- i\\\VVVVV\% USViVV^ ¦ ¦¦¦,,!! //t/tfr/ff/t • i / / 1 1 1 / a 1 1 1 1 nit a YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 1941 THE CHURCH OF BURTON THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY PARISH OF KIRKBURTON AND OF THE rafresjn^ oi ]$almf. H-OLMFIRTH, IN THE COUNTY OF YORK. X\i\ numerous Jlluslraiiatis. HENRY JAMES MOREHOUSE, HUDDERSFIELD : PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR BY H. ROEBUCK, KING-STREET. MDCCOLXI. TO THE EIGHT HONOURABLE (Sfljrjge Jxetarixh Samuel, €m\ to (fag atttr §ip0tL My Lord, In the desire to Dedicate to your Lordship the result of my humble Topographical labours, I was influenced by the relation in which your Lordship stood towards the "West-Riding of Yorkshire, as one of its Representatives in Parliament, at the time when this work was announced for publication. Although that relation exists no longer, the desire which prompted my wish remains unabated ; and I gladly embrace the opportunity afforded me of expressing my sincere admiration of the zeal which your Lordship still manifests in promoting the welfare of all classes of the community, by upholding in their efficiency our time-honoured institutions — both civil and religious : whilst consistently supporting every measure tending to adapt them to the altered circumstances and requirements of the age. . With sentiments of sincere and grateful respect, I avail myself of the permission so courteously granted to DEDICATE this work to your Lordship ; and have the honour to remain Your Lordship's Most obliged and humble Servant, HENRY JAS. MOREHOUSE. PREFACE. In giving to the public the result of his labours, the Author feels it due both to them and himself, briefly to state some of the circumstances which led him to engage in this work. On settling down, more than thirty years ago, to the active duties of a laborious profession, in his native valley, surrounded by an industrious and enterprising people actively engaged in manufactures, and amidst scenery highly diversified and pleasing, the desire to know something of the district and its inhabitants in the " olden time," would seem a natural and perhaps a grateful curiosity. On referring to the topographical works connected with this part of Yorkshire, he found them almost silent in relation to his own parish. Dr. Whitaker, whose learned and comprehensive labours in the field of topo graphy are deserving of grateful remembrance, gives in his large and expensive work, "Loidis et Elmete," only a very brief account of the Church of Burton, the materials for which seem to have been hastily gathered, and after describing the descent of the lordship of Burton, he incidentally mentions Storthes Hall, the residence of the Horsfalls, and then he says, "Scarce another family seems to have arisen in the parish, which begins almost immediately to approach the hills, and where the climate becomes more ungenial, and the soil less productive." He therefore passes over the remainder of the parish, recording only the names of the townships, and their population ; except that in relation to Hohnfirth Chapel [Church], he furnishes some data respecting its early foundation. "Watson's and other histories of Halifax contain allusions to the district ; but with the exception of it being part of the same baronial fee, they furnish little directly to the Author's purpose. Mr. Hunter, in his " SouthYorhshire," records incidentally some interesting facts. From that very excellent and valuable work, and from his "EallamsMre" the V1- PREFACE. Author has derived considerable assistance in the prosecution of his labours, either in guiding his enquiries or in furnishing more material aid. While the concluding sheets of this work were passing through the press, the Author received the painful intelligence of Mr. Hunter's death, at the advanced age of seventy-eight years. He had been many years an Assistant Commissioner of Public Records, — a situation for which he was eminently fitted by his extensive knowledge and accurate attainments. It is due to Mr. Hunter's memory that the Author also acknowledge here his personal obhgations, for the readiness and uniform courtesy with which he replied to his numerous enquiries in relation to Yorkshire topography : a subject with which he was peculiarly conversant, and in the advancement of which he manifested a lively interest. In the summer of 1852, shortly after the Hohnfirth catastrophe, Mr. Hunter was led to visit this neighbourhood. On that occasion he did the Author the honour of spending the day with him, when they went, in company with a mutual friend, over the course of the devastating flood, which seemed deeply and painfully to impress him. His unabated attachment to his native county — the scenes of his early topographical labours — was remarkably manifested on the occasion of a visit a few years ago, by the circumstance of choosing for himself a resting-place in the church- yard of Ecclesfield, a pleasant village in EallamsMre. There he was interred, May 15th, 1861. The Author has already intimated the comparative absence of published records connected with the district, and he believes no attempt had hitherto been made towards compiling its historical materials. With a view to satisfy his own curiosity, he adopted the plan of jotting down from time to time, when opportunity offered, traditions and facts communicated by aged intelligent persons, which seemed deserving of notice ; ' and likewise took notes of all deeds and other evidences connected with "olden time," which came in his way; also copies of ancient charters, whether belonging to his own or the surrounding districts : thus his materials accumulated insensibly, when at length an unexpected circum stance occurred, which placed in his possession a number of family documents and evidences, some of which proved of considerable local historic value. PREFACE. Vll. Although it must be admitted that by this plan, many documents of no real importance have been noted, still, on the whole, he believes much interesting matter has been preserved which otherwise might have perished. What was, therefore, first begun to satisfy his own curiosity, at length so far rewarded his researches, and enlisted his sympathies, that at the desire of some of his friends, for whose judgment he felt great deference, he was led, in 1844, to issue a prospectus, with the intention of laying before the public the result of his labours. The public did not then evince much interest in the undertaking, and it was therefore postponed, if not abandoned. It was not till the autumn of 1858 that some of his friends again urged upon him the importance of supplying such a desideratum, and kindly undertook to interest themselves to obtain subscribers among their acquaintance. The question of the intrinsic value of the materials here laid before the public, the Author leaves to the decision of his readers, feeling more solicitous himself respecting a judicious selection and appreciation of them for topographical purposes. While thus engaged, he has experienced much inconvenience and serious disadvantage in being so remote from a good topographical library, to which he could, consequently, only have an occasional access, and for very brief periods. This circumstance must necessarily have rendered his work deficient in literary research and taste, although he believes it has had the effect of stimulating his enquiries, and leading him to rely more upon the result of his own collections of local evidences, which perhaps may be accepted by those of his readers in the district, as compensating to some extent for the deficiency in artistic merit. Humble as his efforts have been, the Author is free to confess that as his enquiries and researches advanced, the subject itself rose in interest and importance ; he trusts that something of this feeling may be excited in his readers ; and if the work should in any degree contribute to increase the taste for such enquiries in districts where little has hitherto been done, the Author will feel satisfied. Another remark the Author takes leave to make respecting himself in relation to his topographical labours. He first began to arrange his materials and to give them an historical character, during a period of protracted ill health, when V111- PREFACE. the subject was taken up with a view to "beguile the tedious hours;" had it been otherwise, the time which must necessarily have been bestowed upon their arrangement could not have been given ; and he would have rested content with the pleasure derived from collecting them. Since the first issue of his prospectus in 1844, several of his friends to whom he had been under obligation, have passed from among us, and are now beyond the reach of grateful acknowledgments. To the Clergy and Dissenting Ministers of the district, the Author has been much indebted ; and from many other friends — especially Henry Lumb, Esq., the venerable Deputy-Steward of the Manor of Wakefield — the Author has received valuable aid : to each and all he begs to return his cordial thanks. Stoney Bank, May 28th, 1861. LIST OF PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS. PAGE The Church of Burton Frontispiece Map of the District 1 British Weapon 3 British and Roman Earthworks 4 Flint Arrowhead 6 Flint Weapon 7 Roman Coins 7 and 8 Roman Spearhead 9 Quern 10 Lich Gate 58 West Door of Burton Church 60 Silver Ring, or Hoop for the Finger 63 Arms of the Lords of Shelley 92 Shepley Hall 99 Remains of an old Manor House in Shepley 105 Shepley Church 108 Storthes Hall 114 Arms of the Horsfalls 117 Christ Church, Newmill 153 Holmfirth Church . . 155 Town Hall, Holmfirth 170 Tradesman's Token 171 Totties Hall 176 Old Genn's Dial 178 Moorcroft , 179 Lydgate Chapel and Parsonage 180 Friends' Meeting House 193 St. David's Church, Holme Bridge .. .. 216 St. John's Church, Upper-Thong 218 Lane Independent Chapel 219 Wesleyan Methodist Chapel 222 Almshouses 240 MAP OP TTTE -AND the grave ship or holme. /rv^i.jtffofej <5V*ttwal llisiorixal '§tmsxh». no less than about 120 persons carried off by the plague in the short space of four months, being nearly six per cent, of the whole population ! In 1665, the plague again appeared in the parish, within the township of Hep- worth, where the population was thinly scattered. Here, according to tradition, it had been occasioned through a quantity of the wearing apparel of a relative who had died of the plague, having been sent from London to Foster Place, a farm-house not far from the village. No contemporary records have been found of this visitation, neither is the number of its victims known. Since that time these parishes have not suffered from any similar visitation. The following is a table of baptisms, marriages, and burials, at the parish church of Burton, from 1551 to 1685, being on the average of several years, except in par ticular instances where the mortality has been unusually large or otherwise in any one year. 1551 to 1554 inclusive, the average 1556 1558, died of the Plague 121, and 37 of ordinary sickness 1561 1571 to 1573 inclusive, the average 1583 to 1586 inclusive, the average 1591 to 1595 inclusive, the average 1601 to 1 605 inclusive, the average 1642 1643 1644, 1647, 1648, and 1649, the average of these years 1651 to 1656 inclusive, the average 1663 to 1666 inclusive, the average 1681 to 1685 inclusive, the average ptisms. Marriages. Burials 71 13 34 60 9 81 29 1 158 49 14 28 66 16 33 71 19 48 69 20 38 71 16 41 77 22 51 41 9 93 40 9 64 44 13 33 86 21 61 86 24 68 The year 1556 appears to have been one of unusual mortality, but from what cause does not appear. The great mortality in 1558 arose from the plague. The burials in the year 1561 were unusually small. In 1643, the number of burials were considerably larger than the average of years, and nearly double that of the pre ceding year, exhibiting the effects of the sanguinary contests of the civil war. In the diary of Mr. Arthur Jessop, a medical practitioner near Holmfirth, in the first half of the last century, who was about forty years actively engaged in practice,* we find recorded the periodical visitation of the small-pox, which Perhaps a better opportunity may not present itself than here offers, to give a few brief particulars of Mr. Jessop, to <§>meral Jfistcmxal HUmarks. 13 produced a fearful mortality, more particularly among the juvenile population. When we contemplate these ravages, and call to mind the discovery of vaccination by Dr. Jenner, which has so happily arrested the progress of this loathsome scourge to humanity, we feel that the name of Jenner deserves to stand among the foremost benefactors of his species. The atmospheric changes here are often greater and the air colder and more piercing than in the less elevated districts ; it is, therefore, probable that the class of diseases connected with the respiratory organs, as incident to children, may prevail more at certain seasons, yet the general salubrity of the atmosphere, and whose diary I have been under many obligations for the notice of matters and incidents of contemporaneous history. He was a native of the district, and died in 1751, at the age of 69 years. The diary commences with the year 1730, and ter minates on the 30th March, 1751, within three days of his death. It is written for the most part in Bhort hand, and comprises a great variety of subjects, but more particularly those connected with his own professional and other engage ments, and are, therefore, of too personal and domestic a character, to be largely quoted ; but it may not be altogether uninteresting to give my readers some idea of the labours and trials to which a medical practitioner was exposed in this district a century ago. Situated among a comparatively thin and scattered population — surrounded on every side with narrow and dreadfully bad roads, which seemed to meander through the valleys, as if they had no particular destination, winding their course up the steep hill sides along precipitous banks and rocks, and over the open plains of wild moorlands, which they inter sected, unprotected by walls or fences— he had to pursue his weary way on horseback or on foot, in the discharge of his duties, even through pelting storms and winter snows. These professional districts were then wide, but the roads were generally well known; yet the journeys were often perilous. The most frequent causes of danger arose from thick fogs, or sudden darkness rendering invisible the usual landmarks : several of these perilous journeys Mr. Jessop narrates — two of which we will here briefly record. " 1748, January 22nd, a cold frosty morning with snow. I was called to Joseph Horsfall's, of Carlcoats, to visit his son; after leaving there I called at Mr. Empson's ; I came away from thence at a quarter-past three, but a heavy fog came on and I was unable to find my way. I wandered about I knew not where, for two hours and three-quarters, when I at last got to the Eoyd, to John Swinden's, at six of the clock ; at my request he took a horse to guide me towards Maythorn, but could not find his way, and said he would go no further, for we should both be lost ; and we turned back, and I stayed all night. I was troubled for them at home, for I feared they would think I was lost, and make a great stir. I got up in the morning as soon as I could, and went home, but my brother, and a company with him, were gone to seek me. They went a long way to seek me, as they did not return till near two at clock." But before this time he had experienced a much worse fate, having fallen into a deep stone quarry, at Wooldale Cliff. He was then 63 years old. He afterwards measured the depth of the quarry, and found it "six yards and a half." "1744, December 15th, being Saturday; returning home on foot through the village of Wooldale, I mist my way through the West-field, it having suddenly come on very dark ; I fell into a stonepit on my back and leg, and was so hurt that I could not stir, but was forced to lie there. I suppose it was about 6 of the clock in the evening when I fell in, and it was extremely dark. I lay in the stonepit all night, and till the afternoon service was done at Holmfirth (church), having laid nearly 23 hours, when Elias Kadcliffe found me, and it was thought that about 200 persons came about me, and they carried me home, as I was very much hurt, and almost frozen to death." It is pleasing to find him at this time recording the kind sympathy of his surrounding friends, as indicated by a variety of substantial tokens ; his professional brethren also manifested much thoughtful attention and kindness ; among others, a Mr. Hardcastle, of Wakefield, a surgeon of some celebrity ; although they seem to have had little previous acquaintance, yet having heard of Mr. Jessop's " misfortune," in the words of the diary, thus testified his sympathy : " hearing a good character of me, was very sorry for my misfortune, and could well find in his heart to come and see me." Mr. Jessop observes that this " Mr. Hardcastle was the grandson of the Mr. Hardcastle who took Nevison prisoner." 14 dsraral Jfistorixal $|Umarks. its bracing and healthful character, will bear a comparison with most other parts of the West-Riding. This is borne out by the statistical tables pubhshed by the Registrar General in his annual reports, as given in connexion with the Poor Law Unions.* The district comprised within our topographical survey is divided into three sub-districts, for registration purposes, viz. — Kirkburton, Newmill, and Holmfirth. The following table shows the number of deaths in each, taking the average of five years, and the per centage upon the population, according to the census of 1851. SUB-DISTRICTS. Area in Statute Acres. Population in 1851. The average of Deaths over 5 years, from 1851 to 1855 inclusive. Rate of Deaths per cent 7,160 9,7606,460 12,027 6,160 11,313 270 130 250 2-242-11 2-21 23,380 29,500 650 2-20 It is necessary to state in connexion with the Holmfirth district, that the per centage here given is somewhat increased, in consequence of the calamitous loss of life in the Holme Valley, in 1852, by the bursting of the Bilberry Reservoir, when upwards of eighty persons perished. The following instances of extreme longevity are recorded in the Register of the parish church of Burton. " 1655. Elizabeth Clayton, widow, buried 20th February, aged 112 years and upwards." " 1670. Widow Lee, of Broome Bank Steele, buried 2nd March, aged 105 years." " 1672. Robert Fitton, buried 9th February, aged 94 years." " 1708. Ellen Booth, of Scholes, widow, buried July, supposed to be 100 years old." " 1749. Robert Ellis, of Barnside, Hepworth, buried 25th December, aged 106 years." " 1800. John Sykes, Snowgatehead, in Fulstone, aged 101 years." " 1812. James Hinchliffe, of Milshaw, in Hepworth, clothier, buried May, aged 102 years." * The rate of mortality within the following Unions on the average of five years, from 1851 to 1855 inclusive : — Huddersfield Union 2-28 per cent. Halifax 2-32 do. Bradford 2-70 do. Dewsbury 2-58 do. Wakefield 2-53 do. Pontefract , 2-29 do. Doncaster Union 2-27 per cent. Hemsworth 1-65 do. Barnsley 2'38 do. Wortley 2-27 do. Ecclesall Bierlow 2-73 do. Sheffield 314 do. It will be seen that the mortality in the Sheffield Union is considerably larger than in any of the other here mentioned, arising from the nature of its manufacture, in which a large proportion of the population is engaged, while that of Hud dersfield holds a position scarcely inferior to any here mentioned, if we except the Hemsworth Union, which comprises only a small agricultural population. 6meral pistekal.§Umaxks. 15 The Registers of the parish church of Almonbury supply us also with the following, in connexion with this district. " 1596. Elizabeth, the wife of John Greene, of Holme, buried 8th April, aged 100 years." In 1695 occurs the following remarkable record : " Nicholas Grime, of Brockholes, buried 9th March, aged 96 years.'' " Dina Kay, of Castle-Hill, widow, buried 10th March, aged 105 years." " Maria Earnshaw, of Honley, widow, buried 11th March, aged 90 years." " Alice, widow of Daniel Dyson, of Crosland, buried 10th March, aged 63 years." The vicar adds " these four burials took place at the parish church, within the space of forty-eight hours, and their united ages amounted to 354 years ! " In the year 1813, the clergy were required to record in Parochial Registers, the ages of all persons interred by them : previous to that time it was at the discre tion of the officiating minister, who might be more or less curious to note extra ordinary instances of longevity. The following fist of the names of persons who had attained the age of 95 years and upwards in this district, since 1813, has been copied from the Parochial Registers of Kirkburton and Holmfirth, and from the Registers under the Regis tration Act. " 1822. Mary Hoyle, widow, Shepley, aged 95 years." " 1827. Grace Lee, of Riley, aged 99 years." " 1833. Joseph Smith, of Grange, Thurstonland, aged 96 years." " 1850, Michael Wortley, of Shepley, aged 97 years." " Mary Hellawell, of Cumberworth, aged 99 years." " 1857. George Chappell, of Paddock, Kirkburton, aged 100 years." In addition to these, it may be stated that there are forty-one persons recorded to have attained the ages of from 90 to 94 years. The district furnishes few apparent objects to gratify antiquarian taste, or to stimulate enquiry or research. It can boast of no monastic foundations even of the lesser kind, and its ecclesiastical edifices possess no indications beyond the ordinary class of village churches, and they are more than usually barren of monumental inscriptions, or remains of the remote past ; so that evidences of the families of the resident owners of the soil, of the Plantagenet, and the Tudor periods, must be sought for elsewhere. We find no inscriptions prior to the 17th century. The Town of Burton, from the circumstance of its being the site chosen for the Parish Church, was undoubtedly the most important place in the parish, and being at the eastern extremity, clearly indicates that the western part, at that time, possessed a very small population. Its importance is still further shown by 16 &eittral Historical |Umarks. its being constituted a Market Town. After the introduction of the woollen man ufacture, the western part of the parish began to increase, and Holmfirth took its rise, and became a new centre of population, and has now attained no inconsider able importance.* In tracing the several sub-enfeudations within the limits of our enquiries, and in setting forth the families and pedigrees in connexion therewith, we have been led to deviate from the usual custom of topographical enquirers, by recording a number of other families ; to which some of our readers may possibly take excep tion: but topography may be regarded as having, like the sciences, greatly extended and widened its range ; and it surely would be giving a very inadequate view of an active manufacturing and commercial district, were we merely to furnish a record .of a few comparatively wealthy families who have resided there, whose easy circumstances have precluded the necessity for active exertions, and the result of whose general habits of life could inspire no earnest desire for scien tific or commercial enterprise and progress. The yeomen, the class whom we now propose to notice, take their rise from a very remote period, and were seated upon small estates of their own, which they man aged with industry, and lived upon the produce in frugality — having sufficient spur to exertion without the depressing anxiety of impending want. Men inured to such physical exertions were always ready to take up arms at the call of their chief lord, when dangers threatened or foes menaced; and their indomitable courage was equal to every trial : but the time at length arrived, when the barons no longer possessed the power to call these lion-hearted men to their sides to " redress an insult, or avenge a wrong." They were, therefore, left to pursue uninterruptedly their rural occupations, "converting their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks." Thus left free, they apphed themselves to trade and commerce, * It may not be uninteresting to shew the relative importance of some of the towns and vills within the Wapentake of Agbrigg, as given in an ancient " Taxe " of the whole Wapentake, made probably about the reign of Edward III. It was probably an estreat roll, the amount for the whole Wapentake being £40 4s. lOd. (West's MSS.) £ a. d. Burton 0 12 0 Shelley 0 14 6 Shepley 0 14 0 Cumberworth 0 10 0 Thuretonland 0 12 0 £ s. d. Holmfyrth 13 0 Honeley 0 11 0 Meltham 0 12 0 Farneley Tyas 0 15 0 Almonbury 0 16 0 Hoderesfeld 0 13 4 It will be seen that the seven townships in " Holmfyrth," or Oraveship of Holme, were not then assessed in amount equal to the townships of Shepley and Cumberworth. (Smtral Pbfxmxal iJLemarks. 17 and by the progress of the woollen manufacture here, were enabled greatly to improve their domestic and social condition.* The designation of Yeoman, is of great antiquity, but as its true origin has not been generally understood, we may here be permitted to give a brief explanation. There exists some difference of opinion as to its derivation. It is by some sup posed to be derived from the Saxon gemcene, a common man, or one of the commonalty. Spelman regards it as the first degree of the Commons, freeholders who have lands of their own and live on good husbandry. Sir Thomas Smith defines a yeoman to be " a free-born Englishman, who may lay out of his own free land in yearly revenue, the sum of forty shillings." It seems to us, however, that the title yeoman has a somewhat different origin — that it has reference rather to a military than a civil rank, and that it is derived from yew-man, so called from the preference given to that species of wood for bows used in battle — that is, the class of men who used the yew bow. By an Act of Parliament, 13 Edward I., all persons were obliged to be furnished with bow and arrows; "but," says Grose, in his Military Antiquities, vol. i., p. 142, " yew at length became so scarce, to prevent a too great consumption of it, bowyers were directed to make four bows of witch-hazel, ash, or elm, to one of yew : and no person under seventeen, unless possessed of moveables worth forty marks, or the son of parents having an estate of ten pounds per annum, might shoot in a yew bow." * Chaucer's lively picture, in his Canterbury Tales, of an English Yeoman, sufficiently indicates the estimation in which this class was then held ; and when it is remembered that Chaucer himself became " Yeoman to King Edward III." it is a convincing proof of his regard for so honourable a distinction, as the representative of an important and most effective branch of the military strength of the kingdom. A yeoman is there introduced as one of the attendants upon a " worthy knight." " A yeoman had he, and servants no mo At that time, for him pleased to ride so ; And he was clad in coat and hood of green, A sheafe of peacock arrows bright and keen Under his belt he bare full thriftily ; Well could he dress his tackel yeomanly : His arrows drooped not with feathers low, And in his hand he bare a mighty bow. A round head had he, with a brown visage ; Of wood craft knew he well all the usage ; Upon his arm he bare a gay bracer, And by his side a sword and buckler, And on that other side a gay dagger, Harnessed well, and sharp as point of spear ; A cristofre on his breast of silver shene ; And horn he bare, the baudrick was of green. A forester was he soothly I guess." C 18 (Smeral Ijistorixal ^lemarks. The object in planting yew trees in churchyards in remote times, has drawn forth from antiquarians a variety of conjectures ; perhaps the most generally received opinion is, that they were intended for the supply of the yew-bow, for the bowmen of each parish. Without attempting to enter into the several views which have been advanced on this subject, which would, for the most part, be foreign to our present purpose, we may observe that it seems extremely improbable that the supply derived from such a source would be at all adequate to the require ments of the times. In the range of our topographical observations, which, however, only extend over a small district, the yew is by no means of common or promiscuous growth, yet in the immediate vicinity of many of our more ancient messuages or home steads, formerly belonging to the class called yeomen, one or more of these ancient trees are often to be seen — these, in some instances, being the only indications now left as to the class of persons who had once been seated there, all other out ward vestiges having long since disappeared. These time-worn remains had no doubt been cultivated by their ancient possessors with great care and veneration. Thus " the old yeomanry" supplied themselves from these trees with those excel lent bows which rendered them the best and most dreaded archers in Europe. They regarded the yew-bow with as much satisfaction as the hero of modern times surveys his Minie rifle. The very protracted contest of " the War of the Roses," and the deep and implacable hostility of its leaders, afforded but too ample an opportunity for a display of the prowess of the English Yeomanry. That Henry VII. was duly impressed with their valour and prowess at the battle of Bosworth Field, we may readily infer, from his establishing in the following year the " Yeomen of the Gfuards." Of the style of house inhabited by this class of persons, we have no remains of a very remote period ; the earliest we possess do not go beyond the latter years of the reign of Elizabeth, and even these specimens are few, and have undergone many alterations to suit the convenience of succeeding generations, more especially as to their internal arrangements. Houses belonging to this class had before that time been constructed with wood and plaster, or but partially built with stone. In Elizabeth's reign, houses began to be built in a more commodious style, and of a more substantial character, as stone then, to a considerable extent, took the place of wood. The windows, which before that period had been small narrow fights, were then made considerably larger, with mullions, and among the better kind, with transoms in one or more windows. These houses had usually one or (Smcral fpsiunral §Umarks. 19 two gables to the front, the entrance being often by a porch, and the chimneys frequently forming large projections.* The interior of the house usually consisted on one side of a spacious room or " house," and a parlour beyond it, and on the other of a large kitchen and offices. These were divided from each other by partitions of strong oak. The parlour was usually the sleeping room of the worthy yeoman. The chambers or other sleeping apartments were low, dark, and dreary, and open to the roof. Notwith standing the gratifying change from wood to stone, we find it was regarded by some conservative minds with unfavourable forebodings. Thus Hollinshed, in 1570, alluding to the preceding times, when the ordinary houses were unprovided with chimneys to conduct away the smoke, says, " now we have many chimneys, and yet our tenderlings complain of reumes catarres and poses ; then had we none but reredoses and yet our heads did never ake ; for as smoke in those days was supposed to be a sufficient hardning for the timber of the house, so it was re puted a far better medicine to keep the good man and his family from the quack." He also says, " of old time, our country houses instead of glass, did use lattis, and that made of wicker or of old riftes of oak in checkwise." The furniture in those days was entirely of oak, and consisted, for the most part, of a large dining table, with seats or benches to match; chairs, an aumbry, t several large and small chests, of which one or more usually presented fronts neatly carved and ornamented — sometimes having initials of the names and the dates upon them. A neat chest was often brought by the thrifty wife on her mar riage, containing a part of her wardrobe ; the linen also, which she brought, being often of her own spinning. The bedsteads were of massive oak, and frequently carved, and sometimes ornamented Avith figures. The walls of the house or kit chen were usually decorated with such weapons of warfare as were then, or had been, in use, and for which their owner evinced much regard. A pleasing instance of one of this class ot persons, we have met with, who resided in the adjoining parish of Penistone. Thomas West, of Underbank, in Hunshelf, made a disposition of his estate and effects among his family. The whole displays so much of the habits and manners of our ancestors in their domestic character, that we shall here briefly record it as illustrative of those times. He made his will 1543, in which he directs his body to be " buryed within the * Dr. Whitaker, in his History of Whalley, pp. 499—506, has an interesting " Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of Domestic Architecture," &c. f Bay, in his collection of obsolete English words, states aumbry to signify " a cupboard to set victuals in," and in proof of it, he gives an old proverb — " No sooner up, but the head in the aumbry, and nose in the cup." o 2 20 (Scmral Mistekal Ecmarks. c pishe church of Penyston." He was living, however, in 7 Elizabeth (1564), when he executed a deed of feoffment to William Walker, of Hunshelf, yeoman, and Thomas Walker, of West Bretton, tanner, of his " capital, messuages, and lands at Hunshelf and Snodden-Hill, for and until such tyme as they shall have receyved out of the rents and profetts thereof the full sum of fourescore and sexe pounds, for ye only use, profett, and comoditye of Alice West and Dorothye West, my doghters, towards ye prferment and attaynment of their marriage." He had, however, executed a deed, bearing date the first year of Elizabeth (1558), in which " I freely grant to John West, my sone and heire apparent, and to his heires males for ever, all those parcells of goods following and remaynyng att my chief capitall messuage at Hunshelf, within the parish of Penyston, That is to say, one counter, one almbyrye or cupboard, one garner or one grett arke, being in the lathe or barne ther, and all my bedstocks being at Hunshelf aforesaid, one brasen morter with a pestell, and one sylver spone with a marlion in the end thereof; my best jacke and one bowe with a quyver of arrowes and one stele cappe, for this intent and purpose, yt ther they shall for ever remayne as heire-lomes." And "all other my deade goods whatsoever they be remanyng and being at Hunshelf aforeseid. And also I gyve to the seid John West, and to his assignes for ever, my best horse, my sadell and brydill, my best gyrdfll and purse, my best dagger and swerd. And all my tymbre lying and being within my croft at Hunshelf afforseid, and all other my tymbre lying and being ther in pyles, and all my sawen bords, &c." To his son Thomas West, he gives all his "cattle at Hunshelf," (ex cept what is here above mentioned,) " and also all his goods and cattle moveable, unmoveable, as well quyck as dedd, of what kind or make or facion soever they be, being pasturyng or remaynyng at Littlebretton aforseid."* Civil War.- — In the Civil War in the reign of Charles I., the people of these districts, as well as the nation at large, were deeply interested and actively engaged. Though involving .principles of the highest importance, both civil and religious, yet they were regarded with very opposite views, and maintained by each party, with a pertinacity almost incredible. While some arrayed themselves under the banners of the Royahsts, others, and those a more numerous class in the West- Riding of Yorkshire, joined with equal earnestness and zeal the standard of the Parliamentarians . * These particulars are gathered from a small quarto MS. volume, in the author's possession, written in the reign of Elizabeth, by one of the West family. It contains other evidence of the family, and is written in a neat bold hand ; it contains also a transcript of a considerable number of old deeds, and other evidences connected with some of the principal families of the surrounding districts, more particularly within the Wapentake of Staincross. In future, references to this document we shall designate it the " West MS." dSmrel ffisforiral IJUmaxks. 21 It would seem next to an impossibility that in an active display of " physical force," prudence and moderation should at all times prevail. Struggles hke these could not take place without producing great social disorganization. This we find exemplified, in the history of that period, in this district. More than two centuries have passed since the scenes were enacted which we are about to record, and of which tradition has preserved only a vague and indistinct account. Some con temporary evidences, however, have been preserved, enabling us to furnish the following facts, which will not be read without interest by many of our readers acquainted with the district. The following extract is from a petition which was drawn up about the year 1650, by the inhabitants of the chapelry of Holmfirth, who were anxious for some ecclesiastical changes, and therein they record some of their recent sufferings in the cause of the parliament. " That the Inhabitants of Holmfirth, have always and still doth stand for the Parliament's service, by reason whereof they had above thirtie houses burnte downe by the Armye against the Parliament, under the late Earl of Newcastle, five Regiments of the enemye's foot, three of Horse and two of Dragoones, came into the said Chappellrie, killed and tooke prisoners, and plundered, and tooke away all their goods, soe that many lyed in prison and the rest was forste from their own habitacons to the great impoverish ment and hurt of the poor Inhabitants. " That the said Inhabitants of Holmfirth, did make and set forth a hundred musqueteers for the Par liament service, by order from the late Lord General Fairfax, and that there are several of the Sonnes and Servants of the Inhabitants, still in actuall service for the Commonwealth." It may seem somewhat difficult to fix the precise time when a detachment of the Earl of Newcastle's army visited Holmfirth. From a careful examination into the evidences we have been able to consult, it is with some degree of confidence we can state, that it took place in the spring of 1643. The following are briefly the facts. The Earl of Newcastle came to the assist ance of the Royalists in Yorkshire, about the 30th November, 1642, where he held the principal command, till he was joined by Prince Rupert, at York, immediately before the decisive battle of Marston Moor, 1644, which was fatal to the Royal cause. Soon after the Earl arrived in Yorkshire, he settled garrisons at Leeds and Wakefield ; the latter of which he made the head quarters, surrounding these by many smaller posts ; one of which was at Barnsley. Sir Francis Wortley, who had been a " fast friend " of the Earl of Strafford, had also fortified his own house at Wortley, and about the same time he likewise made the church of Penistone a garrison, " from whence he roved up and down the country, robbing and taxing many honest people."* * Life and Diary of Oliver Heywood, by the Kev. J. Hunter, P.S.A. Svo. pp. 156. 