price, Thomas Terry and Elbert Woodhull reported that from the west corner of Israel Davis Barn as it formerly stood to the Dock is 115 feet — instead of 70 named in Grant — and the stone wall extends east from the Dock 228 feet — then John S. Lee has 60 feet — then there is a space of 63 feet left for public use and for convenience of Chas. T. Brown in launching vessels— then (D. 809) the Blacksmith (E. 391) Shop of 35 feet — then the heirs of Lewis Hulse — have a Grant for Railways of about 128 feet 650 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Page 143. to the shore formerly leased to Robbins & Jones for Rail ways and since occupied b}' James M. Bayles & Son being about 70 feet and leaving exactly 70 feet open space west of the Dock formerly granted to James R. Davis and now occupied by said James M. Bayles & Son — the width of said Dock not being named in the several grants — next is another Dock granted to Darling and Bedell and occupied by said James M. Bayles & Son — was to be forty feet in width with privilege of abuttment to extend west to meet the abuttment of the former Dock which last abuttment was then (1851) said to be 190 feet^then another Dock for private use 40 feet wide was granted in 1851 to Ahira Hawkins and Wm. Darling for 20 years — which has expired — this is said to be owned by Chas Lloyd Bayles and should be attended to — Then returning West to the grant for Dock and Rail ways to Wm. L Jones which was to begin 70 feet west from Israel Davis' Barn and extending then westerly 200 feet — and thus as the east side of Dock is found to be 115 feet west from the location of said barn as well as its loca tion can be found and as agreed to by the present owners of Dock Llawkins and Mather — which if correct will re quire but 155 feet from the east side of said dock to make up the 200 feet granted — then in 1851 there was granted to Edmund T. Darling next adjoining 75 feet for a Boat Builders Shop — these premises were to commence at Jones west line which was then said to be 22 feet west of his small Dock which was west of the Railways^ — and in 1853 more was granted to said E. T. Darhng on the west of former being 40 or 50 feet to the bridge but not to inter fere with the flow of the Bridge — these grants are occupied by Frederick F. Darling and expire June 1876 — The next grant is to Henry Hallock commencing 25 feet west of the centre of the Bridge and extending westerly BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 651 215 feet on the width of Hallock's lot^ — partly occupied by Steam Mill— grant extends to 1893 — then next adjoining beginning 240 feet west from the Page 144. centre of the Bridge and extending on the shore 325 feet was in July 7th 1868 leased to Corwin & Wilson for 20 years — these premises so leased are in possession now by assignment of said lease of Gilbert F. Darling of Brooklyn — On the west side of the Harbor a Dock was granted Sept 2d 1834 for 40 years— 100 ft on shore and 125 into Bay to Sylvester Smith and Matthew Darling at $2 per year — Nov 10 — 1835 — 100 feet for Railways $6 — per year starting at a point east from House and running North — expire with Dock — Sept 4 — 1838 may build wharf for lumber from Railway south to old Dock — to lowwater mark & one pier a few feet further — but not to hinder people travelling on- beach above highwater mark $4 per year & expire with Dock — 1860 It appears that a division of the property has been made for August 6th 1851 the privilege is granted to Mary Smith to ejJtend Dock into Bay 40 feet further and may occupy 100 feet on shore South of Dock for Railways, Lumber timber &c but not so as to obstruct road on shore for teams carriages &c — for this to pay $1 per year — to end with Dock — Sept 4— 1852— may build pier 100 ft North from Dock to prevent sand collecting granted to Elizabeth Darling pay $3 per year — and with dock — thus making the Term of all expire Sept 2d 1874 — The whole rent appears to be $15 per year and yet for several years only $14 has been paid viz. $8 by Emmett B. Darling and $6 by Joseph J. Harris— they pay promptly, but there is a balance of rent due against Smith's part of $22.50 beside the $1 per year agst some of them — All which was approved and the Clerk is requested to 653 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. affix all the dates and necessary references to make the same plain and easily found on the records and then enter the same in our present Book of Record so that all ina_y readily be found by all interested — which the Clerk fulfils as above — Page 145. Resolved unanimously that Wm. F. Brewster Trustee pay out of Trustee funds other than taxes or poor money one hundred dollars to Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk, Counselor, Seai'cher of Records and Laws as some requital for his extra services to the Town to its great benefit, besides the special days that he attends meetings as clerk and gets pay for — those days being but a small part of the hours, days and weeks he devotes yearly to the welfare of the Town to his own personal injury — Lie ever rendering the good freely we feel that the Town should in honor make some return for the benefits rendered by him and thus we do as above stated for last year up to April — Adjourned to first Wednesday in Augt — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clerk with thanks. Note see former pages for all the grants at Port Jefferson — The privilege to launch vessels across the space between Lee's grant and Randall's Blacksmith shop granted in 1869 for 20 years at $1 per year to Charles T. Brown is not on Record but is a Document — It granted no right to the shore except to launch — it did not specify the length of shore but it appears there are 63 feet space left — Page 146. Release for Highway at Upper Swezey Town — Whereas the commissioners of Llighways of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk County did by an order dated March 13tli 1871 lay out a public highway from the Whiskey Road South between the land of Elbert J. Swezey on the West BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 653 and the lands on the East side of which I was and am joint owner, which road to be Three rods wide ran partly through my land which would cause fence to be removed back on my land and whereas the order of Release made that day and my name thereto attached was not signed by me or by my order though appearing there and so put on record in Book E. page 448 and no compensation having been made to me for my land or for moving fence — Now therefore know all men by these presents that having received now of John H. Overton Esq. Commissioner Ten Dollars for the land taken for said Highway as then surveyed and he agreeing to be at the expense of moving and setting up the said fence I finding what material may be necessary 1 con sent to the removal of my said fence and hereby relei;se all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening the said highway — Witness my hand seal this Seventeenth day of July 1875— Witness Delia Gurvey (L S) Benjn. T. Hutchinson — - Recorded July 17th 1875 Benjn T. Hutchinson Town Clerk See Highway & Release Bool? E. page 448.— Com. Page 147. Trustee Meeting- August 4th 1875— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present — Ordered That the widow McBride and her five small children in the Manor be allowed $2 per week from July 6th till further order — and that Widow Charles Hulse and also the widow of Caleb Cesar be each allowed $1 per week from July 6th until further order — On the Application of Sidney Smith stating that he had removed Robert Hallock — ^his wife and three children to his 654 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. house—the said Robert Hallock being sick and the family destitute he said Smith is supporting them while he is not legally bound to do so — said Hallock being merely brother to his deceased wife — and as his own means are but small he presents the matter to the Trustees for their action — There fore it is Ordered that said Sidney Smith be allowed per week as aid towards keeping said Hallock till further order — On Application of Lewis Baker the grant of Dock to him at foot of Patchogue Lane was renewed to him for Ten years from May 1st 1875 at Three Dollars per year and he is to pay up all arrearage of rent in full. Leased to Smith Lane Oyster lot 1 yr in Bay $4.00 paid — Adjourned to first Wednesday in Sept — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 148. West Cumsewogue Road — Order defining West (Jumsewogue Road At a Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held at the house of Minor Tuttle in the village of Cumsewogue held June 3d 1874 all the Commis sioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced in this Order it was resolved that. Whereas a road used as a highway leading from the Sheep Pasture Road between the lands of Minor Tuttle and Mrs Lemons has been in public use for many years but never laid out and entered of record that such be done, and in accordance with resolution a survey was made by Justus Roe as follows viz ; Commencing at the centre of the Sheep Pasture Road between the lands of Minor Tuttle and Mrs Lemons and ran 1st Course N. 10° 15' W. 531 Feet Angle 60° 19' 2d " N. 50° 04' E. 181 " " 14° 42 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 655 3d a N. 85° 18' E 1634 " " 16° 04 4th ii N. 19° 14' E. 300 " a -^^0 Q^ 5th ii N. 3° 07' E 222 " " 21° 10 6th a N. 23° 17 E 100 " to the centre of a bridge on the West side of Main Street leading to Port Jefferson, On first course above 33 ft from starting point passed 164 ft W. of the S. W. corner of garden post of Minor Tuttle at 160 passed 164 ft W. of fence of Minor Tuttle and 16 ft E. of fence of Mrs Lemons at 177 passed 37 ft E of the House of Mrs Lemons, at 423 passed 19.8 ft E. of a large Rock at 681 passed a marked Oak tree On 2d Course 31 ft from starting point passed 5 ft N. from a large White Oak Tree on third course 106 ft from starting point, and also at 161 passed 164 ft N. from fence posts on the cleared land Page 149. of John H. Overton on fourth course 290 ft from starting point passed 144 ft from fence post on land of John H. Overton on N. side of said road, on Sixth course 13 ft from starting point passed 18 ft S. of a marked chestnut tree at 68 ft passed 15.8 f t N of a Marked Black Oak Tree— And it was resolved that said line should be the centre hne of said Road, of the uniform width of Two Rods and be in cluded in Road District No. 7. of the vihage of Port Jeffer son. Dated at Port Jefferson June 3d 1874 -, , -n ) Commissioners Justus Roe ( £ John H. Overton J Highways Recorded August 14th 1875 copy posted Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Trustee Meeting. Sept. 1st. 1875 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present except Henry W. Carman — 656 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Wm H. Clark aid to Dr. Sweet during two months he being sick $12.00 — approved — Chas. Price's bill for Coffins, Boxes, Shrouds for Three indigent persons in Patchogne $41.50 — allowed — Ordered that the allowance to Thomas Davis for keeping his idiot son be advanced from 75 cts to one Dollar per week till further Resolved unanimously that the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred dollars be raised by tax in this Town this year for the support of the poor of the Town for the en suing year- Adjourned to meet at the Town Clerk's with the other Town Officers on the first Monday in October Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Page 150. Highway District No. 56. East Manor. Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County Sept 21st— 1875 — Wo the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town do hereby set off into a new Road District to be known as No. 56 all that part of former Road District No. 41 that lies east of Carters Branch to Conungum Mills and Southampton line and all the Roads running Southeriy and East of said Branch to go into effect Tuesday October 5th. 1875— O. P. Smith ) Commissioners J. II. Overton > of R. T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded Oct. 4th 1875 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. October 4th 1875 Trustees met at Town Clerks pur suant to adjournment all present — ; aid usual Bills — As to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 657 the Application of John Marvin a Sub-Lessee of shore at Port Jelferson for a grant of fee of right of the highway to its centre, resolved that as the Lease was to Wilson &: Cor win, to them only can extra privileges be properly granted ; and to them and all others who have leased pieces of shore between the Highway and Bay, the common law gives the privileges of the use of the highway to its centre during their occupation under their leases so long as they do not interfere or encroach on the public right of travel, and to grant such in fee would deprive the Town of granting said leases to others at their expiration — and more over the Trustees have no authority over highways at the present day and therefore the application cannot properly be granted — Benjn R. Raynor asked that the Board pass an Act against Dredging in Port Jefferson Harbor, and while the Town Patent gives authority to the Trustees to pass all necessary orders to protect the rights of the Tovvn, an Act of the Legislature authorizes Supervisors to pass local acts to protect Fisheries &c in the County — and thus it would seem best that both Boards agree in such Act — and there fore the matter is deferred .for the present Adjourned to meet at^Coram on Thursday Novr. 4th as Election comes on Tuesday the usual day — Entered by Benjn. T. Hutchinson. Clk. Page 161. Overseers of Highways — We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County N. Y. in accord ance with the late law dojiereby appoint the following per sons to be Ovei'seers of Highways in the Road Districts, the Number of which is placed opposite each respective name, for the ensuing year — 658 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. No of Dist Names of Overseers 1 Thomas S. Mount 2 Jonas Smith 3 Ebenezer Hawkins 4 John P. L'Hommedieu 5 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 Bryant D. Norton 8 Jehiel Norton 9 James Kempster 10 Erastus Brown 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Joseph C. Valentine 13 Andrew B. Lane 14 Wilham Carter 15 George T. Osborn 16 John Iverson Raynor 17 Daniel Lane 18 Wilham Osborn 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 John Rider 21 Augustus Rice 22 J. B. Hammond 23 William Reeves 24 Henry Ketcham 25 John Westcott 26 Charles W. Hawkins 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 £dmund W. Ruland 29 Samuel Dare 30 Irving Overton 31 Ham Smith 32 Samuel E. Smith 33 Hiram Terry Location of District. Stony Brook — West & South " East «fc North South Setauket Setauket East Setauket N. E. Setauket Port Jefferson Mt. Sinai— North " " South Millersplace Rockypoint North Wading River Manor North " South East Moriches EastportMastic South Haven Fireplace Neck Behport Union — West Patchogue East " Lane & North " West Bluepoint Lake Grove / New Village— West East Selden Coram — West " East Holbrook & North Farmingville BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 659 34 Hampton Overton Coram Hills 36 George W. Ritch Middle Island West 36 Edgar G. Swezey " Centre 37 Horace G. Randall " South & East 38 Philetus Phillips MiUville 89 Isaac H. Robbins Yaphank 40 J. S Randall Ridgevihe 41 Charles W. Peterson Manor East 42. Humphrey Avery Swan River & Pine Neck 43 Azel R. Swezey Swezeytown & West 44 Nathaniel Wiggins Centre Moriches 46 Henry Deary " " West part 46Sylvester_D. Tuthill Rocky pt — South 47 John Jay Woodhull Woodville 48 Edmund Hallock West Moriches 49 Wm. Clark Tooker Oldfield 60 Brewster Terry Patchogue — Centre 61 Henry Hawkins Union — East part 62 Isaac Seaman Fireplace West 53 Andrew Ketcham Centre Moriches — East 54 William Riker Waverly 56 Charles Wicks Short Neck 56 Edward L. Brown Calverton Brookhaven October 5th 1875 — 0. P. Smith ) Commissioners John II. Overton >¦ of R. T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded October 5th 1875 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 163. An Old Highway at Port Jefferson Surveyed. Whereas a road used as a highway in the Town of Brook haven, County of Suffolk leading from Main Street, Port 660 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Jefferson between the dwelling houses of Alanson Overton and Z. F. Hawkins, running easterly until it intersects the lower road leading from Port Jefferson to Mt. Sinai. Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of said Town have met at the house of John LI. Overton in said Town for the purpose of causing said road to be ascertained, de scribed and entered of record. But not finding any record sufficient to define said road. But it liaving been used for twenty years or more by the public as a highway, therefore cause said road to be laid out two rods wide by user All the said Commissioners having been duly notified to attend this meeting for the purpose of deliberating on the subject embraced in this order, do hereby order that the said road be ascertained, described and entered of record. And the said Commissioners having .caused a survey of the said road to be made, do further order that said road is hereby ascertained, and described according to the said survey being as follows ; Beginning at a large stone settled in the ground on a line with the Western end of Alanson Overton's house and distant from the foundation 324 feeit thence running S. 71° W. 38 ft. to tlie Eastern line of the Main Highway and thence running the following courses ¦ and distances Page 164. Distance 29 rods 144 ft 1st N 71° E 2d " 61 " 3d " 37 " 4th " 24 " 5th " 33 " 6th '* 89 " 7th " 66 " 8th " 26 " 9th " 43 " 10th " 62 " Uth " 79 " 17 84" 20 24 " 15 11 " 9 5 " 13 9 " 16 9 " 13 8 " 11 11 " 8 4 " 8 2 ¦" BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 661 12th " 68 18th " 50 14th " 67 16th " 72 16th " 67 17th S. 84 18th N 80 19 S. 74 12 " 0 16 " 5 11 " 14 7 " 8 8 " 2 8 '' 0 21 " 13 11 " 14 Where it intersects the Main road leading from Port Jefferson to Mt Sinai now known as East Broadway or lower road. And it is further ordered that the line above described be the centreline of said road And that the said road be the width of two rods. In witness whereof the said Commis sioners have hereunto subscribed their names the 22d day of Sept. 1875 O. P. Smith \ Commissrs John H. Overton > of Richard T. Osborn j Highways Recorded October 20th 1875 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk copy posted Novr 12th 1875 B. T. H— Page 165. Trustee Meeting, Novr. 4th 1875— Trustees met pursuant to adjournment but owing to the storm but three attended and adjourned to meet at County Alms House to see our Town poor and how all fare— on Tuesday Deer 7th. next Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk School Order. Change of Numbers of 31—37 & 38 to 37—31—25 663 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. School Commissioners office 2d Dist. Suffolk Co. Novr. 12th 1875. In the matter of changing the numbers of certain School Districts in the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk. It is hereby ordered that School District No. 38 of said Town of Brookhaven shall hereafter be known as No. 25 ; and that School District No. 37 shall hereafter be known as No. 31 and School District No. 31 shall hereafter be known as No. 87— Recorded Novr. 16th 1875— S. Oriando Lee Benjn. T. Hutchinson School Com. Town Clerk 2d Diet Suff. Co— Page 166. Order ascertaining and describing Roads at Port Jefferson. Whereas a road in the Village of Port Jefferson now known as South Street has been used by the public as a highway twenty years or more, but has never been defined nor entered of record, and whereas a road now known as Prospect Street has been used by the public as a highway Twenty years or more but has never been defined nor en tered of record, and whereas a road now known as Thomp son Street has been used by the public as a highway Twenty years or more, but has never been described nor entered of record Now therefore we the undersigned Commissioners of said Town of Brookhaven having met at the house of John H. Overton October 18th 1875 for the purpose of causing said roads to be ascertained, described and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office. All the Commissioners being present for the purpose of deliberating on the subject embraced in this order, do hereby order that the said roads are entered in accordance with said surveys being as fol lows. South Street, Starting at a point S. 6° E. distant 1 rod from the South- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 663 west corner of the foundation of the house of James Ander son and is distant from the North East corner of Smith Ackeriy's brick building 1 ch. 7 L. on a course N. 63° E. thence running N. 83° E. until it intersects the road run ning North and South by the School-House The distance from Main Street to said road being 13 ch. 2 rods 21 links — Prospect Street, Starting at a point distant three rods seventeen Links on a course N. 6° W. from the North East corner of the foundation of Joseph Brewster's house Page 157. thence running N. 83° E. until it intersects the road run ning North and South by the School-house distance from the starting point to said road is 11 ch. 9 Links — Thompson Street, Starting at a point on a line with the front of S. B Woodhull's house and distant from the Southwest corner of the foundation 42 links thence running N. 684° E until it strikes a line parallel with the East line of Apollos Day ton's house lot, a point which is distant from the Northeast corner of Charles Tooker's house 49 links on a course N. 10° E— And we hereby order that the lines above described be the centre lines of said roads and of the width of two rods — In Witness whereof we the said Commissioners have hereunto subscribed our names. Port Jefferson Oct 30th 1875 — John H. Overton ) Commiss'rs R. T. Osborn V of O. P. Smith ) Highways Recorded Novr. 20th 1875 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Posted Deer 8d 1875. B. T. H. 664 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 168. Trustee Meeting. Deer. 7th 1875. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at the County Alms House as annual visit to see how tho Poor of our Town are faring All present — and welcomed by Mr Loudon the Keeper who invited the Board to freely examine all things indoor and out that would be interesting or throw light on the manner of his management- George W. Smith's Bill for expenses as Witness on a Bay suit presented last meeting was approved & paid Ordered that Mrs Eliphalet Smith be allowed $1 per week till further order — Ordered That Frederick Coombs and wife in the Manor be allowed 12/- per week till further order Ordered That the Widow of Charles Dayton of Canaan be allowed 8/- per week till further order — Ordered That the charge for keep ing Charles P. Smith at the County Alms House at tho expense of the Town from May 27th to Oct. 1st 1876—18 weeks be one dollar per week to be refunded to the Town by Dr. James I. Baker Guardian and Executor of the estate of Samuel Smith deed— and Dr Baker being present paid the same to our Overseers of Poor up to Oct. 1st. 1875 — The following Bills of Doctors & Undertakers for ser vices rendered the Poor were presented approved and paid Drs Preston & Chapel for Mrs Rockwell $14.00 do for Chas. Rockwell 3.00—17.00 Chas. W. Miller— Grave for Mrs Rockwell 1.60 Dr. E. P. Jarvis for Sineus Miller last four months 45.00 Nathaniel Edwards Coffin & Conveyance for Jacob Ward's wife 14.00 Drs. Gildersleeve & Chambers for Caroline Taylor 25.00 " for Mrs G. Bennett' 30.00 65.00 Page 159. Dr. Louis W. Terry The Board paid the usual bills in aid of the Poor over BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 665 the Town and no further business being presented the Trustees and visitors were escorted to all the various rooms of the House by Dr Baker the attending Physician and by Mr Loudon and in a part of the Female Department also by Mrs. Loudon, where the Board noticed the cleanliness of the rooms and inmates and the cordiality and kindness apparently existing between the various poor and the Phy sician and keepers — and so far as the Board could see with watchful care through the day the whole establishment out door and in appeared to be conducted in accordance with the true principles that should govern — " Kindness to the poor with prudence to the rich" and on their return to their rooms the Board gave their full approval to Mr. Loudon . and expressed their appreciation of the aid rendered by the care of Dr. Baker. Mr Loudon thanked the Board and hoped to so act as to merit and receive their continued approval. Holmes W. Swezey Collector having paid all due the overseers of poor except $211.80 and showing a list of un collectable Taxes to a much larger amount with reasons why he could not collect them he was exonerated from pay ing the above balance — • Adjourned to meet at Coram Jany 4 — 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk — Page 160. Trustee Meeting. Jany 4th 1876 Trustees met at Coram pursuant to ad journment — all present — Wm. H. Clark reported that in the sad and dangerous case of Sineus Miller, he had hiin conveyed to New York City to a Free Hospital where he had been operated on and was reported to be recovering — That to convey him and a protector he had to pay $20 — allowed & paid Had also pro vided for said Miller's family 2 Cords of wood all amount- 666 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ing to $35.50— allowed Aid to a Tramp or Traveher 1.00 paid Adjourned to meet at Coram on Tuesday Feby 1st. 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 161. School Commissioners office, 2d Commissioner District, Suffolk County. In the matter of the change of the boundaries of School District No. 11 of the Town of Brookhaven and the conse quent change of the boundaries of School District No. 10 of the Town of Islip ; It is hereby ordered by the under signed School Commissioner for the 2d Commissioner Dis trict of the County of Suffolk, That the boundaries of said School District No. 11 of the Town of Brookhaven be and the same are hereby changed in accordance with the an nexed petition as follows. All that part of said School Dis trict No 11 lying South of the Portion Road and known as part of the Saxton farm is hereby annexed to said District No. 10 The South boundary of School District No. 11 opposite the aforesaid " Saxton Farm" shall be the Portion Road and the boundaries of said district No. 11 shall in all respects remain as heretofore recorded. The boundaries of said School District No. 10 shall extend Northerly, from the present North boundary of the district, by the East line of said " Saxton farm" to the Portion Road then Westerly by the Portion Road to the West line of the said tract, being the South part of the " Saxton farm" thence Southerly by the west line of said tract to the present boundary of the District. The boundaries of said District No 10 to be otherwise as heretofore recorded. Deer 31st 1875 S. Orlando Lee. School Com. 2d Dist Suffolk Co. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 667 Recorded Jany 4th 1 876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 162. Holbrook L. I. N. Y. S. Oriando Lee Esq Aug 7th 1874 School Commr. We the undersigned owners of property and residents of a part of the Saxton farm South of the Portion Road now belonging to School District No 11 of Brook Haven re spectfully request of you that the boundary of the District may be so changed that the tract above named lying South of the Portion Road may be annexed to School District No 10 of Ishp. By granting this request you will oblige Your Petitioners. Charles Weierter We consent to the above alteration Thomas A. R. Webster I Trustee No 10 ) ol Islip. Trustees of f Henry W. Murray Dist No. 11. of < J. Davis Hammond Brookhaven ( Isaac W. Gould Recorded Jany. 4th 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk School Comm'rs office 2d Comr Dist Suffolk Co. In the matter of defining the South boundary of School district No. 5 of the Town of Brookhaven. It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Page 168. Commissioner of the 2d Commissioner Dist in Suffolk Co. That where in a certain order issued by Thomas S. Mount Esq. School Comr. of said District changing the bound aries of said School District No 5, it is said " South and west by the L. I. Rail Road and the Islip line it shall be 668 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. defined as follows, South by the middle of the Long Island Rail Road, and West by the Ishp hne where the Islip hne extends Northwardly from said Rail Road. The design of this order being not to make any change in the boundaries of said district but to define the boundaries as heretofore fixed and possessed by said District — Deer 81. 1875 Recorded Jany. 4th 1876 S. Orlando Lee Benjn. T. Hutchinson School Comr. Town Clk School Commissioner Office. Jan Uth 1875. In the matter of the boundary of School districts No 36 and 38 of the Town of Brookhaven — It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner of the 2d District of the County of Suffolk ; that the boundary between said shall hereafter be as follows. Be ginning where the Dark Hollow Road intersects the Sheep Pasture Road, thence Southerly in a straight line until it strikes the North west corner of a lot of wood-land now owned and occupied by A. Allen Hawkins, being part of Lot No — of the lots known as the Long Lots, and then Southerly by the line between the said lot of A. Allen Hawkins and a lot owned jointley by Scudder Jayne and Benjamin F. Jayne. being lot No — of the Long Lots, to the Butt line so called. The Page 164. boundaries of said districts to remain otherwise as hereto fore recorded, The trustees of School districts No's 86 and 38 having given their consent, this order takes effect im mediatelyRecorded Jany 20th 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson S. Oriando Lee Clerk Sch. Com. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 669 The two Boards of District School Trustees of East Setauket, School District No 36. Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, N. Y. and Cumsewogue School District No. 38. Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, N. Y. met Deer 28th 1874 at the store of Franklin A. Darling East Setauket to regulate the line between the above named Districts. All the Trustees of both boards being present it was agreed by them unanimously, that the boundary line should start from the Dark Hollow Road where it intersects with the Sheep Pasture Road and running a southerly direc tion until it strikes the North west corner of a lot of wood land owned and occupied by A. Allen Hawkins, and then following the line between said A. Allen Hawkin's lot and a lot owned jointly by Scudder Jayne and Benjamin F. Jayne to what is called the butt line — East Setauket School Dist. No 36. Town of Brookhaven Cumsewogue School Dist IS 0. 38. Town of Brookhaven Thomas W. Rowland ) Scudder Jayne v Trustees Algernon S. Mills ) Daniel Jones ) C. L. Bayles I Trustees Thos. R.' Terry) Recorded Jany 29th 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 165. Trustee Meeting. Feby. 1st. 1876 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all present except Nathaniel Tuttle who was detained by ihness — Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported temporary aid to Sey mour Simmons — Shoes $1.25 — allowed — Wm. F. Brewster Trustee — carrying Mrs. Curtis to 670 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. County Alms House $3.00 — Digging Grave for Joseph Dule $1.50— keeping 8 Tramps $3— allowed— Chas. S. Havens as Merchant presented Bill for Clothing furnished Sineus Miller to fit him to go to the Free Hos pital in N. Y. City, $10.40 allowed. Wm. H. Clark — Temporary aid Sineus Miller's family $15.87— to Mrs Apollos Hawkins $5.66 to Michael Ward $1.94— allowed & paid — Ordered That Leonard Still (Woodville) be allowed 75 cts. per week from last meeting till further order Ordered That the following at or near Patchogue be allowed from last meeting till further order per week as fohows- Alfred Gerard $1.00— Jane Fordham 75 cts— -Polly Block $1.00— Mary Homan widow $1.00— Adjourned to first Tuesday in March — 7th. — Benjn. T. LIutchinson Town Clerk Page 166. Highway at Fireplace. Survey of the Centre of a Three rod road as laid out from the road leading from Otter Hollow across Beaver Dam Creek to Squawsucks landing at Connecticut or Car man's River at Brookhaven (formerly Fireplace) Starting for the centre of the road on the North side of the afore said road at a point Eighty five links from the Southeast corner of John Albin's main house, which bears North Sixty six and a half degrees West (Magnetic course) Then North Eight degrees East seven chains & Eighty seven links Then North Ten degrees East Ten chains & Thirty one links — " North Twenty degrees West one chain & fifty five links — BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 671 North Thirty degrees West Two chains & Sixty Three links — North Thirty four degrees West Forty Two chains & Twenty eight links North Thirty one degrees West Two chains & Six teen links — North Thirty Seven degrees West Three chains & Forty links — North Thirty Four degrees West Fifteen chains & Fifty five links — which is at the Centre of the Survey of the purposed extension of the South Side Rail Road — " North Five degrees West Twenty nine Chains & Ten links to the centre of Yaphank Avenue. Brookhaven 17th. Feby. 1876. Nathaniel Miller North 8 deg. East 7 ch 87 links Surveyor 10 (< 10 31 20 West 1 55 30 2 68 84 42 28 31 2 16 37 8 40 34 15 65 6 29 10 John H. Overton Comm'rs 0. P. Smith y of R. T. Osborn Highways Recorded Feby. 22d 1876 Copy Posted March 3d 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 167. Releases for Highway at Fireplace preceeding page We the undersigned owning land on tho line of a pur posed road from where the Yaphank road intersects the 673 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. South Country Road Southerly to the road across Beaver Dam Creek to Squawsucks hereby agree to give the public the right for a Three Rod road across our respective lands as the purposed road is now marked out — Brookhaven 14th Jany. 1876. Joshua Carman Stephen C. Barteau George H. Burnette John S. Rose John C. Albin Nathaniel MiUer A. B. Gerard Wm. E. Swezey R A Gerard Upon payment to me of Ten Dollars I hereby agree the above mentioned road may be laid across my ground January 29th 1876 Timothy Ketcham Upon payment to me of Twenty Dollars in hand I hereby agree the above mentioned road may be laid out across my land on the line as marked out or surveyed out Recorded Richard Corwin. Feby. 22d 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Brookhaven Page 168. Release for Highway at Patchogue — Union School House Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways in Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, to lay out and continue the Highway in the village of Patchogue in said Town, on the North side of the Union School House lot, from Ocean Avenue on the West, to Edwards Ave. on the East beginning four feet west of Abijah T. Moger's west line on the land of Austin Roe BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 673 and running Easterly through the land of Austin Roe and the land of Abijah T. Moger to Edwards Ave— and now therefore in consideration of the laying out of said highway we do hereby release all claims to damages by reason thereof, and it is also farther understood and agreed that no soil shall be taken from the lands of the said Austin Roe and Abijah T. Moger to improve any other lands but their own. Sealed with my seal and dated February 16th 1876 Austin Roe Recorded Abijah T. Moger February 22d 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Brookhaven Page 169. Trustee Meeting. March 7tli 1876. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — Six present— being all but Nathaniel Tuthill now de ceased, whose memorial is hereinafter set forth. Wm. H, Clark Prebt. Trustees reported temporary aid to the family of Sineus Miller $24.41 who has been brought back from the Hospital in Newyork and is recovering health — To Apollos Ward $4.60 To Uriah Seaman $5.00 approved & paid. Wm. F. Brewster Trustee aid to Semantha Taylor and family by paying House rent from 15 Novr 1875 to April Ist 1876 $15.75— coffin and attendance Joseph Dule $13.00 —approved & paid Preston & Chapel Bill attendance Jany & Feby. on Mrs Lebergher $9.50— ^and Examination in Lunacy Geo. W. Ruland $10.00— paid. Alfred Price Trustee aid to Wm. Searles $3.05— Saml 674 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ross 1.00 To Wm. Crampton 2.80— Mrs T. Croweh 2.00 —Mrs Phebe Crowell $6.00 To Mrs Connor 2.00— Mrs Hiram Swezey 2.00— John Avery $4.00 To Mrs Gerard 60 cts — Chas Keagle 1.00 To Stephen Smith 88 cts. Stephen Smith & Saml Ross Medicine $7.25— Mrs B. Homan for Medicine $2.00— Chas. Chapmans family $10— Tramp $1.00 allowed and paid. Resolved That the Toleration for Oystering in the South Bay for the year from March 1st 1876 to March 1st 1877 shall be Two Dollars to each person — and Alfred Price Trustee is continued Oyster Agent — On the application of Hon. Egbert T. Smith to have the Trustees Deed back to him that portion of the Bay from a South line from Woodhull's pt — East to east end of Patter squash Island, the Board by a unanimous vote declined to do so because, while it yields but little income and half of that little is paid to said Smith, yet the Trustees deem it impolitic for them to convey back or to any one. Page 170. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment March 7th 1876 All present except our departed associate, whereupon Reso lutions were passed. Whereas Nathaniel Tuthill of Yaphank member of the Board of Trustees departed this life on Thursday March 2d inst. and while the Town Records show that in 1838 he was chosen Commissioner of Highways which office by re peated elections he held fourteen years — In 1851 he was Inspector of Elections — In 1852 he was chosen Assessor, for the term of Three years — In 1842 he was elected to the office of Trustee of the Town, and by repeated elections had held the office Twenty Two years ; and during the time was chosen President of the Board six years ; and though Seventy nine years of age was Trustee at the time of his death, having been elected Sixteen years in succes- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 675 sion ; and he attended a meeting of the Board on Jany. 4th which proved in Providence to be his last meeting with the Board on earth — we would therefore hereby express our high appreciation of the departed as a long tried and faith ful officer, who while dispensing charity to the poor, sought with care and prudence to promote the welfare of the Town — Resolved That while we regret the loss to the Town, we would extend our sympathy to the afflicted widow and other relatives of the deceased — Resolved That in this token of respect for our late associate, we all cordially unite and order that it be recorded in the Town Records, and that a copy of the same with the Town Seal affixed be sent to his widow. Page 171. Out of respect to the memory of the deceased the Board then adjourned — I certify that the above in which I fully concur is a true record of the proceedings — The Board adjourned to first Tuesday in April. I sent the original to the widow — B. T. H — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk It is proper to state that whereas a proposition is before the Legislature to have a new County formed of the Three Eastern Towns of Queens & the two west Towns of Suffolk to the injury of our County ; the Board of Trustees unani mously disapproved of any dismemberment of our County of Suffolk, and signed a Remonstrance and caused the same to be sent to our member of Assembly Hon. Samuel B. Gardiner hoping thereby to aid in keeping our County entire — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 172. Survey of center old Fish road from Otter Hollow West 676 BROOKHAVEN TOWK RECORDS. to the \«est line of the thirty first (81) lot in Great Division of lots between Yaphank line «& Winthrops patent. Road defined two rods wide (magnetic course) Starting at point on the west side of the South Country road, then North 76 deg West 3 chains & 6 links then South 86° west 4 chains & 20 links then North 86° west 1 chain & 28 links which is a point North 29 Deg. East from the S. west cor ner of Daniel Carter's main house — then North 61 West 3 chains sfe 77 links then South 84 West 2 chains cfe 47 " then North 69 West 2 chains & 71 " then North 84 West 1 chain — — then South 69 West 2 chains & 92 " then South 82 " 6 chains & 13 " then South 84 " 2 chains then South 69 " 3 chains — =— then South 62 " 3 chain & 85 " then South 76 " 1 chain & 68 " then North 86 " 2 chains & 92 " then South 82 " 3 chains & 25 " then South 71 " 3 chains & 11 " which is to the west side of the afore said Slst Lot — Nathaniel Miller. SurveJIfor Dated Brookhaven 8th Feb. 1876 R. T. Osborn ) Commrs Recorded O. P. Smith f of Highways March 28th 1876 cop.y Posted Ap 4th 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 173. A meeting being duly called, All the Commissioners being notified to meet at the house of Jos. C. Valentine Wading River for the purpose of surveying and defining a certain portion of the road leading from Wading River to Port Jefferson. This survey starts at a point where a sur vey, made June 29th 1857 and recorded in Book E. page BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 677 80, stops Which point is S. 734° E. from the Southeast corner of the kitchen attached to the house of Jos. C. Valentine and distant therefrom two chains fifty nine links and bears from Southwest corner of the old barn S 154° East and distant two chains fifty five links, thence runs the fol lowing course and distances viz 1st S. 574 W distance 1 chain 78 Links 2d N. 88 W "6 " 3d S. 63 W. " 4 " 6 Links This line denotes the center of the said Highway which original record declares to be four poles wide. Given under our hands this 13th day of Jan. 1876 John II. Overton ) Commrs R. T. Osborn V of O. P. Smith ) Highways Recorded April 1st 1876 copy posted Ap 4 — 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk. April 4th 1876— Three Trustees met only — the severe storm preventing a Quorum — they adjourned without day — sine die — Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk Page 174. April 4th Town Meeting— 1876— We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk Co. do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 4th day of April 1876 at- the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named For Supervisor Charles S. Havens Justices of the Peace Wm H. Clark John S. Lee 678 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Assessors Austin Culver John S. Randall Commissioner of Llighways James M. Bayles full term 3 yrs For vacancy — George F. Homan 2 years Town Clerk Benjn T. Hutchinson Collector Charles E. Rose President of Trustees Wm. H. Clark Trustees Wm. F. Brewster Page 175. Elbert Woodhull Win. Phihips Lester H. Davis Henry W. Carman Alfred Price For Overseers of Poor Wm. F. Brewster Alfred Price Commissioners of Excise George W. Taft — 8 years Constables A. Allen Hawkins Wilham Penny Benjn R. Raynor Isaac W. Seaman Amos B. Laws George W. Smith S. Warren Wines Samuel S. Davis BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 679 Game Constable Benjn R. Raynor Bay Constables John Furguson George W. Smith Auditors John M. Price Charles A. Davis Holmes W. Swezey Inspectors of Election — 1st Dist Wm. O. Gould Walter Smith Israel B. Tyler Appointed Page 176. 2d Dist 3d Dist Charies P. Randall Sylvester D. Tuthill Z. Franklin Hawkins George E. Davis George D. Lee appointed Isaac E. Brown — Appointed 4th Dist Richard T. Osborn Gilbert S. Terry Gideon Smith Appointed 6th Dist Jesse C. Mills Charles Price Oscar W. Mills- xAppd 5th Dist Timothy Ketcham Hubart Bardetty Oliver P. Robinson Appd 7th Dist Winfield S. Davis Wm. E. Gould Wm. H. Osborn Appd We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meet ing. 680 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Brookhaven April 4th 1876 Oran W. Rogers ] Chas. R. Smith | Justices Lester Davis }- of the John S. Lee Peace R. T. Osborn At Town Meeting it was voted to raise by Page 177. Tax for contingent expenses not exceeding the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars— and to pay Bay Constables with not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars. The meeting being small it was deemed best to take no fixed determination about copying Town Records but advise the Trustees to take such action as may seem best as to how many and what parts thereof shall be copied and printed — the object to preserve the same being fully approved by the people — ¦ Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 178. Trustee Meeting. Trustees met May 2d 1876 pursuant to order of the President — Present Wm. H. Clark Prest— Elbert Woodhull — Henry W. Carman — Wm. F. Brewster — Alfred Price and Lester LI. Davis Trustees— William Phillips who was elected Trustee declining to serve there will be only six acting Trustees during the year — Ordered That David Barnes formerly a County Pauper ¦who has not been aided by County last thirteen months and thereby has become a Town Resident and now needs aid again be allowed 76 cts per week till further order. On Apphcation Resolved to Quitclaim to Robt. L. Petty the reserve of four rods in width on Beaver dam river on BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 681 both sides of the stream for Thirty Dollars it being no longer needed for watering place, a watering place being near — and it being needed for a passage to the land on west side of the river. Also quit-claimed to Joshua Carman the four rod Strip of land on said River near his barn for Twenty Dollars — it being not needed as a going over place as there is no public Highway from it on West side. Application of Robt L. Petty for a quitclaim of the balance of Beaver dam River not heretofore granted to any person viz from the North line of the four rods reserved for a watering place and above conveyed to him — South to the Otter Swamp High way — was reserved for consideration till next meeting. Resolved That in accordance with the wishes of the peo ple at Town meeting that the important parts of the Town Records be printed for preservation ; Benjn. T. Hutchin son Town Clerk is requested to copy such Records for which he shall be paid — and Nathaniel Miller and John R. Mather are appointed to act with the Clerk in the selection of such Records — N. Miller being present and offering to do so gratuitously Adjourned to 1st Tuesday in June. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Note — J. R. Mather also accepts to do for- the public good gratis — B. T. H. Page 179. Trustee Meeting. June 6th 1876. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all six present — Resolved To Quitclaim to Robert L. Petty for Twenty five Dollars the Town's right to Beaver Dam Stream frorn the North line of the Four rods heretofore reserved for watering opposite one of the houses of Richar'd Corwin in Fireplace South to the highway from the upper Crossing 683 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. to Otter Swamp — the privileges of said Stream between the upper and lower crossing of said River having heretofore by former Trustees been conveyed to Isaac Ketcham but no conveyance of the herein mentioned part or portion being found on our Town Records and said Petty being the owner of the land on the west side the Town's right to said portion of said stream is also now quitclaimed to him in a Deed also quitclaiming to him the said four rods in length on said stream so reserved for watering it being no longer needed by the public for such purpose bounded East by the highway and west by the east line of Lot Fourteen on the west side of said stream for Thirty Dollars the whole being Fifty five Dollars which he paid. Sold to Wm. Shipman of Stony Brook for Fifty Dollars the South part of West Meadow Beach Bounded East by West Meadow Creek — South by the bend of said Creek and West by Stony Brook Harbor and extending from high- water mark at the South end Northerly Twelve rods to fixed bounds — subject to the claims of Thomas S. Wells by his lease of the Town for these and other premises J uly 1st 1871 for ten years at an annual rent — and reserving the privileges of the shores to all the people of the Town as heretofore — Ordered that the following poor persons be aided till further order as follows — Mrs. Connor 75 cts per week — Mrs George Horton one dollar per week and Mrs Alfred Gerard 75 cts per week — all three by Alfred Price Trustee — Page 180. Granted to Gilbert S. Terry of Centre Moriches the privilege to build and maintain a Dock opposite his House on the South Beach near German Flats (so called) opposite Centre Moriches — extending North Course into the South Bay called the East Bay or part of South Bay belonging to Brookhaven, for the space of Two Hundred feet from low BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 683 water mark and Twelve feet wide and maintain the same for Ten Years at the annual rent of One Dollar per year in advance yearly — he procuring the right to use the meadow or beach for landing, of the owners thereof. Adjourned to Saturday the first day of July so as in no way to interfere with the due celebration of the One hun dredth Anniversary of our National Independence which comes on the first Tuesday 4th day of July 1876. Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk of Brookhaven Suffolk County New York State In the United States of North America. LTnder date of May 31st 1876 Comm'rs allow to Jesse C. Mills for opening head of Ocean Avenue at Patchogue where his store formerly stood $165. Wm. Nicoll ) Chas. Z. Gillette V Comm'rs Henry S. Jennings ) Their Report filed here only on August 16th 1876— Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk. Page 181. Trustee Meeting. July 1st 1876 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wm. H. Clark Prest. Elbert Woodhul'l Wm. F. Brewster, Alfred Price and Lester H Davis Trustees Ordered That Mrs Apollos Hawkins' allowance of 75 cts to one Dollar per week from June 6tli till further order. Charles Price Undertaker presented Bill for Coffins and Shrouds for Ida Newton, Mrs Walcott and Alfred Gerard $16 for each Coffin and $3.60 for each Shroud which was allowed and paid — Part of this Bill was incurred and prop- 684 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. erly chargeable to expenses before last auditing day — Paid all Bills Adjourned to first Tuesday in August. August 1st 1876. Trustees met — all six present — Elbert Woodhull Temporary aid to Henry Smith $2 — to Leonard Still $1.50 — ordered that allowance to David Smith Rocky pt. be lowered from 8/- to 6/- Chas. Price's Bill for Coffin, Shroud & attendance of funeral of Chas Keagle $ paid Alfred Price's Bill — Grave for Chas Keagle 1.50 taking to Co. Alms Llouse Elizabeth Kremer $2 — again llannah Sea man $2 — Printing Bay Receipts $3.50 paid Nathl Edwards funeral expenses of Mrs Job Raynor $14 — paid Thos. S. Strong applied about the costs in suit of Edwin N. Miller vs James Brown about Millers Landing &, Road — The Board thinks the proper costs should be settled by the Commrs of Highivays if able or by the Supervisor — the Board consider ing that they have no authority over the matter except to counsel for the proper exercise of justice in all cases — Clerk to so notify Commr. done — Henry Wells & Wm Bacon Trustees of Presbyterian Church at Setauket apply for the privilege to set out Trees on that part of Setauket Green Southwest of said church and to use said ground for church purposes only — and .sufficient ownership to enable them to protect the Trees and soil from molestation — but otherwise not to enclose the same but leave it open as heretofore as a part of the long known open pleasant Green of Setauket — Clerk to view it, make map, ready for the Board to decide next meeting — Adjourned to first Tuesday in Sept — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk. Page 182. Trustee Meeting. Sept. 5th 1876 Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all six present. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 685 George E. Hand of East Setauket appeared before the Board and stated that he was the legal owner of certain land and meadow at his present Shipyard in said place and extending westerly therefrom on the Shore of Setauket Harbor making the whole length on the shore about 235 feet — and he asked for a Quitclaim and grant of the priv ilege to make and keep a Dock opposite his said land and 150 feet north of the North side of the Highway and dig out the mud and sand outside said Dock sufficient to make the water deep enough for launching large vessels but in no way to injure the main channel of the Harbor — for which privilege he would pay Ten Dollars — The Board making inquiries and hearing of no opposition — hoping it would be a benefit to the place and to many, granted the Dock as above described. The Application of Trustees of Setauket Pres. Church for a portion of the Green made last meeting was granted free — they paying expenses of Deed &c. but they are not to enclose the same but leave it open as a part of Setauket Green as heretofore but they may set out Trees and protect them and the premises from molestation — but use the same for Church purposes only, and erect buildings thereon for secular purposes. Lester H. Davis reported Temporary aid to Auguste Bahr $2. Elbert Woodhuh do— to Chariotte Hawkins $1 approved Board adjourned to meet at Town Clerk's with the other Town officers on Monday Oct. 2d next. Entered by me Benjn T. Hutchinson T. Clk Page 183. Highway at Oldfield Surveyed. Survey of a Road at Oldfield made August 28th 1876, all three Commissioners being present — The Centre of the road commencing at a point on a range 686 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 3d4th with the line-fence between the lands of Sydney Hart and Hiram Vail and distant 28 feet and 3 inches from a locust Tree standing in the above mentioned fence 1st Course S. 4° W— 5 ch 0 Links 2d '•' S. 2°W— 7— 63 " from this point the N. W. corner of Wm Clark Tooker's house bears S 87° E and distant therefrom 1 ch and 39 Links — S. 1° W distance 9 ch. 26 L. S. 174° E " 2 " 10 " from this point the S. W. corner of G. G. Dominick's barn bears N. 424° E and distant therefrom 56 links — 5th " S. 814° E. distance 6th " S. 37° E. " 7th " S. 36° E point the N. E. corner of John Smith's barn bears S. 724" W and distant therefrom 75 links — . 39° . 43° . 37° . 44° . 53° . 50° the N. W. corner of Charles Dickerson's barn bears S. 14° W. and distant therefrom 50 links. 14th " S. 824° E distance 4 ch. 52 L— The said Road is left as originally laid out four rods wide. Francis A. Hawkins Surveyor — 1 ch- 6 " 10 " 63 " 0 " from this 8th ' ' S. 39° E. distance 4 ch. 74 L. 9th ' ' S. 43° E 7 " 9 " 10th ' ' S. 37° E 11 " 13 " Uth ' ' S. 44° E. 2 " 36 " 12th ' ' S. 53° E 4 " 38 " 18th ' ' S. 50° E 6 " 46 " from this point James M. Bayles | Commissioners Geo. F. Homan > of Highways R. T. Osborn \ of Brookhaven BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 687 Recorded Sept. 12th 1876 copy Posted Sept 20th 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 184. Road Districts divided. Town of Brookhaven | Suffolk County f We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Brookhaven do hereby divide Road District Number Seven (7) of Port Jefferson leaving the North part embracing said Village to be Number Seven (7) still, and set off the South part of the said former Road District from the North side of the Cumsawogue Road so as to in clude said Road and then extending South to the former Southern boundary of said No. 7 District — to be a new and separate Road Dist. to be known as Number Fifty Seven (57) in our said Town — Also we set off into a new Road District a part of Dis trict No. 19 at Fireplace Neck — consisting of the east part of the Cross-Neck-Road from the west line of the land of George H. Burnette east to the River at Squawsucks — also the new road lately laid out running North from said Cross-neck-Road to a junction with the Avenue to Yaphank Station and extending up said Avenue North as far as said No. 19 used to go — this new District to be known as Number Fifty Eight (58) — and all the remainder of the old District to continue to be a District and known as Number Nineteen (19). Given under our hands this 20th day of September 1876 — - Geo. F. Homan ) Commissioners Richard T. Osborn V of James M. Bayles j Highways. Recorded Sept. 21st. 1876 688 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 185. Trustee Meeting. October 2d. 1876 Trustees met at Clerk's pursuant to adjournment — Present Wm. H. Clark President, Llenry W. Carman, Alfred Price, Elbert Woodhull, Wm. F. Brewster & Lester H. Davis Trustees — Lester H. Davis reported temporary aid to Jacob Stryker $3. approved. George E. Hand of East Setauket, attended again — and stated that the 150 feet granted last meeting he found would not be sufficient length to enable him to build as large vessels as he hoped to be able to do — and so he asked the privilege to extend his Dock fifty feet further North, making in all Two LIundred feet from the North side of the Highway at East Setauket — which privilege the Board granted for Ten Dollars more making $20 for all— but said Lland is in no way to injure the channel of the Llarbor. Clerk to write a new Quitclaim & take back the former' — Resolved Unanimously that the sum of Four Thousand Dollars be raised by tax in this Town this year for the support of the poor of the Town the ensuing year — The Clerk having received for the Town, Hon. llenry C. Piatt's 4th of July book entitled " Old Times in Hunt ington" Resolved that the clerk draw up a resolution of thanks of this Board for the useful gift, as well as its being a token of the cordial feeling that has ever existed between this Town and Huntington, a copy to be sent to the author of said book Hon. Llenry C. Piatt and a copy for the Town of Huntington — Our Town Records showing that in 1668 Richard Floyd came from Huntington to reside in our Town and that the same year Capt. John Piatt parted with his lands in our town and went to reside in Huntington, both said names having since become noted in the annals of our Country. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 689 Entered by Adjourned to meet at Coram Novr. 1st Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 186. Overseers of Highways. We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in Suffolk County N. Y. in accord ance with the late law do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road Districts, the number of which is placed opposite each respective name ; for the ensuing year. Dated October 3d 1876. No. Names of Overseers B 1 Thos. S. Mount 2 David Raynor 34 Brewster Wells 6 Algernon S. Mills 6 Alfred Hulse 7 Bryant D. Norton 8 Jehiel S. Norton 9 James Kempster 10 Erastus Brown 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Francis S. Woodhull 0 13 Andrew B. Lane 14 Wihiam Carter 15 George T. Osborn 16 John I. Raynor 17 Daniel Lane 18 Robert A. Carman H 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 John Rider 21 David Hedges Location of District S. Brook— West & South East & North South Setauket Setauket East Setauket N. E. " Port Jefferson Mt. Sinai North " South MillersplaceRocky pt. N orth Wading River Manor North " South East Moriches Eastport MastickSouth Haven Fireplace Neck Bellport Union — West part 690 BR00KH.\.VEN TOWN RECORDS. 22 Abijah T. Moger 23 Win. Reeves 24 Saml. S. Hammond 25 John Westcott 26 Charies W. Hawkins 27 B 28 Edmund W. Ruland B 29 B 80 Richd Wahace Smith B 31 Wm. L. Davis H 82 Jacob S. Newton B 33 Hiram E. Terry O 34 Hampton Overton 35 George ^Y. Ritch 363738 Philetus Phihips 39 Dales Lane 40 41 Henry Larch II 42 David F. Conklin O 43 Azel R. Swezey . O 44 O 45 B 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill B 47 John Jay Woodhuh O 48 John Hawkins B 49 Wm Clark Tooker H 50 Brewster Terry 51 Henry Hawkins 52 Isaac W. Seaman O 58 Andrew Ketcham H 54 Robt. H. Farmer H 66 Gelston Ruland O 56 Edward L. Brown Patchogue East " Lane & North West Bluept Lake Grove New Village West part East part Selden Coram — West part " East part Holbrook & North Farmingville Hills Middletown — west " Centre & North " East & South Mihville YaphankRidgeville Manor East Swan River Swezeytown Centre Moriches " " West part Rockypt — South Wood vi he Moriches Oldfield Patchogue Centre Union — East part Fireplace West Centre Moriches — Eastpt. Hoi tsville — Waverly Short Neck Peconic Mills — Manor — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 691 B 57 Albert H. Hutchinson Cumsawogue — Port Jeffer son P. O H 58 George IL Burnette Fireplace East part of Neck & North. Given under our hands in Brookhaven this 3d day of October 1876. R. T. Osborn _ ) Commissioners James M. Bayles >¦ of Geo. F. Homan ) Highway^ Recorded October 3d 1876 Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 188. Survey of Road at West Fireplace. Survey of the centre of a road known as the Fish Road at Brookhaven and its bounds defined two rods wide from Otter Hollow to the west side of lot No. (81) Thirty one on Great Division — Starting at a point on the West side of the South Country road where the North West corner of the Methodist Church bears South Eighty four deg. East then North Seventy Six Degrees West three chains & Six links — then South Eighty five west four chains & twenty links — then North Eighty five west one chain and twenty eight links Which is a point North twenty nine degrees East to the S. W corner of Daniel's Carter's main house then North Sixty one west three chains and Seventy seven links — then South Eighty four West two chains and forty seven links Then North Sixty nine West two chains and Seventy one hnks Then North Eighty four West one chain Then South Sixty nine West two chains and Seventy one links then North Eighty four west one chain Then South Sixty nine west two chains and Ninety two links Then South Eighty two West five chains & thirteen hnks then South Eighty 693 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. four west two chains then South Sixty Nine West three chains then South Sixty two west three chains & Eighty five links then South Seventy Six west one chain and Sixty Eight links then North Eighty Six West two chains and Ninety two links then South Eighty two West three chains and twenty five links then South Seventy one west three chains and eleven links to west side thirty first lot — Mag netic course — Nathaniel Miller Surveyor Feby 8th 1876. R. T. Osborn ) Commissrs George F. Homan V of James M. Bayles ) Highways Recorded Octr 30th 1876 copy Posted Nov. 12th " Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 189. Survey of a Road at West Fireplace. Survey of the centre of a three rod road from the centre of the old fish road at a point on the West side of lot No. thirty one on Great Division as defined by the Survey of Feb. 8th 1876 to the Bellport dock road — Magnetic course — North 62° West 8 chains and Nineteen links North 66° West 7 North 68° (( 11 78 70° u 4 37 84° a 4 58 44° " 2 38 67° (( 1 84 67° ii 8 72 73° a 1 82 to Bellport dock Road Dated April 29th 1876. Nathaniel Miller— Surveyor R. T. Osborn 1 Commrs Geo. F. Homan V of James M. Bayles ) Highways BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 693 Recorded Oct. 30th 1876 Posted Nov. 13 " Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Survey of Highway at Fireplace Survey of the center of a four rod road on the East side of Beaver Dam brook at Brookhaven commencing at the North end of a former survey of the road between Timothy Ketcham & H. J. Bishop (Magnetic course) starting at the aforesaid point which bears North fifty seven degrees east from the South corner of the Lecture room one chain and five links Then north thirteen deg. East one chain and eighteen links then North Six deg. East four chains and Eighty Nine links which bears South Eighty five deg. West forty four links from the South East corner Page 190. of house formerly owned by John W. Bunce Then North 1° East 9 chains and 77 Links a ii 2° West 1 ii ii 8° West 6 (( ii 12° West 9 a li 1° East. 12 (( ii 10° East. 00 86 ii 27 " to S. S. R R. 73 Bridge 29 of James M. Bayles ) Highways Recorded Oct 30th 1876 copy posted Nov. " Benjn. T. Hutchinson T. Clk 694 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Trustee Meeting. Novr. 1st. 1876— Trustees met this day Wednesday so as not to meet first Tuesday 7th that being Election day— The five Trustees present— President Clark absent Lester H. Davis reported aid to Jacob Stryker, wife and five chil dren $9.00 — he and wife being sick — Elbert Woodhull aid to Alexr Anderson $4.00 Alfred Price temporary aid to several $16.59 — Henry W. Carman temporary aid to Mrs Geo. W. Ruland $4.00 ' do — aid to 3 strangers or travellers $2.00 all approved Ordered That Silas Payne, wife and Daughter be allowed one Dollar per week till further order Eighteen Oystermen gave up their Lots to the Town— H. W. Carman paid in from Jer. Glover rent of Outshore Ridge in South Bay $6.00 which was handed over to Wm. F. Brewster Adjourned to Deer. 5th Tuesday to meet at the County Almshouse at Yaphank Station — Page 191. Trustee Meeting. Deer. 5th. 1876. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at the County Alms House deeming it their duty to visit our Town's poor there at least once a year — the Trustees and overseers of poor all present, and also the County Superintendents of Poor, Williams, of Amityville, Corwin of Riverhead and Hulse of Port Jefferson were in attend ance on business of their office. Elbert Woodhull Trustee reported that he had aided Leonard Still with Boots and other necessaries to $6.00 It was ordered that said Leonard Still be allowed Fifty cents per week until further order — Telem Smith applied for aid, he having a wife and three small children to maintain^ ; BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 695 while he has become infirm, and his small property is en cumbered with large claims — It was voted to allow him One Dollar per week for the present — On the statement of Sylvester D. Tuthill that he and others had had two Juries drawn and summoned to attend and view a Highway at Mt. Sinai — that at the first Meet ing Sept Uth only Six Jurors attended, and at the second Meeting in October only Nine out of the Twelve attended, and in consequence the application for the Highway failed — and that he reported the failures to the Overseers of the Poor — to enable them to proceed for the penalties — and as the Town is entitled to the penalties he asks that the Town pay the expenses — It was thereupon Resolved that the legal expenses of the first meeting be presented at next meeting and the Board will recommend the same to be allowed by the Town Auditors — leaving the applicants to pay the Sec> ond Bill when Nine Jurors attended that being a quorum — The Board in Company with Mr Loudon the Supt or Keeper, Dr. Baker— attending Physician — Co. Supts & others visited all the rooms throughout the House and found all in good order and on their return to the Office the Board fully stated their approval and expressed their hopes that it would continue to be conducted with humanity to the poor with due economy to the tax payers, so as to be an honor to our County Adjourned to meet at Coram Jany 2d 1877 Benj. T. Hutchinson Town Clk Page 192. Trustee Meeting. January 2d 1877 — Owing to deep snow and continued snowing only three Trustees attended viz. Brewster, Price and Davis who after paying regular bills adjourned to meet at Coram on Tuesday Feby 6th — Feby 6th 1877 Trustees met, all the six present 696 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Ordered That Deborah Davis of Bellport be allowed 75 cts. per week till further order, and that L'Hommedieu Smith of Farmingville be allowed one Dollar per week till further order — Committees of Oyster associations of Patchogue and Blue- point presented claims that the rent of Oyster Lots should liereafter be reduced from Two to one Dollar per acre. And a long Petition was presented asking that the Oyster iprivileges secured to our Town after great expense and a ilong contested suit should be preserved to the people of 'Our Town solely or at least that the People of Eastern Islip ¦should be required to pay larger Rent and Toleration if :a1iowed to enjoy the privileges of the Bay which belong to ¦ our people than should be required of our Townsmen. As to the first claim the Board admitting that the past ¦season has been hard for oystering, yet as the Leases granted are for Five years they hope the other seasons will prove ¦good and so defer action on it for the present — As to the second claims the Board unanimously say that the owner ship of the Bay is in our Town and the proper and most, easy time to enforce all our rights to our Townsmen was soon after the decision of the Court of Appeals in our favor and the Board on May 4th 1875 resolved to Page 193. lease Oyster Lots to our own Townsmen only, and to allow the people of Eastern Islip to take Oysters in the waters of our Bay on paying Ten Dollars per year Toleration, but on June 1st 1875 with the approbation of the Representatives of our Oystermen, the Oystermen of East Islip were granted privileges on paying the same as our own Townsmen, and to enforce the gradual return to the exclusive use of the Bay by our own Townsmen will require some time for leases to expire, and as the official year of this Board is nearly closed, the matter is deferred for the present so as to have time for due deliberation and information on the important subject. