_!r.i.(-^j-»'41.l BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OP THE Alfred E. Perkins Fund itstssa'!^ HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF HINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. IN THREE -VOLUMES. Volume II. GENEALOGICAL. © HISTORY OP THE TOWN OF HINGHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. m THEEE VOLUMES. YOLUMB n. GENEALOGICAL. PUBLISHED BY THE TOWN. 1893. Wini'attsitz ?3rcss : John Wilsok and Sos, Cabibkidge. 2, PEEFACE. 'T^HIS Genealogy of the Families of Hingham has been compiled in accordance with a vote of the committee appointed by the town to prepare and piiblish its history. It commences with the settlement of the town in 1635, and ends September 1, 1889. Owing to the extent of the work, which has greatly exceeded the early estimates made for this portion of the histoi'y, it has been found necessary to curtail much of the material at hand relating to the heads of families ; and also to make free use of abbreviations. For the same reason the compiler was instructed to limit the records of famUies to those persons who are, or have been, residents of the town ; but where part of a family of children were born here, and others of the same family were born else where, the whole have been given when the names could be ascertained, rather than to break the connection. That there may be errors of omission and errors of date, as well as in the spelling of names (especially Christian names) in some portions of the work, which the genealo gist of each family will notice, and perhaps criticise, is not improbable. But when it is considered that more than fifty thousand lines with as many Christian names and about three times the number of dates have been written and viii Prefab. re-written many times, — that the town, the parish, and family records often disagree concerning the same birth, marriage, or death, and that in many instances, especially of recent date, the facts required could not be ascertained from either public or private records, — it is hoped that the embarrassing conditions under which the writer has often labored, together with the magnitude of the undertaking, will in some measure be accepted as an excuse for whatever is unsatisfactory. The plan adopted for the successive sketches is that which is in use by the New England Historical and Gen ealogical Society. It is quite simple and easily understood by those who are familiar with genealogical investigations ; and to those who are not, a brief study wUl soon make clear its seeming mysteries. The figure which precedes the head of a family — if descended from the first settlers — denotes the number of families bearing the surname, and refers back to the family of the immediate ancestor, where the same person is designated, in the list of children, by the same number at the left of the Roman numeral. Following this rule it is easy to trace back through the whole an cestral line to the progenitor. The Christian names and figures which are given in parenthesis after the head of a family denote the ancestral line and generation -in consecu tive order. The names in parenthesis which follow the heads of families who have been or are residents of the town, but whose ancestral line is not traced, refer to the parents, and include the mother's maiden name. Figures at the left of the Roman numeral refer forward, where the same number will precede the family history of the person designated. Preface. ix Cohasset having formerly been a part of Hingham, and known as the east or second precinct, its families are in cluded in the succeeding records up to 1770, when it was incorporated as a separate town. The writer gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to Charles B. W. Lane and Quincy Bicknell, of Hingham ; to Rev. Joseph Osgood and Aaron Pratt, of Cohasset; and to Gen. Samuel Andrews, Charles J. F. Binney, and Albert T. Whiting, of Boston, for the loan of valuable records. Also to Charles N. Marsh, Elijah Shute, Edwin D. Gardner, and David Cobb, Jr. for assistance in collecting information. Without the aid thus rendered some of the records would have been quite incomplete. GEORGE LINCOLN. OLD AND NEW STYLE. A CCORDING to " Old Style " the year began on the 25th of March, ¦^^ and 1751 was the last year of " Old Style." In recording events which occurred from the 1st of January to the 25th of March before 1751, double dating has been practised in Hingham, as elsewhere. Ac cording to "New Style" the year begins on the 1st of January, and 1752 was the first year of "New Style." The day following the 2d of September, 1752, was called the 14th, omitting eleven intermediate nominal days. FREEMEN. To be a freeman in the early history of the Colony was to be a member of the Church ; and none but freemen could vote for rulers or be elected to office. The freeman's oath bound him to be a true and faithful subject of the government, and if called upon he was to yield assistance and support thereto with his person and estate. Among the many laws enacted by the Colonists relating to freemen were the following : — " 1641. Every Court within this Jurisdiction where two Magistrates are present, may admit any Church Members, that are fit to be freemen, giv ing them the Oath, and the Clerk of each Court shall certifie their Names to the Secretary at the next General Court." "Oct. 15, 1673. As an addition to the Law Title Freeman (sec. iii). It is ordered by this Court, and the Authority thereof ; That henceforth, the Names of such as desire to be admitted to the Freedome of this Com monwealth, not being Members of Churches in full Communion, shall be entered with the Secretary from time to time at the Court of Election, and Read over before the whole Court, sometime that Sessions, and shall not be put to Vote in the Court till the Court of Election, next following." ABBREVIATIONS USED IN VOLUMES II. AND III. Note. — The ages given indicate whether a person has lived less or more than six months since the last birthday. For example : The age of a person 24 yrs. 4 mos. old is given, set. 24 yrs. ; the age of a person 24 yrs. 7 mos. old is given, aet. 25th year. ab about. Ab'n Abington. ack'' acknowledged. A. D (Anno Domini) in the year of our Lord. adj adjoining. admT administrator. adm'x administratrix. set aged. aft's afterwards. Ala Alabama. A. M Master of Arts. Apr AprU. Ark Arkansas. A. T Arizona Territory. au authority. Aug August. Av'e Avenue. b born. bapt's baptisms. bro brother. bro's brothers. bt baptized. B. U Brown University. Cal California. Capt Captain. ch children. Chris Christian. Co \ Company. ( County. Coh Cohasset. p , < Colorado. ( Colonel. CoU CoUege. Comp Company. con 3 containing. ( continued. Conn Connecticut. copar copartnership. cor corner. d died. dau daughter. dau's daughters. D. C District of Columbia. D. D Doctor of Divinity. Dea Deacon. Dec December. dec'd deceased. del delegate. dep'y deputy. descd's descendants. Die Dictionary. J. J dissolved. ( district. div division. Dr." . . . . . .\ ^°^°^- Dor Dorchester. Dux Duxbury. dw dweUing. dys days. „ > east. ea 3 E. I East Indies. Eng England. Abbreviations. est estate. Exped Expedition. fa father. fam family. Feb February. Fla Florida. J ,, ( foUow. } following. Gen. Genealogical. gen generation. Gen' General. Ger. . . . Germany. Gov Govemor. grad graduated. gr. ch. . .... grandchUdren. gr. fa. ..... . grandfather. gr. s grandson. Han Hanover. Har. CoU. . . . Harvard CoUege. H. D Hobart's Diary. Hing Hingham. Hist History. Hon Honorable. hus husband. IU IlUnois. < including. mc i . , . ° ( inclusive. Ins Insurance. Inst Institute. int intention. Inv Inventory. Ire Ireland. Jan January. Jun' '.'.'.'.'.'.\ J™°'^- kn \ !^°°^- ( known. La Louisiana. L. C Lower Canada. L. I Long Island. Ub Uberty. Lieut Lieutenant. LL.B Bachelor of Laws. LL.D Doctor of Laws. L. O Lake Ontario. m married. Maj Major. Manuir Manufacturer. Mass Massachusetts. Md Maryland. M. D Doctor of Medicine. Me Maine. Mf'd Marshfield. m'ge marriage. Mich Michigan. Minn Minnesota. M. M. S. S. . . Member of the Mas sachusetts Medical Society. Mo ^Missouri. I mother. mo's months. MS manuscript. M. V. I Massachusetts Volun teer Infantry. N North. Natt National. N. B. . New Brunswick. N. C North Carolina. N. H New Hampshire. N. J New Jersey. Nov November. N. S Nova Scotia. N. W. . . . Northwest. N. Y New York. Oct October. Ont Ontario. opp opposite. ord ordained. P page. pp pages. Penn! . . . . I Pennsylvania. P. E. I Prince Edward Island. Pem Pembroke. perh perhaps. Ply Plymouth. Pres'* President. pro \ probate. i proved. prob probably. Abbreviations. prof professor. ( pubUshed. rec record. rec's records. Reg' Register. rem^ removed. Rep Representative. res resides. XJ 5 Reverend. ( Revolution. R. I Rhode Island. R. R RaUroad. s son. L-;.-:::::}s-^^- S. A South Ainerica. S. C. South Carolina. Schr Schooner. Scit Scituate. Seo Scotland. Sec Secretary. Sec. pre. . . Second precinct. Sen^ Senior. Sept September. sett settled. sev several. Soe Society. So. Scit. . . . South Scituate. S. P. R Suffolk Probate Rec ords. S. R Suffolk Records. St Street. Tenn Tennessee. thro' through. unm unmarried. U. S United States. U. S. A. . . . United States Army. U. S. N. . United States Navy. Va Virginia. vie vicinity. viz to wit, namely. Vol Volume. Vt Vermont. W West. w wife. Wey Weymouth. W. I West Indies. wid widow. wid^ widower. W. T Wyoming Territory. yr year. yr's years. HINGHAM GENEALOGIES. ABBOTT. David Hates, s. of Luther and Eachel (Brown) Abbott, was b. at Hillsboro', N. H., June 11, 1803 ; came to Hing. iu 1823, and engaged with Giles Gardner in the manuf. of women's boots and shoes. After this copar. was dis. he con. the business in connection with the manuf. of clothing for dealers in Boston ; also trader on Main near the corner of South St. He m. Oct. 16, 1827, Sally S. Hersey, dau. of Abner and Sally (Sweetser) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Nov 22, 1801, and d. 26 Nov. 1861, set. 60 yrs. Resides on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Abnek Heesbt, Oct. 16, 1828, d. 19 Oct. 1831. ii, .Tames, b. , 1830, d. iset. 9 mo's. iii. .Mart Jacobs, Dec. 29, 1832. m. John A. Phipps, of Charlestown. iv. GnsTAVTjs, May 27, 1834, is m. and resides at Chicago, 111. V. Geokgianna Elizabeth, June 5, 1837. vi. Adelaide Frances, June 24, 1839. vii. Caroline Rhoades, June 13, 1844. m. Henry B. Nottage of Boston. ADAMS. 1. Geoege, b. Dec. 3, 1816. m. July 3, 1836, Emeline Wilder, dau. of Nathaniel and Jane (Marsh) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1820. "Shoemaker." Eesided a number of yrs. on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Eemoved to Wey. and thence to Brockton. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., — i. Mary Lincoln, Jan. 26, 1837. m. Edwin P. TirreU, of Wey. 2. u. George Martin, Oct. 20, 1840. iiL Emma Jane, June 18, 1845. m. John W. Burrell. iv. William Francis, Oct. 8, 1847. m. Annie Gillean of Boston. V. Charles Melville, Feb. 17, 1852, d. 10 May, 1857. vi. Hexry Ell wood, Nov. 16, 1854. m. Ella Manning of Mf d. vii. Lizzie Melville, Apr. 18, 1858. m. Edward Spurr of Brockton. viii. Carrie Ella, Aug. 14, 1860. ni. Frank E. Hersey of Wey. 2. Geokge M. (George = Emeline Wilder), b. in Hing. Oct. 20, 1840. m. Aug. 7, 1862, Lydia G. Phinney, dau. of Seth and Lydia G. (Beal) Phinney. She was b. in Hing., Sept. 18, 1843. "Boot maker." Besides on Hull St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Ira Gray, Dec. 26, 1867. ii. Charles Francis, Nov. 13, 1872, d. 7 Jan. 1874. 8 Adams — Adderton — A lien. James, m. in March, 1832, Sally L. Corthell, dau. of Levi and Hannah (Loring) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1809, and d. at Scit. 4 May, 1834, cet. 25th yr. Note. — Nathan, s. of Joseph and Lvdia, was b. in Hing., Jiilv 31, 1800. Lydia, the mother, d. 26 Sept. 1800. Joseph D. of Boston m. in Hing. June 17, 1835, Cordelia, dau. of Abiel Wilder. Rufus m. in 1836 Eliza Wheelock. Rufus m. March 3, 1854, Bridget Gaynard. Lydia d. 21 Nov. 1869, set. 73 yrs. ADDEBTON. Samuel, and Mary his w. were residents of Hing. in the early part of the last century. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Mart, March 26, 1724. ii. Samuel, Sept. 8, 1725. iii. Jane, Jan. 1, 1727-28. iv. Submit, Dec. 14, 1729, d. 16 Apr. foU. V. Submit, Feb. 19, 1730-31. vi. John, June 14, 1734, d. 1 Aug. foil. vii. Rachel, June 14, 1734. viii. Thomas, May 28, 1736. ALLEN. Bozoan, who arrived in Hing., 1638, was from Lynn, Eng., and one of the passengers of the ship "Diligent" of which John Martin was master. During the military troubles here ab. the election of officers for the train-band (1644-1645), he took an active part with the Ho- barts, and was elected captain by a majority of the legal votes of the town. Shortly afts. he removed to Boston, where he d. 14 Sept. 1652. Deputy to the General Court, 1643, 1644, 1645. 1646, 1647, 1660, 1651, and 1652, and a man of influence in our early town affairs. His w. whose chris. name was Ann, survived him, and m. secondly, May 13, 1653, Joseph Jewett of Eowley, and d. 4 Feb. 1661. The bapt's of Bozoan's ch. are recorded in Hobart's diary as foil. : — i. Priscilla, Aug. 1639. ii. Ephraim, Oct. 13, 1641. iii. John, Oct. 13, 1641. His w. d. 29 Aug. 1671. iv. Ann, Oct. 8. 1643. V. Deborah, Nov. 10, 1645, d. 3 Dec. 1647. vi. Deborah, Nov. 20, 1648, d. 4 Feb. 1660-61. vii. Isaac, Apr. 6, 1651. viii. Bezgin (Bozoan), Feb. 13, 1652-53. Thomas, of Eehoboth. m. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1720, Deborah Cushing, dau. of Matthew and Deborah (Jacob) Cashing. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1700. They had one Child, b. in Hing. viz. : — i. Joseph, Oct. 27, 1722. John, by w. Hannah, had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Shove, Oct. 28, 1733. ii. John, Feb. 6, 1734-35. A lien — Anderson. 9 Samuel Paekee (Samuel P. = Harriett J. Morse), b. at Cam bridge, Mass., Feb. 28, 1846. m. June 19, 1876, Matilde Chapin, dau. of Hermon M. and Matilde F. (Fenno) Chapin. She was b. at Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1862. " Dealer in real estate." Besides on South St. Ch., — i. Samuel Parker, b. at Boston March 30, 1876. ii. Ernest Chapin, b. at Boston Sept. 13, 1877, d. 24 July, 1878. iii. Endicott Chapin, b. at Boston June 21, 1879. iv. Ethel M.^t, b. in Hing. Nov. 5, 1881, d. 6 March, 1882. Note. — Unnnah. dau. of Samuel of Barnstable m. Dec. 7, 1693, Peter Jacob, s. of Capt. John Jacob of Hing. Hannah, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth of Barnstable m. (pub. Dec. 15, 1716) Ebenezer Lincoln, s. of Thomas and Sarah of Hing. Lydia d. in Hing. 22 Sept. 1802, set. 26 ,\ts. Rev. Ralph W. m. Aug. 10, 1835. Marv Jones tower, dau. of Moses and Mary (Binney) Tower. "Methodist clergyman." Resides at Maiden, Mass. ANDERSON. 1. Joseph, m. (pub. in Hing. Dec. 3, 1724) Charity Nichols, dau. of Israel and Mary (Sumner) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. May 10, 1700. Our rec's furnish no information relating to their decease. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., sec. pre., were — i. Mary, July 18, 1725, d. 8 Feb. 1726-27. 2. ii. Jonathan, Oct. 16, 1728. iii. Joseph, May 14, 1732. iv. Archibald, Sept. 22, 1734. 2. Jonathan (Joseph = Charity Nichols), m. in Hing. July 30, 1752, Mary WUder, dau. of Ephraim and Mary (Lane) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. June 12, 1732. " Cooper." Eesided on High St. ; prob. removed from here after the birth of the foil. Ch., all b. in Hing., viz : — i. Lydia, June 20, 1753. m. June 11, 1775, David Wilder. iu Joseph, Apr. 23, 1755. iii. Mary, Aug. 28, 1757. iv. Hannah, June 2, 1759. v. Celia, Apr. 13, 1761. vi. Jonathan, Nov. 6, 1762. Alexandee, from Baltimore, Md., was in Hing. at the com mencement of the present century. He m. Polly Lincoln, dau. of Joseph and Susanna (Marsh) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1789, and d. 2 May, 1862, at. 72 yrs. He d. 14 Feb. 1867, ^t. 86 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on South St., West Hing. Alexander was in the privateer brig "Ida," commanded by Capt. Joseph Pierce of Hing., at the time that vessel was captured by a British cruiser, and was taken to Dartmoor prison where, with Capt. Pierce and others he was confined as a prisoner. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Alexander, Dec. 6, 1810. m. Sabrina E. Thorp of Boston. "Master mason." Resides on North St., West Hing. ii. Mary, May 15, 1813. m. Dec. 27, 1834, Benjamin S. Lincoln. ' iii. Henry, 1818, d. 4 Apr. 1845, set. 27 yrs. iv. Susanna, 1822. unm. V. Ephraim, 1825. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") vi. Lydia Ann, 1827, d. 12 Sept. 1828. 10 Anderson — Andrew — A ndrews. Miles Dunham (Lewis = Almira 0. Dunham), b. at Boston, Apr. 10, 1844. m. Apr. 5, 1863, Melissa Ann Manuel, dau. of John and Mary Stodder (Lincoln) Manuel. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 5, 1845. " Master mariner." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., —i. Miles Lewis, March 29, 1864, d. 6 Oct. 1865. ii. Almira Olive, Feb. 15, 1867. iii. Florence May, July 10, 1876. ANDREW. John Albion (Jonathan ^ Nancy Green Pierce), b. at Windham, Me., May 31, 1818. m. in Hing. Dec. 24, 1848, Eliza Jones Hersey, dau. of Charles and Eliza Cushing (Jones) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 2, 1826. He d, suddenly, at Boston, 30 Oct. 1867, aet. 49th yr. " Attorney-at-law." Was grad. at Bowdoin Coll. 1837; chosen Governor of Massachusetts, Nov. 1860, and held the ofS,ce five yrs. Was a resident of Hing. for many seasons, during the summer and autumn months, occupying houses situated on Main, near Water, St., on South St., and on Summer St. Ch.,— i. Charles Albion, b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1849, d. 28 Sept. 1850. ii. John Forrester, b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1850, is m. and re.sides at Boston. iii. Elizabeth Lorikg, b. in Hing. July 29, 1852. iv. Edith, b. in Hing. Apr. 5, 1854. V. Henry Hersey, b. at Boston, Apr. 28, 1858. ANDREWS. 1. Thomas, and his s. Joseph'', came from Devonshire, Eng., and settled in our Hing. prior to the arrival of Eev. Peter Hobart and his company in 1635. At the first drawing of house-lots, Sept. 18, 1635, he had five acres (including back land) granted to him on Town (North) St. His lot was the one upon which now stands the dwelling owned by heirs of the late Perez Lincoln. Whether he was related to any of the persons bearing this surname among the early settlers of Taunton, Ipswich, Cambridge, Dorchester, and other places in East ern Massachusetts is uncertain. He was aged, and prob. old enough to have been tbe fa. of the Thomas who settled at Dorchester in 1634, and who had a s. Thomas bt. there June 23, 1639 ; but there is no rec. showing such a connection. Eev, Peter Hobart of Hing. wrote in his diary under date of Aug. 21, 1643, "Old Thomas Andrews dyed." From this expression I am led to infer that th-ere were other per sons bearing the same name who were kn. to Mr. Hobart; although in Hing. there was but one of the name, and he a lad of but ten or eleven yrs. of age. —2. Joseph^ (Thomas '), b. at Devonshire, Eng., ab. 1597, came early to Hing., and had a grant of a house-lot on Town (North) St., Sept. 18 1636. The lot was next west of his father's, and contained five acres inc. back land. At the May court in 1636 he was sworn as constable. In 1636, 1637, and 1638 he was one of the representatives of the town at the General Court. He also was the first town clerk of Hing. He Andrews. 11 afts. removed; to Dux., and in 1664 was surveyor of highways, and constable in 1664. Oct. 16, 1666, Joseph Andrews and his wife Eliz abeth of Dux. convey to Thomas Andrews of Hing. " our natural son," "our house-lot and dwelling-house, out-buildings, etc., and 10 acres of land which was formerly given us by the town ot Hingham, bounded on Town Street, south, Broad Cove, north," etc. At a later date he returned to Hing., and d. here 1 Jan. 1679-80, ret. 83 yrs. His wid. d. 12 Aug. 1688. His will, which is on file in the S. P. ofRce, and "dated at Hingham 27 Sept. 1679," mentions and provides for w. Elizabeth ; gives to s. Joseph, araong other valuables, " my sword, gold ring, and a bible ; " to s. Ephraim " the estate iu New Jersey ; " men tions dau's and gr. ch., and gives " to each of my grandsons that bpar my name Joseph " a pewter platter. Ch.,— 3. i. Thomas, b. Nov. 1632. ii. Joseph, b. , prob. ab. 1635 ? iii. Elizabeth, bt. in Hing. March, 1637-38. iv. Ephraim, bt. Aug. 1639. V. Hannah, b. , m. Gannett (perhaps Matthew of Scit., -who d.l695). -vi. Mary, b. , m. Beard (prob. Thomas Beard). Vli. Hepzibah, b. , m. Jeffrey Manning. vni. Abigail, 1647, m. John Wadsworth of Dux., and d. 1723, set. 76 yrs. - 3. Thomas " (Joseph ^ Thomas ^) was b. (prob. in Eng.) Nov. 1632. The Chris, name of his w. was Euth. She outlived him, and d. in Hing. 23 Oct. 1732, set. 97th yr. He was for sev. yrs. captain of a military comp. in Hing., and on the 6th of Aug. 1690, he and a number of the soldiers of his command went on board ship to go to Canada with the expedition under Sir William Phips. Capt. Andrews and most of the Hing. soldiers d. in the expedition.* In his will, dated at Boston 5 Jan. 1670, he provides for w. Euth; gives to s. Thomas " the dwelling-house which I built for him " (now David W. Foster's, North St. near Thaxter's Bridge), " with the land about it that was Edmund Pitts, yt I bought of his son and daughter East man." Son Jedidiah to be brought up to learning. Gives to other sons and dan's, share and share alike. In 1689 he was chosen to rep resent the town in the Council of Safety. Constable in 1664 and 1661. Selectman 1670, 1672, 1676, 1679, 1686, 1687, and 1688. Eep resentative in 1678. Eesided on Town (North) St., on the homestead given him by his fa., the original house still forming a part of the dwelling now owned by heirs of the late Perez Lincoln. The ch. of Thomas and Euth, all b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, Sept. 22, 1656, d. unm. 24 Nov. 1724. 4. ii. John, Sept. 30, 1658. iii. Ruth, Aug. 6, 1660. m. Feb. 22, 1687-88, Ambrose Low. 5. iv. Thomas, June 26, 1663. V. Elizabeth, Sept. 22, 1665. m. May 22, 1690, Joseph Joy. vi. Ephraim, Oct. 27, 1667, d. 7 Sept. 1669. vii. Abigail, Jan. 6, 1669. m. Jan. 16, 1693-94, Joseph Blany. 6. viii. Stephen, March 6, 1672. 7. ix. Jedidiah, July 3, 1674. X. Benjamin, March 11, 1677. m. Mary Sweetzer, and had Benjamin, John, and Ephraim. Resided at Boston. * Capt. Thomas Andrews d. 25 Nov. 1690. — Town Records. 12 Andrews. i. John* (Thomas = Joseph ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1658. m. Dec. 21, 1685, Patience Nichols, dau. of Thomas and Eebecca (Josselyn) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1660, and sur viving him, m. secondly, Feb. 12, 1695-96, Joseph Beal. John d. 2 July, 1695, aet. 37th yr. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Patience, June 2, 1687. m. Feb. 17, 1714-15, Daniel Hunt of Wey. ii. John, Feb. 8, 1688-89, d. 17 Dec. 1690. iii. Abigail, May 20, 1692, d. 8 Oct. 1711. 5. Thomas* (Thomas" Joseph^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. June 26, 1663. m. first, Apr. 12, 1693, Abigail Lincoln, dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth (Hawke) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 7; 1673, and d. 18 Ang. 1713, ast. 40 yrs. He m. secondly (pub. Nov. 19, 1714), Susanna Stutson, of Boston. Thomas d. 6 Aug. 1727, set. 64 yrs. "Tailor," and kn. as "Lieut. ;" was one of "the committee appointed by the town in 1715-16 to go to Boston to answer our Cohasset neigh bors." Eesided on North St. Tn his will, of 8 July, 1727, provides for w. Susanna, and desires that " David, my youngest son, be educated as a Doctor." (S. P. E.; vol. xxv. p. 450.) Ch., all b. in Hing. by w. Abigail, were — i. Abigail, March 3, 1693-94. m. Oct. 30, 1718, Jonathan Lane. ii. Ruth, Feb. 1, 1695-96. m. (pub. July 13, 1717) Lazarus Beal. 8. iii. Thomas, June 14, 1698. iv. Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1700-1, d. 1 Feb. foil. v. Joseph, June 17, 1703, d. 23 Nov. 1724. 9. vi. Ephraim, Jan. 16, 1706-7. vii. David, July 16, 1710. Studied medicine with Dr. Ezekiel Hersey, of Hing. He d. at Boston (of small-pox) 1 Apr. 1730, set. 20th yr. 6. Stephen' (Thomas^ Joseph == Thomas'), b. in Hing. March 6, 1672. m. June 23, 1697, Bethia, dau. of Benjamin Stetson of Scit. This fam. removed to Taunton, Mass. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Bethia, May 26, 1699. ii. Mary, Sept. 15, 1703. iii. Benjamin, Jan. 25, 170.5-6. 7. Jedidiah* (Thomas^ Joseph^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. July 3, 1674, was grad. at Har. Coll. 1695. In 1696 and 1697 he was em ployed by the Selectmen of Hing. as a teacher in Latin, Arithmetic, etc. Subsequently he settled as a minister at Philadelphia, Pa. He had a s. Ephraim who was a physician at Baltimore, Md., and d. there ab. 1781. 8. Thomas^ (Thomas*-^ Joseph- Thomas'), b. in Hing. June 14, 1698. m. Jan. 10, 1722-23, Elizabeth Jacob, dau. of Peter and Han nah (Allen) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 9, 1700, and d. 16 March, 1768, set. 68th yr. He d. 5 Sept. 1784, set. 86 yrs. " Farmer." Was Town Treasurer, also deacon of the Church of the First Parish and a large land-owner. Eesided on North St. near Thaxter's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Abigail, Nov. 20, 1723, d. 10 Jan. 1727-28. ii. Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1726. m. Dec. 7, 1749, Stephen Cushing. Andrews. 13 iii. Abigail, June 6, 1729. m. June 18, 1767, Josiah Lincoln, wid^ 10. iv. Thomas, Feb. 21, 17S0-31. V. Ephraim, Feb. 8, 1732^-33, d. 7 Sept. 1734. 9. Epheaim ° (Thomas ^^ Joseph '¦' Thomas '), b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1706-7. m. (pub. March 3, 1728-29), Jane Loring, dau. of John and Jane (Baker) Loring of Hull. She was b. at Hull Oct. 7, 1709, and d. in Hing. 18 March, 1732-33, set. 23 yrs. He d. 13 Aug. 1732, ist. 26th yr. Their Child, b. in Hing., — 11. i. Joseph, July 31, 1731. 10. Thomas « (Thomas ^-^^ Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Feb. 21, 1730-31. - m. Oct. 23, 1755, Deborah Burr, dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Lincoln) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 31, 1731, and d. 19 March, 1814, £et. 83d; yr. He d. 16 Feb. 1779, set. 48 yrs. " Farmer." Con stable in 1754 and 1761. Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Thomas, Apr. 1, 1756, d. 14 Nov. 1758. 12. ii. D.wiD, Dec. 28, 1757. 13. iii. Thomas, Jan. 22, 1760. iv. Elizabeth, Oct. 12, 1763, d. 17 Oct. 1784. 14. V. Benjamin, Sept. 10, 1765. vi. Samuel, Jan. 27, 1767. m. Jan. 2, 1794, Katj', dau. of Peter and Silence (Burr) Cushing. Reraoved to Worcester. He d. 22 Apr. 1807, iet. 40 yrs. She d. 28 May, 1837, fet. 68 yrs. " Housewright." vii. Jonathan, Dec. 4, 1769. Removed to Poi-tland, Me., where he m. in 1801 Chatlotte, dau. of Hon. Isaac Ilsley, and d. 19 Apr. 1820, £et. 51 yrs. 11. Joseph ° (Ephraim ^ Thomas *"' Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. July 31, 1731. m. Hannah Eichmond of Dighton, Mass. Joseph d. 22 Nov. 1777, set. 46 yrs. " Farmer." Selectman in 1775, 1776, and 1777. Town Treasurer, 1769. Eesided on the paternal homestead,. North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, Dec. 28, 1752, d. 2 Oct. 1798. ii. Jane, Aug. 1, 1755. m. March 1, 1772, Samuel Norton. iii. Joseph, Aug. 5, 1757, was a lieut. in active service in the wav of the Rev. ; and d. 22 Nov. 1777, of wounds received at the battle of Brandywine, set. 20 yrs. 15. iv. Ephraim, Sept. 29, 1759. V. Sylvester Richmond, Dec. 8, 1761, d. of a malignant fever at Martinico, 3 Apr. 1794, set. 32 yrs. vi. Johx, March 3, 1764. m. a Wigglesworth of Cambridge, and settled in the ministry at Newburyport, Mass. vii. Rachel, Sept. 12, 1766. m. Sept. 7, 1806, Thomas C. Cushing of Salem. viii Loring, Oct. 16, 1768, d. at Charleston, S. C, 19 Oct. 1805, set. 37 yrs. He was one of the original proprietors of the ' ' Charleston News and Courier. " 12. David ' (Thomas ^"'^ Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hi]ig. Dec. 28, 1757. m. Dec. 6, 1781, Sarah Thaxter, dau. of Dea. Joseph and Mary (Leavitt) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1761, and d. 23 May, 1842, set. 80 yrs. He d. 1 Sept. 1847, set. 90th yr. "Trader." Select man in 1790, 1791, and 1792. Eesided on North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 14 Andrews. 16. i. David, June 20, 1783. ii. Betsey, July 11, 1785, d. unm. 11 Dec. 1851, aet. 66 j'rs. iii. Caleb, Oct. 7, 1787. "Merchant." Removed to Boston, where he d. unm. 12 Sept. 1853, set. 66th yr. iv. Sally, Apr. 17, 1790, d. unm. 17 Nov. 1851, set. 62d yr. 13. Thomas ' (Thomas ^^^ Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Jan. 22, 1760. m. first, Jan. 4, 1798, Deborah Cushing, dau. of Isaiah and Betsey (Cushing) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1772, and d. 6 Aug. 1800, set. 28 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 7, 1801, Hannah Cushing, dau. of Peter and Silence (Burr) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1777, and d. 26 Feb. 1866, ajt. 79th yr. He d. 27 March, 1821, set. 61 yrs. "Gentleman." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St., opp. Thaxter's Bridge. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Deborah, — i. Deborah, March 27, 1800. m. Dec. 11, 1821, Henry Burditt, and d. at Boston, 8 Nov. 1882. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, were — ii. Elizabeth, May 18, 1802. m. Oct. 10, 1826, Rev. Calvin Lincoln; and d. at Fitchburg, 6 June, 1838. iii. Charlotte Ilsley, Oct. 15, 1804. m. Aug. 17, 1829, William S. Hinckley. iv. Catherine Cushii^g, Nov. 13, 1806. m. Oct. 5, 1831, Albert Fearing. V. Thomas, March 16, 1809, d. in three dys. vi. Hannah Cushing, Feb. 23, 1811, d. 8" Oct. 1835, set. 25th yr. 14. Benjamin ' (Thomas "^-^ Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1766. m. Nov. 29, 1789, Lydia Hersey, dau. of Ebed and Eebecca (Cushing) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. June 19, 1769, and d. 10 Jan. 1816, set. 47th yr. Hed. 2 March, 1812, set. 46 yrs. "Farmer." Select man in 1797, 1798, 1801, 1802, 1803, and 1804. Eesided at the junction- of Leavitt and Jones Sts., "over the Delaware." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 17. i. Benjamin, Feb. 7, 1792. ii. Lydia, Apr. 23, 1794, d. unm. 17 Jan. 1872, aet. 78th yr. 15. Epheaim' (Joseph ° Ephraim ° Thomas*^ Joseph^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1759. m. May 30, 1796, Lucy Lane, dau. of Capt. George and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Lane. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1765. Ephraim d. 5 July, 1820, set. 61st yr. " Master Mari ner." Eesided on North and Lincoln Sts. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lucy Lane, Apr. 15, 1798. m. Feb. 1837, Daniel Burr. ii. Ephraim, Dec. 21, 1799, d. unm. 25 Apr. 1875, set. 75 yrs. iii. Ferdinand, May 15, 1802, d. at Washington, D. C, 15 May, 1883, set. 81 yrs. ; leaving a s. and a dau. iv. Joseph, bt. Aug. 17, 1806. "Engraver." d. at Boston, 7 May, 1873, aet. 67th yr. Frances his wid. d. at Boston, 31 Dec. 1884, jet. 75 yrs. 16. David » (David ' Thomas «""-= Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. June 20, 1783. m. Dec. 30, 1806, Betsey Sargent, dau. of John and Sarah (Gates) Sargent of Leicester, Mass. She was b. at Leicester Feb. 12, 1786, and d. in Hing. 26 Feb. 1866, set. 79 yrs. He d. 7 Oct! 1863, set. 80 yrs. "Trader." Eesided on North St. near Hobart's Bridge. Andrews. 15 Ch.,— i. Sally, b. at West Boylston, Ma,ss., Nov. 15, 1807. m. in Hing. Nov. 9, 1828, John Bassett, Jr., and d. 24 July, 1882. ii. Samuel, b. at West Boylston, Apr. 19, 1809. Resides at Boston, and has a fam. iii. Erasmus Jones, b. in Hing. Aug. 19, 1811. Resides at Boston, and has a fam. iv. Julia Sargent, b. in Hing. Nov. 23, 1813. 18. V. Thomas, b. in Hing. June 9, 1816. vi. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Hing. Aug. 23, 1818. m. May 29, 1845, William P. Frost, of Boston. vii. Sophia Sargent, b. in Hing. Apr. 5, 1821, d. 21 June, 1884, set. 63 yrs. viii. Catherine Augusta, b. in Hing. May 5, 1826. 17. Benjamin* (Benjamin' Thomas '^"*'^ Joseph^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1792. m. Nov. 17, 1822, Emma Whiton, dau. of Ezra and Emma (Jones) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1800, and d. 14 Feb. 1864, set. 64th yr. He d. 17 Sept. 1832, tet. 41st yr. "Far mer." Eesided on the paternal homestead at Hing. Centre, " over the Delaware." Ch., all b. in Hing., — 19. i. Benjamin, Oct. 7, 1824. ii. Ellen- Frances, Feb. 7, 1827. m. Henry M. Billings. iii. Lydia Elizabeth, Apr. 20, 1830, d. 11 May, 1862. 18. Thomas ' (David*-' Thomas ^^^ Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. June 9, 1816. m. Aug. 20, 1849, Sarah L. Tucker, dau. of Israel S. and Elizabeth (Smith) Tucker. She was b. at New York city, Oct. 6, 1828, and resides on South St. Thomas d. at New Orleans, La., 27 Feb. 1865. set. 49th yr. " Ship master ; " afts. acting master in the U. S. Navy. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., — i Elizabeth Boardman, b. at sea May 31, 1850, d. 6 June, 1851. ii. Harriet Frances, b. at sea Nov. 14, 1851, d. 15 Feb. 1874. iii. William Henderson Boardman, b. at sea July 11, 1853. iv. Augustine Albert, b. at Shanghai, China, March 10, 1855, d. at Wampoa, China, 3 July, 1856. V. Mary Elizabeth, b. at Brooklyn, N.Y., Apr. 2, 1860. m. Sept. 8, 1881, Gilbert D. Cooper, of Sag Harbor, L. 1. vi. Adelaide Louise, b. in King., Dec. 19, 1861. 19. Benjamin ' (Benjamin *¦' Thomas '^^-*-^ Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1824. m. June 1, 1854, Mary C. Thomas, dau. of Wil liam and Eachel (Beal) Thomas. She was b. in Hing. March 4, 1828. " Dealer in Flour and Grain" at the harbor. Eesides on South St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Benjamin, May 16, 1856. ii. Emma Beal, Jan. 5, 1862. Nathaniel Emoet (George = Mary Cook), b. at Searsmont, Me., Sept. 14, 1855. m. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1877, Anna A. Wilder, dau. of Edward and Sarah E. (Hunt) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 13, 1854. " Stable-keeper." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. George Emory, Sept. 18, 1879. ii. Jessie Lee, July 26, 1883, d. 9 Jan. 1884. 16 Bacon — Bailey. BACON. Peter, m. first. May 26, 1670, Sarah . She d. in Hing. 21 July, 1677. He m. secondly, Feb. 19, 1679-80, Martha Dammin, or Damon. She d. in Hing. 19 Dec. 1732, tst. 94th yr. He d. 9 Aug. 1694. Ee sided at So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — i. Samuel, bt. July 25, 1674, d. 6 March, 1677-78. ii. Sarah, Apr. 15, 1675. iii. Peter, July 15, 1677, d. 9 Sept. foil. iv. Mary, July 15, 1677. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Martha, — V. Susanna, Nov. 4, 1682, d. 6 July, 1718. Samuel, m. in Hing. Dec. 17, 1675, Mary Jacob, dau. of John and Margery (Fames) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. March 30, 1656, and, surviving him, m. secondly, March 25, 1685, Elisha Bisbee. Samuel d. 18 Feb. 1680-81. Eesided at So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Oct. 12, 1676, d. 21 Dec. foil. ii. Hannah, Feb. 10, 1677-78, d. 16 July, 1709. iii. Mary, Feb. 7, 1679-80. m. May 31, 1699, Joshua Cushing of Scit. Note. — George, buried 3 May, 1642. A child of George, h. March 30, 1642. Peter, bt. Sept. 17, 1654. Mary, bt. Sept. 17, 1654. A child of Peter, d. 22 June, 1681. Mercy, m. Julv, 1683, John Otis. Mercy B., m. Nov. 9, 1834, Salatiel A. Fletcher. Mary Ann, m. May 3, 1825, John Lemon. Clarlc, m. Sept. 15, 1831, Emma C. Burr. BAILEY (see also Bayley). William, Je., from Scit., and gr. s. of John, an early resident of Scit., m. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1738, Elizabeth Nichols, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Dec. 25, 1719. Ch., bt. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Elizabeth, 1742. m. Sept. 3, 1761, Jobn McNeil of Boston. ii. Mercy, Dec. 16, 1744. m. Feb. 9, 1769, Malaohi EweU of Scit. iii. Judith, March, 1746-47. iv. Rhoda, . V. William, bt. Feb. 11, 1755. Edwaed, by w. Susie, had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Hannah, Feb. 21, 1773. ii. Ezekiel, May 1, 1775. Caleb', Haywaed", and Lemuel'", were bro's, and natives of Scit. Lemuel, after residing in Hing. several yrs., removed to Boston. Caleb', b. at Scit. Nov. 11, 1794. m. first, Dec. 2, 1818, Mary Jones. She was b. March 15, 1795, and d. 21 May, 1827, set. 32 yrs. He m. secondly, Sept. 28, 1828, Maria Bates, who was b. June 26, 1806, — Baker. 17 and d. in Hing. 14 Nov. 1830, set. 26 yrs. For his third w. he m. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1832, Mrs. Susan N. (Cushing) Lincoln, the wid. of Bela Lincoln of Boston, and dau. of Joel and Eunice Cushing. She was b. at Boston, Apr. 1, 1806, and d. in Hing. 17 Aug. 1878, set. 72 yrs. Caleb, d. at Taunton, Mass., 12 July, 1877, set. 83d yr. "Miller," and proprietor of a livery stable. Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Child, by w. Mary, — i. James Jones, May 16, 1822, d. 3 Sept. foil. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Maria, — ii. Maria, Aug. 14, 1830, d. 30 June, 1831. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susan, — iii. James Jones, Oct. 28, 1832. m. May 1, 1859, Ellen M. Menitt of Scit. Removed to Scit. iv. Susan Lincoln, May 18, 1836, d. 9 Nov. 1837. V. Caleb Franklin, June 8, 1838, d. 7 June, 1852, iet. 14th yr. vi. Charles Hayward, May 1, 1842. m. Nov. 21, 1867, Ellen, dau. of Jairus and Hannah L. (Waters) Sprague. Resides in Bo.ston. Haywaed", b. at Scit. 1806. m. in Hing. by Eev. Stephen Puffer, Nov. 8, 1827, Judith Goold, dau. of Eobert and Mary (Lincoln) Goold. She was b. in Hing. July 31, 1804. He d. at Worcester, Mass., 26 Dec. 1844, set. 39 yrs. "Miller." Eesided on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Eliza, March 20, 1829, d. 3 March, 1830. ii. Charles Hayward, Dec. 19, 1831, d. 12 Dec. 1834. iii. Abbie Goold, Feb. 5, 1834. m. Apr. 16, 1861, Edward M. Anthony of Coventry, R. I. iv. Lydia Jane, Apr. 14, 1843, d. 21 Aug. 1868, set. 25 yrs. Note. — Ruth, m. May 25, 1694, Henry Ward. William, ra. Nov. 9, 1758. Submit, dan. of Joseph and Bathsheba (Bate) Clark. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Sept. 1, 1733. Esther, m. Oct. 10, 1782, Matthew White, Jr., of Wey. Jane, m. July 6, 1783, John Murphv, and d. 31 Jan. 1797. set. 40 yrs. Gad, m. Dec. 10, 1807, Thankful Loring. Loring, a "silver smith and buckle-maker, d. unm. Jan. 1814. Loring Bailey's shop was near " Broad Bridge." BAKER. Nicholas ' and Nathaniel " came to Hing. in 1636. They were brothers, and when the first house-lots were drawn, Sept. 18, 1636, they had adjoining lots of five acres each granted to them on Town (North, near Beal) St. Hence the name of the sightly eminence in that locality known as Baker's Hill. Nicholas ', was a delegate from Hing. to the General Court in May, 1636, and again in May, 1638. He was twice m. His first w. d. (prob. at Scit.), 23 Apr. 1661, and on the 29 of Apr. 1662, he took a sec. w. whose chris. name was Grace. He removed early (1644 or 1645?) to Hull, where he lived and was an extensive land-owner, until he re ceived an invitation to preach at Scit., which invitation was accepted. He was ordained minister at Scit. in 1660. He d. 22 Aug. 1678. Foil. is an abstract of his will : To w. Grace, half of my dw.-house at Hull, and the lands adj. Thomas James's lot ; swamp at AUerton's Hill ; a vol. II. — 2 18 Baiter. lot on Strawberry Hill ; a lot at Sagamore Hill ; also at Whitehead, and on Duke's Island. Half my right to the commons in Hull, and all my upland and meadow in Hing. during her life, provided my s. Samuel, or any of my ch. at Hull have lib. of firewood. To s. Samuel half of my house at Hull, with lands, etc. To dau. Elizabeth, £10. To s. Nicholas, land at Scit. To dau's Sarah, Deborah, and Mary, £10, each, etc. His Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, Oct. 2, 1638. ii. Mary, Dec. 1640. m., 1661, Stephen Vinal of Scit. iii. John, Nov. 20, 1642. iv. Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1644. m., 1664, John Vinal of Scit. V. Nicholas (not on Hing. rec's). m. Experience Collier. vi. Thomas (not on Hing. rec's). m. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1674, Christian, dau. of Nathaniel Beal. vii. Sarah (not on Hing. rec's). m. 1671, Josiah Litchfield of Scit. viii. Deborah, bt. in Hing. June 6, 1652. m., 1678, Israel Chittenden of Scit. ix. Nathaniel ? Nathaniel", bro. of the preceding, m. Sarah, dau. of William Lane of Dorchester, Mass. She was b. in Eng. and d. at the house of her s.-in-law, John Loring of Hull, 19 Aug. 1695. He d. in Hing. 3 June, 1682. "Farmer," and a large land-owner. Constable, 1668 ; Selectman, 1661 and 1676. Was in active service in King Philip's War. Eesided on East St., on land now owned by the Hing. Ag'i, and Hort'l Soc'y. In his will of May 11, 1682, he provides for w. Sarah, and gives to the ch. of his s.-in-law, John Loring ; also 10s. to each of the ch. of his deceased bro. Nicholas, late of Scit. Child, — i. Mary, bt. in Hing. Aug. 1639. m. Dec. 16, 1657, John Loring of Hull, and d. 13 July, 1679, set. 40th yr. 1. John^, for many years an active business man in Hing. ; was a descendant in the sixth gen. of Eichard Baker, who early located at Dorchester, Mass., and was the progenitor of a numerous posterity. The connecting line runs thus : Richard,^ joined the church at Dor. in 1639 ; was made freeman May 18, 1642, and d. 26 Oct. 1689. His w. was Faith Withington. Their s. John,'' bt. 1643, m. Preserved Trott, and d. 25 Nov. 1711. Their s. John,^ b. Nov. 25, 1671, m. Hannah Withington, and d. 9 Oct. 1746. Their s. James,* b. May 24, 1713, m. Priscilla Paul, and d. 18 Nov. 1776. Their s. John,^ b. Dec. 14, 1746, m. Eliphal Swift, and d. 14 Aug. 1818. Their s. John,^ first above mentioned, was b. at Dor. May 1, 1780. He m. first, Apr. 8, 1805, Frances Sargent of Gloucester. She d. in 1806 ; and he m. secondly, July 22, 1810, Sally L. Loring, dau. of Peter and Anna (Lincoln) Lor ing. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1788, and d. 28 May 1863, ^t. 76 yrs. He d. 13 June, 1867, set. 87 yrs. "Manufacturer of upholstery, carriage-trimmings," etc. Was of the firm of Baker & Lincoln ; afts. the sen. partner of J. Baker & Sons. Eesided on Main St., near the meeting-house of the First Parish. Child, by w. Frances, — i. John Osborn, b. at Boston, March 13, 1806. m. at Brooklyn, L, I., Euth Mather Dean, and d. 8 March, 1872. "Shipmaster." Resided in N.Y. Baker — Baldwin — Ballard. 19 Ch., by w. Sally,— 2. ii. James Loring, b. at Boston, Feb. 2, 1813. iii. Anna Loring, b. at Boston, Nov. 28, 1814. m. Oct. 16, 1854, Dr. Robert T. P. Fiske of Hing. iv. Abner Loei.xg, b. at Boston, Dec. 21, 1816, d. 5 Sept. 1817. v. William Swiet, b. at Boston, May 20, 1818, d. 29 Jan. foil. 3. vi. Abner Loring, b. at Boston, Nov. 7, 1820. vii. Sarah Frances, b. at Boston, May 22, 1823. viii. Mary Swift, b. at Boston, Sept. 6, 1826. 2. James L.' (John ^ James ' John ^"^ Eichard '), b. at Boston, Feb. 2, 1813. m. first. May 9, 1850, Nancy Ripley Sampson, dau. of Hon. Zabdiel and Euth (Lobdell) Sampson of Plymouth, Mass. She d. 9 ]\Iay, 1854, set. 27 yrs. He m. secondly, May 5, 1860, Susan F. Lunen burg of Ply. James was grad. at Har. Coll. in 1833, and at one time taught a grammar school in Hing. He was a prolific writer, and the author of several books. In 1876 he removed from Hing. with his family to Minneapolis, Minn., where he d. 3 Feb. 1886, set. 73 yrs. Ch., all b. by w. Susan, — i. Susan Loring, b. in Hing. March 29, 1861, d. 4 Nov. 1866. ii. James Topliff, b. at Boston, Nov. 16, 1862, d. in Hing. 3 Oct. 1863. iii. Nellie Coolidge, b. in Hing. March 18, 1865. iv. Elizabeth Topliff, b. in Hing. Jan. 22, 1868. 3. Abnee L.' (John ^ James * John ^^ Eichard '), b. at Boston, Nov. 7, 1820. m. in Hing. Feb. 29, 1844, Lydia J. Eipley, dau. of Nehe miah and Eunice (Whiting) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. May 7, 1821. He d. 4 Ang. 1849, set. 29th yr. Was a partner in the firm with his , fa., and a man of enterprise and business capacity. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Anna Frances, March 22, 1845. m. June 1, 1875, Francis H. Lincoln. ii. Marion Ripley, July 8, 1847. m. May 28, 1873, Dr. John Winthrop Spooner. iii. Abner Loring, March 23, 1850. Note. —Hannah, bt. Jan. 8, 1682. JohnO., Jr., s. of John O. and Euth M. (Dean) of New York. m. Oct. 2, 1871, Lucy D. Whiton. Meriel R, of So. Scit. m. Apr. 11, 1878, George L. Gardner. BALDWIN. David, a temporary resident of Hing. m. June 14, 1723, Abigail Burr, dau. of John and Mary (Warren) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 17, 1701. This fam. prob. removed from here. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Asa, Aug. 27, 1723. ii. Zebulon, Apr. 8, 1726. iiL Abigail, Nov. 29, 1727. BALLARD. Jane, m. Aug. 26, 1731, Nathaniel Gilbert. Rachel, dau. of John of Boston, d. in Hing. 28 Apr. 1754, set. 5 yrs. 20 Bampton — Bangs — Bantlett — Barber — Barker. BAMPTON. William (Eobert = Jane Eobinson), b. at Nottingham, Eng., Dec. 5, 1809. m. 1836, Mrs. Margaret B. (Colburn) 'Prentiss, who was a dau. of William and Martha (Blanchard) Colburn, of Pittston, Me. She was b. at Pittston, Sepl. 9, 1811, and d. at Maiden, Mass., 31 Aug. 1886, set. 76th yr. " Upholstery trimmer." This fam. removed from here to Eoxbury, and thence to Maiden. Ch., — i. Frederick William, b. at Dresden, Me., Sept. 11, 1837. ii. Alice Martha, b. in Hing. Nov. 2, 1840. iii. Emily Jane, b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1842, d. 17 May, 1853. iv. Arthur Colburn, b. in Hing. May 15, 1846, d. 17 Sept. 1853. V. Walter Blanchard, b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1852. BANGS. Nathaniel, m. in Hing. May 1, 1766, Euth Lane, dau. of Jonathan and Abigail (Andrews) Lane. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1734, and d. 30 July, 1806, set. 72 yrs. He d. 28 June, 1770, set. 38 yrs. Eesided on Main (nearly opp. Water) St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Thomas, Apr. 9, 1756. ii. Caleb, Dec. 24, 1761. iii. David, Feb. 6, 1764. iv. Joshua, Feb. 6, 1764. V. Lucy, Jan. 16, 1767, d. 23 Jan. 1788, set. 21 yrs. vi. Nabby, Aug. 10, 1770, d. unm. at Dorchester, Mass., 24 Jan. 1847, set. 76 yrs. Note. — Isaiah, m. July 30, 1772, Leah Vining, and had Elizabeth, bt. Oct. 2, 1774. Caleb, by w. Patty, had Thomas, b. Jan. 7, 1776. BANTLETT (Bentlett, Bentley). Saeah, whose first hus. d. before 1746, m. secondly, Jan. 1, 1763, John Stodder. Her Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., by first m'ge, were — i. Hannah, b. May 1, 1739. m. Nov. 2, 1756, C.alph Hassell. ii. Mitchell, bt. Apr. 6, 1746. BARBER (Baevee). Joseph, prob. a temporary resident of Hing. m. (pub. Nov 11 1710), Mary Kent of Scit., and had Ch., b. iu Hing., viz. : i. Joseph, Oct. 22, 1711. ii. Lydia, Feb. 17, 1713-14. BARKER. 1. EoBEET, "of Dux. 1632," and afts. of Mf'd, where he was "con stable" and "surveyor of highways," was the ancestor of the fami lies who have borne this surname in Hing. and vie. His w. was Lucy Barker. 21 Williams. She was living as late as March 7, 1681-82, but d. before her husband, whose will is dated 18 Feb. 1688-89. The inv. of his estate, taken 15 March, 1691-92, was appraised at £142 Is. lid. Their ch., as appears by his will, were — i. Isaac, m. Judith, dau. of Gov. Thomas Prence. 2. ii. Francis. iii. Robert, was twice m. (see " History of Duxbury "). iv. Rebecca, m. William Snow. V. Abigail, m. . Eogers. 2. Feancis 2 (Eobert'), of Dux. and Pem. m. in Hing. Jan. 5, 1674-75, JVIary Lincoln, dau. of Thomas (the husbandman) and Mar garet (Langer) Lincoln. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 23, 1648. He was one of the Selectmen of Dux. 1686, and 1686, Capt. of a military com pany, etc. Later in life he removed to Pem. where in the conveyances of real est. he is called " Gentleman." His ch., according to a memo rial prepared by Harry H. Edes, Esq., a descendant, were — i. Francis, b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1675, d. soon. ii. Joshua, Nov. 16, 1676, killed in the army at the eastward. iii. Elizabeth, Oct. 31, 1677. m. Bryant. iv. Josiah, Sept. 21, 1679. m. Sa]ah Macomber, and resided at Pem. V. Ruth, Jan. 31, 1681. m. Briggs. vi Frascis, Oct. 18, 1682. m. Jacob. He d. in the Jerseys, 1733 3. vii. Thojias, 1684. viiL Elisha, killed in the army prior to 1714. ix. Ebenezer, m. Deborah Randall, and d. 1756. X. Isaac. 3. Thomas ^ (Francis ^ Eobert'), b. prob. at Pem. 1684. m. May 22, 1711 or 1712, Bethia Little, perhaps dau. of Isaac and Bethia Little of Mf'd. She outlived him, and d. in Hing., 9 Oct. 1761, set. 58 yrs. He d. at Carolina ab. 1732, set. 48 yrs. Was known as " Captain." Of their eight ch. the foil, were residents of Hing., viz. : — 4. i. Joshua, b. at Pem. Aug. 26, 1712. 5. ii. Francis, b. at Pem. 1714. 6. iii. Thomas, b. at Pem. iv. Elizabeth, b. at Pem. Jan. 17, 1724, d. in Hing. 21 Jan. 1804, jet. 80 yrs. 4. Joshua * (Thomas ' Francis ^ Eobert '), b. at Pem. Mass., Aug. 26, 1712, and afts. of Hing., was a lieutenant under Capt. Wins low in the expedition to the West Indies in 1740, and in the dif ferent wars of the country fiom 1742 to 1758 (see Lincoln's " History of Hingham," p. 91) ; also in the exped. to Cuba, 1762, etc. His w., whom he m. in Oct. 1746, was his cousin Abigail Barker. She d. in Hing. 11 Feb. 1795, set. 77 yrs. He d. 1 Jan. 1785, set. 72 yrs. Capt. Barker held a military commission in the British service, and afts. en joyed a pension which afforded partial support for his family in their declining years. He is described in an obituary notice as having been an excellent and brave bf&cer, as well as a man of high honor and of real worth. Eesided on North St. where now stands the building owned and occupied by the Hing. National Bank. 22 Barker. Ch.,— i. Deborah, Oct. 22, 1747, d. in Hing. 4 March, 1832, set. 84 yrs. ii. Sarah, Apr. 10, 1751, d. in Hing. 14 Sept. 1815, set. 64 yrs. iii. Bethia, Dec. 16, 1753, d. in Hing. 11 July,, 1828, set. 75th yr. 5. Feancis^ (Thomas^ Francis^ Eobert'), b. at Pem., Mass., ab. 1714. m. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1738, Hannah Thaxter, dau. of John and Grace (Stockbridge) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1719-20, and d. 8 Jan. 1773, set. 53d yr. Capt. Francis Barker, sen'., d. in Hing. June 16, 1795, set. 82d yr. "Master shipwright," Capt. of a mili tary company, and a man of energy and usefulness in the community. Eesided on Lincoln St. in the house now occupied by heirs of the late Abiel Wilder. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Feb. 6, 1738-39, d. unm. 27 Nov. 1787. 7. ii. Feancis, Feb. 6, 1740-41. iii. Mary, Feb. 26, 1742-43. m. Oct. 26, 1775, Thomas Thaxter. iv. Joshua, July 14, 1745, d. 14 March, 1752. ¦v. Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1747, d. 14 March, 1752. vi. Lucy, Oct. 1, 1749, d. 31 March, 1752. vii. Grace, Jan. 29, 1752, d. 13 March, 1752. 8. viii. Joshua, March 24, 1753. ix. John, Aug. 3, 1755. General John Barker d. in Hing. 25 Nov. 1828, set. 73 yrs. X. Thomas, Apr. 3, 1758, d. 14 Aug. 1782. 6. Thomas, perhaps s. of Thomas,^ lived in the house now owned and occupied by John Siders on Main St. near the old meeting-house, and by w. Eunice had Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Thomas, Apr. 30, 1764. ii. Ezekiel, Sept. 27, 1767, d. in 5 dys. iii. Eunice, Aug. 21, 1768. iv. Molly, Sept. 2, 1770. 7. Feancis ^ (Francis * Thomas ^ Francis ^ Eobert ') , b. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1740-41. m. Sept. 27, 1764, Grace Leavitt, dau. of Hezekiah and Grace (Hatch) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. May 16, 1748, and d. 10 Dec. 1790, set. 42 yrs. He d. 1 Oct. 1793, set. 53d yr. "Master ship wright," and known as Capt. Eesided on North St. Oct. 6, 1788, Francis Barker, Jr., " Gentleman," conveys to Daniel Thaxter, " cord wainer," house and land in the North Parish in Hing., bounded N. by the highway ; E. on land of Francis Barker ; S. with the ditch ; W. on William Lincoln, etc. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Francis, Sept. 1, 1765, d. 12 Dec. foU. ii. Francis, Feb. 8, 1767, d. 14 Oct. 1768. iii. Grace, Jan. 15, 1769, d. 14 Oct. 1771. iv. Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1771. m. Aug. 13, 1795, Capt. Luther Lincoln. V. Francis, Oct. 3, 1773, d. 13 Nov. foil. vi. Francis, Sept. 17, 1775, d. young. viL Grace, Sept. 7, 1777, d. in 12 days. viiL Charles, Dec. 3, 1780, d. 9 Sept. 1782. ix. Charles, Sept. 19, 1784, d. 16 Jan. 1785. X. Francis, 1790, d. 20 Deo. 1790, set. 3 mo's. Barker — Barnard — Barnes. 23 8. Joshua^ (Francis' Thomas" Francis^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. March 24, 1753. m. Oct. 17, 1779, Susanna Thaxter, dau. of Ben jamin and Susanna (Joy) Thaxter. She was bt. in Hing. July 13, 1755, and d. at Deerfield, Mass., 20 Feb. 1828, set. 73d yr. He d. in Hing. 2 Apr. 1800, tet. 47 yrs. Grad. at Har. Coll. 1772, and was a practising physician in Hing. Eesided on Main St. in the house now owned and occupied by heirs of George Bassett. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Joshua Thomas, Nov. 12, 1780, d. 13 Aug. 1782. ii. Susan, Oct. 18, 1782. m. May 30, 1808, Rev. Samuel Willard, and d. at Deerfield, 24 Aug. 1857, ffit. 75th yr. BARNARD. John, b. at Deerfield, Mass., Sept. 22, 1797, became a resident of Hing. in 1833. His w. whom he m. at Boston, was Mrs. Sarah Glover. John d. at Danvers Hospital, 29 Apr. 1881, set. 84th yr. " Hatter." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch.,— i. Susan, b. 1830, d. young. ii. John Henrt, b. at Medford, 1832, d. in Hing. 6 July, 1859, s.t. 27 yi's. iii. Stephen Sharon, 1834, lost at sea in sch. " White Swallow " of Gloucester, March, 1861, aet. 27 )ts. iv. Angeline, Nov. 19, 1835. m. Jan. 5, 1862, William M. Hobart. Note. — Henry, formerly of Boston, d. in Hing. 18 July, 1853, set. 42 yrs. BARNES (Baens). 1. Thomas (said to have been a s. of Eoland), was an early resident of Hing. and the ancestor of all the families who have borne the sur name in this town. He had a grant of land in 1637, on Bachelor, now Main St. containing three acres, which was bounded N. by Thomas Hett, and S. by Ealph Smith. This lot is the one upon which stands the dwelling erected by Eev. Joseph Eichardson, in 1816, and now belonging to heirs of the late Martin Hayes. Thomas was by occupa tion " farmer," and " weaver." The chris. name of his w. was Anna. She outlived him, and d. 6 Apr. 1691. He d. nearly twenty yrs. pre viously, and a gravestone erected to his memory, and now standing in the Hing. Cemetery, bears the foil, inscription : — THOMAS BARNS AGED 70 YEARS DYED Y* 29 DAY OF NOUEMBER. 1672. His will, dated 29 Apr. 1671, gives the names of w. and ch. The inv. of his est. includes 12 horned cattle, 9 swine, produce, weaving material, etc. Ch., all bt. in Hing., were — i. Thomas, May 21, 1643. Was living when Hs fa's will was made, but prob. removed from Hing. 2. ii. John, May 21, 1643. iii. Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1644. m. Murfea, or Murfett. 24 Barnes. iv. Anna, June, 1647. m. Robert Breame. V. James, Apr. 8, 1649. Was a merchant at Boston, and is said to have d. without issue. vi. Sarah, Feb. 23, 1650-51, d. in 2 dys. 3. vii. Peter, June 6, 1652. 2. John ^ (Thomas '), bt. in Hing. May 21, 1643. m. July 29, 1668, Elizabeth Eaton, perhaps dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth of Boston. Hing. rec's furnish no information relating to this fam. in addition to the foil. Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, July 4, 1669, d. soon. ii. Mary, July 4, 1669. iii. Elizabeth, Apr. 30, 1671. iv. An infant, July 28, 1672. V. Thomas, June 13, 1675. 3. Petee ^ (Thomas '), bt. in Hing. June 6, 1662. m. first, in July, 1679, Anna, dau. of Cornelius and Anna Canterbury. She was bt. in Hing. May 8, 1653, and d. 20 Dec. 1729, set. 77th yr. He m. secondly, Aug. 14, 1730, Mrs. Lydia (Vinton) Turner, wid. of Jonathan Turner of Scit. and previously, perhaps, the wid. of Blaze Vinton. She d. in Hing. 17 Jan. 1756, set. 86 yrs. Peter d. 17 May, 1742, set. 90 yrs. "Weaver," afts. "miller," and later in life "farmer." Constable, 1690 ; Selectman, 1708 and 1716. Eesided on North, near Ship St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Anna, were — i. Cornelius, Aug. 24, 1684, d. at 21 yrs. of age. 4. ii. John, Dec. 10, 1685. 4. John 3 (Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Dec. 10, 1685. m. Aug. 5, 1715, Elizabeth, dau. of Blaze Vinton. She d. in Hing. 11 Feb. 1772, a3t. 74 yrs. He d. 25 Apr. 1760, ajt. 74 yrs. Will dated 19 June, 1759. "Farmer." Constable, 1714. Eesided at Weir Eiver. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Peter, 1716. m. Jan. 2, 1735-36, Martha Whitney of Hopkinton, Mass. " Farmer." Resided at Hopkinton. ii. John, May 7, 1717, d. soon. 5. iii. John, Nov. 18, 1718. 6. iv. Cornelius, 1720. v. Thomas, 1722, settled at Merrimack, N. H. vi. Joseph, July 6, 1726. m. Jan. 23, 1749, Joanna, dau. of Jeremiah Sprague, and settled as a physician at Merrimack, N. H. 7. vii. Benjamin-, July 6, 1726. viii. Anna, 1728, d. 12 Nov. 1744, a;t. 17th yr. ix. Lydia, 1730. m. May 30, 1751, Capt. Elijah Davis of Dorchester. X. Olive, 1733, d. 19 June, 1737. xi. Ensign, 1735, d. 18 June, 1737. 5. John ^ (John » Peter ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. Nov. 18, 1718. m. Dec. 24, 1746, Margaret Curtis, dau. of William and Margaret (Pratt) Curtis of Han. She was b. at Han. Nov. 6, 1726, and d. in Hing. 3 Dec. 1766, ffit. 40 yrs. He d. 18 March, 1788, at. 69 yrs. " Farmer." Constable in 1749. Resided on Summer St. (east side), near the present steamboat-landing. Barnes. 25 Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 8. i. John, Oct. 2, 1749. ii. Ensign, Oct. 9, 1751, d. 9 Jan. 1753. 9. iii. Ensign, Oct. 22, 1753. iv. An infant, Jan. 14, 1756, d. in 6 dys. V. Abel, Aug. 26, 1757, d. young. vi. William, Jan. 25, 1761. Removed to Eoxbury, where he m. and had issue. vii. James, June 12, 1763, d. 9 Nov. 1785, set. 22 yrs. viii. Jotham, Nov. 2, 1766. Eemoved to Boston. Was m. and had issue. 6. CoENBLius ' (John ^ Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. 1720. m. Jan. 3, 1743-44, Elizabeth Otis Lincoln, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah (AUyn) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1721, and d. 6 Apr. 1807, set. 86 yrs. He d. 8 Nov. 1778, set. 58 yrs. "Farmer." Con stable in 1748. Eesided on Summer St. (west side) near the present steamboat-landing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Abigail, Apr. 15, 1744. m. Dec. 3, 1767, Jesse Bates. ii. Anna, Nov. 14, 1747. m. Jan. 2, 1774, Joseph Hammond. iii. Cornelius, Nov. 9, 1752, d. 1 March, 1754. 10. iv. Cornelius, July 10, 1757. V. Celia, Nov. 13, 1767. m. Apr. 15, 1788, Laban Hersey. 7. Benjamin^ (John^ Peter ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. July 6, 1726. m. first, Oct. 29, 1746, Hannah Beal, dau. of Andrew and Eachel (Bates) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1727, and d. 18 July, 1783, set. 56th yr. He m. secondly, Sept. 29, 1783, wid. Euth Loring. She d. 22 Nov. 1788, ajt. 53 yrs. For his third w. he m. July 7, 1789, Mrs. Hannah (Whiton) Leavitt, wid. of Moses Leavitt, and dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Dunbar) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1733, and d. 8 Oct. 1823, set. 90th yr. He d. 13 June, 1803, set. 77th yr. " Farmer." Constable in 1765. Eesided at Weir Eiver. Ch., all b. in Hing., by his first w., were — Benjamin, June 7, 1747. Canterbury, June 11, 1749, d. 20 March, 1754. LuOY, May 7, 1751. m. Apr. 16, 1772, Elias Whitney, Jr. Rachel, June 5, 1753, d. 21 March, 1754. Eachel, Jan. 1, 1755. m. Feb. 24, 1774, Bezaliel Bennet. Triphbna, Oct. 26, 1756, d. 16 Dec. 1757. Canterbury, Dec. 24, 1758, d. 8 Sept. 1759. Canterbury, Apr. 13, 1760. Lydia, Apr. 11, 1762. m. May 24, 1781, Urbane Lincoln. Vinton, Oct. 2i, 1764. Removed either to Vermont or Canada. Thomas, June 21, 1767. George, July 16, 1769. 8. John « (John ^ Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Oct. 2, 1749. m. first, Feb. 16, 1772, Martha Curtis, dau. of William and Martha (Mann) Curtis of Han. She was b. at Han. Dec. 11, 1760, and d. 3 Dec 1780, aet. 30th yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 14, 1782, Mary Nichols of Scit. She d. in Hing. 10 Apr. 1821, set. 77 yrs. He d. 9 Feb. 1817, set. 67 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on Summer St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Martha, were — 15. i. Curtis, July 14, 1773. ii. Martha, Ang. 11, 1775, d. unm. 28 Apr. 1840, set. 65th yr. iii. Margaret, Feb. 8, 1778, d. unm. 19 March, 1814, set. 36 yrs. iv. John, July 13, 1780, d. 5 Feb. foU. 11. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. 12. viii. ix. X. 13. xi. 14. xii. 26 Barnes. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — V. Polly, Nov. 9, 1783, d. unm. 30 Dec. 1837, set. 54 yrs. vi. John, Oct. 31, 1785, d. 22 March foil. 9. Ensign = (John" Peter = Thomas'), b. in Hing. Oct. 22, 1753. m. Oct. 8, 1786, Susanna Jacob, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna (Beal) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. March 13, 1766, and d. 30 Jan. 1849, set. 83d yr. He d. 6 Dec. 1830, aat. 77 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Summer St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 16. i. Ensign, Oct. 9, 1787. ii. Susan, Aug. 29, 1789. m. Apr. 24, 1811, Ned Cushing. iii. Abel, Sept. 15, 1791. m. Louisa Ploembeck of Boston. She survived him and m. (2) James Barnes, s. of William^'''. Abel d. at Boston, 22 March, 1830, leaving two ch. iv. Eliza Vinton, Feb. 21, 1794, d. unm. 16 Deo. 1831. V. Lydia, July 30, 1796, d. unm. 28 June, 1854. 17. vi. Luther Jacob, Dec. 11, 1798. vii. Nathan, March 3, 1801, d. unm. 28 Nov. 1837. viii. Isaac, Apr. 11, 1803, d. unm. 15 July, 1874, set. 71 yrs. ix. Helen Maria, Aug. 27, 1807. m. June 23, 1834, Henry K. Horton of Boston. She d. at Boston, 18 Oct. 1877, ast. 70 yrs. 10. CoENELius " (Cornelius ' John ^ Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. July 10, 1757. m. Sarah Clapp of Scit. She d. in Hing. 4 Dec. 1786, ffit. 27 yrs. He d. 9 Apr. 1790, at. 33d yr. "Farmer." Child,— i. Cornelius, bt. in Hing. July 23, 1780. m. Sept. 25, 1803, Lydia Hersey, dau. of "Thomas and Abigail (Cushing) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 23, 1784, and surviving him, m. (2) Dea. Thomas Freeman of Portland, Me. Cornelius d. at P. 22 Dec. 1822, leaving issue. Note. — Mrs. Sarah (Barnes) Ingalls, dau. of Cornelius and Lydia (Hersey) Barnes, d. at Natick 1 July, 1884, set. 64 yrs. 6 mos. 17 days. 11. Benjamin' (Benjamin* John^ Peter ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. June 7, 1747. m. first, Feb. 1, 1770, Miriam Wilcutt, dau. of Joseph and Eachel (Phillips) Wilcutt. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 19, 1749, and d. 21 Jan. 1785, set. 36th yr. He m. secondly, June 5, 1787, Polly Pritchard of Coh. She d. 15 Nov. 1831, set. 74 yrs. He d. 30 Dee. 1833, set. 87th yr. "Farmer," and a soldier of the Eev. Eesided at Weir Eiver, now Eockland St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Miriam, were — i. Malachi, Aug. 21, 1770, d. young. ii. Livingston, Sept. 16, 1772, d. young. iii. Peter, Sept. 28, 1774. m. Sybil Burbank, aud lived at Coh., where he d. 6 Apr. 1849. iv. Joseph, March 4, 1777. m. Polly Vinal of Scit. He d 18 Jan. 1843. Resided at Scit. V. Hannah, Sept. 4, 1779, d. 11 Sept. foil. vi. Hannah, Sept. 2, l780, d. 10 Apr. 1803, set. 23d yr. vii. A SON, March 10, 1783, d. in 2 weeks. viii. A SON, March 10, 1783, d. soon. 18. ix. Benjamin, Oct. 14, 1784. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Polly, were — X. Charles, Aug. 20, 1787. m. Anna Whitney of Milford. He was lost at sea in Sch'. "Hare," Feb. 1818, set. 31 yrs. 19. xi. Lincoln, Apr. 13, 1789. Barnes. 27 xii. Vinton, Sept. 25, 1790, d. 22 Sept. 1791. xiii. Miriam, March 1, 1792. m. Aug. 23, 1813, John Burbank of Coh. xiv. Polly, Aug. 4, 1794. m. (1) Oct. 1824, David S.Russell, and (2) Daniel Corthell. She d. 24 Dec. 1852, at. 58 yrs. 20. XV. Malachi, Dec. 21, 1795. xvi. David, bt. Feb. 16, 1805. 12. Canteebuey ^ (Benjamin * John * Peter ^ Thomas '), o. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1760. m. Aug. 19, 1787, Hannah Burr, dau., of Timothy and Sarah (Leavitt) Burr. She was bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Feb. 1, 1767, and d. 20 Nov. 1836, set. 70 yrs. He d. 29 Apr. 1833, set. 73 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided at Weir Eiver, now Eockland St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lucy, May 1b, 17SS. m. Sept. 8, 1808, David Nickerson of Boston. ii. Lydia Burr, Oct. 23, 1790, d. unm. 2 Oct. 1822. iii. Naajian, July 25, 1793, d. unm. 21 May, 1832. iv. Joshua Burr, June 26, 1797. m. Turner of Boston, and left issue. V. Sarah Leavitt, May 26, 1801. m. July 20, 1823, Henry Nye, and d. 23 July, 1829. vi. Hannah Bt-rr, Aug. 27, 1803. m. Jan. 5, 1830, Henry Nye, widT. 21. vii. Henry, July 10, 1808. 13. Thomas ° (Benjamin ' John ^ Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. June 21, 1767. m. first, Nancy Abrahams of Boston ; and secondly, March 7, 1803, Martha Burr, dau. of Timothy and Sarah (Leavitt) Burr of Coh. She was bt. at Coh. Dec. 20, 1772. Eesided at Boston. So far as I kn. he had but one Child, b. prob. at Boston, by w. Nancy, viz. : — 22. L Thomas, , 1787. 14. Geoege^ (Benjamin* John^ Peter ^ Thomas ') b. in Hing. July 16, 1769. m. July 18, 1790, Christiana Mansfield, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Waters) Mansfield. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 2, 1771, and d. 28 Oct. 1844, at. 74th yr. He d. 11 May, 1827, set. 68th yr. "Far mer." Eesided at Weir Eiver. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. George, Nov. 1790, d. 1 Dec. foil. ii George, bt. Dec. 25, 1791, d. 29 Sept. 1792. iii. George, bt. Oct. 13, 1793, d. Nov. 1796. iv. Chrissy, bt. Feb. 22, 1795, d. 14 Nov. 1796. V. Martin, bt. Aug. 21, 1796, d. 7 March, 1798. vi. Joshua, bt. Sept. 24, 1797, d. at Boston, 28 Feb. 1834. vii. Christiana, b. Dec. 18, 1797. m. Oct. 17, 1821, Halah Harden. 23. viii. George, May 4, 1799. ix. Nancy, Apr. 2, 1801, d. 19 Aug. 1803. X. Hannah, May 23, 1802. m. (1) Dec. 17, 1826, Hosea Harden, and (2) Apr. 19, 1855, Ephraim Harden, wid'. xi. Martin, Dec. 1, 1803. m. Mary Trout of Boston. He d. 13 March, 1841, leaving issue. xii. Nancy, Dec. 1, 1805. m. Robert T. Stodder. 24. xiii. Caleb Bates, Feb. 1, 1808. 25. xiv. Benjamin, Nov. 10, 1810. XV. Thomas, 1815, d. Apr. 1822, set. 7 yrs. 15. CuETis ' (John ^' Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. July 14, 1773. m. Nov. 6, 1803, Angelina, dau. of Zachariah Whitman of Bridgewater. She d. at Coh. 22 Feb. 1829, set. 53 yrs. He d. in Hing. 10 Nov. 1861, set. 78 yrs, "Farmer." Eesided on Summer St. 28 Barnes. Ch.,— i. John, July 31, 1804. Resided at Philadelphia, Pa., where he d. 7 Feb. 1839, leaving a s. John Edwin. ii. Martha Curtis, Oct. 22, 1806. m. Feb. 24, 1833, Alfred Cummings, of Hudson, N. H. iii. KiLBORN, Apr. 4, 1809, d. 12 July, 1810. iv. Angelina Whitman, Apr. 5, 1811. m. John Guild of Wolcott, Vt., and d. 5 July, 1862. V. KlLBORN Whitman, Apr. 22, 1814. m. Aug. 24, 1839, Jane W. Dunbar, dau. of Hosea and Lucy (Wilder) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1817. He d. lAug. 1884, »t. 70th yr. "Farmer." Eesided on Sum mer St. vi. Curtis, Oct. 29, 1816, d. 9 March, 1818. vii. Curtis, July 27, 1819. m. Nancy Hemmenway of Wells, Me. She d. 1879. He d. at West Newton, 7 Oct. 1885, set. 66 yrs. 28. viii. Edwin, July 27, 1819. 16. Ensign « (Ensign ^ John *-= Peter " Thomas '), b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1787. m. Dec. 6, 1807, Deborah Lincoln, dau. of Barnabas and Olive (Gilbert) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. July 13, 1788, and d. 25 March, 1848, set. 60th yr. He d. 9 March, 1832, set. 44 yrs. "Mer chant." Eesided on Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Adeline Lincoln, May 3, 1808, d. unm. 11 May, 1885, ^t. 77 yrs. ii. Susan Jacob, , 1811, d. umn. 1 Sept. 1875, set 64 yrs. iii. Deborah Gilbert, , 1813, d. unm. 17 May, 1857, set. 44 yrs. iv. Sarah Kelsey, , 1817, d. unm. 5 Nov. 1876, set. 58 yrs. V. Maria Louisa, Sept. 17, 1828. m. June 29, 1852, John S. Hooper of Boston. Their s. Sewoill Henry was b. July 29, 1853. 17. LuTHEE J.^ (Ensign ^ John ^ Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1798. m. March 24, 1826, Eebecca Fessenden, dau. of Benjamin and Ann (Bucknam) Fessenden of Boston. She was b. at Boston, Dec. 13, 1807, and d. in Hing. 23 Aug. 1885, set. 78th yr. He d. 24 Jan. 1855, set. 6& yrs. "Merchant." Was active and prominent in all undertakings which looked to the growth and prosperity of the town ; was one of the founders of the Hingham Bank, of the Boston and Hingham Steamboat Company, of the Mutual Fire Ins. Company, of the Institution for Savings, etc., — an enterprising and public-spirited citizen. Eesided on Summer St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Ann Fessenden, Jan. 21, 1826. m. May 19, 1852, Preston Adams Ames. She d. at Boston, 11 Dec. 1876, set. 51st yr. 29. ii. Charles Benjamin, Apr. 12, 1829. 18. Benjamin * (Benjamin " John ' Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1784. m. Sally, dau. of Nathaniel Vinal of Scit. She d. at Wey. 31 May, 1873, set. 82 yrs. He d. in Hing. 23 July, 1871, at. 87th yr. " Farm laborer." Eesided principally at Weir Eiver. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Albert, Apr. 2, 1812. m. Miriam, dau. of Peter Bames, andsettledat Coh. 30. ii. Lemuel, Nov. 24, 1813. iii. Harvey. Drowned at Weir River, 1823 or 1824. iv. Sarah, July 26, 1820. m. Jacob EweU. V. Robert, . Removed to Wey. Bames. 29 vi. Harvey, . m. Martha Ann, dau. of David H. Gardner, and resides at Wey. vii. Harriet Porter, Jan. 23, 1825. m. Nov. 9, 1844, Leavitt B. Beal. viii. Ann Nickerson, Jan. 16, 1827. m. Apr. 14, 1844, Ephraim B. Burbank. ix. Hannah Vinal, . m. Dec. 22, 1847, Isaac Burbank. X. Eliza Ewell, . m. Apr. 11, 1847, George French, Jr. 19. Lincoln ^ (Benjamin '^ John ' Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1789. m. Betsey Ellms of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Feb. 24, 1792, and d. in Hing. 16 Oct. 1863, set. 72d yr. He was killed by the falling of shears while removing a mast from the Sch' " Pony," of which he was master, 22 June, 1823, set. 34 yrs. " Master mariner." Ee sided on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Ellms, 1815, d. 8 March, 1832, set. 17 yrs. ii. Abigail Canterbury, Feb. 23, 1817. m. Jan. 25, 1838, John Todd, and d. 22 Dec. 1878, at. 62d yr. iii. Olive Vinton, 1819, d. 25 Feb. 1843, set. 23 yrs. iv. Rachel Lincoln, Feb. 2, 1822. m. Nov. 2, 1842, Quincy Bicknell, Jr., and d. 8 Dec. 1882, set. 61st yr. 20. Malachi ' (Benjamin ^ John ' Peter ' Thomas '), b. in Hing. Dec. 21, 1795. m. Feb. 21, 1819, Anna Beal. dau. of Seth and Sarah H. (Willett) Beal. She was b. at Coh. Oct. 31, 1799, and d. in Hing. 14 Dec. 1855, set. 66th yr. He d. 8 Nov. 1862, set. 57th yr. " Master mariner." Eesided on Weir St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary, Sept. 24, 1819, d. 28 Aug. 1821. ii. Hiram, Sept. 5, 1821, d. 13 Nov. 1838. 31. iii. Lincoln, May 8, 1823. iv. Anna Willett, Dec. 25, 1824. m. Dec. 7, 1846, William Eldredge. V. Mary Pritchard, July 18, 1828. m. May 11, 1845, Southard Pratt. vi Sarah Hill, Sept. 10, 1829, d. 29 Jan. 1831. vii. Eichard, June 2, 1831 ; is blind, and unm. viiu Malachi, Sept. 2, 1832. m. March 24, 1863, Mary Jennings. ix. Sarah Hill, Dec. 31, 1834. X. Ferdinand Juandis, June 25, 1836. m. May 1, 1857, Helen F. French. 21. Heney " (Canterbury ^ Benjamin * John ' Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. July 10, 1808. m. first, March, 1837, Eliza Hayes. She d. 24 Aug. 1838, set. 26 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 27, 1842, Sarah H. Thayer, dau. of Abraham and Mary (Arnold) Thayer of Wey. She d. 18 June, 1882, set. 64 yrs. He d. 31 Oct. 1879, set. 71 yrs. " Mar iner." Eesided on Eocldand St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — i. Sarah L., May 21, 1843. m. Ferdinand Becker, and d. at Lower Bartlett, N. H., 6 Ang. 1882, set. 39 yrs. ii. Henry A., Jan. 8, 1845. iii. Caroline Perkins, July 9, 1847. iv. Edward Thayer, Dec, 1849. V. Walter C, Nov. 22, 1851, d. 12 Oct. 1852. vi. Howard Canterbury, Aug. 24, 1853. 22. Thomas ' (Thomas * Benjamin ^ John ' Peter " Thomas '), b. ab. 1787. m. Abigail Hastings of Newton. Dr. Thomas Barnes (den tist) of Boston, d. at his summer residence in Hing. — formerly the Hapgood place at Weir Eiver — 22 Nov. 1852, set. 66 yrs. 30 Barnes. Ch.,— i. Martha Ann, . m. Fordyce F. Wheelock. ii. Abigail, . m. Daniel Hitchcock, dentist, of Boston. Note. — Thomas Barnes, wid'., m. Apr. 24, 1849, Melissa J. Hubbard. 23. Geoege" (George ^ Benjamin* John^ Peter ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. May 4, 1799. m. first, Oct. 1, 1820, Eebecca F. Todd, dau. of William and Eebecca (Fearing) Todd. She was b. in Hing. March 21, 1800, and d. 4 Oct. 1848, set. 48 yrs. He m. secondly, Sept. 9, 1851, Ellen Foresides, a native of Ire. George d. 17 May, 1883, set. 84 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, — i. Sarah Ann, Oct. 3, 1821. m. June 7, 1846, Edward L. Hersey, and d. 8 March, 1852, set. 30 yrs. ii. Rebecca F., Nov. 29, 1823, d. 6 Aug. 1824. iii. Rebecca Todd, Aug. 1. 1826. m. Nov. 9, 1843, William Stodder, and d. 28 Dec. 1844. iv. Susan Mansfield, June 3, 1828, d. 20 Apr. 1846. V. George Henry, Aug. 1, 1832, d. 4 Sept. foil. vi. George Henry, Dec. 4, 1834. Eesides at Worcester. vii. William Todd, July 5, 1836. Is dead. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing. by w. Ellen, — viii. Thomas Vinton, Jan. 25, 1853, d. 20 Aug. foil. ix. Ellen Maria, May 18, 1855. m. Nov. 29,1876, Jacob F. Loud of Wey., and d. 16 Aug. 1877, set. 22 yrs. X. Thomas Vinton, Apr. 13, 1857. m. Oct. 11, 1879, Mary E. Makepeace. 24, Caleb B." (George ^ Benjamin * John " Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Feb. 1, 1808. m. at Scit. March 11, 1838, Adeline Studley, dau. of Allen and Mary (Damon) Studley. She was b. at Scit. Dee. 25, 1814. He d. 7 Oct. 1884, set. 77th yr. " Carpenter." Eesided on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Adeline, Jan. 19, 1839. ii. Elizabeth Vinton, Oct. 11, 1841. m. Ezra Howard. iii. Christiana Mansfield, June 27, 1845. m. Eichard Spear, and d. at Wey. 28 Feb. 1876. iv. Caleb Thomas, Jan. 31, 1848, d. 1 Apr. 1850. V. George Vinton, Aug. 20, 1850. m. March 21, 1872, Sarah E., dau. of David and Sarah A. (Colbath) Burr. vi. Nancy Catherine, May 15, 1853. m. Apr. 5, 1873, George N. Peaslee. vii. Georgiana, Feb. 28, 1855. m. Oct. 3, 1874, James S. Beal, 2d. 25. Benjamin '^ (George ^ Benjamin * John « Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Nov. 10, 1810. m. Oct. 26, 1842, Martha Stodder, dau. of Thomas and Betsey (Dill) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1815. Benjamin d. 28 May, 1859, set. 49th yr. "Farm laborer." Eesided on Cottage St. Child, — j. Benjamin Franklin, Feb. 1845. m. Buena Vista Drew, dau. of Levi H. and Sarah (Rich) Drew of Boston. She d. in Hing. 21 May, 1880, set. 33 yrs. He d. 9 March, 1876, a;t. 31 yrs. "Engineer." Eesided on Cottage St. Ch., b. in Hing. : 1. Bessie Alice, July 10, 1868. 2. Burner Vista, Nov. 24, 1870, d. next day. Barnes. 31 26. William ' (Joseph ^ Benjamin '-' John ° Peter ^ Thomas '), b. at Scit. . m. Abigail, dau. of Eben and Elizabeth (Eose) Osborn of Scit. She d. at Wey. 18 Oct. 1880, set. 74 yrs. He d. 20 Oct. 1847. "Mariner." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. William, Jan. 3, 1826. m. Nov. 14, 1847, Mary Ann White. (See "Hingham in the Ciril War.") ii. Mary Elizabeth, March 10, 1828. m. Nov. 28, 1847, Peter H. Jacob. iii. Ensign, , 1830, drowned 11 July, 1857, set. 27th yr. iv. Helen- Amanda, Dec. 16, 1832. m. Nov. 24, 1853, Elijah D. Tilden. V. Abby Leach, Oct. 12, 1836. m. Daniel Torrey of Wey. vi. Laura Ann, 1839. m. Nov. 23, 1856, Josiah Tirrell, 24, of Wey. 27. Joseph, Je., m. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1833, Catherine E. Pettingill, dau. of Moses and Zelinda (Lincoln) Pettingill. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1814. This fam. removed to Boston. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Joseph Henry, July 25, 1833. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iL Zelinda Lincoln, 1836. iii. Augustus, March 7, 1839. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") 28. Edwin' (Curtis « John^-" Peter ^ Thomas'), b. July 27, 1819. m. Nov. 3, 1842, Eliza W. Block. « Carpenter." Served in the U. S. navy during the Civil War. Eesides on Summer St. Ch.,— i. Edwin Curtis, , d. young. u. Angelina Whitman, , d. young. iii. John Curtis, b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1859. Eesides in New York City. 29. Chaeles B.' (Luther J.« Ensign = John" Peter ^ Thomas'), b., in Hing. Apr. 12, 1829. m. June 16, 1869, Clara Louisa Page, dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Pinder) Page. She was b. at Salem, Mass., Jan. 31, 1833. " Woollen commission-merchant," Boston. Eesides on the paternal homestead. Summer St., Hing., and at his winter residence,, Boston. Ch.,— L Edith Page, May 6, 1860. ii. Clara Fessenden, Jan. 8,1862. iii. Mary Page, July 2, 1865. iv. Charles Benjamix, Nov. 1, 1868. 30. Lemuel' (Benjamin ^'^ John' Peter ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. Nov. 24, 1813. m. Nov. 24, 1833. Eliza, dau. of Turner and Eachel (Ewell) EweU of Mf'd. She was b. at Mf'd Sept. 9, 1813. " Laborer." Eesides on North, near cor. of Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Maria, Nov. 4, 1842, d. 5 Dec. foil. ii. Harriet Leavitt, June 22, 1844. m. Nov. 20, 1864, Barzillai Lincoln. iii. Lemuel Augustus, Apr. 11, 1848, d. 10 July, 1852. 31. Lincoln ' (Malachi ' Benjamin ^* John * Peter ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. May 8, 1823. m. Dec. 7, 1846, Celia B. Hersey, dau. of Laban and Martha C. (Davis) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1813, and d. 5 June, 1886, set. 72 yrs. " Iron-moulder." Eesides on Weir St. 32 Barnes. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Cornelius, Nov. 2, 1847, d. 22 Sept. 1852. ii. Martha Chapman Davis, June 3, 1849. m. July 2, 1871, Charles H. Wakefield. iii. Lincoln, Dec. 24, 1853, m. Emma Studley. 32. Sylvanus' (Polly « Benjamin^* John" Peter ^ Thomas'), b. in Hing. 1814. m. June 16, 1844, Susan Newcomb, dau. of Jacob and Eliza (Stodder) Newcomb. She was b. in Hing. 1828, and surviving "liim, m. secondly, David Holbrook. Sylvanus and his fam. removed to Ab'n., where he d. 29 Feb. 1872, set. 58 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Joanna, 1846. ii. An infant, d. 7 Oct. 1849. iii. Charles A., 1853. Eesides at Eockland. He m. in Hing. July 26, 1886, Emma E. Everett. 33. Cushing, m. in Hing. first, Dec. 16, 1830, Leah S. Whiting, dau. of Enoch and Martha (Whiting) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. March 21, 1808, and d. 20 Apr. 1841, set. 33 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 3, 1842, Elizabeth Eay, dau. of Caleb and Betsey L. (Burrell) Eay. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 4, 1818, and d. at Boston, 6 Feb. 1855, set. 37 yrs. ^' Shipwright." Eesided on Ship, and North Sts. Eemoved to East Boston. 34. James (Leavitt = Jane Souther), b. at Coh. Aug. 2, 1820. m. Dec.l4, 1845, Mary Beal, dau. of Caleb and Sally (Lambert) Beal: She was b. at Coh. July 26, 1825. James d. in Hing. 27 Nov. 1884, set. €4 yrs. " Salesman." Eesided on Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Alice, Sept. 10, 1848, d. 17 Oct. foil. ii. James Willis, Apr. 2, 1851. iii. Mary Corabel, Nov. 30, 1861, d. 7 March, 1885. 35. John 0., from Coh., m. in Hing. Aug. 31, 1869, Susan A. Beal, dau. of Eobert and Chloe (Sprague) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 1, 1848. Eesides on East St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Laura May, Apr. 20, 1870. ii. Martha Maria, June 23, 1872, d. 25 July foil. iii. Grace Tower, Sept. 19, 1873. iv. Susan Otis, June 16, 1876. Lyman, b. at Hardwick, Mass., Sept. 26, 1796. m. in Hing. Nov. '20, 1823, Hannah S. Whiton, dau. of Israel and Hannah (Stowell) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1799, and d. 6 Jan. 1881, set. 82d yr. He d. without issue, 26 March, 1882, set. 86 yrs. " Set- work cooper," and sev. yrs. constable, pound-keeper, etc. Eesided on Main, opp. Hersey St. Note. — Sarah, d. 25 May, 1799, set. 47 yrs. Ehzabeth T., m. March 18, 1845, Joseph Battles. Edward Q., of Boston, m. Dec. 23," 1863, Ann E. Humphrey. Thomas T., of Ea. Bridgewater, m. Apr. 9, 1858, Helen B. Harden. Barrell — Barry. 3 3 BARRELL. William, of Scit., m. Nov. 23, 1776, Eebecca Wilder. Lucy, of Scit., m. Dec. 22, 1812, Joseph Whiting of Hing. Luthee, m. March 29, 1792, Abigail Humphrey. Maey, m. Nov. 27, 1828, Abraham Burbank. BARRY. 1. Pateick (Bartholomew = Hanora Cotter), from Waterford, Ire. m. first, Mary North. She d. at Boston, ¦. He m. secondly, Catherine Stanton, dau. of John and Anastasia (Dempsey) Stanton. She was b. at Waterford, Ire. Patrick d. in Hing. 7 May, 1876, set. 54 yrs. " Engineer." Eesided on Friend St. Child, by w. Mary, — i. A son, b. and d. same day. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Catherine, — ii. A son, b. and d. same dav. iii. Ana-stasia, Oct. 31, 1858, d. 22 Aug. 1859. iv. James, Jan. 20, 1860, d. 27 Nov. 1879. V. John Stanton, July 2, 1863. m. Anna Davison, and d. 31 July, 1884, set. 21 vrs. vi. Mary" Ellen, Feb. 11, 1866, d. 17 Nov. 1879. 2. John (Bartholomew = Hanora Cotter), b. in Ire. 1814. m. Isa bella McKenan. She d. in Hing. 27 Aug. 1870, set. 42 yrs. He d. 24 March, 1870, set. 66 yrs. No ch. 3. William (Bartholomew = Hanora Cotter), b. in Ire. 1820. m. in Dec. 1846, Margaret Dunn, dau. of James and Ellen (Farrell) Dunn. She was b. in Ire. 1821. " Laborer." Eesides on Friend St. Ch.,— i. Mary M., 1846. m. June 14, 1863, Thomas Daley. ii. Bartholomew, 1848, d. 1850. iii. Catherine, 1852, d. 14 Sept. 1871. iv. Ellen, Apr. 12, 1855. m. May 24, 1874, Eobert A. Noonan of Wey. V. Hanora, July 16, 1856. m. Dec. 25, 1876, Holland. Thomas (John = Johanna Moten), b. in County Cork, Ire,, Apr. 5, 1833. m. first, Ellen Meehan. She d. in Hing. 26 Aug. 1864, st. 29 yrs. He m. secondly July 1, 1866, Ellen Quinn, also a native of Ire., and dau. of Bartholomew and Mary (Daley) Quinn. "Laborer." Eesides on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., by the first m'ge, — * i. Joanna, Sept. 1858. ii. Mary Ellen, Nov. 1860. Ch., b. in Hing. by sec. m'ge, — iii. Julia Ellen, Apr. 6, 1867, d. 13 Sejit. 1869. iv. Thomas Patmck, Aug. 17, 1868, d. 5 Apr. 1870. V. John Edward, Feb. 2, 1871. VOL. II, — 3 Barry — Barstow — Bartlett. vi. Margaret Ellen, July 1, 1873. vii. Bessey, March, 1876. viii. James, June 14, 1879. Note. — Clarissa G. m. Nov. 24, 1853, Alonzo L. Corey, both of New Bedford. Catherine, dau. of Bartholomew and Hanora (Cotter) Barry, m. Sept. 13, 1849, David Spencer. BARSTO"W. Samuel G. (Joseph = Lydia Soule), b. at Dux. 1791. m. Dorothy . She d. in Hiug. 9 March, 1851, .-et. 42 yrs. He d. 12 Apr. 1868, set. 67 yrs. " Master mariner." Eesided on Beal St. Ch.,— i. Samuel Briggs, 1828. m. in Hing. June 2, 1847, Lucy B., dau. of Jairus and Lucy (Burr) Thayer. Their s. Oeorge E., b. in Hing. 1848, was killed on the New York, Providence, and Boston Bailroad at Cranston, E. I., 8 Aug. 1885, St. 37 yrs. ii. George, 1832, d. at Ab'n, from an injury received by the bursting of a gun, 6 Feb. 1847, ast. 14 yrs. iii. Benjamin F., 1834, d. at Cal. iv. Joseph 0., 1839. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Note. — Rebecca, bt. by Eev. Peter Hobart of Hing. March 5, 1648. Joseph, m. in Hing. May 16, 1666, Susanna Lincoln, dau. of Thomas (the husbandman) and Margaret (Langer) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1646. Rebecca and Joseph were prob. ch. of William Barstow of Scit., who d. 1668. Anna, his wid., was adm'x. Est. £53. BARTLETT. 1. Daniel, a native of Barnet, Vt., m. in Hing. first, Dec. 10, 1826, Lydia Gardner, dan. of Solomon and Mary (Wilder) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 15, 1805, and d. 25 Dee. 1832, set. 27 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 10, 1833, Lydia L. Wilder, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Loring) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1811. He d. 20 July, 1871, set. 70th yr. "Set-work cooper." Eesided on Main St. So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by his first w., — 2. i. Daniel Wolcott, 1829. ii. Lydia Ann, Aug. 11, 1832. m. Nov. 28, 1854, Caleb S. Stodder. Ch., b. in Hing., by his second w., — iii. Lewis E., Apr. 27, 1836, d. 3 May, 1843. iv. Elizabeth T., July 8, 1838, d. 24 Sept. 1839. V. Tamah E., Apr. 19, 1840, d. 18 Apr. 1843. vi. Joseph W., Feb. 18, 1845, d. 24 Feb. 1847. vii. Mary E. W. Sept. 29, 1846. m. Nov. 3, 1867, Edward F. Wilder. 2. Daniel W. (Daniels Lydia Gardner), b. in Hing. 1829. ni. Nov. 7, 1862, Lucy Ann Nelson, dau. of James and Ann (Hovey) Nel son. She was b. in Hing. June, 1833. Daniel d. 1 June, 1866, set. 27 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided at So. Hing. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Edward Wolcott, May 16, 1855. m. June 26, 1879, Mary J. Grantmere of Boston. Note. — Daniel, m. Aug. 23, 1807, Mrs. Mary (Jones) Jacob, wid. of Daniel Jacob, and dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Lane) Jones. She was h. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1771.. Hannah (Davis), a native of Epping. N.H., d. in Hing. 18 Apr. 1879, set. 89th yr. Mary W of Wev. m. June 27, I860, Francis T. Raymond of Wey. Arthur W., of Wev. m. Oct 24 1876 Nellie M. Williams. ' ' ' Barton — Bassett. 35 BARTON. Benjamin, was for sev. yrs. a resident of Hing., and engaged in the mackerel fishery. The chris. name of his w. was Adeline. He removed with his fam. to Boston, and d. there 5 Sept. 1850, set. 45 yrs. Their s. Benjamin, b. in Hing. 1834, d. at Boston, 5 Aug. 1854, set. 20th yr. Eussell, from Vt., and b. 1811. m. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1838, Ann E. Lincoln, dau. of Allen and Mercy (Stowell) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. 1819, and d. at Wey. 9 Oct. 1865, set. 46 yrs. " Teamster." Eesides on South St. near Goold's Bridge. Ch.,— i. Eussell 0., 1841, d. at Wey. 2 Feb. 1878, set. 37 yrs. ii. Silvia Ann, 1846. m. Nov. 29, 1871, Clarence A. Nash. iii. Ann Eosina, 1849. iv. Bradford Lorenzo, 1852. m. Oct. 8, 1884, Mrs. Ida (Parker) Bicknell. V. Walter E., 1856, d. 11 Feb. 1871, set. 14 yrs. vi. Hollis Winfield. BASSETT. 1. Joseph,^ whose name early appears on Hing. records, was a s. of William Bassett,' one of the thirty-six passengers who came to Ply. in the "Fortune," in 1621. Joseph m. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1677, Martha, youngest dau'. of Edmund and Elizabeth Hobart. She was bt. in Hing. June 1, 1647. They undoubtedly removed to Bridgewater, Mass. 2. Joshua,^ prob. gr.-s. of Joseph, and great-gr.-s. of William the Pilgrim, m. in Hing. March 8, 1738-39, Hannah, dau. of George and Anna (Baker) Bramhall. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 1, 1716, and d. 24 Dec. 1793, set. 77 yrs. He d. ab. 1757, perhaps at sea, as Dec. 1 of that yr. Francis Barker was appointed to administer upon the est. of the late Joshua Bassett of Hing. "mariner," deceased. Inv. appraised by Thomas Andrews and John Thaxter ; inc. a small dw.-house, house hold-goods, etc., in Hing. ; also land at Scit., and Barnstable. Ch., aU b. in Hing. so far as I kn., were — i. Sarah, bt. March 27, 1740. m. Apr. 25, 1779, Samuel Todd. ii. Anna, 1 742, d. unm. Apr. 1797, set. 56th yr. iii. Susanna, . m. Sept. 12, 1768, John Eoss. 3. iv. Joseph, Oct. 1747. V. A child, 1752, d. 3 May, 1754, set. 2 yrs. 3. Joseph «( Joshua^ ^ Joseph'^ William i),b. Oct. 1747. m. first, Nov. 18, 1772, Mary Pittee. She d. in Hing. 3 Dec. 1786. He m. secondly, March 19, 1786, Mrs. Tabitha (Burrell) Nye, wid. of Philip Nye, and dau. of Daniel and Tabitha (Porter) Burrell. She was b. at Wey. June 12, 1747, and d. in Hing. 12 Sept. 1826, set. 79 yrs. Joseph d. 8 Feb. 1813, at. 66 yrs. " Shipwright." Eesided on North St. near the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — i. Hannah, March 20, 1774, d. 11 Oct. foil. ii. Joshua, June 20, 1776, d. at one ofthe W. I. Islands, 29 Jan. 1801. 4. iii. John Eoss, Nov. 11, 1778, 36 Bassett. iv. Joseph, Apr. 1, 1781, d. 5 July, 1824, set. 43 yrs. 5. V. Martin, Sept. 30, 1783. vi. An infant, Nov. 29, 1785, d. same day. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Tabitha, — 6. vii. Daniel, March 9, 1787. 4. John E.^ (Joseph* Joshua* " Joseph^ William '), b. in Hing. Nov. 11, 1778. m. Apr. 22, 1804, Mary Turner of Scit. She d. in Hing. 2 May, 1831, set. 50 yrs. He d. 30 March, 1860, set. 81 yrs. " Shoemaker ; " afts. " Trader," and having an interest in the mackerel fisheries. Eesided on North, near Ship St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 7. i. John, bt. June 14, 1805. 8. ii. Caleb Turner, Aug. 27, 1815. 5. Maetin * (Joseph * Joshua * ^ Joseph ^ William '), b. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1783. m. Sabra Briggs, dau. of Joseph and Betsey (Stodder) Briggs. She was b. at Coh. Aug. 6, 1786, and d. at Chelsea, 15 Nov. 1868, set. 83 yrs. Martin d. at Charlestown, Mass., from an injury received in the navy yard, 11 Feb. 1836, set. 52 yrs. " Shipwright." Eesided on Green St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary, Aug. 25, 1812. m. (1) Dec. 18, 1831, James E. Kelsey ; and (2) Edward C. Blossom. For her third hus. she m. Capt. Kimball Easter- brook, whom she survives. ii. Maria, June 8, 1814. m. (1) Apr. 9, 1838, Demerick Stodder, and (2) Jan. 9, 1842, Earl S. Kelsey. iii. Joseph, Dec. 20, 1816, lost at sea in ScM "King" March 25. 1840. iv. Sabra, Nov. 3, 1819. m. March 31, 1850, Warren A. Hersey, widi; V. Lois, June 7, 1822, d. 29 Aug. 1838. 6. Daniel" (Joseph^ Joshua* ^ Joseph- William'), b. in Hing. March 9, 1787. m. at Mf'd, Feb. 18, 1813, Mary Gray Thomas, dau. of John and Lucy (Baker) Thomas. She was b. at Mf'd, March 1, 1794, and d. in Hing. 13 Feb. 1884, set. 90th yr. He d. 2 Dec. 1848, set. 62d yr. "Master shipwright." Eesided on North St. near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 9. i. George, March 26, 1314. ii. Sarah Deering, Jan. 10, 1816, d. 9 June, 1835. iii. Mary Thomas, Jan. 18, 1819. m. Capt. Bailey Loring. She d. at Dux. 27 May, 1848, a3t. 29 yrs. 10. iv. Daniel, Dec. 25, 1820. 7. John' (John E.^ Joseph « Joshua* = Joseph ^ William '), bt. in Hing. June 14, 1805. m. Nov. 9, 1828, Sarah Andrews, dau. of David and Betsey (Sargent) Andrews. She was b. at West Boylston, Mass.. Nov. 16, 1807, and d. in Hing. 24 July, 1882, set. 76th yr. He d. 16 Jan. 1883, set. 78th yr. "Clerk." Eesided on North St. Ch,— i. Charles Henry, July, 1829, d. 3 Jan. 1832. ii. George Andrews, 1831, d. 18 March, 1832, set. 9 mo's. iii. Georgianna Andrews, Jan. 17, 1833, d. unm. 31 Dec. 1875, set. 43d yr. Bassett — Batchelder. 37 8. Caleb T.' (John E.» Joseph « Joshua* « Joseph'' William'), b. in Hing. Aug. 27, 1815. m. July 10, 1840, Sarah Thompson Alien, dau. of Abijah and Sarah Allen of Braintree, Mass. She was b. at Braintree, Feb. 15, 1818. Caleb T., d. in Hing. 19 Dec. 1876, set. 60 yrs. " Shipwright." Eesided on North and Water Sts. Ch.,— i. Charles Warren, June 27, 1843. ii. Sarah Frances, Sept. 20, 1848. 9. Geoege' (Daniel^ Joseph^ Joshua* ^ Joseph^ William'), b. in Hing. March 26, 1814. m. Nov. 30, 1836, Harriet A. Studley, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Barrell) Studley. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 20, 1815. George d. 8 ilarch, 1887, set. 73d yr. " Master shipwright." Afts. proprietor of a livery stable. Eesided on Main, corner of Elm St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. George Le Eoy, Aug. 28, 1837. ii. Charles Henry, June 18, 1840. m. (1) July 18, 1867, Lizzie D. Dunbar of We}'. ; and (2) Emma L. Nye of HaUowell, Me. Eesides in Cal., and has a s. Arthur Wentworth. iii. Harriet Atwood, Sept. 15, 1848. m. Dec. 18, 1873, George P. Cushing. 10. Daniel' (Daniel ° Joseph^ Joshua* ° Joseph^ Wil liam') b. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1820. m. Aug. 10, 1845, Lydia T. Gill, dau. of James B. and Lydia (Thaxter) Gill. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 23, 1823. " Dealer in coal and wood." Also " President of the Hing ham Institute for Savings." Eesides on Cottage St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Walter James, Apr. 10, 1846, d. at Minneapolis, Min., 7 Jan. 1867, set. 21st yr. ii. Sarah Deering, July 3, 1848, d. 2 March, 1865, ist 17th yr. ni. Daniel Fletcher, Jan. 10, 1851, d. at Lyndeboro', N. H., 15 Aug. 1873, ait. 22 yrs. iv. Mary Gray, May 4, 1854. m. Oct. 22, 1874, John C. Hollis. V. Lydia Thaxter, Apr. 9, 1857, d. 18 Dec. foil. vi. Wentworth Austin, Nov. 23, 1858, d. 23 Sept. 1875, set. 17th yr. vii. Fannie Weston, Feb. 9, 1861. Note. — The name of Elizabeth Bassett appears in 1765, on the Selectmen's book of records. BATCHELDER. John Beiggs (Edward E. = Clarinda Cram), b. at Baldwin, Me., Sept. 19, 1829. m. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1854, Sarah W. Harden, dau. of Hosea and Hannah (Barnes) Harden. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 24, 1831. "Bucket-maker." Eesides on Main St. So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i John Arthur, May 30, 1856. m. Oct. 18, 1882, Carrie E. Simmons of So, Scit. ii. Sarah Laura, Aug. 19, 1858. iii. Hosea Harden, March 1 9, 1861. iv. George Whitney, June 19, 1863. m. June 19, 1884, Annie W. Poole. V. Charles Augustus, Oct. 31, 1866. 38 Bates. BATES (Bate; Batte). 1. Clement, aged 40 yrs. with Anna his wife, who also was 40 yrs. of age, and five ch. embarked at London for New England, Apr. 6, 1636, in the ship " Elizabeth," of which William Stagg was master. He came to Hing. ab. the time Eev. Peter Hobart and his followers arrived, and on the 18th of Sept. 1635, received a grant of land on Town (South) St. This lot contained five acres, and was bounded on the N. E. by George Eussell, and S. W. by Thomas Johnson. It was the fifth in number from Bachelor (Main) St. and has been in possession of the descendants of the original grantee for nearly two and a half centuries. In 1883 the estate, including the ancient dwell ing-house formerly known as the "Anchor Tavern," was sold to the owners of the land adjoining. A portion of the estate, however, has since been repurchased ; and on the spot where the old house stood a dwelling of modern style has been erected, which is occupied by a descendant. The name Bate was a common one in England for nearly two cen turies before the Puritans took their departure for New England, and the ancestors of Clement are traceable for five generations prior to that period ; thus, Thomas Bate ' of Lydd, Parish of All Hallows, d. in 1485, leaving a s. John, who d. in 1522. John ^ (Thomas '), had a s. Andrew, who d. at Lydd in 1533, leaving four sons. Andeew' (John ^ Thomas '), had a s. John * of Lydd, who d. there in 1580, leav ing three sons, one of whom, James ^, who d. at Lydd in 1614, was the fa. of Clement of Hingham, Mass., and also of Edward, who settled at Wey., Mass., and of James of Dor., Mass. Anna, wife of Clement, d. in Hing. 1 Oct. 1669, set. 74 yrs. Clement d. 17 Sept. 1671, set. 76 yrs. In his will, dated at Hing. 12 Oct. 1669, gives to eldest s. James, " my house-lot next adjoining to my son Joseph, containing four acres, which was given unto me by the town. To sons Joseph and Benjamin, land and other valuables. To son Samuel, my now dwelling-house with the lot of five acres which the house stands upon. Also all my household stuff to my four sons," etc. The ch. of Clement and Anna Bates were — 2. i. -James, 1621. Clement, 1623, drowned Nov. 1639. Eachel, 1627, d. June, 1647. Joseph, 1630. Benjamin, 1633. Samuel, bt. in Hing. March 24, 1639. 2. James ^ (Clement '), b. in Eng. ab. 1621. m. in Hing. Mass., Apr. 19, 1643, Euth, dau. of John and Sarah Lyford. She d in Hing 9 March, 1689-90. He d. 6 July, 1689, set. 68 yrs. His will, dated 27 June, 1689, was proved 1 Sept. foil. " Schoolmaster," and in 1678 Selectman. Eesided on South St. Was in Scit. several years, i e. between 1642 and 1660. Ch.,— i. Hopestill, bt. Dec. 12, 1644, d. same day. ii. Clement, bt. Oct. 19, '1645, d. young. iii. James (and John mentioned in their fa's will, but not on Hing. records). iv. John, Deane's History says, "b. in Scituate, 1649," d. 7 June, 1690. V. Euth, bt. iu Hing. Sept. 2, 1651. 11. iii. 3. iv. 4. V. 5. vi. Bates. 39 6. vi. Joseph, bt. in Hing. Nov. 20, 1653. 7. vii. Benjamin, b. July 15, 1655. viii. Solomon, b. Aug. 23, 1657. ix. Eachel, b. Sept. 6, 1659. m. May 8, 1684, Caleb Lincoln. X. Sarah, bt. June 9, 1661. xi. A DAU., b. Sept. 21, 1663, d. March foU. 3. Joseph ^ (Clement '), b. in Eng. ab. 1630. m. in Hing. Mass., Jan. 9, 1657-58, Esther, dau. of William Hilliard. She d. 3 June, 1709. Joseph d. 30 Apr. 1706, set. 76 yrs. In his will of 24 Apr. 1706, men tions and provides for w. Esther ; also for his four sons and four dau's, and naming the sons but not the dau's. " Bricklayer." Constable, from 1675 to 1678, inc. Selectman, 1671, 1677, 1684, and 1692. Was appointed sexton of the parish in 1673, and served in this capacity until the new meeting-house was erected. Eesided on the paternal homestead, South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 8. i. Joseph, Sept. 28, 1660. ii. Esther, Aug. 29, 1663. m. at Boston, Sept. 16, 1691, Eichard Cobb. 9. iii. Caleb, March 30, 1666. iv. Hannah, Oct 31, 1668. 10. V. Joshua, Aug. 14, 1671. vi. Bathsheba, Jan. 26, 1673-74. vii. Clement, Sept. 22, 1676, drowned 29 June, 1706, set. 30th yr. viii. Eleanor, Aug. 29, 1679, d. 8 Sept. foil. ix. Abigail, Oct. 16, 1680. m. June 12, 1704, John Chubbuck. 4. Benjamin •' (Clement '), was one of the constables of Hing. in 1665 ; Selectman in 1676, and a soldier in King Philip's War. He m. Jane Weeks, a dau. of George Weeks of Dor. She survived him, and m. secondly, in June, 1679, Moses Paine of Boston. Lieut. Ben jamin Bates d. in Hing. 28 Nov. 1678, set. 46 yrs. He left no ch. In his will, dated 14th of Nov. 1678, and proved Jan. 30, 1678-79, pro vides for w. Jane, and gives also " to my servant Nathaniel Wilson." The bulk of his property after his wife's decease, he bequeathed "to my brother's children ; " and requests that " my brother Amiel Weeks, and my cousin Samuel Clapp of Dorchester, ensign John Thaxter, and John Cutler of Hingham will be helpful to my dear and loving wife in council for direction." 5. Samuel ^ (Clement '), bt. in Hing. March 24, 1639. m. Feb. 20, 1666-67, Lydia Lapham, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Tilden) Lapham of Scit. Eesided on South St. Hing. records do not furnish the date of his nor of his w's decease. Tradition says that the fam. removed to Long Island. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lydia, Sept. 2, 1669. ii Mary, Aug. 31, 1671, d. soon. iu. Sarah, Deo. 23, 1673. iv. Anna, Apr. 12, 1676 (b. in the garrison). V. Judith, Apr. 17, 1678. vi. Samuel, Feb. 28, 1679-80. vii. Thomas, March 17, 1681-82, d. in 11 dys. viii. David, Feb. 20, 1683-84. ix. Mary, Apr. 12, 1685, d. 5 Jan. 1690-91. 6. Joseph » (James ^ Clement '), bt. in Hing. Nov. 20, 1663, by w. Anna, had 40 Bates. Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Ann, March 2, 1688-89, d. same day. ii. James, Oct. 23, 1690. Note. — Hing. records furnish nothing additional concerning this fam. They prob. re moved to that part of Scit. which is now Hanover. 7. Benjamin' (James ^ Clement'), b. in Hing. July 15, 1655. m. at New London, Conn. , Oct. 10, 1682, Mary, dau. of Dea. John Leavitt of Hing. She was b. in Hing. June 12, 1661. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Jan. 29, 1682-83. ii. Benjamin, Apr. 1, 1685. iii. Solomon, March 17, 1686-87. iv. Sarah, Apr. 10, 1690. V. Euth, Sept. 4, 1692. vi. Hannah, Oct. 8, 1695. vii. Eachel, Dec. 1697. viii. Elizabeth, / ,..„„ ix. Lydia, (¦"""• Note. — Benj. Bates's child d. 16 Sept. 1689. — Hobart's Diary. 8. Joseph' (Joseph^ Clement'), b. in Hing. Sept. 28, 1660. m. by Jonathan Bosworth of Hull, Mass., Jan. 3, 1683-84, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Martha Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 27, 1662, and d. March, 1762, set. 90 yrs. He d. 3 Nov. 1714, ajt. 54 yrs. In his will, dated 31 July, 1713, gives to w. Mary £100, with other val uables. Mentions sons Joseph and Jonathan ; dau's Mary Wilson, Eachel Bate, and Hester Bate ; also s.-in-law George Wilson. " Mason." Constable 1706. Eesided in the sec. pre. near the present boundary line between Hing. and Coh. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — ,i. Mary, Dec. 25, 1684. m. (pub. Feb. 25, 1708-9) George Wilson. 11. ii. Joseph, May 6, 1687. iii. Jonathan, Sept. 14, 1689. m. Jan. 1, 1712-13, Susanna Beal, dau. of Lazarus and Susanna (Lewis) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1692, and d. 24 Sept. 1723, set. 31st yr. He d. 1718 ; and in his will of 6 Sept. 1718, gives to w. Susanna ; to his bro. Joseph ; to Joseph's son ; and to each of his three sisters. In the division of his est. appraised by John Jacob, Hezekiah Lincoln, and Thomas Loring, mention is made of his wid. being great with child. iv. Eachel, Feb. 3, 1691-92. m, (pub. Oct. 27, 1716) Thomas Phillips. V. Susanna, Oct. 19, 1694, d. 3 Apr. 1706. vi. Hester, Sept. 14, 1697. m. (pub. March, 1717-18) Chasling Worrick. 9. Caleb » (Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. March 30, 1666. m. first, Aug. 26, 1689, Euth . She d. 20 Sept. 1690. He m. secondly, Apr. 14, 1691, Mary, dau. of Josiah and Mary Lane. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1671, and d. 11 Dec. 1716. For his third w. he m. June 10, 1716, Sarah Sprague, dau. of Anthony and Elizabeth (Bartlett) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. May 23, 1674, and d. 9 Oct. 1761, set. 77 yrs. Caleb, d. 16 Aug. 1747, set. 81 yrs. " Mason." Con stable, 1729. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. South St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — i. Comfort, March 2, 1691-92. ii. Mary, May 26, 1694, m. Oct. 18, 1716, Israel Leavitt. Bates. 41 12. iii. David, Sept. 25, 1698. iv. John, Dec. 3, 1700. V. Euth, . m. Dec. 15, 1727, Joseph Mansfield. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — 13. V). Caleb, Nov. 9, 1718. 10. Joshua' (Joseph '¦' Clement'), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1671. m. Jan. 15, 1696-96, Eachel Tower, dau. of Ibrook and Margaret (Har din) Tower. She was b. in Hing. March 16, 1674-75. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Eachel, July 14, 1696. m. Dec. 14, 1715, Andrew Beal. 14. ii. Joshua, June 15, 1698. iii. Bathsheba, Feb. 9, 1699-1700. m. Joseph Clark. iv. Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1703. m. Oct. 8, 1724, Ebenezer Woodward. 15. v. Solomon, Apr. 13, 1706. 16. vi. Isaac, March 3, 1707-8. 17. vii. J.4,C0B, Aug. 20, 1710. 11. Joseph* (Joseph ^-^ Clement'), b. in Hing. May 6, 1687. m. (pub. Aug. 16, 1713) Deborah Clapp, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Gill) Clapp of Scit. Joseph d. 7 Apr. 1760, set. 63d yr. Was deacon of the church in the sec. pre., surveyor of highways 1717, constable 1722, etc. Aug. 24, 1750, Samuel Bate was appointed to administer upon the est. of his late father, Joseph Bate, deceased. "Mason." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, May 6, 1714. ii. Deborah, Apr. 2, 1716. m. (1) Nov. 9, 1734, Canterbuiy Stodder, (2) July 28, 1743, John James, and (3) John Turner of Pembroke. 18. iii. Samuel, March 25, 1718. iv. JoN.-i.THAN, March 27, 1720, d. 27 July, 1735. V. Mary, Apr. 10, 1723. m. Nov. 16, 1749, Jeremiah Hatch. 12. David * (Caleb ' Joseph ^ Clement '), was b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1698. His first w. Patience, who was the mother of his ch., d. ab. 1756. He m. secondly, June 8, 1767, Mrs. Mercy (Kent) Stodder, wid. of Stephen Stodder, and dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Gannett) Kent. She outlived him, and m. thirdly, Aug. 27, 1761, Jonathan Beal, wid'. David d. in the autumn of 1760. In his will of 18 Sept. 1760, proved 24 Oct. foil., mentions w. Mercy, six sons and four dau's. Sons Jonathan and William, executors. Value of est. £386. "Farmer," and "trader." Constable in 1733, 1734, and 1741. Ee sided on Beechwood St. sec. pre., and was familiarly kn. thro' life as "King David." Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Patience, were — 20. i. David, Nov. 19, 1719. 21. ii. Jonathan, Oct. 25, 1721. iii. Patience, July 18, 1723. m. Jan. 13, 1742-43, Amos Joy. 22. iv. William, Aug. 2, 1725. V. James, Apr. 2, 1727, d. before his fa. vi. Mary, May 11, 1729. m. (1) Nov. 16, 1749, Joseph Joy ; and (2) Feb. 18, 1752, Micah Jepson. vii. Susanna, bt. Oct. 1731. m. Jan. 22, 1749-50, Samuel Orcutt. viii. IsSACHAR, May 6, 1734, d. 15 Jan. 1734-35. 23. ix. IssACHAK, Nov. 6, 1735. 42 Bates. X. Frederick, Nov. 9, 1739. xi. Ehoda, bt. March 14, 1741-42. m. May 28, 1761, Asa Burr. xii. Hosea, May 29, 1745. 13. Caleb' (Caleb' Joseph ^ Clement'), b. in Hing. Nov. 9, 1718. m. Nov. 11, 1742, Lydia Hobart, dau. of James and Hannah (Leavitt) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. July 10, 1720, and d. 7 May, 1792, set. 72d yr. He d. 6 Feb. 1797, set 78 yrs. " Stone mason." Constable 1749, 1757, 1758, 1764, and 1771 ; selectman 1772, 1773, 1774, 1779, 1780, 1782, 1784, and 1785 to 1791 inc. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. South St. Child, b. in Hing., — 24. i. Jesse, Aug. 26, 1743. 14. Joshua* (Joshua' Joseph^ Clement'), b. in Hing. June 15, 1698. in. Dec. 28, 1721, Abigail Joy, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Andrews) Joy. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1701, and survived her hus. who d. 16 March, 1766, set. 68th yr. Joshua left a large est. His will of March 2, 1765, proved 28th of March, 1766, provides liber ally for w. Abigail ; also for his three sons and two dau's then living. "Bricklayer." Constable, 1735. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Abigail, bt. March 10, 1722-23, d. 24 Sept. foU. 25. ii. Joshua, Dec. 1, 1724. iii. Elizabeth, Apr. 21, 1726. m. Feb. 9, 1747-48, John Kilby. 26. iv. Elisha, Oct. 28, 1730. 27. V. Nathaniel, Oct. 3, 1733. vi. Abigail, Oct. 3, 1733. vii. Sarah, Oct. 3, 1737, d. 5 Dec. 1748. 15. Solomon * (Joshua ' Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1706. m. Deborah Whiton, and prob. removed with his fam. to Chester field, Mass. Eesided in the sec. pre. towards Scit. Ch., all b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Benjamin, Aug. 9, 1733. m. Dec. 8, 1757, Huldah Cudworth, and removed to Chesterfield. 28. ii. Abner, May 29, 1735. iii. Deborah, Oct. 28, 1737. m. May 15, 1757, John Ewell, Jr., of Scit. 29. iv. Nehemiah, June 19, 1740. V. Solomon, bt. Aug. 15, 1742. 30. vi. James, b. May 19, 1743. vii. Desire (Lucy, as bt.), June 27, 1747. 16. Isaac* (Joshua' Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. March 3, 1707-8. m. Dec. 28, 1732, Mdrtha Clark, dau. of John and Eebecca (Lincoln) Clark. Eesided in the sec. pre., and was constable in 1740. Ch., all b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Joseph, Aug. 29, 1733, killed at the battle of Bunker Hill. ii. MiCAH, Jan. 1, 1735-36. iii. Ezekiel, May 8, 1738. iv. Eebecca, Nov. 9, 1740. m. March 13, 1760, Jeremiah Stodder, 3?. V. Olive, Oct. 1743. vi. Lucretia, Aug. 27, 1746. vii. Laban, Oct. 30, 1749. viii. MicAL, Apr. 6, 1753. Bates. 43 17. Jacob ¦* (Joshua' Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1710. m. Nov. 19, 1730, Mary Clark, dau. of John and Eebecca (Lincoln) Clark. Eesided in the sec. pre., and in 1746 was constable. Late in life he removed to Attleboro', and thence to Dudley, Mass., where he d. at an advanced age. Ch., all b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. JlARY, July 19, 1732. 31. ii. Simeon, M^irch 21, 1737-38. iii. Obadiah, Jlay 7, 1741. iv. James, Apr. 19, 1743. V. Lydia, July 10, 1744. vi. Elijah, Dec. 2, 1746. vii. John, Dec. 4, 1748. viii. Jacob, Apr. 15, 1751. ix. Israel, Apr. 15, 1753. X. Elizabeth, bt. May 3, 1761. ' 18. Samuel = (Joseph **= clement '), b. in Hing. March 26, 1718. m. in 1737, Mercy Beal, dau. of Thomas and Jael (Eemington) Beal. She was b. in Hing. May 29, 1716. Samuel d. in 1789, set. 71 yrs. Eesided in, the sec. pre., and was constable in 1748. Ch., all b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — Mordecai, June 19, 1738. Hannah, March 11, 1739-40. m. Jan. 30, 1759, Jonathan Burr, Jr. Joseph, Jime 11, 1742. Samuel, Nov. 15, 1744. Meroy, Feb. 15, 1746-47. m. Dec. 6, 1770, Shubal Fearing. Adna, Nov. 14, 1749. Mary, 1752, d. 18 March, 1754. Mary, Feb. 15, 1755, d. in infancy. Susanna, March 11, 1756. Jonathan, May 5, 1757. xi. Mary, Apr. 23, 1760. 37. xii. Thomas, Jan. 12, 1763. 19. Ebenezee, Jb., from Ab'n, and a descendant of Clement ', m. in Hing. sec. pre., July 13, 1738, Sarah Gaines or Gardner, and prob. resided at Ab'n. Child, bt. in Hing. sec. pre., — i. Isaiah, Sept. 30, 1739. m. in Hing. sec. pre., May 15, 1760, Eachel Joy, dau. of Jedediah and Mary (Stowell) Joy. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1741. 20. David 5 (David* Caleb' Joseph ^ Clement'), b. in, Hing. sec. pre., Nov. 19, 1719. m. March 4, 1736, Hannah, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Whitcomb) Lincoln. In his will, which is dated at Hing. May 5, 1772, and proved the 7th of Aug. foil., he mentions and pro vides for w. Hannah ; gives to sons David, Abner, James, and " to son Noah, if he ever comes home again." Also to grand-dau. Susa. The witnesses to this will were Edward Ward, Josiah Lane, and James Hayward, residents of High St. Note. — .i4i»cr (perhaps s. of David), m. Sept. 13, 1770, Sarah Tower, dau. of Peter and Deborah (Stowell) 'Tower. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 27, 1750. 32. X. iL 33. iii. 34. iv. V. 35. vi viL viii. ix. 36. X. ¦14 Bates. 21. Jonathan^ (David* Caleb' Joseph^ Clement') b. in Hing. Oct. 25, 1721. m. Oct. 11, 1744, Susanna Nichols, dau. of Eoger and Bethia (Winslow) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 16, 1728. [Did he have a sec. w. Lucy, or Lusanna ?] "Farmer." Constable, 1762. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Eoger, Nov. 9, 1745. m. Dec. 1, 1768, Huldah Stodder, dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah (Macvarlo) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. July 1, 1750. Their child, bt. in Hing. sec. pre., Adna, Dec. 24, 1769. ii. Thankful, Nov. 16, 1747, d. 29 Nov. 1754. iii. James, May 27, 1750, d. 20 Nov. 1755. iv. David, Nov. 20, 1752, d. 22 Oct. 1753. V. Meriel, Sept. 10, 1754. vi. James, bt. March 13, 1757. vii. Thankful, bt. May 13, 1759. viii. Lucy, bt. June 28, 176L ix. Moses, bt. Aug. 6, 1769. 22. William ^ (David * Caleb ' Joseph ' Clement '), b. in Hing. Aug. 2, 1725. m. March 29, 1748, Mercy Joy, dau. of Prince and Hannah (Orcutt) Joy. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1732. " Bricklayer." Ee sided iu the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Noah, Sept. 26, 1750, d. Nov. 1751. ii. Mercy, Dec. 18, 1751. iii. Noah, Feb. 6, 1754. iv. Hannah, Dec. 31, 1755. V. IssAOHAR, Jan. 24, 1758. vi. Sarah, June 27, 1760. 23. IssACHAK 6 (David * Caleb ' Joseph = Clement '), b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1735. m. Feb. 5, 1760, Hannah Joy, dau. of Prince and Hannah (Orcutt) Joy. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1737-38. Issachar and his fam. removed to Thompson, Conn. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Chloe, Jan. 1, 1760. ii. Celia, Oct. 29, 1761. 24. Jesse ^ (Caleb*"' Joseph ^ Clement'), b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1743. m. Dec. 3, 1767, Abigail Barnes, dau. of Cornelius and Elizabeth Otis (Lincoln) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1744, and d. 7 March, 1822, ffit. 78th yr. He d. 19 Feb. 1783, ast. 40th yr. " Mason." Con stable in 1772. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Caleb, Sept. 5, 1768, d. 31 Aug. 1775. ii. Lydia, Feb. 22, 1772. m. Oct. 4, 1791, Solomon Lincoln. iii. Caleb, Dec. 5, 1776, d. 28 Sept. 1778. iv. Caleb, Jan. 11, 1780. d. at Boston, unm., 16 Sept. 1857, £et. 78th yr. 25. Joshua * (Joshua *"' Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1724. m. first, Grace Lincoln, dau. of Elisha and Sarah (Lewis) Lincoln. She was ,b. in Hing. Apr. 3, 1726, and d. . He m. secondly, Oct. 13, 1782, Mrs. Hannah Pynchon, or Pincin, of Scit. She d. 10 Nov. 1841, set. 91 yrs. He d. 8 June, 1816, set. 92d yr. Constable 1765. Ee sided on Beechwood St. sec. pre. Bates. 45 Ch., by w. Grace, were — i. Levi, Aug. 15, 1748. Eemoved with his fam. to Springfield, Vt. ii. Ambrose, July 25, 1750, d. soon. iii. Sarah, June 30, 1752. iv. Grace, March 1, 1754. V. Zealous, March 1, 1754. m. Aug. 20, 1775, Abigail Nichols. vi. ZiBiAH, Aug. 3, 1756. m. Dec. 15, 1774, Nathaniel Nichols. 38. vii. Ambrose, Sept. 3, 1758. viii. Abigail, Oct. 21, 1760. m. Feb. 8, 1779, John Wade. ix. Theophilus, May 4, 1763. m. Aug. 12, 1787, Sarah Tower. Eemoved to Vt. X. Phineas, bt. Sept. 21, 1766. Four ch. were b., it is said, by the sec. m'ge, viz., Abner, Enos, Grace, and Joshua. 26. Elisha = (Joshua*"* Joseph ^ Clement'), b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1730. m. first, Content ¦, and secondly, Oct. 20, 1767, Mrs. Lydia Tower. JRev. Eben' Gay's record has the foil, entry : " 1777, March 20, wife of Elisha Bates died, set. 54th yr." She was a dau. of Chasling Worrick. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Content, were — i. Josiah, Jan. 6, 1756. U. Luke, Aug. 8, 1758. ui. Elisha, March 18, 1761. iv. Zepheniah, Sept. 24, 1763. Child, by w. Lydia, — V. Lydia, bt. Sept. 15, 1771. Note. — Apr. 16, 1770, Elisha Bates conveyed his dw.-house and land to John Pratt of Hing. sec. pre. 27. Nathaniel^ (Joshua*"' Joseph^ Clement'), b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1733. m. Dec. 18, 1760, Mary Hamlen. Eesided on Beechwood St. Was a soldier in the War of the Eevolution. Ch., b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. C0P.NELIUS, Nov. 26, 1761. He d. 1850, set. 88 yrs. His wid. d. 1851, set. 86 yrs. 39. ii. Jessaniah, June 29, 1768. 28. Abnee ^ (Solomon* Joshua' Joseph^ Clement'), b. in Hing. May 29, 1735. m. Elizabeth of Scit. She d. at Westhampton, 1832, set. 87 yrs. This fam. removed from here to Chesterfield, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Euth, March 8, 1764. ii. Mary, bt. June 15, 1766, d. soon. iii. Abner, Dee. 30, 1767. iv. Mary, Oct. 18, 1769. v" & h*- -^^"^ ^^' "^*- 29. Nehemiah ^ (Solomon * Joshua » Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. June 19, 1740, and who removed with his fam. to Chesterfield, Mass., had 46 Bates. Ch., bt. in Hing. sec. pre., as foil. : — i. JoAB, June 5, 1763. ii. Nehemiah, May 27, 1764. iii. Nathaniel, June 15, 1766. iv. Ephraim, June 26, 1768. V. Asa, July 1, 1770. 30. James ^ (Solomon* Joshua' Joseph^ Clement'), b. in Hing. May 19, 1743. m. Abigail . He prob. removed with his fam. to Chesterfield, Mass. Ch., bt. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Priscilla, May 25, 1766. ii. James, Aug. 1767. iii. Benjamin, June 3, 1770. iv. Deborah, July 25, 1773. V. Abigail, Aug. 14, 1775. 31. Simeon ^ (Jacob * Joshua' Joseph ^ Clement '), b. in Hing. March 21, 1737-38. m. Apr. 28, 1760, Abigail, perh's dau. of Joshua and Abigail (Joy) Bates. (See No. 14.) She was b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1733. Ch., all bt. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Barnabas, Apr. 19, 1761. ii. Huldah, Apr. 3, 1763. iii. Ephraim, Sept. 9, 1764. iv. Joshua, Nov. 9, 1766. 32. Mokdecai ^ (Samuel ^ Joseph **^ Clement '), b. in Hing. June 19, 1738. m. May 6, 1762, Betsey Beal, dau. of Jonathan and Percilla (Lincoln) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 18, 1738. Mordecai was drowned in Penobscot Bay, Me., 3 Aug. 1774, set. 36 yrs. Eesided in the sec. pre., until he removed to the Penobscot. Ch.,— i. Mary, bt. Nov. 11, 1764. ii. Betty, bt. Aug. 1767. m. May 13, 1788, Luther Marble. iii. Mordecai, . iv. Joseph, . 33. Joseph ^ (Samuel ^ Joseph *-'-2 Clement '), b. in Hing. June 11, 1742. m. March 7, 1765, Sarah Beal, dau. of Jonathan and Percilla (Lincoln) Beal. She was bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Oct. 12, 1746, and d. at Coh. 1822, set. 76 yrs. Joseph d. 17 Aug. 1828, set. 86 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided in Coh. near the boundary line with Hing. Their Child, — i. Martha, bt. July 13, 1783. m. John Beal, Jr., of Hing. and d. 1 Jan. 1811, set. 27 yrs. 34. Samuel ° (Samuel ^ Joseph *-'-2 Clement'), b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1744. m. Oct. 18, 1764, Martha Beal, dau. of Jonathan and Percilla (Lincoln) Beal. She was b. in Hing. July 7, 1744, and d. at Coh. 1805, set. 61 yrs. He was drowned off Coh. rocks 3 Nov. 1801, set. 57th yr. " Master mariner." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch.,— i. Deborah, Dec. 9, 1765. m. Nov. 25, 1784, Naaman Nichols. ii. Elijah, Jan. 20, 1767, d. 15 March, 1794. Bates. 47 iii. Obadiah', Aug. 20, 1769. m. Hannah Beal. They had ch.: 1. Elijah^. 2. Martha. 3. Hannah Loring. 4. Mary. 5. Ann Beal. 6. Josejih. Elijah^ had sons Augustus Emerson, Samuel Loring, Joseph Saville, Eichard Whitney, George Albert, Thomas Snell, and Theodore Cornelius. Obadiiih 7 resided at Coh., where he d. 20 Oct. 1831, set. 62 yrs. iv. Bela, May 10, 1772. m. Eebecca Pratt. v. Laban, Apr. 3, 1774. m. Grace Nichols. She d. 28 Apr. 1860, aet. 85th yr. He d. 8 Jan. 1847, a3t. 73d yr. vi. Saeah, Jan. 26, 1777, d. young. vii. Newcomb, Apr. 17, 1779. m. Lydia Nichols. He d. 3 Aug. 1865, cet. 86 yrs. She d. 6 Nov. 1873, set. 94th yr. viii. Samuel, Jan. 1, 1783. m. Joanna Nichols. Hed. 2 July, 1837, set. 54 yrs. ix. Sybil, Feb. 1, 1786. m. Paul Bailey. She d. 3 Dec. 1873, set. 88th yr. 35. Adna^ (Samuel ° Joseph*** Clement'), b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1749. m. Aug. 16, 1770, Euth Beal, dan. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Eipley) Beal. She was b. in Hing. May 31, 1751, and d. at Coh. 9 June, 1834, st. 83 yrs. He d. 5 March, !L830, set. 80 yrs. " Ship wright." Eesided at Coh. Ch., b. and bt. at Coh., — i. Ambrose, July 5, 1771, removed to Me. iL Euth, Oct. 18, 1772. m. WiUiam Howard, and d. soon after. iii. Mordecai, Sept. 4, 1774. m. Lucretia Nichols. iv. Sus.ts-, Oct. 6, 1776. m. Samuel Beal. V. Silence, . m. May 4, 1806, Jared Lincoln of Boston. vi. Adna, Feb. 18, 1781. m. Eachel Briggs. She d. at Boston, 10 June, 1857, set. 75 yrs. vii. Ebenezer, Nov. 30, 1783, d. soon. viii. Lucy, May 14, 1786. m. Sept. 11, 1803, John Nichols. ix. Ebenezer, July 20, 1788, lost at sea in a brig, with Capt. John Lothrop. X. Betsey, . m. Cain. xi. Euth, . m. Jared Lincoln of Boston, wid?. 36. JoNATHAisr '¦ (Samuel ^ Joseph **•* Clement '), b. in Hing. sec. pre. May 5, 1757. m. May 13, 1781, Susa Orcutt, dan-, of Samuel and Susanna (Bates) Orcutt. (See No. 12.) She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1760, and d. at Coh. 1826, ast. 66 yrs. Major Jonathan Bates d. 1829, set. 72 yrs. Eesided at Coh. Ch.,— L John, 1782. m. Sarah Lincoln. ii. George, . m. (1) Eliza HaU, and (2) Mrs. Sarah J. (Cobb) Warner. " Physician.'' iii. Martin, 1787. m. Sarah Sweetzer, who d. 1876, set. 84 yrs. iv. Henry, 1790. V. Caleb, 1795. m. Elizabeth Humphries. vi. Jonathan, 1799. vii. Susan, 1799. 37. Thomas ° (Samuel ° Joseph *-'•* Clement '), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 12, 1763. m. Apr. 19, 1784, Sarah Lothrop, dau. of Thomas and Euth (Nichols) Lothrop. She was bt. in Hing. sec. pre. 1767. Ch., aU prob. b. at Coh., — i. Hannah, , d. in infancy. ii. Hannah, . m. Samuel Delano. iii. John, . m. Martha Lincoln. iv. Mercy, , d. unm. V. Sarah, . 48 Bates. vi. Sarah, . vii. Polly, . viii. Thomas, . 38. Ambeose ^ (Joshua =¦*"' Joseph '' Clement '), b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1768. m. at Coh. May 26, 1782, Priscilla Lincoln, dau. of Francis and Sarah (Hobart) Lincoln. She was bt. in Hiug. sec. pre. Aug. 17, 1760, and d. Feb. 1841, ajt. 81 yrs. Eesided on Beechwood St. Ch., all prob. b. at Coh., — i. Priscilla Stodder, . ii. Ellen, . iii. HoPHNEY, , d. young. iv. Fanny, . V. Maria, . vi. Sarah Hobart, . vii. Francis Lincoln, . m., 1825, Esther Johnson. Ch. : 1. Francis L. 2. Esther E. 3. Daniel J. 4. Ellen W. 5. Thomas A. 6. Sarah L. 39. jESf3ANiAH« (NathanieP Joshua*"' Joseph * Clement'), b. in Hing. June 29, 1768. m. Phoebe Litchfield of Scit. She d. 13 Apr. 1849, set. 75 yrs. He d. 6 March, 1854, set. 86th yr. "Farmer." Eesided on Beechwood St., Coh. Ch., all prob. b. at Coh., — -, d. -, 1800, d. m. Winifred Ellms, and was the fa. of DeWitt C. Bates, Esq., (see No. 40), and of Lot W. Bates of Coh. i. Phcebe, — ii. EUEUS, — iii. Lot, 1802. of Hing. iv. Lewis, — V. Warren, ¦ vi. SfLAS, vii. Mary, — viii. Ezekiel, - 40. De Witt Clinton ' (Lot ' Jessaniah ' Nathaniel ' Joshua *"^ Joseph 2 Clement '), b. at Coh. Oct. 28, 1827. m. in Hing. May 8, 1853, Sarah A. Burbank, dau. of Abraham and Mary (Barrell) Bur bank. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 26. 1829. Selectman, assessor, and overseer of the poor for the town of Hing. from 1871 to present time ; also surveyor of highways. Was educated in the public schools of Coh., subsequently studied with Eev. Joseph Osgood, and at the Mer rimack Normal Institute in N. H. ; afts. taught in the public schools of Coh., Braintree, and Hing. for ab. twenty yrs., and in 1866 and 1867 represented the town of Hing. at the General Court. Eesides on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. William Clinton, July 29, 1854, grad. at H. C. 1877. m. at Ashland, Mass., Aug. 19, 1885, Edith E. Taggart. Has taught in the pub. schools of Hing., afts. superintendent of schools. ii. Ellery Webster, Jan. 22, 1857; entered H. C, 1875, and d. 3 June, 1876. iii. Mary Winifred, Oct. 17, 1859. iv. Herbert Osgood, Aug. 20, 1862. V. Sarah Elizabeth, Apr. 12, 1864. vi. Grace Lincoln, May 31, 1867, d. 12 May, 1876. 41. Amos ' (Amos = Sybil Bobbins), a descendant of Clement ', was b. at Han. Mass., Dec. 1, 1803. He m. at Charlestown, Mass., Nov. Bates. 49 14, 1830, Deborah Hersey, dau. of Jeremiah and Deborah (Fearing) Hersey of Hing. She was b. at Boston, Dec. 11, 1806. Prior to his settlement in Hing., which was in June, 1851, he had been a resident of Chelsea, and of Boston. March 29, 1836, being then of Chelsea, he was commissioned Capt. of a comp. of Infantry, third brigade, first div. Mass. militia. In 1855 he was elected Senator for the sec, Ply. district ; appointed commissioner to qualify civil officers in the Com monwealth, 1856 ; del. to the National Convention at Baltimore, May, 1860 ; trustee of the Hing. Inst, for Savings for more than twenty-five yrs. ; pres' of the Hing. Mutual Fire Ins. Company. Eesides on Main, near Water St. Ch.,— i. Ann Adelia, b. at Chelsea, June 13, 1834, d. in Hing. 24 March, 1839. ii. Deborah Frances, b. at Chelsea, June 24, 1836. m. in Hing. Deo. 11, 1857, Benjamin S. Joy. iii. Amos Edwin, b. at Boston, Deo. 4, 1840. m. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1867, EUen M. Humphrey, and resides at Boston. iv. Emma Louisa, b. at Boston, March 3, 1843. m. July 13, 1865, Charles B. Leavitt. 42. Eeuben, a descendant of Clement ', m. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 10, 1756, Susanna Marble, dau. of Nathaniel and Susanna (Worrick) Marble. She was b. in Hing. July 20, 1738. Child, bt. in Hing. sec. pre., — i. Mary, Sept. 17, 1758. Asa (Asa := Abigail Sprague), from Wey. m. Euth Howard. She d., and he prob. took a see. w. afts. as Hing. rec's give the death of Mary, w. of Asa Bates, 22 Aug. 1847, set. 76 yrs. Was for some time a resident of Hing., on South St. Ch., so far as I kn., were — i. Asa, . m. Nov. 1, 1820, Chloe Chubbuck. "Ship-carpenter." Lived on North St., near the harbor. He d. at Ab'n. ii. John E., , 1800. m. Oct. 30, 1825, Joanna, dau. of Capt. Duncan McBean Thaxter. John E. d. 10 Aug. 1826, set. 26 yrs. "Mariner." iiL Grace, , d. of consumption, set. ab. 24 yrs. iv. Abigail Sprague, b. at Coh. Dec. 6, 1803. m. Oct. 2, 1825, John Hobart, and d. 31 Dec. 1869, ffit. 66 yrs. V. William, , went to South America, and d. there. vi. Mary Ware, 1807, d. unm. 16 Feb. 1841, a^t. 33d yr. vii. Abner, . " Painter," and at one time in the employ of E. & C. Lane. He d. at Dedham, Mass. / Urban (s. of Urban and Hannah (Bicknell) Bates, and a descend ant from Edward Bates, who was a bro. of Clement '), was b. at Wey. in 1809 or 1810. m. in Hing. first, June 6, 1831, Jane T., dau. of John and Hannah Kingman. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 12, 1805, and d. 24 Aug. 1855, set. 60 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 17, 1856, Mrs. Hannah (Jacob) Sherman, wid. of Marshall Sherman, and dau. of John and Tamar (Cushing) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1803. and d. 8 Apr. 1876, set. 72 yrs. He d. at Ware, N. H., 2 Apr. 1880, set. 71 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Hersey St. VOL. II. 4 50 Bates. Ch., all b. in Hing., — ¦ i. Mary Jane, 1833. m. Nov. 25, 1858, E. V. Merchant of Wey. ii. Harriet Elizabeth, 1836. m. May 3, 1857, Charles C. Eddy, and lives at Ware, N. H. iii. Hannah Kingman, 1841, d. 11 May, 1845, st. 4th yr. Eliel (s. of Urban and Hannah (Bicknell) Bates, and bro. of the preceding), was b. at Wey. March 18, 1812. m. in Hing. Dec. 8,1831, Hannah Stodder, dau. of Daniel and Lydia (Wilder) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1814. " Farmer." Eesides on High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Eliza M., F('b. 6, 1833. m. Feb. 28, 1856, William C. Wilder. ii. Amos Binney, June 20, 1836. m. June 27, 1861, Sarah B., dau. of Seth B. Cushing. Eesides at Wey. iii. Mary Annie, March 8, 1840. m. Feb. 13, 1867, John D. Parker of Salem. Their child Emma Maria was b. in Hing. May 25, 1869. iv. Urban Sidney, March 24, 1847. m. at East Dorset, Vt., Nov. 30, 1871, Marion Dayton. Their s. Edward Dayton Bates, was b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1883. Lewis (David = Hannah Hersey), b. in Hing. . m. June 26, 1869, Lucy A. Thompson, a native of Eockland. "Shoemaker." Ee sides on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. A son, June 6, 1870. ii. William Foster, Sept. 4, 1872. iii. Edwin Franklin, Aug. 4, 1875. iv. Jennie Adelaide, Dec. 19, 1881, d. 20 Jan. 1883. David F. (David = Hannah Hersey), b. in Hing. March 3, 1850. m. first. May 9, 1874, Mary C. Blanchard of Wey.. and secondly, March 3, 1880, Mary A. Keating. He d. 8 Sept. 1886, set. 37th yr. Eesided on Hersey St. Child, b. in Hing., by the first w., Mary, — i. David F., Jan. 1, 1878, d. same day. Child, b. in Hing., by the sec. w., Mary, — ii. Louise May, Nov. 28, 1881. Note. — Samuel, of Wey. and Euth Ward of Hing., int. of m'ge, Oct. 16, 1714. Rachel, m. Feb. 6, 1755, Increase Robinson of Bridgewater. Isaiah, m. May 15, 1760, Eachel Jov. Nathan, of Wev. m. Dec. 18, 1831. Hannah L. Bicknell. Elder Bates d. 25 March, 1686. (Hobart's Diaiit.) Hannah, m. Apr. 12, 1737, Samuel Low, Jr. Sarah, m. Dec. 25, 1735, Elisha Burr. Percis, m. May 27, 1781, Theodore French. Jesse, of Wey. m. Aug. 22, 1801, Jane Wilder. Asa, of Wey. m. in Hing. Dec. 5, 1765, Abigail Sprague, dau. of Jacob and Sarah (Stod der) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. July 6, 1743. Abraham, of Wey. m. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1749-60, Sarah Tower. David, s. of Jes.se and Jane, d. in Hing. 22 Dec. 1802. Lydia, wid. of David Bates, formerlv of Sutton, Mass., d. at Conesus, N. Y., set. 102 j-rs. and 2 dvs. (Hingham Gazette, 1832") Ruth, of Wev. m. Feb. 21, 1722-23, Benjamin Stowell, Ruth, d. 24 Julv, 1719, a't. . Abigail S., m. Oct. 10, 1818, David HCrsey. .David, of Wev. m. Mav 21, 1820, Euth Burrell. Mana. m. Sept. 29. 1828, Caleb Bailey. Abraham, (if Wey. m. Dec. 1. 1828, Susan L, Stodder. David, 2d, of Wey. m. Dec. 3, 1828, Hannah S. Hersev. Mary, n^. Dec. 13. 1829, William Stodder. .4Wert, of Wey. m. Nov. 13, 1832, Abiga"il Whiting. Nathaniel TV., m. 1834, Susan, dau. of Jared Lincoln. Joseph N., of Scit. m. July 6, 1836, Mary N. Gardner. George, of Coh. m. Feb. 6, 1842, Sarah A. Hall. Har- Bates — Battles. 51 riet ff., ot Wey. m. Sept. 4, 1842, Samuel B. Lincoln, wid^ Elizabeth, m. Sept. 14, 1845, Jacob R. Lovell. Mary A., m. Dec. 21, 1851, George L. Hersev. Harriet J., m. March 5, 1854, Erasmus F. Cleverly. David W., of Wey. m. Nov. 27, 1856, Abbv J. Rice of Wey. Edwin H, of Wev. m. Miirch 15, 1857, Marv J. Williams of Wey. Geon'/e W., of Wvv. m. Apr. 29, 1863, Rosabella C. Tirrell of Wey. 'Alfred L., of Wey. m. Sept. l', 1864. Catherine E. Stowell. Nathan, s. of Alfred L., d. 17 Oct. 1873, set. 2d vr. Lucy B., m. Oct. 27, 1879, Edward W. McDonald. Charles S., of Rockland, m. Jaii. 1, 1880, Catherine T. Crowell. Ellen F., of Scit. m. Sept. 10. 1881, Joseph W. Robinson. Joseph H., m. Oct. 31, 1883, Sarah A, Proutv of Wey. Darid, s. of Jesse and Jennie (Wilder), and b. at Wev., d. 19 Oct. 1884, ait. 77th yr. BATTLES. 1. Edwaed (prob. a descendant of Eobert of Boston), was a resident of Hing. early in the last century. He m. (pub. March 13, 1706-7) Experience Pratt, and resided in the sec. pre. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., and all bt. June 2, 1723, were — 2. i. Edward, 1709. ii. Mary, b. Apr. 25, 1711. m. (1) May 18, 1732, Joshua Lincoln, s. of Peter, and (2) Feb. 7, 1763, Solomon Briggs of Norton, Mass. 3. iii. Joseph, May 18, 1713. iv. ExPEP.iENCE, 1715. m. Nov. 15, 1734, Thaddeus Murkson of Eochester, Mass. V. Susanna, Apr. 25, 1817, d. soon. vi. Jeremiah, March 16, 1719-20. m. Hannah , and had a dau. Hannah, bt. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1742-43. vii. Sajeah, July 20, 1721. m. June 11, 1740, Henry Washburn. viij. Susanna, June 2, 1723. m. March 23, 1743-44, Benjamin Washburn of Bridgewater. 2. Edwabd (Edward := Experience Pratt), b. prob. 1709. m. Sept. 6. 1749, Elizabeth Wilcutt, dau. of Philip and Deborah (Gannett) Wil cutt. She was b. in Hing. July 5, 172f4. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Deborah, Julv 21, 1750. m. Nov. 27, 1768, Caleb Pratt of Ab'n. ii. Jared, Sept. 21, 1752. m. July 10, 1778, Sibyl, dau. of Obadiah Be.al. iii. Elizabeth, May 31, 1758. ra. June 22, 1777, (>ershom Wheelwright. 3. Joseph (Edward = Experience Pratt), b. in Hing. May 18, 1713. m., 17.38, Susanna Studley of Scit. Eesided in the sec. pre., and in 1757 was constable. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Aug. 16, 1739. ii. Jo.seph, Oct. 5, 1740. iii. Susanna, Dec. 20, 1742. iv. Sarah, bt. Julv 14, 1745. V. Lydia, Jan. 22', 1746. 4. vi. Ephraim, June 9, 1749. vii. Eachel, June 7, 1752. viii. Mabel, June 7, 1752. ix. Priscilla bt. Aug. 15, 1756. X. James, bt. Oct. 26, 1760. xi. John, bt. Oct. 26, 1760. 4. Ephraim (Joseph = Susanna Studley), b. in Hing. June 9, 1749. m. Deborah Burbank, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Tower) Burbank. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 23, 1743. Eesided in the sec. pre. 52 Battles — Bayley. Ch., — ' i. Sarah, b. . m. Feb. 7, 1789, Timothy Burbank. ii. Mabel, b. . m. Nelson. iii. Sybil, b. . m. Andrew Eeed. iv. David, . And perhaps others. Maktin (John = Hannah Ware), b. at Fitchburg, Mass., May 8, 1800. m. in Hing. first, Dec. 10, 1826, Cynthia Lincoln, dau. of Abel and Olive (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1803, and d. Oct. 1829, set. 27th yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 11, 1831, Mrs. Hannah (Lincoln) Hersey, wid. of Hosea Hersey, and dau. of Israel and Chloe (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. July 8, 1801. " Laborer." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Cynthia, — i. Ann Maria, May 5, 1827. ii. Francis L., Apr. 14, 1829, d. 26 Nov. 1832. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — iii. Francis Martin, Nov. 18, 1832, d. 7 Oct. 1833. iv. Hannah Lincoln, June 27, 1835. m. Sept. 24, 1865, William D. Stoddard. V. William Henry, Jan. 15, 1837. m. Oct. 4, 1862, . vi. John Edward, Oct. 1, 1838. m. Nov. 26, 1862, . vii. George Martin, May 9, 1841, d. 16 Nov. 1842. 5. viii. Otis Lincoln, Feb. 20, 1843. Otis L. (Martin = Hannah Lincoln), b. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1843. m. Dec. 25, 1869, Emeline L. Flint, dan. of Willard and Charlotte (Stod der) Flint. She was b. at Boston, May 3, 1846. Otis d. 26 May, 1882, set. 39 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort Hill St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Annie Estelle, Sept. 3, 1870. ii. Frederick Otis, Feb. 4, 1872. iii. Alice Flint, Nov. 27, 1874, d. 4 Oct. 1875. iv. Willard Martin, Oct. 6, 1878. v. Bertha Flint, March 2, 1880. vi. Mabel E,i, Jan. 13, 1882, d. 16 May foil. Note. — David, and Experience Pratt, int. of m'ge, March 13, 1706-7. Ephraim, of Coh. m. Apr. 6, 1844, Elizabeth Gardner. Joseph, m. March 18, 1845, Elizabeth T. Barnes. Edward, of Boston m. Dec. 24, 1810, Lydia Leavitt. BAYLEY (see also Bailey). 1. Samuel G., from Boston, and b. there Apr. 1805. m. Christiana T. Cushing, dau. of Charles and Christiana (Thomas) Cushing of Bos ton. She d. in Hiiug. 21 Dec. 1881, set. 75 yrs. "Carpenter." Eesides on Main St., Pling. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 2. i. George, Apr. 20, 1828. ii. Caroline. iii. Charles Gushing, Sept. 2, 1842, is m. and resides at Boston. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Bayley — Baylies — Beal. 53 2. Geoege (Samuel G. = Christiana T. Cushing), b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1828. m., 1860, Adeline Damon, dau. of John J., and Deborah (Wade) Damon. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 18, 1828. " Carpenter." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Fannie D., Dec. 1850. ii. Addie M., Aug. 10, 1857. iii. Lizzie N., June 14, 1863. Note. — Amasa, of Scit (perhaps widr) m. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1763, Jael, dau. of Sam uel Cushing. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Aug. 27, 1726. Adams, of Bridgewater m. Nov. 2, 1775, Mrs. Catherine (Cushing) Nichols, wid. of Nathaniel Nichols, and dau. of Stephen and Katreen (Kilby) Cushing. She was b. iu Hing. May 5, 1728. BAYLIES. 1. HoDijAH, Esq., m. in Hing. by Eev. Daniel Shute, June 23, 1784, Elizabeth Lincoln, dau. of General Benjamin and Mary (Cushing) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1769. Was Eevenue Collector at Dighton, a magistrate, etc. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. William Greenlbaf, Feb. 12, 1786. i ii. Edward Lincoln, Sept. 22, 1787. Note. — Nicholas, m. in Hing. March 28, 1848, Helen E., dau. of Ned and Susan (Barnes) Cushing. BEAL (Beale). -^^^^i 1. John, came from the parish of Hingham, County of Norfolk, Eng., ^ -"-(\ wife, Nazareth |lobart,Who was the mother of his children, was a dau. of Edmund and Margaret (Dewey) Hobart. She was b. in Eng. ab. 1600, and d. in Hing. 23 Sept. 1658. For his second wife he m. March ^^ ^^ 10, 1669, Mrs. Mary Jacob, the wid. of Nicholas Jacob. She d. in 1^"^^ "= ' Hing. 15 June, 1681. John d. 1 Apr. 1688. In noticing the- death of the latter, David Hobart (s. of Eev. Peter), made the following record : "April 1, 1688, my Uncle John Beal died suddenly." Judge Sewall also wrote under the same date : " Father Beal of Hingham dies, set. 100 yrs." In his will of 27 Sept. 1687, names ch. and gr. ch., leaving legacies to each. The ch. of John and Nazareth, b. in Eng., with the exception of the two youngest, were — i. Martha, b. ab. 1620. m. (1) March 16, 1640, William Falloway of Ply.; and (2) June 29, 1649, Samuel Dunham of Ply. She d. 26 Apr. 1690. ii. Mary, 1622. m. Dec. 30, 1647, James Whiton of Hing., and d. 12 Dec. 1696. 54 Beal. iii. Sarah, 1625. m. (1) March 22, 1648-49, Thomas Marsh of Hing., and (2) Sept. 5, 1662, Edmund Sheffield of Braintree, Mass. She d. at Braintree, 9 Nov. 1710, Eet. 86th yr. 2. iv. John, 1627, mentioned in his fa's will as the oldest son. 3. V. Nathaniel, 1629. 4. vi. Jeremiah, 1631. 5. vii. Joshua, 1633. 6. viii. Caleb, 1636. ix. Eebecca, bt. in Hing. Feb. 1640-41, d. 13 Dec. 1686. 7. -•.. Jacob, Oct. 13, 1642. 2. John ^ (John i), b. in Eng. ab. 1627. m. first, Jan. 6, 1658-59, Elizabeth -. She d. 1 Feb. 1659-60. He m. secondly, Nov. 14, 1660, Mary Gill, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Otis) Gill. She was bt. in Hing. Jan. 1643-44, and d. 17 June, 1701, set. 67 yrs. He d. 12 Sept. 1694, set. 67 yrs. " Carpenter." Eesided on the paternal home stead, which he inherited by will. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — ¦ i. Elizabeth, Nov. 19, 1659. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — ii. Mary, Sept. 7, 1661, d. 29th of the same month. iii. Mary, bt. Oct. 26, 1662. m. (1) Sept. 3, 1683, John Stowell, and (2) May 31, 1695, Nathaniel Hobart. iv. John, March 26, 1665, d. 6 Dec. 1666. V. John, Sept. 17, 1667, d. 21 Oct. 1668. 8. vi. John, Dec. 19, 1669. 9. vii. Thomas, March 15, 1671-72. viii. Hannah, March 13, 1675-76. m. May 24, 1698, John Ward. 3. Nathaniel 2 (John^), b. in Eng. ab. 1629. m. Martha . She d. in Hing. 10 May, 1692. He d. 20 Dec. 1708, set. 79 yrs. His will, dated 3d of March, 1706-7, names ch. and gr. ch., and gives lega cies to each. " Cordwainer." Constable in 1676. Selectman 1667, 1673, 1678, 1680, 1681, 1683, and 1686. Eepresentative at the General Court, 1677, 1683, 1691, and 1693. In 1669 he was chosen by the Selectmen " to keep aii ordinary, and to sell sack and strong water in the town of Hingham by retail, and also to be considered to the County Court for their approbation thereto." Eesided on South St. opp. Thaxter's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Martha, bt. Aug. — , 1646. m. (1) Dec. 2, 1668, John Chubbuck, who d. Nov. 1690 ; and (2) Jan. 12, 1698-99, Samuel Stodder. 10. ii. Nathaniel, bt. in Oct. 1648. iii. John, bt. Aug. 25, 1650, d. 23 Nov. 1655. iv. Mary (birth not recorded), m. (1) Feb. 21, 1672-73, Samuel Ings, and (2) Joshua Lee of Boston. V. Christian, bt. Nov. 9, 1654. m. Nov. 6, 1674, Thomas Baker of Boston, aud d. 20 Sept. 1677. vi. Hannah, 1656 (birth not recorded), m. Deo. 15, 1676, John Fearing. vii. John, b. Dec. 7, 1659, d. 6 Jan. 1659-60. viii. Sarah, b. Dec. 18, 1662, d. young. ix. Susanna, b. March 3, 1664-65. m. Deo. 14, 1686, Benjamin Jones. X. Sarah, bt. Oct. 7, 1667. m. Joseph Greenleaf of Boston. 4. Jeeemiah 2 (John'), b. in Eng. ab. 1631. m. Nov. 18, 1652, Sarah, dau. of William Eipley. She was b. in Eng., and d. in Hing. Beal. 55 29 June, 1716. He d. 10 Aug. 1716, set. 85 yrs. "Blacksmith," and kn. as "Lieutenant." Coiistable in 1672. Selectman 1671, 1673, and 1684. Eepresentative in 1691, 1692, and 1701. Eesided on Bachelor (Main) St. near the meeting-house of the First Parish, but late in life on East, near Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 11. i. Jere.miah, May 13, 1655. 12. ii. John, M.-irch 8, 1656-57. iii. Sarah, July, 1659. m. Jan. 21, 1679-80, John Lane. 13. iv. Lazarus, Sept. 7, 1661. V. Phebe, March 2, 1663-64, d. 12 July, 1665. vi. Mary, May 6, 1666. m. Dec. 23, 1702, John Orcutt of Bridgewater. vii. Elizabeth, May 16, 1669. m. Deo. 29, 1708, Ephraim Lane. 5. Joshua 2 (John >), b. in Eng. ab. 1633. m. his first w., Elizabeth, ab. 1660.* She d. 12 Jan. 1688-89. He m. secondly, Oct. 10, 1689, Mrs. Mary (Farrow) Stowell, wid. of Samuel Stowell, and dau. of John and Frances Farrow. She was b. in Eng., and d. in Hing. 24 Oct. 1708. Joshua d. 1717-18, set. 86 yrs. Selectman 1669, 1671, 1677, 1679, 1686, 1691, 1694, and 1699 ; Eepresentative in 1700. In his will, dated 25 Jan. 1715-16, gives legacies to Euth Gannett, " that was formerly my servant ; " "to cousin Joshua Beal, the son of my brother Caleb ; to grandchildren Samuel, David, Jonathan, Daniel, Elizabeth, Mercy, and Hannah French ; " and " all the remainder of my estate to my two children Stephen French and Abigail French." For many yrs. he had charge of, and received compensation "for maintaining the drum." Eesided on Fort Hill St., on land given him by the town " to set a house upon." Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — i. A DAU., Dec. 4, 1661, d. young. ii. Elizabeth, May 23, 1663, d. June foil. iii. A SON, Jan. 25, 1664-65, d. 9 Apr. 1665. iv. A SON, July 13, 1668, d. 18 July, 1668. V. Abigail, Apr. 26, 1671. m. Sept. 24, 1691, Stephen French. 6. Caleb ^ (John ^), b. in Eng. ab. 1636. m. Dec. 30, 1664, Eliza beth Huet, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Chapman) Huet. She was bt. in Hing. March 3, 1644^5, and d. 31 Dec. 1721, set. 76th yr. He d. 18 June, 1716, set. 80th yr. Constable 1675 ; and selectman 1678. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. A DAU., March 30, 1666, d. 22 Apr. foil. 14. ii. Caleb, March 17, 1669-70. 15. iii. Joseph, Jan. 7, 1671-72. iv. Solomon, June 18, 1673, d. 3 Oct. foil. V. Elizabeth, Nov. 17, 1674. vi. Josiah, May 31, 1676, d. 22 June foil. 16. vii. Josiah, Oct. 24, 1677. viii. Joshua, Nov. 6, 1678, d. 14 Aug. 1679. 17. ix. Joshua, Aug. 6, 1680. X. Euth, March 15, 1682-83. m. May 11, 1703, Peter Lincoln. xi. Benjamin, June 2, 1687, d. 25 March, 1688. * Au. Solomon J. Beal. 56 Beal. 7. Jacob ^ (John % bt. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1642. m. Jan. 15, 1678-79, Mary, dau. of Elisha and Joanna Bisbee. She was b. at Scit. 1649, and d. in Hing. 13 Jan. 1717-18, ajt. 69th yr. Jacob d. 7 Jan. 1717-18, set. 75 yrs. Will made 6 Jan. 1717-18. He was one of the selectmen in 1687, 1693, 1697, and 1700. Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 18. i. Jacob, Sept. 8, 1680. ii. Elisha, Jan. 6, 1682-83, d. 24 Jan. 1687-88. 19. iii. David, Jan. 31, 1684-85. 20. iv. James, Dec. 9, 1686. 21. V. Elisha, Oct. 18, 1690. 8. John » (John ^-i), b. in Hing. Dec. 19, 1669. m. May 18, 1695, Elizabeth, dau. of William and Eebecca Hersey. She was b. in Hing. ^lay 26, 1671, and d. 4 Jan. 1717-18, set. 46th yr. He d. 26 Aug. 1731, set. 62d yr. Will dated 5 Jan. 1726; proved 3 Nov. 1731. "Yeo man." Constable 1707; selectman 1698. Eesided on South, corner of Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. John, May 23, 1697, d. young. ii. Elizabeth, May 29, 1699. m. Feb. 18, 1730-31, Thomas Lincoln. iii. Sarah, Oct. 17, 1702, d. unm., 29 Jan. 1775, set. 72 yrs. 22. iv. John, March 22, 1704-5. 9. Thomas 8 (John^-i), b. in Hing. March 15, 1671-72. m. June 13, 1710, Jael Eemington, dau. of Thomas and Eemember (Stowell) Eemington. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 22, 1688. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Jael, Sept. 1, 1710. m. Nov. 10, 1735, Jonathan French of Wey. ii. Mary, May 10, 1712. iii. Hannah, Sept. 29, 1713. iv. Mercy, May 29, 1716. m., 1737, Samuel Bates. V. Thomas, Apr. 18, 1718, d. 5 Jan. 1718-19. vi. Silence, Nov. 18, 1719. vii. Leah, June 9, 1722. m. Elisha Eemington. viii. Thomas, May 13, 1724. ix. Israel, Apr. 26, 1726. 10, Nathaniel ^ (Nathaniel ^ John i), bt. in Hing. Oct. 1648. m. March 15, 1676-77, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Joan Joy. This fam. prob. removed from here. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Gershom, May 31, 1677. 23. ii. Solomon, Apr. 10, 1679. iii. Nathaniel, Apr. 18, 1681. iv. Christian, March 27, 1683. V. Elizabeth, May 3, 1685, d. 8 Aug. 1686. vi. Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1686-87. vii. Asa, b. , mentioned in his gr. fa's will, but not on Hing. Eecords. 11. Jeeemiah' (Jeremiah^ John^), b. in Hing. May 13, 1655. m. May 22, 1677, Hannah, dau. of Andrew and Triphany Lane. She Beal. 57 was bt. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1668, and d. 19 Sept. 1719, set. 61 yrs. He d. 21 Apr. 1703, set. 48th yr. "Blacksmith." Was for many yrs. sexton of the parish. Selectman 1690, 1692, and 1696. Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 24. i. Jeremiah, May 2, 1678. ii. Sarah, March 5, 1679-80. m. Feb. 3, i707-8, Christopher Wheaton. iii. Hann,ah, Dec. 31, 1681, d. num., 9 May, 1750. iv. Jael, Nov. 21, 1683. m'ge int. with Samuel Ward pub. Sept. 16, 1710. S. J. Beal in Ms Beal Genealogy says, "Jael, m. Feb. 23, 1723-24, John Pratt of Weymouth." 25. V. Andrew, Jan. 27, 1685-86. 26. vi. Jedidiah, Nov. 4, 1688. vii. Abraham, Oct. 26, 1690. Eemoved to Wey. where he m. in Apr. 1714, Deborah Shaw, and d. 1749. > viii. Bathsheba, Feb. 19, 1692-93. m. Apr. 8, 1724, Samuel French. ix. Eebecca, Apr. 8, 1695. X. Benjamin, Apr. 8, 1697, d. 14 Oct. 1723. xi. Abigail, Dec. 13, 1699. m. Nov. 24, 1720, Eobert Townsend. 12. JoHN« (Jeremiah 2 John^), b. in Hing. March 8, 1656-57. m. ab. 1686, Hannah . She d. 27 Apr. 1762, at. 93 yrs. He d. 30 Dec. 1736, set. 79th yr. Will dated 7 May, 1734 ; proved 27 Jan. 1735-36. "Carpenter." Eesided on East St., at " Eocky Nook." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Oct. 12, 1687. ii. Euth, 1690. m. (pub. May 17, 1718) Eichard Cobb, and d. 14 May, 1719, as her grave-stone says, set. 29 yrs. iii. An infant, d. young. iv. An infant, d. young. V. Hannah, Oct. 14, 1695. m. Nov. 15, 1722, Caleb Marsh, wid^. vi. Lydia, Apr. 10, 1697. m. Dec. 25, 1718, David Lincoln. vii. Deborah, June 22, 1699, d. 14 Nov. 1711. 27. viii. John, Dec. 30, 1700. ix. Daniel, June 1, 1703. m. Oct. 15, 1724, Elizabeth, dau. of Joshua Tucker. . She d. 30 Oct. 1767, set. 66 yrs. He d. 1 Nov. 1763, set. 60 yrs. Select man 1737, 1739, 1747, and 1756 to 1760, inc. X. Samuel, Feb. 2, 1704-5. 28. xi. Stephen, Sept. 16, 1707. xii. Mary, May 7, 1710. m. Nov. 20, 1729, Thomas Waterman. 13. Lazarus* (Jeremiah^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 7, 1661. m. Feb. 18, 1689-90, at Barnstable, Susanna Lewis, dau. of James and Sarah (Lane) Lewis. She survived him, and m. secondly, March 11, 1728-29, Benjamin Eaton of Kingston, Mass. Lazarus d. 18 Aug. 1723, sBt. 62d yr. Selectman 1701 and 1712. Eepresentative 1719 and 1720. Eesided on East, near Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 29. i. Lazarus, Oct. 28,1691. ii. Susanna, Nov. 14, 1692. m. Jan. 1, 1712-13, Jonathan Bate. iii. Mercy, Oct. 20, 1694, d. young. iv. Sarah, Apr. 4, 1696. m. Jan. 28, 1719-20, Ambrose Low. V. Eachel, Oct. 15, 1697, d. 13 Oct. 1700. vi. Leah, Aug. 26, 1699. m. June 29, 1721, David Lincoln, wid?. 30. vii. Ebenezer, July 17, 1701. viii. Eachel, Aug. 20, 1703, d. 25 Nov. foil. ix. Kezia, Oct. 19, 1704, d. 2 Sept. 1705. X. Obadiah, June 5, 1706, d. 1 Oct. 1723. 58 Beal. 31. xi. Jonathan, July 20, 1708. xii. Mercy, , d. 4 Sept. 1716. xiii. Hannah, May 1, 1715. m. Apr. 18, 1745, Samuel Gill, and d. 3 May, 1781, set. 66 yrs. 14. Caleb ^ (Caleb ^ John^), b. in Hing. March 17, 1669-70. m. Feb. 4, 1695-96, Euth, dau. of William and Eebecca Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 10, 1673-74, and d. 29 Apr. 1756, set. 82 yrs. He d. 21 Feb. 1756, a3t. 86th yr. Will dated 21 Feb. 1764 ; proved 21 March, 1766. " Weaver." Constable 1704 ; selectman 1727 and 1728. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Euth, Dec. 4, 1696, d. 12 Jan. 1696-97. ii. Euth, Jan. 11, 1697-98. m. Feb. 4, 1719-20, Benjamin Johnson. iii. Mary, Dec. 18, 1700. m. Jan. 31, 1722-23, Hezekiah Leavitt. iv. Judith, , d. 9 Sept. 1706. V. Hannah, Nov. 5, 1710. m. Dec. 23, 1781, Nathaniel GiU. 15. Joseph ^ (Caleb ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Jan. 7, 1671-72. m. first, Feb. 12, 1695-96, Mrs. Patience (Nichols) Andrews, wid. of John Andrews, and dau. of Thomas and Eebecca (Josselyn) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1660, and d. 16 Oct. 1709, set. 49th yr. He m. secondly, Aug. 27, 1717, Deborah Thaxter, dau. of Samuel and Deborah (Lincoln) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. July 24, 1679, and d. 16 July. 1753, set. 74 yrs. Joseph d. 12 Sept. 1737, set. 65 yrs. Constable 1719 and 1725. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Patience, — <. i. Elizabeth, Sept. 9, 1697. m. June 15, 1729, Elisha Leavitt, wid^. 16. Josiah" (Caleb ^ Johni), b. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1677. m. Jan. 1, 1701-2, Eachel Hersey, dan. of James and Mary (Fearing) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. July 6, 1679, and d. at Wey. 3 June, 1743, set. 64th yr. He d. at Wey. 10 June, 1743, set. 66 yrs. Will made at Wey. 4 June, 1743 ; proved 28th of same month and yr. ; in which he refers to the insanity of his s. Josiah. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Israel, Apr. 1, 1703. ii. Mary, June 15, 1705, d. 9 May, 1720. iii. Josiah, March 10, 1708-9. iv. Seth, May 3, 1710. V. Eachel, , mentioned in the will as "my daughter Eachel Vinson." 17. Joshua « (Caleb ^ John i), b. in Hing. Aug. 6, 1680. m. Dec. 16, 1701, Susanna Nichols, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Whiston) Nichols of Scit. She was b. at Scit. 1676, and d. in Hing. 28 Sept. 1748, set. 73d yr. He d. 23 March, 1723-24, set. 44th yr. "Weaver." Eesided on North St. near Hobart's Bridge. Aug. 25, 1725, wid. Susanna Beal was appointed guardian to her dau. Bathsheba, a minor under eleven yrs. of age, the dau. of Joshua Beal, deceased. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Susanna, May 10, 1702. m. May 9, 1728, William Humphrey. ii. Lydia, May 15, 1704. iii. Sarah, May 23, 1709. m. Apr. 10, 1729, David Loring, s. of David of Barnstable. Beal. 59 iv. Desire, Jan. 15, 1711-12. m. Dec. 30, 1731, Thomas Joy. 32. V. Joshua, July 7, 1714. 34. vi. Elijah, July 7, 1714. vii. Elizabeth, July 15, 1716. m. Oct. 10, 1734, Zacheus Crocker of Barnstable viii. Bathsheba, bt. Apr. 19, 1719. m. Dec. 14, 1738, Joseph Caswell of Maiden. 18. Jacob 5 (Jacob ^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1680. m. Feb. 21, 1706-6, Deborah Stodder, dau. of Daniel and Abigail (Lane) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1674, and d. 28 Dec. 1757, set. 84th yr. He d. 9 June, 1748, set. 68th yr. " Farmer." Constable 1717 ; select man 1719, 1724, 1726, and 1730. Eesided on North St. West Hing. No issue. 19. David = (Jacob = John^), b. in Hing. Jan. 31, 1684-85. m. first (pub. Feb. 25, 1709-10), Eebecca Stodder, dau. of Daniel and Abigail (Lane) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 24, 1676, and d. 6 Oct. 1721, set. 46th yr. He m. secondly, June 21, 1722, Abigail Macvarlo, dau. of Purthe and Patience (Eussell) Macvarlo. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 10, 1683-84, and d. 16 Apr. 1742, set. 68 yrs. For his third w. he m. Apr. 21, 1743, Zerviah Howe. She d. 21 Apr. 1774, set. 79th yr. David d. 20 March, 1767, set. 82 yrs. His will, made 20 Feb. 1764, was proved 3 Apr. 1767. "Farmer." Selectman in 1730. Eesided at West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, were — 35. i. David, July 24, 1712. ii. Eebecca, Sept. 26, 1713, d. 14 Nov. foil. iii. Eebecca, June 29, 1715. 36. iv. Isaac, Dec. 21, 1717. V. Mary, Dec. 21, 1717. m. (pub. Oct. 23, 1747) Knight Sprague, wid":. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, — 37. vi. Israel, Dec. 9, 1727. 20. James 2 (Jacob ^ Johni), b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1686. m. Jan. 29, 1712-13, Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Nichols) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 15, 1690. They prob. removed from here. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Mary, Nov. 11, 1713. 21. Elisha" (Jacob ^ John^), b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1690. m. late in life. May 19, 1762, Lydia Whiton, dau. of David and Elizabeth (Eip ley) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. June 9, 1732, and surviving him, m. secondly, Oct. 28, 1762, Stephen Lincoln. Elisha was' a "well to do " farmer, and trader. His home-place was at the corner of North St. and Burton's Lane (where the late Eev. Calvin Lincoln resided). He d. 5 Apr. 1761, set. 70 yrs. Selectman in 1734, 1736, 1736, 1738, 1747, and 1748. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Elisha, Feb. 27, 1753, d. 21 March foil. 22. John* (John^-^-^), b. in Hing. March 22, 1704-5. m. Feb. 15, 1740^1, Mary Litchfield of Scit. She d. in Hing. 2 March, 1800, set. 85 yrs. He d. 23 March, 1776, set. 71 yrs. Will dated 27 Aug. 1776 ; proved 6 May, 1776. Eesided on South St. 60 Beal. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — •i. Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1741-42. m. (1) Apr. 21, 1775, Joseph Lincoln, and (2) Dec. 10, 1787, Elijah Lincoln, widr. ii. Mary, Feb. 3, 1743-44, d. 20 June, 1745. iii. John, Feb. 4, 1747-48. m. March 23, 1775, Olive, dau. of Josiah and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 13, 1753, and d. 14 Jan. 1830, set. 77 yrs. He d. 4 May, 1806, set. 58 yrs. Eesided on South, near Hersey St. 23. Solomon * (Nathaniel ^^ John % b. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1679. m. Deborah ; was by occupation "cooper." He removed to Pem., Mass., and d. 13 May, 1750, set. 71 yrs. Ch., so far as I kn., were — i. Solomon, b. in Hing, Nov. 3, 1707. m. Nov. 10, 1730, Ann Howland, dau. of Abram and Ann (Colson) Howland of Pem. ii. Jedediah, . "Cooper." m. Apr. 5, 1738, Deborah, dau. of Samuel and Lidea Bowles of Eochester, Mass., and d. 16 Apr. 1806. 24. Jeeemiah' (Jeremiah ^^^ John^), b. in Hing. May 2, 1678. m. Jan. 2, 1700-1, Hester Farrow, dau. of John and Mary (Hilliard) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. June 28, 1676. Jeremiah and his fam. prob. removed to Wey. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Bethia, Jan. 28, 1701-2. ii. Mary, Apr. 23, 1703. iii. Jael, March 21, 1704-5. iv. Jeremiah, Dec. 25, 1706. p. William, Oct. 26, 1708. vi. Isaac, Oct. 9, 1711. The chris. name of his w. was Hannah. They had one child, b. in Hing.; viz. Aletha, June 15, 1749. 25. Andeew^ (Jeremiah ^-2 John^), b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1686-86. m. Dec. 14, 1715, Eachel Bates, dau. of Joshua and Eachel (Tower) Bates. She was b. in Hing. July 14, 1696. Eesided on Hull St. near Jerusalem Eoad. He d. 10 Jan. 1762, set. 76 yrs. — Gravestone. ' Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 38. i. Benjamin, Sept. 19, 1716. ii. Eachel, Aug. 25, 1719. m. Oct. 25, 1739, Isaac Kent. 39. iii. Joshua, Sept. 22, 1722. 40. iv. Adam, Aug. 20, 1725. V. Hannah, Aug. 20, 1727. m. Oct. 29, 1746, Benjamin Barnes. 41. vi. Abel, Oct. 20, 1733. vii. Eebecca, Apr. 26, 1737. m. Oct. 19, 1757, Seth Albey of Mendon. 26. Jedidiah'' (Jeremiah ^^ John^), b. in Hing. Nov. 4, 1688. m. first, Dec. 2, 1714, Mary Whiton, dau. of Enoch and Mary (Lincoln) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1692, and d. 7 Nov. 1733, set. 41 yrs. The chris. name of his sec. w. was Grace. She d. in Hing. 13 Oct. 1756, set. 66 yrs. He d. 1 May, 1766, set. 77 yrs. Eesided on North St. where now stands the building owned and occupied by the Hing. Nat'l Bank. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — i. Abigail, Aug. 14, 1715. m. Dec. 28, 1737, Isaac Lane, Jr. 42. ii. Jedediah, Sept. 8, 1717. iii. Mary, Nov. 22, 1719, d. 9 May, 1720. Beal. 61 iv. Mary, July 2, 1721, d. 25 Sept. foil. V. Noah, Nov. 26, 1722. m. (1) Nov. 20, 1746, Elizabeth Josselyn, and (2) Oct. 1772, Percilla Eice. 3 > \ I vi. Sarah, May 22, 1724. m. March 6, 1745-46, Eleazer Whiton of Ab'n vii. Leah, Aug. 21, 1729, d. 9 Nov. foil. 27. John'' (John ' Jeremiah ^ John i), b. in Hing. Dec. 30, 1700. m. Dec. 28, 1727, Deliverance, dau. of John and Mary Porter of Wey. She was b. at Wey. 1707. His will, dated at Coh. 5 July, 1779, was proved 7 May, 1782. ' Ch., all b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Lydia, Oct. 29, 1728, d. 20 June, 1736. 43. ii. John, Oct. 12, 1730. iii. Mercy, Oct. 23, 1732. m. Feb. 1, 1756, Stephen Marsh. 44. iv. Jacob, Feb. 1, 1734-35. V. Lydia, Jan. 27, 1737. m. Dec. 10, 1761, John Jacob. vi. Mary, Aug. 8, 1739. m. Nov. 9, 1763, Isaac Burr. vii. Deborah, Nov. 22, 1741. m. Jan. 6, 1779, Joseph Cushing. viiL Sarah, Apr. 14, 1743. m. Nov. 26, 1767, Nathaniel Gill. ix. Hannah, Oct. 10, 1746, d. unm., 8 Oct. 1800. _28. Stephen* (John« Jeremiah^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 16, li07. m. at Barnstable, Sept. 16, 1736, Alice Crocker, dau. of Wil liam and Mary (Crocker) Crocker. She was b. at Barnstable, Sept. 1712. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — 1. Stephen, Nov. 13, 1737. ii. Alice, Nov. 2, 1739. iii. Abner, Sept. 13, 1741, d. 9 Dec. 1742. . iv. Hannah, June 26, 1743,' d. 14 March, 1745-46. V. Abner, July 28, 1745. 29. Lazakus * (Lazarus ^ Jeremiah ^ John '), b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1691. m. (pub. July 13, 1717) Euth Andrews, dau. of Thomas and Abigail (Lincoln) Andrews. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 1, 1695-96. Eesided in the sec. pre. Constable, 1732 ; selectman, 1729, 1730, 1737, 1739, and 1748 ; also deacon of the church of the sec. pre., etc. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Abigail, June 1, 1718. m. Oct. 13, 1736, Daniel Nichols. ii. Mary (or Mercy), July 29, 1720. iii. Euth, March 10, 1722. m. Dec. 24, 1741, Isaac Lincoln. 45. iv. Lazarus, Apr. 6, 1725. V. Susanna, March 30, 1727-28. m. Dec. 4, 1752, Thomas Bourn. 46. vi. Obadlah, 1730. 47. vii. Thomas, May 6, 1732. viii. Ephraim, Apr. 20, 1735, d. 25 May foil. 30. Ebenezer * (Lazarus ^ Jeremiah ^ John '), b. in Hing. July 17, 1701. m. May 21, 1724, Elizabeth Low, dau. of Ambrose and Euth (Andrews) Low. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1700, and d. 20 Sept. 1772, set. 72 yrs. Capt. Ebenezer Beal d. 23 Sept. 1762, set. 61 yrs. Ee sided on East, nearly opposite Hull St. Was proprietor and landlord of the "Black Horse Tavern." Selectman in 1740, and 1749, and an active, enterprising citizen. 62 Beal. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, Feb. 11, 1724,-26, d. 15 Sept. 1729. 48. ii. Ebenezer, March 8, 1727-28. iii. Ambrose, July 27, 1730, d. 25 March, 1736-37. iv. Elizabeth, Sept. 7, 1732. m. Sept. 24, 1750, Noah Nichols. V. Ephralm, Sept. 7, 1732, d. 28 Dec. 1732. vi. Lucy, bt. Apr. 16, 1736. m. May 13, 1756, Luther Stephenson. vii. Olive, bt. March 25, 1739. In her will 28 Feb. 1786, proved 14 Apr. 1789, bequeaths her est. to " my niece Olive Burrell, or if she dies first, then to her sister Betty Bunnell. " 31. Jonathan * (Lazarus ^ Jeremiah ^ John ^), b. in Hing. July 20, 1708. m. first, Oct. 28, 1731, Percilla Lincoln, dau. of Hezekiah and Percilla (Farrow) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 22, 1711-12, and d. . He m. secondly, Aug. 27, 1761, Mrs. Mercy (Kent) (Stodder) Bates, wid. of David Bates, and dau. of Ebenezer and Han nah (Gannett) Kent. Her first hus. was Stephen Stodder. She was b. ab. 1709. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Percilla, were — i. Percilla, Jan. 14, 1732-33. m. Dec. 20, 1753, Isaiah Stodder. ii. Obadiah (Hezekiah ?) March 30, 1735. iii. Susanna, Jan, 27, 17,36-37. m. Dec. 31, 1761, Solon Stephenson. iv. Betty, Nov. 18, 1738. m. May 6, 1762, Mordecai Bates. V. Mary, July 6, 1740. m. Dec. 22, 1760, Jerom Stephenson. vi. Tamar, Nov. 9, 1742. m. March 11, 1762, Daniel Nichols. vii. Martha, July 7, 1744. m. Oct. 18, 1764, Samuel Bates, Jr. viii. Sarah, bt. Oct. 12, 1746. m. March 7, 1765, Joseph Bates. ix. Chloe, bt. Aug. 1, 1749. m. June 8, 1770, John Wilcutt, Jr. 32. Joshua^ (Joshua" Caleb ^ John^), b. in Hing. July 7, 1714. m. Oct. 9, 1735, Elizabeth, dau. of Jeremiah and Elizabeth Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1713, and d. 19 Oct. 1750, set. 37th yr. Ee sided on North St. opp. the meeting-house of the Universalist society ; but removed prob. before 1756. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 49. i. Joshua, March 4, 1735-36. ii. Bathsheba, Sept. 25, 1738. m. Feb. 28, 1757, Benjamin Humphrey. iii. Elizabeth, bt. June 7, 1741, d. soon. iv. Lydia, Nov. 16, 1743, d. 17 Feb. 1752. V. Caleb, bt. May 11, 1746, d. 8 May, 1750. vi. Desire, Sept. 20, 1748, d. 26 Dec. 1751. vii. Elizabeth, bt. Sept. 2, 1750, d. 21 Aug. 1751. 33. Joshua (styled Junior upon our records and tax lists), in. in Hing. Nov. 21, 1744, Elizabeth Leavitt, dau. of Israel and Mary (Bate) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1724. Eesided temporarily at the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, July 27, 1752. ii. Mary, Apr. 21, 1754, d. 3 Nov. 1778, ^t. 25th yr. 34, Elijah ' (Joshua " Caleb '¦' John i), b. in Hing. July 7, 1714. m. first, March 15, 1737-38, Sarah Jones, dau. of Thomas and Catherine (Caswell) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 23, 1717, and d. 17 Oct. 1760, a3t. 33d yr. He m. secondly. May 31, 1757, Eachel Hobart, dau. Beal. 63 of David and Eachel (Low) Hobart. She was bt. in Hing. March 1, 1729-30, and d. 8 Sept. 1796, set. 66 yrs. He d. 11 Jan. 1789, set. 75th yr. Constable in 1750. Eesided at West Hing. Ch., by w. Sarah, were — i. Sarah, May 5, l739. m. June 7, 1769, Caleb Leavitt. ii. Lucy, Sept. 7, 1741. m. Sept. 24, 1761, Nathaniel Lincoln. 50. iii. Benjamin, Apr. 19, 1744. iv. Susanna, July 30, 1747. m. Oct. 24, 1765, Benjamin Jacob. 51. V. Elijah, July 6, 1750. Ch., by w. Eachel, were — vi. Joshua, June 22, 1758. 52. vii. Jairus, July 21, 1760. viii. Lydia, Feb. 27, 1763, d. 5 Feb. 1769. ix. Eachel, bt. Apr. 28, 1765, d. soon. X. Bathsheba, bt. Aug. 23, 1767. m. Deo. 8, 1811, Samuel Low, wid^. 53. xi. Laban, Apr. 14, 1771. xii. Eachel, Dec. 17, 1775. 35. DA'^^D ' (David * Jacob ^ John ') , b. in Hing. July 24, 1712. m. first, Sept. 20, 1739, Elizabeth Lewis, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Vicery) (Dixon) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. July 14, 1719, and d. 9 March, 1766, ast. 47th yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 31, 1766, Mrs. Mary (Burr) Lincoln, the wid. of Moses Lincoln, and dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Lincoln) Burr. She was b. in Hing. June 7, 1721, and d. 26 Sept. 1799, set. 78 yrs. He d. 4 June, 1797, set. 85th yr. Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, were — 64. i. Joseph, July 25, 1740. 55. ii. Jacob, June 14, 1742. 56. iii. James, March 27, 1744. iv. Elizabeth, June 5, 1746, d. unm., 11 Oct. 1827, ffit. 81 yrs. V. Mary, bt. May 22, 1748, d. 27 Sept. 1752. vi. Eebecca, Apr. 5, 1750, d. unm., Jan. 1823, set. 72 yrs. vii. An infant, , d. 27 Aug. 1752. viii. David, Feb. 17, 1755, d. 22 Dec. 1829, set. 75th yr. 36. Isaac * (David ^ Jacob ^ John % b. in Hing. Dec. 21, 1717. m. Sarah Cain, dau. of David and Mary (Dunbar) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1722, and d. 12 Oct. 1792, «t. 70th yr. He d. 6 May, 1793, set. 75 yrs. Eesided at Hing. Centre, near " Cold corner." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Alice, Oct. 12, 1746. ii. Anna, Oct. 10, 1748. iii. Abigail, May 21, 1751. m. Dec. 8, 1770, Job Curtice. iv. I.SAAC, Ang. 26,. 1753, d. 3 Oct. 1796, £et. 43 yrs. V. Elias, July 12, 1756. 57. vi. Elisha, May 11, 1761. 37. IsKAEL* (David* Jacob = John^), b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1727. m. Oct. 10, 1763, Elizabeth Hersey, dau. of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Gil bert) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 21, 1727. Mr. Israel Beal d. 22 July, 1813, set. 86th yr. Constable 1773; selectman 1778 and 1779, and for many yrs. a prominent official in town affairs ; especially at the time of the War of the Eevolution. Eesided on West, opp. North St. 64 Beal. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, Aug. 1754, d. 3 July, 1755. ii. Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1755. iii. Israel, Aug. 8, 1757, d. 16 March, 1762. iv. Abigail, bt. Sept. 2, 1759, d. 21 Oct. 1823. V. Israel, July 12, 1762, d. unm., 10 March, 1822. vi. Lucy, June 16, 1766, d. 13 Sept. 1802. 38. Benjamin ^ (Andrew * Jeremiah ^^ John ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 19, 1716. m. Oct. 13, 1742, Martha Hudson, dau. of Joseph and Martha (Lincoln) Hudson. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1717. Eesided on Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Martha, Apr. 8, 1743. m. Enoch Stodder. ii. Eachel, Jan. 1, 1745-46. m. June 1, 1765, Joshua Beal, Jr. iii. Benjamin, May 16, 1749, d. 20 Nov. foil. iv. Mehitable, bt. Nov. 4, 1750. m. William Woodward. V. Joseph, Dec. 25, 1752., vi. Sarah, bt. July 25, 1756. m. Consider Merritt of Scit. vii. Thomas, bt. Sept. 18, 1757. 39. Joshua^ (Andrew' Jeremiah ^^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1722. m. Jan. 6, 1743-44, Percilla Paine. She d. 22 Apr. 1807, set. 85 yrs. He d. 9 Feb. 1804, at. 81 yrs. Eesided on Hull St., near " Strait's Pond." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Nov. 30, 1744. m. Dec. 17, 1767, Henry Lambert. ii. Priscilla, Nov. 21, 1746. m. Knight Brown. iii. Joshua, Aug. 19, 1748, d. 1 Dec. foU. iv. Andrew, July 3, 1750. m. Priscilla Studley. 58. V. Welcome, . vi. Elijah, . m. Aug. 4, 1782, Mrs. Milcah (Stodder) Bryant, wid. of Thomas Bryant, and dau. of Samuel and Jemima (Cobb) Stodder. She survived him, and m. (3) May 25, 1785, Lemuel Dill. Elijah was lost at sea, 1783 or 1784. vii. Betsey, bt. June 29, 1755. m. William Pincin. viii. Delight, bt. May 14, 1758. m. June 13, 1777, Elislia Litchfield. ix. Eebecca, bt. Oct. 26, 1760. m. Dec. 22, 1785, Noah Stodder. X. Daniel, Jan. 15, 1762. m. Celia, dau. of Abel and Deborah (Lambert) Beal. xi. Elisha, bt. May 11, 1766. xii. Joshua, . xiii. Catherine, . m. Apr. 27, 1800, Joshua Morse. 40. Adam ^ (Andrew * Jeremiah ^^ Joha ^), b. in Hing. xVug. 20, 1725. m. Nov. 25, 1745, Jael Worrick, dau. of Chasling and Hester (Bate) Worrick. She was b. in Hing. May 20, 1725. Eesided on Hull St., and in sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lois, July 20, 1746. m. Apr. 4, 1765, John James. ii. Euth, Feb. 12, 1747-48. iii. Judith, Feb. 18, 1749-50. m. Jan. 19, 1769, Benjamin Bourn of Falmouth. iv. Adam, bt. Nov. 3, 1754. m. Lydia, da«. of Doct. Lazarus Beal, and re moved to St. Albans, Vt. (See No. 45.) V. Jael, Nov. 1, 1754. vi. Lydia, bt. Oct. 16, 1757. vii. Enoch, bt. Jan. 16, 1760. Beal. 65 41. Abel= (Andrew* Jeremiah ^-^ John ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 20, 17.33. m. first, March 11, 1755, Deborah Lambert; and secondly, Feb. 6, 1789, Mrs. Susannah Humphrey of Coh. Eesided on Hull St., near Jerusalem road. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Deborah, were — i. Abel, July 6, 1755. Eemoved to Nova Scotia. ii. Deborah, Apr. 16, 1757, d. unm. iii. Susanna, May 30, 1759. iv. Celia, Nov. 16, 1762. m. Feb. 8, 1781, Daniel Beal. V. Seth, Dec. 31, 1765. m. Sarah H. Willett, and d. in Hing. 13 Jan. 1836, set. 70 yi's. She d. in Hing. 11 Sept. 1862, set. 90 yrs. Was a native of Ab'n. vi. Stowers, March 20, 1767. m. May 9, 1792, Mary, dau. of Moses and Martha (Bramhall) Leavitt. Eemoved to Winchendon, Mass., where he d. May, 1821, set. 54 yrs. vii. Micah, bt Sept. 6, 1772. viii. Euth, bt. March 5, 1775. ix. Anna, bt. Dec. 6, 1778. m. Apr. 16, 1798, John Cook, and settled at Winchendon. X. Susan (au. S. J. Beal). xi. Abigail, bt. Dec. 12, 1784. m. March 27, 1804, Christopher Church. They resided in the State of Maine. 42. Jedediah "" (Jedidiah ' Jeremiah ^"^ John ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1717. m. Hannah — — . Eesided on North St. where now stands the Hing. Nat'l Bank. He was in active service during the War of the Eevolution, and shortly after its close removed with his fam. to Ab'n, where he d. in 1806, set. 88 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Stephen, Dec. 2, 1751. Was drowned in a spring near the brook in front of his fa's house, 27 Apr. 1754. ii. Gershom, Sept. 15, 1753, d. June, 1777. iii. Stephen, May 15, 1756. iv. Hannah, Feb. 7, 1758. V. Abigail, May 28, 1760. vi. Eunice, July ,16, 1762. m. Sept. 26, 1784, Joseph Hobart, Jr. vii. Celia, bt. May 12, 1765, d. 10 Dec. 1767. viii. Jedediah, Aug. 28, 1770, d. at Ab'n, 9 Aug. 1853, st. 83d yr. 43. John => (John *-^ Jeremiah^ John i), b. in Hing. Oct. 12, 1730. m. first, Feb. 3, 1755, Lydia, dau. of Joseph and Lydia Stowers. She was b. in Hing. March 19, 1732-33, and d. 9 June, 1770, set. 37 yrs. He m. secondly, Ehoda James, dau. of John and Prudence (Staunton) James. She was b. at Scit. 1742, and d. in Hing. 3 Feb. 1825, set. 82 yrs. He d. 9 Nov. 1814, set. 84 yrs. " Cabinet-maker." Eesided on East, opp. Hull St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, were — i. Lydia, Nov. 6, 1757, d. soon. ii. Lydia, Jan. 7, 1759. m. Nov. 26, 1781, Benjamin Cushing, Jr. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Ehoda, were — iii. Lucy, Aug. 17, 1774, d. 6 May, 1778. iv. Daniel, July 23, 1776. m, Brown, and removed to Farmington, Me. His sons were John and Dmiiel. 59. V. John, Aug. 21, 1779. vi. Lucy, Oct. 25, 1781. m. Nov. 21, 1810, Elijah D. Wild. VOL. II. — 5 66 Beal. 44. Jacob " (John *-" Jeremiah = John i), b. in Hing. Feb. 1, 1734-35. m. first, Euth Pool of Ab'n. She d. and he m. again, July 22, 1787, Mary Tower, dau. of David and Susanna (Tucker) Tower. She was bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 2, 1736-37, and d. at Plainfleld, Vt., where he removed late in life, and prob. d. there. Ch., all b. in Hing. and Coh., by w. Euth, — L Mary, July 25, 1762. m. David Westgate of Morristown, Vt. ii. Elizabeth, Feb. 7, 1765. m. Dec. 1783, Joseph Nichols. 60. iii. John, Dec. 20, 1771. iv. Samuel, July 30, 1775, was lost at sea. 45. Lazarus " (Lazarus ^^ Jeremiah ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Apr. (j, 1725. m. ab. 1749 Lydia, dau. of Doct. Samuel Wheat of Newton, Mass. "Physician." He also for sev. yrs. was a teacher in the public schools of Hing. Eesided at Newton, in Hing. sec. pre., and perhaps at Wey. Ch., — i. Lydia, b. July, 1751. m. (1) Adam Beal, (2) Jackson, and (3) Eev. Dr. Beecher, Senr. ii. Lazarus Andrews, b. Sept. 30, 1753. m. Oct. 29, 1776, Bethia Lewis, and resided at Wey. He d. 23 Nov. 1822, £et. 69 yrs. iii. Katharine, Nov. 29, 1755. m. Jan. 1, 1775, Jesse Wilcutt, Jr. iv. Samuel, March 7, 1758. m. Eebecca Wilkerson, and resided at Boston. V. William, May 6, 1760. vi. Martha, b. in Hing. July 10, 1765. vii. Daniel, b. in Hing. Sept. 27, 1767. viii. Alpheus, b. at Coh. June 1, 1770. ix. LusiTANUS, b. at Coh. Sept. 15, 1772. X. Jemima, b. at Coh. Feb. 5, 1775. m. William Howard, widr. Note. — Was there a Susan, or an Abigail in this fam., who removed to St. Albans, Vt. ? 46. Obadiah * (Lazarus *'^ Jeremiah ^ John ^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. 1730 (bt. 14 May, 1732). m. first, Feb. 23, 1759, Sibyl Orcutt, dau. of Samuel and Mercy (Pratt) Orcutt. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1736, and d. 4 May, 1760, ait. 24th yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 15, 1763, De sire Humphrey, dau. of William and Susanna (Beal) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. June 15, 1738 ; and after her decease he took for his third w. Apr. 30, 1782, Mrs. Abigail (Marble) Hudson, wid. of Heze kiah Hudson, and dau. of David and Abigail (Joy) Marble. Was styled "Captain." Constable in 1768. Eesided in the sec. pre. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Sibyl, — i. Sibyl, Apr, 19, 1760. m. July 10, 1778, Jared Battles. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Desire, — ii. Jonathan, Aug. 11, 1764. iii. Susanna, Sept. 18, 1768. 47. Thomas " (Lazarus *"^ Jeremiah ^ John^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. May 6, 1732. m. March 24, 1757, Susanna Lincoln, dau. of Hezekiah and Mary (Horswell) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. June 30, 1733. Thomas d. 1805, set. 73 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing. and Coh., were — i. Hezekiah, Dec. 5, 1757. m. July 25, 1787, Elizabeth Burr, and had sons Isaac and Thomas. ii. David, Apr. 5, 1760. Beal. 67 iii. Euth, June 26, 1763. m. (1) Zenas Stodder, and (2) May 7, 1799, Capt. Levi Tower, widT. iv. Susanna, Nov. 29, 1765. m. Elisha Lincoln. She d. 13 Oct. 1811, tat. 46th yr. V. Thomas, 1768. vi. Obadiah, 1771. vii. Thankful, 1774. 48. Ebenezee' (Ebenezer ^ Lazarus ' Jeremiah ^ John^), b. in Hing. ]\Iarch 8, 1727-28. m. first, Apr. 26, 1750, Elizabeth Eipley, dau. of Peter and Silence (Lincoln) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. March 6, 1729-30, and d. 19 May, 1761, set. 31 yrs. He m. a second w. whose chris. name was Anna. She d. 25 Sept. 1768, set. 26 yrs. He afts. took a third w., a Loring from Hull. Ebenezer d. 26 May, 1778, set. 60 yrs. Eesided on East, opp. Hull St., and succeeded his fa. as pro prietor and landlord of the " Black Horse Tavern." Ch., b. in Hing., bj' w. Elizabeth, — i. Euth, Mav 31, 1751. m. Aug. 16, 1770, Adna Bates. ii. Ambrose. Nov. 20, 1752, d. 25 May, 1759. iii. Bette, May 10, 1755. m. Feb. 29, 1776, Galen James. iv. Lucy, Aug. 4, 1757. m. Sept. 27, 1778, Elisha Stephenson. V. Silence, May 1, 1760. m. Nov. 25, 1781, Aaron Pratt. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Anna, — vi. An infant, , d. 24 Aug. 1762. vii. Ebenezer, June 17, 1764, d. 30 Nov. 1765. Ch., by his third w., — viii. Anna, Oct. 6, 1771. m. Jan. 13, 1794, Thomas Pierce of Scit. ix. Hannah, Dec. 6, 1772. m. Obadiah Bates. X. An infant, Oct. 19, 1774, d. same day. xi. Leah, bt. Jan. 11, 1778. m. Harmon. 49. Joshua" (Joshua ^"^ Caleb ^ Johni), b. in Hing. March 4, 1736-36. m. June 1, 1766, Eachel Beal, dau. of Benjamin and Martha (Hudson) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1745-46. Ch,, — i. Thomas, bt. June 8, 1766. ii. Molly, bt. Jan. 1, 1769. iii Eachel, bt. Nov. 3, 1771. iv. Joshua, bt. Dec. 4, 1774. 50. Benjamin = (Elijah* Joshua' Caleb ^ John'), b. in Hing. Apr. 19, 1744. m. first, Dec. 25, 1768, Martha Thaxter, dau. of David and Deborah (Lincoln) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 12, 1743-44, and d. 21 Apr. 1790, set. 46 yrs. He m. secondly, Aug. 1, 1790, Lucy Lincoln, dau. of Jonathan and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 15, 1745-46, and d. 30 Oct. 1826, set. 80 yrs. Capt. Benjamin Beal, an officer of the War of the Eevolution, d. 6 Aug. 1814, ffit. 70 yrs. Eesided on North St., opp. Marsh's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Martha, were — i. Martha, March 13, 1769. m. Nov. 20, 1794, Zebulon Hall of Boston. 61. ii. Benjamin, Sept. 9, 1771. iii. Sarah, Dec. 13, 1773. m. July 17, 1796, Leavitt Hobart. 68 Beal. iv. Caswell, June 18, 1778. m. Hannah Jacob, and resided at Boston. She survived him, and m. (2) Elijah Beal of Hing. Of Caswell's ch., 1. Martha T., m. Jan. 1, 1827, Isaac Hadley of Charlestown. 2. Mary W., m. Oct. 4, 1829, Caleb Beal of Hing. She d. 1836. 3. Susan T., m. Nov. 29, 1837, Caleb Beal, wid":, V. Levi, March 13, 1781. Eesided at Boston, and had a fam. vi. Derby, Jan. 19, 1784. m. Jan. 8, 1804, Daniel French. 62. vii. Elijah, Sept. 4, 1787. 51. Elijah 6 (Elijah' Joshua" Caleb ^ John^), b. in Hing. July 6, 1750. m. Nov. 19, 1772, Caty Lewis, dau. of George and Susanna (Hall) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 13, 1749-50, and d. 7 July, 1828, set. 78 yrs. He d. 6 May, 1798, set. 48th yr. Eesided at West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Susanna, Sept. 15, 1774. m. March 31, 1793, Jedediah Lincoln. ii. Caty, Oct. 17, 1779. m. Oct. 21, 1798, Caleb Gill. 52. Jaieus^ (Elijah' Joshua" Caleb ^ John'), b. in Hing. July 21, 1760. m. Nov. 23, 1783, Susanna Lincoln, dau. of Jonathan and Su sanna (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. July 19, 1761, and d. 20 Oct. 1839, set. 78 yrs. He d. 11 Jan. 1787, set. 27th yr. Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. Joshua, Jan. 23, 1785. m. Christiana, dau. of Allen and Silence Simmons. She d. 23 Feb. 1860, set. 67 yrs. He d. 17 Dec. 1863, £et. 79th yr. Was blind. ii. Susan, Feb. 18, 1787. m. Dec. 18, 1808, Elijah Whiton, and d. 1 Aug. 1812, set. 25 yrs. 53. Laban " (Elijah * Joshua ^ Caleb ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Apr. 14, 1771. m. Oct. 2, 1796, Peggy Whiton, dan. of Elijah and Lydia (Lin coln) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. June 17, 1774, and d. 20 Sept. 1817, set. 43 yrs. He d. 14 Apr. 1803, at. 32 yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Laban, July 11, 1797. ii. Peggy, July 18, 1799. m. Apr. 5, 1818, Edmund Howard. 63. iii. Elijah, March 22, 1801. iv. Eachel, March 10, 1803. m. Oct. 26, 1823, William Thomas. 54. Joseph " (David ^-^ Jacob ^ John i), b. in Hing. July 25, 1740. m. Nov. 8, 1764, Euth Gill, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Beal) Gill. She was b. (prob. at Han.) 1744-45, and d. in Hing. 9 Apr. 1831, set. 86 yrs. He d. 26 Nov. 1822, set. 82 yrs. "Trader." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Caleb, Aug. 19, 1765. Was a " carpenter,'' and resided at Boston. ii. Daniel, June 20, 1768, d. 30 July, 1772. iii. Susanna, bt. Sept. 17, 1769, d. soon. iv. Sarah, May 9, 1772, d. unm. 26 Oct. 1851, set. 79 yrs. V. Susanna, Nov. 22, 1773. vi. Daniel, May 17, 1776. m. Nov. 8, 1800, Mary Blake, and removed to Ohio. vii. Bela, Sept. 6, 1779. m. Oct. 13, 1805, Mary Marsh, and resided at Boston, where he d. 10 Nov. 1865, set. 86 yrs. She d. 15 May, 1858, set. 77 yrs. viii. Hannah, June 6, 1782, d. unm. 12 Aug. 1844, set. 62 yrs. ix. David, July 20, 1785. X. Elizabeth, May 10, 1788. xi. Mary, Oct. 15, 1790. Beal. 69 55. Jacob ^ (David <¦' Jacob ^ John i), b. in Hing. June 14, 1742. m. first, Sept. 15, 1768, Olive Lewis, dau. of George and Susanna (Hall) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 24, 1746, and d. 18 Sept. 1774, set. 28th yr. He m. secondly. May 2, 1776, Sarah Norton, dau. of John and Anna (Belknap) Norton. She was b. ab. 1746, and d. in Hing. 19 Dec. 1832, set. 86 yrs. Jacob d. 3 Sept. 1819, set. 77 yrs. Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Olive, — i. Olive, bt. Aug. 13, 1769. m. Nov. 7, 1790, John Marsh, Jr., wid^. ii. Mary, Apr. 28, 1771. m. March 3, 1793, Samuel French. iii. Grace, Apr. 11, 1773, d. 9 Aug. 1775. 64. iv. Jacob, Sept. 18, 1774. 56. James = (David *-s Jacob ^ John^), b. in Hing. March 27, 1744. m. first, Dec. 4, 1770, Eunice Lewis, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Law- son) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. June 3, 1745, and d. 19 July, 1776, set. 31 yrs. He m. secondly, May 20, 1777, Susanna Sprague, dau. of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Whiton) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 5, 1744, and d. 14 Nov. 1820, set. 76 yrs. Jaines d. 19 March, 1836, set. 92 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eunice, were — i. James, May 26, 1771, d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 2 Sept. 1793, set. 22 yrs. ii. Martin, July 27, 1773, d. 20 Aug. 1775. iii. Eunice, July 12, 1776. m. Cushing, and d. at Boston, 1 March, 1859, set. 83d yr. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susanna, were — iv. An infant, , d. 12 Feb. 1778. V. Martin, July 29, 1780, d. at Boston, 26 Sept. 1853, set. 73 yrs. vi. Samuel, Oct. 24, 1783, d. at Boston, 16 Dec. 1870, set. 87 yrs. 57. Elisha 5 (Isaac' David ^ Jacob ^ John^), b. in Hing. May 11, 1761. m. Oct. 29, 1780, Lydia Tower, dau. of Isaiah and Lydia (Gill) Tower. She was b. in Hing. May 26, 1761, and d. 26 Sept. 1833, set. 72 yrs. He d. Nov. 1830, set. 69 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elias, 1781. m. May 19, 1811, Eliza Gilbert, and d. 25 Sept. 1859, set. 79th yr. 65. ii. Levi, March 31, 1786. iii. Celia, -. m. Belcher, and d. at Boston, 29 Sept. 1875, aet. 79 yrs. iv. Charles, . m. Sept. 29, 1816, Lorana Warner of Milton, and d. 18 Aug. 1830. V. Isaac, , d. at Scit. 26 Apr. 1828. vi. Lydia, . And prob. others. 58. Welcome * (Joshua ' Andrew * Jeremiah *^ John '), b. in Hing. sec. pre. m. first, Susanna Brown, who d. 11 Oct. 1802, set. 49 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 12, 1804, Mrs. Sarah (Wheelwright) Boyington, the dau. of John and Sarah (Wilcutt) Wheelwright of Coh. She d. in Hing. 14 Feb. 1838, set. 90 yrs. Welcome was by occupation " farmer." He resided on Hull St. 70 Beal. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Susanna, were — i. Charlotte, June 12, 1780. m. Aug. 29, 1801, Thomas Stodder. ii. Delight, March 7, 1782. 66. iii. Elijah, Apr. 16, 1783. iv. SuKBY, Feb. 10, 1787. m. May 9, 1806, Isaac Taylor. V. Nancy, Feb. 11, 1789. vi. Martin, July 1, 1791. Eemoved to Bridgewater. 67. vii. Eobert, Apr. 11, 1793. viii. Sophia, May 9, 1797. m. May 5, 1824, Edward Morse.. 59. John ° (John *^ Jeremiah ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 21, 1779. m. first, Martha Bates, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Beal) Bates. She was bt. in Hing. July 13, 1783, and d. 1 Jan. 1811, set. 27 yrs. He m. secondly, Feb. 26, 1816, Silence B. Cushing, dau. of Capt. John and Christiana (Thaxter) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. June 16, 1792, and d. 3 March, 1866, set. 74th yr. He d. 26 July, 1863, set. 84th yr. "Farmer." Eepresentative at the General Court, 1844 and 1845. Eesided on East, opp. Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Silence, — i. John Cushing, Dec. 3, 1816. m. June 10, 1844, Jane Proctor of Brooklyn, L.I. Eesides at New York, and has a fam. ii. Lucy, May 3, 1819. 68. iii. James, May 12, 1822. iv. William Pomroy, Aug. 28, 1825. Eesides at New York, and has a fam. V. Martha, Nov. 12, 1827. 60. JoHN« (Jacob 6 John ^3 Jeremiah ^ John i), b. at Coh. Dec. 20, 1771. m. Catherine Kimball. Eesided on King St., and was for some time Capt. of a military company. Late in life he removed to Plain- field, N. H., where he d. 4 July, 1836, set. 64th yr. Of his twelve ch., there were sons, — i. John, 1791. m. Jane, dau. of Ensign Otis of Scit., and settled at Scit. Their s. George W. Beal, was for sev. yrs. a teacher in the North Gram mar School in Hing., and m. Mary L., dau. of the late Melzar Gardner of this town. ii. Albert, 1793. Eemoved from Coh. iii. George, 1795. Well known to the travelling public as Capt. of several of the Boston and Hing. Steamboat Co.'s Boats. He was for some time a resident of Hing., on Lincoln and Ship Sts., and his s. George was b. here. Capt. George Beal d. at Coh. 31 Jan. 1873, set. 78th yr. iv. Samuel, . Went to Cuba, W. I., where he d. of yellow fever. V. Jacob, 1815. Eesides at Cornish, N.H. Was in the employ of the Boston and Hing. Steamboat Co. at the time his bro. George was Capt. 61. Benjamin^ (Benjamin* Elijah^ Joshua' Caleb ^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1771. m. first, Apr. 9, 1797, Mary Hobart, dau. of John and Miriam (Lincoln) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 22, 1770, and d. 15 Aug. 1805, set. 35 yrs. He m. secondly, March 30, 1806, Else Hersey, dau. of Noah and Lydia (Waterman) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1778, and d. 14 Nov. 1857, set. 79 yrs. Benjamin d. 1 Sept. 1833, set. 62 yrs. " Carpenter." Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — i. Benjamin, Jan. 23, 1798, d. 7 Aug. foil. ii. Mary, Aug. 26, 1799. m. Charles Leighton of Boston. iii. Caty, July 20, 1801, d. 20 Sept. 1802. iv. Benjamin, Nov. 16, 1802. m. (1) 1830, Elizabeth Leighton, and resided at Boston. He d. at Lynn, Mass., 22 Sept. 1874, set. 72d yr. 69. V. Caleb, March 6, 1805. Beal. 71 Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Else, — vi. Katy, Oct. 18, 1807. m. May 2, 1839, John Maynard of Andover. vii. Abner, Sept. 24, 1809, d. at New York. viii. Lydia, 1811, d. 2 Feb. 1838, set. 27 yi-s. ix. Jairus, 1813. m. Nov. 29, 1838, Hannah S., dau. of Eoyal Whiton. She d. at Lynn, 24 March, 1878, set. 64th yr. Jairus d. 15 Jan. 1877, set. 64 yrs. Their dau. Catharine, m. Charles H. Boardman. A. Laban Thaxter, Aug. 19, 1815, d. at New York. 63. Elijah" (Benjamin = Elijah* Joshua = Caleb ^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 4, 1787. m. July 1, 1820, Mrs. Hannah (Jacob) Beal, wid. of Caswell Beal. She d. in Hing. 8 Sept. 1860, set. 81 yrs. He d. at Taunton, Mass., 24 Jan. 1861, set. 73 yrs. " Master mariner." Ee sided on North St., opp. Marsh's Bridge. Child, — i. Elijah, May 20, 1820, is m., and resides at Boston. 63. Elijah « (Laban ^ Elijah* Joshua ^ Caleb ^ John^), b. in Hing. March 22, 1801. m. Oct. 19, 1823, Anna Sprague, dau. of Jairus and Anna (Sprague) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1805. Elijah removed to Charlestown, Mass., where he d. 22 July, 1873, set. 72 yrs. " Hair dresser." Child, b. in Hing., — i. Albert, Nov. 26, 1825. 64. Jacob" (Jacob « David *"« Jacob = John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 18, 1774. m. March 14, 1798, Ehoda Jacobs, dau. of Capt. Joshua and Elizabeth (Eichmond) Jacobs. She was b. at Han. Aug. 17, 1778, and d. in Hing. 3 Sept. 1858, set. 80 yrs. He d. 28 Oct. 1805, set. 31 yrs. " Cabinet-maker." Eesided on South St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. A DAU., Dec. 3, 1800, d. in 2 dys. ii. Louisa Eichmond, Apr. 23, 1802, d. unm. 23 Nov. 1872, set. 71st yr. iii. Henry, July 10, 1805, grad. at Har. Coll. 1825, d. 4 Oct. 1828, ffit. 23 yrs. 65. Levi* (Elisha '^ Isaac * David' Jacob ^ John^), b. in Hing. March 31, 1786. m. Euth Whiton, perhaps dau. of Matthew Whiton. She was b. July 28, 1791. Levi d. 9 Sept. 1852, set. 66 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sophronia W., Aug. 18, 1811. m. (1) Feb. 6, 1831, John Low ; (2) Jesse Churchill, wid^ ; and (3) Apr. 16, 1871, Henry Wilder, wid';. ii. Levi, Apr. 14, 1813, d. 28 Feb. 1837. iii. Matthew Whiton, March 15, 1815, d. at Bridgewater, 21 Oct. 1851, ast. 36 yrs. iv. Lucy Whiton, Feb. 20, 1817. m. Oct. 20, 1833, Ezekiel S. Cartwright. V. Mary, Apr. 20, 1819. vi. John, June 7, 1821. vii. Lydia, Sept. 30, 1823. m. Sept. 22, 1847, Nathaniel Wilder. viii. Thomas Adams, Dec. 27, 1825. ix. Elizabeth G., Apr. 22, 1828, m. Joseph P. Eaton. X. James, Nov. 10, 1833. Ch, •) 72. i. ii. iii. iv. 73. V. vi. 72 Beal. 66. Elijah' (Welcome ° Joshua' Andrew* Jeremiah '"^ John'), b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1783. m. Betsey Pincin of Bridgewater. She d. 21 Dec. 1848, set. 64 yrs. Elijah d. 23 Dec. 1865, set. 83d yr. "Far- Elijah, Sept. 2, 1805. William, May 2, 1807. m. Dec. 25, 1828, Caroline J. Carter. She sur vived him, aud m. (2) Isaac H. Lambert, wid{, and d. 24 Sept. 1864, set. 64 yrs. William was lost at sea, in Sch'. "Sarah " of Hing. Apr. 1832. Susan, March 2, 1810, d. young. Lucy, b. . Lewis, July 26, 1816. " Betsey, 1819. m. Oct. 15, 1838, Orin E. Beal, and d. 19 Oct. 1875, set. 57th yr. vii. Welcome, 1821. "Trader," and Postmaster. He m. Jan. 6, 1848, Sarah, dau. of Stowers and Sarah Beal, and d. 20 May, 1884, set. 63d yr. 74. viii. Martin, March 30, 1823. 67. Eobeet ' (Welcome ^ Joshua " Andrew * Jeremiah ^"^ John '), b. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1793. m. Aug. 19, 1813, Anna Humphrey, dau. of Jonathan and Eebecca (Vinal) Humphrey of Coh. She d. in Hing. 22 Sept. 1845, set. 52 yrs. He d. 12 Feb. 1848, set. 65th yr. " Mari ner." Eesided at Weir Eiver. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 75. i. Egbert, Dec. 14, 1813. ii. Mary Ann, 1816. m. May 3, 1838, William P. Whittier, and d. 13 May, 1881, iEt. 65th yr. 76. iii. Luther Barnes, 1819. 77. iv. Leavitt Burrell, July 12, 1824. V. Eebecca Vinal, June 3, 1827. m. Oct. 20, 1845, Welcome L. Gardner. vi. John Humphrey, July 28, 1830, unm. vii. Caroline Jane, Dec. 22, 1833. m. Sept. 1, 1864, Hiram T. Howard, and d. 30 May, 1871, set. 37 yrs. 68. James ' (John ""-^ Jeremiah ^ John ^), b. in Hing. May 12, 1822. m. at Coh. Nov. 14, 1844, Sally C. Nichols, dau. of Levi and Mary (Hall) Nichols. James d. 31 March, 1880, st. 58th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on Hull, near East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Hall, March 1, 1846. m. June 5, 1867, Algernon B. Churchill. 78. ii. John, May 31, 1853. iii. Martha Bates, Sept. 9, 1857. 69. Caleb'' (Benjamin «^ Elijah* Joshua = Caleb ^ John '), b. in Hing. March 6, 1806. m. first, Oct. 4, 1829, Mary White Beal, dau. of Caswell and Hannah (Jacob) Beal of Boston. She d. in Hing. 31 July, 1836, set. 27 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 29, 1837, Susan Thurston Beal, sister of his first w. She d. and he m. thirdly, Sept. 12, 1872, Mrs. Elizabeth J. (Tilton) Hersey, wid. of Jacob Hersey. Caleb d. 26 Sept. 1886, set. 82d yr. " Tinplate worker," and dealer in hardware, stoves, etc. Afts. engaged in navigation and commercial pursuits. Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — i. Caswell, 1830, d. 17 May, 1835, aet. 5 yrs. ii. Caleb Hadley, 1832, d. unm. 6 July, 1876, set. 44th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") iii. John Hall, 1834, d. 4 July, 1836. Beal. Y3 Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susan, ¦ iv. Caswell, , d. young, V. An infant, d. in 7 dys. 70. Laban'' (Seth« AbeP Andrew* Jeremiah ^'^ John"), b. at Coh. July 17, 1810. m. IMarch 15, 1835, Celia Beal, dau. of Christopher and Hannah (Lambert) Beal. She was b. at Coh. Sept. 12, 1813. "Master mariner." Eesides on Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 79. i. Laban Otis, Jan. 20, 1836. ii. Jerome Quincy, Ang. 12, 1838, d. in two weeks. iii. Erastus, Apr. 23, 1840, d. 20 Aug. foil. iv. Cyrus, March 15, 1843, d. next day. V. Celia, Aug. 20, 1844, d. 6 Oct. foil. vi. Ella Cecilia, July 11, 1847. m. June 25, 1878, Charles H. Wall of Waltham. vii. IsiDORA, Aug. 12, 1850. m. July 13, 1869, Joseph Hicks of Boston. viii. Granville, Jan. 6, 1854. ix. Clarence, Jan. 15, 1857, d. in 5 dys. 71. Abner L.'' (Seth ® Abel ^ Andrew * Jeremiah ^^ John "), b. at Coh. Jan. 1, 1815. m. Hannah S. Stodder, dau. of Jacob and Elizabeth (Eichards) Stodder. She d. at Florence, Italy, 31 Jan. 1886, set. 70 yrs. Abner d. 19 Aug. 1870, set. 56th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Hull St. Ch., prob. all b. in Hing., — i Susan Frances, m. (1) May 21, 1869, Charles A. Smith of Boston, and (2) . ii. Irene Whittington. m. Dec. 25, 1858, Caleb G. Beal of Boston. iii. Charles, , d. . iv. Alice Loring, Sept. 15, 1850. m. Dec. 13, 1871, Joshua H. Nash of Ab'n, and d. 27 Oct. 1884, set. 34 yrs. 72. Elijah ' (Elijah ' Welcome " Joshua ^ Andrew ' Jeremiah ^^ Johni), b. at Coh. Sept. 2, 1806. m. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1826, Mary Burrell, dau. of Leavitt and Sally (Curtis) Burrell. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 20, 1803. Elijah d. 12 May, 1872, set. 67th yr. "Master mariner." Eesided on North, corner of Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1827. m. March 14, 1852, Thomas H. Linc^oln. ii. Mary Fp.anoes, May 16, 1830, d. 28 Oct. 1844, set. 14 yrs. 6 mo's. 83. iii. William, Feb. 7, 1833. iv. Anna Taylor, Feb. 12, 1835. m. Nov. 24, 1853, William D. Arnold of Ab'n. 73. Lewis ' (Elijah ' Welcome * Joshua " Andrew ' Jeremiah ^"^ John"), b. in Hing. July 26, 1816. m. Nov. 11, 1838, Eachel B. Beal, dau. of Christopher and Hannah (Lambert) Beal. She was b. at Coh. Jan. 5, 1818. Lewis d. 27 Sept. 1880, set. 64 yrs. " Shoe maker." Eesided on Hull St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — 84. i. Lewis Quincy, Oct. 26, 1839. ii. Edwin Watson, Oct. 13, 1841, d. 24 May, 1885. iii. Iantha, Nov. 3, 1843. m. Oct. 6, 1862, George K. Hobbs. 74 Beal. iv. Eachel Binney, Feb. 12, 1846. m. Nov. 3, 1869, Thaddeus A. Lawrence of So. Scit. V. Horace Parker, Feb. 17, 1849. vi. Ora Clinton, Jan. 20, 1852. vii. Elmore Weston, Sept. 12, 1859. viii. Mary Fiske, July 16, 1862, d. 24 Sept. 1863. 74. Martin" (Elijah'' Welcome ° Joshua* Andrew* Jeremiah ^^ John 1), b. in Hing. March 30, 1823. m. Dec. 19, 1847, Lucy A. Phin ney, dau. of Seth and Mary (Litchfield) Phinney. She was b. in Hing, Sept. 28, 1828. Martin d. 5 Jan. 1883, set. 60th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Jennet, March 10, 1851. m. Aug. 17, 1873, Charles H. Snell. ii. Caroline Malissa, July 17, 1852. m. Aug. 30, 1873, Henry W. Clark. iii. Lucy May, July 30, 1861. m. Nov. 20, 1886, Benjamin A. Atwood. 75. Eobeet' (Eobert' Welcome" Joshua" Andrew* Jeremiah^'' John'), b. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1813. m. Chloe Sprague, dau. of Amos and Mary (Clark) Sprague. She was b. at Ashburnham. Mass., Feb. 24, 1822. Eobert d. in Hing. 21 Aug. 1876, ffit. 63d yr. "Farm laborer." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. William Henry, Oct. 9, 1841, d. 20 Dec. 1865, set. 24 yrs. (See "Hing ham in the Civil War.") ii. Matilda Ann, Jan. 12, 1844. m. George A. Eoss. iii. Nancy Maria, June 5, 1846. m, (1) Amos Sprague, wid!, and (2) May 5, 1885, Charles F. Hammond of Natick. iv. Susan Amelia, Aug. 1, 1848. m. Aug. 31, 1869, John O. Bames of Coh., now of Hiug. V. Egbert Davis, Sept. 1, 1850, d. 15 Sept. 1851. 85. vi. James Sturtevant, Aiig. 5, 1852. vii. Eebecca Caroline Jane, May 3, 1854, d. 16 March, 1863. viii. Joseph Lincoln, Feb. 27, 1857, d. 21 March, 1863. ix. Eliza Sprague, March 1, 1861, d. 21 Jan. 1863. X. Joseph Lincoln Tilson, May 14, 1863. 76. Luthee B.' (Eobert ' Welcome ^ Joshua ^ Andrew * Jeremiah ^ John 1), b. in Hing. 1819. m. Jan. 18, 1844, Mary Ann Sprague, dau. of Amos and Mary (Clark) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. 1824, and d. at Wey. 18 Jan. 1880, set. 56 yrs. He d. 1 June, 1876, set. 57th yr. " Laborer." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Ann, Aug. 20, 1844, d. 5 Aug. 1846. ii. Luther Barnes, Sept. 17, 1846. m. Apr. 19, 1871, Susan Eamsdell. iii. Mary Jane, March 9, 1848, d. 22 Sept. 1849. iv. John Leavitt, Sept. 29, 1849, d. 19 Oct. 1851. V. Welcome L. G., March 8, 1851. m. June 6, 1877, Sophia H. Lovell. vi. Annie Caroline, Dec. 22, 1852. m. Jan. 8, 1873, Charles H. Prouty. vii. Mary E. V., Sept. 30, 1856, d. 1 Jan. 1857. viii. Elizabeth Wentworth, June 7, 1859, d. 19 Nov. 1867. ix. Ezra Thomas, Sept. 21, 1861. X. Charles Frederick, . Besides at Wey. 77. Leavitt B.' (Eobert ' Welcome^ Joshua ^ Andrew * Jeremiah =-^ John 1), b. in Hing. July 12, 1824. m. Nov. 9, 1844, Harriet P. Barnes, dau. of Benjamin and Sally (Vinal) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Jan. Beal. 75 23,1825. "Master mariner," and later, "shoemaker." Eesides on Cottage St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Anna Humphrey, Aug. 18, 1845, d. 28 Aug. 1846. ii. Oliver Leavitt, Deo. 1, 1847. m. Annie, dau. of Loring Hersey. Eesides at Eeading. ui. Henri La Forest, Nov. 7, 1853. iv. Nettie Thornton, Jan. 11, 1856. m. March 8, 1877, Joseph Dean Swift. V. Herbert, Nov. 24, 1865. 78. JoHN^ (James' John*-""^ Jeremiah^ John ^), b. in Hing. May 31, 1853. m. Jan. 28, 1872, Lucy French, dau. of Thomas L., and Anna M. (Carver) French. Eesides on East St., near Side Hill Eoad. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. John, Apr. 28, 1872. ii. Helen Eussell Corinne, June 24, 1883. 79. Laban O.^ (Laban ' Seth « Abel ^ Andrew * Jeremiah ^-^ John ^), b. in Hing. Jan. 20, 1836. ,m. Feb. 25, 1863, Mrs. Mary Smith (Davis) Studley, wid. of Stephen B. Studley, and dau. of Edmund and Mary D. (Hatch) Davis. She was b. at Falmouth, Mass., Jan. 12, 1837. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Canterbury St. Ch., — i. Freddie Otis, Deo. 10, 1863, d. 9 Jan. 1867. ii. Minnie Cecilia, March 31, 1866, d. 27 Aug. foil. iii. Arthur Carleton, July 28, 1868. iv. Ethel May, Dec. 14, 1872. V. Otis Granville, May 8, 1875. 80. Samuel ^ (Caleb ' Daniel ^ Joshua ' Andrew * Jeremiah ^-'^ John '), b. at Coh. Jan. 26, 1809. m. Jan. 31, 1836, Elizabeth Souther, dau. of Nathan and Sally (WUson) Souther. Samuel d. 9 March, 1866, set. 47 yrs. Eesided on East, near Hull St. Was for many yrs. tax collector of Hing. Ch., — i. Wilbur Fiske, Nov. 22, 1835, is m., and resides at Boston. ii. Samuel Mabsden, Oct. 23, 1839. Methodist clergyman. iii. Arthur, July 8, 1845. m. Feb. 9, 1871, Adelia S. Oakman of Mf'd. iv. Horace Mann, June 26, 1850, d. 23 Jan. 1873. V. Sarah Lizzie, Feb. 20, 1853, d. 17 July, 1855. 81. James S.' (Caleb' Daniel ' Joshua^ Andrew * Jeremiah ""^ John^), b. at Coh. June 27, 1812. m. first, Mary F. Smith, dau. of Charles L., and Chrissa (Wilder) Smith. She d. 29 Sept. 1863, set. 48th yr. He m. secondly, Jan. 10, 1867, Mrs. Hannah H. (Churchill) Wilder, wid. of Martin Wilder. She d. at Dux. 18 Jan. 1887, set. 62 yrs. James S. d. 20 Oct. 1883, set. 71 yrs. He left no issue. "Housewright." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. 82. Daniel ^ (Christopher ' Daniel ^ Joshua ^ Andrew * Jeremiah ^-^ Johni), b. at Coh. Nov. 5, 1806. m. Aug. 14, 1831, Hannah L. Bur bank, dau. of Timothy and Sarah (Battles) Burbank of Coh. Daniel d. in Hing. 18 Sept. 1880, set. 74th yr. "Farmer." Eesided on Hull St. 76 Beal. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 86. i. Daniel Leavitt, June 23, 1832. ii. Leander, Nov. 27, 1834 (is of the firm of Miner, Beal, & Hackett, mer chants, of Boston). iii Lucinda, May 19, 1838. m. May 18, 1856, James D. Carter. iv. Timothy, March 23, 1844, d. 20 Sept. 1848. V. Helen Elizabeth, June 17, 1846. m. Dec. 23, 1865, Osgood Eaton, Jr. 83. William'' (Elijah*-' Welcome* Joshua ^ Andrew * Jeremiah '"^ John 1), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1833. m. May 25, 1856, Lydia A. Beal, dau. of Stowers and Sarah (Beal) Beal. She wjis b. at Coh. Dec. 18, 1830. " Steamboat captain." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Jennie Hall, July 18, 1862. m. May 29, 1883, Herbert 0. Hardy. ii. Sarah Ann, Sept. 10, 1865, d. 8 Nov. foil. iii. Lydia Wesley, Dae. 24, 1871. 84. Lewis Q.** (Lewis* Elijah' Welcome" Joshua = Andrew ' Jere miah "-^ Johni), b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1839. m. Jan. 24, 1869, Mary E. Harrington. Eemoved to Boston. Child, b. in Hing., — i. John Lewis, Aug. 4, 1870. 85. James S." (Eobert*"' Welcome" Joshua" Andrew* Jeremiah ^^ John 1), b. in Hing. Aug. 5, 1852. m. Oct. 3, 1874, Georgiana Barnes, dau. of Caleb B., and Adeline (Studley) Barnes. She was b. in Hing Feb. 28, 1865. Eesides on School St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Harry, Apr. 14, 1875, d. 30 July foil. ii. Lillian, June 1, 1877. 86. Daniel L." (Daniel * Christopher ' Daniel " Joshua ^ Andrew ^ Jeremiah ^-^ John % b. in Hing. June 23, 1832. m. July 2, 1854, Ade line M. Carter, a native of Liberty, Me. She survived him, and ra. secondly, March 11, 1866, Isaac H. Lambert, wid'. Daniel L. d. 29 July, 1864, set. 32 yrs. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Child, b. in Hing., — i. Florence H., Nov. 1, 1858, d. at Coh. 8 March, 1868. 87. Caleb G.^ (Caleb*-' Daniel" Joshua" Andrew* Jeremiah ^^ Johni), b. at Coh. Sept. 6, 1836. m. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1858, Irene W. Beal, dau. of Abner L., and Hannah S. (Stodder) Beal of Hing. Ee sided on Hull St. until he removed to Boston. Ch.,— i. Eddie Gray, Dec. 20, 1859. ii. Charles Loring, b. in Hing. Sept. 4, 1870. 88. Geoege W." (Caleb*"' Daniel" Joshua^ Andrew* Jeremiah'*'^ John^), b. at Coh. Dec. 18, 1838. m. in Hing. May 7, 1868, Martha Ball Corthell, adopted dau. of Levi Corthell. She d. 21 Feb. 1873, set. 31 yrs. 7 mo's. Beal — Bearse — Belcher — Bennet. 77 Child, — i. Mary W., Jan. 16, 1873, d. 13 Sept. foU. 89. Franklin' (Caleb*"' Daniel" Joshua* Andrew* Jeremiah'-^ Johni), b. at Coh. Apr. 24, 1846. in. in Hing. March 14, 1875, Harriet A. Tirrell, dau. of Alfred and Sarah B. (Morse) Tirrell. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1848. Eesides on Eockland St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Forest Eussell, Nov. 27, 1878. LL. Sarah, Dec. 22, 1880. Edwin (Edwin = Sarah D. Gibson), b. at Hanson, Mass., Jan. 19, 1842. m. in Hing. Dec. 24, 1865, Elizabeth Chubbuck, dau. of Eleazer and Elizabeth (Whiting) Chubbuck. She was b. in Hing. March 16, 1846. " Bootmaker." Eesides on Gardner St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Edwin Irving, Feb. 27, 1869. Note. — Margaret, d. 25 Nov. 1749, set. 80 yrs. Miriam, m. Aug. 27, 1761, Seth Wilder. Jemsha, m. June 4, 1764, Edward Jenkins, jr., of Scit. Eunice, m. Oct. 10, 1771, John Hunt, Jr. Mercy, dau. ot Caleb, bt. Feb. 21, 1779. Rachel, d. 23 June, 1784, ait. 60 or 69 yrs. Lydia, m. Nov. 29, 1787, Timothy Thayer. Mary, dau. of Joshua of Coh., m. Oct. 24, 1822, Joseph Eobinson. Mary, dau. of Bela, m. Feb. 15, 1827, Bela Marsh of Boston. Caleb, Jr., of Coh. m. Apr. 12, 1829, Martha L. Burrell. Mary, m. Apr. 28, 1833, Edward Butler. Orin R., of Coh. m. Oct. 16, 1838, Betsey, dau. of Elijah Beal. Rachel B., of Coh. m. Nov. 11, 1838, Lewis Beal. Lydia G., dau. of Caleb, of Coh. m. Dec. 18, 1842, Seth Phinney, Jr. Lucy L., w. of Solomon J., d. 20 March, 1848, set. 31 yrs. Mary R. Y ., d. 1 Jan. 1857, aet. 1 vt. 3 mo's. Nathan, a native of Coh., d. 23 Aug. 1863, set. 50 yrs. Amanda A., m. Apr. 24, 1867, Albert O. Gibson of Boston. Sarah J., w. of Alfred, d. 21 June. 1871, iet. 27 TTS. Ciiristopher , d. 21 June, 1872, set. 67 yrs. Irene W., w. of Solomon, d. 27 Dec. 1872. 'Abigail, wid. of Samuel, d. 26 May, 1873, set. 97 yrs. Marianna L., m. May 19, 1879, Wendall 0. Hunt. BEARSE. Ammiel, m. in Hing. Dec. 10, 1746, Elizabeth Sears. MiAx, m. Dec. 27, 1772, Sarah Burrell. BELCHER. John Feemont (John B. = Abbie F. Bird), b. at Ea. Eandolph, 1858. m. Dec. 24, 1878, Annie Doughty, dau. of James and Ellen (Parry) Doughty. She was b. at Wey. Oct. 14, 1861. "Boot and shoe maker." Eesides on Gardner St. Ch.,— i. Walter Clifton, Dec. 22, 1879. ii. James Fremont, Oct. 25, 1881. iii. Annie Grace, b. tn Hing. March 31, 1883. BENNET. Bezaliel, m. in Hing. Feb. 24, 1774, Eachel Barnes, dau. of Ben jamin and Hannah (Beal) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1756. Eesided in the sec. pre. Their Child, — i. Eachel, , d. 5 Dec. 1788, set. 14th yr. Note. — PMi> R., of Freetown m. Dec. 5, 1822, Catherine Jacob. Moses, of Boston m. Apr. 7, 1816, Lucy Pittee. Nathaniel, a res. of Hing., m. Apr. 4, 1826, Sylvia Groce. 78 Berry — Betscome. BERRY. 1. Amos, from Wey., m. in Hing. May 31, 1722, Euth Garnet, dau. of John and Mary (Stowell) Garnet. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 12, 1688-89. Amos d. 18 Sept. 1737, set. 42 yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Jan. 6, 1719-20. m. Feb. 11, 1740-41, Benjamin Whiton, Jr. ii. Jane, May 22, 1722. iii. Hannah, Feb. 27, 1726-27, d. 6 March foil. iv. Eebecca, Feb. 27, 1726-27, d. 6 March foil. V. Amos, March 15, 1727-28. m. Apr. 10, 1755, Hannah Wood. 2. vi. Thomas, July 14, 1731. 2. Thomas (Amos = Euth Garnet), b. in Hing. July 14, 1731. m. Mary , who d. in Hing. 6 Dec. 1793, set. 61 yrs. ; and he d. 2 June, 1803, set. 72d yr. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Molly, May 1, 1763. m. March 10, 1804, Ezekiel Whiton, wid^. 3. ii. Thomas, May 5, 1765. 3. Thomas (Thomas = Mary), b. in Hing. May 6, 1765. m. Oct. 31, 1784, Jael Whiton, dau. of Solomon and Mary (Campbell) Whiton. This fam. prob. removed from here soon after 1795. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Sally, bt. Oct. 31, 1785. ii. Celia, b. Jan. 24, 1786. iii. Hannah, Oct. 8, 1787. iv. Be'isey, Oct. 8, 1788. V. Leah, Sept. 1, 1790. vi. Thomas, Nov. 13, 1791. vii. Peter, Nov. 3, 1793. viii. Mary, Nov. 25, 1795. John HoD.GKiNS (WiUiam H. =Lucy A. Nash), b. at Wey. Aug. 25, 1853. m. in Hing. Aug. 25, 1874, Adaline F. Hersey, dau. of Hollis and Mary A. (Loring) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1867. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Pond St. Ch.,— i. Annie Maria, b. at Wey. Oct. 26, 1880. ii. George Clarence, b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1882. iii. Mary Lawson, b. in Hing. June 26, 1884. Note. — Mary, dau. of Jane Berry, bt. May 19, 1754. m. Sept. 8, 1777, Jonathan Hersey, wid'. Jotham Loring, s. of Mollv Berry, b. Dec. 22, 1784. Jane, d. 9 Apr. 1774, set. 35 yrs. Ira, m. Dec. 1, 1331, Lydia M. Hobart. BETSCOME (Betscombe). EiCHAED, from the County of Dorset, Eng., had a grant of five acres of land on Broad Cove (Lincoln) St. at the first drawing of house-lots, Sept. 18, 1635, and was made a freeman 1636-37. By occupation he was called "haberdasher." He prob. removed from here before 1650, as the name does not appear in Hing. after this yr. Concerning his fam. I only find upon our rec's the foil. : "June 6, 1646, Mrs. Betscomb died." Betscome — Bibby — Bicknell. 79 His ch., prob. were — . i. Mary, .. ii. Martha, . iii. Ansa, bt. Aug. 1639. iv. Experience, bt. Oct. 24, 1641. BIBBY. Geoege Washington, m. Nov. 28, 1850, Emeline Cushing, dau. of Adam and Harriet (Loring) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. March 10, 1828. He was killed while on picket duty 30 May, 1864. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") "Shoemaker." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Child, b. in Hing., — i Arthur Melvin, Feb. 4, 1855. m. Apr. 18, 1883, Hannah N. Arnold, dau. of Andrew J., and Olive N. (Whitcomb) Arnold of Coh. Eesides on Middle St. BICKNELL. 1. QuiNCT (Zachariah = Molly Pratt), a descendant of Zachary BickneU, one of the early settlers of Wey., was b. at Wey. Apr. 27, 1789. He m. in Hing. March 28, 1813, Hannah Lincoln, dau. of Jotham and Eebecca (Jones) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 17, 1790, and d. 17 May, 1870, set. 79 yrs. Quincy d. 28 July, 1866, set. 67 yrs. "Master mason," and "contractor." Eesided on West St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Hannah Lincoln, Dee. 4, 1813. m. Dec. 18, 1831, Nathan Bates of Wey., and d. 26 Apr. 1870. 3. ii. Quincy, Dec. 23, 1815. 4. iii. Leavitt Lincoln, Nov. 8, 1817. iv. Eebecca Jones, Nov. 20, 1823. m. Apr. 8, 1847, Joel B. ^eymour. 2. Ezra (James = Nancy Wilder), a descendant of Zachary of Wey., and b. at Wey. Feb. 2, 1805. m. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1826, Lucy Cain, dau. of Daniel and Priscilla (Stodder) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 13, 1808. Ezra d. 26 June, 1882, set. 77 yrs. « Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch.,— i. Lucy Ann, b. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1827. m. Jan. 6, 1848, Eben Stodder. ii. LiLLEYOUS, b. at Wey. Oct. 26, 1830. m. Feb. 21, 1850, Charles Campbell. She d. in Hing. 22 Sept. 1886, set. 56th yr. 5. iii. Ezra Leonidas, b. at Wey. Feb. 8, 1833. iv. Nancy Wilder, b. at Wey. Oct. 31, 1839. m. (1) Aug. 28, 1861, Samuel L. Williams, widF; and (2) Oct. 17, 1869, Stephen P. Goold, wid'. 3. QuiNCT (Quincy = Hannah Lincoln), b. in Hing. Dec. 23, 1815. m. Nov. 2, 1842, Eachel L. Barnes, dau. of Lincoln and Betsey (Ellms) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 2, 1822, and d. 8 Dec. 1882, set. 61st yr. "Farmer" and magistrate. For many yrs. a teacher in the public schools of Hing. and neighboring towns. Has served on the board of selectmen, and as a member of the school committee. He also is an eminent historian, and the compiler of the genealogy of the Tower family. Eesides on the paternal homestead, West St. 80 Bicknell — Binney. Ch., — i. Lincoln Barnes, b. in Hiug. May 18, 1843. ii. Hannah Quincy, b. at Dor. July 17, 1848. m. Deo. 9, 1869, Charles H. Fletcher. iii. Quincy, b. in Hing. Aug. 17, 1850. 4. Leavitt L. (Quincy = Hannah Lincoln), b. in Hing. Nov. 8, 1817. m. first, July 30, 1840, Harriet E. dan. of Willard and Laura (Hitch cock) Bicknell. She d. in Hing. 16 Sept. 1842, set. 19 yrs. He m. secondly. Dee. 10, 1846, Mrs. Elizabeth J. (Whiton) Stodder, wid. of David Stodder, and dau. of Isaac and Mary (Jones) Whiton. Leavitt d. at New York, 21 Apr. 1875, set. 57 yrs. "Painter and glazier." Child, by w. Harriet, — i. George, May 4, 1842 ; is m. and resides tn New York. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — ii. Edward Quincy, Aug. 29, 1847 ; is m. and resides in New York. iii. Mary Jones, Aug. 28, 1849, d. at Boston, 30 Apr. 1852. iv. Leavitt, May 1, 1854, d. 4 Sept. 1857. 5. EzEA L. (Ezra = Lucy Cain), b. at Wey. Feb. 8, 1833. m. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1855, Mary L. Sprague, dau. of Luther and Polly (Leavitt) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. July 30, 1836. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. James, Jan. 10, 1857, d. 17 Dec. foil. ii. Marion Lincoln, July 8, 1859. m. Oct. 10, 1878, Walter T. Jones. iii. Charles Leavitt, July 23, 1864. iv. Carrie Jones, Aug. 18, 1869. Chaeles, a descendant of Zachary, m. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1850, Susan F. Harris, dau. of Capt. James and Susan (Wilder) Harris. She d. 12 Aug. 1867, set. 41 yrs. Their s. Charles P. m. at Coh. Aug. 24, 1873, Ida V. Parker, and d. 25 Jan. 1876, set. 23 yrs. Harry Llewellyn, s. of Charles P. and Ida V., was b. in Hing. June 7, 1874. Anson Feancis (Stephen = Eebecca T. Hunt), a descendant of Zachary, and b. at Wey. Sept. 3, 1847. m. Nov. 1870, Olive A. Puttillow, dau. of Thomas G., and Eebecca (Gunning) Puttillow. She was b. at Wey. Sept. 2, 1851. " Baker." Eesides on South St. Ch.,— i. Walter Anson, b. and d. at Wey. ii. Arthur Francis, b. at Eockland, d. at Wey. iii. Mabel Frances, b. at Eockland, Dec. 14, 1876. iv. Olive Viola, b. in Hing. Jan. 10, 1880. Note — Thomas, of Wey. m. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1696, Anna Turner of Wey. James, of Wev. ra. Apr. 21, 1802. Nancy, dau. of Daniel WUder. Henry F., m. Apr. 9, 1845, Betsey C. Our. Quincy L., of Wey" m. Dec. 17, 1834. Deborah Porter of Wev. Alonzo, d. at Taunton, 4 Aug. 1868, ait. 54th yr. Hannah W. (Gill), d. at Boston, 9 May, 1872, a!t. 34 yrs. BINNEY. 1. Elkanah (Elkanah = Olive Pittee), b. at Wey. Oct. 9, 1775, and a descendant of Capt. John of Hull. m. Sept. 23, 1804, at Coh., Anna Binney. 81 Lambert, dau. of Henry and Hannah (Beal) Lambert. She d. in Hing. 4 May, 1863, ^t. 79 yrs. He d. 3 Sept. 1863, at. 78 yrs. " Farmer," and "nail-maker." Eesided at Fort Hill, on "Silver St.," so called. Ch., — 2. i. Isaac La.mbert, b. at Wey. Aug. 20, 1805. ii. Anna, b. at Wey. 1808. m. Dec. 9, 1830, Dari H. Vining of Wey., and d. 1864, jet. 55th yr. 3. iii. Henry, b. at Wey. May 4, 1811. iv. Elkanah, b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1813. m. Oct. 23, 1867, Mrs. Vesuvia Smith. "Mariner. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") V. John, b. in Hing. May 1, 1816. m. Apr. 10, 1839, Anna B. Lincoln, and resides at Wey. vi. Hannah Celia, b. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1818. m. Nov. 14, 1838, Solomon Pratt of Wey. vii. Elizabeth, b. in Hing. July 17, 1821. m., 1839, Thomas Porter of Wey. viii. Nancy, Apr. 12, 1824. m. 1845, Augustus Pratt of Wey., aud d. at Wey. 16 Dec. 1848, set. 24 yrs. ix. Sally Wilder, Oct. 19, 1827. ra. Apr. 15, 1846, Ephraim G. Freeman, and d. at Wey. 5 March, 1854, set. 26 yrs. 2. Isaac L. (Elkanah = Anna Lambert), b. Ang. 20,1805. m. Feb. 18. 1827, Sarah E. Kingman, dau. of Asa and Sally E. (Stowell) King man. " Shoemaker." Eemoved to Wey. Ch., prob. all b. at Wey., — i. Isaac Henry, 1827. ii. Sarah Stowell, 1830. m. (1) July 20, 1845, Samuel T. Cushing, and (2) Feb. 1, 1868, Thomas K. Woodward. She d. at Quincy, 12 Feb. 1878, aet. 49th yr. iii. James S., 1832. iv. Anna E., 1834. V. Caroline Wilder, 1837. vi. Abbie Louisa, 1840. vii. Asa K., 1843. viii. Ebenezer L., 1845, d. soon. • ix. Ebenezer L., 1847, d. 1867. 3. Henet (Elkanah = Anna Lambert), b. at Wey. May 4, 1811. m. first, March 20, 1839, Eimira Porter of Wey. She d. in Hing. 4 Oct. 1843, set. 24 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 7, 1846, Sarah Ann Davis, dau. of Eobert and Mary (Binney) Davis of Wey. She was b. at Wey. 1822. Henry d. in Hing. 9 Apr. 1882, set. 71st yr. « Shoemaker." Eesided at Fort Hill, on " Silver St." Child, b. in Hing., by w. Eimira, — i. Henry Francis, Nov. 25, 1840. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Is prob. dead, as he never retumed home. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — ii. Chester Walker, Oct. 7, 1846, d. 12 Apr. 1849. iii. Mary Elmira, Apr. 7, 1848, d. 14 Apr. 1849. iv. Chester Walker, Nov. 10, 1849. m. July 9, 1871, ArabeUa F. Damon of Wey. Eesides at Wey. V. Emily A., Oct. 10, 1851. m. Nov. 10, 1869, Thomas Daffon, and had Henry Francis, Apr. 3, 1871; Thomas Otis, July 29, 1874. vi. Sarah E., June 28, 1854. m. Sept. 9, 1875, James Gumb, and had Sarah Ann, Sept. 10, 1875, d. 17 Apr. 1882 ; Ruth Frances, Oct. 15, 1877. vii. Addie A., March 24, 1857. m. Jan. 1, 1881, George W. Brooks of Wey. Note —Spencer, of Hull m. Nov. 7, 1789, Mollv Jones of Hull. Amos, of Hull m. ly 14, 1824, Caroline, dau. of Isaiah Wilder ot Hing. Polly, of Hull m. May 1, 1788, July VOL. II. — 6 82 Binney — Bisbee — Black. Stephen Cushing. Hannah, of Hull m. Jan. 16, 1809, Eben': Totman ot Scit. Polly, of Hull m. May 7, 1809, Moses Tower of Hing. Bertha, of Hull ra. Feb. 28, 1811, John Goold of Hull. Rebecca L., of Hull m. Sept. 29, 1816, Eobert Goold of Hull. Charles, of Boston m. Oct. 1, 1855, Mary A. B., dau. of Dea. Gorham Lincoln of Hing. BISBEE (Besbedge). 1. Thomas, from Sandwich, Eng., was in Scit. 1634. He removed to Dux. 1638, and thence to Mf'd. Among his ch., were — 2. i. Elisha, . ii. Alice, . m. July 18, 1645, John Bourne. ("History of Duxbury.") 2. Elisha^ (Thomas^), was of Scit., and by occupation "cooper." " In 1644 he kept a ferry where Union Bridge now stands." (Dean's " Scituate.") The chris. name of his w. was Joanna. Their Ch. , were — i. Hopestill, 1645. ni. Sarah , who survived him, and m. secondly, Feb. 27, 1696-96, Joseph Lincoln of Hing. wid^. ii. John, 1647. m. 1687, Joanna Brooks. She d. at Pem. 17 Aug. 1726. He d. at Pem. 4 Sept. 1726. iii. Mary, 1649. m. Jan. 15, 1678-79, Jacob Beal of Hing. 3. iv. Elisha, 1654. V. Hannah, 1656. m. Thomas Brooks. vi. Martha, b. , perhaps m. Jonathan Turner. 3. Elisha ^ (Elisha = Thomas i), b. 1664. m. first, Sarah, dau. of Thomas King of Scit., and secondly, in Hing. March 26, 1686, Mrs. Mary (Jacob) Bacon, wid. of Samuel Bacon, and dau. of John and Margery (Fames) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. March 30, 1656, and d. at Pem. 16 Apr. 1737, set. 82d yr. Elisha d. 4 March, 1715-16, set. 62d yr. Was kn. as " Ensign." Eesided at So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were -^ i. Joanna, Apr. 8, 1686. m. May 21, 1708, John Leavitt. 4. ii. Elisha, Feb. 28, 1687-88. iii. Sarah, Feb. 25, 1689-90. m. Jan. 11, 1715-16, Jonathan Low. iv. Euth, Jan. 21, 1692-93, d.'lO Feb. 1713-14. V. Mary, Nov. 7, 1700. 4. Elisha* (Elisha ^-^ Thomas ^), b. in Hing. Feb. 28, 1687-88. m. (pub. Feb. 21, 1712-13) Sarah Burr, dau. of John and Mary (Warren) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 20, 1691-92. This fam. prob. re moved from here after the birth of the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Sarah, March 5, 1715-16. m. Daniel Lewis, Jr., of Pem. ii. Elisha, June 3, 1718. Was of Hing., and by occupation "saddler." Note. — A child of Elisha d. 18 Nov. 1752, ffit. 2d yr. Bethia, d. 20 Sept. 1754, set. 2d yr. Bethia, dau. of Elisha, bt. March 16, 1755. BLACK. Joseph F., m. in Hing. May 10, 1880, Annie J. Harub. " Cabinet maker." Eesides on North St. Black — Blair — Blake. 83 Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Frederick Henry, May 24, 1881. ii. Albert Lawrence, Deo. 8, 1883. iii. Louis Clayton, Nov. 10, 1886. BLAIR. Feedeeick Clinton, b. at Pittsford, Vt., Sept. 5, 1842. m. in Hing. Apr. 5, 1871, Olive J. Jones, dau. of Moses and Olive S. (Groce) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 28, 1844. " Butcher." Eesides on Leavitt St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. ipr^ing., — i. Mary Parker, May 3, 1874. ii. S.\MUEL Bradstreet, June 25, 1884. BLAKE. 1. Joseph, from Scit., m. in Hing. first, Nov. 1, 1734, Sarah Souther, dau. of Joseph and Content (Tower) Souther. She was b. in Hing. 1714, and d. 6 July, 1743, set. 29 yrs. He m. secondly, Aug. 31, 1743, Mary Kent, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Gannett) Kent. She was b. in Hing. 1713. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., by w. Sarah, were — 2. i. Joseph, 1735. ii. Sarah, 1737. iii. Benjamin, bt. Dec. 9, 1739. iv. Samuel, bt. Sept. 27, 1741. V. Hannah, bt. Jan. 16, 1742-43. Child, by w. Mary, — vi. Jambs, bt. Aug. 19, 1744. 2. Joseph (Joseph = Sarah Souther), prob. b. in Hing., sec. pre., 1736. m., 1768, Lucy Gill, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Hawke) Gill. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1738-39, and d. 13 Oct. 1818, set. 80 yrs. Joseph d. 26 Jan. 1812, set. 78th yr. Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, Aug. 8, 1759. ii. Samuel, Sept. 23, 1761, d. 18 March foil. iii. Lucy, July 18,1763. m. Dec. 3, 1786, Daniel Thaxter. iv. Samuel, Feb. 9, 1766. V. Sarah, Sept. 9, 1768. m. May 9, 1799, Ambrose Lothrop of Easton, Mass. She d. 2 May, 1826, ait. 58th yr. He d. 2 May, 1828, set. 59 yrs. vi. Percis, Apr. 29, 1771. m. Nov. 8, 1800, Eeuben Blake of Mendon. vii. Mary, Sept. 3, 1773. m. Nov. 8, 1800, Daniel Beal of Boston. They re moved to Ohio. 1. Joseph* (s. of Solomon', gr. s. of Edward'^ of Dor. and great gr. s. of William Blake\. who came from. Old Eng. to New Eng. with his w. Agnes in 1635), was b. at Boston Aug. 10, 1709. His w., whom he m. May 18, 1738, was Mary Welland of Boston. But little is kn. of their history, other than that they were occasional sojourners in Hing. Their 84 Blake. Ch., so far as I can ascertain, were — 2. i. Joseph, b. at Boston, Feb. 5, 1738-39. ii. John, Ang. 27, 1740. iii. Elizabeth, May 23, 1742. 3. iv. Solomon, June 22, 1744. V. George, 1746, prob. d. young. Note. — The Blake tomb in the Hingham Cemetery contains, in addition to the remains therein deposited, two gravestones, one of which was originally erected to the memory of Martin Blake. Upon the other stone is the following inscription : — In Meraory ot LIDY BLAKE. Daugh": of Cap William & M" Dorcas Blake. Died 28 July 1775. Aged 1 year. 2. Joseph^ (Joseph* Solomon^ Edward^ William i), b. at Boston, Feb. 5, 1738-39. m. first, 1757, Deborah Smith, dau. of Samuel and Bethia (Chipman) Smith of Sandwich, Mass. After her decease he m. secondly Mrs. Thankful Baty, wid. of Gideon Baty, her second hus., whom she m. 28 Sept. 1777. (Her first husband was Watson Freeman.) She d. and for his third w. he m. Huldah Dix. At 17 yrs. of age Joseph was sec. lieut. in Col. Gridley's regiment, of which Samuel Thaxter of Hing. was major, and was present at the capitulation of Fort William Henry in 1757. He also was an ofiicer under General John Winslow at the taking of Quebec in 1759, and had charge of the little band of unfortunate French neutrals sent into Hing. In 1777, being then a resident of Eutland, Mass., he bought of Josiah Leavitt of Hing.. "physician," the land and dwelling-house now owned by heirs of the late George Bassett, at the corner of Main and Elm Sts. ; also land at Turkey Hill, etc. Joseph was for many yrs. a success ful merchaut of Boston ; and after leaving Hing. he resided in Boston, on Cambridge St. He d. at Billerica, Mass., 21 July, 1818, set. 79 yrs. Ch., — i. Charlotte, b. in Hing. March 12, 1758. m. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1778,William Caldwell, Esqr., and d. in Hing. 14 Jan. 1806, £et. 48th yr. ii. John Welland, bt. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1761, was m. and resided at Brattle boro', Vt., where he d. 27 Oct. 1818, a;t. 57th yr. iii. Harriot, bt. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1761, d. here 3 May, 1780. iv. Sophia, bt. ia Hing. Sept. 26, 1762. in. Jan. 16, 1791, Col. Nathan Eice. V. Deborah, bt. in Hing. Sept. 2, 1764, d. in Hing. 11 Dec. 1781. vi. Joseph, b. ¦ . (Har. Coll. 1786), d. at Jamaica 10 July, 1802. vii. Georoe, b. at Hardwick, Mass., Apr. 16, 1769, attended school in Hing. under Eev. Joseph Thaxter ; was fitted for coll. by Dr. Joshua Barker, and was grad. at Har. Coll. 1789. He commenced the study of law with his bro. -in-law, WiUiam Caldwell, Esqr., of Eutland, and afts. settled in Boston ; was appointed U. S. Dis. Attor. 1801, and held the office nearly twenty-seven successive yrs. viii. Charles, b. in Hing. 1771, was a physician at Northboro', Mass where he d. 20 Apr. 1841. Francis, b. ,at Eutland, Oct. 14, 1774, attended school in Hing. and was prepared for coll. here. He grad. at Har. 1789, and, at a later period, was an eminent lawyer of Worcester. Joshua, b. at Eutland, June 18, 1776, d. in Hing. 18 Dec. 1777. IX. Blake — Blany — Blossom, 85 xi. Joshua, b. in Hing. Sept. 27, 1778, was a lieut. in the U. S. Navy, also "shipmaster " in the merchant service. Late in life he was president of the Boston Marine Society. Hisw., whom he m. Nov. 13, 1806, was Sarah, dau. of John Stanton. They had nine ch. Capt Joshua Blake d. at Boston, 23 Dec. 1843, a;t. 65 yrs. xii. Harriot, b. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1780. m. Elijah H. Mills, and d. at Cam bridge, Mass., 9 Feb. 1871, set. 90 yrs. 3. Solomon 5 (Joseph * Solomon ' Edward = William i), b. at Boston June 22, 1744 ; settled in Hing. and m. here Apr. 5, 1770, Grace Thaxter, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna (Joy) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 16, 1752, and d. 26 July, 1795, set. 43 yrs. He d. 21 Jan. 1799, set. 55th yr. "Merchant," and interested in navigation. Eesided on Main St., near the meeting-house of the first parish. Ch., all b. in Hing., Avere — i. John, Sept. 1, 1772, d. 22 Sept. 1773. ii. Martin, Jan. 4, 1778. iii. Sukey, March 3, 1781. m. Nov. 4, 1798, John Trott of Boston, afts. of New York. iv. John, Aug. 24, 1783. V. Charles, June 30, 1786. "Shipmaster.'' d. num. 29 Apr. 1860, set. 74th yr. He was in active service on a private armed ship during the War of 1812 ; was captured, and confined in Dartmoor prison. 4. vi. Edwin, M.ay 19, 1791. vii. An infant, b. and d. at Boston, 1795. 4. Edwin ^ (Solomon ^ Joseph * Solomon '" Edward ^ William i), b. in Hing. May 19, 1791. m. Hannah F. Lincoln, dau. of Abner and Hannah (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1793. Ed win was by occupation " shipmaster." He resided sev. yrs. on South St., and later, at Boston, where he d. 8 Aug. 1839, set. 48 yrs. Ch.,— i. Amelia, March, 1822. m. Eufus Saxton. ii. Charles E., , d. in Hing. 19 Sept. 1834, set. 11 yrs. iii. George B., ,d. in China? iv. Abner Lincoln, b. at Dor. Jan. 7, 1830. V. Hannah Lincoln, , d. in Hing. Dec. 1833, set. 18 mo's. Note. — Samuel, m. Nov. 26, 1874, Ida Amie. BLANY. Joseph, m. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1693-94, Abigail, dau. of Capt. Thomas Andrews. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 6, 1669-70. They prob. removed from here shortly after the births of the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Joseph, March 4, 1694-95. ii. Hannah, Sept. 17, 1696. BLOSSOM. Zaccheus, m. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1745, Sarah Hersey, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Mayes) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 19, 1718, and surviving him, m. secondly, Isaac Sprague of Hing., widr. Zaccheus was by occupation "blacksmith." He resided at or near the corner of Main and South Pleasant Sts. Child, — i. Sarah, June, 1749. m. June 22, 1769, Elias Whiton. 86 Blossom — Bogle — Bond — Bosworth. 1. Edwaed Chuechill, from Barnstable, Mass., d. in Hing. 10 Sept. 1869, set. 89 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on North St., West Hing. His w. was Mercy Davis. Their Ch., who lived in Hing., were — i. Edward Churchill, b. at Barnstable, 1810. m. Mrs. Mary (Bassett) Kelsey, wid. of James E. Kelsey, and dan. of Martin and Sabra (Briggs) Bassett. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 25, 1812, and surviving him, m. thirdly, Capt. Kimball Easterbrook. Edward C. d. in Hing. 13 March, 1858, set. 48 yrs. "Shoemaker." Eesided on North St., West Hing. 2. ii. Thomas Davis, b. at Barnstable, May 15, 1813. 2. Thomas D. (Edward C. = Mercy Davis), b. at Barnstable, May 15, 1813. m. in Hing. May 9, 1837, Susan A. Whiton, dau. of Isaiah and Martha D. (Easterbrook) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. May 24, 1817. He d. 20 Nov. 1871, ffit. 68 yrs. "Printer." Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch.,— 3. i. Edward Churchill, b. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1838. ii. Charles Whiton, b. at Chicopee, Mass., June 29, 1840, d. in Hing. 26 Aug. 1862. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iii. Thomas Davis, b. at Chicopee, Apr. 29, 1842 ; is m. and resides at Coh. iv. George Henry, June 4, 1844, d. 8 Nov. 1845. V. Catherine Whiton, Nov. 3, 1846. m. June 3, 1875, Horace F. Eeed, widr. 3, Edwaed C. (Thomas D. = Susan A. Whiton), b. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1838. m. Feb. 27, 1868, Sarah Matilda Pratt, dau. of John D., and Catharine M. (Perry) Pratt. She was b. at Wey. May 29, 1844. " Painter." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Charles Henry, Feb. 22, 1869, d. 28 Dec. 1877. ii. Emily Cross, March 22, 1872. iii. Samuel Bronsdon, Oct. 7, 1873. iv. Allen Davis, July 26, 1875. V. Sarah Lizzie, Sept. 5, 1877. vi. Edward Churchill, June 24, 1879. vii. Alice May, Aug. 23, 1881. BOGLE. John, appears to have been only a temporary resident of Hing. The chris. name of his w. was Celia. She d. 11 Apr. 1776, set. 24 yrs. Their child, bt. in Hing., — i. Martin, Apr. 7, 1776, d. 14 March, 1777. BOND. Nicholas, bt. Dec. 7, 1662. Maey, of Boston, m. Oct. 23, 1675, Simon Groce of Hing. BOSWORTH. 1. Edwaed, embarked for New Eng. in the "Elizabeth Dorcas," 1634 ; and being sick unto death and ready to die, as the ship neared the port of destination, " was carried on deck that he might see Canaan, the promised land." His decease occurred shortly after, and Bosworth — Bolting. 87 his remains were buried at Boston. Of his fam. I kn. but little ; nor do the pub. accounts relating thereto afford much reliable information. He prob. left a wid. and five or six ch. The Diary of Eev. Peter Ho bart of Hing. has the foil. : "May 18, 1648. Widow Bosworth died." The names of Edward's sons, prob. b. in Eng., were — i. Edward. (See "Colonial Eecords," p. 152.) 2. ii. Jonathan, b. ab. 1611. 3. iii. Benjamin, b. ab. 1613. 4. iv. Nathaniel, . "' 2. Jonathan ^ (Edward ^), had a house-lot of two acres granted him in Hing. 1637. The lot was on Bachelor (Main) St., not far from what is now the corner of South St. After residing here a few yrs. he removed to Swanzea. The chris. name of his w. was Susanna. The names of their ch. bt. in Hing. are prob. given in the subjoined note. 3. Bexjamin ^ (Edward ^), had a grant of land at Weary-all (Otis) Hill, Hing. in 1635 ; and the year foil, a lot of five acres on Town (South) St., near West and Fort Hill Sts. He removed to Hull before 1660, and d. there 5 Nov. 1682. Freeman, 1666. In the settlement of his est. Eobert Goold of Hull and Benjamin Bosworth of Hull had equal shares. Ch., so far as I can ascertain, were — i. Elizabeth, bt. in Hing. Nov. 18, 1638. m. Eobert Goold of Hull. iL Benjamin, bt. in Hing. Apr. 1647. Eesided at HuU ; was made freeman, 1673. ¦ 4. Nathaniel ^ (Edward ^), youngest of the four bro's, all of whom were passengers, with their parents, in the " Elizabeth Dorcas," 1634, was in Hing. as early as 1635. He had land granted him at Nantasket in 1642, and prob. resided there. He d. 13 Aug. 1693. Among his ch. (see note subjoined) were — i. Mary. m. John Lobdell. ii. Nathaniel. Dec. 7, 1693, Mary Bosworth, wid. of Nathaniel Bosworth of Hull, "fisherman," deceased, etc., was appointed administratrix of her late hus. est. — s. p. R. Note. — Ch., of the surname Bosworth, bt. by Eev. Peter Hobart of Hing., were - Elizabeth, Nov. 18, 1638. Hannah, July 16, 1650. Eebecca, dau. of Jonathan, Feb. 1641. Deliverance, Aug. 4, 1650. ., Bethia, Jan. 1644. Joseph, June 6, 1662. \ Benjamin, Apr. 1647. Belany, Nov. 30, 1654. Mehitable, Apr. 1647. Maky, dau. of Nathaniel, Oct. 4, 1657. Mart, Apr. 1647. Edward, Mav 29, 1659. Nathaniel, July 29, 1649. Bridget, Au,g. 19, 1660. Jeremiah, July 29, 1649. Benjamin, Aug. 9, 1668. BOTTING. FiELDEE (Henry = Mary Fielders), b. at Cookfield, Eng., Aug. 19, 1812. m. in Hing. Apr. 27, 1842, Martha B. Nichols, dau. of David F. and Nancy Nichols. She was b. at Portsmouth, N. H., Dec. 25, 1821, and d. in Hing. 23 Sept. 1883, set. 62d yr. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Leavitt St. Bolting — Bourne — Bouve. Ch.,— i. Fielder, Jan. 25, 1843. m. (1) Sept. 25, 1871, Mary E. Pratt; and (2) Sept. 12, 1880, Orianna J. Dawes of Wey. ii. Mary Elizabeth, March 12, 1845, d. 2 May foil. iii. Martha Bailey, Apr. 16, 1846. m. Oct. 16, 1870, David W. Tinsley. iv. Lucinda A., Sept. 28, 1848. m. Jan. 23, 1873, John M. Ballon of Keene, N. H. V. Harriet M., Sept. 19, 1852. m. Sept. 24, 1878, . vi. Maria Josephine, March 23, 1855. m. Oct. 16, 1877, Edward A. French. vii. Georgia Anna, May 3, 1858. m. Jan. 1, 1878, Fred H. Eyder of Fitchbm'g. viii. William Henry, Apr. 19, 1860. ix. Minnie Etta, March 9, 1867. x. Janette May, Feb. 2, 1871. BOURNE (Boxjen). 1. Thomas, m. in Hing. sec. pre. Dec. 4, 1762, Susanna Beal, dau. of Lazarus and Euth (Andrews) Beal. She was b. in Hing. March 30, 1727-28. Eesided in the sec. pre. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Thomas, Nov, 5, 1767. " Physici.an." He m. (1) Oct. 16, 1786, Jane Doane, aud (2) Apr. 30, 1790, Betsey, dau. of Job Tower. 2. Newcomb, perhaps bro. of the preceding, m. in Hing. sec. pre., first, Jan. 14, 1766, Phebe Tower, dau. of David and Susanna (Tucker) Tower. She was bt. July 2, 1739. He m. secondly, Nov. 4, 1766, Abigail Joy, dau. of Amos and Patience (Bate) Joy. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre., Sept. 1, 1746. This fam. removed to Springfield, Vt., where he d. 1821, set. 79 yrs. Mrs. Abigail Bourne d. 1839, set. 93d yr. Ch., b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Ebenezer, Nov. 10, 1767. ii. Newcomb, Apr. 27, 1771. Hannah, wid. of Shearjashub of Boston, resided in Hing. a num ber of yrs., and occupied the mansion-house which stood on Fort Hill (nearly opp. West) St., which was destroyed by fire 19 Apr. 1835. She d. at Scit. Apr. 1839. Ch.,— i. Elisha, , d. 14 Apr. 1812. ii. Hannah D., d. 14 Aug. 1833, set. 50 yrs. Note. — Letee, m. in Hing. sec. pre. Feh. 17, 1768, Joseph Pratt. Benjamin, of Falmouth, m. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 19, 1769, Judith, dau. of Adam Beal. BOUVE. 1. Thomas Teact (s. of Ephraim Osborn and Lydia (Tracy) Bouve, and grandson of Jonathan Bouve, a soldier of the Eevolution), was b. at Boston, Jan. 14, 1815. His mother, Lydia (Tracy), was a dau. of Asaph and Lydia (Cushing) Tracy ; and Lydia Cushing, b. in Hing. June 2, 1761, was a dau. of Col. David and Euth (Lincoln) Cushing. Thomas Tracy m. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1839, Emily G. Lincoln, dau. of Barnabas and Eachel (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 7, 2. 1. ii. iii. 3. iv. 4. V. Bouve — Bowser. 89 1814. " Iron merchaut," at Boston ; treasurer of the Glendon Iron Co. of Penn. ; fpr many yrs. an eflftcient officer of the "Home for the Destitute ; " president of the Boston Society of Natural History ; Har. Coll. A. M. 1850 ; member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences ; a devoted lover of nature, and the author of the chapter on Natural History in the " History of Hingham." Eesides on Summer St., Hing. ; winter residence at Boston. Ch.,— Edward Tracy, b. in Hiug. Aug. 14, 1841. Emily Lincoln, b. at Boston, May 15, 1844, d. in Hing. 8 Sept. 1848. lyiARY Cabot, b. at Boston, Feb. 27, 1846, d. in Hing. 4 Sept. 1848. Walter Lincoln, b. at Boston, Oct. 28, 1849. Charles Osborn, b. in Hing. July 26, 1852. vi. Emily Tracy, b. at Boston, March 31, 1855. m. in Hing. June 17, 1879, Gen'. Francis A. Osborn of Boston. vii. Ada, b. in Hing. May 31, 1857. 2. Edwaed T. (Thomas T. = Emily G. Lincoln), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1841. m. Feb. 21, 1872, Delphine Dolores Clement, dau. of Fla vins B. and Lucita Clement. She was b. at San Jos^, Cal., March 22, 1854. " Merchant " at Boston. Eesides on Lincoln St. (See " Hing ham in the CivU. War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. THOM.A.S Tracy, June 23, 1875. ii. Clement Lincoln, May 27, 1878. 3. Waltee L. (Thomas T. = Emily G. Lincoln), b. at Boston, Oct. 28, 1849. m. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1886, Charlotte B. Harden, dau. of William F. and Elizabeth (Kimball) Harden. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 26, 1865. Har. Coll. LL.B. 1879. " Lawyer," and justice of the see. dis. court of Ply. Eesides on Cottage St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Walter Lincoln, Dec. 10, 1886. 4. Chaeles 0. (Thomas T.= Emily G. Lincoln), b. in Hing. July 26. 1852. m. Oct. 17, 1882, Caroline L. Lane, dau. of Eufus aiid Caro line H. (Lincoln) Lane. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1865. " Florist." Eesides on South St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Henry Allen, June 6, 1884, d. 28 Oct. 1886. ii. Charles Osborn, Oct. 14, 1886. BOWSER. Alexandee Thomas (Eobert = Jane Kirk), b. at Sackville, N. B., Feb. 20, 1848. m. Apr. 17, 1884, Adelaide Prescott Eeed, dau. of Henry S. and Angeline (Piatt) Eeed. She was b. at St. Louig, Mo., July 4, 1869. " Unitarian clergyman." Eesided on Cottage St., until he removed, in 1887, to Toronto, Ont. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Alice, May 25, 1885, d. at Toronto, 19 Feb, 1887. 90 Bradford — Bramhall. BRADFORD. 1. Joseph ^ (s. of Gov. William "), m. in Hing. May 25, 1664, Jael, dau. of Eev. Peter Hobart. She was bt. in Hing. Dec. 30, 1643, and d. 18 Apr. 1730, set. 86 yrs. He d. 10 July, 1715. Eesided at Jones Eiver. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Peter, March 1, 1676-77. 2. Nathan 5 of Hull (David * = Elizabeth Finney; William » = 3d w. Mary, wid. of John Holmes ; William ^ came in the " Mayflower," 1620 ; Gov. William ^= Alice, wid. of Edward Southworth), was b. at Kingston, Mass., 1722. m. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1748, Elizabeth Groce, dau. of Isaac and Dorothy (Cobb) Groce. She was bt. in Hing. sec. pre. July 12, 1730. Ch., — i. Lydia, 1750. ii. Jonathan, 1752. m. Mary Southworth. iii. Elizabeth, 1754, bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 9, 1755. iv. Thomas, 1755, bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 9, 1755. V. David, 1757, bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 13, 1757. m. wid. Betsey (Eob inson) Thomas of Dux. Note. — Hannah, m. Nov. 28, 1682, Joshua Eipley. Mrs. Hannah, d. Sept. 1754. Eliz abeth, dau. of Rachel and , bt. Aug. 20, 1775. Charles Lee, s. of Norton, bt. Feb. 11, 1776. A ch. of Mrs. Bradford d. 27 Aug. 1775, set. 5 yrs. BRAMHALL (Beimhall). 1. Geoege, who was at Dover, 1670, and at Casco, 1678, was killed in 1689 by Indians. The chris. name of his w. was Martha. She with her ch. came to -Hing. to reside soon after his decease, and Dec. 9, 1698, m. secondly, as Hing. records show, Gershom Hall of Harwich. The ch. of George and Martha were — 2. i. George, b. ab. 1676. ii. Joseph, m. (pub. in Hing. Aug. 7, 1714) Grace Record of Boston ; removed to Falmouth, and d. at Boston. iii. Hannah, . m. Jonathan Hall of Harwich. iv. Joshua, . m. Sarah, dau. of Samuel Rider of Ply. 2. Geoege = (George ^), b. ab. 1676. m. (pub. in Hing. July 14, 1711) Anna Baker of Barnstable. She d. in Hing. 21 Apr. 1751, set. €5 yrs. He d. 6 Dec. 1749, set. 73 yrs. In 1713 he purchased of wid. Sarah Eells the est. on South St., con. sixteen acres of land with a dw.- house thereon, which had formerly been owned by Joseph Bate, and adjoining the homestead of Caleb Bate. "Currier." Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Silvanus, July 9, 1713, d. 10 Feb. 1718-19. ii. Anna, Aug. 28, 1714, d. 21 June, 1717. iii. Hannah, Aug. 1, 1716. m. March 8, 1738-39 Joshua Bassett. iv. Elisha, Nov. 1, 1717, d. 26 Sept. 1738. v. SiLVANHS, May 10, 1719, d. 25 Dec. 1740. vi. Elizabeth, May 12, 1721, d. 8 July, 1767. Bramliall — Brassel — Breams — Breen. 91 3. vii. Joshua, Sept. 20, 1722. 4. viii. Samuel, June 10, 1724. ix. Martha, Dec. 1, 1726. m. Jan. 23, 1753, Moses Leavitt. 3. Joshua « (George ^-i), b. in Hing. Sept. 20, 1722. m. Thankful . She d. in Hing. 17 Nov. 1759, set. ab. 33 yrs. He d. 2 Nov. 1755, set. 33 yrs. " Tanner." Eesided on South St. until 1750, when he occupied the paternal homestead on North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. George, Aug. 11, 1748, d. 1 Dec. foil. ii. An ine.a,nt, , d. 7 March, 1751. iii. George, Aug. 7, 1752. iv. Joshua, bt. Dec. 2, 1753. V. Thankeul, bt.Sept. 14, 1755, d. 25 Dec. 1760. 4. Samuel^ (George"), b. in Hing. June 10, 1724. m. May 5, 1746, Kezia Lincoln, dau. of Caleb and Margaret (Leavitt) Lincoln. She was bt. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1719. "' Cordwainer." This fam. prob. removed from here after the birth of the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Kezia, Dec. 17, 1746. ii. Samuel, Oct. 30, 1748. iii. Elisha, Oct. 6, 1750. iv. Anna, May 8, 1753. V. Caleb, Sept. 12, 1755. Note. — George was taxed here in 1749, perhaps a s. ot Joseph 1, ii., or of Joshua 1, iv. Katherine, d. 24 May, 1749, set. 26 jts. BRASSEL. James, from County Kerry, Ire., and b. 1836, m. in 1868 Mary Buttimer of Hing. She was b. in Cork Co., Ire., May 12, 1842. " La borer." Eesides on Green St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. James Francis, Jan. 1, 1869. ii. Mary Agnes, Dec. 22, 1870. iii. Thomas, Nov. 23, 1874. iv. Ellen, Sept. 28, 1877, d. 22 Oct. foil. V. Ellen, Dec. 20, 1880. vi. Katie, July 4, 1884. BREAMS. Benjamin, by w. Anna, had the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Hannah, July 26, 1668. ii. Benjamin, June 8, 1670. BREEN. 1. John, from the County of Kilkenny, Ire., and b. ab. 1795, came to Boston, Mass., 1813, and thence to Hing. iu 1828. He m. at Bos ton, May 12, 1841, Susan Joyce. She was b. at Castle Martyr, Cork Co., Ire., Jan. 13, 1810. John d. in Hing. 27 Feb. 1865, set. 70 yrs. 92 Breen — Brett. " Fireman." In this capacity he was employed on steamers " Lafay ette," "General Lincoln," and "Mayflower," during the entire period in which these boats were owned by the Boston and Hingham Steam boat Company. Eesided on Green St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. William, March 12, 1842, d. at Salisbury, N. C, 5 Nov. 1864. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. John Joyce, Feb. 2, 1844. (See "Hingham in the CivU War.") iii. Mary Ann, Oct. 26, 1845. m. Henry Wall. iv. Jambs P., Sept. 7, 1847, d. 19 Sept. 1848. 2. V. Joseph Michael, Jan. 8, 1852. 3. vi. Thomas Joyce, Aug. 7, 1857. 2. Joseph M. (John = Susan Joyce), b. in Hing. Jan. 8, 1862. m. at Stockton, Me., Jan. 20, 1873, Sarah E. Grifiin of Stockton. "Sta tioner," and dealer in fancy goods. Eesides on Bank Avenue, oft' North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Fred. Foster, Dec. 26, 1873. ii. Ida Mat, Oct. 15, 1874. iii. Lizzie Marion, Sept. 30, 1880. iv. Edgar Garfield, Sept. 28, 1881. V. Frank Paterson, Oct. 24, 1883. 3. Thomas J. (John = Susan Joyce), b. in Hing. Aug. 7, 1867. m. Jan. 8, 1882, Catherine, dau. of John Scully. Eesides on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John, July 19, 1882. ii. William, Dec. 12, 1883. iii. Sarah, Aug. 10, 1885. David (David = Bridget Leahey), b. in Ire. May 25, 1830. m. Nov. 16, 1859, Katherine C. O'Brien, dau. of Daniel and Katherine (Leary) O'Brien. She was b. in Ire. Jan. 6, 1836. " Farmer." Ee sides on Lincoln St. Ch.,— i. David, May 22, 1861. ii. Jerome, July 16, 1863. iii. Mary, July 21, 1865. iv. Annie, Sept. 8, 1866. BRETT. Meesena (Eoyal T. = Susan Williamson), b. at East Bridgewater, Mass., Nov. 26, 1836. m. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1860, Ann S. Loring, dau. of Abner and Sophia S. (Whiting) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 1,1840. "Dealer in butter and cheese." Eesides on Prospect St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Frank Wallace, May 14, 1861. ii. Fred. Willard, Oct. 9, 1866. iii. Clifford Ashton, March 31, 1869. iv. Carleton Loring, Apr. 26, 1873. V. Rodney Marshal, Dec. 8, 1876. Grace Vernon Brett, an adopted dau., b. Apr. 15, 1872. Brewer — Briggs — Bronsdon. 93 BREWER. William, m. in Hing. Jan. 10, 1781, Experience Pittee, and had Ch.,— i. William, bt. in Hing. July 21, 1782. ii. Mary, . m. Samuel Bronsdon, and they had Samuel, who d. in Hing. 10 March, 1885. iii. Sally, . m. David Pittee. John Eeed (Thomas ^ Abigail Stone), prob. a descendant from Daniel Brewer, who arrived in Eoxbury, Mass., from Eng. 1632, was b. at Boston, Apr. 8, 1818. During his active business life he was a merchant at Boston. Having been a summer resident in Hing. for a number of yrs., he purchased land, and in 1856 moved into the house erected and now occupied by him on Martin's Lane, where he has one of the most extensive farms in this vicinity. He m. July 24, 1843, Caroline Francoeur, dau. of Willard Sayles of Boston. She d. in Hing. 3 July, 1887, set. 66 yrs. Ch., — i. Francis Willard. ii. Willard Sayles. iii, Helen Renouf. m. Geri Wihnon W. Blackmar of Boston. iv. Fannie Reed. BRIG-G-S. Sometimes vrrittem Bridges on Old Records. Matthias, m. in Hing. May 9, 1648, Deborah Cushing, dau. of Matthew and Nazareth (Pitcher) Cushing. She was b. in Eng. Feb. 17, 1624^26, and d. in Hing. 25 Sept. 1700, set. 76th yr. He d. 24 Feb. 1696-97. Eesided on Main St., at or near Pear Tree Hill. No further information concerning this fam. is given on Hing. rec's. Joseph, Je., of Scit., had one child, bt. in Hing. sec. pre., viz. : i. Ruth, Apr. 26, 1724. Joseph, had ch., bt. in Hing. sec. pre., as foil. : — i. Barnabas, Jtdy 12, 1751. ii. Seth, June 20, 1756. m. Jan. 31, 1779, Deborah, dau. of Thomas and Ruth (Nichols) Lothrop, and had ch.: 1. Thomas, 1780. 2. Rachel, 1782. 3. Warren, 1785. Note. — Pet. 19 yrs. 8 mo's. John, an English boy, d'. 4 Nov. 1803, Brown — Bryant. 95 set. 15 yrs. Joseph, d. 19 May, 1678. Elizabeth, m. June 30, 1664, Joseph Grafton. Abiel, m. Aug. 11. 1668, Samuel Shrimptou. Jonathan, m. Jan. 28, 1735, Susanna Garnet. Ebenezer, m. March 29, 1768, Ruth Tower. Fanny, m. Apr. 17, 1837, 'Robert W. Clarlc o£ Wev. Samuel, m. June 22, 1834, Deborah Goodwin. She survived hira, and m. (2) Apr. 14, 1861, Thomas W. Stodder. James G., m. Apr. 25, 1847, Hannah M. Glaughlin. BRYANT. 1. Thomas (s. of Thomas), m. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1773, Milcah Stodder, dau. of Samuel and Jemima (Cobb) Stodder. She was b. iu Hing. Dec. 30, 1757, and surviving him, m. secondly, Aug. 4, 1782, Elijah Beal, who was lost at sea. She m. thirdly, May 25, 1785, Lemuel Dill, and d. 15 Oct. 1844, ^t. 87th yr. Thomas d. 28 Aug. 1776, set. 27 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 2. i. Thomas, March 7, 1774. 3. ii. Barker, Jan. 27, 1776. 2. Thomas (Thomas = Milcah Stodder), b. in Hing^ March 7,1774. m. Dec. 16, 1793, Abigail Lovis, dau. of William and Abigail (Mans field) Levis. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 24, 1775. This fam. removed to Orland, Me., where he d. in 1829, set. 65 yrs. Ch., aU bt. in Hing., were — i. Eliza, Feb. 1, 1795. ii. Thomas, Aug. 3, 1796. iii. Charlotte Lovis, March 4, 1798. iv. Abigail Lovis, Feb. 24, 1800. V. Milcah Stodder, Jan. 9, 1802. vi. Lemuel Dill, Sept. 30, 1804. 3. Baekee (Thomas = Milcah Stodder), b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1776. m. Feb. 6, 1800, Abigail Chubbuck, perhaps dau. of James and Melia (Whiton) Chubbuck. Barker d. 29 Oct. 1810, set. 34 yrs. Ch., bt. in Hing., — i. Barker, March 1, 1801, d. 27 Aug. 1802. ii. James, Apr. 11, 1802, d. 22 Aug. foil. iii. Barker, Nov. 20, 1803. iv. Elijah, March 19, 1813, d. at Boston, 17 Jan. 1883, set. 70th yr. CCw.«IO, 1. Cephas, b. at Plympton, Mass., 4788. m. first, Lucy, dau. of Thomas Lincoln. (See descendants of the Husbandman, No. 14.) She d. in Hing. 12 Jan. 1846, set. 48 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 1, 1846, Susan Lincoln, sister of his first w. Ccpkas diVJ V^^' /^-^ Ch., all by w. Lucy, — .^ , ^ , , , i. JosERHus,^..^. .^'7 rn.^'- "''¦ '^¦^^X ^'^ ^ %0^'i-l' ii. Cyrus, 1823. m. Jan. 5, 1854, Lucinda S., dau. of David Cain. ^ ')f\a\/l3. IJOA. ^ 2. iii. Elbridge, -CUi^t, . I ^ vl- P\..'^e'Ji^%l,, 1%-hl &a4^^Z . i^b-i- 4.^f^^/, Q-^t.% iv. Lydia F., |-P=1. " m. Apr. 18, 1866, Franklin Gardner, jt. >7va^ , g' ' ,e cri '' ^ GT H ^- 3oaKVA,T-PgJo-r>^.^^l- liCc ^.?ii*-ZI, ,<,ai: ^*' '^^^ *frv ,r vi. Lucy, m^ m. Lloydlteed of Ab'n. nia^ X%. iSf » . d. OJ^/f. / q o (= 2. Elbeidge (Cephas = Lucy Lincoln), m. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1849, Sarah J., dau. of Stephen and Clarissa (Dyer) Burrell. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1832, and d. 26 Oct. 1867, set. 26 yrs. He m. sec ondly, Abby Pitman ; has, removed to Fairhaven, Mass. . , , . 96 Bryant — Buck — Buckland — Buckley — Buerly. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — i. Lucy J., . m. William F. Stowell. ii. Cyrus W., Oct. 13, 1857, d. 1 June, 1884, set. 27th yr. Resided at West Note. — Hannah, ra. Dec. 13, 1665, John Stodder. Mary, m'ge intention, Sept. 20, 1707, Samuel Nash of Braintree. Deborah, m'ge intention, June 22, 1728, Neheraiah Ward. Abigail, of Brooklyn, m. Nov. 2, 1816, John Mead. Frederick E. C, ra. Sept. 16, 1873, Clai-a BI. dau. of Samuel T. and Sarah E. (Lincoln) Crosby. BUCK. James, came from Hing., Eng., to our Hing. in 1638, and the same yr. had a house-lot granted to him. He was m. at Dor. June 4, 1639; but the name of his w. does not appear upon our records. Concerning the fam. name, Hobart's Journal has the foil. : — James's child buried 13 June, 1740. James's child b. Sept. 1642; d. Sept. 1642. Lydia, bt. Dec. 13, 1643. James, d. 24 Apr. 1646. Ariel, bt. Apr. 26, 1646. Lydia, d. 19 Apr. 1667. Note. — Alice, m. Apr. 30, 1757, Daniel Stodder. BUCKLAND. William, had land granted him on the north side of Weary-all (Otis) Hill, 1636, and a house-lot of five acres near the present E. E. Station at West Hing. the yr. foil. He also owned land at Broad Cove, 1650, and after ; but the only reference to any births, marriages, or deaths of this surname upon our records is found in Hobart's Diary, as foil. : — Benjamin, bt. July 2, 1640. BUCKLEY. James, m. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1878, Julia Eoach, a native of- Ire. " Laborer." Eesides on Green St. Ch., all b. iu Hing., — i. An infant, Nov. 30, 1879, ) , , ii. An infant, Nov. 30, 1879, ) '^- ^'^^^ '^^^¦ iii. John, Apr. 6, 1881. iv. Mary, Jan. 26, 1883. V. James, Dec. 10, 1885, d. same day. BUERLY (Beuely). Lanix, for some yrs. a resident of Hing. sec. pre. m. Mary Farrow, dau. of John and Mary (Hilliard) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 25, 1665. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, , d. 26 Mav, 1694. ii. David, July 18, 1689. ' iii. George, Aug. 15, 1692. iv. Elizabeth, Jan. 16, 1693-94. Buerly — Buker — Bull — Bullen — Burbank. 97 V. Mary, Feb. 25, 1695-96. vi. Leah, Apr. 30, 1699. vii. Rachel, Feb. 1, 1700-1. viii. John, Feb. 1, 1705-6. BUKER. Leonaed Edson (Isaac = Mary Poole), was b. at Braintree, Mass., Dec. 9, 1836. m. Sarah E. Stodder, dau. of Martin and Mary G-. (Stod der) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. May 28, 1838. " Edger." Eesides on North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Charles Edson, Feb. 15, 1861. ii. Joanna Frances, Dec. 20, 1866, d. 2 July, 1869. iii. A SON, July 17, 1872, d. same day. iv. Lizzie Preston, Jan. 22, 1884. Note. —Mary W., m. July 1, 1847, Abiah G. Orcutt. BULL. John, from whom "Bull's Pond" at Hing. Centre prob. took its name, m. in Hing. first, Nov. 21, 1672, Mary Pitts, dau. of Edmund and Ann Pitts. She was bt. in Hiug. Sept. 8, 1642, and d. 18 Sept. 1696, set. 54 yrs. He m. secondly, March 4. 1696-97, Margaret Damon. She survived him, and d. Nov. 1'749. John d. 1 Dec. 1720. He was known as " Goodman Bull," and resided on Main, near Pond St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — i Mary, Dec. 19, 1673, d. 14 Feb. foU. ii. Deborah, Apr. 3, 1675, d. 8 Apr. 1678. iii. John, Apr. 7, 1677, d. 18 June foil. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Margaret, were — iv. Mary, Dec. 7, 1697. V. Deborah, Oct. 16, 1699. m. Jan. 5, 1720-21, Barnabas Cook. vi. Hannah, May 7, 1702, d. 7 Aug. foil. vii. John, Dec. 10, 1707, d. 12 Feb. 1710-11. viii. Elizabeth, Apr. 8, 1712. m. Nov. 4, 1757, Jedidiah Sampson. BULLEN. Gaeeison S. (Samuel = Jane Smith), b. at Farmington, Me., Feb. 8, 1806, came to Hing. 1831, and m. March 1, 1848, Sibbel King man, dau. of John and Hannah (Grubb) Kingman. She was b. in Hing. March 30, 1813. He d. 11 Sept. 1885, set. 80th yr. " Mari ner." Eesided on North St. near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Eugene, June 30, 1851, d. same day. ii. Georgianna, Juue 30, 1852. m. June 13, 1875, Brainard Souther. iii. Adelaide, Dec. 5, 1853. m. Smith. iv. Albion, Dec. 5, 1853, d. same day. BURBANK. 1. John (see "History of Eowley"). m. in Hing. June 28, 1728, Elizabeth Tower, dau. of Hezekiah and Elizabeth (Whiton) Tower. She was b. in Hing. June 11, 1705. ' Eesided in the sec. pre. 98 Burbank. Ch., all b. in Hiug., were — i. Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 1728, d. 13 Oct. 1730. ii. Lydia, Ang. 4, 1730. iii. Elizabeth, Feb. 19, 1731-32, d. 18 Dec. 1737. iv. John, Dec. 6, 1733, d. 10 Dec. 1737. V. Timothy, Aug. 30, 1735, d. 26 Jan. 1757. vi. Rebecca, Jan. 14, 1736-37. vii. Elizabeth, Dec. 6, 1738. m. Dec. 24, 1754, Robert Tower. viii. Jane, June 10, 1740. m. July 3, 1760, James Nervel of Scit. i.x. Deborah, March 6, 1741-42, d. soon. X. Deborah, Dec. 23, 1743. m. Ephraim Battles. xi. Ruth, Aug. 30, 1745. xii. Susanna, Sept. 6, 1747. 2. xiu. JoH.v, May 14, 1749. 2. John ^ (John = Elizabeth Tower), b. in Hing. sec. pre. May 14, 1749. m. Hannah, dau. of Abraham and Joanna (Leavitt) Leavitt. She was bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 13, 1740, and d. 18 Dec. 1817, set. 77 yrs. He d. 12 Nov. 1839, set. 91st yr. "Farmer." Eesided in the sec. pre., afts. Coh. Ch., — 3. i. Timothy, July 9, 1769. ii. Hannah, Aug. 12, 1770, d. unm. 22 Nov. 1844, set. 74 yrs. iii. Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1775. m. Reuben Curlew. iv. Sybil, 1777. m. Peter Barnes. V. John, July 11, 1782. m. Aug. 23, 1813, Miriam Barnes. She d. 27 March, 1872, aet. 80th yr. He d. 24 March, 1864, eet. 82d yr. 3. Timothy " (John ^-i), bt. in Hing. see. pre. July 9, 1769. m. Sarah, dau. of Ephraim Battles. She d. 25 March, 1827, set. 59 yrs. He d. 4 Sept. 1848, ffit. 79 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided at Coh. Ch., prob. all b. at Coh., — i. Leavitt, JIarch 13, 1789. ii. Joanna, Nov. 23, 1790, d. in Hing. unm., 29 July, 1868, set. 78th yr. iii. Sally, July 31, 1792. m. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1817, Gain Robertson. iv. Ephraim Battles, Aug. 20, 1794. m. Nov. 13, 1819, Ruth, dau. of Hezekiah Beal. 4. V. Samuel, Oct. 25, 1796. vi. Lydia, Nov. 24, 1798, d. unm. 5. vii. Abraham, Oct. 24, 1800. viii. Andrew R., Nov. 30, 1802, d. 8 Feb. 1839, Eet. 36 yrs. ix. Clara, Sept. 15, 1804. m. Daniel Chapman. X. Emeline, Sept. 25, 1809. m. Samuel 13rown, and d. at Charlestown. xi. Hannah Leavitt, Oct. 10, 1813. m. Aug. 14, 1831, Daniel Beal of Hing. 4. Samuel^ (Timothy « John ^-i), b. at Coh. Oct. 25, 1796. m. Apr. 25, 1819, Joanna, dau. of David and Prudence Whitcomb. She d. in Hing. 1 June, 1865, set. 68 yrs. He d. 26 June, 1877, set. 81st yr. " Farmer." Eesided on Jones St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Cheney, Nov. 9, 1820. m. Dec. 7, 1842, Abel Fearing, Jr. ii. Joanna, 1822. m. May 18, 1845, Seth S. Hobart. iii. Lucy Whitcomb, 1824. m. Oct. 18, 1840, Hiram Gardner. iv. Watson Whitcomb, 1826, d. 9 Feb. 1850. V. Sarah Battles, 1827, d. unm. 15 June, 1871, x\.. 44th yr. Burbank — Burdett — Burditt. 99 5. Abeaham* (Timothy » John=-i), b. at Coh. Oct. 24, 1800. m. Nov. 27, 1828, Mary Barrell, dau. of Bartlett and Eelief (Nash) Bar rell of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Sept. 30, 1807. Abraham d. in Hing. 20 Aug. 1884, set. 84th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on East St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Augusta, Oct. 26, 1829. m. May 8, 1853, DeWitt C. Bates. ii. William Dexter, Apr. 29, 1833, d. 4 Nov. 1848, set. 16th yr. 6. Ephraim Battles* (Ephraim B.* Timothy'* John^-^), b. at Coh. July 23, 1821. m. Apr. 14, 1844, Ann N. Barnes, dau. of Ben jamin and Sally (Vinal) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1827. He d. 27 July, 1873, set. 62 yrs. "Carpenter." Eesided in the North Ward. Ch.,— i. Hannah Vinal, b. in Hing. Sept. 7, 1846. m. Nov. 25, 1868, Leavitt Sprague. ii. Annietta Frances, b. at Wey. July 8, 1851. iii. Alsina Andrews, b. at Quincy, Jan. 9, 1855, d. in Hing. 3 March, 1882. Chaeles H., from Coh. m. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1874, Ella F. Wolfe, dau. of George A. and Margaret (Fisher) Wolfe. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 23, 1856. " Shoemaker." Eesidence, Lincoln St. Ch.,— i. George Robert, b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1875. ii. Ernest Lincoln, , d. 13 Feb. 1886. Note. — Isaac B., ra. Dec. 22, 1847, Hannah V. Barnes. Timothy L., ra. Sept. 10, 1848, Adaline Souther. Robert T., m. Nov. 29, 1849, Cordelia Souther. Lydia, dau. of Deborah, bt. Nov. 15. 1767. BURDETT. Joseph Olivee (Joseph = Sally Jenkins Mansfield), b. at Wake field (South Eeading), Oct. 30, 1848. m. in Hing. June 30, 1874, Ella J. Corthell, dau. of John K. and Joan J. (Eipley) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1852. " Lawyer." Grad. at Tufts Coll. 1871. Eepresentative at the General Court, 1884 and 1885. Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Harold Corthell, May 5, 1877. ii. Edith Mansfield, Dec. 26, 1879. iii. Helen Ripley, Oct. 27,1881. BURDITT. Heney White (Henry = Deborah Andrews), b. at Boston, Nov. 19, 1824. m. Apr. 1869, Lucy J. Comer, dau. of Thomas and Henrietta (Childs) Comer of Boston. " Shipmaster." Eesides on Lincoln St. Ch.,— i. Henry Howard, b. at Boston (Jamaica Plain), Feb. 7, 1867. ii. Amelia, b. at Yokohama, Japan, June, 1871. iii. Thomas Andrews, b. in Hing. Aug. 15, 1876. Note. — flerarj/, of Boston m. Dec. 11, 1821, Deborah, dau. of Thomas and Deborah (Cushing) Andrews of Hing. 100 Burns — Burr. BURNS. 1. John (David = Mary Crowley), a native of Ire. m. Mary Quinn, dau. of Bartholomew and Mary (Daley) Quinn. " Laborer." Eesides on Elm, corner of Emerald St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Vincent. ii. David Francis. iii. Ellen Teresa, March 12, 1864, d. 27 June, 1885, set. 21 yrs. iv. Hannah Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1866, d. 18 March, 1883, st. 16 yrs. V. John, Oct. 3, 1866. vi. Margaret Aoxes, July 22, 1868. 2. Michael (David = Mary Crowley), a native of Ire. m. in Hing. Jan. 24, 1871, Catherine Keane. " Teamster." Eesides on Emerald St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary, Dec. 23, 1871. ii, Catherine, May 27, 1873. iii. David, Jan. 29, 1875. iv. Michael, March 29, 1876. V. Ellen, Oct. 1, 1877. vi. John, Aug. 6, 1879. Note. — Mrs. Mary, wid. of David, d. in Hing. 16 Aug. 1885. set. 90 yrs. She was a dau. of Dennis and Ellen (Welch) Crowley. Patrick, d. 20 June, 1871, ffit. C3 yrs. Julia, m. iu Hing. Sept. 18, 1854, Williara Hadden. BURR. 1. Simon, who came from Dor. and settled in Hing. 1647, was the ancestor of all the families who have borne the surname Burr in this town. He prob. was a bro. of Eev. Jonathan Burr, who settled as colleague with Eev. Mr. Mather of Dor. 1640, and d. 1641, leaving three ch., one of whom was Simon, undoubtedly named after the Simon who settled in Hing. There was a Samuel Burr among the early residents of Charlestown ; and the name of Matthew Burr ap pears upon a list of passengers advertised to sail from Gravesend, Eng., July 27, 1635, for Virginia ; but whether they were connected with those of the surname in Dor. and Hing., has not been ascertained. Simon, the planter in Hing. was twice m. The chris. name of his first w. who d. here, 23 Julj', 1647, is unknown. He m. secondly, Nov. 28, 1648, Hester . She d. 3 Feb.- 1692-93. Simon d. intestate, 7 Feb. 1691-92, set. 76th yr;, and Simon, the oldest s. was appointed to administer upon the est. of his fa. Inv. £326, Is. 6d., appraised by Anthony Sprague and Thomas Sayer. "Farmer." Eesided on what is now School St. Ch., by his first w., were — i. Esther, , d. 25 Nov. 1644. ii. Henry, , d. 9 Feb. 1645-46. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hester, were — 2. iii. Simon, bt. Feb. 25, 1654-55. iv. Hannah, bt. Feh. 25, 1654-55. m. (1) Apr. 2, 1674, John Hobart, and (2) Aug. 26, 1677, John Record. 3. V. John, b. Jan. 6, 1659-60. vi. Jonathan, b. June 13, 1665, d. in the Canada Expedition, 28 Xov. 1690, ait. 2.T yrs. Burr. 101 2. Simon 2 (Simon i), bt. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1654-65. m. Aug. 1690, Mary Lasell, dan. of John and Elizabeth (Gates) Lasell. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 2, 1664. Simon was by occupation " Setwork cooper." Selectman in 1694. He removed with his fam. ab. 1710, to Eehoboth, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, M,ay 25, 1691. ii. Simon, Sept. 30, 1692. iii. Mary, Sept. 7, 1694. iv. Ruth, Dec. 16, 1696. V. Rachel, Apr. 10, 1699. vi. Isaac, May 3, 1701. vii. David, Feb. 28, 1703-4. viii. Samuel, Apr. 1, 1707. m. July 13, 1732, Sarah Marsh, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Burr) Marsh. Resided at Rehoboth. 3. John ^ (Simon »), b. in Hing. Jan. 6, 1659-60. m. Dec. 24, 1685, ;Mary Warren, dau. of John and Deborah (Wilson) Warren of Boston. [Sav. Gen. Die, vol. iv. pp. 424 and 587.] She d. in Hing. 26 July, 1742, set. 77 yrs. He d. 7 Dec. 1716, set. 56 yrs. Will made on the day of his death. The inv. of his est. which inc. dwelling-house and home land, £120, two oxen, three steers, six cows, horse, poultry, swine, etc., was appraised at £921, 16s. 5d. "Farmer." Constable, 1698. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, bt. Sept. 11, 1686. m. Aug. 26, 1708, Thomas Marsh. ii. John, Nov. 4, 1687, d. next day. iii. Deborah, Jan. 27, 1688-89. m. at Wey. May 16, 1717, Nehemiah Lincoln. iv. Sarah, Jan. 20, 1691-92. m. (pub. Feb. 21, 1712-13) Elisha Bisbee, Jr. 4. V. John, June 24, 1695. 5. vi. Jonathan, Feb. 3, 1697-98. 6. vii. Joshua, Oct. 27, 1699. vui. Lydia, Ang. 17, 1701. m. (1) Dec. 7, 1721, Israel Vickery, and (2) June \% 1748, Henry Smith of Rehoboth. ix. Abigail, Ang. 17, 1701. m. June 14, 1723, David Baldwin. 7. X. Elisha, Dec. 3, 1703. 4. John ^ (John ^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. June 24, 1695. m. (pub. Apr. 14, 1722) Silence Howard of Bridgewater, and settled at B., where he was deacon of the church. He d. in 1777, and his w. in 1773. They had one s. b. in Hing., viz. : i. John, June 1, 1724. 5. Jonathan 8 (John^ Simon i), b. in Hing. Feb. 3, 1697-98. m. at Boston, Apr. 19, 1720, Mary Lincoln, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Lewis) Lincoln. She was bi in Hing. Jan. 14, 1696, and d. 26 Oct. 1784, set. 88 yrs. He d. suddenly (was run over by a cart-wheel), 23 June, 1762, set. 64 yrs. Will dated 5 Apr. 1763, proved 2 July, 1762. " Cooper." Eesided at the junction of Turkey Hill Eoad and Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary, June 7, 1721. m. (1) Nov. 28, 1745, Moses Lincoln, and (2) Dec. 31, 1766, David Beal, wid^ ii. Sarah, Feb. 6, 1723-24. m. June 23, 1748, Jonathan Lane, Jr. 102 Burr. 8.' iii. Jonathan, Nov. 28, 1726. 9: iv. John, Apr. 6, 1729. V. Deborah, Aug. 31, 1731. m. Oct. 23, 1755, Thomas Andrews. vi. Susanna, Jan. 27, 1733-34. m. Feb. 6, 1755, Elijah Stowers. 10. vii. Thomas, Aug. 17, 1735. viii. Levi, March, 1738, d. 6 Oct. 1741. ix. Samuel, March, 1738. A soldier in the French and Indian War, 1758, d. 27 Maj', 1797. X. Silence, Apr. 3, 1742. m. Aug. 19, 1762, Peter Cushing. 6. Joshua " (John ^ Simon i), b. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1699. m. (pub. Dec. 16, 1727), Elizabeth Tileston of Dorchester. Joshua d. 10 Dec. 1764, set. 55 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1728, d. 13 Sept. 1754. ii. Hannah, Sept. 7, 1730, d. 17 Dec. 1754. iii. Joshua, Sept. 16, 1732, d. 10 Dec. 1754. iv. Lydia, July 18, 1734, d. unm. 12 June, 1802. 11. V. Isaac, Aug. 11, 1736. vi. Abigail, July 4, 1739, d. 17 June, 1749. vii. Eunice, Jan. 20, 1741-42, d. 23 Dec. 1754. 12. viii. Timothy, Jan. 20, 1744-45. ix. James, May 12, 1748, d. 11 June, 1754. 7. Elisha "= (John^ Simon i), b. in Hing. Dec. 3, 1703. m. Dec. 26, 1735, Sarah Bates. She d. 9 July, 1790, est. 74 yrs. He d. 20 May, 1778, set. 74 yrs. " Cooper." Constable in 1744. Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Oct. 3, 1736, d. 13 Aug. 1749. ii. Elisha, May 5, 1738, d. soon. iii. Asa, March 11, 1739-40. m. May 28, 1761, Rhoda, dau. of David and Patience Bates. Settled at BeUingham, Mass. Their ch. bt. in Hing. sec. pre.: 1. Sarah, Oct. 2, 1763, d. 23 March, 1764. 2. Sarah, Sept. 2, 1764. iv. David, May 31, 1741, d. next day. V. An infant. May 1, 1742, d. same day. vi. Mary, Oct. 15, 1743. m. Solomon Cushing. 13. vii. David, Oct. 16, 1745. viii. Rachel, Apr. 10, 1748. m. Apr. 22, 1778, David Belcher. ix. An infant, d. 28 Dec. 1751. X. An infant, d. 23 Feb. 1756. 8. Jonathan * (Jonathan ' John ^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1726. m. Jan. 30, 1759, Hannah Bates, dau. of Samuel and Mercy (Beal) Bates. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. March 11, 1739-40, and d. 29 Sept. 1806, set. 66 yrs. He d. 17 Dec. 1804, set. 78 yrs. Con stable, 1764. Eesided on Leavitt, St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Charles, Aug. 31, 1759. Removed from Hing. and ni. 24 May, 1795, Mary Holyoke. ii. Warren, bt. Sept. 23, 1761. m. Apr. 9, 1815, Mary, dau. of David and Eunice (Davis) Jones. She d. 10 Dec. 1858, Eet. 90th yr. He d.' 21 Feb. 1825, ast. 63 yrs. iii. Hannah, bt. Jan. 29, 1764. m. Jan. 1, 1787, Daniel Lincoln. iv. Joseph, bt. Aug. 19, 1770. Reraoved from Hing. He m. Sarah Proctor of Marblehead. Their s. Joseph B., m. June 27, 1824, Lucy, dau. of Ben jamin Jones of Hing. Resided at Brewer, Me. 15. ii. iii. 16. iv. V. vi. vii. Burr. 103 9. John* (Jonathan^ John^ Simon i), b. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1729. m. June 1, 1766, Emma Cushing, dau. of Theophilus and Hannah (Wat erman) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. March 17, 1727-28, and d. 21 Dec. 1806, set. 78th yr. He d. 11 Feb. 1790, ffit. 61st yr. " Cooper." Constable, 1767. Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. iu Hing., were — i. John, Oct. 9, 1755. m. June 26, 1783, Sarah Cushing, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Leavitt) Cushing. LEvr, June 1, 1757. Cushing, Jan. 21, 1759. m. Apr. 21, 1791, Lydia Cushing, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Leavitt) Crushing. He d. at Ashby, Mass., 19 Sept. 1838, set. 80th yr. A soldier of the Revolution. Theophilus, Oct. 6, 1761. Pekez, Nov. 1, 1763, d. at Freeport, Me., 1836, mt. 73 yrs. Laban, bt. May 26, 1765, d. 13 Dec. folk Robert Waterman, Oct. 13, 1767, d. at Ashby, 14 March, 1839, set. 71 yrs. viii. Emma, Sept. 1, 1769, d. unm. 12 Sept. 1854, ait. 85 yrs. ix. L.ABAN, Feb. 5, 1773, d. 13 Dec. 1775 ? 10. Thomas * (Jonathan « John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 17, 1736. m. Aug. 22, 1759, Margaret Fearing, dau. of Hawkes and Margaret {Lincoln) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1742, and d. 1 Apr. 1821, St. 79th yr. He d. 23 Sept. 1812, set. 77 yrs. " Cooper," and " farmer." Was present at the capitulation of Fort Williain Henry, 1757, and at the taking of Fort Frontenac, on Lake Ontario in 1758. He also was in active service during the War of the Eevolution, and held a commission as Lieut, in Capt. Peter Cushing's company. Ee sided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 18. i. Thomas, Nov. 15, 1759. ii. Peggy, Apr. 13, 1765, d. unm., 26 Oct. 1853, aet. 88 yrs. iii. Meriel, Feb. 4, 1771, d. unm., 31 July, 1811, aet. 40 yrs. 19. iv. Matthew, Aug. 11, 1773. 20. V. Fearing, June 12, 1778. 11. Isaac* (Joshua ' John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Aug. 11, 1736. m. Nov. 9, 1763, Mary Beal, dan. of John and Deliverance (Porter) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 8, 1739. "Farmer." Con stable in 1769. Eesided on King St. sec. pre. Ch., b. in Hing. and Coh., — i. Elizabeth, bt. Oct. 20, 1765. m. July 25, 1787, Hezekiah Beal. ii. James, bt. Nov. 26, 1769. iii. Abigail, bt. Aug. 30, 1772. iv. Eunice, bt. May 1, 1774. 12. Timothy* (Joshua* John^ Simon'), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 20, 1744-45. m. Sept. 11, 1765, Sarah Leavitt, dau. of Nehemiah and Martha (Lincoln) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Dec. 10, 1746, and d. at Coh. 31 Jan. 1827, set. 80 yrs. Eesided on King St. sec. pre. Their ch., were bt. as foil. : — i. Hannah, Feb. 1, 1767. m. Aug. 19, 1787, Canterbury Barnes. ii. Joshua, June 26, 1768. iii. Naaman, March 4, 1770. 104 Burr. iv. Peter, Jan. 12, 1772, d. soon. V. Martha, Dec. 20, 1772. m. March 7, 1803, Thomas Barnes. vi. Peter, Jan. 28, 1776. vii. Martin, July 19, 1778. viii. Elizabeth, June 17, 1781. ix. Sarah, Sept. 5, 1783. x. Polly, March 23, 1788, d. unm., 8 March, 1829. xi. Japhet, March 23, 1788. xii. Meriel, Aug. 27, 1791. m. Thomas White. 13. David * (Elisha '" John ^ Simon '), b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1745. m. June 12, 1776, Mary Fearing, dau. of Hawkes and Margaret (Lincoln) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1746, and d. 6 March, 1835, set. 88 yrs. He d. 3 Nov. 1814, set. 69 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided on the paternal homestead, Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 21. i. Elisha, Oct. 19, 1776. 22. ii. David, Nov. 7, 1778. iii. Mary, Feb. 26, 1781. m. Sept. 2, 1809, Isaac Sprague. iv. Lincoln, Jan. 13, 1783, d. 14 March foil. V. Lincoln, June 28, 1786. "Tailor." d. unm., 19 March, 1868, set. 82d yr. vi. Rachel, Nov. 16, 1788, d. unm., 30 Aug. 1812. 14. Levi « (Mary * Elisha ^ John = Simon '), b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1761. m. May 27, 1789, Deborah Loring, dau. of Thomas and Bethia (Smith) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1762, and d. 3 Feb. 1811, at. 49th yr. He d. . Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Loring, Jan. 18, 1790, d. 15 Nov. 1829, ait. 40th yr. ii. Leah, Nov. 15, ,1791. m. Oct. 13, 1811, Jairus Thayer, and d. 29 June, 1827, iet. 36th yr. iii. Levi, Jan. 13, 1794, d. 6 Nov. 1817, Eet. 23 yrs. iv. Lucy, July 6, 1796. m. March 2, 1828, Jairus Thayer, wid":. V. Leonard, Aug. 8, 1798, d. at sea, 1816. vi. Henry, June 16, 1801, d. at Boston, 31 Aug. 1853, est. 52 yrs. vii. Henrietta, July 5, 1804, d. 17 Nov. 1806. . 15. Levi " (John * Jonathan ' John '' Simon '), b. in Hing. June 1, 1757. m. first, March 13, 1783, Susanna Stowers, dau. of Elijah and Susanna (Burr) Stowers. She was b. in Hing. June 25, 1757, and d. 17 Jan. 1822, at. 65th yr. He m. secondly Mary Barrell, dau. of Elisha and Mary (Collamore) Barrell of Hanover. She was b. Sept. 21, 1774, and d. at Han. 6 Feb. 1865, ffit. 90 yrs. He d. in Hing. 21 March, 1839, ffit. 82d yr. A soldier of the Eevolution. Eesided on Leavitt, corner of Short St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Susanna, were — i. Susanna, Feb. 21, 1786. m. Dec. 2, 1804, Joseph Trowbridge. ii. Lydia Stowers, Sept. 29, 1788. m. Oct. 30, 1808, Justin Rinley. iii. Derby, March 6, 1790. m. Nov. 22, 1813, John Ripley. iv. Emma Cushing, Jan. 29, 1792, d. 6 Feb. foil. V. Polly Stowers, Nov. 24, 1794. m. Jan. 31, 1819, David Fearing. vi. Mary Lincoln, March 13, 1799, d. 1 Apr. foil. vii. Hannah Waterman, March 13, 1799. m. Nov. 10, 1823, Joshua Thayer. 16, Theophilus " (John * Jonathan « John ^ Simon '), b. in Hing. Oct. 6, 1761. m. Nov. 21, 1790, Sally Waters, dau. of Elijah and Burr. 105 Mehitable (Curtis) Waters. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1774, and d. 1 July, 1843, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 14 June, 1835, ffit. 74th yr. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Leavitt, corner of Spring St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 23. i. John, Juue 5, 1791. 24. ii. W.iTERS, Aug. 31, 1793. 25. iii. Theophilus, July 30, 1795. iv. An infant, Aug. 1797, d. soon. V. Sally Waters, July 27, 1800. m. Dec. 6, 1821, Alson Studley. She d. at Boston, 15 Apr. 1882, tet. S2d yr. 26. vi. Elijah, May 25, 1802. 27. vii. Robert, May 22, 1804. viii. William, June 22, 1806. Removed to Dover, N. H. ix. Emma Cushing, June 16, 1808. m. Sept. 15, 1831, Clark Bacon of Lex ington, and d. at Boston, 14 Apr. 1880. X. Mehitable Curtis, Aug. 17, 1812. m. Oct. 28, 1837, Charles W. Seymour. 28. xi. Pyam Cushing, Feb. 9, 1819. 17. Daniel (s. of Daniel, and gr. s. of Daniel), was born at Oxford, :Mass., Jan. 31, 1795. He m. in Hing. Feb. 1837, Lucy L. Andrews, dau. of Ephraim and Lucy (Lane) Andrews. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1798, and d. 10 Feb. 1861, ffit. 63d yr. He d. 15' Sept. 1874, at. 80th yr. " Baker." Eesided on South St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Daniel Horace, Feb. 19, 1838. KUled at the hattle of Gettysburg, Pa., 2 July, 1863. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") u. Anna Catherine, Feb. 5, 1842. 18. Thomas^ (Thomas* Jonathan" John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 15, 1759. m. Nov. 13, 1794, Olive Leavitt, dau. of Joshua and Deborah (Fearing) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1761, and surviving him, m. secondly, Nov. 24, 1805, Ebenezer Lincoln. Thomas d. at Bath, Me., 18 Apr. 1799, ffit. 40th yr. Ch.,— i. Olive Fearing, b. at Bath, Me., Sept. 21, 1795. m. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1815, Jacob Groce. ii. Thomas, b. at Bath, March 27, 1798, d. in Hing. unm., 27 May, 1886, a;t. 88 yrs. 19. Matthew ° (Thomas * Jonathan ^ John ^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 11, 1773. m. Feb. 4, 1813, Joanna Leavitt, dau. of Jacob and Leah (Fearing) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1782, and d. 25 June, 1866, ffit. 83 yrs. He d. 20 Feb. 1847, ffit. 74th yr. " Packet master." Afts. farmer, and trader. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Meriel, July 27, 1813, d. 12 Oct. foU. ii. Matthew Hawke, May 20, 1815. m. Jan. 25, 1842, Susan S., dau. of Jo.seph Trowbridge. 29. iii. Seth Leavitt, June 9, 1817. iv. Samuel, Oct. 22, 1819. unm. V. Jacob, May 12, 1822. unm. 106 Burr. 20. Feaeing^ (Thomas* Jonathan' John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. June 12, 1778. m. March 26, 1812, Emma Jacob, dau. of Peter and Emma (Fearing) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1792, and d. 18 Feb. 1831, ffit. 38 yrs. He d. 13 Jan. 1866, ffit. 88th yr. " Trader," and distinguished through life for his practical knowledge of Horti culture. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Fearing, Dec. 11, 1815. unm. Is a well-known author and horticulturalist. u. Meriel, Feb. 6, 1818. iu. Pefer, Feb. 26, 1820. "Trader.'' Is unm. iv. Margaret, Apr. 6, 1822, d. 26 Sept. 1823. V. James, Apr. 3, 1824, d. July, 1825. vi. Margaret, Dec. 12, 1825. 21. Elisha 5 (David* Elisha " John •¦= Simon i), b. in Hing. Oct. 19, 1776. m. Feb. 26, 1814, Persis Sprague, dau. of Benjamin and Euth (Stodder) Sprague. She was bt. in Hing. May 26, 1771, and d. 13 Apr. 1836, ffit. 66th yr. He d. 16 May, 1863, ffit. 86 yrs. " Cooper and farmer." Eesided on Leavitt St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Rachel, Sept. 2, 1817. m. Dec. 7, 1837, Jedediah Newcomb, and d. 20 Jan. i880, £et. 62 yrs. 22. David 5 (David* Elisha' John^ Simon i), b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1778. m. Matilda, dau. of Joseph Cushing of Scit. She d. in Hing. 18 Aug. 1884, at. 83d yr. He d. 21 June, 1862, ffit. 73 yrs. " Cooper and farmer." Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 30. i. David, Dec. 26, 1825. ii. Joseph Cushing, Aug. 1, 1827. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.)" iii. Matilda Cushing, Nov. 4, 1831. m. Nov. 14, 1858, David B. Burbank of Candia, N. H. 31. iv. Elisha, May 15, 1839. 23. John" (Theophilus ^ John* Jonathan' John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. June 5, 1791. m. March 7, 1819, Priscilla Bourne of Coh. She d. in Hing. 13 Apr. 1873, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 16 May, 1867, ffit. 66th yr. " Box-cooper." Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Bourne, Dec. 4, 1819. m. Aug. 23, 1840, William J. Sprague. u. Susan, Nov. 5, 1821. m. Apr. 24, 1842, Sullivan Higgins. iii, Priscilla, Dec. 12, 1828. m. Jan. 2, 1853, Erastus Whiton. iv. Sarah Waters, Feb. 27, 1832. m. Dec. 4, 1856, Charles P. Bourne of Coh. V. John Waters, Nov. 7, 1840. m. (1) Holmes of Dux. She d. and he m. (2) May 12, 1870, Mrs. Mary DiUoway of Scit. 24. Waters " (Theophilus ^ John * Jonathan ' John ^ Simon i), b. iu Hing. Aug. 31, 1793. m. Jan. 10, 1819, Priscilla Eipley, dau. of Ne hemiah and Priscilla (Lincoln) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1796, and surviving him m. secondly, Dec. 25, 1833, Charles Fearing. Waters d. 29 Apr. 1819, ffit. 26 yrs. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Priscilla (posthumous), d. 28 Jan. 1845, aet. 25 yrs. Burt: ^ 107 25. Theophilus ' (Theophilus ^ John * Jonathan ' John - Simon ^), b. in Hing. July 30, 1795. m. Oct. 22, 1820, Hannah Leavitt, , dau. of Jerom and Sally (Lincoln) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1799, and d. 24 Apr. 1870, ffit. 71st yr. He d. 23 May, 1864, ffit. 69th yr. " Master builder." Eesided at Boston. Their s., i. Theophilus, b. at Boston, m. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1845, Betsey R. Hersey, dau. ot Seth S. and Betsey (Reed) Hersey. She d. at Boston, 14 Oct. 1881, jet. 58th yr. He d. at Boston, 16 May, 1884, aet. 63d yr. 26. Elijah" (Theophilus" John * Jonathan' John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. May 26, 1802. m. Nov. 9, 1828, Mary Sprague, dau. of Peter and Mary (Whiton) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1804, and d. 15 Apr. 1871, ffit. 67th yr. He d; 18 May, 1859, ffit. 57th yr. Was senior partner of the firm of Burr & Marsh, boot and shoe makers and repairers at " Broad Bridge." Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 32. i. Elijah Waters, Sept. 27, 1829. ii. Mary Whiton, Sept. 10, 1831. in. Maria Sprague, July 23, 1834. 33. iv. Charles Thomas, July 6, 1841. 27. Egbert" (Theophilus" John* Jonathan' John^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. May 22, 1804. m. Feb. 11, 1829, Emma Sprague, dau. of Jairus and Anna (Sprague) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. June 28, 1809, and d. 4 Jan. 1881, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 10 June, 1853, ffit. 49 yrs. For many yrs. a mannf'r of trunks on Hanover, near Court St., Boston. Afts. resided in Hing. on Leavitt St. Ch., b. in Hing.,* and at Boston,t — i. Robeet,+ Nov. 4, 1829. m. Feb. 6, 1855, Harriet, dau. of Charles Howard, and resides at Boston. ii. John DAVis,t Dec. 5, 1832, d. 4 Nov. 1851. iil Emma FRANCES,t March 17, 1839. m. May 1, 1862, Timothy Foster. iv. Ellen LouiSA,t Oct. 7, 1841, d. 21 Oct. 1842. V. Arthur AuGUSTUs,t Nov. 12, 1843. m. June 1, 1870, Hester Ashenden of Melrose, and d. 16 Jan. 1879, jet. 35 yrs. vi. Ellen Louisa,* Feb. 1, 1846. m. Dec. 11, 1873, Henry F. Siders. vii. Caroline Augusta,* Apr. 21, 1848. m. Oct. 16, 1872, Levi T. Stephen son, and d. 4 Jan. 1879, set. 31st yr. viii. Harriet Adeline,* Apr. 12, 1850, d. 19 Oct. 1851. 28. Ptam C." (Theophilus ° John' Jonathan" John^ Simon i), b. in Hing Feb. 9, 1819. m. May 31, 1843, Anna C. Hersey, dau. of Seth S. and Betsey (Eeed) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. May 10, 1822. " Hoop-box maker." Eesides on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Frederick, June 21, 1847. u. Anna Etta, Jan. 8, 18o3. m. Dec. 21, 1886, Eugene F. Skinner. iii. Henry H., Aug. 11, 1854. 29. Seth L." (Matthew ' Thomas * Jonathan ' John ^ Simon ^), b. in Hing. June 9, 1817. m. Feb. 5, 1854, Margaret Groce, dau. of Jacob and Olive F. (Burr) Groce. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1829. "Blacksmith;" afts. "farmer." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. 108 Burr. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Margaret Fearing, Dec. 7, 1854. m. May 18, 1887, William H. Leavitt wid^ ' ii. Ermina, Aug. 19, 1858. 30. David « (David ="* Elisha' John ^ Simon'), b. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1825. m. Nov. 23, 1847, Sarah A. Colbath, a native of N. H. David d. 15 Jan. 1879, ffit. 63 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on School St. Ch., —i. Sarah E., March 30, 1851, d. . ii. David L., May 12, 1853, d. . ui. Sarah Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 1855. m. March 21, 1872, George V. Bames. 31. Elisha " (David °-* Elisha ' John ^ Simon '), b. in Hing. May 15, 1839. m. Feb. 26, 1860, Mary J. Pratt of Coh. Eesides on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Frank Nichols, 1860, d. 27 Feb. 1868. ii. Fannie, 1862, d. 13 Sept. 1863. iii. Elisha, July 27, 1864. iv. Mary Fearing, July 29, 1865, d. 22 Feb. 1868. V. Fannie S., June 29, 1868, d. 20 May, 1876. vi. Ella Frances, Jan. 15, 1871, d. 17 May, 1876. vii. Joseph Cushing, July 5, 1873, d. 25 May, 1876. viii. Carrie Lothrop, Sept. 24, 1875, d. 11 June, 1876. ix. Mary Ella, July 22, 1878. X. Frank, Jan. 20, 1880, d. 18 Jan. 1885. xi. Carl, June 13, 1884. 32. Elijah W.' (Elijah" Theophilus" John* Jonathan' John^ Simon 1), b. in Hing. Sept. 27, 1829. m. Oct. 5, 1854, Lydia H. Her sey, dau. of David A. and Lydia (Eipley) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. July 8, 1830. Senior member of the firm of Burr, Brown, & Co., manuf 's of upholstery and carriage-trimmings, etc. Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. William Ripley, July 5, 1856. ii. Henry Waters, Nov. 19, 1859. iii. Clarence Stanley, March 22, 1862. iv. Charles Wendell, Dec. 27, 1864. V. Fannie Hosmer, Dec. 27, 1864, d. 8 Apr. 1868. vi. George Winthrop, Dec. 27, 1864. 33. Charles T.' (Elijah " Theophilus " John* Jonathan ' Johu^ Si mon'), b. in Hing. July 6, 1841. m. Nov. 23, 1865, Susan A. F. Thayer, dau. of Elihu and Susan (Hersey) Thayer. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 8, 1843. Eesides on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Arthur Waters, July 26, 1867. ii. Minnie Frances, Juiie 29, 1868. iii. Chester Thayer, March 6, 1881. Note. — Hannah R., d, in Hing. 7 Nov. 1860, xt. 79 ¦ Burrell 109 BURRELL. 1. Daniel,' who came to Hing. with his fam. ab. 1760, was a s. of Ephraim ^ and Mary (Pratt) Burrell, and gr. s. of John ' and Eebekah Burrell, early residents of Weymouth, Mass. He was b. at Wey. March 22, 1719-20, and m. first, Jan. 22, 1740-41, Tabitha Porter, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Humphrey) Porter. She was b. at Wey. March 22, 1718-19, and d. in Hing. 22 Nov. 1793, ffit. 75th yr. He m. sec ondly, March 19, 1794, jMary Stodder, dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah (ilacvarlo) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. June 13, 1735, and d. 8 Dec. 1808, ffit. 73 yrs. Daniel d. 3 Feb. 1807, ffit. 87th yr. " Miller." Eesided for many yrs. on East St., " Eocky Nook," but late in life on North St., near the harbor. Ch., all b. at Wey., by w. Tabitha, were — 2. i. Daniel, Jan. 9, 1744-45. ii. Tabitha, June 12, 1747. m. first Philip Nye of Hing., and secondly, March 19, 1786, Joseph- Bassett, wid^. of Hing. iii. Sarah, Aug. 28, 1751. m. in Hing. Dec. 27, 1772, Mial Bearse of Wey. iv. Mary, Apr. 17, 1755. m. Daniel FUng of Boston. 2. Daniel * (Daniel ' Ephraim "- John i), b. at Wey. Jan. 9, 1744-45. m. first, in Hing. sec. pre. May 14, 1769, Betty Leavitt, dau. of Abraham and Joanna (Leavitt) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. 1745, and d. 16 Nov. 1769, ffit. 24 yrs. He m. secondly, July 19, 1770, Eliz abeth Nichols, dau. of Noah and Elizabeth (Beal) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 14, 1751. Daniel was drowned off Black Eock, Coh., 4 Jan. 1773, ffit. 28th yr. The following relating to the death of Daniel Burrell is copied from the " Massachusetts Gazette," a newspaper pub. at Boston : "Feb. 11, 1773. We hear from Cohasset, that last Tuesday se-night a very sorrowful accident took place there. Two men went a-gunning a small distance from the shore in a canoe ; it is supposed the canoe was either sunk or overset whereby they were both unfortunately drowned. Neither the bodies nor the boat have been discovered. One of the persons was Daniel Burrell, Jr., of Hingham, a likely man in the prime of life, who has left a poor sor rowful widow and several small children. The other was John Mar shall Lincoln, a promising young man, the oldest son of Mr. Ephraim Lincoln of Cohasset, who had just completed his apprenticeship in this town, and was there upon a visit to his friends." Eesided on King St., sec. pre. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Betty, — 5. i. Leavitt, Nov. 3, 1769. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, were — ii. Betty, bt. Feb. 17, 1771. iii. Olive (posthumous), bt. June 13, 1773. Note. — Olive Beal in her will of 1786, gives " to my niece Olive Burrell, or if she dies, to her sister Betty Burrell," etc. See Beal, 30, vi. 3. Joseph* (John'"^^), b. at Wey. Sept. 24, 1719, settled in Hing., having inherited by will the home-place of his gr. fa. Joseph Hum phrey, whose dau. Mary m. John Burrell'. Joseph d. in Hing. 26 July, 1798, ffit. 79th yr. Eesided on High, near French St. His w. 110 Burrell. prob. was Mary Bates. Their s. Joseph m. Tabitha Pratt ; and their s. Stephen (7) was b. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1788. 4. Benjamin^ (Joseph* John'"^-'), m. in Hing. June 19, 1788, Lois Tower, dau. of Malachi and Euth (Hayward) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 20, 1769. This fam. resided on High St. Ch., b. in Hing. and at Wey., — i. Benjamin, Jan. 29, 1789. 8. u. Martin, Nov. 4, 1790. iii. John, Nov. 14, 1792. m. Sept. 19, 1819, Mary Ann, dau. of Duncan McBean, and Mary (Gill) Thaxter. She d. 5 July, 1831, «t. 32 yrs. iv. Susanna, March 3, 1795. m. Dec. 3, 1815, Martin Hobart. 9 V. Malachi, Feb. 9, 1797. vi. Ruth, Apr. 17, 1799. ra. May 21, 1820, David Bates of Wey. vii. Asa, Apr. 11, 1801. m. Apr. 3, 1822, Anna Bates, and d. at Wey. 9 Apr. 1871. viii. Mary, May 25, 1803. m. (1 ) Sullivan, and (2) Samuel Tirrell of Wey. ix. Warren, June 5, 1805. m. Jan. 1835, Mary H. Gardner. X. Louisa, July 4, 1807. m. Sept. 14, 1828, Caleb Marsh of Hing. xi. Joseph, Dec. 22, 1809. m. Nov. 11, 1833, Maiy E. Ford, and d. at Wey. 26 Apr. 1869. xii. Sophia P., . m. Sept. 13, 1848, Sevems Richards. 5. Leavitt " (Daniel *^ Ephraim ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 3, 1769. m. Feb. 28, 1793, Sarah Curtis, dau. of Job and Abigail (Beal) Curtis. She was bt. in Hing. July 12, 1772, and d. 21 June, 1838, ffit. 66 yrs. He d. 26 Oct. 1822, ffit. 53d yr. " Miller." Eesided on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Betsey Leavitt, Sept. 28, 1793. m. July 30, 1817, Caleb Ray. ii. Lydia, 1795, d. in 15 mo's. iii. Sarah, Apr. 13, 1797. m. July 30, 1820, Benjamin S. Palmer. iv. Daniel, March 5, 1799, d. at the West Indies of yellow fever. V. Leavitt, Feb. 1, 1801, was lost at sea March 30, 1823. vi. Mary, Jan. 20, 1803. m. Nov. 26, 1826, Elijah Beal, 4th. vii. Lydia, Apr. 17, 1805. m. Oct. 23, 1825, Nathaniel French. 6. viii. Jotham Gay, Sept. 28, 1807. ix. Martha L., June 16, 1810. m. Apr. 12, 1829, Caleb Beal, Jr., of Coh. X. EvALlNE, Apr. 10, 1813. m. Nov. l"8, 1832, Phineas French. xi. James Madison, Dec. 15, 1815. m. Aug. 12, 1848, Elizabeth Whiting. He d. at So. Scit. 21 May, 1884, jet. 68 yrs. No issue. 6. Jotham G." (Leavitt" Daniel*"' Ephraim^ .John'), b. in Hing. Sept. 28, 1807. m. Sept. 20, 1829, Almira Whittier, dau. of Andrew and Mary (Grant) Whittier. She was b. at Littleton, N. H., May 22, 1806, and d. in Hing. 17 Sept. 1873, ffit. 67 yrs. " Miller." Eesides on Water St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Almira, Aug. 5, 1830. ii. Abigail Whittier, Apr. 2, 1832. m, Jan. 18, 1852, George M. Hudson. iii. Jotham, Feb. 7, 1834, d. 20 Jan. 1835. iv. Su.sAN Ray, Dec. 26, 1836. ra. May 22, 1858, Benjamin Thomas. V. Martha Whitney, Oct. 6, 1843. 7. Stephen" (Joseph"-* John'-^-i), b. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1788. m. Clarissa, dau. of John Dyer of Wey. She d. 18 June, 1854. Stephen d. 29 July, 1868, ffit. 80th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on French, near Fort Hill St. Burrell. Ill Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lucy, Nov. 30, 1812. m. May 8, 1831, Joseph Totman of Wey. ii. Stephen, May 2, 1815. Resides at Rockland, Mass. iii. Tabitha, Apr. 6, 1817. m. Jan. 31, 1834, David Cain. iv. John Dyer, Apr. 17, 1821. ra. June 15, 1842, Mary Ann Porter. Resides at Ea. Wey. V. Joseph, May 2, 1823, d. in infancy. vi. Abigail Dyer, Aug. 2, 1824. m. Nov. 25, 1845, Joseph Cain. vu. Sarah Jane, Sept. 3, 1832. m. Dec. 26, 1849, Elbridge Bryant, and d. 26 Oct. 1857. 8. Martin ° (Benjamin ° Joseph ' John ^^'^), b. prob. at Wey. Nov. 4, 1790. m. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1814, Mary W. Stodder, dau. of Stephen and Mary (Waterman) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. March 28, 1794, and d. 6 Feb. 1876, ffit. 81st yr. He d. 29 March, 1868, ffit. 77 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lydia Lincoln, March 2, 1815. m. Aug. 2, 1840, Melzar Stodder. u. Martin-, Feb. 13, 1818, d. 30 Sept. 1819. iii. JIary Waterman, June 2, 1820. m. Nov. 27, 1838, Jonas Hallstram. iv. Nancy, June 26, 1822. m. (1) Oct. 9, 1842, WUliam Hichborn, (2) Jere miah J. Corcoran, and (3) Story Burnham. V. JIartin, May 1, 1824. m. (1) Sarah Tuttie, and (2) Irine T. Howes. Resides at Wey. vl Sarah Smith, Apr. 3, 1826. m. Nov. 23, 1844, Lewis Stodder, and d. 1869. vii. Hannah Waterman, Feb. 14, 1828. m. Oct. 9, 1850, Thomas Curtis, and d. 31 Jan. 1883. viii. Catherine, Apr. 3, 1830. m. May 20, 1849, Laban L. Gardner. ix. Waterman Thomas, m. Nov. 29, 1854, Martha F. Newhall. Resides at Wey. X. Oliver, July 2, 1835. m. Eimice Whitcomb. Resides at Wey. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") 9. Malachi « (Benjamin = Joseph* John '"^-i), b. in Hing. Feb. 9, 1797. m. Dec. 6, 1819, Chloe Gardner, dau. of Stephen and Susa (Whiton) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 11, 1799. Malachi d. 14 Dec. 1867, set. 61st yr. " Farm laborer." Eesided on High St. Ch.,— i. Chloe Gardner, Oct. 15, 1820. m. May 18, 1839, Clinton Loud, and d. at Wey. 17 July, 1846, set. 26th yr. u. Malachi, Sept. 1822, d. at Middleboro', Mass., 26 Feb. 1864, set. 41 yrs. in. Andrew, . iv. William, . Lemuel (Ephraim = Susanna ), from Braintree, m. in Hing. Apr. 1, 1841, Anna E. Lincoln, dau. of Charles and Anna (French) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1824. " Laborer." Eesides on North St. Child, — i. Ella A., b. . m. Nov. 24, 1870, Gershom B. Thomas of Pem. Mass.. and d. . Note. — Peter, m. Feb. 19, 1761, Mary Dunbar. Jane, of Ab'n m. Nov. 25, 1779, David Sprague. Sarah, of Hinj?. m. Dec. 7, 1775, Elisha Holbrook of Wey. Humphrey, of Ab'n m. Aug. 29, 1782, Marj' Gardner of Hing. Mary, of Hing. m. Sept. 22, 1774, Er Cushing of Wey. Olivia, of Hing. m. Apr. 1822, John Gregory of Boston. Samuel, of Wey m. Jan. 26, 1715-16, Content Whitcomb of Hing. John, of Wey. and Mary Humphrey, int. of m'ge. 112 Burrell — Burtenshaw — Burton — Butler — Buttim er. Dec. 8, 1716. Emma C. (Vining), d. 23 Oct. 1877, Kt. 23 yrs. 6 mo's. 20 dys. Isaac, Sd, of Scit. m. Nov. 28, 1832, Mabel Cushing ot Hing. Mary A.,m. Nov. 30, 1844, Elisha Reming ton, Jr. Frances A. W., m. Dec. 31, 1854. Richard V. Jlarchant. Susan W., m. Dec. 2, 1848, George F. Raymond. Jacob P., m. May 2, 1852, Sarah L. Pratt. Abigail C, w. ot John, d. (So. Hing.) 20 March, 1886, ait. 81 yrs. 3 dys. Abigail T., m. March 12, 1852, William M. Cummings. BURTENSHAW. 1. James (James = Sarah Godfrey), b. in Eng. 1800. m. in Hing. Oct. 25, 1836, Mrs. Lydia Ann (Mott) Litchfield, wid. of Seth Litch field, and dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Churchill) Mott of Scit. She survived him, and m. thirdly. May 2, 1867, Thomas I. Brown, widf of Coh. who d. 1880. For her fourth hus. she m. Nov. 16, 1882, Charles Steel, wid' of Hing. James d. in Hing. 30 Aug. 1863, ffit. 63 yrs. " Shoemaker." He early resided at Coh., but later, on North St. in Hiug. Child, — i. Sarah Elizabeth, Feb. 1, 1837. m. in Hing. June 9, 1857, Hosea B. Hersey, and d. at Boston, 13 Dec. 1876, set. 40th yr. 2. Henet (James = Sarah Godfrey), b. in Eng. May 2, 1802, was for sev. yrs. a resident of Coh., and removed from thence to Hing. His w. was Mary Whiting, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Jones) Whiting. She was b. at Bridgewater, Feb. 10, 1807. Henry d. in Hing. 29 March, 1867, ffit. 66th yr. "Barrel cooper." Eesided on North, corner of Ship St. Ch.,— i. Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1830. m. at Lowell, Mass., Nov. 18, 1855, Wilder M. Robbins of San Francisco, Cal. ii. Susan Frances, July 9, 1838. m. Sept. 15, 1861, Peter Humphrey of Hing. BURTON. Thomas, m. Margaret, dau. of John Otis. She d. 21 Oct. 1670, be ing then a wid. Hing. rec's. furnish nothing concerning this fam. in addition to the names of the foil. Ch., bt. in Hing., — i. Hannah, May 30, 1611. ii. Phoebe, May 12, 1644. iii. Sarah, Dec. 1645, d. soon. iv. Ruth, Aug. 24, 1646, d. 17 Aug. 1647. V. Sarah, May 13, 1649. BUTLER. Edwabd, m. Apr. 28, 1833, Mary Beal. Benjamin, m. in Hing. June 30, 1846, Cornelia, dau. of Isaac and Sally (Lincoln) Little. They have a dau. Fanny. BUTTIMER. 1. Thomas, from the County of Cork, Ire., was b. July 14, 1827. In 1854, he came to reside in Hing., and m. at Quincy, Apr. 4, 1858, Catherine Barrett. " Farm laborer." Eesides on Lincoln St. Buttimer — Cain. 113 Ch., all b. in Hing., ¦ i. Francis Barrett, May 25, 1859. ii. Julia Maria, March 24, 1861. iii. Ellen Catherine, Sept. 30, 1863. iv. Mary Ann, Feb. 27, 1865, d. 8 Sept. foil. V. TH0M.4S Henry, March 17, 1868. vi John Barrett, May 29, 1870. 2. John, from the County of Cork, Ire., and bro. of the preceding. m. at Quincy, Mass., Oct. 29, 1865, Julia Barrett. She was b. in Ire., July, 1839. John d. in Hing. 4 Jan. 1881, ffit. 55 yrs. " Farm laborer." Eesided in the North ward. Ch.. b. in Hing., — i. Nellie Frances, Aug. 10, 1866. ii. John Henry, March 16, 1868. CAIN (Caen ; Caman). 1. Arthuk, m. in Hing. Nov. 29, 1675, Sarah, dau. of Edward and Margaret Gold. She was bt. in Hing. Nov. 29, 1658 (prob. b. 1648), and d. 11 Feb. 1731-32, ffit., according to the rec. of Eev. EbenT Gay, 85th yr. He d. 18 Dec. 1687. Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Arthur, Aug. 15, 1677. ii. Sarah, Jan. 21, 1679-80, d. 29 March, 1705. 2. iii. David, Apr. 24, 1682. iv. Ruth, Oct. 3, 1684, d. unm. 2 June, 1749, aet. 65th yr. V. Mary, Aug. 12, 1687, d. unm. 21 Feb. 1760, set. 73d yr. 2. David ^ (Arthur i), b. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1682. m. Sept. 28, 1720, Mary Dunbar, dau. of Joseph and Christian (Garnet) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. ab. 1695, and d. 25 Dec. 1764, ffit. 70th yr. David d. at Hanover, Mass., 10 Feb. 1731-32, ffit. 50th yr. He was buried the same day, and in the same grave with his mother. (Eec. of Eev. Eben' Gay.) Ch., all b. or bt. in Hing., were — 3. i. David, Aug. 13, 1721. ii. Sarah, Nov. 7, 1722. m. Isaac Beal. 4. iii. Arthur, Dec. 16, 1724. iv. Jonathan, bt. Feb. 26, 1726-27, d. 5 May foil. V. Mary, bt. Feb. 8, 1729-30. m. (1) Apr. 22, 1751, Obadiah Stowell, and (2) Nov. 9, 1772, James Hayward. 3. David « pavid^ Arthur i), was b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1721. He removed with most of his fam. to the State of Me. By w. Alathea he had Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., as foil. : — i. David, Nov. 12, 1752. ii. Jonathan, Nov. 10, 1754, d. 15 June, 1821, set. 67th yr. iii. Ruth, March 21, 1756. 5. iv. Daniel, May 28, 1758. V. Maey, Aug. 31, 1760, d. unm. Jan. 1814. vi. Joseph, May 29, 1762. vii. Alathea, Feb. 5, 1764. viii. Mephihosheth, May 25, 1766. VOL. II. — 8 114 Cain. 4. Aethue ' (David ^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1724. m. Dec. 13, 1749, Lydia Townsend. Eesided on Fort Hill St. ; but prob. re moved from here after the birth of the foil. Ch., bt. in Hing., — i. Arthur, Dec. 30, 1750. ii. Lydia, Aug. 23, 1752. iii. Joanna, May 9, 1756. iv. Miriam, July 23, 1758, d. 7 Aug. 1761. V. Anna, June 15, 1760. vi. Robert, July 31, 1763. 5. Daniel * (David ^^^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. May 28, 1758. m. Sept. 15, 1779, Hannah Holmes. She outlived him, and d. in Hing. 31 May, 1825, ffit. 69 yrs. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 6. i. Jonathan, May 5, 1781. ii. Walter, Oct. 28, 1782. m. Nov. 6, 1808, Mary E. Cain, and removed to the State of Me. 7. iii. Daniel, May 14, 1783. iv. Hannah, Feb. 18, 1785. m. Ebenezer Wheeler, and d. at Boston, 20 Feb. 1880, set. 95 yrs. v. Anna, March 26, 1787. m. May 1, 1808, Ellis Shiunway. vi. Sally, March 26, 1787. m. William Harvey. vii. Judith, Apr. 16, 1789. m. Samuel Whittemore. viii. Betsey, June 5, 1791. m. July 29, 1810, William Our. 6. Jonathan ' (Daniel ^ David ^^ Arthur '), b. in Hing. May 5, 1781. m. Mary Ehoades. Jonathan d. 8 Nov. 1843, ffit. 62 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Jonathan, Jan. 5, 1803. ii. Daniel Rhoades, Apr. 16, 1804, d. at Quincy, 16 Feb. 1874. iii. Mary, March 7, 1806. iv. John Holmes, Dec. 6, 1807, d. 11 Oct. 1808. V. Friend, . Removed to Randolph. vi. Henry. vii. Abel. viii. Eliza Louisa. 7. Daniel 5 (Daniel^ David ^^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. May 14, 1783. m. Oct. 27, 1806, Priscilla Stodder, dau. of Stephen and Lucy (Stod der) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 5, 1779, and d. 12 Apr. 1868, ffit. 88 yrs. He d. 1 Oct. 1835, ffit. 62 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 8. i. Leonard, June 23, 1806. ii. Lucy, Sept. 13, 1808. m. Nov. 28, 1826, Ezra Bicknell. 9. iii. Daniel, Oct. 24, 1810. 10. iv. David, Nov. 2, 1812. 11. V. Joseph, Dec. 7, 1814. vi. Priscilla, Oct. 6, 1816. m. May 1, 1833, Daniel Lincoln. vii. Stephen, Nov. 1818. m. March 6, 1839, Sarah A. Rice, and resides at Wey. 12. viii. Eben Wheeler Oct. 4, 1820. 8. Leonaed " (Daniel " David '-^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. June 23, 1806. m. Dec. 6, 1826, Tamar Sprague Lincoln, dau. of Enos and Cain. 115 Grace (Stodder) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. May 13, 1806, and d. 2 Sept. 1868, ffit. 62 yrs. He d. 9 March, 1871, ffit. 65th yr. " Master mariner." Eesided at West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Tamar L., June 25, 1828. m. Deo. 20, 1849, Abner D. Stowell. ii. Elvira, June 14, 1830. m. Apr. 20, 1853, William C. Cushing, wid^ iii. Adeline A., Julv 14, 1832. m. (1) David W. Cushing, and (2) William W. Raymond of £a. Wey., and d. 5 Sept. 1878, oet. 46 yrs. iv. Leonard O., Sept. 19, 1835, d. ,16 Oct. 1836. V. Leonard 0., Oct. 23, 1837. m. July 26, 1866, Helen M. Newcomb of Hampden, Me. 13. vi. Alphonso, Oct. 4, 1844. 9. Daniel^ (Daniel" David ^^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1810. m. Nov. 26, 1843, Albina Whitcomb, dau. of Ezekiel and Lucy (Whit comb) Whitcomb. She was b. Oct. 1821, and d. 21 Dec. 1886, ffit. 64 yrs. "Shoemaker." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 14. i. Daniel Edwin, Sept. 6, 1846. ii. Arthur Sumner, Feb. 10, 1849. iii. Albion Hersey, Jan. 3, 1853. iv. Watson Whitcomb, Feb. 1855, d. 21 Oct. foil. V. Lucy Ann Whitcomb, June 4, 1858. vi. Mary Otis, July, 1860. vii. WiLLLiM Walter, May 22, 1865, d. 6 Oct. foil. 10. David ^ (Daniel ^ David ^"^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. Nov. 2, 1812. m. Jan. 31, 1834, Tabitha Burrell, dau. of Stephen and Clarissa (Dyer) Burrell She was b. at Wey. Apr. 6, 1817. "Trader." Eepresenta tive 1861 and 1862. Eesides on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lucinda Stowell, Aug. 26, 1834. m. Jan. 5, 1854, Cyrus Bryant. 15. ii. David Fp.ancis, March 12, 1837. iii. Abby Josephine, Aug. 14, 1844. m. Oct. 7, 1868, Edward Cowing. 11. Joseph ^ (Daniel " David ^^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. Dec. 7, 1814. m. Nov. 27, 1845, Abigail D. Burrell, dau. of Stephen and Clarissa (Dyer) BurreU. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 2, 1824. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Arabella, Sept. 24, 1846. m. Nov. 29, 1865, Edwin Hersey. ii. Abbie Elizabeth, Aug. 3, 1849. m. June 26, 1872, Francis M. Clark. iii. Georgiana, June 10, 1851. iv. Sarah Wat.son, Dec. 11, 1858, d. 8 Jan. 1859. 12. Eben W.« (Daniel " David ^^ Arthur i), b. in Hing. Oct. 4, 1820- m. Nov. 15, 1848, Sarah Ann Holbrook, dau. of Ezekiel and Caroline M. (Caswell) Holbrook. She was b. at Douglas, Mass., Apr. 6, 1826. " Expressman." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch.,— i. Sarah Wheeler, Dec. 10, 1850. m. Dec. 31, 1872, Walter W. Hersey. ii. Eben Holbrook, Apr. 10, 1863. 116 Cain — Caldwell. 13. Alphonso '' (Leonard ' Daniel ^-* David ^^ Arthur ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 4, 1844. m. Oct. 22, 1868, Mary, dau. of Paul and Margaret McNeil. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Leonard Lincoln, Ang. 27, 1870. ii. Arthur Francis, Apr. 4, 1886. 14, Daniel E.' (Daniel «-" David ^-^ Arthur ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1846. m. Nov. 26, 1868, Ellen G. Besse, dau. of Edward A. and Phebe (Eldredge) Besse. She was b. at Wareham, Mass., Nov. 16, 1848. " Machinist." Has removed to So. Braintree, Mass. Ch.,— i. Daniel Edwin, Feb. 19, 1870, d. in Hing. 28 Jan. 1874. ii. George Albion, b. in Hing. Aug. 24, 1871, d. in Hing. 9 Jan. 1872. iii. Albina Murdock, March 19, 1874. iv. Edith Eldredge, Feb. 10, 1876. V. Everett Howard, Sept. 13, 1878. vi. Ralph Carlyle, Apr. 29, 1881. 15. David F.' (David « Daniel" David =^2 Arthur i), b. in Hing. March 12, 1837. m. Nov. 12, 1857, Betsey P., dau. of William Maxim. Eemoved to Cal., where he is engaged in farming. Ch.,— i. Ella Frances, b. in Hing. June 4, 1858. ii. Clara Atwood, b. in Hing. March 14, 1860. iii. Willie Winpord, b. in Hing. Aug. 1, 1866, d. 8 Sept. 1877. iv. Ada , b. in Cal. Thomas, a native of the Isle of Man, and b. Feb. 14, 1822. m. at Boston, May 18, 1845, Sarah J. K. Adams. She was b. at Boston, Aug. 24, 1826. " Carpenter." Eesides on Pleasant St. Ch., — i. Eveline Meriam, b. at Boston, Apr. 11, 1847. m. in Hing. Nov. 17, 1869, Andrew J. Clark. ii. Thomas Edwin, Feb. 23, 1849. m. at Dux. Sept. 20, 1874, Lucy A. W. Weston, and has Frank, Ang. 8, 1875. iii. Eliza Ann, Aug. 2, 1854. m. July 26, 1875, Edwin W. Fearing. iv. Walter Callebter, May 18, 1861, d. 10 Aug. 1863. V. Willis Franklin, Dec. 9, 1863, d. 5 Apr. 1877. vi. Walter Eugene, Dec. 9, 1863. vii. Alice Mary, Dec. 9, 1863. Note. — M'ge int. March 14, 1718-19 of Thomas,^ and Bathsheba Bate, both of Hing. M'ge int. Sept. 1718, David, and Elizabeth Davenport 7 Margaret, d. 11 Nov. 1859, at. 31 yrs. Mary C, d. 12 Sept. 1860, set. two mo's. Mary T., m. July 4, 1878, Thomas G. Leigh. ^ CALDWELL. Fkanklin (William = Susan Jones), b. at Wiscassett, Me., Nov. 11, 1807. m. first, Eliza Fisher. She d. at Boston, 1833 ? He m. sec ondly Mrs. Catherine Hutchinson, who d. in Hing. 2 July, 1869, ffit. 60 yrs'. For his tbird w. he m. June 10, 1870, Miss Betsey K. Goold of Natick, Mass. " Cabinet-maker." Eesides on Hersey St. Caldwell — Campbell — Canterbury — Carnes. 117 Child, — i. Catherine, , d. at Boston 1836, set. 4 yrs. Harriet, an adopted dau. m. in Hing. March 28, 1858, Francis H. Fisher of Boston. Note. — WUliam, m. Oct. 7, 1778, Charlotte, dau. of Joseph and Deborah Blake. Charles H. B., a native of Hing. and s. of Charles H. and Susan Blagge, d. at Boston, 30 Nov. 1877, set. 54 yrs. Was a Commodore in the U. S. Navy. CAMPBELL. ¦ Sometimes written Gamble and Kimball. 1. Caleb, resided on Main (near So. Pleasant) St., and was by occupation " blacksmith." He d. in Hing. Jan. 1750. His w., whose chris. name I have not ascertained, d. 24 May, 1750. 2. Caleb, prob. s. of the above, m. in Hing. Dec. 19, 1754, Sarah Dunbar, dau. of Peter and Hannah (Dunbar) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1733-34, and d. 27 Oct. 1821, ffit. 88th yr. He d. 3 Feb. 1818, ffit. 90 yrs. Was constable in 1770. Note. — Mary. perh. dau. of Caleb (1) m. Aug. 12, 1746, Solomon Whiton. Charles, h. at Boston, Jnlv 26, 1826, m. Feb. 21, 1850, Lilleyous, dau. of Ezra Bicknell, and d. at Wey. 13 July, 1877." She d. in Hing. 22 Sept. 1886, set. 56th yr. CANTERBURY (Cantlebuey). CoENELius, was early in Hing., and lived first on Town (North) St., within a short distance of what is now Thaxter's Bridge. May 3, 1649, he sold his dw.-house with two acres of land adjoining to Sam uel Lincoln " mariner," " bounded south with the swamp ; & the high way on the north, east, & west," etc. Was by occupation "cooper;" constable in 1672 ; and late in life resided in the middle ward. The chris. name of his w. was Anna. She outlived him, and d. 20 Dec. 1710. He d. 21 Oct. 1683. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., were — i. John, July 17, 1652, d. 13 Jan. 1678-79. ii. An^'a, May 8, 1653. m. July, 1679, Peter Barnes. iii. Mary, Oct. 8, 1654. iv. Cornelius, Jan. 11, 1656-57, d. 15 Jan. 1678-79. V. Elizabeth, 1660, d. unm. 22 Apr. 1738, set. 79th yr. vi. Martha, b. Oct. 7, 1665, d. 10 Dec. 1672. vii. Hannah, June 29, 1669. m. Apr. 1, 1700, Stephen Stodder. viii. Hester, Nov. 19, 1671. m. Jan. 15, 1695-96, John Tower.' CARNES. 1. John, from County Cork, Ire., came to Hing. ab. 1860. He m. at Boston, Sept. 17, 1860, Margaret Gibbons. She was b. in County Tipperary, Ire., 1826. John d. in Hing. 4 Nov. 1875, ffit. 64 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided at the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — , i. Mary Ellen, Feb. 1, 1852, d. 8 March, 1869. ii. Henry, May 1, 1854, d. 5 Aug. 1863. ^ iii. Catherine, Apr. 1, 1856, d. 14 Aug. 1859. iv. John, Nov. 25, 1857, d. 27 May, 1861. 2. V. Patrick Henry, Sept. 25, 1859. vi. Margaret, May 1, 1862, d. 3 Aug. 1863. vii. Margaret Ellen, Oct. 8, 1867. 118 Carnes — Carr — Carter — Carver. 2. Pateick H. (John = Margaret Gibbons), b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1869. m. June 16, 1880, Mary Enwright, a native of Wales, Eng. " Laborer." Eesides at the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John, Aug. 28, 1880. ii. Henry, Feb. 6, 1882. iii. Patrick, Oct. 22, 1883. iv. Mary Ellen, May 25, 1885. Note. — Humphrey, d. 30 Jan. 1862, set. 29 yrs. Mary E., d. 8 March, 1869, set. 17 yrs. CARR. Edwaed, a native of the County of Kerry, Ire. m. Mary, dau. of Jeremiah and Mary Crowley.* "Laborer." Eesides on Elm St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Patrick James, March 23, 1867. ii. Michael William, Aug. 20, 1868. * Mrs. Marj' Crowley, wid., d. in Hing. 2 Apr. 1887, ast. 76 yrs. CARTER. 1. James D., . m. May 18, 1856, Lucinda Beal, dau. of Daniel and Hannah L. (Burbank) Beal. She was b. in Hing. May 19, 1838. Has removed to No. Scit. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Hannah Elizabeth, July 11, 1857. ii. William Davis, Oct. 8, 1858. iii. Laura Amelia, Nov. 20, 1860. iv. Helena Augusta, Aug. 21, 1862. V. Adaline Leavitt, May 10, 1864. vi. Charlotte Bertha, Jan. 24, 1866. vii. Mabel Frances, Apr. 10, 1868. viii. Edith May, Jan. 13, 1870. ix. Ruth Anna, Jan. 16, 1872. 2. William M., m. Aug. 17, 1865, Mrs. Mary A. (Burkett) Bliss, a native of Eng. " Laborer." Has removed to Conn. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch.,— i. Henry, . ii. Carrie A., Jan. 8, 1868. iii. Lewis Edward Spalding, Sept. 12, 1872. iv. Ada Florence Maria, Oct. 24, 1875. V. Ella May, May 28, 1879. Note. — Benjamin B., d. 3 July, 1859, set. 82 yrs. ; a native of Germany. Charlotte S. (Curtis), dau. of David C. and Charlotte (Lovett) Curtis, d. 2 May, 1876, ajt. 81 yrs. 7 mo's 2 dys. ; a native of Boston. CARVER. Justin A., b. at Mf'd Nov. 13, 1839. m. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1862, Lydia A. Gardner, dau. of George P. and Lydia T. (Gardner) Gard ner. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 22, 1846, and d. 27 March, 1886, ffit. 39 Carver — Caryl — Casey. 119 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Whiting St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. George Alanson, Nov. 19, 1863, d. 29 Sept. 1864. ii. George Eugene, Oct. 25, 1865, d. 26 Aug. 1878. ui. Harriet Lincoln, Jan. 4, 1869. iv. William Otis, July 20, 1871. V. Mary Emma, May 25, 1878, d. in two days. vi. Walter, Nov. 28, 1884. NoT-B.- Josephine C. (native of Boston), m. March 2, 1862, David P. Hayward of Braintree. Thomas A. (see "Hingham in the Civil War"). Wakefield (see "Hingham in the Civil War"). ^ ^ i j K s CARYL (Caeeel). Daniel, m. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1731, Hannah Garnet, dau. of John and Mary (Stowell) Garnet, or Cj-ardner. She was b. in Hing. May 12, 1694. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, Dec. 16, 1731. ii. Elizabeth, Apr. 9, 1733. m. Jan 9, 1755, Michael Randall of Han. Aram, m. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1827, Mary Corthell, dau. of Eobert and Elizabeth (Hersey) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. June 13, 1799. "Farmer." Eesides on East St. Ch.,— i. Elizabeth, •. ii. Mary Ann, . Note. — Alexander H., of Groton, m. in Hing. Oct. 20, 1870, Sarah H. dau. of Albert and Sarah G. (Fearing) Whiting. CASEY. Jonas Augustine, b. in the city of Cork, Ire., July 11, 1824 ; came to Boston, Mass., Oct. 20, 1851 ; was a resident of Eoxbury for eight yrs. In 1859 he removed to Hing. He m. at Eox. Feb. 1852, Mary Ann Casey. She was b. at Cork, Ire., 1829. Jonas d. 7 Apr. 1887, ffit. 63d yr. "Eopemaker." Eesided on Green St. Ch.,— i. Caty Mary, b. at Rox. Nov. 24, 1852. ii. Elizabeth Anna, b. at Rox. Sept. 10, 1854. iii. George Michael, b. at Rox. Aug. 11, 1856. m. at Boston, May 27, 1883, Annie McDonald. She was b. at Boylston, N. S., Oct. 3, 1860. Their ch. : 1. Jonas, b. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1883. 2. Sophia, July 16, 1885. iv. Jonas Patrick, b. at Rox. March 13, 1858. V. William Francis, b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1859. vi. John, b. in Hing. March 2, 1862. vii. Mary, b. in Hing. May 5, 1866, d. in eleven days. 1. Michael (James = Mary Daley), b. at Ballyhooly, County of Cork, Ire. m. Feb. 16, 1848, Mary Mulvey, dau. of Thomas and Mar garet (Donovan) Mulvey of Glauvert, County of Cork, Ire. " Laborer." Eesides on Hersey St. 120 Casey — Cazneau. Ch., i. Patrick, March 10, 1849. Resides at Boston. ii. Mary, Apr. 15, 1851, d. 9 Dec. 1856. iii. James, Jan. 20, 1853. iv. Thomas Henry, Feb. 17, 1855. Resides ou Hersey St. V. John Joseph, May 23, 1857. 2. vi. Michael Francis, Apr. 24, 1859. vii. William Martin, b. in Hing. Jan. 2, 1861, d. 12 May, 1880, set. 19 yrs. viii. Hannah A., June 27, 1863, d. 28 June, 1885, st. 22 yrs. ix. Mary Margaret, March 27, 1865, d. 13 Sept. 1879, a;t. 14 yrs. X. Ellen Teressa, Dec. 24, 1867. xi. Cornelius R., Feb. 4, 1870. 2. Michael F. (Michael = Mary Mulvey), b. Apr. 24, 1859. m. Aug. 25, 1881, Mary T. Collins. " Coachman." Eesided on Hersey St., until he removed to Boston. Ch.,— i. Margaret F., b. in Hing. Marcb 10, 1882. ii. Mary Ellen, b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1884. iii. Pauline, b. at Boston, Jan. 25, 1887. John, a native of Ire., and by occupation " gardener ; " is m., and resides at the junction of Summer and Green Sts. Ch.,— i. Mary E., . m. Feb. 6, 1872, Daniel S. Hickey of Boston. ii. John L. , . m. Anna Furgerson, and has ch. ; 1. John, b. in Hing. Jan. 3, 1881. 2. Alice Maria, Feb. 13, 1884. iii. James G., . m. Nov. 7, 1880, Hannah Fitzgerald. Eesides on Green St. iv. Susan, . m. Sept. 27, 1883, Walter F. Hatch. V. Robert M. , . Resides on Summer St. vi. Julia A., , d. 20 May, 1863, set. 9 mo's. Note. — Thomas, Boston, d. 28 Dec. 1878, set. 2 yrs. 4 mo's. James, b. in Ire., d. 21 Apr. 1875, set. 94 yrs. Susan, d. 5 Feb. 1857, set. 3 yrs. 2 mo's 19 dys. Margaret, m. May 7, 1875, Archibald McMasters. CAZNEAU. Edwaed, whose paternal ancestor was from Bordeaux, France, came to Hing. at 16 yrs. of age, and served an apprenticeship with Benjamin S. Williams, a mannf'r of umbrellas at West Hing. Edward was b. at Boston, Aug. 17, 1803, and m. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1827, Mary Ann Lincoln, dau. of Hezekiah and Nancy (Gray) Lincoln. She was b. at Boston, while her parents were temporarily residing there, Dec. 23, 1807. He d. 8 May, 1868, ffit. 65th yr. Was capt. of Comp. C, 2'^. Eegiment M. V. I., 1834 ; and afts. commissioned lieut.-colonel of a regiment of light infantry, First Brigade and First Division, May, 1838 ; deu'y collector and inspector of the port of Hing. 1846 ; Justice of the Peace 1861 to 1872, inc. ; clerk to the Sec'y of State 1852; Senator for the district of Plymouth 1850 and 1851. Was one of the selectmen of Hing. sev. yrs., and a man of prominence in the politics of the town. Eesided on South, corner of Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Edward Lincoln, Oct. 26, 1827, d. 14 March, 1839. ii. Mary Bonner, Oct. 6, 1830. iii. Susan Ann, May 27, 1834, d. 1 Feb. 1840. Chaffee — Chamberlain. 121 CHAFFEE. Thomas, prob. the ancestor of all who have borne this surname in the United States up to the present century, carae to Hing. among the early settlers, and in 1637 drew a house-lot of two acres on Bach elor, now Main St., nearly opposite the present meeting-house of the First Parish. Other lands -were also granted him the same yr. for planting purposes. He prob. remained here until 1642, when he oc cupied land granted him at Nantasket (Hull), and resided there until ab. 1659. He then removed to Swanzea. In his will of 1680, refer ence is made to his being " of great age." He d. in 1683 leaving sons Nathaniel and Joseph, from whom have descended a highly respect able posterity. CHAMBERLAIN (Chamberlin). Henet, with his w. and mother and two ch., came from Hing. in Old Eng., to Hing. in New Eng. 1638. He had land granted him the same yr. by the town, but finally settled at Hull, where he d. ab. 1674. Wid. Christian Chamberlin, prob. his mother, d. in Hing. 19 Apr. 1659. The inv. of his est. appraised by Nathaniel Bosworth and Thomas Loring, 27 Apr. 1676, inc. a five-acre lot in Hing., a lot at Old Planter's Hill, and ten acres on the Plain. " Chamberlin's Enn," near "' Eocky Hill," prob. took its name from him. He was by occu pation " blacksmith." 1. Kinsman, b. at Brookfield, N. H., 1811. m. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1833, Susan B. Stodder, or Stoddard, dau. of Thomas and Charlotte (Beal) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 28, 1815, and d. at Wey. 16 Feb. 1887, ffit. 72 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort Hill St., until he removed to Wey. Ch.,— i. Susan, b. at Wey. Jiily 7, 1835. m. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1851, Nathaniel B. Peare. 2. ii. Kinsman Stoddard, b. in Hing. Apr. 12, 1837. iii. Abbie Burleigh, b. at Wey. Oct. 24, 1838. m. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1859, James M. Brant. 2. Kinsman S. (Kinsman = Susan B. Stoddard), b. in Hing. Apr. 12, 1837. m. Sept. 20. 1861, Valentia L. Blaisdell, dau. of David H. and Eleanor B. (Gross) Blaisdell. She was b. at Eockland, Me., March 2, 1841. " Cabinet-maker." Eesides on Hersey St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. David Blaisdell, Sept. 22, 1862 ; Har. Coll. 1886. 'SoTE. — Daniel, bt. in Hing. March 17, 1639. Sarah, bt. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1641. Nathaniel, bt. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1643. Ebenezer, d. 28 Oct. 1646. Sarah, bt. in Hing. June 6, 1652. John, of Hull, bt. in Hing. Aug. 27, 1654. Benjamin, bt. in Hing. Mav, 1662. John, d. 28 March, 1679. Benjamin, m. Oct. 13, 1685, Mary, dau. of Edward Wright. Mary, dau. of Henry, m. Oct. 13, 1685, Thomas Soyefv-or Sayer. Henry, m. (pub. May 14, 1714) Lydia Vinton. Lydia, m. Sept. 24, 1739, James Lawson. Benjamin, of Boston m. Dec. 4, 1817, Eliza W., dau. of Capt. Thomas Harding. She d. 10 Aug. 1818, a!t. 21st yr. Martha A., m. June 13, 1861, Charles W. S. Seymour. 122 Chessman — Chittenden — Chubbuck. CHESSMAN. 1. ZiBA (Hosea = Olive ), was a native of Wey. His w. was Eachel W., dau. of John Studley of Scit. She d. at Nottingham, N. H., 9 July, 1886, ffit. 86 yrs. Ziba d. in Hing. 10 Aug. 1854, ffit. 63 yrs. "Farm laborer." Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. William , is dead. ii. Mary, . m. Alfred Furnald, and resides at Nottingham, N. H. 2. iii. John W., 1835. iv. Elizabeth, . m. Charles C. Lincoln of Boston. V. Henry Clay, . Removed to Kentucky. 2. John W. (Ziba = Eachel W. Studley) has been m. twice. Ee moved to N. H. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., — i. Emma W., . m. Apr. 25, 1881, John C. F. Wilbur of Little Compton, R.I. ii. Carrie C, . iii. John Albert, . m. Lizzie Thompson of Wey. CHITTENDEN. IsEAEL (Israel = Sarah Jenkins), b. at Scit. Sept. 9, 1806. m. in Hing. June 26, 1828, Lydia, Studley, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia (Bar rell) Studley. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1810. Israel d. 6 Aug. 1885, ffit. 80th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lydia Ann, May 24, 1829. m. Feb. 22, 1860, Henry Siders, wid":. ii. Henrietta, 1839. CHUBBUCK. 1. Thomas, according to Cushing's MS., settled in Hing. 1634; and the yr. foil, received a grant of a house-lot at " Broad Cove " (Lincoln St.). He also had other lands granted him at subsequent dates. The chris. name of his w. was Alice. She d. 20 Feb. 1674-75. He d. 9 Dec. 1676. "Farmer." Eesided on Lincoln St. In his will of 16 Apr. 1676, proved 27 Dec. 1676, gives to eldest s. Nathaniel, land at Crow Point ; six acres next to Wey. back river bought of Lieut. Smith ; six acres bought of John Palmer, and two great lots at the Great Plain, next the country way, containing twelve acres each, one given him by the town, the other purchased of John Gar net ; also other valuables, all of which if he leaves no ch. are to go to his bro. John. To s. John all his other land including that which the town gave him next to John Tucker's; also his dw.-house, and land adjoining purchased of John Palmer, etc. Names three dau's, and gives to each a small sum (naming it) in addition to what they have already had. Ch.,— i. Nathaniel, birth not recorded, m. June 18, 1669, Mrs. Mary Garnet, the wid. of John Garnet. She d. 9 Oct. 1710. He d. without issue, 20 Jan. 1702-3. Chubbuck. 123 ii. Sapah, bt. in Hing. Feb. 1687-38. m. Sept. 25, 1657, Jeremiah Fitch. iii. John, Jan. 19, 1639-40, d. 2 Feb. foil. iv. Rebecca, Apr. 1641. m. William 'Hersey. V. Mary, Oct. 13, 1642. m. Feb. 18, 1662-63, Thomas Lincoln the carpenter. vi. Deborah, July 6, 1645, died March, 1650. vii. Hannah, Aug. 8, 1647, d. 9 Nov. foil. 2. viii. John, b. Dec. 30, 1648. 2. John ^ (Thomas ^) b. in Hing. Dec. 30, 1648. m. Dec. 2, 1668, Martha, dau. of Nathaniel and Martha Beal. She was bt. in Hing. Aug. 1646, and surviving him, m. secondly, Jan. 12, 1698-99, Samuel Stodder, wid!. John d., as our rec's say, 26 Nov. 1690. Selectman in 1679 and 1690. He was one of the Hing. men to embark in the unfortunate Canada expedition under Sir W"? Phips. He held the commission of lieutenant. In his will, dated on the point of his departure at Boston, 6 Aug. 1690, which was ratified by his ch. and presented for pro. 3 Apr. 1691, he bequeaths to eldest s. the est. in Hing. ; " to my three younger sons all my land at Agawam. in Ply mouth Colony ; " provides also for his two dau's then living, etc. Eesided on the paternal homestead, Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Martha, Jan. 31, 1669-70. m. John Lincoln, andd. 30 Jan. 1698-99. ii. Alice, Dec. 14, 1671. m. June 24, 1695, David Thaxter. 3. iii. Thojias, June 19, 1674. 4. iv. John, Sept. 16, 1677. V. Christian, March 9, 1679-80, d. 22 Sept. foil. vi. Jonathan, Feb. 12, 1681-82. vii. Christian, Apr. 7, 1685, d. 14 Aug. foil. viii. Nathaniel, June 8, 1686. m. June 5, 1707, Margaret, dau. of Joseph Joy. ix. Mary, Aug. 11, 1688, d. in five dys. 3. Thomas » (John ^ Thomas % b. in Hing. June 19, 1674. m. Feb. 16, 1698-99, Mary Hersey, dau. of James and Mary (Fearing) Her sey. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 30, 1676. Thomas d. 4 March 1763, ffit. 79th year. In his will of 2 Oct. 1750, proved 28 Dec. 1753, men tions and provides for w. Mary, and only s. Jeremiah ; bequeaths to gr. s. Thomas the N. E. half of his land at Accord Pond; gives also to gr. dau. Hulda, etc. " Farmer." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Child, prob. b. in Hing., — 5.' i. Jeremiah, birtli not recorded. 4. John » (John = Thomas ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 16, 1677. m. June 12, 1704, Abigail Bate, dau. of Joseph and Esther (Hilliard) Bate. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1680, and d. 7 Nov. 1767, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 30 March, 1760, ffit. 73d yr. " Farmer." Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., were — i. John, Feb. 8, 1708-9. m. Mary Whitman. They had a dau. Sarah, bt. in Hing. July 20, 1740. ii. Jonathan, July 30, 1710. m. Nov. 22, 1739, Abigail Whitman of Wey. iii. Ensign, bt. Apr. 19, 1719. m. Dec. 25, 1740, Bethia Whitman. iv. Abigail, birth not rec?, but mentioned in Selectmen's rec's. 124 Chubbuck. 5. Jeeemiah^ (Thomas^ John^ Thomas^), prob. b. in Hing. m. (pub. Sept. 4, 1725) Mary Goddard. He was grad. at Har. Coll. 1726, in the class with Jacob Cushing, Thomas Gill, Joseph Lewis, and- Israel Nichols, — all Hing. boys, — and for a few yrs. (ab. 1752 and 1753) was one of the teachers in the Grammar Schools of this town. He may have removed from here soon after, as no further notice of him appears upon our rec's. He resided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Silence, July 21, 1726, d. 20 March foil. ii. A SON, Feb. 18, 1727-28, d. same day. iii. Huldah, Feb. 27, 1730-31. m. Jan. 1753, Stephen Garnet, Jr. 6. iv. Thomas, Feb. 7, 1732-33. V. Mary, bt. June 23, 1734. m. Jan. 15, 1756, Samuel Wilder. vi. A child, 1736, d. 3 March, 1736-37. vii. Letitia, March 26, 1738. m. Feb. 9, 1758, Isaac Wilder. viii. Jeremiah, March 15, 1740-41. "Wheelwright." ix. Eleazer, Nov. 28, 1742. In his will of 15 Oct. 1772, proved 4 Dec. folL names w. Mary, but makes no mention of ch. 7. X. James, June 9, 1745. 6. Thomas ^ (Jeremiah ^ Thomas ^ John ^ Thomas ¦"), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1732-33. m. Jan. 6, 1757, Patience Garnet, dau. of David and Patience (Hobart) Garnet. She was bt. in Hing. May 3, 1736, and d. 21 Jan. 1797, ffit. 61st yr. He d. 11 March, 1802, ffit. 69 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Thomas, Apr. 29, 1757. m. June 11, 1787, Joanna, dau. of Capt. Enoch Whiton. She d. 22 Jan. 1850, set. 92 yrs. ii. David, March 23, 1760. Resided at Quincy, Mass. He m. Sept. 15, 1782, Ruth Gardner, and had a fam. iii. Patience, Feb. 6, 1764, d. unm. 12 July, 1846, set. 82 yrs. iv. Mary, Dec. 24, 1765. m. Sept. 26, 1784, Daniel Dill. V. Sarah, March 14, 1770. m. Jan. 8, 1797, Nathaniel French. 7. James ^ (Jeremiah * Thomas ' John ^ Thomas ^), b. in Hing. June 9, 1745. m. March 9, 1767, Melia Whiton, dau. of Solomon and Jael (Dunbar) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 5, 1739. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. James, bt. Nov. 15, 1767. ii. Celia, b. Sept. 26, 1771, d. 30 March, 1794, ajt. 23d yr. iii. Hannah, d. 18 Oct. 1799. 8. Eleazee, from Ab'n, Mass., a descendant of Thomas', m. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1838, Elizabeth Whiting, dau. of Archelaus and Eliza beth (Gardner) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 24, 1801, and d. 10 May, 1878, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 17 May, 1878, ffit. 66th yr. "Shoe maker." Eesided on Gardner St. near Accord Pond. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Annas, March 2, 1840. ii. Washington, June 4, 1842 ; is unm. "Bootmaker." Resides on Gard ner St. iii. Eleazer, Apr. 22, 1844. m. Jan. 13, 1878, Sarah Doughty, dan. of James and Ellen (Parry) Doughty. She was born at Boston, Oct. 15, 1859. Eleazer d. 14 Jan. 1879, mt. 35th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Their child b. in Hing, — Esther Lee, Aug. 31, 1879. iv. Elizabeth, March 16, 1846. m. Dec. 24, 1865, Edwin Beal, Jr. Chubbuck — Church. 125 Note. — Josiah, m. Dec. 9, 1790, NanCv Bowen. Abigail, m. Feb. 6, 1800, Barker Bry ant. Margaret, m. June 24, 1804, Eliakim Stowell, and d. 3 Nov. 1811, ajt. 31 vrs. Chloe, m. Nov. 1, 1820, Asa Bates, Jr. Henry, d. 21 Aug. 1836, at. 52 vrs. Geur'ge W., from N. H. m. Ap. 7, 1852, Mary L. Gardner. George A.,* m. Nov. 19, 1874, Fannie M. Leavitt. (*See "Hingham in the Civil War.") CHURCH. 1. EiCHAED, b. 1608, arrived at Boston, 1630 ; freeman, 1632 ; and from 1633 to 1649 inc. a resident of Ply. Mass. Subsequently he was for a short time at Eastham, removing thence to Charlestown. Jan. 24, 1663, he purchased of Thomas Joy "one halfe or moytie of his Corne mill standeing vpon y* Eyuer caled y* towne Coue in hingham It is with y* damme head & streame thereunto belongeing and halfe y' lott of Lande Lying there unto contayneing fower or six acres w""" was formerly y' lands of Abraham Martyn," etc. (S. E. Vol. II. pp. 82, 83). Eichard, without doubt, was a resident of Hing. during the re mainder of his life. He m. ab. 1636 Elizabeth, dau. of Eichard and Elizabeth (Jouatt) Warren, who, in 1620, came to Plymouth in the " Mayflower." She d. in Hing. 4 March, 1670. He d. at Dedham, 27 Dec. 1668, " though he was buried in Hing., and his will was made here." " Carpenter." Selectman in 1665. Eesided on the spot now owned and occupied by heirs of the late Col. Charles Lane, on North St. Ch.,— i. Elizabeth, b. at Ply. 1636 or 1637. m. in Hing. Jan. 20, 1657-58, Caleb Hobart, and d. 3 Feb. 1658-59. 2. ii. Joseph, 1638. iii. Benjamin, 1640. m. Dec. 26, 1667, Alice Southworth, and d. at Little Compton, 17 Jan. 1717-18. Their s. Capt. Thomas, m. in Hing. for his third w. Oct. 10, 1719, Sarah, dau. of Francis and Mary Horswell. Benjamin was known as "Captain," and afts. as "Colonel." He was the distinguished bero of the Indian Wars, and commanded the party by which King Philip was slain. (See Windsor's "Duxbury," and Barry's "Hanover.") Some have thought Col. Benjamin was a nephew of Rich ard ; but this seems somewhat improbable from the fact that the date of his m., Dec. 26, 1667, was recorded in Hing. by Rev. Peter Hobart, who, prob. would not have entered in his diary a marriage occurring in another town, had not one at least of the parties m. been closely connected with those of the name in Hing. 3. iv. Caleb, . 4. V. • Nathaniel, ¦. vi. Hannah, . vii. Abii,4ail, June 22, 1647. m. in Hing. Deo. 19, 1666, Samuel Thaxter, and d. 25 Dec. 1677. viii. Charles, , kUled in Hing. by the overturning of his cart, 30 Oct. 1659. ix. Richard, , d. soon. X. Sarah, . m. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1674, James Burross. xi. Mary, , d. at Dux. 30 Apr. 1662. xii. Deborah, bt. in Hing. March 22, 1656-57. m. John Irish, Jr. 2. Joseph ^ (Eichard ^), prob. cg,me to Hing. with his parents, 1653, and m. here, Dec. 30, 1660, Mary, dau. of John Tucker. This fam. re moved from Hing. soon after the birth of the youngest dau., as will be seen by the foil.: "May 26, 1679, Joseph Church late of Hing. ' carpenter,' and Mary his wife in consideration of £114, sells to John Norton, pastor of the Church of Christ in Hingham all those their three lots of land which Eichard Church, father of the said Joseph, formerly purchased of Ensign John Thaxter, with the dwelling-house. 126 Church — Churchill. barns & orchards standing upon the Said land," etc. (S. E. Vol. II. p. 232). Constable, 1672. Ch., all. b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, Dec. 14, 1662. ii. Eliza, Jan. 28, 1663-64. iii. Mary, March 26, 1666, d. 30 Apr. 1672. iv. John, July 5, 1668. V. Alice, June 1, 1670, d. 3 Jan. 1670-71. vi. Benjamin, Jan. 11, 1671-72, d. 31 Oct. 1672. vii. Sarah, Sept. 3, 1673. viii. William, Oct. 10, 1676. ix. Deborah, March 12, 1676-77. 3. Caleb ^ (Eichard i), b. at Ply. ab. 1643. m. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1667, Joanna Sprague, dau. of William and Milicent (Fames) Sprague. She was bt. in Hing. Dec. 1646. Of this fam. our rec's furnish noth ing in addition to the births of the foil. Ch., viz. : — i. Hannah, Nov. 1, 1668. ii. Ruth, Jan. 12, 1669-70. 4. Nathaniel^ (Eichard '), m. Sarah Barstow. He remained in Hing. but a short time after his marriage, removing either to Scit. or to Little Compton. Child, bt. in Hing., — i. Abigail, Dec. 15, 1666. CHURCHILL. 1. Jonathan ^ (Eleazer '"^ John ^ of Ply. Mass., 1643), was a resi dent of Hing. on Ship St., for sev. yrs. The chris. name of his w. was Hannah. Their ch., were — i. Jonathan, 1745. m. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1767, Lydia Gilbert. ii. Jesse 1746-47. m. Abigail . iii. Samuel, 1749-50, d. iu Hing. 10 May, 1754. iv. Josiah, b. in Hing. March 15, 1753, d. 8 June, 1754. V. Samuel, b. in Hing. May 25, 1755. ^ Other ch. were b. after the fam. removed from here, as foil. : — vi. Hannah, , d. young. vii. Francis, viii. Hannah, . ix. Reuben, . m. Hannah Sampson. 2. David ° (David * William '^^ John ^), from Plympton, Mass., and b. ab. 1729, was a resident of Hing. during the latter part of his life. He d. here 28 Feb. 1812, ffit. 82 yrs. Of his Ch., there resided in Hing., the foil. : — 3. i. Jesse, 1781. ii. Lydia, . m. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1811, Joseph Mott of Scit. 4. iii. Rufus, 1789. 3. Jesse * (David ^ William ^^ John '), from Plympton, Mass. m. Anna Barrell of Scit. She d. in Hing. 16 July, 1861, ffit. 78 yrs. He Churchill. 127 d. 20 Sept. 1853, ffit. 72 yrs. " Stone-mason." Was a soldier in the War of 1812. Eesided at West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 5. , i. Jesse, Jan. 30, 1806. 6. ii. James, Feb. 5, 1808. 7. iii. Thomas, Feb. 5, 1808. 8. iv. Charles, 1810. V. Martha Ann, Dec. 1812. m. Apr. 10, 1831, Loring Hersey, and d. 28 Sept. 1846, fet. 34th yr. 9. vi. Rufus, 1815. vii. Polly, 1817, d. soon. viii. David, June, 1820, d. at Boston 14 May, 1869, set. 49th yr. ix. Thaddeus, 1823. Removed to Quincy. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") 4. Eufus « (David " William «-2 John ^), b. at Plympton, Mass., 1789. m. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1818, Eunice Lewis, dau. of Ezra and Eunice (French) Lewis. She was b. in Hiug. May 4, 1794, and d. 9 Nov. 1871, ffit. 78th yr. Eufus d. 7 March, 1864, ffit. 74 yrs. "Master mariner." Eesided on Main, corner of Cedar St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Susan, 1821. m. Marcli 29, 1841, Samuel B. Lincoln, and d. 30 June,, 1841. ii. Elizabeth Lewis, July 14, 1824. m. Nov. 29, 1843, Blossom Sprague, 2d, and d. 9 Aug. 1849. iii. William, , d. at Cal. 6 Dec. 1855. iv. Maria, . m. Jan. 1, 1851, Edwin Tower, and d. 12 June, 1853. 5. Jesse ' (Jesse ^ David " William ^^ John ^), b. in Hing. Jan. 30,, 1806. m. first, Oct. 20, 1833, Christiana, dau. of Elnathan Cushing of Scit. She d. in Hing. 13 Nov. 1840, ffit. 23 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 7, 1841, Betsey A. Jenkins of Boston. She d. in Hing. 13 Jan. 1867, ffit. 47 yrs. For his third w. he m. Mrs. Saphronia W. (Beal) Low, wid. of John Low, and dau. of Levi and Euth (Whiton) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1811, and surviving him, m. thirdly, Apr. 16, 1871, Henry Wilder, widT. Jesse d. 24 Oct. 1870, ffit. 65th yr. " Wood-turner." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Christiana, — i. Catherine Cushing, Nov. 15, 1834. m. Sept. 10, 1854, Silas H. Cobb. ii. Christiana, Nov. 30, 1837. m. Nov. 11, 1861, Henry S. Ewer. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Betsey, — iii. Susan Lincoln, March 15. 1843. m. Feb. 3, 1864, John W. Eldredge. iv. Martha Ann, July 4, 1847. m. Charles Daniels. 6. James' (Jesse' David" William ^^ John'), b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1808. m. Nov. 30, 1834, Cynthia French, dau. of Eeuben and Molly (Humphrey) French. She was b. in Hing. March 15, 1811, and d. 26 Jan. 1866, ffit. 55th yr. He d. 17 Feb. 1869, ffit. 61 yrs. "Painter and glazier." Eesided on Bank Ave., North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Cynthia Augusta, Dec. 19, 1835. m. June 8, 1871, Augustus S. Murch, and d. 16 Apr. 1886, set. 50 yr.s. ii. James Thomas, May 9, 1841. m. Aug. 13, 1862, Martha Ann Mason, and d. at Andersonville Prison, Ga., 23 June, 1864. (See "Hingham in tho Civil War.") 128 Churchill — Clapp. iii. Emeline Howe, June 3, 1845. m. Nov. 18, 1868, Seth W. Perry, and d. 29 Nov. 1876, mt. 31 yrs. iv. Reuben French, July 3, 1846. m. March 4, 1869, Abbie C. White. 7. Thomas ' (Jesse " David " William ^^ John '), b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1808. m. Sept. 13, 1829, Sally Sprague, dau. of Martin and Milea (Dill) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1810. Thomas removed with his fam. to Boston. He d. at Harrison's Landing, Va., 7 Aug. 1862, ffit. 64 yrs. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Their dau., i. Amelia, m. Doct. James M. Daly. 8. Chaeles' (Jesse « David " William ^'^ John'), b. in Hing. 1810. m. first, Oct. 20, 1833, Mehitable Gill, dau. of Charles and Mehitable (Lewis) Gill. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1813, and d. 25 May, 1835, ffit. 22 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 1838, at Boston, Sarah Nichols, and d. at Boston 28 Sept. 1881, ffit. 71 yrs. Child, by w. Mehitable, — i. Helen Maria, July 13, 1834. m. Feb. 10, 1858, Luther Sprague, Jr. Ch., by second m'ge, — ii. Charles, . iii. William, . 9. EuEUS ' (Jesse ^ David 5-' William ^^ John i), b. in Hing. 1815. m. Aug. 18, 1845, Mrs. Lucy A. (Burr), wid. of Nathaniel Kimball. Eufus d. 11 Apr. 1872, ffit. 57 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on West St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Moses Ritter, June 10, 1846. (See "Hingham in the CivU War.") ii. Imogene, . m. Dec. 12, 1880, Thomas Daykins, and d. 19 Feb. 1884, St. 31 yrs. CLAPP (Clap). Abijah (prob. a temporary resident), by w. Elizabeth, had Ch., bt in Hing. see. pre., as foil. : — i. Elizabeth, July 27, 1756. ii. Sarah, Aug. 27, 1758. iii. Abijah, Feb. 22, 1761. iv. Stephen, July 10, 1763. V. Huldah, bt. by Rev. Eben, Gay, July 9, 1769. Michael T. (Michael = Eunice Sylvester), b. at Scit. Aug. 23, 1795. in. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1824, Hannah Wilder, dau. of Crocker and Deborah (Jacob) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. May 2, 1799, and d. 5 March, 1871, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 10 Nov. 1875, ffit. 80 yrs. " Cooper." Ee sided on High St. Ch.,— i. Michael, b. at Scit. Nov. 12, 1825, d. at Cal. 15 Nov. 1873, set. 48 yrs. ii. Hannah Wilder, b. at Scit. Aug. 6, 1827. iii. Benjamin Franklin, b. in Hing. Apr. 14, 1830, d. 15 May, 1845. Alexandee, from Scit., m. Lauretta Lincoln, dau. of Jerom and Nancy (Pratt) Lincoln. She was b. at Coh. Apr. 27, 1808, and d. at Clapp — Clark. 129 Wey. 20 Feb. 1880, ffit. 72d yr. "Blacksmith." Eesided at Weir Eiver, but removed and was last heard from in Cal. Ch., prob. all b. in Hing., — i. Charles C, Oct. 13, 1828, d. at Scit. 26 Feb. 1864, set. 35 yrs. ii. Wallace, . Resides at Wey. iii. George A., 1836. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iv. Elizabeth Ann, Feb. 6, 1838. m. Jan. 23, 1859, Francis Overton, and d. 13 Jan. 1862, a;t. 24tb yi-. V. Albert Otis, March 31, 1840, d. at Wey. 1 Oct. 1865, iet. 26th yr. vi. Emeline F., m. Calvin S. Hall, and d. 16 June, 1867, set. 25th yr. vii. M.iRY Abby, . Resides at New York. Note. — Samuel, of Scit. m. June 13, 1666, Hannah Gill, dau. of Thomas i of Hing. Nehemiah, m. Apr. 17, 1678, Sarah Lea^'^tt. Prudence, m. Feb. 13, 1660, Simon Peck. John, of Scit. m. Dec. 16, 1702, Hannah Gill, dau. of Thomas 2 of Hing. Deborah of Scit. m. (pub. Aug. 15, 1713) Joseph Bate. John, of Scit. m. May 7, 1761, Chloe Stowers. Abi gail, m. June 4, 1797, Joseph Hammond, Jr. Anna M., m. Nov. 8, 1859, Henry C. French. Edwin, of Wey. m. Feb. 21, 1871, Frances H. Whiton. Desire, of Scit. m. Job Loring of Hing. Alfred, m. Jan. 30. 1877. Frances M. Hersey. CLARK (Cleek). John ° of Ply. (James ^ Thomas ^, who came to P. 1623, in the "Ann"), m. in Hing. May 14, 1695, Eebecca, dau. of Samuel and Martha Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 11, 1673-74, and surviv ing him, m. secondly, June 24, 1726, Israel Nichols, wid', of Hing. Ch., prob. b. at Ply., were — i. James, 1696. ii. Abigail, 1698. m. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1734-35, Josiah Hathaway of Dighton. iii. John, 1701. m. 1725, Rebecca Hathaway of Dighton. iv. Joseph, 1704. m. (pub. in Hing. March 28, 1730) Elizabeth Aloock of Boston. V. Martha, . m. Dec. 28, 1732, Isaac Bate of Hing. vi. Mary, 1712. m. Nov. 19, 1730, Jacob Bate of Hing. Note. — Perhaps the two foil, may belong in this fam. : Hannah, . m. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1727, Francis Smith. Ann, . m. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1728, Samuel Garnet. Joseph, prob. from Scit., m. Bathsheba Bate, dau. of Joshua and Eachel (Tower) Bate. She was b. in Hing., sec. pre. Feb. 9, 1699- 1700, and surviving him, m. secondly, Oct. 3, 1744, Benjamin Perry of Scit. Joseph d. before 1736. Ch., b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Bathsheba, , d. 13 March, 1735-36. ii. Submit, Sept. 1, 1733. m. Nov. 9, 1758, William Bailey. Maek. "Master mariner." Eesided on Main St., near the old meeting-house, and by w. Huldah had the foil. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., viz. : — i. Huldah, Jan. 24, 1770. m. Aug. 24, 1794, Robert Erskin. ii. Eunice, Sept. 29, 1771, d. 1 Nov. foil. iii. Nathaniel, Apr. 11, 1773, d. 1 Aug. foil. iv. Eunice, Jan. 18, 1775. V. Abigail, Apr. 21, 1776. 1. Melzae Wentwoeth (Jonas = Mary Twltchell, and a descend ant from Samuel [and Eachel] Clark, who, tradition says, came from VOL. II. — 9 130 Clark— Cleverly. Old Eng. to New Eng. with his fa. Joseph before 1680), was b. at Shipton, L. C, Dec. 6, 1812, while his parents were temporarily resid ing there. He came to Hing. 1835, and in 1837 m. Sabina H. Lin coln, dau. of Nehemiah and Eunice (Stodder) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 4, 1820. "Baker." Eesides on North St., near Goold's Bridge. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — 2. i. Andrew Jackson, Dec. 13, 1837. ii. Mary Lewis, Oct. 10, 1839, d. 18 March, 1843. iii. Adaline Augusta, Nov. 23, 1841. iv. Emma, Nov. 22, 1844. 3. V. Francis Marion, Sept. 20, 1846. vi. George Faber, Apr. 16, 1848. vii. Mary Wentworth, Jan. 27, 1858. viii. Harry Lincoln, March 1, 1862. 2. Andeew j. (Melzar W. = Sabina H. Lincoln), b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1837. m. Nov. 17, 1869, Evelina M. Cain, dau. of Thomas and Sarah J. K. (Adams) Cain. She was b. at Boston Apr. 11, 1847. "Painter." Eesides in the North Ward. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Andrew Walter, Sept. 18, 1870. ii. Lena Wentworth, Oct. 12, 1871. iii. Eunice Merriam, July 8, 1874. iv. Gertrude Allison, Jan. 18, 1876. V. Lucy Callister, Apr. 28, 1883, d. 30 Sept. 1884. 3. Feancis M. (Melzar W. = Sabina H. Lincoln), b. in Hiug. Sept. 20, 1846. m. June 26, 1872, Abbie E. Cain, dau. of Joseph and Abigail D. (Burrell) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 3, 1849. Eesides on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lillian Faber, March 1, 1873. ii. Frank Howard, Feb. 26, 1875. Chaeles Muneob, b. at Portland, Me., June 8, 1856. m. Oct. 7, 1879, Elizabeth M. Tower, dau. of William and Lucy A. (Young) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 31, 1861. Eesides on Whiting St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Jeanette Tower, Aug. 5, 1881. ii. Ralph Alexander, Aug. 25, 1886. Note. — iJdc/ji?;, d. 3 May, 1737, set. 76 yrs. Hannah, m. Dec. 30, 1773, Gilbert Hersey. Polly, va. July 18, 1800, George Stodder. Isaac, m. July, 1821, Sylvina Gilkey. Isaac, m. Dec. 15, 1825, Catherine Dunbar. Granville M., of Boston m. Oct. 10, 1857, Abigail Ste phenson. Mary A., of Ab'n m. June 26, 1864, Samuel T. Mears. Henry W., m. Aug. 30, 1873, Caroline M. Beal. CLEVERLY. Saeah, b. Feb. 21, 1666. Saeah, w. of John, and dau. of Capt. Joshua Hobart of Ring., d. at Boston 24 Feb. 1696, ffit. 51 yrs. EsTHEE, m. July 3, 1811, Eoyal Whiton. Thomas, of Wey. m. Jan. 18, 1827, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. George Lincoln. Samuel, of Wey. Cleverly — Cobb. 131 m. May 23, 1831, Delia, dau. of Capt. Peter Hersey. Caleb S., of Wey. m. Apr. 8, 1832, Martha Hersey. Geoege W., of Wey. m. Oct. 18, 1840, Sarah W. Hersey. Wilmot, of Wey. m. Nov. 16, 1843, Elizabeth H. Corthell. Eeasmus F., m. March 5, 1854, Harriet J. Bates. Geoege W., of Wey. m. Sept. 22, 1864, Abigail L. Stowell. COBB. 1. Thomas, and Eichaed (2), came from Eng. to Boston, Mass., in 1685, and thence, ab. 1692, to Hing. They may have been bro's, or fa. and s. ; but of this I am not certain. Thomas d. in Hing. 4 Jan. 1707-8. 2. Eichaed, m. at Boston, Sept. 16, 1691, Esther, dau. of Joseph and Esther (Hilliard) Bate. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1663. Eich ard d. in Hing. 1 June, 1709. " Master mariner." Eesided at the harbor, prob. on or neai what is now Green St. Ch.,— 3. i. Thomas, b. in Hing. March 28, 1693. 4. ii. Richard, 1695. iii. Esther, 1698. m. Jan. 2, 1722-23, John Tower. iv. Dorothy, 1701. m. (1) Sept. 9, 1725, Isaac Groce, and (2) July 11, 1745, Thomas Tower, wid'_ 5. V. Abiah, May 28, 1709. 3. Thomas (Eichard = Esther Bate), b. in Hing. March 28, 1693. m. (pub. Nov. 14, 1717) Mary Freeman of Eastham, Mass. They prob. removed from here soon. Child bt. in Hing., by Eev. EbenT Gay, — i. Mercy, 1718. 4. Eichaed (Eichard = Esther Bate), b. ab. 1695. m. first (pub. May 17, 1718) Euth, dau. of John and Hannah Beal. She d. 14 May, 1719, ffit., as her gravestone says, 29 yrs. He afts. took a sec. w., whose chris. name was Esther. She d. in Hing. 17 Nov. 1776, eet. 84th yr. He d. 27 Dec. 1771, ffit. 77th yr. "Master mariner." Eesided on, or near. Green St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Euth, — i. Ruth,* May 14, 1719. m. May 16, 1744, Shadraok Tower. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Esther, were — ii. Esther, June 20, 1721. m. Apr. 29, 1745, Elijah Stodder. iii. Jemima, June 7, 1724. m. Nov. 22, 1744, Samuel Stodder. iv. Kezia, July 16, 1727, d. 17 Dec. 1729. * Euth Cobb', bt. Silence, Aug. 30, 174L 5. Abiah (Eichard = Esther Bate), b. in Hing. May 28, 1709. m. June 30, 1736, Abigail Corthell, dau. of Eobert and Deborah (Tower) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 21, 1717. This fam. prob. re moved from Hing. soon after 1743. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Abigail, Nov. 30, 1736. ii. Jeroboam, Nov. 19, 1738. iii. Deborah, Jan. 5, 1740-41. iv. Kezia, bt. Feb. 27, 1742-43. 132 Cobb. 1. Elisha Bickfoed " (David = Lucy Bickford), was b. at Barnsta ble, Mass., Feb. 14, 1776. He was descended from Henry ^ and Sarah (Hinckley) Cobb, who were at Ply. 1632, thence removed to Scit; 1633, and finally settled at Barnstable, ab. 1639. The genealogical line runs thus: Elder Henry ^, Samuel ^ = Eliza Taylor ; Thomas * = Eachel Stone ; David * = Thankful Hinckley ; David ° = Lucy Bick ford. Elisha B., m. first, in Hing. Nov. 13, 1799, Lydia Loring, dau. of Elijah and Lydia (Low) Loring. She was bt. in Hing. March 15, 1779, and d. 13 Dec. 1802, ffit. 24th yr. He m. secondly, at Newton, Mass., Dec. 2, 1804, Michal, dau. of Noah and Eachel Hyde of New ton. She was b. at Newton May 2, 1778, and d. in Hing. 8 Sept. 1866, ffit. 88 yrs. He d. 16 Nov. 1855, ffit. 79 yrs. "Master mariner." Eesided on North St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, — i. Lydia Low, Nov. 15, 1802. m, (1) Sept. 22, 1822, Allen P. Holbrook, and (2) March 11, 1835, Ebem Woodburj'. She d. at Boston, 5 Apr. 1855, set. 52 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Michal, — 2. ii. Elisha Bickford, Oct. 5, 1805. iii. Joseph, Aug. 13, 1808. Removed to Hull. He m. May 22, 1832, Eliza beth Turner, and d. at Hull 16 May, 1882, ffit. 74th yr. iv. Michal, Dec. 22, 1809. d. unm. 2 March, 1878, set. 68 yrs. v. Naaman, Oct. 10, 1812. Removed to Wey. vi. Mary, Sept. 3, 1815, d. 9 Sept. 1832, set. 17 yrs. 3. vii. David, Aug. 13, 1817. 2. Elisha B.' (Elisha B.^ David" Thomas^ Samuel ^ Henry ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 5, 1805. m. first, Dec. 1828, Mary W. Harrington, dau. of Silas and Puah Harrington of Westboro', Mass. She was b. at W. Jan. 23, 1808, and d. in Hing. 16 Aug. 1864, at. 47th yr. He m. sec ondly, Nov. 14, 1874, Mrs. Joanna (Hill) Coughlan. Elisha d. 22 Oct. 1885, ffit. 80 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on North, nearly opp. Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — i. Sarah Harrington, Sept. 23, 1829. m. Dec. 13, 1854, William H. Jernegan. 4. ii. Silas Henry, Apr, 2, 1831. iii. Mary Charlotte, Oct. 14, 1833, d. 31 Dec. 1853. iv. Elisha, March 4, 1836, d. 22 Sept. 1837. V. Elisha, June 30, 1843, d. 7 May, 1857. vi. Michal Whitney, Sept. 28, 1844 ; drowned at Hull, 5 June, 1869, iet. 25th yr. vii. Abbie Whitney, Jan. 1, 1847. m. May 31, 1870, John M. Rockett. 5. viii. Charles Thomas, Oct. 23, 1849. 3. David' (Elisha B." David" Thomas' Samuel ^ Henry i), b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1817. m. Dec. 26, 1841, Mercy Bates Fearing, dau. of John and Mercy (Fearing) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. March 3, 1820. "Painter and glazier." Eesides on North St., near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. David, Jan. 21, 1843. 6. ii. Henry Hyde, Jan. 11, 1846. Cobb. 133 iii. Mercy Fearing, Oct. 20, 1847. m. Dec. 27, 1873, George M. Conant of Provincetown, now of New Bedford. 7. iv. George Wentworth, Feb. 7, 1850. V. Beriah Ware, Nov. 7, 1852, d. 3 Dec. foil. 4. Silas H.^ (Elisha B.'-« David" Thomas = Samuel = Henry '), b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1831. m. Sept. 10, 1854, Catherine C. Churchill, dau. of Jesse and Christiana (Cushing) Churchill. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 15, 1834. " Engineer." Eesided on Hersey St. ; removing afts. to Quincy, Mass. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Walter Henry, Feb. 19, 1855. " Newspaper reporter. " ii. Mary Louisa, May 28, 1859. iii. Frank Reed, Dec. 28, 1863. "Telegraph operator.'' iv. Clarence Bickford, Nov. 15, 1870, d. in five dys. V. Clara Bickford, Nov. 15, 1870. vi. James Bispham, Apr. 21, 1875, d. 1 Sept. foil. vii. Hattie Tolman, Aug. 4, 1877, d. 6 Sept. foil. viii. A SON, Aug. 4, 1877, d. same day. 5. Chaeles T.^ (Elisha B.'-« David " Thomas ' Samuel = Henry '), b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1849. m. May 3, 1877, Clara Augusta Luce, dau. of Alexander and Laura A. (Bliss) Luce. She was b. at Providence, E. I., Sept. 26, 1855. " Painter." Eesides on North St., near the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Charles Leonard, Oct. 25, 1877, d. 21 May, 1879. ii. Harrington, Oct. 26, 1878. iii. Laura, Bliss, Nov. 29, 1886. 6. Henet H.' (David' Elisha B.« David" Thomas' Samuel ^ Henry % b. in Hing. Jan. 11, 1845. m. March 17, 1875, Mrs. Sarah B. L. (Nichols) Swears, wid. of William Swears, and dau. of Joseph and Polly B. (Lambert) Nichols of Coh. "Painter." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Has removed to Eockland, Mass. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Hattie Marshal, Nov. 18, 1875. 7. Geoege W.' (David' Elisha B.« David" Thomas' Samuel = Henry 1), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1860. m. Feb. 7, 1871, Sophia J. Eich, dau. of Freeman and Elizabeth (Cobb) Eich of Biddeford, Me. She was b. at Truro, Mass. " Painter and glazier." Eesides on Thaxter St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Nellie Frances, Oct. 13, 1881. ii. David Freeman, Dec. 3, 1883. Allison B., from Truro, Mass., m. in Hing. Dec. 17, 1876, Ella Hobart, dau. of Ebed and Lucy D. (Wight) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. May 14, 1855. Eesides on Main, near Hobart St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Edgar Weston, Jan. 30, 1879. ii. Harry Wesley, July 2, 1883, d. 23 Nov. 1884. iii. Mabel Florence, Oct. 18, 1885, d. 6 Jan. foU. 184 Cobb — Cockeril — Cockram — Coffey — Colbath. William Claek (Andrew = Sarah Freeman), b. at Truro, Dec. 4, 1853. m. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1875, Nellie A. Corthell, dau. of Elijah C. and Mary F. (Hersey) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1855. Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Mary Abby Wallace, Oct. 5, 1878. ii. Jessie Clark, June 9, 1881. Note. — Edward Andrew, a. of Freeman W. and Abbie E. (Kaler), was b. in Hing. Nov 13, 1874, and d. 5 Feb. foil. COCKERIL. Samuel, m. in Hing. Feb. 10, 1719-20, Hanuah Fearing, dau. of John and Hannah (Beal) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1682, and d. 12 Nov. 1729, ffit. 48th yr. Samuel went from Hing. and prob. did not return. (Selectmen's rec's, 1737-38.) Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, May 8, 1722. m. June 3, 1742, Simeon Garnet. ii. Martha, , d. 24 July, 1723. COCKRAM (Cockraine). William, from Southhold, in the County of Suffolk, Eng., " mari ner," had a grant of land in Hing. on Broad Cove (Lincoln) St. 1635, containing four acres ; also other lots granted him by the town at sub sequent dates. He prob. remained here but a few yrs., judging from a record made by Eev. Peter Hobart in his journal, viz. : " Oct. 3, 1642. Brother Cockram sailed for England." In 1657 William Cock raine, Jr., of Hing. in New Eng. disposes of certain lands in Hing. hy authority of his fa. to John Tower. (S. D. vol. iii. p. 63.) Ch., of this surname, were bt. in Hing. as foil. : — i. Martha, Aug. 19, 1638. ii. Jonathan, Apr. 5, 1640. iii. Mary, Feb. 2, 1642. COFFEY. Thomas, a native of Ire., m. in Hing. Nov. 11, 1883, Mrs. Catherine (Anglum) Joyce, wid. of James Joyce, and dau. of John and Ellen (Dunn) Anglum. She was b. at Waterford, Ire., Dec. 20, 1844. Thomas d. 18 June, 1886, ffit. 48 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on Cross St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Johanna, May 31, 1886. COLBATH. Chaeles E. (Winthrop = Abigail Witham), b. at Farmington, N. H., 1818. m. in Hing. Jan. 15, 1843, Eliza C. Newcomb, dau. of, Silas and Euth (Cook) Newcomb of Hing. Charles d. 27 March, 1877, ffit. 58 yrs. " Stone-mason." Eesided on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Abbie Wilson, 1843. m. June 8, 1863, Benjamin L. Newcomb. ii. Iantha Elizabeth, 1847. m. Aug. 27, 1865, William A. Preston of Salem. Colbath — Colby — Cole — Collamore — Collier. 135 iii. Harriet France,?, 1850. m. June 25, 1872, William Treadway of Boston. iv. Oscar Henry, 1853, d. 15 Oct. 1862. V. Charles Winthrop, 1855, d. 19 Oct. 1862. vi. Eliza Newcomb, 1859, d. 6 Dec. 1860. vii. Charles Hamilton, June 27, 1868. COLBY. Philip Nelson (Stephen = Betsey Harriman), b. at Lunenburg, Vt., Feb. 17, 1817. m. in Hing. June 6, 1848, Sarah J. Wilder, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah J. (Cushing) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1819, and d. 24 Apr. 1874, ffit. 64 yrs. " Sash and blind maker." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Ada Frances, Feb. 17, 1854. m. Feb. 25, 1880, Robert F. Shaw of Wey. ii. Isabel May, May 13, 1860. COLE. Elizabeth, bt. 27 Aug. 1664. Eobeet, bt. 8 March, 1657. Eliz abeth, of Plympton, and Joseph Dunbar of Hing., m'ge int. 4 Oct. 1729. Sophia, m. Feb. 11, 1810, Hosea Gardner. Sally, m. (1) March 27, 1814, Alexander Gardner, and (2) Apr. 13, 1828, Daniel CortheU. COLLAMORE. Petee, of Scit. m. Nov. 14, 1755, Elizabeth Farrow. Enoch, of Scit. m. Jan. 13, 1774, Hannah Cushing. Saeah, of Scit. m. Sept. 1827, Enoch Whiting. COLLIER. 1. Thomas, one of the early planters of Hing. had a lot of five acres granted him on what is now West St., at the first distribution of land, Sept. 18, 1635. The chris. name of his w. was Susanna. She sur vived him, and d. in Hing. 10 Dec. 1667. He d. 6 Apr. 1647. Will dated same day ; proved, 1649. The foil, were his sons : — 2. i. Thomas, b. in Eng. 1622. 3. ii. Moses, b. in Eng. . Note. — John, a bro. or s. of Thomas i had land assigned him at Nantasket, 1642. 2. Thomas ^ (Thomas *), b. in Eng. 1622. m. Dec. 30, 1647, Jane, dau. of Eobert aud Jones of Hing. She survived him, and d. at Hull, 1 Apr. 1709. He removed to Hull with his fam. ab. 1657, hav ing had land granted there, and d. 1691, ffit. 69 yrs. . Freeman, 1663, and kn. as " Lieutenant." His will made 26 June, 1690, proved 9 July, 1691, mentions w. Jane and five ch. Of the latter, the foil, were bt. in Hing. : — i. Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1648. ii. James, Apr. 6, 1651. iii. Thomas, May 28, 1654. 3. Moses 2 (Thomas i), b. in Eng. . m. first, Nov. 26, 1665, Elizabeth Jones. She d. 10 Apr. 1657. He m. secondly, 1657, Eliz abeth Bullard. Eesided for a number of yrs. on Fort Hill St. ; but 136 Collier — Collyer — Colson — Cook. prior to 1683 he sold his est. in Hing. to Ephraim Nichols, and prob. removed from here. He was one of the selectmen 1669 and 1677. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth Jones, — i. Benoni, Apr. 5, 1657. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth Bullard. — ii. Moses, b. Nov. 8, 1658. iii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 14, 1659. iv. A DAU., b. Feb. 10, 1660-61. V. John, bt. Aug. 1662. vi. Experience, bt. Aug. 1662. vii. Thomas, bt. June 5, 1664. viii. Benjamin, bt. Nov. 19, 1665. ix. Deborah, b. June 20, 1666. X. Jemima (or Jeremiah), March 16, 1667-68. HiEAM Peice (Eobert Laird = Mary Price), was b. at Davenport, Iowa, May 25, 1860. In early life he was a student at Geneva, Swit zerland ; also at Leipsic, Germany. After returning to' the IJnited States he entered Harvard Divinity School, and was graduated in the class of 1882. On the 29th of Sept. following, he was ordained pastor of the First Parish in Hing. He m. June 9, 1886, Gertrude Augusta, dau. of Frank O. and Mary W. Dame of Boston. She was b. at Boston, July 20, 1860. Eesides on Cottage St. COLLYER. William Cuetis, b. at Marblehead, Mass., Jan. 14, 1811. m. July 14, 1832, Hannah S. Lincoln, dau. of Enos and Grace (Stodder) Lin coln of Hing. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1811. " Stone-mason," and for many yrs. resided on Fort Hill St. Eemoved to No. Wey. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Ann, Jan. 4, 1834. m. (1) Daniel S. Lovell, and (2) Theodore Edson. ii. Joshua Lincoln, Jan. 17, 1838, d. 18 June foil. iii. Joshua Lincoln, July 11, 1839, d. 12 Aug. 1840. iv. Masaniello, Sept. 3, 1841 ; is m. and resides at Wey. V. Maria Faxon, March 13, 1844, d. 2 March, 1869. vi. Margaret Powers, Oct. 29, 1846, d. 6 Dec. foil. vii. Margaret ,Powers, Feb. 10, 1848. viii. William Otis, July 16, 1851. COLSON (Coalson). John, from Wey. m. in Hing. May 29, 1706, Susanna Lincoln, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Lewis) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. / 19, 1688. They removed from here ab. 1713. " Glazier." Eesided at West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Susanna, Apr. 20, 1707. ii. Mary, Nov. 20, 1710. COOK. Baenabas, m. in Hing. first, Jan 5, 1720-21, Deborah Bull, dau. of John and Margaret (Damon) Bull. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, Cook. 137 1699, and d. 2 Nov. 1727, ffit. 28 yrs. He m. secondly, June 27, 1728, Euth Whiton. Barnabas d. 1 June, 1740, ffit. 48 yrs. "Mason." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Deborah, — i. Mary, Nov. 5, 1721, d. 30 Jan. foil. ii. John, bt. July 9, 1723, d. next day. iii. Deborah, b. Dec. 26, 1724. m. Oct. 31, 1745, Israel Lincoln. iv. An infant, , d. 1 Nov. 1727. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Euth — V. Ruth, bt. Jan. 16, 1731-32. m. Nov. 26, 1755, Jabez Loring. James, m. Apr. 13, 1777, Lucy, dau. of Abner and Elizabeth Hall. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 5, 1760. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Jambs, Dec. 1, 1777. ii. John, Oct. 5, 1780. Chaeles Eobeet (Eobert = Lucy Litchfield), b. at Canton, N. Y., March 2, 1822. m. in Hing. first, March 21, 1847, Harriet C. Fear ing, dau. of Abel and Judith (Cushing) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 6, 1822, and d. 11 Dec. 1861, ffit. 30th yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 5, 1854, Lucy B. Merritt, dau. of Freeman and Hannah (Clapp) Mer ritt of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Aug. 16, 1830. " Blacksmith." Has been constable since 1873. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Harriet, — i Harriet Ella, March 8, 1848. m. June 20, 1872, David B. Loring, and d. 13 June, 1884, aet. 36 yrs. ii. Lucy Hatch, Oct. 5, 1851, d. 22 Aug. 1852. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Lucy, — iii. Maria Thomas, March 17, 1857, d. 25 Nov. 1860. iv. Charles Wallace, May 24, 1862, d. 7 June, 1868. Nathan E., m. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1849, Sarah E., only dau. of Thomas and Caroline Cook. She d. 30 Aug.,1856, ffit. 29 yrs. "Mari ner." Eesided at the harbor. Ch.,— i. Walter, , d. set. 8 mo's. ii. Adrian C. , , d. set. 2 mo's. iii. Leonetta C, 1856, d. 18 Sept. foil., aet. 2 mo's. Henev Otis, from Scit. m. in Hing. Nov. 18, 1869, Ellen Maria Hatch, dan. of Warren and Maria (Orcutt) Hatch. She was b. in Hing. March 28, 1846, and d. 7 Feb. 1883, ffit. 38th yr. "Carpenter." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Harry Otis, Sept. 12, 1870, d. 6 Deo. 1877. ii. Walter Lewis, Jan. 19, 1873, d. 16 June, 1880. iii. Asa Franklin, June 1, 1876. Waltee C, m. Feb. 28, 1880, Sarah E. Neil, dau. of John S. and Hannah E. W. (Sharp) NeiL She was b. 1868. Eemoved to Milton. 138 Cook — Coomes — Cooper — Corbett. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Waldo Brown, May 30, 1880. ii. Florence Luella, Aug. 9, 1881. Chaeles F., m. in Hing. May 10, 1880, Alphena M. Bliss. Eesi dence, Pleasant St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Minnie Etta, July 15, 1884. Note — Rachel, m. Apr. 14, 1762, Jonathan Farrow. Charles, m. Oct. 17, 1784, Delight Gardner. Thomas, of Provincetown, m. Oct. 11, 1821, Caroline, dau. of Nathan and Susan Eldredge. She d. 1855, xt. 52 yrs. Coleman, of Provincetown m. Jan. 8, 1826, Susan, dau. of Nathan and Susan Eldredge. She d. 26 Dec. 1841. Lydia J., m. Oct. 3, 1869, Horace Hersey. Langdon W., m. Aug. 10, 1873, Lydia M. Doane of Scit. COOMES (Combes). John, from Boston, was a resident of Hing. sev. yrs. His w., whom he m. at Boston Feb. 24, 1661, was Elizabeth, wid., of Thomas Barlow. It appears by a conveyance recorded in S. P. E. 1703, that he sold his est. in Hing. to Doct. Nathaniel Hall. He was by occupa tion "tailor," and resided near the corner of Main and South Sts. Four of their nine eh. b. at Boston d. young. Child, b. in Hing., — i. William, July 5, 1699, d. in five dys. Note. — JoAra, of Hull d. in Hing. 27 Dec. 1775, £et. 80 yrs. Elizabeth, d. 23 Jan. 1779, set. 91 yrs. COOPER. Anthony, " with his wife and 4 sons and 4 daughters and 4 servants, came from Old Hingham, and settled in New Hingham," A.D. 1635. (Cushing's MS.) Anthony, or Anthony, Jr., had a grant of a house- lot on Town Street, subsequent to those first drawn, which was located next S. W. of the prior grant to Eev. Peter Hobart. Our town rec's furnish no information relating to this fam. or to that of Thomas Coopee, who had a grant of land here in 1638, and who afts. removed to Eehoboth, Mass. Of this surname Eev. Peter Hobart's Diary has the foil. : — i. Sarah (prob. b. in Eng.), m. in Hing. Oct. 1648, William Woodcock, and d. 27 Nov. 1652. ii. Rebeckah, bt. May 24, 1640, d. at Boston 22d Dec. 1643. iii. Nathaniel, bt. March 26, 1643. Edgae F., a resident of French St. m. July 1, 1875, Charlotte A. Phillips. Their child, b. in Hing., — i. William Alvin, Apr. 26, 1878. CORBETT. 1. Thomas, b. at Boston, 1781, was for many yrs. a resident of Hing. His w. was Sarah Mayo, dau. of Joshua and Sarah (Doane) Mayo of Orleans, Mass. She was b. at Orleans Oct. 1785, and d. in Corbett — Corcoran. 139 Hing. 3 Aug. 1872, ffit. 87th yr. He d. in Hing. 8 Jan. 1845, ffit. 64th yr. " Tailor." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch.,— 2. i. John Kuhn, b. at Boston, Oct. 11, 1806. ii. Thomas, b. at Boston, May, 1810. m. Apr. 28, 1841, Olive Stephenson, dau. of James and Desire (Sprague) Stephenson. She survived him, and m. secondly, June 11, 1850, Henry Plympton of Boston. Thomas d. in Hing. 18 Sept. 1843, st. 33 yrs. iii. Elizabeth Jackson, b. at Boston, March 1, 1817. m. Oct. 4, 1839,Charles Shapleigh. iv. Mary, b. at Charlestown, N. H., Nov. 16, 1819. Resides in Hing. V. Nancy, b. at Charlestown, N. H., Feb. 22, 1822. m. James A. Gunnison, and d. at Charleston, S. C, 30 Apr. 1851, set. 29 yrs. vi. Charles, b. at Charlestown, N. H., July 24, 1824. m. June 13, 1873, CeUa A. Lewis, andd. at Charlestown, Mass., 14 March, 1883, set 59th yr. (See "Hingham in the CivU War.") vii. Sarah Jane, b. at Charlestown, N. H., Jan. 28, 1828. Resides in Hing. 2. John K. (Thomas = Sarah Mayo), b. at Boston, Oct. 11, 1806. m. Aug. 31, 1831, Catherine Dean Melville of Charlestown, N. H. She d. in Hing. 20 June, 1857, ffit. 49 yrs. John was by occupation " mer chant tailor." He represented the town of Hing. at the State Legis lature in 1848 and 1849 ; was captain of the Hing. Eifle Company sev. yrs. ; a member and chairman of the school committee ; deputy collector of the port of Hing. etc. Eesided on North St., and shortly before his removal to Boston, on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Rebecca Dean, Juue 17, 1832. m. Apr. 8, 1852, Samuel G. Studley. ii. Catherine Melville, July 30, 1834. m. at Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 14, 1862, Calvin A. Lincoln of Hing. iii. Thomas Hinckley, May 28, 1837. m. (1) Feb. 1, 1860, Mary H., dau. of Capt. Samuel Easterbrook, (2) Emma A. Tuthill. Resides at New York. iv. John Marshall, June 30, 1838. m. Sept. 11, 1860, Susan C, dau. of George Wright. Their dau. Edith, was b. Jan. 28, 1863. This fam. has removed to Maiden. V. Sarah Elizabeth, Aug. 8, 1840. m. Sept. 26, 1861, Sidney Cushing. vi. Waldo Flint, Jan. 4, 1843. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") vii. Henry Dexter, Aug. 11, 1845. John, resides on Main, corner of Friend St. His w. was Mary Ann O'Brien. Hing. rec's furnish the foil, relating to their Ch.,— i. Mary Ann, b. at Coh., d. iu Hing. 13 Nov. 1880, set. 12 yrs. ii. Daniel Thoilas, b. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1869, d. 6 Dec. 1880. iii. ' Margaret, b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1872. iv. Annie, b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1875. V. John Gregory, b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1880, d. 15 Nov. 1882. vi. Mary, b. in Hing. Sept. 17, 1885. CORCORAN. Thomas (James = Mary Mahaney), b. at Macroona, Co. of Cork, Ire., 1829. m. Sept. 8, 1856, Johanah Creeden, dau. of Jeremiah and Ellen (Haley) Creeden. She was b. at Macroona, 1831. "Farmer." Eesides on Whiting St. Ch.,— i. James Henry, Nov. 16, 1857. ii. John Francis, Jan. 27, 1863. 140 Corcoran — Corthell. iii. Thomas, Sept. 12, 1865. iv. Joseph Peter, March 3, 1871. V. Julia Ann, Nov. 28, 1873. Note. — Jeremiah J., m. Mrs. Nancy (Burrell) Hichborn of Hing., and d. at Cold Har bor, 10 June, 1864, set. 28 yrs. Resided on Fort Hill St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") CORTHELL. 1. Eobeet, was in Hing. at the commencement of the last century. He m. Oct. 13, 1708, Deborah, dau. of Benjamin and Deborah Tower. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1684-86. Eobert d. 6 March, 1737-38, ffit. 62 yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Nov. 13, 1709. ii. Deborah, Aug. 24, 1711. m. Dec. 18, 1735, Benjamin Sprague. 2. iii. John, March 23, 1712-13. iv. Daniel, July 27, 1715. V. Abigail, Sept. 21, 1717. m. June 30, 1736, Abiah Cobb. 3. vi. Robert, May 21, 1720. vii. Hannah, Feb. 28, 1723-24. 2. John (Eobert = Deborah Tower), b. in Hing. March 23, 1712-13. in. first, Sept. 25, 1735, Ann Hatch, prob. of Scit., or Mf'd. She d. and he afts. took a sec. w. whose chris. name was Mary. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Ann, were — i. Sarah, Nov. 8, 1736, d. 14 Aug. 1737. ii. Sarah, March 25, 1738-39. iii. Rhoda, March 19, 1740-41. iv. Deborah, June 18, 1743. V. John, June 19, 1746. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — 4. vi. Sherabiah, Apr. 24, 1760. (See Supplement.) 3. Eobeet (Eobert = Deborah Tower), b. in Hing. May 21, 1720. m. Sept. 18, 1740, Mary Farrow, dau. of Benjamin and Leah (Whiton) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1718. This fam. prob. removed from here. Ch.,— i. Deborah, b. in Hing. May 3, 1741. m. July 28, 1793, John Child. ii. Levi, b. at Scit. June 20, 1742. m. Oct. 12, 1769, at Scit., Deborah Curtis, and afts. removed to the State of Maine. (See No. 5.) 6. iii. Robert, b. in Hing. June 1, 1756. Note Molly, w. of Robert (perh. his sec. w.), d. 28 Sept. 1823, sEt. 81 yrs. 4. Sherabiah (John = Mary ), b. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1760. m. Lydia Whiton, dau. of Abraham and Mary (Eipley) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 8, 1758. He prob. removed from here ab. 1790, or soon after. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. John, Oct. 16, 1785. ii. Hosea, Dec. 3, 1786. iii. Polly, Jan. 5, 1789. iv. Lydia, July 9, 1790. v Cwthell 141 5. Levi (Levi '¦" = Deborah Curtis), b. Oct. 1, 1770. m. in Hing. Apr. 8, 1792, Hannah, dau. of Zachariah aud Mary Loring. She was bt. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1771, and d. 6 Dec. 1864, ffit. 83 yrs. Levi d. 1827, ffit! 57 yrs. " Tanner." Eesided on East St. Ch.,— 7. i. Levi, Aug. 18, 1793. ii. Deborah, b. at Passamaquoddy, Me., Jan. 26, 1796. m. in Hing. Nov. 25, 1821, Robert Mellen of Swanzey, N. H. She d. at Lowell, 27 Dec. 1867, set. 72d yr. 8. iii. Loring, b. at Passamaquoddy, Me., Sept. 14, 1798. iv. Mary Loring, b. in Hing. Feb. 22, 1801. m. Frederick Ball of Deerfield. Their dau. Martha, was adopted by Mrs. Ball's brother, Levi Corthell (No. 7), and m. in Hing. May 7, 1868, George W. Beal of Coh. V. Hannah, June 27, 1804. m. Apr. 11, 1824, David F. Jacob. 9. vi. Isaac, Nov. 24, 1807. vii. Sally Loring, Oct. 3, 1809. m. March, 1832, James Adams. 10. viii. Elijah C, Apr. 25, 1813. 6. Eobeet (Eobert = Mary Farrow), b. in Hing. June 1, 1756. m. Dec. 13, 1789, Elizabeth Hersey, dau. of Abijah and Margaret (Her sey) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1766, and d. 24 Feb. 1842, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 21 May, 1833, ffit. 77th yr. " Cooper." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 11. i. Robert, Feb. 12, 1790. ii. Isaiah, Jan. 3, 1792. iii. Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1794. m. March 4, 1819, Ebenezer Lincoln, Jr. iv. Tamar, July 10, 1796. m. Levi Corthell. > V. Mary, June 13, 1799. m. Dec. 9, 1827, Aram Caryl. vi. Mehitable, Feb. 23, 1802. d. unm. at Dedham, Mass., 17 Apr. 1871, set. 69 yrs. 12. vii. Daniel, Sept. 18, 1804. viii. Margaret Jant;, Jan. 18, 1807. m. Oct. 27, 1833, Perez L. Fearing. ix. John, June 18, 1809, d. 11 Sept. 1811. 7. Levi (Levi = Hannah Loring), b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1793. m. first, Tamar Corthell, dau. of Eobert and Elizabeth (Hersey) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. July 10, 1796, and d. 19 Aug. 1836, ffit. 40 yrs. He m. secondly, June 4, 1837, Wealthy B. Jones, dau. of Benjamin and Lucy (Jones) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1803, and d. 20 Feb. 1846, ffit. 42 yrs. For his third w. he m. Oct. 7, 1846, Mary L. Eipley, dau. of Justin and Lydia S. (Burr) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1812, aud d. 10 Apr. 1868, ffit. 56th yr. Levi d. at Boston, 13 Jan. 1874, ffit. 80 yrs. "Trader." Eesided on East St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Mary L., — i. Wallace, June 19, 1848. m. (1) at Boston, June 24, 1869, Cordelia S. Marcy. She d. and he m. (2) Oct. 1, 1873, Ellen F. Pettee of Wrentham. Martha Ball, an adopted dau. of Levi, m. May 7, 1868, George W. Beal, and d. 21 Feb. 1873, set. 32d yr. 8. LoEiNG (Levi = Hannah Loring), b. at Passamaquoddy, Me. (while his parents were temporarily residing there), Sept. 14, 1798. m. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1821, Mary K. Gilkey, dau. of Isaac and Polly (King) Gilkey. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1802, and d. 14 Oct. 1876, set. 73d yr. He d. 14 Sept. 1877, ffit. 79 yrs. " Master mariner." Ee sided at Hing. Centre. 142 Corthell Ch., b. in Hing., — 13. i. John King, July 26, 1822. ¦¦ Isaac Loring, Aug. 27, 1842, d. at New London, Conn., 7 Sept. 1864, set. 22 yrs. 9. Isaac (Levi = Hannah Loring), b. in Hing, Nov. 24, 1807; m. Jan. 1, 1832, Persis C. Hersey, dau. of Samuel F. and Persis (Hobart) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. July 18, 1814. Isaac and his fam. re moved to Nashua, and thence to Derry, N. H., where he d. 21 Jan. 1878, ffit. 70 yrs. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., — i. Isaac, . ii. Elizabeth, . iii. Henry, . iv. Sarah, . V. Albin, vi. Adeline, — -. vii. Eddie, . d. 11 Sept. 1850, set. 3 yrs. 6 mo's. 22 dys. 10. Elijah C. (Levi — Hannah Loring), b. in Hing. Apr. 25, 1813. m. May 31, 1835, Mary F. Hersey, dan. of Samuel F. and Persis (Ho bart) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1817. " Box-cooper." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 14. i. Elijah Loring, June 16, 1836. 15. ii. Reuben Hersey, Oct. 5, 1837. iii. Mary Abby, Oct. 30, 1840, d. 28 June, 1866, set. 26th yr. iv. Nellie Adelaide, Sept. 3, 1855. m. Sept. 3, 1875, William C. Cobb. 11. Eobeet (Eobert = Elizabeth Hersey), b. in Hing. Feb. 12, 1790. m. Dec. 1, 1811, Charlotte Hersey, dan. of ]?eter and Eachel (Stowell) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1793. Eobert d. 18 Dec. 1862, set. 73d yr. " Cooper." Eesided on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John, Dec. 25, 1812. Resides at So. Scit. 16. ii. Nelson, March 28, 1815. iii. Rachel Stowell, Feb. 18, 1818. m. July 31, 1837, Nahum Robinson. iv. Elizabeth, Aug. 22, 1822. m. Nov. 16, 1843, Wilmot Cleverly of Wey. V. Robert, Apr. 21, 1824. Besides at So. Wey. vi. Ann Maria, Jan. 26, 1826. m. (1) Nov. 24, 1850, John Cleverly, and (2) Eron Manson. vii. Charlotte, March 8, 1828. m. James Pratt. viii. Deborah M., May 22, 1832. m. March 13, 1850, Joshua Remington. 12. Daniel (Eobert ^ Elizabeth Hersey), b. in Hing. Sept. 18, 1804. m. first, Apr. 13, 1828, Mrs. Sally (Cole) Gardner, wid. of Al exander Gardner. She d. 14 May, 1832, ffit. 40 yrs. He m. secondly, Aug. 7, 1838, Mrs. Polly Eussell. Daniel d. at Buckland, Me., 27 May, 1859, ffit. 65th yr. " He had been troubled with a living snake in his stomach. The snake came up into his throat, where it stuck fast and caused him to choke to death." — Hingham Journal. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Sally, — i. Sarah Lincoln, Aug. 8, 1829. m. March 8, 1849, Peter N. Sprague. CortheU. 143 13. John K. (Loring = Mary K. Gilkey), b. in Hing. July 26, 1822. m. first, Jan. 2, 1844, Mary Burr Eipley, dau. of Ebed and Leah (Jones) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 11, 1821, and d. 4 Nov. 1849, ffit. 28th yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 31, 1850, Joan Jones Eipley, sister of his first w. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 17, 1826. " Insurance agent." Eesides on Leavitt, near Main St. Ch., by w. Mary, — i. John Gilkey, b. at New London, Conn., Sept. 29, 1844. Resides at Boston. ii. Henry Ripley, b. at New London, Conn., May 4, 1846. Resides at Boston. iii. Joseph, b. in Hing. Oct. 30, 1847. m. July 20, 1876, Ella S., dau. of . John S. and Harriet N. Souther. Joseph d. 16 Deo. 1884, set. 37 yrs. iv. Mary Ripley, b. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1849. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Joan, — V. Ella Jones, b. in Hing. Dec. 15, 1852. m. June 30, 1874, Joseph 0.. Burdett. vi. Charles Loring, b. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1862. Grad. at West Point, June 16, 1884 ; appointed sec. lieut. and assigned to 4th Regiment Artillery, tr. S. A. 14. Elijah L. (Elijah C. = Mary F. Hersey), b. in Hing. June 16, 1836. m. July 14, 1861, Helen A. Stodder, dau. of Laban and Lucy C. (Lewis) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. May 19, 1837. "Box- cooper." Eesides on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Effie Hayward, Feb. 8, 1865. 15. Eeuben H. (Elijah C. = Mary F. Hersey), b. in Hing. Oct. 5, 1837. m. Dec. 17, 1862, Susan W. Sprague, dau. of Daniel and Tamar- (Stodder) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 2, 1839. « Trader." Eesides on Hersey St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Susie Loring, Nov. 22, 1863. 16. Nelson (Eobert = Charlotte Hersey), b. in Hing. March 28, 1815. m. first, Nov. 1, 1835, Margaret P., dau. of Isaac and Margaret Overton. She was b. at Eaton, N. C, Aug. 24, 1821, and d. in Hing. 1 Nov. 1842, ffit. 21 yrs. He m. secondly, May 28, 1843, Hannah K. Tower, dau. of Asa C. and Charlotte (Mann) Tower of Coh. She was b. at Coh. Sept. 6, 1819. " Box-cooper." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Margaret, — i. Nelson Francis, Apr. 1, 1838, d. Aug. 1862, from wounds received at the battle of Bull Run, Va. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Margaret Powers, Nov. 7, 1841. m. Dec. 7, 1859, Stephen Newcomb,, and d. 12 Jan. 1864, set. 22 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., b. w. Hannah, — 17. iii. Gustavus Perry, Feb. 23, 1845. iv. Sarah Ann, Aug. 29, 1852. m. June 12, 1869, Frank W. Flint. 17. Gustavus P. (Nelson = Hannah K. Tower), b. in Hing. Feb. 23, 1845. m. Oct. 28, 1864, Annie Whalon. She was b. at Napine, Can ada, Aug. 15, 1845. Eesides on Hersey St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") 144 CortheU — Coughlan — Cowell Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Nelson Francis, March 8, 1865, d. next day. ii. Gustavus Bennett, May 28, 1866. iii. Elmer Francis, Apr. 9, 1868. iv. William Irvin, Apr. 20, 1870. V. Andrew Wallace, Dec. 27, 1871. vi. George Nelson, Feb. 26, 1873. vii. Lottie Perry, March 17, 1875. viii. Walter Foster, July 22, 1877. ix. Artemus Austin, Sept. 26, 1880. X. Annie Elsie, May 22, 1883. COUGHLAN. Pateiok, a son of Patrick, and b. in Ire. ab. 1833. m. Mary Daley, dau. of Bartholomew and Mary (Welch) Daley. She was b. in Ire. 1837. Patrick d. in Hing. 7 Jan. 1876, ffit. 42 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch,— i. John M., Resides on Hersey St. ii. Mary, . iii. Bartholomew, . Resides on Hersey St. iv. Thomas, . V. Patrick, . vi. William, . vii. Hannah, . viii. Ellen Helena, b. in Hing. Sept. 12, 1873. ix. Louise, b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1875, d. 29th of same month. William (James = Honora ), b. in Ire. ab. 1844. m. at Wey. May 17, 1868, Catherine Desmond. William d. in Hing. 1 May, 1882, ffit. 38 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided on Friend St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. James Patrick, March 17, 1869. ii. John, March 5, 1871, d. 18 July foU. iii. William, May 17, 1872. iv. Anna, May 16, 1874. V. Honora, Jan. 17, 1877. vi. David, Nov. 14, 1878. vii. Catherine, March 14, 1881, d. 27th of same raonth. James (James = Honora ), a native of Ire. m. at Wey. May 28, 1871, Julia, dau. of Joseph and Mary Dunn. She was b. in Ire., and d. in Hing. 3 June, 1884, ffit. 42 yrs. Eesided on Friend St. ; has removed out of town. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary, July 25, 1872. ii. James William, March 2, 1874. iii. Julia, Apr. 2, 1876, d. 19th of same month. iv. Honora Eliza, Jan. 2, 1878, d. 4 Dec. 1879. V. Ellen, Nov. 12, 1879. Note. — Mrs. Joanna (Hill), m. Nov. 14, 1874, Elisha B. Cobb. Honora, wid. of Patrick, d. 21 Oct. 1877, ffit. 59 yrs. COWELL (Cowel). 1. Edwaed, of Boston, m. in Hing. June 26, 1668, Sarah Hobart, ¦dau. of Capt. Joshua and EUen (Ibrook) Hobart. She was b. in Hiug. Cowell — Cowing — Cox — draig — Crehan. 145 Nov. 19, 1644, and surviving him, m. secondly, Oct. 17, 1695, John Cleverly, and d. at Boston, 24 Feb. 1696. Edward d. 12 Sept. 1691. Of their ch. b. at Boston, one or more appear to have been bt. by Eev. Peter Hobart of Hing., viz. : i. Sarah, b. Apr. 2, 1669, was bt. June 27 foil. She m. Sept. 24, 1691, WilUam Joyce. ii. Edward, Aug. 12, 1672. (Boston rec's.) Note. — Mary, of Boston, m. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1674-75, Doct. John Cutler. Capt. Wil liam, — formerly of Boston, — d. in Hing. 4 Jan. 1803, aet. 57 yrs. COWING (Cowen). Edwaed, m. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1868, Abby J., dau. of David and Tabitha (Burrell) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1844. " Shoe maker." Eesides on South St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Edward Burton, Feb. 19, 1869, d. 5 Apr. foU. Note. — Gathelus, of Scit. m. Feb. 5, 1735-36, Mary Gill. Deborah, m. Jan. 22, 1752, Adam Stowell. COX. William, a temporary resident of Hing., by w. Thankful had one child, b. in Hing. sec. pre., viz. : — i. Thankful, Nov. 3, 1729. CRAIG. Matthias, a native of Eoxbury, m . Mary E. Means, dau. of John E., and Mary (Welch) Means. She was b. in Hing. 1853. " Eope maker." Their Ch., b. in Hing., — i. John William, Nov. 17, 1870. ii. Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1873. iii. Matthew, Jan. 5, 1875, d. 8 Nov. 1880. iv. WiLLLiM Hen-ry, May 13, 1877, d. 9 Sept. 1880. V. MATTHLis, Aug. 4, 1878, d. 10 Sept. 1880. CREHAN. Pateick, b. id the county of Galway, Ire., 1831. m. at Boston, Mass., July 6, 1862, Margaret Kearn. She was b. in County Louth, Ire., May 10, 1836. In 1858 they settled in Hing. Patrick d. 26 Dec. 1871, ffit. 40 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch.,— i. Catherine, b. at Boston, Sept. 20, 1863, d. 9 Nov. 1854. ii. Michael, b. at Boston, Aug. 22, 1855. iii. Mark Augustine, b. at Boston, June 5, 1857. iv. Mary Ann, b. in Hing. Aug. 15, 1859, d. 27 Sept. 1885, ffit. 26 yrs. V. Thomas, b. in Hiug. Nov. 9, 1861, d. 25 Oct. 1863. vi. Catherine Ellen, b. in Hing. Apr. 8, 1864. vii. Patrick Thomas, b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1865, d. 26 March, 1871. viii. Margaret, b. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1869. ix. Patrick Joseph, b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1871. vol. II. — 10 146 Crehan — Cresswell — Croade. Laweence, cousin of the preceding, was b. in the County of Gal way, Ire., Oct. 1833, and settled in Hing. 1861. He m. May 24, 1855, Catherine Donoghue. She was b. in County Armagh, Ire., 1832. "Laborer." Eesides on Bates Way, off South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Thomas Lawrence, Nov. 22, 1856. ii. Mary Ann, Sept. 14, 1859. iii. James Henry, Aug. 21, 1861 . iv. Catherine, Apr. 7, 1864. V. John Francis, Sept. 12, 1866. vi. Elizabeth, Oct. 2, 1868. vii. Agnes, Dec. 28, 1871. Note. — Mary A., m. Dec. 5, 1882, Thomas Morrisey, Jr. CRESWELL. 1. John (Allen = Mary Strain), b. at Londonderry, Ire., July 23, 1833. m. in Hing. Sept. 2, 1869, Mary E. Fee, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Baxter) Fee. She was b. in Ire. June 6, 1847. John d. 25 Apr. 1882, ffit. 48 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Leavitt St. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Thomas Allen, May 12, 1870. ii. Edward, Sept. 21, 1875. iii. William, Nov. 28, 1877, d. 22 Oct. 1879. iv. William Andrew, Nov. 10, 1879. V. James Baxter, Sept. 25, 1881. 2. James, a native of Ire., and s. of Allen and Mary, m. Bridget Fee, dau. of James and Eose (Stretton) Fee. She survived him, and m. secondly in Hing. Sept. 17, 1882, James Scott of Boston. James d. 24 Jan. 1876, ffit. 35 yrs. "Coachman." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John, Apr. 8, 1862, d. 22 Jan. 1863. ii. James, Aug. 28, 1864. iii. An infant, Feb. 27, 1868, d. soon. iv. Joseph Thomas, Aug. 20, 1869. V. An infant, Dec. 20, 1872, d. soon. vi. A SON, Aug. 26, 1874, d. in infancy. Note. — Mary, d. in Hing. 5 Apr. 1862, set. 28 yrs. CROADE. Eichaed, m. in Hing. Apr. 29, 1666, Frances, dau. of William and Elizabeth Hersey. He prob. removed with his fam. soon after 1663 to Salem, Mass. His Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. John, Nov. 26, 1657, d. 1 Oct. 1658. ii. Richard, Aug. 14, 1659. iii. A dau., Dec. 20, 1661. iv. Judith, Aug. 2, 1663. Note. — Thomas, of Halifax, m. in Hing. March 19, 1723-24, Rachel, dau. of Matthew Cushing. Ruth, dau. of Thomas of Halifax, m. July 8, 1753, Benjamin Cushing of Hing. Crocker — Crosby — Cross — Crowe. 14T CROCKER. Elleey Channing (Warren P. = Mary T. Jones), b. at Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 25, 1842. m. in Hing. June 20, 1866, Susan A. Eeming ton, dau. of John D. and Nancy (Stoddard) Eemington. She was b. in Hing. May 19, 1844, and d. at Brookfield, N. H., 8 Aug. 1877, ffit. 33 yrs. "Salesman." Eesides on Cottage St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Lillian May, June 6, 1870. 'Sot^. — Zacheus (s. of Dea. John of Barilstable) m. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1734, Elizabeth Beal, dau. of Joshua and Susanna (Nichols) Beal. She was b in Hing. Jidy 15, 1716. Elizabeth (Green) (Lothrop) d. in Hing. (prob. sec. pre.), 1 Aug. 1752, xt. 90th yr. She was a dau. of James and Rebecca (Jones) Green, and b. at Boston 14 Nov. 1662. Mrs. Crocker was five yrs. older than her first hus. John Lothrop, and twelve yrs. the senior of her sec. hus. 'Thomas Crocker, who d. 1718. ("Barnstable Families," by Amos Otis.) Evelyne, d. at Revere, Mass., 24 July 1873, set. 70 yrs. Edward Warren, b. in Hing. March 25, 1867. CROSBY. Alanson, m. in Hing. Dec. 18, 1866, Lydia T. Leavitt, dau. of Mar tin and Lydia (Jones) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. May 13, 1835. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Leavitt St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Alanson Leavitt, Jan. 1, 1868. Note. — Samuel T. m. Jnne6, 1848, Sarah E., dau. of Martin Lincoln. Francis Everett, b. Feb. 18, 1867. Clara M. (dau. of Samuel T. and Sarah E. (Lincoln) m. Sept. 16, 1873, Frederick E. C. Bryant of Boston. Clarinda (Gin), a native of Orland, Me., d. 24 Oct. 1875,. set. 60 yrs. CROSS. Moses (Jesse = Sally Danforth), b. at Northfield, N. H., Feb. 14,, 1824 ; came to Hing. 1843, and m. Nov. 30, 1848, Emily Whiton, dau. of Isaiah and Martha D. (Easterbrook) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 11, 1827. "Painter, and paper-hanger." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Walter Irving, Apr. 20, 1854, d. 8 Jan. 1857. ii. William Davis, Dec. 29, 1857. iii. Harry Francis, May 22, 1864. iv. Edward Gorham, Dec. 23, 1868. Alpeed, b. in Eng., m. Alice B. Thirlby. "Unitarian clergyman." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Geqrge Derry, July 18, 1884, d. 13 Aug. 1885. ii. Richard Neville, July 23, 1886. CROWE. John (Edmund = Honora Eyan), b. iu the County of Tipperary, Ire., Jan. 6, 1815 ; arrived at Boston, Mass., Dec. 7, 1847, and came to Hing. 17 Jan. foil. He m. at Boston, Aug. 1, 1852, Anne Sherry. She was b. in the County of Monaghan, Ire., Aug. 1, 1828. " Moulder." Eesides on Hersey St. 148 Crowe — Crowell — Cudworth — Curtis. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Edmund Frais'cis, June 5, 1855, d. 6 May, 1884. ii. Mary Ann, March 31, 1858. iii. John Augustine, Nov. 17, 1860. iv. William Thomas, July 9, 1867. CROWELL. John, of Eastham or Truro m. (pub. in Hing. Aug. 21, 1714) Alice Groce, dau. of Simon and Mary (Bond) Groce. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1689. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Abigail, June 3, 1715. William M., " shoemaker," and a resident of Weir St., m. Elizabetk Bonney of Hanover, and has Ch.,— i. Jane Morse, b. in Hing. m. Lewis L. Wheelwright of Scit. i ii. Mary Celia, . m. (1) Louis F. Lincoln, (2) James Nash, and (3) Francis Copeland. • iii. Catherine Frances, . m. Jan. 1, 1880, Charles S. Bates of Rockland. iv. William Everett, b. at Hull ; deceased. V. George Edwards, b. at Hull, June 30, 1865. vi. William Beal, . vii. Roland, . CUDWORTH. Nathaniel, of Scit. m. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1703-4, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Prince) Joy. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 14, 1681. Huldah, m. Dec. 8, 1757, Benjamin Bates. Lucy, m. Oct. 22, 1808, Gridley Hersey. Sally, d. 20 Dec. 1809, ffit. 28 yrs. Abigail, d. 11 Aug. 1811. CURTIS. 1. Job (Samuel = Eachel Briggs of Mf'd), m. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1770, Abigail Beal, dau. of Isaac aud Sarah (Cain) Beal. She was b. in Hiug. May 21, 1751, and d. at Boston, 20 Oct. 1832, ffit. 81 yrs. "Cooper." Eesided sev. yrs. at West Hing., but later, removed to Braintree, where it is said he d. Ch.,— i. Abigail, bt. in Hing. Jan. 6, 1771. m. Feb. 28, 1793, Edward Ward. ii. Sarah, bt. in Hing. July 12, 1772. m. Feb. 28, 1793, Leavitt Burrell. iii. Agnes, bt. in Hing. Oct. 30, 1774. m. Jesse Dyer. iv. Job, b. . m. a Gurney, and lived some time at West Hing. He had two sons, and a dau. Rachel. The fam. removed from here to Boston, where he d. from the effects of a fall while at work on a vessel in Boston harbor. V. Christiana, . m. Eleazer Wilder. vi. Rachel Hatch, . m. Abijah Crane of Boston. 3. vii. Enoch, b. ab. 1785. 2. Enoch (Job = Abigail Beal), b. ab. 1785. m. in Hing. Feb. 16, 1819, Betsey (Cushing) Tower ? She was bt. at Coh. Apr. 9, 1786. Enoch d. in Hing. 28 July, 1825, ffit. 40 yrs. "Mariner," and " cooper." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. During the last conflict Curtis — Cutler. 149 between Eng. and the U. S., Enoch was pressed on board a British man-of-war, and subsequently confined on the Dartmoor Prison Ship. He was absent from home nearly eleven yrs., and in all this time his whereabouts were unknown either to friends or relatives. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., — i. Enoch, ; lost at sea. ii. Job, ; learned the trade of " blacksmith'' of the Messrs. Stephenson at Hing. Centre. He m. Feb. 11, 1844, Mary Silsbee. They removed to Reading, Mass. 3. iii. Samuel Cushing (posthumous), b. Jan. 26, 1826. 3. Samuel C. (Enoch — Betsey Tower), b. in Hing. Jan. 26, 1826. m. Oct. 15, 1854, Sarah Elizabeth Tower, dau. of Comfort and Pris cilla (Hobart) Tower. She was b. in Hing. May 15, 1834. " Carpen ter." Eemoved to Wey., and thence to Holbrook, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Julia Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1855, d. 31 Dec. 1860. ii. WiLBtTR Cushing, Feb. 21, 1860. iii. Julia Etta, June 11, 1863, d. in three mo's. ^y- I Twins, ilarch 1, 1866, d. same day. * Note. — John, of Scit. (prob. a wid', ), m. in Hing. Oct. 21, 1719, Mrs. Ruth (Joy) Low, ¦wid. ot John Low, and dau. of Thomas and Joan Joy. She d. 11 July, 1745, set. 86 jts. John, of Scit. (perhaps s. of the precedin,!j), m. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1728, Abigail Waters. John, of Scit., m. in Hing. June 29, 1732, Sarah, dau. of John and Lydia (Tower) Franklin. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 14, 1713. Caleb, m. Oct. 30, 1752, Mercy, dau. of Ambrose Low. She was b. in Hing. March 2, 1728-29. Davis,* m. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1795, Charlotte Lovis. Rachel Briggs,* m. Jan. 18, 1796, John Stodder of Coh., who sett, at Mf'd. They had a s. John Briggs Stodder, who m. Martha, dau. of Leavitt Hobart of Hing. Franklin, of Quincv m. Oct. 1, 1857, Caroline HigEfins of Hing. Martin S., of Scit. m. July 5, 1859, Irene B. Turner of Hing. Bethia C, m. Nov. 23, 1862, William H. Hersey. Mrs. Dorcas M., formerlv of Gloucester, d. in Hing. 23 Nov. 1867, ast. 76 yrs. Samuel, of Wey. m. at Wey. Oct. 7, 1879, Eliza J. Souther of Hing. * Da™ and Rachel Brigi^ were ch. of Samuel Curtis by a sec. m'ge, and half bro. and sister of Job 1. Authority, Mrs. Benjamin S. Palmer. CUTLER. John, had land granted him on "Broad Cove" (Lincoln) St. in 1636. The chris. name of his w. was Mary. She survived him and m. secondly, Thomas Huet, wid', and soon after his decease, removed to Charlestown. (See Huet.) " Goodman " Cutler d. Feb. 1688. Note (from Selectmen's First Book of Records). — " These presents witness that I Thomas Cutler inhabitant of Charlestown doe acknowledg y' I haue receiued one quarters pay iu mony of y^ selectmen of Hingham for ye keeping of my mother Mary Huitt y' should haue bin paid ye sixth day of June last past & allsoe satisfaction for y^ not paiing of it according to agreement both for time and place I say receiued by me Thomas Cutler this 19* of July 1676 as wittnes my Hand. "the marke J_of "Hingham in ye presants of : Thomas [ Cutler." Nathanyell Beale. Moses Collier." John, a physician, and kn. as the "Dutchman," m. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1674^76, Mary Cowell of Boston. Eesided sev. yrs. on South St., but on March 12, 1682-83, purchased of Ephraim Nichols the est. on Fort Hill St., which had previously belonged to Moses Collier. He removed to Boston before 1 700. 150 Cutler — Cushing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Johannes, Aug. 6, 1676. ii. Peter, July 7, 1679. iii. Mary, July 24, 1682. iv. Hannah, June 4, 1685. V. Abigail, Nov. 1, 1687, d. 31 May foU. vi. David, Nov. 1, 1689. vii. Ruth (or Abigail ?), Feb. 22, 1691-92. CUSHING (Cushak ; Cushen ; Cushtn). 1. Matthew, with his w. and five ch., came from Hing. in Old Eng., and settled in Hing. in New Eng., in the autumn of 1638. According to a memorandum kept by one of the fam., they came to Boston in the ship " Diligent," John Martin, master, arriving on the 10th of Aug. of that yr. Matthew, however, had sev. lots granted him prior to his arrival here. The lot upon which he built his dw.- house, first below Pear Tree Hill, was among those granted for build ing purposes on Bachelor (Main) St. in 1638, and it continued in the fam. possession until 1887. The history of the Cushing fam. is traceable in Eng. for sev. generations before either Pilgrim or Pu ritan set sail for America. A Thomas Cushing owned land in Hing. and other parts of Eng., early in the fifteenth century. Wil liam, the oldest s. of Thomas, commenced his will of 1492 as foil. : — " In the name of god Amen, The xx Day of the moneth of Septembr, in the yere of C lord god M'cccclxxxxij, I William Cusshyn of Henghm in my hoel mend And good memory beying, make my testa ment and my last will Declare in this forme Folloyng ; " etc. John, s. of William, made his will in 1522. Thomas, s. of John, d. in 1588. Peter, s. of Thomas, was buried at Hing. Eng., 2 March, 1596 ; he was the fa. of eight ch., five sons and three dau's. Of the sons of Peter, Theophilus and Matthew emigrated to New Eng. Theophilus came in 1633, in the ship " Grif&n," and resided sev. yrs. at Haynes farm. He afts. settled in our Hing. ; was blind during the last twenty-five yrs. of his life, and d. 24 March, 1678-79, ffit. nearly 100 yrs. There is no rec. showing that he had a fam. With Matthew, therefore, the genealogical rec. of all the persons bearing the surname Cushing in Hing. and vicinity, and perhaps in the United States, commences. The w. of Matthew, whom he m. in Eng. 1613, was Nazareth Pitcher, a dau. of Henry Pitcher. She d. in Hing. 6 Jan. 1681-82, ffit. 96 yrs. Matthew d. 30 Sept. 1660, ffit. 71 yrs. He was early engaged in the public affairs of the town ; was deacon of the church, and the pro genitor of many eminent descendants. His will, which was a verbal one, was written out after his decease by his ch., who, under date of 16 Nov. 1660, pray that Daniel Cushing, Esqr., their oldest bro. may be appointed administrator of their fa.'s est. Eesided on Main St., below "Pear Tree Hill." The ch., of Matthew and Nazareth, all b. in Eng., were — 2. i. Daniel, bt. Apr. 20, 1619. ii. Jeremiah, July 21, 1621. "Mariner.'' Resided at Boston, and was lost at sea. 3. iii. Matthew, Apr. 5, 1623. iv. Deborah, Feb. 17, 1624-25. m. in Hing. May 9, 1648, Matthias Briggs, and d. 25 Sept. 1700. 4. V. John, 1627. Cushing. 151 2. Daniel^ (Matthew*), bt. in Hing. Eng., Apr. 20, 1619. m. first, Jan. 19, 1645, Lydia Gilman, dau. of Edward and Mary (Clark) Gilman. She was b. in Eng. and d. in Hing. Mass., 12 March, 1688-89. He m. secondly, March 23, 1690-91, Mrs. Elizabeth (Jacob) Thaxter, wid. of Capt. John Thaxter, and da/i. of Nicholas and Mary Jacob. She was b. in Eng. 1632, and d. in Hing. 24 Nov. 1725, ffit. 93 yrs. Daniel d. 3 Dec. 1700, ffit. 81 yrs. He was an active business man, sagacious and thorough in whatever he undertook ; a magistrate of more than ordinary ability ; selectman 1665, and for many yrs. after ; town clerk from 1669 until the time of his decease ; delegate to the General Court in 1680, 1682, and 1696, and a man of influence and power in the com munity. It is to him more than to any of his contemporaries that the present generation is indebted for much of the valuable information which has come down to us relating to the early planters of this town. He accumulated a large property for the period in which he lived, and his will, dated 11 Sept. 1693, proved 18 Feb. 1700-1, covers sev. pages of MS., in the S. P. rec's. Eesided on the paternal home stead. Main St., below " Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, were — 5. i. Peter, March 29, 1646. 6. ii. Daniel, July 23, 1648. iii. Deborah, Nov. 13, 1651. m. (1) Sept. 25, 1679, Henry Tarlton, and (2) Aug. 31, 1686, Rev. Benj. W^oodbridge of Bristol. iv. Jeremiah, July 3, 1654 ; grad. at Har. Coll. 1676. m. June 5, 1685, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Loring, and settled in the ministry at Scit. 7. V. Theophilus, June 7, 1657. 8. vi. Matthew, July 15, 1660. 3. ilATTHEW^ (Matthew*), b. in Eng. Apr. 6, 1623. m. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1662-53. Sarah, dau. of Nicholas aud Mary Jacob. She d. 8 Aug. 1701. He d. without issue, 1 Jan. 1700-1, ffit. 77 yrs. " Wheel wright." Was a man of prominence and much engaged in the affairs of the town ; selectman in 1661, 1663, 1667, 1668, 1670, 1672, 1674, 1676, 1679, 1682, 1687, 1688, and 1695; was kn. as " Sergeant," as "Cor net," and later in life as " Lieutenant." Eesided at Hing. Centre — " over the river." In his will of 28 Dec. 1700, gives to w. Sarah the im provement of " my whole estate both real and personal " while she remains a wid. ; "to my kinsman Matthew Cushing, the son of my brother John Cushing, who hath lived with me, all my estate (after settling legacies) if he pay to my wife, his aunt, a certain sum of money [naming it] annually while she lives." He also bequeaths " to my cousins which are the children of my brothers Daniel and John, namely : to Peter, Daniel, Jeremiah, Theophilus, Matthew, and Deborah, the children of Daniel Cushing, — and to John, Thomas, Jere miah, James, Joshua, Caleb, Joseph, Benjamin, Sarah and Deborah, the children of John Cushing, to each £50 ; " gives " £5 to Marah Burr, the wife of John Burr ; " refers to a lot " of land I had of my father-in-law John Beal." Witnesses, Nath! Hall, Eobert Waterman, Benjamin Tuels, Samuel Thaxter. 4. JoHN^Matthew*), b. in Hing. Eng. 1627. m. Sarah, dau. of Matthew and Margaret Hawke. She was bt. in our Hing. Aug. 1, 1641, and d. at Scit. 9 March, 1678-79, ffit. 38th yr. John removed 152 Cusiiing. to Scit., ab. 1662, and, according to Deane's History, d. there 1708, eet. Sl yrs. Ch., all b. at Scit., were — i. John, Apr. 28, 1662. m. Deborah Loring of Hull. ii. Thomas, Dec. 1663. m. Oct. 17, 1687, Deborah Thaxter of Hing. 9. iii. Matthew, Feb. 1664-65. iv. Jeremiah, July, 1666. He m., but left no fam. v. James, 1668. Resided at Scit. vi. Joshua, 1670 ; perhaps of Dux. 1711. vii. Sarah, Aug. 1671. m. David Jacob. viii. Caleb, Jan. 6, 1672-73 ; Har. Coll. 1697 ; afts. minister at Salisbury, Mas.s. ix. Deborah, Sept. 1674. m. Thomas Loring of Dux. X. Mary, Sept. 1676,, d. unm. 1698. xi. Joseph, Sept. 1677. Resided at Scit. xii. Benjami.n', Feb. 1678-79. Removed to Bo.ston, and perh. to Barbadoes. 5. Peter" (DanieP Matthew^), b. in Hing. March 29, 1646. m. June 4, 1685, Hannah, dau. of Matthew and Margaret Hawke. She was b. in Hing. July 22, 1656, and d. 4 Apr. 1737, ffit. 82d yr. He d. 14 Apr. 1719, ffit. 73 yrs. Will proved 12 Oct. foil. Constable. 1688 ; selectman 1689 and 1702. Eesided on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Peter, March 28, 1686, d. 27 March, 1715. 10. ii. Stephen, Nov. 8, 1687. iii. Jonathan, Dec. 20, 1689 ; Har. Coll. 1712. m. 1717, Elizabeth Cushing, dau. of Daniel, and was a minister at Dover, N. H. iv. Mary, March 22, 1691, d. before her fa. V. Hannah, July 1, 1694, d. unm. 29 Apr. 1737. vi. Lydia, Oct. 6, 1695. m. Dec. 26, 1717, John JIarshall of Boston. 6. Daniel « (Daniel == Matthew'), b. in Hing. July 23, 1648. m. Dec. 8, 1680, Elizabeth Thaxter, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Jacob) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 19, 1660-61, and d. 6 Apr. 1727, £et. 66 yrs. He d. 6 May, 1716, ffit. 68th yr. "Weaver." Constable in 1684. Eesided opp. the paternal homestead. Main St., below "Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — Daniel, Sept. 13, 1681, d. 9 Jan. 1681-82. Elisha, Nov. 23, 1682. Lydia, Oct. 11, 1684, d. 21 Jan. 1708-9. Daniel, Aug. 26, 1686. Elizabeth, Sept. 27, 1688. m. 1717, Jonathan Cushing. Sarah, July 27, 1690. m. Feb. 19, 1710-11, John Jacob. Ruth, July 22, 1692. m. (pub. Feb. 27, 1713-14) Samuel Lincoln, Jr. Deborah, Oct. 19, 1694. m. Jan. 17, 1716-17, Benjamin Loring. Abigail, Jan. 1, 1699-1700. m. M.ay 14, 1719, Richard Kilby of Boston. MosBS, Aug. 24, 1704. 7. Theophilus^ (Daniel ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. June 7, 1667. m. Nov. 28, 1688, IMary Thaxter, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Jacob) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 19, 1667, and surviving him, m. secondly, Jan. 11, 1721-22, Capt. Joseph Herrick of Beverly, Mass. Capt. Theophilus Cushing d. 7 Jan. 1717-18, ffit. 61st yr. In his will, dated 3 Jan. 1717-18, gives " to wife Mary, thirty-two shares in the second part of 3d division in Cohasset ; also land at ' Planters' Hill ; ' my quick stock, all my movables, and the improvement of my whole 1. 11. ii. iii. 12. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. ix. 13. X. Cushing. 153 estate while she remains a widow ; afterwards to go to sons Theophi lus and Seth when they become of age. To daughter Deborah £100 ; to son Nehemiah land in Abington, and the release of a bond for money lent him ; to son Adam land and buildings formerly purchased of William Sprague, senf; to son David land purchased of Samuel Stodder, also the lot purchased of my brother Samuel Thaxter ; to son Abel house and land I purchased of William Sprague, Jr., lying near ' Page's Bridge ; ' to son Theophilus my dwelling-house, barn, and land on the west side of the road, and land at ' Wakely's Marsh ; ' to son Seth land and other valuables ; and the sons are to pay £100 each to their sister Deborah;" w. Mary executrix. "Farmer." Select man 1697, 1707, and 1716. Eepresentative 1702, 1703, 1704, 1707, and 1713. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 14. i. Nehemi.4,h, July 18, 1689. ii. Mary, Feb. 9, 1690-91, d. 8 Aug. 1699. 15. iii. ADAii, Jan. 1, 1692-93. 16. iv. David. Dec. 1694. 17. V. Abel, Oct. 24, 1696. vi. Rachel, Aug. 17, 1698, d. 9 Sep„. 1699. vii. Mary, Sept. 26, 1701, d. 30 Aug. 1716. 18. viii. Theophilus, .June 16, 1703. 19. ix. Seth, Dec. 13, 1705. X. Debor.\h, Sept. 26, 1707. xi. Lydia, Feb. 13, 1709-10, d. before her fa. 8. Matthew^ (DanieP Matthew *), b. in Hing. July 15, 1660. m. Dec. 31, 1684, Jael Jacob, dau. of John and Mary (Eussell) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 7, 1662, and d. 23 Dec. 1708, sot. 46 yrs. He d. 23 June, 1716, ffit. 65th yr. Was kn. as " Lieutenant," and later as "Captain." Constable 1693, and selectman in 1710. Eesided on the ancestral homestead, jNIain St., below "Pear Tree Hill." In his will of 4 March, 1713, proved 21 July, 1715, gives " to oldest son Solomon all my estate both real and personal except that which is named here after ; to son Samuel land at Cohasset," etc. ; " to son Job a sum to pursue his college studies, and £300 in addition ; to daughter Jael £300, she to be well educated." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. David, Jan. 28, 1685-86, d. 15 Sept. 1687. u. David, Feb. 25, 1687-88, d. 2 Feb. foil. iii. Jael, Jan. 20, 1689-90, d. 6 March, 1693. 20. iv. Solomon, Jan. 29, 1691-92. V. Job, July 19, 1694 ; Har. Coll. 1714 ; ord. minister at Shrewsbury, Min< , Dec. 4, 1723 ; d. Aug. 1760, leaving issue. vi. Moses, Dec. 19, 1696, d. 18 Oct. 1698. ¦I. vii. Samuel, Feb. 14, 1698-99. viii. Isaac, Apr. 28, 1701, d. 13 July, 1711. ix. Obadiah, May 15, 1703, d. 10 Aug. 1705. X. Jael, Feb. 14, 1705-6. m. (pub. March 2, 1722), John Lasell. 9, Matthew' (John ^ Matthew i), b. at Scit. Feb. 1664-65. m. in Hing. Dec. 27, 1694, Deborah Jacob, dau. of John and Mary (Eussell) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. May 8, 1677, and surviving him, m. sec ondly, Sept. 13, 1726, Benjamin Loring, wid' of Hull. Matthew in herited a large portion of the est. of his uncle Matthew (No. 3) with 154 Cushing. whom he was brought up, and succeeded to his occupation of "wheel wright." He d. 18 May, 1716, at. 60 yrs. Selectman in 1703, 1704, 1708, 1713, and 1714. The inv. of his est. was appraised at £2535, 6s. 2d., and inc. dw.-houge and mills, and one hundred and fifty acres of land at home. Also land at Hull, and at Ab'n ; one hundred and eighty acres at " Mast Hill ; " six oxen, five cows, ten young cattle, five yearlings, thirty sheep, seven swine, best horse, a mare and colt, a negro woman named Jibbo, etc. ; w. Deborah, executrix. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 22. i. Jacob, March 17, 1695-96. ii. Matthew, May 22, 1698. m. (pub. Sept. 28, 1717) Mary Leavitt, dau. of Josiah and Margaret (Johnson) Leavitt. He removed to Rehoboth. Prob. Mary, bt. by Rev. Eben' Gay in 1718, was their dau. iii. Deborah, Dec. 9, 1700. m. Dec. 29, 1720, Thomas Allen of Rehoboth. 23. iv. Hezekiah, March 14, 1702-3. V. Rachel, May 3, 1705. m. Mai-ch 19, 1723-24, Thomas Croade of Halifax. vi. Josiah, Aug. 1707. vii. Sarah, Sept. 5, 1711. m. Dec. 25, 1729, Jabez Wilder, Jr. viii. Noah, Oct. 18, 1714. Note. — Jan. 6, 1717-18, Ezekiel Cushing was appointed guardian to Deborah Cushinpr, and Hezekiah Cushing, ch. of Matthew Cushing, " wheelwright," late of Hing. dec). Wid. Deborah Cushing was also appointed guardian to Rachel, Josiah, Sarah, and Noah, ch. of the s4 Matthew Cushing, decj. — s. p. k. 10. Stephen » (Peter ^ Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Nov. 8, 1687. m. Feb. 18, 1718-19, Katreen Kilby of Boston. She d. in Hing. 23 July, 1758, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 3 Apr. 1749, ffit. 62 yrs. Will dated 30 March, 1749, proved 11 Apr. foil. Was kn. as " Captain." Selectman in 1740. " Farmer," and the proprietor of a large landed est. Eesided on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Peter, Dec. 9, 1720, d. 10 June, 1736. 24. ii. Stephen, July 13, 1723. iii. John, Feb. 26, 1726-27, d. 5 June foil. iv. Catherine, May 5, 1728. m. July 9, 1747, Nathaniel Nichols. V. John, June 14, 1730, d. l3 June, 1754. vi. Lydia, Feb. 13, 1731-32, d. unm., 25 July, 1770. vii. Hannah, May 18, 1735. m. Dec. 26, 1751, Jazaniah Nichols. viii. Peter, May 15, 1787, d. 5 May, 1739. ix. Rebecca, May 27, 1739. m. June 16, 1763, Ebed Hersey. 25. x. Peter, May 3, 1741. 11 Elisha^ (Daniel ^-^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Nov. 23, 1682. m. Dec. 25, 1712, Leah Loring, dau. of Capt. Thomas and Leah (Buck- land) Loring. She survived him and m. secondly, Nov. 17, 1737, Jabez Wilder, widr. Lieut. Elisha Cashing, d. 12 Oct. 1734, ffit. 52d yr. Will dated 6 Oct. 1734, proved 22d of same month. " Farmer." Constable iu 1716, Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in King., were — i. Elizabeth, May 21, 1714. m. Dec. 14, 1738, Edward Mitchell of Bridge- water. 26. ii. Elisha, Sfpt. 19, 1719. 27. iii. John, March 12, 1722-23. Cushing. 155 12. Daniel ^ (Daniel^' Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1686. m. (pub. Aug. 11, 1711) Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Lewis) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 21, 1685, and d. 14 March, 1763, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 16 Feb. 1765, ffit. 69th yr. In his will of 4 May, 1764, proved 21 March, 1765, gives to w. Sarah the " improve ment of half of my dwelling-house while she lives ; to eldest son Dan- tel all my dwelling-house excepting the right granted to my wife and other valuable lands, excepting my new house with an acre of land contiguous, and my garden-lot adjoining Deacon Solomon Cushing's shop ; to son Ebenezer the house he lives in with land adjoining, also land over the river and at Turkey Hill, also my weaving tackeling and combing ; to daughter Sarah Smith £63 ; to my two grandsons, Thomas, and Ebed Hersey, land and other valuables ; to grandson Thomas Cushing, land," etc. Constable in 1713. Was styled " Cap tain." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St., below "Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lydia, Ang. 23, 1712. m. Dec. 25, 1733, Jonathan Hersey." ii. Sarah, Nov. 4, 1715, d. 6 Nov. 1716. 28. iii. Daniel, Oct. 19, 1717. iv. Sarah, Aug. 23, 1720. m. March 29, 1739, Thomas Smith of Sandwich. V. Thomas, May 17, 1722 ; killed by the fall of a tree, 24 May, 1740. 29. vi. Ebenezer, Apr. 15, 1724. vii. Deborah, March 21, 1725-26, d. (scalded) 6 June, 1727. 13. Moses ^ (Daniel ^^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 24, 1704, by w. Lydia, had Ch., b. in Hing. sec. pre., as foil. : — i. Lucy, March 22, 1737-38. ii. Lydia, March 9, 1739-40. iii. Catherine, Feb. 2, 1741-42. iv. Elizabeth, Nov. 7, 1743, d. 19 Nov. foil V. Deborah, Nov. 7, 1743, d. in ten days. vi. Deborah, March 23, 1745-46. vii. Celia, bt. Dec. 25, 1748. viii. Sarah, March 9, 1749-50. ix. John, June 13, 1753. 14. Nehemiah * (Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. July 18, 1689. m. March 19, 1710-11, Sarah Nichols, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Lincoln) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1688. No further rec. He prob. removed from here with the fam. of his fa.- in-law ab. 1715 to Pem. 15. Adam^ (Theophilus^ Daniel ° Matthew i), b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1692-93. m. (pub. Aug. 18, 1718) Hannah Greenwood of Eehoboth, Mass. Adam was grad. at Har. Coll. in 1714. In 1720 he was one of the selectmen of Hing. He removed from here with his fam. to Wey. where he was prominent in both military and civil affairs. His will made at Wey. was proved a.d. 1752. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Adam, bt. Sept. 6, 1719. ii. Thomas, June 4, 1721. iii. Greenwood, Sept. 29, 1723, d. 9 Oct. foil. iv. Alethea, Feb. 21, 1725-26. 156 Cushing. 16. David * (Theophilus ' Daniel '^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Dec. 1694. m. (pub. Apr. 22, 1718) Eachel Lewis, dau. of John and Hannah (Lincoln) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. June 19, 1694, and surviving him, m. secondly, July 27, 1727, Dea. Jacob Mitchell of Pem. David d. 3 Sept. 1723, ffit. 29th yr. "Farmer." Constable in 1721! The inv. of his est. was appraised 16 Apr. 1724, by Samuel Whiton, John Lewis, and Adam Cushing, at £1626. 4s. 6d. ; and inc. dw.-house, barn, and home land, £670 ; six oxen, two cows, one bull, three year lings, two horses, mare and colt, sheep, swine, etc. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Rachel, July 5, 1719. ii. Alice, Nov. 9, 1720. m. Solomon Loring, prob. s. of John, of Hull. iii. Hannah, May 8, 1722. m. Paul Prince. Their dau. Lucretia m. Doct. Elias Banks. 17. Abel* (Theophilus « DanieP Matthew'), b. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1696. m. Nov. 24, 1720, Mary Jacob, dau. of Peter and Hannah (Allen) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1698. Capt. Abel Cush ing d. 20 May, 1750, ffit. 54th yr. " Farmer," and mill-owner ; select man for many yrs. Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Aug. 12, 1722, d. 12 Oct. 1726. ii. David, July 12, 1724, d. 17 Oct. 1726. 30.' iii. David, Sept. 7, 1727. iv. Abel, Jan. 26, 1729-30. ni. Jan. 29, 1758, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Ruth (Hambliu ) Crocker of Barnstable. Abel d. at Dedham, Mass., prob. 1761. They had a dau. Hannah. V. Mary, Jan. 28, 1731-32. m. March 25, 1753, Rev. Daniel Shute. vi. Laban, Feb. 21, 1733-34, d. 18 May, 1747. vii. An infant, ) ^ „. .^„„ „- , , viii. An infant, \ J^"' ^L 1' 36-37, d. same day. ix. Lydia, Apr. 23, 1738. m. Jan. 31, 1759, Gideon Hayward. X. Abigail, June 14, 1741. m. Oct. 2, 1761, Thomas Hersey. 18. Theophilus * (Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. June 16, 1703. m. (pub. Aug. 27, 1723) Hannah Waterman, dau. of Eobert and Sarah (Lewis) Waterman. She was b. in Hing. May 22, 1704. Theophilus d. 15 June, 1779, ffit. 76 yrs. In his will of 10 Sept. 1778, proved 25 June, 1779, which is quite lengthy, gives "to son Theophilus the home place, buildings," etc., inc. "the honse I live in ; " "to son Perez land and the dwelling-house in Franklin where he resides ; to Hannah Cushing the widow of my son Pyam ; to daughter Emma, the wife of John Burr ; to the children of my daughter Tamar, wife of Elijah Cushing of Pembroke, dec!*, namely, Elijah and Tamar Cushing ; to grandson Eobert Cushing house and land on the north side of the way leading to my mills ; to grandson Henry Cushing land on the west side of the way, opposite Eobert's, till it reaches the river ; to grandson Seth Cushing land on the east side of the country road ; to the children of my granddaughter Hannah, wife of Enoch Collamore ; to the children of my granddaughter Deborah, wife of Walter Hatch ; and to granddaughters Tamsen Cushing, Tamar Cush ing, and Anna Cushing." " Farmer," and mill-owner, and for many yrs. held the office of constable and selectman. Eesided on the pater nal homestead. Main St., So. Hing. Cushing. 157 Ch., all b, in Hing., were — 31. i. Pyam, Aug. 8, 1725. ii. Emma, March 17, 1727-28. m. June 1, 1755, John Burr. iii. Tamar, March 6, 1729-30. m. Jan. 26, 1756, Elijah Cushing of Pem. iv. Tamsen, July 19, 1733, d. 22 Feb. 1735-36. v. Deborah, July 20, 1735, d. 6 March, 1735-36. vi. Theophilus, jfnne 14, 1737, d. 25 Nov. 1738. vii. Tamsen, 1739, d. 15 Nov. 1739. 32. viii. Theophilus, Dec. 5, 1740. ix. Hannah, Jan. 1743-44, d. 1 Feb. 1744-45. 33. X. Perez, July 13, 1746. 19. Seth* (Theophilus ^ Daniel- Matthew i), b. iu Hing. Dec. 13, 1705. m. Jan. 9, 1728-29, Lydia Fearing, dau. of John and Margaret (Hawke) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1709. Seth kept an inn in the dwelling now owned and occupied by heirs of William 0. Lincoln, dec?, on North, near Lincoln St., but removed from here, as tradition says, to Stoughton, Mass. The foil, conveyance (abstract) may have been near the date of his removal. " Feb. 26, 1763. Seth Cushing of Hingham, ' Inn Holder,' in consideration of £196, current money of New England, conveys to Jedidiah Lincoln of Hingham, ' Gentleman,' all that my dwelling-house, barn, shop, outhousen and land adjoining, containing 8 acres, etc., bounded S. by the Town Street ; W. by Elijah Fearing, formerly Nathaniel Fearing's estate ; E. by Benjamin Lincoln and the highway leading to Broad Cove, and N. by land of the said Cushing." Also land on the opp. side of the street by the town swamp. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, May 10, 1730. m. March 8, 1749-50, John Johnson. ii. Seth, Aug. 6, 1732. iii. Ezekiel, Sept. 8, 1734, d. 17 Nov. 1745. iv. Margaret, May 9, 1736. V. Deborah, Nov. 5, 1738, d. 29 Aug. 1739. vi. Deborah, Sept. 14, 1740. m., 1759, Simeon Sampson. 20. Solomon* (Matthew ' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Jan. 29, 1691-92. m. Sept. 13, 1716, Sarah Loring, dau. of Thomas and Leah (Buckland) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1690, and d. 22 Nov. 1765, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 2 Feb. 1769, ffit. 77 yrs. Will dated 3 Feb. 1766, proved 17 Feb. 1769. " Tanner," and a thrifty, enterprising citizen ; deacon of the First Church ; selectman 1740, etc. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. Main St., near " Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, June 20, 1717, d. unm. 13 Dec. 1791, aet. 74 yrs. ii. Matthew, Apr. 4, 1720 ; Har. Coll. 1739. Removed to New York, where he d. 8 Jan. 1779. iii. Solomon, Feb. 26, 1721-22, d. 22 May, 1737. iv. Joseph, Feb. 19,1723-24, d. 25 March foil. V. Benjamin, Feb. 19, 1723-24, d. next month. 34. vi. Benjamin, July 18, 1725. vii. Sarah, Oct. 1727, d. next month. 35. viii. Joseph, Nov. 6, 1728. 36. ix. Isaiah, Nov. 3, 1730. X. Caleb, Dec. 17, 1732, d. 9 Nov. 1737. 21. Samuel ' (Matthew ' Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1698-99. m. (pub. Nov. 7, 1722) Hannah Tileston of Dor. She d. 17 158 Cushing. July, 1748. Samuel was one of the selectmen in 1731, 1732, 1746, and 1749 ; justice of the peace, and often engaged in the public affairs of the town. Eesided on King St. sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Hannah, July 28, 1723. ii. Isaac, Sept. 6, 1724. iii. Jael, Aug. 27, 1726. m. Sept. 29, 1763, Amasa Bayley of Scit. iv. Samuel, Aug. 21, 1728, d. 15 June, 1729. 37. V. Samuel, Nov. 4, 1729. vi. Calvin, Nov. 18, 1731. vii. Ephraim, Jan. 8, 1733-34. viii. Joel, Jan. 17, 1735-36. Resided at Boston. 38. ix. Timothy, Feb. 2, 1737-38. X. Lois, Dec. 27, 1739. 39. xi. Solomon, Apr. 1, 1742. .xii. Job, Apr. 17, 1744. m. Nov. 21, 1781, Martha, dau. of Thomas Nichols. Job was kn. as "Captain ; " he also was a deacon of the church of the sec. pre. 22. Jacob* (Matthew ^ John^ Matthew^), b. in Hing. March 17, 1695-96. m. Mary Chauncey. She d. 4 Aug. 1776, ffit. 70 yrs. Jacob d. 23 Dec. 1777, ffit. 82d yr. He was grad. at Har. Coll. 1725 ; select man 1729, 1730, 1731, and 1737 ; representative 1737 to 1740 inc. ; again in 1744 and 1745, and from 1749 to 1757 inc. He was a respect able magistrate of good judgment, and of more than ordinary ability. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. An infant, Feb. 1, 1740-41, d. same day. 40. ii. Jacob, July 12, 1742. 41. iii. Charles, July 13, 1744. 42. iv. Isaac, Jan. 12, 1746-47. 23. Hezekiah* (Matthew^ John^ Matthew^), b. in Hing. March 14, 1702-3. m. July 28, 1726, Lydia Jones, dau. of Thomas and Catherine (Caswell) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 9, 1706-7, and d. 28 Sept. 1781, ffit. 75th yr. He d. 17 Jan. 1790, ffit. 87th yr. Will dated 4 Sept. 1781, proved 8 Feb. 1790. " Trader," and interested in navigation ; selectman 1748, and from 1750 to 1753 inc. Eesided at Hing. Centre, "over the Delaware." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lydia, Nov. 11, 1726. m. May 21, 1752, Stephen Lincoln. Matthew, July 7, 1728. Nathaniel, May 11, 1730 ; drowned at "Straits Pond," 20 Aug. 1751. Hannah, July 4, 1732, d. 16 May, 1736. Thomas, June 9, 1734, d. 17 Mav, 1736. Hannah, June 26, 1737, d. 14 Feb. 1748-49. Sarah, Feb. 18, 1739-40, d. 16 Feb. 1748-49. Deborah, July 14, 1743, d. 5 March, 1748-49. Thomas, March 21, 1746-47. Bela, Nov. 14, 1750. Removed to Wey. Nathaniel, March 30, 1753. 24. Stephen ^ (Stephen * Peter » Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. July 13, 1723. m. Dec. 7, 1749, Elizabeth Andre-frs, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Jacob) Andrews. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1726, and d. 6 Dec. 1804, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 28 Nov. 1803, ffit. 80 yrs. 43. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. 44. ix. X. xi. Cushing. 159 " Farmer ; " selectman 1761 to 1766 inc. ; capt. of a military company, and in active service during the War of the Eevolution. Eesided on East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, bt. May 3, 1752, d. young. ii. Stephen, June 9, 1754, d. 15 Aug. 1758. iii. John, Oct. 7, 1757, d. 18 Nov. foil. 45. iv. Stephen, July 17, 1765. V. Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1767. m. Aug. 27, 1786, Quincy Thaxter. 25. Peter ^ (Stephen* Peter ' DanieP Matthew'), b. in Hing. May 3, 1741. m. Aug. 19, 1762, Silence Burr, dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Lincoln) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 3, 1742, and d. 8 June, 1829, ffit. 87 yrs. He d. 12 July, 1783, ffit. 42 yrs. Constable 1772, and selectman 1780. Was capt. of a military company in the War of the Eevolution. Eesided on the paternal homestead, East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 46. i. John, Aug. 18, 1763. ii. Peter, Feb. 15, 1765. iii. Christopher, Nov. 18, 1766. Removed to Bath, Me. iv. Katy, Apr. 10, 1769. m. Jan. 2, 1794, Samuel Andrews of Worcester. V. An infant, , d. 12 Aug. 1771. vi. Martin, Aug. 7, 1772. Settled at Winthrop, Me., where he d. 18 Jan. 1857, «t. 84 yrs. vii. Samuel, Sept. 21, 1774. Removed from Hing. viii. Hannah, May 5, 1777. m. Jan. 7, 1801, Thomas Andrews, widf. ix. Lydia, Oct. 8, 1779. m. Jan. 6, 1802, Martin Lincoln. 47. X. Ned, Sept. 11, 1783. 26. Elisha = (Elisha* Daniel ^-^ Matthew^), b. in Hing. Sept. 19, 1719. m. Dec. 19, 1745, Mary Lincoln, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 10, 1724, and d. 22 Aug. 1810, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 14 Nov. 1786, ffit. 67 yrs. "Far mer," and deacon of the church ; selectman 1756 to 1766 inc. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 48. i. Elisha, Oct. 26, 1746. ii. Theodore, March 10, 1747-48, d. in 11 dys. iii. Theodore, March 23, 1749-50, d. 12 Sept. 1772. iv. Mary, Apr. 12, 1753. m. Nov. 16, 1779, Doct. Peter Hobart, and resided at Han. V. Ezekiel, bt. Apr. 1759. m. July 20, 1783, Lydia Jacob, dau. of John and Lydia (Beal) Jacob. They removed to Passamaquoddy, and afts. to western Mass. He d. 1836, set. 77 yrs. Did he have a seo. w. Joanna, who d. at Boston, 27 Apr. 1855, mt. 83 yrs. ? 27. JoHN« (Elisha* Daniel ^-^ Matthew'), b. in Hing. March 12, 1722-23. m. Feb. 1, 1753, Olive Lincoln, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Tha,xter) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. May 14, 1731, and d. 28 June, 1812, ffit. 81st yr. Capt. John Cushing d. 11 March, 1802, ffit. 79 yrs. "Master mariner." Was constable in 1752. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Olive, March 25, 1755. m. Nov. 26, 1778, Abel Fearing, widf. ii. Leah, Sept. 17, 1757. m. March 5, 1807, Thomas Cushing, wid":. 160 Cushing. iii. John, Feb. 15, 1761, d. unm. (killed by a fall in a barn), 25 Feb. 1792,, set. 31 yrs. Was constable in 1786. iv. Rachel, May 17, 1764. m. Deo. 10, 1783, Samuel Leavitt. V. Alice, Dec. 4, 1766, d. unm. 20 Deo. 1843, aet. 77 yrs. vi. Lydia, July 26, 1769, d. unm. 28 Dec. 1815, set. 46 yrs. 49. vii. Bela, Jan. 4, 1774. 28. Daniel" (Daniel *^-2 Matthew '), b. in Hing. Oct. 19, 1717. m. Dec. 8, 1743, Elizabeth Lincoln, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 19, 1726. and d. 10 Aug. 1800, ffit. 74 yrs. He d. 18 Oct. 1793, ffit. 76 yrs. Will dated 7 Oct. 1793, proved 7 Jan. foil. Eesided on the paternal homestead, Main St., foot of "Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, Feb. 8, 1744-45. m. (1) Nov. 21, 1771, Abner Loring, and (2) June 28, 1790, Thomas Jones, wid., of Hull. She d. 8 Sept. 1820, at. 75 yrs. ii. Deborah, Nov. 1, 1746. m. March 15, 1772, Elisha Cushing, Jr. iii. Susanna, May 7, 1749, d. unm. 17 Aug. 1811, set. 62 yrs. 50. iv. Daniel, Sept. 25, 1753. 29. Ebenezee « (Daniel ^"^ Matthew'), b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1724. m. Oct. 4, 1744, Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1727-28, and d. 7 Nov. 1816, ffit. 87 yrs. He d. 30 Dec. 1803, ffit. 80th yr. "Farmer." Eesided on So. Pleasant St., near " Prospect Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lydia, Sept. 7, 1745. m. Dec. 16, 1762, Theophilus Wilder, Jr. ii. Sarah, Ang. 19, 1748, d. 1828, mt. 80th yr. iii. Abigail, Nov. 4, 1750. m. Feb. 2, 1775, Isaac Wilder. 51. iv. Thomas, Feb. 21, 1753. V. Ebenezer, June 18, 1755. vi. Bela, June 14, 1757, d. 26 Jan. 1773. 52. vii. Ebed, Aug. 12, 1759. viii. Laban, Aug. 6, 1761. ix. Elizabeth, July 27, 1763. m. Apr. 15, 1781, Edmund Hobart, and d. 28 March, 1790. X. Persis, Jan. 31, 1766. m. Sept. 23, 1790, Edmund Hobart, wid^. xi. Joshua, 1769. xii. Samuel, June 12, 1771. 30. David « (Abel * Theophilus » Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Sept. 7, 1727. m. first, Apr. 9, 1762, Euth Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Euth (Cushing) Lincoln. She was bt. in Hing. Feb. 26, 1732-33, and d. 6 July, 1761, ffit. 28 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 23, 1763, Mabel Gardner, dau. of Hosea and Mary (Whiting) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 6, 1738-39, and d. 14 Aug. 1798, ffit. 60th yr. David d. 15 Feb. 1800, ffit. 72 yrs. An energetic and prominent man in town af fairs ; selectman in 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, and again in 1775, and 1776 ; colonel of a regiment, etc. Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Euth, were — i. Ruth, Nov. 1, 1752. m. Aug. 30, 1770, Perez Cushing. 53. ii. David, July 2, 1754. iii. Molly, Sept. 26, 1756. m. Jan. 30, 1783, Joshua Mann of Han. 54. iv. Jonathan, Apr. 13, 1759. V. Lydia, June 2, 1761. m. Sept. 3, 1786, Asaph Tracy of Pem. Cushing. 161 Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mabel, were — vi. Abel, Oct. 22, 1763. m. Nov. 14, 1784, Sarah Wilder, and removed to Chelmsford, Mass. Their s. the Hon. Abel Cushing of Dor., b. March 13, 1785, m. June 16, 1811, Sarah Whiton, dau. of Moses aud Martha (Lincoln) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 11, 1783, and d. at Dor. 27 Jan. 1862, set. 79 yi's. 55. vii. Hosea, May 29, 1765. 56. viii. Charles Whiting, Nov. 7, 1766. ix. George Russell, Apr. 24, 1768. "Shipmaster," afts. "farmer." He d. at Ashburnham, Mass., 2 Feb. 1851. X. Nancy, March 10, 1770, d. imm. 27 Dec. 1835. xi. Jane, Apr. 3, 1772. m. Nov. 6, 1796, Lemuel Dwelley of Han. xii. LucY', Oct. 18, 1773. m. May 24, 1798, David Lewis. xiii. Christiana, March 14, 1775, d. unm. 1 July, 1822, set. 47 yrs. xiv. Elnathan, Apr. 30, 1777. Removed to Scit. XV. Jerusha, Feb. 3, 1779, d. unm. 18 Sept. 1862, set. 84th yr. xvi. Josiah, Apr. 8, 1781. xvii. Mabel, March 6, 1783. m. 1810, William Rouse of Bath, Me. 31. Ptam 6 (Theophilus*^ Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 8, 1725. m. Jan. 24, 1751, Hannah Lincoln, dau. of Hon. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1729, and d. 25 Aug. 1813, ffit. 84th yr. He d. 21 Aug. 1776, ffit. 51 yrs. " Far mer." Constable 1755, and selectman 1770 and 1771. Was styled " Captain." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Pyam, Dec. 9, 1751, d. unm., at Boston, 1778, leaving a wiU dated 4 Jan. 1778, proved 7 Jiily foil., in which he gave "my watch, stone buttons, broach, a golden guinea, and four silver pieces to my intended wife Mary Mitchell of Bridgewater," etc. ii. Hannah, May 5, 1753. m. Jan. 13, 1774, Enoch Collamore of Scit. iii. Deborah, Dec. 14, 1754. m. Dec. 14, 1772, Walter Hatch of Pem. 67. iv. Robert, June 9, 1756. V. Caleb, Sept. 24, 1757, d. before his fa. vi. Tamsen, June 24, 1759. m. Dec. 5, 1779, Joseph Wilder. vii. Henry, Apr. 12, 1761, d. 9 Aug. foil. viii. Tamar, June 13, 1762. m. March 11, 1787, John Jacob, Jr. 58. ix. Henry, Feb. 7, 1764. X. Anna, Feb. 22, 1767. m. Aug. 31, 1786, John Hersey. 59. xi. Seth, Jan. 18, 1769. 32. Theophilus ^ (Theophilus *"« Daniel '^ Matthew *), b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1740. m. Apr. 6, 1768, Patience Dunbar, dau. of Peter and Hannah (Dunbar) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. July 1, 1739, and d. 13 May, 1822, ffit. 83d yr. Theophilus d. 11 March, 1820, ffit. 79 yrs. "Farmer," and proprietor of a grist-mill and a saw-mill. Selectman 1778, 1779, 1780, and again in 1796, and 1803. Eepresentative 1776, 1782, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, also in 1794 ; and a member of the Senate in 1795 and 1796. Brigadier-general. Eesided on the paternal homestead, Main St., So. Hiug. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Theophilus, May 3, 1770, d. a young man. ii. Emma, Jan. 17, 1772. m. March 20, 1793, Bela Tower. iii. Hannah, Jan. 17, 1774. m. May 30, 1796, Capt. Joshua Jacobs of Scit. 60. iv. Washington, Jan. 3, 1776. 61. V. Nehemiah. June 1, 1777. vi. Tamsen, May 28, 1779. m. Jan. 9, 1803, Seth Hersey. They removed to Gorham, Me. vol. ii. — 11 162 Cushing. 33. Peeez 5 (Theophilus *-» Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. July 13, 1746. m. Aug. 30, 1770, Euth Cushing, dau. of Col. David and Euth (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1752. They removed to Franklin, Mass. Ch., — i. Perez, b. in Hing. March 7, 1771. ii. Waterman, Feb. 1, 1774. iii. Hannah, Apr. 23, 1776. m. Dec. 23, 1798, Washington Cu.shing. 62. iv. Pyam, Feb. 21, 1778. V. Marquis D., July 17, 1780. vi. Quincy, b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1788. 34. Benjamin « (Solomon* Matthew « DanieP Matthew^), b. in Hing. July 18, 1725. m. July 8, 1763, Euth Croade, dau. of Thomas and Eachel (Cushing) Croade of Halifax, Mass. She d. in Hing. 10 March, 1803, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 8 Aug. 1812, ffit. 87 yrs. "Farmer," selectman 1757 to 1771 inc., and again 1776 to 1777 inc. ; and for many yrs. deacon of the church. Eesided on the ancestral home stead. Main St., below "Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 63. i. William, Aug. 24, 1754. ii. RAcnBL, Nov. 18, 1755. m. June 27, 1784, Ezra Lincoln. iii. Ruth, March 28, 1757, d. 5 Sept. foil. 64. iv. Benjamin, July 18, 1758. V. Solomon. Sept. 13, 1760. vi. Ruth, Sept. 23, 1762, d. 7 May, 1791. vii. Thomas Croade, Sept. 2, 1764. Removed to Salem, Mass. viii. Caleb, Aug. 17, 1766, d. 2 July, 1771. ix. Matthew, Aug. 9, 1768. Removed to Middleboro', Mass. X. Charlotte, Jan. 2, 1771, d. 24 Apr. 1776. xi. Caleb, Feb. 4, 1773, d. at Charieston, S. C, 5 Aug. 1796. xii. Joshua, Jan. 7, 1775, d. at Lynn, Mass. xiii. Henry, May 10, 1777. 65. xiv. Jerom, Aug. 25, 1780. 35. Joseph^ (Solomon* Matthew' DanieP Matthew^), b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1728. m. first, Jan. 13, 1757, Sarah Leavitt, dau. pf Heze kiah and Mary (Beal) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 2, 1736, and d. 2 May, 1771, ffit. 36th yr. He m. secondly, Jan. 6, 1779, Deborah Beal, dau. of John and Deliverance (Porter) Beal. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 22, 1741, and d. 12 March, 1826, ffit. 84 yrs. He d. 27 Feb. 1810, ffit. 81 yrs. "Tanner," and "farmer." Constable' 1760. Eesided on East St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — i. Sarah, Sept. 29, 1757. m. June 26, 1783, John Burr. ii. Hannah, Apr. 26, 1760. m. Oct. 14, 1779, David Cushing, Jr. iii. Mary, Apr. 2, 1762. m. Frost ? iv. Jael, Apr. 6, 1764. m. William Lincoln, and d. at Ashby, Mass., 30 Oct. 1840. V. Susa, Apr. 23, 1766, d. 2 July, 1779. vi. Joseph, March 20, 1769, d. 23 June foil. vii. Lydia, Dec. 7, 1770. ra. Apr. 21, 1791, Cushing Burr. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Deborah, — viii. Joseph, July 27, 1782. m. Dec. 13, 1806, Polly, dau. of Moses Sprague. She d. 22 May, 1852, fet. 68 yrs. He d. without issue, 26 Sept. 1846, set. 64 yrs. "Tanner," and "fanner." Lieut.-Colonel. Resided on the- paternal homestead. East St- Cushing. 163 36. Isaiah ^ (Solomon * Matthew ' Daniel ^ Matthew ^), o. in Hing. Nov. 3, 1730. m. Sept. 28, 1765, Betsey Cushing, dau. of Elijah and Elizabeth (Barker) Cushing of Pem. Mass. Isaiah was by occupation " blacksmith." Constable 1762 and later ; was styled " Major." He d. 28 Jan. 1816, ffit. 86 yrs. Eesided on Main, near Water St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Isaiah, Sept. 28, 1766, d. 19 Jan. 1775. ii. Betsey, Apr. 5, 1768. m. Dec. Sl, 1789, Doct. Daniel Shute. iii. Elijah, May 15, 1770, d. 28 Aug. 1780. iv. Deborah, Apr. 13, 1772. m. Jan. 4, 1798, Thomas Andrews. V. Mary, Dec. 9, 1774. m. June 7, 1818, Dea. David Lincoln, wid^ vi. Isaiah, Feb. 20, 1777 ; Har. Coll. 1798. "Physician." Removed to the State of Maine. 37. Samuel^ (Samuel* Matthew' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 4, 1729. m. Nov. 23, 1758, Euth Low, dau. of Ambrose and Sarah (Beal) Low. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1737, and sur viving him, m. secondly, Oct. 25, 1781, John Wheelwright, wid'. Sam uel d. 1780 ? Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all bt. in the sec. pre. and Coh., were — i. Rebecca, Dec 30, 1759. m. May 1, 1786, Jesse Tower. ii. Hannah, Sept. 5, 1762. iii. Sarah, 1765. iv. Beal, Feb. 14, 1768. V. Asa, Aug. 12, 1770. vi. Samuel, July 4, 1773. 38. Timothy = (Samuel * Matthew ^ DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Feb. 2, 1737-38. m. Desire , and had Ch., bt. in Hing. sec. pre. and Coh., as foil. : — i. Elizabeth, July 6, 1766. ii. Tilestone, July 26, 1767. iii. Zenas, b. March 4, 1769. m. Elizabeth R. Smith. She was b. at Ipswich, Mass., March 18, 1773, and d. at I., 10 July, 1862, set. 89 yrs. He d. . at Boston, 24 Nov. 1848, mt. 80th yr. Their dan. Martha R., m.at Bos ton, Oct. 27, 1836, Reuben 0. Sprague of Hing. iv. David, bt. May 12, 1771. V. Desire, March 5, 1775. vi. Caleb, Sept. 14, 1777. vii. Samuel, May 20, 1787. 39. Solomon'' (Samuel* Matthew' DanieP MattheV^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 1, 1742. m. Mary Burr, dau. of Elisha and Sarah (Bates) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 15, 1743. This fam. removed to the State of Vermont. Ch.,— i. Joshua, bt. in Hing. sec. pre. Sept. 21, 1766. ii. Mary, bt. Apr. 5, 1767. iii. Warren, bt. Nov. 13, 1768, d. at Newfane, Vt, 15 Nov. 1847, mt. 79 yrs. iv. Sarah, bt. May 12, 1771. V. Samuel, bt. Jan. 10, 1773. vi. Hannah, ~i vii. Solomon, | viii. Isaac, }¦ from the fam. records. ix. Rhoda, | X. Selah, J 164 Cushing. 40. Jacob ^ (Jacob * Matthew ' John ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. July 12, 1742. m. Jan. 14, 1781, Susanna Lasell, dau. of Isaac and Deborah (Marsh) Lasell. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1744, and d. 8 Nov. 1822, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 6 Nov. 1814, ffit. 72 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead, Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Susa, Nov. 29, 1781, d. unm. 24 July, 1810. 66. ii. Jacob, March 8, 1784. 41. Chaeles" (Jacob* Matthew' John^ Matthew'), b. in Hing. July 13, 1744. m. Hannah, dau. of Thomas Croade of Halifax, Mass. In 1797 Charles removed with his fam. to Lunenburg, Mass., where he d. the 26th of Nov. 1809, ffit. 65 yrs. While a resident of Hing. he was kn. as " Colonel." Was selectman in 1778 and 1779. Eepresen tative 1780, 1781, 1784, 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, and 1793 ; and a mem ber of the Senate in 1794. " Farmer," and magistrate. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Dec. 10, 1769. m. Harrington. ii. Charles, Apr. 7, 1771, d. 1 Dec. 1785. iii. Chauncey, Oct. 23, 1772, d. at Boston, 5 Feb. 1793. iv. Edmund, Dec. 2, 1774. Resided at Lunenburg, where he d. 22 March, 1851. V. Josiah, Apr. 26, 1778, d. 26 Apr. 1779. vi. Priscilla, June 6, 1779. vii. Josiah, Jan. 10, 1782, d. 13 Apr. 1795. viii. Hannah, bt. July 4, 1784, d. 26 Nov. foU. ix. Hannah, bt. Apr. 6, 1786. X. Charles, bt. Sept. 20, 1789, d. 25 Oct. 1791. xi. Charles, bt. Sept. 2, 1792. 42. Isaac ^ (Jacob* Matthew' John ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. Jan. 12, 1746-47. m. Jan. 1, 1771, Mary Jones, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Marsh) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 11, 1760, and d. 9 Dec. 1821, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. 13 Oct. 1815, ffit. 69 yrs. " Farmer," and deacon of the church. Constable in 1776. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joanna, Sept. 19, 1773. m. Sept. 18, 1794, Seth Cushing. ii. Sally, May 21, 1776. m. May 2, 1798, John Leavitt. iii. Isaac, Aug. 16, 1779. m. May 25, 1815, Elizabeth Shute. Resided at Salem. iv. Thomas, July 13, 1782, d. 4 Oct. 1842, mt. 60 yi-s. 67. V. Adna, May 2, 1785. vi. Martin, Aug. 10, 1788. Removed to Maxfield, Me. vu. Mary Chauncey, July 26, 1791, d. 12 Jan. 1796. 43. Matthew ^ (Hezekiah * Matthew' John ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. July 7, 1728. m. first, Apr. 10, 1760, Elizabeth Marsh, dau. of Caleb and Hannah (Beal) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1733, and d. 28 Dec. 1792, at. 59 yrs. He m. secondly. May 31, 1795, Mrs. Euth (Stodder) Sprague, wid. of Benjamin Sprague, and dau. of Benjamin and Euth (Curtis) Stodder. She survived him, and m. thirdly, June 6, 1824, Amos Sprague, widr. Matthew d. 2 Nov. 1803, ffit. 76 yrs. Eesided " over the river." Cushing. 165 Ch.,— i. Lydia, 1761, d. 16 Oct. 1789, set. 29th yr. 68. ii. Caleb, 1763. iii. A child, 1764, d. 7 May, 1765, set. 2d yr. iv. Hannah, 1766. m. May 25, 1795, Elijah Leavitt. 69. V. Ezekiel, Sept. 3, 1769. vi. Jonathan, 1772 ; drowned 24 March, 1793, set. 20th yr. 44. Thomas ° (Hezekiah' Matthew' John^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. March 21, 1746-47. m. Elizabeth Turner of Scit. This fam. removed to Fenner, N. Y., ab. 1790. Eesided on Union St., "over the river." Ch., all bt. in Hing., were — i. Betty, Oct. 2, 1774. ii. Bela, Feb. 16, 1777. iii. Enos, Jan. 2, 1780. Was the fa. of Doct. Thomas Cushing of Bane Centre, N. Y., and gr. fa. of Prof. Frank H. Cushing of Zufd fame. iv. Peleg, Sept. 22, 1782. V. Mercy, March 13, 1785. vi. Hawkes, Aug. 17, 1788. 45. Stephen ^ (Stephen ^¦* Peter ' Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. July 17, 1765. m. May 1, 1788, Mary Binney of Hull. She d. at Bos ton, 4 Nov. 1832, ffit. 61 yrs. He d. 30 Oct. 1793, ffit. 28 yrs. « Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. East, corner of Summer St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Nov. 9, 1788. m. Feb. 10, 1811, Gorham Lincoln. ii. Stephen, Nov. 13, 1792, d. 3 Aug. 1818. 46. John « (Peter ^ Stephen * Peter' Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1763. m. first, March 8, 1786, Lucy Thaxter, dau. of Col. John and Anna (Quincy) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. May 16, 1760, and d. 22 June, 1786, ffit. 26 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 20, 1787, Chris tiana Thaxter, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna (Joy) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 2, 1766, and d. at Wey. 1 Sept. 1847, ffit. 81st yr. John d. 14 March, 1803, ffit. 40th yr. Was kn. as " Captain." Eesided on East St., " Eocky-nook." Child, b. in Hing., by w. Lucy, — i. Lucy Thaxter, June 21, 1786, d. 14 Feb. 1814. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Christiana, — ii. Chrissey Thaxter, Apr. 26, 1789. m. William Pomeroy of Northfield, afts. of Cambridge. She d. at C. 2 Nov. 1859, ffit. 71st yr. iii. Fanny Lincoln, Apr. 4, 1791. m. (1) George Arms, and (2) Doct. Alpheus Stone of Northfield. iv. Silence Burr, June 15, 1792. m. Feb. 25, 1816, John Beal, vrid";. 70. V. John, Jan. 13, 1797. vi. Peter Hawkes, Apr. 16, 1799. m. Dee. 1, 1822, Deborah Jacobs, dau. of Jotham and Grace (Tower) Jacobs. Resides at Wey., and has ch. 47. Ned« (Peter 5 Stephen * Peter ' DanieP Matthew >), b. in Hing. Sept. 11, 1783. m. Apr. 24, 1811, Susan Barnes, dan. of Ensign and Susanna (Jacob) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1789, and d. at Boston, 3 June, 1874, ffit. 86th yr. He d. in Hing. 26 June, 1863, 166 Cushing. ffit. 80th yr. "Cabinet-maker." Selectman for many yrs., and a deacon of the church of the third parish. Eesided on the paternal homestead. East St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Edward John, Feb. 23, 1812. Resides at Boston. ii. Samuel Andrews, Oct. 5, 1813, d. in infancy. iii. Samuel Andrews, Dec. 27, 1815. Besides at Boston. iv. William Barnes, May 16, 1818. m. Apr. 3, 1846, Celia Stoddard, dau. of Martin and Xoa (Oakman) Stoddard of Mf'd. Resides at Mf'd and has a fam. V. Susan Barnes, Aug. 14, 1820. m. June 2, 1847, WiUiam S. Lincoln, wid:, of Boston. vi. Catherine Andrews, Aug. 14, 1820, d. unm. 3 Dec. 1873, mt. 53 yrs. vii. Helen Elizabeth, March 8, 1823. m. (1) March 28, 1848, Nicholas Bay lies, and (2) Frederick U. Tracey, wid:, of Boston. viii. Hannah Hawkes, Dec. 5, 1825. m. Andrew EUerson, and d. at Lynch burg, Va. ix. Lydia Gilman, Apr. 23, 1829, d. June, 1849. 48. Elisha ' (Elisha ^-* Daniel '"^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1746. m. March 15, 1772, Deborah Cushing, dau. of Daniel and Eliza beth (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1746, and d. 12 March, 1826, ffit. 80th yr. He d. 12 Oct. 1829, ffit. 83d yr. "Cab inet-maker." Eesided on Main St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Deborah, Aug. 10, 1772, d. unm. 18 Aug. 1845, jet. 73 yrs. ii. Mary, Aug. 20, 1774, d. unm. 29 Jan. 1833. iii. Theodore, Oct. 27, 1776, d. unm. 28 Aug. 1855. iv. Loring, Apr. 6, 1779, d. unm. 8 June, 1856. V. Martin, Jan. 30, 1781, d. unm. 28 Nov. 1858. 71. vi. Elisha, Sept. 29, 1784. vii. Gridley, Oct. 14, 1786, d. 7 Nov. foU. viii. Sally, Dec. 20, 1787, d. unm. 3 Dec. 1857. ix. Sophia, Aug. 6, 1790, d. 5 Oct. 1866. 49. Bela' (John « Elisha * Daniel ^-^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1774. m. first, Dec. 6, 1803, Susanna Whiting, dau. of Jotham and Susanna (Wilder) Whiting. She was b. at Ab'n March 9, 1774, and d. in Hing. 27 Aug. 1818, ffit. 44 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 3, 1820, Betsey Lincoln, dau. of Frederick and Tabitha (Whitmarsh) Lincoln of Wey. She was b. at Wey. July 11, 1786, and d. 21 Feb. 1860, ffit. 76th yr. Bela d. 7 Dec. 1838, ffit. 64 yrs. " Wheelwright." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all by w. Susanna, were — i. Mary, Oct. 20, 1804. m. May 15, 1831, Ebenezer Pratt. ii. Susan, Dec. 2, 1806. m. .lune 29, 1834, George Wright of Boston. 72. iii. John, Apr. 7, 1808. 50. Daniel ' (Daniel "*^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1753. m. Aug. 26, 1778, Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Enoch and Eachel (Fearing) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 29, 1764, and d. 26 Jan. 1795, ffit. 40 yrs. He d. 10 Feb. 1826, ffit. 72 yrs. Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St., below " Pear Tree Hill," where John Keshan now resides. Cushing. 167 Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Daniel, Oct. 13, 1778. ii. Sarah, Aug. 30, 1781, d. unm. 28 Nov. 1849. iii. Elizabeth, Aug. 18, 1784. 73. iv. Francis, Aug. 27, 1785. V. Elijah, Oct. 1786, d. 5 Dec. foil. vi. Elijah, Nov. 20, 1789. vii. Edward, Nov. 1792, d. Sept. 1793. viii. Edward, Dec. 27, 1793. ix. LiEVi Lincoln, Jan. 24, 1795, d. at Cambridge, Mass., 6 June, 1876, set. 81 yrs. 51. Thomas ' (Ebenezer « Daniel **2 Matthew i), b. in Hing. Feb. 21, 1753. m. first, Sept. 17, 1780, Elizabeth Lincoln, dau. of David and Elizabeth (Fearing) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1761, and d. 7 Feb. 1797, ffit. 35 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 25, 1798, Euth Sprague, dau. of Benjamin and Euth (Stodder) Sprague. She was. bt. in Hing. June 1, 1766, and d. 21 June, 1806. For his third w. he m. March 5, 1807, Leah Cushing, dau. of John Cushing. (See No. 27.) Thomas d. 2 Dec. 1832, ffit. 80th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, were — 74. i. Thomas, Sept. 4, 1781. ii. Elizabeth, March 2, 1783. m. Apr. 10, 1803, Israel Fearing. iii. LvniA, Dec. 23, 1784, d. 30 Aug. 1803. iv. Ebenezer, Apr. 13, 1787. Resided at Boston. V. Bela, Juue 18, 1789, d. 21 Oct. 1791. vi. DAvm, Jan. 30, 1792. 75. vii. Samuel, 1794. 76. viii. Ensign, Dec. 28, 1796. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Euth, — ix. Ruth, July 4, 1799. X. Benjamin, 1804, d. 21 Oct. 1822, aet. 18 yrs. 52. Ebed ' (Ebenezer « Daniel *^^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1759. m. Dec. 11, 1793, Betsey Amos. She d. in Hing. 28 March, 1842, ffit. 72 yrs. He d. 16 June, 1808, ffit. 49th yr. Eesided at So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Ebed, Sept. 7, 1794, d. at Ariington, Mass., 17 Nov. 1867, set. 73 yrs. ii. Betsey, May 18, 1796. m. Sept. 29, 1820, Ebed Hobart. iii. Laban, Apr. 11, 1799, d. 27 Sept. 1800. iv. Mary, bt. Nov. 31, 1802. 53. David « (David ^ Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. July 2, 1764. m. Oct. 14, 1779, Hannah Cushing, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Leavitt) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1760. David was constable 1784 to 1787 inc., and from 1790 to 1794 inc. He removed from here with his fam. to Ashburnham, Mass., prob. at or near the commencement of the present century. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, Jan. 23, 1781. Removed to Boston, and thence to Baltimore, Md. ii. Hannah, June 9, 1783> iii. David, Nov. 7, 1785. Resided at Walpole, Mass. 168 Cushing. iv. Susannah, March 25, 1788. V. Laban, Apr. 29, 1791, d. at Ashburnham, 19 Oct. 1847, set. 5ff yrs. vi. Deborah, Sept. 6, 1793. vii. Moses, March 20, 1796. Removed to the State of New York. 54. Jonathan ^ (David ^ Abel * Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1769. m. Jan. 15, 1788, Sarah Simmons of Scit. She d. in Hing. 25 Apr. 1845, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 29 Jan. 1847, ffit. 88th yr. "Farmer." Selectman 1804, and representative 1808 to 1813 inc. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Jonathan, Jan. 16, 1789. ii. Sarah, Nov. 10, 1790. m. Dec. 1820, William Torrey. iii. Ruth Lincoln, June 9, 1793. m. Dec. 3, 1816, David Ijane of Ab'n. 77. iv. Adam, Nov. 30, 1796. V. Rowland, Nov. 9, 1798 ; was found dead near Prospect Hill 13 May, 1840. vi. Clarissa, March 26, 1805. m. Feb. 1832, Henry Ripley. 78. vii. William Gray, Aug. 3, 1810. 55. Hosea « (David « Abel* Theophilus 'DanieP Matthew 1), b. in Hing. May 29, 1765. m. Jan. 8, 1792, Celia Wilder, dau. of Edward and Hannah (Lewis) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. July 15, 1766, and d. 22 Dec. 1846, ffit. 80 yrs. He d. 22 Nov. 1836, ffit. 71 yrs. Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Hosea, Aug. 15, 1792, killed by a board in the hurricane of 25 Sept. 1815. ii. Elijah, July 23, 1794, d. 15 Apr. 1800. 79. iii. Allen, June 29, 1796. iv. Philip, May 3, 1798. m. Mary C. Rundlett of Wiscasset, Me. They had two ch. , a s. and dau. The s. went off. The dau. m. James Cushing of Hing. V. Elijah, May 27, 1801. 80. vi. Laban, Sept. SO, 1803. 56. Chaeles W.^ (David ^ Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew^), b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1766. m. Nov. 29, 1795, Deborah E. Jacobs of So. Scit., dau. of James and Deborah (Eichmond) Jacobs. She was b. at So. Scit. June 22, 1776, and d. in Hing. 6 Nov. 1841, ffit. 65 yrs. He d. 21 June, 1828, ffit. 62d yr. "Shipmaster," afts. "farmer." Eepresentative 1816. Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Deborah Richmond, Jan. 18, 1796. m. 1819, Farrar of Scit. ii. Fatima, Nov. 19, 1797, d. 17 Dec. 1798. iii. Fatima, Sept. 1799, d. unm. 11 July, 1847, st. 48th yr. 81. iv. David, Oct. 2, 1801. V. Mabel, Sept. 25, 1803. m. Nov. 28, 1832, Isaac Burrell of So. Scit. vi. Eunice Jacobs, Sept. 29, 1806. m. Apr. 12, 1835, Perez G. Bowker. vii. Abigail, Nov. 24, 1808, d. 8 Apr. 1880. 82. viii.' Charles Whiting, Oct. 26, 1811. ix. Sophia Bradford, June 28, 1814. m. Pufus Farrar of So. Scit. X. Joseph Bowers, Oct. 25, 1817. 83. xi. Jamks, Apr. 10, 1820. • 57. Egbert ^ (Pyam ^ Theophilus *¦' Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. June 9, 1756. m. Jan. 23, 1785, Judith Loring, dau. of Job and Judith (Whiton) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 3, 1764, and d. 28 Jan. Cushing. 169 1847, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 8 March, 1826, ffit. 69th yr. " Farmer," and deacon of the church. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Judith, May 6, 1786. m. Sept. 14, 1807, Abel Fearing. ii. Deborah, Sept. 6, 17S7. in. (1) Jan. 23, 1809, Jacob Gilkey, and (2) Philip Gilkey. 84. iii. Pyam, July 6, 1789. iv. Anna, Nov. 3, 1791. m. Feb. 6, 1811, Ezekiel Fearing. V. Hannah Lincoln, Apr. 21, 1794. m. Dec. 22, 1816, Daniel Shute, Jr. vi. Pamelia, Apr. 29, 1796, d. unm. 26 March, 1876. vii. Harriet, Aug. 19, 1799, d. 2 Feb. foil. 58. Henet " (Pyam ^ Theophilus*-' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1764. m. Dec. 28, 1791, Sarah Whiton, dau. of Elias and Sarah (Blossom) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1771, and surviving him, m. secondly, Nov. 30, 1816, Seth Cushing. (See No. 69.) Henry d. 7 Apr. 1809, ffit. 45 yrs. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Jones, March 31, 1793. m. Sept. 13, 1815, Benjamin Wilder. ii. Priscilla, Jan. 21, 1795. m. Oct. 9, 1815, Jared Jernegan. 85. iii. Henry, Jan. 29, 1798. iv. Adeline, Jlay 30, 1803, d. 21 Dec. 1867. V. M.iRY B., March 10, 1808. m. March 11, 1835, James E. Thayer of Brain tree, and d. 5 Jan. 1843. 59. Seth^ (Pyam 5 Theophilus*-' DanieP Matthew^), b. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1769. m. first, Sept. 18, 1794, Joanna Cushing, dau. of Isaac and Mary (Jones) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 19, 1773, and d. 8 June, 1814, ffit. 41st yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 30, 1815, Mrs. Sarah (Whiton) Cushing, wid. of Henry Cushing, and dau. of Elias and Sarah (Blossom) Whiton. (See No. 68.) She d. 29 March, 1860, ffit. 88 yrs. Seth d. 13 Oct. 1847, ffit. 79th yr. "Farmer." Was a deacon of the church. Eesided at So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 86. i. Seth, July 9, 1795. 87. ii. Leonard, March 2, 1797. iii. Mary Chauncey, July 18, 1799. m. July 18, 1820, Charles Shute. 88. iv. An-drew, Nov. 22, 1801. 89. V. Oliver, Jan. 15, 1804. vi. Wendall, Jan. 19, 1806, d. at Gosport, Va., 27 Oct. 1840. vii. Joanna, May 14, 1808. m. Dec. 27, 1827, Alden Wilder. viii. Deborah, June 28, 1811, d. 7 Nov. foil. ix. Deborah, Jan. 24, 1813. m. Jan. 2, 1831, Peter Lane, and d. at Wey. 13 Sept. 1884. 60, Washington^ (Theophilus"-' DanieP Matthew i),b. in Hing. Jan. 3, 1776. m. first, Dec. 23, 1798, his cousin Hannah Cushing of Hull, dau. of Perez and Euth (Cushing) Cushing. She was b. Apr. 23, 1776, and d. in Hing. 24 Apr. 1828, ffit. 52 yrs. He m. secondly, Aag. 13, 1828, Mrs. Mary (Humphrey) Stodder, wid. of Zenas Stodder, and dau. of Jonathan and Eebecca (Vinal) Humphrey. She d, 4 Oct. 1874, set. 78 yrs. He d. Aug. 1849, ffit. 73 yrs. " Farmer," and kn. as " Colonel." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St., So. Hing. 91. ii. 92. iii. iv. V. vi. 93. vii. viii. ix. X. 170 Cushing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, were — i. Emma, Nov. 25, 1800, d. unm. 17 Dec. 1846. ii. George Washington, July 6, 1802, d. 11 Nov. 1805. iii. Hannah, Nov. 14, 1804, d. 8 Nov. 1826. iv. Patience Dunbar, Jan. 28, 1807, d. 2 Apr. 1808. V. George Washington, Jan. 23, 1809, d. unm. 14 Sept. 1871. 90. vi. Theophilus, July 21, 1811. vii. Patience Dunbar, Apr. 2, 1814. m. Nov. 1832, John Puffer. 61. Nehemiah^ (Theophilus""' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. June 1, 1777. m., 1800, Deborah Briggs of Milton, Mass. She d. in Hing. 16 May, 1832, ffit. 51 yrs. He d. 27 June, 1829, ffit. 52 yrs. " Farmer " and " tanner." Eesided on Main St., near " Liberty Pole Hill," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Deborah Barker, Jan. 31, 1801. m. Sept. 12, 1822, Joshua Hersey, Jr. Theophilus, June 28, 1802. Nehemiah, Apr. 18, 1804. Peter, May 10, 1806. Removed to Maine. Benjamin Barker, Sept. 29, 1808. Removed to Peterboro', N. H. William, Sept. 21, 1810, d. 1835. Seth Briggs, Sept. 18, 1812. Rebecca Patridge, 1815. m. Nathaniel Brooks of So. Scit. Abigail Barker, 1817, d. 1845. Andre, 1820. Removed to Frankfort, Me. xi. Harriet Briggs, 1822, d. 1876, at Winterport, Me. xii. Volney, 1826. 62. Pyam^ (Perez 6 Theophilus*"' DanieP Matthew i), b. Feb. 21, 1778. m. by Eev. Nicholas Bowes Whitney, Dec. 26, 1805, Olive Lovell of Hull. She was b. Dec. 11, 1783, and d. 11 Jan. 1843, ffit. 59 yrs. He d. 9 Apr. 1841, ffit. 63 yrs. Eesided principally at Hull. Ch., — i. Perez, b. at Hull, Nov. 3, 1806. Resided at Boston, and had a fam. He d. at B. 12 Apr. 1887, a;t. 80 yrs. ii. Hosea Goold, b. at Hull, May 19, 1808. iii. Pyam, b. at Hull, Jan. 23, 1811, d. at Medford, Mass., 13 Nov. 1886. 94. iv. David, b. at Freeport, Me., Nov. 30, 1813. V. Olive Goold, b. at Hull, May 12, 1816. m. June 10, 1838, Moses B. Tower. vi. Emily, b. at Hull, July 27, 1818. m. Jan. 19, 1845, Edward Wilder of Hing. vii. Eliza Jones, b. at Hull, Jan. 30, 1821. 63. William" (Benjamin" Solomon* Matthew' DanieP Mat thew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 24, 1754. m. Dec. 3, 1778, Elizabeth Lane, dau. of George and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Lane. She was b. in Hing, Jan. 4, 1754. William d. 9 Apr. 1848, ffit. 94th yr. Was a deacon^ of the church. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. Main St., below "Pear Tree Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. William, Sept. 10, 1779, d. 16 Dec. 1805. ii. George, May 20, 1781, d. 15 Aug. 1782. iii. Betsey, June 4, 1783, d. unm. 13 March, 1875, set. 92d yr. iv. Peggy, Oct. 12, 1785, d. unm. 11 May, 1856. 95. V. Geoege, Feb. 27, 1789. Cushing. 171 64. Benjamin ^ (Benjamin ^ Solomon * Matthew ' Daniel ^ Mat thew 0, b. in Hing. July 18, 1758. m. Nov. 26, 1781, Lydia Beal, dau. of John and Lydia (Stowers) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 7, 1759. This fam. prob. removed from here. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Charlotte, Feb. 26, 1783. m. Eben Eastman, and d. at Boston, 28 Dec. 1872, £6t. 90th yr. 65. Jerom ^ (Benjamin ' Solomon* Matthew' DanieP Matthew^), b. in Hiug. Aug. 25, 1780. m. Sept. 26, 1813, Mary Thaxter, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Barker) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 10, 1784, and d. at Dor. 30 July, 1867, ffit. 83d yr. Jerom d. 30 July, 1824, ffit. 44th yr. " Trader," and magistrate. Eesided on Main, near Water St. Ch.,— i. Mary, July 5, 1814. m. Rev. Richard S. Edes of Eastport, Me., afts. of Bolton, Mass. ii. Charlotte Chadwell, Dec. 13, 1815. m. Alexander Pope of Dor. iii. Elizabeth, 1818. m. Samuel Swan of Dor. iv. Lucy Thaxter, Jan. 27, 1820. m. Robert Swan of Dor. V. Benjamin, May 9, 1822 ; Har. CoU. 1842. m. Anna Q. Thaxter. "Phy sician." Resides at Dor. 66. Jacob' (Jacob ^ Matthew' John^ Matthew'), b. in Hing. March 8, 1784. m. June 23, 1816, Martha Orcutt of Coh. She d. 1 Oct. 1848, ffit. 58 yrs. He d. 10 Aug. 1868, ffit. 84 yrs. "Farmer," and kn. as " Captain." Eesided on the paternal homestead, Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Jacob, March 3, 1817, d. at Ellington, Conn., 6 Oct. 1885, set. 68 yrs. ii. Martha, Feb. 11, 1819. m. Warren Vinal of Soit., and d. 14 Feb. 1882, set. 63 yrs. iii. Sarah, July 16, 1821. iv. William Orcutt, Dec. 31, 1823. Resides at New York. V. Ann, Nov. 7, 1825. m. Jan. 31, 1869, Franklin Sprague. vi. Susanna, Apr. 14, 1828. m. Apr. 14, 1850, William I. Newcomb, widF, of Scit. 67. Adna' (Isaac « Jacob* Matthew' John^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. May 2, 1785. m. Jan. 1810, Sarah Leavitt, dau. of Jacob and Leah (Fearing) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 17, 1787, and d. at Lunenburg, Mass., 26 June, 1859. ffit. 71st yr. This fam. removed from Hing. Ch.,— i. Sarah, Oct. 10, 1810. m. Ephraim Graham. ii. Mary Ann, Apr. 20, 1813. m. . iii. Leah, Aug. 11, 1815. m. (1) Jenkins, and (2) Cobb. iv. Adna, Aug. 12, 1818, d. at Fitchburg, Mass., 7 Dec. 1880. V. Isaac Chauncey, Jan. 3, 1821, d. at Somerville, Mass., 3 July, 1876. vi. Abby, . m. Brown. 68. Caleb ' (Matthew ^ Hezekiah * Matthew ' John ^ Matthew '), b. 1763. m. March 19, 1786, Lucy Stephenson, dau. of Luther and Lucy (Beal) Stephenson of Coh. " Shoemaker." Eesided on East St. 172 Cushing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Leavitt, July 15, 1786, d. July, 1823, set. 37 yrs. ii. Caleb, Oct. 9, 1788. iii. Lucy, , d. 28 Sept. 1800. iv. Luther, Feb. 24, 1793, Resided at Charlestown, and d. there 6 Dec. 1874. V. Betsey, Nov. 17, 1795. vi. Peter, March 15, 1798, d. 3 Sept. 1823. vii. Elizabeth Marsh, March 13, 1800. m. Henry White. Their s. Caleb C. White, is a resident of Hing. viii. Jonathan, Sept. 15, 1801. ix. Thomas, Oct. 10, 1808. m. Jan. 10, 1836, Jane Sprague, and d. 22 June, 1858, St. 50th yr. She d. 23 Feb. 1878, set. 66 yrs. Thomas was town treasurer in 1857. Their s. Sidney Thomas, b. Aug. 23, 1849, d. 7 Oct. foil. 69. Ezekiel ' (Matthew ^ Hezekiah * Matthew' John ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1769. m. Oct. 23, 1797, Abigail Gill, dau. of Sam uel and Sarah (Hatch) Gill. She was b. in Hing. March 20, 1774, and d. 15 Jan. 1849, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 19 July, 1827, ffit. 68th yr. Ee sided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lydia, March 17, 1798. m. Jan. 9, 1820, Adna Sprague. ii. Sally, Aug. 9, 1799. m. Apr. 16, 1826, Martin Sprague. iii. Matthew, June 21, 1804, d. 9 March, 1825. 70. John' (John' Peter ^ Stephen * Peter' DanieP Matthew '), b. in Hing. Jan. 13, 1797. m. Delia Kingman of Boston. John d. at Wey. 5 May, 1860, ffit. 63 yrs. " Book-binder." Eesided many yrs. on South St. Ch., i. George Arms, . Resides at Wey. ii. John, Nov. 1820, d. at Wey. 15 Nov. 1844. iii. Francis Thaxter, , d. a young man. iv. Peter, . Removed to New York, and is dead. V. Delia Amanda, , d. . vi. Adeline Lincoln. . vii. William Pomeroy, — — , d. at New York, 12 Sept. 1860. 71. Elisha' (Elisha '"»"* Daniel '"^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1784. m. in 1811 Lucy Humphrey, dau. of James and Deborah (Tir rell) Humphrey of Wey. She d. at Wey. 27 March, 1876, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 26 Jan. 1867, ffit. 72 yrs. "Book-binder." Eesided at the corner of Main and South Sts., next N. W. of Derby Academy. Ch., i. Emeline, July 26, 1812. m. (1) John Hollis of Braintree, and (2) Aug. 3, 1845, John A. Hollis of Braintree. She d. in Hing. 1 Apr. 1887, st. 75th yr, ii. Lucy Humphrey, Dec. 18, 1814. m. Jan. 31, 1850, Hervey Cushing of Wey., and d. 15 Jan. 1860. iii. James, b. at Andover, June 26, 1818. Resided at Boston, and d. 8 Sept. - 1884, a:t. 66 jts. iv. Susan Humphrey, Feb. 23, 1828. m. Dec. 23, 1861, James Humphrey of Wey. 72. John' (Bela' John ^ Elisha* Daniel ="2 Matthew i), b. in Hing. Apr. 7, 1808. m. first. May 8, 1831, Harriet J. Gilkey, dau. of Jacob and Deborah (Cushing) Gilkey. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 29, 1809, Cushing. 173 and d. 24 Feb. 1850, ffit. 40 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 15, 1852, Nancy Sprague, dau. of John and Eebecca (Simmons) Sprague of Mf'd. She was b. at Mf'd, July 26, 1818. John d. 14 June, 1886, ffit. 78 yrs. " Far mer," and "shoemaker." Eepresentative 1873 and 1874. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Harriet, — i. Harriet Elizabeth, July 26, 1832, d. 1 Feb. 1852. ii. Jacob Gilkey, Oct. 8, 1836, d. of wounds received at the battle of Laurel Hill, 14 May, 1864. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") 'ii. Deborah Ellen, Sept. 19, 1841. m. Jan. 15, 1860, George Cushing, 2d. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Nancy, — iv. Fannie Oscar, Apr. 9, 1856. 73. Francis' (Daniel '-="*^"2 Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 27, 1785. m. Betsey Sprague, dau. of Josiah and Betsey (Whiton) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. March 27, 1791, and d. 6 June, 1874, ffit. 83 yrs. Francis d. 18 May, 1832, ffit. 47th yr. Eesided on Main St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth, June 18, 1816. m. Jan. 12, 1834, John Pike. ii. Francis, Oct. 6, 1818, d. 25 June, 1845. 96. iii. Edmund, Feb. 9, 1824. 97. iv. Henry, Apr. 22, 1827. 74. Thomas' (Thomas' Ebenezer' Daniel **= Matthew i), b. in Hing. Sept. 4, 1781. m. Dec. 26, 1806, Elizabeth Hobart, dau. of Ed mund and Elizabeth (Cushing) Hobart. She was b. in Hiug. Sept. 13, 1785, and surviving him, m. secondly. Ensign Cushing, a younger bro. of her first hus. Thomas d. 3 March, 1815, ffit. 34th yr. " Cooper." Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i Thomas, July 31, 1807, d. 21 July, 1813. ii. Elizabeth, Nov. 10, 1812. m. Dec. 15, 1833, Stephen Cushing. (See No. 119.) 75. Samuel' (Thomas' Ebenezer' Daniel *-'^2 Matthew i), b. in Hing. 1794. m. May 15, 1816, Emma Hobart, dau. of Edmund and Persis (Cushing) Hobart. She d. 18 May, 1846, ffit. 47 yrs. He d. 16 Nov. 1832, ffit. 38 yrs. "Caulker and graver." Eesided in Hing. and Boston. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Emma, Oct. 11, 1816, d. 18 Feb. 1840. ii. Elizabeth Lincoln, May 1, 1818. m. (1) Thomas Hobart, and (2) Joseph Goold, wid":. iii. Persis H., May 1, 1818. m. Dec. 23, 1839, Aaron Gardner. iv. Samuel Thaxter, March 21, 1821, d. young. V. Samuel Thaxter, Jan. 9, 1823 ; resided at Wey. He m. July 20, 1845, Sarah S. Binney. She survived him, and m. (2) Feb. 1, 1868, Thomas K. Woodward. Emma T., a dau. of Samuel T., m. March 21, 1869, John B. Lewis. Abbie A., m. March 27, 1879, William E. Ford of Mf'd. Hattie E., m. Jan. 1, 1881, Jesse T. Bai-nes of Coh. vi. Sarah Wilder, Jan. 9, 1823. m. Nov. 2, 1842, Bela Hobart. vii. Lybia, . m. at Boston Turk. viii. Benjamin, . Resided at Braintree. ix. Mary Thomas, , d. unm. 174 Cushing. 76. Ensign' (Thomas ' Ebenezer ' Daniel ^^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Dec. 28, 1796. m. Sept. 29, 1816, Mrs. Elizabeth (Hobart) Cushing, wid. of Thomas (74). She d. 30 Nov. 1882, set. 97 yrs. He d. 5 July, 1864, ffit. 68th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lydia Lincoln, May 13, 1817, d. 10 Dec. 1834. ii. Mary Hobart, Apr. 6, 1821. m. Henry Fearing. 77. Adam ' (Jonathan » David ° Abel * Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Mat thew '), b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1796. m. Dec. 6, 1820, Harriet Loring, dau. of Elpalet and Susa (Wilder) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 27, 1803, and d. at Wey. 4 Jan. 1882, ffit. 78 yrs. Adam d. at Coh. 20 Dec. 1866, ffit. 70 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. ; afts. at Coh., near Hing. line. Ch.,— i. Harriet Adams, Jan. 22, 1822 ; is unm. 98. ii. Elpalet Loring, Jan. 16, 1824. iii. A son, March 9, 1826, d. in two days. iv. Jonathan, Jan. 1, 1827, d. 5 June foil. V. Emeline, March 10, 1828. m. Nov. 28, 1850, George W. Bibby. vi. Caroline, June 22, 1830, d. 29 Oct. 183L vii. Caroline A., Sept. 2, 1832. m. June 5, 1851, John Nelson. viii. Maria Josephine, Apr. 23, 1835. m. (1) William T. Ford, and (2) George Cummings. ix. Eliza Alfred, Dec. 26, 1838. m. Nov. 25, 1858, Josiah Rice of Wey. X. Henrietta, Apr. 6, 1842. m. Dec. 23, 1863, Ephraim Snow, Jr., of Coh. xi. Sarah Jane, Jan. 22, 1844. m. Dec. 28, 1869, Alfred Beal, and d. 21 June, 1871. xii. Joseph Adams, Dec. 24, 1846 ; is m. and resides at Wey. 78. William G.' (Jonathan' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew '), b. in Hing. Aug. 3, 1810. m. Dec. 27. 1835, Sarah Merritt. He d. 2 Dec. 1872, ffit. 62 yrs. "Butcher." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch.,— i. William Gray, Nov. 7, 1836. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Sarah S., Dec. 24, 1837. m. Apr. 27, 1869, Caleb C. White. iii. Webster A., Oct. 14, 1839. m. May 24, 1868, Amanda F. Hobart. Re sides at So. Scit. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") iv. Martha A., March 14, 1841. V. George R., March 8, 1842, d. 19 May foil. vi. George R., March 9, 1843. vii. An infant, 1844, d. 1846. viii. An infant, i ^g^g ^_ ^^^^_ IX. An infant, J ' X. Ellen G., Aug. 26, 1848, d. Apr. 1849. xi. Isabella G., July 12, 1850, d. 16 July, 1851. xii. Leoxa Parker, May 25, 1852. m. Apr. 29, 1877, Benjamin T. Raymond of Wey. xiii. Charles M., Oct. 8, 1854. xiv. Ida May, Oct. 8, 1856. m. Sept. 15, 1881, Charles V. Severance of Brock ton, and d. 6 Oct. 1885, set. 29th yr. XV. An INFANT, May 12, 1858. xvi. Frank E., Dec. 1860. xvii. Alma E., Oct. 24, 1862, d. 6 Feb. 1863. 79. Allen' (Hosea' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Mat thew ^), b. in Hing. June 29, 1796. m. Nov. 1822, Lydia Lapham, dau. Cushing. 175 of Michael and Sarah (Cushing) Lapham of Scit. She d. in Hing. 4 May, 1880, ffit. 80 yrs. He d. 16 July, 1862, ffit. 66 yrs. "Carpen ter." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. A pensioner of the War of 1812. Ch.,— i. IvERS Allen, March 22, 1824, d. unm. 3 Aug. 1864. 99. ii. Isaac Hinckley, Nov. 21, 1826. iii. Delmont Oliver, March 21, 1829, d. 13 Nov. 1838. iv. Lydia James, Oct. 10, 1831. m. Aug. 24, 1862, Daniel W. Lincoln. V. SaPvAH Lapham, Feb. 24, 1834. m. Nov. 16, 1862, Andrew J. Gove of Randolph. vi. Celia Wilder, Jan. 14, 1837, d. 11 Dec. 1838. 100. vii. Delmont Oliver, Aug. 14, 1839. viii. Celia Wilder, Apr. 15, 1842. 80. Labait' (Hosea' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Mat thew ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1803. m. 1829, Alice Furgerson. Laban d. 21 Nov. 1877, ffit. 74 yrs. " Hatter." Eepresentative 1840. Ee sided on So. Pleasant St. Ch.,— i. Laban Furgerson, Aug. 8, 1830. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") 101. ii. Edward Sargent, May 20, 1832. iii. Arthur Clarence, Dec. 30, 1833, d. 12 Apr. 1840. iv. William Bradford, Aug. 16, 1836. m. Marion Schuyler, and d. 7 Aug. 1862. Their s. Fred., was b. Apr. 21, 1860. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") V. Alice Clarence, , d. 26 Sept. 1840. vi. Martha Furgerson, March 7, 1844. m. Apr. 21, 1872, Seth B. Cushing. 81. David ' (Charles W.' David ' Abel* Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Mat thew i), b. in Hing. Oct. 2, 1801. m. Nov. 8, 1826, Mary Souther Lapham, dau. of Michael and Sarah (Cushing) Lapham of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Nov. 8, 1804, and d. in Hing. 1 Feb. 1886, ffit. 80 yrs. " Farmer." Eesides on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 102. i. David, Ang. 14, 1826. 103. ii. Alonzo, Dec. 15, 1827. iii. Mary Jane, March 26, 1829, d. 14 Jan. 1830. iv. Mary Jane, Oct. 17, 1830, d. 3 Dec. foil. V. Sarah Jane, Nov. 5, 1832. m. Jan. 8, 1854, Alfred H. Loring, and d. 21 Apr. 1881. vi. Michael Lapham, Sept. 4, 1834. m. March 2, 1856, Josephine Kimball of So. Scit. vii. Otis, March 22, 1837. m. Jan. 31, 1861, Caroline F. Hersey. Resides at So. Wey. viii. Sidney, March 2, 1839. m. Sept. 26, 1861, Sarah E. Corbett. Resides at Boston. 104. ix. George, June 16, 1841. X. Ferdinand, Nov. 22, 1843. xi. Isabella, Sept. 10, 1847. 82. Chaeles W.' (Charles W.« David ' Abel * Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Matthew 1), b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1811. m. first, March 29, 1836, Eliz abeth Ann Lane, dau. of Quincy and Elizabeth (Hersey) Lane. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1816, and d. 3 Feb. 1882, ffit. 66 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 1, 1885, Mary Ann, dau. of Daniel McKenna. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 20, 1855. "Master mason and contractor;" 176 Cushing. afts. " farmer." Eepresentative 1850 and 1851, and a man of energy in the conduct of his business affairs. Eesides on Main, near So. Pleasant St. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Elizabeth Almena, b. at Boston, Sept. 15, 1837. m. Sept. 15, 1857, Ebenezer C. Ripley. 105. ii. Charles Quincy, b. at Boston, Apr. 29, 1845. iii. Florence Richmond, b. in Hing. June 14, 1851, d. 1 June, 1866, iet. 15th yi-. iv. Annie Frances, b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1854. m. Jan. 1, 1879, Arthur E. Ho bart of Wey. V. Virginia Lane, b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1856. m. Oct. 31, 1878, John J. P. O'Brien, Esq., of Worcester, Mass. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — vi. Marinda, Sept. 5, 1886. 83. James ' (Charles W.' David ' Abel * Theophilus ' Daniel ^ Mat thew i), b. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1820. m. Apr. 25, 1844, Mary Ann Cush ing, dau. of Philip and Mary C. (Eundlett) Cushing. She was b. at Boston, Dec. 17, 1824. " Mason," and " farmer." Eesides on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Eugenia, Feb. 3, 1845. m. Dec. 11, 1870, Michael Kelley. ii. James Whiting, Sept. 27, 1850. m. Jan. 14, 1872, Harriet R. Morton. Their s. Austin RusseU, was b. Nov. 28, 1881. iii. Laura Clarence, Oct. 10, 1852. iv. Philip Austin, Sept. 23, 1855. m. Dec. 26, 1881, Hannah E. B. Morris of Scit. V. Mary Abbie, March 6, 1858. vi. Winifred Bowers, July 3, 1864, d. 30 Sept. 1864, mt. 13 weeks. vii. Willie Marden, July 3, 1864, d. 24 Sept. 1864, £et. 12 weeks. 84. Ptam' (Eobert ' Pyam' Theophilus *"' Daniel ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. July 6, 1789. m. Jan. 6, 1813, Sarah Jacob, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Jones) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1795, and d. 15 Jan. 1878, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 12 Sept. 1866, ffit. 76 yrs. "Farmer." Selectman 1847 and 1848. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 106. i. Pyam, Jan. 11, 1814. ii. Sarah Jacob, Nov. 14, 1815. m. Nov. 17, 1833, Seth B. Cushing, and d. 6 Nov. 1871. 107. iii. Robert, Feb. 5, 1819. iv. Mary Jones, Dec. 5, 1820. m. Jan. 20, 1842, William Fearing. 108. V. Caleb, Oct. 29, 1822. 85. Heney ' (Henry ' Pyam ' Theophilus *"' Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. Jan. 29, 1798. m. first, Dec. 26, 1822, Mary Gardner, dau. of Solomon and Mary (Wilder) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1803, and d. 28 May, 1838, ffit. 35 yrs. He m. secondly, May 2, 1839, Angelina H. Tower, dau. of Joshua and Anna (Hersey) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 9, 1818. Henry d. 26 Jan. 1864, ffit. 66th yr. " Trader." Selectman. Eepresentative in 1837, 1838, and 1839. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Cushing. 177 Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — i. Mary Gardner, July 28, 1825. m. Nov. 12, 1846, Josiah Lane. iL Lydia Loring, May 5, 1831. m. Aug. 7, 1853, Sewall Pugsley. ,iii. Henrietta, March 15, 1838. m. May 24, 1864, Capt. Thomas C. Worth. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Angelina, — iv. Angelina, Jan. 31, 1843. m. Jan. 18, 1871, George F. Jacob.s. V. Henry Winthrop, May 27, 1848. m. Aug. 11, 1875, Fannie A., dau. of Joseph and Clarissa A. (Cushing) Jacobs. Their s. Winthrop Jacobs, was b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1878. Hemy W. is sec. of the Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Company. 86. Seth' (Seth ' Pyam ' Theophilus *"' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. July 9, 1795. m. Nancy . ,Seth d. 3 May, 1829, ffit. 34th yr. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Nancy Page, Nov. 26, 1819. ii. Seth, Feb. 24, 1821 ; drowned 9 July, 1834. ui. Isaac, Jan. 6, 1823. iv. Ellen Marla, Feb. 20, 1827, d. . V. Helen Adeline, Feb. 20, 1827. m. Robert Mansfield. vi. Maria, . m. Charles Higby. 87. Leonaed ' (Seth ' Pyam ' Theophilus *"= Daniel ^ Matthew i), b. in Hing. March 2, 1797. m. Jan. 1, 1821, Mary C. Whiting, dau. of Davis and Abigail (Bowker) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. June 17, 1797, and d. 13 Oct. 1879, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 19 July, 1881, ffit. 84 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch.,— i. Mary Davis, b. at Scit. Nov. 16, 1821. m. Oct. 25, 1846, James L. Gardner. ii. Martin Leonard, b. at Scit. June 22, 1823, d. 9 Dec. 1826. iii Abigail Bowker, b. at Scit. Oct. 13, 1825. m. Nov. 16, 1848, Henry Shute. iv. Joanna, b. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1828. m. Nov. 6, 1861, Elias A. Burrell of Ab'n. 88. Andeew' (Seth' Pyam' Theophilus*"' DanieP Matthew '), b. in Hing. Nov. 22, 1801. m. July 29, 1827, Lucy Hersey, dau. of Joshua and Lucy (Jacob) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. March 19, 1802, and d. 21 Aug. 1886, ffit. 83 yrs. "Mannf'r of Hats," afts. "trader," and postmaster at So. Hing. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lucy Jacob, Jan. 20, 1829. ii. Andrew Chauncey, Aug. 27, 1830. m. Nov. 6, 1872, Sarah E. Loud of Wey. iii. Matilda Sumner, Sept. 23, 1832. iv. Maria Elizabeth, Oct. 1, 1834. m. (1) John D. Fowler, who d. 20 Apr. 1865, and (2) Aug. 10, 1876, Webster Hersey. v. Joanna Alden, Dec. 20, 1837. m. Dec. 31, 1857, John D. Gates. vi. Rachel Hersey, March 20, 1839, d. unm; 5 Jan. 1872, set. 33d yr. vii. Joshua Hersey, Sept. 19, 1841. Resides at Melbourne, Australia. viii. Wendell, Oct. 17, 1843, d. 9 Dec. 1843. ix. A DAU., June 17, 1845, d. 18 June, 1845. X. Mary Wendell, Aug. 18, 1846. m. Sept. 10, 1871, Amasa J. Whiting. VOL. II. 12 178 Cushing. 89. Olivee ' (Seth ' Pyam ' Theophilus *"' Daniel ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1804. m. Oct. 28, 1828, Elizabeth Lisle Hammond, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Hammond. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 17, 1804, and d. 11 Jan. 1886, ffit. 82d yr. He d. 18 Aug. 1867, ffit. 64th yr. " Painter," and selectman for eighteen yrs. Ee sided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Oliver Wendell, Ang. 17, 1829. m. Dec. 18, 1850, Harriet N. Curtis, and d. 29 Dec. 1856, aet. 27 yrs. ii. Elizabeth Lincoln, Aug. 12, 1831. m. Jan. 30, 1862, Seth S. Hersey, Jr., and d. 12 Jan. 1866, mt. 34 yrs. 109. iii. William, May 24, 1836. 90. Theophilus ' (Washington ' Theophilus ""' Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. July 21, 1811. m. Nov. 17, 1833, Cynthia C. Jacobs, dau. of Jotham and Grace (Tower) Jacobs. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 24, 1816. Theophilus d. 26 Jan. 1866, ffit. 64 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead, Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Mary Washington, Apr. 8, 1835. m. Aug. 2, 1852, Calvin H. Young. 110. ii. Theophilus, Apr. 9, 1839. 91. Theophilus ' (Nehemiah ' Theophilus ^-^ Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. June 28, 1802. m. May 13, 1827, Lucinda Lapham of So. Scit. They removed to Winterport, Me., where she d. 2 Aug. 1884,. ffit. 76th yr. Theophilus d. 4 Oct. 1881, ffit. 79 yrs. " Civil engineer ; " at one time a teacher in the public school of Hing., and after his re moval to Me., " lumber merchant." He was a senator in the legis lature of that State. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Theophilus Hamilton, 1827. ii. Lucinda Caroline, 1829. iii. George Byron, 1831. iv. Lorenzo De Zavala, 1835. Other ch. were b. in Me. 92. Nehemiah ' (Nehemiah ' Theophilus ^"*"' Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b, in Hing. Apr. 8, 1804. m. Nov. 20, 1827, Betsey Jacobs, dau. of Jotham and Grace (Tower) Jacobs. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1809, and surviving him, m. secondly, July 3, 1842, Eobert G. Gard ner. Nehemiah d. ab. 1840. "Mason." Eesided on Main St., at "Liberty Pole HiU." Ch., — i. Nehemiah, Aug. 10, 1828 ; is m. and resides in North Carolina. ii. Maria Elizabeth, May 6, 1832, d. 22 Sept. 1833. iii. Mary Elizabeth, March 9, 1835, d. 12 July foil. iv. William, July 2, 1837 ; is unm. and resides at Wey. 93. Seth B.' (Nehemiah' Theophilus'"*-' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Sept. 18, 1812. m. Nov. 17, 1833, Sarah J. Cushing, dau. of Pyam and Sarah (Jacob) Cushing. (See No. 84.) She d. 6 Nov.. 1861, ffit. 46 yrs. Seth d. 17 June, 1854, ffit. 42 yrs. "Painter.'" Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Cushing. 179 Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lucas, Aug. 5, 1834. m. Jones, and resides at Boston. ii. Morgiana, Nov. 6, 1835. m. Nov. 3, 1859, Luke H. Bowers. iii. Sarah Beiggs, Sept. 19, 1837. m. June 27, 1861, Amos B. Bates. 111. iv. Seth Briggs, Nov. 12, 1839. V. Deborah Briggs, July 13, 1844. vi. Frank Russell, Nov. 10, 1849. m. March 31, 1875, Annie Maria Morse of Boston. Resides at Boston. 94. David' (Pyam' Perez' Theophilus*-' DanieP Matthew i), b. Nov. 30, 1813, at Freeport, Me., while his parents were temporarily residing there ; m. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1844, Elizabeth H. Torrey, dau. of William and Sarah (Cushing) Torrey. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1823. " Lumber dealer." Was representative in 1868. Eesides on North St., near the meeting-house of the Universalist Society. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. David Augustine, June 26, 1846, d. 30 July foil. ii. Elizabeth Braxton, Sept. 4, 1847. m. Oct. 13, 1885, Henry W. Stone of Boston. He d. at New York, 9 May, 1887, aet. 42 yrs. iii. Sarah, Jan. 8, 1850. 95. Geoege' (William" Benjamin' Solomon* Matthew' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1789. m. Catherine Graupner of Bos ton. George d. at Watertown, Mass., 14 Nov. 1880, ffit. 92d yr. " Bank officer." Eesided for some time at Boston, but late in life on the an cestral homestead. Main St., below " Pear Tree Hill." (The old house was demolished in 1886.) Ch.,— i. Elizabeth L., b. at Dot. Aug. 6, 1819, d. in Hing. 1 July, 1869, set. 50th yr. ii. William, Oct. 1, 1821. iii. George, Oct. 21, 1823, d. 26 March, 1882, set. 58 yrs. iv. Charles, 1825, d. at the Friendly Islands. V. Martin G., 1827. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") vi. Margaret, 1829, d. 23 July, 1834, set. 5 yrs. vii. Henry Howard, b. June 11, 1831, d. at Washington, D. C, 15 Oct. 1872, set. 41 yrs. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") viii. J. Morland, Jan. 1834, d. 17 July, 1836. ix. Benjamin Loring, Jan. 1834, d. in Hing. 16 March, 1865, set. 31 yrs. 96. Edmund ' (Francis ' Daniel '"'^"'"^ Matthew ') b. in Hing. Feb. 9, 1824. m. Nov. 26, 1868, Sally S. Poor, dau. of Amos and Sally (Lunt) Poor. She was b. at West Newbury, March 3, 1835. " Harness- maker." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lizzie Somerby, June 16, 1863. ii. Edmund Herbert, Feb. 18, 1865. 97. Henet' (Francis' Daniel'"'-**^ Matthew'), b. in Hing. Apr. 22, 1827. m. Dec. 7, 1859, Almira King, dau. of 'Thomas and Eimira B. (Eeed) King. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 5, 1831. " Carriage- trimmer and harness-maker." Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Myra Belle, Nov. 29, 1861. ii. Henry Francls, Nov. 24, 1863. iii. Carrie May, Feb. 19, 1868. 180 Cushing. 98. Elpalet L.' (Adam ' Jonathan ' David ' Abel * Theophilus ' DanieP Matthew '), b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1824. m. Nov. 29, 1848, Julia A. Johnson, dau. of Nathan and Hannah W. (Morse) Johnson. She was b. at Sharon, Mass., Feb. 27, 1826. Elpalet d. 31 May, 1885, ffit. 61 yrs. "Engineer." Eepresentative at the General Court in 1868. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Nathan Adams, Apr. 18, 1850, d. 11 Oct. foil. ii. Edna Louise, June 23, 1851. iii. Maud Wales, Dec. 23, 1862. 99. Isaac H.' (Alien' Hosea' David 'Abel* Theophilus ' DanieP Matthew '), b. in Hing. Nov. 21, 1826. m. Apr. 28, 1850, Grace A. Jacobs, dau. of Joseph and Esther C. (Jacobs) Jacobs. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1833. " Carpenter." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 112. i. Elijah Hinckley, Aug. 17, 1852. ii. Esther Jacobs, Jan. 8, 1855. m. Aug. 4, 1874, Rev. Allen G. Jennings. iii. Anna Grace, June 1, 1857. iv. Winslow Lincoln, Oct. 26, 1860, d. 19 July, 1861. 100. Delmont 0.' (Allen' Hosea' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1839. m. Apr. 24, 1864, Helen M. Waters, dau. of Samuel and Lucy (Jacob) Waters. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1843. " Carpenter." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., — i. Cora Jacob, b. in Hing. Nov. 21, 1865. ii. Sarah Allen, b. in Hing. Feb. 26, 1869. iii. Arthur Waters, b. in Hing. Apr. 1, 1871. iv. IvERS Lapham, Apr. 12, 1874. V. Lucy Wilder, Nov. 16, 1875. 101. Edwaed S.' (Laban' Hosea' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew '), b. in Hing. May 20, 1832. m. Judith L. Ken nedy. "Farmer." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — 113. i. Edward Kennedy, Apr. 18, 1854 ii. Julia Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1855. m. Feb, 12, 1880, Charles T. Leavitt. iii. William Sargent, May 19, 1869, d. 27 Apr. 1876. 102. David' (David' Charles W.' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1826. m. Feb. 17, 1850, Mary Jacob Sherman, dau. of Marshall and Hannah (Jacob) Sherman of Andover. She was b. Jan. 24, 1826. " Farmer," and " contractor." Eesides on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 114. i. David Sherman, Dec. 8, 1850. ii. Frank Willis, May 7, 1854, d. 1 Nov. 1860. iii. John Jacob, Apr. 2, 1858, d. 20 Apr. 1859. iv. Marshall Henry, March 11, 1860 ; Har. Coll. 1883 ; is night editor of the Boston Globe. V. Mary Clara, July 20, 1866. Cushing. 181 103. Alonzo' (David' Charles W.' David' Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. Dec. 15, 1827. m. Jan. 16, 1862, Martha A. Cushing, dau. of Loring and Martha (Hersey) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 27, 1827. " Trader," formerly carpenter, and has been postmaster. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i.- Alonzo Fuller, Nov. 29, 1857. ii. Lizzie Herbert, July 11, 1860. 104. Geoege' (David'' Charles W.' David" Abel* Theophilus' DanieP Matthew i), b. in Hing. June 16, 1841. m. Jan. 15, 1860, Deborah E. Cushing, dau. of John and Harriet G. (Gilkey) Cushing. (No. 72.) She was b. in Hing. Sept. 19, 1841. Proprietor and land lord of the " Cushing House," North St. ; Chief Engineer Hing. Fire Department. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Wallace Gilkey, May 11, 1860. Resides at Chicago, IU. ii. Ralph Edw.irds, March 8, 1873. 105. Chaeles Q.' (Charles W.'-' David ' Abel * Theophilus ' DanieP Matthew i), b. at Boston, Apr. 29, 1846. m. Dec. 8, 1872, Irene May Eose, dau. of Laban Thaxter and Isabella W. (Josselyn) Eose. She was b. at Pem., Mass., May 1, 1847. " Farmer." Eesides on the paternal homestead. Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Charles Elmer, June 2, 1875, ii. Florence Richmont), Juna.l8, 1878. 106. Ptam ' (Pyam ' Eobert ' Pyam " Theophilus *"' Daniel ^ Mat thew i), b. in Hing. Jan. 11, 1814. m. Oct. 11, 1840, Harriet M. Per kins, dau. of Linus and Harriet (Wilder) Perkins. Pyam d. 27 Oct. 1868, ffit. 65th yr. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Pyam, July 14, 1842, d. 2 Feb. 1862. ii. Harriet JIaria, July 28, 1844. 115. iii.- George Perkin.s, Aug. 7, 1848. iv. Charles Sumner, March 13, 1854. V. Joanna Wilder, Aug. 11, 1857. m. Oct. 30, 1877, Francis P. Wing. 107. Eobeet' (Pyam' Eobert' Pyam' Theophilus *"' DanieP Mat thew '), b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1819. m. Mary S. Hersey, dau. of Seth S. and Betsey (Eeed) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 15, 1818. Eob ert d. 29 Dec. 1856, ffit. 36th yr. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch.,— i. Robert, Jan. 17, 1842. m. Nov. 28, 1866, Martha E. Seiders of Boston, and d. 26 Sept. 1869, ajt. 28th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Marietta, March 27, 1851, d. 17 March, 1852. iii. Mary Adelaide, May 11, 1853, d. 8 Sept. 1854. iv. Alfred, Dec. 9, 1855. Resides at So. Hing. 108. Caleb' (Pyam' Eobert' Pyam ' Theophilus *-' DanieP Mat. thew^), b. in Hing. Oct. 29, 1822. m. Jan. 22, 1846, Caroline Stodder, dau. of Daniel and Lydia (Wilder) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. 182 Cushing. Sept. 28, 1823. " Farmer." Eesides on the paternal homestead. Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Caleb Bennett, July 2, 1847, d. 19 Sept. 1852. ii. Isaiah, March 2, 1850. m. June 18, 1873, Lydia Mana, ttau. of Benjamin and Lydia C. ( Fearing) Jones. They have one child, Ada, b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1878. iii. Ada Caroline, June 10, 1852, d. 14 Apr. 1870. 109. William' (Oliver' Seth' Pyam " Theophilus*-' DanieP Mat thew 1), b. in Hing. May 24, 1836. m. first, Jan. 28, 1864, Harriet A. Higgins, dau. of Joshua L. and Jane (Whitcomb) Higgins. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 5, 1842, and d. 13 May, 1868, ffit. 25 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 20, 1870, Mehitable F. Cushing, dau. of Loring and Martha (Hersey) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 13, 1836. " Trader," and postmaster. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mehitable, — i. Harriet Loiung, Sept. 7, 1871. ii. Gertrude Warren, June 17, 1874, d. 24 Dec. 1877. iii. Oliver, July 12, 1878. 110. Theophilus' (Theophilus' Washington' Theophilus'-*-' Dan iel 2 Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Apr. 9, 1839. m. Feb. 15, 1866, Caroline F. Trott, dau. of Eufus and Euth E. (Dunbar) Trott of Wey. She was b. at Wey. Nov. 16, 1841. " Farmer." Eesides on the paternal home stead. Main St., So. Hing. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Theophilus Edward, Feb. 27, 1867. ii. Charles Arthur, Nov. 11, 1868. iii. Mary Emma, Dec. 2, 1870. iv. Carrie Alice, Sept. 10, 1872. V. John Albion, Feb. 26, 1876. vi. Walter Harlow, Ang. 20, 1879. UL Seth B.' (Seth B.' Nehemiah' Theophilus'-*:' DanieP Mat thew '), b. in Hing. Nov. 12, 1839. m. first, . He m. secondly, Apr. 21, 1872, Martha F. Cushing, dau. of Laban and Alice (Furger son) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. March 7, 1844. Seth d. at Boston, 13 May, 1885, ffit. 45 yrs. " Engineer." Eesided on So. Pleasant St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Arthur Clarence, June 8, 1874. 112. Elijah H.» (Isaac H.' Allen' Hosea' David' Abel* Theophi lus ' Daniel ^ Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 17, 1852. m. Feb. 21, 1877, Lucy A. Clapp of Scit. " Carpenter." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Susie Lincoln, Feb. 23, 1878, d. 23 June foil. ii. Henry Dwight, Jan. 13, 1882. 113. Edwaed K." (Edward S.' Laban' Hosea ' David ' Abel * Theo philus " Daniel = Matthew *), b. in Hing. Apr. 18, 1854. m. Mary J. Echlin. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Edward Sargent, July 4, 1878. ii. Alice Bradford, Apr. 6, 1879. Cushing. 188 114. David S.' (David ^' Charles W.' David ' Abel * Theophilus ' DanieP Matthew "), b. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1860. m. June 16, 1872, Olive W. Hatch, dau. of Warren and Maria (Orcutt) Hatch. She was b. in Hing. June 19, 1854. "Carriage painter." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., — i. Warre.v Sherman, b. at Rockland, Mass., Apr. 1, 1873. ii. Frank Willis, b. at Rockland, March 15, 1875. iii. Lucy Earle, b. at Rockland, Jan. 27, 1877. iv. John Russell, b. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1880. v. May Agnes, b. in Hing. June 22, 1882, d. 2 March, 1883. vi. Ruth Jacob, b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1886. 115. Geoege P.' (Pyam*"' Eobert 'Pyam' Theophilus*"' DanieP Matthew ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 7, 1848. m. Dec. 18, 1873, Harriet A. Bassett, dau. of George and Harriet A. (Studley) Bassett. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 15, 1848. " Superintendent of Hingham, Hull, and Downer Landing Steamboat Co." Eesides on Main, corner of Elm St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. A DAU., Nov. 4, 1875, d. same day. ii. George Bassett, May 10, 1877, d. 21 March, 1880. iii. Ruth Thomas, July 15, 1881. 116. Beza, from Wey., by w. Hannah, had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Beza, May 4, 1756. ii. Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1760. iii. Benjamin Boylston (or BUestone), June 20, 1766. iv. Samuel, bt. June 5, 1768. 117. Thomas, from Wey., and for nearly half a century employed as toll-gatherer by the " Hingham and Quincy Bridge and Turnpike Corporation," at Wey. Back Eiver, d. in Hing. 30 June, 1865, ffit. '78th yr. The chris. name of his w. was Eachel. Their Ch., b. in Hing., so far as I kn., were — i. William, 1815, d. at Quincy, 6 Nov. 1881. u. Rachel A., 1827, d. in Hing. 20 Aug. 1872. iii. Almira, 1830, d. in Hing. 8 May, 1871. 118. LoEiNG (Bela = Eebecca Pratt), b. at Wey. May 11, 1803. m. in Hing. Jan. 13, 1825, Martha Hersey, dau. of John and Anna (Cush ing) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. March 5, 1803, and d. 14 Nov. 1884, ffit. 82d yr. He d. 1 March, 1862, ffit. 59th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Loring Hersey, Nov. 21, 1825 ; killed at Jacob's Hatchet Factory 26 June, 1838. ii. Martha Ann, Sept. 27, 1827. m. Jan. 15, 1852, Alonzo Cushing. iii. Clarissa Adams, July 19, 1831. m. Oct. 27, 1850, Joseph Jacobs, Jr. iv. Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 3, 1835. v. Mehitable Fuller, May 13, 1836. m. Oct. 20, 1870, William Cushing, wid^ 184 Cushing. vi. Loring Hersey, Apr. 3, 1840. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") vii. John Quincy, Sept. 22, 1842. m. Nov. 28, 1866, Almira Leavitt, dau. of Joshua and Almira (Humphrey) Leavitt. She d. 15 Nov. 1877, mt. 33 yrs. He d. 17 Dec. 1867, aJt. 25 yrs. 119. Stephen (Bela, Eegemelec, etc.), bro. of the preceding, and b. at Wey. Dec. 22, 1806, came to Hing. at fourteen yrs. of age, and learned the trade of shoemaker with Hersey & Lane of So. Hing. He m. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1833, Elizabeth Cushing, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Hobart) Cushing. (See No. 74.) She was b. in Hing. Nov. 10,1812. "Farmer." Eesides on So. Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lydia Lincoln, Oct. 4, 1834. m. Sept. 26, 1861, George J. Fearing. ii. Elizabeth, July 20, 1839. iii. Eleanor, May 15, 1846. 120. Allyne (Joseph = Desire Barker), b. at Scit. Dec. 9, 1812. m. first, Jan. 16, 1835, Sarah, dau. of Elijah Damon of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Oct. 16, 1814, and d. in Hing. 20 March, 1872, ffit. 67 yrs. He m. secondly, Aug. 30, 1874, Mrs. Mary B. (Gilman) Nichols, wid. of Alfred Nichols. Allyne d. 14 Aug. 1884, ffit. 72d yr. "Carpenter." Eesided on Water St. Ch., all by w. Sarah, — i. Sarah Ann, Oct. 27, 1836. m. Nov. 1, 1869, William H. Searle. ii. Maria, Jan. 29, 1838. iii. Henry, Feb. 19, 1839, d. at So. Scit. 20 Apr. 1854. iv. Ellen, March 17, 1840. m. William Fillebrown. V. Abby L., July 6, 1842. m. Samuel L. Groce of Coh. vi. Irene, March 10, 1844, d. 9 Jan. 1845. vii. Irene, Apr. 14, 1845, d. at Boston, d. 14 May, 1872, ajt. 27 yrs. viii. Hosea, Sept. 20, 1846, d. 21 Aug. 1847. ix. Hosea, Dec. 21, 1847. X. Elijah D., Sept. 30, 1850. m. (1) June 18, 1874, Abbie F. King, and (2) July 5, 1880, Josephine E. Sylvester. xi. Martin, Feb. 24, 1852. m. Nov. 10, 1880, Lizzie S. Hudson, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Pray) Hudson of Coh. Their ch. b. in Hing. : 1. Enylla Josephine, Sept. 13, 1881. 2. George Henry, June 1, 1884. xii. Joseph, Jan. 18, 1854, d. 25 Oct. foil. xiii. Josephine, March 7, 1855, d. 5 Sept. foil. xiv. Enylla Josephine, March 10, 1856, d. 1 Apr. 1857. XV. Enylla Josephine, July 21, 1858, d. at Somerville, 18 Jan. 1877, ast. 18 yrs. 121. Jonathan, was by occupation " butcher," and for many yrs. a resident of So. Hing. His w. whose chris. name was Euth, d. in Hiug. 24 Dec. 1862, ffit. 46 yrs. Ch.,— i. George Lincoln, , d. at Lewiston, Me., 18 Feb. 1887, set. 44 yrs. ii. Henry Baxter, . m. Jan. 24, 1875, Mrs. Mary E. (Wade) Tingley of Scit. iii. Mary Simmons, . iv. Fannie A. (H.), , d. in Hiug. 26 June, 1863, ^t. 14th yr. 122. William Cook (Mager = Susan Cook), b. at Wey. Sept. 7, 1820. m. in Hing. first, Feb. 9, 1846, Jane L. Hersey, dau. of Nathan iel and Priscilla (Stodder) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. July 6, 1825, and d. 29 May, 1860, ffit. 25th yr. He m. secondly, Apr. 2Q; 1853, Cushing — Dacey — Daggett — Daley. 185 Elvira Cain, dau. of Leonard and Tamar S. (Lincoln) Cain. She was b. in Hing. June 14, 1830. " Shoemaker." Eesides on North St., West Hing. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Jane, — i. Ella Jane, Nov. 5, 1849. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elvira, — ii. George Warren, Dec. 25, 1857. iii. Carrie Cook, Apr. 1, 1863. m. May 8, 1883, Fred. W. Townsend. iv. William Watson, May 10, 1866. m. at Quincy, Sept. 15, 1886, Sarah Jennie Harmon. 123. David W. (Mager = Susan Cook), b. at Wey. Dec. 8, 1831. m. Adeline A. Cain, dau. of Leonard and Tamar S. (Lincoln) Cain. She was b. in Hing. July 14, 1832, and surviving him, m. secondly Wil liam W. Eaymond of Ea. Wey, and d. 6 Sept. 1878, ffit. 46 yrs. David W. was killed at the battle of Antietam, 17 Sept. 1862, ffit. 31st yr. "Stitcher." Eesided at West Hing. (See "Hingham in tbe Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Ada Augusta, Nov. 11, 1854, d. 29 May foil. ii. Ada Watson, . m. Henry L. Holbrook. iil. Susie Augusta, 1862, d. 8 June, 1863. Note. — James, Jr., of Scit. m. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 21, 1738-39, Mary Souther. James, Jr., of Scit. m. in Hing. sec. pre. Dec. 8, 1763, Sarah Tower. Hannah, and Paul Lewis, int. of m'ge Jan. 15, 1728-29. Leavitt, m. Nov. 26, 1761, Silence Tower. Regemelec, m. in Apr. 1768, Sarah Farrow. Sarah G., m. Oct. 15, 1843, Charles Libby of Wey. Bethia Pentland, wid. of Clement, and dau. of John and Sarah, d. at Boston 25 Jan. 1874,£et. 63 vrs. 3 mo's. Betsey, dau. of Nathaniel and Alice, d. at So. Scit. 6 March, 1878, set. 67 yrs. Elna than, s. of Elnathan and Mary T. (No. 30. xiv.), d. at So. Scit. 19 June, 1879, ait. 71 yrs. 9 mo's 22 dys. DACEY. Timothy, a native of Ire., and b. ab. 1809. m. Johanna . Tim othy d. in Hing. 17 Aug. 1873, ffit. 64 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided at Fort Hill. Ch.,— i. Julia, b. in Ire. 1843. m. at Wey. Apr. 8, 1874, John Higgins. ii. Cornelius, b. in Hing. 1855. DAG-GETT. William Alden (John E. = Lucy Alden), b. at Eandolph, Mass.,, Jan. 5, 1846. m. in Hing. Jan. 6, 1875, Eliza J. Hersey, dau. of Henry M. and Eliza J. (Brown) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 12, 1846. " Salesman." Eesides on North, near Thaxter St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Louis Alden, Sept. 20, 1875, d. 26 Sept. 1877. ii. William Alden, July 21, 1878. DALEY (Daly). 1. Baetholomew (John = Mary Higgins), b. in the County of Cork, Ire., 1794. m. Mary Welch. ' She d. in Ire. ab. 1847. He subsequently emigrated to the United States with his ch., and d. in Hing. 5 Sept.. 1880, ffit. 86 yrs. 186 Daley. Ch., all b. in Ire., — i. Hannah, 1833. m. Jeremiah Corbett, and resides in Hing. 2. ii. John, 1835. iii. Mary, 1837. m. Patrick Coughlan. iv. Thomas, 1839, d. in Hing. 10 Sept. 1865, aet. 26 yrs. V. Ellen, 1841, d. young. 2. John (Bartholomew = Mary Welch), b. in County Cork, Ire., 1835. m. Margaret Hayes. She d. in Hing. 3 Nov. 1881, ffit. 50 yrs. •" Contractor." Eesides on Thaxter St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Ellen, Nov. 18, 1857. ii. Hanora, Oct. 27, 1859. iii. Dennis, March 14, 1862. iv. Bartholomew, Apr. 21, 1864. m. Oct. 22, 1886, NeUie Cronignan of Coh. V. Margaret, Oct. 4, 1866. vi. John Stevens, Dec. 25, 1867, d. 1 Sept. 1868. vii. Thomas John, July 6, 1869. viii. William, Sept. 4, 1871. 1. Pateick (Michael = Bridget Daley), b. in County Kilkenny, Ire., Sept. 29, 1813. m. Nov. 1846, Bridget Shields, a native of Donegal, Ire., and b. ab., 1809. Patrick d. 6 Apr. 1887, ffit. 74th yr. "Laborer." Eesided on Beal St. Ch.,— i. Sarah, 1846. 2. ii. Patrick, Easter Sunday, 1852. 3. iii. James, 1855. 2. Pateick (Patrick = Bridget Shields), b. 1852. m. May 4, 1876, 'Catherine Healy or Halley. " Laborer." Eesides on Beal St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Kate Agnes, Apr. 2, 1877. ii. Patrick, May 12, 1878. iii. James, May 11, 1879. iv. Sarah Emmons, Dec. 27, 1881. V. Mary Theressa, July 4, 1886. 3. James (Patrick = Bridget Shields), b. 1855. m. at Wey. May 28, 1872, Catherine Cotter. " Laborer." Eesides on Beal St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Emily, Sept. 19, 1873, d. 30 May, 1876. ii. Alice Elizabeth, Dec. 16, 1874, d. 12 Feb. 1875. iii. James Henry, May 20, 1876. iv. John Henry, July 11, 1878. V. Thomas William, May 5, 1881. vi. Charles, Oct. 15, 1882. Pateick, b. in Ire., ab. 1818, was employed sev. yrs. in Hing., as " laborer." The chris. name of his w. was Margaret. She was b. in Ire. 1826. Their Ch.,— i. Thomas, 1849. ii. Edward, 1851. iii. Carolus, 1852. iv. Caroline, 1854. Daley — Damon. 187 Daniel, from the County of Armagh, Ire., came to Hing. ab. 1855, ahd m. Nancy Crowe, dau. of Edmund and Honora (Eyan) Crowe. She was b. in the County of Tipperary, Ire., 1836. " Gardener and florist." Eesides on Green St. Cli., all b. in Hing., — i. Daniel Bernard, May 9, 1857. Resides at St. Louis, Mo. ii. Michael James, Dec. 3, 1859. m. Nov. 11, 1885, Bridget A. Magnor. iii. Catherine, Apr. 1861, d. 10 Feb. 1863. iv. Edmund, May 23, 1866. Thomas (James = Hanora Flynn), b. in Ire. Feb. 6, 1837. m. June 14, 1863, Mary M. Barry, dau. of William and Margaret (Dunn) Barry. She was b. in Ire. 1846. " Laborer." Eesides on Friend St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Jambs William, Sept. 24, 1865. ii. Mary Margaret, May 28, 1867, d. 2 Apr. 1868. ui. Hanora, July 27, 1869. iv. Patrick, July 3, 1871, d. 18 Oct. 1872. V. John, July 5, 1873. vi. Catherine, March 7, 1876, d. 11 Dec. 1879. vii. Mary Margaret, Jan. 6, 1879. viii. Thomas, Oct. 14, 1881. ix. Catherine, Nov. 26, 1884. DAMON. 1. John (from Scit., and a descendant of John who arrived at Scit. 1633), m. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1798, Lucy Sprague. She was b. in Hing. May 10, 1774, and d. at So. Scit. 3 Nov. 1868, ffit. 94 yrs. John was by occupation " farmer." He resided in Hing., and at So. Scit. Ch., so far as I can ascertain, were — i. Lucy Sprague, bt. in Hing. Dec. 2, 1798. 2. ii. John Jacob, b. at Springfield, Vt., Dec. 8, 1799. iii. Truman, . iv. Obadiah, . Was for many yrs. sec. officer with Capt. Rufus Churchill in Schr» "Adventurer" and "Mystic" of Hing. 2. John J. (John = Lucy Sprague), b. at Springfield, Vt., Dec. 8, 1799 m. in Hing. Oct. 20, 1825, Deborah Wade, dau. of Isaac and Deborah (Curtis) Wade. She was b. at Han. Mass., Aug. 12, 1800, and d. in Hing. 31 July, 1849, ffit. 49th yr. He d. 20 Aug. 1868, ffit. 69th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on Main St., near the old meeting-house. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. George, July 22, 1826. ii. Adeline, Nov. 18, 1828. ra. 1850, George Bayley. iii. Catharine, Feb. 12, 1831, d. 22 Oct. 1881, st. 51st yr. iv. Maurice, Feb. 14, 1833. m. May 20, 1857, . V. Elizabeth A., March 2, 1835. vi. Henry Jenkins, Oct. 9, 1838. m. and resided at Boston, where he d. 6 Sept. 1876, set. 38th yr. vii. Susan Swift, March 20, 1840. viii. Annie Frances, March 10, 1842. m. Oct. 20, 1874, Marshall Lincoln. 3. Isaac Newton (s. of Isaac N. and gr. s. of Stephen and Hannah (Loring) Damon of Scit.), m. first, Susan Tufts Cushing. She d. in Hing. 19 Feb. 1840, ffit. 26th yr. He m. secondly, Susan Hunt. She d. 3 Dec. 1860, ffit. 36 yrs. For his third w. he m. Asenath H. Blais- 188 Damon — Daniels. dell, a native of Bucksport, Me., dau. of Moses and Deborah (Eyder) Blaisdell. She d. 2 May, 1883, ffit. 60 yrs. "Blacksmith." Eesides on Water St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susan T., — i. Susan Ellen, Feb. 7, 1836. m. (l)Nov. 25, 1852, Jacob Hersey, Jr., and (2) July 5, 1863, James Sprague. ii. Isaac, March 6, 1838 ; is m. and resides at Bridgewater. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susan H., — iii. Marianna, June 4, 1843. m. Woodward ? iv. Francis Willard, Jan. 28, 1846. Resides at Boston. V. Charles Henry, Apr. 3, 1848, d. 24 March, 1882, ait. 34th yr. vi. Abby Hunt, Jan. 23, 1850. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Asenath, — vii. Fred, Sept. 8, 1853. 4. Isaac Bakee, b. at Scit. June 20, 1821, was a resident of Hing. 1838, and after. He m. Jan. 17, 1846, Anna A. E. Whiton, dau. of Isaiah and Martha D. (Easterbrook) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. June 13, 1826. "Harness-maker." (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") This fam. removed from here in 1876, to Hanson, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Fred Baker, Feb. 21, 1854, d. 20 Nov. 1871, iet. 18th yr. ii. Frank Whiton, Feb. 21, 1854. Note. — Hannah, m. (1) Dec. 12, 1695, John Mav, and (2) Preserved Hall. Margaret, m. March 4, 1696-97, John Bull. Martha, m. Feb. 19, 1679-80, Peter Bacon. Expedience, m. Jan. 4, 1710-11, Euth Low. Silence, dau. of John of Scit. m. Dec. 14, 1683, Samuel Tower. Elizabeth, d. 22 Apr. 1715. Patience, m. Jan. 14, 1718-19, John Jordan. Ruth, of Scit. m. Oct. 21, 1734, Stephen Mansfield. Nathaniel, of Scit. m. 1773, Deborah Loring of Hing. Rachel, m. Nov. 23 , 1738, Solomon Dunbar. Stephen, of Scit. m. 1773, Hannah Loring of Hing. Ezra, of Ab'n m. Jan. 18, 1781, AnnaAVilder. Abiel, of Ab'n m. Nov. 6, 1783, Lucretia Gardner of Hing. Noah, m. Nov. 29, 1797, Betsey Cleverly. Anna, m. Oct. 27, 1816, James Webb. John, m. Jan. 28, 1821, Lucretia Damon. Isaac N., d. in Hing. Jan. 21, 1843, a:t. 55 yrs. Edgar W., d. in Hing. 18 Jan. 1858, mt. 10 yrs. Arabella F., m. July 9, 1871, Chester W. Binney, both of Wey. J. Weston, a native of Hing. d. at Boston, 25 Jan. 1873, a;t. 35 yrs. DANIELS. 1. William, whose name appears on Hing. rec's with w. Sarah, ab. the middle of the last century, m. prob. for his sec. w. Sept. 27, 1759, Sarah Leavitt, dau. of Israel and Mary (Bate') Leavitt. She was bt. in Hing. Aug. 21, 1737, and d. 5 March, 1800, ffit. 63d yr. He d. 24 Apr. 1769, ffit. 58th yr. Ch., b. in Hing., by his first w. Sarah, were — i. William, Oct. 6, 1753, d. in Hing. 22 Aug. 1826, set. 73d yr. ii. Sarah, March 4, 1755. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah (Leavitt), were — iii. Anthony, Nov. 20, 1760. 2. iv. John, March 20, 1763. v. Thomas, Oct. 4, 1765, d. at Boston, 18 Jan. 1851, fet. 85 yi's. vi. An infant, , d. 4 Dec. 1768. 2. John (William = Sarah Leavitt), b. in Hing. March 20, 1763. m. first, Oct. 20, 1790, Tamar Lincoln, dau. of Joshua and Tamar (Sprague) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 16, 1767, and d. 14 Jan. 1792, ffit. Daniels — Davis. 189 25th yr. He afts. removed to Lanesborough (?), Mass., aud took a sec. w., by whom he had issue. John d. at Pittsfield, Mass., 17 Dec. 1852, ffit. 90th yr. " Trader." His store and place of residence in Hing. were on South St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Tamar, — i. Tamar, March 29, 1791. m. Thaddeus Hoppin. She d. at Niles, Mich., 23 Apr. 1881, ffit. 90 yrs. Thaddeus d. 11 Feb. 1859, mt. 72 yrs. Note. — Samuel, a. of wid. Sarah, b. Apr. 1, 1772. Mrs. Juba, d. 15 Apr. 1834, set. 51 yrs. Nicholas, m. Jan. 12, 1823, Judith Gardner, and d. 30 Aug. 1837, set. 51 yrs. DAVIS (Davice). Benjamin, from Brookfield, m. in Hing., Aug. 26, 1726, Mary, dau. of Stephen and Mary Lasell. She was b. in Hing. May 11, 1700. Our rec's furnish nothing concerning this fam. in addition to the births of the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Hannah, June 30, 1726. ii. Abigail, July 16, 1728. Capt. Elijah, from Dorchester, m. in Hing. May 30, 1751, Lydia Barnes, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Vinton) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. 1730. Their Child, bt. in Hing., — i. Lilly, March 8, 1752. John, m. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1813, Betsey Thaxter, dau. of Seth and Elizabeth (Marsh) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. May 26, 1787, and d. 21 May, 1821, ffit. 34 yrs. He d. 25 July, 1831, ffit. 46 yrs. Was of the firm of Wilde & Davis. " Baker." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Thaxter, Jan. 26, 1814. m. Nov. 9, 1848, Thomas South- worth of Boston, and d. at Hopkinton, 18 Apr. 1865, set. 51 yrs. ii. John, June 25, 1818. Resides at Boston. Nathaniel T., m. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1815, Deborah Lincoln, dau. of Caleb and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 10, 1792, and d. 3 Apr. 1877, ffit. 84 yrs. He d. 27 Feb. 1829, ffit. 40 yrs. Eesided on South St., near Marsh's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Catherine, 1817, d. 25 Jan. 1827. ii. Deborah Lincoln, 1820, d. 27 Apr. 1848. iii. Susan Wilde, 1823. m. May 30, 1844, George Studley, and d. 26 June, 1845. iv. Sarah E., 1825. m. Dec. 17, 1846, George Studley, widr, and d. 13 Sept. 1849. V. Harriet, 1827, d. 5 July, 1830. Zebulon E., a native of Gloucester, Mass., m. at Belfast, Me., Mar garet Patterson, dau. of William and Jane (Cochran) Patterson. They settled in Hing. 1832. She d. here 19 Aug. 1874, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 29 Apr. 1853, ffit. 62d yr. " Mariner." Eesided on Elm St. 190 Davis — DaiJOes. Ch.,— i. Margaret, b. at Gloucester, May 28, 1815. m. (1) Capt. George Watson, and (2) Nov. 30, 1837, Capt. William Greely. ii. George, b. at Gloucester, 1817. Was drowned in Belfast harbor, 14 Apr. 1831. iii. Jane Patterson, b. at Gloucester, Sept. 4, 1819. m. in Hing. 1840, George W. Hersey. iv. George Augustine, b. in Hing. Aug. 1, 1833, d. 11 Oct. foil. V. Elizabeth Angeline, b. in Hing. Aug. 1, 1833, d. 11 Oct. foil. vi. Ellen Maria, b. in Hing. May 6, 1840. m. Apr. 26, 1865, Ira Grover, Jr., of Terre Haute, Ind. William (William = Lois Davis), b. at Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 27, 1805, came to Hing. in July, 1829, and m. on the 29th of Aug, foil., Olive B. Dayton, dau. of Isaac and Lucy (Lincoln) Dayton. She was b. at Wells, Me., Jan. 23, 1806, and d. in Hing. 27 Feb. 1886, ffit. 79 yrs. "Mast and spar," and " pump and block maker," at the harbor. Eesides on Summer St., near the Steamboat landing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Charlotte Dayton, Sept. 22, 1830, d. 11 June, 1832. ii. Lois, Jan. 24, 1832, d. 25 March foil. iii. William, Apr. 1.5, 1835, d. 6 Apr. 1863. iv. Nathaniel Dayton, Sept. 1, 1836, d. 10 Dec. foU. V. Olive Beal, Feb. 1, 1838, d. 22 Apr. 1844. vi. Nathaniel, Apr. 7, 1839, d. 18 May, 1879. vii. Susan L., Oct. 15, 1841, d. 14 Aug. 1866. viii. Olive Beal, Apr. 11, 1845, d. 1 Dec. 1868. Chaeles Laweence (Charles H.= Mary Ann Hunt), b. at Ea. Ab'n, Feb. 9, 1848. m. in Hing. Dec. 24, 1874, Sarah A. Fearing, dau. of Ebenezer C. and Sarah C. (Torrey) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1853. " Boot-maker." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — ,i. Walter Fearing, March 10, 1877. ii. Carl Henry, Oct. 31, 1885. Note. — Martha B., m. Sept. 12, 1849, William Forster, 2d. Lemuel, d. at Worcester, 5 Feb. 1849, a;t. 66 yrs. George H., m. June 18, 1873, Abbie A. Lincoki. DAWES. 1. EuEL, m. in Hing. Nov. 21, 1802, Sally Hersey, dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Berry) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 25, 1780. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. William Thomas, Oct. 7, 1804. 2. ii. John Phillips, Nov. 11, 1807. 2. John P. (Euel = Sally Hersey), b. in Hing. Nov. 11, 1807. m. first, Dec. 22, 1829, Juliette A. Lincoln, dau. of Allen and Mercy (Stowell) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. 1809, and d. 19 Oct. 1842, ffit. 33 yrs. He m. secondly, Sept. 19, 1850, Mrs. Eveline (Hersey) Morse, wid. of Edward F. Morse, and dau. of Abijah and Lydia (Stowell) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 15, 1806, and d. 13 Sept. 1887, ffit. 82d yr. Eesides on North St., West Hing. Dawes — Dawson — Day. 191 Ch., all b. in Hing., — 3. i. John G., March 13, 1832. ii. Lydia Ann, 1834. m. Henry Clapp of Wey., and d. 26 May, 1883, set. 49th yr. iii. Rosilla, 1838. m. Apr. 1, 1862, Thomas Sutherland. iv. Juliette Amelia, Aug. 19, 1840. m. Feb. 26, 1860, Artemas Sprague, and d. 19 Oct. 1862, set. 22 yrs. 4. V. William Lorenzo, Apr. 10, 1842. 3. John G. (John P. = Juliet A. Lincoln), b. in Hing. March 13, 1832. m. March 17, 1866, Mary S. Eichardson, dau. of Thaddeus and Mary T. (Wyman) Eichardson. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 16. 1836, and d. 10 Nov. 1871, ffit. 35th yr. He d. 4 Nov. 1870, ffit. 38th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided in West Hing. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Arthur Norton, Sept. 12, 1858. ii. Herbert, Aug. 6, 1860. iii. Harry Atwood, Feb. 15, 1861. iv. Minnie Maria, Sept. 2, 1865. V. Mabel Wyman, Aug. 13, 1867. vi. Ellen Richardson, Aug. 25, 1869, d. 29 Aug. 1870. 4. William L. (John P. = Juliet A. Lincoln), b. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1842. m. Apr. 4, 1869, Harriet F. Guild, dau. of Benjamin W. and Margaret E. (Newhall) Guild. She was b. at Charlestown. Mass., Jan. 18, 1849, and d. in Hing. 5 Aug. 1878, ffit. 30th yr. ' " Shoe maker." Eesides on Fort Hill St. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lucy Atwood, Apr. 19, 1871. ii. Frank Everett, Oct. 11, 1874. iii. Walter Elwood, Dec. 7, 1876. DAWSON (Dokson). 1. Joseph, m. in Hing. first, Oct. 1, 1747, Lydia, dau. of Elisha and Abigail Tower. She was b. in Hing. May 14, 1726. He m. secondly, Nov. 22, 1753, Jane Garnet, dau. of James and Jane (Eipley) Gar net. She was b. in Hing. March 22, 1733-34. No further record. 2. James, perh. s. of the preceding, m. Oct. 28, 1779, Mrs. Eachel (Hobart) Long, wid. of Joshua Long, and dau. of Japhet and Hannah (Humphrey) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1758, and surviv ing him, m. thirdly, Nov. 6, 1791, Jairus Lincoln, widr. James d. (was frozen) 1 Feb. 1786, ffit. 28 yrs. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Polly, Oct. 12, 1786, d. 20 Sept. 1858, set. 72d yr. Her dau. Jane G., m. July 4, 1838, Levi C. Newcomb, and d. 28 Feb. 1877, set. 64 yrs. DAY. James, m. in Hing. Nov. 22, 1727, Mary Sherlock. Eesided at " Liberty plain," So. Hing. 192 Day — Dayton — Dean — Delargy — Dill. Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. James, July 28, 1728. ii. Samuel, Oct. '4, 1728, d. in two days. iii. Mary, Feb. 15, 1729-30. m. Jan. 16, 1746, James Tower. iv. An infant, , d. 25 Sept. 1733. V. Margaret, July 20, 1735, d. 16 Aug. foil. Note. — Elizabeth, m. Dec. 2, 1756, Daniel Waters, and d. 12 Oct. 1757, set. 43 yrs. DAYTON. Bela (Isaac = Lucy Lincoln), was b. at Boston, Aug. 1, 1800, and m. in Hing. Nov. 25, 1827, Euth Hibbard of Kennebunk, Me. She d. in Hing. 12 Oct. 1882, ffit. 84 yrs. He d. 30 Jan. 1886, ffit. 84 yrs. " Mas ter mariner." Eesided on Weir St. Ch., all. b. in Hing., — i. Isaac, . Eesides at Salem. ii. William D.y . Resides at Salem. iii. Lucy. m. Bartlett and resides at Woburn. iv. Serena, , is m. and resides at Providence, R.I. V. Charles, . Resides at Boston. Note. — Marion, of Dorset, Vt., m. Nov. 30, 1871, Urban S. Bates of Hing. DEAN. Geoege H., m. in Hing. Jan. 22, 1864, Charlotte L. dau. of Alfred and Eliza (Ewell) Overton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1833. "En gineer." Eesides on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. George E., 1856, d. 19 Nov. 1880, st. 24 yrs. ii. Arthur, . Resides at Chicago, IU. iii. William, . Resides in Hing. Note. — Susan May, Lottie May, Lizzie May, triplet ch. of William A. and Sarah J. (Holden) Dean, were b. in Hing. Nov. 22, 1877. Susan May d. 17 Dec. foil.; Lottie Mayd.. in two davs. Bertha Goddard, dau. of Rev. Henrv M. and Ellen M. (Tidd), was b. in Hing. March 25; 1884. DELARGY. Pateick (Patrick = Mary McLane), b. in County Antrim, Ire., 1842. m. in Ire. Mary Christy, dau. of John and Ellen (Blake) Christy. She was b. in County Antrim, 1842. " Laborer." Ee sides off Green St. Ch., —i. James Patrick, b. in the State of Me. ii. Mary Jane, b. in the State of Me. June 29, 1871. iii. Nellie, b. in Hiug. Oct. 6, 1875. iv. Margaret, b. in Hing. Feb. 3, 1877, d. 27 Sept. 1878. V. John, b. in Hing. Nov. 25, 1878, d. 14 Ang. 1883. vi. Annie, b. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1879, d. 15 Aug. 1880. DILL. 1. John, who came to Hull, Mass., ab. 1700, was the ancestor of all who have botne this surname in Hing. and vie. Dill — Dixon. 193 2. Daniel, a descendant of John^, and a native of Hull, m. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1784, Mary Chubbuck, dau. of Thomas and Patience (Garnet) Chubbuck. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 24, 1765. Daniel was in active service during the War of the Eevolution, and served on the quota of Hing. About 1800, or soon after, he returned to Hull with his fam. and there passed the remainder of his days. Mary, his wid., d. at Hull, 25 Aug. 1867, ffit. 92d yr. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Mary, Dec. 10, 1784. m. Jeremiah Dill of Hull. He d. 18 June, 1861, Eet. 82 yi-s. ii. Betsey-, Aug. 16, 1787. m. Elisha Turner. iii. Jane, Dec. 16, 1789. m. Caleb G. Lovell of Hull, and d. 4 May, 1883, aet. 93 yre. iv. Emma, Aug. 13, 1792. m. John Reed of Hull, and d. 6 Aug. 1884, £et. 92d JT. v. Daniel, Sept. 22, 1795, d. at Hull, 14 Jan. 1858, set. 62 yrs. ; was m. and had a s. Davis Whiting Dill. 3. Lemuel, perh. bro. of Daniel, and a native of Hull, m. in Hing. May 25, 1785, Mrs. Milcah (Stodder) (Bryant) Beal, the wid. of Elijah Beal, and previously the w. of Thomas Bryant, who d. 28 Aug. 1776, ffit. 27 yrs. Milcah was a dau. of Samuel and Jemima (Cobb) Stodder, and was b. in Hing. Dec. 30, 1757. She d. in Hing. 15 Oct. 1844, ffit. 87th yr. He d. 1 Nov. 1836. A soldier and famous drummer in the War of the Eevolution. Eesided at the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing., — 4. i. Lemuel, June 14, 1788. ii. Melia, June 14, 1788. m. Feb. 21, 1808, Martin Sprague. iii. Sally, Dec. 2, 1790. m. July 29, 1812, Capt. Luther Stodder. 4. Lemuel (Lemuel = Milcah Stodder), b. in Hing. June 14, 1788. m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Hill of Ab'n. She d. in Hing. 8 July, 1869, ffit. 83 yrs. He d. 21 Aug. 1864, ffit. 76 yrs. "Cooper." Ee sided on Green St. Ch.,— i. Lemuel, . Removed from Hing. ii. Charles, . Removed to Rockland, Mass. iii. Hannah, . m. Nov. 4, 1849, William Stodder. iv. Joseph, . Resides at Rockland, Mass. Note. — Nathaniel, m. May 2, 1776, Esther Stodder. John, m. July 1, 1779, Dolly Mansfield. Betsey oi Hull, m.Aug. 21, 1804, Thomas Stodder, .Jr. Samuel, of Hull m. Sept. 29, 1803, Susanna Chessman of Wev. Polly, dau. of John, d. 1 Feb. 1788, at. 18 mo's. Elijah, d. 2 Oct. 1825. Susan S., w. of Solomon, d. 22 Sept. 1829, set. 35 yrs. DIXON. John, a physician, m. Elizabeth, dau. of George and Lucy Vickery of HuU. She survived him, and m. secondly, July 16, 1718, Joseph Lewis, widf. Doct. John Dixon d. in Hing. 14 Feb. 1717-18, ffit. 36th yr. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. David, July 28, 1715. ii. Daniel, Oct. 21, 1716, d. 1718. VOL. II. — 13 1 94 Doane — Dolan — Donovan — Dorr — Doughty. - DOANE. Anna, wid. m. in Hing. sec. pre. Nov. 26, 1747, Capt. Benjamin Briggs of Scit. Mes. Jane, m. Dec. 22, 1764, Eev. John Brown of the sec. pre. Jane, m. Oct. 16, 1786, Thomas Bourne, Jr. Wm. Edward, of Coh. m. Dec. 9, 1841, Elizabeth C, dau. of Gorham Lincoln, of Hing. DOLAN. Jambs Eichaed, d. 12 Sept. 1867, ffit. 9 mo's. Patsey, d. 15 May, 1875, ffit. 56 yrs. Joanna, wid., m. May 27, 1882, Cornelius Foley, widy. ' DONOVAN. Baetholomew, a native of Ire., m. Dec. 23, 1859, Margaret, dau. of Daniel and Mary Thompson of Hing. He d. in Hing. 12 Dec. 1870, ffit. 36 yrs. Ch.,— i. Julia A., b. at Middletown, Conn. , d. in Hiug. 11 Jan. 1883, set. 22 yrs. ii. Daniel, . iii. Katie, . Jeeemiah, from the County of Cork, Ire., and b. Apr. 9, 1843, came to Hing. in 1867, and m. Aug. 16, 1874, Elizabeth O'Connell, dau. of Timothy and Elizabeth (Linnehan) O'Connell. She was b. in County Cork, May 20, 1846. " Laborer." Eesides at the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Julia, June 20, 1875. ii. Daniel, Aug. 27, 1877. iii. Timothy, Dec. 1, 1879. iv. Jeremiah Matthew, May 15, 1882. V. Elizabeth, July 20, 1885, d. 9 June 1886. Michael, m. Joanna Upton. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. James, March 27, 1870. ii. Michael, Sept. 24, 1871. Note. — Michael, a native of Ire., d. in Hing. 14 Nov. 1871, mt. 24 yrs. James, Jr., d. 12 Jan. 1863, ait. 2 yrs. Dennis, d. 13 Julv, 1864, a!t. 1 yr. Elizabeth, d. 20 Feb. 1869, a?t. 5th yr. DORR. Chaeles Alonzo (Samuel A. = Mary M. Wedgewood), b. at Sand wich, N. H., Feb. 12, 1851. m. March 23, 1878, Bertha L. Wentworth, dau. of Alexander P. and Margaret E. (Howse) Wentworth. She was b. at Bethel, Me., July 3, 1852. "Physician." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. DOUG-HTY. James (Joseph = Sarah Eauper), b. at Liverpool, Eng., May 15, 1821. m. July 3, 1849, Ellen Parry, dau. of Eichard and Elizabeth Doughty — Douglass — Dower — Druce — Dunbar. 195 (Bromeley) Parry. She' was b. at Ludlow, Eng., Sept. 26, 1821. " Machinist." Eesides on Gardner St. Ch.,— i. Eleanor, b. at Boston, Sept. 19, 1853. m. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1871, Isaac L. Gardner. ii. Sarah, b. at Boston, Oct. 15, 1859. m. Jan. 13, 1878, Eleazer Chubbuck, Jr., of Hing. iii. Annie, b. at Wey, Oct. 14, 1861. m. Dec. 24, 1878, John F. Belcher. DOUGLASS. Luthee Andeeson ^ (Luther ¦* = Lucy S. (Gibbs) Ephraim ^ John ^ John ^ from Scotland), b. at Sandwich, Mass., July 26, 1847. m. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1878, Ella Brewer, dau. of Francis F. and Mary S. (Howes) Brewer. She was b. at Brewer, Me., Dec. 1863. Dealer in " men's furnishing goods." Eesides on South St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Alice Brooks, Oct. 25, 1878. DOWER. James (John = Margaret Power), b. at Waterford, Ire., 1830. m. July 7, 1864, Catherine Mary Joseph Bowden, dau. of Maurice and Ann (Walsh) Bowden. She was b. at Waterford, Dec. 14, 1836. " Mannf'r of small cordage." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch.,— i. Margaret, June 24, 1856, d. 15 Nov. foil. ii. Katie Joseph, Sept. 17, 1857. iii. iLiRY Ellen, Jan. 3, 1860, d. 20 July, 1887, ffit. 28th yr. iv. Thomas Francis, Apr. 15, 1862, d. 2 Jan. 1865. V. John Edward, June 4, 1864. vi. James Maurice, Jan. 1, 1867. vii. Annie Frances, Sept. 26, 1871. viii. Thomas Bowden, May 13, 1874. ix. Mabel Gertrude, June 17, 1877, d. 8 Feb. 1881. DRUCE. Vinton, Hing. 1637, had house-lot granted him the year previous at Hing. Centre. Our rec's give nothing further relating to his history. Child, bt. by Eev. Peter Hobart, — i. John, Apr. 1641. DUNBAR. 1. Eobeet, a Scotchman, and prob. the ancestor of all the families who have borne this surname in Ply. County, became a resident of Hing. shortly after 1650. The chris. name of his w. was Eose. She survived him and d. 10 Nov. 1700. Eobert d. 19 Sept. 1693. In his will, dated at Hing. 13 Sept. 1693, gives " to wife Eose a living in my now dwelling-house, and the use of all the land, which I give to my sons Joseph and Joshua, the whole term of her keeping the name of Dunbar ; and in case of nec€ssity she may sell or let said land for her maintenance." To sons John, Joseph, and Peter, the home land. To s. 2. 3. iii. iv. V. 4. vi. 5. vii. viii. ix. 196 Dunbar. Joshua "the rest of my land as far as the river." Bequeatlis to James Dunbar, " the son of my son James, deceased," £10. He further gives to Joseph " enough apples, annually, from the trees in my orchard to make two l^arrels of cyder." To his three dau's, " Mary Dunbar, Sarah Dunbar, and Hannah Dunbar, all my land on the other side of the river, share and share alike, and all my indoor moveables after my wife's decease." The inv, of his est., appraised 28 Sept. 1693, included dw.-house and land, £130; two oxen, seven swine, two cows, two calves, household goods, etc. " Farmer." Eesided on Scot land St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — John, Dec. 1, 1657. Mary, Oct. 26, 1660. m. June 28, 1698, Isaac Harris of Bridgewater. Joseph, March 13, 1661-62. James, June 5, 1664. Removed to Bridgewater, where he lived, and d. before his fa. He m. Jane, dau. of Isaac Harris, aud left sons James and Elisha. Robert, Nov. 1, 1666, d. soon. Peter, Sept. 6, 1668. Joshua, Oct. 6, 1670. Robert, Jan. 31, 1672-73, d. 5 Oct. foil. Sarah (birth not recorded), m. Jan. 13, 1695-96, Benjamin Garnet. X. Hannah, May 31, 1677. m. (pub. Nov. 5, 1709), Edmund Tileston of Plympton. xi. Benjamin (birth not recorded), d. 23 Aug. 1688. Note. — There was a John Dunbar of Boston, prior to 1650; and one of the same name who waa a tax-payer of Hing. in 1676. These may refer to the same person, perhaps fa. or bro. of Robert; and this seems more than prob., for John was the chris. name given to Robert's oldest son. 2. John 2 (Eobert J), b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1657. m. July 4, 1679, Mattithia, dau. of George Aldredge of Dor., Mass. Eesided at " Lib erty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. John, Jan. 12, 1679-80, d.' in two weeks. ii. Susanna, Apr. 15, 1684. iii. John, , d. 13 May, 1697. iv. Isaac, . m. (pub. Sept. 16, 1721) Maiy Sumner of Dor. v. Jeremiah, , d. unm. In his will of 2 Dec. 1715, bequeaths all the land given him by his gr. fa. Robert Dunbar, "to my brother Isaac Dunbar." vi. Lydia, Aug. 3, 1695, d. unm. 13 Apr. 1742. vii. Hannah, — -. viii. John, . m. Nov. 15, 1738, Abigail Tucker, and had John, bt. May, 11, 1740, d. in eleven days. 3. Joseph^ (Eobert^), b. in Hing. March 13, 1661-62. m. Christian, dau. of John and Mary Garnet. She was b. in Hing. June 3, 1668, and d. 26 Dec. 1726, ffit. 59th yr. Joseph d. 7 May, 1725, ffit. 63 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided at So. Hing. In his will, proved 7 Dec. 1725, gives to w. Christian "the use and improvement of my whole estate so long as she remains my widow." To eldests. Joseph " all my homestead of uplaiid and meadow where I now dwell." To sons David, Jonathan, Daniel, and Samuel, £20 each. To dau's Joanna Tilson, Mary Cane, Deborah Eansom, Jael Whiton, and Sarah Dunbar, £10 each ; w. and s. Joseph executors. Dunbar 197 Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joanna, Apr. 3, 1692. m. Jan. 6, 1712-13, John Tilson of Plympton. ii. Ruth, Jan. 30, 1693-94, d. 9 Nov. 1716. iii. Mary, birth not recorded, m. Sept. 28, 1720, David Cane. iv. Deborah, March 21, 1696-97. m. July 31, 1723, Samuel Ransom of Plympton. V. Jael, Nov. 27, 1698. m. Oct. 19, 1721, Solomon Whiton. vi. Joseph, Oct. 13, 1700, d. 30 Dec. foil. 6. vii. Joseph, Sept. 8, 1702. 7. viii. David, June 4, 1704. 8. . ix. Jonathan, birth not recorded. X. Daniel, birth not recorded, d. 21 Dec. 1727. 9. xi. Samuel, birth not recorded (ab. 1710). xii. Sarah, birth not recorded, m. Dec. 5, 1729, Robert Garnet. xiii. Hannah, Oct. 3, 1715. 4. Petee = (Eobert i), b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1668. m. March 26, 1691, Sarah Thaxter, dau. of Samuel and Abigail (Church) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1668. Peter prob. removed from here with his fam., as his name does not appear upon the tax-lists of the town after 1707. In 1699 he was one of the selectmen of Hing. Ch., with one exception, b. in Hing., were — i. Abigail, Dec. 4, 1691. ii. Sarah, b. at Wey. June 26, 1693. in. James, Nov. 15, 1694. iv. Leah, May 30, 1697, d. 19 Sept. 1699. V. Elisha, Oct. 21, 1699. 10. vi. Peter, Nov. 16, 1701. vii. Samuel, May 11, 1704 ; was grad. at Har. CoU. 1723, and settled in the ministry at Stoughton, Mass. In 1748 he preached the annual election sermon before the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, which was printed. He d. 15 June, 1783, set. 79 yrs. 5. Joshua ^ (Eobert "), b. in Hing. Oct. 6, 1670. m. Sept. 21, 1699, Hannah Hatch, perh. of Scit. She d. 17 June, 1743, ffit. 70 yrs. He d. 26 Oct. 1736, ffit. 66 yrs. "Farmer." Constable in 1728. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. In his will, dated 1 May, 1736, proved 4 Nov. foil., gives to s. Benjamin land at Scit. ; to s. Eobert " my dwelling-house and barn ; " to s. Solomon land, etc. ; to s. Stephen £20, and to dau. Hannah Whiton £20 ; sons Eobert and Stephen, executors. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joshua, Sept. 11, 1700, d. before his fa. 11. ii. Benjamin, May 15, 1701. \ iii. Hannah, Dec. 12, 1703. m. July 13, 1732, Jonathan Whiton. 12. iv. Robert, Jan. 16, 1705-6. » 13. V. Solomon, Apr. 18, 1709. "f vi. Sarah, 1712, d. 12 Aug. 1726. ' 14. vii. Stephen, Oct. 28, 1716. 6. Joseph ' (Joseph '^ Eobert 0, b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1702. m. (pub. Oct. 4, 1729) Elizabeth Cole of Plympton. This fam. removed from Hjng. in 1736, to Halifax, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 1. Joseph, Nov. 9, 1731. ii. Daniel, March 8, 1733-34. iii. Hosea, Dec. 31, 1735 . 198 Dunbar. , 7. David « (Joseph ' Eobert '), b. in Hing. June 4, 1704. m. in 1729, Bathsheba Stodder, dau. of Hezekiah and Lois (Sylvester) Stodder of Scit. She d. 6 Oct. 1736, ffit. 24 yrs. Eesided in the sec. pre. and at Scit. Ch., b. in Hing., we're — i. Joanna, Dec. 27, 1730. ii. Jesse, Aug. 20, 1732, d. 20 July, 1739. iii. David, March 28, 1734. Resided at Scit., where he d. in 1823, aet. 89 yrs. iv. Bathsheba, July 5, 1736. 8, Jonathan ' (Joseph ^ Eobert ^), b. in Hing. . m. (pub. March 22, 1728-29) Hannah Tower, dau. of Jeremiah and Hannah (Hobart) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1705, and d. 27 Nov, 1740, ffit. 36th yr. He m. secondly, Apr. 6, 1744, Hannah Garnet, dau. of Samuel and Euth (Tower) Garnet. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1720-21. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hiiig., by his first w. Hannah, were — i. Hannah, Nov. 30, 1729. m. Dec. 27, 1752, Solomon Loring, Jr. ii. Jonathan, Feb. 23, 1730-31. iii. Mary, Apr. 16, 1734. iv. Ruth, Apr. 12, 1736. m. June 5, 1781, David Gardner, wid":. 9. Samuel ^ (Joseph ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. ab. 1710. m. Nov. 17, 1735, Martha, dau. of Edmund and Martha Groce. She was b. in Hing. March 29, 1711, and d. 14 June, 1799, ffit. 88 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, May 21, 1736, d. 27 Aug. 1737. ii. Jael, bt. May 28, 1738. m. Jan. 10, 1760, Elisha Whiton. iii. Martha, bt. June 7, 1741. m. James Stockbridge of Scit. iv. Samuel, July 10, 1743. V. An infant, July, 1746. vi. A son, , d. 30 Deo. 1751. 15. vii. Daniel, 1752. 16. viii. Enoch, 1756. 10. Petee s (Peter '^ Eobert ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 170L m. (pub. Dec. 21, 1728) Hannah Dunbar, prob. dau. of John and Mattithia (Aldredge) Dunbar. Peter d. 16 March, 1749-50, ffit. 48 yrs. Mrs. Hannah Dunbar, his wid., was appointed to administer upon her late husband's est. Inv. £106. 9s. Irf. "Housewright." Eesided at " Lib erty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — • i. Peter, Aug. 9, 1729. ii. Hannah, July 29, 1731. m. Aug. 22, 1762, John Stodder, vrid^ iii. Huldah, Jan. 3, 1732-33. m. Nov. 4, 1754, Jonathan Stubs of Falmouth. iv. Sarah, March 14, 1733-34. m. Dec. 19, 1754, Caleb Campbell. V. Abigail, June 25, 1736. m. (1) Aug. 29, 1758, Caleb Humphrey, and (2) Aug. 16, 1762, Hosea Orcutt. vi. Jeremiah, March 26, 1738. vii. Patience, Julv 1, 1739. m. Apr. 6, 1768, Theophilus Cushing, Jr. viii, Mary, bt. Aug. 8, 1742. m. Feb. 19, 1761, Peter Burrell. ix. Leah, bt. Feb. 12, 1743-44. 11. Benjamin ' (Joshua ^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. May 15, 1701. m. 1728, Anna, dau. of Edmund and Martha Groce. She was b. in Hing. Dunbar. 199 Teb. 22, 1701-2, and d. 9 May, 1733, ffit. 31 yrs, He m. secondly, Apr. 21, 1737, Eebecca, dau. of John and Eebecca Garnet. She was b. in Hing. March 2, 1711-12. Benjamin, Sen', removed to Scit., where, according to Deane's History, other ch. were born. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Anna, were — 17. i. Benjamin, Oct. 22, 1729. ii. Sarah, Dec. 12, 1730. in. Anna, Apr. 18, 1732, d. 27 May, 1733. Ch., by w. Eebecca, — 41.r4i. m. Apr. 1, 1773, Nabby Humphrey. iv. Seth, bt. Oct. 4, 1741. V. Mary, bt. Oct. 4, 1741. vi. Obed, bt. Oct. 4, 1741. n vii. Elisha, bt. June 19, 1743. viii. Ezekiel, . IS. ix. Amos, . 19. X. MELZ.4R, 1754. xi. Peleg, 12. Eobeet ' (Joshua ^ Eobert ^), b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1706-6. m. ISTov. 17, 1737, Sarah Smith. " Laborer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. His will, dated 1 July, 1761, was proved, 28 Oct. 1757. Bis wid. also left a will, dated 16 July, 1785, proved 11 March, 1794. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joshua, Aug. 16, 1738. m. Nov. 30, 1777, Lydia, or Elizabeth Stodder. ii. Robert, Dec. 12, 1739. 20. iii. Jacob, Oct. 28, 1741.' iv. As INFANT, 1743, d. 2 June,' 1745. V. Jeremiah, May 27, 1745, d. in three dys. vi. Sarah, Oct. 19, 1746. m. Dec. 28, 1794, Dea. Joseph Brooks, widT, of Han. vii. Mary, May 22, 1749, d. young. viii. Marcy, Jan. 25, 1751-52, d. 18 March foil. ix. Joseph, Sept. 23, 1755, d. before his fa. X. Marcy, Sept. 23, 1755. m. Nov. 9, 1775, Stephen Gardner, 3d. 13. Solomon <> (Joshua " Eobert '), b. in Hing. Apr. 18, 1709. m. ISTov. 23, 1738, Eachel Damon. Eesided for many yrs. at So. Hing. ; hut late in life removed to New Castle, Me., where he d. in 1795, ffit. -86 yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Solomon, Aug. 6, 1740. ii. Rachel, May 22, 1742. m. Dec. 25, 1768, William Prouty. iiu Jesse, June 26, 1744. Removed to Bridgewater, Mass. Was m. and left descendants. iv. Olive, June 8, 1746. m, Oct. 9, 1768, Elisha Gardner. V. Lucy, July 29, 1749. m. Jan. 30, 1776, Joshua Tower. vi. Persis, Nov. 20, 1752. vii. Elijah, Feb. 14, 1756. 14. Stephen « (Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1716. m. Dec. 13, 1739, Kezia Whiton, dau. of Samuel and Margaret (Tower) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. June 4, 1720. Their Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. Kezia, Sept. 14, 1740, d. in eleven dys. ii. Moses, Oct. 25, 1741. 200 Dunbar. iii. Hannah, June 19, 1743. iv. Kezia, 1745. m. June 11, 1781, John Stodder, wid'., and d. 22 Deo. 1821, ffit. 77th yr. 15. Daniel * (Samuel ^ Joseph = Eobert ^), b. in Hing. 1762. m. Phillipe Damon of Han. She d. in Hing. 20 Feb. 1842, ffit. 83 yrs. He d. 15 Sept. 1825, ffit. 73 yrs. A soldier of the Eevolution. "Far mer." Eesided on Prospect St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, 1782. m. Sept. 1, 1805, Peter Hersey. 21. ii. Samuel, 1784. iii. Phillipe, 1786, d. 1 Dec. 1805. iv. Martha, Feb. 28„ 1788. m. William Pratt, and d. at Wey. 7 Oct. 1871, ffit. 84th yr. V. Daniel, 1791. m. Lucy, dau. of Seth Curtis of Han., and removed to Bos ton, where he d. 5 July, 1882, Kt. 92d yr. 22. vi. Hosea, June 13, 1793. 23. vii. John Mason, May 17, 1795. 24. viii. Seth, Feb. 9, 1802. 16. Enoch' (Samuel ^ Joseph ^ Eobert i), b. in Hing. 1756. m. May 7, 1786, Mary Whiton, dau. of Elijah and Mary (Wilder) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1764, and d. 23 Jan. 1842, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 24 Feb. 1840, ffit. 83 yrs. A soldier of the Eevolution. In 1779 he was one of our soldiers in Canada. "Farm laborer." Eesided on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So Hing. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Enoch, Nov. 1786. m. July 14, 1842, Harriet Drake. She d. 26 Sept. 1875, set. 71st yr. He d. 10 Nov. 1862, set. 76th yr. A soldier in the War of 1812. He left no issue. Resided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. 17. Benjamin ^ (Benjamin ' Joshua ^ Eobert ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 22, 1729. m. Jan. 17, 1754, Hannah Garnet, dau. of Stephen and Han nah (Garnet) Garnet. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 17, 1732, and d. 30 May, 1806, ffit. 73 yrs. He d. 1 June, 1815, ffit. 85 yrs. "Carpenter." Constable 1768. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Nov. 27, 1754. m. Jan. 19, 1783, Thomas Sever. ii. Nabby, Nov. 14, 1758. m. Oct. 9, 1806, Nathaniel Loririg. 25. iii. Benjamin, Nov. 19, 1763. iv. James, Sept. 3, 1765. Removed eastward. 26. V. Joshua, Sept. 28, 1767. 27. vi. David, Nov. 7, 1769. vii. Deborah, Sept. 20, 1772, d. unm. 12 Jan. 1861, set. 88 .yrs. 28. viii. Laban, 1774. ix. Susan, . m. Joshua Tower, a seafaring man. 18. Amos* (Benjamin' Joshua^ Eobert^), b. prob. at Scit. m. in Hing. May 16, 1779, Eachel Tower. She d. 29 Aug. 1839, ffit. 83 yrs. Amos was a soldier in the War of the Eevolution. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., were — 29. i. Peleg, 1780. ii. Deborah, 1783, d. at So. Scit. 22 Nov. 1856, aet. 73 yrs. iii. Amos, 1786. Resided at So. Scit., but late in life removed to Wey., where he d. 28 Jan. 1875, ait. 88 yrs. Dunbar, 201 iv. Joseph, 1790, d. at Wey. 26 Aug. 1862, mt. 72d yr. V. Emma, 1793. m. Harvey House, aud d. at Wey. 24 July, 1878, set. 85 yrs. vi. Rachel, . Was m., and resided iu the State of Me. 19. Melzae * (Benjamin ' Joshua ^ Eobert *), b. at Scit. 1754. m. in Hing. Aug. 4, 1782, Nabby Loring, dau. of Solomon and Hannah (Dunbar) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1761, and d. 22 Feb. 1831, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 13 Sept. 1829, ffit. 75 yrs. " Carpenter." Melzar served three yrs. as a soldier and " artificer " in the War of the Eevolution. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Betsey, Dec. 23, 1782, d. 20 Dec. 1783. ii. Melzar, Nov. 13, 1784, d. at Boston, 26 Feb. 1868, ffit. 83 yrs. iii. Betsey, Dec. 13, 1786. m. Nov. 5, 1807, Samuel Fearing. iv. Charles, Sept. 13, 1788, d. in Virginia. V. Hannah, Sept. 16, 1790, d. unm. 21 Feb. 1831. vi. Seth, Dec. 4, 1792. Removed to Ohio. vii. Peter, Nov. 14, 1794, d. at Cuba, W. I. viiL Tamsen, Sept. 19, 1796. m. Joseph D. Annable, and d. at Boston. ix. Maria, Feb. 9, 1799. m. (1) Cornish, and (2) Thomas Spooner. She d. at So. Scit. X. Catherine, March 6, 1803. m. Dec. 15, 1825, Israel Clark, and d. at Ply. xi. Loring, Sept. 20, 1806. Removed to New Hampshire. 20. Jacob * (Eobert ' Joshua ^ Eobert i), b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1741. m. Dec. 3, 1761, Abi Gardner, dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Gardner) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1740, and d. 7 Jan. 1786, ffit. 46 yrs. He d. at Pembroke, Me., 30 Sept. 1840, ffit. nearly 91 yrs. A soldier of the Eevolution. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Asia, June 23, 1763. m. Feb. 4, 1782, Israel Vining of Ab'n. ii. Mary, Apr. 1, 1765. m. March 8, 1787, Warren Gardner. 30. iii. Robert, March 10, 1767. iv. Lydia, June 7, 1769. V. Eunice, June 7, 1772. vi. Relief, Sept. 29, 1774. vii. Chloe, Jan. 17, 1777. m. Williams, and d, at Worcester, 19 June, 1857, ffit. 80 yrs. viii. Sarah, Sept. 19, 1779. ix. Mercy, July 9, 1782. X. An infant, Jan. 1, 1786, d. same day. 21. Samuel ^ (Daniel * Samuel ' Joseph ^ Eobert ^), b. in Hing. 1784. m. Priscilla, dau. of Eleazer Peakes of Scit. Samuel d. 30 July, 1868, ffit. 74 yrs. " Farm laborer." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch.,— i. Samuel, b. 1816. m. Elizabeth Peabody, and d. 13 Oct. 1853, ffit. 37 yrs. eh. : 1. Ga/roline A., , d. 4 May 18"44, 2. Caroline ^., Jan. 22, 1845. m. Sept. 29, 1870, Martin T. Stodder, and d. 16 Feb. 1883, ffit. 38 yrs. 3. A sm, March 4, 1853. 31. ii. Eleazer Peakes, . iii. Phillipe, ; is dead. 22. Hosea ^ (Daniel* Samuel^ Joseph^ Eobert^), b. in Hing. June 13, 1793. m. Apr. 27, 1817, Lucy Wilder, dau. of Daniel and Nancy (Star) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1792, and d. 13 Sept. 202 Dunbar. 1868, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 5 Apr. 1873, ffit. 80th yr. "Blacksmith." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Jane Wilder, Oct. 14, 1817. m. Aug. 24, 1839, Kilbom W. Bames. ii. Sarah Merritt, March 24, 1820. m. March 1, 1842, Edmund French. iii. Hester Ann Rogers, March 17, 1822. m. Dec. 29, 1846, Albert F. Hersey. iv. Lucy Ann, Apr. 17, 1825. m. Dec. 29, 1846, Eleazer Dunbar. 32. V. Martin Dexter, Oct. 14, 1826, vi. Elizabeth Wilder, 1828. m. Jan. 26, 1851, Josiah N. Kittredge. 33. vii. Charles Henry, July 30, 1834. 23. John M.« (Daniel* SamueP Joseph ^ Eobert i), b. in Hing. May 17, 1796. m. June 23, 1822, Susan Loring, dau. of Elpalet and Susa (Wilder) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 30, 1801, and d. 29 Dee. 1879, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 11 Nov. 1866, ffit. 61 yrs. "Boot maker." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 34. i. Andrew Williams, June 3, 1823. ii. A son, , d. in infancy. iii. John Mason, Dec. 1, 1826. iv. Susan Loring, March 22, 1830. m. Deo. 7, 1853, Benjamin F. Meservey. 24. Seth « (Daniel* Samuel ^ Joseph ^ Eobert^), b. in Hing. Feb. 9, 1802. m. Jan. 1831, Xoa, dau. of Ebenezer and Zinthia (Stetson) Curtis. She was b. at Han., Mass., Feb. 10, 1805. Seth d. 20 May, 1868, ffit. 66 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Seth Curtis, Nov. 3, 1831. Resides at Wey. ii. George, Nov. 14, 1838. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") 25. Benjamin" (Benjamin*"' Joshua'' Eobert'), b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1763. m. Hannah, dau. of Israel Dodge. She was b. Feb. 16, 1768, and d. at Boston, 23 Oct. 1834, ffit. 67th yr. He d. 4 Aug. 1847, ffit. 84th yr. "Carpenter." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Feb. 26, 1787. m. (1) Gershom Oopeland, and (2) Joseph Kimball. Sarah d. at Georgetown, Mass., 1 Sept. 1862, ffit. 76th yr. ii. Benjamin, birth not recorded ; was lost at sea. iii. Abigail, Dec. 1795. m. James Wentworth of Boston. iv. Lydia, Jan. 7, 1798. m. Sept. 23, 1825, Samuel N. Brown, and had sons, Samuel N., and Benjamin F. Lydia d. at Boston, 10 Aug. 1882, set. 83d yr. V. Susan, bt. Sept. 3, 1800. m. Nov. 20, 1822, Daniel Downes, and d. at Boston, 10 Aug. 1872, ffit. 72 yrs. 26. Joshua " (Benjamin *-^ Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. Sept. 28, 1767. m. Jan. 1, 1799, Bethia Wilder, dau. of Thomas and Bethia (Gardner) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. May 29, 1780. This fam. prob. removed from here soon after 1802. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Joshua, March 23, 1799. Did he. d. at Boston, 5 Jan. 1886, ffit. 87th yr.? (See Town Report.) ii. Elijah Stodder, Aug. 18, 1800. iii. Esther Cobb, Jan. 31, 1802. Dunbar. 203 27. David ^ (Benjamin *-» Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1769. m. first, Oct. 16, 1797, Sarah Porter of Wey. She d. 16 Apr. 1801. He m. secondly, June, 1803, Mrs. Hannah (Hobart) Lane, wid. of Peter Lane, and dau. of Peter and Lucretia (Gill) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1768, and d. 2 July, 1855, ffit. 87th yr. David d. 14 June, 1826, ffit. 67th yr. " Stone-mason." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sai-ah, — i. David, June 13, 1798, d. 13 March, 1799. ii. Joshua, June 13, 1798, d. at New Bedford, Mass., 23 July, 1868, ffit. 70 yrs. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — iii. Sally Porter, Jan. 6, 1805, d. unm. 29 July, 1846. 28. Laban ^ (Benjamin ^ Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. 1774. m. Dec. 14, 1797, Delight WUder, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Garnet) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. March 19, 1769. Laban d. 26 May, 1863, ffit. 90th yr. "Carpenter." Eesided in the North Ward. Ch., b. in Hing., — 35. i. Laban, Sept. 22, 1798. ii. Calvin Wilder, Apr. 3, 1800, d. Dec. 1829. iii. Ebed, Nov. 29, 1802, d. at Wey. 1 June, 1867. 36. iv. William, March 17, 1804. V. Warren, Jan. 14, 1807. Removed to Wey. 29. Peleg ^ (Amos * Benjamin ^ Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. 1780. m. Feb. 15, 1805, Olive Whiton, dau. of Ezekiel and Olive (Stodder) Whiton. Peleg d. in Hing. 8 Apr. 1867, ffit. 87 yrs. " Farm laborer." A soldier in the War of 1812, having served as substitute for Enoch Dunbar. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, . m. Edmund Blanchard. ii. Bethany Eaton, , d. unm. 20 Jan. 1850, aet. 42 yrs. iii. Anna, , d. young. iv. Joseph, , d. young. 30. Eobeet ' (Jacob * Eobert ' Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. March 10, 1767. m. Feb. 11, 1790, Joanna Eells, dau. of North and Joanna (Farrow) Eells of Scit. Eobert d. 3 Nov. 1815, ffit. 49th yr. " Cooper." Eesided on Scotland St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Joanna, June 23, 1790, d. unm. ii. Betsey, Dec. 31, 1791, d. 19 Dec. 1792. iii. Sarah, Nov. 26, 1793. m. Thomas of Brookfield, Mass. iv. Robert, Apr. 22, 1796 ; is dead. V. Mary, Dec. 18, 1797. m. Warren Gardner. vi. Jacob, Dec. 23, 1799. m. Sarah, dau. of Nathaniel French, and d. 16 Oct. 1858, without issue. "Cooper." Resided at So. Hing. vii Betsey, May 6, 1802, m. Apr. 6, 1843, Jacob Gardner, wid';, viii. Abia G., Jan. 12, 1805. m. Feb. 1829, Benjamin French of Pembroke, N.H. 3L Eleazee P.« (Samuel ' Daniel * Samuel ' Joseph = Eobert >), b. in Hing. . m. Dec. 29, 1846, Lucy Ann, dau. of Hosea and Lucy 204 Dunbar. (Wnder) Dunbar. (No. 22.) She was b. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1825. " Junk-dealer." Eesides on Thaxter St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Edgar Francis, Feb. 22, 1849, m. March 11, 1876, Emeline F. EweU. ii. Frederick W., Oct. 17, 1853. m. Oct. 17, 1874, Elvira A. Conant of Randolph. She survived him, and m. (2) Apr. 2, 1885, Martin T. Stod der, wid^. Frederick W. d. at Somerville, 22 Dec. 1879, ffit. 26 yrs. 32. Maetin D.« (Hosea « Daniel * Samuel « Joseph = Eobert i), b. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1826.. m. first, Apr. 21, 1848, Ellen M. Sprague, dau. of Isaac G. and Abigail G. (Nye) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 13, 1828, and d. 21 June, 1852, ffit. 23 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 30, 1852, at Dennis, Mass., Abbie Sears, dau. of Heman and Nabby (Sears) Sears. She was b. at Dennis, Apr. 6, 1823. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Ellen, — i. A SON, Dec. 1848, still-born. ii. Mary Ellen, Dec. 22, 1849, d, 17 May, 1866, ffit. 16 yrs. iii. Lizzie Goold, March 13, 1852. m, Jan. 21, 1874, Isaac N. Halford of Boston, V^ Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Abbie, — iv. Abbie Lunetta, Nov. 6, 1856. m. Nov. 25, 1879, Jotham Salisbury of Wey. V. Carrie Dexter, March 8, 1863, d. 21 July foU. vi. Hattie Louise, Jan. 5, 1866. m. Sept. 27, 1887, WiUiam 0. Fletcher. 33. Chaeles H.^ (Hosea ^ Daniel * Samuel ^ Joseph ^ Eobert ^), b. in Hing. July 30, 1834. m. July 6, 1867, Lovinia I. Scribner, dau.'of Nason and Lucy H. (Dunham) Scribner. She was b. at Jackson Brook, Me., July 18, 1836. Charles H. d. 6 Aug. 1882, ffit. 48 yrs. " Painter," Eesided on Hersey St. Ch.,— i. Charles Dexter, May 8, 1858. ii. Frank Merton, Nov, 31, 1860. iii. Herbert Wallace, July 26, 1867. iv. Jennie Wildes, Feb. 19, 1872. V. Arthur Peakes, July 22, 1873. vi. Alice Goodwin, Oct, 4, 1876. 34. Andrew W.« (John M.^ Daniel* SamueP Joseph ^ Eobert i), b. in Hing. June 3, 1823. m. Oct. 22, 1846, Abigail Gay Packard, dau. of William Packard of Quincy, Mass. She was b. at Quincy, June 9, 1823. "Currier." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch.,— i. Abbie Florence, b. at Q. Feb, 17, 1848, d. 25 Aug. foU. ii, Francis Andrew, b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1850. m. Jan. 1876, Martha M. Bowles of Wey. Resides at Wey. iii. Inez Lorena, b. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1852. 36. Laban ° (Laban ^ Benjamin*"' Joshua^ Eobert i), b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1798. m. first, Apr. 7, 1820, Eliza Wade of Wey. She d. 15 Dec. 1835, ffit. 37 yrs. His sec. w., whom he m. Aug. 11, 1836, was Mary Pratt of Wey. She d. and he m. thirdly, Apr. 6, 1838, Lucy, Dunbar — Dunkin — Dunn, 205 dau. of Sylvanus Loud of Wey. She d. prob. at Wey. Laban d. in Hing. 24 Feb. 1884, ffit. 85 yrs. Ch., by w. Eliza, — i. Benjamin C, Feb. 23, 1822. ii. Eliza, Jan. 12, 1826, d. 5 Sept. 1828. Child, by w. Mary, — • iil. An infant, d. in three days. Ch., by w. Lucy, — iv. Eliza Mary, March 20, 1839, d. 5 Deo. 1842. V. Jane J., Aug. 4, 1840, d. 12 Jan. 1843. vi. Harriet W., June 13, 1842. m. Charles A. Neal. 36. William ^ (Laban * Benjamin *"' Joshua ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. March 17, 1804. m. Sarah W. Groce, dau. of David and Sarah (Wil der) Groce. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1798, and d. 12 Apr. 1870, ffit. 72 yrs. He d. 17 March, 1879, ffit. 76 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided in the North Ward. Ch., so far as I kn., — i. Hannah Gardner, Sept. 13, 1826. m. June 29, 1845, John B, Hendley. ii. William, Nov. 2, 1828, d. at Alexandria, Va. , from wounds received at the battle of Weldon Railroad, 19 Aug. 1864, ffit. 36th yr. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iii. CALvrtf Wilder, Oct. 25, 1830, d. 8 Dec. 1831. iv. Sarah Wilder, Oct. 5, 1832. m. March 18, 1857, Jacob B. Perry. V. Calvin Wilder, May, 1834, d. 19 Oct. 1856, ffit. 22 yrs. vi. James D., 1837. Resides at Wey. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") vii. Susan, , d. young. Note. — Jonathan, m. June 20, 1776, Ruth Garner. Ruth, m. June 5, 1781, David Gard ner. Mercy, m. 1790 ? Josiah Gardner. Pamela, m. Thatcher Ewell of Mf'd. Jesse, d. 20 Nov. 1806, mt. 50 yrs. William, m. Apr. 16, 1826, Sarah Prouty. Deborah,d. SlMarch, 1837, set. 80 yrs. Phoebe (dau. of Lucy), d. at Foxborough, 27 Sept. 1852, set. 79 yrs. Susan Elizabeth, youngest dau. of Joseph P., and Mary W., d. 18 Ang. 1854, set. 1 vr. 7 mo's. James, by w. Martha A., had Ida Gray, b. in Hing. May 25,- 1867, d. 10 Sept. foil. Luther Whiton, "mariner," and s. of Dehoraii Dunbar, d. at Boston, 27 Nov. 1857, set. 46 yrs. WilHam, d. 26 Dec, 1858, ffit. 45th yr. Sarah, d. 28 Nov. 1863, mt. 60 yrs. DUNKIN (Duncan). Petee, by w. Jemima, had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil : — i. Sarah, Feb. 20, 1687-88. ii. Dorothy, Apr. 26, 1689. DUNN. CoENELiHS Lenane ( Jamcs = Mary Lenane), b. in the County of Limerick, Ire., 1806. m. Mrs. Margaret (Minahan) Neenan, a dau. of William Minahan. She was b. in County Cork, Ire., 1810, and d. in Hing. 7 Jan, 1867, ffit. 56 yrs. He d. 24 May, 1870, ffit. 65th yr. " Laborer." Eesided on North St. Ch.,— i. Maey Agnes, b. in Ire. Feb. 11, 1845. m. at Boston, Apr. 25, 1872, Joseph T. Hinkel. ii. Eliza , b. and d. in Ire. 206 Dunn — Dunning. iii. Sarah Hersey, b. in Hing. March 10, 1849, d. 29 May, 1857, ffit. 8 yrs. iv. James William, b. at Clinton, Sept. 7, 1851, 1. Thomas, s. of James, and b. in Ire. Dec. 11, 1809. m. Mary . He d. in Hing. 21 Oct. 1880, ffit. 71st yr. " Laborer." Eesided on Friend St. Ch., all b. in Ire., — 2, i. John, Dec. 15, 1838. ii. Ellen, . m. Patrick Hyland of Wey. iii. Mary, Sept. 12, 1851. m. Apr. 28, 1870, John Hasson, and d. 26 July, 1875, ffit. 24th yr. iv. Anna, . m. Nov. 28, 1878, John Nolan. 2. John (Thomas = Mary ), b. at Yonghal, County Cork, Ire., Dec. 15, 1838. m. Margaret O'Connell, who was b. at Liscarrol, County Cork, Ire., Aug. 22, 1836. "Farmer." Eesides on High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Michael, Nov. 10, 1860. ii. An infant, Sept. 22, 1862, stUl-bom. iii. John, Feb. 25, 1864, d. 23 Apr. 1868. iv. Mary Margaret, May 2, 1866. V. Nellie Frances, July 15, 1868. vi. Hannah, June 18, 1871, d. 21 Jan. 1872. vii. An infant, March 18, 1874. Alexandee (Alexander = Elizabeth Eonald), b. in Scotland, July 12, 1818. m. first Elizabeth Paul. She d. 9 Nov. 1856, ffit. 38 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 1861, Mary White, dau. of Donald and Eliza beth (Mitchell) White, She was b. at Grennock, Seo., Apr. 1, 1830. Alexander d. in Hing. 29 March, 1880, ffit. 62d yr. " Currier." Ee sided on South Pleasant St. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1841. ii. Isabella, Oct. 8, 1843, d. 27 Feb. 1875. iii. Alexander, May 16, 1846. iv. Charles, Oct. 5, 1848. Ch., by w. Mary, — V, Mary Elizabeth, Feb, 1, 1862. vi. William Alexander, Dec. 20, 1863, d. 9 Oct. 1864. vii, Matthew William, Apr. 24, 1866. Note, — Mary, dau, of John and Catherine, a native of Boston, d. in Hing. 19 Dec. 1880, set. 12 yrs. John Archibald, b. Feb. 1864, d. 11 Sept. foil. Julia, of Hing. m. at Wev. May 28, 1871, James Coughlan of Hing. DUNNING-. Hick, m. in Hing. Dec. 7, 1669, Sarah Joy, dau. of Thomas and Joan (Gallop) Joy. Hing. rec's furnish nothing relating to this fam. except the birth of the foil. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Edmund, March 31, 1672. Dwelley — Dyer. 207 DWELLEY (Dwelly). Eichaed, prob. of Lancaster in 1654, was a few yrs. later in Hing.,. but removed from here ab. 1665 to Scit. The name of his w. does not appear on Hing. rec's. His Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., were — i. A son (prob. Richard), b. March 10, 1659-60. ii. Mary, bt. Feb. 28, 1663-64. Note. — Lemuel, of Han. m. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1796, Jane, dau. of Col. David Cushing ot Hing. DYER. Solomon Lovell (Jacob = Nabby Lovell), was b. at Wey. Oct. 6, 1806. He m. in Hing. Jan. 31, 1828, Sally Stodder, dau. of Ichabod and Mary (Stodder) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1809. "Master-mariner," afts. "shoemaker." Eesides on North St., near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing,. — i. Solomon Lovell, Aug. 24, 1831, d. 3 Nov. foU. ii. IRENTJS Lovell, Aug. 23, 1833, d. 15 Oct. foil. iii. Sarah Frances, Ang. 19, 1834. m. July 27, 1853, Lyman B. Whiton, and d. 29 Oct. 1880. iv. Maria Bassett, Dec. 26, 1835. m. March 12, 1856, Edward Knight of Wey. V. Solomon Lovell, May, 29, 1838, d. 1 Aug. foil. vi. Abby Caroline, Aug. 25, 1839, d. 10 Sept. foil. vii. Abby Lovell, Feb. 23, 1841. m. Aug. 18, 1861, Fred Reed of Wey. viii. Solomon Lovell, Nov. 10, 1842, d.'l7 May, 1844. ix. Reuben Francis, Apr. 27, 1844, d. 2 June, 1846. X. Arthur Francis, July 21, 1846, d. 2 Nov. foil. xi. Francis Jacob Pratt, March 16, 1848. m. Aug. 2, 1876, Clara L. Vinton of Braintree. Ebenezee Poetee came to Hing. 1847, and for sixteen yrs. foil. was pastor of the Evangelical Congregational Church at Hing. Cen tre. From here he removed in 1863, to Shrewsbury, Mass., and thence to So. Ab'n, where he d. 22 Aug. 1882, ffit. 69 yrs. His first w. Esther Ann Hough, whom he m. at Canterbury, Conn., Dec. 2, 1838, was b. at C. Oct. 25, 1816, and d. at Shrewsbury, 2 June, 1872, ffit. 57th yr. Eesided principally while in Hing. on Main, near Central and Cedar Sts. Ch.,— i. Ebenezee Porter, Nov. 3, 1839. m. (1) Oct. 19, 1865, Susie M., dau. of James H. Fearing, and (2) Jan. 2, 1871, Martha A. Fearing, his first w.'s sister. ii. Henry Lockwood, May 16, 1842, d. 26 Aug. foil. iii. Helen Amelia, March 17, 1844. m. Dec. 6, 1864, Barnard K. Lee, who, with his youug w. was lost at sea on steamer "Melville," 8 Jan. 1865. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") iv. Sarah Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1845. m. July 10, 1877, Rev. Isaac Pierson, and d. at North China, 12 Jan. 1882. V. Mary Lockwood, Nov. 25, 1846. m. Sept. 8, 1869, Henry M. Wyatt. vi. Esther Genevieve, Aug. 11, 1849. m. Jan. 18, 1877, J. Frank Thomas of Wey. 208 Dyer — Eames — Easterbrook. vii. Edward Norris, July 22, 1850. m. Dec. 25, 1876, Fannie E, Bartlett of Wey. viii. Francis Henry, March 4, 1853, d. 23 Sept. foil. ix, Samuel Hough, Aug. 18, 1855, d. in twelve days. X. Martha Louisa, Feb. 7, 1859. m. March 23, 1883, Robert J. Ford. Note. — Benjamin, of Wey. m. .lune 24, 1708, Sarah Sayer. Deborah, m. July 4, 1816, Josiah Gardner. Charles, Jr., of Hing, m. Nov. 23, 1843, Anna B. Joselyn of Wey. Ann, m. Jan. 13, 1850, Calvin Andrews. Belinda B., wid. of William, d. 4 Aug. 1872, set. 69 yrs,; a native of Canada. Lucy (French) wid. of Charles, d. at "Vfej. 31 Oct. 1875, ffit. 81st yr. EAMES. Anthony, Hing. 1636, the same yr. had a house-lot granted him on Lower Plain ; was a deputy 1637, 1638, and 1643 ; frequently a town ofiicer, and involved in the military difiiculties of 1644-1645. (Lin coln's " History of Hingham.") John, d. 3 Nov. 1641. Maek, had a grant of land in Hing. 1645. He m. May 26, 1648. -Nerfufthes-rec- Maegeet, dau. of Anthony, m. Oct. 20, 1653, John Jacob. Eliza beth, dau. of Mark, m. Dec. 6, 1672, Andrew Lane. Jeeusha, of Mf'd, pre^. dau. of Anthony and Mercy (Sampson), m. Sept. 11, 1711,5* Thomas Sayer, Jr. Elizabeth, of Mf'd, dau. of Anthony, Sen', m. V Edward Wilder of Hing. J Note. — Thankful, a native of Boston, d. 5 Sept, 1876, ffit. 83d yr. EASTERBROOK. Joseph, for sev. yrs. a school-teacher in Hing. and afts. of Lexing ton, Mass., m. in Hing. Aug. 25, 1693, Mrs. Hannah (Leavitt) Loring, wid. of Joseph Loring, and dau. of John and Sarah Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. March 20, 1663-64, and d. at Lexington, 5 Oct. 1728, ffit. 64th yr. He d. at L. 23 Sept. 1733. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. John, July 28, 1694. ii. Solomon, Nov. 21. 1696, d. 4 Dec. foU. iii. Hannah, Aug. 2, 1698. iv. Melaset, March 22, 1700-1. V. Elijah, July 28, 1703. 1. Isaac, from Barnstable, Mass., and b. there, Apr. 9, 1796, m. first, in Hing. Nov. 6, 1820, Snsanna M. Lincoln, dau. of Joseph and Su sanna (Marsh) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1799, and d. 1 Nov, 1831, ffit. 32d yr. He m. secondly, Jan. 28, 1833, Louisa Easter brook of Barnstable.- She d. Feb. 1883. Isaac d. 18 Jan. 1835, ffit. 39th yr. " Master-mariner." Eesided at West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Susanna, — i. Isaac, Sept. 17, 1821. m. Oct. 22, 1846, CaroHne A., dau. of Elijah Lewis. Resided at Boston, and d. 7 June, 1885, set. 64th yr. She d. 8 Jan. 1886, ffit. 63 yrs. Their dau., Carrie Marsh, d. in Hing. 4 Sept. 1863, st. 4th yr. ii. Susan Marsh, Aug. 12, 1823, d. 28 Aug. 1825. iii. Charles Gorham, Aug. 13, 1825. " Printer ; " is the editor and pro prietor of the "Weymouth Gazette." Resides at Wey. 2. iv. Joseph, Sept. 12, 1827. V. Susan Marsh, Dec. 11, 1829. m. Jan. 18, 1857, Lewis French. Easterbrook — Eaton — Edes — Eells. 209 2. Joseph (Isaac = Susanna M. Lincoln), b. in Hing. Sept. 12, 1827. m. Oct. 17, 1854, Susan Beal Trask, dau. of Elijah and Sarah (Wool- arton) Trask of Boston. She was b. at Boston, Oct. 28, 1829. Joseph d. 8 May, 1879, ffit. 52d yr. Editor and proprietor of the " Hingham Journal." Eesided on Elm St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Worrick, March 21, 1855. Samuel (Samuel = Martha Hinckley), was b. at Barnstable, Mass., June 11, 1810. He m. in Hing. May 9, 1831, Eebecca Harding, dau. of Thomas and Patience (Mayo) Harding. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 16, 1811. Samuel d. 10 Feb. 1883, ffit. 73d yr. " Ship-master." Ee sided on Cottage St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Harding, Feb. 23, 1832, d. 4 Oct. 1833. ii. George De Forest, May 18, 1834, d. 14 June, 1858. iii. Mary Harding, May 6, 1837. m. Feb. 1, 1860, Thomas H. Corbett, and d. 18 Nov. 1864. iv. Samuel Howes, June 15, 1841. Resides at Boston, and has a fam. V. Charles Scholfield, Dec. 1, 1843, d. 28 Jan. 1846. vi. Elizabeth Jack.son, Oct. 7, 1846. m. Jan. 2, 1868, Charles E, Good. vii. Delia Doane, Jan. 18, 1854. m. June 11, 1874, WiUiam M. GUman. ¦ Note. — Annie P., w. of J. Henry Easterbrook, and a native of Cherrj-field, Me., d. iu Hing. 15 Feb. 1876, ffit. 27 yrs. EATON. Osgood (Osgood = Hannah Wentworth), a descendant from Francis Eaton, who came to Ply. in the " Mayflower," 1620, was b. at Wilton, Me., Dec. 31, 1837. m. in Hing. Dec. 23, 1865, Helen E. Beal, dau. of Daniel and Hannah L. (Burbank) Beal. She was b. in Hing. June 17, 1846. "Boot-manuf'r, afts. "farmer." Eesides on Hull St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Helen Wentworth, Nov. 5, 1866. ii. Gilbert Osgood, Sept, 4, 1868. iii. Lawrence, Dec. 16, 1870. iv. Philip, June 13, 1873, d. 9 Oct. foU. V. Wilbur Linus, Aug. 16, 1876. vi. Wallace, March 12, 1880. Note. — Elizabeth, m. July 29, 1668, John Barnes. Hannah, d. 13 Julv, 1689. Ben jamin, of Kingston m. March 11, 1728-29, Susanna, wid. of Lazarus Beal. Oeorge, m. May 27, 1836, Ann T. Moorfield. EDES. Eobeet Thaxtee (Eichard S. = Mary Cushing), m. at Boston, Apr. 30, 1867, Elizabeth T., dau. of Calvin W. Clark. "Physician;" was grad. at Har. Coll. 1858 ; M. D. 1861 ; and later Mat. Med. Prof. Eesided on Main, near Water St. Eemoved to Dor. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Annie B., May 2, 1868. EELLS. 1. John, who, it is said, resided in Hing. for a short time, was from Dorchester, Mass., where he sold his dw.-house, land, etc., "the 28th of the 8th mo. 1640." I have been unable, however, to find any- VOL. 11, — 14 210 ' Eells. thing relating to him on Hing. rec's. He may have been " John the bee-hive maker " who finally settled at Newbury, as has been suggested by various historical writers. 2. Samuel, s. of the preceding, and bt. at Dor. May 3, 1640, was for many yrs. a resident of Milford, Conn., but removed to Hing. prob. ab. 1689, and on Aug. 22d of that yr. m. Mrs. Sarah North, wid. of Edward North of Boston.* She was his (Samuel's) sec. w. His first w. was Anna Lenthal, dau. of Eev. Eobert Lenthal of Wey. In 1705 he purchased of Caleb Bate nine acres of land, meadow and orchard, on Town St. (between the present residences of William 0. Lincoln and Eufus Lane on South St.). Aug. 3, 1713, wid. Sarah Eells of Scit. sells to George Bramhall, " currier," of Hing., " my house and land : " N. by the Town St., E. by Caleb Bate ; S. by Daniel Cushing, and W. by Samuel Thaxter, etc. She d. 2 Nov. 1738, ffit. ab. 70 yrs. Sam uel while a resident of Hing. was by occupation " merchant." He also was a magistrate ; selectman 1695 ; representative 1705 and 1706, and kn. as " Major Eells." He had been in command of a garrison at Ponagansett (Dartmouth) in Philip's War, 1676, and without doubt was a man of ability as well as of good education. He d. in 1709, ffit. 69 yrs. His residence in Hing. according to our tax-lists, was on Fort Hill St. His wid. removed to Scit. after his decease. Of the eight or more ch. of Major Eells I kn. but little. They prob. were by his first w., and b. before he came to Hing. It is reasonable, how ever, to suppose that the subjoined were of this fam., for I kn. of no other person of the name in Scit. at that time, who would have had ch. old enough to marry. Moreover, the continuance of the chris. names of Samuel and Anna is strong presumptive evidence that the foil, were his Ch., viz. : — 3, i. Nathaniel, 1678. ii. Elizabeth, . m. (pub. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1710, and caUed of Scit. ) John Stowell, and d. 1714. iii. Anna, our rec's say of Scit. m. (pub. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1714) Thomas Wilder, and had Samuel, Anna, and others. * Boston, July 26, 1683, Administration was granted to Sarah North, wid. of Edward North, late of Boston, "mariner," deceased, intestate. s. d. Inv. appraised at £375 14 10 Inc. personal debts owing in Hingham ... £192 02 OT Inv. of goods in his shop £183 12 03 £375 14 10 John Smith, Senr. John Prince. (S, P. R.V01, ix. p. 132). 3. Nathaniel' (Samuel^ John i), b. 1678; was grad. at Har. Coll. 1699, and ord. minister at Scit. June 14, 1704. He m. in Hing. Oct. 12, 1704, Mrs, Hannah North. I have not ascertained her maiden name, although our rec's say she was of Hing. She d. at Scit. 2 May, 1754. He d. 25 Aug. 1750, ffit. 72 yrs. Their descendants are numer ous and widely scattered. 'SOTE. — Nathaniel, m. Dec. 21, 1769, Joanna Farrow. Sarai, m. Feb. 11, 1790, Bela Wilder. Joanna, m. Feb. 11, 1790, Robert Dunbar. Egre — Eldredge. 211 EGRE (^Egeee). Deming, or Duming, m. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1722, Eachel, dau. of Joseph and Joanna Thorn. He prob. d. before 1752, when his wid. received assistance from the town. " Mariner." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Hopestill, Sept. 14, 1721. ii. Thomas, March 13, 1722-23. Removed to Barnstable, where he m. March 7, 1748-49, Anna, dau. of Capt. Edward Demmick. She wash. Nov. 23, 1721. They removed ab. 1771, to Pittston, Me., where she d, 6 Aug. 1807. Thomas (he wrote his surname " Agry"), d. 19 Oct. 1783, set, as his gravestone says, 59 yrs. "Shipwright." Of their four ch. one was bt. in Hing. sec. pre., viz. . Hannah, Oct. 6, 1754. m. Capt. Samuel Oakman of Pittston, Me. iii. Leah, Feb. 10, 1724-25. iv. John, March 25, 1726. V. Deborah, May 3, 1730. m. July 30, 1759, EUsha Tower, Jr. vi. William, Nov. 12, 1732. vii. DA^^EL, bt. Sept. 27, 1741. Removed to Dartmouth, Mass., and late in life to Hardwick. He m. first, Nov. 21, 1771, Mercy Perry of Rochester. She d. 16 Sept. 1795. The chris. name of his sec. w., whom he m. at Taunton, was Martha. She d. 15 Feb. 1826, ajt. 81 yrs. He d. at Hard wick, 23 Oct. 1801, set. 60 yrs. A soldier of the Revolution. Feb. 1, 1771, Daniel Egre (he wrote his surname "Egrey") of Dartmouth sells to Urian Oakes of Coh., " shipwright," one third acre of land granted to wid. Rachel Egre, by the town of Hing. bounded west by Jonathan Pratt, north by Tower, south by Jonathan KUby, and east by the high way. (Sutf. Deeds, voL 123, p. 68.) viii. Bathsheba, bt. Sept. 27, 1741. ix. Elizabeth, bt. Sept. 27, 1741. m. Apr. 20, 1766, Amaziah Bowles of Dartmouth. ELDREDG-E. 1. Nathan, from Provincetown, but a native of Brewster, Mass., came to Hing. with his fam. soon after the close of the last war with Eng. His w. Susan (Phillips) Small was a dau. of Nathan and Tiba- tha G. Phillips. She d. in Hing. 7 Jan. 1862, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 29 Dec. 1823. " Mariner." Eesided on Green St. Ch., prob. b. at P., — i. Elizabeth, 1798. m. in Hing. May 6, 1819, Joseph Hudson. ii. Sally, Jan. 17, 1801. m. in Hing. Jan. 28, 1821, Reuben Eldredge. iii. Caroline, Nov. 15, 1803. m. in Hing. Oct, 11, 1821, Thomas Cook of P. iv. Susan, ¦. m. in Hing. Jan. 8, 1826, Coleman Cook. V. Roxanna, . m. Jan, 9, 1831, Samuel Hudson. 3. vi. Nathan, . 2. William, from Provincetown, and bro. of Nathan^, m. Eleanor Crowell. They became residents of Hing. ab. 1826. She d. 16 Apr. 1855. He d. 25 Sept. 1835. "Mariner." Eesided on Green St. Ch., — 4. i. Reuben, b. at P. Oct. 1800. 5. ii. William, b. at P. Sept. 25, 1809, iii. Sylvanus, ; was lost at sea on the passage from Boston to New York. iv. Perez, , d. in the Florida War. 6. V. Christopher Columbus, b. at HuU, Jan. 18, 1819. 7. vi. John Crowell, b. at HuU, Jan. 18, 1819. 212 Eldredge. 3. Nathan (Nathan = Susan Phillips), m. Eliza Small. She d. 24 Feb. 1877, ffit. 69 yrs. This fam. removed to Wendell, Mass. Nathan was for many yrs. " master-mariner," and resided on Green and Water Sts. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. An infant, , d. 1 Sept. 1840, set. 21 months. ii. Nathan L., Dec. 8, 1844. 4. Eeuben (William = Eleanor Crowell), b. at Provincetown, Mass., Oct. 1800. m. in Hing. Jan. 28, 1821, Sally Eldredge, dau. of Nathan and Susan (Phillips) Eldredge. She d. 28 Feb. 1865, ffit. 64 yrs. He d. at Boston 19 Jan. 1882, ffit. 81 yrs. " Master-mariner." Eesided ofE Green St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Reuben, 1821. m. Rebecca Weston of Dux. Removed to the State of Penn. 8. ii. David Phillips, Nov. 29, 1822. iii. Francis W., . Removed to Boston. iv. Susan P., . V. Charles G., 1829, d. 7 May, 1831, set. 17 mo's. 9. vi. Charles H., . vii. Iantha, . m. Jan. 3, 1867, John C. Gardner. viii. Mary Cushing, . m. Feb. 18, 1863, George H. Whiton of Boston. He d. 22 Apr. 1873. ix. Alonzo, Oct. 1836, d. 20 Aug. 1838. X, Benjamin Franklin, Nov. 1837, d, 4 Oct. 1839, 5. William (William = Eleanor Crowell), b. at Provincetown, Sept. 25, 1809. m. in Hing. Dec. 7, 1846, Anna W. Barnes, dau. of Malachi and Anna (Beal) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1824, and d. at New Bedford, Mass., 13 March, 1862, ffit. 37 yrs. He d. in Hing. 18 Feb. 1880, ffit. 70 yrs. " Mariner." (See « Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. William, 1847. ii. Anna Lucinda, Feb. 27, 1849. iii. Hiram Sylvanus (or Barnes), May 5, 1850. 6. Cheistophee C. (William = Eleanor Crowell), b. at Hull, Mass., Jan. 18, 1819. m. Almira Follansbee, and d. at Charlestown, Mass., 13 June, 1887, ffit; 68 yrs. " Painter," and for many yrs. a resident of Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Christopher C, Aug. 8, 1843. ii. Maria, , d. young. iii. Elizabeth J., Feb, 10, 1850, 7. John C. (William = Eleanor Crowell), twin bro. of the preced ing, and b. at Hull, Mass., Jan. 18, 1819, m. May 22, 1842, Mary Ann Follansbee. "Painter." Has removed with his fam. to Wey. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John Wesley, June 3, 1843. m. Feb. 3, 1864, Susan L. ChurchiU of Hing. Has removed from here. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Their dau., Bessie C, was b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1866. Eldredge — Enos — Ensign — Ewell. 213 ii. Elsie 0., Oct. 3, 1844. m. Dec. 23, 1863, Charies H. Copeland. iii. Eleanoe, June 3, 1846, d. young. iv. Antoinette Follansbee, Dec. 17, 1847. m. Feb. 7, 1867, Marcus M. Hobart of Quincy. V. Eleanor Willard, Dec. 15, 1849. m. Oct. 19, 1870, Abner L. Leavitt, Jr. vi. George Willard, Nov. 12, 1851. Resides at Boston. vii. Benjamin Franklin, . Resides at Wey. 8. David P. (Eeuben = Sally Eldredge), b. in Hing. Nov. 29, 1822. m. Dec. 15, 1844, Almira Gardner. This fam. removed to Kansas, where he d. 17 July, 1873, ffit. 51st yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. David C, July 1, 1845, d. 10 Oct. 1848. ii. Harriet C, March 29, 1847, d. Dec. foU. iii. David P., Jan. 12, 1850. iv. Susan E., Aug. 20, 1854. 9. Chaeles H. (Eeuben = Sally Eldredge), a native of Hing. m. May 8, 1861, Maiy E. Eamsdell, and removed to St. Joseph, Mo., aftei- 1868.- Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Mary Ellen, May 2, 1862, d. 9 Aug. foU. ii. Charles Francls, Jan. 3, 1867. iii. Harry Hayward, July 4, 1868. ENOS. Anthony, a native of Portugal, m. Mrs. Deborah L. (Nichols) (Jordan) Wormwood. She was a dau. of David J. and Leah (Lea vitt) Nichols, and was b. July 5, 1796. Anthony d. in Hing. 14 Nov. 1860, ffit. 51 yrs. Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch.,— i. FEAffCES Augusta, July 3, 1831. m. June 11, 1851, Charles Souther. IL Ruth L., . m. Dec. 21, 1847, Charles H. Stodder. iii. Deborah, . ENSIGN. Thomas, Scit., m. 1638, Eliza, dau. of the wid. Martha Wilder. Their Child, bt. in Hing., — i. Hannah, July 6, 1640. EWELL. Geeshom of Scit. m. Nov. 25, 1773, Hannah, dau. of Joseph and Abigail Souther. John, Je., of Scit. m. May 15, 1757, Deborah Bates. Peleg, m. Nov. 25, 1766, Hannah Johnson. .Hannah, dau. of Peleg, bt. July 30, 1775. Lois, m. Apr. 20, 1823, James Nelson. Eliza, m. Nov. 18, 1827, Alfred Overton. Angeline, m. Aug. 3, 1829, John P. Hersey. Maey, m. Dec. 19, 1829, John Nichols. Maeia, of Mf'd m. Jan. 1832, Granville Gardner. Julia Ann, m. Apr.. 26, 1832, Lincoln Nichols. Eliza, m. Nov. 24, 1833, Lemuel Barnes. Edith, m. 214 Ewell — Ewer — Fanning — Farmer. March 23, 1834, Frederick B. Stodder.. Asenath H., m. Apr. 8, 1834, Eli H. Kennerson. Sophia, m. May 15, 1836, Loring Hammond. Jacob, m. Sarah Barnes. Eebecca A., m. Feb. 13, 1848, Andrew J. Gardner. Josephine, m. Jan. 4, 1854, William Lincoln. Waltee H., m. Aug. 18, 1870, Frances P. Gill. Emeline F., m. March 11, 1876, Edgar F. Dunbar. Maeia B., m. Feb. 6, 1876, Charles H. Damon of Scit. Waltee F. (Thatcher = Pamelia Dunbar), b. at Mf'd, d. 22 Sept. 1880, ffit. 66 yrs. EWER. Eleazer, m. in Hing. first, Jan. 1, 1832, Sarah P. Sprague, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Gardner) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. 1811, and d. 11 Sept. 1838, ffit. 27th yr. He m. secondly, Jan. 1842, Tabitha B. Nye, dau. of Henry and Lois (Howard) Nye. She was b. in Hing. Juue 21, 1805. Eleazer d. 13 Feb. 1849. " Shoemaker." Eesided on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — i. Henry Sturges, Jan. 11, 1833. m. Nov. 11, 1861, Christiana, dau. of Jesse Churchill. Removed to Maiden. Their dau., Jesm Peyiims, was b. at M. Aug. 1867. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Susan S., 1834. m. Apr. 28, 1858, WiUiam Humphrey, Jr. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Tabitha, — iii. Abby G., 1843. m. . FANNING. James, b. in County Monaghan, Ire., Dec. 1, 1830, came to the United States ab. 1850, and m. first, Catherine Moran. She d. in Hing. 23 Oct. 1864, ffit. 36 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 22, 1866, at Boston, Anna McCardie. She came from the County Antrim, Ire. " Laborer." Eesides on Summer, near North St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Catherine, — i. James Francis, Feb. 1859, d. 16 Oct. 1864. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Anna, — ii. John Edward, July 15, 1868. iii. Richard James, Jan. 4, 1871. Note. — Catherine, m. Apr. 23, 1878, Edward Hogan. Susan M., m. Sept. 4, 1883, Thomas Kenney. FARMER. Jedidiah (s. of Dea. John and Lydia (Eichardson), and bro. of Dr. John Farmer, A. M., the late well-known antiquarian and author), was b. at Chelmsford, Mass., Apr. 6, 1802, came to Hing. in 1827, and m. May 11, 1828, Mary Young Crocker, dau. of Maj. Turner (U. S. A.), and Mary (Young) Crocker. She was b. at Boston, May 26, 1803. Jedidiah d. 7 Jan. 1875, ffit. 73d yr. " Printer." Was senior partner in the firm of Farmer & Brown, first publishers of the " Hingham Gazette ; " afts. sole proprietor ; and, later, proprietor and publisher of the " Hingham Patriot." Eesided on North St., opp. Marsh's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Caroline, Feb. 27, 1829. m. May 10, 1854, Paul B. Merritt. ii. John Franklin, March 20, 1831. " Printer." Resides at Boston, and has a fam. Farmer — Farrow. 215 iii. Edward Oliver, Feb. 12, 1833 ; is m. and has a s. Thomas H., who was grad. 1882 at the Hingham High School. iv. George Brooks, Feb. 4, 1835, d. 11 Sept. foil. V. Julia Frances, Aug. 9, 1836, d. 26 Sept. 1837. vi. Maria Louise, Feb. 10, 1838, d. 20 Oct. foU. vii. Alfred Beard, May 12, 1840, d. 12 Oct. foU. viii. Emma Melville, June 24, 1843, d. 11 Oct. 1851. ix. Charlotte Parker, May 17, 1847, d. 3 Sept. foil. X. Ella Augusta, July 17, 1849. Note. — Harriet S., dau. of Jesse of Boston, m. at Cambridge, Sept. 13, 1871, Thomas L. Sprague of Hing. FARROW (Faeree). 1. John, came from Hing. Eng., in 1635, with w. Frances and dau. Mary. He had a grant of five acres of land in our Hing. on Town (South) St., near the spot where Dr. H. E. Spalding resides. At the time the new meeting-house was erected, he and his two sons were located on East St., below Cushing's Bridge. His w., who outlived him, d. the 28th of Jan. 1688-89, and he d. 7 July, 1687, leaving a wiU dated 28th of March, 1687, proved 17th of Aug. foil. Ch.,— i. Mary, b. in Eng. m. (1) Oct. 25, 1649, Samuel Stowell, and (2) Oct. 10, 1689, Joshua Beal, wid";. 2. ii. John, bt. in Hing. June 6, 1639. ui Remember, bt. in Hing. Aug. 1642. m. Feb. 3, 1659-60, Henry Ward. iv. Hannah, bt. in Hing. Apr. 9, 1648. m. June 9, 1674, Nathaniel Foul- sham. 3. V. Nathan, bt. in Hing. Sept. 17, 1654. 2. JoHN= (John'), bt. in Hing. June 6, 1639. m. first, Aug. 14, 1664, Mary, dau. of William Hilliard. She d. 14 Sept. 1689. Nov. 16, 1691, he took a second w. whose chris. name was Frances. John d. 27 Jan. 1715-16, ffit. 76 yrs. In his will of 10 Feb. 1708-9, proved 9 Apr. 1716, mentions w. Frances g,nd seven ch. ; two, namely, Hannah and William, having d. before him. " Carpenter." Constable in 1672. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — i. Mart, Oct. 25, 1665. m. Lanix Buerly. ii. Hannah, Dec. 9, 1667. m. March 17, 1686-87, Joseph Josselyn, and d, before 1702. iil Abigail, Jan. 27, 1669-70. m. (1) Richard Tower ; (2) Francis Horswell, and (3) John Orcutt. 4. iv. John, Dec. 8, 1672. V. Hester, June 28, 1675. m. Jan. 2, 1700-1, Jeremiah Beale. 5. vi. William, Nov. 17, 1677. vii. Percilla, Apr. 4, 1680, m. Feb. 21, 1710-11, Hezekiah Lincoln. viii. Remember, Feb. 3, 1682-83. m. Terry. ix. Sarah, Aug. 29, 1685. m. (pub. Nov. 2, 1717), James Studley of Scit. 3. Nathan 2 (John'), bt. in Hing. Sept. 17, 1654. m. first, Dec. 6, 1683, Mary, dau. of John and Mary Garnet, or Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1664, and d. 27 Feb. 1709-10, ffit. 65 yrs. He m. secondly, March 23, 1710-11, Mrs. Joanna Whiton, wid. of Thomas Whiton, and dau. of Samuel May of Eox. This was her third m'ge, her first hus. having been Francis Garnet. She d. 15 Sept. 1751. 216 Farrow. Nathan d. 18 Oct. 1715, ffit. 61 yrs. His will, dated 7 Oct. 1715, was proved 14 Oct. 1718. Eesided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — i. Frances, Dec. 16, 1684. m. (pub. July 22, 1718), Jeremiah Hach of Cape Cod. ii. Christian, Oct. 13, 1686, d. Apr. 1694. 6. iii. Jonathan, June 10, 1689. 7. iv. Benjamin, mentioned in his fa.'s will ; birth not given on Hing. rec's. V. Nathan, Apr. 29, 1695, d. 30 July, 1739, aet. 44 yrs. 4. John » (John 2-1), b. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1672. m. in 1696, Persis, dau. of Capt. William Holbrook of Scit. "Innholder," and in 1715 constable. This fam. removed from here ab. 1730, to Freetown, Mass. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Dec. 8, 1697. ii. Priscilla, Feb. 16, 1699-1700. m. Nov. 9, 1724, Gershom Finne of Boston. iii, Mercy, June 20, 1702. m. Dec. 17, 1724, John Jacob. iv, Bethia, Nov. 29, 1704. m. (1) Jan. 27, 1724-25, David Spear of Brain tree, and (2) Aug. 11, 1726, Samuel Webb of Wey. V. Deborah, Jan, 10, 1707-8, m. (pub. Jan. 6, 1727-28) Nathan Belcher of Boston. vi, John, Oct. 17, 1709, d, 3 Feb. 1719-20. vii. Hannah, March 15, 1711-12. viii. Seth, Feb. 26, 1713-14. ix. Abigail, Apr. 12, 1717. X. John, Sept. 28, 1719, d. 3 Feb. foU. xi. Ezekiel, Apr. 9, 1722. 5. William^ (John^-^), b. in Hing. Nov. 17, 1677. m. Jan. 31, 1700-1, Patience Tower, dau. of Ibrook and Margaret (Hardin) Tower. She was b. in Hing. March 21, 1678-79, and surviving him, m. sec ondly. May 30, 1704, Thomas James. William d. 23 Dec. 1702, ffit. 25 yrs. Their Child, b. in Hing., — i. Patience, Jan. 7, 1701-2. 6. Jonathan^ (Nathan ^ John^), b. in Hing. June 10, 1689. m. first, Oct. 27, 1714, Joanna Whiton, dau. of Thomas and Joanna (May) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1690-91, and d. 11 Apr. 1737, ffit. 46 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 22, 1737, Mrs. Judith (Whiton) White, the wid. of James White, and dau. of James and Abigail Whiton. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1689. Jonathan d. 14 Apr. 1751, ffit. 62d yr. In his will of 10 Nov. 1749, calls himself " laborer ; " names w. Judith and five ch., and refers to his " obliga tions to the Town of Hingham respecting my brother Thomas " (prob. referring to his bro.-in-law, Thomas Whiton). Constable. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Joanna, were — 8. i. Jonathan, Aug. 26, 1717. ii. Joanna, bt. June 19, 1720. m. Dec. 8, 1742, John Garnet. 9. iii. David, May 19, 1722. iv. John, bt. May 24, 1724. V. Rachel, March 2, 1726-27, d. 14 Nov. 1729. vi. Elizabeth, May 29, 1732. m. Nov. 14, 1755, Peter Collamore of Scit. Farrow — Fearing. 217 7. Benjamin' (Nathan ¦' John'), b. prob. in Hing. ab. 1692 (Deane says was a s. of John, while Mr. Savage placed him with the ch. of Nathan. The latter, according to the will of Nathan, is correct). m. Dec. 14, 1715, Leah Whiton, dau. of Thomas and Joanna (May) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 4, 1695. This fam. removed to Scit. ab. 1720, where many of their descendants are still living. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Benjamin, Sept. 23, 1716. m. Mary Damon. ii. Mary, Apr. 10, 1718. m. Sept. 18, 1740, Robert CortheU. 8. Jonathan * (Jonathan ' Nathan "^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1717. m. Apr. 14, 1762, Eachel Cook. She d. a wid. 23 Dec. 1793, ffit. 70th yr. Note. — Clarissa, dau. of Rachel, and perhaps gr. dau. of Jonathan (?) d. 14 Aug. 1788, aet. 4 yrs. 5 mo's. (From the rec's of Rev. Henry Ware.) 9. David * (Jonathan « Nathan ^ John i), b. in Hing. May 19, 1722. m. Sarah Pratt (?), prob. of Wey. David d. 17 July, 1799, ffit. 77 yrs. " Carpenter." Constable in 1767. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, July 2, 1748. m. Apr. 1768, Regemelec Cushing. ii. Joanna, Aug. 8, 1749. m. Deci 21,.1769, Nathaniel Eells. iii. David, Sept. 1, 1750. m. Dec. 14, 1780, Desire Tower, who d. in Hing- 15 Dec. 1815, aet. 71 yrs. iv. Christian, May 19, 1752. V. Chloe, March 17, 1754. vi. Jonathan, June 19, 1756. m. Jan. 31, 1780, Lucy, dau. of Peter and Deborah Tower. Note. — Benjamin, of Ab'n m. Sept. 13, 1786, Mary Gardner of Hing. Elizabeth, of Hing. m. Oct. 12, J788, Zebulon Spear of Braintree. Sarah E., of So. Scit. m. May 27, 1852, Melzar Hatch, Jr., of Han. Deborah R., dau. of Charles W., and Deborah, d. at So. Scit. 22 Dec. 1870, mt. 75th yr. Mary E., of So. Scit. m. May 2, 1872, George F. French of Hing. Henry, m. Dec. 20, 1869, Sarah C.. dau. of William C. and Priscilla V. (Humphrev) Torrey of Hing. She d. at So. Scit. 26 March, 1876, ast. 24th yr. FEARING (Feeing; Feein). 1. John, according to Cushing's MS., " came from Cainbridge, in Old England," with Matthew Hawke and w. " and settled in New Hingham 1638." (It is on record that a John Fearing arrived in Hing. with others in 1636. See " History of Hingham," by Solomon Lin coln, pp. 43, 44). He had land granted him in 1635, 1647, etc., and after his decease other lots in the six divisions fell to his heirs, which were drawn in his name. He was a man of prominence in our early local history, and held various positions of trust and responsibility. Freeman 1652. Selectman 1648, 1661, and 1663 ; also deacon of the church for many yrs. The chris. name of his w. was Margaret. She survived him, and m. secondly, Nov. 3, 1676, Eobert Williams of Eox bury. John d. 14 May, 1665. In his will, dated three days previously, and proved 12 June foil., names w., two sons, and two dau's ; the oldest s. to have a double portion. Inv. appraised at £331 04s. OOd. inc. two oxen, five cows, two cattle three yrs. old, one yearling bull, one old mare, one mare three yrs. old, one horse four yrs. old, one yearling 218 Fearing. colt, four goats, six swine, four "pigges," dw.-house, to which had "recently" been added a new end, much land, farming-tools, etc. "Farmer." Eesided on North St., nearly opp. the meeting-house of the Universalist Society. Ch., prob. all b. in Hing., were — 2. i. John, mentioned in his fa.'s wiU. 3, ii. Israel, bt. Sept. 1644. iii. Mary, bt. Apr. 18, 1647. m. Dec. 15, 1665, James Hersey. iv. Sarah, bt. July 29, 1649. m. Feb. 6, 1666-67, Benjamin Lincoln. 2. John "^ (John ^), named in his fa.'s will, and b. prob. ab. 1642. m. at Boston, Dec. 15, 1676, Hannah, dau. of Nathaniel and Martha Beal of Hing. She d. 14 Sept. 1717, ffit. 61 yrs. He d. 20 March, 1725- 26, ffit. ab. 84 yrs. Freeman 1667. Eesided on the paternal home stead. North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 4, i. Nathaniel, Jan, 2, 1679-80, ii. Hannah, Apr. 20, 1682. m. Feb. 10, 1719-20, Samuel Cockeril. iii. John, Sept. 4, 1684, d. 20 Sept. 1717. iv. David, Feb. 5, 1686-87, d. 12 Nov. 1715. V. Susanna, Aug. 1, 1689. m. May 11, 1710, Benjamin Ward. vi. Mary, Dec. 27, 1691, d. 25 Aug. 1717. vii. Rachel, Oct. 1, 1699, d. 7 May, 1711. 3. IsEAEL •¦= (John 1), bt. in Hiiig. Sept. 1644. m. July 22, 1673, Elizabeth Wilder, dau. of Edward and Elizabeth (Eames) Wilder. .She d. in Hing. 27 Jan. 1730-31, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. at Dor., Jan. 1693, ffit. 48 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 5. i. John, Dec. 29, 1674. ii. Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1678-79. m. May 8, 1702, James Sprague. iii. Margaret, June 8, 1680. m. Nov. 18, 1708, Ephraim Jones. 6. iv. Israel, Aug. 29, 1682. V. Sarah, bt. Dec. 1, 1689. m. Sept. 13, 1716, Matthew Sprague. 4. Nathaniel ^ (John ^i), b. in Hing. Jan. 2, 1679-80. m. first, Apr. 29, 1714, Mary Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Deborah (Hersey) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 18, 1694, and d. 20 Feb. 1714-15, 5et. 20 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 26, 1716-16, Sarah, dau. of Benja min and Eebecca Johnson. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1693-94, and d. 15 May, 1736, ffit. 42 yrs. He d. 22 Apr. 1751, ffit. 71 yrs. Admin istrator's account presented 7 May, 1761. " Farmer." Constable 1717 ; selectman 1723. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. North St, Child, b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — 7, i. Elijah, Jan. 31, 1714-15. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — ii. Sarah, 1716-17, bt. June 1, 1729. m. Benjamin King. iii. Maey, Oct. 18, 1718. m. (1) May 6, 1740, Daniel Lincoln, and (2) June 15, 1750, Dea. Joshua Hersey, wid^. iv. Rachel, 1721, bt. June 1, 1729. m. Dec. 30, 1745, Enoch Lincoln, Jr. V. Ruth, 1724, bt. June 1, 1729, d. unm. 26 Nov. 1748, ffit. 25th yi-. Fearing. 219 5. John 3 (IsraeP John^), b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1674. m. May 8, 1708, Margaret Hawke, dan. of James and Sarah (Jacob) Hawke. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 15, 1681, and d. 28 Sept. 1764, ffit. 83 yrs. John d. 7 Nov. 1752, ffit. 78th yr. In his will of 13 Feb. 1747^8, proved Dec. 1762, mentions and provides for w. Margaret ; gives to s. James house, land, etc., over the river ; " to son Hawke my house and land that was formerly Capt. James Hawke's, also land that be longed to my father, Israel Fearing ; to son John my now dwelling- house that I bought of Joshua Lasell ; to my daughter Lydia Cushing £300, in currant pay." He also refers to property of his late gr. fa. Edward Wilder. " Weaver." Constable 1703 ; selectman 1731, and 1732. Eesided on Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lydia, Sept. 3, 1709. m. Jan. 9, 1728-29, Seth Cushing. 8. u. James, Apr. 22, 1712. 9. iii. Hawkes, July 13, 1715. 10. iv. John, Sept. 1, 1720. 6. Iseael s (Israel ^ John i), b. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1682. m. Martha Gibbs. Eesided at Wareham, Mass. Of their Ch., all prob. b. at Wareham, were — i. Israel, . ii. Benjamin, . iii. John, . iv. David, . V. Noah, . vi. Ann, . m. — - HaskeU. vii. Elizabeth, . m. Sept. 16, 1760, David Lincoln of Hing,, and d, 10, July, 1804, aet. 68 yrs. viii. Martha, • .. m. Nathan Lincoln of Hing., and d. 11 Aug, 1823, aet. 84 yrs. 7. Elijah* (Nathaniel* John^^), b. in Hing. Jan. 31, 1714-16. m. Jan. 12, 1748--49, Deborah Leavitt, dau. of Abraham and Eebecca (Lincoln) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 5, 1722, and d. 9 July, 1786, ffit. 64th yr. He d. 12 Aug. 1776, ffit. 62d yr. In his will of 20 May, 1776, proved 2 Dec. foil, is called " gentleman." He gives " to son Nathaniel my old dwelling-house and the west half of my home stead; to son Elijah my new house," etc. "Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Feb. 7, 1749-50. m. Oct. 6, 1774, Seth Lincoln. 11. ii. Nathaniel, Dec, 14, 1751. iii. Deborah, July 16, 1754, d. unm. 22 Jan. 1794. iv. Elijah, March 2, 1757, d, 31 Dec. 1759. V. Rebekah, Apr. 6, 1760, d. 19 March, 1764. vi. Elijah, Oct. 26, 1763. m. Nov. 9, 1788, Chloe Whiton, dau, of Jacob and EUzabeth (Marble) Whiton. She survived him, and m. (2) Dec. 21, 1818, Seth Lincoln, widl. Elijah d. 27 June, 1812. No issue. 8. James ' (John ' Israel ^ John'*), b. in Hing. Apr. 22, 1712. m. Nov. 22, 1733, Deborah Jacob, dau. of Peter and Hannah (AUyn) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 28, 1714, and d. 5 Nov. 1792, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 3 Oct. 1794, ffit. 82 yrs. WiU proved 10 Dec. foil. 220 Fearing. " Weaver," and lieut. of a military company. Eesided at Hing. Centre, " over the river." Ch., all b. in Hing., were ¦ — i. Deborah, Oct, 13, 1734. m. Sept. 5, 1753, Joshua Leavitt. ii. James, Nov. 28, 1735, d. 20 Oct. 1756. iii. Israel, March 25, 1737, d. 7 Oct. 1741. iv. Shubal, Dec. 3, 1738, d. 8 Oct. 1741. V. Lydia, June 13, 1741, 12. vi, Israel, Dec. 18, 1742. 13. vii. Shubal, May 13, 1744. viii. Ezekiel, Jan. 29, 1746-46, d. 13 Jan. 1763. ix. Elizabeth, Apr. 7, 1748, d. 24 Sept. 1771. X. Hannah, March 18, 1749-50. m. Apr. 26, 1781, Samuel LaseU. xi. An infant, — — , d. 3 Jan. 1751-52. 14. xii. Abel, Apr. 29, 1755. xiu. James, Jan. 30, 1757, d. 28 Oct. foU. 9. Hawkes^ (John^ Israel ^ John'), b. in Hing. July 13, 1715. m. Dec. 3, 1741, Margaret Lincoln, dau. of David and Leah (Beal) Lin coln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 19, 1722, and d. 12 Nov. 1816, ffit. 95th yr. He d. 16 June, 1786, ffit. 70th yr. " Farmer." Selectman 1761, 1764, and 1766. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., ali b. in Hing., were — i. Margaret, Sept. 25, 1742. m, Aug. 22, 1759, Thomas Burr. ii. Leah, July 19, 1744. m. Dec. 25, 1764, Jacob Leavitt. iii. Mary, Sept. 26, 1746. m. June 12, 1775, David Burr. iv. Sarah, Oct. 4, 1748, d. unm. 25 Dec. 1810, ffit, 62 yrs. 15. V. Hawkes, Nov. 26, 1750. vi. Olive, Feb. 14, 1753, d. unm. 13 Oct. 1795, ffit. 43d yr. vii. Lydia, July 17, 1755. m. Dec. 31, 1778, Joshua Loring. viii. Rachel, July 17, 1755. m. July 13, 1780, Japhet Studley. ix. Tamar, Jan. 28, 1758, d. unm. 18 Feb. 1832, ffit. 74 yi-s. X, David, July 4, 1760, d. 3 Apr. 1778. xi. Lucy, Oct. 27, 1762. m. Dec. 28, 1786, Jonathan Loring. xii. Emma, June 2, 1765, m. Jan. 15, 1792, Peter Jacob. xiii. Chloe, June 23, 1768, d, unm. 13 Aug. 1864, ffit. 96 yrs. 10. John' (John^ IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1720. m. Jan. 1, 1746-47, Abigail Marsh, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Burr) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1722, and d. 6 Sept. 1814, ffit. 92d yr. He d. suddenly, on Sunday, while riding to meeting, 7 Oct. 1787, ffit. 67 yrs. Will dated 16 July, 1784, proved 18 Dec. 1787. "Farmer." Eepresentative 1776, and in 1777 one of the Commit tee of Safety. Eesided on Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i, John, Nov. 8, 1747, d. 27 Feb. 1753. 16. ii. Thomas, Dec, 25, 1749. iii. Abigail, July 1, 1757. m. Oct. 5, 1780, Gardner Goold, and d. at West- brook, Me., 30 Oct. 1826, ffit. 69 yrs. 11. Nathaniel^ (Elijah^ Nathaniel ' John^'), b. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1751. m. Nov. 17, 1774, Deborah Hobart, dau. of James and Deborah (Sprague) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1764, and d. 26 June, 1818, ffit. 64 yrs. He d. 23 Apr. 1783, ffit. 31 yrs. WiU dated 22 Apr. 1783, proved 24 June foil. " Farmer." Eesided on the paternal home stead. North St. Fearing. 221 Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Rebecca, Sept. 1, 1775. m. (1) Oct. 26, 1797, WUUam Todd, and (2) Oct. 27, 1805, WUliam Hersey. u. Deborah, June 29, 1777. m. Aug. 31, 1800, Jeremiah Hersey. iii. Sarah, June 8, 1779. m. July 28, 1799, Isaac Lane. 12. Iseael ^ (James * John * Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 18, 1742. m. May 21, 1767, Mary, dau. of Ephraim and Mary Jones. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 21, 1762, and surviving him, m. secondly, Oct. 21, 1773, Benjamiu Pierce of Boston. Israel d. intestate, 28 Sept. 1771, ffit. 29 yrs. " Weaver." Eesided at Hing. Centre, " over the river." Child, bt. in Hing., — L Mary, May 29, 1768. 13. Shubal^ (James* John= Israel^ John'), b. in Hing. May 13, 1744. m. Dec. 6, 1770, Mercy Bates, dau. of Samuel and Mercy (Beal) Bates. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Feb. 15, 1746-47, and d. 22 Feb. 1823, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 26 Jan. 1816, ffit. 72d yr. " Farmer." Eesided at Hing. Centre, "over the river." Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. James, March 26, 1772, d. 5 June, 1796. u. Betsey, Nov. 21, 1778, d. imm. 30 May, 1848, ffit. 70th yr. 17. iu. Israel, Dec. 16, 1782. iv. Shubal, Feb. 18, 1785, d. 24 Aug. 1818. 18. V. Samuel, Apr. 11, 1788. vi. Mercy, June 11, 1792. m. July 9, 1817, John Fearing, Jr. (No. 21). 14. Abel ^ (James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Apr. 29, 1755. m. first, Oct. 2, 1777, Sarah Jones, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Marsh) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 3, 1747-48, andd. 14 Feb. 1778, ffit. 30 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 26, 1778, Olive Cushing, dau. of John and OUve (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. March 25, 1766, and d. 16 Jan. 1819, ffit. 64th yr. He d. 15 Apr. 1794, ffit. 39th yr. "Farmer." Eesided at Hing. Centre, "over the river." Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Olive, were — L Saeah, Nov. 3, 1779. m. Nov. 21, 1802, John GUkey. Resided in the State of Maine. 19. U. Abel, Feb. 29, 1784. 20. iii. Ezekiel, March 13, 1787. iv. Cushing, Nov. 1, 1789, d. 16 Aug. 1823. 21. V. John, Apr. 30, 1792. 15. Hawkes ^ (Hawkes * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1750. m. May 5, 1779, Leah Lincoln, dau. of Enoch and Eachel (Fear ing) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 3, 1768, and d. 18 Jan. 1844, ffit. 85 yrs. He d. 6 June, 1826, ffit. 76th yr. "Trader," and "far mer." Eepresentative 1806 to 1811 inc., and a man of prominence in town affairs. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sally, Oct. 17, 1780, d. in five weeks. 22. u, Hawkes, Dee. 10, 1781. in. Sally, March 16, 1784, d. unm. 7 May, 1842. 222 Fearing. iv. Lucinda, Oct. 6, 1785. m. Jan. 1, 1809, John B. Lincoln. V. Aurelia, Feb. 18, 1788. m. Jan. 5, 1812, Martin Fearing (No. 27). 23. vi. David, Aug. 28, 1789. vii. Lincoln, July 22, 1792. m. Harriet A. Williams, and resided at Boston, where he d. 10 May, 1873, ffit. 81st yr. 24. viii. Morris, Oct. 9, 1794. ix. Olive, Nov. 9, 1796, d. 7 Feb. 1797. X. Albert, March 12, 1798. m. Oct. 5, 1831, Catherine Cushing Andrews, dau. of Thomas and Hannah (Cushing) Andrews. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1806, and d. 27 June, 1873, ffit. 67th yr. He d. in Hing. 24 May, 1875, ffit. 77 yrs. For many yrs. he had been an honorable and successful merchant at Boston ; was elected to the senate of Mass. 1841, and throughout the entire period of his active Ufe was widely known as a philanthropist and Christian gentleman. At the close of his business career, in 1868, he returned again to Hing. and here continued his be nevolent work. He was the founder of the Hingham Public Library, and in many other directions a benefactor to the inhabitan ts of his native town. Resided on North St., opposite the Hingham station of the South Shore Railroad. He left no issue. xi. Olive, Sept. 21, 1802. m. Oct. 28, 1833, Lincoln Jacob. 16. Thomas « (John " Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dee. 26, 1749. m. Jan. 21, 1773, Lydia Eipley, dau. of Nehemiah and Lydia (Hobart) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 7, 1753, and d. 2 Oct. 1815, ffit. 62 yrs. He d. 16 March, 1820, ffit. 70 yrs. " Farmer," and deacon of the church of the First Parish. Selectman 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, and 1796 ; representative 1809 to 1817 inc. He also was captain of a mil itary company. Eesided on Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — Meriel, Nov. 9, 1773, d. 11 Aug. 1775. John, May 2, 1776, d. unm. 10 May, 1836, aet. 60 yrs. Was styled "Captain." Thomas, Oct. 3, 1778. Nabby, Feb. 20, 1781. m. Jan. 16, 1803, David Whiton. V. Jerome, Dec. 22, 1783. Martin, Oct. 12, 1785. 28. vii. Charles, Dec. 29, 1788. viii. Lydia, Jan. 23, 1792, d. unm. 1 March, 1847, ffit. 55 yrs. 17. Iseael ' (Shubal ^ James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1782. m. Apr. 10, 1803, EUzabeth Cushing, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. March 2, 1783. Israel d. 21 Oct. 1857, ffit. 76th yr. " Cooper." Eesided at Hing. Centre, " over the river." 'Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. James, June 6, 1803, d. next day. ii. James, May 20, 1804, d, 7 Oct. foil, iii. Lydia Cushing, Oct. 3, 1805. m. Jan. 15, 1832, Benjamin Jones, Jr. 29, iv, James Hawkes, Oct. 4, 1807. V. Israel, July 28, 1809. Removed to Wey. where he m. and had issue. He d. 4 March, 1880, ffit. 71st yr. 30. vi. Perez Lincoln, June 26, 1811. 31, vii. Ebenezer Cushing, Dec. 20, 1812. 18. Samuel" (ShubaP James* John' Israel'' John'), b. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1788. m. Nov. 5, 1807, Betsey Dunbar, dau. of Melzar and Nabby (Loring) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1786, and d. 1. ii. 25. iii. iv. 26. V. 27. vi. Fearing. 223 23 Jan. 1864, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 22 Aug. 1841, ffit. 53 yrs. "Far mer ; " and kn. as " Captain." Eesided at the corner of Lasell and Free Sts. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 32. i. Samuel Lasell, Jan. 29, 1809. u. Hannah Allen, March 18, 1810. m. Amos TUden, and d. at Coh. 2 Apr. 1869, ffit. 59 yrs. iii. Seth, Apr. 25, 1813. m. Apr. 3, 1866, Joanna Lyon of Halifax, Mass., and d. at Bridgewater, Sept. 1884, ffit. 71 yrs. iv. Andrew Jackson, Oct. 11, 1815. m. March 25, 1851, Martha S., dau. of Benjamin and Desire Stodder. She d. 22 March, 1879, ffit. 55th yr. He d. 17 Jan. 1886, ffit. 70 yrs. "Farmer." Resided on LaseU St. No issue. V. Elizabeth, July 13, 1818. vi. Charles, 1822, d. 27 Oct. 1830. vii. Maria, March, 1827. 19. Abel ^ (Abel ^ James ' John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Feb. 29, 1784. m. Sept. 14, 1807, Judith Cushing, dau. of Eobert and Judith (Loring) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1786, and d. 17 Feb. 1869, ffit. 83d yr. He d. 27 Dec. 1851, ffit. 67th yr. "Farmer." Eesided at Hing. Centre, " over the river." Ch., aU b. in Hing., — L A SON, March 29, 1808, d. soon. ii. Judith W., March 13, 1809, d. unm. 14 March, 1866. iii. Martha, Jan. 30, 1814. m. Jan. 1833, John Jacob, Jr. 33. iv. Abel, March 5, ISlS. V. Harriet Cushing, Jan. 6, 1822. m. March 21, 1847, Charles R. Cook. 20. Ezekiel ^ (Abel ' James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. March 13, 1787. m. Feb. 6, 1811, Anna Cushing, dau. of Eobert and Judith (Loring) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 3, 1791, and d. 18 Dec. 1878, ffit. 87 yrs. He d. 26 Apr. 1865, ffit. 78 yrs. " Black smith." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i. Anna Cushing, Jan. 2, 1812. m. Oct. 17, 1830, Charles Whiting. ii, Saeah Gilkey, March 26, 1814. m. Oct. 24, 1832, Albert Whiting. iii. Mary Adams, June 15, 1817. m. Feb. 21, 1836, Isaiah G. Tower. iv. Olive Cushing, March 4, 1819. m. Benjamin S. Whiting. V. Deborah Jacob, Jan. 21, 1823. m. Jan. 11, 1842, Justin Ripley, Jr. vi. Hannah Lincoln, Apr. 1, 1825. m. Aug. 27, 1844, Amasa Whiting. vii. Henrietta, 1831, d. 1 Sept. 1834. 21. John ° (Abel * James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1792. m. July 9, 1817, Mercy Fearing, dau. of Shubal and Mercy (Bates) Fearing. (13. vi.) She was b. in Hing. June 11, 1792, and d. 3 Jan. 1871, ffit. 79th yr. He d. 4 May, 1872, ffit. 80 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided at Hing. Centre, " over the river." Ch., all b. in Hing., — 34. i. Henry, Nov. 17, 1817. ii. Mercy Bates, March 3, 1820. m. Dec. 26, 1841, David Cobb. iii. Lydia, 1822, m. March 30, 1843, Thomas Jones, and d. 11 Nov. 1853. 35. iv. John Cushing, Feb. 27, 1825. V. Catherine Clark, Nov. 30, 1827. m. (1) Jacob Gilkey, and (2) Feb. 17, 1853, Christopher B. HUl. 224 Fearing. vi. Charlotte, 1830. m. Apr. 7, 1855, Thomas Jones, wid^. vii. George Jacob, Feb. 7, 1834. m. Sept. 26, 1861, Lydia L., dau. of Stephen and Elizabeth (Cushing) Cushing. Resides on the paternal homestead, Lasell St. No issue. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") 22. Hawkes ' (Hawkes '^ John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 10, 1781. m. Dec. 24, 1823, MatUda Wilder, dau. of Edward and Mary (Hersey) WUder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1799, and d. 1 March, 1886, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 5 Sept. 1863, ffit. 82d yr. " Manuf'r of cord age." Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Matilda, Dec. 27, 1824, d. 21 Dec. 1843. 36. u. Hawkes, May 20, 1826. iii. Leah Lincoln, Oct. 18, 1827. iv. Edwin, Dec. 13, 1830. m. March 11, 1858, Hannah T., dan. of David and Polly S. (Burr) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1830, and d. 22 June, 1871, ffit. 41 yrs. He d. without issue 19 Aug. 1861, ffit. 31st yr. V. Henry Lincoln, Nov. 2, 1832. m. (1) Oct. 16, 1856, Jane R. dau. of Capt. Jairus B. Lincoln. She d. 7 May, 1864. He m. (2) Dec. 13, 1868, Helen A., dau. of Rev. Henry A. Miles, and d. at Boston, 3 Jan. 1886, aet. 53 yrs., leaving a wid., and a dau. and two sons by the first m'ge. 23. David « (Hawkes ^ John = Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 28, 1789. m. Jan. 31, 1819, Polly S. Burr, dau. of Levi and Susanna (Stowers) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 24, 1794, and d. 11 Sept. 1859, ffit. 65th yr. He d. 1 Oct. 1876, ffit. 87 yrs. "Trader." Eep resentative 1839 and 1840. Eesided ou Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mariah, May 30, 1822, d. 1 Sept. 18-23. ii. David, May 4, 1824 ; is unm. iii. William, Nov. 3, 1826, d. 11 Sept. 1829. iv. Mary, June 10, 1828, d. 28 Sept. 1829. V. Hannah Thayer, May 1, 1830. m. March 11, 1858, Edwin Fearing. 37. vi. William, May 13, 1832. 24. MoEEis " (Hawkes " John ^ Israel '^ John'), b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1794. m. Apr. 12, 1832, Nabby F. Whiton, dau. of David and Nabby (Fearing) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1806. Morris d. 6 Oct. 1875, ffit. 81st yr. " Farmer." Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i, Morris, Sept. 17, 1835, d. 17 June, 1852, mt. 17th yr. ii. Lincoln, July 13, 1845. 25. Thomas " (Thomas ^ John" Israel ^ John'), b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1778, m. Dec. 25, 1808, Patty Whiton, dau. of Elias and Sarah (Blos som) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1776, and d. 24 Nov. 1861, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 29 March, 1827, ffit. 48 yrs. " Farmer," and magistrate ; a member of the Convention for revising the Constitution, and an estimable citizen. Eesided on Free St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sophia Gould, Oct. 15, 1809. m. Dec. 13, 1832, Peter Hersey, 3d. ii. Mary, Deo. 6, 1811. m. Apr. 17, 1839, Benjamin P. Spaulding. 38. iii. Thomas, .Tune 4, 1814. 39. iv. William, Jan. 4, 1818. Fearing. 225 26. Jeeome « (Thomas ^ John " Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1783. m. at Boston, July 25, 1813, Annis, dau. of Matthew and Sukey Bayley. She d. 1837, ffit. 40 yrs. He d. Feb. 1837, ffit. 53 yrs. Was by occupation " carpenter." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch.,— i. Lydia Ann, June 10, 1814, d. 23 Apr. 1816. ii. John, March 18, 1818, d. 12 Sept. 1820. 27. Maetin « (Thomas' John" IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. Oct. 12, 1786. m. Jan. 6, 1812, Aurelia Fearing, dau. of Hawkes and Leah (Lincoln) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 18, 1788, and d. 4 May, 1838, ffit. 50 yrs. He d. 21 Oct. 1868, ffit. 83 yrs. "Trader." Eep resentative 1833 to 1837 inc., and again in 1852. Town treasurer, etc. ; also major of the Second Eegiment of Infantry. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. ELIZ.4.BETH, Jan. 23, 1814. ii. Franklin, May 8, 1817. m. Oct. 15, 1856, Maria Wing of Yarmouth, Mass. FrankUn d. at Y. 13 Apr. 1874, ffit. 57th yr. His wid., and their dau Aurelia, b. 1857, reside in Hing. ui. Meriel, July 3, 1826. m. June 17, 1856, Joseph H. French. 28. Chaeles ° (Thomas^ John*^ IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1788. m. Dec. 25, 1833, Mrs. PrisciUa (Eipley) Burr, wid. of Waters Burr, and dau. of Nehemiah and PrisciUa (Lincoln) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1796, and d. 30 Nov. 1876, ffit. 80th yr. He d. 25 Sept. 1861, ffit. 73d yr. " Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Pleasant St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Emily, Aug. 12, 1835. 29. James H.' (Israel " Shubal ^ James * John ^ Israel - John '), b. in Hing. Oct. 4, 1807. m. Dec. 22, 1833, Eunice Wilder, dau. of Crocker and Deborah (Jacob) Wilder. She was. b. in Hing. Oct. 8, 1807. James d. at Boston, 27 July, 1882, ffit. 76th yr. " Trader," afts. manuf r and wholesale dealer in clothing. Eesided at So. Hing., afts. at Newton. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. James Armstrong, July 13, 1837, d. 15 Sept. foU. ii. James Armstrong, Dec. 25, 1838, d. 19 Sept. 1848. iii. Susan Maria, Apr. 8, 1841. m. Oct. 19, 1865, E. Porter Dyer, Jr., and d. 12 Feb. 1868. iv. Martha Augusta, Dec. 8, 1844. m. Jan. 2, 1871, E. Porter Dyer, Jr., wid^. V. Maey Louisa, Dec. 8, 1844. vi. Albert Rhodes, Apr. 20, 1847, d. 7 Sept. 1848. 30. Peeez L.' (Israel " Shubal ^ James * John ^ Israel "¦ John '), b. in Hing. June 26, 1811. m. Oct. 27, 1833, Margaret J. CortheU, dau. of Eobert and Elizabeth (Hersey) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1807, and d. 11 Aug. 1875, ffit. 69th yr. " Cooper." Eesides on East St. VOL. II. — 15 226 Fearing. Ch.,— i. Lydia Ann, Aug. 24, 1835. 40. ii. George William, b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1837. iii. Margaret Jane, March 9, 1839. m. (1) Andrew Bartlett, and (2) A. R. Tuck. iv. Ellen Elizabeth, June 18, 1840. V. Perez Francis, Aug. 19, 1842, d. at Poplar Lawn Hospital, 15 Aug. 1864. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") vi. Martha Washington, Feb. 1844, d, at So. Wey. 18 Sept. 1846. 41. vii. Washington Irving, May 28, 1846. viii. Martha Lincoln, Jan. 1848, m. Dec. 8, 1882, John Howe of W. Spring field. 42. ix. Edwin Wallace, May 9, 1851. 31. Ebenezee C (IsraeP Shubal^ James* John^ Israel ^ John'), b. in Hing. Dec. 20, 1812. m. March 9, 1842, Sarah C. Torrey, dau. of William and Sarah (Cushing) Torrey. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 14, 1821, and d. 23 Apr. 1876, ffit. 65th yr. He d. 20 March, 1881, ffit. 68 yrs. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch,— i. William Torrey, March, 1845, d. 20 Dec. 1860. ii. Laura Cushing, March 21, 1851, d. 25 Nov. 1860. iii. Sarah Adeline, Dec. 12, 1853. m. Dec. 24, 1874, Charles L. Davis. 32. Samuel L.' (Samuel * Shubal ^ James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Jan. 29, 1809. m. June 3, 1832, EmeUne TUden, dau. of Amos and Lydia (Douglass) Tilden of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Sept. 1808. "Farmer." Eesides on LaseU St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Hannah Lasell, June 12, 1835. 33. Abel ' (Abel ^-' James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. March 6, 1819. m. first, Dec. 7, 1842, Elizabeth C. Burbank, dau. of Samuel and Joanna (Whitcomb) Burbank. She was b. Nov. 9, 1820, and d. 2 Dec. 1862, ffit. 42 yrs. He m. secondly, July 7, 1872, Martha F. Cobb, dau. of Andrew and Sallie A. (Freeman) Cobb. She was b. at Truro, Mass., Aug. 14, 1840. " Farmer." Eesides on Union St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Elizabeth Gertrude, March 15, 1843, d. 25 Sept. 1844. ii. Thomas Clarkson, March 30, 1845. 43. iii. Francis Jackson, Feb. 5, 1849. iv. Watson Burbank, Nov. 1, 1851, d. 12 Oct. 1856. V. Charles Herbert, Sept. 3, 1853, d. 31 Oct. 1856. 44. vi. Arthur Sumner, Feb. 7, 1856. vii. Watson Burbank, Feb. 13, 1857. m. (l)Feb. 13, 1878, Emma M., dau, of Oliver Jones, and (2) Jan, 28, 1885, at Boston, Ella H. Flagg. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Martha, — viii. Mattie Frances, Nov. 2, 1875. ix, Charles Rossendahl, March 17, 1877. 34. Heney' (John' AbeP James'' John^ IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. Nov. 17, 1817. m. Mary H. Cushing, dau. of Ensign and Eliz- Fearing. . 227 abeth (Hobart) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1821, and d. 17 Apr. 1866, ffit. 45 yrs. He d. 23 May, 1868, ffit. 51st yr. "Blacksmith." Eesided on High St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. M.4.BY Ellen, Feb. 13, 1844. m. July 5, 1868, Albert S. Gardner. ii. Ida Gertrude, March 23, 1850, d. 15 Apr. 1867. 35. John C (John ^ Abel ^ James ^ John ^ Israel = John '), b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1825. m. March 4, 1865, Mary S. Doane, dau. of Horace and Susan (Pratt) Doane of Scit. She was b. Apr. 3, 1846. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Mary Cushing, Oct. 29, 1875, d. 27 Aug. 1876. 36. Hawkes ' (Hawkes^^-^ John ^ Israel ^ John '), b. in Hing. May 20, 1826. m. Nov. 21, 1860, Eliza B. Cushing, dau. of Brackley and Eliza (Bartlett) Cushing of Ab'n. She was b. at Ab'n Nov. 12, 1835. " Librarian." Town Clerk 1848 to 1866 inc. Appointed justice of the peace 1854. Eepresentative 1871 and 1872. Commissioned captain, afts. colonel. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Eesides on the paternal homestead. Main St., Hing. Centre. ChUd, — i. Anna Matilda, b. at Manchester, N. H., Feb. 16, 1865. 37. William' (David' Hawkes^ John' IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. May 13, 1832. m. at New York, Feb. 19, 1863, Emily L. Cush ing, dau. of Perez and Lydia V. (Dillaway) Cushing., She was b. at Boston, Aug. 12, 1839, and d. in Hing. 14 Feb. 1879, ffit. 40th yr. " Trader." Town treasurer from March, 1858, to the present time. Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i, William Burr, Sept, 25, 1864. ii. Alice Louise, Aug. 29, 1866. iii. Gertrude Isabel, Oct. 1, 1872. iv. Albert, May 21, 1874, d. at Boston, 22 July, 1881. 38. Thomas' (Thomas '"^ John" IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. June 4, 1814. m. Susan York. She was b. at Newfield, Me., Jan. 1, 1823, and d. 3 Feb. 1885, ffit. 62 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesides on the pater nal homestead. Free St. Ch., b. in Hing., — 45. i. Charles Tho.mas, . u. Susan Maria, . m, Feb. 27, 1873, George C. Reed, 39. William ' (Thomas "^' John " Israel ^ John'), b. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1818. m. Jan. 20, 1842, Mary J. Cushing, dau. of Pyam and Sarah (Jacob) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1820, and d. 2 June, 1873, ffit. 52 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing, Child, b. in Hing., — L Mary, Dec. 9, 1843. m. Apr. 6, 1881, Francis H. Litchfield. 228 Fea/ring. 40. Geoege W.' (Perez L.' Israel ' Shubal ^ James * John ' Israel ^ John 1), b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1837. m. June 11, 1865, Elizabeth A. Cleverly, dau. of Wilmot and Elizabeth H. (Corthell) Cleverly. She was b. at Wey. Nov. 3, 1844. " Mechanic." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") ChUd, — i. Herbert Francis, July 14, 1870. 41. Washington I.^ (Perez L.' Israel ' Shubal ^ James * John » IsraeP John'), b. at Wey. May 28, 1846. m. Nov. 30, 1870, Euth Eliza Ayers, dau. of Calvin and Eebecca (Cady) Ayers. She was b. at Dover, Mass., Feb. 7, 1853. " Farmer." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Cady, Oct. 1, 1871. ii. Eugene Foster, July 3, 1873, d. 5 Dec. foU. iii. Freddie Atwood, Sept. 14, 1874. iv. Alice May, Feb. 1, 1876, d, 5 Sept. 1878. V. Jennie Washington, March 18, 1878. vi. Nettie Foster, Feb. 12, 1880. vu. Harry Winthrop, Feb. 14, 1882, d. 11 June, 1883. 42. Edwin W.' (Perez L.' Israel ' Shubal ' James * John ' Israel ^ John '), b. at Needham, Mass., May 9, 1861. m. in Hing. July 26, 1875, Eliza Ann Cain, dau. of Thomas and Sarah J. K. (Adams) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 2, 1854. " Farmer." Eesides on Main St., So.. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Ethel Willis, July 9, 1877, d, 15 Sept. 1878. u. Edith Frances, Jan. 22, 1879. iii. Florence Kendall, b. at Bedford, Mass., Oct. 3, 1880. iv. Elwin Lincoln, Dec. 14, 1883, 43. Feancis J.' (AbeP-^ James ^ John' IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1849. m. June 16, 1876, Sarah E. Needham. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Cheney, May 15, 1876. ii. Mabel Putnam, Feb. 28, 1878. iii. Chester Atherton, Feb. 7, 1880. 44. Aethue S.' (Abel '"'¦'' James ^ John ' Israel ^ John'), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1856. m. July 20, 1876, Emma F. Morse. " Carpenter." Has removed to Wey. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lillian Granville, Aug. 27, 1877. ii. Clarence Arthur, Aug. 8, 1880. 45. Chaeles T.' (Thomas'*' John*"' IsraeP John'), b. in Hing. :. m. Jan. 29, 1874, Susan T. Cushing of Wey. Eesides on Free St. Fearing — Fee. 229 Ch., b. in Hing., ¦ i. Alice Richmond, Jan. 25, 1875. ii. George Herbert, Apr. 20, 1877. iii. Charles Lincoln, Oct. 22, 1879. FEE. 1. Thomas (Patrick = Eose Dolan), b. at Ballinamore, County of Leitrim, Ire., Aug. 18, 1818. m. Dec. 1, 1843, Mary Baxter, dau. of Patrick and Mary (O'Hara) Baxter. She was b. at Ballinamore, Dec. 20, 1820. " Farmer." Eesides on Cedar St. Ch.,— i. Patrick, b. in Ire. Nov. 17, 1844. m. Apr. 1, 1868, Mary Condon. Re sides in California. u. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Ire. June 6, 1847. m. Sept. 2, 1869, John Cres well. in. Thomas, b. in Hiug. Aug. 13, 1850. m. Apr. 16, 1874, Elizabeth M. Harris ; is a deputy sheriff at Boston. iv. Rose Anna, b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1852. V. John Henry, b. in Hing. June 10, 1854. m. Feb. 26, 1884, Joanna M. HaUey, and has ElUn, b. in Hing. May 20, 1886 vi. Ellen Margaret, b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1856. vii. Catherine Agnes, b. in Hing. Feb. 9, 1859. viii. Peter Phillip, b. in Hing. May 18, 1861. ix. James, b. in Hing. Aug. 9, 1863. X. Margaret, b. in Hing. Sept. 11, 1865, d. 30 Jan. 1866. 2. Michael (Patrick = Eose Dolan), b. at Ballinamore, County of Leitrim, Ire., Dec. 1820. m. Bridget Conlon. Michael d. 26 Sept. 1863, at Stanton Hospital, Washington, D. C, ffit. 43 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided on Cedar St. (See "Hingham in the Ci'vil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Michael, May 30, 1851. ii. James Henry, Dec. 27, 1852. in. RosANNA, Dec. 29, 1854. iv. Mary Ellen, Sept. 18, 1856. m. Feb. 16, 1874, Peter Lemner. V. Alice Margaret, Jan. 1, 1859, d. 6 Nov. 1877. vi. Francis Manus, Dec. 16, 1860. m. Nov. 16, 1886, Mary E. Whalen. 3. John (Patrick = Catherine Tudman), b. at Ballinamore, County of Leitrim, Ire., 1826. m. Bridget O'Keefe. John d. in Hing. 13 June, 1880, at. 54 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided on Thaxter St. Ch.,— i. Catherine, 1860, d. in Hing. 21 Sept. 1861. ii Mary Elizabeth, iii Peter, . 4. James (Patrick = Catherine Tudman), b. at Ballinamore, County of Leitrim, Ire., 1835 ; became a resident of Hing. 1851. m. Maria Madden, a native of Galway Co., Ire. " Farmer." Eesides on Plan ter's Field Lane, Downer Landing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary Ann, . m. Richard Nash of Wey. ii. Patrick, . m. Mary Ann Fay of Lawrence, Mass. iii. Catherine, . m. Henry Swinderman. iv. Ellen, Apr. 27, 1867. 230 Fee — Finne — Fisher — Fiske. V. Elizabeth, July 22, 1869. vi. James, Oct. 2, 1871. vii. Michael, March 2, 1874. viii. Joseph, Apr. 7, 1876. ' ix. Joanna, July 31, 1878. X. Teresa, Aug, 24, 1882. 5. Pateick (Patricks Catherine Tudman), a native of Ballina more, County of Leitrim, Ire. m. Mary McLaughlin. "Laborer," Eesides on Downer Avenue. Ch.,— i. James, . Resides at Boston. ii. Patrick, . iii. John, . iv. Joseph, b. in Hing. Sept. 27, 1872, d. 24 Nov. 1883. 6. Petee (Patrick = Catherine Tudman), b. at Ballinamore, County of Leitrim, Ire., 1837. m. in Hing. first, Oct. 30, 1871, Ellen Lanne- gan, a native of Ire. and dau. of WiUiam and Mary (Cutler) Lannegan. She d. 26 Jan. 1877, ffit. 36 yrs. He in. secondly Maria D. Furlong, and d. 1 Apr. 1884, ffit. 47 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Ellen, — i. William Thomas, Aug, 27, 1872, n. Mary, March 6, 1874. in. Peter, Jan. 25, 1877. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Maria, — iv, Agnes Catherine, July 21, 1881. Note. — Biidget, dau. of James and Rose (Stretton) Fee, and a native of Ire., m. (1) James Creswell, and (2) Sept. 17, 1882, James Scott of Boston. Mrs, Catherine (Tudman) wid. of Patrick Fee, d. in Hing. 8 March, 1879, mt. 85 jts. FINNE (See Phinney). FISHER. James E., had ch. b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Elizabeth, March 28, 1803. ii. Sophronia Wheat, Jan. 23, 1805. Note. — Edson F., of Wey. m. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1874, Mary L. Fotler. FISKE. Eobeet Teeat Paine, a native of Worcester, Mass., and grad. at Har. CoU. 1818, m. in Hing. first. May 9, 1825, Mary Otis Gay, dau. of Ebenezer, Esq., and Mary A. (Otis) Gay. She was b. at Barnstable, Mass., 1801, and d. in Hing. 8 Aug. 1852, ffit. 61 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 16, 1864, Anna L. Baker, dau. of John and Sally L. (Loring) Baker. She was b. at Boston, Nov. 28, 1814. He d. in Hing. 8 May, 1866, ffit. 66 yrs. " Physician ; " and distinguished for his love of horticulture and rural pursuits. Eesided on North St., opp. Fountain Square. Fiske — Fletcher — Flint. 231 Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Mary Allyne, May 30, 1826. u. Sarah Duncan, Nov. 20, 1827. iu. Oliver, Dec. 21, 1829. Resides in New York, and has a fam. His dau. Catherine, b. in Iowa City, d. in Hing. 22 Sept. 1863, aet. 1 yr. 2 mo's. 18 dys. FLETCHER. 1. Henet Ltman (Lyman — Clarissa Caldwell), b. at Eoxbury, Mass., Oct. 11, 1825. m. March 26, 1848, Isabella Our, dau. of WU liam and Betsey (Cain) Our. She was b. in Hing. May 11, 1828. " NaU-maker." Eesides on Fort HiU St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — 2. i. Charles Henry, Oct. 13, 1848. ii. Thomas Lyman, Aug. 11, 1853, d. 30 Dec. 1857. iii. Thomas Lyman, Nov. 25, 1861, d. 7 Aug. 1864. iv. William Our, Oct. 19, 1863. m. Sept. 27, 1887, Hattie L. Dunbar. 2. Chaeles H. (Henry L. = IsabeUa Our), b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1848. m. Dec. 9, 1869, Hannah Q. Bicknell, dau. of Quincy aud Eachel L. (Barnes) Bicknell. She was b. at Dor. July 17, 1848. Charles H., d. 1 June, 1876, ffit. 28th yr. " Book-keeper," at the National Webster Bank, Boston. Eesided in Hing. on West St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Grace Carlton, Nov. 27, 1870. u. Olfve Lincoln, March 13, 1872, d. 29 May, 1876. ui. Arthur Bicknell, Apr. 22, 1875, d. 22 Feb. 1880. Note. — Salatial A., m. Nov. 9, 1834, Mercy B, Bacon. Mary A., m. Dec. 3, 1851, Harvey T. Litchfield. FLINT. 1. WiLLAED (Willard = Mary Lawrence), b. at Littleton, Mass., Aug. 13, 1806. m. in Hing. May 5, 1831, Charlotte A. Stodder, dau. of George and Polly (Clark) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1814, and d. 19 Sept. 1869,' ffit. 65th yr. WiUard, although a " vict ualler " sev. yrs. in Hing., was during most of his life " upholsterer." He removed from here to Boston, where he d. 12 Aug. 1880, ffit. 80th yr. Ch.,— i. George Willard, b. in Hing. Feb, 22, 1833, d. at New Orleans, La., Aug. 1855. u. Pamelia Frost, b. at Boston, Feb. 20, 1837. m, John W. Sprague of Phippsburg, Me. iii. Edward Reed, b. at Boston, Apr. 27, 1841. m. Nellie M. Douglas of Portland, Me. iv. Charlotte Estelle, b. at Boston, Julv 26, 1844. m. in Hing, June 12, 1867, Hiram A. Phillips. V. Emeline Lindsey, b, at. Boston, May 3, 1846. m. Deo. 25, 1869, Otis L, Battles of Hing. vi. Charles Lawrence, b, at Boston, Jan. 6, 1848. m. Mary E. Smith of Taunton. 2. vii, Frank Willard, b. at Boston, Aug. 24, 1851. 232 Flint — Foley — Folsom. 2. Feank W. (WiUard = Charlotte A. Stodder), b. at Boston, Aug. 24, 1861. m. at Boston, June 12, 1869, Sarah A. Corthell, dau. of Nelson and Hannah K. (Tower) Corthell. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1852. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Frank Edwin, Jan. 27, 1871. ii. Arthur Wallace, Jan. 14, 1875. ui, Mabel Frost, Feb, 14, 1879, d. soon. iv. Mabel Frost, Sept. 14, 1883, V. Lottie A., Sept. 2, 1885. FOLEY. CoENELius (Bartholomew = EUen Hooley), b. in the County of Cork, Ire., June 10, 1830. m. first, Jan. 10, 1853, Mary Fee, dau. of Patrick and Catherine (Tudman) Fee. She was b. in County Leitrim, Ire., 1829, and d. in Hing. 26 Feb. 1879, ffit. 64 yrs. He m. secondly. May 27, 1882, Mrs. Joanna Dolan. " Farmer." Eesides on Planter's Field Lane. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — i, Catherine Louise, May 29, 1854. m. Nov. 26, 1878, Washington I. James. ii, Nellie J., Jan. 24, 1856. ui. Joanna, Oct. 10, 1857, d. 22 March, 1858. iv, Mary Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1859. V. Bartholomew, March 17, 1861, d, in two dys. vi. John Bartholomew, Ang. 16, 1863. vu. Cornelius, Dec, 11, 1867. FOLSOM. Early written Foulsham. John, from Hing. Eng., and b. ab. 1614, became a resident of our Hing. in the autumn of 1638, and the same yr. received a grant of land which abutted upon the " Playne " eastward, and upon the Common westward. Subsequently, Capt. Joshua Hobart and John Foulsham had liberty from the inhabitants oi the town to utilize cer tain streams for the purpose of erecting a saw-mill or mills. In 1645 he was one of the seven men chosen to order the affairs of the town. His w., whom he m. in Eng. Oct. 4, 1636, was Mary, dau. of Edward and Mary Clark GUman. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. July 9, 1659, he sold his est. which was near the training field, in Hing. to Daniel Cushing, having removed with his fam. to Exeter, N. H., where he d. 27 Dec. 1681. Ch., of John and Mary (Gilman) Foulsham, — i. John, b. prob, 1638, before his parents came to Hing. He settled at Exe ter ; was m. and had issue, ii. Samuel, bt, in Hing. Oct, 11, 1641. m. Mary Robey, and d. ab. 1700, leaving three sons and four dau's. iii. Nathaniel, bt. in Hing. June 2, 1644. m. June 9, 1674, Hannah, dau. of John Farrow of Hing. They removed to Exeter. iv. Israel, bt. in Hing. Sept. 1644 (? 1646) ; was m. and had a s, Israel. V. Peter, bt. in Hing, Apr. 8, 1649. m. Susanna Coffin, or Cousin.s, of Wells, Me. Was kn. as "Lieutenant." Folsom — Ford — Foster. 233 vi. Mart, bt. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1651. m., 1672, George Marsh of Newbury. vii. Ephraim, bt. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1654-55. m., and resided at Newmarket. He was kUled in 1709 by Indians. Note. — Rev. Albert A. Folsom, third settled minister of the UniversaUst Society of this town, was one of the Hing. representatives at the General Court in 1836 and 1837. FORD. Feancis Geat, a descendant from William Foord, who came to Ply. in the " Fortune," 1621, was b. at Mf'd Apr. 6, 1784. His first w. was Euth Barker Thomas. She was b. at Mf'd Nov. 9, 1789, and d. in Hing. 26 March, 1833, ffit. 43 yrs. He m. secondly, Sept. '6, 1838, Mrs. Catherine Drew of Dux. Capt. Francis G. Ford d. in Hing. 29 Dec. 1842, ffit. 59th yr. " Merchant." Was senior partner of the firm of Ford, Bassett, & Nye, owners and outfitters of fishing vessels at the harbor. Eepresentative 1836, 1837, and 1838. Eesided on North St., near Thaxter's Bridge. Ch., by w. Euth, — i. Francis Anglin, July 20, 1814, d. 19 Apr. 1837, set. 23d yr. ii. Peleg, June 1, 1817, d. 26 Nov. 1820. in. Lucy Thomas, July 24, 1821. m. March 25, 1841, George M. Soule. iv. Erasmus Henry, July 12, 1826, d. unm. at Chatham, Miramichi, N. B., 15 Sept. 1852, set. 26 yrs. Child, by w. Catherine, — V. Sidney Gray, June 14, 1839, d. 15 Sept. 1842. Peleg Thomas, bro. of the preceding, and b. at Mf'd, June 13, 1786. m. Lucy B., dau. of John and Lucy (Baker) Thomas. She was b. at Mf'd, Apr. 22, 1792, and d. in Hing. 29 June, 1883, ffit. 91 yrs. He d. 28 May, 1873, ffit. 87th yr. " Trader," and later, dealer in coal and wood at the harbor. Eesided on South St., near Thaxter's Bridge. They left no issue. Note, — Pruden.ce, dau. of Andrew, m. June 14, 1682, Joseph Lincoln. Andrew, d. 4 March, 1693. Ruth, of Pembroke, and David Joy, int. of m'ge May 4, 1718. Joseph, m. Apr. 2, 1809, Abigail French. Rosella, m. Apr. 2, 1846, James Gardner. Mary E., of Wey. m. Apr. 1831, Joseph BurreU. FOSTER. William (Timothy = Hannah Clapp), b. at Scit., Mass., March 30, 1807. m. in Hing. Nov. 10, 1831, Lydia A. Eipley, dau. of Justin and Lydia S. (Burr) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. July 24, 1810. WU liam d. 8 Jan. 1877, ffit. 70th yr. " Carpenter." Eesided on Water St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lydia Ann, June 17, 1833, d. 13 Dec. foU. ii. Abigail Jambs, Oct. 3, 1834. m. Nov. 15, 1860, Albert Leavitt. iii. Timothy, Sept. 1, 1837. m. May 1, 1862, Emma F. Burr, dau. of Robert and Emma (Sprague) Burr. iv. Lydia Stowers, March 19, 1841. m. Feb. 8, 1871, WUUam Jones. V. Hatherly, Oct. 29, 1844. m. Oct. 29, 1872, Emma C. Bickford, and re sides at Boston. Stetson (Zabud = Nancy B. MUler), b. at Bristol, Me., July 25, 1850. m. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1878, Alice L. Whiton, dau. of Bela H. 234 Foster — Fotler — Fowle — Franklin. and Hannah E. (Whiton) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1854. " Maker of furniture and drapery." Eesides on Lincoln St. Ch., b. in Hing,, — i. Frances Richmond, July 22, 1879. u. Hannah Whiton, Sept. 19, 1881, d. 30 Apr. 1884. in. Lewis Whiton, Aug. 17, 1886. FOTLER. Petee (Jacob = Barbara Piper), b. at Frankfort, Germany, Apr. 5, 1819. m. at Boston, Mass., Jan. 12, 1841, Margaret Moore, dau. of John and Annie (Burton) Moore. She was b. at Boston, Oct. 2, 1818. "Farmer." Eesides on Beal St. Ch.,— i. John Richard, b. at Cambridge, Nov. 12, 1844. ii. Catherine Ellen, b. at Cambridge, March 20, 1846. m. in Hing. March 20, 1864, George A. Richards. iii. Frances Ann, b. at Watertown, Jan. 20, 1849. iv. Mary LouisA, b. at Canton, Apr. 30, 1853. m. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1874, Edson F. Fisher of Wey. V. Joseph Abbott, b. at Canton, Oct. 10, 1855. vi. Rebecca Reed, b. in Hing. Aug, 12, 1856, d. 2 Oct. 1869, set. 13 yrs. vii. Henrietta Ellsworth, b. in Hing. March 23, 1858. viU. George Abbot, b. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1862. Note. — George W., of West Roxbury, m. in Hing. Feb. 10, 1871, Mary E. Alger. FOWLE. John, from Charlestown, was grad. at Har. CoU. 1732, and ordained pastor over the Church of Christ in the second parish of Hing. (Coh.), Dec. 31, 1741. His connection with this society was dissolved in the fifth yr. of his ministry. The chris. name of his w. was Eebecca. Ch., of John and Eebecca, b. in Hing., were — ¦ i. Robert Luist, Apr. 18, 1743. u. John, Sept. 2, 1745. Note, — James, d. 5 Jan. 1753, set. ab. 70 yrs. Abiel, d. 12 Dec. 1754, aet. 70th yr., FRANKLIN. John, prob. a temporary resident of the sec. pre. m. (pub. in Hing. March 15, 1711-12, Lydia Tower, dau. of Ibrook and Margaret (Har din) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1687. Our rec's furnish no information relating to this fam. in addition to the births of the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Sarah, Apr. 14, 1713. m. June 29, 1732, John Curtice of Scit. ii. Lydia, Jan. 3, 1714-15, d. 4 Feb. 1715-16. iii. Lydia, Sept. 18, 1717. iv. Elizabeth, Oct, 17, 1720. V. Margaret, Jan. 25, 1722-23 vi. Mary, March 14, 1724-25. Freeman — French. 235 FREEMAN. A CHILD of Joshua, b. Jan. 1680. Saeah, bt. Feb. 1680. Hannah, m. Apr. 14, 1681, John Mayo. Maey, of Eastham, and Thomas Cobb, int. of m'ge, Nov. 14, 1717. Epheaim G., m. Apr. 16, 1846, Sally W. Binney. FRENCH. 1. Stephen ' (gr. s. of the first Stephen, who came to Dor., Mass., 1630, and shortly after settled at Wey.), was b. at Wey. June 11, 1664. He m. in Hing. Sept. 24, 1691, Abigail, dan. of Joshua and Elizabeth Beal. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1671. Eesided at Wey. Of their ch,, Samuel, Jonathan, and Daniel were connected with Hing., as will be seen below. 2. Samuel " (Stephen ^-^-i), b. at Wey. Dec. 30, 1696. m. first in Hing. Apr. 8, 1724, Bathsheba Beal, dau. of Jeremiah and Hannah (Lane) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 19, 1692-93, and d. 28 May, 1759, ffit. 66 yrs. For his second w. he m. May 14, 1760, Sarah Marsh, dau. of Caleb and Sarah (Whiton) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. July 23, 1713, and d. 1 July, 1795, ffit. 82d yr. Samuel d. 20 Jan. 1772, ffit. 75 yrs. In his will, dated at Hing. 16 July, 1771, proved 7 Feb. 1772, provides for w. Sarah while she remains a wid., and gives to gr. dau. Bathsheba. Son Ezra to have the balance of the property. Eesided on Fort HiU St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Bathsheba, were — ii: l™;}d. in infancy, 21 Jan.1725. iu. A CHILD, d. 14 May, 1726. iv. Samuel, bt. in Hing. May 21, 1727, d. 15 June, 1727. V. Stephen, July 17, 1728. vi. Samuel, July 13, 1729 ; grad. at Har. CoU. 1748 ; d. unm. 21 May, 1752, set. 23d yr. A headstone in the Fort HiU Cemetery erected to his memoiy bears the foil, inscription : — HERE LYES THE BODY OF YOUNG SAMUEL WORN OUT WITH STUDY JNTO DUST IT FELL WHO DID IN KNOWLEDGE & IN UIRTUE SHINE AlEARNED SCHOOLAR & A GOOD DIUINE HE DEPARTED THIS LIFE JN AhOPEFULL PROSPECT OF Abetter on y 2i".t of MAY f' J752 /ETATIS XXII. SAMUEL FRENCH BACHELOR OF ARTS i VU. Ezra, Aug. 29, 1731, d. 10 July, 1733. viU. Ezra, Sept. 20, 1733. ^ . .^ , ^ ^. ,, ^/^,t. j ix Jesse May 9, 1736. m. Sept. 27, 1764, Deborah Marsh, dau. of Caleb and Susanna (Sprague) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 16, 1740, and d. 18 Dec. 1769, set. 29 yrs. He d. 9 Oct. 1769, set, 33 yrs., prob. without 236 French. 3. Jonathan^ (Stephen '-2-1), b. at Wey. 1703. m. in Hing. Nov. 10, 1736, Jael Beal, dau. of Thomas and Jael (Eemingtop) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1710, and d. 14 Apr. 1783, ffit. 73 yrs. He d. 8 Apr. 1780, ffit. 78th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on French St. Ch., so far as I kn., were — i. A CHILD, , d. 1736. u. Abigail, b. at Wey. July 31, 1738. 7. iii. George Lane, bt. in Hing. July 11, 1742. 8. iv. Theodore, prob. b. at Wey. 1744^45. V. Hannah, 1748, d. 24 Oct. 1751. 9. vi. Jonathan, 1753 ? 4. Daniel* (Stephen ^^i), b. ab. 1720. m. first (pub. Nov. 30, 1740) Euth Stowell, dau. of Benjamin and Euth (Bate) Stowell. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1723-24, and d. 6 Aug. 1742, ffit. 18 yrs. He m. secondly, by Eev. Eben! Gay, Jan. 3, 1744-45, Mary Lane, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Leavitt) Lane. She was b. in Hing. June 16, 1723. Daniel d. at ab. 56 yrs. of age. " Physician." Eesided in Hing., and at Wey. Child, by w. Euth, — i. An infant, Aug. 3, 1742, d. in three weeks. (Record of Eev. EbenT Gay. ) Ch., by w. Mary, prob. b. at Wey., were — ii. Zethan, Aug. 4, 1745. in. Betty, 1748. m, Ichabod Pratt of Wey. iv. Joel, 1750. m. in Hing. jSTov. 28, 1793, Elizabeth, dau. of Peter and Lu cretia (GUI) Hobart, and had ch., Perez, Jotham, Amos, whod. at Stow 21 Oct. 1877, — and perh. others. Was of Wey. at the time of his m'ge. v. Samuel, 1753. vi. Bela, 1755. vu. Mart, June 7, 1758. m. Nov. 11, 1779, Reuben Hersey of Hing. viu. Lydia, Feb. 10, 1761. m. Nov. 2, 1786, Lot Marsh of Hing. ix. Celia, Apr. 7, 1763. m. May 5, 1811, Thomas Marsh of Hing, widT. A. Stephen, Sept. 30, 1765. 5. Stephen 6 (Samuel^ Stephen ^-^-i), bt. in Hing. July 17, 1728. m. Jan. 22, 1760, Tabitha French, prob. of Wey. Stephen d. in the army, 1760, ffit. ab. 32 yrs. ChUd, — i. Bathsheba, bt. in Hing. May 25, 1760. 6. Ezra 6 (Samuel* Stephen ^^-i), bt. in Hing. Sept. 20, 1733. m. Feb. 11, 1766, Hannah Kent, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Wheaton) Kent. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 15, 1740, and d. 1 Feb. 1790, ffit. 49 yrs. Ezra d. 9 Nov. 1792, ffit. 69 yrs. " Bricklayer." Eesided on Fort HUl St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 10. i. Samuel, Apr, 16, 1766, 11, n. Reuben, Aug. 13, 1768. ui. Sarah, bt. Apr. 28, 1771. m. Dec. 24, 1793, George Lincoln. iv. Hannah, bt, June 12, 1774. V. Lucy, bt. Apr. 21, 1776, d. 22 Oct. 1790. 7. Geoege L.^ (Jonathan « Stephen "-^-i), bt. in Hing. July 11, 1742. m. first, Nov. 4, 1762, Sarah Tower, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah French. 237 (Teague) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 22, 1742, and d. 11 June, 1782, ffit. 40 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 21, 1783, AbigaU Lewis. She d. 17 Apr. 1790, st. 60th yr. He m. again Nov. 17, 1791, Fanny J., dau. of Sarah Humphrey, Jr. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1747, and d. 3 Jan. 1819, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 12 May, 1814, ffit. 72d yr. "Laborer." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Sarah — i. Joshua, July 18, 1764, d. 30 Aug. 1778. 12. u. George, July 2, 1766. 13. iu. Nathaniel, Jan. 19, 1768. iv. Phineas, bt. March 12, 1770. V. Theodore, bt. July 5, 1772. vi. Perez, bt. Jan. 7, 1776. vii. Sarah, bt. March 24, 1782, d. 9 Sept. foU. 8. Theodore ^ (Jonathan * Stephen ^^^), prob. b. at Wey. 1744-45. m. in Hing. March 20, 1775, Mehitable Lewis, dau. of Ebenezer and Hannah (Hersey) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 10, 1752, and d. 4 July, 1780, ffit. 28th yr. He m. secondly. May 27, 1781, Persis Bates, and d. 30 Nov. 1819, st. 75 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on French St. Ch.,— i. Hannah, bt. Oct. 20, 1776. m. (1) Nov. 19, 1797, Robert Waterman, and (2) Oct. 20, 1801, TheophUus WUder, Jr., of Passamaquoddy, Me. u. Theodore, . m. SaUy , and had Theodore, b. in Hing. June 3, 1799. 9. Jonathan ' (Jonathan * Stephen *¦"), b. ab. 1753. m. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1776, Elizabeth Stodder, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Sprague) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 5, 1764, and d. at Wey. 27 March, 1840, ffit. 85 yrs. He d. 1822, ffit. 69 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on French St. Ch., so far as I kn., were — i. Charles, 1777, by occupation, "hatter." 14. ii. Martin, July 13, 1778. iiL Betsey, Sept. 13, 1780. m. Jan. 22, 1804, George Lincoln, widT, and d. at Coh. 12 Nov. 1861, at. 81 yrs. iv. Daniel, . m. Jan. 8, 1804, Debby, dau. of Benjamin Beal. V. Bela, . vi. Elizabeth, 1790. m. Feb. 28, 1815, Martin Pratt of Boston. vu. Ebed, 1791. m. Betsey Bates, and resided at Wey., where he d. 23 Feb. 1865, set. 75th yr. viu. John, . Removed to Ohio. ix. Lucy, Oct, 8, 1795. m. May 16, 1815, Charles Dyer of Wey., and d. 31 Oct. 1875, set. 80 yrs. 10. Samuel « (Ezra « Samuel * Stephen ^^^), b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1766. m. March 3, 1793, Maiy Beal, dau. of Jacob and Olive (Lewis) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 28, 1771, and d. at Boston, 1837, ffit. 67 yrs. He d. at Boston. " Bricklayer," and " contractor." Eesided at Boston. Ch.,— i. LuoY, 1794. m. Henry Wenzel, and d. in 1833. ii. Hannah, 1795, d. unm. iu. Mary, 1797, d. 1803. iv. Elizabeth, 1800, d. 1802. V. Rebecca, 1800, d. 1801. 238 French. vi. Eliza, 1802. m. Doct. Jonas Underwood, widT, of Hing. and d. at Boston, 24 Jan, 1877, Jet. 74 yrs. vii. Mary, 1804. m. Peter Hobart, widT, of Hing. viii. Samuel, 1807. Resided at Boston. ix. Jacob, 1809, d. 1875, X. Rebecca, 1811. m. WiUiam Calrow. xi. Sarah, 1814, d. unm. 11. Eeuben" (Ezra^ Samuel* Stephen ^-^-i), b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1768. m. Dec. 20, 1794, Molly Humphrey, dau. of Noah and Lydia (Leavitt) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. July 26, 1776, and d. 2 March, 1853, ffit. 78th yr. He d. 18 Jan. 1813, ffit. 46th yr. Eesided off North (now Cottage) St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Polly, Dec. 24, 1795. m. Oct. 29, 1818, Edmund Bancroft of Groton, Mass., and had ch. : 1. Edmund Augustus, 1819, d. at Cal. 26 Feb. 1882. 2. Mary Ann, March 1, 1822, m. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1848, George N. Crofoot, who d. in Hing. 8 Feb. 1864, set. 41 yrs. Mrs. Polly Bancroft d. in Hing. 23 Feb. 1868, set. 72 yrs. Edmund d. 15 July, 1823, set. 29 yrs. u. Cynthia, Jan. 10, 1798, d, 8 Aug. 1800. iu. Reuben, Aug. 10, 1800, m. EmeUne Howe, and d. at New York, 1861 (?> without issue. iv. Ezra, Apr. 1, 1803, d. unm. 2 May, 1869, aet. 66 yrs. V. Cynthia, March 15, 1811. m. Nov. 30, 1834, James ChurchiU. 12. George " (George L.^ Jonathan * Stephen ^2-^), b. in Hing. July 2, 1766. m. first, Nov. 20, 1785, Delight Eice. She d. 28 Jan. 1791, ffit. 28 yrs. He m. secondly, March 17, 1791, Anna Eice. She d. at Ab'n Aug. 1847, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. in Hing. 1 June, 1832, ffit. 66th yr. Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., by w. Delight, — i. Sally, bt. Aug. 24, 1790. u. Joshua, bt. Aug. 24, 1790. in. Phineas, bt. Aug. 24, 1790, d. 12 Feb. 1791. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Anna, — 15. iv, Brossard, Feb. 29, 1792. V. Delight, bt. May 19, 1793, d. 28 Sept. 1794. vi. Perez, bt. Aug. 16, 1795. m. Apr. 27, 1816, Lucy L. Litchfield of Scit. vii. An infant. May 13, 1798, d. in five days. 16. viii. George, June 9, 1799. 17. ix. Levi, 1801. X. Anna, Dec. 24, 1803. m. Oct. 7, 1821, Charles Lincoln. xi. Robert Thaxter, bt. Sept. 21, 1806. m. Dec. 21, 1827, Mary, dau. of David Whitcomb, and d. at Ab'n 31 July, 1858, ait. 53d yr. XU. Melvin, Sept. 4, 1807. m. (pub. Sept. 27, 1828) Theatsa Damon, of Scit., and had sous Melvin, George, and Phinccts. xiu. Mary R., 1809. m. Sept. 23, 1828, WiUiam Nelson. xiv. Phineas, Dec. 2, 1812. m. Nov. 18, 1832, EvaUne BurreU. She d. at Boston, Apr. 26, 1880, Eet, 67 yrs. He d. at Holbrook 23 Deo. 1881, mt.. 69 yrs. 13. Nathaniel " (George L.^ Jonathan * Stephen =-^-i), b. in Hing.. Jan. 19, 1768. m. Jan. 8, 1797, Sarah Chubbuck, dau. of Thomas and Patience (Garnet) Chubbuck. She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1770, and d. 27 Apr. 1844, ffit. 74 yrs. He d. 19 Sept. 1819, ffit. 62d yr. " Packetman," and for sev. yrs., in charge of one of the Hing. station packets at Boston. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. French. 239 Ch., aU b. ill Hing., — 18. i. Nathaniel, Oct. 31, 1797. ii. Theodore, June 3, 1799. Removed from Hing. 19. ui. Freeman, Apr. 24, 1801. iv. Sarah, May 6, 1803. m. Jacob Dunbar. V. Mary, May 20, 1805. m. June 10, 1827, Joseph D. WUder. 14. Maetin « (Jonathan ^ Stephen »-^i), b. July 13, 1778. m. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1805, SaUy Humphrey, dau. of Noah and Lydia (Leavitt) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 23, 1781, and d. 9 March, 1864, ffit. 83d yr. He d. Sept. 1823, ffit. 45th yr. Eesided in the North Ward. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Sally, Sept. 1806. m. Nov. 13, 1829, Davis Humphrey. ii. Theodore, Nov. 23, 1808. Removed to Keene, N. H. iii. Lydia L., June 4, 1812. m. Dec. 15, 1833, Leavitt Hobart. 15. Brossard ' (George ' George L.^ Jonathan * Stephen ^'^^), b. in Hing. Feb. 29, 1792. m. Nov. 21, 1813, Mary EusseU, a native of Eot- terdam, HoUand. She d. in Hing. 17 March, 1866, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 17 Dec. 1869, ffit. 78th yr. "Faucet-maker." Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Wilson, Aug. 9, 1814. m. Apr. 7, 1839, Albert G. WUder. 20. u. James Russell, Oct. 23, 1816. Ui. Berthia T., Nov. 2, 1818, d. 21 July, 1835. 21. iv. Lewis, 1822. V. John J. L., Aug. 1824. Resides at Concord, N. H. (See "Hingham in the CivU War.") vi. Louisa C, March 21, 1829, d. 30 Oct. 1830. 16. George' (George' George L.* Jonathan' Stephen ^"^"^), bt. in Hing. June 9, 1799. m. July 9, 1820, Chloe Lincoln, dau. of Israel and Chloe (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 7, 1797, and d. at So. Scit. 9 Sept. 1877, ffit. 81st yr. He d. at So. Scit. 13 Aug. 1879, ffit. 80 yrs. Ch.,— i. Helen Lincoln, May 22, 1821. m. March 31, 1842, Thomas Tolman. ii. George, b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1822. m. Ayi. 11, 1847, Eliza E. Barnes. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iu. Thomas T., May 13, 1824. m. Oct. 3, 1847, Caroline HaU, and d. 16 Jan. 1850, ffit. 26 yrs. Their dau. Susanna, b. 1848, d. 19 Nov. 1850. iv. Edwin, . V. Susan, . vi. Hannah, , d. . vii. Sarah, . viii. Mary, . ix. Adeline, . A. Anna M., b. at So. Scit. 1840, d. in Hing. 17 Apr. 1860, set. 19 yrs. 5 mo's. 17. Levi ' (George ° George L.^ Jonathan * Stephen '"^^), b. in Hing. 1800. m. June 26, 1823, Lucy Stodder of Salem. She d. in Hing. 12 Feb. 1873, ffit. 72d yr. He d. at Boston, 27 Nov. 1875, ffit. 76th yr. " Carpenter." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch.,— i. Mary Richmond, Jan. 29, 1824. m. May 25, 1842, Jairus Thayer, Jr. iL Thomas L., Oct, 24, 1830. m, March 17, 1852, Anna M. Carver. Their dau. Lucy, b. Oct. 5, 1852, m. Jan. 28, 1872, John Beale. (See "Hing ham in the Civil War.") 240 French. 18. Nathaniel' (Nathaniel* George L.= Jonathan* Stephen *-^-i), b. in Hing. Oct. 31, 1797. m. Oct. 23, 1826, Lydia Burrell, dau. of Leavitt and Sally (Curtis) Burrell. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1806. Capt. Nathaniel French, for many yrs. master of the Packet Sloop "Eapid," d. 31 Oct. 1867, ffit. 70 yrs. Eesided on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Nathaniel, Apr. 7, 1828. m, Jan. 24, 1853, Mary E. Stodder, and d. at Harrison's Landing, Va., 9 Aug. 1862. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") u. Lydia, Feb. 28, 1830. m. Oct. 2, 1853, Albert Hersey, and d. 24 Sept. 1861, in. Sarah Leavitt, Sept. 19, 1831. m. (1) Edward A. F. Spear, and (2) Wil liam Prouty, widT. iv. Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1834, m. Harvey M. Pratt. V. Henry Chubbuck, June 30, 1836, m. Nov. 8, 1859, Anna M. Clapp of So. Scit., and d. while a prisoner at Belle Isle, Va,, 26 Aug. 1864. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") vi. Patience Chubbuck, Dec. 17, 1838. m. William Prouty. vii. Charles Edwin, Aug. 2, 1842, d. a prisoner at Salisbury, N. C, 28 Nov. 1864. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") 19. Freeman' (Nathaniel^ George L.^ Jonathan* Stephen '¦^-^),b. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1801. m. Dec. 28, 1826, Joanna, dau. of Benjamin and Lydia Whiting of Scit. " Shoemaker." Eemoved to Scit. Ch.,— i. Henry Freeman, b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1827. Eesides at So. Scit. U. Joanna Whiting, b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1829. m. Jan. 28, 1850, WUliam W. Stodder. in. Sarah Elizabeth, b. at Ab'n Apr. 6, 1832, d. at 22 yrs. of age. iv. Mary Jane, b. at Ab'n Aug. 13, 1837. m. Joseph E" Stodder. V. Lydia Helen, July 14, 1842, m, George C, Cowing. vi. Benjamin Whiting, b. at So. Scit. Jan. 15, 1845. 22. vii. Edward Alonzo, Sept. 19, 1848. viu. Pamelia Lincoln, Sept. 8, 1851. m. George A. Wilder of Scit. Other ch. were b. that d. in infancy. 20. James E.' (Brossard ' George ^ George L.^ Jonathan * Stephen '^^^), was b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1816. The chris. name of his first w. was Isabell. He m. secondly, Mary Desmond, dau. of John and Mary (McGrath) Desmond of Ire. She d. in Hing. 21 Jan. 1882, ffit. 42 yrs. He d. 2 July, 1881, ffit. 65th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Isabell, — i. Lewis B,, Dec. 9, 1844. U. Mary G., Dec, 24, 1846. iii. James A,, Dec. 8, 1848. 21. Lewis ^ (Brossard ' George ^ George L.^ Jonathan * Stephen '¦^¦'), b. in Hing. 1822. m. Jan. 18, 1857, Susan M. Easterbrook, dau. of Isaac and Susanna M. (Lincoln) Easterbrook. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1829, and d. 19 Feb. 1879, ffit. 49 yrs. "Faucet-maker." Ee sides on North, near Ship St. Ch.,— i. Lewis Russell, 1857, d. 8 Feb. 1865. ii. Charles Brossard, Aug. 11, 1859, d. 3 Dec. 1877. in. Edwin Herbert, . iv. Carrie Russell, Nov, 28, 1868. French — Frost — Fuller. 241 22. Edward A.,^ (Freeman' NathanieP George L." Jonathan* Stephen »-2-i), b. at So. Scit. Sept. 19, 1848. m. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1877, Maria J. Botting, dau. of Fielder and Martha B. (Nichols) Botting. She was b. in Hing. March 23, 1855. "Shoemaker." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Bessie, Nov. 27, 1881. 1. Edmund (David = Mary Cushing), a descendant of Stephen \ b. at Wey. March 1, 1819. m. March 1, 1842, Sarah M. Dunbar, dau. of Hosea and Lucy (Wilder) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. March 24, 1820. Edmund d. 14 July, 1858, ffit. 39 yrs. " Trader." Eesided on Main, near Cushing St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Sarah Jane Chilton, May 26, 1846. m. Oct. 24, 1865, Horace Peare. 2. u. David Edmund, Feb. 11, 1850, in. James, Feb. 9, 1854, d. 25 March foU. 2. David E. (Edmund = Sarah M. Dunbar), b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1850. m. Nov. 27, 1872, Lucy B. Stoddard, dau. of Martin B., and Lucy D. (Gardner) Stoddard. She was b. in Hing. June 1. 1851. " Boot and shoe stitcher." Eesides on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Edmund Merritt, Jan. 5, 1876. ii Helen Chilton, Sept. 9, 1880. George Freejian (Benjamin = Abia G. Dunbar), b. at Boston, Nov. 19, 1849. m. in Hing. May 2, 1872, Mary EUa Farrar, dau. of Isaac S., and Mary (Breed) Farrar of So. Scit. She was b. at So. Scit. Aug. 28, 1863. " Grocer." Eesides on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Allen Breed, Aug. 5, 1881. Note. — Tabitha, prob. from Wey. m. Jan, 22, 1760, Stephen French. Eunice, of Wey. m. Oct. 28, 1790, Ezra Lewis. Abigail, perh. dau, of Jonathan (3), m. Apr. 17, 1791, Israel Lincoln, wid:. Lemuel, of Wey. m. Dec. 23, 1792, Sarah Lewis of Hing. Abigail, m. Apr. 2, 1809, Joseph Ford. George H., resident of Hing. m. July 15, 1851, Henrietta A. Gordak. Harvey, Jr., of Quincy m. March 21, 1852, Mary J., dau. of Joseph Robinson, and had Charles W., b. in Hing. May 26, 1852. Joseph H., resident of Hing. m. June 17, 1856, Meriel, dau. of Martin and Aurelia Fearing. Mary A., w. of Jacob W,, and dau, of Isaiah and Sally (Higgins) Tower of Hing., d, at Wey, 25 Oct, 1881, a;t, 40 yrs. FROST. Mehitable, dau. of Capt. John of Boston, m. Aug. 3, 1689, Thomas, s. of Samuel Lincoln of Hing. William P., m. May 29, 1846, Maty E., dau. of David Andrews, and d. at Hanover, Me., 8 Oct. 1887, ffit. 67 yrs. Was buried in Hing, Lucv P., m. Dec. 13, 1872, Adam Wolfe. FULLER. 1. Issachar' (Issachar *= Eebecca Tillson; Issachar^ of Carver; John * Samuel ^ of Plympton ; Samuel ^ of Middleboro' ; Samuel ^ the physician and pilgrim of 1620, who came to Ply., in the " Mayflower "), VOL. II. ^-16 242 Fuller — Gammons — Gannett — Gardner. was b. at Middleboro', Mass., Aug. 19, 1794. He m. Jan. 27, 1822, Matilda C. Nichols, dau. of Ambrose and Sarah (Cartwright) Nichols of Coh. She d. in Hing. 3 Sept. 1887, ffit. 84 yrs. Issachar d. 11 Feb. 1866, ffit. 71 yrs. " Cooper." He was for many yrs. postmaster and messenger at the General Court ; also one of the deacons of the Bap tist Church in Hing. Eesided on Water St. Ch.,— i. Thomas Baldwin, b. at Coh. July 24, 1825. ii. Eliza Nichols, b. at Coh. May 28, 1829. m. in Hing, Dec. 5, 1848, James G. Graves of Wey. 2, iu. Tilson, b. at Pembroke, Dec. 25, 1831, iv. Joshua Thayer, b. in Hing, May 5, 1833. m. Sarah Pike. Resides at Boston. V. John Nichols, b. in Hing. June 26, 1837. m. Sarah E. Thayer, and d. at Boston, 17 Sept. 1863. vi. Charles Mason, b. in Hing. Feb. 17, 1844. m. Maiy W. Clapp of Boston. (See "Hingham in the CivU War.") 2. Tilson « (Issachar'*^ John^ Samuel ^^^), b. at Pem., Mass., Dec. 25, 1831. m. Feb. 1, 1862, Lydia Stowel, dau. of Stephen Sweetser of So. Eeading, Mass. She d. 13 Nov. 1872. Eesides on Water St. (See "Hingham in the CivU War,") Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Nancy Jane, Jan. 6, 1865. ii. Harriet Adeline, July 12, 1867. iii. Marion Lovett, Nov. 13, 1868. iv. Lillian Florence, Apr. 17, 1870, d. 24 Sept. foil. Note. — Charles, of Hing. m., at Coh. Oct. 11, 1827, Ann Jane Oakes. John E., d. at Boston 17 Julv, 1878, a;t. 79th yr. Arthur Gregg, only child ot John N., d. 21 Aug, 1861, let, 3 mo's. liebecca (Beal) d. at Salem 10 Oct. 1868, xt. 26 yrs. She was a dau. of Matthew and Elizabeth Beal. Mary E., m. Dec. 30, 1854, James Soule. GAMMONS. Lydia, had a s. Stephen, b. in Hing. Aug. 24, 1762. Hing. rec's furnish nothing additional relating thereto. GANNETT. Matthew* (Matthew'"^"'), m. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 26, 1745, Sub mit Joy, dau. of Prince and Abigail (Tower) Joy. She was b. in Hing. July 10, 1728. Ch., bt. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. Elkanah, June 8, 1761. Resided at Scit. ii. Prince, Sept. 2, 1764. Removed to Vt. iii. Amos, Sept. 18, 1768. Removed to Vt. Note. — Matthew, Sr., early of Hing. prob, m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Andrews, and d, at Scit. 1695, Benona, dau, ot Seth and Caroline, d. at Worcester, 20 Jan, 1870, ait. 69th yr. Sarah, dau. of Seth and CaroUne, d, at Ab'n, 24 Apr. 1877, set. 64 yrs. GARDNER (Garner ; Garnet). 1. John, came to Hing. ab. 1650, and in 1666 had land granted to him in the south part of the town. Whether he was a connection of the early Garners, or Gardners, of Boston is uncertain, as but little in- Gardner. 248 formation has come down to us relating to his early history. The chris. name of his w., whom he in. at Boston Apr. 10, 1651, was Mary. She survived him, and m. secondly, June 18, 1669, Nathaniel Chub buck. John d. 24 Nov. 1668. The inv. of his est. was appraised by John Tower and John Eipley, 28 Apr. 1669, at £44, lis. and included " the Goats that have been sold to pay debts and maintain the family." Wife Mary administratrix. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 2. i. John, bt. July 17, 1652. 3. u. Francis, March 31, 1653.^ iii. Mary, Nov. 19, 1654. m. Dec. 5, 1683, Nathan Farrow, iv. Samuel, March 23, 1655-56. V. Deborah, July 5, 1657. 4. vi. James, Feb. 4, 1659-60. 5. vii. Stephen, Aug. 14, 1662. viu. Thomas, June 5, 1664. m. Dec. 17, 1705, Judith Tower. 6. ix. Benjamin, Apr. 7, 1666. X. Christian, June 3, 1668. m, Joseph Dunbar. 2. John = (John "¦), bt. in Hing. July 17, 1652. m. Feb. 25, 1682-83, Mary Stowell, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Farrow) Stowell. She was bt. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1653, and d. 22 Oct. 1714, ffit, 61 yrs. He d. 16 Dec. 1700, ffit. 48 yrs. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 7. i. John, Jan. 4, 1683-84. n. Mary, Aug. 3, 1686, d. 4 Dec. 1715. ui. Ruth, Feb. 12, 1688-89. m. May 31, 1722, Amos Berry of Wey. iv. Elizabeth, Oct. 24, 1691. V. Hannah, May 12, 1694. m. Dec. 16. 1731, Daniel Caryl or Carrel. vi. Remember, Sept. 25, 1697. 3. FBANCis2(Johni),b. in Hing. March 31, 1653. m. Jan. 5, 1680-81, Joanna, dau. of Samuel May of Eoxbury. She survived him, and m. secondly, Jan. 26, 1689-90, Thomas Whiton, by whom she had seven ch. He d. and she m. again, March 23, 1710-11, Nathan Far row, widr. Francis d. 14 Jan. 1688-89, ffit. 36th yr. He was a soldier in Capt. Johnson's company at the great Narraganset fight, 19 Dec. 1676. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 8. i. Samuel, Ang. 14, 1684. U. Joanna, May 23, 1687, d. 17 Jan. 1688-89. 4. James •"¦ (John ^), b. in Hing. Feb. 4, 16-59-60. m. June 18, 1685, Elizabeth Ward, dau. of Henry and Eemember (Farrow) Ward. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1663, and d. 9 Nov. 1741, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 28 Dec. 1726, ffit. 66 yrs. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 9. i. James, Aug. 26, 1686. U. Henry, May 11, 1688, d. 25 Aug. 1750. 10. iu. Joseph, Nov. 8, 1689. iv. Elizabeth, Sept. 25, 1693, m. (1) Jan. 18, 1727-28, Charles WiUiams, and (2) Oct. 4, 1738, Samuel Whiton. 11. V. Nathaniel, July 26, 1701. 244 Gardner. 5. Stephen ^ (John »), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1662. m. Dec. 22, 1687, Sarah Warren, dau. of John and Deborah (WUson) Warren of Boston. She survived him, and m. secondly, Nov. 15, 1737, John Pratt of Wey. Stephen d. 2 Nov. 1716, ffit. 53 yrs. Upon a gravestone erected to the memory of his wid., in the cemetery at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. is the foil, inscription : — HERE LIES BURIED Y» BODY OF SARAH PRATT WHO DIED OCT 221* 1761 IN Y= 101" YEAR OF HER AGE LATELY Y« WIFE of LIEUT JOHN PRATT BUT FORMERLY Y' WIFE OF Mr STEPHEN GARNET BY" HIM SHE HAD A NUMEROUS POSTERITY RUNNING TO Y« S'" GEN ERATION IN NUMBERS 187 The ch., of Stephen and Sarah, all b. in Hing., were — i. Deborah, Oct. 9, 1689. m. Jan. 6, 1714-15, John Stowell. ii. Sarah, July 31, 1691. m. Feb. 16, 1715-16, Hezekiah Ripley. in. Stephen, Feb. 6, 1692-93, d. 26 Aug. 1697. iv. Lydia, Jan. 22, 1694-95. m. March 17, 1720, Isaac Whiton. 12. V. David, March 13, 1696-97. vi. Abigail, Jan. 11, 1698-99. m. Oct. 25, 1726, Nathaniel Stodder. 13. vii. Stephen, Dec. 29, 1700. viii. Patience, Sept. 3, 1703. m. May 11, 1727, Peter Tower. ix. Joshua, Dec. 25, 1705, prob, d, young. 6, Benjamin" (John^), b. in Hing. Apr. 7, 1666. m. Jan. 13, 1696-96, Sarah, dau. of Eobert and Eose Dunbar. Benjamin d. 30 June, 1736, at. 70 yrs. WiU dated 14 June, 1736, proved 8 July foil. Constable 1707, and 1708. Eesided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, June 19, 1698, d, 12 Dec. 1716. 14. ii. Benjamin, May 15, 1700, iii. Hannah, Nov. 20, 1703. m. Dec. 22, 1726, Stephen Gardner (13). 15, iv. Robert, Aug. 31, 1706. 7. John « (John^-i), b. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1683-84. m. Eebecca . She survived him, and m. secondly, Nov. 11, 1747, Samuel Whiton, widT. John d. 20 Apr. 1742, ffit. 68 yrs. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all. b. in Hing., were — i. Rebecca, March 2, 1711-12. m. Apr. 21, 1737, Benjamin Dunbar, wid;. ii. Susanna, Dec. 2, 1714. m. Jan. 28, 1734-35, Jonathan Brown. iii, Mary, Jan. 19, 1717-18. m. Apr. 3, 1735, Emerson Orcutt. Gardner. 245 16. iv. John, Feb. 5, 1719-20. V. Rachel, Jan. 3, 1723-24. m. Aug. 1742, Joshua Stodder. vi. Amos, May 8, 1726. m. Aug. 13, 1747, Maiy Jones of Ab'n. vii. Alice, Feb. 15, 1729-30. m. Feb. 2, 1748-49, Daniel Gardner of Scit. (10, iii). viii. Grace, Dec. 31, 1732. ix. Mercy, Jan. 20, 1735-36. 8. Samuel' (Francis ^ John i), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1684. m. first, Feb. 4, 1712-13, Euth Tower, dan. of Samuel and Silence (Damon) Tower. She was bt. in Hing. July 13, 1691, and d. 12 Oct. 1726, ffit. 35 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 12, 1728, Ann Clark, and perh. removed from here. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Euth, were — 17. i. Samuel, Nov. 17, 1713. ii. Ruth, March 14, 1714-15, d. in five dys 18. iii. Hosea, Feb. 27, 1715-16 19. iv. Thomas, Dec. 6, 1717. V. Ruth, May 7,- 1719. vi. Hannah, Feb. 27, 1720-21. m. Apr. 5, 1744, Jonathan Dunbar, wid";. 20. vii. Hopestill, Aug. 2, 1725. 9. James *^ (James ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1686. m. (pub. Aug. 25, 1716) Jane Eipley of Scit. She d. in Hing. 23 March, 1765, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. 7 March, 1764, ffit. 78th yr. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — 21. i. James, Aug, 23, 1717. 22. ii. Simeon, May 11, 1720. iii. Ezra, Aug. 5, 1723, d. in the four yrs. expedition, 1758. iv. Lemuel, Apr. 26, 1726, d. 19 Jan. foil. 23. V. Jonathan, Nov. 27, 1727. vi. Lemuel, May 2, 1731, d. 26 Dec. 1751. vii. Jane, March 22, 1733-34. m. Nov. 22, 1753, Joseph Dawson, wid^. 10. Joseph " (Jaines ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 8, 1689. m. May 31, 1721, Mary Woodward. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — 24. i Joseph, Feb. 10, 1721-22. ii. Mary, Sept. 23, 1723. iii. Daniel, Nov. 12, 1725. m. Feb. 2, 1748-49, Alice, dau. of John and Rebecca Garnet. Resided at Scit. iv. Lydia, Nov. 20, 1728. V. Elijah, March 27, 1731. m. Jan. 25, 1754, Leah Smith. Was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. vi. Bethia, Feb. 1, 1732-33, d. 3 May foil. 11. Nathaniel ' (James ¦' John ^), b. in Hing. July 26, 1701. m. Nov. 21, 1728, Hannah, dau. of Benjamin and Deborah Tower. She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1694-95. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Sept. 4, 1729. ii. Deborah,* Sept. 16, 1731. iii. Nathaniel, Apr. 25, 1733. iv. Noah, Jan. 20, 1735-36. m. Jan. 29, 1765, Mary Rogers. Of their ch., Hannah, b, in Hing. Sept. 15, 1769, m, (1) William Phillips of Wey., and (2) Jan. 1, 1805, Ephraim Pratt of Wey. Noah, b. in Hing. June 9, 1778, m. Patience, dau. of Jos. Damon, and lived at Han. * William, o. of Deborah Gardner, b. Apr. 1753. 246 Gardner. 12. David » (Stephen ^ John ^), b. in Hing. March 13, 1696-97. m. Dec. 9, 1731, Patience Hobart, dau. of Daniel and Patience (Jones) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. May 3, 1705, and d. 1 Aug. 1740, ffit. 36 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 22, 1742, Sarah Eipley, dau. of Peter and Sarah (Lasell) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 28, 1701-2, and d. 12 Dec. 1752, ffit. 50 yrs. The chris. name of his third w. was Anna. She d. 17 Feb. 1800, ffit. 87 yrs. David was by occupation " farmer." He resided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Patience, — i. David, Dec. 27, 1732, d. 27 Feb. foil. 25. ii. David, March 27, 1734. iii. Patience, bt. May 3, 1736. m. Jan. 6, 1757, Thomas Chubbuck. iv. A child, , d. 3 May, 1739. ChUd, b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — V. Ezra, June 17, 1745, d. 19 Oct. 1751, Child, b. in Hing., by w. Anna, — 26, vi. Ezra, March 17, 1767. 13. Stephen o (Stephen^ John^), b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1700. m. Dec. 22, 1726, Hannah Garnet, dau. of Benjamin (6) and Sarah (Dun bar) Garnet. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 20, 1703. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — 27. i. Stephen, Oct. 23, 1727, ii. Sarah, Oct. 21, 1729. iii. Hannah, Sept. 17, 1732. m. Jan. 17, 1754, Benjamin Dunbar. 28. iv. Joshua, Feb. 5, 1734-35, V. Abi, May 6, 1740. m. Dec, 3, 1761, Jacob Dunbar. vi. Moses, July 6, 1742, d. 13 Aug. foil. vii. Moses, Oct. 5, 1747. 14. Benjamin' (Benjamin^ John'), b. in Hing. May 15, 1700. m. June 24, 1726, Joanna Jones, dau. of Thomas and Catherine (Caswell) Jones. She was b. in Hing. March 29, 1705. Constable 1740. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Benjamin, May 21, 1726, d. 20 July foil. ii. Joanna, July 21, 1727, d. same day. 29. iii. Benjamin, Apr. 5, 1729. iv, Catherine, Oct. 28, 1731, d. 15 Aug, 1736. V. William, June 30, 1734, d. 15 Aug. 1736. vi, William, Aug. 20, 1737, 15. Egbert ' (Benjamin ^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 31, 1706. m. Dec. 5, 1729, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Christian Dunbar. She d. 12 Feb. 1761, ffit. 51 yrs. He d. 5 Dec. 1788, ffit. 82 yrs. " Carpenter." Constable 1746. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Oct. 22, 1730. m. Jan. 11, 1749-50, Thomas Wilder, Jr. 30. ii. Robert, Oct. 23, 1733. iii. Elisha, Nov. 5, 1735, d. 29 July, 1736. iv. Orpah, May 8, 1737, d. 28 May, 1798. V. Huldah, May 8, 1737, d. unm. 16 Apr. 1806. vi. Miriam, Aug. 31, 1739. m. Aug. 13, 1767, Abijah Whiton, wid":. vii. Elisha, Aug. 21, 1741. m. Oct. 9, 1768, Olive' Dunbar. Gardner. 247 viii. Jerusha, Sept. 12, 1743, d. 19 Dec. 1823. ix. Delight, Sept. 5, 1745, d. unm. 24 Nov. 1788. X. Lydia, Aug. 15, 1748, d. 20 Dec. 1751. xi. Lydia, Jan. 9, 1752. 16. John ^ (John ^-^-i), b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1719-20. m. Dec. 8, 1742, " ~ ¦ ' ' ^ f. She 82 yrs. Joanna Farrow, dau. of Jonathan and Joanna (Whiton) Farrow. She was bt. in Hing. June 19, 1720. John d. 19 Apr. 1802, ffit. 8 " Laborer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joanna, Feb. 28, 1743-44. m. Sept. 22, 1766, Benjamiu Whiton, Jr. ii. Submit, Feb. 3, 1745-46, d. 27th of same mo. iii. Remember, Aug. 16, 1747. m. Apr. 27, 1766, William Spooner. iv. Rebecca, July 21, 1749. V. John, Nov. 30, 1751. vi. Luther, Sept. 29, 1754. m. Apr. 2, 1788, Jane Mayo of Scit. Luther was in active service during the War of the Revolution. vii. Elijah, Sept. 21, 1756 ; served in the War of the Revolution. viii. JoN.iTHAN, Jan. 29, 1764. m. Nov. 26, 1789, Sarah, dau. of Stephen Gardner (27, vui). 17. Samuel * (Samuel ^ Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Nov. 17, 1713. m. Apr. 18, 1738, Abigail Simmons, dau. of Ebenezer and Lydia (Kent) Simmons of Scit. She was b. at Scit. 1715. Samuel d. 6 Nov. 1774, ffit. 61 yrs. " Farmer." Constable 1760. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Jesse, Jan. 24, 1738-39, d. 30 May, 1745. ii. Peleg, Aug. 12, 1740. iii Samuel, Sept. 18, 1744, d. 27 May, 1745. 31. iv. Samuel, Aug. 5, 1745. V. Abigail, Aug. 5, 1748, d. unm. 13 Jan. 1830, set. 81 yrs. vi. Jesse, Oct. 18, 1754, d. 20 Nov. 1806. 18. Hosea * (Samuel ' Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1715-16. m. Nov. 16, 1736, Mary Whiting, dau. of John and Mary (Tower) Whiting. Hosea d. 25 Nov. 1744, ffit. 28 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Hosea, March 28, 1736-37. iL Mabel, Jan. 6, 1738-39. m. Jan. 23, 1763, Capt. David Cushing. iii. Mary, July 4, 1741. iv. Anna, March 3, 1743-44. m. Dec. 1, 1768, Josiah Howard of Salem. 19. Thomas ' (Samuel « Francis = John'), b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1717. m. Aug. 16, 1739, Joanna Carter. She d. 14 Dec. 1805, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 1763, ffit. 46 yrs. " Blacksmith." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i, Norman, May 21, 1741. ii. Thomas, bt. March 20, 1742-43, d. 18 Feb. 1744-45. iii. Lucca, June 23, 1755. iv. Hosea, Sept. 23, 1759, d. 27 July, 1776. V. Olive, March 27, 1762. m, Feb. 12, 1784, Thomas Wilder, wid',. 248 Gardner. 20. Hopestill ' (Samuel ^ Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 2, 1725. in. Euth Eose of Han. She d. 14 Feb. 1819, ffit. 92d yr. This fam. resided sev. yrs. at Scit., and Han. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Francis, Feb. 9, 1749-50, d. 1780, in the Jersey Prison Ship. ii. Melzar, Dec. 3, 1751. iii. Rhoda, Oct. 8, 1753. m. Nov. 6, 1775, Joshua Ripley. iv, Bethia, Aug. 28, 1755. m. Dec. 16, 1779, Thomas Wilder, Jr. 32. V, Levi, Jan. 14, 1757. vi. Ruth, Feb. 14, 1760, d. soon. 33. vii. Perez, March 26, 1762. viii. Ruth, Jan. 30, 1764. m. Sept. 15, 1782, David Chubbuck. ix. Betty, Sept. 7, 1766. X. Submit, Feb. 12, 1769. m. Mar. 8, 1791, Samuel Groce of Scit. 21. James ^ (James ^^ John >), b. in Hing. Aug. 23, 1717. m. Oct. 25, 1742, Susanna Low, dau. of Ambrose and Sarah (Beal) Low. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1721-22. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Nicholas, bt. June 12, 1743. ii. Susanna, Jan. 28, 1744-45, d. 24 Dec. 1751. iii. Luther, March 1, 1746-47. iv. Seth, Aug. 30, 1749. V. Susanna, bt. July 12, 1752. 22. Simeon * (James ^^ John '), b. in Hing. May 11, 1720. m. June 3, 1742, Hannah Cockerill, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Fearing) CockeriU. She was b. in Hing. May 8, 1722, and d. 22 March, 1775, ffit. 44th yr. He d. 27 March, 1776, ffit. 56th yr. " Laborer." Ee sided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, May 14, 1743. m. Nov. 19, 1767, Ambrose Tower. ii. Hannah, ,Iuly 14, 1745. iii. Sarah, Oct. 29, 1747. m. May 22, 1769, Jesse L. Humphrey (or Humphries). iv. Delight, March 11, 1750, d. 15 Jan. 1752. V. Lydia, Apr. 12, 1752. vi. Delight,* Feb. 10, 1755. m,. Oct. 17, 1784, Charles Cook. vii. Jacob, March 30, 1757. Was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. viii. Jane, July 22, 1759. ix. Mary, Oct. 18, 1761. m. Sept. 13, 1786, Benjamin Farrow of Ab'n. X. Charles, Oct. 30, 1763. xi. Huldah, Oct. 4, 1767. * Delight Garnet presented Sally for bt. Dec, 8, 1782. 23. Jonathan^ (James ''-^ John'), b. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1727. m. Nov. 28, 1764, Jerusha Hayden, dau. of Elkanah and Jerusha (Binney) Hayden. She was b. at Hull, Aug. 1, 1733. They prob. removed from here soon after the birth of their Child, b. in Hing., — i. Lemuel, June 5, 1755. 24. Joseph ^ (Joseph " James ^ John '), was b. in Hing. Feb. 10, 1721-22, and d. Dec. 1766, ffit. 45th yr. By w. Mary he had Gardner. 249 Ch., b. in Hing., as foU. : i. Rachel, Oct. 11, 1746. ii. Mary, Dec. 5, 1749. iii. Lydia, Jan. 25, 1751-52. m. Apr. 24, 1772, Allen Tinkham. iv. Reuben, Dec. 24, 1755. V. Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1758. m. Samuel Whiton. They removed to Lunen burg, Mass. vi. Seth, Deo. 22, 1760. 25. David * (David ^ Stephen ^ John '), b. in Hing. March 27, 1734. m. first, Nov. 17, 1757, Lydia Loring, dau. of Solomon and Sarah (WUder) Loring. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 26, 1736, and d. 7 Sept. 1780, ffit. 44'yrs. He m. secondly, June 5, 1781, Euth Dunbar, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Tower) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 12, 1736. David d. 16 Feb. 1814, ffit. 80th yr. Eesided at « Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, were — 34. i. David, Jan. 28, 1759. 35. ii. Solomon, Jvme 17, 1761. iii. Lydia, June 27, 1763. m. Nov. 30, 1790, Nathaniel Whiting. iv. Abner, March, 1765, m. Jan. 15, 1787, Submit Wilder. V. Patience, Feb. 1767. m. William Prouty of Scit., and d. 3 March, 1847. vi. Caleb, Sept. 1770. Removed to Ab'n. 26. Ezra* (David' Stephen = John*), b. in Hing. March 17, 1757. m. March 13, 1777, Betty Tower, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Teague) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 18, 1760. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Betty, Feb. 5, 1778, d. 7 Apr. 1785. ii. Anna, Aug. 16, 1779. iii. Sarah, Sept. 5, 1781. m. Pratt, and d. 1864, set. 83 yrs. iv. Ezra, June 17, 1784. Note. — There may have been other ch. in this fam. not rec. in Hing. 27. Stephen* (Stephen ^^ John^), b. in Hing. Oct. 23.1727. m. Jan. 1, 1753, Huldah Chubbuck, dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Goddard) Chubbuck. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1730-31. " Cooper." Ee sided on Gardner St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 36. i. Stephen, Apr. 18, 1753. 37. ii. Jeremiah, May 3, 1754. 38. iii. Isaac, Nov. 16, 1755. iv. Huldah, June 10, 1758. m. Oct. 20, 1782, Kinsman Leavitt of Ab'n. V. Silence, Sept. 21, 1760. m. July 6, 1780, Perez Gardner. vi. Moses, Oct. 15, 1763. m. March 15, 1784, Agatha Hammond, and settled at Beverly, Mass. vii. Warren, Sept. 8, 1765, m. March 8, 1787, Mary, dau. of Jacob Dunbar. Removed to Passamaquoddy, Me. viii. Sarah, Aug. 26, 1767. m. Nov. 26, 1789, Jonathan Gardner (16, viii). ix. Aaron, June 6, 1770. X. Winifred, Jan. 24, 1773. m. Aug. 20, 1792, Samuel Penniman of Brain tree. 28. Joshua * (Stephen ^ John ^), was b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1734-35. " Laborer." The chris. name of his w. was Mary. They had 250 Gardner. Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Joshua, Nov. 10, 1760, d, 18 May, 1762. ii. Mary, Aug. 4, 1762. m. Aug, 29, 1782, Humphrey Burrell of Ab'n. iii. Lucretia, Nov. 23, 1764. m, Nov. 6, 1783, Abiel Damon of Ab'n. iv. Joshua, Apr. 30, 1767. V. Seth, 1770. Settled at Han. Was m. , and had issue. vi. Hannah, March 2, 1773. 29. Benjamin * (Benjamin'"^ John^), b. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1729. m. Nov. 24, 1748, Eachel, dau. of Ezekiel Smith. Eesided on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Catherine, . m, Jan, 8, 1770, Thomas Pool of Wey. ii. Ezekiel, Dec, 15, 1751, d. soon. iii. Ezekiel, July 1, 1753. iv. Caswell, Nov. 19, 1755. V. Bela, Feb. 18, 1758. vj. Jacob, Nov. 3, 1761. vii. Leah, Aug. 5, 1770. m. French, and d. at Ab'n (or Bridgewater) 20 Aug. 1860, set. 90 yrs, 30. Egbert * (Eobert = Benjamin ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1733. m., for his first w. Sarah Mann, plob. dau. of Benjamin and Martha (Curtis) Mann of Han. ; and secondly, July 6, 1764, Eachel Wilder, dau. of Theophilus and Mary (Hersey) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. June 23, 1734, and d. 15 May, 1805, ffit. 71st yr. He d. 19 Sept. 1814, ffit. 81st yr. " Shoemaker," and " weaver." Constable in 1770, and 1773. Eesided at So. Hing. The foil, lines are inscribed upon a gravestone erected to the memory of Mrs. Eachel Gardner in the High St. Cemetery, viz. : — " Adieu my friends & do not weep for me, I was in bed asleep as you may be. But death did come & give the fatal stroke & in this world I never more awoke." Child, b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — i. George, Sept. 29, 1757. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eachel, — ii. Sarah, Aug. 5, 1765, m. Oct. 25, 1792, Zechariah Markquand of Braintree. iii. Eunice, Aug. 2, 1767. m. June 12, 1791, Levi Humphrey of Milton. 3L Samuel ^ (Samuel ^^ Francis '^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 6, 1745. m. first, Jan. 6, 1774, Alathea Oakman, dau. of Tobias aud Lydia (Briggs) Oakman of Mf'd. She d. in Hing. 29 Jan. 1788, ffit. 34 yrs. He m. secondly, Aug. 23, 1789, Chloe Whiton, dau. of Enoch and Joanna (Whiton) Whiton. She d. 20 Sept. 1833, ffit. 75th yr. He d. 24 Dec. 1831, ffit. 86 yrs. "Farmer." Constable in 1776. Eesided at « Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Alathea, were — 39. i. Samuel, Nov. 6, 1774. ii. Peleg, Oct. 15, 1776, d. 10 Sept. 1845, mt. 69th yr, iii. Christiana, Aug. 14, 1778. m. Sept. 6, 1807, Nathaniel Wilson of Castine, Me. 40. iv. Jesse, Dec. 15, 1780. Gardner. 251 V. Oakman, Apr. 18, 1783, d. at Boston, 1837. vi. Cynthia, Apr. 24, 1785. m. Aug, 25, 1811, Reuben Sprague, Jr. 41. vii. Constant, Jan. 12, 1788, Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Chloe, were — 42. viii. Enoch Whiton, May 11, 1790. ix. Alathea, Apr. 9, 1792, d. imm. 22 Feb. 1837, set. 45th yr. X. Abigail, Apr. 9, 1792, d. unm. 22 Jan. 1862, set. 70th yr. 43. xi. Anthony, June 29, 1794. xii. Chloe, Nov. 8, 1796. m. March 24, 1816, Isaiah Tower. xiu. Calvin, Aug. 29, 1798. m. Dec. 26, 1825, Mary Whiting. Shed. 2 Sept. 1832, ffit. 31 yrs. Rev. Calvin Gardner d. at Waterville, Me., 22 March, 1865, set. 67th yr. 32. Levi' (Hopestill* SamueP Francis ^ John i), b. in Hing. Jan. 14, 1767. m. March 14, 1783, Molly Vining. She was b. at Ab'n Oct. 7, 1756, and d. in Hing. 30 May, 1836, ffit. 80th yr. Levi was drowned near Cape Ann, 11 Jan. 1796, ffit. 39th yr. " Mariner," and a soldier in the War of the Eevolution. " May 17, 1796, Thomas Fearing of Hingham was chosen to administer upon the estate of Levi Gardner, late of Hingham, deceased." — S. P. E. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 44. i. Melzar, Apr. 20, 1785. ii. Molly Leavitt, Sept. 12, 1786. m. Apr. 22, 1809, David Sprague, Jr. iii. Levi, Aug. 24, 1789, d. 28 March, 1819. iv. Francis, March 15, 1791, d. 30 March, 1796. V. Elizabeth, Feb. 23, 1795, was m. and resided at Boston. 33. Perez ' (Hopestill* Samuel ' Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. March 26, 1762. m. July 6, 1780, SUence Gardner, dau. of Stephen (27) and Huldah (Chubbuck) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 21, 1760, and d. at Salem, 15 Aug. 1861, ffit. 91st yr. Perez served seven yrs. as a soldier in the War of the Eevolution ; was with Arnold in his march through Maine to Canada, and was finally discharged at New York by Gen? Washington. He d. in Hing. 31 Jan. 1841, ffit. 79th yr. (For additional particulars, see " Hingham Patriot," Feb. 6, 1841.) Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Perez, Jan. 20, 1781. m. Aug. 28, 1800, Sally Bell of Boston. ii. Thomas Harrison, 1783. Removed to Scit. iii. Sybil, Apr. 18, 1785, d. 15 July, 1805, set. 20 yrs. 45. iv. Hosea, Apr. 3, 1787. V. Silence, Apr. 23, 1789. m. (1) Apr. 9, 1809, Melzar Gardner, and (2) Feb. 25, 1827, Benjamin Wilder, wid-:. 46. vi. Alexander, June 10, 1791. vii. Ruth, Oct. 29, 1793. m. Oct, 27, 1819, Edward J. Porter of Mfd, and d. at Boston, 6 Nov. 1882, a;t. 89 yrs. viii. Aaron, Jan. 5, 1796. ix. Cinderella, March 19, 1798. m. Apr. 27, 1817, Alexander H. Hichborn. X. Lucy, Feb. 10, 1800. m. William Ives of Salem, and d. at Chicago, 111., 19 Oct. 1882, set. 83d yr. 34. David ' (David *-5 Stephen « John i), b. in Hing. Jan. 28, 1759 ; by w. Elizabeth had Ch., so far as I have ascertained, as foil. : — i. Elizabeth, . m. May 4, 1799, Archelaus Whiting. 47. ii. David, 1781. 252 Gardner. iii, Cushing, . m. Hathaway. Of their ch., Almira, m. Dec. 15, 1844, David P, Eldredge ; and Elizabeth L., m. Nov. 25, 1847, Loring Hersey, wid":. iv. Hannah, Sept. 1788, d. at Hanover (unm. ) 29 Jan. 1875, set. 86 yrs. 35. Solomon ^ (David ^ Stephen ^ John i), b. in Hing., June 17, 1761. m. Dec. 7, 1783, Mary Wilder, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Chubbuck) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. March 30, 1765, and d. 19 May, 1843, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 2 Oct. 1814, ffit. 53 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided at " Lib erty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Loring, March 1, 1784. m. June 15, 1809, Mary Newell. Resided at Boston, where he d. 22 Oct. 1851, set. 68th yr. ii. James Wilder, Dec. 5, 1791, d. soon. iii. James Wilder, Nov. 26, 1793, d. 27 Feb. 1795. iv. James, Apr. 1, 1795. m. Apr. 2, 1846, Rosella Ford. She survived him, and m. (2) Oct. 8, 1862, Caleb Hersey, wid'.. James d. 18 Oct. 1860, st. 65 yrs. 48. V. Solomon, May 22, 1797. vi. Leavitt, Oct. 10, 1800, d. at Cambridge, 8 Dec. 1876, set. 76 yrs. vii. Mary, Feb. 14, 1803. m. Dec. 25, 1822, Henry Cushing, and d. 1838. viii. Lydia, Aug. 15, 1805. m, Dec. 10, 1826, Daniel Bartlett, and d. 25 Dec. 1832, 36. Stephen ' (Stephen "-' John '), b. in Hing. Apr. 18, 1753. m. Nov. 9, 1775, Marcy Dunbar, dau. of Eobert and Sarah (Smith) Dun bar. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1765, and d. 28 June, 1829, ffit. 74th yr. He d. 29 Oct. 1816, ffit. 63d yr. " Farmer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 49. i, Stephen, Apr. 24, 1776. 50. ii. Charles, March 7, 1778. iii. Hannah, Feb. 23, 1780. m. Nov. 24, 1807, Israel Sprague. iv. Chloe, May 1, 1782, d. 12 Dec. 1796. V. Jacob, Sept. 20, 1784, d. 31 Jan. 1797. vi, Sarah, Sept. 20, 1784, d. 12 Jan. foil. 51. vii. Robert Dunbar, Jan. 17, 1787. 52. viii. Reuben, Dec. 4, 1789. 53. ix. Warren, Nov. 3, 1791. 54. X. Josiah, Sept. 10, 1794. xi. Mercy, Feb. 8, 1797, d. 7 Sept. foil. 37. Jeremiah' (Stephen *-^2 John ^), b. in Hing. May 3, 1754. m. Lois Stodder, dau. of Hezekiah and Abigail (Whiton) Stodder of Scit. She d. in Hing. 2 Apr. 1819, as her gravestone says, ffit. 70 yrs. He d. 26 Oct. 1822, ffit. 68 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 55. i. .Jeremiah, Oct. 18, 1776. ii. Lois, Sept. 20, 1778. m. Dec. 27, 1818, Luther Whiton. iii. Quincy, Nov. 15, 1781. m. Judith, dau. of Ezekiel Whiton, and prob. removed from Hing. iv. Obadiah, March 11, 1784. Removed to the State of Me. V. Deering, Feb. 22, 1786. Removed to Boston. Hed. leaving a wid. and two ch. vi. Thomas, March 25, 1788. Removed to Mendon, Mass., and d. there, 29 March, 1872, set. 84 yrs. vii. Sally, Nov. 29, 1792. Gardner. 258 38. Isaac « (Stephen *"'-'' John ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1755. m. Apr. 8, 1784, Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Welcome and Sarah (Gill) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1757, and d. 8 Sept. 1838, ffit. 81st yr. He d. 7 Nov. 1801, ffit. 46th yr. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Dec. 17, 1784. m. Dec. 23, 1804, Samuel Sprague. 56. u. Calvin, Oct. 23, 1786. iii. Mehitable, Dec. 30, 1792. m. Feb. 12, 1809, Caleb Sprague. 57. iv. Giles, May 18, 1795. V. Mary, Nov. 14, 1798, d. unm. 39. Samuel « (Samuel ^^ Francis = John '), b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1774. m. May 28, 1797, Nancy Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 11, 1778, and d. 21 Aug. 1870, ffit. 92 yrs. He d. 9 May, 1843, ffit. 69th yr. " Farmer." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i. Howard, Apr. 30, 1798, d. unm. 29 Apr. 1885, aet. 87th yr. ii. Oilman, Apr. 6, 1800, d. unm. 13 Jan. 1847, ffit. 47th yr. iii. •Catherine, Oct. 14, 1803. m. (1) Nelson Whiting, and (2) Lewis Whit ing. She d. at No. Brookfield, 3 June, 1877, ffit. 74th yr. iv. Granville, Nov. 25, 1805, d. 12 Aug. 1807. V. Granville, Oct. 24, 1808. m. Jan. 18, 1832, Maria Ewell of Mf'd, Re sided at Ply., where he d. 8 Nov. 1865, ffit. 57 yrs vi. Nancy, Nov. 24, 1812. m. Ephraim Moulton. vii. Samuel, March 12, 1815, d. at Santa Barbara, Cal. viii. Elbridge, Sept. 10, 1817, d. at Melrose, 26 Aug. 1877, ffit. 60th yr. ix. Tobias Oakman, Sept. 3, 1821. m. (1) Oct. 20, 1847, Ann Maria Edson of New Braintree, and (2) Nov. 6, 1851, Lydia G., dau. of Col. Charles Lane. Resides on North St., near Magoon's Bridge. 40. Jesse ^ (Samuel "-S Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 15, 1780- m. Feb. 6, 1814, Delight Lincoln, dau. of Laban and Elizabeth (Lin coln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 24, 1793, and d. 17 Aug. 1846, ffit. 53d yr. He d. 30 Oct. 1861, ffit. 71st yr. "Carpenter." Eesided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 58. i. Andrew Jackson, Jan. 11, 1815. ii. Laban Lincoln, Dec. 7, 1816, d. 10 July, 1818. iii. Elijah Lincoln, Nov. 15, 1818, d. 31 Oct. 1879, set. Olst yr. iv. Elizabeth Ann, Oct. 1, 1821. m. May 26, 1842, Edwin D. Gardner (70). V. Laban Lincoln, Aug. 18, 1823. m. May 20, 1849, Catherine Burrell. vi. Henry Nichols, Aug. 2, 1826, d. at Boston, 26 Apr. 1873. 59. vil Allen Hersey, Jan. 28, 1832. 41. Constant* (Samuel'^' Francis^ John'), b. in Hing. Jan. 12, 1788. m. May 25, 1816, Anna Wilder, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Lasell) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 15, 1795, and d. 19 Feb. 1869, ffit. 73 yrs. He d. 13 Apr. 1850, ffit. 62 yrs. Eesided at " Lib erty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary Wilder, Oct, 20, 1816. m. Nov. 3, 1839, Seth Sprague, and d. 3 Aug. 1852, ffit. 36th yr. ii. Hiram, May 19, 1819. m. Oct. 18, 1840, Lucy W., dau. of Samuel and Joanna (Whitcomb) Burbank, and d, 19 July, 1873, at, 54 yrs. Their dau. iMcy A., b. Sept, 12, 1842, d. 9 Oct. 1870, set. 28 yrs. 254 Gardner. iii. James W., Oct. 11, 1821. m. (1) Oct. 31, 1844, Sarah C. Whitney of Ash burnham, and (2) Kate L. Ball of Templeton. He d. Nov. 1882. iv. William, Feb. 5, 1824. m. Nov. 22, 1847, Eliza M. Alden of Eandolph. William d. at Braintree, 22 Dec. 1861, ffit. 37 yrs. V. Alfred, Oct. 4, 1827. m. Dec. 13, 1848, Amanda M. Bates of Scit., and d. at So. Scit., 26 Oct. 1853, ffit. 26 yrs. vi. Ann Eliza, Nov. 24, 1835. m. Nov. 26, 1863, George S. Poole. 42. Enoch W.* (Samuel ^*-^ Francis ^ John^), b. in Hing. May 11, 1790. na. at Boston, Feb. 21, 1828, Orra Amadon, dau. of John and Eoxana (Leach) Amadon. She was b. at Claremont, N. H., Aug. 4, 1800, and d. in Hing. 7 Jan. 1876, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 31 March, 1864, ffit. 74th yr. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., —i. George Doane, Aug. 28, 1828, d. at City Point, Va., 4 Aug. 1864, ffit. 35th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Mary Roxana, June, 1832, d. 5 Nov. 1835. 60. iii. John Calvin, Sept. 13, 1839. 43. Anthony^ (Samuel ^*"^ Francis^ John ^), b. in Hing. June 29, 1794. m. Nov. 4, 1824, Hepzibeth Copeland of Lynn. She d. in Hing. 16 May, 1874, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 6 June, 1839, ffit. 46th yr. Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Eliza Ann, Sept. 13, 1826, d. 26 March, 1829. 44. Melzar ^ (Levi * Hopestill * Samuel ' Francis ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1786. m. Apr. 9, 1809, Silence, dau. of Perez and Silence (Gardner) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 23, 1789, and surviving him, m. secondly, Feb. 26, 1827, Benjamin Wilder, widT. "Sailmaker." He removed to Boston. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Melzar, Feb. 19, 1810, d. at Norfolk, Va., 30 March, 1843. ii. Henry Francis, Feb. 13, 1812, d. at Boston, 6 Dec. 1878. iii. Selina, Feb. 20, 1814, d. Oct. 1815. iv. Selina Mountford, May 31, 1816. m. Capt. Perez Jenkins, and d. 30 Aug. 1860. V. Mary Le.4.vitt, Sept. 12, 1818. m. Nov. 25, 1847, George W. Beal. 45. Hosea ^ (Perez' Hopestill* Samuel^ Francis ° John^), b. in Hing. Apr. 3, 1787. m. Feb. 11, 1810, Sophia Cole, dau. of Enoch and Alice (Stephenson) Cole of Coh. She d. 22 Aug. 1867, ffit. 67 yrs. He d. 10 Nov. 1840, ffit. 64th yr. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 61. i. Hosea James, Oct. 30, 1810. 62. ii. Alfred, July 15, 1812. iii. Sophia Alice, Apr. 12, 1815. m. Jan. 17, 1836, Reuben M. Reed. iv. John Sutton, Apr. 17, 1818, d. young. V. John William, Aug. 17, 1820. Was in active service in the Civil War, both in tbe army and navy. He d. at New Orleans, La., 24 June, 1863, ffit. 43d yr. (See " Hingham iu the CivU War.") vi. Catherine Lincoln, Oct. 30, 1822. m. Apr. 27, 1845, John Wade. 46. Alexander^ (Perez ^ Hopestill* Samuel^ Francis^ John ^), b. in Hing. June 10, 1791. m. March 27, 1814, Sally Cole, dau. of Enoch and Alice (Stephenson) Cole of Coh. She survived him, and m. Gardner. 255 secondly, Apr. 13, 1828, Daniel CortheU. Alexander d. 23 Jan. 1822, ffit. 31st yr. During his service as a soldier in the War of 1812, he lost one eye ; and the sight of the other was so much impaired that he soon became totally blind. He subsequently received a pension from the government, which was worthily bestowed, and of great. assistance to him. Ch., b. in Hing., — 63. i. Aaron, Oct. 7, 1816. ii. Thomas Harrison, Nov. 18, 1817. Removed to Han. iii. Enoch Cole, Mtiy 6, 1820. Removed to Scit. iv. Lucy Cole, March 30, 1822. m. Alvin Blanchard. 47. David « (David ^'^^ Stephen ^ John '), b. at Scit. Feb. 1781. m. first, . He m. secondly, in Hing. Dec. 14, 1828, Lucy Souther, dau. of Daniel and Grace (Sprague) Souther. She was b. in Hing. June 11, 1806, and d. 19 Apr. 1873, ffit. 69th yr. David d. 9 June, 1858, ffit. 77 yrs. 'Laborer." For services rendered in the War of 1812, he received a pension under the Act of June 7, 1832. Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., b. at Scit., by first m'ge, — i. Charles, -. Resides at Ea. Braintree. ii. Sarah, . m. John Burrell. iii. Emily, . m. Calvin Nichols. iv. David, . Removed to Mf'd. V. George, . Removed to New Bedford. vi. Delta, . m. Amos H. Hunt. vii. Elizabeth, — — . m. Daniel Edson. Ch., b. in Hing. by w. Lucy, — viii. Lucy Davis, June 27, 1829. m. July 22, 1847, Martin B. Stodder. ix. Sybil, Dec. 1831. m. Nathaniel Sylvester, and d. 28 Jan. 1876, ffit. 45 yrs.. X. An infant, d. soon. xi. An infant, d. soon. xii. Abigail, June 5, 1838, d. unm. 25 Feb. 1874, ffit. 36th yr. xiii. Matilda, . xiv. Caleb F., May 20, 1843. m. Aug. 14, 1882, Margaret E. Tapp. 48. Solomon' (Solomon^ David *'^ Stephen^ John^), b. in Hing. May 22, 1797. m. Dec. 6, 1821, Harriet Hersey, dau. of John and Anna (Cushing) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 4, 1801. Solomon d. 18 Dec. 1860, ffit. 63 yrs. "Shoe manuf'r." Eesided on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. James Lincoln, Aug. 21, 1822. m. Oct. 25, 1846, Mary D. Cushing, dau. of Leonard and Mary C. (Whiting) Cushing. Hhetr Asm., Mary Collier, b. Nov. 4, 1850, d. 9 Apr. 1857. ii. Loring, July 6, 1826. m. Oct. 25, 1854, Mary Frances Sprague. Ch. : — 1. Walter F., March, 1857, d, 25 Dec. 1858. 2. Loring, 1861, d. in in fancy. 3. William Everett, Oct. 1866. iii. Harriet Jane, March 20, 1842. m. Aug. 23, 1869, John G, Knight of Han., and has ch. : — 1. Gardner, 1871. 2. George Wkittaker, 1875. 49. Stephen" (Stephen ^*-»-2 John^), b. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1776. m. Dec. 29, 1796, Susa Whiton, dau. of Zachariah and Kezia (Wilder) Whiton (or Whiting). She was b. in Hing. 1777, and d. 9 June, 1836,. 256 Gardner. ffit. 59 yrs. He d. 14 Feb. 1860, ffit. 84th yr. Eesided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 64. i. Jacob, Apr, 29, 1797. ii. Chloe, Oct, 11, 1799. m. Dec. 5, 1819, Malachi Burrell. iii. Susan Whiton, May 11, 1801. m. Oct. 8, 1822, Thomas G. Winslow of Han, iv. Sybil, Apr. 12, 1802, m. Jan. 1, 1828, Sylvanus Whiting. 65. V. Isaac, June 4, 1804. vi. Andrew, Apr. 12, 1806. Resided at Mf'd, where he d. 10 Jan. 1878, set. 72d yr, vii. Emma, Feb. 20, 1808. m. Samuel Tirrell, and d. at Wey. 19 May, 1871. viii. Mary H., 1810. m. Jan. 1835, Warren Burrell. ix. Stephen, 1812. m. Maria Ford. X. Sarah, 1815. m. Jan. 16, 1832, Henry Bailey of Han. xi. Sylvia Laurbna, June 17, 1817. m. Ezra Tirrell of Wey., and d. 20 July, 1875. xii. Lucy, Aug. 1, 1819. xiii. Elbridge Gerry, May 30, 1822. m. Rebecca Tenney, and resides at Wey. 50. Charles " (Stephen "-^= John^), b. in Hing. March 7, 1778. m. Dec. 25, 1803, Silence Sprague, dau. of Eeuben and Silence (Lasell) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 2, 1774, and d. 7 May, 1834, ffit. 60th yr. He d. 23 Nov. 1838, ffit. 61st yr. " Set work cooper." Ee sided on Gardner St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 66. i. Charles, Apr. 2, 1807. 67. ii. Leonard, July 18, 1809. iii. Polly Sprague, Feb. 9, 1813. m. Nov. 18, 1840, Francis A. Gardner (52, v). 68. iv. Lewis, Sept. 20, 1815. V. Albert, June 19, 1818. m. March 20, 1850, Mrs. Harriet (Wilder) Sprague, and d. 13 May, 1887, ffit. 69th yr. ' 51. Eobert D.» (Stephen s-*-^^ j^j^n i)^ ^ j^ jjing. Jan. 17, 1787. m. Susan Whiting, She d. 19 July, 1856, ffit. 79 yrs. He d-. 22 Nov. 1847, ffit. nearly 61 yrs. " Miller." Eesided off Main St., near Cush ing's Pond, So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John Wesley, Oct. 11, 1812, d. . ii. Robert Gill, Oct. 11, 1812. m. July 3, 1842, Mrs. Betsey (Jacobs) Cush ing, wid. of Nehemiah Cushing, and dau. of Jotham and Grace (Tower) Jacobs. She d. at Wey. 10 May, 1860, ffit. 51st yr. He d. at Wey. 16 Jan. 1872, ffit. 59 yrs. Their ch.: — 1. Susan Caroline, Aug, 9, 1843, d. 19 July, 1844. 2, Catherine Augusta, Jan, 10, 1847, m. Jan. 14, 1874, George W. Newcomb of Quincy. iii. Susan Gill, — , d. unm. iv. Franklin, 1821. m. Apr. 18, 1866, Lydia F,, dau. of Cephas Bryant, and d, 28 July, 1870, ffit. 49 yrs, V. Emily T., . m, Joseph Brooks of Han. 52. Eeuben " (Stephen «-*-»-2 John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1789. m. first. May 24, 1809, Polly Northy of Scit. She was b. Sept. 9, 1792, and d. 23 Aug. 1843, ffit. 51st yr. He m. secondly, Apr. 10, 1844, Mrs. Polly (Dyer) Wilder, wid. of Daniel Wilder, and dau. of Joseph and Euth (Pratt) Dyer of Wey. She was b. at Wey. Oct. 6, 1792, and d. in Hing. 10 Dec. 1876, ffit. 83 yrs, Eeuben d. 28 July, 1846, ffit. 67th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Gar'dner St. Gardner. 257 Ch., all b. in Hing., by his first w., — i. Reuben, Nov. 8, 1809. m. and resided at Wey., where he d. 29 May, 1870, set. 61st yr. ii. Mary Northy, Oct. 31, 1811. m. July 6, 1836, Joseph N, Bates of Scit. iii. William Henry, Oct. 14, 1814. m. Dec. 27, 1835, Hannah B, Gardner. Resided at Wey., where he d. 3 June, 1852, st. 38th yr. 69. iv. George Pickering, Jan. 22, 1816. V. Francis Asbury, Apr. 9, 1818. m, Nov. 18, 1840, Polly S,, dau. of Charles Gardner. She d. 8 Oct. 1886, set. 74th yr. He d. 18 Nov. 1868, ffit. 50 yrs. vi. Lincoln, March 22, 1820, d. 9 Nov. foil. vii. Frederick Upham, Nov. 16, 1821, d. at Wey. 22 Oct. 1870. viii. Eliza Ann, March 16, 1824. m. 1848, Enoch C. Gardner, and d. at Scit. 28 Oct. 1854, set. 31st yr. ix. Ephraim Norris, Feb. 25, 1826, d. at Scit. 4 Oct. 1859, set. 34th yr. X. Jason, Feb. 21, 1828. m. Mary M. Sherman of Mf'd, and resides at Wey. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.'') xi. Mercy, Feb. 21, 1831, d. 14 Aug. 1838. xii. Helen Maria, Dec. 13, 1835. m. March 17, 1853, Edward B. Gardner. 53. Warren « (Stephen ^-*^^ John i), b. in Hing. Nov. 3, 1791. m. Apr. 16, 1811, Betsey Keen, dau. of Isaiah and Lydia (Bourne) Keen of Pem. She was b. at Pem. March 9, 1790, and d. in Hing. 28 June, 1880, ffit. 90 yrs. He d. 2 Apr. 1871, ffit. 80th yr. Eesided at " Lib erty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Warren, Nov. 17, 1812. m. March 27, 1836, Lucy Damon of Mfd. Their dau. Litcy A., was b. in Hing. Sept. 27, 1841. ii. Betsey, Apr. 19, 1814. m. March 12, 1837, Benjamin Bates of Scit. iii. Isaiah, Oct. 2, 1819. m. Nov. 1, 1840, Lucinda Vining of Han. She was b. Jan. 22, 1824. Their dau. Lucinda Rosine, b. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1841, m. July 3, 1859, Josiah Q. Gardner. 54. Josiah « (Stephen ^^-^ John^), b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1794. m. July 4, 1816, Deborah, dau. of Joseph and Euth (Pratt) Dyer of Wey. She was b. at Wey. Nov. 21, 1790, and d. in Hing. 26 May, 1870, ffit. 79 yrs. He d. 26 June, 1875, ffit. 81st yr. Eesided on Gardner St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — 70. i. Edwin Dyer, Sept. 7, 1817. iL Joseph Dyer, Aug. 4, 1824. m. Jan. 1, 1851, Sarah M. Sherman of Mf'd. Resides at Wey. iiL Mary Lovell, Feb. 11, 1828, d. 27 Apr. foil. 71. iv. Russell Davis, July 23, 1829. V. Mary Lovell, May 27, 1832. m. Apr. 7, 1852, George W. Chubbuck. vi. Josiah Quincy, Feb. 10, 1835. m. July 3, 1859, Lucinda R., dau. of Isaiah and Lucinda (Vining) Gardner. 55. Jeremiah ' (Jeremiah " Stephen *-^^ John ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1776. m, Esther Saunders of Beverly, Mass. She was b. Jan, 15, 1774, and d. 17 Apr. 1846, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. 14 May, 1826, ffit. 50th yr. " Contractor." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., — i. Jerome, June 8, 1795 ; went off, and itot heard from since. ii. Sarah, Apr. 5, 1797. d. 20 Oct. 1798. iiL Sarah, March 4, 1799. m. Apr. 22, 1818, John Hersey, Jr. iv. Lewis, Feb. 28, 1801, d, at the South. V. Horatio Nelson, July 25, 1803, d. 22 Feb. 1808. VOL. II — 17 258 Gardner. vi. Osborn, Nov. 1, 1805. Was lost at sea. vii. Esther SaUiNDEUS, Jan, 4, 1808. m, Aug. 7, 1831, Caleb Stodder. viii. Horatio Nelson, March 29, 1810, d. 31 Oct. 1811. ix. Horatio Nelson, Sept. 19, 1814. Resides at So. Scit. 56. Calvin ^ (Isaac " Stephen **2 John^), b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1786. m, first, March 18, 1810, Hannah Stodder, dau. of Jacob and Molly (StoweU) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. July 6, 1789, and d. 16 March, 1811, ffit. 22d yr. He m. secondly Mary Ellms of Scit. She d. in Hing. 8 Aug. 1874, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. 17 July, 1847, ffit. 61st yr. "Packet-master;" afts. "trader." Eesided on North St., near the harbor, and later, on Water St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — i, Calvin, Aug. 30, 1822. " Grocer ;" is unm. ii. Mary, Sept, 10, 1824, d. 15 Apr, 1827. iii. Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 1828. 72. iv. Isaac, Dec. 9, 1834. 57. Giles ^ (Isaac ^ Stephen *-^= John % b. in Hing. May 18, 1795. m. Eliza Abbott. She d. in Hing. 30 Apr. 1846, ffit. 40 yrs. He d. 5 Apr. 1834, ffit. 39th yr. Eesided near the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing., — 73, L Welcome Lafayette, July 27, 1824, iL Josephine Louisa, Sept, 22, 1826. m. (1) Oct. 19, 1845, Josiah L. Goold, and (2) May 21, 1858, Nathan C. Hunt, wid-:. iii. Maria Gray, July 11, 1832. m. Sept. 10, 1855, Isaiah B. Hamblen, and resides at Picton, N. S. 58. Andrew J.' (Jesse ^ Samuel *'*^ Francis ^ John'), b. in Hing. Jan. 11, 1815. m. first, Dec. 13, 1840, Mary Ann, dau. of Stephen and Peggy (Eemington) Stodder, or Stoddard. She was b. in Hing. March 3, 1822, and d. 17 Apr. 1847, ffit. 25 yrs. He m. secondly, Feb. 13, 1848, Eebecca Ann Ewell, dau. of Isaac and Hannah (Bailey) Ewell. She was b. at Mf'd, Oct. 16, 1822. " Shoemaker." Tax-collector since 1850 ; constable 1858, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1865, 1880, and after. Eesides on Fort Hill St. Ch., b. in Hing,, by w. Mary, — i. Lucy Stoddard, Dec. 12, 1842. m. Oct. 1, 1884, Frazer F. Blauvett. 74. ii. Andrew Wallace, Dee. 1, 1844. 75. iii. Albert Stoddard, March 11, 1847. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, — iv. John Hersey, Feb. 11, 1850. V. Mary Ann, May 26, 1851, d, 19 Aug. 1853. 59. Allen H.' (Jesse ^ Samuel ^"*"^ Francis ^ John'), b. in Hing. Jan. 28, 1832. m. Mary Etta Davis, a native of Marietta, N. Y. She d. in Hing. 2 Jan. 1858, ffit. 24 yrs. He afts. removed to Auburn, N. Y., and there took a sec. w. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Eugene, . ii. EUGENA, . 60. John C (Enoch W.« Samuel*^ Francis = John'), b. in Hing. Sept. 13, 1839. m. at Bridgeport, Conn., Dec. 21, 1868, Henrietta Gardner. 259 G. Eldredge Webb, dau. of Hezekiah T. and Emily (Clark) Webb. She was b. at Bridgeport, July 21, 1839. " Paper-hanger." Eesides on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Mary Grace, Dec. 12, 1869. ii. Addie Louisa, Oct. 16, 1872, d. 1 Sept. 1876. 61. Hosea J.' (Hosea ^ Perez ^ Hopestill * Samuel ^ Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Oct. 30, 1810. m. Jan. 29, 1833, Abigail MarshaU. She d. at New Bedford, Mass., 18 June, 1885. He d. 1 Feb. 1857, ffit. 46 jrs. "Shoemaker;" postmaster 1854-1857, inc. ; selectman 1848, and .after. Eesided on North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Andrew Marshall, 1833, d. 27 Sept. 1833. ii. Abigail Williams, Oct. 3, 1836. m. Oct. 13, 1863, Levi Hersey, wid'.. UL Marcus H., 1844 ; is dead. iv. James Otis, 1852, d. 22 Sept. 1853. 62. Alfred ' (Hosea ^ Perez ^ Hopestill * Samuel ' Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. July 16, 1812. The chris. name of his w. who was from Scit., was Catherine. She d. in Hing. 13 Dec. 1861, ffit. 53 yrs. " Laborer." (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Their Ch., so far as I kn., — L Charles F., 1838. iL Sophia C, 1843, d. 18 Oct. 1861, ffit. 18 yrs. iii. -Anna C, 1846. "* 63. Aaron' (Alexander^ Perez ^ Hopestill* SamueP Francis'' -John'), b. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1816. m. Dec. 23, 1839, Persis H. Cush ing, dau. of Samuel and Emma (Hobart) Cashing. She d. in Hing. 16 June, 1865, ffit. 47 yrs. Aaron removed to Han. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Henry, Oct. 6, 1840, d. in Philadelphia, Penn., 1887. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") 76. iL George, Aug. 27, 1845. iii. Edward, — — . Resides at Han. 64. Jacob ' (Stephen ^^^^^ John '), b. in Hing. Apr. 29, 1797. m. first. May 16, 1816, Hannah Beal BaUey. She d. 19 Nov. 1838, ffit. 37 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 6, 1843, Betsey Dunbar, dau. of Eobert and Joanna (Eells) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1802, and d. 9 May, 1874, ffit. 72 yrs. He d. 29 Apr. 1883, ffit. 86 yrs. Eesided .at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Hannah Beal, Oct. 27, 1816. m. Dec, 27, 1835, William H, Gardner. ii. Lydia Tower, Apr. 15, 1818, m, (1) Dec. 27, 1835 George P. Gardner, and (2) Jan. 16, 1854, Seth Sprague, wid'.. iii. Jane, Aug. 29, 1820. m. Theron Pool, iv. Jacob, Feb. 5, 1823, d. 15 Aug. 1825. V. Jacob, Sept. 5, 1825. Resides at Wey. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") vL Susan, Dec. 16, 1829. m., 1849, Job Cook. -77.' vii. Edward Bailey, March 17, 1832. 260 Gardner. viiL Esther Maria, Aug. 5, 1834. m., 1849, Charles C. Young. ix. Sophronia, Jan. 18, 1837. m, (1) Luther Lucas, and (2) May 17, 1866, Joshua Crosby, Jr. 65. Isaac ' (Stephen «-5-*-'-2 John '), b. in Hing. June 4, 1804. m. June 27, 1826, Sybil Penniman, dau. of Samuel and Winifred (Gard ner) Penniman of Braintree. She was b. at B. Jan. 23, 1806, and d.. in Hing. 11 Oct. 1882, ffit. 77th yr. He d. 26 Nov. 1879, ffit. 75 yrs.. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Gardner St. Ch.,— i. Isaac Winslow, July 27, 1827, d. 8 May, 1844. ii. Ann Caroline, Sept. 26, 1829. m. Dec. 30, 1850, Augustus Pratt of Wey., and d. 4 July, 1854, r iii. Sybil Emeline, Aug. 3, 1831. m, Augustus Pratt of Wey. wid', and d. 15 Apr. 1859. iv. Minot Everett, June 26, 1833. m. March 20, 1856, Mary C, dau, of Warren Jacobs. Their s., M. Watson, d. 20 Aug. 1864, ffit. 2 yrs. V. Winifred A., May 5, 1835. m. June 12, 1856, Charles R. Belcher of Randolph. vi. Wales Tyler, May 10, 1841, d. 29 Aug. foil. vii. Lucy Adelaide, May 15, 1843, d. 23 Aug. 1864. 78. viii. Winslow Davis, Nov. 7, 1846. 79. ix. Isaac Lester, Nov. 21, 1849. 66. Charles' (Charles « Stephen « *-s-2 John'), b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1807. m. March 24, 1830, Hannah Whiting, dau. of Sylvanus and Hannah (Stodder) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. May 4, 1803, and d. 15 Jan. 1884, ffit. 81st yr. He d. 9 Aug. 1873, ffit. 66 yrs. « Shoe maker." Eesided on Whiting St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Martha Ann, 1832. m. Alfred B. Whiting. ii. Marietta, . m, John B. Gardner of Han. iii. Charles Austix, Feb. 6, 1837. m. Apr. 5, 1857, Florinda C, Whiting. iv. Marcus Morton, . m. July 18, 1860, Lucy A. Gardner. She was b, at Mfd, Sept. 27, 1841, and d. . V. Hannah Whiton, . m. Aug. 2, 1869, William H. Lord. 67. Leonard' (Charles' Stephen =-*-^- John'), b. in Hing. July 18, 1809. m. Nov. 22, 1835, Sarah Wilder, dau. of Crocker aud Deborah (Jacob) Wilder. She was h. in Hing. Oct. 19, 1809, and d. at Wey. Nov. 1882, ffit. 73 yrs. "Manuf'r of wooden ware," Eesides at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., — L Sarah Leavitt, June 7, 1839, d. 14 Oct. 1842. ii. George Leonard, June 22, 1843 ; is m. aud resides at Wey. 68. Lewis' (Charles" Stephen "-^2 John'), b. in Hing. Sept. 20, 1815. m. first. May 30, 1841, Mary W. Young. She was b. at Tur ner, Me., July 8, 1817, and d. in Hing. 8 Oct. 1860, at. 43 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 9, 1861, Mrs. Hannah E. (Eames) Gardner, dau. of James and Thankful (Gage) Eames, and b. at Mf'd, Nov. 13, 1827, " Parmer." Eesides on Gardner St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — L Lewis Stewart, Feb. 16, 1863. ii. Fanny Eames, June 18, 1871. Gardner. 261 69. George P.' (Eeuben « Stephen ^^^^ John '), b. at Harvard, Mass., Jan. 22, 1816. m. in Hing. Dec. 27, 1835, Lydia T. Gardner, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (see No. 64). She survived him, and m. secondly, Jan. 16, 1864, Seth Sprague, widT. George P. d. 14 July, 1853, ffit. 37 yrs, " Shoemaker." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — L George Lincoln, Aug. 31, 1838. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Lydia Augusta, Oct. 22, 1846. m. Nov. 19, 1862, Justin A. Carver. 70. Edwin D.' (Josiah « Stephen "*-2 John'), b. in Hing. Sept. 7, 1817. m. May 26, 1842, Elizabeth A. Gardner, dau. of Jesse and Delight (Lincoln) Gardner. (See 40.) She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1821. "Shoemaker." Eesides on Main St., "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Edwin Lincoln, July 22, 1844, d. 14 Oct. 1845. ii, Elizabeth Ann. Nov, 17, 1847, d. 14 Aug. 1860. iii. Mary Lincoln, Dec. 26, 1850, d. 4 Aug. 1860. iv. Sarah Hersey, Jan. 18, 1853. V. EnwiN Allen, Aug. 30, 1855. vi. Ella Frances, Apr. 17, 1857. 71. Eussell D.' (Josiah « Stephen ^^ John'), b. in Hing. July 23, 1829. m. Apr. 12, 1867, Angelina G. Hobart, dau. of Elijah and Louisa (Pool) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1839. "Shoemaker." Has removed to Eockland. Ch,, b. in Hing., — i. Katie Weston, Oct. 26, 1858. ii. Alonzo Wendal, Aug. 16, 1867. iii. Lottie Louisa, Jan. 6, 1874. 72. Isaac ' (Calvin = Isaac = Stephen **-2 John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1834. m. June 4, 1873, Mary EUa Cosgrove of Boston. " Trader." Eesides on Water St. ChUd, b. in Hing., — L Mary Alice, May 29, 1875. 73. Welcome L.' (Giles" Isaac '' Stephen *-^2 John'), b. in Hing. July 27, 1824. m. Oct. 20, 1845, Eebecca V. Beal, dau. of Eobert and Anna (Humphrey) Beal. She was b. in Hing. June 3, 1827. " Mari ner." Eesides on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Anna Eliza, Nov, 13, 1845, d. 1 Oct. 1846. 80. iL Giles Henry, Dec. 6, 1847. ui. Maria Antoinette, Dec. 10, 1849, d. 17 Sept. 1852, aet. 2 yrs. 10 mo's. iv. Ensign Barnes, Aug. 17, 1857. V. Nellie Norton, July 4, 1861. m. June 12, 1883, Charles H. Johnson. vi. Walter Francis, Apr. 13, 1866. 74. Andrew W.^ (Andrew J.' Jesse * Samuel *'*^ Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1844. m. May 24, 1868, Mary Jane Price, dau. of 262 Gardner. James and Eebecca (Souther) Price. She was b. iu Hing. Aug. 19, 1843. " Shoemaker." (See "Hingham in the CivU War.") ChUd, — L Mary Ann, Jan. 19, 1871. 75. Albert S.^ (Andrew J.' Jesse" Samuel ^*"^ Francis'' John'),b.. in Hing. March 11, 1847. m. July 6, 1868, Mary EUen Fearing, dau. of Henry and Mary H. (Cushing) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 13, 1844, and d. 20 Feb. 1871, ffit. 27 yrs. He d. 29 March, 1873, ffit. 26 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on High St. Child, — i. Henry Fearing, Apr. 29, 1869. 76. George * (Aaron ' Alexander ^ Perez " Hopestill * Samuel ' Francis ^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 27, 1845. m. 1863, Hannah L., dau. of David Bates. She survived him, and m. secondly, Sept. 9, 1875, James Souther. George d. 21 Feb. 1871, ffit. 25 yrs. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch.,— i. Harry Winfred, Apr. 1864. ii. Jennie Stoddar, March 26, 1867. iiL Frank W., , iv. Leon Lero, May 23, 1870. , 77. Edward B.^ (Jacob' Stephen ^=-^2 John'), b. in Hing. March 17, 1832. m. March 17, 1863, Helen M. Gardner, dau. of Eeuben and. Polly (Northy) Gardner (52, xii). Eesides at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — - i. Maria, Sept. 1855. ii. George Edward, Oct. 1857, 78. Winslow D.8 (Isaac' Stephen ''-=-*^2 John'), b. at Braintree, Nov. 7, 1846. m. Jan. 31, 1872, Mary A. Lovell, dau. of Jacoh and Elizaljeth (Bates) LoveU of Wey. She was b. at Wey. Jan. 31, 1861. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Gardner St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Edith May, May 8, 1875. iL Frank Alton, Oct. 14, 1886. .79. Isaac L.« (Isaac' Stephen «-5-*-s-2 John'), b. in Hing. Nov, 21, 1849. m. Nov. 30, 1871, Eleanor Doughty, dau. of James and Ellen (Parry) Doughty. She was b. at Boston, Sept. 19, 1863. "Boot maker." Eesides on Gardner St, Ch., b. in Hing., L Nellie Elizabeth, Aug, 4, 1873. ii. Annie Bell Grace, Dec. 26, 1878, d. 14 March foU. iii. Bertha Louise, Oct. 9, 1883. 80. Giles H.^ (Welcome L.' GUes ^ Isaac « Stephen ^^^ John'), b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1847. m. Oct. 22, 1871, Emma J. Eoberts. Eesides. on South St. Gardner. 268 Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Charlotte Howard, March 2, 1872, d. 14 Jan. 1879. ii. Haerie Walter, Jan. 16, 1883. David H., from the State of Maine, m. Aug. 8, 1821, Mira Vinal of Coh., and d. in Hing. 17 May, 1846, ffit. 66 yrs. " Stone-mason." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch.,— L MiRA, Feb. 16, 1822. ii. Elizabeth, July 12, 1823. m. Apr. 6, 1844, Ephraim Battles of Coh. iiL Martha Ann, Oct. 24, 1825. m. Harvey Barnes. iv. Abigail Souther, July 25, 1828. m. Lewis Vinal of Boston. V. George William, June 22, 1831. m. July 6, 1852, Mary A. Nichols, and d. at Boston, 23 JIarch, 1873. vi. Lucy Ann, March 8, 1833, d. 24 Oct. 1838. Henrt C, m. in Hing. Jan. 12, 1869, Lucy A. Tower, dau. of Wil liam and Lucy A. (Young) Tower. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1853, and d. 8 Feb. 1876, ffit. 22 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Robert Harrison, May 28, 1870, d. same day. ii. William Henry, May 28, 1870, d. 9 Sept. foil. iii. Edgar Fuancts, June 11, 1872. iv. Elizabeth Maria, Nov. 27, 1873, d. at Wey. 23 Oct. 1874. George Bailey (Hiram = Lucinda Bailey), b. at Han. May 12, 1845. m. Oct. 11, 1874, Maria Ann Whiting, dau. of Alfred B. and Martha A. (Gardner) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1854. " Farmer." Eesides on Whiting St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Maria Annette, Sept. 7, 1877. ii. Alfred Bailey, Aug. 12, 1881. James Henrt (Henry W. = Hannah E. Eames), b. in Hing. Apr. 7, 1846. m. June 13, 1866, Maria F. EweU, dau. of Gershom and Mary Lenthal (Jordan) EweU. She was b. at Mf'd, May 9, 1846. " Boot-treer." Eesides on Free St. Ch.,— L Mary Gep.shom, June 7, 1867. ii. Harriet James, May 22, 1872. Note. — Deborah, ot Scit. and Philip Wilcutt, int. of m'ge, Sept. 22, 1711. Ruth, m, Jane 20, 1776, Jonathan Dunbar. Sarah, m. Dec. 18, 1766, Simeon Brooks of Scit. Mrs. Mary, m. March 1. 1801, William Lovis, wid'.. Cole, of Scit. m. Nov. 24, 1825, Mary Ho bart. Judith, m. Jan. 12, 1823, Nicholas Daniel.9. Lydia L., of Hint;, m. at Braintree, Jan. 2, 1843, Robert Wevmouth of B. Susan S., dau. of .fohn, m. Aug. 22, 1846, Daniel P. Nash. Sophia F., m. May 12, 1857, -Amos J, Billings, both of Mf'd, Everett N, d. 15 Jan. 1862, set. 1 yr. Thomas C, m. Dec. 3, 18.54, Celestia A, -Cram. John C, m. Jan, 3, 1867, Iantha Eldredge. Sarah A., m. May 4, 1870, Seth M, Sprague. Annie C, m. Jan. 1, 1871, Al phonso Gate, both of Boston. George B., m. Oct. 11, 1874. Maria A, Whiting, both of Han. George L., of Han. m. Apr 11, 1878. Meriel R, Baker of Scit, Carrie 0., m. June 6,1870, Eev. Edwin C. Hood, Lizzie, w. of George W. (s. of Jacob), d. 10 Jan. 1885, mt. 26 yrs. AlbeHie, child of Joseph T., and Martha T. (Spurr), d. 10 Aug. 1886, set. 1 yr. 6 mo's. 264 Gates— Gay. GATES. 1. Stephen, from Hing. Eng., with his w. and two ch. came to New Eng. in the Ship " Diligent,'' of which Capt. John Martin was mas ter, and settled in our Hing. a.d. 1638. In 1652 he removed to Cambridge, and thence the year foil, to Lancaster, Mass. Freeman, 1656; and in 1657 constable. He returned shortly after to Cam bridge, and d. there 1662. In his will made 9 June, 1662, proved 7 Oct. foil., calls himself of Cambridge. The chris. name of his w. was Ann. She survived him, and m. secondly, 1663, Eichard Woodward, whom she outlived, and d. 6 Feb. 1683, at Stow, where two of her sons resided. Ch.,— i. Elizabeth, b. in Eng, m. in Hing. Nov. 29, 1647, John Lasell. ii. Mary, b. in Eng. m. in Hing. Apr. 5, 1658, John Maynard. iii. Stephen, . Removed to Boston, and thence to Stow. Will proved 1707. The chris. name of his w. was Sarah. Their ch. : 1 . Stephen. 2. Simon, June 5, 1667. 3. Thomas, Dec. 31» 1669. 4. Isaac. 5. Nathan iel. 6. Sarah, Apr. 27, 1679. 7. Rebecca, July 23, 1682. 8. Daniel, Apr. 23, 1685. iv. Simon, bt. in Hing, May 3, 1646. Eesided awhile at Cambridge, next at Lancaster, and at his decease was of Boston, living at Muddy Kiver. , Apr. 21, 1693, his wid, was app. to administer upon her late hus.'s est. The inv. ino'd 120 acres of land in Marlboro', 314 acres and 2J of meadow at Lancaster. His ch. Simon, Jonathan, Abigail Sparhawk, Amos, Sam uel, and Margaret, testify 19 Apr, 1705, that they are satisfied with the account rendered. V. Thomas, bt. in Hing. May 3, 1646, afts. of Marlboro', Sudbury, and Stow, m. 1670, Eliz. Freeman of Sudbury. Had at M.3.TVooro' , Elizabeth, 1671, aud Sarah, 1673 ; at Sud. John, 1678, and Joseph, 1680 ; at Stow, Josiah, 1682, Deborah, 1684, Ann, 1686, and Abigail, 1689. In 1703 he sold out and removed to Norwich. vi. Isaac, bt. in Hing. May 3, 1646, d, 3 Sept. 1651. vii. Eebecca, bt. in Hing. May 3, 1646, d. Jan. 1650. 2. John Divoll '' (Jonas " = Martha DivoU, Jonas ^ Eeuben * Dan iel ° Stephen ° Stephen ' an early settler of Hing.), b. at Leominster, Mass., Aug. 3, 1828, m. in Hing. Dec. 31, 1867, Joanna A. Cushing, dau. of Andrew and Lucy (Hersey) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 20, 1837. John d. 30 Jan. 1887, ffit. 68 yrs. "Dry goods dealer." Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., all but one b. in Hing., — L Elizabeth Eichmond, Oct. 6, 1859. ii. Lulie, Sept. 3, 1862, d. 25th of same month. iii. Cushing, b. at Nevvport, Oct. 1, 1863, d. 2 Aug. 1871. iv, John Alden, May 14, 1868, d. 23d of same month. V, Lillian Cushing, Sept, 27, 1870. vi. Myron Chauncey, Sept. 30, 1879. GAY. 1. Ebenezer °, s. of Nathaniel ^ and Lydia (Luscher), and gr. s. of John 1 of Dedham, Mass., was b. at Dedham, Aug. 16, 1696 ; grad. at Har. Coll. 1714, and ord. pastor of the First Parish in Hing. June 11, 1718. He m. Nov. 3, 1719, Jerusha Bradford, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Eogers) Bradford of Dux. She was b. at Dux. March 10, 1699, and d. in Hing. 19 Aug. 1783, ffit. 84 yrs. He d. 18 March, 1787, Gay. 265 ffit. 91st yr., having been a minister of the Church of Christ in Hing. nearly 69 yrs. Eesided on North St., near Magoon's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, Jsin. 15, 1720-21 ; Har. Coll. 1740 ; d. at Chelsea, Eng., wbere he was studying medicine, 26 March, 1746. ii. Abigail, Sept. 8, 1722, d. 8 Feb. 1728-29. iii. Calvin, Sept. 14, 1724, d. at Quebec 11 March, 1765, set. 40 yrs. He m. Apr. 2, 1752, Mary Smith of Sandwich, and had one child, Christiana, 1752, who m., 1774, Bartholomew Jones. 2. iv. Martin, Dec. 29, 1726. V. Abigail, Aug. 20, 1729, d. unm. 7 Apr. 1804, aet. 75th yr. vi, Celia, Aug. 13, 1731, d. 18 Feb. 1748-49. vii. Jotham, Apr. 11, 1733 ; was colonel in the Continental Army, and present at the siege of Louisburg. He spent several yrs. at Cumberland, N. S., and at Westmoreland, N. B., before and during the Revolution ; but lived at Hing. late in life, and was representative in 1799 and 1800. His decease occurred here ou the 16th of Oct. 1802, set. 70th yr. viii. Jerusha, March 17, 1734-35. m. Nov. 29, 1790, Rev. Simeon Howard of Boston, and d. Jan. 1812, ffit. 77th yr. ix. Ebenezer, March 3, 1736-37, d. 3 July, 1738. X. Persis, Nov. 2, 1739, d. 24 March, 1752. xi. Joanna, Nov. 23, 1741, d. 23 July, 1772. 2. Martin * (Ebenezer ° Nathaniel ^ John '), b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1726. m. iirst, Dec. 13, 1750, Mary Pinckney, and after her de cease he m. secondly, ab. 1770, Euth Atkins. She d. in Hing. 12 Sept. 1810, ffit. 74 yrs. Martin d. at Boston, 13 Feb. 1809, ffit. 82 yrs. He carried on the business of " brass-founder," on Union St., Boston, and also was interested in shipping. He was a deacon of the West Church, and captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com pany. He was an addresser of Hutchinson in 1774, and of Gage in 1775, and was proscribed and banished in 1778. He remained in Boston while the British were in possession, and left with them, March, 1776. He did not return to remain permanently until ab. Nov. 1792. During the war he lived at Nova Scotia. In the autumn of 1788 he went to Eng., and there resided for ab. two yrs. Ch., by w. Mary (prob. b. at Boston), were — i. Celia, . m. John Bovle, a printer of Boston, iL Mary, . m. Rev. William Black of Halifax, N. S. iii. Samuel,* . Har. Coll. 1775. Soon .after the beginning of the Revo lution he settled in New Brunswick ; was a member of the first House of Assembly organized in the Colony, and represented the County of West moreland sev. yrs. He was a magistrate of that county, and Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He d. 21 Jan. 1847, ffit. 93d yr. iv. Martin, . Was accidentally shot while gunning at Windsor, N. S., with his friend Winckworth Allan, 17 Apr. 1778, set. 18 yrs, V. Frances, bt. Apr. 1763. m. Jan. 10, 1805, Dr. Isaac Winslow, and d. 12 Oct, 1846. vi. Pinckney, bt. Nov. 18, 1764, d, Apr, 1773. vii. Ebenezer, bt. Sept. 21, 1766, d. soon. Ch., by w. Euth, were — 3. viii. Ebenezer, bt. Feb, 24, 1771. ix. Pinckney, bt. in Hing. July 2, 1775, d, in two weeks, * Celia, dau. of Samuel, d. in Hing, 4 May, 1825, set. 24 yrs. 266 Gay — Gibbons. 3. Ebenezer * (Martin * Ebenezer * Nathaniel ^ John '), bt. at Bos ton, Feb. 24, 1771 ; grad. at Har. Coll. 1789. He practised law sev. yrs. at Boston, and afts. in Hing. ; was a member of the Mass. Senate, etc. He m. July 31, 1800, Mary Allyne Otis, dau. of Hon. Joseph Otis of West Barnstable, Mass. She d. in Hing. 18 Nov. 1866, ffit. 87th yr. He d. 11 Feb. 1842, ffit. 71st yr. Eesided on South St., near the West Hing. station of the South Shore Eailroad. Ch.,— i. Mary Otis, b. at Barnstable, July 9, 1801. m. May 9, 1825, Dr. Robert T. P. Fiske. ii. Martin, b. at Boston, Feb. 11, 1803. "Physician'' of Boston, where he d. 15 May, 1850. iii. Charles William, b. at Boston, July 17, 1804, d, , iv. Henry Pinckney, b. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1806, d. at Oshkosh, Wis., Apr. 1852, V. Frances Maria, b, in Hing. Apr. 4, 1809. vL Elizabeth Margaret, b. in Hing. Apr. 28, 1811. ra. June 27, 1832, Jacob Chapin. vii. Sidney Howard, b. in Hing. May 22, 1814. m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Neal of Philadelphia, Pa. Resides at Staten Island, N.Y. Joint author with William Cullen Bryant ofthe "History ofthe United States." viiL Abby Frothingham, b. in Hing. May 14, 1816. m. March 2, 1848, Isaac Winslow. i. ix. Ebenezee, b. in Hing. March 27, 1818. X. Arthur Otis, b. in Hing. Aug. 31, 1819. Resides at Japan. xi. Winckworth Allan, b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1821 ; a distinguished artist. 4. Ebenezer * (Ebenezer ^ Martin * Ebenezer ^ Nathaniel ^ John '), b. in Hing. March 27, 1818 ; was grad. L. S. Har. Univ. 1841. m. Aug. 27, 1862, EUen Blake Blood, dau. of Dr. Oliver H., and EUen Ward (Blake) Blood of Worcester, Mass. She was b. at W. Sept. 13, 1831 . " Attorney at law ; " a member of the Mass. Senate 1862. In Apr. 1862, he removed with his fam. to Boston. Ch.,— L Arthur Otis, b. in Hing. Jan. 12, 1854, d. 9 Nov. 1856. iL Walter Allynf., b. in Hing. Jan. 22, 1856 ; does not use the middle name or the initials, the latter being the same as those of his uncle, both of whom are artists. iii. Eben, b. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1858 ; has taken for a middle name, Howard. iv. Harry Howard, b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1859. m. June 3, 1885, Louisa, dau. of Joseph Dorr of Boston. V. William Otis, b. at Dorchester, May 10, 1866. GIBBONS. Dennis (William = Kate Coughlan), a native of the County of Tip perary, Ire., m. Sept. 16, 1876, Nancy Sullivan, dau. of Timothy and Ellen (Moynihan) SuUivan. She was b. in the County of Cork, Ire. " Laborer." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L William C, Jan. 30, 1878, d. in three days. ii. John Timothy, March 11, 1879. iii. Edmond Francis, March 21, 1881. iv. Ellen Maria, Feb. 21, 1883. V. William, Dec. 23, 1884. Gilbert. 267 GILBERT (Gilbard). 1. Nathaniel, was a resident of Hing. early in the last century. The chris. name of his w. was Judith. Of their ch. I am only certain of two. It is reasonable to suppose, however, that the names which appear in the subjoined note, belong to this fam. Ch.,— i. William, 1705, s. of Nathaniel, d, in Hing. 26 Aug. 1728, ffit. 23 yrs. ii. Benjamin, b. in Hing. Apr. 29, 1717. Note, — Hing. rec's furnish the foil. : — Elizabeth (b. ab. 1702), m. Dec. 8, 1726, Jeremiah Hersev. NATH.i.NiEL, (1707), m. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1731, Jane Ballard, and had a s. William, bt. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1731-32. Israel (2), 1712. Samuel (3), 1714 (?) Mary, b. ab. 1716. m. in Hing. Oct. 29, 1739, David Whiton, Jr. 2. Israel (perh. s. of Nathaniel, and b. ab. 1712), m. in Hing. Jan. 24, 1738-39, Margaret Lincoln, dau. of Israel and Margaret (Stod der) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1717-18, and d. 15 Oct. 1769, ffit. 42d yr. Eesided at " Fort Hill." Israel was a soldier in the old French and Indian War, and d. in the country's service, 21 Sept. 1756, ffit. 44 yrs. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Margaret, Feb. 22, 1739-40. ii. Lydia, March 1, 1741-42. m. Nov. 26, 1767, Jonathan Churchill. iiL Israel, Feb. 4, 1743-44, d. 23 Nov. 1751. iv. Mary, March 21, 1745-46. V. Elizabeth, bt. March 13, 1747-48, d. soon. vL Elizabeth, bt. July 9, 1749, d. 26 of same month. viL Peter, bt. Sept. 5,1750. viii. Elizabeth, bt. Sept. 4, 1753. is. Abigail, bt Dec. 5, 1756, d. 19 Oct. 1792, ffit. 3uth yr. 3. Samuel (prob. s. of Nathaniel, ^ and b. ab. 1714), m. in Hing. Dec. 26, 1739, Sarah Sprague, dau. of Matthew and Sarah (Fearing) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. June 10, 1717, and d. 18 Nov. 1807,. ffit. 90 yrs. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. and bt. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, Sept. 19, 1742, d. 31 Oct. 1751. ii. William, Aug. 18, 1745, d. 13 Nov. 1751. iii. Sarah, Dec. 14, 1746. m. Dec. 4, 1791, Joshua Leavitt, wid^. iv. Joseph, Jan. 22, 1748-49. 4. V. Nathaniel, May 24, 1751. vi. Olfve, Apr. 29, 1753. m. Nov. 23, 1775, Barnabas Lincoln. 4. Nathaniel (Samuel = Sarah Sprague), b. in Hing. May 24, 1751. m. Feb. 27, 1791, Eebecca GiU, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Hatch) GUI. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1769, and d. 26 Jan. 1845, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 3 Sept. 1829, ffit. 78 yrs. Eesided at Hing. Centre, over the river. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, Dec. 6, 1792, d. unm. 4 Oct. 1852, ffit. 60 yrs. ii. Jacob, Oct. 21, 1796, d. 9 Sept, 1798. Note, — Eliza, m. May 19, 1811, Elias Beal, 268 Gilford — Gilkey — Gill GILFORD. 1. John, of Hing. was perh. s. or near relative of wid. Mary, who d. here 7 May, 1660 ; and he d. 26 Sept. 1660. The foil, are supposed to have been his Ch.,— L Susanna, bt. in Hing. Nov. 2, 1651. m. Oct, 18, 1672, Thomas Jewell, or Jewett. 2. ii. Paul, bt. Aug. 14, 1653. iii. Priscilla, Apr. 22, 1660, d. 12 July foil. 2. Paul (prob. s. of John '), bt. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1653. m. Feb. 20, 1676-77, Susanna PuUen (or Pulson). She d. 8 Apr. 1690. Paul d. in the unfortunate Canada Expedition, Apr. 1690, ffit. 37 yrs. Ch,, b. in Hing., were — L Mary, June 20, 1679. iL Elizabeth, Feb. 9, 1682-83. iii. William, June, 1689. Note. — In 1710-11, the name of Esther Gilford appears upon the rec's of the Selectmen of Hing. GILKEY. Isaac, m. in Hing. July 11, 1802, Polly King, dau. of Thomas aud Abigail (Lane) King. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 3, 1785, and surviv ing him, m. secondly, Sept. 16, 1816, Capt. Joseph Woodward. Isaac d. at Havana, Cuba, 1 Aug. 1807, ffit. 28 yrs. " Master-mariner." Ee sided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Mary King, Dec. 9, 1802. m. Dec. 16, 1821, Capt. Loring Corthell, and d. 14 Oct. 1875, ffit. 73d yr. ii. Sylvina, Apr. 1, 1805. m. July, 1821, Capt. Isaac Clark of Belfast, Me. iii. Sally Fearing, Sept. 19, 1807. m. Sept. 12, 1828, Ignatius Sargent of Gloucester. Note. — John, m. Nov. 21, 1802, Sarah Fearing. Jacob, m. Jan, 23, 1809, Deborah Cush ing. Harriet J., dau. of Jacob and Deborah, m. May 8, 1831, John Cushing. Philip, m. Deborah, wid. of Jacob Gilkey. Mrs. Catherine C. (Fearing), wid. of Jacob, m, Feb. 17, 1853, 'Christopher B. Hill. GILL. 1. Thomas, b. in Eng. ab. 1616, was one of the early planters of Hing., and the ancestor of all who have borne the surname in this town. He prob. came here at or ab. the time Eev. Peter Hobart and his com pany arrived, as he had a house-lot of live acres granted him the same yr., 1636, which was located on or near what is now the corner of Main and South Sts. He also had grants of land at Broad Cove, at Pleasant Hill, etc. His w. was Hannah, dau. of the first John Otis, who names her with other ch., in his will of May 30, 1667. She d. in Hing. 25 Jan. 1676-76. He d. 24 Feb. 1704-6, ffit. " ab. 89 yrs." Constable in 1668 ; selectman 1645, 1676, 1684, and 1690. On May 4, 1650, his house was destroyed by fire. He afts. resided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all bt. in Hing., were — L Mary, J.an. 1643-44, m. Nov. 14, 1660, John Beal, Jr., wid-;. ii. Sarah, Jan. 1643-44. m. Jan. 13, 1665-66, John Langlee. Gill 269' iii. Hannah, Nov. 10, 1645. m. June 13, 1666, Samuel Clapp of Scit. iv. Elizabeth, June, 1647. m. Jan. 6, 1666-67, Samuel Stodder. 2. V. Thomas, b. March 8, 1648-49. vi. John, Apr. 8, 1651, d. 23 May, 1659. vii. Deborah, May 8, 1653. m. May 9, 1672, Josiah Lane. 3. viii. Samuel, Dec. 16, 1655. ix. Nathaniel, Feb, 7, 1657-58, d. 1 March foil. X. John, Apr. 14, 1660, d. 26 Sept. foil. xi. Rachel, Oct. 3, 1661. m. Jan. 13, 1684-85, Samuel Stowell. 2. Thomas ^ (Thomas '), b. in Hing. March 8, 1648-49. m. Dec. 31, 1673, Susanna, dau. of Nathaniel Wilson. She d. 29 Dec. 1726, ffit. 77th yr. He d. 3_Sept, 1725, ffit. 77th yr. In his wiU of 1 June, 1713, proved 23 Sept. li 25, he is called " mariner." Freeman 1677 ; consta ble 1676 and 1683 ; selectman 1700, 1706, and 1710, and kn. as " Lieu tenant." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — 4. L Nathaniel, Dec. 31, 1674. ii. Thomas, June 1, 1677, d. 14 Dec. 1678. iiL Thomas, July 7, 1679, d. 30 March, 1686. iv. Hannah, Oct. .23, 1681. m. Dec. 16, 1702, John Clapp of Scit, V. Susanna, Nov. 10, 1683. m. June 19, 1707, Obadiah Lincoln. vi. Abigail, Julv 18, 1687. m. (1) Apr. 1, 1708, Josiah Leavitt, aud (2) Nov. 13, 1718, Samuel Turner of Scit. 3. Samuel ^ (Thomas '), b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1665. m. Jan. 13, 1684-85, Euth Lincoln, dau. of Thomas and Margaret (Langer) Lin coln. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1662, and d. 10 Apr. 1751, ffit. 88 yrs. He d. 29 March, 1730, ffit. 74 yrs. Will dated 15 Dec. 1729, proved 1 June, 1731. " Farmer." Constable 1700. Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Child, b. in Hing., — L Mary, Sept. 6, 1686. m. May 13, 1708, James Hawke. Note. — According to Mr. Savage, Samuel Gill had one son, but Hing. rec's do not con firm this statement. 4. Nathaniel ^ (Thomas ^'), b. in Hing. Dec. 31, 1674. m. Aug. 16, 1705, Abigail Jacob, dau. of John and Mary (Eussell) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1683, and d. 29 Apr. 1749, ffit. 66th yr. He d. 4 Apr. 1734, ffit. 69 yrs. WiU dated 23 Feb. 1733-34 ; proved 30 Apr. foU. "Farmer." Selectman 1717, 172L and 1733. Was kn. as " Lieutenant." Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 5. i. Thomas, Oct. 12, 1707. 6. iL Nathaniel, Nov. 1, 1710. iii. Abigail, March 30, 1712, d. 27 Nov. foil. iv. Mary, (mentioned in her fa.'s will), m. Feb. 5, 1735-36, Gathelus Cowing of Scit. 7. V. Samuel, Apr. 9, 1717. 5. Thomas* (Nathaniel' Thomas^'), b. in Hing. Oct. 12, 1707. m. June 13, 1728, Sarah Hawke, dau. of James and Mary (Gill) Hawke. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1709, and d. 13 Aug. 1776, ffit. 66 yrs. 270 Gill Thomas d. 9 March, 1761, ffit. 53 yrs. He was a grad. of Har. Coll. 1725 ; selectman 1739 ; and a delegate to the General Court in 1742, 1743, and 1744. Eesided on the paternal homestead, North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Lucretia, May 6, 1729. m. Peter Hobart. ii, Sarah, Dec. 3, 1730, d. 29 Sept, 1733. 8. iii. Thomas, March 25, 1733. iv. Sarah, Feb. 8, 1735-36. m. Nov. 11, 1754, Welcome Lincoln. V, Hawkes, Feb. 11, 1738-39, d. in two weeks. vi. Lucy, Feb. 11, 1738-39.' m. 1758, Joseph Blake. vii. Hawkes, Juue 10, 1744, d. 24 Dec. 1751. viii. An infant, , d. 20 Dec. 1747. 6. Nathaniel * (Nathaniel ' Thomas ^'), b. in Hing. Nov. 1, 1710. m. Dec. 23, 1731, Hannah Beal, dau. of Caleb and Euth (Hersey) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 5, 1710, and d. 24 Dec. 1785, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 12 Feb. 1762, ffit. 51 yrs. Constable in 1738. Eesided on North St., before his house was bnrned, and later off South St., near Marsh's Bridge. Ch., all but one or two b. in Hing., — L Abigail, Oct, 15, 1732. m, Nov. 23, 1749, Benjamin Mann of Han. ii. Hannah, Feb. 15, 1734-35. m. Feb. 5, 1756, Thomas Randall of Han. iii. Susanna, July 24, 1737. m. Apr. 12, 1764, Matthew Lincoln, Jr. iv. Ruth, Feb. 9, 1739-40, d. 27 Aug. 1740. V. Major, July 1, 1741, d. 7 July folL 9. vL Nathaniel, Jan. 3, 1742-43. vii. Ruth, prob, b, at Han. 1744-45, m. in Hing. Nov. 8, 1764, Joseph Beal. 10. viiL John, b. at Han. Apr. 19, 1747. ix. LiLLis (mentioned in the mother's will), m. in Hing. Apr. 1, 1773, Thomas Marsh. Note. — Mrs. Hannah (Beal) Gill in her will of 7 June, 1781, proved 10 Jan, 1786, gives legacies to ch. and gr, ch., naming them, and orders that " the lane leading to my house shall be kept open forever." 7. Samuel^ (Nathaniel = Thomas 2-'), b. in Hing. Apr. 9, 1717. m. first, Feb. 28, 1737-38, Eebecca Leavitt, dau. of Abraham and Eebecca (Lincoln) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. June 22, 1720, and d. 7 Oct. 1744, ffit. 24 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 18, 1746, Hannah Beal, dau. of Lazarus and Susanna (Lewis) Beal. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1715, and d. 3 May, 1781, ffit. 66 yrs. Samuel d. 19 June, 1772, ffit. 55 yrs. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, were — L Lydia, Sept, 1, 1738. m. Dec. 18, 1760, Isaiah Tower. 11. ii. Samuel, May, 1740 (bt. May 25). iii. Levi, Apr. 7, 1742. iv. Rebecca, June 24, 1744. m. Elisha Lane. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, were — V. Jacob, Jan. 1, 1745-46. vi. Susanna, June 22, 1747. vii. Mary, Apr. 2, 1749, d. 21 Nov. 1775. viiL Abigail, Apr. 10, 1751, d. 28 Oct. 1752. ix. Abigail, Feb. 13, 1753, d. 15 May, 1754. X. Hannah, Feb. 11, 1755, 8. Thomas ^ (Thomas * Nathaniel ' Thomas ^'), b. in Hing. March 25, 1733. m. Sept. 3, 1754, Mary Humphrey, dau. of John and Gill 271 Sarah (Hobart) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 24, 1733-34. Thomas d. 20 Sept. 1812, ffit. 80th yr. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Nov. 1, 1754. m. Apr. 16, 1775, Joseph Neal. iL Ruth,* Nov. 3, 1756. iii. Sarah, bt. June 21, 1759. m. May 18, 1779, David Hersey. iv. Thoma,s, Aug. 23, 1761, d. 13 June, 1794. V. Hawkes, bt Jan, 8, 1764. vi. Bela, bt. Oct. 5, 1766, d. 6 Nov. foil. viL Meriel, bt. Oct. 5, 1766, d. 5 Dec. 1798. viii. Abigail, bt. March 12, 1769. m. Dec. 24, 1788, Charles Mann of Han. ix. Lydia, bt. Dec. 20, 1772, d. 21 Apr. 1780. * Euth GiU offered for baptism Peter Gill, Sept. 11, 1785. 9. Nathaniel 5 (Nathaniel^ Thomas^'), b. in Hing. Jan. 3, 1742^3. ra. Nov. 26, 1767, Sarah Beal, dau. of John and Deliver ance (Porter) Beal. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 14, 1743, and d. 13 July, 1818, ffit. 75 yrs. He d. 22 Aug. 1818, ffit. 75 yrs. " Car penter." Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — 12. i. Nathaniel, July 25, 1768. ii. Susanna, Aug. 25, 1771, d. 20 Sept. 1773. 13. iiL Caleb, bt. Aug. 14, 1774. iv. Perez, bt. March 23, 1777. m. Nov. 27, 1800, Sarah Cushing of Coh. Resided at Boston, where he had a fam. Their dau. Sarah, m. Henry E. Lord of Boston. V. Sally, 1779. m. Nov. 20, 1798, Noah Humphrey, wid^. vi. Susanna, May 28, 1782. m. Welcome Lincoln, Jr. 10. John * (Nathaniel " Thomas ^'), b. at Han. while his parents were temporarily residing there, Apr. 19, 1747. m. in Hing. July 25, 1771, Deborah Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Bates) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1746. John was by occupation " carpen ter." He removed with his fam. to Winchendon, Mass., and d. there, 2 May, 1827, ffit. 80 yrs. Mrs. Deborah GUI d. Dec. 1831, ffit. 86 yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L John, Sept. 6, 1772, d. 9 June, 1777. iL Mary, May 27, 1774. m. in Hing. July 3, 1796, Duncan M=B. Thaxter, iii. Joshua, June 2, 1776. Resided M Winchendon, where he d. 18 Oct. 1855, ffit. 79 yrs. iv. John, Jan. 7, 1778. V. Hannah, Sept, 9, 1781, d. in Hing. unm. 7 Sept. 1861, ffit. 80th yr. 14. vL Charles, Feb. 7, 1784. vii. Deborah, Oct. 4, 1787, d. in Hing. unm. 7 June, 1881, set. 94th yr. 11. Samuel^ (Samuel* NathanieP Thomas^'), b. in Hing. May, 1740. m. first, Aug. 31, 1761, Sarah Hatch. She d. in Hing. 18 March, 1786, ffit. 41st yr. He m. secondly, Jan. 24, 1788, Mrs. Eunice (Beal) Hunt, perh. wid. of John Hunt. Samuel was kn. in Hing. by his occupation of " wig-maker." He resided on Pleasant St. ; but late in life removed to Augusta, Me. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — L Ebenezer, Sept. 19, 1763, d, 17 May, 1802. iL Rebecca, June 9, 1765, d. 4 June, 1767. iii. Levi, Feb. 14, 1767. 272 GiU. iv. Rebecca, bt. Aug. 20, 1769. m. Feb. 27, 1791, Nathaniel Gilbert. V. Charles, Jan, 28, 1772, d. 10 May, 1776. vi, Abigail, March 20, 1774, m. Oct. 23, 1797, Ezekiel Cushing. vii. An infant, , d. 2 May, 1777. viii. Sarah, . ix. An infant, Sept. 12, 1782, d. same day. i. Samuel, Nov. 29, 1785. Capt. Samuel Gill d. at Augusta, Me., 18 Nov. 1855, ffit. 70th yr, Mrs. Eleanor GUI, his wid,, d. at Arlington, Mass., 31 July, 1877, ffit, 82 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eunice, — xi. Jacob, bt. Jan, 11, 1789, d. 8 Sept. 1791. xii. Martin, Sept. 2, 1790. 12. Nathaniel" (Nathaniel ^-^-s Thomas^'), b. in Hing. July 25, 1768. m. Dec. 28, 1788, Lydia Humphrey, dau. of Noah and Lydia (Leavitt) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. May, 1767, and d. 10 March, 1850, ffit. 83d yr. He d. 22 Feb. 1840, ffit. 72d yr. " Carpen ter." Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 15. L Leavitt, Apr. 30, 1789. ii. Lydia, Nov. 4, 1792. m. Jan. 8, 1816, Charles Lane. 16. iiL James Burr, July 1, 1795. iv. Sally, Oct. 6, 1797. m. Nov. 12, 1815, Joseph B. Thaxter. 13. Caleb « (Nathaniel ^*-2 Thomas^'), bt. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1774. m. Oct. 21, 1798, Caty Beal, dau. of Elijah and Caty (Lewis) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1779, and d. 12 May, 1859, ffit. 80th yr. He d. 1 July, 1855, ffit. 81st yr. " Silversmith." For many yrs. one of the selectmen. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 17. i. Caleb, Aug. 23, 1799. 18. ii. Dixon Lewis, Aug, 12, 1802. 19. iii. Elijah Beal, March 6, 1808. 14. Chaeles'' (John^ Nathaniel ^^ Thomas^'), b. in Hing. Feb. 7, 1784. m. May 10, 1807, Mehitable Lewis, dau. of WiUiam and Lydia (Wilder) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1786, and d. 22 March, 1863, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 27 Dee. 1858, ffit. 75th yr. "Carpenter." Selectman sev. yrs. Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Sarah Cushing, Feb. 10, 1809. m. Apr. 29, 1832, Leonard Sprague. iL Charles, Feb. 3, 1811, d. 15 Dec. foil. iii. Mehitable, Feb. 5, 1813. m. Oct. 20, 1833, Charles Churchill. iv. Deborah Lincoln, Oct. 12, 1815. m. June 3, 1838, Leonard Sprague, wid":. 20. V. Charles, June 2, 1817. vi, William Lewis, March 29, 1819, d. 24 May, 1825. vii. John, Apr. 13, 1821. m. Mav 14, 1846, Joanna W., dau. of Ned Hum phrey, and d, 2 June, 1849^! ffit. 28 yrs. "Printer." From July 1844 to July 1847 inch, publisher of the "Hingham Patriot." From July 1847 to July 1848, he was associated with J. Franklin Farmer in the management of the same newspaper. viii. Mary, Sept. 17, 1823, Lx. Hannah, Dec. 1, 1825, d. 18 Aug. 1850, X. Maria Southworth, Jan. 11, 1828, d. 19 Apr. 1860. Gill 273 15. Leavitt' (Nathaniel ^""^ Thomas'^'), b. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1789. m. first, Jan. 23, 1810, Hannah Wilder, dau. of Isaiah and Susa (Leavitt) WUder. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1789, and d. 27 March, 1814, ffit. 25th yr. He m. secondly Susanna Stowell, dau. of Israel and Lydia (Mansfield) Stowell. She was b. in Hing. June 23, 1795, and d. 28 July, 1868, ffit. 73 yrs. He d. 20 Jan. 1854, at. 66th yr. " Silversmith." Eesided on South St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — L William, Oct. 15, 1813, d. 4 Feb. 1854, ffit. 40 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susanna, — ji. Leavitt, Apr. 20, 1817, d. 16 Dec. 1838, ffit. 21 yrs. iiL Susan, Dec. 6, 1821. m. March 15, 1843, Albert Stodder, or Stoddard. iv. Henry, Dec. 18, 1823. (See No. 22.) V. "Hannah Wilder, Ang. 19, 1825, d. 31 May, 1838. vi. Harriet, Feb. 8, 1828. m. June 19, 1855, Freeman Rice. vii, Mary Dana, Apr. 20, 1830, m. Jan. 2, 1853, Luther Stephenson, Jr. viii. Nathaniel, July 29, 1832, d. 31 Dec. 1865, ffit. 33 yrs. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") ix. Lydia Mansfield, Apr. 25, 1835. m. Jan. 4, 1859, Seth Augustus Thayer. 16. James B.' (Nathaniel ^^-^ Thomas 2-'), b. in Hing. July 1, 1796. m. Jan. 1, 1820, Lydia Thaxter, dau. of Seth and Elizabeth (Marsh) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1799, and d. 7 Jan. 1829, ffit. 29 yrs. He d. 1 May, 1867, ffit. 72d yr. " Carpenter." Eesided at West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. James Burr, 1821. Resided at Boston, where he d. ¦. ii. Lydia Thaxter, Feb. 23, 1823. m. Aug. 10, 1845, Daniel Bassett, Jr. iii. Warren, 1827. m. Mary D. Sears. He resided in New York, and d. there 27 Apr. 1884, ffit. 56 yrs. 17. Caleb ' (Caleb ^ Nathaniel =-*^ Thomas ^'), b. in Hing. Aug. 23, 1799. m. Charlotte Howard. Caleb d. 22 July, 1869, ffit. 70th yr. " Trader ; " and for sev. yrs. selectman. Eesided on the paternal homestead. South St., near Marsh's Bridge. Ch.,— i. George Lewis, Dec. 20, 1823 ; is m. and resides at Quincy. iL Edwin H., July 26, 1825 ; is m. and resides at Boston. 18. DixoN L.' (Caleb « Nathaniel s^' Thomas^'), b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1802. m. first, 1826, Eliza Fuller. She was b. at Fitchburg, Mass., May 26, 1806, and d. at F. 28 Dec. 1842, ffit. 37th yr. He m. secondly, 1843, Clarissa Fuller, who was b. at Eutland, Mass., Sept. 7, 1797, and d. at MUford, Mass., 1 Feb. 1882, ffit. 84 yrs. He d. in Hing. 23 May, 1873, ffit. 71st yr. " Book-binder." Eesided while in Hing. on the paternal homestead, South St. Ch.,— 21. i. Dixon Lewis, June 30, 1827. ii. Augustus Charles, Apr, 8, 1830. m. Dec. 16, 1852, Elizabeth Lovett. Removed West. iiL Catherine B., Feb. 28, 1836. m. May 4, 1856, Halah Harden. iv. Eliza A., 1838. m. June 12, 1859, John A. Hunt of Salisbury, N. C V. Caleb Bemis, June 29, 1839, d. at Norris, 111., 24 Apr. 1867. vi. Clara Juliet, 1842. m. George S. Johnson. vol. ii. — 18 274 GiU — Gilman. 19. Elijah B.' (Caleb « Nathaniel ""= Thomas ^'), b. in Hing. March 6, 1808. m. at Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 14, 1830, Juliet Gates. Elijah d. at Boston, 13 Feb. 1874, ffit. 66th yr. "Trader ; " and for sev. yrs. of the firm of C. & E. B. Gill. Eesided while in Hing. in the North Ward. Eemoved to Boston. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Elijah Beal, Apr. 24, 1833. Killed at the battle of Bull Run, Va., 4 July, 1861, ffit. 28 yrs. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Julius, May 1, 1841. 20. Charles ' (Charles « John » Nathaniel ^-^ Thomas ^'), b. in Hing. June 2, 1817. m. first, Aug. 1839, Sarah Ann King of Boston. Mrs. Abby N. Gill, his sec. w., who d. in Hing. 2 Apr. 1863, ffit. 47 yrs., was a native of Eochester, N. H. For his third w. he m., Sept. 27, 1863, Mary Jane Eeynolds of Freedom, N. H. They removed to the State of Maine. Ch., so far as I kn., — L Caroline L,, . m. (1) March 24, 1861, Wallace Humphrey, and (2) March 11, 1866, Daniel F. Meady of Salem. ii. Sarah Maria, 1847, d. at Charlestown, 22 Apr. 1855, ffit. 7 yrs. 6 mo's. 21. Dixon L.^ (Dixon JJ Caleb « Nathaniel «^^ Thomas 2-'), b. in Hing. June 30, 1827. m. first, May 22, 1851, Adeline, dau. of John Hatch. Dixon removed West where his w. d., and he afts. m. again. He was for sev. yrs. depot-master at the Hingham station, and after removing West, " conductor." He d. in North Carolina, . Ch.,— L Frances P., . m. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1870, Walter H. Ewell. ii. Lucia, . m. Alfred Coville of Carver, Mass. 22. Chaeles H.« (Henry" Leavitt' Nathaniel «-=^' Thomas^'), b. 1861. m. Ellen F., dau. of George House. " Painter." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch.,— i. Annie Mabel, ii. George Warren, iii. Ida Florence, iv. Lottie Janette, b. iu Hing, May 6, 1883. G-ILMAN. Edwaed, from Hing. Eng., " with his wife, 3 sons, and two daughters, and 3 servants, came and settled in this Town of Hing ham, 1638 ; " and the same yr. land was granted to him. After remaining here a few yrs. however, he removed to other places, and finaUy settled at Exeter, N. H., where he passed the remainder of his days. On Oct. 14, 1662, being then of Ipswich, he conveyed his house and land in " Bachelor's Eowe," Hing., which he had previously pur chased of Nicholas Jacob, together with other lots of land either granted him by the town or obtained by purchase, to his s.-in-law Daniel Cushing. His w. whom he m. in Eng. was Mary Clark. She outlived him, and returning to Hing. d. here 22 June, 1681. Their pos terity are numerous and widely scattered. Gilman — Gold — Good — Guold. 275 Ch., prob. all b. in Hing., Eng., were — L Mary, , m. in Eng. Oct. 4, 1636, John Foulsham, ii. Edward, -. Was one of the four young men who were permitted to build a gallery in the first meeting-house in Hing. 11 March, 1644-45. iiL Moses, . (A Moses GUman was bt. in Hing, July 3, 1659.) iv. Lydia, . m, in Hing. Jan. 19, 1644-45, Daniel Cushing, Esq., and d. 12 March, 1688-89. V. John, . " Was one of the first councellors named in President Cutts's commission. He d. 1708." Note. — Mary B.. m. (1) Jan. 7, 1855, Alfred Nichols, and (2) Aug. 30, 1874, Allyne Gushing. William M., m. June 11, 1874, Delia D., dau. of Capt. Samuel Easterbrook. GOLD. Edwaed, resided at the west part of the town, and was by occupa tion " cooper " (pail-maker). The chris. name of his w. was Margaret. She d. 6 Feb. 1682-83. He d. 16 Feb. 1684-86. Their Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., were — L A DAU., m. March 14, 1669, iL Hannah, March 12, 1643-44. m. Feb. 26, 1673-74, Samuel Hobart. iii, Sarah, bt. Nov. 29, 1658 (1i. 1648). m, Nov. 29, 1675, Arthur Cain, and d. 11 Feb. 1731-32, ffit. 85th yr. 'Note.- Abigail, bt. Nov. 21, 1658, Hannah, bt. May 31, 1660. GOOD. Chaeles Edwin (John = Mary E. Johnson), b. at HalloweU, Me., Oct. 4, 1836. m. in Hing. Jan. 2, 1868, Elizabeth J. Easterbrook, dau. of Samuel and Eebecca (Harding) Easterbrook. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1846. " Steamboat captain." Eesides on Cottage St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i. Fred Wallace, Nov. 1, 1868, d. 1 Dec, foil. iL Charles Morse, Oct. 5, 1871. iii. Eleanor, Sept, 11, 1881. iv. Lizzie Harding, Nov. 22, 1885. GOOLD (Gould). Jaevis, had a house-lot of five acres granted him on Town (South, near Hersey) St., July 3, 1636, which he afts. sold to Thomas Lincoln -•the weaver," as appears by the will of the latter. Whether Jarvis was a resident here for any length of time is somewhat doubtful. The early rec's of Boston, however, designate him as of the Church of Hing. The chris. name of his w. was Mary. Their Ch., bt. at Boston, were — L John, Aug. 30, 1646, aged 33 days. ii, Joseph, March 25, 1649, aged 14 days. Joshua, m. in Hing. Dec. 17, 1758, Mrs, Lydia (Vickery) Low, wid. of Ambrose Low, and dau. of Israel and Lydia (Burr) Vickery. She was bt. in Hing. Nov. 11, 1722, and surviving him, m. thirdly, July 6, 1775, Jeremiah Stodder, widT. Child, of Joshua and Lydia, — L Joshua, b. in Hing. June 29, 1759. 11. iii. iv. V. 2. vi. 3. vii. 276 Goold. 1. Eobeet, s. of John and Jane (Loring) of Hull, m. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1783, Molly Lincoln, dau. of Josiah and Molly (Holbrook) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. (Molly) July 22, 1763, and d. here (Mary) 4 Nov. 1847, ffit.. 84 yrs. He d. 26 Feb. 1832, ffit. 72 yrs. Eesided in Hing. and at Hull. In 1796 he was one of the selectmen of Hing. Ch.,— L John, b. at Hull, Sept, 16, 1784. m. (1) Bertha Binney, and (2) Mrs, Mary (Cole) Greenleaf. Jane, b. at Hull, Apr, 11, 1786, d. 12 May, 1787, Abigail Andrews, b. at Hull, Apr. 11, 1786. m. Dec. 25, 1825, Moses Tower of Hing, , wid'.. Mary, b. at Hull, Dec, 6, 1789. m. June 20, 1827, Lewis Pratt. Josiah Lincoln, b, in Hing. Jan. 10, 1792, d. 26 Feb. 1795, ffit. 3 yrs. EoBELiT, b. in Hing. Oct. 8, 1794. Lincoln, b. iu Hing. June 5, 1799. viii. Lydia, b. in Hing. Jan. 9, 1802, d. unm. 31 Dec. 1843, ffit. 42d yr. ix. Judith, b. iu Hing. July 31, 1804. m. Nov. 8, 1827, Hayward Bailey. 2. Eobeet (Eobert = Molly Lincoln), b. in Hing. Oct. 8, 1794. m. by Eev. Joseph Eichardson of Hing. Sept. 29, 1816, Eebecca L., dau. of Spencer and Mary (Jones) Binney of Hull. She d. at Mf'd llth of Apr. 1858, ffit. 62d yr. Eobert d. in Hing. 24 March, 1864, rot. 69 yrs. " Methodist minister." He was several tiines a Eepresentative at the General Court from Hull ; also, in 1853, a member of the Con stitutional Convention. Eesided in Hing., after 1863, on North, near Thaxter St. Ch., — L Robert, b. at Hull, Oct. 3, 1817. m. Nancy R. Loring of H., and resides at Cambridge. ii. Rebecca Binney, b. at Huh, May 14, 1819, d. in Hing. unm. 28 Sept. 1876, ffit. 57 yrs. iii. Elizabeth Sprague, b. at HuU, June 30, 1821 ; lived in Hing., unm. iv. John Binney, b. at Hull, Apr. 7, 1824 ; grad. at M. U., Conn., 1846 ; chaplain 47th Reg. E. I. Vols, iu Civil War ; U. S, Consul at Birming ham, Eng,, 8 yrs.; afts, at Marseilles, France, 4 jts. "Clergyman." Resides at Newton, Mass, V. Thomas Lincoln, b. at Norton, Mass., Oct, 13, 1827, d. at Middletown, Conn., Sept, 23, 1847, while a mem. of the soph, class, M. U. vi. William Brewster, b, at Hull, June 15, 1835, d. 8 Oct. 1842. 3. Lincoln (Eobert = Molly Lincoln), b, in Hing. June 5, 1799. m. Oct. 20, 1822, Eliza Porter, dau. of John and Euth (Stevens) Porter of Mf'd, She was b. at Mf'd May 26, 1799, and d. in Hing. 16 July, 1879, ffit. 80 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Thaxter, near North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 4, L Josiah Lincoln, Nov. 28, 1823, ii. Eliza Pouter, Jan. 25, 1825, d. 15 March foil. 5. iii. Stephen Puffer, Aug, 27, 1826. iv. Mary Lewis, Apr. 19, 1832. m. Sept, 26, 1861, Albert Whiton, wid":. 4. JosiAH L. (Lincoln = Eliza Porter), b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1823. m. Oct. 19, 1845, Josephine L. Gardner, dau. of Giles and Eliza (Ab bott) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1826, and surviving him, m. secondly, May 21, 1868, Nathan C. Hunt, widT. Josiah d. 9 Sept. 1849, ffit. 26th yr. " Cabinet-mal^er." Eesided on North,, corner of Thaxter St. Goold — Gordon. 277 Child, b. in Hing., — L Josiah Lincoln, Apr. 22, 1847. m. May 19, 1872, Abby G., dau. of Peter and Sophia G. (Fearing) Hersey. She was b. in Hing, Sept. 27, 1847. 6. Stephen P. (Lincoln = Eliza Porter), b. in Hing. Aug. 27, 1826. m. first, Oct. 3, 1847, Sarah Nye, dau. of Henry and Sarah L. (Barnes) Nye. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 7, 1827, and d. 2 May, 1861, ffit. 34 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 17, 1869, Mrs. Nancy W. (Bicknell) Wil liams, wid. of Samuel L. Williams, and dau. of Ezra and Lucy (Cain) BickneU. She was b. at Wey. Oct. 31, 1839. " Cabinet-maker." Ee sides on Fort HUl St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — L Sarah Luella, March 26, 1848. m. Aug. 31, 1869, William H. Hersey. ii, Augustus Sumner, 1850. Resides at Dorchester, Mass. Ch., by w. Nancy, — iii. Hattie May, b. at Boston, May 2, 1873, d. in Hing. 17 Aug. foil. iv. Hattie Lincoln, Sept. 21, 1875. Joseph, a native of Chelmsford, Mass., m. in Hing. first, March 18, 1824, Mary Hersey, dau. of Nathaniel and Molly (Stodder) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1801, and d. 31 Oct. 1857, ffit. 56 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 4, 1858, Mrs. Elizabeth L. (Cushing) Hobart, wid. of Thomas Hobart, and dau. of Samuel and Emma (Hobart) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1818, and d. 10 Apr. 1862, ffit. 44th yr. He removed from Hing. and afts. m. for his third w. a Mrs. Hunt. Ch., so far as I kn., were — L George Philips, . ii. Mary Ann, ui. William Kimball, b. at Medford, July 9, 1838. m, at Wey. Charlotte M. Corthell, a native of Hing. ""Teamster." Resides on Hersey St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Note. — John, of Hull, m. Jan. 17, 1698-99, Lvdia Jacob of Hing. Gardner, m. Oct. 5, 1780, Abigail Fearing. Betsey, of Hull m. Nov. 29, 1792, John Reed of Wey. Sarah, of HuU m. Sept. 28, 1794, Ebenezer Pool of Wey. John, of Hull, m, Feb. 28, 1811, Bertha Binney of Hull. Charles D., m. Mav, 1834, Sophia, dau, ot Ensign Lincoln. She d. 3 Feb. 1848, aet. 35 vrs. Mary E., dau. of Samuel, m. June 15, 1842, Hosea H. Lincoln. Viola G., i. 2 Nov. 1869, set. 3 yrs. 5 mo's. 25 dys. GORDON. William (Timothy = Lydia Whitmore, b. at Newbury, Mass., May 17, 1783. m. Helen Gilchrist. She was b. at St. John, N. B., March 14, 1786, and d. at Taunton, Mass., 18 March, 1872, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. at Taunton, 17 June, 1851, ffit. 68 yrs. " Physician," and a resident of Hing. for ab. thirty yrs. Eesided on Main St., at " Pear Tree Hill." In the autumn of 1838 he removed to Boston, and thence to Taunton. Ch.,— i. William Alexander, b. at Newburyport, March 17, 1808 ; grad. at Har. Coll. 1826, " Physician." Resided at New Bedford, where he d. 1887. ii. Charle-s, b. in Hing, Nov, 17, 1809. "Physician," d. at Boston, 1 March, 1872, ffit. 62 yrs. iii. Helen Gilchrist, b. in Hing. March 14, 1811. m. Oct. 17, 1833, George A. Crocker of Taunton. 278 Gordon — Gorman — Grafton — Graves. iv. Joseph Richardson, b. in Hing. Oct. 25, 1812. V. Edwin, b. in Hing. March 16, 1815. vi. Ann Bowers, b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1816. viL Timothy, b. in Hing. Sept. 24, 1818. Resident of Taunton. (See "Hing ham in the Civil War. " ) Note. — Dr. Timothy (bro. of Dr. William) of Wey. afts. of Ply., m. in Hing. May 12, 1825, Jane B., dau. of Solomon and Sarah (Loring) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 19, 1793, and d. at Ply. 16 Jan, 1877, ffit. 83 yrs, GORMAN. Michael, from County Donegal, Ire., and b. Sept. 29, 1829, m. at Glasgow, Seo., Apr. 17, 1856, Margery Duncan. She was b. at Evens- vale, Seo., Feb. 1, 1832. Michael arrived at the city of New York, 1856, resided sev. yrs. after at Middleboro', Mass., and thence, in 1862, removed to Hing. " Iron-melter." Eesides on Beal St. Ch.,— L An infant, b. at Middleboro', 1857, d, soon. ii, Mary Jane, b. at Middleboro', Sept. 18, 1859. iiL Agnes, b. at Middleboro', Sept. 15, 1861, d. in Hing, 16 June, 1866. iv. Michael Francis, b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1863. V. William James, b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1865, d. 18 Dec. 1867. vL William James, b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1868, vii. Agnes Ellen, b. iu Hing. Apr. 4, 1872. viii. Margery Jenette, b. in Hing. Feb. 1, 1874. John, b. at St. John, N. B., Apr. 1, 1842. m. Hannah, dau. of Patrick and Ellen (Ahern) O'Keefe of Hing. She d. at Brookfield, 3 May, 1884, ffit. 36 yrs. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") Child, b. in Hing., — i, John Clarence, Aug. 24, 1871, d. 28 Sept. foil. GRAFTON. ¦ Joseph, m. in Hing. Oct. 30, 1657, Hannah Hobart, dau. of Capt. Joshua and Ellen (Ibrook) Hobart. She was bt. in Hing. Sept. 20, 1639, and d, at Salem, 17 May, 1660, ffit. 21st yr. He m. secondly, June 30, 1664, Elizabeth Brown. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — L Joshua, b. Apr. 9, 1660. Note. — Abiel, m. Aug, 11, 1668, Samuel Shrimptou. Hannah, bt. Feb. 7, 1694-95. GRAVES. Edwaed 0., from New Hampshire, was for sev. yrs. a resident of Hing. The chris. name of his w. was Martha. She d. at Dor., Mass. He d. at Chelsea, 1884, ffit. 64 yrs. "Cabinet-maker." Eesided at West Hing. (See " Hingham m the CivU War.") Ch.,— L Edward Oscar, 1847, d. in Hing. 23 Oct. 1860, ffit. 14th yr. ii. Josiah C, 1849, Resides at Salem. iii. Windsor Francisco, 1851, Eesides at Salera, iv. Martha Anna, 1853, d, in Hing. 13 Oct. 1860, ffit. 7 yrs. V. Charles Henry, b. in Hing. May 4, 1859. Resides at Minneapolis, Minn. Note. — Judith, m. Jan. 8, 1773, Thomas Tliaxter. James G., of Wey. m. Dec. 5. 1848, Eliza N., dau. of Issachar Fuller. George, nf Wej', m. Jan. 1, 1855, Sarah E., dau. of Abner Humphrey. Emeline, dau. of Henry and Martha, m. Joseph Gannett of Scit. Greeley — Green — Greenleaf- Groce. 279 GREELEY. 1. William (Ebenezer = Susanna Davis), from the State of Maine, and b. Dec. 2, 1809, m. Nov. 30, 1837, Mrs. Margaret (Davis) Watson, wid. of Capt. George Watson, and dau. of Zebulon E., aud Margaret (Patterson) Davis. She was b. at Gloucester, Mass., May 28, 1816, and d. at Townsend, Mass., 11 Apr. 1883, ffit. 68th yr. " Master-mari ner." Eesides on Elm St. Ch.,— 2. L William George, b. at Belfast, Me., Aug. 22, 1838. iL Susan Margaret, b. in Hing. Sept. 14, 1843. m. Jan. 22, 1866, Francis Hersey. 2. William G. (William = Margaret Davis), b. at Belfast, Me., Aug. 22, 1838. m. in Hing. Sept. 17, 1860, Alva B. Nickerson, dau. of Loran and Sarah (Wyman) Nickerson. She was b. at Argyle, N. S., Sept. 18, 1838, and surviving him, m. secondly, John M. Trus sell. WiUiam G. d. 19 Sept. 1864, ffit. 26 yrs. "Shoe-stitcher." Eesided on Elm St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. William Arthur, Sept. 26, 1861. m. Jan. 1, 1885, Hattie C. Turner of Rockland, Me. Resides at Townsend, Mass. GREEN. Eobeet, m. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1666, Elizabeth Nichols, dau. of Thomas and Eebecca (Josselyn) Nichols. She was bt. in Hing. Jan. 1643-44. Their Child, bt. in Hing., — L Robert, Sept. 14, 1673. GREENLEAF. Daniel, a practising physician in Hing. during the early part of the last century, m. July 18, 1726, Mrs. Silence (Nichols) Marsh, wid. of David Marsh, and dau. of Israel and Mary (Sumner) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. July 4, 1702. This fam. removed from here soon after 1732. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L David, Jan. 29, 1727-28, d. 30 Sept. foU. ii. Elizabeth, Oct. 30, 1729. iii. Daniel, Sept. 2, 1732. GROCE (Geosb; Geoss). 1. Isaac, and Edmund of Boston, were prob. brothers. To Isaac was granted in 1636, "a great allotment of laud at Muddy Eiver," and he was classed as one of the richer inhabitants of Boston. Edmund " was allowed for an inhabitant of Boston Dec. 1639," and had land granted him the same year and the year following. In his will of May 3, 1665, he provides for w. Katherine and his two ch., Isaac and Susan. The will of Isaac is dated 29 May, 1649. 280 Groce. 2. Clement ^ (Isaac ^), came from Eng. with his fa. and followed the occupation of " brewer." The chris. name of his first w. was Mary ; of his sec. w. Ann. By the last m'ge he had a s. Edmund ^ (4), b. at Boston, Sept. 27, 1669. 3. Simon ° (said to have been a s. of Clement^), was in Hing. as early as 1676, and Oct. 23 of that yr. m. Mary Bond. Simon d. 26 Apr. 1696. " Boatman." Eesided on South St. Mary, his wid., was appointed administr9,trix. Est. appraised at £196, 5s. 3d. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i, Simon, Aug. 11, 1676. 5, ii. Thomas, Feb. 4, 1677-78, iii. John, Apr, 3, 1681 ; taxed in Hing. 1708, but prob. removed from here soon after. iv. Josiah, Ang. 2, 1683. V. Mioah, Feb. 20, 1685-86, m. Mary , and had a s., Simon, b. in Hing. May 3, 1709. No further rec. vi. Alice, Apr. 26, 1689. m. (pub. Aug. 21, 1714), John Crowell of Truro. vii. Abigail, June 28, 1692. m. (pub. Aug, 18, 1716), Nathaniel Smith of Eastham. 4. Edmund' (Clement^ Isaac ^), b. at Boston, Sept. 27, 1669; was a resident of Hing. prior to 1700. The chris. name of his w. was Martha. According to Barry's History, she d. 19 Sept. 1726.* Ed mund d. 13 March, 1727-28, ffit. 69th yr. « Set-work cooper." Eesided at "Liberty Plain," So. Hing. His will, dated 6 Oct. 1727, proved 20 May, 1728," names Ch., all b. in Hing., as foil. : — L Elizabeth, Jan. 13, 1699-1700. ii. Anna, Feb. 22, 1701-2, m. 1728, Benjamin Dunbar. iii. Edmund, May 10, 1705. m. March 3, 1736-37, Olive Sylvester. They resided at Scit. (See No. 10.) 7. iv. Obadiah, March 28, 1708. V. Martha, March 29, 1711. m. Nov. 17, 1735, Samuel Dunbar. vi. Silence, 1714 (bt. 1724). m. Jan. 20, 1736-37, Daniel Tower, Jr. viL Hannah, 1717 (bt. 1724). m. ,Tuly 13, 1737, Thomas Collamore. viii. John, 1723 (bt. 1724), d. 5 Sept. 1726. 8. ix. John, birth not recorded. * A wid. Martha Groce, was paid for keeping one of the town's poor in Hing. as late as 1750. ("Hingham Records.") 5. Thomas * (Simon = Clement = Isaac i), b. in Hing. Feb. 4, 1677-78. m. first. Dee. 29, 1706, Elizabeth, eldest dau. of John Hincks, Esq., of Portsmouth, N. H. She d. in Hing. 7 June, 1708. He subsequently took a sec. w., whose chris. name was Experience. It is believed that he removed with his fam. to Eastham, where he had a sister living. Hing. rec's however, furnish nothing to confirm this statement. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — L Hincks, June 7, 1708, prob. m. July 25, 1731, Abigail Crowell. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Experience, — iL Sarah, Nov. 27, 1713. iii. Elizabeth, June 5, 1716. iv. Thomas, Oct. 9, 1718. Groce. 281 6. Isaac (prob. related to the preceding famUies), m. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1725, Dorothy, dau. of Eichard and Esther (Bates) Cobb. She was b. ab. 1701, and surviving him, m. secondly, July 11, 1745, Thomas Tower, widf. Isaac was drowned 30 May, 1742. Eesided in the see. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Eliz.abeth, July 1, 1726, d. 8 June, 1727. iL Thomas, Aug. 10, 1727, iii. Elizabeth, bt. July 12, 1730. m, Oct. 27, 1748, Nathan Bradford. iv. Dorothy, bt. May 4, 1735, d. unm. 12 Oct. 1800. In her will presented 28 Oct. 1800, bequeaths to the foU. nephews and nieces, namely : Isaac Groce, Richard Groce, Moses Groce, David Groce, Jonathan Bradford, David Bradford, Betsey Woodman. Joseph Cushing, executor. 9. V. Isaac, 1737. vi. Margaret, bt. May 16, 1742. m. Sept. 16, 1765, Jethro Tower. 7. Obadiah ^ (Edmund ' Clement ^ Isaac ^), b. in Hing. March 28, 1708. m. Jan. 9, 1738-39, Margaret Whiton, dau. of Samuel and Mar garet (Tower) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. ab. 1712, and surviving him, m. secondlj^, Nov. 6, 1754, Amasa Turner of Lancaster, Mass. Obadiah d. 28 Feb. 1749-50, ffit. 42 yrs., and June 5, 1751, adminis tration was granted to his wid. Inv. £137. " Set-work cooper." Eesided at " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. An infant, Dec. 8, 1739, still-bom. iL Anna, June 7, 1741. iii. Obadiah, Nov. 10, 1744. iv. Margaret, July 13, 1746. 8. John* (Edmund = Clement ^ Isaac ^), m. in Hing. Aug. 21, 1755, Mary Sprague, dau. of Knight and Mary (Lewis) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. May 27, 1736. This fam. prob. removed from here. Ch., b. in Hing., — L An infant, b. and d, 20 July, 1756. ii. Olive, bt. Feb. 15, 1761. 9. Isaac (Isaac = Dorothy Cobb), b. 1737. m. May 14, 1761, SUence, dau. of Cornelius and Hannah Tower. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre., Oct. 24, 1738, and d. 26 Nov. 1776, ffit. 38 yrs. He d. 16 Feb. 1777, ffit, 40th yr. In 1756 Isaac was one of Major Thaxter's company in the Crown Point Expedition. Ch., all b. or bt. in Hing., were — i. Thomas, May 16, 1762 ; was lost at sea. iL Isaac, Aug. 21, 1763. Removed in 1788 to New Gloucester, Me, Was representative at the General Court, Mass., 1819 and 1820 ; and of Me., 1821 and 1823 ; deacon of the church, etc. He m. Sarah, dau. of John Woodman, and left issue, iii. Dorothy, Aug. 25, 1765, d. in three dys. iv. Richard, Oct. 12, 1766. V. Moses, Oct. 9, 1768. vi. David, Aug. 4, 1771. m. Dec. 10, 1795, Sarah, dau. of Isaac and Letitia (Chubbuck) Wilder. She d. 13 July, 1818, ffit. 43 yrs. He d. 24 July, 1827, ffit. 56th yr. Their dau., Sarah W., b. Feb. 20, 1798, m. William Dunbar. vii. Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1773. 282 CrToce — Grover — Gunn. 10. Elijah 5 (Edmund *¦= Clement ^ Isaac i), from Scit., m. in Hing. Apr. 8, 1793, Lucy Loring, dau. of Solomon and Hannah (Dunbar) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1764. Elijah d. in Hing. 14 Feb. 1817. Eesided on Lincoln St. Ch.,— i. Nathaniel, 1795 ; drowned in Hing. harbor, 29 Aug. 1810, ffit. 15 yrs. ii. Sarah, . m. Apr. 5, 1821, Samuel Prouty. 11. Jacob « (EUsha ^ = Deborah Sylvester of Scit., Edmund" Clem ent ^ Isaac i), b. at Scit., Jan. 20, 1793. m. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1815, Olive F. Burr, dau. of Thomas and Olive (Leavitt) Burr. She was b. at Bath, Me., Sept. 21, 1795, and d. in Hing. 26 March, 1870, ffit. 75th yr. " Blacksmith." Eesides on Leavitt St., and is the oldest resident of the town. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Olive Sylvester, Dec. 22, 1818. m. March 25. 1838, Moses Jones. ii. Deborah Hawke, June 25, 1823. m. July 31, 1842, Demerick Marble. iii. Margaret, Jan. 27, 1829. m. Feb. 5, 1854, Seth L. Burr. Note. — Sylvia, m. Apr. 4, 1826, Nathaniel Bennet. Nelson, m. Ann C. Hersey of Hing., dau. of Caleb and Ann C. A. (Whitney) Hersey; has removed with his fam. to the State of IU. Dexter, of So. Scit. m. May 21, 1857, Catherine B. Whiting. John D., of Scit m. Dec. 22, 1867 , Lydia Hobart, dau. of Bela and Sarah W. (Cushing) Hobart. Byron, m. July 30, 1868, Mary L. Whiting, dau. of Amasa and Hannah L. (Fearing) Whiting. GROVER. Alexander Hatch (Thomas = Mary Shaw), b. at Berwick, Me., June 18, 1818. m. June 18, 1843, Eunice K. Stoddard, dau. of Hosea and Hannah (Blake) Stoddard. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 23, 1825. " Carpenter." Eesides on Scotland St. Ch.,— i. Eunice Augusta, b. at Boston, March 19, 1844. m. Charles H. Pool of Rockland. iL George Alexander, b. at Charlestown, Jan. 24, 1846. m. Katie A. Wynne. (See " Hingham iu the Civil War.") iii. Mary Adelaide, b. at Charlestown, Nov. 25, 1847, d. 29 March, 1849. iv. Ella Amanda, b, in Hiug, Jan. 14. 1850. m. May 5, 1867, John B. Damon of Scit. V. Edward Everett, b. in Hing. July 16, 1854. m. June 18, 1876, Henrietta F. Motte of Scit. vi. Mary, b. at Boston, Jan. 3, 1858. viL Arthur Blake, b. in Hing. May 18, 1860. GUNN. Owen (Andrew = Eosa Carroll), b. in County Cavan, Ire., Dec. 25, 1836 ; came to Hing. May 18, 1856, and m. at Quincy, Apr. 24, 1859, Joanna Lynch, dan. of Jeremiah and Julia (McCarty) Lynch. She was b. in the city of Cork, Ire., June 24, 1836 ; emigrated in 1854, and came to live in Hing, May 8, 1868. " Farm-laborer." Eesides on So. Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Joanna Maria, March 12, 1860. ii. Mary Ellen, Apr. 20, 1861. iii. James Andrew, July 20, 1862. iv. Owen, Jan. 2, 1864. m. Oct. 12, 1887, Annie Enricson. HaU 283 HALL. Nathaniel, for sev. yrs. a practising physician in Hing. was a s. of John of Yarmouth, who was from Coventry, Eng,, and had ch. : Joseph, 1642 ; John, 1646 ; Elizabeth, 1648 ; William, 1651 ; Samuel, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Elisha, and Gershom. Nathaniel by his great bravery had distinguished himself in the Indian War at the East, and when he came to Hing. and during his stay here, was styled " Cap tain." His w. was Ann, dau. of Eev. Thomas Thornton. They re moved from here to the Delaware Eiver. WhUe in Hing. he resided on Main St., near the old meeting-house, and perh. for a short time at West Hing. He d. without issue. 1. Peeseeved, from Eehoboth, Mass., was a s. of Edward HaU. He m. in Hing. first, Jan. 25, 1698-99, Mrs. Lydia (Jackson) Leavitt, wid. of Israel Leavitt, and dau. of xVbraham and Eemember (Morton) Jackson of Ply. She was b. at Ply. 1658, and d. in Hing. 19 Dec. 1729, ffit. 72d yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 3, 1730, Mrs. Hannah (Damon) May, wid. of John May. She d. in Hing. 6 Aug. 1741, ffit. 67 yrs. He d. without issue, 6 Aug. 1740, ffit. 77 yrs. " Cooper." Constable 1702. Eesided at Hing. Centre. In his will, dated at Hing. 1 Aug. 1740, and presented 14th of the same month, gives to w. Hannah "' the improvement of \ of my real estate while she remains a widow." " To the children of my first wife, namely, John, Israel, Elisha, and Abrar ham Leavitt, and to the heirs of Sarah Woods, deceased, Lydia Sprague, Hannah Hobart, and Mary Lane, all my household goods to be divided equally among them, except four silver spoons which I give to the daughters, heirs of Sarah Woods, and Lydia, Hannah, and Mary, now living." Gives " to the church of the First Parish in Hingham £30, to be laid out in Plate for the Lord's table in such vessel or vessels as they think proper." Gives "to Abigail Hall £10, and to Dorothy Gay £10." Bequeaths to " my kinsman John Hall, son of my brother John Hall, all the remainder of my estate real and personal, not before disposed of." Appoints " kinsman John Hall executor of this my last will and testament." Witnesses, Eze kiel Hersey, Peter Eipley, Jr., Benjamin Lincoln. Inv. £1669 13.1. Appraised Sept. 2, 1740, by Josiah Loring, Isaac Lane, and Peter Eipley, Jr. 2. John, s. of John, and nephew of Preserved (1), m. in Hing. Apr. 27, 1732, Jerusha King. She d. 1 Dec, 1745, ffit. 35 yrs. I find noth ing relating to him on Hing. rec's after the decease of his w. He was by occupation " cooper." Constable in 1736. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., were i. John, March 9, 1736-37, d. same day. iL John, July 17, 1739. iii. Lydia, July 29, 1742. iv. Preserved, Aug. 1, 1745, d, 4 Sept, foil. 1. James (s. of Eichard, who prob. was related to the Halls of Dorchester or Taunton), was a poll-tax payer in Hing. 1749, and the 284 Hall owner of real est. in 1762. He m. at Boston, May 11, 1749, Mary Lincoln, dau. of Hezekiah and Mary (Horswell) Lincoln of Hing. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. May 19, 1719. James prob. d. 1787, as the inv. of his est. was appraised by Thomas Lothrop, Abel Kent, and Josiah Oakes, 11 Apr. 1788. The personal property, valued at £94 6s. 8d. was aUowed to his wid. ; s. James administrator. "Shipwright." Constable in 1753 and 1764. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 2, L James, Feb. 22, 1749-50, ii. Richard, ; no further record. iii. Susanna, , d. unm. iv. Mary, , d. young. 2. James (James = Mary Lincoln), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Feb. 22, 1749-50. m. May 21, 1786, Mrs. Persis (Tower) Lincoln, wid. of Allen Lincoln, and dau. of Daniel and Bethia (Nichols) Tower. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Aug. 1, 1759. James d. at Boston, 3 Apr. 1819, ffit. 69 yrs. Tradition says he d. from the effects of a fall from an upper story window while on a visit at Boston. He was an of&cer under General Knox in the War of the Eevolution ; captain in 1780 ; was at Monmouth, Valley Forge, and Yorktown at the surrender of Cornwallis ; aid to General Washington, etc. He afts. was a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. Ch., prob. b. at Coh., — L Henry Knox, , d. at the West Indies, 1801, of yellow fever. ii. James, . "Shipmaster," d. in 1809. iii. George, . "Shipmaster ; " resided at Cob., and had a fam. iv. Abraham, ) , . ( d. 1867. V. Isaac, ) ^"^°^' ) d. unm. 1846. vi. Samuel, . "Master-mariner." m, (1) Harriet Wild, and (2) Joanna, dau, of Peter Barnes. vii. Mary, b. at Coh. Jan. 1800. m. Levi Nichols. viii. Henry Knox, . Eesided at Coh., and d. unm. Abnee, had a fam. in Hing., but how he was connected with others of the name does not appear on Hing. rec's. The chris. name of his w. was Elizabeth. She d. 3 Nov. 1782, ffit. 50 yrs. He d. 4 July, 1773, ffit. 47 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Mary, Jan. 14, 1751-52, m. March 18, 1769, Nathan Crocker. ii. Abner, May 12, 1754. iii. Elizabeth, Jan. 21, 1757. iv, JoAB, bt. Sept. 9, 1759, d. 24 Oct. 1760. V. Lucy, bt. Oct. 5, 1760. m. Apr. 13, 1777, James Cook. vi. JoAB, bt. Aug. 12, 1764. vii. Mahala, bt. July 12, 1767. viii. Thirza, bt. July 1, 1770. m. Dec. 2, 1786, Jeremiah Hobart, and d. 29 Oct. 1797, ffit, 27 yrs. Nathaniel, m. in Hing. March 19, 1753, Hannah Mansfield, dau. of Joseph and Euth (Bate) Mansfield. She was bt. in Hing. March 14, 1735-36. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — L John Mansfield, Sept. 28, 1755, d. 6 March, 1757. ii. Hannah, Aug. 26, 1760, iii. Mehitable, Aug. 8, 1762. iv. Lydia, May 22, 1764, d. 27 Aug. 1765. Hall 285 James (and Susanna his w.), came from Eng., and was employed sev. yrs. in Hapgood's factory at Weir Eiver, Hing. The fam. afts. lived on South St. James d. 7 Apr. 1836, ffit. 45 yrs. Susanna his wid. d. 16 June, 1859, ffit. 64 yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. James, Sept. 12, 1811. Geologist and Palffiontologist. Director of the New York State Geological Cabinet. Hai'. Coll. LL.D., 1886 ; and widely kn. as an eminent scientist. •ii. Susanna, . m. May 11, 1839, Ferdinand G. Simpson. iii. Hannah, . m. at New York July 28, 1842, J. Alfred Kamonse. iv. Annie, . m. Apr. 2, 1843, Abiel E. Boynton of Wey. V. William, . William (Luke — Anna Tuels), was b. at Mf'd, Dec. 10, 1798, and in 1837 came to reside' in Hing. He m. at Mf'd, Aug. 23, 1822, Sarah Kent, dau. of WiUiam and Sarah (Joice) Kent. She was b. at Mf'd, Nov. 20, 1800, and d. at Quincy, 9 Nov. 1876, ffit. 75th yr. He d. at Boston, 29 July, 1875, ffit. 77th yr. " Master shipbuilder." Eesided while in Hing. on Ship and Summer Sts. Ch.,— L Sarah Ann, b. at Mfd, Nov. 29, 1823. m. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1842, George Bates of (ioh. iL Mercy, b, at Mfd, Dec. 14, 1824. m. in Hing. May 16, 1844, George Lincoln, Jr., the compiler of this genealogy. iii. Caroline, b. at Mf'd, Jan. 4, 1827. m. (1) in Hing. Oct. 3, 1847, Thomas T. French, and (2) Richard Hilliard of Provincetown. iv. Susanna, b. at Mfd, Aug. 24, 1828, d. in Hing. 25 Jan, 1839. V. William, b. at Mf'd, Apr. 15, 1831. m. Mary Tucker, and resides at Boston. vi. Andrew, b. at Mfd, March 16, 1833. m. (1) Orie Davis, and (2) Mary E. Kendall. Resides at Boston. vii. AnMEDA, b. at Mfd, Aug. 27, 1834. m. George W. Cobb of Boston, and d. 17 Sept. 1865, ffit. 31 yrs. viiL Lydia Atkins, b. in Hing. Feb. 1841, d. 28 Aug. foil. ix. Emily Cook, b. in Hing. Apr, 1842, d. 28 Aug. 1842. X. John Otls, b. in Hing. Dec. 7, 1843. m. Ella Creed of Coh. Resides at Quincy. Geoege Washington (Sylvanus = Submit Hall), b. at Turner, Me., Jan. 17, 1817. m. Nov. 26, 1840, SaUy H. Harlow, dau. of Sylvanus and Polly (Bent) Harlow. She was b. at Halifax, Mass., March 26, 1820. "Farmer." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch.,— i. George Lewis, b. at Halifax, Sept. 20, 1841. ii. Harriet Southworth, Dec. 10, 1843. iii. Ellen Frances, b. at Wareham, Sept. 22, 1846. iv. Lydia Alice, b. at Dorchester, Jan. 10, 1852, d. 30 Aug. 1853. V. Sarah Herrick, b. at Boston, Sept. 12; 1854, d. 5 Sept. 1856. vi. Charles Washington, b. at Bcston, Jan. 28, 1857. Stephen A., " surgeon dentist," and his w., who was Abbie J. Baziue, reside on South St. Their ChUd, — i. Harry Seymour, b, at Danvers, Mass., Aug. 19, 1877. Note. — Gershom, of Harwich, wid', s. of the flrst .John of Barnstable, and Yarmouth, m. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1698, Mrs. Martha, wid. of George Bramhall. Gershom d. at Yarmouth, 31 Oct. 1732. Sarah, m. Oct. 15, 1761, Zernbbabel Hersey, and d. 27 Dec. 1762, ffit. 25th yr. 286 HaU — Halley — Hamlen — Hammond. Wid. Sally, offered for baptism Sally, Julj' 7, 1793. Susanna, m. George Lewis. Zebulon, of Boston m. Nov. 20, 1794, Martha, dau, of Benjamin Beal. Emeline F., w. of Calvin S., and dau. of Alexander Clapp, d, 16 June, 1867, set. 25th yr. Sarah R., w. of Andrew, and dau. of Nathaniel Prouty of Hing., d. at Charlestown, 16" July, 1872, ffit. 57 yrs. HALLEY (Holly). Patrick (Lawrence = Margaret ), was b. in Tipperary County, Ire., Feb. 2, 1824, and settled in Hing. June 2, 1851. His w., who came with him, was Ellen Keating, dau. of Michael and Joanna (O'Neil) Keating, and a native of Ire. She d. in Hing. 25 Dec. 1872, ffit. 42 yrs. " Laborer." Eesides on Thaxter St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Margaret Ellen, March 28, 1852. m. Apr. 23, 1874, Cornelius McCarty. li. Lawrence, , d. soon. iii. Joanna Maria, Sept. 22, 1855. m. Feb. 26, 1884, John H. Fee. Note. — Oscar B., a native of New Orleans, La., d. in Hing. 6 Nov. 1880, at. 31st yr. HAMLEN (Hamlin). Elizabeth, d. 23 March, 1678-79. Maey, m. Dec. 18, 1760, Nathan iel Bates. Lydia, m. John Wilcutt, and d. 1 Feb. I'r98, ffit. 74 yrs. Henry C, of Augusta, Me., m. Dec. 16, 1840, Abigail L., dau. of Samuel Hobart. HAMMOND. Thomas (Thomas = Eose Trippe), b. at Lavenham, County of Suf folk, Eng., and bt. Jan. 9, 158'r, m. Elizabeth Cason. Thomas and his fam. came to our Hing. 1636. He had land granted him on Lower Plain, which adjoined the lots of William Sprague and Eobert Jones. May 7, 1662, he sold his meadow, and upland in Hing. to Daniel Cush ing. The w.'s approval of this conveyance is recorded in Suffolk Deeds as foil. : " This sale of theis two pcells is done by the free Consent of me Elizabeth Hamond wife vnto Thomas Hamond." In 1656 he disposed of his home-place in Hing. to William Sprague, and removed to Newton. He d. 30 Sept. 1675, ffit. 88 yrs. Was called " planter." Ch.,— L Elizabeth, b. in Eng,, m. George Woodward. ii. Thomas, b. in Eng. 1630. m. Elizabeth Stedman, and d. 20 Oct. 1678, leaving issue. iii. Sarah, bt. iu Hing. Sept. 13, 1640. m. Niithaniel Stedman. iv. Nathaniel, bt. in Hing. March 12, 1642-43. m. Mary , and d. 29 May, 1691. 1. Joseph, m. in Hing. first, Jan. 2, 1774, Anna Barnes, dau. of Cornelius and Elizabeth Otis (Lincoln) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1747, and d. 21 June, 1781, ffit. 34th yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 30, 1781g Susanna Loring, dau. of Benjamin and Jael (Jacob) Loring. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 12, 1746, and d. 17 Sept. 1815, ffit. 70th yr. He d. 2 Apr. 1819, ffit. 70 yrs. Eesided on North St., near Magoon's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Anna, were — L Anna, Apr. 13, 1774, d. 8 March, 1778. 3. ii. Joseph, Aug. 14, 1776. iii. Anna, Apr. 27, 1779. m. Oct. 5, 1800, John Young of Union River. Hammond — Hann. 287 Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Susanna, were — iv. Benjamin, Sept. 29, 1782, d. 29 Dec. foil. V. Benjamin, Nov. 10, 1783, d. unm. 7 Aug. 1859, £et. 76th yr. vi. Loring, Sept. 5, 1785. m.' May 15, 1836, Sophia Ewell. She d. 5 March, 1856, set. 52 yrs. He d. 4 Oct. 1864, a;t. 79 yrs. Note. — In an account book kept by Joseph Hammond, is the foil. ¦; " Father Hammond died in 1777, in the 58th year of his age. Mother Hammond died 1774, aged 52d year." 2. David, said to have been a bro. of the preceding, was for sev. yrs. a resident of Hing. The chris. name of his w. was Elizabeth. She d. 6 Oct. 1793. David was drowned in Hing. harbor, 10 Feb. 1786, ffit. 33 yrs. Ch., — L Betsey, June 13, 1779. ii. David, Oct. 30, 1781. iii. Francis, July 19, 1784. iv. George, Oct. 15, 1786. 3. Joseph (Joseph = Anna Barnes), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1776. m. first, June 4, 1797, Abigail Clapp. She d. 26 Jan. 1800, ffit. 24 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 4, 1801, Mrs. Elizabeth (Lincoln) Lincoln, wid. of Laban Lincoln, and dau. of Elijah and Delight (Lane) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 15, 1772, and d. 16 Sept. 1848, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 25 Jan. 1836, ffit. 59th yr. " Carpenter." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing. by w. Abigail, — L William, 1798, d. 18 May, 1800, iiet. 2 yrs. ii. Joseph, 1799, d. 10 July, 1800, aet. 9 mo's. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — iii. Joseph Lincoln, Oct. 24, 1801. Was cashier of the Dorchester Bank. iv. Elizabeth Lisle, Jan. 17, 1804. m. Oct. 28, 1828, Oliver Cushing. V. Anna Barnes, Oct. 15, 1806. m. Dec. 1, 1831, Samuel Sprague. vi. Grace Lincoln, 1810, d. 26 March, 1833, set. 23 yrs. vii. William, 1815. Was lost at sea off Charleston, S. C, July or Aug. 1834, set. 19 vrs. Note. — Experience, of Scit. m. in Hing. June 18, 1780, Letitia Wilder, Agatha, m, March 15, 1784, Moses Gardner. Charles F., ot Natick m. May 5, 1885, Mrs. Nancy M. (Beal) Sprague. HANN. John Joseph (Thomas = Jane Miller), b. at Dublin, Ire., May 6, 1851. m. Jau. 26, 1873, Ellen Maria Anglum, dau. of John and EUen (Dunn) Anglum. She was b. at Waterford, Ire. " Fireman." Ee sides on Friend St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L John, Nov. 7, 1873, d. 20 Apr. 1876. ii. Jane, Sept. 24, 1875. iii. Maurice, May 30, 1877, d! 21 March, 1880. iv. Ellen Maria, Nov. 19, 1879. V. Thomas, Jan. 17, 1882, d. 15 June, 1883, vi. Catherine Anne, March 10, 1884. vii. James, Apr. 23, 1886. 288 Harden. HARDEN (Haedin ; Haeding). 1. John, of So. Bridgewater, Mass., m. 1766, Eunice, dau. of Jona than Benson. She d. 17 Nov. 1811, He d. 18 Aug. 1812. Among their ch. were sons John (2) and Jonathan (3). 2. John (John = Eunice Benson), of Bridgewater, m. 1792, Lucy Holmes of Ply. She d. 30 Nov. 1846, ffit. 78th yr. He d. 28 Dec. 1834, ffit. 68th yr. Of their ch. Ephraim (4), was b. at So. Bridgewater, May 14, 1799, and early settled in Hing. 3. Jonathan (John = Eunice Benson), b. at Bridgewater, Apr. 22, 1771. m. Lucy Faunce. She was b. Apr. 27, 1773, and d. in Hing. 27 July, 1862, ffit. 89 yrs. He d. 18 July, 1830, ffit. 69 yrs. Eesided at Bridgewater, Worthington, and Halifax, Mass. Ch.,— L Harriet, b. at Worthington, Feb. 17, 1795, d. in Hing. unm. 27 Jan. 1859. 5. ii. Halah, Oct. 1, 1796. iiL Hartey, Aug. 8, 1798. m. Oct. 23, 1823, Ephraim Harden. 6. iv. Hosea, Jan. 21, 1801. V. Helah, Feb. 15, 1803, d. 12 Apr. foil. vi. Harilah, Feb. 25, 1804, d. same yr. vii. Eunice Benson, Aug. 17, 1805. m. Charles B. Eeed. viii. Deborah, Dec. 20, 1808, d. in Hing. 9 Jan. 1834. 4. Epheaim (John = Lucy Holmes), b. at So. Bridgewater, May 14, 1799. m. first, Oct. 23, 1823, his cons. Hartey, dau. of Jonathan and Lucy (Faunce) Harden. She d. in Hing. 3 July, 1862, ffit. 54th yr. He m. secondly, Apr. 19, 1855, Mrs. Hannah (Barnes) Harden, wid. of Hosea Harden, and dau. of George and Christiana (Mansfield) Barnes. She d. 23 Sept. 1882, ffit. 80 yrs. " Master-mariner." Ee sides on South, near Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing,, — L Harriet Clark, July 23, 1824, d, 23 Jan. 1839. ii. Laura Williams, March 9, 1827, d. 6 July, 1854. iii. Ephraim Holmes, Aug. 8, 1831. Eemoved to Brooklyn, N. Y. He m. Oct, 24, 1854, Anna J. McWhinney, and d, 21 July, 1875, set, 44th yr. She d. iu Hing. 20 Sept. 1883, set. 49 yrs. Of their ch. who came'to Hing.: 1. Laura Louisa, Apr. 18, 1861. 2. Emma Frances,' Sept. 13, 1865. 3. Warren Crowell, June 30, 1869, d. in Hing. 14 May, 1887, set, 18th yr. 5. Halah (Jonathan = Lucy Faunce), was b. Oct. 1, 1796. He m, in Hing. Oct. 17, 1821, Christiana Barnes, dau. of George and Chris tiana (Mansfield) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 18, 1797, and d. at Wey. 18 Aug. 1875, ffit. 78th yr. Capt. Halah Harden was lost at sea in Sch. " Damsel " of Baltimore, Md., of which he was master, 26 Dec. 1839, ffit, 43 yrs. Eesided on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Halah, May 12, 1828, d. 24 May foil. ii, Helen Barnes, Apr, 13, 1830. m. (1) Apr. 9, 1858, Thomas T. Bames of Ea, Bridgewater, and (2) Warren C. Webster of Concord, N. H. iii. Emeline Mansfield, March 28, 1836. m. Sept. 1, 1864, Charles H. Loud of Ab'n. Harden — Harding. 289 6. HoSEA (Jonathan = Lucy Faunce), b. Jan. 21, 1801. m. in Hing. Dec. 17, 1826, Hannah Barnes, dau. of George and Christiana (Mans field) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. May 23, 1802, and surviving him, m. secondly, Apr. 19, 1856, Ephraim Harden, widT. Hosea d. 16 March, 1839, ffit. 38 yrs. " Carpenter." Eesided at West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L A DAU., Feb. 12, 1828, d. same day. 7. ii. Halah, Feb. 8, 1829. iiL Sarah Waters, Aug. 24, 1831. m. Dec. 14, 1854, John B. Batchelder. 8. iv. William Faunce, March 28, 1834. V. Hannah Barnes, July 15, 1836, d. 7 Sept. 1837. vi. Hosea, March 8, 1839, d. at Montgomery, Ala., 22 Jan. 1887, set. 48th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War,") 7. Halah (Hosea = Hannah Barnes), b. in Hing. Feb. 8, 1829. m. May 4, 1856, Catherine B. GiU, dau. of Dixon L., and Eliza (Puller) GiU. She was b. Feb. 28, 1836. "Carpenter." Has removed to MUford, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Walter Lewis, July 20, 1857. ii. John Atwood, Dec. 3, 1861. iii. Eliza, Oct. 4, 1869. 8. William F. (Hosea = Hannah Barnes), b. in Hing. March 28, 1834. m. Dec. 12, 1868, Elizabeth Kimball, dau. of Nathaniel and Lucy A. (Burr) KimbaU. She was b. at Boston, Feb. 26, 1837. " Car penter." Eesides on North St.. corner of Burton's Lane. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — , i. Hannah Kimball, July 26, 1859. m. Nov. 11, 1884, Ira G. Hersey. ii. Hosea, July 5, 1861. iii. William Faunce, May 15, 1863. iv. Charlotte Burr, Feb. 26, 1865. m. Sept. 26, 1885, Walter L. Bouve. V. Lucy Walton, Apr. 9, 1871. HARDING (Haedin). 1. Thomas' (Silvanus" of Chatham, Silvanus^ of Orleans, SamueP and John ' of So. Bridgewater, John ^ of Duxbury and IBraintree, J«seph (?) 1 of Braintree), was b. at Chatham, Mass., 1774, and ab. 1802, settled in Hing. He m., 1795, Patience, dau. of Joshua Mayo of Eastham. She d. in Hing. 4 Nov. 1823, ffit. 48 yrs. He d. 24 July, 1821, ffit. 47 yrs. "Shipmaster." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch.,— 2. i. David, b. at. Eastham, June 4, 1796, ii. Eliza Willis, b. at Eastham, Nov, 20, 1797. m, in Hing. Dec. 4, 1817, Benjamin Chamberlain, of Boston, and d. 10 Aug. 1818, set. 21st yr. iii. Josiah Mayo, b. at Chatham, June 11., 1800. m. Nancy Jenkins, and re sided at Boston. iv. Sarah Doane, b. in Hing. May 28, 1803. m. June 13, 1826, Conielius Nye, and d. 11 Sept. 1828, set. 25 yrs. V. Mary, Nov. 13, 1804, d. unm. 21 July, 1827. vi. Thomas, Feb. 18, 1807, d. abroad unm. vii. Rebecca, Feb, 16, 1811. m. May 9, 1831, Capt. Samuel Eastertrook, viii. Seaman, March 17, 1812. Removed to Boston. He m. Oct. 7, 1833, Eme line Ruggles, and d. at Melrose, 29 Jan. 1872, set. 60th yv. VOL. II. — 19 290 Harding -— Harlow — Harris. 2. David « (Thomas' Silvanus "^^ Samuel* John^-^ Joseph (?) i), h at Eastham, Mass., June 4, 1796. m. first, March 7, 1824, Lydia Lane, dau. of Eufus and Hannah (Marsh) Lane. She was b. in Hing. March 12, 1796, and d. 10 Oct. 1824, ffit. 28 yrs. He m. secondly, June 1, 1829, Betsey T. Tilden, dau. of Jotham and Betsey (Turner) Tilden of Mf'd. She was b. at Mf'd, Oct. 2, 1799, and d. in Hing. 14 March, 1873, ffit. 73 yrs. David d. 14 Feb. 1874, ffit. 78th yr. He was for many yrs. secretary of the Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany ; also treasurer of the Hingham Institution for Savings, and one of the founders of both institutions. Eesided on Main St., opp. Derby Academy. Ch., b. iu Hing., — L Sarah Mayo, Sept. 14, 1830. m. Oct. 5, 1852, Robert W. Oliphant, M. D., of St. Louis, Mo, She d. at St. Louis 10 July, 1875, set. 45th yr. He d. at St. Louis, 9 Oct. 1883, set. 58 yrs. Their s. Robert Henry Oliphant, b, Sept. 9, 1854, d. in Hing. 8 Feh, 1873, iEt. 18 yrs. A member ofthe freshman class, Har, Coll. ii. Henry Clay, Apr. 27, 1832, m. first, Oct. 11, 1859, Elizabeth A. Lincoln, dau. of Rev. Calvin and Elizabeth (Andrews) Lincoln of Hing. She was b. at Fitchburg, Mass., Sept. 17, 1833, and d, at St. Louis, Mo., 31 Dec. 1864, set. 31 yrs. He m. secondly, June 2, 1874, Helen M. Stowell, dau. of Hersey and Chrissa (Hersey) Stowell ; is treasurer of the Hing ham Institution for Savings, and president of the proprietors of the Hingham cemetery. Note. — Margaret, dau. of John Hardin m, Apr. 24, 1668, Ibrook Tower. Sarah, dau. of John Hardin m. May 14, 1669, John Tower, Jr. John, of Eastham m. in Hing. sec. pre, Nov. 6, 1737, Anna Tower. Samuel, of Eastham m. Oct, 3, 1739, Content James. Arthur, of Wey. m. March 4, 1832, Deborah B, Nye, Herbert A., of Wey. m. June 7, 1866, Emily J. Hudson. HARLOW. Jonathan Edwaeds (Stephen = Patience Ellis), was b. at Mid dleboro', Mass., May 1, 1824 ; Har. CoU. M. D. 1848 ; and succeeded Dr. Jonas Underwood as a physician in Hing. He m. first, at Hanson, Mass., Oct. 29, 1861, Elizabeth F. Luther. She d. in Hing. 1 June, 1861, ffit. 32d yr. He m. secondly, Apr. 22, 1863, Sally G. Thaxter, dau. of Joseph B., and Sally (Gill) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. June 7, 1826, and d. 9 Apr. 1871, ffit. 46th yr. He d. 29 May, 1880, ffit. 66 yrs. Eesided on Main St., near Tower's, Bridge. Ch., all b, in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — i. Jonathan Edwards, Oct. 11, 1852. m, at Providence, R, I,, Nov, 6, 1878, Ella Hodges. Resides at Newton, Mass, ii. Elizabeth Luther, Oct. 25, 1854. m, Oct. 8, 1878, Joseph L. Foster of Brookline. iii. Lucy Allen, Nov, 22, 1857. iv. Isabel, Jan. 18, 1859, d. 4 Feb. foil. HARRIS. 1. Thomas, m. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1808, Mahala WUder, dau. of Thomas and Bethia (Gardner) WUder, She was b. in Hing. Apr. 27, 1788. Ch., — L Thomas Wilder, bt. at Coh. June 27, 1811. m. in Hing. Dec. 31, 1831, Betsey S. Hobart, dan. of Bela and Olive (Wilder) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1813. Their dau. Annie M., d. at Somerville, Mass., 6 May, 1856, fet. 21 yrs. Harris — Hart — Harvey. 291 ii. Mahala, bt. Sept. 26, 1813. iii. Hannah Cushing, bt. July 30, 1815. m. at Boston, 1833, Benjamin F. Marsh. iv. James, bt. Oct. 25, 1818. V. Susanna, bt. Oct. 25, 1818. m. Josiah G. Higgins. vi. Mary Norwood, bt. June 23, 1821. 2. James, bro. of the preceding, and b. 1790, m. in Hing. June 11, 1820, Susan Wilder, dau. of Thomas and Bethia (Gardner) Wilder. Shcwas b. in Hing. 1800, and d. 13 Apr. 1876, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. at Boston, 22 Jan. 1868, ffit. 68 yrs. "Master-mariner." Eesided on South St., near Goold's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L James, . m. and resides at Wey. ii. Susan F., 1826. m. Jan. 27, 1850, Charles Bicknell, and d. 12 Aug. 1867, jet. 41 yrs. iii. Sarah E., 1829. iv. Helen, 1832. m. Charles Thayer. V. Martha M., Jan. 1, 1835. vi. Mary T., 1837. m. Nov. 27, 1862, James M. Dunbar of Wey. vii. Anna L., 1839. Joshua S., m. in Hing. first, Sept. 22, 1847, Mary F. Lewis, dau. of Elijah W., and Mary F. (Briggs) Lewis. She d. and he m. secondly, June 20, 1853, Martha A. Lewis, his first w.'s sister. She survived him, and m. secondly, Jacob Foster of Dorchester. Child, by w. Mary F., — L Mary Foster, Apr. 1854, d. 19 July, 1856, set. 2 yrs. 3 mo's. Note. — Hannah, dau. of Thomas m. Aug. 7, 1676, Enoch Hobart. Isaac, of Bridge- water m. in Hing. June 28, 1698, Mary Dunbar. Martha, ra. Aug. 1, 1728, Joshua Lasell. HART. John (Martin = Anne Hogan), a native of Ire., and b. 1831, m. Oct. 22, 1857, Catherine Shea, dau. of John and Margaret (Calahan) Shea. She was b. in Ire., 1832. " Blacksmith." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch.,— L Annie Winifred, July 15, 1858. ii. John Martin, July 7, 1860. iiL Daniel William, May 21, 1862. m. Oct. 3, 1886. iv. Mary, Sept. 23, 1865. V. Catherine Alice, July 28, 1867. vi. Charles Dennis, Oct. 2, 1870. HARVEY. Petee, m. Mary Donoghue. She survives him, and resides on Green St. Peter was lost at sea. Ch.,— L Sarah J., b. at Boston, 1856. m. in Hing. July 26, 1879, Andrew McCor mick, and d. 21 Aug. 1883, ffit. 27 yrs. Their child, Henry Francis, was b, in Hiug. Nov. 8, 1880. ii. John, b. at Boston, was drowned in Hing. harbor, 24 Dec. 1885, a:t. 28th yr. 292 Harvey — Haskell — Hassell. iiL Mary A., . m. in Hing. Feb. 4, 1884, Andrew McCormick, wid^ , and has Susan, b. in Hing. May 7, 1884. iv. Susan Frances, . m. Feb. 14, 1887, Andrew Martin Benson. Note. — Hannah, m, March 7, 1723, Joseph Thorn, Jr. Stephen Havey, va. Dec. 25, 1882, Ellen, dau. of Patrick and Ellen (Ahern) O'Keefe. Sbe d. 17 Sept, 1884, a;t. 32d yr. Grace May, dau. of Susan F., b. in Hing. Feb. 3, 1885. HASKELL. 1. Joseph Loten, m. Abigail A. Hersey, dau. of Cushing and Lydia A. (Hersey) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1834, and d. 22 Dec. 1859, ffit. 26 yrs. Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — 2. i. Joseph Cushing, Apr. 1, 1854. 3, iL Walter A., Nov. 27, 1855. iii. Willard E. Eesides at Vinal Haven, Me. iv. Charles H. Eesides at Vinal Haven, Me. 2. Joseph C. (Joseph L. = Abigail A. Hersey), b. in Hing. Apr. 1, 1854. m. Oct. 15, 1873, Alice A. Eobinson, dau, of Nahum and Eachel S. (Corthell) Eobinson. She was b. in Hing. May 3, 1854. " Engineer." Eesides on High St. Child, b. in Hing., — L Abbie Wesley, Apr. 14, 1874. 3. Walteb A. (Joseph L.=: Abigail A. Hersey), b. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1855. m. Oct. 27, 1875, Martha W. Loring, dau. of Samuel W., and Mary L. W. (Lewis) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 6, 1855. " Shoe-finisher." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Child, b. in Hing., — L Mary Whitinq, Oct, 20, 1877. Note, — Lucy J., m. May 20, 1857, Charles C, Hersey, Elizabeth, m, July 3, 1884, George W. Townsend, James M., d. from wounds received at Gettysburg, Va., 1863. (See Hing ham in the Civil War.") HASSELL (Haeshall). 1. John, was a resident of Hing. early in the last century. His first w., whose chris. name was Martha, d. 4 Nov. 1743. He m. sec ondly, March 11, 1746, Deborah Lincoln, dau. of Peter and Euth (Beal) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1706-6. John removed from here ab. 1760. Ch., b. in Hing., so far as I kn., were — L John, March 20, 1725. ii. A DAU,, March, 1727, d, 8 Apr, foil. 2. Ealph (perh. s. of the preceding), m. in Hing. Nov. 2, 1756, Han nah Bantlett. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1739, and d. 6 Nov. 1776, ffit, 37 yrs. He d. 7 Nov. 1805. "Boatman." Eesided on Weir St., near the present railroad crossing. Ch., all h. in Hing., were — L Thomas, Aug, 2, 1757. ii. Elizabeth, Oct. 27, 1759, iii. Sarah, bt. Aug. 9, 1761, d. 7 Nov. 1763. HasseU — Hatch. 293 iv. Nancy, Nov. 19, 1764. V. An infant, , d. 6 Dec. 1766. vi. Hannah, July 30, 1768. vii. John, 1770, d. 3 Oct. 1771. viii. Molly, Feb. 5, 1772. ix. John, Feb. 20, 1774. X. Susa, Sept. 15, 1776. HATCH. Frequently written Hach, on early records. 1. Jeeemiah, of Cape Cod (prob. gr. s. of Elder William of Scit.), m. (pub. in Hing. July 22, 1718) Fi-ances Farrow, dau. of Nathan and Mary (Garnet) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1684. Hing. rec's furnish no further information concerning his fam. 2. Jeeemiah (perh. s. of the preceding), m. in Hing. by Eev. John Brown, Nov. 16, 1749, Mary Bates, dau. of Joseph and Deborah (Clapp) Bates. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1723. This fam. removed from here before 1760. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing. sec. pre., were — i. James, Oct. 9, 1750. iL Lucy, Oct. 12, 1755. iii. John, Aug. 14, 1757. 3. Waltee, from Pem., Mass., and a descendant from Elder WU liam, m. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1772, Deborah Cushing, dau. of Pyam and Hannah (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1754, and ¦d. 22 March, 1797, ffit. 42 yrs. He was in active service during the War of the Eevolution ; was sec. lieut. on board the armed brig ¦" Hazard," and later was kn. as " Captain." Eesided on Main St., So, Hing. ChUd, b. in Hing., — L Walter, Apr. 7, 1773. 4. Waeeen, b. at So. Scit. July 13, 1816. m. Apr. 17, 1841, Maria ¦Orcutt, dau. of Andrew and SaUy (Cushing) Orcutt. She was b. at Wey. Sept. 6, 1823, and d. in Hing. 30 May, 1886, ffit. 62d yr. He d. 21 March, 1873, ffit. 57th yr. " Box-cooper." Eesided on Pleasant St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i. Warren, Jan. 7, 1843. m. at Coh. Nov, 28, 1867, Mabel N. Mott of Scit. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iL Ellen Maria, March 28, 1845. m, Nov. 18, 1869, Henry 0. Cook, and d. 7 Feb. 1883, iii. Sarah Stowers, Apr. 11, 1847, d. 1 Jan. 1831. iv. LuoY Esther, May 28, 1852, d. 10 Sept. foil. V. Olr'-e Wade, June 19, 1854. ra. June 16, 1872, David S. Cushing. vi. Walter Foster, July 28, 1858. m. Sept. 27. 1883, Susan Casey. vii. Edward Ellsworth, Nov. 7, 1861. viii. Lizzie Agnes, Nov. 20, 1864. Note. — Hannah, m. Sept. 21, 1699, Joshua Dunbar. Grace, m. Dec. 12, 1742, Hezekiah Leavitt, wid'. Mary, m. June 4, 1755, Caleb Leavitt. Sarah, m. Aug. 31, 1761, Sarauel Gill. Abigail, m. May 29, 1766, Pickles Cushing. Anna, m. Oct. 9, 1777, Noah Sprague. Wil Ham, d. 25 Apr. 1811, set. 28 vrs. Adeline, m. Mav 22, 1851, Dixon L. Gill, Jr. Frank W., m. Sept. 14, 1862, Mary T. Lincoln. John, d. 1 Julv, 1849, 294 Hawes — Hawke. HAWES. Heney (James = Lucy Burrell), b. at Wey. Feb. 29, 1836. m. in Hing. July 21, 1867, Sophronia H. Lincoln, dau. of Enos and Mary D. (Pratt) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. May 23, 1848. "Stitcher." Eesides on Fort HiU St. Note, — Henry Gordon, s. of Henry G., and Fannie K. (Blanchard), was b. in Hing. June 13. 1884, HAWKE. 1. Matthew, from Cambridge, Eng., embarked at London with his w. Margaret and servant John Fearing in the " ship Diligent " of Ips wich, for New Eng., and arrived the 10th of Aug. 1638. Mrs. Mar garet Hawke d. in Hing. 18 March, 1683-84. Matthew d. 11 Dec. 1684, ffit., as his gravestone says, 74 yrs. Will made Sept. 24, 1684. Freeman May 18, 1642 ; was the third town clerk of Hing. ; select man 1663; also school-master 1679-1683. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all bt. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, July 14, 1639, m, Feb. 1660, Stephen Lincoln. ii. Sarah, Aug. 1, 1641. m. 1657, John Cushing of Scit., and d. 9 March, 1678-79, aat. 38th yr. iii. Bethia, Jan. 21, 1643-44. m. Aug. 15, 1665, Benjamin Stetson. iv. Mary, Aug. 2, 1646. m, Dec, 8, 1670, Benjamin Loring, and d. 1714, aet. 68 yrs. 2. V. James, May 27, 1649. vi. Deborah, March 22, 1651-52. m. John Briggs. vii. Hannah, July 22, 1655. m. June 4, 1685, Peter Cushing. 2. James ^ (Matthew ^), bt. in Hing. May 27, 1649 ; was made free man 1680. Selectman 1685, 1687, 1693, 1701, and 1713 ; also town clerk 1700-1716. Hem. July 9, 1678, Sarah Jacob, dau. of John and Margery (Eames) Jacob. She was bt. in Hing. Feb. 28, 1657-58, and d. 16 March, 1693-94, ffit. 36th yr. Capt. James Hawke d, 27 Nov. 1715, ffit. 66 yrs. His will, dated 21 Nov. 1715, was proved 10 Jan. foil. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., ali b. in Hing., were — • L Sarah, Oct, 30, 1679. m, Jan. 19, 1703-4, Joshua Hersey. ii. Margaret, Sept. 15, 1681. m. May8, 1708, John Fearing. 3. iii. James, Sept. 29, 1683. iv. Mary, July 6, 1685, m, Jan. 3, 1705-6, James Hersey. V. Matthew, March 28, 1688, d. 6 Nov. foil. vi. Elizabeth, Dee, 16, 1689. m, Dec. 11, 1712, Eev. Daniel Lewis of Pem. viL Deborah, Jan. 14, 1691-92. m. May 2, 1716, John Lewis. 3. James ' (James ^ Matthew '), b. in Hing. Sept. 29, 1683. m. May 13, 1708, Mary Gill, dau. of Samuel and Euth (Lincoln) GiU. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1686, and d. 25 Aug. 1716, ffit. 29th yr. En sign James Hawke d. 10 July, 1716, ffit. 33d yr. Will dated 8 July, 1716. Constable 1710. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Sarah, Apr. 11, 1709. m. June 13, 1728, Thomas Gill. iL Mary, Oct. 13, 1711. m. (1) March 5, 1729-30, Samuel Thaxter, Jr. (Har. ColL 1714), wid^. Hed. 4 Dec. 1732, set, 37 yrs. She m. (2) Dec. Hawke — Hayes — Hayward. 295 12, 1733, Rev. John Hancock of Braintree, and was the mother of John Hancock the patriot, b. Jan. 12, 1736-37, first signer of the Declaration of Independence, and for several, yrs. Gov, of Massachusetts. Ruth, Apr. 25, 1714, d. 30 Dec. 1715. John J. (Henry = Johanna O'Leary), a native of Ire., m. Feb. 10, 1857, Hannah Mulligan, dau. of James and Mary (Flaherty) Mulligan, natives of Ire. " Laborer." Eesides off Beal St. Ch.,— i. Mary Jane, b. at Boston, Dec, 10, 1858. m. July 13, 1879, Alfred S, Lincoln. ii. Josephine, b. at Boston, March 31, 1860. m. Feb. 6, 1880, Charles W. Lovell. iii. Hannah, b. at Milton, Sept, 10, 1863, d. in Hiug. 21 Oct, 1884, tet. 21 yrs. iv. Lizzie, b. at Boston, 1868, d. 1871. V. Julia, b, at Boston, d. young. vi. John Henry, b. in Hing. March 6, 1871, d. 15 Nov. 1886, ^t. 16th yr. Timothy (Henry = Johanna O'Leary), a native of Ire., m. Ellen Murphy, dau. of Jeremiah and Honora (SuUivan) Murphy, She was b. in Ire. ab. 1832. Timothy is dead. His wid. and ch., reside in Hing., on Lincoln St. Ch.,— i. William, b. at Boston, Apr. 17, 1860. ii. Henry, b. in Hing. Apr. 21, 1862. iii. Timothy, b. at Boston, March 6, 1870. James (Henry = Johanna O'Leary), a native of Ire., m. Margaret A. Quinlan, dau. of John and Margaret (Mahony) Quinlan. " TaUor." Eesides near Lincoln St. HAYES. Dennis (Dennis = Margaret Walsh), b. in Ire. 1821. m., 1853, Hannah Cronin, dau. of Patrick and Catherine (Hogan) Cronin. She was b. in Ire. 1828, and d. in Hing. 8 Sept. 1876, ffit. 47 yrs. "La borer." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. ChUd, — L Ellen Elizabeth, 1854. HAYWARD. Sometimes ivritten Haward and Howard. 1. James, was for sev. yrs. a practising physician in Hing. On June 6, 1727, he sold a part of his land aud beach at the town cove, adjoining the lot " where I now dwell," to Samuel Thaxter, Esq. ; " said portion is butted and bounded as follows : to extend south-westerly up the steep bank sixteen feet ; westerly with the land of Peter Barnes ; easterly on the salt-water as far as my land runneth, and southerly with the highway." The chris. name of his w. was Eliza beth. They resided on North St., near the harbor ; but removed from here ab. 1730 to Wey., where the int. of his m'ge to Sarah Green (perh. his second m'ge) was pub. Aug. 3, 1738. He prob. d. soon after, as an administrator of his est. was appointed 27 March, 1739. 296 Hayward. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, were — L William, Oct. 11, 1722, d. 18 May, 1742. iL Abigail, Aug. 15, 1724, d, 14 Jan. 1726-27. 3. iii. James, bt. June 16, 1728. 2. Nehemiah, bro. of the preceding, and by occupation " taylor," was a resident of Hing. Centre. He m. first (pub. March 21, 1729-30) Bethia Shaw of Salem. The chris. name of his sec. w. was Deborah. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Bethia, — L Euth, Apr. 19, 1733, m, (1) Dec. 11, 1754, David WUder, and (2) March 15, 1760, Malachi Tower. Child, b. in Hing. by w. Deborah, — iL Nehemiah, June 10, 1748. 3. James (James = Elizabeth ), bt. in Hing. June 16, 1728 ; was twice m. The chris. name of his first w. was Mary. She d. and he m. secondly, Nov. 9, 1772, Mrs. Mary (Cain) StoweU, wid. of Oba diah StoweU, and dau. of David and Mary (Dunbar) Cain. She was bt. in Hing. Feb. 8, 1729-30, and d. 3 Feb. 1790, ffit. 60th yr. He d. 17 Sept. 1811, ffit. 83 yTs. " TaUor ; " and a soldier in the French and Indian War. Eesided on or near High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by the first m'ge, were — i. William, March 21, 1752. ii. James, Apr. 11, 1766. A soldier of the Eevolution. He d. at West Point, 1783. iii. Peter, Nov. 12, 1760. Gideon (surname written Hayward on town rec's and tax-lists, and Howard on sec. parish rec's), m. in Hing. Jan. 31, 1759, Lydia Cushing, dau. of Abel and Mary (Jacob) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 23, 1738. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Gideon, July 1, 1759. ii. Polly, June 6, 1761, d. 17 Nov. 1762. iii. Polly, July 21, 1763. iv. William, 1765, bt. June 20, 1773, m, (1) Ruth Bates, and (2) Jemima Beal, V. Peter, 1767, bt. June 20, 1773. vL Moses, 1769, bt. June 20, 1773. viL Lucy, 1771. viii. Ruth, bt. May 29, 1774. ix. Lydia, . X. Betsey, . m. Miller. David Pbaeson (Samael = Sophia Nash), b. at Braintree, Mass., Dec. 11, 1821. m. in Hing. March 2, 1862, Josephine C. Carver, dau. of George and Ann (Angus) Carver. She was b. at Boston, Feb. 6, 1842. " Ice-dealer." Eesides on Fort HUl St. Ch., — i. David Pearson, Feb, 1, 1863, d. in Hing. 26 Jan, 1886, set. 23d yr. ii. Samuel, Aug. 13, 1865. iii. George Carver, Apr. 11, 1867. iv. John, Oct. 14, 1868, d. 11 Dec. 1874. Hayward — Henderson — Hennessy. 297 V. Josephine Caroline, July 31, 1870. vi. Annie Sophia, Dec. 29, 1871. vii. Benjamin, b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1873. viii. Lemuel Shaw, b. in Hing. May 1, 1875. ix. Warren, b. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1876. X. Elizabeth Florence, b. in Hing. May 13, 1879. xi. James, b. in Hing. Aug. 6, 1881. Chaeles Bingham (Moses = Lucretia Bingham), b. at Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1844. m. Oct. 29, 1867, Caroline S. Stoddard, dau. of Lewis and Sarah S. (Burrell) Stoddard. She was b. in Hing. June 6, 1846. " Travelling salesman." Eesides on West St. Ch.,— i. Charles Cleverly, Feb. 7, 1871. ii. Oliver Stoddard, b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1873. iii. Moses Horton, b. in Hing. July 6, 1881. Note. — Jonathan, of Salein m. Feb. 1, 1721-22, Elizabeth Humphrey of Hing. HENDERSON. 1. Samuel James (Timothy = Nancy Nichols), b. at Boston, July 4, 1828. m. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1866, Tamar S. Souther, dau. of Elijah and Eebecca (Stowell) Souther. She was b. in Hing. March 17, 1833. Samuel d. 18 Feb. 1880, ffit. 62d yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Jones St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — 2. i. Charles Sumner, Sept. 25, 1857. ii. Tamar Louisa, Apr. 24, 1861, d. 28 Aug. 1863. iii. Gustavus Owen, Aug. 19, 1865. iv. Hiram Wiley, Sept. 24, 1872. 2. Chaeles S. (Samuel J. = Tamar S. Souther), b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1857. m. Eliza Kissan. " Painter." Eesides on Jones St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Delia Louisa, May 11, 1881. iL Cora Elizabeth, May 21, 1883. iiL Samuel James, Oct. 13, 1886. HENNESSY. William Heney (Patrick = Catherine MuUane), b. at Boston, Sept. 8, 1866. m. in Hing. May 4, 1881, Mary Keeshan, dau. of John and Bridget (Murphy) Keeshan. She was b. in Hing. May 13, 1866. " Hair-dresser." Eesides on Elm St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Catherine Louise, July 2, 1882. ii. William Herbert, May 30, 1887. James (Patrick = Catherine MuUane), b. at Boston, Oct. 26, 1860. m. June 6, 1883, Margaret Crowley, dau. of David and Julia (Dwyer) Crowley. She was b. at Boston, Jan. 4, 1859. "Hair-dresser." Ee sides on North St. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Henrietta, July 14, 1884. 298 Hersey. HEBSEY. Variously vyritten Hersee, Harsie, and Hbarsby, on early records. 1. William, was the progenitor of all who have borne this Surname in Hing. and vie. He came to New Eng. in 1636, and early in the autumn of that yr. located in Hing. with others who were passengers on the ship he came in. July 3, 1636, he had a house-lot of five acres granted him, on what is now South, nearly opp. West St. The lot was bounded east by John Winchester, west by William Buckland, and included within its limits the est. now owned by heirs of the late Ebenezer Gay, Esq. The surname Hersey, or Hersy, is a very ancient one, and prob. of French origin, as it appears among the list of noble men and gentlemen who went over to Eng. with WiUiam the Con queror. In Hing. it is still one of the more numerous of the surnames of the early settlers ; and it has well represented the industrious as well as the enterprising and influential portion of the inhabitants of the town. At the time of the trouble about the election of officers for the train band, 1644-1646, William Hersey was assessed a heavy fine for supporting the views of Eev. Peter Hobart and his friends ; and the family rate towards the erection of the new meeting-house was the largest but one upon the list. He was undoubtedly a native of Eng., and perh. of Old Hing, ; but the place and date of his birth have not as yet been definitely ascertained. The chris. name of his w. was Elizabeth. She d. in Hing. 8 Oct. 167L He d. 22 March, 1657-58. In his will, dated March 9, 1657-58, proved 29 Apr. foil., gives to s. Wil liam " ye house and home Lott that he now Lives in and ye penn plott before his gate, and ye Lott I bought of Matthew Chafey at ye Capts Tent," etc. ; also valuables to sons John and James ; to dau's "Francis" (Frances), Elizabeth, and Judith, £6 each; "to my grand children John Croade and WiUiam Hersie, 40s. each. All ye rest of my Land, housing, goods, etc., to my wife Elizabeth during her life as a widow." Wife Elizabeth, executrix. Overseers, "cousine John Farrington, Thomas Marsh, and my sonne in Law Eichard Croade." Inv. appraised 28 Apr. 1668, by Moses Collier and Thomas Marsh at £419 13s. 6d. " Husbandman." Freeman March, 1638 ; selectman 1642, 1647, and 1650 ; artillery company 1662. Eesided on South St. Ch.,— 2, i. William, prob. b. in Eng. ¦ ii. Frances, . m. Apr. 29, 1656, Richard Croade of Hing. afts. of Salem, iii. Elizabeth,- . m, Moses Gilman of Exeter, N. H. iv. Judith, bt. in Hing. July 15, 1638. m. Dec. 21, 1663, Humphrey Wilson of Exeter, N. H. 3. V. John, Aug. 9, 1640. 4. vi. James, 1642, or 1643. 2. William '¦' (William ^), prob. came to New Eng. with his parents in 1636. He appears to have been m. twice. His first w., whom he m. ab. 1656 or 1657, was Eebecca, dau. of Thomas and Alice Chub buck. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 1641, and d. 1 June, 1686, ffit. 45 yrs. The chris. name of his sec. w., as appears by his will, was Eu- hamah. There is no entry of this m'ge., however, nor of her death, on Hing. rec's. WiUiam d. 28 Sept. 1691. In his wiU, made in 1689, proved 27 Jan. 1691-92, mentions " my now wife Euhamah," and the Hersey. 299 four sons whose names appear among his issue. Freeman 1672 ; constable 1661 ; selectman 1678, 1682, and 1690. Eesided on South, opp. West St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, were — 5. i. William, Oct. 11, 1657. 6. ii. John, Oct. 27, 1659. 7. iii. James, Dec. 2, 1661. iv. Rebecca, Aug. 20, 1663. m. June 11, 1683, Benjamin Johnson. V. Deborah, Jan. 1, 1665-66. m. Apr. 29, 1687, Samuel Lincoln. vi. Hannah, Feb. 13, 1668-69. m, Dec. 27, 1688, Ebenezer Lane. vii. Elizabeth, May 26, 1671. m. May 18, 1695, John Beal. viiL Ruth, Feb. 10, 1673-74. m. Feb. 4, 1695-96, Caleb Beal. ix. Mary, June 4, 1676. 8. X. Joshua, March 29, 1678. xi. Judith, Sept. 6, 1680, d. 13 Sept. 1681. xiL Judith, bt. Ang. 29, 1686. m. (pub. March 13, 1707-8), Israel Vickery of HuU. 3. JoHN^ (WiUiam '), bt. in Hing. Aug. 9, 1640. m. at Dedham, May 18, 1669, Sarah . She d. 17 Jan. 1731-32, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 7 Aug. 1726, ffit. 86 yrs. "TaUor." Constable in 1701. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, March 13, 1669-70. ii. Judith, Sept. 28, 1672, d. 24 Dec, foil. iiL Nehemiah, Dec. 13, 1673, d. 6 Feb. foU. iv. Abigail, Feb. 2, 1674-75. V. Maria, Jan. 12, 1677-78. vi. Jael, June 1, 1680, d. 20 Oct. 1681. 9. vii. Daniel, Apr. 23, 1682. viiL Peter, Aug. 20, 1687. ix. Hannah, Nov. 6, 1689. X. Betsey, bt. Sept. 18, 1692, d. Jan. foil. 10. xi. Jeremiah, June 18, 1697. 4. James ^ (WiUiam ^), whose birth, according to a history of the fam. in MS., is placed at ab. 1642 or 1643, m. in Hing. Dec. 15, 1665, Mary, dau. of John and Margaret Fearing. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 18, 1647, and d. 6 Aug. 1705, ffit. 58 yrs. He d. intestate 22 Jan. 1683-84, leaving an est. appraised by John Thaxter, Nathaniel Beal, and William Hersey, of £607. Mary, his wid., was appointed admin istratrix. "Husbandman." Constable 1673, and selectman 1679. Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, Dec. 14, 1666, d. 13 Jan. 1683-84. iL Jeeemiah, May 16, 1669, d. 16 June, 1689. iii. Israel, Aug. 18, 1671, d. 24 Sept. foil. iv. Israel, May 17, 1674. V. Mary, Aug. 30, 1676. m. Feb. 15, 1698-99, Thomas Chubbuck. vi. Rachel, July 5, 1679. m. Jan. 1, 1701-2, Josiah Beal. 11. vii. James, May 23, 1682. Chose Samuel Eells to be his guardian, and after the death of his mother, was appointed to administer upon her est. 5. William » (WiUiam ^i), b. in Hing. Oct. 11, 1657. m. first, June 12, 1683, Mary . She d. 17 Oct. 1690. For his second w. he m. Oct. 2, 1691, Mrs. Sarah (Langlee) May, wid. of Jonathan May, and 300 Hersey. dau. of John and Sarah (GUI) Langlee. She was b. in Hing. March 15, 1667-68. William was a soldier in Capt. Johnson's company, Dec. 1675 ; constable 1694 ; representative 1698 and 1699. After 1704 he removed with his fam. to Ab'n. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — L Deborah, Apr. 13, 1684. iL David, Jan. 28, 1685-86. iii. Isaac, Oct. 8, 1687, d. 30 Jan. foU. iv. William, May 19, 1690. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — V. Sarah, Sept. 26, 1692, prob. m. Jacob Reed of Wey. vi. Stephen, Dec. 24, 1694, vii. Joseph, Nov. 9, 1697. viii. An infant, Nov. 11, 1700. ix. Hannah, Feb. 9, 1703-4. 6. John " (WUliam ^i), b. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1669. m. Elizabeth . They removed from Hing. to Milton early in the last century. In his will, dated at Milton 30 Sept. 1712, bequeaths to w. Elizabeth, and to sons Caleb, Israel, and Solomon, and to dau's Elizabeth Mont gomery, Euth WUd, Mary Bowditch, Deborah, and Eachel Hersey. Also " to my brother William Hersey." Was one of the selectmen of Hing. in 1694. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, Sept. 23, 1694, m, Montgomery. ii. Ruth, Apr. 13, 1696. m, Wild. iii. Caleb, Apr. 11, 1698, m. in Hing. March 15, 1727-28, Hannah, dau. of Stephen and Hannah (Canterburv) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. June 9, 1702. iv. Mary, March 1, 1699-1700. m. Bowditch. V. Israel, Apr. 1702. vi. Solomon, Feb. 1703-4, d. 30 March foil. 7. James » (William ^-i), b. in Hing. Dec. 2, 1661. m. Susanna . She d. in Hing. 10 June, 1762, ffit. 84th yr. He d. 23 May, 1743, ffit. 81 yrs. In his will, dated the 27th of May, 1739, mention is made of land purchased of his bro. William, and of land owned at Ab'n. Be queaths all his property to w. Susanna, inc., "my negroes, to her and her heirs forever." "Farmer." Constable in 1694 ; selectman 1719 and 1721, and representative 1734, 1736, and 1736. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., were — i. Susanna, Sept. 18, 1705, d. 14 March, 1721-22, fet. 16 yrs. ii. James, 1708, d., as his gravestone says, 6 Sept. 1716, set. 8 yrs. 6 mo's. 8. Joshua ' (WiUiam ^i), b. in Hing. March 29, 1678. m. first, Jan. 19, 1703-4, Sarah Hawke, dau. of James and Sarah (Jacob) Hawke. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 30, 1679, and d. 16 Aug. 1716, ffit. 37th yr. He m. secondly (pub. Nov. 20, 1718) Mrs. Alice (Bradford) MitcheU, wid. of Edward Mitchell of Bridgewater, and dau. of Major John and Mercy (Warren) Bradford of Kingston, Mass. She was b. 1677, and d. in Hing. 14 July, 1746, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 30 Sept. 1740, ffit. 63d Hersey. 301 yr. Will dated 5 Aug. 1740. "Farmer." Constable 1711; select man 1725, and 1729 ; also deacon of the church of the First Parish. Eesided on the ancestral homestead. South St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — 12. L Joshua, Deo. 22, 1704. 13. iL Jonathan, Sept. 19, 1707. 14. iii. Noah, Feb. 24, 1709-10. 15. iv. Elijah, Apr. 30, 1714. ChUd, b. in Hing., by w. Alice, — V. Sarah, bt. Dec. 27, 1719. m. May 17, 1739, Thomas Loring. 9. Daniel » (John = WiUiam ^), b. in Hing, Apr. 23, 1682. m. Dec. 28, 1710, Mary May, dau. of Jonathan and Sarah (Langlee) May, or Mayes. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1687, and d. 10 Jan. 1760, ffit. 73 yrs. He d. 20 May, 1766, ffit. 84 yrs. " Cooper." Constable in 1726. Eesided on Hersey St., in a house built by him in 1730, which is now standing. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — L Mary, Oct. 14, 1711. m, Deo. 28, 1732, Theophaus Wilder. 16. iL Jonathan, Feb. 2, 1713-14. • iii. Sarah, Api> 19, 1718. m. (1) Nov. 13, 1745, Zaccheus Blossom, and (2) Isaac Sprague, wid^. 17. iv. Isaiah, Jan. 29, 1720-21. V. Susanna, Dec. 6, 1730. m. Benjamin Stowell. 10. Jeeemiah » (John ^ WUHam i), b. in Hing. June 18, 1697. m. Dec. 8, 1726, Elizabeth, prob. dau. of Nathaniel and Judith Gilbert. She d. in Hing. 21 Jan. 1766, ffit. 64th yr. He d. 9 Feb. 1790, ffit. 93d yr. " Cooper." Eesided on South St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, Sept. 21, 1727. m. Oct. 10, 1753, Israel BeaL iL HANTq-AH, March 8, 1728-29. m. Nov. 14, 1751, Ebenezer Lewis. iii. Rebecca, Dec. 19, 1730, d. unm. 17 Dec. 1799, aet. 69th yr. 18. iv. John, Aug. 18, 1732. V. Abigail, Aug. 21, 1734, d. 12 Feb. 1751-52, 19. vi. Zebubbabel, Apr, 1737. 20. viL Abijah, March 20, 1738-39. 21. viii. Jeremiah, bt. Oct. 18, 1741. ix. An infant, Oct. 27, 1743, d. same day. X. Hitte, March 5, 1744-45, d. 28 Apr, 1751. 22. xi. Gilbert, March 29, 1747. 11, James » (James ^ WiUiam i), b, in Hing. May 23, 1682. m. Jan. 3, 1705-6, Mary Hawke, dau. of James and Sarah (Jacob) Hawke. She was b. in Hing. July 6, 1685, and d. 3 July, 1Y70, ffit. 85th yr. He d. 19 Sept. 1723, ffit. 41 yrs. Est. settled 15 Feb. 1730. "Cord wainer." Constable 1712. Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Aug. 20, 1707. m, Jan. 9, 1733-34, David Lincoln, wid-:, 23. ii. Ezekiel, Sept. 21, 1709, iiL Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1711. m. Nov, 4, 1731, Cornelius Nye. iv. Rachel, May 29, 1714. m, Sept. 6, 1733, Ephraim Otis. V. James, Dec. 21, 1716. "Physician." Settled at Barnstable, Mass., and d. 22 July, 1741, ^t. 25th yr. 302 Hersey. vi. Jeremiah, Feb. 21, 1718-19. vii. Abner, Oct. 22,1721. Was a " physician '* at Barnstable, Mass. Hed. 9 Jan. 1787, set. 65 yrs. A gravestone erected to the memory of Drs. James and Abner Hersey stands in the cemetery near the frnitarian Church at Barnstable. 12. Joshua* (Joshua = WiUiam ^i), b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1704. m. first, Jan. 30, 1728-29, Mary Mitchell, dau. of Edward and Alice (Bradford) Mitchell. She was b. at Bridgewater 1709, and d. in Hing. 4 Sept. 1745, ffit. 37th yr. He m. secondly, June 15, 1760, Mrs. Mary (Fearing) Lincoln, wid. of Daniel Lincoln, and dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Johnson) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1718, and d. 25 Feb. 1760, ffit. 41 yrs. For his third w. he m. at Boston, May 27, 1762 (by Eev. Matthew Byles), Mrs. Sarah (Foster) Hanners, wid. of George Hanners, and dau. of Hopestill Foster. She survived him, and d. leaving a. will, dated 3 Jan. 1795, mentioning dau. Sarali Nowel, and gr. dau. Sarah Nowel. Joshua d. 1 Nov. 1784, ffit. 80th yr,, leaving a large est. Will proved 24 Nov. 1784. Inv. £1140, 00s. 4:d. Constable in 1736 ; selectman 1744 and 1745 ; representative 1768 to 1772 inc., and succeeded his fa. as deacon of the Church of the First Parish. " Farmer." Eesided on the ancestral homestead, South St., West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by his first w. Mary, were — 24. L Abel, Jan, 23, 1729-30. 25. iL Joshua, Feb, 11, 1731-32. iii. Mercy, March 29, 1733, d. 15 Aug. foil. iv. Edward, Dec. 15, 1734, d. 3 Feb, 1735-36. V. Edward, Apr. 7, 1736, d. 20 Aug, foil. vL Mercy, Sept. 21, 1737. m. Feb. 19, 1756, Job Lincoln. vii^ Edward, Feb. 24, 1738-39, d. 23 Apr. 1740. viii. Bradford, Apr. 3, 1741. Was captain of a foot company in Hing. He d. unm. 17 Oct. 1796, mt. 55 3Ts, ix. Benjamin, Oct. 20, 1744, d. 31 Oct. 1751. Ch., b. in Hing., by sec. w. Mary, were — X. Rachel, Apr. 28, 1751, d. 4 Oct. 1773, set, 22 yrs, xi. Mary, bt. March 18, 1753. m. May 12, 1769, "Joshua Thaxter. 13. Jonathan* (Joshua' WiUiam2-i),b. in Hing. Sept. 19,1707. m. Dec. 25, 1733, Lydia Cushing, dau. of Daniel and Sarah (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 23, 1712, and d. 31 Aug. 1740, ffit, 28 yrs. He d. 12 July, 1740, ret. 33d yr. Ch., b. in Hing., — 26, L Thomas, Sept. 22, 1734. 27. ii. Ebed, Feb, 21, 1738-39. 14. NoAH* (Joshua' WiUiam ^1), b. in Hing. Feb. 24, 1709-10. m. Feb. 12, 1735-36, Alice Mitchell, dau. of Edward and Alice (Bradford) MitcheU. She d. in Hing. 20 Dec. 1779, ffit. 66th yr. Noah d. 29 June, 1756, ffit. 46 yrs. Will dated 26 June, 1766 ; proved 21 July foil. Constable 1741. Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 28. i. Peleg, Nov, 22, 1737. ii, Sarah, Aug. 28, 1741. m. Apr. 3, 1760, Jeremiah Lincoln. iiL Jacob, Apr. 23, 1744, d. 12 Jan. 1747-48. Hersey. 308 29. iv. Noah, Oct. 6, 1746. V. Jacob, Aug. 6, 1748, d. 7 Aug. 1773. vi. Levi, July 23, 1751. Removed from Hing. 15. Elijah* (Joshua'' WiUiam"), b. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1714; was constable 1753. By w. Achsah he had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — L Thankful, May 11, 1742. iL Nathan, Jan. 28, 1743-44. " Physician.'' Eemoved to Leicester, Mass. iii. Huldah, Nov. 16, 1746. iv. Elijah, Oct. 1, 1749, d. 1 Nov. 1751. V. Achsah, Oct. 1, 1749, d. 9 Nov. 1751. vL Elijah, bt. Feb. 16, 1752. Removed to Leicester, Mass.. and d. at Spencer 1850, set. 99th yr. Was m. and had Elijah, bt. in Hing. Aug. 10, 1783. vii. Calvin, bt. Apr. 15, 1754, d. 9 July, 1755. viii. Calvin, bt. Sept. 12, 1756. Removed to Leicester. ix. Achsah, bt. Apr. 1, 1759. X. Martin, bt. Feb. 21, 1762. 16. Jonathan* (DanieP John = WUliam i), b. in Hing. Feb. 2, 1713-14. m. Nov. 19, 1741, Sarah Whiton, dau. of David and Eliza beth (Eipley) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 10, 1720, and d. 28 Jan.. 1794, ffit. 73 yrs. He d. 2 Oct. 1760, at. 47th yr. "Cooper." Eesided on Hersey St., occupying half of the house built in 1730 by his fa. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 30. i. Jonathan, Oct. 28, 1742, iL Deidama, Jan, 1, 1743-44, d. 19 Oct. 1751. iii. Sarah, Aug. 10, 1745. m. July 30, 1767, Joseph Tower, Jr. iv. Lydia, Jan. 29, 1747-48, d. 21 Oct. 1751. V. Julietta, May 18, 1750, d. 25 Oct. 1751. vL Deidama, Aug. 10, 1752, d. 29 May, 1777. 31. vii. Daniel, Nov. 18, 1754. 32. viiL David, Dec. 5, 1757. 33. ix. Peter, Dec. 5, 1757. 34. A. Ezekiel, June 6, 1761. 17. Isaiah ' (Daniel = John ^ William ^), b. in Hing, Jan. 29, 1720-21. m. Dec. 14, 1743, Margaret Sprague, dau. of Matthew and Sarah (Fear ing) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 22, 1721-22, and d. 16 Nov. 1809, ffit. 88th yr. He d. 20 March, 1803, ffit. 82 yrs. "Cooper." Constable 1768, 1769, and 1770. Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — Isaiah, Oct. 13, 1744. Israel, Oct. 13, 1744. Margaret, Nov. 25, 1746. m. Jan. 30, 1766, Abijah Hersey (20). Mary, Jan. 18, 1750-51, d. 14 Feb. foil. Zadock, Jan. 16, 1752-53. Mary, Oct. 9, 1755, m. Dec. 31, 1772, Jeremiah Hersey, Jr. (21). Reuben, Aug. 10, 1757. 18. John* (Jeremiah' John ^ WiUiam i), b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1732. m. first, Dec. 18, 1760, Elizabeth Humphrey, dau. of William and Su sanna (Beal) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 9, 1733, and d. 15 May, 1763, ffit. 30th yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 13, 1764, Sarah 35. 1. 36. ii. iii. iv. 37. V. vi. 38. viL 304 Hersey. Lincoln, dau. of Moses and Mehitable (Townsend) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1738, and d. 20 Jan. 1781, ffit. 43d yr. John was drowned at Nantasket 11. March, 1777, ffit. 45th yr. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — 39. L John, Sept. 24, 1761. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — ii. Elizabeth, July 8, 1765. m. at Milton, . iii. Mehitable, Aug. 9, 1767. m. at Milton, . iv. James, Jan. 13, 1769, V. Moses, Oct. 28, 1770, d. 19 Dec. foil. ' vi. Moses, Nov. 24, 1771, d. 2 Aug. 1773, vii. Amos, March 21, 1773. Resided at Milton. viiL Elijah, Dec. 8, 1774, d, at Needham, Mass,, 25 Aug. 1847, Kt. 73d yr ix. Moses, Aug, 10, 1777, d. 5 Nov. foil. 19. Zebubbabel * (Jeremiah ' John ^ William *), b. in Hing. Apr. 1737. m. first, Oct. 15, 1761, Sarah HaU. She d. 27 Dec. 1762, ffit. 25th yr. He m. secondly, March 13, 1765, Mary Humphrey, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Ward) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1743. Zernbbabel d. 12 Apr. 1776, ffit. 39 yrs. Eesided on South St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, — L Elizabeth, July 14, 1762, d, 4 Oct, foil. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — ii. Benjamin, Nov. 19, 1764. m. Sally Punchard, and had ch. : 1. Benjamin, 2. John Punchard (73), 1807. 3. William. 4. Ebenezer, 1812. iii. Mehitable, 1766, d. 4 Dec. 1766. iv. Bela, Dec. 9, 1768. Removed to Eoxbury. V. Samuel, Oct. 28, 1770. vi. Freeman, Dec. 24, 1772, d. 6 Sept. 1824. viL Zerubbabel, July 18, 1776. Removed to Roxbury. 20. Abijah* (Jeremiah' John^ WiUiam *), b. in Hing. March 20, 1738-39. m. Jan. 30, 1766, Margaret Hersey, dau. of Isaiah (17) and Margaret (Sprague) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 25, 1746, and d. 28 July, 1819, ffit. 73d yr. He d. 29 July, 1826, ffit. 86 yrs. "Cooper." Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth, Sept. 6, 1766. m. Dec. 13, 1789, Robert Corthell. 40. iL Abijah, June 13, 1769. iii. Abigail, March 17, 1772, d. 19 Sept. 1775. iv. William, Sept. 4, 1774, d. 19 Sept. 1775. 41. V. William, Nov. 7, 1776. vi. Abigail, Apr, 11, 1779, d, unm. 5 Dec. 1865, set. 87th yr. 42. viL Joseph, Nov. 9, 1781. viii. Isaiah, Jan. 18, 1788, d. in 7 dys. ix. Peggy, Jan. 18, 1788, d. 8 July foil. 21. Jeeemiah * (Jeremiah ' John ^ WiUig,m ^), bt. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1741. m. Dec. 31, 1772, Mary Hersey, dau. of Isaiah (17) and Mar garet (Sprague) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1755, and d. 13 Aug. 1833, ffit. 78th yr. He d. 7 Oct, 1796, ffit. 66th yr. "Trader." Eesided on South St. Hersey. 305 Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, March 10, 1774, d. unm. 18 Jan. 1863, iet. 89th yr. 43. ii. Jeremiah, Sept. 9, 1775. 44. iii. Isaac, Dec. 19, 1777. iv. Sally, July 25, 1780. m. (1) Nov. 27, 1800, Miles Hobart, and (2) Nov. 26, 1843, Joseph Hersey, wid^ (42). V. Rebecca, Nov. 10, 1782, m. June 23, 1811, Gideon Jenkins of Boston, and d. 15 Dec. 1879, aet. 97 vi-s, vi. EdmunT), Apr. 29, 1785, d^ 22 Sept. 1827. 45. vii. George, Oct, 19, 1787. viii. Chrissa, Apr. 16, 1790. m. Feb. 14, 1811, Hersey StowelL ix. Peggy Sprague, May 20, 1792. m. Apr. 14, 1839, Martin Hersey, wid'., and d. 26 Jan, 1875, tet. 83d )T. 46. X. Zadock, Aug. 13, 1794. 22. Gilbert * (Jeremiah " John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. March 29, 1747. m. Dec. 30, 1773, Hannah Clark. Gilbert d. 8 Feb. 1804, ffit. 57th yr. « Trader." Eesided on South St. Ch.,— 47. L Gilbert, Nov. 7, 1774, ii. An infant, , d. 24 Nov. 1776. iii. Nathan, Aug. 16, 1778. m., and lived at Boston. iv. Martin, Sept. 21, 1780. m. (1) Emma Whiton, who d. June, 1838. He m. (2) .ipr. 14, 1839, Peggy S. Hersey (21, ix. ), and d. without issue, 3 June, 1858, aet. 781h yr. V. Hannah, May 3, 1783. vi. Bethia, Sept. 3, 1785. m. Samuel Elson of Boston. vii. LucT, bt. Dec. 7, 1788. m. at Boston, . 23. Ezekiel ' (James ^^ WUliam ^), was b. in Hing. Sept. 21, 1709 ; and was grad. at Har. Coll. 1728. He m. July 30, 1738, Sarah Lang lee, dau. of John and Hannah (Vickery) Langlee, She was b. in Hing. Apr. 18, 1714, and surviving him, m. secondly, Oct. 16, 1771, Capt. Eichard Derby of Salem. After the decease of Capt. Derby she re turned to Hing. and d. here 17 June, 1790, ffit. 76 yrs. Dr. Hersey d. 9 Dec. 1770, ffit. 61 yrs. In his wiU, dated 29 Nov. 1770, gives to Har. Coll. £1000, the interest of which is to be appropriated towards the support of a professor of anatomy and physic. His wid. gave the same sum for the same purpose. She also was the founder of Derby Academy. Dr. Hersey resided nearly opp. the railroad station, at West Hing. He left no issue. 24. Abel« (Joshua" WiUiam ^i)b. in Hing. Jan. 23, 1729-30. m. first, Sept. 19, 1759, Hannah Magoon, dau. of Elias and Eebecca (Windsor) Magoon. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1736, and d. 14 March, 1777, ffit. 40 yrs. He afts. took a sec. w., whose chris. name was Deborah. She d. 1 June, 1782, ffit. 52d yr. Abel d. 2 Dec. 1786, ffit. 67th 'yr. "Farmer." Constable 1774. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, were — L Abigail, July 30, 1762, d. 22 Aug. foil. ii. Abel, May 17, 1764, d. 26 Oct. 1767. 48. iii. Elias, March 8, 1766. iv. Rebecca, March 13, 1768, d. 13 Dec. 1803. V. Hannah, July 10, 1770, d. 29 June, 1803. vol. ii. — 20 306 Hersey. 25. Joshua 6 (Joshua*-' WUUam ^i), b. in Hing. Feb. 11, 1731-32. m. Nov. 18, 1756, Joanna, dau. of Obadiah Pattingale. She was b. Nov. 18, 1735, and d. in Hing. 9 Dec. 1826, ffit. 91 yrs. He d. 27 Oct. 1807, ffit. 76th yr " Farmer." Eesided on Prospect St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Aug. 18, 1758. m. Sept. 11, 1777, Edward Wilder. ii. Hannah, June 21, 1761. m.- July 23, 1782, David Jacob, Jr., of Han. Their dau. Eelief, m. Charles Pinckney Sumner of Boston, and was the mother of Hon. Charles Sumner. iiL Martha, 1763. m. Dec. 13, 1781, Elisha Simmons of Scit. 49. iv. Joshua, Jan. 15, 1766. V, Sarah, Aug, 26, 1768. m. Nov. 8, 1787, Bradock Jacob of Han. vi, Benjamin, July 30, 1772, d. 4 March, 1793. vii, Rachel, July 30, 1774. 26. Thomas ^ (Jonathan * Joshua ' WiUiam ^^)b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1734. m. first, Jan. 11, 1759, Eebecca Magoon, dau. of Elias and Ee becca (Windsor) Magoon. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 28, 1738, and d. 11 Nov. 1759, ffit. 21 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 2, 1761, AbigaU Cush ing, dau. of Abel and Mary (Jacob) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. June 14, 1741, and d. 11 Jan. 1816, ffit. 74 yrs. He d. 12 Jan. 1810, ffit. 75 yrs. " Farmer." Was a soldier inthe Crown Point expedition, 1755, constable 1766, and captain of a military company in the War of the Eevolution. Eesided on Lincoln St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, — i. Rebecca, Oct. 30, 1759, d. 14 Nov. 1762. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, were — ii. Thomas, Jan, 12, 1763. Removed to Boston, and thence to Harvard, Mass. 50. iiL Laban, June 1, 1764, iv. Charles, May 6, 1766. V. Abel, Apr. 19, 1768. vi, Abigail, June 5, 1770. m. June 13, 1796, Benjamin Leavitt, of Portland, Me, 51. vii. Abner, July 21, 1773. 52. viiL Seth, Nov. 13, 1775. ix. Rebecca, Aug. 19, 1778, d. 11 Dec. 1795. X. Elijah, Sept. 5, 1781. xi. Lydia, Apr. 23, 1784. m. (1) Sept. 25, 1803, Cornelius Barnes of Scituate, and (2) Dea. Thoraas Freeman of Portland, Me. She d. at Lewiston, Me., 31 March, 1866, aet. 82d yr. 27. Ebed 6 (Jonathan* Joshua = William ^i), b. in Hing. Feb. 21, 1738-39. m. June 16, 1763, Eebecca Cushing, dau. of Stephen and Katreen (Kilby) Cushing. She was bt. in Hing. May 27, 1739, and d. 30 March, 1809, ffit. 70th yr. He d. 26 Dec. 1836, ffit. 98th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 53. L Jonathan, June 27, 1764. ii. Cushing, bt, March 2, 1766, d. 25 May foil. iii. Lydia, bt. June 9, 1768, d. 11 July foil. iv. Lydia, b. June 19, 1769. m. Nov. 29, 1789, Benjamin Andrews, 28. Peleg ^ (Noah * Joshua ' WiUiam ^i), b, in Hing. Nov. 22, 1737. m. Lucy Holbrook. Peleg d. in Hing. 19 Aug. 1799, ffit. 62d yr. Was constable in 1762. Hersey. 307 Ch., b. in Hing., were - L Peleg, Nov. 26, 1762, d. 31 Jan. 1763. ii. Peleg, May 6, 1764. Removed to Leicester, Mass. iii. Samuel, June, 1766. iv. Elizabeth, Sept. 1770. m, Oct. 28, 1798, Ebed Lincoln of Bath, Me., and d. at Bath, 31 May, 1846, set, 76th yr. 29. NoAH 6 (Noah * Joshua » WiUiam ^-i), b. in Hing. Oct. 6, 1746. m. Dec. 14, 1769, Lydia Waterman, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Beal) Waterman. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1748, and d. 7 March, 1818, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 12 March, 1826, ffit. 79 yrs. Selectman 1797, 1798, 1801, and 1802. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Alice, M.irch 20, 1771, d. 25 Jan. 1776. ii. Lydia, May 23, 1773. m. Nov, 3, 1795, Thomas Loud. iiL Jacob, Jan, 2, 1775, d. 28 Nov. 1792, iv. Else, Apr. 17, 1778. m. March 30, 1806, Benjamin Beal, wid^. V. Polly, Oct. 18, 1781. m. D(?c. 18, 1803, Moses Sprague, Jr. 54. vL Noah, Dec. 19, 1784. vii. Abigail Allen, Oct. 31, 1791. m. Dec. 15, 1811, Rufus Lane, 30. Jonathan^ (Jonathan* DanieP John ^ William^), b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1742. m. first, Oct. 23, 1766, Margaret Tower. She d. 13 June, 1777. He m. secondly, Sept. 8, 1777, Mary, dau. of Jane Berry. She was bt. in Hing. May 19, 1754, and d. at Eoxbury, Nov. 1832, ffit. 79th yr. He d. at Eoxbury at an advanced age. " Set-work cooper," and a soldier of the Eevolution. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Margaret, were — L Lydia, Sept, 11, 1767, m. Gilman of Boston. ii. Jonathan, Aug. 4, 1769. m,, and had seven sons. Resided at Cambridge. iii. Margaret, Aug. 20, 1771. m. 1793, James Humphrey of Bridgewater, or Wey. (?). iv. Mary, Apr. 2, 1773. m. Dec. 2, 1809, Elijah Dill. V. Henry Johnson, Apr, 15, 1775. Removed to New York. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — vi. Sears, Aug. 21, 1778. Removed to Eoxbury. viL Sally, Jan. 25, 1780. m. Nov. 21, 1802, Ruel Dawes. viiL Ebenezer, Dec. 29, 1781. m. at Roxbury . ix. Deidama, Feb. 12, 1784. m. Dec. 5, 1802, Jesse Prouty. X. Jane, Ang. 10, 1786. Resided at Roxbury. xi. Judith, Dec. 6, 1788. Afts. of Roxburj'. xii. Tamsen, May 8, 1791. Removed to Roxbury. xiii. Charles Sherwood, Aug. 1, 1793. Settled at Roxbury. 31. Daniel ^ (Jonathan * Daniel ^ John ''¦ William ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 18, 1754. m. Jan. 1, 1784, Abigail Stodder, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Sprague) Stodder. She was b. in Hing.- Apr. 29, 1764, and surviving him, m. secondly, Dec. 17, 1797, Jeremiah Hobart, widr. Daniel d. June, 1794, ffit. 40th yr. " Cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. •Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Daniel, Dec. 14, 1784, d. 24 Aug. 1786. 55. iL Daniel, Dec. 14, 1787. iii. JuLBTTA, .Tan. 1790, d. 31 July, 1791. iv. JuLETTA, Oct. 20, 1793, d. 5 Sept. 1795. 308 Hersey. 32. David « (Jonathan * Daniel ' John " WiUiam i), b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1767. m. first, May 18, 1779, Sarah Gill, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Humphrey) GUI. She was bt. in Hing. June 21, 1759, and d. 14 Oct. 1788, ffit. 29 yrs. He m.- secondly, Apr. 5, 1789, Deborah Lewis, dau. of Samuel and Sarah (Humphrey) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1767. David was in active service during the War of the Eevolu tion. After 1791 he removed with his fam. to Worcester, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — L David, Sept. 6, 1779, ii. Sally, March 17, 1781. iii, Nancy, July 15, 1784, d, 18 Aug. 1788. iv, Sukey, June 26, 1786. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Deborah, were — V. Na.noy, Feb, 23, 1790, d. 4 Apr. 1791. vL Nancy, Nov. 2, 1791. 33. Petee ^ (Jonathan * Daniel ' John ^ WUliam ^) , b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1767. m. Dec. 22, 1777, Eachel Stowell, dau. of Adam and Debo rah (Cowen) Stowell. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1768, and d. 29 Nov. 1819, ffit. 61st yr. He d. 16 May, 1844, ffit. 86 yrs. "Cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. A soldier of the Eevolution. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Rachel, Apr, 14, 1778. m. May 25, 1823, Thomas Steel, wid^. 56. ii. Peter, Jan. 1, 1782. iiL Deborah, Apr. 8, 1785. m. Apr. 25, 1811, John B. Mayhew of Edgar- town. 57. iv. Gridley, Nov. 16, 1786. V. Clarissa, Apr. 21, 1789, d. 27 Nov. 1795. vL Grace, June 13, 1791. m. Jan. 20, 1810, Allen Mahurin. viL Charlotte, Dec. 1, 1793. m. Dec. 1, 1811, Robert CorthelL viii. David, July 2, 1797. m. Oct. 10, 1818, Abigail S. Bates, 58, ix. Quincy, ,Tune 18, 1799, 34. Ezekiel ^ (Jonathan * Daniel * John ^ WiUiam '), b. in Hing. June 6, 1761. m, Nov. 19, 1796, Hannah Sprague, dau. of Isaac and Hannali (Jacob) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. May 11, 1766, and d. 1 Dec. 1837, ffit. 72d yr. Ezekiel d. 31 Jan, 1846, ffit. 84th yr. For services rendered in the War of the Eevolution, he received a pension under the Act of June 7, 1832. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Ezekiel, Jan. 3, 1797, d. at sea, on board the schr. " Pony" of Hing. 11 July, 1833, fet. 37th yr. 59. ii. David .\ndrews. Sept, 9, 1799, iii. Hannah. Jan. 24, 1802. m. Dec. 6, 1821, John Ripley. iv. Sarah, June 6, 1804. m. Dec, 18, 1825, Luther Stephenson. 35. Isaiah ^ (Isaiah * Daniel ^ John = William i), b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1744. m. Oct. 30, 1766, Eebecca Sprague, dau. of Isaac and Leah (Stodder) Sprague. She was bt. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1745, and d. at Passamaquoddy, Me,, Jan. 1831, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. there 16 Feb. 1831, ffit. 86 yrs. Constable 1782 and 1785. This fam. removed to. Passa maquoddy in 1787. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Rebecca, July 30, 1767, d, 26 May, 1772. ii. Perez, Sept. 25, 1768. m. Catv Bender, and resided at Passamaquoddy. iii. Caleb, Oct. 20, 1770, d. 30 M.arch, 1771, Hersey. 309 iv. Caleb, March 1, 1772. m. Lydia Dunbar. V. Rebecca, Jan. 8, 1774. m. Abraham Bridge. ' vi. Joanna, March 1, 1776. m. Isaac Hobart. vii. Adna, June 23, 1778. m. Leighton, and resided at Passamaquoddy. viii. Leah, Apr. 2, 1781. m. Samuel Leighton. ix. Isaiah, Aug. 5, 1783. m. Gardner. X., Thurza, July 23, 1786. m. Charles Stodder. 36. Israel ^ (Isaiah * Daniel ' John ^ WiUiam ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1744. m. Jan. 29, 1767, Priscilla Sprague, dau. of Jacob and Sarah (Stodder) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1741, and d. 4 May, 1814, ffit. 73d yr. He d. 3 Oct. 1823, ffit. 79th yr. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Priscilla, May 21,1767, d. 24 Feb. 1837, fet. 70th yr. 60. ii. Israel, Sept. 9, 1769. iii. Susanna, Aug. 12, 1771. m. Oct. 22, 1825, Jerom Leavitt, wid^. 61. iv. Nathaniel, Apr. 4, 1774. 62. V. Bela, Feb. 17, 1776. 37. Zadock ^ (Isaiah * Daniel ' John ^ William '), b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1753. m. July 30, 1776, Abigail Lewis, dau. of Ebenezer and Han nah (Hersey) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. June 29, 1764. Zadock and his fam. removed from Hing. to Passamaquoddy in 1788. He d. at Pembroke, Me., 13 Jan. 1860, ffit. 97th yr. Of his Ch., there were b. in Hing., — L Abigail, Nov. 12, 1776. m. Hosea Smitb, ii. Zadock, Feb. 15, 1779. m, Mercy, prob. dau. of Jacob Dunbar. iii. Hitte Lewis, March 19, 1781. m. Benjamin Jones. iv. Hannah, May 13, 1783. V. Anna, July 25, 1785. vi. Ebenezer, bt. Jan. 27, 1788. vii. Peggy, 1790. viii. William, bt. May 6, 1792. ix. MAr.Y, . m. Jan. 30, 1836, Bela Wilder. 38, Eeuben ^ (Isaiah * Daniel ' John ^ WiUiam ^), b. in Hing. Aug. 10, 1757. m. first, Nov. 11, 1779, Mary French, dau. of Dr. Daniel and Marv (Lane) French of Wey. She was b. June 7, 1758, and d. 2 Dec. 1822, ffit. 64 yrs. He m. secondly, Feb. 18, 1824, Celia Lincoln, dau. of Welcome and Sarah (GiU) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1769, and d. 13 March, 1829, ffit. 59 yrs. Eeuben d. 28 Nov. 1845, ffit. 88 yrs. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — Reuben, Nov. 1, 1780, d. 13 March, 1844. Samuel French, Sept. 23, 1783. Polly, Aug. 16, 1786. m. July 29, 1806, Joseph Hersey (42). Cotton, June 29, 1792. Eliza Lane, Jan. 15, 1799, d. unm. 6 Oct. 1871, set. 73d yr. Isaiah, Jan. 20, 1803. 39. JoHN^ (John* Jeremiah' John^ William i), b. in Hing. Sept. 24, 1761. m. Aug. 31, 1786, Anna Cushing, dau. of Pyam and Han nah (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 22, 1767, and d. 2 Dec. 1837, ffit. 71st yr. He d. Dec. 1849, ffit. 88 yrs. " Farmer." Ee sided on Main St., So. Hing. A soldier of the Eevolution. I. 63. iL iii. 64. iv. V. 65. vi. 310 Hersey. Ch., all b. in Hing,, — 66. L John, Dec. 16, 1786. ii. Anna, June 14, 1788. m. Nov. 21, 1811, Joshua Tower. 67. iiL Seth Stowers, May 8, 1790, iv. Mary Lincoln, March 5, 1792. m, Oct. 15, 1812, Henchman Sylvester. V. Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 1793. m. Nov. 6, 1815, Quincy Lane. 68. vi. Caleb, June 6, 1796. vii, Jane, Nov. 29, 1798. m. Dec. 13, 1820, Enos Loring. viii. Harriet, Apr, 4, 1801. m. Dec. 6, 1821, Solomon Gardner. tx. Martha, March 5, 1803. m. Jan. 13, 1825, Loring Cushing. X. Angelina, March 18, 1808, d, young. 40. Abijah^ (Abijah* Jeremiah^ John ^ William^), b. in Hing. June 13, 1769. m. Apr. 12, 1792, Lydia Stowell, dau. of Adam and Deborah (Cowen) StoweU. She was b. in Hing. July 31, 1771, and d. 17 March, 1864, ffit. 83d yr. He d. 14 June, 1841, ffit. 72 yrs. "Box- cooper." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Lydia Stowell, Aug, 5, 1792. m. Nov, 24, 1811, Isaac Bird of Boston, ii. Eleanor, Nov. 18, 1794. m. Dolbeare of Boston. iii, Clarissa, Oct. 5, 1796. m. Guild, and d. at Boston, 3 Feb. 1868, aet. 71 yrs. iv. Peggy, Oct. 28, 1798. m, Whittemore of Boston, and d. 5 Jan. 1864, set. 65 yrs. 69. V. Hosea, Feb. 4, 1800. vi. William, Sept. 15, 1802, m, Lydia A. Taylor of Waltham, and d. at Chelmsford, Mass,, 1833. vii. Eveline, Sept. 15, 1805. m. (1) June 29, 1828, Edward F. Morse of Bos ton, He d,, and their dau, Lydia Amanda, d. in Hing. 13 June, 1841, set. 7 yrs. Eveline m, (2) Sept. 19, 1850, John P. Dawes, wid^ of Hing. 70. viii. Warren Adam, May 25, 1809. 41. William^ (Abijah* Jeremiah' John ^ WUliam i), b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1776. m. Oct. 27, 1806, Mrs. Eebecca (Fearing) Todd, wid. of WiUiam Todd, and dau. of Nathaniel and Deborah (Hobart) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1775, and d. 18 July, 1809, ffit. 34th yr. He d. 8 Apr. 1867, ffit. 90 yrs. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Lydia Allen, March 14, 1806. m. Feb. 11, 1830, Cushing Hersey. ii. An infan'T, Jan. 11, 1808, d. in two days. 42. Joseph * (Abijah * Jeremiah ' John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 9, 1781. m. first, July 29, 1806, Polly Hersey, dau. of Eeuben and Mary (French) Hersey (38). She was b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1786, and d. 12 Sept. 1842, ffit. 66 yrs. He ra. secondly, Nov. 26, 1843, Mrs. Sally (Hersey) Hobart, wid. of Miles Hobart, and dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Hersey) Hersey (21.) She was b. in Hing. July 25, 1780, and d. 13 Apr. 1869, ffit. 89th yr. Joseph d. 29 July, 1863, ffit. 82d yr. " Set- work cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Polly, — i. Joseph, Sept. 27, 1806, d. 27 Oct. 1865, aet. 59 yrs. ii. Hollis, Aug. 18, 1812, d. 4 Nov. foil. iiL Hollis, June 9, 1814, d. 24 Aug. 1817. iv. Otis, Sept. 28, 1816. m, (1) Nov. 25, 1847, Mary J. Middleton. She d. 10 Oct. 1852. He m. (2) Nancy Merritt of So. Scit. Otisd. at So. Scit. 3 Aug. 1883, aet. 67th yr. Hersey. 311 71. V. Franklin, Feb. 13, 1820. vL Edward Lewis, Feb. 16, 1822. m. June 7, 1846, Sarah Ann, dau. of George Barnes, and both are dead. Their child, Annietta, d, in infancy. vii. William, Feb. 9, 1826, d. 14 March, 1850, at. 24 yrs. 43. Jeeemiah ^ (Jeremiah ^ John ^ WiUiam ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1775. m. first, Aug. 31, 1800, Deborah Fearing, dan. of Nathaniel and Deborah (Hobart) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Juue 29, 1777, and d. 27 Jan. 1829, ffit. 52d yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 11, 1838, Eebecca Lane, dau. of Isaac and Sally (Fearing) Lane. She survived him, and m. secondly, Jan. 21, 1860, Henry Wilder, widT. Jeremiah d. 5 Aug. 1846, ffit. 71st yr. " Carpenter ; " afts. " farmer." Eesided on South St., and late in life on North St. Ch., by w. Deborah, — L Lydia, Dec. 15, 1800. m. June 12, 1825, Peter Marsh. ii. Eunice, Sept. 7, 1802. m. Feb. 20, 1822, Waters Howard. iii. James H., Oct, 8, 1804, d. at sea, ou board U. S. Ship " Potomac," 5 Dec. 1836. iv. Deborah, Dec. 11, 1806. m, Nov, 14, 1830, Amos Bates. v. Jeremiah, Feb. 10, 1809, d. at Lakeville, Mass, vi. Rufus, March 10, 1811. m. Sarah Wilkinson, and d. 31 Aug. 1866. " Mar- iuer." vii. Ollie, May 18, 1813. m. Samuel Ellison. viii. Charles, Sept. 17, 1815. m, Mary E, Giles, and resided at Boston. ChUd, b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, — ix. Mary Ann, 1839. m. Nov. 15, 1862, George H. Waters, wid^, 44. Isaac ^ (Jeremiah ^ John = WiUiam ^), b. in Hing. Dec. 19, 1777. m. Dec. 6, 1807, Lydia Stowell, dau. of Israel and Lydia (Mansfield) StoweU. She was b. in Hing. July 21, 1780, and d. 12 Feb. 1866, ffit. 76th yr. He d. 8 Sept. 1866, ffit. 88th yr. "Butcher." Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Isaac, Oct. 19, 1808, d. num. 6 Sept. 1885, aet, 77th yr. ii. Lydia Otis, Jan. 31, 1810. m. Jan. 25, 1835, Darius Eddy. iii. Susan, Aug. 27, 1811. m. Jan. 17, 1836, Elihu Thayer. iv. Sarah Waters, Jan. 25, 1814. m. March 21, 1841, Lewis Eddy. 72. V. Henry Miles, Dec. 12, 1821. 45. Geoege ^ (Jeremiah *^ John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. Oct. 19, 1787. m. Oct. 11, 1821, Lydia Marsh, dau. of Lot and Lydia (French) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1787, and d. 16 Feb. 1864, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 31 May, 1871, ffit. 84th yr. "Trader." Eesided on South St. Ch., b. in Hiug., — i. Mary, Dec, 3, 1822. m. July 5, 1846, Dr. Horatio N. Park of Weston, Vt. 74. iL George, Nov. 16, 1824. 75. iiL Edmund, July 7, 1829. 46. Zadock * (Jeremiah *^ John^ William'), b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1794. m. Dec. 14, 1834, Susan C. Whiton, dau. of Ezra and Emma (Jones) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 8, 1810. Zadock d. 12 May, 1883, ffit. 89th yr. "Trader." Eepresentative 1834 and 1835. Eesided on South St. 312 Hersey. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Susan Whiton, Aug. 22, 1837. ii. Emma Jones, Jan. 17, 1845. 47. Gilbeet^ (Gilbert* Jeremiah" John^ WiUiam'), b. in Hing. Nov. 7, 1774. m. Dec. 3, 1796, Lucy Stodder, dau. of Thomas and Jlolly (Lewis) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 31, 1773, and d. 20 July, 1813, ffit. 40th yr. He d. 6 Aug. 1810, ffit. 36th yr. "Farmer." Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Levi, Sept, 20, 1797. ii. Mary Lewis, Jan. 25, 1800. iiL Eliza, Oct, 27, 1801, d. 14 Nov. folL iv. Nathan, Oct. 2, 1802, d. at Boston, 25 March, 1883, mt. 80 yrs. 48. Elias " (Abel = Joshua*"^ William ^-i), b. in Hing. March 8, 1766. m. Dec. 2, 1788, Susanna Hobart, dau. of John and Miriam (Lincoln) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. July 20, 1763, and d. 14 May, 1804, ffit. 41st yr. EUas d. 20 July, 1796, ffit. 30 yrs. Selectman 1793 and 1794. A gravestone erected to his memory in the Hingham cemetery bears the foUowing inscription : — Stop passenger as you pass by And on my grave but cast an eye Your son like mine may set at noon Your soul be cald for very soon In this dark place you' shortly be Prepare for Death and follow me. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Elias, Dec. 19, 1789. Eemoved to Portland, Me. Was m. and had sons Henry, 1821, and Seth, 1832. ii. Abel, May 19, 1791, d. at Saco, Me., Dec. 1877. Was m, and had nine ch., inc. sons John H., 1816, and George H., 1829. iii. Sukey, Dec. 3, 1792. m. at Boston, Dec. 11, 1811, Eliakim Richards. 49. Joshua « (Joshua =^ WiUiam"), b. in Hing. Jan. 15, 1766. m. March 6, 1794, Lucy Jacob, dau. of Capt. Joshua and Elizabeth (Eichmond) Jacob of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Apr. 16, 1773, and d. in Hing. 4 Feb. 1861, ffit. 88th yr. Joshua d. 1853, ffit. 87 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on Prospect St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Richmond, Aug. 24, 1795, d. 1819, aet. 24 yrs, 76. iL Joshua, Apr, 18, 1797, 77. iii. Benjamin, Aug. 13, 1799. iv. Lucy, March 19, 1802, m. July 29, 1827, Andrew Cushing. V. Rachel, March 22, 1806, d. unm. 26 Dec. 1870, Eet. 65th yr. vi. Hannah, Sept. 4, 1808, d. imm. 1 Jan. 1887, aet. 78 yrs. vii. William J,, Feb. 6, 1815, d, unm. 30 June, 1884, set. 69 yrs. "Farmer." Resided on the paternal homestead. Prospect St. 50. Laban' (Thomas^ Jonathan' Joshua^ William"), b. in Hiug. June 1, 1764. m. Apr. 16, 1788, Celia Barnes, dau. of Cornelius and Elizabeth Otis (Lincoln) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1767, and d. 24 May, 1866, ffit. 89th yr. He d. 19 March, 1842, ffit. 78th yr. "Tanner" and "farmer." Was captain of a militia company. Ee sided on Summer St. Hersey. 318 Ch., all b. in Hing., — 78. L Laban, July 29, 1789. iL Charles Allen, Sept, 11, 1791, d. 14 Aug. 1793. 79. iii. Charles, May 23, 1794. iv. Henry, Aug. 16, 1796. B, U. 1820 ; Har. Divinity School, 1823 ; and in 1824 was settled in the ministry at Barnstable, Mass. He m. Jan. 24, 1837, Elizabeth, dau, of Daniel Jenkins of Scit. She d, in Hing. 17 Feb. 1877, set. 83 yrs. He d. without issue, 23 Sept. 1877, aet. 81 yrs. Re sided on Summer St. V. Robert, Aug. 3, 1799. vi. Cornelius, Dec. 14, 1801. Resided at Boston, and had a fam. He d. 20 July, 1883, !Bt. 82d yr. 80. vii. Alfred Cushing, Nov. 26, 1804. viii. Elizabeth Mary Ann, Sept. 8, 1808. m., 1838, Charles Reed of Boston, and d, 24 Sept. 1843, set. 35 yrs. 51. Abnek ^ (Thomas^ Jonathan* Joshua' WUliam ^^), b. in Hing. July 21, 1773. m. (pub. Sept. 28, 1800) Sally Sweetser of Charles town, Mass. She d. in Hing. 20 Aug. 1847, ffit. 71 yrs. Capt. Abner, Hersey d. 7 Aug. 1849, ffit. 76 yrs. " Cabinet-maker." Eesided on South, near Main St. Ch., b. in Hiug., — i. Sally Sweetser, Nov. 22, 1801. m. Oct. 16, 1827, David H. Abbott. ii. Mary Jacob, Apr. 11, 1806, d. 6 May, 1826. iiL Joanna Kettelle, May 20, 1808. m. March 20, 1839, David Lewis. 52. Seth° (Thomas^ Jonathan* Joshua' William^"'), b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1775. m. first, Jan. 9, 1803, Tamsen Cushing, dau. of Theo philus and Patience (Dunbar) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 28, 1779. For his second w. he m. Nov. 12, 1840, Mrs. Eebecca (Clev erly) Whiton, wid. of Israel Whiton. Seth removed with his fam. to Gorham, Me. Ch., by w. Tamsen, — L Rebecca, Oct. 30, 1803. ii. Seth, May 24, 1807. iii. Theophilus Cushing, b. at Gorham, 1812, d. at Philadelphia, Pa,, 3 Apr, 1886, aet. 74 yrs. There prob, were other ch. of this fam. 53. Jonathan ' (Ebed ^ Jonathan ' Joshua ^ William ^i), b. in Hing. June 27, 1764. m. Feb. 10, 1788, Euth, dau. of Micah and Euth Nichols of Coh. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 16, 1767, and d. 16 July, 1834, ffit. 67 yrs. Jonathan d. away from home, prob. at sea. He was by occupation " mariner." Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 81. L Ebed, Aug. 5, 1788. ii. Caleb, Feb. 24, 1790, d. 11 Sept. 1793. iiL Naaman, Dec. 8, 1791, iv. Caleb, June 8, 1794. Removed to Haverhill, where he d. 18 March, 1873, •> aet. 79th yr, 82. V. Stephen, Sept. 3, 1796. 64. Noah ^ (Noah «"* Joshua » William ^-i), b. in Hing. Dec. 19, 1784. m. May 28, 1809, Susanna, dau. of David Blanchard of Wey. She was b. at Wey. March 6, 1789, and d. in Hing. 30 Apr. 1866, ffit. 67 yrs. He d. 6 Dec. 1867, ffit. 83d yr. '^f Mason." Eesided on the paternal homestead. South St. 314 Hersey. Ch.,— i. Susan B., Apr. 20, 1810. m. Aug. 3, 1841, Joseph D, Farren of New Haven, Conn. ii. Lydia L., Apr. 11, 1812. m. Nov. 1, 1831, Ira Grover of Columbus, Ohio. iii. Mary, July 27, 1814. m. Jan. 20, 1834, Caleb S, Hersey. iv. Jane, March 11, 1817. 83. V. Levi, Aug. 8, 1822. vi. Abigail A,, May 2, 1830. m. May 15, 1872, Sydney Farren of New Haven, Conn. 55. Daniel^ (Daniel^ Jonathan' Daniel ' John "^ William *), b. in Hing. Dec. 14, 1787. m. Nov. 3, 1811, Hannah Brock of Boston. She d. 12 July, 1824, and he m. secondly. May 30, 1826, Lydia G. Hersey. Daniel removed to Boston, where he d. 26 May, 1858, ffit. 70 yrs. " Auctioneer." He was the first grand master of the grand lodge I. 0. of 0. F., of Mass. Ch., by w. Hannah, — L Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1812. m. March, 1833, Charles Merriam of Boston. ii. Hannah P., March 5, 1814, iii. William F., Aug. 8, 1815, d. 20 May, 1816. iv. Anna J., Nov, 25, 1816. V. Daniel F., March 14, 1818, d. 20 Jan. 1820. vi. Daniel J,, June 7, 1820, d. 14 Jan. 1821. viL Margaret N., July 16, 1821. viii. Mary S., Apr. 3, 1823, d. 13 Dec. 1823. Ch., by w. Lydia, — ix. Emeline A., Feb. 24, 1827. X. Daniel H., Sept. 2, 1828. xi. Helen M., Apr, 16, 1830, d. 23 Apr, 1831. xii. Benet H., Apr. 10, 1832. 56. Petee ° (Peter ^ Jonathan* Daniel' John ^ William i), b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1782. m. Sept. 1, 1806, Mary Dunbar, dau. of Daniel and Phillipe (Damon) Dunbar. She was b. in Hing. 1782, and d. at Wey. 23 Jan. 1864, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 13 May, 1860, ffit. 78 yrs. " Packet-master." Ilesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Mary, Jan. 24, 1806. m. Dee. 9, 1827, Reuben T. Nash. 84. ii. Peter, Oct. 6, 1807. 85. iii. Loring, Sept. 11, 1809. iv. Delia, March 28, 1813. ra. May 23, 1831, Samuel Cleverly, and d. at Wey. 16 Sept. 1884, aet. 71 yrs, V. Martha, Apr. 7, 1815. m. Apr. 8, 1832, Caleb S, Cleverlv. vi. Wilson, Jan. 16, 1817. m. (1) Aug. 15, 1839, Abigail French, and (2) Nancy Haskell. Resides at Wey. vii. Sarah W., Apr. 2, 1819. m. Oct. 18, 1840, George W. Cleverly of Wey. viii. Daniel Dunbar, July 31, 1823. m. Apr. 3, 1842, Susan B. Morse, and d. at Wey. 15 Oct. 1862, ajt. 39 yrs. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch. : 1. Susan. 2. Sarah. 57. Geidlby * (Peter * Jonathan * Daniel ' John ^ WiUiam ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1786. m. Oct. 22, 1808, Lucy Cudworth, a native of Scit. She d. in Hing. 3 Jan. 1867, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 28 July, 1827, ffit. 41st yr. " Cooper," Eesided on Hersey St. Hersey. 815 Ch., aU b. in Hing., — 86. i. Gridley Foster, Aug. 11, 1809. ii. Sally Cudworth, Dec. 7, 1810. m. Feb. 16, 1834, Reuben Griffin. 87. iii. Caleb Strong, Jan. 4, 1813. 88. iv. George Washington, Sept. 7, 1814. V. Albert Fiske, June 20, 1823. m, Dec. 29, 1846, Hester A. R. Dunbar, dau. of Hosea and Lucy (Wilder) Dunbar. She d. 26 Nov. 1886, aet. 65th yr. 58. Quincy® (Peter ^ Jonathan* Daniel' John^ WUUam'), b. in Hing. June 18, 1799. m. first, Eebecca Thayer. She d. at Methuen, Mass., 30 March, 1867, ffit. 71st yr. Quincy was by occupation "cooper." He removed late in life to So. Wey., thence to Winchendon, and finally to Methuen, where he d. 20 July, 1874, ffit. 75 yrs. He left a wid., 2 dau's, and one son. Ch., b. in Hing., — 89. i. Silas Quincy, Oct, 22, 1822. iL Emily E. R., Aug. 1, 1828. m. Sept. 25, 1848, John Robinson. iiL Catherine D., Nov. 24, 1829, m. Jan. 28, 1849, William Cullen of Boston. iv. Timothy Cressey, Oct. 9, 1831. 59. David A.® (Ezekiel ^ Jonathan * Daniel ' John ^ Williain '), b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1799. m. Jan. 16, 1826, Lydia Eipley, dau. of Nehe miah and PrisciUa (Lincoln) Eipley. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1799, and d. 28 Nov. 1870, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. 22 Nov. 1887, ffit. 88 yrs. " Harness-maker." Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — 90. L David Ripley, Jan. 4, 1826. ii. Lydia Hobart, July 8, 1830. m. Oct. 5, 1854, E. Waters Burr. iii. Henry Lincoln, Nov. 19, 1836, d. 11 Jan. 1838. 60. Iseael ^ (Israel ^ Isaiah * Daniel ' John ^ William '), b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1769. m. Oct. 28, 1793, Deborah StoweU, dau. of Adam and Deborah (Cowen) Stowell. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1767, and d. 18 Feb. 1846, at. 79th yr. He d. 13 Aug. 1853, ffit. 84th yr. "Box- cooper." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch.,— L Deborah Cowen, Sept. 20, 1794. m. Jan. 7, 1817, Samuel Leavitt. iL Ezra, Jan. 2, 1799. m. Rachel Clapp, and d, at Lynn, 19 Aug. 1837, aet. 39th yr. His wid. m. Jacob Hersey, wid'. (92). iii. Emma, May 13, 1802, d. unm. 7 July, 1883, Kt. 81 yrs. 61. Nathaniel* (Israel * Isaiah * Daniel' John^ William'), b. in Hing. Apr. 4, 1774. m. July 7, 1796, Molly Stodder, dau. of Jacob and Molly (Stowell) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 28, 1774, and d. 10 Sept. 1854, ffit. 80th yr. He d. 19 March, 1860, ffit. 86th yr. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Main, near Hobart St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 91. i. Nathaniel, June 14, 1797. 92. ii. Jacob, July 13, 1799. iii. Mary, Oct. 9, 1801. m, March 18, 1824, Joseph Goold, or Gould. iv. Priscilla Sprague, Dec, 29, 1804. m. June 27, 1822, Peter Hobart. 316 Hersey. 93. V. Cushing, Julj', 1808. vi. Hannah S., March 14, 1811. m. Dec. 3, 1828, David Bates, 2d, of Wey. vii. Calvin, Jan. 23, 1817. Eemoved from Hiug. 62. Bela" (Israel ° Isaiah* DanieP John^ WiUiam i), b. in Hing. Feb. 17, 1776. m. Dec. 6, 1813, Nancy Stockbridge of Scit. She d. in Hing. 28 Nov. 1862, ffit. 78th yr. He d. 23 Nov. 1829, ffit. 54th yr. " Cooper." Eesided at the corner of Main and Hersey Sts. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Bela Stockbridge, July 23, 1815. m. (1) Nov. 1, 1840, Lucy A. Whit comb. For his sec. w., he m. Sept. 25, 1855, Lucy S. Litchfield of Scit. He d. 21 Oct, 1861, ast. 46 yrs. By his first w. he had one child, b, March 20, 1844, d. 4 Sept. 1845. 63. Samuel F." (Eeuben" Isaiah* DanieP John ^ WiUiam i), b. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1783. m. Nov. 4, 1813, Persis Hobart, dau. of Ed mund and Persis (Cushing) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. June 9, 1791, and d. 16 Apr. 1867, ffit. 76th yr. He d. 2 Apr. 1876, ffit. 93d yr. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Persis Cushing, July 18, 1814. m. Jan. 1, 1832, Isaac Corthell. ii. Mary French, Sept. 25, 1817, m. May 31, 1835, Elijah C. CortheU, iii. Samuel, Apr. 25, 1820, m, Dec. 9, 1855, Ciseline L., dau. of Laban Stod der. She d. 20 Apr, 1860, set. 34 yrs. 94. iv. Edmund, Aug. 7, 1823. 64. Cotton ° (Eeuben ^ Isaiah* Daniel* John^ WiUiam i), b. in Hing. June 29, 1792. m, Dec. 21, 1814, Lydia Hobart, dau. of Ed mund and Persis (Cushing) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1793, and d. 13 Feb. 1880, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 19 Dec. 1881, ffit. 89 yrs. " Toy manuf'r." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Lydia, Sept. 4, 1815, d. 17 Jan. foU. ii. Bela French, Sept. 9, 1817. m. Elizabeth Stockbridge, and d. 2 Nov. 1879, aet. 62 yrs. Ui. Lydia Hobart, Jan. 15, 1824, d. 12 March, 1843, iv. Mary Cotton, Jan. 15, 1835, 65. Isaiah " (Eeuben ^ Isaiah * Daniel ' John ^ William^), b. in Hiug. Jan. 20, 1803. m. Jan, 12, 1834, Polly Leavitt, dau. of Ezra and Polly (Loring) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1810. Isaiah d. 24 Oct. 1868, ffit. 66th yr. " Set-work cooper and farmer." Ee sided on Hersey St. Child, b. in Hing., — 95. i. Reuben, Dec. 8, 1837, 66. John ^ (John " Jeremiah « John ^ WUliam i), b. in Hing. Dec. 16, 1786. m. Apr. 22, 1818, Sarah Gardner, dau. of Jeremiah and Esther (Saunders) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. March 4, 1799. John d. 22 Dec. 1863, ffit. 77 yrs. "Blacksmith." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John Wellington, July 21, 1818 ; is dead. Emeline E., his w., d. 7 July, 1861, aet. 35 yrs. Hersey. 317 ii. William Bambridge, July 22, 1820. m. Feb. 19, 1857, Susan F. Tirrell of Wey. Resides at Wey. iii. Sarah Jane, March 3, 1827. m. Nov. 7, 1847, Charles Whiton, 3d. iv. George Canning, July 2, 1833. m, (1) Feb. 19, 1857, Hanuah Kimball. She d, and he m. a sec, w. at Wey. He has since deceased. V. . Caroline Frances, . m. Jan. 31, 1861, Otis Cushing. 67. Seth S.« (John ^^ Jeremiah » John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. May 8, 1790. m. Betsey Eeed of Wey. She d. in Hing. 9 Oct. 1873, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 16 March, 1878, ffit. 88th yr. " Trader." Was captain of a militia company, president of the Hingham Mutual Fire Insur ance Company, and held other positions of trust. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Lydia Dyer, Aug. 15, 1817. m. Aug. 29, 1847, Joshua Jacobs, wid'.. ii. Mary Stowers, Sept. 15, 1818. m. Robert Cushing. 96. iii. Henry, May 2, 1820. iv. Anna C, May 10, 1822. m. May 31, 1843, Pyam C. Burr. V. Betsey Reed, Nov. 23, 1823. m. Nov. 27, 1845, Theophilus Burr, Jr. 97. vi. Seth Stowers, Nov. 21, 1833. viL Henrietta, 1836. m. Dec. 23, 1856, Ebed L. Ripley. 68. Caleb ^ (John ^ Jeremiah ' John ^ William ^) b. in Hing. June 6, 1796. m. first, Dec. 26, 1821, Ann C. A. Whitney, dau. of Eev. Nicholas Bowes and Ann (Adams) Whitney. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 7, 1802, and d. 23 May, 1842, ffit. 40 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 12, 1843, Clarissa Adams, sister of Mrs. Whitney. She d. in Hing. 30 Apr. 1857, ffit. 70 yrs. For his third w. he m. Oct. 8, 1862, Mrs. Eosella (Ford) Gardner, wid. of James Gardner, and a native of Mf'd. Caleb d. 1 Oct. 1882, ffit. 86 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Ann, — 98. i. Caleb Francis, Feb. 20, 1823. ii. Charles Whitney, Feb. 11, 1825, d. at New Orleans, La., 1853, aet, 28 yrs. iii. Benjamin, June 22, 1827. iv. Webster, July 13, 1831. m. Aug. 10, 1876, Mrs. Maria E. (Cushing) Fowler, wid. of John D. Fowler, and dau. of Andrew and Lucy (Hersey) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1834. V. Ann Catherine, Nov. 7, 1833. m. Nelson Groce. vi. Lydia Whitney, May 10, 1839. 69. Hosea « (Abijah ^ Jeremiah ' John ^ William i), b. in Hing. Feb. 4, 1800. m. Oct. 24, 1824, Hannah Lincoln, dau. of Israel and Chloe (Lincoln) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing, July 8, 1801, and surviving him, m. secondly, Dec. 11, 1831, Martin Battles, widT. Hosea d. 24 Sept. 1826, ffit. 27th yr. Ch,, b. in Hing., — i. Hollis, Apr. 1825, d. 2 Nov. foil. ii. Caroline Guild, Jan. 1827. m. (1) Dec, 1, 1847, Abraham Thayer, Jr., and (2) Bates. 70. Waeeen A.* (Abijah ^ Jeremiah ^ John ^ WiUiam ^), b. in Hing. May 15, 1809. m. first, Apr. 21, 1833, Sarah Ann WUson of Boston. She d. 4 Ang. 1849 ; and he m. secondly, March 31, 1850, Sabra Bas sett, dau. of Martin and Sabra (Briggs) Bassett. She was b. in Hing. 318 Hersey. Nov. 3, 1819. " Mason," and master-builder. Also for sev. yrs. pro prietor of the stage line between Hing. and Boston. Eesided on South, near West St. Ch., all by w. Sarah, were — i. Hosea Ballou, Sept. 8, 1833. m. June 9, 1857, Sarah E., dau. of James Burtenshaw. She d. at Boston, 13 Dec. 1876, aet. 40th yr. Eesides at Boston. ii. A DAU. , b. and d, same day, 99. iii. William Harrison, Nov. 27, 1840. iv. Sarah Ann, June 5, 1846, d. 9 Oct. 1848. V. Benjamin Franklin, Oct. 16, 1848, d, 19 Jan. 1851. 