22 (Urneral historical Remarks. About the close of the month of April, 1643, the Earl marched from Wakefield with a part of his army towards Rotherham, and thence to Sheffield, (leaving the greater part of it at Wakefield ;) and having reduced those places, he was intend ing to proceed into Derbyshire, but received information that Sir Thomas Fairfax had defeated his forces at Wakefield — having fallen suddenly on them on the 21st May, capturing nearly all the troops he had left there, with his General of the Horse, Lord Goring, and his whole magazine : he immediately changed his course, and fell back upon York. About six weeks after, the battle of Adwalton Moor took place, when the Par liamentarians suffered a defeat by the Earl of Newcastle, who pursued them to the borders of Lancashire. He also possessed himself of Halifax. " When I had received this sad intelligence," says Lieutenant Colonel Roseworm, " I informed myself of the nature of the passes by which the enemy could most easily come upon us, and finding them capable of a sudden fortification, by the consent of the Deputy Lieutenants, I quickly helped nature with art, and strengthening Black- stone Edge and Blackgate, and manning them with soldiers, to prevent the Earl's dangerous approach, by which means, being diverted like an angry storm with a gust, he went to the siege of Hull, whither Lord Fairfax and his son Sir Thomas had already taken refuge."* The Earl appeared with his whole army before Hull on the 2nd September, and continued the siege till the 11th October, when he drew off his army and marched to York. He was afterwards engaged in more distant parts of the country. It was while the Earl of Newcastle was lying with his large army at Wakefield, in the spring of 1643, that a detachment was sent into those mountainous districts of Yorkshire, immediately to the west of Wakefield, (viz. — the parishes of Almon- bury, Kirk-Burton, and Penistone,) whence at that period they could most readily be approached ; and where the bias in favour of the parliament was very strong. Of this we have corroborative testimony in a letter from Sir Thomas Fairfax to his father, the Lord General Fairfax, which points to this event, written from Bradford, April 20th, 1643, in which he says — " This town is very weak, by reason many are gone to defend Ambry [Almonbury] and those parts ; but I hear Captain Ratliffe is revolted to the enemy, and most of his company if not all, the other company, being not strong enough, retired to Elam [qu. Elland]: there Captain Mor gan, who hath raised some dragoons, joins with them for the defence of those parts this day ; some of Peniston men came also to demand aid, there being seventeen * " An Historical Relation of Eight Years' Service for King and Parliament, done in and about Manchester and those parts, by Lieutenant Colonel Boseworm." (Bzmxvd Historical §Lemarks. 23 colours in Barnsley, five miles off them. I advised them to seek help from Rotherham and Sheffield,* and whilst they stood upon their guards, to get their goods to places of most safeguard, for it will be impossible, without more horse, to defend the country from spoil." " The enemy lies strong at Wakfield."f It is evident that the inhabitants of this district were, for the most part, favour able to the parliament, and many of them were deeply tinctured with republican sentiments, as we find from the petition already referred to, wherein they complain that " thearmes of the late tyrant J King were continued up in both the churches of Kirkburton and Almonburie, contrarie to the Act of Parliament in that case made for the abolishinge of Kingship." The vicar of the parish, the Rev. Gamaliel Whitaker, on the contrary, was warmly attached to the cause of the King. This appears to have manifested itself very early, for we find that in 1642 — 3, he was displaced; and that the Rev. Daniel Clarke "was on the 14th March appoynted to officiate as vicar in the parish church of Kirk-Burton, in his stead, and to receive the profitts of the said vicaridge for his paynes, till further orders bee taken by both Houses of Parliament." || Judging, therefore, from the political and religious bias of the parishioners, it is not improbable the displacement of Mr. Whitaker had arisen in a great measure through their agency. In the autumn of the year 1643, the cause of the parliament began to brighten, and continued steadily to advance till these sanguinary conflicts were brought to a close, by the entire subversion of the Royalists, and the death of the King. Whether the attack made by the army under the Earl of Newcastle, upon the inhabitants of Holmfirth, had been at the instigation of Mr. Whitaker can now only be matter of conjecture ; but what shortly afterwards befel him, seems to imply that the inhabitants regarded it as such; for, not long after, a party of soldiers from Woodhead (Parhamentarians) went in the night to Burton to carry * This was within a few days of the Earl of Newcastle setting out to reduce these places. f " Memorials of the Civil War, comprising the Correspondence of the Fairfax Family, and edited by Robert Bell." 2 vols. 1849 pp. t We quote from the draft copy of the Memorial, from which it appears that the word tyrant, has a dash through it in paler ink, and, therefore, we may presume this expression did not accord with the views of all the parties who signed the memorial, or petition ; and doubtless was expunged from it. || Parish Register. At a somewhat later period, Lord General Fairfax was authorized by parliament to supply those pulpits in the north which became vacant. In the Ordinance of the 27th February, 1644, the preamble states — " The House being credibly informed that many ministers in the county of York were not only of a scandalous life, but having left their churches and cures, had withdrawn themselves wilfully from the same, and joined such forces as had been raised against parliament, and assisted them with men, money, horses, and arms; therefore it is ordained that Lord Fairfax be authorized to fill up their places with such learned and godly divines as he shall think fit, with advice of the assembly." — Parliamentary Chron. p. 4—128. 24 (H-maral Jpisturkal $l*marks. off Mr. Whitaker to Manchester, " where he died in a month of grief and ill usage."* Whether any resistance had been offered on the part of the vicar or his friends, there exists no evidence to shew, but tradition states that Mrs. Whitaker was shot in the staircase of the parsonage. The parish register has the following record — " Hester Whitaker, wife of Gamaliel Whitaker, vicar of Kirkburton, whoe was slaine the 12th day at night January instant, and was buried the 15th day, 1643 — 4." There is a tradition also which reports, that when the soldiers were on their way to Burton, they called upon a Mr. Firth, of Shepley Hall, to go along with them, to direct them to the vicarage. This he was unwilling to do, but was compelled to join them, and accordingly he had to mount on horseback behind one of the troopers. On their way, he, however, seized a favourable opportunity and slipped off the horse, and took refuge in an adjoining wood, and thus freed himself from their unwelcome company. At this distance of time we must not expect to arrive at a precise knowledge of all the circumstances which influenced parties in these painful transactions. There are several concurring circumstances which go far to prove that Mr. Whitaker' s political views were very unpopular among a large proportion of his parishioners ; and, that we may better understand his position in relation to the cause which he had espoused, it will be necessary to state something of his family and social connexions. He was the son of the Rev. William Whitaker, rector of Thornhill, and had married Hester Marshall, sister to the wife of Thomas Wentworth, of Kirby, Esq., whose son, William Wentworth, was a captain under Sir George Wentworth, both of whom were active men in the Royal cause. Matthew Wentworth, of Cawthorne Park, Esq.,t had also married Dorothy Whitaker, a daughter of the rector of Thornhill. He was thus closely connected with one of the leading and most powerful Yorkshire famihes of that time, a member of which had taken a dis tinguished part, as the adviser of his Sovereign, and in the administration of the laws. Thomas Wentworth, afterwards Earl of Strafford, the head of the House of Wentworth, and the most gifted of its members, set out in public life as a patriot, but suddenly changed his course to that of a courtier, and in consequence of his arbitrary conduct and treasonable practices, was executed the 12th May, 1641. The death of this high-spirited nobleman was undoubtedly felt by his kindred as a heavy and a painful sacrifice to popular resentment. * Dr. Johnstone's MSS. t His elder brother, Thomas Wentworth, of Bretton, Esq., afterwards Sir Thomas, held a commission as Lieutenaat Colonel under Sir Francis Mackworth, and was a severe sufferer for his adherence to the King. (Smcral f)mtamixl ||Umarks. 25 The adoption of measures, therefore, to check and subdue the growing spirit of liberty which had now begun to menace kingly power, and its ancient prerogative, not only engaged their sympathies, but received their active support. In this, the vicar of Kirkburton was not behind, and it is evident that many of the clergy were not silent spectators of the contest. We find, moreover, the Rev. Charles Greenwood, rector of the neighbouring parish of Thornhill, (the immediate successor of Mr. Whitaker's father in that rectory,) who had been tutor and companion to the Earl of Strafford, and " a clergyman long honoured with the friendship and confidence of that great man," * was equally decided in his views, but an older man, and therefore less able to take an active part in the struggle, t Thus intimately connected, by near relatives and friends, with the cause of the Royalists, it is more than probable that Mr. Whitaker's views and feelings had been strongly excited, and had, therefore, led him to adopt a prompt and decided course at the onset, in the great struggle which was about to ensue. This appears in some degree countenanced by the fact of his early displacement from the vicarage, when Mr. Clarke "was appointed in his stead." That his conduct had rendered him particularly obnoxious to the dominant party, may be inferred from the fact, that a detachment of soldiers had been sent to take him prisoner to Manchester, which proceeding would suggest that he was suspected to be impli cated in some open or secret design against the parliamentary cause, and this may serve to account for the severity of the treatment he received. His attachment to the Royal cause, doubtless, in the first instance, occasioned the sequestration of his living ; but the imprisonment which he afterwards suffered, evidently points to some graver political offence, instances of which were not of unfrequent occurrence amongst his clerical brethren at this period. — "When Lambert was besieging Colonel Morris, in Pontefract Castle, the Rev. George Beaumont, vicar of South Kirkby, was detected holding an unlicensed correspondence with the Colonel. He was seized, imprisoned, and finally sentenced to death, and execution was immediately done upon him." J Scotch Rebellion. — Scarcely had another century rolled over, when the people of these districts heard the alarming news of rebellion. The dire effects of the civil war still lived in the memories of its inhabitants, for, notwithstanding the * In 1625, Sir Thomas Wentworth, (afterwards Earl of Strafford,) employed Mr. Greenwood, the rector of Thornhill, • in his interest for the election of Knight of the Shire. Dr. Whitaker, who edited " The Life and Correspondence of Sir ¦ George Radcliffe," and who will not in this instance be suspected of censuring unduly, observes, " the rector of Thornhill ought to have been better employed than in electioneering intrigues." p.p. 176. + He died in 1644. J Mr. HunteT's South Yorkshire. Vol. ii., p.p. 449. D 26 (Smeral Historical Eemarks. generation which had witnessed its horrors among them had passed away, yet not a few of their children still survived, to whom the sad tale had often been told, and on whose minds it still remained vividly impressed. In 1745 the Scotch Rebellion broke out, when the Pretender, Charles Edward, the grandson of James II., having landed in Scotland on the 10th of August, was joined by a large body of highlanders, and they proceeded into England to claim, and to seize the British crown, which had been transferred to the Bruns wick hne. A feeble attempt had been made in 1715, to restore the Stuarts, in the person of the "Pretender" James, the father of Charles Edward, which utterly failed. The progress of the rebels towards London was, however, slow, which afforded opportunity to those who possessed valuable personal property, to remove it to places of secrecy, and also to make some preparation against the advance of the enemy. The people of these districts were for the most part attached to the reigning family ; there were, however, some — a small section — who were desirous of the restoration of the Stuart dynasty ; among these were a few of the clergy, yet none of them took any active part, contenting themselves with giving expres sion to their wishes more or less openly. The Rev. William Eden, the presbyterian minister at Lydgate, entered with great spirit into the cause of the reigning monarch. His appeals to the people from the pulpit, in whieh he seems to have been assisted by the Rev. Benjamin Shaw, of Bullhouse Chapel, were calculated to arouse the people " to patriotism and to duty :" — " to stand fast to the liberty which had been so dearly won for them," warning them "not to become entangled in the yoke of bondage, or the devices of popery, which led to both civil and religious slavery." When the news was received here that the rebels had arrived in England, the state of alarm became very great. The chief constable of the district, and some of the principal inhabitants set about actively to solicit sub scriptions, for the purpose of establishing watch and ward ; and raising men to prepare to defend the district from pillage and violence. On the 1st of November, Watch and Ward was accordingly set up in Holmfirth and in the adjoining town ships. The weather during that month was extremely cold and severe, often alternating between rain, frost, and snow. The accounts of the progress of the rebels, brought from day to day, were vague and often contradictory, and the numerous stories which were circulated of the enormities committed by them, and the severities exercised upon the people were very exciting ; each day seemed to add to the excitement. But early on the morning of Saturday, the 30th November, a report had spread far and wide that the rebels had got to Marsden 6ciurnl historical $fomarhs. 27 and would be at Huddersfield in the course of the day. An express had been sent in the middle of the night from Huddersfield to all the principal clothiers in the Holme valley, to fetch away their cloth. " They were in a terrible conster nation in Huddersfield," as they were hourly expecting the arrival of the rebels. It was also reported that a large body of rebels had arrived in Saddleworth, and were expected to come over the moors to Holmfirth ; the people here, and in the surrounding places, were in the greatest consternation and alarm. The "people flocked into Holmfirth from every side," the young men„as well as the older ones, having provided themselves with either guns, swords, hay-forks, scythes, or such other deadly weapons as they could obtain, and formed themselves into a large and formidable force. At the head of this troop of mountaineers was the Rev. William Eden, who had displayed great zeal in the cause. For some days pre vious to this, Mr. Eden had been at considerable trouble " in going about to get men to sign their hands to a paper, to go with him if there should be occasion ; upon which great numbers volunteered," and now came prepared. He addressed the men before they marched away, urging them to be faithful and stand their ground, and resolutely to defend their king, their country, their families, and their homes. Thus prepared, they marched away in the direction in which the enemy was supposed to be coming, but they met with no resistance. This day has since been remembered as "Rebel Saturday." From the circumstance of Mr. Eden having led this band of mountaineers, he afterwards received the appellation of "Captain" Eden. The unexpected retreat of the rebels from Derby, northward, occasioned fresh consternation in Holmfirth and the surrounding country. On Tuesday, the 10th December, a report was extensively circulated, that a considerable body of the rebels had arrived at Woodhead, and were on their way over "Holme Causeway," (i.e., the road over Holme Moss, constructed then of large stones.) Notwithstanding the excitement was very great, the troop of mountaineers does not seem to have again assembled, neither did occasion require it. "1745. December 11th. General Wade's dragoons came from Wakefield to Huddersfield, through Almonbury, where they remained all night, and went forward to Halifax the following day." " 27th. The bluecoats searched Woodsome, on suspicion that some rebels were harboured there." " 1746. January 11th. Gave up keeping watch and ward in Holmfirth." " April 24th. In Holmfirth there was a large bonfire made, and ringing the bell, on receiving the news of the victory over the rebels at Culloden ; also a d2 28 (Smeral Historical Remarks. large bonfire on the Sudehill." "At Burton they had great rejoicings on Satur day, the 3rd of May, a large bonfire and an effigy of the Pretender, which they shot at, and rung frying pans. This was upon the report that the Pretender was taken." Trade and Manufactures. — In entering on the subject of trade and manufac tures, we must revert to the social condition of the people as it existed for many generations after the Norman Conquest, when the population was very thinly scattered over this high moorland district, which, from the general sterility of the soil, was rendered unfavourable to agricultural enterprise. This was especially the case in the western part of the district; the whole forming a constantly changing surface of hill and dale, better adapted for pasturage than for arable purposes, and oats were then nearly the only grain product. The abundant growth of native oak, however, in the valleys and other sheltered situations ; and the valuable streams of soft water which take their rise on the hills and along their sides, furnished additional sources of wealth, which in some degree compensated for other defects. These advantages were rendered subservient, by an actively industrious and quick-sighted people, to the purposes of trade and manufactures, of which the woollen branch was destined to become the staple trade, long before the mineral wealth of the district was discovered. Before we proceed to speak of the advancement of cloth manufactures we would here record a singular fact in regard to another of the ancient staple trades, which may be considered as now nearly extinct. We allude to the Tan ning of Leather. The abundance of oak bark, and the valuable springs of water, rendered the locality singularly favourable to this branch of business, which seems to have formed an important trade from a very remote period. Within the parish of Kirkburton alone, in the early part of the last century, there were at least a dozen tanyards in actual use, at several of which a considerable business was done. This branch of trade has, however, rapidly declined ; for at the present time there exists only one, and that recently revived. The introduction of "woollen cloth working" is unquestionably of great antiquity ; and there are strong reasons for believing that it was actively carried on here in the reign of Edward III. It would be a work of supererogation to enter into its early history, the elucidation of which, rather belongs to the county, than to so small a district, our object being simply to give a brief record of such facts as have immediate reference to the locality, either as illustrative or its social influence, or of its gradual progress and development. O&tmxul Jfisitfrical D-marks. 29 In the reign of Henry VIII. we find one fulling mill at Mytham Bridge, in Thurstonland ; and persons following the business of " clothiers," at which time there existed a custom, in regard to the fulling of cloth, which we may infer had long been practised. This consisted in the Lord of the Manor requiring " clothiers" within the manor " freeholders and tenants" to full or mill their cloth at his said mill. In the reign of Edward YI. an Act was passed prohibiting any one from making cloth, unless he had served an apprenticeship of seven years ; this was afterwards repealed, but was revived in Elizabeth's reign. Notwithstanding this, a great impetus was given to the progress of woollen manufactures in that reign, during which two fulling mills were erected within the Graveship of Holme. From a MS. book kept by a Mr. Hepworth, of Shepley Hall, written in the latter part of the reign of Elizabeth, and in the early part of James I. ; one portion of which purports to be a register of " servants and apprentices," we give the following extracts respecting " cloth working," as illustrative of the times. The entries, it will be seen, are brief, simply recording the names of the parties, places of residence, the nature of the work, and the terms of agreement. " John son Thomas Roberts of Wooldall to serve Luke Firth of Booth-house in Holmfirth, from the 2nd January 1602, for six yeares as an apprentice during which term he is to be provided by the said Firth, with meat, drink, apparell and lodging, and likewise to give unto his said apprentice every quarter of a year 4d. of money. The said Luke Firth to instruct his said apprentice in the mystery and science of Cloth-working, and weaving the broad lombes. The said apprentice to serve his said master one whole yeare, after his tearme be expired, having for the said yeare xxs. of money at the beginning of his tearme of one yeare. In another agreement between a master and an apprentice, it is stipulated that the master shall give his apprentice "a Ewe lambe and the said lambe to be kept during the last two years by his master, and the apprentice to have the profits." In another about the same date, it was agreed for the apprentice to be bound " for nine yeares the master to find him meat drink and Cloths, and xvid. yearely," and teach his apprentice " the traid of weaveino-, warping, dying, Shearing, and all other things to the said traid and occupation of Cloth- working belonging after the best manner he can." Notwithstanding the statute 43 Elizabeth, c. 2, it would appear that mills had not been rated for the relief of the poor until 1638. In that year the following order was granted, being the result of an appeal to the Sessions of the Peace, holden at Pontefract, the 3rd April, 14 Charles 1st, before William Lord Crichton, Sir Ferdinando Fairfax, Sir William Savyle, Bart., Sir Thomas Bland Knight, Sir George Wentworth, Kt., Sir John Savile, Kt., Sir Edwd. Rodes, Kt, John Kaye, Esq., Robt. Rockley, Esq., Justices of the Peace, " Upon complaint made this day by the Churchwardens and overseers of Holme, within the parish of Kirkburton, who compleyned that Bertyn Allott held two Mills within Holme aforesaid, which being assessed sixe shillings eightpence per ann. for the Poore, was refused to be paid. It was conceived by 30 (Hmcral Historical |lcmarks. the Court and soe ordained that Mills are lyable to be assessed for the Poore as well as lands. It is therefore ordered that his said Mills shall pay yearely the said sume of sixe shillings eightpence now assessed upon them. And all other Mills in Burton Parish as well Fulling Mills as Corn Mills, be assessed for the Poore accordingly and proportionably as necessity shall require." The next piece of evidence we have to record, having immediate reference to the district, is from an original document, containing a series of articles of agree ment, entered into by the " Owners and Farmers of divers Fulling Mills, in the parishes of Kirkburton, Almondbury, Huddersfield, and Kirkheaton, dated 7th Oct., 6 Anne, 1707." " The Owners and Farmers respectively, whose names are affixed to this Instrument, covenant and promise to and with William Bradley of Huddersfield Salter &c. by these presents " &c. " 1. That they nor any of them, their nor any of their Servants, Agents, or Workmen from and after the 13th day of this instant month shall or will on the Sunday or Lord's day full or Milne any manner of Cloth in or by any of their respective Mills, betwixt the hours of six of the clock in the morning and six of the clock in the evening of the same day, at any time during the space of seven yeares next coming. " 2. That they the said Owners or Farmers nor any of them nor any of their Servants, Agents, or Workmen shall or will at any time during the said tearme give or deliver, or cause and suffer to be delivered any cloth-piece or pieces of cloth fulled in any of their respective Mills to the Owners or Pro prietors thereof, or to any of them their or any of their Servants or Workmen unless the said Owners and Farmers their Servants, Agents, or Workmen or some of them shall be first paid or satisfied for fulling the same. " 3. That they the said Owners or Farmers nor any of them their nor any of their Servants, Agents or Workmen shall or will at any time during the said tearm full or milne any cloth-piece or pieces of cloth for or at any lesser rate or value than sixpence a piece for every piece of Cloth under eighteen yards in length, and for every piece of Cloth above eighteen yards and under thirty yards in length eightpence. And for every piece of Cloth above thirty yards in length twelvepence, nor take or receive any lesser sum of money for doeing the same than as aforesaid. " 4. That if any one of the said Owners or Farmers or his Servants, Agents, or Workmen shall act or doe contrary to the tenor purport true intent and meaning of the above mentioned Articles or any of them, and Oath thereof made before a Justice of the Peace in writing by any informer and two Credible witnesses at the least ye said Owners or Farmers so offending shall forfeit and pay to the said William Bradley the sum of Five Pounds whereof twenty shillings shall goe and be paid to the said Informer, other twenty shillings thereof to the Poor of the Town where the same offence shall be com mitted and Three Pounds the residue thereof to and amongst the said Owners and Farmers other than the Delinquent. " 5. That if any action plaint or suit shall happen to be commenced or prosecuted by virtue of these presents ye said Owners or Farmers other than the Delinquent shall and will at all times hereafter save keep harmlesse and Indemnifyed ye said William Bradley his executors Administrators &c. of and from all such Costs and Charges losses and damages as shall be awarded or adjudged by the said William Bradley his executors &c. or his or their lands, Tenements, hereditaments, goods or chattells or any of them for or upon any suit which hereafter shall happen to come or arise upon for or concerning the premises or any of them or any part thereof. <§m*ral Historical |Umarks. 31 " Lastly. The said William Bradley for himself his executors &c. doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Owners and Farmers other than the Delinquent by these presents, that he the said William Bradley his executors &c. shall and will from time to time upon the reasonable request and at the cost of the said Owners and Farmers other than the Delinquent justly maintain avow & allow all and every such action suit plaint and arrest as the said Owners and Farmers other than the Delinquent shall commence sue or prosecute or cause to be commenced sued or prosecuted for the recovery and obtaining of all the money to be forfeited by virtue of these presents ratifying and confirming all and every lawful acts matters and things whatsoever which the said Owners and Farmers other than the Delinquent shall commence or prosecute for the recovery or obtaining of the same. " In witness &c."* Amidst the progressive changes which have taken place from time to time in the woollen branch, many evils must of necessity have arisen, and combinations been formed, requiring sound judgment, and often great forbearance, to counteract or modify ; but it seems difficult at this distance of time to understand clearly the reasons for combining together on all the points here mentioned. That there existed in the minds of many of the mill occupiers, a strong desire to put down the milling or fulling of cloth on Sundays, as dishonouring the Christian Sabbath, there can be no doubt ; and that there were other occupiers desirous of continuing the old custom is equally certain : thus far the attempt to bind each other to observe the Lord's day was very laudable. That it might be expedient also, to fix a uniform rate for the milling of cloth of certain prescribed lengths, we readily understand ; but that they should likewise require that all cloths so milled at any of the said mills, should be paid for before being delivered to the Owners, seems a strange anomaly, which we at least of the present time, should regard as a point best left to the consideration of the parties themselves. Until the latter half of the last century, the kind of cloths manufactured here were called "Leeds Beds" a coarse class of goods, manufactured in the white, or undyed state, and dyed red in the cloth, slightly finished, and then sold to the Leeds merchants. These goods were manufactured in the old form, — scribbled and carded by a single pair of cards, — spun by a single thread, and woven by the hand shuttle. It was about the year 1776, when the first spinning jenny was introduced into the Holmfirth district. It contained about 18 spindles, and was hailed as a prodigy. They rapidly multiplied in numbers, as well as in spindles. The first * Attached to this instrument are seventeen seals, from which we may infer this was the number of Pulling Mills then existing within the four above-mentioned parishes. Of these seals thirteen only have been duly signed and attested; the others remaining blank. It may not be uninteresting to some of my readers to give the signatures, viz. : Elizabeth Bradley, Joshua Wilson, R. Eockley, Caleb Crosley, Luke Wilson, William Brooke, John Hanson, James Roberts, William Ramsden, Abraham Dyson, Peter Hepworth, Joseph Roberts, and Joshua Wilson. 32 General Historical gUmarks. scribbling engine set up in this district was in Ing Nook Mill, about 1780. It appeared in a rude state, before the invention of the fly-roller, and seemed to tumble the wool off the cards like flocks. It was not till about the year 1798, that steam came to be applied to the aid of water power, and then the advantage of coal within the district contributed largely to the spread of the several manufacturing processes, and the general prosperity. The introduction of machinery, however, occasioned a strong feeling of alarm, not only among the operatives, but also among a large body of manufacturers, — the cry being, "the domestic system is in danger." This alarm arose, no doubt, from what they regarded as its obvious tendency to endanger the independence which was conceived to pervade the old system, to supersede a large amount of manual labour, and to reduce the rate of wages. But the introduction of improved machinery into the finishing department, met with a more determined opposition from that class of operatives, than had been shewn in regard to improvements in other manufacturing processes. The whole body of croppers were aroused, and began to organise themselves to resist the innovations. The struggle of the Luddites was of a deeply exciting character. They were so called after an imaginary personage, styled General Lud, or Ned Lud, their reputed commander, whose short "reign" was indeed a "reign of terror." It seems necessary we should briefly state some of the facts connected with those unhappy transactions, in which a few misguided persons within this district were implicated, while several others suffered in the destruction of their property, through their lawless conduct. A number of manufacturers and master croppers having set up shearing machines in their houses, Shops and Mills, some of which were worked by hand, others by horse, water, or steam power, the work men rose in large bodies, or in detached parties, and broke open those places which contained the obnoxious machines, and with hammers, and other instruments, broke them to pieces. These acts were generally perpetrated in the night, and effected so suddenly, by parties mostly disguised, that for some time they escaped detection. To render themselves more secure and sufficiently formidable to defy resistance, they banded together in companies, and prowled through the district by night — forcing those inhabitants to rise, who were supposed to possess fire arms, which they demanded and took with them, and in some instances they proceeded to other acts of pillage. The snappers, as the breakers of the Dressing Machines were technically called, commenced their campaign early in the year 1812. On the 23rd February they paid a nocturnal visit to Marsh, near Huddersfield ; on the 27th we find them at Ley-Moor in Longwood. In the second week in March they continued their work of destruction at Linfit, Honley, Dungeon, &c. But the greatest muster yet made was in the evening of 15th (Sunday) when they attacked the house and workshops of Mr. Francis Vickerman of Taylor-hill, where they instantly set to work demolishing a number of machines, and even fired a gun or pistol into the room where Mr. Vickerman and his family were sitting ; happily without (general Historical fjUmarks. 33 doing any personal injury. The first week in April they were at Hill End and at Horncoat, in Fulstone : on the 1 1 th they attacked Rawfolds Mill, in Liversedge, which was gallantly defended by Mr. Cartwright and his men ; and from which the assailants were obliged to retire leaving two of their number on the ground mortally wounded. This severe check is stated to have produced an alteration in the plans of these infatuated men. The assassination of the chief patrons of this kind of machinery was now resolved on ! Accordingly on the 28th of the same month, only 16 days after the successful resistance at Rawfolds, Mr. William Horsfall, of Marsden, was waylaid on his return from Huddersfield market, and shot in open day, about 5 or 6 o'clock in the afternoon, by four of these miscreants, who concealed themselves in a plantation near Crosland-moor, adjoining the turnpike road from Huddersfield to Marsden, watching for their prey ; when their victim appeared they took deliberate aim firing simultaneously, and Mr. Horsfall fell to the ground — he lingered a day or two in excruciating agony from his wounds, when he expired. Crimes so atrocious nerved the retributive arm of justice, and a vigorous system of police was organised by a neighbouring magistrate (Joseph Radcliffe, of Milns-Bridge House, Esq.,) who afterwards received the honour of a baronetcy for his intrepid conduct at that alarming crisis. Yet some time elapsed before any clue could be discovered which promised to lead into the deep labyrinth of combina tion, which concealed such complicated crimes and guilt. Meanwhile these desperate marauders proceeded in their dark designs. Within a few days of this horrid deed, they attacked several places around Holm firth, although Watch and Ward had been established through the districts. Troops of soldiers were stationed in Huddersfield, and in consequence of vague rumours, occasionally scoured the country, but with little effect. A young man named Barrowclough, was stated to have betrayed certain lawless proceedings of the Luddites in this neighbourhood. He was accordingly secured as a useful spy and informer ; and in the night of the 8th July a party of Scotch Greys were marched to Holmfirth, who early the following morning searched several places where it was stated arms were concealed ; but very few seem to have been discovered : perhaps the Luddites had sufficient warning to be able to remove them. But two or three nights after, eight men were taken out of their beds, in this district, and kept in close custody ; and after repeated examinations before the magistrates were committed to York for trial. On the 23rd July a person named Hinchliffe then clerk of the Parochial Chapel of Holmfirth, was called out of bed and was shot in the face ; by which he lost an eye. It was generally supposed that he knew something both of the parties and of the proceedings of the Luddites, and was suspected by them of having given some information. Though this happened at midnight, and the assassins were disguised, he told his friends that he knew the person who had shot him ; but when examined by a magistrate (Josh. Scott, of Woodsome Hall, Esq.,) the next day, he denied having such knowledge. A person of the name of Schofield, absconded, who was believed to be the perpetrator, as was afterwards asserted by Hinchliffe. He was subsequently apprehended in London and eventually tried at York ; but through the evidence of the magistrate (Mr. Scott) he was acquitted. Earl Fitzwilliam, as Lord Lieutenant, with his son Lord Milton visited Holmfirth, a few weeks after, to examine into these alarming circumstances. A special assize was held at York, for trying these infatuated and misguided men ; eighteen were capitally convicted, seventeen of whom were executed : the rest, including eight persons taken from near Holmfirth, were liberated on bail. This year [1812,] had been a dreadful year in many respects. It was the first of a series of back ward seasons, and deficient crops, and corn rose to a high price.* * The foregoing account of the Luddites is compiled partly from a brief sketch furnished to the author by the late Mr. Joseph Holmes of Underbank, and partly from an account printed by the late Mr. Edward Baines, of Leeds. E 34 (Smral Historical Remarks. It remains to be stated that the class of woollen cloths which were manufactured in the Holme valley thirty years ago, usually styled " plain goods," have now, for the most part disappeared, giving place to what are called " fancy woollens." It must likewise be observed that the districts of Kirkburton, Shelley, and Shepley, which were formerly much engaged in " fancy waistcoatings," are now principally employed in the fancy woollen trade. The rapid increase of machinery of late years in the various manufacturing processes which has so immensely facilitated production, has, it is gratifying to record, served to lessen the amount of excessive physical labour, while the rate of wages has been augmented. The following statistical tables shew the number of mills and factories, within the district, engaged in woollen manufactures, with the amount of horse-power and number of persons employed, in 1835 and 1858 respectively, according to the returns made to the Inspector of Factories. With these returns, which will be found highly interesting to those of our readers intimately acquainted with the district, I have been obfigingly favoured by Alexander Redgrave, Esq., Inspector of Factories, and James Bates, Esq., Sub- Inspector. A Tabular View of the number of Mills and Factories in each Township, within the Parish of Kirkburton and Graveship of Holme, with the amount of Horse-power, the kind of Manufacture engaged in, and the Number of Persons employed, in the year 1835 : — TOWNSHIPS. Burton Shelley Shepley Cumberworth Half Thurstonland . . Wooldale .... Fulstone Hepworth .... Cartworth .... Holme Austonley .... Upper Thong.. O o> p. lie 12 3 371 5 2 12 3 371 5 2 20 14 147 14 249064 14 109 262293 6 7234 -flH 20 6 20 256 4046 183 -6 136 48 PERSONS EMPLOYED. From 9 to 12. Male Female 14 46 6 10 43 2 26 15 38 22 21 3 22 7 13 to 18 Male Female 10 64 4 10 49 5 42 13 33 19 3 5 29 1 26 10 Above 18. Male Female 78 7 2756 2 33 13 TOTAL. 