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 697 The following act was then passed — Whereas complaints have been made to this Board of Trustees of Brookhaven that people in getting Oysters have been in the practice of leaving a part thereof on the ice to be destroyed to the injury of the South Bay and the Oyster men Now therefore it is Ordered by the Authority given us in our Patents to protect the rights of the Town That who ever shall hereafter take and leave Oysters on the ice in the South Bay shall forfeit the sum of Five dollars to be sued for and recovered in any court. Chas. S. Havens Esq. Supervisor, presented Resolutions against the division of our County, which were approved and signed and then the following Resolution was passed and ordered entered and a copy to be furnished under Town Seal to our said Supervisor. Whereas the subject of a New County to be formed out of the Two west Towns of Suffolk and Three Eastern Towns of Queens County is again before the Legislature by the Application of a portion of the residents of the said Towns in Queens County and a small Page 194. minority of the people of said Two Towns in Suffolk, while against the wishes of the people of all parties and classes of the other eight Towns of our County of Suffolk and of the majority of the said other two Towns ; and while our Board last March unanimously remonstrated against the lessening of our County and fully set forth our reasons therefor, we now again unanimously remonstrate in behalf of the great Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County which we have the honor to serve, and have signed Resolutions to that effect to be presented to the Honorable the Legis lature of the State of New York by Chas. S. llavens Esqr. Supervisor of our said Town, and we authorize him to act 698 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. for our Town in every just and proper way in aid of the just cause of preventing the dismemberment of our good and beloved County of Suffolk. The following Memorials in respect to former Trustees lately deceased were adopted. Whereas Coll. Charies Woodhuh Died October 3d 1876 — ^And whereas he was a Trustee of this Town Two years, being one of said years President of the Board a faithful officer and good Townsman, a son of Merritt S Woodhull a former esteemed Town officer and a descendant of Capt Richard Woodhull a prominent officer in the early history of our Town we render this token of respect to the departed and extend our sympathy to the bereaved widow and rela tives to whom we send this copy of the Record Page 196. Whereas Dl. Downs Swezey died December 1876 And whereas he was a Trustee of this Town Two years, a faith ful officer and worthy Townsman, we tender this token of respect to the departed, and extend our sympathy to the Widow and other bereaved relatives of the deceased, and we order that this token of Respect be entered in the Town Records, and a copy thereof with the Town seal affixed be sent to the widow — Whereas Philip Hallock Died January 12th 1877. And whereas he was long an officer of this Town being first elected Trustee in 1836 and since then has been Asses sor three years, Commissioner of Highways six years and Trustee Thirteen years up to 1868 when he declined a re election and ever finding him a faithful officer and a kind affable man, we render this token of respect to the departed and extend our sympathy to the widow and other bereaved relatives, and we order that this Token of respect be en- BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 699 tered on Record and a copy thereof with the Town seal affixed be sent to the widow Adjourned to Tuesday March 6th next Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 196. Trustee Meeting. March 6th. 1877 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment whole six present. Lester H. Davis reported temporary aid to Henry Van Wart & family during the past month $4. 00 — Granted to Jeremiah Glover the Out Shore Ridge in the South Bay for one year from this date for $6.00 — - The application to discriminate between our Townsmen and those of Eastern Islip in the South Bay as to the Oyster Privileges was again made, and it was ordered that the question be submitted to the vote of the legal voters of this Town at Town meeting first Tuesday in April next — - It was ordered that the Toleration fee for Oystering in the South Bay from the first of March inst. to March 1st 1878 shall be Two Dollars, except that those Oystermen who reside east of Howells point may oyster for $1. Adjourned to first Tuesday in April next — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Auditors Appointed. Whereas at the annual Town Meeting held on the 4th day of April 1876 — John M. Price, Chas. A. Davis and Holmes W. Swezey were chosen Auditors of Town accounts for one year from that time and whereas the said Auditors having failed to qualify according to law, thereby causing a vacancy in said offices. Now therefore I, Charles S. Havens, Supervisor of the Town of Brookhaven by virtue of the authority vested in me by law do hereby appoint 700 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. John M. Price, Charles A. Davis and H. Sidney Long botham to fill said vacancies and to do and perform all acts which may by law be performed by such auditors untill the next Annual Town Meeting — Given under my hand this fifth day of March 1877— Charles S. Havens Supervisor of the Town Entered March 6th 1877 of Brookhaven — Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Notices to all sent March 7th '77— B. T. H— Page 197. Trustee Meeting. April 3d 1877. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wm. H. Clark, President Henry W. Carman, Lester H. Davis, Elbert Woodhull, Alfred Price and Wm. F. Brewster Trustees — the two latter being also Overseers of the Poor. Minutes of last meeting read and approved — The Clerk reported that he had advertized the Resolution of the Board to submit the question of discrimination as to Oyster Priv ileges in South Bay to the People. Lester H. Davis Trustee reported temporary aid to L'Hommedieu Smith to the amount of $3 in wood — ap proved Granted the privilege of building and maintaining a Dock at the foot of Patchogue Lane where an old dock is now to Lewis B. Baker of Patchogue for the Term of Ten Years at the annual rent of Three Dollars per year in ad vance from April 1st 1877. Voted to exempt Isaac Bellows of Mt. Sinai from paying his small tax this year — he being poor, sick and destitute of means — ^having formerly' been helped by the Trustees. Voted to return to Mrs Brewster Tooker of Mt. Sinai Ten Dollars it being an over tax through mistake, and the Collector agrees to pay it to her out of back taxes cohected by hiin — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 701 The question relative to South Bay 03^ster Privileges was submitted to the people and by a majority vote the voters decided that they advise the ensuing Board of Trustees to discriminate in the price and charge the people of Eastern Islip more for Oystering and for Lots than they do our Townsmen Adjourned Sine die — Benjn. T. Ilutchirrson Town Clk Page 198. Town Meeting. April 3d. 1877— at Coram— We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County do hereby certify that at the annual Town meeting held the 8d day of April 1877 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named as follows viz. For Supervisor Charles S. Havens Justices of the Peace Richard T. Osborn — 4 yrs. Charles E. Goldthwaite 4 yrs. Charles A. Davis for vacancy of 2 yrs. &c — Assessors William H. Hait— 3 yrs. George W. Ritch— 3 yrs. Commissioner of Highways Richard T. Osborn— 8 yrs. Town Clerk Benjn. T. Hutchinson Collector Charles E. Rose 703 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 199. President of Trustees Wihiam H. Clark Trustees William F. Brewster Elbert Woodhull Henry W. Carman Alfred Price H. Whitmore Smith Isaac H. Robbins Overseers of Poor Alfred Price Wm. F. Brewster Commissioners of Excise John R. Davis — 8 yrs George T. Osborn vacancy — 1 yr. Auditors John M. Price Sylvester D. Tuthill H. S. Longbothum Constables Brewster II. Jayne Benjajjiin R. Raynor Joseph R. Bayles S. Warren Wines William Penny George W. Smith Robert Hawkins L. Irving Overton Game Constable Benjn. R. Raynor Page 200. Bay Constables John Ferguson John Bransford BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 703 Inspectors of Election William O. Gould 1st Dist. Walter Smith Israel B. Tyler — ^appointed John H. Overton 2d Dist. Charies P. Randall George P. Schryver appd. Daniel W. Davis 8d Dist. John S. Randall Isaac E. Brown — appd — Richard T. Osborn 4th Dist. Gilbert S. Terry Gideon Smith appd — Homer Gordon 6th Dist. Hubert Badetty O. H. P. Robinson appd Charles Price 6th Dist. Henry W. Ketcham Wm. C. Woodburne appd Wm. E. Gould 7th Dist. Winfield S. Davis Wm. H. Osborn — appointed — We certify that the above is a true and correct Statement of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meet ing- Charles R. Smith, John S. Lee R. T. Osborn ) Justices of Lester Davis Oran W. Rogers j the Peace Entered by Benjamin T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 201. The people were called on to vote on the following sub jects in front of the House of L. H. Davis between 12 & 1 P.M. and voted as follows — 704 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Voted to raise by Tax on the Town not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars to pay contingent expenses that is Town officers and costs of suit if any arise about Highway at Millersplace — Voted not to raise any sum with which to pay Bay Con stables — ¦ Voted to raise Two Hundred and fifty Dollars to benefit the Highway leading from Cumsawogue down the Hill to Port Jefferson — On the question as advertized to be submitted to the voters of the Town relative to the Oyster Privileges of the South Bay, whether they wished the coming Board of Trustees to discriminate in their charges for such privileges between our own Townsmen and those of Eastern Islip by charging the latter more than they do our own Townsmen — after free discussion and various suggestions and votes it was finally decided by a fair majority that the coming Board of Trustees should so discriminate and charge Islip people more than our own Townsmen for the enjoyment of our privileges in the South Bay — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk April 3d 1877— Page 202. Trustee Meeting. May 1st. 1877 — Board of Trustees met pursuant to order of the President ; present Win. H. Clark President Alfred Price, Henry W. Carman, Wm. F. Brewster Elbert Wood- hull and H. Whitmore Smith Trustees — and Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk — Clerk read a letter from Isaac T. Robbins stating that it would not be convenient to serve as Trustee. Clerk then read the proceedings of Town Meeting show ing who were elected and what votes on measures were made. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 705 Clerk read the minutes of last meeting and the Board approved the same. On motion of Mr Clark it was voted to allow Charles Carter One Dollar per week from April 3d — Elbert Woodhull presented Bill for Telem Smith coffin $6. Grave $1. approved— Hudson Still and Wm. N. Smith from Bluepoint made statements about the Bay — that much ground was staked in without a Lease for it — that long spaces were left between leased lots — and partiality shown as to leasing Green's point &c &c — The statements were deferred to inc[uire into the same — The subject of Discrimination between our Townsmen and those of Eastern Islip and consequently the price of Oyster Lots was debated — voted on — reconsidered as some had voted with different views and understandings, and it get ting late the whole Oyster Subject was deferred to next Meeting Adjourned to first Tuesday in June Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clerk Page 203. Trustee Meeting. June 6th 1877 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all six present — Minutes of last meeting read and approved Ordered that Mrs. George Terrell of Patchogue be allowed one Dollar per week till further order — Also Mary Raynor of Fireplace be allowed One Dollar per week from May 1st till further order Ordered that Charles Carter & family of Manor be allowed Two Dohars per week till further order Ordered that the Clerk charge to the Town the Three dollars which he has paid to the Advance Editor for print ing Memorials of departed Officers and Town accounts — Granted by lease for Twenty years the premises formerly leased to Edmund T. Darling now deceased, at Port Jeffer- 706 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. son to John R. Mather and Frederick F. Dariing present owners of the improvements thereon for the Rent of Fifteen Dollars payable yearly. On application and presentation of accounts and reasons by Charles E. Rose Collector he was exonerated from the payment of Two Hundred and forty Dollars of uneollect- abfe Taxes ; and also the difference between the Ten Dol lars over tax returned by him to the estate of Brewster Tooker of Mt. Sinai and the $7.98 of back taxes collected by him of Jacob Pinang making in all $242.02 — Also it was voted and agreed upon that on account of the grievances heretofore set forth by Oystermen and there being no funds granted for Llay Constables that the Rent of Oyster Lots in the South Bay be lowered from $2 to one dollar & a half per acre per year till further order — John Roe Smith's Bill for Coffins &c for two paupers and one very indigent person were allowed & paid and an omitted old bill for wood furnished to a pauper $2.50 was allowed & paid. Adjourned to the first Tuesday in July. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Clk Page 204. This Indenture made this fifth day of June One thousand eight hundred and Seventy Seven Between the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brook haven in Suffolk County New York State of the first part and John R. Mather and Frederick F. Darling of the same Town, County and State parties of the Second part Wit nesseth that the said parties of the fii-st part for and in con sideration of Fifteen Dollars annual rent to be paid on the first Tuesday in June in each year by the parties of the Second part their heirs or assigns, have granted, bargained let and leased unto the said parties of the second part their heirs or assigns the use and privilege of a certain piece of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 707 the former Beach or Shore belonging to said Town situate and lying at the head of Port Jefferson Bay for the term of Twenty years from the date hereof, being the same prem ises as were included in the leases in 1851 & 1858 to Edmund T. Darling now deceased,, whose said leases have expired and the parties of the second part being the present owners of the improvements on the said premises — which are Bounded East by the premises formerly granted to Wm. L. Jones for a Dock and Railways — and extending westerly along the former Shore about one hundred and fifteen or twenty five feet towards the Bridge but not to interfere in any way with the free passage through said Bridge place — being in the former grants set forth as about one hundred feet in width. And the said John R. Mather and Frederick F. Darling do for themselves their heirs and assigns hereby covenant and agree to pay annually and every year for the above granted premises the Page 205. sum of Fifteen Dohars during the said term of Twenty years to the said Trustees or their successors in office. And the said Trustees do covenant and agree that they and their successors in office will defend the said parties of the second part in the peaceable possession of the said leased pi'emises for the term aforesaid ; and it is mutually agreed that at the expiration of said term, this present grant shall return to said Town and the improvements thereon appraised by impartial men and the amount shall be paid to the parties of the second part their heirs or assigns or further arrangement or agreement made between said parties of the first part or their successors and the said parties of the Second part their heirs or assigns. In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the seal of the Town of Brookhaven and the signa ture of their President to be hereunto affixed and the said 708 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. parties of the second part have hereunto affixed their hands and seals the day and date first above written Wm H. Clark President [Seal [Seal Fredk. F Dariing [Seal Page 206. Trustee Meeting. July 3d 1877 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wra H. Clark Prest. H. W. Carman Alfred Price, Wm. F. Brewster & II. Whitmore Smith. Minutes of last meeting read and approved — Wm. T. llulse made applica tion for renewal of Shore at Port Jefferson — no objection —but not being a full Board it was deferred till next Meet ing — said shore was leased for Railways many years ago and ¦ though not recently used yet Mr Hulse wishes to retain the grant. Adjourned to first Tuesday 7th day of August — Benjn. T. Hutchinson August 7th 1877. " T. Clerk Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all Six Trustees present — Minutes of last meeting read and approved — Paid Bills — Wm. T. Hulse not attending his application was deferred until further order — No further business or other applica tions being before the Board it adjourned to meet first Tuesday in Sept. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk — Page 207. Trustee Meeting. Sept 4th 1877 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment — all present. Minutes of last Meeting read — Granted a re- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 709 newal of Lease of Shore at Port Jefferson to Wra. T. Hulse for $12 per year for 20 years from June 1st 1877 — about 128 feet between grant of Bayles' Dock & grant of Spot for Blacksmith Shop — Ordered That Telem Smith's widow and three children be allowed $2.00 per week till further order she to procure the necessaries of support to said amount of Wm. T. Hulse as she requests — Dr. Baker's Bill for attendance on Poor from Oct. 14 — 1876 to Sept. 4 1877— paid in full- Board adjourned to meet at Town Clerk's with the other Town officers on Monday Oct. 1st 1877 — Entered by me Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 208. Memorial At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County N. Y. Sept 4th 1877— all present — Resolved. That Whereas Benjamin Brewster of Setauket in this Town departed this life August 4th 1877 — aged 84 years 1 month and 16 days having as a true patriot served in defence of our Country in the War of 1812 for which he deserves honor and respect ; the records of this Town show that he was Trustee of the Town in 1845—1849—1850— 1851 & 1857 and also Overseer of the Poor of this Town in 1849 — & 1857 doing the duties faithfully and satisfactorily ; and while all who knew him will bear testimony to his honesty as a man ; we offer this tribute to his memory as a man, a patriot, and Town officer ; and order that this token of respect be entered in the Town Records and a copy thereof with the Town Seal attached be presented by the 710 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Clerk to the Grand son of the departed Wm. Frederick Brewster who at present is a member of our Board. I certify that the above in which I fully concur is a true record of the proceedings. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Wm. H. Clark Pres. Wm. F. Brewster " Elbert Woodhull Whitmore Smith }¦ Trustees Henry Carman Alfred Price Recorded Sept 5th 1877— Page 209. SchoolCommissioner's office. Second Comr. Dist. Suffolk Co. N. Y. It is hereby ordered (the Trustees of the School District to be affected thereto) that the boundary line between School District No. 5 of the Town of Islip — and School District No. 23 of the Town of Brookhaven, known respectively as the Bay Port District, and the Blue Point District as the said Boundary line is North of the South Country Road shall be and the same is hereby altered so as to read as follows ; From the point where the Brookhaven and Islip line crosses the South Country road ; thence running Westerly along said road about fifty two rods to the boundary at the South west corner of the farm now owned by Lewis Par- shall ; thence North by the west boundary of said Parshall's land one half mile ; thence easterly by the North boundary of said Parshall's land about fifty rods to the boundary line between the Towns of Brookhaven and Islip ; thence North along the said town line to a Stone one mile North of the South Country Road placed on said line by the Town surveyors and which marks the South East corner of Eden- BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 7J1 vale ; thence west one hundred and Sixty Rods ; thence North Two hundred and fifty (260) rods or to the Waverly District— the bounds otherwise to remain as heretofore. The Trustees of both districts consenting to this altera tion this Order will go into effect immediately. Dated Aug 9th 1877. Thos. S. Mount Recorded Sept. 20th 1877— Sch. Com. 2d. Dist. Benjn. T. Hutchinson Suffolk Co. Town Clerk Note. The written Consent signed by the Trustees is on file in the Town Clerk's office in the Town of Islip — T. S. Mount Page 210. Trustee Meeting. Oct. 1st 1877 — Trustees met at Clerk's pursuant to ad journment Present Wm. H. Clark President, Henry W. Carman, Alfred Price, Elbert Woodhuh, H. Whitmore Smith & Wm. F. Brewster Trustees, minutes of last meet ing read and approved — Resolved Unanimously that the sum of Five Thousand five hundred Dollars be raised by tax in this Town this year for the support of the Poor of the Town for the ensuing year — At a meeting of the Town Officers of the Town of Brook haven held at the house of the late Benjamin T. Hutchin son at Middle Island on the 1st day of Oct. 1877. Charles Riley Smith was called to the chair and R. T. Osborn appointed Secy. On motion of Chas. S. Havens, Esq. Supervisor the chairman appointed a Committee of Five to prepare Reso lutions of regret and also Resolutions of Condolence to the family of deceased at the loss of our lamented Town Clerk —Benjn. T. Hutchinson 713 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Charles S. Havens Austin Culver George F. Homan George W. Ritch Wm. F. Brewster Were appointed as such Committee — - Memorial Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our late friend and townsman Benjamin T. Hutchinson who has well and faithfully served our Town ior the past nineteen years as clerk therefore Page 211. liesolved. That we the officers of the Town of Brook haven assembled at the Annual reunion of Town officials desire to place on Record our tribute to the Memory and ¦vvorth of our departed friend. Resolved — That in the death of Benjn. T. Hutchinson our Town has met with a loss which cannot be repaired, and that we deeply mourn and lament the Providence which has taken him from our midst. Resolved— that in all his official labors he was eminently faithful to all the trusts committed to him not even allow ing the infirmities of his body to interfere with his discharge of the duties committed to him by the Town- Resolved — That we tender to the family and friends of the deceased our heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement — Resolved that these resolutions be signed by the several Boards of Town officers and published in the County papers and that a Copy thereof be placed upon the Town Records Chas. S. Havens, Supervisor Wm. H. Clark, Pres. Win. F. Brewster Alfred Price Henry W. Carman Elbert Woodhull H. Whitmore Smith - Trustees BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 713 Austin Culver William H. Hait Henry Wells Edmund W. Ruland John S. Randall George W. Ritch Assessors Richard T. Osborn James M. Bayles George F. Homan Justus Roe. Ex Commissioners of Highways Page 212. C. E Goldthwaite Richard T. Osborn Wm. H. Clark John S. Lee , Justices of the Oran W. Rogers | Peace Lester Davis | Chas. A. Davis j Charies R. Smith J Charles E. Rose } Collector Recorded Oct 2d 1877 Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Board adjourned to meet at Clerk's on Saturday Novr 3d— Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk ss. Whereas a vacancy has occurred in the office of Overseer of Highways for Road District No. (49) in said Town by reason of the death of William C. Tooker. Now therefore by virtue of the power vested in us by the Statute in such case made and provided, We the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town having met and deliberated on the subject embraced in this Warrant. All the Commissioners of said Town having met and deliberated do hereby in order to fill said vacancy appoint Joseph Jayne Overseer of Highways of and for said Road District No. (49) Forty nine in said Town — 714 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Commrs of Highways In witness whereof we have hereto placed our hands this 18th day of June 1878 James M. Bayles " R. T. Osborn Robert L. Petty [ Recorded June 21st 1878. Henry P. Ilutchinson Town Clerk. Page 213. Overseers of Highways. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County N. Y. on Tuesday the 2d day of October 1877— we the undersigned in accord ance with the late law do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road districts, the number of which is placed opposite each respective name ; for the ensuing year — Nam.es of Overseers 1 Wessel S. Edwards 2 Thomas S. Mount 3 Ebenezer Hawkins 4 Brewster Wells 5 Algernon S. Mills 6 Sylvester Hawkins 7 John Wm. Brown 8 Selah Tooker 9 James Kempster 10 John J. Davis 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Charles W. Peterson 13 Andrew B. Lane 14 William Carter 15 Jeremiah Culver 16 J. Iverson Raynor Location of Districts Stony Brook — West " " East & North South SetauketSetauket East " N. East " Port Jefferson Mount Sinai— North " South Millersplace Rocky Point Wading River Manor— North " —South East Moriches Seatuck or Eastport BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 715 17 Daniel Lane 1 8 Robert A. Carman 19 Augustus Hawkins 20 Richard S. Gerard 21 Charles Hedges 22 Edmund B. Smith dechned April 20th 1878 Humphrey Beaming appd 23 William Reeve 24 S. S. Hammond 25 Thomas J. Hallock 26 C. W. Hawkins Page 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 Edmund W. Ruland 29 Samuel Dare 30 Richard W. Smith 81 William L. Davis 32 Charles Overton 38 Hiram E. Terry 84 Hampton Overton 35 George W. Ritch 36 Edgar G. Swezey 87 Abner Van Horn 88 Robert F. Hawkins 39 Dales Lane 40 Hiram Edwards 41 Henry Larch 42 David F. Conklin 43 Azel R. Swezey 44 Nathaniel Wiggins 46 Henry Deery 46 Sylvester D. Tuthih 47 John J. Woodhull Mastic South Haven Fireplace Neck — W. Bellport Union St. Patchogue Patchogue East " Lane & North " West Bluept. Lake Grove 214. New Village — West East Selden Coram — West " East Holbrook Farmingville HillsvilleMiddletown West " Centre & North " East & South Minville Yapharik Ridgeville Manor — ^East Swan River Swezeytown Centre Moriches Moriches — West part Rocky point Woodville 716 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 48 John Hawkins 49 Wm. Clark Tooker deceased June 18th 1878. Joseph Jayne appd. 50 Charies W. Miller 51 Charles Homan 62 Isaac W. Seaman 53 Andrew Ketcham 54 Robert H. Farmer 55 Charles Wicks 56 Edward L Brown 57 Thomas Terry 58 J. Smith Rose Moriches — West Oldfield Patchogue Union St. E. Fireplace — West Moriches — Centre Holtsville Patchogue Peconic Mills — Manor East Cumsewogue — Port J. Fireplace — East Neck Richard T. Osborn James M. Bayles Geo. F. Homan Recorded Oct. 1877 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Commrs of Highways Page 215. Trustee Meeting. Novr. 3d. 1877 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all six Present — Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Ordered that David Smith be allowed $1.00 instead of 75 cts as heretofore till further order. Ordered that Oran Johnson be allowed 50 cts per week till further order — ' Ordered that L'Hommedieu Smith be allowed $1 per week until further order — Ordered that Alexander Munsill be allowed $1. per week until further order — Also David Barnes to be allowed $1. per week till further order — Board adjourned to meet on Tues. Dec. 4tli 1877 Granted to Sanford Weeks for building Portable Dock BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 717 &c from Deer. 4th at $10 per year in advance — For Five years. Entered by me. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting. Deer. 4th 1877. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment all Present. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved. Ordered that Mrs Charles Swezey be allowed $4.00 per Month until further order — The Grass on Pelican Island is leased to Capt Augustus Hawkins for $160 per Annum — Board adjourned to meet on Monday Deer. 31st. Page 216. Trustee Meeting. Deer. 31st 1877 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present. Wm. H. Clark Prest. H. W. Carman, Alfred Price, Wm. F. Brewster & Whitmore Smith minutes of last meeting read and approved — Wm. T. Hulse's Lease to be renewed according as here tofore on Sept. 4th 1877.— It was voted and agreed that James I. Baker Guardian (for Charles P. Smith a Chronic Lunatic) pay $1. per week, for said Smith being kept at the County Alms House — as heretofore. — Board adjourned to meet at County Alms House Tues. Feb. 6th 1878. This Indenture made this First day of June One thou sand Eight hundred and Seventy Seven, Between the Trus tees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, State of New York of the First part and William T. Hulse of the same Town party of the second part Witnesseth that the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the Annual rent 718 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of ($12.) Twelve Dollars to be paid annually in each yeai. Have granted, bargained, leased and demised and by these presents do grant, bargain, lease and demise unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns All that cer tain piece of Common land or shore belonging to said Town of Brookhaven lying at the head of Port Jefferson Bay and bounded as follows ; on the East by Bayles' Dock from thence extending Westwardly on the shore (128) One Hun dred and twenty Eight feet (to a spot granted for a Page 217. Blacksmith Shop) and to extend southwardly to the High way — Bounded on the North by the Bay and to extend North into the Bay One Hundred and Ninety feet from common highwater mark leaving the highway entirely un incumbered. To Have and to hold the said premises so leased and demised unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, from the day of the date hereof for and during the term of Twenty years and paying therefor to the said Trustees or their successors in office annually each year the said sum of Twelve Dollars. And it is mutually understood, covenanted and agreed by the said parties to these presents that if default shall be made by the party of the second part or his assigns in the payment of said yearly rent then in such case the grant hereby made shall be null and void and the primitive right return to the said Trustees or their successors in office — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the Corporate Seal of their Town of Brookhaven and the hand of their President to be hereunto affixed and the party of the second part has hereunto affixed his hand and seal the day and date first above named. In presence of Wm. H. Clark President |Seal B. F. Brown Wilham T. Hulse [Seal BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 719 Page 218. In the Matter of the alter ation of the Boundaries of School District No. 15 and y ss. consequently of District No. 14 of the Town of Brookhaven It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commis sioner of the 2d Commissioner district of the County of Suffolk, and by and with the written consent of the Trus tees of the School districts to be affected thereby that the boundaries of School District No. 15 of the Town of Brookhaven commonly known as the Coram Hills or West Yaphank District be and the same are hereby altered so as to read as follows. Commencing at a point on the Southeast corner of said district (which is one half mile South of the Railroad and on the West line of District No 18) running thence west and parallel to said Rail Road to the west bound of John Smith's farm (which is lot 44) thence Northerly along the said West line of John Smith's farm to the Horse block Road thence North westerly along the Horse Block Road to the Coram and Medford road thence North along the Coram and Medford Road to the Granny Road, thence Easterly along the Granny Road to a line between Phanni- millers and Andrew J. Walker thence Northerly by said line to a point one quarter of a mile North of the Granny Road thence Easterly along a line parallel to said Grannj' Road (and a quarter of a mile North thereof) to the west line of School District No. 18 thence Southerly along the Westerly bound of No. 18 to the place of beginning — In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this fifth day of January 1878. Thos. S. Mount School Commissioner 2d Dist Suffolk Co. N. Y. 730 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. The Board of Trustees of School Dist No. 14— of the said Town hereby consent to the above order — Henry Smith John Johnson Trustees Wm. L. Davis Page 219. The sole Trustee of School Dist. No. 15 of the said Town hereby consent to the above order. George A. Edwards [ ^f "^^^^^ Recorded Jan. 21st 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. Feb. 5th 1878. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment at the County Alms House— Present Wm H. Clark, Presi dent, Henry W. Carman, Alfred Price, Wm. F. Brewster and H. Whitmore Smith — Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Ordered, That Julia C. Smith be allowed $2 per week until further order — - Ordered that August Barnes be allowed $1.50 per week until further order — It was voted & agreed to Authorize Miss Cynthia Hutch inson to complete the Copying of the Town Records — that were commenced by the late Benjn. T. Hutchinson. It was Resolved that $200 be and is hereby appropriated from the Bay revenue to be expended in the reseeding of the Bay East of Bluepoint with Chester River Oysters this coming Spring under the direction and Supervision of the Trustee on the South side. Resolved That this Board will lease Lots in Port Jeffer son Bay &c. for the purpose of planting and growing Oysters, Under the same conditions as Oyster Lots are BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 731 leased in South Bay &c for reference (See page 182 of this Book, passed May 4th 1875.) Pa,ge 220. Resolved — That the toleration fees for the privilege of taking Oysters and Clams from the public grounds within. the limits of the Town in the Great South Bay for the ensuing year be Two Dollars or in lieu thereof Twenty Bushels of seed Oysters to be delivered to the Trustee for planting broadcast, under his supervision and regulations. Board adjourned to meet at Town Clerk's Oflice on Tues day March 5th 1878— Entered by me Henry T. Hutchinson Town Clerk Feb. 5th 1878— Page 221. Highway Stony Brook to Setauket. Survey of Highway from East Stony Brook and Setauket in. the Town of Brookhaven — Whereas a road leading from Stony Brook to Setauket in the Town of Brookhaven has been used as a highway not only for twenty years, now past but for a long term of years and as we judge laid out and recorded in the County Clerk's office but not sufficiently described ; Now therefore the undersigned Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Brookhaven, all the Commissioners having been notified to meet at this time and place for the purpose. On the appli cation of Edward Oakes, David T. Bayles and others of Stony Brook to define said Highway, Do order that said road be ascertained, described and entered of Record in the Clerk's office of said Town according to a Survey which has been made under our direction as follows ; beginning at the Southeast corner and on a line with the east end of the house of AlonzO Hawkins one chain from S. E. corner 723 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of said house in a Southerly direction and runs the follow ing courses and distances 1st Course N. 564° East 7ch. & 32 Links from a lo- oust staff on N. S. R. 2d K N. 71 1 ( 4 " " 30 " opposite Oak tree on N. sd distant 29 (( 8d (1 N. 85 East 4ch. " 75 & 50 Links from fence NS 4th (( N. 56 u 4 " " 86 it 6th a N. 57 (( 6 00 " 20 Links from Bolder N. S 6th (( 30 a 2 " 87 (( 7th' (( 18 a 9 " 83 it 8th a 11 ti 2 " 16 it 9th u H West 1 " 65 1 ( 10th u 12 it 1 " 72 f( Uth (( 36 East. 5 " 62 ti 12th Station 43 (( 6 " 88 — 234 from fence N . side 13th (( 48 (1 3 " 40 If 14th (( 62 Page 5 " 222. 50 " to Black oak tree 16th Course N. 45° East. 2ch. 89 Links & 26 Links from W. oak tree S. side 16th (( N. 19 (( 3 — 67 a 17th u a 434 it 6 — 44 — 33 L. from Black-oaktree S. side BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 733 18th " " 61 " 6 — 13 — 27 L. from tree on South side 19th " " 67 " 6 — 52 224 L. from tree South side 20th " " 654 " 7 — 91 21st. " " 64 " 6 — 78 — 48 Iks from tree South side 22d " South 714 "5— 74 " 29 from tree South side 23 " " 71 " 2 — 80 " 49 from fir tree South side 24 " " 82 " U — 10 The above courses are taken in the centre of road and measured on the surface — Dated Stony Brook Feb. 4th 1878 — Francis A. Hawkins Surveyor James M. Bayles ) Commissioners R. T. Osborn V of Geo. F. Homan ) Highways Recorded 16th Feb. 1878 Posted 21st Feb. 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. March 5th 1878 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment, present Wm. H. Clark President, Alfred Price, Elbert Woodhull, Henry W. Carman, Wm. Frederick Brewster, H. Whitmore Smith minutes of last meeting read and approved. A Resolution was presented for the Town of Brookhaven to quit-claim to Capt George Hawkins their right and title to the Mill property at Wading River — 734 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. It was also Resolved that a Committee be appointed to measure the ground belonging to Capt. Thomas Hawkins (under his lease) in Port Jefferson Harbor. Then get a re lease from Charles Brown — Adjourned to April 2d 1878. Entered by me Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 223. Llighway at Manor. May 13th 1877 — Survey of Highway running South of Depot at Manor. .Beginning at a point on the centre of Sag Harbor Branch Rail Road 48 feet four inches North easterly of the North East corner of foundation of G. W. Raynor's store Twenty five feet (25) eleven inches South erly of the S. E. corner of Depot (upright) and Twenty six feet (104 in) Ten and a half inches Northwesterly from a locust stake, thence running South (2°) Two degrees 57' West (7 ch) seven chains (37) Thirty seven links to a point (16) Sixteen feet (4) Four inches east of a large white oak tree. D. H. Raynor. Surveyor. James M. Bayles ) Commiss'rs Geo. F. Homan > of R. T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded March 6th 1878 Posted March Uth 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson ¦ Town Clerk- Highway leading to Patchogue. June 2d 1877. Location of Patchogue road from the South end of E. Gerard's Mill Dam to the West hne of the Suffolk County Alms House farm — Beginning at a point, on centre of an BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 735 Old road (said Road running from Yaphank Depot to the Village of Yaphank) on South side of the above Dam (32) Thirty Tw^o feet S. 70° 4' E. from the N. E. corner of E. Gerard's Shop.— Thence : running S. 19° 50' W. 9 rods 16 links to the centre of a large Oak tree — Thence ; S. 46° 05' W. 12 rods, 14 hnks— Thence S. 61° | W. 3 rods 7 links (Junction of Yaphank Ave.) Thence ; N. 88° W. 141 rods to the west line of the above farm, also to a point S. 62° 32' E. 6 rods 17 links from the S. E. corner of the house formeriy owned by J. P. Mills, new Finn's — Said Road is to be 4 rods wide — June. 1877 — D. H. Raynor Surveyor James M. Bayles ) Commissrs R. T. Osborn I of Geo. F. Homan ) Higliways Recorded March 6th 1878— Posted March 11—1878. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 224. Survey of New Road at Manor. March 2d 1878 — ^Location of Highway beginning at a point (about) on the East line of Highway leading from Manor to Centre Moriches. S 164° W^- 1 chain 14 hnks from a Cedar tree. Thence running S. 404'' E. 2. ch. Thence South 39° East (2) two Chains. Thence South 18° 06' East 4.40— Thence South 26° 10' East 2 ch. 6 links Thence South 16| West, 2 ch. 46 links. Thence South 144 East 7 chains, 20 links— Thence South 73f E. (at 65 links ofset to the left 27 links to the South side of Rock, cross centre Sag Harbor Branch R. R. at 3 chains 62 links) 6 Chains 37 links to road running from Manor to East Moriches. The said Road to be three rods wide. D. H. Raynor Surveyor 736 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. R. T. Osborn ) Commrs James M. Bayles >• of Geo. F. Homan ) Highways Recorded March, 27th 1878 Posted March, 29—1878 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. April 2d 1878 — Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present, Wm. H. Clark, President. Henry W. Carman, Alfred Price, Wm. F. Brewster, Elbert Woodhull & H Whitmore Smith. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved — Ordered That Mrs Sarah Racket be allowed $1.50 per week until further order. April 2d 1878. Resolved that we Grant the privilege to Lloyd Stephens to take sand from Stony Brook Harbor for the sum of Ten Dollars' per year — Page 225. with the privilege of renewal at Fifteen Dollars per year, providing he does not interfere with Clams, upland, or channel — Adjourned Sine die. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk — April 2d— Town Meeting. 1878 We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk Co. do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held the 2d of April 1878 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the fol lowing officers were elected to the respective offices as fol lows viz : ' For Supervisor John S. Havens BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 737 Justices of the Peace Charles R. Smith — 4 yrs Wm. H. Osborn 4 yrs George E. Davis for vacancy 1 yr. In place of C. A. Davis & Thomas H. Saxton " " 2 yrs Lee Assessors Edmund W. Ruland. Henry Wells. Commissioner of Highways Robert L. Petty Page 226. Town Clerk Henry P. Hutchinson Collector George P. Schryver President of Trustees' Wm. H. Clark Trustees Lester Davis Thomas Terry Wihiam F. Brewster Henry W. Carman Sylvester D. Tuthill Charies W. Baker Overseers of Poor Wni. Frederick Brewster Charles W. Baker Commissioners of Excise Ellis Smith full term 3 yrs George E. Hallock to fill vacancy 1 yr. 738 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Constables Daniel L. Jayne George W. Hastings Joseph R. Bayles Wihiam Carter D. Wells Howell George W. Smith Frank S. Edwards Jacob S. Newton Bay Constables John Ferguson George W. Smith Page 227. Game Constable Benjamin R. Raynor — Inspectors of Election Wm. O. Gould 5th ( Llomer Gordon Walter Smith Dist. -| Hubert Badetty Israel B. Tyler Appd ( Edward Munsell ( Fi-ederick M. Wilson I Charles P. Randall ( George P. Schryver 3d i Daniel W. Davis Dist < George E. Davis Appd ( Charles A. Jones 6th Dist. i Charles Price J, Henry W. Ketcham Appd ( Oscar W. Mills Richard T. Osborn Gilbert S. Terry Gideon Smith Appd 7th Dist. Winfield S. Davis William E. Gould William H. Osborn We certify that the above is a true and correct Statement of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting. Brookhaven April 2d 1878. Lester Davis Wm. H. Clark R. T. Osborn C. E Goldthwaite John S. Lee Oran W. Rogers Entered by me Apr. 2d 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Justices BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 739 Page 228. The people were called on to vote on the following sub jects in front of the House of L. H. Davis at 11 A.M. and voted as follows — Resolved, By a vote of the people that a sum not to ex ceed Fifteen Hundred. Dollars be appropriated for the use of the Supervisor to pay the contingent expenses of the Town for the ensuing year. Also Voted & Resolved that we the people of the Town of Brookhaven raise by tax" the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars for Road purposes, of which One Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars to be used on Railroad Avenue Patchogue and One Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars to be used on Norton Avenue in Port Jefferson. Voted not to raise any sum with which to pay Bay Con stables. Entered by me, Henry P. Hutchinson April 2d 1878 Town Clerk Page 229. Survey of Road from 31st Lot to Bellport Road Survey of the centre of a three rod road from the head of the Neck or fish road to the Bellport dock road— Mag netic course. Starting on the line on the West side of the thirty first lot on Great Division — North 62° deg. West 8 chains & 19 Links North 66° " " 7 North 68° " " 11 " 78 ii North 70° " " 4 " 37 u North 84° " a 4 " 58 ff West — — — 8 " 16 ii To Dock Road Dated 29th Apri; 11876 Nathaniel MiUer — Surveyor 730 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. R. T. Osborn ) ^'''^^'' James M. Bayles ( -?• i •' ) Highways Recorded April 17th 1878 Posted April 22d 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting. May 7th 1878. Board of Trustees met pursuant to order of the President ; Present Wm. H. Clark, President, Charles W. Baker, Henry W. Carman, Wm. F. Brewster, Sylvester D. Tuthill, Thomas Terry, Lester Davis, Trustees and Henry P. Hutchinson, Clerk. Minutes of last Meeting read and approved. Resolved that John S. Havens, Henry W. Carman, and Charles W. Baker are appointed as a Committee to go and examine two Safes, owned by Miller Preston and John Roe Smith, And report to the Trustees at the. next Meeting. Page 280. Resolved that we the Board of Trustees meet at Port Jefferson on May 21st to determine & establish the Easterly line of the shore granted to Thomas B. Hawkins, by the Town. Sold the Grass on the Ridge to Jeremiah Glover for $12.25— April 13th 1878— (Paid) Sold the grass on the Island South side of the Ridge to Walter Raynor for $3.00 April 16th 1878. Resolved that Charles W. Baker of Patchogue be and is hereby appointed Lot and Oyster Agent for the Town of Brookhaven in South Bay for the ensuing year with au thority as heretofore. Such Agent to grant Permits, collect Tolerations, Lot rents and plant the seed in Bay also to Protect the rights of the Town. Resolved That the Bay Constables of this Town of Brook- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 731 haven be directed to enforce the laws for the protection of the Shell fisheries within the waters of the Great South Bay, and that they present their bills for such service monthly with the vouchers therefor to this Board for pay ment from the revenues collected from said Bay. Resolved That the Game Constable and the Constables of this Town of Brookhaven be requested to see that the laws be enforced for the preventing the settling and rising of Pounds & Fykes within the waters of the Great South Bay. Resolved By this Board of Trustees that the Resolution of May 4th 1875 Authorizing the Trustees to grant or hire out or lease lots for the purpose of growing Oysters is hereby annulled and made void. Page 231. Resolved That on and after the 20th day of May 1878, no Oysters counting over Eight Hundred to the tub be allowed to be caught in the waters of the Great South Bay & Port Jefferson Bay owned by the Town of Brookhaven and all such Oysters counting over that number to the tub to be known and designated as spawn. All Oysters shall be culled, clear from surplus shells into the boats said shells and spawn to be returned to the water where caught, and all persons who violate this law shall be deemed guilty of a trespass, and one half the fines imposed hy the courts to go to the person or persons making the complaint. Adjourned to meet at Coram June 4th 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. June 4th 1878. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment Present Wm. H. (Jlark, Prest. H. W. Carman, Charles W. Baker, Wm. F. Brewster, Sylvester D. Tuthill Thomas Terry & Lester Davis, Minutes of last meeting read and approved. 733 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Resolved — That this Board authorize the purchasing of the Safe, for the protection of the Town Records, offered by John Roe Smith for One hundred and Five .Dollars, And that the Overseers of the Poor, Charies W. Baker and Wm. F. Brewster give their Note for the same, payable one year from date without 'Interest — Said Safe to be de livered at the Town Clerk's office within Thirty days Dated June 4th 1878. Safe delivered June 5th 1878 Page 232. Resolved that the Statement handed in (by Charies E. Rose, Collector,) of uncollected Resident and Non -Resident Taxes, be accepted and placed on file in the Clerk's office. Resolved. That Wm. Frederick Brewster Overseer of the Town of Brookhaven be and is hereby instructed in settling with Charles E. Rose Collector in the Town of Brookhaven to allow to him the sum of One Hundred and Five Dollars and Sixty cents ($105^^^;-) It being the Amount of uncollected taxes filed by him at this date. June 4th 1878. ' Resolved. That for the ensuing year the proceedings of each Meeting of the Board of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, be published officially in a newspaper pub hshed in said Town. Resolved That the Advance newspaper is selected as the one to have said proceedings published in for the ensuing year. Twenty Four Dollars per year to be paid for said publication. Board adjourned to July 2d Agreement made the second day of April 1878 between the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, as representing said Town at a Meeting held at Coram in said Town on this day at which a Legal quorum was present and Lloyd Stevens of New York, Witnesseth That the said Trustees for and in consideration of Ten Dollars to them in hand BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 733 paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Agree to and do hereby grant unto Lloyd Stevens the sole privilege of removing and selling sand in the Harbour of Stony Brook from the Westerly boundary of Smithtown township to Ci-ane Neck point for the term of one year from this date for the sum of Page 233. Ten Dollars with the renewal of this privilege at the expira tion of this grant for the period of Ten years additional at the yearly rental of ($16) Fifteen Dollars payable in ad vance within the months of April or May of each year. The said Stevens agrees that he will not injure the Clam beds or uplands — This privilege extends to medium high water mark. Signed by Wm. H. Clark — President Note. Signed by the President for the Board. Entered by me Henry P. Hutchinson June 4th 1878. Town Clerk Survey of the Old Academy Road at Bellport Survey of the centre of a two rod road known as the Academy Lane or Road from the South Country Road at Bellport to the South Bay. Starting on the South line of the South Country Road for the center, the mile stone bears South (51) Fifty one degrees West (63) Sixty three links — Magnetic course thence South (36) thirty five deg. East five chains from which the South East corner of the Academy foundation bears South (72) Seventy two deg. West then the same course South thirty five degrees East twenty seven chains and Eighty links to high water mark at the Bay. Brookhaven 16th May 1878. Nathaniel Miller Surveyor Robert L. Petty ) Comrs James M. Bayles > of R. T. Osborn ) Highways 734 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded June 5th 1878 Posted June 7th 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 234. Know all men by these presents. We Robert L. Petty, James M. Bayles and Richard T. Osborn Commissioners of Highways in the Town of BVookhaven, County of Suf folk do hereby consent ife grant the privilege without let or hindrance to Willett Robinson of the above said Town & County to use the Highway over Robinson's dam for the purpose of putting through the said Highway a waste gate provided he shall not interfere with the public travel longer than five hours over said Dam and Highway and shall pre pare a public way through the Brook on the Soutli side of said Dam and Highway for the public to travel & also that the said Robinson shall keep the Bridge over the said waste Gate which he shall construct in good & suitable & safe condition for the public travel at his own cost and expense and in case the said Robinson his heirs or assigns shall fail to keep the said Bridge in repair so that it shall be safe and convenient for the public to travel over then the Commis sioners of said Town are hereby authorized to make all necessary Repairs to said Bridge & I the said Robinson hereby bind myself to pay to said Co.nimissioners all the expense that they may make in making said necessary re- paii-s- Bellport May 28th 1878 James M. Bayles ) Comrs Willett H. Robinson Roliert L. Petty V of Hewlett A. Robinson R. T. Osborn ) Highways Jeremiah J. Robinson Recorded June 6th 1878 Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk Page 236. Encroachment of Highway at Patchogue. Whereas a Highway was laid out in the Town of Brook- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 735 haven in the County of Suffolk on or about the 14th day of March 1866 by the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town beginning at the Main Street in Patchogue pass ing through or over the edge of the land of Edward S. Mulford, Which Road is encroached upon by the building of Edward S. Mulford to the extent of 9| in on the North corner of foundation and 8O4 on South cor. of Stoop the greatest encroachment being 4 ft. 84 in — Now therefore we the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, do hereby order that such encroachment be removed so that such Highway may be of the breadth originally intended which is 3 rods. Dated October 1st 1877, at the Town of Brookhaven. James M. Bayles ) Comrs Geo. T. Homan v of R. T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded June 21st 1878. Henry P. Hutchinson ' Town Clerk. Receipt & Conveyance of Loam from A. Roe Received Patchogue L. I. Oct. 30th 1877, of George Homan as Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven the sum of Fifty Dollars in full payment for the exclusive right to remove the loam or soil from a tract of land one half aer-e in area being bounded on the North by the road leading to Smithtown, East by road dividing the land from that of J. P. Wells, South by stakes and marked pine trees and West by road leading from Love Lane to Edenvale, being Two Hundred and Forty Two feet in length N. & S. One hundred and five feet wide on the N. end and Eighty Eight feet on the S. end, said Loam or Soil to be removed within a period of Five years from this date, and not to be taken within four feet of the road on either side of it. 736 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Justus Roe, Witness. Recorded June 21st 1878 Austin Roe Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Page 236. Release. Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven and County of Suffolk have heretofore laid out and widened a Road known as Ocean Avenue in the Village of Patchogue Town J 11 ) Commissioners J. Buel Randah ( ,. Robt L. Petty f „. f*^ '' ) Highways Recorded July 25tli 1879 Posted July 28th 1879 flenry P. Ilutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. Aug. 5th. 1879. Present. William H. Clark, President. Wm. F. Brewster, Charles W. Baker, Lester Davis, Samuel Dare, Elbert Woodhull & Henry W. Carman. The Minutes of last Meeting were read and approved. Mr. George P. Schryver, our Town-Collector, appeared before the Board with his Accounts, which were examined and found satisfactory. And on motion of the Board, he was exonerated to the amount of $.82. and a receipt was given him in full of all demands, for Taxes for the year 1878. Board adjourned to meet first Tuesday in September 1879. Henry P. Hutchinson — Town Clerk — Page 278. Grant to Martemus Smith to build Docks & Railways at Patchogue. This Indenture made the first day of July 1879 — Be tween the Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of 770 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk, and State of New Y'ork of the first part, and Martemus Smith of the 2d. part. Witnesseth that the said Trustees for and in consideration of $3.00 Three Dollars Annual Rent to be paid yearly in advance — have granted and leased unto the said parties of the second part, a certain tract of land, under water in the Great South Bay, belonging to said Town, bounded as follows — North by the line of J. S. Rockwell South '' " " " O. P. Smith East running into the Patchogue Creek 80 .feet. West by land of Martemus Smith- Located in Patchogue Creek for the purposes of Docks & Railways — Said tract containing 800 feet front — for the term of 6 years with the privilege of renewal. And the said Trustees do covenant and agree that they and their Successors in office will defend the said parties of the second part in the peaceable possession of said leased premises — for the purpose and time aforesaid- And it is mutually understood and agreed to by the said parties of the second part that they shall in no way prevent or inter fere with the ordinary navigation of the water over the ground of said leased premises — And the said parties of the Second part for themselves, their heirs and assigns do hereby covenant and agree to pay the yearly rent in advance for the above granted premises, the said Sum of Three Dollars during said term of 6. years from July 1st 1879. In Witness whereof, the said parties of the Page 274. first part have caused the Corporate Seal of the Town of Brookhaven, and the Signature of their President to be hereunto affixed, their hands and seals the day and date first above named. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 771 In presence of Charles W. Baker Martemus Smith TrusteeCanaan Road or Pine St. Patchogue and Coram Road'or Oak St. " Survey Whereas a road or street leading from the South Country Road in the village of Patchogue between the lands of Rickard Jennings and Austin Roe, known as the Canaan Road or Pine Street, having been used as a highway for many years, laid out, altered and defined at various times by the Board of Commissioners of Highways, but not suffi ciently described ; Now therefore we the undersigned com prising the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced in this Order, and all being present, do — Hereby Order that said roads be ascertained, described and entered of record, according to a survey made this day under our direction by Justus Roe Surveyor, said survey to correspond as near as possible to the record and surveys made March 28/61, and Nov. 2/60, and is as follows viz : Commencing at an Old Iron Cannon said to have been buried lor a centre bound of said high way, by the Commissioners of Highways at the meeting held March 28th/61 and running N. 10° 50' E. 1934 ft. to a stone buried in the ground, which stone marks the centre of Canaan Road or Pine St and the South boundary of Coram Road or Oak St. — The line as ran 7.8 ft from start ing point passed 27.6 ft Easterly from the S. E. Corner of the Store of Fishel Bros.; at 18.5 passed 26 ft. from the S. W. corner and in range of the front show windows of the Drug Store of Austin. Roe ; at 69.3 ft passed 25.5 ft from the N. W. corner and in range with the north end of said Drug Store ; the stone at terminus was 21.6. ft from a Silver Poplar Tree bearing North Easterly and 18 ft from a Silver Poplar Tree bearing South Easterly, and 31.3 from 773 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. the S. W. corner of Marble Shop of Edward Smith ; the line if continued 9.6 ft beyond the stone would bo at a point 27.8 ft distant from the S. E. corner and in range of the South side of the hardware store of Edwin Bailey, Also proceeded to lay out and define the Coram Road or Oak St. as near as possible in accordance with the Survey made under the direction of the Commissioners at the Meet ing held Novr. 2/60. no permanent Monument having been left at that time, and no measurements, except tho one made from the S. W. corner of the Congregational Church, which measurement located the S. bound of this Road or Oak St. and the E. bound of Pine St. as distant from said Church corner 262 ft. and said survey being as follows viz : Commencing at a point in a direct line with the Centre line of Pine St. first above described 29.4 ft from the stone at terminus of said line and varying Easterly 67° 42' from said line, and ran a course N. 68° 35' E. 1885. ft to a stake ; this line at starting point was distant in a North Westerly direction from the N. W corner of Marble Shop of Edward Smith 32 ft. and from a large Alanthus Tree near corner of land of Page 276. John Roe Smith 46.8 ft. at 45 ft from starting point passed 21.6 ft from the fence of John Roe Smith near corner of road ; at 96 ft passed 21.9 ft from fence of John Roe Smith, and 22.8 ft. from fence of Austin Roe ; at 269.6 ft passed 34. ft from S. E. corner and in range with east end of Barn of John Roe Smith ; at 401. ft was 22 ft. from fence of Austin Roe at intersection of land of Titus Strong ; at 4 36, ft passed 32 ft from centre of Well of Titus Strong ; at 456. ft passed 20 ft from centre of a large double oak tree, and 22 ft from fence of John Roe Smith at intersec tion of land of J. S. Havens ; at 1815 ft. passed 25. ft from a large Marked Tree on the land of Francis Oldis, Courses all magnetic, and distances given in feet and inches. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 773 And it is further ordered that said lines as above described be the centre lines of said streets, of the uniform width of three rods. Given under our hands at Patchogue June 18 '79 Commissioners Richard T. Osborn Robt L. Petty J. Buel Randall , of Higliways [ of the Town of Brookhaven Recorded Aug 13th 1879 Posted Aug 18th 1879 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Water Street Port Jefferson. Survey July 22. 1879. At a regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the village of Port Jefferson July 22d/79 all of the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject, and the undersigned a majority of said Board being present : It was ordered that the road or Street known as Water St in the Village of Port Jefferson, laid out by the Board of Commissioners of this Town by an Page 277. order dated April 4/37. but not definitely described, be properly laid out fully described and entered of record, and that the survey as made this day under our direction by Justus Roe Surveyor, be the bounds of said road or Street as follows, viz. Commencing at the North post of Mill Bridge on the West side, this point being known to be the centre and starting point of the shore or beach road as laid out and defined in May /75. and continuing on the same course of the Centre line of said Shore or beach road across the stream ran a line fi^ BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1st Course N: 83° 50' E. 60 ft to a Stake, Second " N. 54° 80' E. 136.4 ft to a stone. Third " N. 26° E 216.8 " " " Fourth " N. 55° 32' E. 383. " " " Fifth " N. 64° 56' E. 163 " " Stake Sixth " N. 79° 18' E. 109 " " " On first Course 38. ft from starting point this line passed 2 ft North of the centre of the N. post on the E. side of said Mih Bridge ; and at 56 ft passed 11.3 ft S of the S. W. Corner of the tenant house of Mather & Darhng — On second Course 11 ft from starting point passed 12 ft iSouth of the S. E. Corner of said tenant house of Mather & Dariing ; at 82. ft passed 26.5 ft S. of the S. W. Corner of Store formerly of Edward Darling ; at 120 ft passed 23.10 ft from the S. E. corner and in range with East side of said Darling's store ; and the stone at terminus was distant in a S. E. direction from the S. E. Corner of said Store 28.6 ft. On Third Course 62 ft. from starting point passed U ft South Easterly from the S. E. corner of a small Shop owned by Mather and Darling at 138. ft. was 26.4 ft from the N. W. Corner of Store of Elbert A. Raynor ; at 154. ft was 31.3 ft. distant from the N W. corner and in range with the west side of Page 278. said store of Elbert A Raynor ; and the stone at terminus was 33 ft. distant from the N. W. corner of sail-loft or old store of Frederick Darling, and 46 ft. distant from the S. W. corner of Store of Mather & Darling. — On fourth Course 13 ft from starting point passed 31. ft from the N. W. Corner of said sail loft ; at 28 ft. was 36 ft distant from S. W. corner and in range with West side of Store of Mather & Darling.; at 98.6 ft. was distant 27.8 ft Northerly from the N. E. corner of Stove Store of G. H. Smith. 22.8 ft Southeriy from S. E. corner of Shed of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 775 Mather & Darling and 20.5 ft from S. W. corner of Old boat shop of Thomas Hawkins at 150. ft was 25 ft North of Quinards block and pump Shop at 169 ft was 16.4 ft from S. E. Corner and in range with E. side of dwelling house of Thomas B. Hawkins ; at 317.4 ft was 13.8 ft dis tant from S. E. corner and in range with East side of Tin store of J. E. Lee & Co ; and the stone at terminus was 22.4 ft from the S. W. corner and in range with West end of Black-Smith Shop of Israel Smith ; and 31. ft from front of Main building near E. end of house of A. M. L'Hommedieu — On Fifth course the stake at terminus was distant 25 ft from the N. W. corner and in range with West end of Store of William Hulse, and 21.6 ft from the S. E. corner of chair Caning Shop of Frank Hulse — On Sixth Course 58.6 ft from starting point the line passed 27.6. ft from the N. E. corner arrd in range with front end of store of William Hulse ; its terminus was the centre of and about the starting point of East Broadway and a point 63 ft distant from the S. W. corner and in range with West side of store of James M. Bayles & Son — Distances in all cases given in feet and inches, and courses all magnetic. And it is further Ordered that said line as Page 279. above described be the centre line of said road, and all of said road or street lying E of said Mill Bridge or the Stream be of the uniform width of three Rods. — Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this Twenty Second day of July 1879. Richard T. Osborn ) Commissioners Robt L. Petty V of J Buel Randall ) Highways Recorded Aug 18th 1879. Posted Ana. 18th 1879. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. 776 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Trustee Meeting Sept 2d 1879. Present, Wilham H. Clark, President. William F. Brew ster, Charles W. Baker, Lester Davis, Samuel Dare, Elbert Woodhull and Henry W. Carman, The Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. It was Resolved by the Board to lease to Edward Danes a portion of Shore at Say ville 30 feet wide by 100 feet deep — for the term of Five years at $5.00 per year, for the purpose of a Dock on which to erect a pavilion. The question relative to permanent or temporary relief or aid to the Poor of this Town was discussed at some length, and it was decided by the Board to continue the present System — Elbert Woodhull Trustee presented a Bill of $17.00 from Dr. Sereno Burnell for Medical attendance on Mrs Rogers of Wading River, Said bill was allowed by the Board & paid. Resolved by the Board to allow Mrs Almira Albin the Sum of One Dollar per week from Aug 1st. 1879 until further order. Page 280. Emmett B. Darling of Port Jefferson applied to the Board for a renewal of his former lease granting liberty to maintain and build Docks thereon. It was Ordered that a new lease be given said Darling. Said premises situated on the West Side of Port Jefferson Harbor Commencing at Joseph J. Harris hne and extend ing North feet. Said premises were leased for the term of 15. years— at $10.00 per year. Resolved by the Board that on account of there being no reve'nue derived from Excise and the deficiency caused by Taxes being uncollectable, the revenues of the Town thereby being diminished, it was voted that the Sum of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 777 $5,000 be raised for the Support of the Poor and contingent expenses of the Town for the ensuing year. The Board adjourned to Meet at Coram on Tuesday Oct 7th. 1879. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. Oct 7th 1879. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Present Wm. H. Clark, President. Wm. F. Brewster, Lester Davis, Charles W. Baker, Samuel Dare, Elbert Woodhull, Henry W. Carman, The Clerk H. P. Hutchinson being absent through illness. Mr Campbell was requested to Act as Clerk, for the day. — Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. On Application having been made by Israel Hayes of Port Jefferson for a lease of ground under water in Port Jefferson Bay, — A remonstrance was presented to the Board signed by a large number Page 281. of Citizens of Port Jefferson and Setauket claiming that it was ground on which there was a natural growth of Oysters. The subject of granting the lease being put to vote it was voted not to grant said lease. Hon John S. Havens, Supervisor of the Town of Brook haven appeared before the Board to confer with the Trus tees on the subject of the power of the Trustees to order an appropriation for the support of the Poor (fee considerable discussion ensued in which all the members of the Board joined — The following Resolution was then offered — Resolved that in order to prevent the enormous increase of pauper ism in the Town of Brookhaven as much as possible. This Board amend the Resolution adopted at the last Meeting authorizing the raising of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) 778 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. SO that it read $4,000 (Four Thousand) "in view of the reduction in the amount of the relief to be given hereafter by this Board"^ — -It was voted that the Board of Trustees reduce the Monthly aid afforded to the Poor, one fourth of the Amount that is at present paid to them. Board adjourned to meet on Monday Novr. 3d 1879 — Recorded Oct. 8th 1879. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 282. Overseers of Highways. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. on the 7th day of Oct 1879 — We the undersigned in accordance with the law do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road districts the number of which is placed opposite each respective name for the ensuing year — No. of Dist. Names of Overseers Location of District 1 Frank Norton Stony Brook. 2 Alonzo Hawkins " East & North 8 Ebenezer Hawkins Setauket South 4 John P. L'Hommedieu Setauket — 5 Jacob Satteriy " East 6 George E. Hand " North East. 7 Cyrus E. Griffing Port Jefferson 8 Selah Tooker Mt. Sinai 9 Daniel W. Davis " " South 10 John J. Davis Mihersplace 11 Sylvester Hallock Rocky Point 12 Francis Woodhull Wading River 18 Andrew B. Lane Manor North 14 Iverson Carter Manor South 15 Isaac T. Howell East Moriches 16 John Iverson Raynor de ceased Eastport or Seatuck BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 779 Harrison Gordon appointed 17 Alpheus Hawkins 18 Robert A. Carman 19 Nathaniel Miher 20 Richard S. Gerard 21 Oakley A. Overton 22 Edmund B. Smith 23 Othniel Smith 24 Gilbert Chichester 25 John Westcott 26 Charies W. Hawkins Page 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 Richard O. Howeh 29 Orrin Mott 30 Charles O'Doherty 31 Ham Smith 32 Samuel E. Smith 33 Hiram E. Terry 84 Elbert S. Homan 35 George W. Ritch 36 Edgar G. Swezey 87 John R. Dayton 88 Charies W. Train 89 Samuel L. Homan 40 Robert R. Smith 41 John L. Gordon 42 Wilham Avery 43 Azel R. Swezey 44 Nathaniel Wiggins 45 Henry Deery 46 Syl vester D. Tuthill 47 John J. Woodhuh 48 John Hawkins Mastic South Haven Brookhaven BellportUnion Street Patchogue — East " Lane & North " West Bluepoint Lake Grove 283. New Village West New Village East Selden CoramCoram East Holbrook & North Farmingville Coram Hills Middletown " Centre & North East & South Millvihe Yaphank Ridge Manor East Swan River Swezey Town Centre Moriches Rocky Point Woodville Moriches — West. West part 780 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 49 Joseph Jayne Oldfield 50 Charles E. Rose Patchogue 51 Charles Homan Union St. East. 62 John D. Seaman Fireplace West 53 John Kaylor Moriches Centre East 64 Robert H. Farmer Holtsville 55 Joseph N. Brown Patchogue. Short Neck 66 Job Raynor Manor & Peconic Mills 57 George Burnette Firplace Neck. R, T. Osborn \ Commissioners Robt L. Petty \ of Llighways Recorded Oct. 9th 1879. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 284. Road Districts No 6 and 7. Port Jefferson At a regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the village of Port Jefferson April 21st 1879. All the Com.missioners having been duly notified to be present and deliberate on the subject embraced in this order, and all being present, it was decided and agreed and is hereby Ordered that the boundaries of the two road Districts in the village of Port Jefferson shall commence at the head of the Harbor and cross the Main or Shore Road at its intersection with Bar num Avenue, and thence across the Meadow in a Southerly direction to the North West bound of the point of the brick Kiln property ; thence Southerly by the said line until it intersects the upper Road leading to Setauket West of the residence of Isaac Jones and near the Dark Hollow Road. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this Twenty First day of April 1879. R. T. Osborn ) Commissioners Robt. L. Petty V of J. Buel Randall ) Highways BROOKH.-i.VEN TOWN RECORDS. 781 Recorded Oct. 9th 1879 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 285. Highway West side of Port Jefferson Harbor. Whereas a road leading from the main or North Country Road on the West side of Port Jefferson Harbor Northerly was laid out and dedicated to the use of the public many years ago by Daniel Jayne, and has been used continuously and uninterruptedly by all the inhabitants of the Town who have desired to use the same for more than twenty years last past, and. Whereas, application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways to cause the said road to be ascertained, described and entered of record as it actually exists and has existed for the last twenty yeais, therefore We the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced in this order, and all being present, together with Joseph J. Harris, Emmet B. Darling, Daniel Smith, Charles Darling, Richard Ramsell, John W. Brown and others with Justus Roe as Surveyor, met on the 21st day of April 1879, and proceeded to lay out and define said Road, which is more particularly and definitely described by the Surveyor as follows, " Commencing at the centre as near as could be ascer tained of the Main or Shore road leading from the head of Port Jefferson Harbor to Setauket, between the lands of Daniel Smith and Allen Bunce, and ran the centre line of Road, ft in First ' Course, N' 18° 22' W.- —128.8 Second it N. 15° 60' W. -213.0 Third ti N. 5° 50' W ¦ —103.6 Fourth it N. 0° 20' E. - —304.6 Fifth it N. 1° 07' E. • -214.0 782 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Sixth ii N. 30° 27' E. —137.0 Seventh i( N. 75° 45' W. —140.6 Eighth it N. 81° 61' W. —263.0 Ninth nd Brewster, the Committee ap pointed at the previous meeting to view the premises in Stony Brook, for which Messrs Sherry & Gould asked a Quit Claim, made a report and the matter came up for action, and after a considerable discussion, it was laid over until next meeting. Dr James I. Baker appeared before the Board and paid the Sum of $52. for the past year as support of Page 807. Charles P. Smith now an inmate of the County Alms House— The discussion and final action upon the oyster Resolutions presented by C. W. Baker at the December meeting was postponed until the next Meeting of the Board. The Board adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in February 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Note — Owing to the inclemency of the weather the Board did not meet until the 10th Feb 1880. H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk 803 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Order defining Boundaries of School District No. 36 of the Town of Brookhaven. Whereas difficulties have arisen in respect to the bounda ries of School District No. 36 of this Town, said line hav ing been found defective and indehnite, due Notice having been given to the respective Districts interested, of my in tention to settle the same. Now therefore in pursuance of the Statute in such cases made and provided, it is hereby Ordered, ascertained, adjudged and determined, by the undersigned School Commissioner for the 2d District of the County of Suffolk, that the bounds of School District No. 36. of the Town of Brookhaven, are as follows, to wit ; Beginning at a point where the land of Carlton Jayne's Est. intersects the lower end of Factory lane, and running westerly by and with said lane, to the land of the Long Island, Rubber Co ; thenqo Southerly and thence Westerly by and with the land of said Company to the land of Joseph Ridgeway— thence Southerly by the fence Page 308. that separates the land of Joseph Ridgeway from the sev eral lands of tho Est. of Cariton Jayne and Thomas W. Rowland,- thence Easterly and Southerly (Course S. 21° E.) touching the Westermost of three large pine trees stand ing on a hill in the woods formerly owned by Samuel L. Thompson deceased — thence running to the fence that sepa rates the land formerly owned by Samuel L. Thompson and that formerly owned by William Mills Brewster de ceased,— thence along said fence and between the lands of William R. Satteriy and the land formeriy of John Bennett deceased — thence to the land and fence between the lands of the said William R Satteriy and Daniel Edwards, land known as Newton, thence along the said fence to the land and farm belonging to Benjamin N. Smith deceased — thence Easterly by and with the said land and farm a dis- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 803 tance of about 175 Rods to the highway leading from Setauket past the house of Oran W. Rogers and Henry Hudson to the Sheep pasture road — thence Southerly by and with said highway to and across the Sheep pasture road — thence by and with the thirty acre road a distance of about 190 Rods to the cleared land of John R. Davis — thence Easterly by and with the North line of the land of John R. Davis to the land of Charles Hawkins — thence Southerly by and with the West line of the land of Charles Hawkins and continuing on course about S. 3° W. between lands of Algernon Mills and Frederick Brewster to Hawkins Path or Butt line. — thence Easterly by and with said Butt line to the Westerly bounds of the Terryville District, — thence Northerly or about N. 3° E. between the lands of Scudder & Benjamin Jayne and Edmund Ruland, crossing the old Town Road, and from thence on West line of land of Allen Hawkins and continuing on about the same course across lands of Thomas Rowland Page 309. and Francis Hawkins to the point where the Dark Hollow Road intersects the Sheep pasture road— thence by and with the dark hollow road a distance of about 230 Rods to its terminus in the upper Setauket road— thence across said road and by and with the west line of land of Isaac Jones and West hne of Brickiln property and Brickiln road to the main road leading to Setauket— thence Easterly by and with said Road about 60 Rods to the point intersected by Barnum Avenue — thence North to the Harbor — thence by said Harbor around Van Brunts Neck to Setauket Harbor, including all the land on the West of Port Jefferson Harbor and all on the E. of Setauket Harbor — thence by said Setauket Harbor to the Shore entrance to the old Presbyte rian Church Parsonage — thence Southerly along said Road from the old Presbyterian Church Parsonage to the Port 804 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Jefferson Road, including the land in front of the store of Alfred Dariing. — thence Westerly along said Port Jett'ei'son road to the lower end of the Factory lane and place of beginning. Given under my hands at the Townsend House in Port Jefferson this 80th day of Deer. 1879 Justus Roe. School Commissioner 2d Dist. Suffolk. Co. N. Y. We the Trustees of school District No. 36 aforesaid hav ing met as a Board Deer. 30th 1879. do resolve to and do hereby consent to the above order. John J. Van Brunt. ) Alexander Bryant. > Trustees Daniel Hawkins. ) The Trustees of School District No. 8 having refused to consent to this Order, the same will not take effect as to said district until the tenth day of April 1880 Port Jeffer son. Deer. 80th 1879. Recorded Jan 9tli 1880J Justus Roe. School Comr. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 310. Amended Order defining School District No. 86. Town of Brookhaven. In accordance with Statute made and provided My order of Dec. 30/79 in relation to School District No. 36 of the Town of Brookhaven is hereby amended, so that it will so far as it affects Districts Nos. 2. 8, 11. 25 and 6. take effect immediately. Given under my hand at my Office in Patchogue this Thirteenth day of Jany. 1880 Justus Roe. School Commissioner 2d Dist Suffolk. Co New York BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 805 Recorded Jan 15th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk- Record & Survey of Coram Road at Cumsewogue : Deer. 31 '79— At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, held in Port Jeffer son Dec. 31 '79. ah the Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject, and two being present, it was Resolved That Whereas Benjamin Tuthill owning land on both sides of the Coram Road in the Village of Cumsewogue, has made Application to this Board to straighten said Road where it passes through his land ; and Whereas we believe the public interest will be especially promoted, the Road be much improved, and as it affects the interest of no other party ; It is hereby Ordered that such change shall be made in accordance with a Survey made Dec. 12/79 by Justus Roe. Surveyor, and is as fol lows viz. " Commencing at a point as near as coidd be as certained to be the centre of said Road at or near the inter section on South side and turn of said Road of lands of John R. Mather & Benjamin Tuthill. and running one course only, N. 25° 30' W. (Magnetic) 1410 ft. This course if continued would strike the W.peak of Barn of Nathaniel Dickerson, and its Page 311. terminus being as near as could be ascertained, the centre of the terminus of Canal Road, at starting point 500 and 900 ft. therefrom, and also at terminus of said line, large locust stakes were driven down for centre of said Road. It is further Ordered, that said Line as above described shall be the Centre line of said Coram Road, of the same 806 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. uniform width as heretofore recorded. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this 31st day of Dec. 1879. Robt. L. Petty [ Commissioners J. B. Randall \ of Highways Recorded Jan 17th 1880 Posted Jan 19th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. I hereby consent to the entry of the within order. Dated Jan 9th 1880. B. Tuthill Witness C. P. Randall Recorded Jan. 17th 1880. Posted Jan. 19th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Certificate of Jurors as to necessity of Widing the road to the width of three rods the road runs from the Episcopal Church at Setauket Easterly to the Water of Setauket Harbor. We the undersigned being disenterested free holders of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suf folk having met on the nineteenth day of December in the year 1879, at eleven O'clock in the forenoon at the School house on Setauket Green in said Town pursuant to the requirements of the Summons herein having first been duly sworn by Oran W. Rogers Esq a Justice of the Peace Page 312. of said Town well and truly to certify as to the necessity of altering or widening to the width of four rods or at least three rods the road or Highway that runs from the Episcopal Church at Setauket easterly to the Water of Setauket Harbor in accordance with the application herein of Selah B. Strong and John T. Strong and then having personally examined the route of such highway or road where said alteration or widening is proposed and having heard all the reasons offered by the different parties present for and against such proposed widening or altering of said BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 807 road, do certify that we are of the opinion that the wideng or alter'g of said highway is necessary and proper and that in our opinion it is necessary and proper to alter and widen said highway to the width of three rods pursuant to said application and we do hereby so certify. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this Nine teenth day of December 1879. Recorded Jan 17th 1880 Henry W. Carman Henry P. Hutchinson John J. Woodhuh Town Clerk. Selah Tooker Joshua M. Overton James Swezey Isaac E. Brown Roswell Davis Fremont Hammond Emerson G. Terrell Charles W. Hawkins Page 313. Record & Survey of Road at Setauket Deer. 31 — 1879. The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk, having met on the Green at Setauket, in said Town to decide upon the application of Selah B. Strong and John T. Strong residents of said Town and liable to be assessed for high way labor therein dated Nov. 24th 1879. for the alteration or widening of the road or highway that runs from the Episcopal Church at Setauket Easterly to the waters of Setauket Harbor, and having received the Certificate of ten of the freeholders of said Town drawn and sworn as Jurors to decide on the necessity and propriety of altering or widening said Road or Highway dated Dec. 19 — 1879 in which Certificate they certify that they are of the opinion that it is necessary and proper to alter and widen said Road or Highway to the width of three Rods. 808 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. All of the Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Brookhaven having been duly notified to attend this meet ing of the Commissioners, for the purpose of deciding upon said Application, and having heard the various parties who appeared before us consisting of all those interested in the lands which shall be taken by said altering and widening said road, and having deliberated on said matters, do hereby iipprove of the finding and decision of said jury, and do hereby decide in favor of granting said apphcation, so as to alter and widen said Road or Highway to the width of three Rods, and we do hereby Order that said Road or Highway be widened to the width of three Rods, in accord ance with the foregoing decision and a survey made this Thirty first day of Dec 1879. under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor and which survey is as follows, viz ; Commencing at a point as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of the Harbor or Shore Page 314. Road on the West side of Setauket Harbor at the landing place of the West end of Strong's new Bridge ; this point being 30 feet distant in a Northerly direction from a large stone lying on the West side and mentioned in the old sur vey and record of the Harbor Road, and also in the Record ¦of Sept. 25/79 ; and 89 ft. distant from the West end and in range with the North hand rail of Strong's Bridge, said Rail having a bearing of S. 62° W. and from thence vary ing 40° 20' ran First Conrse.S.ll° 40' W.-1834 ft. thence varying 47° 24' ran Second " S.59° 04' W.-7674 " " " 6° 18' " 'Third " S.52° 46' W.- 884 " " " 20° 14' " Fourth " S.32°32'W- 74i" to the intersection of -centre line of three rod road laid out and recoi'ded Sept 25th 1879— On first Course 175 ft. from starting point. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 809 the line passed 25 ft. distant from a large marked Locust tree on the land of John T. Lhommedieu, said Locust tree being the turning point on North side of three rod road. On second course 9 ft. from starting point the line passed 25 ft. distant from the above mentioned Locust tree ; at 160 ft. it passed 20 ft. Southerly of an Apple Tree on the land of John T. L'hommedieu ; at 471 ft. it passed 16 ft from the fence of J. T. L'hommedieu and 25 ft. from the fence of Mrs E. F. Floyd ; at 600 ft. it passed 22 ft from the fences on each side of the Road and its terminus was 26 ft. from the post at the S. E. Corner of land of Epis copal Parsonage at intersection of land of John T. L'hom medieu, and 114 ft. from fence on land of Mrs E. F. Floyd. The terminus of third course was 26 ft. from par sonage fence, and 8 ft. from fence of Mrs Floyd. On fourth Course 60 ft. from starting point the line passed 25 ft. from corner post at intersection of the Cemetery and Parsonage grounds of the Episcopal Church and 13f ft from corner of fence of Mrs E. F. Floyd, and its terminus was 29 ft Page 315. from the corner post above mentioned." And we do further Oi-der that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road which is more particu larly shown by Map accompanying this Record & di-awn by Justus Roe, Surveyor. Mr John Lawrence Smith as Attorney for Mrs E. F. Floyd was present during the Survey &. served notice forbidding the opening and widen ing of said Road. Given under our hands at Setauket this Tliiity first day of December. 1879.' -o i-i. T T> i.1. ) Commissioners Robt L. Petty ( ^f J. B. Randall I of Highways Recorded Jan. 17th 1880 Posted Jan 19th I88O 810 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Henry P. Hutchinson ¦ Town Clerk. Record & Survey of Road at East Setauket Deci'. 8th '79 Whereas it appears by record in Book D. page 241 of the records of the Town of Brookhaven, that the Cornmis sioners of Highways of said Town on the 7th. day of July 1829, by an Order made that day, decided that a Road in the Village of Setauket known as the Shore Road, leading Northerly from the Main or North Country Road a dis tance of about Seventy Rods to the land of Brewster Hawkins, should be opened to the width of three rods, and — Whereas it appears by said Record, that said Road has been used as a public highway for upwards of One hundred years last past, and it appearing to us on inspection that the said Road is less than three rods in width as decided by the Board of Commissioners of Highways in 1829 ; Now therefore, we the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all having been duly notified to Page 316. attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present, do hereby order that said Road be ascertained, described, laid out, and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk of this Town in accordance with a Survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, and is as follows viz : Commencing at the terminus of Survey & record of June 5th. /79. and running. First Course S. 30° 12' E — 80 ft. thence varying 13° 52' Second " S. 16° 20' E —276 " " '" 22° 33' Third " S. 6° 13' W.— 179 " " " 4° 39' Fourth "¦ S. 10° 62' W —339 " to a point as near as could be ascertained to be the Centre of the Main or North Country Road leading from Port Jefferson to Stony Brook BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 811 and nearly opposite the front of the Store of Walter Jones. The starting point of First course was distant 16 ft. from the fence, and 184 ft from the Corner post and in range of the North line of yard fence of Estate of Carlton Jayne. On Second course 13 ft. from starting point this line passed 23 ft. from the N". E. corner and in range with the N. side of small Kitchen part of House of Est. of Carlton Jayne ; at 107 ft. it passed 174f ft. distant from fence of Est. of Carlton Jayne and 17ff ft. from corner post of garden fence of Alfred Hulse ; at 182 ft. it passed 12| ft. from fence of Est. of Carlton Jayne, and 20 ft. from post at intersection of lands of Alfred Hulse and Henry Mills ; and its terminus was 124 ft- from fence of Est. of Cariton Jayne and 26 ft. from corner post at intersection of lands of Henry Mills and Philip Jones. On Third Course 61 ft. from starting point the hne passed 104 ft- from ttie fence of Est. of Carlton Jayne, and 21 ft. from corner post at intersection of lands of Philip Jones and widow Clarissa Smith ; at 104 ft. it was distant 13 ft. from fence at intersection of lands of Est. of Carlton Jayne and Geo. W. Fordham, at 161 ft. it passed 36f ft from S. E. corner and in range with South side of Page 317. Store of George W. Fordham, 164 ft- ffom corner post of fence of Widow Clarissa Smith 17i\ ft. from fence of Charles Dyches at intersection of lands of widow Clarissa Smith and Charies Dyches : at 1694 ft it was distant 724 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with North side of House of Charies Dyches ; at 176 ft. was distant 17 ft. from fence at intersection of lands of Est. of Cariton Jayne and George W. Fordham, and its terminus was 17y\ ft from fence of Charies Dyches.— On Fourth Course 67 ft. from starting point the hne passed 164 ft- from fence of E. A. Wheeler at intersection of land of Est. of Carlton 813 ¦ BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Jayne, and 16f ft from fence at intersection of lands of Charies Dyches and Widow C. Dyches, at 117 ft. it passed 18y'^ ft. from fence at intersection of lands of widow C. Dyches and Mrs Henry Deering at 160 ft. it passed 154 ft- from fence at intersection of lands of Micah Jayne and E. A. Wheeler ; at 190 ft. it passed 14 ft. from fence at the intersection of lands of Mrs. Henry Deering and Est. of Walter Jones ; at 256 ft. it passed 20y'y ft. from fence and 23 ^^^ ft. from N. E. corner of coal shed on land of Micah Jayne ; at 291 ft. it passed 23f ft. from the S. E. corner of coal shed, and 274 ft from N. E. corner of reading room on land of Micah Jayne at 8064 ft- it passed 24f ft. from S. E. corner and in range with front of read ing room on land of Micah Jayne and 204 ft. from fence on land of Est. of Walter Jones." And it is further ordered, that the line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road of the uniform width of three rods ; that all encroachments shall be removed except the House of Est. of Carlton Jayne and Reading Room of Micah Jayne, which buildings shall be allowed to remaiii until rebuilt, unless owners be compensated for damages caused by such removal.— Given under our hands at East Setauket this 8th. day of Dec. 1879. Robt. L. Petty ) Commissioners Richard T. Osborn > of J. B. Randall ) Highways Recorded Jan. 21st 1880 Posted Jan 26th 1880 Llenry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 818. Trustee Meeting — Feb. 10th 1880. Trustee Meeting, (owing to the day being very stormy the Board failed to meet on Tuesday BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 813 Feb 3d 1880 as per adjournment.) Present Wm. F. Brewster Charles W. Baker, Lester Davis, Samuel Dare, Henry W. Carman and Elbert Woodhull, President Wm. H. Clark, being absent because of illness — Mr Henry W. Carman was chosen chairman of the Board for the day. It was moved and passed that the Resolution passed May 7th 1878 refus ing to grant lots in the Great South Bay is hereby annulled. Only the first Resolution presented by Trustee Baker at the December meeting was approved which is as follows. 1st Resolved that from and after March 1st 1880, each person desiring to Oyster in the Great South Bay within the limits of Brookhaven Patent shall register his name in a Book provided by the Trustees for such purpose, and until such registry no person shall have the privilege of Oystering in the said Bay within said limits. Note. The remainder of the Resolutions offered by Trustee Baker. Deer. 2d 1879, were amended and the fol lowing were adopted — 2d Resolution, such registration shall be made under the supervision of the Trustees during the 1st. Ten days in March in each year and no person shall be entitled to such registration or any of the privileges resulting therefrom unless he shall have been a resident of the Town of Brookhaven or a resident of the Town of Ishp to the East of Great River at least six months immediately previous thereto and is such resident at the time of making such application for registration, and residents of Eastern Islip shall pay the sum of ($8) Three Dollars as a toleration Page 319. fee at the time of the registration, while residents of Brook haven shall have the same privilege on payment of the sum of ($1) one Dollar. Third That on or before March 15th 1880 those portions of the South Bay not now leased or so much thereof as shall be necessary for the purpose hereinafter mentioned 814 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. included between the West line of Brookhaven Patent and Blue Point and the West line of Bay bottom belonging to Egbert T. Smith and a line drawn South from Osborn's dock to the Beach shall be surveyed and staked out into lots. Commencing on the West portion at the West line of the Patent and coming eastward and on the East portion at Egbert T. Smith's line and coming westward, excepting therefrom all natural Oyster beds. Fourth — Such lots shall be so staked out as to include four acres of good planting ground. Fifth — That each person so registered as aforesaid who resides in the Town of Brookhaven shall be entitled to re ceive a lease of one of such lots in whichever portion of said Bay he shall select in the following manner and upon the following terms. 1st The location of each of said Lots shall be determined by Lot. 2d The time of such Lease shall be for one year with the privilege of renewal annually for the space of ten years, at the annual rent of one Dollar per acre, payable in advance. 3d Such leases shall not be sublet or assigned and any subletting or assignment shall operate as an immediate forfeiture of such lease to the Town. Sixth^-Those now holding Leases of Lots shall not have the privilege of drawing lots until Page 320. their present leases expire unless they surrender such leases for cancellation. Seventh — -Those now holding Leases of Lots, who reside in the Town of Brookhaven, shall from and after the pas sage of these resolutions, be entitled to a reduction of annual rent to the sum of one Dollar per acre of ground rented. Eighth — The payment of annual rent by those now hold ing lots shall be accepted in lieu of the toleration fee, and shall entitle those paying the same, to all the privileges now enjoyed by those who pay toleration. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 815 Resolved — that the property now owned by the Town of Brookhaven situate in the village of Stony Brook, but claimed by Messrs Daniel W. Sherry and James Nelson Gould ; (and upon which buildings are now erected) and running to the Creek, be granted and quit claimed to these gentlemen to the extent of ten feet outside a parallel line drawn from Oakes' and Gould's stone wall, in considera tion of the sum of $50. each to be paid by them to the Town upon delivery of said quit-claim deeds, the remaining meadow land still to remain in possession of the Town. Recorded Feb. 10th 1880. Henry P. Ilutchinson Town Clerk Board adjourned to meet, 1st Tues in March. 1880. Page 821. .Record & Survey of Grand St. East Setauket At a regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the village of East Setauket on Monday Feby. 2d 1880, all the Com missioners having been duly notified to attend and deliber ate on the subject embraced, and a majority thereof being present, it was ordered that. Whereas the Road or Street in the village of East Setauket called Grand St. leading from Carlton Avenue Northerly to the Shore road or Setauket Harbor, has been used continuously for a public highway for upwards of twenty years last past, and it appearing to us after careful deliberation, examination and evidence presented, that said Road or Street is needed for the public use and benefit, it was, Resolved that said Road or street shall be laid out, entered of record and opened to the uni form width of Two Rods, in accordance with the follow ing survey made this day under our direction by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey is as follows ; 816 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Commencing at a point as near as could be ascertained to be the South side of the Shore Road near Setauket Har bor, and between the lands of Joseph Rowland & Joshua Bunce and ran First Course S. 23° 44' E. 678 Ft. thence varying 0° 37" " Second " S. 23° 07' E. 1924 " " '' 1° 47" "Third " S. 21° 20' E. 1244 " " " 11° 05" " Fourth " S. 10°15'E. 195 " to a point as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of Carlton Avenue. The starting point of First Course was 14 ft. from corner post on land of Joshua Bunce, and 12 ft. from corner post on land of Joseph Rowland ; at 101 ft. from starting point the line ran 104| ft. from fence of Joshua Bunce, 9 ft. from fence and 14if ft. from N. W. corner of small tenant house of Joseph Rowland ; and 1274 ft- it passed 10 ft. from N- E. corner and in range of N. side, and at 152 ft. 94 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with S. side of barn of Joshua Bunce ; at 144 ft. it passed 94 ft. from fence on land of Joseph Rowland ; at 270 ft. it passed 9 ft. from fence and 47y'^ ft. from S. W. corner of tenant house of Joseph Rowland ; at 8064 ft. it passed 10 ft from fence and N. E. corner of Granary of Page 822. Thomas Rowland adjoining land of Joshua Bunce, and 94 ft. from fence at intersection of lands of Joseph Row land and William Bacon ; at 484 ft. it passed 47ii ft. from S. E. corner of house of Thomas Rowland ; at 496 ft. it passed Q-^^^ ft. from fence at intersection of lands of Thomas Rowland and William Terrell, and 9i% ft. from fence of Whliam Bacon ; at 5774 ft. it passed 1411 ft. from fence of Daniel Hawkins at intersection of land of William Terrell 9x5 ft. from fence of William Bacon and 14x1 ft. from fence of William Risley at intersection of their lands ; at 608 ft. it passed 494 f*- f''oni S. W. corner BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 817 of house of Wm. Risly, and its terminus was 14A ft. from fence of William Risly at intersection of land of Daniel Hawkins, 52| ft. from S. W. corner of house of Wm. Risly and 55x3 ft. from N. E. Corner of house of Daniel Hawkins. On second course lOlA ft. from starting point the line passed 14ire ft. from the fence and 46f ft. from the S. E. corner of the tenant house on land of Daniel Hawkins on W. side of Road, and 14x^j ft. from fence of Danl. Haw kins on E. side of Road ; at 128 ft. the line passed 144 ft- from fence of Danl. Hawkins on W. side of Road and 14x% ft. from fence of Danl. Hawkins on E. side of Road at intersection of land of William R. Davis, and the terminus of line opposite intersection of lands of Wm. R. Davis and Daniel Hawkins was 67 ft. from S. W. corner of house of Will. R. Davis, and 684 ft- from N. W. corner of house of Danl. Hawkins, On third Course 68 ft. from starting point the line passed 164 ft- from fence of George Small and 16x^2 ft. from fence of Daniel Hawkins at intersection of land of Nehemiah Hand, and its terminus was 16 ft. from fence of George Small at intersection of land of Henry Tyler, and 17 ft. from fence of Nehemiah Hand. — On fourth course 654 ft- from starting point the line passed 15 ft. from fence of Henry Tyler. 17x\ ft. from the fence and 58 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with North end of the house of N. Hand ; at 175 ft. it was 15 ft. from the corner of Page 323. fence of Henry Tyler on the N. side of Cariton Avenue, and its terminus was the centre as near as could be ascer tained of Carlton Avenue." And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road or Street, of the uni- 818 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. form width of two rods, and be included in Road District No. Given under our hands at East Setauket, this second day of February, 1880. J. Buel Randah l^«™™f°^^'"« Charies Price ( tt- ? ) Highways Recorded Feb. 13th 1880. Posted Feb. 16th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson ' Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting. March 2d 1880. Trustees met pursuant to adjournment. Present Charles W. Baker, Lester Davis Samuel Dare, Henry W. Carman, & Elbert Woodhull (Wm. F. Brewster being absent on account of illness, also Wm. H. Clark, President, not able to attend said Meeting of the Board, therefore Henry W. Carman was chosen Chairman for the day) A Committee of Citizens from Eastern Islip waited upon the Board, to petition the rescinding of so much of the Resolutions in relation to the Bay fisheries adopted at the last Meeting as discriminating against the residents of Eastern Islip. After due consideration of the Petition and of the various statements presented, the Board deemed it for the best interests of Brookhaven to keep in force the resolution as passed at its last Meeting. It was Resolved to amend Section 2d of the Resolutions passed at the February Meeting in relation Page 324. to Oystering in the Great South Bay so as to read as fol lows. Second, Such registration shall be made under the Supervision of the Trustees during the 1st. Fifteen days in March (and the last Fifteen days in Sept) in each year, and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 819 no person shall be entitled to such registration or any of the privileges resulting therefrom unless he shall have been a resident of the Town of Brookhaven or a resident of the Town of Islip to the East of Great River at least six months immediately previous thereto, and is such resident at the time of making such application for registration and resi dents of Eastern Islip shall pay the sum of ($3) Three Dollars as a toleration fee at the time of the registration while residents of Brookhaven shall have the same privilege on payment of the sum of ($1) one Dollar. Resolution 8d was amended so as to read as follows. Third — That on or before March 15th 1880 those portions of the South Bay not now leased or so much thereof as shall be necessary for the purpose hereinafter mentioned in cluded between the West line of Brookhaven Patent and Bluepoint and the West line of Bay bottom belonging to Egbert T. Smith and a line drawn South from Munsell's Landing to the Beach shall be surveyed and staked out into lots commencing on the West portion at the West line of the Patent and coming Eastward and on the East portion at Egbert T. Smith's line and corning westward excepting therefrom all natural Oyster beds — It was also Resolved to amend Section 8th so as to read, thus. Eighth — the payment of annual rent by those now hold ing lots (and those who may hereafter hold lots under these Resolutions shall be accepted Page 825. in lieu of the toleration fee, and shall entitle those paying the same to all the privileges now enjoyed by those who pay toleration. Resolved that the following proposed Act be pubhshed in the " Advance" and " Port Jefferson Times" said Act to be voted upon at the ensuing Town Election by the legal voters at Town Meeting, said vote to be taken between 830 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the hours of 12 o'clock M. and 2. P.M. — Proposed Law, offered by the Board of Trustees of Brookhaven to be voted upon at the ensuing Town Election. An Act, for the preservation and protection of the shell fisheries within the Waters of the Great South Bay in the Town of Brookhaven — The legal voters of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County New York in Town Meeting assembled ; do enact as follows ; That from and after the passage of this Act no person or persons shall be allowed to catch or take from any of the public ground or waters of the Great South Bay within the jurisdiction and limits of this Town with Tongs, rakes, or any other instruments any Oysters, Clams Mussels or shells without first having complied with the regulations made and established, by the Trustees thereof, and having in their possession the Trustees' receipt granting the right and privilege, under a penalty of Twelve Dollars and Fifty cents for each and every off'ence — The above Act was passed April 6th. 1880 H. P. H. Board adjourned to meet 1st Tues. in April 1880. Page 326. Record & Survey of S. end of Ocean Avenue. Patchogue L. I. At a regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all the Commis sioners having been duly norified to be present and deliber ate on the subject embraced herein, and a majority thereof being present ; it was Resolved and ordered, that the Road formerly known as Patchogue Lane or Ocean Avenue, which was laid out many years ago, by act of the Board of Commissioners of the Town, widened in 1863 to three Rods, and Nov. Uth 1872 defined to turn of Avenue ; that the remaining portion of said Avenue should be prop- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 831 erly defined and entered of record, in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our pres ence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey was made as near as possible in accordance with the survey made in 1863, and is as follows, viz : " Commencing at a stone where the record of Nov. 11/72 terminated, and defined the centre of Avenue, said stone being distant 434 ft- in a South Westerly direction from the S. W. corner of house formerly owned by Jehiel Wood, and 67 ft. North West erly from the N. W. corner of house formerly owned by Apollus Swezey and varying 19° 07' from last course in record of Nov. 11/72 and ran, — First Course S.10° 00' W.— 678 ft. thence varying 0° 53' ran Second " S.10° 53' W.— 904 " " '" 1°11' " Third " S. 12° 04' W.— 1494" " " O^l^' " Fourth " S.ll°46' W.— 424 " to the Great South Bay. On Second Course 844 ft- from starting point the line passed 43f ft. Easterly of the N. E. corner and in range of the North end of house of Lewis Wicks, and its terminus was 25 ft. from the fence and 40 ft. from the N. E. corner of the Baptist Church. The terminus of Third Course was 37f ft. from the S. W. corner and in range with the S. end of main part of house formerly of Micah Smith, now of Mrs Betsey A Roberts- Page 327. On Fourth Course 160 ft. from starting point the line passed 67 ft from the S. W. corner and in range with the S. end of house of Mrs. Sanford Wicks, and at 812 ft. passed 274 ft- from the N. E. corner of piazza front and in range of the N. side of store of Sanford Wicks" And it is further ordered, that the line as above defined shall be the centre line of said Lane or Avenue, of the uniform width of three Rods. 833 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Given under our hands at Patchogue, this Fifteenth day of March 1880. J. B. Randah Charles Price Commissioners of Highways Recorded March, 31st 1880 at 1 P.m. Posted April 5th 1880 Heniy P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Patchogue Volunteer Fire Company No. 1. Whereas certain persons in the Village of Patchogue in the Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk have united themselves under the name or title of " Patchogue Volun teer Fire Company Number One" We hereby Resolve that in accordance with the Act of the Legislature of the State of New York entitled " An Act for the incorporation of tire, hose and Hook and Ladder Companies" passed May 2nd 1873, We the Board of Auditors of said Town of Brookhaven wherein said Village of Patchogue is located hereby consent to the incorporation of said Company. Brookhaven March, 30th 1880. John S. Havens Llenry P. Hutchinson Charies R. Smith Oran W. Rogers George W. Hopkins C. E. Goldthwaite T. H. Saxton Recorded April 7th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson ¦ Town Clerk. Page 828. Trustee Meeting. April 6th. 1880— Present, Henry W. Carman, Charles W. Baker, Lester Davis, Samuel Dare and Elbert Wood- Supervisor Town Clerk Board of Town Auditors BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 833 hull. Mr Henry W. Carman was chosen to act as chair man of the Board for the day. The following Resolution was adopted by the Board which is as follows. Resolved that We deplore the death of our late Associate William H. Clark late President of the Board of Trustees of Brookhaven. He was a man of firm integrity and Justice, and he died lamented, leaving an honored name. Resolved that the Clerk be directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the family of Mr Clark. The following was also adopted by the Board — Resolved that all the acts of Mr Henry W. Carman per formed as President protem of the Trustees in place of William H. Clark the deceased President be ratified and confirmed by the Trustees as fully and completely as if performed by a President of the Trustees Elected by the people. Board adjourned Sine die. Errtered By Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Town Meeting day, April 6th. 1880— $8,000. was voted for the support of the Poor of the Town of Brookhaven — For Contingent Expenses was voted to raise $1,500. fifteen Hundred — $300 For Bay Constables — Not to exceed this aint. — The amount of Dog funds on hand (or Taxes) was appi-opriated to the purpose of repairing Bridges — The vote was Unanimous. Entered. April 8th. 1880. H. P. H. Page 329. April 6th 1880. Town Meeting of Brookhaven. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk Co. do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 6th. day of April 1880 at 834 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named — - For Supervisor. John S. Havens. Justices of the Peace John B. Mount To fill vacancy — to Jan 1st 1884— Thomas H. Saxton full term 4 years — George E. Hallock " " 4 years — George E. Hallock also to fill vacancy — of Wm. H. Clark deed to Jan 1st 1881 Jacob De. Baum " " " " to Jan. 1st 1883. Assessors George D. Gerard for, 8 years Samuel F. Norton for, 8 years Commissioners of Highways Henry T. Osborn for, 8 years Oakley A. Overton to fill vacancy. Town Clerk Henry P. Hutchinson Collector Charles J. Randall — President of Trustees Henry W. Carman Page 380. Trustees Israel B. Tyler — Smith Cammerden Joseph C. Valentine — Charles W. Baker Gideon F. Smith — Samuel Dare — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 835 Overseers of Poor- Charles W. Baker Israel B. Tyler. Constables George S. Dyches David H. Raynor ' George W. Hastings Henry B. Bennett Amos B. Laws Edward Fanning John Thurston Elbert S. Hawkins Game Constable. John F. Hawkins Bay Constables Alvin Jarvis, Joseph Brown, Commissioner of Excise Henry T. Robbins, Syears Inspectors of Election 1st Dist 1 Franklin A. Darling 2 Jedediah Williamson appd 8 Walter Smith 1 I Wilson Ritch 2d Dist 2 George D. Lee appd 3 John E. Overton 3d Dist 1 Charles A. Jones 2 Joseph N. King appd. 3 George E. Davis 1 Gideon F. Smith 4th Dist 2 Jehiel S. Raynor appd— 3 R. T. Osborn 5th Dist 1 Charies S. Piatt 2 John B. Robinson appd 3 J. Homer Gordon 836 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 381. 6tli Dist 1 Emmerson G. Terrell 2 William Valentine appd 3 Henry W. Ketcham 7th Dist 1 Henry Smith 2 William H. Osborn appd. 3 Winfield S. Davis We certify that the above is a true and correct State ment of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting. Brookhaven April 6th 1880. Oran W. Rogers T. H. Saxton C. E. Goldthwaite R. T. Osborn _ ^ George W. Hopkins Charles R. Smith Justices of the Peace Recorded April 7th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. The following Resolutions were read before the People of the Town of Brookhaven Suffolk Co. at the Annual Town Meeting held in said Town on Tuesday April 6th 1880, when the people emphatically voted in favor of the system as it now exists — It reads as follows : Whereas a Bill has been in troduced into the Legislature to abolish the present mode of holding the Town Meeting of Brookhaven, and to substitute voting in the separate Districts, as at the General Election. Resolved. That we the inhabitants of Brookhaven in Town Meeting assembled, are strongly opposed to the change proposed by the bill and request the Legislature not to pass it. And that the Town Clerk, send a copy of these Resolutions to our Representatives. Note — Sent copies of the A'oove Resolutions, as per re quest April 16th 1880. Recorded April 16th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 837 Page 332. Trustee Meeting. May 4th 1880. Present, Henry W. Carman President, Charles W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Joseph C. Valentine, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare and Smith Cainerden, Trustees — It was moved, seconded & carried by the Board that (Overseer of the Poor.) Charles W. Baker have charge of the Book of Accts. Resolved by the Board that the bill presented by Dr. Bates for $58.-j*/o be reduced to $30. A Petition was presented, signed by a number of Oyster men asking for a portion of the South Bay adjoining the South Beach for the purpose of planting seed Oysters, whereupon it was Resolved that, Whereas there is a large portion of the South Bay ad joining the South Beach which is clean sand bottom and could be made available for raising seed Oysters by the spreading upon said ground shells for seed to catch upon thereby making the fiats and Shoal water ground productive to our citizens and an increased revenue to our Town there fore be it Resolved that this Board of Trustees lease 4 acres of such ground to the West of Blue Point and East of a line drawn south from Munsell's landing to any citizen of the Town of Brookhaven for the purpose of propagating and raising seed Oysters thereon whether a lot for growing Oysters in said Bay has already been leased to him or not at the annual rent of Four Dollars for the term of one year with the privilege of Renewal annually for nine successive years thereafter and on the other conditions upon which the Board of Trustees are now granting leases for the pur pose of growing Oysters. Page 333. Resolved that Trustee Israel B. Tyler be authorized to lease for one year a piece of ground called " Old Field 838 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Strand" at Setauket — Also Resolved that Israel B. Tyler of Setauket be and is hereby appointed lot & Oyster Agent for the Town of Brookhaven in Port Jefferson and Setauket Harbors for the ensuing year — with Authority to grant permits, collect Rents, and protect the rights of the Town. Charles W. Baker presented the following Statement of Receipts & disbursements of the revenue from the Great South Bay, which is as fohows — The Town of Brookhaven in acct. with Robert R. Smith. Receipts up to March, 1st 1880 From Toleration . . . 871.50 Lot Rents . . . 818.00 Fines .U5.00 Receipts since March 1st 1880 and up to April 6th 1880 Lot Rent 150.00 Toleration 110.00 Total amount received $1564.60 Expenses and disbursements 10^ on collections of Lot rent and Toleration up to March, 1st 1880. 118.60 5^0 on collecting of Lot rent & toleration since March 1st 1880. 13.02 Paid for Stakes 10.00 Expenses of C. W. Baker to Riverhead to look after spawn Act 8.20 Paid Sanford Weeks for rope 1.60 C. W. Baker staking out lots since ] March 1st 1880 [ 36.00 Samuel Dare staking out lots 80.00 Page 334. Lawrence Newins staking out lots 84.00 Timothy M. Griffing legal services 35.00 G. W. Smith Constables Bill 3.95 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 829 Charles R. Smith Justices Bill 10.40 E. T. Moore expenses to Riverhead in regard to Spawn law. 9.90 going after S pawners 3.00 " " Dredgers 3.00 Attending Oyster trials 2.00 Measuring lots 2.00 Attending Oyster trial 2.002.00 going after spawners 3.00 Measuring lots 3.00 going with Bay Constables after Spawners 6.00 Measuring lots 3.00 going after Dredgers 3.00 going with Bay Constables on Bay, 3.00 13 days planting Spawns 26.00 paid E. C. Ruland Bay Constable 6.00 " " " " serving Summons. 6.00 " Daniel Gerard assisting on Bay 2.00 ' ' Geo. W. Smith collecting toleration & Con. fees 27. 23 " Summons & Suspenas 13.45 426.15 Paid Heatley for printing 8.25 $434.40 Bay Constables 128.35 $562.76 Summary Receipts through Baker, 1564.50 " " Brewster 17. H W. Carman 14. 1595.50 Deduct disbursements 562.75 2U032.75 / 516.37 830 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. The above bill has been passed upon by the Board of Trustees and a final settlement made — May 4th 1880. H W. Carman, President. Recorded May 4th 1880. H. P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 836. It was Resolved, that. Whereas death has removed from our midst William F. Brewster a late member of the Board of Trustees. Resolved that by his decease the community has lost a good citizen, the people among whom he lived a kind neighbor and the Town of Brookhaven one who dur ing his long service in an official capacity always proved a valuable and efficient officer — Resolved that we tender to the family of the deceased our Sympathy in their bereave ment and assure them that to them belongs a rich legacy in the honorable and upright life of the husband and father. Resolved that these Resolutions be published in the Port Jefferson Times and the Advance and that a copy be for warded to the family of the deceased. Board adjourned to meet June, 1st 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 336. Record & Survey of Cedar St. Stony Brook. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, held in the Village of Stony Brook on Wednesday Nov. 12th. 1879— ah the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and de liberate on the subject, and all being present, it was ordered that — Whereas the Road or Street known as Cedar St. in the Vihage of Stony Brook leading from the Rail Road Depot, Northwesterly to the main or North Country road, has BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 831 been used as a public highway for a period of twenty years and upwards last past but never laid out, defined or re corded, and it appearing to us after careful deliberation, examination and evidence presented, that said Road or Street is needed for the public use and benefit it was — Resolved that said Road or Street be laid out, defined and entered of record in the Town Clerk's office as a public highway, in accordance with the following survey made this day under our direction by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey is as follows, viz : Commencing at a point about 300 ft. W. of the Stony Brook R. R. Depot between the lands of William Rapier and Daniel Sherry, and as near as could be ascertained in the Centre of the Depot and Hotel road, and ran. First Course N. 62° 61' W. 166 ft. thence varying 6° 36' ran Second " N.57° 16' W.400 " " " 8° 00' Third " N.49°16' W.450 " " " 4° 16' Fourth " N.53°30'W.220 " " " 25° 00' Fifth " N.78°30'W.200 " " " 8° 48' Sixth " N.69° 42' W.400 "' " " 36° 30' , Seventh " N.33° 12' W.500 " " " 7° 14' Eighth " N.26°68'W.200 " " " 17° 38' Ninth '^ N.43°86' W.300 " " " 9° 31' ; Tenth " N.68°07' W.281 " " " 10°87' Page 337. Eleventh " N.63° 44' W.294 ft. thence varying 20° 53' ran Twelfth " N.84°37' W.243 " " " 14° 36' " Thirteenth" 'N. 70° 31' W.834 " to a. point as near as could be ascertained to be the S. margin of the main or North Country road, between the lands of Walter Wheeler and Albert N. Hudson, all courses as given being magnetic. On First Course 85 ft from starting point the line passed 17f ft. from an oak tree and 15 ft. from S. gate post in the S. E. corner of cleared lot of Daniel Sherry, and its 833 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. terminus was in range with rear end of house of Wihiam Rapier bearing N. 46° 50' E. and 10 ft. distant from fences on each side of road on lands of William Rapier and Daniel Sherry. The terminus of Second Course was 244 ft- dis tant from two marked Chestnut trees on E. side of Road. On Third Course the line passed 12 ft. distant from S. gate post on land of Danl. Sherry, and its terminus was 164 ft- distant from a stake driven on E. side of Road. The ter minus of Fourth Course was distant 134 ft- Easterly of a large oak tree in hedge of Daniel Sherry, near S. side of Oak St. or Cemetery Avenue. On Fifth Course 30 ft from starting point the line passed about the centre of in tersection of Oak St. or Cemetery Avenue, and its terminus was on the top of a small hill in the centre of Road. The terminus of Sixth Course was opposite the intersection of lands of Danl. Sherry & Mrs F. Norton, opposite land of Alonzo Hawkins. On Eleventh Course 70 ft. from starting point the line passed 164 ft- from fence of widow of Danl. S. Hawkins ; at 187 ft. it passed 164 ft- from fence, 384 ft- from S. W. corner and in range with S. end of house, and at 244 ft. passed 174 ft- from corner of picket fence of Widow Danl. S. Hawkins at intersection of land of Mrs Edney Wiggins. The terminus of Twelfth course was opposite the end of fence of Walter Wheeler at intersection of land Page 388. of Mrs Edney Wiggins, was distant 17 ft. from fence of William Shipman and 174 ft- from corner po8t of fence of Walter Wheeler. On Thirteenth course opposite intersec tion of lands of Wm. Shipman & Albert N. Hudson, the line passed 174 ft- from fence on each side of street, and its terminus was in range of front fence of Walter Wheeler, 31 ft distant from his corner post, and 24 ft. from a large locust tree near the corner on S. side of North Country BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 833 Road" And it is further Ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said road or Street of the uniform width of two rods on all the courses except the 13th. and last, which shall be two rods at beginning and gradually widening to three rods at end on S. margin of N. Country Road. Present during the Survey were Daniel Sherry, Gilbert Darling, Edward Oakes and others. Given under our hands at Stony Brook, this 12th. day of Novem ber, 1879. Robt. L. Petty ) Commissioners Richard T. Osborn V of J. B Randall ) Highways Recorded, May, 6th 1880. at 8 a.m. Posted May 8th 1880 Henry P'. Hutchinson Town Clerk Record & Survey of Road in Lake Grove. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, held in Lake-Grove on Thursday April 29th. 1880, all the Commissioners hav ing been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the sub ject embraced, and all being present it was ordered that — Whereas the road leading from the Pond Road, com mencing about 80 Rods North of the Baptist Church in Lake Grove, and running North Westerly across the Wood lands of Elizabeth Puleston and Scudder Davis until it in tersects with the road leading Northerly from ,1 Page 339. Ronkonkama Lake to Newton's hole or Locust Lake, was as appears by record in Book C. page 221 of Town records, laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of said Town in the year 1768, but not sufficiently defined, and Whereas said Road Was used as a public highway for a period of twenty years and upwards, and it appearing to us after 834 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. careful deliberation, examination, and evidence presented, that said road is needed for the public use and benefit, it was. Resolved, — That said Road be defined, entered of record and opened to the uniform width of four rods, in accordance with the following survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey is as follows, viz : — Commencing at a stone buried in the ground as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of the road leading from Ronkonkama Lake to Newtons hole or Locust Lake between the cleared lands of Thomas Scott and ran. First Course S. 18° 00' E.-316 Ft. thence varying 17° 35' ran " 3° 66' " " 38° 17' " " 32° 85' " " 13° 20' " " 12° 65' " " 9° 47' " " 20° 06' " Second " S. 85° 35' E. -330 Third " S. 39° 30' E.-483 ' " Fourth " S. 72°47'E. 1824" Fifth " S. 40°12'E. 243 " Sixth " S. 53°32'E. 221| " Seventh" S. 40° 37' E. 1834" Eighth " S. 30°60'E. 285 " Ninth " S. 50°56'E. 140 " to a stone buried in the ground as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of the Pond Road— On First Course 20 ft. from starting point the line passed 80 ft. Westerly of a large red Oak tree on the ditch at the S. W. corner of cleared lot, and 49 Ft. Easterly of white oak lop in the hedge at S. E. Corner of cleared lot on land of Thomas Scott, and its terminus was a stone buried in -the ground distant 8f ft from a marked Cedar tree on the E. side, and 1 9 ft. from a marked red oak on the W. side of road. The terminus of Third Course was at the intersection Page 340. of the lands of Scudder Davis and Elizabeth Puleston 30| ft Southerly from a large black oak crotched lop in the hedge on division line of Woodland of Scudder Davis and BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 835 cleared land of Mrs Harriet Louden, The terminus of Eighth Course was at a stone buried in the ground for centre line of Road and distant 11 ft. in a Southerly direc tion from a large double red oak tree. On Ninth Course 83 ft. from starting point the line passed through the Stump of a red oak tree, and the stone at terminus was distant 30 ft. from a marked hickory tree on E. side of the Pond Road, 23 ft. North Easteriy from a marked red oak tree and 704 ft South Easterly from a very large marked red oak tree on W. side of Road." And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road of the uniform width of four rods. Given under our hands at Lake Grove this 29tli. day of April in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Oakle_y A. Overton > of Henry Osborn ) Highways Recorded May 11th 1880 at 1 P.M. Posted May ]'6th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson ¦ Town Clerk Page 341. ^ ^, 1 J r) o -nr-iT 1 State of New York OntheappealofRS. Wilhamson Department of Pubhc and another against I ^ Instruction Justus Roe, Sch. Comr. of the 2d ' T5pf,,„p.u„ S„nprintpn- Seh. Comr. Dist of Suffolk Co. dent- ^"P^""^®" This is a proceeding by R. S. Wilhamson and another. Trustees of School District No. 8. Brookhaven, Sufl'olk County, appealing from the action of Justus Roe, School Commissioner of the Second School Commissioner district of said County, in making two certain orders December 30, 1879, and January 18, 1880 defining the boundaries of said School district and amending the record thereof. From the evidence submitted it is shown that said bound- 836 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. aries have for some time been in dispute, and a careful ex amination and consideration of such evidence fail to dispel the legal presumption that the action appealed from was legally and properly taken ; The Appeal, therefore, is hereby dismissed. This decision must be filed with and recorded by the Clerk of said Town of Brookhaven — and Notice thereof be by him given to the Appellants with opportunity to exam ine the same. Given under my hand and the seal of the Department of Public Instruction, at Albany, this 22d day of May 1880. (Seal) Neil Gilmore Superintendent of Public Instruction Recorded May 27th 1880 at 1 P.M. Henry P. Hutchinson ' Town Clerk Page 342. Trustee Meeting June, 1st 1880. Present, Mr Henry W. Carman, President, Charles W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Samuel Dare, Smith Cainerden, and Joseph C. Valentine, Trustees — George P. Schryver the Town Collector ap peared before the Board with his Accounts — And on Mo tion of the Board he was exonerated to the amount of ($104.-5-^0^) One Hundred and Four Dohars and Ten Cents — it being Eroneously assessed & uncollectable Taxes — a receipt was given him in full of all demands for taxes for the year 1879— On Motion, It was Resolved that Israel B. Tyler be hereby appointed Treasurer of the Board of Trustees to take charge of the Bay Moneys and such other Monies as may come into his hands and give bonds for the same. Sylvester Randall's lease of Shore at Port Jefferson hav ing expired on May 1st 1880 — said Lease was renewed to BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 837 him for one year from May 1st 1880 for the sum of Five Dollars (instead of Four Dollars and Fifty Cents as here tofore) ' Board adjourned to meet at Mr Austin Roe's Hotel in Patchogue on Tuesday June 22d 1880, at the usual hour about 10 A.M. Page 843. Record & Survey of Main St. Port Jefferson May 25, 1-880. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, held in the vihage of Port Jefferson May 26/80. all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced, and all being present, it was Resolved, and is hereby ordered that, — Whereas the Road or Street in the Village of Port Jefferson called Main St. commencing nearly opposite the store of J. M. Bayles & Son, at meeting of Water St. and East Broadway, was laid out by the Board of Commissioners of said Town by an Order dated May 25/88. but never sufficiently described. — That said Road or Street be laid out, defined and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk, in accordance with a Sur vey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey is as near as could be ascertained, in accordance with the survey made in 1838, and is as follows, viz : Commencing at the Centre of Water St. and running First Course Sri4° 39' W.--194.6 Ft to N. side of house of John Miller. Second " S. 11° 00' W. 81.8 " " opposite land of Jo seph Bayles. Third " S. 4°45'W. 86.2 "" opposite division line of Geo. Campbell & D. B. Norton 838 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Fourth " S. 9° 12' E. -126.8 "" opposite division line of Overton & Fanning & Est. of B. Woodhull Fifth Course South 45° 22' E. -124. Ft. to opposite S. hne of Store of Schryver & Edwards. 6th " " 28° 27' E. -67. " " "line of Jesse D. Hawkins & Thos. Bayles. 7th " " 11°82'E.-7L " " " line of Est of Chas. Hulse & Thos. : Bayles 8th " " 12°08'W.-215. " " " S. end of house of Mrs Han nah Jones. 9th " " ^21° 07' W.- 88.6" " " E. side of store of Mr. Hannah Jones. loth " " 62° 07' W. -180. 6" " " line of Ja cob Wiltsie & Joseph Brewster. Uth " " 64° 28' W.- 76. " " " line of Chas. Robbins & Joseph Brewster. 12th " " 58°39'W.-114.8" " " front of drug store of Frank Norton. ', BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 839 13th " " 26° 25' W.- 79.4" " "Townsend House & Store of J. W. Math ews, Uth " " 10° 85' E. -301.5" " " N. end of house of J. B. Randall. 15th " " 21° 28' E. - 60.9" " "lineofj. B. Randall & Jas. B. Gil dersleeve. 16th " " 24° 80' E. -260. " " " Store of D. Oliver Pet ty- 17th " " 16°30'E. 78.10" " "gate front ing house of AbramBrown. Page 344. 18th " " 2° 40' E. -283.6" " "lineof Mor ris Brown & Dr. Cham- . hers. 19th " " 4°22'W. 189.6" " " N. side of House of Est. of John Roe. 20th " " 7°28'E. 58. " " "the point where the survey and record of June 23d '78 commenced. On first Course 28.9 ft. from starting point the line ran 23.9 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. side ; at 52. ft. passed 20. ft. from sill of front dooi", and at 63. ft. passed 21.8 ft. from S. E. corner and in "range with S. side 840 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of brick Store of Wilham T. Hulse ; at 84.6 ft. it passed 20.8 ft from N. E. corner and in range with N. side of new tenant store of William T. Hulse ; its terminUs was 26.1 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. eiid of house of Capt. John Miller. On second Course 54 ft. from starting point the hne passed 22.7 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with S. side of brick building of Wilham Henry Bayles ; at 70 ft. it passed 16,4 ft. from stone wall at intersection of lands of Est. of George Brewster and Joseph Bayles On third Course 72.6 ft. from starting point the line passed 16. ft. from stone Wall at intersection of lands of Joseph Bayles, and Overton & Fanning ; its terminus was 16.9 ft. from corner post at intersection of line of lands of George Campbell and Bryant D. Norton, and 18.6 ft. from N. E. corner of brick store of Bryant D. Norton. On fourth Course 2. ft. from starting point the line passed 18.7 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. side of store of Bryant D. Norton ; its terminus was 27.9 ft. from N. E. corner of store of Thomas J. Ritch and 16.6 ft. from corner of stone Wall of Overton & Fanning at inter section of line of Est. of Brewster Woodhull, and the line if continued 11.4 ft. beyond the terminus would end at a point 23 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. side of brick store of Thos. J. Ritch. On fifth Course 100 ft. from starting point the line passed 30.6 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with N. side of brick store of Schryver & Edwards, and its ter minus was distant 38.7 ft. across the foot of Thompson St. to the corner of Stone Wall on Est. of Brewster Page 345. Woodhuh, and 37.8 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with S. side of Store of Schriver & Edwards. On Sixth course 59. ft. from starting point the line BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 841 passed 26.1 ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with S. side of building of Benjamin Tooker ; its terminus was distant 20 ft. from post of fence at intersection of lands of Jesse D. Hawkins and Thomas Bayles. On Seventh Course 68. ft. from starting point the line passed 80.6 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with the N. side of house of Est. of Charles Hulse, and its ter minus was distant 16.8 ft. from face of post at intersection of lands of Thomas Bayles and Est. of Charles Hulse. On Eighth Course 18.4 ft. from starting point the line passed 23.6 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. side of building of Joseph Hammond ; at 90. ft it passed 16.8 ft. from the fence and 41. ft. from S. W. corner and in range, with S. end of house of Anna Bell Hulse ; at 158. ft. it passed 23.5 ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with S. side of brick store of Joseph Rowland ; at 191. ft. it passed 22.5 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the N. end of house of Mrs Hannah Jones ; at 208.7 ft. it passed 23. ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with N. side of harness Shop of Jesse D. Hawkins, and its terminus was 18.6 ft. from fence and 28.2 ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with the S. end of house of Mrs Hannah Jones. The terminus of Ninth Course was distant 66. ft. from the S. W. corner of the Baptist Church. 26. ft. from the S. E. corner of store of Mrs Hannah Jones and 16.6 ft. from the N. side under the window of the building of Jacob Willse. The terminus of tenth Course was distant 16.6 ft. from post of fence at intersection of lands of Jacob Willse and Joseph Brewster. The terminus of eleventh Course was distant 16.6 ft. from post of fence at intersection of lands of Joseph Brewster and Charles Robbins. Page 346. On twelfth Course 6.6 ft. from starting point the line 843 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. passed 29.8 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of Main part of Port Jefferson Hotel, and at 49.6 ft. passed 35.10 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of Port Jefferson Hotel. The terminus of thirteenth course was distant 52. ft. from S. E. corner of drug store of Frank Norton, 16.6 ft. from S. E. corner of store of John W. Mathews and 18.10 ft. from N. W. corner of the Townsend House of Caleb Davis. On fourteenth Course 9. ft. from starting point the line passed 16.6 ft. from 'face of brick wall at N. W. corner of Townsend House ; at 177.9 ft. it passed 30. ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. side of brick store of S. S. Akerly Jr. and its terminus was distant 59.3 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with N. end of house of J. B. Randall. On fifteen Course 7.8 ft. from, starting point the hne passed 17.1 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. side of store of J. B. Randall ; its terminus was 16.6 ft. distant from S. gate post of J. B. Randall at intersection of land of Dr. James Gildersleeve. 68. ft. from S. W. corner of house of J. B. Randall and 62.6 ft. from N. W. corner of house of Dr. James Gildersleeve. On Sixteenth Course 14. ft. from starting point the line passed 57.5 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with N. side of house of Dr. James Gildersleeve ; its terminus was 46. ft. from N. W. corner of house of John II. Over ton, 80.4 ft. from N. E. corner of store of D. Oliver Petty and 59.10 ft. from S. E. corner of " P. J. Times" build ing. The terminus of Seventeenth course was 67.4 ft. from N. W. corner of small part and 69.10 ft. from S. W. corner of Main part of house of Abram Brown. The ter minus of eighteenth Course was 18.10 ft. from N. end of stone wah and fence of Dr. Chambers at intersection of land of Morris Brown. The terminus of Nineteenth Course was 16. ft. from BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 843 Page 347. ^b"- face of stone wall, 29 ft. from N. W. corner and 39.6 ft. from S. W. corner of frame part of house on Est. of John Roe. The terminus of twentieth course was 46.6 ft. from S. W. corner of house on Est. of John Roe, and 45.6 ft. from S. E. corner of house of E. Thomas Newton, all courses as above given being Magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre hne of said Road or Street, and of the uniform width of two rods as intended by the survey and record of 1838. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this 25th. day of May in the year 1880. J. B. Randa.ll ) Commissioners Oakley A. Overton j- of Llenry T. Osborn ) Highways ] Recorded June 4th 1880 at 2. P M. Posted June, 9th. 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Trustee Meeting. June 22d 1880. Trustees met in pursuance of adjourn ment at Austin Roe's in Patchogue, present Henry W. Carman, President — Charies W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Samuel Dare, Smith Camerden,. Joseph C. Valentine, Gideon F. Smith Trustees. Resolved that for the better distribution and sale of the Records of the Town of Brookhaven as now published in Book form — each Trustee shall personally offer them for sale in his immediate vicinity, the proceeds after deducting expenses to be paid to the Treasurer of the Town. Also the following preamble and resolutions were adopted. Whereas, our'attention has been called to the 844 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 848. Resolution presented to the Board of Supervisors at their Meeting at I'aphank on June 12tli. 1880 asking that the Bay and Beach opposite Eastern Islip be transferred to the jurisdiction of the Town of Islip, Therefore Resolved ; that this Board most respectfully but earnestly protest against the passage of said Resolutions by your honorable body. Resolved ; That a copy of this preamble and Reso lutions be furnished to the Supervisor of this Town, to be by him presented at the Meeting of the Board of Super visors to be held at Riverhead on Jnne 28th. 1880 — By order of the Board of Trustees of Brookhaven Town. Board adjourned, to meet again at the call of the Presi dent of Trustees. Entered June 22d 1880— Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Record & Survey of Main St. East Setauket June 8d. 1880. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the Village of East Setauket on Thursday June 3d 1880, all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject and a majority thereof being present, it was ordered That — Whereas the Road or Street known as Main St in the Village of East Setauket, has been used as a public highway for upwards of fifty years last past, and was recorded by the Board of Commissioners of Highways of said Town many years ago as a four pole Road, but never having been sufficiently described, — That it be laid out, defined, and entered of Record in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our pres ence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which Survey is as follows viz : BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 845 Page 349. Commencing at tho centre of Main St. on turn of Road and nearly opposite the head of Factory Lane, and ran First Course N. 65° 10' E.— 1100. ft. thenee on Second " N. 75° 08' E.— 1704 " " Third " N. 87° 60' E.— 162 " to a bridge believed to be about the terminus of record and Survey made in 1862. The starting point of first Course was as near as could be ascertained the centre of Road at this point run ning N. & S. and the centre of Main St. running Easterly ; was distant 61.6 ft. from a large cherry tree on S. W. cor ner of land of John R. Davis, 74.2 ft. from corner post of fence of M. E. Church N. side of Factory lane, 51. ft. from large tree on N. E. corner of land on Est of Carlton Jayne S. side of Factory Lane, 36.6 ft. from a marked Cedar tree on land of Est. of Carlton Jayne and 61.6 ft. from a marked Cedar tree on N. W. corner of land of Walter Jones ; 598. ft. from starting point the line passed 33. ft. from a marked Cedar tree and 30.9 ft. from fence on land of Walter Jones, and 26 ft. from fence on land of John R. Davis ; at 770 ft. it crossed a small stone Bridge ; its terminus was 81. ft. from fence and 31.9 ft. from face of a large rock on land of Walter Jones, 21.3 ft. from fence of John R. Davis and 38 ft. from a large Willow tree front ing land of John R. Davis. On second Course 35 ft. from starting i^oint the line passed 17.8 ft. from the large Willow tree fronting land of John R. Davis ; at 134.5 ft. passed 36 ft. from N. E. cor ner and in range of East side of Main part of house of Peter Sclineckenberger on land of Walter Jones ; its terminus was about the centre of South St. 50.5 ft. from N. E. corner of house of Peter Schneckenberger, 80. ft. from N. W. corner of house of Anselm Jayne and 45.8 ft. from corner of fence on land of Anselm Jayne. On third course 28.6 ft. froih starting point the line passed 34. ft. from corner 846 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of fence and 74. ft. from N. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of Anselm Jayne ; at 66 ft. it passed 33. ft. from E. end of fence of Anselm Jayne; at 131.6 ft. passed 35.8 ft. from Page 350. N. E. corner and in range with E. side of Post Office build ing ; at 151. ft. was 87.3 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E. side of building owned by Oran W. Rogers ; its terminus was the centre of bridge over the brook and about one ft. S. of the N. hand rail of bridge, and the line if continued 29. ft beyond the terminus would end at a point 31. ft. S. of a stone on N. side of road, said to have been placed to mark division of Road Districts, all courses as above given being Magnetic, and distances given in feet and inches ; And it is further ordered that said Line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road or Street of the uni form width of four rods. Given under our hands at East Setauket, this Third day of June, in the year 1880. J. B. Randall } Commissioners of Oakley A. Overton ( tj-- i, ¦' ) Highways Recorded June 25th 1880. at. 1 P.M. Posted July 8d 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Record & Survey of Maiden Lane, Port Jefferson. June 3d. 1880. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the Village of Port Jefferson June 3d/80, all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced, and a majority thereof being present, it was BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 847 ordered. — That the street known as Maiden Lane, leading from Main St. or Coram Road between the lands of Mrs Albert Skidmore and Azariah Davis Easterly, laid out in 1862 by Noah H. Jones and used as a public highway con tinuously and uninterruptedly from that time to the present, be laid out defined, and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey Page 351. is as follows, viz : Commenced at a point on the E. end of the lands of John Fordham and Charles Jones and 16.6 ft. from the fences on each side of said Lane or Street, and ran one course only S. 75'' W. 680.9 ft. to the E. margin of Main St. or Coram Road, Seventy ft. from starting point the line ran 17.8 ft. from fence and 23.4 ft. from N. E. Corner and in range with E. side of house of Charles Jones ; at 266.6 ft. the hne passed 16.6 ft. from fence and 34.9 ft. from the S. W. corner and in range with W. side of house of John Fordham ; at 631. ft. it passed 32.2 ft. from S. W. corner and in range of front of Kitchen part on house of Mrs Albert Skidmore, Course as above given being magnetic, and distances in feet and inches — And it is further ordered that said Line as above described be the centre line of said Lane or Street, and of the unifoi-ni width of Two Rods. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this Third day of June in the year 1880. J. B. Randall Oakley A. Overton Recorded June 26th 1880 at. 1 P.M. Posted July 3d. 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Commissioners of Highways 848 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. July 13th 1880. Trustees met pursuant to the call of the President of Trustees, at the County Alms House — to meet a Committee frorn Islip, to make a final settlement — Present Henry W. Carman Prest. Charles W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Samuel Dare, Smith Camerden, Joseph C. Valen tine, Gideon F. Smith Trustees— Whereas Complaint hav ing been made against Hiram Munsell, for having a pound or some obstructions in the Bay — the Board of Trustees order said Munsell to remove the same immediately, and authorize the Clerk to notify Mr Munsell to that effect — done on the 13th inst by Town Clerk— Resolved to lease to Sidney Hawkins, Pattersquash Islands for the term of 5 years, $5 per year (that is 5 years from April 1st 1880. Page 362. The Committee from Ishp being present, It was Resolved by the Board of Trustees of Brookhaven Town to have the ' following Agreement made and also that the same be signed by their President — This Agreement and Compact made and entered into this 13th. day of July 1880— between " the Trustees of the Freeholders and " Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven" in the County of Suffolk, State of New Y^ork of the first part and Charles Z. Gillette, Edgar Gillette and John Wood a Committee representing the residents of the Town of Islip in said County residing to the East of Great River in said Town of the second part Witnesseth ; Whereas the said Trustees by regulations here tofore made, have imposed upon the said residents of East ern Islip a toleration fee of three dollars for the enjoyment of the privilege of Oystering in the waters of the Great South Bay in the Town of Brookhaven which is a greater sum than that imposed upon the residents of the Town of Brookhaven for the like privilege, and have by other regu lations made other discriminations in the use of the fisheries in the said Waters between the residents of the Town of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 849 Brookhaven and of Eastern Ishp aforesaid. And Whereas in consequence of such discriminations various suits are now pending between the said Trustees and a, number of the residents of Eastern Islip, Therefore for the purpose of settling and discontinuing said suits and of settling said controversy by granting to and establishing in the said resi dents of Eastern Islip, Fi.«hing privileges in the waters of the Great South Bay belonging to the Town of Brookhaven equal in every respect to the Fishing privileges therein, en joyed by the residents of the Town of Brookhaven, the said Trustees in consideration of the sum of Fifteen Hun dred Page 863. Dollars to them duly paid by the said parties of the second part, (Twelve Hundred Dollars of which shall be applied by the said Trustees in such manner as they shall see fit to the improvement and management of the said Fisheries for the common benefit of all interested therein) have granted and by these presents do hereby grant unto the residents of the Town of Islip residing to the East of Great River in said Town and to their successors forever the same fishing privileges in the waters of the Great South Bay in the Town of Brookhaven which are enjoyed by the residents of said Town of Brookhaven therein, subject nevertheless to the exclusive right of said Trustees and their successors to regulate the management of said Fisheries in every respect provided only that all regulations shall affect equally the residents of the Town of Brookhaven and the residents of Eastern Islip, and reserving unto the said Trustees and their successors the right to discriminate in the enjoyment of said Fisheries against or to exclude entirely from said Fisheries any person or persons who upon due process of Law shall be convicted in a civil or criminal action of a violation of the rules and regulations for the management of said 850 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Fisheries made by the said Trustees, or of the laws of the land applicable thereto. The said Trustees parties of the first part further agree that one resident of Eastern Islip to be designated by the Board of Audit of the Town of Islip shall be associated with them for the sole purpose of assisting in carrying out the terms of this Grant in good faith, but his functions shall be advisory only and he shall have no voice in the enactment repeal or modification of any rule or regulation for the management of said Fisheries. It is also hereby stipulated for the consideration aforesaid that all suits com menced Page 864. by the said Trustees against any residents of Eastern Islip growing out of said Fisheries shall be at once discontinued without costs to Either party thereto. In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused their Corporate seal and the signature of their Presi dent to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written.Sealed and delivered in the presence of Henry W. Carman L.S. Wilmot M. Smith President State of New York ) County of Suffolk j ss. On this 13th day of July 1880 before me came Henry W. Carman to me personally known who being by me duly sworn says he resides in the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk that he is the President of the Corpora tion " The Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven" That the seal affixed to the fore going instrument is the Corporate seal of said Corporation and was thereto affixed in pursuance of a resolution of said BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 851 Corporation duly passed and that he signed the same as President of said Corporation by virtue of a like resolution Wilmot M. Smith. Notary Public. Suffolk Co. Recorded July 18th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Board of Trustees adjourned to meet at Caleb Davis' Hotel in Port Jefferson on Tuesday Sept. 7th. 1880. Page 856. Trustee Meeting. Sept 7th 1880 (held at Port Jefferson) Present Henry W. Carman, President, Charles W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Samuel Dare, Smith Camerden, Gideon F. Smith and Joseph C. Valentine Trustees — It was Resolved by the Board to lease to Warren Silsbee of Patchogue, Twenty feet additional west of his Dock and extending to Sanford Wick's line for a term of Ten years. $5. per year additional yearly rent. Resolved that from and after this date this Board have their proceedings pub lished officially in the "Port Jefferson Times" and the Patchogue Advance" at Two Dollars for each report. Resolved that the Town of Brookhaven lease to Charles E. Rose of Patchogue Fifty feet running into the Bay op posite his strand, for the term of Five years for the yearly- rental of $1. with the understanding that there shall be no obstruction for a public Landing. Resolved that as Lot and Oyster Agent of the Great South Bay, C. W. Baker is hereby authorized to collect and receipt for all toleration from Inhabitants living West of Munsell's Landing as far as Brookhaven Patent extends. The same authority is also granted to Smith Camerden, East from Munsell's Landing as far as Brookhaven East Line and East Moriches. Board adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis on Saturday Sept. Uth at 10 A.M. 853 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 356. Record & Survey of Bellport Avenue Aug 25th. 1880— At a regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held at Bellport (Bartletts) Station on Wednesday Aug 25th 1880 all the Commissioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject and all being present it was ordered that — Whereas a road leading frorn the Village of Bellport Northerly to Bellport Station on the line of the L. I. R. R. was laid out opened and recorded as a public highway by the Board of Commissioners of Highways of said Town by an order bearing date of May 19—1851 but not sufficiently described, it was Resolved that said Road or Avenue be ascertained, described and entered of Record in the Office of the Town Clerk of said Town in accordance with a Sur vey made Nov. 19 — 1879 by Justus Roe, Surveyor under the direction and in presence of Robert L. Petty at the time one of the Cornmissioners of Highways of said Town. Which survey is as follows, viz : Commencing at the Centre of the Main track of the L. I. R. R. and running S. 3" 80' E. a distance of about three miles, having a variation from the track of the L. I. R. R. of 83" 27' ; this line 224 ft- from starting point passing 48 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with the N. front of house of David Dew, and at 284 ft. passing 71i^5- ft from the S. E. Corner and in range with the S. end of the house of James Hyde. And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centi-e line of said Road or Avenue and of the uniform width of three rods. Given under our hands at Bellport Station this 26th. day of August in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn > of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 853 Recorded Sep. 9th 1880. at. 2 P.M. Posted Sep. Uth. 1880. Henrv P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 367. Canaan Road or Pine St. Patchogue. Whereas a Road leading from Patchogue to Canaan was laid out by the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in Dec. 1866 and again by the said Board March 27th. 1861 — ^but not sufficiently described. — Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commis sioners of Highways of the said Town, all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced in this Order, and all being present ; do hereby order that said road be ascertained, described and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town according to a survey which has been made this day under our direction by Justus Roe, Surveyor ; this survey to conform as near as possible to the survey made March 28/61. and is as fol lows viz. Starting from an Iron Cannon said to have been buried in the ground for a centre bound of said highway by the Board at its meeting held March 28/61. and running N. 10° 50' E. 1934 feet to a stone buried in the ground, which stone marks the centre of Pine St. or Canaan Road and the South bound of Road leading to Medford Station known as the Coram Road, and is distant 214 ft- from a Silver Poplar Tree bearing about N. E. 314 ft from the S. W. corner of the Marble Shop of Edwin Smith and 18 ft. from a Silver Poplar Tree bearing about S. E. This line 7f ft. from starting point passed 27^^^- ft. Easterly from the S. E. corner of the store of Fishel Bros ; at 13. ^^^ ft. passed 26 ft. from the S. W. corner and in range with the front show windows in the Drug store of Austin Roe occu pied by Walter F. Reeve ; at 694 ft- passed 25^^^ ft. from 854 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the N. W. corner and in range with the N. end of the said Drug store, and if continued 94 ft. from stone at bound for N- end of said line would pass 27. -| ft. Easterly of ,the S. E. corner, and in range with the S. side of the hardware store of Edwin Bailey ; And it is further ordered that Page 858. said line above described be the centre line of said Road of three Rods in width. Given under our hands at Patchogue this Eighteenth day of June 1879— Richard T. Osborn ) Commissioners Robert L. Petty >¦ of Highways J. Buel Randall ) Town of Brookhaven Recorded Sept Uth 1880 at. 1 P.M. Posted Sept 15th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Coram Road or Oak St. Patchogue Whereas a Road leading from Patchogue to Medford Station known as the Coram Road or Oak St. has been laid out by the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven many years ago, and by an order made by said Board Nov. 2d. 1860, altered and entered of record, but not sufficiently described ; Now therefore, we the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the said Town, all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced in this Order, and all being present, do herebj' Order that said Road be ascer tained, described and entered of Record in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven according to a survey made this day under our direction by Justus Roe, Surveyor, said survey being intended as near as could be ascertained to be in accordance with the survey made Nov BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 855 2d/60. the only definite point established being the south bound of said Road at its intersection with the E. side of Canaan Road and 262 ft. from the S. E. corner of the Con gregational Church and is as follows viz : Commencing at a point in a direct line with the centre line of Pine St. as surveyed this day, and 294 ft- distant from the stone at the terminus of Page 359. said line, and varying Easterly from said line 57° 42' on a course bearing N. 68° 85' E.— 1335 ft to a stake. This line at starting point was distant in a Northwesterly direc tion from the N. W. corner of the Marble Shop of Edwin Smith 32 ft. and from a Silver Poplar Tree in a N. Easterly direction near the corner of land of John Roe Smith 45f ft.; at 46 ft. from starting point passed 21y^j from the fence of John Roe Smith near the corner of roads ; at 96. ft. passed 21f ft. from fence of John Roe Smith and 22f ft. from fence of Austin Roe ; at 2694 ft. passed 84 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with East end of Barn of John Roe Smith ; at 401 ft. passed 22 ft. from fence of Austin Roe at intersection of land of Titus Strong ; at 436 ft. passed 32 ft. fi-om centre of well of Titus Strong ; at 455 ft. passed 20 ft. from centre of a large double Oak Tree, and 22 ft. from fence of John Roe Smith at intersection of land of John S. Havens ; at 1316 ft. passed 25 ft. North erly of a large marked Oak Tree on land of Francis Oldis. And it is further ordered that said line as above described be the centre line of said road, of the width of three Rods. Given under our hands at Patchogue, this Eighteenth day of June 1879. Robert L. Petty ) Commissioners J. Buel Randall > of Richard T. Osborn ) Highways 856 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Recorded Sept. Uth. 1880. at 1 P.M. Posted Sept. 15th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 360. Trustee Meeting held at Coram Sept. Uth. 1880. Trus tees met pursuant to adjournment ; All the members of the Board were present. Whereas after a careful and impar tial hearing of the statements made by residents of the Town in favor of and opposed to the granting of Lots in Port Jefferson Harbor, It is the unanimous opinion of this Board that said Leases now applied for should be granted, therefore. Resolved that all applications for Oyster Lots in Port Jefferson Harbor now in the hands of Trustee Tyler be received by this Board and the lots applied for granted consecutively as the applications have been presented and that all previous Resolutions or enactments now on the minutes conflicting with the tenets of this resolution are hereby annulled and made of no effect. Resolved that from and after this date all land lying under water in Port Jefferson Harbor not now leased for Oyster Planting purposes for which applications have been or may be presented, be charged for at the rate of Three Dollars per Acre per Annum for this purpose. Moved that Trustees Baker and Dare be appointed " A Committee" to measure and lay out the land applied for in Port Jefferson Harbor for Oyster planting purposes, and that all applicants must have their lots defined by this Committee. Resolved that the Resolution passed March 2d 1880— requiring the payment of Three Dollars toleration from residents of Eastern Islip for the privilege of Oystering in the Great South Bay is hereby annulled, and that as here tofore passed the Toleration be placed at One Dollar. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 857 Board adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis in Coram Oct. 5th. 1880 Page 361. Amended Record & Survey of Water St. Port Jefferson Sept 1, 1880 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the Village of Port Jefferson, on Wednesday Sept 1st. 1880, all the Commissioners having been duly called to deliberate on the subject embraced, and all being present, it was ordered that, — Whereas by record and Survey of Water St. made July 22 '79. it has satisfactorily appeared to said Board, that the rights of private parties lying on the North side of said Street, has been infringed upon, and — Whereas application has been made to have said Record and Survey amended, and^ — Whereas by making such change as desired no private parties will be affected thereby, it was — Resolved and is hereby ordered, that said Record be amended in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which Survey is as follows viz. — " Commencing at the stone buried in the ground at the terminus of the second course in the Survey made July 22/79 and continuing on said second course N. 54° 30' E. — 16.9 ft. to a stake, thence varying 30° 25' ran third course, N. 23° 55' E.— 202 ft. to the stone marking the terminus of third course in Record & Survey of July 22 '79. The terminus of second course was 89.2 ft. from the S. E. corner of store formerly occupied by Edward Darhng, and 41.8 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the E. end of the lumber building of Mather & Jones. On third course 107.4 ft. from starting point, the line passed 28.8 ft. from the N. W. corner of store of Elbert A. Ray- 858 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. nor ; at 189. ft. was distant 28.10 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with the West side of store Page 362. of Elbert A. Raynor." And it is further ordered, that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road or Street, and of the uniform width of three rods, the Record and Survey of July 22/79. in ah other respects to remain the same. Given under our hands at Port Jeffer son, this first day of Sept. in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn V of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Sept. 21st 1880 at. 10 A.M. Posted Sept. 24th. 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Record & Survey of Jones St. Port Jefferson. Sept 1st 1880. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of liighways of the Town of Brookhaven, held in the Village of Port Jefferson this day, all the Commissioners having been duly called to deliberate on the subject embraced, and all being present it was ordered that — Whereas a Road or Street in the Village of Port Jefferson known as Jones St. has been used continuously and uninterruptedly for a pub lic highway for a period of forty years last past, and after careful deliberation and examination it appearing to us that said Road or Street is needed for the public use and benefit, it was — Resolved, — that said Road or Street be ascertained, de scribed, entered of record, and opened in accordance with the following Survey, made this day under our direction and in our presence, by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which Sur- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 859 vey is as follows, viz — " Commencing at a point opposite the intersection of the lands oi- Est. of Thomas Smith and that of Selah Strong occupied by Messrs Coles, Baldwin & Bentley, Page 363. and as near as could be ascertained the centre and terminus of a Record & Survey made many years ago, and ran First Course N. 26° 45' W.— 804.3 ft. On this first course 27.8 ft. from starting point, the line passed 87. ft. from S. W. corner and in range with S. end of Hotel of Est. of Thomas Smith, at 64.3 ft. passed 36.8 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with North end of said Hotel ; at 143 ft. passed 33.2 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with S. end of building of Francis Hawkins lately occupied as a Hotel by Benjamin Raynor ; at 254.10 ft. passed 20.10 ft from N. W. corner and in range with North side of building of John Marvin, and 6.9 ft. from South end of stone on top of the arch of bridge ; at 260. ft. passed 6.7 ft. from stones on the top of Arch of bridge on each side ; at 264.6 ft. passed 23.2 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with S. end of lumber building of Mather & Jones, and its terminus was 50.5 ft. from same corner of said lumber building and 33.9 ft. from N. E. corner of said building of Mather ik Jones. — thence ran — Second Course N. 6° 66' W.— 117 ft. The terminus of this course was the centre of Water St. on third course of amended Record & Survey made this day, and distant 107.4 ft from W. end and 94.8 ft. from E. end of said third course on centre line of Water St. and 28.8 ft. from N. W. corner of Store of Elbert A. Raynor. Third Course N. 68° 02' W.— 60.3 ft. The starting point of this course was at the terminus of first course, at 11. ft. from starting point the line passed 27. ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the N. side of lumber building of Mather & Jones, and its terminus 860 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. on centre line of Water St. was distant 4.10 ft. from start ing point of third course on amended Record & Survey of Water St. made this day ; 44. ft. from N. E. corner of lumber building of Mather & Jones and Page 864. 41.2 ft. from S. E. corner of store formerly occupied by Edward Darling, All courses as above given being Mag netic, and distances given in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said lines as above described, shall be the centre lines of said Jones St. of the width of two rods, and that the second and third courses together with the third course in the amended Record and Survey of Water St. made this day, shall include all the land within the triangle thereby formed. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson, this first day of Sept. in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn V of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways For particulars, reference, and a more accurate description of Record & Survey of Water St. made July 22/79. and the Above Records & Surve.y see Map, accompanying the above. Port Jefferson Sept. 1st 1880. Justus Roe. Surveyor Recorded Sept. 21 at 10 A.M. 1880 Posted Sept. 24th. 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 365. Record & Survey of Road at Coram — 1880. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven held in the vihage of Coram, on Wednesday Sept. 8 — 1880. all the Commis. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 861 sioners having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced, and all being present, it was ordered, that Whereas a Road leading through the village of Coram was laid as appears by Record in Book A. page 228 of the Town records, by the Board of Commissioners of Highways of this Town by An Order dated Nov. 28 — 1791, but never sufficiently described, that said Road or Highway be ascer tained, described, and entered of Record, in accordance with a Survey made this day under our direction and in presence of J. B. Overton, J. M. Overton, Wilham H. Osborn, Charles O'Doherty, ourselves and others, by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which Survey is as near as could be ascer tained, in accordance with the record of 1791, — and is as follows, viz. Commencing at a point as near as could be ascertained, where the North side of the old Town Road leading from Setauket, and the South side of the Road leading from Port Jefferson unite, and ran — First Course S. 64° 00' E. — 550 Links to a stake, thence Second Course S. 44° 80' E. 388 " "" " On First Course 87 links from starting point the line passed 73 links from the Centre of an old well ; at 108 links passed 534 links from the S. W. corner and in range with the West side of an old vacant house of Henry Smith formerly the property of Noah Overton, late of Newton & Owens ; at 145 links passed 41 links from the S. E. corner, and in ra.nge with the East side of the aforesaid honse ; at 285 links passed 36 links from the S. W. corner and in range with the W. end of an old barn on the aforesaid premises ; at 291 Page 866. links passed 100 links from the N. E. corner and in range with the East end of barn of William H. Osborn and its terminus was about 75 links from an old ditch on the north 863 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. side of said Road and 123-| links from the N. W. corner of the store and Post office of William H. Osborn. On second course, 63 links from starting point, the line passed 100 links from the N. W. corner of the aforesaid store & P. O. ; at 76 links it passed 99 links from the N. W. corner and in range with the W. side of the afore said P. O. ; at 193 links it passed 99 links from the corner of the door yard fence of William H. Osborn on the W. margin of the old country Road and 106 links from a large locust tree in the corner of the door yard of William H. Osborn ; its terminus was 100 links Northerly of the corner of the fence of Mrs E. L. O'Doherty as near as could be ascertained the location of the corner of the fence men tioned in the Record of 1791 — as then the property of widow Survilah Smith ; 75 links northerly of the terminus was a locust crotch in the fence, this crotch being the N. boundary of the Road and distant from the S. W. corner and in range with the West end of a barn on the pi'operty of J. B. & J. M. Overton, and the second course if con tinued 91 links beyond its terminus would end at a point about five links S. of the corner of the garden fence on the land of J. B. & J. M. Overton, and It is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the North side of a four rod road known as the old Town Road leading from Setauket, and the South side of a three rod Road called the Coram and Port Jefferson Road and mentioned in the old record as the road leading from Coram to Christie Brook, the two roads running side by side a distance of about 888 links and being as described in the record of 1791. of Seven rods in width — Given under our hands at Coram this eighth day of Sept. in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Oakley A. Overton > of Henry T. Osborn J Highways BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 863 Recorded Sept. 21st. 1880. at 10 A.m. Posted Sept. 24th. 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 367. Record & Survey of Norwood Av Terrytown. Aug 12 & 13 and Sept 11, 1880. Whereas, application has been made to the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to lay out a Road to lead from Norwood Avenue to Terrytown ; and — Whereas all tlie owners of land over which said Road is proposed to pass, having placed in our hands a release for all claim to damages by reason thereof, (which release accompanies this Record.) for the purpose of opening said Road as a public highway, and — Whereas after careful examination and deliberation we deem such Road of great public benefit, Now therefore we the undersigned members of said Board, all having been duly notified to attend and deliber ate on the subject, and a majority thereof being present, it was Resolved^ — ^Tliat whenever the owners of land through which said Road passes,, or parties directly interested in the laying out and opening of said Road, shall have it cut out, cleared to the full width of three Rods, and worked so that it can be used or travehed over, it will be accepted by us and laid out, opened and recorded in the office of the Town Clerk of this Town in accordance with the following Survey made Aug 12th. ¦ of Henry T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded Sept. 28th. at 1 P.M. 1880. Posted Oct. 2d. 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 372. County of Suffolk. j Town of Brookhaven f "ss. We the undersigned freeholders of the Town of Brook haven in said County and not interested in the lands through which the Highway hereinafter described is proposed to be laid nor of Kin to the owners thereof having met on the 15th day of September in the said Town pursuant to the summons issued by George F. Hallock one of the Justices of the said Town of Brookhaven — And having personally examined the route of said proposed highway and heard the reasons offered for or against the laying out said high way pursuant to the Application of William Smith. Com mencing at the South Country Road near the house of Charles Ketcham and running South and West until it comes to Forge River. — And which highway will pass through the enclosed, improved or unimproved lands of William Penny, Antoinette Ketcham and Mary Moore also through the unimproved lands of Sarah Penny, George Penny, Isabella Gunther and Catherine Whittle, Do hereby certify to the Commissioners of Highways of said Town that we are of the opinion that such Highway is necessary and proper. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names this the 15th. day of September 1880. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 869 David T. Bayles Daniel W. Davis John F. Hawkins Malaga Smith Chas. A. Davis George E. Davis N. T. Swezey Joshua M. Overton George Danes Wihiam Gerity County of Suffolk | Town of Brookhaven f ss. I. Richard T. Osborn one of the Justices of the Peace of said Town ; do certify that the above is the verdict of the Jury summoned Page 373. by George F. Hallock Justice of the Peace of said Town and sworn by me to determine and Certify as to the neces sity of the above highway — Dated Sept. 16th. 1880. Richard T. Osborn. Justice of the Peace. Recorded Sept. 28th. at 1 P.M. 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson ' Town Clerk. Record & Survey of New Road at Old Neck. Centre Moriches L. I. Sept. 21st & 22d 1880. Whereas on the application of William Smith a resident of Centre Moriches, and liable to be assessed for highway labor, a jury of twelve freeholders was drawn in accordance with statute, by the Town Clerk of the Town of Brook haven, at his office on the 28th. day of August, 1880 ; and — Whereas said jury were duly summoned, and at a meet ing held at the house of the said William Smith on the 16th. day of Sept. 1880, after having viewed the route of a proposed new Highway and hearing the evidence pre sented, did by a unanimous vote decide that the opening of said Highway was both proper and necessary, and as appears by the accompanying paper present to the under- 870 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. signed Board their determination in writing, with their individual signatures attached thereto ; Now therefore, we the undersigned Board, after a careful deliberation and examination of the route of the proposed Highway, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present, do hereby Order. — That said Road or new High way be laid out, described, opened and recorded in the Office of the Town Clerk, in accordance with a survey made under our Page 374. direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, on the 21st & 22d. of Sept. 1880. which survey is the more fully described by an accompanying Map, and is as follows, viz. Commencing at a point as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of the Main or South Country Road in the Village of Centre Moriches between the improved land of Mrs Charles Ketcham and the unimproved land of Mrs Isabella Gunther and running — First Course S. 31° 15' W.— 3242. feet, thence on Second " S. 4° 30' W.— 1809 " " " Third " S. 2° 30' E. — 730 " " " Fourth " S. 74° 34' W.— 1700. " to Forge River. On first course 22 ft. from starting point the line passed 25.10 ft. from the corner post of the garden fence of Mrs Charles Ketcham ; at 73. ft. passed 26. ft. from the fence and 49 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the front of the house of Mrs Charles Ketcham ; at 440 ft. passed 26. ft. from the S. E. corner of the improved land of Mrs Charles Ketcham at the division line of land of Mrs Isabella Gunther ; at 1542. ft Crossed the centre of private Road leading to the Bay and River ; at 1669 ft. crossed the division line of lands of Mr. Geo. Penny and Mrs Catherine Whittle ; at 1934. ft. passed 24.7 ft. from the corner of the fence of Miss Sarah Penny at intersection BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 871 of land of Mrs Catherine Whittle ; at 2468. ft. passed 25.6 ft. from the corner of fence of Miss Sarah Penny, and its terminus was 25. ft. from the ditch bank adjoining the woodland of Miss Sarah Penny, about 160. ft. S. of the N. end of said Ditch bank. On second Course, 568. ft. from starting point the line passed 31.7 ft. from the ditch at intersection of lands of Miss Sarah Penny and Mrs Mary Moore and crossed the ditch at intersection of lands of Mrs Catherine Whittle and Mrs Mary Moore ; at 1646. ft. passed 24. ft. from the corner of fence and 37. ft. from the S. end of ditch on land of Mrs Mary Moore ; and its terminus was at the in tersection of lands of Mrs Mary Moore and Page 375. Mrs William Penny 7.6 ft. from the fence on W. side of Road. 25 ft. from marked pine tree on land of Mrs Mary Moore and 84.10 ft. from marked pine tree on land of Mr William Penny. The terminus of third course was 24.9 ft. from locust stake at E end of hedge on division line of lands of William Penny and Mrs Charles Ketcham, and 45.6 ft. from a large marked oak tree on land of Mrs Charles Ketcham. On fourth course 125. ft. from starting point the line crossed the said hedge at at 225. ft. passed 9.6 ft. S " 326. 13.9 " ' " 425. 19.2 " ' " 625. 21.6 " ' " 825. 19. " ' " 1025. 30.8 " ' " 1225. 32.2— ' " 1425. 11.7— ' 1694. crossed centre ' ft. S. of said hedge and 4.2 ft. S. of a large marked oak tree ; at 1663. ft. passed 2.9 ft. N. of a large marked Cedar tree and its ter 873 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. minus was at the edge of the water on the E. side of Forge River, near its union with old Neck Creek, and on division line of lands of Mrs Charles Ketcham and Mr William Penny, all distances as given being in ft. and inches and all courses Magnetic" And it is further ordered that said line as above described, shall be the centre line of said Road of the uniform width of three rods, and that application shall be immediately made to the County Court for the appoint ment of Commissioners to assess the damages caused by the laying out and opening of said highway. Given under our hands at Centre Moriches this 22d. day of Sept. in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Oakley A. Overton >- of Henry T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded Sept. 28th 1880. at 1 P.m. Posted Oct. 2d. 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 376. October 6th 1880. Trustee Meeting, according to ad journment at L. H. Davis Coram, Present Henry W. Car man President, Israel B. Tyler, Charles W. Baker, Samuel Dare, Joseph C. Valentine, & Gideon F. Smith Trustees— The Minutes of last Meeting were read and approved— But little business came before the Board at this Meet-; ing. Various subjects relating more or less to Town affairs were discussed, but no Resolutions were passed. Quite a number of Leases for Oyster Ground in Port Jefferson Bay were presented and received their proper signatures of Authority, also some Town Bills were paid. — The Board adjourned to meet at Lester H. Davis in Coram on Saturday Oct. 30th. 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 873 Page 377. Overseers of Highways — 1880. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. on the 6th day of Octo ber 1880. we the undersigned in accordance with the law do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road Districts the number of which is placed opposite each respective name. No. Names 1 Joseph T. Hawkins 2 Paul N. Brown 8 Israel Bennett appd. 4 John P. L'Hommedieu 5 Jacob Satteriy 6 Wilham Jarvis 7 Cyrus E. Griffin 8 Selah Tooker 9 James W. Davis 10 John J. Davis 11 Sylvester Hallock appd. 12 Francis Woodhull 13 George C. Raynor 14 Morris Raynor 16 Herbert Reeves 16 Harrison Gordon 17 Alpheus Hawkins 18 Robert A. Carman 19 Nathaniel Miller 20 Walter Raynor 21 Wihiam B. Hedges 22 Jeremiah Jones 23 Uriah Haff 24 Wallace Homan 26 John Westcott Location of District Stony Brook Stony Brook E. & North South Setauket Setauket East Setauket N. East " Port Jefferson Mt. Sinai South " " Millersplace Rocky Point Wading River Manor North " South East Moriches East Port Mastic South Haven Brookhaven Bellport East Patchogue S. E. Lane & South Patchogue West Patchogue Blue Point 874 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 26 Charles Newton 27 Isaac A. L'Hommedieu 28 Davis Hammond 29 Orrin Mott 30 Smith Still 31 Ham Smith 32 Charles Overton 83 Hiram E. Terry 34 Elbert S. Homan 85 George W. Ritch 36 Edgar G. Swezey 37 Joseph II. Randall 88 Samuel F. Norton 39 Samuel L. Homan 40 Robert R. Smith 41 John L. Gordon 42 Terry Robinson 43 Azel R. Swezey 44 Nathaniel Wiggins 46 Henry Dearey 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill 47 John J. Woodhuh 48 John Hawkins 49 Joseph Jayne 50 Charies E. Rose 51 J. William Overton 52 John D. Seaman 53 John Kaylor 54 Robert H. Farmer 55 Joseph N. Brown 66 Job Raynor 67 Nelson Gerard Page 878. Lake Grove New Village West New Village East SeldenCoram Coram East Holbrook North Farmingville Coram Hills Middletown West " Centre & North " East & South Mihville l''aphank RidgeManor — East Swan River Swezey Town Centre Moriches " West part Moriches Rocky Point Woodville Moriches — West — Old field Patchogue Union St. East Patchogue Brookhaven West. Moriches Centre East. Holtsville Patchogue Short Neck. Manor & Peconic Mills Fireplace Neck. Commissioners of Highways Oakley A. Overton Henry T. Osborn BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 875 Recorded Oct. 6th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 879. Record & Survey of Middle Country Road at Selden L. I. Sept. 24th 1880 Whereas a Road formeriy known as the Kings Highway, but generally known as the Middle Country Road, passing through the Village of Selden, was recorded as a public llighway about one hundred years ago, and has been con tinuously and uninterruptedly used as such, but never suffi ciently described ; Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced, and all being present, do hereby order. — That said Road be ascer tained, described, and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk, in accordance with a survey made this day under Our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows ; "Commencing at a point opposite the intersection of lands of Orrin Mott and Albert T. Norton, and as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of said Highway and running — First Course— N. 87° 10' W.— 397. ft. thence on Second " — S. 89° 17' W.— 429. " " " Third ~" — S. 81° 29' W.— 605. " " " Fourth " — N. 89°44' W.— 1076. " " " The starting point on first course was 33. ft. from the fence on N. side of Road at intersection of lands of Orrin Mott and Albert T. Norton, 28.9 ft. from the fence of Jesse Underwood on S. side of Road, 50.3 ft. from a cedar tree on land of Orrin Mott, 42.3 ft. from a large apple tree in Locust grove of Albert T. Norton and 48.0 ft. from a large black walnut tree on land of Jesse Under- 876 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. wood ; 36.0 ft. from starting point the hne passed 32.6 ft. from the said black walnut tree, at 112.0 ft. — passed 25.7 ft. from a very large black oak tree at division Page 380. line of lands of Jesse Underwood and Henry Longbotham, at 150.0 ft. passed 28.3 ft. from fence at division line of lands of Albert T. Norton and Henry Longbotham ; at 20.2 ft. passed 28.6 ft. from the fence and 68.3 ft. from the S. W. corner and in range with the west end of house of Mrs Louise Longbotham ; at 291.0 ft. passed 27.8 ft. from an old shed on S. side of lioad 31.0 ft. from fence and 46.0 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of Henry Longbotham ; at. 318.0 ft. passed 31.4 ft. from fence at E side of a roadway adjoining W. line of land of Henry Longbotham, and 27.0 ft. from corn-crib on S. side of Road at. 349.0 ft. passed 39.6 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E. end of barn of Henry Long botham, and its terminus was 29.9 ft. from fence of locust grove of A. R. Norton, 27.6 ft. from fence and 39.9 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with W. end of barn of Henry Longbotham. On second course 281.0 ft. from starting point the line passed 85.4 ft. from E. end of garden fence of A. R. Norton and 26.0 ft. from fence of Henry Longbotham and its terminus was 31.6 ft. from fence and 70.8 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of A. R. Norton which has a bearing of N. 0° 25' W. — The terminus of third course was 87.8 ft. from fence on N. side of Road and 80.6 ft. from front of old black smith Shop on S. side of Road. On fourth Course 41.0 ft. from starting point the line passed 30.6 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with W. end of Old blacksmith shop, at 93.6 ft. passed 29.6 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of School-house at 352.0 ft. passed 38.7 ft. from fence and 67.11 ft. from BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 877 S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of Miner Norton ; at 768.0 ft. passed 26.0 ft. from fence on S. side of Road 33.2 ft. from fence and 47.9 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of Samuel Dare, at 877.0 ft. passed Page 881. 16.2 ft. from large locust tree and 28.7 ft. from corner of fence of Samuel Dare on E. side of South Lane leading to Farmingville ; at 1034.0 ft. passed 28.4 ft. from fence and 68.6 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E. side of honse of Elden W. Effort, and its terminus was 31.0 ft. from corner of fence of Samuel Dare on E. side of North Lane leading to Port Jefferson, All courses as given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. " And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road of the uniform width of four rods as originally intended by the old record. Given under our hands at Selden, this twenty fourth day of Sept. in the year 1880 — J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn y of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Oct. 9th 1880. at 1 P.M. Posted Oct. 13th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Brookhaven ) Town Clerk's Office V Oct. 9th 1880 ) This is to certify that we the Com missioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven have this day extended the Dist. No. 60 at Patchogue into Dist. No 22 at Patchogue East. The bounds of Dist. No. 50 is to extend to Swan River. Henry T. Osborn ) Commissioners J. B. Randall \ of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways 878 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded Oct. Uth 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 382. Assessment of damages on Highway at Centre Moriches. Whereas the undersigned, Seth R. Jagger, Daniel B. Cook and Mortimer llowell, of the Town of Southampton were appointed by an order of the County Court of the County of Suffolk made on the Twenty second day of September 1880 on the application of the Board of Com missioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in said County, Commissioners to assess the damages occa sioned by the laying out of a highway in the said Town by the Board of Commissioners of Highways by an order dated Sep. 22 — 1880 which order including Map of the said Highway, was recorded Sept. 28th 1880 in Book F. page 373 as appears by certified copy of the same by the Town Clerk, which Highway passes through the improved lands of Mrs Charles Ketcham, Miss Sarah Penny, Mrs Mary Moore and Mr William Penny, and the unimproved lands of Mrs Isabella Gunther, Mr George Penny, Mrs Catherine Whittle, Miss Sarah Penny, Mrs Mary Moore, Mr William Penny and Mrs Charles Ketcham. Now therefore we, the said Commissioners, having taken the Oath of Office prescribed by the Constitution and hav ing all met and acted on the matter committed to us, at the residence of William Smith in said Town this eighth day of October 1880 pursuant to a notice from said Commis sioners of Higliways of at least six days, according to law, and having taken a vie-w of the premises, and heard the parties and Luch witnesses as have been offered before us, do thereupon, determine and assess the damages required to be assessed on the said highway as follows, viz ; we assess the damages of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 879 Mr Wihiam Penny at Fifty Dollars of Mrs Charies Ketcham at Eighty Five Dollars of Mrs Mary Moore at Thirteen Dollars of Page 883. Miss Sarah Penny at Five Dollars of Mrs Catherine Whittle at Fifteen Dollars of Mr George Penny at Five Dollars and of Mrs Isabeha Gunther at Seven Dollars making a total of One Hundred and Eighty Dollars. Witness our hands at Centre Moriches this Eighth day of October in the year 1880 Seth R. Jagger ) Daniel B. Cook V Commissioners Mortimer D. Howell ) Signed in presence of Justus Roe. The above Commissioners were duly sworn by me this 8th day of October 1880. Recorded Oct. 13th 1880. George E. Hahock Henry P. Hutchinson. Justice of the Peace. Town Clerk. Amended Record & Survey of Main St. East Setauket L. I. October 12—1880. At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, held in the Village of East Setauket on Tuesday Oct. 12./ 80. All of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present, it was ordered, — that Whereas by Record and Survey of Main St. made June 6/80 it has satisfactorily appeared to said Board that the rights of Mr John R. Davis lying on the North side of said Street have been infringed upon. — and. Whereas, application has been made to have 880 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 384. said Record and Survey amended, — and Whereas, by mak ing such change as is desired all the parties interested in the land have consented and agreed to, it was Resolved — That said Record and Survey be amended in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which survey is as fol lows viz ; " The starting point and length of First course in the survey of June 5 — 1880 to remain the same the terminus being changed two feet South making First Course N. 65° 15' E —1100. Ft. Second " N. 75° 30' E. -183.9. " Third " N. 87° 50' E.-177.6. " On first course 598 ft. from starting point the line was 1.2 ft. S. of the point passed in the survey of June 5/80. On second course 134.8 ft. from starting point the line passed 38. ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the E. side of main part of house of Peter Schneckenberger, and its terminus was at the intersection of third course in survey of June 5/80. 18.6 ft. from starting point of said third course, 59.9 ft. from N. E. corner of house of Peter Schenckenberger and 75.9 ft. from N. W. corner of house of Anselm Jayne, the Record and Survey of June 5/80 in all other respect and particulars to remain the same," Given under our hands at East Setauket this twelfth day of October in the year 1880. J. B. Randall 1 Commissioners Oakley A. Overton >- of Henry T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded Oct. 18tli 1880 at 1 P.M. Posted Oct. 23d. 1880, Henry P. LIutchinson. Town Clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 881 Page 386. Record & Survey of Smith St. Patchogue L. I. Whereas on the application of Thomas H. Smith a resi dent of the village of Patchogue and liable to be assessed for highway labor, a jury of twelve freeholders was drawn in accordance with statute by the Town Clerk of this Town at his office on the 20th. day of Sept. 1880. — and — Whereas said jury were duly summoned, and at a meeting held at the office of Esq. Charles R. Smith on the 2d. Oct. after having viewed the route of a proposed new highway and hearing the evidence presented, did by a unanimous vote decide that the opening of said highway was both proper and necessary, and as appears by an accompanying paper present to the undersigned Board their determination in writing. Now therefore, we the undersigned Board after a careful deliberation and examination of the route of the proposed highway, and an agreement made in writing with Thomas H. Smith, Mrs Augusta J. Wicks, Mrs Ruth N. Smith and Andrew J. Smith all the parties owning land through which said highway is to pass, which agreements accompany this Record, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present, — do hereby Order — That said Road or Street be laid out, described, opened and recorded in the office of the Town Clerk, in accordance with a Survey made this daj' under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor which surve.y is as follows, viz ; " Commencing at a point on the W. side of Bay Avenue eighteen feet North of the S. E. corner of the land of Thomas H. Smith at intersection of land of George Smith and ran — Page 386. First Course S. 87° W. 1025 ft. thence on Second " N. 65° W. 776 " 883 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. On first Course 39.6 ft. from starting point the line passed 50. ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the front of the house of George Smith ; at 942. ft. crossed Little Creek, and its terminus was 83 ft. West of Little Creek, On Second Course 721.6 ft. from starting point the line passed 15.8 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the E. end of brick building of Andrew J. Smith used as a sail loft; at 765.8 ft. passed 25 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the W. cud of said brick build ing, and its terminus was at the E. side of Ocean Avenue ; Distances as given being in ft. and inches and both courses magnetic." • And it is further ordered, That said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road or Street of the uniform width of three rods, that all of said Road East of Little Ci-eek shall be included in Bay Avenue Road District and all W. of Little Creek in Ocean Avenue Road District. Given under our hands at Patchogue this fifteenth day of October in the year 1880. Henry T. Osborn ) Commissioners J. B. Randall I of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Oct. 28th 1880 at 1. P.M. Posted Oct. 30th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 387. Trustee Meeting held at Coram Oct 30th. 1880. Present Mr Henry W. Carman, President, Charles W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Joseph C. Valentine, Gideon F. Smith, & Samuel Dare, Trustees. Mr William Smith of Centre Moriches presented a petition signed by Twenty-nine Resi dents of that village, asking for the right to locate a Dock at the foot of the new Highway leading from the South Country Road to Forge River in Centre Moriches. Said right to be granted to the said Win. Smith. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS.' 883 The Board decided to defer their decision until next Meeting in regard to the above petition. It was Resolved that Trustees Israel B. Tyler and Joseph C. Valentine be and are hereby appointed a Committee to ascertain the extent of the Town's rights in the Road-way leading from Main Street, Port Jefferson through or near the Ship-yard of James M. Bayles in that village. It was Resolved — that in view of the recent attack of the " Long Island Leader" against Mr Israel B. Tyler, a brother Member, we deem it our duty to denounce it as unwarranted and libelous, and to express our Confidence in Mr Tyler's integrity, and the honest administration of the duties of his office. The Board adjourned to meet at Lester H. Davis' in Coram on Tuesday December 7th. 1880. H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 388. Oath of Jurors as to Smith St. Patchogue. You & each of You do solemnly swear well & truly to Examine & certify in regard to the necessity & propriety of the Highway applied for in the village of Patchogue near the South Bay, Town of Brookhaven, from Bay Avenue to Ocean Avenue, Through the lands of Thomas II. Smith, Augusta J. Smith Weeks & others. Sworn to before me, A. Allen Hawkins this 2d. day of October 1880 G. W. Ritch Charles R. Smith Cornelius Corson Justice of the Peace A. O. Mott George Danes Recorded Novr. 5tli 1880. Jas. B. Gould Henry P. Hutchinson John F. Hawkins Town Clerk. John R. Dayton ¦Robert R. Smith 884 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Edwin Post John H. Smith Recorded Novr. 5th. 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Decision of Jury relative to Smith St. Patchogue County of Suffolk. Town of Brookhaven We the undersigned being free holders of the Town of Brookhaven in said County & not interested in the lands through which the Highway hereinafter described is pro posed to be laid. Nor of kin to the owner or owners thereof, having met on the date and day hereof at the office of Charles R. Smith in the village of Patchogue, Town afore said & having been first duly sworn & having personally examined the route of the said proposed highway & heard the reasons offered for or against the laying out a Highway pursuant to the application of Thomas H. Smith. Com mencing at the North West corner of the brick Building owned by Andrew J. Smith & on the East side of Ocean Avenue near the South Bay Page 389. in the said Town & running Easterly to Bay Avenue at a certain Willow Tree said tree being a boundary line be tween Thomas H. Smith & George Smith on the West side of Bay Avenue being the South line of said proposed high way & which highway will pass through the enclosed lands of A. J. Smith, Augusta J. Smith Weeks, Ruth N. Smith, Thomas H. Smith & Davis Baker do hereby certify to the Commissioners of Highways of said Town that we are of the opinion that such Highway is necessary & proper. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names the 2d day of October 1880. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 885 John H. Smith George Danes Robt. R. Smith A. C. Mott Cornelius Corson John R. Dayton James B. Gould Edwin Post A. Allen Hawkins G. W. Ritch John F. Hawkins Recorded Novr. 6th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Release for land. Smith St. Patchogue. L. I. For and in consideration of the laying out and opening of a new street to be called Smith St. leading from Ocean Avenue to Bay Avenue in the Village of Patchogue as laid out by the Board of Commissioners of Highways this day, I the undersigned agree to release all claim to damages by reason thereof and to build and put in good order suitable for the public travel, over all the land now owned by me from Bay Avenue to Little Creek. — Dated at Patchogue this fifteenth day of October in the year 1880. Signed in presence of Thos. H. Smith Justus Roe. Recorded Novr. 5th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. " Town Clerk. Page 390. Release of land. Smith St. Patchogue. For and in consideration of the laying out of a New Street called Smith St. leading from Ocean Avenue to Bay Avenue, as laid out by the Commissioners of Highways this day, I the undersigned agree to release all claim to damages by reason thereof. Dated at Patchogue this Fifteenth day of October in the year 1880. Signed in presence of J. B. Randall Augusta J. S. Weeks. 886 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded Novr. 6th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Agreement for release. Smith St. Patchogue. For and in consideration of the sum of Sixty Dollars to be paid to me on the Order of the Commissioners of Lligh ways by the Town of Brook Haven, I the undersigned Mrs Ruth N. Smith of the Village of Patchogue hereby agree to release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out of the new Street called Smith St. leading from Ocean Avenue to Bay Avenue, as laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town this day. Dated at Patchogue this fifteenth day of October in the year 1880. Signed in presence of Ruth N. Smith Justus Roe. Recorded Novr. 6th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 891. Agreement for release. Smith St. Patchogue For and in consideration of the sum of Sixty Dollars to be paid to me on the Order of the Commissioners of High ways by the Town of Brookhaven, I the undersigned An drew J. Smith of the Village of Patchogue hereby agree to release all claim for damages by reason of the laying out of the new Street called Smith St. leading from Ocean Avenue to Bay Avenue, on condition that the Hay Scales and building called the sail loft, shall not be considered an encroachment, in accordance with a written agreement made by and with the Board of Commissioners of High ways this day. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 887 Dated at Patchogue this fifteenth day of October in the year 1880. Signed in presence of Andrew J. Smith Justus Roe Recorded Novr. 6th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk, Agreement for encroachment. Smith St. Patchogue For and in consideration of the agreement made with Andrew J. Smith by us this day, we the undersigned Com missioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven hereby consent that the brick building called the sail-loft, the N. E. corner of which projects nine feet into the new street laid out this day, shall be allowed to remain as an encroach ment upon said street and not removed without damages being paid to the said Andrew J. Smith, unless the said building shall be rebuilt in which case the part now en croaching upon said Street shall be clear from the same and the Hay Scales now located at the N. W. corner of said building shall be allowed to remain Page 392. on like terms and conditions, with the privilege to repair both building and scales. Given under our hands at Patchogue this Fifteenth day of October in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn V of Oakley A. Overton ) Highwaj's Recorded Novr. 6th 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting held at Coram Dec 7th. 1880. All the Members of the Board were present. The Minutes of the 888 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. previous Meeting were read and approved. The following Resolution was passed by the Board. Resolved that a lease to locate a Dock at the foot of the Highway leading from the South Country Road to Forge River the width of the Highway, and to extend a distance into the Bay not to exceed Thirty five feet, be granted to William Smith of Centre Moriches for the term of Ten years at the Annual Rental of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, under the restrictions as specified in the lease. The committee appointed at the previous meeting of the Board — reported as follows. Your Committee appointed at the last Meeting of the Board to ascertain the extent of the Town's rights in the Road-way leading from Main Street Port Jefferson through or near the Shipyard of James M. Bayles in that village, would respectfully report that in our opinion the property alluded to belongs to the Town of Brookhaven. Israel B. Tyler ) ^ jnu^itte Joseph C. Valentine j Page 393. After hearing the report as presented by Trustees Tyler and Valentine in relation to the Roadway at Port Jefferson it was — Resolved that a Committee of Two Members of this Board, assisted by Justus Roe as Surveyor, be appointed to have the entire premises bordering on Port Jeft'erson Harbor surveyed, and a Map of the promises indicated drawn, designating the exact number of feet as called for by each lease Granted, and the amount of property now owned by the Town for which no leases have been granted together with a report of the names of the holders of said granted property and the amounts charged by the Town for the same. Trustees, Tyler and Valentine were the Com mittee appointed. The Board adjourned to meet at Lester 11. Davis in Coram on Tuesday January 4th. 1881. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 889 Recorded Deer. 7th 1880. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Record & Survey of North Country Road from Wading River, Novr. 30th. & Deer. 1st 1880— Whereas, a Road known as the North Country Road leading from the village of Wading River westwardly through the villages of Woodville, Rocky Point, Millers place &c was laid out many years ago, and as appears by records in the office of the County Clerk & Town Clerk declared a four rod road, and Whereas, the different boards of Commissioners of Highways of the Town, having met at various times and localities on said Road, and made records and surveys which do not sufficiently and clearly describe said Road, but all declare said Road to be of at least four rods in width and Page 894. Whereas application in writing has been made signed by about twenty residents and property owners on the line of said Road, to the undersigned Board to have said Road ascertained, described and entered of record as a four rod road, and Whereas, at various meetings held at different times by the different Boards of Commissioners, evidence has been taken from residents and old inhabitants, which evidence very conclusively show to us of the existence and need of said Road being clearly described and opened for the pubhc use and benefit. — Now therefore, we the un-der- signed Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and a majority thereof being present. — Do hereby Order, that said Road be ascertained, described and entered of record, in accordance with a survey made Novr. 30th. and to day, under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, 890 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Surveyor, which Survey is as follows, viz : " Commencing at the centre of Wading River Brook on the dividing line between the Towns of Riverhead and Brookhaven, at the place as near as could be ascertained mentioned by the Board of Commissioners at a meeting held March 12 — 1810 and called the centre of Jonathan Worth's Mih pond, and running First Course S. 59° 11' W.-72 ft.— The starting point of this course was 6.6 ft. North of the centre post of N. rail, and 21. ft. N. of the centre post of S. rail of bridge crossing Wading River Brook ; 48. ft. from starting point the line passed 17. ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with E. end of store of William Peterson. Second Course S. 76° 13' W. 186.6 ft— On this course 6. ft. from starting point the line passed 21.1 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of said store Page 395. of Wm. Peterson ; at 40. ft. passed 9.6 ft. from corner of garden fence of Thomas Townsend ; at 68. ft. passed 26.8 ft. from fence and 35.6 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of Daniel B. Howell ; at 70. ft. passed 83. ft. from N. W. corner of house of Daniel B. Llowell; at 104. ft. passed 24.8 ft. from N. W. corner gate post of D. B. Howell ; at 149. ft. passed 16 ft. from fence and 33. ft. from S. E. corner and in range with East end of house of Thomas Townsend, 27.6 ft. from N. W. corner of vacant store of Mrs Georgiana Luce and 32.3 ft. from fence at said store ; at 172.6 ft. passed 22.8 ft. from fence and 41.1 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of Thomas Townsend, Third Course N. 75° 45' W.