71. Feanklin^ (Joseph ^ Abijah* Jeremiah^ John^ William^), b. in Hing. Feb. 13, 1820. m. Oct. 12, 1843, Caroline Hobart, dau. of Peter and Priscilla S. (Hersey) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1825. " Set-work cooper." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Mary French, June 30, 1844, d. 29 Sept. foil. 100. iL Franklin Hobart, Oct. 15, 1845. iii. Ella Caroline, March 7, 1848, iv. Edward Augustus, Nov. 4, 1861. 72. Heney M.^ (Isaac ^ Jeremiah *^ John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1821. m. Apr. 10, 1846, Eliza J. Brown of Quincy, Mass. Henry M. d. 6 Feb. 1876, ffit. 64 yrs. " Trader." Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Eliza Jane, Feb. 12, 1846. m, Jan. 5, 1875, William A. Daggett. ii. Henry Wildes, 1848. iiL Adeline W., 1852. m. Jan. 22, 1873, Frank W. Goodwin of Somerville. iv. Frances M., 1854. m. Jan, 30, 1877, Alfred Clapp. 73. John Punchaed ^ (Benjamin ^ Zerubbabel * Jeremiah ° John ^ WiUiam ^) (19, ii.), b. at Salem, 1807. m. Aug. 3, 1829, Angeline Ewell of Mf'd. She was b. at Mf'd, 1812. John P. d. in Hing. 20 Feb. 1875, ffit. 68th yr. " Painter and glazier." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Sarah Ann, Jan. 13, 1830. m. Oct. 10, 1850, Albert Whiton. iL John, , d, in seven weeks. 74. Geoege ^ (George ^ Jeremiah *^ John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 16, 1824. m. June 4, 1848, Mary Jane Waters, dau. of John and Mary (Wilder) Waters. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 13, 1828. " Trader." Selectman 1864 and 1866. Eesides on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 101, i. Walter Waters, Apr. 3, 1850. 102. iL Frederic Murray, Jan. 8, 1853. 103. iiL Arthur Francis, June 20. 1855. iv, Lydia Marsh, Jan, 1, 1861, d. 4 Aug. 1863. 75. Edmund " (George ^ Jeremiah *¦** John^ WUliam '), b. in Hing. July 7, 1829. m. first, July 6, 1861, Adelaide Waters, dan. of John and Mary (Wilder) Waters. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 9, 1830, and d, 1 May, 1857, ffit. 26 yrs. He m. secondlv, Nov. 17, 1861, Marv Hersey. 319 Howard, dau. of Edmund and Peggy (Beal) Howard. She was b. in Hing. June 16, 1840. " Trader." , Eepresentative 1886 and 1887. Eesides on South St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Adelaide, — i. Mary Adelaide, Apr. 19, 1855, d. 27 Aug. foil. ii. Adelaide Waters, Feb. 16, 1857. m. Feb. 24, 1885, Alfred W. Howard of Boston. Child, b. in Hmg., by w. Mary, — iii. Howard Park, Aug. 28, 1864. m. June 2, 1885, Ruth B., dau. of Moral- lus Lane, and has Ethel Lane, b, in Hing. June 7, 1886. 76. Joshua'' (Joshua"^ WiUiam ^-i), b. in Hing. Apr. 18, 1797. m. first, Sept. 12, 1822, Deborah B. Cushing, dau. of Nehemiah and Deborah (Briggs) Cushing. She was b. iu Hing. Jan. 31, 1801, and d. 3 Oct. 1837, ffit. 37th yr. He m. secondly, at Portland, Me., Dec. 23, 1838, Harriot P. Davidson of Bangor, Me. She d. at Cambridge, Mass., 9 Dec. 1876, ffit. 69th yr. He d. at Bangor, 5 Sept. 1869, ffit. 72 yrs. "Lumber merchant," and styled "Major." Eesided on Water St. before he removed to Bangor. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Deborah, — L Deborah B., 1824, d. in 1868, mt. 44 yrs. ii. Elizabeth Richmond, , d. . iii. Nehemiah Cushing, 1830, d, at Bangor, 17 May, 1864, aet. 34th yr. iv. Maria Jacobs, 1832, d. 3 July, 1858, aet, 26 yrs. V. Franklin, 1835, d. at Bangor, 20 Nov. 1860, aet. 25 yrs. Ch., by w. Harriot, — vi. Charles H., 1841 ; drowned in Hing. harbor, 4 Sept. 1858, aet. 17 yrs. vii. Frederick W., 1844, d. 13 Feb. 1864, aet. 19 yrs. viii. Hattie C, 1849, d. at Bangor, 28 Jan. 1864, aet. 14 yrs. 77. Benjamin ' (Joshua ^^^ WUliam ^^), b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1799. m. Oct. 11, 1832, Mary J. Jacobs, dau. of Joshua and Hannah (Cush ing) Jacobs. She was b. at So. Scit. Jan. 3, 1800, and d. 12 Nov. 1861, ffit. 62d yr. He d. 6 Feb. 1865, set. 55 yrs. "Farmer." Selectman 1842. Eesided on Prospect St. Child, b. in Hing., — L Emma L., . m. Jan. 1, 1863, Albert B. Loring. 78. LABA2T' (Laban ^ Thomas' Jonathan' Joshua' William^-'), b. in Hing. July 29, 1789. m. first, June 3, 1812, Martha Chapman Davis. She d. in Hing. 26 Oct. 1840, ffit. 63 yrs. He afts. took a sec. w. whose chris. name was Sarah. Laban d. 6 Jan. 1867, ffit. 78th yr. "Tan ner ; " and kn. as " Colonel." Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Martha, — L Celia Barnes, March 14, 1813. m. Dec. 7, 1846, Lincoln Barnes, and d. 5 June, 1885, aet. 72 yrs. ii. Martha Ann, Oct. 9, 1815. m. Sept. 3, 1838, Dr. Spencer Gale of Port land, Me. iii. Mary Chapman, 1817. m. Samuel C. Hemmenway, and d. at Bangor, Me., 11 March, 1848, aet. 31 yrs, iv. Thomas, Sept. 19, 1819. Resides at Bangor, Me,, and has a fam. 320 Hersey. 79. Chaeles ' (Laban ' Thomas ' Jonathan * Joshua ' William ^i), b. in Hing. May 23, 1794. m. July 23, 1823, Eliza Cushing Jones, dau. of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth (Loring) Jones of Hull. She was b. at' HuU, Sept. 11, 1798, and d. in Hing. 3 May, 1868, ffit. 60th yr. He d. 16 Nov. 1858, ffit. 64 yrs. "Farmer," Eesided on Main, near Water St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i, Eliza Jones, Sept. 2, 1826, m. Dec. 24, 1848, John A. Andrew. ii. Mary Winsor, Sept. 2, 1826, d. July, 1836. iii. Thomas Jones, Feb. 13, 1836, d. unm, 8 May, 1868, aet. 32 yrs, 80. Alfred C' (Laban ^ Thomas" Jonathan* Joshua' William^-'), b. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1804. m. Sept. 13, 1838, Mrs. Mary Ann Bul lard, wid. -of Silas Bullard, and dau. of Hon. Charles Barrett of New Ipswich, N. H. She was b. at New Ipswich, Nov. 12, 1802, and d. in Hing. 13 Aug. 1876, ffit. 73d yr. Alfred C, first commenced business as a trader in Hing. ; but shortly after removed to Boston, where by his enterprise, business capacity, and good judgment he soon became a successful merchant and ship-owner. He was the first president of the South Shore Eailroad Corporation ; was by appointment of Governor Andrew a trustee of the Mass. school-ship, and held various other posi tions of trust and responsibility. Siuce 1850 he has resided in Hing. ; and by his love of the beautiful in nature has added many attractions and improvements to that part of Summer St., near Old Colony Hill, where he resides. Early in life he was captain of a military company. Child, — L Alfred Henry, Apr. 18, 1841. m. March 1, 1862, Mary Henrietta Gibson, dau. of Dr. Henry and Sarah M. (Robinson) Gibson of New Ipswich, N, H. Ch. : 1. Alfred Gushing, Sept. 18, 1862, d. 13 Sept. 1863. 2, Henry Gibson, Ang. 5, 1864, d. 11 Feb, foil. 8L Ebed ' (Jonathan ^ Ebed ^ Jonathan * Joshua' WUliam ^% b. in Hing. Aug. 5, 1788. m. Elizabeth Bradbury Francks. She was b. Jan. 1, 1789, and d. 20 Apr. 1835, ffit. 46 yrs. He d. 14 Aug. 1859, ffit. 71 yrs. "Lumber dealer." Also constable and deputy sheriff. Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Jonathan, March 22, 1813, d. 2 Feb. 1842. ii. Elizabeth, Jan. 24, 1815. m. Apr. 11, 1839, Lemuel S. Blackman, and d. 29 Apr. 1872. iii. Rebecca Cushing, Aug. 6, 1817. m. Nov. 13, 1838, William' Sprague, and d. 2 Aug. 1856. iv. Lydia, July 18, 1819. m. (1) Oct. 16, 1845, James Frye, aud (2) Levi Thaxter, wid^. V. Ruth Nichols, Sept. 14, 1821. m. June 27, 1849, James F. Clement. vi. Mary Ann, Aug. 3, 1824, d. 22 June, 1850. viL Joann, Nov. 13, 1826. m. Feb. 8, 1854, Charles N. Marsh, andd. 12 Apr. 1884. viii. Catherine, Sept. 16, 1829. ix. Sarah Bartlett, Aug. 23, 1833. m. June 26, 1860, Henry F. Hersey. 82. Stephen'' (Jonathan" Ebed' Jonathan* Joshua' William ^-i), b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1796. m. June 23, 1829, Maria Lincoln, dau. of Welcome and Susanna (Gill) Lincoln. She Avas b. in Hing. Sept. 16, Hersey. 321 1805, and d. 26 Apr. 1880, ffit. 75th yr. Stephen was lost at sea 23 Dec. 1860, ffit. 54 yrs. "Master-mariner." Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Henry Edson, May 28, 1830. Was grad. at Har. Coll. 1850. "Attorney at law." He m. March 20, 1856, Catharine Sylvester, dau. of Col. Henry H., and Elizabeth (Hubbard) Sylvester of Charlestown, N. H. She d. at Boston, 3 Apr. 1877, set. 49 yrs. Henry E. d. in Hing. 24 Feb. 1863, set. 33d yr. He left no issue. ii. Mary Catherine, Apr. 8, 1834. m. (1) Sept. 16, 1857, Henry 0. Little, and (2) March 24, 1870, Bela H. Whiton, wid'.. iii. Stephen, July 22, 1838, d. 25 Feb. 1842. iv. Maria, July 22, 1838, d. unm. 10 Dec. 1880. V. Susan Lincoln, Sept. 12, 1840. 83. Levi ' (Noah «^ Joshua ' WiUiam ^-i), b. in Hing. Aug. 8, 1822. m. first, March 21, 1847, Caroline G. Whitmarsh, dau. of Charles and Ehoda (Gates) Whitmarsh of Stow, Mass. She was b. at Stow, Jan. 6, 1824, and d. at Boston, 7 May, 1865, ffit. 31 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 24, 1868, Mary Whitmarsh, his first w.'s sister. She was b. at Stow, Nov. 13, 1837, and d. 17 June, 1860, ffit. 23d yr. For his third w. he m. Oct. 13, 1863, Abigail W. Gardner, dau. of Hosea J., and AbigaU (Marshall) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1836. " Piano forte maker." Eesides on the paternal homestead. South, near West St. ChUd, by w. Caroline, — L Levi, Feb. 27, 1848, d. 10 Sept. foil. ChUd, by w. Mary, — ii. Ira Grover, March 12, 1860. m. Nov. 11, 1884, Hannah K., dau. of William F., and Elizabeth (Kimball) Harden. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, — iiL Mary Caroline, Aug. 1, 1864. iv. Allen, July 2, 1868, d. same day. V. Annie Ives, May 14, 1871. ' vi. Alice Bradford, July 6, 1874. 84. Petee' (Peter ^ Jonathan* Daniel' John^ WiUiam i), b. in Hing. Oct. 6, 1807. m. Dec. 13, 1832, Sophia G. Fearing, dau. of Thomas and Patty (Whiton) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1809. "Boot-maker." Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Sophia Fearing, Sept. 12, 1835. m. Jan. 22, 1855, Charles F. Poor of Wey. ii. Peter Thomas, Jan. 16, 1838. m. June 25, 1864, Carrie A. Pottle. iii. Abby Gould, Sept. 27, 1847. m. May 19, 1872, Josiah L. Goold. 85. LoEiNG '' (Peter ^^ Jonathan * Daniel ' John ^ WiUiam '), b. in Hing. Sept. 11, 1809. m. first, Apr. 10, 1831, Martha Ann Churchill, dau. of Jesse and Anna (Barrell) Churchill. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 1812, and d. 28 Sept. 1846, ffit. 34th yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 26, 1847, Elizabeth L., dau. of Cushing Gardner of Wey. " Master-mariner." Eesided on Elm St., before he removed to Gloucester, Mass. VOL. II. — 21 322 Hersey. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Martha Ann, — i. George Loring, July 18, 1831. m. Dec. 21, 1851, Mary Ann, dau. of David Bates. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. Charles Churchill, 1836. m. May 20, 1857, Lucy J. Haskell of Hal loweU, Me. iiL Francis Henry, Feb. 1841, d. 23 Nov. 1842. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — iv. Francis Henry, Sept. 23, 1849, d. 15 Nov. foil. V. Annie E., Sept. 30, 1854. m. Feb. 9, 1870, Oliver L. BeaL vL Martha Jane, Nov. 22, 1856, d. 3 Nov. 1861. Perh, other ch, of this fam. were b. in Hing. that d. young. 86. Geidley F.'' (Gridley" Peter ^ Jonathan* Daniel' John= Wil Uam I), b. in Hing. Aug. 11, 1809. m. Nov. 3, 1831, Mary Ann Tower of Boston. She was b. at B. June 11, 1803, and d. in Hing. 15 March, 1866, ffit. 63d yr. He d. 19 May, 1882, ffit. 73d yr. " Carpenter," Also for many yrs. constable, and deputy sheriff. Eesided on Thax ter St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 104, L Henry Foster, July 20, 1833. ii. Thomas, Ang, 6, 1834, d. 27 Jan. 1863, ffit. 28 yrs. 105. iii. Edwin, March 14, 1842. iv. Mary Ann Smith, Nov. 12, 1845, d. 25 Nov. 1847. 87. Caleb S.'' (Gridley*' Peter ^ Jonathan* Daniel' John^ Wil liam *), b. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1813. m. Jan. 20, 1834, Mary Hersey, dau. , of Noah and Susanna (Blanchard) Hersey (54). She was b. at Ded ham, Mass., July 27, 1814. " Set-work cooper." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch,, b. in Hing., — 106. L Francis, Jan. 20, 1835. ii. Mary Jane, Dec. 24, 1836, d, unm. 11 Feb, 1880, set. 43 yrs. 88. Geoege W.'' (Gridley ^ Peter = Jonathan * Daniel ' John « Wil liam ^), b. in Hing. Sept. 7, 1814. m. first, Sept. 1840, Jane P. Davis, dau. of Zebulon E., and Margaret (Patterson) Davis. She was b. at Gloucester, Mass., Sept. 4, 1819, and d. in Hing. 8 Apr. 1866, ffit. 46th yr. He m. secondly. May 16, 1866, Sophia Mead. She d. at Woburn, 4 May, 1887, ffit. 74 yrs. He d. 14 May, 1870, ffit. 66th yr. " Worsted- worker." Eesided on Thayer St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Jane, — L Sarah Jane, Sept, 1, 1841. m, Dec, 8, 1865, Joseph M. Poole, and resides at Cal. ii. George Davis, July 2, 1843, d. 2 Sept. foil. iii. Lizzie Olivia Watson, Dec. 3, 1844, d. 25 Jan. 1855. iv. Ella Margaret, March 12, 1847. m. Oct, 6, 1872, Elisha S. Gerrish, and resides at Milton Mills, N. H, V. George Tilson, Oct. 17, 1853, d, 1 Sept. 1854. vi. Willis Henry, Oct, 12, 1856. m. Sarah Gilcris, and resides at Cambridge. 89. Silas Q.' (Quincy « Peter ^ Jonathan * Daniel' John ^ William'), b. in Hing. Oct. 22, 1822. m. Nov. 19, 1844, AbigaU K. Woodward, dau. of Joseph and Polly (King) Woodward. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 30, 1821. " Manuf'r of boots and shoes ; " was for sev. yrs. at Methuen, Mass. Eesides on Spring St. Hersey. 823 Child, b. in Hing., — i. Willard, June, 1847, d, 25 Apr. 1868, aet. 21st yr. 90. David E.'' (David A.^ Ezekiel ^ Jonathan ' Daniel' John ^ Wil liam '), b. in Hing. Jan. 4, 1826. m. Lydia Jane, dau. of Samuel Trull of Somerville. Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch.,— L Samuel Trull, Nov. 13, 1847. ii. Orra Bliss, Aug. 26, 1849. 91. Nathaniel'' (Nathaniel' Israel^ Isaiah' Daniel' John'^ Wil Uam^), b. in Hing. June 14, 1797. m. Dec. 12, 1824, Priscilla Stod der, dau. of Caleb and Jael (Hobart) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1797, and d. 25 Sept. 1874, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 9 Feb. 1867, ffit. 70th yr. " Cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Jane Lothrop, July 6, 1825. m. Feb. 9, 1845, William C. Cushing. 107. ii. Albert, Sept. 1831. 108. iiL Hollis, May 3, 1833. iv. Priscilla, 1839. V. Susan, 1842. m. Gustavus A. Eberle. 92. Jacob' (NathanieP IsraeP Isaiah* Daniel' John^ William i), b. in Hing. July 13, 1799. m. first, Oct. 19, 1820, Abigail Hobart, dau. of Edmund and Persis (Cushing) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. 1801, and d. 9 Jan. 1846, ffit. 44 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 13, 1846, Mrs. Eachel (Clapp) Hersey, wid. of Ezra Hersey. She d. 16 Oct. 1869, ffit. 70 yrs. For his third w. he m. June 6, 1871, Elizabeth J. Tilton. She survived him, and m. secondly, Sept. 12, 1872, Caleb Beal, widr. Jacob d. 23 Dec. 1871, ffit. 72 yrs. " Manuf'r of wooden ware." Eesided on Main, nearly opp. Hobart St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, were — L Abigail, 1822, d. young. ii. Susan, 1825, d. young. iii. Jacob, 1830. m. Nov. 25, 1852, Susan E., dau. of Isaac N. Damon. She survived him, and m. (2) July 5, 1863, James Sprague. Jacob, Jr., d. 5 Nov. 1855, «t. 25 yrs. iv. Maynard, d. young. 93. Cushing'' (NathanieP IsraeP Isaiah* DanieP John^ Wil- Uami), b. in Hing. July, 1808. m. Feb. 11, 1830, Lydia A., dau. of WiUiam and. Eebecca (Fearing) Hersey (41). She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1806, aud d. 30 Nov. 1878, ffit. 73d yr. He d. 3 Feb. 1870, ffit. 62d yr. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Lydia, Oct. 27, 1830, d. unm. ii. Gushing, July 9, 1832, d. 27 Nov. 1851, aet. 19 yrs. iii. Abigail Ann, Aug. 25, 1834. m. Joseph L. Haskell, and d. 22 Dec. 1859,, set. 25 yrs. 109. iv. William Hollis, March 17, 1840. 110. V. Horace, March 8, 1846. vi. Watson Cushing, Apr, 3, 1851. m. Nov, 19, 1874, Abbie W., dau. of Samuel W., and Mary L. W. (Lewis) Loring, 824 Hersey. 94. Edmund' (Samuel F.« Eeuben ^ Isaiah* DanieP John^ Wil liam i), b. in Hing. Aug. 7, 1823. m. Jan. 11, 1851, Mary C Hobart, dau. of Ebed and Betsey (Cushing) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1828. " Box manuf 'r and experimental farmer." Eesides on Hersey St, Child, b. in Hing., — L Fannie, May 22, 1854. m. March 11, 1875, James E. Perry of Pepperell, Mass'. They reside in Hing. 95. Eeuben'' (Isaiah' Eeuben^ Isaiah* Daniel' John ^ William^), b. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1837. m. Sept. 16, 1877, Mrs. Lydia 0. (Lincoln) Johnson. She is a dau. of Charles and Anna (French) Lincoln, and was b. in Hing. July 31, 1843. " Farmer." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Grace Lincoln, Sept. 5, 1881. ii. Reuben Leavitt, Aug. 17, 1885. 96. Henet' (Seth S.' John" Jeremiah' John^ WiUiam i), b. in Hing. May 2, 1820. m. Nov. 25, 1846, Betsey Shute, dau. of Charles and Mary C. (Cushing) Shute. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1820, and surviving him, m. secondly, Aug. 16, 1868, Caleb F. Hersey. Henry d. at New Orleans, La., 27 Aug. 1853, ffit. 33 yrs. " Merchant." Eesided in Hing., and at New Orleans. Ch.,— L Henry Reed, b. in Hing. July 14, 1847, d. 22 Sept. 1852. ii. Arthur Melvillh, b. at New Orleans, June 4, 1851, d. 26 Nov. 1852. iii. Elizabeth Henry Melville, b. at New Orleans, Oct. 21, 1853. m. in Hing. Jau. 8, 1871, Ebed L. Ripley, wid":. 97. Seth S.' (Seth S.« John" Jeremiah' John" William i), b. in Hing. Nov. 21, 1833. m. first, Jan. 30, 1862, Elizabeth L. Cushing, dau. of Oliver and Elizabeth L. (Hammond) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1831, and d. 12 Jan. 1866, ffit. 34 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 17, 1867, Mabel C. BurreU, dau. of Isaac and Mabel (Cushing) Burrell. She was b. at So. Scit. Feb. 16, 1839. " Carpenter." Eesides on the paternal homestead. Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — L Harry, March 19, 1864, d. in two dys. ii. Lizzie Lincoln, May 8, 1865. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mabel, — iii. Henry Melville, Nov. 22, 1869. iv. Isaac Burrell, June 10, 1873. 98. Caleb F.' (Caleb' John" Jeremiah' John^ William"), b. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1823. m. Aug. 16, 1868, Mrs. Betsey (Shute) Hersey, wid. of Henry Hersey, and dau. of Charles and Mary C. (Cushing) Shute. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1820. Caleb F. d. 19 May, 1885, ffit. 62 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Child, — L Frances Whitney, July 10, 1859. Hersey. 325 99. William H.' (Warren A.' Abijah" Jeremiah' John" Wil liam i), b. in Hing. Nov. 27, 1840. m. first, Aug. 31, 1869, Sarah L., dau. of Stephen P., and Sarah L. (Nye) Goold ; and secondly, Nov. 10, 1880, Effie A. Whiton, dau. of Albert and Sarah A. (Hersey) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 24, 1858. " Shoemaker." Eesides on South St., West Hing. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") Child, b. in Hing., by w. Effie, — L Hareie Wilson, Oct. 7, 1882. 100. Feanklin H.' (Franklin ' Joseph ^ Abijah* Jeremiah ' John ^ WiUiam 1), b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1846. m. March 28, 1867, Esther WU lard, dau. of Henry Osborn. " Carpenter." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Lillian Frances, Aug. 16, 1867. ii. Fred Willard, Sept. 22, 1873. 101. Waltee W.' (George^ Jeremiah*"' John^ WiUiam "), b. in Hing. Apr. 3, 1850. m. Dec. 31, 1872, Sarah W. Cain, dau. of Eben W. and Sarah A. (Holbrook) Cain. She was b. Dec. 10, 1860. " Trader." Selectman 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Eesides on North St., West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — L George Walter, Dec. 9, 1873, d. 22 Apr. 1875. ii. Eben Francis, Feb. 3, 1877. 102. Febdeeic M.' (George ^ Jeremiah ^ John ^ William ^), b. in Hing. Jan. 8, 1863. m. Sept. 19, 1876, Addie I. Lincoln, dau. of Daniel and PriscUla (Cain) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 19, 1856. "Surveyor and civil engineer." Eesides on South St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Freddie Lincoln, Apr. 18, 1877, d. 12 Aug. 1880. iL George Murray, Nov. 16, 1878. ui. Alan Frederic, Feb. 23, 1887. 103. Aethue F.' (George*"^ Jeremiah*"' John^ William"), b. in Hing. June 20, 1855. m. Dec. 24, 1877, Mary L., dau. of John Urie. " Trader." Eesides off South St., near Marsh's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Arthur Urie, March 22, 1880. ii. Harold Waters, Feb. 27, 1882. 104. Heney F.' (Gridley F.' Gridley' Peter « Jonathan* Daniel' John 2 WUliam "), b. in Hing. July 20, 1833. m. June 26, 1860, Sarah B. Hersey, dau. of Ebed and Elizabeth B. (Francks) Hersey (81). She was b. in Hing. Aug. 23, 1833. " Carpenter." Eesides on Hersey St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — L Nellie, Oct. 13, 1861. ii. Henry Foster, Apr, 18, 1869, d. next day. 326 Hersey. 105. Edwin ' (Gridley F.' Gridley ' Peter « Jonathan * Daniel ' John" William 1), b. in Hing. March 14, 1842. m. Nov. 29, 1865, ArabeUa Cain, dau. of Joseph and Abigail D. (Burrell) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 24, 1846. "Carpenter." Eesides on Thaxter St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — L An infant, Jan. 21, 1867, d. same day. ii. Arthur Denton, July 20, 1872. iii. Maey Abbie, July 16, 1875. iv. Edith Frances, Dec. 8, 1877. 106. Feancis ' (Caleb S.' Gridley « Peter ^ Jonathan * Daniel ' John^ William "), b. in Hing. Jan. 20, 1836. m, Jan. 22, 1866, Susan M. Greeley, dau. of William and Margaret (Davis) Greeley. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 14, 1843. "Carpenter." Eesides on Elm St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — L Herbert Weston, May 31, 1867. iL Fred Greeley, June 15, 1871, d. 25 Aug. foil. iiL Susie May, Aug. 4, 1872. 107. Albeet' (Nathaniel'"' IsraeP Isaiah* DanieP John'' Wil liam 1), b. in Hing. Sept. 1831. m. first, Oct. 2, 1863, Lydia French, dau. of Nathaniel and Lydia (Burrell) French. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 28, 1830, and d. 24 Sept. 1861, ffit. 32d yr. He m. secondly, Aug. 16, 1862, Abigail Bishop of Halifax, Mass. " Teamster." Eesides on Hobart St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, — i, Lydia Jane Cushing, Aug. 5, 1854. m. Herbert Lane of Wey. iL Jacob Francis, Feb. 22, 1856. iii. Ann Maria, Sept. 10, 1857, d. 4 Dec, foil. iv. Lucy Ann, Sept, 28, 1858; is m. and resides at E. Bridgewater. V. Emma Ellsworth, July 6, 1861. m. Andrew Strutney. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, — vi, Charles Henry, Aug. 8, 1866. viL William Burton, Sept. 1867, d. 9 Jan. foil. viii. Carlbtta Burton, Oct, 16, 1868. ix. George William, Dec. 25, 1869, d. 18 Jan. foil. X. Mary Jane, June 8, 1871, d. soon. xi. Helen Maria, Sept. 30, 1872, d, 26 Feb. 1873. xii. Hattie Frances, Apr. 2, 1874, d. 19 Aug. foil. 108. Hollis" (NathanieP"* IsraeP Isaiah* Daniel' John" Wil liam^), b. in Hing. May 3, 1833. m. June 29, 1854, Mary Ann Lor ing, dau. of Samuel W., and Mary L. W. (Lewis) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1833, and surviving him, m. secondly, Sept. 29, 1870, George Thomas. Hollis d. 30 Aug. 1865, ffit. 32 yrs. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Adaline Frances, Feb. 14, 1857. m. Aug. 26, 1874, John H. Berry of Wey. (Seep. 78.) ii, A SON, d. in infancy. iii, A DAU,, still-born. Hersey — Hichborn. 327 iv. Bela Stockbridge, July 26, 1862. m. Jan. 1, 1885, Mattie C. Beal of Hull, and has Blanche Gertrude, b. July 25, 1885. V. Hollis Whiton, Sept. 17, 1864. 109. William H.' (Cushing ' Nathaniel ' Israel ^ Isaiah * Daniel ' John 2 WiUiam i), b. in Hing. March 17, 1840. m. Nov. 23, 1862, Bethia C. Curtis. She d. in Hing. 2 Jan. 1866, ffit. 25th yr. "Cooper." Eesides on Hersey St. Child, b. in Hing., — L Elmer G., Apr. 10, 1865, d. 30 Dec. foil. 110. HoEACE ' (Cushing ' Nathaniel ' Israel ^ Isaiah * Daniel ' John^ WilUam ^), b. in Hing. March 8, 1846. m. Oct. 3, 1869, Lydia J. Cook, dau. of Eichard and Mabel (Brown) Cook. She was b. at Hull, Mass., May 2, 1848. " Carpenter." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Warren Gushing, Nov. 14, 1870. ii. Horace, Oct. 14, 1872, d. next day. iii. Mabel Wade, Apr. 13, 1876, d. next day. iv. Mabel Allen, July 24, 1877. William, 2d, b. in Hing. Oct. 16, 1798. m. Oct. 24, 1819, Elizabeth Burbank Tower, dau. of Jesse and Grace (Cushing) Tower of Coh. She was b. at Coh. June 28, 1790, and d. in Hing. 30 June, 1858, ffit. 68 yrs. He d. 27 July, 1874, ffit. 76th yr. " Laborer." Eesided prin- cipaUy in the North Ward. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L William, Jan. 27, 1820. m. Jan. 22, 1845, Annie H., dau. of Davis Tay lor. She was b. at Orleans, Mass., Oct. 20, 1818. William d. 10 March, 1882, set. 62 yrs. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") " Laborer." Eesided on North St. Their s., Leander 0. T., b. in Hing. March 2, 1846, is a "printer," and newspaper reporter. ii. Sarah Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1821, d. 6 Sept. 1822. iii. Henry Winslow, Aug. 16, 1823. m. Georgianna M., dau. of John Patten of Portland, Me. She d. in Hing. 16 March, 1882, set. 40th yr. " Painter." Resides on Hersey St. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iv. Isaac Lincoln, July 21, 1825. m. June 18, 1856, Lucy A., dau. of Charles Lincoln. " Painter, " and paper-hanger. Besides on Hersey St. V. Sarah Maria, Dec. 21, 1827, d. 5 Jan. 1829. vi. John Quincy, Sept. 23, 1829. m. March 9, 1856, Elizabeth W. Edmands. She d. at Bridgeport, Conn. He d. at Washington, D. C, 28 Nov. 1862, set. 33 yrs. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") vii. Mary, Aug. 15, 1831. m. Ebenezer H. Elmes, and d. at Boston, 30 Sept. 1857, set. 26 yrs. Note. — Josiah, d, at Sanbornton, N. H., 1829, at. 81 yrs. Harriet, d. Feb. 1830, set. 25 yrs. Henry S., d, at New York, 6 Nov. 1830, a;t, 50 yrs, William K., d. 24 March, 1858, mt. S dvs. Nellie F., d. 29 March, 1860, ast. 18 mo's. " Waldo H.. d. 27 Sept. 1860, mt. 16 mo's. 'Sarah A., d. 8 Oct. 1860, set. 31st yr. Benjamin F., d. 12 Aug. 1861, set. 19 mo's. William B., d. 6 Jan. 1868, at. 3 yrs. HICHBORN. 1. Alexander H., m. in Hing. Apr. 27, 1817, Cinderella Gardner, dau. of Perez and Silence (Gardner) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. March 19, 1798, and d. 4 June, 1867, ffit. 59 yrs. Alexander H., was lost at sea, 19 Feb. 1826, ffit., as his gravestone says, 30 yrs. 328 Hichborn — Hickey. Ch., b. in Hing., — 2. i. William, 1820. ii. Alexander, 1822. Settled as a physician at No. Bridgewater. He was killed at the battle of ChaneeUorsville, Va., May, 1863.' (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iii. Philip, 1824. Removed from Hing. 2. William (Alexander H. = Cinderella Gardner), b. in Hing. 1820. m. Oct. 9, 1842, Nancy Burrell, dau. of Martin and Mary W. (Stodder) Burrell. She was b. in Hing. June 26, 1822, and surviving him, m. secondly, Jeremiah J. Corcoran, who d. from wounds received at the battle of Cold Harbor, 10 June, 1864. (See " Hingham in the Civil War;") For her third hus. she m. Story Burnham. WUliam d. 12 June, 1852, ffit. 32 yrs. "' Stage-driver." Eesided on North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L William Ives, Aug. 4, 1843. m. June 4, 1867, Anna M. B. Stodder. iL Lucy E., 1846, iiL Frank L,, 1848. m, Nov. 30, 1871, Hannah T., dau. of John Wade. Ch., b. in Hing. : 1. Edward Lee, July 30, 1874, d. at Boston, 27 Jan. 1885, set. 10 yrs. 2. William, Apr. 4, 1878. iv. Sarah L., 1850 (?). Note. — Benjamin, d. in Hing. 14 Oct. 1808, set. 35 yrs. HICKEY. 1. John, a native of Ire., came first to Halifax, N. S., and from thence, in 1831, to Hing. He m. ab. 1833, Bridget Hackett. She was b. in Ire. 1812, and d. in Hing. 29 Nov. 1873, ffit. 61st yr. John d. 12 Apr. 1866, ffit. 70 yrs. " Iron-melter." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L A SON, , d. in infancy. iL Mary, 1835. m. William Walker, and resides at San Francisco, CaL iiL Elizabeth, 1837. m. Feb. 19, 1860, Joseph E. McGrath of Wey. They removed to San Francisco. iv. James, 1839. m. Liefie McLaughlin. Eemoved to the British Provinces. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") 2. V. Thomas, Jan. 14, 1841. vi. Ellen, 1843, m, Thomas Corcoran. 3. vii. John, Sept. 2, 1845. 4. viii. Daniel, Apr. 23, 1850. is. Susan Ann, 1853. m. Jan. 15, 1873, Michael M. Herbert of Lynn. 2. Thomas (John = Bridget Hackett), b. in Hing. Jan. 14, 1841. m. Mary Jane Hickey, a native of Charlottetown, P. E. I. " Blacksmith." Eesided on Cottage St. until 1883, when he removed to Quincy. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing,, — L John Thomas, Feb. 20, 1868, ii. Wallace Taylor, Dec. 24, 1869. iii. Alber-t Everett, July 11, 1875. 3. John (John = Bridget Hackett), b. in Hing. Sept, 2, 1845. m. Dec. 25, 1868, Jennie McCormick, dau. of Thomas and Levina (John- Hickey — Higgins. 329 ston) McCormick. She was b. at Boston, Feb. 12, 1850. "Eope maker." Eesided on North St., near the harbor, until he removed to Conn. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. David Daniel, Jau. 23, 1869. ii. Jennie Levina, March 30, 1870. iii. John, May 3, 1872. iv. Thomas Herbert, March 1, 1874. V. William James, May 7, 1882. vi. Lizzie, Dec. 23, 1884, d. 20 Feb. foil. vii. Margaret, March 30, 1886. 4. Daniel (John = Bridget Hackett), b. in Hing. Apr. 23, 1850. m. July 23, 1876, Margaret Hanley, dau. of John and Margaret (Keane) Hanley. She was b. at Wey. Sept. 20, 1857. « Blacksmith." Eesides on Elm St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Susan, Feb. 11, 1877. ii. Herbert, Oct. 27, 1878. iiL Daniel, Sept. 3, 1883. John, s. of Michael, and a native of Ire., m. Joanna Eyan, who also is a native of Ire. John d. at the Mass. General Hospital, Boston, 23 Nov. 1882, ffit. 40 yrs. He was by occupation " blacksmith." Eesided on Hersey St. Ch.,— i, Michael J., 1866. ii. Mary E., Dec. 14, 1867, d. 12 July, 1885. iii. Joanna, Apr. 17, 1869, d. 24 Sept. foil. iv. Joanna, July 5, 1870. V. Margaret, July 29, 1872. vi. John, Sept. 29, 1873, d. 22 May, 1875. viL Thomas Francis, Dec. 24, 1875. viii. William, Feb. 22, 1877, d. 7 Aug. 1879. ix. Eate Agnes, Jan. 21, 1879. X. Anna, Apr. 19, 1880, d. 9 June, 1885. xi. Jeremiah William, Dec. 22, 1881. HIGGINS. 1. Sylvanus, and Sarah (Linnell) his w., were from Orleans, Mass. She d. in Hing. 28 Aug. 1851, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 1 Sept. 1850, ffit. 71 yrs. " Master-mariner." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch.,— Joshua Linnell, b. at Orleans, 1806. Ezra, b. at Orleans, June 17, 1808. Sylvanus, Juue 19, 1810. Heman, 1812. Josiah G., 1814. m. Susanna, dau. of Thomas and Mahala (Wilder) Harris, and d. 17 Dec. 1860, set. 47th yr. Sullivan, Sept. 25, 1818. Sally, Sept. 25, 1818. m. Oct. 22, 1840, Isaiah G. Tower. Emily, Oct. 23, 1821. m. Feb. 2, 1842, Joshua Jacobs, and d. 4 Oct.1846, aet. 25th yr. 2. Joshua L. (Sylvanus = Sarah Linnell), b. at Orleans, Mass., 1806. m. in Hing. Apr. 5, 1829, Jane Whitcomb, dau. of David and 2. i. 3. ii. 4. iii. 5. iv. V. 6. vi. vii. viii. 330 Higgins. Prudence (Dorothy) Whitcomb. She d. 10 June, 1871, ffit. 60th yr. He d. 16 Feb. 1881, ffit. 74 yrs. " Master-mariner." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. in Hing., — L George Otis, . m. Polly, dau. of Capt. Elijah Pratt. Eesides at Coh. ii. Mary Jane, 1835. m. Sept. 13, 1857, John H. Eipley, and d. 16 May, 1860, set. 25 yrs. iii. Harriet Ann, Oct.. 5, 1842. m. Jan. 28, 1864, William Cushing, andd. 13 May, 1868, set. 25 yrs. 3. EzEA (Sylvanus = Sarah Linnell), b. at Orleans, Mass., June 17, 1808. m. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1834, Mary M. Seymour, dau. of Joel and Polly (Whiting) Seymour. She was b. at Brewer, Me., Feb. 28, 1812. Ezra d. 13 Oct. 1884, ffit. 76 yrs. "Master-mariner." Eesided on Irving St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Almira Hatherly, June 11, 1836, d. 30 Aug. foil. ii. Lothrop Bronson, Aug. 17, 1841, d. 17 March, 1842. iiL Mary Whiting, Sept. 19, 1843. m. Oct. 30, 1867, William H. Thomas. iv. Frank Farnsworth, July 17, 1846, d. 21 Sept. foil. V. Ezra Linnell, Nov. 13, 1850. 4. Sylvanus (Sylvanus = Sarah Linnell), b. at Orleans, June 19, 1810, and for some time a resident of Hing. m. Feb. 24, 1833, Mary E. Hinckley of Boston. " Shoemaker." Eemoved to Boston, and later to Starke, Fla., where he d. at the residence of his s., Josiah W., 20 Aug. 1887, ffit. 77 yrs. Ch.,— L Josiah W. "Piano-forte tuner and repairer." Eesides at Starke, Fla. ii. Sylvanus H. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iiL Elizabeth Louisa. iv. Henry. V. Thomas. vi. Sally, , d. young. 5. Heman (Sylvanus = Sarah Linnell), b. 1812. m. in Hing. Feb. 4, 1835, Sarah G. Humphrey, dau. of Noah and Sally (Gill) Hum phrey. She was b. in Hing, Oct. 1814, and surviving him, m. secondly, Sept. 1, 1844, Henry A. Osborn, wid'. Heman d. 28 Aug. 1840, ffit. 28 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Caroline, 1835. m. Oct. 1, 1857, Franklin Curtis of Quincy. ii. George Humphrey, Nov. 1837, d. 12 Aug, 1839, set. 21 mo's. 6. Sullivan (Sylvanus = Sarah Linnell), b, at Orleans, Mass., Sept. 25, 1818. m. in Hing. Apr. 24, 1842, Susan Burr, dau. of John and PrisciUa (Bourne) Burr. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1821, and d. 22 Nov. 1866, ffit, 45 yrs. He d. 9 Oct. 1865, ffit. 47 yrs. " Shoe maker." Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Laura Ann, 1842, d. 13 March, 1845, a;t, 2 yrs. and 6 mo's. iL Heman L., Jan. 8, 1844. m, June 6, 1869, Adaline A., dau. of Clinton and Chloe G. (Burrell) Loud of Wey. Has removed to Brockton. Ch., b. at Wey. : 1. Harry Clinton, June 28, 1870. 2. Olive Burr, Oct, 31, 1871, d. 4 Aug. 1872. 3. Marion Linnell, Nov. 23, 1873, d, 4 Jan. 1876. 4. Lizzie, June 18, 1876. 5. Carleton Loud, Feb. 16, 1880. Higgins — Hill — Hilliard. 331 iii. Olive, 1846, d. 8 Nov. 1846, set. 9 mo's. iv. Susan Ellen, . V. Charles Francis, 1851, d. 13 Sept. 1852, set. 10 mo's. vi. Sally L., 1853, d. 28 Dec. 1857, set. 4 yrs. viL Lizzie, 1856, d. at Wey. 14 Dec. 1871, set. 15 yrs. viii. Theoda I., Aug. 13, 1857, d. 16 Sept. foil. HILL. 1. Joseph, from Bridgewater, m. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1773, Snsanna StoweU, dau. of Obadiah and Mary (Cain) StoweU. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 10, 1762, and d. 22 Nov. 1802, ffit. 61st yr. Joseph re moved with his fam. to Ab'n. Eesided while in Hing. on Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 2. L Joseph, May 13, 1776. ii. Nabby, July 25, 1778. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Mary, May 24, 1804. ii. Flora, March 27, 1807. iii. Silva, Dec. 28, 1808. iv. Ralph, — — . Cheistophee B. (Oliver = Apphia Cole), b. at Cornish. Me., March 3, 1825. m. in Hing. Feb. 17,1853, Mrs. Catherine C. (Fearing) Gil key, wid. of Jacob Gilkey, and dau. of John and Mercy (Fearing) Fear ing. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1827. " Carpenter." Eesides on High St. Ch.,— L Catherine Gilkey, b. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1863. ii. Mary Safford, b. at Conway, N. H., Apr. 20, 1857. m. in Hing. Feb. 5, 1874, Charles A. Mead. iii. Grace Lincoln, b. at Conway, N. H., Sept. 9, 1862, d. in Hing. 31 Jan. 1865. iv. John Oliver, b. in Hing. May 28, 1866. m. Nov. 24, 1887, Almira 0,, dau. of Miles Andei-son. Note. — Elizabeth, "astranger," d. 12 Oct. 1703. Mrs. Sally, w, of Thomas, and dau, of Ambrose Lotbrop, d. at Dor. 25 May, 1851, a;t. 48 yrs, Bridget, a native of Ire., d, in Hing. 11 May, 1859, set. 37 yrs. HILLIARD. ¦ Anthony, had a grant of land in Hing. 1639. In 1663 a person of this surname was at Concord, N. H. This was ab. the time that the names of Otis and others from Hing. first appeared among the early settlers of Concord and its vie. In a letter in Lincoln's " History of Hingham," p. 175, it is stated that " Emanuel, or Anthony, Hilliard 332 Hilliard — Hillman — Hinckley. was lost with seven other persons in a boat going out of Hampton, 20 Oct. 1667." Possibly the Anthony referred to may have been the Anthony who was early of Hing. 1. William, perh. a relative of the preceding, was an early resident of Boston, and subsequently of Hing. The chris. name of his w. was Hester. Their Ch., bt. by Eev. Peter Hobart of Hing., were — 2. L William, June 25, 1655. ii. Esther, b. at Boston, March 25, 1642 ; bt. June 25, 1655. m. Jan. 9, 1657-58, Joseph Bate of Hing. iii. Mary, b. at Boston, June 7, 1644 ; bt. June 25, 1655. m. Aug. 14, 1664, John Farrow, Jr., of Hing. 2. William (William = Hester ), bt. in Hing. June 25^1655. m. June 12, 1671, Deborah Warren, dau. of John and Deborah (Wil son) Warren of Boston. She was b. ab. 1653. Eesided at "Liberty Plain," but prob. removed from here soon after 1685. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. An infant, Jan. 26, 1671-72, d. in three days. ii. William, Jan. 21, 1672-73. iii. John, Feb. 16, 1674-75. iv. Simon, March 14, 1676-77, d. 22 May foil. V. David (or Daniel) Feb. 25, 1677-78, vi. Deborah, June 7, 1680. vii. Isaac, Apr. 19, 1683, d. 25 Nov. foil. viii. Hester, March 8, 1684-85. Note. — Richard W. (Richard = Caroline Hall) of Arlington, Mass., m. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1880, Lizzie P. Nelson, dau. of William J., and Ann T. (Palmer) Nelson. HILLMAN. Josiah, by w. Hannah, had one Child, b. in Hing., viz. : — L Charles, June 12, 1679. HINCKLEY. Isaac ' (Richard % b. 1749, m. Elizabeth Knight ; Isaac *, b. 1719, Har. Coll. 1740, m. Hannah Bourne ; Joseph ', b. 1672, m. Hannah Gorham ; Samuel % b. 1642, m. Mary Fitz Eandolph Samuel \ the progenitor, and Sarah his w., came from Tenterden, Kent, Eng., and from Sandwich, Eng., to the Mass. Bay, in ship " Hercules." He was at Scit., Mass., 1634, but in 1639 removed to Barnstable, where all his previously mentioned descendants resided, except Eichard, who removed to Marblehead, Mass.). Isaac ' first above-named, was b. at Marblehead, Jan. 2, 1781. Upon the death of his fa., in 1790, he re moved to Barnstable, where he m. in 1805 Hannah Sturgis, dau. of William and Hannah (Mills) Sturgis. She was b. at Barnstable, Aug. 9, 1785, and d. at New York, 9 Apr. 1871, ffit. 86th yr. He d. at sea, 13 March, 1818, ffit. 37 yrs. " Shipmaster." When he first came to Hing. (1810) he resided in the house now owned and occupied by heirs of George Bassett, on Main, corner of Elm St. ; but in Apr. 1811 he Hinckley — Hines. 333 removed into the new house erected for him, which is now owned and occupied by Joseph B. Thaxter, on Main St. Ch., of Isaac and Hannah, — i. William Sturgis, b. at Barnstable, Oct. 4, 1806, d. at San Francisco, Cal., March, 1841. ii. Ann Gore, b. at Boston, Oct. 13, 1807, d. 5 July, 1835. iii. Elizabeth Knight, b. at Boston, June 25, 1809. m. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1831, William Sturgis, and d. 17 Sept. 1849, set. 40 yrs. iv. Thomas Davis, b. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1811, d. at Chagres, 20 Apr. 1835. V. Hannah Sturgis, b. in Hing. Nov. 10, 1813. m. Sept. 30, 1852, James M. Flye, who d. 24 Jan. 1854, aet. 35 yrs. She d. at Boston, 1 Feb. 1883, set. 69 yrs. vi. IsAvc, b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1815 ; grad. at Har. Coll. 1834. m. Oct. 28, 1840, Julia E. Townsend of Kose HUl, Montgomery Co., 111. She d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 19 March, 1887, and was buried in Hing. They have had seven ch. Isaac resides at Philadelphia, Pa.; is president of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore railroad, and has large as well as varied business interests to manage. That he still holds the place of his birth in grateful remembrance, however, is shown by his recent gift of a desirable tract of land to the proprietors of the Hingham cemetery, which has been made more accessible and attractive thereby. HINES. Abiah, by w. Lucy, had one ChUd, b. in Hing., viz. : — i. John, Apr. 26, 1764. 1. Edwaed, from Eoscommon, Ire., m. first, Mary McMannis ; and secondly, EUen GrafEney, who d. in Hing. 24 June, 1876, ffit, 60 yrs. He d. in Hing. 23 July, 1871, ffit. 90 yrs. Eesided at So. Hing. Ch., b. in Ire., by w. Mary, 2. L Edward, 1821. iL John, ; came to the United States, and went West. iiL Thomas, . m. Mary McCarty. Resides on Prospect St., and has a dau. Mary Ann. Ch., b. in Ire., by w. Ellen, — iv. Catherine, June 17, 1842. m. at Wey. Nov. 1, 1860, Bartholomew O'ConneU. V. James, . Resides at Wey. 2. Edwaed (Edward = Mary McMannis), b. in County Eoscommon, Ire., 1821. m. Jan. 11, 1848, Mary McGinniss. Edward d. in Hing. 25 Dec. 1875, ffit. 54 yrs. " Laborer." Eesided on Main St.. near •"Liberty Pole HiU." Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i. Mary Jane, July 1, 1850. m. Edward Hines of Boston, and d. 2 Sept. 1879. ii. Thomas, Sept. 11, 1851; is m. and resides at Cal. iii. RosANNA, March 11, 1853. m. Oct. 3, 1877, Melzar Vinal of Scit. iv. John, Oct. 25, 1854. V. Edward Francis, Feb. 10, 1857. m. Apr. 12, 1879, Maria F. Vinal, and d. 14 Oct. 1885. vi. William Patrick, Feb. 14, 1859. m. Delia Flynn, and resides at Boston. vii. James Henry, June 14, 1861, d. 5 Jan. 1882. viii. Daniel Christopher, May 25, 1863. 334 Hines — Hobart. ix. Charles Mather, Dec. 4, 1865. X. Lizzie Catherine, Jan. 24, 1868. m. Nov. 1, 1885, Eldon Smith of Rockland, Note. — John A., a native of Middletown, Conn,, d. in Hing. 15 June, 1873, set. 31 yrs. HOBART (Hubbaed). 1. Edmund, from Hing. County of Norfolk, Eng., and b. in that parish, ab. 1670, was the ancestor of all who have borne this surname by birth in our Hing. or its vie. He arrived at Charlestown, 1633, and with his s. Thomas, and several others, came to "Bare Cove," the same yr. (See Lincoln's " History of Hingham," pp. 41 and 166), prob. for the purpose of assisting in establishing a new plantation or township. It is generally thought, however, that he did not locate here perma nently until the arrival of his s. the Eev. Peter Hobart, and those who came with him. He was one of the early settlers who drew their house-lots on Town (North) St., on the 18th of Sept. 1635 ; Edmund's lot being the 17tb, while Nos. 18 and 19 were granted to two of his sons. His first w., Margaret Dewey, was the mother of his ch. His sec. w., whom he m. at Charlestown, Oct. 10, 1634, was Mrs. Sarah Lyford, the wid. of Eev. John Lyford. The dates of his, and of his sec. w.'s decease, are recorded in Hobart's Diary as foil. : " March 8, 1646, father Hubbeard dyed." " June 23, 1649, mother Hobart dyed." He, therefore, at the time of his decease, was ab. 76 yrs. of age. Eesided. opp. Hobart's Bridge, North St. Freeman, March 4, 1634 ; constable the same yr. ; and in 1639, 1640, and 1642 a deputy to the Great and General Court. Ch., all b. in Eng., by w. Margaret, were — i. Nazareth, ab. 1600. m. John Beal, and came to New Eng., in 1638 with her hus. and eight ch. She d, in Hing. 23 Sept. 1658. Edmund, 1604. Peter, 1604, Thomas, 1606, Rebecca, ; admitted to the church at Charlestown with her bro. Joshua. Sarah, . Joshua, 1614. 2. Edmund ^ (Edmund '), b. at Hing., Eng., 1604 ; was a twin bro. of Eev. Peter Hobart, and resided at Windham, County of Norfolk, Eng., at the time of his departure for America. He arrived at Charlestown, with other members of his fa.'s fam. in 1633. In 1636 he removed to our Hing., and Sept. 15 of that yr. drew a house-lot on Town St. Other lots for planting purposes were granted him at subsequent dates. The chris. name of his w. whom he m. in Eng. was , Elizabeth. She d. in Hing. 4 Nov. 1676. He d. 16 Feb. 1686-86, ffit. 82d yr. WiU made 26 June, 1684 ; proved 23 March, 1685-86. " Weaver." Con stable 1672 ; selectman 1661, 1671, and 1684. Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch.,— L Elizabeth, bt. at Charlestown, Apr. 19, 1635. m. at Boston, March 12, 1657-58, John Tucker. ' ii. Mary, bt. in Hing. March 18, 1637-38. m. Dec. 9, 1664, John Hughs. iii. Sarah, bt. March 29, 1640. m. Dec, 9, 1664, Return Manning. 2. ii. 3. ui. 4. iv. V. vi. 5. vii. Hobart. 335 6. iv. John, bt. Apr. 10, 1642. 7. V. Samuel, bt. Apr. 13, 1645. vi. Martha, bt. June 1, 1647. m. Oct. 16, 1677, Joseph Bassett. 8, vii. Daniel, March 2, 1649-50. 3. Petee ^ (Edmund ^), a twin son, was b. at Hing., Eng., and bt. there, Oct. 13, 1604. He was educated at Magdalen Coll., Cambridge, Eng., where he received the degree of Bachelor in 1626, and of Master of Arts in 1629. He was m. in Eng. and came to New Eng. with his w. and four ch., arriving at Charlestown in June, 1636. On the first page of a journal which he kept, giving a ];ec. of the baptisms, mar riages, and deaths, which came under his notice during his ministry of nearly 44 yrs. in our Hing., is the foil. : " I with my wife and four children came safely to New England June ye 8 : 1635 : for ever praysed be the god of Heaven my god and king." In Sept. foil, he settled in our Hing., and on the 18th of that month received a grant of a house-lot on Town (North) St. He also had other grants of land for planting purposes. He was twice m., his last w. being Eebecca, dau. of Eichard Ibrook. She d. here 9 Sept. 1693, ffit. 72 yrs. ; and in her will, made four dys. previously, gives to s. David the dw.-house with thirty acres of land. Eev. Peter Hobart also left a will, in which his fifteen ch. then living are mentioned. The date of his death, and the years of his ministry are recorded on a memorial tablet, standing near Central Ave., in the Hing. cemetery as foil. : — IN MEMORY OF REV? PETER HOBART VI/HO DIED JANUARY 20'= 1679 IN THE 75™ YEAR OF HIS AGE AND 53" OF HIS MINISTRY 5 VEARS OF WHICH HE SPENT IN HINGHAM GREAT BRITAIN & 44 IN HINGHAM MASSACHUSETHS. Eesided on North St., opp. Goold's Bridge. Ch.,— L Joshua, b. in Eng. 1628 ; Har. CoU. 1650. Settled in the ministry at Southhold, L. I., d. Feb. 1716-17. ii. Jeremiah, b. in Eng. 1630 ; Har. CoU. 1650 ; minister at Topsham, Mass.; at Hampstead, L. I., and at Haddam, Conn.; d. Feb. 1715-16. iii. Elizabeth, b. in Eng. 1632. m. John Eipley. iv. Josiah, b. in Eng. 1634. " Merchant," and one of the selectmen of Hing. 1662, 1667, and 1688. He d. at East Hampton, L. L, 1711, set. 78th yr. V. Ichabod, b. at Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 3, 1635, d. July, 1636. vi. Hannah, b. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1637, d. 19 May foil. viL Hannah, May 15, 1638. m. (1) John Brown of Salem, and (2) Oct. 21, 1679, John Rogers. She d. at Bristol, 11 Sept. 1691. viii. Bathsheba, Oct. 1640. m, (1) June 27, 1664, John Leavitt, Jr., and (2) Nov. 19, 1674, Joseph Turner. She d. 14 Apr. 1724, a;t. 84th yr. 9. ix. Israel, June 29, 1642. X. Jael, bt. Dec. 30, 1643. m. May 25, 1664, Joseph Bradford, s. of Gov. William Bradford. Resided at Jones River, Kingston. She d. 18 Apr. 1730, aet. 86 yrs. xi. Gbrsho.vi, Dec. 1645 ; Har. Coll. 1667 ; ord. pastor at Groton, 25 Nov. 1679, d. 19 Dec. 1707, set. 62 yrs. xiL Japhet, Apr. 4, 1647 ; Har. CoU. 1667. Went to Eng. before 1670 as sur geon, and expected to return. Was prob. lost at sea. xiii. Nehemiah, bt. Nov. 20, 1648 ; Har. Coll. 1667 ; pastor of the church at Newtown, d. 25 Aug. 1712. 336 Hobart. 10. xiv. David, bt. Aug, 18, 1651. XV. Rebecca, Apr. 9, 1654. m. Oct. 10, 1679, Daniel Mason, wid', of Stoning ton, s. of General John Mason, xvi. Abigail, Oct. 19, 1656, d. unm, 12 Apr. 1683. xvii. Lydia, Jan. 7, 1658-59. m. Nov, 12, 1690, Thomas Lincoln, and d. 18 Oct 1732, xviii. Hezekiah, Aug, 30, 1661, d. 11 May, 1662. 4. Thomas '^ (Edmund ^), b. in Hing. Eng., 1606 ; came from Wind ham, a viUage adjoining Old Hing., to Charlestown in New Eng. 1633, and to our Hing., the same yr. It is doubtful, however, whether he came here to live permanently until 1635. The chris. name of his w., prob. his 2d wife, was Jane. She d. in Hing. 18 Feb. 1690. He d. 18 Aug. 1689, ffit. 83 yrs. Freeman, 14 May, 1634. Eesided on West St. Ch.,— 11. i. Caleb, 1633. ii. John, 1635. iii. Rebecca, bt, in Hing. Dec. 1637. iv. Joshua, bt. Feb. 4, 1638-39, d, 28 Dec. 1713. V. Thomas, bt, Oct. 28, 1649. vi. Mehitable, b. July 4, 1651. m. June 18, 1674, John Lane, andd. 15 Feb. 1689-90. vii. Isaac, Apr. 25, 1653. i viiL Hannah, Jan. 17, 1654-55. ix. Moses, Dec, 2, 1656, d. at Boston in the prison, 18 Oct. 1686. ' X. Elias, Dec. 9, 1658, d. 17 March, 1680-81, set. 22 yrs. 12. xi. Aaron, bt. Aug. 25, 1661. xii. Nathaniel, May 25, 1665. m. May 31, 1695, Mrs. Mary (Beal) StoweU, wid. of John Stowell, and dau. of John and Mary (Gill) Beal. She was bt. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1662, and d. 6 June, 1748, set. 86th yr. He d. 3 July, 1734, set. 69 yrs. Was constable 1699 and 1722, and represen tative in 1721. In his wiU of 26 June, 1734, proved 6 Aug. folL, gives ' ' to wife Mary J of my corn-miU at the town cove ; to son in law John Stowell, J ; to my granddaughter in law, Mary Joy, ^ ; " and to Eev. Ebenezer Gay, the remaining eighth .of the said mill. 5. Joshua 2 (Edmund^), b. at Hing., Eng., 1614, came to New Eng. with his parents 1633, and to our Hing. 1636. He m. at Cam bridge, Mass., March, 1638, Ellen, dau. of Eichard Ibrook. She d. in Hing. 26 July, 1700. He d. 28 July, 1682, ffit. 68th yr. A man of marked ability, and espeeially prominent in the local affairs of this town during its early history. Freeman 3 Sept. 1634 ; selectman 1662, 1670, 1671, 1673, 1674, 1676, 1680, and 1681 ; deputy to the General Court 1643, and subsequently at different times for 24 yrs. ; speaker of the House of Deputies 1674; a member of the Ancient and Honor able Artillery Company 1641 ; capt. of the military force here, and head of a company in active service during Philip's War, etc. Eesided on Main St., next east of the meeting-house of the First Parish^ Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, bt. Sept. 20, 1639.y'm. Oct. 30, 1657, Joseph Grafton, and d. at Salem 17 May, 1660. ii. Peter, bt. July, 1642. m. at Boston, Dec. 18, 1662, Susanna, dau. of Jacob Elliot, and d. at Bafbadoes, 1665. iii. Sarah, b. Nov. 19, 1644. m. (1) June 26, 1668, Edward CoweU, of Boston, and (2) Oct. 17, 1695, John Cleverlj-. She d. at Boston, 24 Feb. 1696, set. 51 yrs. iv. Deborah, Sept. 12, 1647. m. Apr. 20, 1666, Joshua Lincoln. Hobart. 33T v. Joshua, March 22, 1649-60. vi. Solomon, May 28, 1652. m. and had issue. "Solomon Hobart's child bom May 9, 1686." No further rec. 13. viL Enoch, bt. May 28, 1654.- viii. Israel, 1656, d. 19 Sept. 1669. Lc. Ruth, bt. Nov. 15, 1668, d. 30 Dec. foU. X. Esther, bt. June 21, 1660. xi. Elizabeth, Apr. 22, 1662. xii. Margaret, bt. July, 1664. xiii. Hannah, Oct. 4, 1666. m. John Doane of BiUinsgate (Orleans, or East ham ?), and d. 4 Sept., or 4 Oct. 1731, set. 65 yrs. 6. John » (Edmund ^-i), bt. in Hing. Apr. 10, 1642. m. Apr. 2, 1674. Hannah, dau. of Simon and Hester Burr. She was bt. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1654-55, and surviving him, m. secondly, Aug. 26, 1677, John Eecord of Wey., and d. 12 Oct. 1683, ffit. 28 yrs. John d. 15 May, 1675, ffit. 33 yrs. Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Hannah, July 20, 1674. m. Jan. 3, 1698-99, Jeremiah Tower. 7. Samuel » (Edmund ^^j bt. in Hing. Apr. 13, 1645. m. Feb. 26, 1673-74, Hannah, dau. of Edward and Margaret Gold. She was bt. in Hing. March 12, 1643-44, and d. 22 March, 1721-22, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 25 Apr. 1718, ffit. 73 yrs. WiU dated 11 Feb. 1715-16. "Yeo man." Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Edmund, Dec. 3, 1674. m. (pub. Oct. 16, 1714) ^AbigaU Whitman of Bridgewater, aud removed from Hing. ii. Samuel, Jan. 15, 1676-77, d. 25 Aug. 1678. iii. Hannah, Sept. 29, 1679, d. 18 Juue foU. iv. Samuel, May 11, 1681 ; was drowned in a well, 8 July, 1684„ V. Hannah, May 5, 1683. m. Jan. 5, 1726-27, Josiah Lane, wid^ 14. vi. Peter, Jan. 16, 1684-85. 15. vii. Jambs, bt. Ang. 25, 1689. 8. Daniel ' (Edmund ^i), b. in Hing. March 2, 1649-50. m. Oct. 11, 1677, Elizabeth Warren, dau. of John and Deborah (Wilson) Warren of Boston. She d. in Hing. 1 Jan. 1696-96. He m. secondly. May 11, 1704, Mrs. Patience Jones, wid. of Benjamin Jones. She outlived him, and m. thirdly, Aug. 6, 1712, Ibrook Tower, widF, and d. 22 Dec. 1747, ffit. 80 yrs. Daniel d. 15 Dec. 1708, ffit. 59th yr. WUl dated 18 Aug. 1704, proved 6 Jan. 1708-9. "Weaver." Selectman in 1699; constable 1706. Eesided on the paternal homestead, North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, were — L Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1678, d. 31 Oct. 1680. ii. John, Nov. 6, 1680, d. 10 Nov. 1682. iii. Joshua, March 7, 1682-83. iv. Jeremiah, Nov. 5, 1684, d. 24 Jan. foil. V. Mary, Aug. 19, 1686. m. March 28, 1711, Isaac Peterson of Dux., and d. 22 March, 1763. vi. Daniel, Feb. 27, 1688-89, d. 28 June foU. vii. Solomon, Feb. 20, 1690-91, d. ("being very dreadfully bumt by falling into the fire in a fit ") 25 Apr. 1737. vm. Joseph, Sept. 6, 1692, d. next day. VOL. II. — 22 338 Hoba/rt. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Patience, — \x. Patience, May 3, 1705. m. Dec. 9, 1731, David Garnet. 9. Iseael 3 (Peter = Edmund i), b. in Hing. June 29, 1642. m. Dec. 30, 1668, Sarah, dau. of Eev. WiUiam Witherell of Scit., and removed to Scit. soon after 1676, when, on Apr. 20th of that yr. his house in Hing. was burned by the Indians. He d. at Scit. 14 Apr. 1731, ffit. 89th yr. In his will of 1729, gives legacies to ch. and gr. ch. "Ship wright." Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, May 30, 1670. m. Brock. ii, Nathaniel, . iii. Eebecca, . Other ch., b. at Scit., were — iv. Nathan, . V. Abigail, . vi, Jael, . vii. Israel, 10. David » (Peter ^ Edmund i), bt. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1661. m. first, Joanna Quincy, dau. of Edmund and Joanna (Hoar) Quincy. She was b. Apr. 16, 1664, and d. 18 May, 1695, ffit. 41 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 4, 1695, Sarah Joyce of Boston. She d. in Hing. 14 Oct, 1729, ffit. 65 yrs. He d. 21 Aug. 1717, ffit. 66 yrs. WUl made 31 Dec. 1716. " Tanner." Freeman 1681 ; constable 1688 ; selectman 1686, 1689, 1698, 1702, 1703, 1706, 1709, and 1713. Eepresentative at the General Court, 1692 and 1696. Was kn. as " Lieutenant." He also was deacon of the Church. Eesided on the paternal homestead, North St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Joanna, were — L Judith, June 21, 1681. m. Feb. 10, 1710-11, Joseph Leavitt. ii, A son, Oct, 11, 1683 ; stiU-born. iii. Peter, Sept. 24, 1684, d. 7 Dec. foU. iv. Abiel, Nov. 20, 1685, m. Feb. 9, 1732-33, James Fowle of Boston. V. Jael, June 20, 1688. m. Sept. 10, 1712, Jeremiah Leavitt of Rochester, and d. 9 June, 1740. vi. Deborah, June 10, 1690. vii. Rebecca, Jan. 7, 1693-94. m. Dec. 30, 1714, Jazaniah Nichols. Ch., b. in Hing. by w. Sarah, were — 16. viiL Nehemiah, Apr. 27, 1697. ix. Joseph, Apr. 11, 1699, d. 21 Aug. 1706. 17. X. David, March 14, 1701-2. xi. Sarah, March 14, 1701-2. m. Aug. 25, 1726, John Humphrey. xii. Lydia, Jan. 9, 1703-4. m. (1) June 6, 1739, Josiah Lane, wid?, and (2) Feb. 22, 1753, Joseph Nash. xiii. Noah, Jan. 2, 1705-6 ; Har, Coll, 1724, and afts. " minister." m. (1) at Fail-field, Conn., Sept. 22, 1735, Ellen Sloss, and (2) Priscilla (Thomas), wid. Noah d. at Fairfield, 1773, a;t. 67 yrs. 11. Calebs (Thomas ^^ Edmund i), prob. b. in Eng. 1633. m. first, in Hing. Jan. 20, 1667-58, Elizabeth Church, dau. of Eichard and Elizabeth (Warren) Church. She d. 3 Feb. 1668-59. He m. secondly, at Braintree, Apr. 17, 1662, Mary, dau. of Francis Elliot of Braintree. She d. 22 July, 1675. For his third w. he in. Jan. 15, 1676, Elizabeth, Hobart. 339 wid. of Eichard Faxon. She d. 9 Aug. 1704, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. at Braintree, 4 Sept. 1711, ffit. 89th yr. Freeman, 1671. Had lands at Medford, 1676 ; he also held mortgages. Of his seven ch. but one was b. in Hing., viz. : — L Jonathan, Feb. 3, 1658-59, d. 20 Apr. foU. 'SoTE. — Elisha, perh. s. of Caleb, d. in Hing. 19 Feb. 1666-67, 12. Aaeon 3 (Thomas ^ Edmund ^), bt. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1661. m. Jan. 27, 1696-97, Eebecca Sumner, dau. of Eoger and Mary (Josse lyn) Sumner. She outlived him, and m. secondly, Oct. 16, 1707, Ed ward Darbee of Taunton. Aaron was drowned while sailing towards Boston, 3 March, 1704^, ffit. 44th yr. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Thomas, June 27, 1698. ii. Isaac, July 15, 1700. iii. Mary, May 19, 1702, d. 5 Feb. 1703-4. iv. Aaron, Aug. 11, 1704, d. 3 Jan. 1726-27. 13. Enoch* (Joshua'' Edmund i),, bt. in Hing. May 28, 1654. m. Aug. 7, 1676, Hannah, dau. of Thomas Harris. This fam. removed to Boston ; and Jan. 16, 1691-92, Enoch sold his house and land in Hing. to Samuel Thaxter. " Boatman." Eesided while in Hing. on Main St., next east of the meeting-house of the First Parish. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, Aug. 12, 1677, d. in two weeks. ii. Ruth, bt. Dec. 8, 1678. iii. Hannah, Dec. 8, 1680, d. 10 July, 1689. - iv. Thomas, March 31, 1683.. V. Deborah, Nov. 5, 1685, d. 25 Feb. 1687-88. _ vi. John, bt. Apr. 15, 1688. 14. Petee ^ (Samuel « Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1684-85. m. (pub. Dec. 31, 1715) Jael Whiton, dan. of Thomas and Joanna (May) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 12, 1692-93, and d. 4 Sept. 1775, ffit. 83d yr. He d. 14 Dec. 1760, ffit. 76th yr. « Farmer." Eesided on the west part of the paternal homestead. North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — L Jael, Aug. 15, 1717. m, Nov. 23, 1752, Joseph MUton, Jr. 18. ii. Samuel, June 24, 1719j iiL Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1722, d. 6 Apr. 1725. 19. iv. Peter, Oct. 19, 1727. 15. James * (Samuel » Edmund ^i), bt. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1689. m. Dec. 11, 1718, Hannah Leavitt, dau. of Israel and Lydia (Jackson) Leavitt. She was b, in Hing. June 30, 1693, and d. 10 Feb. 1763, ffit. 60th yr. He d. 11 Nov. 1744, ffit. 56 yrs. Constable 1733. Eesided on the east part of the paternal homestead. North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i Lydia, July 10, 1720. m. Nov. 11, 1742, Caleb Bate, Jr. ii. Susanna, Nov. 24, 1722. m. Dec. 16, 1740, Andrew Todd. 20. ui. James, Aug. 14, 1727. 21. iv. John, Oct. 5, 1731. 340 Hobart. 16. Nehehiah* (David' Peter ^ Edmund i), b. in Hing. Apr. 27, 1697. m. first, Jan. 14, 1724-25, Lydia Jacob, dau. of Dea. Peter and Hannah (Alien) Jacob. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 16, 1705, and d. 12 Feb. 1736-37, ffit. 32d yr. He m. secondly, Apr. 6, 1739, Eliza beth, dau. of Aaron and Sarah Pratt. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Dec. 5, 1697, and surviving him, m. secondly, Apr. 6, 1742, Jonathan Merritt of Scit. Nehemiah d. 31 May, 1740, ffit. 43 yrs. He was grad. at Har. Coll. 1714; ord. pastor of the sec. church in Hing. (Coh.), Dec. 13, 1721, and continued as the minister of that parish until his decease, 'a period of more than eighteen yrs. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, were — i. John Jacob, Nov. 6, 1725, d, 20 Dec. 1735. ii. Sarah, July 2, 1727. m. (1) Jan. 9, 1752, Francis Lincoln, and (2) Oct. 7, 1764, Dea, Isaac Lincoln, wid":. She d. 11 Oct. 1815, set. 88 yrs. iii. Jerom, March 2, 1728-29, d. 22 Jan. 1735-36. iv. Justin, Jan. 27, 1730-31. Removed to Fairfield, Conn., where he m. and had issue. v. Lydia, Feb. 9, 1732-33. m. (1) June 4, 1752, Nehemiah Ripley, and (2) May 6, 1784, Enoch Lincoln, wid'.. vL Hannah, Jan. 20, 1734-35. m, Nov. 17, 1757, Abel Kent, andd. 20 March, 1767. vii. John Jacob, Jan. 18, 1736-37, d. in two weeks. 17. David* (David » Peter'' Edmund i), b. in Hing. March 14, 1701-2. m. first (pub. Sept. 8, 1723) Eachel Low, dau. of John and Euth (Joy) Low. She was b. in Hing. March 16, 1694-96, and d. 10 Feb. 1733-34, ffit. 39th yr. He m. secondly, Oct. 14, 1736, Eachel Heyford. She d. 28 Dec. 1796, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 29 Feb. 1780, ffit. 78th yr. " Tanner." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., by first w. Eachel, were — 22. i. Joseph, June 10, 1724. ii. David, Aug. 20, 1725, d. at Cape Breton, Jan. 1744-45. 23. iii. Japhet, Oct. 28, 1727, iv. Rachel, bt. March 1, 1729-30. m. May 31, 1757, Elijah Beal, widr. Ch., b. in Hing., by the sec. m'ge, were — v. Sarah, Nov. 27, 1737, d. 30 May, 1749. vi. Hannah, Aug. 15, 1740. m. Apr. 21, 1763, Jonathan Smith. viL Rebecca, Aug. 30, 1742, d, 31 Dec, 1747. viii. Nehemiah, Aug. 9, 1744, d. 7 Jan. 1761. ix. David, Dec. 31, 1747, d. 25 Miirch, 1750. A. Lydia, bt. July 21, 1751. m. Nov. 5, 1778, Issachar StoweU. 18. Samuel « (Peter * Samuel ' Edmund ='"'), b. in Hing. June 24, 1719. m. Dec. 30, 1760, Lydia Marsh, dau. of Caleb and Hannah (Beal) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1727, and d. 16 June, 1793, ffit. 66th yr. He d. 24 Sept. 1775, ffit. 56 yrs. " Farmer." Con stable 1765. Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Samuel, Apr. 25, 1752. Caleb, Dec. 13, 1754. Daniel, March 19, 1757. Jonathan, Aug. 13, 1759. Enoch, Oct. 20, 1763, d. 5 March, 1789. Lydia, July 30, 1767, d. unm. at Wiscasset, Me. 24. i. 25. ii. 26. iii. 27. iv. V. vi. Hobart. 341 19. Petee = (Peter* Samuel ' Edmund ^^), b. in Hing. Oct. 19, 1727. m. Lucretia Gill, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Hawke) Gill. She was b. in Hing. May 6, 1729, and d. 9 March, 1806, ffit. 76th yr. He d. 8 Oct. 1798, ffit. 71st yr. "Farmer." Constable 1766, and deacon of the church at So. Hing. Eesided at the foot of " Great Hill." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Lucretia, Nov. 14, 1748. m. Dec. 7, 1775, Samuel Low. iL Peter, July 31, 1750 ; Har. CoU. 1775. m. Nov. 16, 1779, Mary, dau. of Elisha Cushing. Peter served six months as surgeon in the Army of the Eevolution, and in 1783 settled as a physician at Han., where he d. in 1793, leaving issue. iiL Hawkes, March 3, 1752, d. 17 May foil. 28. iv. Hawkes, June 6, 1753. 29. V. Edmund, Aug. 14, 1755. vi. Elizabeth, Oct. 11, 1757. m. Nov. 28, 1793, Joel French of Wey. vii. Joshua, Aug. 26, 1759. viii. Thomas, Aug, 12, 1761. m. Feb. 17, 1791, Emma, dau. of Samuel WUder. Eemoved to Ashburnham. ix. Elijah, Aug. 31, 1763. m. Aug. 12, 1787, Martha, dau. of Isaiah Stodder. Removed to Ea. Ab'n, and d. 22 Sept. 1847, mi. 84 yrs, X. Jael, Dec. 14, 1765. m. Aug. 29, 1793, Caleb Stodder. xi. Hannah, Dec. 12, 1768. m, (1) Jan. 12, 1791, Peter Lane, and (2) June, 1803, David Dunbar, wid'.. She d. 2 July, 1855, set. 87th yr. 20. J A MRS 5 (James * Samuel ^ Edmund ^^), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1727. m. Dec. 25, 1750, Deborah Sprague, dau. of Jeremiah and PrisciUa (Knight) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. March 17, 1725-26, and d. 6 Sept. 1806, ffit. 79 yrs. He d. 18 March, 1794, ffit. 66 yrs. Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Deborah, bt. Dec. 15, 1751, d. in two dys. ii. Deborah, Jan. 1, 1754. m. Nov. 17, 1774, Nathaniel Fearing. iii. James, Dec. 7, 1755, d. 20 Jan. 1767. iv. Hannah, Feb. 10, 1758 , V. Celia, March 6, 1761. m. (1) March 9, 1784, Samuel Lincoln, and (2) May 8, 1808, Capt. George Price of Charlestown. She d. 15 Jan. 1835, set. 74th yr. « vi. Olla, Sept, 9, 1763. m. Apr. 30, 1784, Obadiah Stowell, and d, 15 Nov. 1787, set. 24 yrs. 21. John = (James* SamueP Edmund ^i), b. in Hing, Oct. 6, 1731. m. Nov. 18, 1764, Miriam Lincoln, dau. of Joshua and Eachel (Stod der) Lincoln, She was b, in Hing. March 24, 1734-36, and d. 14 Dec. 1818, ffit. 84th yr. He d. 22 July, 1791, ffit. 60th yr. WiU dated 19 May, 1791, proved 20 Sept. foil. "Farmer." Constable 1760, 1766, and 1783. Eesided on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L John, Apr. 12, 1755, d, 28 Dec. foU. ii. John, Oct. 15, 1756. Removed to Portland, Me. iii. William, Jan. 2, 1759, d. 12 March, 1786. iv. Leah, March 19, 1761, d. 23 Sept. 1772. V. Susanna, July 20, 1763. m. Dec. 2, 1788, Elias Hersey. 30. vi. Shubal, June 8, 1767. vii. Mary, Aug. 22, 1770. m. Apr. 9, 1797, Benjamin Beal, Jr. 31. viii. Leavitt, Aug. 20, 1772. 32. ix. Miles, Jan. 29, 1775. 342 Hobart. 22. Joseph « (David ^^ Peter = Edmund i), b. in Hing. June 10, 1724. m. Nov. 16, 1760, Sarah Worrick, dau. of Chasling and Hester (Bate) Worrick. She was b. in Hing. July 30, 1730, and d. 4 Aug. 1783, ffit. 63 yrs. He d. 4 Oct. 1810, ffit. 86 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Sarah, June 15, 1752. ii. Esther, Feb. 1, 1754. m. June 20, 1780, Marsh Lewis. iiL Anna, Sept. 30, 1755. iv. Rachel, June 24, 1757. 33, V. Joseph, March 10, 1759, vL Nehemiah, March 22, 1761, 34. vii. Jeremiah, March 20, 1763. viii. David, Nov. 16, 1766, d. 25 Feb. foU. ix. George, Sept. 11, 1768. x. Silence, Sept. 7, 1770, 23. Japhet^ (David « Peter ^ Edmund i), b. in Hing. Oct. 28, 1727. m. March 27, 1756, Hannah Humphrey, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Ward) Humphrey. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 22, 1736, and d. 18 July, 1817, ffit. 82d yr. He d. 17 Jan. 1822, ffit. 94 yrs. "Mariner," Eesided on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Noah, Aug. 9, 1756, m. Nov. 13, 1783, Silence, dau, of Benjamin StoweU. Noah d. at Salem, 27 March, 1843, st, 87th yr. He was a soldier of the Revolution, and kn. as "Captain," ii. Rachel, Aug. 12, 1758. m. (1) Oct. 28, 1779, Joshua Long; (2) James Dawson, and (3) Nov. 6, 1791, Jairus Lincoln, wid^. She d. 1846, set. 88th XT. iu. Lucy, Nov. 3, 1760. iv. Ebenezer, Apr. 24, 1763, d. in Ire,, Dec, 1781. V, Japhet, Aug. 12, 1765, d. 7 Oct. foU. vi. Japhet, May 1, 1767, d, at sea, 15 Dec. 1792. vii, Ezekiel, Feb. 11, 1770, d. 7 Sept. 1775. viu. David, Sept. 17, 1772, d. 23 July, 1773, ix. Ezekiel, Nov. 1, 1776. 24. Samuel « (SamueP Peter ^ SamueP Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. Apr. 25, 1752. m. first, Sept. 22, 1774, Abigail Leavitt, dau. of Moses and Martha (Bramhall) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1753, and d. 16 Feb. 1791, ffit. 37 yrs. He m. secondly, June 26, 1791, Mrs. Jane (Sherow) Stowell, the wid.'of Stephen Stowell. She outlived him, and m. thirdly, Smith of Boston. Samuel d. 18 Apr. 1801, ffit. 49th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, were — i. Martha, May 31, 1776. m. Caleb Lincoln of Bath, Me. She d. at Utica, N. Y. 35. ii. Samuel, Nov. 8, 1778. iii. Moses, Sept. 27, 1780. Resided at Hillsboro', 111., and had a fam. iv. Bela, Oct. 19, 1782, d. at Canton, Dec. 1802. V. Abigail, bt. Oct. 17, 1784. m. (1) Calvin Pratt, and (2) Thomas Lambert, wid"!. She d. at Bath, Me., 1 Sept. 1872, set. 88 yrs. vi. Joshua, Dec. 5, 1785. m. and settled at Wiscasset, Me. vii. Seth, Apr. 2, 1788. Settled at Wiscasset, Me., where he d. 27 Dec. 1855. 25. Caleb « (SamueP Peter * SamueP Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1754. m. Nov. 26, 1781, Lydia Marsh, dau. of Jonathan and Mon ica (Lincoln) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1764, and d. 1 Feb. Hobart. 343 1832, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 12 Aug. 1846, ffit. 92d yr. A soldier of the Eevolution; and was for many yrs. deacon of the church of the First Parish. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 36. L Caleb, May 2, 1783. ii. Lydia, Aug. 22, 1785, d. 22 May, 1787. iu. Lydia, Apr. 19, 1788, d. 13 May, 1795. iv. Betsey, Feb. 4, 1790, d. 23 Aug. 1791. 37. V. Martin, July 13, 1792. vi. Elizabeth, July 1, 1797, d. in seven dys. 26. Daniel « (Samuel « Peter * Samuel ' Edmund ^^), b. in Hing. March 19, 1757. m. Nov. 4, 1779, Joanna Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Bates) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 22, 1766, and d. 7 Sept. 1828, ffit. 72 yrs. He d. 15 Apr. 1796, at. 38 yrs. Their Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. Reuben Lincoln, Oct. 15, 1780. Removed from Hing. Was m. and had issue. u. Daniel, May 7, 1784. iii. Joseph, . iv. Joanna, Oct. 12, 1788, d. 13 Sept. 1799, a;t. llth yr. V. Calvin, June 12, 1791. "Brick-mason." d. at MassiUon, Ohio, 4 July, 1833, set. 42 yrs. vL James, Apr. 26, 1795, d. 31 Dec. foU. 27. Jonathan ° (Samuel ° Peter ^ Samuel ' Edmund ^"^), b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1769. m. Nov. 23, 1783, Else Lincoln, dau. of Jeremiah and Sarah (Hersey) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 1760, and d. 11 Feb. 1830, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 3 Aug. 1792, ffit. 33d yr. Their Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Else, Aug. 18, 1784. m. Thomas Lambert of Bath, Me. u. Sally, Apr. 23, 1786, d. unm. 16 Jan. 1821. iii. Enoch, bt. June 7, 1789. Eesided at Boston, where he had a fam. He d. 22 May, 1866, set. 77th yr. iv. Olive Beal, bt. July 17, 1791, d. unm. 2 June, 1873, set. 82d yr. 28. Hawkes ° (Peter ^"* SamueP Edmund^'), b. in Hing. June 6, 1753. m. Dec. 4, 1777, Elizabeth Stodder, dau. of Isaiah and Priscilla (Beal) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. June 7, 1758, and d. 9 Jan. 1825, ffit. 67th yr. He d. 14 Apr. 1831, ffit. 78th yr. " Set-work cooper, and farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead, at the foot of " Great HiU." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, Nov. 24, 1778, d. 17 Jan. 1805. ii. Laban, Sept. 25, 1780. By w. Olive, had a dau. Olive, b. in Hing. June 9, 1807. iu. Priscilla, June 22, 1782, d. 4 July, 1783. iv. Hawkes, Feb. 14, 1784. " Set- work cooper." d. 13 June, 1836, set. 52 yrs. V. Priscilla, Dec. 18, 1785, d. 24 Sept. 1795. vi. Hosea, July 15, 1788. vii. Martin, Jan. 29, 1790 ; drowned in the Mill-pond 7 July, 1805, set. 15 yrs. viii. Meriel, Dec. 13, 1792. m. Dec. 9, 1811, Jotham Lincoln, Jr. ix. Priscilla, March 14, 1797. m. Apr. 19, 1829, Comfort Tower. 29. Edmund* (Peter ^* SamueP Edmund ^^), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1755. m. first, Apr. 15, 1781, Elizabeth Cushing, dau. of Ebenezer and Sarah (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. July 27, 1763, 344 Hobart. and d. 28 March, 1790, ffit. 27th yr. He m. secondly, Sept. 23, 1790, Persis Cushing, sister of his first w. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 31, 1766, and d. 22 July, 1840, ffit. 74 yrs. He d. 3 Apr. 1847, ffit. 92d yr. " Set-work cooper, and farmer." Eesided on Main, near Hobart St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — i i. Edmund, March 7, 1782. Went away and never retumed. 38. ii. Bela, Deo. 6, 1783. iii. Elizabeth, Sept. 13, 1785. m. (1) Dec. 25, 1806, Thomas Cushing, Jr., and (2) Sept. 29, 1816, Ensign Cushing. iv. Sarah, Dec. 1, 1787, d. unip. 15 Dec. 1859, ait. 72 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Persis, — V. Persis, June 9, 1791. m. Nov. 4, 1813, Samuel F, Hersey. vL Lydia, Sept. 1, 1793. m. Dec. 21, 1814, Cotton Hersey. 39. viL Ebed, Jan. 29, 1795. viii. Emma, 1797. m. May 15, 1816, Samuel Cushing. 40. ix. Peter, Jan. 13, 1799. X. Abigail, 1801. m. Oct. 19, 1820, Jacob Hersey. xi. Mary, 1803. m. Nov. 24, 1825, Cole Gannett of Scit. 30. Shubal " (John ^ James * Samuel ' Edmund ^'), b. in Hing. June 8, 1767. m. Aug. 23, 1795, Sabina Stodder, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Lewis) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1776, and d. 16 Sept. 1864, ffit. 79th yr. He d. 30 Nov. 1800, ffit. 33 yrs. "Blacksmith." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch,, all b. in Hing., — L Leah, June 7, 1796, d. unm., at Portland, Me., 1821. ii. Mary, June 27, 1797, d. 6 Aug. 1824, set. 27 yrs. iiL Lucy, May 31, 1799. m. March 16, 1823, Othniel Marble, and d. 8 Sept. 1826, set. 27 yrs. iv. Shubal, bt. Oct. 26, 1800, d. 4 Apr. 1802, 31. Leavitt ' (John ^ James * Samuel ' Edmund ^"^), b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1772. m. July 17, 1796, Sarah Beal, dau, of Benjamin and Martha (Thaxter) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1773, and d. at Boston, 8 Apr. 1851, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. at B. 8 March, 1850, ffit. 78th yr. "Cordwainer," and "farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. North St. Ch.,— L Martha Thaxter, b, in Hing. Apr. -20, 1797. m. John B. Stodder. 41. ii. John, b. in Hing. March 21, 1799. iii. Sally, b. in Hing. June 9, 1801. m. George Kingman, and d, at Boston, 13 June, 1870, ait. 69 yrs. 42. iv. Leavitt, b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1803. V. Shubal, b. in Hing. 1806. m. Prudence, dau. of Benjamin Hodgden of Booth bay. Me., and d. 17 Oct. 1855, jet, 49 yrs. vi. Susan, b. in Hing. . m. William Bartlett. vii. Miriam, 1813. m. Capt. Walter W. Bailey of Portland, Me., and d. at Westbrook, Me., 7 Sept. 1840, set. 27 yrs. viii. Miles, b. at Westbrook, Me. "Sail-maker." He m. Frances Stephens, and resided at Providence, R. I. Their dau. Annie Amelia, d. in Hing. 2 Sept. 1880, set. 28th yr. 32. Miles ° (John^ James ^ SamueP Edmund"), b. in Hing. Jan. 29, 1775. m. Nov. 27, 1800, Sally Hersey, dau. of Jeremiah and Mary (Hersey) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. July 25, 1780, and surviving Hobart. 345 him, m. secondly, Nov. 26, 1843, Joseph Hersey, wid^ Miles d. at Martinique, West Indies, 14 Aug. 1806, ffit. 31st yr. " Housewright." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 43. i. William, M.ay 1, 1801. u. Sally Hersey, Sept, 12, 1803, d. 2 March foil. ' 33. Joseph * (Joseph = David "" Peter ^ Edmund '), b. in Hing. March 10, 1769. m. Sept. 26, 1784, Eunice, dau. of Jedediah and Hannah Beal. She was b. in Hing. July 16, 1762. Eemoved to Ab'n after the birth of the foil. ChUd, b. in Hing., — L Nehemiah, Apr. 27, 1785, d. at Ab'n 22 Nov. 1867, set, 83d yr. 34. Jeeemiah ' (Joseph ' David *"^ Peter ^ Edmund ^), b. in Hing. March 20, 1763. m. first, Dec. 2, 1786, Thirza, dau. of Abner and Elizabeth HaU. She was bt. in Hing. July 1, 1770, and d. 29 Oct. 1797, ffit. 27 yrs. He m. secondly, Dec. 17, 1797, Mrs. Abigail (Stod der) Hersey, wid. of Daniel Hersey, and dau. of Nathaniel and Eliza beth (Sprague) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 29, 1764, and d. 13 Sept. 1822, ffit. 68 yrs. Jeremiah d. 3 Sept. 1803, ffit. 40 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Thirza, were — i. Jeeemiah, Oct. 23, 1789. iL George, Nov. 25, 1791. iii. Mahala, Jan, 23, 1794. m. Dec. 5, 1819, Peter Jacob. iv. Abner, Aug. 19, 1796, d. 27 July foU. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, — V. Thirza Hall, Nov. 10, 1798. m. Capt. Horace H. Watson. He d. 21 Dec. 1867, set. 78 yrs. She d. 18 July, 1885, set. 87th yr. vi. Anna Smith, Sept, 5, 1801, d. 18 Oct. 1802. 35. -Samuel ¦'(Samuel ^5 Peter ^ SamueP Edmund^'), b. in Hing. Nov. 8, 1778. m. at Boston, Nov. 2, 1802, Bertha Loring, dau. of Thomas and Lydia (Lincoln) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1783, and d. 27 Nov. 1869, ffit. 86th yr. He d. 8 March, 1862, ffit. 73 yrs. "Trader ; " and for many yrs. auctioneer and coroner ; also cap tain of a mUitia company. Eesided on South St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Samuel, July 31, 1803, d. in seven dys, ii. Lydia Marsh, Aug. 5, 1804. m. Dec. 1, 1831, Ira Berry of Portland, Me. ui. Samuel, March 11, 1807, d. 10 Jan. 1835. iv. Bertha Loring, May 18, 1809. V. Jane Sherow, Feb. 23, 1812, d. at Portland, unm, 1 Feb. 1869. vi. Thomas Loring, March 2, 1814. m, at Portland, May 27, 1857, Mary Ann Loring, and with his fam, resides at Titusville, Penn, vii. Abigail Leavitt, Jan. 6, 1816. m. Dec. 16, 1840, Henry C, HamUn of Augusta, Me. viii. Mary Elizabeth, Jan. 6, 1822. m. (1) William Stringer of Raleigh, N. C, and (2) Herbert W. Prcsby. ix. Annie Caroline, March 13, 1828. m. Oct, 19, 1848, WiUiam H. Morton of Augusta, Me. He d. at TitusviUe, in 1866. 36. Caleb' (Caleb ° SamueP Peter* SamueP Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. May 2, 1783. m. Jan. 24, 1808, Mary Lincoln, dau. of Seth 346 Hobart. and Mary (Fearing) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. May 8, 1780, and d. 10 Oct. 1867, ffit. 87 yrs. He d. 16 July, 1866, ffit. 82 yrs. "Fur niture manuf'r." Succeeded his fa. as deacon of the church of the First Parish. Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Lydia Marsh, Apr. 19, 1809, d. 20 Nov. 1831, fet. 22 yrs. 45. ii. Seth Lincoln, Jau. 14, 1811. iii. Mary Fearing, Jan. 24, 1813. iv. Sarah Ann, May 21, 1815. V. Caleb, Oct. 21, 1817. Settled at Bridgewater, Mass., where he had a fam., and d. 30 Jan, 1883, set. 65 yrs. vi. Elijah Fearing, Oct. 4, 1821, d. near Point of Rocks, Va., 4 July, 1864, set. 43d yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.'*) vii. Catherine Harris, Apr. 9, 1824. 37. Maetin' (Caleb « SamueP Peter ^ SamueP Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. July 13, 1792. m. Dec. 3, 1815, Susanna Burrell, dau. of Ben jamin and Lois (Tower) Burrell. She was b. in Hing. March 3, 1795, and d. at Quincy, 5 June, 1860, ffit. 65 yrs. He d. 1 Aug. 1868, ffit. 66 yrs. " Chair-maker." Eesided on South and Hersey Sts. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Albert, , d. young. ii. Susanna, Jan. 1, 1819. m. Dec. 1, 1839, Charles E, Whiton, and d. at Quincy, 5 Apr, 1881, fet. 62 yrs. iii. Betsey, 1831, d, 24 Oct. 1851, ist. 20 yrs. iv. Albert Henry, 1834, m. March 15, 1857, AdeUne Spinney. Resided at Chelsea, where he d. 5 Apr. 1887, set. 52 yrs. 38. Bela ' (Edmund " Peter " Samuel ' Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1783. m. first, Nov. 2, 1807, Betsey Sprague, dau. of Seth and Betty (Wilder) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1788, and d. 6 Feb. 1809, ffit. 20 yrs. He m. secondly, Oct. 9, 1811, Olive WUder, dau. of Thomas and Olive (Gardner) Wilder. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1784, and d. 12 Oct. 1834, ffit. 60 yrs. He d. 18 July, 1840, ffit. 67th yr. " Set-work cooper, and farmer." Eesided on Main, near Hobart St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Olive, — L Betsey Sprague, Aug. 29, 1813. m. Dec. 31, 1831, Thomas W. Harris. 46. iL Bela, Apr. 8, 1815. 47. iii. Thomas, March 9, 1817. iv. Olive, July 21, 1819. m. Charles C. Meade. V. Emma, Feb. 17, 1822. m. Joel H. Prescott, and d, at Cambridge, 18 July, 1885. 48. vi. Seth Sprague, June 5, 1824. 49. viL Edmund, Nov. 28, 1826. 50. viii. Ebed, Jan. 12, 1829. 39. Ebed ' (Edmund ^ Peter " Samuel = Edmund ^i), b. in Hing. Jan. 29, 1795. m. Sept. 29, 1820, Betsey Cushing, dau. of Ebed and Betsey (Amos) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Mav 18, 1796, and d. 27 May, 188.5, ffit. 89 yrs. He d. 19 Nov. 1863, ffit. 69th yr. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Main, near Hobart St. Ch,, — i. Mary Gushing, Sept. 29, 1821, d. 29 March, 1825. 51. ii. William, Sept. 4, 1826. iii. Mary Cushing, May 5, 1828, m. Jan. 11, 1851, Edmund Hersey. iv. Ebenezer, Oct. 24, 1832 ; is m. and resides at Rockland. Hobart. 347 40. Petek' (Edmund 5 Peter" SamueP Edmund^'), b. in Hing. Jan. 13, 1799. m. first, June 27, 1822, Priscilla S. Hersey, dau. of Nathaniel and Molly (Stodder) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1804, and d. 6 Sept. 1837, ffit. 33d yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 21, 1839, Mary French, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Beal) French of Boston. Peter d. 26 May, 1882, ffit. 83 yrs. "Manuf'r of wooden ware." Eesided on Main, nearly opp. Hobart St. Ch,, b. in Hing., by w. PrisciUa, — L Peter, Jan. 10, 1823. ii. Caroline, Jan. 1, 1825. m. Oct. 12, 1843, Franklin Hersey. iii. Henry, Apr. 17, 1829. m. March 23, 1851, Eliza Ann Waters. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, — iv. Mary Ellen, d. in infancy. V. Mary Anna, Feb. 16, 1847. 41. John' (Leavitt^ John ^ James* SamueP Edmund'^'), b. in Hing. March 21, 1799. m. Oct. 2, 1826, AbigaU S. Bates, dau. of Asa and Euth (Howard) Bates. She was b. at Coh. Dec. 6, 1803, and d. in Hing. 31 Dec. 1869, ffit. 66 yrs. He d. at Boston, 14 Oct. 1867, ffit. 59th yr. "Carpenter." Eesided on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Abigail, Aug. 5, 1826. m. Nov. 15, 1846, Benjamin F. Palmer. ii. Martha, June 17, 1834, d. 26 Sept. 1857, set. 23 yrs. 42. Leavitt' (Leavitt ^ John * James * SamueP Edmund ^"^), b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1803. m. Dec. 15, 1833, Lydia L. French, dau. of Martin and Sally (Humphrey) French. She was b. in Hing. June 4, 1812, and d. 19 Sept. 1881, ffit. 69 yrs. He d. 25 May, 1869, ffit. 66 yrs. " Sail-maker." Eesided on Hersey, near South St. ; and pre viously at Boston. Ch.,— L Leavitt, 1834, d. . ii. Charles, 1836 ; is capt. in the Third Reg? Infantry U. S. Army ; has a w. and ch. iii. Edwin, 1838. iv. Sally, 1840. V. George, March, 1842, d. unm. 18 June, 1874, set. 32 yrs. vi. Frank, . 43. William ' (Miles "> John ' James * Samuel ' Edmund ^i), b. in Hing. May 1, 1801. m. Apr. 6, 1827, Lucinda Marsh, dau. of John and Olive (Beal) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1807, and d. 1 Sept. 1863, ffit. 56 yrs. He d. 15 Aug. 1875, ffit. 74 yrs. "Butcher." Eesided on Fort HjU St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 52. L William Miles, March 25, 1828. ii. Lucinda Marsh, Jan. 11, 1830. iiL George Franklin, May 26, 1832. iv. Sara Hersey, Sept. 30, 1834. V. Olive Marsh, Apr. 8, 1837, d. 7 Jan. foU. vi. Olive Marsh, Jan. 30, 1839. vii. Mary Eliza, May 23, 1841, d. 27 Jan. 1877. 348 Hobart viii, James Otis, Aug. 5, 1843, d. same day. ix. Edmund Lewis, Apr. 20, 1844, d. same day. X. Susan Grace, March 6, 1845, d. same day. xi. Edmund Lewis, Jan. 7, 1849. 44. Elijah ' (EUjah ' of Ab'n, Peter " Samuel ^ Edmund "), b. at Ab'n Dec. 24, 1795. m. March 26, 1822, Louisa Poole of Ab'n, and settled in Hing. She d. 23 Nov. 1872. He d. at Eockland, 19 Dec. 1885, ffit. 90th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on Cushing St. Ch., all. b. in Hing., — i. Louisa Poole, May 10, 1824. m. Sept. 3, 1843, Chester D. Pratt of Wey. ii. Mary Ann, Feb. 26, 1827, m, Charles Groce of Scit. iii. Elijah, Aug. 19, 1828, m. Aug. 19, 1849, Mary L. Whiting. Resides at Wey,, where he has a fam. iv. Caroline, Aug. 11, 1831. ra. May 6, 1852, Charles Andrew from Turner, Me., and resides at Boston. V. Rebecca Garrison, June 3, 1835. m. May 6, 1852, Charles H, Tisdale. vi. Angelina Grimke, Feb. 5, 1839. m. Apr. 12, 1857, Russell D. Gardner. vii. Benjamin Wharton, March 7, 1842, d, at Wey. 16 Feb. 1863. viii. Amanda Frances, May 19, 1844. m. May 24, 1868, Webster A. Cushing. ix. Horace Wendell, Apr. 27, 1846. m. Hattie Lee, and resides at Chicago, IU. They had a dau. b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1874. 53. X. Chester Clark, Jan. 11, 1850. 45. Seth L.^ (Caleb '"^ SamueP Peter* SamueP Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. Jan. 14, 1811. m. Dec. 22, 1836, Louisa C. Muzzey, dau. of Jonas M,, and Abigail (Dunckley) Muzzey. She was b. at Lexing ton, Mass., June 1, 1818, and d. upon her birthday anniversary, 1 June 1886, ffit. 68 yrs. "Manuf'r of furniture and cabinet ware." Select man 1871, 1872, and 1873. Eesides on Lincoln St. Ch., all b. in Hing,, — L Alice Louisa, Dec. 14, 1837. m. June 7, 1866, John M. Reed of Lex ington. ii. Caroline Hale, March 7, 1842, m. March 11, 1868, Charles D. Water man of Boston, iii, Ella Williams, Nov. 16, 1846, iv. Louis, May 10, 1852, d, in ten dys. V. Marion Lincoln, Feb. 20, 1854, d. 19 Sept, 1871. vi. Mabel Monroe, Nov. 17, 1859. vii. Emma Gertrude, Feb, 14, 1862, d. 25 March foil. 4G. Bela 8 (Bela' Edmund^ Peter" SamueP Edmund ^-i), b. in Hing. Apr. 8, 1816. m. Nov. 2, 1842, Sarah W. Cushing, dau. of Samuel and Emma (Hobart) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 9, 1823. Bela d. 8 Nov. 1861, ffit. 47th yr. "Trader." Eesided on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Alice, Apr. 1846, d. 10 May, 1860, set. 14 yrs. ii. Lydia, . m. Dec. 22, 1867, John D. Groce of So. Scit. iii. Sarah Eva, . m. Aug, 27, 1882, James L. Loring, wid^ 47. Thomas « (Bela' Edmund^ Peter «-* SamueP Edmund ^i), b. in Hing. March 9, 1817. m. Elizabeth L. Cushing, dau. of Samuel and Emma (Hobart) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1818, and sur viving him, m. secondly, Apr. 4, 1858, Joseph Gould, or Goold, wid'. Thomas d. 16 July, 1856, ffit. 38 yrs. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Hobart. 349 Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Thomas, , d. young. u. Abigail, 1844, d. 4 Dec. 1857, aet. 13 yrs. iii. Mary, , d. . 48. Seth S.« (Bela' Edmund « Peter ^* SamueP Edmund^'), b. in Hing. June 5, 1824. m. May 18, 1845, Joanna Burbank, dau. of Sam uel and Joanna (Whitcomb) Burbank. She d. 29 March, 1857, ffit. 35 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Main, near Hobart St. Child, b. in Hing., — L Olive M., . m. Jan. 29, 1866, George W. Young. 49. Edmund' (Bela' Edmund « Peter" SamueP Edmund ^i), b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1826. m. May 23, 1847, Bianca PriscUla Glasur, dau. of Benjamin A., and Priscilla S. (Eaymond) Glasur. She was b. at Middleboro', Mass., June 23, 1830. "Shoemaker;" afts. "trader." Eesides on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — i. William Tower, Feb. 25, 1848, d. 24 Apr. foU. ii. William Tower, Ang. 21, 1849. m. Aug. 15, 1874, Julia M. Perry. in. George Henry, Aug. 7, 1852, d. in six weeks. iv. Leonard Marshall, June 21, 1856. m. July 7, 1877, Ruth A. Rogers. V. Adelaide, Apr. 5, 1858, d. 21 Oct. 1883. vi. Lizzie Thomas, March 30, 1860. vii. George Arthur, Oct. 27, 1865. viiL Frank Everett, June 4, 1868. ix. Emily Gertrude, March 3, 1873. 50. Ebed« (Bela' Edmund « Peter «"* SamueP Edmund"), b. in Hing. Jan. 12, 1829. m. July 3, 1853, Lucy Dunham Wight, dau. of James and Pamelia E. (Dunham) Wight. She was b. at Ea. Otisfield, Me., June 3, 1831. " Grocer." Eesides on Main, near Hobart St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Edgar Weston, Nov. 6, 1853, d. 29 May, 1872. IL Ella, May 14, 1855. m. Dec. 17, 1876, Allison B. Cobb. iii. Hattie Frances, Feb. 14, 1860. m. Feb. 7, 1878, Leonard C. Linscott. iv. Flora Belle, Dec. 5, 1865. 51. William » (Ebed ' Edmund « Peter " Samuel « Edmund ""i), b. in Hing. Sept. 4, 1826. m. Dec. 26, 1855, Sarah Ann Dunbar, a gr. dau. of Peleg Dunbar. She was b. at Scit. Dec. 20, 1827. " Farmer." Ee sides on Main, opp. Hobart St. ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Ellen, Jan. 7, 1857 ; is m. and resides at Milton, 52. William M.« (William' MUes* John° James* SamueP Ed mund "), b. in Hing. March 25, 1828. m. Jan. 5, 1862, Angeline, dau. of John Barnard. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 19, 1835. " Butcher." Eesides on Beal St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Miles Franklin, Dec. 22, 1862, d. 26 Jan. foU. u. LiLiAtf Marsh, Feb. 24, 1864. iii. Emma Miles, March 8, 1866. 850 Hobart — Hodsden — Holbrook — Holden. 53. Chester C (Elijah '-« Peter s-* Samuel = Edmund ^i), b. in Hing Jan. 11, 1850. m. May 4, 1873, Adeline L. Witherell, dau. of Amasa C. and Harriet N. (Gurdy) Witherell of Newhampton, N. H. " Farmer." Eesides on the paternal homestead, Cushing St. Child, b. in Hing., — L Mabel Lawrence, March 5, 1874. Daniel Howard (Daniel = Betsey A. Hayward), b. at Quincy, Mass., Oct. 13, 1813. m. Oct. 23, 1842, Jane M. Stodder, dau. of Luther and Sally (DiU) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Oct, 9, 1821. "Painter and glazier." Eesides on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Amelia Jane, Oct. 21, 1843, d. 14 Sept. 1844. ii. Abby Frances, June 10, 1846. m. Dec, 23, 1869, Francis H. Humphrey. iiL Frederic Howard, July 26, 1849. m. (1) Aug. 30, 1876, Mary S. Irving. She d. 3 Nov. 1881. He m. (2) Sept. 30, 1882, Lucy E. Parks. iv. Franklin Adams, March 6, 1854, m. Mai-ch 8, 1881, Came W. Buttrick. She d. at Somerville, 1 June, 1885, aat. 27 yrs. Note. — itfar-!/, d. 4 Nov. 1802, a;t. 84 yrs. Daniel, d. at Quincy, 28 Dec. 1859, set. 81 yrs. Hannah, wid. d. at Randolph, 16 May, 1860, set. 84 yrs. Marcus M., of Quincy, m. Feb. 7, 1867, Antoinette F, Eldredge of Hing, Edmund L., m. Sept. 23, 1878, Maiy Cully. Arthur E., of Wey. m. Jan, 1, 1879, Annie F, Cushing. HODSDEN (Hodsdin). Nicholas, was one of the settlers of Hing. in 1635 ; and the yr. foil. a house-lot was granted to him at Hing. Centre. His w. d. the 29th of Nov. 1647. He prob. removed from here soon after her decease, as the surname does not occur again upon our rec's. Ch., bt. in Hing., were — L E,sther, Sept, 20, 1640. ii. Mehitable, Nov. 1641, iii. Jeremiah, Sept, 6, 1643. iv. Israel, July 19, 1646. V. Elizabeth, July 19, 1646. vL Benoni, Dec, 5, 1647. HOLBROOK. Elizabeth, dau. of William, m. Dec. 13, 1666, John Sprague. Abiezee, of Wey. m. in Hing. May 9, 1716, Euth Vinson of Wey. Hannah, of Scit. and Thomas James of Hing. int. of m'ge, Aug. 15, 1730. Desire, of Scit. m. in Hing. sec. pre., Feb. 17, 1744-45, Israel Nichols. John, m. Nov. 27, 1760, Sybil Lane. Elisha, of Wey. m. Dec. 7, 1775, Sarah Burrell of Hing. Sarah A., m. Nov. 15, 1848, Eben W. Cain. David, m. Mrs. Susan (Newcomb) Barnes. HOLDEN. Asa H., was for sev. yrs. a resident of Hing., and, in connection with others, carried on the business of the " Eagle Iron Foundry " at the harbor (Summer St.). He was one of the prominent members of the Evangelical Congregational Church, and at its organization, 21 Dec. 1847, was chosen deacon. His w. was Ann Louisa Seymour from the State of New Jersey. Eesided on Green St. The fam. removed in 1852 to Newark, N. J. Holden — Hollis — Holmes — Hooper. 351 Ch.,— i. Mary Fr.\nces, . ii. Emma Louisa, . iii. Edgar, . iv. Charles Bowers, Dec. 8, 1843, d. iu Hing, 10 Sept. 1846, set, 3d yr. V. Henri, . vL William Elliot, Dec. 31, 1848, d. 16 Feb. 1850, vu. Frederick James, Feb. 10, 1852, d, 1 Oct. foil, viii. An'na, . Note. — Hannah S., of Ab'n m. June 22, 1834, Warren Kingman. HOLLIS. 1. John Adams, from Braintree, Mass., and b. there Oct. 14, 1805, m. Aug. 3, 1845, Mrs. Emeline (Cushing) Hollis, wid. of John Hollis, and dau. of Elisha and Lucy (Humphrey) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. July 26, 1812, and d. 1 Apr. 1887, ffit. 75th yr. « Boot manuf'r." Eesides on Main, corner of South St. Ch., b. at Braintree, — 2. L John Cushing, Aug. 14, 1846. ii. Clara Emeline, July 7, 1849. 2. John C. (John A. = Emeline Cushing), b. at Braintree, Aug. 14, 1846. m. in Hing. Oct. 22, 1874, Mary G. Bassett, dau. of Daniel and Lydia T. (Gill) Bassett. She was b. in Hing. May 4, 1864, and d. 9 Dec. 1884, ffit. 31st yr. " Boot and shoe dealer " at Boston. Eesides on Main, corner of South St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L John Thomas, Dec. 5, 1875. ii. Harold Wentworth, Feb. 13, 1877, d. 20 Sept. foU. iiL Edith Gray, Oct. 19, 1878. Note. — Warren B., of Wey. m. May 16, 1867, Abby C, dau. of Otis Stockwell of Hing. HOLMES. Abraham, m. Apr. 19, 1696, Mrs. AbigaU Nichols, wid. Hannah, m. Sept. 15, 1779, Daniel Cain. John, was of Hing. 1731, and by oc cupation " carpenter." William L., of Dux. m. first, March 18, 1882, Clara J. Our, aud secondly, Oct. 16, 1885, Eosina M. Our. HOOPER. William, m. in Hing. Apr. 30, 1722, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph and Joanna Thorn. She was b. in Hing. March 9, 1695-96. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, March 7, 1723-24. ii. William, Jan. 30, 1726-27. iii. Sarah, May 10, 1728. iv. Eose, Sept. 21, 1730. John Sewell (John = Charlotte Sewell White), b. at Boston Nov. 13, 1825. m. in Hing. June 29, 1852, Maria L, Barnes, dau. of Ensign 352 Hooper — Hopkins — Horswell — Horton — Hough. and Deborah (Lincoln) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 17, 1828. " Stationer," at Boston. Has resided on Ship St. many yrs. during the summer and autumn months. Their ChUd, — L Sewall Henry, July 29, 1853. HOPKINS. Martin, of Boston, and Hannah Lewis of Hing. int. of m'ge Feb. 9, 1716-17. Henet, m. Feb. 2, 1719-20, Martha, dau. of John Stod der. Benjamin, of Scit. m. Dec. 23, 1720, Charity Sergeant. Mart, dau. of Jonathan of Provincetown, m. George H. Waters of Hing. HORSWELL. Francis, who was for sev. yrs. a resident of the sec. pre., m. first, Mary . She d. 6 May, 1711. For his sec. w. he m. in Hing. (pub. Oct. 13, 1711) Mrs. Abigail (Farrow) Tower, wid. of Eichard Tower, and dau. of John and Mary (Hilliard) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 27, 1669-70, and surviving him, m. thirdly, Nov. 23, 1719, John Orcutt, widT. Francis d. intestate ; est. settled 1719. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — L Mary, March 22, 1689-90. m. (pub. Feb. 25, 1715-16) Hezekiah Lincoln. ii. Sarah, Aug. 11, 1694. m. Aug. 10, or Oct. 10 (?) 1719, Capt. Thomas Church of Little Compton, R, I. HORTON. George Wentworth (James A. = Lucy M. Cook), b. at Pugwash, N. S., Apr. 5, 1847. m. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1873, Jane A. Kittrell, dau. of Charles L., and Sarah A. (Sylvester) Kittrell. She was b. at Quincy, Mass., Dec. 13, 1849. " Carpenter and builder." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Harry Elmer, March 4, 1874. ii. Ervin Stanwood, Jan. 2, 1876. iii. James Alexander, Jan. 6, 1881. HOUGH. Charles F. (Thomas = Catherine Oats), b. at Dover, N. H., June 23, 1828. m. Sept. 12, 1847, Mary E. Prime, dau. of Joseph H., and Mahala (Vickery) Prime. She was b. at Dover, Jan. 25, 1831. " Mar chinist." Eesides on Main, nearly opp. Hersey St. Ch,, — L Ralph W., Jan. 26, 1849, d. 19 Aug. 1851. ii, Ellen A., Aug. 9, 1851. m. June 12, 1873, Oscar E. King of Chelsea. iu. George F., March 20, 1853. iv. Charles G., July 15, 1855. V. Mary 0., Nov. 2, 1857, d, 8 Feb. 1863. vi. Lydia P., Aug. 20, 1860. vii. Joshua Clifford, July 25, 1865, d. 12 Sept. 1874. viii. Henry Snow, July 4, 1867. ix. Oscar Edwin, Dec, 25, 1872. Howard. 353 HOWARD. Sometimes early written Hayward. Daniel, s. of John of Dartmouth, m. in Hing. May 13, 1672, Debo rah, dau. of Edmund and Ann Pitts. She was bt. in Hing. iSTov, 6, 1651, and surviving him m. secondly, Dec, 27, 1677, Matthew Whiton. Daniel d. 17 Jan. 1674-76. The inv. of his est., taken 17 June, 1676, by Ensign John Thaxter and Daniel Cushing, was appraised at £219, 13s. OOd. It inc. dw.-house and land, shop, coal-house, etc. " Black smith." Eesided on Main St., near Tower's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Daniel, bt. March 24, 1671-72 ; prob. removed to Dartmouth, where his fa. had given him lands. ii. Deborah, Nov. 24, 1672, m. Jan. 20, 1703-4, Samuel Tower, ^W.. iii. Sarah, Sept, 26, 1674. m. Aug. 17, 1704, Jacob Stodder. 1. Thomas, prob. from Boston, m. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1776, Sarah Mansfield, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Waters) Mansfield. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1764, and d. 19 Aug. 1817, ffit. 63d yr. He d. 29 Aug. 1828, ffit. 79 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Sarah, Nov. 22, 1777. m. Jan. 1804, Daniel Rand of Boston, and d. at Townsend, Mass., 9 Oct. 1844, set. 67th yr. 2. iL Thomas, Sept. 30, 1779. 3. ML Benjamin, Nov. 13, 1781. iv. Molly, Sept. 14, 1783, d. unm. 19 Oct. 1870, «t. 87 yrs. V. Ned, Oct. 2, 1785, d. 20 Apr. 1786. vi. Ned, May 20, 1788, d. 18 Oct. 1825. vii. Waters (birth not recorded), d. 24 Nov. 1790, set. 1 mo. (Rec. of Rev. Henry Ware). 4. viii. Charles, Oct. 10, 1791. 5. ix. Edmund, June 4, 1794. 6. X. Water,?, Oct. 19, 1796. 2. Thomas (Thomas = Sarah Mansfield), b. in Hing. Sept. 30, 1779. m. Jan. 7, 1807, Hannah Wilder, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Lasell) WUder. This fam. removed to Ashburnham, Mass., where he afts. lived, and there died. She d. 14 Nov. 1870, ffit. 87 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, March 26, 1808. u. Thomas, Oct. 28, 1809, d. at Ashburnham, 17 Nov. 1850. 3. Benjamin (Thomas = Sarah Mansfield), b. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1781. m. Oct. 21, 1804, Sarah Stodder, dau. of Enoch and Martha (Beal) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. March 23, 1779. Benjamin was by occupation "rope-maker." He removed with his fam. to Ashburn ham, and d. at Ashby, Mass., 17 Feb. 1852, ffit. 70 yrs. Ch., b, in Hing., were — L Sarah, Oct. 23, 1806. ii. Benjamin, July 2, 1808. Note. — Joseph, s. of Benjamin, d. at Ashby, 12 Dec. 1873, aet. 56 yrs. 4. Charles (Thomas = Sarah Mansfield), b. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1791. m. May 13, 1821, Hannah Leavitt, dau. of Elijah and Hannah (Cush- voL. II. — 23 354 Howard. ing) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1797, and d. 9 Apr. 1878, ffit. 80 yrs. He d. 20 July, 1860, ffit. 69th yr. " Wheelwright," and " manuf'r of ploughs." Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Charles, Sept. 2, 1821, d. 7 Oct. 1825. ii. Hannah Cushing, Jan. 11, 1823. m. May 16, 1852, Charles L. Tilden. iiL Charles, Oct. 11, 1825. iv. Harriet, July 15, 1829. m. Feb. 6, 1855, Robert Burr. V. Helen, March 28, 1831. 7. vi. Elijah Leavitt, March 20, 1833. 8. viL WiLLi.iM, Dec. 6, 1835. viii. Adeline, Jan. 31, 1838, d, unm. 14 Apr. 1874, set. 36 yrs. 5. Edmund '^ (Thomas = Sarah Mansfield), b. in Hing. June 4, 1794. m. Apr. 5, 1818, Peggy Beal, dau. of Laban and Peggy (Whiton) Beal. She was b. in Hing. July 18, 1799, and d. 2 Dec. 1876, ffit. 77 yrs. He d. 18 June, 1865, ffit. 71 yrs. " Blacksmith." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Laban Beal, May 17, 1820. m, Jan. 15, 1848, Harriet Crocket of Boston, and d. at Bridgewater, 4 Nov. 1851, eet. 31 yi's. iL Alfred, Apr. 30, 1822. m. at Eoxbuiy, Apr. 28, 1853, Nancy H. Staples. iiL William, Apr. 27, 1825, d. 6 July, 1826. iv. Edmund, Apr. 23, 1827, d. 28 Dec. 1828. V. Catherine Beal, Dec. 24, 1828. m. Sept. 12, 1849, Lyman Waldo Bige low of Boxboro', Mass, vi. Thoma,s, July 22, 1830, d. 17 Sept. 1831. 9. vii. Hiram Thomas, July 15, 1832. viii. Susan Whiton, Apr. 18, 1835. tx. Mary, June 16, 1840. m. Nov. 17, 1861, Edmund Hersey, 2d, wid^. X. Olive Felch, Nov. 2, 1843, d. 2 Feb. 1867. 6. Waters (Thomas = Sarah Mansfield), b. in Hing. Oct. 19, 1796. m. Feb. 20, 1822, Eunice Hersey, dau. of Jeremiah and Deborah (Fear ing) Hersey. She was b. at Boston, Sept. 7, 1802, and d. in Hing. 16 June, 1872, ffit. 70th yr. He d. 13 June, 1869, ffit. 73d yr. Eesided on Main St., below "Pear Tree HiU." Ch.,— L Waters, b. and d. in Hing. March, 1824. iL Sarah Ann, b. in Hing. July 1, 1826, d. unm. 29 Apr. 1885, set. 59th yr. iii. Elizabeth, b. at Charlestown, May 11, 1828. iv. Henry Waters, b. at Charlestown, Sept. 17, 1830. ni. at Boston, Jan. 7, 1855, Mary Emerson, and has ch. ; 1. Addie ; 2. Harry E., 1859. V. Albert, b. in Hing. May 20, 1833. m. at Boston, May 11, 1859, Susan Kingman. vi. Thomas, b. in Hing. July 21. 1835. m. at Waltham, Jan. 1, 1862, Abby Irving, and d. at Dorchester, 28 Dec. 1809, Kt. 34 yi-s. Ch.: 1. Walter, 1862 ; 2. Frank, 1864 ; 3, Thomas Edward, 1866 ; 4, Albert, 1868. 7. Elijah L. (Charles = Hannah Leavitt), b. in Hing. May 20, 1833. m. at Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 1868, Anne B. Jenkins, dau. of Abijah and Anne (Bartlett) Jenkins. She was b. at Boston, June 17, 1848. " Machinist." Eesides on Spring St. Ch.,— L Helen, ii. Anne Beatrice, . iii. Charles Tilden, . i Howard — Howe. 355 8. William (Charles = Hannah Leavitt), b. in Hing. Dec. 6, 1835. m. first, June 21, 1863, EUen Leavitt, dau. of Joshua and Almira (Humphrey) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. 1840, and d. 2 Sept. 1864, ffit. 24 yrs. He m. secondly, Sarah H. H. Gardner, dan. of George W. and Sarah Gardner of Eoxbury. Eesides on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., by w. Sarah, — i. Sarah Gardner, March 28, 1872. ii. Adelint;, Sept. 1, 1874, d. next day. iii. William Leavitt, Oct. 20, 1875. iv. Adeline, Feb. 26, 1878. V. George Woodbury, Dec. 29, 1885. 9. Hiram T. (Edmund = Peggy Beal), b. in Hing. July 15, 1832. m. first, Nov. 29, 1857, Elizabeth L. Wilder, dau. of Henry and Hannah (Lane) WUder. She was b. in Hing. 1837, and d. 20 Apr. 1869, ffit. 22 yrs. He m. secondly, Sept. 1, 1864, Caroline J. Beal, dau. of Eobert and Anna (Humphrey) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1833, and d. 30 May, 1871, ffit. 37 yrs. " Shoemaiker." Eesides on the paternal homestead. North St. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, — L Lizzie Bigelow, Jan. 25, 1859, d. 17 May, 1865. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Caroline, — ii. Edmuntd Thomas, Jan. 23, 186S. Note. — Silence, of Bridgewater and John Burr of Hing., int. of m'ge, Apr. 14, 1722. Josiah, of Salem m. Dec. 1, 1768, Anna Gardner. Nehemiah, of Hardwick m. Dec. 1772, Hannah Wilder. Ruth, m. Asa Bates. Elizabeth, of Hing. m. Oct. 2, 1788, John Webb of Wey. Nancy, dau. of Josiab and Anna (Gardner), m. Apr. 5, 1789, Isaiah Stodder, Jr. Wiuiam, m. (1) Ruth, dau. of Adna Bates, and (2) Jemima, dau. of Lazarus Beal. James, d.in Hing. 17 Sept. 1811, set. 84 yrs. Betsey T. d. 28 March, 1833, set. 73 yrs. Ezra, m. Elizabeth V., dau. of Caleb B. Barnes. HOWE. Sereno (Jonathan =Frances Eichardson), b. at Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 9, 1818. m. first, March 24, 1844, Melinda, dau. of Japhet MitcheU, of Mf'd. She d. at Mf'd, 1862, ffit. 40 yrs. He m. secondly, in Hing. May 23, 1869, Sarah E. King, dau. of Thomas and Eimira B. (Eeed) King. "Clergyman." Eesided for a number of yrs. on Main, near Water St. Present residence. So. Scit. Ch., b. iu Hing., by w. Melinda, — L Lawrence Litchfield, 1845, d. 16 March, 1845. ii. Henry Weston, Oct. 12, 1847, d. at Eockland, 1863. Thomas (Michael = Sarah Muldoon), b. in Ire. Dec. 15, 1843. m. Apr. 11, 1869, Derinda Marrah, dau. of Patrick and Bridget (O'Eourke) Marrah. She was b. at Prattsville, N. Y., March 26, 1848, and d. in Hing. 3 Apr. 1886, ffit. 38 yrs. " Grocer." Eesides on North St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. John Francis, Apr. 27, 1870. ii. Mary Lizzie, Sept. 20, 1871. iii. Thomas, Nov. 20, 1874. 356 Howe — Howes — Hudson. iv. Frances, July 2, 1877. V. Annie Elizabeth, July 29, 1879. vi. James William, Aug. 26, 1881. vii. Edward, Feb. 2, 1884. Note. — Nathaniel, of Dor. and Eachel Lincoln of Hing., int. of m'ge, Oct. 11, 1718, Zerviah, m, Apr, 21, 1743, David Beal, widv. William, d. 8 March, 1864, set. 36 yrs. John of West Springfield m. Dec, 8, 1882, Martha L. Fearing. James Henry, m. Aug. 8, 1875 Mary E. Graham. HOWES. George Franklin (George F.'=Mary A. Coggeil), b. at Boston, July 22, 1865. m. in Hing. Jan. 3, 1873, Eachel E. Eobinson, dau. of Nahum and Eachel S. (Corthell) Eobinson. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1846. " Cooper." Eesides on Cross St. Ch., all b. iu Hing., — L Henry Warren, May 14, 1873. iL Clara, Apr, 16, 1875. iii. William Peirce, March 14, 1878. iv. Charles Franklin, Dec. 17, 1881. HUDSON. 1. Joseph, prob. from Boston, m. at. B. July 30, 1717, Martha Lincoln, dau. of Thomas and Mehitable (Frost) Lincoln. She was b. at B. July 18, 1695. " MiUer." Constable in 1734. Eesided in the sec. pre., on Jerusalem Eoad. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Martha, Oct. 14, 1717. m. Oct. 13, 1742, Benjamin BeaL ii. Joseph, Dec, 19, 1719, d. same day. iii. Thomas, Jan. 28, 1720-21. iv. John, Nov, 22, 1722, d. 23 Feb, 1786, set. 63 yrs. 2. V. Joseph, Apr. 7, 1727. vi. Ezra, Dec. 12, 1729 ; was m. and resided on Summer St. He d. without issue 3 Feb, 1814, «t. 84 yrs. vii. Frost, Aug. 21, 1732. m. and had a s. Thomas, bt. in seo. pre. May 10, 1761. viii. HiTTiE, June 13, 1736. 3, ix. Hezekiah, June 11, 1738. 2. Joseph (Joseph = Martha Lincoln), by occupation " miller," was b. in Hing. Apr. 7, 1727, and resided on Jerusalem Eoad. The chris. name of his w. was Elizabeth.' They had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — 4, i. Frost, Apr. 15, 1767. ii. Ezra, Nov. 7, 1768. 3. Hezekiah (Joseph = Martha Lincoln), b. in Hing. June 11, 1738. m. first, Dec. 2, 1762, Mary Lincoln, dau. of Jedediah and Mary (Scarlet) Lincoln. She was b. at Boston, and d. 6 Dec. 1763. He m. secondly Mary Woodward, who d. early in 1776. For his third w. he m. Sept. 22, 1776, Abigail Marble, dau. of David and AbigaU (Joy) Marble. She survived him, and m. secondly, Apr. 30, 1782, Capt. Obadiah Beal, wid^ Eesided on Jerusalem Eoad. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Mary (Lincoln), — L Mary, Sept. 25, 1763, d. unm. Hudson. 367 Ch., by w. Mary (Woodward), — 5. ii. William, Dec. 28, 1765. iii. Hezekiah, Sept. 29, 1767. iv. Ibrook, Apr. 7, 1769. V. Rachel, bt, at Coh, Jlay 21, 1772. m. June 30, 1798, Joshua Horn, and d. 5 March, 1850, set. 78th yr. vi. Ebenezer, bt. June 13, 1773. vii. Scarlet, Sept. 21, 1775. m. in Hing. Nov, 27, 1800, Eunice, dau. of James Lincoln. She d. 28 Oct. 1851, set. 76 yrs. He d. without issue 2 March, 1864, »t. 89 yrs. Resided on Summer and Lincoln Sts. 4. Frost (Joseph = Elizabeth ), b. in Hing. Apr. 15, 1767. m. Mrs. Sally StoweU of Coh. Frost, d. 13 Aug. 1866, ffit. 88 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on Jerusalem Eoad. Ch.,— 6. i. Joseph, bt. Sept, 2, 1798. ii. Cushing Kilby, bt, Sept. 2, 1798, was lost at sea in sch! "Martha" of Hmg. 19 Jan. 1819. iii. Daniel, . m. Eliza Joy of Coh. 7. iv. Samuel, . V. Henry . m, Polly Whittier. vi. Thomas, 1810. m. Harriet Morse of .Boston, and d. 17 Dec. 1871, set. 61 yrs. (Coh. Eec's.) vii. Sally, , d. unm. viii. Nancy, . m. Gardner M. Jones. 6. William (Hezekiah = Mary Woodward), b. in Hing. Dec. 28, 1766. m. May 4, 1790, Seabury Stodder, dau. of Eeuben and Eliza beth (Glover) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1772, and d. 27 Nov. 1861, ffit. 79 yrs. He d. at sea 6 June, 1806, ffit. 40th yr. "Mariner." Eesided on South St. Ch.,— 8. i. William, b. at Provincetown, Dec. 4, 1795. ii. Mary, b. in Hing. Sept, 9, 1798. m. Dec. 26, 1819, Joshua Humphrey. 9. iiL Ebenezer, bt. in Hing. May 10, 1801. 10. iv. Martin Stodder, Feb. 20, 1804. 6. Joseph (Frost = Sally ), b. at Coh. 1796, m. in Hing. May 6, 1819, Elizabeth Eldredge, dau. of Nathan and Susan (Phillips) El dredge. She was b. 1798. Joseph d. 3 March, 1869, ffit. 63 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on North St. Ch., prob. b. in Hing., — i. Cushing Kilby, 1821, d. at Wendell, Mass., 8 March, 1861, set. 40 vrs. iL Joseph, 1825, d. 30 Aug. 1856. iiL Nathan Eldredge, Dec. 19, 1829. Resides at Wendell. iv. Calvin Goodnow, Dec. 22, 1831, d. at Boston, 19 Dec. 1888. V. William McGray, Dec. 1834, d. 31 Oct. 1856. vi. Benjamin Franklin, May, 1837, d. March, 1839. 7. Samuel (Frost = Sally ), m. in Hing. Jan. 9, 1831, Eoxanna Eldredge, dau. of Nathan and Susan (Phillips) Eldredge. She outlived him, and d. 12 Jan. 1861, ffit. ab. 43 yrs. Samuel was a " mariner." Eesided at the Harbor, afts. at Coh. where he d. Ch.,— L Lucinda, , d. 5 Aug. 1849(?). ii. Caroline, Nov. 1833, d. 19 Feb. 1852, aet. 18 yrs. iii. Samuel, , removed to Wendell, Mass. 358 Hudson — Huet. 8. William (William = Seabury Stodder), b. at Provincetown, Mass., Dec. 4, 1795. m. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1819, Eebecca Lincoln, dau. of Jotham and liebecca (Jones) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. March 23, 1799, and d. 20 June, 1876, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 16 Nov. 1866, ffit. 71st yr. Shoe manuf'r, and for some time senior partner of the firm of Hudson & Humphrey. Eesided on North, near Beal St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L William, Dec. 30, 1820. ii. Jotham J., Aug. 19, 1825. m. Nov. 9, 1870, Mrs. Mary A. (Murphy) Keating, and d, 18 Oct. 1876, set. 51 yrs, iii. Augustus L., July 4, 1830. m. July 4, 1857, Sophronia, dau. of Joshua Morse, and had Augustits L., b. Apr. 17, 1864, d. 20 Aug. folL 9. Ebenezee (William ^ Seabury Stodder), bt. in Hing. May 10, 1801. m. Dec. 14, 1826, Tamar Stowell, dau. of Benjamin and Chloe (Lincoln) StoweU. She was b. in Hing. March 7, 1794, and d. 15 March, 1876, ffit. 81 yrs. He was lost at sea in sch'. " Nelson " 3 Oct. 1841, ffit. 40 yrs. "Mariner." Eesided at West Hing. Child, b. in Hing., — L Eben Hollis, Jan. 17, 1827. 10. Martin S. (WiUiam = Seabury Stodder), b. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1804. m. Dec. 3, 1826, Eachel G. Higgins, dau. of Joseph and Betsey (Godfrey) Higgins. She was b. at Chatham, Mass., Oct. 14, 1805, and d. in Hing. 13 Nov. 1870, ffit. 65 yrs. He d. 20 Jan. 1880, ffit. 76th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch.. all b. in Hing., — L George M., Aug. 12, 1827, d. 4 Oct, 1828. 11, ii. George Martin, March 29, 1829. iii. Rachel, July 23, 1831 d, 1 Oct. folL iv, Rebecca Lincoln, Jan, 11, 1837. m. Oct. 11, 1857, George T. Buttrick. V, Franklin West, Nov, 6, 1841. vL Edward Davis, June 1, 1844, d. 6 Aug. 1866. vii. Emily Jacobs, Sept. 7, 1846. m. June 7, 1866, Herbert A. Harding of Wey., and'd, 6 March, 1867, set, 21st yr. 11. George M. (Martin S, =: Eachel G, Higgins), b. in Hing. March 29, 1829. m. Jan. 18, 1862, Abigail W. BurreU, dau. of .Jotham G. and Almira (Whittier) BurreU. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1832. Eemoved to Waltham. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") Ch.,— L Abbie Lewella, June 22, 1852. ii. Ida F., Jan, 3, 1854, HUET (Huit; Hewitt). 1. Thomas, was one of the early residents of Hing. and a land holder. "Huet's Cove" on Wey. Back Eiver, prob. took its name from him. His first w. was Elizabeth, dau. of William Chapman, who d. Nov. 1639, leaving most of his property to his dau., Mrs. Elizabeth Huit. (S. P. Eec's.) She d. iu Hing. 22 May, 1649. For his second w. he m. Mrs. Mary Cutler, the wid. of John Cutler. She outlived him and removed to Charlestown. ("Mary Hewett, widow of Thomas of Hingham, was at Deacon Ludkins', Dec. 8, 1674." Huet — Hughs. 359 Charlestown Eec's, vol. i. p. 497. See note below; also, Cutler.) Thomas d. in Hing. 24 May, 1670, ffit. ab. 61 yrs. The inv. of his est. was presented 12 Aug. 1670, and included " a planting lot of 6 acres at the Great Lots ; 3 acres at Hockley ; 3 acres at Old Plan ter's HiU ; half a great lot of ab. 7 acres in the Great Plain ; a wood lot at Strait's Pond ; meadow land at Coh. ; 2 shares of Common PrivUege," etc. "Tailor." Freeman, 26 May, 1647. Eesided at West. Hing. Ch., all by w. Elizabeth, were, — 2. L Ephraim, bt. July, 1639. ii. Mary, bt. May 2, 1641. iii. John, bt. July 18, 1641, removed to Mf'd, where he m. in 1668 Martha, dau. of Christopher Winter, and left posterity. iv. James, bt. March 12, 1642-43. V. Elizabeth, bt. Sept., 1643, buried 13 Nov. foil. vi. Thomas, bt. May 12, 1644. viL Elizabeth, bt, March 3, 1644-45. m. Dec, 30, 1664, Caleb Beal. 3. viii. Timothy, bt. Feb. 21, 1646-47. Note. — In the selectmen's first book of records is the foil.: "1674. Item — -Layd out about the Widow Huit for her maintenance the last summer until the time of her going away, and for clothing for her and debts paid for her and for money delivered to her son for half a year's maintenance for her. and for other charges and expenses about her transporta tion to Charlestown," etc. The record further shows that there were disbursements for the widow Huit for several years after. 2. Ephraim (Thomas = Elizabeth Chapman), bt. in Hing. July, 1639. m. Nov. 9, 1665, Elizabeth Foster, only dau. of Edward and Lettice (Hanford) Foster of Scit. She was b. ab. 1644, and surviv ing him, m: secondly, Jan. 17, 1681-82, James Eay. Ephraim d. 6 May, 1678, ffit. 39 yrs. Eesided at West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Thomas, June 23, 1667, Dean says, was "an unfortunate insane young man." Upon Hing. Rec's is the following: "1689-90. Item. Paid Capt. John Jacob for a journey to Marshfield, and a journey to Scitu.ite and expenses, about Thomas Hewett, and for keeping him nine days," etc, ii. Ruth, Oct. 5, 1669. iiL Susanna, March 31, 1672. m. Feb. 20, 1700-1, Ephraim Lane of Hing. iv. Jael, March 15, 1673-74. m. Dec. 3, 1697, Samuel Rogers of MPd. V. Epheaim, Sept. 17, 1676. Removed to Easton, Mass., where he had posterity. 3. Timothy (Thomas =: Elizabeth Chapman), was bt. in Hing. Feb. 21, 1646-47. The chris. name of his w. was Susanna. She outlived him, and d. 12 March, 1753, ffit. 86 yrs. He d. 8 June, 1696, ffit. 48 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Ruth, Nov. 7, 1690, d. 24 Dec. 1704. ii. Elizabeth, March 5, 1692-93. m. (pub. Feb. 16, 1716-17) Samuel Sprague. iii. Mary, Feb. 10, 1693-94. iv. Susanna, Feb. 7, 1695-96. m. June 14, 1716, Solomon Macvarlo. V. John (birth not recorded), d. 18 May 1710. HUGHS. John, m. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1664, Mary, dau. of Edmund and Eliza beth Hobart. She was bt. in Hing. March 18, 1637-38, and d. 25 360 Hughs — Hull — Humphrey. July, 1674, ffit. 36 yrs. John prob. removed from here soon after the death of his w. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Mary, Dec. 4, 1665. iL John, Sept. 21, 1667, d. 22 Aug. 1669. iiL Samuel, May 1, 1669, d. 13 Sept. foD. iv. John, July 18, 1672, d, 21 Sept. foil. HULL. Joseph, came into Hing. 1636, and the same yr. had a house-lot granted him " on the Lower Plain." " He was a deputy from Hing ham in September, 1638, and in March after. One of the commis sioners to end small causes in the same year." (Lincoln's " History of Hingham.") He removed to New Hampshire, A person of this surname bt. in Hing. may have been his s., viz. : — L Benjamin, March 24, 1639. HUMPHREY (Humphries). 1. Thomas (prob. s. of John and Susan, who came over in 1634), was at Dover, 1660 ; and is believed to have been the person of that name bt. in Hing. by Eev. Peter Hobart, July 19, 1660, being then an adult. He m. in Hing. Dec. 23, 1666, Hannah, dau. of George and Sarah Lane. She was bt. in Hing. Feb. 24, 1638-39. As no further information relating to them is given on Hing. rec's, it seems more than prob. that he may have been the Thomas Humphrey who afts. resided at Pemaquid ; aud this view is strengthened by the traditions which have been disseminated by the older members of the fam. By the will of his fa. in law, George Lane, it appears that the sons of Thomas and Hannah Humphrey, were — 2. i. George, . ii. William, . iii, Ebenezee, . 3. iv. Joseph, . 2. George" (Thomas ^ John^), m. Feb. 16, 1686-87, Elizabeth- She survived him, and d. 14 March, 1747-48, ffit. 84th yr. He d. 17 June, 1732, ffit. 68th yr. In his wiU of 22 May, 1732, he mentions four sons and two dau's ; provides for w. Elizabeth, and bequeaths to sons Thomas and William lands at Harwich(?) on the Kennebec Eiver, County of York, etc. To sons John and Ebenezer the home-place in Hing. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 4. L Thomas, Feb, 2, 1687-88. 5. iL William, Sept. 15, 1690. iii. Elizabeth, Nov. 3, 1693. m. Feb. 1, 1721-22, Jonathan Hayward of Salem. 6. iv. John, June 13, 1696. V. Hannah, Dec. 1, 1698. m. Feb. 9, 1720-21, Simon Joy. 7. vi. Ebenezer, . vii. George, , d. 6 .Inly, 1718. viii. Sarah, , d. 13 Jan'. 1718-19. Humphrey. 361 3. Joseph ' (Thomas ^ John i), m. first, Mary , who d. 23 June, 1742, ffit. 70th yr. For his sec. w. he m. May 22, 1743, Mrs. Hannah (Vickery) Langlee, the wid. of John Langlee. She d. 24 Jan. 1769, ffit. 83 yrs. Joseph d. Aug. 1766. In his will, dated the 14th of Aug. 1766, proved 6 Sept. foil., directs that a horse be furnished for his w. Hannah every Lord's day to go to church, by the executor of his will. Mentions dau. Mary Burrell, grandsons John Burrell and Thomas BurreU ; also grand s. Abraham, and " the children of my grand son Humphrey Burrell, deceased." Gives "to granddaughter Hannah, who now lives with me, six acres of land at Nutty HiU," etc. ; " to my negro man Cffisar his freedom, and 11 acres of land in the 4th Division which I bought of my cousin WUliam Humphrey, next to Edward Wards, West ; also my horse and saddle, three steel traps, a wharry, and a yoke of oxen." Gives also " to grand son Joseph Burrell my house in Weymouth and in Hingham," and the improve ment of other property. Joseph was styled " boatman," and " mari ner." He resided on High St., towards Wey. line. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — L Mary, March 20, 1697-98. m. Jan. 8, 1716-17, John Burrell of Wey., afts. of Ab'n. ii. Joseph, Apr. 14, 1705, d. 24 Jan. 1723-24, set. 19th yr. iii. Abigail, , d. 1711. 4. Thomas ^ (George ^ Thomas "¦ John "), b. in Hing. Feb. 2, 1687-88. m. first, Jan. 20, 1714-16, Anna Lincoln, dau. of Caleb and Eachel (Bate) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 16, 1690, and d. 6 May, 1726, ffit. 35th yr. He m. secondly, Oct. 26, 1726, Anna Lambert. Apr. 16, 1720, Thomas sold his est. at "Nichol's HiU" (Fort HiU St.), in Hing. consisting of dw.-house, barn, and ab. six acres of land to Josiah Lincoln, and removed to the sec. pre. at a place kn. as " Bread and Cheese Tree Plain" (No. Coh.), where he afts. resided, and there d. 10 Sept. 1770, ffit. 83d yr. " Laborer." In his wiU, made 23 May, 1770, proved 19 Oct. foil., mentions w. Anna ; sons Thomas and Peter, — "Peter to have the house where my late son Micah lived ; " dau's Anna Sprague and Sarah Hatch ; " my grandson Jonathan Humphrey, and granddaughter Susanna Davis Humphrey ; " also " my daughter in law Elizabeth Humphrey, the widow of my son Micah, deceased." Ch., by w. Anna Lincoln, — L Thomas, June 11, 1716, d. 10 July foil. ii. Anna, July 22, 1717. m. June 4, 1751, Ephraim Sprague, wid'., iii. George, July 12, 1720, d. soon. iv. Sarah, Sept. 25, 1722. m. Hatch. V, A DAU., , d. 5 May, 1725. Ch., by w. Anna Lambert, — vi. Thomas, June 18, 1726. vii. Joseph, Aug. 28, 1727, d. 12 Jan, 1730. 8. viii. Peter, July 6, 1729. ix. Caleb, Sept. 12, 1731, d. 31 March, 1736. X. Micah, Nov. 4, 1733, d. 2 Apr. 1736. xi, Joseph, June 20, 1736. xii. Caleb, June 4, 1738. m. Aug. 29, 1758, Abigail Dunbar, dau. of Peter and Hannah (Dunbar) Dunbar. She survived him, and m. (2) Aug, 16, 1762, Hosea Orcutt, 9. xiii. Micah, bt. June 28, 1741. 362 Humphrey. 5. William* (George » Thomas ^ Johni), b. in Hing. Sept. 16, 1690. m. May 9, 1728, Susanna Beal, dan. of Joshua and Susanna (Nichols) Beal. She was b. in Hing. May 10, 1702, and d. 18 Apr. 1762, ffit. 60th yr. He d. 15 Dec. 1759, ffit. 69 yrs. "Boatman." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Delight, Apr, 15, 1731. m. Aug. 3, 1757, Stephen Sweetser. ii. Elizabeth, Nov. 9, 1733. m. Dec. 18, 1760, John Hersey. iiL Susanna, Apr. 15, 1736. m. May 15, 1755, James Stodder. iv. Desire, June 15, 1738. m. Deo. 15, 1763, Obadiah BeaL wid^ V. Thankful, Feb. 23, 1740-41. m. Josiah Waterman of Wey., and d. 27 March, 1824 (?) 6. John ' (George ' Thomas ' John i), b. in Hing. June 13, 1696. m. Aug. 25, 1726, Sarah Hobart, dau. of David and Sarah (Joyce) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1701-2, and d. 22 Feb. 1784, ffit. 82d yr. John was by occupation " mariner," and prob. lost at sea between 1742 and 1748, as at the latter date Mrs. Sarah Humphrey was a wid. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. An ineant, Nov. 10, 1726, d. in two weeks. ii. John, Apr. 19, 1728. iii. Sarah, March 19, 1729-30. m. July 16, 1750, Samuel Lewis. iv. Joseph, July 21, 1731. V. Mary, Feb. 24, 1733-34. m. Sept. 3, 1754, Thomas Gill, Jr. 10. vi. Noah, March 22, 1735-36. vii. Lydia, Apr. 22, 1738, d. unm. 9 Apr. 1805, set. 67th yr. viii. Samuel, Aug. 16, 1741, d. 25 Feb. 1742-43. 7. Ebenezer * (George ^ Thomas ^ John ^), b. in Hing. . m. Dec. 1, 1731, Sarah Ward, dau. of Benjamin and Susanna (Fearing) Ward. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1713, and d. 23 Jan. 1784, ffit. 70 yrs. I do not find the date of Ebenezer's death, but June 4, 1746, Sarah Humphrey, wid. rendered her account of administration on the est. of "her late husband, Ebenezer Humphrey of Hingham, 'weaver,' deceased." Est. appraised at £494. Eesided on High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Susanna, Oct. 14, 1733, d. 30 Oct. foil. ii. Benjamin, Oct. 2, 1734. m. Feb. 28, 1757, Bathsheba Beal, dau. of Joshua and Elizabeth (Stodder) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 28, 1738. They had Betty, bt. Nov. 13, 1757. No further rec. iii. Hannah, Oct. 22, 1735. m. March 27. 1755, Japhet Hobart. iv. Susanna, Nov. 11, 1737. m. Dec. 9, 1756, James Lincoln. V. Rachel, Sept. 26, 1740, d. 13 May, 1758. vi. MARY', Aug. 12, 1743. m. March 13, 1765, Zerubbabel Hersey, widT. viL Ebenezer, Aug. 1, 1745, d. 11 Dec. 1762, set. 17 yrs. 8. Peter ^ (Thomas ^ George ^ Thomas ^ John ^), b. in Hing. July 6, 1729. m. July 16, 1750, Mary Orcutt, dau. of Ebenezer and Deliv erance (Kingman) Orcutt. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre., Aug., 20, 1733, and surviving him, m. secondly, Apr. 21, 1774, Ephraim Sprague, wid^ Peter d. 1770, ffit. 41 yrs. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Anna, Nov. 23, 1750. m. Dr. Israel Nichols. ii. George, Apr. 25, 1753. m. Sarah, dau. of Mordecai Lincoln, and had ch. : 1. George, bt. Sept. 24, 1780. 2. Harriet (posthumous), bt. July 13, 1783. Humphrey. 363 iii. Nabby, May 11, 1755. m. Apr. 1, 1773, Obed Dunbar. iv. Peter, Oct. 10, 1757, d. 13 Feb. foil. V. Peter, Oct. 6, 1759. m. (1) Apr. 3, 1787, Polly Bates. She d., and he m. (2) Sept. 13, 1789, Mrs. S.arah (Lincoln) Humphrey, wid. of his bro. George. Slie d. 20 Nov. 1833, tet. 79 yrs. vi. Caleb, Feb. 3, 1763, d. 22 Aug. 1766. vii. Mary', Nov. 14, 1765. 9. Micah ^ (Thomas* George' Thomas^ John i), bt. in Hing. June 28, 1741. m. Elizabeth Davis. Administration on his est. was granted 1767. " Mariner." Eesided in the sec. pre. (No. Coh.). Ch., b. in Hing., were — 11. L Jonathan, July 29, 1764. ii. Susanna Davis, Sept. 3, 1766 (bt. Nov. 30, foil., when, as the rec. says, her mother was a wid.). m. Dec. 21, 1788, Aaron Nichols. 10. Noah 5 (John* George = Thomas ^ Johni), b. in Hing. March 22, 1735-36. m. March 26, 1762, Lydia Leavitt, dau. of Moses and Abi gail (Waters) Leavitt. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 28, 1746. Noah d. 13 June, 1803, ffit. 67 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L John, Jan. '5, 1763. m. Malita Hawes of Franklin, Mass., and removed to Croydon, N. H. iL Noah, Jan. 21, 1765, d. 1 July, 1766. iii. Li-DIA, May, 1767. m. Dec. 28, 1788, Nathaniel Gill. . iv. Abigail, June 25, 1770. m. March 29, 1792, Luther Barrell. 12. V. Noah, Feb. 17, 1773. vi. Molly, July 26, 1775. m. Dec. 20, 1794, Reuben French. 13. viL Moses Leavitt, Nov. 2, 1778. viii. Sally, Aug. 23, 1781. m. Dec. 22, 1805, Martin French. ix. Peter, Sept. 12, 1784. m. Dec. 14, 1813, Eleanor B., dau. of Capt. George Price, and removed to Ohio. 14. X. Giles, June 11, 1787 11. Jonathan" (Micah* Thomas * George « Thomas ^ John'), b. in Hing. July 29, 1764. m. by Benjamin Cushing, Esq., Dec. 20, 1787, Eebecca Vinal. She d. 14 March, 1849. He d. 2 Aug. 1836, ffit. 72 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided at No. Coh. Ch.,— L Thomas, 1788. m. Sally, dau. of Reuben Sprague. They removed to Keene, N. H. She d. at Boston, 1 March, 1879, ajt. 92 yrs. Ned, Jan. 22, 1790. Micah, Oct. 1791. Anna, 1793. m. Aug. 19, 1813, Robert Beal of Hing. Polly (Mary), 1796. m. (1) Zenas Stodder, and (2) Aug. 13, 1828, Washington Cushing, wid"'. Joshua, Aug. 26, 1798. Peter, 1801. Was lost at sea in sch^ "Ocean" of Hing. Feb. 1826, aet. 25 yrs. "Master-mariner." John, May 13, 1803. Was lost at sea, 1827, in brig "Eoyal Arch" of Hing. Rebecca, Feb. 18, 1805. m. Jan. 7, 1827, Abner Humphrey. Davis, June 13, 1807. Martin, . m. Dec. 15, 1833, Abigail S. Whittier. Ch. : 1. Martin Andrew (29), Oct. 16, 1837. 2. Huldah H., Jan. 31, 1840, d. 5 Feb. foil. 12. Noah' (Noah* John* George' Thomas^ John'), b. in Hing. Feb. 17, 1773. m. first. May 8, 1796, PrisciUa Marsh, dau. of Ephraim 15. ii. 16. iii. iv. V. 17. vi. viL viii. ix. 18. X. xi. 364 Humphrey. and Susanna (Todd) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1777, and d. 25 Nov. 1796, ffit. 20th yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 20, 1798, Sally GiU, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Beal) Gill. She was b. 1779, and d. 14 Oct. 1828, ffit. 49 yrs. For his third w. he m. June 17, 1829, Lucy Marsh, dau. of Stephen and Lucy (Lane) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. May 3, 1790, and d. 17 Nov. 1863, ffit. 73 yrs. Noah d. 16 May, 1842, ffit. 69 yrs. "Mason." Eesided on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Priscilla, -^ i. Priscilla Marsh, Nov. 14, 1796. m. Aug. 1820, Joseph Peakes. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. SaUy, — 19. ii. John, Nov. 20, 1799. 20. iii. George, March 7, 1801. iv. Caroline, Jan. 9, 1804, d. 9 Nov. 1830. V. William, Sept, 1, 1806, d. 5 Sept. 1807. 21. vi. William, Oct. 3, 1808. 22. vii. Charles, May 6, 1811, viii. Sarah G., Oct. 1814. m. (1) Feb, 4, 1835, Heman Higgins, and (2) Sept. 1, 1844, Henry A. Osborn, wid'.. ix. Lydia L., 1818, m. Nov. 26, 1840, Martin Wilder. 13. Moses L.' (Noah ^ John* George ' Thomas '-^ John ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 2, 1778. m. Dec. 13, 1801, Sarah Lincoln, dau. of Barnabas and Olive (Gilbert) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 1, 1779, and d. 7 Jan. 1853, ffit. 74th yr. He d. 6 Nov. 1834, ffit. 56 yrs. "Mason," and contractor. Was capt. of a military company stationed at the Castle in the War of 1812. Eesided on Cottage St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — Leavitt, Sept. 14, 1802. Abner, Nov. 2, 1804. Moses, Oct. 20, 1807. iv, Mary, July 23, 1809. m. Aug. 1, 1830, Isaac Mooar, and d. at Peoria, 111., 17 Sept. 1850. 26, V. Cyrus, Jan. 22, 1813. vi. Almira, Dec. 15, 1818. m. May 23, 1838, Joshua Leavitt. vii, Isabella, Apr. 22, 1821. m. Sept. 29, 1842, Josiah B. Siders. 14. Giles' (Noah= John* George^ Thomas == John^), b. in Hing. June 11, 1787. m. Dec. 25, 1813, SaUy Thaxter, dau. of Seth and Elizabeth (Marsh) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. June 30, 1793, and d. 14 Dec. 1831, ffit. 38 yrs. GUes resided at Boston, where he d. 13 Feb. 1850, ffit. 63d yr. He was by occupation "carpenter." Ch.,— L Seth Thaxter, . m, , and has issue. ii. Lydia, . iii. Elizabeth Thaxter, 1825, d. at Boston, 9 Sept. 1848, set. 23 yrs. iv. Sarah, . 15. Ned ' (Jonathan « Micah ^ Thomas * George ' Thomas ° John >), b. at Coh. Jan. 22, 1790. m. Jan. 18, 1818, Joanna Whiting, dau. of Enoch and Martha (Whiting) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. May 30, 1793, and d. 20 Apr. 1865, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 16 Aug. 1877, ffit. 88th yr. " Set-work cooper." Eesided on South, near Hersey St. 23. i. 24. ii. 25. iiL Humphrey. 365 Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Edward, 1821. m. Jan. 24, 1848, Mehitable Whiting of Brookfield. Capt. Edward Humphrey was drowned in Cardenas harbor, 15 Oct. 1867, set. 46 yrs. ii. Joanna Whiting, 1824. m. (1) May 14, 1846, John Gill, and (2) Stratton. 27. iii. Marcellus, July 17, 1826. iv. Martha A., . m. Sept. 22, 1850, George Studley, wid";. 16. Micah ' (Jonathan ' Micah ^ Thomas * George ' Thomas "^ John '), b. at Coh. Oct. 1791. m. in Hing. Apr. 20, 1820, Celia F. Marsh, dau. of Lot and Lydia (French) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. March 7, 1800, and d. at Dor. 12 June, 1853, ffit. 53 yrs. Micah, during most of his active life, was "master-mariner." He removed with his fam. to Dor., where he d. 26 Aug. 1858. ffit. 77th yr. Ch., —L Celia French, b. in Hing. May 24, 1821. m. Feb. 3, 1848, James Daven port, and d. at Dor. 12 June, 1858, aet. 37 yrs. ii. Lydia French, b. in Hing. July 16, 1823, d. 12 Oct. 1824. iii. Micah, b. in Hing. March 7 (?) 1825, d. at sea (drowned) 25 Nov. 1853, set. 29th yr. iv. John, b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1826. m. Mary S. Hardy of Chatham, and has issue. V. George Marsh, b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1828, d. at Havana, Cuba, 18 Sept. 1859. Was in command of the bark " Sumter," vi. Bela Augustus, Nov. 12, 1830. "Ship-master." vii. Lydia French, July 10, 1833. viii. Hannah Lincoln, b. at Dor. Dec. 11, 1835. tx. William Francis, b. at Dor. July 28, 1839. X. Rebecca Vinal, Apr. 3, 1841. 17. Joshua'' (Jonathan ^ Micah ^ Thomas * George ' Thomas ^ John *), b. at Coh. Aug. 26, 1798. m. Dec. 26, 1819, Mary Hudson, dau. of WUliam and Seabury (Stodder) Hudson. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 9, 1798, and d. 1 Oct. 1862, ffit. 64 yrs. He d. at sea, of yellow fever, 5 Sept. 1839, ffit. 41 yrs. " Master-mariner." Eesided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 28. L Joshua, Jan. 26, 1822. ii. Eben, Jan. 23, 1824. Was lost at sea in sch? "Nelson," 3 Oct. 1841, set. 18th yr. iii. Mary Eliza, July 12, 1826. m. Clark. iv. Peter, Oct. 1, 1829. m. Sept, 15, 1861, Susan F. Burtenshaw. V. Rachel Augusta, Oct. 31, 1831. vi. Wallace, Sept. 2, 1836. m. March 24, 1861, Caroline L,, dau. of Charles Gill. Their s. FramUin, b. Aug. 22, 1861, d. 9 Oct. foil. Wallace was killed in battle, at Cold Harbor, Va., 3 June, 1864, set. 28th yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") His wid. m, (2) March 11, 1866, Daniel F. Meady of Salem. 18. Davis ' (Jonathan * Micah ^ Thomas * George ' Thomas = John i), b. at Coh. June 13, 1807. m. Nov. 13, 1829, Sally French, dau. of Martin and Sally (Humphrey) French. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 1806, and d. 28 Dec. 1884, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 31 July, 1882, ffit. 75 yrs. "Master-mariner;" afts. "shoemaker." Eesided off Hersey, near South St., on Oregon Place, so called. 366 Humphrey. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Caroline, Oct. 1830. m. June 22, 1857, Dr. Don Pedro Wilson, and d. 28 March, 1863, Kt. 33 yrs. ii. Sarah Maria, Feb, 1837, d. May, 1838. iiL Davis, 1839, d. Aug, 1840, 19. John ' (Noah '^^ John * George ' Thomas '"¦ John ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 20, 1799. m. Apr. 1823, Mary Dean of Andover, Mass. John d. from the effects of a fall from the Milton Stone Meeting-house, 12 June, 1829, ffit. 30th yr. Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch.,— L Mary Helen, 1824, d. at Boston, 23 Feb, 1849, mt. 25 yrs. ii. Ann Serena, May 26. 1826. m. Charles H. Wharton, and d. at Arlington,, 16 Feb, 1877. iii. A SON, Oct, 31, 1828, d. 24 Nov. foil, iv. John M. (posthumous). 20. George '' (Noah ^^ John ' George ' Thomas ^ John ^), b. in Hing. March 7, 1801. m. first, Sopheah Terena Anderson, dau. of John and Mehitable (Hamilton) Anderson of Chatham, Mass. She d. in Hing. 14 Sept. 1826, ffit. ab. 20 yrs. He afts. removed to one of the Southern States, where he took a sec. w., by whom he had two ch. ; and both ch. and the mother are dead. He prob. d. at Tallahassee, Fla. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Sopheah, — L Sopheah Terena Anderson, Apr. 23, 1825. m. Aug. 31, 1845, Enos Loring. 21. William' (Noah^^ John* George' Thomas^ John^), b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1808. m. Dec. 16, 1830, Priscilla Barnes, dau. of Joseph and Polly (Vinal) Barnes of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Feb. 23, 1811. WilUam d. 5 Feb. 1886, ffit. 77 yrs. " Mason." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Priscilla Vinal, Sept, 23, 1831. m. June 4, 1849, William C. ToiTey, and d. 5 Nov. 1857, set. 26 yrs. u. Sarah Caroline, Apr. 16, 1833, d. 30 Apr. 1838. iii. William, Aug. 4, 1835. m. Apr. 28, 1858, Susan S,, dau. of Eleazer Ewer, and d. 4 May, 1867, ffit. 32d yr. Their only child, Olive B., d. 3 Sept. 1865, ait. 2 yrs. iv. George Edson, Jan. 4, 1839, Eesides at Boston. (See " Hingham in the Civil War,") 30. V. Thomas Campbell, Jan. 14, 1844. vL Francis Henry, Apr. 4, 1846. m. Dec. 23, 1869, Abby F., dau, of Daniel Hobart, and resides at Newton, Mass, 22. Charles' (Noah®-^ John* George' Thomas^ John^), b. in Hing. May 6, 1811. m. Nov. 30, 1837, Anna Orcutt, dau. of Hosea and Betsey (Vinal) Orcutt of Scit. Charles d. 16 March, 1886, ffit. 76th yr. "Mason." Eesided on North St., near Goold's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Ann Elizabeth, Oct. 10, 1838. m. Dec. 25, (23d, town rec.) 1863, Ed mund Q, Barnes of Boston. ii. Ellen Maria, March 22, 1841. m, Nov. 7, 1867, Amos E. Bates. iii. Abbie Frances, Jan. 29, 1845. m. Nov. 15, 1866, Lewis H. Wood of Boston. iv. Lydia Leavitt, June 5, 1850. m. Oct. 23, 1884, Charles L. Wellington. Humphrey. 367 23. Leavitt' (Moses L.« Noah^ John* George* Thomas" John'), b. in Hing. Sept. 14, 1802. m. Dec. 31, 1826, Meriel Stodder, dau. of George and Polly (Clark) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1803, and d. 8 Nov. 1883, ffit. 80 yrs. " Cooper." Eesided on Cottage St. ; has recently removed to Maiden. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Zelinda Lincoln, Oct. 8, 1827, m, Aug. 21, 1851, Charles B. Wilder. ii. Leavitt, Oct. 26, 1829. m. Sarah Blanchai'd of Boston, and d. at San Francisco, CaL, 3 Jan. 1865, set. 35 yrs. iii. Edwin, Sept. 6, 1831. m. Almira D. Dalton. Edwin was killed at the hattle of Gettysburg, Pa., 2 July, 1863, set. 32d yr. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch.: 1. Mary Clark, Aug. 28, 1855. 2. Charles Dal ton, Nov. 1856, d. 26 Aug. 1858. 3. Edwin Dalton, March 29, 1859. iv. George, May 6, 1833, d. 18 Sept. 1834. V. George, Aug. 16, 1835. Resides in Cal. vi. Mary Clark, Aug. 28, 1837, d. 17 June, 1858, tet. 21st yr. vii. Lucy Ann, Aug. 30, 1839. viii. Franklin Moses, Feb. 14, 1845, d, 19 Aug. 1846. 24. Abner ' (Moses L." Noah ^ John * George = Thomas ^ John ^), b. in Hing. Nov. 2, 1804. m. Jan. 7, 1827, Eebecca Humphrey, dau. of Jonathan and Eebecca (Vinal) Humphrey (11). She was b. at Coh. Feb. 18, 1806, and d. 20 Jan. 1873, ffit. 68th yr. "Cooper." Eesides on Ship St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Peter, Oct, 8, 1827, d. Nov. 1828. iL Sarah Elizabeth, July 4, 1831. m. Jan. 1, 1855, George Graves of Wey. iii. Willis, July 29, 1845, d. 25 Aug. 1853. 25. Moses' (Moses L.'Noah^ John* George ' Thomas ^ John i), b. in Hing. Oct. 20, 1807. m. Dec. 16, 1831, Lydia Humphrey, dau. of John and Malita (Hawes) Humphrey of Croydon, N. H. She was b. at C. Aug. 6, 1807, and d. at Concord, N. H. 27 Feb. 1887, ffit. 79 yrs. "Manuf'g Cooper." Eesided on Ship St. until he removed to Con cord, N. H. Was one of the Common Council of the city of -Concord 1853 and 1854 ; alderman, 1856 and 1866 ; representative 1867 and 1868, and again in 1876 and 1876 ; mayor of Concord, 1861, 1862, and 1865 ; one of the Gov.'s Council, 1869 and 1870 ; president of the State Board of Agriculture for 12 yrs. ; president and sup't of the Concord Horse Eailroad Comp'y, etc. Child, b. in Hing., — L Helen Mar, Nov. 3, 1832, d. 11 July, 1850. 26. Cyrus ' (Moses L.« Noah ^ John * George » Thomas = John i), b. in Hing. Jan. 22, 1813. m. Jan. 14, 1836, Annie W. Howard, dau. of Otis and Susan (Barton) Howard of Grantham, N. H. "Paper- hanger." Eemoved to Boston, and thence to Concord, N. H. Ch., b. in Hing., — ¦ i. Wallace, May 7, 1837. iL Orra H., March 8, 1839. 27. Marcellus ' (Ned ' Jonathan ^ Micah ^ Thomas * George » Thomas ^ John^), b. in Hing. July 17, 1826. m. Jan. 20, 1850, Mary J. Goodwin, dau. of Amos and Sarah B. (Stone) Goodwin of New- 368 Humphrey. buryport, Mass. She was b. at N. Jan. 5, 1834. Marcellus d. 20 Jan. 1886, ffit. 69 yrs. " Mariner." Eesided on South, near Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L John Francis, June 2, 1852, d. in six dys. ii. Ella Augusta, Apr. 17, 1853, d. 5 Jan. 1854. iii. Martha Whiting, Dec. 14, 1854, d. 10 Feb. foil. iv. Anna Gill, March 26, 1856, d. 12 Nov. 1862. 31. V. Amos Carr, Aug. 16, 1858. vi. Frederick, May 2, 1861, m. Jan. 26, 1887, Jennie M. Loud. 28. Joshua* (Joshua' Jonathan* Micah ^ Thomas* George^ Thomas ^ John i), b. in Hing. Jan. 26, 1822. m. Apr. 7, 1854, Sarah S. Stephens, dau. of Joseph and Mary (Ehoades) Stephens of Mf'd. She was b. at Boston Sept. 17, 1833. " Shoemaker." Eesides on South, corner of Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Florence Augusta, Nov. 20, 1854, d. 26 Sept. 1855. iL Eben, March 17, 1857, d. 29 May, 1881, mt. 24 )ts. ui. Ellen Augusta, Oct. 12, 1860. iv. Addie Frances, Aug. 23, 1863. m. March 5, 1884, Wilbur A, Nash of Wey. 29. Martin A.* (Martin ' Jonathan * Micah ^ Thomas * George '^ Thomas ^ John i), b. at Coh. Oct. 16, 1837. m. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1865, Mary V. Thomas, dau. of Joseph and MerriU (Bates) Thomas. She was b. at Hanson, Mass., Apr. 21, 1843. " Ship-master." Eesides on Weir St. Ch.,— i. Nellie May, Dec. 29, 1867, d. 2 Feb. 1869. ii. Frederick Martin, Jan, 12, 1872, iii. Mabel Davis, b. in Hing. Dec. 21, 1877, 30. Thomas C* (WUliam ' Noah«-^ John * George = Thomas = John % b. in Hing. Jan. 14, 1844. m. June 10, 1869, Annie Derby Eogers. She was b. at Watertown, Mass., May 10, 1851, and d. in Hing. 27 May, 1872, ffit. 21 yrs. " Bookkeeper." Eesides on North St., West Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Annie Barnes, Oct. 8, 1870. ii. Thomas Derby, May 27, 1872, d. 12 June foil. 31. Amos C (Marcellus* Ned' Jonathan* Micah ^ Thomas* George » Thomas ^ John '), b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1858. m. Oct. 6, 1880. Eliza S. Margetts, dau. of Thomas and Emma (Wallace) Margetts. She was b. in Eng. June 18, 1860. " Provision dealer." Eesides on South St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Anna Warner, July 9, 1881. ii. Ida Davis, Nov. 10, 1882. iii. Clarence, March 18, 1884. iv. Amos Carr, June 4, 1885. Jesse Lewis ( = wid. Sarah Humphrey), b. in Hing. Feb. 14, 1748-49. m. May 22, 1769, Sarah Garnet, dau. of Simeon and Han nah (Cockerill) Garnet. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 29, 1747. Jesse was a soldier in the war of the Eevolution. Eesided at So. Hing. Humphrey — Hunt. 369 Ch., all bt. in Hing., were — i. Isabella, Apr. 15, 1770. ii. Ebenezer, June 17, 1772, d. 10 Aug. 1773. iii. Rachel, March 3, 1776. iv. Ebenezer, March 6, 1777. V. Hannah, Feb. 7, 1779, d. 29 June, 1780. vL Jesse, Oct. 14, 1781. vii. Jacob, July 30, 1786. Note. — Fanny James ( = wid. Sarah Humphrey), b. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1747. m. Nov. 17, 1791, George L. French, wid' . Mrs. Susanna, of Coh, m. Feb. 6, 1789, Abel Beal, wid'.. Sarah, m. Aug. 28, 1777, Joshua Stowell, and d. 12 May, 1802, set. 50th yr. HUNT. 1. John, by w. Euth, had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — i. Luke, bt. Oct. 22, 1758 ; served on the quota of Hing. in the War of the Revolution. 3. iL Laban, Dec. 15, 1761. 2. John, Jr. (prob. s. of John and Euth), m. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1771, Eunice Beal. Their Ch., bt. in Hing., were — i. John, Dec. 10, 1775. ii. Isaac, Aug. 16, 1778. 3. Laban (John = Euth ), b. in Hing. Dec. 15, 1761, by w. Sarah, had one ChUd, b. in Hing., viz. : — i. Elizabeth, Nov. 21, 1785. Note. — Samuel, by w. Mary, had Mary, b. in Hing. June 19, 1797. Mercy Price, dau. of Samuel Hunt, bt. in Hing. by Rev. Henry Ware, July 2, 1797. Caleb Sumner (Caleb = Nancy Holbrook), was b. at Braintree, Mass., Nov. 30, 1804. He m. in Hing. Dec. 12, 1833, EUzabeth L. Waterman, dau. of David and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Waterman. She was b. at Wey. July, 1807, and d. in Hing. 11 Aug. 1878, ffit. 71 yrs. He d. 17 Oct. 1876, ffit. 72d yr. " Carriage-maker, " afts. " trader." Eesided on South St., near Marsh's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Caleb, b. and d. 19 Oct. 1834. ii. Caleb Norton, Apr. 17, 1836, d. 28 Jan. 1868, set. 32d yr. iii. Elizabeth Lincoln, 1838. m. June 7, 1865, Davis W. Bailey. iv. Abby Lincoln, 1839, d. 7 Nov. 1842. V. Mary Ann Waterman, 1841, d, 16 Nov. 1842. vi. James Lewis, Jan. 20, 1844. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") vii. Waterman, 1849. Jambs Lewis (Caleb = Nancy Holbrook), b. at Braintree, Mass., Feb. 26, 1807. m. in Hing. Oct. 25, 1854, Susan L. Thaxter, dau. of George and Susanna (Lincoln) Thaxter. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 3, 1814. James L. d. 22 June, 1884, ffit. 77 yrs. "Carriage- vol. ii. — 24 370 Hunt — Hussey — Hutchings. maker ; " and later, "druggist." Eesided on South St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., — L George Edward Thaxter, Nov. 1855, d. 17 Feb. 1863, set. 7 yrs. ii. Anna Holbrook, . 