20 14 188 17 47 148 9 101 41 48 59 57 52 4 49 17 *mra.l Historical |Umarks. 35 A Tabular View of the number of Mills and Factories in each Township within the Parish of Kirkburton and the Graveship of Holme, with the amount of Horse-power the kind of Manufacture engaged in, and the Nnmber of Persons employed, in the year 1 858 : — TOWNSHIPS. Burton Shelley Shepley Cumberworth Half Thurstonland . . Wooldale .... Fulstone Hepworth .... Cartworth .... Holme Austonley .... Upper Thong . . fcSS 3 6 11 24 4 6 19 1 8 14 112 2520 10 229 37 109 4462 20 119 91 4 39 7 132 2520 10 348 37 19 200 4 8369 PERSONS EMPLOYED. Aged 8 and under 13. Male 15 8 4 2 114 12 6 63 3 24 25 Female 15 5 23 58 10 2 31 1 34 10 :lgd 13 and under 18. Male 54 24 10 3 97 17 2493 4 42 63 Aged above 13. Female 140 1914 10 162 26 18 84 1 36 95 Aged above 18. 106 28 22 218 2740 151 4 49 124 TOTAL. Male Female 175 603613 429 56 70 307 11 115 212 155 24 16 13 220 3620 115 2 70 105 330 8452 26 649 9290 422 13 185 317 The Area, Annual Value ; also a Comparative Account of the Population Returns of the several Town ships within the Parish of Kirkburton and the Graveship of Holme : — TOWNSHIPS. 8 _> •2.S S 5.3 POPULATION. 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1260 14201250 250 20502370 1200 3370 282033901760 710 71503699 3210 31203549 10246 491736017611 1705 6050 7945 1405 416 619783 2620 1128 804997 302674 1033 16931057 793 868 3083 1139 828 1121 347814 1015 2153 13291000 989 3445 1264 1048 1211 459968 1437 2650 1319 893 1098 3993 1573 12291796 630 1420 1648 3474 17721088 487 1286 4806 1856 1436 2247 713 1940 2258 356018801200 484 1320 56002257 1532 2538 849 22342463 Shelley e2 36 tosral pistoriral §Umarks. The rapid increase of population in manufacturing districts may be regarded as affording a satisfactory indication of prosperity and comparative wealth. There are, however, periodical depressions of trade from various causes, from which the operative classes have not unfrequently been exposed to great privations. Perhaps in no part of the kingdom are these classes more industrious than in the " English Apennines ; " the principles of self-reliance and independence are strong characteristic features of the class, though by strangers these are some times mistaken for less estimable qualities. The amount of crime committed within the district to which these enquiries refer is believed to be considerably less than in most districts of an equal population. Respecting the Graveship of Holme, however, we are enabled to state more definitely, fiaving been kindly favoured by Martin Kidd, Esq., of Holmfirth, who for twenty years has acted as clerk to the Holmfirth bench of magistrates, with the following interesting statement : — Previous to the year 1839, there were no magistrates resident at or near to Holmfirth ; about that time a memorial was presented to the Lord Lieutenant on the subject ; and Mr. Joseph Charlesworth, and Mr. John Harpin were appointed, and both qualified at Bradford sessions in July, 1839. They appointed Mr. Kidd, solicitor, as their clerk, and immediately afterwards commenced holding courts of petty session weekly in Holmfirth, and continued to do so until the year 1852, when, in consequence of the paucity of business, it was considered that a court once a fortnight would be quite ample to meet the requirements, with occasional meetings for urgent business ; and the usual fortnightly meetings, with such occasional meetings, have been continued till the present time, one magistrate attending once a week, at the clerk's office, to take informations and sign precepts. By an arrangement with the Huddersfield bench, all petty session business arising within the Grave ship of Holme has been taken at the court, and which comprised a population, in 1831, of 12,289 ; in 1841, of 15,256; in 1851, of 17,473. During the twenty-one years ending July, 1860, the summonses and warrants issued by the bench amounted to 7,157. These are divisible into three classes, namely :— 1. — For non-payment of rates, and other casual matters not coming within the category of crime, or offences against good order 5639 2. — Summary convictions 1374 3. — Felonies, and other indictable offences, but principally minor indictable offences, and not a single case of murder 144 7157 And of the last 144 cases, only forty occurred during the last seven years. And it may be said that crime has decreased, and is light considering it to be a manufacturing district, with an increas ing population. dmral Historical l^marks. 37 The operative classes display very commendable forethought, by associating for mutual assistance during times of sickness and disease, as exemplified in the following statistical table of the various societies of secret orders and sick clubs.* These institutions, when formed on a proper basis, are invaluable, no less by enabling their members to preserve a proper self-respect, than for the material support they provide. We possess no statistical information to enable us to speak definitively as to the ratio which the members of sick clubs and secret societies bear to the population of the kingdom, or in regard to the agricultural, as compared with the manufac turing districts. It is to be regretted that means have not hitherto been adopted to obtain these statistics in connexion with taking the census of population periodically, which would have supplied the political economist, as well as the public, with interesting and important information. Sports and Pastimes. — A century ago, horse racing constituted one of the amusements of the district. Horse races were annually held on Cartworth Moor, which were usually styled Cartworth Moor Races. But perhaps there was no kind of sport to which our ancestors were more devotedly attached than hunting with the beagles ; and on account of the hilly state of the country, they were generally followed by persons on foot. In connexion with this kind of sport, tradition has preserved some remarkable incidents. Perhaps the most singular, if not the most remarkable, is that of " Old Nan Allen," a tall gaunt woman, who not only joined in the sport, but acted as huntswoman, which tradition affirms she usually did, having a long staff in her hand, keeping up with the hounds with wonderful strength and agility. About the close of the last century there was, in the township of Thurlstone, a small public house, having for its sign " Nan Allen," with the following couplet : " Hark to cuddy, thou has it by this, I, Nan Allen, the Huntress." * These Statisiical Tables have not been completed in time to appear in this place, the reader is, therefore, referred to appendix. %, brief %aamd of % £ orirs of % ftanor of Uakfaftr. There is some difficulty in determining the precise period when the Manor of Wakefield was granted by the crown to one of the Earls Warren. According to Domesday Book, which was completed in 1086, it was then in the possession of the King. William de Warren, the first Earl of Surrey had married Gundreda, daughter of William the Conqueror.* He died in 1088, and it is generally admitted that, with the exception of Coningsborough and its dependencies, he had no other estate in Yorkshire. He left issue William de Warren, II. Earl of Surrey, who married Isabel, daughter of Hugh, Earl of Vermandois, widow of Robert, Earl Mellent, by whom he left issue. Our best authorities seem agreed in the opinion that the grant of this manor was made to this earl, although they differ as to the time and the circumstances under which it was given. It is generally regarded as the grant of Henry I., in 1107 or 1116, as a recompence to him for having done the king great service, by taking his brother Robert prisoner, whose crown of England, and dukedom of Normandy, Henry had usurped. A more probable conjecture, however, is that of Mr. Hunter, f that this grant was made between the years 1091 and 1097. This earl enjoyed the honours and possessions of the family nearly fifty years, dying in 1138, leaving his son, William de Warren, III. Earl of Surrey, who married Adela, daughter of William Talvace, Earl of Ponthieu, by whom he had Isabel de Warren, sole daughter and heiress. He was * In 1845, the workmen employed in making the Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings Eailway, through the Priory grounds at Lewes, had their progress arrested by a stone, on the removal of which, they discovered two cists or coffers, side by side. On the lid of one was the word " Gundreda," perfectly legible ; and on the lid of the other " Will'us." On remov ing the lids the remains appeared to be quite perfect, and the lower jaw of William Earl de Warren in extraordinary preservation. The cists in which the bodies were deposited were not more than three feet in length, and about two feet wide, and there is no doubt that they had been removed from some other place and reinterred ; and according to tradition the bodies of William de Warren, and Gundreda, his wife, were reinterred 200 years after their decease. These interest ing and ancient relics were removed to Southoven Church, in which there is a very ancient tablet to the memory of " Gundreda." t South Yorkshire. Vol. i., p.p. 106. f orbs of % Panor of WabMb. 39 slain in Palestine, in 1147. To this earl is ascribed a grant of all the Warren churches in Yorkshire, to the priory of Lewes, in Sussex. We are indebted to the Rev. J. Hunter for satisfactorily deciding this point, upon which some difference of opinion had previously existed. Isabel de Warren married first William de Blois, son of King Stephen, who became IV. Earl of Surrey, and Earl of Morton, but died without issue in 1160. She married to her second husband Hameline, the natural son of Geoffrey, Earl of Anjou, and half-brother to Henry II. She died 13th July, 1199, and was interred in the Chapter-house, at Lewes. Hameline became Y. Earl of Surrey. He died 7th May, 1202, leaving issue by the said Isabel, William de Warren, YI. Earl of Surrey, to whom the Manor of Wakefield, &c, devolved. This earl married first Maud, daughter of William, Earl of Arundel, who died without issue. He married to his second wife Maud, daughter of William, Earl of Pembroke, and widow of Hugh, Earl of Norfolk, by whom he left issue. He died in 1239. This earl bestowed his patronage on the monks of Roche Abbey, to whom he made several grants of lands ; and also confirmed a grant, made by Matthew de Shepley to the said monks, of land, in Cumberworth, in the parish of Kirkburton. He was succeeded by John de Warren, YH. Earl of Surrey, aged five years at the death of his father. He married Alice, daughter of Hugh le Brun, Earl of the Marches of Aquitaine, sister by the mother, to Henry III., by whom he had issue. This earl rendered himself memorable by his conduct on being summoned by Edward I., to shew by what right he held his lands, &c, of which Hollinshed gives the following brief account. " King Edward standing in need of money devised a new shift to serve his tourne," he issued a proclamation, " that all suche as helde any landes or tenements of hym shuld come and shewe by what right and title they helde the same, that by such meanes their possessions might returne unto him by escheate, as chiefe lord of the same and so to be solde or redeemed agayne at his handes." This was a cause of much com plaint on the part of the people. " Many were called to answer, till at lengthe the lorde John de Warren Earl of Surrey, a man greatly beloved by the people perceyving the King to have caste his net for a praye, and that there was not one whyche spake against him determined to stand against those so bitter and cruell proceedings, and therefore being called afore the justyces aboute this matter he appeared, and being asked by what right he held his lands, he sodenly drawing forthe an olde rusty sworde : by this instrument (sayd he) doe I hold my landes and by the same I intende to defend them." Another circumstance is recorded indicative of this earl's fiery and indomitable' temper. "He having committed an outrage on Allen, Lord Zouch, of Ashby, and his son Roger, in Westminster Hall, occasioned by an estate being adjudged to Lord Zouch which was unjustly claimed by the fiery earl, who when the verdict was pronounced, gave way to the natural vehemence of his temper, drew upon that nobleman and his son, and almost killed the father and severely wounded the son. He was fined 10,000 40 £ orbs of % gtaor of MakEMb. marks, which the king afterwards remitted to 8,400. In 1270 he executed an instrument at Croydon, stating his intention to stand to the judgment of the Court after his outrage, on pain of excommunication and forfeiture of his estates." In the 7 Edward I., (1278,) this earl was summoned " Quo Warranto," to answer by what right he appropriated to himself as a forest inter alia, all the divisions of Halifax and Holmfirth, and by what warrant he refused to permit the king's bailiffs to enter his lands to perform their offices, except his own bailiff were present; to which the earl answered that he claimed gallows at Conisborough and Wakefield, and the power of doing what belonged to a gallows in all his" lands and fees, * and that he and his ancestors had used the same from time immemorial. This earl died in 1304, having outlived his son and heir, William de Warren, who was killed in a tournament at Croydon, 15th December, 1286. He had married Joan, danghter of Robert, Earl of Oxford, who was delivered of a posthumous child, John de Warren, who became VIII. and last Earl of Surrey of this family, also Earl of Strathearn, in Scotland, &c. He was one of the most powerful barons in England. He married Joan de Bar, daughter of Henry, Earl de Bar, and grand daughter to Edward I. ; the marriage was issueless, and not a happy one : both parties sued for a divorce, but the law of the church was uncompromising. He settled upon her an allowance of seven hundred and forty marks, per annum, for life. She died in 1361. One intrigue of this earl, observes Mr. Hunter, produced consequences which threatened for a time a premature separation of Wakefield from the possessions of the house of Warren. " The northern border of the lands in Yorkshire, forming the Warren fee, touched- in a great extent of its course, on the fee of the Lacis lords of Pontefract. Disputes seem to have, from time to time, arisen between these great chiefs; and in the year 1268, it appears that in a dispute about a pasture, the Warrens and Lacis had armed each their retainers, and prepared for one of those lawless encounters, of which there are several instances in our baronial history, but were prevented by the king. Alice de Laci, the heiress of Pontefract, was of about the same age with the eighth Earl of Warren. She was given in marriage to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, grandson of Henry iii., who lived for the most part at her castle of Pontefract. This * The following is an extract of Inspeximus in regard to the jus furcce at Wakefield. " Furcas apnd Wakefield et facere item Judicium quae ad Furcas pertinet, de omnibus terris et Feodis suis." Neither Halifax nor Holmfirth are mentioned, yet they must be comprehended in "omnibus terris et feodis suis." In a Roll 26 Edward I., (1297,) it stands reeorded " Nicholas de Wyston recipavit quemdam exuentem cytheristam per plures vices, qui decollatus est ut creditur et quum ultimo recessit de domo suo permisit in custodia dicti Nicholai unam cytheram, et preceptnm est quod earn producat et quod attachiatur quosque producat," of which the following is a translation : — " Nicholas de Wyston hath harboured a certain * * * harper many times, who was beheaded, as it is believed, and when he last departed from his house he left in charge of the said Nicholas, a harp, and it is commanded that he produce it, and that he is attached until he do produce it." That the place of trial and execution of felons was originally at Wakefield, the head of the manor and the seat of its principal officers, we can scarcely doubt, but what led to its removal to Halifax, and what were the peculiar circumstances which caused it to be perpetuated there long after it had fallen into disuse over the rest of the kingdom, it is now perhaps impossible to discover. The jus furcce |was a power vested in the lords of the great fee of Pontefract ; and that right seems to have been exercised at A Imoribury within that fee, as the name of Gallow-Jield is still preserved there. The ancient gaol at Halifax, which was coetaneous with the jus furcce, belongs to the Lord of the Manor of Wakefield, for the imprisoment of debtors within the manor, under mesne process and executions out of the superior Courts. f orbs of % flaaor of WakMb. 41 lady, on the Monday before Ascension day, A.D. 1317, was carried off by violence, to a castle of the Earl of Warren, at Reigate, in Surrey. There was much mystery in this affair at the time, and much scandal. Certain it is she was divorced by her husband, and the Earl of Lancaster proceeded to avenge himself by laying siege to the castles in Yorkshire, belonging to the Earl of Warren. But the king commanded he should cease from so doing; and further it is certain, that when in 1318, the Earl of Lancaster, engagad to pardon every one all trespasses and felonies done against him, he made an exception of the trespasses and felonies of the Earl of Warren. In the same year, (1318,) the Earl of Lancaster, who was then in the plenitude of his power, took from the Earl of Warren a grant of his Manor of Wakefield, for the life of the Earl Warren, if a make peace, it must be allowed a noble one. The Earl of Lancaster also obtained Coningsborough, thus banishing his rival entirely from the north. In 1322 the discontents of the Earl of Lancaster drove him into open rebellion. Amongst others to whom the king's warrant issued to pursue and take the earl, was the Earl of Warren, who was among the peers present in the Castle of Pontefract when sentence of death was passed on the Earl of Lancaster, and he was led forth to execution. On his death these lands escheated to the crown, nor did the Earl of Warren recover possession until some years afterwards. In the 1st Edward III., (1327,) a warrant was issued to the king's escheator, north of the Trent, not to meddle with the Castle of Sandal or Conings borough, and the Manors of Wakefield, Sowerby, &c, to which the Earl of Warren laid claim, they being by consent of the said earl, and of Henry, Earl of Lancaster, who was brother of Earl Thomas, and his next heir, to remain in the king's hands, to be delivered to the said Henry. The grant of his Yorkshire lands to the Earl of Lancaster, had been made by the Earl of Warren only for his own life ; indeed he only possessed a life interest at the time of the grant, for a little before he had settled the remainder after his own decease on certain parties who must now be mentioned. Estranged from his wife, the earl took to his bed Maud de Neirford, a lady of a family of rank in the county of Norfolk. By her he had two sons, John and Thomas de Warren, and on these sons it was the desire and design of the earl that Wakefield and his other property north of the Trent should descend. For this purpose he conveyed to the king by charter, dated on the Thursday next after the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, in 9 Edward II., (1316,) " Castra et villas meas de Coningsburgh et Sandal ; et maneria mea de Wakefeld, Hatfeld, Thorne, Sowerby, Braithwell, Fishlake, Dewsbury, et Halifax," and on the fourth of August following, the king by charter tested at Lincoln, made a regrant of the same lands to the earl for life ; remainder to Maud de Neirford for life ; remainder to John de Warren and the heirs male of his body ; remainder to Thomas de Warren and the heirs male of his body (both sons by the said Maud) ; remainder to the heirs, of the body of the said earl, lawfully begotten, and in default of such issue to revert to the king. This remarkable disposition however did not take effect, for the two sons died before the earl without leaving issue, and he also survived Maud. After the death of Maud de Neirford the earl is stated to have married Isabel de Holand, " and pre vious to this marriage," says Watson, " the king seems to have been prevailed upon to secure to the said Isabel what before had been settled upon Maud." " As a difference of opinion seems to exist, whether this Isabel de Holand was ever Countess of Warren, I have introduced an interesting extract from the earl's will; * 'jeo devys a Isabel de Holand ma compaigne mon avel d'or oue le bone ruby.' "The precise force of the word compaigne," observes Mr. Hunter, " as applied to Isabel de Holand, is not apparent. Joan de Barr was beyond question then * Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire. F 42 £ 0rbs of % ilanor of Makfblb. alive, and bearing the title of Countess of Surrey, but it is thought by many that the marriage was dis solved, and that Isabel was in truth his wife, a relation which was expressed by the word compaigne, of which we have a pertinent proof in the will of Richard Fitz Allan, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, nephew to the Earl of Warren, who desired to be buried in the Priory of Lewes, 'pres de la tombe de ma treschere compaigne Alianore de Lancastre.' " " This Isabel," says Watson, " survived the earl, living till the year, 33 Edward III., (1359,) and keeping courts at Wakefield, &c, in the name of the Countess de Warren." Mr. Leatham * in his more recent enquiry states that after the death of Maud de Neirford, in the 23 Edward III., " it (Manor of Wakefield,) appears to have been given to Joan de Bar, the earl's former wife, from whom he had been divorced, and was held by her as Countess of Warren." " This statement," he observes in a note, " varies from that of Watson, but is the result of a careful examination of the Court Rolls of this period, the name of Joan de Bar is inserted in the rolls of the 23 Edward III., as 'Countess of Warren;'" the style before this period is merely "The Court at Wakefield," and after this period, until the 33 Edward III., (1359,) "The Court of the Countess of Warren," &c. t The difference between Mr. Watson's statement and that of Mr. Leatham, although the latter is the result of " a careful examination of the Court Rolls," seems to arise only from a different apprehension of the person to whom the title of Countess de Warren was intended to apply : Mr. Watson applying it to Isabel, while Mr. Leatham assigns it to Joan de Bar. It is shewn by the researches of Mr. Hunter, that Isabel stood in a somewhat different relation to the earl from Maud de Neirford. But " previous to the earl's marriage with Isabel," says Watson, " the King seems to have been prevailed upon to secure to her what before had been settled upon Maud," the earl having then lost all future disposal of the manor. In the 23 Edward III., (1348,) only about a year after the earl's death, the " Countess de Warren " appears upon the rolls. The allowance of seven hundred and forty marks per annum, made by the earl to Joan de Bar, for life, was undoubtedly intended to be in full satisfaction of all claims by her against his estate ; and, therefore, there seems to have been no necessity, — neither does it seem probable that he would, under " the estrange ment," endeavour to obtain from the king a grant to her of the Manor of Wakefield, although it is certain that Isabel de Holand was living with him as wife, for whom he would be desirous of making some suitable provision for life. But, * The History of Wakefield and its Antiquities ; being one of a series of lectures delivered at the Literary and Mechanics' Institutions, 1845. t Watson must, therefore, have been mistaken, when he stated that " Isabel, Countess of Warren," is found in the court rolls at Wakefield. f orbs of % Panor of WafoMb. 43 supposing Joan de Bar to have had such a grant, why did she not retain it until her death, which occurred in 1361 ? Whereas, we find that in the 33 Edward III., (1359,) the " Countess de Warren " ceases to appear on the rolls, which period agrees with the time usually stated as that of the death of Isabel. There is another circumstance not unworthy of being named, that "Joan de Bar," after her marriage, was styled " Countess de Surrey," by which title she presented a clerk to one of the Warren Churches, in the year of the earl's death. We, therefore think, so far, the weight of evidence is in favour of Isabel being in reality the " Countess de Warren," and lady of the Manor of Wakefield. If Mr. Leatham is correct in saying that the earl was divorced from Joan de Bar, (of which, however, the accounts I have seen are not quite clear,) there stood then no legal impediment to a marriage with Isabel de Holand. John de Warren, the last Earl of Surrey of that name, died on the 30th June, 1347, on his sixty-first birthday, and was buried in the Abbey Church of Lewes. On the 6th of August, 1347, only thirty-seven days after the death of the earl, a royal patent was signed at Reading, ' per manus Lionelli filii nostri carissimi custodis Anglias,' (the king being then in France,) by which ' omnia castra, maneria villas, terras, et tenementa cum pert, quas fuerunt Johannis de Warrenna nuper comitis Surr. in partibus ultra Trentam, et quas occasione mortis ejusdem comitis in manu nostra existunt,' were settled on Edmund of Langley, a younger son of the king, and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to John of Gaunt, and Lionel of Antwerp, and their heirs male respectively ; remainder to the crown. This grant was confirmed by parliament, but Edmund not being more than six years of age, his mother, Queen Phillipa, was allowed to receive the profits for the education of him and her other children. Edmund had been created by his father Earl of Cambridge, but in the 9th Richard II., he was advanced to the title of Duke of York. He died 1st August, 3rd Henry IV., (1402,) seized inter alia of the Manor or Lordship of Wakefield, leaving Edward, Earl of Rutland, his eldest son and heir aged 26 years, who thus on his father's death became Duke of York. This Edward, then Earl of Rutland, engaged in a conspiracy with the Earls of Kent, Huntingdon, and Lord Spencer, who had been degraded from their respective titles of Albemarle, Surrey, Exeter, and Gloucester, conferred on them by Richard II., together with the Earl of Salisbury, and Lord Lumley, for raising an insurrection, and for seizing the king's person at Windsor, but the treachery of Rutland gave the king warning of the danger. The conspirators were afterwards taken and executed, ' but,' says Hume,* ' the spectacle, the most shocking to any one who retained any sentiment either of honour or humanity, still remained. The Earl of Rutland appeared, carrying on a pole the head of Lord Spencer, his brother-in-law, which he presented in triumph to Henry as a testimony of his loyalty ! This infamous man, who was soon after Duke of York, by the death of his father, and first prince of the blood, had been instrumental in the murder of his uncle, the Duke of Gloucester ; had then deserted Richard II., by whom he was trusted ; had conspired against the life of Henry, to whom he had sworn allegiance ; had betrayed his associates, whom he had seduced into the enterprise ; and now displayed in the face of the world these badges of his multiplied dishonour.' " * History of England. f2 44 forbs of % Itanor of WafoMb. It remains only to be said of him, that he accompanied Henry V. in his expediton to France, and lost his life at the battle of Agincourt, in 1415, (being a fat man, he is reported to have been crushed to death,) leaving a widow Phillipa Mohun. The duke dying without issue, his honours and estates descended to his nephew, Richard of Conings- borough, as he was usually called, after the fashion of the Plantagenets, naming themselves from the places of their birth. The father of this Richard, who is usually called Earl of Cambridge, married Anne Mortimer, the daughter of Roger, Earl of March, son of Edmund, Earl of March, and Phillipa the daughter and heir to Lionel, Duke of Clarence. This marriage brought the claim to the crown to the house of York, for her brother, Edmund Mortimer, the last of the Mortimers, Earls of March, died without leaving issue, but not until after the death of Anne, so that she is not in strict propriety called the heiress of Lionel, Duke of Clarence. In her issue, however, the rights of Lionel inhered entire. This Richard, Earl of Cambridge, appears not to have been insensible to the wrong which was done to the house of Mortimer, by the accession of Henry IV. to the throne. A little before Henry V. left England to proseQute his war in France, this Richard was engaged in a real or supposed conspiracy, and was attainted. His act of attainder gives rather a different view of his object from that which is to be found in our common histories. The treason alleged therein was, conspiring to lead his brother-in-law Edmund, Earl of March, to the borders of Wales, and there proclaim him king, and countenancing the impostor, Thomas de Trumpington, de Scotice ideotam, who personated Richard II. The whole act is curious, and the reader may peruse after it, with pleasure, the scene at Southampton, so powerfully drawn by Shakspeare, in the first part of King Henry V. The Earl of Cambridge was beheaded in 3 Henry V. (1415.) This earl could have no view upon the crown himself, for his wife Anne Mortimer was dead, and Edmund, Earl of March was living, and did actually live through the whole reign of Henry V., and till the 3rd year of his successor. He was also married, but at his death left no issue, so that his nephew Richard, son of Richard of Coningsborough and Anne Mortimer, was his undoubted heir, and the equally undoubted heir to the rights of Lionel's posterity. A long period elapsed before he ventured to assert them. Richard, Duke of York, married Cecily Nevil, a daughter of Ralph, Earl of Westmorland, and she produced him offspring. The stimulations of the ambitious family of Nevil, the weakness of the rule of Henry VI., and his own love of power, did not suffer this duke to forget the right which had descended to him from his mother, and he gave indications of his aspiring disposition before his conduct ceased to be equivocal. The issue of the struggle is well-known. The lords of the party of Lancaster were laying waste his lands in Yorkshire, * when he hastened to Sandal, which appears to have been a favourite residence, j With about 5000 men he left London on the 21st December, 1460, giving orders to his son, the Earl of March, to come and join him with the rest of the army. In his progress thither, he received the mortifying news of the queen's success in the levying of troops. At length having arrived at Wakefield, he heard that the queen was advancing towards him with greatly superior numbers. On this he resolved to retire to his castle at Sandal, until the Earl of March should arrive with the rest of his forces. The queen soon appeared before the walls of Sandal Castle with the main body of her army led by the Dukes of Somerset and Exeter, provoking her enemy to battle, sometimes by menaces, and at other times by insults and defiances, observing that it was disgraceful to a man who aspired to a crown to suffer himself to be shut up by a woman. This was more than he could endure. The Duke of York * Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire. Vol. I., p. 113. t In the 38 Henry VI., (1460,) December 19th, the King granted to John, Earl of Shrewsbury, out of the Manor of Wakefield, for life, 100 marks per annum ; the manor being then in the crown by the forfeiture of Richard, Duke of York. See Rolls fine. 38 Henry VI., p. 1, m. 16. (Patent Roll I suppose.) f orbs of % Itanor of WaktMb. 45 had, until this fatal moment, invariably displayed great prudence in his conduct ; but on this occasion he unfortunately suffered his courage to determine his conduct, contrary to the opinion of his officers, par ticularly Sir David Hall and the Earl of Salisbury, who advised him to despise these vain reproaches. He marched out of Sandal Castle, and drew up his forces on Wakefield Green, trusting that his own courage and experience would counter-balance his deficiency in numbers. He had no sooner arranged his small army in order of battle, than he was attacked by the Queen's troops, who being far more numerous than his, had greatly the advantage. While he was pressed in front by the main body of the enemy, the troops in ambush under Lord Clifford and the Earl of Wiltshire, fell upon the rear of his army. This unexpected assault threw his forces into such confusion that in half-an-hour they were routed, and almost annihilated ; the duke himself was slain valiantly fighting hand to hand with his enemies. His body was soon recognised among the slain and his head was cut-off, and crowning it with a paper crown was by Lord Clifford fixed on the top of his lance, and presented to the Queen, who ordered it to be placed on the walls of York. The duke's second son, the Earl of Rutland, who was only twelve years of age, was flying from the sanguinary scene, when he was overtaken by Lord Clifford, who plunged his dagger into his breast, notwithstanding the earnest entreaties of his tutor to spare the young prince's life. Thus fell Richard, Duke of York, about the fiftieth year of his age ; his abilities, together with the weakness of the reigning monarch, had placed him within one step of the throne, and one act of rashness hurried him to the grave. This battle was fought on the last day of the year. This apparent success seemed to have confirmed the power of the Lancastrians, but it proved only a prelude to their destruction ; for the spirit and object of the father descended to the son, Edward, Earl of March, then Duke of York, who by the battle of Towton, fought on Palm Sunday, the 29th of March, in the following year, avenged the death of his father, and thereby placed the crown on his own head, and thus became King Edward IV. The Lords of the Manor of Wakefield thus became kings of England. On the marriage of Henry VII. with Elizabeth of York, the ancient rivalry of the white and red rose was extinguished, and there being no probability that the right of succession of the issue would be questioned, the whole of what had been settled upon Edmund Langley was declared to be resumed, and for ever annexed to the crown.* This was done in parliament 2 Henry VII., and the manor continued parcel of the royal possessions until 1554, the time of the marriage of King Philip and Queen Mary, when it was united to the Duchy of Lancaster. In the reign of Charles I. the Manor of Wakefield was again granted from the crown. The king, by his letters patents bearing date 28th July, in the sixth year of his reign, (1629,) for the consideration of one thousand six hundred and forty- eight pounds, one sliilling, granted the same to John Hawkyns and Thomas Leeke, gentlemen, in trust for Henry, Lord Holland. On the 30th November, in the following year, Thomas Leeke, only surviving trustee, by the direction of Henry, Earl of Holland, conveyed the same to Robert Leeke t and William * Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire. Vol, i., p. 113. + Mr. Leeke resided at Horbury, near Wakefield, and was apparently somewhat of an Antiquarian Collector, and his 46 f 0rbs of i\z Panor of OTakeMb. Swanscoe, gentlemen, in trust for Sir Gervas Cfifton, of Clifton, in the county of Nottingham, knight and baronet, and Penelope, his first wife, daughter of Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick, and their issue. The marriage portion, £6000, had been given by the will of Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire.* The name of Sir Gervas Clifton is rendered memorable by the number of his wives, on which account Ralph Thoresby styles him "the noted baronet who out-did Henry VIII. in the number of his wives," having had seven. But, unlike Henry, he seems to have been a kind and indulgent husband ; his last wife survived him but a short time, dying in the same year with himself. He served in eight parliaments. It is recorded of him that " with generosity, hospitality, and charity he entertained all, from the king to the poorest beggar," "being generally the most noted person of his time for courtesy. He was an extraor dinary kind landlord and good master." He died 28th June, 1666. He left issue by three of his wives. By his first wife he had only one child, "the wretched and unfortunate Sir Gervas, his father's greatest foil." t By deed, dated 12th February, 1657, Sir Gervas Clifton conveyed the said manor for the sum of £3500, to Anthony Oldfield and Richard Clapham, in trust for Christopher Clapham, Esq., afterwards Sir Christopher, who by their deed, dated connexion with this manor for more than twenty-five years, afforded him an opportunity of examining the records and other evidences of that office, and making extracts from them. I find mention of manuscript collections in three volumes made by him ; two volumes of which are each entitled, " A Book of Manuscripts ; " and the third entitled, " Manuscript Collections, concerning several of the Ancient Customs, &c, within the Manor of Wakefield." These volumes were borrowed in 1704 by a gentleman within the Graveship of Holme, of Mr. Thomas Leeke, the grandson of the collector, then also of Horbury, by whom it is stated they had not been returned, and for the recovery of which, some time after, a legal process was issued. The party accused admitted having borrowed the property in question, but declared that the same had been duly returned to the owner. Beyond this point the papers from which I quote afford no further information. Not having seen reference made to these MSS. by any topographical writer, I have been led to state these particulars respecting them, in the hope that this notice may lead to further enquiry. * " Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire, married Penelope, eldest daughter of Walter Devereux, Earl of Essex : this lady had been forced into a marriage with the wealthy Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick, to whom she proved faithless ; from him at length she was divorced, having abandoned her husband, taking with her five children, whom she declared to be the issue of the Earl of Devonshire ; who, on his part, midst the fearful conflicts of various and contrary feelings, submitted to the impulse of those, which till now, had been the chief ornaments of his character. He received her, with what mournful cordiality may easily be supposed; and on her divorce from the Earl of Warwick, which of course imme diately followed, was married to her at Wanstead, in Essex, on the 26th December, 1605. Laud, (afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury,) who then was a young man, and the earl's domestic chaplain, performed the nuptial ceremony. The earl survived the wretched union but a few months. He died the 3rd April, 1606, and was buried in Westminster Abbey." He is stated by a contemporary writer to have " left his lady (for so she is generally held to be,) fifteen hundred pounds a year, and most of his moveables ; and of five children that she fathered upon him at the parting from her former husband, I do not hear that he provided for more than three, leaving the eldest son, I hear, between £3000 and £4000 per year ; and to a daughter, six thousand pounds in money." This daughter was Penelope, who married Sir Gervas Clifton, as already stated. She died in 1613. 