— 180.3 ft.— On this course 50.6 ft. from starting point the hne ran 23.7 ft. from fence at intersection of lands of Thos. Townsend and Mrs. Georgiana Luce ; at 60.4 ft. passed 23.9 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with East end of barn of Thomas BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 891 Townsend ; at 85. ft. passed 25. ft. from N. W, corner and in range with W. end of said Barn of Thos Townsend ; at 156. ft. passed 21.4 ft. from fence and 33. ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of Mrs Georgiana Luce ; its terminus was 22.2 ft. from fence and 33. ft. from S. W. corner and in range with the W. end of house of Mrs Luce, and 28.10 ft. from fence on S. side of Road. Fourth Course N. 73° 55' W.— 200. ft.— On this course 146. ft. from starting point the line passed 26.6 ft. from the fence at intersection of lands of Mrs Luce and the Mill property ; at 150. ft. passed about the centre of the N. end or terminus of the Randall Road ; its terminus was 10 ft. S. of a guard rail on N. side of Road, 18. ft. from the E. post and 15.8 ft. from the W. post of said guard rail. Fifth course N. 84° 35' W.— 467. ft ; On this course 410. ft. from starting point the line passed about Page 396. opposite the centre of road leading to Mill of Capt. George Hawkins ; at 426. ft. passed 13 ft. S. of a Rock called the S. W. corner of the Mill property boundary. Sixth Course S. 86° 63' W. 110.3 ft.— On this course 28. ft. from starting point the line passed 32.7 ft. from fence, 88.4 ft. from centre of well and 52.6 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of Thomas Wall ; at 85. ft. passed 88. ft. from W. end of fence of Thomas Wall at intersection of wood land of Francis S. Woodhuh. Seventh Course S. 71° 18' W.— 466. ft.— The terminus of this course was on the top of a hill called Zophar's hill 18 ft. N. of the travelled road and 7.6 ft. N. of a rock on edge of hill. Eighth Course N. 86° 02' W. 114. ft. On this course 90. ft. from starting point the line intersected with a large cedar tree and its terminus was about 15. ft. N. of the road bed, the line running its entire length on the top of 893 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. hih. Ninth Course N. 72° 28' W.— 361. ft— The ter minus of this course was 19.6 ft. distant from the fence separating cleared land of Francis S. Woodhull on N. side of Road and 19.6 ft. from fence separating cleared land of Robert Gosman on S side of Road. Tenth Course N. 77° 45' W.— 718.4 ft. On this course 668. ft. from starting point the line passed 32.8 ft. from fence and 62.8 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of Robert Gosman ; at 700. ft. passed 84.9 ft. from fence and its terminus was 40.6 ft. from N. W. corner post of dooryard fence of Robert Gosman. Eleventh Course N. 56" 29' W. 842. ft. On this coui-se 105. ft. from starting point the line passed 21.6 ft. from face of mile stone (12 miles to Port Jefferson & 11 miles to River head) ; at 693. ft. passed 23.6 ft. from hedge of Francis Woodhull on N. side of Road and 28.6 ft. from fence of R. Gosman on S. side of Road Page 397. at intersection of woodland of F. S. Woodhull and its ter minus was 18.8 ft. from face of a large rock on N. edge of Roadway. Twelfth Course N. 24° 52' W.— 806.4 ft.— On this course 250 ft. from starting point the line passed 42. ft. from a large chestnut tree in hedge fronting Woodland of Francis S. Woodhull on E. side of Road. Thirteenth Course N. 49° W. 197. ft. This course crossing hollow and its terminus being 80. ft. distant from a large leaning chestnut tree on land of F. S. Woodhull. Fourteenth course N. 70° 38' W. —374. 0 ft. This Course leading up to top of Big Hill, and its terminus being 37.6 ft. from hedge fronting cleared land of F. S. Woodhull and 31. ft. frorn a large hickory tree on bank dividing woodlands of Francis S. Woodhull and Sylvester Hahock. Fifteenth Course N. 36° W. 763. ft-^This course run ning along top of hill ; 800 ft. from starting point passing BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 893 29.6 ft. from hedge fronting cleared land of F. S. Wood- hull and its terminus was 29 ft. from hedge fronting Wood land of F. S. Woodhull and 23.3 ft. from a pitch pine tree on N. side of Road. Sixteenth Course N. 51° 80' W.— 249.6 ft.— The termi nus of this course was at the sharp corner of a large rock about 4. ft. N. of bed of Road. Seventeenth Course N. 60° 40 W.— 282. ft.— The terminus of this Course was 89.9 ft. from a locust post at corner of a picket and post and rail fence, 52.4 ft. from picket door yard fence and 109. ft. froin S. W. corner and in range with W. end of dwelling house of Francis S. Woodhull. Eighteenth Course S. 79° 08' W. 86.8 ft. — The terminus of this course being a locust stake said to be the starting point of Survey and record of Juno 29th. 1857. Nineteenth Course S. 41° 15' W.— 502. ft. Twentieth Course S. 63° 83' W.— 170. ft. The terminus of this course was 17.3 ft. from the face of an immense Page 398. large rock and 24. ft. from a large locust tree at S. E. Cor ner of said rock on N. side of Road and 23. ft. from a large apple tree on S. side of Road. Twenty first Course S. 83° 28' W. — 300 ft— This course 284 ft. from starting point crossed the centre of a large rock about 10. ft. S. of road bed, and its terminus was 33. ft. garden picket fence of Nathaniel M. Tuthill opposite intersection of wood lands of Francis S. Woodhull and Sylvester Hallock. Twenty-second Course S. 68° 50' W.— 154. ft— The terminus of this course was 83. ft. from garden picket fence of Nathaniel M. Tuthih. Twenty-third Course. S. 59° 30' W.— 382. ft— On this Course 77. ft. from starting point the line passed 36.4 ft. from S. E. corner of door yard fence and 59.9 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of N. M. S94 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Tuthih ; at 880 ft. passed 67.7 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. front of Main part of E. barn of N. M. Tuthill and its terminus was a cherry tree. Twenty-fourth Course S. 72° 37' W.— 828.8 ft.— This Course passed 24.10 ft. from fence and 56. ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. front of W. barn of N. M. Tuthill and its terminus was 33. ft. from hedge fence front ing orchard of N. M. Tuthill opposite intersection of wood lands of N. M. Tuthih and Francis S. Woodhuh. Twenty- fifth Course S. 84° 45' W.— 279. ft- on this course 167. ft. from starting point this line passed 16.10 ft. from E. gate post of N. M. Tuthill and its terminus was 38. ft. from fence of N. M. Tuthill on N. side of Road and 8.6 ft. from a small hickory tree in a S. E. direction. Twenty-sixth Course N. 60° 53' W. 279. ft. The ter minus of this course was 88. ft. from the face of a mile stone (12 miles to Riverhead & U. miles to Port — Jeffer son). Twenty Seventh Course N. 56° 38' W.— 623.6 ft. on this Page 399. course 24. ft. from starting point the line passed 1.6 ft N. of a large black oak tree ; at 632. ft. passed 4. ft. N. of a very large black oak tree ; its terminus was 83.10 ft. from fence on N. side of Ro-ad. Twenty eighth Course N. 67° 10' W.— 245. ft.— The terminus of this course was 28.6 ft. from fence and 21.6 ft. from a small cedar tree on N. side of Road. Twenty-Ninth Course N. 81° 12' W.— 436. ft.— on this course 350. ft. from starting point the line passed 2.7 ft. S. of a black oak tree and 52. ft. S of E. bar post in fence of N. M. Tuthill ; its terminus was about the centre of road bed. Thirtieth Course S. 59° 15' W.— 808.6 ft.— on this course about 140. ft. from starting point the line passed the W. side of a black oak tree ; its terminus was 33. ft. from a locust stake dividing lands of N. M. Tuthill and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 895 Joseph C. Valentine, 27.9 ft. from picket fence of J. C. Valentine 15. ft. from a large black oak tree and 21. ft. from fence of N. M. Tuthill on S. side of Road. Thirty-first Course S. 58° 06' W.— 446. ft.— on this course 239.6 ft from starting point the line passed 9.6 ft. from the corner of picket fence and 10.6 ft. from an apple tree in orchard of J. C. V.; at 867. ft. passed 36.3 ft. from S. gate post of J. C. V.; its terminus was 37.6 ft. from corner post of picket fence of J. C. V. and 29.4 ft. from post of J. 0. Valentine on S. side of Road and W. side of Road called kill deer path. Thirty-second Course N. 84° 13' W.— 391.6 ft.— On this course 17. ft. from starting point the line passed 33. ft. from corner post of picket fence of J. C. V.; at 164.6 ft. passed 33.1 ft. from fence and 113.4 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of J. C. Valentine ; at 267. ft. passed 82. ft. from W. end post of picket fence ; its terminus was 40.6 ft. from a locust tree on N. side of Road 31.6 ft. from a maple tree and 35.3 ft. from fence of J. C. V. on S. side of Road. Thirty third Course S. 66° 08' W. -269. ft.— The terminus Page 400. of this Course was 42. ft. from a hickory tree on N. side of Road 31.4 ft. from a maple tree and 33.6 ft. from fence on S. side of Road, and the line if continued 29.1) ft. beyond its terminus would end at a marked dog-wood tree in hedge of Sylvester Woodhull. All courses being mag netic and distances as given being in ft. and inches." And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centreline of the Main or North Country Road and of the uniform width of four rods- Given under our hands at Woodville this second day of December in the year 1880. 896 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Oakley A. Overton ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn | of Highways Recorded Deer. 9th 1880 at 1. P.M. Posted Deer. 13th. 1880 Henry P. Hutchinson ¦ Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting held at Coram, on Tuesday, Jan — 4th. 1881. Present, Mr Henry W. Carman, President, Charles W. Baker, Israel B. Tyler, Gideon F. Smith, Smith Cam erden and Samuel Dare. Trustees. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. It was Moved and carried that the privilege of Building a Dock from Water Island on the Beach opposite the village of Pat chogue, out into the Great South Bay the distance of Six Hundred feet or to Three feet of water, be granted to Andrew Jackson Smith of Patchogue, for one year with the privilege of Nine years at the rental of one Dollar per Annum. The following Resolution was passed by the Board. Resolved that from and after this date, all Deeds, Grants or Leases Page 401. given by this Board be recorded by the Clerk in detail in a Book to be kept for that purpose. The Board then adjourned to Meet at the house of Mr Lester LI. Davis in Coram on the first Tuesday in February 188L Trustee Meeting, at Coram Tuesday Feb. 1st. 1881. Owing to the day being storm}' only three of the Members of the Board attended, viz : Mr Israel B. Tyler, Smith Cammerden & Samuel Dare. The above number not being a quorum, they did not transact any Town business, there fore they adjourned without appointing the day for their next Meeting. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. Trustee Meeting, held at Coram on Thursday, Feb 10th. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 897 1881. All the members of the Board were present. The Minutes of the January Meeting were read and approved. A Petition accompanied with a Resolution from an Oyster Association in Patchogue, was presented, but after some discussion it was decided to take no action in the premises, inasmuch as previous enactments governed the matter in question. Trustees — Baker and Cammerden presented some Oyster leases, which after examination, were duly signed by the President. Some discussion was had on the Oyster lot question when the Board authorized Trustee Baker to demand that pay ment of lot Rents due, be made to him prior to the next Meeting of the Board. Money was received for rents on the Ridge and Quanch Islands, and some Town Bills were paid. The Board ad journed to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday of March 1881. Recorded by H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 402. Trustee Meeting held at Coram. Tuesday March 1st 1881. All the Members of the Board were present. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. Mr Henry T. Osborn appeared before the Board with a Petition, bearing the Signatures of a number of the people of East Moriches, asking for the Grant to build a Dock, where-upon the following Resolution was passed, by the Board. Resolved that a lease to locate a Dock at the foot of the Llighway leading from the South Country Road at East Moriches, be granted to the " East Moriches Dock Com pany" of which Henry T. Osborn is president and Egbert O. Howell, Treasurer, or their successors in office for the term of (10) Ten j^ears, with the privilege of renewal at the annual Rental of Five Dollars per year, payable in 898 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. advance. Said Dock to be (70) Seventy feet, in width, and to extend out into the Bay a distance of (200) Two- Hundred feet from High water mark. Resolved that the Treasurer of Brookhaven Town, Mr Israel B. Tyler be authorized to confer with Trustees, Baker and Camerden, and have caused to be published on or before Saturday March 12th. a tabulated statement of the receipts and disbursements of this Town for the year ending March 1st. 1881. Said Statement to be duly signed by him as said Treas urer. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday in April 1881, at 9 O'clock A.M. Recorded March 1st. 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 403. Release. Centre Moriches Feb. 8th. 1881 Received of Henry T. Osborn, Commissioner of High ways, ($5) Five Dollars, the sum awarded me by Commis sioners in laying out a highway through my land on old Neck. And I do hereby release all claim for damage caused by laying out said highway. Recorded March 3d. 1881. Sarah C. Penney. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Release. Centre Moriches Feb. 8rii. 1881. Received of Henry T. Osborn Commissioner of Highways Thirteen Dollars ($13.) the sum awarded me by Commissioners in laying out a highway through my land on Old Neck. And I do hereby release all claim for damage caused by laying out said high way. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 899 Recorded March 8d. 1881. Mary A. Moore. Henry P. LIutchinson. " Town Clerk. Release. Centre Moriches Feb. 8th. 1881. Received of Henry T. Osborn, Commissioner of Highways Fifty Dohars ($50) the sum awarded me by Commissioners in laying out a highway through my land on old Neck. And I do hereby release all claim for damage caused by laying out said highway. Recorded March 3d 1881. Wm. Penny. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 404. Release. Centre Moriches Feb. 8th. 1881. Received of Henry T. Osborn, Commissioner of Highways. Eighty Five Dollars. ($85) the sum awarded me by Commissioners in laying out a highway through my land on Old Neck. And I do hereby release all claim for damages caused by laying out said highway. Recorded March 3d. 1881. Mrs Charies Ketcham. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Release. Received of Henry T. Osborn the sum. Seven Dollars Money awarded me by Commissioners in laying out a high way through my land on Old Neck. And I do hereby release all claims for damage caused by laying out said road. Recorded Mar. 29th 1881. Isabella Gunther. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. 900 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Release. Received of H. T. Osborn, Commissioner of Highways in the Town of Brookhaven the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) damage awarded me in laying out highway through my laud on Old Neck. C. Moriches and I hereby release all claims for damage caused by laying out said highway. George Penny. per J. C. Monroe Per Attor. Recorded March 29th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson. ' Town Clerk. Page 405. Release. Port Jefferson, L. I. Feb. 21. 1881— Received of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven at the hand of J. Buel Randall one of their number, the sum of Fifteen Dollars being in full for the sum awarded to me as damages by me sustained on the laying out of the highway on Old Neck in said Town of Brook-Haven and for the portion of my laud taken on the laying out of said highway and I do hereby release and dis charge said Town from any further claim for damages thereon. Recorded Mar. 29th. 1881. Miss C. M. Whittle Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting at Coram on Tuesday April 5th. 1881. All the members of the Board were present, Mr Israel B. Tyler, Charles W. Baker, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Smith Camerden and Joseph C. Valentine, Trustees and their President Mr Henry W. Carman. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. Mr Car man reported that the Grass on the Ridge had been leased to Jeremiah Glover of South Haven for one year for the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 901 sum of $8.00. It was Resolved by the Board that Over seer C. W. Baker's Bill of acct. with the Great South Bay and Robt. R. Smith's share be accepted as correct. Some other matters were discussed by the Board but no more Resolutions were passed at this Meeting. Board adjourned Sine die. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. , Page 406 blank. Page 407. March 29th 1881 — Auditing day. Moved by Justice Goldthwaite & seconded by Justice Mount that the Super visor and Justices Smith and Saxton be appointed a Com mittee to consult with some reputable Lawyer of the Town, as to acting as advisory Counsell for the various Town officers. Recorded April 6th 1881. Minutes of Meeting held at Poospattuck, April 4th. 1881 — Jacob Ward call the Meeting to order by nominating Richard Ward, Chairman and George E. Hallock, Sect. — Upon the motion of Jacob Ward, Marche Bradley was elected Trustee for one year. On motion of Jacob Ward Jr. William Perdue was elected Trustee for one year, Upon the motion of Samuel Ward, Richard Ward was elected Trustee for one year of the Poospattuck Indians. George E. Hallock. Recorded April 6th. 1881. Sectary. Page 408. April 6th. Town Meeting. 1881. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven in Suffolk County, do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 6th. day of April 903 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 1881— at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named. For Supervisor John S. Havens. , Justices of the Peace Joseph Ridgeway. to fill vacancy. David H. Raynor full Term 4 years. Timothy Ketcham full Term 4 years. For President of Trustees Henry W. Carman Trustees Samuel Dare Israel B. Tyler Gideon F. Smith Charles E. Rose Joseph C. Valentine Alfred A. Selover Overseers of the Poor Edward H. Terry Israel B. Tyler Assessors lienry Wells 8 years Edmund W. Ruland. 3 years Page 409. Commissioner of Highways Oakley A. Overton, full term 8 years Town Clerk Henry P. Hutchinson BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 903 Collector Charles J. Randall Constables George S. Dykes Alonzo Raynor George W. Hastings Edward H. Tooker Amos B. Laws Wilham H. Sharp John Kaler Ichabod Blydenburgh. Game Constable James Rowland Bay Constables Alvin Jarvis Joseph Brown Commissioner of Excise 3 years Ellis Smith Inspectors of Election 1st Dist Ist Edward Ridgeway. 2d Jedediah WiOiamson Appd. 8d Aaron Hawkins 2d Dist 1 I. Wilson Ritch " "2 John K. Sammis " appd. 3 Frederick M. Wilson 3d Dist. 1 Charles A. Jones 2 Joseph N. King Appd. 3 George E. Davis 4th Dist 1 Gideon F. Smith "2 Jehiel S. Raynor " Appd. 3 John L. Havens. Page 410. 5th Dist. 1 Charles S. Piatt " 2 John B. Robinson " Appd. 3 George M. Hawkins Justices of the Peace of Brookhaven Town. 904 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 6th. Dist 1 Walter I. Carter 2 AringtoiiH. Carman Appd. 3 William Simpson 7th Dist 1 Wm. H. Osborn " "2 Robert F. Hawkins Appd. 3 Winfield S. Davis We certify that the above is a true and correct Statement of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting. Charles R. Smith C. E. Goldthwaite George E. Hallock John B. Mount. T. H Saxton George W. Hopkins Richard T. Osborn Brookhaven April 6th 1881 Recorded April 6th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Voted by the Town Meeting April 5th. 1881. That One Hundred and Eighty Dollars and 66. Cents— $180,^^^ Balance of Dog-Tax for years 1879. be placed by the Super visor to the Credit of the Contingent fund of the Town. Voted that $916.-^-5- Balance received from Treasurer of Board of Trustees for Rents, Docks, Oyster lots and Toler ations of Great South Bay & Port Jefferson and Setauket Bays be appropriated to the Support of the Poor of this Town. Recorded April 7th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk Page 411. Overseers of Highways — April Uth 1881. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 905 Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County on the Uth. day of April 1881 — we the undersigned in accordance with the late law passed May 28th. 1880 — do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road Districts, the number of which is placed opposite each re spective name for the ensuing year. No of Dist Names 1 Joseph S. Hawkins 2 Paul N. Brown 3 Israel Bennett 4 John P. L'Hommedieu 5 Jacob Satteriy 6 William Jarvis 7 Cyrus E. Griffin 8 Selah Tooker 9 James W. Davis 10 John J. Davis 11 Sylvester Hallock 12 Francis Woodhull 18 George C. Raynor 14 Morris Raynor 16 Herbert M. Reeves 16 Harrison Gordon 17 Alpheus Hawkins 18 Robert A. Carman 19 Nathaniel Miher 20 Walter Raynor 21 Wihiam Hedges 22 Jeremiah Jones 23 Wahace C. Ruland 24 Wallace Homan 26 John P. Overton 26 Charies Newton Location of Districts Stony Brook South Setauket li It East Setauket N. " Port Jefferson Mt. Sinai South Mt Sinai Millersplace Rocky Point ' Wading River Manor North " South East Moriches Eastport Mastic South Haven Brookhaven Behport East Patchogue S. " Lane South " West " Bluepoint Lake Grove 906 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Pa ge 412. 27 Isaac L'Hommedieu New Village West. 28 Davis Hammond " East 29 Oriin Mott Selden 80 Smith Still Coram 31 Daniel R. Davis 1 1 32 Charles Overton Holbrook 33 Hiram E. Terry Farmingvihe 34 Elbert S. Homan Coram Hills 35 George W. Ritch Middle Island 36 Edgar G. Swezey " " Centred North 37 Joseph IL. Randall " East & South 38 Samuel F. Norton Millville 39 Samuel L. Homan Yaphank 40 Robert R.Smith Ridge 41 Harrison Gordon Manor— East 42 Terry Robinson Swan River 43 Azel R. Swezey Swezeytown 44 Nathaniel Wiggins Centre Moriches 46 Henry Deery " West 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill Rockypoint 47 John J. Woodhull Woodvihe 48 John Llawkins Moriches West. 49 Joseph Jayne Old Field 50 Charles E. Rose Patchogue 51 J. Wilham Overton East " East 62 John D. Seaman Brookhaven— West. 53 John Kaler Moriches Centre. East. 64 Robert H. Farmer Holtsville 55 Joseph N. Brown Patchogue— Short Neck 56 Job Raynor Manor — Peconic Mills 57 Nelson Gerard Fireplace Neck. Dated April Uth. 1881 J. B. 1 Randall 1 Commissioners Oakley ' A. Overton \- of Henry T. Osbom ) Higliways BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 907 Recorded April 12th. 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 413. $60. Release — Smith Street. Patchogue For and in consideration of the sum of Sixty Dollars paid me this day by Oakley A. Overton one of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, I the undersigned Mrs Ruth N. Smith of the Village of Patchogue hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying and opening of the new Street called Smith St. leading- from Ocean Avenue to Bay Avenue, as laid out by the said Commissioners of Highways on the fifteenth day October in. the year 1880 — Patchogue April 20—1881 Mrs Ruth N. Smith .$100. Release. Smith St. Patchogue For and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars paid me this day by Oakley A. Overton one of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, I the undersigned Andrew J. Smith of the Vihage of Pat chogue in accordance with a written agreement made with said Commissioners Oct. 16 — 1880 hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and opening of the new street called Smith St. leading from Ocean Avenue to Bay Avenue in said Village as laid out by said Commis sioners of Highways on the fifteenth day of October in the year 1880— Patchogue April 20. 1881 Andrew J. Smith The above Releases recorded April 21st 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. 908 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 414. Release — for the following Road — Smith's Avenue — Lake Grove. Whereas the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven have by an order dated April 18th. 1881 — decided to lay out, ascertain and enter of record a road usually called James Smiths lane leading from the Portion road Northerly to a road called Smiths Road leading from Jacob Newtons to the Church and School-house at Lake Grove, and. — Whereas said Board have decided to lay out the North end of said road or Lane in a direct line across our improved land ; Now therefore we the undersigned being the sole owners of the land through which said Road is proposed to pass, hereby agree in consideration of having said Road laid out and opened to the uniform width of three rods to release all claim to damage by reason thereof. Lake Grove April— 1881 — Recorded April 21st 1881— Jacob S. Newton Llenry P. Hutchinson. II. W. Smith Town Clerk. Robert Jay Record & Survey of Smith's Avenue — Lake Grove, April— 18th. 1881— Whereas a road in the eastern part of the Village of Lake Grove, leading from the Mooney pond or portion road Northerly to Smith St. and known as Smith's Avenue, has been used continuously and uninterruptedly for a period of over twenty years last past, but never ascertained, described and entered of record as a public highway, and — Whereas. — said road at its Northern or upper end makes a detour of about sixty rods, to reach a distance of about twenty five rods. — and — Whereas, application has been made to the undersigned BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 909 Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to have said road ascertained, described and entered of record as a public llighway and the Page 416. North end of it made straight, and — - Whereas, a release for all claim to damage by reason thereof, signed by all the owners of the land through which said road passes, has been this day handed to said Board, which release accompanies this record. Now therefore, we the undersigned Board of Commis sioners of Highways of said Town, all of said Board having been duly notified to be present and deliberate on the sub ject embraced and a majority thereof being present believ ing said road to be a public necessity. Do hereby order, — That said road be ascertained, described and entered of record as a public Highway, in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence, by Justus Roe, Surveyor which Survey is as follows, viz : — " Commencing on the S. side of Smith St. about twenty rods Westerly of the house of Jacob Newton and running First Course S. 8° 20' W.— 1156 ft. The starting point of this course was ten ft. West of the division line of the cleared lands of Jacob Newton and H. Whitmore Smith ; 170 ft. from starting point the line passed 29. ft. W. of the hedge dividing lands of Jacob Newton and H. W. Smith ; at 829. ft passed 21.4 ft W. of a large red oak tree : at 454. ft. passed 3. ft. East of a large red oak tree and intersected the old road ; at 750. ft. passed over a small hill in said old road ; at 886. ft. passed 23. ft. West of a large English Cherry tree ; at 1010. ft. passed 6.6 ft. West of the S. W. point of a very large rock ; its terminus was a locust stake 37.3 ft. West of an English Cherry tree in the garden of Robert Jay. 38.8 ft. Easteriy of a large locust tree and 46. ft S. East- 910 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. erly of a large Cedar tree on land of H. Whitmore Smith. Second Course S. 6° 62' E. 960 ft. Page 416. On this course 51 ft. from starting point the line passed 25. ft. from the fence and 26. ft. from an English Cherry tree in corner of door yard of Robert Jay ; at 231. ft. passed 23. ft. from a cherry tree and 25.3 ft. from the picket fence on land of H. Whitmore Smith ; at 268. ft. passed 21.6 ft. from S. E. corner and end of picket fence of II. W. Smith ; at 298. ft. passed 7.4 ft. East of a large locust tree ; at 782. ft. passed 12. ft. East of a large locust tree ; its terminus was a locust stake. Third Course S. 6° 50' W.-157. ft. The terminus of this course was as near as could be de termined the centre of the Mooney pond or portion road, 29 ft. S. Easterly of a small cedar tree on N. side, 55.9 ft. N. Easterly from a large cedar tree and 57.3 ft. N. Easterly from the East gate post at entrance of a cleared lot of H. W. Smith on S. side of said Portion road. Ah courses as given being magnetic, the distances as given being in ft. and inches, the entire distance from Smith St. to the Portion road being 2263 ft. or about 137 rods. And it is further ordered that said line as above de scribed, shall be the centre line of said Road or Avenue of the uniform width of three rods. Given under our hands at Lake Grove this 18th. day of April in the year 1881 — J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Oakley A. Overton l -,,. , '' ) Highways Recorded April 21st at 6 P.M. 1881 Posted April 28th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. & BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 911 Page 417. Record & Survey of Road at Eastport April 16th. 1881. Whereas, a Road in the Village of Eastport leading from the river Northwesterly to the main or South Country Road, was, as appears by record in the office of the Town Clerk, laid out many years ago, as a road leading from Seatuck Mihs to hot water St. but never sufficiently de scribed. — and Whereas, application in writing has been made to the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to have said Road ascertained, de scribed and entered of record as a three rod road. Now therefore, we the undersigned Board of Commis sioners of Highwaj's of said Town, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced, and a majority thereof being present — Do hereby order. — That said Road be ascertained, de scribed and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk, in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence, by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows viz : — " Commencing on the Mill dam crossing the Eastport river, which separates the Town of Brook- Haven from the Town of Southampton, at a stake 19. ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the E end of the grist mill of Nathaniel W. Howell, and running. — First Course N. 79° 47' W.— 95 ft On this course 44. ft. from starting point the line crossed the centre of the flue leading to the Mih, and on the North hand rail of the bridge ; its terminus was at a stake 26. ft. from the picket fence on N. side of Road. Second Course S. 87° 51' W. 156.6 ft On this Course 116. ft. from starting point, the line passed 19.4 ft. from picket fence on N. side of road ; its terminus was 25. ft. from fence on S. side 913 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Page 418. of Road and 50. ft. from the front door of the house formerly used as a store by Webster Robinson deceased. Third Course No. 69° 12' W.— 652. ft On this course 23.8 ft. from starting point the line passed 47.8 ft. from the S. W. corner and in range with the West end of the store above mentioned, at 90. ft. passed 43, 8 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with the West side of the store of Penny & Tuttle ; at 507.6 ft passed 69.10 ft from the N. W. corner and in range with the West side of the house of Eckford Robinson ; its terminus was 25. ft from the West end of the new fence fronting land of John W. Masury. Fourth Course N. 08° 08' W— 640.6 ft. On this Course 479. ft. from starting point the line passed 25. ft. from the fence and 61.6 ft. from the N. W. comer and in range with the West end of J. Crawford Tuttle ; its terminus was 23.8 ft. from a large blackoak tree on the S. side of road 35 ft. from fence and 64.7 ft from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of Llouse of Est. of Richard Rogers. Fifth Course N. 40° 54' W.— 237 ft. On this course 160. ft. from starting ])oint the line passed 19.5 ft. from fence on N. side and 26.6 ft. from face of ditch on S. side of road ; its terminus was 24.8 ft. from fence on N. side and 17.10 ft. from ditch on S. side of road. Sixth Course No. 30° 07' W.— 206 ft On this course 87 ft. from starting point the line passed 24.3 ft from ditch on S. side of road. 23.4 ft. from fence and 50 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house on Est. of Lindley B. Tyler. / Seventh Course N. 14° 22' W.— 647 ft. On this course 17.7 ft from starting point the line passed 25 ft. from the post at N. end of picket fence on Est of L. B. Tyler. 48.8 ft. from a large oak tree on W. side of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 913 road ; at 115 ft. passed 23.9 ft. from fence on E. side of road and 24 ft. from a marked white Page 419. oak tree on bank of ditch separating land of George Robin son ; its terminus was 21.6 ft. from fence on E. side of road and 16.8 ft. from fence in hedge on W. side of road. Eighth Course N. 17° 40' W.— 244.4 ft. The terminus of this course was 25 ft. from post in fence on E. side of road at intersection of lands of Jesse Rogers and Harrison Rogers. Ninth Course N. 23° 20' W.— 165.4 ft. The terminus of this course was 84 ft. from the S. W. corner of Hotel of Harrison Rogers and 20 ft. from a Cot tonwood tree, said tree being the S. one of a row of trees fronting said Hotel. Tenth Course. N. 26° 34' W.— 180 ft. On this course 73. ft. from starting point the line passed 80.6 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with North end of Hotel of Harrison Rogers ; at 80 ft. passed 20 ft. West of liberty pole ; at 114 ft. passed 28 ft. from a very large hickory tree on West side of road ; at 120 ft. passed 17.2 ft. from a cottonwood tree and 19.2 ft. from fence on East side of road ; at 151 ft. passed 17.10 ft. from corner of fence and 21.6 ft. from an Alanthus tree at Northwest corner of land of Harrison Rogers near South side of the Main or South Country road its terminus was the centre as near as could be determined of the Main or South Country Road. All courses as given being magnetic and distances as given being in ft. and inches. The entire distance from starting point being 3024. feet or about 183 rods. And it is further ordered that said hne as above described shall be the centre line of said Road of the uniform width of three 914 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. rods. Given under our hands at Eastport this 16th day of April in the year 1881. ' Henry T. Osborn ) Cfom missioners Oakley A. Overton f Highways Recorded April 23d 1881. at 1 P.M. Posted April 28th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 420. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, May 3d 1881. The following Members were present, Mr Henry W. Carman, the President, Joseph C. Valentine, Samuel Dare, Gideon F. Smith, Alfred A. Selover Charies E. Rose & Israel B. Tyler. Also Mr Edward H. Terry, one of the Overseers. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were Read and approved. The Case of Cornelia Smith cold, for compen sation for the maintainance of her illegitimate child now in Washington City, Came before the Board, but they dis claiming jurisdiction declined taking any action in the Matter. Mr Charles E. Rose offered the following Preamble and Resolution, which was Seconded by Mr G. F. Smith Whereas notwithstanding the reputed prosperity of the oyster business in the Great South Bay, the public waters therein, under the jurisdiction of the Town of Brookhaven, are in a depleted condition, and oystering as a livelihood by a certain portion of our Baymen is at present of little or no account to them in-as-much as they are unable to obtain thereon a sufficient competence to enable them to Maintain themselves and families or to warrant a further prosecution of the business thus throwing upon this Town the coming AVinter a larger per-centage of pauperism than heretofore. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 915 Therefore to avoid the same and also to protect and aid the honest and industrious in this their avocation, be it — Resolved that this Board authorize and empower the Trustee having charge of the said Waters to procure at the expense of the said Town of Brookhaven from " Virginia" or some other point suitable and good planting Oysters for the pur pose of reseeding our pubhc grounds at an expense not to exceed $.300. Mr Tyler moved to amend by adding the words " and that the said sum be appropriated from the amount claimed by and to be paid to this Town by the Town of Islip" which was seconded by Mr. Valentine and passed by the Board. Page 421. It was Resolved by the Board that Mr Israel B. Tyler be appointed a committee to take into consideration the highest amount for which the land leased by Sylvester Randall on the Shore at Port Jefferson, and transferred to Israel Smith can now be released for the best interests of the Town. Mr Dare moved and Mr Smith Seconded the following Motion which was passed by the Board, Resolved that the Shore front asked for and bounded on the East and West by the land now held by James M. Bayles & Son at Port Jefferson and which is 170. feet More or less in width, and being the shore in front of the Ship-yard for meriy owned by C. L. Bayles & Son, be leased to John H. Smith for the term of Two years from this date, payable in advance, at the annual Rental of $8.y''o\ per year. It was Resolved that Trustees Chas. E. Rose and Samuel Dare be and are hereby appointed Lot and oyster agents of the Great South Bay, and are authorized to collect and receipt for all Toleration, Lot and other Rents from the Great South Bay. Mr Israel B. Tyler was appointed " Oyster-Lot Agent" for the North side of the Town. 916 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Mr Smith Moved and Mr Valentine Seconded the follow ing which was passed by the Board. Resolved that Mr Israel B. Tyler be continued as Treas urer of the Town for the ensuing year. Mr Tyler offered and Mr Smith Seconded the following which was carried. Resolved that inas-mucli as no provision was made at Town Meeting for the payment of Bay Constables, this Board authorize and empower the Trustees appointed as Overseers of the Bay to employ the same at all times when they in their judgment May deem their services required. The charges to be paid by the Board. Board adjourned to meet at L. H. Davis in Coram Ist Tuesday in June. Recorded May 3d. 1881. Page 422. Record & Survey of Edwards Avenue. Patchogue L. I. Nov 19, 1880. Whereas a Street or Avenue in the Village of Patchogue, leading from Bay Avenue to Rider Avenue, and lying about 60 rods S. and running about parallel with the Main or South Country Road, was laid out several years ago by the owners of the land and has been worked and placed in good condition by said owners of the land through which said street or avenue passes, and — Whereas application has been made to the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, to have said Street or Avenue ascertained, described, and entered of record as a pubhc highway, and Whereas, all the owners of land through which said Avenue passes, having placed in the hands of the said Board a release signed by them for all claim to damages by reason of said Avenue being recorded as a public highway which release accompanies this record. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 917 Now therefore, we the undersigned Board of Commis sioners of Highways of said Town, all of said Board having been duly notified to be present and deliberate on the sub ject embraced, and all being present. — do hereby order. ^ — - That said Street or Avenue be ascertained, described and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk in accord ance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which Survey is as follows viz : — " Commencing at a point as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of Bay Avenue and running one Course only. N. 81° 45' W.— 994 Ft. to the centre as near as could be determined of Rider Avenue. On this course 75 ft. from starting point the line passed 41.4 ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with the E. front of the main part of house of Edward Edwards occupied by Charles Taylor ; at 370 ft. passed. 61. 9 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. side of house of Edward Page 428. Edwards occupied by Mrs Charles E. Smith ; at 887. ft. passed 24.9 ft. from fence and 75.1 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E. side of house of Edward Edwards occupied by Aaron Newins ; at 686.6 ft. passed 24.9 ft. from fence and 74. ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E side of house of Forrest Baker ; at 664.8 ft. passed 67.11 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. side of house of Edward Edwards occupied by William Overton. " The course as above given being magnetic and all dis tances in ft. and inches." And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Street or Avenue of the uniform width of three rods. Given under our hands at Patchogue this 19th day of Novr. in the year 1880. 918 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn >¦ of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded May 4th 1881— at 1. P.M. Posted May '7th 1881— Henry P. Ilutchinson. Town Clerk. Record & Survey of Maple St. Patchogue Novr. 19, 1880. Whereas a street in the village of Patchogue leading from Ocean Avenue to Rail Road Avenue, was laid out many years ago and has been used continuously and unin terruptedly as a public highway for a period of over twenty years last past, and Whereas, application has been made to the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, to have said Street ascertained, described and entered of record as a public highway : Now therefore, we the undersigned Board of said Town, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present.— Do hereby order, that said Street be Page 424. ascertained, described and entered of record in the office of the Town Clerk, in accordance with a Survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which Survey is as follows viz : " Commencing at a point as near as could be ascertained to be the centre of Ocean Avenue, and running one course only. — S. 85° 30' W. 787 ft. On this course 24.9 ft. from. starting point, the line passed 19.6 ft. from the N. E corner post on land of Edward Fanning and 19.6 ft. from S. E. corner post of land of Charles R. Smith ; at 43.4 ft. passed 19.6 ft. from fence and 40.9 ft. from S. E. corner and in BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 919 range with front of house of Charles R. Smith ; at 333 ft. passed 21 ft. from fence on S. side of Street, 21 ft. from fence and 48 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with E. end of house of Ellis Smith ; at 466.6 ft. passed 21.6 ft. from fence on S. side of Street, 21.6 ft. from fence and 48.4 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of Emerson Terrell ; at 611 ft. passed 22.6 ft. from fence post at S. W. corner of land of Mrs Charles Seiffarth, and 22.6 ft. from fence or gate opposite front door of Main part of the M. E. Church Parsonage ; at 697.8 ft. passed 22.9 ft. from fence and 61.4 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with W. side of the M. E. Church, and its terminus was as near as could be determined to be the centre of Rail Road Avenue. The course as above given being magnetic and distances in ft. and inches." And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Street the fences as above located and described be the boundaries, said Street being about 39 ft in width on E. end, and 46 ft. in width at its terminus on West end, and shall be included in Ocean Avenue Road District. Given under our hands at Pat chogue this 19th day of Novr. in the year 1880. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn > of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded May 4th 1881. at 1. P.M. Posted May 7th 1881. Henry P. Ilutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 425. Release. Release of land on Edwards Avenue. Patchogue We the undersigned owners of land on Edwards Avenue leading from Rider Avenue Easterly to Bay Avenue in the Village of Patchogue, hereby agree to release all claim to damages 930 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. by reason of the laying out, opening, and recording it as a public highway in accordance with a Survey made Novr. 19th 1880 by Justus Roe, Surveyor, under the direction and in the presence of the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook Haven. Patchogue March 10th 1881.— Smith Conklin Jacob Bumstead Forrest Baker George A. Wood John Ketcham Daniel F. Case James Ketcham Bernard Coop Edward Edwards Wm. H. Newins Accepted by us. J. B. Randah ) Oommis^sioners Oakley A. Overton ( tt- i •' ) Highways Recorded May 19th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Survey of Road at Ridgeville — " Middle Country Road" The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk, All the Commissioners having been notified to attend and deliber ate on the subject embraced. And a majority being present — having met at the house of John J. Randall in the said Town to decide upon the application of John J. Randall a resident of said Town ; and liable to be assessed for High way labor therein, for the alteration of the road known Page 426. as the Middle Country road between the lands of Robert R. Smith and John J. Randall. Do order that the line of said road be, and the same is hereby so altered as to run from a point in the centre of the road designated on the survey (of the same road) of Novr. 24th 1866 As the terminus of the 7th course. And South of Austin D. Randall watering hole and running as follows. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 931 1st Course N. 77° East 9 chains and 69 Links to a point opposite, and 19 ft. 6 inches Southerly of t'ne Centre of a large Red Oak tree. 2d Course North 66° East 16 chains, 22 links 5 chains and 23 Links easterly on this course the hne passed 120 ft. from S. West corner and in range with West side of barn of John J. Randall's At 7 Chains and 58 Links passed 66 ft. 9 inches from S. East corner and in range with East side of house of John J. Randall's. 3d Course N. 72f° East 4 chains 64 Links to an old Road the boundary hne between the lands of John J. Randall and George M. Randall. At this point the survey connects with the centre line of the Survey of Novr. 24th 1866 — this point being 3 chains 53 Links westerly from the East ern terminus of the Uth course of said Survey of 1866. And the bounds of said Alteration are marked and shown on the South side thereof by Locust post or stakes placed at the East end of each course two rods South of said Centre hne. The Above Survey shows the centre line of such alteration. And said road is of uniform width of four rods. — And it is further ordered that such parts of the present road as are not included in the above description, be and the same are hereby discontinued. Given under our hands this the 13th. day of May 1881— TT m r\ 1 ) Commissioners Henry 1. Osborn ( ^ Oakley A. Overton f highways Recorded May 21st, 1881 at 8 P.M. Posted May 24th 1881. Henry P. Ilutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 427. Release Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in the County of Suffolk have by an Order 922 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. and Survey dated May 13th. 1881— altered the road run ning between the lands of Robert R. Smith and John J. Randall known as the Middle Country road which survey and Order is recorded in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven. We do hereby release all claims for damages caused by making the said alteration Recorded May 21st 1881. Robt. R. Smith Henry P. Hutchinson. John J. Randall " At Setauket" Award Comrs. to assess damages at Setauket Whereas, the undersigned, Edward R. Ackerly, Stephen C. Rogers and William H. Skidmore, were appointed by an order of the County Court of the County of Suffolk, made on the 24th day of July 1880, on the application of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in said County, Commissioners to assess the damages occa sioned by the laying out of a highway in the said Town "beginning nearly opposite the store of Charles Tyler in Setauket and running from thence Northerly by the land in the possession of Harvey Hulse and Eliza his wife, Daniel Robbins and Walter Jones on the East side thereof and David Cleaves on the west side thereof about seventy rods until it reaches the land of the said Brewster Hawkins about seven rods to the Northward of the house of the said David Cleaves" which highway passes through the im proved lands of Micah Jayne, E. A. Wheeler, Estate of Carlton Jayne Page 428. deceased G. W. Fordham, Wm. Risley, Algernon S. Mills, Shepard J. Hulse, S. Alfred Hulse, Henry Mills, Phihp Jones, Clarissa Smith, Chas. Dyches, Est of Chas. Dyches deceased, Est of Henry S. Deering deceased and Estate of Walter Jones deceased and was laid out by the Commis- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 933 sioners of Highways of the said Town, by an order dated 1829 Now, therefore, we the Commissioners having taken the oath of office prescribed by the Constitution, and having all met and acted on the matter committed to us, at the office of Oran W. Rogers, irr said Town, this 20th. day of October 1880, pursuant to an adjournment taken at a meeting of said Commissioners in the Village of East Setauket in said Town on the 12th day of October 1880 which said last mentioned meeting was pursuant to a notice from said Commissioners of Highways of at least six days, ac cording to law, and having taken a view of the premises, and heard the parties and such witnesses as have been offered before us ; do, thereupon determine and assess the damages required to be assessed on the said highway as follows viz : We assess the damages of Micah Jayne at twelve dollars ; We assess the damages of E. A. Wheeler at forty Dollars ; We assess the damages of the Estate of Carlton Jayne at one Hundred & forty five dollars. We assess the damages of G. W. Fordham at Thirty Dollars. We assess the damages of William Risley at six dollars. We assess the damages of Algernon S. Mills at thir-ty five dollars. We assess the damages of Shepard J. Hulse at forty Dollars. We assess the damages of S. Alfred Hulse at Forty Dollars. We assess the damages of Henry Mills at thirty five dollars. We assess the damages of Philip Jones at Twenty Two Dollars. We assess the damages of Clarissa Smith at Forty Five Dollars. We assess the dam ages of Charles Dyches at Twenty Eight Dollars. Page 429. We assess the damages of the estate of Chas. Dyches deed. at Thir-ty Eight Dohars. We assess the damages of the estate of Henry S. Deering deed, at Forty Dollars. We assess the damages of the estate of Walter Jones deed, at Twelve Dollars. 934 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Edward R. Ackerly ) Stephen C. Rogers V Commissioners W. H. Skidmore ) Recorded May 81st 1881— at 1 P.M. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook- Haven. To Edward R. Ackerly Dr. To Services as Commissioners to assess damages on laying out a Highway at Setauket in said Town. 4 days @ $5.00 $20.00 Disbursements 5.96 received payment. $26.96 Suffolk County ss. Edward R. Ackerly being duly sworn says, the foregoing bill is correct ; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and the disburse ments charged therein were actually paid and necessarily incurred in and about said services and that no part of said bill has been paid, but the whole thereof is now actually due and owing to this deponent. Sworn to before me this 22d day Deer. 1880 Edward R. Ackerly Henry C. Piatt Notary Public Recorded May 81st 1881— at 1. P.M. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 430. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven To Stephen C. Rogers Dr. To Services as Commissioner to assess damages on laying out a highway BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 935 at Setauket in said Town— 4 days @ $6.00 $20.00 Disbursements 6.96 Received payment. $25.96 Suffolk County ss. Stephen Q- Rogers being duly sworn says the foregoing bill is correct ; that the services therein charged were actuahy rendered and the disbursements charged therein were actually paid and necessarily incurred in and about said services and that no part of said bill has been paid but the whole thereof is now actually due and owing to this deponent. Sworn to before me this 22d day of December 1880 Henry C. Piatt Stephen C. Rogers. Notary Public Recorded May 31st 1881— at 1. P.m. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 431. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook- Haven. To Wihiam H. Skidmore Dr. To services as Commissioner to assess damages on laying out a highway at Setauket in said Town. 4 days® $6.00 $20.00 Disbursements 5.96 Received payment. $25.96 Suffolk County ss. William H. Skidmore being duly sworn says, the fore going bih is correct ; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and the disbursements charged therein were actually paid and necessarily incurred in and about said services and that no part of said bill has been paid but the whole thereof is now actually due and owing to this deponent. 926 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Sworn to before me this 22d day of December 1880 W. H. Skidmore Geo.' M. Tileston Notary Public Suffolk Co. N. Y. Recorded May 81st 1881- at 1. P.M ; Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 432. " At Setauket" In the Matter of the assessment of Damages for the widening of highway at Setauket running from the Epis copal Church to Setauket Harbor. Commissioners Assessment of Damages received May 28th 1881— by J. B. Randall, Commissioner Whereas, the undersigned Edward R. Ackerly Stephen C. Rogers and William H. Skidmore were appointed by an order of the County Court of the County of Suffolk made on the 19th. day of April 1880, on the application of J. Buel Randall, Oakley A. Overton and Henry T. Osborn Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven in said County, Commissioners to assess all damages occa sioned by the widening of the Ancient highway in said Town leading from the Episcopal Church at Setauket in said Town Easteriy to the water of Setauket Harbor, run ning between the lands of the Caroline Episcopal Church and that of John P. L'Hommedieu on the one side and the land of Elizabeth F. Floyd and Sarah A. Vingut on the other side, from its present width as it now exists, to the width of three rods, which highway passes through the improved lands of said John P. L'Hommedieu and said Elizabeth F. Floyd and Sarah A. Vingut, and was widened by the Commissioners of Highways of said Town of Brook haven, by an order bearing date the 31st. day of December 1879— BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 937 Now, therefore, we the said Commissioners, having the oath of office prescribed by the constitution and having all met and acted on the matter committed to us, at the resi dence of John Elderkin at Setauket in said Town on Satur day April 16tli 1881— at nine O'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to a notice from said Commissioners of Highways of at least six days according to law, and having taken Page 488. a view of the premises and heard the parties and such wit nesses as have been offered before us, do thereupon deter mine and assess the damages required to be assessed on the widening of said highway, as follows viz : We assess the damages of John P. L'Hommedieu at Forty Dollars ; — We assess the damages of Elizabeth F. Floyd and Sarah A. Vingut at Twenty Dollars. And in making this Assessment of damages we have taken into consideration and have allowed damages for all lands taken in said widening, outside the said ancient highway as the same has been heretofore and now is used, as it appear-s between the fences on either side of the same. Witness our hands this 16th day of April 1881. Edward R. Ackerly ) Stephen C. Rogers > Commissioner's W. H. Skidmore ) Recorded May 31st 1881 at 1 P.M. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven April 16th 1881 To Edward R. Ackeriy Dr. To Services and disbursements as Commissioner to assess damages at Setauket $14.15 Received payment. 938 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Suffolk County ss. Edward R. Ackerly being duly sworn says the above bill is correct ; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and the disbursements therein charged were actually made or necessarily incurred in and about such services, and no part of said bill has been paid Page 434. but the same is now justly due and owing to this deponent. Sworn to before me this 16th day of May 1881. Edward R. Ackerly. Charies R. Street Notary Public Suff. Co. Recorded May 31st 1881— at 1 P.M. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Commissioners of Highways of Town of Brookhaven To Stephen C. Rogers Dr. April 16th 1881 — To Services & disbursements as Commissioner to Assess damages at Setauket $14.15 Received payment. Suffolk County ss. Stephen C. Rogers being duly sworn says the above bill is correct ; that the services therein charged were actually rendered and the disbursements therein charged were actu ally made or necessarily incurred in and about such ser vices, and that no part of said bill has been paid but the same is now justly due and owing to this deponent. Sworn to before me this ] 6th day of May 1881. Stephen C. Rogers Henry C. Piatt Notary Public Suffolk County Recorded May 31st 1881 at 1. P.M. H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 929 Page 435. Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven To Wm. H. Skidmore Dr. Apr. 16th 1881 To Services and disbursements as Commissioner to assess damages at Setauket $14.16 Received payment. Suffolk County ss. William H. Skidmore being duly sworn says the above bill is correct ; that the services therein charged were actu ally rendered and the disbursements therein charged were actually made or necessarily incurred in and about such services, and no part of said bill has been paid but the same is now justly due and owing to this deponent. Sworn to before me this 16th day of May 1881. W. H. Skidmore Geo. M. Tileston Notary Public Suffolk Co. N. Y. Recorded May 31st 1881— at 1 P.M. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 436. Trustee Meeting, at Coram. June 7th 1881. All the Members of the Board were present as follows. Mr Henry W. Carman the President, Joseph C. Valentine, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Alfred A. Selover, Charles E. Rose, and Israel B. Tyler. Also Mr Edward H. Terry one of the Overseers. The Minutes of the previous Meet ing were read and approved. It was Moved by Mr Valen tine and Seconded by Mr A. A. Selover, That the Com-- mittees having charge of the North Bays and the Great South Bay in Brookhaven Town, present to this Board a Monthly report of all their Town proceedings. Mr Israel -B. Tyler, moved and Mr C. E. Rose Seconded the fol lowing 930 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Resolution, which was adopted. Resolved that the prop erty owned by the Town of Brookhaven and 'occupied by James M. Bayles & Son for Dock and other purposes fronting on Port Jefferson Harbor together with the land under water fronting the same, extending East as far as the property held by John H. Smith and West by that of William T. Hulse, be leased to the said James M. Bayles & Son for one year with the privilege of Ten years at the annual Rental of $75.00 per year. Town to reserve the right of a passage the width of 25-feet (Twenty-five) to and from said Dock and for landing all property belonging to the Town. Mr. Rose moved and it was carried that the privilege of Erecting a temporary Dock on a line with the West fence of the premises of the Bellport-Bay- House be granted to L. W. Cass for the exclusive use of his Guests for the Summer of 1881 — for the consideration of One Dollar. Page 437. The Committee having charge of. the Great South Bay reported having complied with the order of the Board in Settling for Oyster-lot Lease, No. 48 held by Elias Hawkins and for which a Subsequent Lease had been given, by the payment of the sum of $26.00 to the said Elias Hawkins for the same. Mr Lester H. Davis made Application for a grant of Coram Pond for the purpose of propagating Carp — a Species of Fish. On Motion of Mr A. A. Selover a consideration of the subject was deferred until next Meeting. An Application was made by Capt. Joseph H. Bell for the privilege of Erecting a Dock at the foot of Bellport Lane, to extend into the Bay to Three feet of water. The Board adjourned to Meet again at Mr Lester H. Davis, in Coram on Monday June 13th. 1881. at 10. O'clock A.M. Recorded June 8th 1881. II. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 931 Page 488. Trustee Meeting June 18th 1881 — at Coram. All the Members of the Board were present as follows. Mr Henry W. Carman the President Joseph C. Valentine, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Alfred A. Selover, Charles E. Rose and Israel B. Tyler. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read for the information of the Board. After which Mr Joseph H. Bell made application for a Dock at Bellport, After a considerable discussion, it was Moved by Mr Selover and carried by the Board that Trus tees Dare and Rose be appointed a Committee with power to add another to their number to view the premises for locating a Dock as applied for by Joseph H. Bell at the foot of Bellport Avenue. Application was made where upon the following Resolution was passed by the Board. Resolved that Trustee Tyler be and is hereby authorized to have Port Jefferson and Setauket Harbors, Surveyed, the Oyster-lots therein located and a diagram of same made at a Cost not to exceed $100. Mr Rose Moved that Mr Sanford Weeks be allowed the privilege of Erecting a Pavilion on the property leased to him by this Town for a Dock and other purposes. Where upon it was granted by the Board. Mr James M. Bayles of Port Jefferson appeared before the Board to have the Amt. charged by the Town for property leased to hiin reduced and the matter was left to Trustee Tyler. Board adjourned to Meet at Mr. L. H. Davis on the 1st Tuesday in July 1881. Page 489. Release of Road in East Patchogue, known as Old Orchard Road Whereas the Rail Road in East Patchogue crosses the Highway in a very inconvenient place, The road known as Strong's road. I therefore agree, and do hereby release to 933 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brook haven, the road known as the " Old Orchard road" Com mencing where it crosses the Strong's road and running Northerly to a point three rods North of the Rail Road — thence Easterly, on the North side, and parallel with the Rail Road until it strikes said Strong's road. The road to be three rods wide, and to be used as a public Highway. Dated Patchogue June 28th 1881. Recorded June 30th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson Mulford Hedges Town Clerk Page 440. Trustee Meeting at Coram. July 5th 1881. The following named Members of the Board were present. Mr Henry W. Carman, the President, Israel B. Tyler, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Charles E. Rose, and Alfred A. Selover. The Committee having charge of the interests of the Great South Bay in this Town reported as follows. — Re ceived up to July 5th 1881 — $ cts For Rents on New Leases issued 102.50 For renewing of Leases 188.00 Amt. Reed, for Strand, Docks &c 6.00 296.50 Amt. paid out as follows — Cash to Elias H. Hawkins 25.00 Cash on hand 271.50 Charles E. Rose ] ^ -^i. Samuel Dare [ Committee The June Proceedings — presented by Overseer, Israel B. Tyler were as follows — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 933 Reed, of Thomas Sherman for Lease of Oyster lot in Port Jefferson Bay $1.50 Reed, of Walter Dickerson for Oldfield Strand 8.00 $9.50 Mr C. E. Rose moved that the Resolution passed at the Meeting of the Board on June 7th. in relation to property offered on lease to James M. Bayles & Son be amended, and made to read as follows — Resolved that the property owned by the Town of Brook haven and occupied by James M. Bayles & Son for Dock and other purposes fronting on Port Jefferson Harbor together with the land under water fronting the same, ex tending East as far as the property held by John H. Smith and West by that of Wihiam T. Hulse be leased to the said James M. Bayles & Son for one year with the privilege of Page 441. Ten years at the annual rental of Fifty Dollars ($50.) per year. Mr Selover moved and it was carried that the appli cation of Mr Lester H. Davis for the Coram pond — be laid over to the next meeting of the Board. The Board ad journed to meet at the office of the Advance, in the village of Patchogue on the 1st Tuesday in August 1881, at 9. A.m. Application. To Charles R. Smith Justice of the . Peace, Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk, and Buel Randall, Oaklej' A. Overton and Henry T. Osborn, Commissioners of High ways of the Town of Brookhaven, Please take Notice that I the undersigned have and do hereby apply to Henry P. Hutchinson, Clerk of said Town of Brookhaven for the drawing of a Jury at his office in Middle Island on Monday June 13th 1881 at ten O'clock A.M.— for the purpose of 934 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. viewing and certifying as to the public necessity of laying out a Highway in the village of Patchogue, commencing on division Avenue near the Depot of the Southern Rail Road of Long Island and thence running Southerly through the lands of the undersigned and lands of Thomas S. Mul ford to the lands of Austin Roe. May 31st 1881. Recorded Aug 2d 1881. Elisha Ackerly. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Suffolk County ) Town of Brookhaven ( ss. We the undersigned, being ¦freeholders of the Town of Brookhaven in said County, and not interested in the lands through which the highway herein after described is proposed to be Page 442. laid nor of kin to the owners thereof, having met on the day and date hereof, at the oftice of Charles R. Smith in the village of Patchogue in said Town of Brookhaven and having been first duly sworn, and having personally exam ined the route of said proposed highway, and heard the reasons for and against the laying out a highway pursuant to the application of Elisha Ackerly, Commencing on division Avenue near the depot of the Southern Rail Road of Long Island, and thence rurining southerly through the lands of Elisha Ackerly, Thos. S. Mulford and others to the lands of Austin Roe, which highway will run through the enclosed lands of Elisha Ackerly, Thomas Mulford, Edward S. Mulford & Jeremiah Mulford to run from Amity Street to Roved. Avenue parallel with Ocean Avenue. Do hereby certify to the Commissioners of High ways of said Town that we are of the opinion that such highway is necessary and proper. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names the 27th day of June 1881 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 935 Joseph N. Hurtin. Charies W. Hawkins. John W. Swezey. G. W. Weeks. Joseph H. Hallock Wheelock Coombs H. Learning Hiram E. Terry Geo. W. Robinson Terry Robinson Recorded Aug. 2d 1881— Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 443. Survey & Record of West St. from Division St to Amity St. Patchogue July 26th 1881. Whereas a jury drawn in accordance with the statute in such cases made and provided, on the application of Elisha Ackerly, met June 27. — 1881, and decided that the con tinuation of West St. in the village of Patchogue was both necessary and proper, which application and decision accom pany this record, and Whereas, a written release for all claim to damages by reason thereof has this day been handed us by Elisha Ackerly, sole owner of land over which a part of said proposed extension passes, which release accompanies this record. Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commis sioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all of said Board having been duly called to deliberate on the subject embraced and a majority thereof being present, do hereby Order. That said. Road or Street be laid out, opened, described and entered of record as a public highway in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence, by Justus Roe, Surveyor which survey is as follows viz : Commencing at a point near the R. R. house occupied by Jonas Wicks, as near as could be determined to be the centre of Division St. and ran, — First course S. 5° 30' 936 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. E. 270.6 ft. On this course 52 ft. from starting point, the line passed 33 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the front of the house of John Miller occupied by Abram Smith, its terminus was 24.9 ft. from the face of locust post on N. E. corner of house lot of Davis Baker ; thence on Second course S. 6° 26' E.