1. Nathan Cook (Asa= Susan Cook), b. at Quincy, Mass., Nov. 1, 1819. m. first, Eebecca W. Ford. She d. in Hing. 3 July, 1867, ffit. 25 yrs. He m. secondly. May 21, 1858, Mrs. Josephine (Gardner) Goold, wid. of Josiah L. Goold, and dau. of Giles and Eliza (Abbott) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1826. "Baker." Eesides on North St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, — 2. i. Wendell Oscar, Oct. 9, 1852. iL John A., 1854, d. 8 Dec. 1860, set. 6 yrs. 2. Wendell 0. (Nathan C. — Eebecca W. Ford), b. in Hing. Oct. 9, 1862. m. May 19, 1879, Marianne L. Beal, dau. of Solomon J., and Irene W. (Worrick) Beal. She was b. at Hull, Mass., March 6, 1856. " Newspaper reporter." Eesides off Hersey St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L John Atwood, Sept. 7, 1880, d. next day. ii. Nathan Cook, Feb. 15, 1882, d. 8 March foil. iiL Bessie Irene, March 25, 1883. iv. Wendell Oscar, May 27, 1886. Note. — John, m. Oct. 13, 1686, Euth Quincy. Daniel, of Wey. m. Feb. 17, 1714^15, Patience Andrews. Ruth, perh. dau. of John and Euth, d. 4 Dec. 1758, ffit. 8th yr. Hannah, m. Apr. 7, 1771, Isaac Stevens. Matthew, m. Apr. 27, 1778, Winifred Simmons. Susan, wid. of Asa of Quincy, d. in Hing, 24 Aug, 1865, set, 82 yrs, Mary Ann, sister of Caleb S., and James L,, d, in Hing, 31 Aug. 1875, mt. 67th yr. John A., of Salisburv, N. C., m. in Hing. June 12, 1859, Eliza C, or Eliza A., GilL William C, of Boston, m. Nov. 11, 1884, Mary E., dau. of Elijah D. Tilden. HUSSEY. Frederick D. (Daniel = Emily Perkins), b. at Nashua, N. H., Aug. 9, 1857. m. Feb. 4, 1880, Mary Winston, dau. of Orville M., and Kate (Prathu) Winston. She was b. at Louisville, Ky., Feb. 4, 1869. Eesides on Otis St. Ch.,— L Emily Perkins, Nov. 11, 1880. ii. Katharine Prathu, Dec. 25, 1883. iii. Mary Winston, b. in Hing. Apr. 6, 1885. HUTCHINGS. Albert Thomas (Oliver = Hannah A. Spaulding, and a descendant from John of Newbury, Mass.), was b. at Chelmsford, Dec. 16, 1833. m. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1858, Abbie B. Lewis, dau. of James S. and AbigaU S. (Briggs) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1838. "Boot and shoe manuf'r." Eesides on Pleasant, cor. of Pond St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Hattie Adams, , d. young. ii. Emma Frances, 1861, d. 6 Aug. 1863. Hutchings — Ings — Ibrook — Jacob. 371 iii. Charles Weston, Sept. 7, 1864, d. 19 Feb. 1886. iv. Abbie Foster, Feb. 11, 1866. V. Harold Garver, Aug. 1, 1876. ING-S. Samuel, m. in Hing. Feb. 21, 1672-73, Mary, dau. of Nathaniel and Martha Beal. She survived him and m. secondly, Joshua Lee of Bos ton. Samuel removed to Boston, ab. 1680, and d. before 1690. Ch.,— L Samuel, b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1673, d. soon. ii. Samuel, b. in Hing. Aug. 13, 1678. iii. Nath.aniel, b. at Boston, July 27, 1684. IBROOK. Eichard, whose name appears among the settlers of Hing. in 1635, had the same yr. a grant of land containing four acres on Broad Cove (Lincoln) St., which adjoined the lots granted to John Palmer, Wil liam Cockerum, or Cockram, and Eev. Peter Hobart. Of his fam. and personal history I kn. but little. His ch. in Hingham were — L Rebecca, b. in Eng. 1621. m. Rev, Peter Hobart, widT, and d. 9 Sept. 1693, aet. 72 yrs. ii. Ellen, b. in Eng. m. March, 1638, Capt, Joshua Hobart of Hing. iii. Margaret, b. in Eng. m. at Charlestown, Mass., Feb. 13, 1638-39, John Tower of Hing. JACOB. Nicholas, the ancestor of all the families bearing this surname in Hing. and vie, was one of the very few early planters who came to " Bare Cove " prior to the arrival of Eev. Peter Hobart and his com pany in 1636. According to Cushing's MS., " Nicholas Jacob with his wife and two children and their cosen Thomas Lincoln, weaver, came from Old Hingham and settled in this Hingham, 1633." In Sept. 1636, he had a grant of a house-lot containing three acres on Town St., sec ond from the way leading to Broad Cove, which is ab. where the home stead belonging to heirs of the late WUliam 0. Lincoln is located. Other lands were also granted to him at different dates for planting purposes. He was made freeman 1636-36 ; was selectman in 1637 ; deputy to the General Court 1648 and 1649, and often engaged upon the business of the town. The chris. name of his w. was Mary. She survived him, and m. secondly, March 10, 1658-69, John Beal, widf. Nicholas d. 5 June, 1657, leaving an est. appraised at £393 8s. 6d. In his will of May 18, 1657, proved 25 July foil., he gives to " wife Mary, the bed which she usually lyeth upon with all the furniture thereto belonging to dispose of to whom she pleases ; " also £30 in money. To "my children, Joseph, Hannah, and Deborah £10 each, in addition to what they have already had, ... To eldest son John a double portion," . . . and " to the rest of my children," viz. : Joseph Jacob, Mary Otis, Elizabeth Thaxter, Sarah Cushing, Hannah Jacob, and Deborah Jacob, equal shares, " and every one of them shall pay to their mother " a stipulated sum, yearly. Witnesses, Edmund Pitts, Thomas Marsh, Matthew Hawke. 372 Jacob. Ch., of Nicholas and Mary, — 2, L John, b. in Eng. ab. 1630. ii. Elizabeth, b. in Eng., 1632. m. (1) Dec. 4, 1648, John Thaxter, and (2) March 23, 1690-91, Daniel Cushing, Esq., wid',. iii. Mary, . m. John Otis, Jr. iv. Sarah, . m. Feb. 25, 1652-53, Matthew Cushing, Jr. V. Hannah, bt. in Hing. Feb. 23, 1639-40. m. Dec. 16, 1657, Thomas Loring. vi. Josiah, bt. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1642 ; buried 24 Nov. foU. vii. Deborah, bt. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1643. m, Feb. 11, 1663-64, Nathaniel Thomas of Mfd. 3. viii. Joseph, bt. in Hing. May 10, 1646. 2. John 2 (Nicholas i), b. in Eng. ab. 1630. m. first, Oct. 20, 1653, Margery, dau. of Anthony Eames. She d. 7 Apr. 1669. For his sec. w. he m. Oct. 3, 1661, Mary, dau. of George and Jane Eussell. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 1, 1641, and d. 2 Oct. 1691, ffit. 60 yjs. He d. 18 Sept. 1693, ffit., as his gravestone in the High Street Cemetery says, " ab""' 63 yrs." Eesided on Main St., near the meeting-house of the sec. parish. So. Hing. John was an active business man ; was one of the proprietors among whom the common lands were divided; selectman in 1662, 1666, 1683, 1686, and 1689, and a large contributor towards the erection of the new meeting-house. He is said to have been a member of the Ancient and Honorable ArtiUery Company, and, in 1682, one of its officers. He was kn. as " Captain." In his will, dated 11 Sept. 1693, he gives " to brother Joseph a small piece of land next to John Wilder's ; ... to my oldest son David £60 over and above what he hath already had ; ... to sons Peter and Samuel my saw mill and fuUing mill, with the ponds and land adjoining on both sides of the river, also two great lots before Peter Bacon's that were Cutler's and Chamberlain's ; ... to Peter, also, £60 additional, for his services since he was of full age ; ... to John my house and land at Conahasset, at a place called Cold Spring, if he lives to have chUdren, otherwise one half of it to go to David's oldest son, and the other half to Peter and Samuel ; ... to daughter Mary Bis bee, land at Great Plain and £17 in money ; to daughter Sarah Hawke, land and £20 ; to daughter Jael Cushing, land and £10 ; to daughter Elizabeth Turner, land and £60 ; to daughters Hannah aud Deborah Jacob, £100 each; to daughter Lydia Jacob, one half of my corn mill at Weymouth, and £20, to be paid her at 18 years of age : to daughter Abigail Jacob, my barn, land, &c., at Conahasset, the income from it to be for her education until she arrives at 18 years of age : " provides also for the maintenance of his father Eussell, and desires that " brother Joseph, and brothers in law Nathaniel Thomas and Lieut. Matthew Cushing be overseers of this my will, and advise with my children." Est. appraised at £1298 5s. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Margery, were — i. John, Oct. 20, 1654, slain by Indians near his fa.'s house, 19 Apr. 1676, set. 22 yrs. ii. Mary, March 30, 1656. m. (1) Dec. 17, 1675, Samuel Bacon, and (2) March 25, 1685, Elisha Bisbee. iii. Sarah, Sept. 29, 1657 (bt. Feb. 28, 1657-58). m, July 9, 1678, James Hawke. iv. Benjamin, Apr. 2, 1659, d. 5 March foU, Jacob. 373 Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mary, were — V. Jael, Sept. 7, 1662. m. Deo. 31, 1684, Matthew Cushing, s. of Daniel (p. 153). vi. David, June 20, 1664. Removed to Scit., where he m. and had posterity. vii. Elizabeth, Apr. 11, 1666. m. June 6, 1687, Elisha Turner. 4. viii. Peter, Feb. 12, 1667-68. tx, Hannah, Dec. 26, 1669. 5. X, Samuel, Nov. 30, 1671. xL Deborah, Aug. 15, 1674, d. 22 Aug. 1675. xii. Deborah, May 8, 1677. m. (1) Dec. 27, 1694, Matthew Cushing, s. of John (p. 153), and (2) Sept. 13, 1726, Benjamin Loring, wid", of Hull. 6. xiii. John, July 31, 1679, xiv. Lydia, Apr. 18, 1681, m. Jan. 17, 1698-99, John Goold of Hull. XV. Abigail, Nov. 13, 1683. m. Aug. 15, 1705, Nathaniel GilL 3. Joseph ^ (Nicholas ^), bt. in Hing. May 10, 1646, prob. removed from here shortly after the death of his bro. John, who mentions him in his will. Joseph was by occupation " carpenter." Constable in 1685. The chris. name of his w. was Hannah. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Joseph, Feb, 20, 1672-73, d, soon. ii. Joseph, Apr. 10, 1675. iii. Benjamin, June 27, 1677, d. young. iv. Benjamin, Apr. 10, 1680. V. Nathaniel, June 29, 1683. vi. Mary, Sept. 16, 1686, d. young. A gravestone erected to her memory in the High St. Cemetery bears the foil, inscription : — MARY lACOB ye DAVGIER of lOSEP" lACOB AGED 8 YEars 6 M» 6 Dayes DYED MARCH Y^ 22 169| 4. Peter' (John^ Nicholas i), b. in Hing. Feb. 12, 1667-68. m. Dec. 7, 1693, Hannah, dau. of Samuel and Hannah (Walley) Allen, or Allyne, of Barnstable, Mass. She was b. at Barnstable March 4, 1672-73, and d. in Hing. 13 June, 1748, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. Sept. 1753, ffit. 86th yr. "Clothier" or "fuUer," and "farmer." Con stable 1699 ; selectman 1704, 1716, 1718, 1720, 1722, 1723, and 1735. Also deacon of the church. He was an industrious and influential citizen. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 7. L John, Oct. 17, 1694. ii. Hannah, July 22, 1696. m. May 8, 1728, Jacob Loring, widl, iii. Mary, Sept. 29, 1698. m. Nov, 24, 1720, Abel Cushing. iv. Elizabeth, Apr. 9, 1700. m. Jan. 10, 1722-23, Thomas Andrews. 8. V. Peter, Oct. 25, 1701. vi. Jael, May 10, 1703. m. Dec. 24, 1728, Benjamin Loring. vii. Lydia, Apr. 16, 1705. m. Jan. 14, 1724-25, Rev. Nehemiah Hobart. viii. Joseph, Aug. 11, 1706, d. 29 March, 1707. 9. ix. Joseph, Apr. 14, 1708. X. Abigail, Dec. 3, 1709. m. Sept. 8, 1737, Joshua Herrick of Beverly. xL Sarah, July 13, 1712. m. Dec. 21, 1743, Jonathan Lasell. xii. Deborah, Aug. 28, 1714. m. Nov. 22, 1733, James Fearing. 374 Jacob. 5. Samuel « (John ' Nicholas ^), was b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1671, and d. 29 Oct. 1696, ffit. 24th yr. " Husbandman." Eesided at So. Hing. By w. Hannah he had one Child, b. in Hing., viz. : — L Samuel, June 27, 1695. Removed to Pem., Mass. 6. John 8 (John^ Nicholas'), b. in Hing. July 31, 1679. m. Feb. 19, 1710-11, Sarah Cushing, dau. of Daniel, the weaver, and Eliza beth (Thaxter) Cushing. She was bt. in Hing. July 27, 1690. They resided in the sec. pre., where he was a prominent and highly respected citizen ; was styled " Captain ; " constable 1709 ; selectman 1742, 1743, and 1746 ; representative 1726 to 1733 inc. ; and also deacon of the church. In addition to his public duties, he carried on a farm of ab. 200 acres, which included 130 of pasturage, 50 of mow ing, etc. In 1749 he kept 10 cows, 6 oxen, 2 horses, 38 sheep ; and harvested 176 bushels of corn. At that time he paid a larger tax than any other resident of the town. He left no issue. 7. John ^ (Peter « John ^ Nicholas -), b. in Hing. Oct. 17, 1694. m. Dec. 17, 1724, Mercy Farrow, dau. of John and Persis (Holbrook) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. June 20, 1702. This fam. prob. removed from here ab. 1730. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Mary, Apr. 22, 1726. ii. Allyn, July 10, 1728. 8. Peter ^ (Peter « John ^ Nicholas '), b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1701. m. Apr. 16, 1731, Lydia Lane, dau. of John and Bethia (Lincoln) Lane. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing., and succeeded his fa. as deacon of the church. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 10. L John, Aug. 14, 1732. ii. Lydia, Aug. 3, 1734. iii. Bethia, Aug. 23, 1736. iv. Peter, Aug. 26, 1738. V. Nicholas, Aug. 27, 1741. Removed to Chesterfield, Mass. vi. Hannah, March 17, 1743-44. m., Jan. 1766, Isaac Sprague. viL Mary, Apr. 21, 1746, d. 18 July foil. viii, David, July 1, 1747. ix. Mary, Dec. 20, 1751. 9. Joseph * (Peter = John^ Nicholas ^), b. in Hing. Apr. 14, 1708. m. Euth Wilson, and prob. removed from here. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Ruth, Nov. 9, 1733, d. 18 March 1735-36, ii. Mary, Feb. 6, 1734-35. iii. Euth, Feb. 20, 1736-37. iv. Lydia, birth not recorded, m. Aug. 5, 1760, John Lincoln, and d. 6 Nov. 1830, ait. 91 yrs. 10. John 6 (Peter" John= Nicholas i), b. in Hing. Aug. 14, 1732. m. Dec. 10, 1761, Lydia Beal, dau. of John and Deliverance (Porter) Beal. She was b. in Hing. sec, pre. Jan. 27, 1736-37, and d. 5 June, Jacob. 375 1833, ffit. 96 yrs. He d. 4 Dec. 1806, ffit. 74 yrs. "Blacksmith," Constable 1762. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 13. L John, Sept. 5, 1762. ii. Lydia, July 26, 1764. m. July 20, 1783, Ezekiel Cushing, and lived at Worthington, Mass. 14, iii. Peter, Aug. 28, 1766. 15. iv. Daniel, July 18, 1768. V. Hannah, Feb. 5, 1771. m. Apr. 15, 1789, Isaiah Tower. vi. Deborah, July 6, 1773. m, Nov. 26, 1795, Crocker Wilder. 16, vii. Jotham, Apr. 19, 1775. 11. Benjamin °, prob. gr. s. of Joseph '^ (Nicholas '), and b. ab. 1743. m. in Hing. Oct. 24, 1765, Susanna Beal, dau. of Elijah and Sarah (Jones) Beal. She was b. in Hing. July 30, 1747, and d. 8 Aug. 1786, aet. 38 yrs. He d. 10 June, 1796, ffit. 62 yrs. " Mason." Was ser geant in the company commanded by Capt. Seth Stowers in the War of the Eevolution. Eesided in the sec. pre., and later in a house which stood in the rear of Derby Academy. Ch., b. in Hing. and at Coh., were — L Susanna, March 13, 1766. m. Oct. 8, 1786, Ensign Barnes. ii. Benjamin, Dec. 15, 1768. iii. Sarah, Apr. 12, 1772. iv. Joseph, Apr. 9, 1775. V. Justin, June 17, 1778. vi. Bela, May 2, 1784, d. 17 Dec. 1786. 12. Joseph ^ (Joseph ^ of Scit., David ' John ^ Nicholas '), according to Barry's History, was a schoolmaster in Hing. sev. yrs. His w., whom he m. Dec. 3, 1780, was Hannah Eells. They had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — L George Washington, Dec, 3, 1797, d. 14 March, 1799. ii. David, Apr. 5, 1799. Settled in Ab'n. 13. John" (John « Peter ^' John ^^ Nicholas'), b. in Hing. Sept. 5, 1762. m. first, March 11, 1787, Tamar Cushing, dau. of Pyam and Hannah (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. June 13, 1762, and d. 2 Dec. 1813, ffit. 51 yrs. He m. secondly, Mrs. Submit (Loring) Lapham, wid. of Israel Lapham, and dau, of Job and Judith (Whiton) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1768, and d. 19 Aug. 1844, ffit. 76th yr. He d. 7 June, 1847, ffit. 85th yr. " Blacksmith." Deacon of the church, and highly respected as a neighbor and citizen. Eesided on Main St., near Wilder's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Tamar, — i. Tamar, Jan. 19, 1788, d. 20 May, 1805. ii. Mary, May 5, 1790, d. 10 March, 1792. iiL Mary, Jan. 10, 1793, d. unm. iv. Lydia Beal, Dec. 26, 1794, d. unm. 17, V. John, July 27, 1797. vi. Pyam, Sept. 16, 1800. m. and removed to Galena, 111. Ch. : 1. Mary. 2. George W., d. young. 3. George P. vii. Hannah, Nov. 19, 1803. m. (1) March 27, 1825, Marshall Sherman of Andover, Mass., and (2) Oct. 17, 1856, Urban Bates, wid^. 14. Peter* (John« Peter ^-^ John" Nicholas'), b. in Hing. Aug. 28, 1766. m. Jan. 15, 1792, Emma Fearing, dau. of Hawkes and Mar- 376 Jacob. garet (Lincoln) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. June 2, 1765, and d. 18 Sept. 1856, ffit. 90 yrs. He d. 13 Oct. 1810, at. 44 yrs. Selectman 1797, 1798, 1801, and 1802. Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Emma, Oct. 1, 1792. m. March 25, 1812, Fearing Burr. 18. ii. Peter, March 18, 1794. 19. iii. David Fearing, Sept. 25, 1796. iv. Hawkes, Oct. 23, 1798. m. Nov. 15, 1829, Nancy, dau. of Jesse Sprague. She d. 5 Sept. 1879, set. 76 yrs. He d. 17 Sept. 1855, set. 57th yr. V. Lincoln, Jan. 15, 1803. m. Oct. 28, 1833, Olive Fearing, dau. of Hawkes and Leah (Lincoln) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 21, 1802. Lin coln d. without issue, 13 Oct. 1882, aet. 80th yr, 15. Daniel" (John ^ Peter *^ John" Nicholas ^), b. in Hing. July 18, 1768. m. Nov. 7, 179.S, Mary Jones, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Lane) Jones. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1771, and surviving him, m. secondly, Aug. 23, 1807, Daniel Bartlett. Daniel Jacob, d. 12 Apr. 1806, ffit. 38th yr. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Sarah, Dec. 14, 1795. m. Jan. 6, 1813, Pyam Cushing. ii. Mary Jones, June 30, 1798. m, Dec. 28, 1815, Leavitt Tower. iii. Catherine, March 7, 1805. m. Dec. 5, 1822, Phillip R. Bennet of Freetown. 16. Jotham * (John * Peter " John ^ Nicholas ^), b. in Hing. Apr. 19, 1776. m. July 3, 1796, Grace Tower, dau. of Laban and Esther (Cash ing) Tower. She was b. in Hing. July 23, 1777, and d. 25 Jan. 1852, ffit. 76th yr. He d. 10 Oct. 1852, ffit. 77 yrs. "Blacksmith" and "farmer." Eesided on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Lucy, Apr. 9, 1798. m. Nov. 16, 1818, Silas Chipman, and d. 10 Oct. 1878, set. 80 yrs. ii. Laban, March 10, 1800, m. Feb. 2, 1823, Caroline Whiting. Laban d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., 29 Apr. 1864, ast. 64 yrs. iii. Joshua, 1802, d. soon. iv. Deborah, July 19, 1804. m. Dec. 1, 1822, Peter H, Cushing of Wey., and d. at Wey. 3 Feb. 1875, set. 71st yr. V. Betsey, Sept. 9, 1809. m. (1) Nov. 20, 1827, Nehemiah Cushing, Jr., and (2) July 3, 1842, Robert G. Gardner. vi. Esther Cushing, May 17, 1811. m. March 20, 1828, Joseph Jacobs. vii. Cynthia Gushing, Feb. 24, 1815. ra. Nov. 17, 1833, Theophilus Cush ing, 2d. 20. viii. Joshua, Sept. 3, 1817. ix. Mary, March 26, 1820. m. Nov. 22, 1837, Henry C. Wilder. 17. John ' (John ^' Peter " John ^ Nicholas '), b. in Hing. July 27, 1797. m. Jan. 10, 1833, Martha Fearing, dau. of Abel and Judith (Cushing) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1814, and d. 6 Nov. 1884, ffit. 71st yr. He d. 25 Feb. 1860, ffit. 63d yr. "Blacksmith." Eesided on the paternal homestead, Main St., near Wilder's Bridge. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Martha Fearing, June 14, 1835, d. Jan. 1839. ii. Tamar Cushing, May 26, 1837, d. 16 Jan. 1857. iii. Martha Fearing, Apr. 22, 1841. iv. Mary Clara, Feb. 17, 1845, d. . Jacob. 377 18. Peter ' (Peter ° John * Peter *"' John - Nicholas '), b. in Hing. March 18, 1794. m. Dec. 5, 1819, Mahala Hobart, dau. of Jeremiah and Thirza (HaU) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 23, 1794, and d. at Wey. 16 June, 1867, ffit. 63 yrs. He d. 6 July, 1834, ffit. 40 yrs. Ch.,— L Abigail, , d. . ii. Peter Hobart, 1824. m. Nov. 28, 1847, Mary E,, dau. of William and AbigaU (Osborn) Barnes. He d. at Wey. 28 March, 1886, set. 62 yrs. iii. George, , d. in Cal. iv. William, , d. . V. Elizabeth, . m. Harrison Tirrell of Wey. vL Emma C, 1832, d. 16 July, 1852, ajt. 20 yrs. 19. David F.' (Peter « John ^ Peter *-= John ^ Nicholas i), b. in Hing. Sept. 25, 1796. m. Apr. 11, 1824, Hannah Corthell, dau. of Levi and Hannah (Loring) Corthell. She was b. in Hing, June 27, 1804, and d. 29 Aug. 1872, ffit. 68 yrs. He d. 2 Nov. 1879, ffit. 83 yrs. Ch.,— i. David, . m. (1) March 23, 1853, Abby M. Keniston, who d. 3 Jan. 1859, ffit. 31 yrs. He m. (2) Apr. 22, 1860, Mary A, Stodder. 24. ii. Loring, Apr. 28, 1827. 20. Joshua' (Jotham ^ John ^ Peter ^ John ^ Nicholas *), b. in Hing. Sept. 3, 1817. m. first, Feb. 2, 1842, Emily Higgins, dau. of Sylvanus and Sarah (LinneU) Higgins. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1821, and d. 4 Oct. 1846, ffit. 25th yr. He m. secondly, Aug. 29, 1847, Lydia D. Hersey, dau. of Seth S., and Betsey (Eeed) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1817, and d. 8 Oct. 1885, ffit. 68 yrs. Joshua d. 26 Oct. 1879, ffit. 62 yrs. " Blacksmith." Eesided on the paternal home stead, Main St., So. Hing. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Emily, — , i. Joshua, Feb. 6, 1843. m. Nov, 23, 1864, Mary B,, dau. of Caleb and Louisa (BurreU) Marsh. Removed to Boston. Their s. iZizT-rie fK., was b. Aug. 17, 1866. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") Child, b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, — iL Laura Reed, Sept. 13, 1855. m. at Boston, Nov. 24, 1886, Elisha L. H. Gates of Boston. 21. Joseph ' (Joseph ^^ David ' John ^ Nicholas '), b. at So. Scit. March 10, 1804. m. in Hing. March 20, 1828, Esther C, dau. of Jo tham and Grace (Tower) Jacobs (16, vi.). She was b. in Hing, May 17, 1811. " Manuf'r of edge-tools ; " was formerly capt. of a military company. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 25. i. Joseph, Dec. 8, 1828. ii. Esther Cushing, June 2, 1831, d. 3 Oct. foil. iii. Grace Ann, Dec. 22, 1833. m. Apr. 28, 1850, Isaac H. Cushing. iv. Lucy Maria, Dec. 29, 1838. m. Nov. 26, 1857, Isaiah W. Loring. V. Sarah Caroline, Jan. 9, 1845, m. Feb. 18, 1875, James A. Reed of Wey. 26. vi. Frederick Shuck, July 10, 1850. r 378 Jacob. 22. Warren' (Warren" of Scit., John= of Scit., Joshua* of Scit., David 2 John ^ Nicholas '), b. at So. Scit. Jan. 18, 1807. m. March 10, 1833, Tamsin Puffer, dau. of Hugh and Tamsin (Wilder) Puffer. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 6, 1811, and d. 9 Feb. 1882, ffit. 70 yrs. " Shoe maker." Eesides on Main St., " Liberty Plain," So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Warren Hugh, Jan. 10, 1835 ; drowned in Accord Pond, 13 Dec. 1845. ii. Mary Caroline, Oct. 29, 1838. m. March 20, 1856, Minot E. Gardner. iii. John Quincy, Jan. 23, 1840, d. at New York, 8 Apr. 1873, set, 33 yrs. (See "Hingham inthe Civil War.") iv. Andrew, Feb. 8, 1843. Resides in New York. V. Warren Hugh, June 4, 1851, d. 13 May, 1852. 23. William' (Stephen « NathanieP Joseph* David' John' Nich olas'), b. at Han. March 7, 1826. m. in Hing. Oct. 14, 1849, Susan A. Loring, dau. of Enos and Jane (Hersey) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 7, 1830, and d. 4 June, 1866, ffit. 36th yr. He d. 12 June, 1867, ffit. 42 yrs. " Wheelwright." Eesided in Hing. and at Eandolph. Ch., — i. Anna L., Sept, 28, 1851. iL William, . iii. Arthur H., 1856, d. in Hing, 8 March, 1865, set. 9 yrs. iv. Helen, . 24. Loring 8 (David F.' Peter ^ John = Peter ^ John ^ Nicholas '), b. in Hing. Apr. 28, 1827. m. Jan. 27, 1850, Emeline A. Sprague, dau. of Daniel and Tamar (Stodder) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. March 23, 1827. "Trader." Eesides on East St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Everett Loring, Nov. 20, 1856, d. 25 Dec. 1864, set. 8 yrs. ii. Arthur Loring, May 3, 1865. 25. Joseph^ (Joseph '-*-^^ David' John'' Nicholas'), b. in Hing. Dec. 8, 1828. m. Oct. 27, 1850, Clarissa A. Cushing, dau. of Loring and Martha (Hersey) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. July 19, 1831, " Manuf'r of edge-tools." President of the Hingham National Bank. Eepresentative 1881, 1882, and 1883. Eesides on Main St., So. Hing. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Clara Anna, July 19, 1852. ii. Fannie Adams, Aug. 1, 1854, m. Aug. 11, 1875, Henry W. Cushing. 26. Frederick S.' (Joseph'-*"" David' John'' Nicholas'), b. in Hing. July 10, 1860. m. Oct. 2, 1877, Alice A. Cutler of Boston. " Manuf'r of edge-tools." Has removed to Nashua, N. H. Ch.,— L Joseph Oilman, b. in Hing. Oct. 23, 1878. ii. Frederick Burnham, b. in Hing. 1880. iii. Esther Arvilla, b. in Hing. Jan. 23, 1882, d. 27 June, 1883. iv. Richard Dearborn, b. at Nashua, . 27. George Franklin (Benjamin = Harriet Curtis), a descendant of Nicholas ', and b. at So. Scit. Nov. 16, 1838. m. in Hing. Jan. 18, 1871, Angelina Cushing, dau. of Henry and Angelina H. (Tower) Jacob — James. 379 Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 31, 1843. " Shoemaker." Ee sides on Main St., So. Hing. ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Sidney Clayton, March 22, 1872, d. 11 Jan. 1887, set. 15th yr. HosEA Stodder, b. in Hing. July, 1817. m. May 23, 1840, Lucy A. Waterman, dau. of Ebenezer and Deborah (Bearce) Waterman. Hosea d. 17 March, 1872, ffit. 55th yr. "Edge-tool maker." Eesided on High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Olive Amelia, Aug. 10, 1841. m. Juue 28, 1866, Alonzo H. Reed, and d. 17 June, 1877. u. Lucy Ann, Aug. 25, 1843. m. June 13, 1867, John A. Reed, and d. 7 Sept 1867, set. 24 yrs. iii. Ellen Forrester, June, 1846, d. 27 Aug. 1859. iv. Lillie Waterman, Oct. 11, 1854, d. 20 Feb. 1873, V. Alfred Waterman, July 25, 1856, m. Nov. 26, 1885, Alena A. Black- well. She d. at Wey. 23 Aug. 1887, ffit. 27th yr. vi. Maria Lawrence, Sept. 5, 1858, d. 23 Nov. 1874. vii. Annie Forrester, Aug. 3, 1862, d. 20 Sept. 1884. Note. — Ezekiel, s. of Bethia, b, Aug. 13, 1772, d. same day. SaUy, m. March 29, 1792, Stephen Hall of Boston (Rec. of Rev. Henry Ware). Rhoda, m. March 14, 1798, Jacob Beal. Hannah, m. (1) Caswell Beal, and (2) July 1, 1820, Elijah BeaL ^mmo C, m. Sept. 18, 1828, David J. Cashing of Scit Mary J., dau. of Joshua of So. Scit, m. Oct. 11, 1832, Benjamin Hersey. Elizabeth, a native of Han. d. 30 May, 1856, set. 76 yrs. David 0., a native of Scit., d. in Hing. 6 June, 1859, a;t. 71 yrs. George, a native of "Han., d. 27 July, 1866, aet. 60 yrs. JAMES. 1. Philip, and Francis (prob. bro's, and b. in Eng.), were among the settlers of Hing. who early received grants of land here. Cush ing's MS. says, "1638, Francis James and his wife and 2 servants (to Witt) Thomas Suclin and Eichard Baxter came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hingham." Also, the same yr., " Philip James his wife and 4 children and two servants (viz.) William Pitts and Edward MitcheU came from Old Hingham and settled in New Hing ham. Philip James dyed soon after he came." According to Hobart's Diary, the wid. James (undoubtedly Jane the wid. of Philip), m. Feb. 14, 1640, George Eussell. Francis d. 27 Dec. 1647, prob. without issue. Hing. rec's furnish no direct information concerning the chris. names, or subsequent history, of the ch. of Philip. 2. Francis % said by his descendants to have been a s. of PhUip, and named after his uncle Francis, d. in Hing. intestate, 29 Nov. 1684. His wid. Elizabeth was appointed to administer upon the est. Inv. taken by John Smith and John Jacob, 6 May, 1685, and appraised at £238 lis. Od. He is caUed "husbandman." Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch,, prob. all b. in Hing., were — i. Elizabeth, birth not recorded, d, 11 Apr, 1660. ii. Sarah, Feb. 27, 1661-62. m. (pub. Apr. 4, 1707), John Seal of Boston, and d, 2 Aug. 1727, mt. 65 yi-s. iii. Jane, Nov. 6, 1664. m. Dec. 7, 1704, Edward Darby of Taunton. 380 James. iv, Francis, Jan. 25, 1666-67, d. unm. 28 Dec. 1717. "Weaver." Constable in 1697. Will dated 28 Dec. 1717, Inv. appraised 8 Oct. 1718, at £549 13.S, 3. V. Thomas, Dec, 7, 1669. vi, Philip, birth not recorded, d. 15 Feb. 1687-88. Mrs. Elizabeth James was appointed 12 July, 1688, to administer upon the est. of her s. Philip James. — s. P. R. vii. Samuel, Apr. 6, 1676. m, 1711, says Deane's History, Hope Chamberlain of Hull. He d. in Hing. 20 Aug. 1749, set. 73 yrs. 3. Thomas ' (Francis ^ PhiUp '), b. in Hing. Dec. 7, 1669. m. May 30, 1704, Mrs. Patience (Tower) Farrow, wid. of William Farrow, and dau. of Ibrook and Margaret (Hardin) Tower. She was b. in Hing. March 21, 1678-79. Thomas d. 31 July, 1724, ffit. 65th yr. Son Thomas appointed administrator. The inv. of his est. was appraised by John Jacob and Hezekiah Lincoln at £1720 9s. M., and included mansion-house, part of a sloop, etc. " Husbandman." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 4. L Thomas, Jan, 11, 1704-5. ii. Elizabeth, Aug. 21, 1706. m, Aug. 21, 1730, Abisha Stetson of Kingston. 5. iii. Philip, July 25, 1708. iv, Jane, Oct. 7, 1710. m. June 27, 1734, Jeremiah Lane. V. John, 1712. ' 6. vL Sarah, Sept. 27, 1714, d. 28 Nov. foil. vu. Margaret, March 19, 1715-16, viii. Content, bt, Aug, 21, 1720. m. Oct. 1739, Samuel Harden, of Eastham. 4. Thomas * (Thomas ' Francis ^ Philip '), b. in Hing. Jan. 11, 1704-5. m. (pub. 16 Aug. 1730) Hannah Holbrook of Scit. " Farmer." Eesided on King St., sec, pre. In his will of 17 March, 1773, pre sented at Dedham, 4 March, 1776, gives " to wife Hannah the improve^ ment of my dwelling-house while she remains a widow," etc. To dau's Hannah Wilcutt, Priscilla Marble, and Abigail Orcutt ; to grandsons Malachi Orcutt and James Marble; and to s. Galen James all the remainder of his est. after paying legacies to the persons previously named. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, June 15, 1731. m. Nov. 27. 1765, Joseph Wilcutt, wid^. ii, Malachi, Jan. 5, 1732-33, d, 27 Dec. 1737, iiL Thomas, Apr. 19, 1736, d. 3 Jan. 1737-38. iv. Malachi, bt. Aug. 13, 1738. V. Priscilla, bt. May 10, 1741. m. Luther Marble. vi. Eunice, bt. Aug. 7, 1743, d. soon. vii. Abigail, bt. Aug. 5, 1744, m. May 29, 1763, Jacob Orcutt. viii. Thomas, bt. July, 1746, d. young. 7. ix. Galen, Oct 1, 1751. 5. Philip' (Thomas ' Francis = PhUip '), b. in Hing. July 25, 1708. m. May 25, 1738, Mary Nichols, dau. of Nathaniel and EUzabeth (Lincoln) Nichols. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 22, 1714. Eesided in the sec. pre. In his will of 1783, presented at Wey. 1 March, 1785, mentions w. and three ch. Gives " to wife Mary the improvement of my whole estate while she remains a widow ; to daughter Euth Lor ing, the wife of Joseph Loring, \ of my household furniture and move- James — Jenkins. 381 ables, also £50 in money ; to son Eleazer £100, and to son Christopher all the rest of my estate after the death of his mother." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Ruth, June 7, or 12, 1739. m. Apr. 3, 1770, Joseph Loring, widT, and was the mother of George, Elijah, Benjamin, and Josiah Lonng. ii. Elijah, Nov. 30, 1740, d. before his fa. ui. Mary, Dec. 6, 1742, d. 20 Apr. 1743. iv. Mary, March 20, 1743-44, d. young. V. Lois, Sept. 6, 1746, d. soon. vi. Cotton, Oct. 28, 1749, d. young, vii. Christopher, May 3, 1752. m. March 3, 1785, Rachel Litchfield, and kept an inn at Coh. viii. Eleazer, Aug. 6, 1754, grad. at Har. Coll. 1778. He taught school in Hing. ab. 1780. 6. John* (Thomas 'Francis '^ Philip'), b. in Hing. . in. July 28, 1743, Mrs. Deborah (Bates) Stodder, the wid. of Canterbury Stodder, and dau. of Joseph and Deborah (Clapp) Bates. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 2, 1716, and surviving him, m. thirdly, Dec. 16, 1768, John Turner of Pem. Eesided in the sec. pre., at or near the easterly terminus of Jerusalem road. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — 8. i. John, March 16, 1744-45. ii. Deborah, Mar. 23, 1746-47. iiL Francis, May 13, 1749. iv. Enoch, Aug. 24, 1751. m. Abigail Adams. V. Sarah, Sept. 13, 1755. vL Thomas, July 11, 1758. 7. Galen' (Thomas*"' Francis ^ PhiUp'), b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1751. m. Feb. 29, 1776, Bette Beal, dau. of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Eipley) Beal. She was b. in Hing. May 10, 1766. " Farmer." Eesided on King St., Coh. His s. John Eipley James ' succeeded to the pater nal homestead, which has since passed into the hands of his s. Samuel G. James,' the present owner. 8. John ^ (John * Thomas ' Francis ^ Philip '), b. in Hing. March 16, 1744—45. m. Apr. 4, 1766, Lois Beal, dau. of Adam and Jael (Worrick) Beal. She was b. in Hing. July 20, 1746. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Moses, Oct. 23, 1765. ii. Malachi, July 9, 1767. iiL Lois, May 29, 1769. Washington I., from Hull. m. in Hing. Nov. 26, 1878, Catherine L. Foley, dau. of Cornelius and Mary (Fee) Foley. She was b. in Hing. May 29, 1854. Eesides at Downer Landing. Ch., b. in Hing., — ^ i. Mary Gertrude, Deo. 31, 1880. ii. Frances Lillian, May 3, 1884. iii. Helen Catherine, Nov. 18, 1887. JENKINS. Perez, from Scit. m. Selina M. Gardner, dau. of Melzar and Silence (Gardner) Gardner. She was b. in Hing. May 31, 1816, and 382 Jenkins — Jennings — Jepson — Jermyn. d. 30 Aug- I860, ffit. 44 yrs. Shortly after her decease he removed from here, and m. for his sec. w. Margaret Porter. " Ship-master." Eesided while in Hing. on North and Lincoln Sts. Ch.,— L Francis Greenwood, 1844. ii. Agnes W. 1854. Note. — Edward, Jr., of Scit., m. in Hing., sec, pre., June 4, 1764, Jerusha Beal. Betsey A., of Boston, m. Nov. 7, 1841, Jesse ChurchiU, wid^, of Hing. Mrs. Elizabeth, d. 8 Nov. 1843, aet. 75 yrs. Mrs. Susan, d. 9 May, 1853, set. 67 yrs. JENNINGS. Allen Gary, b. at Stratford, Fulton County, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1843. m. in Hing. Aug. 4, 1874, Esther J. Cushing, dau, of Isaac H. and Grace A. (Jacobs) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 8, 1866. Uni tarian minister. Eesided at So. Hing. before he removed to Chicago 111. (See « Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., — L Grace Wheeler, Feb. 16, 1876. iL Louis Hamilton, Nov. 12, 1877. iii. Allen Cushing, Apr. 18, 1879. Note, — Orinda, m. Oct. 3, 1859, James Hawes, Jr., of Wey. Mary,m. March 24, 1863, Malachi Bames. JEPSON (Gipson). Micah, a resident of the sec. pre. m. iirst, Sept. 5, 1744, Elizabeth Souther, dau. of Joseph and Content (Tower) Souther. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 4, 1722, and d. . He m. secondly, Feb. 18, 1752, Mrs. Mary (Bate) Joy, wid. of Joseph Joy, and dau. of David and Patience Bate. She was b, in Hing. May 11, 1729. In 1771 Micah Jepson and Mary his w., from Cohasset, were admitted members of the church at Chesterfield, Mass. His Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, were — i. Isaiah, March 2, 1745-46, ii. Sarah, Dec. 12, 1747. Ch., bt. in Hing., by w. Mary, — iii. Joseph Joy, Apr. 25, 1756. iv. Elizabe'th, June 4, 1758. V, Mercy, Sept, 14, 1760. vi. David, Sept, 5, 1762, vii. Micah, July 14, 1765. viii, Samuel, July 19, 1767. Note. — Mercy, of Boston and John Orcutt, wid?, of Hing., int. of m'ge, Aug. 10, 1723. JERMYN. Frank (Burrowes = Sarah Ann West), b. at County Cavan, Ire., May, 1832. m. in Dec. 1868, Mary Ann McDowell, dau. of Thomas and Margaret (Bowes) McDowell of County Cavan, Ire. "Laborer." Eesides on Pleasant St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Jermyn — Jernegan — Jewell. 383 Ch., prob. all b. in Hing., — i. Thomas Burrowes, Oct. 29, 1859. ii. Francis Claudus, June 24, 1861. iii. John James, Oct. 14, 1863, d. 26 July, 1879, set. 16th yr. iv. Joseph William, Apr. 29, 1866. V. Sarah Ann, Feb. 14, 1868. m. Jan. 11, 1887, Eliphalet L. BeaL vi. James Richard, Apr. 25, 1871. vii. Lilla Jane, Aug. 9, 1873. viii. Helen Wilson, June 9, 1875. ix. Mary Whiton, March 13, 1877. X. Merrill Isaac, June 17, 1881. Note. — Claudus, d. 13 July, 1870, set. 40 yrs. JERNEGAN. Jared (WUliam = Abigail Mayhew), b. at Edgartown, Mass., Aug. 12, 1793, came to Hing. in early life, and served an apprenticeship with "Master" Edward Wilder at So. Hing. He m. Oct. 9, 1815, Priscilla Cushing, dau. of Henry and Sarah (Whiton) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 21, 1796, and d. at Edgartown, 19 Aug. 1879, ffit. 85th yr. He d. at E. 30 March, 1871, ffit. 78th yr. " Cabinet-maker." Eesided on Main St. So. Hing. until 1841, when he returned to his native town. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — L A dau., June 3, 1816, d. same day. ii. Abigail Mayhew, July 8, 1817. m. in Hing. July 7, 1839, Charles Mer chant of Edgartown, and d. at E. 17 May, 1851, jet, 33 yrs. iii. Mary, Nov. 28, 1819, m, in Hing, Oct, 13, 1836, Sirson P. Coffin of E. iv. Almira, Feb. 21, 1822. m. Charles Worth of E. and d. 6 Sept. 1872, St. 50 yrs. V. Julia Ann, Dec. 7, 1823. m. at E. William H. King. vi. William Henry, Aug. 22, 1827. m. first, Dec. 13, 1854, Sarah H. Cobb, dau. of Elisha B. and Mary W. (Harrington) Cobb. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1829, and d. 17 May, 1884, set, 55th yr. He m. sec ondly, June 3, 1885, at New Bedford, Mrs. Averick Parker Coffin. Dealer in newspapers and fancy goods. Resides on Water St. Child b.. in Hing. by w. Sarah, Charlotte Whitney, July 28, 1859. JEWELL. Thomas, for sev. yrs. a resident of Hing. m. Oct. 18, 1672, Su sanna Gilford, prob. dau. of John Gilford. She was bt. in Hing, Nov. 2, 1651. At the assignment of seats in the new meeting-house, ¦ 1681, Thomas Jewell had a sitting in the third seat on the north side for men, while his w. enjoyed a similar privilege in the fifth seat for women. Thomas and his fam. removed from here ab. 1687 to Ames bury, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Mary, Oct 1, 1674. iL Thomas, Aug. 21, 1676. iii. Ruth. Aug. 26, 1678. iv. Hannah, Feb. 10, 1680-81, d. 15 July, 1683, V. John, June 29, 1683. vi. Hannah, Sept. 14, 1685, 384 Jewett — Johnson. JEWETT. Joseph, of Eowley, m. May 13, 1653, Mrs. Ann Allen, the wid. of Capt. Bozoan Allen. She d. 4 Feb. 1661. Haynes, m. Feb. 28, 1854, Lydia, dau. of Adna Sprague. Abbie C, m, Dec. 16, 1884, George Price. JOHNSON. 1. Humphrey^ prob. s. of John', an early resident of Eoxbury, and whose names appear in this relation in a mortgage deed dated "22° of the 7° month, 1643" (S. D.), "was a resident of Scituate," says Deane's History, " in 1661." He seems to have been a man of ability and shrewdness, but inclined to make trouble both with the town and Colony officials, as will be seen by the foil, extract from the Colony records : " 1673. Humphrey Johnson, having come into this Government without leave of the Governor and two of the Assist ants (contrary to law), is now ordered to remove his dwelling and cottage, erected within the town of Scituate, within one month from the date hereof, or else order shall be given for the pulling down thereof." He shortly after became a resident of Hing., as will be seen by the foil. : " The 30"" day of March, 1674, vpon the request of Humphrey Johnson of Hingham, the selectmen of Hingham, on the behalf of the Towne granted the said Humphrey Johnson liberty to remove his house off Scituate Land vnto Hingham Towne Common Land, and he is to remove it off Hingham Land againe at three months warning." On the 22d of Apr. 1676, he was granted certain privileges for improvements by the selectmen, and admonished, con cerning the establishing of certain fence lines, " to regard the matter quietly." He was twice m. Eleanor, his first w., d. in Hing. 28 Sept. 1678. The chris. name of his sec. w. was Abigail. Humphrey d. 24 July, 1693. Eesided at Liberty Plain, So. Hing. Ch., by w. Eleanor, were — , L John, 1653, drowned in Hing. 12 June, 1674. ii. Joseph, 1655, d. soon. 2. iii. Benjamin, 1657. iv. Margaret, 1659. m. in Hing. Oct. 20, 1676, Josiah Leavitt. V. Deborah, 1661, d. 1 Apr. 1669. vi. Mary, 1663. 3. vii. Nathaniel, July, 1666, 4. viii. Isaac, b. in Hing. Feb, 18, 1667-68. ix. Joseph , d. 6 Sept. 1676. Ch., b. in Hing. by w. Abigail, — X. John, June 8, 1680, xi. Deborah, Feb. 19, 1682-83. 2. Benjamin' (Humphrey 'John'), b. at Scit. 1657. m. in Hing. June 11, 1683, Eebecca Hersey, dau. of WiUiam and Eebecca (Chub buck) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1663, and d. 11 Feb. 1711-12, ffit. 48 yrs. He d. 26 March, 1707, ffit. 60 yrs. Est. settled 9 Dec. 1712. Joshua Hersey, Admf. Inv. £445 4s. " Blacksmith." Constable 1691 and 1692 ; selectman 1698. He also was landlord and proprietor of the " Pine Tree Tavern," situated on Town (South) St., Johnson. 385 where now stands the residence belonging to heirs of George and Zadock Hersey. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Rebecca., June 28, 1684, d. 28 Sept. foil. iL Be.vjamin, July 15, 1685, d. 5 Dec. 1695, iii, Joshua, Aug. 9, 1689, d. 21 March, 1693-94. iv. Ruth, Jan. 10, 1691-92, d. 8 Mai-ch, 1712-13. V. Sarah, Feb. 7, 1693-94. m. Jan. 25, 1715-16, Nathaniel Fearing, wid":. 5. vi. Benjamin, June 3, 1696. vii. Mary, July 27, 1699. m. Oct. 11, 1722, Barnabas Seabury of Dux. 6. viii. Joshua, 1702. 3. Nathaniel' (Humphrey^ John'), bt. in Hing. July, 1666. m. Abigail , aud prob. rembved from here before 1700. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Joseph, Sept. 9, 1685. ii. Abigail, Apr. 1, 1687. iii. Elisha, March 12, 1688-89. iv. Mary, March, 1691. V. Jonathan, March 16, 1692-93. 4. Isaacs (Humphrey ^ John'), b. in Hing. Feb. 18, 1667-68, may have removed from here ab. 1708, or soon after, as he was not taxed in Hing. after that date. The chris. name of his wife was AbigaU. Their Ch., b, in Hing., were — i. Abigail, Apr. 28, 1689. ii. David, Oct 16, 1692. iii. Hannah, Jan. 17, 1694-95. iv. Solomon, March 9, 1696-97. V. Daniel, Apr. 20, 1700. 5. Benjamin* (Benjamin' Humphrey ' John'), b. in Hing. June 3, 1696. m. Feb. 4, 1719-20, Euth Beal, dau. of Caleb and Euth (Hersey) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 11, 1697-98. This family removed to Stoughton, Mass. The foil, conveyance (abstract) is recorded in S. D. vol. 62, p. 172 : ¦" Benjamin Johnson of Hingham, ' Blacksmith,' sells to Joshua Lin coln of said Hingham, yeoman, in consideration of £430, all that my dwelling-house, barn, outhousing and land adjoining, containing nine acres more or less, which was formerly the homestead of my Honored father, Benjamin Johnson, deceased, bounded westerly with the land of Matthew Lincoln ; southerly partly with the land of Matthew Lincoln aforesaid, and partly with the Lane called Austin's Lane ; easterly with the land of Jeremiah Hersey ; northerly with the Town street or common land ; together with a smith's shop standing to the northward of said house, near the Brook," etc. Ack4 before Ben jamin Lincoln, Apr. 29, 1737. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Caleb, March 25, 1722-23. ii. Isaac, May 4, 1725. iii. Obed, bt. June 17, 1733, d. 9 Jan. foU. iv. Obed, bt. Aug. 17, 1735, d. 17 Sept 1736. VOL. II. — 25 386 Johnson — Jones. 6. Joshua * (Benjamin ' Humphrey ^ John '), b. in Hing. ab. 1702. m. Apr. 29, 1730, Mrs. Lydia (Ward) Lincoln, wid. of Jacob Lincoln, and dau. of Henry and Euth (BaUey) Ward. She was b. in Hing. June 15, 1705. Joshua was by occupation "carpenter." He removed with his fam. to Stoughton, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. John, Jan. 18, 1730-31. iL Joshua, Oct. 25, 1732, iii. Jacob, Jan. 31, 1734-35. 7. Samuel, whose connection with others of this surname does not appear on Hing. rec's, m. Feb. 18, 1744-45, Hannah Lane, dau. of Peter and Wealthea (Bradford) Lane. She was b. in Hing. May 27, 1724. They resided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing, — i. Hannah, Jan. 16, 1745-46. m. Nov. 25, 1766, Peleg Ewell. ii. Celia, Apr, 8, 1748, d. 15 Feb. 1751-52. iiL Esther, Jan. 22, 1749-50, iv. Celia, Aug. 5, 1752, d. 9 Apr. 1754. V. Perez, Dec. 10, 1754, d. 8 Dec. 1757. vi. Celia, Oct. 28, 1756. vi. Benois (alias Adrianbnsens), bt. Juue 13, 1762. 8. John, perh. a temporary resident, m. in 'Hing. March 8, 1749- 60, Mary Cushing, dau. of Seth and Lydia (Fearing) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. May 10, 1730. They prob. removed to Stoughton, where her parents had settled, and where perh. he had fam. con nections. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — L John, Oct 17, 1750. ii. Mary, Aug. 3, 1752. iii. Ezekiel, Jan, 21, 1754. Note, — Widow Johnson, d. 7 Jan. 1659-60. Hannah, d. 29 Nov. 1728, set. near 100 yrs. Daniel, m. Nciv. 19, 1754, Lucy Lane. Henri, m, Jan. 1, 1860, Lvdia 0. Lincoln, Maria D., m. Feb. 23, 1861, Lewis D. Simpson, Lydia 0. (Lincoln), m". Sept, 16, 1877, Eeuben Hersev, John G., of Cambridge, m. April 19, 1883, Abbie O'Keefe. Charles H., of Quincy, m. "June 12, 1883, Nellie N. Gardner, JONES (JoANES). 1. Eobert, one of the early planters of Hing. was the ancestor of nearly all the families who have borne the surname Jones in this town. Eichard and Thomas Jones received grants of land here in 1637 and 1638, but neither of these appear to have been residents of the town. A Eichard Jones of Dor. d. in 1642 ; and a Thomas Jones d. there in 1667. There were Thomas Joneses also among the very early settlers of Charlestown, Concord, Newbury, Gloucester, Taunton, Springfield, Boston, and other places. Abraham Jones of Hull, 1667, was the fa. of seven sons, viz. : Benjamin, Thomas, Abraham, Josiah, Joseph, John, and Ephraim. But how any of the foregoing were connected with our Hing. fam. of Jones, if at all, is not clear. At the time the new meeting-house was built in Hing., 1680-81, there were but three persons of the surname Jones upon the tax -lists, viz. : Eobert, Jones. 387 Joseph, Sr., and Joseph, Jr. ; i. e., father, son, and grandson. The re corded wills and conveyances in Suffolk County, as well as the facts furnished by our local records and tax-lists, will throw much light upon the subject to those who seek further information relating thereto. Eobert Jones, according to the Genealogical Dictionary prepared by Mr. Savage, removed from here to Eehoboth ab. 1644, but soon re turned again to Hing. He prob. was twice m. ; but the name of his first w. is unk. to the writer. The chris. name of his sec. w. was Elizabeth. She outlived him, and d. in Hing. 26 Sept. 1712. He d. 17 Nov. 1691. In his wUl, dated at Hing. 20 Apr. 1688, he gives vari ous small sums in shillings and pence "to sons Joseph, John, and Benjamin the elder ; also to daughters Sarah Belknap, and Jane Col lyer (Collier), and to my grand children which are the children of my son Eobert Jones, deceased ; all of which sums of money are to be paid them at my now dwelling-house in Hingham. To my wife Eliz abeth aU my whole estate of houses, lands, and orchards, and all my meadows and shares in the commons and commonage which I possess either by gift or purchase or exchange ; . . . and because my estate is but small I do hereby give my said wife full power to sell some of the said land to supply her immediate necessities," etc. He also be queaths " to my son Benjamin Jones the younger, which the said Elizabeth my wife bear unto me, all my said estate after the death of his mother." Witnesses, James Hawke, Theophilus Cushing, Daniel Cushing. " Farmer ; " or, as he calls himself in his will, " planter." Eesided at Hing. Centre, " over the river." Ch., by his first w., were — i. Robert, prob. b. in Eng,, m. Anna, dau. of John and Sibill Bibble. Eesided at Hull, and had issue. He d. before his fa. 2. iL Joseph, prob. b. in Eng. ui. Sarah, prob. b. in Eng. m. Belknap. iv. Jane, prob. b. in Eng. m. Dec. 30, 1647, Thomas Collier. V. Benjamin, bt. in Hing, March, 1638. A Beujamin Jones went from Hing. to N. H., ab. the time the Gilmans, Foulshams, and Leavitts removed to Exeter. vL Epheaim, bt. in Hing. July 29, 1649. (See No. 11.) vii. John, bt. in Hing. July 17, 1652 ; prob. removed to Mfd. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Elizabeth, were — viii. Elizabeth, bt. Aug. 1662. 3. ix. Benjamin, Oct. 27, 1666, Note, — The Diary of Eev. Peter Hobart of Hing. gives the bapt's of otber Joneses, as foil. : Thomas, March 29, 1640 ; Mary, May 28, 1643 ; Lydia, July 15, 1655; Joseph, Jan, 30, 1659 ; Thomas, May 29, 1659, and Joseph, May, 1668. With the exception of Thomas (perh. s. of Thomas the " tailor "), a non-resident, wlio ra. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1673, Elizabeth Pitts, there is no further mention of this surname upon the early rec's of the town. 2. Joseph ^ (Eobert '), prob. b. in Eng., m. at Wey. Nov. 11, 1667, Patience, dau. of Thomas Little. She d. in Hing. 26 Oct. 1723, ffit. 84 yrs. He d. 18 July, 1714. " Husbandman." Selectman 1691 and 1707. Eesided " over the river." At the outbreak of Philip's War, the dwelling-house of Joseph Jones was burned and destroyed by Indians. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — 4. i. Joseph, Sept. 16, 1660. 5. ii. Benjamin, Jan. 8, 1662-63. 388 Jones. iii. Patience, Feb. 20, 1665-66, d. 25 Feb. 1688-89. iv. Anna, Jan. 26, 1667-68, V. Ruth, Nov. 26, 1669. vi. Sarah, Sept. 12, 1671. 6. vii. Ephraim, Aug, 18, 1673. viii. Mary, Sept. 9, 1676. 7. ix. Thomas, Aug. 15, 1679, 3. Benjamin ^ (Eobert '), b. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1666 ; was m. prob. ab. 1692. The chris. name of his w. was Patience. She survived him, and m. secondly, May 11, 1704, Daniel Hobart, widf, who d. 15 Deo. 1708. For her third hus. she m. Aug. 6, 1712, Ibrook Tower, widr, and d. 22 Dec. 1747, ffit. 80 yrs. Benjamin d. 29 Jan. 1703^, ffit. 37 yrs. In his will, proved 2 March, 1703-4, he provides for w. Patience, and leaves legacies to sons Benjamin and Thomas. He also refers to his mother Elizabeth Jones, and to his late fa. Eobert Jones, and directs that any portion of their est. which may fall to him, be divided be tween his wife and children. Witnesses, Samuel Eells, Joseph Easter brook, Stephen Andrews, John Leavitt. Ch., b. in Hing., were — 8. i. Benjamin, July 1, 1694. 9. ii. Thomas, Nov, 9, 1697. 4. Joseph' (Joseph ^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Sept. 16, 1660. m. Sarah . They prob. removed from here ab. 1704, or soon after. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Joseph, Oct 9, 1690, d. 14 Jan. 1695-96. iL Abigail, Apr. 13, 1694. iii. Ebenezer, May 22, 1696. iv. Joseph, Sept. 1, 1698, d. 24 Aug. 1700. V. Elisha, Oct. 25, 1700. vi. Amos, March 2, 1702-3. vii. John, 1704. Eemoved to Mfd, where he m. Ruth Hatch, and left posterity. 5. Benjamin ' (Joseph ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. Jan. 8, 1662-63. m. first, Dec. 14, 1686, Susanna, dau. of Nathaniel and Martha Beal. She was b. in Hing. March 3, 1664-65, and d. 22 June, 1689, ffit. 24 yrs. He afts. took a sec. w. whose chris. name was Hannah. I find no rec. relating to this fam. after 1697. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Susanna — L Benjamin, Dec. 27, 1687, d. 24 Apr. 1691. Child, b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — ii. Benjamin, Sept. 24, 1697. 6. Ephraim' (Joseph ^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1673. m. Nov. 18, 1708, Margaret Fearing, dau. of Israel and Elizabeth (Wil der) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. June 8, 1680, and d. 23 Aug. 1750, ffit. 70 yrs. He d. without issue, 23 March, 1746-47, ffit. 74th yr. "Cordwainer." Eesided "over the river." June 14, 1717, he was appointed by Judge Sewall to administer upon the est. of his fa. Joseph Jones, " who departed this life July 18, 1714." Ephraim in his will dated 3 March, 1742, provides for w. Margaret, and gives " to my cousin Ephraim Jones, Jr., who now lives with me, all my dwelling-house, Jones. 389 buUdings and land, . . . reserving the use of the house, ... to my wife while she remains a widow." Witnesses, Israel Lasell, Cornelius Nye, Jeremiah Sprague, Jr. Note. — Nov. 10, 1750. The est. of wid. Margaret Jones was appraised by Benjamin Lincoln, Benjamin Loring, and Ezekiel Hersey, at £140 Is. tid. — s. r. e. 7, Thomas ' (Joseph = Eobert '), b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1679. m. Feb. 15, 1703-4, Catherine CasweU. She d. 2 Apr. 1761, ffit. 80th yr. He d. 19 March, 1723-24, ffit. 44 yrs. In his wUl, presented 28 May, 1724, he provides for w. " Katherine," and gives to each of his dau's (names not mentioned) £30. To s. Thomas the remainder of his property. " Farmer." Eesided " over the river." Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. Joanna, March 29, 1705. m. June 24, 1725, Benjamin Garnet. ii. Lydia, Jan. 9, 1706-7. m. July 28, 1726, Hezekiah Cushing. iii. Patience, Apr. 4, 1709. m. Jan. 18, 1732-33, Daniel LaseU. iv. Thomas, Nov. 4, 1711, d. 6 Nov. 1714. 10. V. Thomas, March, 1714-15. vi. Sarah, Nov. 23, 1717. m. March 15, 1737-38, Elijah Beal, vii. Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 1720. m. Jan. 1, 1740-41, Nathaniel Wilder. 8. Benjamin ' (Benjamin - Eobert '), b. in Hing. July 1, 1694. m. Aug. 3, 1720, Mary Jordan, dan. of Baruch and Mary (Whiton) Jor dan. She d. in Hing. 30 Jan. 1766, ffit. 60 yrs. He d. 6 Oct. 1765, ffit. 61 yrs. " Farmer." Constable 1731. Eesided at Hing. Centre, "over the Delaware." Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 12. i. David, Feb. 20, 1721-22. ii. Jonathan, Dec. 22, 1723, d. 5 Nov. 1727. iii. Daniel, March 26, 1726. Removed to Boston. 13. iv. Benjamin, Aug. 15, 1728. V. Mary, Oct 3, 1730, d. unm, 19 Nov. 1772. vi. Submit, Oct. 1, 1733. m. Nov. 27, 1766, Zaccheus Rogers of Scit. viL Jonathan, March 22, 1736-37. Removed West. Note. — In 1720 Benjamin Jones built a dwelling-house on what is now Jones Street, which is still standing, and in which all the Benjamin Joneses of this town from the date men tioned to the present time have resided. 9.' Thomas' (Benjamin ^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Nov. 9, 1697. m. first (pub. Nov. 11, 1721) Eachel Nichols of Scit. She d. in Hing. 29 Feb. 1723-24. He prob. m. secondly (pub. Oct. 10, 1724) Anna Lam bert. Hing. rec's furnish nothing relating to this fam. in addition to the foU. : — Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eachel, — L Rachel, Jan. 3, 1722-23. ii. Nicholas, Feb. 26, 1723-24, d. in two dys. 10. Thomas* (Thomas » Joseph ^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. March, 1714-16. m. Sept. 30, 1737, Mary Marsh, dau. of Thomas and Mary (Burr) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. March 26, 1714, and d. 18 Oct. 1775, ffit. 61 yrs. He d. 8 Sept. 1791, ffit. 76 yrs. "Farmer." Con stable in 1745, and capt. of a military company. Eesided on the paternal homestead, "over the river." 390 Jones. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Thomas, July 6, 1738, d. 6 March, 1739-40. ii. Mary, Oct 1, 1741, d. 8 Feb. 1748-49. 14. iiL Thomas, Nov. 4, 1742. iv. John, June 10, 1745, d, 5 Feb, 1748-49. V. Sarah, Feb, 3, 1747-48. m. Oct. 2, 1777, Abel Fearing. vi, Mary, Nov, 11, 1750. m. Jan. 1, 1771, Isaac Cushing. 15. vii. John, June 17, 1753. 11. Ephraim, perh. s. of Ephraim (1, vi.), and previously referred to in No. 6 as "cousin Ephraim, Jr.," m. Mary . Ephraim d. in Hing. 19 March, 1762, ffit. 37th yr. Eesided at Hing. Centre, "over the river." Their Child, b. in Hing., — L Mary, Nov, 21, 1752. m. (1) May 21, 1767, Israel Fearing, who d. 28 Sept. 1771, set. 29 yrs. ; and (2) Oct. 21, 1773, Benjamin Pierce of Boston. 13. David* (Benjamin '-^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Feb. 20, 1721-22. m. first, Eebecca Jones, dau. of Solomon and Mary (Winsor) Jones of Hull, Mass. She was b. at Hull, Jan. 31, 1728, and d. in Hing. 19 July, 1769, ffit. 31 yrs. He m. secondly, May 27, 1762, Eunice Davis, dau. of James and Thankful (Hinckley) Davis. She was b. at Barn stable, Mass., Aug. 8, 1737, and d. in Hing. 24 Nov. 1813, ffit. 76 yrs. David d. 29 Nov. 1781, ffit. 69 yrs. "Trader." Eesided on Main St., above " Pear Tree HiU." Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, — L David, May 28, 1756. m. Hersey, and resided at Boston. ii, Rebecca, March 21, 1758. m. Oct. 8, 1786, Jotham Lincoln. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eunice, — iiL Hannah, July 21, 1763, d, 7 Apr, 1818. iv. Eunice, Oct. 8, 1765. m. Spaulding of Chelmsford, Mass. V. Mary, Feb. 7, 1769. m. Apr. 9, 1815, Warren Burr. vi, Joseph, Aug, 24, 1771; name changed to Charles Henry. Eemoved to Boston. viL Thankful, Jan. 11, 1777, d. unm. 30 Apr, 1805. 13. Benjamin* (Benjamin '"^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1728. m. Nov. 26, 1761, Leah Sprague, dau. of Isaac and Leah (Stodder) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1738, and d. 25 March, 1801, ffit. 62 yrs. He d. 20 Oct. 1800, ffit. 72 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided a short time in half of the house with his bro. David, but later, through most of his life, on the paternal homestead, Jones St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Moses, Oct. 16, 1762, d. nnm. 23 March, 1797, a;t. 34 yrs. 16. ii. Benjamin, Ang. 28, 1765. 14. Thomas « (Thomas *"' Joseph ^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. Nov. 4, 1742. m. Sept. 15, 1766, Sarah Lane, dau. of Peter and Wealthea (Bradford) Lane. She was bt. in Hing. Oct. 6, 1745, and d. 17 Apr. 1821, ffit. 76th yr. He d. 19 Feb. 1808, ffit. 65 yrs. " Farmer." Constable in 1787. Eesided at Hing. Centre, "over the river." Ch., all b, in Hing., were — L Thomas, Dec. 11, 1765. Removed to Bath, Me. ii. Bela, Sept 6, 1767, d. 20 Oct 1768. Jmtes. 391 iii. Sarah, Apr. 27, 1769, d. 28 March, 1790. iv. Mary, Jan. 18, 1771. m. (1) Nov. 7, 1793, Daniel Jacob, and (2) Aug. 23, 1807, Daniel Bartlett V. Lucy, Oct 27, 1772, d. 7 March, 1777. vi. Emma, Dec. 29, 1774. m, June 14, 1795, Ezra Whiton. vii. Lucy, May 26, l777. m. Oct, 2, 1796, Benjamin Jones (16). viii. Katy', Jan. 7, 1780. m. Joshua Shaw, and d. at Bath, Me., 5 May, 1803. ix. Bela, Aug. 22, 1785. Was lost at sea. X. Sarah, Oct. 26, 1790. m. Nov. 20, 1813, Hawkes Loring. 15. John ^ (Thomas *"' Joseph ^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. June 17, 1763. m. June 30, 1780, Lucy Wilder, dau. of Isaac and Bathsheba (Damon) WUder. She was b. in Hing. May 9, 1763, and d. 13 Apr. 1831, ffit. 68th yr. He d. June, 1839, ffit. 86 yrs. Eesided on the paternal homestead, " over the river," until 1796, when he removed with his fam. to that part of Scit. which was incorporated, 1849, as So. Scit. Ch., b. in Hing. and at Scit., were — L Bathsheba, Sept. 14, 1781. ii. John, Oct. 6, 1783. Was a manuf'r of trunks at So. Scit. He d. 5 March, 1871, set. 87 yrs. iii. Charles, May 5, 1786. iv. Elizabeth, Jan. 28, 1789. m. Allen Eandall. V. Lydia, Sept 15, 1791, d. 18 Nov. foil. vi. Lydia, May 12, 1793. m. Martin Leavitt, wid?, and d. in Hing. 8 Dec. 1874, ajt.' 82d yr. vii. Isaac. viii. Thomas. ix. Lucy. 16. Benjamin 5 (Benjamin ?"'"^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Aug. 28, 1765. m. Oct. 2, 1796, Lucy Jones, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Lane) Jones. She was b. in Hing. May 26, 1777, and d. 20 May, 1849, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 10 Sept. 1853, ffit. 88 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on Jones St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Lucy, Oct. 10, 1797. m. June 27, 1824, Joseph B. Burr of Brewer, Me. ii. Leah, Dec. 6, 1799. m, Nov. 19, 1820, Ebed Eipley. 17. iii. Benjamin, July 14, 1801. iv. Caty, July 14, 1801. m. Dec. 28, 1828, Reuben Thomas, V. Wealthy Bradford, Oct 25,1803. m. June 4, 1837, Levi Corthell, wid^, vi. EvALiNA, Dec. 2, 1805. m. Nov. 25, 1827, John Leavitt viL Sarah Lane, March 31, 1808. m. Sept. 2, 1832, Roswell Trowbridge. viii. Maria, June 14, 1810. m. June 7, 1832, Leavitt Lane. ix. Joanna, Oct 20, 1812, d. 26 Oct. 1816. 18. X. Moses, March 5, 1815. 19. xL Thomas, Dec. 19, 1817. 17. Benjamin " (Benjamin ^-^"^ Eobert '), b. in Hing. July 14, 1801. m. Jan. 16, 1832, Lydia C. Fearing, dau. of Israel and Elizabeth (Cushing) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 3, 1806. Benjamin d. 15 Sept. 1869, ffit. 68 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on Jones St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Benjamin Lincoln, Nov. 22, 1832. m. Sept, 6, 1869, Mrs. Maria Mc- Govem, who d. 12 Oct. 1872, set. 36 yrs. (See "Hingham in the Civil War,") ii. Elizabeth Cushing, Jan. 5, 1835. m. May 29, 1859, Thomas P. Litch field of Scit. ; afts. of Ab'n. iii. Lucy, Oct 25, 1839. iv. Lydia, Nov, 13, 1841, d, 16 Feb. 1845, 392 Jones. V. David, Apr. 16, 1846. vi. James Fearing, Sept. 11, 1848. m. Sept. 1, 1884, Susan I. Vila of Bos ton, and has Benjamin Vila, b. in Hing. Oct. 1 3, 1886. vii. Lydia Maria, June 5, 1851, m. June 18, 1873, Isaiah Cushing. 18. MosEs" (Benjamin ^*-'-2 Eobert'), b. in Hing. March 6, 1815. m. March 26, 1838, Olive S. Groce, dau. of Jacob and Olive F. (Burr) Groce. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1818. Moses d. 22 Sept. 1878, ffit. 64th yr. " Blacksmith." Eesided on East, near Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 20, L William, June 4, 1838. 21. ii. Henry, March 4, 1841. iii. Olive Jacob, Sept. 28, 1844. m. Apr. 5, 1871, Frederick C. BlaL-. iv. Parker, June 4, . 22. V. Franklin, Aug, 27, 1851. 19. Thomas « (Benjamin ^'-^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. Dec. 19, 1817. m. first, March 30, 1843, Lydia Fearing, dau. of John and Mercy (Fearing) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. 1822, and d. 11 Nov. 1853, ffit. 31 yrs. He m. secondly, Apr. 7, 1866, Charlotte Fearing, sister of his first w. She was b. in Hing. 1830, and d. 16 Jan. 1867, ffit. 26 yrs. For his third w. he m. May 29, 1864, Sarah L. Sprague, dau. of Luther and Mary (Leavitt) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 10, 1827. " Blacksmith." Eesides on High St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Lydia, — L Walter Thojias, Feb, 18, 1846, d. 19 Sept 1847. 23. ii. Walter Thomas, Apr. 23, 1849. iii. Edward Jacob, Apr. 12, 1852, d. 26 Feb. 1853. 20. William' (Moses" Benjamin '"^-'-^ Eobert'), b. in Hing. June 4, 1838. m. Feb. 8, 1871, Lydia S. Foster, dau. of WUliam and Lydia A. (Eipley) Foster. She was b. in Hing. March 19, 1841. Eesides on East St. (See " Hingham in the CivU War.") Child, b. in Hing., — i. Albert William, Dec. 13, 1873. 2L Henry' (Moses ^ Benjamin «-*-'-2 Eobert'), b. in Hing. March 4, 1841. m. first, Dec. 24, 1867, Emma F. Leavitt, dau. of David and Martha A. Leavitt. She was b. at Charlestown, Feb. 24, 1846, and d. in Hing. 29 June, 1873, ffit. 28 yrs. He m. secondly. May 26, 1886, Lydia A. Hubbard. "Shoemaker." Eesides on Leavitt St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Emma, — i. Arthur Whiton, June 24, 1869. ii. Marion Frances, March 24, 1872. 22. Franklin' (Moses ' Benjamin ^-^-s-s Eobert'), b. in Hing. Aug. 27, 1861. ra. Nov. 19, 1873, Marietta Pugsley, dau. of Sewall and Lydia L. (Cushing) Pugsley. She was b. in Hing. May 16, 1855. " Painter." Eesides on Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Clarence Franklin, Apr. 15, 1877. ii. Herbert Cushing, Feb, 6, 1879. iii. Harry Parker, Dec. 26, 1880. iv. Wallace Loring, Sept. 12, 1884, Jones. 393 23. Walter T.' (Thomas* Benjamin «-*-»-2 Eobert'), b. in Hing. Apr. 23, 1849. m. Oct. 10, 1878, Marion L. BickneU, dau. of Ezra L., and Mary L. (Sprague) BickneU. She was b. in Hing. July 8, 1869. Eesides on High St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Edward Walter, March 25, 1880. ii. Ernest Bicknell, March 28, 1881. iii. Ralph Thomas, Oct. 14, 1886. Philip, by w. Mary, had one ChUd, b. in Hing., — L Ruth, June 12, 1739. No further rec. Note. — There was a Mary Jones of Newport, R. I., sev. yrs. later, who was appointed to settle the est. of her late husband, Philip Jones ; but whether he was the person of that name who was of Hing. in 1739 is uncertain. Thomas, 3d, perh. a temporary resident of Hing., had ch. b. here, by w. Catherine, as foU. : — L Christiana, Jan. 5, 1766. ii. Lydia, Aug. 9, 1767. Joseph, whose connection with the Joneses of Hing. I have not ascertained, m. March 18, 1766, Hannah Lewis, dau. of Paul and Han nah (Cushing) Lewis. She was b. in Hing. July 6, 1734. Their Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, Jan. 5, 1757. m. Apr. 1, 1777, John Bowin, or Bowen. ii. Content, bt. Dec. 23, 1759, d. 31st of same mo. iiL Joseph, May 27, 1761, d. 23 May, 1766. iv. Rachel, bt. May 22, 1763. V. Sarah, July 20, 1766, d. 12 Oct. 1767. vi. Bartholomew, Feb. 27, 1769, d. 4 Nov. 1770. vii. Bartimas, Oct. 3, 1771. Thomas (Solomon = Mary Winsor) of HuU, but identified with Hing. by his fam. connections, m. first, Jan. 6, 1763, Jane Binney, dau. of Amos and Eebecca (Loring) Binney of Hull. She d. 26 May, 1765, ffit. 29 yrs. His sec. w., whom he m. in 1766, was Tabitha Tirrell of Wey. ; and after her decease he m. for his third w. June 28, 1790, Mrs. Elizabeth (Cushing) Loring of Hing., wid. of Abner Loring, and dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 8, 1744-45, and d. in Hing. 8 Sept. 1820, ffit. 76th yr. He d. in Hing. 15 Dec. 1815, ffit. 80 yrs. ChUd, b. at Hull, by w. Jane, — i. Solomon, May 14, 1765. Ch., b. at Hull, by w. Tabitha, — ii. Thomas, Nov. 14, 1767. iii. Molly, Oct 7, 1772. m. at Hull, Nov. 7, 1789, Spencer Binney, and d. 1823, aet. 51 yrs. Solomon (Thomas = Jane Binney), b. at Hull, May 14, 1765. m. in 1789, Sarah Loring, dau. of Abner and Elizabeth (Cushing) Loring. She was b. in Hiug. Jan. 21, 1776, and d. 11 Jan. 1859, ffit. 83d yr. 394 Jones. He d. 8 June, 1831, ffit. 66 yrs. "Farmer." Eepresentative in 1820 and 1821, and town-clerk 1806 to 1823. Eesided on Leavitt St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Jane Binney, Dec. 19, 1793. m. May 12, 1825, Dr. Timothy Gordon of Wey, ; afts. of Ply. ' ii. Sally, June 1, 1797, d. 10 March, 1811. iii. Abner Loring, Jan, 23, 1802, d. same day. iv. Elizabeth Loring, June 22, 1806. m. May 5, 1829, Jacob H. Loud. Thomas (Thomas = Tabitha TirreU), b. at HuU, Nov. 14, 1767. m. Dec. 25, 1797, Elizabeth Loring, dau. of Abner and Elizabeth (Cush ing) Loring of Hing. She was b. in Hing. July 19, 1774, and d. in Hing, 7 Sept. 1856, ffit. 81 yrs. He d. at Hull, 6 Jan. 1844, ffit. 76 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided at HuU. Ch., prob. b. at Hull, were — L Eliza Cushing, Sept. 11, 1798. m. July 23, 1823, Charles Hersey of Hing,, and d. 3 May, 1858, set. 60th yr. ii. Thomas, Sept. 30, 1801, d. soon. iii. Mary Cushing, March 20, 1803, d. in Hing. unm. 14 July, 1862, set 59 yrs. iv. Sally, July 4, 1811, Resides in Hing.; nnm. V. Thomas, July 4, 1811, d. young. William Henrt, b. at Boston, March 23, 1816. m. Elizabeth Glover, and for nearly twenty yrs. was a resident of Hing. He d. at Magnolia, Fla., 19 Sept. 1864, ffit. 48 yrs. "Boot-maker." Eesided on Hersey, near South St. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch.,— L William Henry, b. at Wey. March 19, 1839, d. 5 Sept. 1840. iL William Henry, b. at Wey. Jan. 26, 1841, d. at Washington, D. C, 12 Feb. 1864. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iii. Gardner, b. at Boston, Dec. 27, 1843, d. at Washington, D. C, 1 June, 1864. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") iv. Sarah Elizabeth, b. in Hing. Aug. 16, 1847, d. 12 Oct. 1851. V. Samuel, Sept. 24, 1849. m. Dec. 10, 1872, Alice Moran, and d, at Wey. 1 June, 1878. vi. Lizzie M., May 23, 1852, m. Dec. 11, 1874, Wm. H. Bacon of Hyannis. vii. Grace A., 1854. m. Jime 10, 1874, Wm. A. Tupper. Eesides at Dor. viii. Frederick, 1855 ; is m. and resides at Gardner, Me. ix. George B., Oct 17, 1857. X. Mary P., Sept. 8, 1859, m. 1882, Scott C. Carbee of Boston. xL Stephen F., Jan. 17, 1862. xii. Chester Clark, Jan. 7, 1864. m, Ada M, Turner of Boston. Gardner M., from Wilmington, N. H., came to Hing. 1846, and m. first, Nancy, dau. of Frost Hudson of Coh. She d. . He m. sec ondly, March 18, 1857, Clarissa Powers, dau. of John and Martha (Lambert) Powers. "Farmer." Eesides on Hull St. Ch., hy w. Clarissa, — L Mary Frances, b. at Coh. Sept. 1861. m. Nov, 1, 1882, Erastus Whiton, Jr. ii. Arthur Merton, b. in Hing. Sept. 1863, iii. Charles Williams, b. in Hing, Sept. 1865. Note, — Thomas, m. Dec, 29, 1673, EHzabeth, dau, of Edmund Pitts. Mary, of Ab'n, m. Aug. 13, 1747, Amos Garnet. Samuel, d. 20 Aug. 1749, a3t. 73 yrs, Frances, m. March 12, 1753, Jedediah Lincoln, Jr. William, of Mfd m. Apr. 23, 1753, Elizabeth Wilder. Ben- Jones — Jordan — Josselyn. 3 95 jamin, d. Sept. 1754. Consider, m. Nov. 5, 1761, Betty Lewis. Mary C, d. 21 June, 1860 »t. 3 mo's 11 dys. Daniel C, m. July 31, 1866, Sarah L., dau. of Jerom Leavitt. AUce Porter, d. 2 Maj', 1865, a!t. 3 jts. 11 mo's. Isabella F., w. of Eev. Henrv W., and a native of Warren, Mass., d. in Hing. 2 July, 1867, set. 36 j'rs. Seaver, d. 6 Oct. 1872, mt. 48 yrs. Lydia, from Scit. m. Apr, 29, 1875, Henry Wichert Emma M., ra. Feb. 13, 1878, Watson B. Fearing. Addie L., dau. of Lemuel and Emma (Kelley), and a native of Harwich, d, 27 Apr. 1880, set. 12 jts. In the Hingham cemetery is a memorial stone which bears the foil. inscription : — In Memory of Marcy Jones who died Decembf S"" 1795. Aged 61 j'ears and 8 months. JORDAN (Jourdaine). 1. Baeuoh, from Ply., and s. of John, m. Mrs. Mary (Whiton) Wil der, wid. of Isaac Wilder, and dau. of James and Mary (Beal) Whiton. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 29, 1664, and surviving him, m. thirdly, May 21, 1713, Thomas Sayer, Senr, wid!. The foU. were prob. ch. of Baruch and Mary, viz. : — 2. i. John, 1694. ii. Mary, 1696. m. Aug. 3, 1720, Benjamin Jones', and d. 30 Jan. 1756, set 60 yrs. 3. iii. Baruch, 1699. 2. John ' (Baruch ^ John ^), for sev. yrs. a resident of Hing. m. Jan. 14, 1718-19, Patience Damon. They prob. removed to Scit. See Deane's History. Their Ch., bt. in Hing., were — • L John, Oct. 5, 1720. Eesided at Scit. iL Abiel, June 7, 1724. 3. Baruch 3 (Baruch ^ John i), m. in Hing. Aug. 18, 1726, EUzabeth Joy, dau. of Thomas and Elizabeth (Stodder) Joy. She was b. in Hing. March 6, 1697-98. Baruch was by occupation "shoemaker." He prob. removed from here with his fam. ab. 1740. His Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Elizabeth, July 12, 1727. iL Baruch, May 23, 1729, d. 30 Sept. 1730. iii. Mary, July 1, 1731. iv. Deborah, Oct. 15, 1733, d. 17 June, 1735. V. Baruch, March 9, 1734-35. vi. Samuel, Sept. 16, 1736. vii. John, bt Dec. 3, 1738. JOSSELYN (Joslin; Jocelyn). Thomas, of Hing. 1637, and in 1664 of Lancaster, Mass., d. at Lancaster, 1660-61, ffit. ab. 69 yrs. Mrs. Eebecca Josselyn, his wid., m. secondly, William Kerley. Thomas came to New Eng. with his fam. (with the exception of Abraham and Joseph) in the ship " In crease " of London, in 1635. (Mass. Historical Collection.) He was one of the selectmen of Hing. 1645. Ch,, all b. in Eng., were — i. Rebecca, 1617. m. Thomas Nichols, and d. in Hing. 22 Sept. 1675, set. 58 yrs. 396 Josselyn — Joy. ii. ABRAH.4M, 1619. Was in Hing. 1647 ; afts. of Lancaster and Stow. He d. before 1670, and Beatrice his wid. m. secondly, 1671, Serg. Benjamin Bosworth of Hull. His ch. bt. in Hing. were : 1. Abraham, Apr. 8, 1649. 2. Philip, Dec. 15, 1650, d. at Boston 2 Ang. 1652. 3. Nathanid, b. at Boston July 4, 1660. iii. Joseph, 1621. m. and had issue. Beatrice, dau. of Joseph, d. iu Hing. 17 Oct 1732, set. 73 yrs. iv. Dorothy, 1624. V. Nathaniel, 1627. vi. Elizabeth, 1629. m. at Boston June 21, 1652, Edward Yeomans. viL Mary, 1634. Note. — Thomas and Nathaniel Jocelyn, prob. fa, and s., sold their est. in Hing. March 11, 1652-53, to George Lane and Moses CoUier, being then called residents of Hing. Suffolk Deeds, vol. iil. p. 372. Joseph^, prob. s. of Joseph^, and gr. s. of Thomas^, m. in Hing. March 17, 1686-87, Hannah Farrow, dau. of John and Mary (HiUiard) Farrow. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1667, and d. before 1702. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, March 27, 1688. ii. Joseph, May 18, 1692. iii. Mary, May 24, 1695. Note. — A Joseph Joslin d. at Ab'n, 1726, leaving a wid. Sarah, sons Joseph, Ebenezer, and Abraham, dau's Hannah, Beatrice, Mary Bates, and Sarah Porter (Deane's History). Note. — Elizabeth, m. Nov. 20, 1746, Noah Beal. Seth, s. of Thomas, bt. Feb. 22, 1746-47. Nathaniel, m. June 13, 1751, Sarah Low. JOY. 1. Thomas, Boston, 1638. "House-carpenter." Came to Hing. ab. 1646 to erect or to enlarge a grist-mill at the town cove, and also to establish a saw-mUl in the same locality, perhaps adjoining the former. (Lincoln's " History of Hingham," p. 63 ; and Suf. Deeds, vol. ii. p. 77.) According to Mr. Savage, Joy was arrested early in the year 1646, and kept four or five daj's in irons as a too ardent lover of liberty ; yet is called " a young fellow " by Gov. Winthrop. His w. was Joan, dau. of John GaUop. She d. in Hing. 20 March, 1690-91. He d. 1678. Freeman 1666, and a member of the Artil lery Company the same yr. In his wiU, dated 8 July, 1677, proved 31 Oct. 1678, names sons Joseph and Ephraim, and dau's Saiah, Elizabeth, and Euth. Ch., b. in Boston and Hing., were — 2. i. Samuel, Feb. 26, 1638-39. ii. John, Oct. 10, 1641, prob. d. young. iii. Thomas, March 2, 1642-43, d. in Hing. 2 Dec. 1648. 3. iv. Joseph, Apr. 1, 1645. 4. V. Ephraim, Feb. 7, 1646-47. vi. Sarah, 1648. m. in Hing. Dec. 7, 1669, Hick Dunning. viL Benjamin, June 12, 1650, d. before his fa. viii. Elizabeth, Jan. 7, 1653-54. m. in Hing. March 15, 1676-77, Nathaniel Beal. ix. Ruth, Feb. 28, 1658-59. m. in Hing. (1) Sept. 25, 1679, John Low, and (2) Oct, 21, 1719, John Curtis, widT of Scit, 2. Samuel 2 (Thomas >), b. at Boston, Feb. 26, 1638-39. m. in Hing. Nov. 13, 1668, Ann, dau. of Edmund and Ann Pitts. She was bt. in Hing. Dec. 22, 1644, and surviving him, m. secondly, Apr. 6, 1678, Joy. 397 Benjamin Eastman. Samuel d. 1670 or 1671. On " the 29th day of the 4th mc, 1671, An Joy, widow, was appointed to administer upon the estate of her husband, Samuel Joy, late of Boston, deceased." The inv., which inc. a small piece of land in Hing., was presented 29 June, 1671. Child, b. in Hing., — i. Samuel, Oct. 20, 1670. 3. Joseph ' (Thomas *), b. at Boston Apr. 1, 1645. m. in Hing. Aug. 29, 1667, Mary, dau. of John and Margaret Prince. She was bt. in Hing. July 29, 1649, and d. at Scit. 23 June, 1726, ffit. 77 yrs. Ensign Joseph Joy d. 31 May, 1697, ffit. 62 yrs. Will dated 4 Aug. 1690. "Carpenter." Constable 1673. Eesided on Bachelor (Main) St., nearly opp. the old meeting-house. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 5. L Joseph, July 30, 1668. 6. ii. Thomas, Nov. 25, 1669. iii. Margaret, March 6, 1670-71, d. June foil. iv. Margaret, Apr. 15, 1672, d. 1 June, 1672. V. Mary, May 19, 1673. m. at Boston, Nov. 14, 1699, John Stodder. vi. John, Aug. 28, 1675, d. 7 Oct. foil. vii. Benjamin, Sept. 19, 1676. viii. John, Oct 10, 1678, d. 17 July, 1680. ix. Simon, Nov. 6, 1679, d. 19 July, 1680. X. Sarah, Apr. 14, 1681. m. Feb. 14, 1703-4, Nathaniel Cudworth, of Scit. xi. Jonathan, Dec. 22, 1682, d. 5 Jan. 1682-83. xii. Margaret, Dec. 14, 1683. m. June 5, 1707, Nathaniel Chubbuck. xiii. Deborah, Jan. 14, 1685-86. m, (pub. Nov. 6, 1714,) Thomas Mannj of Scit. xiv. Ruth, Nov. 27, 1687, d. 28 March foil. XV. Lydia, March 12, 1688-89, d. in 15 dys. 4. Ephraim = (Thomas i), bt. Feb. 7, 1646-47, by w. Susanna had ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Tabitha, Sept. 25, 1677. No farther record. 5. Joseph' (Joseph ^ Thomas i), b. in Hing. July 30, 1668. m. May 22, 1690, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Euth Andrews. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 22, 1665, and d. 10 Sept. 1743, ffit. 78 yrs. He d. 29 Apr. 1716, ffit. 48th yr. Constable 1696 and 1711. Eesided on Main, nearly opp. Winter St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 7. L Prince, March 19, 1690-91. ii. Joseph, Apr. 23, 1692. iiL David, Feb. 28, 1693-94. m. (pub. May 4, 1818) Ruth Ford of Pem. 8. iv. John, Feb. 7, 1695-96. 9. V. Simon, Dec. 28, 1697. vi. Ruth, March 17, 1699-1700, d. unm., 12 Apr., 1774, aet. 74 yrs. In her will of 31 July, 1773, proved 27 May, 1774, gives all her property, " both real and personal, to my son, Silas Joy " (16). vii. Abigail, Dec. 29, 1701. m. Dec. 28, 1721, Joshua Bate. 10. viii. Jedediah, Feb. 27, 1703-4. ix. Jonathan, Jan. 26, 1705-6. 6. Thomas ' (Joseph ^ Thomas "), b. in Hing. Nov. 25, 1669. m. March 6, 1694-95, Elizabeth Stodder, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth 398 Joy. (GiU) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1667, and d. 14 Jan. 1749-50, ffit. 82 yrs. He d, 11 Oct. 1718, ffit. 49th yr. Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Hezekiah, Sept. 11, 1695, d. 15 Nov. 1772, set. 77 yrs. Hannah, his w., d, 22 May, 1751, set, 65 yrs. No issue. ii. Elizabeth, March 6, 1697-98. m. Aug. 18, 1726, Baruch Jordan. iii. Mary, May 4, 1700. m. March 24, 1719-20, Joseph Mann, of Soit. 11. iv. Thomas, June 25, 1703. 12. V. Samuel, Aug. 20, 1706. 7. Prince * (Joseph ^2 rpi^oma,s 1), b. in Hing. March 19, 1690-91. m. first, (pub. Sept. 26, 1713) Abigail Tower, dau. of Eichard and Abigail (Farrow) Tower. She was b. in Hing. March 14, 1693-94, and d. 26 Aug. 1728, ffit. 34 yrs. He m. secondly, Jan. 2, 1728-29, Hannah, dau. of John Orcutt, and d., as his gravestone says, 4 March, 1765, ffit. 64th yr. " Farmer." Constable 1726. Eesided in the sec. pre. His will, dated 20 Jan. 1756, was proved 7 Apr. foil. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, were — L Abigail, March 22, 1713-14. m. Dec. 27, 1732, David Marble. ii. .Susanna, July 1, 1715. m. Oct. 23, 1744, Paul Packard of Bridgewater. 13. iii. Amos, Aug. 1, 1720. iv. Joseph, Apr. 25, 1725. m, Nov. 23, 1748, Mary Bate. She survived him, and m. (2) Feb, 18, 1752, Micah Jepson, widf. Joseph, the s. of Joseph and Mary, was bt. Oct. 8, 1749. V. Submit, July 10, 1728. m. Apr. 25, 1745, Matthew Gannett of Scit Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, — 14. vi. Aenah, Nov. 4, 1729. 15. vii. Caleb, bt. Jan. 30, 1730-31. viii. Mercy, Oct, 1, 1732. m. March 29, 1748, William Bates. ix. Lilly, Nov. 7, 1735. m. Nov. 23, 1756, Gideon Smith. X. Hannah, Feb. 11, 1737-38. m. Feb. 5, 1760, Issachar Bates. 8. John* (Joseph »-2 Thomas i), b. in Hing., Feb. 7, 1696-96. m. Dec. 17, 1724, Lydia Lincoln, dau. of Samuel and Deborah (Hersey) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Sept. 14, 1701. Eesided on Main St.,. near the Common, at Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. or bt. in Hing., were — L Lydia, Oct. 5, 1725. ii. John, June 4, 1727. m. March 4, 1762, Bethia, dau. of Isaac Sprague. She' d. 11 March, 1835, aet 95 yrs. iii. Lefe, Sept. 21, 1729, m. Apr. 20, 1752, Nehemiah Washburn. iv. Deborah, June 25, 1732. m. Nov, 21, 1750, Daniel Woodward. V, Mary, May 9, 1736. vi. Benjamin, July 13, 1740. vii. Huldah, Dec. 20, 1741, d-. 11 Apr. 1746. 9. Simon * (Joseph '^'^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Dec. 28, 1697. m. Feb. 9, 1720-21, Hannah, dau. of George and Elizabeth Humphries. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1698. Hing. rec's furnish nothing relating ta this fam. in addition to the births of the foil. Ch., b. in Hing., — L William, Aug. 30, 1721. ii. Jonathan, Sept. 3, 1724. Joy. 399 iii. Nehemiah, Aug. 30, 1726. Was in the "Lake George " campaign, 1756. iv. Hannah, Sept. 4, 1729. V. Isaac, June 22, 1732, Was at "Lake George," 1756, vi. Jacob, Sept, 6, 1734. vii. Sarah, Feb. 28, 1736-37. 10. Jedediah * (Joseph ^^ Thomas \ b. in Hing. Feb. 27, 1703-4. m. Feb. 7, 1733-54, Mary Stowell, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Eells) Stowell. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 21, 1711, and d. 7 May, 1790, ffit. 79th yr. He d. 19 Oct. 1798, ffit. 95th yr. Eesided at West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Nathaniel, Nov. 19, 1734. ii. Mioah, June 7, 1736, d. 8 Apr. 1744. iii. Elizabeth, June 26, 1738, d. 13 Sept. foil. iv. Mary, Sept. 11, 1739. m. May 8, 1758, Jonathan Ward. V. Rachel, Dec. 25, 1741. m. May 15, 1760, Isaiah Bates. vi. Elizabeth, Sept 9, 1744, d. 16 Jan. 1751-52. vii. Sarah, March 28, 1747, d. 15 Jan. 1751-52. viii, Jedediah, bt June 6, 1754. m. (1) June 18, 1786, Susanna Eice, and (2) Aug. 2, 1789, Fanny Ranger, who d. 31 May, 1824, set 57 yrs. Jede diah was a soldier in the War of the Revolution. He d, 9 Nov. 1841, set. 88yi-s. 11. Thomas * (Thomas " Joseph "^ Thomas ^), b. in Hing. June 25, 1703. m. Dec. 30, 1731, Desire Beal, dau. of Joshua and Susanna (Nichols) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 15, 1711-12, and d. 26 Aug. 1776, ffit. 65th yr.* Thomas was constable 1740, and selectman in 1760. He left ^ wUl dated March 23, 1763, which was proved 21 Feb. 1766. " Gentleman." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Main St. ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Susanna, Oct. 7, 1732. m. Nov. 8, 1750, Benjamin Thaxter. * The date of his death with an added inscription is given upon a gravestone standing in the Hingham cemetery, as foil. : — In Memory of M' Thomas Joy who Died Jan^ 14 1766 Aged 62 Years 6 Men" & Eight Days Death" fteps are Swift & yet no noife it makes It s hand uncen. & yet moft surely takes 12. Samuel* (Thomas' Joseph ^ Thomas^), b. in Hing. Aug. 20, 1706. m. Feb. 9, 1737-38, Thankful Lincoln, dau. of Caleb and Mar garet (Leavitt) Lincoln. She was b. ab. 1714, and d. 2 March, 1786, ffit. 72 yrs. He d. 28 Nov. 1792, ffit. 86 yrs. "Cooper." Constable 1739. Eesided at Hing. Centre. Ch., b. or bt. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, Oct 17, 1738. Was clerk of the company under command of Capt Samuel 'iphaxter for the Crown Point Expedition, 1755. ii. Mary, Sept 8, 1741. m. June 8, 1762, Stephen Mansfield, Jr. iiL Elizabeth, June 5, 1746. m. Sept. 7, 1769, Jesse Sprague. 13. Amos ^ (Prince* Joseph^ Thomas »), b. in Hing. Aug. 1, 1720. m. Jan. 13, 1742-43, Patience, dau. of David and Patience Bates. She 400 Joy — Joyce. was b. in Hing. July 18, 1723, and d. at Coh. 24 Jan. 1818, ffit. 95th yr. He d. 28 July, 1813, ffit. 93d yr. (His gravestone says 83 yrs.) Eesided on Beechwood St., sec. pre., and was deacon- of the church. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Abraham, Apr. 5, 1744. ii. Abigail, Sept. 1, 1746. m. Nov. 4, 1766, Newcomb Bourne, wid^, and d. at Springfield, Vt., 18 Feb. 1839, set. 92 yrs. iii. Jared, Dec. 19, 1749. Was one of the " Boston Tea Party," and a soldier of the Revolution. Jared d. 29 Nov. 1792, set. 43d yr. iv. Lot, Nov. 26, 1756. V. Elisha, Feb. 10, 1759. vi. Molly, Feb. 4, 1762. 14. Abnah 5 (Prince * Joseph ^^ Thomas '), b. in Hing. Nov. 4, 1729. By w. Sarah, had Ch., b. in Hing., as foil. : — L Caleb, Nov. 27, 1752. m, Oct 15, 1776, Susea, dau. of Noah Nichols. ii. Sarah, May 1, 1754. m. May 18, 1777, John Prichard. iii. Joseph, Jan, 16, 1756. iv. Melzae, Feb. 9, 1758. m. Jan. 4, 1786, Olive, dau. of Thomas Lincoln of Coh. V. Abnee, Sept. 10, 1760. m. Aug. 20, 1786, Chloe, dau, of Daniel Nichols. vi. Franklin, May 5, 1762. 15. Caleb ^ (Prince * Joseph ^^ Thomas i), bt. in Hing. Jan. 30, 1730- 31, and named in his fa.'s will, m. Nov. 8, 1756, Sarah Stephenson, dau. of John and Eachel (Tower) Stephenson. She was b. in Hing. June 16, 1736. Caleb was one of the constables of Hiug. 1768. He resided ,on Beechwood St., sec. pre. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Susa, Aug. 24, 1757. ii. LucA, Jan. 16, 1760. m. Thomas Wilson. iii. Olive, May 2, 1764. m. John Creed. 16. Silas* (Euth* Joseph*-^ Thomas^), b. prob. in Hing. sec. pre., and mentioned in his mother's will (5, vi.), m. Nov. 10, 1757, Margaret Masury. Their Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Silas, July 29, 1758. ii. Joseph, Dec. 14, 1760. - iii. Margaret, March 20, 1763. iv. David, July 30, 1765. V. Thomas, Dec. 18, 1767. vi. Ruth, Feb. 5, 1770. vii, Sarah, March 29, 1772, d. 19 Dec. foil. Note. — Nathaniel, (perh. 10, i.), m, Nov. 26, 1751, Elizabeth Whitmarsh. Benjamin 8., of Coh. m. Dec. 11, 1857, Deborah F., dau. of Amos Bates of Hing., and d. at Dor. 30 Apr. 1887, set. 64th yr. JOYCE (Joice). James (Thomas := Mary Carroll), a native of Waterford, Ire., m. in Hing. Apr. 12, 1874, Catherine Anglum, dau. of John and Ellen (Dunn) Anglum. She was b. at Waterford, Ire., Dec. 20, 1844, and Joyce — Judkins — Keating — Keen — Keeshan. 401 surviving him, m. secondly, Nov. 11, 1883, Thomas Coffey. James d. 6 Dec. 1880, ffit. 41 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on Cross St. Ch., b. in Hing., — i. Thomas, May 29, 1875, d. 10 Feb. 1878. ii. John Francis, March 28, 1877. iii. Jambs Paul, Jan. 20, 1879. Note. — WilHam, m. Sept. 24, 1691, Sarah Cowell. Susan, m. May 12, 1841, John Breen. Thomas, b. Nov. 18, 1868, d. 9 March, 1869. JUDKINS. Samuel, m. in Hing. March 25, 1667, Elizabeth dau. of Dea. John Leavitt, and a few yrs. later removed to Boston. They had one ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Samuel, Nov. 27, 1669 ; prob. d. in the Canada expedition, 1690. KEATING-. Eedmoud, was b. in the County of Tipperary, Ire., Aug. 4, 1834. He came to Hing. 1862, and m. May 2, 1858, Mary A. McNamara. "Moulder." Eesides on Thaxter St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — L Michael Thomas, Dec. 31, 1860. ii. Edward Patrick, Sept. 24, 1862. iiL Redmond, Sept 24, 1864, d. 3 Jan. 1884, set 19 yrs. iv. John, Aug. 2, 1866. Note. — Mrs. Mary A. (Murphy) m. Nov. 9, 1870, Jotham J. Hudson. Mary A., m. March 3, 1880, David F. Bates. KEEN. John, m. fiist, in Hing. Aug. 28, 1755, Kezia Lincoln, dau. of Isaac and Kezia (Stone) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 3, 1733, and d. 15 Apr. 1756, ffit. 23 yrs. He afts. took a sec. w., whose chris. name was Jerusha. Eesided on Lincoln St., but removed from here ab. 1762, or soon after. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Jerusha, were — i. Kezia, Oct. 6, 1760. ii. John, May 9, 1762. Note. — Matthew, of Dux. m. in Hing. Dec. 20, 1698, Martha, dau. of Pnrthe Macvarlo. KEESHAN. JoHx (John = Catherine Higgins), b. at Eoscrea, County of Tip perary, Ire., Apr. 15, 1824, came to New York in Feb. 1847, and thence, in 1849, to Hing. He m. at Boston, Apr. 2, 1851, Bridget Murphy, dau. of Bernard and Ann (MoUoy) Murphy. She was b. in the County of Monaghan, Ire., Dec. 26, 1822. "Iron-moulder." Eesides on Main St., near " Pear Tree HUl." Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Catherine Bridget, Feb. 1, 1852. ii. Mary, Aug. 25, 1853, d. 26 Dec. 1854. vol. ii. — 26 402 Keeshan — Kehoe — Kelsey. iiL Mary, May 13, 1855. ni. May 4, 1881, William H. Hennessy. iv. Elizabeth Jane, Jan. 4, 1857. V. John Henry, Jan. 22, 1859. vi. Ellen Maria, July 2, 1861. KEHOE. Patrick (Andrew = Catherine McDonald), b. in the County of Kilkenny, Ire., 1840. m. June 18, 1865, Mary Crowley, dau. of Pat rick and Mary (Prendergast) Crowley, of County Kilkenny. She survived him, and m. secondly, July 8, 1886, Benjamin Jackson of Wey. Patrick d. in Hing. 28 Nov. 1884, ffit. 44 yrs. "Laborer." Eesided on Beal St. Ch.,— L Katie Agnes, b. in Ire., Oct. 22, 1866. ii, Eliza, b, in Ire,, Oct 25, 1868, d. in Hing. 1 Feh. 1873. iii. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Hing. Oct, 19, 1871, d. 27 May, 1873. iv, Andrew James, b. in Hing. Feb. 26, 1874. V. Maggie May, b. in Hing. Apr. 8, 1876. vi. Johanna, b. in Hing. June 18, 1878. vii, Joseph, b. in Hing. Nov. 24, 1880, d. 9 Jan. folL viii. Thomas, b. in Hing. Dec. 4, 1881, LX. Winifred, b, iu Hing, March 10, 1884, d. 28 Aug. foil. KELSEY. 1. James E., from Belfast, Me., m. in Hing. Dec. 18, 1831, Mary Bassett, dau. of Martin and Sabra (Briggs) Bassett. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1812, and surviving him, m. secondly, Edward C. Blossom, who d. 13 March, 1868. She afts. m. Capt. Kimball Easter brook, of Boston. James E. was lost overboard from ship " Iantha," of which he was first officer, on the passage from Manilla to Canton, Feb. 1842. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Mary Orintha, Dec, 29, 1833, d. Aug. 1834. ii. James Martin, March 5, 1836, d. 5 Jan. 1856. 2. Eael S., from Belfast, Me., and bro. of the preceding, m. in Hing., Jan. 9, 1842, Mrs. Maria (Bassett) Stodder, wid. of Demerick Stodder, and dau. of Martin and Sabra (IBriggs) Bassett. She was b. in Hing. June 8, 1814, and d. 7 Apr. 1875, ffit. 61st yr. He d. 9 Jan., 1872, ffit. 66 yrs. "Mariner." Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Joseph Bassett, July 7, 1842. m. Dec. 19, 1883, Charlotte W. Maek of Boston. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") ii. William Pitt, July 11, 1844. 3. iii. John Nye, Dec. 25, 1848. iv. Jambs Martin, Aug. 9, 1858. 3. John N. (Earl S. = Maria Bassett), b. in Hing. Dec. 25, 1848. m. Nov. 30, 1871, Martha Lincoln, dau. of Benjamin S. and Mary (Anderson) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. May 3, 1852. "Shoe maker." Eesides on Fort Hill St. Kelsey — Kenerson — Kent. 403 Ch., b. in Hing., L Herbert Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1872. ii. Arthur Shepard, Maich 26, 1876. ui. Mary Louise, Apr. 2, 1878. KENERSON. 1. Isaac Leighton (Thomas = Elizabeth Leighton), b. at Brook field, N. H., July 6, 1808. m. first, Mary Nichols. She was b. at Scit. May 14, 1808, and d. in Hing. 25 March, 1871, ffit. 63d yr. He m. secondly, June 15, 1876, Mrs. Lucy (Cook) Tilden, wid. of Elijah Til den, and dau. of Tobias and Sukey (Damon) Cook, of Scit. She d. 21 Nov. 1879, ffit. 71st yr. He d. 3 Aug. 1881, ffit. 73 yrs. Eesided on Main St., Hing. Centre. Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Henry Leighton, March 22, 1834. m. Aug. 6, 1856, Martha A., dau. of Jacob Newcomb. ii. Antue, March 6, 1836, iii. Levi, Feb. 21, 1838. (See " Hingham in the Civil War.") iv. Ansil, Oct 24, 1841, d. 17 Nov. foil. V. Mary, Oct 24, 1842. vi. Hannah, March 14, 1844, vii. Susan, Apr, 21, 1846. m. Nov. 25, 1868, James M. Newcomb of Wey. viii. Sarah Elizabeth, Nov. 26, 1848. 2. ix. Charles Fran-kun, Feb. 26, 1852. 2. Charles F. (Isaac L. = Mary Nichols), b. in Hing. Feb. 26, 1862. m. at Boston Nov. 6, 1878, Annie E. Hodgkins, dau. of Mark P. and Catherine (Eider) Hodgkins. She was b. at Eoxbury, Mass., Apr. 2, 1860. " Superintendent." Eesides on Pleasant St. Ch.,— i. Carrie, Ang. 20, 1879. iL Lulu Pitman, July 1, 1885. Eli H,, b. at Albany, N. H., Jan. 4, 1814. m. in Hing. Apr. 17, 1834, Asenath H., dau. of Job and Eizpah EweU of Mf'd. She d. in Hing. 29 July, 1877, ffit. 80 yrs. He d. without issue 31 Nov. 1879, ffit. 66th yr. " Expressman." Eesided on North, near Ship St. KENT. 1. John, of Charlestown, Mass., by w. Hannah Grissell, who d. 9 Jan. 1696, had issue as foil. : — i. John, afts. of Scit. ii. Hannah, 1667. iii. Mary, 1670. iv. Joshua, 1672, d. soon. V. Joshua, 1673. vi. Joseph, 1675. m., 1702, Eebecca Chittenden of Scit. vii. Samuel, 1678, d. 1703 (?). 2. viii. Ebenezer, Aug. 18, 1680. ix. Lydia, 1683. 2. Ebenezee '^ (John ^), b. at Charlestown, Aug. 18, 1680 ; came to reside in Hing. sec. pre., on what is now Beechwood St., ab. 1703, aud built the first dw.-house which was erected on the west side of " Conahasset Eiver." He m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Gannett of Scit. 404 Kent She was b. at Scit. 1684, and d. in Hing. 27 March, 1767, ffit. 83 yrs. He d. 16 Feb. 1752, ffit., as his gravestone says, 71 yrs. and 6 mo's. His will, dated 16 June, 1748, proved 29 May, 1762, provides for w. Hannah, and gives to each of his four sons one seventh, and to his six dau's then living each one fourteenth of his est. He became a member of the sec. church in Hing. (Coh.), at its formation, 13 Dec. 1721, and was the ancestor of all who were of this surname by birth. in Hing. during the' last century. In 1727 and 1736 he was chosen constable. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Hannah, 1707. m. Jan. 16, 1727-28, Israel Whitcomb, Jr. ii. Mercy, 1709. m. (1) Nov. 27, 1727, Stephen Stodder ; (2) June 8, 1767, David Bates, wid'; and (3) Aug. 27, 1761, Jonathan Beal, wid^. iii. Susanna, 1711, d. 23 Apr. 1715. iv. Mary, 1713. m. Aug. 31, 1743, Joseph Blake, wid";. V. Elizabeth, 1715. m. (1) May 7, 1735, Eliakim Mayo of Boston, and (2) Pitcher. 3. vi. Ebenezer, Apr. 18, 1717. 4. vii. Isaac, 1719. viii. Seth, Apr. 3, 1721. Removed from Hing. ix. Abigail, March 29, 1723. m. Oct. 22, 1744, Joseph Souther. X. Lydia, Apr. 24, 1725. m. Dec. 22, 1743, Noah Ripley. 5. xi. Abel, Aug. 7, 1730. 3. Ebenezee^ (Ebenezer^ John^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Apr. 18, 1717. m. July 11, 1739, Sarah Wheaton, dau. of Christopher and Sarah (Beal) Wheaton. She was b. in Hing. May 17, 1718. This fam. removed to Leicester, Mass. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Hannah, Dec, 15, 1740. m. Feb. 11, 1765, Ezra French of Hing. ii. Lucy, March 4, 1743-44. 4. Isaac' (Ebenezer-' John^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. ab. 1719. m. Oct. 25, 1739, Eachel Beal, dau, of Andrew and Eachel (Bates) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1719. Tradition says that this fam. re moved to Nova Scotia. Ch., b. in Hing., were — L Rachel, July 28, 1740. ii. Isaac, June 9, 1742. iii. Susanna, July 30, 1744. 5. Abel ' (Ebenezer ^ John ^), b. in Hing. sec. pre. Aug. 7, 1730. m. Nov. 17, 1757, Hannah Hobart, dau. of Eev. Nehemiah and Lydia (Jacob) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. sec. pre. Jan. 20, 1734-35. Dea. Abel Kent d. at Coh. ffit. 96 yrs. He was by occupation " shoemaker." Constable in 1762. Eesided in the sec. pre., near the harbor. Ch., all b. in Hing. and Coh., were — L Elizabeth, Jan, 26, 1759. m. Aug. 30, 1789, Capt. Abraham Tower. ii. Lydia, June 22, 1761. m. Feb. 14, 1782, Caleb Nichols. iii. Seth, Feb. 1, 1764. Removed to Boston. iv. Abel, Apr. 19, 1766. Resided at Coh. V. Justin, May 21, 1768. Removed to Haverhill, and thence to Portland, Me. vL John, May 2, 1772 ; drowned 3 Nov. 1801. vii. Hannah, Oct. 29, 1775. m. Oct. 18, 1800, Capt. Abraham Tower, wid'.. Kent — Kilborn — Kilby. 405 MoEKis, a native of Ire., and b. ab. 1826, m. Johanna . " La borer." Eesides on Thaxter St. Ch.,— i. Mary, 1851. ii. John, March 5, 1853, d. 12 March, 1871, aet. 18 yrs. iii. Ellen, 1855. m. Nov. 25, 1879, T. Francis Donahue of Ab'n. iv. Norah, . Note. — Mary, of Scit. and Joseph Barber, int. of m'ge, Nov. 11, 1710, Nichols, s. of Morris, d. 18 Nov. 1851, a!t. 5 yrs. Johanna, d. 3 Jan. 186.3, set. 2 yrs. 10 mo's. Charles, of Berlin, N. H., m. iu Hing. Aug. 1, 1858, Betsey Kent of Coh. KILBORN (KiLBUEN). Geoege Peatt, b. at Boston, May 20, 1837. m. March 31, 1866, Eebecca C. Williamson of Mf'd. She was b. at Mf'd, June 3, 1844. "Mason." Eesides on Prospect St. (See "Hingham in the Civil War.") Ch., aU b. in Hing., — L Joseph, June 19, 1867, ii. Mary Freeman, Oct. 4, 1868, d. 14 May, 1884. iii. George Harris, Ang. 12, 1870. iv. Agnes Clark, Oct 16, 1877. KILBY. 1. John, of Boston, perh. bro. of Christopher, by w. Eebecca had Elizaheth, 16 Dec. 1686 ; John, 24 Dec. 1688 ; Sarah, 8 March, 1691-92 ; Christopher, 9 Dec. 1693, prob. d. soon ; Eichaed (2), 2 Jan. 1694-96, William, 6 Apr. 1698; Catherine, 10 Feb. 1699-1700; R^ecca, 30 March, 1702 ; Christopher, again, 25 May, 1706 ; Nicholas, 28 July, 1708, and Ebenezer, 25 June, 1711. (Savage's "Genealogical Dic tionary.") 2. Eichaed ^ (John ^), b. at Boston, Jan. 2, 1694-95, was induced prob. to make Hing. his place of residence partly through the influence of two prominent members of the Cushing fam., Daniel and Stephen, with whom he held intimate business connections, but principally, perh., by his matrimonial aUiance. He m. in Hing. May 14, 1719, Abigail Cushing, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Cushing. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1699-1700, and surviving him, m. secondly. May 10, 1739, William Stetson. Concerning Eichard's death, Eev. Nehemiah Hobart of the sec. pre. made the foil. rec. : " 1736, Dec. 4. Mr. Eichard Kilby died at Boston a few days after his arrival from Jamaica, ffit. 39 yrs." " Master-mariner." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Catherine, Apr. 26, 1720. m. March 26, 1745, Daniel Lincoln. 3. ii. John, May 14, 1722. iiL William, March 23, 1723-24, d. 20 May, 1725. iv. William, bt. July 17, 1726. 4. V. Cushing, March 24, 1727-28. vi. Nathaniel Cushing, Jan. 2, 1730-31, d. 2 Dec. 1732. vii. Sarah, Feb. 17, 1736-37. viii. Abigail, Feb. 17, 1736-37, d. 16 Aug. foil. 406 Kilby — KimbaU. 3. John ' (Eichard'' John^), b. in Hing. May 14, 1722. m. Feb. 9, 1747-48, Elizabeth Bates, dau. of Joshua and Abigail (Joy) Bates. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 21, 1726. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Richard, Aug. 31, 1748; by w. Priscilla had, Priscilla, 1776; Jphn, 1779 ; Richard, 1781 ; Katherine, 1782, ii. John, May 1, 1750. 5. iiL Christopher, June 28, 1752. iv. William, Jan. 1, 1755. V. Katherine, May 25, 1757. vi. Nathaniel, Sept. 21, 1760. vii. Thomas, March 22, 1762, viii. Elizabeth, Aug. 19, 1764. m. Melzar Byram of No. Yarmouth. ix, Abigail, Dec. 19, 1767. 4, Cushing' (Eichard^ John^), b. in Hing. March 24,1727-28. m. Jan. 19, 1765, Huldah Orcutt, dau. of Samuel and Mercy (Pratt) Orcutt. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 26, 1734. Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., b. in Hing., were — i. Samuel, Aug. 21, 1755. m. Alice Beal. ii. Thomas, June 4, 1757. m. Winifred Lincoln, and had, Thomas, 1785; Bethia, 1788 ; Meriel, 1790 ; Sally, 1793. iii. Rebecca, bt. Aug. 12, 1759. iv. Abigail, Jan. 8, 1761, d. 10 March foil. V. Huldah, Feb. 21, 1762, d. soon. vi. Fanny, Aug. 7, 1763. m. Lazarus Lincoln. vii. Stuart, bt. Jan. 25, 1766. viii. Huldah, bt. Oct. ll, 1767. m. Amos Lincoln. ix. Sarah, bt. in Coh. Sept. 20, 1772. m. Obadiah StoweU, widT, of Hing. 5. Cheistophee * (John ^ Eichard ^ John ^), b. in Hing. June 28, 1752. m. June 22, 1774, Eachel Stodder, dau. of Simon and Sarah (Lane) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 17, 1752, and d. 26 Dec. 1788, ffit. 36 yrs. Christopher was a soldier in the War of the Eevo lution. He resided on Main St., near the meeting-house of the First Parish. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Rachel, bt Feb. 12, 1775, d. 7 March, 1790. ii, Sarah, July 8, 1779, m. Oct 12, 1800, Thomas Webb of Salem. iii. Christopher, Aug. 24, 1782. iv. Abigail, Aug. 1, 1784, d. 23 Apr. 1788. Note. — June 9, 1754, Wid. Rebecca Kilby and Thomas Lincoln were m. by Rev. John Brown of the sec. pre. March 30, 1763, Sarah Kilby presented her s. William for baptism. (See descendants of Samuel Lincoln, 9, iv.) KIMBALL (See also Campbell). Daniel (Daniel = Elizabeth Tenney), was b. at Bradford, Mass., July 3, 1778, and was grad. at Har. CoU. 1800. His w., whom he III. at Bradford, March 22, 1808, was Betsey Gage, dau. of Peter and Mary (Webster) Gage. In 1808 he accepted the appointment of preceptor of Derby Academy in Hing., and remained here until the spring of 1826, — preaching occasionally ; was ordained in 1817 as an evangelist. He resided on Main, near Water St. ; but, upon the termination of his academic duties, removed to Needham, Mass., where he d. 17 Jan. 1862, ffit. 86th yr. Kimball — King. 407 Ch., all b. in Hing., — i. Elizabeth Tenney, March 23, 1810, d. at Boston, 2 Apr. 1833. ii. Harriet Webster, Dec. 1, 1812. m. June 5, 1832, John M. Washburn. iii. Daniel, Oct 1, 1814, d. at Needham, 17 Dec. 1827. iv. Benjamin Gage, May 5, 1816, Har. Coll. 1837., m. Oct. 2, 1876, Emeline F. Smith of Edgartown. V. Mary Jane, Oct. 19, 1817. ' m. Nov. 30, 1843, James Ritchie. vi. Henry Colman, Feb. 25, 1820, Har. Coll. 1840. m. Sept. 3, 1856, Har riet C. Fisher of Lancaster. vii. Charles David Tenney, Sept. 6, 1821, d. m Hing. 24 July, 1822. viii. Charlotte Sophia, July 31, 1823. m, Aug. 24, 1847, John C. Hoadley, and d. at Lancaster, 12 June. 1848. ix. Clara Anna, Jan. 7, 1825, d. at Needham, 25 Dec. 1847. Note. — Catherine, va. John Beal. Hannah, m. Feb. 19, 1857, George C. Hersey; and Elizabeth, ra. Dec. 12, 1858, William F. Harden, — both dau's of Nathaniel and Lucy A, ), b. in Hing. May 8, 1791. m. Apr. 13, 1816, Mary Foster Briggs, dau. of Elisha Briggs of So. Scit. She d. in Hing. 4 March, 1879, ffit. 82 yrs. He d. 21 June, 1869, ffit. 78 yrs. " Teamster." Was for many yrs. one of the constables of Hiug. Eesided on Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Jacob, Apr. 26, 1816, d. unm, 6 Oct. 1879. ii. Lydia Turner, Aug. 9, 1818. m, Aug. 17, 1863, Abraham Somerby of N. J., and d, 11 March, 1887, ast. 69th yr. iii. Mary Foster, Sept. 29, 1820. m. Sept. 22, 1847, Joshua S. Harris. iv. Caroline Atwood, Sept. 23, 1822. m. Oct. 22, 1846, Isaac Easterbrook. V. Martha Ann, Sept, 27, 1824, m. (1) June 20, 1853, Joshua S. Harris, widr, and (2) Jacob Foster of Dorchester. Lewis. 447 vi. Elijah Warren, Deo. 4, 1826. m. and resides in Cal. vii. William Gill, Feb. 11, 1830 ; is m. and resides at Chicago, 111. viiL Thomas, Aug. 14, 1832, d. 26 May, 1843. ix. Maria Ellen, Oct 20, 1834, d. 2 Sept; 1836. X. An infant, b. aud d. Sept 19, 1837. xi. Joseph Briggs, March 31, 1839. m. Mary, dau. of Jacob Foster of Dor^ Removed to Chicago, IU. 21. James S.' (Elijah^* Thomas' Joseph" James ^ George^), b. in Hing. Sept. 10, 1798. m. first, Nov. 18, 1821, Abigail Smith Briggs, dau. of Elisha and Abigail (Foster) Briggs of Scit.. She was b. at Scit. March, 1801, and d. in Hing. 16 Aug. 1852, ffit. '61 yrs. He m. secondly. May 27, 1856, Sarah Augusta Loring, dau. of Hawkes and Sarah (Jones) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 16, 1816. James S. was a teacher in the pubUc schools of Hing. many yrs. Town-clerk 1828 to 1840 (?) ; trial justice, also comf to qualify civil oflicers ; rep resentative 1842 and 1843; selectman 1850, 1851, 1862, 1853, 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1861 ; a member of the school cominittee, etc. Eesides. on Pleasant St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Abigail, — i. James Stockbridge, Sept. 19, 1822. m. (1) July 12, 1846, Sarah Ricker of Dover, and (2) Lucy M. Bragdon ofLynn. Resided at L., where he d. 17 Nov. 1886, set 64 yrs. 23. ii. George, Dec. 29, 1824. 24. iii. John Briggs, Nov. 12, 1830. iv. Weston, Apr. 14, 1834. " Merchant ; " is m. and resides at Boston. V. Abbie Briggs, Oct. 26, 1838. m. Sept. 26, 1858, Albert T. Hutchings. 22. David ^ (David ^ Elijah' Thomas' Joseph" James ^ George'), b. in Hing. Dec. 24, 1808. m. March 20, 1839, Joanna K. Hersey, dau. of Abner and Sally (Sweetser) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. May 20, 1808. David d. 24 Sept. 1846, ffit. 38th yr. " Saddlery-hardware- merchant." Eesided principally at Boston. Ch.,— L Henry Waldo, 1840, d. 1 Sept. 1844. ii. Lucy, Feb. 24, 1842. iii. Sarah, 1844, d. 3 Apr. 1845. iv. An infant, June 17, 1846, 1 ^ ^^^^ ^ V. An infant, June 17, 1846, ) •' 23. Geoege « (James S.' Elijah^"^ Thomas * Joseph ' James = George '),. b. in Hing. Dec. 29, 1824. m. at Newburyport, Nov. 11, 1861, Lucy J. Lunt, dau. of Paul and Mary (Somerby) Lunt. She was b. at N. June 9, 1819. " Carpenter." Eesides on Pleasant St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L George Walter, July 25, 1859, d. 25 Aug. 1860. ii. Jeanette Somerby, March 29, 1 862, d. 30 Dec. foil. 24. John B.» (James S.' Elijah «"* Thomas* Joseph » James ^^ George 1), b. in Hing. Nov. 12, 1830. m. March 21, 1869, Emma Thaxter Cushing, dau. of Samuel T., and Sarah S. (Binney) Cushing. She was b. at Wey. Oct. 23, 1846. " Laborer." Eesides on Pleasant- St. 448 Lewis — Lincoln. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L John Walter, Aug. 21, 1869. d. at Bridgewater, 18 Dec. 1887, aet. 18 yrs. ii. Emma Foster, June 10, 1871. iiL Warren Briggs, July 5, 1874. iv. Everett Cushing, May 22, 1878. V. Flora Belle, May 27, 1884. vi. Ida Louisa, Dec. 16, 1885. Geokge Fbedekick, s. of Gasper Lewis, and a native of Denmark, was b. Feb. 1817, and with his w. Elizabeth Smith, came to reside in Hing. prior to 1848. He d. here 21 July, 1882, ffit. 66 yrs. Eesided on Hersey St. Ch.,— i. Sarah, b. in Eng. 1843, d. in Hing. 24 Nov. 1859, aet. 16 jts. 8 mo's. ii. George F., b. in Hing. Aug. 7, 1848. iii. Charlotte C, b. iu Hing. Sept. 1, 1850, d, 26 Oct. 1859, set. 9 yrs. iv. Gasper Antone, b, in Hing. Feb. 7, 1852. m. May 15, 1881, Cordelia E. Young. ' ' Laster. " Resides on Hersey St. V. Eleanor C, 1855. vi. Francis 0., . George F. (George F. = Elizabeth Smith), b. in Hing. Aug. 7, 1848. m. May 16, 1877, Lucy J., dau. of Alexander G., and Alvina S. Eich. She was b. at Truro, Mass., Feb. 11, 1857. " Shoemaker." Eesides on Hersey St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Lizzie Alvina, Oct. 11, 1879. ii. George Alexander, Oct. 20, 1882. Note. — Elizabeth, m. May 3, 1744, Ezra Pitcher of Scit. Daniel, Jr., of Pem. m. Sarah, dau. of Elisha Bisbee. Thomas, m, Dec. 25, 1760, Kuth Mansfield. Celia A., of Charlestown m. June 13, 1873, Charles Corbett of Hing. LINCOLN. This surname, variously written Linkhorn, Linklon, Lincon, etc., upon early documents, was a common one in Hingham, Norfolk- County, England, for more than a century before our ancestors first came to New England ; and the same names which occur here appear quite frequently among the baptisms registered upon the rec ords of St. Andrew's Church in old Hingham. There can scarcely be a doubt, therefore, but that the surname Lincoln originated in Nor folk County, England ; while it is more than probable, judging from a recent examination of the St. Andrew's Church records, that the place of their abode prior to the seventeenth century, with perhaps one exception, was at old Hingham. Among the earlier settlers of our Hing. were eight persons (males) of mature age bearing this surname, of whom mention is made upon the records of the town. These were, Daniel Lincoln the husbandman, who died unm. 3 Apr. 1644, and his brothers Samuel Lincoln, and Thomas Lincoln the weaver ; Daniel Lincoln, kn. as "the young man," and as " Sergeant" and "boatman;" Stephen Lincoln, and his bro. Thomas Lincoln the husbandman ; Thomas Lincoln the cooper; and Thomas Lincoln the miller. Thus there were four Thomases, distinguished from each other by their occupations, as cooper, husbandman, miller, and weaver; two Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 449 Daniels; Samuel; and Stephen. Brief notices of these (with the •exception of Daniel, who d. unm. in 1644) and of their descendants who lived in Hing. are given on the succeeding pages. SERGEANT DANIEL LINCOLN. 1. Daniel, kn. as "the Sergeant," and also as "boatman," as "sea man," and as "' the senior Daniel Lincoln," was a resident of Hing. as early as 1644-46, when he and three other young men were permitted to set up a gaUery in the first meeting-house. He prob. was a s. of Daniel Lincoln of Hingham, Eng., and bt. at St. Andrew's Church in that parish 28 ]\Iarch, 1619. That he was related to some of the Lincoln famUies who came from Norfolk Co., Eng., to our Hing. seems more than probable ; but whether nearly or remotely is not clear. The christian name of his wife was Susanna. She outlived him, and d. 20 Feb. 1703-4. He d. 19 March, 1698-99, ffit. 80th yr. His will, dated the 16th of Sept. 1692, was proved the 18th of May, 1699. Inv. £247 6s. Od. Sons Daniel and Ephraim executors. He was one of the proprietors among whom the common lands were •divided. Selectman 1685 and 1692, and frequently called upon to act as referee. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Susanna, May 14, 1654. m. Sept. 30, 1675, Robert Waterman, and d. 10 Feb. 1695-96, aet. 42d yr. ii. Daniel, Feb. 22, 1656-57, d. 12 Sept. 1658. iii. Hannah, Sept. 10, 1659. m. Nov. 17, 1682, John Lewis, and d. 30 Oct 1715, set. 56 yrs. 2. iv. Daniel, 1661-62, mentioned in his fa.'s will. V. Sarah, Sept. 7, 1664. m. Apr. 16, 1687, Nathaniel Nichols, and d. at Pem., Mass., Nov. 1748, set. 84 yrs. 3. vi. Ephraim, May 26, 1667. vii. A SON, Jan. 31, 1668-69, d. 14 Feb. 1669-70. viii. Rachel, June 27, 1671. m. July 6, 1698, Israel Lasell, and d. 3 Apr. 1748, set 77th yr. 2. Daniel ^ (Daniel i), b. in Hing. 1661-62. m. fijst, Apr. 16, 1687, Sarah Nichols, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Whiston) Nichols of Scit. She was b. at Scit. 1668, and d. iu Hing. 5 June, 1709, ffit. 41 yrs. He m. secondly (pub. Dec. 9, 1710), Elizabeth Whitcomb, dau. of Eobert and Mary (Cudworth) Whitcomb of Scit. She d. in Hing. 24 Aug. 1730. He d. 28 Nov. 1724, ffit. 62 yrs. WUl dated 20 Nov. 1724. Inv. £773 10s. "Farmer." Selectman 1708. Eesided on the paternal homestead. Fort Hill St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — 4. ' i. MosES, Feb. 25, 1687-88. iL Sarah, Apr. 15, 1690. m. Jan. 29, 1712-13, James Beal. iiL Susanna, Dec. 19, 1693, d. 8 Jan. 1713-14. iv. Leah, Sept. 9, 1695. m. John Rogers. Their dau. Leah, d. at the house of her uncle, Moses Lincoln, 9 June, 1736, aet. 13 yrs. V. Daniel, Feb. 28, 1697-98, d, soon, 5. vi. JO.SHUA, Jan. 1, 1701-2. vii. Elizabeth, June 2, 1703. Ch., by w. Elizabeth, — 6. viii. Daniel, Nov. 4, 1712. ix. Rachel, , named in her fa.'s will. X. Hannah, , named in her fa.'s wUl. m. March 4, 1736, David Bates. VOL. ir. — 29 450 Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 3. Epheaim 2 (DanieP), b. in Hing. May 26, 1667. m. Nov. 16, 1713, Mary Nichols, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Whiston) Nichols of Scit. She was b. at Scit. Dec. 31, 1679, and d. in Hing. 26 July, 1751, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 30 Apr. 1762, ffit. 96th yr. In 1702 Ephraim and several other young men petitioned the town for liberty to erect and build a gaUery upon the beams on the northeasterly side of the meeting-house, which, on certain con'ditions, was granted. In 1706 he was chosen one of the constables of the town, but decUned to accept the ofSce, preferring to pay the customary fine. " Farmer." Eesided on Fort HiU St. Ch., b. in Hing. were, — L Mary, Nov. 28, 1714. m. Oct 21, 1756, Peter Whitmarsh, widi, of Wey. 7. ii. Ephraim, Feb. 3, 1716-17. iii. Susanna, June 27, 1721. m. Apr. 21, 1745, Jonathan Lincoln. The following is from a gravestone in the Hingham cemetery : — H^ s Herb Lies BUi. y« Bony Buried y= Body OF Mrs MARY of M' ephraim LINKLON WIFE LINKLON of mr EPHRAIM who died LINKLON whto Died ApRIL 26 July "5 1751 1762 IN y« 74* IN y" 95"' year of YEAR OF HER Age HIS Age 4. Moses » (Daniel ^^), b. in Hing. Feb. 25, 1687-88. m. first at Hull, Mass., Dec. 12, 1717, Martha Lincoln, dau. of Daniel (s. of Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Lincoln, She was b. in Hing. Feb. 13, 1694-96, and d. , He m. secondly, Dec. 2, 1726, Mehitable Townsend. She d. in Hing. 18 July, 1770, ffit. 70 yrs. He d. 19 Jan. 1772, ffit. 84th yr. "Farmer." Eesided on the paternal home stead. Fort Hill St. ChUd, b. in Hing., by w. Martha, — 8. i. Moses, June 5, 1718. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Mehitable, — ii. Elijah, Apr. 23, 1727, d. 5 March, 1727-28. 9. iiL Elijah, Nov. 6, 1729. 10. iv. Welcome, Nov, 6, 1729. V. Sarah, June 9, 1734, d. 1 July, 1736. vi. Sarah, Apr, 1, 1738. m, Dec. 13, 1764, John Hersey, widr, who was drowned at Nantasket 11 March, 1777. Sarah, his wid., d. 20 Jan. 1781, aet, 43d yr, 5. Joshua 8 (Daniel ^>), b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1701-2. m. Dec. 20, 1733, Eachel Stodder, dau. of Simon and Bethia (Lane) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 25, 1710, and d. 2 Dec. 1789, ffit. 79 yrs. He d. 14 Apr. 1761, ffit. 49 yrs. " Farmer," and " innholder." Con- Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 4>51 stable in 1742, and for many yrs. proprietor and landlord of the " Pine Tree Tavern," on South St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Miriam, March 24, 1734-35. m. Nov. 18, 1754, John Hobart. 11. ii, Joshua, Nov. 14, 1737. iii. Rachel, Dec. 10, 1739, d. 14 March, 1748-49. iv. Leah, Aug. 9, '1744, d. 23 Jan. 1751-52. v. Bathsheba, July 20, 1747. m. Dec. 27, 1768, Samuel Thaxter, Jr. vi. Jotham, ht. Sept 9, 1750, d. 26 Sept. foil. 6. Daniel » (Daniel ^^), b. in Hing. Nov. 4, 1712. m. May 6, 1740, Mary Fearing, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Johnson) Fearing. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 18, 1718, and surviving him, m. secondly, June 15, 1750, Dea. Joshua Hersey, wid^. Daniel d. 4 Sept. 1747, ffit. 36th yr. " Farmer." Constable in 1746. Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all bt. in Hing., were — L Daniel, May 24, 1741, d. in Canada, 2 Oct. 1760, ffit. 19 yrs. Rev. Eben.' Gay's record has the foUowing : "1760. Stephen French, John Stow ell, Jr., and Daniel Lincoln died in the army." ii. Elizabeth, Oct. 17, 1742. m. Oct. 8, 1761, Isaac Lincoln (a descendant of Stephen), and d. 1 Feb, 1776. iii. Mary, Aug. 3, 1746, d. 16 Nov. 1751. 7. Ephkaim ' (Ephraim = DanieP), b. in Hing. Feb. 3, 1716-17. m. Nov. 27, 1760, Lydia Marshall, dau. of John and Lydia (Cushing) MarshaU of Boston. She d. at Coh. 5 Nov. 1787, ffit. 67 yrs. He d. at Coh. 9 March, 1795, ffit. 78 yrs. "Mariner," afts. "farmer." Constable in 1751. Eesided on Jerusalem Eoad. Ch., aU b. in Hing., were — i. John Marshall, Nov. 5, 1751; was drowned off Black Rock, Coh., 19 Jan. 1773, aet. 21 yrs. (See p. 109, No. 2.) ii. Mary, Aug. 24, 1753. m, Dec. 20, 1800, Moses Sprague, widr. 12. iiL Ephraim, May 24, 1755. 13. iv. Urbane, Oct. 15, 1757. 14. V. Daniel, Dec. 11, 1760. 8. MosES * (Moses ' Daniel ^i), b. in Hing. June 5, 1718. m. Nov. 28, 1745, Mary Burr, dau. of Jonathan and Mary (Lincoln) Burr. She was b. in Hing. June 7, 1721, and surviving him, m. secondly, Dec. 31, 1766, David Beal, Jr., wid', and d. 26 Sept. 1799, ffit. 78 yrs. Moses d. 15 Oct. 1768, ffit, 40 yrs. "Farmer." Eesided on the paternal homestead. Fort HiU St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Martha, Feb. 11, 1745-46. m. (1) Nov. 15, 1770, Ezra Whiton, and (2) 1774, Moses Whiton. ii. Ebed, Dec. 27, 1747. m. and resided at Gloucester, Mass. "Shipwright'' Was representative in 1812. He d. 1817, ffit 70 yrs, 15. iii. Jairus, Dec. 11, 1749. 16. iv. Caleb, Dec. 1, 1751. V. Mary, Aug. 4, 1754. m. Nov. 16, 1775, Moses Sprague, and d. 23 Nov. 1799, ffit. 45 yr.s. vi. Peisoilla, Feb. 13, 1757. m. Feb. 24, 1780, Nehemiah Riplev, and d. 30 March, 1829, ffit. 72 yrs. 452 Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 9. Elijah^ (Moses ^ Daniel ^-i), b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1729. m. first, Jan. 4, 1757, Delight Lane, dau. of Ebenezer and Mary (Leavitt) Lane. She was b. in Hing. May 16, 1734, and d. 22 Jan. 1787, ffit. 63d yr. He m. secondly, Dec. 10, 1787, Mrs. Elizabeth (Beal) Lincoln, wid. of Joseph Lincoln, and dau. of John, Jr., and Mary (Litchfield) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 6, 1741-42, and d. 24 Sept. 1818, tet. 77th yr. Elijah d. 14 Jan. 1817, ffit. 87 yrs. "Shipwright," and " farmer." Was the last of the fam. that lived on the ancestral home stead. Fort HiU St. Ch., all b. in Hing., by w. Delight, were — L Delight, June 10, 1760. m. March 10, 1785, Lot Marsh, and d. 6 Oct. foil, ii. An infant, , d. 30 July, 1763. iii. Grace, Aug. 20, 1765. m. Oct. 28, 1787, John Marsh, and d. 3 Sept. 1789. iv. Elizabeth, Sept 15, 1772, m. (1) Nov. 29, 1792, Laban Lincoln, and (2) Jan. 4, 1801, Joseph Hammond, wid^ She d. 15 Sept. 1848, st. 76 yrs. id. Welcome^ (Moses" DanieP-^), b. in Hing. Nov. 6, 1729. m. Nov. 11, 1764, Sarah GiU, dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Hawke) Gill. She was bt. in Hing. Feb. 8, 1735-36, and d. 29 Oct. 1802, ffit. 67th yr. He d. 25 June, 1814, ffit. 85th yr. " Farmer." Eesided on South St., near Hobart's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 17. L Jotham, Sept. 25, 1755. ii. Sarah, Nov. 6, 1757. m. Apr. 8, 1784, Isaac Gardner, andd. 8 Sept 1838, aet. 81st yr. iii. Moses, Jan. 27, 1762. m. March 31, 1788, Sarah, dau. of Capt. Theophilus Wilder, and removed to Perry, Me., where he d. 28 Sept. 1850, ffit. 89th yr. iv. Lucy, May 1, 1764. m. Nov. 2, 1794, Ephraim Lincoln, wid?, of Coh., (12). V. Jacob, March 19, 1767. m. (1) May 12, 1790, Sarah Clark, and (2) Sept 27, 1840, Mrs. Rebecca (Lashure) Parsons. Resided at Eastport Me., where he d. 14 March, 1858, ffit. 91st yr. A soldier of the Revolution, and kn. as "Captain." vi. Celia, Sept. 25, 1769. m. Feb. 18, 1824, Reuben Hersev, widj, and d. 13 March, 1829, ffit. 59 yrs. vii. Mehitable, Feb. 8, 1772, d. 4 Nov. 1792, vuL Ebed, March 20, 1775. m. Oct. 28, 1798, Elizabeth Hersey, dau. of Peleg and Lucy (Holbrook) Hersey. "Trader." Resided at Bath, Me., where he d. 5 Sept. 1852, ffit 77 yrs. She d. 31 May, 1846, set. 76th yr. 18. ix. Welcome, Oct. 27, 1777. 11. Joshua * (Joshua ^ DanieP"*), b. in Hing. Nov. 14, 1737. m. Dec. 23, 1762, Tamar Sprague, dau. of Isaac and Leah (Stodder) Sprague. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 9, 1741, and d. 12 Oct. 1823, ffit. 82d yr. He d. 3 Sept. 1810, ffit. 73d yr. " Inn-holder ; " afts. " far mer." Was the last landlord of the " Pine Tree Tavern," which stood on South St., nearly opp. Hobart's Bridge, where now stands the dweUing belonging to heirs of George and Zadock Hersey. Joshua afts. resided on Fort Hill St. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — i. Joshua, Sept 25, 1763. "Mariner ; ¦ d. unm. 20 July, 1814, ffit. 51st yr. 19. ii. George, Jan. 5, 1765. iii. Tamar, March 15, 1767. m. Oct. 20, 1790, John Daniels, and d. 14 Jan. 1792, ffit 25th yr. Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 453 iv. Rachel, Nov. 4, 1768, d. unm. 6 June, 1842, ffit. 74th yr. V. Peleg, Oct. 22, 1770. m. at Phillipston, Mass., 1806, Betsey, dau. of Abel Piper, and d. at Windsor, Ohio, 25 Nov. 1 827, aet. 57 yrs. vi. Zadock, Feb. 21, 1773. m. 1799, Eunice, dau. of Ephr,aim Sawyer of Wen dell, Mass., and d. at Leominster, 18 Dec. 1822, ffit. 50th vr. viL Leah, Feb. 1775, d. 27 Feb. 1776. viii. Leah, July 20, 1777, d. unm. 8 March, 1856, set. 79th yr. Lx. Christopher, Nov. 8, 1779. m. at Boston, Feb. 9, 1805, Elizabeth, dau. of Josiah WiUiston, aud d. at Walpole, 18 Oct. 1830, ffit. 51st yr. His sons who m. and have issue are, George C, 1821 ; Charles S., 1826, Har. CoU, 1850, and John B., 1828, d. 1864. 20. X. Enos, Sept 1, 1782. 12. Epheaim* (Ephraim ^-^ DanieP), b. in Hing. May 24, 1756. m. first, June 27, 1784, Anna Stodder, dau. of Stephen and Eachel (Stodder) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. March 20, 1762, and d. 19 Sept. 1788, ffit. 26 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 2, 1794, Lucy Lincoln, dau. of Welcome and Sarah (Gill) Lincoln (10). She was b. in Hing. May 1, 1764, and d. at Coh. 29 Aug. 1859, ffit. 96 yrs. He d. at Coh. 9 June, 1834, set. 79 yrs. " Farmer." Eesided on Jerusalem Eoad. Ch., b. at Coh., by w. Anna, — i. Stephen, Nov. 10, 1784, d. 13 May, 1787. ii. Rachel, July 27, 1786, d. unm. 10 Nov. 1868, ffit. 82 yrs. iii. Stephen, Sept. 10, 1788, d. Nov. 1791. Ch., b. at Coh., by w. Lucy, — iv. Nancy, Oct, 23, 1795, m. Dec. 2, 1819, Warren Nichols. V. Ephraim, Feb. 3, 1797. m. Betsey B. Bates. vi. Mary, Jan. 3, 1799 ; is unm. and resides at So. Hing. vii. Moses, Jan. 12, 1802. m. (1) Sarah Lincoln, and (2) Eliza Pratt Resides on Jerusalem Road. viii. Stephen, Aug. 10, 1806, d. unm. 24 June, 1843. 13. Uebane' (Ephraim ^2 DanieP), b. in Hing. Oct. 15, 1757. m. first. May 24, 1781, Lydia Barnes, dau. of Benjamin and Hannah (Beal) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 11, 1762, and d. at Coh. 1792, ffit. 30 yrs. He m. secondly, 1793, Mary Wheelwright, dau. of John and Silence (Tower) Wheelwright. She was b. in Hing. Apr. 14, 1762, and d. at Coh. 27 June, 1841, ffit. 79 yrs. He d., as his gravestone says, 10 Aug. 1843, ffit. 86th yr. " Fisherman ; " afts. "farmer." Eesided on Jerusalem Eoad, and late in life on Beechwood St., Coh. Ch., b. at Coh., by w. Lydia, were — i. John Marshall, Nov. 27, 1781. m. (1) Charlotte Leighton, and (2) Ruth L. Tower, and d. in Hing. 31 Dec, 1848, ffit 67 yrs. Mrs. Ruth L., his wid., d. in Hing. 12 Aug. 1859, st 61 yrs. iL Lydia, July, 1784, d. unm. 12 Apr. 1847. iii. Cornelius, Jan. 15, 1790. m, Nov. 24, 1814, Catherine, dau. of Noah Stodder, and d. in Hing. without issue, 13 March, 1883, ffit. 93 yrs. Was in active service during the War of 1812, both by sea and land. He re ceived a pension under the Act of March 9, 1878. Resided on Side Hill Road. Ch., by w. Mary — iv. Silence Tower, bt. Oct 18, 1795. m. Dec. 8, 1819, Osborn Wood. V. Thomas, Jan. 18, 1800. m. Almira Marble, and resided on Beechwood St., Coh., where he d. 3 Feb. 1878. Ch. : Priscilla James, 1825 ; Levi, 1831; Harriet Sanford, 1833 ; Thomas, 1838. 454 Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 14. Daniel * (Ephraim ^^ DanieP), b. in Hing. Dec. 11, 1760. m. first, Jan. 1, 1787, Hannah Burr, dau. of Jonathan and Hannah (Bates) Burr. She was bt. in Hing. Jan. 29, 1764, and d. . He m. secondly, at Boston, Nov. 28, 1793, Mrs. Abigail (Adams) Howard. She d. at " Little Bridge," No. Carolina, 30 Aug. 1810. He prob. d. at Boston, where for many yrs. he followed the occupation of "cord wainer." Eesided on East St. before he removed to Boston, and in 1786 was constable. Child, by w. Hannah, — L Hannah, . m, Cushing. Ch., b. at Boston, by w. Abigail, — ii. Lydia, . m. Beza Randall, and d, at Charlestown, aet. 84 yrs. iii. Abigail, . m. John M. Lincoln of Coh. iv. John, , "Mariner," Removed to the State of North Carolina. V. Mary, . m. Smith. Resided in N. C. 15. Jaieus= (Moses" Daniel ^i), b. in Hing., Dec. 11, 1749. m. first, June 1, 1788, Polly Marsh, dau, of Ephraim and Susanna (Todd) Marsh. She was b. in Hing. Feb. 3, 1768, and d. 30 Aug. 1789, ffit. 32d' yr. He m. secondly, Nov. 6, 1791, Mrs. Eachel (Hobart) (Long) Da"w- SOD, wid. of James Dawson, and dau. of Japhet and Hannah (Hum phrey) Hobart. Her first hus. was Joshua Long. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 12, 1768, and d. 7 June, 1846, ffit. 88th yr. Jairus d. 11 Aug. 1827, ffit. 78th yr. A soldier of the Eevolution. Also " armorer" on the brig " Hazard," 1776 and 1777. Eesided on North St. Child, by w. Polly, — L Hannah, 1788, d. 22 Apr. 1789, ffit 5 mo's. Ch., by w. Eachel, — ii, Hannah, 1792, d. 27 Sept 1793. iii. Jairus, Oct, 30, 1795, Was lost at sea, and unm. 16. Caleb * (Moses *-^ Daniel "), b. in Hing. Dec. 1, 1761. m. March 1, 1786, Elizabeth Lincoln, dau. of Israel and Deborah (Cook) Lincoln. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 28, 1757, and d. 20 May, 1829, ffit. 72d yr. He d. 26 June, 1829, ffit. 78th yr. "Chair-maker." A soldier of the Eevolution. Eesided on North St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Elizabeth,, Oct. 8, 1786. m. May 1, 1819, Eufus Lane, widr, and d. 17 Sept. 1874, ffit. 88th yr. ii. Caleb, Oct. 4, 1788, m, (1) Polly Hance, and (2) Eliza Shirer. Caleb d. at Winesberg, Ohio, 4 Jan. 1851, ffit. 62 yrs. iiL Moses, Nov, 10, 1791, d. in four dys. iv. Deborah, Nov, 10, 1792. m. Deo. 11, 1815, Nathaniel T. Davis, andd. 3 Apr, 1877, ffit, 84 yrs. V. Priscilla, March 31, 1795. ra. Jau. 10, 1818, Samuel Simmons, and d. 3 Jan, 1879, ffit, 84th yr. 21. vi. Samuel.Burr, Sept 1, 1798. 17. Jotham ^ (Welcome * Moses ^ Daniel ^"'), b. in Hing. Sept. 26, 1766. m. first, Aug. 27, 1780, Hannah Mansfield, dau. of Joseph and Sarah (Waters) Mansfield. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 21, 1760, and d. 8 Apr. 1786, ffit. 26th yr. He m. secondly, Oct. 8, 1786, Eebecca Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 455 Jones, dau. of David and Eebecca (Jones) Jones. She was b. in Hing. March 21, 1758, and d. 22 Sept. 1826, ffit. 68th yr. He d. 11 July, 1825, ffit. 70th yr. " Packet-master ; " afts. " farmer." Eesided on North, near Beal St. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Hannah, were — 22. L Jotham, Oct 27, 1781. ii. Leavitt, July 5, 1783. m. Jan. 8, 1809, Polly Stodder, and d. without issue, 22 Nov. 1841, ffit 58 yrs. "Packet-master." Polly his wid. d. 23 July, 1873, ffit. 84 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Eebecca, were — iii. Hannah, March 31, 1789, d. 1 Sept, foil, iv. Hannah, Nov. 17, 1790. m. March 28, 1813, Quincy Bicknell, and d. 17 May, 1870, ffit. 79 yrs. V. Marcy Jones, Jan. 5, 1795, d. 9 Oct foil. vi. Jones, March 2, 1797, d. 21 Sept 1798, vii. Rebecca, March 23, 1799. m. Nov. 14, 1819, William Hudson, and d. 20 June, 1875, ffit 76 yrs. 18. Welcome ^ (Welcome * Moses " Daniel ^-^), b. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1777. m. 1801, Susanna Gill, dau. of Nathaniel and Sarah (Beal) C-Ul. She was b. in Hing. May 28, 1782, and d. 12 Sept. 1867, ffit. 85 yrs. He d. 16 July, 1860, ffit. 83d yr. "Mason;" afts. "trader." JResided on South St., West Hing. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Sally, Dec. 21, 1801. m. July 18, 1824, Caleb B. Marsh, and d. 11 March, 1867, ffit 65 JTS. ii. Susan, Oct. 16, 1803, d. unm. 27 Jan. 1882, ffit. 78 yrs. iii. Maria, Sept. 16, 1805. m. June 23, 1829, Capt. Stephen Hersey, and d. 26 Apr. 1880, ffit. 75th yr. iv. Mehitable, Dec. 1, 1808. m. Nov. 13, 1837, Solomon Lincoln (p. 474), and d. 21 Sept. 1873, ffit. 65th yr. V. Edson, Sept 15, 1810, d. 11 Feb. 1811. vi. Catherine, Apr. 28, 1812, d. 22 March, 1833. vii. Martha, May 28, 1816, d. unm. 26 July, 1879, ffit. 63 yrs. viii. Mary, May 28, 1816, d. 25 Jan. 1833. 19. Geoege 5 (Jcshua*^ Daniel ^i), b. in Hing. Jan. 5, 1765. m. Iirst, Dec. 24, 1793, Sarah French, dau. of Ezra and Hannah (Kent) French. She was bt. in Hing. Apr. 28, 1771, and d. 26 March, 1803, set. 32d yr. He m. secondly, Jan. 22, 1804, Betsey French, dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Stodder) French. She was b. at Wey. Sept. 13, 1780, and d. at Coh. 12 Nov. 1861, ffit. 81 yrs. He d. in Hing. 11 July, 1829, ffit. 65th yr. "Master-mariner." Eesided on Fort HiU St. Ch., b. in Hing. by w. Sarah, were — 23, i. George, June 9, 1797. ii. Sally, Jan. 30, 1800, d. at Leominster, Mass., 10 Sept. 1819, ffit. 20th yr. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Betsey, were — iiL Isaac, March 6, 1805. m. Ruth W. Dyer of Wey., and resided at Wey., where he d. 28 Nov. 1884, ffit. 80th yr. His sons, David P., and Edwin iv. Elizabeth, March 20, 1808. m. Jan. 18, 1827, Thomas Cleverly of Wey., and d. 4 Apr. 1870, ret. 62 yrs. -24. V. Daniel, May 23, 1810. vi. Lucy French, Dec. 20, 1813. m. June 12, 1835, Thomas Morey, and d. at Coh. 18 Sept. 1877, ffit. 64th yr. 456 Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 20. Enos« (Joshua*^ DanieP-i), b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1782. m. March 31, 1806, Grace B. Stodder, dau. of Jacob and Molly (StoweU) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1783, and d. 2 May, 1859, ffit. 76 yrs. He d. 13 Dec. 1840, ffit. 68 yrs. "Set-work cooper," and "farmer." Eesided on Fort HiU St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Tamar Sprague, May 13, 1806. m, Dec, 5, 1826, Leonard Cain, andd. 2 Sept. 1868, ffit. 62 yrs. ii. Mary Stodder, May 14, 1807. m. Dec. 24, 1825, John ManueL and d. 3 Nov. 1877, ffit 70 yrs. iii. Hannah Stowell, Oct. 14, 1811. m. July 14, 1832, William C. Collyer. 25. iv. Enos, May 21, 1816. V, Joshua, March 17, 1819, d, 6 Apr. foil. vi. Joshua, June 20, 1820, d. 19 Feb. 1822. 26. viL William, Oct. 1, 1823. viii. Sally, Sept. 16, 1825, d. 29 Oct. foil. ix. Sally, June 9, 1829. m. James H. Stephens. 21. Samuel B.« (Caleb" Moses" DanieP-'), b. in Hing. Sept. 1, 1798. m. Apr. 2, 1820, Eachel Stodder, dau. of Demerick and Polly (Stodder) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1799, and d. at Ab'n 10 Sept. 1878, ffit. 79th yr. He was lost at sea on the passage to Key West, Fla., in the autumn of 1824, ffit. 26 yrs. "Mason." Eesided on North St., near the harbor. Ch., b. in Hing., — 27. L Samuel Burr, July 24, 1820. ii, William Wallace, . Was lost at sea, in sch^ "King," 25 March,, 1840. 22. Jotham ° (Jotham * Welcome ' Moses " Daniel ^^), b. in Hing. Oct. 27, 1781. m. Dec. 9, 1811, Meriel Hobart, dau. of Hawkes and Elizabeth (Stodder) Hobart. She was b. in Hing. Dec. 13, 1792, and d. at Boston, 3 Nov. 1853, ffit. 61st yr. He d. 16 Apr. 1844, ffit. 62 yrs. " Trader." Town-clerk. Was representative 1812 and 1813 ; a mem ber of the convention for revising the Constitution in 1820-21 ; col lector of the customs under the administrations of Madison, Monroe,. and John Q. Adams ; presidential elector 1832, and for many yrs. a magistrate for Ply. County. Eesided on North, near Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Jotham, Sept. 1812, d. soon. ii. Meriel Hobart, Apr. 14, 1814, m. Dr. Joseph Foster, and d. at New- York, 30 May, 1846, set 32 yrs, iii. Jotham, Nov. 7, 1815, d. unm., in Colorado, 4 Sept. 1868, ffit. 53d yr. "Lawyer," and in 1847 representative. iv. Hannah Mansfield, Oct 16, 1817. m. A. A. Gilmore of Easton, Mass.,. and d. 13 Feb. 1867, ffit. 49 yrs. V, Elizabf.th, Aug, 16, 1819, d. unm. at Boston, 1 Nov. 1869, ffit 50 yrs. 28. vi. Ho.SBA Hobart, June 15, 1821. ¦viL Leavitt, March 2, 1823, d. unm. at Duvalls Bluff, Ark., 7 Dec, 1864, ffit- 42d yr. (See "Hingham in the Civil War,") 29. -viii. Thomas Hawkes, Apr. 18, 1826. ix. Sarah Gill, Nov. 7, 1827, d, unm. at Boston, 26 Oct. 1854, ffit 27th yr. X. Caroline, Jan. 11, 1829, d. 13 Apr. 1846, ffit 17 yrs. xL Joseph Foster, Apr. 19, 1831. m. in 1868, Mrs."Esther (Picket) Rezner.. Removed to Colorado. Ch, : 1. Joseph Foster, b. in Denver, 1869. 2> A dau. Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. 457 23. Geoege « (George^ Joshua^ Daniel ^^)j b. in Hing. June 9, 1797. m. first. Dee. 19, 1821, Jane Loring, dau. of Elpalet and Susa (Wilder) Loring. She was b. in Hing. Aug. 21, 1806, and d. 11 Nov. 1856, ffit. 61 yrs. He m. secondly, Nov. 13, 1867, Salome Whiting, dau. of Joseph and Lucy (Bai-rell) Whiting. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 30, 1819. George d. 2 Jan. 1868, ffit. 71st yr. " Sail-maker," having an interest also in the mackerel fisheries and coastwise freighting. He was one of the seven original members of the first Methodist Ep. Class formed in Hing. 1818, and for more than fifty yrs. a local preacher and supporter of the religious views held by John Wesley. Eesided on Ship St., and late in life off Gardner St. Ch., b. in Hing, by w. Jane, — 30. L George, Sept .23, 1822. ii. SapvAH Jane, March 5, 1825. m, Oct. 7, 1843, David Souther, and d. at Boston, 4 May, 1870, ffit. 45 yrs. Ch., b. in Hing., by w. Salome, — iii. Joseph Whiting, Jan. 26, 1859. iv. Isaac Wilbur, Oct. 1, 1864. 24. Daniel ° (George 5 Joshua*-' Daniel"), b. in Hing. May 23, 1810. m. ]May 1, 1833, Priscilla Cain, dau. of Daniel and Priscilla (Stodder) Cain. She was b. in Hing. Oct. 6, 1816. Daniel d. 10 May, 1882, ffit. 72d yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort Hill St. Ch., aU b. in Hing., — L Elizabeth Estelle, Dec. 11, 1837. m, Sept. 24, 1854, Isaac Reed, Jr., of Wey,, and d. 24 Oct, 1869, ffit. 32d yr. ii. Ellen M., Aug. 20, 1839. m. Aug. 17, 1856, Jacob F. Healy, and resides at Brooklyn, N. Y. 31. iiL Daniel Stodder, July 8, 1841. 32. iv. Joseph Henry, June 26, 1843. V. Addie L, Apr. 19, 1856. m. Sept. 19, 1876, Frederic M. Hersey. 25. Enos« (Enos 5 Joshua *-8 Daniel"), b. in Hing. May 21, 1816. m. Jan. 16, 1839, Mary D. Pratt, dau. of Joseph and Nancy (Dyer) Pratt of Wey. She was b. at Wey. Jan. 19, 1820. Enos d. 16 Nov. 1866, ffit. 40 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort HiU St. Ch., b. in Hing., — 33. L Barzillai, June 23, 1841. u. Sophronia Hayward, May 23, 1848. m. July 21, 1867, Henry Hawes. 26. William « (Enos ^ Joshua ^-' Daniel ^^), b. in Hing. Oct. 1, 1823. m Jan. 4, 1864, Josephine Ewell, dau. of Lyman and Charlotte (Lewis) Ewell of Mfd. She was b. at Mf'd Aug. 4, 1833. WUliam d. 9 Dec. 1878, ffit. 66 yrs. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort HiU St. ChUd, b. in Hing., — i. Charlotte Lewis, Oct. 2, 1858. 27 Samuel B.' (Samuel B." Caleb" Moses <-' Daniel"), b. in Hing. July 24 1820. m. first, March 29, 1841, Susan Churchill, dau. of Eufus and Eunice (Lewis) ChurchiU of Hing. She d. 30 June, 1841, 458 Sergeant Daniel Lincoln. ffit. 20 yrs. He m. secondly, Sept. 4, 1842, Harriet H., dau. of Gilbert and Elzira Bates of Wey. Samuel d. at Ab'n, Mass., 5 May, 1876, aet. 56th yr. " Painter and glazier." Ch., prob. b. at Ab'n, — L William Wallace, Nov. 5, 1844. m. Eva Sharp. ii. Susie M., Feb. 3, 1848. 28. HosEA H.' (Jotham «-« Welcome ^ Moses ' Daniel "), b. in Hing. June 16, 1821. m. June 15, 1842, Mary E. Gould, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Payson) Gould, residents of Hing. She was b. at Bos ton (?) March 2, 1821. Teacher in the public schools of Hing. sev. yrs. ; afts. master in the Lyman school at Boston. Eesides at Boston. Ch.,— i. Mary Ellen, Dec. 19, 1843. ii, Carrie, March 2, 1848. iii. Lillian, Jan. 19, 1852. 29. Thomas H.' (Jotham ^-^ Welcome* Moses ^ DanieP-i), h m Hing. Apr. 18, 1826. m. March 14, 1852, Sarah E. Beal, dau. of Elijah and Mary (Burrell) Beal. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 23, 1827. "Carpenter." Eesides on Elm St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — L Herbert, Feb, 23, 1853, d. 19 Aug. foU. iL Willie Herbert, Dec. 21, 1854, d. 2 Aug. 1861. iii. Sarah Frances, Oct, 14, 1857. iv. Meriel Foster, July 6, 1863. m. Oct. 16, 1883, Frank W. Mead. 30. George' (George"-' Joshua*-^ Daniel ^i), b. in Hing. Sept. 23, 1822. m. May 16, 1844, Mercy HaU, dau. of WiUiam and Sarah (Kent) HaU. She was b. at Mf'd, Dec. 14, 1824. "Trader," and compUer of the genealogy of the famiUes of Hing. Eesides on Ship St. Ch., all b. in Hing., — 34. i. George Melville, March 13, 1846. ii. Meroy Walton, Dec. 7, 1847. m. Jime 27, 1880, Edwin M. Thayer of Newton. iii. Caroline Thomas, May 29, 1850, d, 2 Oct. foU. iv. William Hall, July 23, 1853, d. 13 Sept. 1855. V. Alma, Nov, 23, 1855, d. 25 July, 1858. vi. Herman, Sept. 28, 1858, d. 27 Sept. 1878. vii, Sara Jane, Jan. 11, 1862. viii. Helen Scott, March 16, 1867. ix. Alfred Loring, Feb. 13, 1869. 31. Daniel S.'' (Daniel « George i^ Joshua *-« Daniel"), b. in Hing. July 8, 1841. m. Feb. 9, 1867, Emma V. Eoot. She survived him, .and resides. with her sec. hus. at Scit. Daniel S. d. 28 March, 1869, ffit. 28th yr. " Shoemaker." Eesided on Fort HiU St. (See "Hing ham in the Civil War.") Child, b. in Hing., — i. Arthur Stodder, July 27, 1867. 32. Joseph H.'' (Daniel " George " Joshua *-^ Daniel"), b. in Hing. June 26, 1843. m. first, Jan. 7, 1864, Eosalie A. Stodder, dau. of Sergeant Daniel Lincoln — Samuel Lincoln. 459 ?Q^*f ^f ^^^^^XJ^' (Tower) Stodder. She was b. in Hing. Nov. 28, 1845 and d at Wey. 26 Sept. 1873, ffit. 29th yr. He m. secondly March 1, 1882, Emma F. Snow. "Shoemaker." Eesides on Fort HiU St. Child, by w. Eosalie, — i. Lu^Y Sherman, June 3, 1864. m. March 18, 1883, Wallace Hersey of 33. Baezillai' (Enos ^5 Joshua <-=' Daniel"), b. in Hing. June 23, 1841. m. Nov. 20, 1864, Harriet L. Barnes, dau. of Lemuel and Eliza (EweU) Barnes. She was b. in Hing. June 22, 1844. "Foreman in boot and shoe factory." Eesides off Ship St. Ch., b. in Hing., — L Mabel Ashton, Jan. 7, 1872, d. 4 Feb. foil. ii. Hattie Hayward, March 5, 1873. 34. Geokge M.« (George '-«-« Joshua ^ Daniel"), b. in Hing. March 13, 1846. m. Eebecca E. Jewett, dau. of Charles C. and Eebecca (Haskins) Jewett of Braintree. She was b. at Washington, D C Feb. 21, 1849. Eesides in New York City. Ch.,— i. George Frederick, b. in Hing. June 18, 1867, d. at Boston, 11 Feb. 1872. ii. Charles Jewett, b. in Hing. July 2, 1869. iii. Rebecca Rose, b. at Boston, Aug. 25, 1871. iv. Roy Melville, b. at Boston, March 11, 1878. SAMUEL LINCOLN. 1. Samuel, according to Cushing's MS., "came from Hingham, Eng., and settled in New Hingham, 1637, living some time at Salem." Another early reference to him is found on a list of passengers reg istered to pass from Great Britain to New England to inhabit in 1637, at which time the age of " Samuel Lincorne " was given at 18 yrs. This undoubtedly refers to the Samuel who settled in Hing., as the name is not found in any other locality at that early date. Samuel had two bro's also, who were early residents of Hing., viz. : Daniel Lincoln the husbandman, and Thomas Lincoln the weaver. Daniel d. here in 1644, leaving a considerable property to his bro. Samuel. Thomas d. in 1676, and altho' twice m. left no ch. He also left some of his est. to his bro. Samuel, but a larger portion to Sam uel's ch. In 1649 Samuel purchased of Cornelius Cantlebury the estates now owned by Mrs. George M. Soule, and heirs of Asa Lincoln, deceased, on North St., near the present Hing. Station of the South Shore EaUroad. The lot contained five acres, and is the same which was gi'anted by the town in 1635 to Wm. Arnall. One branch of Samuel's descendants still occupies a part of the original homestead. The chris. name of his w. was Martha. She d. in Hing. 10 Apr. 1693. He d. 26 May, 1690, ffit. 71 yrs. "Weaver," and kn. also as ^'mariner." His descendants are numerous and widely scattered. Many of them have occupied distinguished positions in public and private life. Very few of this stock, however, who bear the surname, reside in Hing. at the present time. 460 Samuel Lincoln. Ch., of Samuel and Martha, all b. or bt. in Hing., were — 2. i. Samuel, Aug. 25, 1650. 3. ii. D.4.NIEL, Jan. 2, 1652-53. iii. Mordecai, June 19, 1655, d. 9 July foil. 4, iv. Mordecai, June 14, 1657. V. Thomas, Sept 8, 1659, d. 13 Nov, 1661. vi. Mary, March 27, 1662. m. Jan. 3, 1683-84, Joseph Bate. 5. vii. Thomas, Aug. 20, 1664. viii, Martha, Feb. 11, 1666-67, d. unm. 12 Feb. 1740-41, ffit. 74 yrs. ix. Sarah, Aug. 13, 1669, d, 30th of same month, X. Sarah, June 17, 1671, d. unm. 28 Nov. 1743, ffit 72 yrs. xL Rebecca, Mareh 11, 1673-74. m. (1) May 14, 1695, John Clark of Ply.., and (2) June 24, 1725, Israel Nichols, wid^. 2. Samuel'' (SamueP), bt. in Hing. Aug. 26, 1650. m. Apr. 29, 1687, Deborah Hersey, dau. of William and Eebecca (Chubbuck) Hersey. She was b. in Hing. Jan. 1, 1665-66, and d. 28 Apr. 1706, ffit.- 40 yrs. He d. March, 1720-21, set. 71st yr. His will, made soon after the decease of his w. provides for three sons and six dau's ; also for his sister Martha while she remains a maiden. In 1676 and 1676 he was a member of the brave Capt. Johnson's company, and participatedi as cavalryman in the great Narraganset fight. In 1679 his name ap pears upon " a list of foot-soldiers belonging in Hingham, who are wUling to serve the country in the capacity of troopers." At home he held various mUitary offices, and was styled " Cornet." He was by occupation " carpenter." Selectman 1694 and 1698. Eesided on the paternal homestead, North St., near Thaxter's Bridge. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — L Deborah, June 15, 1689. m. Feb, 28, 1710-11, James Lincoln (p. 476). 6. ii. Samuel, Feb. 1, 1690-91. 7. iii. Jedediah, Oct, 2, 1692, iv. Mary, Sept. 18, 1694. m, Apr, 29, 1714, Nathaniel Fearing. V. Rebecca, Aug. 11, 1697. m. (1) (pub. Nov. 9, 1717) Abraham Leavitt, widt, and (2) Nov. 1, 1770, Nathan Stevens. v 8. vi. Elisha, Sept. 3, 1699, vii. Lydia, Sept 14, 1701. m. Dec. 17, 1724, John Joy. viii. Abigail, Jan. 11, 1703-4. m. Nov. 1, 1725, Matthew Lincoln (p. 477). ix. Susanna, Apr. 18, 1706, m. June 3, 1725, Josiah Lincoln. 3. Daniel ^ (Samuel 0, bt. in Hing. Jiin. 2, 1652-53. m. Jan. 23, 1677-78, Elizabeth Lincoln, dau. of Thomas the husbandman and Mar garet (Langer) Lincoln, She was b. in Hing. Dec. 2, 1656, and d. 28 Dec. 1741, ffit. 85 yrs. He d. 29 Apr. 1732, ffit. 79 yrs. In his wiU he is called " planter." Eesided in the sec. pre. Ch., all b. in Hing., were — 9. i. Obadiah, Apr. 21, 1679. 10, ii. Hezekiah, Dec. 25, 1681. iii. Elizabeth, Feb. 26, 1688-89. m. Feb. 21, 1710-11, Nathaniel Nichols. iv. Isaac, Oct. 20, 1691, d. before his fa. V. Martha, Feb. 13, 1694-95. m. at Hull, Dec. 12, 1717, Moses Lincoln of Hing. (p. 450). vi. Sarah, birth not recorded, m, Church of Little Compton. (S. D., vol. 87, p. 143). 4. Mordecai '¦' (SamueU), b. in Hing. June 14, 1667. m. for his first w. Sarah Jones, dau. of Abraham and Sarah (Whitman) Jones of Samuel Lincoln. 461 HuU ; and for his sec. w. the wid. Mary Gannett, prob. of Scit. She d. 19 Apr. 1746, ffit. 79 yrs. He d. " suddenly of an appoplexy," 8 Nov. 1727, ffit., as his gravestone says, 71st yr. 'in his will of May 3, 1727, proved 27 March, 1728, provides liberally for w. Mary; gives "to son Mordecai £110 in lawful bills of credit ; to son Abraham £60 in money or good bills of credit, besides what he hath already received ; to son Isaac the house he now dwells in in Hingham, mill property," €tc. ; " to son Jacob my homestead in Scituate, also land, mills, and other valuables ; " " to the eldest child of my sons Mordecai, and Abraham ; to the two children of my deceased daughter Elizabeth Cole ; to the eldest child of my daughter Sarah Tower ; to Deborah Gannett, my wife's granddaughter ; and to Mary Gannett, my wife's daughter." Provision is also made for sending three of his gr. ch. to coll., should they desire a liberal education. Inv. £3099 14s. 8d. " Blacksmith ; " and the proprietor of iron-works, saw-mills, and grist- mUls. Eesided in the sec. pre., and at Scit. near Hing. line. Ch., with one exception b. in Hing., by w. Sarah, were — i. Mordecai, Apr. 24, 1686. Removed to Monmouth Count- ^" '., and afts. to the Province of Pennsylvania. He m. (1) Hannah, ¦ Hich- ard and Sarah Bowne Salter. She d. and he subsequently r ,.u v. ., whose chris. name was Mary. In his wiU, dated 22 Feb. 17^^ . ., ^ .' , ^i 7 June, 1736, gives to sons Mordecai and Thomas all his land in Amity, Philadelphia County, Province of Pennsylvania ; to dau's Hannah and Mary land already settled upon them by deed of gift ; to s. John,* who was great-grandfa. of President Lincoln, 300 acres of land lying in the Jersey ; to dau's Ann and Sarah 100 acres lying at Machepouix, in the Jersey, etc. ; mentions and provides for w. Mary. Desires "my loving and trusting friends and neighbors Jonathan Robeson and George Boone, trustees, to assist my -wife as executrix." ii. Abraham, Jan. 13, 1688-89. Removed to Monmouth County, N. J. ; afts. to the Province of Pennsylvania. His will is dated at Springfield, Ches ter Co., Penn., 15 Apr. 1745, proved 29th of same month. His ch. were M