47 £ orbs of % ftanor of Mabficlb. 19th February, 1660, conveyed the same to the said Sir Christopher Clapham, of Uffington, in the county of Lincoln, knight. By indenture, dated 10th July, 1677, Sir Christopher Clapham conveys the same to Craven and Wiatt, in trust, for what purpose does not appear. By indenture, dated the 4th June, 1700, Sir Christopher Clapham, knight, Craven and Wiatt, conveyed all the said manor to his Grace the Right Honourable Thomas, first Duke of Leeds, J which descended with the title, until George William Frederic, sixth Duke of Leeds, settled the same, with other estates in trust, on his son-in-law, Sackville Lane Fox,. Esq., and to his heirs by Lady Charlotte Mary Anne Georgiana, only daughter of 'the said duke, in whom it now vests. t Throseby's History of Nottinghamshire. t Crabtree (History Halifax,) by a very unaccountable mistake states that it was bought by Peregrine, the third Duke of Leeds. Cfw l^bootoson aab IfyutaxQ of §mrtcm. The Church of Burton, otherwise Kirkburton, appears to have been founded about the same time as those of Almonbury and Huddersfield. There is no mention of them in the Domesday Survey, which is regarded as presumptive evidence that they were not then in existence. Dr. Whitaker, in treating upon the church of Burton, appears to have adopted rather a fanciful speculation concerning its site. He says "wherever the name of Burton [qu. Burg-town,] occurs, may probably be expected either the remains or tradition of a Saxon fortification. Accordingly, at this place the parish church, from which there is a steep dechvity on the north and west, the appearance of a ditch on the south, and a deep and a narrow lane at a corresponding distance on the east, has every appearance of a Saxon fort, though the keep has been levelled. In addition to these appearances, a small sike, immediately adjoining to the north and east is still called the Old Saxe Dike." I shall not presume to dispute the general accuracy of the Doctor's suggestion, in regard to the etymology of the name, but I apprehend that he was misled by too hasty a survey of the place, and an insufficient knowledge of the habits and peculiarities of the district. The " Old Saxe Dyke," the name usually given to this small brook, had undoubtedly a very different origin. The aged people of the district well remember when the sexton of the parish church dwelt in a house near this rivulet, and as he was usually designated the old Saxe, or Sac, (for sexton,) * the brook thereby acquired the name of the old saxe dyke. Concerning its early severance from Dewsbury, Dr. Whitaker says, " it still continues to pay a pension of four pounds per annum, as a mark of its ancient dependence upon that ancient and fruitful mother of churches, Dewsbury, — a sum, the amount of which at that remote period, is to be accounted for from the great extent of the parish of Burton, at least ten miles in length, and probably containing fifty square miles." * The sexton is still popularly known as the sac t Ipfrofosott aitb %idaxxi of §i*rion:. 49 Dr. Whitaker has certainly over-estimated the extent of this parish. It is now clearly ascertained that it does not comprise more than 16,000 acres, including a very considerable extent of moor-land. Respecting the first foundation of this and the neighbouring church of Almonbury, several learned antiquarians, who have written upon the district, are agreed that they were founded by the Norman barons soon after they had acquired these possessions. After a careful examina tion of certain evidences, and the peculiarities of the district, we are led to the conclusion that they are of Ante-Norman origin : the grounds of which we will briefly state. This parish comprises within its limits the townships of Burton, Shelley, Shepley, Cumberworth Half, Thurstonland, Wooldale, Fulston, Hepworth, and Cartworth ; the four last-mentioned lie within the Graveship of Holme, and all within the Manor of Wakefield : but there are likewise three other townships within the said Graveship, viz. : Holme, Austonley, and Upper Thong, also within the Manor of Wakefield, which form part of the parish of Almonbury. It is extremely difficult to conjecture what the circumstances were which led to so arbitrary a division as we have just described, as they have long since ceased to be apparent ; for why Earl Warren, if he were the founder, did not include the whole of this part of his fee in the parish of Kirkburton is very extraordinary, especially when it is remembered that the townships of Holme, Austonley, and Upper Thong, are at least a mile nearer to the church of Burton than to that of Almonbury. That such a division of the parish should have been a matter of indifference to the Warrens, if they had the power to control it, will not be difficult to disprove, by a circumstance which bears singularly on this point, and which, if it do not elucidate it, at least furnishes us with a gfimpse of evidence which may guide us in our enquiry through the dark vista of so many ages. We have already seen that the church of Dewsbury was the ancient parish, or mother church, of these districts during the Saxon times : but whether chapels had been erected at Burton, Almonbury, Huddersfield, Sfc, anterior to the Norman Conquest, and had districts assigned to each, is the question to which we purpose directing our enquiry. Dr. Whitaker, in reference to the chapel at Hartishead, says, " It may have existed before the time of Domesday, which, as it does not take notice of chapels, affords no evidence of their non-existence. In regard to Burton," he says, " at the sera of Domesday here was no church." * * He also stateB that this church, with several others, were granted by William, Earl Warren and Gundreda, his wife, .daughter of the Conqueror, to the Monks of St. Pancras, of Lewes. In this he was mistaken; the first Earl of Warren had no connexion with the Manor of Wakefield. It .was acquired by the second Earl Warren, who died in the year 1138. — See History of the Manor. G 50 %\t ^bootoson: anb |iertorjx of §urtoix. Whatever was the state of the church when Earl Warren came into possession of this great fee, we have iricontestible evidence that he distributed his bounty with a liberal hand. He, as well as the lords of the adjoining fee, endowed their churches if they did not found them with the tithes of their respective lands, certain annual payments being reserved to the mother church of Dewsbury, viz. : from Kirkburton, £4 ; Almonbury, £2 6s. 8d. ; Huddersfield, 4s. ; Kirkheaton, £1 3s. 4d. ; Bradford, 8s. The wide difference in the amount of these pay ments bears no proportion to the extent of the several parishes, or the quahty of their respective lands ; Kirkburton paying the highest, and being the least productive ; and yet, Mr. James, in his History of Bradford, states, that the payments made by Bradford and Huddersfield, to Dewsbury, were equivalent to their value. This is so obviously erroneous, that it is evident we must look to other sources for an explanation of so great an inequality. It perhaps may be questioned whether, in taking this subject into consideration, sufficient attention has been paid to the fact, that the churches of Burton and Dewsbury were parcel of the Warren fee, while those of Almonbury, Huddersfield, Kirkheaton, and Bradford, were connected with that of the Lacis ; that when these churches were endowed by their respective owners, their object was to reserve all such endowments to their own churches ; thus, to the churches of Dewsbury and Burton, Earl Warren while desirous of giving to the latter a sufficient maintenance, was equally anxious to preserve to the former an ample competence. The Lacis would not be influenced by these considerations, and doubtless would resist all attempts of the rectors of Dewsbury, to exact from their territories what otherwise might have been granted to them. Still they might be constrained by ecclesiastical authority, to submit to small annual payments from each, in token of their dependence. If we suppose Earl Warren to have been the original founder of this church, it seems extremely difficult to account for such an ecclesiastical division, in assigning the townships of Holme, Austonley, and Upper Thong, to Almonbury, and at the same time reserving to his own church of Dewsbury the rectorial tithes arising from them, which afterwards passed with that church to the monks of St. Pancras, at Lewes, in Sussex. Here we have Earl Warren's special care to further the interests of his own church in regard to its endowment, while apparently disregarding its parochial division ; a supposition which seems in no degree probable. Moreover, we find in the Domesday Record, that these three townships or, as they are there stated to be four, were not surveyed in connexion with the other townships within the Graveship, but were regarded as quite %\t ^bhofosoit anb §Worg of §xrrfcm. 51 distinct and independent : fortunately, Domesday, in this particular, is unusually explicit; it states in "duabas Holne," (two Holnes,) " Alstanefie," (Austonley,) and " Thoae," (Thong,) " the King two carucates." Again, after enumerating Breton, Horbury, and Osset, it states "besides these there are to be taxed two carucates in Holne, and another Holne, Alstanefie, and Thoae, one plough may till this land. It is waste, wood here and there. Some say this is Thaneland, others in the Soke of Wakefield." Here, then, we find at the Norman Conquest these townships, which afterwards constituted part of the Graveship of Holme, were held by a more independent tenure, at which time it was doubted whether they even owed soke to Wakefield. Domesday likewise mentions their last Saxon owner, Dunestan, whom the Conqueror dispossessed. We are led to infer, therefore, that the churches of Burton and Almonbury were founded at some period antecedent to the conquest, and that Dunestan, or some of his progenitors, when these districts were divided for greater ecclesias tical accommodation, might be led by some local consideration to desire their annexation to Almonbury.* They might be, and doubtless were, denominated chapels, and, therefore, were not mentioned in the Conqueror's survey : to each Chapel had been assigned a district or chapelry : — these chapelries, after the conquest, were constituted parishes, and then it was that the Norman barons displayed their munificence, by granting to these churches so liberally of " their spoil." The church of Burton was granted by the third Earl Warren and Surrey, along with Dewsbury, Halifax, and Wakefield, and the rest of their churches and chapels in Yorkshire, to the Priory of Lewes, in Sussex, t which religious house had been founded and endowed by his ancestor, Wilham de Warren, the first Earl of Surrey. The value of this rectory, according to Pope Nicholas' taxation, taken in 1292, is stated at £35 9s. 8d. per annum. The exact time when the monks of St. Pancras, of Lewes, alienated the church of Burton is not known ; they presented for the last time in 1331. To * Perhaps the circumstance as recorded in Domesday, whether this was " Thaneland," or " in the Soke of Wakefield," affords the best solution of the difficulty, why these lands were assigned to Almonbury in that division, and not to Burton, as their Saxon possessor would be desirous of thus asserting a more independent tenure, and ridding himself of any apparent or supposed connexion with the Soke of Wakefield, even though it subjected him to inconvenience of distance in his religious devotions. t Tor further particulars respecting this grant, see the Histories of Halifax, by Watson and Crabtree. G 2 52 foty g,bbotoso« airb HUriorg of ^nxtoix. whom they granted it is equally unknown ; we find, however, that in 1356 it vested in the king, (Edward III.,) from the following extract from Torre's MS.S., p. 803. 14th July, 1356. The church of Burton having been given by King Edward, in the 30th year of his reign, to his new-founded College of the Chapel of St. Stephens, in the palace yard of Westminster, was by John, Archbishop of York, appropriated to the Dean and College thereof, who, in recompence to the hurt done to his Cathedral Church thereof, reserved out of the fruits thereof an annual pension of 13s. 4d. to himself and successors, and to his Dean and Chapter 6s. 8d., payable by the said Dean and College at Pents. and Marts, by equal portions. Also reserving a competent portion for a perpetual vicar. All which was confirmed by the Chapter of York, 9th August, 1356." Dr. Whitaker, with a view to account for its passing from the monks of Lewes to the College of St. Stephens, conjectured that this church, along with that of Wakefield and others, had again reverted to the Warren family, and, by the last earl were once more granted to the Chapel of St. Stephens. " This," says Mr. Hunter, in reference to the church of Wakefield, but which is equally applicable to that of Burton, "was gratuitous and improbable. It also left him to account for the possession of the church of Wakefield by the last Earl of Warren, of which there was no proof, neither, indeed, of any connexion of the Earl Warren with the church of Wakefield after the time of the sons of the Conqueror, when the Warrens gave it to their newly-founded monastery of St. Pancras, of Lewes." Mr. Hunter then explains from positive evidence, how the churches of Wakefield and Dewsbury passed from the monks of Lewes by grant, in 1325, to the Despencers, who being attainted, forfeited them, together with the rest of their possessions, to the crown, "thus," says he "it was that King Edward III. acquired his right to give the church of Wakefield to the College of St. Stephens." At present nothing is known how the king, (Edward III.,) acquired the church of Burton, " that it was ceded by the monks of Lewes to the king, is indeed by no means an improbable supposition. They had given in the reign of Edward II. Wakefield and Dewsbury," as we have just seen, "to the Despencers. In fact, "the alien houses," says Mr. Hunter, "of which Lewes was, I think, accounted one, were often glad to save themselves from greater calamities by yielding up some portion of their possessions." On the 27th March, 1357, the ordination of this vicarage took place, and is thus described in Torres' MSS. " John, Archbishop of York, ordained that there shall be in the church of Birton one perpetual secular vicar, &c, the portion of whose vicarage shall consist in t ^bbofoson: attb §Urtarjr of §«rtoa. 53 1. One competent mansion, with other sufficient edifices, at first erected by the said Dean and College of St. Stephen. 2, The vicar shall have the whole glebe of the church which belonged to the rectory ; the rents of diverse tenants in the town only exeepted to the said Dean and College. 3. Also he shall have the tithe-hay of the whole parish, and the tithe of lambs and wool, and both quick and dead mortuaries. All quadragesimal tithes, (tithes of line, hemp, milkness, calves, foals, pigs, broods, geese, hens, bees, wax, honey, ducks, poultry, pigeons, eggs, swans. Of fruits and herbage, and hay of the gardens and crofts of the whole parish;) and the tithe of mills, whether already built or hereafter to be set-up. And all sorts of obventions and small tithes in anything whatsoever. Likewise the Peter pence and pennies for hallowed bread, and all oblations whatsoever made in espousalls, purifications of women and children, baptisms, and wax offered in sepultures and exequies of the dead ; the tithes of garbs of any sort of blade of the same parish only excepted to the said Dean and College. Furthermore ordaining, that if the said Dean and College should recover the tithes of herbage of woods and parks of woods, of iron and coal mines under ground in the places of decimation, that then they shall pay out of such, tithes to the vicar for the time being yearly. And that the said Dean and College shall bear all extraordinary burdens incumbent on the same church, and stand to the new building or repairs of the chancel ; and the vicar bear all the ordinary burdens thereof forever.'' The living was valued in the king's books at £13 6s. 8d., after deducting synodals 7s. 6d., and procurations 4s. It seems to have been customary to grant out the rectorial rights on lease. Mr. Hunter * observes, respecting Burton and Penistone, — the latter of which had also been given to the College of St. Stephen, that : The Dean and College were accustomed to grant leases of their rights in the two adjoining parishes Penistone and Burton, one of which dated 17th November, 37 Henry VIII., [1546,] which was the year before the College was suppressed I have seen. It is made to Thomas Burdet, of Denby, gentleman, and William Hawksworth, of Gunthwaite, yeoman, and assigns to them for twenty-one years, ' those two personages of Pennystone and Birton, with all glebe lands, tithes, rents, &c, apperteyning to the said two personages, &c, at an annual rent of £53, to be paid to them or their attorney in their countying-house at Westminster.' Establishments, such as the College of St. Stephens, did not fall with the monasteries, but by the operation of the act of 1 Edward VI. At the dissolution of the College of St. Stephens, the Rectory and Advowson of Burton, along with many others, again reverted to the crown, and the rectorial tithes of Penistone and Burton were again leased out by letters patent by Queen Elizabeth, dated 22nd July, 8th of her reign, for £145 15s., for twenty-one years, to Nicholas Smyth, citizen and merchant taylor, of London, late in the tenure of Thomas Burdet, all late parcel of the possessions of the Free Chapel of St. Stephens. Smyth soon after for £120 assigned the remainder of his lease to Francis Wortley, of Wortley, Esq., from whom it passed to his son, Sir Richard Wortley, who had a renewal of the lease, first for a term and then for three lives. * Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire. VoL ii., p. 337. 54 fftfye |,bofl.foson anb |lfrtorg of §irrlon. Near the close of the reign of Elizabeth, an attempt was made by the vicar to regain to the church the tithe-hay, and certain lands held by the impropriator, as part of the rectory, by bringing the case before " Commissioners appointed to divide spiritualities from temporalities," wherein it was stated that : Mr. Wortley, farmer of her majesty's rectory of Kirkburton, claimeth the tithe corne and hay within the same, and a certain close called the Long Close, as parcel of the same. The Rev. William Smith, vicar, demandeth the said tithe-hay, &c." Whereupon the said vicar came before Mr. Baron Savile and others, being commissioners, concerning things given " ad pios usus," and now wrongfully detained or employed, and there sheweth forth certain Easter-books to prove that tithe-hay was due unto him. And also the ordination of the vicarage, whereby the tithe-hay was given unto him, and further witnesses to depose that the said tithe-hay was part of the said vicarage, and was paid to the said vicar for the time being, unto the 20th year of the queen's reign. And likewise that the said Long Close is parcel of the said glebe of the vicarage. The jury upon these proofs (Mr. Wortley being absent, and having no counsel there) found that the said tithe-hay and close were wrongfully detained by Mr. Wortley from the said vicar, and upon return of the verdict unto the chancellor under pain of £500 was awarded to give possession of the said tithe-hay and close unto the vicar. The case was again heard, when Mr. Wortley produced his title to the tithe-hay, ,&c. 1st. He shewed by letters patent that the hay was demised to him. 2nd. That both he and his father, and others before them, as farmers to her majesty, hath been ever in possession of it : and the said vicar never in possession thereof. 3rd. That the officers of the College of St. Stephens, in West minster, whereunto the said Rectorie was impropriated, did yearly, from the time of Edward III. until the time of Henry VI., sell the said tithe-hay, together with the corne in right of the said College. 4th. That in the ordination of the vicarage there is a clause augendi et diminuendi, &c, and the payment of the said tithe-hay unto the College within a short time after, for many years together, sheweth that the ordination was altered. 5th. It appears by a survey in the 2 Edward VI., [1547,] and by a com mission, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, for division of spiritualities from temporalities, that the tithe-hay belongeth to the parsonage ; * and that by a survey of the vicarage, 26 Henry VIII., [1534,] tithe-hay was no part of the vicarage. Mr. Wortley's title to the Long Close. — 1. That the said close hath been ever in the possession of Mr. Wortley, his father, and other farmers before them, and never in the possession of the said vicar. 2nd. That it is found by the said commission for dividing of spiritualities from temporalities, that two crofts belong to the parsonage, and there are no other crofts or closes belonging to the said parsonage. 3rd. That one Otha Hunt, who was vicar of Kirkburton before the said now vicar, [Smith,] did take the said closes and the said tithe-hay of one Smith, who was then farmer of the said parsonage. 4th. That when the vicar sheweth his Easter-books it is apparent by a roll 35 Henry VIII., [1543,] that the vicar let the tithe-come and hay as an approver for the College, and so came it to be entered into the Easter-books, although it belonged not to them. It was therefore moved on behalf of Mr. Wortley, that the injunction may be dismissed for the reasons aforesaid, and the vicar referred to the law in regard to the matter concerning her majesty's inheritance : and is not therefore as Mr. Wortley taketh it, inquirable by virtue of the said commission ad pios usus, as directed by Mr. Baron Savile and others. * Through the whole of this document " parsonage" means the rector*. Cjxe ^bbofosorc anb lUctonr of §artoa. 55 What was the immediate result of these proceedings we have not been able to discover.* We find nothing more concerning it till the year 1606, about which time Mr. Smith, [the vicar,] petitioned the Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, to grant processes against Jervas Golthorpe and about thirty other parishioners, to recover the tithe-hay and close, &c, in possession of the impropriator. In the same year we find, that — "by virtue of a commission directed to William Ramsden, of Longley, Esq., and others, for the examination of witnesses in a case depending in the Court of Wards and Liveries, between Henry Hubberd, knight, his Highnesses attorney of the said court plaintiff, and William Smith, clerke, defendant, — the said commission was to meet and hear evidence ' at Almonburie Church, upon Thursday next after Trinitie Sonday." The issue of these pro- * It may here be observed that Mr. Wortley, afterwards Sir Richard Wortley, knight, died in 1 603, leaving Francis Wortley his eldest son and heir, aged twelve years, who subsequently became Sir Francis Wortley, the first baronet. We shall here introduce a short notice of him, partly on account of his connexion with this parish, partly because he was an active magistrate of the West-Riding in " troublous times," but more especially with the view of recording one or two unpublished facts relative to himself and family. We may first observe in regard to the rectorial tithes, or modus in lieu of it, that Sir Francis Wortley and his father, appear to have preserved a good understanding with the parishioners of Kirkburton, which is very different from the disposition they manifested towards the landowners, &c, of the parish of Penistone, who found it necessary to " bind themselves to mutual support against attempts which were made by them to exact tithes in kind ; " a proceeding in that parish which rendered them exceedingly unpopular. Perhaps the attempt made by Mr. Smith, the vicar of Kirkburton, to recover tithe-hay, might impel the impropriator and the parishioners to make common cause. Sir Francis Wortley became, in T608, a commoner of Magdalen Hall, Oxford; in 1610, he was knighted by King James at Theobalds; and created a baronet on the first institution of the order, in 1611, being the thirty-ninth gentle man upon the list, and the third of the county of York. About that time he married a daughter of Sir William Bouncker, of Milksham, in Wilts, by a daughter of Sir Walter Mildway, and during the remainder of that reign, and the earlier years of the next, he appears to have lived a happy life at Wortley, "treading in the steps of his worthy ancestors," says Wood, " in hospitality, charity, and good neighbourhood." The Oxford Antiquary further describes him " as well learned in the Greek and Latin authors, of a ready quick wit, a good speaker, and well-seen in poetry." It is a pleasing picture which Taylor, the water poet, presents of the courteousness and hospitality of Sir Francis, in the account he gives of his visit to Wortley and Wharncliffe, in 1639. t Sir Francis was a firm friend of the Earl of Strafford ; they had for their political antagonists the Saviles, of Howley Hall. A misunderstanding appears to have originated as early as 1623, out of an election for kinghts of the shire for this county. He was occasionally about the court, for in Trinity term, 2 Charles I., Sir Thomas Savile was indicted for a breach of the peace within the palace, to wit, for assaulting Sir Francis Wortley, and he pleaded his pardon. — See Poplam's Reports, 207. "I find," says Mr. Hunter, "this affair there mentioned in a letter of Joseph Mede, preserved in the Harl. MS., 383, dated 2nd September, 1626. 'It hath been reported here that Sir Thomas Savile and Sir Francis Wortley, knight, of Torkshire, have slain one another in single combat.' " The following account of the affair is recorded by Mr. Hepworth, of Shepley Hall, J in a MS., to which we shall have occasion to refer hereafter; the circumstances which it records places it beyond doubt as to its being the origin of the dispute between these powerful knights. "Memorandum, that [ was att Henry Potters, in Crofton, at Dynner, upon Sonday, the 25th of January, 1623, there beinge at Dynner the same time Matthew Heather, of Sharlston, Henry Potter, and myselfe,and Henry Potter's wiffe; and beinge sett together speeches began amongst us concerning the last election of + See Mr. Hunter's " South Yorkshire." Vol. ii., p.p. 316, 317. X See Hepworths of Shepley Hall. 56 CJw ^boofoson: anb §Lcrtorg of "§Kxtan, ceedings seem to have terminated adversely to the vicar's claim, as I find at a later period an allusion is made to it, wherein the writer states that " one Smith., vicar, about eighty years ago sued for tithe-hay but got it not." The rectory was granted by King James I., by letters patent, in the fourth year of his reign, to Henry Butler and Henry Ogle, in trust for the Duke of Lennox ; this must have been in reversion, as the Wortleys still held by lease as already shewn. The duke, who was successively created Earl and Duke of Richmond, also had other honours conferred upon him in rapid succession. He, however, died in 1623, at Whitehall, suddenly, as he was preparing to attend parliament, leaving no male issue, and was succeeded by his brother, Esme Stewart in the dukedom of Lennox, who, by his wife Catherine, daughter and sole heiress of Gervas Lord Clifton, had issue several sons and a daughter, Lady Elizabeth Stewart, who married Henry Frederic Howard, Earl of Arundel, and had issue. Henry Howard, the second son, created Earl of Norwich, was in possession of this rectory in 1670. It would therefore appear knights for the parliament, which was the xix January, 1623, amongst which talke we had some speeches that it was reported there were some faleinge [falling] out there betwixt Sir Francis Wortley and Sir Thomas Savile, which Matthew Heather said was true and thereupon tould us, (as he said the certaintie) as a friend of his who knew the passages had friendlie tould him, which was this, he said that after Sir Thomas Savile and his father, Sir John Savile, was chosen, Sir Francis Wortley came to Sir Thomas Savile and other gentlemen in a chamber in the the Castle garth, and tould him that a great trust was leyd upon him by the countrie, and therefore it would be expected that he should discharge that trust, and for his own particular he would looke to have an account of his doeings ; which speeches Matthew Heather sa d Sir Francis did reitterat once or twice : whereupon Sir Thomas said ffiddle ffaddle Sir Francis, what adoe is here with you. Ffiddle ffaddle, said Sir Francis ! Yes, ffiddle ffaddle, said Sir Thomas. Some other speeches passed betwixt them but I did not heare what they was, soe they parted att that tyme. And upon the next morneinge Matthew Heather said that Sir Francis sent his man with a challenge to Sir Thomas, which was this, — that he would have him to take his horse and appoint his weapon, and go over with him into Germany, and there give him satisfaction for the wronge he had done him the day before ; Sir Thomas answered that the countrie had imposed other business upon him, therefore he could not goe any such jorney, but said he would come to Sir Francis's chamber, which he presently did, and then tould Sir Francis that hs would not goe into Germany, and tould him his reasons, but if he pleased to take his horse and weapon and ride with him into the first or any meadow about Yorke, they two would end the quarrell, both which Matthew said Sir Francis denied him, and thereupon Sir Thomas cal'd in one Ireland to bear witness that Sir Francis denyed him. Of this I tould Sir Francis againe and he tould me for the beginning it was partly true, but the rest were not true." Not very long after this the aspect of public affairs began to change. " Sounds of war were heard all around, and Sir Francis Wortley entering earnestly into the royal cause, fortified his house at Wortley and raised a troop of horse, with which he kept up a guerilla warfare, annoying to the enemy, but of little importance to the decision of the question. This species of warfare would naturally create him many personal enemies, and he appears to have been treated with more severity than others who had stood forward in defence of the prerogative, when the war was over. He waB taken prisoner at Walton-bouse, near Wakefield, on the 3rd June, 1644, and not only were his estates sequestered, but he was kept, for several years, a prisoner in the Tower. The order of parliament for his committal was made 22nd August, 1644." He died in London, but when or where he was interred is alike unknown. — It seems also a remarkable coincidence that of Sir Thomas Savile, who, by the death of his father, became Lord Savile, of Howley, and was afterwards created Earl of Sussex, nothing is known either of the time of his death or the place of his burial. & ^boofosoit anb |jUrtorjr of §ttrtoit. 57 to have passed from Lennox to Howard by marriage. The earl about that time threatened legal proceedings against the parishioners, to compel the payment of tithe corn and hay in kind, and for many years refused to accept the accustomed modus in lieu thereof. In 1675, the earl, however, agreed to give a receipt according to ancient custom, on the payment of the modus, with the arrears then due, comprising a period of ten years, which was accordingly done. The Earl of Norwich, in 1665, commenced the founding of an hospital in accordance with the benevolent intentions of his ancestor, Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, for the perpetual maintenance of twenty poor persons belonging to the town or parish of Sheffield, called " The Hospital of Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury." On the 23rd November, 1680, the Earl of Norwich by the death of his elder brother without issue, having become Duke of Norfolk, conveyed certain portions of his estate to trustees for the perpetual support of the Hospital, inter alia "the rectory of Kirkburton, with the glebe lands thereto belonging," and in connexion with which it has since remained. It has already been shewn, that in 1357, when this church was constitued a vicarage, tithe-hay formed a part of the endowment, but from some cause unexplained, it seems to have passed at a subsequent period to the rectory, and was included in the modus, or fixed annual payment due to the impropriators for tithe corn, which for the whole parish amounted to £20 0s. Id., called Rate Money, which was borne in the following proportions, and paid by each township on St. Mark's day, in the chancel of the church of Burton. £ s. d. Fulstone 2 15 8 Burton 2 Shelley 2 Shepley 2 Thurstonland 2 Cumberworth Half * 0 4 7 0 2 2 0 6 3 0 0 Wooldale 2 11 0 Hepworth 2 17 3 Cartworth 2 4 7 Scholes 0 18 7 In 1852 this modus in lieu of the tithes was purchased by each of the townships, of the trustees of Sheffield Hospital, at the rate of forty years' purchase, according to their respective proportions, under the direction of the Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales, by virtue of the powers to that effect, given by the statute of 6 and 7 William IV., c. 71. * It would seem that Cumberworth Half had not been subject to Tithe Corn. This would probably arise from its having belonged to a Religious House. — Roche Abbey. H 58 Ipoofosott anb itertorg of Ration. At the dissolution of the religious houses, this Rectory and Advowson reverted to the crown : and it seems not improbable that when the Manor of Wakefield was united to the Duchy of Lancaster, on the marriage of Philip of Spain to Queen Mary, the Advowson &c. might also form a part of that settlement, as the patronage has long vested in the chancellor of that Duchy. IJarisj)' Cfrarrjj of §krioit. " The situation of the town of Burton," says Dr. Whitaker, "is beautiful — on the verge of a valley finely diversified with native oak, which has been permitted to attain a greater bulk than usual, where it is not immediately intended for the purposes of ornament." In the midst of this thriving village, on a fine knoll, stands the Church, with its lofty embattled tower, bidding defiance to the raging tempest which has so often assailed it. True it is that the battling storms have not beat upon this edifice for so many ages without leaving deep traces of their tremendous power. To the east of the church is seen the Vicarage House, a neat and commodious building, embowered in lofty beeches and sycamores, among whose branches the deep-toned chorus of a colony of rooks adds to the solemnity of the place. When seen at a distance, or from any of the neighbouring heights, the church is a pleasing and interesting object, but a closer inspection reveals some dis cordant repairs and alterations made by successive generations of churchwardens. More recent repairs and alterations have been made which have greatly improved its appearance, and it is only to be regretted that they have not been extended to other parts of the edifice. The stranger, in surveying the graveyard, will not fail to observe the two ancient covered sheds, or Lich Gates, which constitute the two principal entrances, — one at the south-east, and the other at the south-west corners of the ground. Under these sheds the corpse and mourners remained till the approach of the minister. |)arisfr Cfrarrjr of §mrtoit. 59 There are few of these now to be found in connexion with our Yorkshire churches. "Of the first Norman church," says Dr. Whitaker, "there are no remains; the present structure must have been built in the reign of Edward III. ; the east end has three lancet lights ; the nave has eight cylindrical columns, * with peculiar, but very elegant capitals, and the west door of the tower, of which the arch is pointed, is much enriched with a kind of hatched ornament." We may here observe, in connexion with the rebuilding of this church, that there is still remembered by some of the old people in the parish, a legendary story, which represents that when the church was to be rebuilt, it was the desire of many of the parishioners to have it erected on Stocks Moor, in Thurstonland ; but no sooner had they determined to do so, and begun to convey the materials to the place, than they were as speedily removed back to Burton ; — that is, what materials had been brought in the day, were miraculously removed to Burton in the night so that the parishioners were at length obliged to adopt the ancient site ! This story appears to embody a probable fact under a very superstitious garb. It may be observed that the church of Burton is situate near the eastern extremity of the parish. This, when it was originally founded, no doubt arose from its being by far the most populous and fertile part. In the reign of Edward III. the population and cultivation of the western part of the parish had greatly increased, probably through the introduction of cloth manufactures, and with this increase of population, the distance from the church must have been felt a serious inconvenience. Accordingly, when it became necessary to rebuild the church, efforts would be made by the inhabitants of the western part to have it fixed in a more central situation : — thus, the situation on Stocks Moor seemed the most advantageous. What should have deterred the authorities from adopting it can now only be a matter of conjecture. The influence of the lords of Burton and Shelley, who were persons of the greatest consideration in the parish at that time, would most likely be adverse to the change ; and, perhaps a popular feeling also might exist to retain the ancient site. If the authorities, in the first instance, were disposed to make the change, it was ultimately abandoned ; but with a view to accommodate the western part of the parish, it is not improbable that it was arranged that a chapel should be erected in Holmfirth, for the convenience of the inhabitants of that district. Whether * Dr. Whitaker is here mistaken, all the columns are of octangular form, except one at the north-west end which is cylindrical, with the dog-tooth ornament in the capital. . H 2 60 |)aris]j Cfpxrrjr of §krtott. this was done at that time does not appear. A chapel did exist in Holmfirth in the reign of Edward IV., if it was not erected during the reign of Edward III., which, however, seems most probable; the unsettled government of Richard II., and the dire effects of the long and protracted wars of the Roses, in which the lords of Wakefield were principal actors, so engrossed the minds of the people that there seems little reason to expect it was accomplished at that period. Another circumstance seems to favour the supposition of its having been erected in Edward III.'s reign, the king having granted the patronage of this church to the Dean and College of St. Stephens ; it was held by them till the dissolution of the monasteries, by Henry VIII., therefore Edward IV. had no immediate control of the ecclesiastical arrangements of the parish, although he was lord of the Manor of Wakefield. He might, notwithstanding, make an annual grant towards the maintenance of a priest or chaplain ; — for we find there is extant a confirmation under the privy seal of Richard III., of a grant made by Edward IV. "to the king's tenants of Holmfirth, member of the lordship of Wakefield, of xl8' per ann., towards an exhibition to ministre divine service in the chapel there." The tower of the church of Burton is twenty-six yards high, and of two stages, with diagonal buttresses to the first ; the second stage is surmounted with a strong battlement without pinnacles. A cursory inspection will readily discover that it is of a more recent date than the body of the church; the stone being of a different kind of grit, except the west door, which accords with that of the church, differing also from the rest of the tower which is of the plain perpen dicular style. This ornamented doorway of the tower over which is a small niche, had before been the west door of the church. A closer examination will likewise shew that previously to this erection, the church of Edward Ill's, reign had no tower, as indicated by the strong buttresses at the west- end of the nave, from which arose a small belfry containing a bell. The tower was probably erected in in the reign of Henry VII. or VIII. It has recently been furnished with a peal of six musical bells. About thirty-five years since the porch was rebuilt, and the north choir, at which time a vestry was added. The water tables on the east-side of the tower shew that the roof of the nave has been angular and lofty, but now ;jLVK |)aris{r Cjfttrrjj of §artoit. 