— 247 ft. On this course 17.6 ft. from starting point, the line passed 54.1 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. end of house of Davis Baker occupied by John Cecie : at 99.8 ft. passed 24.7 ft. from fence and 54.5 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with S. end of main part of house of Davis Baker occupied by Page 444. James Newins : at 222 ft. passed 25.10 ft. from fence-post on E. side and 26 ft. from fence-post on W. side of Road, said fence-posts being on N. side of Amity St. : its terminus was as near as could be determined the centre of Amity St. courses as above given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered, that said line as above de scribed shall be the centre line of said Road or Street known as West St. and of the uniform width of three rods. Given under our hands at Patchogue this Twenty Fifth day of July in the year 1881. Oakley A. Overton ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn f tj. T ¦' ) Highways Recorded Aug 2d 1881— at 1. P.m. Posted Aug. 6th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. ¦ Town Clerk. Whereas a Jury, drawn in accordance with statute, hav ing decided that a highway, the continuation of West St. in the village of Patchogue, which said New Road crosses land owned by me was both necessary and proper, and — BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 937 Whereas the Board of Commissioners of Higliways of the Town of Brookhaven having caused a survey to be made and by an order dated this day propose to dedicate said Road and open it for the public use and benefit. Now therefore I the undersigned sole owner of land over which said highway is proposed to pass, for and in consideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby release all claim to damages by reason of the laying out and open ing of said highway. — Given under my hand at Page 445. Patchogue this twenty fifth day of July in the year 1881. Signed in presence of Ehsha Ackeriy. Justus Roe. Recorded Aug. 2d 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting held at Patchogue on Tuesday Aug. 2d 1881. The following named members of the Board were present. Mr Henry W. Carman, the President, Israel B. Tyler, Gideon F. Smith, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare. Joseph C. Valentine & A. A. Selover. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. It was moved by Trustee Dare, and Seconded by Gideon F. Smith that the four Oyster leases presented by Ex. Trustee, C. W. Baker, be signed by the President of the Board, and also by Mr Baker. Passed Messrs Rose & Dare, the Committee in charge of the Great South Bay in the Town of Brookhaven reported as follows, for the past month. Reed, up to Aug. 2d 1881. For Rent on New Leases issued — $20.00 For Renewing Leases — 80.00 $100.00 938 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. It was moved and Seconded that the Resolution pre sented by Mr E. T. Moore relating to Oyster Associations, be laid on the table until the next meeting of the Board. Mr C. E. Rose moved and it was granted by the Board that an additional Five feet of land under water to the East and extending the entire length of the Dock now held under lease from Page 446. this Town by John Silsbee at the foot of Ocean Avenue, Patchogue be granted to the same for the same time and under the same restrictions as contained in his present lease for the purpose of Erecting an Ice Brake for the protection of his present Dock. The Matter of leasing the Town's rights relative to Coram pond to Mr Lester H. Davis was again taken up, and on a vote being taken, was decided in the negative. The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr Lester II. Davis in Coram on Tuesday Sept. 6th 1881 at 10. A.M. Record & Survey of Atlantic Avenue Patchogue August 18th 1881. Whereas. — A Road in the village of Patchogue formerly called Love-lane, now known as Atlantic Avenue, leading from the Main or South Country Road at or near the house of John Overton in a Southerly direction to the Great South Bay has been used continuously and uninterruptedly as a public highway for upwards of twenty years last past. and Whereas — Application has been made to have said Road ascertained, described and entered of record as a public highway. — Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven— all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced, and a majority thereof being present. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 939 Do hereby Order.— That said Road be ascertained, de scribed and entered of record as a public highway, in accord ance with a survey made this da}' under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows : Commencing near the Great South Bay at or about Page 447. high watermark and ran First course N. 14° 45' W.^ — 2060 feet. — On this course 188.3 ft. from starting point the line passed 16.6 ft. from a Willow tree and 51.7 ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with the S. end of house on Est. of James Johnson ; at 890 ft. passed 35 ft. from the N. E. corner and in range with the N. end of a vacant house on land of Mrs Elizabeth Corey ; at 621 6 ft. passed 14.4 ft. Westerly of a locust stake at intersection of lands of James Cochrane and Samuel L'Hommedieu ; at 818.6 ft. passed nearly opposite the intersection of the extension of Middle Road 16.6 ft. from fence and 62.6 ft. from S. W. corner and in range with the front of house of Samuel L'Hom medieu ; at 1260 ft. passed 24.9 ft. from fence on E. side of road, 17.8 ft. from fence and 81 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with N. end of Main part of house of Mrs E. Corey ; at 1297 ft. passed 11.6 ft. Westerly of a large double oak tree ; at 1448 ft. passed 21 ft. from fence of Henry McKee on E. side of Road and 14.9 ft. from picket fence of Mrs E. Corey on W. side of Road ; at 1469 ft. passed 21.6 ft. from corner post at intersection of lands of lienry McKee and Mrs Joel Furman ; at 1526 ft. passed 11.2 ft. from a large hickory tree on W. side of Road ; at 1561 ft. passed 80.6 ft. from the N. W. corner and in range with N. end of house of Mrs Joel Furman ; at 1805 ft. passed 16.8 ft. from S. W. corner of picket fence in dooryard of Jacob Valentine adjoining land of Henry Mc.kee ; at 1909 ft. passed 16.2 ft. from fence and 46 ft. 940 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. from N. W. corner and in range with N. side of house of Jacob Valentine. Second Course N. 11° 50' W.— 1367 ft. On this course 60.6 ft. from starting point the line passed 16.6 ft. from fence and 44.9 ft. from N. W. corner and in range with N. side of barn of Jacob Valentine ; at 601 ft. passed 11.3 ft. Easterly of a large hickory tree ; at 1284.6 ft. passed 14 ft. from a large red oak tree and 21.3 ft. from fence on E. side and 17.7 ft. from fence on W. side of Road ; its terminus was the centre of track of South Page 448. Side Rail Road. Third Course. N. 11° 25' W.— 1630 ft. On this course 4 ft. from starting point the line passed 18.3 ft. Easterly from S. end of fence of Mrs William Roe ; at 77 ft. passed 14.6 ft. westerly of a large white Oak tree and 17.6 ft. Easterly of the fence fronting land of Mrs Wm. Roe ; at 843 ft. passed 16.8 ft. from the first and 29.6 ft. from a second fence fronting land of Mrs Wm. Roe ; at 868 ft passed 29.2 ft. from fence and 57 ft. from S. E. corner and in range with S. end of house of Mrs Wra. Roe ; at 1847 ft. passed 18.7 ft. East of fence of John Overton ; at 1463.9 ft passed 19.8 ft from fence and 52.11 ft from N. E. corner and in range with front of house of John Overton ; at 1688 ft. passed 18.4 ft. W. of old locust fence post on E. side and 21.3 ft. from corner post of fence of John Overton on W. side of Road and its terminus was the centre as near as could be determined of the Main or S. Countiy Road. The entire length of Road being 6037 ft. or about 8054 Rods. All courses as given being mag netic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said hne as above described shall be the centre line of said Road and of the uniform width of two rods. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 941 Given under our hands at Patchogue this eighteenth day of August in the year 1881. Oakley A. Overton | Commissioners Henry T. Osborn ( „- u •^ ) Highways Recorded Ang 25th 1881 at 1 P.M. Posted Aug 29th 1881 Henrv P. Hutchinson " Town Clerk. Page 449. Amended Record of Road at Eastport. Aug. 18—1881. Whereas, a Road in the Village of Eastport leading from the River Northwesterly to the Main or South Country Road, was as appears by record in the office of the Town Clerk, laid out many years ago. — and Whereas. — a Record and Survey of said Road was made April 16th — 1881 by the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven and Whereas satisfactory and conclusive evidence has been pi'oduced before us, that a portion of said record and survey was made without suffi cient care and deliberation. Now therefore, we the undersigned Board, all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and a majority thereof being present. Do hereby order — That said order made April 16th 1881 shall be amended so that the survey shall commence 81. ft. from starting point of second course on said survey, the order in all other respects to remain the same. Given under our hands at Patchogue this eighteenth day of August in the year 1881. ,-. 1 ^ A r\ i. ) Commissioners Oakley A. Overton ( ^ Henry T. Osborn | Highways 943 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Recorded Aug 25th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 450. Trustee Meeting, at Coram. Sept. 6th 1881. The following named Members of the Board were pres ent. Mr Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Joseph C. Valentine, and Alfred A. Selover. Mr C. E. Rose offered the following Resolution which was carried. Resolved that the Committee having in charge the waters of Brookhaven in the South Bay namely, C. E. Rose & Samuel Dare be and the same are hereby authorized to lease lots or plots of land under water in said Bay of Four acres each for the purpose of planting and cultivating oysters thereon West of and adjoining the Lots known as the Fiddleton Lots the width of Four Lots. The Bay Committee, C. E. Rose & Samuel Dare offered the follow ing Statement for the Month of August. For Rent on New Leases issued $61.00 " Renewing Leases 96.00 Reed. From Mr Cass for privilege of Dock 1.00 148^00 Mr Tyler reported for Port Jefferson Bay 3.00 It was then on the application of Mr C. E. Rose Trustee, — Resolved that a Lease or right be granted to Thomas H. Smith of Patchogue to extend his water fences not to ex ceed 50 — feet below low water Mark in the South Bay or to take such other action as may be necessary to protect his Strand to the West of Bay Avenue in the village of Pat chogue. Said lease or grant to be for Five years with the right of renewal at the annual Rental of one Dollar per year payable in advance each and every year. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 943 Page 461. The Bellport Dock matter came up and there being no definite date when the last Money was paid, the Sum of $6. was accepted as payment in full up to the first Tuesday in April 1882. It was Resolved to amend the Resolution passed May 4th. 1880— in relation to the boundary of Fiddleton Lots So as to allow the leasing of Additional lots by Resolution of this Board, passed at this Meeting Sept. 6th 1881. It was Resolved that a grant of the Town's rights in Half Mile Pond be given to Lester H. Davis for the term of Ten (10) years for the purpose of propagating Carp (A Species of Fish) upon the payment of the Sum of One Dollar. Said pond being located about one half Mile North of the Middle Island Presbyterian Church. It was then Resolved that Trustees, Samuel Dare and Joseph C. Valentine be and are hereby appointed a Com mittee to look after the ponds that are the property of the Town of Brookhaven. Resolved that all arrearages now due the Town of Brook haven by Dayton Brothers on the 20-acres held by them off Swan River Factory in the Great South Bay be Collected by the Overseers of the said Bay and the privileges enjoyed by the said Dayton Bros, of extra land adjoining the same be Surrendered to the Town on or before the 25th day of December 1882. Page 452. Record & Survey of Carlton Avenue, East Setauket June 2d 1881. Whereas a Road or Street in the village of East Setauket called and known as Carlton Avenue laid out and opened many years ago by the owner of the land through which said Road or Avenue passes. — and Whereas, — Application has been made to undersigned Board of Commissioners of 944 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to have said road or street ascertained, described and entered of record as a public highway. — and Whereas, said Road has for over twenty years last past been continuously and uninterruptedly used as a public highway, and seems to be of public neces sity and benefit. Now therefore we the undersigned Board all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present. Do hereby Order, That said Road be ascertained described and entered of record as a public Highway in accordance with a Survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor. — which survey is as follows viz : Commencing at a point as near as could be determined to be the centre of Grand St. fronting the land of Nehemiah Lland, and running one course only S. 82° 60' W. — 660 ft. On this course 16.6 ft. from starting point the line passed 22.6 ft. from the corner post of fence on land of Henry Tyler and 22.6 ft. from corner post of fence of land of Charity Jarvis on S. side of Road ; at 65 ft. passed 22.6 ft. from fence and 66 ft. from N. E. corner and in range with E. end of House of Charity Jarvis ; at 119.6 ft. passed 22.6 ft. from fence of Henry Tyler at intersection of land of Shepard Jones ; at 398 ft. passed 21 ft. from fence of Shepard Jones and 22.6 ft. from fence of Shepard Hulse at intersection of their lands Page 453. "on N. side of Road and 22.6 ft. from barn of Alfred Hulse on S. side of Road ; at 573.6 ft. passed 47.4 ft from S. W. corner and in range with front of house of Shepard Hulse ; at 625 ft. passed 22.6 ft. from fence of Alfred Hulse at 631 ft. passed 18 ft. S. of an Ash tree on N. side of Road ; its terminus was as near as could be determined to be the centre of Street known as the Shore Road or Water St. courses as above given being magnetic and distances in BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 945 feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said hne as above described shall be the centre line of said Road or Avenue and of the uniform width of Forty Five feet. Given under our hands at East Setauket, this second day of June, in the year 1881. J. B. Randall \ Commissioners Henry T. Osborn > of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Sept. 20th at 1 P.M. 1881 Posted Sept 2eth 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Record & Survey of Road at Selden L. I. June 23d 1881. Whereas A Road in the Village of Selden leading from the Middle Country Road Southerly a distance of nearly a mile to the Mooney Pond Road has been used as a public highway for upwards of twenty years last past. — and Whereas in using said Road the public have crossed the fields in various places much to the injury of the owners of land through which said Road passes. — and Whereas. — Application has been made to the undersigned Board of Commissioners of the Town of Brookhaven to have said Road laid out, defined Page 454. and recorded as a straight Road, and,— Whereas all the owners of land over which said Road passes have signed a release for all claim to damages by reason of the straight- uing and defining of said Road, which release accompanies this Record. — Now therefore we the undersigned Board, all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present, after a careful examination of said Road and believing it to be a public benefit and necessity, have caused a survey of said Road to 946 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. be made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows viz : Commencing at a point in the centre of the Mooney Pond Road and running one course only N. 2° 50' E.— 4704 ft. to the centre of the Middle Countiy Road. The starting point of this course was 20 ft. distant from a ditch on the S. side of the Mooney Pond Road, and 182 ft. Westerly from a very large White-oak tree in front of the West part of the door-yard about 100 ft. from the S. W. corner of the house of William Stulls ; at 60 ft. from starting point the line passed 83 ft. East from a ditch ; at 865 ft. crossed a ditch about 4 ft. E. of one ditch and 57.8 ft E. of a second ditch ; at 920 ft. crossed a ditch 53 ft. E. of a ditch and 26.4 ft. E. of a straight marked black oak tree on bank of ditch ; at 1690 ft. crossed a ditch 47 ft. E. of a ditch ; at 3110 ft. crossed a ditch 33.6 ~ftlE. of a ditch ; at 3617 ft. passed 26.9 ft. E. of a large black oak tree and 42.8 ft. E. of a ditch ; at 4214 ft. passed 38 ft. E. of a large red oak tree ; its terminus was 144 ft. W. of the range of a picket fence dividing lands of Nelson Norton and Walter S. Logan, and the line if continued 31.6 ft. would cross the picket fence on N. side of the Middle Country Road and if continued 64. ft would end at a point 21.6 ft W. of a locust tree on land of Walter S. Logan. The Page 456. names (ditch) underscored above, refer to those running about at right angles with line of Road, and those not under scored to those running nearly parallel with line. The course above given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that the hne as above described shall be the centre line of said Road, of the uniform width of two rods. Given under our hands at Selden this Twenty Third day of June in the year 1881. BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 947 J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn v of Oakley A. Overton ) Higliways Recorded Sept. 20th at 1 P.M. 1881 Posted Sept 26th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Record & Survey of Barnum Av. & Oak St. Port Jefferson. Aug. 24th 1881. Whereas, a Road in the village of Port Jefferson known as Barnum Avenue and leading from the Harbor in a Southerly direction to the upper part of the Vihage, and a Street known as Oaks St. leading from Barnum Av. West erly have been laid out and dedicated to the public use and benefit by the owner of the land through which said Roads pass.- and Whereas, the owner of said land Mr. P. T. Barnum of Bridgeport. Conn, has made a written request to the under signed Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven to have said Roads or Avenues entered of record as public highways. — and Whereas, the said P. T. Barnum has cleared, constructed and widened said Roads and rendered them in such suitable condition as to have met the approval of the undersigned Board. Page 456. Now therefore, we the undersigned Board, all having been duly called to deliberate on the subject embraced, and all being present, do hereby Order that said Roads or avenues be accepted, ascertained, described and entered of record as public Highways in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows. — Commencing at a point near the Harbor distant 4.10 ft. 948 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. W. of a Stone defining the centre of the Shore Road, and running one Course only. S. 34° 30' E.— 2138 ft. on said course 380 ft. from starting point the line crossed the centre of a small bridge passing over the creek ; at 497.10 ft. passed 25 ft from the fence and 41.6 ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with the S. end of house of Capt John Hulse at 1516 ft. passed 67. ft. from the S. E. corner and in range with the S. end of house of Harvey Markham ; its terminus was near the N. W. corner of the house of Orrin T. Dayton. Oaks St. commenced at the centre' of Barnum Av. and running one Course only S. 66° W. 663 ft.. On this Course 25 ft. from starting point tho line passed 25 ft. N. of a locust stake ; at 348 ft. passed 64.4 ft from N. W. corner and in range with W. end of house of Charles Randall ; its W. end was at the centre of Old Road and as near as could be determined the W. line of land of said P. T. Barnum, Courses as above given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said lines as above described shall be the centre lines of said Roads or Avenues of the uniform width of three rods. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this twenty fourth day of August in the year 1881. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn >• of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Sept. 20th at 1 P.M. 1881 Posted Sept. 26th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 457. Survey & Record of Brickiln Road. Port Jefferson August 24th 1881. Whereas, a Road in the Village of Port Jefferson known as the old brickiln Road leading from S. end of Barnum BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 949 Av. S. Easterly to Main St. has been used continuously and uninterruptedly as a public Highway for a period of upwards of 40 years last past, and — Whereas, — Said Road appears to be a public necessity. Now therefore, we the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven all of said Board having been duly called to deliberate on the subject em braced and all being present, do hereby Order. — That said Road be ascertained, described and entered of record as a pubhc highway in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows viz : Commencing at the centre of Barnum Av. 1916 ft. from the N. end of said Barnum Av. and running First Course S. 51° E.— 183 ft. On this Course 106 ft. from starting point the line passed 16 ft. from the picket fence of F. F. Darling on N. side and 16. ft. from stone fence of Orrin T. Dayton on S. side of Road, at 180 ft. passed 13.11 ft. from S. E. corner of barn of F. F. Darling and 18.11 ft. from stone post of fence of Orrin T. Dayton. Second Course S. 66° 20' E. 50.6 ft, the terminus of this course was the centre of the brook and distant 10.9 ft. from corner post of Thomas Newton at intersection of land of F. F. Darling and 10.9 ft. from stone post of fence of Orrin T. Dayton. Third Course S. 68° 15' E.— 102.3 ft; on this Course 96.4 ft from starting point the line passed 14.6 ft. from E. gate post of fence and 24 ft. from S. W. corner of house of Thomas Newton on N. side and 14.6 ft. from fence on S. side of Road ; its terminus was distant 38 ft. from fences on each side of Road, Fourth Course S. 82° 45' E. 47 ft. on this Page 458. course 45 ft. from starting point, the line passed 16.8 ft. from S. E. corner post of fence of Thomas Newton on N. side and 16.8 ft. from fence of George Darling on 950 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. S. side of Road ; its terminus was as near as could be determined the W. side of Main St. courses as given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. . And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road. On First course 87 ft. wide at beginning and gradually narrowing to 27.9 ft. at end ; thence gradually narrowing to 21.6 ft. at brook or end of second course ; thence gradually widening to 88 ft. at end of third course, the fourth and last course being of the uniform width of two Rods. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this 24th day of August in the year 1881. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn > of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Sept. 20th at 1 P.M. 1881 Posted Sep. 26th 1881. Henry P. Ilutchinson Town Clerk. Whereas a highway is proposed to be laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk, State of New York, on the Application of Harvey Markham and others, commencing at the North end of the Street laid out on the Map of my property in the Vihage of Port Jefferson, in said Town, and designated as Barnum Avenue, running Southerly as worked across said property, therefore I do hereby consent that said road be so located, opened, worked and used as a public Highway fifty feet in width as now laid out and worked through my said property. Furthermore, I do hereby consent that any or all of the other Avenues and Streets which are now laid out and worked on my Page 459. said property and represented and named on the map of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 951 the same now in possession of Harvey Markham, of said village, may be taken as highways of Fifty feet in width by said Commissioners. Witness my hand this 7th day of May 1879. Recorded Sep. 20th 1881. P. T. Barnum. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. We the undersigned Board of Commissioners of High ways of the Town of Brookhaven do hereby give consent to Charles P. Randall to erect in front of the store of J. B. Randall & Co. in the village of Port Jefferson a Hay scale to extend Easterly from the stoop of said store into the Highway a distance of not more than ten feet and the said Charles P. Randall is to keep said scale in good repair, the platform even with the road so as not to hinder the public from driving across it and the said Charles P. Randall shall be liable for all damages that occur by having said scale in the highway. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this 23d. day of Aug. in the year 1881. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn >¦ of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Sept. 20th 1881. Llenry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 460. Record & Survey of Cemetery Avenue, Port Jefferson. August 24th 1881. Whereas, a Road in the Village of Port Jefferson leading from the old post Road to the Cemetery has been used as a public highway for a period of over 20 years last past.— and Whereas, said Road has never been recorded, as a public highway. Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, 952 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present, after careful dehberation and believing said Road to be a public necessity. — Do hereby Order. — That said Road be ascertained, de scribed and entered of record as a public Highway in ac cordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows, viz : Commencing at a point as near as could be determined to be the centre line of the Old Post Road, and ran. First Course S. 5° 37' E.— 168.6 ft. The starting point of this course was distant 32 ft. from a point 10.4 ft. from the S. W. corner and in range with the front of barn of Albert T. Norton ; at 25 ft. from starting point the hne passed 16.6 ft. W. of a large locust tree ; its terminus was a stone buried in the ground 11.10 ft. from the fence and 12.10 ft. S. Easterly from a young locust tree. — Second Course S. 32° 02'' W. — 360 3 ft to a point 12.8 ft S. Easterly from the centre of a large marked bound stone on Est. of Harry Longbotham at intersection of land of Albert T. Norton. Third Course S. 14° 23' W.— 140.9 ft.— On this course 101 ft. from starting point the line passed 6.6 ft. Westerly of a pointed black rock about 18 inches high, and its terminus was a stone buried in the ground. Page 461. Fourth Course S. 33° 49' E.— 92.6 ft. at 40 ft. from start ing point the line passed opposite the point of the bank ; its terminus was a stone buried in the ground 81.8 ft. from the top of a brown rock near the edge of bank on N. side of road. Fifth course S. 75° 42' E.— 251.8 ft. its terminus being a stone buried in the ground. Sixth course S. 50° E.— 522 ft to a stone buried in the ground 29.5 ft. S. Easterly of a red oak tree and 22.9 ft. N. Easterly of a BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 953 White oak tree. Seventh Course S. 26° E.— 161.2 ft. to the centre of the Cemetery gate 21.8 ft. Westerly of a cedar tree in the Cemetery fence. All courses as above given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said line as above de scribed shall be the centre line of said Road of the uniform width of two rods. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this twenty fourth day of August in the year 1881. Henry T. Osborn ) Commissioners Oakley A. Overton V of J. B. Randall ) Highways Recorded Sept. 20th at 1 P M 1881 Posted Sept. 26th 1881 Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Survey & Record of Spring St. Port Jefferson. August 24th 1881. Whereas, a Road or Street in the Village of Port Jeffer son known as Spring St. was laid out and opened for the public use and benefit upwards of 20 years ago. — and Whereas, said Road or Street has been used continuously and uninterruptedly as a public highway for over 20 years last past. Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commis sioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, all of said Board having been duly Page 462. notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present. — Do hereby order, that said Road or Street be ascertained, described and entered of record as a public highway in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor, which Survey is as follows. 954 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. Commencing at a point as near as could be determined to be the E. side of Main St. 16.6 ft. from the fence of Daniel Hulse and 16.6 ft. from the fence fronting lot owned by the M. E. Church and ran one course only N. 76° 45' E.— 489 ft. at 110 ft. from starting point the lino passed 16.6 ft. from the front of Porch of M. E. Church ; its terminus was 16.8 ft. from fence of Joseph Davis and 16.8 ft. from N. E. corner of garden fence of Thomas J. Ritch at intersection of land of Benjamin Tuttle and oppo site land of Joseph Davis. Course as above being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Street of the uniform width of two rods. Given under our hands at Port Jefferson this Twenty Fourth day of August in the year 1881. J. B. Randall I Commissioners Henry T. Osborn y of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Sept. 20th 1881. Posted Sept 26th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson ¦ Town Clerk. Page 468. Whereas, difficulties having arisen regarding the legality of the record made June 8d. 1874 by the Board of Com missioners of Highways of this Town of the Road known. as the half-mile road leading from Terryville, Southwesterly to the old Town Road, which Road as then laid out crosses land now owned by me. Now therefore, for and in con sideration of the sum of One Dollar to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, I hereby agree to release all claim to damage by reason of the opening of said Road in accordance with a record and survey made this day by the Board of Commissioners of Highways of this Town. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 955 Given under my hands at Port Jefferson this first day of June in the year 1881. Recorded Sept. 20th 1881. I. B. Hawkins H. P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. Page 464. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Oct 4th 1881. All the Members of the Board were present as follows — Mr Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Joseph C. Valentine and Alfred A. Selover. The following preamble and Resolution was passed by the Board. Whereas Suit has been instituted by Sarah A. Vingut against the Setauket Presbyterian Church and in which the Trustees of the freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven are named as Defendants— there fore it is Resolved by this Board — that Messrs Strong & Spear be and are hereby employed to watch and defend Said case in the interest of the Town of Brookhaven. Re solved that a Committee of Two consisting of Messrs Car man and Dare wait upon C. W. Baker (Ex Trustee) with Mr Robert R. Smith and Secure a Settlement of the Bay Account for the year 1880. — Inasmuch as there is a large extent of Property located on the West Side of Port Jefferson Harbor owned by the Town of Brookhaven and occupied by Joseph Harris and others for which no revenue is being derived, therefore. Resolved that a Committee consisting of Israel B. Tyler and Joseph C. Valentine be appointed to investigate the matter and lease the same on the most advantageous terms to the Town — Page 466. The South Bay Committee, Messrs Rose & Dare— offered the following Report for the Month of September up to Oct. 4th 956 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. For Rent on new leases issued $107.00 For renewing Leases 22.00 For Rent on Bellport Dock 6.00 Reed, from Dayton Bros, back Rent on Roe's Flatt 30.83 Total $165.83 Mr Tyler, reported having received — For Oyster Leases $200.00 For Shore and Dock of James M. Bayles & Son 50.00 Total $250.00 The Board adjourned to meet at Mr Lester H. Davis in Coram on Tuesday Novr. 1st 1881. Recorded Oct. 5th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk — Survey & Record of Half-mile Road. Terryville June 1st 1881. Whereas — it appears by record in Book F. page 89 in office of the Town Clerk, that the Board of Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven by an Order dated June 3 — 1874 ascertained, described and entered of record a Road called the half-mile Road, leading Southwesterly from the Terryville Road to the Old Town Road. — and Whereas. — differences have arisen regarding the proper location, ownership and width of said Road, — and Whereas, the opening of said Road is deemed by us to be of vital importance and public necessity. — and Whereas, — by an agreement made this day with Isaac B. Hawkins sole owner of land over which a portion of said Road passes, a release for all claim to damages by reason of the opening of said Road, has been given by the said Isaac B. Hawkins, on condition that said Page 466. Road be made two rods in width, which release accom panies this record. —and Whereas,-- -in the judgement of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 957 the Board such agreement and adjustment is both just and proper, and such Road all that the pubhc necessity will ever require.- — Now therefore we the undersigned Board of Commissioners of Highways of said Town all having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present. Do hereby Order, that said Road be ascertained, described and entered of record in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe, Surveyor which Survey is as follows viz : Commencing at a stone in the centre of the Terryville Road 497 ft. S. of the line dividing lands of A. Hawkins Smith & Est. of Wilham Davis and 187ft. S. of the range of the N. side of House on Est. of said William Davis, the Terryville Road at this point having a bearing of N. 3° E. — and running one course only N. 85° 35' W. 660 ft. to a stone 20.6 ft. S. of a marked White oak tree and 15.4 ft from a corner post of fence on land of A. Hawkins Smith at intersection of lands of Est of Wilham Davis, the North line of said Road being two ft. S. of and parallel with the S. line of land of Est of William Davis.— Courses as above given being magnetic and distances in feet and inches. And it is further ordered that said line as above described shall be the centre hne of said portion of Half mile Road of the uniform width of two rods, the remaining portion of said Road to remain as per record made June 3d 1874. Given under our hands at Terryville, this First day of June, in the year 1881. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn V of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Oct 12th at 1. P.M. 1881. Posted Oct. 17th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. 958 'BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 467. Survey & Record of Road at Coram. June 1st 1881. Whereas, — a Road leading through the village of Coram, was laid out as appears by Record in Book A. page 228 of the Town records, by the Board of Commissioners of High ways of the Town of Brookhaven by an order dated Novr. 28th 1791. and surveyed, ascertained and described by said Board by an Order dated Sept. 8tli 1880— and Whereas, — in the above Order said Road was laid out described and recorded as a road seven rods in width. — and Whereas, — Application in writing signed by twelve free holders and citizens of said Town, has been presented to us asking that said Road be narrowed to four rods in width, which application accompanies this record — and Whereas, — in the judgment of the Board a Road four rods in width is all that the public necessity will ever re quire. — Now therefore we the undersigned members of the Board of Commissioners of Higliways of said Town, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliber ate on the subject embraced and a majority thereof being present. — Do hereby Order — That said Road be ascertained, described and entered of record as a four rod Road in accordance with a survey made this day under our direction and in our presence by Justus Roe. Surveyor, which survey is as follows. ^ — viz : Commencing at a point as near as could be determined where the centre lines of the old Town Road leading from Setauket and the Main Road leading from Port Jefferson unite, and running First Course S. 66° 30' E. 220 ft. The starting point of this course was 33 ft. N. from the West end of board fence fronting cleared land of William Osborn ; at 66 ft. passed 88.6 ft. from fence at corner of shed and 45 ft. from N. E. corner BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 959 Page 468. and in range with E. end of barn of William Osborn ; at 115 ft. passed 33 ft. from fence of Wihiam Osborn on S. side of Road ; its terminus was 54.6 ft. from fence of Wm. Osborn. 79 ft. from the N. W. corner of store of Wilham Osborn and 33 ft. South-Easterly frorn a double Apple tree on N. side of Road thence running Second Course S. 41° E.— 344 ft. On this Course 62 ft. from starting point the line passed 46 ft from N. W. corner and in range with the W. end of store of Wilham Osborn ; at 93 ft. passed 35 ft. from face of corner of ditch on land of Henry Smith ; at 144 ft. passed 41.6 ft. froip corner of fence and 49 ft. from centre of locust tree near fence of William Osborn on W. side of Old Country Road leading to Selden ; at 304 ft. pa.ssed 85 ft. from W. end of picket fence fronting the door yard of Henry Smith on property recently owned by Messrs J. B. & J. M. Overton, and 36.4 ft. from a large locust tree near fence on S. side of Road fronting land of Mrs. E. L. Doherty ; its terminus was as near as could be ascer tained the centre of the intersection of Main Road with Road leading to the Lake — All courses being magnetic and distances as given being in feet and inches. — and It is further ordered, that said line as above described shall be the centre line of said Road and of the uniform width of four rods. — Given under our hands at Coram this first day of June in the year 1881 — J. B. Randall ) Commissioners Henry T. Osborn V of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Oct 12th at 1. P.M. 1881. Posted Oct. 17th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. 960 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 469. Trustee Meeting at Coram. Novr. 1st 1881. Present. Mr. Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare, Gideon F. Smith, Joseph C. Valentine, and Alfred A. Selover. The Committee appointed at the last Meeting to wait upon C. W. Baker (Ex Trustee) and secure a Settlement of the Bay account for the year 1880. Reported having complied with the terms of Said resolution, and after a careful examination of Mr Baker's Books, report the Town's indebtedness to Mr. Robert R. Smith to be $106.60 Mr Gideon F. Smith moved and it was unanimously carried that the report of the Committee to Settle the Accounts of the Great South Bay between Mr C. W. Baker and the Town be received and that the sum of $100 be paid to Mr Robert R. Smith which he consented to take as pay ment in full on his share of Bay money up to and ending April 1st 1881. The South Bay Committee, Messrs Rose & Dare reported for the Month of October as follows — For Rent on New Leases Issued — $30.00 " Renewing Leases — 24.00 " Lease of Shore Rent 2.00 " Grass on Fiddleton Flats 8.00 Total $59.00 Mr Tyler Reported as follows Reed, for leases of lots in Port Jefferson and Setauket Harbors $847.60 Shore Rent at Port Jefferson 20.00 Total $367.50 Trustees, Tyler and Valentine, the Committee appointed to investigate the Matter, of land held by Joseph H. Harris BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 961 in Port Jefferson, reported him as now holding about 450 feet of Shore front. Page 470. The rent and time of lease was fixed upon at $40, per Annum, for the term of Five (6) years, but the lease granted was held in abeyance until next Meeting, when Mr Harris could have an opportunity to represent his side of the case to the Board and obtain said lease. The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr Lester H. Davis in Coram on the first Tuesday in December 1881. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. Overseers of Highways 1881. At a meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. on the 1st day of Novem ber 1881— we the undersigned in accordance with the law do hereby appoint the following persons to be Overseers of Highways in the Road Districts the number of which is placed opposite, each respective name for the ensuing year. No of Dist Names Location of Districts 1 David T. Bayles Stony Brook 2 Paul N. Brown " 3 James H. Macy South Setauket 4 John P. L'LIommedieu " " 6 Algernon S. Mills East Setauket 6 William Jarvis N. E. " 7 Caleb H. Davis Port Jefferson 8 Selah Tooker Mt. Sinai 9 George W. Hopkins South " " 10 John J. Davis Mihersplace 11 Sylvester Hallock Rocky Point 12 Joseph C. Valentine Wading River 18 George C. Raynor Manor North 963 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 14 Morris Raynor 16 Herbert M. Reeve 16 Jesse Rogers 17 Alpheus Hawkins 18 Robert A. Carman 19 Nathaniel Miller 20 Walter Raynor 21 William B. Hedges 22 Jeremiah Jones 23 Wihiam Ackerly 24 James R. Boddy 25 John P. Overton 26 Charies IL Newton 27 Wallace L'Hommedi 28 Davis Hammond 29 Orrin Mott 30 William Osborn 31 Daniel R. Davis 32 Charles Overton 33 Hiram E. Terry 34 Elbert S. Homan 35 George W. Ritch 36 Edgar G. Swezey 37 Joseph H. Randall 38 Robert F. Hawkins 39 Charles H., Marvin 40 Robert R. Smith 41 Robinson Gordon 42 Norton Robinson 43 Azel R. Swezey 44 Nathaniel Wiggins 45 Henry Deery 46 Sylvester D. Tuthill " South East Moriches Page 471. Eastport Mastic South Haven Brookhaven Bellport East Patchogue S. " Lane South " West Patchogue Bluepoint Lake Grove eu New Vihage West East Selden Coram li HolbrookFarmingville Coram Hills Middle Island " " Centre & North " East & South Millville - Y^aphank Ridge Manor East Swan River Swezey Town Centre Moriches Centre Moriches west Rocky Point BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 963 47 John J. Woodhull Woodville 48 Bartlett Ross Moriches 49 Joseph Jayne Oldfield 60 Charles E. Rose Patchogue 61 J. Wm. Overton East " East 62 John D. Seaman Brookhaven— West 53 Charles Tooker Centre Moriches — East 54 Robert IL. Farmer Holtsville 55 Joseph N. Brown Patchogue — Short Neck 56 David Y. Edwards Manor. Peconic Mills. 57 Nelson Gerard Fireplace Neck. Dated Novr. 1st 1881. Henry T. Osborn ) Commissioners J. B. Randall ^ of Oakley A. Overton ) Highways Recorded Novr. 2d 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 472. County of Suffolk ] Town of Brookhaven j We the undersigned freeholders of the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk, having been summoned as a Jury as required by law, not interested in the lands through which the road hereinafter described is proposed to be laid or widened, Nor of Kin to the owners thereof, having appeared at the Store of Charles S. Havens in said Town on the 12th day of November 1881. were duly sworn by George Hallock Justice of Peace to well and truly certify as to the necessity of a Highway Com mencing at the South Country Road in the village of Centre Moriches, and running Northerly to the Brooklyn and Montauk Division of the Long Island Rail Road passing through the lands of the heirs of George Howell, African M. E. Church, the heirs of Nathaniel Udall, Selah Smith, Margaret Smith, Presbyterian Church, School Dis. No. 33 964 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. All improved lands. And through the unimproved lands of William Daniels and Rebecca M. Hulse. — And having personally examined the route of such High way and heai'd the reasons offered for or against such pro posed road. Do hereby Certify that such highway is neces sary and proper. In Witness whereof we have hereto sub scribed our names this 12th. day of November 1881 — And we do hereby recommend that the Commissioners open the said road to the width of four rods. John S. Havens Geo. M. Ackerly George F. Carman George E. Lland Robt. R. Smith Charies E. Davis Edwd. L. Gerard W. H. Edwards Usher H. Benjamin Gilead Hawkins I hereby certify that the above is a true verdict of the Jury sworn by me to certify to the necessity of the above Road. Recorded Deer. 2d 1881. George E. Hallock H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Justice of the Peace Page 473. Church Road Centre Moriches. Whereas on the application of Alvah Jones a resident of Centre Moriches in the Town of Brookhaven and liable to be assessed for Highway labor therein ; To have the road known as the Old Church Road in Centre Moriches widened. Said Church road was laid out by the Commissioners of the Town of Brookhaven, by an Order bearing date the 24th day of January 1852 and recorded in Book E. page 8. of the Town records but never sufficiently described, — A Jury of twelve freeholders was drawn in accordance with the Statute by the Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven at his office on the 29th day of October 1881. Whereas said Jury were duly summoned and at a Meeting held at the store of Charles S. Havens in Centre Moriches BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 965 on the 12th day of November 1881 — after having viewed the route of said road and heard the evidence presented ; did by a unanimous vote decide that a four rod road was both proper and necessary. Therefore we the undersigned Board after a careful de liberation and examination of said road, all of said Board having been duly notified to attend and deliberate on the subject embraced and all being present. Do hereby Order that said road or highway be laid out, described, opened and recorded, in the office of the Town Clerk in accordance with a survey made under our direction and in our presence by Jehiel S. Raynor, Surveyor, on this the 22d day of November 1881 — and is as follows viz : Commencing at a point in the centre of the South Coun try Road about 100 ft. west of the Presbyterian Church and running North 3° 14' West of true 'Meridian 1709j52- ft. to the centre of the Brooklyn and Montauk R. R. Track — said centre line at 56-^^ ft. from place of beginning passes 96/j ft. West from S. W. corner and in range with South end Page 474. of Presbyterian Church, at 112fg ft. passes 102^1^ ft. from N: W. corner of said Church and in range with N. end of said' Church— at llOif ft. hne passes 36^*^ ft. West of the centre of a large Oak tree.— at 340y\ ft. line passed 663^^ ft. West of and in range with North side of the School house. — at 927t*^ ft. it passed 54^V ft- East from the N. E. corner of the African Church and 84 ft. East of the centre of a large Oak tree, at 1016^^ ft it passes 49^-V ft. East of S. E. corner of N. Udall's house, At 1226^"^ ft. it passes 50^ ft. East from S. East corner of Selah Smith house,— At 1484y3^ ft. it passes 65^^^ ft. East of the house of George Smith's and at 1586 ft. it passes 1^^^ ft- West of a Stone marking the S. W. corner of the R. Road property.— And 966 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. its terminus was the centre of the Rail Road Track— All distances being in feet and inches. and it is further Ordered that the said described line shall be the centre hne of said Highway, of the uniform width of Four rods. Given under our hands this the 22d day of November 1881. J. B. Randall ) Commissioners O. A. Overton V of H. T. Osborn ) Highways Recorded Deer. 2d at 1 P.M. 1881. Posted Deer. 6th 1881. Henry P. Hutchinson. ' Town Clerk. Page 475. Trustee Meeting, at Coram Deer. 6th 1881. Present Mr Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Israel B. Tyler, Gideon F. Smith, Samuel Dare, Joseph C. Valentine, Charies E. Rose and Alfred A. Selover. — Also Mr E. H. Terry of Patchogue the South Side Overseer of the Poor was present. Trustee Charles E. Rose applied for a lease of Shore near the foot of Ocean Avenue in the vihage of Patchogue — Three Hundred feet (300) fronting his own Strand. It was Moved & Carried that President Carman and A. A. Selover be Appointed a Committee to view the premises, Measure them, and report at the next Meeting of the Board. Messrs Rose & Dare, the South Side Committee Report for the Month of November was as follows. — Reed, for Rent on New Leases Issued $36.00 " " Renewing Leases 37.00 $.78.00 Mr Tyler's Monthly Report for the North S. was $48.55 Mr Edgar Daniels of Moriches paid to the Town through BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 967 the hand of Trustee Smith the Sum of $3.00 one year's Rent for (New Made Island) A lease for the same was given for one year Dated April 1st 1881 — But in accordance with an application from the said Edgar Daniels it was Resolved by the Board at this Meeting to Renew said lease for Four years from the date of expiration, or to April 1st 1886. The Board adjourned to meet at the House of Mr L. H. Davis in Coram on the Second Tuesday in January 1882. Henry P. Hutchinson. — Clerk End of Book F. 968 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS, BOOK H— PAGE 1. Trustee Meeting at Coram. Tuesday Jan 10th 1882.— Present — Mr. Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Mr Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare Joseph C. Valentine< Gideon F. Smith and Alfred A. Selover, Trustees, also Mr. Edward H. Terry the South Side Overseer was present. The Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Board were read and approved. The following was then offered and passed. Whereas, The Board of Supervisors at their last meeting refused to repeal Resolution No. 20. known as the Spawn Law. ^Therefore — Resolved that this Board of Trustees hereby approve of the action of said Board of Supervisors believing the repeal of said law would be destructive of the interests of our town and detrimental to the welfare of the majority of our Citizens. — The South Bay Committee reported for the month of December and up to this date, as having received as follows — Reed, for rent on new Leases issued. $11.00 " for renewing Leases, $37.00 " from Sanford Weeks, Lease of Dock 10.00 Total $.58.00 Mr Israel B. Tyler reported having received during the same time on the North Side for Leases of Oyster Lots &c.— ' $.71.50 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 969 On the representations of Hon. George F. Carman, it was voted that Mr. Joseph C. Valentine be and hereby is appointed a committee to investigate into the extent of property owned by the Town, at Ridgeville, and its value. The Committee consisting of Mr. Henry W. Carman & A. A. Selover appointed at the last meeting to view the 800 feet of Strand applied for by Mr. Charles E. Rose at the foot of Ocean Avenue in the vihage of Patchogue, reported having viewed said premises, and decided that said application should be denied, and Therefore it was so resolved by the Board. Mr. Rose then applied for a lease of Water front Page 2. opposite his strand so as to protect the latter. It was then Resolved by the Board that a lease or right; be granted to Charles E. Rose to extend his Water fences not to exceed (60) fifty feet below low water mark into the South Bay or to take such other action as may be neces sary to protect his strand to the East of Ocean Avenue in the Village of Patchogue. Said Lease or grant to be fo^ Five years with the privilege of renewal, at the annual rental of One Dollar, per year payable in advance each and every year. It was moved & carried that the Bay Constables Bills as presented at the last meeting — amounting to $48.00 be paid. Resolved that all persons holding Leases for Oyster Lots and have not renewed the same, and do not on or before the 26th day of Feb 1882. will be declared forfeited and revert back to the Town. Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr Lester H. Davis in Coram, on the first Tuesday, in February 1882. Recorded Jan 11th 1882— Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. 970 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 8. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Feb 14th 1882. Present, Mr. Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare, Gideon F. Smith, Alfred A. Selover, and Joseph C. Val entine, Trustees. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. Mr. Tyler reported having re ceived during the month of January, for Leases &c on the " North Side" $.160.75 Messrs. Rose & Dare the " South Side" Committee, re ported for the month of January as follows. Reed, for Renewing Leases, $.52.00 " " Rent on new Leases issued, 10.00 Total $.62.00 Trustee " Valentine" who was appointed at the January meeting to investigate in regard to the extent of Town property along the Highway (South Side) at Ridgeville, — Reported that he could not find anything there of value to the Town. Mr Sanford Weeks applied for the privilege to Erect a portable Dock 800 feet off Shore, to the East of Ocean Avenue, Patchogue, for the convenience of his Summer Boarders, commencing on the Eastern portion of the strand now owned by C. E. Rose. It was Resolved by the Board that a committee consisting of the President, Mr. Henry W. Carman and A. A. Selover, be appointed to examine said location and report at next meeting. The following Resolution was offered by Trustee Valentine, seconded by Trustee Dare and carried unanimously. Whereas, The sum of $.1200. which by the terms of the compact. Dated July 18th 1880 made between the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven and the citizens of Islip is now in the hands of Mr John Wood Supervisor of the Town of Islip ready to be paid over to the order of said Trustees. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 971 Page 4. Therefore be it Resolved, That said compact be, and hereby is ratified and confirmed, and that Henry W. Car man Esq. President of this Boai'd, is hereby authorized and directed to call on said Supervisor for said amount, and on payment thereof, to deliver to him the Bond taken as Security therefor, and to pay over Said money to the Treasurer of this Board, to be expended under its authority, for the purposes named in Said Compact. Trustee Selover offered the following Resolution which was passed by the Board. Resolved — That the inhabitants of Eastern Islip and Brookhaven Town be and hereby are granted the privilege of taking Spawn or Seed oysters in the public waters of the Great South Bay, from the first to the Fifteenth day of May 1882. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday in March 1882. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk Page 6. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday, March 7th. 1882. The members of the Board were present as follows. Mr. Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Messr-s. Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare, Gideon F. Smith, Joseph C. Valentine, and Alfred A. Selover, Trustees. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. A. A. Selover, a Representative of the Committee appointed to view the Strand at Patchogue, applied for, last meeting by Mr Sanford Weeks— reported that said applicant had withdrawn his apphcation. The following Resolution was passed by the Board. Resolved, that we the Trustees of the Town of Brook haven, do concur in the recommendation made by Mr. 973 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Walter L. Suydjim in behalf of the Town of Islip, that Assembly bill No. 34. be amended by inserting after the word " Oysters" in the (8th) Eighth line the following. "in any of the waters of this State — other than in the waters of the Great South Bay." Resolved that a copy of the above be sent to Assemblyman " Fletcher" and one to Senator, Covert. Mr. C. E. Rose applied for a lease of Grass on Fiddleton for the term of Three years at the annual Rental of $.3. "o per year, for Alexander Darrow. The application was granted by the Board. Mi\ C. E. Rose moved to amend the Resolution passed Jan lOtli. 1882 (Recorded on page (2) of this Book) in relation to the renewal of oyster leases in the South Bay — be extended to the 25th. day of March 1882. The " South Bay Committee" presented a bill for $.300. amount of money expended in accordance with a previous Resolution authorizing the expenditure of the same from the money received from the Town Page 6. of Islip to seed the Bay, amounting to $.300. The South Bay Committee Dare & Rose reported receipts for the month of February as follows. Reed, for Rent on new Leases issued $88.00 " for Renewing Leases, 128.00 " for Lease of Strand to C. E. Rose 1.00 " for Grass on South Beach from Capt. Chas. Ryder, Augustus Hawkins & Jeremiah Glover, 12.60 Total $.179.50 '" -Mr. Israel B. Tyler, reported having received of Town's money during the month of February on the North-side $.82.60.— BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 973 The following preamble and Resolution presented by Trustee, Selover, was passed by the Board. Whereas ; — The Books in which have been recorded tho transactions of the various "Bay Committees" that have been selected from the Several Boards of Town Trustees of past years have been held by Said Committees as private property, and Whereas — Their Successors in office have had no means of obtaining information in regard to the transactions of Said " Bay Committees" by reason of having no record of the Same — therefore be it Resolved, that the president of this Board Mr. Henry W. Carman, authorize Trustee, Rose of the Bay Committee to purchase a suitable Book in which shall be Recorded the present Bay Committees trans actions, of what-ever nature or kind that have been per formed by them, in the interest of the Town, during their term of office. Said Book to be the property of the Town. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on Tuesday March, 28th 1882. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Page 7. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday, March 28th 1882. Present, Mr. Henry W. Carman, the President of the Board, Trustees Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare, Alfred A. Selover, Gideon F. Smith, and Joseph C. Valentine. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap proved. It was moved and carried that Trustees Valentine and Selover be appointed a committee to audit Treasurer Tyler's Book of accounts with the Town, as kept by him during the past year. It was Resolved by the Board that its President be authorized to sign a certain writing— a copy of the same being herein recorded, which is as follows. Whereas Benjamin T. Hutchinson late of the Town of Brookhaven, in Suffolk County, deceased was indebted to 974 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. said Town in the sum of Two Hundred Dollars or there abouts, and the Said Town through its Board of Trustees was indebted to said Benjamin T. Hutchinson for Services by him rendered to said Town to nearly the same amount. Now let this paper Witness, that said Board of Trustees in consideration of the rendition of said services, does hereby release and forever discharge the Estate of said Benjamin T. Hutchinson from the said indebtedness, and the admin istratrix of the Estate of said Benjamin T. Hutchinson, deceased, in consideration of the foregoing discharge and release, does hereby forever discharge and release said Town and Board of Trustees from the aforementioned indebtedness to said Benjamin T. Hutchinson deceased. Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven — by its President Henry W. Carman — ^President. Minerva Hutchinson. Adinx. Page 8. The undersigned appointed a committee to examine the accounts of the Overseers of Poor beg leave to report that they have examined the Books and vouchers and find that they have received from all sources $2386.37 and have expended for the relief of the Poor and other expenses $3,206.07. leaving a balance due them of $819.70. Chas. R. Smith. ) ^ ... Thos. H. Saxton. [ Committee Dated, Coram, March, 28th 1882. Mr. Selover offered the following Resolution which was passed by the Board. Resolved that $.600.00 be and is hereby appropriated out of the money reed, from the Town of Ishp, to purchase Seed Oysters to be spread on public ground in the South Bay. $.200. to be expended East of Howell's point, to E. T, Smith's West line. The Committee appointed to audit the accounts of Mr BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 975 Israel B. Tyler the Treasurer of this Board respectfully report that we find his accounts correct. A. A. Selover. ) ^ ... J. C. Valentine. [ Committee The South Bay Committee Rose & Dare Reported hav ing reed, during the month of March from the 7th to the 28tli as follows. Reed, for rent on New Leases issued. $.78.00 " for renewing Leases, 66.00 Total— $.144.00 The Board adjourned to meet on Town Meeting day, April 4th. 1882. ' Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 9. Trustee Meeting at Coram, April 4th 1882. Town Meet ing day All the members of the Board were present — as follows. Trustees — -Israel B. Tyler, Charles E. Rose, Samuel Dare, Gideon F. Smith, Joseph C. Valentine, Alfred A. Selover, and the President of the Board, Mr Henry W. Carman. It was moved and carried that Trustees Gideon F. Smith and Joseph C. Valentine be appointed a Com mittee to audit the past year's monthly Reports of the South Bay Committee consisting of Samuel Dare and Charles E. Rose. After the accounts had been duly examined the following Resolution was passed By the Board. Resolved, that the Statement of account rendered by the South Bay Committee, Messrs C. E. Rose & Samuel Dare having been found correct by the Committee appointed by this Board, to examine the same, be hereby accepted. The South Bay Committee gave their last report for the year ending with this Meeting as follows. — Reed, since the previous meeting of the Board, held March 28th 1882. to the date of this meeting April 4th '82 as follows. 976 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Reed, for rent on New leases issued $.133.00 " for Renewing Leases 74.50 " for Grass 6.00 Total— $.213.50 Moved & carried that the Bay constables Bills amting to $144. be paid. The following was offered by Trustee /Selover and was passed by the Board. Whereas, Complaint has been made that a great number of acres of South Bay bottom belonging to the Town of Brookhaven, has been staked in and held by parties who pay no rental on the same. Therefore be it— Resolved, That for the purpose of ascertaining who have paid, who do pay, and who do not pay for ground staked in as afore said, that all Leases, from and after April 4th 1882, Shall be presented to the President of the Board of Trustees, with the Bay Committee for examination and consent to renewal. Page 10. The following Statement was then presented and Signed by the President of the Board. Coram, L. I. April 4th 1882. Town of Brookhaven. In account with Robert R. Smith. Amount received from Rose and Dare (the South Bay committee) from all sources as revenue from the South Bay, to April 4th. 1882. $.1499.33 Bills of Rose and Dare $.376.40 " for Printing & advertising 14.10 " of Bay Constables, 839.00 Total $.729.60— 729.50 Balance or Nett amount of revenue $.769.88 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 977 Amount due Town of Brookhaven. $.384.91 Amount due Robert R. Smith 384.92 one half Total $.769.83 of nett amt. $.769.83 The Presidents certificate as follows. I. Henry W. Carman, President of the Board of Trus tees of the Town of Brookhaven, hereby cerUfy, that at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Said Town, held at the house of Lester H. Davis, in Coram, April 4th 1882. the above statement of account, between the Town of Brookhaven and Robert R. Smith, was duly presented and audited by said Board. Henry W, Carman, President. The following preamble and Resolutions were unani mously adopted by the Board in honor of its President. At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven held April 4th. 1882 at the house of Lester H. Davis in the vihage of Coram it was unanimously — Resolved. That whereas, Henry W. Carman after fourteen years of Service as Trustee and President of this Board during the two years last past, now retires at his own request, and — Whereas, during our association with him Page 11. we have always found him at his post of duty, ever ready anxious and willing to perform cheerfully and willingly whatever duties might be required of him, and — Whereas, by his retirement we beheve the Town of Brookhaven loses the Services of a valuable public officer. Resolved, that we hereby tender him our hearty and sincere thanks for the courteous and gentlemanly treatment we have ever received from him, as well as for the impartial judgment he has 978 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ever used in his rulings as presiding officer of this Board, and that it is with regret that we have been compelled to disconnect our association with him. Resolved, that a copy of the above preamble and Resolu tions be published in the Patchogue " Advance" and Port Jefferson " Times" and also be spread at length on the minutes. Israel B. Tyler Samuel Dare Charles E. Rose Gideon F. Smith Joseph C. Valentine Alfred A. Selover (In order as signed) Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk Board of Trustees Page 12. Town Meeting day, April 4th 1882. Coram. L. I. Supervisor, John S. Havens, Read to the people, the Statement of the financial standing of the Town, after which it was — Voted that the Balance of the Dog Tax of 1880, amounting to $.267.40 — be appropriated towards defraying the deficiency in the contingent fund of the Town. Voted, that the amount of money received from Bays and public property of the Town of Brookhaven, be applied to the Support of the Poor of said Town. Voted, that the Sum of $.2000.AA or so much thereof as may be necessary be raised to pay contiiigent expenses of the Town. Voted, that the sum of $.2600.00 be placed in the Tax levy for Support of the Poor of the Town for the coming year. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 13. Town Meeting of Brookhaven. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECODES. 979 of Brookhaven, in Suffolk County, do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 4th day of April 1882 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town, the following officers were elected to the respective offices named. For Supervisor Sidney S. Norton. Town Clerk Henry P. Hutchinson Justices of the Peace Charles R. Smith 4 yrs. William J. Weeks 4 yrs. James B. Adriance to fill vacancy to 1884 — For President of Trustees Alfred A. Selover Trustees Alfred A. Selover John R. Davis Sylvester D. TuthiU John S. Randall Samuel E Smith Austin Culver C. Wallace Ruland Overseers of the Poor Edward H. Terry Hamilton T. Bayles. Assessors Daniel W. Davis 8 yrs Henry W. Carman 3 yrs. Commissioners of Highways I Selah S. Brewster 3 yrs. 980 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Collector John Roe Smith Page 14. Constables Walter C. Howell Amos B. Laws Nathaniel Edwards James Palmer Constables George W. Hastings S. Warren Wines Addison H. Bumstead L. Irving Overton Game Constable Wm. II. Raynor Bay Constables Wm. L. Newins Joseph Hallock Commissioner of Excise Wihiam S. Simpson Inspectors of Election 1st Dist. 1 Aaron A Hawkins. 2 John H. Smith appd. 8 John F. Hawkins 2d Dist 1 Wra. T. Hulse 2 Hamilton T. Bayles appd. 8 Charles F. Roe 3d Dist 1 George E. Davis 2 John H. Tooker appd. 3 Joseph N.. King 4th Dist. 1 Samuel Martin 2 John L. Havens appd. 3 Gideon F. Smith 6th Dist. 1 J. llomer Gordon 2 George M. Hawkins appd. 8 Charies S. Piatt 6th Dist 1 George H. Valentine 2 Wm. S. Simpson appd. 3 Emmerson G. Terrell BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 981 7th Dist. 1 Isaac W. Gould 2 John S. Randall appd. 8 John R. Dayton We certify that the above is a true and correct statement of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting. Brookhaven April 4th 1882. Charles R. Smith 1 t z- ,. Geo. E. Hahock ! Justices of of D. H. Raynor Timothy Ketcham George W. Hopkins T. 11. Saxton Brookhaven Town Recorded April 5th 1882. Henry P. Hutchinson. ¦ Town Clerk. Page 15. Trustee Meeting at Coram, April Uth 1882. The first meeting of the newly elected Board of Trustees, All the members were present as follows — Messrs. Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, C. Wallace Ruland, and Samuel E. Smith, with Mr. Alfred A. Selover the President of the Board. On motion of Mr. Tuthill, Trustee Culver was unani mously elected Treasurer of the Board. The next matter before the Board was the appointment of Bay Committees. Trustees, John R. Davis and S. D. Tuthill were ap pointed a Committee to take charge of the Port Jefferson Bay and other waters belonging to the Town on the North Side. Messrs. A. A. Selover and C. W. Ruland were appointed a committee to take charge of that portion of the Great South Bay, belonging to the Town of Brook haven. Trustee Tuthill moved and it was carried, that the Reso lution passed at the March Meeting, appointing a committee 983 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of one to procure a Book in which to record the transactions of the Great South Bay be amended so as to read — That a committee be appointed to procure two Suitable Books in which to record all transactions of whatever nature pertain ing to Port Jefferson Bay and the Great South Bay of interest to the Town. Said Books to be the property of the Town. It was moved by Trustee Tuthill and carried, that the Patchogue "Advance" and Port Jefferson "Times" be the authorized papers to publish the proceedings of the Board for the ensuing year. Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Board be, and the same is hereby directed to pay over to the Committee hav ing charge of the Great South Bay the Sum of $.600. for the purposes as specified in a Resolution passed at a meet ing of the Board of Trustees, held March 28tli. 1882 Page 16. Trustee Smith off'ered the following which was carried. Whereas, at a meeting of the Trustees held Feb 14th 1882, it was voted, that the inhabitants of Eastern Islip and Brookhaven Town be granted the privilege of taking Spawn in the public waters of the Great South Bay from the first to the 15th of May. Therefore be it. Resolved. That Said Resolution be amended to read as follows — That the inhabitants of Brookhaven and Eastern Islip be, and the same are hereby granted the privilege of taking spawn or Seed oysters in the waters of the Great South Bay owned by the Town of Brookhaven from the first to the 15th day of May 1882. and said inhabitants owning seed lots are hereby granted the privilege of removing spawn from the same within said time, to their oyster lots, but each and every individual is hereby prohibited from selhng, carrying, taking or shipping said spawn beyond the waters of said Town. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 983 Mr Culver offered the following which was carried, Resolved, That inasmuch as no provision was made at Town Meeting for the payment of Bay Constables, this Board authorize and empower the Trustees appointed as overseers of the Great South Bay, to employ the same at all times when they in their judgement may deem their services re quired, the charges to be paid by the Board. It was voted, that the President Mr. A. A. Selover be and hereby is appointed a committee to appear before the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on the 24th Inst. with a view to- opposing the rescinding of the present spawn law. It was voted that the President and Trustee, C. W. Ruland, be appointed a committee to ascertain the cost of making a Survey and draft of the Great South Bay owned by Brookhaven Town, giving the location of lots, and re port at the next meeting of the Board. Trustee Randall offered the following which was carried. Resolved, That all funds now in the hands of Israel B. Tyler, (Ex Treasurer) belonging to the Town be paid over to Page 17. Mr Culver, Treasurer of this Board and his receipt en dorsed by the President be given as a voucher for the same. It was then voted that the Board adjourn to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday in May— 1882. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Tuesday, May 2d There not being a quorum of Trustees present on acct. of some of the members being engaged (in Spreading Spawn oysters &c) no meeting was held. There fore at the call of the President, the May meeting was held on the 2d. Tuesday the 9th. Trustee Meeting at Coram, May 9th. 1882. (Tuesday) All the Members of the Board were present as follows. Messrs Austin Culver, Svlvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, 984 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. John S. Randall, C. Wallace Ruland, and Samuel E. Smith, Trustees, with Mr. Alfred A. Selover the President of the Board. The Minutes of the April meeting were read and ap proved.^ — The President reported having appeared before the Board of Supervisors, and that no effort had been made before that body, tending to repeal the Spawn law. Cer tain amendments, however had been made, some of which he did not concur in. After a considerable discussion, the Board of Trustees decided to enforce the law in regard to Spawn as passed at the April meeting and, to have it pub lished. The following letter from Supervisor Norton was then read before the Board. Supervisor's office Port Jefferson, April 29th 1882 To the President and Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven. Gentlemen, Referring to the recent report of my pre decessor, in relation to the difference of opinipn which seems to exist with regard to the powers and prerogatives vested in the Trustees of this Town, I deem it my duty thus early in my official Page 18. life to put my-self on record as fully concurring in the views of Mr Havens, as set forth in his late report. It would seem to me that the officers of the Town should be in accord on all questions affecting its welfare, and ray only object in addressing you this time is to learn if possible, the exact position you assume, what powers you claim to possess, and whether or not in the exercise of such powers, there exists any just cause for criticism or complaint on the part of our townsmen. Mr Havens, in his report, says that you not only claim the right to manage the public BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 985 property of the Town in your own way, to receive and disburse all the moneys arising therefrom, but that you refuse to submit your accounts for examination and Audit to the duly constituted Board of auditors. This would seem to indicate that you believed you were possessed of a power (from some source) higher than that delegated to j'ou by the people, through whose votes you are placed in position, but I can scarcely imagine that you, as servants of the people, really as.sume to be their masters, or that you stand readj^ to brave the opinions of your towns men, by a refusal to lay before their duly constituted authorities, a full and complete account of your steward ship. In my position of Supervisor, I shall seek to usurp no powers belonging to other officers of the Town, or to trench upon their rights or privileges. In harmonious con cert of action, can we as officers of the Town, best promote its interests and welfare, and to that end, I shall look to you for aid and assistance in removing any and all causes of complaint that may have heretofore existed with regard to the conduct of the business of the Town. Let us under stand each other, gentlemen, and in our efforts for the common good, let us remember that no people can be safely governed, whose officials are not by plain Statutes made responsible for their acts, and strictly amenable to the people they represent. I am &c. Y^'ours Respectfully. S. S. Norton, Supervisor. Page 19. On motion, it was voted that the letter of Supervisor Norton be laid on the table until counsel be taken in the matter, that while the Board did not desire to take a position either antagonisric to the Supervisor or the people whom they represent, yet they desired to retain intact, whatever rights were accorded to them in the Town's Charter. 986 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. The Bay Committees reports were received as follows — Mr. Selover presented the following for the month of April and up to the date of this meeting — from South Bay- Rccd. for New Leases Issued $16.00 " " Renewal of Leases 8.00 Total $.24.00 Trustee, Ruland. Reported having received during the same time, and from the same Source, the following — Reed, for Rent on New Leases issued $9.00 " for Renewal of Leases 49.00 Total $.58.00 Trustees Davis & Tuthill The Committee for the North Side of the Town Reported as follows — Reed, of Lloyd Stevens for privilege of taking sand from Stony Brook Harbor — one yeai-'s Rent — $15.00 Reed, of John H. Smith for lease of Shore front at Port Jefferson — one year's Rent — $8.00 Reed, of Cyrus Griffing — Rent on Two Oyster Leases $.7.00 Total $.30.00 Mr. Selover made the following report^ — To the Honor able Board of Trustees, I respectfully report that I received of Austin Culver, Treasurer. $.200.00 Bought 13191 Bushels Spawn oysters— $.162.88 Expenses Spreading Same — 47.13 Total $.200.01 Page 20. The following Bay Constables Bills were presented and on motion ordered paid. $ Joseph Hallock, 63.00 Wm. L. Newins, 68.50 Total $.121.50 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 987 Overseers of the Poor, Messrs. Terry and Bayles ap peared before the Board, and asked for a loan of Five or Six Hundred Dollars, when on motion it was. Resolved, That Mr. A. A. Selover, be, and the same is hereby directed to collect the amount due this Board by Israel B. Tyler and E. H. Terry, on a note held by said Board, this amount being retained by Mr. Tyler, while Overseer, to meet said note. Trustee Randall then offered the follow ing which was adopted, Resolved, That the Sum of Six Hundred Dollars be loaned, from the Surplus funds in the hands of the Treasurer to the Overseers of the Poor of this Town until Novr. 1st. 1882. or such time as said officers receive their Share of the Taxes from the Collector. Said Overseers as such, giving their note for the same. On motion of Trustee Davis, it was voted to employ Mr Justus Roe to make a Survey and map of Brookhaven's portion of the Great South Bay, Said Survey to Show the location of Oyster Lots, Docks, Shore fronts, Islands, &c. at a cost not to exceed ($260) Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. Trustee Culver moved and it was carried, that the Bay Committee Sell the Grass on the Ridge at auction to the highest bidder. Hon. Egbert T. Smith appeared before the Board and offered to lease to the Town, his right, title and interest in the South and East .Bays, for one- half the nett proceeds. On motion, it was voted to lay the matter on the table until the next meeting of the Board. The Board adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday in June 1882. at the house of Mr. L. H. Davis in Coram. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 21. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday, June 6th 1882. All the members of the Board were present as follows. 988 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Messrs. Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, C. Wallace Ruland, and Samuel E. Smith, Trustees— with Mr. Alfred A. Selover the President of the Board. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap proved. In answer to a note sent by the President to the Supervisor, a second letter was received from the latter, to which the following answer was read and ordered sent, Bellport L. L ) S. S. Norton Esq. Supervisor. June 1st 1882. ( Dear Sir. Your communication of the Uth. of May is at hand, and in reply I have this to say. The Board of Trustees have never attempted, and probably never shall attempt to take to themselves rights and privileges that to them do not legally belong. In times past, the rights and privileges of the Board of Trustees have been usurped by other Town officers, until to day they are but a fraction of what they once were. I reach this conclusion after a careful exami nation of the Charter, which is, I believe, the instrument under which they exercise their legitimate powers as Trustees. By a comparison of the duties and powers of the Trustees, as exercised in times past with those per formed by them in present times, I have fully verified my statement. The Charter is the authority which determines the legality or the illegality of their official acts. Having permitted a right or privilege to pass from our control, it is no easy task to again recover the same. So that speak ing as far as my knowledge extends, I am free to say that we, as a Board of Trustees, desire Simply to retain invio late those rights which, we believe, belong to us under the law. We certainly have rights, and we would prove un true to our trust, were we to relinquish them. You refer in your letter to charges of irregularities in the past. If such charges are true, we certainly are not to BR00KH.4.VEN TOWN RECORDS. 989 answer them. The present Board of Trustees have nothing whatever to do with past irregularities, if any such existed, Save Page 22. to remedy them as far as possible. The present Board deals with the present. They occupy their present position by sufferages of the people of the Town. They have sol emnly sworn to do their duty, and it is their purpose to prove true to their obligations, our official acts are and shall be open and above board. All transactions on the part of the Board of Trustees, for the Town, of whatever kind or nature, are duly recorded in the minutes of pro ceedings by the proper officer, and the books are always open for inspection of any citizen who may feel enough of an interest to examine them. You state in your letter, we are not called upon to surrender our so called " time hon ored rights," yet you ask the Board of Trustees to lay their business before the Board of Audit. Your statement is very plain. The present Board of Trustees have nothing to conceal or withhold from the scrutiny of the Board of audit or from any other Boai*d. In plain terms, if the Board of audit is the proper authority under the law to pass upon the accounts of- the Board of Trustees, we, as such Board, desire to put no im pediment in its way. If, however, the Board of audit has not such legal right. We then object to their official inspec tion. If I am not mistaken, the Board of audit had not such right in times past. In conclusion, permit me again to say in behalf of the Board of Trustees, that we act in accordance with and in conformity to" the laws by which we are governed as a people, and it is farthest from our wishes to engage in any transactions as officers of the Town, that shall have 990 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. the least appearance of duplicity or crookedness of any kind. I am yours with Respect, A. A. Selover President of the Board of Trustees. The following Bay Constables Bihs were presented and ordered paid — $. c Alvin Jarvis 12.00 Wm. Lawrence Newins, 27.00 Joseph HaHock- 15.00 Total $.64.00 Page 23. Mr. A. A. Selover, reported having received from the South Bay during the Month of May and up to this date — the Sum of Twenty one Dohars, ($.21.-^^) for new leases issued. Trustee, C. W. Ruland, reported having received for New Leases Issued $.11.60 Renewing of leases 26.00 Total $.37.50 Trustee, John R. .Davis, Reported having leased the Strand at Old Field to Israel B. Tyler for one year dating from May 1st. 1882. for Eight Dohars, ($.8.00) The fol lowing was presented before the Board, and accepted. The undersigned report having complied with the request of the Board for two Books — and herewith present the same together with the bill — Signatures T. S. Heatley C. W. Ruland Mr. Heatley then presented the following bill which was accepted and paid. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 991 Town of Brookhaven to the " Advance" Dr. To advertising notice to Oystermen 1.50 " Printing and binding Two Books 18.00 Total $.19.50 A letter was received from Samuel T. Green Esq. of Sayville, in relation to Pounds in the South Bay, and ask ing that the Town authorities take some action with a view to having the same removed on the ground that they were detrimental to the fishing interests of the Town. The letter was accompanied by a note from Hon George F. Carman, stating the facts in the case. The Board although believing Pound fishing detrimental to the inter ests of the people of this Town, prefer to leave the regula tions of the evil to the State law. The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr.. L. H. Davis in Coram, on Monday, July 8d 1882. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson, Clerk. Page 24. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Monday, July 8d. 1882. All the Members of the Board were present as follows. Mr. Alfred A. Selover, the President of the Board, Messrs. Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, C. Wallace Ruland, and Samuel E. Smith, Trustees The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. A. A. Selover presented the following report for the month of June from the Great South Bay. Reed, for Rent on New Leases issued — $.20.00 " " " " Renewals of Leases— 8.00 Total 28.00 Trustee, C. W. Ruland Reported having reed, during the Month of June as follows. 993 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Reed. Rent on New Leases Issued — $.67.00 " " Renewal of Leases— 36.00 " " " Strand to Lewis Wicks— 1.00 Total $.104.00 Messrs. John R. Davis, and Sylvester D. Tuthill, the Committee having charge of Port Jefferson Bay, not being able to agree as to the proper management of the same, the Board voted that Trustee Samuel E. Smith be added to said Committee. Messrs. William B. Dayton, J. H. Smith, Charles F. Harris, and Joseph R. Harris, applied for leases of Oyster Lots in Port Jefferson Bay, and at the suggestion of the President, the applications were referred to the proper committee. Mr Cyrus E. Griffing appeared before the Board with a lease, calling .for a certain lot of Oyster Ground in Port Jefferson Harbor. The lease he has, but under the recent Survey the land is not there, and he asked to have the Amount paid to the Town by him refunded. After some discussion, the committee were directed to view the premises and settle the matter. Capt George Hawkins appeared before the Board, with a view to having action taken by that body, in reference to his Mill property at Wading River whereby he may be able to protect the water privileges connected therewith. On motion Messrs Tuthill and Smith were appointed a committee to view the premises in question and report at the next meeting of the Board. Page 25. Trustee Ruland, reported the decision in the recent Suit of the Town against E. T. More, for violation of the oyster law, and on motion, it was voted by the Board to sustain Mr Ruland in bringing of the Suit in the lower Court, and authorizing him to appeal the Same. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 993 On the representations of President Selover, the Board voted to lease the Town's rights in East Bay to Hon Egbert T. Smith for the Sum of $.15. per year. Trustee Culver moved, and it was carried, that when this Board adjourn, it be to meet on the first Tuesday in September unless Specially convened. The Board then adjourned. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. Trustee Meeting at Coram, Wednesday, Aug 16th. 1882. Members present as follows. Mr. Alfred A. Selover, the President in the chair. Messrs. Sylvester I). Tuthill, John R. Davis, C. Wallace Ruland and Samuel E. Smith, Trustees. Trustees, Smith ife Tuthill the Committee appointed to view the Mill property at Wading River — Stated that the examination had not yet been made, but intended to give a report at the next Meeting of the Board. Trustee, C. W. Ruland, a Member of the Committee having charge of the South Bay, in regard to the purchasing and spread ing of Seed oysters — Stated that he intended to present his report of the same at the September Meeting. Mr. C. E. Rose of Patchogue made application for a piece of ground under water, opposite his Strand, commencing at his East line, running West, 76. feet, and South 300. feet for the purpose of a Summer Pavilion, Bath Houses, and Portable Dock, for five years with the privileges of renewal. Mr. J. J. Harris, of Port Jefferson, made application for about 400 ft. (Four Hundred feet) from his North line, to the South Side of t'ne Creek, for the privilege of Rail way and Docks. Page 26. The following preamble and Resolution was presented by Trustee C. W. Ruland, and on motion was unanimously adopted by the Board. Whereas, Justus Roe has been em- 994 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. ployed by this Board to make a Survey of the Oyster Lots, Docks, and other property in the Great South Bay, leased to citizens of the Town, and Whereas, It appears from representation made to this Board that a very large amount of land has been, and is now, claimed by parties having no legal title to the same. Whereas, Many parties holding leases for lots are desirous of knowing the purpose for which said Survey is being made, therefore be it. Resolved, That the sole purport of said Survey is to ascertain what persons hold leases, for how much, and in what locality, to protect as far as possible all citizens in peaceable possession of Such rights as legally belong to them, and that no inten tion exists on the part of this Board to make any alteration of existing claims or bounds legally obtained, and we earnestly request all persons to render such aid to Mr Roe as he may require to accomplish this purpose. Signed C. W. Ruland. Trustee. There not being a full Board present at this meeting, it was moved and Seconded that the matter of the North Side Bay Committee be laid over until next meeting of the Board. The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr. L. H. Davis in Coram, on the first Wednesday in September 1882. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 27. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, September 6th 1882. All the members of the Board were present as follows : Mess'rs Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthih, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith, and C. Wallace Ruland, Trustees, with Mr. Alfred A. Selover, the President of the Board. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved by the Board. The Committee appointed to BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 995 view the Mill property at Wading River, reported having inspected the premises but at the present meeting were unable to make a final report. Mr. C. E. Rose of Pat chogue, appeared before the Board to have application presented by him at the last meeting gi-anted. Mr Rose's application was for land under Water, to the East of Ocean Avenue, opposite his Strand, commencing at his East line, running West 75 feet and South 800 feet, for the purpose of erecting thereon a Summer Pavilion, Bath Houses, and Portable Dock for Five years with the privilege of renewal. Against this a protest was entered by counsel for Mr. San ford Weeks. It was Resolved by the Board that a Com mittee of Two be appointed to examine the premises ap plied for by Mr Rose and give their report at the next meeting of the Board. Mr Rose then made application for an additional 75 feet West from the ground above applied for, and running South 100 feet. An apphcation was presented by Messrs John N. and Walter Silsbe for an additional Fifteen (16) feet at the west of the Dock which they now hold under lease at the foot of Ocean Avenue at Patchogue. A written applica tion was presented before the Board bearing the Signature of H. Clay Losee, asking the Board to lease him a certain piece of ground under water near the foot of Ocean Avenue in Patchogue, described as follows. Commencing at the North-west corner of ground leased to one Silsbe at low water mark and running thence West erly Fifty (60) feet. Thence Southerly the distance of 250 feet, and thence Easteriy to the ground leased to the Said Silsbe. A lease for the above was desired for the term of Ten years with the privilege of renewal. Page 28. As there appeared to be some opposition in regard to these applications, the Board decided to defer action further 996 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. than to select Messrs Ruland and Selover as a committee to examine the premises in question and report at the next meeting of the Board. It was Resolved by the Board that the North Side Bay Committee be discharged. Capt William A. Overton applied for a lease of an " Island" situate in Port Jefferson Bay, at the entrance to the Harbor, for the purpose of a Hotel and Pavilion there on, also sufficient room for a Dock adjoining said Island. Mr Overton desired to lease the Island for a long term of years, or purchase it. It was Resolved by the Board that said application be laid over until next meeting, and that Trustee Davis be appointed a committee to ascertain the Town's rights in the matter. Trustee Davis moved, and it was seconded that no ap plication for leases of Oyster ground in Port Jefferson Bay, shall be received or acted upon by this present Board. The Motion was lost by Eive to one vote. Tru.stee Tuthill — Reported for the months of July and August that he had received Town rents as follows. $ cts Reed, for Oyster Lease Rents — 37.60 " of J. M. Bayles & Son, Dock Rent— 60.00 " of Israel B. Tyler, for Rent of Strand at Old Field 8.00 " " John R. Mather Rent, 16.00 " " Hawkins & Mather, Dock Rent, 5.00 Total $.115.^0 Trustee Ruland presented his report in regard to pur chasing and Spreading Seed Oysters last Spring in the South Bay as follows. I received $.400 from Austin Culver — Treasurer. $. cts. Bought 2,770 Bushels Seed oysters for the Sum. of 304.70 The Expenses spreading the same was 96 30 Total $.40L00 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 997 Page 29. Trustee Ruland's Statement of Town Rents received by him was as follows — For the months of July and August. Reed. Rent for Renewing of oyster Leases, and New leases Issued — $.66.00 Reed, from John Silsbe for Rent of Dock, 6.00 Total $.71.00 President, A. A. Selover, presented the following report for the months of July and August. $ c Reed, for New Leases and Renewing Leases 124.00 " of Nathaniel Miller for Sale of Town Record 1.00 " of Gideon F. Smith " " " " " 8.00 133.00 The Spawn question came up before the Board, and after much discussion the following was adopted. Resolved, That it be lawful for any resident of this Town to catch Spawn on the public ground of the South Bay during ninety days (90) beginning September 16th 1882 under the restrictions specified in the Supervisor's law. The Board adjourned to meet again at Coram on the first Tuesday in October— 1882. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday, Oct. 3d. 1882. Members present as follows, Messrs. Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith, and C. Wahace Ruland, Trustees, with Mr. Alfred A. Selover, the President of the Board. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Lawyer Thomas S. Strong appeared before the Board and suggested that the Map drawn by Justus Roe, Surveyor, be adopted as the official Map of the Board, and also that 998 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. all oyster Leases now to be granted or renewed be num bered, as now presented on Said Map. On motion of Mr Tuthill the Map was accepted as Page 30. an official document Mr Strong then gave a statement of the Suit of Mrs. Sarah A. Vingut, against the " Setauket Presbyterian Church" which was to be tried on Thursday Oct. 6th 1882. before Judge Cullen at Brooklyn. Mr. Strong engaged the Town Clerk to take most of the Ancient Records of Brookhaven Town, with him to the Brooklyn Court, for evidence in behalf of this Town, in the above mentioned Suit. Trustee Smith, representing the Com mittee appointed to view the water privileges of Capt Hawkins' Mill property at Wading River, Reported that he could see but little there to correct, and on motion it was Resolved by the Board, that the matter be dropped, and the Committee be discharged from further duty in this direction. Mr. C. E. Rose, appeared before the Board, and obtained a Grant for lease of land under water at the East of Ocean Avenue. Application for the same was made by him at the August and Sept. meetings of this Board. Said application will be found herein recorded in the minutes of the meeting of Sept. 6tli 1882. Mr Rose's Second application which was for an additional 75 feet to the West of this ground now Granted to him, was laid over indefinitely. The applications of Messrs. Maginness and Losee, and the Silsbe Bros, were laid. over until the next meeting of the Board. Messrs. E. H. Terry, and Hamilton T. Bayles, (Overseers of the Poor) Reported a deficiency of Money for the support of the Poor in their hands, and asked for a loan from the Board of Trustees. It was Resolved By the Board to loan the Overseers of the Poor the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars. BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 999 Page 31. Ti'ustee Davis, the Committee appointed at the last Meeting to inquire into the rights of the Town in a certain Island in Port Jefferson Harbor for which Mr Wilham A. Overton applied. Reported that from all the obtainable information from Deeds and other sources, he was of the opinion the Town held no rights on said Island. It was resolved by the Board that the matter in question be laid over until next meeting of the Board. It was Resolved that the Resolution passed Novr. 1st. 1881. in relation to lease of Dock to J. J. Harr-is of Port Jefferson. — Be arnended to read 400 feet for the term of Ten years from Oct. 1st. 1882 at the Annual Rental of Fifteen Dollars $15^-2- per year. Trustee Ruland offered the following which was on motion adopted. Resolved That the Com mittee having charge of the waters of Brookhaven in the Great South Bay, be and the same are hereby authorized to lease lots or plots of land under water in said Bay, of Four acres each for the purpose of planting and cultivating oysters therein to the West and adjoining the lots known as the Fiddleton lots, and at Blue point Cove and off Swan Creek, and all Resolutions or parts of Resolutions confiictiiig with this Resolution are hereby annulled and made of no effect. Mr Tuthill was then on motion ap pointed a Committee to take charge of Port Jefferson Bay, and to attend to the collection of moneys, and leasing lots. A motion was then offered by Mr Culver to reconsider the motion passed at the last meeting of the Board in relation to rescinding the Spawn law. But on a test vote, the motion to rescind was lost. It was Resolved by the Board that the Sura of one Hundred Dollars be paid to Mr Robert R. Smith towards payment of his share from the Revenue of the Great South Bay. Page 32. Trustee Tuthill Reported for the month of September, moneys Reed, as follows. 1000 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Oyster Lease Rent $125.88 c Reed, of J. J. Harris. Dock Rent 24.00. 4 yrs Rent Total $149.88 up to Oct. 1st /82. Mr A. A. Selover. Reported having reed, for the month of Sept. for New Leases and renewal of leases 82.00 Reed, from L. W. Cass for Dock Rent 1.00 Total $33.00 Trustee Ruland's Report. $ cts Reed, for Renewal of leases & new leases issued 196.00 " for Rent of Shore to Thomas Smith 1.00 Total $197.00 The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr L. H. Davis in Coram, on Monday November 6th. 1882. Trustee Meeting at Coram Oct. 30th 1882. All the members were present as follows. Messrs Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith and C. Wallace Ruland Trustees with Mr Alfred A. Selover, the President of the Board. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and after a slight amendment, were approved by the Board. This Special meeting of the Board was called mainly for the purpose of preserving the oyster Spawn in the Great South Bay, and thereby protect the interests of the Town. After the Board had discussed the matter quite thoroughly. Trustee Tuthill presented the following preamble & Reso lution which was on motion adopted by the Board. Whereas, the privileges granted to the Baymen on the South Bay to catch Spawn for 90 days have been violated to such an extent that this Board, in order to protect the honest Bay- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1001 man against more unscrupulous neighbors and to still further preserve the Spawn in the Bay for Page 88. the best interests of this Town. Therefore be it- Resolved That the Resolution adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on Sept. 6th 1882 granting the privilege of taking Spawn in the South Bay for the period of 90 days, is hereby annulled from and after November 1st 1882. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on Monday Novr. 6th. 1882. at 10 O'clock A.M. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. Trustee Meeting at Coram Monday Novr. 6th 1882. All the members of the Board'.were present as follows. Messrs Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, C. Wallace Ruland and Samuel E. Smith Trustees with Mr Alfred A. Selover the President of the Board. It was Resolved by the Board that Mr Charies E. Rose pay a yearly Rental of Ten Dollars ($10-2-4) for the ground leased to him at the East of Ocean Avenue, in Patchogue, which was applied for by Mr Rose at the Meet ing of Sept. 6th. 1882. The following was unanimously adopted by the Board. Resolved. That the land under water, in the Great South Bay, at the foot of Ocean Avenue, and to the West of Silbe's Dock at Patchogue, now held by Sanford Weeks be re-let by public Auction to the highest bidder in lots to suit. Trustee, " Ruland " Reported having received during the Month of October for New Oyster Leases, and renew ing of Leases the sum of Ninety-four Dollars and Fifty cents. $94.50 Mr A. A. Selover's Report for October was as follows. 1003 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Reed. Rent for 3 New Leases Issued $12.00 " " 3 Leases renewed 12.00 " from Augustus Hawkins for Grass on Pelican Island 1.50 itli Total - $25.50 Page 34. Mr S. D. Tuthill, the Trustee, appointed to collect Rents of Oyster Leases, Docks &c on the North Side of the Town, reported for the month of October, as follows. $ cts Reed. Rent on Oyster Leases 517.50 " Dock Rent of Emmett B. Darhng 10.00 Total $627.50 The sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) was paid on acct. to Mr Justus Roe, of Patchogue, for a newly made Map of the Great South Bay. in accordance with a Reso lution passed by this Board, at their meeting of May 9th. 1882.— The Cost of said Map is $250. Trustee, John B, Davis apphed for the Sum of $100. to be appropriated from the funds of the Town, to be applied toward the seeding of the public grounds in Port Jefferson Harbor, with Spawn, and on Motion of Trustee Smith, said applica tion was received and action deferred until the next Meet ing of the Board. The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr L. II. Davis, in Coram, the first Tuesday in December, 1882. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting, Coram Deer. 5th 1882. Tuesday. All the Members of the Board were present as follows, Messrs. Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith and C. Wallace Ruland, "Trustees," and Mr Alfred A. Selover, the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1003 President of the Board. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved. The Overseers of the Poor made application to the Board for a loan of Three Hundred Dollars $300.00 for Support of the Poor, when on motion, that amount was voted and a note taken. Page 36. It was then " Resolved," That the ground to the West of Patchogue Avenue, to be Sold at public Auction, be left to the South Bay Committee to di.=»pose of, the Town reserving the right to bid it up to Fifty Dollars, $50.00 Trustee, Davis pressed his application for Two Hundred Dollars to seed the public waters in Port Jefferson Harbor, Whereupon a motion was made and carried, to defer action in the matter until the rrext meeting of the Board. Mr. Charles F. Dayton, of Patchogue made application for Twelve acres of land under water in the South Bay, for the purpose of laying down oysters for winter use, which on Motion was voted to him. On motion of Trustee Culver, the sum of one Hundred Dollars was paid to Robert R. Smith Esq. on account of his interest in the South Bay. Mr. A. P. Agresta, applied for (300) feet of Shore fronting his property to the West- of Patchogue River, and extending into the Bay (300) feet for the purpose of erecting a portable Dock, and Bathing Houses. On Motion the application was granted for Five years with the privilege of renewal, at the annual Rental of $5.00 per year. Mr William M. Jenkins applied for Fifty feet of Shore front to the East of Bay Avenue at Patchogue and extend ing into the Bay (250) feet. On Motion his application was granted at the annual Rental of $(6) per year. -' Capt. Thomas Rowland apphed for the privilege of erect-' 1004 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. ing a Dock in Setauket Harbor, fronting his property ; and on motion Trustee Tuthill was instructed to investigate the matter and report. Page 86. Boundaries of the Seven (7) Election Districts in the Town of Brookhaven. Established by the Supervisor (S. S. Norton) and the Board of Assessors at the Town Clerk's office on Monday Oct 2d. 1882. District No. 1. Bounded North by the Sound. East by the Inlet to Port Jefferson Harbor, and by the Highway starting at the Shore at East Setauket near the house of James Van Brunt and running Southerly to the road from Port Jefferson to Setauket, near the house of Alfred Dariing. thence due South until it comes into the Road from Setauket to Coram, and thence by said road Southerly to the Butt line. South by said Butt line and Westerly by Smith Town. District No. 2 Bounded North by the Sound, East by Mt. Sinai Harbor & Crystal Brook Hollow Road, and a line running due South Jo the Butt line. South by the said Butt line, and West by the Highway starting at the Shore at East Setauket, near the house of James Van Brunt and running Southerly to the Road from Setauket to Port Jefferson. District No. 8. Bounded North by the Sound, East by the Town of Riverhead, South by the Butt line. West by East line of District No. 2. District No. 4. Bounded North by the Rail Road, and the Middle Country Road East by the Town of Riverhead, Peconic BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. 1005 River and Town of Southampton, South by the Atlantic Ocean, West by a line running due North and South inter secting long point on the West Side of Carman's River, following said River to Yaphank Creek, and by said Creek to the South Country Road, thence North by Yaphank line to the Rail Road. Thence Easterly by and with the Rail Road to the Hay Road, thence Northerly by the Hay Road to the Middle Country Road. District No. 5. Bounded North by the Long Island Rail Road, East by the Yaphank line. South by the Atlantic Ocean, West by Overton's Brook and a line running North, to the Long Island Rail Road, and South to the Ocean. Said North and South line starting at the South Country Road. Page 37. Resolutions adopted by the Board of Assessors and Super visor (Nicoll Floyd) at the Town Clerk's office on Monday Oct 1st 1888 H. P. Hutcliinson, Clerk Resolved, That Election District No. 4, be bounded as fohows. Bounded North by the Rail Road and the Middle Country Road, East by the Town of Riverhead. Peconic — River and Town of Southampton South by the Atlantic Ocean, West by a line running due North and South inter secting Long point on the West Side of Carman's River thence following the West Bank of said River as it winds and turns to the Main or Central line of the Long Island Rail Road, thence Easterly by and with the Rail Road to the Hay Road, thence Northei-ly by the Hay Road to the Middle Country Road. Resolved, That Election District No. 5 be bounded as fofiows. — Bounded North by the Long Island Rail Road, 1006 BEOOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. East by the West bank of Carman's River as it winds and turns frora the Main or Central line of the Long Island Rail Road, Southerly to the Long Point, and thence on a due South line to the Atlantic Ocean, South by the Atlan tic Ocean, West by Overton's Brook, and a line running North to the Long Island Rail Road and South to the Ocean, Said North & South line starting at the South Country Road. (Resolved that the above change be advertised by the Clerk according to law.) Page 38. District No. 6. Bounded North by the Long Island Rail Road, East by a North and South line intersecting Overton's Brook at the South Country Road, to the Atlantic Ocean, Southerly by the Atlantic Ocean, West by the Town of Islip and Smith Town. District No. 7 Bounded on the North by the Butt line, East by the Town of Riverhead and Dist. No. 4, South by the Long Island Rail Road, West by Towns of Smith-Town and Islip. Sidney S. Norton ) Supervisor Henry P. Plutchinson ( Town Clerk Samuel F. Norton George D. Gerard Edmund W. Ruland Henry Wells Henry W. Carman Daniel W. Davis Assessors Page 39. Middle Island, Brookhaven Town Oct. 6th 1884. (Monday) We the undersigned, the Board of Town officers of the BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1007 Town of Brookhaven, having met at the Town, Clerk's office, as required by law to alter and arrange Election Districts so as not to contain over 600 Electors, and finding the 6th Election Dist. of said Town to contain Eight Hun dred Electors. Now in accordance to the requirements of law be it hereby. Resolved. That Election District No. 6. be divided and that a new District which shall hereafter be known as Election District No. 7. be established, and that District No. 6 shall be bounded as follows, North by the Long Island Rail Road, East by a North & South line inter secting Overton's Brook at the South Country Road to the Atlantic Ocean, West by a North & South hne running from the South Beach, to the centre of Ocean Avenue, Patchogue, following the centre of Ocean Avenue, North to the centre of Pine Street — North to the road leading from Canaan to the Tunnel under the Long Island Rail- Road. Resolved, That Election District No. 7. be bounded as follows. North by the Long Island Rail Road, East by the centre of the Road leading from the Tunnel under the Long Island Rail Road to Canaan. Thence Southerly by the centre of Pine Street intersecting Ocean Avenue to the shore of the South Bay. Thence by a North and South line to the Atlantic Ocean, Southerly by the Atlantic Ocean, West by the Towns of Islip and "Smithtown." Resolved That Election District No. 7. (Coram) shall here after be known as Election District No. 8. (Coram) James E. Bayles Supervisor Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. George D. Gerard Daniel W. Davis Henry W. Carman Assessors of Joseph H. Randall j Brookhaven Town John W. Mathews E. W. Ruland 1008 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 40. . Trustee Meeting of December 5th. 1882. Mr. Selover, reported that Hon Egbert T. Smith claimed $20. as due him from the Rental of the East Bay, and demanded its payment, else he should begin suit in the Courts for recovery of the same. Whereupon Trustee Ruland moved, and it was carried that Mr Austin Culver be and is hereby requested to collect all money due the Town in the East Bay, belonging to the Town, and report at the next meeting of the Board. Trustee Tuthill presented his report for the month of November, as follows. Reed. From J. J. Harris for Dock Rent $15.00 Reed. Rent on Oyster Leases 48.00 $.68.00 Trustee Ruland's Report for Month of November. Reed, from Charies E. Rose for Shore Rent $10.00 Reed, for Rent on oyster leases 20.00 $3000 Mr Justus Roe, made application for a privilege of ground on Fiddleton Island for (5) years, which on motion was laid over until next meeting The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday in January 1883. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 41. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday, Jan 2d. 1888 All the members of the Board were present as follows. Messrs. Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith, and C. Wallace Ruland. Trustees with Mr Alfred A. Selover the President of the Board in the Chair. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and approved by the Board. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1009 Trustee, Ruland, reported having leased the Shore Front at foot of Ocean Avenue (formerly held by Mr Sanford Weeks) to Mr John Silsbe for Six years at the annual Rental of ($51) Fifty one Dollars. The application made by Trustee Davis for $200. to seed the pubhc waters in Port Jefferson and Setauket Harbors, was after some discussion laid over until the next meeting of the Board. The application of Capt. Thomas Rowland for 113. feet of Shore Front in Setauket Harbor, for the purpose of erecting a Dock thereon, was then taken up. The Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Board, reported in favor of leaving that property to him. After considerable discussion, it was decided to lay the matter over to the next meeting of the Board. Mr Justus Roe's application for a Shooting privilege on Fiddleton Island, was the next Subject under considera tion, and it was deemed for the best interests of the Town not to grant the application. The Receipts during the month of December were as follows. $ cts Trustee Ruland Reed, from John Silsbe for lease of Shore 61.00 " " " Oyster lease Rent 42.00 " " " from William Jenkins for lease of Shore 5.00 " " " from A. P. Agrista for lease of Shore 5.00 Total $.103.00 Page 42. Trustee Tuthill. Reported having Received for Oyster lease Rent on the North Side of the Town, the sum of $54.00 Trustee Culver Reed, from S. Daniels for Rent of Grass on New-made. Island $3.00 Reed from Wm. Smith. Dock Rent 2.50 Total $5.60 1010 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. President SelOver. Reported having reed, for Rent of Oyster Leases $82.00 Trustee Ruland, offered the following, which was on motion adopted. Whereas, It is believed there are a number of acres of Bay bottom held in the South Bay by persons who pay no rent for the same, and Whereas, To ascertain as much as possible what is due the Town from the South Bay, be it Resolved. That the South Bay Committee be requested to report at our next meeting,, the names of persons who have renewed their leases and who have ob tained new leases for the years of 1882 & 8. The Bill of Joseph Hallock for $39, Bay Constable, was presented and on motion paid. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday in February 1883. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Resolved, That Austin Culver Treasurer of the Board of Trustees be and the same is hereby authorized to publish in the "Advance" and "Times" a Statement of the financial transactions of the Board up to March 1888, in cluding the March meeting and that he receive recompence for the same. Presented by S. E. Smith. Trustee. The above was passed by the Board of Trustees Jan. 2d 1888. Page 43. Trustee Meeting at Coram Tuesday, Feb. 6th. 1883. Members present as follows. President Alfred A. Selover in the chair. Messrs Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John 8. Randall, Samuel E. Smith and C. Wallace Ruland. Trustees. In regard to the appropri ation of $200. for spreading oyster seed in Port Jefferson Bay, all the members voted "nat" with the exception of Trustee Davis. President. Selover in compliance- with a previous Resolution presented a lengthy and complete hst BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1011 of oyster Lots under lease in that portion of the South Bay under his charge giving the names of the lessors, number of acres leased, location of each. Date of leasing. Expira tion and the amount collected. An application was re ceived from Donald B. Campbell of Port Jefferson for 100 feet of Shore front and extending into the Harbor 150. feet from low water mark. After some consultation the matter was laid over until next meeting of the Board. John Fordham made application for a lease of the bottom of that portion of Port Jefferson Harbor known as " Salis bury's Hole" at the annual Rental of $10.00 The matter was laid over to next meeting. Capt Thomas Rowland's application for shore front in Setauket Harbor, on which to build a Dock was again taken up at this meeting, but the matter did not reach its final disposal. Mr Selover of the South Bay Committee Reported hav ing received during the month of January 1883 as follows. Reed, for Renewing leases $12.00 " of Chas. Rider for Grass on Bogs East of Quanch Beach 3.00 " of Robt. L. Petty, for Grass on West Bog & little Ridge 1.00 Total $16.00 Page 44. Trustee Ruland's January Report as follows. Reed, for new Leases and Renewal of Leases $117.00 " of Jackson Smith for Water Island 1 yrs Rent 5.00 Total $122.00 Trustee Tuthih's January Report, of money collected from Rent of oyster leases in Port Jefferson Bay was $42.05 It was Resolved by the Board that its President be 1012 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. authorized as a Committee to attend to the defence of the rights of Brookhaven Town, in relation to a certain Bill presented by assemblyman Bailey before the Legislature at Albany which was requested by Supervisor Norton. The Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr. L. H. Davis in Coram on the first Tuesday in March 1883. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk Trustee meeting at Coram, Tuesday March 6th, 1888. All the members present as follows. President Alfred A.. Selover, in the chair. Messrs Austin Culver, Sylvester D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith and C. Wallace Ruland Trustees. Donald B. Campbell of Port Jefferson was Granted (40) forty feet of Ground under water at the West of his present leased premises for an Ell at $5.00 per year for (10) Ten years. The application of John Fordham for a lease of " Saulsbury's Llole" at Port Jefferson was deferred to the next meeting of the Board. Capt Thomas Rowland's application for the privilege of Erecting a Dock was again taken up, and after some discussion of the Board, the matter was laid on the table. The application of Robert Munns of Sayvihe for Three Hundred feet (300) of land under water to the East of Handsome Page 46. Avenue, and extending into the Bay one Hundred and fifty feet, (160 ft.) was on motion Granted for the term of one year with the privilege of renewal for Five consecutive years at the annual Rental of $6. per year-. It was Resolved by a majority vote of the Board that the sum of $2.00 per day be the amt. ahowed to each Trustee when employed in doing Town business of any kind. It was Resolved that a payment of 5 per cent be allowed to the Bay Committees for the collecting of oyster and other rents of the Town. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1013 President, Selover, presented his report for the month of Feb as follows. Reed, for Grass on the Ridge from R. L. Petty $6.00 Trustee Ruland's February report as follows. Rec'd for new Leases and Renewal of Leases $83.00 Trustee Tuthill Reported having received for Oyster Leases in Port Jefferson Bay during the previous month the sum of $24.00. H. P. Ilutchinson. Paid to the Treasurer of the Board the sum of $14.00 amt. reed, for the sale of 14 copies of the printed Town Records. The Board authorized their President to sign the Lease granting shore front to John Silsbe of Patchogue. The President signed it, but protested against doing so, on the grounds that he did not think the date of lease quite correct. Trustee Davis requested the following to be placed on Record with the minutes of this meeting, I hereby protest against the audit of any claims made by any Trustee for percentage on money due the Town for oyster or other leases on the ground that by the terms of the lease it is obligatory on the Lessee to pay cost of collecting. Signed — John Ii. Davis Trustee A Bill of $4.00 for services rendered to the Town by Trustee Davis, was on motion paid. Page 46. A Bin of $6. for Three days services rendered to the Town by Trustee Smith was on motion paid. A Bin of $4. was paid to the " Port Jefferson" Times for pubhshing the proceedings of Two Trustee meetings. Also a Bin of $4, was paid to the "Advance," for the publication of two meetings of the Board. Mr. A. A. Selover of the "South Bay Committee" reported his 1014 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. receipts up to date from all Sources on South Bay as $322.05 cts Trustee Ruland reported his as $905.50 Trustee Tuthill reported from Port Jefferson and Setauket Harbors, amt. collected $1035.88. The total receipts to date on Treasurers Book $3318.73 Disbursements, notes to Overseers $1,800 other disbursements $1515.22 On Motion the Board adjourned to meet at Coram on Tuesday March 2Cth 1888 at 10 a.m. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting at Coram, Tuesday March 20th 1883. All the Trustees were present. President A. A. Selover in the chair. Henry P. Hutcliinson, Town Clerk, was absent on account of having received a call from Messrs Strong & Spear to go to New Y^ork with some of the Town Records, Therefore Trustee John S. Randall acted as Clerk. The minutes of the previous meeting, as read from the Record were with the exception of one or two amendments approved by the Board. The application made by John Fordham for " Salsburry's Hole" was laid on the table. Page 47. The application made by Donald B. Campbell was dis cussed and it was decided to lay it over to the next meeting of the Board. Edmund T. Smith of Patchogue, made application for Ten Rods of Bay bottom opposite his strand running East & West and Fifty feet out in the Bay for one Dollar a year, for Five years with the privilege of renewal. The application of said Smith was granted by the Board. William H. Newins made application for the same BEOOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1015 amount of Bay bottom as Edmund T. Smith, and it was Granted for the same length of time, and for the same price, also opposite said Wihiam H. Newins Strand. Trustee Tuthill reported from Port Jefferson Harbor $19.00 Trustee Ruland, reported having received since the previous meeting of the Board, for new Leases and renewal of leases the sum of $59-. 00.— A Bill of W. L. Newins as Bay Constable, amounting to $13.50— was paid. Trustee Culver moved that Robert R. Smith be paid $100, on account. The motion was carried and said amt. was paid. Hon George F. Carman's Bill of expenses for going to Albany amounting to $18.00 was laid over until next meeting. A Bill of $2.00 was paid in advance to the Port Jefferson Times for a publication of the minutes of this meeting March 20th. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at Coram on the first Tuesday in April 1883 at 9 o'clock a.m. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 48. Trustee Meeting, Tuesday April 3d. 1883 at Coram, all the members were present as follows, President A. A. Selover in the chair, Messrs. Austin Culver, S. D. Tuthill, John R. Davis, John S. Randall, Samuel E. Smith and C. Wallace Ruland. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The application of Donald B. Campbell was laid over to the next meeting of the Board. It was moved and carried that a Committee of Three be appointed to examine the accounts of the Trustees, also the accounts of the Treasurer of the Board. Trustees Davis, Smith and Randall were appointed such committee and they reported favorably on the following Bills, S. D. Tuthih $64.45. George' F. Carman $18.00. A. A. Selover $17.00— H. P. Hutchinson $3.00— Samuel E. Smith $6.00 — T. M. Griffing $49. 50— C. W. Ruland $152.42 1016 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECOEDS. Messrs. Strong & Spear's Bill of $10, for services was on Motion laid on the table — President A. A. Selover's Report for month of March or from the 20th to April 3d 1888. Reed, for new Leases $28.00 Renewing " 126.00 Reed. Grass on South Ridge from Walter Raynor 8.00 Total $167.00 A. A, ;83 . Selover's report for the year enc ling April 3d Reed. For new Leases and renewing leases $450.50 (f it Grass 14.50 it f 1 Town Records Sold 9.00 u it Dock Rent 1.00 Total $475.00 S. D. Tuthill Reported having Reed, from Port Jeffer son Bay since the previous meeting the sum of $247.50 Page 49. C. W. Ruland reported having received since the pre vious meeting for new leases and Renewal of leases $78.00. The following is a copy of Receipt from A. A. Selover. — The Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven to A. A. Sel over Dr $23.56. being a percentage of Five per cent on $471.00 collected. Moved and carried that Treasurer Culver pay Mr Robert R. Smith the amount due him from the Town. Moved and carried that Mr S. D. Tuthill make an itemized account of his Town proceedings, and present it to the Treasurer of this Board. The Board then adjourned. Town Meeting Vote— April 3d 1888. $2,000 was voted for the contingent fund— The surplus BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. 1017 Dog Tax was voted to be placed in the hands of the Over seers of the Poor. The total expenses last year for " maintenance of the Town Poor in and out of the County-House was $5,900. $1,600 was voted to be raised for the Support of the Town Poor, for the coming year, in addition to the surplus com ing in to the Overseers hands from the Trustees and other sources. The application for $760 for the improvement of the Road leading from Patchogue to Port Jefferson was lost. Page 60. Town Meeting of Brookhaven, 1888^ We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven, in Suffolk County, do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 3d. day of April 1888 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named. For Supervisor. Nicoll Floyd. Town Clerk. Henry P. Hutchinson. Justices of the Peace. George W. Hopkins Full term 4 years. Alfred H. Mills. vacancy & full term For T'resident of Trustees Austin Culver. Trustees Charles S. Rose Albert Hutchinson Austin Culver. Joseph T. French 1018 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Henry T. Osborn Charies E. Rose John R. Davis Overseers of the Poor. Samuel S. Hammond Hamilton T. Bayles Assessors George D. Gerard Joseph H. Randall Commissioners of Highways John W. Matthews 2 yrs. vacancy. Dl. Forrest Hulse. full term 3 years. Page 51. Collector John Roe. Smith Constables Constables Walter C. Howell L. Irving Overton George W. Hastings Benjamin Risley. Henry P. Osborn Amos B. Laws. A. H. Bumsted Wm. H. Sharpe. Game Constable William H. Raynor. Bay Constables George Hulse Senr George Jones. Commissioner of Excise L. H. L'Hommedieu Inspectors of Election. 1st Dist. 4th Dist. 1 Aaron Hawkins 1 John L. Havens BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1019 2 John H. Smith appd. 8 Israel B. Tyler. 2d Dist 1 Ahen F. Davis 2 Chauncey A. Edwards. appd. 3 John K. Sammis 3d Dist. 1 John H. Tooker 2 George W. Hopkins appd. 3 Joseph N. King appd. 2 Samuel Martin appd 3 Gideon F. Smith 5th Dist. 1 Homer Gordon. 2 Cornelius Corson appd 3 Charies S. Piatt. 6th Dist 1 Elbert Ketcham 2 Isaac Smith appd. 8 John Kirk 7th Dist. 1 Isaac Gould. 2 Thomas B. Lee appd. 3 Alonzo P. Homan. We the undersigned certify that the above is a true and correct Statement of the Election and Canvass of said Annual Town Meeting. 1888. Town of Brookhaven, April 3d. ] I I Justices of Chas. R. Smith D. H. Raynor. Geo. W. Hopkins T. H. Saxton \- Geo. E. Hallock | W. J. Weeks | Timothy Ketcham J the Peace Recorded April 4th 1883. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. of Brookhaven. Page 62. Coram Feb. 6th 1883. To the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, I respectfuhy offer the following Report as per Resolution passed Jan. 2d 1888. Nam-5.=-. Llorace Raynor. John Glover. R. T. Arnott R. Hamell Silas Rogers it it F. Downs Sanford Smith C. S. Watkins Wilbur Corwin John Rider J. H. Carter J. Havens James Raynor J. S. Watkins J. R. Watkins P. J. Monsell G. H. Gerard G. \l. Gerard Aiiit. coller-ted $cts 8.00 4.00 4.00 4.004.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 .4.00 4.00 4.00 4. 00 4.004.00 4.004.00 4.00 No of acres 84 4 4 4 4 44 4 444 4 44 4 444 Location Quanch Chaimel. Bellport association Quanch Channel. Bellport association ti ll East Fiddleton li u Bellport association Lease granted ISSO 1882. ISSO 1882 1880 1882 ( i 1880 Lease Expires Lease renewed Fiddleton Quanch Channel. «' it a Behport association " (( a a East Fiddleton 1882 Fiddleton 18S0 North Shore " 1890 April Uth. 1882 " 20th '82 NeW lease New lease April 29th '82 New Lease New Lease May 6th ' 82 May 6th '82 New Lease May 15 th '82 New Lease May 20th '82 " " '82 New Lease May 22d '82 o O oO PIW \> <^ M !2| H O tsOoS)o C. S. Hawkins 4.00 4 Bellport association It it " 23d '82 C. S. Hawkins 1.00 1 It u 1882 <( New Lease Isaac Monsell 4.00 4 (( ll 1880 ft May 29th '82 Edward Monsell 4.00 4 it ll It ti (( ti J. S. Watkins 4.00 4 li it it ll it it u James Ward 4.00 4 North Shore It li June 3d 1882 Cd C. S. Watkins 4.00 4 East Fiddleton 1882 li New .Lease o H. E. Hawkins 4.00 -1 It it ti ll New Lease o J. H. Ben 4.00 4 Bellport association 1880 ii July 1st '82 Hiram Monsell 8.00 8 North Shore (C il " " '82 Warren " 8.00 8 <( ti Page 53. It (C (( il it 25H O Capt. Charles Hulse 4.00 4 Bellport association 1880 ll July 8th '82 ft O Edward Monsell. 4.00 4 it (< <( (1 it ll it ow W. R. Corwin 4.00 4 E. Fiddleton 1882 &( Nevv Lease m J. T. Corwin 4.00 4 B. P. association 1880 it July 22d '82 Geo. Monsell 4.00 4 (' It it f c ll " 31st '82 A. B. Gerard 4.00 4 Fiddleton (( it August 15th '82 Geo. Monsell 4. 00 4 B. P. association ll ii li t( (( t— 1 C. A. Robinson, 4.00 4 ll ii ll I i li ll U ll o O. W. Robinson 4. 00 4 Fiddleton It i 1 it it ti o R. L. Petty 4.00 4 E. " 1882 ' New Lease bS E. Tooker. 8.00 S B. P. Association 1880. ' ' August 19th '82 Oscar Robinson 4.00 4 .. .. .4 ii i ' Sept. 2d '82 C. E. Goldthwaite 4.00 4 U ll ii ii i " 6th '82 Salem Corwin 4.0U 4 North Shore a i " 6th '82 John Corwin 4.00 4 E. Fiddleton 1882 ' New Lease o o George E. Terry . 4.00 ' 4 Quanch Channel 1880 ' Sept. 6th '82 S. F. Rogers 4.t)0 4 Fiddleton 1882 ' New Lease M. L. Corwin 4.00 4 North Shore it t f (1 ii- J. M. Shaw Jr. 4.00 4 il it 1880 ' Sept 13th '82 ' H O J. M Shaw 4.00 4 B. P. Association ii i t li it 11 A. R Corwin 4.00 4 N. Shore 1882 ' New Lease » James Otis 4.00 4 B. P. Association U i i ti it P3 O T. W. Conklin 4.00 4 it ti u i i i t ti il oto Mortimer Rogers 4.00 4 ll li li ii i i ft ft Ul M. A. Monsell 4.00 4 li li ii 1880 ' Sept. '82 W. E Monsell 4.00 4 .i ii i. ii 1 ' Sept 14th '82 F. E. Brown 4.00 4 . . . i i i it 1 " 16th '82 Chas. M. Hawkins 4.00 4 i( li ti 1882 ' Nevv Lease F. Smith 4.00 4 Hit .1 ft I f f i ft Chas. Mills Henry " Jesse " J. H. Mills Chas. Mills Jesse ' ' W. J. Terry C. M. Mills A A Selover A. A. Selover J. B. M. S. Carman. Walter Raynor S. Camerden R. L. Petty William Kremer S Camerden Hiram Raynor. 4.00 4 ft ft if 4.00 4 if it 11 4.00 4 it it it 4.00 4 Fiddleton 4.00 4 t i 4.00 4 if 4.00 4 It 4.00 4 ft 4.00 4 North Shore 4.00 4 B. P. Association 4.00 4 ft ft If 1880 1881 Page 54. 4 North Shore 1880 _j. ti ft it 4 B. P. Association 1881 j^ tf ft If ft A ll li il ft 1 North Shore 4 Quanch Channel. 1880 1 1 Deer. 27th '82 1' ii ii il ti ii ii <( " 80th " if f f it if ft ti It fi ff ft it il Jan. 1st '83 Jan. 1st '83 By C. E. Rose oo < ft HO Wft ;:iOfcO not paid oto The whole amount collected by me on Oyster Leases up to date $297.00. The amount col lected by C. E. Rose in the beginning of 1SS2, §^21. 00 Bellport. Oyster association and North Shore leases were given March 1st. 1S80 — expire March. 1st 1890. Quanch Channel leases given March 1st 1880. expire March 1st 1890 — Fiddleton and East Fiddleton leases given May 4th 1880, expire May 4th 1890. Respectfully submitted Feb. 6th 1SS3. A. A. Selover. Bay Comt. The following persons have paid for new leases and renewing old ones up to March 1st 1884. Amt. collected acres Location. Lease given. Lease expires. Lease renewed Smith Camerden 4.00 4 Behport Association ISSO. 1890. Mar 16th 'S3 Isaac Monsell 8.00 8 if f f t f f f " 17th '83 Edward " S..00 8 ft ft f f t f ft if ff Walter Raynor 4.00 4 North Shore tt It " 19th 'S3 J . Havens 4. 00 4 Quanch Channel 1 1 if ii ii a J. M. Shaw Jr. 4.00 4 North Shore f f 'f " 20th " J . M. Shaw Jr- 4.00 4 Bellport Association f f f i it fi ff o ft* bo?: o otq < ftH o Qo Chas. M. Hawkins 4.00 4 ff ff ft If " 21st " Franklin Smith 4.00 4 ft It new Leases If II " 22d " R. L. Petty 4.00 4 ff ft 1883 " 23d N. " R. L. Petty 4.00 4 North Shore if It it il jq-_ ii C. A. Robinson 4.00 4 Bellport Association 1880 " 27th " " td C. S. Piatt 4.00 4 North Shore It It " " New leases O A. Carman 2.00 2 ff ff It It " 30th " John Rider 4.00 4 Bellport Association ft If " 31st ¦=1 Chas. Hulse 2.00 2 North Shore 1883 " " new leases ft 2! J. H. Bell 4.00 4 Bellport Association Page 55. ii £C If ff ff ft H Oft oo Geo. Monsell 4.00 4 Bellport Association ii ii " 31st new lease P3 f f ft 4.00 4 If ff ii ii it If if ff Smith Camerden 4.00 4 North Shore ii ii " " new lease John Glover 4.00 4 B. P. Association 1880 if it It It A. A. Selover 4.00 4 if ff It ft ft ft it ft ft k— 1 J. B. Selover 4.00 4 ft it If ff ti il it f i il o HiOI A. A. Selover 4.00 4 Sanford Smith 4.00 4 Oscar Robinson 4.00 4 Ohver W. Robinson 2.00 2 C. E. Goldthwaite 4.00 4 James Ward 4.00 4 John Corwin 2.00 2 Geo. Rice 2.00 2 Chas. Havens 2.00 2 Richard Hamell 2.00 2 J. R. Watkins 4.00 4 J. S. Watkins 4.00 4 M. L. Corwin 4.00 4 C. S. Watkins 4.00 4 Horace Raynor 8.00 8 Wilber Corwin 4.00 4 North Shore B. P. Association " 11 li ii North Shore 1883 Behport Association ISSO North Shore " 1888 B. P. Association ISSO if April 2d 1883 new lease 3d North Shore " B. P. Association " West Bay " B. P. Association " The whole amount collected for the year ending April 3d 1883 $475.00 ^ Respectfully submitted April 3d 1SS3. Recorded May 2d. 1883. ^ Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. A. Selover. Bay Comt. o b3too o w w>¦ ft tee first Tuesday in September 1883. Recorded July ISth. 1883. by Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 62. Trustee Meeting at Patchogue Tuesday Sept. 4th 1883. Merabers present as follows, Mr. Austin Culver, the President of the Board, Trustees Henry T. Osborn, Charies E. Rose, Charles S. Rose, Albert H. Hutchinson, Joseph T. French and John R. Davis. The minutes of the Two previous meetings of the Board were read and approved, after which Trustee Rose of Patchogue presented a Lease for shore front East of Ocean Avenue, held by Lewis Wicks for renewal. The Board voted to renew said Lease and the followino; was written thereon. This Lease is hereby Renewed for the term of Five years in accordance with the provisions thereof at the annual Rental of One Dollar per year payable in advance — In Witness whereof the said parties of the first part have caused the corporate Seal of the Town of Brookhaven and the Signature of their President to be hereunto affixed and the said party of the second part has hereunto set his hand and Seal this 3d. day of Sept. 1 883. Several Oyster leases were presented for renewal, all of which were renewed, with the payment in advance of one years Rent. Charles R. Smith of Patchogue appeared before the Board for the payment of a Bill of $20.75 an amount claimed by him as contracted by C. W. Ruland while Trustee, in prosecuting violations of Town laws, whereupon the following Resolution was passed by the Board, Resolved. That the Bill presented by Chas. R. Smith 1034 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Esq. for legal Services in prosecuting parties (by direction of C. W. Ruland a former member of Board of Trustees) for violating the law in the Great South Bay. will not be paid by this Board of Trustees. Mr. Elias P. Tuthih of the Town of Islip appeared before the Board, and applied for a duplicate copy of an oyster Lease, as he claimed to have lost the original one granted him. A Duplicate of the Lease on Record in his name Dated May 4th. 1881 was given by order of the Board. Page 63. Moved and carried that Chas. E. Rose and Llenry T. Osborn be appointed a committee to examine the shore ground applied for by Mr. Dewitt Newins of Patchogue. Resolved. That Trustees. Messrs Austin Culver and Henry T. Osborn be appointed a committee to confer with Messrs Floyd and Stansbrough in regard to the defense of the Town's rights in the Suit with Warren Swezey and the Lessees of Mr. Egbert T. Smith. Trustee John R. Davis presented the following preamble and Resolution, which was adopted. Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Suffolk Co. passed a Resolution on November the 12th 1875 known on the Records of Suffolk Co. as Resolution No. 3. forbidding the use of Dredges in the Bay of Port Jefferson and the waters connected therewith, and. Whereas, Such Resolution was amended by the said Board by Resolution No. 14 on the 22d. of June 1878. and repealed by the Board by Resolu tion No. 26. passed October 17th 1879. and Whereas, Such amendment and repeal is working great damage and injury to the inhabitants of the Town. Now, therefore be it Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven do hereby request the Board of Supervisors of Suffolk Co. to Ro-pass the Resolution known as No. 3. forbidding the use of Dredges in Port Jefferson Bay and BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1035 adjacent waters, and the Town Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this preamble and Resolution to Supervisor Floyd for presentation to the said Board of Supervisors at their next meeting. The Board adjourned to hold their next meeting at the House of Mr. L. H. Davis in Coram on the first Tuesday of October 1888. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. Page 64. Trustee Meeting at Coram October 2d 1888. Merabers present as follows, Mr Austin Culver, the President of the Board, Trustees John R. Davis, Albert H. Hutchinson, Charles S. Rose and Joseph T. French. It being a very Stormy day — the other members Henry T. Osborn and Charles E. Rose did not appear. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved by the Board, Trustee French offered the following Resolution which was passed by the Board. Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Board pay Robert R. Smith Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) towards his share of the net revenue from the South Bay for the pres ent year. Overseer of Poor Hamilton T. Bayles of Port Jefferson made application to the Treasurer for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars Town's Money for use in support of Poor. Said apphcation was granted by a vote of the Board. The amount was transferred to Bayles, and the Treasurer took a note for the same. Mr. Culver repre senting the committee appointed to confer with Messrs Floyd and Stansbrough in regard to the Town's rights of East Bay, reported progress in the case. Mr Nathaniel Miller made apphcation for the Board to grant him permission to forward to the Long Island His torical Society and also the New York Historical Society, Each a Copy of the Printed Records of the Town of Brookhaven of which he has a number belonging to the 1036 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Town, in his possession, for which privilege was granted by the Board. Page 65. Bills of the Town's indebtedness to the merabers of the Board for attending the i-egular, special and also Bay Com mittee meetings, since the organization of the present Board on May 1st. 1883, up to and including this meet ing were presented and paid as follows. Trustee. Charies S. Roe. Bih of $21.00 Paid Trustee Albert H. Hutchinson If " $18.00 It Trustee, Joseph T. French f 1 " $12.00 If " John R. Davis ft " $18.00 f f (President &Treas.) Austin Culver ft " $24.00 ft So voted by (Town Clerk.) Board H. P. LIutchinson if " $10.75 ft ft ft fi It was moved and carried that the Board adjourn Sine Die or Subject to the call of the President. Recorded by Henry P. ECutchinson, Clerk. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Saturday Novr. 3d 1883. Members present as follows. Mr. Austin Culver the President of the Board, Trustees, Henry T. Osborn, John R. Davis, Joseph T. French and Charles S. Rose, The Minutes of the previous meeting, were read and approved. Supervisor, Nicoll Floyd, made application for the Board of Trustees to grant him permission to present a copy of the Printed Records of Brookhaven Town to the Board of Supervisors — for which privilege was granted him. A Bill of $9.25 was presented by Trustee French BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1037 for the new Pump placed in the Town Well at Coram by Geo. E. Randall of Yaphank. Said Bill was ordered paid. Page 66. The following Resolution was passed by the Board, Re solved, Th'dt action and a vote be taken on the Smith-Point oyster question at our next meeting of the Board of Trus tees. Resolved That the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, authorize the Supervisor Mr Floyd to in vestigate a claim for money belonging to the Town in the hands of C. Wallace Ruland and to commence an'action to recover the same if he finds the claim valid. The Board adjourried to meet at the house of Mr L. H. Davis in Coram on the first Tuesday in December 1883. at 10 O'clock a.m. Henry P. Hutchinson. Clerk. Trustee Meeting, Coram, Tuesday Deer. 4th. 1888. All the members were present as follows, Mr Austin Culver the President of the Board, Trustees. Henry T. Osborn, Joseph T. French, John R. Davis, Charles S. Rose, Charles E. Rose, and Albert H. Hutchinson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved by the Board, after which the following Resolution was passed by the Board, Resolved, That C. W. Ruland Esq. be requested to re port to this Board at its next Meeting to be held at Coram on the 2d. day of January 1884 a statement of his receipts and expenditures in the Suit brought by him as Trustee against E. T. Moore for violation of the oyster laws, and that the Clerk furnish a copy of said resolution to Mr Ruland. C. E. Rose moved and it was carried by the Board, that the application of Horace M. Raynor for 4 acres of land under water in the Great South Bay for the purpose of 1038 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. laying down oysters — be referred to Trustee C. S. Rose to locate them as he thinks best. Page 67. It was passed by a majority vote that no more Leases for oyster ground be granted in Port Jefferson Harbor. Resolved, That all persons whose Oyster leases in Port Jefferson Bay has or shall expire before the 1st day of April 1884. shall have until the 16th day of June 1884 to remove their oysters from the grounds covered by Said Leases. Trustee Osborn presented the following which was adopted. Resolved, that the Town of Brookhaven owns the bottom of the South and East Bays, from a line drawn from Long-point to Hospital-point on the West to South ampton Town line on the East. Resolved. That the Board of Trustees shall warrant and defend their Townsmen in using the Fisheries and privileges in the South and East Bays, East of a line. South from Long- point to Hospital point on the West to Southampton line on the East. Board adjourned to meet at the house of Mr L. LI. Davis in Coram on Wednesday Jan 2d 1884 at 10 A.m. Coram Wednesday, Jan 2d 1884. A very stormy day. only Three of the Trustees were present, as follows, viz.^ — Joseph T. French, Charles S. Rose and Albert H. Hutchin son. There not being a Quorum present, no Town busi ness was transacted. Henry P. Ilutchinson, Clerk. Coram Feb 5th 1884. (First Tuesday,) A stormy day, and bad traveling. No Trustee meeting held to-day. Trustee French and the Clerk were the only members who appeared. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 68. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday Feb. 26th 1884 Members present as follows, Mr Austin Culver, the Presi- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1039 dent of the Board, Trustees Henry T. Osborn, John R. Davis, Charles S. Rose, Albert H. Hutchinson, and Joseph T. French. The only absent member (Mr Charles E. Rose of Patchogue) failed to meet with the Board, on account of Sickness. The minutes of the December meeting were read by the Clerk, And were voted approved by the Board. The following was passed by the Board, Resolved. That the Grounds and Oyster Fisheries. East of a line running Soutli from Long-point, and West of a North and South line running through Pattersquash Island be excepted from Resolution passed June Fifth 1883. Resolved, That the President of this Board, be and is hereby authorized to lease upon such terms and conditions as he sees fit the Grounds under water and Oyster-fisheries in the Great South Bay, East of a line running South from Long-point arrd West of a North and South line running through the East end of Pattersquash Island. Resolved That the Bill of James Brown for costs in a Suit to estab lish a Highway and landing at Millersplace is a just claim against the Town and recommend its payment of the Same by the Town Board of Audit. Resolved, That Nathaniel C. Miller be authorized to sell the cloth-Bound Books of the Printed Town Records for Fifty Cents and Leather .Bound for Seventy five cents. Resolved. That we Expend out of the South Bay proceeds Two Hundred Dollars for Seed oysters to be planted Broad cast on the public Grounds of the Great South Bay. Page 69. The following copies of letters received from the New York and Long Island Historical Society were by order of the Board of Trustees, herewith Recorded. The New York Historical Society has received Records of the Town of Brookhaven up to 1800, compiled by the Town Clerk 1040 BROOKHAVEN TOWN EECORDS. in 1880. A Gift from the Trustees of the Town of Brook haven, for which I am instructed to return a Grateful Acknowledgment. Library Second Ave. William Kelby corner of Eleventh St. Asst. Libi-arian Kew York City, Jan. 22d 1884 The Long Island Historical Society has received Records of the Town of Brookhaven up to 1800, as compiled by the Town Clerk in 1880, a very acceptable addition to its collection for which I have the honor to return you a Grateful Acknowledgment. Brooklyn. N. Y. George Hannah. Feb 1st 1884. Librarian. To Nathaniel Miller Esqr. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram, on Tuesday, March 25th 1884. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 70. Town Auditors meeting, at Coram, Feb 26th 1884. At a meeting of the Board of Auditors of Brookhaven Town— to determine the amounts necessary to be raised by Tax for Town uses in the coming year and to be voted for at the next Town Meeting, as required by the new law of 1883, which requires the Town Clerk to give Twenty days of public notice. Members present as follows. Nicoll Floyd, Supervisor. II. P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Justices of the Peace as follows. Charies R. Smith, W. Frank Smith, Timothy Ketcham, George W. Hopkins, and William J. Weeks. The fohowing Resolutions were passed by the Board. Resolved, That For the contingent Expenses of the Town, tho Sum of Two Thousand Dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be voted for by Ballot. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1041 Resolved, That For the support of the Poor of the Town, the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars, be voted for. For Commissioners of Highways, amt. appropriated. Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars. Resolved, That the Town-Clerk is nereby authorized to insert in his notice to be voted for at the next Annual Town meeting the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dol lars for the purpose of repairing, improving, altering or changing the Highway from Port Jefferson to Patchogue by way of Coram. Resolv-ed, That the Board of Town Canvassers adjourn the canvassing of the Town Election until the next day after the general Town meeting, at (9) nine Oclock in the fore-noon. The Board adjourned to meet at Coram on Tuesday March 25th 1884. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 71. Town Auditors Annual Meeting held at Coram March 25tli 1884. The Board of auditors of Brookhaven Town, met at the House of Lester II. Davis, in Coram on Tuesday March 25th 1884. at 10, Oclock A.M. All the Members were present as follows, Nicoll Floyd, Supervisor, Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk, Charles R. Smith, Timothy Ketcham, W. Frank Smith, Wm. J. Weeks, David H. Raynor, George W. Hopkins, Thos. H. Saxton and Alfred H. Mills, Justices of the Peace, (a full Board) Supervisor Floyd, appointed committees as follows. Constables, Inspectors, and Board of Health Bills. To be examined by Messrs. Hopkins & Weeks. Commissioners of Highways Bills, and Printing Bills, Messrs. Mills & Raynor 1043 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Committee on Miscellaneous Bills Messrs. C. R. Smith & W. Frank Smith. Supervisor's Accounts & Overseers of Poor, Bihs. Messrs. Saxton & Ketcham. The Board instructed the committee on Inspectors Bills, that the Horse-hire for carrying Returns of Election be disallowed. The following Resolution was adopted by a ballot vote of Seven to Two. Resolved, That the Bill presented by Janios Brown for about Eight Hundred Dol lars for costs and Interest incurred by him in an Action against the Commissioners of Highways of Brookhaven Town, which accrued some nine or Ten years ago, be re turned to the Board of Trustees, who recommended that it be presented to the Board of Town Auditors with a recom mendation that it be paid. This Board believes that the said Bill is not a Town Charge, and there is no power vested in this Board to pay the same, and that it be re turned to the said Board of Trustees for their further con sideration. The Board adjourned, to meet at the house of Mr. L. H. Davis, Coram, on Tuesday, April 1st 1884, at 9. a.m. Recorded by II. P. Ilutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 72. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, March 25th 1884. (Tuesday) Present, Mr Austin Culver, President of the Board, Trus tees, Charles E. Rose, Charles S. Rose, John R. Davis, Joseph T. French and Henry T. Osborn. Mr. Hutchinson, the Clerk, being absent — Trustee, Henry T. Osborn, was elected Clerk pro-tem. The following Resolutions were adopted by the Board. Resolved. That the lease given to the East Moriches Dock Co Dated March 1st 1881. at $5.00 per year. Recorded in Book G page, 47. April 6th 1881. be changed to the An nual Rental of $2.50 per year. Resolved. That all persons BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1043 authorized by the Trustees to sell the Printed Records of the Town of Brookhaven, shall sell the Cloth Bound Book for 50. cts. and Leather bound for 76 cts. The Board ad journed to meet at honse of Mr. L. H. Davis in Coram, on the first Tuesday in April, 1884. (Town Meeting day.) Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 73. Trustee Meeting, at Coram, Tuesday, April 1st 1884. Members present as follows, Mr Austin Culver, President. Trustees." Henry T. Osborn, Joseph T. French, Albert H. Hutchinson, John R. Davis and Charles S. Rose. Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. An applica tion from Port Jefferson with the Signature Lizzie J. Smith was presented and read before the P)oard which was as follows. Gentlemen. I respectfully represent that the Creek in the rear of my residence is a natural water course and that it has been narrowed by Mr Francis A. Hawkins in such a manner that the natural flow of water is obstructed, and I hereby petition that an order be issued by your Board to compel a removal of said obstruction and to open said Creek to its usual width. Yours Respectfully, Lizzie J. Smith Resolved, that the grounds in Port Jefferson Bay, be leased to William Bacon and Henry E. Smith subject to all leases already granted. The people retaining all Oysters, clams, fishing and fowling and all other natural products of Said Bay, for the term of Thirteen years, at one Dollar per year rent. John S. Lee, of Port Jefferson came before the Board and presented his lease for Shore Front— Said lease recorded in Book. (F) of Town Records, page 121— Mr Lee acknowledged that the rent had not been paid in sev eral years, and stated that he had lost his receipts showing 1044 BROOKHAVEN TOAVN RECORDS. when he last paid said Rent — On motion, it was voted by the Board, that Mr Lee pay Seven years rent on said lease. Mr Lee then paid to the "Treasurer" of the Board Sev enty Dollars ($70) taking a receipt for the same, and a Record was made in Trustees' North Side lease Book, Stating — Rents on said lease was paid to Feb. 2d 1885. Page 74. Charles P. Randall, of Port Jefferson, applied for a piece of meadow land on which to erect a " Canning Factory" and the matter was laid over until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. There being no further business before the Board, an adjournment was made. Sine Die. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk The following Resolutions, were read in open meeting by Supervisor Nicoll Floyd, at the General Town Meeting held at Coram on Tuesday, April Ist. 1884. and were passed by a vote of the people. Resolved, That the balance of the Dog Tax remaining in the hands of the Supervisor be transferred to the Con tingent Expense account to meet the Bills of the Town. Resolved, That the Supervisor be authorized to apply to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for so much of the balance of Town monies in his hands as shall be necessary to pay all audited bills against the Town, for which the contingent fund is insufficient. Resolved, By the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brookhaven at Town Meeting April 1st 1884. that the Trustees of the Town shall not sell or lease any more upland belonging to the Town until they have had Three (3) notices posted in public places, in the vicinity for Twenty days before selling or leasing, where the prop erty is situated, fully describing the same. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1015 Resolved that the Town Clerk is hereby instructed to enter the above on the Records of the Town. Resolved, That all sales or leases of Uplands by the Board of Trustees be at public auction. Page 75. Resolved, That the Supervisor be requested to apply to the Board of Supervisors for the passage of a Dog Law for this Town similar to that in force for the Town of Hunt ington. Resolved, That in case of failure to vote at the present Election to apply to the Board of Supervisors to hold the Annual Town meeting by Election Districts — The next annual Town meeting be held at Middle Island in front of the Town Clerk's office. Recorded by, Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 76. Town Meeting of Brookhaven 1884. We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the Town of Brookhaven, in Suffolk County do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Meeting held this 1st. day of April 1884 at the house of Lester H. Davis in Coram in said Town the following officers were elected to the respective offices named. For Supervisor. James E. Bayles Town Clerk. Henry P. Hutchinson Justices of the Peace Daniel H. Buckingham full term 4 years. George T. Osborn full term & vacancy. Alfred H. Mills Fih vacancy. 1046 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. For President of Trustees Austin Culver Trustees Austin Culver. John R. Davis Albert 11. Hutchinson Joseph T. French. Henry T. Osborn. D. Norton Robinson Charles S. Rose. Overseers of the Poor Hamilton T. Bayles llenry W. Ketcham Assessors John W. Mathews Edmund W. Ruland Commissioner of Highways George W. Robinson Page 77. Collector John Roe Smith Constables George W. Hastings Walter C. Howell Amos B. Laws S. Warren Wines Henry P. Osborn Wm. J. Goldsmith Addison H. Bumstead Marcus A. Homan BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1047 Game Constable William G. Bayles Bay Constables George Johnson John Garrety Commissioner of Excise Henry W. Ketcham Inspectors of Elections 1st Dist. 1 John Henry Smith " " 2 Aaron A. Hawkins appd. 3 Jedediah Williamson 2d Dist. 1 Chauncey A. Edwards " " 2 Louis A.' Walker " appd 3 Charies F. Roe 8d Dist. 1 George W. Hopkins " " 2 John S. Randall appd. 3 Joseph N. King. 4th Dist 1 John L. Havens " "2 Samuel Martin " appd 3 Gideon F. Smith 5th Dist. 1 Cornelius Corson. " " 2 John W. Reeve appd. 3 Timothy Ketcham. Page 78. 6th Dist 1 Elbert Ketcham " "2 Isaac Smith , appd 8 Sidney O. Weeks. 7th Dist. 1 Isaac W. Gould " " 2 Thomas B. Lee appd 3 Robert F. Hawkins 1048 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. The whole number votes cast for & against appropriation of Poor was One Hundred and Thirty seven, of which One Hundred and Twenty seven were for and Ten against appropriation — The whole number votes cast For and against appropri ation For Highway Port Jefferson to Patchogue was nine Hundred & Seventy Six 976 of which Four Hundred and Twenty one were For 421 and Five Hundred and Fifty five were against .566 The whole number votes cast for and against appropri ation For contingent Expenses was One Hundred and Forty Three 143 of which One Hundred and Twenty Two were for 122 and Twenty one against 21 The whole number votes cast for and against making application to the Board of Supervisor's to authorize the annual Town meetings in Brookhaven, to be held by Elec tion Districts and to describe the manner in which the Town business shall be conducted in such districts, and the results ascertained and recorded. The whole number of votes cast for and against was One Thousand and ninety seven, of which 802 votes were cast for, and 295 against — We the undersigned certify that the above is a true and cor-rect statement of the Election and Canvass of said annual Town meeting. Town of Brookhaven. April 2d 1884. Geo. W. Hopkins ] Coram T. H. Saxton Recorded April 2d 1884 D. H. Raynor Henry P. Hutchinson. Charles R. Smith Town Clerk. W. Frank Smith Wm. J. Weeks Justices of the Peace Page 79. Trustee Meeting at the Town Clerk's office Tuesday BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1049 April 12th. 1884. Members present as follows. Mr Austin Culver, President, Trustees Henry T. Osborn, Joseph T. French, John R. Davis, Charles S. Rose, Albert H. Ilutchinson and D. Norton Robinson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap proved. Mr. Robert R. Smith, being present with the Board, the following was adopted. Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to pay the balance due Mr. Robert R. Smith from the proceeds of the Great South Bay, for tho year ending April 1st 1884. The sum of $242.28, was then paid to Mr Smith by the Treasurer, and a receipt for the same received by the Treasurer. The following Resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved, That the President Mr Austin Culver be the Treasurer of this Board for the ensuing year. Resolved, That no persons be allowed to authorize any expense or to do any business whatever for the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, without first being authorized by the Board to do the same, and this Board will not hold them-selves responsible for any expense incurred or any business done in accordance with this Resolution. Resolved that a committee consisting of Messrs Austin Culver, Henry T. Osborn Charles S. Rose and D. Norton Robinson be and the same are hereby appointed a committee to take charge of the business of this Town in the Great South Bay for the ensuing year. Resolved, That Trustees Albert H. Hutchinson, John R. Davis and Joseph T. French with Mr Culver the Presi dent be authorized a committee to take charge of the Town Rents &c on the North side of the Town, for the ensuing year. Resolved, That the employment of a Watchman in the Great South Bay, be left to the South Bay Committee. 1050 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 80. The applications of Mr. Charies P. Randall and Miss Lizzie J. Smith of Port Jefferson, which were presented at the previous meeting, were laid over to the next meeting of this Board. The Board adjourned to meet at the Tovvn Clerk's office (Middle Island) on the first Tuesday in June 1884. Recorded by Henry P. LIutchinson. Town Clerk. Statement of a/c of South Bay ending April 3d 1883 — by Austin Culver. Treasurer — Trustees- Revenue from South Bay for the year commencing April 11th. 1882 and ending April 3d. 1883— $ C. W. Ruland paid for leases of Oyster lots 964.00 " " " Docks and Shores 88.00 A. A. Selover paid for leases of Oyster lots 464.00 " " " " Grass & Dock rent 12.60 Total Revenue 1608.60 Total expenses 780.50 net revenue 2\773.00 R. R. Smith's part /386.50 Paid 300.00 Due Mr Smith— 86.50 Expenses Paid to Bay Constables $296.60 " T. S. Heatley for Blank book 9.00 " " printing and advertising 18.60 " Justus Roe, for M'ap, 160.00 " C. W. Ruland work and collecting money 152.42 " A. A. Selover " " 40.55 " T. M. Griffing conducting lawsuits 49.50 " Treasurer's Bih 1 per cent. 15.03 Total Expenses 730.50 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1051 Recorded April 13th 1884— Austin Culver, Treasurer of Trustees. The following preamble and Resolution was adopted by the Board of Trustees, at their meeting on Sept. 2d 1884. In-as-much as pages 80 & 81, in the Trustees Book " 11'' of Records were written by Miss Hutchinson at the request of Robert R. Smith in the absence of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, said pages showing a balance of $328.78 cts due Robert R. Smith, the said balance hav ing been paid to Robert R. Smith the receipts for which is held by said Board of Trustees — Therefore Resolved, That the Statements on said pages-be and are hereby expunged from the Records of said Town of. Brookhaven. Placed here by order of the Board of Trustees. II. P. LIutchinson Town Clerk. Page 81. Statement of a/c of South Bay business ending April 1st. 1885 — by Austin Culver, Trustees Treasurer. East Moriches, April 7th. 1884. Austin Culver, Treasurer &c reports to Mr. Robert R. Smith for the year beginning April 4th 1883 and ending April 1st. 1884. Gross Receipts of South Bay $1844.50 and Expenses as follows. Paid South Bay Committee time, and counsel, room rent, 128.75 " Justus Roe balance on Map. 100.00 " Bay Constables 78.00 " for printing and advertising 14.25 " C. R. Smith, suits for violating of 1882, Spawn law. 20.50 1053 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. " Treasurer 1% of receipts 18.44 Reserved for seeding S. Bay 200.00 $569.94 Total expense $559.94 Net income $1284.66 For Robt. R. Smith i the above $642.28 Less paid. Oct 19th. 1883— 200.00 Apr. 1st. 1884— 200.00 400.00400.00 Due at date $242.28 Austin Culver. Recorded April 13th. 1884— Treasurer. Tho foregoing statement was placed on record by request .of Mr. Robert R. Smith and not by authority of the Board of Trustees. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk The fohowing preamble and Resolution was adopted by the Board of Trustees at their meeting Sept. 2d 1884 In-as-much as pages 80 & 81 in the Trustees Book H. of Records were written by Miss Hutchinson at the request of Robert R. Smith in the absence of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, Said pages showing a balance of $328.78 cts due Robert R. Smith, the said balance hav ing been paid to Robert R. Smith, the receipt for which is held by said Board of Trustees — Therefore, Resolved, That the Statements on said pages be and are hereby ex punged from the Records of Said Town of Brookhaven. Page 82. Trustee Meeting, at the Town Clerk's office. Middle Island. Tuesday June 3d 1884. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1053 Trustees present as follows, Mr Austin Culver, President of the Board, Trustees Henry T. Osborn, Joseph T. French, Albert II. Hutchinson and D. Norton Robinson. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and ap proved. It was moved and carried that Trustees John R. Davis, Joseph T. French, and Albert H. Hutchinson be and are hereby appointed a committee to examine into the matter and ascertain so far as they can the extent of the Town's rights of the public Landing at Mt. Sinai. Presi dent Culver presented his Bond as Treasurer of the Board of Trustees for the year 1884, said Bond was read by the Clerk accepted by the Board, and placed on tile in the Town Clerk's office. Ellison Bishop of Centre Moriches asked for the privilege of Erecting a Portable Dock at the South end of his land to extend into the East Bay Three hundred feet (300 ft) and to be about 5 feet in width, for the terra of 5 years at the yearly rent of one Dollar. The above application was granted by a vote of the Board. It was Resolved by a vote of the Board that the Petition of the Patchogue Oyster Association be laid over to the next Meeting of the Board. On motion of Trustee Osborn it was voted that the 99 — Leases of Oyster Lots at Fiddleton in the Great South Bay should be cancelled. It was Resolved by the Board, that the Treasurer pay to Mr Robt. R. Smith $75.00 on ac count, towards his share of the net proceeds of the South Bay for 1884. It was then voted that the Board adjourn to meet at the call of the President. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 83. Order altering and fixing the Eastern boundary hne of Scliool District Number 27 and the Western boundary line of School District number 28 of the Town of Brookhaven, in the County of Suffolk, N. Y. 1054 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. It is hereby ordered by Douglas Conklin, School Com missioner of the 2d. Commissioner District of Suffolk County that the Eastern boundary line of School District No 27 and the western boundary line of School District No. 28 in the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. iJ. Y. shall be hereafter known and described as follows, viz : Beginning in the centi'c of the highway leading from Bellport to Patchogue on the line between Hiram Munsell's land and the lands of John O'Connell, thenee running Southerly on said line, six chains to the land of F. A. Otis ; thence continuing on the same southerly course on the line between the said Lliram Munsell's lands and the lands of said F. A. Otis sixteen chains and Sixty one links to said Hiram Munseh's south line, thence Northwesterly along said line two chains to the line between the lands of George T. Lyman, and the lands of the said F. A. Otis ; thence Southerly along said line eight chains and seventy links ; thence Easterly along the line between the lands of the last mentioned parties eight chains ; thence Southeriy along the line between the lands of said Lyman and Otis thirty two chains and forty links to the Great South Bay ; thence South to the Atlantic Ocean. Beginning again in the centre of the highway at the point first mentioned in this description ; thence running Easterly along the centre of said highway six chains, thence running northerly along the west line of Edward Tooker's lands sixty two chains and forty eight links to a line known as the " Head of the Neck" thence running westerly along said hne eight chains and thirty links to the line between lots numbers 14 and 15 west or little Division of Lots thence northerly on said line to the South line of School District No 15. in said Town of Brookhaven. In witness wher'eof I have hereunto set my hand this 12th. day of June 1884. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1055 ; Dated Huntington June 12th 1884. Douglass Conkhn Sch. Com. 2nd Com. Dist At a meeting of the Trustees of School District No. 27. of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. N. Y. it was Resolved Page 84. that the consent of the Trustees of District No. 27 in the Town of Brookhaven be and hereby is given to the altera tion of said district by an order bearing date June 12tli 1884. made by Douglass Conklin, School Comraissioner for the second Commissioner district of Suffolk Co. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our hands this 13th day of June 1884. C B Hawkins! ^^^^^^^^ Charies HoinanVj)j^^j^^_ 27. Barna King ) At a meeting of the Trustees of School district No. 28 of the Town of Brookhaven, Suffolk Co. N. Y. it was Resolved, that the consent of the Trustees of district No. 28 in the Town of Brookhaven, be and hereby is given to the alteration of said district by an order bearing date June 12th. 1884, made by- Douglass Conkhn School Commis sioner for the Second Commissioner district of Suffolk Co. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this 13th. day of June 1884. Walter Raynor. | rj,^,,,^^^^ Recorded July 2d 1884. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Page 85. Tuesday Aug 6th 1884. This day was appointed to hold a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at the Town 1056 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Clerk's office. But the weather being stormy in the early part of the day, only four of the members .were present. Mr Culver, the President and Three of the Trustees as follows, Henry T. Osborn, Joseph T. French, and Albert H. Hutchinson. As this was not considered a Quorum, no Town business was transacted, and at 24-i P.M. an ad journment was made, to meet at Roe's Hotel (in Patchogue) on Tuesday. Aug 12th. 1884 at 9 a.m. Henry P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting, Tuesday, Aug. 12th 1884. (at Pat chogue) Members present as follows. Mr. Austin Cnlver, President, of the Board, Trustees. Henry T. Osborn, D. Norton Robinson, Joseph T. French, and Albert H. Hutch inson, The minutes of the previous meeting were, read, and approved by the Board. Mr Edward Boddy of East Moriches, made application to the Board for the right to erect a Portable Dock opposite his Pavilion on the South Beach opposite East Moriches. Said Dock to be 12 feet wide and 250 feet long, and to be so located as in no- wise to interfere with the navigation of the Channel running into sairl pavilion. The above application was granted by a vote of the Board, for the term of (6) Five j'cars at $2,00 per year payable in advance. A Bill amounting to $8.00 presented by Lawyer Nicoll Floyd for services as A.ttorney, was on motion of the Board ordered paid. Resolved. That the statements recorded on pages 80, and 81. of this Book were placed on Record by request of Mr. Robert R. Smith, and not by authority of the Board of Trustees, Page 86. After some discussion it was thought proper to place the following Petition on record with the rainutes of this meet- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1057 ing. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, Respectfully Petition the Board of Supervisors of Suffolk County to repeal all laws effecting the Oyster fisheries in the Town of Brookhaven, to the end that the Board of Trustees may deal Exclusively with the whole subject as far as lies within their power. Resolved, That the above Petitiorr to the Board of Supervisors be published in the Advance, also that the people of this Town be invited to meet with the Trustees at their next meeting, and give their views on the same. Resolved That the Board of Trustees, issue leases for lots for the planting and culti vating of oysters in the West portion of the Great South Bay, lying west of a line rurining due South from Green's point to the " South Beach" (natural oyster-Beds excepted) in such localities and under such conditions and restric tions, as shall be determined upon when applications for such leases are received. There being no further business before the Board, at this meeting, adjournment was made, to meet at Roe's Hotel in Patchogue, on Tuesday, September, 2d 1884, at 9 a.m. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. The following Preamble and Resolution, was adopted by the Board of Trustees at their meeting on Sept. 2d 1884. In as much as pages 80 & 81 in the Trustees' Book H. of Records, were written by Miss Hutchinson, at the request of Robert R. Sniith in the absence of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, Said pages showing a balance of $328.78 cts due Robert R. Smith, the said balance hav ing been paid to Robt. R. Smith the receipt for which is held by said Board of Trustees — Therefore Resolved, That the. Statements on said pages be and are hereby expunged from the Records of Said Town of Brookhaven. 1058 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 87. Trustee Meeting, at Patchogue, Tuesday Sept. 2d. 1884. Members present as follows. Mr Austin Culver, President of the Board, Trustees Henry T. Osborn, D. Norton Rob inson. — Albert H. Hutchinson, John R. Davis and Joseph T. French. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and approved by the Board. Bay Constables John L. Garety and George W. Johnson, presented bills amount ing to Seventy Eight Dollars $.78.^-2- for services rendered in watching and protecting the " Spawn Oysters" on the South Bay. By Resolution of the Board said Bills were paid by the " Treasurer" The Committee Consisting of Trustees Davis, French and Hutchinson, appointed at the meeting of June 8d '84 to examine into the Town's rights of the pubhc Landing at Mt. Sinai, presented the following report with their Signatures attached thereto. The Committee appointed to examine the Shore and Road at Mt. Sinai, claimed by John H. Smith, as his private property and for which he has commenced a Suit for trespass against D. W. Davis for laying wood on said road. Hereby report that said Com mittee met at Mt. Sinai on the 30th of July 1884, and ex amined the premises in dispute and from Records and other testimony brought to their notice, they consider that the property belongs to the Town and recommend the Board of Trustees defend the Town's title to said Shore and road. Said report Was discussed at length by the Board after which Trustee Osborn, moved, and it was carried by the Board ' that the report be received and the recommendation therein adopted, — Trustee Robinson moved that the Reso lution, to Petition the Board of Supervisors to repeal the " Oyster spawn law" be laid on the table, which motion was carried by the Board. BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1059 The Board then adjourned to meet at Port Jefferson on Tuesday Oct 7th 1884 at 10 O'clock a.m. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 88. Trustee Meeting, at Port Jefferson, Tuesday Oct. 7th 1884. Members present as follows, Mr. Austin Culver President of the Board. Trustees, Joseph T. French, John R. Davis, Albert H. LIutchinson and D. Norton Robinson. The rainutes of the previous meeting were read and approved by the Board. The following Resolution was presented, and by vote of the Board was adopted, Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees be instructed to pay to the Supervisor of the Town the sum of one Thousand Dollars to be applied by the Super visor to the payment of Town expenses. The Treasurer paid Five Hundred Dollars on the amount Stated in the above Resolution — to Mr James E. Bayles the Supervisor at this meeting. A considerable time was occupied at this meeting in receiving Oyster lot and Dock rents, and en dorsing leases for the Same, about $ was received by the Treasurer from this Source. There was considerable discussion in regard to South Bay matters, but no other Resolutions were passed by the Board. An adjournment was made about 8. P.m. to meet again, at the call of the President of the Board. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 89. Order Altering Districts Nos. 6, and 36. of the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk. In the matter of the alteration of. District No. 86 in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and the consequent alteration of District No. 6 in said Town. 1060 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. It is hereby ordered, by the undersigned School Com raissioner for Commissioner District No. 2 of the County of Suffolk that School Districts Numbers 6 and 36 of the Town of Br-ookhaven be altered as follows ; All that part of School District No. 36 of said Town lying East of a boundary line, beginning at a point where the road known as the Old Post Road intersects the west boundary line of District No. 6 ; thence running westerly by said old Post Road to the point of intersection of said old Post Road and the highway known as Washington avenue ; thence north erly along said Washington avenue to a point where the centre of said Washington avenue intersects with the centre of the road running frora Port Jefferson to Setauket ; thence running along a line north 18° East one hundred and Twenty (,120) rods to the west shore of Port Jefferson Bay, shall be taken from said district No. 36 and be added to and become a part of District No. 6 — And that said line above described be part of the west boundary line of Dis trict No. 6 and part of the East boundary line of District No. 36. in said Town of Brookhaven. The Trustees of District No. 86 not having consented to this order, the same will not take effect in respect to such last mentioned District until after three months notice in writing shall be given to some one or more of such Trustees. Given under my hand at Huntington this 27th. day of August 1884. Douglass Conklin Com. 2nd Dist Suff. Co, The consent of the sole Trustee of District No. 6. of the Town of Brookhaven is hereby given to the alteration of said District by the within order made by Douglass Page 90, Conklin, School Commissioner for the 2nd Com. District of Suffolk County— and dated August 27th. '84 BROOKHAVEN- TOWlir RECORDS. 1061 G. Frank Bayles, Sole Trustee Recorded Deer 2d 1884— School Dist No. 6. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town of Brookhaven. Town Clerk. Order. Changing boundary of School District No. 6 and the consequent alteration of School District No. 36 of Town of Brookhaven. In the Matter of the alteration of District No. 86— in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and the conse quent alteration of District No. 6 in said Town. It is hereby ordered, by the undersigned School Commissioner for Com missioner District No. 2 of the County of Suffolk, that School Districts Nos. 6 and 36 of the Town of Brookhaven' be altered as follows. All that part of School district No. 36 of said Town lying east of a boundary line beginning at a point where the road known as the Old Post Road intersects the West boundary line of District No. 6. thence running westerly by said Old Post Road to the point of intersection of said old Post Road and the Highway known as washinigtori- avenue ; thence Northerly along said washingtop avenue to a point where the centre of said Washington avenue intersects with the centre of the Road running from Port Jeflferson to Setauket thence running along a line Nortii 18° East One Hundred and Twenty (120) rods to the west shore of Port Jefferson Bay, shall be taken from said dis trict No. 36' and be added to and become a part of District No. 6 — And that said line above described be part of the west boundary line of District No. 6. and part of the East boundary line of District No. 86, in said Town of Brook haven. The Trustees of District No. 36— not having con sented to this order, the same will not take effect, in respect to such last mentioned district, until after three months 1063 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 91. notice in writing shall be given to some one or more of such Trustees. Given under my hand at Huntington this 27th. day of December 1884— Douglass Conklin School Com. 2d Dist. The consent of the sole Trustee of District No. 6. of the Town of Brookhaven is hereby given to the alteration of said district by the within order made by Douglass Conklin, School Commissioner for the 2nd. Commissioner District of Suffolk County and dated December 27th. 1884 — G. Frank Bayles. Trustee Recorded Jan 20th 1886. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Note, the like order previously recorded to be cancelled by order of Comr. D. Conklin. Jan. 20tli '85 At a Meeting of Town officers consisting of the Super visor Town Clerk and Justices of the Peace held (pursuant to Resolution of Board of Supervisors No. 49, passed March 20th 1884) at the Town Clerk's office on Tuesday March 3d 1885 to determine the amounts necessary to be raised by Tax for Town uses in the coming year and to be voted for at the next Town meeting, and for transaction of other business under the law. Merabers present as follows. James E. Bayles, Supervisor, H. P. Hutchinson " Town Clerk" and Seven Justices of the Peace as follows — Charies R. Smith, Timothy Ketcham George W Llopkins, Wihiam J. Weeks, Daniel H. Buckingham, George T. Osborn & David H. Raynor. Page 92. On motion it was Resolved, That the following appro- BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1063 priations and Resolntions be submitted to the Electors of the Town. For Contingent Expenses of the Town, Two Thousand and Three Hundred Dollars $2,300.00 For Support of the Poor Eight Hundred Dohars $.800.00 For Commissioners of Highways in Excess of Statute allow ance— One Hundred Dollars. $.100.00 Resolution, No. 1 Resolved That the Trustees of the Town pay over to the Supervisor this year, and in every year thereafter, on or before the first of October all Surplus- money in their hands to be applied by the Supervisor for the support of the Poor of the Town. Resolution No. 2 — Resolved, That the copying and pub lication of the Records of the Town of Brookhaven, now in the Town Clerk's office be continued from the close of the present published volume, under the direction of the Supervisor and Justices of the Peace. Resolution. No. 3. Resolved, That the Supervisor be and is hereby requested and empowered to have all necessary Blanks, Poll Books and Ballots for Resolutions and appro priations, printed for the use of the Town. Also to send copy of proceedings of this meeting to the several news papers of the Town to be printed in accordance with the law. There being no further business before the Board, an adjournment was made at 3.30 Sine Die. Recorded by H. P. Ilutchinson. Town Clerk of Brookhaven. Page 93. Trustee Meeting at the Town Clerk's office. Tuesday. March 10th 1885. All the members were present as fol lows. Mr. Ausrin Culver, the President of the Board. Trustees Joseph T. French, John R. Davis, D. Norton Robinson, Henry T. Osborn, Charies S. Rose and Albert H. Hutchinson. The minutes of the previous meeting 1064 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. were read and approved by the Board. The following was passed by the Board. Resolved, That John R. Davis one of the Trustees of the Town of Brookhaven, is hereby empowered to see that a certain passway 46 feet wide on the west side of land occupied by Nelson W. Davis in Port Jefferson be kept open for the convenience of the public. After a considerable discussion in regard to the claim of Mr. James Brown of Millersplace, Trustee Osborn offered the following Resolution which was carried unanimously. Resolved That the matter of paying the claim to James Brown of Millersplace — money spent by him in defending the property of the Town of Brookhaven, be referred to the new Board of Trustees, to assemble in April next, and that the Supervisor of said Town be requested to bring the matter before the Board of Auditors soon to meet, for their consideration, The Board of Trustees believing the claira to be a just one and ought to be paid. The following was offered; Resolved That Austin Culver, of the South-Side, Joseph T. French of the Middle, and John R. Davis of the North- Side, of the Town of Brookhaven, Be a Committee author ized by the Board of Trustees of said Town, — To wait upon Robert R. Smith and ascertain from him (if possible) on what terms and conditions he will quit-claim to the Town of Brookhaven all right, title and interest he may have in the Great South Bay— and that said committee report the result of Said interview to the Trustees at their earliest convenience, Trustee Rose moved, and it was car ried to lay the matter over until the next meeting. Page 94. Treasurer Culver — paid over to the Supervisor the bal ance of $ 500.00 Town's money, as per Resolution of page 88 passed Oct 7th 1884. Supervisor Bayles made application to have the rent of BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1065 James M. Bayles and Son's Ship- Yard on Port Jefferson Bay— reduced from $60. to Twenty Dollars per annum. On motion, it was Resolved by the Board that the applica tion be granted, and a new lease given. Trustee Davis offered the following, which was carried. Resolved That no person shall catch Escallops on Port Jefferson, Setauket, or Conscience Bays or Mt. Sinai Har bor, from the first day of April to the 1st day of October, in each year, under a penalty of Five Dollai-s for each offense. Trustee Rose offered the following. Resolved, That $200.00 be appropriated for Seeding the South Bay out of the funds of the current year, and with the other money already set apart for seeding, be expended for seed, and said seed be planted before the 15th day of June in the South Bay. No definite action was taken by the Board. Trustee Robinson— offered the following which was car ried. Resolved, That all oyster leases granted by the Trus tees of the Town of Brookhaven shall be cancelled by said Board unless the rent be paid within Three months after the same shall become due. On motion it was Resolved by the Board that the Treasurer pay to Mr. Robert R. Smith, $200. on account towards his share of the net pro ceeds of the Great South Bay. The Board adjourned to meet at the Town Clerk's office on the last Tuesday in March 1885, at 10. a.m Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 96. Trustee Meeting, at the Town Clei-k's office. Tuesday, March 31st 1886 All the members were present as fol lows, Mr. Austin Culver, President of the Board. Trustees Joseph T. French, John R. Davis, Albert H. LIutchinson, D. N 01 ton Robinson, Charles S. Rose and Henry T. Osborn. The minutes of the previous meeting were read 1066 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. and approved. The Bihs of members were then presented to the President for examination. Said Bills were audited and paid by the Treasurer of the Board. The Bills of George W. Johnson and John Gerety, Bay Constables were then presented and on motion ordered not paid. The following Resolution was passed by the Board, ' Resolved, That Two Hundred Dohars be appropriated out of the proceeds of the South Bay for the present year for the purpose of Seeding said Bay. Motion made and carried, that the Treasurer of this Board, pay to Mr Robert R. Smith, all monies due him from the South Bay on the 7th day of April, 1885. The Board then adjourned Sine Die. Recorded by H. P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. The Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors was held at the Town Clerk's office, on Tuesday March 31st 1886 Members present as follows. James E. Bayles, Super visor, President of said Board, and Eight Justices of the Peace as follows, — Charles R. Smith, Timothy Ketcham, David H. Raynor, William J. Weeks, George W. Hopkins, Daniel H. Buckingham, Alfred H. Mills, and George T. Osborn. The usual business of auditing the Town bills, was trans acted, and the Board adjourned to meet at the said Town Clerk's office on Wednesday, April 8th 1885. H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 96. The Board of Brookhaven Town Canvassers convened at the Town Clerk's office on Wednesday, April 8th 1886 at 10, a.m. pursuant to Election law passed by the Board of Supervisors of Suffolk County on the 20th. day of Novem ber 1884. Present, Charles R. Smith, George T. Osborn, David H. Raynor, Timothy Ketcham, William J. Weeks, George W. Hopkins, Daniel H. Buckingham and Alfred BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1067 II. Mihs. On motion Charles R. Smith was chosen chair man, LI. P. Hutchinson Town Clerk, present. They pro ceeded to canvass the votes, of which the result was as follows. The whole number of votes cast for Supervisor -wras 1970, of which James E. Bayles received 1828, and W. Frank Smith received 642. The whole number of votes cast for Town Clerk was 1963 of which Henry P. Hutchinson received 1301, and Thomas S. Heatley received 652. The whole number of votes cast for Collector was 1969 of which John Roe Sraith, received 1212 and Havens W. Wood received 757. The whole nuraber of votes cast for Justice of the Peace was 4050, — of which Charles E. Goldthwaite received 1203, David H. Raynor received 1991. C. W. Hawkins 856. The whole nuraber of votes cast for President of the Board of Trustees 2000, of which Austin Culver received 1298, — and Benjamin H. Jones received 702. Page 97. The whole number of votes cast for Trustees was 18,748. of w^iich Austin Culver received 1283 John R. Davis re ceived 1036 A. H. Hutchinson, 1161. Joseph T. French 1188 J. C. Carter 1081. D. N. Robinson 1184, Frank P. Swezey 1155 Benjn. H. Jones 882 J. S. Hawkins 786 E. A. Cowles 902.' H. T. Osborn 875. O. A. Overton 700 S.' B. Overton 811. J. L. V'alentine 760. The whole number of votes cast for Overseer of Poor was 3,963. of which H. T. Bayles received 1070. H. W. Ketcham 1178. O. T. Fanning 937. J. R. Boddy 778. The whole number of votes cast for Commissioners of Highways was 2082, of which David T. Bayles received 1211. H. L. Moger 821. The whole number of votes cast for Assessors was 3,981, ^068 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. of which Daniel W. Davis received 1192, Henry W. Car man 1194. Nathaniel T. Davis 803 John Hawkins 792. The whole number of votes cast for Game Constable was. 2194, of which John T. Corwin received 2194. The whole number of votes cast for Constables was 15,357. of which Walter C. Howell received 1162. George W. Hastings 1126. Isaac Plaskett 1123. S. Warren Wines 1154. D. Wells Howell 1136. Wniiam H. Sutton 1166. Addison H. Bumstead 1202. Marcus A. Homan 1144. Israel Bennett 781. E. Nicoll Wheeler 789. Amos B. Laws 780. Harry P. Osborn 788. John T. Worthington 767. Wihiam J. Goldsmith 778. Henry L. Gould 713. Charies E. Howeh 764. The whole number of votes cast for Bay Constables was ;3,828, of which Charles A. Jacobs received 1149. George Rice 1115. Everett W. Smith 791. W. Nelson Ackerly 773. Page 98. Inspectors of Election. Dist No. One. Thomas N. Bayles Samuel H. Brewster having received a majority of the votes cast were Elected, and Israel B. Tyler, appointed. Dist. No. 2. Chauncey A. Edwards \ y>] ^ j Jesse H. Davis j cctea. I. Wilson Ritch appointed Dist. No. 3. John S. Randan ] ^>^ ^ ^ Wilham A. Davis [ ^'^°*«'^- Samuel H. Miller appointed. Dist. No. 4. John L. Havens ) ¦n^ ,. j Samuel Martin f E^*^«^^<^- Gideon F. Smith appointed Dist. No. 6. N. Chnton Miller It:,,.-, J. Homer Gordon \ ^^'^^^^^^ Forrest P. Reeve appointed. BROOKHAVEN TO*WN RECORDS. 1069 Dist. No. 6. Charles Avery ) „, Wihiam H. Valentine [ ^^^^^^^ Joseph B. Swezey appointed Dist. No. 7. Henry Hazen Jr. ] t^, George Jones f Elected John J. Kirk appointed. Dist. No. 8. Thomas B. Lee ) t^, . , Willett S. Swezey \ Elected. William H. Osborn, appointed The whole number of votes cast for Commissioners of Excise was 1694, of which Daniel Jones received 862, Cornelius Corson 832, Page 99. The whole number of votes cast for Appropriation No. 1. for Contingent Expenses of $2,300 00 was 239. of which 210 were Cast For and 29 against The whole Number of votes cast for appropriation No. 2. for Support of Poor arat $800.00 was 323. of which 303. were cast. For, and 20 against. The whole number of votes cast for appropriation No. 3. for Repairs Roads and Bridges Amt. $100.00 was 303.— of which 286 were cast — For and 17 " " Against The whole number of votes cast for Resolution No. 1 was 408, of which 257 were cast, — For and 151 " " against The above Resolution No. 1. is Directing Trustees to pay Surplus Moneys in their hand to Supervisor for Support of Poor. The whole number of votes cast for Resolution No. 2. " To print Town Records' was 272, of which 262 votes were cast For and 20 " " " against 1070 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Page 100. Resolved, That at the Annual Town Meeting held in Town of Brookhaven April 7th 1885, the following named — having received the greatest amount of votes, are de clared duly Elected to the respective offices for which they are named. James E. Bayles. Supervisor Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. John Roe Smith. Collector. Charles E. Goldthwaite. Justice of the Peace David H Raynor. " " " " Austin Culver, President of the Board of Trustees Trustees Austin Culver, John R. Davis, Albert H. LIutchinson, Joseph T. French, John C. Carter, D. Norton Robinson, Frank P. Swezey. Overseers of Poor Hamilton T. Bayles. Henry W. Ketcham, Commissioner of Highways David T. Bayles. Assessors Daniel W. Davis, Henry W. Carman, Game Constable John T. Corwin Constables Walter C. Howell. George W. Hastings. Isaac " Plaskett. S. Warren Wines. D. Wells Howeh. " Wilham H. Sutton. Addison H. Bumstead. " Marcus A. Homan. Bay Constables Charles A. Jacobs. George Rice. Charles R. Smith. Chairman. Henry P. Hutchinson Clerk. Page 101. Trustee Meeting at Town Clerk's office. Wednesday April 15th 1885. Members present as follows, Mr. Austin BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1071 Culver, President of the Board, Trustees Joseph T. French, John R. Davis, Albert H. Hutchinson, D. Norton Robin son, John C. Carter, Frank P. Swezey— The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. On motion it was moved and carried. That Mr. Austin Culver be the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, for the ensuing year. Resolved, That a Committee consisting of Messrs. Austin Culver, D. Norton Robinson, John C. Carter and Frank P. Swezey be and the same are hereby appointed to take charge of the business of this Town in the Great South Bay for the ensuing year. Resolved, That Trustees Albert H. Hutchinson, John R. Davis, Joseph T. French, with Mr. Culver, the Presi dent be and the sarae are hereby authorized a committee to take charge of the Town Rents ifec on the North Side of the Town for the ensuing year. Resolved, That Four Hundred Dollars, of the money in the hands of the Trustees reserved for seeding and improv ing the Oyster ground in the South Bay, be expended for that purpose before the 15th day of June 1885. Resolved — That Austin Culver, be a committee to attend at Riverhead in the case to be tried there between Mr. Effbert T. Smith and the Town of Brookhaven with full authority to take such action in the matter as he may deera best for the interests of the Town. It was moved and seconded and carried that the following Petition*- pre sented by Mr Lester H. Davis be received and entered on Liecord with the minutes of this meeting. Town of Brookhaven, April, 1886. To the Trustees of the freeholders and commonalty of the Town of Brook haven— We the undersigned, freeholders and taxpayers Page 102. of this Town, having been informed and verily behoving * Note. Petition drawn up by W. J. Weelss. 1073 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. that for the past two years or longer, the Trustees, your predecessors — in violation of the tenure by which the Town has a share in the South Bay, and to the wrong, loss and injury of us the said Taxpayers, — have permitted certain and various persons to catch oysters or clams irr the said South Bay and to make sale of the same without paying any toleration or recompense for the privilege — do hereby earnestly and respectfully request that you will not neglect this important duty and that you will not permit any person hereafter, to catch the said products of the South Bay, within our said Town " to make sale of " without paying a just and reasonable compensation therefor. And further we desire to remind you that it is incumbent upon you, to obtain all just and lawful revenue frora the Town property and franchises in and about the harbors upon the North side and in other parts of the Town, coming under your jurisdiction — Lester H. Davis. G. W. Ritch. Charies W. Train Wra. E. Gould. Wm. L. Lee. W. J. Weeks Hiram E. Terry. Daniel R. Davis. Henry Smith James W. Smith S. Smilh Still Robert F. Hawking. Nelson Norton Marcus A. Homan. James Swezey D. Everett Swezey. Edward A. Swezey. John R. Dayton. M. L. Gould. Wm. H. Osborn. J. B. Gould. There being no further business before the Board, an adjournment was made to meet at the Town Clerk's office on the first Tuesday in July, 1885. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 103. Older setting the houses of Henry Narbring and George BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1073 Schultz from Dist. No. 2 of Riverhead into Dist No. 20 of Brookhaven. In the matter of the alteration of the boundary line of School District No. 20 of the Town of Brookhaven and the consequent alteration of the boundary line of School Dis trict No. 2 of the Town of Riverhead in Suffolk County N. y. — It is hereby ordered by the undersigned School Commissioners of Suffolk County, with the consent of the School districts hereby affected, that the houses and prem ises of Henry Narbring and George Schultz be set off, from School District No. 2 of the Town of Riverhead into School District No. 20 of the Town of Brookhaven the line making such alteration being described as follows ; Beginning at a point ill the centre of the Peconic River (said river being the boundary between the Towns of Brookhaven and River head and running easterly at said point,) thence running N. 16° 55' E. 375 feet to a certain stone marked with the letters D. L. on one side and with the figure 1 on the other, said stone or monument bearing N. 62° 56' E. 301 feet 1 inch from the Southeast corner of George Sehultz's house and S. 81° 51' E. from the northeast corner of said George Sehultz's barn ; thence N. 76° 47' W. 358 feet 6 inches to a certain stone marked with the letters D. L. and bearing N. 15° 47' W. from the Northwest corner of said George Sehultz's house, N. 6° 24' E. 60 feet from the Northeast corner of said George Sehultz's barn and N. 54° 51' E. from the Southeast corner of Henry Narbring's house ; thence N. 88° 07' W. to the line between the Towns of Brookhaven and Riverhead ; thence Southerly and easterly along said hne to the place of beginning. The alteration h,erein made to take effect immediately. Dated April 15th 1885. Geo. H. Cleaves. School Comr. 1st Comr. Dist. Douglass Conklin, School Comr. 2d Comr. Dist. 1074 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. I hereby consent to the making and entry of the above order. Dated April 15th 1885. E. V. Campbeh Sole Trustee of No. 20 of the Town of Brookhaven I hereby consent to the making and entry of the above order Dated April 15th 1886 Geo. B. Hutton. Sole Trustee of No. 2. of the Town of Riverhead. Recorded April 22d 1885. Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 104. Trustee Meeting at Town Clerk's office — Tuesday, July 7th 1885. Members present as follows— Mr. Austin Cul ver, President of the Board, Trustees John R. Davis, Joseph T. French, D. Norton Robinson, John C. Carter, Albert H. Hutchinson & Frank. P. Swezey. The Minutes of the previous Meeting of the Board, were read and ap proved. President Culver, who was appointed Treasurer of the Board, for the ensuing year, at the previous meet ing, presented his Bond which was read by the Clerk, Ap proved by the Board, and ordered placed on file in the Town Clerk's office. Resolved, That the Matter of James Brown (of Millersplace) be referred back to the Supervisor for a final Consideration. Resolved, That the application of the Port Jefferson and Bridgeport Steamboat Company for a lease of Two Hun dred feet from low water Mark for the purpose of building a Dock on the west side of Port Jefferson Bay, (known as California) to include the shore frontage of Forty Rods in front of their property from high-water to low-water Mark, — be granted at an Annual rental of Fifteen Dollars, pay able in advance, for the term of Ten years from this date, of July 7th. 1885. ¦BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1075 Resolved, That Frank A. Otis of Bellport be granted a lease for land under water in the South-Bay adjoining his premises for the purpose of Erecting a Portable Dock put ting a Buoy, or anchoring his boat, said lease to extend Three hundred feet into the Bay, and to extend the entire length in fi'ont of his Dike, provided the land included in the above Grant does not take in any land already leased. Terms to be Ten Dollars per year, payable in advance for one year, with the privilege of Five years. Page 105. Resolved, That Mr. Robert R. Smith be paid One Hun dred Dollars, towards his share of the revenue from the Gi'eat South Bay, for the year beginning April 7th 1885. The above amount was paid to Mr Robert R. Smith by the Treasurer of the Board, who took a receipt for the sarae. Resolved, That the matter of granting Licences or Tolera tions to Oyster in the Great South Bay, be deferred until the next meeting of the Board. Board adjourned to meet at Port Jefferson, on the first Tuesday in October. 1885. Recorded by II. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting at Port Jefferson, Tuesday Oct 6th 1885 Board of Trustees, met at Smith's Hotel. Members present as follows, Mr Austin Culver, President of the Board, Trustees John R. Davis, D. Norton Robinson, Joseph T. French, Albert H. Hutchinson, John C. Carter, and Frank P. Swezey. The Minutes of the previous meet ing were read, and approved by the Board. The following Resolution was passed by the Board, Resolved, That the Treasurer of the" Trustees be authorized and requested to pay to the Supervisor Eighteen Hundred Dollars out of the revenue in his hands for the year ending on the last Tuesday in March, 1886,' A Bill was presented before the Board, for Services 1076 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. rendered by Thomas J. Ritch, Jr. as Counsellor at Law, in the Mt. Sinai-Landing-Case, tried twice at River head. $75.00 Surveyor's fees in drawing Map &c 7.50 Total $.82.50 It was Resolved by the Board, that the above Bill be paid by the Treasurer. Page 106. Resolved, That the Ordinance passed by the Board of Trustees, May. the 6th 1873 (Recorded in Book F. page 41.) prohibiting the taking of Eels and Fi'sh in Old Field or Conscience-Bay be, and is hereby repealed. Resolved, That in Consideration of the Oyster-fisheries in the South Bay, on the public ground, being very poor and unremuner- ative at the present time, the matter of charging for licertse to Oyster on said Bay, be postponed for the present. Rents for shore and Oyster-lot leases, to the amount of nearly $600. was Received at this meeting by the Treasurer of the Board. Board adjourned to meet at Patchogue on the 2d Tuesday, Novr. 10th 1885. Recorded by H. P. Hutchinson, Town Clerk. We the undersigned, the Board of Town Officers of the Town of Brookhaven, having met at the Town Clerk's office as required by Law, to alter and arrange Election Districts so as not to contain over 500 Electors, or for other causes to change said Districts boundaries, and Whereas a Petition has been sent to us, by the Electors of Election- District No. 8. asking this Board to divide said District- No. Eight by a North and South line, Making Two Dis tricts of the same. Therefore Resolved, That said Election District No. 8. be divided and that a new District which shall hereafter be known as Election; District No. (9) Nine be Established and District No. 8. shall be bounded as BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1077 follows — On the West by the Towns of Smithtown and Islip. On the South by the Long Island Rail-Road, On the East by a Road known as the John Llulse Road. Starting from the Long Island Rail Road running Nortli to the Asa Swezey Road to the " Granny Road" then following the " Granny Road" West to a road running North through the property late of James Petty and of Lewis Smith to the Page 107. Road known as the new lane by and with said Ne-iV Lane to the Country Road and the West foot of Coi'am Hill, Thence due Nortli to the Butt-line, On the North by the Butt Line, Resolved, That Election District No (9) Nine shah be bourided as follows, On the West by a Road known as the "John Llulse Road" Starting at the Long Island Rail Road running North to the Asa Swezey Road to the " Granny Road" then fohowing the " Granny Road" West to a Road running North through the property late of James Petty and of Lewis Smith to the road known as the New Lane by and with said New Lane to the Country Road and the West foot of Coram Hill Thence due North to the Butt Line, on the North by the Butt Line, On the East by the Town of Riverhead and District No. 4. And on the South by the Long Island Rail-Road. Henry P. Hutchinson Town Clerk. James E. Bayles. Supervisor George D. Gerard, Daniel W. Davis, Henry W Carman, ^Assessors. E, W. Ruland, John W. Mathews, Joseph H Randall. Order vacating a preliminary order. 1078 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Middle Island. Monday Oct. 5th 1885. Recorded by Henry P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 108. In the matter of the alteration of School District No. 36— in the Town of Brookhaven, County of Suffolk and the consequent alteration of School District No. 6 in said town and County. The parties interested in the above matter having ap peared before me (after due notice of the hearing being regularly served on the proper parties) and presented their arguments and testimony for and against the confirmation of an order in the above matter bearing date August 27th 1884 and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Brookhaven on or about December 2nd. 1884 I hereby vacate that order for the following reasons — The school district No 6 is now a strong one and its school building is at times so overcrowded in the primary rooms as to be uncomfortable, and should this property and children be added a new school house would be necessary in the near future in said district. There would be added to said district No 6 some 15 or 20 scholars and Dist No. 36 would lose a corresponding number, which School Dist. (No. 36) is now but slimly attended. On the other hand the building in No. 86 is large and could comfortably accommodate twice the number which now attend. On account of the difference in distance be tween said school buildings and the pupils in the district proposed to be annexed to District No 6 a change would doubtless be preferable, but should the change be made and a new building site be obtained in Dist. No 6. this would furnish no argument as the new site would no doubt be further out of the village. After carefully considering BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1079 the difference in assessed valuations in the two districts and the arguments for and against the proposed alterations, I am of the opinion that any further loss of taxable prop erty and children from District No. 36 wih work great injury to the school Page 109. and the educational interests therein. Dated Oct 26th 1885. Douglass Conklin Recorded Oct. 28th/ 86 School Com. 2nd. H. P. Hutchinson. Dist. Suff. Co. Town Clerk. Trustee Meeting, at Patchogue, Tuesday. Novr. 10th 1886. — Members present as follows, — Mr Austin Culver, President of the Board,— Trustees John C. Carter, D. Norton Robinson, Joseph T. French, Albert II. Hutchin son, and Frank P. Swezey. The Minutes of the previous Meeting were read and ap proved. A Bill of Services rendered by Baj^ Constable Charles A. Jacobs, in watching for Dredgers on the South Bay, Three nights, total Nine Dollars. On Motion of the Board, said Bills were paid by the Treasurer. A Bill of $2.75 Reed, from the Editor of the News Letter for printing, was on Motion of the Board paid by the Treasurer. On Motion it was Resolved that Trustees Carter and Robinson be, and are hereby appointed a Committee to examine the premises of the Lease of Shore to John Silsbee, to consider the matter of granting him privilege to erect a permanent Dock on said leased premises. Resolved, . That President Culver be continued a Com mittee with authority to appeal to the General term-Court in regard to the Smith's point Baj' matter. — Several Oyster- lot Rents, were paid to the Treasurer at this Meeting. 1080 BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. Board adjourned to meet at the Town-Clerk's office (n the first Tuesday, of January, 1886. Recorded by H. P. Hutchinson. Town Clerk. Page 110. Special Trustee Meeting, at Middle Island, Deer. 9th. 1885. At a Special Meeting of the Board of Ti'ustees of the Town of Brookhaven, called by the President (Mr Austin Culver) to meet at the Town Clerk's office, on Deer. 9th 1S85. Members were present as follows. Trus tees John R. Davis. Albert H. LIutchinson, John C. Carter, D. Norton Robinson and Frank P. Swezey. Owing to the Absence of the President, Truetee John R. Davis was chosen President for the day. Sidney S. Norton Esq. ap peared before the Board of Town Trustees, in behalf of the Board of Trade of the village of Port Jefferson, to obtain a Quit-Claim, Title of Shore, on which to erect a Shoe Factorj' etc. — Said Shore commencing One LIundred feet West of the Shore owned by the Port Jefferson Milling Company and extending West about Two Hundred and Fifty-one feet, on the North-Side of the Llighway, along the Shore between High and low-water-Mark. By vote of the Board, it wns agreed to advertise said Town property to be sold at pubhc auction, on Saturday, Deer. 19th 1885, at a Bid exceeding, $199.00 Dollars, — Trustee Davis to auction the Sale of said property. Capt. Charles S. Mott (of Patchogue) made application to the Board of Trustees for a lease of 200 feet of shore for the terra of Fifteen years, between high and low water mark and a permit to extend a Dock into the llarbor of Port-Jefferson Bay, 200 feet from Highwater mark, in front of the land of J. Van Brunt, and adjoining the land leased to the Bridgeport and Port-Jefferson Steam-Boat Company, on the North. The said land to be used to build a Dock upon, and with a Building thereon, to be used for BROOKHAVEN TOWN RECORDS. 1081 the culling and Storing of Oysters. The above application was granted by the Board of Trustees for the term of Fifteen years, at Ten Dollars per year payable in advance. There being no further business before the Board,- — ad journment was made. Recorded by H. P. Hutchinson, Clerk. Note.— Tlie Records continue from page 111, Boole H. Com. y^>-V EP^a oai -n^S^^t I 9002 Q\a\ 209^