61 greatly reduced ; this change may perhaps date back a century or more. These alterations tend to destroy those fair proportions which this church anciently possessed. Extensive repairs have been made in this structure within the last few years. The chancel has been entirely rebuilt, and the interior of the church very greatly improved by the removal of the screen, plaster work and whitewash, by which the edifice had long been disfigured. A handsome east-window has been introduced, and the pews and stalls have been made uniform. The church is fitted-up with an efficient warming apparatus, and has very recently been lighted with gas, thus rendering it one of the most comfortable and interesting of our country churches, reflecting credit upon the architect employed ; but especial praise is due to the worthy vicar, to whose untiring zeal in the accomplishment of this desirable work, the parishioners are much indebted. The nave of the church is seventy-four feet long, by forty-six wide. The chancel is forty-four feet long by nineteen feet wide ; in the south side wall is a piscina. The nave has a centre and two side aisles. The north choir was the property of the lords of the Manor of Burton ; and the south choir belongs to the lords of the Manor of Shelley; the early lords of these manors having founded chantries here.* Galleries have been erected on the north and south sides, and at the west-end : faculties being granted for these purposes in 1770, and 1780. In 1789 a faculty was obtained to re-pew the church. About the year 1830 an excellent-toned organ was erected in the west gallery. The pews in the chancel are the property of the trustees of Sheffield Hospital, the impropriate rectors. " It is not very probable," observes Dr. Whitaker, " that painted glass was introduced into the windows of this church before the reign of Henry VII, yet the ancient lords, the Earls Warren were not forgotten. " " In Dugdale's elegant manuscripts of Yorkshire Monuments, &c, are three shields copied from the windows of this church; namely, 1st Warren, 2nd Warren, and a bordure Argt. ; 3rd Warren, and on an escutcheon Argt. a bend gules. "f "In one of the windows," of the south choir, "remaining not many years since, was the figure of a woman, holding a church in one hand, and a palm * There are two chantries returned in Archbishop Holgate's catalogue. The time of their foundation is not known. Kirkburton. — The service or stipend of our Ladye in the parish church, the yearly value IXs. IVd. The stipend of St. Nicholas, in the said church, the yearly value ,. ...XIIIs. f Whitaker's Leod. and Elmete. 62 |p aris^r Cjmrrjj of §irrton:. branch in the other." " In the western window," of the north choir, were these arms, namely, Arg. a chevron between three crosslets, gules." It is scarcely necessary to say that these have now almost, if not entirely disappeared. The church is dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and the certified value of the benefice is £14 9s. 6d. In the parliamentary survey there was found "belonging to the parish church of Burton a vicarage presentative, with cure of souls, the profits thereof worth about eighty pounds per annum. Mr. Daniel Clarke is vicar, a painful preacher, who receiveth the profits. . The Rectorie is impropriate." There is nothing deserving of special remark in regard to the stalls or pews, except one opposite the pulpit, on which is engraven in the wood, " john walker, xx of april, anno domi., 1584." It has been asserted by some ecclesiastical writers, that prior to the reformation, the seats or stalls in our parish churches were open to all the parishioners indiscriminately, and that no rights were either acquired or recognised till after the reformation. Some misapprehension exists on this point, such rights were recognised long before that period, as the following somewhat remarkable charter evidence proves, which is in the author's possession, and which, in more respects than one, is an interesting document. It is an award made by the kirkgraves, [churchwardens] of the church of Burton, to settle a dispute respecting the rights of certain persons to kneel, &c> in a certain stall in the said church ; and bears date 1490. It also indicates the separation of the sexes in the churches, a custom which begun to decline about the period of the reformation.* Whatever tends to disclose the social condition and habits of our remote ancestors must always be interesting. " To all true Cristian People this our present wrytyng indented seyng or heryng We Thomas Hynchclyff, Thomas Chapell, Richard Marsh, John Dalton, John Home, John Pogeson, James Charlysworth, John Stakwod, Thomas Tynker, John Hutchonson, John Charlysworth, John Barnesley, John Lytylwod and John Wade ye Kirkgraves of ye Parish Kyrke of Burton send greatyng in our Lord God : Knawe ye all universile y&t whereas diverse controversies, and quarells nowe late wer had and moved & also yett be pendynge betwixt John Jakson on ye one partie, and Richard Wright upon ye other partie and in especiall for knealynge of yare wyffes & yare menze [families] at a fourem in ye said Kirke of Burton. Whereuppon due examynatyon of & in thies premisses afor us all byfor named & ayr now had thallegeaments & records of both ye said parties to ye same herd & by gud deliberation clerlie understand it is condescended & fullie agred emonge us by all our Reasones & Myndes afor named also by ye advice & discretion of many of theldyst & discretyst persones of ye said parysh in forme insuynge * Thus we find Sir Thomas More in his Utopia, states " when they came thither the men go into the right side of the church, and the women into the left side." Perhaps Sir Thomas had observed a declention from ancient custom which he might think augured no good. ||aris{j €{rorrfr of §arfort. 63 ya* is to witt that y« said John Jakson wyff and his menze [family] of dutye and ryght ought to knell at ye said fourem bynge in variance next to ye pyllor. of ye same in lykewysse as yare ancessours hath doon without tyme of mynd. And then next unto her & her menze [family] the wyff of William Morehouse & her menze. And the wyff of ye said Richard Wryght next to the stulp of the said fourem end if it her pleas or els her sons wyff or on of her prentices. And soe it hath ben had & used without tyme of mynd as God and all ye said parysh right well knoweth and for mor acredance herof to be had to yis our Wryteyng indented. We ye said Kirkgraves hath set our sealys xxii. day of Octobre in yer of our Lord God milleccclxxxx." About a hundred years since the sexton of this church, while digging a grave, found an ancient silver hoop or ring, for the finger, but whether within the church 3i§L_ fTTTl 8bP^ or in the churchyard is not now remem- BFTT OF + VQ^V£f 4-lKPPfl" Dered.> upon which the following inscription ~~~ ™~^ ' is engraven, "amor + metjs + i.h.s. est. I.H.S. is perhaps a contraction for Jesus, or as some writers contend, they are the initials of "Jesus hominum Salvator." This ring had probably belonged to some ancient ecclesiastic, who had been interred with it on his finger. This relic soon after its discovery fell into the hands of the late Mr. Newton, of Stagwood Hill, who retained it in his possession about seventy years. It is now in the author's possession. The Registers of this parish commence in 1540, within about two years of the period when the act was passed, requiring Registers to be kept in churches. From their commencement to the close of the year 1607, they have been kept with tolerable regularity, but with occasional breaks. There is a con siderable hiatus, extending form 1607 to 1639. From that time downward the register seems to have been preserved with considerable care. They contain no records of special interest. In 1583 there is an entry of the churchwardens' accounts which we here give. — s. d. "Imprimus paid unto Thomas Shawe for fyndinge bred & wine, upholdinge the bellstringes, & washing the church clouse, or church geare, the some of XX. VI. " Item paid unto John Senior for mosinge the church & Reparation thereof the some of XXVI. VIII. " Item paid for Rynginge for the Queene the some of V . IV. " Item paid for Mending the Bell Clapper the some of XVI. " Item paid for the article at Pomfret at the Visitations XX. " Item paid for Keeping the Roges at Wakefield XIII. IV. " Item paid for wrytinge of these that were ratyeffed XVI. " Item paid for one lock and keye, pen inc and paper the some of II. VII. Somma totalis , IUibs. XIX3' IV*- CIos* Cafalop* of % ®trars of fiirhbirrfott. TIME OP INSTITUTION. VICARS. PATRONS. HOW VACATED. 1st April, 1357 Dns Rich, de Birton Dec. & Coll. Sei. Stephen Westm. Death 11th Jan., 1361 Dns Robt. Pelle, Cap. The same 2nd June, 1406 Dns Robt. Boner, Cap. The same 16th Febr., 1425 Dns Will. Sutton, Phr. The same 3rd April, 1447 Dns Ric. Champney, Cap. The same Death 1st Nov., 1472 Dns Geor. Graveson, Cap. The same Death 9th April, 1506 Dns Henr. Suthill, Otho Hunt, CI, The same Death 12th July, 1579 William Smith, CI., Eliz. Regina? Death 19th April, 1615 Gamaliel Whitaker, M.A., lac. Rex. 14th Mar., 1642 Daniel Clarke, 1649 Nathaniel Shirt, M.A., Death 23rd May, 1662 Joseph Briggs, M.A., . Carol. II. Rex. Death 1727 Robert D'Oyley, M.A., Death William Mountjoy, M.A., Death Benjamin Kay, M.A., Death Thomas Wickham, M.A., Resigned Resigned Edward Markham Willan, • Benjamin Hutchenson, Death Rev. Richard Collins, M.A., present vicar. §rkf Hofa of som* of % Dlcars of fiirkkitoit. Henry Suthill. He is supposed to be descended from the ancient family of Suthill, of Suthill, near Dewsbury. Little is known of him beyond the circumstance of his being appointed to this vicarage on the 9th April, 1506, and being buried here on the 9th July, 1562, having been vicar 56 years. During this long incumbency larisjr, Cfnrrch jjf "guxtan. 65 there had been five successive sovereigns on the throne. His appointment was made in the reign of Henry VII., in the dominant period of Romanism, when the priesthood had uncontrolled power in the state : continued through that of Henry VIII., with its great changes — the early steps of the Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries : also, through the reign of Edward VI. with the temporary establishment of Protestantism : and, the inauspicious reign of Mary when Romanism again predominated ; and until after the accession of Elizabeth, when Protestantism took a permanent stand. What effect these great religious and social changes had upon the mind of Mr. Suthill, whether his sympathies were more accordant with the old or the new religion, can now only be matter of conjecture ; all we know is, that he remained vicar till his death. If it would not be putting too uncharitable a construction upon his conduct, we might be led to suppose that, like his contemporary of Bray, he had determined to live and die vicar of Burton. Otha Hunt Was a native of Swinton, in the parish of Wath-upon-Dearne, near Rotherham. He was educated at University College, Oxford ; and became a fellow of that college. He was presented to the vicarage on the death of Mr. Suthill, He also acquired the valuable rectory of Methley, where he resided, and resigned the vicarage of Kirkburton, in 1579, but retained Methley till his death, which took place in 1590 or 1591. He gave all his lands in Swinton. freehold and copyhold, to the college where he had been educated, for the maintenance of scholars, first, from Swinton ; secondly, from any place in the parish of Wath ; thirdly, from the parishes of Methley and Kirkburton ; and when no applicant from any of these places, fourthly, from any other place in Yorkshire. Mr. Hunt never resided at Kirkburton. William Smith, M.A., Was inducted to this vicarage on the 12th July, 1579. He continued here till his death, in 1615. His name is in no degree remarkable, except for lawsuits with his parishioners, and the impropriate rectors of the parish, respecting the tithes. He did not succeed in obtaining " tithe-hay, but got wool and lamb in kind, yet he was not made so rich thereby," as stated in a MS., written about the year 1680, " but that some of his children went a begging from door to door, and that in Holmfirth also, within the memorie of some yet living, which might be a caution to his successors from treading too much in his steps." Gamaliel Whitaker, M.A. He was entered of St. John's College, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. degree in 1605, and M.A., in 1608, and was appointed to this vicarage in 1615. We have already had occasion to notice, at some length, the character and family of this gentleman in connexion with the part he took in the civil war, to which we must refer the reader. He died at Manchester, where he was suffering imprisonment, in 1644. Daniel Clarke, M.A., Was educated at King's College, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. degree in 1631, and M.A., in 1634. He was' for a short time minister of Denby Chapel, [church,] and married a daughter of George Burdett, of Denby, Esq. Mr. Clarke was favourable to the cause of the parliament, for he was appointed by ordinance of Parliament of the 14th March, 1642-3, "to officiate in the church of Kirkburton, and to receive the profits of the said vicarage for his paynes, till further orders be taken by both houses of parliament." This arose from Mr. Whitaker having been suspended or displaced. In the parliamentary survey Mr. Clarke is styled " a painful preacher." He removed from Burton about the year 1649. I 66 || arisi* Cjrarrfi of §tefoir. Nathaniel Shirt, M.A. Nathaniel Shirt was a native of Cawthorne, near Barnsley, where his family seem to have been both numerous and respectable. His father's name is supposed to have been John, who was steward to Godfrey Bosvile, Esq., of Gunthwaite Hall. Captain Shirt, of Rawroyd, near Cawthorne, a parliamentary officer in the civil war, was also a near relation. He was born about the year 1620, and at a proper age was entered at Emanuel College, Cambridge, where he took his B.A. degree in 1639-40, and that of M.A., in 1643. He was appointed to the episcopal chapel of Midhope, by Mr. Bosvile the patron of the living, which he held in 1 647. But on the retirement of Mr. Clarke from Kirkburton, he was appointed to succeed him, probably through the same interest, as Mr. Bosvile's * influence with the goverment of the time, and his own attachment to the parliamentary cause, would procure for Mr. Shirt a favourable reception among the parishioners. He married Sarah, daughter of the Rev. Nicholas Broadley, incumbent of Cawthorne. Although Mr. Shirt's family were attached to the parliamentary cause, he seems to have adopted no extreme political views, for when the parishioners, among other grievances, complained that " the arms of the late king, [Charles I.,] were still kept in the [parish] church," it is evident Mr. Shirt did not sympathise with them ; and as they seem to have manifested some hostility to him, it is not improbable it might arise from this cause. Mr. Shirt died shortly after the restoration of Charles II., apparently of a very short sickness. He was interred at Kirkburton, on the 3rd May, 1662. Joseph Briggs, M.A., , Was a native of Wakefield, where his father, whose name was William, had resided some time. He was baptized at the parish church on the 25th March, 1639. He received his early education at the Grammar School in that town, and was, in May, 1654, admitted a sizar of Magdalen College, Cambridge, at 14 years of age ; having for his tutor, Mr. Joseph Hill, " a man of some eminence in his day." At the time of his entering college his father was dead, and he records of himself, that he was " of a sickly constitution of body." He took his B.A. degree in 1658, and that of M.A., in 1661. Where he was ordained does not appear ; the Archiepiscopal See of York was then vacant, so that he had to seek it from some bishop out of the diocese. He was resident at Swillington, in 165'1, as curate to his valued friend, the Rev. Henry Robinson, then rector of that parish, who had previously been vicar of Leeds, and whose daughter, Grace Robinson, he afterwards married. By the death of the Rev. Nathaniel Shirt, in 1662, the vicarage of Burton became vacant, when Mr. Briggs was appointed his successor, and was accordingly inducted on the 31st May, in that year. He was thus called upon at an early age, to fill a responsible situa tion in the church, at a very trying and exciting period of its history, being shortly after the restoration of episcopacy, and within three months of the period when so many of the clergy were ejected from their livings by the act of uniformity. * Mr. Bosvile resided principally at Wroxall, in Warwickshire, and was elected member of parliament for Warwick, in the long parliament. When the royalists and parliamentarians joined issue, he took the side of parliament, "and was appointed, in 1643, colonel of a regiment of foot. In the same year he was named one of the commissioners for the West-Riding, to put in force the act for the punishment of scandalous clergymen and others, and also for the speedy raising and levying money. In 1648, he was named one of the high court of justice for the trial of the king, in which, however, he never sat." He died in 1658.— Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire. Vol. ii., p. 348. •jParisIj Cjrarrji of §raforr. 67 The principles of the Puritans and other sects had taken deep root here during the Commonwealth, and the circumstance that one of his predecessors had, in the early part of the civil war, been entirely overwhelmed by his opposition to the popular cause, at once indicated that the situation, for a young man of such very limited experience, was one of no light responsibility. It does not appear that Mr. Briggs had any misgivings of this kind, but set himself earnestly to the performance of what he regarded as his duty. His ministry here was prolonged to the extraordinary period of sixty-five years, during which time he was led to publish several small works, in defence of the established church, and the improvement of its discipline. Like many conscientious men, Mr. Briggs looked with abhorrence upon the period which immediately preceded the restoration, as " the disordered times," — which he believed to have originated in the diversity of religious doctrine among the people, and thought that to reduce these various elements to one uniform standard of doctrine and discipline, was the paramount duty of the state. In the accomplishment of this object the episcopal clergy, now reinstated in their former position, were ready to become active instru ments, from a conviction that, unless this great work was effected, the scenes which had so recently taken place might ere long be re-enacted. With these views he applied himself to the task of reducing the " schismatics," and restoring them again to the bosom of the church ; and if his persuasions failed in their object, he did not scruple to call upon the civil magistrate to enforce obedience. He maintained the divine right of kings, with its associated principle of "passive obedience." When Charles II. granted his Indulgence, in 1672, to the nonconformists, Mr. Briggs shortly after published a small volume, which was addressed to his parishioners, in which he observes, " it is not fit for me, or any other son of the church, who profess the strictest obedience and loyalty, to make any saucy descant upon his Majesty's actions. He is wise as an angel of God, and freely do we submit to his deliberate counsels and determinations," &c. This s.ervility, even in Mr. Briggs, was subsequently put to the test. But he had differences of another kind with his parishioners, in regard to the tithes ; these differences were kept up, more or less, till the close of Charles II's. reign ; but in that of James II. it resulted in a suit, in which he " sued a number of the principal parishioners for tithe-hay, flax, hemp, and rape, in the Exchequer Court," upon all, except the first, he was successful. Scarcely had this suit been concluded, when James II. issued his "Declaration," dated 4th April, 1687, for the suspension of the penal enactments, by which he granted liberty of conscience to his subjects. This was commanded to be read by the clergy in all churches and chapels : upon which, Mr. Briggs as well as a large proportion of the clergy, manifested a strong spirit of resistance, and as it seems, made it, not unnaturally, the subject of animadversion from the pulpit. It appears that on the 12th and 19th June, succeeding the issuing of the declaration, Mr. Briggs preached sermons in the parish church, and in the episcopal chapel at Holmfirth, in which he is reported to have used several " seditious expressions against the government of the king." The witnesses against him were a number of parishioners, who probably were strongly embittered by their recent contest respecting the tithes, and who appear to have made these expressions known to the authorities ; upon which they were called to give evidence before Mr. Justice Alibone, at Rotherham, who was then on his return from " the assize for the northern circuit," " who examined them touching the said sermons ; " after which the judge ordered their affidavits to be made and forwarded to " The Ecclesiastical Commissioners," the prosecution being undertaken by the judge. The result of which was, that the court decreed that for his offence, Mr. Briggs should be suspended from his function as vicar, until further orders ; peremptorily requiring him to abstain from I 2 68 11 arts ji Cjmxtjr of §wrfoa. preaching, &c, upon pain of deprivation. His suspension was read and published in the church of Burton, and in the chapel of Holmfirth, on the 16th October following. He afterwards applied to " The Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and acknowledged his fault, and was thereupon released from his suspension, and restored to his benefice." The long-cherished maxim of " passive obedience," had now been put to the test, when he saw the Anglican church in danger of being subverted, through the stubborn will of a Popish king, and his conscience at once dictated the line of duty. It is, however, much to be regretted that he afterwards submitted to the humiliation of acknowledging this as a "fault." It must also be stated that, soon after William III. became seated on the throne, Mr. Briggs instituted a suit for compensation, against those parishioners who had given evidence against him, laying his damages " at £500 for losses sustained," alleging also, that "The Ecclesiastical Commissioners" had been unlawfully constituted, and, therefore, had no jurisdiction, and that the prosecution had been unjustly instituted. It was contended by the defendants that, as the Commission was unlawful, its orders were void ; that the prosecution had been instituted by Judge Alibone, and that they only gave evidence as to fact. The pleadings describe him as " a very troublesome litigious vicar." We will now turn to the more agreeable part of his character, as a minister of the sanctuary, — here he seems to have been most exemplary in the performance of his duties, and especially in the work of catechising the young ; for his deep sense of the importance of whch he acknowledged his great obliga tions to his early and revered friend, Mr. Robinson, his father-law, who not only first drew his attention to it, but furnished him with the most material part of the questions and answers upon the Apostle's creed, which he used, and which he afterwards published in 1696, along with question and answers " of the Baptismal Covenant, the Decalogue, the Lord's Prayer, and concerning the Sacraments," which he entitled, " The Church Catechism, explained to the meanest capacity ; not only in questions and answers, as usual, but after each answer is an enlargement by the catechist, for the improvement and further instruction of the congregation in general. Useful for families. By Joseph Briggs, M.A., Vicar of Kirkburton, in the county of York." He printed a second edition in 1722, when he had been vicar of the parish sixty years, and dedicated it to Sir William Dawes, Archbishop of York. In 1704 he published another small volume, entitled, "Catholic Unity and Church Communion, or Christians' duty to communicate with the church of England ; with a just reproof of several novel and schismatical notions and practices, particularly that of occasional conformity ; clearly stated and proved by way of question and answer. Suited to the well-meaning countryman's capacity. By Joseph Briggs, Vicar of Kirkburton, in the county of York." It is dedicated to " John [Sharp,] Archbishop of York." Mr. Briggs acted many years as a surrogate for the proving of wills, &c, to which office he had been appointed in the reign of Charles II. He was twice married. His first wife was Grace, daughter of the Rev. H. Robinson, rector of Swillington, by whom he had issue. She died in 1695. His second wife was Ellen, widow of John Earnshaw, of Holme, whom he also survived. He died on the 25th July, 1727, in the 89th year of his age, and was interred in the chancel. Robert D'Oyley, M.A., Was appointed vicar on the death of Mr. Briggs, but was non-resident, being also vicar of Windsor, but whether of Old or New Windsor is not known. This parish did not, therefore, benefit much by his personal services ; indeed, it is reported that during the whole period of his connexion with this church, which was nearly forty years, he only paid three visits to it. The Rev. John Hardy, who had been Ilarisjr <£Ijrarrj(r of §urton. 69 curate to Mr. Briggs, in the latter years of his life, also became curate to Mr. D'Oyley, and remained through the greater part of his incumbency, till Mr. Hardy became incapacitated by age, when the Rev. William Mountjoy was appointed to succeed him as curate. The neglect on the part of the vicar to appear more frequently among his parishioners, gave them great cause of complaint, and the reasonableness of that discontent appears to have been felt by Mr. Hardy, as is implied in the following facetious reply of the vicar to his curate, dated " 15th June, 1736." " Methinks Yorkshire nettles are very forward this year, and sting mightily, and surely one or more of them had not lightly touched you when you wrote your last, for I think I never saw so many marks and signs of a pet as I saw in yours." " The people grumble, and murmur, and upbraid you with my absence ? Silly people for so doing. How can you help it? * * * Well, to set all things right, I'll certainly, God willing, be with you next summer, — this, I can't possibly, let matters require never so much. * * * I believe you never once thought how travelling is disagreeable to the old Fellow, — how hard a matter to get a supply for Windsor. These are things. Yesterday Bpshop] of Sarum was here and told me that A[rch] B[ishop] of Y[ork] could not visit, neither would he be in your country. — So newspaper, what art thou." * * * * * " Yours in good humour, "D'Oyley." Mr. D'Oyley died in 1766. William Mountjoy, M.A., Was descended from an ancient and respectable family, at Wooton-under-Edge, in Gloucestershire, where his father was an eminent surgeon. After receiving his elementary education in his native town, he was entered of Brazen Nose College, Oxford ; where he took at the usual period his B.A. degree, and in due course that of M.A. He was ordained to the curacy of the parish church of Huddersfield ; from thence he was appointed, by Mr. D'Oyley, resident curate of Kirkburton, about 1754, on the resignation of Mr. Hardy, through bodily infirmities, which also rendered it necessary for him to resign the office of school master to the Free School of Burton, to which Mr. Mountjoy was likewise appointed. On the death of Mr. D'Oyley, he was appointed to this vicarage through the interest of the Earl of Dartmouth with Lord North, then prime minister. He married Jane, daughter of Mr. John Gill, of Blackhouse, in Thurstonland, who survived him many years. Here he continued till his death, on the 7th September, 1778, aged 47 years, having been twelve years curate, and twelve years vicar. He was a worthy, pious minister, a good preacher, and from his amiable and conciliatory manners, gained the warm affection of his hearers, and the esteem of his parishioners. Benjamin Kay, M.A. Was inducted on the death of Mr. Mountjoy, and was in many respects the opposite of his predecessor, from whom he differed widely in doctrinal sentiments. Although possessing strong religious feelings, and many excellent qualities, which in some situations might have rendered his ministrations eminently useful, he was, unfortunately for himself and his parishioners, of an irritable and imperious temper which was but too frequently manifested in the excitement occasioned by the annual collection of the vicarial tithes, under circumstances calculated to arouse a determined spirit of resistance on the part of the parishioners. This was felt by them more especially after the quiet, peaceable, and unostentatious demeanour of Mr. Mountjoy. 70 fjarisfj Cfranjj of §arfon. Mr- Kay had not been long seated at Burton, before he gave indications of his intentions to assert what he conceived to be his rights, — and these to the full : thus the great body of his parishioners,- and he, were at an early period in complete antagonism. " This wrought upon his warm temper," observes a contemporary, " and caused him to fly to the Ecclesiastical Courts for redress, which proved his ruin. He brought actions against a great number of his parishioners, many of whom were of the poorer class, which alarmed and aroused their superiors, and induced them to form a general association through the parish, for mutual protection and defence. These inconsiderate proceedings brought upon him, as well as on several of his parishioners, long and tedious, as well as expensive and troublesome contests, which lasted ten years, and were only terminated by his death, which no doubt had heen greatly accelerated, if not occasioned, by grief and distress of mind, as he died insolvent, being much in debt to all his friends who could or would assist him. His proctor, after his death, took out letters of administration, sold all his effects, and paid six shillings in the pound to his creditors." " Mr. Kay rebuilt the greater part of the vicarage house, and greatly improved the garden and grounds." He died 16th January, 1793, aged 47 years, — having been twelve years vicar. He was a popular preacher, — possessing a fine voice, and a commanding person. His doctrinal views were highly Calvinistic. Hloawmmfs airir (^rjxiao^s. Only a few marble monuments have been erected in this church, all of which are modern. Some of the inscriptions on the floor of the chancel are of an older date. On the floor of the chancel : — " Here lyeth the Body of Mr. Joseph Briggs, who was Vicar of this church 65 years, departed this life ye 25th day of July, A.D. 1727, in the 89th year of his age. Here also lyeth the body of Mrs. Frances Wells, daughter of the above named Mr. Briggs, who departed this life ye 10th of September, 1748, in the 74th year of her age. William, sonne of Joseph Briggs, Vicar, was here interred March 25th, 1668. Here lyeth the body of Richard Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, gent., who departed this life the 12th day of December, 1668. iEtatis suae 56. Mary Horsfall, late wife of Richard Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, gent., and daughter of John Lewys, of Marr, Esq., who dyed 20th of September, 1641. iEtatis suae, 56. William Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, gent., who was interred here ye 8th of February, 1711. He died aged 77 years. Elizabeth, daughter of William Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, gent., who departed this life ye 17th of December, 1678. Mt. suae, 19, John Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, gent., her brother, who departed this life ye 8th day July, A.D. 1722. Mt. 62. ||arisjj Chutcfj of §wrfoa. 71 Elizabeth, wife of Jonas Kaye, of Milshaw, gent., who departed this life ye day of May, 1701, in ye year of her age. Infra jacet Jonas Kaye de Milshaw, gent., qui obiit, Anno Dom : 1723, Mt., 82. John Kaye, gent., only son of the aforesaid Jonas Kaye, was buried here Sept. 1st, 1745, in the 34 year of his age. Beneath are deposited the remains of the Rev. Benjamin Kay, late vicar of this parish : he died the 16th January, 1793, aged 47 years. Anne, wife of William Newton, of Stagwood Hill, who departed this life 10th July, 1812, aged 62 years. Lydia, daughter of the said William Newton, who departed this life 11th March, 1817, aged 48 years. Marble Monument : Sacred to the memory of William Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, Esq., who died the 2nd August, 1780, in the 55 year of his age. He was descended in direct line from Captain Richard Horsfall, who took an active part with the Royalists in the Grand Rebellion, in the reign of King Charles the first, against the Rebel Army. He married Elizabeth, the daughter of William Beckwith, of Thurcroft, in this county, Esquire, by whom he had issue Ingram, his son, who died 17th November, 1770, in the 11 year of his age, and five daughters, viz. : Dorothy, Elizabeth, Anne, Grace married to George Sutton, of Stockton, Esquire, and Frances. On another : To the memory of Elizabeth Horsfall, relict of William Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, Esquire, who died the 21st of April, 1793, in the 72 year of her age. Another Marble Monument : This monument is erected in remembrance of Dorothy, the wife of Robert Bill, Esquire, and eldest daughter of the late William Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, in this parish, Esquire. She departed this life the 16th day of May, 1792, in the 42 year of her age. Marble Tablet in the north choir : In memory of James Armitage, late of Dedmanstone, son of the late Joseph Armitage, of Alverthorp Hall, near Wakefield, who died at Almondbury, July 8th, 1811, aged 40 years. Also of Anne, daughter of the late Rev. William Mountjoy, formerly vicar of ihis parish, and widow of the above James Armitage, who departed this life July 23rd, 1853, aged 84 years. Also William, their son, who died in his infancy, July 17th, 1810. Also of Jane, daughter of James and Anne Armitage, who died June 3rd, 1821, aged 16 years. In the Middle Aisle, on the floor : Here was interred the body of Mary, wife of the Rev. Mr. John Hardy, who died the 18th of June, 1754, aged 63 years. Also, near this place, was interred the body of the Rev. Mr. John Hardy, who died ye 20th September, 1756, aged 66. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Wilson, the beloved son of Luke Wilson, of Mytham Bridge, who departed this .life the 16th day of February, in the 23rd year of his age, A.D., 1711-2. Joseph Wainwright, of Shepley, who died the 2nd day of December, in the 80th year of his age, in the year 1761. Sarah, the wife of Joseph Wainwright, of Shepley, died October 25th, and was buried here ye 28th, 1758, aged 69. W[illiam] S[mith,] vicar Kirkburton, who died April ye 1615. 72 iiarislj ^jjwrrjj of §wrtoa. On the floor of the south aisle : Edmund Ellis, late of Smythe-place, departed this life the 20th day of May, 1712, in the 73rd year of his age. John Tyas, of Scholes, who departed this life the 29th October, 1755, aged 77 years. Christopher Cookson, of Newmill, aged 69 years, 1803. Joseph Green, of Oxlee, in Hepworth, departed this life the 26th October, 1754, aged 36 years. Also Martha Green, of Drake House, near Sheffield, daughter of the aforesaid Joseph Green, who died the 21st of May, 1806, in the 58th year of her age. In the church yard : Frances, daughter of the Rev. Mr. Wm. Mountjoy, vicar of this parish, buried February 24th, 1777, aged 4 years. Also the said Rev. Mr. William Mountjoy, buried September 9th, 1778, aged 47 years. Jane, wife of the Rev. William Mountjoy, died April 5th, 1807, aged 78 years. Also Jane, their eldest daughter, buried November 1st, 1795, aged 31 years. Sarah, Wife of Jonas Hobson, of Wooldale, died 12th of March, 171 — , aged 33 years. Jonas Hobson died December 22nd, 1768, aged 59 years. John, his son, died February 25th, 1781, aged 43 years. Joseph Heap, of Hepworth, buried June 29th, 1778, aged 59 years. Jonas, his son, died February 25th, 1824, aged 52 years. Ebenezer Tinker, of Hepworth, died May 19th, 1765, aged 39 years. Uriah Tinker, of Hepworth, died March 14th, 1795, aged 78 years. John, the son of Abel Tinker, of Shelley, died July 9th, 1828, aged 40 years. Martha, wife of Joseph Bottomley, buried 25th July, 1760, aged 42 years. Joseph, their son, buried July 13th, 1784, aged 22 years. Joseph Bottomley died July 14th, 1791, aged 73 years. Martha, wife of John Bottomley, died December 30th, 1806, aged 46 years. John Bottomley, of Shelley Hall, died November 21st, 1832, aged 80 years. Joshua, son of Jonas Newton, of Holstage, died September 8th, 1753, aged 12 years. Jonas Newton died February 25th, 1755, aged 68 years. Esther, wife of Jonas Newton, died June 28th, 1770, aged 61 years. John Newton died February 6th, 1824, aged 82 years. John, his son, died October 10th, 1798, aged 25 years, Here lyeth interred the body of Elias, son of George Hollinworth, of Wooldale-Townend, he was late gamekeeper to his Grace the Duke of Leeds. He departed this life 28th day of September, in the 36th year of his age, A.D., 1709. " One, humble, meek, and patient here doth lye, Who hunting loved and feared not to dye." Hannah, wife of Samuel Roberts, of Hillhouse, in Cartworth, died June 13th, 1749, aged 38 years. Elizabeth, wife of John Tinker, of Shepley Carr, died June 3rd, 1772, aged 63 years. John Tinker died April 12th, 1794, aged 84 years. John Tinker, of Shepley Carr, died March 23rd, 1820, aged 72 years. Martha, wife of John Tinker, died February 6th, 1830, aged 69 years, John McGowan, surgeon, of Skelmanthorpe, died December 7th, 1828, aged 38 years. Ann, wife of John Womersley, of Totties, died September 21st, 1788, aged 81 years. Edward Wortley, of Shepley, yeoman, was buried January 4th, A.D., 1665. Joseph Hardcastle, schoolmaster of this town, died May 4th, 1796, aged 57 years. |Jarisfr Cjntrrfr of §artcm\ 73 Mary, wife of John Taylor, of this town, died April 11th, 1789, aged 88 years. John Taylor died April 17th, 1797, aged 95 years. William Booth Gartside, of Smithy-Place, died December 24th, 1820, aged 35 years. James Hinchliff, of Upper Green-hill, -bank, died November 11th, 1812, aged 69 years. Sarah, his wife, died Nov. 19th, 1835, aged 88 years. George Smith, of Newhouse, buried September 4th, 1824, aged 54 years. Thomas Hardy, of Birksgate, son of the late Rev. John Hardy, formerly curate of this parish, died March 15th, 1777, aged 54 years. Martha, wife of the said Thomas Hardy, died March 6th, 1795, aged 67 years. Thomas Hardy, son of the said Thomas and Martha, died February 21st, 1836, aged 88 years. Thomas Hardy, of Birksgate, died May 3rd, 1849, aged 74 years. Benjamin Stocks, late of Woolrow, died May 17th, 1745, aged 66 years. Sarah, his wife, died April 20th, 1751, aged 71 years. Mary Beever, of Scholes, died July 1st, 1765, aged 91 years. Samuel Beever, late of Castle Hall, near Penistone, died December 21st, 1776, aged 73 years. Mary, wife of Samuel Beever, died January 5th, 1778, aged 73 years. Ann, wife of Abraham Earnshaw, of Thongs-Bridge, died January 26th, 1785, aged 39 years. Abraham Earnshaw, died May 21st, 1805, aged 73 years. Samuel Earnshaw, of Thongs-Bridge, died July 27th, 1805, aged 42 years. Elizabeth, his wife, died June 3rd, 1 802, aged 42 years. Matthew, son Jonathan Nobles, of Marsh Hall, in Thurstonland, died August 2nd, 1789, aged 23 years. Rebecca, wife of Richard Matthewman, of Shepley, and daughter of Richard Street, late of Langsett, buried here August 12th, 1737, aged 82 years. Richard Matthewman, of Shepley, was buried Sep tember 8th, 1740, aged 76 years. Richard Matthewman, of Shepley, son of the above, died September 30th, 1766, aged 71 years. Thomas Matthewman, Esq., formerly of Wakefield, and late of Leeds, cousin to the late Mr. Richard Matthewman, of Clifftop House, in Shepley, died May 8th, 1810, aged 73 years. Ann, his wife, died at Wakefield April 19th, 1807, aged 72 years. Sarah, wife of John Archer, of Heymorhouse, died February 20th, 1748, aged 49 years. Joseph Archer, of Cowcliff, son of the above, died May 3rd, 1816, aged 93 years. George Smith, of Newhouse, died September 4th, 1824, aged 54 years. Mary, wife of John Sedgwick, of Thurstonland, died August 2nd, 1794, aged 60 years. James, his son, died March 21st, 1801, aged 30 years. John Sedgwick died December 12th, 1808, aged 67 years, John Gill, of Blackhouse, died June 20th, 1761, aged 64 years. Thomas, his son, died July 4th, 1766, aged 39 years. Bridget, the latter wife of the said John Gill, died August 13th, 1784, aged 91 years. Richard, son of John Gill, died 24th February, 1809, aged 74 years. Joseph Nobles, of Causeway-foot, died February 15th, 1754, aged 50 years Mary, his wife, died March 11th, 1798, aged 86 years. Thomas Firth, of Shepley, died July 2nd, 1702, aged 71 years. Martha, his wife, died April 5th, 1723, aged 69 years. Thomas, son of the said Thomas and Martha Firth, died May 1st, 1710, aged 23 years. Rebecca, daughter of the said Thomas and Martha Firth, died May 31st, 1767, aged 81 years. K 74 iparisjj Cjmrrfr of §wrfon. John Firth died July 2nd, 1732, aged 71 years. Sarah, his wife, died August 11th, 1772, aged 81 years. Mary Ann, Wife of James Binns, of Burton, died November 9th, 1833, aged 60 years. James Binns, died January 28th, 1860, aged 68 years. Thomas Kenyon, of Dogley Mill, died September 10th, 1835, aged 65 years. Sarah, his wife, died September 23rd, 1847, aged 82 years. Robert Beeley. of this town, died May 21st, 1845, aged 8.4 years. Martha, his wife, died May 25th, 1845, aged 74 years. Martha, wife of George Hey, of Newhouse, in Kirkburton, died May 17th, 1845, aged 76 years. George Hey, died February 6th, 1858, aged 88 years. William Child, of Brookhouse, in Shelley, died May 7th, 1848, aged 49 years. John Batty, of Scholes, died May 18th, 1748, aged 53 years. Benjamin Cocker, of Highburton, died April 25th, 1842, aged 70 years. Thomas Littlewood, of Damhouse, in Cartworth, died May 13th, 1759, aged 76 years. Elizabeth, his wife, died May 20th, 1773, aged 90 years. In quitting these sacred precints, we may here remark that about a century ago, there was to be seen in the clerk's house, at a short distance from the church, the following lines, which have now disappeared, but which will not inappropriately conclude this part of our subject. — " I wyll tomorrow, yea that I wyll, I wyll be sure to do it : To-morrow comes, to-morrow goes And yet you are to do it. And so Repentance is deferred From one day to another, Until the day of Death itself doth come, And Judgment is the other. I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. Joseph Hunter, F.S.A., of London, for a copy of these lines, which he transcribed from the MSS. of the late Mr. Wilson, of Broomhead, an industrious collector and antiquary, who saw them on the clerk's house, at Kirkburton, in 1760. To Mr. Hunter I am also indebted for discovering whence these lines are borrowed. For, as he justly observes, " I always thought them above the reach of the rustic muse of Kirkburton. They are taken from Draxelius' Considerations of Eternity, in R. Winterton's translation, originally printed in 1632, the work became popular and passed through several editions." ^oitriTSJjip, of §irrfott o%rfois.e lUrhburioit, In Domesday Book "Bertone" is surveyed as a member of the Soke of "Wakefield, consisting of three carucates. It was then part of the Terra Regis, and returned as waste. When this great fee was granted to Earl Warren, Burton was soon after given to one of his retainers, who took the surname of Burton, or "deBirton." The family were of considerable importance here; Dr. Whitaker states, "they may be traced as Lords of this Manor, to the highest period of local names." The name frequently occurs in charter evidences, either as principals or as witnesses. A Nicholas de Birton was a witness to a charter in the 6 Edward I., [1277,] wherein Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln, confirms certain privileges to the burgesses of Pontefract.* We find that the early lords of Burton were also lords of Gunthwaite, which they had acquired, probably in the reign of Henry III., or not later than Edward I. ; but not long after this it appears to have vested again in the de Gunthwaites; for in 1359 John de Gunthwaite gave to Thomas Bossvile de Erdesley and his heirs, his estate and Manor of Gunthwaite. In these trans actions of the Burtons with the Gunthwaites, we have Nicholas de Byrton, Henry- de Byrton, his son, who had Eoger de Byrton. f This Nicholas de Byrton was a person of some consequence, as he appears to have held the office of seneschal, or steward, of Blackburnshire, under Henry de Lacy, Earl of Lincoln. Henry de Birton appears as a witness to a deed, without date, from Matthew de Oxspring. to Roger del Hyde, about the reign of Henry III., or Edward I. J Elias de Byrton appears as a witness to a charter, bearing date 1284, from John de Carlton to Elias de Midhope.|[ This Elias de Byrton was probably nephew to Sir Elias de Midhope.§ * Boothroyd's History of Pontefract. f Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 344. J Id. vol. ii., p. 354. || Id. vol. ii., p. 358. § " Elias de Midhope had two sisters not named in the genealogy. They married, one the Lord of Thurgoland, the other the Lord of Burton, (Kirkburton,) in the Wapentake of Agbrig. On the death of Elias John de Thurgoland, son of the one, and William de Burton, grandson to the other, claimed to be heirs of Elias de Midhope, on the ground that k2 76 Cobmship of §mirra. There was a William de Burton in 1304, presented to the Rectory of High Hoyland, of the first mediety, by Sir Thomas de Burgh.* The name also of William de Burton appears in several charters connected with this parish, from Edward I's. reign to 1335. In the 32 Edward III., [1359,] Elias de Burton, Lord of Burton, and John de Dronfield, Lord of West Bretton, obtain a royal license, that they might give the Advowson of the church of Penistone to the Dean and College of the Free Chapel of St. Stephens, Westminster, t In the 8 Henry IV., [1406,] " Elias de Byrton Armiger " occurs as a witness to a charter. A John de Birton occurs also as a witness to a charter, dated 24 Henry YI., [1445,] and again in a charter dated 27 Henry VI., [1448]. In 1455, Thomas Burton gave his daughter, Isabel, with certain lands, in marriage to Edmund Kaye, of Woodsome, Esq., by whom he had issue Nicholas Kaye, of Woodsome, Esq., who dying S.P., the estate ascended to his uncle George, an ancester of the late Sir John Kaye, bart. But Thomas Burton had a son John, who had Robert, who had an only daughter, Joan. Robert dying in the 19 Henry VII., [1504,] the jurors found, inter alia, that he was seized of the Manor of Kirkburton and the Advowson of Chantry of St. Mary, in preste to that church, all which descended to Joan, his only child. This daughter, in the 18 Henry VII., married Thomas Triggott, of South Kirkby, and had issue, Robert Triggott, son and heir, whose grandson had issue three daughters, co-heiresses. $ his issue were illegitimate. The question came to a hearing, and of the pleadings we have an abstract by Dodsworth. It appears from them, that in 1252, Sir Elias had entered into a covenant to marry Maud, a daughter of Richard Oramary, (Grammaticus, a family who had considerable possessions along the line of the Aire,) but that marriage was never completed, and she became the wife of Robert de Stapleton, of Thorp Stapleton, while Sir Elias married Mabilia, a daughter of Josceline de Swainsby. The marriage with Mabilia was contracted in the face of the church, and without any contradiction of the said Maud, or of any other person, and she lived fifteen years at Midhope as his wife, and there died in peace, and was buried in the parish church of the said Elias, at Ecclesfield. But eight years after the death of Mabilia, Robert de Stapleton being also dead, Maud perceiving, as the pleadings say, Elias de Midhope to be rich, came and challenged him for the conditional contract he had entered into with her. Elias replied that the contract was only conditional, and the conditions not having been fulfilled, the contract was null, when John D'Eyvile, of Adlingflete, the discontented baron, who was concerned in the burning of Sheffield, uncle to Maud, and other persons of her lineage, seized upon Elias, carried him to York, and there compelled him to marry her in the Chapel of St. James, without the walls, without sentence or judgment." " The determination upon this cause I have not seen," says Mr. Hunter, " but it may be presumed to have been in favour of the son, as he succeeded to the inheritance, as did his posterity after him. There is a quit-claim in 1329, from John de Thurgoland, of all the lands which were Elias de Midhope's, which may be connected with this transaction." Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 364. * Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 364. f Id. vol. ii. p. 336. ± Whitaker's Loidis et Elmete. Ctfbmsljtp ai §wricm:. 77 The following pedigree more fully explains the descent. PEDIGREE OF TRIGGOTT, OP SOUTH KIRKBY AJSD OE BURTON.* Arms : Argent, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitchee, sable. Crest : a lion's head or, devouring a child proper. Thomas Triggott, of South Kirkby and of Kirkburton, jure Ux.= I Joan, daughter and heir of Robert, son of John, son of Elias de Burton; her mother, Joan, was a daughter of William Sirames, of Barnsley. by Margaret daughter and co-heir of Thomas Bosvile, of Edderthorp. Kobert Triggott, son and heir— r- Jane, daughter of Sir John Wentworth, of Emsal. Isabel, 1st wife,=Bartholomew Triggott, of South= daughter of Anne, of Frek- ley, Esq. Kirkby, Esq., son and heir, living there in 1585 ; will dated 6th Aug., 1595, proved 28th Jan,, 1595-6 ; died 12th Aug., 1595, aged 70, buried at South Kirkby. =Lucy, 2nd wife, daugh ter and heir of Ed. Booth,ofCranswick, buried 19th March, 1627. I I Thurstan had a son, named Stephen. Anthony, s.p. William, 4th son, was married. John, died young. i i i i Dorothy.Alice Frances Elizabeth lill j ' Frances and Joan died Ann, 1st wife dau-=Thomas Triggott, of South=Elizabeth, 2nd wife, daughter of John Digby, of young. Catherine married Thomas Holgate, of Stapleton. Jane married Thomas Candy, of Bray ton. Rhter of Thos. Reresby, of Therebergh, Esq. Kirkby, Esq., son and heir, 1585, was buried in the church of Kirkby, 20th Aug., 1633. Mansfield-Woodhouse, Esq. Ann Triggott, eldest daughter & co-heir, married Thomas Thornhill, of Fixby, in the parish of Halifax, Esq. John Moseley, of='Elizabeth Triggott, York, Esq., died 162$, buried in the church of St. John, Ouse- bridge End, York. 2nd daughter and co-heir, died 1640, aged 50, and was buried with her husband. Lucy Triggott, y. d„ married at Mans field, 13th Septem., 1624. Sir John Digby, of Mans field-Woodhouse, brother to Elizabeth above. John Moseley, an alderman of York, married Elizabeth, daughter, and one of the co-heiresses of the last Thomas Triggott, to whom, in a partition of the estate, the Manor of Burton was allotted; they had issue, Margaret and Ann, also co-heiresses. The former married Sir John Kaye, of Woodsome, the first Baronet, by whom he acquired the manor and estates of Burton. He died in 1662, and was succeeded by his eldest son Sir John Kaye, the second Baronet, aged 24 in 1665. He married Anne, daughter of William Lister, of Thornton, in Craven, in the county of York, Esq., and sister and sole heir of Christopher Lister, of the same place, Esq., by whom he had issue — 1st, Sir Arthur Kaye, his successor ; 2nd, George Kaye, of Grange, sometimes called Denby-Grange, in the parish of Kirkheaton, Esq., and other children. Sir John Kaye was many years M.P. for the county of York. He died in 1706. Prom Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 447. 78 Cnixrnsjjrjr of ^xxtbm. To his son, George Kaye, of Grange, Esq., among other estates, he gave the Manor of Burton. The said George Kaye married Dorothy, daughter of Eobert Savile, of Bryam-Boyd, near Elland, Esq., and had issue, John Kaye. He died 1707. His widow afterwards married Walmersley, of Dalton, Gentleman. She died in 1726. John Kaye, of Grange, Esq., succeeded his father in his estates, and on the death of Sir Arthur Kaye, his uncle, the 2>rd Baronet, without male issue the Baronetcy devolved upon him. On the death, also, of his uncle, Thomas Lister, Esq., without issue, who constituted him his, heir, he took the name of Lister in addition to that of Kaye, and became Sir John Lister Kaye, of Grange, 4th Baronet. He married Ellen, only daughter of John Wilkinson, of Greenhead, in the parish of Huddersfield, Esq., who died January 29th, 1729, by whom he had issue John Lister Kaye, his 'successor. To his second wife he married Dorothy, eldest daughter of Richard Richardson, of Bierley, near Bradford, Esq., by whom he had issue; 1st, Lister, died an infant ; 2nd, Richard, of whom we mention hereafter ; 3rd, Christopher, died an infant ; 4th, Dorothy, wife of Robert Chaloner, of Bishop Auckland, county of Durham, Esq. ; 5th, Catherine, died young ; 6th, Miles, died an infant ; and 7th, Margaret. Sir John Lister Kaye, was sometime M.P. for the city of York. He died April 5th, 1752, aged 55 years, and was' succeeded by his eldest son Sir John Lister Kaye, the hth Baronet, who was born July 7th, 1725. He served the office of High Sheriff of the county of York in 1761, and died November 27th, 1789, without issue. He was succeeded in the Baronetcy by his half-brother, the Rev. Richard Kaye, LL.D., Dean of Lincoln, prebend of Southwell, &c, the 6th Baronet, who died without issue 25th December, 1809, when the Baronetcy created in 1641, became extinct. Sir John Kaye, the 5th Baronet, dying without issue, devised the Manor of Burton and the rest of his estates to John Lister Lister Kaye, Esq., of Grange, who married October 18th, 1800, Lady Amelia Grey, 6th daughter of George Henry Grey, Earl of Stamford and Warrington, by whom he had issue. In 1812 he was advanced to the dignity of a Baronetcy. Sir John Lister Lister Kaye, about the year 1827, sold the Burton estate in small lots. The manor and a small portion of the estate were purchased by the late Mr. Tedbar Tinker, of Shelley, and Mr. Nathaniel Sykes, in whose heirs it now vests. Cnhmsfjijj of ^uxtart. 79 Btteton Hall, The ancient seat of the lords of Burton — until the family of that name finally merged into that of Triggott, who had their residence at South Kirkby — was situated in the hamlet of Highburton, on the verge of the hill to the west, and on the north-east side of the Burton valley. The ascent is steep, and the situa tion high and exposed, but commanding a fine view of the valley beneath, in which Storthes Hall, with its richly wooded grounds, forms a striking and prominent object. The designation of Hall, has almost ceased to be applied to the humble edifice which now occupies this site. There appears to have been attached to the Hall, a small domestic chapel of pointed gothic architecture, the greatest part of which was taken down about twenty-five years ago. It is difficult to conjecture the cause of its erection so near to the parish church. It must have existed before the Reformation, as it is apparent that the owners of the estate did not reside here after that period. Burton Cross. In the small hamlet of Highburton stands an ancient cross, the precise object of which has not perhaps been clearly understood by the inhabitants, but the preservation of this ancient relic from the wasting hand of time, appears to have been always an object of their special care. It is certain that Burton was, in the time of the Plantagenets, a Market Town ; it seems probable that it had been so from a still more remote period, but whether it originated by charter, or by prescription, is unknown. From the fact of the cross being placed in Highburton, there can be little doubt that the markets were held there. In the Court Rolls of the Manor of Wakefield, in the 26 and 27, Edward III., [1352,] 24th January, under " Holne," it is stated that the tolls of Burton market were let for 26s. 8d. Not the least curious circumstance connected with this market, is, that the tolls would seem to have belonged to the Chief Lord of the Fee, and not to the mesne lords — the de Burtons. Here resided about two centuries ago, a family named Roebuck, who were usually described as of Highburton Cross. They continued to reside here through several generations. The last of the name was Thomas Roebuck, who left an only child — a daughter, who married to Wood, of Monk Bretton, near Barnsley, whose grandson was Sir George Wood, knight, one of the barons of the exchequer, who died in 1823, at an advanced age. 80 ^xjixritslritt of "§nxtan. Yew Teee. This ancient homestead was, for upwards of three hundred years, the property and residence of a family named Mokeson, of the class usually styled " Yeomen." John Mokeson, the last possessor, sold the estate to B. Haigh Allen, of Greenhead, Esq., in whose heirs it still remains. There is a singular record of this family, viz. — that the said John Mokeson, and Ohve, his wife, daughter of Joshua Senior, of Shelley, had thirty children, of whom, however, only four arrived at the adult age. Riley. Riley is now a small hamlet, on the road from Burton to Thunder- Bridge. There is nothing to recommend it to notice except that at a remote period, its owner, who resided here, received his surname from it. The name appears among the witnesses to ancient charters, viz. — a " John de Rylay," appears in a charter without date; and a "John de Rylay" appears also as a witness to a charter dated 16, Edward I., [1298,] probably the same person. A " William de Rylay," occurs in another dated 1319. Independent Chapel, Dogley-Lane. This chapel was built in 1816, but has since been considerably enlarged, and galleries erected. It is warmed by an efficient apparatus. An organ was added in 1853. In connexion with the chapel are school-rooms, built in 1832. The chapel, schools, and parsonage, have recently been fitted-up with gas, &c, at the cost of £100, which sum was liquidated by congregational collections. The church was formed December 25th, 1816, and as no minister had then settled, the Rev. John Cockin, of Holmfirth, at the request of the friends, pre sided at the meeting. The first minister, — the Rev. William Lees, commenced his labours January 2nd, 1820, and remained until his death. His remains are interred within the chapel, and a tablet erected to his memory. The second minister, — the Rev. George Ryan, commenced his labours March 11th, 1832, and resigned the pastorate March 10th, 1837. The third minister, — the Rev. William Baines, entered on his office May 3rd, 1840, and died November 28th, 1840, only a pastorate of a few months. The fourth pastor, — the Rev. John Hughes, commenced his labours here January 1st, 1842, and died February 14th, 1849, and was interred inside the chapel. t^hmgfrijj of §ttrtorr. 81 The fifth pastor, — the Rev. William Inman, commenced first Sabbath in November, 1850, and resigned the charge September 2nd, 1858. He was suc ceeded by the Rev. Joseph Oddy, the present minister, to whom I am indebted for the information here given. There is no endowment or grant to the chapel, and the minister is wholly sup ported by the congregation. The chapel has been duly licensed for marriages. Registers of baptisms from 1816. lltomiiratttal Jnsmnibns. In the chapel are marble tablets which record as follows : To the Memory of the Rev. William Lees, who discharged the pastoral duties of this church nearly twelve years, with seriousness, fidelity, and zeal ; and who, in the vigour of his age, and of his useful ness, was suddenly called to enter into the joy of his Lord. He died August 13th, 1831, in the 46th year of his age, greatly lamented, as he had been beloved by his own people, and by all who knew him, for his christian spirit, and consistent deportment. Sacred to the memory of Paul, the son of Joah and Rachel Sugden, of Woodsome Lees, who departed this life February 18th, 1821, aged 18 years. Also, of the above Joah Sugden, who died August 9th, 1845, aged 63 years. He was a faithful office bearer in the church of Christ for 38 years ; one of the chief promoters of the building of this chapel, and continued its firm friend unto death. Also, of the above Rachel Sugden, who died December 24th, 1850, aged 72 years. Sacred to the Memory of Ann, the wife of Joseph Turner, Woolstapler, of Huddersfield, and daughter of Joah and Rachel Sugden, of Woodsome Lees. She died June 10th, 1832, aged 24 years. In Memory of the Rev. John Hughes, who died February 14th, 1849, in the 39th year of his age, and the 8th year of his ministry. His remains lie interred beneath this chapel. As a minister and pastor, he was earnest, affectionate, and faithful. This monument is erected by the church and congre gation as a testimony of their high regard and mournful remembrance. In the grave-yard is a very handsome monument, with broken column and wreath — on one slab : In affectionate remembrance of Wright Rhodes, of Spring-Field, who died March 8th, 1859, aged 65 years.On a second slab : In Memory of John, eldest son of Wright and Sarah Rhodes, who died November 5th, 1 846, aged 21 years. Also, of Franklin, their fifth son, who died October 4th, 1852, aged 15 years. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Kiekbueton. In 1816, the Wesleyan Methodists of this district erected a chapel at Burton, which at length becoming too small a new site was chosen, and a neat and L 82 Cjcrbmsjjr|r of §nrtoir. commodious chapel was erected in 1845, which was opened for religious worship in 1846, when their former chapel was sold. Spacious schoolrooms were erected in 1848, to accommodate 300 scholars. The entire cost of the chapel and school premises amounted to £1650, exclusive of an excellent-toned organ, given by Mrs. Cocker, of Highburton, in 1859. Peimitive Methodist Chapel. This chapel is situate in Highburton, and was built in 1832, at a cost of about £100, and is calculated to hold about 100 persons. Kiekbueton School. This school was established in the year 1714, as appears from the following inscription, on an old stone tablet, removed from the front of the original schoolroom and retained in the present schoolroom. " This school, built A.D. 1714, at the charge of the inhabitants; it was first endowed with £100, being the free gift of Mr. Henry Robinson, of Leeds, clerk ; with £20 given by Mr. John Horsfall, of Storz Hall, gentleman ; and was afterwards endowed by the said Mr. Horsfall's noble legacy in his last will, with £400 ; all which sums are to purchase lands and tenements, for the better maintenance of the schoolmaster, and for poor children learning in Thurstonland and Kirkburton. Da dum tempus habes, Tibi propria sit manus Hceres auferet hoc nemo, quod dabis ipse Deo." The above benefactions and legacy were laid out in the purchase of real estates, with the exception of the sum of £42 2s. 6d., which was placed on mortgage of the tolls of the Huddersfield and Penistone turnpike road, but was recalled about 15 years ago, to help to liquidate the expenses incurred in building a large and commodious schoolroom, the original schoolroom being very small and incon venient, and very much dilapidated, and thus unfit for the purposes of education. The trustees for the time being are the Vicar of Kirkburton, and the heirs of Richard Horsfall, Esq., and the heirs of Robert Rockley, Esq. The Yicar of Kirkburton, the Rector of Kirkheaton, and the Rector of Elmley, are the electors of the schoolmaster. The real estates which were purchased consist of — a farm house, outbuildings, and about 20 acres of land, at Holme, in the parish of Almonbury, and let to John Hadfield, for £26 a year — a house and about six acres of land, in the township of Cartworth, let to Benjamin Green for £10 10s. a year — a house in Wakefield, usually called the Old Corn Exchange, let in offices, and which produces about £30 a year net — and a small portion of land, situate in Kirkburton, and let as a garden to George Jenkinson for £1 a year. m ai %uttsm, 83 These, together with the schoolmaster's house and premises, comprise the property of the school. The master of the school occupies the school premises, and receives the emoluments derived from the property after deducting the necessary expenses for keeping the several buildings and estates in proper repair. He teaches twenty poor children of Kirkburton, and ten of Thurstonland, gratis, by agreement with the trustees. Twenty of these free scholars are provided with 2f yards of linen for clothing, on St. Thomas' Day, in every year. BENEFACTIONS. Mrsi. Elizabeth Catharine Farmer, of Leasingham, near Sleafbrd, in Lincolnshire, who died the 2nd of September, 1847, bequeathed " to the vicar of the parish of Kirkburton, in Yorkshire, which benefice my late dear father held, the sum of one hundred pounds, to be by him applied to some charitable purpose, in his discretion, for the permanent benefit of the poor of that parish." Mrs. Farmer's legacy has been laid out by the vicar in the purchase of govern ment consolidated three per cent, annuities. Mr. James Booth, of Lockwood, formerly of Lane-head, in Burton, by his will dated the 8th day of October, 1852, bequeathed " the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds, the remainder of the said trust money, to apply and appropriate the same to and for the poor of the township of Kirkburton, in the said county of York. And I direct that the said sum of two hundred and fifty pounds, shall be and remain invested in the names of the vicar, churchwardens, and overseers, for the time being, of the parish of Kirkburton aforesaid, in government, or other good security ; and that the dividends, interest, or annual proceeds thereof, shall be for ever hereafter paid and applied by the vicar, churchwardens, and overseers, for the time being, of the said parish, at their discretion, for the maintenance, relief, or comfort, of the poor people of the said township of Kirkburton." The above sum is invested in the Huddersfield Water Works, and pays interest at three-and-a-half per cent. The enclosure of the Common Lands of this township took place in 1816, comprising 187 acres The ancient enclosure 1073 „ Total 1260 „ l 2 Cofottsjrijj irf Sf«I% This township is surveyed in Domesday as a member of the Manor of Wakefield. " Scelneleie one carucate." It appears to have been granted off soon after the Norman Conquest, and to have given to its early lords their names of addition. The following copy of a charter, hitherto unpublished, conveying to the Monks of Roche Abbey certain lands, in Birchworth, a neighbouring township, exhibits a proof of the good will to the church, of one of the early lords of this subenfeudation. The charter is without date, but was probably executed early in the reign of Henry III., and is remarkable for comprising in the grant some of the tenants. Sciant omnes presentes et futuri quod ego Henricus de Schellaya, Alius Roberti, dedi concessi et hac carta mea confirmavi pro salute animi, mei et omnium antecessorum et heredum meorum. Abbati et Monachis Sanctse Marise de Rupe homagium et servicium Johannis, filii Roberti del Ker, quas mihi debuit et heredibus meis vel assignatis pro duabus bovatis terra?, cum pertinenciis in Bircheworth, et homagium, et servicium Johannis, filii Adami quae mihi debuit, et heredibus meis et assignatis pro una bovata terrse, cum pertinenciis in eadem villa, et duas bovatas terra?, cum pertinenciis quas Ricardus et Jona tenuerunt de me in eadem villa, et ipsos Ricardum et Jonam cum tota sequela sua, et ipsos Ricardum et Adamum cum tota sequela sua, et unam bovatam terrae cum pertinenciis quam Gilbertus capellanus tenuit de me in eadem villa, et unam essartam cum pertinenciis in predicta villa que vocatur Wetelaya, tenenda et habenda in perpetuam elemosinam liberam, et quietam ab omni servicio ad me et heredes meos pertinente salvo forenseco servicio, quantam pertinet ad unam carucatam terrae, unde novem carucatae faciunt feodum unius militis. Et ego et heredes mei warrantizabimus totam supradicam terram, cum pertinenciis supradictis Abbati et Monachis de Rupe in perpetuum contra omnes. His testibus Dno Henrico persona de Rothell, Hugon de Urnethorp, tunc Senescallo de Pontefracto, Roberto de Stapleton, Henrico Walente, Roberto filio Ade, Thomas de Littel, Alano filio Roberti de Smecheton, Roberto filio Gilberti, Simone filio *. * ^ , Alano filio Alani.* * This grant comprised not only lands, but the tenants or villeins, " cum tota sequela sua," with their progeny. This species of tenure is graphically described by Blackstone in his Commentaries. — " Under the Saxon government there were, as Sir William Temple speaks, a sort of people in downright servitude, used and employed in the most servile work'; and belonging, both they, their children, and effects, to the lord of the soil, like the rest of the cattle or stock upon it." Vol. ii., bk. 2, c. 6. " These villeins, belonging principally to lords of manors, were either villeins regardant, i.e., annexed to the manor or lands ; or else they were in gross, or at large, i.e., annexed to the person of the lord, and transferable by deed from one owner to another. They could not leave their lord without his permission ; but if they ran away, or were purloined from him, might be claimed and recovered by action, like beasts or other chattels. They held Ctfbmsjiip of SjwIIcjr. 85 By a charter without date, Henry, the son of Robert de Scellay, granted to John Molendinario de Scellay, and to his heirs, &c, a bovate of land in the village and territory of Scellay, " in feudo et hereditate cum omnibus libertatibus communis," rendering fourpence yearly in two equal payments ; at the feast of St. Oswald, and at the feast of St. Martin, " pro omnibus secularibus serviciis, consuetudinibus et demandis excepto forenseco servicio." Among the Wortley evidences is a deed of the same " Henry, son of Robert de Shelvelay," who " quits claims to Adam de Wannervile, son of Adam, all right in the town of Kynneslay, belonging to the town of Hemsworth; and also all lands which I demanded against the aforesaid Adam, and Nichola mother of Adam, in the said town of Hemsworth, by writ of right in the court of the Lord Henri de Laci, Earl of Lincoln. This was in the latter part of Henry Ill's, reign."* By a charter, without date, but from the witnesses not later than Henry III., Wilham Spinke, of Scheluelay Wodhous, granted to Henry de Scheluelay, his lord, and to Robert, his son and their heirs, all his rights, &c, which he had of the gift of William, his father, in the territory of Scheluelay. It is, therefore, evident that Henry had a son Robert, which Robert had also a son Henry, as we find by a charter, dated 27 Edward I., [1289,] when Henry de Scheluelay, and Margaret, his wife, received a grant from Robert de Barneby, to them and their issue, of the Manor of Scheluelay ; and in default of issue, to John de Scheluelay, his brother. The manor, there is little doubt, had been previously granted by Henry de Scheluelay, to Barneby for that purpose. This Henry de Scheluelay appears in several charters, without date, either as principal or as witness. The last mention I find of him is the 10 Edward II., [1316]. After this period he did not long survive, for in the 18 Edward II., [1324,] I find that John de Schellay was lord, who was living in 2 Edward III., [1337,] and then described as John, son of Henry de Schellay. But, contemporary with Henry de Schellay, was Elias de Schellay, who held lands in Schellay, and who had a son Robert. There was also a Peter de indeed, small portions of land by way of sustaining themselves and their families ; but it was at the mere will of the lord, who might dispossess them whenever he pleased ; and it was upon villein services, that is, to carry out dung, to hedge and ditch the lord's demesne, and any other the meanest offices." The state of servitude of these villeins was not absolute, like that of the negroes, for as Hallam, (Middle Ages, vol. i., p. 149,) observes, "it was only in respect of his lord, that the villein, at least in England, was without rights ; he might inherit, purchase, sue in the courts of law, though as defendant in a real action or suit, wherein land was claimed he might shelter himself under the plea of villeinage." * Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 424. 86 ®0fanw(jip of j%II*g. Schellay, " clericus." These names appear in charters, without dates, except in one instance, in 1316, respecting Robert,, son of Elias de Schellay. There was, however, a Nicholas de Schellay, son of Nicholas, who, in his charter, dated 18 Edward II., [1324,] had for its witnesses John de Schellay, lord of Schellay, and John de Schellay the elder. There can Jbe no doubt that this John de Schellay the elder was the brother of Henry de Schellay, as mentioned in the charter of 1298. I find that John de Schellay, lord of Schellay, was dead in the 17 Edward III., [1342,] leaving his son and heir, John de Schellay, a minor, and in ward of the chief lord, John, Earl Warren and Stratherne, who, by his charter of that date, granted the said wardship to Sayer de Kendale, one of his attendants, together with the Manor of Schellay, which John de Schellay, the father, late held of him by knight's service, &c. John de Schellay the younger had issue, a daughter Katherine, apparently an only child, and who, it would seem, married Dodworth, of Dodworth, near Barnsley. The next piece of evidence I have found is a charter, dated 27 Henry YI., [1448,] wherein Thomas Goldthorp and William Stone, granted to Johanna, late wife of Robert Storriz, (Storthes,) land and tenements belonging to Thomas Dodworth, and Elizabeth his wife, in the Manor of Schellay ; out of which the said Johanna Storriz had to receive seven marks annually, in perpetuity, to her and the heirs of her body ; and in default of issue, to her right heirs. It would, therefore, appear that the estate had previously been vested in Goldthorp and Stone, in trust. It seems not improbable that Johanna was the sister of Thomas Dodworth.* But the following important genealogical facts, gathered from a charter, dated 1479, will somewhat elucidate this point : it recites that William Malett, of Normanton, Esq., heir by blood of John Malett, namely, son of , who was the son of Robert, who was the son of the said John, granted and confirmed to John Storthes, of Thurstonland, one of the heirs by blood of John de Schellay, namely, son of Thomas, who was brother of Henry, brother of Robert or Richard, sons of Johanna, who was the daughter of Katherine, the daughter of the said John de Schellay, the Manor of Schellay, with corn mill, lands, &c. ; also lands in Birton, Thurstonland, Shepley, and Cumberworth, which had been devised to the said John Malett and John Collerslay, chaplain, then deceased, by the last will of the said John Schellay, John Malett being the * To suppose that Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Dodworth, was the daughter of Katherine de Schellay, and sister to Johanna, is rendered improbable by the circumstance of the manor not being held jointly as co-heiresses. Cobmskin- of SJpUeg. 87 surviving trustee; the said William Malett conveyed the same to Nicholas Burdett and John Savile, of Holynage, in trust for the use or benefit of the said John Storthes, his heirs and assigns. By another charter, dated 2 Richard III., [1484,] Ralph Dodworth, son and heir of Wilham Dodworth, Esq., lately deceased, granted to Hugon Hastynges, knight, Henry Pierpoint, knight, John Savile, knight, Hugon Bosvile, clerk, George Graveson, clerk, (then vicar of Kirkburton,) Richard Keresford, John Birton, John Keresford, John Wombewell, jun., and Thomas Birton, all his Manor of Schellay, &c. ; but for what purpose is not stated. These several feoffments of the manor, &c , do not reveal to us very clearly their precise intentions : it is, however, certain that although the fee simple of the Manor of Shelley vested in the Dodworths at this period ; a large annuity for those times was paid out of it of nearly seven marks to the Storthes, of Storthes, in Thurstonland, as we shall soon have occasion to mention. In the reign of Henry VIII. the Manor of Shelley vested in William Dodworth, who had three daughters, co-heiresses ; 1st Jane, married to John Kaye, of Dalton, gentleman; 2 Elizabeth, married John Harryson, of Woolley, gentleman ; and 3 Anne, married John Jenkynspn, of Gawbard Hall, yeoman. Wilham Dodworth was dead before the 2 Edward VI., [1548,] when a division of his estate took place. He is stated to have possessed messuages and lands in Shelley, Shepley, Thurstonland, Dodworth, Barghe, Barnsley, Lepton, and Bardslande, (Barkisland,) in the county of York. The Manor of Shelley, the corn mill, with the messuages and lands, then became the portion of John Kaye, in right of his wife. In the 6 Edward VI., Gervas Storthes, of Storthes Hall, in the parish of Kirkburton, gentleman, sold to John Kaye, of Dalton, gentleman, then lord of Shelley, a rent charge of £4 6s. 8d., for the sum of £64. The deed bears date 26th October, 1551, by which the said Gervas Storthes releases for ever to the said John Kaye, his heirs, &c, " one annuitye or yerelie rent of four pounds six shillings and eightpence, by yere goynge forth and yerelie, to be received by the said Gervas, his heirs, and assigns, for ever, out of the Manor of Shelley, &c, together with all and singular evidences, escripts, mynements, and wrytyngs which he or any person or persons hath to his use, concerning the said yerelie rent charge, &c." There can be no doubt that the annuity of seven marks, or £4 13s. 4d., specified in the charter of the 27 Henry VI., [1448,] which had been granted to Johanna, then late wife of Robert Storriz, (Storthes,) was identical with the 88 Cofonsjnp jrf SjwJIw- annuity here alienated by Gervas Storthes, her descendant. The discrepancy in the sums might arise from several causes, the most probable one is, that the Dodworths would charge the annuitants with a proportionate share of the modus, or rent charge, payable in lieu of tithe- corn and hay, as seven marks, in the reign of Henry VI. must have been regarded as a considerable sum. We may here observe, that the series of evidences from which the foregoing account is compiled, do not clearly set forth the descent of the Dodworths from the last John de Schellay, although the " consanguinity," of the Storthes is stated. It seems probable that Katherine Schellay was his only child, — that she married Dodworth, who had a son Thomas, and a daughter Johanna, who married Robert Storthes, as already stated ; and it is not improbable that John de Shellay devised, by his will, a certain annual payment out of the Manor of Shelley, to the said Johanna, his grandaughter, but vested the fee simple in Thomas Dodworth, his grandson. John Kaye, of Dalton, had issue, by Jane, his wife, viz., John Kaye, of Okenshaw, his son and heir, but whether any other children is uncertain.* I find that John Kaye the elder, near the close of his life, resided at " Shelley Hall," where he died in 1572, and was interred at Kirkburton. John Kaye, of Okenshaw, on the death of his father, became Lord of Shelley. He built Heath Hall, near Wakefield, " one of the finest specimens remaining in Yorkshire of the Ehzabethan house;" there can be no question that, by its erection, he greatly embarrassed his circumstances, as he certainly had not an estate answerable to it ; and it appears that in the 19 Elizabeth he sold his estate at Shelley. The deed bears date 28th January, 1576, made between John Kaye, then of Okenshaw, gentleman, and Robert Kaye, his son and heir apparent, of the one part, and John Thornhill alias Haighe, of Lockwood, Chapman, of the other part, for the sum of £1390, paid to the said John Kaye and Robert Kaye, in consideration of which they granted and sold to the said John Thornhill alias Haighe, his heirs and assigns, for ever, the Manor and Lordship of Shelley, &c, and all messuages and lands, houses, &c, together with all rights, courts, perquisites of court realties, wards, marryages, reliefs, escheats, fishyngs, fowlings," &c, "belonging to the said manor." This John Kaye, who is usually styled of Okenshaw, but is sometimes described as of Heath, was for a time under-steward of the Honour of Pontefract during a part of the time Sir Henry Savile, of Thornhill, was high-steward. He * In the 3 of Elizabeth's reign, I find " Bichard Kaye, of Dodworth, gentleman," who then released his interest in lands, at Overbrokholes, in Thurstonland. Cofortsjnn of Shelly. 89 seems to have been a gay and improvident man, and although he was married and had a son and heir, as already described, yet he succeeded in seducing Dorothy, the daughter of his friend Sir Henry Savile, by whom he had seven illegitimate children. "This," it has been observed, "is the only lady in one of the great Yorkshire houses, of the sixteenth century, who has been handed down by the old genealogical writers, Dodsworth and others, as having sullied the honour of her family." Arms were granted to John Kaye, of Dalton, by Flower the Herald, on the 7th October, 1564. The Crest : a griffin holding a key. The Arms : quartering those of Dodworth, a chevron between three bugle-horns. In the 23 Elizabeth, John Thornhill, alias Haighe, son and heir of John Thornhill, alias Haighe, deceased, and Fecilia Thornhill, ahas Haighe, sold the said manor and estate to "John Savile, of Stanley, Esq.," who devised the same to his third son, John Savile, of Netherton, alias Nether Shitlington, Gentleman, who sold it in the 34 Elizabeth, [1591,] to " John Ramsden, of Longley Hall, gentleman." In 14 Charles I., (1638,) " William Ramsden, of Lassells Hall, Esq., son and heir of John Ramsden, late of the same place, Esq., deceased," sold the said manor, &c, to Richard Sykes, of Leeds, gentleman; Richard Sykes, rector of Kirkheaton, son of the said Richard; and Richard Sykes, of Kirkheaton, gentleman, son of the said Richard Sykes, clerk, their heirs, assigns, &c. The estate ultimately vested in Richard Sykes, the youngest, or grandson of the first Richard, who became rector of Spofforth, and prebend of York, from whom it passed to Richard Sykes, M.A., of Sheepscar Hall, but he dying without issue in 1686, it descended to his brother Micklethwaite Sykes, who died also without issue, and by his will dated 18th April, 1695, devised the same to his aunt Rebecca Kirshaw, widow of the Rev. John Kirshaw, rector of Ripley.* She died in 1706, when it descended to her son Richard Kirshaw, D.D., also rector of Ripley, who died in 1736 ; then to his son Samuel Kirshaw, D.D., vicar of Leeds, and likewise rector * The Eev. John Kirshaw, M.A., rector, of Ripley, was a considerable sufferer for his loyalty during the Commonwealth, as appears from a narrative which he wrote soon after the Restoration, in which he relates some circumstances and events he had witnessed, and the part he had taken at that unsettled period : being a defence of himself against certain accusa tions which had been raised against him. That portion of it which refers to the simultaneous rising over many parts of the country, for the restoration of Charles II., of which Sir George Booth was at the head, and in which design a considerable number of the gentry and others of York and the surrounding country participated, furnishes another link in the series of events of that period. The attempt to take the city of York by surprise, seems to have been a feeble and therefore an unsuccessful one. It will not, however, be read without interest, as the prelude to the more successful attempt made by General Monk, who gained his admission into the city in a great measure through the personal influence of the Rev. Edward Bowles, a Presbyterian divine of that city, as recorded by the Eev. J. Hunter, in his history of South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 416, from a contemporary M.S. written by Sir Philip Monkton. It may be necessary to observe that the following account is abridged from Mr. Kirshaw's MS., which has also reference J[ 90 Couwsljxp of Sullen. of Ripley, who died in 1780, leaving issue, Richard Kirshaw, B.D., rector of Masham, who died unmarried in 1792, and four daughters, in whom, by the death of their brother, the estate vested. Of the sisters, Mary, Anne, and Rebecca, died unmarried, while Frances married Ralph Shipperdson, of Hall Garth, in the county of Durham, Esq., whose second surviving son, the Rev. Thomas Richard Shipperdson, D.D., vicar of Woodhom, in the county of Northumberland, on the death of his aunt, Miss Rebecca Kirshaw, in 1846, became sole proprietor. to matters of a more private character, and which seems to have been intended as a defence of himself against accusations which had been brought against him ; but what refers more particuiarly to public interest we here give at length in the words of the writer. The account states that it had been read to Sir Solomon S , on the 7th November, 1664, which no doubt refers to Sir Solomon Swale, of Swale Hall, in Swaledale, Baronet. Mr. Kirshaw had been educated at Oxford, having been entered of Brazen Nose college, about the year 1645, and in due course took his B.A. degree. He was afterwards elected to a fellowship, but was " turned out of it, and the tuition of his scholars," for refusing to take the " engagement," by which he lost £50 per annum. Through the interest of Dr. Langley, he became chaplain to Lady Eranklyn, near London, where he remained in retirement till he took his M.A. degree, having received episcopal ordination from the Archbishop of York.* " From thence," says he, " I came to Wakefield as their vicar." * * * " After I had been there a while, some of Mr. Lamberte's favorites did inform against me to Oliver's Councell (where Lamberte was their president) that I was an enemy to the State, and did utterly refuse to come in the church to observe either the days of fasting or thanksgiving that were enjoyned, (which was a truth,) upon which, the State's pretty broade seale was given to a Nottinghamshire minister, Mr. Pocker : and I was cast out. Sir John Savile, and all my parishioners disclayming that act ; only some army-men owned it, and one gentleman more especially that is now knighted, but then was an exciseman. " That most loyal lady. Mrs. Hutton, of Poppleton, hearing of my disaster, gott some friends to write to me, to take shelter with her, and be their minister at Poppleton. I embraced the motion, and had £50 per annum engaged to me, besides all conveniences for myself and horse, in her family. There I continued for seven or eight years, and for a long time I came not in the church there, nor elsewhere on any State-day, either for fasting or thanksgiving. One of Lilberne's souldiers lived in the parrish, and he, with some others, threatened to have me turned out for that reason, upon which, by the advice of some ministers and other friends, I did, in Oliver's time, keepe some fast-days, but never read the titles of authority given to Oliver in his paper, nor any matters of disloyalty to the late King or his family, but always waived these passages when I read the occasion of humiliation in the State's printed papers ; and living in the Aynsty, I used then constantly to say in publique that the Lord Mayor of York bad sent me a paper for a day of fasting, to be kept such a day. And in all Oliver's time I never came into Poppleton church to keep one day of thanksgiving, which brings to my mind, that when I lived at London, and a day of thanksgiving was kept for the defeating of his Majesty's forces at Worcester, I kept private in my Lady Eranklyn's family that day, when she and her family went to church, whereof I can produce witnesses, for the first at Poppleton, and for the latter at London, and for this latter Sir W R did dislike me. " When Sir George Booth, Colonell Egerton, &c, did endeavour the introducing of King Charles II., I was all along privy to it, and was engaged by promise to procure the boats from Poppleton Ferry, neare to Sir Thomas Slingsby's house, for the more safe passage of a troope of horse, that was to surprise Bootham Barre at Yorke, while others came to Micclegate Barre. This, the captaine of the troope, and now Justice of the Peace, will witnesse for me. " When Sir George Booth, Colonell Egerton, and two more were proclaymed traytors by the Eumpe, the paper for that purpose was sent to me by the chief constable ; I shunned it the first time, and Mrs. Hutton ordered all her servants that if any papers were sent to me, they should take it and give it her, which she purposed to keepe from my knowledge, that I might safely say to my accusors that none came to my hands ; but the chief constable sent a messenger subtily, with a charge to speake with me, and deliver the paper to my owne hands, which he did, and, seeing that ministers were enjoyned to publish four loyal gentlemen to be traytors, I gave the paper back again, and said I believed they were loyal subjects. I was threatened by army-men to be turned out of Poppleton, and had not General Monck found Mr. Lambert other work * Archbishop Williams died in 1649, when the See remained vacant till after the Restoration. Cofonsljip- of SlxcIIerr. 91 In 1851, Dr. Shipperdson sold the estate in several parcels. The manor, with the hall and adjoining farm, were purchased by the Rev. Augustus Hopper, M.A., rector of Starston, in the county of Norfolk, nephew to Dr. Shipperdson. To this gentleman I am under great obligations for the attention and courtesy he has shewn me in the course of my enquiries, by permitting me to examine a considerable collection of ancient charters, and other evidences in his possession, connected with this manor, and for the general interest he has taken in forwarding my design. To him also I am indebted for the annexed pedigrees. some of Lilberne's souldiers had procured my ejection. " When Mr. Lambert was gone into the north, and General Monck's declaration came forth, a gentleman, the Duke of Buckingham's chief steward, acquainted me with his message that he was to carry to General Monck, from some gentlemen, namely, that if he did not give satisfaction privately to them, and many other loyall persons through the kingdom, that he would desert the cause of the Rumpe, and stand up, at least, for the readmission of the secluded members, or a free election of Parliament-men, he could not expect the assistance of the gentlemen. The messenger gott safely to General Monek and back againe, and made me privy to the answer that he returned. "As I remember, about this time the Yorkshire gentlemen made and printed their declaration at Yorke. Not long after, I was engaged to goe with a gentleman (Captain Levitt) to wayte on the Lord Fairfax, and acquaint him with Lilburne's design to sett * guard neare his house at Nun-Appleton, or to fetch him to Yorke. That night, about one of clocke, he went to Ardington (Arthington) ; the gentleman that went with me, assured my Lord Fairfax, that within a day or two his lordshipp should have a, sufficient guard to attend him to Ardington. The next day one comes to me while I am sitting with Mrs. Hutton at dinner, and tells me of Sir Thomas Slingsby's danger to be sent for to Yorke, and that some others sent him, desirepng] me to wayte on Sir Thomas Slingsby, and entreate him to goe with hisl forty horse, that he and Mb brother had in readinesse, to Ardington. No sooner was I gott to his chaplaine's chamber, by name Mr. Heskyth, butt Sir Thomas comes running to know the newes, und after takes me into the house to some other gentlemen. After some debate they resolved to goe that night to Ardington, and when it was darke sett forth. The Duke of Buckingham came with many gentlemen to Knaresborough, and thence resolved to come with what force they had to Yorke, leaving promises from some there to helpe them into the city by two posternes. On Saturday night, att twelve of clocke, a messenger came to me from Knaresborough with a little piece of paper, it which it was thus, or to this purpose written, 'Gentlemen, wee intend to bee in Yorke to dine with you to-morrow, att noone make ready for us.' About midnight, I did arise and consider how, according to my trust, I might gett this piece of paper, with some other verball instructions, to certayne loyal persons in Yorke, who had promised to help to betray, or rather deliver, the city into the gentlemen's hands. I sent to Mrs. Hutton, and entreated her to rise, who, before one of clocke, was ready, and wee sent for a woman and a younge man, her son ; and Mrs. Hutton did looke to the sewing of a piece of paper in some close place of the woman's clothes, and then wee sent them away to bee ready to goe into Yorke ; by that time the Micclegate wicket was opened by the guard; they gott in and delivered the paper safely. While I was in my sermon a souldier, staying at home, in Upper Poppleton, went out of his house, and espyed the company coming : ridd straight to Yorke in the forenoone, and caused the gates to be shutt up, and posted to Lilburne to tell him all, who imadiately came to Micclegate Barr himself, and Becured the posternes also. " There is a passage in the covenant, whereby hypocriticall Oliver, and many others with him, were engaged to maintain the honour and happinesse of the King's Majesty, and his posterity, whereby, I endeavoured to disuadge some yett living that had tooke the covenant, from going against Sir George Booth; and endeavoured a conviction to the partieB, and to diverse others in Poppleton, that the army practised quite contrary to that engagement, by opposing his Majesty's returne. For this plain dealing, I was grievously threatened, when Lilburne returned out of Cheshire. I shall add one passage more. When Mr. Love, and Mr. Gibbons, were beheaded, for endeavouring to procure a supplv of moneys to the King, in Scotland, one Colonel Purefoy, came to give a visit to a lady, to whom hee was allyed. In discourse I tooke that liberty of speech, which occasioned his saying in a passion, ' That if any desired that Charles Stuart the King of Scotts, should reigne in England, they were traytors,' upon which I held my peace, because he was one of the Rumpe at that time." M 2 92 ip of S PEDIGREES OF THE FAMILIES OF SYKES, KIRSHAW, SHIPPERDSON, AND HOPPER, LORDS OF THE MANOR OF SHELLEY. Sykes. — Arms : Argent, a chevron, sable, between three Sykes, or fountains proper. Crest: a fleur de lis, sable. Kirshaw. — Arms: Gu. a sword in pale arg, hilted or. in base, a serpent nowed ppr. and on a chief of the third, two doves elose, beaked and legged. Shipperdson. — Arms: Sa. on a bend arg. three lozenges a2 , each charged with a plane tary sun in its glory. Hopper.— Arms: Quarterly, first and fourth gy runny of eight, sa. and erm. a tower or. for Hopper* second and thiid, or. on a mount in base, an oak tree vert, over all on a fesse gu. three regal crowns of the first for Carles or Carlos, (these bearings of Carlos were granted 21st May, 1658, by Charles II. to his pre server in the royal oak.) Richard Sykes, descended from Richard Sykes, of Sykes Dike,=Eliza, daughter of- near Carlisle, Lord of the Manor of Leeds, by purchase frora King Charles I. Purchased the Manor of Shelley, 21st May, 1638. ¦ Mawson, obt. 19th August,. 1644. Dorothy=John Henry Sykes,= Mary, daug. Richard Sykes,= Grace, daug. daught ofEdw.Binns,ofHor-bury. Sykes of Leeds, obt. 1623. of Hunslet Hall, obt. 1666, of whom no male issue remains. of Sir John Wood, of Beeston, knight. rector of Kirk heaton, Lord of the Manor of Shelley, bapt. 24th July, 1603, obt. 1652. of Rev. R. Stock, rec tor of Kirk heaton, mar. Oct. 20th, 1627. _ fill Mary= John Bernard, Esq., of Hull Eliz.= John Taylor, Esq. of York Rebecca d. unm. Sibil=W Dobson, Esq., Mayor of Hull Wilm. Sykes, merchant, o, Leeds Sarah=W. Horn, of Mexbro,Esq. Eliza— 1. W Lodge, 2. W. Ald- burgh, of Aldburgb,Esq. Grace, daughter and co-heiress ol Jobiah Jen- kinson,of Leeds Esq. Eichd. Sykes= rector of Spofforth, & prebend, of York, Lord of Shelley, bapt. 16th Oet, 1628, obt 8th Feb. 1696. Anna, da of Rev. Mark Mickle- thwait,reetor of Long Marston John Sykes.r merchant, at Dovt., bapt, 9th January ]630,ob.2nd June. 1686. Anne, dau. of Barny Reymes of Delf Saml. Sykes,=Eliz. da. Mayor of Leeds, 1674, bapt. 30th Mar., 1636, ob. 28th May, 1684 and In it- of John Simpson ot Leeds, Esq. el l I L Rebecca, ob =John Kir- Prom whom 1706. Lady shaw,MA. descend the of Shelley, rector of families of by bequest Ripley, ob. Sir Tatton ofMicklrth- 1684. Sykes, bart, waite Sykes ¦ and of Sykes her nephew of Kirk-Ella Rich. Svkes, M. A ' of Sbipscar Hall, ob. s.p., 10th Oct., 1686, Lord of Shelley Mtcklethwait Svkes, ob. s.p. Will dated 18th April, 1695, Lord of Shelley. JJI.J WW \ C 2 P P I Adriana mar. Sir Griffith Boy n- ton.bart I 1. Caleb=Elizabeth,= > Ri'bd. Wood, co-heires3 Hopkin- s.p. son, of Leeds,Esq. I I l.Constance,=Richard=2. Rebecca Mary=Samuel sister and heir of Sir Griffith Boy n ton, bart , mar. 28th May, 1702, ob. 1705. William Kirshaw Boynton, Esq , heir to tbe. Boyntons,whose name he assumed. Bap. 1705. Died un married. Lord of Shelley. il o — Kirshaw U i» , rector of Ripley, ub. i /.iii, aged 72, Lord of the Manor of Shel ley. Sykes, co heir, ob. 1735, aged 64. Sykes co-h. Kirshaw,.Esq., of Leeds. Samuel Kirshaw,= D.D., \icar of Leeds and ree tor of Ripley, Lord of Shelley, died 1780. =Anne, daughter of Saml. Brook, D.D., rector of St. Alphage, London, of Beeston, near Leeds. Richard infant i .i Adriana, s p.=Samuel Kirshaw, of Pudsey, ob. s.p. Mary= William Gawthorp, rector of Ripley. ^ofoirsljip of Sullen. 93 Richard Kirshaw, B.D., fellow of Trinity College, Camb. rector of Masham, co. York, b. 1743, ob. 1792, unm. Lord of Shelley Mary, b. 1744, d. unm. co-heiress Joint Lady of Shelley, with her sisters. Frances, co-h.===Ralph Shipperdson, Esq., Hall-Garth & Murton, county Durham. Anne, b. 1751, d.=Franci3 Russell, 1803, co-heiress of Basingstoke, s.p. Esq.,d. without issue. Rebecca, b. 1757, d. at Leeds, unm. 1846, co-heiress Edwd. Shipperd Ralph, J 1 Thomas Richard,= ^.Marianne, Frances, ma. Anne d. unm. Margaret, d.= =Walter Carles Mary, died son, of Pitting- R. N. 5 D.D , vicar of da. of John William 1841. 21th, Mar., Hopper, Esq., unmarried, ton & Murton, d. un. >. Woodhouse, co. Hutchin A p 1 etre, 1846. of Belmont, & 1855. co.Durh , Esq. 180© T3 North umber lnd son, Esq., Esq., of Walwoith, co. High Sheriff of T3 Lord of Shelley of Durham Basing Durham. co. Durham, ft stoke. 1843, died unm. .a 28th Dec, 1855. « Edmund Hector= Hopper, M.A., of Hermitage, co. Durham. Assumed by Royal Sign Manual the name and arms of Shipperdson only,on inherit ing the estates of his uncle, Edward Ship perdson. Esq. ; Adeline, da. of J. Kerrich, Esq., of Harles-ton, co. Norfolk. Walter Anthony of Lin- colnsInn,d. unm., 1845. Ralph Wilm. Shipperdson,M D., ob. unm. 1856. Augustus Macdonald= Hopper, b. 11 Aug., 1816, M.A Form erly fellow of St, John's College, Cambridge. Hon orary canon of Nor wich, and rector of Starston, co. Nor folk, Lord of Shel ley. ^Charlotte, younger daughter of the Rev. John Holmes, of Gawdy Hall, co. Norfolk. j Mary Anne Frances, ma. John Smith, Esq., of Bur- ley House, Leeds. CarolineElizabeth,mar. Rev. James Bou cher. IsabellaMargaret, married her cousin, F. R. Apletre, Esq. Thos. Henry Shipperdson, b. 26th Aug. 1839. Mary Adeline Isabella Henrietta Richard Carles Hopper, b. 4th Feb., 1640, d. 31st January, 1855. Edmund Carles Hop per, b. 23rd June, 1856. Anthony Shipperdson Hopper, b. 17th June 1858. Annie Mar garet Constance There are several places within this township which may be mentioned as having been the residences of families of the class of yeomen. Heeley. This place possesses no interest beyond the fact of its having given surname to a family, who at a very remote period resided here, and members of which frequently appear as witnesses to charters connected with the district, down to the reign of Henry V. or YI. The earliest mention of the name is that of " Adam de Helay," as a witness to a charter in the reign of Henry III. A " "William de Helay" appears as witness to another undated charter, not later than Edward I. A " John de Helay" occurs, as a witness to another undated charter; and an "Adam de Helay," witness to another dated 1335. A John de Helay, in the 5 Henry V., [1416, J along with two others, released to Robert EocHey, Esq., certain lands with which he had been enfeoffed. This is the last evidence I have found of them, in connexion with this township. 94 ^ohmsjrin. of j%Ilej|. A family of the name of Wright was resident here in the reign of Henry VIII., and probably at an earlier period. They were also resident here in the reign of Elizabeth. In 1490, Eichard Wright had a dispute with John Jackson and William Morehouse, respecting the right of their respective wives and families to stand and kneel in a certain stall in the church of Burton, which was settled by the kirkgraves, (churchwardens,) who, after hearing evidence on both sides, gave their award, which proved adverse to Wright's claim. Wool-row. This is a large farm, pleasantly situated. The buildings are comparatively modern, and possess no features worthy of. remark. The name is of considerable antiquity, and like several others in the district, it gave surname to a family, who were resident here at a remote period. Robert de Wolwro appears as a witness to a charter not later than Edward I. By a charter without date, Margary, daughter of Richard de Wl-Wrohe, granted lands in Scelley to Richard Hunt. A Robert de Wlve-wro was witness to charters dated 1312 and 1316 respectively. The name is variously spelt : in one instance it is Wulf-wro, which seems clearly to point to its derivation, from that destructive animal. This is supported by a charter dated 1 Edward II., [1307,] wherein two acres of land, in the lordship of Shelley, are granted in " that field which is called Wolf- falls, in which these thieves fell."* In the reign of Charles I., this was the property of John Clayton, of Clayton Hall, Esq., who was a Justice of the Peace during the Commonwealth. He was in possession of the estate in 1667. By an inquisition in 1677, it was found to have vested in Joseph Watkinson, in consequence of the decease of his brother, Edward Watkinson, without issue. In the reign of Queen Anne, it was purchased by, and became the residence of the Stocks', a collateral branch of the Stocks' originally of Stocks, in Thurstonland, whence they derived their surname. The late Samuel Stocks, of Wakefield, Esq., devised this and other estates in this parish, to his daughter Sarah, wife of Thomas Farmer, of Arthington Hall, Esq., in whom it now vests. WOODHOUSB, Commonly called " Shelley- Woodhouse," was an ancient homestead. There is nothing in its present appearance to recommend it to notice, except that One method of taking and destroying these animals was by digging deep pits and covering them slightly, which no doubt was what is here alluded to. ®ohmsjri|r of Sfjxlleg. 95 notwithstanding its elevated situation, it has been chosen as the site of a woollen mill. At a very remote period, it gave name to its possessors. The name appears in three charters without dates, but somewhat differently described in each, viz. — Adam de Scellay Wodehus, Adam del Wodehus, and Adam de le Wodehus, and yet it is not improbable these may all refer to the same person. In the reign of Henry III., or early in that of Edward I., some of the property had passed into other hands, for, by a charter about that period, William Spinke de Scheluelay Wodhous granted to Henry de Scheluelay, his lord, and Robert, his son and heir, the whole of his lands, which had been given him by his father in the territory of Scheluelay. By a charter dated 5 Henry Y., [1416,] Robert Taillior de Byrton, William Pelle, the chaplain, and John de Heelay, granted and confirmed to Robert Rockley, Esq., John Stonelegh de Ledes, and William de Hanlay, lands within the territory of Shellay, which had been granted to them in trust, by Robert de Wodehous, but for what purpose is not stated. Grice. This place is quite undeserving of notice as regards its present appearance, but formerly like others already mentioned, it gave surname to a family of considerable importance in the West-Riding for several generations. A Richard de Gris occurs as witness to charters dated 1307 and 1312 respectively. ROTDHOUSE. This place has been the residence of a family of respectability at a very remote period, and from it they acquired their name of addition. The following charter evidences, in which they appear for the most part as principals, will best inform the reader. In a charter without date, but not later than Henry III., Thomas, son of Robert de le Rodis, granted to Peter, son of Pagam de Scheluelay, clerk, and to his heirs, &c, the whole of his lands " de le Rodis in villa de Scheluelay," with all pastures, woods, &c. This charter is in fine preservation, written in a clear and beautiful hand, and having appended to it the seal in green wax, with s. tome Robert quite perfect. By another charter without date, and not later than Henry III., Adam, the son of William le Trievur de Wake... [Wakefield?] and Alice his wife, granted certain lands in " villa de Schellay," to " Ricardo, clerico, de Rodys et Edus uxori sua? et eorum heredibus ex eis legi." &c. Here we have not only the celibacy of the 96 ^obrasfrip. of S^IUg. priesthood violated, but the marriage publicly acknowledged. Among the witnesses to this charter, was John de le Hyl, then seneschal to Earl Warren. Richard de Rodes, " clerico," appears as a witness to a charter without date. In another charter without date, about the reign of Edward I., Adam, son of Eduse del Rodes granted quit claims to Henry de Schellay, his lord, of all his right, &c, in the corn mill, in Schellay ; the said Adam reserving to himself, and his heirs, the right to have ground, at the said mill, all the corn grown upon his lands, at Rodes, at the rate of every twenty-four vessel. By a charter dated 1 Edward II., [1307,] Robert, the son of Elias de Scheluelay, granted to Adam, the son of Richard, the son of Ellen de le Rodes,, two acres of land, within the lordship of Scheluelay, " in illo campo q. d. Wlfalles que in acciderat fure." In 18 Edward II., (1324,) Nicholas de Schellay, son of Nicholas, granted by his charter, to John de Grenegate de Wakefeld, " consanguineo meo unam bovatam terrae, in villa et. campis de Schellay, una ac totam terram meam in le Roides, cum pratis et bosco eisdem adjacentibus et cum omnibus edificis, et pertinentibus suis." The witnesses were John de Schellay, Lord of Shellay; William de Byrton ; and John de Schellay, senior. Independent Chapel. The independent interest here had its rise from the preaching of the Rev. Benjamin Kay, vicar of Kirkburton, who died in 1793, and held high Calvinistic sentiments. The theological views of his immediate successor were widely different, on which account some of the congregation seceded from the church, and met together for religious worship at Burton lane-head. They chose for their minister William Thorp, a self-educated man, possessed of good natural powers, which he greatly improved by reading and study, and became an eminent preacher. He remained with them about two years, then removed to Netherfield chapel, near Penistone ; thence to Chester, and lastly to Bristol, where he died in 1832. He was succeeded by Rathall, a Baptist minister, who remained till the congregation built this chapel in 1796. Robert Harper, from Melbourne, was the first minister who preached at the new chapel. He remained four years, then removed to Northowram, near Halifax, and died at Stockport. The next was Robert Blake, from Bridlington. He remained five years, and then removed to Ossett, near Wakefield, but ultimately emigrated to America. Coimtsjjin. of SfwIJbjr. 97 John Hanson, succeeded, from Elland. He remained ten years, then removed to the neighbourhood of London. He afterwards returned to Yorkshire, to take charge of a small congregation at Loxley, near Sheffield. Mr. Hanson's successor here was Sugden, from Grassington, in Craven. He resigned within two years, and was succeeded by Stewart, who, after remaining five years, removed to the neighbourhood of Manchester. His immediate successor was Whitworth, from Manchester. He remained eight years, and then removed to Northowram. G. B. Scott, late missionary in Ireland, Manchester, &c, was minister here in 1848. The chapel is a neat building, and has a small grave-yard. Attached, also, is a house, for the resident minister. Jtrsmoiions. Eliza, wife of George Benjamin Scott, pastor of this church and congregation, died November 18th, 1 847, aged 32 years. Martha, wife of George Townend, died June 8th, 1848, aged 84 years. Also, the above George Townend, who died July 22nd, 1851, aged 89 years. Ann, daughter of Amos and Hannah Townend, of Shelley, died September 17th, 1830, aged 13 years. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (New Connexion). This chapel was built by the Wesleyans about the year 1789, and vested in trustees. About 1797, some dissatisfaction arose in the Wesleyan body respecting the management of the affairs of their churches, in which Mr. Alexander Kilham, one of their popular preachers, took a leading part, and which, ultimately, led to a secession of a few of their preachers and a small section of the body. The trustees of this chapel, with the majority of the congregation, joined the Kilhamite party, and in consequence of the chapel not being under the control of "Conference," they succeeded in retaining possession. This is one of the few chapels which passed into the hands of the seceding party, and has since maintained an independent position. A spacious school-room was erected in 1835. School. " On an inclosure of the commonable land in this township, about twenty- three years ago, [viz., in 1803,] an allotment of six acres, or thereabouts, was set apart, 98 Cohmsjrip. of j%Ilejr. with the consent of the lord of the manor, and other proprietors of land in Shelley, and awarded to the Yicar of Kirkburton, and the churchwarden and overseers of Shelley, in trust, for the use of a schoolmaster, to teach the children of Shelley ; and a house for the schoolmaster, with school-room adjoining, were shortly afterwards erected, by means of a subscription. The master of the school, who is appointed by the trustees, occupies the school premises, and receives the rent of the allotment, which is £12 a year — the full annual value ; and in consideration thereof, he instructs four poor children in English reading, writing, and accounts, free of charge ; and other children in the like branches of learning, on moderate terms, fixed by the trustees."* The enclosure of the Common Lands of this township took place in 1803, comprising 70 acres The ancient enclosure 1350 „ Total 1420 „ * Charity Commissioners' Report. Cofoirsljin. of j^qjleg. The etymology is evident — Sheep-ley. It is included in the Soke of Wakefield in the Domesday survey, which states, in " Seppeleie two carucates " returned as waste. This manor appears to have been granted off by Earl Warren at a very remote period, to one of his attendants, who took his name of addition from the place. In some " Notes and Remembrances of the Manor of Sheepleye, which I have seen, it is stated that "one Matthew de Sheepleye was Lord of Sheepleye," and steward to the Earl Warren, of the Lordship of Wakefield; and that he had lands granted to him from Thomas de Burge, which said Thomas had of the graunte of Dni Rogeri de Montbegon, to be holden by the 20th part of a knight's fee, &c, and it is called Hay am de Kesceburgh," &c. I have seen no other evidence in proof of Matthew de Shepley being steward to Earl Warren, at the same time it is by no means improbable ; as we find from charter evidence that a "Matthew de Shepleie" was present with his lord, and both n2 100 Cohmsjjip. of j%plejj. were witnesses to a deed from Alice, Countess of Eu, formerly wife of Ralph de Isondon, Earl of Eu, who confirmed the site of Roche Abbey, &c, to the monks. The deed was executed at Tickhill, and the witnesses were William Earl Warren her uncle, Philip Ulecote, Wilham de Cressi, Mauvesyn de Hercy, Baldwin his brother, and Matthew de Shepleie, all knights. This deed is remarkable for having a date so early as 1219.* Here then we have proof of the personal attendance of Matthew de Shepleie upon his lord, and that he was knighted : an honour which would not have been conferred had he not performed some signal services. From a charter from Henry, the son of Roger de Serwind de Cumbrewode to William de Bretton, his lord, in which Matthew de Shepley appears as a witness, who was probably the same person, we have the record of another interesting transaction in connection with this Matthew de Shepleie, and, as it would seem, anterior to his being knighted; consequently, previous to 1219. It is a confirmation of certain lands previously granted by " Matheus de Schepelay " to the monks of Roche Abbey, then confirmed by William, Earl Warren, to the monks : to this charter we have two witnesses who were also witnesses to the charter of the Countess of Eu; namely, — Malvesyne de Hersy and Baldwin de Hersy, but as neither of them is styled knight, we may justly infer this transaction was of a still earlier date. Omnibus Christi fidelibus, ad quos presens carta pervenerit, Willelmus Comes Warren, salutem in Domino. Sciatis me concessisse et hac presenti carta mea. confirmasse Deo, et beate Marie et Monachis de Rupe, pro salute anime meo et antecessorum meorum totam terram de Cumbrewode cum messuagiis, et omnibus pertinenciis quam Matheus de Schepelay, eis debit et cartis suis confirmavit tenendum in perpetuam, elemosinam secundum tenore carte Mathei. Hiis testibus Willielmo filio Willielmi, Malveisimo de Hersy, Rico, de Memers, Baldewino de Hersy, Roberto de Brettvile, Radulfo de Eccleshale, Johe de Wakling, clerico, Johe Wkefeld, clerico, Regnaldo Coc.f Sir Matthew de Shepley had a son Matthew, who seems to have lived through the long reign of Henry III. He appears as witness to a number of charters, all without date, except one in 1257. He was succeeded by "John de Scheplay," whose name frequently occurs in charters of the reign of Edward I., but without dates. * Mr. Hunter'B South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 251. f " Rudulf ie- Eccleshall," Lord of Ecclesall in Hallamshire, gave lands to the Abbey of Beaucheif. He was also a witness to a grant of Gerard de Furnival to the monks of Kirkstead before the 3 Henry III. [1219]. See Mr. Hunter's Hallamshire, p. 196. ®obms(ri:p of Sfwoieg. 101 It appears that a " Thomas de Scheplay was lord in 1316, and that he had to wife one Margaret, by whom he had issue John de Scheplay ; which Margaret survived and had her dower assigned." "In the 12th yeare of the reigne of Edward III., this John de Scheplay in the court of the Earl Warren, holden at Wakefield, did acknowledge that he held a carucate of land of Thomas de Burgh by homage fealtye and escuage, &c. This John was twice marryed ; by his first wife, Johanna, he had issue William de Scheplay. By his second wife, Margaret, he had issue Robert de Scheplay." " William, the elder son and heir, was in ward to John de Burge, son and heir of Thomas de Burge, in the 36 Edward III, [1361,] who sold his wardship to Jennet, wief of William Storres " [Storthes]. " William de Shepley married and had issue two daughters, to wit — Isabell and Dionysia, co-heiresses. Isabell married Robert de Goldthorp, but more frequently called Robertson or Robinson, of Goldthorp, near Barnsley, by whom she had issue. Dionysia married Thomas Stone, by whom she also had issue : and the manor and estates were divided." " But Robert de Scheplay, brother of William, had likewise issue two daughters, namely — Alice, wife of Alcoke, and Agnes, wife of Cobbocke ; the elder daughter had issue a son, named John Alcoke : and the second daughter had issue a son, named Wilham Cobbocke." "Isabell, the elder daughter of William Scheplay, had issue a son, named Thomas Goldthorpe ; and the younger daughter, Dionysia, had issue a son, named William Stone. These were the next heirs, of William Sheplay, who, in the 8 Henry YI. [1429], sewed John Alcoke for a chiste and evidences, which William Sheplay, their grandfather, in anno 12 Henry IY. [1410,] delyvered to Alice, the mother of John Alcoke, to keepe, and for a deed whereby John Sheplay had given the manor of Sheplay to Gilberte de Leighe in fee, and for another deed whereby the said Gilberte had gyven the said manor to John Sheplay, and Jennet, his wiff, and to the heires of their bodye lawfullye issuying," &c. "John Alcocke denyed the withholding of the chiste of evidences. But in the yeare after, John Alcocke and William Cobbocke, cousens and next heires of the two daughters of Roberte Shepleye, brought a formedom in descender against Thomas Goldthorpe and William Stone, the coosens and next heires of the two daughters of William Shepleye, for the manor of Shepleye, supposing the same to be entailed to the heires of the bodye of the second wief, &c. This was tryed and found against them. So that the manor hath since contynued in the right 102 Cohmsfrip of j%p%. line of the Shepleys by force of the deed of entaile, made by Gilberte de Leighe, &c, to John Shepley and his first wieffe in especial taile." " Thomas Goldthorpe, the son of Isabel, took to wife, in the 8 Henry V. [1419,] Alice, daughter of Laurence Kaye, the second of that surname at Woodsome. Of this marriage it was stipulated that Laurence Kaye should name the day and place, when and where the marriage should be solemnized : that William Shepley should enfeoff Thomas and Alice in lands to the annual value of 26s. 8d. ; and that Robert Robertson, als. Goldthorp, should settle lands on them also. Laurence Kaye agrees to pay them 40 marks. There is also in the same deed a provision for the marriage of William Stone, another grandson of William Shepley, with another daughter of Laurence Kaye. The marriage of Alice took place, and she was living in 1463, when Thomas Goldthorpe, described as of Shepley, made his will; in which he mentions many children, and directs that Henry, his son, shall have a messuage in Goldthorpe, called the Dovecote Land, and a messuage in Bolton. He is to be buried in the cemetry of the parish church of Bolton, with his principale, according to custom. He gives to the high alter 20d., to the fabrick, 2s., to the service of the Blessed Mary, a cow of the value of 10s.; to the support of the tapers burning before the crucifix, 6d. ; to the repair of the bridge of Horbury, 12d. ; to the torches burning about my body on the day of my sepulture, 2s. He had before this time settled on his eldest son, John Goldthorpe, all his lands which came to him by right of inheritance after the death of Robert, his father, in the townships of Goldthorpe, Bolton, and Billingley, and those at Shepley which had descended to him after the death of William Shepley, his grandfather, on his marriage with Elizabeth,* daughter of Thomas Savile, of Hullenedge, in 1456. Savile being to pay to Thomas Goldthorpe 26 marks on the day of the spousal, and in the year after, 20 marks more. The last William Goldthorpe having no male issue, made an entail of •his lands, which are described as twelve messuages, thirty acres of meadow, one hundred of pasture, ten of wood, and 20s. rent, in Goldthorpe, Bolton, Billingley, Barnborough, and Shepley, to the use of himself and his heirs male of his body ; remainder to John and James, his brothers, and their heirs male respectively ; remainder to his uncle, William Goldthorpe, and the heirs male of his body ; remainder to his right heirs. "-j- By virtue of this entail they descended to his nephew, Thomas Goldthorpe, of whom we shall next have to speak. The Goldthorpes had their principal residence at Goldthorpe,, till having married the heiress of the manor of Shepley, where they afterwards resided. In the 32 Henry YIIL, [1540, 7th May,] Thomas Goldthorpe, by his deed of this date, sold to Richard Stansfield, of London, an annuity of £20 per ann. for forty-five years, out of the manors of Goldthorpe, Billingley, Bolton, Barnborough, and Shepley, to be paid half-pearly on Lady-day and Lammas, in St. Paul's church, London ; and for six weeks' non-payment, to forfeit 40s. as a fine ; and for non-payment for a whole quarter of a year, ' Richard Stansfield to enter to the whole of the rest of the 45 years that was to come. But before this, Thomas Goldthorpe had sold Richard Stansfield an annuity of £8 6s. 8d., for 47 years ; but this was done away by this latter contract of £20 per annum. It * Thoresby calls her "Alice." See Ducatus Leod, p. 114. f Mr. Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. ii., p. 387. ^ofamsjrip of Sfjenjkjr. 103 was also agreed that if Thomas Goldthorpe should sell or mortgage any of his estate, that Richard Stansfield should have the preference of buying, &c. And if Thomas kept and performed his covenants above-mentioned, a recognisance for £500 as security "shall be void and of none effect; otherwise it shall be of full force." In the 34 Henry YIIL, [1542, September 16th,] the said Thomas Goldthorpe sold to the said Richard Stansfield, for £290, his "moiety of the manor of Shepley, the hall, a messuage, miln, cottage, and all lands, together with all manorial rights, profits of courts, leets, &c, with all deeds, &c. This terminated the connexion of the line of Goldthorpe with the manor. In the 13 Elizabeth, [1571,] on the 25th August, Richard Cooke, Esq., of Fulwell, in Essex, sold to John Savile, of Stanley, near Wakefield, Esq., for £520, all the said moiety of the manor of Shepley, the hall, lands and appurtenances, miln courts, franchises, royalties, &c, being of the annual value of £18 9s. lid. How the manor, &c, came to vest in Richard Cooke, does not appear; it is not improbable that it passed from Richard Stansfield to him, through marriage ; or Cooke might be his grandson or nephew. John Savile, of Netherton, gentleman, son of the above John Savile, sold the same to Robert Hepworth, of Shepley hall, his tenant, at two sales, amounting together to the sum of £580 : these transactions bear date July 1st, 36 Elizabeth, [1594,] and the 30th August, 37 Elizabeth, [1595,] respectively. Robert Hepworth died in 1598, leaving Robert his son and heir, who married Frances, daughter of the Rev. John Stowell, vicar of Penistone. He held the office of high constable of Agbrigg, and was appointed collector of the tithes, chantry and other ./rents belonging to his Majesty, James I., in the West-Riding of Yorkshire. He built, or rather rebuilt, Shepley hall, a small mansion in the style then prevailing, the front part of which still remains nearly entire, as shown in the foregoing sketch. Over the door, cut in the stone, are initial letters of his name, and the year, " 1608." He died about the year 1616, leaving a son, William, who married Lord, of "Rachdale." He also appears to have held the office of collector of the king's tithes and chantry rents ; in addition to which, he held the office of coroner of the district. I have seen a folio MS. belonging to, and written by this person and his father, in which they record many particulars concerning their Various duties ; also many private memoranda, and a few incidental notices of occurrences in the district. He had also been employed by Sir Francis 104 Cobrrrsjrip of Sjixoleg. Wortley, of Wortley, Baronet, to receive the modus in lieu of the rectorial tithe of this parish, which was at that time held by him on lease from the crown. He appears to have been on intimate terms with Sir Francis, concerning whom, and his family, he has recorded several particulars. I have had frequent occasion to allude to this MS., from which many extracts have been made in the course of this work, either in recording facts, or illustrating the manners and usages of the times. Wilham Hepworth seems to have practised as an attorney ; his name often occurs in the transaction of public and private business of the district at that time. Notwithstanding his office of coroner of the wapentake, and likewise that of collector of his Majesty's rents, for which alone he had £20 per ann., and "rather over £15 per ann. of rents out of Lancashire, belonging to his wife," his worldly circumstances were not prosperous; for in the 5 Charles I. [1629,] the 12th June, he sold to John Firth, of Cumberworth, all his moiety of the manor of Shepley, the hall, &c, lands, woods, free rents, perquisites of courts, &c, reserving to himself and his wife certain annuities during their lives. Hepworth had previously mortgaged a part of the estate for £100 to Gamaliel Whitaker, vicar of Kirkburton, and Hester, his wife ; the interest of which was stipulated to be paid "in the south porch of Kirkburton Church." John Firth, of Shepley hall, died in 1682, aged 86 years, and his wife, Ann, died in 1694, aged 91. He devised the estate to Thomas Firth, his son and heir, who had issue John and Thomas ; to whom, at his death in 1702, he devised the same. Thomas died a minor, when John became sole proprietor. The said John, by his will, devised the same to Thomas Firth, his only son, who married Martha, daughter of John Tyas, of Scholes, and widow of Joseph Green, of Oxlee, by whom she had Joseph Green and three other children. In 1773, Thomas Firth, then of Shepley hall, conveyed his manor and estate in Shepley, to Joseph Green, of Oxlee, in Hepworth, his stepson, in exchange for messuages and lands at Oxlee ; but in 1775, the said Joseph Green sold the- same to Thomas Hardy, of Birks-gate, in Thurstonland, who died in 1836, and devised the same to his nephew and next heir, the late Thomas Hardy, of Birks-gate, Esquire, who was an active magistrate of this county, at whose death it descended to his eldest surviving son, Edward Hardy, Esq., now of Shepley hall. Cofamsjrip of j%pleg. 105 Jlft. REMAINS OP THE OLD MANOR HOUSE BELONGING TO THE STONES. The other moiety of the manor and estate of William Shepley, vested in Dionysia, his younger daughter, who married Thomas Stone, and was co-heiress with her sister, who, as we have already shown, married Robert Goldthorpe. Thomas Stone and Dionysia had issue William Stone, who was witness to a deed in the 16 Henry YI., [1437]. In the marriage agreement entered into between Robert Goldthorpe, another grandson of William Shepley, in the 8 Henry Y., [1419,] with Alice, daughter of Laurence Kaye, of Woodsome, a provision was also made for the marriage of William Stone, the other grandson of Wilham Shepley, with another daughter of Laurence Kaye ; but whether this marriage took place does not appear. From 1437 to 1574 I have met with no positive evidence illustrative of the pedigree of the Stones, of Shepley manor. In the 17 Elizabeth I find a deed of enfeoffment made by John Stone, of Shepley, yeoman, wherein he grants to William Brammall, John West, and Nicholas EUyson, all his half of the manor of Shepley, together with all houses and lands, arable, pasture, and wood, in Shepley, to the use and behoof of him, the said John Stone and Dionysia, his now wife, for their fives, and to the heirs of their bodies lawfully issuing ; and in default of such issue, to Francis Brammall, son of the said William Brammall, and to his legal issue ; and in default to the right heirs of the said John Stone. John and Dionysia Stone had, however, issue an only child — Anne Stone ; who married in 1601, Thomas Morehouse, then of Shepley, by whom she had issue o 106 Cohmsljio, of Sfttjrlejr. William Morehouse, baptised 21st November, 1602. She died the following spring, and was interred at Kirkburton, 26th April, 1603 ; so that her son, then an infant, became at the death of his grandfather, which was during his minority, sole possessor of this moiety of the manor and estate, and likewise sole representative of the family of Stone : which, by the death of John Stone, the grandfather, became extinct in the male line at Shepley. The said William Morehouse married Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Oglethorpe, of Pontefract Castle, Gentleman. The marriage settlement bears date 12th April, 1626 ; wherein he conveyed to trustees the whole of the capital messuage and manor of Shepley, called " Stone place, or Stones's manor," together with certain lands therein mentioned, after his death, for the use of Elizabeth Oglethorpe, during the term of her natural life. The deed mentions his father, and likewise Dionysia Stone, his grandmother, as both living. We find that in 1649 he sold a part of his estate, and that in 1654 he was under the necessity of alienating the remainder, — the hall and manor, &c. — to John Hollingworth, of Tintwistle, in the county of Chester. What were the circumstances which impelled to such a necessity, we have not seen stated ; but the marriage settlement, which is in the author's possession, seem to supply an important link in elucidating the cause which probably led to these disastrous consequences. The trustees appointed in this settlement were the Rev. Gamaliel Whitaker, vicar of Kirkburton, and John Johnson, of Wriggleford, yeoman. It has already been shown that Mr. Whitaker was an active royalist, and lost his life in the cause ; it is also more than probable that Mr. Johnson, who had married Mrs. Whitaker's sister, took the same side. It is moreover abundantly evident that Mr. Francis Oglethorpe, who is stated as then "of Pontefract Castle," and held a commission in the army, was also in the royal cause : for Thoresby mentions " the very ancient family of Oglethorpe, of Oglethorpe, which place had continued in the family till the civil wars, when it was lost from their loyalty, and it is said several of the name died at once, in the bed of honour: being slain in a battle near Oxford, of the King's party." It seems, therefore, highly probable that William Morehouse had espoused the royal cause, and become involved in its troubles.* He was buried at Kirkburton, * Such was the unsettled state of the times, that it is impossible to pourtray the losses and deprivations which were entailed upon each party; both had eagerly engaged their fortunes and their lives in the service, with noble bravery and determination ; but at the close of the war, alas ! too many found their estates involved, their constitutions broken, and their expectations disappointed. Upon the royalists this may be supposed to have fallen with a heavy hand, but upon many of those who had fought valiantly in the field for the cause of liberty, and after a long and arduous struggle had gained so complete a victory, it must have been a deep- source of mortification to find they had only been putting down ^ofoitshijj of Sjpoiug. 107 3rd July, 1672; his wife Elizabeth had also been interred there, 16th July, 1663. John Hollingworth devised the estate to John Wagstaff and others, who sold off portions to several parties ; but they made their last sale, including the manor, to William Radcliffe, Gentleman, bearing date 15th May, 1708 : from whom it descended to his son, William Radcliffe, of Milns-Bridge, Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel of the West-Riding Militia, and a Justice of the Peace. He died without issue in 1795, aged 85 years. By his will he made his nephew, Joseph Pickford, sole heir to his estates, who thereupon took the name of Radcliffe, and likewise fixed his residence at Milns-Bridge, where he became an active and efficient magistrate of the district. For the courage and energy which he displayed in putting down Luddism, he received the honour of a baronetcy in 1813, at the recommendation of Earl Fitzwilliam, at that time Lord-Lieutenant of the West- Riding. This moiety of the manor has since descended with the title. one despot to create another ; that, however high their admiration of Cromwell as a general, or brilliant his exploits in the field, yet his intrigues and dissimulation but too plainly indicated his desire of power and aggrandisement ; so that whatever stood in the way of his accomplishing these ends, was disposed of in the most unscrupulous manner. Sir Thomas Fairfax, an honest and brave man, was not disposed to adopt the extreme views of his rival, and therefore soon became distasteful to him, and ere long was treated by him with marked disrespect ; and many of those who had fought with him shared the like neglect. We have been led to premise these remarks on introducing here a very brief notice of a parliamentary officer, who resided in the adjoining parish of Penistone, and which to some extent illustrates the subject under consideration. Adam Eyre, of Hazlehead, in Thurlstone, was a gentleman of good education, and resided on his own estate ; he held a captain's commission, and served under Sir Thomas Fairfax ; and at the close of the war his claim against the state was £688 8s. He had been under the necessity, from the non-payment of his arrears, of mortgaging his estate to meet his personal expences while in active service. His brother, Joseph Eyre, who died unmarried before 1647, had also served in the army, and seen considerable service, and his claim against the state was £1,168 13s., which was not paid in 1649. Judging from the fact that the mortgage upon Adam Eyre's estate remained unpaid at the time of his death, which took place in 1661, soop after the restoration, it may be regarded as certain that neither of these claims had been discharged. A similar claim of Captain William Rich, of Bullhouse, against the state, amounting to £700, was not paid in 1656; and doubtless never was paid. Captain Adam Eyre kept what he styles a "Diurnal of my life," a diary from the 1st January, 1647, to the 27th January, 1649, with some slight intermissions. This MS. is in the author's possession, and is in several respects a curious document ; but as it was commenced after the war had drawn to a close, it does not supply us with any material records concerning its progress. It, however, gives us an insight into the manners, habits, and social condition of the better class of yeomanry, to which he belonged. The candour with which he unbosoms his cares, his joys, and his sorrows, renders it often not devoid of interest, notwithstanding the great monotony of a rural life. It was the intention of the author to have introduced a considerable part of this diary into the present work, but it is found that so doing would involve considerable delay in its publication, from the necessity there is to supply local" information for the elucidation of many parts of it ; and as Mr. Eyre did not reside within the limits of the present topographical survey, it does not seem necessary that it should form a part of it. o2 108 Cotoitsljijj of S|«pleg. sS^^1 Church. A new church was erected here in 1848, at a cost of £1,500, through the influence of several influential inhabitants ; but principally through the persevering efforts of the Rev. Richard Collins, the vicar, whose laudable efforts in providing spiritual instruction and accommodation for this widely-extended parish, is deserving of grateful acknowledgment. It is a neat structure, with a small turret at the west end, which contains two bells. It is surrounded by a spacious burial ground ; in immediate proximity with which have also been erected a neat parsonage and schoolroom. The Rev. John Collins, M.A., is incumbent. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel (New Connexion). In 1837 this branch of the Wesleyan body erected a neat chapel in the village, at a cost of £650. Wesleyan Methodist Chapel. In 1857 a small chapel was built at a cost of £120. National School. A National school was built in 1854. British School. In 1834 the principal inhabitants and land-owners in the township erected a spacious schoolroom, by subscription, which is conducted on the principles of the British and Foreign School Society's plan. ^ofamsjjip- of Sjppjbjr. 109 There was formerly an old schoolhouse in this village, which was founded in 1 William III. [1689,] by the Rev. Richard Thorpe, a Presbyterian divine, (who had been ejected in 1662), and was then residing at Hopton, being the owner of a considerable property in this district. He conveyed the said schoolhouse to four of the principal inhabitants of Shepley, in trust, who were to pay to the said Richard Thorpe, his heirs and assigns, " the yearly rent of a red rose, if demanded," — "to the intent and purpose nevertheless, and upon this express trust, that the said schoolhouse shall so continue to be constantly employed for a schoolhouse for ever." Notwithstanding the benevolent founder's intention, the schoolhouse, many years ago, was allowed to fall into decay, and at the present time not a vestige of the building remains to mark the site. The principal trade of the village about 80 years ago, consisted in the manufacture of sale yarn. It was spun for warps, and taken on pack-horses to Dewsbury market, and sold. The market people were usually assembled early in the morning by the sound of a horn, when they proceeded on their way together. This branch of business led to some of the inhabitants becoming hawkers of stocking yarn, and as their means increased, they extended their dealing to cloth and general drapery. The success of their enterprise stimulated others to follow the example. This village, about 25 years since, possessed a very humble appearance. The change has been remarkable. Its increase of population has been rapid, and its progress in manufactures has also been great. Shepley was formerly noted for its bull and bear baitings ; and its young men obtained some celebrity as players at knor and spell. These sports no longer meet with popular favour. The enclosure of the Common Lands of this township took place in 1826, comprising 220 acres The ancient enclosure 1030 „ Total 1250 „ (fomforfoorij} |Mf, in lUxkburton. The district known as Cumberworth, in the Norman survey, comprises two townships, now called Cumberworth, and Cumberworth Half : the former within the wapentake of Staincross, and honour of Pontefract, and in the parishes of Silkstone and High Hoyland. The latter in the wapentake of Agbrigg, and in the Manor of Wakefield, is described in the Domesday survey as "one carucate." Cumberworth Half is in two divisions : high and low. The former in the parish of Kirkburton ; the latter in the parish of Emley. That portion within the parish of Kirkburton seems to have been granted off at a very early period, to the " de Shepleys."* A Matthew de Shepley, in the latter years of King John, or early in the reign of Henry ILL, granted these lands for the good of his own soul, and that of his ancestors and successors, to the Monks of Roche Abbey, who held the same till the dissolution of the monasteries, when they were granted off by King Henry YIII. In the 16 Ehzabeth, [1574,] a parcel of these lands called "Birkhouse," was in the possession of Robert Denton, of Tadcaster, yeoman, who in that year sold the same to Thomas Bylborough, of Wetherby (in the county of York), yeoman, together with " all deeds, charters, evidences, letters patents, escripts, and writings," — "as do concerne the said premisses." Cumberworth and Cumberworth Half possessed, jointly, rights of common. It is, therefore, extremely difficult to define the boundary line of the wapentakes, or of the parishes to which these lands respectively belonged. In regard to the rectorial tithe of this part of the parish of Kirkburton, we were led to infer t that as no modus or annual payment was made when the rest of the parish purchased the modus of the trustees of Sheffield Hospital, these lands had been exonerated. This is a mistake ; when the common lands were enclosed in 1800, an allotment was set out in lieu of the modus, to Sheffield Hospital. The amount of the ancient enclosed and Common Lands within this division is 476 acres. * See page 100. t See Rectory, page 57. ^frarsronktto. This township is included in Domesday survey under the name of Cartworth, along with Wooldale, Fulstone, and Hepworth, being five townships, containing six carucates ; but in the recapitulatio of that record, they are severally named, of which Cheteuurde [Cartworth] stands at the head ; they were then returned as "waste." After the Manor of Wakefield had passed into the possession of the Earls Warren, doubtless many important changes were effected : and it would seem that this township did not long remain a part of the Free Chace of Cartworth, or as it afterwards became designated, Holmfirth, although the townships of Holme, Austonley, and TJpperthong, had been previously added to it. This township differs in one respect from those which have already engaged our enquiries. We have seen that the chief lord of the fee had granted off whole vills, or townships, to some of his attendants and retainers, who held the same by military service, &c. In this township the chief lord seems to have granted smaller plots of land in different parts of it, probably to a number of his humbler dependants ; perhaps to those who had the care of his Free Chase of Holmfirth, close upon which they might reside, and over which they might be enabled, from its high and commanding situation, to exercise a degree of supervision. These grants were made at a very early period, and for many generations several of the families continued to occupy their small possessions, as will be hereafter shown. In the reign of Edward I., John, the seventh Earl Warren, was found to be Lord of Thurstonland. Mr. Hunter informs us that the last Earl Warren, in his latter years, appears " to have sought to be on better terms with the church than he had been in the busier and more active period of his life, and made, as it would appear, a grant of the Rectory of Hatfield to the neighbouring Abbey of Roche, in loco penitentim, the profits of which were sufficient to enable them to add thirteen monks to their foundation." This grant was made about 19 Edward III., [1345,] the King having granted his licence to John, Earl Warren, to give the Advowson of Hatfield, then valued 112 ^ohrasfjip of Cjjrarstonlatto at seven marks, to the Monks of Roche Abbey. It is therefore pretty certain that the earl must have included other property ; and it does not seem improbable that the Manor of Thurstonland, with certain lands, formed a part of it, as we find the manor was in the possession of this earl in the reign of Edward II., but in that of Edward IY.* it was in the possession of the Monks of Roche Abbey ; after which we find they had their steward and resident bailiff, as shown by the books of the abbey, " Thomas Green, Steward of Thurstonland- cum-membris, 20s. per ann." — "Henry Gillott, bailiff there, also 20s. per ann." With the monks it remained until the dissolution of the monasteries, when, in the 32 Henry YIIL, this manor and the lands, &c, were granted by the said King, by his letters patent, bearing date the 1st March, 1540, " to John Storthes, of Shittylyngton, gentleman, (and of Storthes Hall), all his Manor of Thurstonland, with all his rights, membres, and appurtenances, &c, late to the Monastrye of Roche, and now dyssolved, belonging," &c, " and all other messuages, houses, byldyngs, mylnes, granges, londs, tents, meadowes, pastures, comens, waters, fysshyngs, lyng, and heth," &c, to hold of the said sovereign lord the King, his heirs and successors in cheff, by the suyte of the XX part of a knyght's fee, and yelding, therefore, yerly, 20s. to the King's Cort of Augmentacon of the revenues of his Crowne," &c. The manor remained with the ancient family of Storthes, of Storthes Hall, till the close of the reign of Elizabeth, when they alienated the whole of their estates in the parish to Mr. Richard Horsfall, who shortly after took up his residence there. It is therefore unnecessary here to enter into particulars respecting its descent, as this will be shown in connexion with that place. This township is principally engaged in agriculture ; although a number of mills and factories adjoin upon it, which are employed in woollen and fancy manufactures. A large proportion of the cottagers are, however, employed in weaving woollen cloth, yet the occupiers of land are almost entirely devoted to agriculture. At Mytham Bridge, in this township, is an ancient corn mill, at which the inhabitants, in "olden time," were required to grind their corn. In connexion with it, also, was a fulling mill, where the lord of the manor appears to have required clothiers within the manor, "freeholders and tenants," to full or mill their cloth : this unusual custom existed in 1540, in which year John Walker, of Thurstonland, clothier, had conveyed to him from the lord of the manor, certain * From the death of the last Earl Warren to this period, we find none of the Lords of Wakefield bestowing patronage upon the Monks of Roche Abbey. ^obmsfriji of ^^stanlwab. 113 lands, late belonging to the Monks of Roche Abbey. In that conveyance it is stipulated in addition to the said customs, "that the said John Walker, or his heirs in tyme to come, shall never erect or buyld, nor set up," within the said lordship, " any manner of myll or mylnes." Without effecting any perpetual legal impediment to John Walker, or the rest of the freeholders in the township, it is remarkable that this stipulation has been so far observed that there has never since been any other mill erected within this lordship, although the ancient customs respecting the grinding of corn and fulling of cloth, have long since become extinguished. The Grange. The name of this place is sufficiently indicative of its ancient use being connected with Roche Abbey, to which it remained appendant until the dissolution of the monasteries, when the Manor of Thurstonland, with all the lands belonging to this abbey, reverted to the Crown, and were shortly after granted out by the King, as stated under the manor. This grange possessed a right of stray and pasturage for twenty sheep upon the commons and waste lands in the lordship of Shelley, a privilege which, no doubt, had been granted to the Monks of Roche Abbey, by one of the early lords of Shelley. This estate has descended along with the manor, and now vests in C. H. Bill, Esq. 114 Cofarasjjifl. of C^rarstmrlanir. W Hi Mk m Mm .JHBL a»» &&£sa II. . .... ,,|: I kdSmM ItlM ®mm Storthes Hall. This is the largest mansion within the parish of Kirkburton. It is situated on a fine richly-wooded knoll, at the north-eastern extremity of the township of Thurstonland, and on the banks of a small stream, which divides the townships of Burton and Shelley from that of Thurstonland. It is a modern-built mansion plain, but uniform in its exterior, having been erected about 70 years ago, by the aunts of the present proprietor, — Charles Horsfall Bill, Esq. When viewed from the opposite banks, the house has a very pleasing appearance, surrounded with fine timber, which has been allowed to attain a considerable size. There is also an extensive sweep of woodland, which stretches in an unbroken line to the west, and along the south front into the winding dell below. To the west of the mansion are several fine spreading beeches, which have attained an unusual size. A little beyond these are a number of fine oaks, which, it is much to be regretted, owing to the want of timely thinning, have lost many of their lower branches, and are evidently on the decline. It must be admitted, too, that a judicious thinning of the timber in the foreground within the vale, by affording more variety of light and shade, would add greatly to the effect of the scenery. This is the only instance within the limits of my topographical survey, where timber has been allowed to become redundant. Alas ! it has been but too often the subject of regret and complaint, that timber, which was not only highly ornamental to the estate upon which it stood, but also to the surrounding Cofamsjrijj of Cfrarstonlatto. 115 neighbourhood, has fallen beneath the axe, to gratify a penurious craving, or to supply the calls of profligate extravagance. For more than twenty years this place has ceased to be the residence of its owner, for whom it is to be regretted that so singularly pleasing and picturesque a situation should no longer possess a charm. It was for many generations the residence of a family of very great antiquity, who either derived their surname from the place, or gave their own name to the estate ; and although none of these ever appear to have taken a higher rank than that of " Gentleman," yet they at all time maintained their position in a remarkable degree, forming alliances with some of the best families in the country, until they finally quitted the place. The Storthes' of Storthes, afterwards called Storthes Hall, appear frequently either as principals or witnesses in ancient charters connected with the district. I am, however, unable to reduce them to a clear and connected pedigree. The earliest mention of them is a Matthew de Storthes, who appears as witness to a charter along with Matthew de Scheplay, in the reign of Henry III. The next is Robert de Storthes, who was witness to a deed in Edward I.'s reign. He seems to have been succeeded by Wilham del Storthes, whose name appears in charters dated 1335 and 1339, respectively. But in 36 Edward III., [1361,] we find that " Jennet, wief of William Storres," bought the wardship of William de Shepley. It is most probable she was of this place, and then widow of the aforesaid William, after whom was Robert del Storthes, who was witness to charters dated 1384 and 1387. A Robert del Storthes also appears as a witness to a deed 5 Henry Y., [1416]. In the 24 Henry YI., [1445,] Richard Storthes occurs as a witness to a deed. In a deed of trust, dated 1448, we find Johanna, the widow of Robert Storrez, holding an annuity of seven marks out of the manor and lands of Shelley, belonging to Thomas Doddworth, and Ehzabeth, his wife, which was to remain to the said Johanna, and to her heirs lawfully issuing. A charter dated 1479, purports to set forth the consanguinity and descent of John Storthes from John de Schellay, the last lord of that surname, viz., that the said John Storthes was the son of Thomas Storthes, who was the brother of Henry, the brother of Robert or Richard, who were the sons of Johanna, the daughter of Katharine, who was the daughter of John de Schellay, aforesaid. The consanguinity of John Storthes with John de Schellay, as stated in this deed, it seems probable stood as follows : — p2 116 Cofamsfrip of ^xxxBtatxhtxls. Katherine, daughter, and probably sole heir =z. Doddworth, of Dodworth, near Barnsley. of John de Schellay. I 1 I Thomas Doddworth, living in 1448.=Elizabeth. Johanna, living in 1448.TRobert Storthes, dead in 1448. Henry StortheB/dead in 1479. Robert or Richard, dead in 1479. Thomas Storthes.y Ellen, daughter of Thos. Savile, of Hullenedge, in 1456. John Storthes, living in 1479. For a period of sixty-two years we have found no further mention of the Storthes, till in 1541, in the 32 Henry YIIL, the King, by his letters patents, granted to John Storthes, of Shitfington, but likewise of Storthes Hall, Gentleman, — who was probably grandson of the last-named John, — the Manor of Thurstonland, together with certain lands, &c, late belonging "to the Monastrye of Roche" [Roche Abbey], "now dyssolved." Here we have the first indication of the family removing from their ancient inheritance. But in the 6 Edward YI., [1551,] Gervas Storthes, of Storthes Hall, Gentleman, v released by indenture, dated 26th October, to John Kaye, of Dalton, Gentleman, for the sum of sixty-four pounds, an annual rent-charge of four pounds, six shillings, and eightpence, due to him, his heirs or assigns, issuing out of the Manor of Shelley, &c, which he thereby conveyed and assured to the said John Kaye, his heirs, &c, for ever. This annual payment out of the Manor of Shelley, then due to Gervas Storthes, has an evident reference to the seven marks (£4 13s. 4d.), settled on one of his progenitors, as already stated.* The discrepancy in these sums might arise from the owner of the Manor of Shelley deducting what might £hen be regarded as the proportionate share of the modus due, in lieu of tithe corn and hay. In 1573, Gervas Storthes was interred at Kirkburton, where his wife, Elizabeth, had been interred the preceding year. They appear to have had a numerous issue, most of whom died young. He was succeeded by Thomas Storthes, of Storthes Hall, Gentleman, who, by his indenture dated 17 Elizabeth, [1574,] conveyed to Arthur Bynnes, of Over Brockholes, one acre of wood, called " Seynt Marye Wod :" this had evidently been a part of Roche Abbey lands. In 1603, Mr. Storthes was still resident at Storthes Hall ; not long after this time the property seems to have been sold, along with the more recently acquired Manor of Thurstonland, to the Horsfalls. Thus passed away this ancient family from their equally ancient ancestral inheritance, from which time not a trace of the name have I found in the parish ! neither have I been able to discover to what place they removed, f According to the statement of a local genealogist, * See Manor of Shelley. f The family of Storthes seems not to have appeared at any of the Herald's visitations, to register their pedigree, or receive a grant of arms. tlohmsfrco. of ^jrarsionlamj. 117 the Horsfalls, of Storthes Hall, came here from a place called Mankenholes, in the parish of Halifax. I regret my inability to give a more complete account of this family ; repeated applications have been made to its present representative, but without success. It affords me considerable satisfaction to be able to furnish the following pedigree, which, for the most part, has been supplied by the Rev. J. Hunter, F.S.A., the able historian of South Yorkshire, whose extensive researches and devotedness to topographical enquiry, especially in connexion with Yorkshire, have enabled him to render essential service, not only in this instance, but in several other important particulars connected with this work. We cannot, however, pass unnoticed the name of Captain Richard Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, who took a part in the civil war : joined the royal cause, and became " a captain in Sir George Savile's Regiment of Foot." In one of Sir William Savile's letters to Major Beaumont, Lieutenant Governor of Sheffield Castle, dated September 22nd, 1643, in reply to one of Major Beaumont's, he states : — " I received your letter of the 17th instant, together with a muster of Captain Horsfall's troope ; and I doe desiare him that he will march forthwith, with his troope in Linconshire, to the regiment, and lett him send one trooper to the regiment to give them notise of his cumminge. I desiare he speedily march with his troope, hecause theare are but few Captns. with my regiment of Horse : and lett Capt. Horsfall carry with him his muster roll, sined by yourself and Capt. Hemsworth, and the comissaryes deputy at Lincoii will make it up."* In August, 1644, Captain Horsfall's father died about five weeks after the battle of Marston Moor ; upon which event he seems to have settled down in retirement at Storthes Hall, where he suffered no interruption, as he does not appear in the fist of compounders for delinquency. He died in 1668, aged 56 years. PEDIGREE OF THE HORSFALLS, OF STORTHES HALL, IN THURSTONLAND. Richard Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, in Eirkburton.- Harl. 4630 f. 396. dau. of Mr. Lister, (but in Harl., 1487, it Richard Horsfall, of Storthes Hall, Gent., lordz of the Manor of Thurstonland. Buried at Kirkburton, 13th Sept., 1644. stands Alice, dau. of Scarborough). =Mary, dau. of John Lewis, of Marr, Esq., (who died in 1589, act. 45 ;) by Mary, dau. of Lionel Reresby, of Threbergh. She was buried at Kirkburton, 20th Sept., 1641, aged 56 years. Hobsfall. — Arms: Gu. a bezant between three horses' heads, couped ar., bridled az Crest: A horse's head couped erm. Mr. Hunter's Hallamshire, 118 Cohmsfjij? of WfynxBtaxxhvfo. Mary Horsfall, bap. Richard Horsfall, of Storthes Hall,"" Ann, daught. at Kirkburton, 7th Gent, lordof the Manor of Thurs- of Gervase Sep. 1607 ; mar. tonland ; was a captain in Sir J. Riccard, of Thomas Fenay, of Ramsden's regiment, at the siege Heck, Esq. Fenay, Gent. of Pontefract Castle, in the civil war. Was buried at Kirkburton, 13th Dec, 1668, aged 56 years. Jno. Horsfall, buried 16th Jan, 1652. Jane Horsfall,ma. Mr. John Ric card, of Heck., 16th Oct., 1641. Susan, w. of John Catherine, w. of Lindley. Chas. Netfle- ton. Wm. Horsfall, of Storthes1 Hall, Gent., lord of the Manor of Thurstonland, intrd. at Kirkburton, 8th Feb., 1711, set. 77 years. Dorothy, daughter of John E llerker, of York, bur. at Kirkburton, 21st Oct., 1667. I I I Ann, mar. 1st Mr. Richard and Ths.Beaumont, of Miriield, 3rd Jan.,1666. 2nd Hy. Stanhope, of Leeds, met-. Riccard,twins, the elder died in infancy Elizabeth, ba. 34th May,1646. Mary, buried Charles, bur. 23rd Sep., 11th July, 1646, 1661. S usanna, born 7th May, 1654, ma. John Barker, of Tadcaster. Elizabeth, eldest dau., buried John Horsfall, of Storthes Hall,- 13th Dec, 167S, agedl9yrs. Gent, lord of the Manor of Thur stonland, died 8th July, 1722, aged 62 years. William, d. y. Ann, d. y . in in 1666. 1666. 1 ' ^ ' £. t3 Dorothy, m. Mr. Arthur